OENESIiJ , C HAP. XXU ^^ To thft C icaams' ui Luof . ^.TheJMYS Hi V. With mo -4 (βΙΉ moftjrofitable An^gt^^ RE VE NOT STAND STIi;r. fl ./ioA^f*^ beholif^the faluauon oithe Lor?, which hee wi EABJE- rcancc^l flaew to you this day . Exod.i4.13, . J ί I =Ti um prmlegio. φ /ν "^^^ : God beftow< T& the C leading otthe Efides the Manifonld and continuallbeD' fitswhic 'u'^lmightJe God bellowed vpcnVs.tofLciirpc J3]\ ict ., tuall.weareelpecially bouqd (deare bretluen) togiue him thankes without ceafing for his great crace gt'vn- fpcakeable mercies, in that it hath pleafedhim to cal vs vnto this marueilous light of his Golpei,& iBe'cifiiliy to regard vs after lo horrible backiliding anJ railing away from Chritt to Antichrift , from jigh't to darkcres from the liuing Godtodutnmeand dead iJoles.and that after i'Eaphw-( ionje tranflations readc after one fort, andfome after another . whereas all may ferue to good purpofe and adification, we Lia,. »n the roargent noted that diuerfitie of fpeach or reading which asay airofeemeugreeableto theroindeof the holy GlioftfyS"*. and proper for our language with this marke || . Againe , whereas the Ebrewe fpeach feeitJed hardly to agree with ours , wf hiue noted it in the margent after this fort t . Tfing that which was mote intelligible. And albeit that many of the Ebre•; °""* names be altred froip the old text, andrefiored to the true writing and firft original wliereof they hane their fignification , »• ^^•• in the vfuall names iitle is changed for feare of troubling the finople readers. Moreouer, whereas the nectllitie of the fcntc 1 ret]'.'.ired any thing to be added (for fuch isthegraceaiidproprieticofchc Ebrewand Gretketon|U8$>.thititcannot , cither by circucclocntion,orby adding the verbeor fomcword.be vnderftood of them that are not weiipratliffd therein ; ^^^J\'^J^^' |f ^'l! h«ue pur it in the text with an other kinde of letter , that it may eafily be difcernad from the common letter. As tcuch-thei L,v' |,, " '' ' \\ "ie vcrfes , we haue folowcd the Ebrcw examples , w hich haue fo euenfrcm the begintiing diftin^iii/Iie η ofi il or, > it aeree with the belt tranflations, ard is moft eailit' • • '^"ϋ"*' ich IiphtS th.h;, 4. ihrmi 'initiij''"^ iriiuii . Jinfc.. ^*•• beft Concordances , and alfo by the quotations which^we hauediligently herein perufed and fet forth f "' ' '■-^-'^?i^--"dde ^ the principal] matters are noted and diftin^uilhed by this marke f. Yeaand thearoumentsbothfor ,ir.i chapters whh the numlxr of the verfe are added, that by alimeanesthe reader might- be holpen. for. ... r'^T hsenzMt fetouertheheadof euery pagefomenotablewotdcrfentencewhichnray .t;rcatlyfurtherafwtilf( " ,^^(',££,'^,"4] ' pr the chiefe point ofthepag?. And conlideting hew hardathing itistovnderftand thehoivScripturf" toThe Eletv.b i, fedb and herefiesgrowdayly for lackeofthe true knowledge thereof, and how many arediicooraged (;:.■. ,cht!fttheyMr Jbecauis they cannot attaire to the trae and fimple meaning of the fame . we haue airo indeuoi^rcd both by liie <., '""''•^'^"^Vv•*»' ng of the beft commentaries . and alio by the conference with the godly, and learned brethren . to ga-herbriefc^ \7tddafS*• A vjpon all the hard places , afwell forthe vnderftandingof fuch words as are obfcurc , and for the declaration of tha )r tne application of the famc,as may moft appertain to Gctis glory and the edification of his Church. Furthermore lertaine places in thebookcsofMofes , of the Kings, and Ezekiel (eemed fo darke.that by no defcriprion they could jbafie to.the f. rop!e reader , we haue fo fet them forth with figures and ro'.es for the full declaration tht reof , that they ' ■ R|nnot by judgement ,i)eing holpen by the annotations noted by the lettei&a, b, c. &c. attain thnrevnto.vet by the joe , and as it were by the eye , may fufficiently knowe the ttue meaning , of all fuch places, vvherevnro alio «e have iftaine Mapnes of Cofmographic which ne ceflari.'y feme for the pe rfcot vndetftanding and rr,eiEcrJe of diiicri pkccs itryes , partly defcribtth , and partly by occafion touched,bothintheoldandnew Teftamenr. L that nothirg might lack which might be bought by labours for the increafeofknowlclgeatid funheranceof Scds ere are adioyned two raoft profitable rables.the ore feruing for the intcrprcration of the Ebrewe Parr cs : and the othe ι 'Mng all the chiefe prir.cipall matters of thewhole Bible : fotfca•: nothing ;asWetruft) that ary could iuftlydefire ,13 «.Therefore, as brethren that arc partakers of the fame hope and faluation with vs, we befeech yon,that this rich pearle iftituable treafore may not be offred in vaine,b«t as fent ftomGod to the people of God.forf he increafe of his kingckrroe,, iifort of his Church ,and difcharge of our conicieix^c.whom it hath plea f d him to rajfc νρ for this purpofe, fo you wonld^i ly receiue the word of God.eameftly ftudie it.ard in all your life pisilifc it.that ye may new appeare in daede to be :h«} "'»oJ , not walking any more acccrd'ng to this world , but in the fiuitci of the Spirit , that <ϊο4 inys in«ibe &lii^• ' -'oghCbriftlefuioutierd^iifbouuetliandiceignetbioisuirjAJBen, % 1 =μ ^Ws)fv^: Of the incomparable trcafureoftbeholy Scrip i«6 ,,>! tare j ^ with a prayer tor the true"vle '/Α^/Ί: f.i2.3.GJ49.io. R^v.21.16, andzz, 17. ^fal. 11^. \6o. Hev.2,7* and 22.2.\ ΡβΙ.119 142.144 lohn 6+35'. Luke 2,10, Ephef,6.i6. Matth.7.6, 2.Pet.2,22. Matth. 6 22. PP/.119. 27.73. luie 20, Pp/.iip.ii. -I'cjhua T. 8. Ppi. I. 1.2. Pp/. 94. 12.13. oiThe lamel Β Ere is the fpring where waters flowe, to quench our hcate of Cnne : Here is the tree where trueth doth grow, to leade our Hues therein: Here is the iudge that flints the ftrife, when mens deuices faile : Bere is the bread that ittacs the life, that death cannot aifaile. The tidings of faluation deare, comes to our eares from hence: Ο he fortrefle of our faith is here, and fhielde of our defence. Then be nothke the hoggethat hath a pearle at his defire, And takes more plcafure in the trough and wallowing in the mire: Readenot this booke in any cafe, butwithaiingleeye: Reade not but firft defire Gods gr^icei to vnderftand thereby. Pray ftiil in faith with this refpeift, « to friKf^ifie therein, That khowledge may bring this eiFe^il, to mortifie thy finne. Then happy thou in all thy life, what fo to thee befalles, Yea, double happie fbalt thou be, when God by death thee calles. Gratious God and moH metcifiiU Father, which h^fi vouchfafed is the ήώ and precious iewsllofthy holy word, afjifl vs with thyf^irit, that-it may be written in oui hearts to our euerlafling comfort, to reform vs, to renetv • •vs according to thine oivne lmage,^Q build vs vp,and edifie vs into the fer fell building of thy Clmit ,fanthfyingcmd encreafing in vs all heaucnly vertues. Graunt th», Ο heauenly Father, for lefus Chrifiesfak, Atnm. I How to take protite in ifeading ot^he "oiy Scfipture$>, _ j^^*^ ^'ϊ, leuer tniii Ueth take pre jfite by iteading• ;Scrip- jtures, iCQuA Earneftly and vfually pray vnto God that hee vvUl /-Teach the way of his ftatut-s. VOUChUicto \ Giuevnderftanding. ■γΟίΓεθ: in the path of his comtnandemencs, /At the kafttwife aiery day this exercife be \ kept. I Xhetime once appointed herevnto after a Diligently keepe fuch ordv of reading the Scr ip- ι good entrie , be no otherwifo employed, tures and prayers ,ί^^InayitaI^ΐ;Kviφ Ws callings Superftition be auoyded, '■' '' ' ^ I AtoneotI (_ vndone ^ Deut.ii.v ip aadftateoflif?: So that . .„ , - . ^ ,, ^i-ukep, V.62'. other time that ^ςα9ΐ\^ί^ v^hich is left EfaJip, v: 36. neatanytirae. "' J Ephef.y.v.ii. /■Teach, that we may learnetrueth. -i I Improoup,that we may be kept from errour. I ί Correft, that we may be driuen from vice. ( z.Tim.j, vetf(3 Vnderftatidtewhatendeand p„rpofe the Scrip J If5ftf"«i^• ^j^^.^^^'^'^ybeferlediH thewayof rxd.andiy. tures ferue. which were written, to » •welldoing. r J I Comfort.thacin trouble we may be confirmed'' V in patient hope. LRom.i j,V,4i f Faith in ( lather. Γ one Gad 4 Sonne. C Holy Ghoft. Γ i Creation, Theflate of inaukind by χν 2 fall and finne: C 3 regeneration in Chrift» The Church and the ^o- Γ Before Chrift. iiernement thereof, < cures ittns, which were written^to /■Religion and the right i worihippingofGoJ, C Since Chrift {Olde, New, {Before Chrift. Since Chrift. {Good, Wicke4 Remember that Scrip tures conteine matter concerning l^j•^ CominoiarWCalthes anagouernenientofpedpie.byJ Γ Good. • /-Magiftrates•; ί CEuiil. ' /HusbandsA Godly bleffed lAviues.' I Peace and warre. Profperitieand plagues» i Difojderea,' I Subieftes Wiues. J Parents. V, Λ Children, f 1' Matters, ί Vngodly /Wildome and foUie, ^Seruants. J plagued, j Ldue and hatred, ' Soberncffe and incentincnciei The priuate doings of euery man in < Mirth and forrow. Families and things that belong to hcuf- hold, in which are The common life ofaUtDen.as ^Riches, pouertie, \ Nobiiitie. 5 Speech and filence, 1 Pride acj^d hurailitie. VCoueiouiheireiiid Ijiieralitic, .Refnfe all fenfe of Sciipture ceii- I trary to the / Fanefir. V Labour and idlenefle. _ . Articles of Chriftian faith.contsined in the common Creede. Wsuphw^ Tygris. of the i I aio^i ihem u Hit ' the ,«„v ,.,•„„,»..*, ''- o£ ίΙ O"•' 7'•* .4 . "made ,. rtietll^C, , I . of m». i to the Elut.b jchrifttheyuc ^ ttfto;ei,andfiv TheMmesaiiJ order of all the Bookes oftheOidc | and New TeftamentaWith the number of their Chapters. Genefis hath Chapters Exodus Leuiticus Nombcrs Deuteronomio loiua ludges Ruth I.Samuel 2. Samuel I.Kings 2. Kings i.CHh^nicles 2. Chronicles The prayer of Manaileb, Apocripha• Ezra Nehemiah Eftcr lob Pialmes y4 PI Prouerbes Chapters 40 iji;:EccIefiaftes 27 HI ThefongofSalo- jii/l!'»" mon a^'flp leremiah i^ Lamentations la Ezekiel 1.,, ., *4i'S§-,tloiea 22;|i§:'Ioel 2yjifi!|i:Amos ;Obadiah ilonah IjMicah HNahum ;|!!Habakkuk '^1 Zephaniah 'Haggai Zechariah |^:MaIachi x.£(dras 2.Efdras Tobit ludeth ThereftofEfthcr Wifdome Ecdefiafticus leFookes called Apocripha. 12 8 66 S 4δ 12 Η 3 9 t 4 7 s s 3 2 14 4 5> I ^j I Baruch with the Epiftle of idjjg^:; leremiah 6 ^4^raii!Thc ibngofthe three children. i<$j|||liThe ftorie of Sufanna. 6\iMW\ The idole Bel and the Dragon. I.Maccabees 16 ^' 2. Maccabees T^Jgpkes oftheNcvvTeftament.^ Matthewe Marke Luke lohn TheAiSes Thei Epiftle to the Romanes I.Corinthians a.Corinthians IGalatians 2^ j6 Η 211 28 Ephefians Philippians a^w,T«5ii.-» _';»v .•: Coloilians ii.Theflalonians |2.Theiralonians ii.Timotheus U.Timotheus Titus Philemon 4 Xo the Hebrewes 1 The Epiftle οΓ~ lames r. Peter 2. Peter f.Iohn 2.Iohn 3. lohn iudc . Reuelation. 22 ] ?*S'eifSKiiSirf?^atrii?^^i?*ttf^: THE FIRST BOOKE (tf MO SES/ Ci^ L#B b τ Η Ε '>A R G V Μ Ε NT- fitththebigin. •ad pnwadoje ί Μ OfesmeffeSldeclareth three things, vvhicharein thU booke chiefly to be eonfiderei: Fnn, that the wcfld and all things therein, vverecreated by God ,andthatrmnbeingj,lacedin this greatTabernacleof the •World to behold Godc vvonderfuli ttuorbes , and to prat fe his Name for the infinite graces , wherewith hem had endued him .fell vviliingly from God through difobedience, who yet for hi: owne mercies Jake reflored him td life , and confirmed him in the fame by hii prcmife ofChrifl to come, by vvhoM heefhould ouercome Satan , deat^ and hell. Secondly, that the wicked vnmindfuU of Gods mofi excellent benefits , remained βίΙΙϊη their wicked- neffe , and fi falling mofi horribly from fime to finne , prouoked God {who by his preachers called them continually to repentance) at length to defiroy the whale world. Thirdly , hee ajfureth vs by the examples of Abraham», Izjiak^, laakob , and the rejl ef the Patriarkes , that hit mercies neuerfaile them , whom hee chUfeth to be hit Church ^and to profejfe his Name in ewth.buX in all their affltdions and perfecutiow he euer ^{leth them.fendetit \ comfort , anideliuereth them. ..Andbecaufe the beginning , increafe , preferuation andfucceffe thereof might ba\ tnely attributed to God. Mefes (heweth by the examples efK^in, Ifhmael, Efau and others, which were noble] in m.vii iudgement, that this Church dependeth not in the eflimation and nobilitie of the world : and alfo by the• fcwneffe of them , which haueat alltimes worfhipped him purely according tohis word .that tt fiandethnnf' _i• *' in the multitude . but in the poore and defpifed , in the fmallfleck^ and little number, tl/at man in hii vvifedtffii ' might be confounded, andthe Name ef God euerimre praifed. *' '"'^ I C Η A P. I. the heauen be gathered Into one place,ead let the \i Coia/aeithUMtJianithtunb. iThr Ugit mi thr Αο^χφ- drv laiid appcarc : and it was fo. ' ''"^'"'•-'"'^tr^rw'^t^r.^rt' An/Godcalle.dthedryIand.Earth.and^ j^^^^^ 2 6 n,fcr,j,Mbn,jn,4i,iffMH\ hec called the gathering together of the watc'-'i Λ ^"r"""'-• ' '■ " ' ■■ '■ ' Sees :^d God law that it was good. ,,' -_ 1 1 Then God faid . h Let tfie earth bud forth ^ ^yS^'S• the biid of the herbe , that feedetli feed , tlie fruit-,, ^ . full tree, which beareth fruite acpording to his ^ ° * kinde, which hath his icza.^ initfelfe vpouthi''^ ' earth : and it was fo. ί 1 2 Antl the earth brought foorth the hnStn-, the herbe .that feeieth feede according tr ; lifj'ii^tT κ| '* 6 H« ci/jMh tie fui crtJiftb thffifl; , Uti: , Ujfit. tUireMtmi, 1} AnifrnitUnhnoHritutefo end bMft. b As arudcltiuipe arid vvijhoiitany Ν the • beginning * God cre- ated the heauen and the earth. 2 And , the earth was ^ I) vvithout forme and void, and '' darkenefle was vpon i the t deepe , and the Spirit of God ^ mooiicJ vpon f t waters. ' ■ " ■ ■ And 5 Then God faid.* Let there be light crtattitc in it : 'fotj there was« light. Λ« waters cone- j .^ And God faw the redaU. i II Ot,ivjflt. ! c Datienelte to- ne ;ed the deepe I warets.for asyet 1 the ligllt WIS not ;,cieaied, rfUr.^e.flhe lani kind , a!fo the tree that beareth fruit , whi• of the , his feed in it felfe according to his kind: and Η ofi II o^•' »•'"'>* . i faw that it was good. - ' U'i. ' ''J5^ r*'" 5 fi So the euening and the morning were tutcstc leriKi the third day. his glory , »,.d y And God called the Light . Day , and the ,^„'ί,Λ^!'Α '^?1^1'!'*-^" fe^.^'^^'V" wFor finnV <(.v. •1 He maintiijied heape byhisftciei rated the waters .which were f vnder the firma• •e rhel^ghtwis _ _ __ ■made betoteeithei j j J Ana uod law toe ught that it was good, God feparated t the ligln from the darkenes. And God called the Light , Day , and the i ;■ ■ r, , - tr ν , ι darkenefle he called Night. li t So the euening and Τ ^™^™.^"^ «^ ^ 'ί^ '^eaucn, to 1 feparate the day „ the morning were the ifrft day. f^"? "-ψ "'ght and let them be for "> fignes, and .o the nu^^, 6 f Againe God faid.* Let there be a n firma- ^""^ feafons and for dayes.and yeeres._ i^o.ed Jlaft /- mentiiith?midsofthe waters . and let it feparate '^ ^"'' [" '''^™ ^^ Η 'i»''" i":'i^fi™3-to,hc.r'weJ.iv-/ the wafers from the waters. ™^™ ^^"^^ "=3"=" ^° o»"e iigftt vpon 'he earth : π n,. am d.» re' 7 Then God made the firmament , and fepa- ' ^"'' " ^^« '«• '^ <**" ■■"/-''-■ 3^•? f. i6 God then made two great "lights rthejl^^g+'^'j. jjj' ment . from'dbe waters" w'hich were'^ abone t'he : ψ^^Ψ' H^' f^ ^"'^ '^J ^J' ',^"'* ^^^ lelle light^^e L^U-.. Λ,,ν,,Γν,».,. . -,., ) .V ,,,οο Γ„ ' to t"Ie the night ; hemade alto the ftarres. Simne, the,,.. '^rA'VS^^cS'^thefirmament.SHeanen.: , ^7 An,Goa^t^.n.intl^,rrn.::^of^e^l^^<^ BSo the euen.g and the morning were the i.- ^^^'2^ ^SS^.^din thenight.^^1:!?^?r God faid againe . * Let the waters vnder [ ^^'^ ^^P?"^'^ '^'^ ''g'" f «"^ '^^ darkenefle : and the g»;;^? i-vne ° God faw that It was good. m iji mngs.ip- 1 „^ 1 "• J I • pertiinuigto n'-i 19 nSo the euening and the morning were i,n.,u and poiiti- the fourth day. • call o.dcrs and 20 Afterward God faid. Let the waters bringT*'.'*'"'• 9 f I -Sunne or Moone j -was created: iheie- i iorc wee mwft no I attiibtite that to Ihecreatiites that are Gods infttuments , -which only appette/neth ■ CO God. t Ei»- ^"'""'i '*•? ϋξΙι,ΛπΛ hiaeene th Jjirk^ufs. t the drd day, I + Eir. So tvit th eurlti/ig , fa rvji tht morning, * Fpl. jj. 6. Λ»/ΐ3ί«>5 ifre. lo. ' ^ianilii. li- W Or .fjrrf^H^gouer .J»i*fr^. f Asthefea andriucts. fromthoft ^waters thai are in the dondes , which are vpholdenty Godspowtr, leaBthey ■ Ihoidd oiievwhelme the world. * Γ//'. 1+8.+. g That is, the region of the ayie, andaUthatisaboueys. i; The fecottd day. i• ^yi/. 3J.7, «uirf 3>i.ii,j(»((i}<^#. 'n To wit, the Sm» and the Moone, snd here hee (peaieth.'as man indgethbyliij eye : for elfe the iMoonc is leiTethi-'n the planet Satiirniis. ο To giiie it fitfficientlight.asinftrtimentsapjoiettdi•» «heljjRi, toftnietonwasyft. * Ifri.31.3s. y The fomth day. '"'A foorth ran. Gerielis. ί^^ ..sna toorth]l.a abanJance ««iry ρ creeping thinq;that ■.:..es which ttiAth t r.ife : and let tlie foiile flie vpon the eortii in •fnW.thfiule " '^ '"~ ' ' ' fihe /ιφ. q The fi ill and foiileshadbotli -wherein we ic« ihat natmcg'ueili 'lace to Cods will, - .oiafmuch as ilie line fort is made to Hie aboiuin the ayre, and the other to fwihune ieneathinthe Wrei. t That is , by the vcime ofhis word hegaiiepowet to his cteatarest* jngcndei. i\ Thefifiday. i.Coi. 1 1.7. Ccl. f^ God comman- ded the water and ilic earth to bring io^tlipthei ciea- "" ■ fman ■ Tying, ΐ I '.Tnen God created the great whales , and eiiery thing lining and mooning , whicli the 1 wa- ters brought foorth in abundance according to their kinde , and cucry feathered foule according to his kind : and God law that it was good. 22 Then God ^ bleiTcd thenr, faying , Bring foorth fruit and multiplie , and fill the waters in the feas , and let the foule multiply in the earth. 23 Β So the eucning and therfrofnin^l^ere j the f-ift chy. I 24 f Moreoiier God Caid , Let the earth bring j foorth the t lining thing according to his kind, ! cattell , and tJiat which creepeth , and thebeaftof the earth according to his kind , and it was fo. 2 r And God made the beaft of the earth ac- cording to his kind , and the cattell according to his kinde, and eue-ry creeping thing of the earth according to his" kind ; and God iaw that it was good. 26 . Furthermore God faid . * f Let vs make man in our ' imagt:• according to our likenefle , and let them rule ouer the fifli of the fea , and ouer the foule of the heauen, and oner the beafts. and ouer all the earth , and oner euery thing that creepeth and mooneth on the earth. 27 * Thus God created the man in his image: in the innge of God created he him : he created them * niale and female. 25 And Godnbleiledthem.andGodfaidto tiiem , *'Brinir foorth fruit . and multiply , and fill The creation φι woma^' v.-as in the earth, and euery herbe of the field, be- j fore it grew , for the Lord God had not caiifed it j to ^ raine vpon the earth.neither vz/as there a man jd to till the ground. God onelyope» eth the heai 6 But a mift went vp from the earth , and wa- f "f fl'ftfih them,. • " ■ ' ' «'eleiideth drought nd raine accor- :accor- 3 his good the earth , and fubdiie it . and rule ouer the filb of j * drefie it , and keepe it. tered all the earth 7. 1" The Lord God alfo I| made the man «: of the duit of the ground , and breathed in his face breath of life, * and the man was a lining louio. 8 And the Lord God pl^"Kd a garden Eaft- vvard in f Eden • =>•ι«ί ''Jcre hee put the man whom he had made. 9 (For out of the ground made the Lord God to glow euery tree pleafant to the light , and good for meate ; the gtree of life alio in the mids !* '•<^"' 's.4 of the garden, I'and the tree of knowledge of Ι^Ί^ΛΓ,"? goodandofcuill. 10 And out of Eden went a riuer to water the garden , and from thence it was diuided , and be- came into foure heads. 1 1 The name of one i< * Ρ1ΐΊ-.οη ; the fame compafleth the whole land • cf Hauilah , where is gold. 12 And the gold ofthat land is good; there» t Bdelium , and the Onyx ftone. I? And the name of the fccond riuer «Gi- . . , hon : the fame compaflbtli the wltok land of i/,"^,^;'!',,^ ="-'f (J Culb ; . . ?. J' Ϊ4 And the name of the third riuer ti (I Hid- f • dekel : this goeth toward the Eaft fide of || Ailuir, ! and the fourth riuer is U Parah.) ■ ί Γ . i". Then die Lord God tooke the man ,and put him into the garden of Eden , that he mi the fea.and rrici the foule of the heauen.andouer ;etjery• bsait that Thooueth vpon the earth. ■ j 'iQ And God faid , Behold . I hatie giuen vnto I you X euery herbe beaiing feed , whichls vpon all ithe earth ,and euery tree, wherein isthefruite of a tree bearing feede . * i;je fr^r meat , nnd ; UCSS* >^3s fo. ^ooiver, I .^ I ■" And God faw all that hee had made , and loe ,!t was vei^ good, fj Sotheeueningandthe morning were the iixt day. 16 And the Lord God ^ commanded the man, j faying , t Thou Uiait eate freely of euery tree of ! the garden. 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and ! euill ,thou ihalt not eat of it : for ]l in the day that ί thou eateit thereof, thou ibalt die the m death. ! 18 Alfo the Lord God faid , It is not good that the man ibould be himfeife alone: I will make y thing i him an heipe t meet for him, τ life in I9 So the Lord God for ί1ίΑΛ2.ϊ3 'it. 17-1. /AiifA. 19.4. ' h«yroi'a?atioTi of man Pfnl. «ay all ( φ. 8. ίΙ Thcl P. n. 1 2 H-- cr<'Uteth the jvjtyim life of hisiiigvjtitade. ZS Hi' fHtfih theblefsingof Cod, κ Gods great liberalitie to man , taieth a ' J C Η A ■ _ - J 2 C«/i rtflHh tk- feuf^tb iiy , Hus theheauens and the earth were finiihed, and ail the ^ hoite of them. 2 For in the feuenth day God ended hife worke which hee had made , •" and the feuenth day hee i" refted from all his worke, which he had made. 5 So Goii bleifed the feuenth day , and ' fara- dlified it , becaufe that in it he h.id refted from al] his worke, which God created and made. 4 C Thefe are the II generations of the hea- iiens and nf the eaith, when they were created, in tlie day , that the Lord God made the earth and the heauens. f And- euery ff plant of the fielde , before it , eonlidcr the csccl' ;ncie of Iiis%¥orlts and GodsgoodjiClTi tCVyitdhifli. £ Or, tie h For he had now "iniilicdhis crca- .on.hiihispto- iiiociici ilill wat- . II Or,Eit{hiUet. k God would nei hr.iie man idle, though as yet there was no need ISO that man migJic know there was a foite.aigne Lord, to whom he owed obed.'ejKC. . [,%.:>..,../. ' Or, rvK-Kfifwr:, 11 By thisdiaih hee me.ineth the ' feparation of ma» fiom God, who i>ot.v life and c.hiefcfelicity ; ard alfo thatoiir difobcd/ence h tht caiift tiievcof. \B.Y.hcfo.,l.ijn^ . Iymoo;.ing ' hem to come ana fiibmit themltlues Adam. Signityingthat mantind wasper- fiie, when the wo- .in wa' cve.«ed, hich before was like anvnperfit building. C»r.jl.f. 0 Or , Mnjin.-Jp, iiS Μ.μβ. ««„,«* fr,:ar: f., in E. l^uh the TTo/ran^ leqniicth a grei- inwi. ' 9 f 01 bifcie finne enucd, jU uwngs werehonVn aiid'comSy,'"' " ^ ^"' TH£, Mui. «ing feature, l() Or, formed. '< KeeQieweth fwhe.eofmans be. dy was created to iheintentthatmaij piould notgloiie in the excellence ofhis Own nature.' the of a place, asfoinerhinke in Mesopotamia moft plealant Jnd abun- dant in all things, g Which was a figne of the life t«- cciiicd of God. h Thatis.ofmife- laWe experience, Which came by difobeyingGod, *^ Ec» at their fptittgs , anitn» V/litrethey fell intt the Terfien Sea. In this conn- ttd attd mtp, pientifull Unl Adam dwelt , xtid this -mas ctUed Paudife, that is, a i»rien of plen. fnre, btc»nje tf the fruit- fuitttSe and Riunlance theteif. Andwh-reti itisfjii that Pifjj» omfalfelh the tf.nd of H»uil»h , it is meant cf Tmis, which in f>re ctuntrejs , «s itf^iby diner pUces IPJS caUei iyfxtiiry names, as ft - time DigUtti , in ctinr f laces Pafitygris, "id of feme Phafm ct Ρφβ». Ziieivife EuphrMes »•- ivurdthecouutreycf ChO) or EthittU , cr A- rafjt, iOM called G,b0i. So that Tytfs and E:i- fhrUei , (ivhich wei< e«' tw« riuers , and fame time rthen thy i>)a.i teie- tbef,neree.i!led.ifter tne ttAme)vtre acar• atnt to iiuers pUces col- UdhjiJilfefcH enaiici, y'o thankey might feeitie iohauebeene fi ' riuers. Chap. 1 1 L THE SITVATION OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN. \ «vorkc 'P• c Noahdcli- d ihe Chute* rftctdit «It tlulirin »i Trie Iindofi^dir, which 111], tii^tgene- ■chiceune "■ •lyt ThefafloFEuphwi tes. ThefallofTygris. The goiilfe of ihc Perfian Set. Cod. 1+ They 19 Atisji d»Jl•. * Kψ■^.^^. a As Satan can «hange himlelfe inio an Angel of i t Η T6? jremjn ffiui/d t,y ihr f, ffm fiitne 8 n-y t-i:. β„ from iscfioutofPAra^Hf,. ' j ^ ΟΛ* v e terpent was mort. » fubtill then any | ••■^ beaftof che fielde, which the Lord God h^d made : and he ^ lail to the woman, Yea. hath God ligh-, fo drd"'ee j indeed faid.yee il:ail not eaee of euery tree of the abaft the wifedomei „.. j-i'en ? ι of the leirent to ! o^ ' , , . , , -. _„, _„- | deceitieman i 2 And the woman fayd vnto thelerpent^we j b God fiirftredsa-jeatofth^fruite of the trees of the garden. tan to malce the - - . - . - . . ■ . r feiptm ίιίίίηβπι- mtnt, ar.dto jfiake inlii'm. e ill dniibting of eods ihearningj Aee yeeided to Satan. »t.C«f.ii.3. i This is Sstans «hiefefttibtiliie, to cjiife vs not to ieire Gods threat• ning'. fEir.ii theJ/ult. c A: tlioaghhee fiouldl'ay, God ioeih not foibid yen to eat of the fciic, fane 'hat he Inewe'h thitityt cTcaucs toKt-tncr.aaaaiadethem-i „ ,. hes. .jBir.fi,,^, r'f fcwcdH feiues t br:;.ches. " \1"'',11Ί'η£ 8 * Afterward theyheardthe voyceofthei «ί,.,ν ,r,w,viv•*," Lord God walking in the garden in the l\ -oole ofi II o•^- »''"* .j ^ the day , and the man and his wife h hid them-; ί^,.^,* g"^^ ,:"' " felues from the prefcncc of the Lord God amongj jteienct. " ' Ί J«" tJic trees of the garden. ' 9 But the Lord God called CO the man .and fayd vnto hira , VVh^re arc thou? { ! ο Who faid, I heard thy voyc^n the gar-< den and was afraid : becaufe I wasinaked.there» . . 3 But of the fruite of the tree which is in the 1 fore I hid my felfe. ^™Ju.AaV miJs of the garden , God hath faid , Ve (hall not I x,i And he faid, Whotold th«e that thou wafV hr'. ,..d the caifS^ . eat of it, neither ihall ye touch it,cleaftye die. ! naked'Haftthou eaten ofthe tree whereof I comJ 4 Then * Che ferpent faid to the woman. Ye ; manded thee that thou fliouldcft not eate ? | fliJl Hot i t did at all. i • 2 '^'i-" ^^^ ™3n faid , The woman whicK ] But God dorh know; hat when y^maU eate I thoukgaucft ro έ? with race , ilie gaue raee thereof, your eyes iha;lbeopened,andyeflial be the tree , and I did eate. as gods, c knowing good andeuill. L U And the Lord God faid to the woman J 6 So the woman (feeing that the tree was r.^hy k His wiclttdnefTe and lackc of itiie «pentaiicf. appea> haft thou done this? Andthe woman faid, tcth in this that erpent beguiled me , and I did eate. jhe btnder.eth God he had giuea 1 wife. !e:dof con- good for m.'at, & that it was pleafant to the eyes and a tree to ne Jehred.ro get knowledge) tooka of the fruit thereof, an 1 did * eat and gauc aifo to her husband with her.aiid he ί did -iat. 7 Then the eyes of them both were opsned, , . r - ^ and th:y g knew that they were Baked , and they I Ihalt thou eate all che Jayes of thy life ^ .iiM e ite theteo'f V yet aiOHid be like to him * E-d r.is. 26- > -Tim. i^+ . f Notfomiichtoflea'ehis wiii.a tooutd b-, amb-ticn achevpeifwafioe, gthty fce^tefeejythiiimifery, bai cJiey Ibughmot to Qod foi lemedy. ' giOecaufe thou haft done this . ihou art curfc aboue all cattell , and abr ae euery beaft of ilv field : vpon thy _ bel'ylhalt : hou goe.and » duflj ^'■'^1,''", e,h"t' I by jcciifing the •' if pe.it. jn Hee allied the lesfon of Adam and his wife , becaiifehte wc•, db ;rg :l*in to tepentancc , biithc^a ite h ;.ot the feipent , becjufc hce would Qiew himnOJJ.«W3r, n As « vile and coateuif t.Ole be jfl , ifa . 6 5 . a j . A a IS I -%: Genefis. Kain cutiea. Religion ieftorea- rtflyeeait— Ti? -.-alio put enmitie betweeae β thee and f doore : alfo vnto thee his lae^itefhali>efubiea, f sume caii , C ■an,by *°°"^/:;.'.D, 8c betweenc thy feed and hcr fecdc» and thou (halt rule ouer him Nrmcmthy, It'^St^t'^^ i»elhaii breake thine Ρ head,& thou fliak , bruife 8 f Th^n Raiu fpake vnto Habel his brother. Γ^^'άι „• f.j •ι,ί .. . 'hie h(»pli> Anrf "i* when rhfv TOprp in rhe fipM ΚΌίη .-ηΓ^ &,.ι?-λι^ '"ft the j ^tceiuid the wo- j'man. I •■) Tliat IS, the I "wet of fijine /'■"■death. 'tvherein we ice ilist natiiicg'iietlt 'lace to Gods wil -oiafmudus iJie Anefoit is made to flic aboiuin the avie.andthe other'to I'wimjne ieneathintlie t That is , by the vcttdc o£his wot* hegaiiepowet to Jiis cieata'.tste ingender ihis heelc. * And * when they were in the field , Kain roii vp WieltTbLne", id f Vnto the woman bee faid.I will greatly ' againft Habel his brother,cnd flew him. fe""" ό Kain oust Sncrcafe thy ' forowes , and thy conceptions. In , 9 Then the Lord fayd vnto Kain , Where Is^^t'b JTorow ihalt thou bring forth children , and thy Habel thy brother? Who anfwered, I cannot tell. ί,^,.' Jefire fhMefubieii to thine husband , and he ihall ''Am I my brothers keeper? '• rule ouer thee. lo Againehefaid, Whathaft thou done ? the hThisisthei.. 17 ί Alfo to Adam he faid^ecaufe thou haft i ' voyce of thy brothers blood crieth vnto mee:l""°f*« «P"• • 3. miff, .■23-3S. ■./•*«. 3 ■ iuie.ii. obeyed thevoyceofthywife.and haft eaten of ;^ from the earth tree (whereof I commanded thee , faying, Thou hen they Now therefore thouart curfcdi• from the ΓείιΤροόηΤί"^ hialt not eat of it) fciirfedw the earth for thy earth, which hath opened her roouth to receiue jfafcfi : in forow ilialt thou eate of it all the dayes jof thy life, 18 'Thornes alfo and thiftlcs fl^all it bring rthto thee,andthou ilialteatthe herbeoft*e eld. I ρ In the fweat of thy face flialt thou eat bread till thou returns to the earth ; for out of it waft ., -, ^, , ithou taken,becaufethou art duft. and to duft ihalt icH".;.!.^ I ao (And the man Galled his wiues name He- '•C"'• "-T•;^ Wah,becaufeil:e was the mother of all lining.^ i.God cor-' sl^l a I Vnto Adam alfo and to his wife did the icd'rhe v'^^" [Lotd God" make coatcs of skinnes.and doathed hem. ί AndtheLordGodfaid.HBeholde.the man is become as oneof vs. to know good and euill. And now leaft he put foorth his hand, and y take alfo of the tree of life, and eat.andliue for cuer. %i Therefore thaLord God fent him foorth from the garden ofEden^, to till the earth.whence he was taken. hypo negleft I tl.c earth ft W--., ■fnrXhpt' ■■ Ufrifi'ts ■ V't-fthe V^onof "^ . ^ ♦/•' fjiiethem ledge to . themieliies tes. By this dcn'fion eereprojcheth dains mifct'Ci liieintohee'WSkS en by ambidon. Adam deprived .f lifc.loft alfo the. .^ns thsccof, thy brothers blood from thine hand. 2^ ""^ defpighc ; 11 When thou (halt till ihe.ground ,ΰ fliall•i"Godrel,tnfe,h not henccfoorth yeeld vnto thee her ftrength : a the wrongs of his 1 vagabonde andarunnagate/haltthoubein the *"""''^°"?'' ejfjjj^ none complainc ! I J Then Kain faid to the Lord,»" ^My puniflv huik SeTh foV ment is greater thenl can beare. vengeance. 14 Btholde.thou haft caft meeout this day J/''""*"'^ from t the earth, and from thy facefl^all I beaga^rihee'whica hid, and Ihall be a vagabond, and a runnagateni'«ifuiivtecei. in the earth , and wholoeuer findeth meihall flay "'^, f''a'"ood njgg^ ■' >Tn5ch thou mofl I J Then the Lord fayd vnto him , Doubt-I i Thin Q,ak nel leffe whofoeuer flayeth Kain , hec iliall be n pu- ""haue ren.• for niflied fiuen folde. And the Lord feta omarkei^'"n,';"""''H; vpon Kain,leaft any man finding him , Jhould killfeare and"cate him. m Hec biitdineth \6 Then Kain went out from the prefence of ^°^ ^i ' ""'^^ ihe Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod toward dTdi^SSfo th»Eaft fide of Eden. iharpely. I I 7 Kain alfo knew his wife, which conceiued II ο••.™)• /?»»<■ /»; -- ■ ■ - - ^ ' ' 1„ \ the blade of a fwordlhakcn , lokeepe the way of ϊ thetceeofiifc. jMaitntsnire, diti •(later of maiiage, aiid Gods bleffing^ *» ore not vttetly \boli(he4 thiough Viiiejjiit fjie qua-, ι cond; and bare Henoch: and he built a Ρ Gitie,&. called f^'t2l„"j 24 Thushecaftoutman, andattheEaftfide 1 the name of the citie by thenameofhisfc^nne, iu7.fr7m\ff,s^'' ofthegardenofEdenhefetthe Cherubiros, and " Henoch. face,f. 18 And to Henoch was borne Irad, and Irad i/ b' ^°' *^"«• / bcgateMehuiael , and Mehqiael begate Methailia- b"to fifCeift * f el.andMethufliaelbegateLamech. mnrthet. /■ 19 f And Lamech tooke to him qtwo wiues ■ ? which wa? ' the name of the one was Adah , and the name of ofTods "dje the other Zillah. mem, ,hat ofhere 20 And Adah bare labal^who was the n father """^Ί fearethejiby. of fiich as dwell in the tents . and of fucli as haue L^"?'""^ 'j"'''^ II io cc iine,a]ia AFterward the man knew Heuah his wife "",«„. i •, l, ,, , ^ ' , , , , ''^^'«^'i^'•'"»- Which arnnr^inpri »ηΛ t,=>r^ ΪΓ.ίπ ,n^ Γ.,Μ Τ ^ ! And hlS brothers name ϊ/7^5 lubal . who fi°n to feare Gods was the father of all that playontheharpeand [^ ™'"" "«»'"* «oi'Sans• , . . q The l.wfitU 22 And Zillah alfo bare Tubal- kain, who anftiwtion of ma- C Η A P. IV. ι rhf gf»fYjl!on of mMkindf. 3 Koin ujid Hdel of,f β,ηίβ^•. 8 KjU kJUrtb H*hel. aj Limech a lyrjM enctur^ieth his ftmrfuU tviuct. ao' True tiliiion ii fcftcnd, Fterward the man knew Heuah his wife which a conceiued and bare Kain,andfaid, I j haue obtained a man b by the Lord. ; 2 Andagainelliebroughtfoor'th his brother I Habel «and Habel was a keeper of fteepe.and I Kain was a tiller of the ground. 3 f^ And in proceflcj of time it came to pafle, wrought cunningly euery craft of braffe and ofii^2'' "'H'^','j yron: and the fifter of Tobal-kain vaa, Naamah ^^" '"° "''"^'' ^' 35 ' one fiefh, was fiift f'wasci,a„Jthat Kain brought an c oblation vnto the Lord 4/I "^ίί'^Λ^Ι^"^ ^'^^^ ^"'° his wiues Unpti» the hot.ft ■ -: ../-.L- e...:. -r.u° 1 I Aaah andzillah , Hearemy voyce ^yeewiues of;of Ka.nbv ta- t) That is, accor- ding to the Lotdi giomire, as Chap. 3. js.iomc rejde, To the Lotd, as seloycing for the ionns which (lice Jiaiborne, wHoin Acewoiild«ftec '»o• the Lord a^ihe Sm fniiissofhet bitui. t. This declareth «hat the father ill- «rniU'd his chil. dren in the know- Jidgt of Gndantl alio hovr God gjvejthem fi of the fruit of the ground. 4 And Hdbel alio himfelfe brought of the firft fruits of hisilieepe,andof thefatofthem, and the Lord had refpeol vnto * Habel.and to his offering, f But vnto Kain and to his offerini» he had Lamech , hearken vnto my'fpeech : r'for I would ™"''• flay a man in rtiy wound, & a yong man in mine d rcga'rd'Twherefore Kai"n"w;s"eiceedins ! u„V ί And Ad^ knew his wife againe.and flief . u f_ jl: .» r,.i j. "^"""'g ( bare a fonne.and ihec called h-.i rame Sheth : for hurt. 24 Ii Kain fliall be auenged feuen folJ,truely j %', ftJIaTZ"' Laφech fftuentie times feuen fold. ,t'f''• wroth a"ndhis countenance felldowne. "1 "''Λ V'^J'a'TT'''' ^?"^«/'^'-V''^"'^ '''ψ'•- i°' h}}W£L• . ThcntheLordf.idyntoKain.WhyaHSif^SSCii^^^^^^'^"^^''';^ I 2 6 And to the fame S heth alfo there waabraggeth that j borne a fonne, and he called his name ΕηοΛι.'Ίε« is none fo II Then began men to tcaU vponthcNameof thd'';J^'*,'er,ft*'" ; ^ord• LithoMgh hceweii. •_ I already woanded. 1• Kemoctedj: Gods ftifferancei» Kain, iefiingasihongh Gtjd would fufi«tnor«!• toptciiibhim , and yet giue him licence to mtirthetotlieis. ti In theic daycs Goa began to moot e the hearts of the ioily to lefloie religion , v^uihi long timi^b?•• ■ «Jii-wKiiiludUejitiKpwirid, : & ' »'_-_ ^ GJLAS^ thou wroth? and why is thy countenance caft downe ? 7 If thou doe well, fljalt thou not fee « accep- ted? and if thou doeft not well .iinneliethatthe .ilfeit ihtywettdt.• , - d Eecaufthee was an ottered oatly for an outward flitwe T^hont fmstlati» of btUt, f.£»WAon.judthyfACufite.il,jlbe a«e£tabktojnf. - - ' - - . fides to fignifie their fafv «.nii-a of ihs fac:ament of the «ee of life. '*■ HeU . feyEoclt. ^^lewtions. ^Chap. "and two yeet-es , and begate a (onne. I Of .»?'"*/■''" ,ftheft>iki• iRtide hap. i.is, the ^ likenelle of God made he him. , By giuing therai ^ j^ajg anj female created he them , and bleU 'et.r'he'^'ftpit fed them.and called their nameb Adam in the day 'able coniimition ) that they Were created, Bfminajidwife. 1 ^ ^ Now Adam Hiied an Huiidreth ojid thir '•iiVr»- 29 And called his name , N'oah Jaying , Thii J» Y"'* """ • ime α^ΙΙ!» comfort vs conceniinf; our worke; 'JE^^"'^*'^^'^; , , ■ . tie veeres , and begate a childe in his ownee like- ,- ., , Γκ^^ο^η!'! nefle after his image . and called his name | Αώ Noah begate Shem . Ham . and lapheth, η and wife. Afwellcencct- CHAP. V. ■ Ttf gennlcglr. S The agf anil Jutb of AiUm. 6 Hit fuKrfioH vnta ΗβΛ-iniltii Mdrtn. lo HeKcthwjs nk" '"'■V- Τ His is the || booke of the generations of |and forow of our hands , as touching the earth, jndder.tedroiic Adam. In the day that God created Adam, in { which the Lord hath curfed. *' ''l^'i'^'i. .. ■ - -- ■ • ' ■•" ^ 30 And Lamechliued. after he begate Noah j«h;AJh<>"W^^ fiue hundreth ninetie and fiue yeeres^^, andbegatej (^, ;; ^^J ^^tt^ fonnes and daughters. I of , he alto fpait 5 1 So all the dayes of Lamech were feuen hun-j *'s ""y the ή?'«ΐί dreth feuentv and leuen yeeres : and he died. | «.no's deli-' 32 And Noah was hue hundreth yeere olde. „e ed ihe churck Sheth. 4 κ And the dayes of Adam , after he had be- gotten Sheth , were eight hundreth yeeres.and he begate fonnes and daughters. J so all the dayes that Adam liiied.were nine hundreth and thirtie yeeres.and he died. 6 And d Sheth. lined an hundreth and fiue j c Ο when men began to be multiplied vpon the yeeres.and begate Enoili. ' '^ earth , and there were daughters borne vntoi 7 And Shem liued after he begate Epo/li.eight ! them CHAP. VI. Cod eWMt»rf6 t^hrhg tkffUa. 5 Mjm it otugth» »» 6 GudvfffntnhthtiimAJrHm 18 Htih Md kit itrr fttffTuet in thi A rk: , t»hi:b he tvJt nmm.itidfd t' m.(Af • »ndpKft>-.iidi by hii obclioi^Ci, i H« Adams genetatioi^ ^ by them Wakh : j^y^dreth and leuen yeeres , and begat foones and came oiSnetn.co I , ■ ^ ^ • fliew which is Che daughters. ^ , , . , truechurch, and g So all the dayes of Sheth were « nine him- Mfo what cate (Jredi and twejue veeres : and he died. fame'"&orrheie- 9 f Alfo Enoft liucd uinetie yeeres , and be- ginuing.in that he gate Kcnail. rontiuued^iier , jq And Enofli liued , after hee begate Kenan, his graces toward j gj j^j hundreth and fifteene yeeres , aud begate ffiof I fonnes and daughters, e The chiefe canfei jj So all the dayesof Enoih werenine hiin- of long life ijiAe I j,.gth and fiue yeeres .-and he died, , ..,^.„ . _ „ , ' oodUneHc «4».8f.!'U!'. „f i ,, r Likewile Kenan lined fenenne yeeres, and '; old time were men off renowme. _ 'αθ'.'^Λ>ι>φ». ■ •• • ' 1 when tlie Lord faw that the wickednes a Becairfemaa i Then the a fonnes of God faw the daugh- ,ν^Λ,.. ^ tersb of men that they werecfaire . and theyi ^^^^^,^,^_„^;,^ tooke them wiues of all tliat they || liked. i began ttHdegene- 1 Therefore the Lord fayd , My fpirit (Iwil! rate not ahvaydftriue with raan.becaule hee is but, ^^ ^l;»;* *« ^^-^^^ flefli, and his dayes. ihsll be an «hundreth and jsof Kaiu. twenty yeeres. ' <> Haiiinj^iW:^ 4 There were It giants i'^tbe earth in thofe,>jJ=^*?^^^'°*^' dayes : yea.and after that the fonnes of God caraej worldly confid«~ vnto the daughters of men, and they had borne ntions.then to them children , thefe were mighty men , which in *e'i. manets ωί «t£nTe.nc«whete- tncwoiw s ο ,1 .L , ι°..,„ „Cira_.,« ...ο,.Λ.,;ηί> Klin- ^ τΚο., f w ..i>nf nti»fi f he Γ oi'il . that hee had i,-j ι,λ iir/.,i». γλ ψίφφΰβ» 6 Then it g repented the Lord , that hee had ; by he iHowe to made man in the earth , and hee was fory in hjs ■ onetcome him, , he woMldnole». heart. it inereaftd with ' i^ So all the dayes of Kenan were nine hun• people , which , ^.^^^ ^,,^^ ^^^^ yeeres : and he died. might vniueiijuy , 5 j^ji.,ala!eel alfoliued lixtieand fiue yeeres, , neart. , , , r . τ •„ τ^ rcmayhis .... Uid begate lered. ! 7 Therefore the Lord fayd , I will deftroy |,,„,/ 1(5 Alfo Mahalaleel liued , after he begate le- | from the earth the man . whom I haue created, c which rerme red.eioht hundreth and thirtie yeeres, and begate f. from man h to beaft . to the creeping thing.and to <;»d S»u'ma„ t* fomies and dauohters. \ the foule of the heauen : for I repent that I haue 4^,jj ^,„,,.^ ^^ 17 So all tfie. dayes of Mahalaleel were eight j made them. eaith, i.ret j i»,• hundreth ninetie and fiue veeres : and he died. ; 8 But Noah i found grace in the eyes of the | <^^;^;^^;^^_ 18 ί And leredhued an hundreth fixtie and I Lord. rv- l x, 'au,i>oritiej,.it two yeeres , and begate Henoch. 9 ' Thefe are \\ the venerations ot Noah:No- ^,ι^,^. 5„a didde- I" Thenleredliued.afterhe begate Henoch, I ah was a iuft and vprignt man in his time and I eight iiHndreth yeeres.and begate fonnes and. Noah walked with God diighters. . , I 10 Andf— -•—■ 20 So all the dayes of lered were nine hun- j andlapheth. dreth fixtie and two yeeres : and he died, "" thai fimplicitie. 21 ί -" Alfo Henoch liued fixtie and fiue yeeres, I the earth was tilled with ^ cruelty. .... 12' And Noah begat three fomies ,Shem.Ham. tZ'il^^'" ^*' * Chf 8.1I.W*» •f Eir.futrydr/• Ζ God doth ne η' * buche The earth alfo was corrupt before God: for » Ε«Ιΐ(».++.ϊ<• f That is, he lid »n vmigUt and ^odlylift. g Te fliew that Sitre was abetter life prepared, and to be a reftimony ef the immortali- tie offonles and bodies. As to en- quire were he t«came, is mecre (itiioucie. andbeoateMethulLelah. • Ϊ 12 Then God looked vpoji the earth.and be-, „^ent ! 22 And Henoch f walked with-God , after he hold.it was corrupt : for all flelh had corrupted his ipeikerh ife _ i begate Methiiflielah. three hundreth yeeres, and; way vpon the earth. ^, , „ . . λ .ihcd'-ddiflvoy !be°ate fonnes and daughters. 13 And Godfayd vntoNoah. I! Ainendof a1K,.„ ,„ainth,t« I 2:! So all the dayes of Henoch were three him- ! fleih is come before rne;fQr the earth is filled with ,, «credid difa- idrethfixtie..ndfiueVeres. I ll^crueltie t through tl.em • anJ behold . I will de- uowh^ to be h« > 24 AndHenochwalkedwithGod.andhewasj Itroy them with the earth, _ 'h coddedatith ■nomoreri.^'iff.-forEGodtookehimaway. ' I4 Ulake thee an Arke oft pine trees : thoii ,,„„,,. h.dc •* - '• ' ' '-•--^-'-' Hialt make tcabines in the Arke, and ihalt pitch tenethiinne^ fee, it within and without with pitch.. , ;ml,uth«e"ofe<- I y And (I thus Ihalt thou make it : The length 1,";^;}^,^ ,, ^^ of the Arke ihail be three hundreth ciibitcs , the ; (,„,itheans. breadth of it fiftie cubites . and the height otit|. cod 2y Methuilieiah alfo liued an hundreth eight- tic and ieuen yeeres.and begate Lamech, - 26 And Methulbelah liued, after hee begate | ' Lamech , leuen hundreth ei|htie and two yeeres, I I and begate fonnes and daughters. So all rhe dayes of Methuilieiah were. 27 nine himdreth fixtie and nine yeeres , and hee , idled a8 f Then Lamech lined an hundreth eightie j l oy,>ftHt «.«/. vnto him. 1! Or . HJhf!. \ Jvleaning . thai all were gi-.en to the contempt of G»'» . "i^P; preffion of their neighbours. Β Or 7 V-7 4φο, "•^•'h'^- J °;'°&7 r fM, of (i-m. t ft'. Ccihr, Ml -r^^m Teneus 1 That is, oF three >eigkt!, as sppea- teih in the figure. To tlie intirtt tin this gicjt euteijn lie and niocJi/ngsof the whole world, thoti With thee. i6 Awin'^-iw ilialt thou make in the Arke, and in a cubite iliak thou finiih k aboue , and the doore of the Arke Ihalt thou fet in the fide there- of ; thou ftak make it with the 1 low , fecond, and third roente. 1 7 And I, behold, I will bring a flood of wa- ters vpon the earth to deftroy all flefh , wherein is the breath of life vnder tlie lieaueu ; all that is in the earth fliali p6-ill\ 1 8 But with thee willlmeftabliih my coue- nant , and thou Ihalt goe into the Arke , thou, and thy fonnes , and thy wife , and thy fonnes vviucs jna^ellbe confir med, tiiat thy faidl Uulcnoc. 3» that is.he obey «d Gods comman- dtmcncin all pomts without adjlingotdinji- 19 And of euery liuing thing of all fieili two of euery fort ilialt thou caufe to come into the Arke , to keepe them aliue with thee ; they flialJbe male and female. 20 Of the follies after their kintie , and of the cattell after their kind,, of euery creeping thing of the earth after his kinde, two of euery fort Ihal! come vnto tliee , that thou mayeft keepe them 3liue. 2 1 And take thou with thee of all meate that IS eaten : and thou (b-aJt g« "ge _ ig The waters alfo vvaxedfirong, and were I _',',"'*'''•' ; increafed exceedingly vpon tlie earth , and the ) Arke went vpon the waters. 'flo>-,y7,»(,Vi/»e- ■Um. 5 9 The waters + preuailed fo exceedingly '^p-llf'^: '*''''* '^ ft in reffeft of the •eilot'ihe woild, amlbecaufehe haladcfiicto fe -.e GodanJ . %7pishtiy• II Oi-^-^^s.f.t/ ». i) W}•.;ch might ■be ofrcicd in fact!- Jicc . whcreo'' I'lKe •Vireicforbrcai, andtl eieuci.th lor faoiii"• φγΛ6, I {el j.ZiS C Thedo'r,. Η -I Κ Τ»ίί1•.νί c y A P. VII. 1 So^ ,md tinTihrixuihAyk-. ao Tii lle'fflvfirtth/eanl•. ANd the Lord faid vnto Noah , Enter thou and all thine houfe into the Arke : for ihee haue I feene * » tighif ous before me in this 1! .nge. ; 2 Of euery '' cleane beaft thou ihalt take to thee bv fcuens , the male and his female : but of vncleaiie beafts by couples , the male and his te- malc, , - ^ Of the fouks alfo of the hcauen by feuens, male and female ,to keepe feede aliue vpon the whole earth. 4 For fmien dayes hence will I caule it ramft vpon the earth fourrie dayes , and fourtie nighrs, and all the fubftance tiiat I liaue made , will I de- ! ftroy from oft' the earth. ' y *Noah theref^e did according to alJ that the Lord commanded him. 6 And Noah vvaifiKc hundreth yeeres olde, wh*n the flood of watei s was vpon the earth. 7 f So Noah entred and his fonnes-, and his I ivife.and his fonnes wiues Λvith hrminto the Arke, ; becaufe of the waters of tlieflood. ' 8 Of the cleane beafts ,anJ of the \Tickane [licafls:, aad of the foules , and of all that creepeth i*:foatiieeenhi on rlie earth , that all the high mountaines , that, are vnder the whole heauei> , were couered, 20 Fifteene cubits vpward did the waters pre-j tiaile , when the mountaines were couered. | 2 1 * Then all flefli periflied that mooued vp-i on the earth , both foule and cattell and beaft, and I I euery thing that creepeth and mooueth vpon the * earth,and euery man. 22 Euery thing in whofe noftrcls the fpirit of life did breathe, wTiatfoeuer they were in the dry j land , they died. 23 So^hee deftroyed euery thing that wash Thatis,coii vpon tke earth , from man to beaft , to the cree-, ping thing, and to the foule of the hcauen .-they 1 were euen deftroyed from the earth. And No-i all onely i remained, and the• that were with himj» !-«««£ »fi.it it in the Arke. " w obey Codonly, and to forfake 24 And the waters preuailedvpon the earth iihemiiUinid' an hundreth and fiitie daj-es, l>.ret.3.:o. ' Η A V. Hfi ficvifie.il• i VIII. omnijtiitctomtfotli tfitt J 3 rujtc>if4eih. A^knithti,. 10 llU Μ tlir.gsJhSuli wMK^f in ifcn-yfr/i.• Ar. j. Net that Cei XJ Ow God ^ remembred Noah and b ei:cry jj^ss^^^;^';^. ! beaft, and all the cattell that was with him he^'fendethVuccj^ ifi!^ the Arke : therefore God made a wind to pafle ! «ben i.e 0 es- eth 1 vponthe earth.and the waters ceafed. ^itteiemen;- 2 The foimtaines alfo of the deepe and the lib u'cXemem, windowes of heauen were flopped , and the taine ;bev euei7 brute- from heauen was reftrained. i-eafi, whaioitght 5 And the waters returned from aboue the lefhitctiito^"* earth , goin» and retnt ning ; and after tlie end of ;< which contaV. the huudreth and fiftieth d.iy the waters abated. »cdpait of -ep- 1 4 And intl>e ' feuenth moneth , in the feuen- "/"^ '• ί*"* Γ*"' ; teenth d.iy of the moneth , the Arke U reft«d vpon « o^ pVl' ' file fflouiyaines of ί Arar^i ' | orj-iw*/*. J And The couef.<4i«-i.wf*..-i*-**«» S And the waters were going and d? creafing, 2 Alfo the b feare of you , ar J the dread of vntill thei tenth moneth : in the tenth inoneth, youflialbe vponeuery beattof thei:arth,andvp-bBytJie a^vJiicJ. w«s tJit ^^^ jj^ J j^g j^^j^ ^, Qf jj^g moneth , were the tops ; on euery foule of the heauen , vpon all that moo- <>'' *i^ <= ■ nt.mhfminf 1; The r«ien « ient {«th and Mtu«i«A• . , 8 Hcftii^cthilte e'lt is Jiki *M rlteJTsRten did fiie vetnie command•- of the mountaines feene. i ueth 011 the earth .and vpon all the fiilies of tlie ,';;Vw!',h ^f 6 V So i after fourtie daycs , Noah opened > lea ; into your hand are they deliuered. £,inft min as ihev the wrndow of the Arke which he had made, j 3 Euery c thing that moueth and liueth, Hiall >vo.dd ,«» , 2ni 7 And fent foorth a (I rauen . which went out, j be_ meat for you : as the * greene herbe.haue I Ι™,'Χ^Γ '^ Soine forth and rcturning.vntill the waters were , giuen you all things. U By th.s peouif. dried vp vpon the earth. i 4 ** But fleih with the life thereof. I »κ<ι«ί,] ion man m^y β Againe he fent a tf doue from him . that hee \ with the blood thereof iliall ya not eat. '^^^^,,^^^/,Γ' itiieht fee ifthe waters were ditninifted from ofF; f e For furely I will require your blood. i^,.„„es of cod the earth wherein youi hues «nr.-atthe hands ofeueryfothisnecefsity, ο But' thedoue found coreftfor the fole of beaft will Irequireit: andattheh»ndet)f man. *"^.c ■•■» her foot : therefore fhee returned vnto him into euen at the hande of a mans |) brother will I re- 1^ χ^Γ.' Is hiinV ■ ' ' quire the life of man. citataies, and *« 6 Who fo * ilieddeth mans blood , f by manjfieft) of beans /hall his blood be flied : * forin the ε image of| ■'"; »'« ""'■s'•'» - ^ jL• 1. u J land l-.treby all God hath he made man, iciudtie is tor- 7 But bring ye forth fruit and multiply : grow'biddei.. •'-■•• • " -■ ^ - - exhaiij. rwiU the Arke (for the waters fwfi vpon the whole rn isien a.» .,i^ «rth) and he e put foorth his hand.and receiued Μ'ι^'"ιοΓ«'ίΓίΕ.^ her.and tooke hf r to him into the Arke, on the Aihe , but : χ ο AnJ heeabode yctothet feucn dayes , and came not into it. j^gj^g jjg fgnt forth the doue out of the Arke. x!auaieTin II And the douecame tohim in the cuening. \\ Or. lilt. ' »ηϋ1 lo in hern mouth ΐνΛί an foliueleafe that ί which was a fte had pluckt : whereby Noah kneW that the , wicn nuu . laymg, 11 o,p.r;f.i,0Br. i«rw^«m';«ir" waterswere^batedfromofftheearth. * .9 Beholde . 1 .euenIeftab!ifl,myhcouentnt -h^.. .. „. Sitt«T: fo< I i Notwithftanding.he waited yet other feuen with you and with your ^ feed after you. _ _ '/^OrOV,:^, 'Aeoiiuetgtow dayes, and fcnt foorth thedoue , which tctutned 10 Andw.theutry liuing-crearurethat iswith;,^,,^,^;^^;^' plentifully in the earth , and increafe therein. 8 f God fpake alfo to Neah and to his fonnes V„\'^''o,f^Yo"od. nagiftrtti. IjiptoatJiehigh . not aeainevnto him any more. ' • you, with the foula, with the cattell, an J with jb-ji oft rimes όοί I rri'^rtrt.;» ' I ? C And in the fixe hundred and one yeere, ^ euery beaft of the earth with you .from all thatW"«hvpo« ll.Ttr.eS :inUettU%ftL^^ : girtof March aud ; ^^fe dried vp from off the earth : and Noah re- : 1 1 * A.id my couenant will I eftabUni with j* c^.. ,.,r. Silt οίΛριηΐ. ^jQ^g^ jj^^, couerino of the Arke.and looked.and you . that from heticefoorth all Heih ftail not | Theiefow ,• hphnM rhernncrnartoftheeround was dtie. - be rooted out by the waters of the fiood, net- j!U«»'>s"de- ,4 AtidinthSnimS^^^^^ ! ther (hall there beeflood to defiroy the «rth *- = ^Ι.-^^•. twentieth day ofthemoneth.was the earth dne. | any more. ^^.., ^,. . , , r t,.'""'"'^''Tr I? r Then God fpake to Noah, faying. ; ix ThenGod&id , Thisis thetoken ofthe:to.nan.burair• 16 h Goeforthof theArke.thou.andthy wife, couenaiu which I make betweene i"ee and you. ;'^° ^^»^^^,_ ^ and thy fonnes and tbylonnes wiues with thee, and betw.ene euery iiiiing thing that is with ,,,,„,,e ^o.ld 17 Brino foorth with th2e euery beaft that is ,,you vnto perpetuail generations, j • it' Γ.Γ'* With thee, of all fleai.^.//; foule and cattcll. and ; ij I hauefet my kbowe iBthecloude.andu,d*«™y i-y euery thin» that creeptth and mooueth vpon tlie ί IhaUbe for a figne of the couenant betweene mee,^ Thechiidren earth, that they may brecdeaboundantly in the .and the earth. ^ _ ., . . ., jwhich ate not ytt commaudement, earth * and briiii foort fruit and lucrcdfe vpoti ' "^ *"'^ "Ί as he d.d not enter . , • k Ne»h itclareth his ebedicnce , in jthat he would not ^tpaic out of the Gyds expreire 14 And whfn*Iilial]cou-rtheearthwith aibotne. avecom- . . - cloud , and the bowe Ihail be (eene in th<;cloud. f^'X]f,^^, W : λ" A^ke , 8 So Noah came foorth,and his fonnes.and I . J y Then will I remember my 1 couenant «hicbu.e „ith their ling a fiet-xeof .he j^jj ^jfe , and his fonnes wi.ies with him. j is betweene tne and you , and bctwc eneeuery h-; f-he». thiiich , wheiein - ... i.in be Tioihi _ ione without the Wefd of God. S,i. , ^ ifoifacrihces which were a» an exercile of their faitli, wherby they vfed thanks to God his benefits Euery beaft . eu-'ry creepir^g thing . and «mg thing m all Heil• .and there Ihall be no more j;r-'o^;'^^ ^^ ^^^ leuiry foule. all that moouethvpun the earth, waters ot a flood to de troy al.fiedj. that fignes or fa- afcer their kindes . went cut of the Arke 16 Therefore the bow.nah >e - the aonde.cramcn.so,.,^. .attertneirKin ^^• j^^.j^ ^^ ^^ar to the Lord, thatlmay fee it .and remember the euerlaftingj coociepan. and tooL^ireueTv' de^nebeaftT arid of euery j couenant 'betweene God and eucr^'liuing thing, from rhe word. ckane foule , and offered bumt offerings vpon the altar. 21 1 xhcorderofn turedeftroyedby the flood, is r is ti: fignr of Gedr fte/ηψ. li NoJh it rfr,.i(^-« , «rr< >r«>ck.^ "f 'bit fo/iac , tvbomhe turftth. tf Tire ANi God a bieller^. Noah and iiis fonnes , and laid to them . * Hrinp foorih ftuit tip!y , an ! replen^ihih'- earth. his tent, [br.ng fouh, Chan. 2t And when Kara the father ofPCanaafy.t» faw thcnakednc:ff-i.fhisfaihfr,9 hectoldchi&jll'^^^''-^i'i•"» two brethren without. .... jo'^'ii'nijfetbe. » CHf-»'»|-W'.'»7t 23 Then tooke Shem and lapheth a gatmen'Jtoveontcjts to mnes.ana j jj ypon both their ihouldt-rs, and wentiO;er. tl 0..»/«vi^'" (CMfr to riHiirJIi. t He dedateth ihat the Gentile?, ipieaching ofthe ' ■Cefptl. j Ti? irtcrrjp of miakind iy Nojfc Mdliifj grace towards Sieit fathers. l> Of Madai and iaiian came the Jtledes and GreeSes. c The lewtsfo call all coimtrey«s Kvhicharefepatd- tcd from thc«n by i TsJ Ow ihefe are the =< generations of the fonnes aTtefe generaci- | "^^ of Noah , Shem ^Ham , and lapheth ; vnto ons are here rcci. | „:iiom fonnes were borne after the flood, riare'Sntr. ' 2 The fonnes of lapheth z-vfrir Gomer , and Jons increali in fo ' Magog , and ^ Madai, and lauan, and Tubal, and ( Ihialla time,and 1 Mclhschand Tiras. [ fteVm^at fortet. \ 3 And ; he fonnes of Gomer , Ailikenaz , and 'TiifeTle of Gods ι Rip^ath , and Togarmah. ) 4 Alfo the fonnes of lauan, Eliiliah and Tar- ! fliJih , Kittim , and Dodanim. j y Of thele were the c ylcs of the Gentiles di- jnided in theirlands, eaery man after his tongue, la?icl after their families in their nations. f 6 f Moreouer,the fonnes of Ham x-i/cre^Cufli, 1 andMizzarinf, andl^ut , and Canaan•. , i, 7 And the fonnes of Cuih ,Seba , and Haui- lie &i^wi'c'''^er ' '*^' ^"^ Sabtah.and Raamah, and Sabtecha : alfo ^u'en to the'c'h"!'^^ the fonnes of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan, 3?e,.ofiapherh, • 8 And Cuih begate Nimrod ,who began to i! 'ε'°"'Γ"'° [be e mightia in the earth, dofcnnland 9 He was a migluie hunter before the Lord. JMizraiin came the Wherefore it is faid , ί As Nimrod the mightie ithiopiansand huotcr before the Lord. rMe'nTn" acmdJ '° And the begiiuiing of his kingdome was opt«eVor''fnd ' ( β^''^' 3nd Erech , and Accad, and Calneh, in the i?nt>. _ landofgShinar. η^=\7,.ϋηΐί| _j^j Qm of that land came Asihur.and buildcd «etbt a^hat'er" 1^*"^"-'^ ^"^ ^^^ " ^'^'^ Rehoboth.ind Calah : iqth of Gcd and 1 1 Refcn alfo betwcene Ν ineueii and Calah: man ; for he paf- |t.bis is a great citJe. ie^f b!,g»,^ i^ Then loktan begate Alraodad , and She- jes.asappeateth, ' leph, and Hazarmaueth and lerah, c^ap. 1 1,9, 17 AndHadoram,and Vzal.andDiklah, f 28 And Obal, and Abimsel. and Sheba, 29 And Ophir , andHauilah,andIobab:aI/ thefe Z'Z'irethe fonnes of loktan. 30 And their dwelling was fromMeflia.as thougoeitvptoSephar ,a mount of the Eaft. 31 Thefe arethelonnisofShcm^accordingto their families .according to their tongucs in their couritreys and nations j 3 ζ Thefe are the tamilies of the fonnes of No* I ah .after their generations among their people: ^cr .cfafp.; ' £c 1,1 out of thefe were the nations diuided in the Hun', nMiom. earth after the fiood. A P. JCI. up of the tsuf αβοτι cftoji^arr. jr:othcreitic i: I?Ypt,calkdalfo [iibcl. 111 of Liid carat («he.Lydians. j g Or.ihf C.iifjr i Ink•!! Beciietht Church wasp e - $B •, r ], .ui- ' tf one afiiidhon t life may be preferued by thee. _ ^^ ,^. teginairg Abram was come into Ε-μ j„o,].er. beheld the woman : for llieU By ilus wei.i en of Gcdmjy ockc for no tt ft tin's world, ^nt r.nwaite forth, aiienlyrel) an4 ietnefle. 5 This was anew all of Abrwns *. Now when Abram was come into Ε fiieljii By Princes of Pharaoh faw her , aiid'"'''^'"' oypt.the Egypti. i, • ^ *^'' r• ' Ucjnie not to vie was very taue. "^ ly And th commended her vnto Pharaoh I was " taken into Pharaohs houf?; | \6 who intrcated Abram well for her fake, ,..„. to f !!t oihc.s fo the womanbn JiBget to fail* lour fekes.ie.idc 9.7-iudHh.i.7. Which was a titi'e of Msfopo- anua. 1 From the f.ood 0 this ijme wen oiiie hundreth neniyand t'ncc ecics. b Ir. appoi ύύι and giiedicMc . cfhufM. ir.to £g.yr'- '"έ' 'idupcfthf itartb hf go Ρ Or the Lord had fayd vnto Abram , ■•' a Get thee out of thy country , and from thy kinred, and from thy fathers houfe vmo >> the land that I will lliew thee. itijighim ji» ceaauiejlscc, he jreotteth fo mwc}) moit his and he had fl-.eepe , and beeucs.and hee alios . and^ttim te: j men feruants ,and maide.feruants and camels. ' . . r , ,,. : 17 But the Lord ". plagued Pharaoh and his ^ I houib with great plagues , becaule of Sarai A- t ' brnms wife. . , r , '^ I 1 8 Th(;n Ihar.ioh called Abram , and fayd: I VViiy haft thou done this vnto mee ? wlertfore i diddeft thou not tell me.that fl.e was thy wik•? 1 9 W I-y favdcft thou , Slieis my-filler , that I fl-Ould take her to be icy wife ? Now therefore behold thy wife , take her and goethy V-if 20 And Pharaoh gaue men Ρ comnaandemcnt concerning him : and they cortueyed iettfcrth and his wife, and all th.it he had. To the inieiit that none ΰ^οπίά hutth/jr. «ithein hisieffon CHAP. XIII Almm iepMitth out trfeic.albeiiic ay appeire -h-ir nd iliec alics, romncHic ihaiifhe.: ;^{;ieAvithci Godspvom.'.c Idnoihaite alien place: whe ppeateda «ealie tajth. - ,tljtni} feu jrjj li.i.•. To be his wif( The Loid tooli the delcnce of t pco:tntar.§ira- aini; ajnigiitie ling : and as he s c; tx caicfiiU ititt his.fo d.V, h preitiiie Sirti, gotds. tUwr 0/ tbi UifU Ti^, Vjfcneiis* «V teiumei. 1 8 Λ»*» ΙκίΙίιΛ j» tlijr tc ilvUrd 'T' Hen* Abram went vp fio7?.E^-ptihe and his ί wife . and all tliat he had , and Lot with him toward the South. I 2 And Abram x/vas very rich in cattel! , in fil- iierandin gold. „ .It w^t ....... ί And he went on his iourney from the South ρΐΓ« 'b^ihsVnamc 'oward >> Beth-el , to the place where his tent had ftbram deltuefeth Lot/, ,aHj! great ticlies gotcc-ja Egypt. hmd'Cilhmi not ;wiOllow hisvo- I b H« cillitli the gmeii vnto ii Cliap.iSi?. beene at the beginning , betvveeiie Beth-el and Haai, 4 Vnto the pl.ice of the * altar , which he had made there at the firft : And there Abram called on the Name of the Lord. , f f And Lot alio , who went with Abram, ir'«me""'h*ii ! ^i^^epe.aiid cattell and tents. »ici«""vhich '°'* i ^ ^° ^^^'^ rhe land could not'beare them, brsTicfticiaaup , t'lat they might dwell together : for their * fub- """■ "■■ ■" '*»« i ft-J'ice was great , ίο that they could not dwell to- '• ' gether. ' '7 Alfo there was debate betweene the heard- ijt. m;n of Abrams cattell , and the heardmen of Lots cattell , (and the ^ Canaanites and the Pirizzitcs dwelled at tliat time in the land.) 8 Then fayd Abram vnto Lot , Let there be 110 e /irife.I pray thee, be:weeiie thee and me,nei- Ikouodofn; ,^Cy-f.i6,7. ' dwhofeeicg theft contention, might bhfphtme God anddcfitoy ■ thtm. t HecBtceth otF t>.c occifionof CO If luion : tlierefi ?Λ wilicw^th. |tjis''betweenemin;herdmenandrhiaehcrdmen.• , ke.^tamtefigneth , i^r we be brethren. J 'i..s ovriie right to Ο Is not the whole land before thce ? depart ■ fcay jtact. I prjy j^jeg f^.^^ ^^ . jf £[^ο„ ^uj f j,^|^g ^j^^ j^j^ hand, then I will goe to the right : or if thou o-oe to the right hand.then I will take the left. ^ \ 10 So when Lor lifted vp his eyes, he faw that L«,vi. "' • ' fl'^heplaine of lorden was watered euery where Ι^ίίΛ,ρΓ.ο.: ^^'^ 'i^f'^'-^ the Lord deflroyed Sodom and Go-: y This was done j [norah.it was as the g garden of the Lord like the jvGodsptoui-^^^ I Una ofjgypt^as thou goeft vnto Zonr.) naS king of Adinah,aiidSbemeberkirgof Ze- boiim , and the king of Bela, which is Zoar. .Λ r^^'^'f- ;.^°>:"^/,f g«heriBthe vale of ^.^fj?" J^ *- 8 SiaUim, which is the d fait lea. «a„es among 4 Twclue ycercs vere thc^y fubieS to Che- rnnccs. dor-laorocr , but in the thirteenth yeere they re- ϊ^''•^''" '•'^"'"'^ ^^^'^'*• , . , , , d Calkdallothe jT And in the foarteenth yeere came Chedor- d^d iea, or ihe laomer .and the kings that were with him ,and '^'" Aiphalnte, fmote the (j Rephaims in Aft'croth Karnaim, and ^Tcomor'^ "" the ZuEims in dam, and the Emims in fl Shauetj ij Or, cj«(,' Kiriathaim, ili0r.tl4ne, 6 And the Horites in their mount Scir. vnto the plaine of Paran, which is by the wildcrneflc, 7 And they letGrned and came to En- miilipat, which is Kadtrft , and ff fmote all the countrey of 1 0''i'fi"S'it the Amalekites, and alfo the Amoritcs that dwel-» led in Ha2ezon-tamer. ; 8 Then went out the king of Sodom, and the; king of Gomorah .andthefcingof Admali.and the king of Zeboijra, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar;and they ioyned batteil with them in the valeofSiddim, i ρ To wit, with Chedor.Iaomer king of ElamJ and Tidal king of nations, arrd Ammphelking] of Shinor,& Arioch fciegof EUeafar: foure king^ againil liue. , ;o NowtheevaleofSiddemwasfuUofflime J ^^j^j.^^ pits , and the kings of Sodom and Gomorah fled ^as ^ " and \i fell there; and the relidue fled to the moun- with , helme* Was called the ι ialt ffa. •Abram and'his'^^ i τ„-Λ_'^''¥ ^-ot chofe^viito him all the plaine of ; II And they tooke all the fubftance of So• „ dora and Goroorah^and all their vitail«s,8c went/' their way» I i They f tooke Lot alfo Abrams brothers f the godly >» fonne and his iubftance ^for he dwelt at Sedom) piatutdmaiiy, and departed, ' ' " „nms IT J . t — , 13 Τ Then came one that had efcaped, and Λΐ;ί','1,ϊ*''^ί«ί 7feede might dwed ■'orden, and tooke his lourney from the Eaft : and told Abram the Ebrew, which dwelt in the plaine dajiJCr"*•*^ chelandof ( they departed the h on»: from the Other. -^ " -■ - — -• - • '• — - r _ & "» .'w. ,^ ' • i, ,,—■-,- -.— - of Mamre the Amorite. brother of Euicol, and i 1'" Λί .iingto i J λ\, J '^ u "^"•"^'^ 'V^^' '^;'4 °* Canaan , and : brother of Aner , which were g confederate with ,.ot= paiadife, tot. J f-°' ^^°'~^'^ "1 fhe Cities of the plaine , and pitched i Abr.tm. ^cii j his tent euen vnto Sodom. - - ixheLordcom- I 15 Now the men of SodomT/t/ffi• wickcdand tlt^'eltie»! «^^-^eeding i fimiers againft die Lord. "A^^Lhaot the ' , ^4 ^ Then the Lordfayd vnto 1 Abram, 'after depaitiue oihis J that Lot was departed from him) Lift vp thine sephew. ^ _ j cyzs now , and looke from the place where thou 8 Gci : li.em to loyjie 1 4 When Abram heard that his brother was with .-ibram. aa* taken.htii brought forth ofthem that were borne I"''«-^e*him aad brought vp in his houfe. three hundreth and 1^™ ^,^ΪΓ ' Τ; t'M'll/aa'^i.H",• Northward , and Southward . and Eaftwardi d;J;.h.+. landWeftwardr - \ 3 Meaning, along, ij For all * thclaiid which thoufeeft , wUI I ί '■"^ mi>"p of chriii i o'"- vnto thee, and to thy feede for 1 eiier, \ .r^tod.la, .+ and! ,^^ And I Will make tliy feede al'the^ufl of ) :,o. Deut, i5,i7J fweearth.-fo that if amar» can number the duftof ' 'and (pritually .h.5 < the earth, thcH ihA\ thy feede be numbred. ί t^rSnof , 'y Arife walkethorowtheland.inthelengihi j\bta.ii,botne ac- j thereof, and bredth thereof; for I will coLiing to thepto-t to thee. i«cti;S"othe i i8 Then Abram remooued his tent, and came i ι»ίΠ,, wiSchate f»a dwelled in the plaine of Mamre , which is in ! heirs ot the tint Hitions. .;υ Or, ^mti. I :| Mue it να- ι land ofCanais. Hebron,and builded thei-e an altar vnto the Lord. CHAP. X 1 1 1 1. JZ ΙηΦ fuirtinn cfSalom Ul ii ukin [ηΠ,Λ,ψ. n jt{,„„ liThat.s.ofEaby^ 2i A..^p,„ouU^H ieenri^heUytk. kirg^fSci,' i05i•. by kingshercj « χ, ■ . , , - , Jiieaniiig.themthat ^'^1 m the dayes ofAmraphel kincfofaShi- vertgovernoa» I _ nar , Arioch king of EUafar . C/ieikir-laomer cf nt.es. i^ing c, Elam, and Tidal king of the "» nations: ζ Tiefg men mad- ,-.varre with Bai-a kin: * b Oi" a people ga- - theied οϊ divsts SoiiofQ , aad with Bira^ feing of Gomorah %\λ^ eightec-ne, andpurfued them vnto Dan. ly Then hee and bis fcruantsdiuided them- lelues againft them by night, and fmote them, and puriued thorn vnto Hobah , which is on the left fide ottDamafcus, 16 Andherecouere-iallthefubftance.andaL lo brought againe his brother Lot, Schisgoods, and the women alfo and thcp^-ople, 1 7 f After that he returned from theflaugh- ter of Chedor-laomerfSCof the kings that were with him .came the King of Sodom foonh to meete him in the valley ofshaueh , which is the ■"Kings dale. 18 And* Melchi-zedek King of Shalem!*>.r«"^s,.».• "brought foorth breadand wine .•andhewasaii'^"'•^/'• Pneft of the molt high God. L t„tdiu x?fc I? Therefore he ibleifed him, faying.Bleffedj^ion.and not, " Λη thou, Abram , of God moft high. Poffeffour of I "'f" fa"iSce. heauen and earth. «i inthat Meichi. i, i Λ i" ^^'^^^ ^* theraoft high God , which : he dcciaud h^m- nath dehuered thine enemies into thinehand :felfetorepie(ent * And ^bram gaue him tithe of all. 'j ? ^'^f "^.'" «'? 2t Then the king of Sodom fayd to Abram,! hie r den *''* Omemethe t perfons.and take the goods to thy ^ ^>' 7.8. lelfe. " 'It Hir./.o/f,. zx Atj4 Abrajjiieyd to tfaekteg of Sodom.jii ]ΖύΙ '"^- ^^r^Tcaptiuitie of Egypt foreeold V Ihaue lift vp fnlne hand vnto the Lord the moft hioh God poiretlbur of heaiieii and earth. 2, t That I will not take of all thans thme. fo mnch as a threed or iliooe Utchet , leaft thou ^ ihouldeft fay . I haue made Abrar^ rich. 1 2Λ k Saue onely char, which the young men j haue eaten . and the parts of tlie men which.went ' with me. Aner.EihcGl. and Mamre : let them take iheir parts. C Η A Ρ XV. fjuh. 1 3 Ttf ferciluJf mi iAiu,y*n^'«\'fep,'t u ditl^ei. \t n. uu of an^ i,r"-if'i '*'>«"* '""'• i lo,.A.Uii!iA A Fter thefe things .the ihvorde of the Lord i ^ came vnto Abra^ in a * vifion . faying , ¥eare , not Abram, I am thy buckler. λπΑ thine exceeding ■ * great reward. And Abram fayd barai gmecn nagar-tt? *>t-^*iM«ni fnm thii a itrtri. ύ-c. x»Uie « -iJ"- I• HewOiJdnot ^athisVfcetality a»ijldbehu»tfi»U to othei;^ ti Air-"". 9His feat ^^^ "?i 1 9 The Kenites , and the Kenezites : and the Kadmonites. » 20 And the Hittites , and the Periaites . anj ; the Rephaims, ', 21 The Amorites aifo .and the Canaanites.i and the Girgalhites.and the lebufitcs. CHAP. XVI. ί Sim khg i^rf» i!u>tk Kj^.iv te Mr,tm . 6 Vft ich mtnuiih Miiilliiythhnijmr: i(, Ai,alii»giU knihd.ftr/tk. 7 Tti Argfl ccmfc-.teil, hr. n. n Tl.,».i«. .oirf mjiiivi ,/trt /osai. I J SI'/euli'thviQiilleLercl .nlKntfi'efif.i/it "ISJ Ow»Sarai Abrams wife bare him no thil-!^«^»;H J, tiSt^iue mer. feeing I goechildleflb.anJ | I IhaiU receiueachildby her. And Abram obei-, .a.c.^ I fc„.u« 'Ihfit^e! the" fteward of mine honle ef the blelled feed 1 mafcUS Ihoaldnotber- C0jnpliQ'e(l i"- * Rom. +-3. thisElieterofDa- ; edthevoyce of Sarai ihoaidnotbeac, j ^Ι,^-^ς Abram favd.Behcld.to me thou haft ' " ■ " ■ oiuen no fe. Jc : wherefore loc . a fcruant of mine houfe aiailb; mine heire, hcwghCodcoul* 3 Then Sarai Abrams wife tooke Hagsr hirj d"e|'|^'j,VoU aft mayd the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelled ten; n o> ,in4)„rM^, yeere in the (and of Canaan . and gaiie her to hen 1 ε»'• '' '"'"'*"' husband Abram for his wife =t-C/.ip υ.ί?- I it This is a ram- | oilat motion ot , Gods Sphit.xvh^'c:». isnotUwfulHor all to follow , ύ iskirg Kgne' : ut" Vf»S jermittedto feme by 3 pe"'- liarmotion.as Gi^dcoii ai.dE« »iih. f Thisvasthe «Ide enin^ie in jnakingcousuants leicm. ;e- '5- '<> the whiilt God addid thefc con- dition, that A- jbianis- poneiuie flauldbeastorn* jln-jfiece-.but af- jth'they iboiild le coupled to- alfo chit Then behold, the word of the Lord came . This man Hull not be thine f And he went in vnto Hagar, and fiie con-l decUni; what heire .but one Sikt'ihilcome out of thine owne i her dame was «defpifed in ht^r eyes. _^ ^ ,_.^ "3<ίΓ,^«4**Ί ceiued : and when ihe faw that ihc had concei\ cd, 'hey jaine diatv- . lempt anytJungt- y Then Sarai fayd to Abram . t Thon doefl If god.'* ' >1o.-ouei he brought him foorth andfayd. I me wrong, 1 haue giuenmy maidinto thy bolomi t £*'■ "i" Moi.quei nc ο ,^^» ^^^ ^ ^j ^^μ ^j^e ftarrcs ; and Ihceleeth that Iheehathconceiued . andlani ""i•"'*"• " ■ defpifediahereyesctheLotdiiidgebetweeuetna «nd thee, , I „ ^ 6 Then Abram fayd to Sarai3ehold,thy maidj Β Or.fijfr. is in thine II hand : do with her as it plcafeth tiieej Then Sarai dealt roughly with her: wherefore Ihe nto him , faj'in: t one I bowel 3, he (hall be thine heire, ' * Looke vp now VDCo I- - - , , ,- . „,^ , if rhoii be able to number them : and he iayd vnto | him. So (hall thy feed be. ,. _ , ,„,t^^ 6 And ^Or,^rn * ■.eleeued the Lord .and hee -1 counted that to him for righteoufnelle. 7 Againe he fayd vntohun.IamtheLorJ. that brought thee out of* Ur.of ihs Chaldees.to o-iue thee tliis land to inherit it fied from her 7 Τ d whIA wai But the.now Icdg- °^\^ ''Vhcn Sailed the name of the Lord that i;;^;» «V?;,;!^•" fpake vnto her. Thou God iookeft on rae ; for ihe ^h,„. ' (ayd , ε Haue I not alfo here looked atcer him that *^^ί,^';^';„;/-^ i ^'t ""wherefore the Well w.s called . J Beer- ^-^^^^ : Uhai-roi : loe ,»i " betweene. Kadefli and Bered. ! 15 f And Hagar bare Abram a fonne, and A-| i bram called his fonnes name which Hagar bare> ■ IflTmael. ^ ^ ,. ! i 16 And Abram t/»<»ifeurcfccre and hxeyeerca old.when Hagar bare him libn^^eL ' 'r CHAP. XV IL 41^^fh<. % ^limandt cijtg.i t" ur:firr,i Zii the fft ifm'ii nifiA. tht frnrnfi. 1 \ 1 ) ciRoninfiif^tii. Abraham [ 5 SarM h numtd Λη-.Λ. 1 llh. Lot%I, if Ihauenowfound jb spealtiiiVt)»', ■ • Ted , to tions, afwell he that is borne in thine houfe , as he ; fauour in thy fight, goe not, I pray thee, from thy one of theA/n fiie w that all that ^]^^^ jj ^Qj^ht Yvitli money of any ftranger , which IS begotten of man . ί i? r j ο ' is com.pt,and mull JS not of thy fted. 1 lie m^rtihcd. I *i<»m.+»i J. < Albeit women 1 3 He that is borne in thine houfe, and he that I is bought with thy money, mail needs be circiim- i cifed ; lb my couenant ihall be in your fiefli for \ an euerlafting couenant. Avcic nonuciim- ! 14 But the viicircumcifcd * man childe , in the^^'auateof i "'^^^^ ^^fli the foreskin iS not circumilcd , euen | Gols^piomlfc? fo^ t'lat perfon fhalbe cut oft" from his people , becaufe l vndct the mankind he hath broken my couenant. \ ailwa^confecta-, jy 5 Afterward God fayd vnto Abraham, Sa- ί da .Tiat whofoJ "' chy Wife Ihalt thou not call Sarai , but II Sarah | euetcontemneth "i/^^^^ff her name. j the figne, deipifetii ihey hadbinmea, the tree. ί Formenvfei y And I will bring a morfell of bread . that fcteat^™ you may comfort your hearts , afterward yee fare footed in ihall goe your waves ; for therefore are ye d come ihofe pans. to your leruant. ' And they fayd ; Do euen as thou ί^ψ^ί^ do«^ haftiayd. . . „ . , Udueiietoyoti, 6 Then Abraham made hafte mto the tint vnto Sarah , and fayd , Make ready at once three t meafures of tine meale.knead it,and make cakes vpon the hearth. 7 And Abraham ran to the beafts , and toolce a tender and »ood calfe , and gaue it to the fer- uant , who halted to make it ready. f Br. Siiw. e For as God gan4 ihem bodies for them the taciilties thereof, to waJlte, | rotate anddrinkCj andfuchlilce. •eci.if. 17. iy.il, f That is , about this time when flie (liallbealiiii, ^'.heM™""j ^2'"!^ •■ and I'TvIlT'cftaWidTmy couenant with | Saraluh^wielMlliaue a fonne: and Sarah heard Luomff.'of' made the tempo-! him for an s euerlafting couenant , β?2ί^ with his ! in the: tent doore, which was behind him. [this life. rail promiie , as * feed after him". , ι ii (Now Abraham and Sarah i-t/iri olde andlh For n,eratheif TihmaT'^"' '" ! ^a And as concerning lilimi^l , I haue heard j flriken in age , and it ceafed tobe wkh Sarah after '^Jj "J^",;"?' \i.iy.liiAit}, ! thee : loe , I haue blefted him , and will make him 1 the maner of women.) c"•"'/• ' frmtfttil , and will multiply him t exceedingly: I iz Therefore Sarahs laughed wkhin her felfe 8 And hee tooke butter and miike , and the time , fo gaue hi calfe,which he had prepared,andfet before them, and ftoode himfelfe by them vnder the tree ; and ' they did eate. 9 ί Then they fayd vnto him , Where is Sarah thy wife ? And hee anfv/ered. Behold, /Tife win the tent. 10 And he fayd, * I will certainly comea»aine vnto thee according to the time of i life : and loe then beleeuedth» ftomifi of Cod, "" faying, Aftei• I am waxed old, "Χ and my lord alfo, fliall I haue lufti , , I ^ And the Lord fayd vnto Abraham, Where- V-nap, Λ4Λ. 2i.rf«ii•.*• ^υι icceiutii. w».-^ «..y^. tOr.hil f E4r; % 3S t And the Lord went his way , when hee had left communing with Abraham, and Abra>« ham returned vnto his place, fore did Sarah thus laugh, faying, uhall I certain- ly beare a childe.which am old? 14 (Shall any thing be |J* hard to the Lord? at the lime appointed will I returire vnto thee, ««««according totlie time of life ,. and Sarah fliall haueafonne.) « ,.!*xii-u -i. -•ι Gods oiomdcnt ΙΪ But Sarah denied, faying, I laughed not.for j A^^'j" , euening there came two » Angels „,, i^ftmi», 3 in rfc.fH.rt I <*!■ ScJcnii.t. 26 Let, ^if, rviih th,i'fMi CHAT. XIX. . » Angfli inlthisioufi. 4 ThtfithjU^i'f^ \6 Lut is ii'liufxJi. 24. Soiom ii itJhoytiA I mjdt*lilUr'' »'>'•'""- ti lehoiiih.tHe Ebievr woid whW wee call Lord^ flieweth that this Angel was Chrift foe this vvoid is enelji applied to God. * C/iJf, I2.J.rf»l( 21 '8. i He (hevieth thai fathers onghc both toknew Gods indgcmeiits,andt declare them to their childreji. k God fpeaketh after .the falhion 1 men: tJiat is. I w enter iiitp itidge- mem with good adiiifi•. • If Fpi;,oiir fiiines thei went with them to bring them on die way. 1 7 And the l» Lord fay d.Shail I hide from Abra- {or Lot had but Angels , an■ fiftie righteous within the citie , then will I fpare all the place for their fakes. 27 Then Abraham anfweredand fayd , Behold now ,1 haue begun to fpeake vnto my Lord, and I am η but dull and aflies. If there fliall lacke fiue of fiftie righteons 2 And he fayd,.See my lords , I pray you turne Abraiiam three in now into your feruants houfe,and tarie alj '*''•'•ίΡ•'*•* night , and * walh youi feete, and yee fliall rife vf| ' early and goe your wayes.Who fayd.Nay,but v/& Wlll'abide m the ftreete all night. i ^J"*" ''•''* ^^'^ 3 Then b he prcafled vpon them earneflly , and "^""*^= '""'""^^ they turned in to him , and came to his hoiil'e, and; hee made them a feaft ,and did bake vnleauened , , ,,,,,., c Not tot that bread, and they <• did eate. the^ had necef- 4 But before they went to bed , the men of the fnie.biit becaufe city, euen the men of Sodom compafled the houfe t''» ''""<= "" "">' roundabout ,fiOfn the yong euen to the old , ^ alP,hcyToiad'ie- thepeoplefrom λ// quarters. «caie ihemfeines.' y who crying vnto Lot fayd to him .Where f '^°''^"S^j,'J^'*- ereigneih: Uf^ are the men.which came to thee this night ? bring f^XeU wh«e them out vnto vs.that we may Know them, 6 Then Lot went out at the doore vnto them, it conupied» aU^ and fljut the doore after him, 7 And fayd, I pray you , my brethren , doe not /» wickedly. ^ • τ f 8 Behold now , I haue two e daughters , which ^"^*^|"ghens haue not knowen man : them will I bring cut bit he is vr«h?ii7w ■ 14 Then Lot went out and fpake vnto his declare his fanom,; f Η {/».!?. τ Λ jr. This preentih that ;he Argeb iVaS'afdlhel'ore I thei'e ^Thcnlie fayd , Γ^αϊΐ not'doe it Vifl'find j fonnes in law , which I) n-^rtied his dau.^htcrs, and * c^t •« -■ aie wee humbled. * thjitie there I ^oiti^'i^iiiifi^ ' ^i Moreouerhe%d,Beho!dnow,Ihauebe-| ihe «icWsodo- gi'in to fpeake vnto my Lord ,whatif tweniiebe j jni-.es. euen to the foi,,^^ tijce J And he aufwcred, I will not deftroy , &i tlie godly fot the af iliaei- and I will fpeake but this oonce.whatif ten found there ? Andheaafwere4>lwill«ot de- ftroy jt for tens f«Sse. m fayd.Arife.get you out of this place : fir the Lord " °'fi'•''*^'^'• ' will deftroy the city , but he iecmed to his fonnes in law , as thoiigli ne had mocked. -t Ei'• »«'* *» 1 y 1 And when the morning arofe .the Angels Z'"'^^; ^ hafted Lot.faying.Ariie.take thy wife and thy two cod fltii.e:h to• daiTghterstwhicharchere.lcaftthoubedeftroyed; • in the punifliment of the city. fownelTeinfot-- [ Go jt; cauglu both hira imd iiis wifcandhis two daugh- \>t wifi:i*i4i' T-^. C^j^iGs Abraham and Abimelech^f 3 6 Tlins Kt/fte t both the danghtcre of Loi ' Thus cod yet. - • ^ nutted him to fall Ana the elder bare a fonne. andfl,e calle4 Xfoh,"^^^^ fines. 37 his name Moab : the fame is the father ol the! moimtaincs, f Moabif s vnto this day. t ^''O"' 'lie wicted- 3 8 AnJ th.; yonger bare a fonne alfo,and ihee TcMHttv^ called his name trtien-ammi : the fame is lhefa-| tlier of the Ammonites vnto this day. ters by the hands (The Lord being raerclfull Vnto him) and they brought him foorth , and let him j with childe by their faiher without the citie. i " ._ . -■... -n.. l j 17 ^ And when th^y had brought him out, i ί He willKlliim the Mnget fayd , Efcape for thy life : ' looke not jro rice from Gods bchindc thee,neicher tarie thou in all the plaine: \ iiidi;emtnr^, and gfc^pg j^jq jjie mountains, leaft thou be de- ; Idepaufi-om'tLt ftro^ed. | rich coimn-cv, and! i ij And Lot fayd vnto them , Not fo , I pray I iuiiofvaineplca. thee, my Lord. ; 19 B.holdnow.thy feruant hath found grace | in thy fight , and thou haft magnified thy mercy, j which thou haft ihewed vnto me in fauing my j life ; and L cannot etcape in the mountaine .Icaft ί /wwi euill take me , and I die. ζ ο S^e now this citie hereby to Bee vnto, ; which is a little one: Oh let me efcape thither :i$ Λ Fterward Abraham departed thence toward; it not a 3i little one , and ray ibule Ihall liue ? ; the South countrey , and dwelled betweenej a vvluch Then he fayd vnto him,Be'hold,I hauere-• Cadelh and a Shur , and foiourned in Gerar, CHAP. XX. I Alt, Ucl> t-th^tb Jivay hie xvt'ft•. $ Cod rf^oouHhthf king^ 9 j thr kS''^ Ahtuhum. 11 Si• ah if /rfierei ttith fti^t ^ift 17 Aii-rJ>Am [Tj}ith , Ληά the ki/•^ Mitts MiheAlrll. f Who as they were borne in moft hor- rible inceH.fo v»eie they and their polleritie vile & wicked. t That is , fonne of »j! i"y People: fign>fy- mg that they rathei leioyced in their (in, then repented for the fame. kthoHghitbe liale, yet it is great enough to faue my ■ j , , ■ η ,,- - life :v. herein he i ceiued f thy requeft allo concerning this thing; |ofFeiid*th inchu- that I vvillnotou3rthrow this city,for the which ismyhlier. Then Abi'mtlech king of Gerar fenti fmg pnoiheiphce [hoU haft fpoken. And Abraham fayd of Sarah his wife.t Sb^ now"wiiifaUen then the Angel had appointed hi.-n. Sl^.thff"'- Bccaiile Gods eommandemenr was to deftroy tin city , and to faue XOt, ,n Which before V, as called Belah, and tooke Sarah is mansftailtie. But God cametoAbimelechina dreamt r°fP'ii ^'''' 22 Halte thee, faue thee there : for lean doe 3 out. vjuu cdiuc lunuiiucicLmua ^^^'^^^^ itteaithtix 'nothing till thou be come thither.Therefore the by night, and feyd to him, Behold,' thou art but' breach of matiage, nameot the citie wa? called mZoar. oead , becaufe of the woman, which thouTiaftta^d The infidels 25 ^' The funne did rifevponthe eatth.when ken ; forihe is a mans wife. confeiied that goiI LotentredintoZoar. , 4 (Notwithftanding Abimelech hadootyet 24 Then the Lord * rained vpon Sodom and ; come necre her) And he fayd,Lord,wilt thou flay vpon Goraorah.btimftone and hre from the Lord | cuen d the righteous nation ? outofheauen, 5• Saidnothe vnto me,She is my fitter ? yea, uMi.2y,23.;/i.j »5 And ouerthrew thofe cities , and all the ' andflieher felfefayd,Heismy brother iwithanieAsOncfaUing 9./ίΛ5ο,+ο. plaine, and all the inhabitants of the cities , and ' vpright « minde , and ί innocent handes haueli''y'gn''"»«.an<* „,^nfl•,^ ^α,-Λ . ^«„Ω fl,;^ iJioidoingeiiillof piupof< would not panifli bnt for iiill occa- fion : therefore, whenfoeiiet hee pimilheth.the oc- cafion is Tuft. nleK +!' '['■ I that that grew vpon the earth. done this. ι,,ίίίτΛ^Ι'ά'γ]^ ι<ί f Now his wife behind him looked backe, I 6 And God faydvnto him by adreame.lirNoTthinWngte n AS toiicJirng the j and (lie became a η pillar of fait. I know that thou didJeft this euen with an vp-' doe any body oneiy : and | ^j ^ And Abraham riling vp early in the tDof- i right minde.and I g kept thee alfo that thou,'"'^'^j^ h- h I« ningz/i/i«f to ;^ place.where he had ftood before | ihouldeft not finneagainft me: therefore iufFered fnidcreteineth the Lord. j I thee not to touch her. them that oftend 28 And looking toward Sodom and Gomorah, i 7 Now then deliuer the man his wife againe; ''y'2"<'""««>*a' ijacrsd that way. and toward all the land of the plaine.behold, hee ; for he is ah Prophet, and he ifhall pray for thee. f.Zlxl^conuT.'* fiw the fmoke of the land mounting vp as the ' that thou raayeft line•, but if thou deliuer her not nience. fmokeofafornace. againe,be fare that thou Ihalt die the death.thou, 89 f But yec when God deftroyed the cities and all that thou haft eHam"n|lefore fell Sods mercy, he diirft not pro- molte him againe by continuing among the wiclced ρ Meaning, in tl toiuittey, which the Lord had now dellioved. <1 For except he had bene ouer- eome with wine, he would neiiet haue done that abomuiable atle. J tbi, Veejealiiie of the plaine , God thought vpon Abraham, and | fcnt Lot out from the mid Jes of the deftruolion, ; when hee ouerthrewe the cities wherein Lot 5 dwelled. ί 30 f Then Lotwentvp from Zoar,and dwelt ! in the mountaine with his two daughters : for he j β feared to tarie in Zoar , but dwelt in a cauCj hee ! and his two daughters. i 31 Andthe elder fayd vnto the yonger. Our fa- j ther is of e, and there is not a man in the ρ earth g ThenAbimelech riiingvp early in the mor- ning , called all his feiuants , and tolde all thefe thingst vnto them.and the men were fore afraid. 9 Afterward Abimelech called Abraham.and fayd vnto him , what haft thoU done vnto vs ? and what haue I offended thee , that thou haft brought on me , and on my ^ kingdome r^w great finne ? thou haft done things vnto me that ought pot to be done. 10 So Abiraelechfaydvnto Abraham, What to come in vnto vs after the manner of all the ] faweft thou that thou hart done this thing? earth. 3 1 Come , wee will make our father 1 drinke winc,and lie with him.that we may preferue feed of our father. 3 3 So they made their father drinke wine that iVght,and the •^Ider went and lay with her father: but he ρ rceiued nor.neither when Ihe lay down, neither when fha ri)le vp. 34 And on the morrow the clSer fayd to the yonger.Behold.yefternight lay I with my father: let vs mak'-him drinke wine this night alfo , and goe thou ^«uilie with him , that wee may tpre- lerue feede of our father. 37 So they made their father drinke wine that night alfo . and the yonger arofe , and lay with bim : but he perceiued it not , when fliClsy downcnsithir when il?e refe vp« i II Then Abraham anfw.red.Becaufe I thought thuSfSuiely thcl feare of God is not in this place, and they will flay me for my wines fake. 12 Yet inverydeide flic is my »»lifter:forfhe is the daughter of my father, but not the daugh- ter of my mother , andlhe is my wife, i 13 Now when Go-^cauled me to wander out Ϊ of my fathers houfp.l fayd then to her, Thi i^ I thy kindneflethatthGuilvlilhew vntome iiial 1 placts where we come ,* Say thou of me. He is i my brother. 14 Then tookeAbiraelrchfneepe and be. lies, , and men feruants, and wotien feruants, snd g.iue ; them vnto Abraham , and reftoted him Sarah his wife. I ? And Abimelech fayd , Behold , my lanl is ί before thee.dweU where it pleafeth thee. ™___ 16 Lifcewifs ■ h That is, one.To whom Godreiiea• leth himlelte fa- '- miliarly. i for the prayer of the godly is of foice towatds God. f Fir. in tkif k The wicJiednes of the King brin- geih Gods wrath vpon the whole lealme. 1 Hee iheweth that nohonellycanhe hoped for, where the feice of God is not m By fifier, hee meaneth his coii- fin ge.ma.'i.e, ana by daughter , Abta» hams i.eece.Chjp. ...20. forloihe Hebrewcs vfe the'e wordes. *Ct.i.tz,ti. tnajiitmM. Izhak is borne. Hagar iscaft out with 6 Likewife to Sarah hee faid , Behold , I haue Chap«iAXl. her ibnne. _Abrabams faitft tried. 8 η Such 31•. head, 3• •with whom thou jnayeftbep tfct- ■led from all d. n- heathen Kir g to leproiuehci be- taiile Oie dii^'cm- blcd, feeing that Cod hadgiuenh" anluisba.idashcc vaileandde ence. Β H:d taken awa- fiomihcinthegitl «fcoiiceiiiing. * MMth « i. h.-if.ll-' I. a Thciefote the nutadevi«8'«»- J-Cdjf. ΐ7.<ϊ. b Sheiccaleth het felleefin titiidt, that Qie dl• fiOt bqlscue the Angel. • Hedeiidetl iodspiamile Siadeto Izlwk, vihich the Apoflte eaUethperieeii- : Gal.+. iji. feare nor, for God hath heard the voyce of the iuen thy brother a thoufand pieces of filuer : be- I child where he is, toid , he is the " vaile of thine eyes to all that are | 1 8 Arife , take vp the chude , and holde him in with thee, and to all etherr: and Ihewasothiis ( tuine hand ; for I will make of him a great I Or,fl>cl i» ih Mi fit »: people, ip AndGodhopenedher eyes,andίl•.eefawa|!' i^'P'Cei well of water ; lb ihee went and fillc k,re„.m,w,. with water , and gaiie the boy drinke. hoi vie the mem 20 So God was i with tie child , and he o-rew I*•'"* "* ''*^•"* and dwelt in thcwildemclle .and was an f| archer, l- Auonchiti• 6«- 21 And he dwelt in the wildcrncileofParan, watdtWrgsGei" and his modier tcokc Lira a wife out of the land *'"f'«> of Egypt. P'o're' 22 ^ And at the fame time Abimclech and Phicholhis chiefe captain fpake vnto Abraham, faying, God ?i with thee in all that thou doeft. 23 Now therefore fwcare vnto mec here by God , that thoifwilt not t hurt mee , nor my chil- ^ ei,. itiUfAf,^ dren, nor my childrens children ; thou Ibalt deale >»** mr.cvtu. with me , and with the countrcy , where thou haft beene a ftranger, according vnto the kindnes that 1 haiic iliewed thee. 24 Then Abraham fayd , I will * fwcare. * ^% •''«,« « » 2j And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for aL^e an ovhi^in well of water, which Abimelech leruanrs had vio-bnaitcviorimpor- lently taken away . tir ce, tot 10 iuihfie- 26 And Abimelech iayd . 1 I '«"ownot whop'|i|^^'J'^'^j|'^^'^"j'^'* hath done this thing : alio thou toldeft me not, ou^VirTeiWe, neither heard I of it but this day. π wiclcdfer- reprootied. J 7 f Then Abraham prayed vnto God . and God healed Abimelech and his wife , and his wo- men feruants : and they bate children. 1 8 For the Lord Ρ had iliiit vp euery wombe of the houfe of Abimelech ,becaufe of Sarah A- braliams wife, CHAP. XVI. i IXhakiiltynt. 9 ΐβηαίΙ moikilh lltukc ^-t- Hagitt It tufloul with hn form. 17 T*f ^x^cl comforltib Hagar. u Thf toufMut Mivitne AiimeUi and AltAtMn. 33 Alirektm '«ilei rjion the Lord. "NJ Ow the Lord vifited Sarah , as hee had faid. and did vnto her * according as he had pro- mifed. X For * Sarah conceiued , and bare Abraham a fonne in his » olde age , at the fame feaion that God told him, 5 And /braham called his fonnes name that was borne vnto him , which Sarah bare him, Izhak. 4 Then Abraham circurocifed Izh.ak his fonne, when he was ei^l.tdayes old ,* as God had com- manded him. 5: So Abraham was an hundreth ycere olde, when his fonne Izliak was borne vnto hiin. 6 ^ Then Saiah faid . God hath made mee to | and gaue them vino Abimelech :' and they two |*^',{^^;°^*„*** teioyce ; a!l that heare , will reioyce with me. j made a couenant. ! ^ ' 7 Agaiiio ihee faid, b Who would haue faid [ z){ And Abraliam fetfeuen lambs of the fiockd ^ to Abraham, that Sarah flioiild haue giuen chil- j by themfeliies. j jdi-en fuckc ? fori haue borne him a (onne in his '29 Then Abimclech fayd vnto Abraham .What old age. j meane thefe feuen iambes , which thou hail fet by 8 Then the child grew and was weaned : and j themfelucs? Abraham made a great feaft that fame day that 30 And heanfweredvBecaufethouflialt recdue of mine hand thefc feuen Iambes, that !t may be a witneile vnto me , that I haue digged this well. 3 1 wherefore the place is called li Beer-ihe- ba, becaufe there they both fware 32 Thus made they a m couenant at Beer-flie- ba; afterward Abimelech and Phicholhis chiefe \ 27 Then Abraham tooke iheepe andbeeues,•"*'".'^'^''"'"''' d Thejromircd ftedc lliafbe coun- ted fiom llhai, aril notiiom iQi• jnicl.Rom.f./, !.eb.ii.iS. * The Iftmaeliie fliall come ol him £ leseiaithre- jionnceili all nam Tall atl'eftions to cbzy Godscom- nxandemcnt. g Fothispromife Jake mad* 10 A- faraham, and not becaiilc the childe had difcieiion and iud^emcnt to jtaj Izhak was weaned. 9 f And Sarah favve the fonne of Hagar the Egyptian (which Ibe had borne vnto Abraham) j < cDocking. 0 Wherefore flie faid vnto Abraham , * Caft out this bond^voman and her fonne: for the ionne of this bondwoman ihaii not be heire with my fonne Izhak. 1 1 And this thing was very grieuous in Abra- hams fight , becaufe of his I'onnc . 1 2 S But God laid vnto Abraham , Let it not be grieuous in thy light for the childe., and for thy bondwoman ; in all that Sarah toll fay vnto thee, heare her vayce : for in Izhak ihall thy feede be d called. 13 As for the fonne of the bondwoman , 1 will make him « a nation aifo.becaufe he is thy feed. 14 So Abraham arofe vp early in the morning and tooke bread , .md a bottell of water,, and gai:e it vnto Hagar putting it on her flioulder , and the childe αίβ , audi fe.nt her away : who departing, wandered in the wilderneile of Beer-ilieba. 1 y And when the water of the bottel was fpent, ihe caft the child vnder aeertaine tree. 16 Then Ihee went and face her ouer againft him a fane off about a bow ihoot ; for ihee fayd, I will not fee the death of the childe. And Ihe late downe ouer againft iji>?j,and lift vp her voyce,and wept. 17 Then God S heard the voyce of the childe, and the Angel ofGod called to Hagai- from ftea- uen,,and faii vnto ber .wriai ajjietli thee , aagar; captaine rofe vp, and turned againe vnto the land ofrhePhiliftims. 33 f And Abrnh.'m planted a groue in Beer- flicba.and " called there on the Name of the Lord, the euerlaftiiig God. 34 And Abraham w.is a ftranger in the Phili• ftims land a long feafon. f»€>on•. "c Ρ A Γ. XXI L 1, ι Tte fiitf-cf /tirah.-m it frotuei in cfftringH, fotinr ri^ik. 8 llkjk ii J figure cf CMfi. lo fhf gf7:,r.ui;,K of No»•»» Atrj^^imi inlhtr e/rrhm itnnrtli Fe/rl^.^ Λ Ndafrer theie things God did* prooiie Abra- ham , and fayd vnto him , Abraham, who anfwered.t Here am I. 2 And he fayd , Take now thin? enciy fonne Ί Slr.i«».i. Izhak whom thou loueft , and get thee ν mo the land of » Moriah , and ^ offer him there for a burnt offring vpononc of the mountaines .which I will^ wMefifigniK fl^ewthee. . ^,^j^!;r:U 3 Then Aoraiiam roie vp early in the mor- Wace he «as ho- ning.and fadled his afle, and tooke two of his ier- piomed : and salt)»- uams with him , and Izhak his fonne , and cloi.e ϊ^^",^ '^''"^"pj^^ wood for the binnt cftering.r.d rofe vp and went fc hcein Rood/ to the place, which Godhad told him, . kheihieieDjei«t sf his tintatio:ij fsei'jS.hcewasconitTiandcdto ofFeivplunt in fthem Sod hii picmifed tob]|0|'.' Hi (Ji«ii)[ioiu oi UM HoUd, 4Xhcg \]Or.w>Btfllf oMtr,i.rcfp.!ufM0. Tntjrirg hmltet, m Thus we Ite that the godly, as toitchinj outward ngs may make ice Η ith the cled thatknotf r.ot the itae Cod. That is.he wor— fped Cod in alU points ol Uiie R•-- AJbf^am goethto offer Izhak• e Hedsubtednot,; bnc God woidd ac-( complifli his pro- jiiife, thoHgh hce ihoidd facnfici bis fonne. 4 S Then the third day Abraham lift vp hi eyes, and faw the place afarre off) jr And fayd vnto his feruants , Abide yon here v/ith the afle : for I and the child will goe yonder and woriliip.and c come againe vnto you. 6 Then Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it vpon Izhak his fonne, and hee tooke the fire in his hand , and the knife.• and they went both together. 7 Then fpake Izhak vnto Abraham his fa- ther, and fayd. My father. And hee anrwered,Here am I, my fonne. And hee faid. Behold the fire and the wood , but where is the lambe for the bnrnt ofFerin defaefisi^ Abraham fauyeth Έ^^οώ field -1 h^^ nr Hen Sarah was anhimdreth twentie and fe^ «en yeere olde (tfo long liued (hee.) 'Λ^ίτ.φ,,^^,^β 2 Then Sarah died in Kiriath-arba : the fama**' "^' °^•^'"^•- is Hebron in the land of Canaan. And Abraham; came to mourne for Sarah and to weepe for her. a Tltatis, vfJien ί ί Then Abraham » rofe vp from the fight f ' 'I'J* '""""'«i -- his corps.and talked with the t Hittites.faying. Lotuft^^ 4 I amaftran^er, and aforreiner amongyou: paH"e noto»tafi{re: giuc me a pofleiiion of buriall withyou , that I ^'^ =^« "aniraii may bury my dead out of my fight. j ^endjb"^," """ f Then the Hittites anfwered Abraham, fay- tHir./is^Mef ing vnto him, ' B^ii . 6 Hearevs ,mylord.• thou art a prince ''of'' ^"js.go'Wy ■■' • . - - - κ orexccUcnt: for oriiis A The oiitly wsy «o oiiercome all SKiiiaiioB, ;s to 1 left v-poii Gods IjffOiiiilcKCe. ic For it is liie thsc ^, ,.. , r ' .. r !Godamongvs: in thechiefeftofourfepnidues .heEbTvTiVf;' Then Abraham anfwerea. Myfonne_,God ' burie thy dead : none ofvs fl«Il forbid thee his fpeairofdifhi ■ing: fepukhre.but thou maieftburie thv dead ί^ίr«■». ^atave notable will d prouide him a lambe for a burnt offerin fo they went both together. 9 And when they came Λ the' place which God had ihewed him , Abraham builded an altar c her It IS iiJie msc there, and couched the wood, and e bound Izhak 3iis father had de- his fomic , * and kid him on the altar vpon the «tared te him W^^od, i.er.t "^rhTrlvm' ^° "^"^ Abraham ilretchiag foorth his hand, J *e*ttie'we'd him "'° tooke the knife to kill his fonne. «clfc obedient. 1 1 But the Angel of the Lord called vnto him j*i*Hf<.2.ii, ' from heauen.faying, Abraham,Abraham, And hee ! anfwered. Here am I. ] 12 Then he fayd. Lay not thine hand vpon the j child , neither doe any thing vnto him : for now I 1 f know that thou feareft God , feeing for my fake i1li thou haft not fpaied rhine t oiiely ionne, J 3 And Abraham lifting vp his eyes , looked ; and behold , there was a ram behinde htm caught by the homes in a bulli : then Abraham went and tooke the ram, and ofFred him vp for a burnt offe- ring in the fteadof his fonne. I Tliae is, by thy ene obedienic tthou Jwi declared ichylHkr faith. ,|Or,Tru„/tii«t itfithboli^H thir.i '.pncly f^ntu friTK Η Eir. ity f,„tte, ithy.nHyfe 4 And Abraham called the name of that place ; the people of the land fepukhre.but thou maieft burie thy dead therein^ *at are nmabie." 7 Then Abraham flood vp . and bowed him- J^^'"!'"^'!! excel- felfe before the people of the land of the Hit- God" ""^'^ °- tites. j 8 Andhecommiinedwiththem, faying, IF it! . . be t your minde , that I fell burie my dead out oflVj/.'" ^"^ my fight, heare me , and intreat for me to Ephron the fonne of Zohar, 9 That he wouldgiuemethecauejlofMach-! pelah , which he hath in the ende of his field , that tfJi}f,T'' '*'* he would .giue it me for as much t money as it is w/»°»Xr' worth, for a poileiBon to bury in among you. fr a»•, inf^itfit,,^^ I ο (For Ephron dwelt among the Htttites) j Then Ephron the Hittite anfwered Abraham in |^ Mtmine aUthe the audience of all the Hittites that c went in at kitizens and uJn-" the gates of his citie, faying, bitams, I I No.my lord.heare me : the field giue I thee and the avc that therein is, Τ giue it thee : euen m I the prefence of the fohnes of my people giue I it ' thee to bury thy dead. 12 Then Abraham a bowed himfelfe before a Tofliiwttut ΙΙοΓ/ίίί^ΧίΛ ]" lehouah lireh : as it is fayd this day , In the hehjd them ]_ffi or prouiJe. g Then mount will the Lord gbe feene. I f ί And the Angel of the Lord cHed vnto thatToddoeA^*"' Abraham from heauen°the fecond time, _ i6 And fayd , * By ^ my felfe haue I fwonie (faith the Lord) becaufe thou haft done this thing , and haftnot fpared thine onely fonne, 1 7 Therefore will I furely bleffe thee, and will greatly multiply thy feede , as the ftarres of the lieauen , and as the fand which is vpon the ία fliore, and thy feede ihall poflefle the |/ gate of his enemies. ' 1 8 * And in thy (eede iliall all the nations of the earth be blefled , becaufe thou hafl: obeyed my I voyce. ΛοϊΗ fee and pro- Hide fccictly for Jus,3nd alfo em'_ •ently is feene, ond felt in time toniicnient, JE.-.i«i.++.ij. iuks '.7i. «eir.d.ij. h Signifying, that theie is no grea- cevthenhe. 'i'Or.MJs. I I d».^ 1 8. 1 8. /ii^t-fOiw «»«{ hi""*• *» Tti firii,{nt (rxyelh to God:' ■ - ~ -' - JJ «^i the fait, ^brahamsifervant taiketh f Elr. nnith.tt a which ceremoni : «leclircd the | fituants obediencf fowaids his rjnaflet.&thema- flers power oitec ; the fem»nt. *Thislhe»eththat an oathe may be teqiiircd in a law-^ fnil caafe. c Hee wouU not that his fonne flioiJi manic oiit cfthe godly fami- Jy : for the infon- oeniences that come by marrying > with thevngodlyj are fet foo.th in foiidry places o£ the Scriptnres. d Leaf} hee (hoolj lofe the inhiri- «ancepromifed. \ * CtJip. ix-y.i)• i . 13. IS. mi 15.18 ^^J Xi.i,. * pt MtfifelMO OrJSfri-t tfthc ttfofloedt : to wt «fTypii ΛίκΙ nufhrMtt, « That is, to Char• ran. f EiY. f lew, their kfett. ί He gtoandetk hi'S prayer vpon Gods I sromifc made to his mailer. 1 * Or, iMife mti t» i g The (fcraint mo-r tied by Gods fpiiit defired to be ami- ' i«d by a (igne, iwheihei God | profpeted his ioucney 01 ne li God giiieth good'-icceiFe to all things that are • vndettaken for the 1 glory of his namei and according to ] his word. J Hire is declartJ that God euer he*» Kth the prayers of bis , and grantetb '■ theii le^ueas. ί 33 hufiiAiiiettm^rikunuflr/. iaThtfrindiofRrlekjh rommil thi mMt/ntOti- $3 ^^>'y •"'« h/rconfext , Atiijh; Λ» ratis. ^ NOw Abraham was old.ii^'t ftriken iiiyeeres, & tlieLord had blellcdAbraham in al things, 2 Therefore Abraham faid rnto his eldeft ier- iMiit of his houfe, which had the rule ouer all that he had.*3 Put now thine hand vnder my thigh, 3 And I will make thee b fwearc by the Lord God of the heaiien , and God of the earth , that thou flialt not take a wife vnto my fonne of the daughters of ;y Canaanites among whom I dwell: 4 But thou llialt go vnto rny c countrj• , and to my kinred,'5c take a wife vnto my fonnelEh.f<. f And the feruant fn^-d to him , what if the woman w^^il nor come with mee to this land? flial I bring thy fon again vnto tlie land from whence thou rameft? 6 To wliom Abraham anfwered , Beware that thou bring not my fonne d thither againe. 7 f Tlie Lord God of heauen, who took me from my fathers Iioufe , and from the land where I was borne , and that fpake vnto mee , and that fware vnto mc,faying,*Vnto thy ieede will I giue this laud, he iliall fend his Angel before thee, and thou iliak take a wife vnto my fonne fro tlience. 8 Neuerthelefle if tiie woman will not follow thee.then flialt thou be t difcharged of this mine oathe : onely brin» not my fonne tliither againe. 9 Then tlitf kruant put his hand vnder the thigh of Abraliam his mafter , and fware to him for this matter. 10 f So the feruant tooke tenne camels of the camels of his mafter , and departed : (for lie ha,d all his mailers goodes in his hand ;) aniio hee aroie , and want to * Aram Naharaim , vnto the* citieof Nahor. 1 1 And he made liis camels totue down without the citie by a wel of water , at euentide about the time that the vv omen comzowt 10 axKwuvAter. 12 And lie faid,0 fLord God of my mailer A- braham.I befeech thee.+fend me good fpeed tliis day, and (hew mercy vnto my mailer Abraham. 15 Loe , I (land by the wel of water whiles the mens daughters of this citie come out to drawe water. 14 S Grant therefore that the maid , to whom I fay: Rowe downe thy pitcher,! pray thee,that I may drinke : if fhee f^ , Drinke , and I will gine thy camels drinke alio : maybefliee that triou haft ordained for thy feruant Izhak , and there- by ilw'l I know that thou Ijaft iliewed mercie on my mafter. ly f And now yer he had left fpeaking , be- hold , •> Rebekah came out , the daughter of Be- thuel , fonne of Milcah the wife of Nahor Abra- hams brorher.and her Pitcher vpon her ihoulder. 16 (And the maide was verie faire to looke vpon , a virgine and vnknowen of man) andihoe Ϊ went downe to tlie well , and filled her pitciicr andcxme vp. 1 7 Then tlie feruant ranne to meete Iier , and faide, Let me drinke, I pray thee , a litle water of ihj pitcher. 1 8 And /he faid, Drinke t fir : apd Ihe hafted, and let downe lier pitcher vpon lier hand ahd gaue him drinke. rp And when flie had giuen him drinke , fliee iaid , I will drawe water for thy camels alfo vmiil'. Chap. %^\\\\. t>gitliRera^his fidelitiiT^ - 'I Pi-ay thee .Is there roume in thy fathers : li^^uM^i^l, )Uie for vs to lodge ;n? ; ,iiy «hen they ap. i they t haue drtmken inough. ■; Eirt„<'mUi j 20 And fiveepowred out her pitcher into the Γ '^^' "■''''•"■ > trough fpedily ,and rannc againe vnto the well "^' to draw water , and Iht drew 'for all his c.-rniels. 2 1 So tlie man wondrcd at her , and lielde his peace, to knqwe whether the Lordc had made his-' iourncy profperous or not. 22 And when the camels had left drinkin»,' , the man tooke a golden || ^ abillement of l hafel» - a y/jf^f//weight,an ^sil now i haue prepai-edthe houfe,8croume for the camel's?: „ το W ut"; I 5 2 f Then the man came into the houfe , and ρ The scwJe w~~ ° he vnfadled the ρ camels and brought litter and «'«'"Wnt of ■ proiiender for the camels , and water to wadi his, ,1ion^"i' '''lu' I feete , and the mens feetc that were with him. f" hefs! " ^° ^ \ ίί Afterward the meate wa? fet before him• q The fideliue i but he fayde, I q will not eate, vntill I haue favde '""ί. ^"'""" ""^ '■ my meflage. And he faid : Speake oh. ' ^ "h*th ιΓ™":* t 54 Then he laid , I am Abrahams feruant, • ptefene their ma- ! jy And the Lord hath t bleifed my mafter ««sbufineirew ^ ' wonderfullj- , that hee is become great : for hee '^" *"*"' "*''■' j hath giuen him Iheep, and beeues, and filucr.and r Tobiide, %ηι;;- golde, and men feruants,and maide feruants.andj e* here to en- camels, and afTes. j '^''''. «^ "«"ft 36 And Sarah my mafters wife harh borne a' Γΐ*"'"";^ fonne to my maftei', when Ihe was olde, and vnto vetfe dedarcth. him hath hee giuen all that hee hath. f The canaanite; , 37 No^y my mafter made me f»veare . faying. ^Χ:^'Ά inou Inait not t.ikea wife to my fonne of tnti conldnotioyne daughters of ;yl"Canaanites,in whole land I dwell:: with them in ntar- 3S But thou ilialt go vnto niv ' fathers houfe "^S«• . and to my kinred.and take a wif'e vir.o my fonne. L^'kin^ks! ' 3 9 Then I faid vnto my mafter , What if the verfe 40. woman will not follow me ? * j ' , 40 who anfwered mee.Tiie Lord.before whom' I walke, will fend his Angell with thee, and pro- . i fper thy iourney , and thou il-alr take a wife for' j my fonne of my kinred and niy fathers houfe. Γ 41 Then fl^.alt thou be diichargedof "minel « whithbym'iie I oathe, v/hen iliou commeft to my kinred : and if »-|='»'>""« It'"*^ they giue thee not one , thou fl:alt be free from' '"*"""*• { mine oathe. j ί 42 So I came this day to the W2l!,and faid, Oi ί β Lord,' I ^ ,_ j. • Or, If. If. r.A Genef s. tord.the God of myrrafter Abraham, if thou iiow proiper my + ioiiraey which I goe. 45 Heboid, * i ftand by the vvel of water when virginc commeth focriii to diavvc water , and I fay to her , Giue me , I pray thee , aiitle water of thy pitcher to driiike, 44 And fhee fay to rne, Drinke thou, and I wiil alfo drawe for thy camels , let Iier be the wife, wliicii t!ie Lord l:ath + prepared for thy mafters fonne. 45r And before I hade made an end cf fpeakin» in mine " heart , beholdc , Rebckah came fortii at\d lier pitciier onberihodder ,andihce went downe to the well , and drewe water. Then I faid vnto faer.GJne me drinke, I pray thee. 46 And ihc m.idi hafte, and tooke downe her pitcher from he: fh-eu/der, and faid, Drinke, and I will giue thy camels drinke a!f4 So I dranke.and ihe gaiie the camels driiske a'fo. 47 Then I asked her.and faid , Whofe dai'gh- ter art thou ? And ihe anlwered. The dai^gbcer of Bethuel Nahovs fonne .whom Milcah bare vnto him. Then I put the abillement vpon Iier face, and the bracelets vpon her hands: , Β ι t. J 48 Ϊ And I bowed downe and woril-iipi-)ed the ?s o*r ;ί.χ'=, "^ Lord.and biefied die Loid God of my mafter Α- Ι braliam.which had brought me the t ngbt wiy to 1 take my tnafters brothers daughter vnto his fonn. 49 Now :herefure,if ve will dtaie τ merciful- ly and truei;; with my mafter , tell me : and it not, tell mc,tha: I may turne me to the a rght hand or this 1 river was not fpoiitn by the month, but or.ely jncditiie iiihis heart. to Izbak. Abraham dtetHl •when we hane le- «e.'ired any bcne- 3Kte of the Loid. •f H,;r. //I (if ».<; tftructh. 1 Ifyoiiwillfviel• and fiitlifiiUy g:ii< '^^ j|jg [^fj. |; you|φ S*.2M< ^ £in•. So they let Rebekah their fifter goe , and her nourfe,with Abiah.ims. feruant and his. men. 60 And they bl-Hed Rebekah , and fayde mo her , Thou art our fiiier , growe into thou- fand thoufands , and thy fcede poflcfle the ^ gate t>f his enemies.. HiifTUeii'RebeKahare&iancIher^eyiesjani — jd not wholly, Hittitcs , v^ere Abraliam wafc buried with Ssrah but as «hS fouies j his. wife. |of the godly lit«i | blelled Izhak his fonne , * and Izhak dwelt by icf the wicked in ' Eeer-laihai-roi. pepetttall i»aijie. 12 C Now thefe are the gcneraiions oflfli- mael Abraliams fonne , whom Kagar rhe Egyp. 15 And thefe are the names of the fonnes of Iffcn-.ael , name by nanje, according to their kin- reds: the + eldeft Ibnne of iflimael -vvr.i NebaiotWf ^^• /-/«•"»•.• riienKedar, .and Abdeel,and^fibfam. 14 And Miihra.i, andDumah.and MaiTa. ly Kadar,& Tema,Ietur,Naphiih,.?i Kedemafi. ' 1 6 Thefe are the fonnes of lilimael , and thefe «re their names , by their townes and by their ca- ft'es : to wit, twehie princes of their nations. f 17 (Andthefe a^t. t.he yeei« of the life of Hh.;^ wHch-H^ei, mael , an-hundreth thirty and leuen yeeres , and.amons the.Ata- he veeldedypthe fpirit, and died,and was gathx-iibians.'and' t x.ii)»ii. i.l*. isd YOtu his.i'i)eop]e.} ■iS And, fepatate ftoniilie Efau felleth Ws tiirthr^ht. r Ht m»incth tti rfweU among hii breihttnas the Aagtl from;fcd. Chap. i<. I». h Trtu» Is , widi child , feeing enc Uiall deilioy ano- ther. i Fotthitijthe cnely refuge i» »I onrmiucfic). •» ««/«.». u. '«.f^.t,,. I f Of, Itmflf is- in- j m.tni, * fir. tfrtiifoH in t k The rcpiobare ; C^ecme not Gods I btjie.us, except ■ they leele Jicm pielenily.&theii. to.e'AeypreictiC pefentpleaiiiei. *Hebr. 12. li. I Thus the wicked frefeite their , , , , wetldlycomntod:^ VntO laafCOb, lies to Godsip tnaU I S And they dwelt from Hauilah vnto Shur, that is towardes Egypt , as thou gocft to A ffhiir, Ipjmael t dvvdt 5 in the prefence «fall his bre- thren. 1 9 ί Liftewife thefc are the generations of Γ2- hak Abrahams fonne. Abraham begate lihak. 20 And Izhak was fourtie yeeres old, when he toofce Rebclcah to wife , the daughter of Betfttiel riie * Aramjte of Padan Aram, and fiiler to Labaii the Ara-nite. 2 r And IzhfiW prayed vnto the Lorde far his wife.becaule !h? was barren: and y Lord was in- treated of him. and Rebekali his wife conceiued. 22 But the children * llrone together within her : therefore ihe fayd.Seeitigif is fo, why am I * thus ? wherefore Πκ wenti to aske the Lord. z^ And tlie Lord faid to her , Two nations nre in t!iy wonnbe , and two maner of people fluli be deiiided out of thy bowels , and the one people iliall be mightier tiien the other , and the ■*• elder iljali ferne tiie yonger. 24 f Therefore when her time of deliuerance was fuliilled, behold.twinnes were in her womb. 2y So lie tliat came out firll was red, and hee was al ouer as rough a* a garment, & they called his na-re Efaii. 16 * And afterward cimc his brother out, and bis hand held EC.m by the heele .therefore his ijaxe was called laakob. Now IzhaV; was three- core yeeres old when Rebekah bare thera. 27 And the boyes grewe.and Eiaw vvat a cun- ning Jmnter,and 1 lined in the fields ; but laakob wa; a t plaine raan,aud dwelt in tents. z'^ And Izhak loued Efa•] , for t venifon vvat his meate, but Rebekah loued laakob. 29 Now laakob fod pottage , and Efau came from the field and was wcarie. 30 Then Efauf^dto Taakob.t Let me eate.I pray thee, of tha: pattage fo red, for lam wcarie. Therefore was his name called Edora. .? I And laakob faid , Sell me euen now thy birthright. 5 ζ And Efau faid ,Lo, I am almoft dead , what « then this birthright to mee? 3 5 laakob then faid, Sweare to mc encn now. And' he fware to him , * and ' folde his birtliri^ ιβηνυυ, J Gods fr•"- j 34 Then laakob ga-ie Efaubread and pottage uiViVn of"' i °^^'^"'''2> '■ 3nd he did eate and drinke , and rofe thechJJ, eod doe [he •OMtury. a Im t}>e land of Canaaii. ρ . and want his way : So Efau contemned hit \ birtliright. j C Η A P. XXVI. his frtmi'e. 9 Tht Κιπζ bUmeth him for dtn\tn( his Wife. ,4 The Pliltfltin hate kim for hn riches. if Stop kii-Lvelii. li AnH'iaehun xwAy. », Goicom- Λ Nd there was a famine in the " land belides "**■ -he firft famine tliat was always watch. cth todiieil the wryes of his cliJldten. »Ct.f..3..i. the d3^•es of A- braham . wheref jre Izhak went to Abimilech King of the Phi.iftims vnto Gear. 2 For the Lord appcaied vnto him , and faid, b Godspre»idenc^ b Goe not downe into Egypt .<>«» abide in tlie •' land which I fhalHhcwthee. Γ 5 Dwell in this land , and I will be with thee, { and will SIcHe tbee : for to thee, ai\d to thy fecde j I v.'ii! giue allthef ♦ countryes, and I will per- forme the oarhe which I Iware vntoAbraham thy j iither, 4 Aiftf I will caufe thy feedi to multiply 4s the ftarresofhea»c«,andvvi!]giuc vnto thy feede all * ^^Ύ'^,ι-ύ- ihefe countryes : and in thy feed ihall all the na- \\''\t W''*'^ tions of the earthbe * blefled. « "He'con.ir.e.-.detH j: Recaufe that Abraham c obeyed ιηγ voyce Abtahamj otcdi- & kept mine t ordinance , my commandlenicnts, VT{.\^'"f,\ n,yil:tutes,andt.ylawes. \^^.1ΤΙΧ,. 6 1^ ί>ο Izhak dwelt in Gei-ar. " follow the like. 7 And the men of tire place asked W;» of his '"'^«'Co'' »=''*,. Wife.and he layd. She is my lifler : ibr he feared ί'' Γ;"Γγ "ίΓα toiay,fte 1$ my Wife.lcft.pTii /;i,tliemcn of the'thc co.,mnia.ion place ihnuld kill me, becaufe of Rebekah, for ilie ■''«'«of F"''i was beutifuil to the eye. jof"""•' '*"" f»""- 8 So after he had beene there loiig time, AM-:4'«V„, 4^ ,,,,>. melech King of the Philiilirris looked out at a d whc'.cby „«ii, wintlow , and !oe ,he faw Izhak d fportin,"• with!'''" *«"5 anUdif- Rebekah his wife. '^'Γ«"η^ΐΛωι 9 Then Abimelcch called Izhak , and /a\d,ie or fl«wii,gft)me Loe , ih; is of a ftierty thy wife , and why favdft .i'^^dia fig-.-.e of thou.She is mv lifter? To whom Izhak anlWered. :^'""^7*'V''''' " Recaufe I thoughtiiw . It may be that I ll-.alldie iduf Ve „«Γ" ' for her. wife. 10 Then Abimelcch fayd.Why haft thou done '^^ '" »" 'S" ^'» this vnto vs?one of the pecplc had almoft Ten by i^'/^^i^i'ven- 'thy wife , fo liiouldcft thou haue brought ί finnc ;Etar.ce u.oiad' Vpon vs. I'g^f ^I'on »■«*- J t Then Abimelcch charged all his people,^'*' •""*"••■ ftyin»,Hc that touclicth this man.orhis wifejlwlli die the death, 1 ' , 1 2 Afterward Izhak fowed in that land , anJj ^ Or « butJrrfi ' found in the fame veere ant liundreth foldc by!rT,My-^r,i. * ! eftimition : and fo the Lord bleiled him. It i^ krrm,t 13 And the man wa.v,cd miglitify, and t ftiliu- /""'ί!!"'ί*'"' creafed. till he was exceeding great. f<(re,f,^^, φ 14 For he had flocks.of iheepe, and hcards of i cattle , and a mighty houihould ; therefore the Philiftims h.ad ζ enaie at him, , ^^ ,^ύΜαχί I f Infomuch that the Philiftims ftopped , and |1„„y aiwaye< the filled vp with earth all the wells, which his fathers igi^^e« of codia feruanti digged in his father Abrahams time. ;°*"*• 16 Then Abitnelech faid vnto Izhak, Get i j thee from vs , for tliou art mightier then wee 4 ■ great deaie. J 7T Therefore Izhak departed tlience ?c pitched j | his tent in the l> valley of Gerar , and dwelt there. * "^^ i*•*" j J 8 And Izhak returning, digged the welles of I μ'^"^"'^?^'^'*' water, which they had digged in the dayes of A-' where water »« br.ihamhis father .for the Philiftims had ftopped »"y «une wanttk^ them after the death of Abraham . and he gaac them the fame iiames.that his father gaiie them. : 19 Izhaks feruants then digged in the vallcyj i and found there a well eft liuing water. \^o^'ft'i'lH' i 20 But the herdmen of Gerar did ftriue with! i Izhaks herdmcn.faying.The water is ours,there- i \ fore called he f n.imeofthe wcii*• iiftk, becaufe j» cv. «πίβηΛΛ they were at firife with him. j/hi/<.' 2 1 Afterward they digged another well , andj ftroiie for that alio , .inam. Efau is fent for veyhiTon. G^nefis. ι To njnific tliac i!ice would feme ioione o'Jier God, but •''.c eodof his fathccAbtt- ham. . 2f Tlien he built an* altar there .and called ; before his death. φοη the Name of the Lord, and there fpred his ; n But laakob faide to Rebekah his mother; IzbakblefTeihlaakor^^ cent: where alfo Izhaks feruants di^^ed a well. 2(5 f Then came Abimelech tohim from Gc- rar , and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Phichol the-captaine of his armie. 2 7 Towhome Izhakfaid, wherefore come ye fo me, feeing ye hate me and haue put mee away from you? 28 who atifwered , Wee fawe certainely that the Lorde was with thee . and wee thought thus. Let there be now an oathe betvveenc vs , euen re- tweene vs and thee , and let vs make a vouenant with thee. 29 1 If thon flialt do vs no hurt, as we haue not touched thee, and as we haue done vnto thee no- Beholde , Efau my brother ii rough , and I am fmooth. 1 2 My fatiier may poffibly feeie me.and I Hiall ^ feeme t to him to be a * mocker;fo ihall I bring a J^_.^'• *■■/'"■'**" curie vpon me.and not a bleffing. » or, μ aeugh t 15 But his mother faid vnto him, * « Vpon me'»»"'•' *•"ί•"! be thy curfe,my fonne.-onely heare my voyce,and {^'"^^ , ^ go and brinviUu\t iThe rbrewesin fweatingtegiiine ifT^'d'vHaeinajidjthing but good, &: lent thee away in peace: ihou the xcft, that is^_ How.the blelled of tiie Lotd,deThit. that God iliall pimiiVi him tliat brealcih the oath here the wicked fl.ew that they ate a&aid leaft that come to them which tl-.ey vvoitld ^0 10 other .,•//«/ 14 So he went and fet thetn.and brought theme xhc aiiiitance nl thitMHCih hi> death. 43 Retek»hffKdtth iTukebav/t^. f ANd when Izhak was olde, and his eyes wera. dimme (fo that he could not fee) hee calleci Efau his eldeft fonne , and faide vnto him , My fonne. And he anfwered him.t I am liere. 2 Then he faid , Behold , I am now olde , ani^ know not the day of my death. 3 . Wherefore now , I pray thee take thine '\n~ neere now, tnat 1 may reeie tnee,my ion ,! ther thoube that my- fonne Efaujor not. .^ 22 Then laak ob came neere to Izhak his fa- ther,and he felt him,& faj-d, The β voyce ύ laa- kobs voyce.butthe handsVre the hands of Efau. « ThisdccljreiJj 23 (Forheknewhimnor. becaiife his handes i,„, .^.[J'^^ were rough as his brother Efaus hands : where- cod would W foreheblefledhim.) haue his deac» 24 Againe hee fayd , Art thou that my fonne 'J'"'^: Efau ? Who anfwered. t Yea. * ^^'• ' '''' 2y Then faid he,Bring it me hither.and I will eate of my fonnes venilon , that niyfoulemay ftruments .thyquiuer and thy bowe, and get thcof blcilethee. And he brought it to him,and he ate: to the field , that thou mayeft t take mee icn:e| alfo hee brought him wine , and hee dranke, ' venifon. ' i z6 Afterward his father Izhak fayd vntq hinjj 4 Thenmakemee fauourie meate, fuchasl Come neere now, and kiflemee.my fonne. U af- loue, and bring it me that I may eate. and tliat my j 2j And hee came neere and killed him. Then ichhee ^ fpnie may blelli; thee, before I die. * he fmelled the fauour of his garments and bleflecli 5 (Now Rebekah heard, when Izhak fpake him, and fayd , Behold, the f:i:ell of my fonne /λ to Efau his fonne)and Efau went in to the ueld to ( a» f fmcll of a Held,which the Lord hath blelTed.j hunt for vcnifon.and to bring it. \ 28 "" God »iue thee therefore of thedeweofl'^'fiiir.Ji.-Mt 6 f Then Rebekah fpake vnto laakob her heatien.andofthe fatneflcof theearth,andplcn-| fonne , faying, Beholde, I haue heard thy father tie ofwheateandwine. ! talking with Efau thy brother .faying, j 29 Let people be thy feruants . and nations I 7 Bring mee venifon . and make mee fauourie j bow vnto thee ; be Lord ouer thy brethren, and meate, that I may eate and blefle thee before the 1 let thy mothers childre honour thee; curfedie )ιά , Lord.afore my death. I that curfeth thee.andblefled^f hejhleifsth thee^s 8 Now therefore, my foime , heare my voyee I 30 f And when Izhak had made an ende of! '. in that which I commandthee. bleffing laakob , and laakob was fcarce gone out ; frThisftibtiltieis j j, b Get thee now to the fiocke.and bring me from the prefence of Izhak his father, then came' cauft'D^lotlid thence two good kids of the goates , that I mav' Efau his brother from hunting. haue tamed till make pleafant meate of them for thy father , fucn God had petfoi- \ as lie loueth. aicdluspromiie. j q xhe^ t},oi, ^^^\i {,γ,•,,^ \i ^q tj^y fj^iier , and hee fiiall eate. to the intent thitc he may bleue thee 3 1 And hee alfo prepared fauourie meate.and' brought it to his father.and fayd vnto his father»' Let my father arife.and eat of his fonjies venifon, that thy foiik may bleue mai ■ 32 BM bfau tlirea neth laakob• f Inptrteiiiing his enour.by ap- pointing his heite sgainft Godsfen- tjjicepionounied fceiore. J tn the Chip. i> hee WJS fo cillid, btcaiireheeheid his brothcibf the heele, as though hi Λ¥θΐιΐί oaetthrow him: and thcfcfon he ishtcre called an oiieahtewet, or deceiner. h for Iihaltdid this as he was the miniftet and Pro phet of Cod. II Or. f -.m-iyo tit,/.»»..) *Hiir. «Ϊ '7• Chap:XXVnT. J B^litfe thirt inemiesOialibe round akoiit^thce . i WhicJTwa! £al- illedinhispofle- ritie the Idiime- ins :,>«ho weie nibtftafies foi a j time to Iftael, andi aftcccante to li- •fce.tie^i *οω.ι.ιο. ! Hypocrites one- Jyab Heine ftom ' ,iioiiig ciiUlfoc J feate of men. I m He hath good hope lorecouct his birthright by iillijigthee. j{i But his father Izhak faydc vnto him , Who art'dioii ? And he anfwgretl, I am thy fonne , euen thy ^irβ borne Elan. 35 Then Izhak was f ftricken with a mariiei- loiis great feare.and fayd , who and where « liee that hunted venifon , and brought it mee , and I haue eate i) of a'l before thou camcft ? and I iiaue blcfled him, therefore he flulbe blelfed. 54 when Elan heard the wordes of his father, he cryed out with a great crye and bitter . out of meafure, and fayd vnto his fathcr.Blefle me , eucn me alfo.rny fariier. 5 J Who anfwered , Thy brother came with fnbtiltie.and hath tak.en away thy bleffing. 36 Then hee fayde , Was hee not iultly called i laakob ? for hee hath decerned mee thefe two times : he tooke my birthright, and iocnow hath he taken my bleflfiag. Alfo he layd , Haft thou not referued a bleffing for me? ?7 Then Izha'c anfwered.and fayd vnto Efaa, Beholde , I haue made him'* thy iorde , and ail his brethren haue I made his feru'ntsralfo with wheat and wine hjiie I furnilhed hl.n , & vnto thee now w=hat lliall I doe.my fonne J 5 8 Then Efau fayde vnto his father. Haft thou but one bleiliug . ray father ? blelle mee , || euen me alfo, my fatner ; and Efau lifted vp his voyce, and * wept. 59 Then Izhak his father snfwered, and fayd vnto him, Beholde ,the fatneflt; of the earth iLal be \ thy dwelling place, and thoupjolt haue of the dewe ; of heauen from aboue. < 40 Ani ' by thy fword (halt thou Hue , and jflialt be thy brothers k leruant. But it (hall come I to paife , when thou ihalt g^t the mafterie , that I tiioii Ihalt bieake his yoke from thy necke. ] 41 f Therefore Eiau hated laakob.becaufe of I the bleifia» , wher^iih his father blelled him. 2 Arife , * get' thee to * Padan Aram to the houfe of Bethuel thy mothirs father , and thence tike rlie η wife of the daughters of Laban thy mothers brother. «>/■'. 1 1-1», »Ci«p.U.,e. I Or.oln^fhiit: were pot in mind continnallyj that ihey were (hangers in ί world ; to thr :nt ihey OionM lift vf their eytt to ihe heaiicnt here they flioidl hiiie a fuie i\^ei- li;.i η For the wielted fonire will kill the jodly : and the j f lagtie of God wil laitetvvatd lighten 'the wicked loKHt. ι ο which were Ilfaui wines. ρ Heveby iliee per- il f waded Izhak to a- '^'ee to laalobis ί departing. la Thisfecond bleffing was to kinfi.me laakobs faith.leafthe Uhould thinke that Ihisfathethad giueu it w itlianc GoaS And Efau thought in his minde , * The dayes of mourning for my father will come ihortly , 1 then I will ilay my brother laakob. 42 And it was tolde to Rebe!i.ah of the wOrds of Efau her elder foime , and fhee fenr and called laakob her yonger fonne,and fayd vnto him , Be- holde , thy brother Efau»" is comforted againft thee , meaning to kiil thee : , 45 Now therefore my fonne , heare my voice; arife, & flee thou to Haran to my brother Laban. 44 And taiy with him a while vntiJI thy bro- thers fierceneilc be fwaged. 45• And till thy brothers wrath turne away from thee, and hee forget the t'iin»es,which thou haft done to him ; then will I fencte and take thee flora thence : why (lioulde I be " dcpriued of you both in one day ? . 46 Alio Rebekah faid to Izhak , *I am weary of my life , for the » diughteis of Heth. If laakob take a wife of the daughters of Heth like thefe of the daughters of the lind , ρ what auaikth it mee to liue ? CHAP. XXVIII. /^atfe'iiVAl!» Ίλλ^Ι• I' fk •> "--f' 'ftl^ CMMidt/t. 6 E. ml. I a ljuk.il i' liti tb^s '" H^rtaftetlnUUttrtiMi'gti h-jufM. 14. CiuJUtfTjmifil Τ Hen Izhak called laakob and • blefled him, and charged him,and fjide vnto hira,tal^e aot J wJfs^ef the daughters of Can-Mn, 5 And God all || fnfficicnt Wefle thee ,. and yake thee to increafe , and miiltiplie thee , that thou mayeft be a multitude of people. 4 And giiie thee the blelTing of Abrahatn, euen to thco and to thy feede wi;h thee, that then mayeft inherite the land (wherein thou art a ^ ftranger.) which God gaue vnto Abraham. y Thus Izhik fent forth laakob , and he went to Padan Aram vnto Laban fonne of Bethuel the Araraite , brother to Rebekah , laakobs and Efaus mother. 6 f When Efau fawe that Izhak had bleifed laakob , and fent him to Padan Aram , to fet him a wife thence , and giuen him a charge when hee. bleded him , faying , Thou il^.alt nor take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. 7 And that laikob had obeyed his father andi his mother , and was gone to Padan Aram : I 8 Alfo Efau feeing that the daughters 6fCa-! naandifpleafed Izhak his father. 9 Then went Efau to Iilimael,andtookeirvn-|ll°'-*'/*%'' to the wiues ft/fj/c/; /;i ^Λ^ , Mahalath thedaugh-j*'^^;^],. ^^ ter of e Khmael Abrahams fomie , the fitter of Na-j to banc lecoac;;, baioth , to be his wife. hrmfelfe to his fL ί ο f Now laakob departed from Beer-nwba.l *" > ^ ^ •" . andwenttoHaran. Γ««ϊ*«"*"^ ί I And he came vnto a eenaine place, and ta-^ «aafe of the eniU, ried there all night becaufe the funne was do\Vn J and tooke of the ftones of the place , and laid vn-| W dsr his head and llept in the fame place. ! J 1 1 Then he dreamed, and behold.there ftoodi f P"'" •' *« " a ''ladder vpon the earth, and the topofit reaJGodVJml^'lre died vp to heauen : and loe , the Angels of God; ioynei together.^ went vp and downe by it. j by whom the An J 15 ■" And behold, the Lord ftood aboue it, and 6«is "><««« vntej faid , I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father. H, g^,';"v,uo vs!"^ and the God of Izhak : the land , vpon the which and %ve bvhim af- ' thou lleepeft, « will I giue thee aiad thy feede. «««d imo heauen» 14 And thy feede ihallbeeas the duftofthe, *".φ.35... «> earth.and thou Ihalt fpread abroad * to the Weft,' ί He felt the fotc« and to the Eaft,and to tlie North,and to theSouth, of this pjomife and in diee and in thy feede fliall allthe * families' »",^ί>.''ν f"* = ("« '- ' ......•;. i all his life tim« was but a ftran- !.iS.d-az,i8.6• of the earth be blelled.' _ 1 y And lo, I am with thee, and will keepe thee| get in this land whitherfoeuer thou goeft , and wil bring thee * ο^ίΐίΐο. * againe into this land : for I wil not forfake thee vntill I haue performed that, that I haue proraifcd thee. 16 ^ Then laakob awoke out of his fleepe and faid.jiurely theLord is in this»ii|ace,and I was not aware. 17 And he was ^afraid ,andfaid,Howfearefuj;^"" ,, , is this place .' this is none other but the houfe of -"^dlJe'lt.nce God.and this is the gate of heauen. ^ to be a temem- 1 8 Then laakob role vp earely in the mor- Fra«« «nely oT ning , and tooke the ftone that he had laid \ nder j^'],^/''•''" *'«** his head , and 2 fet it vpa}*d piiia r , and po wred oyle vpon the top of it. 19 And hee called the name of that place β Beth-el : notwithftanfting ihe name of thee it ie was at the firit called Luz, zo Tlien laakob vowed a vowe , faying , If i» God will be witli me . and will keepe me m this f "?" ' -f&J^ 10 tirney which I goe , and will giae mee bread to rroiicth to be ' eace , and cioath^fi to put on ; lih»aketai. Β 5 ζί So oucheA >him. ■Ck1r.ii.13. Or. U.ficrCoi, I He bindeih not Sodvnderthis ndition.butx• Γ imkohi vo we. laakob and Laban. Gei jefis» Lc^bbfougbt ο laakob* .^>- aTliat'ii, }iee Wen Jortlioii his iout. J ELr. to ihr Umi tfihciiUrincf -dheBlfi. JbThtis hee was di «efled by the ojitly jpe:tidcncc of j •^od, who broujhif *im alfo to La- '; lkanihoiif«. i c It feenie A that dn thefc d.iyes the «nflojiie was to «all ««Μ fiian-, Λ Oi.he is is jeace ) by the which wofd the ^ticHeiligtiilie. ( OfcilififJIW. <ί That I!, tlif *a«( : spvliyhc dcpa:£€ii ^u>m his fot]-.trs Sioi)fi>J!iiue the teeth vnco thee, CHAP, XXIX. S3 fjJ^eS un:melh to LiUn utJ fenutt 'frn'X plltt fcrPjkt. i} U.ih l.rovghi to lii Minfl-idcfRahel. ij Ht fiiunh Jfittn yffvts ΤΛΟί for ϊϊ>ίίΐ'/. 31 Lfoh coricHt'.eth ttfiA Lejuth 'V Hen laakob a lift vphisfeete £ad came into the t Ealt count rsy. α And as he looked about, behold, there was 3 well ill the field, '^ and lo, three tJockes of iiieepej lay thereby (for at that well were the flocks wa- i teredj and there was a great ftonc vpon the wcls mouih. ] 3 And thither were all the flockes gathered, : and they rolled the ftone from the wefles mouih.i and watered the fl'.eepe.nnd put the ftone againej vpon the welles mouth in his place. ί 4 And laskob faiJe vnto them ,My 'brc-{ tbreiijWhence bee yee? And they anfwered.Wee! areofHaran. | f Then he faid into them , Knowyee Laban ; the ionneofNabor ? Who faid -Weknowhina.', 6 Agiine he faii vnto them , d is he in good j health? And they anfwered, He ?'/ingoodhe«lth, and b?hokl. , his daughter Rahel canimeth with theflieepe. ! 7 Then he faid , Lo./i L• yet hie day , neither j is it time that the cattcll ihould bee gathered to- gether : watcryc the Iheepe andgoteede them. i But theyfa-d. Wee may not , vntiil allthe flocbes be brought together, and tiil men roll the ftontfroin'the welki mouth, that we may water 4hc ilieepe. 9 f While he talTced witbthem , Rahel alfo I eanaewith her laths; s iheepe^forihekeptthera, j I ο And sTibone as laakob faweRahcl the ' daughter of Laban his mothers brother , and the ;(liecpeofLaban his mothers bro-Jjer.thtn came 3a.ikob ncere,& rolled the ftone I'rora the weJles imonth , and vvatered the fiockeoi Laban his mo- n, 5 2 And Leah conceiued and bare a fonne, and f °,"'' ' flie called his name Reuben: for flie faid.Kecaufe the 1 Lord hath looked vpsn my tribulation, now therefore mine husband will "> loue roe. 33 And/lieconceiueagaineand bare afcnne, and faid , Becaufe the Lord heard that I was ha- ted , he hath therefore giuenmee uusfinne alfo, and /he called his name Sitnron. 34 And ihe conceiued againe and bare a fonne, and faid. Now attiiis time will my liusbsnd keepe i«y hef hiisba fig- e of chart,•, α IliamcfiiU- iicflc. Heefleemed ntc tht prnfiti ■hat he had of iaj. Kobsfeu-cc, then sjihei hispromife orihe.maneiof the coimny, though he al! mtiltimde ofchildten: fotfc aakob doeth ex- pound this mme Gld, Chap. +». ι e which is a kind of hetbe whole iobtehathacer- «iiti« likeneiVe of the figiat ofa luao \ Eir.l-jjini t |i r'n fc'd of ac- knowledging het i ia«lt, flic boafieth lasif Godiiadrc- ■wjrdei hW Λ«ι«- gBeCanfe foutfnl ne;rc cjir.e e£ God blefsine, who UU leaK and mul• lijly: batienr Wis coajiwd a coife. BO'.rrlVjI^i Β Ot , Jtl'b mf. h The order of na- ture reqniteth chat eiieiy one ptociide loihisovTiie fa- liJkobs f potted kmbes, t± ings Iiaue I vtff eftled with Wy fifter , & haue gotte the vpper hand : aiid ihe called his name.NaDhta!i. 9 And when Leali faw that iK' had left bea- rmg , iliec tooke Zilpah her mayde, and gauc her "aakob to wife. Ϊ0 And Zilp^h Leahi maid bare laakob a fonne, 1 1 Then faid Leah . d A company corametli : and ihs called his nama. Gad. 12 A^aine Zilpali Leahs maid bare laakob another lonne. 13 Then fayd Leah, Ah. bleffed am I, for the daughters will bleilc me, and fhee called his nade Aflier, ^ , 14 f Now Reuben went in thedayes of the whcate harueft , and found * mandrakes in the field , and brought them vnto his mother Leah, Then fayd Rahel to Leah , Giiie me . I prjy thee, of thy foiines mandrakes. I y Bi:t ihe anfwercd her , Is it a finall matter for thee to take mine husband , except thou take my fonnes mandrakes alfo ? Then fayd Rahel, Therefore he Ihall fleepe with thee this night for thy fonnes mandrakes. i6 And I.iakob came from tlie field in the enening . and Leah went out to meete him , and fayd.Comc in to me,for 1 haiie «bought and paied for thee witli my fonnes mandrakes : and he llept with her tiiat night. 1 7 And God heard Leah and fljee conceiued, and bare vnto laakob the Eft fonne. 1 8 Then faid Leah , God hath giuen me my re- waid. becaufe I gaue my * maide to my husband, and Ihe called his name Iflachar. 19 After , Leah conceiued againe, and hire laa- kob the fixt fonne. 20 Then Leah faid. God hath endowed me with a good dowrie : now will mine husband dwell \ wirh me , becaufe I haue borne him hxe fonnes ; and Ihe called his nJlee Zebulun. a I After that, fhe bare a daughter,andlhe cal- led hername Dinah. 22 f And God remembred Rahel , and God heard her, J| and opened her wombe. 23 So ihe conceiued and bare a fonne , and fayd, God hath taken away my g rebuke. 24 And Ihe called his name lofepli , faying. The Lord will giue me yet another fonne. 2y f And aflbone as Rahel had borne lofeph, laakob faid to Laban , Send me away that I may goe vnto my place and to my coiintrey. 26 Giue ms my wiues and my children .for whom I haue feriied thee, and let me go : for thou knoweft what fertfice I haue done thee. 27 To whom Laban anfwered. If I haue now found fauour in thy fight ,mw; I haue !! perceiued that the Lord hath bleiled me for thy fake. 28 Alfo he faid. Appoint vnto me thy wages, and I will giue it thee. 29 Bu t he faid vnto him . Thou knoweil, what feruice I haue done thee , and in what taking thy catiell hath beene Π vnder me. , , , ^ . , 30 For the little , that thou haddett before I came.is increafed into a multitxide ; aiid the Lord hatli blefled thee t by my coraming : but now when (hail hi trauell for mine owne houle alfo ? 3 1 Then he faidAVhat Ihall I giue thee ? And laikob anfwered . Thou ihalt giue me nothing at all .• if thou wilt doe this thing for mse , I will rC' «urnc, ksd,ani keeps thy Iheepe, Thit which (kali he.:eaftirbe thai fpotted. kcod ihalltertifit» ^yrighreo... dealing bvtewn- ding my Isbouts. tor. 11 or. 'nli mar.iimentMhc declAKCh in c}w Cha;.ve(£|^' II Or, »»(<»«Mi 32 I will paflMhi'Ough all thy flocks this day, rt«ii II fepaiate from them all the iheepe with iitlc j ©,, ^^ji, «;«^ fpots and great fpots.and ali|| blacke Iambs among the iheepe.and the great fpotted, and iitlefpotted among the goates : i and it flialbe my wages. i^ So Ihall my * righteoufncfle anfwere for me hecreafter .when it ihall come for my reward be- fore thy face , aud euery one that hath not little or great (pots among the goates , and blacke among the ilieepe, the fame ihalbe |1 theft with me. 34 Then Laban fayd , Goe to , would God it might be according to thy faying. 3 5" Therefore )| he tooke our the fame day the hee gontes that were partie coloured and with great fpots , and.all the ihee goates with little and great fpots, and all that had white in them, and all the II blacke among the ihecpe , and put them in the keeping of his fonnes. 1 j6 And hee iet three day e$ ionrney betweeiie 1 himfelfe and laakob. Ami IaaI<.ob kept the reft of j Labans Iheepe. 1 ?7 f Then laakob 1 tooke rods of greefte po- i mkob pular . and of hafell . and of the chefnut tree .and |'"*,;'°^^ά?ίο^ί pilled white ftrakes in them , and made .the white "* A^ipearc in the rods. '.. , 3 8 Then he put the rods,which he liad pilled, in the gutters Λ«,•ί watering troiighes,when the fliecpe 'came to drinke , before the iheepe ; (for they were in heate , when they came to drinke.) ^9 And the iheepe II were in heate before the rods, and rt/fciff-tri/ brought forth yong ofpartU culour,and with fma'.l and gieat fpots. 40 And laakob parted thefe lambes , and tur- ned the faces of the flocke towards thofe Itimbet partie coloured , and all maner of blacke , among the iheepe of Laban : to he put his owne flocke by themfeliies , and put them not with Labans flocke. 41 And in euery ramming time of the ^ ftron-l™ *^ VZrL• ger iheepe , laakob laied the rods before the eyes|ato„c sepremb« of the flieepe in the gutters , that they might con-jindbtoiighctOnJi ceiue before the rods. &Mertn 42 But when the iheepe were feeble , hee put j,j^,,h, and UmM them nor in ; and fo the feebler were Labans, andj i» septeniberj the ftronger laakobs. j 43 So the man increafed cxccedingly,and had many fiocks,and maid feruants,and men feruants» . and camels , and ai^cs, CHAP. XXXI. lim to nti.\j!t to hittoumr>y. 13. 1+ The ijre if Ccd ftr U-ikeh. If Ruiiii fif.iUth hrfuthen idolrt. 13 L^iun fcU Ow he heard the a words of Labans fonnes, .-ving. laakob hath taken away all that wasj'.^.,, «hich.hef,- ourfathers,andofour fathers goods hath heegot-jthci din'embied in ten all this honour. <ί"Γ,ν\ίΑ.Γ' 2 Alfo laakob beheld the countenance of La-j 'X'^'^'j^^ S« ban,that it was nor towards him as in times paft: l„nnot foatch . is 3 And the Lord had faid vnto laakob , Turneirlnclit hom ihentj againe into the land ofthy fathers, and to t^y '^'n-h,^;^^;/*!;^"•^ red.andlwillbewith thee, „,„.., . Uyf^-ii-.W/rT 4 Therefore laakob fent and called Rahel and yiuriuj. Leah to the fieldvnto his flocke. , , f y Then faid he vnto the.r . I fee your fathers L ^j, ^^ - ^ coimtenance , that ir is not towards mee t asitf^,jt,^„„,,jj,,: was wont, and the b God of tny father hath beene u^. .1 b The Cod wnojii "'' 6 ™And yee know that I haue fenied your fa-fc'*" ^*- :r with dl iriv might. ' Ng: * The children *tW ttcd in wcidi iber with ajliriy might. IMIBBWuMliLoliistouiil-ιγ: Get ens. thlt the thing, ■which l!ia) ikccii. fl '^ , s*hU. J Rut youc r.nlier h ith Jcceined me , & cliati- gcil my wages (| ten times : bilt God fiifteicd him not to lu;it me. 8 If he tluis (aid , The fpottcd ΠιλΠ be thy \ya- pes.then all the ihtepc hare (potted: and if he (aid thtis, Thepartie colomeil ihallie tliy leward. then bare all the (hccpefMitie coloured. J) Tluis hath ' (^od taken away your fathers W (iibftiwcc, Λ\\ά giiien it iiie. • 10 f For ill ramming timet lifted vpmine eye.•! & (V in a dieame.and behold, the hec goates leajied vpon the llm'e goatt>e , that were parti co- lomed with littic andi;teat (pots (potted. n An'd the Angel! of (iodlayd tomeeina drcjnic.Ia.tkob.And I an("wered,Lo,I am here. 1 2 And (le laid, Lift vp no\\• thine eies, and (ec latcs laakob and Laban talk^ togctHctf^ all the iiee goates leaping vnon thelheej that are parti-colowred, (potted with little ii ereai fpots.Cor I haiie lecne all y Laban dotli vmo thee i ΐΐϊίί Ancil wtJS Chtiil, vhichif. MUKtl to Ualiiit) |»tnV-cl a.d pi I ί ^ I am the God of Heth-e!, where rhoit* an- oiniedlhhe pillar , where thou vowctlita vow vn- to mc. Now arile , vetiheeT)Ut of this conntiey and retiiriK vnto ihe land where tlun; wall borne, j 14 Then anfwetx-dRahel and Leah .and (aide 1 wfai».th»ii."i oil vntohitn , Haue we iinj- mote poriion and inheri- | r.o4: ferhiial- UQCC inoftt fuiicrs ΙιοϋΐΙ•? ktth, «s tlwMsh I τ V Dootli not he count vs as ftrangcrs f for he dSng "' ' '^^^'' ' '""'^^^ ^■'^ • -^"'^ '^"'^'^ '''^"^" ^'l' '^"'^ confumed α•.ψ. « Foe thty 1 our money, 1 6 Therefoic all the riclics , which God liath what haue I oflcnded, that thou haft purlicdatrer me? 1 37 Seeing thou haft learchedal my ftuffl•, what halt thou found of all thine hoiillioid ftiiile; nut ! it Iiere before tny brethren and thy brethren, tnat I they may iudge betwccnc vs both. j?8 This twVntie yecres I hauebecnc with thee: j thine ewes & thy <>oats haue not Hcaft their yong, ; and the ranvnes ot thy flocke iiauc I nor eaten, Or.iiUm^li • D ct,fium , rt fmfLtrt^ I ον.^»ν^<»> ItFeifeihcwovi htvefigni'cth, 1«• leih them gais, Sell. 3'. (I 0>v f- "1 •>»» »ri«,7i f»mU- in». •i.'eiv.jr«»>i»i(» J,-l/.-,i>r.>v|'(.i> } Ktr. fc»»» i< in . Ht V at a« Ido. {kc, .\iidtKt\i- •fot» w oi.ld not 1 eckjiowli Jgc the Codol laaKebttX h Ihu if, tht Go4. i^hoiii lihakdid ftaic , and ^9 t Whaifociicr was torn efbfafit , I brought i ^^ ^^^^^^ it not vnto thee , hut made it good niy lelfc : * oft,- uitn 4^. mine hand diddeft thou require it , vvtre it ftoilen * " by day,or ftcllen by night. » 40' Γ w as in the day co'nftmed w ith hcate , and wit.h fioft in the night , and my II llccpe departed from mine eyes. 41 Thus iiaue 1 becnc twcntie yeercs in thine houie ,and feiucd thee lonreteenc yeercs for tJiv two daughters, and lixe yecres for tin• ihecpc,and thon haft changed my wages ten times. 42 Excep: the Gtid <ΰ" my father , 1 he God of Abraham, and the ^ fcare of Izhak had bcene with me , (iircly thou haddcft fent mc aw.iy now emp- tic ; L-ut (Jod l^ehcld my tribulation , and tlic la- bour of mine hands, and rebuked thet yelk^iiiighr. 4S Then L.-U-ian anfwered , and (aid \ nto laa- kob, Thefe daugii:ers are my Jaughrers.and thele (onncs are my fonncs , and thele Iheepc are my (heepe , and ai1 tliat thou fceft , is mine , and w hat can I doe this day vnto thefe my daughters, or to their (onnes which they haue borne? 44 Now therefore ' come and let vs make a coucnant , I and thou , which may bee a witncllc betwecne me and tlice. 45 Then tooke laakob a ftcne , and fet it vp df a pillar: 4(i And Ia.ikob faide vnto his brethren , Ga- ther ftones : who brought ftoncs , and made an heape.andthcy dill eate there vpon the heapc. — 47 And Laban called it « Icgai-fahadutha.and 'i« pi«' '« •>«« laiobcalieditkGalced. ifl^'TXl, 48 For Laban fayd , This heape is witncfle bc-Jtiie lI-mw Wccne ma audciiceihis day ; theicfore he callcti lo^jutj ±4 i Hts confci*iic«. itfvocvucdhim of Ks nii>t}chaitiOR^ io«aid lja)iob. Slid ihtitfoie niomtd hian to ' rtcitrpcact. (I Or , tW ^ι■•^^ iaakobs pfaycr» tho n.i Hewfrtltlcth with the Angcll. rj 1 Cr.ivjt.t• uwff. 1 Te funidi ihtj «elpaiicr. m Naiiiio tnmftV kill liini locou- dtmiit.lu. VLCf, H BdidlJ, how rii« iJokiiW mtii(l• ilic «tit uoci wit)\ili«ii: {tiwti gogs Itc.iiifc Iwc chleri; loakcJ t9 be |n:cfGnt(i lu tlie IfltituaU (tomiie. r Albtk hte μί» (nnifortid by thr /iigtli, yhicis .orllwlt falvc »» wines ΙκΜίιΙο my iLinulncrs : tl>ert it no mnn with vs , Lichi)ldo , (iod ή witncflc bctwecnc me iiiil thcc. V t Morooiicr , Lallan laid to laakob , RolioU this hoape, and behold the piilai•, which 1 haue (cc bctwoonc mc and tln'C. J• Λ This hoajic puii ifwitncnb , and the pillar i'lttl I't vv'ifncllc ,tliat I will not come Oiicf this cape to thee . and that thou Ibali not pallc oiicf this hcapc and this pillar vnto nu- for cmll, 5•^ The tiod of Abraham, and the God of » NahiM and the God of their father bo iiidgc I^c- twccnc vs : Luic laakob (ware by tlic «feare of ills father Ii-.hak. ' ^4 Then Taakob di.l oflli aracnfice vpon the mount, and called hi* br.-ihi on 10 oato || broad , & they dik.1 care broad Λ" laricilall nigluin amount, yv /^nA eaily in tho morning Laban totvp and killed his (onnos.and liis daiighicrs.andl'blof- fod them, »c Laban tloparting.went vnto Iiis place agaitic. ΓΠΑΓ. XXX IT. Cliap. f(XXII, good , and nvikc iliy lecde .is ilio Oindo of the (ca, which cinnot lie niifiibiod for niiiliitiide, l.i f And hciario.lihercthelameniphtand liifi Ι/ή IN «ϊ«.««ι * CUp. i I . . 4 fir, ;.«m/.jfi Httrei t. I «1 That It, poore and without )U ptouilinn. «M « This is (;.)ds hoalk•. and called the namt of the fame pKxc II M.ihaiiaim. j Ihcn laakob font monenffers before Iijm to Elan his brother, vino the lantl of Scir into tho coimtrcy of lidom,•. 4 To whom he gaiic crmimandcmcnt, faying. Thus Hiall yc fpcakc to my . <» lord lifaii : thy lor- iiant laakob l.iyoth thus , Ihaiiebrcncaftrangor vtiih Laban.and tai iod vnto this tmie, 5• I haue beetles alio and Atl'ci, fticcpe.aiid men fonjants,and women fornants .andhanr fcnt to ihow my iord.that 1 may find grace in thy figlit. ^ f So tlK" mclRnjjors came againe to laakob, flying. VVc came vnto thy brotlier Efaii , and hce alio ci.mmeth againit thcc aiui fom-e hiindicth men with him. , , . . y Then laakob Was <. greatly afraiilc . and was fore troubled , and douidc.l the neoplcthat wa;. with him , and tiie (hoepe, and tlic beetles, and the camels into iwO companies. g For he faid, I f Rfaii come to the one compa- ny and fmitc it, the other οπηΜηγ lli.ill rlcapc. 9 * Moreoucr laakob l-ud , ο (iod .. I my fa- ther Abraham,and God <>i my fmlur I7.l1.1k, I ord. which *faidoltvnto mc . Rotiuiu vnto thy c.uii- trev and to tiiy kinrcd. and I will do iheo gotid. Jo I am not t worthy of the Icatt of .ill tho mercies, and all tho truoth.wiiicli thou luiil (bow- ed vnto thy leni.int : for with my Ί ftaHc came I ouer thislordeii.ec now liauc I gotten two Iwintls. 1 1 I pray ihce , Deliuor me from the hand of bill vliii|(ilch ' JL had i^'. tooko ol' th.u which came to h.uid , a t pi eicm for Llaii hisbrothoi: 1 4 Tw.) hiindrcth lliec goatcs, and t wcntic liec goatcsfwo.hiindroth ewes and twenty rammcs; ty Thirtie milch cumnwls with ihcir cjIics, fourtie kinc , and len biillockes , twenty iMce allcs and toil Ιλ-iIos. 16 So he deliucrodthomintotlioh.indofhi .ind whole arc thole lieforc ihccc 18 'llion llvtlt thou (ay , Tfciy *<• thy foruaiit Ia.ikob$:itis a piolnii (.111 vnto my lord lilaicainl behold,hcliim(olfo.ill.)islicliin.lv.s. I 19 So likewidMominsii.litllioihcficWiJanii ihcthirde , .ind .ill 1h.1t followed t ho dcniici, ftv- ing. After this maner , yoe (lidii IjKake \ mo Riilf, when ye fiiidc him. 2υ And yec Ihali fay moiooiior , neholde 1 rhjr foriiant Liakobrcwwi» 'waiter vs , (for he thought, 1 1 wil appcalo liis wraiii with the nrcloiit that go- eili belxxo me, and aficrwaid I will lee h* face: ii tMy be ih,it ho will t accept me.) a I .So went the prolcnt before iiim :bttthe tariedtliat night wuli ilio comj 21 And he role vp the (anie ni^^dit , anil fnoke his two vviiios, and his 1 wo maidos, ,111. 1 his olciien childten.and went oiicr iliofoi do iabbok 23 And he tookc tltrm , and lent ihcmoucr the riucr,.ind (I'nt oner th.u ho h.id Z4 f Now wiien laakob was loft himfelfo a- lone, there wreHIed ah man with liim vnto tlie L υ,,,/,,οοίί» breaking of I he d.iy. i^ Anil, he law that hecouldo not ' preuailc againrt him : thoiefore he touched the holow r his thigh ,aiul the holow of laikobs thigh w loofed.as he wrortled with him, 2<5 And ho f.iid , Let moo p<>e , for ilic morning appcaioth, Who .inlworcd. "1 will not lettheti goo .except thou blcflo mo 27 1 hen faid he vnto him , What is tiiy nanieii Antlho(aid.I.iakob. 18 Thru (aid ho," Thy name Halbo c.illcd laa kol> no more, but Iliiid ί bocaiileihou haQli.uJ.'' Β lit thought iwi« rallei>>d«|i>ΙΙ«|1 I Willi the *n» vji. tin UviiJiihtoilMi, '" h,.l,d,l vav^i,„i,u,i I* 1ψ !•.«. 'powet with (rod jhoii (ΙηΙί,ϋΚο pri'iKiile \l men mid lire 29 ThcnI.iekob domaiidtd, (ayiiig. Tel mc. I ihti»""• "'•*•! pray thocthy name. And he (aid.AX hoicforo now viott«l»« hcii thoti aske my name fandWic bleHcd him ** there. < 1 io And laakob called thcnamc of ilicplac^ 'lidrhct , I haue life is pieforiicd I (."dean• loih |in«r*i reniej ■ fot^ ,p>>df he e . I haue icciic God face "f^.^.^j"*""*' face, anil || my , , . 3 1 And the (liiiiio rofe vp to him ashc pailod^wif rciiicl.aM.J hi: ' h.ilicd vpon his ihigh. ^2 Therefore the childirn οΓ Iliacl eatenot ihrir xhis (.voiiitbe I my brother . ftom the ii.iiule of Efaii ; for I foui e «ommtth of ihcm '|,|;„ ig_,ft |,c will tomc aiul finite mcc , Λΐίί tilt v,).ich k 11 i/it V „ tj,e children, ti^u^;;':;,;"" , ΙΓΪ.^ι•' tU...laydcil,lwilltiu^Iyitoctothec I of thr linovvo 1h.1t Ihr.inkc in iheiioloweoftiv ' iriigh . vnto this day : becaiifo ho (oiiclied the (i- new that Ihronkc in the holow of laakobs thigh. C Η A 1'. XXXI IT. .„|«i|(>ll<.in|l ilnyliflnh» Iniaiiiliniof, lit l.iHii» that ιΐιιγ n-iild H* ■lo.y, biulttll fliuiUiitJ^ Eiau receiiieth liiakobs Pretent^ Gen iCis part -wefe afai led, the ethet >nighiefcij-.«. h By this genute he pstrly did icnc• icncato'hts bro- ther, &jiiril/ f tayed to God to mitigjt* Efaiis wrath. c Uakoliiuhisfa. :nilie are tU imsgc otthc Chin;!i vniiet Cut ■yoke of tyrants, \»li:c;i frit fcite a«c broiiglK to £abitA(Oit. A iBtfcattTistliis biouitT imbrachcc him fo loiiingly «ontraty tohiitx• pectatioji, he ac- cepted it as a plai: iignc o£ Gods ρ *nce. t Evwrntftin- •rtaiy. Λ Nd as laakob lift vp his eyes , and looked, be- hoLl , Efau came , and with him tbnre him- dcech men; and lie a diuidod t\\z childien to Leah, and CO Ra'iel , and co the two maides. 2 And he put the maidj; , and their children formoft , and Leah , ami her children after , and Rahel and lofeph hindemoft. 5 So he went before th-itn and •> bowed him- felfe to the grounde ieuen times , vntill Iiee came neeie to his brother. 4 Then Efau ran ro meet* him , and embraced him,& fei on his neck..?c k!iledhira,8c they wept. 5: And he lift vp his ej-es, and faw the women, and the chiUlren , and (aid , who arethefe with thee f And he anfwered , TUny are the children whom God of his grace iiath gii:en thy feruant. 6 Then came the maides neere , they and their children, and c bowed thcmfelues. 7 Leah alfo with her diiklren came neere and made obeyfance; ani after lo'eph and Rahel drew fieere, and did reiierence. 2 Tlien he faid , what mcaneft thoii by al this "drn;; % whieh I met* who anfwered.1 hnuefent it, ihet I may findc fauonr in tlie fight of my lord. 9• Anti Efau faid , I haue inongli , my brother: i;eepethflr thou haft to thy fcife. 10 But laakob anlweied , Nay . I pray thee , if Ϊ hatie founde grace now in thy fight ,. then re- ceiiie my prefent at mine hand : ford I haiie feene thy face , as chough I had feene the face of God, becaufe thou haft accepted mee, 1 1 I pray thee take my !i blelTing , that is brought thee .-for God hath had mercy on mee, and dierfote I haue all things : fo he ' compelled him, andhetooke it, 1 2 And he faide , Let vs tahe our tourney and goe , and I will goc before thee. 15 Then he anfwered him , My lord knoweth. ihatthc children are tender.and the ewes and kine V.'ith young vnder mine hande: and if they fhould «uerdriue them one day, ail the flocke would dy. 14 Let now my lord go before his feruant,and I will driue foftly', according to f pafe of the cattel, which is before mce , and as the children be able to endure, vntill ^ 1 come to my lord vnco Seir f Htepteniir«4 diat whicli (as ftemeih) his minde vitsnott pccfarm. %Gf,Milt. [ Or , Mf/ir"'•'- Dinaiixauifficiii, cersofthatcpiifitrey. z- whome when Shecliem thi forheofHa- mor the Hiuite lord of chat countreyfiwe ,hce tooke her , and lay with her.antl f defiled her. '3 So his heart claue vnto Dinah tlie daughter of iaakob : and he ioued the maide , and t f pake kindly to the maide. 4 Then faide Shechem co his f.ithcr Ilamor, faying, ^ Get mee this maide to wife, y (Now laakob heard thac he had defiled Dinah his daughter , and his fonnes were with his cattell in che fielde : tlierefore laakob helde his peace.vntil! they were come.) 6 f Then Hamor che father of ShecherajVu'iiry went ouc vnto laakob to commune with him 7 And when the fonnes of laakob were come out of the fielde and heard it , it greiued the men. & they wer» very angry, becaufe lie had wrought II vilieny in Ifraei.in t!iat he had lien with laakobs daughter: t which thing ought not to be done. 8 And Hamor communed with them , fay ing.The fouleof my foniie: Shechem longeth for ^EiiluniUih^: %eirtnftlnm4i. h Tnis proonetli that deconfent'oi faventiistequiliti in niartisge.fecirg the very Infideh did alfo oblctuc i tJiir.gne- we lie ft ((off. your daughter.giue her him to wife, I pray you. 9 So make artitiitie with vs , giue your dauih• i Elr.multiel^ , ters vnto vs , and take ow daughters vnto you. I ο And ye ihall dwell v.'ith vs , aiid the iande ilialbe before yon , dwell , and do your bufinefie in it, and haue your poUtiiTiuns therein. I I Shechem alfo Iaiς!e vnto her father and vnto her brethren , Ij Let me (inde fauoiir in your eyes and I will giue whatfoeuer ye ihall appoint mee. 1 2 t Aske of m.e abtuidantly both dowry , and gifts , and I will giue .is ye appoync me, fo that ye giue me the maide to wife. 13 Then the fonnes of laakob anfwered , She- chem and Hamor his father , talking deceitful! becaufe he had defiled their fiftcr. 14 And they fayd vnto them this thing.to ffiueour fiftertoanvncircumcifed! ^ -,ι-ώ,* man: tor that were a <» reproote vnto vs, wicitcd purpose. 1 5 But in this wee will confent vnto you , if yej d As ύ is abpmi- will be as we rtr#,that eucry man child amoi!gin>"on for thim you be * Circumcifed. ° J that are bapt.iei 16 Then will we giue our daughters to you, and wc will take your daughters ro vs , and will D Or,m'«n*lt^ c They made the \ We cannot doj ^oly crdir.ance o4 God amcilhcc torirafie ΛίΑτ" ' I y Then Efau faid.I will leaue then fome of my \ dwel with you, and be one peopl• folke with thee . And he anfwered , what needeth this ? let mee finde grace in the fight of my lord. 16 f SoEfauretHrned,e«iifvenihiswaytliac fame day vnto Seir. 17 And laakob went forward toward Siic- coth.and built him an houfe.and made boothes for his cattell : therefore he called the name of the place Β Succoth. 1 8 Afterward , laakob came fafe to Shechem ^ cittie , which is in the land of Canaan , when he came from ||Padaii Arain,& pitched before f city. 19 And there he bought a p.arcel of ground, where he pitched Iiis tent ,at the hande of the fonnes of Hamor Shechems father , for an hun- to I'eyne with In- fidels. e Theitfaiiltj the great*! fiM they mate teligioa dckc ftjt theit 0 Or , tnufi MxDK- |J| Or, iimhet.or \rno7it1 f' mJv^iJ. 1""S*/id'-eth||peicesofmoney. , „,. i^Siich it (ignifi! \ 20 And he fet vp there an altar.and called g it. «th.intolienthat |, χ^ς rni?hty God of Ifracl. codhadmigluay ^ ^^^^^_ X X X I I I I. ΠϊηΛ it r^,ifiei. 8 mmcrafiiil'hirinmAfitJi; forks fen. »2 The ShA'mius 'Uf circumdfeA Μ tkt tf^u β of Utkoh fontrt trntiypyfuafonofHimor. nTht whcriimcis re^tni^d. Τ Hen Dinah the daughter of Leah , which ilie bare viKo laaKoba^Wciw out to fee the daugh- ghtfly ielititredhem 9 ihisexamp't ttithtthvsthat «00 miieh liberty is not t• be giucn 17 But if ye will not hearken vnto vs to becir- cumcifcd,thi; wil we take our daughter & de[iart. craft 18 Now their wordes pieafed Hamor , and shechem Hamors fonne. • 1 9 And the yong man deferred not to do the thing becaufe he Ioued Laakobs daughter ; he was alfo the || moft fet by of all his fathers houfe. 20 ί Then Hamor and Shechem his Sonne!|^|°y,^n\r^°f«^• went vnto' the ί gate of their citie.aud communed; therc.and iuflice with the men of their citie, faying, .was alio mlni- 21 Thefe men are S peaceable with vs : and that|ft'«^j^^^^^ they may dwell in the land, and doe their affaires 4„^^fj„],J for" therein (for behold, the Iandh.athroume ynough a piibiikc profits, for them) let vs taketheit daughters to wiues,&l•''«"''«yo".*'y giue them our daughters. 'lo^^e'pi^a'atesam 22 Only herein wil y me content vnto vs tor to^andcommodi- dwel with vs,and to be one peopIe,if al f me chil-^tie ' dre amog vs be circi'icifed as they are circiicifed. ^,<, "fil^d^f.Vrfwa. 23 Shall not »» their flockes and tiiier fubftance ^^n ,' which pie- and all their catce! be ours ? onely let vs confent fcrre their owne i fierein viuo them andthey will dwell with vs. commodities be- 2Λ And vnto Hamor , and Shechem his fonne , '°i',*' "™««»- hcarKeiied all tlwc went out of the gate of his ci- ' - tie:^ ' .die. ThcShecliemitescircunncired^^ Ciiap.yxkv.^Xxvj« Raliel dieth, Izhak dieth, ij J ror they were thechitfe of the «onifany, 1 The pe-iple aie Qied wid» 4 Elir.mcuti I Or, tt tt 4l»r- tie: and al! the men children were circumcifed, euen ail that went out of the gate of his citie. 25" And on the third day (when they were fore)two of the fons of laakob.'Sinieon and Lent, Dinahs brethren took e'.ther of them his fword & went iiTto the city boldly ,and ^ fiiiel'euery male. 2f) They Hevve alfo Haraor and ShecHem his fonne with the t-idge of the fword.and tookc Di- nail cut of Shechems houfe.and went their way. 27 yyi^aim , the other fonncs of laakob came vpon the dead, and fpoiied die citie.becaufe they had detiled their Tifter. 28 They tooke their flieepc and their beetles, and their alles , and tvhatlucuer was in tlie citie and in thefieldes. 29 Alfo they caiTied away caprine and fpoiled all -their goodes ,and all their children and their wines, and all th.u was in the hoiifc. 30 Then laakob (aid to Simeon and I.eui.. Ye haiie troubled mce , and made roe II Ihnke among the iuliabitams of the hna.afwA the Canaanitcs, as the reiizzites, and I being few in ntimber,they lliall gather themrelues together againft m^, and flay mc,andfo Ihall I .and my hoiife be dertroyed. 3 1 And they anfwexed . Should hee abiife oui• fifter as a whore?. CHAP. XXXV. Uihch, < rW. ; a Gaiis eiieia! j?i»ndt»fiiccout Ihisiueheornoii- 'Hes. . t That by this out- Vi«id aAcihey iiiw>*tepen- "% ■ erot tlieite'n'was feme fignc of 1»- jpiifiitioj!, as 1 Hcts and Ag» dc(s. «I Thus, notwiih. flandingtht iii- eoiuiejiiencc that tame tcCo^e. c;o< deliiieicd laakob _» Out }l ίί". t At God is faid tj defcer.d , whe» l.e (V.cweth fome fig lie of his pi«- fence: folie iifaii to alceiid, wlieiv virionisendcd> .fxJit EbiewworrT iigiiife:h as much f \oiind as one may ioftombai.e.o baiie whicHif ta^ li»l{< a • t Gois tummJidrmiTit gieth iji to BiM , Uili Uff rtfcrmetli Wx houflmuU s God rMkflh tir enr- „uei of /ujjyi jfi. iJe. 8 Dfio«/. Mfth 1 2 Ώ.• Und'f C,t- ,:jjn;4l'^on:if,/hin,. >8 hM iuthinUouf. 21 R,u. Lea 1, ■d< svith kit plh"! comul.inr. Τ Hen » God faide to laakob , Arife , goe vp to Beth-el and dwell there , and make there an I altar \ nto God , that appeared vnto thee , ■*■ when thou fliddeft from Efau thy brother. . . .^ 2. Then iaid laakob vnto his houllioldsnd^to all that were with hira, Tut aw.ny the ftrange gods that .ire among you.and ^ cleanle your felues, and change vuur garments: ^ , , , :>, Fot we will rife and goe vp to Betli-cl , and I will make an altar there vnto God , which heard me in. the day of my tribulation , find was witli me in the way which I went. , „ , . 4 And they gaue vntolaakob all the ftrange gods, wHAvvtrem tlicir hands.and al their ' .-arerings which weye in their eares , and laakob hid tbem viider an okc .which was by Shcchem. ί Then they went on tliKU• iourney . and the d feare of God was vpon the cities that were roimd about themrfo that they did not follow a£. ter the Tonnes of laakob. , . , . . , 6 r So came laakob to Luz , which is m the land of Canaan : fche fame is Beth-el) hee and all tlie people that was with him. , , , , , 7 And he built there an altar , and * had cal- led the place.TheGodofBeth-el.becaufethat God appeared vnto him there, when he fled from his brother. , ■ r , , , 8 Then Deborah Rebckahs nomfe dyed . and WAS buried beneath Beth-el vnder ancke : andhe called the name of it 11 AUonBachuth. 9 A'-aine God appeared \nto laakob .after be came^o Padan Aram, andblelled him. ID Moreoucr God faid vnto him , Thy narr.e is. I.ia].ob:thy name iMbe no more cahed laakob. but *Tfrael ihall be thy noiiie : and hee called his, "^^ U Agine GodfaidYnw Uim ,1 m God a all. ftifficient : grove .and multiply • a nation and a multitude ot nations Ihall fpringof thec.and kings ihall come out of thy loynes. 1 2 A!!o I will g:ue the iande , w'lich Τ gaue to Abiaham and I-zhak , vnto thee : and vnto thy iced J after thee v/il I giue that land . 1 3 So God e afcended from him in tlic place \ where lice had talked with him. 14 And laakob fet vp a pillar in the place where he talked with him , a piJar of ftone . am powred driiike offering thereon . alfo he powrcc oyle thereon. ij And laakob called the name of that p)ac( where God fpake with him, litfth-el. \6 f Then they departed from Retif-cl , anc when there was f about half a dayes iourney ο ground to come to Ephrath , Rahel rraiiailed, anc in traunilling. (he was inperiii. 1 7 And when (he was in paines of her]abour the midwife fay dc vnto her , leare not , for thoi /Ιμ/γ Airiiii this • )nne alfo, 1 8 Then as ftiee was .tbout to yeel. ■.-•;. tlie ghoft (for (he died) (he called his name .'v-i'-om but his father called him Beniamin. 19 Thus •" died Rahel and was buried in the way to liph rath .which is Bethlehem, 20 And laakob let agpiilar vpon her graue: This is the pilUr of R.ihels graue vnto ihis day. 2 Γ V Then Ifrael went forward , and pitcliec '''i'll|°P' °^,f Ill's tent beyond Migdal-eder. 22 Now.w'tien Ζίΐΰ,Α dwelt in y land.Reube, went and h li^'witb Biiiiah his fathers conciibinc,&: it came to Ifraels care. And laakob had twchie Tons 23 The fonnes of Leah : Reuben I.i.ikobs el dedtonne, and Siraeonj and Leui. andludah, .ind Iliiicher.nnd Zebulurr, 24 The fonnes of Rahel: lofepb and Beniamin 2y And tlie fcnnes of Bilh'ah Rahclsmaide, Dan and Naphtali. 2(5 And the fonnes of Zilpahs Leahs mayd•. Gad antl Ailier. Thefe arc the (bnnes cf laakob, which were borne him in Padan Aram, 27 f Then lankob came vnto Izhak Iiis fa ther to Mamre a citie of Arbah : This is Hebron w-hcre Abraham and (zhak v.-erefrrangcrs. 28 And the dayes of l2h.-ik were an hundrcili and fourcfcorc vceres, 29 And Izhak gaue vp the ghoft and died , and was *■ padicred vnto his people.being old and fulJ]* ^'^^■ of daJesiS: his- fonnesEiau & laakob buried him CHAP. XXXVI. α 7h ifiiift of ΈΓ,Η. 7 LuAji ."> : them which ate I xoi of hishoiife- ihoiilH, how much jnore will he )>etfotme the faint » i.Ct/in.i.jS. • DeFotethat Efaii did theic inha- &it<. he had gotten in the land of Caniati.and « went into another countrey from his brother laakob. 7 For their riches were fo great , thar they could not dwell together , and the land , wlierein they were ftrangers , could not receiiie thera be- caule of their flockes. 8 * Therefore dwelt Efati in mount Seir: this EfauisEdom. 9 ί So thefe^are the generations of Efau fa- ther of II Edom in mount Seir. I ο Thefe are the names of Eiaur, fonnes ; * Eli- phaz , the fonne of Adah , the wife of Efau , and Reiiel the fonne of Balhemach .the wife of Efau. II kn^. the fonnes of Eliphazwere Teman, Omar.Zep.io, and Garam.and Kenaz. 1 2 And Timna was Concubine to EHphaz E- faus fonne, ?nd bare vnto Eliphaz, Amalek ; thefe be the fonnes of Adah Efaus wife. I -i f And thefe are the II fonnes of Reiid.-Na- hath , and Zerah , Shammah , and Mizzah ; rheic be the fonnes of Ba!hemath Efaus wife. I^^(f9||nd thefe were the fonnes of Aholiba- mab (p^aughter of Anah , || daughter of Zibeon EfaiisVlfe ; for ihebare vnto Efau.Ieuih, and Ia« alam.and Korah. 1 5• ^ Thefe were jj a Dukes of the fonnes of E- faus : the fonnes of Eliphaz.the firft borne of Eftii Duke- Teman , Duke Omar , Duke Zepho , Duke Kenaz. 1(5 Duke Korah, Duke Gatam, Duke Amaiek ; thefe are the Dukes that Mwjf of Eliphaz in the land of Edom : thefe were the || fonnes of Adah. 17 % And thefe are the fonnes of Reuel Efaus fonne : Duke Nahath , Duke Zerah , Duke Sham- mah , Dnke Mizzah : thefe are the Dukes that cams of Reuel in the laud of Edom : thefe are the jj fonnes of Bafhemath Efaus wife. f Likewife thefe were the fonnes of Aho- libamah Efaus wife : Duke leulli , Duke laalam, Duke Korah: thefe Dukes came of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah Efaus wife. 19 Thefe are the children of Efau , and thefe are the Dukes of rhcm : This Ε/λ« is Edom. Τ * Thefeare the fonnes of Seir the HoritC; which ' inhabited the land before Lotan Shobal , and Zibeon , and Anah. 21 And Diihon , and Ezer , andDlHian : thefe Genifis. of Edom. loiepts drcaiU'. he land of Edom ] before there reigned «iyf 1 Whithcititi riiier Eu. in tl King ouer the children of Ifrael. . 32 TJien Bela the fonne of Beor reigned in E• dom.and the name of his citie was Dinhabah. 53 And when Bela died , lobab the fonne 01 Zerah of Bozra reigned in his ftead. 34 when lobab alfo was dead, Hiiiham of the landof Temani reigned in his ftead. 55• And after tlic death of Hufliam , Hadad the fonne of Bedad , which ilew Midian m the held of Moab» reigned in his ftead, and the aame of his citie was Aaith. 36 When Hadadwasdead.thenSamlatiof Mafrekah reigned in his ftead. 3 7 When Samlah was dead, Shaul of ^ Reho- , both by the riuer.reigned in his ftead. Lares"" 38 when Shaul died ,Kaal-hanan the fonne ! of Achbor reigned in his ftead. ; 39 And after the death ofBaal-hanan the j fonne of Achbor , Hadad reigned in his ftead, and | the name of his citie vvat Pau : and his wiues j name Mehetabel the daughter of Matred , the j I) daughter of Mezahab. L'jcv, λ 40 Then thefe are the names of the Dukes of ! Efau according to their families . tiieir places ani \ ' by their names : Duke Timna. Duke Aluah, Duke letheth, ; 41 Duke AhoHbamah , Duke Elah , Duke Pi- ' non, 42 DukeKenaz.DtikeTeman.DukeMibzar, j. 43 ■ Duke Mdgdiel , Duke Iram : thefe bee the ' Duices of Edom , according to their habitations,' in the land of their inheritance. This Efau is the father of «Edom. ^,„ CHAP. XXXVII. i »( jteHi* »ccnfeth i it liTrlhr,-n. $ Hec *ijniffi rfirf « hjtect of hi: ''itfthr/jt. 28 Tk>f fl him le tie ifimeAitu, 3+ /*ifei i-t- rejtUtb lopfi. Τ Aakob now dwelt in the laiid.wherein his father was ^ a ftran»er,in the land of Canaan. ί of Edom came the idiimeans. I 2 Thefe are the generations of laakob fz//;i«® I lofeph was feauenteene yeere old, he kept Iheepe j, i with his brethren, and the childe was with the thap _ ! fonnes of Bilhah , and with the fonnes of Zilpah, i and \ his fathers wiues , And lofeph brought vnto their j ' father their euill || ^ fayin». I O' 3 Now Ifrael louealofejih more then all his * ''' a That is , til of inch thin(_ le to him and family, aSi. flery , ;7λι*ι• plained are the Dakes of the Horites . the fonnes of Seir fonnes . becaufe he begate him in his old Age and ζ^ά inimies fWhonetconten. ted with ti'.ofc liindcsofbeaUcs, which God had cieated, found out the monHtuoiis jgeneiation of jnules betwcene the AiTe and the matt. g The wicked lile vp fnddeuly toho- jiOut.audBeriih quickly : but th httitance of tilt chUdtca of God contiiu'.etheiit:, Γίίΐ. iQl.tS. in the landof Edom. 22 And the fonnes of Lotan were , Hori and j Heman,and Lorans lifter was Timna. 23 And the fonnes of Shobal were thefe : Al- ! lian, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shepho.and Onam, [ 24 And thefe are the fonnes of Zibeon ; Both Aiah.and Anah : this was Anah that found f mules in the wi!dernes,as he fed his facherZibeons alfes. 2j And the children of Anah were thefe : Di- ihon and Aholibamah , the daughter of Anah. 26 Alfo thefe are the fonnes of Dilhan : Hem- dan.and Efliban, and Ithran.and Cheran. 27 The fonnes of Ezer are thefe : Bilhan, and Zaauan.and Akan. ! The fonnes of Diflian are thefe,'Vz,and Aran. 29 Thefe are the Dakes of the Horites : Duke Lotan.Duke Shobal,Duke Zibeon,Duke Anah. ^o Duke Diflion ,Duke Ezer , DukeDiflian : thefe b?e the Dukes of the Horites , after their Dukedomes in the land of Seir. 31 ί And thefe are the 8 Kings that reigned he made him a coate of many II coulers. • (which theyfpalit 4 So when his brethrcniaw that their father |"^ ^^ ^S»"*" loued him more then all his brethren,the they ha- γ"'^ ^,;,„,. ted him, & could not fpeake peaceably vnto him. y f And lofeph « dreamed a dreame,and told his brethren, who hated him fo much the more. 6 For he faid vnto them , Heare , I pray you this dreame which I haue dreamed. 7 Behold now, we were binding flieaues in the middes of the field : and loe , my Iheaue arofe and alfo ftood vpright.and behold, your flieaues coin- palled round about, & did reuerece to my flieafe, 8 Then his brethren faid to him , wfiar, fhalt thou reigne ouer vs , and rule vs ? or ftialt thoil haue altogether dominion ouer vs? And they ^ ha- ted him i'o much the more , for his dreames , and for his words. 9 f Againe he dreamed another dreame,'^nd JFthe wicked told it his brethren, andfaide. Behold, I haue had Mge agaijift one dreame more, and behold,the Sunne and the Mociic and. eleuea ftarres did reuerence to mee. j 10 TlKrt God iciitaled to itni by adteame hat iliould aine ; fo he fent him fi-om 3^ And the Midianites folde him into Egypt ^ or. .,f ,•« ./ vnto Potiphar 1 an Eunuch of Pharaohs rtnd his »*'£•»'*. * c heife iteward. j CHAP. XX XV II I. i i W? mtihgt oft«(U. 7. 9 TAf tr^-:f •/ £r Anions, »iii th vfHgmnci of Gea tktt liith nith hit liiught/r in Urn T.ii he ittrnt ftr ttrier,'don:e. 2?, 30 wni and bring me word ^ the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem, I J f Then a man found him .v for loe, he was wandring in the fielde , and the man asked him, faying.what feekeft thou? ' i6 And he anfwered,I feeke my brethren: tell me, I pray thee, where they kccpufxepe. 17 And the man faid,they are departed iience: for I heard them fay. Let vsgoe vnto Dothan. Then went lofeph alter his brethren , and found them in Dothan. IherevpoK. iS ludii ur. 1+ Tjm^i iudgtdto The lirlh ofPhm^Mi Zj• . A Nd at that time a ludah went dow^ fn η Mofe: defcridj his brethren , and turned into a mai>H!iapra *eth ihe «ereaii HirahanAdullamite. , , ^ . . GX' And ludah fawc there the daughter of aiMenias i g Theb'elyGhoft i , β Δη J Jhf^n rlif^v faw him afarre off, euen ^ And ludah lawe tncre tne daugnter or aiMenias a^oM b,n,fo.rnn.vb,m. ^ Soii;econceiuedandbareafonne,andheei^X'^;''„,»;ar6' 1 another. Behold this jiiale vice veitiie ■i Ebr. in vt I I \i4tthii tlfr. notmcn«himfortonayhim. doevaine 1 9 For they faide oiic which ,* dreamer commeth. 20 Come now therefore , and let vs flay him, and caft him into fome pitte, and wee will fay, A wicked beaft heath deuoured him : then wee a«ll fee, what will come of his drcames. 2 1 * But when Reuben heard that , he deliue- red him out of their hands , and faide, iLetvs not kill him. , , , 22 Alfo Reuben faide vnto them , Shed not called his name Ere 4 * And Uie conceiued againe & bare a fonne.'of cod. and fte called his naiiie Onan. * N«m.tt. ly. . ;iij Moreouer Hie bare yer a fonne , whom ίΐτβι called Shelali : and /W»/; was at Chezib when! Hie bare hira. ; 6 Then ludah tooke a wife to Er his firft borne /«««i,whofe name vvat Tamar. 7*NowEr^ firftborne of ludah was wicked in;'•• Hum. ιί.τΛ| ^fi^^^st^gllSil^StSH^ that he miglit deiiuer him out ' ftore him to his father. vnto her, and raife c \ ρ feede vnto thy brother. ! foi the pretenu- 9 And Cn.an knew that the feede fliouk] not* '>on ot ihe flrdit. ! 23 Now when lofeph was come vnto his , ^, . "V" %•"" C'.^ i^,". ',.^ρ'γ,/,•1,'7.γ,^λ,Ηκ Km •i'«<^-* '•''"''*- feared man iore a pjt.and the pit vva, emptie,without water in it. „ ,^.° ^"^ 1 .^ I WW hee flew him alfo ""«.«f 'h' «'» = Aen God : and ( \' tu„„ .L•^ fate them downe to eate bread; which hee did : whe etore hee new nim aiio. _ ^^.ch .s m the thought it was ; ^J..J- "en tney late "^«^^ ""J , j, , , , , j jhen ludah faid to T.imar his daughter in „,„ Teiiamenc ,ot murther. if and lift vp their eyes & lool^^ed.and behold,there ^ Remaine a widdow in thy fathers houfe, ^bolitcd. ,ednothis: , came a company of Ilhmaelues ^-- Gi|-f -J ;^,73'j^,if^^-;j,„,e grcwe vp (tor hee thought t^^^^^f^ //w.Lejfthe die as well as his brethren,) So Ta- o,i,„ familyfo mar went and dwelt in lier fathers houfe. lor, s as i"d»h 12 f And in procefle of time ^fo the dau-h- -o'|J;i^.^'""= . ter of Shuah ludahs wife died.Then ludah.v hen. * j,^ ^^ „„/^ he + bad left mourning, went vp to his fl^,eepe-„.v. Ihererto Timnah , hee, and his neighbour Kirah= the Adullamite. *> , ,, 1 3 And it was told Tamar , faying , Behold,' blood : or els \, ti,^.;,. camels laden with fpicierie, il^rwheir fauii' \ myrrhe,&were going to cary it doWn intoEgynt. ΓΟ.,'.}",'",Γ":[ 2^ Then ludah faide to his brethren , what (in.• , arttff^U *Κψ• 10. 1 3. ffj. 105. •7. i Mofes writing iicording to the cpinion of them vhich tooie the Midftnitcs and ί in:maeliie«Eobe ifoth one , doth .feeieconfoiiiid ' their names : as alfo appeateth retfe auaiieth it . if wee flay our brother , though wee kcepei his blood fecret ? 27 Come and let vs fell him to the Tflimaehtes, and let not our hands be vpon him: for he is our brother, *nd our flefli : and his brethren obeyed. 28 Then the Medianites marchant men palled by,& they drew forth,&: lift lofeph out of y pit, and fold lofeph to the Ilhmaelites for twenty piecet of filuer: who brought lofeph into Ef Jφt. 29 ^ Afterward Reuben returned to the pit. thy father in law goeth vp to Timnah i his Iheepe fliere 1 4 Tiion fl c put her widdowes gai mcnts offj •tu.i,cuu.uic..u !fromhcr.andcouered/jirwithavaile,andwrap-|. "jo'l'SmiJ to hisbr«hr«,.Sc M, Th. ί ,h« StefJ, was gr'o»en . mcKl» «as ,». P""F: i- ■ \vas fitft ofteied to t ?oMi To'tht Child is"noty;»i.r.and I. ^yhither i^f^^S^Jl^. j I And tliey took lofephs coate.Sc killed α Kid vnto him to wife. .,11. J J When IudaJ\ law her , bee nidged her an •' where:: ludah and fTamar. Phares and Zarah borne. dei-fiifly olinitd Iiim cKaS he coiiM kno*. toy 4 f Tliaf his VriC litdnefl'e miflit not be knovfea to «th(.-t> „ V'liora ; for (lie had coucred her face. rs from the flocke, and llTcf.iid.Wi/i, if thou i iake ,andtheble(iing of the Lord was vpcn ail *"* ' wilt giue mee a pledge,till thou fend it. that he had in the houfe^andin the fielde. _;P ^L. ._,--•. -.-;_.•.,_,. τ ^ .1.. τ ^ Therefore he left aly he had in lofephs hand, * and tooke account of nothin'' , that was with i Then he faid , What is the pledge that I fliall giue thee? And Ihe enfwered.Thy fignct.and thy *clokc and thy ftaffe that is in thine hand. So he g.iue it her , and lay by her , and ihae was with childe by him. 1 9 Then ihi rofe.and went and piit her vaile ; from hei and put on her widowes rayraent. j 20 Aftsrwarde luda'i fent^ kid of the goates ! by the hande of his f neighbour the Adullamiie, j Behold• for to receiue his pledge from the womans hand : but he found lier not. 21 Thenas'v?d he the men of the place.fajing , Wheie is the whore, thttftts in Enaim by y way •'idfc, ? And they anfwered , There was no whore blelled by the com gajiyof the godljs, e For he wj? aflii• led tint a]l things Qioidc! proiper well; ihereioie hei Nowe therefore after tliefe thinges , hisi ''« ""* dtaniie an< tooke no cjie. f In this » ord , hee declareth But he refufed and faid to his matters wife,' the in.-nme my mailer knowcth not what /jfi /jdr/; ^hereunto jU the hoiife with mee , but hath committed all; that he hath to mine hand. i 9 There is no man greater in this houfe then li neither hath he kept any thing from me Jjut onlyj thecbecaule thou art his wife. how then can I doi diis great wickedneile and/o finne againfts God? S V'•' &«« efGof him.faue only of j bi ead, whicli he did eate. And lofeph was a faire perfon,and well fauoured, mafters wife caft her e)es vpon lofeph, and faid J ί Lie with mee. 1 her riarteriiidfi tend•. I Ο And albeit Ihe fpake to iofeph'daj; by day': !?'<'""'? '^ the hearkened not \ to be in her company. 2Z Hee came therefore to ludah againe , and i I faid, lean not find her ..TOdalfo the men of the j yet he hearkened not vnto her.to ■ place faid, There was no whore there. J 23 Then ludah faid. Let her take it to her, leaft wc be t g ihamed ; beholde , I feat this kid. and thou hall not found her. 24 f Now after three moneths, oni tolde lu- :pn ctaytjy day J -^, lie with her , on no»il ft het conu'- ' itntltieut» ! tnou (heoi God. We fte that the .which waj jhea»,tw£ht rhem 1w( whotjortie hoiild he pnni- jtted with death: klbei'tnelaV, as jsathei toaccitfe -mt then I J>et jk For the horioiir of the finr.c con- denuied !ujn . dah,faying,Tamar ihy daughter in law hath j^ai- ed the whore.and lo, with playing the whore,iIie is great with childe. Then ludah laid , Bringyee her forth and let her be ivburnt. 2y when ih; was brought foorth, flie fent to her father.in lavv.faying. By the man,vnto whom thefe things fename, am I with childe : and fayd aIlO,Looke I pray thee.whofe thefeare,the feaie, and the cioke.and the ftafte. vtiwaigiMn. i ^^ Then ludah knew f/;if»j,and faide.Shee is 1 That is* (he otighj » more righteous then I : for fhe hath done /> be- '■ caufe I gaue her not to Shelali my fonne. So hee j away .and got him out lay with her ?* no more, 27 f Now.when the time was come that flie ihould be deliiiered, beholdcitherez/i/eri twinnes in her wombe. 28 And when )he was m rrauel.fi»» one put out his Jiand; and y midwife tooke &'bound a red thritd about his ha^d .faying.This is come outrirft. 29 But when hei plucked his handbackea- gaine,loe,his brother came out,and the midwife laidc.Howc haft >" thou broken the breach vpon thee? and his name was called *i''haicz. ?,o And afterward came out his brother that hid the red threed about his hand , and liis name was called Zarah. C Η A P. XXXIX. I Itp-yfti fold to Pttifiar. 2 α<:ίΐτ,β>•ηίί IIti. 7 rell- ft^'s mifetfmftitt^Hn. \x. Jo Hur. ' 14 Shee called vnto the men cf her houfe,an{ij #. .l• tolde them,, fay ing , Beholde, he hath brought in! an Ebrewe vnto vs t to mocke vs : who came i» j -fOr'/f »•'<(« ν/)ίίίκ- to iriee for to haue ilept'vvith mee , but I '» crj-ed; "<' Md//,,mt. ', ' with a loude voyce. oJt^'^u^iaJ' ' I y And when'hee heard that I lift vp my voyccj li^l^Tc I's^the^e^l• and cryed,he left his garment with mee, and fledi unto is ioyneieit-tj ' treame impuiency and craft. 1 Their hj-nen? Anne wasfigniii- «d by this nioo- firtioLtsbiith. m Or the fepeta- tion betweeae tkeeaHdthy bro- thtf. * i.Cti•. ». 4. AUti.J,J. « Riide Chap. 37. ii. b ΤΛ« fanom of end U the foim- Mine of all ptefpi- Sine, j Gr,«fiirtH m4r.nit. 6 So flielaydc vp his garment by her.Vntill her lord came home. 1 7 Then (bee tolde him t according to thefc words, faying.TheEbrew feruant,which thouhaft brought vnro vs.came into me, to mocke me. 1 X But adbne as I lift vp my voyce and ςτίοιΓ, he left his garment with me.and fled out. I ρ Then when his mafter heard the words of! Iiii wife,which Ihe told him.faying, After this ma-| ncr did thy feruant to me.his anger was kindled. ; 20 And lofephs mafter tooke him and put; f Eir. iV iit him in t » prifon , in the place , where the kings ir•'/•"*^'*/'•. prifoners lay bound:and there he was in prifon. i ;„^";; -i;'" "|1"1"' 21 f But the Lord v/as with lofeph , and] ibn, may be gathc- t fhewed him mercy , and gorhimfauourin the redo. Pial. fight of the * mafter of the prifon. 22 And the keeper of the prifon committed tp lofephs hand all the prifoners that were in f pri- ■ at did he, fon,and ^ whatfoeuer the)' dd there, th 23 And the keeper of the prifon looked vnto nothing that was vnder his hand, feeing tha: the Lord was with him: for whatfoiuef liee did,the Lordma.k it to profper. CHAP. X L. t It? rntrrfHition»l^tli"Ji"t ΰ cfGctl. 11, i» Icf.ffi fuKith Ike drrim^cftit t.tPi f^ifmc'S. tj neii>£', telle «ftiv htirr, '. ^ And. marty v*fo rtm. t- Or, lord. i That is, nothing was done \tiiho* his cojiunanie- meat. Chap, +- Οι•, »κ>ι «*.'/.«<* titm. tl-ll ft Μ «^* ^/ijtf . O. th/m tui mm Λ Gci vTOilrtth many wondcifuH mearics to deliuei kit. % That is, «ntry Jrtamebadhis ir.teifrttarion.ai ihc thing aficiT' Tiaid declared. t EJr. jfiy ere)»vr jf*et niUi t Cannot God liiie \f fntl» ai (kail inie picte A>;ci after thefe thino-s, the butler of the ICino- <,f Egypt • ' • ' • - • ■ • ■ - '" thpoynted. f Or^filtrtit. t "ribt If made «i vrhiic twi(^,ai as fome teade^ t'jskets fidl of boles. Hee ftevveth SiatAe minincts. f God ought not to conceale that, hich Oodte- iKaleih vnto then*. ii Which was an acca/ion to iippoint his offi- icis}, and Γη ro rxaiiu'ne iheni iai we.^ in 2 Aiiti Phaiaoh was ai'giie a^ainfi his two t Officers , agaiiift the chitfe btitier , and againll the chiefe baker. 3 Tlierefore he put them in ward in his chiefe fiewards houfe.in the prifon and place wherej lo- leph was boi.nd. 4 And the chiefe fleward gauc lofeph charge oner them, and he ferued them ; and they ccnri- mied a feaibu in war Je. f f And they both dreamed a drearrc , ey- ther of them iiis dreame in one night, '"eche one according to the interpretation of his dreame, ietfj the butler and the baker t.f the King of E- gypt.which were bound in the prifon. 6 And when lofeph came in vnto them in the morning , and looked vpon them , beliolde, they were fad. 7 And he asked Pharaohs officers , that were wit!) him iii his maftcrs wardc, faying.V/herefore t looke ve (o fadi'y to d?v ? 8 who aiifwered hitn .Wee haue dreamed eclje one a dreame , and there is none ro interprete the fame, Then lofeph faid vnto there, ' Are not interpretations of God ? tell them me now. 9 So the chiefe butler to!d his dreame to lo- feph, and faid vnto him , In ray dreamc.belioid, a vine i)viu before me, I ο And in the vine were tl• branclies.and as [ it buddcdjher floiire came foiv..; and the clufters • of grapes waxed ripe, 1 1 And I had Pharaohs cup in mine hande, andltooke the grapes , and wrung them into Pharaohs cup , and I gaue the cup iuco Pharaohs hand. 1 ζ Then lofeph faid vnto him.This ^ is the in- lerpraatio of it;^ three branches are three daies. 13 Within three dayes ihallPharaoh lift vp j thine iiead,and reftoretliee vnto thinetoffice.and j thou flialt giue Pharaohs c':p into his hand after the olde maner , when thou waft his butler, 14 But haue mee in remenibrance with thee, when diou art in good cafe ,& ihsw mercy ,1 pray XL I, dreames. Pharaohs dneames, id 22 But he hanged the chiefe bahcr^as lofeph had interpreted vnto them. 23 Vet the chiefe butler did not remercbei lofeph , but for gate him, CHAP. XLI. r^ltr .un Atl Sgsjt ^i Uf-il, ntmei, ib*»i«L ssH«i-U ttraftnnts Mjtj^l• «,-,rf Elkrjim. Λ Nd t two yeeres after . Pharaoh alfo » th-ea '**• med.and behold.he ftcod by a riucr, 2 And loc , there c.m-.e out of the riucr feuet t good.y kiueandf.u-fitflxd.andthcyfedin; I medov/: 3 And !oe, feueii other kine came vp after their out of )'^ tiuer, euillfauoured & Icane ficihod, snt flood by the other kine vpcn tie brink of y riucr 4 And the euilifauoutcd di\a Icane (ielhed kinf did eate vp the fcuen welfauoured and fatte kine fo Piiaraoli awoke 5 £::■'-■■' J ni.sdiesBii v^a^uo: Icmuch foi rharaoh, as id be a mcanes to deiiiici lo.^h. and to picu'd* lot Cciis churck. t o•- He' raohjthat thou maleiiLringme out of this houfe. 1 J For I was ftollen a.vay by theft out of f land of theEbrcwes,8c here alio haue I done nothing, wherefore they iLouid put me t in the dungeon. 16 And when the chieL' baker fa we that the interpretation was good, hee faid ν nro lofeph, Alfo mee thought in roy dreame that 1 had three j f white baskets on mine hc.id. < 17 And in the vppcrrrioft basket there vva/ of j all manerfaaken meatcs for Pharaoh.-and j birde j did eate them out of the basket vr on mine head, ! 1 8 Then lofeph anfwered , and faid . g This is ! the interpretationthereof : The three baskets are . three dayes: 19 Within three dayes flial! Pharaoh take ; tliinc head from thee, & ihall hang thee on a tree ; and die birdes ihaii eate thy fieili from off thee. j 20 And fo the third day ,ί-ι^ίί./) vvat Pharaohs j * bii thday,. hee made a LaA vnto all his feruants: / and he lifted vp the head of the.xhiefe butie.r,.iad die head of the chiefe baker among his feruants. ^ 2 1 And he reftored the chiefe butler vnto his t tutJeriliJp/vho^auethe cugintoiiuiMe&jiwniis. \ Againe he llept .and dreamed the *fcccncjb''/.ii .heft Ktati and behold , (eiien eares of cc-rne grew vp-j ood vu.h to ^ en one iljlke.rankc and goodly. ■ jli«t.l.;sfeniaa«. 6 And loe . feuen thin cares . and blafted ^kHuitZi^ the eail wind, (prang vp after diem. j»whodt;«. 7 And the thinnc cares deuourcd the feneij ranke and full eares , then Pharaoh awaked , and loe ;i fMf/ a dream.e. , | 8 Kowe when the rcornirg came , his friritd . . - was c troubled ; therefore hee lent and railed ali ,'„"^,',ν"?.Π" ' the ioothfayers of Ei^ypt ,and all the wife mer^ him liat this , thereof, and Phar.ioh tcide them his dreames :■, ^'*"""' *>" '*»' •* j but i none could intcrp: ete them to Pharaoh. | ^'^j,^ ^^^j-^ ^ { 9 Then fpake the chiefe butler vnto Pharaoli j ,ht nuOd vnder^ | fajin g,I e call to minde n.y faults this day. i «and not cods 10 Pharaoh being angry with his feruants, pu|i"'*"''^,'"''i}f | me in ward in the cliicfc lie wards houfe,^et"- . , T. ■-•J -r /- . , noin•, ivhichwotej 44 Agame Pharaoh laide vnto lofeph, I am iomccxround.ten ptefened to hi nciir, that haue no gifts ofGodmteti; tor the fame. "^Ρμ- 105. ί,. l.M*.i.sJ. i43» 7.10. '^ £»u maaib. 1 Some lead, the people flialUiilTe 4hy monthl, that is fliall obey thee in allAings.l * Or. hUf^tet. iEk-fi^Hdai' Pharaoh , and without thee ihali no man lift vp' ^'^'^ ^'''^'' his hand or his foote in the land of Egypt. i 0^" fedf do'^^'lfe 4^ And Pharaoh called lofephs name * Zaph-i * or, tUe c^o«n' nath-paaneah ; and he gauehimto wifeAfenath''''""'//'^''"'• the daughter of Poti-pherah ■>< Prince of On. * "''f'^- then went lofephabroadein thelandof Egypt. ' . . ■ 4(i -1 And lofeph was « thirty yeere olcf when Ironed bfrVto"'"" he Itonde before i'haraoh King oi Egiptrand lo- ii'w *at ^^^ m- feph departing fi-om the prefence of Pharaoh, '''""" ""V^ went throughout all the land of Egypt. : .h^fhe'.fced 47 And m the feuen plemeoiis yeeres the earthjimprifonment aac t brought forth ftore. ic.^ijjc twelueyee- 4? And he gathered vp all the foode in the fe-il" ftTV* uen plenteous yeeres , which were in the land of gMtlyL•)'. E":ypt,and layde vp foode in the cities:the foode of the fjelde,that was roundabout euery citie,!ayd hee vp in the fame, 49 So lofeph gathered wheate,Hke vnto the I fande of the fea in multitude out of meafure.vntill ; hee left numbring: for it -uvas without number. :. 5Ό Now vnto lofeph were borne * two fonnesi* <^^•ψ•+<.ίο. ar.t (before the yeere of famine came) which Afe-j''^^'^' nath the daughter of Poti-pherah prince of On bare vnto him. 1 yi And lofeph called the name ofthefirftj borne Manafieh : for Godfaidhe, hath made mei forget all my labour & all my ο fathers hoiiihold. '* Nocvn'thitan. 52 Alfo he called the name of the fecond , Ε-^"|ί,'^^'^^;^^^^' phraim : For God,fitjfd he, hath rnade me fruirfull jthe tme'chiiKh in the land of mine afflidlion. of God^^-et the^, 5-3 f So the feuen yeeres of the plentie that *»"SP£^y-of'M was in the land of Egypt were ended. ^'γΙ? 7,2"L• J4 * Then began the feuen yeares of famine to foigetit. ^ '• to come.iccording as lofeph had fayd : and the * Ά• »<« • 5»» ' famine was in all iandes , but in all the landiof i.. .' ,•] Egypt was * bread. ^ * Οτ,ί,^ί':, • 5 y At the length all the land of Egypt was af- ... famiihed, and the people cried vnto Pharaoh for J bread. And Pharaoh faide vnto all the Egyptians, ,- - Goe to lofeph : what he faith to you.doe ye, ytf when the famine was vpon all the land,Io- feph opened all pfaces, wherein the florevvas' and foldevnto the Egyptians : for the famine; waxed fore in the land of Egypt. | J 7 And all the countries*came to Egypt to buy! * Or, t^mi u e- corne of lofeph . becaufe the famine was fore ib;^;';" »» /«/'■/*• all Iandes. j CtHAP. XLII. 3 Ufifhs intlren come into Egyjit to buy reyji!. 7 Hfe ftiiowpfi ihiiti. mi tryeth them n Simeon ΰ {ut in frifon. 3+Tie| other got to fetch BeJiiJmiii. \ Τ Hen a laakob fawe that there was +foode in a This fteiy (hew- E.ovi>t,8c laakob faid vnto his fonnes,whyi eth plainly that st b gaze ye one vpon an other ? \ ^^^f •;«|;";- 2 And iie faid. Behold, I haue heard that therej ..jdence , for the is foode in Egypt ,*Get you down thither,&. buy; profit of his vs foode thence, that wee may Hue and not die. λ^'""'''• 3 ί So went lofephs ten brethren downe toi ^ ^'• "(Γ^είΐίωι^ buy corne of the Egyptians. ; of coimfell. 4 But Beniamin lofephs brother , would not * /)«/ 7. 1 1. laakob fend with his brethren: for he faid.Leaftj death ihotild t befall him. ; ^ BirfiouU mn t y And the fonnes of Ifrael came to buy foode, among them that came ; for there was famine in ώ& land of Canaan. 6 Now gimeon is ipptifoned c This aiiftmbling isiiottofcefollow- «d,noranyp«"™- latfadesot the fa- thers not apptoued by Gedswocd *cfc«^^7•s. ^^. 4 The Egyprians whlfHwereidola tcissvfedtefweate by theiilingslite but God forbiddeth Chap. XLIII 6 Kow lofeph was goxiernonr of the land, who fold toallthepjopleoftheland : thenlo- iTeph's brethren came, and bowed their face to the ground before him. 7 And when lofeph fawe his brethren , hee knewe them , and c made himielfe Itrange to- ward them.aid fpake to diem roughly , and fayd vuto them , Whence come ye ? Who anfvvered. Out of the land of Canaan.to buy vitaiie. 8 (Now lofeph knew his brethren , but they knew not him, 9 And Iofephremembredthe*dreames,which he dreamed of them) &he faid vnto them,Ye are fpies,a»le by this money. ' {v!tixe by any , ther,and ye Ihalbe kept in prilon.that your words it feiihimryetlofephj . uuay be prooued , whether there be trueth in you. 'fApiftionmaieth meM toacknow- ledge their faults, wBich etherwife they notild difl'cmble. or els by the life of Pharaoh ye are but fpies. ImiUeiofthjeii: j j 7 So he put them in warde three dayes, jF.ottuptwHsr - J g -j-j^gj^ lofeph fayd vnto them the third e And*etefoi«am day.This doe.and Hue i/er I e fcare God. «ne ana iiiO; j 1 9 If ye be true men , let one of your brethren , V• 'be bound in your prifon houfe, and goe ye , carie food..-/or the "famine of your houfes: 20 * But bring your yonger brother vnto me, that your words may be tried , and that yee dye not: and they didfo. 2 1 f And they faid one to another ,f We haue verily finned againft our brother , in that we fawe the anguill• of his foule.when he befought vs,and we would not heare him : therefore is this trouble ,ψ-Chf. *CitS>.l7.Z!. g God will taSe •with e-.u- ο wne meafiue. f Ei/r. an i/iler/'e. h Though hee ikevvedhiinbiie rigorous , y»f His brothedy aifc^ioi temiined. come vpon vs. 22 And Reuben anfvvered them, faying.War- ned I not you , faying . * Sinne not againft the childe,and ye would not heare? and lo,his S blood is now required. 23 (And they were not aware that lofeph vn- derfiood them : for he t fpake vnto them by an interpreter.) 24 Then he turned from them, andh wept, and turn.'d to them againe, and com.Tiuned with them, ma :ooke Simeon from ;unon^ them , and bound him before their eyes. 25 Τ So lofeph commanded that they flioukl £11 their Dckes with wheate , and put euery mans mon jy againe ill his facke , and giue them vitaiie for the iourney : and thus did he vnto them. 26 And iliiy .-.y-d their vitaiie vpon their' af- fcs.and departed thence 27 And ai "one of th ; η opened his facke for to giue his aifj piO'iJiider in the Inne.he efpyed his mctneyifor lo,it was in his fackes mouth. 28 Then he fayi!. vnto his brethren , My mo- ney is reftor€d:fur'lo.it is cuea in my facke. And Ihed , and fayd one to anoilier , Whas is this, that God hath done vnto vs? 29 ί And they came vnto laakob their father vnto the land of Canaan , and tolde him all that had befallen them.faying, 3 ο The man who is lord of the land.fpake rough- ly tci vs,&pi!C vs ill prifon as fpies of the countrey. 3 I And we fayd vnto him . V/e are true men, «««iiareno fpies. 3 2 We be tweluc brethren , fonnes af eilir fa- ther : one || is not.^'.nd the yongeft w this day with our father in the land of Canaan. ^^ Then the lord of the countrey fayd vnto vs, Hereby lliall I knowe if ye be true men: Leaue one of your brethren with me , and take^o^ foi tlie famine of yourhoufes,and depart, 34 And bring your yongeft brother vnto me. that I may knov/e that yee are no fpies , but true men : β will I deliuer you your brother, and ye Ibal! pccupie in the land. 35• Τ And as they emptied theii• la^J^ , be- holde ,• euery mans bundel of monej^'as ia his facke:and when they snd theirfather faw'the bun- dels oftheir moHey,they were -afraid. 3(i Then laakob their father fayd to diem Ye haue robbed me of my children:Iofeph is not, and Simeon is not , and ye will take Beniaraia:aU thefe things || are againftkme. 3 7 Then Reuben ani\vered his father, faying. Slay my two fonnes, if I bring him not to thee a- gaine: delinerhim tothin<;hand,andI will bring him to thee againe. % ' 3 8 But he laid. My fonne faall not goe downe with you : for his brother is dead,and he is lefM- lone : if death come vnto him bj' the way which ye go , then ye lliall bring ray gray head with fe row vnto the graue. CHAP. X LIII. ij laaktb fuffmth Sentamm n Λ^ρ.ιτί with hitchiUreu. iS Simem is dt'.iuerei tut of ftifm. 50 lofeph goeth aftie ani neepeth, ^ Ο w great a famine was in the land, 2 And v^en they had eaten vp the vitaiie, ^vhich they had brought from Egypt.their father faid vntothem,Turne again,izi^bny vsa litle food. 3 Andludnhanfweredhim .faying .The man charged \s by an oathe , faying , + Neuer fee my face.except your brother be with you. 4 If thou wilt fend our brother with vs will goe downc.'.nd buy thee foode, f But if thou wilt not lend hw , wee will not go downj : for the man faid vnto vs,•" Locke mee not in the face.cxcept your brother be with you 6 And Ifraei fayd , Wherefore dealt yeefo euill with me, as to tell the man , whether yee had yet a brother or no? i, 7 And tliey .mfwcred.The man asked ftrairly of Hour felucs Sc of ourkinred,iaying,Is yo-irf-.thcr yetaliue? haue ye any brother ? An.l we tolde him according to aeie v/ordes ; coijid we kn-nv cer- tainly y he would fay,B'ing your brother downe ? 8 Then ihyd lud-hto.!:---• ' his f.:her , Send the' boy with me , that wee m :y ul - ..:i:l goe .and that we may Hue , and not die, LkJi .v?,and thou, and our children. 9 I will bee furetie for him.of mine hr.nd fhalt thou require hi>n. * If I brJighimuottothee, *ct„^ 4^. and fee iaijn before thee , f then ie: rce bearc t EU.iiriUjniii k For they feemed r.ot to be couched with any lone to- ward their bieihren, whicb ir.creal'edhis I'oriow: and partly a; appeaveth , he fi:fpe;lcdtlieai£ai. I This was a grilt tcntationto li'liot to flitter {o great famine in cliat land where God haiptomifedte ' sleieWm. CtJp.^i.12, Cij/..+ ^ -f Ebr.toihcinotitli of thefe words : diat is, that thing, which lie asked . the'"*«* 1 Beniamingyeth with his brethren. Ofifaiitfmat, b When we arc ii r.eceilitit or dan - tei , God foibid- eih not lo vie sU }ioHtftmtanes(n fceiict onr eflace and condition. c Oiirchiefe truft «.uglii tobeinGed, and net in vs'Oildiy meanes. rt M.tipe..k«th there words not fo miitli ofdcfyaitt, a; tomalve his fonues mot caic- fnjl to bring agiini theiibiothei II Or . K> itf ru/'r t So tht inJgement of Godprellcd their confcie no ■j- £ir. TixIiWrrt. t E/,r. c.fthir»- f Noi.viihllaiidini the conuptioiis of Egypt,yetlofei>h taught his faniil.e to icaii lid. f Hi'. ftJM, JElt'.irtwli. tlieblatneforener, ο For except wee had made this tarying, j duiibtlefle by this we had retiimedf fecond time. Then their fatlier lirael faid vnto them.If it mufi needej be fo now, doe thus : lakeofthebeft fiuites of the land in your vefl'els , and bring the man a pre fent.a little rofen.and a little hony.ufpi- ces andmyrrhe.nuttes.andalrcondes ; And take b double money in your hand, and the money , that was brought againe in your {".ickcs raouthesrcary it againe in your hand,ieaft it were forae ouerfight. 1 3 Take alio your brother and arife , and goe againe to the man. 1 4 And « God almightie giue yon mercy in the fight of tlie man , that hec may dcliuer you your other brother, and Beniarain : but I Ihall bo d robbed of my chikl, as I hauebeene. I <[ Thus the men tooke this prefent,and tooke twile lb much money in their hand with Bcnia- min , and rofe vp, and went downe to Egypt, and ftoode^efove loi'eph. l6 And when ioleph faweBeniamin witltthcm, he fayd |i to his fteward , Bring thefe men home and kill meate.and make ready ; for the men Ihall eate with me at noone. 1 7And the men did aslofeph bade,and brought the men vnto lofephs ΙιοηΓο. 1 8 Now when the men were brought into lofephs houfe.they were « 3frayd,& fayd,Becaufe of the money , that came in ourfackes mouthes at the firft time, are we brought.that he may tpicke a quarell a^ainft vs.and t lay feme thing to our charge.ind bring vs in bondage and our alles. 1 9 1 herefore came rhey to lofephs llewarde, and communed with him at the doore of ;y houfe, 20 And fiid. Oh fir, *we came indeed downe hither at the firft time to buy foode, 21 And as we came to an Inne and opened otir fackes, behold, euery mans money was in his fickes mouth, etien oi;r money in full weight, but we haue brought it in our hands. Alfo other money haue we brought in our hands to buy foode , but we cannot tell , who put otir n-oney in our fackes. 23 And he iiid,0 Peace be vnto you.feare not: f your God , and the God of your f.ither hath gi- lun you that treafure in your fackes , I had your money ; and he brought forth Simeon to them. 24 So the man led them into lofephs houfe, and gaue tliera water to waih their feete,and gaue th;ir alles [frouender. 2 5; And they mide ready their prefent agaimt lofcph came at noon J , (for they heard fay , that they !houId eate bread there. ) z6 when lufeph came hQme,they brought the refent into the houfe to him , which was in their ands.Sc bowed dov/n to ihe grc.uid before him. 2 7 And bee asked them ci their t profperitie, and fayd , Is your father the olde m;'.n , of whome ye tolde me, in good health ? is he yet aliue ? 28 Who aniwered , 1 hy fcruant onr fatlier is in good hcaltli , he i*yct aliue : undduy bowed downe, cuid made obeyfance. 29 And he lifting vp.his eyes, beheld his bro- ther Benianiin , his g mothers fonne, and fayd. Is this your )'Onger brcihcfcf whomye toldeme ? Andhe fiid, God hi mercifuil vnto'thee.my fon. 3oAndi iofeph uudc lMf«(furW5i;ff«ttioi} wa» Genefis. A cup in Beniai nins fackc^ inflamed toward his brother.and fought where to weepe).-'.ndcntred into his chamber Scwepf there, 3 I Afterward he walhed his fQce,and came out, and refrained himfelfe,and faid.Set on t meate, |j ^^i^*"^' ^. 3 2 And they h prepared for him by himfeif,and ^;^°i '^"' * * for them by themfelues , and for the Egyptians, which did eate with him,by themfelues, becaufe J• Egyptians might not eate bread with tlieEbrews: for that was an ί abomination vnto the Ε g^-ptians. |i The nature of iniiiousi» all othev in reffiSof themielf.es. 33 Sothey fate before him;the elde ft according ιΊ« i"?^' vnto his age, and the yongeft according vnto his '° '" youth : & the men marueiled among themfelues. And they tooke meafesfrom before him., k sometime this etfid fetit to them : but Beniamins meafe was fi ue times fomtich as any of theirs : and they dranke land had of the beft drinke with him. CHAP. XLIIII. IS Icfrftacc^lttUircikircftUfi. jj laiU, φ"ΐί timfilft /» ir furjni far BiKUmn. Λ Fterward he commanded his fteward , faying. Fill the mens fackes with foode , as much .is they can c;ury, and put euery mans money ia his fackes mouth. 2 And a pat my cup ,Imcane, the filuer cup, in the fackes mouth of the yongeft, and his come money. And'he did according to the commr.nde- mentthat lofeph gaue htm. 3 And in the t morning the rhen were fenr away, they, and their afles. 4 And when they went out of the citie not farre off, lofeph faid to his ftewai-de , Vp , follow after die men ; and when tiiou doeft ouertake them , fay vnto them , Wherefore haue ye rewar- ded euill for good ? y Is that not the cuf>f>e, whsre'm my Lord drin- kethi ^ and in the which he doeth diuineand pro- ^ Biciiife thtyeo- phecie ? ye haue done euill in lb doing, P''= ,'J°^&'" ''* 6 ί And when hee ouertoke them ,he faydS*:r:'hX. theie wordes vnto them. [ielfe-thatknow- 7 And they anfwered him , Wherefore fayth ^^H' '■ °* *''''* my lord fu;h wordesiGod forbid that thy feruants (Ό'""'' '*'"'"* " word ligiiilieth to be dninlcn,b[it tis meant, that they had en u(igh,aad dranke cf [hcb«ayvint> » Wejflijrnetky this example vfe 3ηγτηΐ3Λτίη11 pradices , feeing God hath eoat- mandeilvsc• walke in fimplicity. Ε*', iipfmcr-• Ihould doe fuch athin^ 8 Behold , the money whicl,i we found in our fackes mouihes , we brought againe to thee out of the land of Canaan : how then should we fteale out of thy lords houfe filuer .or golde ? pWith whomfociier of thy feruants it be found, let him die,& we alfo will be my lords borvlmen, 1 ο And he fayd,Now then let it he according vnto your v;ordes:he with whom it is found, (hail be my feruant , and ye Ihalbe 1 blaralefle. 1 1 Then .'t once euery man tooke downe his facke toy ground,8c euery one opened his facke. 1 2 And he fearched.and beg.in at the eideft,* and left at the yongeft ; and the cuppe was found in Beniamins lacke. 13 Then they <^ rent their cloatiics, and laded euery mnn his aire,aud went againe into the citie. 14 ί So Itidah and his brethren came to lo- fephs houfe (for he ΖΊ-Λί yet there) and they fell before him on the ground. I •; Then lofeph laid vnto thefn, what aite is this .wliich ye haue done ? know yc not that fuch a man .is I , can diuine and orophecie ? 1 6 Then faid I udah,What ihall we fay vnto my lord? what ihall ws fpe?ke?andhowcan we iuftiiic oiir fellies ? d God hath fotmd out the wickedncs of thy feruants : beholde, wee are feruants to my ii>rd,botli.we,sndhe,^vidv\Yi}om the cup is found. eth that he fiilted wiJi foothiajets foir /»'• Which ίίηιηΙ«βοη ii woiihytole• lejiooued, \EW. c To Tgni/Tehow greatly the thing d.fpleafedthem. «lid howfonie iliejweiefotit, If wefeino.eiti. dentfaiifeof otii afHiition , Ictvj looieto theieciet coiinfcnof Cod, who ptiniflicA vs iiiUly fot wciinne^ lodab ipeatetb to lofeph,' Chap.X » riyiall ia ititho- (itie oi.mxcYjito the king. t Eir.rflMi tfvi* 'III ^i. Γ Or , ^^^t I my / ί CJ^.+J.J. |E»r.tf.-W(lv f Rihelbitef» laiSob, fefeph andj Buiiamtn. j g YeOiallcinfem fediefotiorrovT. ί Β,-r.hUfoutAt '«■ 0.^>.43.P. h Meani«ig,iite had i»thii their ptifoHet.thcr »o lemrneaHdlc» his father in htt- uincs. 9 Netthithe was tQiamed of his kimed.but that he would coner hi 6;eih«nf fiiilc. 1 7 But he^nfwereci.God forbld^that I ihoiild doefo , tut the rmt\ , with whom thee uppe is foiinjc , he {hall be my feruant , and goe yee in peace vnto your father. 1 8 1 Then Iiulah drewe neerc vnto him , and fajde , Ο my lord , let thy fcruont now fpeake η word inmy'lords eares , and let not thy wrath be kintiledagainft thy feruant : for thou art euen c as Ph.iraoh. 19 My lord asked his feruants,fay ing,* Haue ye a father.or a brother f 20 And wee anfwered my lotxi.Wec haue a fa- ther that is old, 5c a young t chMe,vvhich he be- rate in his age: & his brother is dead.Sc he alone is left of his mother.andhisfathiirlouethhim. 2 1 Now thou faideft vnto thy feruants, Bring him vnto me.that I may || fet mine eye vpon him. 22 And we anfwered my lord.The childe can not depart from his father ; ίρΐ if he leaue his fa- ther, hi J father would die. 23. Then faideft tliou vnto thy feruants,* Ex- cept your yonger brother come downe with you.looke in my face no more. 24 So when we came vnto thy feruant our fa- ther,and fhewed him what my lord had faid. 2y And our father faid vnto vs , Goe againe, liuy vsalitlefoode. ϊ6 Then we anfwered,\Vee cannot go downa, hut if our yongeft brother t go with vs,rhen will we goe ik)wn : for we may not fee the mans face, except our yongeft brother be with vs. 27 Then thy feruant my father faide vnto vs, Yc know that my f wife bare me two finnes. 28 And the one went out from mce , and I faide, Of a fuerty he is torne in * pieces,Sc I faw him not lince. 29 Now ye take this alfo away from mee : if death take him , then g ye ihall bring my gray head in forrow to the graue. 30 Now therefore , when I come to thy fer- uant my father.and the c hild be not with vs (fee- ing that his t life dependeth on the childes life.) 3 1 Then when he ihall fee that the childe is not c»me, he will die : fo iliall thy feruants bring the gray head of thy feniant our father with for- row to the graue 3 2 Doubtlefle thy feruant became fuerty for the childe to my father , and , *IfI bring him not vnto thee againe,then I will beare the blame vnto my father for euer. 33 Now therefore,! pray thee.let me thy fer- uant abide for the child , as a feruant to my lord, and let the childe go vp with his brethren. 34 For •> how c η I go vp to my father: if the childe^i not wi:h me , vnleflel would fee the euill tliat Ihall come on my father. CHAP. XLy. thti till j»j/ iaju t) CeiifrouiJnit. ι S P/i Audi commaun J thee, Thus doe ye,takej ^^^ ^ you ch.uets out of the hnd of Egypt for yoiuj""* children, .ind for your wiues , and»brmg your fa4 thcrand come. ! 2ϋ Alio t rcg.ird ;iot your ftuft'e : for the befl^ . ^., ,„ „,,„^ of all the land of Egypt isyoius. ^''Tf-fO"" 2 1 And the chiidivn of I fr.-.el did fo: and lo- »#'»■ fcphgaue themcharcts according to the coffi- mandement of Pharaoh ; he .!>aue the.m vitailc alfo for the iourney. 22 He gaiie them all.none except,change of rai:ncnt • but vnto B.-ui imin he gaue three hun- dreih pieces of liluer, ind fiue fuites of raiment. «3 And vnto his father |! likevvil'e he fent ten " ^'■'"P" ' hee ades laden with the beft things of Egypr.ami ten ihee allcs laden witii wheate , and bread and *>(( t'tni§t. meare for his father by the way. 24 S 0 fent hs his brethren away,and they de- C 2 parted; .fiUut laakob and fiis familie cemming; (jciefis» into Egypt. loiephmeetetl his father g Seeing he lisd temitiedthc fanlt done toward him, would not that they Qiould acciife put anethtf . h As one betwttne hoft and feare. 9 V'/herebylieboth iignitieth that he worlliijipedihe tnie God , and jlfo that he Iteptin his heavi the polTc (lion oi hat laud from whence ptefcnt ite :cn;ty dioiic him. h Condiiling thee by my power. c In ihy poficritie, d Shall Ihiit thine eyes vThen thoudi- e/i ; which apper- tained to him that wasmoftdeareHjOi chief e of the kijiied. ipl.'os.tj. *Eii«il.i.i.«Ei'i. t.Ckr. 5.1. * Esui.6.ii. * i.Cki.t.i. ani t,»,.Ci^.38.3. *i.Ci«.7. 1 OT,tiffu,t. ,cif.r. parted : and he fayd vnto them j f Fall not out by the vay. 2 y ί Then they went vp from Egypt.Sc ca^nc vnto the land of Canaan, vnto laakob their father. 7.6 And told him.faying.Iofcph is yet aliue.Sc he alfo is gouernour ouer ail the laad of Egypt,5c 7fi^ng,Iaakob, laakob. Who anfwered , I am here. 3 Then hee fayd , I am God.the God of thy father , feare not to go downe into Egypt : for I will there make of thee a great nation, 4 I will b go downe with thee into Egypt, and I will alfo^ bring thee vpagaine, and loleph ihall d put his hand vpon thine eyes. J Then laakob rofevpfromBeer-iheba : and the fonnes of Ifrael caried laakob their father, and their children,and their wines in the charets, which Pharaoh had lent to cary him . 6 And they tocke their catiell and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of Ca- najn , and caitie into Egypt , both * laakob and allhisfeede wirhhim. 7 His fonnes and his fonnes fonnes with him, his daughters and his fonnes daughters , and all his feede brought he with him into Egypt. 8 f And thefe are the names of the children of Ifrael , which came into Egypt ,<;«?« laakob and his fonnes : ■" Reuben laakobs firft borne. β And the fonnes of Reuben ; Hanoch , and Phallu.nnd Hezron.and Carmi. I ο ί And thefonnesof* Simeon ;Iemuel,and lamin , ind Ohad , and lachinv, and Zohar , and Shiul the fonne of a Canaanitiili woman. J I, ί "Alfo the fonnes of* Leiii ; Gerihon,Ko- hath,andMerari. 12 1 Alfo the fonnes of* Iudah;Er,andOnan, andShelah_, andPhaiez, and Zerah : (butErand Onin died in the land of Canaan.) And the fonnes of Pharez were Hezroii and Hamiil. 13 ί Alfo the fonnes of ^Iliichar .-Tola ,and Phuuah,and lob, and Shimron. 14 Τ Alfo the fonnes of Zebulun : Sered, and Elon.andlahleel. 1 5 Thefe be the fonnes of Leah , which iliee bare vnto laakob in Padan AtAn , with his daugh- ter Dinah. All the |i foules of his fonnes and his daughters were thirtie and three. 16 Alio the fonnes of Gad : Ziphion.andHag- gi,Shuni,2nd Ezbon,En.andArudi,and Arcii. 17 ί ΑΙΓυ the lonnes of* Alher : limnah.and Ifnuah.and Ifui,::ndftcriah,and Serah their fuler. Andthe fonnes of Benah : and H;ber,Malchiel. 18 Tkefearethe cbildtenof Ziliab iwhoai L-'.ban ga\ie to Leah his daughter : ind thefe llie• bare vnto laakob ,.+$.{.. f Ebr.tiighet. Β Or,(o pyfftff! '■■ UmafLice. [ Bir.ho,mi{Ht i &i:fft.t*^*j Pi 24 f Alfo the fonnes of Ν 'phtal and Giini,Iezer,and Shillem, 2 I Ϊ thee.let thy feruants Swell in the land of Gcilen. j if Then fpakc Pharaoh to lofeph.faying.Thy ; father rnd thy brethren «ire corae vnto thee. I» rof«pl>sgre»t j 6 The bland of Egypt is before thee rill the itiodeftie apjeattth ^eft place of the land make thy father and thy bre- li-iJll'li-i r"i^t, thren dweIJ;Iet them dwell in the land of Goflien: 8c if thou knowelt that there be men of aftiuitii; arftong them,make them niJers ouer my cattei. 7 lofeph alfo brought laakob iiis father , and fet him before Pharaoii. .And laakob f fainted Pharaoh. 8 Then Pharaoh f^d vnto laakob ' , t How bide art thou ? ' ' 9 And laakob faid TOto Pharaoh , The whole > ff- «; time of my t pilgrimage»/ .in hundreth andthirtie yeeres:few Sc euil haue the d.iies ofray life been, and I haue not attained vnto tlie yeeres of the life cf my fathers, in the dayes of their pilgrimsges. 10 And laakob ttookeleautjofPliataoh.ani departed from the prefence of Phar-aoh. 1 1 ί And lofeph placed his father.and His! bre- thren , and gaue them poileiTion ϊη the land of E- gypt , in the beft of the land , euen in the land of 1[ «^ Ramefes.as Pharaoh had comnwnded. 12 Τ And lofeph nouriiliedhisfatheisand his brefhrea, and alt his fadiers houlliOldwith bread, a somcrejie.that j ^eneflto theyoinig children. he ftd ihcm as MM j ^ ί Njgw there w'as no bread in all the l^nd : t*U^et'1onw/ foi• the famine was exceeding lore : fo that th.e ifor4tmfdHes a- I land of Egypt.and the land of Canaan were t fa- IgtitiRthat faminej miibed by reafon of the famine. AfBhr.^.aghtu I j^ And lofeph gathered all the monev,that l*/i*^<1^rf ' i was found in the land of Egypt , and in the land •j • ^-?- ; I ofCdnaan/orthe.cornewhich theybonght^iid e wileieiiihebothi e loieph layd vp the money inPhardohs houfii. aeditcihrts fideliiji I y So when money failed in the land 6f E- howad the King j and iretheland of Canaan, rhen all theE- T'sn» njs mmde net ο ^ r .' ■, r i j r j »- ■ ίτ»ί>ν«3*:{οιιίίιο. > gy pnans came ynco lolepli , and layd , Griue vs "^ bread:forwhyilioiildwedyebeforethee!foro»r \_ money is fpent. i6 Then faydIoreph,Bring your catteli, and '<,' I will giiie you for yotrr cattell,if^»»'' money be fpent. \ if So they brought theircattell vnto lofeph, i 8c lofeph gaue them bread for the horfes, Sc for the flockes'of flieepe,and for the heaides of cat- I I tell.and for the afles : fo he fed them with bread i i for all their catteli that yeere. 1 8 But when the yeere was ended,rhey came vnto him the next yeere,8c fayd vnto him , We will not hide from my lord.that lince our money is fpent ,andmy lord hath the heardes of the cat:- tell.there is nothing left in the fight of my lord, but our bodies and our ground. ■ 19 Wliy lliall we penUi in thy fight,both we ani our ί land ? buy vs 8c our hndfor bread, and we 5c our iand willbe bointd to Pharaoh: there- fore giuevs kedc , th.itwecmay liue andnot dye, and that the land goe not to w-ifte. 2ϋ Solofegh bought ail the iand of Egypt for Pharaoh -for the Egyptians folde euery man his ground , bccaufe the famine wa? fore vpon them : fo the iand be<;arne Pharaoiis. Ani lie g remooued the people vnto the ci laakob is fidf-e, i^i^ f For except tlie groiind be tilled & iewcn.itperifticih, audit as it were ieti. g By dtis clungin hey fignihed tiiat ceiticd all ofthe iiiigsli/ieiality. ^ fM.tnicftit iney iienihed tuat . . ..r " ./• i rr- ■ - ■ i i they had neUiijigol ^les, t irom one fide όΐ Egypt euen to the other «iftirowne, hut le 22 Gneiytlie tiind ofthe Iriefts bought he not Gneiy forthePriefts hadanord nir-e of Pharaoh , and they did eate their ordintrie .which Pharaoh gattetdiemrwherforethey foidiiot their £;ruund. 23 Then lofeph fayd fnto the people.Behold, I haue bought you this day^Sc your .dnti forPha- raoh : loe , hereit feede for you ; fo• /e therefore the ground. 24 Andoftheincreafeyeefliall glue the fift part vnro Phaiaoh.audfoure partes ihalbe yours for the fecdc of the field, and for your meate,!ind for tlicin of your houilioldes . and for your chil- dren toeate. / 25 Then they aufwered^hou ΙταΛ Cjued our Hues : let vs finde grace in tTlfe ijght-ofniy lord, ahd we win be Pharaohs feruants . I 0,6 Then Iqfephmade italawouerthe kndl of Egypt vKto this day , that Pharaoh fiioulti' hauethef ft /)<»>•?, h except the land ofthe Priefts * '?''«/»»(»''» ϊ'»"'•• only .whic h was not Pharaohs . p',"!i5°Q,>nt"a""' 27 1 And Ifracl dwelt in the land of Egypt, in tondcmnaiiontoail the eountrey of Go(l-\c:Sc they had their poiTef- !!^"i w•»•'!» negleit fions therein ■, and grew and multiplied excee- |,''««««'nin'fti«ot dingly. p«divre.d. 28 ■ Moreouer.Taakob lined in the land of E- i gyptfeuentceneyeeres.fo that the wlioleageof! laakob fV4i an hundrerh fourtie & feiietjyeeres,! 29 Kow wi\en the time ilrew neere thet Hirael l mult die.he called his fonne lofeph, and faid vn- j to him. If 1 haue now found grace in thy fight, : * put thine hand now vnder my thigh, and deale '* ckif.i^.x: mercifully and tritely with me : burie me not , I ^««byhepdoteiel praythee.inEgypt^ Ιί^ΐΙ^^ So But when 1 ilialii ileepe With my fathers, iachir.g his thfl- thou liialt carie me out of Egypt , and burie mcc ' "" '<> ''op« fet iht, in their buriall. Aad heeanfwered, I will doe 2s l 'on"i^:nntt Ufitnh hit fi^k fMtt, ; ttAgl rittt'fnhCeis ynmiff. s Hffreeeiurlt Itjpfhffiwnet *fHt, ly He ir/fnutb til forger. AGaineafter this, one fayd to lofeph.Loe.thy father is ficke : then he tooke v.'ithhimhis atwofoi«ies,Manaileh;-ndEphraim. ^ lofeph ζ Alfo one rolde laiukob.and faid,BchoId,rhv «««meth that hi• fonne Iofef>h isxome to thee,and liracl tooke his £'^;,,";^,''„"^*^ ftrengthvntohim and fate vpon the bed. iobsfamiiy,°whiA 3 Then laakob fayd vnto lofeph , God Π si- Wa^ the chmch of nightie appeared \-nto meat^Luzintlielandofl'^•^'''^»"'?"'"? /-• I 1 I n- J ~ ^llthe tieafnies o{ Canaan, and bleiled me. 4 And bee fayd vnto me, Behold,! willmake thee fruitfuU , and will multiplie thee , and will make agreat numberof people of thee , andwill giue this land vnto thy feede after thee for an ^ euerlafting poffeiTiun. ♦ y "i And now thy * two fonnes, Manaliehand Ephraim , which ..re borne vnto thee in the land of Egypt.bcfore I came to thee into Tgypt , Iball bemine.as Reiil)en .nd Simeon are mine. 6 But thy linage , which thou h It begotten after them , ihaibj thine : thev ill -be cal-ed after • the names of their brethren in their inheritance. 7 Now whL-n I came from Palaii , R hel * died vpon mine hand in' the I'.ni of Can t n, by the W.y wh.nrAerr i/vi/biir h'.fc ad.;ycs iowt- ney rf^rovnJ to ccmero Ephr th : and 1 bu.y- ed'her there in the vv.,^ to Ephr:.th : the fame « Berh-lehem. 8 ■ Then Ifrael beheld lofeph fonnes indfayJ Wiiofearcthcfe? •' ■ ■ i .. C j ρ Aud Egypt. J CMfiffiimt^ ■^ CiMi.ae.ij. i which is Itnti* rhe catnall Ifnel VBtoihecommiDg ofcluin.andin th< fpiiitiiall fo£ cii< * Ci*.*».So, CtJf. fr eitfii'^i e The faithfiill ac. Irowlsdge all be nefits come of Cols&cemeicies, ■f Etc ;/ 9 And lofe ph fayd vnto his father. They are my fonnes . which ^ God hath giueumee here. Then lie f.iyd,I pr.-.y thee bring them to me > that I mny blclVe them ; I ο (Fortheeyesof Ifi'ael were dim for age, fo thst he could not well fee) Then he caufed them to come to him , anJ he kifled them and embraced them. I I And Ifrael fayd ATito lofeph , I had not th-oHght to haiic ieene thy face: yet loe.God hath Ihewed m-.• alfo thy foede. I ζ And lofcph to&'xe them away from his fMinti» jju,.gs^ gj- jjj i-eiierence t downe to the grounde, 13 Then tooke lofeph them both , Epbraim _i Gods iudg is ofc tunes tonnrai-j to miiis.andhee ^tefeitctluhat, L«ihkhma.i dcfti *Hel)t . ..ti. « rh/s Angel mail be vndetftoode of thrift, as Chag.ji. f Let them be ta- ken asmyciiii- dtea. aituac, lofeph faileth in adiag Gods gtace tlje Older of Geiieiis• .all his Θ* wrie ibnne$« ^lorybenot thou ioyned with their aflembly : L°''l°''S"' tor in their wrath they flew a « man , and in their fucKOnlinui to 5 ί SlmeorjiindLewi,brethrenwiwtf, η the; q^^j^^. . inftriiments of crirehie are in tlieir habitations, ί,,/'ίφ£^„^^ 6 Into their lecret letnot my foule come;my f/vf«i,«c,. ^^tongue:ine» >g that Jiee nei. feifewiil they digged'downe a wall. them in word nor 7 Ciirfedbe their wrath.for it was fierce, and kiionght. their rage, for it was cruell : I will f diuide them j* ^■^'" "^«««esj in Iaakob,and fcatter thc:n in lirael, jf fm Leui had no 8 ί Thou Iudah.thy brethren ihallpraife thee :^pait,and s/meo™ thine hand fhalbe in the nccke of thine enemies : j"" ""<•'": '"^'K thy fathers fonnelhall 8 bowe downe vnto thee, ^^i^.^^-^^f ρ ludahrt/aLions wheipe ibaltthou comejoftheAmJekKti, vpfromthe fpoile,my fonne. HeίlMllIyedo■Λ■nel'•C^tβ.^.+ in his right ii.ind toward Iftaels left hand, & Ma- j W couch a Lyon , mdasa LionelTc ; ^ Whoj?,^'^^^'"'^^•* luflch in his left hand toward Ifraels right hand, fo he brought them vnto him. 14 But Ifrael ftretched out his right hand.and layde it on ^ Ephraims head, which was;^ yonger, an I his left hand vpon Manaflehs head (directing his hands of purpofe) for ManalTeh vvat the elder ly Λ i< Alfo he bieffedlofeph.and fayd. The God ..^fore whom my fathers , Abraham and Iz- hjk dti\valke , the God , which hath fed mee all my life long.vnto this ά^γΜφ fhee, 16 The « Angel , which hath deliuered mee from ill euill.bleffe the children, Sc let my f name ihall ftiiTC himvp? jchnii. 10 TheU Scepter Ihall Hot departfrom Iudah,nor h His ertmies ^ a Lawgiuer from betweene his feete. vntill i Shi- ^^j}/?r^"\* ^""^ loh come ,& the pcople/A«/^e gathered vnto him. l whic'hlchtfft 1 1 He Ihail binde his Aife foale vnto the k vine, the Meirias.the gi- and his affes colte vnto the beft vine. Hee ihall "" «^ P"f"p"irie : wafli his garment in wine , and his cloaUe in the Gtn.uefcO fal'.a! blood of grapes be nimed vpon them , and the name of my fathers ! β^ΐΟε vntoZidon. 2 His ey es/^*/o< red with wine.and his teeth white with milke. 13 ί Zebelun ihall dwell by the fea fide , and hee pjalie an hauen for fliippes : and his border Abraham ^nd Izhik , that they may growasfilb into a multitude in the middes of the earth. \ 17 But when lofeph faw that hi» father layd ! his right hand vpon the headof Ephraim.itS dif- pleafed him : and he ftaycd his fathers hand to re- moouc it fron Ephraims head to ManalViihs head. 1 8 And lofeph fayd vnto his father , Not fo, niy father , for this is the eldeft : put thy right hand vpon his head. • 19 But his father refufed.andiayd,! know we!, my fonne, I know well : he fhalbe alfo a people, and he ihalbc gteatlikewife : but his yonger bro- ther ihalbe greater then lie , and his feed Ihall be Ifull of nations. 20 So he bleffed them that day,aiid favd , In ,thee Ifrael flull ble.Te,and fay , God make thee as * In whom Goaijj, Bphraim and as Manafleh , andhee fee Ephraim before Manalfeh. Then Ifiae! fayd vnto lofepb.Beholde , I die , and God ilialbe with you , and biing youa- gaine vnto the land of» your fathers. 22 Moreouer,I haue giuen vnto thee one porti- on aboue thy brethren , which'' I gate out of the hand of y Araorite by my * fword & by my bow. • -C Η Λ Γ. XL IX. Ijiksi Il/pih iil'Hi finnet ly fjmr, 10 Ά, iiUfii ikinrlhjt ςΐ,,ίΑ βίΙΙ c«m, cutofluJJ), 19 Htjvith tariedmihht fjlb,Y$. a Hedyti. Τ Hen laakob calledhis fonnes^and faj^d , Ga- thir your felues together, that I may tell you what Ih.iil come to you in the a laft dayes. t Gather your lelues together.and heare.yee fonnes of laakcb , and hearken viho Ifrael your father. 3 ί Reuben mine eldeft fonne , thou art my b might, 5c the beginning cf my ftrength,* the ex- cellencv of dignitie.Sc the excellency of power: 4 TImu vvajl light as water : thou ihalt not be excellent , becanfe * thou wenteft vp to thy fa- thers bed : II then didUeit thou defile my bed,i''^ ii^wrtv• is gone, 14 Τ lifacharyTw^ii t^aftrongafle.cGuching downe betweene two burdens : , I f And he Ihall fee that reft is i>ood,and that paces Ihoiiid mani- ieftlyappeate. which the γ had I fa.ih in the pie anife . k By my childven in God fpatid iotniyrake. 4 when God-fliaH bri'ng yo:i our of Eg;pt, and bccaafc thjthcfreaketh oE the MeiTid^ihe na mtth ic the h.1- dayes. b Kn^ocKniin my yoiich. c I't'ionhaJftnoc lofl thybirrhriglit bY t'l.ne oftcnci. > d-jf.;•; 2 1. r.« Ihall iudge his people as one of the tribes of Ifrael. 17 Dan llialbe a u ferpent by the way. an ad- der by the p^ath , biting the horfc heeles.fo that his rider ihall fall backward. 18 » Ο Loid,I haue waited far thy faluation 19 ί Gad, an hofte of men ihall oi:ercome him,biit he fliall ouercome at tlie lail, 20 ί Concerning Aihcr,his ρ bread yiii/ίί fat, and he ihall giue pieafures for a king. 21 "i Naphtali/^;a/eeahindeletgoe,giwing «1 goodly wordes. 22 ί lofeph i/jAiJif a S-uitfull bough, i;«f«a| fruitfull bough by the- well fide : the t fraall boughs Ihall runne vpon the wall. 23 Ϊ And the archers grieuedhirc.andHictte Λ^Λκιβ /j/>'3,and hated him. 24 But his bowe abode ftrong.and the hands ί as his brethren ^f his armes were firengthened,by the hr«des of w>>eathey were i^e mightie God of laakoKci whom ivn: the fee- J^^l der appoyntedhy the f itone of Ifrael, f xhat is, cod, 2 y Euen by the God of thy father , wlio fhall lielpe rhee.and by the almightie,who Ihall blelTe thee with heauenly bleffings fromaboue , with bleiringsofthedeejie tharliethbene.ath , with bleflings of the breaftes.and of the wombe. 26 The bleflings of thy father Ihalbe « ftron- ger then the bleiSngsofmini elders : vnto the ende of the hilles of the world they Ihall bee on the head of lofeph, and on the tcppe cf the head cf him that was" fep arated from hisbrethrcH. 27 ί Bcniamin ihall ratline rt/ a woIfe : in thi2i" E'<^«i''i'g'"- ^. , - ,, ,• 1 , . , ry.oi when he «at morning he fliall deuoure the piaye,aDdat nigntjfoid fioni his tit- he ihall diuide the fpoyle. !**"^*"t 28 Τ All thefe are the twelue tribes of Ifrael,? and.thuj their fatker fpake vnto ihem . and blef-l Μ- Ε Inasntnchisbe vvasinoic nee e (O the accompliO)- meniofthe pta- m:i'e,aad it had bcene itiore often coalirmed. laakob die h ^ and is buried. »C*^.47.je. s wh«ieby is fij- aiHedhow q««"; be dyed. fed them • eiiery one of thembleffcd Iiee with a feiierall bleffing. , . λ u 29 Aiidhe charged them.andlaydvnto them, ■ I am ready to be gathered vrwo my people: * bu- rie me with my fathers in the cane , that is m the fieldeofEphrontheHittite, ^ , , . ^ , ao 111 the caue that is in the field ot Maclipe- lali. befides Mamre.in the land of Canaan : which caue Abraham bought with the fieldeof Ephron the Hittite for a poffeffion to bnrie in a 1 There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife: there they' buried IzhakandRebekahhis wife:and there! buried Leah. 3 2 The purchafe of the held and the caue that is therem,vvas bought of the childrenof Heth. li Thus laakobmade an end of giuing charge to his fons.and" plucked his feete into y bcd.and gaue vp the ghoft.Sc was gathered to his people. Chap. l. fteA hit tiildtrr-t thilirt Τ Hen lofeph fell vpoi . .-,ΛΛ Kim tiriilkiUpii his fathers fice,and wept Chap ji;,. lofeph forgioeth bis brethren , an^l dicth of the land fawe the mourning in Goren Ata37 they faid , This is a great mourning vnto the E- gyptians : whercfere the name thereof was-cailcd i'Abel Mizraim , which is beyond lorden. 1 2 So his ibnnes did vnto him.accoidin g as hee had commanded them: 1 3 * For his fonnes carried him into the land of Canaan.and buried him in tlie caue of tlie f.clde of Machpekh , which cc.ue * Abraham bought with the fielde.to be aOplace to bury iii.of Epluon the Hittite beiidesMamre. 1 4 1 Then lofeph returned into Egypt.hce and hisbrethren, and all that went vp with him to bu- rie his tuher.after that he had buried his fathet•. I ί And when lofephs brethren faw that their father was dead , they faid.d It may be that lo- feph will hate vs , and will pay vs againe ail the e- uill which we did vnto him. 16 Therefore they fent vnto lofeph , fay in{^, Thy father commanded beforehis death , faying, 1 7 Thus ilisU ye fay vntolofeph.Forgiue now, I pray thee.the trefp^lVe of thy brethr. n, and their fmiie : for thev rewarded thee euill ' And now ,we ) Or.titUmMUll•- i ATieufUcenfc;. ijiceiiiieuwli'.Uy ttei». 2 And lofeph commanded his feruants the » phyfic ians to embalme his father .and the phy- ficiansemb-ilmed Ifniel. ,,r r 1 o. 3 So forty dales were accomphflied(forlolon^ did § dayes of themthat were embalmed latt) and the Egyptians bewayledhim b feuenty dayes. 4 And when the dayes of his mourning were paft.Iefeph fpake to the houfe of rharaoh.faying. i «He mtineth tht» thu embalmed th ^idmdbmied (hem. b Theyweiemwi erttftiieiiiUme•• (in|thcntlvef>'''^t ^'' paft.Iefeph fpake to the houk If I haue now found fauour in your eyes , Ipeake ^ a«f.*/Jt». J u in the eares.of Pharaoh.and fay, ί My father made me ♦ fwearc.iaying , Loe , I die.burie me in my graue , which I haue made me in the land of Canaan.now therefore let me go . I pray thee,& bury my father.Sc I wil come again. ^ i Then Pharaoh laid , Go vp and bury thy fa- e The veiy infidel» tj^gj-.c as he made thee to fweare • , woddbaveMtUs ~ ί So lofcph went vp to bury his father, and with him went all the feruants ofPharaoh^.rAthe ciders of his houfe . and all the elders of the land I *^f ^ifk^wife all the houfe of lofepli . and his brethren, and his fathers houfe : onely their chil- dren , and their iheepe , and their cattell,left they xntlielandofGofcn. ο And there went vp with him both charets and horfemen : and they were an exceeding great company .^ they came to ff Goren Atad , which is beyond lorden , and there they made a great and exceeding fore lamentation : and he mourned tor bis father feiien dayes. , • .^„ 1 1 And when the Canaanites the inhabitants pmy thee . foigiue the trelpafle of the feruants of i thy fathers < God. And loleph wept when n they ft,^''^"^^j{^' *J/ fp.ike vnto him, 18 Alfo his brethren came vnto him downe before his face , and faid , llchold thy feruants. 19 To whom lofeph faid , ♦ Fearc not I am not I vnderfGod whic 1 Γ 11 pur God AoiiUbf and fell f^^^.i^^^ott wee be . _ I O. t>" mrfrr^' forl*5:^....,„,,„. ί whobythego»d n"e fe eeme ch ,andihete- ,nrhf iiotto 20 When yeetiiought euill againftmee.Goa difpofcd it to good . that he might bring to paile, as it is this day .and fane mucli people aliue.* 21 Feare not now therefore, I will nomilh you , and your children ; and he comforted them, f^J,","/;*^^ and fpake t kindly vnto thera. k,,.,/ 12 r SoIofephdweltinEgypt,he,andhisfa-f who.neiwiA- ■ ' ^- - • - led an Sbundreth and Sanding he bate thers houfe : and lofeph lined , Π ο*., 'At fine tenneyeeres. jo 23 * And lofeph CiwEphraimschildren.eueni^jt^jtioyned vnto the third generation • alfo the fonnes of Ma- [With ,h. church oi of Manaileh were brought vponCod^fa^'^.»..* N«m.5r,J». readi chir the fonn lofephs knees. . , . 24. And lofeph faid vmo his brethren , * I am) ■adie to die , and God wil furely vifite you . andi* «'*'• « '- brin» you out ofthis land .vnto the land which] he iwarc vnto Abraliam, λτιιο l2hak,,and vntoi l\ And lofeph tooke anoathe of the children ofl* FW• •?.;••. IfrLl . faying . * " God will furely viiite you. and jh He fp^ale* .lu. ye (ball carrie my bones hence. Uopheticexhot- 16 Sol ofeph rlied, when he was an hundreth fi„g his breton «a and tenneyeeres olde ; and they ^rabalmed him. fj^^^WJ^f^'f^, and put him in a cheft in Egypt. ^ii d«Uim»»t«i THE ARGVMENT, THE A R U V W mN 1 . -^ z-, I r• J ..^^^«J,^ntaen.46A7hdi bromht hisfamiliet'nt» Eiybt, where they remained A Fter that T^h h ?'^ "T'^iT^i.Sirv ;.V,«.^r.it.. to an infinite nurrLr, β tUt tu Kf^, and ^forthefp^ceoffcurekM the comtrey grudged and eiuieueuejxmi::jy^^^ hi,premife Geni^. U- had cor»pfon f'^'^•^^^^^^^^^^^^ enraged α^α.φ bis Church . the more d,i /.•.> -^ -ψτ — ■ "^ yjiamoQ^Rpreiicth the Ilraelites• ^Exodus» Moles is borne.He killeth thejEgyptian• i> a Mofes defcifteth the wondetfuU ot det that God ob- fetitethin perfot- jning hi< pionul'e to Abraham, GW.is,i + . rthey fell tadifirufl , andttmptedCod vxiith fundrie murmumgiAndgrudgingjagainftijimanihrsminificu: fometime mooued with dmbttion , fometime for lack^ of drink^ or meate taconttnt their lufli , fometime by idolatry , er fucb like. "Viherefore God vifited them vvithjparpe rcddet and pk^utt , that by hif carreHnttt they might feelie to him for reruedy againfl his fcourges, and earriefily repent them for their rebdlieni and^T/vkl^ednefic» ^nd because Cod loueth themto theend.vvhom be hathstue begunttloue , he punifhed theni not according ta their deferts , bu: dealt with them in great tnerciet , and euer with new benefiteJ labotiredtemercor^e their malice .• for he fiitl ^ouerncd them andgaue them his word and Law , both concerning the rnaner offirtting him , and alfo the forme ef iudgementj and ciuiU polity : to the intent that theyJhouldnat feme Gtd after thetr ovvne inuentient , but According to that order , whicMits heauenly vvifedowe hadappointed. CHAtP.I, a -T4e,cWi!r>« ef tiulili ΛλΙ ume iKioEpft. ! Ttenetv] tlnnnh cfflfffrlbthm. iz The foiid/r:,! ef Ctdto- Tparsl th^m. i> The 'Kingt commundemijit to th n^ii- vrtiift. It Tke fuB/lit ef the Eiretpei *rt ttmimjiititt Μ Ow+^thefe are the names of the' i*^•' ■ hiidrenoflfraelAvhichcamdin- J Or , ferfett. ■Deui.to.z*.' *j'i{i7.,r. H Or, aH giorn, 6 Hcc meaneth thi ountityof Goiheii c Hec confidercd how God had loiMb^ii to Egypr(.niery man & his hrjuf-< hold cime thither withlaakob) ^ Reuben, SimeonXeui,8cIildah, ar , Zcbuliin , <.nd Beniamin, 4 L'an , and Napthali , Gad , and Alher. <ζ So all the II ruii'.eO.that came out of the loines of laakob, were * ieiienty foiiles : loieph was in Egypt already. 6 Now lofcph died and all his brethren, and thgt whole generation. ' 7 ί And the *' children of Ifrael li brought, forth fruit, and increafed in abiindaiice,and were' multiplied, and were exceeding mighty, lo that the Ηΐ'ηά was full of t^.em. 8 Then there rofe vp a new King in Egypt, who e knew not lofeph. 9 And he faid vnto his people , Behokl ,' the people of the children of Ifrael «re greater and mightier then wee. 10 Come.let vsworKeΛvίΓe!y with them.Ieaft they multiplie, and it come to pafle.that if there' 'bewarre , they ioyne theinfeliies alfo vnto our enemies , arid fight againft vs , and ^ Η get theni out" of the land". ΓΙ TherefoTedid,theyfetta5kem;.ilcr5c;ler theni•, to kecpe them vnder wit]\b«rdens • ind they built the cities Pithonv and Raamfes fof the II ireafiires of Pharaoh. 12 Butthemore they vesedthem, the more t?ii"ii Ιΐ" ! thev multiplied and i^rew : therefore « tliey were God bleireth ms, -' . ' , • η i ? -i i c-ir i the mo.t doih• ,he ητ "'e grieued agamft the c hildfeJi of Urael. I 3 "Wherefore the Egyptians by cruelty cauied the children of Ifrael to ferae. 14 Thus they.madc them we^^ry of their lines, by fore labour'in clay and inbricke., and inall w'orke in the field ,wiih all manner of bondage, t which they laid vpon them nioft cruelly . 1 5" i'Morepuer the King of Egypt roiTftnanded' the midwiues of theEbrew woniin (of which the ones name wasiShiphrah',andt'he'nameofthe other Pu.ih.) 1(5 And laid, ->= when ye doe the office ofa 'midwife fuf women of the fibre we s, 8c fee them o«theiii|itoules,if itbe a ionne.then yeihall kill JiJm,: but if it be a daughter , then let her line, 17 NotwithftaDding.themidw'inesfeanklGod; and did not as the King of Egypt commanded them , but preferued aliue the men chiklreih 18 Then the Kingof Egypt called for themid- wi^ues, and faid vnto them.whj haue yeedone . kUusiS;; haue preftarue^^litije thenjea chilsLren? i tiito Cjwasiiiiii fo«eih3lllofea Commoditic. Or.fo viOK» cf Or .iirTiiteiii ■vricied entiie thejn f Hir. relet !«>it!> tkiyCerueithem. pU, of tkem ty £"!'I;cOfmeto liaiiebinthechitfi ef the ten. ^•/ί/a .s,j. Or , f-ji', mhrre «fei,th,)'f^u-in ' 15) And the midwiues anfwered Ph^raoh,Be- canfe the Ebrew S women are not as the women Their diTobedi nee herein was of Egypt : for they are liucly , ^ndare deliuered • awfuU, but their yei the midwiues come at them. 20 Godtherefore profpered the midwiues, and, jeff^j'^^'*^^'"'." the people muliiplied , and were very mightie 21 Andbecaiile the midwiues feared God, therefore he h made them hotUes. 22 1 hen Pharaoh charged all his people,fay- an jiotpieua/lebv ing.Eiiery man.chlld that is borne,-i caft ye into "ft , they ■- - - ™ the riuer , but referue euery maid-child afiue "i iisc CHAP. II. Mefish heme and caflif-te tie fl.igi. j Heiiuienvpef rkMMkt dMgUir iui kifl. 12 H' kitlnh Ibe Egyptiin. IS He fleetb ^nd nurrutb^mfe. ij Tie IfrAtliits tie vnto the Lpri, ■iHembling eiiiU. That is, God inl es of the iftae, ty theic i.eanes. When Tyrants . burn otth into open i. i This Ee tailed Arar; , , fivho matti Am ram, «nattied ^ , ■oehabed, '• ' •TpHen theie went 1" man of the houfe of Leui . and tooke to wife a daughter of Leui 2 And the woman cor.ceiuedandbarea fon: ami when Ihe fawe that he was faire , * Ihe hid p^„ 4,„ him three moneths , p N«m. t*. s »,' 3 But wen iliee could no longer hidehim, f'^'-^»3.'a. iliee tooke for himanai'ke made of reed.and dau- C* \ bed it with ilime and with pitch, andfJlaied the rcommitt'ftig i....„ child therein, andputii among the bulnilhes by ρ the piouidence" theriuersbrinke. ύ God , whom uic | ^, Now his filter ftoodafarre off , to wit what ί,'Ι^^^ΗΓνί^ ei would come of him. ^hetjijju, «1, y iThen the dciighterof Pharaoh came downe' to wafhher in the riuer , and her maidens walked: by the riuers fide : and when ilie faw the arke a- mong the bulrulhes , fhe fent her m lide to fet ir 6 Then :he opened it,and faw it wasachild.iriJ behold,the bate wept ■ fo flie had i.ompaffton ou it,andfaid,This is one of the'Ebrcwes children, 7 Then faid his filler vnto "Pharaohs daughter. Shall I go and call vnto thee a nurte of theEbiew women to nurfe thee the child '? 8 And Pharaohs daugliter laid to her,Goe. So the maide went and called the •" child? mother. 9 To whom Pharaohs daughter faid , Take this chiide av/'ay, and nurfe it for mee,and I will reward thee. Then the woit.an toc^e the chiide, andnuriedhim. I ο Now the child grew,and ihe broiight him vnto Pharaohs davighter.and he was as her ionne, and Ihe called his name Mofes,becauie,faid ihe,I drew hirn out of the water. II And in thofedayes .when Mofes was > ^growen,he went forth vnto his brethren , and ^^ : looked on their burdens;alfo he faw an^Egyptian ^ϊ{'^ ; fmitingan Ebrew one of his brethren. ' 1 2 And he lo iked t round about , and when . ; he fawe no man , he * ilew the Egyptian, and hid \^^/' ' " him inxhefand. 13 Againe he came forth the fecond day, and ^1"' God had aj- hehold two Ebrewes ftroue : and he faid vnto lll["^ ; him•. that did the.^vrαr^g,Λyhctefor^Xmiteft.thou Γ^υ, i tbyfdlew? - /.. ϊ.^ 14 And Maasceitnica cannot hindAt that which God haih determined Qiall cemt to jaffe. Tliatis, \m F«mty yeete oM(« K&. 7.ίί, I God^fpeai ethtohmima bnCh. Chap. J Ii« I V f Tliougli by his fea.e he Qicvredhit iiiftimirjr.yet fjith toaertd it. H«bt.ii.j7. g Whtteinheie- cljicdathankituil mind.wliicli weiild lecomf encc the benefit done vn to his. ^TfcyifHfc 14 And he anf.verediWho made Aee a man of authoiitie,c.nd a iiidge oner vs ? Thinkeft thou to kilime,,sthuukiJledit ^ Egyptian? Then Moles f feared and faid , Certainly mis thing is knowen. 1 y Now Ph?.ra Aiild c.^ VII MmjAd tefeiiie thi f Hfttl!i|eih theit lcd|«d(li«mtobe his. .-.• • a It wij Γο called after the law was Any. ιο- ί Thii fignifie'ili that the Chinch is BOtconfuxicdby tHefiseefafHiftion bccjuJe Cod is in the mids ihcreof. d Whom he called the Angel.verfi.i• e Refigiie thy felfe vpto me,Rmh.4..7 lof.j.is. f Becaufe ofmy fiefeiice. * ΜΛί.ΧΙ. 3t. jtffi 7.31- % FotfimiecanfeA mintoieait Gods iuftice. h Wheft cruelty iitiollcrible. *l>le«plemi{^) «iaUi}un{s. _e came vp vnto God 24 Then God heard their mone , and God re- memhedhis couenait with Abraham, l2hak,and laakob. 25: So God looked νρυΠ the children of Ifrael, and God * had reipeft vnto them. TheNamci)fGod, tt ( Heheiid bcfatc, henMMI ' :eucn£eit. lydiiobey God acinowledgeih hii cakenedc, η Tht Cod whj 1 bene, a 11. tni Cod jppyarfttj Vfito iim ι . ikUuti tbt ctltinn cflfrieU. itufi. CHAP ■ mp4 kitfith JUnfi 10 Utefenitbtin Ijf7 Hen Mofes keptthe Iheepe of lethro his fa- ** ther inlaw , Prieft of Midian, and droue the fiocke to th. 8 bnckefide of die defert , and carae to the " Mountaine of God , *> Horeb . 2 Then the Angel of the lord appeared vnto hira * in a fi3mecfi.re,outofthemids efa«bulh; andhe iociced , indbehoiJ, th- bufl^ burned with ftre , and the bull• w.is not conliimed. 3 Thereft-rc Mofes f^i.!,! will turne afide now, anifee this greatfight.why tlie buih bumethnot, 4 And when the "^ Lord fawe that he turned afule to fee , God called vnto him out of the mids of the bulb,cind faid-, Mofes , Mofes. Aad b*^ an- fweredjl amJiere. 5 Theji hee faid , Come not hither , » put thy iliooes oft'tfay feete : for the place whereon thou ftandeft is ^hoiy ground. 6 Mtneouer he I'ayd , *! am the God of thy fe- ther , the God of Abr.jhara, the God cf Izhak'.nnd the God of laakcb. Then Moies hid his face ; for he was Β .Anid tolooke vpon Gotl. 7 ί Then the LorI l^id , 1 h-iie furely fecne the trouble ofmy people.whith.r ■ in Egypt>cnd haue lie ;rd their cry , bcc.uie of their '»fi.skenia- fters ; for I know their ibrrowes. ! 8 Therefore I am come down todeliuer them [out of the hand of the Egyptians , and to bring them outofdjatbjid into igood land and a large, JiKQ!» Isnd that »dowe^withnulkeaBdhooie, *uen into the pLice of the Canaatvites.and the Hit tites.and th.• Amorites.and the Per izzites.and the Hiuites,; nd the lebufites 9 k Andnowlo,thccrycft!i;chilcliencfIf- rael is come vnto me, & I haue alfo feene the op- preTion wh^r^wich the Egyptians opprefle them . I ο Gome now therefore , ayd I will lend thee vnto Pharaoh , that thou mayeft bring ray people the children of Iir .el out c^ Egypt. 1 1 f But Mof:s faid vnto God , Who am 1 1,1 He doeth netful, that I fhouid gj vnto Pharaoh , and that I Ibould bring the children of Ifrsel out of Egypt? 1 2 And h J ^nl wered , m Certainely I will bee ζ^ Neither fea'te" with thee : and this Iball be a token vnto thee, jihineewin wc. that 1 haue fent thee.After that thou hart brought «««■'.-'Οί rhujo the people• out of Egypt.ye iball ferue God vponp''*""^' this mountaine. 13 Ih:nMofes faid vnto God, Behold ,ΐ/ΐ/.^?» I ihali come vnto the children of Ifrael,and Ihall fay vnto them, The God of your fathers hath fent me \nto you : if they fay vnto mee , What fefeis Name? what Iliail I lay vnto them? 1 4 And God anfwered Mofes.I a AM THAT I AM. Alfo he faid. Thus ihalt thou fay vnto the^_^j ^^j^^. ^^^ ^^^ children of Ifraei, I A Μ hath fent me vnto you. jaimighty.fay whom I ί And God Ipake further vnto Mofes , Thus fU thingshaee iheit• ihalt thou fay vnto tlK- children of Ifrael , The r/"8.^»"'*_^'^^^^^^^^ Lord God of your fathers , the God of Abraham, Ef „" momiTi, the God of izhak , and the God of laakob h.-'.thm«ael.i.f. fent me vnto you : this is my Name for euer, and' this is my memoriall vnto all ages. I 16 Go and gather the Elders of Ifrael together, Scthou ihalt lay vnto them.TheLordGodof your fathers, the God of Abraham , Izhak , and laakob + Ε;τ.ίϊ>•;ιν•ζ appeared vnto me,and laid,tlhaue furely remem- bred you,& that which is done to you in Egypt. 1 7 Therefore I did fay, I will bring you out oi the iiffiidion of Egypt vnto the land of tlie Ca- naanites , and the Hittites , r.nd the Amorites,rind the Perizzites,andthe Hiuites, and the lebufitei, \"ntw 3 land that floweth with milke and hmiie. ! 8 Then fliall they obey my vuyce,& thou and ^ Elders of Ifraelftall go vnto ;^ King of Egypt, and fay vnto him. The Lord Ciod of the Ebrewes hath ϋ met with vs : we pray thee now therefore,! |[or,j/;/j».i ' let vs goe three dayes ioutney in the wi.dernefle,|i-j:tov». thit we may 0 facrifici vnto tlie Lord our God. '° ^V n^'t^??* -9 f Bml kiiow.that the Kmg of Egypt wi!l;„Y_codworiid• l.ji.Vi. I not let you goe, but ly ftrong hand. iappey" ''«'"» ' 20 Therefore will 1 ftretch out mine handipij« '■'''"« 'hey ;, andlmite Egypt with all my wonders , which I^j;^^^/•"'*'"" ' will doe in the mids thereof ; and after that IhallJ^ Thiie«niple \ he letyoil goe. 'jnsyneibefolle- 2 1 Andlwillm.ikethispeopfetobeefauou-^^l'ff;^;'^?; ; red ofthe Egyptians: fo that when ye go.ye Ihall <.p^'„,„atmei!t i not goeemprie. thrididitiurly, I 22 ρ * Foreuery woman ihall aske ofhcr neigh- '«««i"'"? ^"Γ^*^ I bour,and of her n that fcioitfneth in her houfe,icw-J°^'^*"" ] e!s of filucr and iewels of gold and raiment , 5c yef * cktf. 1 i.sjaA [ fhall put them /> 3 Mifif frei tthcrttrd hftjfefntl. 6 Ui » TbmrMii cfth riarr is iHtntiiKiD iltpi. '-S Gcdfcejietfci*^ THeaMofes tnfwered,cndraid, a But loe.thcy i.'.cfe! doubting, wiilnotbeleeueme , nor hearken vnto my |^'"''« •""■*' ' voyce : for ibey will lay , Ihe Lord bath not -p; jf^jX " inoi..p-if^ pcaredj Moiestodj His band Ieproas« £xoi Ιαθ, fc tills fovrcrto worke ir.iiicles viae ro conRvmc hi: idc(;Vi»e , ind to «(Ttiichim ofliis Hee and Aaron come to Pharaoh, the Ian J of Ε&Λ'ρι , and Mofes tookc the '' roi of ^ whettby ht • God in his hand'. J ^JJ^-'S»" «^^ «"'«• ζ I And the Lord faid vnto Mofes , whcr tliou art entredand come into Egypt agiine , fee thnc thou doe all the woniers before Piiaraoh, ■ ^ rec»iii^,«i^ which 1 haue put in thine h aid ; but I will» hnr- fpuu and ie"«- den his hearr,and he Ihai not let the people goe. ting hi jpc are d vnto thee. i 2 And the Lord fayd vnto him.What is that in ' tliine h.nd ? And he anfwered, A rod. 3 Then fai.ihe,Cafkitonthe giound. So he caii: it on the ground, ;iid it was turnfdiatozici:- pent : and Moles fied from it. 4 Againe tlie Lord faid vnto Mofes, Put forth thine hand , and take it by the t.d e. Then he put i'Jorth his h:i:d and caught it,and it waturncd in- to a rod in iiis hand. f Doe this',\> that they may beleeue , that the Lord God of their fathers , the Gcd of Abraham, the God of Iihak.and the God of loakob hath ap- peared vnto thee. .6 ί And the Lordfaidfurdicrmore vntohim, Thnift now thine hand into thy bofome. And he ithriift his hjnd into his bolbme , and when hee tooke it out ajrtiw, behold, his hand was |) leprous as Ihovv. I 7 Moreouer he laid , Put thine hand into thy i bofome againe. So hee put his hud into his bo- , I ibme againe, and pluckt it out of his bofome, and 1 behold, it was turned againe as his other fleili. ict,titwtri, r«»- 8 So fliall it be, if they will not beleeue thee, ' '■ "" neither obey II the voyce of the firftfigne.yet ihall ' ϊπ^ t-ord , who had fent him, and all the fignes thcybeieeuefor the voice of the fecondligne. ' wherewith he had chargedhim. 9 But if they will not yet beleeue ttefe two j 29 5 So Went Moles and Aaron , and gathe- iignes , neither obey vnto thy voice , then fnaJt ' '^^'^ ^dl the elders of the children of Ifr.-iel. thou take of the' water oftheriuer , andpowre j .?o And Aaron told all the wordes.which the it vpon the drie land: fo the water which thou \ I-ord had Ipoken vnto Mofes, and he did the ml &alt take out of tlie riuer , Ihalbe thrnid to blood vpon the drie laBd. '■ 10 ί But Moles faid vnto tlie Lord , Oh my Lord , I am not eloquent , t neither at ajiy time bene betne, nor yet lince thou haft fpol-.cn vnto thy ferujnt : but I am t flow of fpeech and dowe of tongue. . 1 1 Then the Lord faid vnto liim , Who hath giuen the mouth toman ? or who hath made the dumbe , or the deafe . or him that feeth , or the blind < haue not I the Lord ? 1 2 Therefore go no^',and * I will be with tky mouth.aad will teach thee what thou Ihalt fay. 1 5 Bat he faid. Oh my Lord,fend,I pray thee, by the 11 hand of him, whom thou d ihouldelt fend. 1 4 Then the Lord was « very angry with Mo Becaiift thefe nee fignes flioald be fufh'cient viii- neffistoptooue «hat Mofes ftioiild dtliiicr Gods people. d*}. , t Ett.ieJU.iff vnto Then thou flialt fay to Ph iraoh.Thus'faitl^ ^i! mlice ""** the Lord.Ifrael// my foniie, euen my k hrft borne. ι'ΜΤ4ΐιίη£,»ηοΛ •" Wherefore I fay to thee.Let my fonne go, dene vnto him, thit he may ferue me:if thou refufc to let him go, behold , I wil flay thy fonn;,e«fW thy firfl: borne. 24 ί And as he was by the way in the Inue, I the Lord met him, and I would haue killed him. z$ Then Zipporah tooke neete then I. elay C A? thetijh yis vrool'tcbiU, i Which were of the llnelitet,and had charge to fee thew doe theit wotke. υοα ^tonwfeiHcicuuerancc. ^.nap. ν I. or what itockc Moles and Aaron camc.iT »^» mote trnflfy .«hattyai.istas», i Ihenettci rs Oodl I f of Mofes ud 9 * Lay more worke vpon the men . and catife them to doe• it.Stlet them not regard^vaine words. 10 t Then went the raskemdters of the peo- ple and their officers out , -uxltolde the people, ♦aying. Thus faith Pharaoh . I wiJl gitie you no reore ftrawe. 11 Goe your felues , get ye ftrawe where ye can finde it, yet Ihall nothing of your labour be diminiflied. 1 2 Tlien were the people fcattercd abroad throughout all the land of Egypt, for to gather ftubble infte ad of ftrawe . 1 3 And the taskemafters hafted them , Crying, Finifh your dayes woike t eucry dayes taske , as ye did when ye had ftraw. 1 4 And the officiers of the children of Ifrael. which Pharaohs taskemafters had fet oner them, were beaten , and dcmaunde, wherefore haue ye not fululled your taske in mdsingbrickeyettcr- day and to day.as in tinxs p.ft. ly ί Then the officers of the children of If- rael came snd cried vnto Pharaoh,f2ying,VVhere- fore dealeft thou thus with thy feruants? i6 There is no ftrawe giuen to thy ferums, and they fay vnto vs , Make bricke ; and loe : tliy feruanis are beaten.and q thy people is blamed. 1 7 But he laid.t Ye aie to muc h idle :therefeic ye f^y.Let vs goe to offer facrifice to• the Lord. 1 8 Goe therefore now 4nftinke before Phaxaoh and before his feruanis ,in that ye haue S put a fword iniheirh.Tid to Hay vs. ,.., 2-2 .Wherefore Mofes returned te the Lord, !&d!>fi:°uii° " ^"'^ ^'^^'^ ' ^°^^ ' ^^y ^^^ ^^°^} sffliifted this peo- I I [ef.ilytffltii' i /•"•"• , t Elr.idlfjKire iiU. 1 S Or,U„k-ipi: I Or,fl^mtt. and ' ^* nujstih.ii oBchingchc oiir- tviidvociiioii, rtie ligniiy whciccf htyJoa afitcwJitl ly iheiiiebillion ; lit as{aTelc;hOn olife «ie;l»«iii{, is i.-nmiitabk. £1" li/i thebnrdensof the Egypti.ns ,Sc will deliuer cmt cf their bond ge , and will redecmcyou ftretchcdout .umc,. nd in grea y iud^ements. 7 AHo I will d Like you for my people,; will be your God : then ye fliall know that I the Lord your God bring you out from the burdens ofthe Egyptians. 8 And 1 will bring yon intothe land which I t fware that I would giue to Abraham, and to Iz- hak ,and to laal^ob ,£nd I wiilgiuc it vnto yon for a pof-effion: I an the Lord. 9 * So Mofes told the children of Ifrael thus: but they harkened « not vnto Moles , for angiiilh of fpirit ,.ηά for cruell bondage. 10 Then the Lord fp,ike vnto Mo'es , faying, 1 1 Go fpeake to Ph.^raoh King of Egypt , tliat he let the children of Ifrael goe out of his land. 1 2 But Moles fpake before th; Lord , faying. Behold , the children of Ifrael hearken not vnto me , how then ihall Pharaoh heare me , which am ofdvncircumcifed lippcs' 1 3 Then the Lord fpal^e vnto Mofes and vnto li^^i" 'iVtV(v'n- Aaiun, and charged them fe ^otothechJIdrenofiircmjiciUdiisB^. Ifraeland to Pharaoh Kincof Eevot. tobrinii the "'*«^'''* ^Ί"'* So h«td >bediin«e vnd he «ι•Π« d Orbirbivciii and |tiideiiirt«t<:li:»n(l Ifpstiilly «fthtir fcicihitTi.when cbeydoea5 chcit dnilficfniicih. i Of, tOf.fpnrfit. p!e? wherefore haft thou thus fent me? 23 For finre I came to Pharaoh to l^ke in thy name, he hath vexed this pecp!e,and yet thou haft not vhoni the Egyptians iteepe in sctfoi-mt his gio- bon:l.ige, inJ haue rememibred ray couenant. '• 6 Wiierifjre fay tliou vnto the children of lfrael,Iam the Lofd,And I will bring you oucfronj ingofEgyoi children of Ifraelout ofthe land ofEgy 14 ί Thefe be the heads « of their fathers hou-i fes : the * fonnes of Reuben the firft borne of 1 1- lael are Hanoch and Pallu , Hezron andCarmi: weft. «.d Aatou thefe are the families of Reuben. If * Alfo the Tonnes of Simeon : lemuel .--nd lamin, and Ohad, and lichin.snd Zoar.and bhaul the fonne of a Canaanitilh woman : thefe arc jthc families of Simeon. 1 6 ί * Thefe alfo are the names ofthe fcr.ncs of Leui in their generations, Gerfton and Kehath and Merari (Sc the yeeres ofthe life of Leui ννξΤ6 aihundreihf thirty and fcucnyeeres.) 17 The fonnes of Gerihon tiwiri Libni and Sliimi by their families. 18 * And the fonnes of Kohath , Amram and Izhak.and Hebron.and Vzziel.iand Kohadiliueii * [*_ anhundreih diirty and three yeeres.) 19 Alfo ^ .Qjnnes of Merari -nvtre Mahali & Mn- il:i:thefc are the families cf Leui by their kinreds. 20 And An-jram tooke lochebed his g fathers ^ fitter to his wife , and iliee bare him Aaron and coiTiijrion oi man samif. t This gmejlo|'i Oievrtihof wKcrr came. * C•n^i.ψ. Hum.i'i.i. i.CJr,.». * i.Ctr.,..a+. N'nw.j, i7.i.ilJ .1. iMj.». f Fothe.niat4». \ttt« old whfH gypt.uid thfrt^- .> judgements, y Th.en the Egyptians il^al! knowe that I am the Lord, when iftretch forth mins hand vpoii Egypt, and bring out the children of Ifrael from atTiong them. 6 So Mofes and Aaron did as the Lord corn- raanded them, tuen fo did they. 7 (Now Mofes was « fourefcore yeeres old, and Aaron fourefcort: and three,when they fpake vntoPlwraoh.) . " 8 ί And the Lord had fpokeii vnto Mofes and Aaron, faying, 9 If Ph iraoh fpeake vnto you,fiying,Shew a miracle for you , then thou (halt fay vnto Aaron, Take thy rod , and caft it before Pharaoh., ani ic ihalbe turned iutoa |ί ferpent. 10 ί Then went Mofes and Aaron vnto Pha- raoh, and did euen as the Lord had commanded, and Aaron caft forth his rod before Pharaoh and before his feruats.Sc it wa5 /«r^i^into aferpent. 1 1 Then Pharaoh alfo called for tho wife men and^ forcerers: 5c thofe charmers alfo of Egypt did in like mmner with their (;nchar.nrments 23 Then Pharaoh returned , and went againe into his houfe,t neither did this yet enter in to Jiisheart. miracle, and that God plagued them in that, which was I» ncceirary for wifd.17.7. g In outward (after that the fctiea iJaies were ended, 24 All the Egyptians then digged rounde a- jftrong. .i..^ Λ,ι Liiw ijgy jjnaiis Liicuuiggcu ;vuiiuc a-iitrong. bout the riuer^or waters to drinkc : for they ceuld | ^'"•i>' ietaotAi: not drinlce of the Ns^ater of the riuer, r'!" " ^ '''"' * 2 me OrSai^fEpft. iTfiefoiwh rlagiie. J let tht Egyptiai vroiikipfed di- iiK] beaflcs.asthe oxe, the flicepe aiid fiichLke, which thi Jfiatlites offered fes , that thsy may remaine in the rluer onely, lo Thcri he faid, Tomorrow. And hee Jifwc- Chat., rx. The fift inTfixt pla^uiTSi; And Pharaoh faiJ,! ivji) let yon go.tLstj^ may facrifice vnto the Lord yonr God in the wi/- derneffe : but h go^ not f.;ire awiy , pr.iy for me. 2p AHd Moles faid,BehoId,I will goO;it from thee,and pray \nto the Lord, that the fwarmes of files may depart from Ph3raoh,from his feruaiits. and from his people to morrow : but let Pharaoh from henceforth i deceiue no more , in not fufte- ring the people to facrifice vnto the Lord. 30 SoMoles wentoutfiomPharaohjand pray- ed vnto tlie Lord. 3 1 And the Lord did according to the faying of Mofes. , and the fwarmes of flies departed 'fiom Pharaoh, from bis feniants , and from his people, and there remained not one. 32 Yet Pharaoh k hardened his heart at t^is CHAP. IX. r The motjimef ίίφ,, lo Tie iihguttfliotclft OTtiforrt. 23 ΎΙχ koniil, hitle , thxniir , ,ηά ligbir.ing. n Jl, Ijf.i cfCsilheA turrit txitftti 27 Pt-fr.Kh nrtfrffith Hijwui^it- . "Φ- a M^icryethfnhim. 35 YtttiuoiiHnat. '~V Hen the Lord faid vnto Mofes , Go to Phara- oh . and tell h im , Thus faith the Lord God of die Ebtewes,Let my people go,that they may ferueme. 2 But if thou refufe to let th^m goc , and wilt yet hold them ftill, 3 Behold , the hand of the Lord is vpon thy flS.5tl!«WicM GadsmefTengcri low itTtt diey hall go». f He conU Ββι iiidg. bisheitt, 6ih\ yeihe charged him' todoe thuvutei•. 1 wily. I Wlnre Ged gi. Heih not btth , n« f«lesc»npre* naile. redj?e iitas thoii haft faid.th.uthou maieltknow, tliat there is none like vnto the Lord our God, 1 1 So tlie frogs ihall depart from thee,andfroKi thine houfes, and from' thy feruants, and from thy people : cnely they iivcdl remaine in the riuer. 12 Ί hen Mofes and Aaion v^ent out from Pha- raoh : and Mofes cried vnto the Lord concerning the frogs , which he had Β fcnt \nto Pharaoh. 1 3 And the Lord did according to the faying of Moles:So the frogs Ί died in tlic homes, in the townes , ^nd the fields. 14 And they g.athered them together by heapes, «nd the land ftanke of them. ly But when Pharaoh fawe that hee had reft I ^_ ^ „ giuen him , he g hardened his heart .and'hearkened i time alfo , and did not let the people gee not vnto them , as the Lord had faid. ' 16 ί Againe the Lord fayd vnto Mofes, S.^y vnto Aaron , Stretch out thy rod , and fmite the duft of the earth , that it may be turned to D 'ice throughout all the land of Ε gypt , 1 7 And they did fo : for Aaron ftrctched out ! his hand with his rod , ami fmote the duft of the •earth : and lice came vpon man and vpon beaft : [ all the duft oftheearth was lice throughout all | the land of Egypt. j • 1 8 Now the enchanters aifaied likewife with \ their enchantments to bring fortli lice , but they ( «could not. So the lice were vpon man and vpon I α,,,ι,^ ,,ι^^^,^ j^ •„ ^j^^ f,^,j^l .^^, vponthqbor 1' ^, r-j u u -Di 1 ΐ fes,vpontheaires,vponthecameis,vpcnthecat 19 . Then faid the enchanters vnto Pharaoh, tel,and vpon the ft4pe^/W/^f a || mightie great 0 thefiftphg,* This IS ί the finger of God. But Pharaohs heart I nioraine " © ο remained obftinate , and hee hearkened not vnto ; ^ ^^^ ^^^ j. ^^.^ ^^^„ j^^ , wonderfully be them , .is the Lord had laid ι ^^^^^^^ ^h^ b^aftes of Ifr.'.el , and the beafts of E• 20 Τ Moreouerthe Lord laid to Mofes. Rde j . ς^ ^^at there ftiall nothing die at all . that !en.mieT..nd )us h vp earely in the morning, and ftanJ before Phara- | peneinHh to the children of Ifr.'cl H'" '<"»«•**»* oh (lo , he- will come foorth vnto tlie water) arid ! ^^j ^^^^ j.oxd appointed a time, faying,To t^^*"' ' fay vnto lHm,Thus faith the Lord,Let my people ; ^,erro^^e the L«rd flialliinub this thing in this land. ^ So the Lord did this thing on the morrow, and all the cattell of Egypt diedrbut of the cattell of the children of Ifrael died not one. y Then Pharaoh *> fent, and behold,there was not one of the cattell of the Ifraelites dead : and jifta'tii(«s"dw^lcd the heart of Pharaoli was obftinate , andhee did not let the people goe. ' 8 Τ Ancl the Lord faid to Mofes and tjo Aaron, Take your hindfull cfu alhes of the fornace, and Mofes ihall fprinkle them toward the heaiiqn in the fight of Pharaoh, • 9 And they iliai; bee titrnsd to duft in all the land ofEgypr.and it ilialbe as a ί<:.:φ brealting out into blift'ers ν pon man, and vponheaft,thorowoBt j ι all the land of Egypt. 10 Tlienthe7tookeai]ie.softheforn,ue,arai I flood before Pliaraoh : and Mofes fgrinkied them toward >' h3auen»3c there came I) a Ic.sb breaking out into' bliftcrs vpon man , and vpon beaft. 1 1 And the ibrcerers could not ftand before Mofes,becaufe of thefcab: for the fcab was vporv die enchanters and vpon all the Egyptians. 1 2 And the Lord hardened the heart of Ph^i- i raoh , and he hearkened not vnto them ,*as the L. ^. Lord had faid vnto Mofes. | Ϊ 3 Τ Alio the Lord faid vnto Mofes;Rife vp j c.-rly in the morning , and ft?.nd before Pharaoh, ; and tell him.Thus faieth the Lord God cf the E-; biewesjLet mv people goej>y they may feiue me,.! . • J4 F«rj I I goe , that they may lerue me 2 1 ElSjif thou wilt not let m.y people goe.be- hold,I will fendl) fwarmes of flies both vpon thee, and vpon thy feruants , and vpon thy people, and into thine houfes : and the houfes of the Egypti- ans fl-ialbe full of fw'atmes of fiies,and the ground alfo whereon they are. 22 But the land of Goflien,where my peoi^e are.vvill I cauie to be I! vvondeifuU in that day ,ΐ'ο that no fwarmes of files iliall be there > that thou maieft know that I am the Lord in the middes of the Hearth. 23 And I will make a deliuerancc of my people from thy people: to morrowlhall this miracle be. 24 And tiio'Lord did fo : * for there came Ά great fwarmes of flies into the houfe of Phara- ph,and intohis feruants houles.fo th.it through all the land of Egypt , the earth was corrupt by the fwarmes of flies*. 2 Ϊ Jhen Pharaoh called for Mofes .iml Aaron, and faid, Goe,doe facrifice vnto your God in this land. 116 But Mofes anfwefed,lt is not meete to do fo:for thin we Iheuldoiter vntotheLord ourGod that, which wan $ abomination vnto the Egypti- ans. Loc.canwe facrifice die abomination of the _ Egyptians before their eyes,8c dicy not ftone vs? j 27 Let vs go three day'es ioumey in the defert, ; ihi«T?heEgvSm •'"'^ ^^"^^*^" "^^^ ^'^'^ ^^"^ outGod,*as be hath ί abiioned to ft! \ commandid vs ?fha5 jjii•,. a He (lull declare his heaiciily iudj- ment agiinU ' ' Into the land of wLete the y Of.tmitn, (iThe rixtfligRe, The kucvfh plague. hxcdus. 14 ^ό7~Ι will at this time lend my plagues j . , . ' vpon ί thine heart. 8c vpoH tliy feru5nts,and vpon | :w«*":'"nce i tbV people . that thou mayeii knosv that there is j fiiaU condcmne ' none like mee m all the e.u-ili. j chec of lagtatititde j y ρ^ι)- now I will itretch out mine hand , that j andwilice» | I may fmite thee and thy people with the pefti- ! Icnce: and thou Ihalt perilh from the earth. ,1 16 And indeed, * for this caufe haue 1| I ap- " £nd the haile and the thunder were cealed.he lin ' red againe , and haidned his hean^ief^ hee , anc his feruaits. 3 y So the heart of Pharaoii was hardned : "nei- dier would he let the ciiildren of Ifri,el go , as the LordhadfaidtbyMofes. CHAP. X. 7 Phrash f^it,»ntt ccufipile him to Ut At Ifrjelll't d'f"' Η,βηη,. 21 D*k'"J',i'f.r.t. AGaine the Lord fayd vnto Mofes , Goc' to Pharaoh : for ""I haue hardened his heart.r.nd the heart of his feruants, that I might worke theic II my miracles in tlie middeft of his realms, % And that thou maycft declare in the ' eares of thy ionne, and of thy ibnncs fonne,what things I haue done in Egypt , and my miracles, which I ^ . haue done amon^ them ; that ye may know that ifl,o„jd be lo great, I am the Lord. jihar theyOiouldSf ^ Then came Mofes and Aaron vnto Fhara-! to humble thy felfe before mee ; Let my people goe.that they may ferue mee. 4 But if thou refufe to let my people goe , be-Ί, The end of sf- hoid.to morrow will I bring ϋ ■'' gralhoppiyrs into fii^ionsis.tohtijn- thy coaftes. "««"εη1"'«"^ y And they ihall ceuer the face of the earth, '4 "th? 'ί^Γοί^ that a man cannot fee the earth : and they ihall 'col. cate the reiidue which remaineth vnto yon ,and.p ot ,<>tuptt^ hath eicapedfrom the haiie : and they ihaJleate *W•l*^^J■'•^^ all your trees that bud in the field, 6 And they lliall fill thine houfes , and all thy feruants houfes , and the houfes of all the Egypti- ' ans , as neither thy fathers, nor thy fathers fathers ; haue feene , fince the time they were vpon the earth vnto this day. So he returned.and went out ■ from Pharaoh. I 7 Then Pharaohs feruants faid vnto him, HoW| long ilaall he beuan «offence vnto vs ? let the men goe,that they may ferue the Lord their God:wilt thou Hrft know that Egypt is dcftroycd? ; 8 So Mofes and Aaron were brought againe ' vntoPharaoh.and he faid vnto them,Go,ferue the Lord ycur God,but who are they tliat ihall goe? j 9 And Moles anfwered , We will go with our i yong, and with our old.with our fonnes, and with ! our daughters , widi our iheepe,and with our cat- i tell will wee goe ; for we muil• celebrated feaft ! vnto the Lord. I I ο And he faid vnto them , Let a the Lord fo be with you , as I will let you goe and your chit dren:behold,for euill is before your face. I I It fh*ll not U lb ; now goe yee that are men , and feme the Lord : for th.at was your dc- fire. Then they were thruit out from Pharaohs pre fence. III After.the Lord faid vnto Mofes , Stretch out thine hand vpon tlie land ofEgyptfor the grall^oppers , that they may corae vj)on the lind *i'f' of Egypt , and eate aJl the herbes of the land.««i?; all that the haile had left. 13 Then Mofes ftretched forth his rod vpon the land of Egypt .; £nd the Lord broi'ght an Ε aft wind vpon thcland all that dc^y , and all that night : and in die morning the Eaft wind brought the II gralhoppers. 14 So the gralhoppers went vpTponallthe land * Q'r*',Z\,, \ poynted thee , to 11 ibew my power in t!iee,and to | I θτ%β,„ L. \ declare my d name throughout all the world. | ■d That 15 . that alt j -7 Yet thou exalteftthy fclfe agamitmy peo- ' Ae world may ple.and lettcft them not goe.. ZVZ'J^ZT• 1 8 B^h°!^ ' ^" morrow this time I will caule i>ee, to raitie a mighty great hail j , fuch as was not in Egypt fince tire foundation thereof was laid vnto ! this time. .11 ' ζ Hett wee fee ! 19 Send dierefore nowe,d»i c gather the c at- thongh Godi t^]i _and all that thou halt in the held : for vpon reftherc.sTcet ' all die men , :xid the beafts , which are found in ; .ainentetcy fl,eweil the field , and not brought home , the hailc ihall 5 «aeniohtsene- :, faH γροπ tliem.and they Ihall die. ' *""• 20 Such f^f« as feared the word of the Lords \ amsng the feruants of Pharaoh, made his feruants | , and his cattell'flee into the houfes. . ^ , ' 2 1 But fuch as t regarded not the' word of the , tEt../-««.»ir, 1 Lord,lefthi5feruants,andhiscattellinthei.eld. • A'-rf ,0. ' 2 2 f And the Lord faid to Moics.Sretch forth ■ ί The word of the! ^^-^^^ i^^^^j toward hoauen.that there may bee rrSt'cod. i haile in all the land of Egypt vpon man and vpon \ beafi , and vpon all the herbes of tiie held m the ; i land of Egypt. , 23 Then Mofes ftretched out his rod toward heauen, and the Lord fent thunder and || haile,and I tiightning vpon the ground:and the Lord caufed ; ' haile to raine vpon thp land of Egypt. ; 24 So there was haile , and hre mingled with ; j the haile.fo grieuous.as there was none throtigh- out all the land of Egypr.fince j] it was a nation. 2 y And the haile imote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in the field , both man and ibeaft:aKb the haile fmote all thee trees of die field (and brake to pieces all the trees of the held. ; 20 Onely in the laud of Goilien (where the ' children of Ifrael were ) was no haile. '> 27 Then Pharaoh fent and called for Mofes . ,.« «..Λ.» 1 and Aaron.and f.:id vnto them, I £ haue now fin- nfeffe theit finne j ned : the Lord is righteous , but 1 and my people to their condemns- ^^q wicked irb^Wt'Jot'i "28 Pray ye vnto the Lord tfor it is enough) l«si.i««iri*on. jthat there be no more t mighty thunders , and j } £ir.voy„f ^/crf.• jiaile, and I will let you goe , and ye lliall tary no j I longer. 29 Then Mofes fayd vntohim.Aflooneail I am out of the citie , I will fpread mine hands vnto I the Lord , ακ4. the thunder ihall ceafe , neither iftall there be any more haile , that thou may eft * Ciap.^.i} tor. 'amiig item. The nuradei where jifn we fee thedutyofpareatc toward iheuctul•: ^ The feuenih plague, ■2 L•,, .fire aMkiil. '■ % The W felted ^^!r^' h Meaning, that ■when they hane their letiueft , they «hough they male many (aire promi fcs.wherein we fe( the praitife» of th< wicked. i Jl QjjlitefitPit, I know that * the earth is the Lords. 30 As for thee and thy feruants , I know " a- fore I fray ,yee will feare before the face cf the ;.ei the'beiier. Lord God. 3 1 ( And the flax , and the barley were fmiten : for the barley was eared.and the flaxe was boiled. 3 2 But the wheate and the rie were not fmit- teh,for they were II hid in the grouiid. ) 33 Then Mofes went our of the citie from rharaoh.and fpread his hands to the Lord,and the thunder aiad die haile ceafed . neither rained it vpon the earth. i4 And when Pharaoh few? that the rayne c Melipg.«fc«ei- ciHon of]a>liJiefe eiiils : fo ac« die lodly ciicr'waiged• Is Eiii! wai;*y \hab. dThitii, twenld he Lord ivere no no>e affeftioned owaxdyoii, then I im minded to let ptt gtie. liOimentis nepaied fotyotti Some lead , Ve ia» d fome mif- Πκ eight jligUC;; The ninithutague, ι (>,,»>,<«. fid It TMnmft Γ llie wicVed in iheit mifcrics fctke 10 Gods mi- niRersforhelpe,jl• bcit they hace and iette dum. gtlie water ft e- mcd ted , becanfe ihefand ot grant U 'sred: the Ebrewes A icciufc it nas fo tTke ninth plague. Μ'ΪΤΛ'ϊ,ι, Cbap.XL XII, land cf Egypt.ando remained in all qucrters i>f E- gypt:fe grieuous Graflioppers.like to theu; weie nc.ier before, neither after them ilialbe iuc h. 1 J• For they cotiered all the f.ice of the e:u-th, fo thattlie land was diike:Sc they did eate all the herbes of the land , and all the fruites of the trees, vhich the huile had left, fo ^ there was no greene thing left vpon the trces.nor among the herbes of the helde throughout all the land of Egypt. 16 Therefore Pharaoh called for f kofcs and Aaron in b.ifte,and fayde.I hauc finned againft the Lord your God , and againft you. 17 And now forgiue mee my llnne onely this once.and pray vnto the Lord your God , that hee may take away from me this death onely. 1 8 Mofes then went out from Phai'aoh , and praied vnto tlie Lord. 15) And the Lord turned a mightie ftrong Weft winde.and tooke away the grathoppers.ctid violently caft them into the g jred Sea ,fothat there remained not one gralhopper in all the land of Egypt. 20 But the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart, and he did not let the children of llrael goe. 2 1 Τ Againe the Lord faid vnto Mofes.Stretch out thine liand toward heaiien , th?t there may be vpon the land of Egypt darkeneiTe, euendarkci neiie that may be \ felt. i2 Then Mofes ftretched foorthhis hand to- ward heaiien , and there was a || blacke ^ darkenes in all the land of Egypt three dayes. ^ ^^^ , 23 No man faw another , neither rofe vp from • ^W^ the place wlierc he was f>r three dayes : * but all ftkW the children oflfrael had light where they dwelt. 24 Then Pharaoh calletl for Mbfes.and faid.Go ferue theLordrcnely your Iheepe and your cattcll foall abide.and your children ihall go with you. 2Τ And Mofes faid, Thoumuft giue vs alio fa- crifices .and burnt offerings that wee may doe facrifice vnto the Lord cur God, i6 Therefore our c attell alfolhall go with vs : there iball not an > hoofe bee left/orthereof muft we take to feme the Lord our God ; neither doe we know k how we iLall ferue the Lord, \-ntill wee come thither. 27 (Bi:t the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart.and he would not Jet them goe.) 28 And Phsraoh laid vnto him. Get thee "fc• c ti ^'■"^ "^^ •" ^^'^-'^ ^°" ^^'^ ™y f^^*i "o "^ore : for thieatnethto*pu' ' | whenfoeuer thou commeft in my fight , thoiiflw.lt * die. • ! 29 Then Mofes faid.Thoiihaft faid weli:from \ henceforth wfU 1 fee thy face no more. C Η A P. XI. i 1 Ced pjun-.tfttt ihir iftflMre. i yie a>Ulfli itm tc tomt» , thiir mi^HouM ijtili. 3 Μαβ, m, ,fli,m.aof aUfii,r ^^ Ow the Lord had faid vnto Mofes , yet will I j bring one plague more vpon Pharaoh , and | vpon Egvpf,i-frer that, he will let you goe hence; when he' lettethyou goe , he Ihall a at ence chafe you hence. 2 Speake thou now to the people , that euery manllrcquire of his neighbour.Sc euery woman of her neighbor, "•'iewels of liluer.&iewels of gold. 3 And die Lord gaue tlie people fauour in the fight of the Egyptians : alio * Moies was very great-in the land of Ε "ypt.in the fight of Pharaoiis ieiu^owyopd m the figpt οίύκ people , _The PaiTeouer inftitudcd. 24 b From the hi(h(| to the loiftA. riertKjj f Thoofh before he coiifeiTtd Mofei itiu.yet againft his » wicheat any cendition.bat witl J» f.e and violence ^ CtJf i-itttii 3ί• 4 And Mofes faid.Thus faith the L©rd,*Abou: "^ «j/. u,»?. midnight Willi go out into the middes of Egypt, i y * And all the firft borne in die larid of Egypt L fliall die .from the firft borne of Pharaoh that *«'•>''•'»••:'• litteth on his throne .vnto the fij ft borne of tlie maide fcruant.that is at b the mill , and all the .firft borneof be'ftes. 6 Then there ihalbe a^reat crie throughout ail I the land ofEgypt.fuch as was neuer none like.nor Ihalibe. 7 But againft none of the children oflfrael ilial! I a dogge mouc his tongue,nL-ither againft man nor I beaft . that ye may know that tii'i Lord putteth a ! difference between the Egypti.-.ns and llrael. ' j 8 And all thefe thy fcruants fliall come dow«i j vnto me. and fall before me.faying.Get thee out. I j and all the people that c are at thy feete.and after I* "^^ ; this will Idep.irt. So he went out from Pharaoh ^;Γ'"'''^*-~ i very angry. Γ ' I 9 And the Lord faid vnto Mofes.Pharaoh fliall j ! not hoare you. d that my wonders m.iy bee njulti- , : plied in the land of Egypt. • Ιάγ.Λ',λ * 10 t>o Moles and Aaron dul all thefe wonders the hearts ef die before Pharaoh: but the Lord hardened Pharaohs «probate, diathis heart . and hee fufFered not the childicn oflfrael «'""Z 'u'^^^ to go out of his land. ^Ι^^κ.»"!" CHAP. XII, tThf Lord luflitKlrtl, lie ftlftfuir. a< Tif/jlhen tnufi Cfjih lh'ng tie < Γ '^- r 1 1 r 1 • 1 ilT " lobfervation of rael. iaymg.In the tenth xjf this moneth let euery jf^ns : ai for other man take vnto him a lambe , according to the policies, they tccko• houfeofthcc fathers . alamheformhoufe. i>iediromSiptemtex 4 And if die houihold bee too little for the •'^j^^fc'jl.'oi^;^'^!^''^ lambe, he fliall take his neigiibour, which is next vnto biis houfe , according to the number of the perfons: eueric one of yoii,accordmgto his ^ ea- ting fliall mol^e your count for the lambe, J Your lamb ihalbe without blemifli.a male of a yeere oldfe : ye fliall take it of the lambes, or ofthckiddcs. 6 And ye fliall keqieiivntill the fonre tenth hlirrrwr day of this moneth ; then c all the multitude of i" the congregation of I fracl fliall kill it t at euen. 7 After, they Ihall take of the blood.and I'.rike it on the two jjofts,.-jid en the vpper doore polt of the houfes where they llvii c.iil it. 8 And they tball eate the flefli th-.t fame night, roft witlifiie . and vnleauened bread : withlowre herbes they lliaii cite it. 51 Eate not thereof r.-.we , boiled nor foddin in water.but rolle with iirc,both his f head^his feete, and his pi-rtenance. I ο Am! ye fliall referiic nothing of it vnto the morning : but that .which reniaiiieth of it vnto the morrow fliall yc burne v/iih f re. II f And thus fliall y^e eate it , Your loines girded, your flioes on your feete ^iuul your ftaues in your handcs.and yec fliall eate it in hai^ey»'' 8 it is the Lords Pafleouer. 12 For I will pafie through the Ludeof E-lP«fcntJttit%ii«ii gypt the fame cii'ht, and wJilimiteaii the firft borne a Called ΝιΓλι, coniaiuingpa.tcE great ot Imall fa- miliet dHeQulJtaiefo insnyas arefuffoi- -cniiocatihelimk. Ea«ry onelu*' iml.^hi. fThatji.jHthW! may be eutn.. f T^lamfce sws- iiot the r.-i.leenetj tati-grifedit,!»»• the thi ig.t fclfe. which they dot*. The Pairei>uer is prefcHbed. The tenth Exodus. plague» Departure out of Egypt. i borne in the land of Egypt .both man and beaft, vnto the '•'"firft Eorne~oFtfie captiue that was in hOf thibtKeite ieceiued for your dtliiierjace. i Thjiis, vntiil Chtifls comming lot then (.eiemoaieshad ai «id, {) Or, ciWn'g ugeibe Cti. ^IfKtl.lJ.S. Nnm.iS. "6. k For in old time fo tlieycoiimtd, and I will execute iudgement vpon all the \\ golls of Egypt, I Λ»ί the Lord. 1 3 And the uiood ihalbe a token for you vpbn the houles where ye are:fo when I fee the blood, 1 1 will pafle ouer you , and ths plague {hall not be vpon you to deftrudion , when 1 finite the land ofEgvpt. 14 And this day fliall be vnto y ou ? h remem- brance : and ye fliallkcepe it an'holie feaft vntc pnfon,and all th.• firft burble of beafts. ' 50 And Ph xioh rofe vp in the night, he , and all his feriiints, end nil the Egyptians : and the re a great crie in Egypt : for there was 0 no to tome.was.cithet /- *^ 1 ,, *-'•' *■ , . rf\ mi»t^ ΛΪ• boon» houfe where th ο ®f there hotifts, where in any firft ι or beant^ 1 Viiy for >iiee,' vvasnoz one dead. 31 And he called tO Mofes and to Aaron by night, and faid.Rife vp.get you out from among my people, bodi yee ,and the children of Ifrael, and goe ferue the Lord as ye htue faid. the.Loid , thiOughout yolir generations ; ye'ihall 3 2. Take alfo your llicepe and your cattell as keepe it holie by an ordinance i for ewti. ' ye hauc faid,and depart.and Ρ blefle me alfo. 15 Scuendayes lliall ye eatevnieauened bread, -33 And the Egypti.tns did force the people, and in any cafo ye fhall put away leauen the foil becaufe they would fend them υπΐ of the land in day out of your houles : for whofoeuer eateth hafte: for they faid.Wc die all. j Jea'uened bread from the firil day vntiil the fe- 34 Therefore the people tooke their dough uenth day.that peribn Ihaibe cu: of from Ifrael. j before it -vVas leauened , euen tlieir doiigh bound 10 Andinthefirft dayj7;iii'&e anholie II affem- I in tloathes vpon their flioulders. blie ; alio in the feuenth day iliall be an holie af- , 3 ί And die cTiildren of lirael did according ) lennbly vnto you : no worke ilialbe done in then!. 1 the faying of Mofes.and they asked of;/ Ε oypti- * «Λ a u & faue about that which euery man muft eate : that ans^iewels of filuer.Sc jewels of gold,& rainenr. , ^'^' ''^* onely mayyedoe. ' 3^^ And the Lord gaue the people fauour in 17 Ye 11-iall keepe alCothefeafl of vnleauened \ the light of the Egyptians : and they U granted .. ^^ - - ■ - - tneirrequeft:ro they fpoiled the Egyptians. 3 7 Then the + children of Ifrael tooke their ■*.- ^,, journey fromiRamefes to Succoth about fixe hundreth thoufarid men of fcote, befide children J ^ ^''"'I• waji fceghining the da^ of jjje moneth itSiinnelettiU thfl jiext day at the ,y..•,•: vfferiinoTffoft. IrTie Anfelient God to kill the firi borne. ι The land of Ca- BO', ΰ TJiey gaii Λ*η};5 toi a bencRce. : Cod fo gteai ytlisifttthflsgue bread : for that fame day I will bring yeur armies out of die land of Egypt : therefore ye ihall ob- feniethis day , throughout your poftQritie.by an ordinance for euer. 18 ί ■♦'In the firfl: mcneth and the foiuteenth elay. of the moneth at k euen, yee lliall eate vn- leauened bread vnto the one and twentieth day ateiien. 19 Scuen dayes ihu\ no leauen bee founde in your houfes:for whofoeuer eateth leuened bread, that perfon Ihall be cut off from the Congrega- tion of Urael : whetlier he be a ftranger ,~or borne in the land. io?• ; Ye fl-!all eate no leanened bread : iut in all your habitations fliall ye eate vnleauened bread. 2 1 ί Then Mofes called all the Elders of Ifra- el , iind fayd vnto' them ,Choore out and take you for ifuery of your houlboldes a lambe , and kill the Paffeouer." 22 And take * a bunch of hyirop,and dip it in the blood that is in the bafen, and ftrike the || lin- tell , and the || doore cheekes with the blood that is in the bafen , and let none of yoii goe out at the doore of the houfe,vntill the morning, 23 For the Lord will paffe by to fmite the B- gyptians : and when -he feethihe blood vpon the linteil and on the two doore cheekes , the Lord ■will paffe ouer the doore.and wil not iuffer yl de- ftroyer to come into your houfes to plague 7»». 24 Therefore lliall ye obferue this thing as an ordinance, 60th for thee and thy Ibnnes for euer. 2 ? And when ye ibjll come into the >" land, \yhich the Lord will giue you , as he hath'promi- fed, tiien ye il->all keepe this H feruice. 2(5 * And when your children aske you,W"hat feruice is this ye k^fpe ? 27 Then ye ihali fav, It is the facrifice of the i-ords Paileouer , which oaffed ouer the houfes of the children of Ifrael in Egypt, when he fmote the Egyptians , and preferued our houfes. Then the people " bowed theraielues and vvorlbippcd. 28 Sothe children of Ifrael wcnt.anddid as the L9rd had comandedMoJes andAaron:fo did they. 29 ί Now at -*^ midnight , the Lord u Irnote all the firft borne in the land of Egypt , from the fiift boms of Piinraob that fate on his thfoae» , lem thim-i 38 And r a great multitude >F fundry for te^ ο"^^",''***"' of people went out with them . and Hieepe , afic rwhicii beeues, and cattell in great abundance. fit3ngcrs,jnd net 39 And they baked the dough which they ^°^^'*^*' brought out of Ε gypt,e»i/w4iie vnleauened cakes: for it was not leauened , becaufe they were thruft out of Egypt , neither could they tarie, nor yet prepare themfelues vitailes. 40 ί So the dwelling of the children of Ifrael while they dwelled in Egypt , was *■ foure liun-' ^ drethand:hirtieyeeres. ^.^ 4 1 And when the f foure hundreth and thirtie f Fro^HBtaiiam yeres were expired,euen ^felfe fame day departed ^'^'^^^"™ all the hoftes oftheLord out of the land ofEgypt. Jjj/^^ Jfj^ '^"f 42 It « a night to bee kept holy to the Lord the chjlaten of becaufe hee brought theraoutofthelandofE-jlfcaΊfl•on^ Egypt gypt ; this is that night of the Lord,which all the children of Ifrael muft keepe throughout their generations. 43 Alfo the Lord fiidv^ito Mofes and Aaron This is the Law of the Paffeouer : t no ftranger fliall eate thereof, 44 But euery feruant that is bought for mo- ney , when thou haft ciiciuncifed him , then fliall he eate thereof. ,..„.: 4 ί A ftranger or an hired feruant iliall not eat thereof, 4<5 * In one houfe iliall it be eaten: thou flnalt xarie none of the fleih out of the houfe , * oeither fliall ye breake a bone thereof, 47 All the Congregation of Ifrael fliall ob- ferue " ' 48 Bur if a ftrangjpr dwell with" thee, and yiil] obferue die pafleooer. of the Lord , lethira cir- cumcife all the males , that belong vnto, him , and then let him come and obferve it , and lie Ibali be; as one that is borne in the land : for none vncir cumciled perfon Ihalleate thereof. 49 One «law Aiallbee to him that is borne in the land sand to the ftranger that dwcileth a-, ot thehoun.oldoi mongyou. God.miilibeaU % ο Then all the children of I frael (iid as the Lord 'Gen φ ii.e/t' :+30,y«ate(' I Except he be «jt>i. cumciled, and onely pvofeiTe yeas, religion, I! Xheytliit are ioined iii oik fait^ andreligioa, tktmhomt^niV^freoxi^}^ _jC^ HicfieneamldQofepillay.q^ lord commanded MofesanJ Aaron: fo did they. f 1 And the Iclfe fame day did the Lord bring | the children of likaeJ but of the land of Egypt by I tfaeir armies. j CHAP. XIII. i a The firf hrne are tffnei to Cod. % Tht mttniriiU of thtiiitliinr»H{e. 6 TheinflitutitHofthePAjfeoufr.e, 14 Ah exhortation to teach their thtlitento remember thit deliHtrUHce. ij Wl>j they ere ledby thetvtUer^effe. 19 The toHti oflofifh. ar The filUr of tht etoHi ani of tht fire. \ ANd the Lord fpake vnto Mofes /ay ing, 1 2 ■" Sanctifie vnto me all the firft borne : ' that is , euery one that βτβ openeth the wonibe | among the children of li'rael , as well of man as | of bead : /ar it is mine. , _^ ; J 5 Th°n Mofes faid vnto the people, * Re- ! member this day in the which ye came out of E- gypt ,out of the t houfe of » bondage : for by a raightie hand the Lord brought yon out from thence : therefore no leauened brvad ihall be h eaten. 4 This day come yeeominthe moncthof; e Abib. j y t Now when the Lord bath brought thee ' fitt of AprilJ, into the land of the Canaanites. and Hittites , and ' f!la*"o*ri«eVuti4 Amorites.and Hiuites.and lebufites , (which hee ■: fviautj• i fwarc vnto thy fathi'rs, that hee would giue thee, \ '■ , <\*. I a Irtid flowing with milke and hony) then thou \ ^'.Y '■*'■ [ flaaltkeepe this feruice in this moneth. * 6 Seucn dayes flialt thou eate vnleauened \ β %*Λ die ft- I bread,and the * ieuenth day fhaUlfe the feaft of the ' BtntTund tht ϋιβ £qjJ_ I Vnleauened bread iluU be eaten feuen «fK»i+,I». ttait.iJ.tt.iiitm. i.\l.mii,it. * £»((.>}. 2}. fimenlt, a Where they Wrere ία mod ciHell (ladctie. b To fignifie thie they had not kl- fiiictolMiKn theii bread. C Conitlni) » thine! of my fonnesi redeerae. 16 And itfliall be as a token vpon thine! I.and.and as fl frontlets betweene thine eycs.that I O'.Jfr»»•/»^ the Lord brought vs out of Egypt by a laightie i"'**'*"«»t hand, 1 17 ' Now when Ph^jTOh had let the people goe.God caricd thim not by the way of the Phi- liftims countrey , Κ though it x/Piri necrer : (for'u ei,t,„„/•, God faid.Leaft the people repent when they »fee * whitj, /hi Phi.• warre.and tume againe to Egypt. ) Unims would 1 8 But God made the people to goc about bv ϊί"" J"'''' *8•'"• thewayofthewilderne^reVthered^^a:andthU^':fr;S thiidren of lirael went vp « armed out of the land * '^" is. not ρήν of Egypt. "Jly, but openly. .19 . ( And Mofes tookcthe bones of lofepli ΰ^Ιπί^Γί."?.. withhim : for he had made the children of I frael in order by fi.le fweare.fayi - ->.--.•..--..- .. ,, * God will furely vifite you.and '"^ ye fl^al! take my bones away lience with you. ) j,/',"• 20 Τ * So rhey tooke their ioumev from Sue- h- nm toi Mati rchud day were holy, shtf.it^ii, 1 rhey tooke their ioumey from Sue coth -, and camped in Etham in the edge of che wiidernelie. 21 •♦< / nd the Lord went before them by day U" "'"*• '♦• '*i ^' , in a pillar of a > cloud to lead them the way , and f^.' \.V»io.\. by night in. a pillar of fire to giue them light, J το defend ihen I that they might goe both by day and by night. *"»•" ** ''«>'» «f 22 * He tooke not away the pillar of the cloud ^hI?"*•,, by day, nor che pillar of fire bynight from before I ' ' * ^ the people, j c Η A P. X I v: ! 4, i. Pi^atit ^>Jrt iV l,Ard,nti , λλΛ futfueii tit IfniUliii ' 1 1 Ti, IftMlues ft-itkct> mtkffae . m«ymurf agjwfl JM./>,, >J M,p,Uth,„oi.r.,i,ti,n,. XI Hfii^iiHhtheSe*. ij, »7 Tie Egyftitni foUtt» *ni •>ιι irovnti. Hm.ii.«i % WVf η (hot} «otfl «Ubiatfr >ftcfe4t»fv buy out. 14 f And when thy fonne (hall aske thee II to moirow , faying , What is this ? thou italt then fay vnto hira , With a raightie hjnd the Lord brought vs outof Egypr,ont of thehouie of bon- dage. 1 5r For when Phaaoh wa» h^ird hearted agiinft oar departing , the Lord then (lew all, the firft borne in the la^id of Egypt , from the firft borne of man ei^aJip the firft borne of bt^aft :. therefore I facrifijpjvnto the Lordall the males «bat firft opeBihs^lwrfnbe , but all the firft boxoe ^ : didfo. y f Then it was told the king of Egypt, that *»« his feruants was turned againft the people , and they faid , Why haue wee this done, and hauc let liiael goe out of our fepjice ? 6 And he made ready his charts , and tooke ' his people with him, 7 And tooke flxehundreth choien charets, , .. and ί all the charets of Egypt.and capraiaes ouer ' ,f,*tha?biwM' euery one of them. Ihefichatets ihr 8' (For the Lord had hardened the heart of ^«Tt-^^" >■« Pharaoh king of Egypt , and hee followed after {^•'';^';*"°<=°• the children of Ifrael : but the children of Ifrael ^ went out with an* high hand.) 9 * And the EgVpti^ns piu-fued after them, and all the horfes e^iich rets of Pharaoh , and '■"*'■■* ''• liis borfemen and his ho?.ft ouertotike them cam- i ping by die Sea, befide Pi-hahiffith.befoie Baal- j zephon. if Thty wKih » 10 And when Pharaoh drewmgh , the (.hil- imh b? fore in dien ti Ifrael lift vp theireyes , and behoide, the ;«h«« dtii»eri..«« Egyptians- marched ficr them , aid ihe^- were i^:^'^^ „ fore f afraid : wherefore tlie children of Ilraeijaf„;i ladjiuu- cryed vnto tlic Lord. J «""«j rrr^J ~ ■-■ J — With freat lej indbeldnefft, >^ lc&.ij..6. ^0fit€U^i TheBgyptians dihp^ed . A fong^ f Snc3i«th«iii•- •pir^ncy of the ϊίΛ, that it cannot ^ide Ccds sg. (ouicd cune> it Onelypntyout ir;Hfti;. God vrith- oot juidgUTgbr ionbtinj. diXhitsuicmcatt. Uflf faiih fighttih ajiTlifl the rlfOs, and ci^ «ill with iuwatd gtonisjs :e sht loxd. therefore ihtydee.Tke thiiilyih •tOtilieliutrtth not hi! Ckmch $nccKtineHt,eut tfdxng'r•, tHtteextrcifetheirfMthanifAUtncieominMththttri'ttblii.jea iS ofteniwts aucmiifttththtm: as the Ifraelites yvere new inleffthofi sf their lines,then wi.// the) ner' in £i.}J>l. The fturth pint η , lh»t whtn the dangers are mufl irfitf, then Cciili4pt «i mo/.' re^dj.t, fHccmr : (or the Ifraelites had tn either pde cf t'aeiiithuie rcckei andmouniai»ei,befi,re thtm the fea. behind themmtfi cruell tni.. mtU,J«.l/i»t.tiere vas n» ro*j left l« f;<.i/e ι • mam luditntent. 1 1 And they faid vnto Mofes , Haft thou brought vs to die in thv; wildeines. becmife 'here were no graues in Egyi?t ? wherefore haft thou feiued vs thus.to cary vs out of Egypt ? I ζ Did noc wee tell ihee this ihing in Egypt, fcying , Let ί vs be in reft , that weni^y leruc the Egyptians > for it had beene better for vs to fttuc the Egyptians , then that wee ll}ould die in the wilderneiVe. liillien Mofes faiil to the people. Fcare yec not^iid ftill » and behold « the faUiation of the Lard which he will Ihew to you this day . For the Egyptians whom ye haue fecfie this day.yeihall neiier fee them againe. 1 4 The Lord fhall fight for you '' looid you y our peac e» I r ί Ar.dthe Lord foid vnto Mofes.Where- fore ' cry eft thou vnto me ? fpeako vnto the chil, dren of Ifrael^that they goe forward: 16 And lift thou vp thy rod , aid ftretth ont I thine hand vpon the Sea and d^iiide it.aud let the j children of liiatl goe on dne ground thorow the Imidsof the Sea. 17 Andl , behold, I will hwdcn the heartof the Egypti.-.ns , that they may follow them, and I will gel me honour vpon Pharaoh, Si, vpon ail his hoafte.vpcn his charcts.and vpon his horfemen; 1 8 Then the F. gy ptians iball know th'.t I am tlie Lord , whcnl h.i\ie gotten mee honour vpon Pharaoh , vpon his c harets , and vpon his horfe- pien, ... Ji> (Andthe Angel of God, which went bt- ■bre the hoafte of I itacl , remooued, and wtnt be- hind thtm : alio the pillar of the cloud went from before them^and flood behind diem. 20 And came betweenc the campc of the E- ■ as both a I. Cor 10, f, ■ 11 Then the ♦ childi«n of Ifrael went throu»h the mids of the SiM vpon the drie ground, and the waters were a wall vnto them ui their right band,cnd en their left hand 23 And the Egy ptiiris puifued ant! w>-nt after them,tothemiddesoftheSe.i , i«f«r ail Pharaohs horfes.his chaiets.and his horfemen, 24 Now , in the morning 'watch , whenth' Lord looked vnto the hoafte ofthe Egyrtians.ou. ^.,. ,, ., of the fierie and cloudy pl!Iar,he ftroke the hoafte Γ "'«''*♦ of the Egyptians withfearc. 2) Forhe tooke off their charet wheeles.andl three Un hot:» ■p It.ThtcIwidChiW. 6th light 10 ih» riV. iwl>te.<.biitte the igypii'ans " wa» 4»lltenefle,fo that Aeii twehoaflil Cimldnwioyni. tegwhex. gyptiiins :>nddie campeof Ifracl ; itw-as both a cloud and dai'snefle .yet gaue it 1< light by night, fo that all the night long the one came not at the oth-;r.) , 2 1, Ami Mofes ftretched forth his hand vpon the Sea, and the Lord catifed the S«a to rtm backe Vj a itrong• Ε oft wind all tlie night, .and made thi jSft4 φγ IwX ; fcr the >yateis wat* lUnidcd». t Or, U4.,ily^ m So tU Uii if the water faued his.andbyihi.wi, "Γ diowned his they drauethc-m with Dmuchadoe : fo that the Egypti.-ns euery one faid, I will flee from the face oflfrael : for the Lord fightcth for tJiem againft the Egyptians. 16 ' Thenthe Lord faid to Mofes , Stretch thimafhind vpon the Sea , that the waters may re- turne vpcn the Egyptians.vpon their charets aftd vpon their horfemen. 27 Then Mofes ftretched forth his hand vpor the Sea, and the Sea returned to his force early in the morning , and the Egyptians fled againft it ; but the Lord "> ouerthrew the Egyptians in the mids of the Sea. 28 So the water returned and couered the cha- rets and the horfemen ,«■««« all the hoafte of Pha• raoh that came into the Sea after them : there re- mained not one ofthem. 29 β ut the cliildrcn of I frael walked vpon drie landthoiowrhemitls of the Sea ..and the waters . ,, were a wall vnto them on their right hand , anj on their left. ,! . 30 Thus the Lofdlaueil Ifrael the 'Simeda^ .■•'Φ* out of the hand of the Egyptians , and ffrael fa\«| ' the Egyptians dead vpon the Sea banke, . -' ' 31 And Ifraelfawtliemighticf power .whrdjf fir..|j|jf; the Lord ihewed vpon the Egyptians; ίο the peo-J » ptitS!%ht i^ pie feared the Lord , and bcle^ucd the Lord , anL '^"'"'■*#^''*^ his.fcruantMofes. ,' •«'ΙΙ^/^'^ C Η A P. X V. , > * ' '' 1, to M^pt rriti tit THiJiMd tfmtn png ftifn vrh Goi fci ii'ird-liite'-uit;e. 13 The f/f'^pU murmure^ as At tie fr4yfr tj Mifrt lit liiieramtinrtjivetie, i» Gtd HAaetk tttfieiln-^ fitcitnie. 'Ρ Hen a fang * Mofes andthe children oflfrael this fong vnto the Lord , and faid in this ma- ner, I will iing vnto the Lord • for he hath trium phed gloriouily : the horie and him that rode vp on him hath he ouertdrowen in the Sea. 2 The Lord U my ftrength , an-d (l praife,, and he is'beconsemy foluation. He is my God ,.andl will '' prepare him a tabernacle : he is my fathers God, and I will exalt him 3 The Lord it a 'man of waire , his "^ Name U lehouah. 4 Pharaohs charets and his bo.aft h.nh hej:aft jntu the fea : his eliofcn cjptains aifo were drow- ned in the red Sea. f The depths hauc couircd them,they fanke to the bottome as a (lone. 6 Thy II right h.^d , Ο Lord , is glorious in power : thy right ban.d.O Lord, hath bruifed the enemie. 7 And in thy great giory thou haft ouef- throH'cn them thatroVe againft* thee : thou feu- ttft forth.th.y w5ath,xivAi<:/i confumedthem as the ftubble. % And by the biaftof thy noftrels.thewat»?i"i were gi«hcre4 , thcioods Itood ftill as aiheape. Pniling Cedfoi the otietthiow of enemies, and their delitierauct, H-^il. lO.jo. Π Cj•, i.'/f.-fj/Jii». ο Xo woruiip him iheiein. Ιλ battel! he onetcommeih f ii«^' d Euer conftant his f habitation. 1 4 The people ihall he jre reli in her h nd , and all the vomevfillie out after her with timbrels and 'dances.' ί I And Miriaml anfwered the men.Sing yee vnto the Lord : for hee hath triumphetigloriouf- ly : the horfe and bis rider hath be oiierthiowen In the fea. 22 Then Mofes brought Ifracl from the red and they went out into the wildernefleof 1 By finging the " ^^^ ' ^"^ ^^^V '^'^"^ ^^''■*-'^ ^^J^^ ^ ^^^ wilder- lilte fen{ oi thaik • η6ΐΓε,3Γκ1 found no w.it^rs. ""■'"" 23 And when they came to Marah.they could not drinke of the waters of Marah , for they were bitter : therefore the name of the place was called 8 Marah. 24 liien the people murmured againftMo- fes,faying, what lliall we drinke? 2 y And he cryed vnto the Lord.and the Lord ihewedhima * tree , *f/w<> when hee hade aft into the waters , the waters were fweet ; there he made them an ordinance and a law , and there « he prooued them, 16 And faid.If thou wilt diligently hearken, Ο Ifrael, vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is • right in his fight , and wilt giueeare vnto his commanderaents , andkeepe all his ordinances , then will I putnone ofthefe difeafes vpon thee , which I brought vpon the E- gyptians r for I *m the Lord that healetli thee. 27 ί * And they came to Elim , where were twelue fountaines of water , and feuentie fl palme wees ,and they cariped there by the waters. 1 S>|n£iy!ng thei^ jrcat 107 : which cuUanuthe It wet obfenieilii taine folemniiie^ lujg.s.j+.fi: «•- St. but !t ought netiobeartoaie foeonirew w»n4 fea ton dances an Which was called Ethtm, Hum. J J. 8. ■ Or.iiltirtiffc. *jE»ffwijl.s. a Tliit is, GoJjOt Mofes in Code aan«. • Which i« , to 4eethat oncly that God com• mtnded. » Kuwt.j'j.». CHAP. XVI, I Tht Jfr'tlittf (cme tc thtiefnt ,f S,n , *ni nurmmt ai»,nft-M,liseni Αλτ,». u« ihey flioiaa pari. proouetherj , whether they will waike in my law or no, r But the fixt div they (hall prepare that I This is the eiglit I lace whcicitt ihty I [lid camped : ihcie oihci place :a'>UdziH, which wasthesj pl.^ie liertii, th«y can^ Μ .• aad is alfo ailed Kadtlh, liim 3j.j«. i> So hard a thin» toheriftj , not to mntjnme J iga/nfl cod when !hcbtUyi,p,n.^ .ed . i enily depend v^ on Codipioni- dtnce Γ[( day. .day which they fliall bring home , and it ihail be twife as much as tl>ey gather dayly. 6 Then Moles and Aaron fayd vnto all the children of Ifrael , At euen ye Ihall know, that the Lord brought you out of the knd of Ε gypt ; j 7 And in \\m mornin» ye flull fee the glorie! of the Lord•' i forhe hath heard your grudgings'' "«gnwthem againft the Lord : and what ai-c we that vae haue "'"/'?''" '^- murmuredagainftvsf ff'. ^;;;:];Κμ, 8 Againe, Mofes (aid, At euen fliall thfe Lord Γ'^»"ί'ί faie. giue you flefli to e.it.aod in the morning your fill of bread : for the Lord hath he;iid your inurmu-i rings , which yec murmitre againft him : for what ' are we ? your raurmurings art not againft vs , btit 'β''"ί Λ *,w°'r-r•, * Httthateoe. 9 1 And Moies laid to A.-uon.Say wxo all tJie ««nineih Gods Congreg.ition of the duldren of Ifrael . Draw """'"'."• "»- tieere before the Lord ; for hee hath heard your h'Se. murmnnngs. ^ I a Now as Aaron fp.ike ^•nto the whole Con J gregarion of the children of Ifrael , they looked.' toward die wilderneiTe , and behold , the glory ofj the Lord appeared * in a cloud. ;* Ci.^.tj.f •.■• II (For the Lord had fpokcn vnto Mofes,' ' '' faying. » | 12 * Ihauehena-dthemurmuringsofthcchil-i'» Etc!,/ 45,4.' drenoflfrael: tell them fAire/Bre , andlay, ;; At l|''''''"*"ii Itgnffi*!» not whit it was. And Moies faid vnto them, * P'"'P^'''^• •• ♦ This is the bread which the Lord ha»ii giuen:|„' ;,.^ "*"* ■ you to eat. . iicki.i,. 16 f This is the thing which the Lord both; •C'r•»•• J» Matmatdt fa tbe pofteritie» lus. ^lofliua diicomfiteth Amalek^ commanded : gather of it euety man according I whidieentii- 'to his eating , I an omer for t a man 4«»ri/«j to atth »bom a fee- | ^j^^ number of your perlons : eiiery man Ihall take tic oi out inC2iu"« ,.1 1 . 1 • 1 • t itr/.r« tf-rf. i for them which are in his tent. 17 And the children of Ifrael did lo, and ga- thered.fome more.fome lefle. And when they did meafure it with an omer , * he that had gathered much, had nothing ouer.Sc he that had gathered little.had no ^ lacke; β euery man gathered according to his eating. 19 Mofes then faid vnto them.Let no man re- ferue thereof till morning. 20 Notwithftandiiig.they obeyed not Mofes: but feme of them reieruedof it till morning , and it was full ofwormes,and«ftan'se : theiefore Mo- fes was angry with thera.- 2 1 And they gathered it euery morning.eue- fie man according to his eating ; for when the heat of the funae came.ir was melted. 22 Τ Andthe lixi da} they gathered i twife fo • t-Co».»,!;. % God Is a rich feeder of all, and ; cap iiilUy iomplaine, itioeieatateis fopute.but being ibHfed it tumeth 1 A Nd all the Congregatioo of the children of Ifrael departed from the wilderreflecf Sin,[ by their V ourneyes at the t commaiidement of the j+ ^*» '*♦ «*e»ij Lord , and camped in » Rephidim, where vvaj no l*,fh „,! ^'ίί,""" water fcr the people to drinke, Liact. vihttTihtf 2 * wherefore the people contended with «»niped, ai Numb, Mofes.&faid.Giue vs water.thatwe may drinke. ίίι',;,'',"Χ^^ί^''• And Mofes faid vnto themW.hy contend ye with %l,thu toe wa me? wherefore doe ye *• tempt the Lord•: ■" - iwhidipeitioa ihould feme for the Sabbath and thsdaybfieEt, ey pt, to kill vs , and our children , and our cattell f"«o"' of hun with thirft ? iWiiheutmurma- 4 And Mofes cryed vnto the Lord, fayingJ""^'^*"" What fliall I doe to this people > for they be al-.| tnoft ready to e ftone rae. '{* haw r«aii« ih» .y ea...^.... . ... ..^ .^ 5 And the Lord aul'wered to Mofri , Gee be-jfj'r*^^•^"'^^^ much bread, two omer -.:or one man: then all the \ fore the people , and take with thee of the Elders ,^^,οο,^,,,ι " irulersoftheCongrcg-'/jn came and told Mofes. oflfrael : and thy rod wherewith thou *lmoteft tmepiophtts.ind 2? And he anlwe.:r!them,This is that which ; the riuer.take in thine hand .and goe ; , how iiow they ait - •• • ■"•• Ίο raorow»thereftofthe • 6 ♦^ Behold JL will ftand there before thee vp-i^^,;^^S*J°';| c. Lord : bake that re <<«/ on dbe rocke in Horeb , and tboii (halt fmite on enemie» and falfc the rocke, and water fiiall come out of it, that thei Prophets, people may drinke. And Mofes did fo in the fight * "^i.?•»»•. , ofthe Elders oflfrael. ,.Γρ/4.7^ύ 7 And he called thename ofthe place fl Maf-l^ loj.i^i; a."'» fah and a Meribah , bee aufe of tbe contention of|«««+• . the c hildren of Ifrael. & becaufe diey had temp-i| %'TT''• ■ ted the Lord, faying , Is Uie^ Lord among vsJd whtiMBaiier- Orno ? ' iitie \TC«i|hiiilie |i aolteeliswjy I die etcafion 5 from their labeur, I to Cgnifithew holieh* would ί fiaue che Sabbath ; jnTheirinSdtli- ii« waste great, that they did tx- \ f Mfly agiin»,Godi 5 Notwithilanding, there " wentout/iw* i men , and goc fight with Amalek : tomorow I "^.^'"'-^Jj^'/i : people in the feuenth day for to gather .and ' will ftand on the top of the ί bill with the r»d of fiyhoVa* tf .' Oundnone. ' God in mine hand. . Eliphai,foJbt of • lafotmiinl Cgn<«,buiaocin c«le«r>Niun.ii.; sthe Lord hath laid (holy Sabbath vnto ivvhich ye will bake , and '.'eethe that which ye will ifeethe, and all thatiemdiueth.lay it vp to be kept vtill the morning for you. \ 24 And they layde it vp till the morning , as 'Moles bade , and it itanke not , neither was there any worme therein. 2f ThenMofeslaid,Eatthattoday:fortoday 'ii the Sabbath vnto the Lord : to day ye llialj not 1 finde it in the field. 26 Sixedayesihall ye gather it,but in the fe- ' uenth day « the Sabbath: in it there lliall be none. 27 " "ofthe _ ' they foum 28 And the Lord faid vnto Mofes , How long refufe ye to keepe my commandements , and my lawes ? 29 Bdiold,howthe Lord hath giuenyou the Sabbath : therefore heeginetb you the iixt day bread for two dayes : tarie thenfare euery man in I malek prcuailed. his place : letno man goe out ΰ„/^ the Lord vfMt CHAP. XV III, ;.kiiir»»t, I Itthtt cmmeth tt fee Mtfes his fonne in lav. t Mt[e%\ telutk htmcf the weudetsef S%yft. 9 Itthr* teiejceihl «Hd tffneik facrtfice te Gti. xi What maner tf mtn \ ' «Jitfi•» «»d iuaieiwtfhttthe, 14 Mcftsiteuib leihrct \ tmnfell in affttntiug officers. WHen lefhrothe + Piieftof Midian , Mofes •»• Ct^.x.Ki father in law ^ heard all Ant God had done — .^«i .-- I-€thro couhreUeth Mofes to'appoint. Cfaa^JOX^ ofi/cers.Moies obcyjtn Dim, if 4 Hmjyreeme ihatht ttnthit hUVt for 1 time to her f ithei for htt imprienty, lexDOie etonld be a let to his vcca •*ion , which was 4aji£erons< chap. 7 f And Mofes went out to meete lus tatner for Moles , and for Ifrael his people, And how the ] Lord hid broiieht IiVael out of Egypt. j 2 Then lahro the fuller in law of Mofes . ! tooke Zippurih Mofes wife , (after diee had » knt j her away.) 3 And her two fonnes, (whereof the one was called * Gcrihon : for he faid.I haiie beene an ali- ! antinaftrangcland: _ !; 4 And the name of the othzrvvas Elieza- : for j fl the God uf my father, fiid he, wis mine helpc.and ' deliuered me from the I'word of Vharaoh. ) ! s And lefhro Mofes father in law came with ' his two ibnnes , and his wife vnto Mofes into the ' wildernefle , where he camped by the b mount of fhemoV'nr'fGoi 1 ^t And he ' faidtoMofcs I thy father inlaw becaiifeGod '• lethro am come to thee, and thy wiie andher vtionght many j^q fonnes with her miticles thete. «" tSVimt" hete' in iaw,aad did obsyfance.and killed him, Sc cacli thiinwastranf- , asked Other ofhist Welfare : and they came into ''^""•^'f'bv*''' the tent. ^ΐ;Ά ' 8 Then Mofes tolde his father ώ law all that itwashoiyioia . the Lord had done vnto Tharaoh , and to the L•- rime.i.PeM.•*. , oyptians for Ilracls fake . <»«ίί all the trauaile that Ji"ots«fav':tiadcome vnto them by the way , and /«t^t. the Lord deliuered them. 9 And lethro reioyced at all the goodneffe, which the Lord had fliewed tolfrael, awrfbecaufe he had deliuered them out of the hand of the Ε - gyptians. , j.-i- I 10 Therefore lethro faid,aBlefled^.O.u,iz all the gods: for as they haue dealt^pioudly with ',i;ev"h;t"''^thcra.fo-rii/;.jer«e;.Wf^ „,d th.chil- 12 Then lethro Mofes father in law tooke oftheiftae- ] burnt offerings and facrifices .feeder vnto God. ,eiiQ>eathtm^ ^^^ Aaron and all the Elders of Ifrael came to eat 6y water. ' .....,..._, y ate ir. that , wheie the . ^ _ _ . Slice was o/fe- j„jge the people .the people ftood about Mofes bujnt , and the left nwnengeis to fay vnto him. bread with Mofes father in law {'before God. 13 ί Now on the morow, when Moles i^^^}° ■ iu "_ ,ed : toi pait _wa ^ ^^^^^ morning vnto euen. 14 And when Moles father in law law all tlut he did to the people , hee laid , What is this that thou doeft to the people ? why fitteft thou thy lelfe alpne , and all the people ftand about thee i from morning vnto euen? i I y And Mofes faid vnto his father in law , Be- ς Thatis , tolnowi caufe the people come vnto me to feeke g God . cods will , and to ! j g when they haue a matter , they come vnto hatie jiifiice e«- ^^^ ^ jj,j j j \i^i^Q betweene one and another , and *"'"'■ ^ declare the ordinance cf God.and ins lawes. ! 17 But Mofes father in law faid vnto him.The *Elr.rt.«»'iff ithing which thondoeft.is not well. fainfoifM. ! 18 Thoubothtwearieft thy felfe greatly, and , this people that is with thee : for the thing u too »Di«f . .,i. ih,eauie for thee : * thou art not abk to doe u thy ifeife alone. ,,.,.-, r „. rn 19 Heare now my II voyce , (T will gine thee h u:C?&« ■' cotinfell, and God Aiall be with thee) be thou for haidcaufes. which the people to h God ward, and report thou tlie ^.Λ..:^.Λ ig^mi^js vnto God. , r-, J- J i 20 And admonill•. them of the ordinances, and of the lawes.andfr.ewthem the way.whcrein they Irauft walke,and the worke that they muft doe. 1 21 Moieouer , pronide thou among all the 1 people » men of courage , feai-iog God , me§ dea- ling iniely , hating couetoufneHe ; and appoini fiich ouerthemie^srulersouer rhoufrjuis .rulers ouer hundieths .rulers ouer f.ftics.and rulers ouerj tenncs. 22 And let themiudge the people at all fea- I Ions : btit eucry great matter let them bring vnto ! thee, and let them iudge all fm.ill caufes : fo Ihall * it be eafier for thee.whcn they fliall beare the bur^ j den with thee. '. 23 If thou doc tl>is thing, (and Godjecom- ' mand thee) both thou Ibalt be able to endure, 1 and all this people il-.all alio goc quietly to their P' c?'l'y""''['1 ! , r r 01^ bushteuei tobe Ρ '-r w Γ . , ^. ^,- c , Wycd.thonghit 24 So Moles i obeyed the voyce of his rather tome of cm enfe- in law.and did all that he had faid : ^iou.s , for to fuch 25: And Mofes chofe tt^en of courage out of '^°^^°^J^^^'^^'^^'^^ all Ifrael , and made them heads oucrihe people, |fo"iu',mMc ihem rulers oner thoufands .rulers ouer hundrctiis , ru- fhat ate e«itcd, lers ouer fifties.and rulers ouer tennes. £nt mctbn'hwh' 26 And they iudged the people at all feafon?, f "caT'f a'othei. I iut they brought tlie hard cauies to Mofes :fur t Rcaie the occi-* ■ they iutiged all fmall matters tberafelues. |'*»ν, .mu». »o,»t, 27 AitervviirdMofesl icthisfathet inlawde- pai t , and he went into his countrey . CHAP. X,I X. I The Ifriitlttti ccme tt Siitxi. ; Iftael ischcfen friet among ail tthtr naiifts. 3 The ftipie prtmifetc obt) Oii. 12 tUthatteucheehtht hill ,i)eth. i« Ctd af- fcarith x(!(« Mo/is -vpin the tnmnt in ihnnici ani ίφηίηι. _ j, ^v-hich 1 Τ Ν the a third moneth , after the children of li- fie beginning ; rael were gone out ofthelcndof Egypt .the |ο^'''«'η<»>« " O.mc •> day came they into the wildernes of Sinai. u"i','of "'« and' 2 For they depirted from Rephidini , and j„rt of lur.e'. I came to the clefert of Sinai , and camped in the ρ That iheyde- , wildernefle : euen there Ifrael camped before the ^^:^^ *"'''" ''-•" ■■ mount. >Alhir.:t 1 3 -"RutMofes went vp vnto God, for the Lord jc God tantd ijj shad called out of the mount vnto him .faying,!'^••'. ''[''«l ■ ■''*■'■■ i Thus iLalt thou iij to the houfcof « laakob . and Ι,,^^όί anY'he j tell the children of Ifrael. jptojle of ifuei 4 * Yee haue feene whati did vnto the Egyp- ii'Si•*»' oneiy codi I tians.and/wtrv I caricd you vpond eagles wings, |Γ.*°Ρ^-^ i and haue brought you vnto me. dFoii'heEgleby y Now therefore "" if yee will heare my voyce '■ f yiiVg hie, is out oi in deed.and keepemycouenaiii.thenycclhallbc '^•^fs'j''"^.'';"" my chiefc treafure aboue all people, * though all ;o,j"|n"et'wingj the earth be mine. jthen in i.tt tjlcms 6 Yee Π-all be vnto mee alfo a kingdome;d«i««. 7 ^ Mofes then came and called for the El- .»""'• '•'*• j ders of the peo})!c , and propoied viUG them all 1 tHefe t]iings,which the Lord coiftmanJed him. And the people anfwered all together , and • fayd , * Ail that the Lord hath commanded , wee j* ci»^.i+,3• *««i will doe. And Mofes reported the wordes of the 5."•'""''*••7* [ cannot be decided butbyconfulting Viixh Cod. i Whatmantr of men otight to be cl«K«n to btaitj oSce, people vnto the Lord. 9 And the Lord faid vnto Mofes, Loe , I comcj vnto thee in a tbicke cloude, that the people mayi I hdare whiles I talke with tliee , and that they mayf i .alio beleeue thee for euer. (For Mofes hadtoldtf j the wordes of tl-x; people vnto the Lord.) . ' ( I ο Moreouer the Lord faid vnto Molit , fay ing.Take hcede to your feiues, j . D 3 ώ« ( Teach tT^tmiu be y.iie .11 heart,»» hey (he ' ctejne by waQiicg 4 Exoks Ot , ImiHf/t, y Or, Itnuri. f E:>t giue joii! idncstoptayet ind abninence. thai yon may at this time attend onely vpon the I.oid,i.Cot.7,j. * ZV»».4, 1 r. • God^-fei thefe tearefuU fignei, th.nhi.!law&oiil4 behadingce.uer • tenevence , and hi efty themoie feared, h He gaite autho- r to Mofe;by shine word-, that riie people might Tjiderrtandhim, •The ten Coramfmdcments• Of , T«ifr», S Or , ΙιτιΛί »i* i Neither dignity tiof mtatitnde haiie au:hoiity to palTe the baimds tljat Gcds word {•tcfctibeth. that yee goe not vp to the mount, nor touch the bortfcr of it.vhoibeuer toucheth ihe*monnt, fl-iall fnrely die. 1 3 No hand il-all touch it , but he ihall he fto- ned to death.or ftriken thorow with dearts : \νΙκ> thet it be beaft or man,he iha]l not liue : when the « home bloweth long .they iliall come vp Β into themomuaine. 14 ^ Then Mofcs vent downe from the mount vnto the people , and fandified the peo- ple.and they waihxd their cloathes. I J And hee faid vnto the people.Be ready on the thiid day, and come not at your ί wiues . 1 16 And the third day, when it was morning, j there was thunders and lightnings , and a thicke i cloud vpon the mounr.and the found of the trum- pet exceeding loiide , fo that all the people that was in the campe was afraid. 17 Then Mofes brought the people out of the j tents to meete withGod,andthey ftood inthe j j nether put of the mount. ί 1 8 * And mount Sinaifftf/ all on fmoake,be^ caufe the Lord came downe vpon it in iire.Sc the fmoake thereof afcended , as the fmoake of a for- naccand all the moiintg trembled exceedingly. ■ 19 And when the found of the trumpet blcW long , and waxed louder and louder, Mofes ipake, and God anfwered him by ^ voyce, 20 (For the Lord came downe vpon mount Sinai on the top of the mount) and when the Lord called Moles vp into the top of the mount, Mofes went vp. 21 Then the Lord fayd vnto Mofes, Gw downe , charge the people , that they breake not their beundt, to goe vp to f Lord to gaze , leaft ma- ny of th;m periih. 22 And let the II Priefts alfo which come to the Lord be fandihed . leaft the Lord ί deftroy them, 23 And Mofes faid vnto the Lord.Thc people jcan'not comevpintothemountSinai I haft charged vs.iaying, Set markes on the moun- ^ taine.and funftifie it. 24 And the Lord fiid vnto him , Goe.get thee downe , and come vp.thou , and Aaron with thee : but let not the » Prieftes and the people breake their bounds 10 come vp vnto the Lord.leafthe de- ftroy them. 2y SoMofes went downe vnto the people, and tolde them. 6 And ihewing reercie \ύλο e thoufands to^ $ot^^y ,-, |^ them that loue mee .andkeepc my commande-Ljjh^t.o'jJj^ nients. meieythente 7 -f Thou ihalt not take tbe Name of the Lord j^uHiO». thy God in f vaine iforihc Lord will not holdel•^™^•^;^'!»*, him guiltnefle th it taketh his Name in vaine , ^' ji'thet by* _ by fwtt- 8 Remember the Sabbath day , { tok-iepe it »ης f alily or uft- •' lybyhisNamc.ot )y (ontcmniacil, Ε Which is by; meditating the ff\^ liiualliefi.by he«• ring Gods word, indrtningftejH werldly trauiiles. holy 9 * Sixe dayes ihalt thou labonf , and doe all thy woike, 10 But the feucnth day «/the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou flialt not do any worke, thou , nor thy fonne , nor thy daughter , thy man feruant , nor thy maid.nor thy beaft,nor thy ftran- ger that is widiin thy 8 gates. 1 1 * Frr in fixe dayes the Lord made the hea- tien and the earth , the fea , and all that in them is, and reftcd the feuenth day : therefore the Lord blelTed the feuenth day,and hallowed it. 12 f ■»■ Honour thy 1« father and thy mother that tliy dayes may be prolonged vpon the land, which the Lord thy God giuetb ihee, 13 C Thou fhalt not! kill. J 4 Thou ihah not* commit aduloerie. ly Thou Ihalt notlfteale. 16 Thou ihalt not beare falfe *" witneffc againft thy neighbour. 17 ♦ Thou Ihalt not «couet thy neighboursji.J,•;;^;^^'^ houle , neither Ihalt thou couet thyneighboiusiitcd.' wife , nor his man feruant, nor his maide, nor hisil B"' *ody to oxe , nor his afle .neirhej: «ny thing that is thy|^'g^/{^8°^^• Ϊ Or.nlil, * β». 1. 1. '*Dtmt. h By the; arentt ilfoisiauantiU chithauetntheu•• ly ener vs. * /M« s,»t. i Enc lone ani I ptefttue thy bi«a thets life neighbour. , ^ , :>>is|oodBame,u• 15 'And all the people 0 fawe the thunders j ^ealt tmi ■ and the t lightnings , and the found of the trunw ^"""'^ : tnith. 1 When Mofes jni Aaron were gone p,ot had parted the boitnJsof the peeplt. CDd^ake chns out of the mount Hoieb. that ailthe'peofle » Oral i,6.Tftl. brfWhofeeyL. „ ill things a.eopen.'i ^Lrmil.li,i.Pf-i CHAP. XX. ■Ur, lomfcrlrJ lyMof-t. rftrhMia. a+ Oftotit » Tie C'nnnnirmfiilt ofihfirfl TM.: ef th• fttelti. 1% rir frcfU afy "V Hen God ' fpake all thefe words, faying, •^ 2 * 1 am the Lord thy God .which haue brought thet- out of the land of Egypt, out of the houfeofll bondage. j 3 Thou fljalt haue none other gods ^ be- !i fore me. 4 * Thou ihalt m.nke thee no graiien image, 'neither any fimilitndee/f/)««^i thatare inheauen by this oiitwird jaboue , neither that are in the earth beneath .nor [that are in the waters vnder the earth. I f Thou ihalt not « bow downe to thcm.nei- ther ferue them : for I am the Lord thy God , a ^ iealous Gcd.vifiting the iniquitie of the fathers jvpon- the children , vpon the rhixdgmer«ti}n and vpon the fourth of them that hate pie; pet .andthemountaine fmoaking . andwh;iithel^,^£^™'Jjfj^*• people faw it,they fled and flood rf^irre off, j hu hindera net it ip And faid vnto Mofes ,•* Talke thouwithUny'hing• vs, and we will heare : but let not God talke with '^2^; Jj;;^^^ . vs,leaft we die. \* D,'''lt^At§i . j._.^ - , 20 Then Mofes faid vntothepeople ,Feare i<*it» la.ii. for thou \ not : for God is come to• prooue you , and that" *!>•*" l'.*^ ' his feare may be before you.that ye iinne not. «p» °a/yo«'^' 21 So the people ftood afirre off. but Mofes|B»iiii4,ckif.i^% drew neere vnto the daikenefle where God vvat. 22 f And the Lord faid Miio Mofes, Thus thou ilialt fay vnto the children of Ifrael, Ye haui feene that 1 haue talked with you from heauen. i 23 Ye Ihall not make therefore with me gods of filuer , nor gods of golde : you Ihall make you none. .» ' »«^ t, ^ 24 * An altar of earth ihalt thou make vnto ^ijl^^. " * me , and thereon ilialt offer thy burnt offerings,] and thy * peace offerings, thy llieepc , andthinel*^"*•'•*' oxen : in all places, where 1 Ihall put the remem- brance of my Name , I will come vnto thee , and blefle thee. 25: * But if thou wilt make me an altar of ftone.thou fhalt not build ii of hewenftones: se (lure, all jiinde fe nice and wot. Oiip toidoles is forbidden, a Andwulbe leutnged on the ientemr.enof anijie honour. iofi. t, 3 1. for // thou lift vp thy took vpon them , thou haft f dr.ii.iUih, polluted t them. muie altar . that thy t fUihineire be not difcoae- red thereon. CHAP. XXI. m» mhtrisf i$rti natlufiift, » m4«,iH> ttiffurn l< irHtftittcorrMfi uMmrt, »Het tlfimouli >J Ow thefe are the lawes , which thou fhalt fet * l>*.i|,f>i *• before them: ^«».>s,«•. ■ a *• If tho«buyaaEbiewfemant,hee(hillpi^''*> llirJ»*W. AVhieh mighi Thelu<3iciif$. Chap^CXIL The luiicials. 28I tUrbtfMm•' /{bihislflMdtie b Nochiuuig cTiU]iHiimt*f Old• v>a((X• (i(«4 , T 7 Likcwife if a maa {fell his daughter to be a ieruanc , ll«e Ihall not goe out as the men ier- Uaotsdoe. , , ., 8 If ihe pleale rot hfr mailer , who hath be- et tls tVthe iateei j trothed/ her to himfelfe , then Ihall S hee caufe to j dutthemane ^^^ j^j... j^^ j|^^j j^ay^ ^^ p^^er to fell her | to a ftrange people.feeinghe..i defpifed her, : ' β But if he baib betrothed her vnto his forme, j he ihall deale with her' according to the cuftome j of the daughters, 10 If he take* him another*i">, hee Ihall not | dicninilh her foode, her raiment, and recompence i ofhcrvifginitie. . ^ .. . l ' 11 And if he doc not thefe» three vnto her. i then iliaUil^ goe out free.paying no money. '■ I^ l-XHetKatfinitetharaan.andhedic.lhall . die the death. , . , ' 13 And if a man bath not laved wane , but ; > God hath offered him into bis hand, * then I ^ will appoint thee a place whither he ilwll flee, 14 But if a roan come prelumptuoully vpon j his tieighbour to flay him with guile , thou itaXi j take him from mine » altar that be may die. j ly 5 Alfo hee that imiteth his father or his j ,Bjother,ihali die the death. I ' 16 ^ And he thatftealethaman,andfelletb ' * him.if it be found withhim,lhall die the death, ^ 1 7 f * And be that curfeth his father or hi$ roother.ihall die the death . 1 8 ? When men alfo Ibiue together , and one fmitc another with a » ftone , or with the fift , and he dienorbutlieth in bed, ip If he rife againe and walkewithom vpon IjU ftaffcthcQ ihaJlhe tliat fmote him goe β quite, i fane onely he ihall beare his charges β for his re- i ikJBg^d ihall pay for his healing. j 10 ' And ύ a man fraite his feruant , or his | maide with a rodde, andfae die ^nder his h3nd,he j fliall be furely puniflied, ' 1 1 But if he continue a day or two daye» , bee frallnotpbepuniihed : for be ρ his money, ia 1 Alfo if men ftriae and hurt a woman with thilde.fo that her childe depart from her, and Λ death follow not , hee ihall be furely poni- ihed , according aJ die womans husband ilvili ap- point hire, or be flull pay as the ludges deter- 1 R^ie. , . , „ , al Bnt if death follow. iheo thou (halt pay • bA.u.!•.^ Hfc for life. t ν « » r^ »,.. I . Ml. r. )•^ 14 * Eye for eye » tooth ftar tooth . hand to» »T*Mxe«.rion ! l•and,footeforfoot€, 1 »iwged"o*ihe* i 2 y Bu.-ning for burning , wound for wound, «MtiKasfkMia. jftripefcrfkrJpc. . ^ . , i ft»»» I 16 r .And if amaB fnutc lii$ ftru»« » tne eye. jr This lawforbid- leth net ently not hoit .but 10 be • •vaicIeaF. anybt te.ao.Atii»b.iS<4( ο Bithet fan* •8 kimetaeeic. ■m Byihe ύιΰΆ S«*t*cfigtfHt tnigiOiatc , bat before Ged he is Sammchere. oOfthtaMlk^ mcAaU. or his maid in the eye . and hath perllhed it , 1ιλ Ihall let him goe free for hie eye . 27 Alfo if he fmite font his fcru^nts tootli , or bis maides tooth ,he ihill let hirn goe oui lice for his tooth. 28 1 If .m oxe »orc a man or wom.n that he die.the* oxe ihalbc ' ftoncd to death,::nd his fleili Ihall not be eaten , but the owasr of the o\c^aU goe quite. 29 If the oxe were woont to pulh in tiir.es paft, and it hath beene II tolde his mifter , ;η-! hee h.ith not kept him , and after lie killeth .1 τ,.^ι οί- α w'oman.the oxe ilialbe itoned, and his owner! IhalKlieaH'o. | 3 ο If there be fet to him a α fumnie pf money , then he ilwllp.iy thenuiioraeof hislife.whatio- euerllialbc layd vpon him. H I Wherlicr he hath gored a fonne , or gored a daughter , he ilialbe iudged after tlie liimc ma- iler. . 32 If the oxe gore a feruant or a raaid.he iliall gitie vnto their maiier thiity χ (hekels of liluer, and the oxe Ihall be ftoncd. 33 f And wlien a m.in flull open a well, or when he fliall digge a pit and couer it not , and aftk oxe or an afle faU therein, '^ 34 The owner of the pit fliall γ make it good, and giue money to the owner thereof, but the dcad^d/ifihillbehis. 35• f And if a mans oxe hurt his neighbours oxe that he die , then they fliall fell the liue oxe, and diuide themoney thereof «and the dead «λτ» alfo they fliall diuide. 36 Or if it be knowen that the oxe hath vfed to pwfli in tirccs paft , and his mafter hath not kept him , he fliall pay oxe for oxe , but the dead fliall be his owne. CHAP. XX II. iOfittfi, 5 Dtniigf. 7 Ltttijig. 14 Btriwhg.ii ttttfug I F a man fteale an » oxe or a fl^.eepe , and kill it J,'io" h^Mri, ^ or fell it , he fliall reftore fine oxen for the oxe, »» a fmaU beift «£ ■ and fonre fliecpe for the flieepe . J;''* ■<^'^*• 2 f If a thiefe be found b Lreakine vp , and ^ ^'f;^^''-*• be linitten that he die ,noblood/7.e//?tf/fei« put to on : ifhehadnotffA#revt/K<>,thenfliouldheebe^eaih[h«l!aiei}i fold for his theft. 4 If the theft be found t with lum aliue, (whe- ther it be oxe,afle,or flieepe) hee [lull rcftoie the doubie. y f If a man dee hmt field , or vineyard, and put in his beaft to feede in another mans field , he fliall recompenfc of thcbcftofhis ownefield.andi of the.bcft of his owne vineyard . j bt\ht ;E*f.»»l»/tW, fBW.nd/. d Tliat it , Mbifti» be bath SoUcb. «■•i» j Theludicias £U.i«i;i. e Tliey Qioiild fweaieby the Hanie of tlit Ι.ογ3, f Kt Qiallfliew fonii pait of the beaft . orbting in wirntui:!. ^W^ Exo( us Li- g HttTiathireJit l^allbt ftee by paying the hi, «. h The Tiift pljgi'.i of CoJ vpon til» op pre fTo tits. ^ i.i'«i'f as, 37, dwf.aj.ij. k Thine abunilance! of ihy come, oy]< , and iTine. '•■ifKii'.ll.S.fti•^; 1 Andfohauen»- ^thinft'j doe vviilfc i^. oxen , for afle , for flieepe , for raiment.or for any manor of loft things , which another chalkngcth to be liis , the caule of both parties iliall come be- fore the Iu(jges,y of vir- gins. 1 8 ί Thou fliait not fuffer a witch to li^ie. 19 Whofoeucr lieth with a beaft ,ίΜΙ die the death. ao f * Hee that offeretli vnto atiy gods ,faiie vnto the Lord onely, {hail be llaine. _ | 21 ί ■''Moreouer .thoulbaitnot doeiniuryto; η ftranger , neither oppreffi; him : for yee were ! ftr^ngers in the knd of Egypt. 22 ί * Yee fball not trouble any widow , nor fatherlefle childe. 23 If thou vexeortroublefnch.andfohe call | and cry vntome.I will furely heare his nie. j 24 Then ihallMy wrath be kindled, and I will s j kill you with the fword , and your•* wiueslballbe I widovves.and your children farherlelTe. I ! 25: f ""If thou lend money to my people, //)di i w, 'to the poore with thee , thou llialt not be as an vfurer vnto him : ye ihail not 9ppreiie him with vfurie. : 26 If thou take thy neighbours raymentto [ pledge , thou flnalt reftore it vnto him before the ί iiinne goe Jovvne. .- _ \ 2 7 For that is his cov.ering onely , Ί•'η tf tht PfHuge f.tis. >4 The three fclemnt feaflf, \ ao. ti Iht. Anpl ii irmtfti ta Uaitthtitofif, \ Three ibkmnefea. i; }νΐΐΛί G*dprmifeth if thej tiiy him. t9 God witl I lafi oHt the CaaAiiiues by little and iiitle , end rvhy. ' "ΤΓ Hou (hilt not II receiue afiUe tale , neither ,|L,^ ilialt tliou put thine hand with the wicked , to iu ''"^''" ''■^''■'* be a ii fdfe witnclTe. ' | * ' 2 ί Thou ibalt not follow a multitude to do } οτ,ΐτκ,η: euill , neither agree in a controuerfie ^ to decline 1 f^'- •"'/«'",'• after muny and ouerthrow the tmeth. 1 godlyt'thoJgh 3 ί Thou ibalt not efteeme a poore man in lc(y dotfa-.tomit, his catife. 4 ' If thou meete thine enemies oxe , or his i afle going aftray ,thou llwlt ''bring him to him ^ ifwebeboimi againc. "^ ^°' 20""1 w out ί If thou fee thine enemies c afle lying vnder Sm«efao« ^ his burdeii.wilt thou ceafe tohelpehira ? thou incmie himfelfe-, llialc helpe liim vp againe with it. ^ntii.s,++. , 6 Thou ibalt not ouerthrowe the right of *„'/„^ °^^^"^^~ the poore in his fuite. pm"enemies^a(^ " 7 Thou ihalt keepe thee farre from a falfe mat- vnler his bmdeji, ter,+ thou ibalt not ilay the «^ innocent and the "'^j^'^''*"^^"• righteous: for I will not iuftifie a wicked man. ""w"""",.'..,. 8 ί '* Thou Aidt take no gift : for the gift «ie buideiis ,» '^ blindeth the t wife , and peruerteth the words of * ^"l• the righteous. 9 f Thou flialt not opprefle a ftranger : fo^an ye know the e heart of a ftranger , feeing ye wer?«l"e ftrangers in the land of Egypt. i*.^ I ο * Moreouer,Sxe yeeres thou flialt fowe thy ψηχ\7,^11 land.and gather the fruits thereof e ροπε λ« Ait II But the feiienth yeere thou ihalt let it reft *' " ' fituigti', his and lie ftiil, that the poore of tliy people may eat, *„"" ^' fo^owfuU asd what they leaue, die beaftes of the field ihall•* 1,^1.1:1'^^^ eate. In like maner thou flialt doe with thy vine- :ί<.+3•<''("'-ι μ , yard,anv 1 3 And ye Iball take heede to all things that I :'3+, li^' ' . ■ '. *, haue faid vnto you : and ye iball males f nomem- "S ^>f " . EJHer;' tion of the name of other gods , neither lliall it be ,'h ","^ α5"γ* • heard out of thy mouth. paired oiiei and 14 f Three times ibalt thou keepe afeaft vnto ipa^i 'lie i&w- . mc in the yeere . ^i'",- "'?"" •>«""»» I τ Thou * ihalt keepe the feaft of S vn-Ieaiie- 'Z ^i.\aZ > ί Bed bread ; thou flialteate vnleauened bread le- *d,«<; κ.κ, i uen dayes , as I commanded thee,inthefeafon'«'«'-.5s.+. of the moneth of Abib : for in it thou cameft^^J^J^'^l^'^ ,^ out of Egypt : and * none fliall appeare before me token that tht'i^ ' empty. ' («as g'uen 50 dayei 16 The ^ feaft alfo of theharueftpf rhefirft!^\'^^;''^5'^;f '^- fruits ofjhy labours , which thou hiftioweniniititisSthiTt^'ft ! the field ; and the ifeaft of gathering fmitr in th-a ; of Tabernacles, j end of the yeere , wlien thou hail gathered in thy ίδ"''^5 ''"S 'i"' 'Ί«7 i labours out of the field. p^t:^- \ 17 Thefe three times m the yeere fliail all | the Tabetjiades thy men children appeare before the Lord Ie-,'"w '°^« •""? ""»«f ■ 22- But. "feoas protiii^',and the peoples/ Chap. iCfiiij. xxv 1 "'" "' '' -, T!„»;ft-Vir»ihparken'vntohisvovce . and : whofaycl Mofesand the Elders leic iaod. ap Ρλκ«.7•»•• η God conunaii iwh hii not ORcly not to wotfliip idolcs, buitode• ftioyihem. ο That is.all "Mn j; neceffary ioi this ptefent lift. ' Diiit.7•^*• Iwillmalw «hem afraid at thy eomniijig.and fcjidmiBiAngtl tedcAioy them, ai Chap. 3 s.». 1 Wdtrerta fX^iit.Ephiaim i•* Cij/i.s+.is. iSruf 7. a. I 22 Kilt if thou hearken vnto his voyce doe all that I fpcake, then I will be an enemie vn- to thine eniimies, and svill afflict them that iffliit 2^ ' For mine Angel * Ihall goe before thee, and bring thee vnto the Amoritcs.Sc the Hutitcs, and the I'erizzites , and the Canaunires , the Hiiutes, and the Icbulites.and I will deftroy them. 24 Thou ihalt not bow downe to their gods, neuher feme them . nor doe after the workesot them: but * » vtterly ouerthrow them.and brea^e in pieces their imapes. 2i For yee flail ferue the Lord your God thee, - . , 26 < * There fliall none caft their fruit .nor be barren in thy land ; the number of thy dayes will Ifulfiil. , , ... 27 I will fend my Ρ feare before thee -.and wi 1 denroy all the people among whom thou ihalt go : and I will make all thitie enemies turne their backs vnto thee : , r u 28 And I will fend * hornets before thee, which fliall driue out the Hiuites .the Canaanites, and the Hittites from thy face. , c • ■ 29 I will not caft them out from thy t^cc in ; one yeere.leaft the Isnd grow toawildemefle.and ; the benftsoftlie field multiply againit thee. j 30 By little (k little I will dnue them out fiOra I thv face, \Titill thou incrtafe,and inherit the land . 3 1 And I will m-ke thy coxites from the red t feavntoihefe.-.ioftliePhiiiftiras , aidfronrthe i r delert vnto the f Riuer: for I will delitier the in- habitants of the land into your hand , and thou flialt driup them out from tliy face . 32-»" Thou Ihalt make no ccucnant with them, nor with their gods : „ . , , j , λ 7 3 Ne ither Ihall they dwell m thy land . leaft they make thee Gnne ag^inft me : for if thou ferue thek 2ods,furelv it fl.ail Be thy f* deftruftion. ,we will do,i who fayd , All that the Lord hath l.-»y and be obedient. 8 Τ hen >Iofes tooke the * blood.and fprink- ledjt on the people; and layd , behold ,the d blood of the coucnant , which the lord hah made wiih you concerning all thefe things. I 9 ί Then went vpMofcs , and Aaron.Nadab I and Abihu,.md feueinie of the Elders of Ilrael. j 10 Andthey e fawethe Godoflfrael . εηι ' \nder hit feete vvaj as it were a t worke of a Sa- I phir ftone , and as the very heaucn when it is t II Andvpon the nobles of the children of If. nd i rnelheeflaide not his hand : alio they law God, ■ Ptt.t.u H.t.i.to. i Which bloo4 llS..ii.eih that the iue thee i tables of ftone , and the Law, and time. " - - • ..-,rran (V-ur<-.|i Sienilyingil ot 01:1 teach ^ chem. |hean;,e««jii 1 3 ■ Then Mofes rofe vp , and his minifter lo-j God do wn.c hii fliua : and Mofes went vp into the mountaine tfl}^^"^';,'';;"•^ God, jsj.ezev' I 1 4 And faid \-nto the Elders.Tane vs here vn j till we come againe Mito you : and behold, Aaron j and Hur ΛΓί with you : wholoeuer hath any mat- .^^.j^ ters.let him come to them. r ί Then Moles went vp to the mount.and the cloud couercd the mountaine, 16 And the glory of the Lord abeade vpon mount Sinai.and the cloudcouered L' it fix dayes: |ll o*,iim. and the feucndr day he called vnto Moles out ot the middes of the cJoud . 17 And the light of the glory of the Loxd-ovaf like 1 confiiming fire on thetoppe ofthenr.ouu- taine.inthe eyes of the children of Ifrael. 18 And Moles entred into the middes of the ii ;ods,uirelyitiliailbcthy CHAP. XXI II I »The puple pemifi U ohij Gci. 4 Mif's vrit/lh tie ciuill ; X«we! 0,13 Mifei rttmmth into the mtmtair.c: n I ^arattui HKthne,ne. ' ^ , , ^"T Ow hee had »■ faid vnto Mofes . Come vp to i, wh»«*txaUea ί fS^ ^^ j_^^j ^ j,^p,j^ ^^^ Aaron. Nadab.and Abi- „Γ»Ι'κ.νΟ gi..el h.i,and ieuenty of the Elders of Ifrael,and ye fl^all liImtheLawf'.beLyorJtip.fqi-ieoff. • EinnirE.ttheao,! ^ jin^ Mofcs himfclfe aionc fliall come nccrc to the Lord , but they"n.ailnot come neere , nei- ther ll.ali the people goe vp with him. sib Afterward Moles came andtoldethe people all the wordes of the Lord . and all the ILawes : rjidalhhe people anf.vered with one 1 voyce,and fayd , * All tlie things which the Lord hath faid.wulwe doe. , r, j 4 Alid Mofes wrote all the words of the Lord . and rofe vp csrly,and fet vp an *-ali.» I .•nder the mountaiHc , and tweliie pillars according to the t^velue tribes of Ifrael. 5 And he lent yong ' men oftb•: children ot Ifrael.which offered burnt oftrings of beeues,and facrificed peace ofteringsvnto the Lo:-d. > Then Mofes tooke halfe of the blood , and b V/henhehad ie«iiieithefe limes IH mount ;sir.ai. U Eir iuigmnntt. - ci..i'.ii,8; |o».I.w/.<.«../:n-.ountaiHe c. ΪΟΙ a! yet the rrienhoodwas isot giue» CO Leui cloud , and went vp to the mountaine : and Mo- fes W4s.inthe * raouBt foiutie dayes-aml fourtie ni?hts. CHAP. XXV. a Th't -vtlitniary gifts fcr the mnkin ^ftheTgti^nch. 10 Thefttmeefthe ^rkf. '7 The Mtrcte-fe^te. 2} 7 he Tabic. iiThe CandlefacKt. ^0 Alimufitf dun ucntdiii^lothefaterne. '. Τ Hen the Lord fpike vnto Hofes,faying, ' 2 * Speake vnto the children of Ifrael that they receii>e an offering for me : of -^ euery men, whofe heart gitieth it freely ,yee flwll take the of- fering forme. ^ ,,h• 1 3 And this is the offnng wh ich ye flull » t J<.e of them.goliiind fiiuer.and braile, 4 And II blue€iKi,'^nd purple.and fcarlet.cnd fnelinnen,andgoati/;4i'i, , * , , ' , y And ramniis skinnes coloured red , and the skiiinesof badgers, and the wood* Shlttiin, 6 OylefoiVneligiit , fpicesford-anoynting ovle.snd for the perfu.tie of Iweet fauoiir, '7 Onix ftoncs .and floncs to be fet in the * Ε phod,cndinthe'*breftp!ate 8 Alio they Ihall mike me a* Santtuiiy ,-thAt Γηΐ3Τ dwell aniong them. 9 ' According to all that I ihew thee , eucn fo fliall ye mike the forme of the Tabernacle -^ the falhion of all the iiiftnimenrs thereof. Γ The Loid tyftih• xth l;!;e dcuoti- ;>ig fiictocirjiaU men : but le ihcm that he diatreth- ih bis Spirit Saphir. Dlul.p.9 1 1 wood I tr.ttrlaelitf IpiuitinSira^^iitfeoTthrbiood^reipH^^^^ J cubite and an lulfe broad; jledonthedtar. ^^ ^ [ halfe high: ' 7 After , hee tooke the Κ booke of the conc- in.-aic , and4ea^l it JM the audience of ibcpopli** Theylhallmake alio an * Arke of Shit- two cubites and ai halfe long , and * aad a cubite arid plcalasi After the diudiciaU giiieih thimtht emonialiiavr, that nothing fl'.cidd belch to as in:!Uiao]i. Fotihebuild- i]i?2iid \lc ciihi Tibcmacle. Or,jriff./»i c Which is thouglntobes kir.dt of Cedar, •uliich will not totte. Oideiiied for the ri.cHs. σ^. 18.4, CtJ/•. iS, 1 < Λ piicc bcth • ietlacriCce, ; l.ceiheLi.v. Cl-^.i7.'•. J Kni thon flialt oirerlay iirwith pure gold iqand wiiboutll«ittlWirvu«rIa: ίΊΙΠ pun- H'"-' ay ic; and ihaliv'. --a » » maJel- * The Arke and Mefde-ieatc The Exod is. Table of fiiewbread. The ^αιοίίίοϊίς. I f of.ftwi, 1 A Β r*i I lt»gth,tw!icu• ittes and Λα half,. i BC Ώ? itrenath a ch• lite and an Ulfe. AD The j h'ight Λ cu• ' '•elfe. "^^leiehkn s Hitliathm"" ll)aUb--fitet. m ake vpon it a ί crowne of gold lOiitid about. 12 And thou flialt call feme rings of golde fo;• it.iind put thera in the foiire n corners thereof: that is , two rings //;ί!ΰ i* on the one fide of it, and two rings on the other fide thereof. 1 3 And thou iliait make banes of Shittim wood.and ^oucr thtm with gold. 1 4 Then thou llialt put the bnnes in the rings by the fides of the Arke , to beare the Arkc with them. ■^HE ARKE OF THE TESTIMONIE. thee , and frorn abone the Merc iefeat ♦ betweene file two Cheriibims .which are vpon the Arke of the Teftimonie, I will tell ihte all things wJiich I will giue thee in coroniandensut vnto the chil Urenoflfrael. TlfE TABLE OF THE SHEW BREAD. ifi"».7.lf| iYves ectterei rvilb gold tc fut through the rings tnei fart tf the Arke where the Teffimunii ΐρΛί fut. f) the Artie. I J The baires ilialbe in the rin^sof the Atfee: they ihali not be taken away from it. i6 Sothou fliait put in the AiIqc the fTcfti• monie,which I fliall giue thee. 1 7 Alio thou ihalt make a Β δ Mercie-feate of pure gold , two cnbites and an halfe long , and a cabite and an halfe broad lAtcodof Aaion» anil Minni which wtK Ϊ teftinienie »f Gois prefenee. JJ Or,MK(r{fj : »» !g yictc 6*0^ »f(it«ti av«i*if«Uy vnto «him ; ini ihit WM t figuit eichii'fl. PROPITIATORIE OR MERCIB.SEAT. τ The Prof itia• <»»jror Merciefeet which h the coue- Ting of the Arke the Teflim>mc,fei «p.ir* (» thif ed•- thn for plamefftt Κ The fla^e vhence iljiiei the i trxelean-ienfwettt Iromn^Me the 'rrifitiaurf, and from befareene the Wings of till Che- iltohirits. irei'.dih thiekt. f The foureyings. G The bAtrei to i»tie fke Table , -nhith yvtn put through the rings. Η Dijies wherein the SAcMiir.iii was fut. I The tneliie cakes or laaues callri the Shiivkread. Κ Thi gohleti tr cout* rings, the iiiccnfr Clips ■ aj f ♦Thoui!iaItaIfomaf;eaTabIeofShiNf **fl/•»* ί tlrawootl, oftwocubiteslong , andonecHbiW ! broad^d a cubitc and a halfe high : i 24 And thon ihalt couer it with pure golde and make thereto a crowne of gold round about, ay Thou ihalt alfo make vnto it a border of ί g foure fingers round about ; and thcu (halt make I <" j a golden crowne round about the border thereof: *"'*• 1 %6 After, thou Ibaltnvike for it foure rings of gold , ami fhalt put the rings in the foure comers that sre in the foure feete tnereof : i7 Oner agamft the bcffder Ihall the rJngs be forplaces forbarres to beare the T.ible, a 8 And thou (bait make the barres of Shittitaj wood , and Ihalt ouerlay them with gold, thai the! Table may be borne with them. ai> Thou Ihalt make alfo ^ difbes for it , and meenfe cups for ir.and couerings for it , and gob- lets.wherewith it ilialbe couered.«»i» of fine gold ihalt thou make thera. 30 And thou Ihalt fetvpoiltM TabloSliew bread before me continnally. THE CANDLBSTICKB. ϊί? And thon (ball make two Chembifnsof ffoldc : of worke beaten out with the hammer fiislt thon make thera η the two cndcs of .the Meiciefeat, Ip And the one Cherub ihalt thou laake a» itlie one ende , and the other Cherub at the other jend: ofr^ ntAttor of theMerciefeat ihall ye make the Cherub ims.on tlie two ends thereof. 20 And the Cherubims (hallftrctch their wing* •n hie.couering the Merciefeat with their wings j end their faces oneto another : totheMercic*i ieat ward fhall the fices of the Chenibims be, I 2» And thou ihalt put the MercJeftat aboeef tpon the Arkc, and in the Atke thou ihalt pntthCi Tcftimonie.which 1 will giue thee. -gcai:. , ' 14 Afl4 there i will I d«cb• Z"?^. ' — Τ ^ί)^: SeeAufeUht fefbioH of CAHdtep.cl^e /■) ft flaine λκ4 tHiient , it nenttth Hit to Λ: fcriie the particular purs then• of tccoriiHg to the order of Ut• ten. OittljTvbereas it isfni in the 14 verfe th»t there fb»iht four» houlot or cups iH tht _ C»ndleftiek* , itMu/l be njitder• I food ofthefbaft. or fiianke : for j then xre im three for entry oitt ' tf the other braucheu Alfo the k»>ps of the Cand't. !titk, are thofe which are Hinder tht branthes as they ijfue out of $btJbafto»eitherfide. f * Ali ■^a QlcftitUineib• Huoutefih» Jump* oi |olde 31 I •»• Alfo thou fcalt make a caedleft icke of pure gold : of' worke beaten out with the ham- mer Itall the Candlefticke be made , his flwft.and his branches , his boules , his kncps : and his fionres iliaibe of the fatiie, Sixe branches alio iliall come put of the f Pl" Γ forthcT6l hrce branches of the candlefticke out haue one meafure. - 1 3 Fine curtarnes flialbe coupled one to anoJ ther : and the other fine ciirtaines Ihall be coupled! one to another. 4 And thou Ihah make firings t>f blew filke vpon the edge of the one curtaine,T't'/;tc'<ιtftr^t%ίm^*. J} «» flMt .f iW Arii , »fth MerHt-fMtr , cftbt r«Wf . «W »f Ai C«»*Ji.Vl||, , , , , AFterward thon flialt make the Tabernacle ; f,ie the) vne « (utut Ungir with tenlie curtaines of fine twined linnen \u«thftdeth»tihit>»rMmiih:itt<,i4t,ii b 0« At C.U Aif th« tnioin! mijb* b( t)'(l cogtthti. C Intyiigiejc• thtiboth the I O1 , iitiii. IjOr.fJrliliit, rh eUuernhhaHiti hf„e the entry cfthe Taietnult , Ujke »•"'/'''''' thirty veaihci Cioiild mine Λ. (he one fide.intl fia«onth«oth«i, d thefixfflitnW ungoutv ihc loote ofiht Tt» emtcl». 0 Oi-,fcf»V«. '\ A β; CD TV *«» *nrt»inti ythkh vett tight Ληά notWy eH%i*ii Uttr ,f ; ChernHmt *>»rke. A Ε The trexith efe turtaiue was foure luiites , enifothe . W« w.re (mrty i-Kts br,»i . f 6 Ty^eurttinet Mvi »n halfe : β thAt the wh.U ttjei ic tether , ietUreth that the T*ber»MU was thirty eubites Icng, and ttrtltH tt,n4• F Η Tatbti nkukes t> tie the cMttatnts. The length of one curuinepw/ii eight and : twentie cubites , and the breadth of onecurtaine ' bite on the other fide of that which is left in the lengtli of the curtains off- couering m.Ay remaine ©neither fide of the Tabernacle to coiKrit Η ^v foure cubites i euery one of the curtaines OiaU \ fccrmckof Sbittunjv^'^j,^, ^,o,.^^vp. ^^^ Moreouer.for that couering thou uialtp^,oo«inEeT; make a ί couering of mmmes skinnes died red, and a couermg of h badgers skinnes^boue. ^ ^_ I f 1 Alio thou flialt m J^e bor^rds for the Ta- ,^^,^ „,„„•„β of - --• • • *- •>' - ih«Iib»»Kl«. f For Acre tin- werctifo cnbifts longer the cnnu«(« DfilieiTikiiawlei: fo ihatihev \v«ie ri(there>f . alt .oyned tot'ther , made thirtie elites, ' ''^hi.h^,< tL• 'uKith if the Taiitnade. lofephus writeth that etch heard Wis ^ntnifJlMe^V The «s^ther part ,f ihe boards wh.ch wts cut ,nt. m. ! f»c»i. C The twomortaifes , foif each tenon one ,wroHi,ht ,n twtpiecei apart I i^vhneunt, when the beards were put,, key received ,h, tenons, and held the boards ••vt,. D D D D D Silffitfi'if barres to hcldthe boards tn order : fcttre pajjcd the beards . yokerein holes were made therefore. Ε Ε T^r.ng .cneatthe t^iter tan and. another at the neither part of the hoards , mhich toynedihe ,7d!sofThei-abnnaae, and the boards of i^e νΑβ end together. F F Rinp, ■KheritbroHth the barres paped. G Η Availe hangmg on foure ptUars , and 'Zro»ihtofCherUb,ms , ^hich dtdeparate the hoi, place from the η,οβ holy. ir4h!n„nh^liilace Κ The holy place . whereinonthe Sonthfide the Candle- ΚνΓ, boLds that clofevp the Tabernacle oniheWfft 'nie . wh.chwastie %permoii ende of the place. Μ A han^.ng orvaile , Μ was a. the entr.e tfihe Tabe,KUli,bciniattbeEaitende , which was fafiened to hang at β»β SAnd thou ilwlt make boards for the Ta- le, i««ntwentic boards on the Southfide, euen full South; I ρ And thou ilialt make fortie |1 lockets ot lil- uer vnder the twentie boards , two fockets vnder one board for his two tenons , and two focICe.ts ■vnder another board for his two tenons. 20 In like maner on the other fide of the Ta- ibernacle toward the North fide/fa^tf he twentie 'boards, i 2 1 And their fonrtie fockets of filuer.two loc- I kets vnder one board , and two fockets vnder an- I other board. : 2 2 And on the fide of the Tabernacle , toward ' the Weft.fhalt thou make fixe boards. .,23 Alfo two boards fhalt thou mrke in the corners of the Tabernacle in the two fides. 24 AUb they flvilbe » ioyned bencath,and like- wife they flialbe ioyned aboiie to a ring:thus Ihall it be for them two: they flialbe for f two corners. 25 So they Ihalbe eight boards hauing fockets feAand weU iov- of filuer.eas» fixteene fockets, thAt w,two fockets biolCf vnder one board , and two lockets vnder another board. i 26 ^ Then thou flMlt make flue barres of Shit- ; tini wood for the boards of one fide of the Ta- 1. bernacle, i 27 And fiCV; , --'»$,for the boards of the otlwr I fuleofthe τΙ^Γι . -n^- j"Ofi>'e barresforthc 1 boaSth?''* *^'" • ^^" ^ade toward the eddiee m the Mount. 31 f Moreoiier , thou flialt make a vaile of blew filke , end purple , and skarlet, and fine twi- ned linnen ; thou llialt make it of broidred worke with Cherubims. •^ 2 And thou fl'.alt hang it vpon foure pillars of'shittim wood couered with golde . ( whole j I'liookes fiiali be of golde) ^anding vpon iburellc somt te>ae, fockets offiluer. jhcadsofthepiU 33 f Afterward thou ilult hang the vaile f on ''"^^^^y^,j^. thehooks.that thou mayeftbrin^ in thither , that \ooC> ■■ mnving, k J within the v^le.the Arke ofthe Teftknonie :|itaiii77/»«w*4i>» and the vaile lha!l make you a feparationbetweene! i""^"'*^^ f'"» I the Hoiy place and the Imoft holy place. ji'wh°i «into the ' 34 Alfo diou iliait put the Mercifeat vpon thejhic Pnenonlyen- ! Arke of the Teftimcnie in the rcoft Holy place. '"* »"" ' ""'*/ ] vaile , and the Ccudlefticke oner again* the Ta-j ble on the Southfide ofthe Tabernacle , and thou) j flviltfet the Table on the Northfide. j I 3(i Alio thou Ihah make an η hanging for the'» Thishsn-inj "^ ; doore ofthe Tabein.icle of blewe filke . and pur-!"' ^'"' ^'1"^" i , 1,1 I r • I I• '' , itweeac tht holy pie , and skarlet , and hue twined linnen wrought jiace.and Λ«β ] ' with needle. , 1 whei't the peegis I 37 Andthou llialtmake forthehangingfiue l•**?•- - I pillars of Shittim , and couer them with gold ;1 i their heads/7W6f of gold , and thou ihah caft fiue . .; ; fjcketsofbraflefor them. I C Η A P. XX ν IT. i • . , ι ThMur, f tie bur»! cgMn^, 5, Tknourtcftiera^irxtlU?. la ThtUmpe: coniinmlly iurvfg. X4"Oreouerthou ihalt malvref«c« -^ rauicrhoopcso ' !i«Ietfort«b< • Meinint.riR- Kiincsof fifiit kubiMc. fofihedooitof •ji• ■ • broad (the altar i(Wl fee (orae fgoare) «nd the height thereof three cnbites, '^ .• , i . And thou ilialt make it homes in thefiiiife co:ners thereof ί the homes ihall beofii^felfe, i and thou ihAlt couer it with brafle. "'- '|' j '3 Alfo thou ihalt make his ίΐ1ιρ3ηη6$'ίθΓ his ! aflies.and his beforaes.and his balins.Sc his fleili- ! hookes^d his H cenfers : thou Ihalt make all the i inftruments thereof of brafle, .1 J 4 And thou ihalt make vnto it a grate Jikf \ networke of braffe :alfo vpon that t grate ihaJc '. thou make foiire biafen rings vpon the foure cor- ners thereof. r And thou ihalt put it vnder the compaffe of the altar beneath , that the grate may be in the xniddes of the altar. 6 Alfo thou ihalt make barrcs for the altar, karrcs ,1 fy ,o{ Shittira wood, and fliaJt coucr thera with braife : ^ 7 And the harfp<: thereof ihill be put in the rings, , tlic \vhich barres Ihalbt vpon the two fides Priefts office, ef the altar to beare it. 8 Thou^hak make the altar hollow Betweetie the boards : as G#ilheweth thee in the mount , fe ftjili they make it. ! 9 y Alfo thou ihalt make the «court of the Tabernacle in the South fide,euen full South: the oourt flW.l haue curtaines of fine twined linnen, of aahundreth cubites long ,for one fide, 10 And it ihall haue twenty pillars , with their j twenty fockets of braiVe: the heads of the pillars, I and their i fillets/W/^e filuer. 1 1 Likewil'e on the Northfide in length there 1- i/hali be hangings of an hundiethctt^»>«long .and the twenty pillars thereof svith theii- twenty foc- kets of brafle : the heads of the pillars and die ii- \tx:s[hiiRbei\\attk II f And the breadth of the court, on the ^eftfide fhtU haue curtaines of fiftie cubites, with their ten pillars , and their ten fockets. τ 5 And the breadth of the court , Eaitward full Ea&,fhailh«He t fiftie cubites. 14 Alio hangings of fifteene cubites /?w»/!f^« Ion the β*?ί fide vv/f/5» their three pihars and their three fockets ning ίο ιροΓπίηέ !?6Fot< *hc tbi;d, for a'.ftatut^ foj- ciicr vnto theirgeiiet;atioi{i , teheobfertteit)b^'uii children of Ifracl.• • '; V' ; ] CHAP. XXVIII, ! 7 The Zora i»lUth A»fn & hn fonius le the fritflhtUi 4 Their inrtnenis ij. i»• jtxftt enitttli, » ehaiHts tun» Ouix^tHtiA aniteHeethtvith tvetUees.t 1 Β The rebc xehicb tf 4s nt: t^^ vniet the Bfhti,nh(revMtew*i* fojued the feuietrAKftts and ktlii cfioUe. C Thi tunide tihrtiieitietttft \\ehfh Teas vttiltr the rihe aadlf»•^ Ifer then it , and ir4{ «//• witbiut I )»f.ffae\nPf^, be' the garrnents Ψ , which t A fliort ill y Likcwife on the other fide A** *' hangings i they ihall make , a breilplate , and an c Ephod and ,^^^ ,^^_,^^ _ ^„, ^ of fiftcene cubits , wtrh their three pillars and j a r obe,aid a broydered coat.a miter.^na a girdle : ^on vpon h» ga- , kheir diree fockets. '- ! fo tJ>efe holy garments ihall they make for A^ron^^.njs ro λ„ς ' ! thybrother.andforhisfonnes.thathemayfcrue«'«"i'l«'"«• ! me in the Priefts office. .,, i ' y Therefore they fluH take golde and bluc| ' filke.andDurple. andfcatlet, andfim {Ot.Rikes.wfcei- frith tht cuiuiaet lTti«fancntdt• hegiound. t Such at com- ittdifiom the , v^en it it Stft prtlTedot l»eiifn. i6 ί And in the gate of the court βαίΐ be a V^ile of twenty cubites of blue fdke , .'.nd purple, «d fcarlet , and fine twined linnen wrought with needle . x/*«<> die foure pillars thereof and their foure fockets. Ϊ7 All the pillars ©f the court ihall haue filets ; fcluc of fiiuerround about , with their heads of filuer, and thsir fockets of bralTe. 1 8 S The length of the court /ί>ΛΛέί an hun- dreth cubites, and the breadth fiftie t at eidier end, and the height fiue cwhv.ts ,*»d, the tt^ng. ingt of fine twined linnen , and their fockets of brafle. ^ „ 19 All die vefTels of the Tab.'maclefor all roaner feruice thereof . and all the S pinnes there- of,and alfjiie pinnes of the co\m fwll be brafle. i 20 ί And thou flult commaund the children of Ifrael, that they bring vnto thee pure oyle oliue h beaten for the light , that tlie lampes may alway |l)ume. . r , ^ 21 In the Tabeitiacle of the Congreganoa Widiout the vaile .which is before the Teltimony 6 "i" Ani thef iiiail make the Ephod of gold,{ lie filke, and purple, fcarlet, and hne twined hnn iiencf broydered %vorke. ,^ „ . . j 7 The two flioulders thereof (Iiall be loyne^ together I y theii two edges: fGi!;.allitbecIofed. 8 And th . ^ imbroidered gaid of the fame E- ' phod, which fliaibe vpon*-" '■" ■" '" ^ '"•'"" '""'"•' him,lhali be cf the fc.;fe|l">"'''• Xmt woikeanTftuffe'ittMof gold.Wue filke.and' purple , and fcarlet,; η J fine twined hnnen. 9 And thou fl^ak tak- two Onix itoncs ,and graue vpcn ihjm the naiiKS of the children of If4 I υ Sixenamesofthimvponth^oncftone.-nJ; the fixe names that remaine . vpon die i^^oai'^ ^, ,^^γ^,, ^^ ftone,accordingto« their gencrjcior.s. ^ »gt , ft n,ouid .htj Thou iliak caufe to graue die two ftcnesjfci g, acci ! by ordipg to the nimesofthe children of Iftael,, a erauer of fignets thit workctL rnJgraiicth uXAaii^^'is'fii^^cVdiViR j ik ftone.and ϋ^ΰ make ito ^«^i""'"^^?^ >ardsfo- "' bofled in goW. ί Xhtt Aiten nii(httein(mbci «he Ifratlitcs (o g Of chc boXitu i PriertcoHld ■ gtue femt-iici •iiidgenient ν wutthitenb rbtej'». li, Α^ά thou fltalt. puctlw ^vw> ftones vpen ' phod altogether of blue filke. theuiQiadersoftheBpJioJ.rfiftobesufffcmem- .52 And the hole for his head ihaU be in thai brance of the childrenoflhael :Τόι• Aaron fhsll midd^s of it .hailing an edge oEwouenworkc beaic their names before the Lord vpoii his two roimi about the collar of it : fo fliaiJ ix be as the j ilioKidersforarei^mbfance. ' collar of an habergion.thst it rent rot I 13 'SothottAahmakebofresofgold, ' 33 ί And beneath vpon the i'kirts thereof. , 14 ί And two c.ljaines.ofhn.^ goldeg at the thou fl^alt make pomegranates ofblue filke and end. ot wrethen workc ilialt thou make them, and purple.and Icarlet roupd about the fkirts thereof liialt faften the wrcthen chaine^vpon tlie boiTes li itwufecillcd h . ^^ .^; Alfp thqu fliak itjake the bL;elipJa.tc of ti«)tift the high i "iudgemenf with broydaied worke : like tlie. ~" ■' woikc 9fthe EphodllwlttjhourBokeit :ofgold. bluefilkc, and purple, andfaarlet.and finetwinea linnen fnalt thoufaake it. 16 ' Fourelquire it ihall be a««i double , an i ''^h^b^'n'?"'' '^''"'^ braadthJoug and an hand breadth broad. * £({!«^.4{>: of thebtejftphi 1 1 Or, Enuttuie^ Β Or, Cjr4««.-ff' fStrJ^^i®, 17 Then thou Ibak fet it full of places for {tones, euen foures rowet of ftones : the order fjallieihts ,a k nibie.a topaze.anda | carbuncle in the firft row. 18 And in the iccondrovis thou, fhahp!t m J emeraud, , a laphir , and a II diamond. 19 And in the third row a turkeis , an achate, and an Hematite. lo And in the fourth row t a chryfdlite , an onix.and a iafper .- and they ilullie fet in gold in their embofleihents. ^ι And tjie ftones (lull be according to the names c( the 'children of Il'rael , twekie , accor- ding .«a their names, graucn in lignetsi euery one after his nanie,4?ji they llwU&forthe twclue tribes. ■■ i A Which ite vp• moft tAwud tlie : and belsofgoldbetwecne them round about : ^^TUtis, * a golden bell and.a pomegranate, a golden bcl^and a pomegranate round about vpon thefkiitsoftherobe. 3 ί So lliali it be vpon Aaron , when fcee mini- , ftreth , and his ioand ilvlbe heard when he goeth ; into the holy place beiore die Lord, and when he 1 i commetli out , and he ihali not die, 3d ί Alfo thou ilialt make a piate of pure gold, ■ and graue thereon , as fignets are gtauen. <> Η O-L «.v λ- ^^INES TO ThI LoId. ''p.ta. <7 And thou ihaltputit on a blue filke Lire. ;^°"*• fethtit ; and it ihsll be vpon the miter ,e«i« vpon the fore-!'?"'""''''• '"'' "^- , front ofthe miter iliail it be. li^'"^ Γ^^""'' 3 J i)0 Uiajl It be vpon Aarons forehead , thatjp xiKiroiterugi Aaron maypbeare the iniquitieofthcoffeiings,""^'*"'"'"'^• ' which the children of Ifrael ihall offer in all theiilr'i"* ' ^'ι1'"Γ' ' holy offerings : and it ihali be allwayes vpon his^ ■Η";"Γν.*κΐ. fi» , torehead ,to make tliem acceptable before thc;''«'''B'>''"<'» ! Lord. tba'e, ujd jKifiei:: l,v»hichati be- KiK ,43 And they llialbe for Aaron and his fonnes. i | when they come into the Tabernacle || of thei Congregation, or when they come vnto the ahar!" O'. •/»•'''»ΙΝ| to mmifter in the holy place , that tlwy r commit not iniquity , and fo die. nit βιαίί be a hw ioi cner vnto hi;n , and to hisfeede after him. ments , and liialt put them vpon the Hioulders of -tbeEphod vporithcforeridecf it. '■ -- 26 f Alio thou ilialt make two rings of gold, vhich thou ilwlt pnt in the' twoef&fr endes of ' the breaftplate , vpon the border thereof , toward j the infidc of die Ephud, . ' | 27 And two ether rings of golde thou flialt j make iand put them on the two fides ofthe E- i phod. beneath in the forepart ofitoueragainft j the coupling of it vpon the broidered gard of the •■ Ephod. lf'"l. C Η A P. X X I X. • Tie Lctiinmipili t, iM>iU *mnitht aittuvof 'p His thing alfo flialt thou do vnto them , when thou confecrateft them to be my Prieftes, * Take a young calfe . and two rammes without blemilli. 2 And vnleauened bread , and cakes vnleaue- ned tempered with oyle , and wafers vnleauened ya« >:i his owni| ""gs νροπ the rings ofthe Ephod, with a i.ice of aiame . bM ,n (ht \ blue filke , that it may he fail vpon the broidered S^ofif'jti ^ ^^''^ "f ^''^ Ephod,and that die breaftplate be not η vtun (i^nifi.rh ' ioofed from the Ephod. Sight , ani ThiuB. 2p So Aaron Ihal! m beare the names ofthe i^TXg.trth. ,>^i''''-f" oflfrael in the breaftplate of iudgement ' anoynted ννΪΛ o^leVToffinc whe«flowreibal'i «ones oftht bicft. ■^'PO" "'* nt^art , when hee goedi into the holy thou make them.) jhti w«f«>neft ; p'ace for a remembrance continually before the — «Ititt , »nd of pel-: Lord. v,''^"'i?is m«iii .30 ^ Alfo thou nialt put in the breaftplate of tnewledge , ind i ludgemeDt, the η Vrim and the Thummim.which Thuotmimhoii- ί fliall be vpon Aarons heart .when he goeth in be- wiac'v«t«s"ft ^^"^ ^% ^°^^ > ^"1 Aaron ihali beaie the iudge- M^uHedi» Che j'"'^' of tbe children oflfrael vpon his heart be- «deiUj fore the Lord coatiuualiy. noihiding (btis niktdntOi. *Lti,it.f,\\ 3 Then thou ihalt put them in one basket, and'»prefcnt them in the bask<;t with the calfe j τβ ββ"« thiia andthc tworammes. in fjtiiS 4 And ihdt bring Aaron and his ibnnes vnto the doore of the Tabernacle ofthe Congregati- on , and wiih them with water. y Alfo thou ihalt take die garments , and put vpon Aaron the ninide, and tlie^'rebe ofthe bw5iiehvw«iilf| V. dnifecration of the Prieftsi ItSigRyfriiig*» ilfo oiFertd fo» ■ them, ind tliit iluy 4)4 >{fxi»au« i(. ikfl^' which cxifeih the i«rath of Cod WfeaT», fofc'andntthct put of che < I wJiftcwjth the AltitmiiAb* fguiltltd, £>i the conftni• tfnn of Arhif.' EphoJ , 2nil "the EphoJ ,3ncithe t^reftpliie , irtd link clofe thtm to liim with the broidefecf g,:id of the Epfto'd. '•'■ ' ■ • 6 Then rhou (li.ilt put the mitre vpcn liis Iicijtf, ami ihalt put the holy * crowne ^'pon the mitre. 7 And thon Ih.ilt • rake the anoynring * oy Ic, and ihalt powre Λ-ροη his hiad end anoynthimr , i And thoulbaJt |n-in^4iis fonhci,.ahd' put to^svponthem,' ' ■• - i• ■■ - .■ • » r 9 And Ihalt gird them with girtl|t;s , SethAi" jdti and his fames : ftrvf llra!t isilrihe bonets on them . and thu Priefl^•. 'ofSce ftaii be theirs for a perpetnall ' iav? : tlioir * fli.ilt tdio H fill the*h.;ndes. of A.'.ron , c-nid the haads of his Mines. lb' ' /tfif r , thou ihilf pidfcat the caffe hefore the Tabernacic of the congregation .""aiui Aa- ron :nd bis fonnes ihall t put , their haiids.vpon theheadoFthecalfe. . • .■ "^. '; ' ': ' 1 1 So ihalt thou kill the c'alfe before jfie Lord. at the'dootii of the Tabcfnacleofthe^Coifcre- gation, ' ' '■■ ' .•'■'' _"' *" iz Then thou Ihalt t.ake ofthe blood <»f the calfe.and put it vpon the honies of the Altar with thy finger, end tiialr powre jH the refl of the blood at the f(30te of the Altar. ,13 ■•' Alfo thou Ihalt takeafithefatiltuco- Hereth the inwards , arid the call , that is qh the li- uer , and tire two krdncis , ani the fat that is ν j>- on rheni , «hd iha't burne them vpon the Altar. 14 But the fleili cf tiie caJfe , i.nd his skin.anl his douiig fhait thon burne with Fi-e without the I hoafte ; it is a t linne offering, ly f Thtiu ihjJt alio take'one tamme, and Aa- ioasai his fonncs lhajlputtheirJ)jQ_^,i£utuhe head of tlie rimme.^ ., -^ "-.^ j 16 Then ihilt thou kill the rmt^z , Sc take l|s blood, and fpriinkie it round aboutj-pon the Alt*•, 1-7, And thotflhilt cutthe'ramrne in pieces,j|d wafli the inwarcfs of him and his legs, 5c ihalt {|it 1 them vpon the pieces thereof, csid vpon his he^. 18 So thou llnalt burne the whole ratnnie \φ- on the A'car:^'' it is a burn: offering vnro tie Lord dfor a fweet faiiour ; it is an offering made byfirevnto the Lord. . , ' 19 And thoa ihalt take the other r^me , and Aaron and his fonnes (ball p«t their hamlsvf^n tlie head of the ramme. 7.0 Then Ihalt thou kill the ramme , and take cf his blood, p.nd put it« vponthe lappeof Aa- rons eare , and vpon the kppe of the right care of his fonncs , and vpon the thnmbe oftheirright hand , and vpon the great toe of their right foote, and ihalt fprinkle the blood v.pon the altar round about, . 2 1 And thou ihalt take of the biocd that is f vpon the altar , ind of the snoynting oyle , end ihalt fprinkle ft vpon Aaron , and vpon his gar- inents, and vpcn his fcnncs .and vpcnthe gar- ments of his fonnes withhim : fohelliallbeha- lowed , and his clqathcs , and his ibnnes , and the garments of his Tonnes with him. 22 Alfo thou ihalt take of the rammes the fat, and thenimpe ,euen the fat that conereih the in- wards , and the kail of the liUer , and ths two kid- neis , and the fat that is vpon them , and the right Ihoulder , (for it is the t ramme of confecratinn. ) 13•. And one lofe of bread , sn^.1 one cake of bread tempered with oyle , and one wafx-r , out of the balkct of vnleauened ir«4ii that is before the• Lor.d: 14 And thou ihakButall tuf» in the handf.of Ti riiisinVsce' * er.-eltsdid ociic tonndth» iv.ft It wjs net' inly Oiitin to ii4 {10 , tut ih'c liiitdvp. It wBicIi wr^ offerings of ihinire.ufitsto God fot hit Icr.cfiti, I Th«t ii.by ill» ■jCJifittS. Αϊίοη , -ithe Al^^^^'^^S'^^'^'S'i<^™es ■> ahd ^Jwit Ihakeihe.^ife th/ro befc re t,lie Lord , . ,^ϊ : ^hnts.andiou iWtfi'cciiie fhcni-'cf\heir ; Kjhds,ahd t,.gari|iem\'pcn"tk'clt3iBerfdes'thfe I burnt oftringfu» iv,;.yecti..nuur before the'L-ord; I for this is;.nuff'rlngm.-dcbvfiicvn(otfteLord. j ■ 26 Likewile thou ihih take the bfift cf thfc Uranvi-kc of theconfecrsticn ..which is fftrAarort, I andlhslt Ihake it tcjh aiidfi;c;befJ;itrH;LerJ, ! • cndit Ihall L-<; thy p-,trt. -■ - - ; "- ' ' '■ . ' ;•, "17 Atid'thod'ihil-t.f^ndiFc thb bird 'fifth'. \ 'Ih-'kert-'oftering ,arid the fhpulderof the < RtsBe I offering' , \vhich\vas /haken to and fro 1, and which was hoaued vpcftherJirtme ' AhiV the hol)ro5rmsrits •^hKch-ttppertani ,j to Aaron , fliall be his lOnnei after him , t© be an oynted th'ir(§ii1 •,■ and to be• ίοιιίεί•η)ί6 therein. • 30 That fonne that ihall be Prieft-'iti his ftead, ; ^lallf nt them on leuen day^s^when he commeth : into the Tpbernacleofthotelmgregationtomi» " itifterintheh#»«,'Ol.'!c<».. iir. , i . 3 1 ? f" ^ .u.ou imft tafeftne-camBti ϊ^,^^ con, ' fecratitS'n , and feethe tiis'fielh'in the boi^"7iac« ! - '32 ' "* And Aaron and Mi lotmesilialleate the I flelhofthe'rarhmcSs thiWi-eadtbat is in the baf- ! ket , at the doore of thie Tcberfia^k of the Coa- r gregatiQO. ; 33• So they aValicaW^hefe things. ;Lwhere'Ijy their .^twnement. was made ».to confecrate them, «■'lii'tolanALIifc th^mj bnta ftriffgir ilraliiidt iite thereof J becaufe they ara holy thing*. 34— ♦iewifmightof the fkA)«£*Ji*-ccnfccra- j tion,or ofthebreadremaine-^nto the morning, j thert thou ihalt burnjit-lie reft with f re ί it Ihall ' net be eaten, becaufe it is-in holy thing..' J** ^ 3 y ^^herefore Ihah'thou Joe thus \ nto Aarcu \ and vnie4ii« fonnes,Ttc t Γ H Ot.iettumf m B««Hfe»f my «.Cor.i.i*. ^ >iton &D^d(K• Thelmeoltu^ I makeappointmetxfrwft»-/b.^/^of",«etfae« nor burnt faaifice.nofofenn^^ithcrpcwre any vntothee. ' ^'''V-^for Aar drinkc offering f thereon. ( 4? There I willappr^^/^' i.iU.-i.-.f .- λ^λ a η,.ιι «,Λ-,-^^-^η;,»:^».,., Ifracl , and the place ίΧ\κ''θη . PgloEy. , _ ^ „.r^^es, . 4.? There I w^lappr^^'^./^yj" V'^tldrcftof 44 And I will fanaifie ..fcTabernacIe of the Congregation and the Akat : I will fandifie alio Aaron and his fonnes to be my Priefts, 4^ And I will * dwell among the thildten of ifrael,and will be their God. ' 4^ Then Ihall they know that I^_ the Lord 4 It δ ΐΛβ Xoti, chuamiKiit God, tVien the wlireh tlielweeitP"- fnmi wisbiuat^ vetfe 34, b'oftlierame I Ο And Aaron Ihall tnakerecoBciliatiosvp- ©n the homes of it once inayeerc with the blood of the finne offering»«»i"ii'*)fofreconciliation:J OBce in the yeere Iball hee make reconciliatioti vpon it througlioiit your generations : this is tnoft ho ly vnto the Lord. 11 f Afterward the lord fpake vnto Mofe*,) faying, „ -_ . j 1 2 * when thoa takeft the fumme of the chil- fBiilitinafteiit]} fero* 10 bnin* dieir God , that brought them OHt of the land of | dren of Ifrael after their nipiber , then they fhall K«M.r,t,Ji: Egypt , that I might dwell among them ; «I ai» the Lord their God. C Η A P.. XXX. •■■' ,. t^y to /», TuinXKcIt^ j8 Tti ir^fm Uu». }} T*» P, Vrthermore thoi» il^alt make en Altar « for " Lweete perfume ,of i Shittiw wood tl^ou ihalt ini^ke it', υ.': ' 2 Thtj length thereof a cubite.and the breadth /fea/iieJ» ofthefame. , 3 And thou ijjah ouerlay it with fine golde, both the tQp.thetei)f»'atid the lides thereof round J about , and his homes : alio thou Ihait make vm» , it r a creitvo^'ofrgdiuroiiiia -^ut.. giiic eaery man e a redemptionof his life vnto the Lord, when thou telleft them.that there be πθ)„ whitibyhe plagwe-among.them when thou eounteft them, jieftifitd tiai he 13 This flialleuery man giue, that goeth into «^«nied his lift' the number , halfe a Hiekell . after the »» il.ekell o(^^^^^,lYl'"i the Sandiiary : ( * a fl^ekcl μ twenty gerahsj t^s.-^^ 6mii,i'lxm halfe Ihekeli fhalU an offring to the Lord. '«4, • • ' ' 14 All that are niMnbred from uventy yeeres* '^^" ffc«>«lva- olde and aboue, iliall giue an offring to the Lord. iSh °'~* 1 5• The rich lliall not pafle, and the poore Ihall gerah valued about thereofacubite ,{"it"il^lbe*foure'fquare) and the j not diminill• fromhaifeaniekell . whenyeefl«ll|-^ien« height thereof two cubites : the hornes thereof 1 g4ueanoffnngvmotheLord,ifortheredempti-;,b, c„Lofful«| -•'••" i on ofyourliues. i*if<,ii.i7.»j. id So thou flialt take the money of there-|N«mi.3,47 Jempuoii of the children of Ifrael ,andihaltputitr$l*"'^i-''j« «^ vpto the v/e of the Tabernacle of tlie Congiega-fc^fK:? «on, that it may be a memoriall vnto the children} you. % jBefides this thou ibalc-make v^def this ; of Ifrael bejFore the Lord » for the redemption drovvne two golden rings on either fide : e«e»On i youi Hues. ciiery fide il>al£ thou make ?/;«»», that they may -^ ■* be as places for the barrcsrobeareitwithall. f The which barrcs thou ilialt make of Stuu tin» wood, and ihalt couei thcra with golde. .STHE ALTAR OF SWE^Etg" tne (ubitt lt»l, \mndcnte»b,t* irt»d,eHain I htitht rras tw (««' Utts.the rtflmaj ie vnietficti by tie ftmitfiS'*'"• -natii.iniJit Sanitaaty . and η inththolitAofiU 7 lAlfo the Lord fpake vnio Mofes , iaying, 1 8 Thou ll:alt alfo moke a Lauer of brafl'c , and his footof braffe to waib.and flialt put it betwcenei i the Tabernacle of th« Congregation and the Al-i I tar,andil■lalt put water therein. ! 19 For Aaron and his fonnes fliiIl*Wafljtheir!j,s;p,ifyiMr,tJntfi hands,and their feete thereat. Ac that commtth 20 When they goe into the Tabernacle of the "° 9°f} """ "ie Congregation , or when they goe vnto the Altar Κ andTu»». to minifter , ΛΛίί to make the perftime of the burnt Itiou, j g After thou ilialr fc-t it < before the vaiW.that j offering to the Lord , they iliall waih themfehies i °l' is neere the Arke of the Teftimonie , before the | ^ith water, Jeaft they die. Mercifeatc: that is \•ροη the Teftimonie , where I will appoint %vith thee. 21 S© they Ihall waih their hands Sc their feete' that they die not : and thii Ihall be to them an or- > s» Onj »f t?it - ' - - >ticnhoodihaa J 7 And Aaron Ihall burne thereon fweete in- dinance Iforeiier ,^6 vntohimandtohisfeeticL'"'" A Meieing>wlie>j^gj^f2 eocry morning ι when hee^dreifeth ths throughout their generations. r^ ;^,, araXT^'thTllampes thereof, ihall he burne it. I αϊ f Aifo the Lord fpake vnto Mofes .faying, »π,.Λ ejle. 8 Like wife at euen, when Aaron feitethvp ; 2^ Take thou alfo vnto thee pfincipill fpices: ^ '"'' ^ Iiisalinjtof- Likewife ateuen.when Aaron feiteth vp the'lamps thereof , he flwllburneincenfe.t/>w per- ^ ^ _ _^ -,««..«■«,« «, ©thrtwiftmade ! iwc&^idke p^ petusUy before tlie Lord^itough- ; of iweete cinamon halfe fo much , tA*t it , two jwithin .ind ii«i 2^ Take thou alfo vnto thee pfincipill fpices. of the moft pure myrrhe hue hundreth mfhekfU, t"„tt ' '^"^ thcjt this . whith , out your generations a» Yeilialioffeipoi^ftrapgeinceHieaereePy feundretftjajwlfiftiej;• himdreih and fftie , aad offwestt ^ calamus .two W^ .im• An> inj ; Ojde. Perfumed Chap.xxxj xxxij. The Sabbath. The molten Calfe» 3} » Citf.tt.id. eAlltWngiwHcii adenine to the Taberaade. 24 Alfo ofCairtafiiiehundreth. after the ihe- ' ments.and the Altar of perfume: j feelloftheSanauaricandofoyleoliuean *Hin. 9 Likewife the Altar of burnt offring with all' I 2? So thou ihalt make ofittheoyleofholy , hisinftruments.andtheLauerwkhhisfooce; j I oyntraent , i«*» a moft precious ointment after 10 Alfo the garments of the miniltration ! atid the arte of the Apothicary : this ihall be the oylc the holy garment forAaron thePrieil.and the gar- j ofhoiyointmenr. metsofhisfonnes.tominifterinthePriefts ofHcc.j i6 And thou ihalt anoynt the » Tabernacle r r And the « anoynting oyle, and fwectc per- ^ which ontly^ of the. Congregation therewith, and the Ai'ke of '' fume for thcSandVuarie : acconiiiig to all that I '° '""'""''*''''"" the Teiiimonie; ' haue commanded thec^all they doe. ft '^l ^^^ΓΧ'' 27 Alfo the Table, and all the inftrumentes 12 ί Afterward the Lord ipake vntoMofcs, indnocVbume! thereof, and tlie Candlefticke , with all the inftru- ments thereof.and the altar of incenfe : 28 Alio the altar ofburntoftiring with all his inftruments.and the lauer and his footc. - pake vnto Moles, ind noccobume, laying, i 1} Speake Λοιί alfo vnto the children oflf-f ^^^^^ ,^^^ raei.and lay, f Notwithrtandingkeepeycmy Sab- mand cSie wotkes badis : for it is a figne betwecnc race and you in 29 So» tlTouihahfancHfiethem.and they fhalbe i yoiii^ generations .that ye may know that I the J"",' - , , ■ f'iOtddofanrtifipvnn ^ b..,k.my Sit,b,ch a Ncitltei it dieic loiials τ [ other - wife. tnoft holy rail that ihall totir h them.lhaibe holy 30 Thou ihalt alfo anoint Aaron and his foiines, and flialt confecrate them, that they may minifter vnto me in the Priefts office. 3 1 Moreouer thou Ihalt fpeake vnto the chil- dren of Ifrael , faying.This rtialbe an holy ointing oyle vnto me,thruughout your generations. 32 None Ihall anoint praans fleih therewith, neither iliall ye make any compofifion like vnto it : fir it is holy , and iliaibe holy vnto you. j 33 Whofoeuer Ihall make the like ointment, ^EwheiaBraagit} or whofoeuer ihall put any ofit vpon 9aftranger, or an irraelite fau« euen he ihalbe cut offfrom his people. Γι η ir' Shei 3 4 And the Lord faid vnto Moles . Take vHto lerh : v«hich is» , thee thefe fpices,pure myrrhe and « cleare gumme CweeiekiiiHtof and galbamim , rAi/f odours with pure frankin- ii'.m* '^''""^ cenle of each like weight: <3S Then thou ihalt make of them perfume compofed after the arte of the apothicaric , min- gled together.pure «««f holy.' 3(i Andthoailialtbeate ittopouder .andilialt tables of ftone,\vritten with the linger of God; put it before the ^rke of the Teftimonie in the ta- bernacle of ^ congregatio, where I will make ap- pointmet with thee:it ihalbe vnto you moft holy. 37 And ye ihaJl not make vnto you any com- poiition like this perfurae.which thou llwlt make: it Ihalbe vnto thee holy for the ' Lord. 3 8 whofoeuer ihall make like vnto that to fmell thereto.eueh he ihalbe cut ofFfromhis people. :gsthenail«. rbnrly jediciteto thcvfeoftht Ta • IhuttcHorcn«ni} made mtete, chif. 35.30. ofandlifieyou. ^,.,5 '" r"4 * Ye lliall therefore ke'epe the g Sabbsth: "*■ ct^f.io.t.fir. tor it is holy vntoyou:hc thatdefilcth it,fljaUdit,»° '»; the death : therefore whofoeuer svorkcth therein, iiuWm^"Vca..fe the fame perfon Ihall be euen cut offfrom'^ong jne uh.ic keeping his peopl(^. fofihelaw llandeih 1 y Six dayes il-all men v^cike . but in the fe- 1" ' iVsV''* ν h uenth day is the S.ibbuh of the holy rfeft to the Ts ,0 «aft from ί« Lord : whofoeuer doth.'.ny worke imhcSabb.-.th «oikes.andto day ,ihall die the death. obey the will of 16 Wlierefcej• children {5f Ifrael flnallkeepe ^'."nts.iM - Sabbath,that they may obferue thtuVeit through-' " c/». ί i . w 2t, out their generations for an eucrlaitiiigCoiK-n nt. ■' lomcieaiing 1 7 It is a figne beiweeiic mc ..nd the children ''" «•'-'""•'.'"" of Ilrael foremT;-^for in i,.v dayes the Lord made-;;-'f,up^''eTr. the heauen andthe ei-nh , and in the leuenth day Ini^g ih^m. • i» he ceafed .ind refted. j * ^'" * '"• • 1 8 Thus ( when the Lord had made an end of L^'e'd hh «nu,' communing with Mofes vpun rriount Sinai) * helhispeofle. gaiie him two Tables • of the Tei'.imony ,euen' CHAP. XXXI. 3 GaJrτιak_ΊhBflJl^^l^Άί^Atoli^tmr^ti■f(>rtitw<ιtkl. '3 Τ*ί SaUutliclujitlhefigneofoi ,heii mon tteiios» ' bring them vnto mce. ieweif. 3 Then all the people pluckt^rom rhem-|*f.';Y' ■'■*"£* c felues the golden c.rerings.which were in dieirl They w no cck i eares.and they brou^ht'^"»» vnro Aaron. jteinftCeiheit 4 * Who recciued them at their hands.and fa-j wicked dtiiics. cioned it wiih the graning toolc. and made of it a! \ iii;.'fm,uci of dmolte calfe:the they faid,*Thei"e be thy gods.O theii Wn of e- Ifrael,whichbroughtthecout ofylundoftgypt. cypt.whett ihty % AVhen Aaron law r/Mi,hee made an Altar!'''r"'""'''"" before it: and Aaron proclainied.iliying.Tomor- λΙ,Γ""'^'* io\v{hallfe the holy day ofthe Lord. * » . Ki'i• 6 So th-iy role vp the next day in the iTor- ning,aDd offered burnt offrings,&: brought peace offTings-alfo'" the peopic^theni duwnctoeate and drinfce, and rofe vp to play. 7 f Then the Lord faid vnto M(')ic$,* Go.get thee downe : for thy people whitii thou haft :ntsorcue laocrnacic: j tiiee downe : tor tny people whith thou haft % Alfo the Table and the inilruments thereof, i broughtout ofthe land of Egypt, hath corrupted d the i Dure Candlefticke with all bis inftru.. their titiAvet. and the ' pure Candlefticke with all bi$ji]ltru. their vv*ye*. 8 They Exojus. Moiesprayctb for he people* « wTictebywefee whjt iaettCfUy wee jiePly wUod . to iiep?' vs in his true otediCHce , and to fend vs|oo4 "• I Ki'rg.t-iit. ί Ged J:eweth ihi: thepvaysrsof ihe godly flay his pu- jlifli.-ntjit. 8 Th'^y « are foone tiiriwd out of the way, hich I cofnmandcd tliern ι/βί• they liaue made them a raoltcn calf'e , and hane worlhipped it, and h.aue offired thereto.fiying.^* Ihele be thy gods. Ο Ifrael.which haue brought thee out of the laud of Egypt. 9 Ai^in the Lord laid vuto Moles,*! haue ieene this pepplcMnd behold.it isa itiffenecked people. 10 N*ow^ therefore let mee alone, that my wrath may waxe hote againft them , for I will confume thcHi : but 1 will make oftheearoif^hty people. H * But Moles praied vnto the Lord his Ciod, nd ΓικΙ,Ο Lord, why doth thy wrath waxe hotc -gainft thy people , which thou haft brought out of the land of E^ypt , with great power aUj^witH amishtie hand? ■_ Ihall the Egyptians D fpeake. 26 And Mofes flood in the gate of the catrp, and Csid , Who pertai'neth to tlie Lord ? let htm come to me. And all the follies of Lcui gathered thetnrelues vnto him, 27 Theti he faid vnto them.Thus laith the Lord God of Ifrael ; Put euery man his fwordby his fide , gse to and fro .from gate to gate .through f hoaft, and ' flay eiicr>' man his brother, ; nd euery ηΐίπ hiscompaiiion.&euery man his neighbour. 28 Sotlie children of Leui did as Mofes had commanded : ind there fell of the. people the fame day about three thouiand π en. 29 (For Mofes had f. id , Confecrate your li 'iiJs vnto the Lord this clay euen eiieiy man vp- χοη his m fonne , and vpon his brother, that there ^-faiay be giucn you a bicfling this day.) iThitfiAdidl* leafe God. thath» urntd the cnrfe of laalicbigjinft tMx to a MeilIiig,~Ccut, Inteiiesging Godsglory.wemuft. haa< no leipeA 3.0 And when the morning came , Mofes faid iV'""'*^' ^"' °'^ rtfir.t. g That it, thy pio mile made to Abraham. *C,n.ii.7, -»'' ,5,7..ilirf>8.i«• Ή AUtheiicrcjttk. :ionsiliewliov» Ijicellent a thing tUeydtfiaudtd ihemtcluci el by God, that hcpie- ftned j'leucii to his oniiclaluaiion,'; 0 I will miU it I will put hinioutof my [k^owititiiaihe wasnMictprcderti- _ iisit ill mine eiet-' nail connitll to lift: eneila^iue. ρ This (ietlitet!^ 1 Patilytodifpitt tlieii of iheii ido- l«tty,aid partly iha« _Sj — raej.iliciild.haMe «one oceariQH to ttmeitibei it V.BMhdeHiniti of Goisfajipiir.and.W esisfien to iheii ^emfes to !pt ale 1AiU«iUicixCod. i 1 2 * Wiieretore „^ . ^ _ _ i.iatl fay , He hath brought them out mnlicioutly^ • vnto the people , Ye haue committed a gricuous- Ifoy to Ihy them in the'moantaines . and to con- crime ; but now I will go vp to the Lord,if I may, jfume them from the earth ? turne frt-im thy fierce Jvvrath ,.a«d it cll.nge thy mind from this euill to- iward thy peopie. , - , 1 3 Re.r.embcr & Abraham , Izhak , and Ilrael tliv iVrtiants.to .vhotn thou fwarelt by thine ovmj Ife.fe.and Tiydeft vnto{hem,*Iwill miiltip-y your , Ifeede , as the ft rres of heauen , and all this land, ,; that I haue fpokcnof.vvihl giiie vnto your feede, ; and they flia) 1 inherit it for euei-, ij 4 Then the Lord ch-.ng.>4.bis mind from the j euui , which he threatned to 4oii*nto lus people. ' If So Mofes returned and went down; from the mountaine with the two Tab'es of the Tefti- monie in his hmd:the t-,blesoi/arivrrittea on both their fides . euen on tlie one ii Je and on the | other were the V written. , r , \ I ii And theie Tables were the worke of God, ' and h this writiiag was die writing of God gtauen the Tables. , , , . t ,. ί 1 7 And when lofhua heard the noy.fe of the !, people, as they Ibouted.he fayd vnto Mofes,r/;.-fe ' it a noyfe of wane in the hoafte. , r t - 1 3 who anfweced. It is not the noyle of them ' that haue the viftory , nor the noyfe ofthem tlwc : areoucrcome;'*tiiIdohearethenoylcofiinging, ' 19 Nov/, as foone as he came nterevnro the ; Egypt) vmo the l..nd which I fware vnto Abra- boaft.he iawthe calfe and die dauncing: fo Mofes : ham , to Izhafc , and to laakob,faying,* Vnto thy wrath' waxed hote , and he caft the Tables out of ; feed will Γ giue it. lis h.-,nds , and brake them in pi,eces beneath the j 2 And * I will fend an Angel before thee, and pjountaine. ' ' ^'^^ caft out the Canaanites , the AmoriteS , and^ ao ♦After, he tooke the calfe .which they h:d ij the Hittites , andthererizzites. the Hiuites.andj made,and burned it in the fire.and ground it vnto ' •'- τ„,,..ί;.„, . pacifie him for your fume. 3 1 Mofes, therefore went againe vnto the Lortl,and faid, Oh. this people haue finned a great f.nne.and haue made them gods of golde. 3 i Τ herefore now if thou pardon their finne.j „ j, mitthlie e.ice .; tl.y mercy fuallappeare . but if thou wilt not, I pray :med the gloiy of thee , rale me « out of thy bookcwhich thou haft written. 33 Then the Lord faid to Mofes , Whofoeucr hath finned g^ainftmc obooke. 34 Goe now therefore .bring the people vnto the place which I commandedtliee:behold,mine An^cillhaligo; beforcthee.butyet intheday of,,. . ,• - n^.y vihtaiioa I vvih Ρ vilitc their linne vpon them, ,ί^οΐί^. is.feeing 3y So the Lord plagued the people ,becaiife th^tat Mofes prsver they, cauied Aaron te make f calf j which he made . po"* wcnW «t ' follyiemiii. C HA p. Χ XXII I, '' t GaiptciriC/lito fiAiAK Angrli,>fiirt Ht^tfii. ♦ Tioi «'« famitUtly with Cei. 13 tit frajiih ftitir frt^e. \ Δ Fterwaid the Lord faid vnto Mofes , Depart» » goe vp from hence , tliou , and the peonle , ,„„^ ^,j^ . ^• ,^j^ (•which thou haft brought vp out ofthelandct,that tntred ir.to «, ' " '' ' pJlTe vp bj ih» The !an3 old- • naan waycompafied Οί-φ a J. 17. powder , and ftrowed it vpon the water.and made the children of Ifrael idrinke of it. Alfo Moles faid vnto Aaron, Wh η did this people vnto thee , that thou haft brought ίο great afinnevpon them? 22 Then Aiiron anfwercd , Let not the wrath- Dfmy Lord waxe fierce : Thoviknoweft this peo- ple, that they arc euen ftt on milchiefc . 23 And they fayd vnto me , Make vs gods to po before vs : for we know not what is become of this Mofes (i-lie m.an that brought vs out of the- li!f>d of Egypt.) , , ,, 24 Then I faid vntothcm.Ye thatlnue golde. phKke it off : ..nd they brought it mee.and I dia aft it into the fire , and thereof <:ojik this calte. 2 7 MoVs therefore faw that the people were » naked (for Aaron had made theoi nsfeed γΐ«ο {kKlhonK anjoBg thsk eacnaies) the lebufites: 3 To a land , Γ- Jd)' , that floweth withwilkCj^ and hony : fori will not goe vp with thee , * ^^'i.d^'^^J*' caufe tliou irt a ftiffenecked people, leaft I con- j '" '*' ' fume thee in the way. 4 And when the people heard this eiiill tidings,) they fcrowed, Sc no man put on his bcft raiment, j J (For rhe Lord had faid vnto Mofes, Say vnto!^ ^^^ ^.^^^^ ^ the childrC of Ifrael,Ye arc a ftiffenecked people, L,jy (hew in«,«tnae3e of the raiment from th«i|t« m*. J to whom 1 will fliew mercy , and will haue com- pdffion on whom I will haue compalTion. 20 Furthermore he fayd.Thou canft not fee my face.for there fliall no man fee me, and ' liuc. 1 1 Alfo the Lord f.ad.Bchold, there is a place by "* me .and thou Ibalt ftand vpon the rocke : 22 And while my glory pafleth by.I wiji put thee in a cleft of the rocke , and will couer thee with mine hand whiles I paife by. 23 After I will take away mine hand.and thou ihalt fee my η backe p.irts : but my face Jtall not be fecne. CHAP. XXXIV. ι η,ΎΛηΐΊΠγηκίί. t Tiii'fniftUntfC^il. jtAUftU kmfiiffiiUdaljInihftrUMn. ,tTt>rf,jflt. il Λί»/,» It +0 djy.t in thi m»»*t. 30 Hit f*ir [kiniik, laitt nittiik it mii Λ wiit. ANdthe Lord fayd vnto Mofes , ♦Hewethee two Tables of ftone , like vnto the firrt , cml I will write vpon the T.iblcs the wordes that were in the firft Tables.which thou brakeft in pieces. And bereadieinthe morning , tint thoa irayeft come vp c.rely vnto the mount of Sinai, , andt waite there forme in thi top of thcraoHut, 3 But let ro man come vp wiili thee , neither let any man be feene trtrighcutalitlie mount, neither let thefaecpe norcattdl fecdc ti before this mount. li Ot.Htii. Ot^iit\Jhft. ThiiocglitteW tefenctl ic ihe I.o:d,aie cloud , and ftood with him there.aid proclaimed the name of the Lord: 6 So the Lord pafTedbcfore his face.and »cri- ed.ThcLord.the Lord.ftrdng.mcrcifiill.Sc graci- ' , Αο•ΛΌ to anger , and abundant in ^oodnefle "rueth, ■Referuing mercie for thoufjinos, forgiuing uitie.and tianrgrcificn and llnne, 5c not t ma- r/;ffT/T»jc^iinnocent, * vifitingthe initjuitie of the fathers vpon the children,& \ pon chiklrens children.vnto the third and ioniihgeneratien % Then Moles made hafte,and bowed himfeife to the earth, sndworftiipped, 9 And fayd , Ο Lord , I pray thee , If I haue found grace in thy fight , that the Lord would now goe with vs (b for it isaftiftencckcdpeo-jbsteinf thtpeejie pie) andpardonour iniquitie and our finne , and!•"'•*"- «('■'""•^ take vs for thine inherit.uice. I.'o «ii νρΌη^ΓΓ' Xo And he anfwereil,Bchoid , * 1 will mal-.e ajthat he* «euid ai- couenant before all thy people, and will doe mar-| *> aye; beeptcient ueils.fuch as haue not beene done in all ;y world, ^'^ ' neither in all nations : and all the people among whom thou art , fliall iee the worke of tlie Lord ; for it is a terrible thing that I will do witli thee. I St , Keepe diligentiv that which I commaiind thee this day : Behold, ί willcaft out before thee the Amorites , and the Cmanites , and the Hit- tites.nndthe Perizzices, and the Hiuites, and the lebiilites. j 12 * Take heede to thy felfe,that tliou makeU- p,^ ^^-i no compact with the inh.nbitants of the l.'.nd whi- ther thou goelt, leaft they bee the caufc of c ruinel ^ ,f ,^^,, f^jj^^ among you : ,beit vvick.dnes, 13 But yee ll:all ouerthrow their altais , and "''i Ρ<Ί^"« 'by breake their images in pieces , and cut downei Jjl"^^"'"'"'"'' ^ their ^ groues. i '< Vhki. pleafant 14 ( For thou flialt liow downe ronone other places they thufei for theii idol«>, ihJf. iO.i. *CHp.t3.jl. ilHt.J.i.j. pod.becatile the Lord,whofe Name w * Iclous.is ■ a ielous God. ) I τ Leaft thou make a * compaft with the in- habitants of the land , and when diey goe a who ring after their gods, and doe facrifice vnto their gods, y»;ne wan call thee , and tiiou»* eare ©f hisi » lOri i» l«crifice. 1 \6 And [eafl thou take of their * daughters: * ■Jfi'i >'.«,' vnito thy fonnes, and their d.uightcrs goe a wlio-* ring after tiieir gods , and make thy io.nnes goe a' whoring after tlie ir gods. ' " i 17 Thou Ihalt make thee no gods of *.mettal].[* AsgpU./anei, 18 ί The fcaft of * voleauened breade *aitf*;;fVXy.»'^•? thou keepe : leuen dayes (halt thou eate vnleaue-j hettinit eoidem. ned bread , as I commaunded thee, in the time or =«■* 'H mi.Tnei of the '" moneth of Abib : for in the moneth ef Abib! '*'>'r•• »^''/''""''«» thou cameft out of Ε gypt. , '^'it)""^'^',"^' 19 * Eucryw«2!f that/ry?openct]ithev;omb, * Civi;.'ij.'4. ' p7albe mine : alfo all the firft borne of thy fli)ckej * Civ/.i3,».««l ilialbe reckoned OTWi ,*»/i)of beci.cs andiheepe,'*'• "'^'^•+*•1*' ao But the firft of y alle thou ihalt buy out with alarabe : and if thou redeemed"»» not ,'thenthoii £ 2 ih.:lti τ-^- -•^: iofesfaca (hinetb briglit^ Ctjf.tJ.tj. tilat. JSf. " Witheut ofFctng Something. Ci^/. 13. li. «Which was in Septeiber.when fimiic declined, which ill the cms at jfpoiii^call th.iig' ihey callei the end jf t'lie yeere. Oe^l.ii. 16. ;.y.2i.i + .>7. God piomifcth ro Sercndthe iia.id Exodi sT iheii fliscorl flvitbreakehis necke r all the fir ft borne of thy ibnnes fhak rliou rideeme, and none llwU appeare before me * fempde. 21 i* Sixdi'.yeslmltthouworke.and itithe feuenth day thou ihik relt : both in earing time, and in the harueft theu ilialt reft . ^ 21 ί * Thou Ihalt alfo obferue the feaft of wtekisinthetime of the iirft fruites , ofvvheate h xueft . and the feaft oi giuisnngfriates in S the endoftheyccre. 23 ί * rlirife in 1 yeere fhall all yom• men chil- dren appeaie before the Lord lehouah God of Ifrael. ^ , ^ 24 For I will caft out the nations before thee and enlarge th ν co ilts , fo that no man ihali ^ de- fire chy land , wh:n thou ihalt come vp to appeare ' before ihe Lord thy God thrife in the yeere. _ I oUty *Ci*|> 23.18. . ZS * Tli-JU ihalt ofler the blood of my facrifice wiih leaiien, η jiih-r ihiU ought of the lacrifir e of I th; feaft of Pdileouer be left vnto the merning. z6 The l^rft: ripe fruites of thy land thou ihalt Euery mans offring to J^feP^ 5 Ye ilizll kindle no fire throughont all your habitations vponthe Sabbath day. 4 1 Agains , Mofes fp.-ke vnto all the Con- gregationofthe children ofH'rael,fnying,This is the thing v-hi^-h the Lord comm,indethjiaying, 5• Take from among vou an offering vnto the Lord : whoioeuer is of a ■*" willing heart , let him bring this offering to the Lord, namely golde,? nd iiluer.andbraile : 6 And blew filke.and purple, and skarlet, and fine linnen,. nd goats haiie, 7 And rams skins died red, and Ijadgers skins with Shittemwood ; 8 Alio oyle for light, and fpices for the anoin- ting oyle,.ind for the fweete incenfe, _-. $► And onyx ft(.nes, .nd ftoncs to be fet in the ^3|phod,.;nd in the brcft plate. '.'"*'' 10 And all the wile ^ hearted among you, iliall come and make all that the Lord hath com- manded : 1 1 That u^the* Tabernacle ,the pauillion there- *Ch.>i.is.t^ i Read CJiip.ij. dent. 1^.2 1. Ci-if 2+ 1 1. otheimi.icles. * Dent + ij, '^0', spirit. bring rato the hou e of the Lord thy God : ^^^ jj of.and his couering,5c his taches,\nd his boards Read Chap 1 8. J *CiJf.ii.3r. nrin J Ihali lhalt'rho'inot"i (eeth ikid in his mothers milke ij And the Lord laid vnto Mofes,Write thou th le words : for after the tenor of* thele words li rh.is miracle was» I h .ue made acouenint with thee 8c with Ifrael. toconfitme.hea.i.i 28 So he WIS there with the Lord k fourtie thox I e 0; ti.e la.», J^y^s & f j'lriy nights.dnii did neither eate bread io"be7uo:eS nor ^<' "5.' w aer , Sc he wrote in the Tables * the words of die couenant , ewn the Ten H comman- demcnts. 29 ί So when Mofes came downe from mount Sinai, thetwoTablesoftheTeftimoniewfrein i oftheTabermcle his barres.his pillars.and his lockets, 1 2 The Arke.and the barres thereof • the Mer- , cie-leate,and the vaile thn c couereth k. L ^^hich hanstd 13 TheTable, and the barres of it.and all the before the Mercy- inftruments thereof,cnd the Ihewbread : feate that it cohIA 14 Alfo the Candlefticke oflight & his inftru-""' "' '^="'*- tnents.and his lam.pes with the oyle for die light : I J * Likewile the Altar of perfume and hisj' barres.and the anointing oyle , arid the iweete in- cenfe, and the vaile of the doore at the entrjng iq Mofes hand . ashee delcendedfromtheniount : r (now Moles wift not that the skinne of his face ihone bright, after th it God had talked widi him. ) 30 And Aaron and all the children of lirae I ; looked vpon Moles , antl behold , the skin of his . ί B.tt4 s.Cot.}.7.|face flione bright, and they were ^afraid to come neere him. ι 31 But Mofes called them : «nd Aaron and all ; the chiefe of the congregation returned vnto , him : and Mole.s talked with them . ' 32 And afterward all the children of Ifrael ; came neere .and he charged them with all that the , Lord had laid vnto him in mount Sinai. 33 So Moles made an end of communing with ] them, •* -nd h-.d put a couering vpon his face. 34 But, when Mofes came m before the Lord to ipeake with him, he tooke efi'the couering vn- till he came out : then he ca;ne out^and Ipake vn- to the children of IfrAcl that which he was com- manded. 3 y And the children of Ifrael faw the face of Mofes , how tlie skin of Moles f ice Ihone bright, therefore Moles put the couering vpon his face, yntili he went to ipeake with Ged. Ci^.ic i.C»'.3.«3. jn Which wa? in the Tabernacle βί n,bioiight «. ■ , 2 1 And all the women thatwerc « wife hear- , which were wit- ted , did fpin with their hands , and brought the 17 andcxj*» fpun worke , euemhe. blewe filke , aod the purple, \ iktsKaiJei.andunelinnen» i x6 Like- \Bh,pniimtcm yi: WBczaTe 2fedaii d Aholiah, Thecurtaines, Chap« XpCXy I. boards^and barresajemade. ^} t Thitis.whwh «cic good ffinncit. ntiniHci dicieof , »CA-p.Ji. 0». « s/Gtrf, •iktiifjl• 2(5 Likewife all the women.^whofe hearts were 5» The length ofoneciirtainez't/d/ twenty and mooucd with knowlcdge.fpun goats bane. I eight cubits.md the breadth of one cnrtaine foure 27 And the rulers brought onyx ftones , and cubites : and tho ciirtSmes were ail of one lile. ftonestobefetintheEphod.Scinthebreftplate: . lo And hce coupled fiuecmames together, 2 8 Alfo fpice. and oyie for light, nnd f«• the | and other hue cwupled he together. * anointing oyle, and for the iweete perfume. 1 ii Andhce made itrings olblewefilkeby the 29 Euery man and woman of the children of edge of one ctirtainc . in the ieluedge of the cou- ■ael whule heartes mooned them willingly to , plmg : likewife hee madeonihehdcoftlieit/;er Ifrael , whule heartes mooned them willingly bring for all the worke which thi Lord had com- manded them to makes by the hand ofMofes, brought a free oflringvnto the Lord. ^o ί Then Mofcs faydevnto the children of Ifrael , Behold , *■ the Lord hath called by name Bezaleelthe fonne of Vri, the fonne of Hur of the tribe of ludah, 3 1 And hath filled him Π with an excellent fpirit of wifedome , of vndcrftanding , and of knowledge.and in all maner worke, 32 To finde out curions workes , to worke in gold, and in filuer, and in braffe, 33 And in grauing ftones to fet them.and in ear- ning of wood,e«f« to make any manner of fine worke. , . , , , 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teach other .• both hee , and Aholiab the fonne of Ahifaraach of the tribe of Dan: ciirtaine in the feiuedge in the fecond coupling 1 ζ *Fifty ftrings made he in the one curtaine, and fifty ftrings made he in the edge of die ctlxr curtaine, which was in the fecond coupling : the firings were ict one againlt another. | 1 3 After,he made liftie Β taches of golde.and \\ coupled the curtaines one to another with the j taches : /β was it one Tabernacle, j 14 1 Alfo hee made c urtaines of goates hairt for the U couering vpon the Tabernacle : he nude | them to the number of eleuen curtaines. I % The length of one curtaine had thirtie cu- bites , and the breadth of one curtaine loure cu- bites ; the eleuen curtaines t-tirre of one life. 16 And hee coupled Rue curtaines by them- felues,and lixe curtaines by themfelues. 1 7 Alfo hee made fiftie rtring*s vpo4i the edge of «w curtaine in the feiuedge in the couplin 'VrThem hatlVhee filled with wifedome of heart i and fiftie ftrings made he vpon the edge of tli« to worke all manerhof cunning * andbroidred, \ other cnn.imm the fecond couplu?; h pertaining w ',^η^ needle worke; in blewe filkcand in purple.in famSii «fuA iskarlet : and in fine Imnen and weauing ,««« to - - *■ doc ail maner of worke and lubtill inuentions . CHAP. XXXVI H Ttihmit, )S «i Cij/.ii. Or, b.l^'i. Qiy^mVit i like. i|.tr.•,' Shittim woode : fiue cubites fvax the length; thereof , and fine cubite$ the breadth thereof; it was fquare and three cubites high. 2 And he made vnto it homes in the foure corners thereof: the homes thereof were of the fame.and he ouerlayed it wirh braife. 3 Alio he made all the initruments of the al- tar ; the Π aflipans.and the beforas and the bafins, the fielhhookes.and the * cenfers : all the inilru- * a'4.'»/"j ments thereof made he of brafle. i 4 Moreouer , lie made a brafen grate wroughri like a net to the Altar, vniier the compare of i« beneath in the * middes of it. y And cafl: foure rings of braiTe for the fourej » $0 tli»t xht ^Uj. endes of the grate to put barres in. *«" <»: S"« «-« 6 And he made the barres of Shittim wood, ^^^"tit^'^ and coueied them with brafle. 7 The whicli barreshe put intothe rings cp the fides of the altar to beare it withall , and made it * hollow T'f/>/jM the boardes. 8 t Alfo he made the lauer of braiTe , and the foote of it of braife of the *> glafles of the women that did atfemble and came together at the doore of the T.ibernacie of the Congregation. within it. "*€*,»/. Z7 t. b R.Kjinhifai*, that ihc womtn broright iheit loo- king ghfTes.whub w«e ofbcaneoi fine me rail, and otfeiedthemfetefy vnio thtvfeofth» Tabernacle: whick a bright thing 9 ' Finally, he made the court on the South fide fill! Somh:the hangings ofthe court z/werf of jr - «ae twined linnen,hauing an hundretb cubites. ^ *"" "***' ^o Theii ■ Tfacgoldj ndfilneroftheTabcrnacIe^ Chap. XXXIX. The Epbod and brea Iplate. 3 6 10 Their pilkrsrx/fritwentie.and their Lrafen « talents, and twothcufand .andfuiirchunJrcth « "■'"J"'" ?»€^».»Λ«4• pill fockets twentie : the hookes of the pillars , and their filets τ• fertf of fiiucr. 1 1 And on the Northfide th* luingingt were an hundreth cubites : their pillars twentie.and their iockets of brafle twcHtie , the hookes of the pillars and their filets of filner. 1 2 On the weftfide alfoi>t/iri hangings of fiftie cubites.their ten pillars with their ten fockets :the liookes of the pillars and their filets of liluer. 13 And toward the Ealbide.fuU Eaftt/Ktfri hanging/ of fiftie cubites. 1 4 The hangings of the one fide were fif teene cubites.their three pillars.and their three fockets: I y * And of the other fide of the court gate on both fides were hangings of fifteene cubites, z»z/;f/>tlTeir three pillars and their three fockets. 16 All the hangings of the court round abour were of fine twined linnen. 1 7 But the lockets of the pillars were of braiTe: ihe hookes of the pillars and their filets of filuer, and the couering of their chapiters of filuer ; and all the pillars of the court were hooped about ^ with filuer. ' I li He made alfo the hanging of the gate of j the court of needlewoike .blewc lilke.and purple, and skarlet , and fine twined linnen.eiien twentie ' cubites long, and fiue cubites in height 3c bredtli, ! t like the hangings of the court. j 19 And their pillars i/weri foure with their foure 1 fockets of braiVe; their hooks of fiiuer.and the co- I, uering of the chapiters, and their filets of filuer, ' 20 But all tile *pinnesofthe Tabernacle and j of the court round about were of braiVc. | 21 ί Thefe are the parts of the Tabernacle , / | meMte , of the Tabernacle ofthe Teitimonie, | which was appointed by thecommandementof j t Tlut tlie teHi'ttt i Mol'es for the office ofthe ' Leuites , by the hand j Readt'he ght oi'aialeat. Chip.as.i». diiv. f ar.»«e» «^««A **^* (be charg« chtitof, and miainei in the faint,asdid£lc3 2ir and Ichamar, i At s granei , or •atpcntci. Chap. of Ithamar I'onne to Aaron the Priefts. | 22 So Bazaleel the fonne of Vri , the Ibnne of Hur ofthe tribe cf ludah , rpade all that the Lord commanded Mofes. 23 And with him Aholib fontie of Ahifamach ef the tribe of Dan ,a d cunning workeman.and an embroidercr.and a worker ofntedkworke in blew filke.and in purple.and in skarlet, &in f5ne linnen. 24 All the gold that was occupied in all the worke wrought for the holy place (which was the gold of theofFfing) was nine and twentie talents and feuen hundreth and thirtie ihekels, according to the ihekell of the S-ndluarie. 2y But the filuer of them that were numbred in the Conj;reg3tiun,t«f«/ an hundri'th talents, 8c a thoufand leucB hi ndreth ieuentie and fiue ihe- kels,'.fter the Ihekel ofthe San ituarie. 26 A J portion for am Ji, that h , halfe a ihekel after the Ihekel ofthe S-nctuary , for all th.m tha vere numbred from twentie yeere old -^nd ab^'ue, among fixe hi ndreth thuui^nd . and three thou- fand.and fiue hrndreth and f fii'r rr.tn. • 27 Morcuuer rhjre were c-nhundreth t:knts of filuer , to czft the I'ockeis of the S n:lu xy, .nd the fockets of ihc vaile; an hundreth lockets of an hundreth t.ilents , a t.iient for a locket. 28 Jut he made the hookes for the pillars of a jlioufand feuen hundreth and Ieuentie ^nd hue 'p)el{eis, and ouerlaid their chapiters.anim..de f.lets 'ahoucthem. 2.jj Artb^Jie braffe of the offering vva* Ieuentie talents . and two thcufand , and foure hundreth ihekels. 3 ο Wherepf he made the foe ke ts to the doore of the Tabernacle ©f the Congregation,. nd the brafen altar,andthe bral'en grate which was for it, with all the inftriiments ofthe Altar. 3 1 And the iockets ofthe court roundabout, and the fockets for the coiu-t gate , and all the* * '^^^τ• pinnes ofthe Tabernacle ,and all the pinncs of die court round about, CHAP. XXXIX. iTtf apfurtUcfylartii i>,d Ht fiKJiti. 31 All itjl ihi Uri m>, mMd,dmJi muif, ani βκφιά- +j Mtfn Ufjfrtt th, ft.flt. J^ Oreouer they made « garments of minilfra- ,«'*'"'"' tiun to minifter in the San£tii.uie ofblewef^j*, ,'^^^ι^^•, filke . end purple , and skarlet : they * made alio ^d fuch ΐικ^Γ' the hojy garments for Aaron, as the Lord had i* '^'■'i' J"», commanded Mofes. «.<,>, i>. 2 So he made the Ephod of gold , blew filke '" and purple, rnd skarlet, and fine twined linnen. 3 And they did beate the gold into cbinne plates,and cut it into wicis, toworke it in ;y blew liike and in the purple , and in the skarlet , and in the fine l!nnen,with broidered worke. 4 For the which they made thouideis to cou- ple tegether : f>r it was doled by .the two edges ^ thereof. % And the broidered gard cf h is Ε phod that was vpon him , was of tlie f.ime ftufFj , and of like worke : euen of gold, of blew fiLI^e,and purple.and sk?j:let , and fdie twined linnen , as the Lordhad *Ci^.»«.». commanded Moles. ίη^,'ήΓίύ"^"*'' 6 f And they vvrough:*fx/t-9 Onyx iirones^oiktm^ib!»' clofed in ouches of golde , and graued , as b lig- nets ate grauen.widi the names of the children of Ili'-iel. ;*ci-f.i»..i,• 7 And put them on the flioulders ofthe E- phod,*/ Hones for * a remembrance of y childreoj of Ifrael,as the Lord liad commanded Moles. I 8 f Alfo he made the breaftplate of broideredj worke like the worke cfthe Ephod ; to wit , cfj geld , blew filke, and purple , and skarlet.and finej twined linnen. ι 9 They made the breaftplate double.and it wasi fquare, an hand breadth long , and an handbreadth' broad : it was alfo doutle. | I ο And they filled it with foure rowes of ftones. The crdcr vvaithus.i Rubie,a Topazcanda Car- buncle in the firftrowe : 1 1 And in the lecond rows an Emeraud , a Sa- phir,;.nd a Diamond: 12 Alio in tlie thirdrowe 'a^urkeis ,anA- .„.„.„ cbate,and-.nHi.m,t're: iofth«bc»«t»Ut«l 1 3 Like wife in the fourth rowe a Chryfolitc, ii-yni. an Onyx,and α lalper, doled and let in ouches of go.de. 14 So the (tones were according to the names of the children of Ifr lei , euen tweluc <• ..ftcr their names, grauen like fi!^n:ts .cuery oneafterhis name.accordlng to the tv-eaietrib.'S I y After.thcy ra.dc vpcn .Ik breaftplate chainij at dii ends , of -vre.hcen vvo.ke aiU piuv gold. 16 I hey made alio twobol!es of i^';oid,and two! go-d rings , and put the two rings m ihe t ,vo cor4 n.rsif th br? llpiare. J 17 And they put the tvo wrcthen ch.jn.s of gold! in the two rinj^s .in ύν- com rs of rhe breaipiate. 18 Α^Ι'ς» the two otijir ciidcs ofthe Ιλό wrei- £ 4 • ώεα! i Ot a li'gait, I v)ii fet in order , and all the inftru- ments th ?reof, and the oyle for light : 38 Alfo the go. den Altar , and the anoynt ing oyle . rud tlie fw.^ete inc^fe , and the hanging of the Tabernacle doQtc The Tabernacle which. was 39 The trifen Altir with his grate oftrafie. his barres and all his inftruments , the Laucr and hisfoote, 40 The curtains cfthecoutt with his pillars. and his fockers.and the h nging to the court gate, and his coards , and his pinnes , and ail the inftru- ments of the feruice of the Tabernacle , cttlledxhc Tabernacle of the Congregation. 41 Fwa/Zy , the miniltring garments to ferue j in the Sandtuary ,4«rf the holy garments for Aa- j ron the Prieil.and his fonnes garments to minifler '^'gn'fy'Hi «h" i (inthePrieitsoffice. . , «V-XX. 42 According to euery point that the Lord | nor diminiih. j had 'commanded Mofes. fo the children of Ifrael 1< Piaifedcedfor made all the worke. '^uin«e"„d " I 43 And Mofes beheld ail the worke .and behold guy'ij for them,' they had done it as the Lord had commanded: fo haa they done : And Moles ktlelTed them. CHAP. XL. 1 Tif Tiiiciutff wUi Λι iffnttinatctt itrtJKti »f. 3+ Tif {;»vj 0/ (if Lord iffurttk in lie thai couering tht TMrrmte. f •p Hen the Lord fpake vnto Mofes, faying, • j After Λ« μοΓ*» 2 In the a/r/i day of the firil raonetji in |Hid btene +o dayei, the very Hrft fl/i^fj2iweraonethJhaltthoufetvp^"'*+°n''s''"intfie the Tabernacle , called the Tabernacle of the Se belf'-^'^V"'" Congregation: AngunSo ,he te„,h 3 And thou lltalt put therein'the Arke ofthe ;of September, he Teflimonie , and couer the Arke with the vaile. KTf ^"""^ • ""** . ,4 Alfo thou (halt bring in the * Table , and fet fO ΐΐΓ^ '^ζ^^ it in order as it doth require: thou ihalt alfo bring being dnUhti, ψ. in the Candlefticke , and light his lampes Γ",^Ρ '» Abid, J And thou fl.alt fet the incenfe Altar b of βοΜ^^Πΐ before the Arke ofthe Teftiraonis , and pai the t Match andhalfe. hanging at the doore ofthe Tabernacle. tjpriu. 6 Moreouer , thou ilialt fet the burnt of}ringi*^"'''^'*'P'»< Altar before the doore ofthe Tabernacle ,Μ//ί/ί^ χΐ,ι, ,-5, tJie^ic the Tabernacle ofthe Congregation, pf perfume. wVo 7 And thou ihalt fet the Lauer betweene the ' Tabernacle of theCengregation and the Ahar.and f "" "' ■ «'"^ " putwatertherein. 8 Then thou llialt appoint the court round ♦«•-^ about, and hang vp the hanging at the court gate . 9 After, thou ilialt take the anoynting oyle, and anoint the Tabernacle, and all thjr is there- in, and hallow it with all the inftruments thereof» Ϊ that it may be holy. 10 And thou ilialt anoynt the Altar cfths ■ burnt ofFring , and all his inftruraents , and ihah fanilifie the Altar , that it may bee an altar moil holy. 1 1 Alfo thou fnalt anoynt the Lauer , and his foote , aid flialt fanitifie it. 12 Then thou fhait bring Aaron and his fonnes vnto the doore ofthe Tahernacle ofthe Congre- gation , and wail-i them with water. 1 3 And thou Ihalt put vpon Aaron the hely garments.and ilialt anoynt him, and fanftifie him, that he may rainifter vnto me in thePriefts officel 14 Thou flialt alfo bring his fonnes Sc cloathe them with garments, 1 5 And ihalt anoynt them as thou diddefli anoynt their father ,. that they may miniiter \'nto mee in the Prieits ofBce : fo» their anoyn-ld rillboththe ting fliall bee afigne , that the Prieflhood ^ Aiall P'ieshood & the be euerlafting vnto them throughout their gene- i'"!JJh°ih wt'Tt'^ rations. , jchtioi «onuiujisj \6 So Mofes did according to all that the Lord h^d vojninantkd hiro : ίο did he,"• 17 1.*Thi Veared vp,w tn k N»m.7.'. Aftei ihty C; pal of t£TP'> Metofthtlawe. Chap. J I. •»■»<* 3+•»»• 8 α-,/^ιί, g JBttWeen the ^ San(ftwiiy uid Λί ,3 Cha*. I. the appcrti^anQVi 37 17 "I * Thus was the Tibernacle reared vp the ( 5rft tky of the fiift monerh in « the fecond ycere. j i3 Then Mofes reared \p the Tabernacle end ' aftcned his fotkets.and fet vp the boa-ds thereof, ; md put in the barres And he fpread the coiiering ouer the Ta- i aemacle, & put the couering of that couering on 1 ^ighf.boueit.as ;y Lord had commanded Moies. j 20 1 And hee tooke and put the i Teftimonie j in the Arfce . snd put the barres in tke ringt of the • Arke.Scfct the Mercy-feate onhigh vpo the Arke. j 2 1 He brought alfo the Arke into the Taber- ! nacle,8c hanged vp the * couering vaile.and co- uered the Arke of the Teftimonie.as die Lord had conunanded Mofes. zz 1 Furthermore hee put the Table in the Tabernacle of the Congregation in the North- fide of the Tabernacle.without the vaile, 23 And fet the bread in order before the Lord, as the Lord had commanded Mo!es, 24 ί Alfo he put the Candiefticke in the Ta- bernacle of the Congregation . ouer againft the Table toward the Southiide of the Tabernacle. ' 25 And hee || lighted the iampes before the Lord.as the Lord had commmded Mofes. 26 ί Moreouer , hee fet the golden Altar in the Tabernacle of the Congregation before the vaile» 27 And burnt fweete incenfe thereon, as the j Lord had commanded Mofes. j 28 ί Alio hee hanged vp the vaile at the i J doore of the Tabernjcle. 2i> After.he fet the burnt offering Altar with- * Sccaufc i» chiV is du'cflyia- tftaud of the Lt- :aitcs,and of ihuigi 0ut the doore of the Tabernacle, «fcii the Tiber- nacle of the Congregation, and oflered the burnt oftering Sc the facrince thereon, as the Lord had commanded Mofes. 30 1 Likewife hefettheLauerbetweenethe T..bernacle of the Congregation and the Altar, and powred water therein to waih with. 31 So Mofes and Aaron.and his fonnes waihed their hands and their feetc thereat. 32 When they went into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and when they approached to the Altar, they waihed, as the Lord had comman- ded Mofes. 3 3 Finally, hee rerjed vp the court round a ^ j bout the Tabernacle Sc the Altar , and hanged vp] the Veile at the court gate : fo Mofes finiilied the' worke. 34 1 * Then the cloude coueted die Taber-; * i^"*/;; nacleofUie Congregation, and the glorie of thei '"^" Lord filled the Tabernacle, j 3 ί ■ So Mofes coidd not enter into the Taber* nacle cf the Congregation,becanfe the cloude a-l bode thereon.and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. ' ^6 Now when the cloude afcended vp fi-omj the Tabernacle . the children cflfrael wentfor- wardinalldieirioiimeyes. j 3 7 But if the cloude afcended not, then theyi j, τΐ,„, ,i,tprercL-; ioutneyed not till the day that it afcended. of cod pititnttd 3 8 For ^ the cloude cf the Lord was vpon the anignii'd *tm Tabern. clc by day . and fire was in it by night in "^ί^^ΐί. w die the fight of all the houfc of Ifrael , throughout alii inj piomibd, their iouineyes. Τ HE THIRD MOSES ,CALLE Β POKE OF D * LEVlTICyS. THE A R G V Μ Ε Ν T. ΜίΓώώβ"«ν"ώ'ϊ3 Δ -y G• hnefte/'decUreth himfilfe to be mtndfM ofhts Church : β het wetM net thjt •IS», J^tkey fheuld hau* any occafiin to truft either in themfelues , or to depend vpon otkert , either for lack^ of tern- '■ tortll things , or ought that belonged to his ditmeferuice and Religion. Therefore hee ordetned diutrs Ιζτηώ ofob- lationsAndptmfices . toagiirethemofforgititnesoftheiroffences{ifthey offeredtbem tn true fait hand obedience.) ^Ifo he appointed their Priest and Leuites , their apptreU, offices , comterfatm and portion : be Plowed vvh*t, feoAeJ theyPioM obferne,and tn vvhattrves. Moreouer, he declareth by thefe facnfices and ceremonies, that th» rtvvard effmne is death , and that without the blood of Chrtfl the innocent Lambe , there can bee noforgiuenes of finnes. ^nd becaufe they fheuldgiut no place t» their tfvvne inuevtions {which thing God mofi deteiieth , as- appeareth by the terrible example ofNadab and ^bihtt) he prefcnbed euen to the leafl things, vvlsat theyfhoidd' itefis what heaves they fhould ojfer and eaie : what difeafis were contagious andtt be atuyded : ν vhat ord^r theyfhould takf for allmaner offilthinejfe andpoUution tepurge it : whofecompany they fhould flee : what »«- riaies were lawjuU: and what pehtikelaweswereprefitable. Which thingsdeelared , he promtfedfaiuHr Mdblefftng tt them that fyepehislavvtt^ndttfrettnedhij curfetothetn thattranfgreffedthtm. C Η A P. 1. of luml 'ff-ini /•' t'f">"f*'t"f'^f• 3 '« *?i '♦ ^*'. iir*.. Hett^ Mofts dcclitethihathte taught n»[hmg to {he people hiu the ivhichhc icieiued «f God. I bSotheyeeiildef-i Ow the » Lord c.illed Mofes, and fpake vnto him out of the Taber- nacle of the Congregatio, faying, j 2 S peake vnto the children of \ Ifrael, 5c thou fhalt fay vnto them, ftrofnintothtt ' jQtfjnjTjir^ If any of you offer a lacrificc vnto fert.but of theft , J. , g ji-,3ii offer your facf ifics of* cattell :^lr *""1 i»of b^eiaidofthe ibeepe 3 * Ifhisfacrifice* '" ^^' ^ f»- fii=ft fiuites vnto the Lord , thou ilialt offer for Nnm"ii,i». ' thy meate offering of thy firft fruites * cares of ι jchion.'is.'j, corne driedbythc fire.andwheatebeatenoutof E«^-3+.H.oiit I 8 the greenc eares. jme»»eth 3 fme »ai . I y Aher , thou malt putoyle vpon it,and lay iV ct^.ij. 14. i incenfe thereon : fir it is a meate offring, a oi^m.t«,t: f,r i 1 6 And the Prieft ihall biinie the memorial! {''ί'^ψΡ^'"'* \ of it . euen of that that is beaten, and of the oyle oiUJ^^^'^^^' it with all the incenfe thereof; _/flr it is an offring ' vnto the Lord made by fire, CHAP. III. I Tie mm,ttfftiuegriiiUaJr. jiot De wiihout »t«ai« offring. bt, thereon. ^ , ζ And ftall bring it vnto Aarons fonnes the Priefts , and" he ftwUtake thence his handtullof the flonre , and of the oyle with all the incenfe, .,.-^, - and the Prieft ihall burne it fora' raemonall vpon coaiemembre.h | j.,^^ ^j^^^ ; ftr it is an offering made by hre for 3 j,i„.thatoff^.h. j ^^^^^^ j.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Lord. 3 * But the remn.-nt of the rr fe the Pifefl ί Tofignifytliat * Ea/a.7.51 meate offrins So he ihall offer ^ part of the peace offring, Ρ Oat put wit at a facrifice made by fire vnto the Lord . eum the ^'"'"- *"'"''" ' * fat that couereth the inwardes that is vpon the inwardes 1 11 L c i'o the Pritns.ina na all the hit , the thi.d to him ithar oiTe td. 4 He ihall alfo takeaway the two kidneis.andl ' f*"*"" ** the fat that is on them.and vpon || the flankes, .,nd the kail on the liuer witk the kidncis y And Aarons lonnes ih'al burne it on the altar with the burnt offering, which is vpon the wood that is on the fire : thir is a lacri'^ce nude by hr^ for a fweete fauour vnto the Lord 6 C Alfo if his obhtionii a peace offring vnto the Lord out of the flocke , whether it be c male or female, he Ihali offer i' widiout blemiih 7 If he offer a Limbe'fji• his oblation .then he Ihall bring it bcfjre the Luid 8 An J iay hish ,nd \p-)n the he -d of his offring, ^ _ . ^ and fliall kil it btrfore the Tabernacle of the Con 6 AndAou ilialt part it in pieces,andpowte ί gregation , and Aarons fonnes fti.ill fprinkle the oyle tiiereon .fir it is a raeate ctfting, blgod thweof round about vpon the altar. 9 Aftei d Thetefoienone|A^•/^^ Aarott and his fonnes : /eric is ^ raoftho- r',lrr°^"'"lly oftlieLordsoffringm^debyfire. 4 S If thon bring alfo a meate offring baken in the oucn , h βαίί« an vnleauened cake of fine floure mingled with oyle, or an vnleauened wafer . , anoynted withovle, e 'Afhiiliisa|ift t f But if thy «meate offring be an oblation ^fe Mm? '" of the fryingpan , it fliall be of fine floure valea- ' ued.mingled with oyle, / kil'tii ■>'■ vetre c In che ptic* ef- Ιήηξ It was inili^ fe.ent to ofter e.thet male ot f»*. male, but in the [)iitn(oflfiingoiieIy the male : fo heic can bt oiferedno tdes, but in the bmnc olfeting.' ')r mighi.allihircwas eoniiimed with fiie.aiid in the peace otfecisg km Thtbnrntotttijig Kit vhiyh, eonlii- done ofignorancc. ncil , jr.do Hiing made by f.K elyihtinwaieles, gicvtit burnt : l]s< Qiouldcc and iBiiwe wcit tre Pti«fls,andthtMft his that efficd. c Me»ni«g , »t *< BOithfideotthr Altar, Chaf.i, f By eating fat, VJ5 meant to be catnall, ardby blood eating, w^t fignitcd cvuelty *Gtn 9,^tk^ Chap 9 After.of the peace ottrings he fl-.all offer * an )ffring raide by tire vnto the Lord ; he fhall take w. y the f t thereof .and the rump altogLther.h'rd ay the b..cke bene , and ilie f t ih .t couereth the awMrdes, and all thei.t iliat is vpcn the inwads. i. „ M, V ,«. lo Alio heefl^.allt.J^e away the twokidne s.wiih tVi':"i.u :he fat thit is vpon them , and vpcn the ♦ flriikes. [and the kail vptn the liiitrwirhihekidneis. 11 1 htn the Pricft ihali Li.me it vpon the al- tar , «if the meateofaiofiringmade byfrevnto the Lord. 12 f AlfoifhisufFringA#agoate,thenfl^l be ofler it before the Lord, , j c 1 3 And Ihall put his htnd vpon the head ot it . and kill it before• .he T^bcm cie of the Cori- gregation , and the ionnes of Aaron ihall Ipnnkle the blood iherccf vpon the aitar round aboiJt. 14 Then hee inall ofter thereof h is oftering, eucH an offering made by fre vnto the Lord , the fat that couereth the inwads . and all the tat that is vpon the inwards. . I y Aifo hee llwll take away the two kidneis, and the fat that is vpon them, and vpon the Eanks, and the call vpon the liuer with the kidneis . 1 5 So the Prielt ihali butne thcni vpon the al- tar ,Λί the meare of an offering made by trc for a fweete fauour : * 41 the fatte « the Lords. 1 7 Tbispialbe a perpeteall ordinance for your generations , tluoughuut all jour dwellings :/e thai- yc ύ\ύ\ tate neitlier f fat nor * blood. C Η A P. IV. Coti£r,rati9m , ih ruii-r, atidfriuatt man. Λ/Ι k,«eouer,lhe Lord Ip.ke vnto Mofes. faying, 2 Spcake vnto the children of liraei, faying , If t any lliail lione through a ignorance, in .-jiy of the corairunJenients of tlieLurd,(which ought not to be done) but fliaU doc ctntmrie to any of them, 3 If ^ the Prieft that is anointed do Gnue (ac- cording to the linne of the people) then Ihallhe offer , for his linne which hee hath iinned , a yong bullocke without blemilii veto, the Lord tor a Γ Of the Congregation anj ruierr j» nes,anJ the Prieft Ihaii bume them TV. tlic j>cace offr _ vpon the alta of burnt offrm^ 1 1 * But the skinne of the bullocke , and all f E«.it Prttfl iball dee with this bullocke as he did with the bullocke for /wfinne : io ihal he doe with this: fo f Priell llwll make an atone- ment for them , and ii liulbe forgiuen tliem. 2 1 For he Ihall c-ry the buiiwcke without the hofte . and burne him as hee burned the tirft bul- locke . for it is an offering for the finne of the Congregation. 22 1 when a ruler iliall unnc.and doe through ignorance agatnfi any of the commandements of the Lord his God.which Ihouldnot be done^anJ Ihall oftend, 23 If one lliew vnto him his finne ,whic h hei hath committed , then ll.ali he bring for his , oftring ai 1) hee goate without blcmiih, ! 24 And Ihcii lay his hand vpon tlie bead of I the hee go^te , and kill it in h the place where h a^^ „. „,^ ^ , . Ihould kill the burnt oftiin^before the 1 ord : /«' The Prieft alio Ihall pur /"ewe of tlicb'.ood 1 it is a linne offimg • ■ ... - ^^ Then the Pneft ihall t.ke of the blood of the liiane oifring with his fnger , and put it vpon the homes of the burnt oftring altar , and ihall powre the refi of his blood at tbefooteof the burnt offiing altar. »• 26 And ihall bume all his fat vpon the altar: as the fa: of the peace oftring : fo the I rieft Ihal make i^n atonement for Jum , conceruinu ^M .^„„jni„«,e' f.nne , and it ihnlbe forgi'.ien him. ' jftntti lite 'ΐ»ρ"ΐ. 2 7 1 L ikewifc if any of the Jl people of die Janc^ ^ ouf4M*ttir*fim, (ball finne through igoorance in doing «^«tw/t a-j ny of the commandements of the Lord, which jliould no: be done . andihail <'ffend, i8 If one flicwe him his finne wbichhc haA committed. before the Lord , vpon the'horncs of the alt:r of eaning b• fweetc iHcenic.which is in the• laliernacle of the Ac Taternaci» the Congregation , then ihall hee powTe ♦ ah the refi saaiaHaty: and^^nl ^jf jl^g j^jq^j of the buHocke at thefoote cf the 'ralie''a ί« the > altar of burnt offering , which is at the d«ore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation. Ckf s,»' 8 And he ll-all take away all tbe fatte CI the bHllockc for the linne offring: iot-t'ii.the fat that couereth the inwards , and all the fatte that is about the inwardcs. ^ He Ihall take away alfo the two kidDeis,and the fat that is vpon them , and vpon the fiankes, and the kail vpon tlie liiier with the kidneis. -40 As it was takeo awayiromibe tiUlocke-of (ΙΟλ lit mjUnjtt h That 11 , tie Fiieil fi-.aUliilKi; for.it vra: notJiw- ftill foe any οΐϊΤ «f thaioftttfoloa bcaft. Ogeriflg fbt a r afh vow. LeuitKus. g Ov.llffrmtlf i Rfilt viife »+ committed, then he fliall bring for his offring || aj ilie goate without blemiflT for his fiiuie which he: hath committed. 29 * And he iliall lay his hnnd vpon the head of the finne offring , and Hay the linne offring inj the place of burnt offring. I 30 Then the Prieft Ihall take of the blood I thereof with hisiinger.Si: put it vpon the homes \ of tlie burn: offring ahar, and powre all the reft of .^ the blood thereof at the foote of the altar, 3 1 And ihall take away all his fat,as the fat of; the peace offerings is taken away , and the Prieft I flnll burne it vpon the ahar for a * fwcete fauour | vnto the Lord, and the Prieft iliall make an atone- jmentforhira.anditiliallbeforgiuenhim. I 32 And if he bring a lambe for his finne of- ! j fringjie Ihall bring a female without blemilh. 3 Meinn;g..hatthtir.ijhl}. \ j 1 5 OfHm ifcil iy i^nctMte mtiiriwith <»v tkivg ieiictte In tbi , 1 Leri. that is , II ifhehaua voyce of an oathe,and hee can be a \vitneiVe,whedier he hath feene or a knowen of it, if he doe not vtter it, he fbaH beare his initjujty : 2 Either if one touch any vncleane thing, whether it be a carion of an vncleane beaft , or a carion of vncleane cattell , or a carion of vncleane ALfo if t any haue finned heard the {■Efcf. Λ /■.«/?. 11 Or.if <(i.-i„4-f bJib ukiH *n ami af *7>y ciker. a whereby it is csninta»utfiA fliall offsnhe finne offrins fiift , a«d ^ wdig the ; necke of itafunder , but not pUicke it ρ After hee iliall fprinkle of the biooti dt finne ofiiing vpon the fide of the altar,Sc the re of the blood iliall be || ihed at the foote of tlie al-i 5 Or,f,nrt/. tar : fir it is a finne oflring. 10 Alfo he Ihall offer the fecond for a burnt ofl&ing (I as the maner is:fo ili?!! the Prieft ^ make an atonement for him (for his finne which hee|,l°f'ff.','f^*jy5, hath committed) and it ihalbe forgiuen him. '"," 1 1 '' But if hee * be not able to'bring two turn * ν^ψτ, tie doues,or twoyorag pigeons, then he that hath: finned, ihall bring for his offring the tenth part of] an t Ephah of fine flowre for a finne offring , hee< which was about iliall put none f oyle thereto , neither put any in-iJP°"*."• , cenfe thereon : for it is a finne offring. ^,^Ι^^ ^,'™"* 12 Then iliall hee bring it to the Prieft, & the: Prieft ihall take his hamlfullof itforthe * ic-i^ch^ti•-'• membrance thereof , and burne it vpon thealtar'*'^'"'''*•''' * with the offrings of the Lord made by fire : far, it i? a finne offring. 13 So the Prieft iliall make an atonement for him, as touching his finne, that he hath commit- ted in one of theie/?ewf/ , and it ilialbe forgiuen ' him ; and the remnani ihall be the Priefts , as the meate offring. • 14 Τ And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes,faying,! 1 5• If any perfon tranfgreile and finne through i'gnoimct%bytAl(ing»vvay things confecrated g At totichiag the . vnto the Lord , hc ihall then bring for his tref-*" [™^'^»^;/*^^^ pafle offering vnto the Lord a rarame without j^j "enites."' * blemiih out of the flocke , worth two ihekels of; filuerhby thy eftimation after the fhckel of the'' ^T*«*"V"««- San%ary,fora trefpaffe offring. Λ^^Γ* \6 So he ihall reftore that wherein he hath offended , in taking away of the holy thing.and fliall put the fift part more thereto, and giuc it vn-i to the Prieft : fothe Prieft ihall make an atone- - •. mentfor him with the ramme of the trefpaffe of-; fring.and it ihalbe forgiuen him. 17 \ Alfoif any finneand * doe}>i TitUwof vfn tit a Tv>beftow,an4 occiipie foi the vft of him that gaiie it. CHAP. VT. t Tie cffrln^ fotfinrtet aiichurt iloTie mllingiy tht hurnt offttirigi. 1 3 lit fitt mufl tiijt *lt*r. Λ^ The Ua nftitmtMl efrin^. AJitiiti,*«i iisfoTiTitt. ANd the Lord fpake vnto Mofes,faying, 2 If any finne and commit atrelpaffe a- gainft the Lord, Sc denic vnto his neighbour that which was taken him to keep , or that which was it'eyliVy giliV put to him ' of truft.or doeth by '' robbery, or byjvahwiull mtinei. violence opprefle his neighbour, 3 Or hath found that which was loft , and de- nieth it , and fwcarethfalfely , * for any oithefe]* N«m.s.<. things that a man doeth, «wherein he finnedi : ;< '"''l^^^^l^^' 4 VVhen.I lay,he thus finneth and trefparteth,:^''^'^"^^','^',^ °'j he ihall then reftore the robbery that he robbed, oηcullometh to finnt the thing taken by violence which hee tookeby bypetiutyoifuch force , or the «hiog which was deliiiaed him like thing. and of knowledge: »Cfc.i.$.iS. 4Tllstis,thtcttt monies which enght to be ebftiued therei TT Chap.A Π. ΤΚέ tre^affee uring. ^9 c Vpon his fectet r[ics,Exed.i8,+3, In ihe aflipans appoiuieilfoKliat to keepe ,ov tfe loft thing which he found, y Or for whatioeuer he hath Iwoine falfeiy. he Ihall both rcftoie it in rhs whole * iunmie, and Ibail aide the fift pait more thereto , and giue it vnro him to whom it pertaineth , the iameday th.it he offereih for his trel'paife. 6 Alio he Ihall bring for his trefpafle vnto the Lord^ ramme without blcmifb out of the * flock in thy eftimation worth two fbel^els for a trelpaffe offiirig vnto the Prieft. 7 And the Prjelt ib.all make an atonement for him befoiethe Lord , and it Ihalbe forgnien him, whatfoeuer thing he hatli done, and trel'pai- j fed therein. 8' ' Then the Lord {pake vnto Mofes.faying, 9 Comm.iind Aaron and hisionnes , faying, This is the ^lawe of the burnt offring, (itisthe burnt offring becaule it burneth vpon the altar all the night vnto the morning , and the lire burneth on the altar.) ro And the Prieft lliall put en his linnen gar ment,and Ihail e his fielh , ι.ηά take I:, 23r -Foreiierymeatt;oi?riTigGftherrieftll^.!Ui be burnt altogothci-,it ihal! not be eatA . 24 ί Furthermore, the Lord fpjQc vnto Mo- fes.faying, 25 Sp^ake vnto Aaron, .-nd vnto his fonnes, and fay, Ί his is the Lawe of the finne offting. In ■ the place whtre the b Jrnt offring is killed , fl-.all the iinne ofthng be kided before the Lord ,fir it isnioftholy. 26 The Prieft that offereth this iinne offring. iliall eate it : in the holy pLxe lliail it be eaten.in the court of the Tabcrnick of the Congregation 27 whatioeuer (hall touch the fierti thereof; ihaibe holy; 8: when there droppeth of the blood thereof vpon a * gainient , thou ihalt waili that ', whereon it droppeth in the hoiv' pkce. 28 Alio the earthen potthatit isfoddenin, fliaibe broken.biit if it be iodden in a bralen pot, it fl-'-all both be Icov-T^d and walbed with I water. ; 29 Ail the males among the Prieltes ihall eate Meanij Jrmeni c Prieft. thereof, for it is moft hojy put on bislinnen breeches vpon ί , 3ο * But no linne Ifferlng , vvhofe blood is ike away thealhes when thel^re j brought into theTabcrnacle of theCongregatun, f cf^.4.s.i»Er, hath conlumcd the burnt' offering vpon the altar. | to make reccjnciliation in the holy place, lnall^e and he inall put them belide the ialtai", eaten,6er ihalbe burnt with >» hre. .11 Aftcr,helhaUp.itoft'hisgarments,andput I CHAP. VII. on other raiment , and cary the alhes foorth with- I • ΤΙ" '"' »/ '*' "φφ ΦΗ- ' • '^Ψ "f «*' ί'*" out the hoalte vnto a cicane place. ./""i. .j τ., /.,..,,., J»-.ae<, EtoiU ; η Oiitofrhe ampe,Chap.+. Whiih is for th» mallei finnes, anil uch as are emmiiitJby gnotance. "Ai the coirtt gate. fonnes eate . it ihalbe eaten without leauen in the holy place ; inthecom-t of the Tabernacle of the Congregation they ftiall eate it . Ϊ7 It (l^all not be g baken with leauen:! haue eiuen it for their poition of mine ofliing made , bv fte:fer it is as the fume ofi"ring , and as the ί offring, Ihah haue the skmn of the burnt oflring trelWlTeoifi-'^"• ■ which he hath tTStied. . . {% ' All the^males among the children of Aa- i 9 And .dl the meate offeiing that is baken in jt ron iliall eate of it • Ittfijalbe a ftaiutc for euer in ' the ouen.and that is dreifcd.in the pan , and m the voiu generations concerning the ofliiiigs of the• frying p.!jr,lhaJb€ the Trieftsthut oflereth it.: Lord made by fire • * whatfoeuer toucheih them, io And euery meate oflriBg mingled wnhoylt, monies, noiwirh- ilandmgihaiihis woid «cipaile lig- niBeth leire then an,e• . . • Meaning, theitfl which is Itfc ani not btiint. Lord made by i iliaUbeholy. and that is idiy.lhQll pertaine vnio ali the iooncs h so oft as the- 19 iAg.iinethcLordipikeTntoMofes,faying, ; ofAaion.roaUalike. This is the ofliing of Aaron and his Ionnes, j ϊ I Furtherniore,this is the lawe of the peace -° • - '■ ' '- offnngs.whichhtihallotfervntotheLord. f 1 2 If he (.fier it to g giue thankes ,thcn he ftrall f. . ''.'.'I! '*.'"&■ ■life οΙϊ^Γ for his thankes olfcrirg , vn!e 20 This is the oflring of Aaron and nis ionnes ^•hich th-y Ihall offer vnto the Lord in the da' ,',-hcn he is anointcd:the tenth part of tn * Ephd Df fine fioiire,for a meate ofhing ^ perpettialJ:h,Ui High ptieft Ihall be " ' • „ ^ ^^.[{ς tjiCTeof at night, ; ming.ed with oyle, and vnk.'.uened v«'iters anoin- uing for aben.fit «leAedandanoin-iOf ltintnemurning,c.iiauaiicy.<;;ic & , ,.^ , ,f • , , o; t„» a^,..^ Λ,,,,Ι T„..t/,fhi. ί-.-ιΙτΛ rectiutd.and alfo .. T;;h;fryi,;gp.nne'irihaibemacCwuh i ted with oyic. ic fine flouts fryed ν v«/nhecake^ --^.-d^^^^^^^ oyle : thou Ihalt bring ic fryed, and Ihalt oftewhe j mingled with oyle. _^ _ ^_ _ _^ _ ^_ _ ,γ?""?.'» """"■ » II baken pieces of the meate oflring foi a fweete ' " i-'-""!"'-• - fauour vnto the Lord. _ ,•,«.. And the Prieft tliit is » anointed in his ttead. 22 •llii'w^lid*)!». among hh fonnes iliall ofter k-.lti, the Lords or- ft»il foctcdhun, dinan^cforeuer,itihallbe burnt altogether. 1 3 He ihail offer αΐβ his oflring with cakes of [beaehts leaucned bread , for his peace oftiing* , to giue thankes. . ^ 1 4 And of all the fac rifie'e he A'all offer one A*4f for an heauc oflring vnto the Lord , and it f Bccanfe it had no• ylc net licoin. ^ nea caKes !„„ ,„a .hanktigi- I Λ ^ Λ peace offrings. Aarons portion- Lcuit cus. it iball hi the Prieits that fprLiklcth the tloodof the peace ofFiings. 1 5- Alfo the fleih of the ,pesce offerings , for thankefgiuiiig, ftail be eaten the lame davthu it is offered : he ihall leaue nothing thereof vntill the morning. 16 But if the facrifice of his oifringii ai» vow, or a free offiring, it fhalbe eaten the Lune day that he oftiethhis lacrifice: andfoin thi morning the refidiie tliereof flwlbe eaten. 17 Β ut as much of the offered fleih as remai- neth vnto the tliird day, Ihalbc burnt with fire. 1 8 For if any of the fielh of his pjace offringj be eaten in the third day.he ilwU not be accepted t'hatoffereth it , neither ihall it be reckoned vnto him , but iliall be an abomination : therefore the perfon that eateth of it.lball i beare his iniquity. 19 The fleih alfo that toucheth any vncleane i Aitet it be ficd. ^ thiii^, fhall not be eaten>«i burnt with fire ; but f) ifhemiltcsvow 10 ortet: for«lsiiii licSi of the peace offttrgsmiiBbe «ten the fame day. I The Γ«Λ« where- fore he offied (hall Aaron an ihislonne^l «iced \\ of the peace iofftingthatii ileanc. '^ChitH.tJ. m And flienU noi fend «by another arcynting Of iiis fonnes, cencemiDg the offrings of the Lord made by fire, in the day when he pre- fented them to fcruein the Prieits orfice vr.co the Lord. 3d The v,\uchport'ionj the Lord commarnded to giue them in tlie day thithe rnointedthem from among tlie children of Ifrael,by aitatute foe cuer in dieir generations. 37 This is a/fi the law of the burnt offering, of the meate offring, and of the ilnue cffring , and of the trefpaife offring.and of the <> conl'ecrations, ] β whieh f^aim- and uf the peace offrings, was oftetedwhtn 58 Which the Lord commaunded Mofcs in I^V^i'"^ w«te the mount Sinai . when he comrasndedthechil-""»"""^ dren of lirael to offer their gifts vnto the Lord " in the wildemeife of Sinai, j C Η A P. VIII. I It Ti» an,ynii»i »/ A»rti, , *ni Ut f tints , wSlti tit furifia j Mncernin^thfamr, \ Λ Fterward the Lord fpjke vnto Mofes, faying, ' 2 * Take Aaron and his fonnes with him, !*£«,<. >». ,.^i and the garments, and the * anointing oyle, anda i* £»ni. jo'.t^ bullocke for the finne offering , and two ramme j, ; and a basket of vnleauened bread, 3 And afiemhle all the company at the ioore 1 of the Tabernacle of the Congregation. ; 4 So Mofes did as the Lord had commanded i i of this fleili all that be cleane ihail eate thereof. ',! 20 Cut if any eate of die fleih of the peace of- \ frings that pcrtaineth to the Lord, hauinghis ί * vncleanneife vpon him ,euen the fame petfoH ] ilialbe cut off fromhis people. ι 21 Moreouer , when any toucheth any vh- ! cleane thing , as tiie vncleanneileof man, or of an ί vncleanebeall, orofany tilthie abomination, and \ ■eate of the fleih of the peace offrings.whichper- j hirn.and the company was affembled at the doore taineth vnto the Lord, eutn that perfon ihall be i ofthe Tabernacle of the Congregation. i cut off from his people. ! ^ Then Mofes &yd vnto the company,* This Γ ^'•*^'''*• ζ 2 ί Againe the Lord fpakc vnto Mofcs .faying, i is the thing which the Lord hath commanded to 23 Spccifce vnto the children of Ifrael, and fay, i doe, 'Yefl-ialleatenofatof beeues,noroflheepc,nor 6 And Mofes brought Aaron and his fonnes» ofgoates. I and wail^.ed them with water, I 24 Yet the fat of the dead beaft, and the fat I 7 And put vpon him the coate , and girded of tliat , which is tome with iieafies.u^idhe occu- i him with a girdle.and clothedhim with the robe, ' ' and put the Ephod on him, which he girded with , . ;; the broy dercd garde cf the Ephod , and bound it j (f|f vnto him therewith. 8 After , he put the breaftplate thereoji , and | put in tlje breaftplate * the Vrim and the Thum- i''''E«»i'-»».j«>i ,^ mim. i 9 Alfo he put the raiter vpon his head, and ' put vpon the miter on dae forefront the golden plate , and the > holy crowne , as the Lord had i, so ialled.becinft pied to any vfe.but ye iliall not eate of it. 2f For whofoeuer eateth the fat ofthe beaft, of the which he fliall offer an offring made by fire to theLord.euen the perfon that eateth.lhalbe cut offfrom his people. ■16 Neither * ihall ye eate anv blood.either of foiile^or of beaft.iii allyour dwellings. ζ 7 Euery perfon that eatedi any blood , enen the fame perfon fhalbe cut off from his people. 28 ί And the Lord calked with Moies, faying, 29 Spcake vnto the children of Ifrael.and fay commaunded Mofes. 10 (Now Mofes h.^d taken the anoynt He that offereth his peace offrings vnto theLord, 1 oyle , and anoynted the b Tabernacle, and all that ihall bring his gift vnto the Lord of his peace of- j was therein.and fandified them, frings. ! 1 1 And iprinkled thereof vpon tlie altar fe- 30 His m hands ihall bring the offrings of the j tien times , and anoynted rhc altar and all his in- Lord made by fire : eutn the tatte with the breaft j ftruments, and the la'uer.and his foote, to fandifie lliallhe bring , that the breaft may be * Ihaken to } them.) and fro before the Lord, i '-^ ♦ And heepowftd of the.inoyntingoyle 31 Then the Prieft ihall burne the fat vpon the | vpon Aarons head , and anoynted him to fandifie Altatj.and the breaflilialbc Aarons and his fonnes, i hini. a thHis.hiiprj. «fledie.iewetd 32 And the right ihoulder ihall yee giue vnto the Pricit for an heaue offcring.c^ your peace of- frings. 33 The fame that offereth the blood of the j)eace offrings, and the fat among the fonnes of Λέroπ,^l•all haue the right ihoulder for his part. 34 For the breait fl^aken to and fro , and the fhoulder lifted vp , haiie I taken ofthe children of lfrael,*«f« of their peace offrings,and haue giucn them vnto Aaron the Prieft , andvntohis fonnes by aftatute for euer from amone the children of li'rael, 3j iThisisthc» anointing of Aaj«n,and the this iuperUription, ■■ ' to the Lord, was friuin b That it, the He. liellofall.the tuirie aad (he ceurc. »&,/«.45..J. P/iJ.ijJ.J, 13 After, Mofes brought Aarons fonnes , and Sut coates vpon them, and girded them with gir- les, and put bonets vpon their heads,as the Lord had comm.anded Mofes. < 14 * Then he brought the bullocke for the *'»<»■ »»•ι,' finne offering, and Aaron and hif fonnes put rheiii '^t•*•*• handes vpon the head ofthe bullocke for the linnej offering. 1 5 And Mofcs flew him.and tooke the blood, which he put vpon the home ofthe * Altar,round about with his finger.Sc purified the altar,8c pow- red the reft ofthe blood at the foote ofthe aJt;ir:fo he fandified d it,to make recotKUiation vpon it. 16 Ther cofthehiniitffie. iiii{. d T• efftrfoxilH finnesef ih{ people, ayMnoynt id «Inorherbacnl efftings, which jiot/ticoiirccrMion •t oftiing foihim ftlfe , chc Pikft liiih ibe ikiiine, «up.;,». ψε»Λ,ι fMofesaiiiW iitcanh eight day Mofes called Aaron and his fonnes . and the Eiders of Ilrael : 2 * Then hee faid vnto Aaron , Take thee a yong caJfe for ab finne oftring , and a ramme for a burnt oftring , l/eth without blemiib , and bring them before the Loi-d. 3 And vnto the children of Ifrae! thou .'halt Lf, he pj_^__^^^ fpeakc ,fay ing.Take yee an lice goate for a finne jjnd offtKthTht ' ofti ing, and a calfe, and a kmbe, both of ayeere |ίο»ι« priniipill Okie , without blcmin-i for a burnt oftVing, f"if»"'' λ* Sc 4 Alfo a bullocke , and a ramme for peace of- lotftring ' ih! «"« frings , to offer before the Lord , and a rne.ue of- joiftrings*, ind iht fring mingled with oyle; for today the Lord «ϋΐ'"""'• •*'•>8• appeare vnto you. • y Τ Then they brought that v.hichMofesf c.Ti- maiinded before the Tabernacle c-f the Congre- I After their cen- «cration : for the ;ien dayes beroiC« he FrieOtwirt nreeute, Ixad.ii.i. b Aaron entictfa the pollefsioe c Eefbrt f Jie AJiai where his ςΙοΓγ appcutd. andvpon thethumbes ofiheirrighthahdes .and i "■'"""''«^'•' ti' ,«-,,, vpon die great toes of theirright^cte .and Mo- gation.and all the aifembly drew neere.&itoodc fcs fprinkJed r/;irf/Z of the blooJF^.oD the Altar ί before the 'Lord; round abo'it. ^ (For Moles had laid , This is the thing, 2 y And he tookc the fatte andthe rumpc . and [ «'hich the Lord commanded that yee fh.oiild doe,, all the fatte that was vpon the inwardes .andthe | & the glory of the Lord Ihall appeare vnto yo».), kail of the liuer , and the two kidneis with their ί 7 Then Mofesfaid vnto Aaron , Drawneerc' fat , and the ri»ht Ihoiilder. i *° '''" -^'^^r , and offer thy imne oftring , and thy i Ktiit forthtvm• tlxti^.Mi. g. At the dooic of 26 Alfo he tocke ofthe b:sfcet ofthe vnleauened bread , that was before the Lord,one vnleauened ca'onneV"rSecthe7he'fleni'at the doore ofthe i biunt*;,.^ vpon the A^^^^^^ gTabemacle ofthe Congregation.and there •'eate 1 4 Likewife he did waih the inw.-rds and the it with the bread that is in the basket ofconfecra- legs , and * biunt them vpon the burnt oftring on tions , as 1 commended, faying, A,.ron and his the Altar. , ^. ' , '15 ί• Then he oftred die peoples offring.and fonnes iliall eate it. 32 Bur that which remaineth ofthe fleih and ofthe bread.ihfill ve burne with fire. , '33 And ye fliall not depart from the doore of tiietabernacle ofthe Congregation feuen dayes, vntill the dayes of your confecrations bee at an end•* for feuen dayes, faid the Ltrd ,(h&\\\\^e titonfecrate yoii« tookc a goate, which was the finne oftring for the pec>ple,& (lew i:,& ofFied it for finnc'.s the firlt: 16 So hee ofl^rcd the burnt oifiing.and prepa- red it, acconling to the mancr. 1 7 He prefented .^ΐΓο the meate ofFring.and fil- led his h.ind thereof.^.nd ■♦' befide the burnt facri- fice of the morning , he burnt thisv^ua th-i .altar. iS. Hea f Alltiwiniifllet- rndti'doadedhc ofthe hich weie biuni litcc, verit a^. pjjati, .ifites *£»rf.»p.3l4 tl Nadab and Abihu burnt. Leuitidus iseaites cieane and vncleaQCi { of ^l1c btiUeclie I andthcnmme. I 1 8 Heu fiewe ACo the bullocke.and the ramme for the p>;ace offiings,that was for the people, and A.uOns foiines brought vnto him f blood, which he fprinkled vpon the Altar round about. I ρ with the fet of the bullocke , and of the rammc.the riimpe,and that whi^h conercth tlie in- wards.and rlie kidneis.and the kail of the liiler. 20 So they laied the fat vpon the brefts.and he blunt the fat vpon the Altar. 2 1 But tlie £ brefts and the right fl^oulder Aa- ron ihooke to and fro before the Lord,as the Lord had commanded Mofes. 22 So Aaron lift vp his hand toward the peo- ple.and blefled them, and'» came downe from of- fi Bee >iif« the Utw fring the linne offring, and the burnt oftring, and Λ1 «tere the San- ^,^^ ^ offringS. •"ppn"n^. 23 After , Mofes and Aaron went into the Ta- iteioii he il iiit bernacle of the Congregation.and cam»out, and to come downe. i bjeflej the people , * and the glory of the Lord oi^pr,yedfortI* ^ppearedtoall the people. lAiIi.i.s. i 24, * And there camea fire outfrom the Lerd, Cf».+,+. ; and confumed vpon the Altar tlie burnt ofhing .K,>g. .3,3s. ; gj^j jj^g f^jjg _. .^vhich when all the people fawc, A<"',t'.Vo. .1. ■ theyli gaue thankes,and fell on theirfaces. '11 Ov.f^trfitn» pe.-!ce oHeijn|s mijhi be bioiight tamilies.fo il«m.3,4. »*i ><.<■. iCt«.i+.t. a Hoc taken of the CHAP. X. ■ifortf,,, 3 H*i*i Mi Aliiu ΛΠ iurrt. 9 Tie Ρΰφι JTf ftiiMiK 13 Vt * Nadab and Abihni, the formes ©f Aaron, tooke either of them his cenfor , and put hre therein, and put incenfe there vpon, andoft'ered ; Ihange fire before the Lord , which he had not \ frings of the Lord made by fire , 2nd eate it with4 out leiuen btfide the altar : for it is moft holy : 1 3 And ye ihall eate it in the holy pla"chap,it,ii.'^ was angry with Eleazar and Ithamer the fonnes of Aaron .which werefleftc4.«,i<. 1 9 And Aaron faid vnto Mofes , Beholde , this g That ή , Nadab f And not confu- med as Kadab and altat , which was commanded them fent from heiuen. End er.diited till the ^^^.^^^^^ 2 Threfore a fire went out from the'Lord, and ^ ^2ριίΒί"γ e£ Biby- j deuourdd them:fo they died before the Lord. Ion. j 3 Then Mofes faid vnto Aaron, This is it that S.lrL'Tw «*! the L^rdfpake , faying , I will bee " fanftified in ^' - ■ - '■ them, that come neere me.and before all the peo- ple I will be glorified : but Aaron held his peace. 4 And Mofes called Miihael and Elzapham the fonnes of V2.ziel,the vncle of Aaron.^nd faid vnto them,Comenere,carie your || brethren from before the Sanihiarie out of the hofte. % Then they went , and caried them in their j coates out of the hoft, as Moles had commanded. I 6 After, Mofes faid vnto Aaron and vnto E- As though ^elai leazarand Ithamerhis fonnes,* Vncouer not your nested foi them. ; heads,neither rent your cloathes.leaft ye die,and i leaft wrath come vpon all the pegpleibut let your Γ brethren, all the houfe of Ilrael bewaile the bur- I ring which the Lord hath d kindled. ! 7 And goe not ye outfromthedooreofthe Tabernacle of the Congregation leaft ye die: for the anointing oyle of the Lord it vpon you : and they did according to Mofes commandement. 8 f And the Lord fpake vnto Aaron,faying, 9 Thou ftalt not drinke wine nor || ftrong drinke, thou,nof thy fonnes with thee, when yee come into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, leaft ye die : this is an ordinsnce for euer through- out yoUr generations, 10 That ye may put difference betwcene the holy and the vnholy.and betweenc the cieane and thevncleane, 1 1 And that ye may teach the children of If- rael all the ft:atutes which the Lord hath comman- ded them by the 0 hand ofMofes. 12 f Then Mofes faid vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar and to Ithamar his fonnes that were left. Take the nieateoffringthatretmincthoftheof-t tthet wife the Sane commanded, uotfparingthe ihiete , that the jeople may feate andpiaifemy iiidgements. nefeningyoui all atfe^ipn t Gods iiin indge- . ■lent. Chap.>»,ii. Ceuc. u,'• . d In deflroywg Wadab and Abihu the chiefe , and tnenacing the leR, •«ejtthey jepent. lOf.iti'k'^•!' eer, m/i»». their burnt Mering before the Lord , and fuchj^isi„(;j^jjy_co„f,l things as thett^evvffi arc come vnto me. If I had deiinghisjieat eaten the linne offring to day,ihoiild it haue benefo"ovv,but doth 1 • 1 i- 1 Γ i_ 3- I not leane an exam- accepted m the fight of the Lord? ' j^ ,„ fotg;.«them 20 So when Mofes heard it, he was " content. ; ,har maiiiiou-iiy uanfgrefTeihe CHAP. XI. «ommandeAent oT Cod; I Of ifjfit , fifin 4ΐ>ί Urikt , »Wci t» ditiM . a»J xhitb *< , vncl/ane, , ' A Fter , tlie Lord fpake to Mofes and to Aaron, j ■^^ faying vntoihem, ι 2 Speake vnto the children of Ifrael , and fay, ^cm.^.i * Theie are the beaftes which yee aihall eate , a_pi«t. η.Ί*. mohg all the beaftes that are on the earth. '^^^ "■'*• < 3 Whatfoenerpattcth the b hoofe , and is clo-l^^;,^''""'^* ucn footed , and cheweth the cud, among the b He not'eth fome beaftes,that fhall yc eate: jOnes of teafles, 4 But of them that chewe the cud , or diuide ^°J]" ^^th^l "^ the hoofe onely, of them ye ihall not eate : as the !h"i« only tli" foote camell,becauiebe cheweth the cud.cnd diuidethi•' ! is fl not cloucn footed.nor cheweth the cud, fuch ι p jfjf» limin in t"*• ! fliall be vncleane vnto you : euery one that touch- j • * I eth them, fhallbe vncleane. j . ; 27 And whatfoeuer goeth vpon his pawes i among all manner beafts that goeth on all foure, : fuch ih.ilbe vncleane vnio you:\vbo.fo doth touch ' their carkeis.lballbe \Ticleane vncill the euen. j j 28 And hee that bcareth their carkeis , (liall walb his cloathes.and be vncleane vntill the euen; far fuch fliallbe vncleane vnto you, ^9 ' Alfo thefe ftall be \ticleane to you among the things that creepe & mooue vpon the earth, the weafell, and the moufe,and the 1> il frog, after his kinder 3ϋ Alfo the rat.and the lizard.and the chame- leon,and the ftcllio.and the molle. 31 Thefe (liallbe vncleane to you among all that creepe : whofoeuer doeth touch them when tbey be dead,(hallbe vncleane vntill the euen. 3 2 Alio whatfoeuer any of the dead carkeifes of them doth fall vpon , lliallbe vncleane, whether it be vellell of wood , or rayment , or ' skinne , or facke ; whatfoeuer veflell it be that isoccupied.it fbalbe put in the water as vncleane ^'ntilIthe euen, and/obepurihed, 3 3 But euery earthen veffell , wherein any of them falleth , whatfoeuer is within it fliall be yn- cleane,and * ye Ihall breake it. 34 All meate alfo thatlbalbe eaten.if any fuch water come vpon it , flialbe vncleane : and all drinkethat ihallbe drunke in all fuch veffels Ihall be\-ncleane. . . e „ 35 And euery thing that then- carkeis fall vpon, ihall be vncleane : the fomace or the pot fljall be brc*en ; fir tbey are vncleane , and fliall k lo much of ih• wsrct ts (oochcdi h ΤΛί pMntfee ilijt liiieih on the Η Or, cntt^f. i Kti boitk et »Cl-f.l.il. be vncleane vnto yon" 3ji Yet the fountaines «id welles where there is plentie of water fliallbe cleanc : but that which i toucheth their carkeifes.ftiallbe vncleane. 37 And if there fallof the dead carkeis vpon any fcede, which vfcth to be fowen, it fliallbe vn- cleane. 3 8 But if any 1 water be powred vpon the feed, . and there fallof the dead carkeis thereon . it ihallbe"* ,^ί^ΐ^^ί be vncleane vnto you. »« «ttpe befo» 39 If alfo any beaft .whereof ye mayeate.die, jitbtroww, hee that toucheth the carkeis thereof, fliallbe vn- ; cleane vntill the euen, i 40 And he that eatcth of the carkeis of it,fl-allj waih his cloathes.and be vncleane vntill the euen :\ he alfo thai beareth the carkeis of it , fliall walhj his cloathes.and be vncleane vntill the euen. ! 41 Euery creeping thing therefore that cree-| perh vpon the eardi , flialbe aa abomination , «»»<£ not be eaten. 42 whatfoeuer goeth vpon tlie broaft , and whatfoeuer goeth vpon all foure , or rhithathj many feet among all creeping things that creepe vpon tire earth, ye Ihall not eate of them, for they, fliall be abomination. i 43 Ye Ihall not poUuteyour felues vcithanyj thing that creepeth, neither make your ielues vn- cleane with them.neither defile yoiirfelues there-] by : ye fliall not, I fay.be defiled by them. J ' 44 For I am the Lord your God ; be fandified '> therefore, and be " holy, for I am holy, and defile ^Jh^c'dT'd"'* not your felues with any creeping thing that ^^λ rtem ίβ fce creepeth vpon the earth. iiis people, i.wi, 4 J For I am the Lord that brought y ou out | » . • i •. ofthelandof Egypt, to be your God , anddiati you fliould be holy ,for lam holy. j 46 This is the law of beafts, and of foules^ntl of euery liuing thing that mooueth in thew.itetsj and ofcueiy thing that creepeth vpon the earth -j 47 That there may be a difference betweenel the vncleane and cleane , and betweene the beaflj that may be eaten , and the beaft that oughtnotj to be eaten, C Η A P. XII. t Atm hon wmtufiMuU it f'f^ 'F'tr titir 4,Uutrati, 1 ANd the Lord fpake vnto Mofes.faying, | 2 Speake vnto the children of Ifrael , and fay , when a woman hath brought foorth feede, arid borne a man childe , ihe flialbe \T3cleane » fe- uen dayes , like as Ihe is vncleane when flie is put apart for her 11 * difeafe, 3 (* And in the eight day the foreskin of the ehiides flelh flialbe cireufiicifedf 4 And Ihe Ihall continue in the blood ofher purify ir^g thr^e fc and thirtie dayes :flie ihall touch no ' hallowed thing , nor come into the i SanSu- ary.vntill the time ofher purifying be out. y But if flie beare a maid child , then flie fliall be vncleane two e weekes , as when fliee hsth her :ouit gneinUif• difeafe : and fliee ihall continue in the blood of pJo'«ri«,_ifY«• her purifying threefcore and fixe dayes. 6 Now when the daves ofher piirifving are cut (whether it be for a fonneorfora daughter) flie ihall bring to the Prieft a lambe of one yeere olde for a burnt offering , ind a yong pigeon or a turtle done for a fmiie offering , vnto the doGre of the f Tabernacle of the Congregation. [f vt^rtrtche 7 who ihall offer it before the Lord . .and^nmrofftringi make an atonement for hor : fo flie ihalbe _ . . of the ii^ue of her blood : this is the law for her that hath borne a male or female. M]ad fei that time louldnottelort hei. Or,fl Btfidcsihttili fciicn diyes. ; Ajfactifice, «I «hlike. d Thit ij, into the Twifi fo lon4 f a.cbaica n»»--it is leprofie. <) Τ when the plague »f leprofie is in a man, he fliall be brought vnto the Prieft, I ο And the Prieft Aiall fee him -. and if the fwel- ling it white in the skin, and haue made the haire white.and there be raw flefn in.the fwelling, 1 1 It :s an oldleprofie in the skin of his fiefl•!.• and the Prieft ihal! pronounce him vncleane , and iliali not Ihut him vp,for he is vncleane. Alfo if the leprofie II breake out in the skin, iadthe leprofie couer all the skin of the plague, from his head eucn to his feete , v^'herefoeuer the Prieft looketh, 3 τ hen the Prieft fl^all .confider : and if the leprofie couer all his flefii , he ihall pronounce the pl.igue to be « cleane , bccaufe it is all turned into whiteneffe : fo he ihalbe cleane. 14 Bm lit here he raw iieih on liinn when he i s feene,he fliall be vncleaue. 1 5• For the Piieftiliall fee tlie raw flelh , and declare him to be vncleane .-^rtheraw flt'lh is f .vncleane ,f/;fre/jri i: is the leprofie, i6 Or if the raw flefli change and be tuitied into vvhire.rhcn he fiiail come to the Prieft, 7 And the Prieft iliallbehoJd him: and if tlie fore be changed.inco white , . then the Pxieft fiwll lironoupce the plague cJara-ie, /or it is cleane, " igv T-ThefleAvalfo «i whoieskui there is 0 a Kile, 915(1 is healed,.. leprofie ii the ffciL» Vorttvttit'.t• tmpted, butif thii n pronouiiee4 lim vr.clear.e.Iit IS pill oiitfVom loiig the people: «pptatMhbj»: , Mity the prop he- elTe.Num. ii, 14. d byltiiig Vj- li»h,i.Chl«n. h Ifhehiiie» liie fpot in tht ce where the niiigwas,jH4 Vrw Jiiict hcilcd. 19 And in the place ofthe bile there be a white fwelling, or a white fpot fomewhat reddiih.it flul be feene of tlv; Prieft. xo And when ilie Prieft fceth it, if it appe.are lower then the skinne , .-ind the haiie thereof be changed into white , the Prieft then ihallpro- nounce him ξ vncleane -.for it is a plague ofiepro- fie.broken out in the bile. 2 Γ But if the Prieft looke on it, and there be no white haircs therein , and if it be not lower then the skin , but be darker, then the Prieft Ihall iliut him vp feucndayes. 2 2 And if it fpred abroad in the flefh.the Prieft iliall pronounce him vncleane:J^r it is a fore, 23 But if the fpot continue in his place , and grow not, it isa burning bile; therefore the Piieft ihall declare hirttto be cleane. 24 ί If there be any fle.1i, in whofe skin tliere is an hote burning , and the qnicke flefliofthe burning haue ah white fpot, fomewhat reddilh or pale, 2$ Then the Prieft iliall looke vpon it ; and if Eti tlie haire in that fpot.be changed into wKire , and it appearc lower then the skin, it is a leprofie bro- ken out in the burning : therefore the Prieft ihall pronounce him vncleane ; yir it is the plagi!e of leprofie. 16 But if the Prieft looke on it , £«d there be no white haire in the fpot , and le no lower then the £i/.^r skin , but be darker , then the Prieft lliai] ihut him vp feuen daycs. 2 7 After.the Prieft iliall looke on him the fe- uentiiday : if it be giowen abroad in the skinne, then the Prieft fhali pronounce him vncleane : fsi it is the plague of leptofie. 28 And if the fpot abide in his place.not grow- ing in the skinne,but is darke,it is a j] riling of the burning : the Prieft iliall therefore declare him cleane •" for it is the drying jp of the burning. 29 ί If alfo a man or Twoman hath a fore on the head or in tlie beaid, 3 ο Then the Prieft ihall fee the fore : and if it sppeare lower then the skin , and there be in it a fmall yellowihaire rthen the Prieft ihall pro- nonnce him vncleane -.for it is abiacke fpot, and wonttobedje . leprofie ofthe head or of the beard. h™\« .'^" 3 1 And if the Prieft looke on the fore of the of the body,''' blacke fpot , and if it feeme not lower then the skinne , nor haue any blacke haire in it , then the Prierfl ihall fiuit vp hirsi that /) ik; ' " I er, piflii^? " 'J^-M J -oiue, uuo : blacke jhetc fpot J k HeftaJlnet fare whether the•. eUow haire be ^ 01 119, . W «dm the Mfment. 1 ayfidteneOe.ei any oth cr imcoji Cbap,SIV ot ta figne ef fo(- rsw and Umen- taiion . η ii'ther in toieji of itiouiJiir.g, ot fot Uiit of in- fetluie others. v*?«»i. s. s• J whethtt it be gsrment, veflell. f IiUiWeliill Tiion<;l2cc, u Wife 37, ^ IM Ttmtint w it jid bcfcce. I Or , wkeiliet ii tc in any baie f lace btiorc , Μ fetUnde. fpot is healed, hewcleane.and the Prieft fljall de- clare him to be cleane. ' 3 8 f Furthermore if rhere be many white fi'ots in the skinne of the flefh of man or woman, 39 Then the Prieft ilwll confider : and if the fpots in the skinof tiieir flcfli be fomcwhat darke and white withall , it is but a white fpot broken oiit in the skinne -.•thereforeh'i is cleane. 40 And the man whofe haire is fallen off his head, and is balde, is cleane. 41 And if his head lofe the 1 haire on the fore- pert, and be balde before, he is cleane. 42 But if there be in his baldc head.or in the Jjalde forehead a white reddifh fore , it is a lepro- fie fpringing in his bald Iiead ,-or in hi^ bald fore- head. 43 Therefore tlie Prieft fl^all looke \•\κ>η it, and if4he rifing of tlie fore be white reddiil• in his balde head , or in his balde forehead , appea- riiig like leproiie in the skinne of the flcfli, 44 Hee is a leper and vncleane :t(ierefere ihc Prieft iliail pronounce him altogether vncleane : fer the Tore is in his head. 4 Ϊ The leper alfo in whom the plague is , fl^all haue his cloathes m rent , and his head bare , and iliall put a coiiering vpon his " lips, and ihall cr}-, I am vncleane,/*»! vncleane. 46 As long as the dii'eafe/7;i»^i vpon him, hce iliallbe polkited.^r he is vncleane : he ihcll dwell alone,* without the campe/7jd// his habit.:tion ύί. 47 ί Alfo the garment thai the plague of ie- profie is in , vs-hether it be a woollen garment or a linnen garment, 48 Whether it be in the warp or in the woofe of linnen or of wollen,#ither in a skinne, or in any thing made of skinne, 49 And if the fore be greene or fomewhatred- difli in the garment or in the skin, or in the warp, 01• in the woofe , or in anything that is made of β skill , it is a plague of leproiie, and Ibalbe lliew- edvnto the Prieft. 50 Then the Prieft iliall fee the plague .and flnit vp If that bath the plague, feuen dayes, y l^ And Ihall looke an tlie plague the ieuenth tlay : if the plague grow in the garment or in the warpe.or in the woofe, or in the skinne, or in any thing that is made of skinne , tliat plague it a fret- ting leproiie and vncleane. f 2 And hee lliall burne the garment , or the warpe, or the woofe , whether it be woUen or lin- nen, or any thing tiiat is made of skin, wherein the plague is : for u is a fretting leprofie; therefore it ib.iU be burnt in the fire. 5-3 If the Prieft yet lee that the plague t grow not in the garment , or m the woofe , or in \\ har- foeuer thing of skinne it be, y4 Then the Prieft ihall commaimd them to svaili the thing wherein the plague is, and be Ihall {bm it vp feuen dayes more . yj Againe the Prieft llialUocfo on the plague, after it is waihed : and if the plague haue not changed his 9 colour .though the plague fpread no further , it is vncle.nne : thou ilialt burne it in the fire , far it is a fret inward , ' whether the fpot be in the b-ue place of the whole , or in part thereof. rfe : thoulhalt burne the thing wherein the plague is, in the fire. y 8 If thou haft walked the garinent . or tfte warpe . or the woofe ,or whatioeuw thing of skinne It be , if the plague be departed therefrom, then ihall it be walliedi the fecund time , and be cleane. yjf. This is the law of the plague of Icprofie in a garment of wollen or linnen , or in the warpe, or in the woofe , or in any thing of j^ , to make it cleane or vncleane. CHAP. XIV. 3 rte, i-Mfxgtfti, t,i,r. n Aoitfiit Umf, tkut t, l,m, A Nd the Lord fpake vnto Moles, faying, •**' 2 * This is the » law of the bpcr in the day of his cleanfing ; that is , he Ihallbc brought vnto the Prieft, 3 And the Prieft fliall goe cut of the campe, and the Prieft ihall confuier liim ; and if the plague of Icprofie be hsaied in the leper, 4 Then Ihall the Prieft command to take ioikim that is cleanfed.two Π iparruwes aliiie and ^ cleane, and cedar wood and aslurlet /Uii,and hylfope. 5• And the Prieft fliall command to kill one of the biids ouer « pure water in in earthen vcf- fell. 6 After , hee Vnall take t!ie line fparrow with the cedar wood , and the skarlet lace , and the hy- fope,and ihall dip them and the lining fparrow in the blood of the fparrow ilaiue , ouer the pure water. 7 And he ftall fprinckle vpqn him , that miift be clernfed of his leprofie,feuen times,Sc cleanfe him, and Ihall ^ let goe the liue fparrow into tlie broad field. 8 Then he that (hall be cleanfed, fliall w.ifli his cloathes.and ihaue off ail his haiie,and waili him- felfe in water, fo he Ihall be chane: after that ([-.?[{ he come into the hoaft , and Ihall tary without his tent feuen dayes. 9 So in the feuenth day he fliall fliaue off all his haire bothh\s head and his beard , and his eye browes : cuen all his haire ihall he fliaue.cnd fliall walh his cloathes , and ihall walh his flefli in wa ter : io he fliall be cleane. 10 Then ill the eiglit day lie fliall take two hee lambes without' blcmifli , and an ewe l.imbe cf yeerc old vrithouttlemiih, and three tenth deales of fine flowrc for a meate offiing , mingled with oyle,^and a pinte ofoyle. 1 1 A'nd the Prieft that raJketh him cleane fliall bring the man which is to be mide cleane , snd thofe things, l>efore the Lord, at the doore of the Tabernacle cf the Congregation. 1 2 Then the Prieft fliall i:ki. one lambe . and offer him for a trcfpafle offering.an J tiie pince of oyle.and * fli.;ke them to and fro before the Lord. 13 And hee fliall kill the lambc in the plate where the finnc oflering and the burn: offering are flaine ,?««'» in the holy place: for as the * linne offering is the Priefts,/» is the trefpaffc offering /eritis moftholy. 14 So the Prieft fli-iU take ofthe blood of the treipafl'e ofti ing , and put it vpon the lappe of the 1 ight eare of him that fliall be cleanfed , and vpon the thumbe cf his right hand , and vpon the great loe of his right foote. 1 y The Prieft Ml 2ίΓο take of the pint ofoyle. Fa aaj f T-o (he inita t kt might be I'lite ilii» the leptpfie wt> departed, aid that all ocoallon of ίβ- r«lion might b« taken aw a./. ..+».'..lvs,.!. aOt liie teremoBie *hichfl:illbevfed in his f ingiiigji. I Or.UuUiMf. b Of biids wihich were rcimiacd Μ be eaten. d Signifying, iliu be ihatvras made dea'ne , wa» fee Λ liteiiie, asdteRo- lej to theceinpuiy of otbeti. e Which kath n• ijnperfedhon iii any membec. f This mtaTne i» rtrew, is called l.o^,&conteijit!!l fiieeggesia ir.eafiae. *£«rf.j,,Uj *α*?7•Γι Cleaniing the Leper. Letiit μηά powre it into the paime^Fhis left hand, 1 6 And the Piieft Ihali dip his t right finger in the oyle that is in his left h.'.nd , & fprinkle of the oyle with his finger feuen times before the Lord. 1 7 And of the reft of the oyle that is in his hand , iluU thePriell put vpon the lap of the riglit eare of hi;n that is to be cleanfed , and vpon the thumbe of his right hand , and vpon the great toe of his right foote . t where the blood of the tref- paile ofrcringTi't'rtifwi.' ' But the remnant of the oyle that is in the Priefts hand, he lliall powre vpon the head of him that is to be cleanfed : fo the Prieft iLall make an atonement forhim before the Lord. 1 5» And the Prieit ihall offer the finne ofFring, and make an atonement foi him that is to ba cleanfed of his vncleanneiTe : then after ihall hee kill the burnt offring. 2Ό So the Prieil iliall offer the burnt ofFring and the meate offring vpon the Altar : and the Prieit lliall make an atonementfor him : lb hee ihall be cleane. But if he be poore, and not t able, then he iliall bring one lambe for a trefpafle offring to be ibaken, for his reconciliation , and a g tenth deale of fine flovvre mingled with oyle , for a meate of- fring.with apinte of oyle. 22 Alfo two turtle dbues.or two young pige- oni , as he is able , whereof the one flialbe alinne offering.and the other a burnt offering, 23 And he iliall bring them the eight day for cus. LeprofieiiaQiioafei ' : tin's declarttfi hat no plague noi luniflijnenccom- " to man with h. Or, aalloffsr thtmasthe oifting ttetis Qiaktn to and f:o. an which I giue you in poffeffion , if I ^ fend the plague ofleprofie inanlioufcofthelandefyour poft'effion, ? <; Then he that oweth the houfe.fhall come and tell the Prieft, faying, Me thinke there is like t'" ^odsproui a plague cfhp^ in the houfe . f '"" »"'* ^" i»»' 56 Then the Prieft Hiallcommaiind them to empcie the houfe before the Prieft goe ir.to it to fee the plague , that all that is in the houfe be not made vncleane , and then ihall the Prieft goe in to fee the houfe. ? 7 And he il:all raarke the plague : and if the plague ire in the wals of the houfe , and that there be li deepe fpots,greenilborreddilb,w'hich feeme ' O'-i'^'^'-'i?-• to he. lower then the wall , fι>u,mJ^,tl^it 38 Tlien the Prieft iliall goe out of the houfe to the doore of the houfe , and ihali caufe to lliut vp the houfe feuen dayes. • 39 So the Prieft lliall come againe the feuenth day : and if he fee that the plague be increafed in the vvalles of the houfe, 40 Then the Prieft iballcommaund them to take away the ftones wherein the plague « , and they Iball caft them into a |l fouie place without L g, ftl/ntii the citie. t > i 41 Alfo hee fliall caufe to fcrape the houfe within round about, and powre the duft, that they haue pared off, without the city in « an vncleane place. 42 And they ihall take other ftones , andptit them in the places of thofe ftones , andfhall take f El'.iiitDiitpji bttodoflb'lrff- S*.h,*>vt,f, .7. * Wittlitr of ihcmht can get. f Οτ,ί,μ,ιΛ k This Older ij af pointed f 91 the his cleanfing vnto the Prieft at the doorc of the j other mQrtar,to plaifter the houfe with Tabernacle of tte Congregation before y Lord, i 43 But if the plague come againe and breake 24 Then the Prieft it>all take the lambe of the -| cut in the houfe , after that hee hath taken away trefpafie offering , and the pinte of oyle, and the j the ftones , and after that hee hath fcrapedand Prieft ihall ^ fliake them to and fro before the i plaiftered the houfe Lord. 2? And hee fliall kill the lambe of the tref- pafle offring,andthe Prieft fliall take of the blood of the trefpafle oftiring , and put it vpon the lap of [his right eare that is to be cleanfed, and vpon the I thumb of his right hand , and vpon the great toe of his right foote. 2.6 Alfo the Prieft fliall powre of the oyle in- ji to the palme of his ov;ne t left hand m where caii'm»- were can, and Jthetfiieh, that the )eople might nM It thetewiUi in•» tcftid. 44 Then the Prieft fliall come and fee : aed if the plague grow in the houfe , itisafreatingle- proiie in the houfe : it is i/jeri/ore vncleane. 4i And hee fliall η breake downe the houfe, with the ftones of it , and the timber thereof , and _ ^ all the Η mortar of the houfe , S'nd hee fliall carieprfied downe" «s η taitii, he Chill command i 27 So the Prieft fliall with his right finger J vntill the euen. i them out of the citie vnto an vncleane place 46 Moreouer he that goeth into the houfe all! the while that it is Qiut vp , hee fliall be vncleand tfi-l fpiinkie of the oyle that is in his left hand , feuen times before the Lord. 28 Then the Prieft fliall put of th? oyle diat is jin his hand, vpon the lap ofihe right eare of him [that is to be cleanfed , and vpon the thumb of his jright h.'.nd , and vpon the »reat toe of his right foote : vpon the place 11 of the blood of the tref- pafle offering. 25» But the reft of the oyle that is in the Priefts hand , he ihall put vpon the head of him that is to I be cleanfed, to make an atonementfor him before the Lord. 3 ο Alfo hee fliall prefem one of the turtie doiies.or of the yong pigeons, 'as he is-able. 4 7 He alfo that fleepeth in the houfe fliall wafli I hiscloathes:heelikewiiethateatethinthehoufel fliall wafli his- c loathes. 1 48 But if the Prieft fliall come and fee.thattha : plague hath fpread no further in the houfe , aftea J the houfe be plaiftxred.the Prieft fhall pronounce i the houfe cleane ,for the plague is healed. I 49 Then fliall he take to pur ifie the houfe ,twol ij fparrowes , and cedar wood , and « skailet Uce, and 1^ i't^J*, « j hylfope. firing to binde the "•, y ο And hee fliall kill one fparrow ouer ptiifc ^yfop to the wood, II water in an earthen veffell. T(it^\^'to. ί yi And fliall take the cedar wood , and the liie to the Ebrewe» ,_ „ . _. I hyiTope , and the skarlet/dci with the Hue Spar- ""«'hit fcatlei 31 Such,Ifay,asheisable,theon9fora finne ί row,nnd dip them in the blood of the flaine Spar- wooU.Ebi.p.ip. offring , and the other for a burnt offiing , Β with ', row , and in the pure water.and fprinkle the houfi the meate offering : fo the Prieft fliall make an ; feuen times : atonementfor him that is to be cleanfed before ; 52 So fliall he cleanfc^the houfe with the blood the Lord. i of the fparrow, and with' the pure water , and witlif 32 This is the* Lawofhira whichhaththe \ the Hue fparrow , and with the cedar wood , ani .• ί pLigne of leprofie.who is not able in his cleanfing \ with the hyfrope,and with the skarlet lace. taoffer the whole. 1, 5-3 Afterward hefliall let goethe Hue fparrowj 33 ^ TheLordalfofpakevntoMofesandtO;; out of the ttowne into the -t? broad fieldes : for't ^■'■tiii*• ^^ Aaron.fayingi, fliall liee make- atonement for the houfe ,. and iif l^^fgf." ""fi*«W 3*4; When-yebecomevntotheland^fCmav fliSllbe-cJeane,. — . _______] ΨΛ. I ΛφίΛ, The purging of ♦ Elr. i»«W/fl»»j *,.IIC<«ll».«' tt/eiu, ,. lWhefe(eejc tithes in 11<(;ί «I els of weak] ofnamie iiUKihai hit fctretjm. ♦ of «he thing irhcieferc h( dial) te vB«»1U hen his flelh auoi Jeth his ϋΓΐϊβ,ΟΓ if his flclli be flopped froiTi his iflue. this is k his vnclearwlfe. 4 Eiieiy bed whereon hee lyeth that hath the ' iliue , ihalbe vncleane ,andeuery thing whereon '• helitteth.ihalbe vncleane, J Whofueuer alfo toiicheth his bed.iball waih hii cloihes.Sc wafh iiimfeife in waEer.and ihallbe vncleane vntill the euen. 6 And he that fitteth on any thing , whereon he late that bath the iflue,lball walb his cloaihes, and waib hirafelfe in water , andihull be vncleane vntili the cuen, 7 Alfo he that toucheth the flefb of him that hath the iflue , Iball walb his r loathes , and walb Jiimfelfe in water , and liiallbe vncleane vniill the euen. 8 If be alfo, that hath the ifi'iie, fpitvponhim Hi ! that is cleanc.c he ibali waih his clothes, and wafli hirafelfe in water , and fliali be vncleane vntiil the euen. 9 And what ^ faddle foener he rideth vpoHj that ha;h die ilfue, ihallbe vncle.ine, I ο And whofoeuer toucheth any thing that was vnder him , lltali be vncleane vniill the euen; and he that bearetb thofe r6»)y/ , ihall w.uh his cloathes , and walh himfelfe in water , and ihaiJbe vncleane vntill the euen. Jl Likcwife whomloeuer hee tuncheththat hath the illue (and hathnotwaibedhish.ndsin . water) Ihall walh his cloathes , and walb hunlelfe 1 in water, and iliai.be vnckane vntiil die cUv-n. I i * And die vcilell of e?rth that he toucheth, which hath the iffue , ihall be broken : and eiiery ■ velfell of wood iha.lbe rini'ed in water. ' . 13 But if he thut hath an iflue, be « tleanfed of , his ilVue , then ih.ii he count hini feuen dayes for , his cleanfing , iin.l waib his cloatbcs.and walb his ; fleth in pure water : fo ih .11 ie be cleane, 1 1 4 Then the eiglit d-.y he iliaii Ccke vnto him | two tiurtie doiics ,.or two young pigeons , aid j come bcfor.- the Lord at the doore uf tlie Taber- 1 nacle of the Congregation, and Ihall giuethenj ■yntothe Pncil, I f And ihc I'rieft ihall make ofthe one of them a fmne oftei ing, nd of fKe oth.r a burnt ofltring: {o the Prieit ui.'.U mAe ji atonement for hira be- io.e the Lordfor his ilVue, 10 Aijo ii any niuiis ilVue of feed depart from him , he ih ll waih all liis f Uiah in water ,and be vncleane vntiil the euen vncfeara iiffues.' 4| 18 If he that hath an iffue of feedidoe lie with a womw .they fluirbotbwilbtliemfclues wfth water, and be vncleane vntill the euen. 19 ί Alfo when awom.-nfhaUbaueaniirue, and her iflue in her 0 flefli thalbe blood, the ihalbe put apart feuen dayes : and whofogiaer touchcdi ; her, ihallbe vnc leane vntiil the eutOT^i ,ΐ τΙί• ί» , "ΐ 2ο And whatfoeutr ihe lieth vpimin i her fc- j?" ^**^'",,^ paration .ihallbe vnclestie .andcuery thing that .ι^*'^"•!^;",','?,/^ ihe fitteth vpon ihali'oe vncleane» ,; . . hei husband, ftem 21 Whufoeu.r alfo toucheth herW.n•'!! ^»alli ''»T't«'''"l««"4 10»,/^ Ciomtoncliing < tiiyholy ilurj, (leanntiredid Duly lottch hint in the bed: £oi elttlii PT»j, ihatcomM-J nifd vviihluefi» TComaa.ilioiild die, chap. to. f. 1 7 ivnd euery garment, and euery skin where- vpon ihall be itluc of feed , iliall be euen walhed with water, and b« vaclcane vncji» ,tlw«ueo. his cloatiies , and wj{b himfeife with water , and, fliallbe vnclean; vnto the euen. 21 And whofoei:er toucheth any thirg that' fl'.e late vpon.lhall walh his cloathes, Sc waih him- 1 felfe in water,and ilialbe vncle.ne vntill the euen; 1 23 So thit whether hs toucheth her bed , or any thing whereon ihe hatli lit ihe lliaibe vncleane vnto the euen, . | i4 And if aman lie wuh her , and the flowenf^h it any other of heir feparation''» totich hini.he Ihallbe vnc'e.uie feuen diyes: ?Jid all the whole bcdwhereoabe-li- cth.ihaiibe N-ncie^nfc. 2y Alfowhen a wom,3is iflae of blood runneth long time befides.y time of her t tioures, or when ihe hath an itihc longer then her iioures , all th^e dayes of the iflue of her vncleanneiie llitilwlibc vncleane, as in the time of her lioures, 25 Euery bed wiiercon ilie liclli (aslongitf ', her ilVue kfteth) Ihallbe to her ^th^ ih.-drif;i c^n(r/j,thihe [tnnti tf Iht [-etflt. ij Ikt ffjl •/ fUiinfini finnti. ■p Vtih-riHoic the Lord fp^ko \-nto* M-ofes.aftcr the deadi of the two lonnes of A:ron , when they came to ojfer b-forc ihj Lord, and died: 2 And th^; Loidf'id -ntu Mo.'es,.SpeJkL• visto A.uxin thy broriier,* that hee come not at 'all times into the hoiy place within the vaiie .be- fore the Mcrcieicat,wliich is vpon the Arkc , that! hi die A0( ,for Iwiiiappearc in the duudvpon F i ilwl es wtcinnoibe hi!, iX"pfOitthl'U & (ii.nestie pnije^ wiih the blood «f i leiuiChiill.andfq VTclcaiaii• de- li UlUfuuK. *Ciip.i*,i.i,' ■ne hi* frfee ltd iuraihc >ljeilo{pl«-'f»• 5 1>« and he lliall let thi goat goe into' the wildemes . }^rau,'J*** '^ 23 After ,Aaron Ihall come into the Taberna- , ' ' cle of the Congregation , and put off the linnen | cloathes , which he put on when he went into the I 7 And hee iliall take the two hee goates , and i Holypkce.andleaue them there. i ' pi'efent them before the Lord ■at the doore of the i ' 24 He fliall waih alio his fleil^ with water in* Tabernacle of the Congregation. ■ t ^ the Holy place , and put on his ovme raiment, ;'' J" *« '«"« •8 Then Aaron ftiallcaftlotsioHerthetwohee and come out, and make his burnt offering and .^^/"^|^*'^|* goats : one lot for the Lord, and the other for the ' the burnt offering of the people , and make an ' " -* * I» Scape goate. ■ . I atonement for himielfe,and for the people. 9 And Aaron (liall offer the goat , vpon which ; 2 f Alfo the fat of the finne oflfcring 11-^11 hee : ί Sinai, whiciiet tbii the Lords lot fliall fall.&make him a finne offriBg. 10 But the goat , on which the lot fliall fall to ' be the Scape goate, ihalbe prefented aliue before the Lord j to make reconciliation by him, and to let him goe (as a Scape goate) into the wil' ; -4crnefle.^ - ■ ■ 1 1 Thus• Aaron fliall offer the biillocke for h?s finne offring , and make a reconciliation for him- felfe, and for his houfe, and fliall kill the bullocke for his finne offring. 1 2 And hee fliall take a cenfer full of burning ■ coalesfrora oft' the altar before tlie Lord, and his handfull of fweet incenfe beaten Iraall , and bring »i within the? evaile, : 13 Andflsall putthe incenfe vpon the fire be- fore the Lord , that the π cloijde of the incenfe may couer the Merciefeat that is vpofij the Tefti- nujnie ; fo he fliall not die. i . 14 And hee fliall * take cf the blood of the bullocke , * and fpr inkle it with his finger vpon ά Thatis.on the ; the Metciifeat "^ Eaftward.-and before the Mercie- 'i'l;/j;**J".'*Tfeat fliall hee fprinkle of the blood with his fin- foi"thi head oi the ' get feuen times. • goat wasfent , ba\ j lathec it it called | I the S'cape^oaie, * * becaufe it was not I t otfted, bmfe I, to the deieitj i verfs ί i. '»TheHolie*of>U I, O, . ^^ ~ mid 10 Cbf ■Ci^**fi VthiA vnit Tit. { j^ncftaaiy Rood. WcUniid. * pTicti amoig tl«m which iie imdeani. if Then fliall he kill the goate that is the ί : peoples finne offring , and bring his blood within [ ithe vaile and doe with that blood , as he did with ; the blood of the bullocke , and fprinkle it vpon • the Mciciefeat, and before the Merciefeat, 16 So he fliall purge the Holy pLice from the vncleannes of the children of Ifirael , Sc from their ' trefpafles of all their finnes ; fo fliall he doe alfo ■ for the Tabernacle of the Congregation «placed ' with them.in the middes of their vncleannefle. I 17 ^ And there fliall be no man in the Taber- | uacle of the Congregation, when he goeth into bume vpon the altar, 26 And he that caried foorth the goate called] the Scape goate, fliall wafli his cloathes, and wafli; his flefli in water, and after that fliall eome into! the hoaft. 27 Alfo the bullocke for the burnt offring.and i the goate for thefiniie offring (whofe blood was brought to make a reconciliation in the Holy place)fliall one*cary out without the hoafte to be burnt in the fire , with their skinnes.and with tlieit '''Ί Ί flefli, and with their doung. 28 And he that btimeth them fliall wafli his cloathes.and wafli his flefli in water.and afterwari come into the hoaft. 29 ί So this fliall5e an ordinance fereuer vnte you : the tenth day of the i feuenth moneth , yee fliaU 1" humble yourfoules.anddoeno worke attti7'jnd'itefweT"(b all , whether it be one of the fame countrey . or a f <> p«' of s«p'em-. ftranger that foioumeth among you. Ιολ^''^"''* 30 For that* 4ay-fliall the Prieftmakeana-|kM°eai.Vng.b»ik.:' tenement for you to cleanfe you:ye flaalbe cleane iflinenee and from all your finnes before the Lord. jiaiiing. , ^ 31 This fliaibe a Ϊ Sabbath of reft vnto yon, [ΐ^Ι!;^'^^';•^^ and you fliall humble yourfoules by an ordi- iioiaitftwiiiA nance for euer. γ» OnUkeiyemofl 32 And the Prieft » whom hee fliall anoynt, ^^^^^^^,^^ ^ . - and whom he fliall confecrate (to minifter in his ; chaUan^nt by " fathers fliead) Ihall make the atonement , and fliall Gods conunaudt- put on the linnen cloathes ; nd holy veftments, ?"*"' '° '•"««^ >'•» 3 3 And fliall purge the holy Sanduary and the! '■"*"""*!♦ Tabernicle of the CoogregatiGD,and Ihall cleanfe; the altar, and make an atonement for the Priefts and for all the people of the Congregation. 34 And this flialbe ao euerlafting ordinance fWhe»{v]«>ath• f Wecie incenfe andfctiqmt viS «flued. gregation of Ifrael. 18 After, he flial! goe out vnto the ^altai that is before the Lord , and make a reconciliation vp- on it , and fliall take of the blood of the bullocke, and of the blood of the goat , and put it vpon the homes of the Altar round about. 19 So fliaiJ hee fprinkle of the blood vpon ii vithhis finger feuen times, & cleanfe it,8c halow it from the vncleannefle of tlie children of Ifrael. af»fi«u<3 boaftiOr that kiJktll it eutof tjbie Jioaft, ^'*•*« i . 4— Xhey atef<)rbiddcn 4 Idoal mwM Λ IlOticit.il though KelndkiUcdi iiua,itlfa.«<.3• Λ Whtit[c€att Aejweie «*ithfo«lilli 'dcnO' CMktoefittU• jChap.XVIII. toeatec?ood. 44 , 4 And briogetH ithef Vntothedooreofthe | that foionrneth among you,fi-.aiieatc hico J. Tabernacle of tlie Ck)ngregntion to offeranof- L 13 ΜθΓ€ουεΓ>1ιοΓο6α0ΓΑί^»-ο£ the children; frin^vntothe Lord before the Tabernacle of the [oflirael, or of die llr angers t lint 1 υ iouitie among ; fring vnto the Lord before the Tabernacle of the . Lord , < blood llialbe imputed vnto that man : he hath (lied blood , wherefore that man Ihall be cut j offfrom among his people. ! y Therefore the children of Ifraeliliall bring their offrings.which they would offer * abroad in . the held , and prelent them vnto the Lord at the | doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation by , the Prieft , and offer them for peace of&ings vnto the Lord, 6 Then tlie Prieit fliall fprinkle the blood vp- onthe Altai- of the Lord before the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation , and bumethe fat for a * fweet fauour vnta the Lord. ftj^TjiV ' 7 And they fliall no more offer their oifrings c Mianin'g, what- vnto * deuils, after whom they haiie gone a f who- foeeer is not the j^^g . ^ j^j^ jhalbc an ordinance for euer vnto them nae Goo.i.Cor. . *? . opfaljss. m their generations. { Foi idolatry is g ^ Alfo thoii flialt fay vnto them.^'hoioener rpmt..au whott- : fjg f,g jjf jhe i,oufe of.lfrael , or of the ftr angers faiA wwLdCod t Which foiourne among ihera , that offreth a burnt ibioien, offring Or facrifice, ' 9 And bringeth it not vnto the doore ot the Tabernacle of theCongregation to offer it vnto f Lord, euen f man fhalbe cut offfrom his people. 10 ί Likewiie.whofoeuer /;i^f of thehoufe .oflfrael : brofthe ftr angers that foiourne* among jthem^ that eateth any blood , I will euen fetg my iface againft that perion that eaterh blood, and wid ' cut him offfrom among his people : ^11 For the life ofrhefleih is in the Woodland I haue giucn it vnto you ta offer vpon the aJtar , to make an atonement for your foules : for this blood ihall make an atonement for the foule. 1 1 Therefore I faid vnto the children of Ifrael, None of you iball eate blood: neither the ftrafig• C lVriUd«claie them, which by hunting taketh any beait ot foule that may be h eaten , he llwll powre.out the bloodi, which iht law thcreof.andcouer itvvith duit : ^eimutediio i>« 1 4 For the life of all flelh is l^blood , it is ta «n,l>«"nf« « ieyned with his life : thcreft^e '£5feid vnto the *' *" children of Ifrael , * Yee iliall eate the blood of '^ ^^^^ „ ^ no II flelh •' for the life of all fleibisthe blood i or'h thereof r wbofoeiier eateth it.fhalbeteutoff. I y ■ And eueiy pcrfon that caieA it whic h di- ethp ordin.-nces, I Or,4tmtii Imnr. ο,,ίίη,ριη. •fH.finrc, Ye Oialletefnufc fiom . tiaiH and Canaa- B«rdoe after my iudgements , andkeepe'j'««J^^^ ^_ ordinances, to walke therein : lamtheLord;^^ .^' , ^^,, fiod. b And theitfo mine ordi your God. b An2 thenfoi* c Yeniallkeepcthereforemyflatutcs.andmy yeoughttoftttie iudgeraents , * which if a man doe . he ihall then ™"''^ "^ line inihem :■ Τ am the Lord. c That»s,tolie 6 Τ Nonefhallcome neere to any of the kinred , with het.ihougi» of his fleili to c vncouer her lliame : I am the Lord. ; ^^''^^ίΐ^'* As Mofes cannot iontiia^Kiunomtvt^iththt.womenimt *e Γο of liinne to him as is ibctie fpec.itd ■ hisfiB" ma•!' with ihf men that ate in like degite. Note alfo , thai feelidei tlie perfons heieipecif.td \ ΛβΓ« *« afcend «t defccnd tithe famtliae.be it »£ bleod «lisied. )aKo .hc.e Λ Knot Mar^ EtegifecsH, ί idmedtimd^jahg-marriage. Leui d Whjch is thy ««pmothcr. « Eiihetbyfjihei otmo'Hti-.botse f They ate lier fhiUten whof« fiiamc thoahaft vncouetti '* Chjji iO.lP. (1 Or.f.r.•.,. * Cktf.'iO.tri. g Which thine vacle doeth dif- Inifrrimitt. h Bccsuft tUei'Jo Ijtets, among ■whgm Gods peo- ple had dwdt and flioiild dwell, vi'Cie giiien to• «hefe honible inccRs, Cod chargeth his to bevmeof the fame. i «Yfeiing Mat. aflFcaion moie benttohttriiUX «hen to her^ * Chjf 7 Thori flisit not vncouer the lliame of thy f.t- ther , nor the rtiame of thy mother, ftr ftee i$ thy ■nother.thouiUahnot diicoueihcrlharae. * The Ihame of thy fathers i wife ihait thou not difcQucr : fir it is thy fathers iliame. ρ Thou ihilt not dlfcouerthe Ihame of thy «fitter , thediughter of thy father, or th« daugh- ter of thymii^ter , whether flie be borne at home or borne without : thou ihalt not difcDHer their Ihame. I ο The'fhanw of thy fcnnes dattghter , or of thy dnighters diughrer, thou fhik not,i fay.ivn- coiier their Iharae : for it is thy ^ ihame. II The ihameoftliy fathers wiues daughter, begotten of thy fithcr (^rlheisthy fifter) thou Ihalr not, //^j.difcouer her ihame. 12 * Τ hou ihilt not vncouer the II lb ime of thy fathers iifter : .^r Ave is tliy fathers kinfewo- rain. 13 Thou Ihaknot difcouerth3n>.?.mi ofthy mothers finer : forlhee isthy mothers-kinfewQ- raan. 14 Thou llnh not vncouer the-fl-iame of thy S.fathers brother : tiwitis , thou ΠΛah not gqe in to his vvife,jvr ibe is thine taunt. 1 y * Thou ih'lt not di'.coiier the (liarae of thy daughter in law : for ilic is thy fonnes wife : there- fore Ihalt thou not vncouer ber Ihame. id * Thou ihilt not difcouer the fliamc of ihy brothers wife -Jar it is thy brothers ilT^me, 17 Ihon ill lit not diicQuer the Ihame of the wife ark} of her daughter , neither ihilt thou tak.e her fonnes daughter, nor her daughters djughter, to vncouer ber lh=roe , for they Mthy kinsfolks. ICU». A f X. . i otwhiltsQie, I <«i/it wcrewickedneiTe. ^, y .1 1*1 Ί ■ f iMi ind fuih Jiie 30 Therefore Ihall ye Keepemme ordinances ' " q Eithi \ c.qiU f file not your I'dues therein ': /er I aratbe Lord ο^Ι^^^^^^,^ your -God,. .-r..>v C Η A P. X A Nd the.Lord fpAe vnto Mofes.faying •**■ 2 SpeaRe vnto all the Congregation of the children o/irrael,5c fay vnto them, * Ye iliall * ctf. 1 !,««. aj be » holy .for I the Lord your God amholy. < ^ ',.' ' /" ' • ' ' • 3 ί Ye fliali feare euery man his mother and *]j.pg]5,l">-'-'.-j. his father , and Ih ifl keepe my Sabbath ; /ir I am ' • the Lord vour God. * > r j 4 Τ Ye ihall not turner ntoidoles , nor mak4""*'"''*»^^ you molten gods; I am the Lord your God. 5• Τ And when yee (hall offer a j'eace ofi'ering .vnto the Lord.ye mall offer Ιι•» freely 6 * Itfliallbeeatentheday yeofferit.oroo the morrow : and that wl-.ich reraaineth vntiU the I third d^iy.lhallbe burnt in the fire. j 7 For if it be eaten the third day , itlhallbe ί xttcleane.itib.allootbec accepted. ' ^ g Therefore he that cateth it , ihall beare hi« iniquitie , becaufeheehath defiled the hallowed thing of the Lord , and that perfoa Ihallbe cut off from his people fome plague that Ced nil •nfucJi, latrie,ard fupec. lli'iontothcf b Of^oiifewne accord. *«.,f.;.i:i. < r»wn,efGeli haihhet Howitt. *K'S'i •°• , f Mb..,fihf-,i. 1 which was an idole of the Am- v»hom they bin- ned aud I'aciihced tlieit childicn, t.Kiag.t}' 10. TWsfeemeito kethechiefeaad , ciircipallof ill- jdoles; jBdasthe lewes write, wai ef ajcat Batme, indholiow wiih- Ju.haningiiueo Places erclum- ers within him; oae was to itceine aneale that was cftited : aa o- cheridctledoues : the thiid r a . CicePe : the fouttli.aramme : tliefiftatalfe: tlie fixi m oxf ! thefeueatha cHilde. This j-doles face was Jikeacalfeihit hands weie tntx flteched out to teceiiie|ifit : iiispcielfs wete called Oemarim. . rcjidai. Kings 13. S.hoiei '3,5. 1 8 Alfo thou fli.ilt not take a wife vvith her filter, during her life to ' vexe/'«r . ill vacouering her ib.ame vpon her. i^ * Thou ihalt not alio goe vnto a woman to vncouer her fliarae , as long a$ ilie is put •• ap.;rt for her difeafe. 20 Moreouer , thou ilialt not giue thy felfe to thy neighbours wife by carnall copulation , to be defied with.her. ... 21!- '* AUci thou flialt not giue thy t children to g offer them vntol Molech , neither Ihalt thou cefiieithe Name of thy God : {or I am the Lord. I 22: Thou Ihah nor lie with the male as one li- eth with a woman :fot it is abonjin.nion. 23 * Τ hou ihalt not alio lie with any beaft to be defiled therewith , neither fliall any woman fend before a baalt , to lie dawns thereto : /«r it is 5 sbomin ititjn.. 24 Ve ihall not defile your felues in any of thefe things : for in all thelethe Nations are defiled wluchJLwill call out bsfcre you.:. ij And.the land is defiled : therefore 1 will »" vifite the wickednelle thereof vpcin it , gnd the land η lliallvo Tiit out her inhabitants. ; r6 Yt iliall fcepathfrefoi^e mine or Jijwnccs, and my iudgemenrs , and comTiit noneofthe.^e aborrjinations , nfvveil bee th.it is of the fame councrey , asthe ftrang^r thatfoioumethatnorig you. ^' %7- (B'or all thefe abominations hjue the mea of the land done, which were before you.and the Itnd is defiled: ' Slice (in raanuge Or, t*ti,^gt t»: t 5» ί * when yee reape the hariieft of your land.ye (hall not reape euery comer of ydur field, neither ihall thou gather the (j gleanings of thv harueft. ro Tlicu flialt not gather the grapes of thy vineyard tU»»e , neither gather euery grape uf thy vineyard , ^Λί thou ihalt leaue them for tlie poqre and for the itranger ; I am the Lord your I God.. 1 1 ί Yee iliall not fteale.neaclier * deale falfe- υ m ιΐκ which ' Iy,fleiφe: lie one to another. is commiiKd to j Ϊ 2 ί ' * A 1 io ye iliail not fweare by my Nr.me P"' "*^"• I'falfely, neither Ihah thou defile the Name of thy Γ .^1''',!°• '"''*** I God : i :un the Lord. _ _ *'"' ί 13 ?Thoun-.aIt not do thy neighbour fl wrong, neither rob fc«>. * Theworkemois hire ihall not ^°:•νΐ'φι^•ι» itbiJe with rh;e vntjll the morning, fi '^d/J.'L.h ,{ J4 S Thou ibJc not curfe the diiafe,* neither ίί<Ί-»,ι+. * ' put a ftumblitig block before the blind , butlhaltj* ι^ί^Μ/.ιβ, lt;re thy God : 1 am the Lord. j 15: ί Yeeihallnot'doevniuftiyiniudgement•. I * Thou ilialt not fauour the perLooof the poore, I* '^* »5.3. ''«.', nor honour the pcrfon of the mightic , ^«f thoutJ4'','"^j'*;^'; , $ialt Judge thy neighbour jiiftiy. ζ As a'liaiidercr. \6 ί Thou ihalt oot'walke .ndmeaiethv.ith | ue.th.thc people of the land ll«ii ftonc him to 1 a-jvomij that is t bondmaid;, affianced to a huf- ; death. P-iueth his children vnto»Molech,he ihall die the ■? e^ weicch he o{ Mole , Chap, IlitUbc , fomt .they Oilll be bwta. „ r' „j^^.„;n^nV.i.r i ί And I will ^ fet my face againft that man, |b B-eaie chip. ir. band, and riot rcdeemed,norfreedome_gim^ |^ J cut hiraciffrom among hispicple .becatitel••.-* '•■-- t ihe'ihall be fconrged. iM they llvill not dic.be- canfe (he is not made free ! he hath Jiinen his children vnco Molech ,for to , ofle_ ' defile my Saniluaiy , and to pollute mine holy 21 And hee ihall bring for his trefpaile-.- ritvgvnro the Lord, at the 'bore oCthe Tabem^^^ ^^^^^^^^ .^ ^^^ ^ ^^^p,^ of 'the land hide their ο& the Congreeation , a ram for a uefpafle of- fering. 4 Ana It tnccpeopii eyes , and winke at that tiun when hce giueth his children vnto Molech . and kill hinvr.ot. Then will I fet my face againft that man c Though ihe ptcplc be acjlj- nt to iee iheit ery , iiid dtfeno Cods lijht , γ^ν»• , and will cut him off , and iwiu noi lutfe h itOijUle ve- tlea«« »5 that ihing , which ύ taotcucomcifed. hath done . and pnrdon Ihall be giuen him tor his 1 Jl^Jh•'^ feline, which he hath committed. <- i i ' 2 J ί Alfo when yee (liall come into the land iandhaue planted euery tree for raeate. yee Icoimt thefniite thereof as vricircumciied • ihall three fed vnto you: ic ihall Itifl} AihMtr 11 If tnflii, ft Qllir- le miiiiite tuc- [iie o« velutli• * Cii/.it, J. Ill As did ihc Gtn kUes inligne ot mourning. U Or,«:ut, cr ««>«■ * Oiiit. 14•'• y ^c fowle et 1 3r «•»'«'■» I Yeaikediei ,ot Umnlnjmatket t'^t'*""• . . - Yttani , ittd L•- itenfts. * t.iw».»*»*• I Ot.detUni Tiion tVip Prieft iliall make sn atonement , ρ hi"> '™ht — of,h=,,crp*„feins , „5. A- -- ;«; before the Lord, concerning his fnnewMchhee ^ ^^^ ^hfjg^^ shoring after him tocommit «■bore-*«''"«'^;^E»« lie with Moluth , from among th^ir people *"'""' ' • 6 < If any turne after fuch as waike with fpi- rits . and after foothfaycrs to goe a ^ whoring S- \ ter them, then will I let my f ce againft that per- if J*/"'/"" f»'- fon. and will cut him cfl from among his pcop.e. , ,,^ / ^^■^■^^{^ 7 % Sin^;lihe your felues iheicfore, '•' and be Llioicdemt , « holy . for I am the Lurdy cur God. ;"rl*"''' 8 Keepe ye therefore mine ordinftnces,2nd doc; J y^^l'^'^**• ! them : I am the Lord which dothf^nftihe you. j _"* ' 9 f * lit here be any that curfcthhii father or| his mother, he fliall die the death ,/««'«£ he hath I curfedhis father Sc his mother .« his blood /WiiL a^^.,,,,^ vponhira. W'"• •'•«ο- ίο f ♦Andthcman.thatcommittethadulte-^ic ihisg f'°s-2TTh^'*ihalt η rife vp before the hoare 'head , and honour the perlon of the old man . and dread thy God : 1 am the Lord. ... »- aa f And if aftrangcrroiuurnewiththeein, neileamonp-ou. -ι,,ι^,Λη,.π ^^ Λ . lL\\ not ί vexe him 1 5 * Alfo the man that lieth wiihabeaft. ihall ,c»^. .8.^5 ^'^JnSSrtb^^^^^^^^ dieSiedeath.andyefliallflaythebeaft *^ ,^lte as oL of voir felues , and thou Ihalt loue ' 16 And if .1 woman cotne to auy beaft , andli* , Ulbeasoneot yourieuc , »ι,^,ρ„,;^κ ,hev^ thou Hialt kUl the woman & the ; \7^.SyWJfr3-^^^^-^^^.t^^^^ ..^< ofE"-TPt:IamtheLordyourGod. 3 Ϊ 1 Ye flwll not doe vniuftly in mdgeraent'. neline.inv.'eight,orinmeafure. i6 * You Ihall haiie iuft balanccs.tme weights^ awue Ρ Ephahnnd a true Hin.I am the Lord your God. which haue brcughtyou out of the land ot ♦ ptoo.tt.» ,ί,ιι. md".•' Ρ Bj thefe two nicifiiiiib*'"**- OCEphih, «lit 1 4i«i,E*«4.»i.*°'nanj the Lord. ^ί'Γ Therefore fl-.all ye chferue all mine ordi- nd all my iudgeraents . and doe thcnv; j CHAP. XX. They H»t iit* If theh/tti'^ f Λί«/«* < Tlity tf"** I"»" ftcurfi «« that (ommUteth -tiulier} , mHh the kixrid tr kffinitit, fie tt the Lori muf ait. I fiutritS• lO Tfcf man initlt < •' fnuitati»n Jfintia fts»ti«r tt*- beaft: they Mldiethe< "^T? aSo the man that taketh his fifter . liis f»; j Thers daughter .or his inoihcis (L'.ughter.cndlet;th, l^eI n«m.e , and fl^e feeth his Tname , it is viilaniCT therefore the>• ll^all be cutoftmtheiight t ol their-peop'e,*^^"^ I'chatli vncoucred bis fiftas- Itame.he fl.all bearchis iniquitie. 18 «'•The man alfo drat licdt with a woman * Jvauing her Β difeafe . and vncouereth her Aume. |* ^«ioi^neth her fountains, and ihe open thefoun- 1 taineofherblood.theylhalibeeuenbothcutofF, ^^r^si:i?f^ra^3hnot^^..rth. tbfcHln,»'/ Cijf.ii Of, β" Ctjf ii.iMJV U«i«fAi.i fl.-NdtheLoidfpakevmoKofes.iaying ''to L Τ^ΧΓ^ι that lieth wirhhisf.- P^ 2 Thou (halt fiy «'^-'^ ^^^.f/i'^J/" f . '^ brmhers wife . and vncouereth- Ivis vni- [frael. * VVhoroeuer UBe of the children of lira- Λ^^>,^γοΛ^ j^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ .:i,or ©f «hs ftrapseis rilVu i-lW.S; *; aS^:*cy ^* bearctoWW- 4ωί^ Ordinances toucbhi^ fliall die ε childeleffe. 21 So ihe man that taketh his brothers wife, > committeth filthinefle , becaufe lie ha:h vncouered his brothers h ihame.they fliaibe childlelle. '{ 2 2 ί Vee iliall keepe therefore all mine * or- ' dimnces and all my iudgements , and doe them, h "Keide Chap. i8, that the land whither I bring you to dwell there- in, * Ipiie you not eut. 23 Wherefore ye iliall not walke in the maners ofthis nation which I caft out before yon : for they hitue committed all thefe things, * therefore 1 abhorred them. 24 But I haue faid vnto you. Ye ftall inherite their land , and I will giue it vnto you to poffefle it , euen aland that » floweth with mllke and ho- *«»« of all things, nig . j ^^ the Lord your God . which haue fe pa- rated you irovaother people, g Thty Siallbe eittoft'iiomtheii fcople.aiid ihcit chifdtinQiallbe «akewasbaaards, and not connted among tht Iftae- lites CiJf. Chjf. * Omli.is i ΓηΙΙ of abHii- Heuiticusrr tliePriefts. Who may 1 1 Neither iJiall hee goe to any fl dead body, Ρ o,.uti,h,^f„ nor make himfelfe vncleane by his father or byj'^ '*'*•*'• i his mother, 1 2 Neither il-sall he goe out of the h Sanftuay J h To goe to A« : nor pollute the holy place of his God : forthd^"''• , ' i ci'owne of the anoynting oyle of his God « vpoii; ''/,;„! ηΓ^Γ him : I am the Lord. ; prefeired to the s 13 Alfo he fhall take a maide vnto his wife ; ,o*«f PiieHt.anj ;; 14 But a widow , or a diuoired women , or a *«"f»« to«U < polluted, or an harlot , thefe ifiall he not marry, dea'd>a»'hei ; but ihall take a maide of his owne'' people to iioui'd haue pol- ij wife : lilted his holy I f Neither iliall hee defile his 1 feede anion £> i Notonelyef his people : for I am the Lord which fanCtifie his tribe.bJef him. all liiael 16 Τ AndtheLordfpakevntoMofes,faving,^ ^7 f^'i'^f'»? Speake vnto Aaron . and fay , WhoiGeuer m^ «ΟΓ>:ί! 1 zs * Therefore ihall yee put difference be- \ cfthy feede in their generations hath any blc tweene cleane beaftes and vncleane , and be- 1 tweene vncleane foules and cleane , neither iball Ϊ By eathtfthem 'yeli defile your ielues with beaftes and foulcs.nor «onttary to my ■ with any creeping thing , that the ground bringeth ifoorth , which I haue feparated from you as vn- ; cleane. I 2i Therefore iliallye be * holy vnto me: for I '■ the Lord am holy , and I haue feparated you from j ether people that ye fliould be mine, 27 ί * And ifa roan or woman hatie a fpirit of diiiination , or foothfaying in them , they Ihall die the death : they ihall itone them to death, ilieif blood fhalbe vpon them. CHAP. XXI. i ftt tohcm til Pri/ftt mijlAwtM. i How furt iht Sri'fls axgUta ίί,ΙηύΪΛ lbrmf'i'«a}«i 2 But by his kinfman that is neere vnto him : to wit , by his mother , or by his father, or by his fonne.orby his daughter,or by his brother, 3 Or by his filter ab maide, that is neere vnto him.which hath not had an husband : for her t he may lament. 4 He Ihall rtot lament for the « Prince among his people,to pollute himfelfe. J• They fliall not make * bald parts vpon their head , nor ihaue off the lockes of their beard , nor make any cuttings in their flefli. , , -— ^ r - e feafts,4. 28 As for the cow or the ewe.ye ihaJi not^^lETIl i*P"".«».«, τ But when the Sunne is downe . he Hiallbe i her . and her yox\gbothm one d»v. iieane and flwU afterward eat of the holy things : 29 So when ye will oftcr a thanke ofFnng for kis his Β food. ! to the Lord . ye ihall offer willingly, 8 * Of abeafttliat dieth.or is temvvtth beafir, whereby he may be defiled . he iliall not eat : I am the Lord. 9 Let them keepe therefore mine ordinance, leaft they beare their finne for it , and die for it, it 30 The fame day (ball it he eatcn.ye il^all leate * none of it to the morrow : I am the Lord. 3 1 Therefore fliall yee keepe iny Coramande• •c^<.^7,^s; a which is ηβί ef ihe uibe ef Leiii. iSomeRtade, fetaant whichhaS histatebottd, »«<* vrenldnotgoe [iee,E««d.»«.<• I whoisnwefihe gHta.>llg«w that and » fiftn Bin oner. hfoiiitieydid ments and doethem: for I am the Lord. i foi v^hofcuet 3 ζ Neither fliall ye » pollute my holy Name, ao,h othtrwife but 1 will be hallowed arr,ongthe children of If- ihen Gcdcom- fo^'Ther'raXnrrftiarig^r'd^o'eateof^^^ ^, , ^ ;Γί'.;ί;Γ'^••*1 Iv thin" ne th r . the gheilof the Prieft . nei- 3 3 Which haue brot.ght yon out of the landc, ""'• IV rnm_ . iicnut i, , .. ^f Egypt , to be yoiir Gol: 1 am the Loid they defile it : I the Lord fanftifie them . 10 There fedl no * lioly thing , neither ο the gheft hi'ithe'r ihalfan hired feramt eat of the holy thing: II But if the Prieft buy any with money . hee fliall eat of it , alio he that is borne in his houfe: they fliall eat of his meat. 12 If the Pricfts daughter alio be maried vnto a f ftranger.fhe mny not eat of the holy offerings. 1 3 Notwithftandin "if the Priefts daughter CHAP. XXIII. 1 ThifiMfies cftht Ltrd. y Thi Sabbath, utr. 6 The feafl efvnliauinei bread, i , firfifmitei. 16 WhitfunUit. ^ The fiafi tfiUwi trumpets. 3+ Tit feaa tfTabtrnatles. The Vajfei• Theft^fl vnto Mofes, faying, j the children oflfraelamj ANd the Lord I'pake 2 Speake vnto ; rs"'retum'^dvn"to'her fathers houfe , fl^.efliall eat of fay vmothem , The feafts of the Lord which yee g, ^ «,^,^ί^;, jhet fathers bread,asihee did in her * youth : but diall call the holy y aflemblies , fMn thefearemy i there Ihall no ftranger eat thereof. _ _ feafts. ^ , , ... 14 ilfamaneaioftheholythingvnwitting- 3 -κ sixedayes Hflwll woikebedone.butmthe Iv he rtiall put the g fift part therevnto,and giue it , fcuenth day fhall be the Sabbath of reft , an holy '' • -■" • 1 -1--1--11— .-J»v.;,^f> (I conuocation : ye fliall doe no worke »<'#'•««, it is die Sabbath of the Lord.in all your dwellings vnto the Prieft with the hallowed thmg. „.tu..v-.- , If So ihall they not defile the holy things of toffc.foi»A 5 In the fitft moneth And in the fourteenth' „»$ kept eneiy day of the moneth at euening/fc«/^i the Pafleouer wtcke , md thcf• oftheLord. , bmoncetutr,' 6 And on the fifteenth dayof this moneth γ„„_ ' Β Of, «a^.ti.it. all their vowes ,and for all their free offerings j vvhich they vfe to offer vnto the Lord for a burnt ', oftering, , . , 19 Tee fhaU offer of your free mmde a m^le without blemifti of the beeues , of the flieepe , or of the goats. ..... li 20 Ye fliall not offer any thing that hath a ble- i miOi : for that fliall not be acceptAle for you. j 2 1 * And whofoeuer bringeth a peace offring vnto the Lord to accomplifli his vow, or for " fhalbe the feaft ■* of vnleauened bread vnto the Whofoener^'^fTrof the houfe of Ifrael, or of the Lord : feuen dayes yee fliall eate vnleauened *^^^^ J». '^| ftran oers in Ilrael, that will offer his faciifice for bread. -" , -- ., .L-:.. r„„„fl--.:_^. ^ In the lirft day yee fliall haue an holy con- uocation:ye fliall doe no t feruile worket;fe«rfw. ^^^^^^.,^,^^ 8 Alfo ye fliall offer facrifice made by fire vn-boiir.faue'abmt to the Lord feuen dayes , <«»i in the « feuenth day thu which one /"Wii an holy conuocation: ye fliall doenoferuile ,";^1j"'• ^'""*' WOike thirem. r r Ψ '^^'- '»''' ■'*ϊ ** 9 ί And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes, faying, |theftjft and ihe 1 0 Speake vnto the children of I frael, and fay ί'""* *"!" ^'J* vnto them.Whe ye be come into the land whichiJ'^'J;,^^^, ^^.j, vijiu luv *-v/x« ^" - r - -- • Ϊ g'"2 '^'^'^° you, and leape the harueft thereof, „„pta„yftaR free oftVingofthebeeues,oroftheftieepe,his free then yee fliall bring D a flieafe of the fiift fruits of w«e.Wn.td^i, offrinoflialbeperfeft,noblemifliflialbeinir. ! your harueft vnto the Prieft, iuauer.dbmi, 22 Blinde.orbroken ,ormairaed,orhauinga n And hee fliall fliake the flieate beto^•etne^J„^f,M„,l,aηf, D wenne or skiruie.or skabbed : thefe fliall ye not Lord,that it may be acceptable for you : the mor-a„dethathathrf»)' fliall yee prepare a lambe, without blemifliot a „,ί, •* member fuperfluous.or lacking.fuch mayft thon ; yeere olde, for a burnt offering vnto the Lord: d,.»,>+, .». preferit for a free offering , but for a vow it fliall j . for^a facrifice made by fire vnto the Lord of I'weet cmid s.bbithol fauour: and the drinkc oftering thereof the fourth. ;t'^»^'J^'«"<;•^ partf ofanHinofwine. fift part of 'an Λ And ye fliall eate neither bread ror parched' Fphah.ottw• *+ ■' ■,, 1 /..If, /■ — - .1--Oirei5: -.eade Sued. 1 3 And the meate offering thereof fkalbe two ^-'^ ;, ^_^_ tenth deales of fine flouic mingled with oyle, j That ii ,, heft- | not be accepted. 24 Ye fliall not offer vnto the Lord that which is bruifed or cruflied, or broken, or cut away, nei- ther fliall ye make an offrt^gthereof in your hnd, l^y•,^^;^;"- 2V Neither iofthc hand of a ftranger fliall ye f.'ftthJgor» 'offer the bread of your God of any of thefe, be- . ^„,,..,„.. „ ^,..- -^,- ,„,„^ .- ^i,od..i. .6. "3*• 'caufe their corruption is in them, there is able- , that ye haue brought an oftnngviuo your ν,οα•^ ^^^^ ^^^ : IhaBge: it tit Loids of- frisg : which he «^eth thebwad ' for yoiJ «f sht Lord• mifli in them : therefore fliall they not be accepted ' thh βα/be a Law for euer in your generations and \ ■ you. 26 f • And the Lord fpake vnto MofeS , faying, 27 when a bullocke . or a flieepe , or a goate ftalbe brought forth , it flialbeeuen feuen diyes vnder his damme rand from the eight day forth it flialbe acceptedfor a lacrificetnade by fire yiu ito the Lord, ,/«»' I ί Τ Ye fliall count alfo to you from the mo- ; row after the 8 Sabbath , eue» from the day that ye g χι,,, ,•, , ,ι,, {^ fliall bring the flieafe of the fliake offering , feuen iu,,th day after 8 Sabbath°s,they flialbe complete '„'? ^ /.t^'S:,. 1 6 Vnto the morow after die leiienth Sabbath , <,, , ^„^^^ iliall yee number fiftie dayes ; then ye fliall bring 1 leq|tl• KUS. holy conuoci tions. Τ ErtJ « I h Becauft clit lit α Gioiild eat thtm.as Cha|.7, 1 nd thiy J.onll not be offered to the Lord vpoa bc.altjr. a new meat offering vnto the Lord. | 17 Yee ih*!l bring out of yoiir habitations ■bread for the ihake oilering : they ihall be two , ΙοΛίί^ί of two tenth deaies οι fine Rouk , which ' ihall be baken with 1> leauenforirft fruits vnto ' the Lord . ' 1 8 Alfo yee flisll offer with the bread fei'.en lambes without blemilh of one yeere old , and a ' yong bullocke and two rams : they ihall be for a burnt offering vnto the Lord , with their meat of- ferings and their drinke offerings , for a facrifice made by fire of afweet iauour vnio the Lord. ip Then yee Ihall prepare an hee goat for a | finne oftiing, and two lambes of one yccre old for j peace offrings. Ί 3.0 And the Prieftihalliliakethemtoandfro with the bread of the firft fruits before the. Lord. and witli the two lambes : they CiJbe holy to the Lord, for the.i Prieft. 1.1 So ye Uiall proclaime the fame day , that k may be an holy conuocation vnto you rye t the nil- iiift.Wieails.thjt ve e ill ihjt mo- «efh , and of the mbile. * Ckjf. 19. J?.,je iii.m.1. a»,7. η Ly faRing> 3nd conuocation. \ 2 J Ye Ihall doe no feruile worke therein , btit \ offer facrifice made by tire vnto the Lord. ι ζβ ^ And the Lord fp>;ke vnto Mofes , faying, 27 The ♦tenth alio of this feuenth monetn, ihalbe a day of reconciliation : it ibalbe an hoiy conuocation vntoyou,.;nd yelhai» humble your follies > and offer facrifice made by fire vnto the , Lord. 28 And ye -ihall doe no worke that fame day: , fcr it is a day of reconciliation , to make an ; atonement for you before the L ord your God. ; 15) For eucryperibn ihtit humblethnot him- ' felfe tliat lame day , Uiall euen be cut off from his people. 30 And etjery perfou that ihall doe any worke tha. lame day , tiie lame pcrfon alio will 1 deltroy from aiT.ong his people. 5 1 Ye Ihall doe no manei• worke thenfore : this : fhall be a law for euer in your generations,i/ber»Kz,- ] tut all your dwellings. | 3» This Ihall be vnto yon a Sabbath of rejft, j . and ye ihah humble your loules : in the ninth d.iy ; "ίΛ a «iem'a'ad t. °^ ''■'*^ moneth at euen,from ο euen to euen Ihall ye . j.diy: yet they i t Celebrate your Sabbath. I ρ fokrone aflembly, ye ihall doe no feruile worke thenin, 37 Thefe are the feaftcsoftheLcrd( which ye fhaii call holy conuocations) to offer facrifice made by fire vnto the Lord, as burnt offering.ind meate offering , 9 facrifice , and drinke offerings, euery one vponhis day, 3 8 fiefide the Sabbaths of the Lord,aud beiide yoiir.gifts, andbeiide all your TOwes , and befide all your free offrings,which ye flwll giue vnto the Lord. 39 But ia the fifteenth day ofthe feuenth mo- 1 neth , when yee haue gatheredin the friiite ofthe I land , yee fliall keepe an holy feaft vnto the Lord \ feuen dayes : in the firft day /?;<«// ^e a ^ Sabbath: j likewife in the eight day /7W/^i a Sabbath. Lq, ,ρ, 40 And yee lliall take you in the firft day the \uial " ""^^ fruit of goodly trees, brani.hes of palme trees.and j the boiighes ofl) thicke trees.and willowes of the '< biooke.aiid fliall reioyce before the Lord your U o,,«/t<,„^i,f God feuen dayes. (*'><« » 3'• ^ , y ' Alfo thou ihrtk take fine floure , and bake' twelue*cakes thereof; twoe tenth deaies ihall be! **»"'• *'»'••' 6 And thouihalt fet them m tivo rowes , Λχώ txod..*.•*, in a row vpon the pure table before the Lord. 1 7 Thoti ihnlt alio put pure incenfe vpon th^ rowes , that i in Itead of ilie bread it may be for a i Tot it w« biit>< remembrance , and an offering made by fire vntq *""ϊ sabbath, thelnril 1 when ihe bread thCLora. ^ ,, , . „ ,, , . Uas <ώ» avoy, g Ε iiery Sabbath he iluU put them in rowea before the Lortl euermore , rict/ic/jg f/ji;„ of the children of llracl foraneuerl .fting Coiie.iant. 9* Aij,d the ir«.♦,">. t Eh.frntettiie f,uU .fu,f w«. t Ekr.finUf-r Exoi.n.i ,^ Bicaufe the pu- rSi^inenc was no 1 yet appointed by ' th« Jaw for th« fi^biilphemet.Mo- I Its ftinliilttd with ■ the Lovd, and told -Vr peopiewhat - i cvunnwnded. »i2i.T. i EirfitU njl r,fi. a The Icwcs be- gan tlie count of tin's yeere in Sep- tjmbet , for then gll the fruits wccc {uhcicd. h Byreifon of tht seme that fell out el thee ares the yeeiepaft. Ot.wWeh thoB hallfepaiated from thyfelfe, id conleaaied > God for th« %Of».m,kc' breiight him vnto Mofes (his mothers name a! fo was Sheloroith, the daughter of Dibri of the tribe ofDJiv) 1 2 And tl-tey * put him in ward, till hee tolde them the minde of the Lord. 1 3 Then the Lotd Ipake vnto Mofes, frying, 14 Bringthe bUfphemer without the hoafte, and let all that heard him , * put their hands vp- cn his head , and let all tlie Congregation ftone him. 1 <; And thou flialt fpeake vnto the children of Ifrael, faying , Whol'oeuer curfeth his God, il.all Sbearehisfinne. 1 6 And he that blafphemcth the Name of the Lord , (lialbe put to death : all the Congregation (liitll ftone him to death : afwcll the ftranger, as he that is borne in the land : when he blafphemeth the Nims of ίΐΛ Lord, let him be ilaine. 17 ί 'ί* He alfo that t killeth any man , he fl~iall be put to death. 1 8 And he that killeth a beaft,he iliall reftore it, tbeaftfor beaft. ip Alfo if a man caufe any blemiih in his neighbour j as he hath done , fo ihall it be done to him: 20 * Breach forbreach.eye for eye,tooth for tooth : fuch a blemiih as hee hath made in any, fuch ihalbe re payed to him. 2 1 And he that killeth a beaft, iliall reftore it : but he that killeth a man.tl-.albe Ilaine. 22 Yee Hall haue one * law : it fliall be afwell for the ftranger as for one borne in the countrey, for I am the Lord your God. 23 ί Then J• Mofes told the children of Ifra- ! el , and they brought the blafphemer out of the hoafte , and ftoned him with ftones : fo the chil- dren of Iliael didas the Lord had commanded Mofes. CHAP. XXV. 1 7kf SMalt ef iktfeufnih yteri. 8 Tii Mil' hthfifiitib jtt'f. 14 Hot to oifrfjp iheirhftinB. ij Ttrfjlen/iilrt- Jrrntiig of Undt.heuftt i)»d fr*f,-7ti. ANd the Lord fpake vnto Mofes in mount Si- nai,faying. 2 Speake vnto the children of Ifrael , and fay vnto them , When yeefliall come into the land which I giue you , the * land ftiall f keepe Sab- bath vnto the Lord. 3 a Sixe yeeres thou (halt fowe thy f eld, and fixe yeeres thou Ihalt cut thy vineyard,and gather the fruit thereof. 4 But the feuenth yeere fii.ill be a Sabbath of reftvnto the land : itj^hixU be the Lords Snbbath : thou ihalt neither fow thy field nor cut thy vine- yard. y That which groweth of it b owne accord ofthyharueft , diou flaaltnotreape, neither ga- ther the grapes that thou haft left* viMaboured : ■'fo^ it ihall be a yeere of reft vnto the land. 6 And the ^ reft of the land Ihaibe meate for you, euen for thee and for thy feruant.and for thy maid , and for thy hired fetaant.and for the ftran- ger that I'oioiuneih with thee : 7 And fur thy cattell , and for the beafts that are in thy land , Ihallallthe increafethcic.ofbe mcate. f Alfo thou fl^alt number feuen 0 Sabbaths- of yeeres vntathee ixM feuen rimes feuen yeere :, and the fpace of the feuen Sabbaths of yeeres will feevotatiiee nine andfburty yeae. 9 e Then thou flialt catife feWowthetriim pet of the Iiibilein the tendi ;^^^ of the feuenti moneth ; euen in the day of the reconciii.-ttion Ihall yee make the trumpet blow throughout ali your land - 10 And yee fliall hallow that yeere, euen the fiftieth yeere , andproclaime libenie intheland to all the ^ inhabitanis thereof: itiliallbethc lu bile vnto you , and ye il.all rctiirne eucry m^n vn- to his g poireiTion.andeuery man ihall returne vn- to his f.:mily. 1 1 This fiftieth yeere iliall be a yeere of lubile vnto you : yee lliall not fowe , neither reapi; that which groweth of it felfe , neither gather the grdpei thereof that are left vnlal.uured. 1 2 For it is the lubile , it iliall be holy vnto you : yee Ih.alleate of the increafe thereof out of the field. 13 In the yeere of this lubile.ye ftsall returne euery man vnto his pofl'effion. 14 And when thou felleft ought to thy neigh- bour, orbuyeft at thy neighbours hand, yeeftiall ^ not opprelle ont another : ly But according to the numberof•' yeeres after the Iubile,thuu ilialt buy of thy neighbour : alfo according to the number of the yeeres of the thou ialt feu reueniies.he ftiall fell vnto thee. Ϊ'Ι,'"/''"^^' ^ 16 According to the multitude of yeeres, thou ί^,'„"" ' * flialt increafe the price thereof, and according to the fewnefle of yeeres thou ilwlt abate the price of it : for the number of >* fruits doth he fell vnto |* An thee. 17 Opprefle not yee therefore any man his neighbour, but thou ihalt feare.thy God : fori am the Lord your God. 18 ί Wherefore yee iliall obey mine ordi- nances, and keepe my lawes,and doe them,and y iliall dwell in the land || in fafetie. 19 And the land fliall giue her fruit , and yee '" iliall eate your fill, and dwell therein in fafetie. 20 And if ye ihall fay. What iliall we eate the feuenth yeere, for we iliall not fowe,nor gather in out increaie ? 21 I will t fend my blefflng vpon yotj in the fixt yeere . and it Ihall bring foorth fiuitfor three j^•'*'"'' yeeres. 22 And ye iliall fowe the eight yeere,and eate of the old fruite vntiil the ninth yeere : vinill the fruit thereof come,ye iliall eate theolde. 23 ί Alio the land ihall not be fold to be 'cut oS fr^m the family .• for the land is mine , andycc be but ftnngers and ioiourners with me, 2 4 Therefore in .ill the land of your polTeiTion ye flail »" graunt a redemptionior the land. 25: ί If thy brother he inipouerillicd, and fell his pofTelTion, then his redeemer (hall come, euen his eeerc kinlemen , and buy out that , which his a brother fold. 2d And if hee haue no redeemer , but tliath gotten andfound to buy it out, 27 Then ll-uill he » count the yeeres of his f.tle, and reftore the ouerplus to the man , to whom he fold it : lb tliall he returne to his poiTelTtun. e Inihebegtsnijif oithcsovtett "^ was the liibile.fe called, becaufe the loyfiill tidisgsof liberty wasptJj- likely pioclaimed by ihelouadof a cornet. f Which mtt in bondage, g icca'uie the tiibesfl^ould nei- ther haue their podiilToiisor fa- milies dijniniJ;«4 nor confotindedj I• Β By deceit, a» otherwife. If the lubile I come be nceie. noi ihi fill oiTeflionofil»• nd. t 0*, [>'(I5' "ititi \ EW. Imlttm' rtcniildnotbe fold for eiier.bnt mini leiurre to family in the " tibile. OuUfell it' dition that 2» But if hee cAnnot get iuffic lent to reftore Ρ^'^^^,^^^,^^,, to him , then that which is folde , ihall remainc in the hand of him tlwt hath bought it , vntiil the yeere of the lubile : and in the liibile it iliall come ο ouc , and hee ihall returne vnto his pof- ο rvom his haul» feffion. thatboushtit. | 2^ tikewife ifa man fella dwelling houfe in a walled city ,. he may buy it out againc within a whole be redee- med. Or, i^f,m^K. Eki.iittMiUA n Abating ih» ey of the yeetcspaft.and Vfurid fort icl(3en . Sale and f Th»( ίί , foi i-Eirfctnur. q whitt ih'e Lt- nites ktptrhiit «attdl. I In Eitew it ii, ifhishtadaiiVt: mtantng , if hec flietih forthhis hindfothtlpe j$ em injnifety. C'Kt.is.it. Leai V«t• perf effliU fetiiitiiJe. a ?et diey fcdl not be botijhte™ •trtic lubilc. whole yeere after it is foldrwithin a yeere may he buy it out. .,.-,, 30 But ifitbenotboHgntoutwuhintheipace of a full yeere.then the houfe that is in the walled city, fliall be ftablillied, Ρ as cut off from thefami- lie, to him that bought it, throughout his genci-a- tions : it uiall not goe out in the lubile. 31 But the houfes ofvillages which haue no walks round about them, ihall be eftecmed as the field of the countrey : they may be bought out a- gaine , anJihall-B goc out in the lubile, 3 2 NotwithftandTng , the cities of the Leuites, and the houfes of the cities of their polleffion, may the Leuites redeemc t at all feafons. 33 And if a man purchafe of the Leuites , the houfe that was fold , and the citie of their poflef- lion ihall goe out in the lubile : for the houfes.of the cities of the Leuites are their polVeiTion among the children of Ifrael. 34 But the field of the ί fuburbes of their ci- ties ihall not be foJde : for it is their perpetuaH pofleffion. 3 y f Moreoucr.if thy brother be impoueri- fliecl, and f fallen in decay with thee , thou ihalt relieue him , and a: a ilran^r and ibiourner , (b Ihall he Hue with thee. 3(i * Thou (halt take no vfury of him,nor van- tage , bur thoa ihalt feare thy God , that thy bro- ther may lioth he and his children with him , and ihall retunie vnto his femily ,and vnto the poCfeiTion of his fathers ihall feereturne: 4 ζ For they are my feruants, whom I brought our of the land of Egypt ; they Ihall not f be fold as bondmen are fold. 43 * Thuu ibalc not rule'ouer him cruelly, fcut Ihalt feare thy God. 44 Thy bond feruant alfo, and thy bondmaid, which thou Ihalt haue ./"W/Jff of the heathen that are round about you : of them fliall yee buy fer- uants and ma ides. 45- And moreouer, of the chili-en of the ftran- gcrs that arc Ibiourners amojig you , of them Ihall ye buy , and of their families that are with you, which they begate in your land: thefe ihalbc your 'poiTeiTio.'i. ύ,6 So yee ihall take tiiern as inheritance for your children after you BopoiTelTethem by inhe- ritance.ye ihall vfe their labours for euer : but ο- πέ; your brethren the children of Ifrael yee fliall not rule one oner another with cruelty. 47 1 If a foiourner or a ftranger -^i/t/i///»^ by 1 thee f get riches , ami thy brother by him be im- poueriihed , and fell himfelfe vnto the Ilranger or foiourner duvelUng by tJiee, or to tlie (to eke of the ftrangers family, 48 After that he is fold,he niay be bought out; Φ»5 of bis bicthuen may buy hiin our. icus• redeeming of fefuantsj BlefHngs, RlfhetwiU*,] X which Mina in* yetfoihejlKbil», . 49 Or his vncle, or his vncies fonne may buy him out , or &nf of the kinred of his fleih among his family, may redeemc him : either if hee can » gct/ff mu,ch , he may buy himfelfe out. 5Ό Then he iliall reckon with his buyer from the yeere that he was fold to him , vnto the yeere of lubile: and the money of his fale ilialbe accof- ding to tlie number of ϊ yeeres : according to the time of an hired feruant iball he be with him. 5: 1 If there be many yeeres behind.Cccording to tliem fliall he giue againe for his deliuerance, of the money that he was bought for. yi If there remaine but few yeeres vnto tlie yeere of lubile, then he Ihall count with him, and according to his yeeres giue againe for his re- demption. 5• 3 Hee fliall be w itk h im yeere by yeere as tn hired feruant : he il.all not ruii; cruelly ouer him in thy y fight. 54 And if hee be not redeemed thus, hee fliall goe out in the yeere of lubile.he.and his children with him. Tf For vntomethethildrenof Ifrael Λί-ί fer- uants: they are my feruants whom I haue brought out cf the land of Egypt : I am the Lord yuur God, CHAP. XXVl. ι tJalutyy firiidirn. 3 A hl/fiif^to tltm tin kirfelhtcummtxilr- mfMs. J^ Ttriarfeti thsifttlmhcjki tbim, ^iCoi^re- nufititoTtmimhtrti' cmtTiini, Υ Ee fl-.all make you none idoles ncr grauen image, neither reare you vp any * pillar , nei- ther fliall ye fet Β any image of ftone in your land to bow downe to it : for I am the Lord y&ur God. 2 Ye fliall keepe my Sabbatbs.and * reuerejice my San^uary : I am the Lord. 3 ί ♦If yee waike in mine ordinances , and ■ kee pe my commandemems,and doe them, Otut.xi^t. 4 I will then fendyou'raineinduefeafon.u J jj^^^ and the land fliall yeeld her increafe, and the trees ikimdance of * of the field fliall giue their fruit, 5" And yowr threfliing fliail reach vnto the vintage , and the vintage flull reach vnto fowin; y Thou fliilcjn* fiilTet him 10 in- esue him tige- loiiffy , if thoB know it. Eirthly things flitteth the mind conriibi'the >' h treafuics oi , and you ihall eate your bread in plcnteoul- ihefBiritndl nefle ; and dwell in your land fafely 6 And 1 will fend peace in the land , and yee /liall fleepe,and none * fliall make you afraid : alfo I twill rid euill beafts out of the land , and the b fword fliall not goe thorow your land. 7 Alio ye ihall chafe your enemies , and they fliall fall before you vpon the fword. 8 * And fine of you ihall chafe an hundreth, and an hundreth of you fliall put ten thoufand to fiight,and your enemies fliall fall before you vpon the fword. 9 For 1 1 will hiue refpeft vnto you,and make yor^ incrdafe, and multiply you , and' iiiblilh my CQuenant with you, I ο Ye fliall eate alfo old ftore,and cary out old becaufeofthenew. I I •./■ And I will fet my ^ Tabernacle ara'ong you, and my foule fliail not loathe you. 1 2 Alfo I will walke among you, aiid I will be your God,andyc fliallbe my people. 13 I am the Lord your God which haue brought you out ofthe land of Egypt .that ye ihould not be their bondmen, and 1 haue broken the « bond* of youryoke,.ind n«de you goe vpright J 4 f * But if ye will not obey me , nor doe all thsie commandements, J ί Aii4 if ye lliail defpife wine oidinances.ti tbet iltlfinji Ut.iriUitufe ibf lurtl i,Sfl ta i b Ye fliallhw* 5 watre. f Etr. I jciS i«»W c rtiforme that which I haue pie- miled. i.C.r.i.K. i I Will be d>ylj nefeni wiihjou. e I hineretyoii» fnll liberty, whet atbefeveye wet» as beafti lyed ia binds. *Di«r !β•'5, CurfingS)pI igues and" threatnings» " Οτϊ ■with you tji cliu- firiyoatebeniy ,^φ, s Rtadi Cli>p.i ΐ7,•ο. h TliM i», mow tiiitmcly. i Vi Oiall hr.ie fought and bar- «tintlVt.Asge. l' Cr, W.*r. Ic Or, as feme leade.by fo""""» in tntiirg my plaguts to diincc 1 Of γοαϊ chil- idrcn,». Iitt•!. f I will not jc «r]ti ycui facijfices q. Signifying that »o cncmic can Eomc vvii)>oiic eodsi^end.'ng. ft Ct-'f.as.i. Ϊ Which I com. snanded yoii (0 iicyt, p. ttvij* ther ifyomfoule abhorre my lawes , fotlwtyee illnotck)eallmy ConmianJemcnts, but breaks myiCouencnt. ' 1 6 Then wi•!! I clfo doe this vnto you , I will apt^oint otier yoti || fcarcfulncfle . a confmnption, and the burning ague to coniimic the eyes , and make the heait heauie , and you ilwH iowe your feede in vaine : for yoiu: enemies Oiall e.ite it : 1 7 And I will let ε my fjte againft yoti.aiid yc ftall fall before your enemies , and they that hate you , Ihali reigne ouer you , -»" and yee ihall flee when none piul'ueth you. . . , 18 And if yee willnot for tbefe thn^s obey nie, then will 1 punilh you ^ feuen times mote,ac- cording to yom finnes, 1 9 And I will breake the pride of your power, andlwillmiikeyour hcaucnas'yron , and your earth as bralTe : 20 And your fl ftrength flialbefpentuivaine: neither toll your land gine her increafe , neither ihallthe trees of tlie laid giue theii fruit. 21 ί And if yee walke l* ftubburpely againft me, and will not obey me, I will then bring feuen times moe plagues vpon you , according to your finnes, 22 I will alfo fend wilde beafts vpon you, which Hiall l Ipoile you , and deftroy your cattell, and make you fewe in number : fo your high n» wayes iliall be defolate. 23 Yet if by theie ye will not be reformed by me.but walke ftubbumciy againft me, 24 Then will I allovalke * ftubbiunely a- gainll you , and I will fmitc yoR yet feuen times foryoiirl^rmes; 2 J And 1 will fendafword vpon you , that ilia51 aucnge the quarrellofmy Couensnt : and when ye are gathered in your cities , I will fend the peftilenceamong you.and yee lliall be deUue- red into the Ixsnd of the enemie. 16 When I tbaU breake the nftafleof your bread , thenten women Iball bake your bread in one 0 ouen>& they fl^all dcliuer your bread againe by weight.andye Iball eatcbut not be fatished. 27 Yet if yee will not for this obey mee,but walke againft me ftiibbumly, 2 8 Thin will Iwalke ftubbmnefy in tnme an- ger againft you, and 1 will alfo chaftiie you feuen times more according to your finnes. 2p * And yee Ihall eatc the fielb of your fonncs-, and the fleih of.your daughters ftiali yee deuoure. 30 I will alfo deftroy your hie placcs.atid * cut away your images , andcaft your carkeiics vpon the U bodies of your idoks^indmy foule li^aU ab- horre you. . . , 3 1 • And I will make your c incs defolate , itnd ■bring your Sanfluary vnto naught , aBdPwilinot fmell the lauour of your fwcet odours . ^2 I will alfo bring the land vnto a wilder- neile, and your enemies which dwell therem, llaaw be aftoniil-cd thereat. 3 2 Ai-fo 1 will ic atter yBu among the heartten, and q will draw out a fword after you . and your land fliall>e wafte ,nnd your cities fhalbe delolate . ς 4 -flicn fliall the land enioy her "»' Sabbaths, as long as it heth voide . and yee ihall be in y oux enemies Lmd : then il^iU rh« land reft , and enioy her Sabbaths. ,. , . , . „ ,, 3 s All the dayej that it heth voide , it fliall relt , becanfe it did not reft in your 'f Sabbaths, yvhen ye dwelt vpon it. I Ot,te7tjririiffi f AS if their tr.t didci.ilc iliciu, Foiafmiicli r, ihey iteciilpablt of ilieir fathtts falilis.they iliaib.•. faniOed as s^M as iheirliiktii. (I Ot, f rjjr /«r (W II whiles thty ^. ite captiites.and wiihontreftR- 3i And vpon them that-are left of )-oii , I will fend cuen a 8 faintneffe into theii hearts in the bndofyour enemies , and the fouiidecf aleafc n.aken ihall chafe them , andthevlball^fiee-s fleeing from a i'word , and they ihall fall , no man purfuingthem. 37 They fliall fall alfo one vpon inothcr , as befute a fword, thoupli none puriue them, end ye ihall not be able to ftand before your enemies : 38 And yee ihall periili f.mung thelieathen, and the land of yoii» enemies Ihall eate you vp. 39 And they tlwt are left of you , Ihall pine away for their iniquity , in your enemies lands.and for the iniquities of their fathers (ball they pine away with ' them alfo. 40 Then they fhr.ll cenfeife their iniqiiity.and the wickedncs of their fathers for their tiefpaflc, which they haiie trefpafled againft mc.Sc alio be- caufe they haue walked ftubbiirnely againft me. 41 Therefore I will walke ftubburnly againft them , and bring them into the land of their ene- mies : fo then their vncircumcifed hearts flwlbe humbled , and then they fliall 0 willingly bcaie the putiifhment β/ their iniquitic. 42 Then I will remember my Coueni.m v/ith laakob , and my Coiienant alfo with Izhak , and alfo my Couenant with Abraham wiillremem- ber.and will remember the land. 43 " The land alfow the meant feafin fl>ail be left of them , and ihall enioy her Sabbaths while ihe lieth wafte without them , but they ihall wil linglyfufteriAf/'««»j7)»ii«fi>/their iniquitie , be- caufe they dcfpiled my L.wes.andbecaufc their foule abhorred mine ordinances. 44 Yet notwithftanding this.when they ihall be in the land of their enemies , * I willnot caft them away .neither will I abhorre them.to deftroy them vtterly , ««r to breake my Couenant with them : fox I am the Lord their God : 4-7 But I will remember foi- them the ^ Couc nant of uld , when I brought them out of the land of Egypt in the fight of the hcatheivhat Imight be their God : I am the Lord. 46 Thcfe are the Ordinances.and the ludge- roents.and the Lawes, which the Lord made be- tweene him , and the children ot Ifiael, in mount y Sinai by the hand of Mofes. CHAT. XXVII. Pii'itt from tir if, cf r.^n , unnct hfolli r»r uinmii •, i•"» rm^r.,^ (« tit Lori. MOreouer.ihe Lord fpakc vnto Mofes.faying, 2 Speake vnto the children of Ifracl , and fay vnto them.If any man Ihall make af^'ow of a a pc-rfon vniotht Lord.by ^ tky eftimation, 3 Then thy eftimation ihdl be thus .- a male from twenty yeere old vnto fixtie yeerc olde ihall be by tiiy eftimation euen fifi/ ί ftiekels of filiier, aftertlielhekeloftheSanftuary. 4 But if it be a femak.then thy valuationiliall be thirty Iliekels. y And from flue yeere odle to twcnne. yeere olde , diy valuation th?ll be for the male twenty llK'kels.cnd fordicferaale ten ll^kels. 6 But from a ^ moneth olde vnto hue yeere old ; thyi.iicsofthe..;alcfhal!befiue fhckel5cftH<>r<^^^_^^^^^^ filuer. and thy price of the female,thr£e ^ekels of^,i,,„j ,^,,•, ,^;,. 7 And from lixtie yeere old and aboue.if/'e i< amale , then thy price iliall be fiftceae ihekels, and fw the fcmale ten fljckels, • - - 5 tsiu MaJc'Co chcit foiefjihcis, liter ike y came οιιι•1%ρ•. j.As of his fonat. ot his daughter. ■ Which ill iLtf. len, Reade the v»lut :fth< Sheke!, Exod.jo.'j, d Hef^eaiiAof ■ ' heit Redeemini ; of houfes. e Ifhf ben«t able (s pay afcei thy valuation. f WhicHi tJlilJf.l.,J " thy price the fame day ,asathin^ holy vnto the Lord. 24 But in the yeere of lubile.the field ihaHre beaft for beail.then^if/j this and that, which was tume vntohim , of whom itwasbonght : to him andfieMi, vdujtiei), Jh Valuing ciic ^rketheieofac- 'i'tding torfve I ittit ihat is I fowen, or by the ftcdthaiitdoeth yteld, changed for it.flialbe g holy 1 1 And if /> dt any vncleane beaft , of which men doe not offer a iacrifice vnto the Lord , hee fliall then prefent the beaft before the Prieft. 1 2 And the Prieft fliall value it.-.vhether it be good or bad : and as thou valueft it, which art the Pricft.fo (liall it be. 13 But if he will buy it againe, then hec lliall gine the fift part of it^ore,abuue thy valu.ition. 14 Τ Alfo when a man Hiall dedicate his houfe to be holy νπεο the Lord.then the Prieft fliall va- lue it.whether it be good or bad,*«i as the Prieft ifm.fvJbtUit fl"H ptife it. t ib fcall the value be. •(•'«ι I y But if he that fanclified it.will redeerae his houfe , then hee fhall giue thereto the fift part of money more then thy eftimation.Sc it flialbe his. ! ϊ6 If alfo a man dedicate to the Lord any j ground of his inheritance,thcn ilialt thou efteeme iit according to the J> leede thereof, ati ' Homer of barley Icede [halbe at fiftie lliekels of filuer. 17 Ifh?e dedicate his fielde «»»eiMt/y from jthe yeere of lubile ."itihall be worth as thou I doeit efteeme it. mta-' 1 8 But if lie dedicate his field after the lubile, fiKi containing i then the Prieft fliall reckcn him the money accor- eVEphai'Exod. j '^ing to theveeres that remaine vnto the yeere of li.ii.si; ' j inbile.and it fhalbe abated by thy cftimation. ji For thefrowM i^ And if he that dedicateth it , will redeerae Γ"";'^ °' ^'"*' ' ^^e field.then he ihall putthe fift patt of the price, / Thai is, which 1 ^'''^t thou efteemedft it at , therevnto , and it iliall is dedicate to the jremainehis. xo»d wi'th a ciirfe | 20 And if hee wiU notrcdecme the field ,but i°incTtlws°Fi- i**^^'"'^/^'' i"'^^! the field to another man , itlhalbe ustevfe, Kmn.tij redeemed no more. Wiimi.j.4.7. * £»rf.ij.i; Numi.3,13. η It was (he Lvsii alteadie. ».Dem.i3. "♦So tilled be- «inre of the diue»- uty and multitude of numbrings Vihich aie here «liiefly contained, both of nuns ■tmeswd places. 2 Ϊ But the field fhalbe holy to the Lord.when it goeth out in the lubile , as a field l feparate THE FO VR of Mofes , catled * Numbers //Sy,whole inheritance the land w; 2 5- And all the valuation iliall be according to the fhekel of* the Sandluarie : a ibekel contei- nethtwentiegerahs. z6 ^ * ^fotvvithftanditlg the firft borne of the bcafts , becflufe it is the Lords firft borne , none fliall dedicate fuch.be it bullocke , or Iheepe : for it is the η Lords. 27 But if it be an vncleane beaft.then he fliaH redeeme it by thy valuation , and giue the fift pard more thereto : and if it be not redeemed , then it ihall be fold.according to thy eftimation. 28 *■ Notwithftanding.nothing feparate from^ «e ujh.n n. the common vfe that a man doth feparate vnto thq Lord of all that he hath (whether it be man or; beaft, or land of his inheiitance) maybe foldnorj redeemed : for euery thing feparate from the common vie is moft holy vnto the Lord. ^9 Nothing feparate from the common vfe,j which ihall be feparate from man , fliall be redee-j med, but 0 die the death. » " '^'^ ;'«»«< .? ο Alfo ail the tythe of the land hth of ihe\^'^'"'*^'"t-. feed of the ground, and of the fruit of the uees is the Lords : it is holy to the Lord. 31 But if a man will redeeme any of his tithe, he iballadde the Ρ fift part thereto. ?2 Andeuervtitheofbullocke.andofflieepe. . ««^ of all that goeth vnder the -J rod . the tenth i^'*jj', fliall be holy vneo the Lord. is numbri^ : that ? 3 Hee fhall not looke if it be good or bad, is, e»ety tenth as, . neither fliall hee change it : elfe if hee change it. ^'J^^Jf^J'^T-iJ ,f both it , and that it was changed withall , fliall be ^^ ^^ tcfjta. ■' holy,rt«i/ it fhall not be redeemed. j f• 34 Thefe are the Comraandements which the Itie ef (he thinA ^tlfe\ ^ q AUthVwhj» Lord commanded by Mofes vnto the chilAen of Ifraei in Moimt Sinai. TH BOOKE THE ARGVMENT. Ρ OrafmuehAt G»d hath appointed that his Church in thit world βαϋίβ vnderthe crop , hth becaufe *" they poould learne mt to put their trufi in worldly thingt , md αΐβ feele his cemfort , when all ether helpefaiteth : he didnot flraightvv.ty bring hii people , ^ter their departure out of Egypt , into the land which he had prorttifed them .• butUdde themtoandfreforthe/paceoffourtie yeeres , and kept ttiem in contiiiHali exercijes before they enioyedit , to trie their faith , and to teach them to forget th* world, and to depend on him. Vvhich tridU did greatly profit , to difcertte the wicked and tl>e hypocrites , from thefaithfuU and true feruants of God , whoferued him with pure heart , whereas the other , prefir- fingtheircarnallaffeiiion! toGodsglory , andmakhig Religion to ferue their purpofe , murmured vvtien they lacked to content their ΐΗβθ5 , and difpifed them whom God iiad appoynted rulers ouer them. By reafort ■whereof they prouoked Gods terrible fudgements againfi them , and are fet foorth as a mofi notable example for aUagei , to beware how tltey abufe Godsvvord , preferre their evvne lu^es to his will , ordefpifehU miniilers. Notvvithftanding , Godiseuertrueinhispremife . and leuetHtth his-fyhis holy Spirit , that either they fall not to fuchinconueniences , or elfe returne to him ijuickely by true repentance : and therefon heeeontinueth his graces tovvard them , hee giuHh them ordinances and infiruiiions , as well for Religion ,a «award poUctt : hee preferutd them a^ainftall craft and confptraae , andgimth themmanifo^viiioriei 1 The ttibes ^umbfed all that • faihuplKeof the WUdcrnclTc thu was nttit te mount Sinti. b Which coflKi'- ncd piic of April! andpiicofMay. Φ. eTh«is,thecIiie- feAminoicuciy iAn^ffftyou ■vflxeil^ minibct -Λί geojie. Cnap. I. ^yere able to beare weapons. /^^ ψχτ^ their enemU, ^ni to aa>ydi Ml eMr.uerfi,, that might trtfe . h^e takfth avv^y th» ,cc^„'.M ώι^^,ηι^ arnong all the tube, both thelandc vvlnchtLey had vvonne , and thM alfi which het habromtfci tufeimed bsSlto hisgodlywifedome, r i > h and goutiBCiur:. Thiftitetl«e imtsofthe (iinof KtRbcii, J Or, 41 tvernUt g 6;airfli, CHAP. I. Mofes Mi Aatm rvith the trvilue princti tftht Irihes are ctmmaniei of the Ltri to number them that are nUe tot'tt^vtrre. 4, The Leuiles *re exempted fer the fexHice if the Lord. He Lord fpakc againe vnto Mo- fes in f wiJiiernes of' Sinai , in the Tibernacle of the Con^re- _ ition.in the firft day of the l» fe- cond nioneth , in the-fecond yeere after they were come out of the land of Egypt , faying, ' * 1 Take yee the fumnae of all the Congrega- tion of the children of Ifrael, after their families and hoHfliolds oftheir fathers .with the niimlicr of their names : to wit , all the males , t mm by 3 From' rvventie yeere old aiidaboue, all that goe forth to the warre in Ifracl ; thou and Aaron Ihall number them throughout their armies. 4 And with you ihallbe c men of euery tribe, fiich as are the heads of the houfc of their fa- thers. y And thefe are the names of the men that ihall <• ftjnd with you , of tiiem^ff o/Reuben , Eli- zur.the fonneofShedeur• 6 Of Simeon, Shelumiel the fonne ofZuii- fliaddai: . ^ ^ . 7 Of Iiidah , Nahlhon the fonne of Ammi- fladab: , , , r 8 Of Iffachar, Nethaneel the fonne of Zuar; ^ Of Zebulun, Eliab, the fonne of Helon; 10 Of the children of lofeph : ©f Ephraim.E- lilhama the fonne of Aramihud ; of ManalTeh, Gamliel.the fonne of Pedahzur: 1 1 Of Beniamin . Abidan the fonne of Gi- deoni: I a OfDan.Ahiezer.thefonneofAmmiibad- aai: 13 OfAihef.Pagiel.thc fonne of Ocrgn; 14 Of Gad, Elialaphthe fonne of Deuel; 1 y Of Naphtali, Ahira the fonne of Enan. 16 Thefe i/x/ere famous in the Congregation, e princes of the tribes of thierfathers.^nrf heads ouer thoufands in Ifraei. 17 ί The» Mofes and Aaron tooke thefe men which are cxprelVed by their names. 1 8 And they called all the Congregation to- gether in the firlt day of the fecond moneth , who declared ί their kinredsby their families ,««<^by the houfes of tlieir fathers according to the num- ber of their names , from twentie yeere old and abouc , man by man. , , r r \. 19 As the Lord had commanded Mofes, lo he numbred them inthewildemeffeof Sinai. 20 So were the fonncs of |) Reuben Ifroels el- deit fonne by their generations, by their families, and by the houfes of their fathers according to the number of their nam.es , man by man euery male from twentie yeere old and aboue , as many as y went forth to warre: _^ 2 1 The number of them , I fay , of the tribe of Reuben , -ovat fixe and fourtie thoafnnd , and hue hundreth. , . , , . 32 Of the fonnesofD Simeon by their genera- tions, by their families,««i by the houfes of their fathers, the funMneth€reofbythenuni»eioti/«w nnmes, man by man, euery male from twenty yere oldsnd aboue, all that went forth to warre: 23 The fnrame of them ,1 fty , of the tribe of Simeon was nine ;uid fifric thoufand an J three hundreth. 24 f Of the foKnes of || G-id by their genera- tions, by their families, ««i by the houfes of tlicir fathers , nccording to the number of i/;«> names from twentie yeere old and aboue , all that went foorth to warre : 25• The number of them, / fay , of the tribe of Gad was fiue and fourticthoufand , and lixe kun- dreth,indtiftie. 26 ί Of the fonnes cf II ludah by their gene- rations , by their fimilies ,and by thehoules of their fathers , according to the number οι their names , from twentie yeere old and aboue, all that went foorth to warre: 27 The number of them , I fay, of the tribe of ludah , ΐΊΊΐί tlireefcore and fomteene thoufand, and fixe hundreth, 28 f Of the fonncs of 0 Iffachar by their ge- nerations . by their families , atidby the houles of their fathers, according to the number oitbtir names, from twentie yeere old and aboue , all that went foorth to warre: 2<) The number of them ai(e of the tribe of IlTachsr was foure and fiftiethouiand , andfoitre hundreth 1 30 5 Of the fonncs of Β Zebulun by their ge- nerations , by their families , and by the houles of their fathers , according to the num,ber oi their names, from twentie yeere old and aboue : dl that went foorth to warre : 3 1 The number of them alfo of the tribe of Zebulun was feuen and fiftie thoufand and foure hundreth. 3 2 ί Of the fonnes of lofeph , nafnily of the fonnes of n Ephraim by their generations , by their families , and by the houfes of their fathers, according to the number of their names , fiom twentie yeere old and aboue, all tliat went forth to warre: 33 The number of them alfo of the tribe of Ephraim *x/4ifourtie thoufand and fiue hundreth. 34 < Of the fonnes of fl Wanafleh by their ge- nerations ,by their families , that tht whott Court ivjts in length Irtufe the breadth. The contming in wits at the EAit ^ni , right as it there hanged a wrought hanging of nvtntie titi.te, l»jg,t*(lenei to fowe f, liars. Ε At the fides ofthe hanging there vere curtaines offifieene enbites i» length , nhich were fafieHcd on this fide ofthe fianging. to three pitUrsMia en the other (Ue re as η,,ιη, as three r,g»re fiervi-ih . -^9 The number of them αΐβ of the tribe of VzRvvat threei'core and two thoufand , andleuen ' huadreth, j 40 ί Οίϊ the fonnes of |) Aiher by their gene- [ rations , by their families , and by the houfes of ; their fathers , according to the number oi their \ names , fora tv.'entie yeere old and aboue,all that I wentforditowarte: ! 41 The mimber ofthema/jfj ofthe tribe of A- ! fl^cr , 'uvas one and fourtis thoufand and fine hiui- I dreth. ! 42 ί Ofthe children of i) Naphraly , by their \ gen2rations,by their families , and by the houfes of their fathers , according to the number oi their names , from twtntie yeere old and abouc, allthat we-nttothewarre: 43 The number of thcra *ίβ> ofthe tribe ί£ Naphtali.t^prf/ three and fiftie thoufand , and fonre hundreth. 44 Thefearethe n fumraes which Mofes, and Aaron numbred.and the Princes uflfrael.the twelue men which were euery one for the houfc "Cftheir fathers. 4 jT So thii was all the fumnw ofthe fonnes of Ifrael , by the lioufes of their fathers from twenty yeere old and abouc , all that went to the warre in Ifrael, 4.6 And all they were in number fixe hundreth and three thoufand fiue hundreth and fiftie. 47 But the Leuites, after the tribes of their fa- thers were not numbred among g them. 48 For the Lord had fpoken vmo Mofes , and fayd. 49 Onely thou flialt not number the tribe of Leui .neither take the fummeof them among the children of Ifrael: y ο But thou ihalt appoint the Leuites ouer the Tabernacle ofthe Teftimony , and ouer all the in- ftruments thereof, and ouer all things that belong! to it : they lliall beare the Tabernacle, and all the inftruments thereof, and fliall minifter in it , and ihall t dwell rouHd about the Tabernacle. 11 And when the Tabernacle goethfoorth, the Leuites fliall take it downe : and when the Ta- bernacle is to be pitched , the Leuites ihall fet it vp :for thefiftranger that cummethneere,lhall^whofoeii« be ilaine. 5i2 Alfo the children oflfraelfliall pitch their tents euery man in his campe , and euery man vn- der his ftanderd throughout their armies. ί 3 But the Leuites liiall pitch round about the Tabernacle ofthe Teftimoiiie.leaft vengeance » come vpen the Congregation of the children of Ifrael , and the Leuites lliall take the charge of the Tabernacle ofthe Teilimonie. f 4 So the children of Ifrael did according roi all that the Lord had commanded Mofes ; lb did they. CHAP. IT. » Tli orieroftht Ttxt», end lie n,tmtt of the €dtf6e Eliafaph the fonne of y Deuel : 1 y And his hoafte and the number of them were fiue and fortie thonfand.fixe hundreth and fiftie, 16 All the number of the campe of Ruben vvtre an hundreth and one and fiftie theufand, and foure hnndredi and fiftie according to their armies , and they iliall fet foorth in die fecond place, 17 ^ Then the Tabernacle of the Congrega- tion ihall goe with the hoafte of the Leuites , in the «raids of the campe as they haue pitched, fo ihall they goe forward, eiiery roan in his order, o«" nd"uiudif- according to their ftanderds. fereitiyhiue It- 1 8 ί * The ftanderd ofthe campc of Ephraim couifetheievmo. 7<>4^ 6e toward the Weft according to their .ir- ί Btciufe Ephra- ; mjgs . 3^^^ jj^g captainc ouer the fonnes of Enhra- ^*^ "d "'«ΐ'ί ' imputlibe Eliihama the fonne of Ammihud: lofeph theit fi- 19 And his hoafte and the number of them were fourcie thoufand and fiue hundreth . 'ΛϋΑ: foche* ^° And by him/%«tf^f the tribe of Manaffeh, •'«Γ' '• CHAP. III. ,iyb««d inoidt., f Thtihtnetni oficetftheLtuitts. 'ti. ,; mytht' Lord Jeferxttd the Leuites fcr himfelfe. «i Thnr I number , fiimiUes.aKd enf taints. 40 Thtfirn btrnt ,f • Ifrael uteiefmed by the Leuins. 47 The cutttlui ,i ' redeemed tj nuHty. " 'J' Hefe alio were the a generations of Aaron [a or.familiesani and Mofes , in the day that the Lord fpakc k'l'tds. with Mofes in mount Sinai. 2 So thefe are the names ofthe fonnes of Aa- ron , * Nadab the firft borne , and Abih" , Eleazar, and Ithamar. 3 Thefe are the names of the fonnes of Aa- ron the anoynted Preifts , whom Mofes did * con- fecrate to miniftcr in the Priefts office. 4 * And Nadab and Abihu died I" before the , Lord , when they offered * ftrange fire before the I Lord in the wildernes of Sinai , and had no chil- ) dren : tut Eleazar and Itharanr ferued in the |α1"γ. ! Priefts office in the « fight of Aaron their father. I^i,'."';'• ,„ \ y Then the Lord fpake vnto Mofes . faying, ifX "n/d! : 6 Bring the tribe of Leui , and ''d to the I I the charge ofthe children of Iir.iel to doc the fer- uice ofthe Tabernacle. 9 And thou ilialt giue the Leuites vnto Aa- ron and to his f fonnes j/sr they .ire gipenhim ^ freely from among the children of Ifrael. ,] __ xo And thou Ihalt appoint Aaron and hisiin the sandhiat^" fonnes to execute dieir Priefts office : and the >» P-'T^ng f or the ε ftrangcr that commeth neere, ihallbe ilaine. ftc,^fiV,''^h!'Le! 11 ί Alfo the Lord fpake vnto Mofes , fay- niteifen'iedfoi ing, the infcrionc vfej 1 2 Behold, I haue euen t.iken the Leuites from "f''''f'"*• ,. among the children of Ifrael : for all the fiiftl^?nli"oTbi'Lj borne that openeth the roatrice among thechil-jaLenite. dren of Ifrael, and the Leuites fliallbe mine, ; I I .] Becaufe all the firft borne are mine : for the I fame day .that I fmote all the firft borne in the! land of Eg)'pr, * I fandified vnto mee all the fiift borne in Ifrael .both man and beaft ; mine IhalJ they be : I am the Lord. 14 ί Moreoiier , the Lord fpake vnto Mofes in the wilderneife of Sinai, faying, I y Number the children of Leiii after the houfes of their fathers , in their families : euery male from a moneth olde and aboue llialtthou number. 16 Then Mofes numbred them according to• the word of the Lord ,ashe was commanded. 1 7 And thefe were the fonnes of Leiii by theit names , ■" Gerilion. .ind Kohath, and Merari. » g,^ ^ , , \% Alfo thele are the n.imes ofthe fonnes ofi.ti.ii^^.'is'/^. ' Gerihonby theirfamilies : LibniandShimei. i.itw.., «,.(»(» " 19 The fonnes alfo ofKohathby theirfami-!*3•*• lies ; Amram and Izehar, Hebron, and Vzziel . 2Q And the fonnes of Merari by theirfami-' lics : Mahli and Mulhi, Thefe are the families of G 2 Leui, Aironsfsnr.es ithe PrieRil'eriitd jt,i».i«.»3 I o»,/artir, i Tlle'r charge yfjs to cjiit tile ceueniigs, and hir.giTigs of the libtmade. es. Nambsfs. and tlieir offices» Leui , according to the hoiifes of their fethers. 2 1 Of Gerihon came the family of the Libnites and the family of the Shimcices ; thefc are the fa- inilies oftheGerlhonites. , , 1 22 The fumme whereof ( '^ after the number *h« julli chSL*?!' of all the males from amoneth okleandaboue) was counted feuen thoufand and fine hundreth, i^ f The families of the Gerihonites ihall pitch behinde the Tabernacle WeftwarJ. 24 The captaine and |] ancient of the houfe of the Gerllionites fiaUie Eliaiaph the I'onne of jLael. 25 And the charge cfthelbnnes of Gerihon I in the Tabernacle ot the Congregation ,βαΐώβ iithc i Tabernacle , and the pauilion , the couering [thereof , and the vaile of the doore of the Taber- nacle of tlie Congregation, 26 And the hanging of the court, and the vaile of the doorc of the court which is neere the Ta- bernacle, and neerc the Altar round about, and the cords of it for all the feniice thereof. 27 f And of Kohath cajve the family of the i Aroramites ,and the family of the Izeharites, and j the family of the Hebronitcs , and the familic of the Vzzielites : thefe are the families of the Ko- bathites. 28 The number of all the males flom amo- neth olde and aho\xc,vvas eight thoufand and f^xtt hundreth , hauing the k charge of the Sanduarie . I 2,9 The families of the ibnnes of Kohath Ihall \ pitch on the South fide of the Tabernacle. 30 The captaine and ancient of the houfe "t'>ena**,; di;eth threefcore and fiue/if/^f/•», after the ihekeli^'"""• of the Sanduarie. 9 ,jf i J I And Mofes gaue the money of them that ψκ*' were redeemed . vnto Aaron and to his fonnes ac- λ - ^.:. cording to the word ofthe Lord , as the Lord had ''^ commanded Moles. CHAP. IV, iTtitfficntflitli«itrt.xitnihfiojfitrtmctuii, 4< Tif Λκmί,r,fιhtlimf^mi!l•sofKt:bMb, Ο/τβ,ι,, ^ni /Mir*i. ANd the Lord fpake vnto Moles , and to Aa- ron, faying, \ 2 Take the fumftie of the fonnes of Kohath! from among the fonnes of Leui, after their fami- lies, «siihouies of their fathers. 3 From " thirtie yeere old and aboue, euen vntillfiftie yeere olde, all thatenteriHiotheai-iatamonuhol fembly to do the worke in the Tabernacle ofthe Γ*"" ''''?»>'«'« Congregation. Κ'ηίχΓ,Γ a** 4 This fiialibe the office ofthe fcnnes of Ko-M«>eoJd when'" hath in the Tabernacle of the Congrcgaticnh'yw^appoin- 4*e«itheholieftofal!. feb™ucu*"'''d y Τ when the hoafteremooueth.then Aaron [30 )'«'ieO)de'o" and his fonnes iball come and take downtb the ^taie the but- couering vaile ,and Ihall cou(;r the Arkcof thei''""^"^''"^»- ' Teftimonie therewith. . Lw^'.h diuided 6 And they lliall put thereon a couering oflhe sanitt.ary frem badgers skinnes , and ihalFfpread vpon it a cioaih r" '=<Ί;<η of all. altogether of blcwe filke , and put toe the barresf o^^jJIit aoui"" thereof: Wets to caiy it ; foi 7 And vpon the "i^ table of fliew irirt Exc/,s,\,^- d Meanisg,! a The lem'ctj wen nambied jf•. 'Jttrthiee forts, fitd ' ilie be there on continualhr. i And theyftiallipreadvpoftihepaacQiieringf*' : ihc bical. fteLcuitei officer. ' cbfir. Their families niimbfed. fi indoiicnijhi. of skarlct , and CoiWi the fami with a coueting of Ρ which is neire tlie Tabernacle and neere the al- ^^.^^ ^^^^ badgers skinnes.and put to the barres thereof. tar round about, with their coaids : and all the on.pin-cd'k'olh 9 Then they IhaU take a cloath of blew filke, ' inftruments for their feruice, and all that is made and couer the * candlefticke of light with his for them : fo ihall they lerue. lampes.andhis lhufFers,*jndhisfnuffediflie$,and : 27 Ac the commandement of Aaron and his all the oyle veffels thereof, which they occupie fonnes Ihall all the furuice of the fonnes of the about t. Gerlhonites be done , in all their charges and in 10 So they fliall put it, and all the jnftniments 1 all their fcniice , and yec iliall appoint them to thereof in a couering of badgers skinncs , and put ' keepe all their charges . e-rteEbew it vpon the» barres. ^0 This is the feruice of the families of the word fignifitth in ^ ^^ ^j^^ vpon the golden f altar they fliall fonnes of the GerAionites in the Tabernacle of j ί»ο''κ'^«"Ό"' * ipread a clo.ith of-blewlilke, andcoueritwitha the Congregation , and their watch pj-tu^r vnder ' couering of badgers skins , and put to the barres the 1 hand of Ithamar the fonne of Aaron the ^ viid.c!.arge thereof. Prieft. 11 And they fliall take all the inftruments of ; 19 ί Thou ibak number the fonnes of Mc- the miniftcrie , wherewith they minifterinthe ' rarv by their families ,««i by the houfes of their Sanftuaric , and put them in a cloath of blew filke, 1 fathers . and couer them >Tith a couering of badgers 30 From thirtieyeere old and aboue.euenvn- skinnes, and put them on the barres. to fiftie yeere olde fliak thou number thetti , all I ί Alfo they ihall take away the aflnes from ' that enter mto the aflembly.to doe the feruice ot the g altar.and fpitad a purple cloath vpon it, the Tabernacle of the Congregation. 14 And fhall put vpon it all the Jnftniments ?I And this is their office ««» «' «j uineofrhehoafte.afterward the tonnes of Kohath racnis of their off cert«ich.:rge fi»'''«''''T. uing ofrhehoafte, . fliail come to beare it , but they (ball not ' touch any lioly thing leaft they die. This is the charge of the fonnes of Kohach in the Tabernacle of the k which wai of- feted »' motning rtdellening• 33 This is the feruice of the families of the Uhuh y , fonnes of Merary , according to all their ieruice }o *»" chjtgt. in the T.ibcrnucle of the Congregation vnder Conpre'>ation. ^^^ ^'^"'^ "^ Ithamar the fonne of Aaron the 16 i'And to the office of Eleazar the fonne of Tiieft. ,, ^. Aaron the Prieft pertaineth the cyle for the light, , 34 ^ Then Mofes and Aaron and the Princes .nd the*fweete incenfe .and th hdaylymeate ' of the Congregation numbred the fonnes of the offeripg.and the *anoyntingoyl-ffrf^ the oner- , Koathites.by their fellies and by thehouies fieht of all the Tabernacle ,'and of all that there- of their fathers. _ π is . b^th inthe Sanftuarie . and in all the inttru- 3 y From thutie yeere oldc and ^^^0"^ • euen t therec f ' ^'"^o hfcie yeere old , dl that enter into the aflem- raems tne ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ , ^^^^^ ^^^^,^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^^ Tabern.:cle of the Con- ^ i Aaron, laying, /-./•• icemmittiagby ! ^g Ye flwll not 1 cut off the tribe Ot the tami- r«,Sl^hi!r" ' lies of the Kohathites from among the Leuites: th'ngiU «ot well 1 9 But thus do vnto them that they may hue wrapped, andfo ancl not die . when they come neere to the mott 37 ,,,r -irri . .he/Jy.'oucMng u"? ""hjngs ' let Aaron and his fonnes come and the Kohathites .all that fcruem the Tabernacle, .hereotperi*. J^'^ i^em eucry one to his office.and to his of the Congregation . which Moies and Aaron ^JXtZ ZT^. idid^numberaccojd>ngtojhecommandementof,,^,p^,.,„j OiaUbeaie. . ^^ But let them not goe in . to fee when the • I Sanauarie is folden vp, leaft they die gregation. 3(i So the t numbers of them throughout» ψ'}"'" their families were two thoufand , feuen hundrethi*'"* '' '*""' and fiftie. J Thefe are the mimbers ofthe families of; Mofes I mininct andejft. ji WhicH Wiie receiiied into the company of ihem tkai minifiitd in the Tabeijiaclc of \ theCongiejaiieii. ewhichvaile • hahgtdbetwetne 1 fht Saiiv*!ii!ngt!ie.| vnto them . If any mans wuc * turne to euill, and *■ If Ml. τ 3. J. J Or. in jflAttm » There were ilire maner of lents: of the Lord of the J.enites , and ot th« ifcieliKs * Cf«(.«.3,' v. Commit any SSttliVriUirj'ijr *Ί/*ί« tlfheiid'iJ te whom the vwngis dine, d alio haue no kinfemin,. a Ot.thii >Te- t$d (othe Lo.d, as fi.Rfitiits.&c. Lfxii io.>t. bind of 1 f.Mr.lfiliffi!.!!. wfMo»fifamtyt: commit a trefpaile againft him, 13 So th It another man lie with her ReCtuy., and it be hid from the eyes of her husband , and Kept clofe. Slid yet (he be defiled , and there be no %»ijtncire, againft her , neither.lhei^takcn with the maner, 14 t'Ifhebemooittdwitha ielousminde.fia tlwt.heJsiglQHs,ouer.his wifc,^icbi i$defil^^d,or if he haue a ielous mind , fo that he is iclous onei his wife, which is not defiled, I jT Then ihall the man bring his wife to the Prieft, and bring her offering with her, the tenth •part of an Ephah of barley meale , hut he fhall not powre f oyle vpon it, nor put incenfe thereon for it is an offering of ieloufie , an offering for a iemerabrance,caliing the fmae to gminde. 1 6. And the Prieft il.all bring her , and fet he before the Lord. 1 7 Then the Prieft fi-all take 5i the holy vatc. inan earthen veflell ,and of the duft that is in the floore of the Tabernacle, eue» the Prieft fliall take it and put it into the w.iter. 1 8 After the Prieft (Lall fet the woman before the Lord, and vncouerthe wcmans head, and put thu offering of the memoriall in bet hands ; it is the ielouile offering.andrhe Prieft AmU haue bit- ter and i curfed water in his hand, 1,9 And the Prieft flviU charge her by an oathe 3nd fay vnto the woman , If no man haue lien with thee , neither thou haft turned to vncjean- nefie from thine husband,be free from this bitten and curfed water.. 20 But if thou haft, turned from thine huf- band , and fo art defiled, and fome man h-ith lien with thee befides thine husband, 21 (Then the Prieft ftall charge the woman with an oathe of curling , and the Prieft (hall fay vnto the woman:) The Lord m^ke thee to be liaccurfed^and deteftable for the oathe among the people, and the Lord caufe thy thigh to trot.and thy belly to fwell: • 2.2 .And that this curfed water may goe into thy bowels, to caufe thy belly to fwell, and tliy thigh to rot. Then the woman flaall aiifwere, 'Amen, Amen. 23 After, the Prieft (hall write thefe curfes in a booke , and fl-iall >" blot them out with the bit- ter water, 24 And iliaU caufethe woman to drinke the bitter and curfed water, and the curfed wateriwr •nei into bittemefte ih Ί1 enter \mo her. 2 f Then the Prieft fhall take the ieloufie ofTe. ring out of the wom-ns hand , and (liall ihake the offering before the Lord , and offer it vpon the altar. i6. And the Prieft fl->alltai^e free from finne , but this woman (hall beare her iniciuitie. C Η A P. V I. » n, hta ifne eonftcHtifntf tUH.il*nlu. »+ Tie »M»a»r f Onely in t!>^ (iniieomingani his cffiringefu leiifie were nei- ther 05 ]e η or in- fe offited. . -^ g Or.mai r J the" '"niif kiowea, and lOt paging it. ; Which alfo is calitd tlic vvatet Chap. ng. teadt was fe ca'Jel byiheefFefl.be- "fe ii declared the woman to be accsifed.andinr^ »ed to hei dcHH. (ftion, k Bothbicairfe had commit- ted fo ha inoiiu fault, and tVefwa:» herfelfeinden/. < ing the fame. I t Eir.tof^U. i That is, be it fo,. asthou wiOiefl, ' ' as Pfal.41 13. j m Shall wit thV' cufies,*hith'jrt' written, into the water in ib( vefleU. ' η where the'in «enfe was offered, vponfiifpition , in not be tcprooutd» Of theNaz itite ] and his 1 ihemftliics {com ihc woild.jiul ilcdicAcd ihent- fdiet to God: «(hich figiu* vf It •icainpliOicd ia t As Μ fc«riil»/M c In thit Jiefofli- irthishiittto jTOw,he fignifiei thic hewMConfe- -/»/i//ir vnto the Lord , he IhalJbe holy , and ihall let the locks of die haire of his head grow, 6 During the time that hee feparateth him- felfe vnto the Lord , hee fliali come at do b dead bodie: 7 He ihall iiot make himfelfe vncleane at the death of his father or mother , brother , or fifter: for the confecration of his God is vpon< his head. i All the daycs of his fepaiationliee ll:allbe ί holy to the Lord. I *9 And if iny die fuddenly by him , or he be- 4 whfihloiighsira ware .then the ^ head of his confecration fliallbe i» » ffjneihit heii| defiled ^ .nd ^^ f^ajj fl^u^ ^^5 head in the day of 4 '^'*•" '• °'^* ihis cleanfing: in the feucmh day he ύαϊΐ ihaue it. 10 And in the eight day nc ihall bring two turtles , or two yong pigeons to the Pricft , at thedoore of the tabernacle of the Congregation. ■I I Then tlie Prieft Ihall prepare the one for a finne offering , and the other for a burnt offering, and Ihall make an atonement for him, becaufe he finned by « the dead : lb Ihall he hallowhisheaJ the fame day. I ζ And he fl-.all f confecrate vnto the Lord the dayes of his reparation , and lliall bring a lambe of a yeere olde for a trefpafle offering , and the firft g dayes ihallbe void : for his confecration was defiled. 13 Τ This then is the laweoftheNszarite: when tlie time ofhis conlecration is out.he ihall come to the doore of the tabernacle of the Con- gregation. 14 And he ihall bring his oflering vnto the Lord , an heelambe of ayeere olde without ble- milh , for a burnt offering , and a fliee lambc of a yeere old without blcmilh, for alinne offring, and a ram without blemilh.for peace oflferings, 1 5• And a basket of N^nleauened bread , of •* cakes of fine noms, mingled with oy!e, and wa- fers of ynleauened bread anointed with oyle.with their meate.offring,aiid their drinke offerings : 16 The which the Prieft ihall bring before the Lord , and make his fin offering and his burnt offering. 1 7 Hee iliall prepare alfo the ram for a peace oflering vnto the Lord , with rhe basket of vnlea- •iiencd bread , and the Prieft iliall make his meate oflering.snd his drinke oflering. 18 And * the Nazarite fliaJl fhaue the head '* ofhis confecration at thedoore of the Taber- nacle of the Congregation.and ihall take the haire of the head of his confecration, and ' put it in the fire which is TOticr the peace offering. 19 Then the Prieft Ihall take the foddenfhoul- der of theramme , and an vnloauencd cake out of the basket, and a \^afer vnlcaucned, and jw them VL^U, offeripg^ The^i^ices gSiiigsT after hee hath vpon the hands of the Nazarite fl-.auen his conlccr-.tion. 20 And the Prieft fliall ■•' (liake them to inc fVo before the Lord : this is an holy thing for the Prieit II befide the fiiaken breaft , and bei'idts the j Or,»;,» 4< ir,/, beaue Ih.oulder : fo afterwand the Nazarite may drinke wine. 2 1 This is the law of the Nazarite,which hee hath vowed, Λβύί ofhis offering vnto the Lord for his confecration ,* befides that that he is able to ' bring : according to tlv; vow which he vowed, fo , Ihedoi' ■ ■ -■ - I lliain It Atttttltidhl O-.all doc this, it after the law ofhis confecr.tion. ' ^Vmc«! "^^ 22 f And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes.faying, 23 Speake vnto Aaron and to his fontics, fay- ing . Tiius ilwll ye I bleflb the children of Ifrael, and fay vnto them , 24 The Lord bleife thee.and keepe thee. 2 5Γ The Lord make his face ftinevponthee, and be mercifull vnto thee, 26 ths Lord lift vp his countenance vpon thee.and giue thee peace. 27 So they Ihall put m.y"> Naiiie vpon the children of Ifrael.and I will blefle them. 1 rtit ii.ersy for iktni,E(cIii(.3<.i7 m Τίι»5τΛιΠ•ρη^ '» "iy Nwnt iot tbcnw : Bybtingpttrent -..ihiiechedead t EiginnAg >t the "i tight da^ >»««" he: 'IbcgwWtvew I» lf5^ * Alh.*i.u• ft Is tclun til» kisTOvriltadtd. f Foiihehaiicl «riifch was «enft- «ilic-toihe Lord, might not k« (lit iaioinyftr^aiK j C Η A P. νϊΐ. I 2 The heads tr princtt eflfrml cffir at Ihtftltint-vt ,f the Tubexntcte. lo Ani μ the iU.catita ,f the At. j Mr. ij Gtiffe»ktthtt Mefesfimihi Mettie-fette. 1 j "^Ow when Mofes had finifhedthefettingvpl ! •"^cf the Tabernacle , and ■•• anointed itand fsn-i» EmU^ ] ftified it , and all the inftruments thereof, and the i altar with all the fl inftruments thereof , and had ! anointed them,and fcndtificd them, 2 Then the n princes of Ifrael, heads ouer the I houfcs of their fathers , (they were the princes of the tribes , who were ouer them that were niun- jbred) oftled, 3 And brought their offring before the Lord, fixe * couered cn."rets,and twehie oxen: one cha- ret for two princes , andforeuery one an oxe , and they offred them before the Tabenrcle. 4 And the Lord fp^ke vnto Moles , faying, y Take thefe of them , that they may be to do thc''feruice of the Tabernacle of the Congrega-1 xhjtis.toor» tion , and thou flialt gitie them vnto the Leuites, ' - " to euery man according vnto his office. 6 So Mofes tookc the charets and the oxen, and gaue them vnto the Leuites, 7 Two ch rets and fourc oXen he gaue to the fonnes of Gerlhon , according vnto their *Of-^ Fetifieii»fii• fice. 8 And foure charetsandeight oxen he gaue to the fonnes of Merari , according vnto their of- fice , vnder the hand of Ithamitr die fonne of Aa- ron the Prieft. » 9 But to the fonnes of Kohath he gaue none, : «^becaufe the charge of the Sanduary belonged il Tie lielyAi»|i to uvtm , which they did beare vpon rto'r ihuiil- jof the s»nAuiiy ders. ' "*■ "*■" io C The princes alfo offered in the * dedica- tion for the altar in the day that it was anointed: then the princes offered their offering before the altar. 1 1 And the Lord faid vnto Mofes,One prince one day .and another prince another day , Ihall offer their offeing , for the dedicuion of the al- ii Or,».//f, I Ot,uft»i»n^ a LilehoTllittttJ, Ό kitpihe things Jiat xtttt caiitd ia hcmbemwcaiiiei. hingt and Raftt :v>T>u'>. iin be citicd vp- Ί Oiouldc» I dranCB ith (MtvohiilIocks,fi«e! rammes.fiue hee goats,fi«c lambes of a yeere old: t this was the oft'ering of Shelumiel thefonne of Zuriihaddai, i. . . . , 42 ί The fixt day Π Eliafaph the fonae of De- "^i^' ^*"•* •** uel prince of the children of Gad «jfefii. 43 Hisofferingft'rfJafiluerchargerofanhun- dreth and thiity fxkel' weight, a iiluer bowle οβ feuenty fliekels , after the (hekel of the Sanituary,' both full of fine floure , mingled with oyle , for 3; meate offering, 44 A golden inctnfi cupof ten/"/!ieiiif/.i,fullof ■incenfe, • ϊ 4 Τ A yong bullocke, a ram, a lambe of a yeere' oldfora burnt oflFring, ; 46 An hee goarfor a finne offering, j 47 And for a peace offering , two bullockes, I fiue rammes,fiue hee goats, hue lambes of a yeerej olde : this was the offering of Eliafaph tlie ίοιιηβ; of Eteuel. 48 ί The feuenth day i| Elifhama the fonne |,;^_«5*'^i»f of Aramind prince of the children of Ephraira ' " " " offered. 49 His offering was a fiiuer charger of an htrn- dreth and thirty fjelie/s weight , a fiiuer bowie of feuenty ibekels , after the ihekel of the Saiiduary, both full of fine floure , mingled with oyle , for a meat offering, ro A golden incenft cup of ten piekf It , {all of inccn'e, f y I A yong bullockc , a ram, a lambe of a yeerei old for a burnt offering, '■_ f 2 An hee go-u for a finne ofiering, 53 And for a peace offring, [wobiidockes,fiue rammes, fiue hec goats.fiue L-mbes of a yeere old: this was the offering of Eliihama the fonne of AmiTiiud. ' 5•4 f The eight day ojfsred (| G.imliel the fonne of Pedazur , prince of the children of Manaf- feh. Τ y His offering vvits.a fiiuer charger of an hun-, dreth and thirty //;f;^f/i weight , a fiiuer bowle of leuenty (hekcls. after the ihekel of the Sanduary, both frll of fine floure , mingled witii oyle , for a meat oft'ering, S6 A goiden incenfe cup o{tenfhel((/i ,ίιύΐο^ incenfe, 5: 7 A yong buUocke , a ram, a lambe of a yeere old for a burnt offering, \ J 8 An hee goat for a finne offering, f 9 And for a peace offering, two bullocks,fitie rammes , fiue hee goats , fiue lambes of a yeere olde : this was the offering of Gamliel thefonne ofPedazur. 60 f The ninth day j Abidan the fonne of l.'^*•'**''»!•' Gideoni prince of the children of Beniamin »f- :^ ' "' femi. 61 His offiingT/tia/ a fiiuer charger of an hiiri-l dreth and thirty f^ek^O weight , a liluer bowle of feuenty ibekels, .iftcrthe ihekel of the Sariduary, both full of fine lioure, mingled with oyle , for ; a meate offering, ; 6 ζ A golden incenfi cupof tenP;i%^,full(rf'! incenfe, | 6^ A yong bullocke , a ram , a lambe of a yeere ί old for a burnt offering, 64 An hee goat for a finne offering, ; , ο J And for a peace offring , two bullocks, fioe Hie offtting pf Gamliel, ^^^Ρ^»^ί people onracl. rr The ο{Γ€ΐφ»8 «f Abictti. fTheoftenniof Tieiel , or Phe- Cfeaf Vlil. The offering of the U. fixty, t-he hec goates iixt ic, the Umbcs of a.ycere oide lixtic:this was the dcdicitiui df the Ahal after that it wjs S nnointed. j 8p And when Moles went intotheitabemJf Ks*"),» cle of the Congregation to ijOske with God , bee! ίύ.Λαι/.. .• heard the vcyce of cne Ipcakingvntuhim from' the Merci-feat , that was vpon the Arke of the Te and he CHAP. VIII. > Tht nieY tftSeJamfs. β The fuiifjingmatjftiat the Zeuitef. i^ The age tf the Letumnhemkej ( ticeiHiit»feiutsc , Λκά veken the} ate iifmijei, A Ndthc Lordfpake vnto.Mofes.kying, ■**• 2 Speake vnto Aaion , «nd fay vntohir . when clioii lighteft thelarapes . the fcucn iampes IhsJl giue light toward the » forefront of the Can dlefticke. 3 And Aaron did fo \ t Tlii«fte^'Bg*f ranwnes , fiue hee goates ,fiue lambeS of a ytere oIde:this was the offering of Abidarj.the.lonne of Gideoni. 66 f The tenth day fl Ahiezer the fonne of Ammiihaddai , prince of the children of Dano/- ftred. 67 His offering t-wa/ a fiJiier charger of an hiin- _^ ._ dreth end thirty //jei^/i weight , a liluerbcwJe of j ftimony ί betweeBcthetwoChenibims feuenty ihekels.after the Aiekel of the Sandiury, [ fpake vnto him. both nill of fine floure , mingled with oyle , for a meate offering, , 6% A golden iwre»/* cup of tcn/i*y^/i, full of incenfe, 69 A yoDg bullocke, a ram , a lambc of a yeeie old for a burnt offering, 70 An hee goat for a finne offering, 71 And for a peace oftring , two bullocks, fine rammes , fiue hee goates , fiue lambes of a yeere olde:this was tbeofteringof Ahiezer theicnne ofAramilhaddai. 72 ί The eleuenthdiv jPagielthefonneof ■..Gcran , prince of the children of hihex effcred, 75 His ofli ing vvat a iiluer charger of an hua- 'dreth and thirty /);e%// sveight , a filner bowle of ifeuenty lhekels,after the Ihekel of the Sanftuary, both full of fine floure , mingled with oyle , for a I meate offering, 1 74. A golden /«fwy^ cupoften/7ii%/^, fuUof j -incenfe, 7r Ayongbullock,arara, alambc ofayeere olde for a burnt offering, ■76 An hee goate for a finne offering, 77 And for a peace offering, two buUocks.fiue rams, fine hee goats , fiue lambcs of a yeere olde; i this was the offring of Pagiel the lonne of Ο- Ι cran. ί 78 < The twelfth day || Ahira the fonnc of E- . nan , prince ofthe children of Naphtaliojfirii. 79 His oflring Z'i'iw a filiicrclwrgerofan hun ^ i AfCirdingaili» hid piomiltd. E-Noa.ii.ij, lighting the Ismpcs si^iniil•» t>rdlt. thereof toward the forefront of the CandleiUcke, as thcLord had commanded Moles. 4 ' And this was the workc of the Cindlcfticke, tuen of gold beaten cut with the hammer , both the fliaft , and the flower thereof* was beaten oui with the hammer : ^ according to the p^ternc which the Lord had fliewed λ5ο1ε$ , fo made hee the Candlefticke. y ί And tlie Lord fpake vnto Mofes, fay ing^ 6 Take the Liuites from among the children of Ifrael, and purifie them, 7 And thus ilialt thou doe vnto them , when thou piirifieft them , Sprinkle ' w.utr of purifica- tion vpon them , and let them fliaue all their fieili and waih their cloathes.-fo they liiall be cleane. 8 Then they fliall takeayong bullock with his meate offering of fine floure , mingltd with; oyle , and .nother yong bullocke (halt thou take for a finne offering 9 Then thou Ilialt bring the Leuites before the >ToiliJtpir wfiich is ontr (lKkt,Ixod.ts,37, b Ard jior f«i re• geihitofdiuii» piCMI, c In Efcrew ft J» tilled the vractr of fir.ne, bjtjufc made (o i purge fifliK, aj Chap.i,,,. dreth end thirty /Jji^f A weight, a filuer bowle of = Tabernacle of the Congregation, and aflenible feuenty ihekels, after the Ihckel of the Sanftuary both full of fine floure , mingled with oyle , for ] a me are offering, j 80 A gosdtn inctnfe cup oittnfhckels , full of [ incenfe, 'i 8 1 A yong bullocke, a ram, a lambc of a yeere \ old for a burnt offering, i ^ 2 An hee goate for a finne offering, I 85 And for peace offerings , two bullockes, | fiue rammes.fiue hee goits,fiue lambes of a yeere ' olde , this was the offering of Ahira the fonne of ; Enan. • 84 This was the ί dedication of rheAltir by I |iiiiice.s when Atl the princes cf Ifi-acl, when it wf the cfoudi.' tht 'rftatlifti 1 8 And Τ haue taken the Leuites for all the j -firft borne of the children of Ilrael, i 19 Ana haue ginen the Leuites as a gift vnto I Aaron , and to his fonnes from among the chil- i drenof Ilrael.to doethe feruice of the g children ; of Ifrael in the Tabern.icle of the Congregation, j and to make an atonement for the children of ΤΓ- j raei , that there be no plague among the chil- I dren of Ifrael , when the children of Ilrael come h Beciur* tht L«. neere vnto the '« Sandluary, «lites goeiate the ^ ^o f Then Mofes and Aaron and all the Con- sanAiary « theic ; .^^gtion of the children of Ifrael did with the i ' ; Leuites , according vnto all that the Lord ha I I commanded Mofes concerning the Leuites : fo i did the children of Ifrael vnto them, ) 2 1 So the Leuites were purified , and wailied j their c loathes, ahd Aaron offered them as a iliake |offoring before the Lord , and Aaron made an at- jonement for them.to purifie them, j 2z And after that, went the Leuites in to doe their feruice in the Tabernacle of the Congrega- i !a their prifiMf^ tion , ' before Aaron and before his fonnes : as the Lord had comrannded Mofes concerning the Le- ti-ites.fo they did vnto them. a3 f And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes.faying, 24 This dli'a oelon^eth to the Leuites : from fine and twentie yeere old and vpward, they iLall d And nnaM* tome where th» TibernKle is, when oihect i;t«f| (β tciuc them. •δ SuchoSfc ji -waspainefiiU,» coJ)care burchcnc snd fiichlike. 1 in fi-ngiaig pralmes.inBrna. ing. coiir.felli'ig end>eepiiigthc «hingt in order, 43 j.Ct^.Jl.id. t)nit.t*.t. / ϋίΐίΙ.Ιί.ί. Λ Etien in 1ΙΓ «ointsnthe tori MthinRicutcdic. Ii flytenthingi «erps.ot being «I i^e kntiaU, iJie PalTcoiier the fstitEtcnthdiyof 4<&taaiOBtch, goein , to execute f/)fiV office in this feruice of I fire vntiil morning. 9 And the Lord (pake vnto Mofes , faying, 10 Speake vnto the children of Ifrael, and fay, If any among you , orof yourporteritielliiillbe vncleme by the reafon of a corps . or be in a long iourney , i he ihall kcepe the Paiteoucr vnto the Lord, 1 1 In the fourteenth day of the * fecond rao- neth at eiien they Ihall keepe it: with vnleaucned bread.andfowfehearbes Ihall they eate it, e s 0 that the va- ■I ζ They Ihall leaue none of it vnto the mor- «ΐ«>η«. ini the| ning , * nor breake any Ijone of it according to all t'l^'"^°J^^l the ordinance of fhePaffeouer (hail they keepe it. moneth lonjei I ί But the m^n that is cleane and is not in a granted vat» * iourney .and is negligent to kcepe the PaiTeoucr, '^*^; . the fame ped'on Ihili be cnt off from his people; \f,in',,'*f* ' becaufe he brought not the offering of the Lord if when'the paift- in his due feafon , that man ihall beare his 8 finne, '^" " "^'i"'"*« 14 And if a ftranger dwell among you.and wild p/4^''/,'',V ** keepe the Pafleoiier vnto the Lord, as the ordi- ' nance of the PalVeouer , and as the maner thereof it , fo rtiallhe do : * ye ihall haue one l^w both for * ^'■'*>*'i the ftranger , and for hva that was borne in die fame land. ly f * And when the Tabernacle was reared *^^^*e,J4i'. vp ,a cloud couered the Tabernacle, >i<»»i!?/y, thei Tabernacle of the Teftimony : andaieuen there ^LuejpiUir, was vpon the Tabernacle , as the g appeiy:ance of |««a4e i*<>i.i,n ■the Tabernacle of the Congregation 2 5• And after the age of fiftie yeeres.they ihall ceafe from executing the ^ office , and iliall ferue no more. 26 But they (liall minifter 1 with their brethren in the Tabernacle of the Congregation , to keepe things committed to their charge , but they iliall j doe no feruice ; thus ihalt thou doe vato the Le- uites touching their.char^es. CHAP, 16 So it was alway : the cloud couered it iy j &tjf,ma the appearance of fire by night. 1 7 And when the cloud was taken vp from the Tabernacle , then afterward the children of Ifrael iourneyed : and in the place where the cloud abode , there the chikken of Ilrael pitched their rents, r8 At the t commandcment of the '• Lord the children of Ifrael iourneyed, and at the cora- manderaent of the Lord they pitched : as long as the cloud abode vpon theTabernacle,* they t lay ftiU. 19 And when the cloud taried ftill vpon the Tabernacle a Ion» time , the children of Ifrael kept the > watch or the Lord, and iourneyed not. - , ^ . . , , 20 So when the cloud abode t a fewedayes fecond yeere.after they were come eutofthe land J vpon the Tabernacle , they abode in their tents of Egypt.fay uig, ^,, ,^ „ ,- , ! according to the commandement of the Lord: for , ^^ ί?'ί "^^, °^. "^' • . . '^'*^^'"" ti^ey iourneyed at the commandement of the the * Pafleouer at the time appointed therevnto. Lord. 3 In the fouretcenth day of this moneth at i ^ i ' And though the cloud abode vpon the Ta- *euen,ye ihall keepe it in his due feafon : accor- ; bcrnacle from euen vnto the morning , yet «/the dang to a all the ordinances ofit.and according 10 j cloud was taken vp in the morning , then they iourneyed: whether by day or by night the cloud % Tht fjJPfurr it nmm»»dii jj Hn, that kiftlt «I tie Ραβ,,ν,η IfrjtUttttirau^h tht tfiUtrnrff>, IX. \ 15 T*f W»<«(c.7i*tfi(iltf I Δ Nd the Lord fpake vnto Mofes in thewil-l dcrneffe of Sinai , in the firft moneth of the f Ei'. **«(»; h who taught rhem whit to dot yiheiloude, ς• * I.CiMO, t, \ Btr. utnfiiy They wai'ted ' when the Lord obU fignifi^ ei. ther thtitdepit- ntt , or ihcrrabodi )y the doude. nuntitr. ' all the ceremonies thereof ihall ye keepe ir. 4 Then Mofes fpke vnto doe children of If- rael.tocelebrate the Paffeouer. y And they kept the Paffeouer in the foure- teenth day of the firft moneth at euen in the wil- derncffc of Sinai : according to all that the Lord had commanded Mofes, fo did the children of Il- iac J. 6 f And certaine men were defiled * by a dead man , that they might not keepe the Paffeo- uer the Cime day : and they came before Mofes and before Aaron the fame day- 7 And thofe men fayd vnto him, We are defi- led by a dead man : Wherefore arc we kept backe that we may not * offer an offringviuo the Lord iti the time therevnto appointed araony the chil- dren of Ifrael» 8 ThenMofes fayd vnto rhem.Stand ftiII,aiKl 1 will heare what the Lord will command con- was taken vp.then they iourneyed 22 Or if the cloud taried two dayes,or a mo- HCtli.or a yeere vpon theTabernacIe abiding ther on,the children ©f Ifiael*abode ftill.and ioumey-i ed not: but when it was taken vp.they iourneyed.!* ^^'"^■^°'}*Λ7\ 23 At the commandement of thft Lord they pitched , and at the commandement of the Lprd they iourneyed.keepin» the watch of the Lord at the commandement of the Lord by thtjlihahd of Mofes. C Η A P, X, > The n/fe of iht flutt Irttmptts. n Tht Ifttlelitu df part fitm Sin»,, ιψ Tit cxptninti »/ (if hmflt Art numhrid. )o Hti»l jifuftth f gtt with Mtfti hit fmne in /λ». A Nd the Lord I'pake vnto Mofes, faying, 2 Make thee two trumpets of filuer : of «1 whole piece ihalt thou make them , that then mayeft vie them for theaffembling of the Con- gre^ation,andfor the departure of the carope. 3 And .'/. .», k Vndit the chirg aad g<5Her)iem«iit ei Mofei, a Oi,*f w*rl« beatcttontwidi ihthMUBtf• flliccam rteth. Chaf.XI. 3 And vhcn they ftall blow wnhthem, all tlie Congrcgatio fr.all aiieir.blc to thee.btfore the dcoie c(d\t Tabernacle of the Congregation. 4 But it" ikcy blow with cne , then the Prin- ces, er heads oner the thuukndsof llriclfi-iall come vnto thee. 5 But if yec blow an alarme , then the campe of them that pitch on the ^ Eaft pan , ihall goe forward. 6 If ye blow an akrme the fccond time , then the hoaft of them that lie on the* South fide, fl%tll maich -.for they Itall blow an alarrae when they icrooone. 7 But in the aifembling the Congregation, ye (liall blow without an alamie, g And the fonncs of Aaron the Prieft ihall * blow the trumpets , and ye fhall haue them as a 'aw for eucr in your generations. ρ And when ye goe to warre in your land a- gainft the enemie that vexeth yoti.yee il.all blow an akrme with the trumpets , and ye Ihall be re- membred before the Lord your God , and fliall be faued from your enemies. JO Alfo in thediy ofyoure'gladneffe .aniJin jyour feaft dayes, & in the beginning of your mo- 'neths ,ye fliallalfo blow the trumpets |! oner your burnt lacrilices .and otier your psace offerings, that they may be a remembrance for you before your God : 1 am the Lordyom God. II t And in the fccondyeere ,in thefecond moneth ,<»«>« ^oxt of mdihind ihey thai UK vndci bis enfignt. c Mtaning , the liOlUltQiB.(ubt;), ASotliatently tilt Pritfls muft blow Λί tnim- ptts, folong asiht yncnhooduncd. « Whtnytrt- ieycc that G«d kaih rcmooutd any plague. i»rnt fffmnii . i ftqp Sillai t» TfaljiiChap.Jj, The people mi rmurc, ft Jewish all the afpeitinances IMItof. Vfen »tafr fliwildcii. i The Metarites luiGeriboxsitcs. hoaflps according »o their armies : and oner his bain v-oas Ah lexer the ionrt of An miibaddai. %6 And (ΛίΓί :1),- b.rd cf the ti ibf cf the chil. dren of Afi ei was Ρ igichhe I'onnc tf Ocr.n. 27 And oik-r the b nd < ( the ti ibe of ilic chil. drcn cf N" .ph-alifz/a/ /hiiathe fonne of Enan. 28 ^ Tht'e wtfrc the remoouings of the chil- dren of lirael according to their armies, when they marched, 29 Τ After.Mofes faid vnto" Hobab the fonne of Pveuel the Midianite ,thc father in law of Mo- fes,\Vee goe into the place , of which the Lord faid , I will glue it you. Come thcu with vs , and we will doe thee good : for tlw Lord hath promi fed good vnto lirael. 30 And he aiifwered him , I will not goe ; but I will depart to mine iiwne countrey , and to my kinred . 3 1 Then he faid , I pray thee, leaile vs not : for thoii knoweft oi:r camping places in the wilder- nefle :therefore thou mayeft be t our guide. 3 2 And if thou goe with vs , whit-goodnefle the Lord ft^all ft'.ewe vnto vs , the fame will wee fliew vnto thee, 33 1 So they departed from the " mount of the Lord, three dayes iourney : and theArkeof **^«™,'Sir»«V the couenant of the Lord we.it before them in the three d.iyes iourney , to fearch out a refting piaue for them. 34 And the cloud of the Lord was vpon them by day , when they went out of the campe, 3 r And when the Arke went forward , Mofes faid.+oRife vp Lord,Sc let thine enemies be fcat- tered,anil let them that hate thee.flee before thee, 3^ And when it refted , hee faid , Returne, Ο Lord , to the t many thoiifands of Ifrael, This was the f itt of iheiihoa(£ whtiviKej lemcoi ;.ed, ΤΛ same ihiulie tliai KtiKl, Icihteu Hobr.b. audKcai. U one ^ , Taiih , thiC k' as Icthros laihec : lo Hckab was Moles fithet law, look• Exe, S^and 3, 1, and I and it, 1,1a iuijg.4.11. ffe-. t]li VXIf V>t CHAP. The tecpU murmunth, ani is pt. p/elur - ' - - XL ijbed with fire. weakefaithtfMefcs. i« 2he Ltrdituidtdthe kurdei »f Mofes ttfiuemte of tht.Ancitnts. 31 The Lord ft»- deth quaiUs. jj Their ktH is funijbed. γΓ7 Hen the peop.e became t murmurers , i it dilpieafed the Lord , and the Lord heard i;,thercfure his wrath was kindled , and the fire of [t ^*'•" the Lord burnt among them, and * ccnfumcd the vtmoft part of the hoafte. 2 Then the people ciycd vnto Mofes•: and when Mofes prayed vnto the Lord , the fire was quenched, 3 And he called ihenam.c of y pl.-.ce H Tabcra.'i, bccaufe the lire i^f the Lord burnt aniong them, 4 f And a number of»neopIe that was a- mongtl>cm,fc!l a lafting, and ο turned away, and the children of Ifrael alio Wepr , and layd , Who ihall giuc vs fieib to cat* ? ♦ y We remember the filh whichwe did eat in Egypt foi'nonght.tbc cucumbers, ic the {sepons, and t>he leckes , and the onions , and the gariicke, 6 But now oiirfotile is ^diyed away , we can fee nothing but this MAN. 7 (The MAN alio was as + cori..nder feede, and his colour like the colour of « bdelium. - 8 The people went about and gathered , and ground it in milles , cr beat it in morters, and ba- ked it in a ciuldron•, and made cakes cf it.and the tafte of it was like vnto the t-^fte of frefh oyle. ^ 9 And when the dewe fell downe vpon the hoafte m the neight, the MAN felLwithit) [ JO «Γ Then Mofes heard the people wcepei throughoi;t their families , euery m.in in the] dooxe of his.tent,andthe.watUoi the Lord wisi ■ ■ . siieiiouflxj % ^fti «S.I.J. Dccli.fthy might and powee. f Etr. ID cif trcDf li»»/4lidlt»«/i»((it J/ inifl P/-/.7»<*« 3 Cr, t...».>x. Which weie oi lefeHringen thatca.-neeui of Igypt with them, £xod. ia,j9'. b Fiom Cod. c for a rmill price . or good ."leafe. d For ihegTceit*' laAordcOi. £»d.i«.3i. if* is.te. p/:./.7«.»+. ewhiihis a rhite pciile, «»• ecicui iloM« Thefeaentic Eldefifi -^ Numpers. Miriam ftrickentvith leproiS grieuoufly kindled : alfo Mefes was grieued, 1 1 And Moftfs fayd vnto the Lord .Wlieref ore haft thou n vexed thy feruant ? and why haue I Γ Of.,u!tttnm4. not found ffauoiir in thy fight , feeing thou h.ift f ot, wherein hauei puc the charge of all this people vpon i difpleafediheei g Am I iheii fa- ihec, thitnone Imay hane the jeharge of them i• h Of Canaan pte- jnlfed by an oathe to one fathers. ί ihadrlAeidie then to fee my gtiefe ind luifety thiii daily inctesfe b^thtlt lebrllion. It I willdiRiibiiie my fpiritimmig thent , ss I haiie e CO thee- 1 Prepare your fellies thai ye be not vncleane. Haue I ε conceiued all this people ? or • haue I begotten them, that thou fliouldeft fay vn- to me.Cary them in thy bofome ( as a nurfe bea- reth the fuQking childe) vnto the ^ land , for the which thou fwareft vnto their fathers? 13 Where ilibuldlhauefleilitogiue vmoall this people? for they weepe vnto me.faying.Giiie vs flelh that we may eate , 1 14 lara not able to beare all this people a- i lone.for it is too heauie for me. ; I r Therefore if thou deale thus with mee , I I pray thee , if I haue found fauour in thy • light, ikiU'me.that Ibeholdnotmymilery. 16 ί Then the Lord fayd vnto Mofes.Gather vnro mee fenentie men of the Elders of Ifrael, whom thou knoweft , that they are the Elders of the people , and gouernours ouer thera.and bring them vnto the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and let them ftand there with thee, 1 7 And I will come downe , and talke with thee there , ^ nnd take of the Spirit, which is vp- on thee , and put vpon them , and they ihall beare the burthen of the people with thee: fothoulhalt not beare it alone. 1 8 Furtherrnore thou fhalt fay vnto the peo- ple , ^Be fandified againft tomorrow, and ye (hall eate flefli : for you haue wept in the eares of the Lord, faying, Who lliall giue Vs flefVi to eate ? for wc were better in Egypr: therefore the Lord will giue you flelh.and ye ihall eat. 1 9 Ye fliall not eat one day nor two dayes.nor ( fiue dayes , n:ither ten dayes, nor twenty dayes, ; 20 Butawholemoneth ,vntill itcome omat yourno(h*els , and be lorhfome vnto you.becaufe ni or,fM4tti, Vttf, .7. f FremtliMdiy the fpif it of pio- they may eat a moneth long. 22 Shall the Iheepe andthebecuesbe flaine for them to finde them? either IMI all the fiili of the Sea be gathered together for them to fiif- fice them» 23 And the Lord fayd vnto Mofes , Is * the Lords hand iliortened ? thou Ihalt fee now whe- ther my worde ihall come to paife vnto thee, or no. 24 ί So Mofes went out,and told the people the words of the Lord , and gathered leuenty men of the Elders of the people , and let them round about the Tabernacle. 2i Then the Lord came downe in a cloud.and fpake vnto him.and || tooke of the Spirit that w.is vpon him.and put it vpon the feuentie Ancient men :and when the Spiritrefted vpon them, then they prophecied.and did notPceafe. 26 But there remained two of the men in the haafte : the name of the one wat Eidad , and the name of the other Medad , and the Spiritrefted vpon them , (for they were of them that were written, and went not out vnto the Tabernacle) and they prophecied in the hoafte. 27 Then there ranne a young man , and tolde Mofes .and fayd.Eldad and'Medad doe prephecie in the hoafte," 28 And lofhua the fonne of Nan the feruant of Mofes one of hisivonng men anfweredand'9 O' . « yeng m»• fayd , My lord Mofes.» forbid them. :f7n [«!l*h'''"' '""t" 29 But Mofes fi.yd vnto him.Enuieft thou for χ s..ch blind mie my fake : yea, would God that all the Lords peo- was in the Ap»- ple were Prophets , and that the Lord woiilti put i'V • ^"^f-it, his Spirit vpon them. i."ic».++, 30 And Mofes returned into the hoailejie and ■ the Elders of Ifrael. 31 Then there went foorth a winde from the ' Lord . and * brought quailes from the fea.and let * e^g ,,_ ^.^, \ them fall vpon the campe.a dayes iourney on this Pf*i. yt.tt.t/^ fide, and a dayes iourney on the other fide.round about the hoalle.and they vvereahom two cubites aboue the earth. 3 2 Then the people arofe.all that day.and all the night , and all the next day ,and gathered the quailes • he that gathered thelealt , gathered ten ^ Homers full , and they fpread them abroad for f of Homer, tttit their vfe round about the hoafte, Leuit. a?, ./.aii» 33 While the fieili was yet betweene their ^'J'i,'"'''"'' " teeth,before it was chewed,euen the wrath of the ,''^ι''^! T° i'*,^ Lord was kindled againft the people, and the ; ' Lord * fmote the people with an exceeding great ''" Pf*'-7iit\ plague. 34 So the name of the place was called, Β Ki- 3 or, gmuft •//»/» broth-hattaauah : for there they buried the peo- ple that fell a lufting. I 3 5• Fiom Kibroih-hattaauah the people tooke i their iourney to Hazeroth , and abode at Haze- roth. AurenandM! triib Itfnfie.tmd hialti CHAP, XII. i""(S' Η^'β ^"f"- ■< ^'Λ* iijhiik:» ,thffrf„r«fMof„ Δ Fterward Miriam and Aaron J fpake againft j Or, ^S^ifuL Mofes , becaufe of the woman of Ethiopia *> ,ΠΙν whom he had married (for he had ftiaried » a wo- * zippoijh ajefet man of Ethiopia.) '"^' "Va^i''' 2 And they fayd .what ? h.ith the Lord fpo- MidUntorlclei ' ken but onely by Mofes ? hath he not fpoken alfo on Eihioelf.lt it by vs'and the Lord heard ffc<>. fome,iiitA-in the 3 (But Mofes t/i/./ a very * b meeke man a- JZTdVd viTdVt . boueall the men that were vpon the earth.) this name. 4 And by and by the Lord fayd vnto Mofes, * ^"^"^ ti,• ,+• " and vnro Aaron, and vnto Miriam, Come oiit ye ^^,^^"],^,?^?'^^^^ tluee vnto the Tabernacle of the Congregation: ging.ahho'h he and they three came foorth. _ Inev» them, y Then the Lord came downe in the pillar i of the cloud, and ftood in the doore of tlie Taber- • nacle , and called Aaron and Miriam, and they both came foorth. 6 And he fayd , Heare now my words .If there! be a Prophet of the Lord among you , I will be ' knowentohim by at vifion ,rt»rfwilHpeakc vnto'f Thefeweretht himbydreame. me°an's^'"'"* J My (eruant Mofes it not fo , who is faithfull '"*^''"• .i in all mine houfe, id in all ifrael 8 Vnto him will I fpeake * mouth to mouth, i which wa» Wi and by vifion , and not in darke wordes , but bee;» ^^,^ j},i». ihall» fee the fimilitude of the Lord. Wherefore! e soAn• aiauy then were ye not afraid to fpeake againft my fej--i """«'«>''•« '<> uant..«.» againft Mofes? Ί "^^ίΊ!:':^.:.. 9 Thus the Lord was very angry with them, 1 his backepaits, and departed. ' mod. 3 3.13 10 Alfo the clo'nd departed from the f Taber-, Y""" '''* '''"• nacleiand behold.Miriam f frt/icproiis like lhow;j " and Aaron lookedvponMiriam, and behold,/?)* vfrtJ leprous. II Then Aaron fayd vnto Mofes .Alas.m)^ lord , I be feech thee , lay not the finne vpon vs \ which [the Ttbtinadc. The Ipics a 'e lent to Canaan. coouneih out oi his mothers belly 4(aii,ha<> that they dwell in, whether it be^good or bud ; and what cities they t/e , that they dwell in, whether they dwell io tents , or in walled townes : 21 And what the land « : whether it be fat or Jewe^tAYhetber there be u«e« theiein^cr wt^ They returne. Miirinuring, 5- e which w»s ia the wilie.T.e(re r Which were a iirdt of jyiBt»» g Detlaiing the anriquiry theieef: ώ• Akaham.Sare* vcen buried iheie, ' tfii'l . (Wi u, • h Called jlio Ki- iielh.b»iji«a. Thacii,MorM; *£«<(. i5,S. And be of good coUrage , and bring of the fruit of the land (for then i)V*i the time of ilic irft ripe grapes.) 22 f So they went vp , Slid fearthed out the land , from the wildernelleof» Zin vntoRehob, to|efrai»n goc to Hamath 23 And they afcended toward the South , and came vnto Hebron .where were Ahiman , Sheihai, and Talmai,thc fonncs of fAnak. And g Hebron was built feuenyeere before Zoan in Egypt. 24 "*' Then they ca.me tothe riuerof Ellicol and cut downe thence a br.-.nch with one cluftu: of grapes ,and they bare it vponabrrre betweene two, and braught of the pomegranates end cf the igges. 25• That place was called the DriuerEllico),jr"/«•, l-iecaufe of the clufter of grapes, which the chil- dren of Ifrael cup downe thence. 16 Then after fortie duyes they turned againe from fearching of the land.' 27 And they went and, came to Moies and to Aaron , and vnto all the Congregation of the children cf Ifrael , in the wildernclle cf •> Par to Kadeih , and brought to them , and to all the Congregation tidings , and Ihewed them the fruit of the land. 2 8 And they told ' him,ind (aid , We came vn- to the land whither thou haft lent vs , and fiuely it fiowetli with*milke andhony ,'andhereis of the fruit of it. 29 Neuerthelaffe the people be flren^ that dwellln the laid, and the cities are wailed and exceeding great : and moreoua,wee faw the k Tonnes of Anak theie. 30 The Amalekites dwellinihe South cona-*^^'^']" •, '*«■• trey, and the Hittites, and the lebufites.and the A-j uw cJtbTee morites dwell in the mountaines , antl the Canaa-| alieiwaid.ieOi. " nites dwell by the fea,and by the ccafts of lorden. 3 1 Then Caleb ikilled the people n before Mo- fes , and faid , Ler vs goe vp at once , and pofleiTe it : for vndoubtediy we Ihall ouercome it. 32 Sut themen thai went vp with him ,fayd, We b£ not able to goc vpagainft the people : for they are ftronger then we. i'i So they brought τρ aneuillreportofthe land which they had fearched for the children oi Ifrael , faying. The land which we h.mc gone the row to fearch k oiit.is alandth..t leatethvp theJlTtegyJiiw^ inhabitants thereof : for all the i>eople that wee faw in it , are men of great Itirnre. 34 For there we faw gyants , the fonnes of A-juiet and ihofe n^kyvvhich come oiihe gyants , fothat wee feemeJ:''" «»« J'» ^tiaj in our fight like graflioppers : and I'o we were in their fightj. CHAP. ΧΙΙΙΓ. 1 Tiff ffltmirmHrr j^jinfl Mt, Γ r. lo Ti'y maU hJntflcT. as Tir fiofUll-M mmUrnierinit lit 1m4 nalfifv it Gci Ύ' Hen .•>Η the Congregation lifted vp thci vcyce , r.nd cried : anJ^he «-people wept th; night. ^ ^ And eH the childtenoflfrael murmured s- gsinft liafes and Aaicn : and the whole aflcmbiy faid vnro them , Would God we had died in the land of Egypt.or in this wildeiTefie : would God we were dead. 3 Wherefore row hath the Lord brought ts into this h.nd tofallvponthefword ? ourwiues and our children flialbe ^ a pray : were it no: bet- ter for vs 10 isuuce! into Egypt ? 4 And II σ>•, mmmmif^tifr l-ii'ft Mtf,). ■were lo croell, tha» hey ipovled and kir.doneane- a Such as wue - adaiii at the rf. loit of tioe lea i?i*s. of Mofes forjbepeople." NumI )ers. TTteir infidelity threacnea< \e»id.i3,»i another k fpirit, and hath followed mee ftill , euen !|ί^^^'7/„'*^„'?|* him will I bring into the land , whether he went, and his fecde iT^all inherite it, 1 2 y Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites I * remaine in the valley : T/wut c bread for vs : their iliield is departed from them , and the Lord is with vs , feare them not. I ο And all the multitude fayd , f Stone them with ftones : but the glory of the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle of the Congregation before all the children of Ifrael. I I And the Lord fayd vnto Mofes , How long will this people prouoke me, and how long will it be yer they beleeue rae, for all the fignes which 1 be 'a praye") them will I bring in, "and they fliall I haue fliewed among them? j know the land which ye haue refufed: 12 I will fmite them with the peftilence and S 32 But euen your carkeifes fliall fall in this deftroy them, and will make thee a greater nation i wildernefle, and mightier then they. ! 33 And your children ihaH a wander in the 13 But Mofes fayd vntothe Lord, * when the j wilderneffe fourtie yeeres,and fl:all beare your Egyptians fliall heare it, (for thou broughteft this ! «vvhoredome^ , vBtill your carkeifes be wafted ii people by thy power from among them) ' " ' "" 14 Then they ihall fay to the inhabitants of the land , (for they haue heard , that thou Lord, art among this people ,Λ«ίί that thou. Lord, art feene t face to face , and that thy cloude ftandeth ouer them, and that thou * goeft before them, by day time in a pillar of a cloude , and in a pillar of fire by night.) 1 5: That thou wilt kill this people as g one man : fo the heathen which haue heard the fame of thee, ihall thus fay, 16 Becaufe the Lord was not * able to bring this people into the land which hee fware vnto them .therefore hath bee flaine them in the wil- dernefle. 17 And now, I befeech thee, let the power of my Lord be great, according as thou haft fpoken, faying; obedient fpitu andnoictbellimjj And lit in wait foi you. m Foi I will aot defend yon, *.Pfil,ioi.zt, * ciup.i(,fs: '^'Criir, 1^,11^ * Exod.H.t, VfJ .03,i. *Pf^, c.i. * £*»ii.io.5. bin tliithede- ftioyednoithem ;ily, but left theit pofleriiie andciitaintt• entei. i thit is, fimity times and oittn. »ί•Α>4.«» η The word Cj. nificth to be flirp- herds , oi to win.' detlfteOiepIierdi lotndfio. ο YoBi infidelity and dlfobedienct agiinli God. the wildernefle. ' """""""^ '" pwhethVi'my 3 4 After the number of the dayes in the which Γ'*"«^^« ^* ««« . ye fearched out the land,e«ea fourty dayes,* eue- *" ^°• ry day for a yeere . {hall you beare your iniquitv^ ' % ''V for * fourty yeeres,and ye ρ ilwll feele my breach^ " • ofpromife. 3 ί I the Lord haue fayd, Certainely I will doe fo to all this -wicked company that are gathered; together againft mee : ^r in this wildernefle they flialbe confumed, and there they fliall die. 3(i And the men which Mofes had fent to fearch the land (which when they came againe, made all the people to murmure againft him , and brought vp a flander vpon the land. ) 37 Euen thofe men that did bring vp that vile » flander vpon the land , ♦Ihall die by^ plague be- h^Ix^'I"'''' fore the Lord 38 But loiliua the fonne of Nun , and Caleb 18 TheLordis*flowetoan^er,andofgreat i the fonne of lephunneh, of thofe men that went mercy.and ■* forgiuing iniquity and finne,but not { to fearch the land, (hall line, making the vvickfd innocent , and * vifiting the wickednefle of the fathers vpon the children , in th'e third and fourth^iSfMiien: 19 Be mercifull , I befeech thee, vnto the ini- quity of this people, according to thy great mer- cie ,and as thou haft forgiuen this people from Egypt, euen vntill now. 20 And the Lord fayd, 1 haue forgiuen •" it,ac- cording to thy requeft. 21 Notwithftanding , as I Hue , all the earth fliall be filled widi the glory of the Lord. 22 For all thofe men which hane feene my glo- ry , and my miracles which I did in Egypt.and in the wildernefle , and haue tempted mee this» ten times, and haue not obeyed my voyce, . 23 Certainely they Iball not fee the lande, whereof I fware vnto their fathers : neither flwll any that prouoke me, lee it, 24 But my fematni Caleb ,becaufeheeha4 ^9 ί Then Mofes loldethefefayings vnto an the children of Ifrael , and the people forrowed greatly. 40 * And they rofe vp early in the morning and gate them vp intothe topofthemountaine. faying, Loe , wee be ready to goe vp to the place which the Lord hath promifed: for we haue 9 fin- ned. 41 But Mofes fayd.wherefore tranfgrefle yee thus the commanderaent of the Lord ? it will not' focome welltopafle. 42 Goe not vp,(for the Lord is not among you) leaft yee be oucrthrowen before your ene. mies. 43 For the Amalekites and the Canaanites ,4•»| 9 TlieytonfeiTe they finned by x^ belMng againft aod.butconftder not they offended ingoing vpwiih- ont Gods conv- nandemtnc, dSerings, »ifee. a Into the' land' ofcanMn. * tmiMi.ai. g Ot,fif*iatt. b Kead* Exed, c Tlie liyiocwat retailed, tecaufc κ was (owiid on the tfiing ihw W» Cha).XV. Id Bieff^ni{«« |«fb«aB*iinHft hane theft meat 0 the top of the mountalne : bm the Arke of the :c>uenant of the Lord , and Mofes departed not jut of the cainpe. 45 Then the Amalekites and the Canaanites, which dwelt inthatmoitmaine .came downeand fmote them, * and conlumed them vnto Horraah, CHAP. XV. Tbe cfmn^iiwUti the Ifraeliln Jhculi effnwtn titjc'me into tie Undo f CeitAin . 3 j Tie funifimtnt of bim li*t irnkl ti, SMaii. Δ Nd the Lord fpake vnto Mofes.faying, I Speake vnto the children of Ifrael , and fav vnto them, * When ye be come into the » land of your habitations which I giue vnto you, 3 And will make an offering by fire vnto the Lord, a burnt offering or a facrifice * II to fulfill a vow , or a free offering, or in yoiir feafts to mal^e a * fweet fauour vnto the Lord, of the herd or of the flocke. 4 Then * let him that offereth his offering vnto the "Lord . bring a meate offering of a tenth deale of fine flonre , mingled with the fourth part of an b Hin of oyle. J- Alfo thou flialt prepare the foi'irth part of an Hin of wine to be powred on a lambe appmi- tedioi the burnt offering.or λ»/ offering. 6 And for a ramme thou ihalt for a meate of- fering , prepare two tenth deales offineflowre, mingled with the third part of an Hin of oyle. 7 And for a « drinke offering thou ihalt offer the third part ofan Hin of wine , for a fweet fa- > uour vnto the Lord. 8 And wJien thou prepareft a bullocke for a burnt offering , or for a facrifice to fulfill a vowe I or a peace offering to the Lord, 9 Then let him offer with the bullocke a meat (Offering of II three tenth deales of fineftowre, mingled with halfc an Hin of oyle. 1 0 And thou Ih-ilt bring for a drinke offering hslfe an Hin of wine , for an offering made by j fire of a fweet fauour vnto the Lord. li Thus fliall it be done for a bullocke, or for a ramme ,or for a lanabe.or for a kid. 1 2 According to the number d that yee pre- pare to offer , fo {hall ye doe tO euery one accor- The Sabbath J3rok€H« y^ he Congregation, thai is, which is hid from the cos» gvegadon. ffiain J and drijilie «tfiiSgaccoiding t» ihif;iofoition. »,I4. e which ύ made »(th«(itAcauie' ye gather. * LtiiU,tiii4.. ding to their number. 13 All that are torae of the countreyi iliall do thefe things thus, to offfer an offering made by fire of fweet lauour vnto the Lord, 14 And ifa flrangerfoiourne withyou , or wholbeuer be among you in your generations, 5c will make an offering by fire of a fweete fauour vnto the Lord.as ye doe,fo he ihall doe. .If* One ordinance J7jii/^ff both for you of the Cpngregation.and alfo for the ftranger that dwel- leth With you , euen an ordinance for cuer in your generations : as you are, fo fliall the ftranger be before the Lord. \6 One law and one manner fliall ferue both for you and for the ftranger that foiiouroeth with you. 17 ί And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes.faying, 1 8 Speake vnto the children of Ifrael, and fay vnto them , when yce be come into the land , to the which I bringyou. 19 And when yec fliall eate of the bread of the land , ye fliall offer an beaue offering vnto the Lord. 20 Ye fliall offer vp a cake of the fitft of yotir * dough for an heaue offring : * as the beaue of- fring ^f the barne,fo ye flwlUift it ypL 2 1 Of the firft of yoOf dough ye flial giue vnto the Lord an heaue offring in your generations, 2 2 And if yee f haueened , and notobferued k Asbyeueifigfit all thefe commandements , which the Lord hath " ignorance, lead fpoken vnto Mofes, Leiiii.+.a.ij, 23 Etten all that the Lord hath commanded | you by the hand of Mofes , from the firft day that the Lord commanded Mofes , and hence forward ] among your generations: j 24 And if fo be that ought be committe<3L somtread* ignorantly of the g Congregation , then all the ffrom the eyes'ef Congregation fliall gnie a bullocke for a burnt " offering , for a fweete fauour vnto the Lord, with the meate oflring and drinke offring thereto , ac- cording to the * maner , and an hee goate for a linne offring, 25 And the Prieft fliall make an atonement for all the Congregation of the children of Ifra- el , and it fliall be forgiuen them : for it is igno- ratict; : and they fliall bring their offering for an offering made by fire vnto the Lord, and their fin offering before the Lord for their ignorance. i x6 Then it fljali be forgiuen all Ae Congrega- I tion of the children of Ifrael , and the ftranger J that dwelleth among them : for all the people I T/»ere in ignorance. j 27 f * But if any one perfon finne through ig- I norance,then he ihall bring a fliee goate of a yeere j old for a finne offering. [ 28 And the Prieft fliall makean atonement for i the ignorant perfon , when hee finneth by igno- \ ranee before the Lord , to make reconciliation! I for him : and it fliall be forgiuen him. t 29 Hee that is borne among the children of I Ifrael , and the ftranger that dwelleth among them , fliall haue both one law , who fo doetb I finne by ignorance. I 30 «Γ But the perfon thrt doeth ought t pre- I fumptuoufly, whether he be borne in the land, or a ftranger.the fime blafphemeth the Lord : there- fore that perfon fliall be cut offfrom among his people. 3 1 Becaafe hee hath defpifed the word of the Lord , and hath broken his commandement ; that perfon ftialbe vtterly cut off : his f" iniquitic Ihall "> He OuUfiiUiin» be vpon him. "" ''^ ' 32 ^ And while the children of Ifrael were in the wildernefle , they found a man that gathered ftickes vpon the Sabbath day. 33 And they thatfound him gathering fticks, brought him vnto Mofes and to Aaron , and vnto all the Congregation, '■ 34 And they puthirain *w.ird;foritwasnot » i,«»,a4.»»,' declared wh η fliould be done vnto him, 3 $• Then the Lord i«d vnto Mofes, This man I fliall die the death : and lei aUthe mnltitude ftone < him with ftones without the hoafte. j 3^ And all the Congfegrtion brought him ί j without the hoafte , and ftoned him with ftofles.i I and he died, as the Lord hath commanded Mofes. 37' f Aiid the Lord fpake vnto Mdfes,faying, 38 Speako vnto the children of Ifrael,and bid them that they * make ihera fringes vpon the I•• Di«MJ.ii, borders of their garments throughout their ge- |Λωί'•*ί. nerations , and put vpon the fringes of the bar-" d^s aribbartd of blue iilke. 3 9 And ye flwll haue the fringes that when ye fooke vpcn them , ye may remember all the com- i B7 leaning codi mandements of the Lord.and doe them: and that <"""'"'"<'™«"'» yee feeke not .ifrer yous owne heart,nor after yoiu• Ιοί^"*^^. owaeeyesjafterthewkieh^yeegoeaiwhoring:' ^ 40 That |• EU, teirl 4» lit Und, thui ii, in cut. tem^l cfCtH. hepimiilimentoi ivnat. £t.i«. + s.'3• ludf I.. I Or, leak^ eth I Or . itfire M'p-t Na nbers^ 40 That yee may remember and doe ail my comrtiandements , and behoJy vnto your God. 41 I am the Lord your God , which brought you out ofthe land of Egypt to bey oui God : I am the Lord your God. CHAP. XVI. I Tkt TiUVh-nofKicrA , Γ)λ4λλ »»J Aluim. 5 ■ λ'ο'ώ tni HsccmfMUe'ifi"'' +■ Tke fei'fle Iht ftxt i^ tnKrmi'tt, NOvv * Korah the lonne of Izhar.the Tonne of Kohiuh, thj fonne of Leui il went apart with Dathan , and Abiram the ionnes of Eliab ,aiid On the fonne ofPcleth , the ionnes of Reuben: -» And they rofe vp || againft Mofes.with cer- and Abifatn : '^bey periil) cenie inthew, and bring yee eueiy man his ccnfcr b.;fore the Lord , two hundreth and fiftie cenfers : thou alio and Aaron, euery one his cenfer. 18 So they tooke eueiy man his cenfer , aid put lire in thera , and laid incenfe thereon , and Hood in the dooreof the Tabernacle of the Con- f^regation with Mofes and Aaron. ip And Korah gathered all the » multitude againft them %nto the doore ofthe Tabernacle of the Ccn^regatiun : then the glory of tlie Lord appeared vnto all the Congi'egation. ■ 20 And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes and to Aaron, faying, 1 1 Separate your felues from among this Con- i All th»t wtte ef thai long. lAUa.eahkflio- 1 ly : ihciefoK none ochtr : ihiis ilie j v/iclved ie»!on jSgainnGodiOi- diiiancc. U To be the Prieft and te offer. taiise ofthe children of Ifrael , two himdrcth and j gregation , that I may coufiime them at once, liftie captaines ofthe aflembly , ■" famous in the i Z2 And they fed vpon their faces and fayd , Ο Congregation . and men of renoiime, j God .the Godof thefpirits U cfaIlfi;ih,hathnot 3 who gathered themfelues together againft .one man onely finned , and wiir thou be wroth Mofes , and agiinft Aaron, and fayd vnto them, 1 with all the Congregation? a Tc take too much vpon you , feeing all the Con- ί zS And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes, faying.^^ gi-egation is holy ,^ euery one of them , and the : 24 Speake rato the Congregation, and "fay, Lordu among them : wherefore then lift ye your i Get you away from about the Tabernacle of Ko- fehtes aboue the Congregation ofthe Lord ? | rah, Dathan, and Abiram. 4 But when Mofes heard it , he fell vpon his | 25• Then Mofes rofe vp , and went vnto Da- fjt-e, ] than and Abiram , and the Elders of liirael fol- 5• And fpake to Korah and vnto all his com- ,• lowed him. pany , faying , To morow the Lord will fhew who i 26 And he fpake vnto the Congregation , fay is his .and who is holy.and who ought toapproch i ing , Depart , I pray you , from the tents of thefc fami to their thjige iiinly. Viheiewiththey i wtoBgfiillycbargei « Te feme in the C«nereeation, as necre vnto him : and whom he hath « chofen , he will cauie to come neere to him. 6 This doc therefore , Take you cenfers , l^oth Korah and all his company. 7 And put fire therein , and put incenfe in liiem before the Lord to morowe : and the man whom the Lord doerh chiife , the fame llwll be holy : ^ye take too much vpon you , ye fonnes of Leui. 8 Againe Mofes fayd vnto Korali , Heaie , I pray you ,ye fonnes of Leui. c) ■ Seemeth it a fmall thing vnto you, that the God of Ifrael hath feparated you froin the multi- tude of Ifrael, to take you neere to hirafelfe,to do «/■'«(V .rM- wicki^d inen, and touch nothing of theirs.leaft yee perilh k in ail their finnes. ^ w;ththt«r|h»t 27 So they gat them away from the Taberna-i"*^""^""* cle of Korah , Dathan , and Abiram on euery fide:" and Dath:!n and Abiram canic out and ftoode in the <.loore of their tents .with their wiucs.and theirionues.and their little children. 28 And Mofes fayd. Hereby ihall yee know that tke Lord hath fent me to do all thefe works: ίοτΙΙίΛΗί notdonethem of mine owne Irainde. 1 Ihaaenot for- 7.9 If thefc men die the cotnmon death of all ί«^ them oiinin» men . or if they be vifited after the vifuation of all j"^"* """''' men , the Lord hath not fent me. j But if the Lord make»» a new thing .and f ThiwtlieyfpiTie contcmpiiioully, ftefening Ejypt g Wilt thou make leeiietliatihey iawii«tthat whicli «hey iaw ? *Cf*.*4.,}. For wliich cauie. thou.and ^11 thy compa- nie are gathered together againft the Lord ; and wliat is Aaron.thatye murmure againft him ? 12 ί And Mofes fent to call Dathan, and Abi- ram the fonnes of Eliab : who anfwered.We will Outcome vp. 13 Is it a fmall thing that thou haft brought vs out f of a land that floweth with milke and hony , to kiil vs in the wildernelTc , except thou j make thy felfe lord and ruler ouer vs alio ? j 1 4 Alfo thou haft not brought vs vnto a land j that flowedi with milke and hony . neither giuen vs inheritance of fields and vineyards ; wilt thou £ pilt out the eyes of thefe men ? wee will not | D Or, icB. .|t ji Or,de«pe inA ' daike plates ef che casth. kAtthedoeceof the feruice ofthe Tabernacle ofthe Lord .and to ; the earth open hermouth. and fwallow them vplmOt, Qiew• ftand before the Congregation . and to minifter j with all that thty haue , and they goe downep"8'''8'"<'' » vnto them? j quicke into fl " the pit : then yee (I'.all vnderftand 10 He hath alfo taken thee to * him , and all that thefe men haue prouoked the Lord . tliy brethren , the fonnes of Leui with thee , and 3 1 f And affoone as he had made an end of feeke yee the office ofthe Prieft alio ? fpeaking all thefe words , euen the ground claue ~ '■ ' '" ' ' " ' -- alimder that was vnder them, 32 And the earth * opened her mouth .and fwailowed them vp with their families , and all the men that were with Korah , and ail their goods 33 So they and all that they hid , went downe aliue into the pit.and the earth couered them : fo they periitedfrora among the Congregation. 3 4 And all Ifrael that were about them . fled at the cry of them ; for ihey fayd, Let vrfee, leaft the earth fwallowvsvp. 3 5τ But there came out a fire from the Lord, and confumed the two hundreth and fiftie men that oftered the incenfe. 36 f And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes. faying, 37 Speafce vnto Eleazar the fonnc of Aaron . , Then Mofes waxed very angrie, and fayd \ vnto the Lord ,*Looke not vnto their offering: j the Prieft, that he take vp the cenfers out uf the I haue not taken fo much as an alie from then>, j burning, and fcatter the fiie beyond i/j»it/i«r : for neither haue 1 hurt any of them. | they are hallowed. 16 And Mofes fayd vnto Korah . Be thou and 38 The centers ,1 fay , of thefe finiiersf^<«iie- all thy company ^ before the Lord : ifth thou, they , and Aaron to morrow. 17 And take euery rain his cenftr,and put Ία• ftrcyed ο themfelues : and let them make of then: β \;iucii wt» broad plates for a coucring ofthe Altar : for thej the occafion•) offered them bsfose the Lord, therefore they tl»*"»?*»**) ih.-Jbt The peopu murmure» p o£ Cods itidge- meait siainil :(- tdi, q WrtOfriRimfd ibOBchiivociiion. fiOt, ftei.to nrit, M'ftt «^ Mnn, Chap.xyij. xviij. » TeinWisnet iballbe holy , andtheyihallbeapfignevmothe i children of'ifMel. j 39 Then Eleazw thcPriefttooIcethebrafen ceiil'ers , which ihev that were burnt had offsred, and made broad plates of them for a couering of j the Altar, 40 It if a remembrance vnto thechildret)of Ifrael , that no ftranger which is not of the feed of Aaron , come neerc to offer incenle before the Lord , that hee be not like iKorah-and his com- pany , as the Lord iayd to him by the hand of | Mofes. i 41 1 Bat on the morrow all the multitude of the children of Ifraei murmured againft Mofes jand againft Aaron , fjying , Ycc haue killed rhe people of the Lord. 4 T. And wh :n the Qjngrtigation was gathered againft Mofes and againft Aaron , then they |i tur- ned their faces toward the taberHicle of the Con- gregation ; and behold , the cloud couered it.and the glory of die Lord appcired. 43 Then Moles and Aaron were come before the Tabernacle of the Congregation. i 44 ί And the Lord lp:.ke vnto Mofes.faying, I 45 Get you vpftom among this Congrcga- I tion; for I will confiime them -quickly : then they ■ fell vpon their faces. ! 46 And Mofes faid vnto Aaron.Take tlie cen- ί er.andpiit fire therein of ihc Altar , and put AaiOnsroQbjiddeth. ς/ '. ^ LwinU to tail my; therein jncenfc , and goe quicklie vnto the Con -_ «thttii^, but βί j gregation , and m.:ke an atonement for them : fo / ΐ'ΊΪ'ί'' ?ίί""1 j there is writh gone out from the Lord : the « God dtiT» bi»l! Jriihandapdwa- ty the doettofth* tbiaTurefkitnit |^ ^^ j^ ^^ ^^ £^_^ ^j^^ j T** I plague is begun. *ϊ^ V ^ ' ^^ Then Aaron tooke as Mofes commanded -.- i hira .andranneintothemiddcsoftheCongrega- if eoi ij3 UjHn lO tion , and behold , the f plague was begun iiniong fimiib cht people, ί ^^g people , and he put incenfe, and made an ato- j nement for the people. 48 And when he ftoode betweene the dead, and them that were aliue , the « plague was ftaied. 49 So they died of this plague fourteen thou- fand and feuen hundreth.befide them that died in the confpiracie of Korah. f ο And Aaron went againe vnto Mofes before the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and the plague was ftaied. CHAP. X V I Γ. * rkt hvtUt xtUfi cfiii l»d-4, frinai of it. Irjiu cflfrjml. t AcncmrciituUtA , ΛΠίίιΛίιΙί thfiimt, 10 Far β trfiimeti/ tgJiKfl lit rthiliiui (,o[\r. A NdtheLordlpakevnto*Mofes,faying, 2 Speake vnro the children of Ifrael , and take of eiiery oneofthema rod , after the hcufc of their fathers , of all their princes according to the family of their fathers , ίκΜ twelueroddes: Λπά thou llialt write euery m?Jis name vpon his rodde. 3 And write Aarons name vpon the rod of Leui : for euery rodde fhtllhe for the head of the houfc of their fathers. 4 And thou flialt put them in the Tabernacle ofthe Congregation ' before t^f .^% of the te- flimony,'•' where I will dcclaie my felfe to you. y And the mans rod , whom I "> chiife , fliall bloffome : and I wiil make ceafc from mee the grudgings ofthe children ofli'rael.which grudge againft you. 6 ί Then Mofes fpake vnto the children of Ifrael, anil all their Prieces gaue him a rodde , one rodde for tuery prince , according to the houfes of their fathus , ema cwelue loddes , and the rod Z«bRiia«](, k Tobcihc chicfc Vnti. ktihaiiihc. rodtiliierhji Coildidchaltihe j B»,ulc ot Lti • Sfiui him in racl : I c of Aaron was smcng their rods. 1« Thcajh loiiphj 7 And Mofes Isyd the rods before the Lord in the T?.bern.:clc of the Teftimcny . 8 And when Mofes en the morow went into the Tabernacle ofthe Tcftimuny , behold, thcf"' rod of A.iron Ί for die houfe of Leui w.,s budded, " and broi:ght foorth buus , and brought for: blot iomes, and bare ripe iilmonds. 9 Then Mofes brought out all the rods fi before the Lord \-Bto all the children of If .tid they looked vpon them , and tooke euery man his rod. i ID After the Lord faid vnto Mofes , * Bring |* H.i Airons rod againe before the Teftimony to be kept for a token to the rebellious children , and thou tlialt caul'c their* murmurings to ccale from tne.rhat the^r die not. 1 1 So Mofes did as the Lord had co;nmanded him: fodid he. 12 ί And the children of Ifr.icl fp.tke vnto Mofes , faying, Behold, f we are dead, we pcrifli, we are all loft: 1 3 Whofoeuer commeih neere or approacheth to the Tabernacle of the Lord , iLall die ; Hiall we be confumed and die? Xlic Cildt icw cfcribtihihut iiiTmmliig; Wttditbychi wetd,ihec3itli "w«ll(»weib VI vp, he ipcOitcuct ilochcoBiiuBirvtk CHAT. XVIII. I.;^. Txr offli' of Aircu jui U, ftunit, 1 M'Wilf if«/'i t Tkr Vurflip.m ef lie c^rrt^^t. ίο Ccdu lifirfrliii tt Tin LfKiin k^t ihir liitu , λμιΙ tffir tbt iintift Hrrnf UltrLntf: A Nd the Lord faid vnto Aaron ,Thou , and thy Ibnncs , and thy fathers houfe with thee , Ihall' beare a the iniquity ofthe S..nrtuiuy : both thou ja if yes trrfptflt and thy fonneswith thee ihall beare the iaiquity ('"'"Υ ■'''''«*«'»- of your priefts office Χ";':;!:ϊγ;.-.. 2 And brtng ally with tnee thy brethren of Wiuty.oijoat of, the tribe of Leui ofthe family of thy father, which i«,y<«< Ibillbe fl^.allbe ioynedwith thee, and roinifter \nto thee: r'*»'*'**• but thou, and thy lonnes with thee //W/»a/wy?irj before the Tabernacle of the Teftimony: | 3 And they fliallb keepe thy charge, euen the |b That i»,ih« charge ofall the Tabernacle : but they Ihali not '•'•'"8• *»'•'<'«>'« ccme neere the inftruments ofthe Sanauai7.nor;''"»Kllh ,1.']^***' to the altar.leaft they die,both they and you. !do««enioyne 4 And tl-.ey lliallbc ioyned with thee, and keei)ej*«ni. the charge of the Tabeiriacle ofthe Congrega-i tion for ail the leruice ofthe Tabernacle : and no: c ftranger lliali come neere vnto you: 't wh/cbwacMt 5 Therefore fliall ye keepe the charge ofthelof ι1ι««*««ίΐ•«»ί| Saniiluary , and the charge ofthe Altar : fo there Ihail fall no more wrath vpon the children of, Ifrael, 1 6 For loe , Ihaue * tikenyourbrcthrcnthe * o^.j.+j Leuites from among the children of Ifrael, ff^iA as a gift of yours , are giiien vnto the Lord , to do. the ieruice of ;y^ Tabe?^cle ofthe Congregation. 7 But thou , aitQ thy fonncs with thee fl'.allj keepe your Priefts office for all things of the Al- tar, and within the vaile : therefore fl-ail ye fente: | for I haue made your Pricfts office Ο an office of feru ice: therefore the ftranger that conimet'h neere ihallbe flaine [ or.e-fi- 8 ^ Againe the Lord fpake vnto Aaron , Be• hold, I h^ucgiuen thee the keeping of mine ^ of- id ai ib« fij» rnrf», frings , of all thchailowed things ofthe children t"n''0"'«.»J> By another rriedj A Nd the Lord fpake to Mofes , and to Aaron, laying, 2 ' This is the ordinance ofthe Law , which the Lord hath commanded , faying , Speake vnto the children of lirael that they bring thee a red kow withoHt blemilli , wherein is no Ipot , vpon the which neuer came yoke 3 And yee iliall giue• her vnto Eleazar the Prieft.that he may bring her ""without the hoaftc, and caule her to b be flainc before his face. 4 Then fliall Eleazar the Priell take of he blood with his* finger , and fprinkle it befon the Tabernacle of the Congregation feuen times, Mtt tutoflherockt >♦ idom d'nitth ihtlfrtAiitt fjfi^'. as. ii Tic d!*th <>fj1.ncn in xkoft rcemt E(f and Asreu beleeiied I the Loids pte- fe,asap{<«((k, \Xlit It. Ifrael d.eiild beUcue, and ac- knowledge my , and fo he• nonr mee. g Or . «tife and co)it«scion,Clny. 7,'+. hBy (hewing felfe joightie, and maintaining his glory, i £ecaiile latkcb or Ifrael maj Efan• brother , who w« called £dom, beaftes dranke, 12 f Againe , the Lord fpake vnto Mofes, and toAaron , Becaufe yee beleeued mee not , to ^ fandifie mee in the prefence of the children υί|^^''*",'''^«'''ίΜ'*β Ifrael , therefore yee lh.ill aot bring this Con gregation into the land which I haue giuen them 1 3 This is the water of g Mcribah, becaufe the children of Ifr.iel ftroue with the Lord . and^hec '' was fanftified inthem. 14 f Then Mofes fentmeirengers from Kadell• vnto the king of i Edom ,piyi»g , ThiK faith thy brother Ifrael, Thou knoweft all the trauell that we haue had, . I y How our fathers wentdowne into Egypt; and we dwelt in Egypt a long time , where the E- gyptians h'Jidled vs euill and our f.ithers, 16 But wiien we ciyed vnto the Lord, he heard our voyce , and fent an Angel , and hath brought vs out of Egypt, and beholde, wee aie in the citic Kadelb, in thine vtmoft border. 17 I pray thee that wee may pafle thorow thy countrey ; we will not go thorow the fieldes nor the vineyards , neither will we drinke of the wa. ter of the welles : we will goe by the Kings way, and neither turne vnto the right hand nor to the left.vntill we be paft thy bordtrs 18 And Edom anfweredhim.U Thou ihalt not pafle by me, leaft I come out againft thee with the Iword, 19 Then the children oflfrael faid vnto hitn. We will goe vpby the hie way : and if I and my cattell drinke of thy water , I will then pay for it; I will onely (without any harme) go thorow on myfeete. '20 Hee anfwercd againe, Thou flialtnotgoe thorow. Then |l Edom came out againft him with much pcople.snd with a mightie power. 2 1 Thus Edom denied to giue Ifrael paflage thorow his countrey : wherefore Ifrael ^ turned away from him, 22 ί And when the children of Ifiaclvi'ith the Congregation departed from * Kadelh , they came vnto mount Hor. 23 And the Lord fpake vnro Mofes and to A• aron in the mount Hor neere the coaft of the land of Edom, faying, 24 A.iron ihalibe ' gathered vnto his pcopL for he fhall not enter into the land .which 1 haue giuen vnto the children of Ifrael, becaufe yc n dif- obcyed my coramandementatthe waterof OMe- ribch. *ckM t 2f 2 Take ''' Aaron and Eleazar his fonnc , andl,^J|Y,-^j»'5*' a ^ bring ' il Ot,t!il,wJf, iOr,' I Or,tie Ednnititi I ToparTcby an other Way, *Cfci.M.V• B.c]dcC«ii.a{. t| I Or, r^ifffrd. Or,firifc, , By that way ' wtich thtii fpits, ihai leiKhtd c/ie dangers, found lo t>*jnoRi'afe, . Fierie fefpenfii^ ';'ί^ρΐ!Ρ Nun: bers. bring them vp into the mount Hoi•. 26 And caufe Aaron to put offliis garnsents, and put them vpon EleazM his fonne • for Aaron fhailbe gathered to biifatherifind Ih^ll die there• 27 And Moles didas the Lord had comman- ded : and they went vp into the Mount Hor, in the fight of alJ the Congregation. z8 And Mofes put off Aarons cloathes,andput them vpon EJezzar his fonne ; * fo Anon died there in the cop of the mount : and Moles ..nd E- leazar came downe from off the mount. 29 when ail the Congregation fawthat Aa- ron was dcad,all the houle of IlraelU wept foi: Aa- ron :]\irrie dayes» CHAP. XXI. 3 Ifr.el Sihon and Og are oaercomSi i.ij7-t4 kihf Arni , « Tht fi'hfirinlt ire fr»t liMox if tit ffcflf. t+, a Si»0%"idOl: Of, vfen jf »(/. downe to the dwelling of Ar , and lieth vpon the border of Mo?.b. 16 ί And from thence they turr.tdio Beer : the fame is thevvellwhere the Lord iaid vnto Moles, AffemHe the people,and I will giue them water. 1 7 5 Then Ifrael fang thisfong.Rifc vp|) well. ifiHgy* vnto it, 1 8 The princes digged this well.the captaineskheieof.giiiepaife ] of the people digged it, euen thet.lawgiuci-,with ^'jj^'^'^^^ ^ their ftaues, Αικί from the wJlderneffe rAi^Mwrpon heads of the to Mattanah, 19 f And from Mattanah to NahalieJ , and from Nahaliel to Bamotb, so f A,ndfrum Bamoth in the valley , that ist^ in the plaine of Moab , to the top of Pifgah , that ««it dttje dijstd, lookethtowardleihimon. j f Then Ifrael lent meffengers vnto Silicii I Or, firing. t Ye that receiiit ht Ciinmoditic >eoplc onely (mote the ιοΛ« with the rod ot iafife, ««hichgati* 21C1 as > McU that king of the Amorites, faying 22 * Let me go thorow thy land : we willnot turne afide into the fieldes.nor into the vine- yards , neither drinke of the waters of the welles; we will goe by tlie kings way , vncill wee be paft thycountrey. 23 ■•'Biit Sihon gaue Ifrael no licence to paffe thorow his countrey. but Sihon aflembled all his people , and went out againft Iftael into the wil- dcrnes , and he came to lahoz, and fought againft deiiuered them the Canaanites .• and they vtterly j "^ '+ B„tlfrael fmote him with the edge of the deftroyed them and their cuies , and called the f^ord , and conquered his land , from Arnon vnto name ot the place β * Hormah h i^bok , eiun vnto the children of Ammon , for ^ .^^^""«"«"^ , 4 f After they departed fiom the mount Hor I i,order of the children of Ammon T^T/^iiiitrong. fjeut^ffi , bv the way of the Red lea , to l> compafle the land' ; ^ ^ ^ad Ifrael tooke all theie cities , and dwelt firong liket-nti,• of Edom : and the people were fore gncued be- i -^^ ^χγ ^^^ cities of the Amorites in Heihbon . and " caufe of the way. .^^, ! in all the t villages, thereof. r And the people pase againft God . and ^5 por ^ Heibbon was the citie of Sihon the|b, againft Mofes Juyv^, wherefore haue ye brought ! bjng of th# Amorites , which had fought before- y^outofEgypt.toJieinthewilderneHerfor/jtrtf J ^j^^ ^^^^„(^ ^^. king of the Moabitcs . and had ■Dr»l.t,,ri Λ Tiiettiier. « neither bread nor water,anisl our loule * loathetii \ this light c bread. 6 * wherefore the Lord fcut'^fietieferpencs among the pdople , which ftung the people, lb thatnr.iry of the people of Krael died. 7 Therefore the people came to Mofes .and• iaid.We haue finnedtfor wee haue fpoken again-it the Lord.and aj^ainft thee : pray cothe Lord.that hee' tjke away the ferpents frona vs : and Mofes prayed fc>r the ρ .ople . 8 And the Lord Old vnto Mofes, Make thee a.iierie ferp.;nt ,diidfetitvp Β fora figne.thatas majiy .is are'bitten.may looke vpon it,md Hue•. 9 * ίο Moles made a ferpeiat of biaife, and fot it vp for a figne : and when a ferpent had bitten a mai9 , then he looked to the ferpen: cf braffe , and tj iiiied. 10 *• And the chiklren of Ifrael departed tlitjnce.andpitched in Oboth. 1 1 f And thc;y departed fiom Oboth , and pit- ched J in lie-aKiiim, in the wilderneffe,vYhich is before Mo;;bon the Eaftfide. 12 iThey rcmootted thence, and pitched vpo« theriuer(jfZ.ned. 13 t Thence they departed ,and pitched on thci other tide of Arnon , whichis in the wiidcr- nelK.anJ cummeth out of the coifts of the Amo- rites : (for Ainonw the border of Moab,betweene the Moabites .ind the Amoi liis. ) 1 4 wherefore it (hall be ipoken in the books ofths battels of the Lord , J what tiling he didiUi the red ieaj and iji the riuers of Arao!i^ , «5 And fli ihs itreame ζιί the ri«er&ihat goetii his land oiu of his hand , f«f« vnto Ar- I For ifit lad. he bitet.thc ■rieliie^ might 50ff«ir<4ft^ D»:»i taken non. 27 wherefore they that fpake in proucrhs.fay Come to Heibbon , let the citie of Sihon be builc and repaired: 2 8 For 1 a fte is gone out of Heflibon ,αηάί flpme from the citie of Sihon. and hath confumeJ Ar of the Moabites, «««i/ the lords of Bamoth in Arnon. 29 Wo be to tliee.Moab : Ο people of•" Che- mofli.thou art vndone: lie hath iuffcrcd Jiis fonnes to be puriued, and his daughters tobe incaptiuity to Sihon the king of the Amorites. 3Q Their + empire aHb is loft from Hcflibon vnto Dibon , and we hnue deftroyed them vnto Noph.ih.whicli reachetb vnto Medel 31 fThiis Ifrael dwelt in the landofthe A-jt£tr'i>{ti. ■lori.tes. 32 And Mofes fent to fearch out laazer, and they tooke the townes bek)nging thereto , anJ rooted out the Amorites that wtre there. 33 C * And they turned , and went vp toward Balbin : and Og the king of B^Hian- came out ag.iinft them, hce, and all his people , to. fight at Edrei. 34 Thenthe Lord faid Vnto Mofes , Feare him not : for I haue deiiuered him into thine hand, and all his people , andhis land : * and thou Ihalt doe to him as thou diJdeft vnto Sihon the king of the Amorites.which dwelt at Heibbon. ^■■y They fmote him thereriore,anabu.fonneSo and all his people . vntili there was none leftbiraj fo they; con^iwedliis land,, " -e Η Λ τ;- MeMing, m Chemoft wa»• . the ;dole of the Mcabite*. 1 iijig J ,3;. who vtit t able to defeni his wotUiippert, which tooie tht iUole fotihciifa• !••1>ι<ί j,>,i(i(i-. *ΡΛ'.3ί.^. s MaktBalaan. ι Being it Itri- cho.it «as beyond lotjin: but where jthe ifiaelices iweie.it was on thiffiae. b which were the heads and go- • ueiBOUts. Chap.XXII. CHAP. XXII. ; Xi'xj BeUkftideth fcr'BAleim fctirfe the ifrxtlitet. Ij thi LtrifnhMethhimttgte. ji The Angtt of tht Lni meettth him , and his afeffe*k.eih. 3J Balaam friteiteth thxt hit mill fpeake ntihmi ,tut ihxtwhith the Luiputtttb in his mouth, AFter , the children of Ifrael departed and pit- ched in the plaine of Moab on the » other fide of lorden from lericho. 2 1 Now Rilik the fonne of Zippor iavvall that Ifrael had done to the Amorites. And the Moabites were fore afraid of the The aflfcip^akcth. yp » Ufi.Hf ';<'' to the right hand.or to the left. 27 And when the afle fawe the Angel of the Lord, iliee tl lay downe vnder Balaam : therefore uor.ftfl Brala.im was very wroth , and fmote the afle with a ftaffe. j 28 Then the Lord m opened the mouth of the ' η Gaeeherpowei 0 fpeake. f He w»f ned hin» fcyadieamc, that he fcoiild notcsa- fent to the tinis «fickcd te^ueff β lils he (hewed Iiinrfelfe williilg, «oueteoufnefre had fD blinded his heart, ii ThewiclMd afl'e , and ihe faid vnto Balaam , What h.iue I done vnto thee , that thou haft fraitten me now three times? 29 And Balaam faid vnto the a(ie,Becaufe thou haft mocked me : I would there were a fword in mine hand.for now would I kill thee. 30 And the afle laid vnto Balaam , AranotI thine afle , which thou haft ridden vpon n fince thy firft time vnto this day ? haue I vied at any jeene'my manet time to doe thus vnto thee ? Who laid,Nay And the Lord ο opcaed the eyes of Bala- ^ foi whofeey* η since thee hlH gypt, and couereth the face of the earth : come ' am , andhe faw the Angelof the Lord ftandingin fhtLerddoeth now,curfe them for ray f :kc : fo it m.ay be th.-it I the way with his fword drawcn in his hand : then Τ'"' °P*" • ''?•ϊ"'' • ■' -'^ -' he bowed himlelfe>cnd fell flat on his face, • " "*„μ,'1,'^'. ;? 2 And the Angel of the Lord faid vnto him. Wherefore hart thou now imitten thine afl'e three and to fliallbe able to ouercome them in battel driue them out. 1 2 And God f faid vnto Balaam , Goe not thou with them, neither curfe the people,for they ! times ? behold, I came out to withftand thee, be are blefled. j caufe thy t way is not ftraight before me 13 And Bala.tm rofe vp in the morning , and faid vnto the princes of Balak. Returne vnto your Imd: for the Lord hath refufcd to giue t me leaue to goe with you. 14 ' So the princes of Moab rofe vp , and went vnto Balak.and faid , Balaam hath refuled to come with vs. I I y ί Balak yet fent againe more princes, and . more honourable then they. 3 3 But the afle liiw me .and tiuOed from me now three times : for elle.if ihe had not turned from me.furely I had euen now llaine thee , and faued hei aliue. * 34 Then Balaam faid vnto the Angel of the Lord , I haue finned : for I wift not ihat thou ftoodeft intheway II .ngainftme : now therefore po,^j,*„^^^ if It difplctfe thee, I will turne t home againe. \, „'„„mt. 3 y But the Angel faid vnto Balaam, Goe with|t fit' /m/lre- f Both (hy JietK ' (ortnpi , and thine caKrgriic nic lied. 16 who came to Balaam , and faid to him, j the men : but q wliat I fiy vnto thee , 'hat llialt|'"y'^Y^'^|r'j^•.^ Thus fayth Balak the fonne of Zippor , ^iBenot j thoufpeake. So Balaam went widuhc princes of^^eaiVwas eniil. *'ί«Λ.' "h^V" thou flayed. I pray thee , from comraing vnto me. furtht naiightit enierpti- I fes, though ihey I know that God is (•gainH them. •» Cfcipat.ij. 17 For I will promote thee vnto great honour, and will do whatfoeuer thoirfayeft vnto me: come therefore.I pray thee.ciirfe me this people. 18 And Β ilaam anfwered . and faid vnto the feruantsofB.ilak , ♦ If Balak would giue me his houfe full of fduer and gold , I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God , to doe leife or «ore. Balak, 'his charge wa 36 And when Bilakheardth.itBa!aamcame,j«'«"«''' ■''"'' hee went out to nieerehim vntoa city ofMoab,^^"^ , "°'Jn«. which is in the » border of Arnon , euen in the vt- ^ Neeie the place moft coaft. h"h«'e '>>« «ΐι»»1*ι• -^7 Then Balak faid vnto Balaam , Did not I ['""Hi fend for thee to call thee? Wherefore camert thou I not vnto me ? ami notable in deed to promote thee vHto honour? Η 3 38 Ana Nu cnbcKi id Balnam made tn'iv/ets vnto Balak f of ifty itlft r I Lo, 1 3Π1 come vnto thee, and can I now fay *' ifpiaie nothing: ontly whatGod le- .B«i)t!h,tf»t will I 'vtur.i^tcmt ir j-)od or bad. iOr,rffl.„„: ,r, f.fU^u. titif. t Where *€ idole Bial ivai 9 For ameng the Gentilis the «ingj eft times vfeJ to faciifice.asdid the Ptiefls. rfelfraclitcg' b Appeared vnio Taught him ?hattol>y. I Or.fwyipeV. Ρ Or, Syrtj. ί CmW that ill may hate and de- ί»β them. any ing at a!J ? the worde that God putteth in my jmouth that Hiall I fpe.ike. 39 So Balaam went with Balak.and they came vnto the city of \\ Huzoth. 40 Then Balak ofF-'red bullockes.and flieepe, and fent thereof lo Balaam , and to the princes that were with him, 41 And on the morowBalacktooke Balaam, and brought him vp into the hie places of' Baal, that thence hee might fee thevtmoftpartofthe people. CHAP XXII I. I StUamc»ufeth feuenaltarstt be iuilt. ; Gtiteachtth him what tc anfyvcre. S In fleai cf thrfmi hee tlefeth Jfrael. 19 Cod is not lik* man, ANd Bnlaam faid vnto Balak, Build mee here ieucn alt.irs , and prepare me here feuen bul- lockes.and feiien ramraes. 2 And Bdak did as Balaam faid , and » Balak and Balaam offered onew/altarabiillocke and aramme•. 3 Then Balaam faid vnto Balak , Standby thy burnt offering, and I will goe.if fo be that the Lord will come ^^iiraeetemee : and whntfoeuer he Ihcweth me, I will tell thee : fo he |j went forth j alone. j 4 And God b met Balaam , and Balaam faid , vnto him , 1 haiie prepared feuen alters , and haue | cifered vpon tuery altar a bullocke and a r.imme. J And tlie Lord' put an anfwere in Balaams | moinh , and faid•, Goe againe to Balak , and fay on this wife. 6 So when hee turned vnto him , loe flood by his burnt offering, hee , and all the prin- | cesofMoab. j 7 Then he vttered his [j p-rable, and faid ,Ba- | lak the king of Moib hath brought mee from | Β Aram out of the raountaines of the Eaft , frying, ,ι Come, curfe laakob for my fake-; corae,and i de- j tcftlfriel. 8 How fliall I CHrfe.where God hath not ctir- ; fed > or how Ihall Ideteft , vvhertuiQ Lord hath ) not deteftedf ! 9 For from thf toppe of the rockes I did fee | him , end from the hiiies I did behold him : loe, j tlie people fhall dwell by themfelueSiand (hall not : lie reckonedamong the «nations. > Jo who cm tell the fdnft of laakob, and the ; number of the fourth• part of Ifrael ; Let meS die the death of the righteous, and let my laft ende be like his. II Then Balak faid vnto Balaam , What haft Chip. \6 And the Lord met Balaafn,and ♦ put an an iw'ere in his mouth , and faid , Go againe vnto Ba- lak,and fay thus. j 1 7 And when hee cme to him, beholde, bee flood by his burnt offering , and the princes of Moab with him : fo Balak laid vnto him , What hath the Lord faid» 1 8 And he vttered his parable, and faid. Rife vp Balak.and heare : hearken vnto me, thou foiine of Zippor. 19 ^ God/'/ note/ man, that he fiioii]dlie,nei-!5, codtenemiei ther as the fonne of man , that hee Ihotild repent • ;' ,« compelled to hath he (aid , and (hall he not doe it ? and hath he confen'e that hit fpoJcen.nnd (Ml heiwt accomplifn it? 20 Behold , I haue receiued cemmandevnent to bleffe.for he hath bleffed,and I cannot alter it. 21 Hee leethnone inicjuitie in laakob , not feeth no tranfgrcflTon in linielthe Lord liis God is with him , and theMoyfullihoutofaKingw among them. 22 God brought them outof Egypt : their ftrengthw as an vnicome. 23 For there is no forceric in laakob , nor foothfaying in Ifrael :* according to this time it Ihallbe faid of laakob and of I frael , Whathath God wrought? 24 Behold, the people fliall rife vp as a lyon, j andliftvp himfelfeasayong lyon : " ■■ lye downe , till hee eate of the pray I drinke the blood of the ilainc. 2Ϊ ? Then Balak faid vnto Balaam curle.nor bleUe them at all. I 26 But Balaam anfwered , and faid vnto Balak, j Tolde not I thee , faying , All that the Lord fpea- hee 1 kcth.that muft I doe? 27 f Againe Balak faid vnto Balaam , Come I pray thce.I will bring thee vnto another 1 place if lo be ir will pleafeGod.that thou mayeft thence imagine of cod curfe them for my fake. : that that ivhich 28 So Balak brought Balaam vnto the top ofj^' w,il notgta», ■I. 1 , , , ir η im one place, 1 eor,that lo&keth toward leilimon. ^hewiU doeit is jonernementit jiid.coEftant.aiid• without chanje oitcpentaace, i TheT ttinmph as vidtotieui kings otiet their enemies. I Confideting- Y7hat Grd Qiall >vorke this time for the ddiae- rance ο 1 his pes- hee fliallnot^ ??''?"''« 7"'*' and till hed Neither 1 Thus the Tfielei anoihet^ ί Ttot ftiall ha 3cli|ion and lanes apart. 1 ThcinSnite iriiliitiKle, as the d.ift of the earth. g Thr ftare of Godjiudgement , , , τ , i_ r • canftd him to wiOi! thou done vnto mee ? i. tooke thee to curie mme eneniies.andbehold, thou haft bleffed them alto- gether, I i And he anfwered, and faid, Muft Inot take heede to ipeake th it , which the LordJiath put iu ray moutli? ' 13 And Balak faid vntohiifi , Come , I pray thee , with me vnto another place , whence thou m'jyeft fee them, and thou ikilt lee but the vtmoft• part of chem.and i-balt not fee them all ; therefore curfe them out of that place fcn'my fake tlithoulholdof Abrih.im: thus thf «rictiedhsue thtir confcierces wottndel when «bey coiiiid;! Gods jiidgemeBtc. J Ot.iniothe.lJtId ,. f And he brought him into B-Scdc-fophim «iI^.rie*'hi«f>o tlie top feuen altars . and seieAfliiU apptoch.^ offered a bullocke and a ramme onemry altar. Ϊ If After , hee fjyd vnto Balak, Sund here by ; jthy burnt offering 1 and L will.m^t* the-Ltrd j ', 29 Then Balaam faid vnto Balak ,. Make mt ; here feuen altars , and prepare me here feuen bul- ■j locks, and feuen r.immes. ; 30 And Blink did as Balaam had faid , and of«j \ fered a bullocke aid a ramme en ixery altar. j ! C Η A p. X X I V. ■ / JB^Uam prefhecieth of the great frofperitie that p>t>tiH\ (tote -vntt Jfrael. 17 Alfo ef the eemmtug tfChrifl. j .20 The deftrnnim ef the AmaieK'tes , and ef the • Kenitei, WHen Balaam faw that it pleafed the Lord to ; % , bleffe Ifrael , then he went not , + as cer-V a-w.ij.s.ii; 1 taine times before, to fet diuinations , but fet his j " ^ face toward the a wilderncffe. L whtrethe if- 2 And Balaam lift vp his eyes,and looked vp- jiaelites tamped, on Ifrael , which dwelt according to their tribes, and the Spirit of God came vpon him. t 3, + And he vttered his p..rable,and fa'd,Bar L-cii/.tj.» «j liam.thc fonne of Beor hath faid , and the man; • ■ • '■ whofe eyes ''were ihut vp.hath faid, i His eyes were 4 Hee hath faid which heard the wordes αίί^^^χ'^Ρ•»*'»"'"» God , and fawe the vilion of the Almightie, and **Γ-'* "ί '■'"ί 'J'*'*'' - ,. . 1 t ι • I viiions vpnjcn he «falling »«<» traur.ce had his eyes opened : ;faw after : leme, 5• f How goodly are thy.tems,OIaakob,<»imi»eade,i»ereopea. thine habitations. Ο Ifrael ! j« ihe»fhheiay 6 As the valleys are they.ftretched foorth, as ^ι,^.νΜ''! U" gardens by the riuers fide , as the U aloe trees, mind weie open, j which the Lordhath planted ,as-.the cedars be-• °''•'"'" . '■ fide the waters. LdvoiU*t^ ■ X The* water dropp,ethoutLof his bucket.anJfb, very cew i ^ 4— ^ I and prophe4ieth. Chap, XXV. XXVI, j kings si Amalck, •♦ Gtit^»t% ί tmuUnoi tmgtt, his (zzafhalibe in many waters .and his King fhill be higher then c Agag , anj his kingJorus Uullbe exalted. % Goa brought him out of Egypt : his ftrength fhaUbe as an vnicoine : he iballeate the nations his enemies . and bruife their bones , and Ihoote them thorow with his arrowes. 9 * Hecoucheth, ««iliethdowneasayong Lion, and ns a Lion: Who Ihali ftirre him vp? blefled is hee that blefleth thee, and curfed is hce" that curfeththee. 10 Then Balak was very angry with Balaam, and ί i'mote his hands together : fo Bilak layd | of tht: Lords wrath may bd turned fic^n Urael vnto Balaam , I fent for thee to curfe mine ene- r Then Moles faidvnto the luJg^rs of Ifrac!, Baal Peor 6 ί And behold, one of rhe children of Ifrael iiden 6eil wfce.-ithey cinitoc ι Tficzcale ofPhinehas. 6^ Crtf . i S . ♦ J . ]^0w whiles Ilhel .-.boiie :n * Shittin.the people began to conamic whoredomc with the 'daughters of Moab: 2 which called the people vnto the facrifice of their gods , and die people ate . and bowed downe to their gods, i And Ifrael •> coupled himfelfe vnto Bnal Peor : wherefore the wrath of the Lord was kin- dled agjinftl'.rael; 4 And the Lord fayd vnto Mofes . * Take all the heads of the people and h ng them vp Β before the Lord c againft the iunne, that the indignation fnies.and behold, thou haft blefled them now ι Euery one ilay his "^ men that were ioyned vnto iiischjij•. three times. ' '<='^' •* ■"'»•■ 1 1 Therefore now flee vnto thy place:! thought furely to promote thee vnto honour , but loe, the | came and brought vnto his brethren a Midi.ini- " ' ' ' tidi woman in the fight of Mufcs,and in the light ί Lord hath kept thee backe from honour. I τ Then Balaam anfwered Balak , Told I not i»iiVain!'ewif«iJ ^^•'o.'^'^y meflengers , which thou fenteft vnto me. 13 If Balak would giue mehisTioufefiiU of llluer and gold.I cannot pafli the comraandement of the Lord, to doc eithtr goed or bad of mine owne mind ? what the Lord llull command , that fame willlipeake. 14 And new behold , I goe vnto my people: come . I will t ^ aduertiie tliee what this people fhalldoe to thy folke in the latter dayes, I f And he vttered his perable.and fayd. Bala- am the fonne of Beor hath iayd , and the man whofe eyes were Ihut vp hath fayd, \6 He hath faid that heard the words of God, and hath riie knowledge of the raoit High , and faw the vilion of the Almighty , and falling in a, »r4nri had his eyes opened: I Ihall fee hira.but not now : I fliall behold t with ibc «romca > Worl^rppta the idoieot'ciic MoabiiCi, «thick was in y hill Pco>, >D/+ j.i»/•. »i If |0f ,»,,*, £,rii. t Optnlv in ύχ ■■ghiofaU. te: him lie en :cu';on doae ot hem th^c Repenting iluc :y hadottcBtM ' -k H» gitie alfe wfclttd counftU U tauiethe iftaelutJ CO fiuHe, thatiheie γ God might foi- " hem.Ctap. >i=/.l.»* r of all the Congregation of the children of Ilrael. e who wept before the doon: of the Tabernacle of the Congregation. 7 * And when Pinehas the fonne of EleazarC^i^';,' the fonne of Aaron the Prieft law it . hee rofc vp• from the middes of the Contrreiytion , and tooke a y fpeare in his hand % And followed the man of Ifrael into the tent , and thruft them both thorow : i» wit , the ^^ .^ , man of Ili-ael , and the woman . it thorow her b•:!- ΙίΙιί^ΜέοΖ ly: Γα the plagueceafedfromthechildrenof If-kii»7 GtdunmnH- 4*thu kiUtht MitVM'U ti The AmalekitCi firft made wane againft iftael. as Chap. 1+.+$. I Or, MHijniti gOr.iii.iCit- Jh-ilt. ρ Some leade. Ob vrhoOi all not pe- ri* when the ene- inie, tkii it, A'li- «trf,t,lfcall fethim felfe vp as God? b The gvecians •nd Romanes. I Meaniig, Ebti. oi the Itwes for icbcUin^ agiinft Sod. tEir.ofihch of the father. 1 2 wherefore fay i* <)«».Behold,*I giue vntoi* znUt.^i.t^. him my ceuenontofpeace. |i.m4«.a 54.' 13 Andhelhallhatieit.andhis feed after him, ^ cuen the coucnant of the Priells ofiice for eucr,; becaui'ehe w-s zealous for his God.3c hath made' anS atonement for the children of Ifrael. L Hehath paciSea 14 And the name of the Ifraelitef/iw ΙΐΛιε,| cods wrath which was killed with the Midiaoiiilh woman, WAS Zimri the fonne of Salu.princetof the fami- lieofthe Simeonitcs. I y And the name of the Midianitilli woman that was liaine . vvus Cozbi the daughter of Ζ ur; who vvM head ouer the people of his fathers houfeinMidian. 16 1 Againe the Lord/pake vnto Mofes , fay- 1 7 * Vexe the Midianites.and fmite them: ;Γο1,.Τ.\"Γί«. 1 8 For they trouble you with their •• wiles,! poiailandfpiriB wherewith they h.iue beguiled you as concerning all foraicirion by Pcor.and as cc.ncerning their fulei-rozl-.i d.=uj.h" Λ'!'.".".' """*''"• ter of a prince of Midian , whith was ilaine in die day of the plague becaufe of Peor. CHAP, xxvr 2 The Lni cntimnicth tt nnmhtr'tht eli,lJremofIf,aft in the finine •/ M«ah , frnu tr>ent; leert die AitHt. i7 The Leiiiiesand ihrirfemiiiis. «4 Λ'.κί «f them th.u vne nunttieiin Sintigte ,»t»Cnna faue Caiib andJifiua, A N'd fo after the > p!ag;te , die Lot d fp.ike TOto Mofes . and to Elcazar the fonne of Aaron the Prieft, faying. 2 Take the nrmber cf allthcCongreg.;tion i^ 4 of a whAt «imt for their v.hor«- dome an4 idoU. rik. a' .f 4 Wherefore ihouid the nan.c of ouT""."• Le taken away from among his faraiiie, becaw..!» '""'^'"i he hath no fonne ? giue vs a poiletsion among iheu. !Il"h « ί brethren of our father. 5: Then Moles brought their '' caufe before the Lord. 6 And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes, faying, 7 The daughters of Zelophehad fpea'ke right: thon Ihalt giue them a poifefsion to inherite a- mong their fathers brethren , and ihalt turne the inheritance oftheir father vnto them. 8 Alio thou Ihalt fpeake vnto the children of Ifrael, faying. If a man die and haue no fonne, then yee ihall turne his inheritance vnto his daughter. 9 And if he haue no daughter , yee fliall giue his inheritance vnto his brethren 10 Afid if hee haue no brethren , ye ihall giue his inheritance vnto his fathers brethren. 1 1 And if his father haue no brechren.ye dial giue his inheritance vnto his next kinlman of his family, and he ihall poffefle it : and thu Ihalbc vn- to the chiklrenof ifrael alaw oft iudgemcnt , as the Lord had commanded Mofes. ' I 2 ί Againe the Lord fayd vnto Mofes , "* Go vp into this mountjof Abarim , 8c behold the laiui which I hiue giue vnto the children of llia^l 1 5 And wlun thou haft lecne it , thou Ihalt be gathered vnto thy people alfo , "" as Aaron thy brother was gathered. 14 For ye were * difobedient vnto my word in the deiert of Zin.in theltnfeof theaHembly to fanttitie mee in the waters before their eyes : * That IS the wat;r of li Meribch in Kadcih in the wilderneiVeofZin. I y f Then Moles Ipake vnto the Lord.fayin, 16 Let the Lord God ot the ''ipintsof « fleih appoynt a man ouer the Congrcgatiun, 17 Who may*goe out and in bctore them and leade them out• and in . that die Congr tion of the Lord bee not as meepe not a Ihcpheard. * Ana the Lord fayd vnto Mofes , Take thee iidge by. ■Ct-p. iOr.Jhifc. Whoashee goner whKll haue r«i"s<"«» men, :m and' vj/ardlcncho'. loinua the lonneot Nun, in whom is the Spirit, a man of and ί put thine Hands vponhiin. 64 And among thefe there was not them, ε whon>iuoies and Aaron the Prieftnum- bred , when they told the children of lirael in the wiiderneiie of 6inai. 6 s For the Lord laid vnto them , * They fliall die in the wndcrnelk : lo there was not left a man of them , laue Caieb the ionne of lephunneh , and lolhua the ionne of Nun, CHAP. X'XVII. li Moi;sfyy'ttftr ItJhuA it apfc i*l td in th J Tii f J»? of li' (.f'il^i aftbf djagHtr Uni offremiff isfiemid m/o Mtfri. Λ gourrntmr vnto titt ftefle, 18 •T• Hen came the daughters of ^Zelophehad.'.he ■^ fonne of Hepher ,the fon ofGilead. the Ionne of M.!chir . the 'onne of Manaffeh , of the family of M.-'mffeh .the fonne oflofeph (and the names ©f his ^aug^rers were thefe , Mahlah .Noah , and Hoglah ,a"ndMiIcih, andTirzih) Ϊ And ftood before Mofes , and before E- leazar the Prieft , and before the Princes . and all rile affcmbly at tlie tloore of the Tabernacle ot 19 And fet him betore Eleazar the Prieft, and before all the Congregation , and giue him a charge in their light. 20 And g giue him of thy glory , that all the Congregation of the children ot l.raei may obey. 21 And bee ihall itand before Eleazar the j? rommf «i h,w Priclt ,who Ihall alke counlellforhim + by the ^ iiidgement of Vrim before ths Lord : at his worde they ihall go out , and at his worde ihey Ν«ί lliall come in , Octh lie, and aii the children of Ii- [ ^ rael widi him , and all the Congregatio.i. 22 So Moles did as the Lord had comrtiandcd him , and he tooke lolhua , and let him before E- leazar the Prieft, an J before all the Congrega- tion.. 23 Then he put hishtnds vpon him,and gaix him a « charge, as the Lordhadfpokcnby the hand of Moles. ttsmgoiitiiioiii. id h^ God x-'J.at.jo. ce.diig,to „ ■/inj ihaithi tlL- gidraie loih'njbj CHAP. XXVIII. •!fi„cfihfXM*li " Oflh t* Oflk'fi'fif""'- AtM God. i How hi jO-.ierre hiitifi IhoiOA-- OiFe rings jj^aEBaa A\'j u . — , ,."- vntoMofes, faying, ^'^^'^5,'-°'''^-Q'ihe children ofirrfel, and Nun ibcre Three pr iiapiiunff • By bieid.hec meanerh ill mm, mr at facrifice. •£«•<<. ap,ji. ♦ £.diir.j.i. '!> Thi m«jtof- fiinganddtinlie «ffiiiig of the aliening fictiHcc. ,< Of the Sphalii. ^ Which wiS of- feed eiiety dayjt meining tnd at cClwaing. eTimii.^he wjne thii Qiilbe powiedv^n(he *tfirtt.i3,7. ienikiy. ' fav vnto h'^'^'^s (liallobferue to oifec vnto mec ,- ifj^ji^ . .le feafon mine offering.ini > my bread ' for ir.^'^ciifi»•'^* ro^de by fire for a fweete faiiour j yp^raee. j 3 Alfo thou ilialt fay vnto them,* This is the offring made by fre which ye ilisll offer vnto the Lord , two lambes of a ycere olde , without I'pot dayly.fora continuall burnt offring. 4 One lambe itiah thou prepare in the mor- ning, and tlie other lambe ihalt thou prepare at cuen. I y * And the tenth part of an Ephih of fine floure for a ♦ meate offering mingled with the fourth part of an * Hin of beaten oyle. ( 6 This fhall be a dayly burnt offering , as was made in the mount S inai for a fweete fauour : it is ■a facrifice made by fire vnto the Lord. 7 And the drinke offering thereof the fourth part of an Hin for one lambe : in the holy place caufe to powre the drinke offring vnto the Lord• 8 And the other lambe thou ihait prepare at enen : as the meate offering of the morning , and as the drinke offeringthereofflwlt thou prepare 'this *> /aranoffringmadebyfireoffweetefauour vnto the Lord. 9 f But on the Sabbath day yefhali offer two lambes of a yeere olde .without fpot .and two * tenth deales of fine floure for a merwe offering mingled with oyle, and f drinke offring thereof. I ο This is the burnt offering of euei y Sabb ath, befide the <• continuall burnt offering . and drinke offering thereof. I I ί And in the beginning ofyour raoneths, ye ihall offer a burnt offering vnto the Lord , two •yong buUockes , and a ramme , and feuen lambes ■of a yeere old.without fpot, ία And three tenth deales offine floure for a .meat offring mingled with oyle for one buUocke, and two tenth deales of fine floure for a meate •offi;ring,mingled with oyle for one ramme, i3vAnd a tenth dcale of fine floure mingled wieh oyle for a meate offering vnto one lambe, for a burnt offring of fweete fauour ; it is an offe- ring made by fire vnto the Lord. 14 And their e drinke offerings Ihalbe halfe an Hin of wine vnto one bullocke,and tliethirde pare of an Hin vnto a ramme , and the fourth part of an Hin vnto a lambe : this is the burnt offring of euery moneth , chroughoirt the moneths of the •yeere. I y And one hee goate for a finne offring vnto the Lord fliailbe prepared, befides the continuall burnt offring, and his drinke offering. \6 * Alfo the fourteenth day of the firil mo- neth is the Paffeouer of the Lord. , • 17 And in the fifteenth day of the fame mo- ■neth is the feaft ; feuen dayes llwll vnlcaucned bread be eaten. 18 Inthe*firft day/W/&i anholy *^conuo- ca'tion, ye (hall doe no (eniilc worke therein. 19 But yes ihall offer a facrifice made by fire for a burnt offering vnto the Lord, two yong biil- locks , one ramme , and feuen lambes of a yeere oldc : fee that they be without blemifh. 20 And their meate offering jP^W be of fine «floure mingled with oyle: three tenth deales ihall yee prepare for a bullocke , and two tenth deales for a ramme: XI jQne tenth deale Ihalt thou prepare for Ek,lri4*'. t,uixρ»"β£ s, n^all doe no feruile worke therein : * it ihall be a f "o,^b« day of blowing the trumpets vnto yon. 5- uuit 2 And yee Uiall make a burnt offering for a fweete fauour vnto the Lord : one yong bnllock, one ramme , <«« vowes, and yoiu fre offerings , for your burnt offerings , and for your meate offerings, and for your diinke ofirings, and for your peace offerings. CHAP. XXX.• 3 C.).ffT«iV^v,»t/. + Tti «>»./«;, m«V(f, fOftUitr.fi, 10 O/ttemd•» triiutrai. 'J'Hen Mofes fpake vnto the children of Ifiael according to all that the Lord had coraman• ; dcd thim. j 2 Mofes alfo fpake vnto the heads of the i tribes > concerning the children of lirae) , fay I ing , This is the thing which the Lord hath com- j manded, 3 Whofoeuer voweth a vow vntoth^ Lord, t or iweareth an 01th to bind t himfelfe by a bond,' i hee fhall not t breake his promife ,'l/ut ihall 1 doe according to all that proceedeth out of his ! mourh. ! 4 If a woman alfo vow a vow ^nto the Lord, and bind her felfe by a bond , l>ein^ in her fathers ! houfe, in the time other youth, i J- And her father heare her vowe and bond, ■ wherewith fhee hath bocnd her felfe , and her fa- ther hold his ^ peace concerning her , then all her vowes ibdl fland, and euery bond.whercwith Ihe hath bound her felfe .ihall (tand. 6 But if her ' father difajow her the fame day that hee heareth allher vowes .ind bonds , where- I with Ihee hath bound her felfe , they Ihall not be of value , and the Lord will ftjrgiuehcr , becaufe j her fatherdiCalowed her; I 7 And if flv; haue an husband when /lie vow- I etli or ^ pronounceth w^^ht with her I ins , where- . . ί with ihc bindetb her lelfe, l^ 8 If lier husband heard it , and hoideth his Uuit peace concerning her,the fame day hg heareth it, then her vow fhall Itand , and her I onds where- with fhe bindeth herfclfe Ihall ilandjn effed. 9 But if her husband dilalow her the lame day that hee heareth it , then Ihall hee make her vow which Ihce hath made, and tliat that ilicc hath pronounced with her lips , wherewith (liee bound her « falfe ,of none effect ; and the Lord w3l forgiue her, ^ JO But euery vow ofa widow , and of Iier th.n l""' is diuorced (wherewith Ihe hath bound her felfe) !v/dVi'.h7"ii.e'*' fiiaiiftand in ' cffeit witli her. ■ {ιΛ«•ίΛ.«ββ, 14- And-] Tings. 4^ h EtHdrtheft. ciifcn [hat ynu Oiill vovf CK ofltT ef yoiit oviftr ;ιηΓ« they mi|htdcclai< I htm 10 Ih« Ifiitt lilts. bFotinftrdeinf ht doib jppioOK•' her. Eithtrkyeatli}. ■ il«mut pre- hu^and, and can 1 totrinimc iioihir.g jvrithoiii hiscoii-- Het hiitbani ijigaliiie. Nuirb And ifibe vowed in her hufbanJs ghoufe, or bound her felfe ftraitly with an oathe, 12 And her hulliand hath heard it , and helJe his peace concerning her , nor difailowing her, then all lier vowes ihail ftand, and eiiery bond, wherewith tliee bound herfelfe , Ihall ftand in effed. 13 But if her huf band difanulled them the fame day that hee heard them, nothing that pro- ceeded out of her lips concerning her vowes or I concerning + her bones , lliall ftind in effedl -.for her hufband hith difanulled them: and the Loid iwillforgiuiher. \ 14 Ju euery vowe . and eiiery oathe or bond, * To raercifit htt ^made to •> humble the fouls , her hu fband may ft4- ielfe_by_>bni_T,ince;^ blilh it, or her hufband may brcake it. I ^ But if her hufband hold his peace concer- ning her from i Jay to day , then he ftabliil-.eth all hor vowes and all her bondes which (liee hath made ; he hath confirmed them becatife hs heldc his peace concerning her the fame day that hee heard i^e»». 16 But if hee'' breake them after that he hath heard them , then ih ill he beare iier iniquitie. i-Hr.thfl'nit'f othet bodily .exercife. i Andwirwhtt notthi fame day that he heateih it » vetQ: 9. )ers. The ipoyk of Midla^l Jt Not the fame Jay hee heard ^a'Tflevielinne ' 17 Thefe are the ordinances which theLord fliaibe impuctd to ; Commanded Moles , Jiim and not to 4>ti, betweene a man and his wife, 4»ίί betweene the father and his daughter .^«/«j young in her fathers houfe. C Η A P. XXXI. s tiut KiH^s if MUtau and. Btlaam are βαίπι. 1 8 Onelj Ih' nmydes ere referHedaliue.i? The prey ne^tt«llj diutied . (o AfrefeMiiuctflfraeJ. Λ Nd the Lord Ipake vnto Mofes , laying, 2 * Reuenge the children of Ifracl of the Midianites , and afterward thou llTalt be * gathe- red vnto thy people. 3 And Moles fpake to the people, faying , Hjr- neiTe fome of you vnto warre , and let them goe againft Midian , to execute the vengeance of the Lord a againft Midian. 4 A thoufand of euery tribe throughout all ribes of Ifrael ihall ye fend to the warre. i -Tie done «giinft 1 Τ S Ο there were taken out of the thoiifands of j his people lUone 1 Ifrael , twelue thoufand prepared vntowarrc,(rf 1 «jainn him. j e„g^y ^^^^^ g thoufand, 1 } 6 And Mofes fent them to the warre , ί«ί« a ;■ iFethisgreat ί thoufand of euery tribe , and )<»ί them with b Ph i- 8 Ailieludc manded , Chip. e As theiighit* fayd , ye ought te have fpaied none, 2.Prl t g That is, all the childien. «■«^ρ.ΐΛΐϊ,; \Oii.ttritiintii% ecile that he bare te the I.oid< Chapj »5>'ϊ• *Ujh.M,^-u « The falfe pro- phet whogiue coutifellhovr to eaufe the Ifrae. lites to ofTeiid «heir God. J Of/* di As the women {Mtdiittlethildien i-" has the fonne of Eleazar the Prieft to the warre: and the holy inftruments.that issthe trumpets to blow wire in his hand. 7 And they warred againft Midi.m , as the Lord had commanded Mofes , and ftewe all the males. % They flew alfa the kings of Midian among them that were flaine : '•' Eui,andRckem,andZur, and Hur.and Reba.fiue kings of Midian, and they flewe « Balaam the fonne of Beor with the fword. 9 But the children oflfraeltooke the women of Midian prifoners, and their children , and fpoy- led all their cattell , and all their flockes , and all their goods. 10 And they burnt all their cities , wherein they dwelt , and all their Β villages with fire. 1 1 And they tooke all the fpoyle , and all the priy both of men and beafts. 1 2 And they brought the ^ captiues and that which they had taken , and the fpoyle vnto Mofes and to Eleazar the Prieft ,and vnto the Congre- gation of the children of Ifrael, into thecampe Js tlie plainc of Moab .which was by lorden f#- x/f4rii lericho, 13 ί Then Mofes and Eieazar the Prieft , and all the princes of the Congregation went out of the campc tomeete them. 14 And Mok's was nngry with the captaines of the hoafte , with the captaines ouer thoufamls, and captaines oner hundreds , which came from the warre .inJbattell. 1 r And Mofes layd vnto them , Wh.at ? haue ye failed all the c women? 16 Behold , * thefe caufed the children of If- rael through the ^ counfell of Balaam to commit a trefpaffe againft the Lord , fas concerning Pe- , or .and there came a plague among the Congre- of re^" '^^^* garion of the Lord. 17 Now therefo{-e , * tl \y all the males among the g children , and kill all the women that haue knowen man by carnall copulation. 1 8 But all the women children that haue not knowen carnall copulation , keepc aiiue for your felues. 10 And ye fliall remaine without the hoafte fe- uen dayes , all that haue killed any perfon , * and all that liaue touched any dead, «Wpurifie both your iehics and your prifoners the third day and the feiienth. 2o_ Alfo ye iliall purifie euery garment and all that is made of skinnes , arid all worke of goates haire, and all things made of wood. 21 ί And Eieazar the Prieft fayd vnto the men of wane.which went to the battell,This is the or- dinance Η of the law which the Lord * comman- μ,/' ded Moles. ncb^.i,, 2 2 As for golde , and filuer, brafle, yron, tinwe . I and lead; \ 23 E«M all that may abide the fire, yee ihall I ^ make it go through the fire , and it fl;albe cleane: , ^. yet , it ihalbe h purified with * the water of purifi- j, The thw dj» cation ; and all that fuftereth not the fire , ye ihall e»d befoteit be caufe to pafle by thei water. , jmaiten. 24 Ye fliall wafli alfo your cloathes the feuenth \Ί i^^jibViMflit^ day , and ye fliaibe cleane : and afterward ye fliall come into the hoafte. | 2 5: ί And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes, faying, | %6 Take the fiimme of the praye that was ta- ken , both of perfons and of cattell , thou and Eiea- zar the Prieft , and the chiefe fathers of the Con- gregation. 27 And diiiide the pray Π bet!weene the foul- n Thepteyiifee tUers that went to the warre . and all the Congre- idiuided e^irally gation. jamongall. 28 And thou fl-ialt take a tribute vnto the Lord of the * men of warre .which went out to * ^^^'P'T . feattell : one perfon of fiue hundreth,i«^of thejf^;/?!^,*'''*••'* perfons , and of the beeues.and of the afles.andoP ' the ftiecpe. 2-9 Ye ftiall take it of tkeir halfe»and giue it vn- to Eieazar the Prieft , as an hcaue offering of the Lord. 30 But of the halfc of the children of Ifrael thou flialt take 1 one , taken out of fiftie ,*oinbf l The ifrseliiM the perfons, of the beeues, of the aflcs, and of the "hichhadnot flieepe , euen of all the cattell, and thou (bait giuej ."^*fif tieT'ta* them vnto the Leuites , which haue the charge ofj one to the i.o?d: the Tabernacle of the Lord. ; and the fouldien 31 And Mofes and Eieazar the Prieft didas^,';^^"^"'*^'"'* the Lord had commanded Mofes. \ "" '*' " 3 2 And the bootie, to wit, the reft of the pray which the men of warre had fpoyled.was fixe hundreth feuentic and fiue thoufand flieepe, . 33 Andfeuentie and two thoufand beeues. 34 And liuidhji The diuidirig of the pray. Chap. XX XII, + Br. not Jvw»iji mTKiiiiclic 5ortion that «Ί* bulditis gaiic co liMtlni»g,ef«h« jnaides, oivitgin» vrMchbid not paiued with vnn• • Of thatpa» which was giuen «idint^riic f{o>l(. • Which ha 2. 34 And threefcore and one thoufand afll-s, 3 y And two and thirty dioufand pen'ons in all, of women that had + lien by no man. 36 Andthehalfe, ίο fvii.the part of them that v/ent out to warre,toiiching the number of ilieepe, was three hundreth leuen and thirtie thoufand, andfiue hundreth. 37 And the» Lords tribute ofthefheepewas fixe hundreth feuenty and fiue: 3 8 And thebeeues were fixe and thirty thou- fand, whereof the Lords tribute vvai fcuentie and two. 39 And the affes were thirty thoufand and fiue hundreth , whereof the Lords tribute was three- fcore and one : 40 And » of perfons fixteene thoufand.where- of the Lords tribute was two and thirty perfons, 41 And Mofes gaue the tribute of the Louis j offering vnto Eleazar the Prieft , as the Lord had comrarinded Mofes. 42 And ofthe°halfe of the children of Ifra- j el, which Mofes d'uidedfrorathe men ofwarre, j 43 (For thehalfe that perteined vnto the con- I gregation , was three hundreth thirty andfcuen \ thoufand Iteepe and fiue hundreth, i44 And fixe and thirty beenes, , 4i And thirty thoufand aifes , and fiue hundreth 46 And fixteene thoufand perl ons.) 47 Mofes , I fay , tooke of the halfe that per- teined vnto die ρ children of Ifrael, one teken out cpf fiftie , both of the perlons , and of the cattell. 5 _Reubcos and Gadsiegueft."• <^4 Reuben came, and fpake vnto Mofes ar.dtd Eleazar the Prieft, and vnto tha Princes ofthd Congregation, faying, 3 The /and of Ataroth , and Dibon , nnd Iszer and Nimi-ah,and Heflibon , and Elealch.and She- bam, and Nebo, and Beon, 4 which countrey the Lord fmote before the Congregation of Ifrael ,is alandw»fi/f forcattell, and thy leruants hauocattell: y Wherefore , fay d they , If wee haue found grace in thy fight , Icr this land be giuen vnto thy feruants for a poifeffion ,4.ai,i^, i Kir. hftf:; and gaue them vnto the Leuites , which haue die '■ h.!k,and to laakob ,.becaufe.they;h.uie not 0 whol m q rhteaptaiiies bftliisbttaffc linjaelbofiledgi dtegieitbitneht BiGodinprefti- WDg hit people. ι Aiifl ^jiie no H>ttion to ihtit r That tht Lord might remember the chiWien of Ifratl. ^ L-thjrge of the Tabernacle of the Lord.as the Lord I Qiad commanded Mofes. | ^48 f Then the captaines which were oner ■ thoufands of the hoafte , the captaines ouer the ' thoufands . and the captaines oucr the hundreths i came vnto Mofc3 : 4^ And fayd to Mofes , Thy feruants haue ta- ken the fumme of the men «f warre which are vnder tour. authority , and there lackethnot orw man of vs. fo ί We haue therefore brought a prefent vn- to the LcH-d , what eucry man found of lewels of gold, bracclets.and chaines.rings, earerings,and ornaments of the legs , to make an atonement for our foulesbeforc the Lord. γι And Mofes and Eleazar the Prieiltooke the gold of thera.swii all. wrought iewels, fi And all the gold of the offering that they offered vp to the Lord (of the captaines• ouer thoufands and hundreds) was fixteene thoufand fe.uen hundreth andlifticr Ihekels. f nones that laakob made is a/iiji^e of theco- itenant between*. iunandLaban, C HA P. XXXII. 7ttit(\mrjix>fikill.eui'»Hfij»iCjiitrt, i< ni Iheit frtmift ,. KiuiTTiiui , 411^ ω/ί thiuikttf Mjtuffih ynxnuKtvijikiiiii. tiiitj ex ititfidr loriltn^ NOw the children of a Reuben , and the chil- dren of Gad had an exceeding great multi- de of cittell : ..nd they faw thelandoflxizer,. ly followed mc: 1 1 Except Caleb the fonne of lephunneh the. Kc-nefite.and loflnia the fonne of Nun; for they liaue conftantly followed the Lord, ί 1 3 And the Lord was very angry with Ifraci: I and made him wander inthe wiidernfllefourtis j yeeres.vntilalthe gtner.-tionthat haddoncceuiJ in the fight of the Lord.were ccnfumed. 14 And behold , yc are rifen vp in your fathers ilead Μ an inci-cale of finfull men, Hill to augment the fierce wrath of the Lord toward Ilrael. 1 5 For if ye tnrne away from following him, hee will vetagaineleauci/)f /'.fo/'/finthe \viider- neife, and d ye IhaO dellroy all t his foike. 16 Andtliey went neereLtohim,and f yd, Wn wiii build Γl-ίeepefυίdshcereforourll•eepe,4Λi for our cattdl, and cities lOr our clulurcn. 17 But wee our felucs will be ready armed tg gee before the chikireii of Ilrael , vntill we haue brought them vnto theii * place: but our children il-ali dwell in the defe^c^d.cj'« J••»*• to warre: [' il And will *oeetiery cneofyouinhameflei cuer. lorden before the Lord , vntill he haiic caft fcThn ij.ih'e out his g enemies from his iigbt: Fabnaoisefih»' 22 And vntill the land be lubdued before the Lord , then ye fhail reti:rne and be innocent to- Bctori tli Aiitr d the. land offcGilead, that it was^n apt place | ward the Lord,.-s5d toward Ifrael rand this i-wd forcattel). j fliail be your pofVcftionk-before the Lord. X Then tJie.childreil <£Gad, aoi tbecliUdrea- aj T3ut if yec^ill notdoe ib,bcbold,yee haue _1^' - - fja-iedi ltd otdwiQ. raiint y«.T thii OfvoVibuildedbyGada ι c Her hiitb Ibiijii j' anc Reuben. Numbers. Tbi iourtic^, f Ve Oiall iinited- Ιγ bcpUHiditJfot yotit Imnt. 3( Moftsgine jeliatgt ihat his the Rttibenite», and oihets (liould performed af- teihisdeath.fo that thry br»ke not chciis. ,1 Th»t is atiii- jbmed to the Lord, ivihich his mefTcn jgetfitaWth. ! i»rif»».?,"•'•^• \lJ.t.K»ilH.• t \m The Amor/tes Uwelledonboth i fides of lorden: bat here he ma- ilieth mention of I them that dwelt ion this fide : an4 loQi.to.ii.hee Ifpeaketh of them Ithat inhabited be- yond loiden. finned aj>.un& the Lord , and be fure , that your finne '' will finde you om, 24 Build you thin cities for your children, and ft)ldcs for your Iheepe.aiid doe that yee hai'.e fpoke'n.' 2 Τ Then the children of Gad an'd the children of Reuben fpiike vnto Mofes, faying.Thy feruants will doe as my lord comrainded: 260urchi!dren,onr \viues,ourίl•-ecp,and all owr cattell fliall remaine there in the cities of G Head, 27 But * thy I'erua'nts will go etiery one aiTned to 'warre before the Lord for to fight , as my lord• ! fayth. » 28 So concerning thera, Mofes It commanded I Eleazar the Prieft , and lofliua the fonne of Nun, 'and the chiefs: fathers of the tribes of the children ioflfrael: j 29 And Mofes fayd vnto them , If the children ofGadSc the children ofReubenwil g® with you I ouer lorden , all armed to fight before the Lord, i then when the land is fubdued before you.ye (liall ' giue them the landof Gileadfor a poflcffion: I, 30 But if they will not goe ouer with you ar- ' med , then they ihallhaue their pofleffions among i you in the land of Canaan. and fct vp their tents in Dophkah._ 13 Ai# they departed from Dophkah, and' in Aluib. 1 4 And they remooued from Ahilli , and lay * Rcphidim , where was no water for the peop to drinke . i.n.3j. names , and Sibmah : and gaue other names vnto the cities which they built. 39 And the children * of Machir tlie fonne of Manaifeh went to Gilcad , and tooke it , and put cut the Amorites that dwelt therein. 40 Then Mofes gaue Gilead vnto Machiithe fonne of Manafleh, and he dwelt therein. 41 * And lair the fonne of ManaiVeh went and tcoke the fmall townes thereof, and called them "Hauothlair. 42 Alfo Nobah wentandtookeKenath, with the villages thereof, and called it Nobah after his ownename. C Η A P. XXXIII. iTmlAiiiftHrtyuuyntitcflCrteUtrnHmhud. s» Th'f Λΐί timmanjril la 1^0 Ihe CΛ7lΛ■nιitet. 'V Hefe are the a iourneyes of the children of If- rael, which went out of the land of Egypt, ac- cording to their bands vnder the handof Mofes and Aaron. 2 And Mofes wrote their going out by their iourneys , according to the commt»nifcuitieftAtes, ^httetkey (eiicerningthe t (tilth anitiii itiAith , etiit ^«^.iO.ii •CJjf.ie.as. Vent, it. i°- i Which Ae E- fciewcs call Ab, I anf weieth to paic of Inly and fart of Augiifl. 5CiMf.lI,+,I0j, 3 2 And they remooued from Bene-iaakan, and ley inlloi-hagidgad. ! ^^ .*nd they went from Hoi-hagidgad , and pitched in lotbathah. 34 And they remooued from lotbathah , and la^' in Ebronahg '^ 5- AnJ they departed from Ebronah , an-d lay J!5 HzJMjjiiaber. I? 6 ^iid they remooued from Ezion-gaber, and pitched in the * wiiderneiTe of Zin .which is Kadeih. 3 7 And they remooued from Kadeili , and pitched in mount Hor , in the edge of the land of Edom. ■ , . _ 38 (* And Aaron the Prieft went vp into mount Hor ,at the coromandcment of the Lord, and died therein the fortieth ye -re after the children of II- rael were come out of the land of Egypt, in the frft day of the ^ fift moneth. 39 And Aaron was an hundreth and three and twenty yeere old , when hee died in mount Hor. , , 40 And ■•' King Arad the Canaanite , which dwelt in the South of ihe land of Canaan, heard ofthecommingofthe children of Ifrael.) 41 And they departed from ipoum* Hor, and pitched in Zilmon.ih. 42 And they departed from Zalmcnah , cr.J pitched in Puiion. 43 And they departed fromPuron , and pit- ched in Oboih. 44 * And iliey dcpjrted from Oboth . and pitc bed in lie-abatim, in the borders of Moab. 4T And thvy depaitedfi^m lim .and pitched inDibon-g.id; mooiicd from Dibon-gad , and "lajm. mooued from Almon-dibla- rcd in the mountainesof Abariro, , ■amiethej tjfU,e>,f r 46 An lay in Am 47 An thaim before XeL 4S And they depsrtcd Fkid the mouptaines of Abarim, and' pitched in.thc ί plaiiie ofMoab, by Iordenf»t/»flriall• ticho.' ' \, o,.fi.:i. 49 And they pitched by Iorden,,&Qm Be th^! iell^imoth vnto* Abel-Jiiittim, in the^.plaine cf^eH Mojb. ■ <;q ί And the Lord fpake vnto Moies in the plaineofMoab , by lutucn/efi'ariilcricho, fay- ing, Π Τ Speske cfc*. i-nto the children of Ifrael , and fay vnto them , * when ye are coqie oner lorden *,^"/ ,',' ' ' : land of Canaan, "'"'' ' tg encei into the 1 -^ 5* y« ,>./•,?•, ne bordeJofCanaan.' Nui nbei's. e Which weie fet vp in their hie ph- » Ci This is the land which ye iliall inherit by lot.which theLord commanded togiue rato nine tribes,and halfe the tribe. 14 * For the tribe of the children of Reuben, according to thehoulholds of theirfadiers , and •rfie tribe of the children of Gad , according to their fathers houlholds , and halfe the tribe of Ma- fiailchhaue receiued their inlieritance. ί 5 Two tiibes and an halfe tribe haise recei•. * itfl.ia.ni f One of the heaSt oichiefemenef ued their inheritance en this fide of lerden ta• vvt'd lerichofuU Eaft. 1 6 ^ Againe the Lord fpake to Mofes, faying 1 7 Theie are tJie names of the men which ihall diuide the land vnto you: * Eleazar the Pricft.and loihua the fonne of Nun iS And yee Ihall take alfo a ί prince of euery tribe to diuide the land. , 19 The names alfo of the men are thefe : Of *"*'^ "** the tribe of ludah, Caleb the forme of lephunneh, 20 And cfthe tribe of the fomics of Simeon. Shemuel the fonne of Am-nihud. 2 1 Of the tribe of Beniamin.Elidad the fonnj ofChinon, 22 Alio of the tribe of the fonnes of Dan*, the prince Bukki , the foane oflogl 23 Of the fonnes of loleph.of the tribe of the I fonnes of Mauaileh , die prince Hanniel the fonuc i ofEphod 24 And of rhe tribe of the fonnes of Ephraim, the prince Kemuel , the lonne of Shiphtan. 2 J Of the tribe alfo of the Ibnnes of Zebulun, j the prince Eliz..ph.in , the fonne of Parna^li. i 26 So of the tribe of the fonnes of Iflachar, ; the prince Paltiel , the fonne of Azz.in 27 Of the aibe alfo of the fonnes of Ailier,thc' prince Ahihud.thiibnne of Shelomi. ~ I 28 And of the tribe of the ibnnes of Naphta!i,'f *»f_j'^j'^,f^ the prince Pedahei , the ionneof Ammihud. oner euuv met, oiiei eiieiy piece of ground ihac 29 Thele are they , whom the Lord comman- flio»id f ai to anf ■ ded to g diuide the inheritance vnto the children ί''ϊ '"?'•' '° '!l*,"" of ill•aei , in the land of Canaan . Pgju bVd'oniO"!* CHAP. XXXV. Urlyand, uConKncion, Vr.tt tit Ltfil Γ Jr.-^MiB ritiftuni fuiurtt. The ldi9 of rruitktr, 30 Jror tit condrmKed, Thf thin «f I arm mimifft \ Δ ^'^ ^^^ Lord fpake vnto Mofes in the plaine* i •**■ of MoaL by lorden, toward Icricho, laying, I 2 ♦Command die children of lirael.that they ,^°fj;;^; I giue vnto the » Leuites of the inheritance of their had noinhetitaste' i polTe(rion,b cities to dwell in : yee ihall giue alfo «ff'giied them in ,• I vnto the Leuites the fuburb3.of the cities round b''*^""^"^"-,"'*"'' «u„,,, ,!,„„ ρ God would i about them. L.,e ,hem Ica.te- 3 So they ifeail haue the cities io dwell in,and!"d thorew all the their fuburbs ihalbe for their cattel , and for their !''"^• '>«>«<« *« lubfiancc , and for all their beafts. ir.tilTdbil'then, 4 Andthe fubnrbs of the pitics.which ye ih.ill |j„ *, eb«d!ence giue vnto the Leuites , from the wall of the citie lef ood and his outward fhall be a thoufand cubites round a-i^'"•, . 1 !„,_ ■* c So that m aH °° ' , , „ r .. , were three rt.o«. y And yee ihall meafure without the citie of ifand, and in the the Eaft fide, t two thoufand cubites : and of the icemrafre of thefe South fide , two thoufand cubites : and of the pX'';;;'„\tnd**' Weft fide.two thoufand cubites.and of^e North U^t. fide,two thoufand cubites : and the citleyJjrt^i in the mids : this ihall be the meafure of the fuburbs of their cities. 6 And ofthe cities which yee ihall glue vnto the Leuites , * therepmllbe fixe cities for refuge, » D«i.*.4T.i.j», which ye fhall appoint, that he which killeth. may :o. , ■.«((. i.j flee thither : and to them ye fliall adde two and foiutic cities moe. 7 All the cities which ye iliall giue to the Le- uites , fhall be eight and fourtie cities : them fhalt je niue with their iiiburbs. 8 And concerning the cities whioh ye^iliall giue.of the poflcffion ofthe children of Ifrael: of many ye ihall take moe , and of few ye fhall take leffc : euery one- ilall giue of his cities vnto the Leuites , according to his inheritance, which hee inheriteth. $ ί And IiiWes tou< bingmarttiei•, ft/*.»••»• vnto them , * When ye be come oner lorden into ! the land of Canaan Ac ncMofthc iinMi.whooogbe i^nap.^xxvi. The daughters of 7eTopheiiad. 6^ 5) f And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes raying, the life of the murthercr , which i's m worthy to lo Speake vnto the children of Iftael.and % ι die: bat he Hiall be put to death. Alio ye ihall take norccompenfeforhim .n , . . ^! ^"■^^ i« fledde to the citie of his refuge . that hee Ye iliail appoynt you cines.to be cities of , Ihould come againc. and dwell in the land, before Which piivpolity hcommiued niBuhtc. refuge for you , that the flayer, which flayeth any perfon vnwares.may flee thither. I i And thefe cities ibalbe for you a refuge from thy i auenger, that he which killeth.die not.vntill he ftand before the Congregation in indgement. 1 3 And β/ the cities which ye ihall giue , iixe «,t«rfu. the ".fc.l ^.^. 3_. j^^j, ^^ j^^^^ f^^ ^.^f^g^ meng the | 14 Ye fliallappoynt three* on this fide lordcn, lenitts, Gi- I and yee fliall appoynt three cities in the land of Vfl'nS^ Canaan whichfl.alhecitIesofrefuge If Thefe fixe cities fl-uibea refuge torihe children of IfraeUandforthe ftranger.and for him that dwelleth t among you,thjt euery one which killeth any perion vnwares, may flee thither. 16 * And if one ^ fmite <;nother with an in- ftrument of iron that he die , he « a murtherer, and the murtherer fluU die the death. 1 7 Alfo if hee finite him by cafting a g ftone, wherewith he nviy be flaine, and hee die . hee is a murtherer, <»« Γ he is a murtherer : the reuenger of the blood flidll flay the murtherer when he meetethhim. « Ameng the Kcabenitts, Gi ditts, ttibt of'Mananth, Dcnt.f.fi• * /«'» J It Tttmcih that he iTiOes coiutn- led who might imnj theit ghietsiohaue ter.fxUiyit). 22 But if hee pusflied him Β vnaduifedly, and j from the inheritance of the tribe ofourfathers, *,Eit»i..-•_.- ^ - _j 24 Then the Congregation ihall iudge be- 1i*»tii,his»«ifi)tweene the flayer and the ^ auenger of blood ac- cording to thefe lawes. 2i And the Congregation fliall deliuerthc Atbuit, Bn&Mn. I Viiier this Rgnie itdtdatcd, that cur rnines could ]ioti)e itmittrd, bni by the death efthehiePtiea lefus Chrift. k By the feuteacc •f the lodge. 1 AltwcetnJge mmtheis iant, tl VBadiiifedly. * Dtut 17. (. * AUttk.it.lo. g that the Lord hath com- lontinued.il the the daughters of Zelophe- bnheritance ν»ΜΛ had , faying , They fliall be wiues to whom they i»" '''•^^j'jj"* thinke belt . onely to the familie of the tribe of :2"JiVh""beei their father fliall they marry: '«baiiented 1» 7 So fliall not the inheritance of the children joihtn. of Ifrael remoue from tribe to tribe.for euery one. flayer out ofthe hand ofthe auenger of blood.and• of the children of Ifrael fliall ioyne himfeifeto the Congregation fliall reftore him vnto the citie ofhis refuge .whither hee was fled : and he fliall abide there vnto the death of the i hie Prieft, which is anoynted with the holy oyle. 26 But if the flayer come without the borders of the dtie ofhis refuge.whitherhe was fled, 27iPBid the reuenger of blood fiiide him with- out the borders of the citie ofhis refuge, 8c the reuenger of blood flay the * murtherer.iie ihalbc uiltles the inheritance ofthe tribe ofhis fathers 8 Andeuery daughter that pofl'eflcth any «in- ie when there i«»• heritance ofthe tribes of the childrcnof Ifrael, inal« toi«hetite . flialbe wife vnto one ofthe familie ofthe tribe ; of her father :that the children of Ifrael may enioy : euery rai»n the inheritance cf their fathers. j 9 Neithcrfliall the inheritance go about from tribe to tribe : but euery one of the tribes of the I childre of Ifrael fliall ft:ick to his own inheritance. i 10 As the Lord commanded Moles/u did the 28 Becaufe he fluouldhaue remained in the ci- ; daughters of Zelophehad. tie ofhis refuge.vntill the death ofthe hie Prieft: ! n For* Mahlah , Tirz ,h , and Hoglah , and and after the death ofthe hie Prieft . the flayer! Milcah , and Noah the daughters of Zelophehad fliall retume vnto the land ofhis poiieiBon. | were marled vnto their fnhers brothers ionnes: 29 So thefethingsfliallbeallaweof iudge- I 12 They were wiues feeirf4i«euf the families ment vnto you , throughout your generations in j ofthe fonnes of Manafteh the Ionne if lolephr' Ct^.tf^l• all your dwellings 30 Whofoeuer killeth any perfon.the Iudge fliall flay the murtherer, through ■•'witncfles:but*one witnefle fliall not teftifie againft a perfon to caufe him to die. 3 1 MoreoHcr ye fliall take no recoropenfe for fo their inheritance remained inthe tribeof tliCj faftiilieoftheirfather. ; ^ 1 3 Thefe are the f commandements and lawes, ^ Teuchingtfce which the Lord commanded by the hand of Mo- **^'^^°"ι'Ί.η«? fes , vnto the children of Ifrael in the plainc of Moab.by lOLicatevvardUikho, I THE iE5i mim r_ imngs Qone ρ THE FIFTH BOOKE OF MOSES, GALLED * DEVTERONOMIE. THE ARGVM Ε Ν Τ. 'Τ* Η^ wonierfuU loue ofGodtovvard his Church isliuely fetfoorthtnthisbeoke. Poralheh through thetrtngr^• thude and fund' y rebellions a^ainH God.forthefpaceeffonieyeeres, Deut. p,7, they had deferued to haue beene cut offfrom the number of his people , andfsr euer to hme beene depriuedofthe vfe of his ho'y word & facrameuts .-yet he did euer preferm his Church etunfor his ovvne mercies fak^ , andvvomld βιΙΙ haue his name tailed vpon amin^ them. VV^mefore he brinqeth them into the land cfCanaanJe^royeth their enemies, giueth them their ccmirey , tovvnes and goods , and exhorteth them by the example oftheir fathers (vvhofeitifidelitie, idolatry , adulteries , murmHrings and rebellions ,'hee had moB fharpely punified) tofeare and obey the Lord , to embrace, and l^eepe his law without adding thsrevnto or diminifhmg therefrom. For by his word he would be h^ovven to be their God , Andthey his people by hisvvordhe would gouerne his Church , andby the fame they fhoiild learne to obey him : by '?is word he Would difc.erne the fdfe prophet from the true , light from darktiejfe, ignorance from k>>ovvledge . and hii ovvne pfopiefrom all the other nations and infidels .• teaching them thereby to refuf. and deteit , defloy and abolifhwha'fo: uei is not agreable t» his holy vviU, tfeeme it ethervttife neuerfo gocdor. precious m.the eyes of man ^ndfor this caufe Godpromifed to raife vp Kings andgouernoursjor thefetting forth of his word and pre fetuationof his Church : qiuingvntothemMefpeciallchargefor the exetutingthereof : t/vhom therefore he willeth toexfrcifetliemfelues diligently inthe continuaUfiuay andmeditationofthe fame, that: they . might learne to feare the Lordjoue thetr fuUiecls , abhcrre coueteoufne^i and vice , and vvhatfoeuer epnd-th the r/iaieilieefGod ^nd as he had toforeinfbruiied their fathers in all things appertaining both to hii fpnitujll f'-ruice , and aljo for the maintenance of that focietie which isbetweenemen : fohee prefcribeth heere anew .' Ufuch lavves and ordinances which either concerne his Diuinefiruice, or els are necefiariefor a, commor» •vveale: appoyntinq^ vntoeuery eflateand degree their charge andduety: afvvell.hsvv to rule and lint in the feare efGod , as to nowififriendfhif toward their neighbours , and toprefirut that order which God hath ^βabliβeά ajnotig men : threading withali moB horrible plagues to them thattranfgreffe his commmdemtnts,and promifing all btejfings and felicity tofuch as obferue and obey them^ I TJiii is, a'ftienia Iavi':focalltJ,be• caufe ihe Law hich Godgatw 1 mount Smaijjs lure «peated, as hough κ vreie » lew Law : aii l Jntheiecond jtiic and ftcond mojieih , Niim «o. 1 I. t Or. Eef iMir*. - * CfUf.ii.•». .«I 17-7 8 ,„ jr ,3γ the counftll ofleihio my father imliw, txo.iS li i , -N-ot fo much by jht.toiiife of η «1)4. Si niiwitiv C Η A p. I. A h-efe jsheavfai of thingiUane tefcre ,fror4 H^reb vnii Κ irjb-barnea, 31 Mofei repromieth the people for their imreia.'tie. 44 Thf Ifraelstei are ouercume ty the Arrta• *it!% . hccxare they f$i*iht againft the commandiment of the Zcri. Hefe be the wordes , which Mofes (pake vnto all Ifrael , on ^ this fide Ϊ Olden in the vviklernelVe , in the piaine , •> euer againft the red fea, be- tweene Pjran andTophell, and Laban, and Haze- rorh anJDi-zah.ib, 2 Tnere are eleuen dayes iourney ίτοπι « Horeb vnto Kadilh-b irnea, by the way of mount Seir. 3 And it came to pafle in the firft day of the eleuenth moneth; in thefourtieth yeere that Mo- fes ipake vnto the children of Ifrael according vnto «11 that the Lord hath giuen him incomman- dement vnto them, 4 After that he had. llaine ^* Sihon the King of th^• Araoritcs which dwelt in He'lhbon, and Og king thQkie , ye, gie this iiay as Uie.ftaires of hea- sj^W-fliwaber;.. il (The lord God of your fathers mike you- a thoufand times lo many moe as ye are, and bleife you, as he hath promiled you,) 12 How can I alone i beare your cumbrance* Sigm'fyutg j,et» - andyour5harge.andyotu{lrife? Po^^tStlj*' 1 3 Bring you men of wiiedome and ot vnder- 'people, ftanding , and * knowen among your tribes , and I ik whofegodh'aetft will m ke them rulers oner you: 14 Then ye anfwered me.and faid. The thing is good that thou haft cnmroanded vs to doe ly Sol tookethechiefeofyoiir tribes , Ϊ wife and knowen men, and made them rulers ouer you, captaines ouer thoufands.andcaptaines ouer hun dreds,and cajptaines ouer fiftie.and captaines Queir tenne.nnd officers among your tribes 16 And I charged your Iiidges that fame time, faying, Heare tlie controuerfes betweene your bre• thren , and * iudge righteoufly betweene euery mm and his brother, & the ftranger y is with him 1 7 Ye Ihall bane no refpeft of perfon in iudge• ment , '*' but ihall heare" the fmali as well as the great : ye ihall not feare the face of man : for the iudgement is m Gods :and the cailfe that is too hard for you,bring vnto mee,and I will heare it. 18 Alfo I commanded you the famea^.e all the things which ye iLould doe. ^ I ρ 1 Then we departed from Horeb , and went through all that great and terrible wildernefle ( ye haue feene) by the way of the mountaine of the Amorites,as the Lord our God commanded vsis and we came to Kadeih-barnea. , 20 And η I laid vmo you ,,ye are come vnto •the mountaine of the Amorites , which the "Lord Oiir God doeth giue vnto vs. 21 Behold, the Lord thy God hath lay de the land before thee: goe vp and pofleife it, as y Lord the God of thy fathers hath faide, vnto tice : feare not, neither be difcouraged." . 22 f = Then ye came vnto rae eiiery one ,• and faideAVe wiU fend men before vsato iearch vs out ίΒ4 vprightntfliis. Jdowen. ' " ■' '*■ \. » * 1 DetlariBg i^iU fouofmenctighi toliaiitaptibUii chatgt,reade / * W».7'r'4? * ituit.ii.ij: Chjp.ii.,,. I.Sam, ii.7, Prov.i4. 23. Eccliis.+;.i, lamtsi.». m AtidyouKeJiiV L-ieiitciigntt. So thit the fault IS in thejnfeliiesj that they did HI» ■. fooner poifiiTe the iiiheritinct i piomifii . 1.3. b ffiall goe into the land of pr omife• CHap.n, Againil whom liracl may n< it light. 66 I Or, vttiy tftit Chfltr»f{'»f Mitlitie, If *ni AmmoKitn. .% Siiait Ki-gifUS^"• 'T' Hen 1 we turned ,and tooke our ioumey into the wildernelVe, by the wjy of the red Sea, as the Lord fpake vnto mee : and wee compailcd mount Seir b long time. 2 ■ And the Lord fpake vnto me , faying, 3 Yee haue compafled this mountaine long enough : tumeycuNorrb-vard'. 4 And wame thou the peop'cfaying.Yeeflsall go through the c co.ft of your brethren the chil-fc This v»as the fe- dren of El.iu , which dwdl in Seir. .nd .hey Ihali :»;■;'"'"• ■■ "" '^■ be afrayd of you ; take ye good heede therefore. J Yee ll^.all not prouoke them : for I will not giue you of their land fo much as a foote breadth, * becaufe I hiue giuen mount Seir vnto Efau for a poffeiTion. 6 Yee fliall buy meate of them for money to eate, and yee fhall alfo procure water of them for money to drinke. 7 For the Lord thy God hath d bleifed thee in all the workes of thine hand : hee knoweth thy walking through this great wildernefle , and the Lord thy God hath beene with thee thisfourtie - yeere, and thou haft lacked nothin»: 8 And when we were dep.^rted from onr bre thren the children of Efau which dwelt in Seir: through the way of the Β plaine , from.Elath , and from Ezion-gaber , wee turned and went by the way of the wildernefle of Moab. 9 Then the Lord fiyd vnto mee , Thou (halt not Π vexeMoab.neither prouoke themrobiitcU: for I will not giue thee of their land for a poffcf- fion , becaufe I haue giuen Ar vnto the children e of Lot for a pi'flefTnn. I ο Tlie f Emims d>velt therein in times paf people great ~nd many.and tall.as the Anakims I I They alfo were t.-ken for giants as the A- nakims: whom thclvloabitcs call Emim^. 1 2 The * Horims alfcJ dwejt in Seir before time , whom the children of Ef'.u ch.nfed out and deftroyed then before them , and dwelt in theii ftea3e : as Ifrael (Ivall doe vnto the land ofhis poiVeffi )n, which the Lord h ;th giuen them 1 3 Now rife vp, ptyd / . and get you oucr the riuer *Zcred: and we went ouer th ' iiuer Zcred 14 The S fpacc alfo wherein wee came from Kadeih-barnea,.ntill wee were come ouer the ri uer Zered,*!"»/ eight and thinie y eresjvntill all the generation of the men cf warrt- were wvfted out from among the hoafte,us the Lord fware vnto them. 1 5• Por indecde t1ie '' hand of the Lord was ag linft them , to deftroy them from among the •hSafte.till they were confuraed, I 4 *i f Sa a And giuen thie anei, vbcn. ih ihoiimjyeR kc icco.-npenu' ilfo Ged .Mil di- hee by hit iioiiidcnce, as he uih d'He. Or, wUftmfi, Of, i'firgti e which v«t» th» Moabiies and Ammonites. f S'l.iifying thtt It thelf glints wetetl ineii out fer iliej. linncs: Γο ihe .'iclK4 when their Γιηχκ lie T-pr car.not ano^dc Geds pUgnes. ♦Oen.ji^•• * Knmb.i ( . 1 1. { Hse llie -eih hf.fby, that i» Cod is I'lie in his piomile.lohis ihiciiuis;s ire in vaiae. h Kit phgne led piiniu.ment lo'dr ftioy all that wei» twenty yceie oWe and about. Sihon difco nfited. ί who called them- felues Rcphaims: i)iatii,ptefcuiers,< pSyficiansto heale and refotmt vices: but wittt indeed Zamziimmimj, tha is.wiclicdaiid tbomioablc, I Or, C<«. '^mm Dcutcf jnomie• i6 ί So when all the men of vvarre were con- fumid uHil dead from among the people: 1 7 Then the Lord ipske vnto raee.fayiog, 1 8 Thuii iliah goe thorow Ar the coaft of Moib this day: ip And thou ilialt come neere ouet againft the children of Ammon : i«f fbaltnotlayiiege VDto them, nor mooue warfe againft them ': fur I will not giue thee cfthelandof thechil.dienof Ammon any poffeffion ; for 1 haiie giuen it vnto the children of Lotfora poflcffion, 20 That alio was taken for a land J of giants: for gianis dwelt therein aforetime , whom the Ammonites called Zamzumraims 21 A i5g^ anquiffilt 37 Onely vnto the land of the children of Am- mon thou cameftnot , nor vnto any place of the II riuer labbok , nor vnto the cities in the moiin- taines , nor vnto whatfoeuer the Lord our GoU forbade vs, CHAP. III. flame. 1 1 I he hignes »f his beA. and Gndites arf eommanded to gts ouer Jerien armed befire their irethren. ai Itjjbuxii made capttine. ty Mefn is fermittidtofct tht ΐΛηέ, but H»tt enter,aliett hee defired it. •irHen wee turned , and went ν ρ by the way of Baiban : '*' and OgKingofBallun«cameoutj•''^ againlt vs.he.and all his people to fight at EdreiJ * Therefor* be Πί« And the Lord fayd vnto me , Feare him OiKing^f-Baflia^ i8 The ReubenU g Or,fonii ir.},; theiommande people that -was great . and many , and \ fi^t. for I will deliuer hihi, and all his people, and Ihly had^infl o«a' tall.as the An^kims : but the Lord deftroyed them | his land into thine hand , and thou flialt doe vnto '■o» of hi» pate te" before them , and they iucceeded them in their ! him.as thou diddeft vnto * Sihon King of the AA ^£^"g»»°« '"'". inhericance.nnd dwelt in their ftead: ; moritcs.which dwelt at Heflibon. ! "t N^m*»*'"**' »2 As he did to the children of Ε fau which j 3 So the Lord our God deliuered alfo vnto ouf *"" ''^^* dwell in Seir, when hee deftroyed the Horiras be- i hand,* Og the King of Baflian.and all his people! fore them , and they polTefled them , and dwelt in S a"d wee fmote him.vntill none was left him aline} their fteade vnto this day. | 4 And wee tooke all his cities the lame time, 23 And the Auiras which dwelt in Hazarim <•«?»• neither was there a citie which wee tooke not vnto g Azzah , the Caphtorims which came out of ; from them,i«e7j thrcei'core cities,<«W all the coun4 " ' trey ofArgob.thekingdomeofOginBailian. j ί All thele cities were fenced with hie walles,j gates and barres . befide b vnwalled townes a 5 Aivilljgtfiai great manv. | foall towntj. 6 And wee ouerthrew them , as wee did vnto Sihon Kingof Heihbon , dcftroyingeuery citie, ffi/^men,«women,and children. , « Bacanfe thiswai Caphtor deftroyed them, and dwelt in their ftead, 24 ί Rife vp therefore , fayd the Urd : take your iourney, and palli; ouer the riuer Arnon: be- ng to hii hold , I haue giuen into thy hand Sihon , the * A- ί \ promife made to ' morite. King of Heflibon, and his land ; begin to \ :Abiaham, Gen. 15•^ poflelTe it.und prouoke himtobattell. ! JThisdeclaie.hthaij ^S This day will I i begin to fend thy feare . the hearts of men land thy dread vpon all people vnder the whole Ε β« ill Gods haT\ds | heauett, which Ihall heare thy farae,and ihall trem fa£or Void." I ^^^ ^"J M"•^^'^ before thee. ! I 26 Then 1 fentmeflengers out of the wilder- j [nefle of Kedemoth vnto Sihon King of Heilion, | with wordes of peace.faying, | * N«w.ii.»i, 27 ί * Letmee palTe thorow thy land : I will '< go by the hie way ; I will neither turne vnto the 1 right hand nor to the left. 28 Thou Ihalt fell me meate for money , for to : eate . and lliak giue mee water for money for to ; diinke : onely I will goe thorow on my foote, Μ Becaufe neither ' 29 ( As the'" children of Efau which dwell in 7 But all the cattell and the fpoyle of the citie? ^«'•^ ^ppoyntE.ts^ may int.eatie not exam plcsot ethers couli «looiiehim, he tould not com - phine of his iiiU Β Gad ill his ele- «ftio.i aniteproba- iion doeth not onely jppoynt th« endce.but the eanesce.,di»g the lame. ♦ Nxmt ai.Jj. £ir. L.for, vi. e Godhad cm&»; Mea5iing,wh»B It wrote this Ki- ^eth the Anunom'. Us from the Απμ. iOr,MAfJ,a. citie di.u efcaped vs -.for the Lord wr God deli- !| iilaine , to i< v/i, the fait Sea fl vpdcr the fprings of «ercd vp dl 1 befoi-e λ-*. j iilgab \ iitfoiesdefiijethtofeetbelandofpromife. Cha £ Trtiit is, the Ren- fcoticcs, Cilites.anc ln}l< Manifleh, aiNajn.ji.*!, * Hemtj.it.i», »3• h So [hat the vi. Tories came not by y oar ο wne wife dome.lhcngchor multjniie. * I'fi.i.S.'ii >o l.a$. Pifgah Eaftward, 1 8 Τ And I commanded g you the fame time, faying , The Lord your God hath giuen you this land to poiTeiTe it : yce fiisIJ goe ouer armed be- I fore your brethren the children of Ifraei , all men j cfwarre. 9 Your wines onely, and your children, and your cattelUforl know that ye haiie much cattell) fliall abide in your cities.which I hiue giuen you, Vncill the Lordhane giuen reft vnto your that is ycu: fwife Jo.T.e,.in J your v the fight of the people, which ilia! •ndei ftandine in ^ 8««>"ft 'Ί me» . fiiallhcareailihele ordinances , and il-.ali fay , j Onely this people u wile, and of vnderftanding iia great nation. 7 For what nation isfo great , vnto whom rhe gods come foneare vnto them . as the Lord our God »/ g rieare vnt» vs.in all that Wee call \T)to hira for? 8 And what nation///» great, that hjth ordi- nances and lawes fo righteous , as ail this Law, which I fet before you this day? 9 But tjke heed to thy felfe , andh keepe thy fgulc diligently , that thou forget not tl e ihincs wnich thine eyt^s haue feenc,anJ thn tlijv depJit not out of thine heart, all the dayes of thv ife; but teach them ihy fonnes,andthy I'onnes ionncs; I ο Forget not the day that thou ftoodeft befor•- the Lord thy God in Horeb , when the Lcni faid vnto me.Gither me the people together, Sc I will cauie them heare my words , that they m,^y ie^rne to feare me all the dayes that thej-lhailliuevpjn the earth, and that they may teach their chiiil}ine,lie Qieiverh how t* ituint VDto it. Hetjiing vt, ib« brethren as vnto you , and that they alfo pofl'efle the land , which the Lord your God hath giuen them beyond lorderthen lliall ye * renirne euery ταίΠ vnto liis pofl'effion, which I haue giuen you. 21 Τ * And I charged Ioll.ua the fame time, iaying , Thme ey« haue feene all that the *• Lord your God hath done vntothefe two Kings : * fo (liall theLord doc vnto all the kingdomes whither thou goeft. * 22 Ye ihall not feare them : for the Lord y our God,he ihail fight for yon. 23 And 1 befought the Lord the fame time, faying, 24 Ο Lord God , thon haft begunne to fliewe '- the mountaine.cnd the mountaine i burnt with hrv thy feru&nt thy greatneffc and thy mighty hand; 1 vnto the mids ofheauen , aud t here was ■'-^''' ,for where is there a God in heauen or inearth, I nefie.cloudes indmift. '' ?5*^''i**"- that can i do like thy works,and like thy Β power? 12 And the Lord fpake vnto you out of the '«ίαΛβη and cor ' ^ ^ ^ P^^Y ^^^*^ ^" "^ t° *^"^'' ^"'^ ^^^ ^^^ S°°'^ \ ™i''^'^s of the fire , and ye heard the voyce of the ;iuptfpea'=S'f°'fhouib3lt not goe ouer this lorden: ly Take therefore good heede vmo your by Aefciites of 28 fiut charge iGibua.and encourage him.and i t felues : for yee fawe no 1 image in the d.y that jptopherie the good 4boldenhim.• for hee &all goe before this people, the Lord fpake vnto you in Horeb out of the moaniaine which , and he ihall diuide for inheritance vnto thcm.thc middes of thcfire: hir.«"!I».« ho'ed land which thou ftiak fee. ! 16 That ye corrnptnot your felues, and make vpabVuetheoiitt . 29 So Wee abode in the valley oticr againft iyou a grauen imige , «rreprclentationof any fi- ef natnre to behold i Beth-Peor. 8"te - whether it Oe the likenes of male or female, 1 7 The likenefle of uny beaft that is on earth, i I HcaddHiall Stfe ■< otd-.to iliew (b>f vccccax nefifi be cs'ttidl li.» ut tied I CO tc}ch it I• pelctiiic. ehat power vnro ido^ that onely apimaiacth vnte Codi I Or,mtr.dtrt. k He meaneih Zion, where ι ' ill (he plentiful! land o£ Canaan. or the likenefl'e of any fethercd foule that flieth in the aire: 18 Or the likenefl'e of any thing tht crecpeth on the earth , *r the likenefie of any fill• that is in the waters beneath the earth, 1 9 And Icaft thou lift vp thine eyes vnto hea- nnnces and to the Inwes which I teach you to uen , and when thou feeft the lunni anu the moone For tWi doihinJ » do,y yeemny Hue 5c go in.andpofleffe thelanu, and the ftarres withallthehoftofheaucn ,lhoul- whicfyhe Lord God of your fath.ers giuethyou. 1 deft be driuen to worihip «hemand lerue thera, 2 ^Wt ihall •> put nodiing vnto the word which ! which the Lord thy God hath m dilUibuted to all I comand you,neither fball ye ' take ought there- { people vnder thp whole heaucn. from, that ye my keepe the commandements of j 20 But the Lord hath taken you. -^nd brought flandcth bare knowledge, bat in ptaAlfc of lift. »«..?.... 5». b Thinke η otto be more wife then I am. t sod will rot be feriied by h^lues, bnt w in haue fall obedience . i Gods indgements etecnted \-pon other idohict «II gn feme for ear inUti ftion.read CHAP. IV. 1 yfn f x^ cttetim ttchftrue ihe lim withtut addiHg fherete *r dmitiipiing. 6 Tttteiit fiandethturvifedome. 9 We mufi teach ,t tt our children. if Ntirr.age ought to te m*de to voifhif. 16 Threatfinp againft them that forfake the Law of God. 37 Ctd chofe tht fttde becaufe he lotted their fathers. Λ^ Ow therefore hearken.O I fraei.vnto the ordi- i Fi»y.i».il. The law wit :iieR wiib f«a e- til mitades.iode- .i\e toth that Gol nas the author hereof.and ilfo'* ble 10 abide ihc jp-'ur of the famt . : liod ioyntih ibu ordiiiOBiohit coaenint, y Or.wjirfi. Ek f.ul, laied ox all them bat male any imi- ;e to trp.cftoc :od. the Lord your God which I command you. 3 Your d eyes haue fcene what the Lord did becaufe of Barl-Pcor,for all the men that followed Ba.'l-Peur.theLord thy God hath defboyed euerie one from among you. 4 But yee that did* cleaue vnto the Lord your God,are aliue euerie one of you this daye. ί Beholde.I haue tanghtyo«orJinances,and hwes , as the Lord my God commanded me , that ye O-iould do euen lo within the land whither ye goe to polVelVe it. 6 Keepe them therefore , and doe them : for m Ht bith appoi»- icdihcmfoito man. you out ofthe*>Tonfornace , outofEgvpt to ■> '^•»''"^'^''''"«'**| he vnto him a people and inheritance, as "/"/'"'■" '^L^Vii'iuuerie ""di this day. . rfieelvthotoayou I 2 1 And rhe Lord was angrie with me for yourkorhii. j words , and iware that I fl-.ould liot goe oucr lor-j j den , and that I Ihould not goe in viiro thu goo J | land , which the Lord thy God giiieih thee for an β mo(cs good a€- | inheritance. 22 For I muft die in this land.and ft-all not go ouer lorden ; but « yc fjiall goe ouer, and poflelfe that good land. 23 Take heede vnto yoiirfelues.leaft y c forget I 3 the ft:lion afreareth in that that hcbeirg dcpriiiei of fiich >o e>c(U£iiiearutc, dcth notenti e them that aw ft «ajo'ylc. rheyarett: reatned m&tmmke the Law. Deute: onctnie, f To iliofi Act «omi norvnto him with lout am «ufrence.bii! ϊί- bdlaosiiiBh'm, M.br. ,i,J9. q Mcinirg, i«i«I)' illfupe.llition^ani And all the plaine from lorden Eaftward; Tei^ie "•I/i/i.lo.S. c The articlet in4.. ?oynts ot'ihectue-'. η lilt. iprings of Pifgah. the Sea of the plaine , vnder the d Thati»,tigrA fta. C Η A P. v.- S ^fofes is the meane henvene Gai and the people. 6 Ttti law IS repealed, 13 Ths pecple ate afraide at GUs\ toytt. ^9 The LerUtviflitth that the people vpcutdfeani him. 51 The) muji neither decline tt the riiht hsai nor left'. 'T'HjiP Mofes called all Ilrael , and faide vnto tfiem VH^re, Ο Ilrael, the ordinances and the lawfcs which t I propofe ro you this day, that ye may leirne them.and take heede to obferue them 2 * The Lord our God made a couenant with vs in Horeb. 3 The Lord ^ madenot this conenant with otu- fathers οπείγ^ but with vs.etieit .with vs all here aliuc this day. 4 The Lord talked with you •* face to face in the Mount ,out of the middes of the fire. y (At that time I flood betweene the Lord and voii , ro declare vnto you the worde cf the Lord laryc were afraid at the fight of die fire , and went not vp into t!ic mount ) and he faid, j,. 6 f * I am the Lord thy God, which haue broughtthes out of the land of Egypt , from the houfeof ii bondage. 7 Thou ihaic haiie none * othir gods before my face. . 8 Thou flialt make thee no grauen image or any likenes of that that is inheauen aboue , or which is in the earth bei;eath,or that is in the wa- ters vnder the earth . J) Thou ilialt neither bowe thy feTfe vnto them, nor ferue them : for '^ I the Lord thy God am a ^ ielous God, vifiting the iniquitie of the fa- thers vpon the children- . euen vnto the third and ioMith £efierAt'm of them that hate ree; * Ciif.J. V'• «V eJtet. EwxI.is.S.i.' 1 Some lead. Cod made not this' concnant.thsc is, in fiichampltfoit and vrithfiich lijnisaad won- ders. b So plaintly thii-, ye jicedtnot to doiibttheitof, «^ EM»i»0.t. [^eWi.a/S.i. Or, (τΤκβΜ. Godfcindiih« leittthimoiiely». wiihem faptraitioa. and iSolatiy, )ni. 3;. 18. i That is, of ht* honour, not per- :!0 6i gilKn tQ«thsxj^ _p^ ten Cdmmanderaents. Chap. \ Ϊ ■rtt IStll itptt to Icccft the cem- masdemen», it lolouejGod. iJM»*niiig, fince Cod p«imii[«}> Cme djyts lo out labe«ts,Jhat we ought wiUinjly ii dtSicate the ie- nenihto feme hifli v?h»Uy, fVotfetilliew, re with true obe- dience , and due xtueiciKC• 1 0 And {hewing mercy vnto thoufaiids of them ihai ' loue me , and keep my commandements . 11 ThoiMbalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine ; for the Lord will not hold him guiltleffe that~taketh his Name in vaine. 1 2 Keepe the Sabhath day to fanc'lit'ie it , as the Lord ihy God hath commanded thee. 3 Sixe diyes f thou lliait labour .and llialt doe allthy worke: 14 But the feuenth day « the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : thou fhalt not doe any worke therein, thou, nor thy fonne, nor thy danghter.nor thy man ferufnt , nor thy mayd, nor thine oxe.nor thine afle, neither any of thy catrell.nor the ftran- ger that is widiin thy gites ; that thy man Icruant and thy mayd may reil alwell as thou. I <; For , remember th a thou waft a feruint in the land of Egypt , andf/i^f the Lord thy God brought thee out thence by a mighty hand , rxij a .ftretched out arme : therefore the Lord thy God corsimanded thee to obierue the Sabbath day. 16 f S Honour thy father and thy mother To keepe the Commandements. 6% *B:om r-7- h H« ffeakith not onciv of that Kfohii. will , but thai chetc ^c no 30 Goe, fay vnto thcro.Rctiuiie you iir.o votir tents. 3 I But ft.-nd thou here with mc.and I will tell thue all the Comm:nJenients.and the ordinances, and the lawes , which thou H.alt teach them : that they may doe thera in the land whiciri giue thera to poficlTe it. 3 2 Tuke heede therefore, that yee doe as the Lord your God h.tth commsnded you; ' tiirne not afi'dc to thi right hand nor to the left. 3 3 But waikc in all the waycs which the Lord your God hath comm.-ndcd you , thuycenny "» Hue , and that it may goe well with you : ..nd that ^s m ty prolong^ear d.iyes in the land which ye Iball poffeile. CHAP. VI. I ^n txhtrtatit» t» fente God , aiii kerpi /;■! ccmmtn. demenis. s Whhh ii,t» lute himwith all ihiMC htnti, 7 The f*me mtifi be taught tt the ftflerity. 16 Iftttt temft Cod. IS Righietufneiti (oninineiiutht Lttm. T'Hefetiow are tlie comm.^ndcmcnts , ordinan- ces, and -8 la. ves , wImcIi the Lord your God the Lord thy God hath commanded thee, that thy I commanded mt to tcacli_)»« , th.-t yee might doe dayes may be prolonged, and that it may go well { them in the land whither ye goe to polVeilc it: with thee vpon the land, which the Lord thy God 2 That thou mighteft > I'eare the Lor ! thy oiueth thee. God , and keepe all his ordin nces , and his com- "-17 * Thou ilialt not kill. ! niandements which I command thee, thou, — ' ig * Neither fliall thou commit adulterie. ' thy Ion ne , snd thy fonnes fonne alj the day 19 * Neither ihalt thou fte<:ie. | thy life , cuenthit thy daves m;y be prolonged. 20 Neither ftialt thou bcare faife witneCfe a- j 3 Heare therefore, Ο Ifiael, and take heede to Sainft thy neighbour. j doe it. that it may goe well with thce.and tint ye 21 ■" Neither iha," wife , neither flial I Ye Qiill nliihrr idie aoc dimiiiilh. Chip. t.i. ι As by o'.!edi- icf, GoJgiutih s illielcii-,: la f ditoi-e.n'good pioc-tJealiout tnilctits. J Or, ivi'mirAc, Arentient feaie and lout oi Ced ii the f.m bfgin- ning .0 ktepe ^ &οι1$οο.ηΛΐ8ΐιαβ• mcuit. i Teachfng Vlfcy bis example to be < norhisalfe, nor ought that thy neighbour hath. 22 f Thefe words the Lord fpake vnto aU your mukitude in the mount out of the mids off tire, the cloud .indthe darknes.with a great voyce.and i added no more thereto : and wrote them vpon two tables of flone.and deiiuered them vnto mc. 23 And when yeeheard the voyceo^f the middes of the darkcneffe , (for the mountaiEe did biune with fire) then ye came to rae.ali the chicfe of your trib;s,and your Elders: And ye faid , Beholde , the Lord our God hith iheweci vs liis glory and his greamclTe , and wee h'.ue heard his voycc out of the middes of the fire : wehaueleene this day that God doeth taike wiLhraan,andhe*liueth. 2 r Now therefore , why ihould we dye » for this great fire will confame vs : ifwe heare the voyce of f L;=rd our God iny morcwe (ball dye. 26 For what Β f^elh vvat -here e tier that heard the voyce of the lining God fpeaking out of the middes of the fire zivve haue,ma lined? 27 Go thou neere and heare all that the Lord onr God i^yth ; and declare thou vnto vs all that the Lord our God faith vnto thee : * and we will heare it.and doe it. 28 Then the Lord heard the voyce of your WOtdes,whcn ye fpake vnto me: and the Lord faid vnto me , I hatie heard the voycc of the wordes of obedience, (hewing ^[^jj people , which they haue fpoken vnto thee: ur. I uoe it. mat it may goe wen witn tnce.anu tint ye ιΚ** thou couet thy neighbours 1 may encreaic mightily b in the l.md that floweth i> which hith t- It thoii delire thy neighbours j with milke and hony , as the Lord God of tiiy fa- 'η\>'1?" °|,,'" , norhismanferuint , norhis thers hath promiled thee. • niiij lommsiil \Vf, mm^ *1Κ.<ΛΛ0.ΐρ• k Hieteqnirtth•! nothing b alfo that of out ifelnes we aie vn- Willing thcit- they haue well uyd.all that they haue fpcken 29 Oh •< :h^t there were fuch an heart in them to feare me , md to keepe all my commandemeints alway : that it might go well with them, and with their childrfo for euer. 4 Heare. Ο Ilrael, The Lord our God is Lord onely. y And * thou Qialt loue tlx Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy Ibule , ana with all thy might. 6 ^ And thefe wordes which I comiaaund thee this d ly.ftalbe in thine heart. 7 And thou Ihalt^ rehearfe them continually vnto thy children , and thaltt.dkc of them when thou tarieft in thine houle, and as thou w^Ikeft by the way , and when thou lieft downe . and when thouriuft vp: 8 And thou Aialt binde them for a ligne vpon thine hcnd.and they Ibaibe { as frontlets between, thine eyes. 9 Alio thou Hiah write them vpon the ί pons of thine houfe.and vpon thy g ites I ο And when the Lord thy Gpd hath brought thee into the Ian I'.which he fwarc vnto Oiy fathers Abraham, Izh:k,and I.aakob^to giue to ihce,with great and goodly cities whicli thoubuildedlf not I I And houles full of all mnner of goods which thou filledrt not .andwelles digged which ihou diggedft not, vineyards & oliiie trees w hich thou piantedft not, and*f 'j«» thou haft eaten ^nd arc full, 1 2 « Beware leafl thouforget the Lord,v,h;ch brought thee out of the land or Egypt , froha the houfe of bondage 13 Thou Ihahfe.ire the Lord thy Qod , andjof ferue him.and Ihalt ί I'weare by his Name. 1 4 Ve ihall not waike after other gods , afur any of the gods of the people which are round about you, J? iFor the Lord thy God is a iclous God I 4 amon^ * Chjp.Ti. it. ne feaii, . thoti Uult whet them vpon iliy eii : to wit, that they may piint ihtm more d.« tliti! tht great be- ncSis mbiih wee Jiaiieiesdiiedof Cod. 1 But tcijtire nonl seuld ttiJly obey ti->elavv,weinci(l to (.hdft to bee iiininei by iaitk. g By ί&:l^t•'Bgof hispower.ieai irg Ja.«lt.llme2ne=. aiid abtifini hii 3) Hereheetor.- demiTSih ] mani .joodJMien.ioBt. lefii» h.m Jl our Efe.biii alio that lale paines Ciaj>.ji.i. 1k£nlo»Iiypevrec. ( Qr,«jr o/jitB ίΐβοδ wiitlder heutiisferatc» \7ichou! all and fujci Ckap. amon g y on : ) ieail the wrath of the Lord thy God bet• kindled againft thee , and deftroy thee from the face of the earth. J ί ί Ye ihall not- ε tempt the Lord your God, as ye di J tempt him in Maflah: iy But ye Ihall keepe diligently the commande- ments of the LordyoiuGod,& his teftimonies 3c his ordrrfances, which he h.nh commanded thee. ' 1 8 And thou Ihalt do th n which is right and gOQd in the h fight of the Lord ; that thoti mayeft prOiper, & th.u thou raaielt go in,5c poffeile that good Una which the Lord Iware vnto thy fathers, J 9 To c.mH: out all thine enemies before thee, as tl^e Lord hath f'yd. 20 Wlien ' thy fonne il-iall aske thee in timii to come , fi.ying , What meane theie teftimonies, and crdinan^.-s , ..nd Lawes , which the Lord our God hath commanded you ? 2 1 Then ih.ilt thou l.iy vnto thy foniie , Wee were Pharaohs bond-men in Egypt;but the Lord brought vs out of Egypt with a niightie Iwnd. 22 And the Lord ihewedfigncs and wonders great and euili vpon Egypt.vpon Pharaoh,and vp- on ail his hoiilhold before our eyes, 23 And ^ brought vs out from thence, to bring vs in, and to giue vs the laud which he fware vnto our fathers. 2,4 Therefore the Lord hath commanded vs.to doe all thefe ordinances , and to feare the Lord our God , that it may goe euer well with vs , and that he may prefenie vs aliue at this preient. 2 ^ Morcouer.this flialbe our 1 righteoulnes be- fore theLord ourGud,if we take heed to keepe all theie comtflandements.as he hath commanded v&. C Η A Γ. VII. I The Jfraelilei may make no ctuenant with the Gentiles. S Thiy mitfl defircj the idoles. 8 The eleiHiiH defen. deth on the free hue cf Gi,d. 19 The experience of the ftwer of God ought to confrme vs. is To aucjde all ctcifion of idolatry. ντ^Ήειι the Lord thy God ihall bring thee into the land whither thou goeft to poflefle it, * antl ihall roote out many nations before thee; the Hittites, and the Girgalhites, and the Amori- tes,,andtheCanaanites,and the Pcrizzites.and the Hiaites , audthe lebulites, feuen nations greater ana mightier then thou, 2 And the Lord thy God fliall giue them a be- fore thee , then thou ilialt fmite them : thou flialt vtterly deftroy them : thou il.altmake no *coue- n ;nt wiih them.nor haue compaffion on them, 3 Neither ihalt thou make marri.igts with ■them , neither giue thy daughter vnto his fonne, nor t:,ke his daughter vnto thy lonne. 4 For Β they will caufe thy Ibnne to turnea- ay from mee, and to ferue other gods : then will he wrath of the Lord waxe hot againft yeu , and ' ftroy thee ft]ddcnly, y But thus ye ihall deale with thcm,'^ Ye fliall erthrowe their altars , and breake downe their iliars , and ye Ihall c ut downs their groues , and urns their grauen images with fire. 6 * For thou art an holy people vnto the Lord thy God , ■•' the Lord thy God hath chofen :hee,to bt^ precious people vnto hiraielfe,aboue yi people that are vpon the earth. Godspo^H Fitely finding 5 caiiit inyoa mote then in 0- thcrs fo to dt. d Audfopnt dif. ieiente betwetne him and idolts. caufe hee wonid keepe the oatfie which hee had fworne vnto your fathers , the Lord hath breught m you out by a mightie hand, and de! uered you out of the houfe of bondage from the'.^nd of Pi'araoh King of Egypt 9 That thou mayeft know , ^ that the Lord thy God,he is God, the faithfnll God,which kee- ieth couenant and mercy vnto them that lone ini and keepe his commandements , euen to a thoufand generations, 10 And rewardeth «■ them to tbeir face that «"«aniiig.i hate him,to bring them to deftrudion.-he will not defcrre to rew-ud him that hrtethhim,tohis f< 1 1 Keepe thou therefore the commandements, and the ordinances , and the lawes, which I <;om- niaund thee this day to.doe them. 1 2 f For if ye hearken vnto thefe lawes . obferue and doe them , then the Lord thy God iliall keepe with thee the couen:nt,and the f mer- cie which he iware vnto thy fathers 13 And he willloue thee,andbieflethce, ?ηϋ multiplie thee; he will allu blell'e the fruiite of thy wombe , and the fruite of thy land , thy corne and thy wine , and thine oyle , dnd the increafe of thy kine , and the flockcs of thy iheepe in the land, which he fware vnto thy fathers to giue thee, 14 Thou fl-iiilt bee biefledab one aji people: ■•' there fljall bee neither male nor female barren among you.nor among yoiir catted, I Ϊ Moreoiier , the Lord will take away from i thee all infirmitii-s , and will put none of the euill difeafes of * Egypt (which thou knoweit) vpon thee.but will lend them vpon ^11 that hate thee. i6 Thou ih.lt thtrcfore coniume all people which the Lord thy God ihall giue thee : S thine eye ihall not ipare ihem , neither Ihalt thou icn'e'fo^"^^ ^^^ their gods.fot th ;t ihalbe thy * deltrudion. -^here codxe»-' 17 Ifihou lay in il.ine heart , Ί hefe nations ("""uer , the Lord thy God will iendi* ^^^ , ^j . •> hornets among thern,vniill th.y that are left^nd ϊφ ,^" ,_| hide themfelues from ihee.be liefiroyed. ^ xheieisnotfa 21 Thou Ih^t not feare them : for the Lord i"!»'^ »""""«• thy God/, an ongyou.aGod ndghty & dreadful!. ttTtoH^t^2 22 And die Lord thy God will roote out theie ih> fideagaina nations before thee by little & little: thou mayeft M""» not confume thematonLC , lecii the i beaftes of L sothatitisyot the fielde incrcale vpon thee. kon.moditii that 23 But the L ord thy God fliall giue them be- |God accompiitti ' fore thee , £ nd ihall deftroy them with a mightie '^°' *"' P'emife dcftruation.vnrijl they be brought tunought. ^add wift'""' 24 Andhelhallde-iucrthcd Kings into thine ' I hand.and thou ihait deftroy their name from vnder \ heauen : there ihall no man be able to ftande be- \ fore thee,vntill thou haft deftroyed them. 2y The grauen images of tht ir gods Ihall yee II * burne wiihfiie, and* couct not the iiluerand life. fThiscoiKnanC is giOimded vp- on his iieegtate: iheiefoie inxt- compenfing their obedience , hehatl refpeft to his mei- cie and net to th merits. » ift^N \Or,fhgi,t^*rirh 7 The Lord didnjtiet.hts lone vpon yoii.nor ! golde, r/;df» on them» nor t.ke it vnto thee , leaft Ka-f.n.jv chule you. becaufe ye were moe in number then, ;| thou k belnaiedthercwith: foritisanabomiaa- -w «3.14. my people: for ye were the feweft of all people: ' tionii/erff the Lord thy God fi''fi-7.'.*J-' ί fi«LbeGaul3tiieJ.O£d«louedyou,.anabe2 ai, £nug xigt therciors abercijwiion inw.lZill'*^!^. . ' thiae-f «Wj«y)i j^od chafti eth bis chiidfen. ■Ci*f.fi.rr, » she wing th« if is not cnoiigit tohcirc the wotdci ptelTeic by ex- ample oi life. ) Which is dt- chred in «ffliAt- oni.eiiher by pa- tience, ot by grud- ging agaiaft Gois vifiMtion. e Mm lincth not by meal onely, kilt by ihepowet ef God, which gi• Of th it Rrength coitMuiOivs. d ARhey that Soc^baiefoetcd. c s ο that his af- fiiAionsitengnes of his fatherly towaid vs. Chap. 7ΠθΧ> thine hoiife , k-aS thou be acciirfed like it, 6ta vt- teriy.abhorre it, and count it molt abominable: for itis *accurfed. CHAP. VTII. I Cti humhtitb the Ifratlites ti trtt vh*t the^ haai in their he*rt.! Gedchi,hf'lh iheni as hit children. 14 The htxtt cu^ht net tike i-reuie tf Codiienefites• 19 The fngetfiillneffe of G»is bcntftles ceu,eih tieftruiiiin. Υ Ε ίΐΛ.:11 keepe ;ιΐΙ the commdndements which I comm.md thee this duy , for » to doe them: th It ye miy line, and be raiiltiplied.nnd goe in,5c poUefle ihc land which the Lord fware vnto yoiir fitheis. ζ And thou fbalt rerrember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee this fnirtie yeere in ;y wilderncfl'j.for t(t> humble thcc.Sc tcbproue thee, to kn^w wh.it was in thiiV- he..rt , whether thou wouldeftkecpc his com.m.;ndemcnts or no. 3 Therefore he hitniblfd thee , and made thee hungry , and fed thee with MAN, which thou kneweft not, neither did thy fathers know it , tlvt he might teach thee thnt man liueth not be* bread ©neiy , but by euery ννοτάΛάΐ proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord, doth a man Hue. 4 Thy rayment waxed not olde vpoti thee, neither did thy foote ^ iwell thofe fourtie yeeres. J Know therefore in thine heart , that as a man nourtereth his fonne, fo the Lord thy God « nour- tereth thee. 6 Therefore fhalt thou keepe the commande- "* ^ments of the Lord thy God, tliat thou mayeft walke in his wayes.and feare him. 7 For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land in the which riuers of wa- ter and fountains , and Β depths that fpring out of valleys and mountaines: 8 A land of wheate and barley , and of vine- y.irdes, and figtrees, and pomegranates : a land of oyle.oiiueand hony: 9 A lijnd wherein thou ilTalt eate bread without The free merciesof Λ^^^ Vjv lute there are mines of mttall. gFMtotcteinc Godsbejiefites, and not to bee thankt fall, is to contemue Go4 iatUm. % tj jttiibtttini^ Gods bene lites κ thine owne wif. dome 2nd labour •I to good fainme. *ilum Μ,ιι, *Al»(»ji<,iJ> j fcarcitie,neiLhcr Ibalt thou Jacke ;.ny thing there- j inra landf whole ftonesire yron,and out of whofe mountaines thou ilialt digge braiVe. 10 And when thou halt eaten 8c filled thy fdfe, thou Ih.iitS blefle the Lord thy God for the good land, which hee hath giuen thee. 11 Bew.re that thou forget not the Lord thy God , not keeping his commandenxnts and his lawes.Sc hisordinances,which 1 comraande thee this day : 1 2 Leift when thou haft eaten & filled thy felfc, and haft built goodly houfes end dwelt therein, 13 And thy bealtes.ind the Ibeepe are' increa- fed , and thy liluer and golde is muitiplied,and all that thou haft is increaied, 14 Then thine heart h be lifted vp , and thou forget f Lord thy God , which brought thee out of the i^nd of Egypt , from thehoufe of bondage, 1 ^ who was thy guide in that greate and terri- ble wiidernefl'e {wherein were hiy ferpents , and fcorpions & drought,where was no w.;ter,* who brought forth water for thee out vi'f roi.k of flint: 16 who fedde thee in the wiiacrneile with ••' Μ A Ν , which thy fathers knew not) to humble thee, and to prooue thee, that he might doe thee good at the inter end. 17 Beware lean thou fay in thine heart , My power, and the ftrength of rain* owne hand haUl• pKgated me dm abundance;, ft. Ifihingii eininithii proccedeonelj od> mncy: much more ipiti• llgif.e,aid nent (hcheinen and ihecaiih , as Chap4.»i• 1 8 But remember the Lord thy God : for i: is hee which' giueth thee power to get fubftance to eftiblilh his couen^nt which hee iw are \nto thy fathers, as appearetb his day. 19 And if thou forget the Lord diy God , and w.ilke after other gods . andlerue them ,and wor- » - ihip them , 1 1, teftifie vnto you this d ly , that vee inTi'!'"^- n^ail fureiy perilh. χ >■ naKe to w.i- aoAs the nations which the Lord deftroycth be- fore you , fo ye flvll pcriih.becaufe ye would not be obedient vnto f voyce of the Lord y^ur God. CHAP. IX. 1 Ceii dtth ntt ihem gtU f,r their cwne rii/>(f ««'i.f/)> , iut ftr h,i owne fake. 7 JWo/i-i fulteth th,m ,h rtmim- traneetflheirfinnes. 17 The tw, i»biei Are trckeu• 16 Mtjes frajeia for thefeefh. J-{ Bare, Ο Iliaei , Thou Uialt paiTe Oiicr lordcn > this day , to goe in and to poficlle natior s greater and mightier then thy ieife ,«"«"di"«>hcii 7 f Remember and forget not , how thoul miners yoke. Μ > Mcaninj, Aioiily. b By iherepott, of ih« fpiej. Nnm. ti.ii. c To jm'di ther acd gcaeinc ch(e« i Mtnofhimrcirc can dtleiu• nothing but Gods anger, | Ind if Codlpare ar.y . it commcth eii bisiintmticy, j prouokcdft the Lord thy God to anger in the wil-j j dcrnes : ^ lince the d-y that thou diddeft depart! ,1 y tnat tnou aiaueit dep out of the land of Egypt.vntilj yce came into this place.yee haiie rebelled againft the Lord 8 Alio in Horeb ye prouoked the Lord to an- ger , fo that the Lord was wroth with y ou.f «<« to deftroy you, j> When I was gone vp into the mount , to receiue theTabks ot ltohe,tlie TabJes,//i^,of the Couennnt, which the Lord made with vuu: ind*I ; abode in f mount fourtie dayes 5c fourtie nights, and I neither ate breade nor yet dranke water: I ο * Then the Lord deiiuered me two tables of ftone .written with theg finger ofGod,and in them T»t/d/feiir Tablesofthe CoL'enam>X'i-'v inrsytwohands.) I ί Then I looked , and behold, yce had finned agaiaft the Lord your God -.for ye had made you la molten calfe , and \ua turned quickly out of the ]h v/ay which the Lord had commanded you. ;,°"hi*j 17 Therefore I tooke thetwoTables, and caft ithem out of my twohandes , and brake thera be- I, fore your eyes. i 1 8 And I fell downe before the Lord , fourtie ] daycs , and fourty nights, as before : I neither ate , bread nor dranke water , becaufe cf all your linnes I which yee had committed , in doing wickedly in :the fight of the Lord , in that yee prouoked him j vnto wrath. ip (Fori w.is afraid of the wrath and indigna- Ition.wherewich the Lord was moouedagaiaft you, enen to deftroy you) ye: the Lord heard mee at that time alfo. 20 Likewife the Lord was very angry with Αλ- la-vrtiettliy he* ron,eai« to 1 deftroy him: but at that time I prayed flieweih whjtdan-j alfo for Aaron, ^rtheyaiein.that; ^^ ^,^j j tooke your finne , / ?wf4«e the calfe Our duetie toward GoO* IN the fame time the Lord fai J tnto me , * Hew * '»''' 3+ thee two tables of ftone like vnto the firft , and come vp vnto me into the mount , and mol^e thee an Arkeofwood, 2 An:l I will write vpcn the tables , the words that were vpon the firft Tables , which thou brakeft,ani thoti iliait put them in the Ark:. 3 And I made an Arke of a Shictim wood , and ' ^'"■''' wooJ fs of hewed two tables of ftone like vnto the firft , andf°"2**°' went vp into the mountair>c,and the two Tables in mine hand. 4 Then he wrote vpon the Tables according to the firft writing , (the tenne commandements, which the Lord (pake vntoyou in the mount out of the middes of the fre.in the day of the k airera- bly) and the Lord giue them vnto raj. 5; And I deputed and carae downe froaiihe Mount ,and put the Tables in the Arke which I had mads : and there they bee, as the Lord com- man.iedms. 6 * And the children of Ifrael tooke their iourney from Beerothofthe children of laakan, to ε Mofera, where Aaion died , and was buried, and Eieazar his fonne became Prieft in his ftcd. 7 f From thence diey departed vnto Gudgo- dah.and from Gudgodali to lotbath.a land cf running waters. 8 ί The fame time the Lord feparated thai tribe ofLeui to bearethe Arke of the Couenant of airembledioreceiue the Law, ί This nrOKntaine was alfo called Hor,Niun>t9.ti, Gftn ,4eift. til At the reiurnc oi (he ifies. Λ waeiebyisligni- fied ihit God reqii ' .seth earned conii jvuancsinpijyer. ;p Thtgedly in :theit piayers ground .on Godspromife ;«nd confefle thti Jinnes. *ίί<ιηι.ΐ4.ιί. which ye had made , and burnt him with fire , and ftamped him and ground him fmall.euen vnto very duftrand I caft the daA thereof into the riuer.that defcended cut of the >" mount. 22 Α1ΐΌ-»Ίη Taberah,nnd in ■"Maflah,•'* and in Ki- broth-hattaauah ye prouoked the Lord to anger. 23 Likewii'e when the Lord fcnt you from Ka- defli-barnea, faying , Go vp.and poifclle the land which I haiic giu'en you, then yen rebelled againft the coramaiindement of the Lord you^• God , and beleeued him not.nor hearkepcd vnto his voyce. 24 Ye haue bene rebellious vnto the Lord.fince theday that Iknewyou., , 2 ,- Then I fell downe before the Lord ο fourty dayes, and fourty nights.as I fell downe Oefore be- caufe yLord hath faid that he would deftroy you. 26 And I prayed vnto the Lord , and faid , Ο Loitl God, deftroy not thy people and rhine inhe- ritance .which thou haft redeemed through thy greatnes .whom thou haft brought out of Egypt by a mighty hand. 27 Ρ Remember thy feruants Abraham, Izhak, and laakob: looke not to the ftubbemneffe of this people, nor to their wickednes. nor to their linne, 28 Leaft the countrey.whcnce thou broughteft them, fay, *Becaufe the Lord was not jble to bring them into the land which hee promifed them , or becaufe he hated them, he cai'ied them out to Hay .them in the wiidernes. 29 Yet they are thy people and thine inheri- tance , which thou broughteft out by thy mighty jiowQr.andby thv ftretched out arme. , C Η A P. X, ί The frcoKi 'Tatlei put in the Arke % Thsttiie of Τ,•ηϊ -is deiliciie to the feriiice (tf the TAiernacle. ii IVfi.it ahe Lmi tequneth >f his. iS ThecircHmciftoHifthe iiiurf. 17 Gcd reiHrdith mt the pe/jtff, u The Ltrdis JtbefUiftsjIfcatU oiS, the Loiayandtodiaa before the Lord , to wherefore Leui hath no part nor inheritance «So God retiitd I j with his brethren : /«r the Lord is his «inhcri-r'"""*?"^ ''^'^o ' blefsing. tance as the Lord thy God hath promifed him 10 And I taried in the mount, as at the firft time.fourty dayes and fourt,y nights, and the Lord heard mee at that time alfo . ««ii the Lord would Hot deftroy thee. 1 1 But the Lord faid vnto me, Arife ,^oe forth in the iourney before the people .that diey may gee in and puiTeffe the land , which I fware vnto their fathers to giue vnto them. 12 1 And now I Irael , what doth the Lord thy God f require of thee , but to feace the Lor J thy God.to \va;ke in all his wayes.and to loue him.and to feme the Lord thy God with all thine heart.and with ail thy foule 1 3 That fhou keepe the comraaundement? of the Lord and his ordinances .which I commaad rhee this day.for thy wealth? 1 4 Behold . heauen, and the heanen of heauens // the Lords thy God, and the * earth, with all that therein is. I y g Notwithftanding, the Lord fct his delight in thy fathers to loue them, rnd did chufe their feede after them, euen you aboue all people, as «/>- ^edrff/j this day. 1 6 Η Circiimcife therefore the foreskin of yoiir .'..S'afff.^a. heart.and harden yotir neckes no more. i I J For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, raightie and tertible_ which accepteth no * perfons . nor t keth rewaid: 18 who doeth rightvnto the fatheneiTeand widow , and loueth the ftranger , giuing him food and raiment. 19 Loue ye therefore the ftranger:for ye were llrangers in the land of Egypt. 20 * Thou 111 lit feare theLord tliy God: thon ftalt ferue him.and thou flialt ckaiie vnto liim ahd, * iliak fweare by Jjis Name, M..M I For all cm Gnw» anlgrefsrons tetjiiireth no- thing but tottirne to him and obey. g AlthoHghhe was Lord of hea- nea and earth, yet would he chiife none but yru. j Retde Ch^, \JlfS\t ccmibodities that fetue G6L• Cl^ap . 21 Hoe isthy praifcarnlheisthy GoJ ,:lv>t XI ΧΠ. TBieTnnpwrnnmgpw Sted. 15. >«- eta 15. s• r.Y*, which ban» lt«nc Gods gtacts »7iihyoiit«i(ts, •light lathti to be jnooneJjthcaycui childien, which banc ondy hcai4 ofllicin. 6;A4WllcoMett- liim;Wsbtn«6tt«, ailuscotic&ions. ί E6r if« a/ tlrfr if•'- ic Beciiiityehine felt both his cha- ititiuiitiicsanilhis thy pr hid done for thee thole «;reat aid terrible things, which thine eyes haiieicene, 22 Thy fathers went downe into Egypt* with fetienty perfons , and now the Lord thy God h,.th made thec,as ^ -^ftanes of ^ heaucn in multitude. G Η A P. XI. , An txintilUn to hue Cad , and k^rf, H, Ijm. 10 Ttfr-r/".. T" Herefore thou (lialt loue the Lord thy God, •*■ and Ilwlt keepe that, which he commandeth to be kept : that is.hisordinances.and hislawes andhiscommandaraentsalwjy. 2 And » confider this day [far I fpe Alio that ye' may prolong^owr dayes in the ilnthifteJctimi; mdtowiidhjtBCfl, yomfelncs tooliOi oiions accoi- gto yont orrni land . which the Lord iware vntu your lathers .to giue vnto them and to their feede, euen a land that Sowcth with milke and home. , , . ί For the land whither thou goeft to poU felTc it . is not as the land of Egypt . from wlience ye came.where thou fowedftthy leede and wate- redft it with thy Β ^ f^^te .ns a gardtn of herbes: 1 1 But the land whither ye goe to poffelle it, » a land of raountainesi.nd valleys. -»H the .nger of the Lord be kindled sgainft you , and he a.ut vp the heauen . that there W.noe rake . and. thai youriand j^dde p« bw fi, :c, r the Lord your God fnill caft the fcare and dieadc of you vpon all the land that yee lliaU treade vpon.as he hath faide vnto you. , , r • 1(5 ί Behold.Ifet before yon diisdayablefsing and a curie: , 27 * The blcfllng.if you obey the commande- ments ofthe Lord your God . whi..h I comraande you this day : _ 2 3 And the*curfe.if ye will not obey the Com- mamlements of the Lord your God, but tiunc out ofthe way, which I command you this d.jy. to go ^ after othei gods which ye haue not * knowne I ,.^ .^„ .^ _ _ 29 f When the Lotd thy God therefore hatli which leant that brought thee into thehnd , whither thou goeft to «h^h .^c.mu»«-^ poflelie it.then thou ihait put the * blcfsmg vpon ^^,Ι^Χ'^Ιη! Cbt<.«-*4 J AJIellϊ^«ι^e icaiicntcndinc- Vn-i.if.•*}.. h This was aeceil• Jifreain Dniidt. tiid Salomons Ciif. It. t. ft- mount Gerizim.and the curfe vpon mount febail. 30 Are they not beyond lorden on that part. 1 where the Sunne goeth downe in the land of the Ρ -^^ Gili'all.befide II the groue ofMoreh; U Foryee Ih ,11 palle ouer lorden.to goe in to \ polleile that land which f Lord your God giueth you .andyc Ihall poftVfle it.and dwell therciii ^ 3 2 T.ke heede therefore that ye * doc: all the commandements and the lawes , wh;ch I let be- fore you this day. CHAP. XII. as, ^ίtU..i,„m,(ik>u<.uliβ,■i. 3- ;i.U.„ *-'-< .wi» THefe are the ordinances and the lawes , whjch ye ihall obierae ."aid doe in the l.ind . (which the Lord God» of thy fathers giueUi thee to pol- leile it ) as long as yc'liue vpon the earth. 1 * Yee Ihall vtterlv deftroy all the places wherein the nations which ye Ihall poflefle.lerual their gods vpon the high mountains.and vpon the hilles.anil vnder cnery greenctrec Meaning, is ' lia. a .^-hereby ihry iic ^nioBiOie^ • lc<)ic noneeihCI G*>1 Ci.*.7i• les.an.l vnoer cucry gii:=u<- "--. . . ^ * Alfo yee fliali oucrthrow their altars , ^nd . ^^^^-^^ ;^ bre.ke down their pillars.and burnetheir» groues ■■ ■ ■ with-i«e:aDd ye ihalbew down y^wui; "^g"^ Xo'ierik God as be willetbr Deuteronomic. and not as the h iathSTdoB? e ye (lull not ftnie (he Lord with fupeinitions. * i.Kiig.i.tf. t.ckr. 6. i.nntl 7 tlicir gods.andabolidi their names put of ^ place. 4 Ye feal! « not do fo vnto the Lord your God, <; But yc: fliall feeke the place which the Lord your God iliall * choofe out of your tribes ,to put his Name there, ««/ there to dwell.and thither thou flialt come, j 6 And ye ihall bring thither your burnt oife- I rings, and your facrifices.and your tithes.and the a MMniiig.iht fitnl d ofFring of your hinds, and yonr vowes, and your *"■'"'• j free offnngs , and the firft borne of your kine and icfyonrflicepe. «Wert his Atlk ί y And there yce iliall cate e before the Lord ftallje. I yoiii- q^^ ^ ^^^ ye Hiall reioyce in all that ye put ' your hand vnto , ^Oth ye , and your houlLolds, be- i caufe the Lord thy God hath blefledthee. ; 8 Yee fhall not doe after all thefe things that I we doe f here this day : / W ij , euery man whatfo- f«r?fiir,fr,?th,,J euer feemeth him good in his owne eyes . ^ , fan""r""b[rVth,V 9 For ye are not yet come to reft , and to the the place which the Lord ihall chufe. Cod would be i inheritance which the Lord thy God giueth thee, ^ 27 And thou fhalt make thy burnt offerings | fenied moie purely; j^. β,„. when ye go ouer Iorden,and dwell in the of the fleih , and of the blootl vpon the altar of the ; ona'J''"' °^ i ^^^4> which the Lord your God hath gliien you to : Lord thy God , and the blood of thine offerings i g ithadnotbtenf inherit,andi/t><>f« lic hath giuen youg reft from all ; fliall be powred vpon the altar of the Lord thy I oiightoconqtietj your enemies rouud about, and ye dwcll infafetie, ! God.and thou ihalt eate the flefli. I •onr ΠηΛ htA '-' . I ΛΙΙ __1 l-?_I-^t-,r 11 _0»ττ•ι"ΐ 1 ii %i % /- • j cbofcn to put his Name there .be farre from thee, then thou ihalt kiil of thy buUockes .and of thy flieep which the Lord hath giuen thee , as I baue commanded thee.and thou ilialt eate in thy gates, whatfoeuer thine heart defireth. 22 But as the roe backe.and the hart is ea. ten , fo flialt thou eat them : i>oth the vncleane and the cleane Ihall eate of them alike. 23 Onely bee t fure that thou eate not the blood ; for the blood m is the life-,and thou mayelt not eate the life with tlie fleih. 24 Therefore thou ilislt not eate it , έ«ί powre ofbeaflesisiitdJtie it vpon the e^rth as water. I*^""** 25• Thouflialtnotene it .that itmay goewelll with thee.and v.' thy childre after thee, wh-n thou! fhalt do y which is right in the fight of the Lord: i 2i But thine » holy things which thou haft. i„ ^κ^^πίΛ*». ana thy vowes thou Ibalt t.^ke vp.snd come vnto wUtoft'et in ίκιί- Uecanfe the life «y.cert God had maintained ihem inceevndeihis ^loie&icn. I Or.lbdt mhehji *Cief.\0t9 1 1 When there flialbe a place which the Lord j 28 Take heede , and heare all thefe wordes ^_ur God fliall chufe , to cauie his name to dwell | which I c there , thither ihall ye tringall thatlcommaund ; with thee.and with thy children aft<;r thee for bindethh-imfelft» your God fliall chufe . to cauie his name to dwell | which I commaunde thee , that it mav goe ο well , . , thither fliall ye tringall that I commaund ; with thee . and with thy children after thee for m^* hSft you : your burnt offrings.and your facrifices.your \ euer.when thou doeft that which is good and right doe good to them tithes . and the offring of yours hands, and all your \ in the fight of the Lord thy God 11 fpeciall vowes which ye vowe vnto the Lord: 1 2 And yee Ihall reioyce before the Lord your 29 Τ when the Lord thy God fliall dcftroy! the nations before thee . whither thou goeft 1 ■ that obey his vroid; God, ye, and your fonnes and your daughters, and j poflefle them . and thou flialt ροίΓείΓβ them and your ye. a ieruai nts . and your maidens . and the Leuite j dwell in their land that is within your gates : * for hse hath no part | 30 Beware, left thou be takeninPfnareafterf'.^y^°"''''"'8 nor inheritance'with you. ί them, after y they be deftroyed before thee,8c left ',„a idol•attle»,a.., 3 Take heede that thou offer notthyburntj thou aske after their gods , faying , How did thefe thin king to feW offrings in eucry place that thou leeft: 14 But in the place which the Lord (hall "chufe in one of thy tribes, there thou flialt offer thy; nations ferue their gods.thati may do fo likewife? "* thereby. 31 Tljou flialt not doe fo vnto the Lord thy! God : for all abomination; which the Lord hateth,' haue they done vnto their gods : for theyhauej h As WIS dedatee «ner by the placiiij ImK^S, iirm'offrings . and there thou flialt doe all ώ ot as fome write . commaudthee. i ί burned both their fonnes and their daughtersL They thought snore thenjoo.yei- j^ Notwithftanding thou tBsj'eft kill and eatej with fire to their gods. nothijig too deai ■ ' ■■ ■ ' ■" -1-:-•' J- ' ^j Therefore whatfoeuer I commaund you,j*°°'^" '<>*«« take heede you doe it : * thou flialt put nothingli. ς/'' . ,-,λ God which he hath giuen thee : ^βί^ the ""'-''-'"''■ -^-■■^ -'- 1.. .u„..,c„„~ i '^• 1*, res,and in other j places till the ttmj- fleveasbnilt. i As God hath gi nen thee power andabilitie. it ■finely .one migh^ cite at home as | well the beafl ap- 1 poynted fei facit- ί hcc.as the other. ' 1 Meaning, what4 foetier was offered i to the Lord.might , not be eaien.but ; where he h>d if- jpoynttil. »Birf«r.3». '♦■Ci»f.te,J4. flefli in all thy gates .whatfoeuer thine heart de- fireth . according to the i bleffing of the Lord thy ; God which he hath giuen thee : i>eth the vncleane i and the cle^ne may eate thereof .J• as of the roe bucke.and of the hart. 1 6 Oncly ye Ihall not eat the blood , Out powre it vpon the earth as water. • 1 7 f Thou raaieft not eat within thy gates the 1 tithe of thy come , nor of thy wine , nor of thine oyle.nor the firft home of thy kinc.norofthy flieepe , neither any of thy vowes which thou voweft , nor thy free offerings , nor the offering ef thine hands, 1 8 But thou flialt eat it befote the Lord tliy God . in the place which the Lord thy God fliall chufe.thou and thy fonne,8c thy daughter.nnd thy feruant.and thymaid.andthe Leuite that is withm thy gates : and thou flialt reioyce before the Lord tiw God.in all that thou putteft thine hand to. '19 * Beware, that thou forfake not the Leuite, as long as thou iiueft vpon the earth. 20 1 when the Lord thy God fliall enlarge thy border , as * he hath promifed thee , and thou flialt lay, I will eat fleih, (becaul'e thine heart ion- geth to eate fleih) thou mayeft eate flefli , whatfo- euer thine heart defireth. 2 1 If the place which the Lord thy God.hath thereto,nor take ought therefrom. CHAP. XIII. The entittn uiidati ft htiie. 6 Sc neate frext tn multttude or foner. C it mufl be /laine , feeme they ntutrt tfktnireietoffitendlhif. ij Orl Τ F there ariie among you a Prophet or a dreamer j, whkh&yeth that ot a dreames , ( and giue thee a ngne or wonder, 'he hvh things re- 2 And the figne uiid the wonder . which heeuealed vnto him • hath tolde thee, come to pafle) faying.b Let vs gO'^'^""^' ^^,,, after others gods, which thou haft not knowen.andj „he«vM*toihe falft let vs ferue them, prophets tend. 3 Thou Ihalt not hearken vnto the wordes of the prophet, or vnto th ,t dreamer of dreames : for the Lord your Godc prooueth you.to knowe whe-j ^ ^^j otdefneth ^ ther you loue the Lord your God with all your Un thefe things thai heart,and with all your foule. hii may b 4 Yee Ihall walke after the Lord your Gotli ''»''*'"^' and *^eare him , and fliall keejie his commande-j men' s , and hearken vnto his voyce , and ye flialli feme him, and cleiue vnto him. 5 Bstthit Prophet,orthar dreamer of dreames, heflialHbe flaine.becaufe hehathfpokentoturue , . you away from f Lord your God (which brought „n-S""„d^ you out of the land of Egypt , and deliuered condemaed'byiJie you out of the houfe of bondage) to thruft iu^se thee lygniflamer t for entifers to idolatrie. Chaa.XIV• C A\ nituial afft- ftioBSjnufieiat •hce to Cods honeui. f Whom theu loittft AilllCVfitllCsit. f Ainu cbatgcd. JClif.i7*x|» itlt.uiliiftTttf li \νΜΛ «rAyoi ,Jlfi to itiilOlU thee om of th*: way . v.heiein the Lord thy God commanded thee to wuike : fo U .itthou t.ke the euill away fourth cf tlie rriiddcs uf ihee. 6 ί It * thy brother ,thi ibr.ne of thy mothcp, or thine owne fonne, or thy daiighter.or the wife, that Iteth in thy bofome , or thy friend .which is as thine owne f Ibule, entife thee fecretly .faying. Let vs go and feruc ether gods, (which thou haft notknowne,ihou,/y«j,northy f.ithers.) 7 ^»y of the gods of the people which are round about you .neere vnto thee or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth vnto the other: 8 Thou (halt not confent vnto him , nor heare him. neither fl^all thine eye pittie him , nor fliew mercy , nor keepe him fecret: 9 But thou flialt euen kill him '.8 thine hand ihall bee firft vpon him to put him to death , and then the hands of all the people. I ο And thou ihalt ftone him with ftones, that Vncleanebealts.fifhes ind birdsiTi wildeoxe.and the chamois. ι 6 Andeuery beaft th.,tp-:rteththehoofe,«n< • ck.-.ueth the clift into wo clawcs .andwof tb : be.:fts that cheweth the cudc!e.th.;t fl-sall ye cate. 7 But thel'e ye fl-.all not eate , of them tha chew the cud , and of them that diuidc and cleau< the hccfc onely : the c. mell , nor the hare, nor th< cony : for they chew the cud , but diuide not th« hcofe:/Afri/ire they ihal!bevncleanc\Tito you: 8 Alfo the fwine , becaufe hee diuidcth thi hoofe . .nd cheweth not the cud,fl:all be vncleahi vnto you :yee llvll not eate of their fklh , noi touch their dead carkeifes. 9 ί *Thefeflullyeeate , of all thatareinthe Uifi.;<.ii,f^ waters: all th;it hauc finnes andfcalesilialiyecate, 10 And whatfoeuer hath no finnes nor kales, ! ye ihall not eate : it fliallbe vncleane vnio you. i ! II f Ofallcleanebirdes yeilialleare. 12 But the fe are they whereof yee ihall not 1 sigTiifyiiif Λμιι»; , iaolatryiJ fe j I, ji txcciablCHcr morej ■MgiJ^enflytobi I fimilhed.thtn of j (hem Tthich ouce ! •refelTcd God. k ef the fpojlt of ; cbt uiolairons and «nrfrd tine, Readt Chap 7,t<.aad ,7,iij be die (becaufe ha hath gone about to thruft thee eate : the eglc.nor the goihawke,nor die ofprey, away from the Lord thy God.which-brought thee | " i^'— '-»'>'— ^ -"-.t--•-; >- --- oiu of the land ofEgypt:from f houfe of bodage) j 1 1 That * all lirael may heare and feare.and do no more any fuch wickednes as this among you. | 12 f If thou fnalt heare fay (concerning anie ; of thy cities.which the Lord thy God hath giuen i thee to dwell in) 1 3 t wicked men are gone out from among j you.andhaue drawe away the inhabitants ofthcii• | city.fayingXet vs go and ferue other gods.which j yehaue notknowen, 1 4 The •> thou flialt feeke.and make fearch 5c en- ι quire diligenrly:and if »> be m\ed. 4 Whet means *re eltant tt betattn, and -nhatMct.i^Thi tithes for tht Zemises, firaniir.fathtrleffe,anHrp,dnfe. y Ε are the children of the Lord your God.^Ye ihall not cut your fclues.nor m..ikeyou««y baldnelTe bctweene your eyes for the dead. 12'* For thou art an holy people vnto the Lord ρΤ.'*η"?,.%ι°«Ι ' ^y God . and the Lord h 'th chofen thee to bt a MjofyGtniflft. js precious people vnto birafelfe , aboue all the rEistit«monia:i -people that are vpon the earth. ^* ,_..,i.j .1.- , ^ ^ jhou (halx eate no maner of abomination. piiituall piiieneiTit, . mm in thtir mtate aeefe.the iheepe.and the goate " ■ ' <; The hart , and the roe bucke. and the bugfe md the yiilde goate, and thevnicoine ,and the aidcinlK. 1 3 Kor the glead, nor the kite.nor die vulture, after their kinde, 14 Nor all kinde of rauens, 1 J Nor the oftrich . nor the nightcowe , nor the Β feameaw.nor the hawke after her kinde^ 1 6 Neither the little owle , nor the great owle, nor the rcdfl-ianke, 1 7 Nor the pelicane , nor the fwanne, nor the cormorant 1 8 The ftorke alfo.and the heron in his kinde, nor the lapwing, nor * the backe 19 And euery creeping thing that flieth , ihall bee vncleane vnto you : it ihall not be eaten, 20 fi«iofa!lcleanefoulesyemayeate. ^ 2 1 Ye iliall cate of nothing th.it c dieth alone, but thou it.alt giue it vnto the "* ftranger that is within thy gates . that hee ra..y eate it : or thou mayeft leil it vnto a ftranger : for thou art an ho- ly people vnto the Lord thy God. Thou lhalt not ■'' ieeth a kid in his mothers miike. 22 Thou ihalt » giue the tithe of all the in- creafe of thy feede , that comnieth foonh of the field yeere by yecre. 23 And thou ihalt eate before the Lord thy God (in the place where heiflv.ll chule to cauie his N.!me to dwel there ) the tithe of thy corne , of thy wine, and of thine oyle , and the irft borne cj thy kine , .-nd of thy ihecpe , that thou mayeft leaine to feare the Lord thy God alway 24 And if the way be too longe for ihee,ro:h.n thou art not abl| to cary it , beeauie the place is farre from thee , where the Lord thy God fliall chul'e to let his Name , * wj^en the Lord thy God (hall blefl'e thee. 2 y 1 hen ihalt thou make it in money , and Β take the money in thine hand , and goe vnto the place which the Lord thy God ihail ehiil'e. 26 And thiou (h-alt beltowe the money for wh:t- foiucr thine her:rt delireth : vhethcr it bee cxe,or iheepe , or wine , or ftrong drinke ," or whatfoeuei thine heart delireth;Sand 11 alt eate it there before the Lord thy God .and reioyce kethxhou , and thine houihold. 27 And the Leuite that is within thy gates, (halt thou not forl^ke : for hee kith neither part I nor inheritance with thee j 28 At the end of three yeere thou ilialt •> bring ifoorth all the tithes of thine increafe of the fame yeere.aiid lay it vp within thy gates 29 Then 0',«*'%«r^ c Btcaufc ditit blood wasnoiflit4, bnt t( maincihia i)nm. dwhithiirettf ihy lelig.on «».(;♦»«• t Thttihcj wtr«• oidaincd for iju laintenmct «fth• tuiici. which h>4 one iahniiMC*. f WhrnhccSisB (intihttataint, lOr,iiMd,if. f AfiiT lit Prirt haifa icccJKddi* Loidspart. -- bEcrdesiheyMnly I tht s that wti» iiien t• tht 1»- ;its,ihtft Veft . " ' " out of the land of Egypt , all the dayes of thy lif<, 4 And there flia'be no leauen leene with thee ■ all thy coafles feuen d jycs long neither fliall then, remnne the nighr ;,ny of the Hefh vnrill the mor- ning which thoiu.fferedft the firft day at euen. y Thou maieft^ not offer ^ Pafleouer within nny of the gates,which the Lord thy God giucth thee: 6 But in the place which the Lord thy Godlhal chufe to place his Ntme, there thou ihnlt ofFerthe * Pafleouer at euen , about the going down of the fmine.in the featon that thou c-imeltoutof Egypt. 7 And thou Ihalt rofte and eat it in the place which the Lord thy God ihall chufe , and flaalt re- turne on the morrow,and goe vnto thy tents. 8 Six diyes flialt thou eat vnleauened bread.and the feuenth a\y fhali be a folemne affembly to the Lord thy God; thou Ihalt do no worke therein. 9 f Seucn weekes flialt thou * number vnto thee.and flialt begin to number the feuen weekes, when thou beginneft toput'the fickle to the corn: 10 And thou lb alt keepe the feaft of weekes vn- to the Lord thy God ,||f«oi a free giftof thine hand , which thou flialt giue vnto the Lord thy God, as the Lord ihy Godh.ith bicfled thee. II And thou fhalt reioyce before the Lord thy God, thou and thy fonne , and thy daughter , and thy Icraant, and thy maide, and the Leuiie that is Avithinthy,gate.s,andjfftrangcr,sndth^fatherles, '. -an^ Cij^.ia.s. I Thli was clifef-, y aceoin||liftie(),' Tihtn the Xtntfle iwas built. e WhicfcwJtiii- ftitated to pit them in remembrance of theit deliuetanee t of Egypt : and continoe them the hope of le- fns Chris, of whom this lambe was figote. f Beginmng it the next morning af- ■ Pafieouet, Leiiit.aj, 15. esod. 1 J.+. Β Or, i/itoBirt Okie miUir^lf^ 3geTe^of Tabernacles. 5 ϊΙυΜ'Γ,Λ»!? da ef the feiitnth men«thjL ftifo». c Whereby lit «en- demneih all religi- *n and fcruingof Cod Tvhich God harh aoc dtd. * Nam. J J. 30. «taf.ii.is maf.iJ, 16. S*.r.i3.«. fEty ./•»»,»•» d Vfhtttbyihey^ jul'ied that «hey Chap.XV and the widow . that afe craong yon , ih the p'ace Mvhich tho Lord thy God llwll chtife to pLuc his Name there, II And thou flialt remtmbet- thit thou waft a feruant in Egypt : therefore thouii;altoblcrue and doe thele ordinances. 13 f Thou flialt ε obferue the fejft of the Ta- bernacles feuen daycs.whcn thou haft gathered in thy come, and thy wine . 14 And thon flialt reioyce in thy feaft , thon and thy fonne, and thy daughter , and thy ieniant, and thy raaid.and the Leuite.Sc the ftranger,& the fatherlefl'e,.5c the widow,that are within thy gates. I ί Seuen dayes flialt thou keepe a feaft vnto the Lord thy God in the place which the Lord iliall chiile : when the Lord thy God fliall biefl'e , thee in all thine increafe , and in all the workes of thine hands.thou (hut in any caic be glsd. 16 ί * Three times in the yeere ll-all all the males appeare before the Lord thy Ged in the place which he iliall chufe : in the feaft of the vn- leauened bread.and in the feaft of the'weekes.and in the feaft of the Tabernacle :aod they fliaJl not appeare before the Lord * emptie. 17 Euery man/^ hand , and according tothe bleffing of the Lord thy God.which he hath giuen thee, 18 '■" ludges and officers flialt thon make thee in all the cities, which the Lord thy God gi- ueth thee , throughout the tribes : and they ilwll iudge the people with righteous iudgcment, I• Ip Wreft not thou the Law,nor reipeil any per- fon.neithcr take reward : for f reward blin4eth the eies of the wife, and peruerteth y words of ^ iuft, 20 That which ^ is iuft and right ftialt thou follow, that thou mayeft Hue, and poiiefle the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee. 21 f Thou fiialt plant thee nogroue of any trees nearc vnto the Altar ofthe Lord thy God, which thou ilialt make thee. 22 Thon flialt let thee vpnoO pillar, which thing the Lord thy God hateth . CHAT. X V 1 1. » Tlf[iiKifimtnt.fth!!doijitir. 9 Hj'il e^xiroaeyfiet art hrcugH It the Vri fl jni lit lud^f. i» TtfccJitimn;' mufl die. IS Thtrl/Bi^ncftbtKhg. li and 17 ν\ΪΛί liii^t ie liighl ti tuciii^-c. ^ Hou Ihilt offer vnto the Lord thy God noe bullocke nor fl^eepe wherein is '" s blemiiher any euill fauoured thing : for that is an abomina- tion vnto the Lord thy God. % ί Ifthere be found among you in any of thy cities.which f. Lord thy God giueth thee ,man or *> woman that hath wrought wickednesin y light of the Lord thy God, in tranfgreffing his couenat, 3 And hath gone and ferued other gods,i.nd wor- ihipped them: as f funne,or ^ moone.or any of y boft of heauen, which I haue note commanded, 4 And ii be tolde vnto thee , and thou haft heard i'f.thcnflialt thou enquire diligently : and if it be uue , and the thing certaine , that inch abo- - roination is wrought in Ifrael, y Then flialt thou bring forth that roan , or that woman (which hath committed that wicked thing) vnto thy gates , whether it ^on '-.:,m, to k;:; l)im : -n.! Aueiw.ud the hands of all the» people :(o thou flialt take the wicked away from among yon. 8 ^ If there rife a matter too hard for thee in iudgement bttweene blood .md blood ,betweene plea and plea,betweene plague and plagne, in the muter of coritrouerfie within thy gates, then flialt thou arife.-nd goe vp vnto the place which the Lord thy God fliall chule, 9 And thou ikilt come vnto the Priefts ofthe Lenites.and vnto the f Iudge that fliall be in thofe d..yes,and aske.and they fliall lliewe thee the fen- |r«n7e' tence of iudgement, itie» 10 And thou flialt do according to that thing h''«'»ytl»tj.aw«l which they of that place (which the Lord hath " ' chofen) ihew thee , and thou flialt obferue to doe according toall that they informe thee. 1 1 According to the Lawe , which they fliall teach thee,and according to the iudgement which they fliall tell thee , flialt { thou doe : thou flialt not decline from the thing which they flialt flicw thee,»«/f/!ir tothe rii;hthand,nor the left. 12 And that man that will doe prefumptitouf- ly.not hearkcnino; vnto the Prieft (that ftandeth before the Lord thy G_od to''miniftcrthcre)or vnto th^udge , that man fliall die , and thou flialt take away euill from Ifrael. 1 3 So all the people fliall hearc .and feare . and do no more prefumptuoufly. 14 ί When thou flialt come vnto the land which ;y Lord thy God giueth thee.and flialt pof- fefle it,Scdwelltherein,ifthou fay ,1 will feta king ouej me , like as all the nations that are about me. ly Then thou flialt make him King ouer thee, whom the Lord thy God fliall chufe : from among thy brethren flialt thou make aKingouerchcc thou Β flialt not fet aiftrangerouerthecwhichis not thy brother. 16 In any wife he fliall not prepare himmanie horfes,nor bring the people againe to*Hgypt for to encreafe the number of horfes, feeing the Lord hath faid vnto you , Ye fliall henceforth goe no more againe that way, 1 7 Neither fliall he t^ke him many wines,lcaft his heart 1 tutne away , neither fliall he gather hinr much Cluer and golde. 1 8 And when he Ihall fit vpon the thrf.ne of hii KingdcTme ,thcn fliall he write him this "«law re- peated in a booke.by the " Priefts ofthe Leuites. ip And it fliall be withhim, andhee fliall readc therein all dayes of his life , that he may learne to feare the Lord his God, and to kecpe all y wordes of this Lav;,.ind rhefe/)rdinances to do them 20 That his heart bee not lifted vp aboue his β brethren , and that he tume not from the conmian dement to the right hand or to the left , li-wf that he may prolong his dayes in\his kingdomc,he and his Tonnes in the mids of Ifrael. C Η A P. XVIII. Ltuitis. i Of ti, Liuilii animr)i{frtm To jKoiVf Ihr ^ttm iiMhui tflkt CiaiU'i, trAaetbtn%39ithtu i Th porih* »»tt^/r fUcr . IS Cod mill n9t trAaetbtmjvithtutttrur PTofnti. THe Priefts of the Leuites,*«i all the tribe of Leui*lhaU haue no partner inheritance with Ifrael. *i>ut fliall eate the oft'rings of the Lord made by fire.and his a inheritance: Therefore fliall they haue no inheritance among, their brethren : /s-r the Lerd is thteir inhe- ritance , 9S he bath laid vnto them . . 3 5And e T• fignife • tommen < mainiaiac 1 heroiiT lii uu• lelijioB, f WkeOnJliioe he IcU f Then Oidi o wighc fo to lotw ' it fMkif(»!,»t iiTC hinaeth eoz brother kAoiic - aaolbit,.. * hi-.». ThattiiheX«*4r' part of fait iaheit^' tie Leuites portion 3 ί And thisflialbetbePrieftscIuetie ofthe >eople,that they which offer facrifice, whether»'» j be biillocke or Hieepe . iliali giue vnto the Prieft the •» ihoulder.aiul the two cheekes, and the maw. | 4 The firft fruitcs αΐβ of thy corne , of thy i wine , and ef thine oyle . and the firft of the fieece j ef thy iheepe ilialt thou giue him, ! 5 For the Lord thy God h ath chofen him out ! of all thy tribes.to ftand and minifter in the Name \ jfthe Lord.him.andhis fonnes foreuer Deuteyonomie. The punuriraent ot a ra lie witoclU^, I» The right Ilieul- 4(i> Num. !».•>. VCr Hen the Lord thy God * ihall roote out the * d^ti.tt. nations .whofe land the Lord thy God giueth thee , and thou (l^alt poiTcffe them , and dwell in their cities, and in their houfes, 2 * Thou flialt fepirate three cjtiesfortheaK. j^^j ,,^,^; in the miiUes of thy land which the Lord thy inmn js.j.n^ " ' ' ' " ■ lolh.iiS,». God giiieth thee to poffefie 3 Thou flialt" prepare thee the way.and diuide ;^ the coaftes of the land , which the Lord thy God [«aj»^ '" ''^"**• giueth thee to inherite , into three partes , that « Mtanlng, to ftiae Goi vnfaincdl7,and ii«t(of{(ketafc. 6 f Alfo when aLeuirefliallcomeout of any Γ eueryh mjnilayermjy flee thither, 3f thy cities of all Ifrael, where he rem lined , and j 4 'jj^^"' , ^ ] ouertake him , becaufe the way is long , and flay I "'"•3S•»• I him , although he be not Β worthy of death , be- IB ot.cmnetke caul'e he hated him not in time paffed. Sudged to death, ' 7 wherefore I command thee, faying. Thou j flialt appoint out three cities for thee. 8 And when the Lord thy God i enlargeth I^J^,''i",J,*„",f ',*. thy coafts{as he hath fworne vnto thy fathers) and f,"|^j the whoit^aud giueth thee all the land , which hee promifed to ef Canaa. giue vnto tiiy fathers, j ρ (If thou keepe all thefe Commandements Λ to do them , which I command thee this day : to ■ ; i/vt't, ui2t thou loup the Lord thy God , and walke I in his wayes for euer) * then (halt thou adde three >f loOi.w.y. j citiesmoeforthcebeGdes thofe three, | , . . t ^ j 10 That innocent blood be not flied within; ' '4t-' J' I the land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee to! ■' ^f \ inherite.» left blood be vpon thee. _ ie te«^o»b.pn,f. \ 1 1 f But if a man hate his neighbour , and lay %ti feiinjlocent ( waite for him, and rife againft him, and fmite any fcbod. > man that hee die ,and flee vnto any of thele cities, 12 Then the ^Eldersofhiscitie Ihall fend and " fet him thence, and deliiier him into the hands of f ^i" Maglftrattf, the auenger of the blood.that hee may die. j 13 Thine Seyefl.ailnotfparehimbutthonp;.rh''±re'r. (lialt put away the cry of innocent blood from rettendeth again» Ifrael, that it may goe well with thee. «he word ot cod. 14 ^ Thou flwlt not remooue thy neighbours I marke , which they of olde time haue fet in thine j inheritance , that thou flialt inherite in the land, j which f Lord thyGod giueth thee to pofliffe it. j* chap• ^r.t. ai(hmcntv;oa tVndel this fine I' «otehecompriftth ' tUthcothttioktat. for any trefpafle , or for any finne , or for any faiut that he offendeth in , * hut at the mouth of two witneiTcs.or at the moudi of three witnefles.Ihall the matter be fl:abliflried. 16 ilf a falfe wimefle rife vp againft a man toaceufe him of trefpafle, 1 7 Then both the men which ftriue together, flialt ftand before the h Lord , euert before the Piiefts Sc the ludges.which flialbe in thole dales. 1 8 And the iudges ihall ro.^J^e diligent inqui- fition : and if the witneife be found fjlfe,««*'Qt n• Oat-ttr. h U pterentteit fend you with his gtxeandpevT't. •■■Λζ7Η brought thee out of the land ofEgypt 2 And when ye are come neere vnto the bat- tell , thi:n thePrieft&allcomefoorthtofpeakc vnto the people, 3 And Ihall fey vnto them.Heare.O Ifraehyee are corne this day vnto battellagainft your ene- mies : * let not your hearts faint.neither feare.nor be amaied.nor adread of them. 4 For the Lord your God bgoerfi with you. to fight for you ag.tinfl: your enemies , and to faue you. 5" Τ And let the officers fpeake vmo the peo- ple , faying , AVhat man is there that hath built a e For when they new houfe, and hath not c dedica'te it ? let him go enrtii fir» todv»«ll anj retiirne to his houfe, left he die in the battell, 'iu"hrk«'.V^ and another m m dedicate it. edd'acTknovded- 6 ί And what minis there that hath planted jing'.that ihiy had a vineyard , and hath not d eaten of the fruit ? let ihacj)Ciieaiebyhii.jj:j^gg jj,ji,.gjyrne againe vnto his houfe .left he jT^ihe Ebtf w ^vβ^^i^ iu the battell, and anotht'reate the fruit. figniherron aline, 17 But ill lit vtteriy deftroy them.f β w»f , the Hittites , andthe Amorites, the Canaanites , and :the Perizzites , the Hiuites, and the lebufites : as ^he Lo)d thy God hat h.commanded -thee, a8 Thai they teach you not to doe a&cf all come our in the fiege ajainP th«. a This law He'cli- Itch how hoitiWe a ihi'nt; miuthei is,' [hat tor oae man a whole coimrey Hialbe pnniliied.ixcept «Eint^ie lie iwaii Or,y>mi. * Ki?m.i Chan, a •< ii « li it accept peace ■I _Foi GoJ haa appointed that the Canaanites flieuld be defttoyed.and inide the Ifraelicc cxecnteis of hii WiUjChif 7 «1 their abominations , which they haue done vnto their gods , and /β yeeihouJdlinne ag.iiiift the Lord your God. 19 ί when thou haft befieged a citie long time, and made warre againft' it to t valley \ which is neither eared nor fowen, and ftrike off the heifers necke λ,. ,,!,.,•„«, there m the valley. «r.ebtaAj inafe• 5 Alfo the Piiefts the fdnnes ofLeui (whom;ii=a[i«ph«, migta the Lord thv GoJ hath chofen to rnmifter, and to ι "'^''/ ''"'"»*'"'*. blefl'e in the Name of the Lord) fliall come forth, ' & by their word iliall all ftrife & plague be tried. 6 And all the Elders of th.it citie that came I neere to the ftsine men, fhall walh their hands oueri ~ the heifer that isl^eheaded in the valley: ! 7 And fhall teftifie , and fay ,OLir hands haue t not fl,cd this blood, neither haue our eyes feen it.,^ tiiiswasthe 8 e Ο Lord.bee merciful! ^Tito thy people If- Layer, which the rael, whom thou haft redeemed, and lay no inno. cent blood to the charge of thy people Ifrael. and the blood ihall be forgiuen them. 9 So ihalt thou take away i^fcrj• of innocent blood from thee , when thou ll-.alt doe that which is right in die fight of the Lord. 10 ί when thou flialt goe to warre ag.iinft thine enemies, and the Lord thy God iliall deliuer them into thine hands , and thou flialt take them captiues, II And fiialt'fee among the captiues a beau- tifuU woman, and haft a deiire vnto her, and woul• deft take her to thy wife, I ζ The thou (halt bring her home to thine houfe, a and Ihe ihall iliaueherhead.and pare hernailesjd sicnifying thj» 13 And flie Ihall pin oft" the garment th.1t Ha ' ' was taken in , .and ihe fhall remaine in thine houle^ « and bewaile her father and her mother a moneth long : and after that flidt thou goe m vnto her, and marry her.cnd flie flialbe thy ί wife. 1 4 And if thou haue no fauour vnto her , then thou mayeft lether go whither ftie will, but thou flialt not I'ell her for money , nor make merchan- dife ofhcr.becaufethou haft humbled her. ly -i Ifamanhaue two wiues.oneloucdand another. g hated , andthey haue borne him chil dren.both the loued and alio the hated; if the firft borne be the fonne of the hated. t$ " Xheo when the time consoetb . that hee c'iB.ljt'Ul^iflej made 11 the attdicncc ΦίΛΛ .Pfopi*, [ I'.ft be changtd before die could• be ioined to the people of God. e AS haning te- non eced pate«i» ηι>γ. f This onely wa» permitted in the othetwii the Ifiaeliicscoot marry Oiaa- geiS i This detlareth hattheplurah'iie^i wiues came of Diuers'ofdlnances. Deuteronomie.. Tbe panifliment oTiHuH^ ' SAsmwcli astotwa of the others, i Exc'pthebee vnwot(hy,as vr Reuben laiksb^ ίο Β ης. k For it is the inothijrsdii. tyslfo ■tainfixntWxii dtiltiien. .ijipointcth his foiines tobeheliesofthM which he hath, hice may not make the i'onne of the belo- ued fiift borne || before the fonne ofthehatcJ, which is the firft borne: 1 7 But he Ιΐ•ι3ΐ1 acknowledge the fonne of the hated for the firft borne , and giue him ''double portion for all that hee hath : for he is the firft of his ftrength.andto J him helongcth the right of fiift borne. 18 ί If any msn h.iiie a fon that is ilubburne and difobedient, which will not hearken vnto die voyce of his father, nor the voycc of his * mother, and they hane chafteiied iiim , and he would not cbey them, 19 Then iliall his father andhis mother take h.im.Sc bring him out vnto the Elders of his city, and vnto the gate of the place where he d'.veiieth, 20 Andfliali (ay vnto the Elders of his citie. This our fonne is ftiihburne and diiobedient , and he will not obey our admonition : he isa riotoiir, and a drunk :.rd. a I Then .ill the men ofhiscitie ftalPftone him with ftones vnto death : fo thon ihalt rake away euili from among you , that all Ifrael may heare it, and fe^re. iz i'. If a man alio haue committed a trefpafTe v/orthy of deMh , and is put to death , and then hangeithimona tree, zi His bndylhall net rcmaine mall night vp- on th'3 tree, but thou Ibalttuiy him the f iiiie dap: for the -^ ciirfe of God/i on him that is hanged. Dofile not therefore thy land which, the Lord thy God giiieth thee to inherite. CHAP. XXII. J tift com>n*>Jielh tthiiuiiare tfmr ntiihheuniixdi. j The riinX4am.%y not ware tnaa: npf.trtl.ner man thewcmans, 6 Of the A.tmme aKi her pug birds. 8 ΙΓΑ> t Af j pmld hane bntiiemmls. e, Xit tt raixt dimrs kiKis ttitt/iey. s} of tie rjifei-.it being ftttninvtriin. 13 The punifiment cf Kduliaj. •T Ksu ^ ilialt not fee thy brothers oxe nor his ■ fl:ccpe goe aftray , and > withdraw thy felfe from them , i/if ihalt bring them ag.iine vnto thy *shewi«atha. jbiOther- , .^ ., , ^ , ' , ^ιοώαϊγ affeciioii 2 And if tliv brother be not " neere vnto thee, mtic.feoftewed.notjcrif thouknow'himnot , then thou Ihaltbringit Qs'-lyi^othenyhat ^5j^j.y "^^'"^ ^°"'^ ' and it fliall reiiitilne with thce, LsTb«tTiroro"hem vntill thy brother feeke after it , then ΛβΙι thou jwhich are fane off. jdcliuer it to hi;r. .igaiiie: *" "■ j 3 In like mar.er ilialt thou do with his c aife, 'and (o Qialt thou doe withhis raiment , and fi->alt jio doe wich all loft: things of thy brother , winch be hath !ol\:if thou haft found ihem,thou ihalt not v;ithdraw thy fcifc/row them. • /J, ί Thou fl-sait not fee thy brothers af.e not Ws cxe fall downe by theway , and withdraw tlijr fe-lfc from thetn,.i'«i ihalt lift them vp with him. ^ ί The "i wo.man iliall not weaie that v.'hich '•perteineth vnto the man , neither ihnlLa m:n put en woman» raiment : fur all that doe fo , o-re abo-. minarion vnto the Lou! thy God. 5 ? If thou fnde a birdes neft in the way , in sny tree , or on the grcuuui, wljether tln-y ieyopg eft- egges , and the damme lirting vpon the ycng, or vponthe c{?ges , = thou Pnodt not take the dani iwith th.^iyong, 7 But Ihah in any wife let the dam goe ,, and take the young to thee , that thou niaycit.profper and prolong thv daycs S ί when thou buildcft anew houfe, thou fliait mike a 'b:ttlement on thy roofe , that thou lay not biootj. vpomhine houfe, if atiy man f41 thwuce. IWhicti de»i?i was elfoai'poiiitcdfoc b.l•,fph,.■mets ard Sielirrers•: ia that it iiiub .7 th; pjieius a's mot Roiuble. m For Gods Law byhisdcithiifa- tir.Sti , and natiir »biiorr»th mielty. x:il.tj.4• 3 As tlioiigli :hcu flVroflJtEOt.. iho" bound to doe iut t!iy neighbours «I'ierAat werei altar tile oidot of naiivre , and tod;-! i|ile God. Ifeoddetefl cricliy Hone toliule bird , how much more to man, snilile 3KcordiBg:ehis { The tenor of this Law, is tOAVjlkein fimplicity, andnoc beciiriouiof . ^ aeyirinaeiition.'i ♦ NdJiii.is.jS; IiiStiS,SeJn iccalion th|t Qj; ij-, laadsrsd. U MeSairg., the Iheeteiwlier^ji] chs fignes ofjieiviiet-i nuieweie". fM T^ icr the fa^jlt'fcftlie ^d rtdoauaa:h . the άϋη^βοΓι):^ 9 ! Thou flialt not ffowe thy vineyard with diuers kinds of feedes.left thou dehle the increafe of the fecde which thou haft fowen, and the fruitc of the vineyard. 1 ο <[ Thou ihalt not plow with an oXe and aa afl'e together. 1 1. Τ Thou italt not weare a garment cf diuers forts.as of woollen and lirnicn together. 12 f ■•^ Thou ilialt make thee fringes vpon the foure quarters• of thy vcfture , wherewith thon couereft thyfelfe. 13 Τ Ifa man take a wife , and when he hath lien with her.b'.te her, 14 And lay aflanderous things -mto her charge, and bring vp.meuill name vpsn her , and fay , I tooke this wife , and when I came to her , I found heinor amayd, ly Then Iball the father of the maide and her motiier take and bring the fign-jsofthemaydes virginitie vnto die Elders t'f the city to the gate; 16 And the maydc-s father ftall fay vnto the Elders, I gaue ray. daughter vnro this man to wife, andhehatethher: 1 7 And loe, he layeth Hand? roiis things vnte her charge , faying , I foundnot thydaoghtera maide : loc , thelc Λre the tohms ofiny daughters virginitie : and they Iha'i fpread the •» vefturc be-< fore the Elders of the city. 1 8 Tht π 'jhe Elders of the city.iliall take that man und chalHfc him, 39. And Ihall condemns him- in an himdretb fhel^ls of iihier, and giue them vnto the father ' of the m.iyde , becaufc hee hath brought vp an ««nie vpon a m.iyd of Ifrael : and ihe iball 6e hi wif^.and he may not put her av.yy all his life 20 ί But if this thing bee true, that the mayd be not fduiad a virgine, 2 1 Then they ihall bring foorth the mayde to| the doore of her fathers houfe . and the nien of her j city ihall ftone her with ftones to death ': for Ihe hath wroughtfoUy in Iliael, by playing the whora in her fathers boule : fo thou iliak put euiil away from among you. 22 ί ■'' if a man be fo'.md lying with s woman, maried to a man , thenthey iliall die euen both twainc, tovvit,-a\^ man that lay with the vvife,an-i the wife • fo thou ftak put away euill from Ifrael, 23 ί If a mayd be betrothed vnto a husband^ and a man Hnde her in the towne and lie with her, 24 Then Ihail yee bring them both out vnto. the gatcsof the farrie city , and ihall ftone them with ftones to death ; the m-iyd becaufe ll-.e cryedi not, being in the city, & the nran, becaule hee hath ; D humbled his neighbours wife : fo thou ihalt ptiti j o, , j,jB^ away euill from .imong you. 2 ^ ί But if a man finde a betrothed mayde in the field and force her, and lye with her,, then the manthf.tlay with her ,lha!l die alone: ■i6 And vnto the maid thou ilialt do nothing, bccau.fe thr:re is inthemaidno fi caule of death.- foras when a m.aiirifeth ng.nnft his neighbour and woundcth him to de.ith, lo* is this matter. 2 7 For he found her in the fields : the betro,- thedm ydecryed , and there was no man to'liic- courher. , 28 ί * If a man find a tr.aid that is not betro-. thed.and t.:ke her , and lie with her, and they bee found, 29 Theivtheman that lr,y with her,iliall giue vnto the maydes father liftie/Ai^ii»vfiJluex : an J Ifce paienniMheMorttht hsn 0: fclUtlcin '«'a. \•' ■^^ J Or, yupunit Uj tfiteii, y M»a^irg,t]ia he inBCcenicannct e fiiniihed. S aiToi^^e ; ill vncleanneflfe, Ckp^XXl Λ. X XlUi: Abill QFi^tgnjr ftongSj^ , 1 HeeOiillBOtlie h his ftcpmo- ther,nie»inr5 hersby illorhet degtees teibiddcn, fliall vncoucT his fithers skirt, Lciut. 1 8 , - C Η A P. XXTTT. ■Wh»t mtn tught Kit fc tie admitted to office. 9 VPhxt \hey titght to euculfwhtnthey^oelowxrre. ij OfthefHii- ti»eferit*nt. iTTofeeailkiideofwhcredcme. 19 Of Vfitrit. 21 0/ vfrvts. J4. Of the «cigkhottrs vine and, file flialbe his wife, becaufe he hath humbled her, λπ abomination λ-πίο the Lord thy God hecannotputheraway all his life. I9 ^ * Thoii ll-.alt net giua to vfune to th} 30 ί NomanllialU tJkehisfathe^•$wife ,nor ! brother: ^ivfiirie of money, vl'iiric• of meate.vfnr^ ., I • r., L-_ . ofany thing that is put to vlurie. 20 Vnto a ^ ftr.^nger thou maieft lend vpor vfiuie , i)Ut thou fhait not lend vpou vlune vnt< thy brother , that the Lord thy Gcjd may * bleii^ thee in ail thittlioitletteft thine hand to , inthi land vvhith'-r thou goeft to pollefle i 21 ί . \V lien thou (Lilt vowe a vowe vnto the « Eiib^t 10 belle offiw, or to manfe a wife. b ThisAwiS to caiife them to line chif'.ly, that their foflciitie might ■BOtbeteiedted. t Hibt, 13• I. e "Hereby hee«an. demiieth all that further not the niliren oi God in tiieic vocaticB. i. TlieB Qiiltttaue nothing to doe e If Aefjthe• tune lenoii ucea their idcliitie, Γ i r.ceiiisd «it- ■V[ One that is hurt by burfting , or that hath his priitie member ciit οίϊ" , » ihall enter into the Congregation of tlie Lord. 2 b A I) iftardfhall not inter into the Congre- gation of the Lord • euen to his tenth gener ition Ihall he not ettter into the Congregadon of the Lord. 3 * The Ammonites and the Moabires fliall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: mien to their tenth gener ition n-,all rhey not enter into the Congregation of the Lord for euer, 4 Becauiethey ' metyounotwith bread and Lord thy God , thou (Ink not be fiacks to p.y it fer the Lord thy God ν/ύ furely require it of thee cndja it ihouid be finne vnto thee. 21 D lit when thou abftaineft from vowhig , i: ibalbc no fmne vn;o thee, 23 ' Th It which is gone out of thy Hppcs.thou flialc ■" keepe and performe , as thou hail vowed it willingly vnto the Lord thy God : for thou h-ftJj fpoken it with thy mouth 24 ί when thou commeft vnto " thy neigh- bours vineyard .then thcu maieft eate grapes at a A! Cods minifler. d tharced wiili l-eilil,efa.-ne. Ι0Π1. + .1. water in the way ,' when yee came out of Hgypt, jthy plcafme.as much as thou wilt : but thou ilialt and * becaufe they hired againft thee Balaam the jputnone m thy 0 vene!. HfiCioa. f Fet the asteW- tieseliBatute. g Meining hetcby that his peofjj ilionid be pare toih in body and loule. h This isnieWtof the he3(hc)i,i''io fled to: th jit ma- llets cmilfie, and imbraced the Itue religion, •f BiT. lAtu, i Forbid Jinj hcte- ■ty that any gaine ;|Oitcn of eaill things Qioiilu be applyedtj the Jleiiiiw/i//iv,-ithwa- ter.and when the fiinne is downe.he Ihall enter in- to the hoaite. ί Thou flialt haue a place alfo without the hoafte, whither thou flialt f refort, 3 And thou Ihalt haue a paddle among thy weapons, and when thou woiildcft fir downe with- out , thou li^.dc dig therewith, and returning, thou fliali.g coucr thine excrements. 4 For the Lorde thy God walketh in the m.ids cf thy campetocleiiuerth:e , andtogiue thee thine enemies before thee ; therefore thine hu.ifte llvill be huiy , that he fee no hitby thing in uiee/and turne away from ihce. 15• ί Thou ihalt not ^ deliuer the feruant vnto his mafter, which is efcaped from his mafter vnto thee. 1 6 He (hall dwell with the;,<«e» among you, in what place he ihall chufe , in one of thy t cities whtreit likerh him beit;thou (l-,aknot vexe him. 17 ί Theicihaibe no whore of the daughters of Hiael.neitlier ihall there be a whore keeper of the fonncsoflfrael. 18 ί Thou il-i.it neither brnigthe>hireofa whore, nor die price of a dqgge into the honfe of UVe.tord thyGod for any vQ>v:foi• euen fcoih thefe t Thi. init.ed icf the h. - tcthairheau 1 It thou fcew φ5 ihatitiiuo thy bwihet, God will tecLrehi• loiij tonaid Jaee, ΓΙ if dip vewefi• laniuU audgodly^' Ε Beiag hited fot to labour. D Toijrini home to thine boule. "■ iUti.ie»'. 25- \\''hcn tho'.: commeft vnto thy neighbours coine , •^- thou maieft plucke the eares with thine hind , but thou flialt not mooue aficklero thy neighbours corne. CHAP. XX I in. I -DiMotctnitnt is permitted. 5• Her that ii nervlymarriei is exempted fvem vane. 6 Of the fledge. 14 Watei m-Aft not te retciKtd. le Tie pii inttil not it f unified for idf ίΛιί. 17 The tare oflieftranfer, falherleffe , ant midiiiv. n7"Hen a mint*eth a wife , end marricth her.j if Γο bee fl-.ee fimle no fauour in his eyes , be- caufe he hathefpied fome hlthinefle in her, i then let him write her abilof diuorcenaent , and put it in her hand.and fend her our of his houfe. 2 And wh-n Ihe is deputed out of his houfe, and gone her W3y,,-ind marry with another man, 3 And if the htter husband hate her, and wrioe her a letter of dinorccment,and put it in her hand, and fend her out of his houfe , or if the latter mani die which tooke her to wife; ! 4 T'len her firfthusbind, which fentherawayj may not tak'i her againe to be his wife , ifter that! thee is b defiled; for that f/ abomination in the fighti''.s«'''g'1»atH of the Lord , end thou ihaltiiot caufe the land t0!^;J''^'"S^'|*'-j''= fmne which the Lord thy God doth giue thee to vrxttuc^r.iil• inherit. Uui. y Τ When a man taketh a new wife , he fliall nor goe a vv.irf.ire , « neither fl:iall bee charged c Thattlieymighi a Keie1>y God if- | ptooiieth noi that light diHOtcimeot, i b:u peimittcth it , toauoidefiiithe: ijiCORtienieaie^ 1 Mitt. IK. Λ ! learnetoknov One inotharsfOE- diiions, and lo a£- ard line in with any bufineffe . but (hall bee free at home one yeere. and rcioycc with his wife, which hee hath taken. 6 ί _Ko m^n ihall take thi nether nor the vp-j godly peate. per« li4 d Norinythmg Uing. •. IwhtieJjyaman 7 Τ If any man bee foimd ftealing sny of his| S^"'*''">'"i"ft brethren of the children of lirael , and makethj raarchandizG of him , or fclleth him , that thiefe fliall die : fo Ihalt then put euill away from amonj you. 8 ί Take heed of the * plague of Icprofie.thst then obferue tHiigenriy , and doe acca-ding to all that the Priefts of the Leuites fliall teach ycu;take! heed ye doe as I commanded them. j ρ Remeniber what the Lord thy God did vn- to * Mil ian by the way after that yce were conre out of Egypt. io Ϊ When thoH (halt asKe againe of thy neigh ft i bour * Xst.'t.i; ^ » inersorHTnances hA.s m«ch ! nf the other a Exc'pthe vnwotthy f TRoiigh hit •»70uli b-e vn- Jiliankeft.ll,y;t «oJyviUiioi fit- get it. l-.Ki11g.14. 3.Chron..s.+, Jete.Ji.Isi.so, issk l5.20. _ Becatife tke VJOtld did^lcsS eneemetheCe ions of people, therefore God hail: jnoli cue ones «hem. he 1- — — — — ■ To Deutefonomie. j * ienit. 1 i.^itd (9 Or, gmlifrifi iHateUutt, g Or,Hr£riffli>f 5ne»d judged them mi«dfull or hi: iienefit.except they wei& hesefisuiU vn eo o(h«ts. a WTietfietihere i)e J pUintife 01 «one.the magi- flratcs ought to tti out faoltSi^nd jpuniili acfording «0 the crime. b When the crime (deitriieth not death. t The lewes of fupeiftition after- ward tooke one i»iay,i,C«,n.2• * i.Cor.s.s. «.Tim.s.iS. » Rath +.3, Matth. 12.14.• MaiV.ia.JJ, ir any thing lent , thon flialt not goe « into his [houfe to fetch his pledge. 1 1 But thou ilialt ftand without , and the man. ithat borrowed it of thee , iliall briag the pledge out of the doores vnto thee. 1 2 Furthermore , if it be a poore body, thou flwlt not fleepe wiih his pledge, 1 3 But ihalt reftore him the pledge when the funna goeth downe, that he may lleepe in his rai- iBenr, and bleffe thee : and it Ihalbe righteuufnes vnto thee f before the Lord thy God.. 14 f. Thou llialt not oppreflean hyred feruant that is needy 8c poore, neither ofthy brethren, noi• of ;y ftr.mger that is in thy land within thy gates. Ϊ ■* Thou Ihalt giue him his hire for his day, neither iliall the funne goe downe vpon it : for he rs poore,and therewith iultaineth his life : leaft he crie againil thee vnto the Lord , and it be finne vnto thee. id f ■!< Thefathers fhallnotbeput to death forthe chi!dren,nor the children put to death for the fathers , but euery man fliall be put to death forhisowne finne. 17 ί Thou llialt not peruert the right of the 8 .ftranger , wefthefatherleffe, nortakeawid- duwes raiment to pledge. 18 But remember that thou wiaft a feruant in Egypt .and how the Lord thy God deliuered thee thence. Therefore I command thee to doe this thing. 19 ^ * when thou cutteft downe thine har- ueft in thy fielde.and haft forgotten a flieafe in the fielde,thou ilialt not goe agune to fetch it , but it ihalbe for the ftranger , for tlie f uherlefle , and for the widowe : that the Lord thy God may bleile thee in all the workes of thine hands. 20 when thou II beateft thine eliue tree.thou ilialt not goe ouer the boughes againe , but it ilialbe for the ftranger , for thefatherleffe, and for the widowe. 21 When thou gathereft thy II vineyard.thou ftalt not gather the grapes cleane after thee , but they Ihall be for the ftranger '"-'--'••' ' "■- and for the widow. 22 And remember that thou waft " a feruant in the land of Egyptitherefote I command thee to doe this thing. CHAP. XXY. 3 The bratingofthe (ffeuders. i Tt raife i/p feed tithe kiitf- wen. 11 In what c4c nwmanihanimuithemtojf. 13 Of tuS iveiihts and tntafnres. 19 Tediilrej the jimnlekttes. ' WHen there iliall bee ftrife betweenemen, and they ftall come vnto iudgement , a and fentence fliall bee- giuen vpon them , and the ri^eous il^alLbe iyftihed , and the wicked con- demned, 2 Thenaf fo bethe wicked be worthy to bee beaten , the iudge ftiallcaufs him to lie downe, •> and to bee beaten before his face , according to histrefpafle,vnto acertaine number. 3 = Fourtie/ripiJ Ihall hee caufe him to bane, and not paft• , leaft ifheiliould exceed and beat him ahoue that vnth many ftripes , thy brother lliould appeare defpifed in thy fight raife fecde to tl le kinfman 1 BecaiJethe Ebrew word iig. »ifieth not the us- lurjll brother, and the word that fig- fieth a brother, taken alfo for a kiniemanritfee- eththat jtisiiot eant that the na- ttirallbroiher liQiild ir.a:riehis iiothevs wife, but "om« other of the krnrcd that was ia thatd^gree which ghtmariie. e This law impex« tethti; ftame fer Ills Adw impor^ that godly j lefafineiTebe eriied : for it I' rible thing! romM 1 but his ^ kinfman {liall goe in vnto her , and take her to wife, and doe the kinfemans office to her. 6 And the firft borne which flie beareih, ftall fucceed in the name of bis brother which is dead that his name be not put out of Ifrael, 7 And if the man will not take his kinfewoman, then let his kinfewoman goe vp to the gate vnto the Elders', and (ay, My kinfeman refuleth to raife vp vnto his brother anam.c in Ifrael : he will not doe the office of a kinfeman vnto me. 8 Then the Elders of his citie lliall call him and commune with him : if hee ftand and fay , 1 will not take her, 9 Then Ihall his kinfwoman-come vnto him in the prefence of the Elders , and loofe hisfliooe from his foot, and fpit in his face,and anfwere,and fay , So iliali it bee done vnto that man that will not biiild vp his brothers houfe. I ο And his name lliall be called in Ifrael, The houfe of him whofe lliooe is put off. II ί 2 when men ftriue together ,one with a nother, if the wife of the one come neere, for to rid her husband out of the handes of thim. that fmitethhim , and put forth her hand, and take him by hispriuities, 1 2 Then thou fljalt cut off her hand:thine eye fliali not fpare her. 13 Τ Thon ilialt not haue in thy big two ma- nerof t weights, a great and a fmall: 1 4 Neither Ihalt thou haue in thine houfe di• uers t meafures.a great and a fmall: , , ^^^ ^ ^^ 1 < If brethren dwell together,and one of fto our fathers for to gifie ν ihem die and haue no.fonne , the wife of the dead i 4 Then the Prieft ihall take the basket out of| iliall not njanie without ■, thitt is , vnto a ftranger, ; thinehandjand let it downe before the altai• of the Lor The ogerin ypfthefirft fruits. C Melning. liiiob, wheferued zoyecie in Syria. a Onely hy G<«i' mercy, andnolby their fathetsdefei- Bings, cAlledgi'ng the pro- mifes made vino ear fathers, Abra li>m,Iihak,and laalob. -Chap. XjKVIL S 2:2ς: TheLa\7 written in ftones. tj _ Lord thy God. ^ ! Τ "=" ,^^f *"" '''''^, ^^ .^''^t'' "^^ ^^f ,^ ' '°'"' » as cods mining, X And thou flialt anfwere arid fay before the 1 manded the people.laying.Keepedl thecom- Lord thy God, A c Syrian was my father.who be- ing ready to perilb for hunger , went downe into Egypt,aHd foyourned there with a fmall company new there vnto a nation great, mighty " and great, :d vs , and troubled f In tooleii of» thankfiiU hein, and /BiindfBll of this benefit. and grew there full of people 6 And the Egyptians vexe vs, and laded vs with cnieil bondage. , ^ 7 But when we« cried vntothe Lord Godot our fathers.the Lord hearc our voyce,and looked on our aduerfitie , and onour labour . and on our opprefsion : -^ . g And the Lord brought vs out of Egypt m a mighcv hand , and ftretched out arme, with great terribleneife.both in fignes and wonders. 9 And he hath brought vs into this pkce.and hath giuen vs this land , etitn a land that floweth with miike and hony. , , c α ΙΟ And now , loe , I haue f brought the hrit f^uites of the land.which thou.O Lord.haft gmen ( mandements,\vhich I commanded youdiis day. I 2 And when ye (hall pifle* oner lorden vnte the land which the Lord thy God giueththee, thou Ihalt fet thee vp great ftcnis.end piaifter them withplaifter, 3 •» And ilialt write vpon them all the words of this Law, when thou ilialt come oner, tliat thou miyeft go into the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee : a land that floweth with milke and hcny.as f- Lord God of thy f.uhers hath promiled thee, 4 Therefore when ye iliall paffe ouer lorden, H.dicate ye ihall fet vp thefe ftones, whichi command yon f"""^-• this day in mount Eb'.U , and thou Ihalt piaifter them with pL'.ifter. J * And there fl-sak thou build vino the Lord thy God an altar ,?««« an altar of ftones : thou Ihalt lift none' yron ih^rument vpon them. 6 Thou Ihalt mAe the altnr of the Lord thy and iharged wiili the fa.-ne. ofli. + .i. > God wmlJ that I. Law Qioiild be 1'. '- ;p ill the boidets helardofcanair. that slbhatlocioi heieon might Ιίηονν that the d was to his n,e.and thou ihalt let it before 'the Lord thy God, j God of whole ftones ,r,nJ^ offer burnt offering. J 11 • u=ond betvreene God «and his people, * Chap.7.6. 4nd.i4Z. » Chap + r. jtnd.at.i. *a|ap7.<. lud.Maniiieb. g Signifying.thatif thiv Yotildnot obey Goa fot lone, the) dionldbe made ttjebey forleaie. Thefe (Iwll ftand vpon mount Gerizzim , to bleffe the people when ye fliall paffe ouer lorden Simeon ,andLeui .aadludah .andlffachar , and f ^^,^ί^ρ^ ebj,, f lofeph.and Beniamin. 1 3 And thefe ll-all ftand vpon mount Eball , to 8curie:Reuben,Gad,and Ailier.and Zebuhin,Dan, andNaphtaii. 14 And the Leuites iliall anfwere nnd fay vnto all the men of Ifrael with a loud voyce, 1 5: f Curfed be the man that (ΙιλΙΙ make any carued or molten h image .fv/i/'c/jw.^n abomina- tion vnto the Lord , the worke of the h.-.nds of the craftefman , and piitteth it in a fecret place : And all the people Ihall anfwere end fay: So be it \6 Curfed be he that i cuifeth his father and his mother : And all the people lhall fay ; So be it. 17 Curfed be he thatremjoueth his neighbours i marke : And rll the people iliall fay •; So be it. Curfed be he that m keth the 1 blind go out his ordin'inces. and his commandements, and his! of tiie way : and .di the people iball lay : So be it. V„„.,,g;,h.thel- lawes.and to hearken vnto his voyce ■ 1 8 ο And the Lord hath fet thee vp this day.to be a * ptecious people vnto him (as he hath pro- mifed thee) and that thou fliouldeft keepe all his commandements. 1 9 And to make thee * high aboue all nations ( which hee hath made) in praife.and in name.and in glory , * and that thou Ihouldeft be an holy people vnto the Lord thy God, as hee hath faid. CHAP. XXVII. 4 Tity m ammnititt mriir ih U» vpt« β'Π'ι for » rirnm- krjMH. s Alfo to MHitnuUur, jj Tit luffing mp- 19 Curfed be he that hindreth the right of the^ieth n->t and ftranger , the fatherleffe , and the widow : And all the people fhall fay : So bee it. 20 Curfed be he that lieth with his fathers wife: for he hath vncouered his fathers'" fkirt ; And all the people lhall fay : So be it. 2 1 Curfed be he that lieth with any beaft : And all the people ihall fay :So be it. 22 Curled be he that lieth with his lifter , the daughter of his father , or the daughter of Iris mo- ther : And all the people (liall fay : So be it. 23 Curfed be he that lieth with his η mather in law; and all the people ihall fay; So be it. j: ,3 Λ4 Curle^i hviiderihishecon. taine'h all ifie cor- ruptions of Gods feiuice.and the tranfgieiitonof the fitft Table. iOt, contemn eth.iS this apc.Kainetht• the Qcon V He condcmneth all iniiirie» and exto filljth not I ighbooi. m In comnf'iii»£ i-l'- ; Jgainft him,Lc!i;t 20. II•. Ind chtp.it.jo.j Β Meaniiig.hi* vriues KOiba, Deuter onomiei' Curfings, plagues and tlireatnir if Coi ihsc ieeth i:iGccct, will eng-• ir. » Galst.s, ■ * lenit.i a HcwnimaJte thea.themoft excel- Jejit of all pcoEJe. b When Λοιι tTiin- i.-fiihy feife for- lak^n. ThoM lal• life ■wealthily d Thy children ind fitfcelTtou, All thine enter. piiTcs Oiallhane ^oodfucceiTi. 'Meaning, many J• God will bleiTe »s , if we dee out diict-f, end not be h. la that he ii thy God,ju(Lihe[i a:t Wspeofle, Γ Tor nothing in he earth is prcfit- ihle,biit whca Gsd ondiih Kitbleinngs riomh<.im. ly ί ''^ But if thou wiltnot obey the voyce (ofthe Lord thy God , to keepe and to doe all his j comrnjunJements , and his ordinances .which I command thee this day, then all thefe curfesihalK come vpon thee, and ouertake thee. 16 Curfed flialt thou be in the towne.and cjir- fed alfo in the field. 17 Curfed ihall thy baf ket be.and thy D doughs ijj. Cm-fed lljdl be tlic&iiic of thy body ^,an4 I Of.frt^^fi,' * t'cRXCiijU^ Otfinuilt, i; It Oijllgiiietlice more moy flute thenifit-weteof btafle . lit duft infti jtitb mnit. I Some teade , (Jhe flialtbea tertont and feare, vrbe* they Oiallheare curfedboihinih /^ life and in thy death Λίοι the tu- ■ Uisateflimoiy the fruit of thy land, the increafe of thy kine, anc the flocks of thy iheepe. 1 ρ Curfed Ihalt thou bee when thou commeft in.and curfed alfo when thou goeft out. 20 Tlie Lord ihall fend vpon thee curfing, trouble, and Β fliame, in all that which thou fetteft thinehandtodoe , vntillthouhedeftroycd, and perifli quickly, becaufe of the wickedneffe of t(iy works,whereby thou haft forfaken me. 2 1 The Lord fliall make the peftilence cleaue vnto thee , vntill he hath confuraed thee from the land.whither thou goeft to poffeffe it. 22 * The Lord fliall imite thee with a con- fumption, and with the feuer, and with a burning ague, and with feruent heate, and with the fword, andwith |) blafting.and with the niildew.and they fliall purfue thee vntill thou periflr. 23 And thine heauen that is ouer thine head, flialbe k brafl"e,and the earth y is viider thee,yrotT. 24 The Lord fliall giue thee for the raine of thy land , duft andaflies : euen from 0 heauen Ihall it come downe vpon thee, vntill thou be deftroyed. zy .And the Lord fliall caufe thee to fall before thine enemies : thou flialt come out one w^^ya- gainft them , and flialt flee fcuen wayes before them.and ihalt bel fcattered through all the king- domes of the earth. z6 And thy m carkeis fliall be-e meat vnto all foules of the aire, and vnto the beafts of the earth, and none fliall fray them aw^y. j*"*^ ^"^ ^'* 2 7 The Lord wil fmite thee with the botch of piagt;ei ^ee. Egypt, and with the emeroids, and with the f kab, and with the itch.that thou canft not be healed. 28 And the Lord .fliall fmite thee with mad- neffe, and with blindneffe , and with aftonying oi , ^^ ~ , Uflorf *■ theVefuircflion 29 Thou flialt alio grope at noone dayes , as' wickednetTethoir i thenblindegropeth in darkenefle , andflialtnot:'''"'''"*^ ,, j pruiper in thy wayes: thou flialt neuer but be op-:",/j"^|""8^"jf* piefled with wrong, and be powled euermorc, andiVou^aftithcke "^ no man fliall fllCCOUr f/;«i, ; difcretion and 3 ο Thou Ihalt betroth a wife,and another mani^'"*8?'"«»f fliall lie with her : thou flialt build an houfe , and flialt not dwell therein:thou ihalt pl.int a vineyard, and flialt not t eat the fruit. 3 1 Thine ©xe fliall be Qaine before thine eyes and thou flialt not eat thereof : thine affe fliall he violently taken away before thy face,and fliall not be reftored to thee: thy flieepe iliafl be giuen vnto thine enemies, & noma flial refcue them for thee. 3 2 Thy fonnes and thy daughters flialbe giuen vnto another peopie , and'thinc eyes ° ihall ftifl looke for them , euen till they fall out , and there fliall be no power in thine hand, 33 The fruite of ihy knd and all thy labours fl-ialJ a people whit h thou knoweft not , eate , and thou flialt neuer but fuffer wrong , and violence alway: 34 So that thou flialt bee-taadde for the fight which thine eyes Ihall fee, 3y irhe Lord fliall fmite thee in the knees , and inthethighes .with a forelotch , that thou canlt not be healed: euen from the fole of the fcotynto the top of thine head, ^6 The Lord fliall bring thee and thy Ρ lOing (which thou fliait fet ouer thee) vnto anation, which neither thou nor thy fathers hauc knowen, and there thou flialt feruc other gods , euen wood andftone,. 37. And t Eir. m^V Η When they ΰιΐ31 lime from dieil- captiiiiiie« ρ As !)« did Mi» nafTch, loachjnis- Zedeliias jn^ oihtts. Troeatnings and plagues fo£ Chap. ^XIX« tranigreiling the Law, το H.9. i.king.s.r » Mi«h.(5,iS. ftrcttrf ie«i'. q VnJct one kind 3 7 And thou fhalt * be a Wonder , a prouerbe \ ftiaitneffe ', therewith tliine enemie Ct-.zll beiiegi and a common talke among all people.whither the j thee in all thy cities. Lord (ball cary thee. I ϊ6 The tender and daintie 'wpraan among fAs «mete pjiTc lice conwintth Μ the vecsnint, wiiith' itftioythe feuits ofehtlind : md Λίί is an tuidtnt tookta of Codt itirft, 38 * Thou ilialt carie out much feede into the field.and flwlt gather but little in:for the grafliop- pers ihall deftrey it. 3P Thou Ihait plant a vineyard , and drefl'e it, but Ihalt neither drinke of the wine , nor gather thegrdfes: for the wormes iliall eat it. 40 Thou iliak haue Oliue trees in all thy coafts , but ihalt not anoynt thy felfe with the oyle: for thine oliues iliall | fall. 4J Thou ihalt beget fonnes and daughters, but ihalt not haue them : for they fliall goe into c?,ptiuitie. 42 All thy trees and fruite of thy land qfliall the grafhopper confume. 43 The ftranger that is among you.iliall climbe aboue thee vpon hie , and thou ilialtcome dowiie beneath alow. 1 you, which neuer would venture to let the fole οΗίη Λ« day«s of le- her foot vpon the ground (for hei IbfteHsile andp»"" itui^ o£ ιΐν«!,, tendernefle) lliall be grained at her husb and ί/)Λ(Γ^^'"^8,,,'^'*5^°^^1,^^^5 /<ίί<) in her bofome , and at her fonne , andat her befieg«d ictiifaltm. daughter, ί Himg«Aaii fo y 7 And at «hei• afteebirth (that ihall come outQ,!';;; J^'^^''" from betweene her feete) and at her children,lejte bet chad; which flic ftiall beare : for when all things lacke, btfot* itbtde- flie fliall eate them fecretly, during the fiege anip»•''^• ftraitnefle wherewith thine enemie il^ail befiege | thee in thy cities. \ . ^ _. Ϊ 8 ί If thou wilt not keepe and doe" all the '^J^.^• '''" ^^"'" words of this Law (that arc written in this book) jieOuu, and feare this glorious and fearefullName.T Η Ε LORD THY GOD, yp Then the Lord will make thy plagues won- derful!, and the plagues of thy leede, f«e« great 44 He (hall lendthee.Sc thou flialt not leadhim: i plagues .and of long continuance, and fore difea- be fliall bee the head , and thou Ibalt bee the taile. i les.and of lon^ durance 4ί Morecuer.allthefe curfesAall come νροα thee, and ihall purfue thee and ouertake thee, till thou be deftroyed, becaufe thou obeyedft not the voyce of the Lord thy God , to keepe his cora- taanderaents, and his ordinances, which he corp- raanded thee: ϊί^πω^^Π^ 4(ί And thev fliall bee vpon 'thee for fignes .hatTee'^'o'lendii a"d wondert.and vpon thy feed for euer Vri« whereas we thou baft not knowen , nor thy fathers , euen wood and ftone, dy Alfo among thefe nations thou flialt finde no reft, neither fliaJl the fole of thy foot haue reft: for the Lord fliall giue thee there a trembling heart , and /ookjfig toreturne till thine eyes fall out, and a forrowfiiil mind. 66 And thy life ihall .|| hang before thee , and thou flialt feare both night and day, and flialt haue none affurance of thy life. 67 In the morning thou fait fay, Would God mzsJyioiShip God ρΗΛ^; and declati out faith and tc• Jigion, .ntiil thine high and ftrong walks fall downe. it were euening , ai^d at euening thou flialt fay, wherein thou truftedft in all the land : andheej VVouldGodit were morning.for the fearc of thine fliall befiege thee in all thy || cities thorowout all \ thy lande , which the Lord thy God hath giuen tbee. y 3 * And thou flialt eate the fruit of thy body, eue» the flefli of thy fonnes and thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee, during the fiege and ftraimelTe whe'rein thine enemies fliall incloie thee; y 4 So that the man (that is tender and excee- ding dainte among you,) * ihall be grieued at his brother , andat hiswifei^ortfir/jinhis bofome, and at the remnant of his children , which hee hath yet left, yy For feare of giuing vnto any of them of theflcfli of his children , whom he fliall eate , be- caufe he hath nothing left hiDO in that fiege , aqd. heart .which thou flialt feare , and for die fight oi thine eyes.which thou flialt fee, 6% And the Lord fliall bring thee into Egypt againe withzlhips by«the way , whereof I faydi vnto thee , Thou flialt fee it no more againe : and there yee iliall fell your felues vnto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen , and uicre fh*lifi no buyer. CHAP. XXIX. X The pecple are exharted tc ciftrtie the ctmmxHiment 10 The whcle feepitfrtn the highefi to the ttwefl *re am• prehtndei vnier GoitsecHeHXHt, i» The funifimtnt him th»t flatttrtth himftlf in hiswitkeinefft. 14 The taufe if Celts vmth α£*ι»β his peoflt THefe are the » words of the couenant which the Lord coraroaunded Mofes to nwke with Κ 4 the I Or, ihitfijtttt i» dcuil ^ftlj tife. s Becaufe ility 1 vnmindftdl of thad ' miiacie, whenth* Sea gaiie place fee them to paflie thotovr,. aTliati<,th«a-i (Its , otcOT.ii- liont. le Duniil'jmentof the obftinate. Deuterc nomie. Mercy promifed to the repentant^ > At the StRgiiiing [he law, which wnsfoiiriy yeeres befoii. The proofes of jav ρ wer. djice Qiewethihit not in jnans eandihem^flerie! of God, if ή be not* jiaennita.Iiem iboiie. HiSefcymans rte, but Manna, wihich.is called tlie i>iead-,9f Angslj gAliiidi'ng ti'tbtn ih.at when ihcy jjiidi a fu.e co:i j• 3iant,dii»idi;d a beaftintwaine, ^mdpall betwcent ;hc parts diMided, Gen. 15, Ό. !e childi-enof Ifrael, in thelandof Moab.befide the couenant which hee had made with them in b Horcb. ί And Mofes called all Ifrael.and faid vnto tbeni , Ye haue feene all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt vnto Pharaoh and vnto all his feruants.and vnto all his land, 3 The « great tentations which thine eyes haiie feene.thoie great mirailes and wonders: 4 Yet the Lord hath not "^ giuen yon an heart to perceiue , and eye.s to fee , and eares to heare, vnto this day, y And I haiie led yon fourty yeeres in the wil- dernefle : your cloathes are not waxed olde vpon j you , neither is thy iheoe waxed olde vpon thy . foote. 6 Yee haue eaten no « bread , neither drunke wine, nor ftrong drinke , that ye might know how that I am the Lord your God. 7 After , yee came vnto this place, and.Sihon King of Hclbbon , and CTg King of Bailian came out againft vs vnto battell, and we Hew them, 8 And tooke their land , and gaue it for an in- heiitmce vnto the Reubcnites , and to the Gadi- tes, nd to the h'lfe tribe of Manafleli. 9 * Keepe therefore the wordes of this coue- nant and doe them,that yee may profper in all that yelhalldoe. 10 Ye ft nd thi« day etiery one of you before the Lord your f God : your heads of yuur tribes, your Elders and your officers, iweall the men of Ifrael: 1 1 Yonr children , your wines, and thy ftran- ger that is iiithycampe , from the hewer of thy woodjvnto the drawer of d .y water, 1 2 That thon ihou!d«;ft S paile into the coue- nmc of the Lord thy God, nd into his othe which th.; Lord thy God m ki-th with thee this day, 13 F.•! tUL-ftablilh rhee this day η ptrople vnto hira!clfe , '■nd chit he may be vnto thee a God , as he hath faid vnto thee.an.! as he harh fworne vnto thy fathers, Abraham,Tzhak,-.nd Ia>.kob. 34 Neither m .ke 1 this couenantand this oathe with you onely, I <; But afvvell with him that ftandeth here with vs this day before the Lord our God,as. with him ^ that is not, here with vs this day. 16 Foryeknowe , how we haue dwelt in the land of Ε gy pt , and how wee paiTed thorowe the midJcs of the nations,which ye paifed by 7 And ye hane feene their abominations and their i doles (wood and ftone , iiiuerandgoide) which were among them, 18 That the re fhould not be among you man nor woman, nor r.milie,nor tribe, which li uuld tiirne his heart away this day from the Lord our God, to goe and feme the gods of theie nations , and thzt there fliould not be among you ' a»jy roote that bringeth fcorth * gall and wormewood, 19 So that when he heareth the wordes of this curfe , he || blelle himfelfe in his heart , faying , I fhall haue peace , although I walke according to j ftiibbiirnntile of mine owne heart , thus adding ^::S^ci;!ih: Mmnkenneiletothirft^ 1 GoJtplagiteSvpea. ihem tharebell agaiiifl him, C.allbe lo firajigc.ihaiall • agej (hallbe aflo- ni&ied. * Gen, !#.2+,2i J. ISnchfinne, asth, ilticr friiite thereof tnight chofe.and defltov yoii. "•AiWsS.zj. t Or .#«.•». St f.ot as he th»t is vnderheauen. 21 And the Lord iliall feparate him vnto euill oiu of all the tribes of Ifrael , according vnto all the curies of the couenant , that is written-in the booke of this Law. 22 So that the l generation to come, euen your children, that iliall rile vp after you,and the fticiP- ger that Ihall come from a farre land , iliall iay, when they ihal fee the plagues of this land, and the difeafes thereof, wherewith the Lord ibal fmite it: 23 (For all that land fhall burne with brim- ftone and fait : it flicill not be fowen , nor bring foorth, nor any gralle Iliall growe therein , like as in the ouerthrowing of * Sodom and Gomorah Admah , and Zeboim , which the Lord oiierthrew in his wrath and in his anger.) 24 Then iliall all nations fay , *■ Wherefore hath the Lord done thus vnto this land ? how fierce ii this great wrath ? '. 2 y And they Iball aniwere, Becaufe they haue forfaken the c'ouen.nt of the Lord God of their fathers , which hee had made with them, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt, 26 And went and ferued other gods, and wor- fliippedthem: eu*n gods which they knew not, and tl which had giuen them nothing, 27 Therefore the wrath of the Lord waxed hot againft this land , to bring vpon it euery cuile that is written in this booke. z8 And the Lord hath rooted them out oflXi^/hSs'S** their land in anger, and in wrath, and in grejtin-iaie onely *nowe« dignation,and hath caft them into another land, as|'e cod: and their • tfft/ji^rii/; this day. IT^^.fZlt^" ' 29 The nt fecret things hdong to the Lord our' wWdi"G'cdhI'th % God,but the things reuealed bdong vnto vs,and to icuejleaemio iheat, our children foreaer , that wee may doeull the ι^ί•*^ ^'w- words of this Law. ' CHAP. XXX. i I iAtiAt Jh^vii xhtTi thry rrfmt. 6 The Lniietl, nrsumcifi lit hunt. II Ail eKtife cfigntianteit uinnaiBjy. 15, 1 9 tiff ΛΤ,ά irjtL• it fit hf/ort Ihem. »o Tie Ltid it their life tvhieh olety him, >^ Ow when all thefe things iliall come vpon [ thee , either the biefiing or the curfe which I membtanceT boih haue fet before thee , and thou Ibalt ^ tuine into!'';' «"""esind- 0 Of, -mUa hni ■ „„ iiuen Item ». m Moles hereby 1 pvooneth thci By eaJlingterf^ij thine heart , among all the nations whither thp Lord thy God hath driucn thee, 2 And ilialt retume vnto the Lord thy God, and obey his voyce in all that I command thee this day : thou , and tliy children with all thine b heart and with all thy iouie,• 3 Then the Lord thy God will caufe thy cap- tiues to returne , and haue comprffion vpon thee, and willieturne,to gather thee out of all the peo- ple w^here the Lord thy God hath fcattered thee. 4 Though thou wereft caR vnto the vtmoft part ofs heaue, from thence wil the Lord thy God gather thee, and from thence will he ^ take thee, J And the Lord thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers poflellcd , and thou flialt polTelie it.an J !iee will Ibew thee fauour, and will multiply thee aboue thy fathers. 6 And the Lord, thy God will « circumcifc hine heart , and the heart of thy feede , that tiiQu TheLordwillnot bemercifiillvntohim, mayefi: lone the Lord thy God with all th iHis ap?etits, fteSethj-biit th^n the wrath of thcL*ord andhisieioufie j| heartjand with all thy foule, that thou mayeft line, bysllmeanes.and i,j [J Γ 3l^ j,_^3Jnft tliicni.n , and Cilery curie ...-..--,.■... ,, . . ?la£nti. > In 2ttie r^pcn- is none .^ lypcciiiie, : Ellen to the ■ oildcs cnde. And bring thee to ihy connirey. God will purje , ill thy Avisied ieftioiis, hiih thins is n( anes, and ^ jj^jjjj j {"^03'^ againft that m.n , and euery curie | 7 And the Lord thy Cod will lay all thefe L,w«"to doe that is written in this booke , iliall light vpon ; curies vpon thine enemies, am' bin-j-atul the Lgrd ib^ put out.his name ficim-i thee.andthat perieciitc ihce. 1^1*5"°'^' ijthat is written^^in this booke , iliall light vpon ; curies vpon thine enemies, and on them chat hate' '"'■ him. .atul the Lgrd ib^ put out.his name ficim-i thee, andthat perieciitc ihce. j ortatioi IS to loue tbe Lord. lE wee will hill Cod to wottJ in s with his hely Spiiit.wee rnaft Btneagiinetohii >j tepenttnie. Β Η; mjineth not :bac God is fabie;t :o thefe piffions , te teioyce , ot to be fed: bathe-v&th ihiJ miner of [peach to dstlate ;he loue that hee )eateth vnto V5. h The taw is fo ;uidenc that none r»n pietend igno- lance. * Rtm.io *• iBylieanenaxd''ie liahemelnethpli- ces mofl fitie di- k Euen the law and theGofpell. iBy faith in Chrifl, m-fo tbac t« Ions land obey God , is cnely life- and CIi^.XXXl 8 ί Returne thqu therefore.ancl obey the voy ce Dfthe Lord, and doe all his comraaundcments, which I command thee this day. 9 And the Lord thy God will mike thee plen- teous ih euery worke of thine hand , in the fniite of thy body , and in the fruit of thy cattell , and in the fruite of the land for thy wealth : for the Lord vill turne againe , and g reioyce ouer thee to do hee good.as he reioyced ouer thy fathers, I ο Becaufe thou ihalt obey the voyceofthe Lord thy God,in keeping his commandements and his ordinances , whij|ja arc written in the booUe ot this -Law , when thou llialt returne vnto the Lord thy God with all thine heart & with all thy foule. II τ For this commanderaent which! com- ramd thee this day. is l» not hid from thee, neither is it f-rre off. « ,. λ 12 It is not in heauen , that thou iliouldeft fay. * Who Hiall go vp for vs to heaueniand bnng it vs.and caufe vs to heate it,that we inay doe it? 12 Neither is it beyonde the > iea,that thou {bonldeft f.y ,Who ftall goe ouer the fea for v-s.and bring it \'s,& caufe vs toheare it.y we may do it? 14 But the k word is very neare vnto thee :«Ke» in thy mouth.and in thine heart,for to i do it. 1 5 Beholde.l haue fet before thee this day life and good .death and euill. i6 In that I commande thee this day .«xto louc the Lord thy God, to walke in his wayes, and iekcitie. _ .to keepe his commandements .and his ordinan- ^^t^^fes to'fig'nffid ces. and his lawes. that thou mayeft η hue, and be ' 'at it is foi om bfite that we lou^ ndnotfbi Gt reading th ^dement which 1 bane commanded you. .•p your hearts therefore , and be » chjj4-a< That obey <3pd thing is ni Gods Spiiite «otlseth it i: multiplied . and that the Lord thy God may blefle thee in the land.whitherthou goeft to pofleffe it. 1 7 But if thine heart turne away , lo that thou wilt not obey , but Ihalt be feducedand worlLip other gods, and feme them, 1 8 I pronounce vnto you tnis day,y ye iliaUurely periAT , ye Ihall not prolong your dayes in y 1 jnd, whither thou pafleft ouer lordento poflefle it call heauen and earth to recorde this "^ comm 6 P'u .... ftrong ; dre idc not.nor be ifraide cfthem : for the Lord ihv Godhimfeife doeth goe with thee : hee will not faile thce.nor forfa!^e thee. 7 f And Mofes called lolluia , and faide vnto , him in the fight of all Ifrcel , Be ' of a good cou- rage and ftrong : for thou Ihalt goe with this peo- ple vnto the 1 nd which the Lord hath fworne vn- to their fathers.to giue them.and thou ih alt giue it ^O"min" them to inherire. 8 And the Lord himfelfe doeth ^ goe before theeihee will be with thee: hee will not faile thee, neither forfake thee : feare not therefore , nor be ! difcomforted. 9 f And Mofes wrote this law , and dehuered it vnto the Priefts the fonnes of Leui (which bare the Aike of the couenant of the Lord) and vnto all the Elders of Ifrael. I ο And Mofes commanded them . laying, * E- uery feuenth yeere * when theyeere of freedome /Wii in the feaft of the Tabernacles: . I I when all Ifrael fliall come to appeare e be- fore the Lord thy God , in the place which hee iliall chufe , thou Ihalt reade this Law before all Ifrael that they may heare it. 12 Gather the people together : men, and wo- men, and children, and thy «ranger that is within thy gates , that they may heare . and that they m.iy learne.and feare the Lord your God , and keepe and obferue all the wordes of this Law , 13 And that their children which f haue not knowen it , may heare it . and learne to feare the Lord your God.as long as ye liue in the land,whi-il»w waig'eett, ther ye goe ouer lorden to poiVeffe it. 14 ί Then the Lord faide vnto Mofes,Behold, thy dayes are come , that thou muft dy : CalKo- fhua , and ftand ye in the Tabernacle of the Con- gregation that I may giue him a jl charge. So Mo- 4.a<. I 19 * I call heauen and eartn to recorucinis J day againft you.that I haue fet before you life and 'Y»"^^"^ deathTblefling andcurfing ; therefore ο chufe life. :Law. 77 chap. 7 1. 10,, »,./£., For he that mil β aetne the people^ th necde to be liantto teprelTe nflant i Signirying thi: can neiici be of good coinage, except hebepet- fwaded of Godsfi- iistii andaniflau^Ci Nehem i.t,' Chap. 15.1. Before the Aila of theccuenant, ihich was the gne of Sodsptc- fence.and the figuie ofChiift, f which^weten he in the pillar of a e cloude . and the pillar of the power.bat ■ ,^ By Icuiiig the Shy GoX ^.obeying | cloude ftood ouer that both thou and thy feede may iiije that the Lf Gcdgiueth m. i3 Gci letifitmtth η that they milt rfiefl ,afong csnncelsnget eKe:(Ke mine office. ?'■ "Ntun.ae, 11 ehap.s.KS. *- Nam z/.i ri ,. • his voyce .and by cleaning vmo him : forhee is ••" thy life, and the length of thy dayes : that thou mayeft dwell in the land which the Lord fware vn- , thy fathers , Abraham , Izlv-k . and loakob, to giue them. G Η A P. XXXI.. ^,. ,, i,7 Mpfet predating himfelfe tody,«pP'mt'tb lelbM rule the peofle\ 9 He giueththe Uw^ thej fbiHli read it to the feople. γ «i X -mtnejfe bemteine him and th ϊφαα. »9 JWo/eJ ^tvtth th afitt hii death. , Ύ Hen Mofes went and fpake thefe wordes vnto ■^ sU Ifrael, , . u j 2 And faide vnto them , 1 am an hi:ndreth and twenty yeere olde this day : I ' can no more goe out and in : alio the Lord hath faide vnto race. ■i then ihUl they turne vnto other isd, gpds.^nd.feiue them.and contemns i»ee,aj4 hThat ii, I will iii. By fjnoat iiom hemtas toiuine his face lowaidvs, Qiewvjhi•- • fauoni. i 'TepreicTiieyoti 2iid yotit children from idolatiie , by rt-Tjembiiiig Gods * ben.ifites. » I; For this is thellS••" lurLoffletti.r.»• ' ngvt lOobeyCoi,' jmlr ofesbleiTsththetrik In thy profpeii o-yagiSTpen ihf Sea, Gen. + 9 13. I Or.memitSIt*, Thettftc of 'Zibulun. ο Sothepoition of vG»d!te5,ana 0- cheison this Hdi loidcn was Gods, ihoDgh it was not folaowen. ς Thonflialt be IRioiig tiey ' Indah.andh ti6n of his inheri- tance, I Who was plenti- ful! inilftieasi fontiine . Deutefonomie. 1 8 ' And of Zebiilun he faid, Reioyce , Zebu- j Iiin , in thy ™ going out, and thou Islhachar in thy tents. 19 They fl-iall call the people vnto the H monn- | taine : there they fl-iall offer the iacrificcs of righ- ' teoufneiie: for " they ΑίηΙΙ fucke of the abundance of the fea,and of the trealures hid in the fand. 20 ' f Alio of Gad he faide , Blefled be he that enhrgeth Gad ; he dweileth as a lion , that catch- eth for his praye the arme with the head. And hee looked to himleife at the begin- ning , becaiife there was a portion of the <> Law- iuer hid: yec hee iliall cores with the heads of le people, to execute the iufticc of the Lord.and his iiidgements with Ifrael. ί And of Dan he faid , Dan is a lions whelp: he Ihall leape from Balmn. 23 ί Alio of Naphtali he faid , Ο Naphrali , fa- risfied with faiioiir , and filled with the bleffing of ithe Lord , poiTefle Ρ the Weft aad the South. 24 < And of Alter he faid . Aihsi fhalbe blef- fed with childien : he flialbe accept.ible vnto his brethren.and fliall dippe his foote in oyle. 2 τ Thy flioos fhaite 1 yron and brafle .and iiong. otchycoicn- jj^y Q,ter)gthfhaU continue as long as thou liueft. «W-^h^ars"' i^ ^ There is none like Gad, Ο righteous meon isieft out, be-, /'«/'f* .which rideth vpon the heauens for thine caiife he wasvndet! helpe,and on the cloudes in his glorie. 27 The eternall God «i i/y refuge , and vnder his armes thou art for euer : he Ihall call out the enemie before thee, and will fay .Dcftroy thtm. 28 Then Ifrael 'the fountaine of laakobftall dwel alone in fafetic in aland of wheate and wine: alfo his heauens fliall drop the dewe. j 29 Bleffed art thou, Ο Ifrael : who is like vnto j thee , Ο people faued by the Lord , the lliielde of * Λ,ΤιΤ'^'^ί'ί t'l'"^ helpe.and which is thefwordofthy glo- toe to teYafttbi tie? therefore f thine enemies ihall be in fubiection scftien, i to thee , and thou fl^ak tread vpon their high 1 places, CHAP. XXXIV. Mcfit JirlhaUtteLanicf CMMn. sHet^tti. t Iftml aifftlh, » hfiu* fmtitini {« Mcfit Ytiimt, 10 Tie 'T" Hen Mofes went from the plaine of Moab vp into mount a Nebo vnto the top of Pifgah thath whiclnwss ajuic is ouer againft lericho : and the Lord iliewed hkn * all the land of Gilead.vnto Dan, 2 And all Naphtali, and the landof Ephraim and Manafleh , and all the land of ludah , vnto the vtmoftbfea: 3 And the South , and the plaine of the valley of lericho.the citie of palme trees, vnto Zoar. 4 And the Lord faid vnto him , * This is the land which I fware vnto Abraham, to Izhak and to laakob.faying J wil giue it vnto thy feede:I haue cauied thee to !ec it with thine eyeS;but thou flialt not goe ouer thither. 5• So Mofes the feruant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the wordeofthe Lord. ^ And « he buriedhim in a valley in the land of Moab ouer againft Beth-peor,but nomanknow-"' '^'' '^".'''e ' - ' ■ ■ - r - *-"'-f-lieL(Sta. of meant Abariin, Num. 17. 12. - Ci»p3.27. b Called, Meditw. ranetim. ,-ftli THE BQOKE OF might no thane occallen thereby te comnut Idolatty, eth of his fepukhre vnto ^ this d.ay. j j _^^^. 7 Mofes was now r.n hundreth and twentieid'-rhaVthe lewei yeere olde when he died, his eye was noc dimme, nor his naturall force abated: 8 And the children of ifrael wept for Mofes in the plaine ofMoabthirtie dayes : fo thedayesof Weeping and mourning fur Mofes were ended. 5» And « lolbua the fonne ofNun wasfull ofi<= Hereby areata*, the fpirit of wii'edome :for Mofes had put his hands i.'Sa/Ce.h n« his ■ vpon him. And the chihlren of Ifrael were obedi- jchnrch Ibnitnte of ent vnto him.and did as the Lord had commanded a gooemoar, -Mofes. j ^ J , I ο But there arofe not a Prophet fince in If- 1 • ^ , rael I'kc vnto Mofes (whom the Lord knewef face if vnto ^om (be to face.) jioHl diJeiueale fent In all the miracles Sc wonders which f Lord J'imreVe.fo pUine- to do in y land of Egypt before. Pharaoh ^'^^ ■ &pi^ii.i and before all his feruants, and before all his land, Meaiflbg , the 1 2 And in all that rnightieg hand and all that .^owa* cod wet- j great feare , which Moles wrought in the fight of " alllfrad. I Ο S Η V A. THE A R G V Μ Ε Ν T. «J Ν thit hooke the holy Gho^fettethmofi liuely before our eyes the accomplifbrnent of Gods promife ,vvhoashe6 promifed by the mouth of Mofes , that a Prophet fhould he ratfed vpvntothe people lik,evnto him ,vvhemhee j xivilleth toobey ,Oeu.t.\%.\^ : fo hee pjevveth himfelfe here true ί7ΐ his promife ,ns at all other times .and after \ the death ef Mofes hisfaithfuUfermnt , he raifeth vp lofhuato be ruler and gouernsKr ouer his people ,that neither \ theyfhouid beedifcouragedfor lacie of a captaine, nor haue occafion to difirufl Gods promifes hereafter. ^nd becaufe that IofhnA might be confirmed in his vocation , and the people alfo might haue none occafion to grudge , as though he ^-vvere not approoued of God : hee is adorned with mail excellent gifts and graces of God , both to gouerne the people ■l/vith counfell , and to defend them with flrength , that he tacketh nothing which either belongeth to λ valiant etptaine, tr ufaithfullminiiler^So he ouercommeth all difficulties, and bringeth them into the land of Canaan : the which according to Gods ordinance he diuideth among the people and appointeth their borders: hee efiabltfhed lavvu una ordinances, andpHtteththeminremembrance of Gods manifold henefites,affuring them of his grace and faUour, .ifthey obey God, and contrariewife of his plagues and vengeance ,ifthey dtfobey him.This hiftoriedoth reprefent lefus Chrift the true lofhua ^^vho leadeth vs into eternall felidtie ,whichis flgtiifiedvntovs by this L•nd elf Canaan.From the beginning of the Genefis to the end eft his booke are conteined 25-67 yeeres. For from ^dam vnte , the flood are 16 ^6 -from theeflood-vnto the depart me of Abraham out ofCaldta 423 ,and from thence to the death .oflofeph ipo.So that the Genefis conteincth 2^6^, Exodus i^o^the other threebaokfs of Mofes ^ο,ΙοβίΜ ij. SttbavvMema^etbzijojeeret, C ,H A tP, g b-, hUfes i Ehe wildettiS, I The bigianing if this booh» d«- idtth on the tafi chapter of Dent, which WIS itienby loQina 1 prepacition to lis hiftery. t cut, H• » Dur. 11.14.' of ζ in > called !C3deih and Parin. I Or. £»/.'" : Mean ' the ^hole land of Canaan. 1 Called Medi- ciianeam. «•Heinij.S, *Cief.3i.2j, t. He* Aewith Vrljfttiiconfinetli «tiiie pr^i^iiiy, «ijertTfeobey tne ijtniiie ofpods 'word. S M«)ning fiem the day th}tihii vraspreclaime land. 14 ί Your wiues.your children.and your cat- tell ihall remaine in the land which Mofes gaue you fl on this fide lorden : but ye Ihall goe ouer before your brethren armed , all that be men of warre, and fhall helpe theraj 1 y Vntill the Lord haue giuen your brethren • reft as well as to you ,and vntill they alfo (hall . poflefle the land, which theLordyour God gi« ■ueth tbem ; then £Uall yce rsturne vnto the land , . Cbp.rrr. Ra^aFreceluetii iEelpieT?^ of yourpoflefflGn, and flial! poflefle it, which ώβinfecl!i iheit power an j policie refiflhis Vforkijil,, thehoiife.-fortheji their hotifes were at aboue , fo that cheicvpoo, d Ferfo CedptO- mifed. Dene. 28,7, chap.s.i. vpthewareroftheredSea* before you,whenyee * c*4 '' ' came out of Egypt, and what you did vnto the two kings of the Amorites , that were on the other fide lordenjvnto "** Sihon and to Og, whom |'e vt- teriy deftroyed; 1 1 And when wee ifeard it , our hearts S did faint , and there remained no more fl courage in a- ny becaufe ofyou: for*- the Lord your God,he is the God inheauen aboue,anJ in earth beneath, I a Now therefore,Ipray you.fweare vnto me by the Lord.that asl haue iliewcd you mercy ,ye will alfo ftiew mei cy vnto my fathers houle , and giue mea true token, 13 And that yee will fauealiue my father and my raother,and my brethren,andmy fifters.and all that they haue; and that yee will deliuer our|°J'P""*'>^'•?' 0 foules from death. 24 And themenaufweredher-i ^pwlifeforl HUni: 11.24; f Or.mtliri. U Or,ff;,il. e Herein apptl- rcth the great mercy of Goi, ■ η this cent-' deOiiirtion ■ hi woidddtawa ' mon miferable ' finner torepenr, andcon.'eflrelus '• Name. II Or.Kwj, • f We warrant yte» fori Α. fi^nggiu^n to Raliab* ξ wjica wii 111 ■nto thi citjc. h V/»e fliilbi dif- hajgedef o!ir othe, if ihoii decn ptt- totnie thiscondi- .kai fol- Eih; for fo QiaTt 2iid thiutbc ,rtd. Kt lalbegiiilcit : bh »γτηι Jtaih. : S9 t!ut others ihoiild tliinke to clcapc by the fiint munet. Toil ua. Or , fmritt I SToivit.tht rinti a-Whic!i>»ccct- eing to the £brewcs matin lyiirch.and itoj'.t j 40 dayes afiic I Mofcs death. b which timewi! jinen tot to pvepir( cliem viekialtJ, -luf i.ij. I Or» Λ miiV, •* Ciii.MO.f . amml'• II. 18, you to die, if yee vtter not this our Siifineffe :^nJ when the Lord hath giiienvs the hndc, wcewul deale mercifully and truely with thee. 1 5 Then flie let them downs by a coird tho- row the window : for her hoiifs vva vpon the tOwne wall.and ίl•.^ dwelt vpon the wall. 16 And flie faid vnto them , Gee yoti into the gmoiintaine.leftthepnrhiers meere with you, an J hide your felnes there tl'.ree dayes.vntillthe pur- fiiers be retnrned:then afterward may ye goe your way. 1 7 And the men (aid vnto her , iv \V'cc will be bhrnelefle of this thine oath which thou bail mtde Λ'3 fweare. ^ 1 8 Behold , when we eome into the land , thou (Ink binde thiscoardcfredthreed in y window, whereby thou letteft vs downe.-nd then ihalt bring thy father and thy mother , and thy brethren , and all thy fathers houlhold home to thee. 19 And whofoener tlfen doeth goe out at the doorcs of thine houfe into the ftrcete ,i his blood iha!l be vpon his headland v.'ee will be guiltielie: but whofoeuer Ihall bee with thee in the houie, his blood fliall be on our head , if any hand touch him; _ _ i 20, And ifthou vtter this our* matter , we will be quite of thine oath , which thou haft made vs fweare. . 21 And fi-see anfwered , According vnto your words, fo be it : then (he fent them away,and they departed.and flie bound the 11 red cord in the win- dow. ' •21 Τ And they departed , and came into the mountaine , and there aboadc three day es,vntil the purluers were returned : and the purfuers fought Ei-.em thorowout all the way^but fotmd there not. 25 So the two men returned , and defcended frotn the mountaine , and palled l oner , and came to lolhua the ibnne of Nun, and tolde him ail thin<>s that came vnto them. 24 Alfo they faid vnto loihua, Surely the Lord hath deliuered into our hands all the landifor cuen all the inhabitants of the countrey faint becaufe of vs. CHAP. III. 3 .Ιφκα cimnAHieth them to depart vhfit the Atkt renno- tttth. 7 TAf LerA prmufcth t» exaU Icpjuabtfore the [eofle. 9 I ofiuxs exhcrtettiin Ic the people, 16 The ' •■w.ucrspatftfuKatr nhiie ihefeiplepajje. 'T' Hen lofliua rofe very earcly , and ύκγ remoo- ued from Shittim, and came to > lorden , hee and all the children of Ifrael , and lodged there be- fore they went ouer. ' ζ And after •> three dayes, the officers went throughout the hoafte, 3 And commanded the people.faying , \Vhen ye fe»the Arke of the couennnt of the Lord your: God,and the Triefts of the Lcuites bearing it, yee ilioll dcp.irt-fromyour place, and goe after it. 4 Yet Ihall there bvay in times paft. y (Now lolhua had i'ayd VBto ihe people. * Sandifie your felues : for to morrow the Lord will doe wonders among you. ) 6 Alfo loflnia fpake vnto the Priefts , faying. Take vp the Arke Gfthecouenaju.and goe ouer :fcefQre the f eople ; fothey looplvp the Arke of the couenantjand \vcm before the people? 7 iThen the Lord faid \TitoIoilvaa, This day will I begin to m.ignilie thee in tlie fight of all If- rael , which flia'l know , thjt '♦' as I was with Mo- fes, fo will I be with thee. 8 Thou (Ink therefore command thePriefts th:tbeare the Arke of the conen int,faying,wnen yee are .come to thcbrinkeof the waters of lor- den, ye ihall ftandftillc in lorden. 5) ί Then loihua faid vnto the children of If- rael, Come hither , and heare the wordes of the Lord your God. io And lonmafaid.d Hereby ye Oidl know *.5T^'^"^'^^j'^'^*«_,^ that the iiuing God is araDog you, and that he wil '" "" ' ° """"'" certainly caft out before you the Can.ianites , and the Hutites,and the Hiuites,and the Perizzites,& the Girgaihites•, andthc Amorites, and the leba- fites. II Beholde.the Arke ofthecouenant of the Lord of all the world paffeth before you into lor- den. 1 2 Now therefore take from Among you e twelue men out of the tribes of I'lracl , out of euery tribe a man. 13 Andaffooneas the folesof the feete ofthe Prielts (th.it beare. the Arke ofthe Lord God the Lord of all the world) (hall ftay in the waters of lorden , the waters of lorden fliall be cut off : for the waters that come from aboue,^' Ihall ftand ftill vpon an he ape. 14 ί Then when the people were departed from their tents togoeouer lorden , thePriefts bearing the + Arke or die couenant , went before * Gi*f.i.{. Re» in the ctM.^ nell where the (Ireame bid raniie, atvcrle 17. iiaiiura the Yiiteu t Which Diouli fat vp twelfe floues in remembtance ot thebiHefite^ fj-i.ir+.j: * 4ffft 7' *-ii the ρϊορί 1 5- And as they that bare theArke , came vnto lorden , and the fecte ofthe Priefts that bare the Arke were dipped in the btinke ofthe water, ( *for "' ^"'"■ lorden vleih to fill all his ^ bankes all the time cf jBetlnfj hariieft) • wasaccu 16 Then the waters that came downefrom a- boue , ftayed «Wrofe vpon an heape.and depirted farre from the citie of Adam th.u was bifide Zare- tdH : but the vvaten that came downe toward the Sea of the wildernefle,f«e« the fait Sea , failed a:id \vere cutoff; fo the people went right oner ogainft lericho. 17 But the Prieftes that bare the Arke ofthe f% thirtimetob.2 full, themitac}?is-fo< atei. • i (iMjiu^ai % couen nt ofthe Lord.ftood drie within lordcg rea- dy prepared , and all the liraelites went mier drie, vntiil' ail the people were clcane gone oner through lorden. CHAT, iin, a <7«i temminaith Icfliun it fet vp tneiite /lenesiH Tor- den. i3 The ivitersycturne iothetr eli ctMrfe, zo Other twelne /files are fet ■vp in Gilgal. 1» Thii miracle muft bee declani la the pifictii. Λ Nd wlicn all the people were wholly gone ■'^ * ouer lorden (after the Lord hadfpoken vnto lolliD!, faying, 2 Take you twelue men out ofthe pcopie.out ofeuery tribeaman, 3 And command you them , faying , Take V hence out of the middes of lorden.oiitof the plate where the Prieftesftood ina» leadinelfe, iwir you by thefe ilones? 7 Then yee may nnfwerc them , That the wa- ters of lordcn were cnit oil" before the Arke of the Couenant of the Lord -.fir whtin it paifed through lorden , the waters of lorden were cutoff : there- fore theie ftones are a memoriall vmotho chil- dren of Ifrael for euer. 8 Then the children of Ifrael did euen fo as loa^ua had comraaimded.and tooke vp twelue ftones out 9f the mids of lorden as the Lord had laid vnto lolVitra .according vnto the number of the uibcs cf the thiklrenof Ifrael.Sc caried them away with them \nto the lodging, and laid them downe there. 9 And lofhua fet vp a twelue ftones in the Oiids of Iorden,in the place where the feet of the I'rieltes , which bare the Arke of the Couenant by tht n;bes «ad fed ftood/Sc there liaue they cuntir.ued vnto this day , ygindugHt j^ fSofhePriefts.whichb.^i'eiheArke.ftood jnrhe mids of lorden , vntiiieuery thing was Hni- fljL'd that the Lord had commanded lolhui to iay vnto the people, according to all that Mofes char- ged. lolhiia : then the people hafted and went ouer. 1 1 when all the people were cleane pafled oner, the Arke of the Lord went ouer alfo,5c the Pricfts * before the people. 1.2 * And the formes of Reuben.and the fcnnes cf Gad , and halfe the tribe of Manafl'eh went ouer before the children of Ifraei armed , as Moles h^d charged them.. ' 1 5 Euen fourtie thoufand prepared for warre^ ii,Tliaiaj,^efot«;thdwen: before the ^Lord vnto battel^, into the plain of lericho. 4 That day the Lord magniied IcfhiUa in tha fight of ;ill Ifriel , and they 11 feared him , .is they fearesi Mofes all the daycs of his life. I ί And tl-.e Lord fp.ike vntololhua.iaying. i6 Commarid the Priefts that beare the rArfce of the teftimcniCjto come vp out cf lorden. 1 7 lofcua therefore commanded the Priefts, Ciying.Come ye vp out of lorden. 1 8 And when the Pricfis that bare the Arke of the Couenant cf the Lord , were come vp «put of the mids cf IcrJen , andalToone as the foies of the Priefts feete were let on the dric land , the witeis• of lorden returned vnto their place , and flowed ouer all the bmkes thereof.asthcy did before. 19 «" Su tha people came vp out of lorden the tenth d^y cf the ^ firft moneth.and pitched in Giigil.inthc Eaftfide cf leiicho. 20 Alio the twelue ftones , which they tooka out of lorden.didloftiua pitch in Gilgal. And hee fp-ske vnto the children of Ifrae!, fayin^AVhen yo'.ir children iha:l .-.ske diiir fathers in time to come, and fay .What me»net\icie ftonesf Then ye ihall fliew your children, and fay, [frael came ouer tins lorden on dric land: 23 For the Lord your God dried vp the watery of lorden before you , vntil! ye were gone ouer β» the Lord your God did thc-rcd .Sea , * which hce dried vp before vs.tid we were gone ouer, 24 That all th- people of the > world ra y know »hat the hand off Lord is migluic.that yee might - i«re the Lord your God coatinuahy. Manna bcaieth. to a ThiAmOriiei nei'C on both Met lotJen, wheieeC tvfcoltir.js>xei:e C Η A ?. V. I Tlie Ctnmtiitti ere afrAide ef the Ifn.elitti. t Citi mmiiCnn ii commaniii the (uinitimt. 10 ThePaJft mer'ts kept• j» ΜΛπη» cenfcth, 13 Xht Ar.»et ffpeerith vntt Ιφιΐί!. ■ΧΤ Ow wh.en all the Kings of the a Amorites, which were beyond lorden Weftv^-ard , £nd all the Kings cf theCanaanites which were by the Sca.heard that the Lord had dried vp the wipers oi 'i^j"' '^'"^If^u"' lorden before the children of Ifrael vntiil they '^**'°"'"'^^''**» v/ere gone ouer.their heart fainted : and there was no courage in them any mere becaufe of the chil• drcBof Urael. 2 f That fame time the Lord faid vntoloflnia, * Mske thee fliarpe kniiies ,^ and returne,and cir- ciimcife the fonnes cf Ifrael the fccond time. 1 Then lo.Q.ua made him ll-arpekniues ,and k Tor now tlityhi4 ItftitoiF. alJsui .yeeies. Gilgal was fo lied , bcciiife they were there ciicun; ^ i letfufe the Atie tifliEea Godspte- Tcnce , and ilie Ta- bles of ifee Lav» contained therein, fignjEtd Gods nil! iovr^dhispeo^l i Called AM6 Wfan , conieiaing of Match aad iljctof A;iiUr ♦•EwJ.i+.ai iGodsbenentsfttut [or aliifiheicon- lemnation to tht wickej.and flitre iphiwoietiiTeirti hiuj.suid obey him- circumcifed the fonnes of Ifrael inc the hill of the forcskinnes. , 4 And this is the caufe why loiluia circumci- "^^"*' fed all the people, euen the males that came out of Egypt , becaule all the men of wane v.'eie dead in the wildernefle by the way after they came out of Egypt. y For all the people that came out , were cb-i I ciimcifed: but all the people that were borne in . ' , , , , ! the wilderneftc by the way after they came out of i,^i"oumcmezi Egypt, were d not circumcifed. ..•'•■ 6 For the children of Ifrael walked fourtie yeeres in the wildemefte . till all the people of the I men of warre th<-t came out of Egypt , v/ere con- i fumed , becaufe they obeyednot the voyce of the j Lord : vnto whom the Lotd fware that he would not (hew them the lind , * ν,\\ϊάΛ the Lord had fworne vnto their fathers , that he would giue vsi euen 3 land that fioweth with mi.ke-and hony. 7 So their fonnes whom he railed vp in the^ ftead , lofliua circumcifed : for they v/erevncir ciimcifed , becaufe they circumciled them not by the way. 8 And when they had made an end of circum- cijing all the people , they aboade in the places in the campe till they = were whole. $ After.the I ord .'aid vnto Ioi>.U3, This day I haue taken away the f i!ia.T-e of Ε g>' pt from you j wherefore he called tiie name of that placg.Giiga), vnto this day, 10 ί So the children ©5 Ifrael aboadein GL'gif :he Lords comman- Icmen: , which hing they that weic lowcircnmcifud^ :&iild no: doi: n-iiboui great dan- ger. and kept thefeaft cfthe PalTeouerthefouaeemh day of themonech at euen.in ;y plaine of lericho. 1 1 And they did eate of the coKie of the land,- en the morrow after the Paifeouer^vnlcauened brcad.and p.irched corne in the i.:mc day. 1 2 And the Μ A Κ ce.ticd on themorrcw af- ter they hsd eaten of the ccrne of the land, neither had the children oflliaei MAN any mote, but> did eate cfthe fruite-ofthe ianJofCtnainthat yeere; 13 ί And when IoAi4ja was by lericho , he lift vp his eyes .ind looked : and behold , there ftood. a * man agiinft him, h^uing a fword drawcn in his hand; rnd loiluia went vnto him, and faidvnta himArMhoucn oiir.'ide, or on our ailtierlcries? ί 4 And he laid , Nay, but as a Captaine of the hcafte of the Lord ."m I nov/ come : then lolhua fell- en his face to the earth, and jxiidworflnp, and faid vnto hinv. What laithRr^Lcrd vnto hi^JI-^^™;^^^^^^^ feruant? taue.hediclaittJF ' 1 5 And the Captslne of the Lords hoafte fayd th-mfiKexo be vnto loibua, * Locfc thy fliooe oft" thy foote : fcr^ ^^'"^j j j the place whereon thou itacdwil, isholy ; and lo- .„Γ+ ' '• * iUuadJdlb, . «iff* λ it»? ... g-H Λ F. • For ilieii fore Wit fo gtienoiis , ihat they w-ί zj.ij. ■ la that that Jo^^, Ilia woifliippetJ»'' ' tisir.-he acinowlei?' 5(;ihh:.".ytiJ)e ■ iced : a;id in that ' rbe fiege ο [iencho: . t ϊίι» neaeeoiiM fat oac. b That n*ne could e Fot fcate o£ tfct Ifiiclices. eEfle^aaytiK*• loiKia C Η A p. VI. The teri inlimaeth ΖοβίΐιΛ fehat lie fiiuU dee *s tcuching lericht: 6 lejbua commAuieth the Prieftseni wnyriers what to do. lo The wali fall, a» Rahah ,i fauei. j+ All is tamtfauegola^Kimettxll. x6 7he cmfe of him that huilieth thecitie. "VT• Ovv lericho was a fliut vp , and b clofed , « be- •^ caufe of the children of Ifrjel , none might goe out nor enter in. 2 And the Lord faidvnto loibna . Beholde . I hatie giiien into thine hand lericho arxd the king thereof,''""""« found of the trumpet they il^oined with a great "t^ttrlor^f il-!0ut : and the * wall tall dovvne flat : ίο the peo- iTabemacie. pie went vp into the citie, euery man flraight b4- i" «<■*'• • '■ 3•. fore him :* and they tooke the citie. ?<•».-''Μί.ΐί.ιί,«<, 2 1 And they vtterly deftroyed all that was in the citie , both man and woman , yong, and olde, and oxe , end fteepe, and afle with the edge of the fword. 22 But loiluia had faid vnto y two men that haJ fpied out the countrey.Goe into -y harlots houfe, and bring out thence the woman , and all that (lie hath, ■" as ye hvare to her. 23 So the .young men that were fpies, went in, and brought out Rahab , and her father , and her ! mother , and her brethren , and all that il-.ee had; \ \ alfo they brought out all her family, and put them j '■ without the hoafte of Ifrael. ! 24 After, they burnt the city with fire ,.ind all I that was therein : onely the fihiersnd the goide, I and the velie's of brafle and yron , they put vnto ^^^eaniig.tie if^Wr; ^ And when loQnu had fpoken vnto the people , the feuen priefts bare the feuen'trumpetj of rams homes , and went foorth before the Arke of the Lord , and blew with the trumpets , a>id the arke of the Couenant of the Lord followed them. 9 ί And the men of armes went before the priefts and blew the trumpets : then the £ gathe- ring hoSie came after the Arke , and they went and blew the trumpets. I ο ( Now Io(hm had commanded the people , faying , Ye flinU not iLout, neither make any noife with your voyci,neither lliall a^vvord proceed out of your mouth , vntill the day that I fay vnto you, ! Shout.ihenfhallyclhout.) i 1 1 So the Arke of the Lord compafied the ci- tie , and went about it•» once : then they returned iftto the hoaft, and lodged in the cam-pe. 1 2 And lolhua arofe early in the morning , and the Priefts bare the Arke of the Lord: •13 Alfo feuen Priefts bare feuen trumpets of rammes homes , and went b^forethe Arkeof the Lord, and going blew with the trumpets ; and the men of srmes went before them , but the i gathe- ring fmSie came after the Arke of the Lord,as they went and blew the trumpets. 1 4 And the fecond day they compafled the citie once, and returned into the hoafte: thus they did fixe dayes. I y And when the feuenth day c sme , they rofe earely.euen v/ith^the dawning of the day,& com- pafied the citie after the feme manner k feuen times: onely that day they compafled the citie fe- uen times. 1 6 And when the priefts had blowen the trUm- pets the/eucnth time.Iolliua faid vnto the people. Ϊ That is ippeinKdjshoute : for the Lord hath giueu you the citie, Ϊ7 And the citieiliallbeJ an execrable thing, licth it, and all th^ are therein , vnto the Lord: onely Rahab the harlot iliall liuc . ftee , and all •Oat,»^: thdt arewithhet in the.houfe : for-^fccehid the fialftiKe tribe of MaiufTch, g Meaning , the Vr»s the nandatd ο thetnbe of Oan< k Fcttlista»y, 1 The tribe ofXlai was fo iiUtd , capfc it marched la ( and gathtieivp whatfoentt was Jef of wktis. ft Belides tiieiy da; once fot the fpact •f Π;[ dayes. ■wholy to be JtRioyed. the treafure of the 0 houfe of the Lord 2y So loll'uafaued Rahab the harlot ..-md her fathers houfcold , and all that iliee had , and il-.efe Ρ dv.-e!t in Ifi vcl , euen vnto this day , beeaufe (he had hid the mefiengers , which lofliua fent to fpie out lericho. 26 f And loibua fware at that time , faying, jM»"i>, Curfed be thenian before the Lord.thatrifeth vp, and buildeth the city lericho : Fet fl-e V/3S niattied to Salmea frinciiofthiititie of Jiidah. H«anllbai;a inblimaKclMhi,. Tf Vt the children of Ifrael committed a trefpafle in the^ excommunicate thing:for * Achinthe fonne^ of Carmi , the funne of Zabdi , the fonne of Zerah of the tribe of ludah, tookc of the excom municate thing : wherefore the wrath of the Lord v«s kindled againft the children of ifr.iel. 2 And lolhua fent men from lericho^tob Ai, which is befide Bethauen, on the Eaftftde of Beth el,and fpake vnto them, faying, Goe vp, and vi^tw the countrey. And the men went vp and viewed Ai, 3 And returned to lofliua , and faid vnto him Let not all the people goe vp , liut let as it were two or three thouland men goe vp , and fmite Ai and make not all the people to labour thither , fot they are few. 4 So there went vp thither of the people ^bout three thoufand men , and they fled before the mer ofAi. •y And the-^ men of Aifraore of themvpan a thirty rnd fixe men ; for they chafed them from before the gate vnto Shebarim , and fmote them in the going downe ; wherefore the hearts of the! IntaVirgtliat hich watcom- andcd toba de- o^.d Cta/>,2j.'io. This was aeitfe of the Amoritesrfei there was another recalled among thi Ammonites, lere. . ' J,• The firft Ai i Aiah, ifa. κ ^callec people melted away iike.watcr. i6^ Thei Gi>dw*«ld*y this ouertiircwe msie them more ».efi 10 icarch omandp„nifl,,Ife iinne comnutced. ii• teth tke Law vpott ficnes, a mireajrth it to λΙΙιΗι people. A Fter , the Lord faid vuto lofl-'ua , * Fe-re not, neither be thou faint hearted: t.:ke all the men of vvarre with thee and ari'.e, go rp to Ai : behold, I haue giuen into thine hand the king of Ai , and! his people.and his city.and his land. 2 And thou Ihalt doe to Ai and to the king thereof, as thou diddeft vnto * lericho and to the * chep.i.» * Detit. end 7 . > t Sandifie yout femes againft to morow : for thus , king thereof neuerthelefle the fpoile thereof and faithihe Lord God of Ifrael, 777irf«. η execrable ! * the caa-l: thereof ihall ye take vnto you for a thing among you , Ο Ifrael , thrrefere yee cannot | pray: tjiou ftalt lie in wait againft the citie on the' ftand agamlt your enemies , vntiil ye haue put the | a backe in t!)e li'tiie mJeht the belter diiicotiei Iiis * Astlie>wluth iiiaed to flee foi far». AOr.Kftvptae Jr.-jier.tofign.'fia ■tehen they iJ,aU jMlfdi ilic ciiy. 0 Cy; »jr^ (tf ilQt.i'Uir. i Which came ont oitheamtiiQi. . * Por tile fire, ,which [heyjiai ptl»(eSetin the jtie<.i;-waS"not to |toufn;ne it, but I ktgnifie vnio le- jlkiia that ihoy kteret Jilted, , Han. ; ί TJwt jt COhid ; ;jj»ioe. «...Accotiing as it v?as commandiid. Idi bua. i-necraicuiiuc waite on the Weft , againft the citie : and^loihui went the iame night into the f mids of the valley. 14 <" And when th^ king of Aifawitjthen the nicK of the city hiiled and rofe vp early .and went out againft jfrael to battell , he arrd all his people, at the time appoimed.before the plains : foihee knew not that any lay in waite againft him on the baclteride of the city. 1 y Then lolhtia and all Ifrael t at beaten be- fore them, fled by the v/ay of the wilderneiTe. 16 And all the people of the city were called togetiier to purfue .ifcer them : and they purfued after lulbua , atjd were drawen aw«youtofthe citie, 17 So that there was not a msn left Lt A i , nor . in Beth-el , that went not out iftet Ifrael : snd they left the city open.nnd purfued after Ifr;.el. 18 Then ihe Ltrdfaid vntoloihua,•» Stretch oiit the fpeare that is in thine htnd ; toward Ai; for I will giiie it into thine hand : nnd lolhua ilrctched out the ipt-4re that he had in his hand, toward the ciiy. 19 A'.id they that iay in wait,arofe quickly out of their place , r.nd ranne :',s ibone ps lie had Itret- ched out his !i:nJ , and they c-ntred into the citie, anJtooke it.an;! haited-and let the city on lire. ao And ihc men of Ai looked behind them, and iaw it : for Joc.die tmoke of the city jfcended vp H tu he;nen:a;Ki tbt-y had no|l power, to flee this way or f h.i: ν \y : for the people thatfled to tlie wilderneiTe,•:• !ned bncke vpon the piirfiiers, 2 1 AVii-j ΙοΩ,ιι?, and .ill III• .le! faw that they that ity in waite , had taken the city , snd diat the frriukeofthi. city mounted vp , then ihey turned againe and Hew the n^en of Ai. 22 Alfo the i other iffued out ofthc citie againil then\: !o were ihey in the middts ofifrael, thefe iei/ig on the. one fide , ind thcreiion the other fide: & they ilew th.sm.fo that they let none of them ■'' remaine nor efcape. 23 And the King cf Ai thcytookealiue , and brought him to lolhua. 24 And when lirael hid made an end of flay- ing all the inhabitants of -.i in the field , that is, in the wilderneίΐeΛvhere they chafed them , and when they were all filKn on the edge of the Iwcrd, vnt'iil they were confumed,.•.;! the 1 i)-.:clites returned vnto Ai , and "^irnote it with the edge of tbefword. 2 Ϊ And all that fell that day , both cf men and women , were tweluc thoulaud, cuen alithe rcen of Ai. 20 For I'oihua drewc not his hand btjcke Egaine which hee had ilret^hed out with the fpeare , vntilihe h.id vtterly deiiroyed all the in-, habitants of Ai. 27 * Onely the cattell and the fpoyle of this, citie, Ifrael tooke for a prey vnto themfc-hr.s, ac- cording vnto the worde cf the Lord' , which hee. coron:^3nded.Io.'l•.ua. 2? And lofl-iua burnt Ai.and made it an hcape for^euer.rtwrf a wild-Jf'neiTe vnto this day. 29 And the king of Ai hee hanged on a tree, vnto the euening. And a/foone as the lunne was- downe , lofliua couim nded ™ that they fliould take- his catkeis downe from the tree , and cart it at the enrringoftlie gate of the city , and ''lay tnereon a great heJ.pe of ftones , thatremntnefh vnto this da)•» 30. i" Then lofmia built an aiMrynso the Lord Godof Jii-a^l, ia ii)wnt£bal, „ 3 1 As Mofcs the feirnant of the Lord had com- manded the children of Ifrael , c$ it is written in the -i'" booke of the Law of Moles , anakarof whole ftole , ouer which no man had lift an yron: and they-t'ffered thereon burn-, offrings vo- to the Lord,and facrificed peace cflerings. 32 Alfo he wrote there vpon the ftones, a" re- hearfall of the Law of Mofes , which liee wrot•? in f he prefence of the children of I frael . 33 A.nd all Ifrael (and their Elders,anite^, i> Ufnua mihth a leAfut wtth ihim. ij Fertlitirctifi thfj an ceaieixnciitt ferfelHAtl faulrj. •■ EJied.2e.zi Diiii,27.5. Mciningithi ten commande- hich ire ihj ftimme of the - whole Ltyi, and tr. 12.1;, * neiit.ji.n.Tt,' So neither yoag, or clde.man noi womin, V7ere.ex-. ptcd fi«mhea-; ring tile VTcrd ofthe.L«:d, IntefpeAefc^^ plaine of Mesb. ' b The maine fe* . called Meditein- .• se!un. A Nd when all the Kings that * were beyond lorden , in the mountaines rnd in the valleys, and by. all the coaftes of the ^ great Seaouer againll Lebanon , (Λ/the Hittites, andtheAmo- rites, the Can anites, the Periz^ites, the Hiuites, and the lebufites) heard thereof, 2 They gathered themfeliies together,tQ fight againftloihua , and againft Ilxael with one t ac- f Eir.cwuwetif' cord. 3 ί * But the lEhabitantsof Gibeonhear<}|* t.Sam.ii.i. what lolbua had done vnto lericho, and to Ai 4 And therefore they wrought craftily : for they went , and fained therofeiues amb-'ifladors, and tooke olde fackes vpon their alTes , and olde bottels for wine,both rent and t bound vp,. jc Becinrethey J And olde ihooes and clouted vpon their wete all womc. fecte: alfo the raiment vpon them vvm old.and εΐΐ- their prouiiion of -bread was diied.and mouled 6 So they came to lofiiua into the hoafte to Gilgal , and idid vnto him ', and vnto the men o: I fraei, Wee be come from a farre countrey ; now therefore make a league with vs. 7 Ί hen the men of lirael faid vnto the ^ Hi- iiH(!S,It may be that thou dvvelleft among vs>how tlien c.-n I make a league with thee? 8 And they faid vnto loibua, We are thy fer- uants. Then loih.M faid vnto them. Who are ye? and whence come ye? p. And they mfwcred him. From a TCry farre countrey' thy Icrunnts are come for « the Name of the Lcjid thy God : for wee haue heard his fame and all tl}rjt 1j€ iiatb done in Ε gypt, 10 And nll.that he hath done to the two kih^ of die Ainorites that were beyond lorden , to Sl- hon king of Heibbon , andto Ogking of BaAian^ which wert at Aftitaroth. 1 1 wherefore our Elders, and all the inhabi tants of our countrey fp.,ke to vs, faying, Take vi- taiies t wiiii you for tne iournsy.and go to mcete them. f 01 tire GibsMf- ar.d the HiiuteS Were all one peojlej death will pretend to htnioai the ivne Cod, asd receiiie . hit [elision, j- ih.^njjiiftlmiU.^ Chlp.X. them , and fay vnto them, Wee arc your ferUiWits; now therefore make yc a league with vs. 12 This our ί bread re tooke it hote with vs for viiftnals om ofovr houfes .thedaywedep^ir- tcd to come vnto you : but now behold , ic is dri- ed.and it is mouled. • 13 Alio thefe bottels of wine which wee fil- h&,vvere new.and loe, they be rent.and thefe our garments ^ind our ilioes are eld , by reafon of the exceeding great iourncy. 14 f And the ί men accepted iWrirt/i con- cerning their, vi^u.ils , and counfelled nocwitli^ the mouth of the Lord. I y So Lolhua made peace with them.and made, -a league with them , that he would iufi"br them to liue : alfo the Princes of the Congregation fware vnto them. 16 Τ But at the end of three dayes.after they had made a league with them , they heard that they were their neighbours , and that they dwelt among them. , , . 17 And the children oflirael tooke tiieir ■'• iourney ,and came vnto their cities the thiide day , and their cities were Gibeon , and Chephi- rah.sndBeeroth, and Kiriath-iearim. 18 And the children oflfrael fiewthemnot, becaufe die Princes of the Congregation had fworne vnto them bv the Lord God of lirael: . . , wherefore all the Congregaticn i murmured lacit no aite.n i^ixt nolits te r«i foith their eelicie.whcn th«y «till dtcciae the fttaajitt of Cod. 2 Semethinle iliac the Ifradites ate of iheitvii\ii- sls.andfo made a Itajtie with chtjn il Rom Gilgal. ' Fine kings bfefiegec Gibeon.^ haue light V&on (hem all. » Hit doth act eftablilli iraCi oaihs fciii,&icw(th Gods in«cyteviard his, VvjBch would sot f nniOi them fet tbeit fau2c. 1 Fotthevfesef the Tabernacle and of the temple vrhenit Qialbe baHc «n Who were mil dedtopiitthemti deathf 5t feate ol Gods wrath. Λ That is.foi the Ctniice of the Ttmplcasvttf 25. J 9 Then all the Princes faid vnto all the Con- gregation , Wee haue fv.'oine vpto them by the Lord God of Ifrael : now therefore we may not touch them. zo But this we will doe to them , and let them liue , leaii the wrath be vpon vs .becaule of the k oath which we fware vnto them. 21 And the Princes laid vnto them againe. Let them Hue, but they (liallhew wood, and draw yvater vnto all the Congregation , as the Princes appoint them, 22 lofhna then called them , and talked with them, and faid , wherefore haue yee beguiled vs, 'faying , Wee are vcryfarre fromyou , when yee dwell among vs? 23 Now therefore yee are curfed , and there fl-iall none of you be freed froth being bond men, and hewers of wood . and drawers of water for ί the houfe of my God. 24 And they anfwei^ed loibua , and faid , Be- caufe it was tolde thy ieru.ints , that the Lord thy God had * commanded his feruanr Mofes togiue you all the land , and to deftroy all the inhabitants ©f U\G land out of your fight .therefore wee were exceeding (ore afraid for our Hues at the prefence of you.and hane done this thing: 2y And beholde now , w^eare in thine hacd: doe as it f»β CihefK fthm Tc^u* Aifetmfitet!;. 11 The Leri intnrJ hiule fttnei anijlew maut. II TheSunneftaniehatlofhui\pr»jtr. x6 The fue king! dre han^ei. 19 ΜΛ'Λ] mote atii? Ani fciB^s aredeftrviea. "NJ Ow when Adoni-zedek king of lerufale.m had heard how lolhua had clken Ai andhad deftroyod it , (*foras he had done to lerichoand to the king thereof , lo he had done to * Aicndto the king tiiereof) and how the inh.ibitants of Gi- beoii had made peace witli Ifrael. end were among them, 2 Then they feared exceedinglyrfor Gibeon was a great-citie.as one of the royal! cities ; for it wa5 greater then Ai . and all the men thereof f^ire mightie. ■3 wherefore Ϊ Adoni-zedek king cf leru- filem lent vnto Hoh.-m king of Hw'bron , and vnto Piram king of Lnmuth , and vnto lapia king of Lachifly , and vnto Debit king of Eglon, fayiiTg. 4 Come vp vnto raee.and heipe mee , that wee may fmite Gibeon: for they haue made peace with IclhuasnJ '^ith the children oflfrael. V Therefore the' fine kings of the Amdrites, the king oflerufalem .the king of Hebron , the king of laraiuth ,the king of Lachifh , and the kiivgof Eglon, gathered themieiiies together , and went vp , they with all their hoaftes , andbeneged Gibeon, and madt: ^ warre againft it. 6 And the men of Gibeon went vnto lolhua, euei: to the hoaft to Giigd , faying, Withdraw not thine hand from thy feruanrs : come vp to vs quickly , and fane vs ,and helpe vs : for all the! ■kin^gs ofthc Amorites , which dwell in themoun-| taines.are gatheretl together agaioft vs. 1 7 So lolr.ua afcended from Gilgal , he , and al! i the people of warre with him , and ail the men of might. 8 ί And the Lord faid vnto loihua ,e Feare them net : for I haue giuen them into thine hand: „ .^ ^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^ none of them ihall ft^nd .igainft thee. ,],^, „',^.„ pnwer ρ loll. ua therefore came vnto them fudden-igaimihiiaferh ly : far he went vp from GiJgal all the ni eht. pijr.fitil itiRxe 10 And the LorddircomfitedthcmkforeIf-e;|;^^^^jrhert. rael , and flew them with a great ilaughter at Gi- !aieatgtliej:cthhl)B, boon, and chafed them along the way that goeth vp to Beth-horon , and fmote them to Azekah, andtoMakkedah. 11 And as they fied from before Ifrael ,and were in the going downe to Beth- horon, the Lord caft downe great ftones fern heauen vpon them, vntillAzekah, and they died : f /jiy t/f n«uiUwoid. lofl- ua» Cities and conntreyes taken h eigniiyrag vthit ttit*,. I Dtbki'.fHtK^. Somtitiit A- flitioih.whith ftgniPicih the de- htais of thtbilt, k In ent buttil. 1 Where th«atH as, there to giH» thai: kej for theit The more that Gods power ap- peareth,th*more iiciedragi . agamlf it. b Which the E-. uangeliAs caH the lake of Gene^aieih, ci Tiberias, which wjj mouni Sihoii, Dene. 4. .^ 3 > i Thatneithir hy Dioiild ferce 0 che vfe of w aire, lot the ifiaelites • Oionld put theii ttufl in them. eih hot waters, ot according to fera«, i brio* pis, iCkicsicountreyMn^ Chap« XTI ♦ Kings conquered by ) ofhua. g; ί SothmtritV/b• imtni»dchil»htie4ott)M 9 And lofhiia did vnto them as the Lord bade him :hee houghed their horfes. and burnt their charets with fire. 10 ί At that tiraealfo lofluia turned backe, and tooke Razor, :•ηά fmote the King thereof with the fword : for Hazor beforetirae was the head of all thofe kingdomes . 1 1 Moreouer they fmote all the f perfons that were therein with the edge of the fword , vtterly deftroying aU , leaning none aliue , ana hee burnt Hazor with fire. 12 So ail the cities of thofe kings , and all the •kings of them did lofliua take , and fmote rhem with the edge of the fword. arJ vtterJy deftroyed them , * as Mofes the feruant of the Lord had commanded, 13 But Ifrael burnt none of the cities that flood ftill in the ir^ ftrength , faue Hazor onely, that lofhua burnt. 14 And all the fpoilc of thefe cities and the cattell, the children of Ifrael tooke for their pray, but they fmote eueiy^ man with the edge of the fword vntill they had deftroyed thera,not leauing one aliue-, I y 1 As the Lord * had commanded Mofes his feruant , fo did Mofes * comnriand loihu^, and fodidlolhua : he left nothing vndone of all that the Lord had commanded Mofes. 16 So loiliua tooke all this land of the moun- taines , and ail the South, and all the land of Go- flien, and the low conntrey , and the pi line.and the ' mountaine of Ifrael, and the low conntrey of the fame, 1 7 From the mount i Halak, that goeth vp to Seir, euen vnto 11 Baal-gad in the valley of Leba- non, vnder mount Herraon : and all their kings he tooke,and fmute them, and flew them. 18 lofhua made warre long time with all thofe Kings, 19 Neither was there any city that made peace with the children of Ifrael , * laue thole Hiuites that inhabited Gibeon : all βί^ί?»• they tooke by battel, 20 For it came of the Lord , to iharden their hearts that they ftiould come againft Ifrael in battel , to the intent that thry lliould deftroy them vtteriy , and ihewe them lio mercy , but that they (liould bring them to nought , as the Lord had commanded Mofes, 21 Τ And thjt fame feafon came loihua , and deftroyed the Anjkims out of the motintaines: in Gath, and in Ailidod were they left. 23 So lofliiia tooke the whole land,according to all that the Lord had faid vnto Mofes : and lo- ihua gdue it for an inheritance vnto Ifrael , * ac- cording to their portions through thiiir tribes: then the land was at reft without warre, CHAP. XII. Ϊ ; What kings ItfhHa end the children cflfreelkilU* fltrdtn Nwm.ti.2^. Dejtt.3.i, I Ot, ίβίϋ,ΐηφ, Dent. } . n :h»p.»5.ii. DtUt.3. L2., hap. 13, e. ) Reaiechap r:. reife 17, II Οτ,ΪΛ Αβίοΐί. on htth fidi ίψ Which Tvere in nHmietihirtit Δ Nd ihefe are the Kings of the land , whichthe children of Ifrael fmote and pofTeflcdtheir land , on the a other fide lorden toward the riling ofthe funne, from the riuerArnon , vntO-JDOUnt Hermon.and all the plaioe Eaftwvd* * Sihon king ofthe Amorites.that dwelt in Heflibon , hauing dominion from Aroer , which is befide the riuer of Arnon, an.: from the middle of the riuer , and from halfe Gilead vnto the ri- uer labbok , in the border ofthe children of Am- mon. 3 And from the plaine vnto the feaofCin- neroth Eaftward, and vnto the fea ofthe ll piaine, euen the fait fea Eaftward, the way to Beth-ielhi- moth , and from the South vnder the D fprings of b or, mfidii, *Pifgah, L?""!"''' 4 ί They flame, > ^ 3 No J * chip. 10.33,' Cbif.io.fi.j», ; *■ chaf.ie.a-». j Ch«|.ii,M,' I Or, »««v '♦■ CtX,l + ing almsnsn hiindrech tni ten ^tertsolde. f Elt. camnvn in- enemies ate ouet- B Or,l•(ιrιirrt. -f EU.Siihor. } EW. vpcK tht %:l OfM ΜίαϊΛ4 CM. c Ri»4 Chap. im. 31.33. .3. 1 3. chap. loihrn XjOw whenloilina was olde ] d«i/»ftrikenin ^ yeeres.the Lord faid vnto him, Thou arc olde and t grovven in age, and there ren:iaineth excee- ding much land to be ^ poffefled: 2 This is the land that remaineth.all the Β re- ions of the Philiftims.and all Geftinri, 3 From t Nilus which is t in Egypt.enen vn- to the borders of Ekron Northwards : this is counted of the Canaanites , euen fine LordlLips of the Philiftims , the Azzithites , and the Aihdo- ditesjthe Eiljkclonites.the Gittites.and the Ekro- nites,andthe Auites: 4 From the South , all the land of the Canaa- nites, and the 1| caue that is befide the Sidonians, vnto Aphek,rt«iito the bordersof the Amorites: 5 And the land of the Giblitcs , and all Leba- non to>vard the Sun riling from |J Bahal-gadva- der mount Hermon.vntill one cometo Hamath. 6 All the inhabirnnts of the mountaines from Lebanon vnto' Milrephothmaim, and all the Si- donians,! will catt them out from before the chil- dren of Ifrael.onely diuide thou it by lot vnto the Ifraelites, to inherite, as 1 hiue commanded thee. 7 NovV therefore diuide this land to inhc'rite, vnto the nine tribes, and to the haife tribe of Ma- naiieh. 8 For with halfe thereof the Reubenites and the Gaditeshauereceiued their inheritance, * which C^andhal . ι So thicbotii khty wh.'ch obeyej he wicked peiiQieAj judge, mtnt of 6ed> S βί,*Α in the conotrey. 2 2 And f Balaam the fonne of Beor the footh fayer did the children of Ifraci flay with the f^'Ivel WelV iword.among them that were flaine. 23 And the border of the children of Reuben |ce"nfeili was lorden with thecoafts. This was the inhe- ritance of the children of Reuben according to their families, with the cities and their villages. 24 ί Alfo Mofes gaue inheritance vnto the \ tribe of Gad,f «*« vnto the children of Gad accor- ding to their families. 2 J And their coafts were lazer.and all the ci- ties of Gilcad , and halfe the land of the children of Ammon vnto Aroer .which is befor- Rabbah: 26 And from Helhbon vnto Ramoth, Mizpeh, and Betonim : and from Mahanaim vnto the bor- ders of Debir: » 27 And in the valley of Beth-aram, and Beth- nimr.ih , and Succoth, and Zaphon, the reft of the kingdome of Sihon king of HeQibon , \nto lor- den and the borders euen vnto the fea coaft of Cinnereth,e beyond lorden Eaftward. g xhae isjn tbt 28 This is the inheritance of the children of ^"^^ of Aieit», Gad,after their families, with the cities.and their villages. 2^ ί Alfo"' Mofes gaue inheritance vnto the halfe tribe of Manaileh : and this belonged to the halfe tribe of the children of Manafleh according Mofes gaue them beyond lorden Eaftward , euen to their families »*•* as Mofes the leruant of the Lord had giuen them^ 9 From Aroer that is on thebrinkeofthe ri- ucr Arnon , and from the citie that is in the mids of the i riuer , and all the plaine of Medeba vnto Dibon, I ο And all the cities of Sihon king of the A- mofites , which reigned in Heilibon , vnto the borders of the children of Ammon, I I And GHead, and the borders of the GeiliH- rites arid of the Maachathitcs , and all mount Hermon,wirh all Baihan vnto Salcah: 12 All the kiagdome of Og in Bailian, which reigned in Afttaroth and in Edrei : (vvhoremai- Dfjti.ii.siipined of the * reft of the gyants) for thefe did Mo- fes fmite, and caft them out. 3 But the children 06 Hrael^^xpellednot the Gefliurites nor the MaKh-:thites:butthc:'Ge- fliurites and the Maachathites dwell among.the Ifraelites euen vnto this day. ! 4 Onely vnto the tribe of Leui he gaue none heritance, but the facrifices of the Lord God of: Ifrael are * his inheritance.as he faid vnto him, 15: 1 Mofes then gaue vnto the tribe of the children of Reuben inheritance, according to their families. 16 And their coaft was from Aroer . that is on the brinke of the riuer Arnun , and from the chy that is in the middes of the riuer , and all the plaine which is by Medeba: 17 Hiilhbon with all the cities thereof , that are in the plaine : Dibon and 9 Bamoth-baal , and Betlvbaal-meon: , 19 AndlahaZih,andKedemoth,&Mephaath; 19 Kiriathaimalfo.and Sibroah, andZereth- ihahat in the mount of D Eraek: 20 And Beth-peor,and *-Alhdoth-pifgah,and Beth-ieihimoth: 2 1 And all the cities of the plaine, and all the kingdome ofSihonkingof the Amorites , which reigned in Hell. bon 5 :whoin.Mofes * fmotcwith the Priaces of Midian, Eui, andRekem, and Zur, βΒφΕιίί, «ndu-cb.a» the .dukes efSihofl, dwelling a Biia;ife thtj c!eflio>ed «ot all as God had com- candid, they thz! remained were fnaies andpticlej !0 hutt them. Num. 3J.3S- «liap• -s Leui ihalllitte byihelaciincei. f Or, tiifUtttef am.. * Otut.i 17. ««Mi^i.8. im.|«. 5»; li Meaning,hi( aephewesaod joaemiti * Cliif.1i.7J Nnm. it.l•• 30 And their border was from Mahanaim, eafa all Ballian, to ν vit, all the kingdome of Og king of Bafhan , and all the townesof lair which are in Bafl:an,threefcore cities, 3 1 Ami halfe Gilead.and Aihtaroth.and Edrei, cities of the kingdome of Og in Ballian , * were giuen vnto the ^ children of Machir the ionne of Manafleh to halfe of the children of Machir afte: their families; 3 2 Thefe are the heritages , which Mofes did diftribute in the plaine of Moab beyond lorden tovvardlcricho Eaftward. 33 * But vnto the tribe of Leui Mofes gaue none inheritance : /«r the Lord God of Ifrael is their inheritance,* as he faid vnto them, CHAP. XIV. ,. Tie land tf Caman wai diHidid AmnHg thi Kine trilei ani the ha/fe. 6 C*le6 requirefh the htriteie that w*i fiemifcdhm. ij Hbrtnivnipuinhim, •yHele alfo are the/i/dcw which the children of Ifrael inherited in the Imd of Cm a.. n,* which ♦ Eleazar the Prieft , and lolhua the fonne of Nun and the chiefe fathers of the tntesofihe chil dren of Ifrael,diitributcd ro them, 2 * By the lot of their inheritance,as the Lord hail' commanded by the hnnd of Mules , to the nine tribes,and the halfe tribe. 3 ■ For Moles had giuen ii^heritance vnto » two tribes and an halfe tribe , beyond lorden but vnto the Leuites he gaue none inheritance among them. 4 For the children of Tofej h were * two tribes.Manaflch and Ephnim, therefore they g.'.uejl«**'i,y«t'"w no part vnto the Leuites in the land, laue cities to 'ί*"/"^^,ΙΤ dwell in , with thefuburbsof the fame for" theii- beafts and their fubftance. y * As the Lord had commanded Moles,fo the children of libel did when they diuided the land. 6 f Then th^ chidrcn ofludahcame vnto loftiua in Gilgal : and Caleb the Ionne of fephun- nehthe Kenesite 1,! id vnto him , Thouknowcfi what the Lord laid vnto Mofes the n-un of God, conccfning Niim.K.JSJ i 33.S+• a As Renbin anj Gadsndhiifethe tribe of ManalTeh, Nam. 31.33 b So tuongh Leni wilut ./ Caleb feqiftetl entci into thcluui.Niunb• I "CR^TTT. tis inneptance. 8^ i WhiAwtrt β»καοϋκιΓρ>«(• c whiciiwat.ihi• IcoDcemingetheeand mein Kadefli-barnea. «Bey two oneiy j ^ Fourty yecre olde was I > when Mofes the fernanc of the Lord fent me from Kadeib-barnea toefpie the land, and I brought him word agaiue. as / thtught in mine heart But my i brethren that went vp with mee, tiifcouraged the heart of the people : yetlfol lowed ftiii the Lord my God. 9 wherefore Mofes fware the fame day, fay- ing , Certainely the land whereon thy fecte haue croden, ihall be thine inheritance , andthychil• drcns for euer , becaufe thou haft followed con ftantly the Lordmy God I ο Therefore behold now.the Lord hath kept me aliue, as he promifed : this is the forty and fift yeere fince the Lordfpake this thing vntoMofes, while the children of Ifrael wandered in the wil- derneffc : anJ now loe , I am this day fotirefcore and fine yeere olde: * >»d«,4*.>• 11 And yet am es * ftrong at diis time . as I was when Mofes fent me : as ftrong as I was then, fo ftrong am I now , either for warre , or t for go- uernement. 11 Now therefore giue mee this moiintaine whereef the Lord fpake in that day (for thou . heardeft in that day , howthc Β Anakimsx/feriP^";•.?';;;'^^ there , and the cities great and walled) « if lobe the Lord will be wir'a mee that I may driue them out,as the Lordfaid. 13 Then loAuableiTed him , and gatie vnto Caleb the fonne of lephunneh , Hebron for an in- heritance. 1 4 * Hebron therefore became the inheritance Of Caleb the. fonnc of lephunneh the Kenezite, vnto this day : becaufe hee followed conftantly the Lord God cf Ifrael. I y And the n-sme of * Hebron was before• time . Kirii'.th-arba : which ^r^4 wusa^ great m;n among the Anakims : thus the land ce^fedj firom warre. f Eiir.ic gtt tut t This ht fpiltt modefiy.aTid m oi doubting. Chtp.,if .1] '■ CIijp .5.1?. f E«:ih«i foi hii ♦ NBmb.H.3. * Nnmb.jj.J*. 3t Tke ibi«w« *r<»d fignifieth ^•COKgne. whereby 1» ' '^meanttiihet the «rme of the S«» that eommiih into -AeUnd, oiaio'kt ^.Cipt that gocth CHAP. XV. reached vnto the riuer of Pgypt.snd the endeoF Tht ut\fthech.Uren>fM , -«"i'*' «ff"';/« | that coaft was οπ the^Veftfide : this ihalbe your! cities and ν,ιΙ*ΐ'^ cf the fame. 13 Calebs pctticn. | „,U(.o-,ft J Alfo die Eaft border ih 'llbe die Salt Sci.vn- to the b endeof Torden : and the border on the North quarter from f point of the Sea , «Μκί from theendof lorden. | 6 And this border goeth vpto Beth-hogl.i,| and goeth along by the Northfide of Beth-ara- bah : fo the border from thence goeth vp to the] Τ His then was the lot of the tribe of the chil- dren of ludah by their families veuen * to the border of Edora and the wilderneiTe of * Zin, Southward on the South coaft. 2 And their South border was the fait Sea coaft.from the » po'.jt that looketh Southward. 3" And irwer/t out on the Southfide toward h MnniagtlK momh of the titer wheit it (Immfl into th« fait Cn 3 And irwer/t out uu lu>. owumiii... ..v/»,•..- , ι^α.» . ■« «.^ ^^. -.^. . -.--—-„ Maaleh-akrabbin , and went along to Zin , and * ftone of Bohan the lonne ct Reuben afcended vpon the Southfule vnto Kadelh-bar- nea, and went along to Hezron , and went vp to Adar.and fet a compafle to Karkaa. -4 Trona theace went it along to Azmoo . and 7 Againe this border goeth vp to Debir from marie to pait the valley of Aciior . and Northward . turning to- «btit^oontwT?• ward Gilgal . that lieth before the going vnto A- dunroim > which is on the Southfide of the γι- ο X 4 T3«:- Of, ibt fctintahe fitt Cinitt. ki''4.i.S. EIr.SKfiJfi». I Οϋ, fnmimf Mcining.to- waxdSyiia. Λ:?. 14.35. Jeihna, ludg. Ι.0»,»,./«, ftnitm £ bccanfe ha ioimiiey wasbar- fljc defiled of >.irftthctafield• haihsdfprings. Toilicia* ofiudaisponioc»; ner : alfo this borJer goeth vp tc the waters of 0 En-iliemefli.atjd endeth at * En-rogel. Then this torder goeth vp to the valley of the fonnfeofHinnom, on the Southfide of the le- bufites : the lame is lenifalem. ΛίΓο this border goeth v^ Λ the top of ■/ mountaine that lieth be- fore the valley of Hinnom Weftward, which is by the end of the valley of t giants Northward, 9 So this border compafleth from the top of the mountaine vnto the foiintaine of the water of Ncphtoah.and gocth out to the cities of mount Ephron • and this border draweth to Baalah, which is II Kiri uhiearim. 1 ο Then this border compafleth from Baalah Weftwird vnto mount Seir, and goeth along vnto the fid (;f mount learim , which isCheialon on the Norrbfide : (b it commcth downe to Beth-flie- meib.and goeth to Timn h. w Alto this border goeth out vnto the fide of Ekron Northw.nd : .nd this border draweth to Shicron, and 'g>eth'aloHg to mount Baalah , and ftjetcJieth vmo I bneel ; andthcendes of this coaftare vnrothc <* Sea. 1 2 And the Weft border is to the great fearfo this border (LjH be the bounds of the t hildren of lud.ih ruund ..buut.accoiding to theirf milies. i^ Τ And vnto-dleb the fonnj of lephunneh did loJbna gi; e a p\rt among the children of lu- ■ d -h.as the l/n d coram 'uded him, euen * Kiriath- arbaof thef ther ofAnjk whi>.h is in Hebron. 1 4 And Cdeb « droue thence three ionnes of An k.Shethai.and Ahiman;,and Talmai,the fonnes ofAnak. ir And he went vp thence to the inhabitants of Debir : and the name of Dcbir bcforetime "vvat Kiriath-fepher. 16 Then Caleb faid, He that fmitethKiriath- fepher.and taketh it, euen to him will I giue Ach- fah my daughter to wife. 1-7 ''■nd Othniel.the fonne of Kenaz.the || bro- ther of Caleb tooke it : andhegauehimAchfah his daughter to wife. 18 Andasiliewentinio/jow. fhe m.oonedhim, ba«rai dfol! ^° ^^^^ °^^^^ ^^^^^' 3 ^'^'^'^ ■ ^ ^"'^ ^^e lighted off long' " [her affe.and Caleb faid vnto her. What wilt thou? ί Or, jM«mf(iiji 19 Thenflieanfwered,!! Giue meea blefTing: ifor thou haft giuen me the South countreyii giue Irae alio fprings of water. And hee gaiieher the ■jfprings aboue,and the fpiings beneath. 20 This Ihallbe the inheritance of the tribe of jthe children of ludah according to their families. ^ι And the vtmort cities 6f the tribe of the children ofludnh , toward the co^ftes of Edctn Southward T't'ire Kabzefl,and Eder.and lagnr, 22 And Kiui'h.and Dimonah,and Adadah, a3 ΑγκΙ Kedefli.and Hazor,and Ithnan, 24 Ziph,andTelera,and Bealoth, 2 Τ And Hazor, Hadattah, and Kerioth.Hcfron (which is Hazor.) i6 Amam»indShema,-andMo!adah, 27 And.Hazar, Gaddah j and Heihmon , and Beth-paier, 28. And HazcrJhual, and Be;erihcbij andBizi- othiah, 29 Baalah , and I im,aRdAzem, 50 AndElrolad.andChefil.andhHormah, 34. An 1 Ziklag, & Madrjanna, and Sanfannah, 3 2 And Lebaoth , and Shilhim , and Ain, and Rimmoricalli^ep cities «ff twenty nine with their villages. 3 1 V ■?" lath'Q lowe-eounirey «-vere "EHitaoIjarid k.'WltfcIi before Zoreah.and Aihnah, 34 And Zanoah, and Eflgannira.and Tappuah, and Enam, 5y laimuth , and Adullam , Socoh , and Aze- kah, ji AndSharaim.and Adithaim.and Gederah.ffC Gederothaim: fourteen cities with their villagess 37 Zenam,and Hadailiah,and Migdal-gad, 38 And Diieam,and Mizpeh, and luktheel, 3P Lachiib.and Bozkath, and Eglon, - 40 And K.ihbon,thcreofarsatihe Sea-t» ofrhnYij 4 So the children of loieph, Manaiieh and E- phraim t tooke their inherit;./ ce. y ί Alfo the borders of the children, of E.- phraim according to thcii• fanulit s, euen the bor- ders of their inheritance on the Ealtfide wer.c A- troth-addar.vnto Beth-hojon the vpper. 6 And this border goeth out to the Sea vnto Michnaethah on -tlie Northfide , and this border , jetuineth . That is, to E- phraim and his ch. Idler: for Ms• ni'hsportien . foUoweth. ludg.z.ZK" Seticrally.fiift 2phi>im,and(heB Msaane.•)» 1 ίοηΓοη. The for fo fatte the ceaResiMch. e Beiaiife Epfcni- s ttibt \wis far rreicet then Mj naffeli.ihetiferehe iiifUiOt citits, '*•Ce1ι.^.x.it.4n^ ^.to.uBiise.aj, »N«m.ii.i, • i-oi the ethtr liaUtcnbehid theit portion bt- gf«nd ieitUn. t Among thtm •foaitnbc. β In (lie hni ef ' anifitieco «he males : and •ther tine to the daughicii of Zc- 3o;Mhad. d Meining , ihc sitteicftlfc. • Thatii, towatd maine lea. fin the tribe of Anne of Machir,the lonne. of ManaiTeh , had no fonnes , but daughters ; and thefe are the names of his daughters .Mahlah , and Noah,Hoglah,Milcah,..nd Tirzah; 4 Which came before Eleazar the Prieft , and before lulhua the fonne of Nun , and before the prinL-es.faying, The Lord coromaunded Moles to giiie vs an inheritance among our ^ brethren : therefore according to the commandcment of the I_Drd , hee g me them an inheritance among the brethren of their father. f And there fell ten portions to « Manafleh, belide the iand of Giie .d and Balhan, whii. h is on the other fide of lordcn, ■6 Becaufe the daughters ofManaffeh didin- herite among his lonnes ; and Manaflehs other foiines h id the land of Gilead. 7 ί So the borders of Manafleh were from Aflier to Michmechah that lieth before Shechem, and this border goeth- on therigl-«haDde',euen to the inh.ibituntsof Entappudh. 8 The l.'nd of Tappuah belonged to Manaf- feh , but J Tappuah belide the border uf Manafleh belongetb to the fonnes of Ephraim. 5> Alfo this border goeth downe vnto the fi ri- uer Kanah Southward to the nuer : thefe cities of Ephraim are anaong the cities of Manafleh .-and the border of Manjilehijon the Korth.ide ofthe riuer , and the ends of it i.re at the ' Sea. 10 Thu South partaincth to Ephraim , and the Noril) to Manafleh, «nd the fea is his bordei• : and they met together in ί Aflier Northward , and ia Iflach^r Eaftward, 11 And I.ianafleh had in Iflachar md in Aflier, . Beth-lhean , and her lownes , and Ibleam , and her towns, and ibc iolidbitancs of Dor with the towns thereof , and the inhabitants of En-dor , with the townes thereof, and the inhabit.mts of Taanach with her townes , and the inhabitants of Megiddo with the towns of the fame, tuen three countreys 12 Yet the children of Man.iflch^puldnot deftroy thofe cities, but the Canaanites'dwelled ftill in that land. 13 Neuerthelefle , when the children of Ifrael were ftrong , they put the Canaanites vnder tri- bute.but Caft them not out wholy, 14 Then the children of loleph fpake vnto lo- fliua.faying, VViiy h- ft thou giuen me but one lot, and one portion to iuherite , feeing I am a great people , for afmuch as the Lord hath h blelTed me hitherto ? 1 r lolhua then .infwered them , If thou be much people , get thee vp to the wood , and cut trees for thy lelfe there in theland ofthe Periz- zites , and of the gyants ,> if mount Ephraim be too. narrow for thee. 16 Then the children of lofeph fayd , The mountaine. will not be enough for vs : and all the Canaanites that dwell in the low countrey haue charcts of yron , afwell they in Bethfliean , and in the townes of the fame , as they in the valley of Izreel. 17 And lofhua fpake vnto the houfe of lo- feph,to Ephraim and to Manafleh , faying , Thou art a great peopls- g^nd haft great power, andilMih not haueoiie k)i?n*«j- 18 Therefore the mountaine fliall be thine : for it is a wood .and thou llialt cut it downe : and the ends of it Ihall be thine , 1 and thou flialt caft out the Canaanites .though they haue yron cha- rcts , »nd though they be ftrong, CHAP. XVII I.. t The Tabernacle fet in ShtUh. 4 Ctrtaine Ate fenth diutiie the laud to the other feuen tribes, 11 The Ut tj the children ofSemamin. ^ Λ Nd the whole Congregation of the children of Ifrael cametogether at Shiloh: for they let vp the « Tabernacle of their Congregation there after the land was lubied vnto them. 2 Now there remained among the children of Ifrael feuen tribes , to whom •> they had not di- uided their inheritance. 3 Therefore loiliwa fayd vnto the children ef Ifrael , How long .ire you ίο llacke toentcrand poflefle the land which the Lord God of your fa- thers hath giuen you ? 4 Giue from among you for e«frjp tribe three men, diat I may fend them, and that they may rife and walke through the land . jnd diftribute it ac- cording to "^ their inheritance , and returne to me. 5 And that they may diiiide it vnro them in- to feuen p>uts , (ludah Ihall ^bidein hiscoaftat the South , andthehouftoflolephlhalldftande in their coalts at th-i Neath. ) 6 Ye ihu\ dekribe the land the^fore into fe- ren parts, and fliaU bring them hither to mc ,anit 1 will caft lots for you here before the « Lord ouf God. y But the- Leuites fliall. haue no part among you .-for the iPricfthood ofthe Lordis'rheirin- heritanee :alfo Gad 4nd'Reubcn.and halfc the tribe of Manafleh haije receiued their inheritance be- yond lorden Ε nft w.:rd , which '>lofes the iecuaut. , of the Lord gaue them. 8 ^-' Then the men arofe , and went their 'Aiay: f and lolbiu charged them tliat w of the Lordi That is, theft. :tihceS2ndoift-f... ings, Cbap.j3.j4j Μ rhe portio lofBeniamin. { By witting the» names of «utfy conncu} and cicy- » tint euery one Qioiildbt c«i>((nt with Gods »p- r (oincmenc. lo&i la. bordered vpon lu- dib and ieftph, tbe hnd. faying, Depart.and goe thorow the land, and g dcfcribe it , and returne to me, that I may here caft lots for you before the Lord in Shiioh. 9 So the men departed , and paffed through the land,and defcribed it by cities into feuen parts in a hooke , and returned tololliua into the camp at Shiioh. I ο ί Then loihua •> caft lots for them m Shi- l©h before the Lord, and there loibua diuided the land vnto the children of Ifrael , according to their 11 ί And the lot of the tribe of the children of Beniamin came forth according to their fami- , i TheiMnhetitme^ lies, and the coaftof their lot lay » betweene the children ofludah, and the children of lofeph. 1 2 And their coaft on the Northfide was from lorden.and the border went vp to the fide of le- richo on the North part , and went vp through the mountaines Weftward , and the ends thereof areinthe wilderneCfe of Beth-auen; 13 And this border goeth along from thence to Luz , ewK to the Southfide of Luz (the fame is l! Beth-el) and this border defcendeth to Atroth- addar.neere the mount .that lieth on the South- fide of Beth-horon the nether. ^ , , 14 So the border turneth , and compaCTeth the corner of the Sea Southward , from the mount k νΛύΛ Was in fht tribe of E- j^hraim : another Beth-d was in thej liibc of feniamiB, Simeon,2ebuI iPalflachay» cities with their villages : this is the inheritance of the children of Beniamin , according to theii families. CHAP. XIX. I The ftrtUutf Simeon, lo OfZetuJun, 17 OflJJecharf i^OfAfbei, ii Of Naphtxli, 40 of Dan. n9 The f,lfep,ncfl^u*. A Nd the fecond lot came out to Simeon , «««« foi• the tribe of the childrenof Simeon .ac- cording to their families : and theii" inheritance was in '^e » mids of the inheritance ofthe chil- dren ofludah. 2 Now they had in their inheritance Beer- iheba.and Sheba.and Moladah, 3 And Hazar-fhual, aud Balah, and Azem, 4 And EJtolad.and Bethul.and Hormah. f And Ziklag ,and Beth-marcaboth .and Ha-< zur-fufah. 6 And Beth-lebaoth.and Sharuhen : thirteene cities with their villages. 7 Ain , Remmon ,and Ether, andAllian : foure cities with their villages. 8 And all the villages that were round about thefe cities, vnto Baalath-beer , *. 5 Ot, Ttiii*im, g Of, hnipil/m. 1 which ii in th« tribe of Ephiaim. mTetlt€v«ry fltait, where the la'iiet runneth into iWholyitithe tribe end of lorden Southward : this is the South coaft 20 Alfo lorden is the border of it on the Eaft fide • this is the inheritance of the children of Beniamin by the coaftes thereof round about . ac- cording to their families. Now the cities ofthe tribe ofthe children of Beniamin , according to theirfamilies , are le- ho . and Beth-hoglah, and the valley of Keziz 12 And Beth-arabah , and Zemaraim , and Jeth-cl, , ^ l• u 23 AndAuim.andParah.andGphran, _ ^4 And Chephar . Ammonal . and Ophni , and Gaba : twelue cities with their villages: 25 Gibeon.andRamah, andBeeroth, z6 And Mizpeh.ind Chephirah, and Morah, 27 And Rekem. and'Irpeel, and Taralah, 28 And Zela, and Eleph , and lebufi (which κ » lerufalem,) GJbeah . and Kiiiath ; fourcteene I Bntthislafge loition was gineilf hem' by Gods pto- Iheirinc^tale in. Uetocome. t Meaning, t4;irt«l ' μΐΐ gteattci, « cume the inheritance of the children of Simeon i for the part of the children of ludah was too l> much for them : therefore the children of S imeon had their inheritance within their inheritance. ID Τ Alio the third lot arofe for the children of Zebiilun .according to their families : and the coafts of their inheritance came to Sarid, II And their border goeth vp c Weftward euen to Maralah , and reacheth to Dabbailieth; and mecteth with the riuer that lieth before lok- neam, 12. And turneth from Sarid Ea^ward toward the Sunne rifing vnto the border of Chifloth-ta- bor , and goeth out to Daberah , and afcendcth to laphia, 13 And from thence goeth along Eaftward towjrd the Sunne rifing to Gitt.;h-hcpher , tolt- tah-kazin , and goeth forth to Rimmon , and tur- neth to Neah. 1 4 And this border compaiieth it on the North fide to Hannjthon. and the ends thereof are in the valley of liphtah-el. I y Atid-iCaiii'h , and Nahallal . and Shimron, andldolah.anddBeth-iehera : twelue cities with their villages. 16 This is the inheritance ofthe children offjn^lw'i'Mofi"- Zebulun, according to their families, that is, thefe cities and their villages 17 f The fourth lot came out to Iflachar. eutn for the children of Iflachar , according to their families 18 And their coaft was Izreelah, and Cheful- loth.andShunem, 19 And Hapharaim.and Sihon.and Anaha- rath, 30 And Harabbith. and Kiftiion, and Abez. •2, 1 And Remeth . and « Engannim , and En- haddah, and Beth-pazzez 22 And this coaft reacheth to Tabor .and Sha- hazimath , and IBeth-ihemeil^ , and the ends ο ' their coaft teach to lorden :iixtcenejcities with their villaj^es; , 7S Tibtf d There w«ajte- thet Beth-Ithem dah, e Thertwisa*•- ther cirie of this name in the itibc of Indah : forva- derdimrs tribes 'jceitaine cities haS fall one name, an4 vttxt diRinAed by the Kibe ondy, rg?KS7N^htaH, and Dan, Chap« X X» Ϊ iey*«A «β Λ» f tibc of Ztbuluiii whithUymor» laav«ati• . ins a flrongcicie jH (he feai XXL cities otretuge, ^£ % thtft tuitt vrtie in the coim I ^, rtrH vnt* ί Olihe^'hi* ihelalieof Gen- Stiatcth hath bis kCaUAlopfe. 1 Aecetdiof « lukob hid pio- ^cicd, Ccn«C> 4S'T. 2,3 This is the inheritanccof the tribe of the childfctr of Iflf.ichar according totheir families: ίΑ*ίύ, the cities an J their villages. 24 ί ΑίΓυ the fife lot came out for the tribe- of the children of Alber according to their fa- milies. ' '^ , , , ,. 1 25 And thsir coaftΛ^'as Helcath , and Hah, and Beten, and Achihiph, - , ^ ■ 1 26 And Akmmelech , and Amad , and Miflieal, and came to Camel Weftward , and to Shihor J,ibnath, 27 And turneth toward the Sunne rifing to Eeth-dagon , and commeth to* Zebulun , and to the valley of Iii)htah-el , toward the North fide of Beth-emek , and Neiel , and goeth out on the left fideof Cibiil, And to Ebron , and Rehob ,and Hammon, and Kanah, vnto great Zidon. 29 Then the coaft turneth to Ramah and to the ftrong city of 8 Zor , and this border nirneth to Hof h , and the endes thereof are at the Sea fromHebeltoAchzib, . , . ' 30 Vramah alfo und Aphek , and Rehob : two and twentie cities with their villages. 3 1 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Aiher . according to their families: ifcaiiV.thefe cities and their villages. 3 1 ί The fixt lot came out to the children of Kaphtili , euen to the children of Naphtaliaccor• ding to their families. , u , , 33 And -their coaft was from ■ Heleph,;h,and Ekron, ' 44 And Eltekeh , and Gibbethon . and Baalah, 4t And lehud , and Bene-berak , and Gath- rimmon, 46 And Me-iatkon , and Rakkon , with the border that lieth before ^ lapho. 47 But the coaft of the children of Dan fell out too little for them : therefore the children of D .n went vp to ' fight againlt Lcfhem , and tooke it, and fmote it with the edgeofthclword , and poflefled it.and dwelt therein.^nd called Lelhem, ■i'Dun , after the name of Dan their father. Ciof.n. the land by the coafts thereof , then the children of Ifrael gaue an inheritance vnto lolhua the fonne of Nun among them . yo According to the word of the Lord they gaue him the citie which hee asked , euen * Tim- nath-ferah in mount Ε phraim : and hee built the citie and dwelt therein, 51 * Thefe are the heritages which Eleazar iN„m,»4..»7< the Prieft , and loftiiia the ibnne of Nun , and the chiefe fathers of the tribes of the children of If- rael diuided by lot in Shiloh before the Lord at the dooie of the Tabernacle of the Congrega- tion : fo they made anendof diuidingthe couq- trey, CHAP. XX. ζ Thel'rdtcmmmilfih hfii> refuge i Or, CMt-i eanle thtj a.elafl sambrcd, aniMf. !s the yon- Dchei. een- { TiifiibiiAtS were > thoufand cutites from the ■wiU of ihe ci(i«i 70111)4 about. ii Hebisnv^ ■SJiethtm were ■die two cities of lefiige vnier iht XaJuibiiU, i» cannn. Ptite of the famf- ron the Prieft. acitieof refugefor the ilayer, tucn £«!ο"«Α,«, Hebron with her fuburbs . and Libnah with her :Wis.ihitf«. • fuburbs, 14 Andlattir with her fuburbs .and Eihtcmoa ■with her fuburbs, I τ And Holon with her fuburbs , and Debit -with her fuburbs, 16 And Ain with her fuburbs, and Iiittah with tier faburbs.Beth-fliemeili with her fuburbs : nine cities out of thofe two tribes. 17 And out of tI:etribeofBeni.-?min"'^ '"J" 38 And out ofthe tribe cfG^atheygaueiotr"'^ *^''"* * a citie of refuge for tlie fla.ycr , Ramoth in Gilead with her iubutbs , and Mahanaim with her fub- urbes, 39 Heibbon with her fuburbs , and lazcr with her fuburbs • foure cities in nil. 40 So all the citiesofthe children of Merari according to their families (which were the reft of the families ofthe Leuites) were by their lor, , twelue cities. |„ Thetitrntini 41 ^nd all the cities ofthe Leuites n within ρ laaiobs jto- the poffeffion ofthe children of Ifrael.to'eri eight Γ"« *7 *»«« 1 i- . • I 1 ■ /- 1 , ffcaiteted thtoueft.. \ and tourtie with their luburbs. lo,,; ,1,^ ce„r.tiiy, 42 Thefe cities lay euery onefeueratymth^v/bichGoavM'' their fuburbs round about them ; fo were all thefe toihisend, that cities, his people TOght 43 ^ So the Lord gaue vnto Ifrael all the land which he had fworne to giuc vnto their fathers ; and they poflefledit, and dwelt therein, 44 Alfo the Lord gaue them reft round about according to all that hee had fworne vnto their fathers : and there flood not a man of all their enemies before them -.for the Lord deiiuered all their enemies into their hand, 4y * There failed nothing of all the good things, which the Lord had laid vnto the houfe of Ifrael,^«tallcame to pafl'e, CHAP. XXII, I Reubea, Gad , and tht hxtfe tttie tf ManaJJil• are fent agame to their pejfeffitns. to They btiilde an nltar fc\ amemoriaB. i; The Ifraeliteirefrecuetbm. ii Their anfivere for defence »f the fame, 'T' Hen a lortiua called the Reubenites , and tlif Gadites, and the halfe tribe of Manafleh 2 And laid vnto them , Ycehaue kept all thai Mofes the fcruant of theLordb commanded you .and h.iue Dheyedmyvoyrein all thatJ commaH• ded you : 3 You haue not forfiken your brethren tbij long feafon vnto tliis day ^but haue diligently bBl beinfliiidtdin the true icligteji by tkciR. *Ci*f,i).i4.ij, 3 Afttt tliat ilie " Iftaeliics enioyej the land of Cinaan, b which w2? to goe aHRtd'bcfott theit brcihien, Kiim.jt.t». Reuben m I Gad build an altar.Reuben Ghap .xxi),. and Gad accufed , mal^ mfwcre, 8 e He flieweth vlitrein tonfiftttl thefnlfiUingof the Ljw. d H« commendic th«mco G«d, and ^i^ycd fei tlitnl• t V/hichttnuy- aed at home and vent «ΟΜβ the V»atte,Num.ji, : I, Sam. 39,24.,^ iEir.Celihit, pU 1 peeple. 3 Meaning, God is not fully pacig- ■ foiafmiich as wickcdiiejrs uiiiioliKty, . ;ept the command jmenc of the Lord your God 4 And now the Lord hath giuen reft vnto your brethren , as hee promiled them : therefore now returne ye , and goe to your tents,to the land of your potiellion, which Moles the feruant of the Lord hath ''' giuen you beyond lorden, y But take diligent heede.to doc thecom- mandement and Law , which Mofes the feruant of the Lord commanded you : that ij,*th \t ye « loue the Lord your God , and walke in ^ή his w.iyes, and keepe his commandements , and cleaue vnto him, and ferue him with all your heart .and with all your fouie. 6 So lolliua d bleffed them, and lent them away, and they went vnto their tents. 7 f Now vnto one halfe ofthe tribe of Ma- nafTeh Mofes had giuen a poff^Jpon in Balhan : and vnto the other halfe thereofgauelolhua among their brethren on this fide lorden Weftward; therefore when lofliua fent them away vnto their tents, and bleffed them, 8 Thus he fpakc vnto them , faying . Returne with much riches vnto your tents, & with a great multitude of cattell, with filuer and with gold, with braffe and with yron , and vvith great abun- dance of rayment : diuide the fpoyle of your ene- mies with your « brethren. 9 5 So the children of Reuben , and the chil- dren of Gad , and halfe the tribe of Manaffeh re- turned , and departed from the children of Ifrael from Shiloh (which is in the Imd of Canaan) to goe vnto the countrey ofGilead to the landeof their poffeffion , which they had obteined accor- ding to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moies. 10 ί And when theycame vnto the t borders of lorden (which are in the kndofCan.ian) then the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and the halfe tribe of Manaffeh .built ί there an altar by Icrden,^ great altar to fee too. 11 ί when the children oflfrael heard fay. Behold , the children of Reuben , and the children of Gad, and the halfe tribe of Mansfleh hauc built an altar in the forefront of the land of Can.'.an, vpon the borders of lorden at the paffage ofthe children of Ifrael: 12 when thechildrenoflfraelheardit.then the whole Congregation ofthe children of Ifrael gathered them together at Shiloh , to goe vp s to warre againft them. 13 Then the children of Ifrael fent vnto the children of Reuben , and to the children of Gad, and to the halfe tribe of Manaffeh into the L.nde ofGilead.Phinehas thefonneof Eleazrr yPrieft, 1 4 And with him ten princes , of euery chiefe houle a prince . according to all the tribes of Ifa- el : for euery one was chiefe of their fathers hoiiiehold among the 11 thoufands of Ifrael. -1 r f Sothiy went vntothe children of Reu- ben , and to the children of Gad , and to the halfe tribe of Manaffeh .vnto the land of Gilead , and fpake with them, faying, l6 Thus fayth ^ the whole Congregation of the Lord , What tranfgrgfiion is this that ye haiie tranfgreffed againft the God of Ilrael , to turne away this day from the Lord , in that ye haue built you an altar for to rebell this day againft f Lord? J 7 Haue we too little for the wicfcedneffe •" of jPeor, whereof we are not > cleanfed vnto this day, Ithough a plague came. vpon the Congregation loftheLordi * inyear indje- jnent. feriu'te then God hath appointed, i» «be] I againft ' Sam.is.iJ. 1 8 Yee alfo are turned aw.iy this day from thi Lord:and feeing ye rebel to day againft the Lord euen to morrow he will be wroth with all the Congregation of Ifrael 19 Notwithftanding , if the land of your pof- feffion be '' vncieane, come ye oner vnto the land ofthe poffeffion ofthe Lord .wherein the Lords Tabernacle dwelleth , and take poflelfion among vs : but ί rebell not againft the Lord ,norrebeJl|.^°''^**""'f*•* n'ot againft vs in building you an aliid• , befide the altar ofthe Lord our God. 20 Didnot Achanthefonne of Zerahtrefpaffejeod; grieuoiifiy in the execrable thing , and wrath fell] on ■''all the Congreg.ition of Ilrael ? and this manj* ci^.r.i.s. alone »" perilbed not in his wickednes. "Γ %8"'^ϊ'"/' 21 f Then the childrenof Reuben .and the ρϊ;",';!;/;;;,";; children of Gad, and halfe the tribe of Manaffeh jfmlt.fonhefiult anfwered , and fayd vnto the heads ouer the thou- jef ir,«ny, aU ^oui* fandsofIir.iel, * p"" 2 2 The Lord God of gods , the Lord God of gods.he knoweth , and Ifrael himfelfe fliall know: if by rebellion , or by tranfgreffion againft the - Lor a we haue done it, (sLXiQ thou vs not this day. 23 If wee haue built vs an altar to returne away from the Lord , either to ofFef thereon burnt offering , or meate offering , or to offer peace offerings thereon , let the Lord " himfelfe re- cjuireit: 24 And if we haue not rather done it for feare of thh thing , faying , In time to come your chil- dren might fay vnto our children , What haue ye to doe with the Lord God of lifael? 25 For the Lord hath made lorden a border betweene vs and you, yee children of Reuben and of Gad: therefore ye haue no part in the Lord; ίο ftiall your children m-ikeour children " ceafe from fearing the Lord. 26 Therefore we fayd,\Ve will now goe about to make vs an altar , not for burnt offring , nor for facrifice, 27 But it iliall be a * witneffe betweene vs and!( you.and betweene our generations after vs, to ex- ecute the feruice ofthe Lord before him , in ouri burnt offerings , and in our facrifices , and in ouv peace offrings , and that youf children iliould not fay to our children in time to come , Yee haue noj part in the Lord. j 2 8 Therefore fayd we,If fo be that they iliouldj fe fay to vs , or to our Ρ generations in time tojp xhtyfignifiir come , then will wee anlwere , Behold the falbiorj wondetfiiUcars •■ of the altar of the Lord , which our fathers made J '^"'■'ί'Ί *"" '°' , i Β lethimpqnfCi Or, to πιτιΐϊ jaclic ftem th: txiic Cod, Ci4(>.i+.»7, a witneffe betweene vs and you. hat they might Kne in the 29 God forbid, that we ihould rebell againflj'""!""»"»»* the Lord, andtume this day .-iw.iy from the Lord, ^'°°• to build an altar far-burnt offering ,er for meatq ofiering, or for facrif;ce,f^ue the .->iiar of the Lord our God that is before his Tabernacle. J 30 ί And -wlien Phinehas thePrieft .andthij ■ princes ofthe Congregation and heads ouer tha thoufands ,uf Ifrael , which were with him , heard ■ the words'that the children of Reuben , andchil-i drc-n of Gad , and the children of Manaffeh Ipakcj f £*'•> »« e'tt i they were well content. . I »■ "««' i?". 3 1 And Phinehas the fonne of Eleazar thi Prieft faid vnto the children of Reuben , and ti the children of Gad , and to the children of Ma- ^ By preferefiig• naffeh. This day we perceiue, that the Lord is 1 a-! and goner«ing vt.*^ mong v3 , becaiife ye haue not done this trefpafle ^ ^''j"\^i ''**"?, againft the Lord : now yee haue tdeliuered the ^^ρ,^'^β^Γ cbiidjrenof lliucl out of the hand of the Lord . with yw», - - . 3* ITboi^.. ΙοίΤ: uf» J Or, wttnrjf. , it ■ ^ Elf.ttniinininia β Yotn«ye!iei- Mng witnerte. loihua rehcarficg Go 3s benefits J Or, cunlhfi ■f Etr. 4» Id? 75 affinUh. fjlion tvitbtbrlHo * Bxod.ii.ll. tiumh.il.ii. t Meaning . t5i«y ftj1l>«icoiuiniuU joiitdtfitiiftien, ■ f I di« according getht coucle of 1{ Moll cticaiscly 3^ ί Then rh'".Khs ihefonne of Eleizar the Prieft ^vith the Princes , returned from the chil- dren of Reuben, and from the children ofGad,oiit of the l:nd of GUend , vnto the knd of Canaan, to the children of Ifr.iel , and brought them anfwere. 33 And the 'jyntg pleaieJ che children of li- rael : and the chudren of Ifrr.eliJ blelfed God, and t rnindeJ ncttogoe jgainftthera inbatrcilfor to deftroy the Und, wherein the children of Reuhetj and Gad dwelt. 34 Then the children of Reuben , and the chil- dren of Gid called the altar U Ei/; for it Ihall be a witnelle becweene vs , that the Lord is God. C Π A P. XXII I. « Ιφ'ϋ» exktTUth the people , that they ioym not'thrm-• fellies tt the Gcaulfi. 7 thil they n.-tme itot thrir idolef, 14 Tit pamife if they feite Gud, tf «xU threat' . niHgs, if they foifake him. ANd a long ie.ifon after that the Lord had gi. uen reft vnto Ifrael from all• their enemies round about , and loflma was olde , and t ftricken in age, .% Then lofiuii called ail Ifrae! , and their El- ders , and their Heads, and their ludges , ^d their ofhccrs, and fayd vnto them, I am old,"i«ii ftricken in age. 3 Alio yes- haiie feene all that the Lord your God ha:h don^ vnro all thefe nations » before you , how the Lord your God himfelfe hath fought for you. 4 Beholde , Ϊ haue.D Ji'iided vnto you by lot thefe nations that remaine , to be an inheritance according to your tribes, from lorden .with all the nation; that I haue deftioyed , euen vnto the great Sea t Weitward. 5• And the Lord your God (Ivillexpellb them before you , snd cad them out of your fight , and j ye Ih dl polTelfe their land , as the Lord your God hath fayd vnto .vou. 6 Be 3'e therefore of \ valiant courage to ob- ierue and άοο. all that is written in the booke of the Law of Mofes , * that yee turne not therefrom to the right hand nor to the left, 7 Neither compiny with thefe nations ithat is , with them that are e left v/ith you , neither * make mention of the name of their gods ,<* nor caufe to fwcare^jr/)ew, neither feme them, nor bow vnto them: 8 But fticke faft vnto the Lord your God , as ye hane done vnto this day. 9 For the Lord hath caft out before you great nations and mighty , and no anan hath ftood be- fore your face hitherto. 10 * One man of vou ihall chafe athoufand: for the Lord your God he fighterh for you , as hee hath promifcd you. 1 1 Tike good heedc therefore vnto your t felues.thatyelouethe Lordyour God. 1 ζ Elfe , if ye goe backe , and cleai-ie vnto the reft of thefe nations ; iW/V, of them that remaine with you , and ihall || make marriages with them, and 0 goe vnto them, and they to you, 1 3 Know yee for certaine , that the Lord your God will caft out no more of thefe nations'frora before you:*but they Ihalbe a fnare Scdcrtruolion vnto you ,and a whip on yonr fides , and thornes in your * eyes , vutill yee perifliout of this good larid,which the Lord your God hath giuen you. 14 And behold .this day doe I ί enter into the ■way of all the world ,and yee know in all your « he-yns and. in all your foulcs , that f ngthing hi{h tOr,fttm!pt^ failed of a!! the good things which the Lord your God promifed you , 6»t all are come to paffe vnto you : nothino hath failed thereof. 1 ) Therefore as all Β good things are come vp- cr» you , which the Lord your God promifcd you, fo (hall theLord bring vpon you euery ileiiill thing, vncili hee haue i turtle backe Gods hue from hit Church, For now when the Ifraeliteswere en- iredinto the Und ef Canaan, andfivvthe trueth of Gods promtfe performed in^eadofacknovvlsd^igliisgre&t benepesandgtMng thankesfor the fame, they fell to mofl komble obliuion of Gods graces, contrary tt thei' folemiie prcm'fi made vntohfhua , and fo prouoked his vengeance (as much as in t'.em flood) to their vtierdefiruclteu. VVhereofas they had mcfl euident fgnes by the mutability of their flatf : (for lie fnffered them to be mujl cruelty •vexed and tormented by tyrants; he pulledthtrnfrimlibertie ,andc^ifi ilicm intof.aucrie,io the intent they might ftele their cwne miferies^and fo call vnto him and be deltuered.) So to f hew that his mercies endure for euerj:». ray fed vpfrtm time to lime fucls^s f bould deiiuer them , andaffure them of his fanour and grace, if they would Turnetohim bytrue repentance, ^ni thefe delhierers the Scripture calleth lodges ,becauf they i.-vrre execnters. vfGods iudiements, not chofen of the people nor byfuccejjs'ion.but raifed vp as itfeemed befl to God, for thegmer- ' nance of his people. They werefoureteene in number befdelof'hua,and goHenitd jrortt Jcfhua vnto Saul the fir (i. Kingof Ifrael. lofhUA and thefe vnto the time efSaul,rul<:d 7, jj yeeres.lnthis booi^ are many netable poyntsde- ilared,but tWe efpecially:fii (i,the batteli that the Church of God hath for the maintenance of true Religion againft" idolatry and fuperflition-.next , what great danger that common-wealth is jn, when as Godgiuethnot a. M*" giflrate to rettine his,peopL• in the pureneffeoj Religion and Us true fruice, - a Bytieiwdje- ;of Vrim^reSdel l.iH.jo.Num 37.21. 1 fam 2i.< iwho&aUbeoui CHAT. I. .jlfur Jtlbua W4i litai^ludah rvds einpitutecipiame. 6 yiimi-be:^tkh taken. 14 The rsijueH cf Achfah. i« The children e/Keni. »S The Can»Aitites ate maie•' .».;^,^y,fi, tutnctdtfixiyea. Fter that loihua was dead , the chil- dren of Ifrael » asked the Lord , fry- ing-,'' Wholhall goe vp forvs againft the Canaankes to -fight firft ^gaipft' them? be". 2 And the Lord fayd . iudah-ihail gpcTp hold , 1 h ;ue giuen the land into his hand. 3 And Iiidah lay d vnto Simeon his* brovhet:, Come vp with me into my lot, that we m.-!y fight againft the Canaanites : andl likewife will goe with thee into thy lot : fo Simeon went with hiaj. 4 Then Ind^h went \γ, and the-Lord deliucred theCanaanites and the reiizzites into their hands^ | andtsicy fjcw of them in Bewli I'eq fhoufanditw , i-ia roit.'tf ftiicof•?' Simeon had theli -' jthititancewithiA""- he tribe of Jadab^i^ 1 SL jAdohi-bezek taken . Achfahs fequeft» TaJges. Canaanites dwell with thelfraelites. ► e VVKicJi wasaf cttvticd builc againe , andjoiref-^ ied by [he Icbullce ', «biiiu or.tbtUri„f '; 5 And they founJ 0 Adoni-bezek m Bezek; "**' j -and they fought againft him , and flew the Canaa- nites, and the Perizzkes. I 6 But Adoni-bezek fled , and they purfued ?,f- ' a This wa> Go*i \ ter him.and caught him,and «^ cut ofF the thiirabes iuft K.dgemcni -ail ^^f j^j^ ^ands and of his feete. t^hirX^lt^s. 7 And Adoni-bezek faid . Seuencie Kings ha- he had done, fo 1 uing the thumbcs of their hands 5cof their fcetc ifiid he leceine, cut off, gathered iiread vnder my table : as I haue j I i.""c• H- '»>«»• , done, fo God hath rewarded me , lo they brought I himtolerufalam, and there he died. I I 8 {Now the children of ludah had fought j againft lerufalem , and had taken it and fraiten it ί with the edge-of the iword, and had iet thee city on fire. ) Ρ Τ Afterward alfo the children of ludah I went downs to fight againft the Canaanites , that i dwelt in the mountaine ,and tovv'ard the South, ' and in the low countrey. I ο And ludah went againft the Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron , which Hebron before time was called* Kiriath-arbarand they flew f Shefliai, and Ahiman , and Talmai. II And from thence hee went to the inhabi- tants of Debit , and the name of Debir in old time was Kiriath-fcpher. 12 And Caleb fayd , Hee that fmiteth Kiriath- fepher, and taketh it,euen to him will I giue Ach- fah my daughter to wife. 13 And Othniel the fonne of Kenaz Calebs yonger brother tooke it , to whom he gaue Ach- fahhis daughter to wife. j 14 And when Ihee came to him , fliee raooued ^l{Wai«l*0>.>s»|hira toaske ofher father a field , Sand flie lighted off her afle , and Caleb faid vhto her . what wilt ihou? 1 5: And flie anfwered him,Giue me a bleffing: for thou haft giuen me a South countrey, giue me alfo fprings of water : and Caleb gaue her the fprings aboue, and the fprings beneath. 16 f And the children of _•> Keni Mofes father in law went vp out of the citie of the palme trees with the children ofludah, into the wilderneffe Num.. 0.1» ^ξ ludah, that lieth in the fouth ofArad,and went and dwelt among the people. 17 But ludah went with Simeon his brother, and they flew.etheCanaanites that inhabited Ze- phath , and vtterly deftroyed it , and called the name of the citie * Hurmah. 18 Alfo ludah tooke > Azzah with the coafts thereof, and Askelon with the coafts thereof , and Ekron with the coafts thereof.. 1 9 And the Lord was with ludah , and he pof- fefled the mountaines : for hee could not driue out the inhabitants of the valleyes , becaufe they hadcharetsofyron. 20 And they gaue Hebron vnto Caleb , as •'*Μοΐ65 had fayd.andhe expelled thence the three fonnes of Anak. r* '^'f*' u ! 2,1 But the children of Beniamin did not caft L^«ibeonu",h jout the lebiifites . that k inhabited lerufalem: had burnt ii.ihey j therefore the lebulues dwell with the children built M?g»ine. ) of Beniamin in lerufalem vnto this day. 22 1 They alfo that were of the houfeoflo- feph , went vp to Beth-el , and the.Lord was with them, aj And the*houfe of lofeph caufed toviewe ■^»,»8.!^?, Beth-el(and the name of the city before tirae^wdi *Luz.) 24 And the fpies faw a man come out of the tCiti^i and they fayd vnto him. Shew vs , wee pray Ih This wasonte' «he names of Mo- ftsfailieiiabw. * S^mh. f,i. ί i Thtfe citie s and ethers were after - watd polTenVd of she Philiftims, t, Sam. «,17. thee , the way into the citie , * and wee will fliew * i»fli.». i* theetBcrcie.* 25• And when hee had (hewed them the way into the citie , they fmote the citie with the edge of the fword.but they let the marr and all his houHiold depart. 26 Then -the man went into the land of the Hirtites .and built a citie, and called thenime thereof Luz , which is the name thereof vnto this! day. I 27 f * Neither did ManaiTeh deftroy Beth-fhe-;* lofli.ir.trj an with her townes , nor Taanach with her towns, i nor the inhabitants- of Dor with her townes , nor j the inhibitantsof Ibleam with her towns, neither k wherefore coi the inlftbitants of Migiddo with her townes ;! but petmitted ihe ca- the Can lanites dwelled ftill in that land. eiiunVhe'iir/" 28 Neuerthelefle when Ifrael was ftrong they [eadechap.l?^' put the Canaanhes to tribute. , and expelled them not wholly, l 29 ί * Likewife Ε phraim expelled not the Ca- P""'•'*•'*' naanires that dwelt in Gezer , but the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among them. 30 ί Neither did"» Zebulun expell the inha- bitants of Kitron , nor the inhabitants of Naha- lol , but the Canaanites dwelt among them , and became tributaries. 3 1 ί Neither did Aflier caft out the inhabitants of Accho , nor the inhabitants of Zidon , nor of Ahlab , nor of Achzib , nor of Hclbah , nor of A- phik, norofRehob, 32 But the Aflierites dwelt among the Canaa nites the inhabitants of the land : for they did not driue them η out. 33 ^ Neither did Naphtali driue out the inha- bitants of Beth-fliemefli , nor their inhabitants of Beth-anath , but dwelt among the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land: Neuerthelefle the inhabi- tants of Beth-fliemefli , and of Beth-anath became ■tributaries vnto them. 34 And the Amorites 0 drone the children of Dan into the mountaine : fo that they fuffered them not to come downc to the valley. 35: And the Amorires 0 dwelt ftill in mount Heres in Aijalon , and in Shaalbim , and when the °hand of loicphsfamiliepreuailed , they became tributaries: 3^ And the coaft of the Amorites was from Maaleh-akrabbim,e«fefroraP Selah and vpward. CHAP. II. 1 The Angel rehuketh the people, iecmfe they haimAie feice ntth the Canaumtes. ii The IfrAilitei felt to tiolatry after lofhuas dexth. 14 They are dliuerei into the enemies hani^: 16 G i dcltueteth them by Ifdies. II }Vh} Cod fuffered idelaten tc remaine amaw ihern A Nd an ' Angel of the Lord came vp from Gil- gal to Bochim.and fayd, I made you to goe vp out of Egypt, and haue brought you vnto the land which I had fworne vnto your fathers , and fayd, I will neuer breake my couenant with yoiu 2 ■" Yee alfo fliall make no coiienant with the inhabitants of this land , * but fliall breake downe their altars : but yee haue not obeyed my xxiyce Why haue ye done this? , 3 wherefore , I fayd alfo , I will nor caft them out before you , but they u^zWht * as thomes vnto your fides,8c their gods flialbe yourlj deftrudlion, 4 And when the Angel of the Lord fpake thefe words vnto 'all the children of Ilhel, the people lift vp their voyce, and wept. ρ Therefore they .ca).leci the name of that place tn That is, tkt tibe of Zebulim Ifo robe va- ieiaoodofcheuft* Ititmad/mem lay tribute »s the icheij did. iOt,affti0athem, Β Or, would dauB, Meaning, wht: le Was Rtongei :lien they. Which was a fitiein Atibii, IS feme tcadt* Stomilit todte. Ϊ Thjtit.melSn orptophet , as : tbiatt Phi- nebas. *Dfirt.7.a. *Deiit,il.i, ■/i/S 13.15. Or.fnm, k Afiet (hit he haj diiiiiei loenety m» hijpoitionlf his inheritance, to piiflefle tho land. lo(,io3). >+'•>• c Met«iBg.t1ie *»endeH»BdjnU» i Hetei.by tntniaj the letccii blck «tracd ill Sereh l+.JO. Chap. MI. place, 0 Bochim, and offered iacrificcs there vnto the Lord. 6 ^ Now when lodiwa had*• Tent the people away ,the children of Ifrael went enery man into "^^tiSia.lSglont £M717 " " C Η A p. 1 1 Γ. j The CMaxtiitei vtie lefttittielfmel. » Oihniel fie-\ iiuertthlfrael. xi EhitakilUtb Κιη^Ε^ίϋΠ. ji Sh*m.\ £«r k'ilteh thi rhthfiims. Ύ Hefe now are the nations which the Lord •*• lefc.that he might prooiie Ifrael by thfcra(««;«|,',^.^'^5b^% 7 And the people had ferued the Lord all the dayes ofloihtia , and all the dayes of the Elders that oiitliued lofl-iuj, which had feen all the great * works of the Lord that he diil for Ifrael. S But lolhua thefonneofNunthefeniantof the Lord died , when he was an hundreth and ten yeeresold: 9 And they buried him in the coaftes of his inheritace.iri'i Timnath-heres in mount Ephrairti, on the Northlide of mount Gaalh. I ο And fo all that generation , was gathered vnto their fathers , and another generation arofe ,hem, to wit , whether tkey wou'ld'obey the com- i after them, which neither knew the Lord, nor yet ι mandements of the Loid , which he commanded as many «///'■«*/ as had not knowen all the i war- hand of God, Jh4 res of Cana.m, iioi by ihcpowet 2 Onely to make the generations of the chil- ^^ "'"^ .^ dren of Ilrael to know , and to tench :hem warre, L• el'd.lldh. which doubtleile their predeceflbrs knew •> not. ) foiijin iotitsin. 3 Fine princes of the Philiftims , and all the | Canaanitci, and the Sidonians , aid the Hiuites that dwelt in mount Lebanon , from mount Baal- hcrmon vntiil onecome to Ham.uh. | 4 And thefe remained to prooue Ifrael by ' their fathers by the hand of Mofes y And the children of IlraeJ dwelt among the Canaariites , the Hittites , ?iid the Amorites , and and the Hiuites , andthelcbu-j the wctkes which he had done for Ifrael 1 1 ' ^ Then the children of Ilrjel did wickedly in the fight of the Lord.and ferued e B.ialim, \z And forfooke the Lord God of their fa- i the Perizzites thers , which brought them out of the land of E-; fites, ι gypt, Sc followed other gods, euen the gods of the j Tlv. η ihe lent and cslled j>arak tl>e fonne of Λ1 \io.-!moutofKedtlhcfN.ipht,;li . ..nd laid vn- to him , H.;i h not the Lord God of Ilrael i. com- m;inded , βψΊ,% , Goe , and draw toward mount Tjbo•.• , and take viith thee ten lUquiand.tDenof the children ofNaphtali , and of the children of Zebulun: 7 And I will draw vnto thee to the*0riue4: Kirtion , Sifera , the captaine of I abins armic- with his chare ts. and his multitude.and »νϋ1 deliuerhim into thine h'tid. 8 And Bar ik faid vnto her , elf thou wilt go with me, I will goe ; but if thou wilt not go with me, I will not goe. 9 Then (liee anfwered, I will furely goe with thee.but this i iirney that thou takeft, Ihallnotbe for thine honour: for the Lord ihall fell Sifera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arofe and went with Barr=k to Kedell•, 10 . 'And Barak called Zebulun andNaphtali to Kedefli , and 8 he went vp on his feete with ten thoufand men.and Deborab went vp with him 11 (Now HebertheKenite.which wasoftbe D childrenof "^ Hobab the father in law of Mofes, w s departed from the t Tenites, ap.d pitched his tentfvntill the plaine of Zaanaim, which is by Kedefli.) 12 Then they IliewedSifera , that Barak the fonne ofAbinoam was gone vp to mount Tabor, 13 And Silera called for ail his charets , euen nine hundreth charets of yron , and all the jKopIe that were with him from Harolliethof the Geii- tiles.vnto the riuer Killion 24 Then Deborah faid vnto Barak, £ Vp. .: fori g she flfil eJi£o«-- this is the day that the Lord hath dcliuered Siieia!ta»eihhim to thii JOr, yj^,; Ϊ Fearing Ms ewxc weaitnes and his crnies power, hee (ireih me piophe- ΐειΓί lOfOe wiih - im to afTiiti Wrtr f Gods mil from time to limt. ■•■ N«-n.,o.2!,. t Eirr. from Kjih. i Meaning, that be poiTefTed a grci» , art ot that COMB- uejr. PfaLfSA», l whpfc ancitef» Were firajigers, tni Woifli/pp^d the ittie God.zrd therefat* into thine hand. Is not the Lord gone out before thee ? So Barak went downe from mount Tabor, and ten houfand men after him. I τ And the Lord deftroyed Sifera and all his chaiets , and all his ho.fte with the edge of the fword before Barak , fo th-^t Si iera lighted dow ofr his charet.and fled away onliis feete. 16 Bm * Barak pitrfued after the chrrets, and after the ho.fte vnto Haroilieth of the Gentiles and all the haafte of Sviera fell vpon th; edge of thefword: there was not J m..-irrleft. 17 Howbeit Sifera fledde away on his feete to thstentof laelthewifeof •" Hdber the Kenite : (for peace z/t/iij betwcene labin the king ofHa- 2cr , and betweene the houie of Heber the Ke- nite.) 1 8 And lael went out to mcetc Sifera.and faid ■ vntohim, Turne in, my lord^turne.in tome: feare not. And when he had turned in vnto her into her rent, fr.e couered him with a il mantel], 19 And he laid vnto her,Giueme,I pray thee, a little w^ter to drinke : for- 1 am thirify. And Ihe opened * a bottle of milke , and gaue him drinke, andcoiieredhim. 20 Againe hee fay d vnto her , Stand in the doore of the tent , aiid when any man doeth come and enijuire of thee , faying, Is 'any man therei thou Ibilt fay, Nay.- 21 • Then laei Hebers wife tooketii naile of & xhar the tent, and tooke a hamtnerinher hand , and "^',*/;,"^^''.'''' went foftly vnto him , and Iniote the nsik into his IheTroimd? temj>)es , andfiftcned it inrothegro'.md.vforhel \VJ5 faft allecpcnnd wearie)aiid_/i>he died. 2-2 Αηςί behold, as Barak purfued after Sifera, . lael came out to meete him , and fayd vnto hjrn. Come , and 1 will fliew thee the man , whom thou fetritt 23 .So God brought downe labin the king of ^ wcman had tjie Canaan that day before the children of Ifrael. - τ-ι— erptif,bvam.. ring, him of Gods fauoat and xHt^ Ot, ilMkil.- Chip 5.1$. ί Γο Wit, Sifera, ijiwaii iiiai tiay oeiote tf>c enimren or iiraei. fcioih'fifd 24.. And thtj h«ule cf ;he chili x-n of Ifrael F ' 1 profpered, [ TfeeiongO'Pebor^ 'Chag.V.Vt The Midianites opptcf e lirael. po f th wini Mi £ To wit,lhe two oftcsofzebuliui > Exod.xj.i». * Chap. 3. 3•. » Chap.4.•». k Totfcueof Ae t profperei, and pisuailedegaiiift labtn the king cf Canaan.vntill they had deftroyed labin king of •CaBaan. CHAP. V. tiSfif. Τ Hen fang Deborah , and Barak the fonne of Abinoim the fame day, faying, 2 Praifs yee the Lord for the auenging of If- rael , *nii for the a people that offered therafelues willingly. ,. ^ , 3 Heare.ye kings.hearken ye princes : l.eueit I will fing vnto the Lord ; I will fing praife vnto the Lord God of Ifrael. 4 Lord,* when thou wenteft cur of Seir.when then departedft outofthefieldcf * Edora , the earth trembled, and the heauens rained, the clou- des alfo dropped water. y * The mountaines melted before the Lord, * as did that Sinai before the Lord God of IfraeL 6 In the dayes of ^ Shamgar the fonne of A- nath , in the dayes of* lael, the hie waye< were einedvpof God topiiie ihemaxd ίιΙΐΒίΐΛειη. a rhty had ho to uCiH iheii haft marched vaKantlv. 12 Then %vere ide her fe hocuesbrcktn will: the oft beating together of tReir raightie men 23 Curfcyeet Mercz: (iaidthe An^elof the Lord) curfe the inhabitants thereof.becaufe they came not to helpethc Lord , toheipe the Lud againft the mightie. 14 lael the wife of Hcber the Kenite Q-sallbee bleffed aboue ctt.er women : bleffed ihall ihee be aboue women dz> veiling. it\ tents. 2 J He asked water,«« TOocctipied , and the trauellers walked through \ ret lo long a comroing? why taiy the || wheeles of rtwsjacltieBc•• Tabci.v.hcCe iheyUusbt. r Some^eude cMr- BedmiltiiBlf"** f Eir, d/fiffii, £a> ill dill get of yout eftemiei. SFei no v»y «">«'" taw wifeiwi^ou feate of youi ene- mies. fc,To v»it; them that kept thy pee- fle is capiiuiae. a loQiua fit!» foii^i igainfl Amalek.aiC Saal dearoy(:d him ^d heipe to fight 1 Enen tks whole tribe. Β She ttprecoith all ihem ihst cime to hclpe ihfii b: thien in iheii neeefiicie. ο Eithet by beating •fthefei.otby-^^ aiag^ Ρ Thiywantieno- ihing,biitlo>alI. q As a b^fome doerh th^ filth of «ehouTe. bywayes. , 7 The townes were not inhabited: they deca- ' yed , I pj . in Ifrael , vntill I Deborah came vp, which rofe vp a c mother in Ifrael: 8 They chofe new gods : then war warre in th.e gates. Was there a d ibield orfpeare feene among fonrtie thotifand of Ilrael? 9 Mine heart isfet on the goiiernours of Ifrael, and on them that are willing among the people: praiieyetheLord, 10 Spe.ike ye that ride one white afles , ye that dwell f by Middin, & that walke by the way. 1 1 For the noife of tlie archers appuifed among the g drawers of water: there rtiall they rehearfa f righteoiifnefi'e of the Lord ,his righteouihcfleof his townes in Ifrael : then did the people of the Lord goe downe to the gates. j 1 2 Yp Deborah, vp.arife, and fing a fong;arife B.irak , ami leaded thy csptiuicie captiii• , thou | fonne of Abinoara. ' 1 3 Fur they that remaine.h jue dominion ouer the mightie of the people : tbcLordhathgiiien me dominion oner the ftrong. 14 Of Ephraim» their roote Λτββ againft Ama- lek •.aridsftii thee Beniamin/W/^lAi againft thy people ,0..^»μ/!?/!^, of Μ chir came rulers, and of i Enen Ac learme^ Zebulun , they that handle the penne of the ^ \^ri- \ ter. I I f And the princes of IiTachar were with De- borah , End 1 liTachar, and alfo Β \rak : hee was ie: • j on his feet in the valley: for the diuiiions of Reu- \ m They maraeiled J b«" ^^' great m themghtS ofhearr. that they iime noil 16 Why aboadcftthcu among the fiiecpefoids, etiei lotdon fo j to heare the bleatings of the flocks ? for the diui- heipethem. | jj^^j ofReuben ΐ/ζ/ίτβ great thoughts of heart. 1 7 " Gilead aboade beyond lorden : and v<'hy doeth Dan remaine in ibippes ? Alher fate on the fca ilioare.and taried in his ° decayed places. 18 But the people of Zebulun and Xaphtali haue ieoparded their lines vnto the death in the hie. places of the field. 19 The KitTgs came and foirght : then fought the Kings of Canaan in Tanaach by the waters of Megiddo: they receiued no gaine ofp money. 20 They fought from heauen, fiien theftanes in their courfes fought againft Sifera. 2 1 The Riuer Kilhon Ef-aalt"'»*' zah.andieft nofoode forIfrael,πeitherί^.eep..;,nϋIl ^^•^^''>^^^^ oxe , nor affe. J For they went vp.and their cattell , & c-mq with their tents ;!s gralboppers in multitud;; : fq that they and theii camels were without numberJ and they came intu the land -o deftroy it. 1 6 So was Ifrael exceedingly impouerirred byl the MidLuiites : therefore the* children cfliiiei cryed vnto the Lord. 1 7 ί And when the children of Ifrael cryed ' vnto the Lord becaufe ofthe Midiankes, I ',,,.. -„„ f^^^ 8 The Lord fcnt vnto the childrenr f Ifr.ielehjpeolhim, Prophet.who layd vntothem,Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael , I haue brought you vp fro Egypt, .^ & hai?ebrought you out ofthe houfe cf bcnd.ige, .9 And I haue deliiiered you out of die hand | \ e This j'i the eadj of Gods puiiilh- mencs.ioijUhi* ]toicpei.ta3ice,rh»t S chil flight. «ftrhiscimtiiet fdifiviin.biitcf rtikerenr. of faith, which is in ihc jnoftptrfeA : for ao mui in chis life «aphauea p« i«i.h; >etth drcn ofGtdhaii» niie faith , wh«t; not obeyed my voice. I ί And the Angel of the Lord came , and fate vnder the oke which was in Ophmh.that per-' ined vnto loaih the father of the Ezritcs.and his fon Gideon thrdhed wheate by the winepreile, (I to hide it from theMidi-nites. I 2 Th',-n the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him.and faid vnto him, The Lord is with thee.thou valiapt man. 13 To whom Gideon anfwered , "^ Ah my Lord , if the Lord be with vs, why then is all this come vpon vs? 8c where be ;:11 his miracles which our fathers told vs of , and find, Did not the Lord bring vs our o£ Hgypt?but now the Lord htth for- f ikcn vs.and deliuercd vs into the hand of the Mi- di.tnites. 14 And thee Lordlooked vpnnhim.andfaid. Go in this thy f might , and thou Ihalt fauc Israel out of the handes of the Midi..nites : hdue not I .fentthee? 1 5: And he anfwered him, Ah my Lord.where- by Cliall I faue Ifrael ? behold,my H father is poore in Msndifeh , and I am the leait in my fathers heufe. 16 Then the Lord faid vnto him, I will there- fore be with thee , and thou Ihalt fmite the Midia- nltes.asoneman, 17 And hee anfwered him , I pray thee , If I haue found fauour in thy fight , thenfhewmee 8 a figne, that thou talkeft with me. i 8 Depsrt not hence, I pray thee,vntil I come vnto thee , and bring mine offering, and lay it be- fore thee. And he iaid.I will tary vatill thou come j figaine, I 19 ί Then Gideon went in , and made readie a kidde floure , and put the fleih in a basket , and put the broth in a pot , and brought it out vnto him vnder the oke, and prefented it. ! 20 And the Angel of Goifayd vnto him,Take - the fled, and the vnleauened bread , and lay them "Pon this ftcne , and powre out-thc broth : and he did fo, 2 1 ί Then the Angel of the Lord put foorth- ihc end of the ftaffe that h^ held in his hand , and touched the fledi and the vnleaiiLined bread : and there arofe vp fire » out of the ftone,and confumed the flefli and the vnleauened bread , fo the Angel of the Lord departed out of his fight. 22 And when Gideon psrceiued that it was an Angel of the Lord , Gideon th<.n faid , Alas , my Lord God: ■" for becaufe I haue fcene an Angel cf the Lord face to hQsJfhalldie. 23 And the Lord iaii vnto him .Peace be vn- to thee : feare not, thou lh.tlt not die. I 24 Then Gideon made an Jlt.ir there vnto the ' Lord, and called it, 8 lehonah-llv.lom : vnto this i day it is in Ophwh.ofthe father of the Ezrites. , 2i S And the famt; night the Lord laid vnto < him.Take thy f ithcrs young buiL.cke.and anorkr i bullocke^ofreuenyeeres olde , and dellroy the ' altar of Baal 1 tha-ahyfatiier hath, andcut downe i die groue that is by it, af^Ao4 build an altar vnto the Lord thjGpd ' Xieaniiig, tli e faj 3nll,vvhich was kipitobecfftti vpon the top of this rocke, in aplaine place : and take the fecond huUocke, ?!C offer a burnt offering with the wood of the lgroue,which thou fhalt cut downe. 27 Then Gideon tooke ten iren of his feruants, and did as the Lord bade him ; but becaufe hce feared to doe it by d,;y for his fathers houitold, and the men of the citie,he did it by night. 28 ί And when the men of the citie arofe ear- ly in the morning , behoide , the altnr of Baall was broken , and the groue cut downe that was by it, L and them fecond buUocke offered vpon the altar that was made. . 29 Therefore they faid one to another , Who """-β^^ hath done this thing? and when they had inquired and ai ked , they faid , Gideon the lonne of lo^lh hath done this thing. ? Q Then the men of rhe citie faid vnto loaibs Bung out thy fonne , that he may die for he hatb dcllroyed rhe altar of Baall,& hathalfb cut downe the groue that was by it. 3 I And loilh laid vnto all that flood hy him. Will yee plead Baals caufe- or will yee lane him? η he that will contend for him , let him die or the morning. If hee be God , let him ple.ide for him- felfe againft him that hath call downe his altar. 3 ζ And in that day was Gideon called lerub- baall , that is , Let Bail piead fur himleife becule he hath broken downe his It r. 3.3 , Then all rhe MiJi.^nites and the Araakki- tes, and they of the Eail , were gathered together, and went and pitcjjed in the vailey of Izieci. 34 Bur the Spirit of the Lord t ^ame vpon Gideon , * and.he blew a trumpet, and ° Abiezer was ioyned with him. 3 ί And he fent meffengers thorowout all Ma- nailch , which was alfo ioyned with him , and hee fent meUengers vnto Alber , and to Zebulun and! toNephtdli,and they came vp to meet them, » Thns.weeBgut; tilifiethtm hatatiifalont of God. cafe, thoiigK alliht multitude b« againft v>. lIHr.,t»iCH„ni. \ '°''•* £hap.3,t7. The familie of i .. Abitier,whete*f-i he was ρ This rcqute proceeded rote• V inhdeliiie.batilhaf» He mighi be con- firmed jn his vo- caiiojj. 36 Then Gideon laid vnto God, Ρ If thou wilt and vnleauened bread of an ^ Ephah of , faue lirael by mine hand,as thou haft laid, 37 Behold , I will put a fleece of wooll in the threfl'iing place : ifthqdewe come on thcneece onely.and it be drie vpon all the earth , then ibcl I be Aire, that thou wiltjfaue Ilr.iel by mine hand,aS| thou halt faid. 3 8 And fo it was: for he rofe vp earely on the morow, and thruft ^ fleece together.and «ringed the dew out of f fleece, & filled a bo'wie of water. 39 Againe, Gideon faid vnto God, Be not an-U cen. 18,35; grie with me , that * I may Ipeake once more : let me proue once againe, I pray thee, with y fleece: let it now bee drie onely vpon the tkece , and let dew be vpon all the ground. 40 And God did lo that fame night: for it was 9 drie vpon the fleece cnely , and there was dewe on all the ground. CHAP. VII. 2 The Ltri ctmmanietb Gidetnte fend aw4y λ (real pert tf fits (tmfanj. ai The Miiiin.tti »tt difctmfitei bj Λ I wnir»»yfirl. ά; Oreb ani Zeth »re fiatHt, \ 'pHen * lerubbaall (who is Gideon) role vp ea- l ^ ■*• rely , and all the people that were withhim, Γ ""'-''^J•' and pitched beiide t the well of Harod.fo that the I «r. js».»*,,^, hoafte of the Midianites was on the Northfidtofj them.in the valley by thehill of t Moreh. S Wr.H«wi«»w»^ 2 And the Lord faid vnto Gideon.The people. that are with thee, are too many fori-neeiogiue the. Midianites intGthdr hands , left Ilrael make their 1 Whereby Jie . wasanured that it nasamiiadt of eod. Cfiap a^Cod WiUnottha »«7 aevate depihi Iiim of his glory » Dent ao.8. i l^willEieeibet «toefe loinow „l4ii]ue, «f vnmeeitionhi 9 Trti»tii,'iiee«e «ndthiitieihbu- their » Vaunt againft me, and fay. Mice haad hath faued me. 3 Now therefore proclaimein the audience of die people , snd fay , * Who fo is timorous or fearefiiU , let himreturne , and depart early from mount Gilead. And there returned of the people which were at mount Gilead , two and cwentie thoufand; fo ten thouiand remained. 4 And the Lord faid vnto Gideon , The peo- ple are yet too many: bring them downe vnto the water , and I will!) trie• them for thee there : and of whom I fay vnto thee. This man ilall goe with thee, the fame Iball goe with thee : and of whora- iceuer I fay vnto thee , This maaltall not goe ■with thee.the fame fr.all not goe. 5" So he brought downe the people VRto the water. And rhe Lord faid vnto Gideon, As many as lap the water with their tongues.as a dog lappetb, them put by thtmfelues , and eucry one that (hall bow ilowne his knees to annkc,cput apart, 6 And the number of them that lapped i>y putting their hands to their mouthes,trT/iri three himdreth men : biu alltheremnantof the people kneeled downevpon their knees to drinke water, ■7 Τ Then the Lord fayd vnto Gideon, By thefe three hundrcth men that lapped , will I laue yon, and deliner the Midianites into thine hand : and let all the other d people goe eueiy man vnto his place. ίτ!!»ί5.ιΛ•νίΑοΐ7 flialbttheLcrdsuU GiJeOBShis-fet- OlDC, x^oie'verfeT »«
  • •i Seme rea Je, ( (JembHng noife of barlfy biead : mea- sing.thacnneof so ie;iitation Aieiild make thcit f Or, {Me God thanies, ai it is ί 4b«Cbaldete«. fh Thefe wealie gncanes Gedv&d and their trumpets : andhefentajl thereftoflf- rael ,euery man \-ntohis tent , and 0 reteined the three hundreth men : and tbeboafl of Midian was beneath him in a valley, 9 f And the fame night the Lord faid vnto him , Arife, « get thee downe vnro the hoafte : for I haue deliuercd it into.thine hand. 10 But if thou feare to gee downe , then goe thou, and Phurah thy feruant dov»nc to the hoafte. 1 1 And thou (tait hearken what they lay , and fo flnall thine hands be rtrong to go downe vnto the hoafte. Then went hce downe and Phurah his fcriiant vntothe outfide of the fouldiers that were in the hoafte, 12 ί And the Midianites.and the Amalekites and all * they of the Eaft , lay in the valley like gralhoppers in multitude , and their caroeisfver* without number , as the fandwhichis.by the fea fide for multitude. 13 And when Gideon was come, beholde , a man told a dreame vnto his neighbour , and faid. Behold , I dreamed a dreame , andloe . af cake of barley bread tumbled from aboue into f hoafte of Midian , and came into a tent , and imote it that it fell , and ouerturned it , that the tent fell downe, 14 And his fellow anfwered, and faid. This is nothing elfe faue the fword of Gideon the ibnne of loalh a manoflfrael : for into his hand hath God deliuered Midian and nil the hoafte. If ί When Gideon hevrd the dreame tolde, and die interpretation of the fame , he g worlhip- p,ed , and returned vnto the hoafte of lirael , and faid , Vp : for the Lord hath deliuered into your hand the hoafte of Midian. 1 6 And hee diuided the three hundrcth men into three bandes , and gaue euery man a trumpet in his hand with cmptie pitchers , asjdJllampes * within the pitchers. 1 7 And he faid vnto tliem, Looke on me, ind Δο Ijkewife.wben 1 come to the fide of the hoafte: VHL enen as I doe.fo doe you. 1 8 _ when I blow with a trumpet and all that are with me , blow ye with trumpets alio on eue- ry fide of the hoafte , and fay, i For the Lord, .:nd for Gideon. 19 ' So Gideon and the hundreth men that were with him , came vnto the outfide cf the, hoafte , in the beginning of the middle v/atch,and' they railed vp the watchmen, and they blew with their trumpets ., and brake the pitchers that were in their hands. 20 And the three companies blew with trim pete and brake the pitchers , and held the lampcs io their lefchands , and the trumpets in their right handes to blowe witfaall : and they cry ed , The * fword of the Lord and of Gideon, 21 And they ftood , euery man in his place Uemies. round about the hoafte: and all the hoafte fi ranne, ||| or , if*h, ti« and cryed.and fled. \tr^. 22 And thethreehundreth blew with trum- pets , and ■♦' the Lord fet ctiery mans fword vpon his 1 neighbour, and vpon all the hoafte : fo the ^ ., . hoafte fled to Beth-halhittah ii: Zcreiah , "^^^ to ,^^"^^^^^'"' the border of Abel-rachoLih.vnto Tabbath 2:5 Then the men of Iliael being gathered to- } gether out of Naphtali , and^ouc of A.lier , and out l of ail ManalVeh.purfued after the Midianites. j ■24 And Gideon fent meflengers vnto all mount 1 Ephraira, faying.Come downe againft the Midia- I nites , and take before them the •" Beth-barah and lorden. Then all the men of E- taVag'es'o't'Se phraim gathered together and tooke die waters ' ' vnto Beth-b.irah,and lorden. j.<; And they tooke two * princes of the Mi- ψ μλ s ί shall detreytl waters vnto ^^^i^„,.„g, tdt , that thhn wntildbeiid βlι^of th^irpaine a ontcot clteto ^ati: a valiant man copiicihemtQ ddjli». . .(1 Or , »ΙΙλ•ι. . sn Xhit is , thy . Joftetitic, ■Λ His intent was lO.Qiew himleUe ihaiikiiultioith:'! «idoiiebyieftotir •f ;cligion . wh ci ieiK'leit was pot iceo.'ding ai '•οΑ 5iad co-nmjnd.d, iu:ncd 10 thiiit Α^ηπιΛίοΗ. « ThK is.luth •hings a; jeuiivc teihcvfeotih," Tav-einatle. Lo(»i jnotoof Ephod, •Ixod.i8.+ i- Mml.iS. and, :;ira.i •+ aaj,'. Τ An.! he went vp dience toTeniie] .and pake vnro them likewile ,and the men of Fennel mfwered him, as the men of Succoth anfwe/ed, 9 And feee faid alfo vnto the men of Penuel, VVhin I come again e 'in peace , I wjllbreake Jownethis towre. . ' t Now Zjbah and Zalmiinm t/fire g in ' Karkor.and their hoaftes with rhem , about fif- teene thoiifand.all that wete left cf all the hoftes of them of the Eaft : for there was ilaine anhun- drethand tw^-nty chouiand m;n, that drew fwords. 1 1 ί And Gideon went through them that dwelt in h Tabernacles on the Eaftiide ofNobah end logbihah, and fmete the hofte : for the hofte was caicJefle. And when Zebah and Ζ ilraunna fied , hee folio'.ved after them , and tooke the two kings of Midian,Zebih and Zaimunna, and difcomtited all the hofte. 13 1 So Gideon the fonneofloalh returned from battel!, i the funue being yet hie, 14 And tookeaferumt of the men of Succoth, and enquired of him : and hee 0 wrote to him the princes of Succoth and the Elders thereof ,f«5» feuenty and ieuen men. 1Γ And he c.;me vnto the men of Succoth, and fiid. Behold Z.bih, andZalmunna.by whomyee vpbraided me, faying. Are the hnndsof Zebah.and Zilmanm already in thine hinds , that wee ll^ould giue bread vnto thy weary men? 1 5 Then he tooke the Elders of the citie , and thornes of the wil JerneiTe , and briers , and t did teare the m^>n of Succoth with them. 17 Alio hee brake downe the towre of ""Pe- nuel.anJ flew the men of the citie. 18 Τ Then faid he vnto Zebah and Zaimunna, What miner of men were they , whom ye flew at T-abor ' And they anfvvered, 1| As thou art, fo were' they, euery one was like the children ofa king. 1 9 And lie laid , They were my brethren , euen my k mothers children : as the Lord liiieth , if yee hT.d fjued their liues.I would not (lay you. 20 Then hee faid vnto lether'hisfirft borne fonne , Vp , and ilay them : but the boy drew not his fwurd:forhe feared, bee aufe he was yetyong. 2 1 Then Zebsh an J Ζ ilmunna faid, Rile thou, 2nd fall vpon vs : for l as the man is ,fo is his ftrength. And Gideon arcfe and flew Zebah and Zilminna , and tooke away the Β ornaments , that were on their camels necks. 22 *s Then the men of Ifrael faid vnto Gideon, Rcigne thou ouer vs , both tliou , and thy funne, and thy " lonnes fonne:for thou Ijail deliuered vs cut of the hand of Midean. • 23 And Gideon faid vnto them, I will not reigne ouer vou , neither ihall my childereigne- ouer you>Mt the Lord ihall reigne ouer you. 24 Againe Gideon laid vnro them , " I would defire a reijiteft of you , thit you would giue mee euery m.in the e.TeVin!T^s ofhis pray (for they had golden earerings becaiile they were Ifma<:!i:>.s.) 2y And they anlwcred. Wee will giue them. And they fpread a garment , and did calt therein euery m.ui the e.^rerings ofhis praye, 26 And the weight of the golden earerings that he reciuired , was athoufandand feuenhun- dreth f<-iti^ls of gold , belide collars !1 and iewels, and purple raiment that was on the kings cfMi- dian , and befide the cbaiaes that were about their 1 camels neckes. 37. Anid Gideonjtiade'anP Ephod thereof, and Gideon dieth. Ab>imele :hJotbams put it in Ophrah his citie : and all Ifrael went a whoring there after it , which was the deftruftion of Gideon and his houfe. 28 Thus was Midian brought low before the children of Ifrael , fo that they lift vp their heads no more : and the countrey was in quietnefle fourty yceres in the dayes of Gideon. 29 ί Thenlerubbaal the fonne of load) went, and dwelt in his owne houfe. 3 ο And Gideon had feuenty fonncs t begot- ten ofhis body ; for he had m^ny wiues. 31 And bis concubine that was in Shechem, bare him a fonne alio , whofe name he called Abi- melech. 32 So Gideon the fonne of loafli died in a good age, and wasburiedinthefepukhreof lo- afli his father in Ophrah, of the ρ father of the Ezrites. 33 But when Gideon was dead , the children of Ifrael turned aw^y.and went a whoring after Baalim.and made q Baal-berith their god. 34 And the children ofliraelremembrednct ί heLord their God.which had deliuered them out of the hands of all their enemies on etiery fide 3 J• Neither ' fliewed they mercy on the houfe of lerubbaal.orGideon.accordingto all the good- nefle which he had fliewed vnto I&ael. CHAP. IX. I AkimeUch "jfurfeth the kiniicms,aHi putteth hii hrithrt» U it»th. 7 lethem ptpcjeth » parable. 13 HAtrtd be• tneent AbimeUtb auithe Shechemites. iS Gaal cufiffi• reth agaittfi him, and rs euercime. s) Abimelech ii »«»»• dti to death by a wtman. 'T' Hen Abimelech the fonne of lerubbaal went to Shechem vnto his ^ mothers brethren , and communed with them.and with all the family, and houfe ofhis mothers father ,faying, 2 Say , I pray you , in the audience of all the men of Shechem, whether is better for you, that all the fonnes of lerubbaal , which are feuentie perfons , reigne ouer you , either that one reigne ouer youj Remember alfo, that I am your ^ bone, and your fiefli. 3 Then his mothers brethren fpake of him in the audience of all the mcrt of Shechem , all thefe words : and their hearts were mooned to follow Abimelech: for faid they, He is our brother. 4 And they gaue him feuentie pieces of filuer out of the houfe of Baal-berith , wherewith Abi- melech hired [J vaine^nd light feilowes which followed him. ■ <; And he went vnto his fathers houfe at Ο - phrah , and « flew his brethren , the fonnes of le- iiihhaal, -about feuenty perfons vpon oneftcne : yet lotham the yongeft fonne of lerubbaal was left; for he didhimfelfe. 6 ί And all the men of Shechem gathered to- gether with all the houfe of d Millo , and came and made Abimeich King in the plaine , where the ftone was erected in Shechem. 7 And when they told it to lotham, he went andftood in the top of mount Geiizim.anJ left vf his voyce, and cried, and faid vnto them, Hearker vnto me ,you men of Shechem , that God may heaikcn vnto you. 8 ' The trees went foorth to anoint a Kins oner them , and faid vnto the.Oliue tree , Rcigrj thou ouer vs. ■ ρ But the Oliue tree faid vnto them , Shouk I leaue ray fatneUe , wherewith by mee they ho- nour God and man.and goe to aduancc meeabou( the trees? 10 Tha ί > Whiih city t».•- ionged toiheiami- ly o: the Eiriies. q That is , Baal, t• whom they had d chemCeluet by coiienant. I Ihey werevn- dfuUof God and vii^ind towaid hrni.by whom the», hadieceiaedfo great t beaefii, . his kiaasfolkes for the atteininjoftht, ■ 3ungdo;ne, : iintefS» b Of yemkinteeiyjfe my moihetf Cde, *^ \9t,UU feU» c Th;i! cyiant) to λ cflablilh iheitvfm» ped power , ipai^' net the innocent blocd.a.king, 10.7^ d Which was ai (be towne houfe , oi common hall, which be calJeth the towre of Shechem» . veile +<>. c ByihispjtaMe he dcclareth «hat ihofeihat are not -■ ambitious, aremog WorthyOlhonoiir andihattheimbi.!• tious abiifeiheii hononibothto their ewnede- fliaSionaad others, .. parable, (gaal confpireth againft Cha{>;lX. lOr,ti!jiU,t*ltit. f Aiimelecii ft^ delttoy tbe atHkt •f Shecheai, S/t /0Ttfnm tin I Ο Then the trees kid to thtBgttts , Come thou, attd be kin» ouer vs, 1 1 But the figtree anfwered them, Should I forfake my fweetneffe, and my good fruit, 2nd go to aJuance me aboue the trees ί I ζ Then fjid the trees vato the vine , Come thou,ii«ibe king ouer vs. 1 3 But the vine laid vnco them, Shot:ld I Jeaue my wine.whcreby I cheere God and man,and goe to aduance ice aboue the trees» 1 4 Then liid all the trees vnto the 0 bramble. Come thou,'»!'^ leigne ouer vs. 1 s And the bramble faid vnto the trees , If ye ■will in deed anoint mee king ouer you, come,and put your tr"ft vnder my InadowrSc if not.the f fire /ball come out of the bra.T^ble , and confume the Cedars of Lebanon. 1 6 Now therefore , if ye do trnely and vncor- ruptly to make Abiraelech King, and if yee haue tleait well widi lerubbaall and with his houie.cnd hane done vato hin according to the deieruing of bis hands, 1 7 ( For my father fought for you , and t ad- uentured his life , and deliuered you out of the hands of Midian. 1 8 And yce are rifen vp againft my fathers houfe this day, and haae flainc his children , ai>o'-it feiienty perfons vpon one ftone , and haue made Abimelech .the fonne of his maide i'eruant. king ouer the men ofShechera , becaulc hee is your brother.) 19 If ye then hrae dealt truely & purely with lerubbaal, and with his houfe this day , then S re- ioyceyee with Abimelech , «nd let him reioyce with you. 20 But if nor.let a fire come out from Abime- lech . and confume themenof Sbechemandthe houfe of Millo: alfo 1 it a fire come foorth from the i men of Shechem, and frcm the houfe of Millo.and confume Abimelech. 2 1 And lothara ran away , and fied , and went to Beer .and dwelt there for feaie of Abimelech his I brother. I 2 2 So Abimelech reigned three yeere ouer I Ifrael. * EecsBfethepee-i .^3 Bat God•" fentOT euUl fpirit betwcene A- Ble confented witr bimdech.md the men of Shcchem : and the men *e iiagtn (keaiiuj ; of Shechem brake their promife to Abimelech. iWoKGi^ ' I 14 That the cruelty toward the feuenryfonnes j iiOicjedi boththd of lerubbdal and their blood might come and be { Me and th« ethw, layd vpon Abimelech thei: brother , which had j flaine thera.ind vpon the men of Shechem, which had ayded him to kill his brethren. 2y So the men of Shechem fet men in wait for him in the tops of theraountainee : who robbeJ all that p;iTcd that way by them ; and it was told Abimelech. 26 Then Gaol the fonne of Ebed came with fais brethren, and they went to Shechem : and die men of Shech>-ra put their confidence in him. ■I BefeieAeywere ^7 Th 'tefore they » went out into the held, >»feaid of Abimelech and gathered in their grapes , and trode them, i^wer , ad dntft and m.de merie , and went into the houfe of their 8β οαι .fthe gods^ anj jj^j ^^^^ ^j drinke, and curfed Abime- lech. 28 Then Ga ;1 the fcnne of Ebed faid. \\Ίιο is Abiir.eiech ? and who is Shechem, that we Ihould ferue him ? Is he not the fonne of lerubbaal ? and IZebul is his officer ? Serue rather the men of Ha- .■^nor tile fadier of Shechem ; for why fl;ould wee feuehiiDi "Abimelech, and'is^n^tc; \i ErtgjiKgly , at It.hongh hee had Ibeeneprsiiat, or »< Ihisc^puineZubnl. ■φΐΐ,. ip Now would God this people were vnJe: mine hand: then would I put away Abimelech, And he faid to * Abimelech, Increafe thine army end come out. 30 ^ And when Zebull the ruler of the chi heard the words of Gaal die fonne of Ebed , h wrath was kindled. 3 I Therefore_ hee fent meffengers vnto Abi melech t priuiiy .faying. Beholde.'Caal the fonnej t ^r. of Ebed . and his brethren be come to SheJ chem , and behold, they fortifie the citieagai thee, 3 2 Now therefore arife by night, thou and th people that is with thee, and lie in waite in thi field. 33 And rife early in the morning aflooneas the funne is vp, and a'ffault the citie : and when ha and the people th-t is with him , ihall come oac againft thee.doc to him + what thou canft. 't Eit:»hai 34 ί So Abimelech rofe vp. and all the people!**"''•'"•'^"* that were with himb}• night : and diey lay in wall againft Shechem in foure bands S ΐ Then Gaal the fonne of Ebed went out ,'Sc flood ill the cntring of the gate of the citie : and Abimelech rffe vp , and the folke that were with him from lying in waite. "^6 And when Gaal faw the people, he faid to 2ebul,Beho!d.there come people downe frcm the tops of the mounta:nes;and Zebull faid vnro him.i The 1 £I:adow ofthemountainesfeememenvnto!] nenstfifc»»! ^ee, (iftadow. 37 And Gaal fpake againe, andfaid. See, there come folke downe t by the rpiddle of the land, 5clt S-Vir•»•*•», another Land commeth by the way of the plaine of! Ji Meonenim. I. q^ eUmurt " 38 Then faid Zebul vnto him.where is noW] * * thy mouth that faid , Who is Abimelech . that we fnould lerue him ? Is not this the people that thou haft defpifed ? Goe out now. I pray thee,and fight with them. '. ■ 39 And Gaal «went out before the men oi*A«iI>enoftiti9\ Shechem.and fought with Abimelech. , \ 40 But Abimelech purfuedhim, andheefledj before him , and many were ouerthrcwen anJ wounded euen vnto the entring of the gate. I 41 At)d Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: andZeJ bul thruft out Gaal and his brethren that they I Ihouid not dwell in Shechem. I 42 ί And on the morrow the people went OUB ,1 [ into the field .-which was told Abimelech. | I j 43 And hee tooke the "people, and diuided" ^^^"''Wffi•* I I them into three bands , and laid wait in the fields j'""""'?"'» j and lcoked,and behold, the people were come oud ! of the citie.and he rofe vp againft thera,aRd fmote! ! them. I 44 And Abimelech , and the bands that were wi:h him,ruil-;ed forward, and flood in the cntring! of the g^re of thecitie : and the two other bands j ranne vpon all the peopfc that were in the field.Su flew them. I 4i And when Abimelech had fought againft' the citie all that day , he tookc the citie, and flew the people that was therein,and defttoyed the ciJ tie,and lowed t. f,lt in it. j, ^hit ir (hodi he 46 f And when all the men of the rower ofjvnftoitfnii.jjidne- Shechem heard it , they entred into an holde οί'" '^"'« «> »"? »<«% ihehoufecfthe godPBerith. 'p rhitis, ofsjil- 47 And it was told .■\bimelech,th3t all the.men.'beriti'iSfhip.f . jj of the tower of Shechem were gathered toge-' ther. j 48 And Abimelech g.ne him vp to mount ' Μ 4 ZakconJ 1 jfibimclech QainerToIa. lair. Ifraei Judjey. v»eli ih.-yinlh tafirc!:, as.ihcoihct. ■■fkKS eeibyfotli lit.tjbltdiiih ■ nil ciica in fsFwm»ltinga> «jKuuuitiikiog t]^»J> rode on thirty :u!ts,5c they had thirty ciiies.which are cal- » ch^.,.. fjft, 4,ff Tob : and there gathered idlefeilowes to Iphr.'ih, and « v;cnt out with hii 4 ί "And in proceffe of time , the children of Amn:on made warrc with Ifraei y And when the children of Ammon kug'at wi'h Ifrael.the ^ Elders of Gile-sd went to fct Iph- tah out of the land of Tob. 6 •. And jbcy faid ynto Iphrah . , * Gome and be our captaine , that we may fight with the children ofAnimon, 7 Iphtah then anfweredthe Elders of Gilead^ Did iiot ye hate me, and ί expell me out of my fa th-rs houfe? how.then come you vntoraee now. i titreof your tribulation? g ^ Thf ίϊ the Elders of Gilead faid vnto Iphtnh, ^"'''''''' .Therefore we ttime agsine to thee now = that thoti itiayelf go with vs , and fght ag linft the childreti, •ufAmrijon , anJ'bee our head ouer all the inhabi- t.ints of Gilead. 9 And Iphtith faid vnto the Elders of Gilend,.' Af.yc bring mee home againe to fight againft the. childre» £ This is (me re• iptjitaDCe, to pnc •y thi euiU , inii feme God arighi. 0 Or.itfUiei. * Chlg-Tij/j,. f Εί,.Λη,ηφ- mi^hj' fertt. J Or, na«4/i«r; J Tliat /,, 'ef JB , natlot.as vetfe r; bWher»thecenif* nouiofrheccKntre, v^staUHxo!,. c ioyn.d wi,h hiati "lomettiinJt, 'SS'nfthisbrethriii.• i Or, airbatradomc^ feju fci ihatpiii- Μϊπ oft timeJ : cenfiraijied te def.tebtJpeof iKcm.whom bcfete : iSey hint refiifed. f Oft riints thofe things whi'chines icieft , t.tn«t•. Iphtahmad scaptaine. } £k,t«tirl» Chai.Xri.- iiexhetn before f^Sir.f»/"•»• ^"Vum^t^^MM , St.•; chilJreH of Amnion, if the nscthall I be your head? 10 And the Eldas of Gilead Una vnto Iphtah, The Lord t be witncire betweenc vs, if we do net Sccording to thy words. 11 Then Iphtah went with the Elders of Gi- lead , and the people made hira head and captaine <«ier them : and Iphtah rehearfed all his wordes before the Lord in Mizpeh. 12 ί Thea Iphtah feai meflengers \Tito the king of the children of Ammon , iaying , What haft thou to doe withn.ee , that thou art come againft me.to fight in my land? J 3 And the king of the children of Ammon anfwered vnto the melFengers of Iphtah,*Becaiife lirael tooke my Isnd , when they came vp from IphtahsralBvow? / Lord the Judge * be ludgetliis day betwecne ύΦ childjcn of lirael, and the chiidrtn of Aromcn. * 28 Howbeii the king of the chiidren of Am- mon hearkened not vnto the vvords of Iphtch, which he h=d lent him. ■Z9 ί Then the 1 Spirit ofthe Lord came vpon Iphtah , and he pjfled oner to Gilead , and to Ma- nafith ,. and came toMizneh in Gilead , and from Mizpeh in Gilead he went vnto thecliildrenof Ammon. 30 And I phtah m vowed a vow vnto the Lord and laid. If rhoii flialt deliuer the children of Am- tnon, into mine hands , 31 Then that thing that commeth out of the doores of mine honfe to meete me oflfendet, 1 thit is,i Bteogtbtta I ale. when 1 come home in peace from the children of Ammon , fl-all ^XgyptXfora Anion rato I-.bbGk.ind vnto lorden: I bee ;f Lords.Sc I will cfl'er it for a burnt oftering, f He omBed cheat netiogo; choiovr f.i«! jiwweeufVmen te faeleeae ind. obey: God , then then 1 thine aolet. Nam 12.1, [ Keaaiag, tbeis now therefore reftore thofs la'idr t quietly 14 Yet Iphtah. tent mefiengers againevnto the king of the chiidren of Aaimon, 1 y And luid vnto him.Thiis iaith Iphtah,* If- rael tooke not the land of Moab , nor the land of the children of Ammon, 16 But when Ifrael came vp from Egypt .and Svalked through the wilJjrnefle vnto the red lea, then they came to Kadeih, 1 7 * And I frael lent meflengers vnto the king of Edom.fa) ing. Let me, I pray thee", goe thorow thy land•; but the kingofEdom would not con- fent: and aifo they lent vnto the king of Moab.but he would not : therefore lirael abo:de in Kadeili, 1 8 Then they went throi^h the wildernefle, and ccwnpniled the l.uid of Ed-jn , iod the l^nd of Moab , and came by the EafUide oftheiandof >icab,aHd pitched on the other fideof Arnon,* 8c came not within the coaft of Moab : forArncn vvai the border of Moab. • 1$ Alfo Ifrael * fent meffengers vnto Sih-cn, king of the Amorices , the king of l-leihbon , and Ifrael iiid \ntohim,Let vs pMl'e.we pray thee,by thy land vnto our Η place. 20 But Sihon ε cenfentednot to IfraeUthat he ihonkl goe through his coaft : but Sihon gathered all his people together, and pitched in lahaz, and fought with Ifrael. 21 And the Lord God of Ifrael gane Sihon, and all his folke into tlie hands of Ifrael , and they fmote them : fo Ifrael poUefled all the land of the Amoritcs.the inhabitants of that c'oiintrey. 22 And they polTeiled * all the coaft of the Arnorites , from Arnon \-nto labbok , p.nd from the w'ildernelle euen vnto Idrden. 25 Now therefore the Lord God «f Ifrael hath caft 6ut f Arnorites before his peppie Ifrael, and thouldeft" thou poileHe it? 24 Wotiiu'cft not thou poiTeiTe that which Cherrrolh thy god giueth theNor5i\viid, and fayd vnto i After Aeylw*-* Iphtah .Wherefore wenteft thou to fight againft ««id lofden, the children of Ammon , and diddeft not call b i to go• with thee houle vpon thee with fire. ?. - And IphtiJi iaid vnto them , I tnd my iieo- ple were at great ftrife with the children of Am- Ι/ι^ίΐΓ'Ιίϊ' , wen , and when I called you, ye deliuered ir«; noi t ***''"'*'*«' outofdieirhandp;- 3 So when I iaw that y€c deliwered mee notj Ρ rerffwssfeetai ted tt I Oisnie in Ifrjal, tediewith- childrcn , snd ■•■- diertfore they re- • iovctdtebemw:-•- lied. • lieth Sodtwoti»?• fecondvititory.Of l^M when mans helpe Failed, I put my ill cndyiu Goi. iYeiannt fiom vt, andchof; Gilead. ind now in r.tjecl ofvs, yeareiio- tliing. f Which Hgnifietlt ■ ■ fall of watetSA teareof come. •} ΈΙί ftnntt fonn's. t*Cll4p.i. t Signiffing.that thcit di:liiistance c I put my life in mine hands, and went vpon the chikiien of Amnion : Γο the Lord deuuered ihem into mine hands. Whorefore then are yec come jvpun me now toli»htagiinftme? I 4 Then Iphtjh gathered all the menof Gile- nd, and fought with £phr.iim:t'nd theraenofGi- lead fmote Ephraira.becaufe they faid.Ye Gilea- dites are riinnagatcs of Ephr^iiti^among the E- phrJimires,<»<^ among the Manaffites. 5• Alio the Gueadites tooke tlie pafl'ages of lorden before the Ephraimites .andvvhenthe E- phraimites th u were efcaped , laid , Let me palTs, then the men of Giiead faid vnto him , Art thou an Ephraimite ? If he laid , Nay, 6 Then faid they vnto him. Say now e Shib- boleth .-and he faid Sibboleth : for he could not fo pronounce : then they tooke hjm , and flew him at the p.-;irages. of lorden : and there fell at tha; time of the Ephraimites two and forty thouiimd. j 7 And Iphtah judged Ifrael iixeyeere : then jdied Iphtah tl>e Gileadite, and was buried in ««e f the cities of Giiead. 8 *Ncm.i,t,j,' '^_?!Ji!l'_i the woman . and faid vnto her , Behold now, thou art barren , and beareft net : btit thou ilialt con- cciue,and beare afonne. 4 And now therefore beware * that thou drinke no wine , nor ftrong drinke , neither eate lany vncleanething. f For loe , thou fhak conceiue and beare a l»i sam.i.ir. fonne , and no rafor fliall * come on his head : for bMeanirg.het {j,g ς^ίυ i]y:iibe a b Nazarite vnto God from his rKh\'woTd?& birth: and he lliall begin to faiie Ifrael out of the dedicate :o God! hands of the Philiftims . cifHcQibenorabi;i ^ ί Then the wife came and toldeherhuf- " AJf' fho w"" "*' bi" J > iaying . A man of God came vnto race , and mncMdre thΓpre-l•''cfa(llionofhimwas like the falhion of the An- -fesee cf Cod? gel of God exceeding « fearefuU , but I asked him not whence hcj^ifii^helther told he me his name, 7 But hee faid vnto mee , Behold , thou ilialt conceiue and beare a fonne , and now thou iliair drinke no wine , nor ftrong drinke , neither eate any vncleane thing , for the childe fliall bee a Nazarift to God from his. birth to the day of his death. 8 Then Manonh ^ praj-ed to the Lord , and fayd , I pray thee, my Lord , let the man of God, whom thou ienteft , come againe now vnto ts, and teach vs what wee ihall doe vnto the childe when he is borne. 9 And God hi ard the voyce of Manoah , and the Angel of God came againe vnto the wife , as flie fate in the field , but M«neah her husband was not with her. 10 f And the wife made hafte and ranne , and fl.ewed her husband ,and faid vnto him , Behold, the man hath appeared vnto mee , that came vnto me e today. 1 1 And Manoah arofe and went after his wife, ar'd cametothe^ man , and fayd vnto him , Art then the man that fpakeft VEto the woman ? and he fayd.Yea. 1 2 Then Manoah fayd , Now let thy faying come to paiVe : but how fiiall we order the childe, and doe vnto him? 13 And the Angel of the Lord faid \tso Ma- j noa h , Τ he woman muft beware of all that I fayd \ vnto her. | I 14 Shesmay esta ofnothing that commeth of] I the ' ine tree ; il-.e Ihal not drinke wine nor ftrong ; '!iinke,nor eat; cny g vncleane thing : let her ©b i feme all that I haue commanded her. \ 15 Manoah thc.i faid vnto the Angelof the i Lord,I pray thee, let vs retains thee.vntiliwehaue I made ready a kid for thee. I 16 And the Ang'I of the Lord faid vnto Ma. j tioah, Tliovgh thou make mc abide , I will not eat ; of thy bread, and if thou wilt make a burnt offe• I ring , offer it unto the '' Lord : for Manoah knew I tioc that it was an Angelof the Lord. 17 Againe Manoah faid vnto the A ngell of the Lord, What is thy name, that v/hen thy faying is come to paile.we may honour thee? ; 1 8 And the Angel of the Lord faid vnto him, V/hy askeft thou thus after my name , which is fl fecret ? 19 Then Manoah tooke a kid with a meat of- fering , and offered it vpon a ftone vnto the Lord and the ^ngel did ' wondrouily , whiles Manoah ΐ Godfent £re and his wife looked on. 20 For when the iiame came vp toward he I'.en from the altar , the Angelof the Lord aicci dedvpinthe flame of the altar, and Manoah anc^ his wife beheld it , and fell on their faces vnto thd ground. ί 21 (So the Angel. ef the Lord did no more! appeare vnto Manoah and his wife) ThenMa-i noah knew th.u it was an Angell of the Lord, 22 And Mano.'.h faid vnto his wife, *We ihal furely die , becaui'e we haiie leene God. 2 3 But his wife fayd vnto him , If the Lore I. would kill vs , hee would not haue recciued It fesmcth thactli- Angel appeared vnt• ^ei iwilciiKMie day. ί HeciUtthhini man , bccaafe he f• fcemed, fcnt he wat Chiidtht cteinall woid, which at hi* time appoimcd le• came man, gAny thing foikM'•: den by iht..i,»w. fonghcnothisewiiC hcncnibiit Godi, vvhofc mcfTtngtr'fi^ il Oi,ntfittnUuti from heauen confiimc their fl- cn£ce, teconuPM theii faith is bit piomit't, ••EXBj.jj.iaj hap.«.ti, k burnt cffring , anda meat offring of our h^ndd i;vfhf;;^,^,'^„',f„^ neither would he haue fhewed.vs ail thefe things] cod.andhisaccep- nor would now haue told vs any fuch. j ting ofontcbedi- 24 f And the wife bare afonne , and called *^7;;'j/;;^'7^''^J^ his name Samfon : and the childe grew , and thd "i, fo 'th^noihUj Lord blelfed him. ■ litnfcnstv», 2y And the Spirit of the Lord beganne tc^ Hftrengthea] Samfonmrfa^Hon! His riddle. . €hap.X: V.XV, f El». «'*'»"/''» t«rH miff- . . a Though his p»^ lents did infllyre- ptooiie him, yet it ppp-> £th that thit was the feccet WetkeeitheLoii, «tfc V b te Bgfct igM'nft (liemi•! thedelinC' e Wlieteby he had R(«ngtk aiidbol4- i^Me»niiii,Whea htwatmatied. e Ihatis.hei p»- fokmiu d>y«'• a ©t.drew reete: fai ic wai the f OHiih day. I Οτ,ΐΦ infouerifi hvatoiliem which Bc«4>fB>y natien rengthen him in the hoafte of Din , lenvaene iorahandElhtaol. CHAP. XIV. Samfcn d^fireth to huHe a wife efth' PhUiftin". «Hi killith 4 /ten. «2 Hee frtfoundtih a riiile. 19 He killeth thirtU. 10 Hisrc.f. (.yfak-thhim , AKdUketh amihrr. NOw Samfon went dovne to Timnath , and (iiw a woman in Timnath of die daughLeisof :herhiliftims, 2 And he came vp and told his father and his ■notber , nnd faid , I haue feene a woman in Tim- lath of the daughters of the Philiftims : new :herefore t giue me her to wife. 3 Then his father and his mother fayd vnto dim , Is there » neuer a wife cmong the daughters of thy brethren , and among all my people , that thou miift gqeto take a wife of thevncirciitoci- fed Philiftims ? And Samfon faid vnto his father, Giue me her.for il-se pleafeth me well. 4 But his father and his mother knewe not that it came of the Lord , that he ihould feeke an occifion againft the ^ Philiftims : for at that time the Philiftims reigp.ed oiicr Ifrael. y ί Then went Samfon and his father and his mother downe to Timnath , and came to the vineyards of Timnath : and behold , a young lion roared vpon him. 6 And the Spirit of he Lord c came vpon him, and hee tare him , as one iliould haue rent a kid, d had nothing in his hand , neither told hee his fether nor his mother what he had done. 7 And hee went downe , and talked with the woman whichwas beautifull in the eyes ofSamfon. 5 And within afivv dayes, when hee retur- ned D to receiue her.hee went afide to fee the car- keis of the lion , and behold, there was a fwarnse of bees, and honie in the body cf the lyon. ρ And hee tooke thereof in his handis , aijd went eating , and came to his father and to his iBother , and gaue vnto them , and they did eate : but he told not them , that he had taken the hony out of the body of the lyon. 10 So his father went downe vnto the wo- man, and Samfon made there a ^ feaft : for fo vfed theyongmentodoe. 11 And when « they fawe him , they brought ihirtie comp.uiions to be with him, 1 2 Then Samfon faid vntp them , I will no^y put foorth a riddle vnto you : and if you can de- clare it mee within feiien dayes of the feaft , and findeitont , I willgiueyoH thirtie Iheets , and thirtie ί change of gaiments. 13 But if you cannot declare it me . thenihall yee giue me thirtie llieeres, and thirty change of gaiments. And they anfwered him , Put foorth thy riddle.that we may hedre it. 14 And hee faid vnto them , Out of the eater camemeate , andout oftheftrong camcfweete- neffe• and they ceidd not in three dsyes expound the riddle, ί <; And when the feuenth day was S come, they faid vnto Sarafons wife, Entife thine huf- band that he may deckre vs the riddle , left wee burne thee and tiiy fathers houfe with fire. Haue ye called vs H to pull'ciie vs ? is it not fe ? 16 And Samfuns wife wept before him , and faid, Surely thou hateft rrie , and loueft m.e not : for thou haft putfooitlia riddle vnto the h chil- dren of my people .and haft not told it inc. And he faid vnio h jr.Behoid , 1 haue not told it my father iOr, tothefenenOl lay, beginning at the fourth. :he helje of mj (Vilf, nor my movher.and fhall I tell it thee ? 1 7 Then S.imfons wife wept before him' fe- ιιεη d>.yes , while their feaftlafted ; and when the feuenth day came, he toidc her, becaufe fliee was iraportuni.te vpon him : fo ll^.e tolde the riddle to 1 the chikl.encfher people. I ■^8 Andthemenef thecitiefaid vntohirathel leuentv»,j.iy i-,(.fore the funne went downe , What I is Iweeter n.^^ honie ? and what is ftronger then a Lion ? Then T^\h^ vnto them . k If ye had not ^ ifyehaa notvM plowed with my heiftei,^,, had not found our my ''' ' riddle. - ■' 15» And the Spirit of the Lord cami c^pn him, snd he went downe l to Allkeion, and flew .l.-vj^ tie tl which was one men of them and {polled thera , and gaue change-^if the'fiHc thiefe i of garments vnto them , which expounded the riddle ; and his wrath was kindied.ani he went vp to his fathers houfe. 2o ThenSaraions wife was ^/«f» to his com•» panion.whom he had vfed as his friend. C Η A P. XV.• ' -J. SamfiK titth frtiranis tt the fexts tailes, 6 The Phili- liims iurut his f»lher in ΐΛν> And.hiswife, i; jrwA the taxsbtne cf ΛΗ Λβί hee ktlieth Λ thcufaHdmeH, 19 Out ff a great teeth in the iaw Cedgauehim water. g Vt within a while after , in the time of whcaie harueft.Samfon vifited his wife with a I;idde, faying , I will » goe in to my wife iHto the cham- ber : but her father would not fuffer him to go in. 2 And her father faid , I thought that thou hadil hated her : therefore gaue I her to thy com panion, Isnotheryongerfifter fairer then iliee? take her, I pray thee,in ftead of the other . 3 Then Samion fayd vnto them. Now am I more *> blamelefle then the Philiftims : therefore will I doe them difpleafiire, 4 ί And Samfon went out , and tooke three tur.dreth foxes , and tooke firebrands, and turned thera taile to taile, and put a firebrand in the raids betweene two taiies. y And when he had fet the brands on fire , he fcnt them out into the ftanding coine of the Ph liftims , and burnt vp both the « rickes and the ftanding corne.with the vineyards Λ«ίί oliues 6 Then the Philiftim.s faid , Wi'-o hath dene this? And they anfwered , Samfon the fonne in l3wofthe Ufihgvf\ pi3cg_ J Ramath-Lehi. r wh "eHJ ,py,a- I 1 8 And he was fore athirft , and i< called on the »erh !ha(hed;4" ' Lord, andfaid.Thou haft giuen this great deiiue- ehif; things i» ranee into the hand of thy feruant : and now iliall latin, and fo \r•'-'' -> .. - - . - .,...•' . . lUcogl I die for thirft , and fall i»to the hands of the vn- eod.anddcliiier his ciiCHmcifcd? eoB»itey. 1 I ρ Then God brake the cheeke tooth , that [was in the iaw , and water caraethtreout : and I jwbenhehaddrunke, hisfpiritcameagaini; , and j ihee wasreuiued : wherefore the name thereof is i ^ Or, (if /i«ji/jiiiij called, li Ε n-hakkore .which is in Lehi vnto this >,»ftimltAiff.yrd. jday. j 20 And hee iudgedlfraelinthedayesof the i Vhiliftinis twentie yecres. j I C Η A P. XVI. j3 SamftH earieth away the gates ef A^^ah, ig He was ' I dueiutth hy DeiiUh. jo aee pulleth itxvne tie houfe ; -vpon the Plitliftims, and iitth mtlh them. *: t OneiFihe/JBi 'T' Hen went Samfon to » Azzah , and faw there chiefe cities of the ■»• |, g^ h vloc,»• and Went in vnto her. 0 Or, lTtl;i,f. . * And it w^s teM to the Azzahites , Samfon ' b That ii.he lodged: is come hithcf. And they went about , and layed ' 7"'^''"' l• u h r ^^^^ for him all night in the gate of the citie , and : " °'' '° * '"^"'J were quiet all the night , faying, ^WίΓ*]ΐΒ 23 Then the Princes of the Phiiiftims gathe-jhe^had tincd"^' ' red them together for to offer a great facrifice vn-i cod.and recojuflid to Dagon their god, and to reioyce : for they faid J •>ύηί«•ί»' Our god hath deliuercd Samfon our ejiemie ini' our hands 24 Alfo when the people faw him .they praife their .god : for they faid. Our god hath deiiuere' 8 And tte princes of the Phiiiftims brought ' her feuen greene coards tbltwere noidrie, and ! into our handes our enemie and deftroyercfo iibie_bQundiiim therewith. 1 countrey, which bath ikineroany of vs. j_____^ ._ ^i And in Tlmtb^eedl iufi iai|;e>nc>ut ihey ace nude films to infideli *fhich negkA theft vocation in defen diffg the hiih&ill, ytngrtnce. Accerdinj to η Eiiion which is »e execute Godi iudgementsvpon the wicked He Tpeiketh not (his of defpaiie, bat bumbling himfelfe fot neglecting hit eflice and the £>ΐ(ίβ| . Micbabs Ic olesi I Or, (Μ- ι Shine tMnk th is hiOorie was ia tke time of Oth niei oi as lefephas vrriteth, imme- 4iatel)' if tei ioOiua. b ConcraiT to the commaiideraent ef God and Kite Cbap.XVII XVIII iJoittrj, they fufoolie the Lord, aadfeUiaidolattie Chap.i.»7. He wonlJferuc b6ih God and Idole!. Gen. 31. 1». Hofea 3.+. d By Teraphim feme vndetflande ineidolet, haiiini the likeBefTe of a man , bnt ■iheis vndfiHiod iheceby all manec ef thing; and ia- nents belon- Jinj vnto thofe, «rhs foiight fot yjnfwer at ods hands , as Chap il s «. mitf tut » Chap, z. .15. je ^r were ther» if no mag^ftiate feating eod, ahnecaabeneuue 25• AnJ wiien thek hearts wcremerie , they fayJ.Call Samfon.thar he may make vs p..ftime:So they called Samfon out of the priu^n hou(e,and he «was a laughing ftocke vnto them. 5c they fet him betweene the pillars. 26 Then Samfon fayd vnto the feniant that led him by the hand , L-eade me, that I may touch the pillars that the hoiil'e ftandetii νροη,αηί thiti m^y leane to them. 27 (Nfow the houfe was full of men and wo- men , and there vvsre all the princes of the Phili- ftims : alfo vpon the roofe t/ffre about three thou- fand men and women , that beheld while Samlon Β played) 28 Then Samfon called vnto the Lord , and fayd, Ο Lord God, I piay thee, thinke vpon me : Ο God, I befeech thee , llrengthcn me at this time onely , that I may be t at once a auenged of the Phililtims for my two eyes. 25) And SamioD layd hold onthe two middle pillars wherevpon the houfe Itood, and on v/hich it was borne vp;on the one with his right hand, Sc on the other with his left. 30 Then faid Samfon, <> Let melofemylife with therhiuftims : and hee bowed him wiih all his might,and the hoiile fell vpon the princes.and vpon all ihe people th.it were therein : lo the dead which he ftew at his death .were raoe tlicn they which he had iL'ine in his life. 31 Then his brethren, and all the houfe of his j father came downe dndtooke him, and brought him vp and buried him betweene Zorah and Elh- taol , in the lepulchre ofManoah his father : now he had iudged Il'r.iel twenty yeeres. CHAP. XVII. 3 ^fichdlts mtther »ccoTd nf ti Iter votv , midt htr ftnne Hvo iitls. f He made htf ftnne Λ Ftiefl ftfhis iiites, 10 aniafter hehireda Ltuiir. "Τ" Here j was a man of mount Ephraim, whofe name was Michah. 2 And he lavd vnto his mother , The eleuen hundreth ^e^els of filuer that were taken from thee.forthc which thou curfedft,& rp-keftit.cuen mine hearing , behold , the iiluer »/ with me , I tooks it. Then his mother fayd, Bleffed be my fonne of the Lord. 3 And when he had reftored the eleuen hun- dreth fhekeb of filuer to his mother, his mother fayd, I liad dedicate the iiluer to the Lord of mine hand for my fonne , to make •> a grauen and molten image. Now therefore I will giue it thee againe. 4 And when he had reitored the money vnto his moth.;r.his mother tooke tv ο hnndr^th/'ji'^f// of filuer .and gaue them to the foiinder.which made thereof a grauen and molten image . and it was in the houfe of Michah. y And this nian Michah had an houfe of gods, and made an * « Ephod , and *' d Teraphim , and tconiecrated one of his fonncs.who was his Trieft, 6 *In !hufe d.yesthere ws η «Ring in lirael, but iuery man did th.it which was good in his ownc eyes 7 mount Ephraim to the houfe of Michah. 9 And Michah fayd vnto him , whence com- meft thou? And the Leuite aniwered him, g I come}^ flora Beth-lehem ludah.and goe to dwell where I mjy finde λ place, 10 Then Michah fayd vnto him .Dwell with me. and bee vnto me af.itheranda Prieft ,andl will giue thee ten/^e-^f/j of iiluer by yeere , and a fute of apparel! . and thy meate and drinke. So the Leuite we:K in. 1 1 And the Leuite was h content to dwell with the man , and the yong man was vnto him as one of hisowne fonnes. 12 And Michah confecrated the Leuite , and the yong man was his Prieft, and was in the houfe ofMichah. 1 3 Then faid Mich.ih . Now I know that the Lord will b^Jgood vnto me, feeing I haue a Leuite to my Prieft. CHAP. XVIII. h Not confiderin that he foifooke thetnie v/o'fliip- pingof God tot ti maintaine his ovt belly. a The chiiiien »f Ώλ» find men te ^fetrch the land II Then tune the f,xe hundreth and take the icds , aiti the Priefl ef Michah Axvay. η Thej deflroj Zaifi. li They hfilt It eiame. 30 And fet vf IdcUtrj. ' IN thoic dayes :hcie was no > King in Iirael , .md at the fame time the tribe ofD.n fought them an inheritance to dwell in : for vnto that time ali their inheritance had not fallen vnto them among the tribes of Ifrael. Therefore the children ofDanfent of their faroilie , fiue men out of their coaftes , men men expert in warre. out of Zor.ih and Efhtaol to view the land , and fearch it out , apd layd vnto them, '' Goe , and fearch outtheland. Then they came to mount Ephraim to the houfe of Michah, and lodged there. g Fet in thofe ayeithefirtii c t God i«a>co jpt in all and tile Leuites looiL-i ei. Thns the idoU- ;rs peifwade themfelues ei Goat fauo[ir,when ii de he doth deleS themr Mcanjng, ηββΤ'• naiy Aligifltaic pnnifli vice ac- cording 10 Cedl vwid. b For the portion which Joiiua gatie ;net fuf- Ecient for all theit iiibe. t They knew him byhisfpeechthat he was a (Itarget there. 1 There was alfo a yong man out of Beth- lehem Iud:h ,f ofthefansiiieofludah ; who was a Leuite, and foiotuned there. 8 And the man departed out of the city , eue» out of Beth;• hem ludah, to dwell where he could ifinde « /"'"ce : and as hee iourneyed , hee can\c to iea,ot«(de(^ f which £ethl«hiiii vr» iadKoibeoi 3 When they were in the houfe of Michah^ they knew.the'voyce of the yong man the Leuite: and being turned in thither . they fayd vnto him^ who brought thee hither? or what m Jyed lOrllttiUll'f IuQgcs> milie of the D.inires,froinZorih and from Eflitaol. fixe hjnjre;h men appointed with inftriiments of I ζ AnJ they \venr vp,?C pitched in Kit iath-iea- rim vr. luJah : wherefore they called th.i: plice TheLeuite^ad his wife^ that Hath by Beth-tehob. After, they built the citie.mJ dwelt therein, 29 -"An i called the name of the city Dan, after j> iefc.,i».47,] the name ofDan their father.which was borne vnto liVjel : howbeic th^name of the citie was Liilh at D Mihaneh-Dan vnto this day Kireath-iearira. 1 3 And thviy went thenci ^-nto mouet Ephra- im.ind came tothehoufe of Michah. 14 Then anlwered thi fine men th it went to i ■ fpie out the cotintrey of Lailh, and i"aid vn:o their ^ brethren , i Know ye» not , that there is in chele houfes an Ephoi.and Teraphim.and a graiien and a molter: ircags > Now therefore confider what ye hauetodoe. ly And they turned thither\vard,and came tci the hoiile of thcyong man theLeuite.i».•^ vnto the houfe of Michah , md ftluced him peaceably. 16" Aiid the fixe hiuidrech men appointed with their weapons of warre,t\'hich were cf the children ofDan.ftoodby theentringofthegate. 1 7 Then tiie fiue men that went to fpie our the lande.went in thither, how then «fay yee vnto rae, what aileth thee? ay And the children of Dan fayd vnto him. Let not thy voice be heard among vs, left t angry fel- Igwas runne vpon thee, and thou lofe thy life with the lilies of thine houlhold, 2(i So the children ofDanwenttiieir wayes: and when Michah law that they were too ftron» for him.hce turned and went backe vnto his houfe. 27 And they tooke the ^ things which Michah had made .and the Prieft: which he had . and came vnto Laidi , vnto a quiet people , and without mi- I 0/ , i,ilu,yA,ni. ft^uft, and fmote tltem with the edge of the fword, jn which after vf'aj and burnt the citic with fire: eaUed cefaie* Phi-j 28 And there vvas none to Π helpe , becaufe ί*Ε?'Ί m Laifla was farre from Zidon ,and they had no bufinifie with ether mea. : alio it was in the ?2lk.y f Eir.t'ktihrmt^ Or,4t til βψιύκ^• 6 tliiiieclarilH %vhat opinion the jdelatet» hane of theiiidole!. I Eir.ari• tMt lliift bum ii'lir. 1 Meiniij.Ae ido les.aivetl.i!. 3 And her husband arofe and went after her, to fpeaketfriendly vnto her.Sito bring her againe:/« had alfo his feruant with hira.and a couple of affes : and Ibe brought him vnto her fathers hotifc , and when the youag womans father faw hira.he reioy- ced flofhiscommijig. I 4 And his lather in law , the yong womans fa-j ther receiuedhim : and he aboade with him three dayes: lb they did eat and drinke.Sc lodged there.! ί f And when the fourth day came, they arofe! early in the morning.and + hee prepared to depart: j ^{,,,^λ ^,; then the yong womans father faid vnto his ionne ί or , flrtrgatni in law. 11 Comfort thine heart with amorfellufj bread.and then goe your way. [ 6 So they fate downe and did eate saa drinlce, j both of them togetber. And the ' yong womans a That fs , his com. father laid vnto the man , Be content . I pr.ty thee, ["Wnes lather, and tary all night, and let thine heart be merry. 7 And when the rrein rofe vp to depart , his fa- ther in lawD was earneft: therefore he returned,. :nd lodged there. 8 And hee arofe vp early the fifth day to de- part, and the young womans father laid,'' Comfort thine heart.I pray thee: and they taried vntill after midday, and they both did cate. 9 Afterward when the man arofe to depart with his concubine and his feruant.his father in law.the j'ong womans father faid vnto him , Behold now, the day t draweth toward euen:l pray you, tary all night:hehold,||the funne goeth to reft: lodge here that thine heart may bee merrie, .and to morrow get you early vpon your way , and goe to the «tent. I ο But the m.an v.Ould not tary , but arofe , and i depi^rted , and came ouer againft lebus, (which is lerufalem) and his two aflcs laden, and his concu- bine i/ fir* with him. I I when they were oeere Tebus.the day n w;as fore fpent,and the feruant faid vntohisnaaft:er, Come. I pray thee, and letvs turne vnto this citie of the lebufjtes.and lodge all night there. Ot, umprO'^ W»«• b Meaning, that he Oioiildrefrefli him- felfe withmeite, at verie s , f nritm'At. Or , ikt iJf /«I c Tt vfit, teifce lowneot citie vtheif he dwelt. n Or, wtnUtmnt. d Though in thefe daves there were monhoiblecot- i,T,ticns.yetva7 Btceiliryconlanot mfell ! ' 1 2 And his mafter anfweerd him , d Wee W'illl haue to doe vri not turne into the city of ftrangers that aienotj'hom that ptefeffW ' " Λ Β•ι il>e BW 6*4, ' She is forced,and dietli j Or,s«ifmltkm Iti&e of Benjamin tPr, Γ^ΡΟ"'• ■ ρ toMizp^i) is this ί isband Then the children of Ihael d faid, How wickednelTe committed? 4 And the fame Leuite , the womans husband that was iiaine . anfwered and faid . I came vnto ^ Gibeah thatis in Beniaroin with my concubine to lodge, y Atid the 0 men of Gibeah arofe againft me.- ,.,,., , r , , , . — ^ 5 and beiet the houfe round about vpon mee by thine handmiid , and for the boy that is with thy [ night , thinking to haue iiaine mee , and haue for- feruant : we lacke nothio^ And the old men laid, nPeace be with thee : as for all that thou lackcil ,fhdt thou findev/nh me : onely ibide not in the firect all might. 21 ί So hce brought him into his houfe , and gauc fodder vnto the affes : and they waQied their feete.and did eate and drinke. 2 2 And as they were making.their hearts mcr- rie , beholde , the men of thecitie, t wicked men befetthe houfe round about , and g Imotc at the doore,and fpake to this oldeman the maftcrof the houfe, faying, Bring foorth the man that came into thine houfe thst we may know him. 23 And * this man the mafter of the houfe went out vnto them , and laid vnto them , Nay my brethnen, doe not fo wickedly, I pray you , feeing that this man is come into mine houfe , doe not this villenie. 24 Behold , here is my daughter , a virgine , and his concubine: them will L bring on: now, J» and humble them, and doe with them what fecmerh you good : but to this man doe not this velinie. 25• But the men would not hearken tohim: therefore the man to&ke his concubine , and brought her out vnto them : and they knew her and abu td her all the night vnto the morning:and when the dsy began to ijTriog.they let her goe, 16 So the woman came in the dawning of ths day, and » fell downe st the doore of the mans houfe where her lord WJS.till the light day. 27 And her II lord arofi; in the inorning , and opened the doores -of the houfe .and went out to ^02 his w:y , and beholde , the woman his ccncu- uncvvas 0 dead at the doore of tire houfe. and het hands lay vpon the threfhold, 28 And hee faid vnto her , Vp , ant! let vs goe: but Ihe anfwcred not. Then he tooke her vp vp- on the aflc , and the man rofc vp , and went vnto his'' place. 19 And when hee was come to his houfe , hce tooke a knife and laid hand on his concubine , and dittided hei ia pieces with h» bonesinto tweiuc' Cr,iihfr,tr!,ri, j ced my concubine that flic is dead 6 Then I tooke rnv concubine, ?iid cut her in ! pieces , and fent* her thorowoutall the countrey j of the inheritance of Ifrael : for they hauccoru- ; m:ttcd abomination and villetiy in Ilrael, i 7 Behold, yce are all chiidrenof Ifrael, glue :; youradnife.and ccunfell herein. _ 8 Then all the people arofe as one man , fiy. mg. There ihairnot a man of vs goe to his tent, neither any tiirne into his f houfe 9 But now this is that thing which wee will doe to G ibeah : we will goe vp by lot againft it. 10 -And we will take ten men of the^bundreth throughout all the tribes of Ifrael ,and anhun- drethofthethoufand,andathoufandoftenthou- iaHd to bring g vitaile for the people , that they may doe (when they come to Gibeah of Beniai- min) according toail the A-illenie.ihat it hath done|t"fl in Ifrael. ^ 11 V So all the men of Ifrael were gathered againfi the city.knit together as oiiem^n, 12 And the tribes ofiirael fent men thorcw all the h tribe of Beniamin, faying. What wicked- neffe is this that is committed among you? 13 New therefore deiiuer vs thole wicked mer which are in Gibeah , that wee mjy put them to death.and put away eiiill from Ifrael: but the chil- dren of Beniamin i would nor obey the voyce of their brethren the children ofllracl. 14 Bur the children of^eniaiain gathered them lelues together out of the cities vnto Gibeah , to come out and fight againft the children o&Ilivcl. I f f And tne child) en of Beniamin were nom bred at that time.out of thecities.Cse 'and twenty thoHfand men that drew fwoid ,beiidc t!ie inha* birants of Gibeah , which were nombred feuen hundreth chofen m.en, 1 6 Of all this people z-vere fenen hundreth cho•- fcn men.being ■*■ left handed ί all tb'-lc could fling iiones at an haire breadth, and not faile. 17 f -Aifo the men oflfrael belide Beniamin, WiJTie nombred foure. hund/eth• -cboufand • men Tliatfi.herpfcCcS, to entry irAe a £ Before We 1ij«<> -. Uiionfid this wi(]itidne{]'e. g TJiefe oncif " ihoiiJd bane the charge topipiiidi foi vicsile for the h Dwn't, «nery" ■ Umilie of the tziWj BeCiiifi they wculJ not f [life! cited to be fiiiiiil.ed,they di'dated iliLirfcIn» 0 jniJ nieine ili^itrt In-theii caill.and «heicfete wcjre all • iiialySHniOied, ' Ctup.j.is, ; Jattcll bctweenc thelfraelitesj Mi and the 1 Jeniamites. t TJiji ii , le the Atke which wis Shiloh; fome iiinkcia Miif^h, bS>re(fe i• Thii Gad permit• «d.bcCiiife the iftielite» partly fled coo mnch theit Rrcngth. .ndptitly God jwotildbyihis {moncspnjulh theii dre-.i/ uvorl euen all men ofwofts. jBeniamites tfie fame day flue and twentiethou- g ^And the chUdten of IlViel arofe .and went land rnlm hnndreth men : all they could handle vp ktothehourecfGod.and askedofGod,f.n'- thefword . . , . , ing , Which of vs Ihall goe vp firft to fight agjinft s6 So the children of Beniamm faw that they the children of Beniamin ? and the Lord faid , lu- wt;re ftril•- flood before it ar that time) fay- thofedivii : for the jog, ShiU I yet goe any more to battell againft the lewctwrue, '•^"'j^ chiltlten of Beniamin my brethren.or Ihalll ceaie? ...._jj....t._-j„.i. ^^j ^^^ Lord faid , Goe vp : for to morow I will α Ot feToed in the riiefls oiice >t }iaed|h: yeite:, • a)rlIie.p«li and behold, there came none of labeih Giiead vn- to the hofte,««i to the Congregation. 9 For when the people were viewed, behold, none of the inhabitants of labeih Giiead were there. 10 Therefore the Congregation fent thither twelue thoufand men of tlie t moft valiant , and commanded them , faying , Goe and fraite the in- habitants of labeili Giiead with the edge of the fword,both women and children. I Γ And this is it that ye fliall doe ; yee ihall vtterly deftroy all the males , and all the women that haue lien by men. 12 And they found among the inhabitants of labeih Giiead foure huiidreth maides.virgins that had knovven η,ο man by lying with any male : and they brought them vnto the hofte to Shiloh,which is in tjie land of Canaan. 13' t Then the whole Congregation « fent and ftake with the children of Beniamin that were in the rocke of Rimmon, and called U peaceably vnto I them : 14 And Beniamin came againe at that time, and the^ gaue them wiues which they had faned iaiiue of the women of labeih Giiead ; but they j had not ^ fo ynough for thein. I J And the people were fory for Beniamin, Benamites« 97 becaufe the Lord had made a bseach in the tribes oflfraeJ. j 16 Therefore the Elders of the Congregation! faid , How ihall we doe for wiues to the remnant ?| for the women of Beniamin are deftiOved, K' „. ■ . 17 And they faid. Ther.munbe Ian inheri J fe SXTa'c tance for them that be efcaped of Beniamin , that: f•»' twelfth portion a tribe be not deftroyed out of Ifraei. j '" ''"^inhetinn*• 18 Howbeit wee may not giue them wiues c'' ° '""ob, our d«ighters : for the children of Ifraei ha. 1 worne, laying,Curfed be he that giueth a wife toi Beniamin, j 1 9 Therefore they faid.Behold.there is a feafl! of the Lordeuery yeere inShiloh,w*/)/rtce,which is on the>> Northfide of Beth-el , and on the Eaft- '',""'''''^''"'"'=*i fide of the way that goethvpfron, Beth-el to ^Γ3^^?ν'Γί?;««ΐ,; i)nechem,andon the South ofLebonah. , todamice, as the 1 20 Therfore they commanded f children of Ben-, •""" ■'"'η ""• iamin,faying Gt.e.and lie in wait in the vineyards.; '^^ZlTliior^t? 21 And when ye fee that the daughters of Shi^ of cods worWs loh come out to dance in dances , then come yee; among them, our of the vineyards , and catch you euery man ά wife of the daughters of Shiloh .and goe into tho land of Beniamin. { 22 And i when their fathers or their brethren! ί Though thiy come ynto v$ to complaine , wee will fay vntq ihonght hereby to them , Haue pitie on them for our fakes . becaufa F^'f^ade men thar we referuednoi to each man his wife in the war J o^[he''yetie'fore and becaufe ye haue not giuen vnto them hither-, Goditwasbioke», to.ye haue finned. ι 23 And the children of Beniamin did fo , antJ tooke wiues of them that danced according toi their If number : which they tooke, and went} * Me>ning,twi away.and returned to their inheritance, and repai-t '^''^d"''»• red the cities and dwelt in them. 24 So the children of Ifraei departed thence at that time , euery man to his tribe, and to his faJ mily , and went out from thence encry man to his inheritance. |* Ci.if.i^.i,' 25- *Inthofe dayes there was no king in Ifrael.i^^^^',*/" tut euery man did y which was good in his eyesJ * THE BOOKE OF RVTH. THE A R G V Μ Ε Ν Τ. ^V H'u Etek^ » intituled after the name ofRuth:vvbich i: theprincipall perfo'ifpoken of in thU treattfe.VVhereM alfo figuratiuely iifetfoorth the fla,te of the Church vvhichiffuiieiito manifild affltiliow , and yet at length Ged giueth good and ioyfuUiffUe : teaching vs to abide with patience till God deiiuer vs out of troubles. Herein αΐβ is defcribed how lefus Chriii^vvho according to the fie fh ought to come ofDauid,proceededofRuth,ofwhom the Lord lefus did vouchfafe to come , notvvithflAnding fhee was a Moabite ofbafe condition , andafiranjer from the people of God : declaring vnto vs thereby tiiat the Gentiles fl:ould bee fanSiified by him ,andioyned with his people, and that there fhould be but onejijeepefold .andonefheepheard. ^ndit feemeth that t hit hiflorie appertatneth to the time of the ludges. {UrMsfi. • Inthelandeof j Canaan. η the tribe of ludah , which wa; :dfo called Beth- lehem Ephtathah, becaufe there was inoihtrcityfo tilled inthe ttist •C ZtbiUum, CHAP. I. E!l'mf(ftf> geith ^iti kit aif'e ttii cUlilrnt into thr hnit-of ΜοΛίι. X HrMdhCffonmi dir. H> Ufmi «»d Ruth tome to Bitk-lfhem, Ν the time that the ludges t ruled, there was a dearth in the »land,and a man of Beth-lehem ^ ludah went _ for to foiourne in the couiurey of ^ioab,hee,and his wife.andHis two fonnes. 2 And the name ofthemanffi»/ Elimelech, and the name of his wife , Naomi : and the names of his two fonnes , Mahlon , and Chilion , Eplira- thites of Beth-lehem ludah : and when they came into the land of Moab.thcy continued there. 3 Then Elimelech the husband of Naomi died, and llie remained with her two fonnes. 4 which tooke them wiues of the c Moa• bites: the ones name was Orpah,and the name of the other Ruth ; and they dwelled there about ten yeeres. 5: And Mahlon and Chilion died alfo both twaine; fo the woman was Ititt/iefiitute of her two fonncs.and of her husband. 6 f Then (hee arofe with her daughters in law, and returned from the countrey of Moab:j for ilie haJ heard fay in the countrey of Moab,' that the Lord had «^ viiited his people, and giuen them bread. 7 wherefore fl:ee departed out of the place where fhe was , and her two daughters in lawe with her, and they -vent on their way to returne vnto the land of ludah. 5 Then ISaomi faid vnto her two daughters c By this wojider» full proiiidence of God Ruth became one of Gods hoiif. hold, of whom ChiiftcMne. i By fending thtie pl«mieagjiu5. Ruth continueth with NaomiV Ruth; Boaz courtefic toward Ru|h;f^ c Hereby it apfta Kth that Naomi by dwelling among idoIa:eiS . was Wu.\t)i cold in the tiat zcale of Cod, ^vhich isihit hath lefpeil to the cafe cf the body then to «h« comfort of the feiilc, I Or., i when fliee tooTte I Italic and departed. gNopccfwafions can picnaile to •urEethcm bacie fcom God , whom he haih chofen to Itc hif. JiWhcveSyappea- icth thai Qie was •f a gieat familie of good repiaatiori. g Or , i,.,uUfi blelfed be he , that knew thee. And ihee fhewed her mother in law , with whom ilie had wrought , and faid , The mans name with vlioml wrought to diiy , is Bo z. g To wit , *fhet bagge , as is in tht Chalde text, ht]| to|ecbo.hth«ii Jiiiingi, they were aliiie, and now te >'» „ _.-. 2υ And Naomi faid vnto her d.iughter in lawj uour. And (lie faid vnto her Goe my daughter. ! BlelVed be he of the hord : for hee ceafeth not to h Tomyhu-Bana . 3. '.Λ"^'' V^*^ went . and came .-nd gleaned in due good tothe lining rjid to the h dead. A gaind «"^«'"l'^"''•'"''* N:;omi faid vnto her , The man is neere vnto vs judofouraffinitie. , 2 1 And Ruth the MocbitefTc faid,He faid alfc certainely vnto aae , ThoH llialt be with my fer- uants , vntill they haue ended all mine harueft:. 2 2 And Naomi anfwered vnto Rmli her daugl„ tcr in Ιψ , It is b§ft; my daughter, that tliou goe SheelietiiaiBoazfcete^ ι Or.f^U vfen thtt Chap.! [I. π Ii; iMeaning.tliat fhe Vfo:ilJ piOuideher cf an husband, with whoine Q>e jnightliue qiiittly ^ Or. i Λ lift*"'. l»Boai,noryet> •thti. out with his raaides, that they H meet thee not in another field. 23 Then ilie kept her by the maids of Boaz,to gather vnto the end of barJey harneft , and of wheat harueft.and || dwelt with her motlier in law. C Η A P. 1 1 1. 1 Ham! gUtit K-mt eounf-U. 8 Χί.« flrfrti «t Ββ4ΐ Ftite. 1 1 Ht »ikf,irUig,ti Inmfrtp to it h,r kinprntn. Δ Fterward Naomi her mother in law faid vn- to her. My cbughter.ihall not I feeke > reft for tliee,that thou mayeft profper ? 2 Now alfo is not Beaz oi!r kinieman , with whofe maides thou waft ? Behold , he winoweth barley to niglit in the ll floore. 3 Walh thy felfe therefore , and anoint thee, and put thy raimet vpon thee.and get thee downe to the floore ; let not the l» man know of tliee > vn- till he haue left eating and drinking, 4 And when hcc lli^U Heepcmarke the place where he layeth him downe, and go, and vnconer the place of his fcete, and lay thee d©wne,and hfi fl^all tell thee what thou fli.alt doe. y And ilie anfwercd her. All that thou biddeft me . I will doe. 6 f So Ihe went downe vnto the floore , ami did according to all that her mother in law Isade her, y And when Boaz had eaten and drunken, and <: cheared his heart , hee went to lie downe at the ende of theheape of corne.ani ihe came foft- 3' r , and vncouered die p^ace of his feete , and lay owne. %■ And at midnight the man was afinid || and caught hold : aidioe, a woman lay athisfecte. ρ Then he faid , Who art thou ? And Ihee an- fwered.I am Ruth thine hmdmaii : ipread there- fore the wing of thy gxment ouer thine hand- maid : for thou art diekinlm;.n. 1 0 Then he faid, Biefled be thou of the Lord, my daughter ; thou haft i ihewetl more goodnes in the latter end,then at the beginning, in as much as thou followedrt not young men , were they poore or rich. 1 1 And now, my daughter, feare not : I will doe to thee all that thou requireft : for all the citie of my people doeth know that thou art a vertuous woman. Ϊ 2 And now , it is true that I am thy kiniiiian, jhowbeit there is a kinfman neerer then I. 1 3 Tarie to night.and when morning is come, if he « will doe the duetie of a kinfman vnto thee, well , let him doe the kinfmans duetie : but if hee will not doe die kinfemans part , then wiJl I doe the duetie ofa kinfeman,as the Lordliueth:ileepe vntiU the morning. 1 4 f And Ihee lay at his feete vntill the mor- ning : and ihe mofe before one could know .uio- ther • for he faid. Let no man know, that a woman came into the floore. f ΑίΓυ he faid.Bring the ρ (lieet that thou haft vpon thee, and Iiold it. Ami when ihe held it.hee nieafured dxcmeaftrei of barley, and layed them on her,ind ihe went into the citie , 1 6 And when Ihee came to her mother in law, f Peiceitting VyheJ flic faid , ^ Who i.rt thou.my daughter ? And flie ■ ' ' told her all that the m^n had done to her, 17 And faid.Thefe fixe meafures ofbidey gaue he mee : for h;e ftid to mee , Thou lliait not come emptie vnto thy mother in law. 1 8 Th-n faid ihe, ify d nighter, fit ftill,vntill tliou know how the thing will fall ; for the man Boaz mari ;th her. 98 C TV» is, had le bcOiedhimfelfc a• jnong his feriia flOr.turnrd /im/X/". fnm «tie fit (« tift. dTlioa flit we fl thy Iclfe {torn time cune more veitiieii;. c If he Will tjlie thee to be his v>if< by the ti.Ie of «ffiiiitie. according CO Codo law, Dciit.a;,;, I Oti'vUT.ttt, tonihjinghome, thailiee had h.oc lakenhcrtahis wife , flie w»s Β,Λΐ (f-rakith to Rulit 7 TbnTtii/ni efflomr in ivbont ttWgelirH OM. will not be in reft , VntlU he hath finiftied the mat ter this fame day. C Η A P. nil, yitxt kifpiniK IcnMitg httxarvUlf Ifnel. I ο £«4ζ mjifitti ΐ,Μί ο jS rte grHtrMUnof ph«el. 'J' Hen went Boaz vp to the a gate.and fate there and bclioklc , the kinfeman , of whom Boaz had f'poki;n,came by : and he faid ,ϋ Ho fuch one, come , fit downe hcore. And hee turned , and fate downe 2 Then he tooke ten men of the Elders of the citie, and faid,Sit yee downe here. And they fat downe. 3 And he faid vnto the kinfeman, Naomi ,that is come againe out of the couiitrey of Moab.wiil fell a parcell cf l?nd , which was our brother Eli-t melechs, 4 And I thought to ackiertife thee.faying.BuvJ j or iniMtMii it before the ll aifiltauis , and befoie the EldeiS of my people, If tiiou wiltredeemeit,redeeme it;but if thou wilt not redecme it,tell rae:for I know that there is flone c belidcs thee to redeems it , and I c For thou att Hie am after dice. The he anlwered,! will redeems it, '"*" °i «he kin, y Then faid Boaz, AVhat day thou buyeft die: field of die hand ofWaomi.tlwu muft alio buy it ofi Ruth theMonbitefli; the wife of die dead,to ttir vpj the name of the dead.vpon his d inheritance. j* ■'^'' hiiinhewv ^Vliicli wjfth* place of j-.idjmentj b The Heirevre» here vie two words which hang no ptcper Ignification.bue feme to note a ce^• taine peifoii,as w<| fay, Ho fitray.or ho, filth a one. 6 And the kinfemk anfwered , I cannot re-ii"",;;;;^^'^'."* decmeit,left I deftroy mine owne inheritance .-re-jdeai. ™ ' '"* deeme mj riglit to thee , for I cannot redeeme it. | 7 Now this was the maner before ti Tie in If- 1 rael , concerning redeeming and clianging for to ! ftablifli all things : a man did plucke off his ilioe, j and gaue it his neighbour : and this was a fure „.,,.. « witnelTe in Ifracl. iUiJVd h^V•" 8 Therefore the kinfemnn faid to Boaz, Buy it Dew.» S.J. for thee : and he drew of his ihoe. 9 And Boaz faid vnto the Eld;rs .and vnto all the people, Yee .ire wimelles this day.that I haue bought all that was Elimelechs , and all that wasi Chiiions and Mahlons.of die hand of Naomi 10 And moreouer.Ruth the Moabitefle the wife of Mahlon, haue I bought to be my wife,to ftir vp the name of the dead vpon his inheritance , and that the n;une of the dead be not put out from among his brethren , and from the gate of his f place : ye are witnelTesthis day. 1 1 And ail the people that we're in the gatc,and the Elders faid, VV* are witneiTes ; the Lord make the wife that commcth into thine houfe,likcRaliel and ILke Leah, which twain did build the houfe of lirael : and that thou mayeil doe wordiiiy in S E- phrathah.and be famous in Beth-lehem. 1 2 And that thine houl'e bee like the houfe of Pharcz("''wh3Thamarbare vnto Itutahjcf the iced v\'hich yLord fl^ali giue thee of this yong woman 13 fSoBor.z tooke Ruti|,an.llhee was his wife : aid when hee went in vnto her , the Lord gaue that ilie conceiucd,;;nt! bare a fonne. 14 And the women faid vnto Naon\i,Blefled be the Lord , which hadi not left thee this day with- out a kinfeman , anJh his name ilrJbe continued inlfrael. I y And this fliall bring thy life againe , tnd clierilh thine olde age : for thy daughter in law which loucth dice , hath borne vnto him , and ilie is better to thee then* feuen fonnes, 16 And Nao:ni tooke the childe,and lai.le it in her lap , andbccnrae-nourie rato it, Ν a 17 Anc f Or , of the citii where he remained. g Ephrjihih 3t bethlchem are h He fliall lean» conliniiall jfofleriiie. ί Meanijif , n«»y fomics, - Elkanah anc [ his wife. Λω.1.3. k This gene ale gy is brought in , 10 jptoouethat ΟλκΜ by fncceliion caniC •f thehoRlcof ty And the vvorncn her neighbours gaiie ir a name , faying , Tliere is a cliilde borne to Naomi, anJ caile'd the name thereof Obed ; the lame was the fatlier of Ilhai.the father of Dauid. 8 ί Thefe now are the generations of ■*"< Pha- rez: Pharez begate Kezron, i ρ And Hezron begate Ram, and Rambegate According as God had erdamed , Dent. ty. i^• that when the Ifraelites fhould bee in the land of CaMan, be would appoint thenia king: [0 here in the firfi booke of Sarnuel is declared the β^ΐ6 of this people t/nder their firfi kvjg Saul, who not content with that order which God had for a time appointed for the geuernment of hit Church , demaunded a ί^η5> , to the intent they might be as otlnr nations , and in a greater affurance as they thought : not becaufe they τ^ίφΐ the better thereby ferue God, as beingvnderthe ftfcgard of ^ him which did reprefent lefus Chrifi the true deliiierer , therefore hegaue them a tyrant & an hypocrite to rule | oner them, that they might Icarne that theperfonof akingiinot fi-.fficient todefendthem .except Cod by hii\ power pre ferue and keepe them, ^nd therefore hee punifjeth the ingratitude of his people , and fendeththem enntinuaU. warrei both at home and abroad. ^4nd becauf- Saul ,w horn of nothing God had preferred to the honour of a king , did not acknowledge Gids mrrcic toward him , but rather di^obeycdthe wordof God , and vvas not KealoHs of his glory , he was by the voyce of God put downefrom hu e(iate , r.nd Dctuid the true figure if Mefftah placed in his ftead , vvhofe patience , madepe , conflancie , perfccution by open enemies, fained friends , and diffemblingfiatterers , are left to tife Church and to cuery member of the fame , atapaterne I • There wetctwo Ramaths.fo that in this city in mount Ephraim were Zo- learneil men and rtoplietj. b For the Atlte ws at that time e Sometexle,! Bottton with an l1«auicc^eeIe, A Let this faff ce ihee, ih9t I lone iheeno'.enit, the if iliniihadrtmany chUdten . c That iJ , of tVe hotife where (he Adc waj. I. Samiel The birth >fSamuel. Ammiiiadab, 20 And Amminadab begate Nabilaon,and Nah- il)on begate Salmon, 21 And S almon begate Boaz.and Boaz begate Obed, 22 And Obed begate Ifliai . and Ifliai begaw Dauid. THE FIRST BOOR Ε OF SAMVEL. THE ARGVMENT. and extmpUto beholde their fi ate and vocation. CHAP. I. Tie gtntAlo^it cf ElkiKih fMiir ef SMnurl. i Hit lifo miuei, s Hj»«j mjt hjrril: , jnj frjyii la tie Lcr,1. IS H'ritifwereUJiti. ja Sitnuil ΰ lurne . i+ Ste ai,th d/JicMe him to lie Lor,1. Here was a man of one of the two 2 Ramathai η Zophim , of mount I:- phraim , whofe name was EJkanah the ionne of lerohara , the fonne of Elihii, the fonne of Tohu, the ibnne of Zuph.an Ephra- thite, And hee had two vviiics :the name of one was Hannah, and tlie name of the other Pcnin- nah : and Peninnah had children .but Hannah hid no children. 5 * And this man went vp out ofhiscitie eiicry yeere , to worlhip and to facrifice vnto the Lord of hoallcs in *• Shiloh , wliere were tlie two fonnes of Ely, Hophni,and Phinehas,Priefts of the Lord. 4 And on a day , when Elkanah facrificed , he gaue to Peninnah his wife and to all her fonnce and daughters portions, y But vnto Hannah he gaue a worthy <^ poi•. tion : for hee loucd Hannah , and the Lord had made iier barren. 6 ί And her aducrfarie vested her fore.foraf- miich as (lie vpbraided her , becaufe the Lord had m.ide hei• barren. 7 (And lb did he yeere by yeere] and as oft as fliee went vp to the houfe of the Lord , thus iliee vexed her that (lie wept and did not cat. 8 Then faid Elkanah her husband to her.Han- nah, why weepeft thou ? and wliy eatcft thou not? and why is thine heart troubled < am not I beiser to thee then ten ^ ionnes ? 9 So Hannah rofe vp after that they had eaten and lirunke in Shiloh (and Eli the Prielt fare vpon a ftooJe by one of the poftes of the tTeraple of the Lord) ' ο And fhec was troKbleS in her mitide , and prayed vnto tlie Lord,and wept fore t 11 Alfo flie vowed avow, and raid,0 Lord of hoaftes, if thou wilt lool<.e on the trouble of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but giue vnto thine handmaid a man childe , then I will giue him vnto the Lord all the dayes of his life , '♦' and there (hall no rafor come vpon his head. 1 2 And as fliee continued praying before the Lord,Eli marked her mouth I j For Hannah fpake in her heart : her lips did moone onely ,but her voyce was not heard ; there- fore Eli thought fhe had beene drunken. 14 And Eli faid vnto her. How long wilt thon be drunkefPut awaytthy dnuikenneilefrom thee.i 1 5• Then Hannah' anfwcred, and faid. Nay myS l^j" '■ Lord,but I am a woman + troubled in fpirit:! hauej drunke neither wiiie nor ikong drinke , bnthaue* •Ρ/''•4•» ■<" powred otit my foulc before the Lord. J *Kumi.i. iEif.ihy»me, >fwijtt rf«^i ϊ6 Coimt not thine handmaidc t for a wicked ,,, ,'/ΰ,Μ. woman ; for of the abundance of my complaint and my griefe haue I fpoken hitherto. [ 1 7 Then Eii anfwcred, and faid.Goe in peacei and the God of Ifiaei grant thy petition that thoii haft asked of him. 18 She faid a:>aine , Let thine handmaid finde grace in thy fight : fo the woman went her way f That is.prsy yi anddid eate , arkl looked no more fsd. 'the Lord ioimt, 19 "^ Then they rofe vp early ,and worihipped before the Lord, and returned , and came to their houfe to Ramah. Kow Elkanah knew Hannah his wifc.and the Lord g remembred her. 20 For in procefle of time Hannah conceiiied § Acceifogte Iim aneare before' the Lord,and there abide for euer. 23 And Elkanflh her husbsuid ftiil vnto Iier, ■■ Dne thtoni and as fome wriit once a yeete ihry acciiHonied to ag. peaie before the Lord with tkiis families. CHap. IL leit le wascilUl tht L«tJtpfeniif« tHk. k Thtc^t.oMll Do " wiiat fecmeth thee belt : tary Vntfll t how h,ift weined him : otiely the Lord acxdniplilh his • woid So the woman abode.end gaiie her fonne fucke vntili (he weined him. 24 ί And when (lie had weined him, the tooke him with her with three bullocks and in * liph.ih of floiirc and α bottle of wine , and brought him vnto the houfe of the Lord inShiloh .andtlie childe was t yong. If And they Hew a bullocke , and brought the childe to Eli. %6 And flie (iyd , Oh my lord , as thy k fonle liueth , my lord , I am the woman that fluod with thee here praying vnto the Lord. 27 I prayed fot this childe, and the Lord hath giuen mc my dclire which I asked of him. 1 8 Therefore alio I haiic t gitien him vnto the Lord .as long as he liueth he ihiH be giuen vnto the Loid; and he I worlhipped the Lord there. CHAP. I r. *Thf.wffH•.. I miniflrnH^n Ikr «AfttlthMflnhjA Lni. ,0 HiU-fik^lK.'oAAnikiimf, »} f.H ebtiined 1 {oiine rtfnuuA Ht ftttnti. 17 Co. i prndiili j Prcfln it Bi. by ptiyti , Oit gwc 3 1 Eli it mr**tti for net tt^jUjini iii tHUn thiulis. b I hiu( («•Μΐ«1 gih an4 gUcy byi)itbtatMt*i ihc Lotd- mfwcre ihatrcptoeiie wicked. God threatneth Eli. 9^ * Eh t-l. i MCaiimg Ant thaaki Uichec ■Vhull WMcom• Mcl'c.oftkud όυα. 4 ie titflt, fiiic again η Cod ■ f Ot,f,rHnHi)g UiM Jhf kMk I.Kt Λ Nd Hannah * prayed, and fayd. Mine heart re- ioyceth in the Lord , mine •> home is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is 'enlarged oner mine enemies .becaufe I rcioycc in thy faluation. 2 There is none holy as the Lorvl; yca.therc is mybinreantiic. tionc befidcs thee.&therc is no god like our God. ' *" *" 'ba"e" I ^ Speake <* no more prcfumptuoiilly : let not ^"(kev»y<>uir'''"o'''"'^y come out of your mouth.for the Lord " a God of knowledge , and by him euierpriics are cftabliihed. 4 The bow and the mighty men are broken, and the wcake haue girded themfelues with Itrength. f They that were full , are hired foorth for * bread, andthc hungry are no more hired, ίο that the barren hath borne H leuen ; and lliee that had many children is feeble. 6 * Tke Lord killeth and makethaliue.-brin- geth downe to the graue and raifcth vp. 7 The Lord maketh poore and maketh rich; brjngeth !ow,.ind cxalteth. 8 *He raifcth yp the goorc out of tile duft.aud lifteth vp the begger from the dunghill.to fct them downe iccotdiiig among f princes , and to make them inherit the ;24hr."„:'""'jr«t of glory :for the pillars of the earth are the .,»... ' ς Lords : and he hath let the world vpon them. 9 He will keepe the feet of his Saints , and the wicked iliall keepe filence in darkenelle ; for in his ovvne might (hall no man be ftrong. 10 The Lords aduerfaries fliall be deftroyed, 1 and out of hcauen (liall he * tliunder vpon them; the Lord lliail iudge the ends of the world , and /lial! giue power vnto his h King , and exalt the home of his Anointed. 1 1 And Elkanah went to Ramah to his houfe, and the childe did minifter vnto the 'Lord be- fore Eli the I'rieft. 1 2 ί Now the fonnes of Eli were wicked men. nrd * knew not the Lord. I J For the Priefts cuftome toward the people was this : when any man ofircd facrificc,]^ Pricih ( boy came , while the fleihwas Teething , atid a fleihnookc with three teeth in his hand, 14 And thrufl itjnto the kettle , or into the caldron , or into the panne , or into the pot : * all that the fleflihooke brought vp , the Prieft tooke for himfelfc : thus they did vqco ail the Ifraelites. γάοζ yc fucli whenihiycimeie ; cuiiJ reports ''l''""^"'•""'*' ' jEJtod.ji.l. Ltiiic. ii.<. • Thty ftU ilieit labouri foi nccef- faty ioode. I Or, mtnf. >l-ZViK,]i.)f. P/-.rf.iiJ.7. f Hi ptefimth bonoui.andpuitctl iudgenunt be f»nttaty. g Thtttfott he may difpofe »U tilings ai^li„*'NOi'r''«'n?r.r« I anfwere ,No , but thou lliait giue it now : rjidifthtu owne ptoKr, i tlioti wilt not.l will t.!ke it by foae. . foihai.cod migbt i, 17 Thcrtfftjrc the finneofthcyong men was; '^^'"'•'' '"&»"■ i very great before the Lord ; for men « abhorred' ο setingthe I the ofll-ring of tiie Lord. ' iiotn-fclt atiuf• 18 n»rf , mv fonnes • for it is no good r.'jK.rt that I hc.irc , which is , tli.it yee make tlie Lords pv'oj)!e to "'"''' G»d ihall bJcflc Ifrael . apd thcrellull not be . nfi!",': I;,'' ndtt footed god callctli Saiiwel iHnnint.ttiay, who fiKttcdcd Abiathar .liidwl! ihc DguicofChtiO. Tliit is, (hall be »ferioui vnto e:. •Childe text di, vrhilct Eli I Becaurethcie veiy few Piophecs to declare i(. e In clie Conn next to the Tabernacle. d That is , the Umpes which in the night, e iofephut writeth Aa« Samuel was «weliie yeeres olde, when the Loid tfjtuti to him. ί S)i VifioK. S'SticHwis the connpiionof thofc times that the chicle rxieft was fc((*me dull md negligent to vnderAand the ioidt appearing. h God aedarcth Wfhatriiddenieiie (kail come vpon men, when ihey Aian htireihat the Aike is talien.and alfofce Elies tWiiitdcnisyed. old man in thine houfe for euer. 55 Neucrdielefle, I will not deilrov eueiy one ofthjna from ininc altar , tom.ikerhWeyes to faik, aiid to make thine heme ibrow full : end ail the multitude of thine houfe fliall (i die when they he men, 54 And this fliaJbe a lipne vnto thee.thnt {ball come vpon ihy two fonncs'Hophni r.nd Phinehas: in one day they Ihall die both, ^ 5 And I will ftirre me vp a » fajthfull Prieft, that iliall do according to mine heart, .-md accor- din" tomyniind;5c I wil build hira a Aire houfe, and he fiiall walke before mine Anointed for euer. 36 And all that are left in thine houfe , Ihall come and > bow downe to him for a piece of fil- ler and a morfell of bread, i,nd ihall fay, Appoint rae, I pray thee, to one of the Pricfts uffices,that 1 may eate a morfell of bread. C Η A P. 1 1 1. ! MTherew4Sft,mmiHt>,ttimeefEli. 4 Thr ■ Xord etilcih Samuel three times. n yind ibewtth I tfhat Ρ>ΛΙΙ ccme -vpon Eli anihii htufe. 18 The Ume \ dtctartth Sttmuel to Elt. ' ^ Ow the childe Samuel miniftred vnto the ' Lord a before Eli : and the word of the Lord j wus bpieciousinthofedayes : for there was no ' minifeft vifion. j 2 And acthat time.as Eli lay in his* place.his ί eyes began to waxe dimiTie that he could not fee. i J And yet the ^ light of God went out, Samuel ! flept in the Temple of die Lord , where the Arke j of God was. j 4 Then the Lord « called Samuel; and he faid, ί jHere I am. 1 j y And he ranne vnto Eli, and faid, Here am I, i iforthoucelledftme. But hee faid, I called thee ' !not:goe againe and fleepe.Andhe went and flept. i 1; 6 And the Lord called once againe , Samuel ' I And Samuel arofe.and went to Eli, and faid.I am fhere: for thou diddeft call me. And he anfwered.I calledtheenotmy fonne: goe againe «neeie. i]Or,fioK,ofi,lf, tt..A.7-ii. ' a For it may feemc that this wane was vndertakcn by Sa^ niuels commande- menr. e Before tetc fotighi againft men , and nowf God: iftayed ih.-m not. mes ran into a ilaunder,and he h-L >^u°r"*°."'li^o^3"''elivervsoutofthe "^•...— >- handof thefe m.ghfeGods . thefe are the Gods'«/-?«5«tianswith->M,K„ t,i • d roimtheiei the d Wildemelfe ^* ''' '^^ P''^"'' "' .f" inti.e wilSer, ο R a Its the Igyptains 9 tic trong and play the men , Ο Philillims, ^ >^"' '^«"'«y'd. „ '■"^"'"*' . _- ' • - hjch was the laft all '"S ί 1 X ... tnat aay ι will raile vp againft Eli all '^^"gs which! haue fpoken concerning his houfe; ί vhen 1 btg-^.l will cifo make an end. ' .u ' ... . „" ",'f -"" i"-'/ '"^ "'<■■" . υ i'hililtims, ; "'™ "'"■"ί'". !e;h,becaufehisfonnesranintuail.nin-j.-.r,.„ik_.„ Anw.i,.iu...a.__ <- . . ^ 1 e, i Maasisg.thathis folctiiie ttioti}d ncic eaioy the cllieft Fijctti |io«;e of EJi.that the wickednes of Elis houie fl^all (not be piirgcd with facrifcenor ofFring for H-uer I y Afterward Satnuel flept vntill the immins', and opened the docres of the houfe of il„ Lord and Samuel feared to iLew Eli the vifion i6 TTfaen EJiculiad Samucl>anci ftid^-Sanpie] fn.r° r. ^""^ '^^ f'hiJiftims fought, and Ifrael was I im)ttcn doM'iie , and fied euery'man into his tern ' there feTwRf ^" "'i"'^'"? ^^"^ "nughter ; fo^ I na«ra allttding .• there tell cf Urael « thirty thoufand footmen '»■" P'»'- ^'^ I Ϊ And the Arke of God was taken andnhe*^'''^•^")''*'/ "Tf Tdlh ''"''f '"■■ '"' ^'^-^■has"diS' "' !:■ ί ^:;:S., th/tJ^^^ ^T '■•^""^3"*nofBeniaminoutof!'''cy»YevtfoddejiJj h^. r \' ''?'' '"^ i" ^'"'"^ ^'>e f'^^ d»y with I'/'r'i- I his cloathesfrcnt.iid earth vpon his held ^ J m.ckenoi — fed EUdietb; 2 Leslt it Sieuld »« lakeit «f ihc t)itnu«i, Ci^i. i,t, 6 ΑΜΜέ{η{ΐ» f.74. I yOr, {«wtKhI. i Aai fetlei he» body cow »d bee atniilt. Dagon« Chap: ν.νϊΓ ;for his heartg feared ! * Wh TheArkc. Emerods. loo met feat by the \ny ficle.waltingrfor his heartg feared ! ' What fhall wee doe with the Arke cf the Gott <• "ihmihihtj hi* for ths Arke of God : and when the man came in- ! of Ifrael ? And they anfwered , Let the Arke of '*'i Goi»powit, :o the ckie to tell it.all the citie cried uuc. [ the God of Ifraei bee caried about vnto Gath: Λίτίο'Γν«"ί,*^ I 14 Andwhen Eli heaid the noife of the crying, j and they caried the Arke of the God cfirraeliwe<:!if«'J«"7 he fayd.Whatmeanethihisnoifeofthetiiranlt» about. *im , which thine I . i», And when they had carfcd it about, the ^^^ ;:ΐ:;:;^ j «and ofthc Lord was agamft the citie with a very kUiy, great deftni<^ion .and hee fraote the men of the ciiie both fmall and great , and they hid emerods in their fecret parts. lot Tlit-rcfore tiiey Tent the Arke of God to I Ekron : and aflbone as the Arke of God came to Ekron.the Ekronices cried our.faying.They hatji brought the• Arke of the God of liraclcovsto flay vs and our people. 1 1 Therefore they fent.and gathered together all the princes of the Philiftims , and fayd , Send „ . . « away the Arke of the God oFliiael. and let it re- tl^lTh» f«fe '' and tile man came in haftily, and told Eli. 15 {Now Eli toxw fourefcore and cighteene yeere old,and* his eyes were dim that hee could not fee.) 16 And the man faidvntoEIi,! came from the armicand I fled this day out of tlie holie : and he fcid.What thing is done ,my fcnne ? 17 Then the} raeiTengcr anfwered , and faid, Ifr.iel is fled before the Philiftims, and there hath bene alio a great (laughter among the peoolerand moreouer thy two fonnes . Hophni aid Phinehas •» are dead.and the Arke of God is taken, iS ' And when he had made mention of the Arke of God, Εώ' fell from his feate backward by f tunie to his owne place , that it flay vs not and the ha«d of cod. the fide of die gatcaiid his necke was broken ,aiul he died : for he was and old man and heauie : and he had Β iudged Ifrael fourtieyeeres. 19 And his daughter in law.Phinehas wife.was witli child,»iffre j her trauaile :ίΐ\ά when flie heerd tlic report that the Arke of God was taken, an J that her father in law and lier husband were dead, Ihc i bowed her feife,and trauailed: for her paincs came vnro her. zo And about the time of her death, the wo- men that ftood about her.faid vnto Iier,Feaie not: for thou iiaft borne a fonne : but ihe anfwered not. nor regarded it. i I And ihe named the childe II Ichshod , fay- ing , The g'ory is departed from Ifraei .becaiife our people: for there was a deflruftion and death e^^i» «"χΐ «'«Λ thorowoui .ill the citie , «nd the hand of God was t'f'^l Γ'^μ.'"* very fore there. fetJiU 12 And the men thjt dyed not , were fmitten jcne feic m«icy. with the emcrods : and the cry of die citie went; vptoheauen. CHAP. VI. I Thf time that tht A:k.cxi>*i reukthe Philiflims ,wkiih thiy ftHt »s-»tnev>,tbag,ft. ιχ It ttmmtth tt Beth- Pumtjb, .7 Tht Pi,/,",mscfferTemtfti(. 19 rA< Me» ./ £c,h-jb,m>ib «re β,,φη f„ Utking int» They then; ^•" Ii She vfteredhet greitforowbyie- Ueiunj het weidi g Ο the Arke of the Lord was in the countrey of the Philiilims > feuen moneths, _. 1 And the Philiftims called thePrieftsand the time tie pUgue --t,.-... ^.-.j .. ..-r— ' Soothfayers. faying, what Ihall we doe with the ^»"" '"'«?"<«'- he Arke of God w^s taken , andbecaufe of her j Arke of die Lord? tell vs wherewith we IhaU fend L" , .t^e Sm' adier in law and her husband. ί jj home a'>aine. Γ 3 And Aey fayd. If you fend away tlie Arke of ; the God of Ifraei , fent it not away emptie , but |> the iJelncn giue vnto it b a finnc offering : then fliali yee bee ienfefTe iheie it χ r.^: .- •. . ) healed , and it ihall bee knowen to you , why his ™*.?'"ί.•, iriZ'Taitfi"''''^ hand departeth not from you. t..n.AeJ.i ^ ,_ „^.,.„. ' / , , cr^ , 4 Thenfaydthey.Whatlhallbethefinneoffc- 'pHen the Phihftims tooke the Arke of God, | ring, which wee ihall giue vnto it ? And they an- and caried κ from Eben-ezer vnto «Aflidod. ■ fwered,Fiuc golden emerods . and hue golden a Euen the Phihftims tooke the Arke of Gcd. | miCe , according to the number of the princes of and brought it into the hovife ofb Dagon,and let it '•—•■■'• by Dagon fadier in law and her husband, ' ζ ζ Shee fay dagaine.k The glory is depatted ' ίτωη Ilrael : for the Arke of God is taken. C^H A P. V. »l tit Ark- IMIl It/ iKuft tfDjl Tit PHIiflin iiolffell i>mnekffa< t Tkt Arkt it e* iti iltta Gjtk, iiiniQicch finue My, t Which «risoBC •f iht fine pruci- (ttl cities of (be bwhichVistJieit 3 And when they ofAilidodrofe the next day .«hie:e idol», ind ] in the moming , behold , Dagon was fallen vpon ajfomeiw.je.feem jjjj^ face on the ground before the Arke of the *!rd"w» lite Γ' Lord.and they tooke vp Dagun,and fet him in his j place againe. ' 4 Alfo they rofe vp early in the morning the j next day , and behold , Dagon was fallen vpon his face on the groundbcforej^e Arke of the Lord, ! aid the head of Dagon aniMiib twopalmesofhis hands were cut oft vpon ο'^ί'^ε<*ο''« that it is not his hand that foot e vs , but it was a reuidea^Va f chance tliat-happened vs , ■dectee, Ν 4 10 And ybcPhiliftlms fend againe the Arke. I.Sampci i 10 And the men did ίο : fur they tooke two ' '^^ kine that gaue milke. and tied them to the cait. andihut the calu-s at home. II So they let tlie Arke cf the Lord vpon the j cnrt , End die coffer with the n.ife of gouie , and i with the fimilitudcs of their emerods Ifracl ihali'deHuer yoHOW of the handof thePhihftims. 4 Then the children of lirael did put away *Baaiim ScAll-itaroth.and ierued the Lord onely. f And Si.muei laid, Gather all Ifrael to ' Miz- peh , and I wili pr^y for you vnto the Lord. 6 And they gathered together to Mizpeh.and • ^"W^ l,^t,l^,• : For Shiloh wa» defolaic ,bC' canft the Philiflim» dad Taken iherce 12 And the kine went the liraight way to j ^ dieww^ter , and powTcd it out before the Lord, r''• Arke Beth-iliemeih , and kept one path , and lowe'd as i .' nd failed the laiiie day , and iaid there , Wc haiie ^ 'γ'" ',''^"* they went, and turned neither to y right hand nor | fmned againit the Lord. And Samuel iudged the !"".. l.,'... ".!!'*? to the left: alio the princes of the Ihiiiftims went ! children of Ifrael g Forthe tiiallof ike nuiter. after g them vnto the borders of Beth-ihemefli. : 13 Now they of Beth-lhemelh were reaping ι their wheat haruell in the valley , and they lift vp ί their eycs.and fpied the Arke.and reioyced when they faw it. J 4 f And the crrt came into the field of lo- flina a Beth-ihemite , and ftood ftiil there. There li To wir the men '^^^ ^'^° ^ Z^^'^^ ^'^"^ ■ ""^^ '' '^'^^^ "^'^"^ ^^^^ ^°?^ •f BethQi'emeO., of the c-irt , and offered the kine for a burnt ofte- *rhich Μ tit iftit- ring xnto the Loid. I"'"; If And the Leuites tooke downe the Arke of the Lord.and the cofler that was with it,wherein tlie ieweis of golde were , and put them on the great itone, and the men of Beth-lhemeib offered burnt offering , and facnficedfacrifices that lame day vnto the Lord. 16 Andwhen the fiue princes of the Philiftims had feene it.thev returned to Ekron the lame day. 17 iSo thefe are the goiden emerods, which ithe Philiftims gaue for a finne offering to the I TKefe were tht , Lord for i Allidod one.for Gaza one/or Askeion fiuftptinciy.iil citiesi, ^^ ^ f^^. q.,.]^ ^^le , and tor Ekron one, whid.^. e^e™!',!! 1 8 And golden mile , according to the num- iomiitet«ei.Numb.+,.s, with ' Ο great a daughter. . ?'« 20 wherefore the men of Beth-fbemeflifayd, Who is able to itand be&;re this holy Lord God? ajid to wl:om iliall he goe from vs ? 21 And they fent meflengers to the inhabi- tants of Kiriadi-ieajim , faying , The Philillinis huie brought againe the Arke of the Lord ; come ye downe , *nd t,.ke it vp to you. C Η A Ρ V 1 1. . , »if fectif I, t^'fK ''■'■' β""" . -""J """' '» "•' i»''• ijo The rHUflimt fi^l•! •ig'tiufi lfr^,l ,ΛΐιΛΛη eiuromrM xt S\tmutli^ig,th lf,^,l. •T'Hen the men ofa Kiriuh-iearim came, and tooke vp the Arke of thj Lord , md brought aAtititiniTietnbc _ tnoKe vn 1 •f It.aah.oUcdjlfo . . tOoKcVpi xlriath-baii, lofli. Κ in:o the home of Abinad.;b in the hill : and they •»s,i«- f-;n6lifiedEleazarhts ionne,tokeepethe Arkeof .the Lord. ζ (For while the. '\rke abode in Kiriath-iea- • time^ej fer rim.thc time was long, for it was twentie yeeies) ^^^^A-^^^^J^ *e houfe of Ifrael lamented^ after- the fLord. 3 f Then Samuel fpake vnto all the houfcof ilfr'e'.faying.lfye become .ig.dne vnto the Lord with all your heart , * put away the ftrmge gu.is Rom TOong you,.'nil * Aibtaroth.anddired your j hearts vnto the Lorcl,.inJ ferue him * onely ,Sc be ΐχ their r>iiiici. Ί e Signifj-irg, " in the prayers of the go ^t > vehtnitn• offered it all together for a burnt offering vnto;" *• the Lord.und Samuel cried vnto the Loid for j lirael , and the Lord heard him. ί 1 lo And'as Samuei oftered the burnt offering.the ' Philiftims came to fight againft lirael : but the I Lord f thun died with a great thunder that day ;f Atcoidingtethe vpon the Ph iiiftims , and Icattered them ?lo they ψ°ί^' were iiaine before lirael. ' piihSi 1 1 .And the men of Ifrael went fromMizpeh, and purlued the Fhiiiftims, tnd Imote them vntill; /^tycewivnder Beth-car. I 1 2 Then Samuei tooke a ftcne,and p'U hed itl betvveene Mispeh ..ndg Sben.^ndca. ed the name «which vns a thereof Ε ben-ezer, and he iaid,Hitherto hah the ί'Ι!"^"!^•.!'^* Lord hoipenvs. 13 ί So the Philiftims were bought vnder, snd they came no more rgaine into the coafts of lirael : and the hand of the Lord-wos againft the Philiftims all the dayes of Samuel. 14 Alio tile cities which the Philiftims had taken from lirael , were leftoied to lirael , from Ekron euen to Gath ; c;nd lirael deliueted the codfts of the fame out of the hands of the Phili- ftims : and there was a peace betweene Ifrael and rhei^Amorites. , 1 τ And Samuel iudgcd Ifrael all the dayes of ''^"'»» his life, 1 6 And went about yecre by yeere tq Beth-el and Gilgall, and Mizpeh, and iudged Ifrael in all ' ^'"■''' ^» .1,^,- 1^ e ' fe contrary to ih thoie places, ^avv.-foias,,» 1 7 Atreiwnrd he returned to Ramah: for there tataiutfhce v»a» was his houre,and there he iudged lirael : aifuhe'H"'Koi"«4. built m >■ altar there vnto the Lord. CHAP. VlIIv, . I SJWurl niuhitt Ht.fortirj ludgn cu/r IftMt , Tthc /".(/«n» ««r 111 fteflt s 1"*' Ifjclilri -tk " ^'H ' > J>m«r» itp HfiTvii^fljnilir^, Ury uske tni fiUl , ΛΐιΛ tkt Lord tritleli Smud i» ».j«»i mu tktm. Samiicls mo- |u»ei,Chaj.i,io. ^gaiafi Muftbj MnniB|,itr a Becjiife he WW noiablt lobeai• YVf Hen Samuel wj» now become olde , hee " 'made his ibnnes ludges ouer lirael, 2 (And the name of his eldeft fonne w is * loel, ΰίϊ' charge and the nameof thefecond Abiali) ewailndges in >> who «asaUe Beer-lheba. ^ ΓλΙοΓ*"».' 3 Andhisfonneswalkednot inhis wayes,buti' ' ' * turned afide after lucre, and * looks rewards, and |* d,,^». ,«. ,, peiuertedthe iudgement. ■ ί ' 4 1 Wlurefore all the Elders of Ifrael ga- , thered rhem together , andcijue to Samuel vnto t For there hit *R,amah. koitfe va?, J Aiidfaidvnto"Iiini,iBeIjold,thouartoIde. ρ•ϊ•7•»?ί aod J Thepeopl : rcquireaKing« * Hole. 1 3, 10. efts i;,Ji. d Becaufe thiy vrewBotconienl *ri'ih the o.dtt t^at Godiiad >p- pointed, but woul 1 be goiiern^'ί•'='<-^ ΥΟ" at that day. IX. appt was madcli: d whett was Ra- maih Zophi'm , ciritoisunud, 0» , vh^iit. %«T.Avfiejfinrt 19 But the peopic would not herre the voyce pf Samuel, but did fay , Nay, but tlierc thall be a king ouer vs. And we alfo will be like all other nations, : f nd our king ihall fudge vs,and goe out before vs i rfld fight oi:r battels. I 2 1 Therefore when Samuel heard all the words j of the people , hee rehearied them in the eares of j the Lcrd. 22 And the Lord faid to Samuel , !J Hearken vnto ihoir voyce, and m. ke them a kirg. And Sa- nuel laid vnto the men of liiicl , Goe eiiery man \mohiscitie. CHAP. IX. toS^riH 9tieFnfl>eHrjUfilStfgrthSji,tti>thifi,fi. • TMtis.both vali- ΓΓ" Heie w. s now a mr.n of Benicmin , a mighty ant and rich. \ jn powtjr, named * Kilh, the fcnne of Abie], tfoi -your fiiii es, I kut becaiifi ye imar fotyoiitai/iidiions, I whtieimo yccaft yoiii fellies wiUinJ ^ ,Iy 3 And the aflesof Kiih , Sauls father , were lolt : therefore Kifli faid to Saul his fonne . Take now one ofthe feruants with thee, andarife.goe •andtleeketheaflbs, cAUthef.ci 4 So he pafied through mount Ephraim, and L?,"e,Tof.r«e wentthorow the iande of Shuiilhah . but they Uto codptoui- found them not. Then they went thorow the l.'nd de.icc.^hereby of Sh.-tlim.r.nd there tl.y.v.re not : hee went alio \!;:^}^7Δ'ο% thorow y land oflemini,but they found diem not. vvas made ki«g f 5: when they came to the kiid of dZuph, Saul • • fayd vnto his leruant that was with hini , Come and let vs renirne, left my father leaue thecure of afles, .'.nd take thought fur vs. 6 And he faid vnto them.Behold now,in this city is a mrn of God,cnd he is ..n honorable marv: alUhat he lauh commerh to paffc; let vs now goe thuher , if fo be that he can Ihew vs what way we may goe. 7 Then faid Saul to bis feruant , Well then,! let vs goe: but what ihall we bring vnto the man? '■ For the [| bread is '.pent in our vefiels.and there is! no prelent to bring to die man of God: whathauef wee? j 8 And the feruant anfwered Saul againe , andj faid , Behoid , I haue found bout mee the/ourthf • part of a « ihekell of filuer ; that will I giue the! ν , • .. manofGod.totellvsot,rway Κϊ"!^, 9 lisetoretimem Iir.iel when a m,inwenttoiG»n.j3,is. fceke an aniwer of God.thus he• ipyke, Come.and? let vs goe to the f Seer : for heethatit^allednov a Profhet,was in the old time caiieda Seer) :f so called bcorf* 10 Then faid S.iul to his feru nt , Well faydj^'fo^f^w^uii» • come , let vs goe ; fo they weat into the titiej""""• where the mrn of God was . t 1 1 ί And as they were going vp the hie way! to the citie , they found maids that came out to draw water, and faid \nto them. Is there here a Seer ? 12 And they anfwered them, and faid .Yea, loe , hee « before you : make hafte now, for hee c rme this day to the citie ; for there is an 8 offe- ^af U t fn» *• ring of the people this day in the high place. 'i ffter the iffenW 13 when ye fliali come into the citie, ye fliaU'wInchfliotiidb• find him ftraif bt w.iy yer he come vp to the high *5I" '"'"'"'?'". ■ pirce toeate,forthe people will not eate Nntillk .^i^'^.VdfowhU come, becaufe hee will ^ blefle the facrifice ; and Ivii . then eate they that bee bidden tothefeaft : now P• τ»"'"• S';"e. tU^rr^f, re. η,,ό -,•^ f^r o,„ ., ., /1.-11 .., IT- J t. ■ . thsjili sr d diftn- 4 Then they went vp into the citie,.'j:d when they were com.e into themiddes oithe citie, Sa- mrei came out againft them, to goe vp to the hie place. 15• f -"But the Lord had reueaJed to'Samuel t iecret.y (a day before Saul erne) f.iyirg, 1 6 To morrow about this time I will fend thee a man out of the Irnd of Beniamin, him ihalt ihou .'inoint ta bee gcueinour ouer my people lirael '^ci.J. ■+.. l.C*«»8 33 the fcnne of Zeror , tl>e knne cf Bechnrath , the jfoDne of Aphi..h, ihe fonne of a m,.n oflemini. ii So that itfti.ght \- 1 And he- had a fonne called Saul, a f» goodly eeme that tod ap- ycHg man r.nd a faire : !o th; t ..mong the chi'dren IwK a i«foej ithe il-.oniders vpwaid , he was higher then aiy cf Ihe peoflf^ . L__ dingioihciicu. aomt. ^Ci-f.iJ.v ARt 13,31. ■\ £ir. in til nor. i NetwifbOarA'ng 'c][cdnes,)( mindftiUof I huitanct. thrthe may > laue my people out of the hands cP'^'V^* thePhiJiflims : for I kueiocked vpcnmy peo-j'' pie, and their ciy is come vnto me. i 17 When Samuel therefore faw S aul.the Lord, anfwered him, See.this is the men whcm I fp^ke to thee of, hee fli.-'.li rule my people. Ϊ 8 Then went Saul to Samuel in the middca of the gate,.ind faid. Tell me, I pray thee,whera "^ the Seers hotile is. - 15) And Scmuel anfwered Saul, and faid, I arr the Seer ; gee vp before me vnto the high place; fcr ye il-.'ii eate with me to day, rnd to mi-row 1 wiii let :h(.e gee , and will te;i thee all that is id * M«»»"ng,aa, tliice ^heart^ theudi/ijeut• ΑαΛ an< inteth Saul. Iwhsradettlilfraei «lelitc to bt rhci og,biitihtc I.Sam^ei. Λ rbjt it , the , (boiiliti with the btM« . which the Piiefthjdforhii funily in all peace oifetiags, Leuit. 1 0, 1 4 ' ο Thjt both by the «(Temblingof the 20 And as for thine aifes that were loft tliree tlayes ago, care notfor diem : for tliey arcfoiinJ: aii'd'on whomrf/it allihedelire ot-'IlrieJ? is ic not vpon th-e, ::ΐκΙ on all thy fathers houfef 21 Τ But Saal aifwercd and faid , Am not 1 thefonne of lemini of the fmalleft tribeof Ifrael? a,Tdmyfamiiie »/ the leaft of λΠ the fdjnihes of the tribe of Jk-niirain. Wherefore tlK*n fpeakeft thou fo tome? 22 And Samuel tooke Saul and his fcruant, and brought thera into tlie "» chjmbcr.pud made them lit in the chiefelt place among them that were bidden : which were about thircie perfcns. 23 And bi-imuel faid vr.ro the cooke .Bring forth the poition which I g.;u^thce.«n»tt. 11 S4Hlii• of tlie people from the il^ouldcri 24 And Samuel fayd to all the people.See vc< nothim .whom the Lordhath cholen . that theie is none like hmi among all the people ? and al. the^ people ihowted and faid , t God faue tlic 2 y Then Samuel toMe the people k the duetit Of Uic f^ingdwue , «4 wrote it il, a fcookc . a^c _-J2iS£. h That 11 , by c}. •in^tflei; 1 Although he vteie vnwoiihj ui4 vnwiUim, lint, • k As it is wtittCA ii.D.m.,h.y.,7, Nahaih thi ; Ammonite dilcomfited. 1 Bttli te ivitiyit icdition.ind alfo to wiuji» th«m by layed it vp before the Lord , and Samuel fctit all the people awaj'cuery man tohishouie. 2 * And when they forgat the Lord their God,L (-"3^,*^'pf i he fold them into the hand of Sifera'captaine ofliabina hoft» King the hofte of Hazor , andintothehandotthePhi-iofHiaor. liftims .and into the hand of the king ofMoab, and they fought agaLnft them. 1 ο And they cried vnto the Lord.and faid.We haue fmned, becaufe wee haue forfaken the Lord, and haue lenied Baalim and Afluaroth.Now there- fore deliuer vs out of the hands of oui- enemies, i>nd wc will feme thee. 1 1 Tlicrefore the Lord fent leriibbaa! f and Bcdanand * Iphrah, tnd •♦= Samuel.and deliuered you out of the hcnds of your enemies on euery iide.and ye dwelled fafe.' 1 2 NotwithftandLno; when you faw . that Na ||Of,itiif/(/. *Crt*.4<.5« *ΐ.χ:*.^.Μ. the Ammonites vntill the heate ofdieiLiy : and] halh the king of the thildien of Ammoncamc I i-"ning coa» they that remained, were fcattered, l"o that two of tjiem were not left together. 1 2 Then the people laid vnto Samuel,? who is he that iiiid , bhail Saul icigne ouer vs ? bring thofe men that we may flay tliem. 13 Biu Saul fayd, There Ihall nomyi*'die this day : for to diy the Lord hath foued I fracl. 14 iThen faid Samuel \nte the peopIe.Comc, that we m'.y goe to Gi'gd , and renew die king- dume there. 1% So all die people went to Gilgal.and made Saul King there before the Lord in Gilgal : and there they of&cd^peacc offrings before the Lord; I'eckc the helf« βί Cbap.J.s, ■ againft you.ye faid vnto me:S Xo.but a King iliall reigne ouer vs : when yet tht Lord your GoJ was your King. 1 3 Noiv therefore lichold die King whom ye hauc chuicn.*W whom ye haue defirediloe theie- fore.the Lord hath let a King ouer you. 1 4 If ye will feme the Lord and ierue him,.'ind hearc his voyce . and not diiobey the word of the Lord , btKhyec , .-ind the king dut reigiieth ouer 'J« „ ^«ά'ϋϊ" yC'U.diall h follow the Lord your God. ™ 1 yRut if ye will not obey the voice of the Lord, but difobcY th-^ Lords nsoiith, then flull the hand of the Lord be vpon ycii/ond «1 yourifatliets. 16 Now f Thatis.Samfcn, liidg. t j.as. ollow the Loitb «ill. i Meaning, ik« Samuels exportation. r. ^ajmel. Sauls prefumption : He is refiHci i6 Now alfo ftand and fee this great thing f c.ime not to Gilgil , therefore the people were which the Lord will doe before your eyes, 17 Is it not now wheat harueft?! will call vn- to tlie Lord , and he ilwll lend thunder and raine, ] that ye may perceiue and fee, how that your wic- ioAkJli hi^ w^e kedn^s is» great, which ye haue done in the fight , -. . (£ liii'nliingJiH Bring a burnt offering toicbe abfcrcc of the hath all powe hit hand , far ί Notonelyae other times , kttt now chic Hi. of the Lord in asking you a king 1 8 Then Samuel called vnto the Lord , and the Lord fent thunder an^iaine the fame day; and all the people feared the Lord and Samuel excee- dingly. 19 And all the people fayd vnto Samuel.Pray Sfcatteredfromh <) And Saul fayd ,„w.,s ».'"w.. me and peace oftrings : and he offered a burnt of J Ptep'iet was a fering. iign». thatthey I ο And affooneas he had made an end of of Jviftoiy." ' ' fering the burnt offering , behold , Samuel came:! and Saul went foorth to meecehim, tot iaiuter ^, ,, ^ . him. li^-ii^Hm, And Samuel faid .v/hat haft thou done? I ■ not, (y m Hi Oiewe.h that "< Vet d( P«* is no finne fo [^^-^^ jfn fereat , bιι^ it (halbt , fotgiuen , ifiii* r Then Saul faid.Becaufe I faw that the people was ί,^ Though thef . X X ^ -J '^ fcattered from mee , and that thou cameft notij^ufes ftemcfuffi for thy feruancs vnto the Lord thy God , that wee \ within the dayes appointed , and tliat the Phiii- cicm in mans ind die not : for wee haue finned in asking vs a King, ftims gathered therarelues together to Michmalh, gtw't^y'tl'ecaiif• befide J all our tth<;r finnes, , 1 2 Therefore faid I , ths l'hi;iftims will co:r.e '^VJ^^^ cod "''the» 20 f And Samuel faid vnto the people.Feare downe now vpon mee to Giigal , and I haue not ,„rncd toiuj it, not, (ye h-iueinJeede done all this wickednelle. i made fupplication vnto the Lord. I wasbolde;«t«^ie».. Hi Oiewe.h that ""yet depart not from following the Lord .but i therefore and offered a burnt offering, ί the Lord with all your heai-L, ' 13 And Samuel faid to Saul . Thou h;ft done ^^ foolilhly : thou haft not kept the commandement of the Lord thy » God , which hee commaunded j who wiiua tbec thee .-for the Lord had now ftabiilhed thy king- to ob«y him, and dome vpon I I'rael for euer. $■'"1^°" *'• "*"^*'* 14 But now thy kingdome ihall not continue : K,° " ''^ *" ''"* the Lord' hath fought him a kman after his owne k xhat is, DauiJ, he.irt , and the Lord hath commaunded him to be Γ. iherefore he will "'^ΤΓΑ'' "'" ""'V' "•'" ^ ^-""- i""i "'s ^^' ί '-'"> ι^""• '■ go'iemour ouer his people, becaufe thou haft not foifakeyou. 'wi'iihew you the good and right way. I kept that which the Lord had commaunded thee, j ■ 24 Therefore , feare you the Lord . and ferue ! i j f An.l Samnel arofe.and gate him vp from In v«f,;n.Hi„ , ,i'}'["i" the trueth with all your 0 hearts, and con- i Gilgal inl Gibeach ofBeniamin : andSaulnum- 1 α,,λ^,,.,.λ.-. ^o«hy,S P' J^'^ I'ow great things he hadi done for you. • bred the people that were found with hira , about \i»M. .2f But if ye doe wickedly .ye ihall perilh.both : fixe hundreth men. |ye and your King. 1 5 And Saul and lonathan his fonne , and the 1 J people that were found with them, had their abi- I • C Η A P. XII I. j ding in Gibeah of Beniamin : but the Philiftims f pitched in Michmalh. 1 17 And there came out of the hofte of the L• ' ,. Philiftims II three b.mJs to deftroy , one band fX'n/llf^^', ► Whiles thefe j ' -' ■• ; turned vnto the Way ofOphrah vhto the land of i^mi.«t »/(4,ir(e things vreredone. l^ Aul HOW had beene King 1 one yeere . and hee j Shuall, H'"''• > Before he tooke ; reigned •> two yeeres ouer Ifrael. | 18 And another band turned toward the way ThenSaulchofehimthreethoufandof If, ; to Beth-horon.snd the '"third band turned toward in sethattoman* pel: and two thoufandwere with Saul in Mich- j ^^e way of the coaft that looketh toward the Hs""'".'**''.. Ε adi, and in mount Beth-el, and a thoufand were 1 valley of Zeboim.toward the wilderneffe ith lonathan in Gibeah of Beniamin : and the ' ft of the people he fent euery one to his tent. ■ 3 And lonathan imote tho gsrit'on of the Phi- liftims , that was in the 'hill : and it came to the ^ Ne idler turne ye backe : for thazfhou/d bee. Jinaetciirneegjinei^fter vaine diings which cannot profit you , nor " ""'■ deliueryou.for they are but vanitie. ) 22 For the Lord will notforfake his people for his great Names fake; becauie it hath pleaied a of his free (the Lord to make you " his people, mercy.and «otof 1 23 Moreouer God forbid , that I Ihould finne 3 n, fHUftim, Λ?, fnnt!,„> I ifi'n^ difalitJitm lo Caili t ihf Ifrjthln tmniMTiitmrnt , is finrniaf S^mu nt£'-iJtfi.4inty , witnix li vfon himiheflate •fa King, iniee armies w»iud 9 Then there was np fraith found tliorowout trkelecounttey, of Kiiiath- iearim, where the Ark» was Chaj. 0.5. d Thateuety one Bieuld prepare Philiftims eares : and Saul blew the Ί trumpet Heare, OyeeE- i all the land of Ifrael : for the Philiftims faid , Left i '■ the Ebrewes make them fwords or fpeares. j 20 Wherefore.aUthelfraelites went downe to the Philiftims, to fharpen euery man his iliare, his I nxattocke.and his axe,and his weeding iiooke. 21 Yet they had a file for the fliares , and for 'throughout allthe land, fay in brewes, 4 And all Ifrael heard fay.Saul hath deftroyed I ^e mattocks , and for the pike-forks , and for the a garifon ofthe Philiftims : wherefore Ifrael was j axes.andfor to iharpai the goads, had in abomination with the Philiftims : and the 2,2 So when thedayofbatcellw.as come.there people gathered together after Saul to Gilgal. j was neither " fword nor fpcare found in the h::nds y f The Philiftims alio gathered themfelues ' of any ofthe people that were with Saul and with together to fight with Ifrael, thirty thoufand ' lonadr.n : but enety with Saul and lonathan his charets. and fixe thoufand horfemen ; for the peo- ' fonne was there found. pie war like the fand which is by the feas fide in I 23 -And the giriibn ofthe Philiftims came out I multitude, and came vp.and pitched in Michmalli 1 to the paffage of Michmalli. J2']'*;;;>'^fHEaftvvardfiomtBeth-auen. i! «ki tribe of '"* | 6 And when rhe men oflfraelfaw that they B«Biarain. j were in a limit {fir the people were indiftrejfe) the I people hid themfelues in caues , and in holds.and in rocks, and in towers .and in pits. 7 And fome of the Ebrewes went ouer lorderf vnto the land off Gad and Gilcad : and Saul was ibVi a'aViiit VaifeJ yet in Gilgal , .and all the people for feare follow- — --* ed him. 8 And he taried feuen dayes , according vnto ihe time that Samuel had appointed ; but Samuel To declare ifiit ' he viAorj oneJy of God , ani not by thck force, CHAP. XIV. Φ i Where the tw* Itn*it,»H 4Hi hit ^mou* hrirn pal tie PHlifltrnt 2+ SmiI '.indnb the frofl/ hy λά ojih, nut to «>.• tHi ja n/p„],l,c„t,a,iih the Unci. 38 Sunt ltn.ilt4x to d/Mi, 4 s TkefecfU deliver ti,». euening. vould^at np Hen on a day lonatlian the fonne of Saul faidi ■■■ vnto the young man that bare his armour, '"'■^^r^X'*"*'',''.' , ' » Come and let vs goe ouer toward the Phdiftimsj or" .Γο°ατ"ϊ«' ' ' garilon , that is yonder on the other fide , but heel ontiy «wie ofhii ' told not his rather, • U'«<«^ ■ And ι lonathan t .»«♦.♦•»' d his armour beafcr. fc To wit, tht rhiliniras. le ; the gaiilon alfo , and they that went out to fpoile.were atraid themfehies : and the earth *> trembled ; for it was flncl^ti with feare by God, 16 ί Then tlie watchmen ofSatilin Gibeah of Benjamin faw : and behold , the multitude was difcomficed,an.d fmitten as they went. 17 Therefore fayd Saul vnto the people that were with him , Search now.awl fee, who is gone from vs, And when they had mimbred , Behold, lonathan and his armour bearer were not there. 18 And Saul faid vnto Ahiah, Bring hither the Arkc of God (for the Arke of God was at that time with thechildren of Ifraei.) 19 ί And while Saul talked vnto the Prieft, the «oylc that was in tfie hoafte of the Philiftiiw». fpread farther abroad , and increafed ; therefore Saul faid vnto the Prieft , » Withdraw thine hand. 20 And Saul was aflembldd with all the peo- ple that were v\ith him , and they came to the battell : and behold , * euery ir.ans fword was a- gainft his fellow , and there was a very great dil- conjfiture. 2 1 Moreouer, the Ebrewes that were with the Philiftims before time, and wcr;^ come with them into all parts of the hoaft.euen they alfo turned to bee with the klfraelites that were with Saul and lonathan. 22 Alfo all the men of Ifraelwhichhadhid therofelues in mount Ephraim . when they heard that the Phiiiftimi were fled . they followed after them in the L.ittell, 23 And fo the Lord faued Ifraei that day: and the battell continued vnto Beth-auen 24 And at iliat time the men of Ifraei were pieiied with hunger : for oaul charged the people with an oathe.Oying,^ Curled be the man that ta teih t foode ml night, that I may bee auenged <" mine cnmiei : fo none of the people tafted ««y Ibftenance, 25: /;id all they of the land came to a wood; where hcny lay vpon the ground l,Cin hoaour . ihoit ait boitnd to obey him. *£xi<(. 17,14, Beete hither vnto God. 3 7 So Saul asked of God, faying. Shall I goe dowije afwr thL.Phiiift!insiWiit tliovi deliuer thorn into tha hmh of Ifrad? But he anfwcred him not at that time. 3 8 ί AndSaul faid , * All t yce chiefe of the people , co:nc ye hither , and know , and fee by whome diis liime is done, this diy , S9 For as tl-.e Lord liueth.which faueth Ifrae!. diough it be dane by lonathaH my i'onne , he Ihall die the death. But none of ail the people anfwered him. 40 Then he faid vnto all 1 fiael.Be ye on one iide , and I and lonathan my I'onue will be on the other fide. ' And the people faid vnto Saul , Doe what thou tliinkeft bell. 41 Then Saul faid vnto the Lord God of Ifrael, Giuc «^ a pcrfeot lot. And lonathan and Saui were taken , but the people efcaped. 42• And Saul fayd,Caft/if betweene mee and lonathanmy fonne. And lonathan was taken, 43 Then Saul faid fo lonathan. Tell rae what tliou haft daie? And lonathan told him,and faid, 1 tafted a little hony with the end of the rod, that j was in mine hand , and loc , I rauft.die. ' 44 Againe Saul anfwered.God do fo and more | alio , vnlefle thou die the tlearh , lonathan. 1 45: And the people laid vnco Saul, f Shall lona- 1 than die , who hath fo miglitily deluiered Ilrael? } God forbid. As the Lord liueth , there iliall not one haire of his head fall to the ground : forhee i bath wrought with God this day. So the people | deliucrcd lonathan thathe died not. j 46 Then Saul came vp from the rhiliftims.and j the Philiftims went to their owne place. , 47 Τ So Saul held the kingdome ouer Ifrael, j and fought againftall his eneriiies on euery fide, ί againft Moab , and againft the children of Am- \ and againft Edom , and againft the Kings j of Zobah , and againft the Philiftims : and whi- therfoeuerhe went, he n handled them as wicked men. 48 Hee gathered alfo an hofte.and fmote « A- maJek , and deliuered Ifrael out of the hands of them that fpoy led them, 49 Now the fonnes of Saul were lonathm, "and Ilhui,and Malchiihua : and the names of his two daughters , the elder wai called Merub, and the yonger vvas named χ Miciial, y ο And the name of Sauls wife was Ahinoara the daughter of Ahiraaaz : and the name of his chiefe captaine wasy Abner the fonne of Ner, Sauls vncle. ί I And Kilh vvas Sauls farther . -an d Ner the fa- ther of Abner -bvasxhc fonne of Abiel. 5 2. And there was fore warre againft the Phi- liftims all the dayes of Saul ; and ζ whomfoeuer Saul faw to bee a ftrong man , and meetcfortlic warre ,hetookehim vnto him. CHAP. XV. 3 Saul it timmmnJi.i to fl.iy Am.il.k- 9 tUffi>mii A^-ig , "Λ Ihr ίφ tihg, li, Sumuthef^cQutahm. l8 Suulit tiira.J cf ibr Lord , ini Hi kf^ftmi fiitdi (• .«««tier, 33 Sjmutl beirtlh Agj^ itifuui, A Fterward Samuel faid vnto Saul, * The Lord fentme toanoyntthee King ouer his people, ouer Ifrael mow therefore » obey the voice of the words of the Lord. 2 Jhus faith the Lordof hoaftes,I remember whac AraiUck did to Ifrael,*hovv they i?,id i/vaitt for them inThe way,as they came vp from Egj'pt. 2 Now therefere goe , ctA fmite Amalek, i.nd dettroy ye all that pert«ineth λ nco them, ma haue > Thai this might no jrompaftion en them , but ^ liay both man and =« "> «"ample ef woman , both infi^nt and fuckling , both oxe, and il!?Jn''i'*'*i'* ,. , , II J n• igamniheinthat il-.eepe , boih camell , and afle. Uak cuieiiy with 4 ί AndSaul aflcmbled the people, andfinum- us people. bred them in Telaira , two hundred thouiand [\*',lv"*>"i'ir footemen , and ten thouknd men of ludah. \"^^ '^.^^l ,'^ΐ'*"' y And Saul came toaciric of Araalek .and .roJght. U let watch at the riuer, II t in tU 6 And Saul faid vnto the t Kenites, Goe, de- ^■^^^;^j^ ^^^^^ ^j^^ part , ακά get you downe from among tlie Amale- ioner'ity Tf lethno kites.ieft I deftroy you widi diem; for ye lliewed Mcfesfaiher in «'mercy to all the children of Ifrael, when they ■'«"• , came vp frcmEgypt: and the Kenites departed 'o'v'rUthemTw* from among the Amalekites. -uk them good 7 So Saul fmote the Amalekites from Hauilali, otuifell , «»d, as thou comraeft to Shur , that is before Egypt, f '«'^i 8 And tooke Agag the King of the Am.afeki- tes aliue , and dcftroyed all the people with the etlgeofthefword. f> But S aul .;nd the people fp.-red Agag , and the betterdheepe,and the t>xen,andthe fat beafis» and the lambes , tnd a.11 that was good , and they would not deftroy them: but euery thing that was vile and nought worth , that they deftroyed. 10 ί Then came the word of the Lord vnto Samuel, faying, 11 It « rcprntedi mee that I haue made Saul L cod in hi,• titt- King ; for he is turned from me.and hath not per- nail «ounfelineilet formed my commandements. And Samuel .was '''^''6"''"'=" "F^»• mooued .and cryed vnto the Lord all night. f',;; ^^ ^,^^-^/^^ 12 And when Samuel aroieearJy to meeteSauUovs to repent in the morning ,one toid Samuel, faying, Saul is jwhen anything gone to Carmel ; and behold , he hadi made him |•'[|',^''"^2^ "* there a place , from whence hee retiirned,and de- Cij!^"!"^' parted , and is gone downe to Giigal. j 1 3 ί Then Samuel came to Saul, and Siul faid vnto him, BiclTed be thou of the Lord.I haue ful- filled the f comm,andemenc of the Lord, 1 4 But Samuel fayd, Wliat meaneth then the bleating of the iheepc in mine eares, and die low- ing of the oxen which I heare ? I r And Saul anfwered , They haue biought them from the Amalekites :, for the people fp.ired tlie beft of the Ib.eepe.cnd of the oxcn.to facrifice them vnto the Lord thy God, and the remnant haue we deftroyed, 1 6 Againe Samuel faid to Saul, Let mee tell thee what the Lord hath faid to rae this night, And he laid vnto him , Say on. 1 7 ^ Then Samuel laid", when thou waft ζ litle in thine owne f ght , waft thou not made the head of the tribes of Ilrael ? for the Lord anointed diee King oner Ifrael. 1 8 And the Lord fent thee on a ioumey , and faid , Goe , and deftroy thofe finners the Amale- kites , and fight againft" tliem , viuill thou deftroy them. 19 Now , wherefore haft thou not obeyed die voice of the Lord.but haft turned to the pray.unJ haft• done wickedly in die liglit of the Lord ? io And Sail] laid vnto Samuel, Yea, •> I haue obeyed the voyce of the Loid.and haue gone the way which tlie Lord fent mee, andhaie brou'glit Agag the king of Amalek, and haue deftroyed the Amalekites. 2 1 But the people tooke of the fpoile,iIieepe, and oxen, and the chiefcft of the tilings which lijould haue becne deftroyed , to offer vnto the Lortl f This is the «aiaie of hypoctites to b( impudent againil ;the inieih , to dcmne others, md iiiitiHe them- elues. g Meaning, *f baft condition, as chap. hHniie . he paiVed BOi for death. *£..,(. 17,11. Itam- )+-+S. Ο WbeiahishoHfe was. f Though Saul cams «(hcie Samuel was, Chap.i»,». ) As verfe 1 1, a Sigiufyiaj , thai we ought not io ftewoiicfelues mote ] God, not t them whom htp cafieih ont. [ piiiuillil . not tolai ^ Xtr. I'n tU>!t honi. l• That is, to malte apeaceoKeting, vrhith might be ione though the ^ke Ttis net tb«it Loid thy God in Gilgal. 22 And Samuel laid , Hath the Lord as great pleafure in burnt ofFcrings and kcrif ces, ?.s when the voyce of the Lord is obeyed ? behold, * to obey is better then facrilice.and to hearken ittet^ ter then th^ fat oframmes. 23 For ' rebellion h as the finne of witchcraft, and trani'grefsion is wickedneile and idolany.Be- caufe thou haft taftaway the word of the Lord, therefore hee hath caft away thee from being king. 24 Then Saul laid vnto Samuel.I hane finned: for I haue tranfgreiled the Commatindcnient of the Lord.Sc'thy words.becaule I feaicdthe peo- ple,and obeyed their voyce. 2r Now therefore I pray thee, take away my ^ llnne , and turne againc wiihmee , that I may worlhipthe Lord. 26 But Samuel faid vnto Saul,Iwill not returne with thee : for tliou haft caft awiiy the worde of tlie Lord, r,nd the Lord hath caft away thee, that thou ihalt not be King ouer lir.iel. 27 And as Samuel-turned himfeife to go away, he caught the lappe of his coate.and it rent. 2 8 Τ hen Samuel faid vn:o him.T.he Lord hath renr the kingdome of I irael from thee this day, and hath giuen it to thy l neighbour .that is better then thou. 25) For indeed them ftrength of Ifrael will not lye nor repent : for he is not a man that he IhouJd repent, 3 ο Then hee faid , I haue finned : but honour mee, I pray tliee .before the Eiders of my people, and before Ifrael , fjid turne againe with me, that I may worlliip the Lord thy God. 31 ' So Samuel turned againe , and followed Saul : and Saul worlhipped the Lord. 32 Then faid Samuel.Biing yee hitherto mee Agag the king of the Amalekites:and Agag came vnto him || piei;lr.ntly,and Agag fayd , Trueiy the nbittemefie ofdei.tii ispafled. 3 3 And Samuel faid,*As thy fwoi'd hath made women chiidleile , fo fhall diy mother he cliiJd- lefle among other women. And Samuefhewcd Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gugal. 34 ί So Samuel departed tooRumah .aid Saul went vp to his houie to Gibeah re toP fee Saul vn- tiil the day of his death : but Samuel mourned ffir Saul, and the Lord ί repented that hee made Saul King ouer I-firael. CHAP. XVI, ianifiti't^"'"i'>fC'd,J7iditftiilloJixt{KiOjt,iJ. 7 Cod rrgJ>d/tbtUU»t- ij TheSfi ilcfthrLordc^mmrtilf- ott Dtiiid i-y Jki ji>ichcdjii.itisfttitvio»S.uil. if St frtdiliforEuiiid. 'Tp He Lord then faid vnto Samuel , How long wih thou monmc for Saul , > feeing I haue caft him away from reigning caer Ifrael? ml ihi'ne home with oyle and come , I will fend thee to Illiai the Beth'lehemite : for I haue prouidedme a King among his fcnn-^s. And Samuel faid.How crn I go ■ for if Saul fliall heare it , he will kiil me . Then the Lord an- fwered , Take an heifer t with thee,and fay,I am corae •> to doe facririce to the Lord. 3 And call lihai to the facrifice , and I will fiiew thee what tliou ilialt doe , and xhnn Ihalt a- iioynt vnto me him whom I name vnto thee. 4 Se Samuel did that the Lord bad him , and carae to Beth-k^«ro > and the ciders cf tlie vm^ Jbauidano^ntcd. lo Fearing, lift feme rieiioiis crime had icr.ecommitied. Thiating thit tliib hitd beene ppointedof God α be made King. iird iO. were c aftonied at his comming.and iaid.Commefi thou peaceably ? f And he ;;nfwercd , Yea : I am come to doc facrifice Λ nto the Lord : (anftifie yourfelucs.and' l\f^J^J^°^^^'- come ν,-ϊάι rne to the facrifice. And hee Cuiftihed Ilhai and his fonnes, and called d:em to tlie facri- fice. 6 And when tliey were come , hee looked en Eliab,and faid,Surely the Lcrdsd Anointed is be- fore him, 7 But the Lord faid vnto S amucl , Looke not on his countenrncc , nor on the height of his fta- ture,becaufe I haue refufed him -.tot: God feth not as nian fecth : for man looketh on the out- v/ard appearance , but the Lord beholdeth the * heart. 8 Then liliai called Abinadab, and made him come before Samuel. Andhe fai'd.Neidierhath the Lord chofen tliis. 9 Then Ilhai made Shamahcome. Andhee faid , Neither yet hath thu Lord c hofen hiin. I ο Againe Iiliai made his kuen fons to come before Samuel , end Samuel faid vnto Ilhai , The Lord hath chofen none of thcfe. I I Finally.Samuel fiid vnto Ilhai.tAre there no more children 6ut theft ? And he faid , There remaiiVith yet a little one beliinde , that kcepeth the iheepe. Then Samuel faid vnto Ifi^ai , * Send and fet him : for vvc will not ficdowne , till Ik be come hither. 1 2 And hee ient,an J brought him in : and he was ruddy, and of a good countenance, and com- ly vifage. And the Lord faid , Arife , «id anoynt him : for this is he. 1 3 Then Sanuel tooke the home of oyle,and anoynted him in the middes of his brethren. And the * Spirit of the Lord || canae vpcn D.'.uid, from that day forward : then Samuel rofj; vp , and went toRamali. 14 1 But the S pirit of the Lord departe d from Saul , and an « euiil ipiiiz fe»t of the Lord, vexed him. I τ And Sauls feruants fcid vnto him , Behold DOW , the cuill f])irit of God vexeth thee. 1 6 Let cur Lord therefore commantl thy ler- uants that are before thee , to feeke a man that is a cunning player vpon the hnrpe : that v.hen the euill fpirit of God commeth vpon thee , hee m-y play with his hand , and thou mayeft be eafed. 17 Saul then laid vnto his feriiants , Prouido me a man,I pray you,that can pby well.and bring him tome. 1 8 Then anfwered one of his feruants,and fai J, Behold ,1 haue feene a f fonne of Iliiai , a Bethle- hemite , that can play , and is ftrong, valianr, and a man of ware, and wife in matters, and a comely perfon , and die Lord is with him, 19 1 wherefore Saul lent mcflengers vnto befcrehcehadxhe lihai , and laid. Send me Dauid thy fonne, which ^fco' his iinj- iswidi the iheepe. ♦ 20 And Ifl'.ai tot.ke en nffe^f» with bread and a flagon of μ ine and a kid , and fent thcna by the hand of Dauid his fonne vnto Saul. 2 1 And Dauid c ame to S aiil , and β ftood be- fore him i and he loucil him very well,and he was hisaiTHOurbePivr. 22 AnJ Saul fent to Ilhai, fiying, Let Dauid now remainc with me : for he hath found fauonr in my fight. j 23 And fo when the e«'/^ fpirit of God came ypon Saivl, Daviid tooke an hai pe and pUyed with bis Vfui.ri,?•• and 13. ta. The witlea fpitits aie it Co4s eommandcment u tKeciiiehis will gaiiiil y vficktd^ f Thotigh DKii was now aaeinted King by the Pte- phft.yet God woiJdexe'.cifthira fnndrv II OT,/>THr((i/n», Goiiatlidefiethlfrae!. I. Sanuel fortheeuill fpirit departed trora him. CHAP. XVII. God wa.U ii.at (his hand, and SaUl was g refrcfhed and was cafcd: ml ftiotUa lei — - . . is benefit as; auidihani : Asc ι Τ*ί Phl^tms m-k a^rre agjt^ lfr*,t. τβ ColUb irfiHilpjA. 19 OMiAiipnc ichiiirelirm. 3+ Th^ ft,ei:gib Λκά Μάη,ξ, «fDjuU. iy ftvolii Jiar f[eu FbiUfiims fill. Vr Ow the Philiftims gathered their armies to •^^ battel!, 8c came together to Shochoh which is in ludah , and pitched betweene Shochoh and Azekah; Dauidisienttoli sbretliefiii jniight be ihe more knidcnt, iorhis JctHell hate toward Lcrdfti ΏλΜ kiil'tk CuiiJii , aiJ ii» lOt.in Efhtfhi mm• » serweene ilie jtwocampe;. b That is, iji. lib.+. ounces sfiet halfean ounce the ftekel: and 600. fcekels weight Umour.ceih to i3. [Jib. 3. qiuviect. 1 11 0'»i'MMf J. inthecoaftof Oatntnim. inhfmltim, . AndSaul.andthemen oflfraelaflembled and pitched in the valley il of EUh.andput them, ; felues in battel! aray to meet the Philiftims. \ 3 And the Philiftims Itood on a roountaine ; on the one fide , and Ifrael ftood on a mountaine on the other lide:fo a valley τ/ϊ/Λί betweene them, 4 ^ Then came a man betweene them a both out of the tents of the Philiftims, named Gioliath ofGathihis height t/v^j fixe cubites and an hand breadth. y And had an helmet of braffevpen his head, 8c a |jbrigandinevpoiihim:andtheweightofhis brigandine was f5uc thoufand b fl>ekels of braffe. 6 Andhehadlibootsofbraflevponhislegs, and a fliield of bralTe vpon his fhoulders. i 7 And the ihafc of his fpeare was like a wea- \ uers beams: and iiis fpeare head vveighediiXt ■ hundreth ihekels of yron : 'and one bearing a ihielde went before him. 8 And he ftood. and cried againft the hoafte of i Ifrael, and faid vnto them , Why arc ye come to I fet your battell in aray? am not I a Philiftim.and j you feruants to Saul ? chufe you a man for you, I and let him come downe to me, ', 9 If he be able to fight with me,and t kill me, j thenwillwe bcyour feruants.-butif louercorae I him, and kill him, then ihall yec be our feruants, ': and ferue vs. i rael were in the valley of Elah.feghting with the j Philiftims.) I 20 f SoDauidrofevp early in the morning, : and left the fl^cepe with a keeper , and tooke and went as Ilhai had commaun ed him , and came! within the compailt of the hoafte: an J the hoaftej went out in aray,and fljouted in the batiell. j 2 1 Fot lirael and the Philiftims had put them-' fehies in aray.armie againft armie. ' ζ 2 And Dauid left the things which he bare,i vnder the hands of the keeper of the tcariagei' "' and ranne into the hoaft.and came.and asked hi; { brethren t how they did. >φ!ί. t Bit. ,fte*tf, %Or,hmit«ltniit.l *Cktf. Κ.Γ. tmortttem liM c fe ferue 5anl , chap. 16. vctf. I) Λ Thetigh lOiai jneantoiie thing, yet Gods ptoiii- iencedire.ltd Dauid to anoihci end, c if they hane laid any thing to gage fot theit neceflicy, Mdtcmeitom, I Ο Alfo the Philiftim faid, I defie the hoaft of ! to fee the^battell._ Ifrael this day.-giue me a man,that we may fight ; * ""^^ *""""" |] together. II when Saul and all Ifrael heard thole words of the Philiftim , they were difcouraged , and greatly afraid. 1 1 f Now this Dauid was the * fonne of an Ephrathite of Beth- lehem ludah , named Ifhai, which had eight fonnes : and fl this man was ta- ken for an old man in thedayes of Saul. 13 And the three eldeft fonnes of lihai went and followed Saul to the battell : and the names of his three fonnes that went to battell wen Eliab the eldeft, and the next Abinadab, and the third Shammah. 14 So Dauid was the leaft : andthe three el- deft went after Saul. 1 y Damd alfo' went , but hee returned from Saul to feede his fathers flieepe in Beth-lehem. 1 6 And the Philiftim drew neere in the raor- nin<>,and euenin»,and continued fourtiedayes. Ϊ7 And liliai ftyd vnto Dauid his fon, ^ Take now for thy brethren an Ephah of this parched corne.and thefe ten cakes,and run to the hofte to thy brethren. 18 Alfo carie thefe ten freih cheefes vnto the captaine. and looke how thy brethren fare , and receiue their «pledge. i ρ (Then Saul and they.4nd all the OQenof ΙΓο 2 3 And as he talked with them, beholde, the roan that was betweene the two ar/ntes,czvne vp.i (whofe name was Goliath the Philiftim otj Gath) outoftheliarroyof ;^ Philiftims.and fpaka (i ot.vjU^. f fuch words,and Dauid beard them. ί Asar« abou» 24 And all the men of Ifrael when they faw^i^f^y'"* the man , ranne away from him , and were fore; afraide. ! 25• For^uery man of Ifrael faid , Saw yee not this man that commeth vp ? eucn to rcuile Ifrael is hee come vp : and to him that killeth him, will the King giue great riches.and will gine him his ♦daughter ,yea,and make his fathers houfeJ^free in Ifrael. 2 6 f Then Dauid fpake to the men that ftood with him , and fayd , what ihall be done to the man that killeth this Philiftim , and taketh away the i> ibame from Ifrael f for who is this vncir- h This dittieneai cumcifed Philiftim . that hee Ihotild reuile the '^" '" .<'<'*'^ " hoafte of the liuing God? """• 27 And the people anfwered him after this maner,faying , Thus ihall it bee done to the man that killeth htm. ζ 8 And Eliab his eldeft brother heard when he fpake vnto the men, and Eliab was very angry! with Dauid , and fayd , Why cameft thou downe \ hither ; and with whom haft thou leftthofefew j ihcepe in the wildernes?! know thy pride and ihe malice of thine heart , that thou art conae downe /^. IJ. If. g Ftom taxes an• paymeais. 29 Then Dauid faid.Whathaue I now done? i. _ ., , . . . τ I . r 1 fer his lathMS Is there not a > caufe i jft^jing ^,^ , ,„, 30 And hee departed from him into the pre-'occaf.oii,and alio fence of another , and fpake of the fame maner,i|'«f«l''"'"''^'"', andfthe people anfwered him according to the' ^"""^,^χ ""tit™* ' former words. ' 3 1 f And they that heard the wordcs whic] i Dauid fpake , rehcarfed them before Saul,whic i caufed him to be brought. : 3 2 So Dauid fayd to Saul.Let no mans heartj j faile him. becaufe of him : thy feruant will goe,| I and fight with this Philiftim. ] \ 3 3 And Saul faid to Dauid , Thou art nod y ^^^^ ^^^^^ liable to goe againft this Philiftim to hght with „e,h oauids faith^ j him : for thou art a boy.and he is a man of wanej by tie infidelity j fromhisyouth. jof s^a. j 34 And Dauid anfwered vnto Saul,Thyfer-| i uant kept his fathers fiieepe,and there came al ly- on.andlikewifeabearcandtookealheepeout^/ ^"."'^ \'^l ^ f 1 „ . f» ~ expeiieiice that net ;.0fthefl0Cke, Ihathhadintlme j 3 5• And I went out after him and fmote^himjlyaii of cods help, j and tooke it out of his mouth:and when he arofei "o'*"'"? f\oy, and with rebeckes. world may know that Ifrael hath a God, 47 And that all this aflembly miy know , that the Lord faueth not with fword nor with fpeare, (for the battell is the Lords) and he will giue you into our hands. 48 And when the Philiftim arofe to come and draw neere vnto Dauid , Dauid 9 hafted and ran to fight agiinft the Philiftim. 49 And Diuid put his hand in his bagge, and tooke out a ftone. and fling it, and fmote the Phi- liftim in his forehead, that the ftone flicked in his forehead,and he fell groneliagto the earth. JO So Dauid -"ouercnme the Philiftim with a fling and with a ftone , and fmotc the Philiftim, and flew him , vdien Dauid had no fword in his hand. ■bcuui.^j, ple abiifed thic iro[d,whenil|(y iwith. So when the Philiftims faw that their champion was dead.they fled. y 2 And the men of Ifrael and ludnh arofe,and ftiouted , and followed after the Philiftims , vntill 'gOtt^ttiUMtj. they came to the Π vailey , and vnto the gates of Ekron : and the Philiftims fell down wounded by the way of Shaaraim, euen to Gath and to Ekron. 53 And the children of Ifrael returned from pwrfuing the Philiftims, and fpoiled their tents. ί4 And Dauid tooke the head of the Phili- I Or , hfjia BeAH ftim , and brought it to IcrufaJem , and put his ar- aaeurinhisrlltent. 1 2 And Saul was afraid of Dauid.becaufe the Lord was with him , and was departed from Saul, 13 Therefore Saul put him from him , andj made him a captaine ouer a thouf3nd,aiid he v/cnt; ί out and in before the people, ' jf Msaning.hew» 14 And Dauid behaued himfelfe wifely in alli'»P"'"* his wayes : for the l-ord^vas with him. rpt-opW. 1 5• wherefore when Saul faw that he was ve- ry wife.he was nfraid of him. 16 For all Ifrael and ludah loued Dauid , he- coufe he went out and in before them. . & , -J τ -f Th,., ι Daaiti marr• eth Michal. I. Si muei. WiclaaliaiethDamd» ιβ Gods Sv whom Ilea iich Dai i put Jci'h jr the te- ^i.'lt oi the Gib^' ires, I. Sam. 11. i .S9 hii hypotri ppesrsth: fotvjidil of fail foiigbt hii Jt.>i;jn;n2,:hatii«e waj notable ro Md3.T his wife thoushi himf.l able tocompiile the fcBg! itqiieli. J»-. To be dtptiu d •f his Isin^doine, Λ^ί bffiter fiKicire again» the fhili- Aunsihea Sauls ι Β,,Γο; i.-Vhat ! .1' tine wstiiln 1 7 5 Then Saul faidtoDauiJ , Beholde mine eldeft daughter Merab , her I will giiie thee to wife: onely be a v.iliant fonne vnto mee,Sc 8 fight ihi Lords biittels ; for S iul thought , Mine h^nd fliil! not be vpoti hi.Ti , but the hind of the Phili- ftiras ih.all bevponhira. 1 8 And Dauid .nfwered Saul.Wh.it am I? and kit is my lif^ , or the hirr.iJy of my fuhct in li- ne] , th.u I ilioiiid be fonne in law to th;^ King? 9 Howbeit when Merab Sauls diughter ihould haue beene giiien to Dauid , κ jhe was gi- uen '.-nto Adriel a Meholathite to wife, 2o Τ ThonMich.'.i Sauls djughterlouedDiuid: and ihey lh.;wed Saul,.ind the thing pleafed hira. Therefore Saul iaid,A\'i;i giue him her. that A>e may be a » fn;rc to hira , and that the hand of he Philiftims may bee agiinft him. wherefore Saul laid toD.uid , Thou dialt this day bee my fonne in Ijw in the «"i of the twaine. And Saul con^manded his feruants.Spcake withDauId iecretly.and fay,Behold,;he king hath a fauourto thee , aadallhis fenujits loue thee: be now theri-'fore the Kings fonne in law . 23 An J Sauls ferunnts fpake thefe vvordcs in the e..res of Dauid. And Dauid faid , ^ Seemeth ii to you a light thing to be a kings fonne inlaw, feeing y I am a poore man and of iniall reputation? 2-4- Andtlien Sauls feruants brought him word againe, faying, Such words fp.iie Dauid, 2 ^ And Saul faid, This wife Ihall ye fay to Da- md,The King defireth no dowrie.but an hundred foreskinnes of th; Philiftims , to bee auenged of the Kings enemies; for Saul thought to make Da- uid fall into the h.nds cf the Philiftims. 16 And when his feruants tolde Dauid thefe wordes , it pleafed Dauid well, to bee the l Kings fonne in law:and the dayes were not expired. 27 Afterward Dmid r.rofe with his men , and Went and llewe of the Philiftims twohundreth men ; and Dauid brought their foreskinnes , and ■" they gaue them wholly to the King that hee might be the Kings fonne in law : therefore Saul gaue him Michal his d.'.ughter to wife. 28 Then Saul fawe , and vnderftood that the Lord was with Dauid, and that Michal tha daugh- ter of Saul louedhim. 29 Then Saul was more and more sfraid ^ of D.uiid, and Saul became alway Dauids encmie. 30 And "when the Pr-inces cf the Philiftims went forth ,at their going forth ο Dauid bthaucd himfcife more wifely then all the feiu.nts of Saul, fo that his name was much fet by. CHAP. 3i I X. lonatbitndecUrethio Dauid the wielded purpofe nf SxuL II M.'thal hii wife f^ueth him. 18 Dnwd comMtth to Samuel. 33 Tie Spirit ofprophecie iommtth en Saul. 'T' i-kn Saiil-fp. ke tolonnhan his fonne , and to all his feiuanrs , th.it theyil'ould Jkill Dauid; but Jonathan. Suuls lonne had a great fiuour to D.uid. 2 And lonathan told Dauid, faying, Saul my father goeih about to flay thee : now therefore , I pray thee , tike heed vnto tt y felfe vnto the mor- ning, and abide in a fecret/p/.i«,r.nd hid• thy felfe. 3 And I will goe out and ft,-.nd by my father in the held wlx-te then *> ait , and will commune with my-fither of thee , and I will fee what /jf? (Aich,x)\ w'iJl tell thee. ,} r And lonathan fpake good of Dauid vnto Sa^il his utlwr.and faid vmo him.Let not the king finne againft his feruant , againft Dauid : for hee hath not finned againft thee , but his workes haue beene to thee very good. 5 For he t did * put his life in danger , and ι tu.i,„fi.tni flew the Philiftim . and the Lord wrought a great ^<,„ι„•„ iuuni. faluation for all Ifrael : thou faweft it.an-J thou re- " J" ' ioycedft ; wherefore then wilt thou f;nne againft ί^^.^ innocent blood, and flay Dau id without a caule ? 6 Then S aul hearkened vnto the voyce oflo- nithan, and Saul ' fware , As the Lord liuetb , he Ihall not die. 7 So lonathan called Dauid, and lenathan ilv. wed him all thofe words.and lonathan brought m»iis?, D' pro[>liecied. 2 1 And when it was toid Saul , he fent other meiVengers.rnd they prophecicdlikewife: againe Saul fent the third melfengers , and they pro'phe- cied alfo. 22 Then went hee himielfe to Ramah.and came' to :) great well that is in Sechu.and bee asked.and. ftid,\vhere .-re Samuel iuidDauid; And one'faid, Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah. 23 And hee ^ went thither . euen to Naiothin Rximah , and the Spirit of God came vpon him al- fo . and hee went prophecying voiill hee came to N'aioth JnRamah, 14 And f Behold how tile tyranijto»ccom- . plifti iheii rage, neii-Hei regaid oitb {rieiiilliip, eod net mm. Naioth wis 8' fthoele whete thi woid of cad -Wat fiiiJied.neere to Ktmali. ί Chai-ged their miiid«s jiidpiaiu^ God. I Wiih a mJiMj fectite then. ?am prophecieth, lonataansloue vhap XX. toDauid. SaiH rcuileth ί oi athan. ιοί? hHi.k!»«ily»P- m HenttmbUd' himfeUe ts otli«l did. 5 Chap. ic. If, I ftt S»l «»s filled, itii ptopHe• ciid a diy and a nljlit by Gods pro nidenco, that Daiiic iht hiue time to efope• b I iw in !»*»« Janfet of death, j Eir./«ii, rtete fliould be a folemnefawifice; Niim.ii."• To the wbiAtne added peace offe gsandfeafts » Cti>p i8.J.4»i 23.il. e Ttijthtwete folly tlitennined. f iFthey fathei doi 24 And he ftript off his ^ c loathes, and hee pro- phecied alfo before Snmue) , and fell "« downe na- ked all that day and all that night : therefore they lay, * Is Saul alfo among the Prophets? CHAP. XX. a JtMMtheniimfnteth Da»id. jTteyrenuttheirleilgue. 33 Saul rontli heue killed Icuaihen. 33 IcnathaHai' uertifeih "Dauid hj three arrtveStifhis fathirs futie, A NdDauid» fled from Naioth in Ramah , and came and faid before lonathan , What haue I done? what is mine iniquitie? and what finne haue I comnaitted before thy father, that he feeketh ray life? 2 And hee faid vnto him , God forbid , thou ■ftalt not die : behold, my father will do nothing great nor fmall.bnt hee will + ilie w it rae;an J why Ihould my father hide this thing from me » he will not doe it. 3 Atid Daiii J fware againe,and faid.Thy father knoweth that I haue found grace in thine eyes: therefore he thinketh, lonathan iliall not know it, leaft he be forie : but indeed , as the Lord liueth, and as thy foule liiieth , there is but a^ ftep be- tweene mee and de.uh. 4 Then faid lon.nthan vnro Djuid , What- foeuer thy foule t requiretli , that will I doe vote thee. y And Dauid faid vnto lonathan , Behold , to morow is the « firft d.iy of themoneth , and I fl-Ould fit with the king at meate ; but let me goe, th^it I may hide my felfe in the heldes vnto the third day at euen. 6 Ifthy father make mention of mee.thenfiy, iDauidafkedleaueof me , thit heeraighrgoe to aKeiie Chap. >»» ' •Igethlehem to his owne citie :for there is a ^ yeere- lly facrifice for all that family. 7 And if hee fay thus , It is well, thy ferur>nt fliallhatie peace : but if he be angry, be iure that wickednelle is concluded of him. 8 So flialt thou fnew mercie vnto thy feruant-. **" for thou haft ioyned thy feruant into a couenant of the Loid with thee , and if there be in mee ini- quitie , flay thou mee : for why fl-ioddeft thou bring me to thy father? 9 ί And lonathan anfwered , God keepe that from thee : for if I knew rhat wickedneflc were « concluded of my f.ther to come vpon thee, would not I tell it thee? I ο Then Lid Dauid to lonathan, Who f Λ«11 tell me ? hovifhaU Iknsvv , if thy father anfwere theecrueiiy? I I And lonathan faid to Dauid, Come and let tfs goe out into the field : and they twaine went out into the field. 1 2 Then lonathan faid to Dauid, Ο Lord God of Ifrael , when I haue groped my fathers mind to morow at this time , that I die not, I ί But / require that thou cut not ofl'thy mer- cie from mine hoiife for euer : no , not wiien the Lor:! h;th deftioyed the enemies of Dauid .euery onefrom the earth. ^ TheLetd puMi'fl nte moA gtienoKily Ii I knew Λ« if thon wereR nqi^ |referied " the iciagi^me, ihoa weiildeOnntd?- fltoy mee, boi Oitw Ay tlfe {iiViidly f Etr. f(tit. i The "Lt^xi I! the aii'-'ioiit oi ihyde- pirittie. 1 6 So lonathan made a bond with the houfe Dauid, /i)w^, Let the Lord require it at the hands of Dauids enemies. 17 And againe lonathan fw?ie vnto Diuid.be- caufe he loued him (for hee loued hi.m as his owne foule,) 18 Then faid lofiathantohim ,To morow is the firft day of the moneth : and thou flialt bee I) looked for.for thy place fliall be emptie. 19 Therefore thou flialt hide thy fclfe thr dayes , then thou flialt goe downe quickly and come to the place where thou diddcft hide thy felfe , when tliis matter was in hind, and flialt re maine by the ftone t Ezel. 2 ο And I will fhoot three arrowes on the fide thercuf.is though I fl-ot at a maike. 2 1 And ,;f:er I wili Tend a boy , fxyitii , Goe, fecke the arrowes. If I Gy vnto the boy. See, th arrowes are on this fide thee , bring them , and come thou : for it is t well with thee.and no hurt rti the Lord liueth. 22 But if I fjy thus vnto the boy, Behold, the arrowes are beyond thee , goe thy way : for the ^Lotd hath lent thee away. 23 As touching the thing which thou and I haue fpoken of,l-ehold,the Lord i>e beiweene thee and n;e for euer. 24 ί So Dauid hid himfelfe in the field : and Avhen the firft diy of the moneth came , the king fate to eate meate. 25• And the king fate , as at other times vpor his feate, euen vpon his feat by the wall : and Jo- nathi^ arofe.ird Abnerfate by $auls fide, but Da. uids place was emptie. 26 And Saul laid nothing thitdsy : for hee thought , Some thing hath befallen him , thougM be were * cleane , cr elfe becaufc hee was not puri-j t Yet he m/|h< fied. I haue feme bufinine 27 But on the morow , which was the feconcj '" ^" '"''"• day of the moneth , Dauids pl,'!^"'«.«ρίκ« my brother hath fent forme : therefore now , if li°'^«''''-8 haue found fauour in thine eyes, let me go, I pray thee, and fee my η brethren • this is the caufc thai^ ■ Meaning, all hit hee commeth not vntoahe kings t.-,ble. iinfefolke. 30 Then was Saul angry with Ion ih;n , and faid vnto him. Thou ο fonne of the wtek ci rebel-l° Thmutt lious woman.doe not I know, that i!i<,u h ft cho- """""ί /ntomee fen the fonne of Hbai to thy confuiion , and to the confufion and flume of ι hv morh-.-r? 31 Forcis long as the fonne 'fKhailiwth vpon the earth , thou flialt not be cfi,.biiflied , nor thy kinjidome : wheiefore n(»w fend and fethim -,Βίο me,for he t fliah mrcly die. 3i And lonathan an\vered vnto Saul his fa- ther,anJ faid vnto him, Wiicrcfore fliali hep JJs• what hath he done? 33 And Saul caft a fpeare at him to hit him, whereby lonathan knew , that it was determined of his father to flay Djuid. 34 ί So lonathan arofe from the tablf jna great anger , -nJ did eate no meat the feconJ Jay of the moneth • for he was fory for Dauid, and be caufc his f.ther had reuiled hire. ij On the next morning therefore Icna- Ο 2 thai ^i thy 1 Eh. finne cf tluti. ρ For it wee to• gvcj: i>.aii..;ete pu r.- 0 death ar.d ;.£ ι iliew the iiiQc vihjr. I: Sa muel. He faineth hir ifelfe mad•' rot this wris the fhitd day , is it wa ^eid vj()ii,vctf, 5 , By Atfe vnrds he jdmonilhed ^auid whjtiict (M^hc to d«e. i Ei. ir^,umi9U. 4' It fetmeih that Sie had fliot on the ■Notthfide of the fiendeaflthe boy Id hine efpyi4 Daiiid. . than went out into the field , ^ it the time appoin- tetl with Dauid, and a little boy with him. 3^ And he faid vnto his boy.Runne now.feeke the airowes which I fhoote : and As the boy ra», he iliot an arrow beyond him. 3 7 And when the boy was come to the place where the arrow was that lonathan had ihot , lo- nathan cryed afrer the boy , and laid. Is not the arrow beyond thee? 38 And lonathan cryed after the boy , "^Make fpeede , hafteaWftindnotftill : and Jonathans boy gathered vp the arrowes , and came to his m after, 39 But the boy knew nothing: onely lonathan and Dniid knew the matter. 40 Th-n Jonathan gaus his t bow and arrowes vnto the boy that was with him , and faid vnto him.Goe.carie them into the citie. 41 ί Afloone as the boy was gone , Dauid arofe out of a placethat was tow .ud the ^ South which ο ache he «ajleih iiitheiigh veife.thecotienant «iAeLeid... and fell on his face to the groun- d , and bowed himfelfe thiee times: and they kiffed one another, and wept both twainc.till Dauid exceeded. 42 Therefore lonathan faid to Dauid, Goe in peace : that which we hiiie • fworne both of vs in the name of the Lord , faying , The Lord bee be- tweene me and t hee , and betweene my feede and betweene thy feed./ii it fiandiot euer. 43 And hee aroie and departed , and lonathan went into the citie. CHAP. XXI. 1 Dauid f'eeth ti Nob te ^hhieleeh t-he Prie^ 6 H«ff getteth tf him the fhtvvbread to fatisfie his hun• ger. 7 DoegSΛlilί]erκΛnt vvAsprefent, \uDa- uidflefth to Kmg^ch-fh, 13 a?id there faineth himfelfe mad. a Vi*ere the v'tii 'T' Hen came Dauid to 3 Nob to Ahimelech the Aen was te j'lie ■*■ Prieft , and Ahimelech was aftonillied at the seonillefiheLoid meeting of Dauid , and iaid vnto him , why art thou alone, and no man with thee? 2 AndDuuid faid to Ahimelech the Prieft.The 5» King hath comnauided me a certaine thing, and hath laid vnto me , Let no man know whereabout I fend thee , and what I haue commaunded thee: and I haue appointed my feruants to iuchunii fnch places. 3 Now therefore , if thou haft ought vnder thine hand , giue mee fine ca!^s of bread . cr what commetii to h nd. 4 And the Prieft anfwered Dauid , and laid:. There is no common bread vnder mine hand, but heere is * hallowed bread, if the ycmng men haue kept themfeiues,at leaft from « womsn. y Dauid then anfwered the Pr.ijft.and faid vn- .to him , Certainely women haue beenc feparate fro.m vs thefe two or throe dayes iince I came our:and the d veilcls of the young men were holy, though the way were prophane , and how much more «hen fliail iu/ryo»* ^oee fanotihed this day intheveffell? 6 So the Prieft giue hira hallowed bread . for there was no bread there, fane the ihewbread that was t jken from before the Lord.tc put hote bieaci there.the day that it was taken away, 7 ( And there wds the fame day one of the fer- amts of Saul ί abiding before the Lord , named Doeg the Edomite., the S chiefeflofSauls heard- men.) 8 And ]?auid faid Vnto -Ahimelech ' , Is there aot here .vnder. thiae hand a ipeare orefword? & iThili fnfirmitie! *»t We fee in the 3loits of God, teach vs that none hath his iiifiite in UimfiUe, bntie- seiiieJh it of GeJi 3n«the. * Btottis.Ji Zeiiit.ifS. ' Mat li.j 4 α Ifthey hstis sicemgioied with jheii «itiet. « Shali be more «ateftiU (β lies5>-.-his veililfealy.wncn Ae Biall haue eat* ot (his holy iood * Torying te w( fiu?,befare the D ο , -nunfir, «/ for I haue neither brought my fword nor mine harneife with me , becauie the kings buiineifc re- quired hafte. 9 And the Prieft faid , The fword of Goliath thePhiliftim , whom thou fleweft in the * valley of Elah, behold, it is wrapt in a cioath behind the 5 Ephod: if thou wilt take that to thee,take it: for there is none other faue that here:and Dauid laid. There is none to that,giue it me. 10 And Dauid arofe and fiedde the fame day from the h prefence of Saul , and went to Acbifn thekingof Gath. 1 1 And the feruants of Achifli iaid vnto him. Is not this Dauid the * King of the land? did they not fing vnto him in dances , faying , * Saul hath ilaine his thoufand.and Dauid his ten thoufand? 1 2 And Dauid t coniidered thefe words , and was fore afraid cf Achilli the king of Gath. 13 And hee changed his behauiour before them, and fained himfelfe mad in their hands, and ' fcrabled on the doores of the gate , and let his fpettle fall downe vponhis berrd, 14 Then faid Achifh vnto his feruants, Lo, ye fee the man is befide himfeife, wherefore haue ye brought him vnto me ? 1 f Haue I neede of madde men, thatyee haue brought this fellow to play the madde man in my preience ? liliallhe come into mine houfe? C'h a P. XXII. I Dauid hid^th himfelfe in a caue. 2 Many that were in trouble camtvrito htm. 9 Doegaccu- feth ^himetech. 18 S^ul caufeth thePriefisfo befiaine. 20 ^biathar efcapeth. p\ Auid therefore departed thence, and faned ■-' himfelfe in the caue >of AduUam : and when his brethren and r. ! his fathers houfe heard it.they went downe thither ro hira. 2 And there g,;theied vnto hira all i?,en that were in trouble, and ΊΙ men that were in debt, and all thofe that were *exed in minde, and hee was their g prince , and there were with him about foure hundred men. 3 Τ And Dauid went thence to Mizpeh in *" Moab , and faid \-nto the King of Moab , I pray thee , let my frther and my mother come and abide with you, till I know what God will doe for me. 4 And he ί brought them before the Kin» of Moab , and they dwelt with him all the while that Danid was in d the hold. y And the Prophet Gad faid vnto Dauid , A- bide not in the hold , but depart and goe into the land of ludah. Then Dauid departed ancfcame into the fcrr^ft of Hareth. 6 ί And S aui heard that Dauid was « difcone- red.and the men y were with him,and Saul remai- ned in Gibeah vnder a tree in Ramah , hauing his fpeare in his hand.and all his feruants ftood about him. 7 And Saul faid vnto his feruants that ftood about hira , Heare now, ye fonnes ^ of lemini, will the fonne of Ilhai giue euery oneofyou fieldtts and vineyards > will hee make you all captaines ouer rhoufands,and captaines ouer hundreds: % That all ye haue confpircd againft me . and^Hcuby κ« wottl* there is none that telleth me that my fonne hath '^f "hisVoXiacie made a couenant with the fonne of Ilbair and there' ' -■ ■' is none of you that is forie for meor iheweth mee, that my g Jonnehath ftirred v/>my fcruant.tolie in waite againft raee.as appe^reto this day? ^ f Then anfwered Doeg die Edoraite , (who ^ifte»•. ._ was Chap.i»,!^ ; Eehindethae )lace, wheie the gh Prieis gac- entlay. h That is, out ef Sitils dominion. ♦ chap. 17.,, Chip. tt.j.iiA • 2j S- Ecchis. 47.iJ t U,. t-tttffi i BymaSingmailB- ■ toyes, k Is he meete to le^ in alungt honlei a which WIS in the iiibe of ludah, and ' aieeu to£eiJilehem«- g , Or, t*iHinti Ϊ01 there wa» anoiheifo caUeiia e For he f«stei th» lige of Saiii againa ^is honl«. 1 Thtat is, in M/j leh, whiih.waJ.» iltong hold. e That a great knot : re thai are efiitf iiibe and iijiage, as mofiherubie, hete ihcler.na :onfpired agimli iheiaiher, and the ieioani againa lli•.' Sauls cruelne on the Prieftsr ll WhitltWM»*» Kmnancof y hoaf e£Eli,whof»hon(; God thrcatntd co i Kins I net at Othcc timet alfo, \thtn behadgieat affaitej, eonfulted Vrith the Loid foi fOtif*ttmttit was appointedouer the fernantsof Saul) andfaidj 1 iaw the forme of Ifliai , when hee came to Nob, to Ahimelech the f onne of Ahicub , 10 who asked coiinfell of the Lord for him, and gaue him vic'tuals , and he gaue him alfo the fword of Goliath the Philiftim. 11 Then the King lent to call Ahimelech the Prieft the fonne of Ahitub , and all his fathers honi Haue I this day firft begun toaske coun- feil of God for him ? be it farre from me , let not the king impute any thing vnto his feruant , nor to all the houfe of my father : for thy ieruant knew nothing of all thisJeiVe normore. 1 6 Then the King faid. Thou ilialt furely die, Ahimelech.thou.and all thy fathers houfe. 1 7 And the King fayde vnto the D fergeants that flood about him , Turnc , and flay the Priefts of the Lord , becaufe their hand alfo is with Da- uid , and becaufe they knew when he fledde , and iliewed it not to roe. But the feruants of the King It-EottJiiyknew k would not mooue their hands to fall vponthe *"Λ' V"^*" t°i i*"efts of the Lord. «mmltm'm of ] 8 Then the king faid to Doeg , Turne thou the iuiginfljyiBg and fall vpon the Priefts. And Doeg the Edomite iheumottau. turned , and ranne vpon the Priefts , and flew that fame day fourefcore and fiue perfons , that did weare a linnen Ephod. tp Alfo Nob the citie of the Priefts fmoote hee with the edge of the fword , both man and wo- man , both child and fuckling, both oxe and afle, and flieepe with the edge of the fword. 20 But one of the fonnes of Ahimelech the fonne of Ahitub ( whofe name vvus Abiathar) ' ef- caped and fled after Dauid. 2 1 And Abiathar fliewed Dauid , that Said had flaine the Lords Priefts. 2 2 And Dauid faid vnto Abiathar , I knew it the fame day,whenDoeg the Edomite T/x/rtJ there, that he would tell Saul. I am the caidc eft he death of all the perfons of thy fathers houfe. [ 23 Abide thou with mee , andiezre not : for Β he that feeketh my life , fliall feeke thy life alfo : for with me thou flialt be in fafcgard, CHAP. XXIII. S Dauid chafeth the Fhilrflimsfrer/i I\eilah. 1 ^ Dn- uid departeth from K^i/ah , andremaimthinthe ■vvildernejfe ef Ziph . \6 lonathan cemforteth Da- uid.z % Sau/s enierprift is broken in ptrfuing Dauid. IT Hen they tolde Dauid , faying , Behold , the Phiiiftims fight againft aKeilah ,and fpoile j the barnes. 2 Therefore Dauid asked counfeil of the Lord, faying , Shalll goe and fmitethefe Phiiiftims? JLnd the Lord anfwered Dauid , Go and fmite the iPhiliftitns,andfaue Keilah. S •Αηά Dauids men faid vmobini;. See, webe Cbap«|XXrM. JDauiddep»tethfrottil• [eHah k That is, in, he midi of ludih, much moie when leio ihc Τβ7 Ciiapti.ie; ! 8V GD4!ftoai- dence And the Lord faid . They will j deliuer thee vp. 13 ί ThenDauidandhismen, which were I I aboutfix hnndreth.arofe and departed out of Kei-i j lah , and went D whither they could. And it was told Saul , that Dauid was fled from Keilah , and ['?'''* •> he left off his ioumey. fi"l^i"'"'.'^ I 4AndDauidaboade in thewilderneiTeinthef ', D holdes, and remained in a mountaine in the wil- ^ OT,/h,»ifUfn. ' dernefl'eof Ziph.And Saul fought him euery day, ; but God e deliuered him not into his hand. eiUfnj, 15 And Djuid faw that Saul was come out for < No power net policie can pun^ agaia R Godi cha- btu when k• ippoimeih the ciimr^ Eir.H* i«ii. roBithanairimeiit Daiiid.th^c Uod will accomplish h/i to leeke his life : and Dauid Kf'W in the wilder- nefli; of Ziph in the wood. ϊ6 f And lonathan Sauls fonne arofe and went to Dauid into the wood . and comforted t him in God, 1 7 And faid vnto him.Feare not: for the hand of Saul my father fliall not finde thee , andthou flialt be ^king ouer Ifrael.and I fliall be next vnto thee: and alfo Saul my father knoweth it. 18 So they twaine made a couenrnt before jp"'!^""^^','^*' the Lord : and Dauid did ifemaine inthe wood:ihi({a:heteriaetl but lonathan went to his houfe. 19 ί Then came vp the Ziphims to Saulto Gibeah.faying,Docth not Dauid hide himfelfe by vs in holdes , in thewoodin thehillof Hachilah, which is on the right fide 0 of lefliimon? 20 Now therefore , Ο king , come downe ac- cording ro all that thine heart can defire -, and| our part/W/ i>re to deliuer him into the Kings,' hands. Ιε^ί*!;'"^'»"'^ 2 1 Then Saul f-iid.e Be ye blcffed of the Lord: ' g' '^"^""^- for ye haue had compalTion on me. j f Bi». ,pk„ u, 22 Goe, I pray you.and prepare ye yet better J ^'"' **' *""'• know and fee his place where he t haunteth , an4 Ο 3 **^ ./.ic LjI dipar^h Saul in the caue.^ J» InyPH; cmiatrey cf Ζ plijVifckhii IB iKdili. j-Wjvich wa! alfo the a'.li of lu- ;nt thence , and dwelt in Miolds at En-pe.ii, i λνΐϋη Saiii v.ms returued from thePhili- flims, they tolde hiai, faving. Behold. Dauidw in thevviidernefie of» Engedi. 3. Tjien S III tooke three thoufand chofeir men out of ail 1 Irael, and went to feekc D .uid and his men vpcn the rocks «■rr.ong the wild go*es. 4. And hee came tothe fhecpecoatef by the \v-y where the/e .vas λ crae, md S !ul went in t no. idoe Ids ciVnu-n: : ;ndD;.;ii .ndhismenfate in I the t inwirii |-a.ts of the ciue. j J An.i the menofDvuidlaidmtohim ,See, t-HsTe we f« hew j ^)^^ ^ ,y j^ c Qc.nsti . whereof the I ord fay d vnto i!,.5?l"rVd^\.'°c thee.Behold.I will deliik-i thine eneraie intothine. inia.i£ih«occifioii( hand , and tiioii flvdt d>)e to Ηιπ• as itUiaL leeme good to thee. ThenDiitid arofeaaJ cutoffthe 1 ipof Sa;ils garmert priiiiiv. 6 And af:ervvird Daiiid<* was'toiiched in his .irt ,bccrafc hes hadcutoifthelup which was - .'ii'ii;..'tnd','nroJ-i:?nen , The Lord kecpe ::• !;, n; Joir.g thu tlv'ng vn:o my nufter the ovn.";J .toliymiiie.hind vponhirn : fur Anoynted of the Lord. I> uid overcame his fetnints with thefe v.'Of .Is ,and iuffercd them not to ai ife a;j?.inil S iuh. for S r.d rcfe vp o'lt.of the cnie ;nd went awiy. 9 ' Dardd alio ,-κοί- .-.ft.nu-crd , and went out of the, cau*• , and cfyed ..ft-r Saul , faying . Ο my •urdtlVe King. 'And when 53ΐΊ1 looked behind* him ,D mid incllnid his face to the earth , and' bowed hiaifeifc. 10 And Dauld. faid to Saivl,•• wherefore gi- ueft tliou any e ire to mens wortles ,that fay, Be-- hold.Daiiid leeketh euiU againftthee? 11 Kehoiii,tbis day thine eyes baue feenc.that it)e liord hid,* «le.Uwro'i'ciktttbi» day ilito mine.• f-ti.. aaui fcijrlt dFo 'iciin-i 1! w? >is« wneptiuje ca..l. herci^nt,d ihjth,..hid oiiclu ^U'. Lo; V bei, iha-nid,! hand in th: c:ue, ai>d fomehade me kill thee : but 1 had compaiRon on thee , and faid , I will not lay mine h-.nd orrmy mailer : for he is the Lords An- oynted. ' 12 Moreoner my father.behold : behold.I fay, the lap of thy garment it? mine hand : for when I cut of the lap of thy garment , 1 killed thee no•;. Vndei-ftand and fee, thit there is neither euiil nor wickedneffe in mee , neither h-iue I fmnedagainft thee.yetthouhunteft sftcr my foiile.to take it. 13 The Lord be iiidge betweene thee and me, fnd the Lord aucnge me of thee , and let not mine liand be vpon thee. 14 According as the 0 olde prouerbefayeth, Wickedneffe proceed-th from the wicked , bat mine hand be not vpon thee. Π After whom is the king of Ifrael come cut? after whom de^ft thouptirlue? after a dead dogge,««i ifteraflea?. 16 The Lord therefore be iudge.and iudge be- tweene thee and me, and fee.Sc pleademy caufe £Ed tdeliuer me out of thine hand. 17 When Dauid had m ;de an endof fpeaking thefe words to Saul, S -nil f^id, * is this thy,voyce my fonneDauid?5t Saul life vp his voyce,Sc -wept 1:8 AndfaidtoDauid.Thou art more reighte- oiK then I : for thou haft rendred me good, and 1 haue rendred thee euill. 1 9 And thou haft Ihev/ed this day , that thou haft dealt well with me : forafmuch as when the Lord had clofed me in thine hands , chcmkilledft roe nor. 20 Fot who ihall find his enemie, ind let hiiti depart t free ? v^hercfore the Lord'render thee good for that thou- halt done vnto m? this d.iv . 2 1 For nov./ behold , 1 Sknow that thou ihalt be King , and that the kingdome of Ifrael (laaJi be ftablilhed in thine hand. 2 2 Sweare now therefore vnto tne by the Lord, that thou wilt not drftroy my feede after me , and that thou wiltnorabolilhmy name out of my fa- thers houfe. 23 So Dj'.ii ! fware vtito Saul , and Saul went hoiT;e:b;it D;aid and his men went «p vnto ti/'e holde. C HAP. XXV. I Samuel dieth. ■^Nnhcl and ^.bigail. ^2 The Lord ^illfth Nairal. 4 3 Abigail and ^Lingam T)auids wines, ■44 Michalts f^iuen to Fhahi, Τ Hen * Ssmuei died , and ail Ifrael afiembled, and mourned for h-m, and brried him in his aowne heufe atRaradi. /nd Dauid arofe ?nd went downe to the wudernefie of Paran. 1 Now ir.'' Maon ©Vii/ a man, who had his pof- felTio in Carmel,& the ra ;n wasexceeding migh- tie , and had t hiee tfcoufand Ibeepe, and a thuufand goats : and hie %vas ihearing his ftieepe iiiCarmel 3 The name alfocf die m.in i-i/xs Nabai , and the nr.me of his wife Abigail , and Ihce w;s a wo- man of Ttngular wifedcme , jnd bc-.-utifulI, but ths man vvai churlifli.and cuill conditioned,and was of the f.imi:y of Caleb. 4 And Dauid heard in the wilderneiTe , that Nabal did fl- earehis (laeepe. < y Τ heit fore Dauid feat ten yoting men , snd F'juid laid vnto the young men , Goe vp to Cav- mel , and goe toNabal , and askc him in my name thow he doeth. 6 And thus flaal) ye fay * t for falt-tation.Both thou , and thine hoiffc , and all that thou haft , bee in peaccwealth and profperitie. y Behold, innocenci9) I Or,fit ptttitrjif cf ί Though Be wa» mort ctJ Jl eaemfi! to Daiiid, ytt iy his gteatgenlljnefle _, his confciencj compellcdhim to yseld. nh '*if. g Tlioiifh ihisti- tanrfawandcon fefled the f»ao(ir of God toward Dli' u.'d , yeihiceafah lottopetfeiwe himagaindliu owji£(onfcien(e|' i.lj.20. Thai is.imeng'his, owHekiiirfd b Macn snd Cax- mel «ere cKies in che ciibeoi Judah, Carjnel the m^nn- laisc wisinealik.. c Some lesde , fo ■ Jnsyefl ihovliieitt- J>veiperiti<: the «fit.• yeert,boOl th«Oj Hx. ismi^ tooijLiii cburlUhnciTc. Chap.) 7 Behold , I hriie heard , tliat thou haft fliea- rets ; new thy fhepheards were with vs . and wee Al them no hurcneither did they mifle any thing all 'hi while they were in Carmel. 8 Aske thy leruants, "nd they will fl-ewe thee. Wherefore let thefe young in'en finde fjiiour in thine eyes : (fcr wee ccnie in a good leafon) giue, I j-fuy thee , whatfceucr <• comroeth to thine hand vnto thy leruants , mi to uiy ioima Dauid. p ί And when Daiiids yong men came , they told ΝΛ..1 s\\ tho'.e words in the name of Dsnid, sml held their peace. 10 Then Nabal anfwereJ D.mids leruants, and liyd , who i? Dauid ? and who ij the e ibnne of lihai > there b^e nriny fcruants now adaves , thit brcake away eucry men from his mailer. 1 1 Shall Ϊ then take my bread, and ray w.^ter. and my flelh that 1 hjue killed for my (hearers, and giue it vnto them , whom I know not whence they be? 12 ί So Dauiis feruants turned their w U' ,.-ind went againe , and came , and told him all'thole things. 1 3 And D.iuid fai J vnto his men , Gird euery man his fword atout him. And they girded euery man his fword. Dauid alfo girded his fword. And about foiire hundrcth men %<'ent vp after D.;uid, ■and two hundreth aboadc by th-j t cari.ige. 14 Now one of the feruints told Abigail Na- bals wife , faying. Behold, Dauid fent meliengeis out of the Wildernefle to ialute our mafter , and he t railed on them. I s" Notwithftanding.the men were very good •f vnto vs, jnd we had no difplealure , neither mif- led we any things as long as wee were conuerfanc with them.when we were in the fields. 16 Τ hey were as a wall vnto vs both by night and by day , all the while we were with them kee- ping (heepe. 1 7 Now therefore tske heed, and fee what thou Ih.ilt doe .-for eiiill t will lure'y come vpon our mafter , and vpon all his famuy ; for he is lb wic- ked,that a man cannot fpeakcto him. 18 Τ Then Abigail made hafte.and iool.we not the young men of my lord whom thoii lenreft. z6 Now therefore.my.Lord,as ihe Lcrdliuer^i., and as thy fouieliueth (rhe Lord , If.y , r!vt h-.Ii' withJiolden thee from comT.ing to fh.d Koo^Q and that thine ί hand iliould not Ihue thee) fo now thtne enemies Ihdl be as Nabal . and they that in- tend to doe my lord euill , ^7 \nJ now this J bleffing which thine hmd- maid hath b.-ought vnto my lord , let i: be '^iiien vnto the yong men that t follow my lord, ° 28 I pray thee , forgiue tlie trerpjil^ of thine nandmside: fcr the Lord wiil make mv lord a ^ lurehoufe . becauie my lord lighteth the battels of the Lord . and none euill hath ^eene found in thee tin all thy life. 29 Yet I a man hath rifen vp to per.fecute thee, ?ndto feeke thy foule ,butthe(ouleofmy lord Ihdl bee bound in the «bundle oflife with the Lord thy God .-.and the foide of thine enemies ihali Gml cart out . ss out of the middle of a lling. 30 Andwhen the Lordlh-tllh.iuedcnetomy lord all the good that ha hath promifedihee, and I fl-!all hau; made thee ruler ouer Ifrael, 3 1 Then iVAl it be no griefe vnto thee , not offence of min Je vntu my lord , that he hath not fl:ed blood caulelefie , nor that my Icrd hath " not preferued himfelfe : and uhen the Lord n-.all haue dealt well with my lord , remember thine haid- miyd. 3 2 Then Dauid faid to Abigail , BleiTed be the Lord God of riael , which fent thee this day to' meete me. ! 33 AndbieiTed be thy counfcll,and bleffcd be thou , whichhaftkept me this day from comming xo fhed blood, "and that mine hand hath «et fa- ned me. 34 For indeed , as the Lord God of Ifrael li ueih.pwho hath kept m.^e backc from hurting thee, except thou haddeft h.-fted andmetniec fnrely there h id not beene left vnto Nabal by tlit dawnif>g of the dij ,any th-.t piil'ethag.iinft the wall. 3r Then Dauid receiued of her h?nd that which ihe had brought him , and faid to her. Goe vp in peace to thine houfe; liehold,! h.uie heard thy voyce,and haue t granted thy petition. 36 * So Abigail came to Nab-il , and behold, hee made afcaft in his houfe , like the fe^rt of a king , and Ν ;bals heart was mery within hi"i . for hee was very drunken : Wherefore die toii hinij Ρ nothing , neither leffe nor more , vntill the mor ning arofe. 3 7 Then in the moir.inj; , when the wine w.-s gone out of Nabal , his wife tulde him thofe vt'ords.and his heart dyed within him , and lie was likcraftone. 3 8 And about ten d:.yes after , the Lord fraote Nibal.thathedyed. 39 ί Now whan Dauid heirdth.it Nabal was dciJ.hefaid.BLffedbc theLord.th.it hiihH indg- ed the can fe of my reb'ikeof ihe h.indofNabal and hath kept his feruant from er.ill : for the Lord hath recomp'.'nfed the wickednesof Nabal vpon his o.vne head. Alio D uid lent to commune with Abigail,rofr>keher to his wife. 40 At:i when the feruants of Dauid were come Ο 4 to Ά ΐο5Γ ϊ Tint ι.-, than ftoLilJtft r.etbete- n.j.jtrdofihiaa t Eif. «.(/l^. ji ti, f'tr. k Confirme hit Kisgdome lo hU poflcniy. ■F"m,t, wit. Shch things nouUhaiie lei- nwntc4'hit {confcitnce. ρ He aittftwetli ir t» thiLotdsmercif i.:(inot to himCl ' ihai he was nayti fw. riviu^ lif dci.ot^og.'.ie ihiTk, fonhif g't»• iilieitt of d.-l:ih:f ivi'Mrr- 9 Thai is. of 'lie jnoafiilWlaniJ »ll!snt feuidisis. '7• ^Whewaialhan. ^, »nd BOI an If• !caelice. « >Vho afterwarf wasDauidsshicfe saftaiuc. LSinuei; to Abigail to Carmel.they fpake vnto her, faying, Dauidientvsto thee, to take thee to his wife. 4 1 Afid ilie arofe , and bowed her felfe on her face to the earth, and faid.Bebolde.let thine hand- m.iid be a feruant to vvalh the feete of the feruants of my Lord. 42, And Abigail hafted.and arofe, and rode vpon an affe , and her fine maids t followed her, and fhe went after the mellengers of Dauid . , and was his wife. 43 Duii 1 alfo tooke Ahinoamof ^Izreel.and they were both his wiues. 44 Now Saul hid giiien ■*< Michal his daugh- ter , Duiids wife , to Phalti the fonne of Lailh, which was of^ Gallim. C Η A P. XXVI, iD.iw'd was dtfcoueredvito Saul ijy the Ziphims.it Dauid tal^eth away Sauls fpeare ,aiid a pot of wa- ter that liaod at his head.- 7.1 S^ulconfeffeth his finne. Λ Gaine the Ziphims came vnto Saul to Gibe- - ah , faying , * Doeth not D.iuid hide himfelfe β in the hill of H)chilah before || lelhimon? 2 Then Saul arofe, and w.nt downe to the wildernesof Ziph,hauing three thoufandachofen , men of Ifrael with him , for to fceke Dauid in the wildernesof Ziph. 3 And Saul pitched in thehillof Hachilah, which is before lelhimon by the way Jide. Now Dauid aboade in the wildernelVe,and hee faw that Saul carae after him into the wilderneffe. 4 (For Dauid had fent out Ipies , and vnder- ftood that Saul was come 0 in very deed.) 5• Then Dauid arofe , and came to the place where Saul had pitched , and when Dauid beheld the place where Saul lay , and * Abncrthe fonne of Ner which was his chiefe captaine , (for Saul lay in the fort , and the people pitched round about him.) 6 Then fpake Dauid , and faid to Ahimelech the b Ilittite , and to Abiikii the fonne of Zeruiah, ' brother to = loab , faying , Who will goe downe with me to Saul to the hoafte ? Then Abilbai laid, ■; I will goe downe with thee. I 7 So Dauid and Abifliai came downe to the Hefl'eetltoAcHffi; Uufinntt*f g Hereby it apprt.; leih, that the h^;o- ciiie petfecnted D2- itid againfl his owaeconfciente, aai coniui) 10 hit piomiie. h Let his angel te- waid vsbe pacified by i faciifice. ί Ai much is lay in them.thiy compel- led him to idolatry, becaiiie they foiced ithe flood on the top of an hill afarre off, a great fpace being betweene them. 1 4 And Dauid cried to the people,and to Ab- ner the'iunne of Ner , faying , t Heareft thou not, t '^^'■■^"/"'"fii Abner ? Then Abner anfwered and fayd.Who art thou that crieft to the King? I f; 1 And Dauid faid to Abner , Art not thou i afman ? and who is like thee in Ifrael? wherefore yalfam^nd™** then haft thou notkepr thy Lord the King ? for Itofaue'theiUnzr there came one of the folke in to deftroy the king | thy lord, 16 This is not well done of thee : as the Lord liueth, yee are i worthy to die.becaiife yee haue not kept your mafter the Lords anointed r^nd now fee where theKingsfpeare is, and the pot of water that was at his head. 17 And Saul knew Dauidsvoyce,.-!nd fayd.Is this thy voyce,S my fonne Dauid? and Dauidfaid, It is my voyce.my lord, Ο King. 1 8 And he laid. Wherefore doeth my lord thus perfecute his feruant ? for what haue I tlone ? or what euill is in mine hand? 19 Now therefore , I befeech thee,let my lord the King heare the words of his feruanr. If the Lord hiue ftirred thee vp againft me ,^» let h fmell the fauour of a facrifice ; but if the children of men haue done it , curfed bee they before the Lord: for they haue caft mee out this day from abiding in the inheritance of theLord, faying, Go, ferue• other gods. 20 Now therefore, let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of the Lord : for the King of Ifrael is come out tofeekeaflea, as one would)'''"?' hunt a partridge in the mountaines. '° ■ 2 1 Then faid Saul,I haue finned: Come againe, . my fonne Dauid : for I will doe thee no more j Bg£j„fe Λοβ b arrae , becaul'e my foule was '' precious in thine faneda my liie chit eyes this day : behold, I haue done fooliflily , and day. haue erred exceedingly. 2 2 Then Dauid anfwere'd , and fay d , Behold the Kings fpeare , let one of the yong men come ouer and fet it. 23 And let the Lord reward euery man accor- ding tohisJrighteoufneiTeand faithfulneffe : for 'J^Z^M^^ftlT the Lord had deliiiered thee into »2ί«ί hands this I 0»,>.i(Sii S JAei\jiiiig,5icc^ lijeuldmakehitn. 2«ie at one fiioke. t To wit, in his foicUiui flew two sciiigs.at Gcdsap• ■pointmen'jZ.Kijig •} tSv.litfifHUit people by night : and behold , Saul lay fleeping • day,but I would not lay mine hand vpon theLords LI within the fort , and his fpeare did fticke in the ground at his il head : and Abner and the people lay roundabout him. f Then faid Abifliai to Dauid , God hath cloied thine enemie into thine hand this day: now therefore I pray thee, let me Imite Him once with a fpeare to the earth , and I will not fmite him i againe. . 9 And Dauid faid to Abiihai , Deftroy him not : for who can lay his hand ^ on the Lords an- ointed.andbe guiltlelTe? I ο Moreouer Dauid fayd, As the Lord liueth, either the Lord ihall fmite him .or his day Ihall come to die , or be Ihall delcend into battel] , and periih. I I The Lord keepe me from laying mine hand vpon the Lords anointed : but , I pray thee , take now the fpeare ihat is at his head , and the pot of water jiind let vs goe hence. 12 So Dauid tooke the fpeare and the pot of water from Sauls head ; ind they gate them away, and no man faw it , nor marked it, neither did .my awake , but they were all aueepe : for t the Lord 'had fent a dead fleepfi .vpon them, j 13, ThenDanid weut imo the other fide , aad- atd Saul > X at de- fending hif iudice in the fight of God, in whole prefence^ none is tight) anointed 24 Andbehold.likeasthy life was much fet' by this day in mine eyes : fo let my life be fet by ί rfai. n.jTan^ in the eyes of the Lord > that he may deliuer meej out of all tribulation. 2 ^ Then Saul fayd to D uiid.BIeifed art thou, my fonne Dauid : for thou (halt doe great things, and alio preuaile. So Dauid went his way , and Saul returned to his "* place. CHAP. XX TIT. 2 Dauid fleet h to ^chifh Kjfig of Gat h , truhogtuetfr him ZikUg. 8 Dauid deflreyeth certaine tjfthe Philifiims. 10 ^chifhis deceiued by D^uid, Λ Nd Dauid faid in his heart, I ihall now » periih one day by the hand of Saul : is it not better for mee that I fauc my felfe in the land of the Philiftims.and that Saul may haueno hope of mee to feeke mee any mere in all the coafts of liraei, and fo eilape out of his hand? 2 O-iuid therefore arofe , and he , and the fixe hundred men that were with him , went vnto Achifh the fonne of Maochking of Gath. 3 And Dauid b dwelt with Achilli at Gath.hee, |aact his -men « euexy man wiib his houihold. ,30. J, m To e&eah-^ 1 Beniamin.- DSHid diflrufletft Godi proieition, ind thcrefo^re HeetJt 'nto the idoljtcts, ^'ho werefnemiel 0 God', people. iThii. Godbyhij rouidencechan- eth the entmies learts.aud makeib • hem to faitour hi» . tt theiincctinqr^:. DiuIdMrljyeth theGefhuntes;. Chap.XXVIII, e tittWnee(ic«ri fffOlRC me a place t Sir.ihmimUr tflit itfU.• d ^efe wtie the wicked 'Tanaanites, whom God had ap pointed (« be deiiio• ξΟί,ΦΙ^'β***" e Which vrerca fa wily of the tribe ol Iedah,i.chioa »Urrrtbiif'*rli t Albeit it wai« {leai giiefe to Da- uid I• fight againd ihepeople of God, yetliich wa led by Satan fcienceJiecofidcn)' Saul is with the vitch. lo^ Daui J with his two wities . Ahinoam the Izreelite, and Abigail Nabils wife the Carmelite. 4 And it was told Sai'.l that Dauicl was fled to Gath : fo he fought no more for liim• y And Daiiid faidvnto Achiili ,If I haiie how found grace in thine eyes , « let them giiie mee a place in fome other citie of the coimtrey ,th^tl may dwell there; for why fliould thy feriunt dwell in the ht*ci citie of the kingJome with thee? 6 Then Achiih giue him Ziklag that fame day : therefore Ziklag pertaineth vnto the kings of ludah vntothis day. ί And t the time that Dmid dwelt in the countrey of the Philiftims.was foure moneths and certainediyes. 8 Then Dauid and his men went vp , and in- Uided the ^ Gefl^urites , and the Girzites , and the Amalekites : for they inhabited the land from the beginning .from the way , as thou goeft to Shur, euen vnto the land of Egypt. 9 And Dauid fraote the land , and left neither man nor woman uliue.andtooke fbeepe.and oxen, and alfes , and camels, and apparell , and returned and came to Achilla. I ο And Achilh faydj where haue yee beene a rouing this day ? and Dauid anfwered , Againft the South of ludah.and againft f South off e le- rahmeelites, and againft the Souihof the Kcnites. I And Dauid iaued neither man nor woman aliue , to bring them to Gath , faying , Leaft they flaould tell on vs.and fay.So did Dauid.and ίο will be his maner all the while that hee dwelleth in the countrey of the Philiftims. 1 2 And Achifti beleeued Dauid , faying, 1| Hee hath made his people of Urael vtterly to abhorre him : therefore he ihalbe my feruant for euer. CHAP. XXVIII. / Dauid hath the chiefe charge promifed about ^chiβ. 8 Saulcoiifulteth-vvith awitch , and fuse caufeth him to fpeake vvithSamiiel. I8 VVhodecUreth his ruinei ^ Ο w at that time the Philiftims afiembled their bands and armie to fight with I frael: therefore Achilh faid to Dauid , a Be lure , thou ftialt go out with me to the battell, thou, and thy men. 2 And Dauid faid to Achilh . Surely thou ihalt know what thy I'eruant can doe, And Achilh faid to Dauid , Surely I will make thee keeper of mine head for euer, 3 {* Samuel was then dead , and all Ifrael had lamented him, and buried him in Ramahhisowne citie : and Saul had •> put away the forctrers, and the Soothfayers out of the land.) 4 Then the Philiftims aflembled themfelues, and came and pitched in Shunem : and Saul al- fembled all lirad, and they pitched in Gilboa. y And when Saul faw the hoaftc of the Phili- ftims, he was afraid, and his heart was '.o;e aftonied. 6 Therefore Saul alked cuunleiiofthe Lord, and the Lord anfwered him not , neither by dreames, nor by ' Vrim, nor yet by Prophets. 7 ^ Then faid Saul vnto his feritants , Seeke me a wom^n that hath a familiar fpirit , that I may goe to her , and al'ke of her. Ana his feruants faid to him , Behold , there is a woman at En-dor that hath a familiar fpirit. % Then SauM changed himfelfe .and put on other raiment , and hee went , and two men with wMch i^^WsTon"*' '^"" • ^""^ ^^^>' '^^^^ '" ^^^ woman by nij^ht : and vr icn m is con- ^^ j-^. ^ ^ j ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ coniedlurc vnto mee by the I familiar fpiiit , -and bring _mee him vp whom 1 Or,/.«».j j I fliall name tnto thee." 9 And the woman faid vnto him.Beholde, thou knoweft what Saul hath done , how he hath de- ftroyed the forcerers , and the ioothf£yers out of the land : wherefore then leekeft thou to take me in a fnare to caufe me to die? ίο And Saul fware to her by the Lord, faying, As the Lord liueth , no D harmeihall come to thee , for this thing, 1 1 Then faid the woman , whom flaall I bring vp vnto thee ί And hee anfwered , Bring mee vp. «Samuel, je He fpeaieth ae- 12 And when the wom?n faw Samuel, ftiee cryed with a ioud voyce , and the woman ip.ke tO|fi,i,„. ^e «ate of Saul.laying.Why haft thou deceiued me?for thou^he saims aftei thi» art Saul. -.- .. 13 And the king faid vnto her, Be not afraid: for what faweft thou ? And the woman faid vnto Saul , I faw 0 gods afcending out of the earth. 14 Then hefaidvntoher.WhatfaQiionisheejf'^/"' of; And (he anfwered , An olde man commeth .^ lapped in a mantle : and Saul knew that it was ί Samuel , and he inclined his face tothe ground and bowed himfelfe. ndhow Sataa haih no power CBerihcm, I) C», Λ» exttlUnl Chan, JOr.n. 5 2S. 1 y f And Samuel faid to Saul,Why haft thou his eyes too&e vyo» difquieted mee , to bring me vp ? Then Saul an- '"''" '\^ ^"i"* °^ fwered , I am in great diftrefle : for the Philiftims ofTnW offeh" , make warre againft mee , and God is departed * ' from mee , and anfwereth mee no more , rxivhei I t by Prophets , neither by dreames : therefore I f Eir h <;> tm* haue called thee.that thou mayeft .ell mee.what I *fP"t^'ti llwlldoe. I 16 Then faid Samuel, Wherefore then doeft i thou afke of mee .feeing, the Lord is gone from j thee,and is thine enemie? I 17 Euen the Lord hath done to S him , as hee g Thr is,to DJu:3, I ^jJake * by mine 0 hand : for the Lord will rent the j kingdome out of thine hand , and giue it thy i neighbour Dauid. 18 Becaufe thou obeyedft not the voyce of the Lord,nor executedft his fierce wrath vpon the Amalekites,therefore iiath the Lord done this vnto i thee this day. 19 Moreouer the Lord will deliuer Ifrael with thee into the hands of the Philiftims : " and to morrow Ibalt thou and thy fonnes be with mee and the Lord llall giue thehoafte of Ifrael into the hands of the Philiftims. 20 Ί hen Saul fell ftraightway all along on the earth , and was fore' afraide becaufe of the wordsP Thewiefcd, of Samuel , fo that there was no ftrcngth in him: for he had eaten no bread all the day nor all the night, 2 1 Then the womnn canie vnto Saul , and faw that he was fore troubled, and faid vnto him , See, thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voyce, and I i haue put my loule in miue^and , and haue obey- ed thy words which thou iaideft vnto me, 2 2 Now therefore , I pray thee , heat ken thou alfo vnto the vr yce of thine handmaid , and let mee fet amcrfvll of bread before thee , that thou mayeft eate and get thee ftrength , and got; on thy journey, 23 But he refufed and faid, I will not eate: but his leniants , and the w'oman together compelled him,".nd he obeyed their voyce : fo he arofe from the earth.and late on the bed. 24 , Now the woman had a fat calfe in the houie.and Ihe hafted , and killed it, and tooke iioure,and sncadedit^d baked of it 1 vnleauened ' Βίί8*Γ?*Ίϊβ5ίΜ ■ bread,: I""»»•-• \ 27 iThea f To his i.tngfaa- tion , albeit it wis Satan, who to blind h YeaOiaUbee dead, Ch»p.]i'ing ouer ludab. circumcifed triumph 2 1 YeJmountaines of Gilboa, vpon you i< nei- ther dewe nor raine , nor» 6* ther0 fieldes ofoffe- rings :for there the/Lieldof the mightieis caft downe . the ibield of Saul , as though he had not beene anointed with oyle. 22 The bow of lonathan neuer turned backe, __j_ ^. neitherdid the fwcrd of Saul returne empty frotr Beho!de,a man came the third day out of the blood of the ilaine , and frum the fatte of the andj mightie. 23 Saul and lonathan were lonely and plea- fant in their Hues , and in their deaths they were notkdiiiided : they were fwifterthen eagles,they * were ftronger then lions. " 24 Yea daughters of IfraeUweepe forSaul.whicH clo.uhed you in skarlet, » with pleafures, and hanJ ged ornaments of gold vpon yoiirappirell. u As iieh{, 2y How were the mighty ilaine inthemiddesi* '"'*'**^'^'^'''• I Lettheitfsrtile fields be barren, and bring forth π• liiBt CO effec CO tUe Xoid. TheyiUihoih together in Gilboi; .oiierthrowen.anddead.andalfoSaulandlonathaa I of the battell ! Ο lonathan , thou waft flaine iii & As I fled in the chafe. J Or,MftJ)«rf, his fonne are dead. j f And Dauid faid vnto the young man that j tolde it him.How knoweft thou that Saul and lona- i than his fonne be dead; | 6 Then the young man that tolde him , anfwe- j red , b As I came to mount Gilboa , behold , Sr.ul j leaned vpon his ipaare , and loe , the charets and | ; D horfemen f(jllowed hard after him. j 7 And when he looked backe , he faw me . and j, called me. And I anfwered. Here am I. 8 And he faid vnto me , Who art thou ? And ; c He vMt in Ams-x anfwered him,! aman^ Araalekite. ; leiite borne b<:t ^ ^^^^ j-,j j j^^ ^^^^ j^^ ^ I ray thee , t come , ~d1oyni ! vpon me . and flay mee : for anguilh is come vpon with the litaeiites.jme.becaufe myilifeisyetwholeinme. ). ■ - /}4»rfvp.B.j jQ So 1 1 came vpon him, , and Hew him '" Ibecaufe I was fure that hee could not Hue Either Mwa their husbands , ihtii chiidrea. 4 BythemelaeMf the hie Prieft t EJ ^^ ,^^ ^ .J .andj I am Jxlu»e.' becaufe I was fure that hee could not Hue , after : ί ©r.^i^Mrfij^rhhat he had fallen,! tooke the crowne that was » iye* N'pon his head, and the bracelet that was on | i his arme , and brought them hither vnto ray j ! lord. I ! II Then Dauid tooke holde on his clothes, 1 \ * and rent them , and likewile all the men that j ; were with him. j j 1 2 And they mourned and wept , and fafted vn- ; till euen. for Saul and for lonathan his fonne, and ; I for the people of theLord . andfor thehoufeof ; ! Ifrael.becaufe they were Ilaine widi the fword, * Chtp.j «After the lamtnca ti9n,heet::3mioC Hee then! aniwered, Vnto b Hebron . \Γ^''^Τ^- ^'.' ο -ri -J I • I ... '^^° called Kitijih- 2 SoDauid went vp thither, and his twowiuedaibi, Joih.i+.is alio, Ahinoam the Izreclite , and Abigail Nabalsi ' ' wife the Carmelite. j 3 And Dauid brought vp the men that werq c in the time of W* ■with f hira.cuery man with his houflhold, and theyj geriecution, dwelt inthe cities of Hebron. 4 f Then tiie menofludah came .and therq they anoynted D.iuid King ouer the houfe of Iu-( dah. And they told Dauid , laying , * that the men! oflabefliG Head buried Saul. i* '.Sim.jr.jj^ f And Dauid lent meflengers vnto the men of labeili Gilead, and faid vnto them, Bleffed are yee f TJjettsteinftly Tfurilhed £01 thy f TJiittTieymigh, beabjeio match their enemies the » I«ll!.io.)j. ,J» ,Mianiiig,Sa«l, .^ f « Afterward Dauid faid vnto the young , ofthe Lord , that yee haue (hewed fuchkindneffe man that tolde it him .Whence art thou ? And he • vnto your lord Saul.that you haue buried him anfwered,! am the fonne of a ftranger an Ama- 1 6 Therefore now the Lord ihewe mercy and i trueth vnto you : and I will recompenfeyou this benefit,becauie ye haue done this thing. 7 Therefore now let your handes bee ftrong and be you valiant : albeit your mafter Saul bet dead, yet neuerthekfle the houfcofludahhath anoy nted me « Κ ing ouer them 8 ί But Abner the fonne of Ner that was cap.. lekite. , „ j 14 And Dauid faid vnto him.» How waftj thou not afraid , to put foorth thine hand to de- i ftroy the Anoynted ofthe Lord? I J- Then Dauid called one of his young men, ' and faid, Goe neere, and fall vpon him. And hee; anoynted me «King ouer them. e sothatyeufl,»u fmotehimthathe died. \ g ί But Abner the fonne of Ner that was cap.. "»■'"'" a cap- i6 Then faid Dauid vnto him ,f Thy blood ; taine of Sauls hoafte , tooke Iflvbo/beth the ίοηηφ "'"^""''*^^«'^«« be vpon thine owne head : for thine owne mouth • of Saul.and brought him to Mahanaim, hath teftified againft thee «faying , 1 haue Uaine ! 9 ^nd made him King ouer Gilead ,and cue the Lords Anoyn'ed. the Aihurites , and ouer Izrccl , and ouer Ephraim Then Dauid mourned with this lamen- and ouer Beniamin, and ouer fall Ifrael. 17 f tation ouer Saul, and ouer lonathan his fonne, 18 (Alfo hee bade them teach the children of Indah to g llioote , as it is written in the booke of * Diaflier.) 190 noble Ifrael ,^ he is flaine vpon thy hie places : how arp the mightie ouerthrowen! 20 * TellitnotinGath.norpubliihitinthe ftreetes of Afckelotx , leaft the daughters of the Philiftinaar eioy cc, ,. kaft thcdaiighters of the vn- 10 Iflvboilieth Sauls fonne was fourtie yeere old when he began to reigne ouer Ilrael.and reig ned two yeere : but the houfe of ludah followed Dauid. 11 (And the time which D:uid reigned ir Hebron ouer the houfe of ludah.Z'X'»»/ feuen yeert andfixft.gmoneths) 1 2 -■? And Abner the fonne of NVr , ahd the feruants of Ifli-bolheth the fonne of Saul wen; i According to-hi» ptomife, which is i« recompenfe them, chatjreinetcifnll,* f OaecthecIeMii tribes. g Afttt this tiiH( WIS expired , he signed onerrili^ counireyjj jeeiei, Chap. s. 5, Aiahelflain^. tbtTCin haniU I Mcnntgiliil Jl-AftetAat there > an4 twtnty Ofi/H/f* I why doe« Λβπ pienoie me CO kill η Semeteide, in dofe |ϊΐ ce! , where astheliaelf par" lie:» the heait, the luBgl, the liuei nilc , intl >he gall. 1 If thoahaifi not Eonokeithemw ttell^u veib > |e»,»W#rii.J?i. Chap TTC Abnerturnetti tobaiiid. iit )Ut of Mabanaim to Gibeon. 13 And loab the Tonne of Zeruiah.and the ier- jants of Dauid went uut and met one another by he poole of Gibeon r and they late downe , the pne on the one fide of the poole , and the other on :he other fide of the poole . 14 Then Abner fnd to loab , Let the young tjen πο'α; arife , and h play before vs. And loab faid, Let them arife. I s Then there arofe and went ouer twelue of eniamin by number, which pertained to llh-Lo- lieth the lonne of Saul , and twelue of the feruants of Dauid. \6 And euery one caught his* fellow by the head , and thruft his fword in hisfellowes fide , lo they fell downe together ; wherefore the place was called IJieikath-hazzurim , which is in Gi- beon. 17 And the battell was exceeding lore that fame day ; fur Abner and themenof lirael*fell before the feruants of Dauid. 18 And there were three fonnes of Zeruiah there . loab , and Abilh. i , and Afahel. And Alahel was as light onfoote as a wilde roe. 19 And A i'ahe! followed ;;fter Abner , snd in going he turned neither to the right hand nor to die left from Abner. 20 Then Abner looked behinde him , and faid. Art thou Afahel ? Andheaniwered, Yea. 2 1 Then Abner faid , Turne thee either to the tight hand or to the left . and take one of the y ong men, and take thee his fl weapons : but Afahel would not depart from him. 22 And Abner faid to Afahel , Depart from mee : l wherefore ihould I fmite thee to the ground ; how then Itouid I be able to hold vproy £ce to loab thy brother^ 23 And wiien hee would not depart , Abner with the hinder end of the fpeare Ijnote him vnder the n> fife "^ . that the fpeare came out behinde him : and hee fell downe there , and dyed in his place. And as many as came to the place where Alahel fell downe and dyed.ftoodftiil. 24 loab alfo and Abilliaipuriued after Abner: and the funnc went downe when they were come to the hill Ammah , that lieth before Giah, by the way of the wikiernefle of Gibeon, 2 τ And the children of Beniamin g.ithered themfelues together after Abner , and were on an heape, and flood on the top of an hill, 26 Then Abner called to loab , and faid. Shall the " fword deuoure for euer? knoweftthou not, that it will be bitternefl'eiq the latter end ? how long then iV-all it bee , ot thou bid the people re- turne from following their brethren ? 27 And loab faid , As God liueth, if thou had- deft not ο fppken , fureiy evien in the morning tlje ptopie had dep.uted euery one backe from his brother; 28 Τ So loab blew a trumpet , and all the peo- ple ftood ftill.and purfued after Ifrael no more.nei- ther fought they any more. 29 And Abner and his men walked all that night through the D pi ^ine , and went ouer lordcn, and palled through all Bithron till they came fi to Mahanaim. ■ 30 I oab alfo returned backe from Abner ;«nd tvhen bee had gathered allthc p.opk togetlier, there hcked of Druids fcnwnts nineteene men, 9Dd Aiabel. 31. But the feruants of Dauid had iJniitenof Benia-Tiin , and of Ahnere men , /β that thtee h un dreth ^nd threcfcorc men dyed. 32 And they tooke vp Af hel , and buried him inthefepulchre of his father, which was inBeth-i lehem : ^nd loab and hismtn went all night .and when they came to Hebron, the day arofe. CHAP. III. I Ltng rD*rre bttvtetnt the tcufts cf S»»l and Daaii. a Tlie waldAbne?- Jent tofpeake with Dauid in Hebron. them : as whatfoeuer the King did. pleafed all thej -;-- --^; roncir«;>i? all that Ilrael was content with , and the people,^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ „τγ..ι „j„a„„,i'".""l"PP''!'^^.'* ..„ ,ί,τΛ,,Λ wholes houfe of Beniamin. e Ki°gdom"f b.3 . 20 So Abner came to Dauid to Hebron , ha- cftjifi oftheiiiathlc uing twenty men with him, and Duuidmadea feaft vnto Abner , and to the men that were with sui, I ar,tritUut ί«τ<" ti From warre igainfl the Phili- Hete appeitefh- the malicious I of loab.who wonli P-i^ed him. 2 1 Then Abner faid vnto Dauid, I will rife vp , and goe gather all Ifrael vnto my Lord the King, that they may m.ike a couenint v^ith thee .«"i that thou raayefl reigne oner all that thine heart defircth. Then Dauidlet Abner depait . who went 4 II in peace. ! 2i t And behold , the feruints of Dauid and ' loab came h from the campe .and brought a great pray with them (but Abner was not with Dauid in Hebron : for he had fent him away , and he depar- ted in peace.) 2 3 When Io.ib.and all the hoa.ft that was with him were come , raefi told loab.faying, Abner the foiine of Ner came to the King , and hee hath lent him away, and he is gone in peace. 24 Then loab came to the King . and faid, ■> What haft thou done ? behold.Abner came vnto thee, why haft thou fent him away , and hee is de- haue had the Ki'i CO llay Abnei for b; gtiuiEefiaiaej 3 7 For all the people and all Ifrael vnderftoodi other» , to t!ie in- that day , how that it was not the King* deed that! tem that they mif Abner the fonne of Ner was ftaine . ""^ ^^'"^'^' 3 8 And the King Gid vnto his feraants.Know ye] net .that there is a prince and a great man fallen . this diy in Ifr.iel? 3, 9 And I am this day weake and newly anoyn- ■ ted King: and thele men thefonnesofZeruiahbe ,,^^^^^. too D hard for me : the Lord reward the doer of euiil according to his wickedneftc. CHAP. IIII. cemmt^dttb them ic ht jlMnt. Nd when Sauls * fonne heard that Abner was ■ dead in Hebron, then his hands were ^ feeble,' *"''• TSatls, rOi-bei-' Meaning thatkl»- wai difcoBiagei.,• 25 Thou knoweft Abner the fonne of Ner : for j and foiourne J there, vnto this day.) he came to deceiec thee . and to know thy out- ί going and ingoing , and to know all that thou ! doeft. : 26 ί And when loab was gone out from Dauid, j •hee fent melfengers after Abner , which brought j him agaiae fromthe wellofSiriahvnknowing to ; Dauid. _ I 27 And when Abner \vas come .igaine to He- j bron, '''loab tcoke him afide in the gate ro fpeakc ; with himypeaceably .and fmote himvnder the fift j rib . that hee dyed', for the blood ef "^ Afahel his brother. 28 f And when afterward itcametoDauids ATbtLoid ittieweti eare. he faid ,1 and my Kingdome are * guiltlelfe before the Lord for euer, concerning the blood of Abner the fonne of Ner. 29 Let the blood fall on the head of loab, and on all his fathers houfe , that the houfe of loab be neuer without fome that haue running iffues .or ; J e per , or thatleaneth υπ aftaffe.or that doethfall j on the fword. or that l.icketh bread. 30 (So loib and * Abilhai his brother (lew Abner.becaufe hee h.\d flaiiie their brptherAfahel atGibeonin battel.) 3 1 And Dauid fayd to loab , and to all the ' people that were with him. Rent your cloathes, j and put on fackecloath , and mourne •" before ' Abner; and King Dauid himfelfe followed the i beere, i 3 2 And when they had buried Abner in He- j bron. the King lift vp his vuyce .and wept be- fide the fepulchre of Abner , and all the people wept. 33 And the King lamented ouer Abner .and fayd , Dyed Abner » as a foole dyeth? 34 Thine hands were not bound, nor thy feete tyed in feuers ofbrilTeitoasajnanfailethbe* and ail Ifrael was afraid . 2 And Sauls ibnns had two men that were! captaines of bands : the one called Β lanih, and; the other called Rechab , thefonnes of Rimmon.i a Beerothite of the children of Beniamin : (forj * Beeroth was reckoned to Beniamin. ! 3 Becanfe the Beerothites fled toaGittaim,;' «"'i city Beere* Beniamin, lelh.ii^ » i^King. fi Or tftttiilf. * Cha^.i.Zi. {hat f iidnotcon. fejit (0 his death. 1 Abilkii ufaiilti flj^ him with loab becjiifcheconfeniei an the matcher. η I.tesnir.g,be£or( ji Heiedaiethth» Ab^tdy«d Betas WMt'ch ot vilepei fon. but ac a valian manmigbcdoe, jbeingtraitetoutly dectiHedby ihs ^ And locathan Sauls fonne had a fonne that,, was lame on his feete:he was ftue yeere olde when l•» After the ^ath ^ the tidings came of Saul and lonuhan outof Ifra- 2i/phaitont ^' el : then "his nouife tooke him.and fled away. And as (be msde hafte to flee , the child fell, and began to hake, and his mmt wis Mephiboflicth. y And the fonnes of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and Baan-h went and came in the heate of the d iy to the houfe of Ifb-boflieth (who flcpt on abedat noone.) i 6 And behi.Id Rechab and Bian:*'''« "T** the fonnes of Abinadabdid tiriue the new cart. 4 And when they brought the Arke of God out of the houfe of * Abinadab ,that was at Gi- s Prayfcd God, aai"' fang Ffibnel ed before the Lord on all injlntmints vciidn'oi firre,and on harpes,f.nd en Pfalterit s , ,ind on tim- brels , and on cornets,and on cymbals. 6 i*And when they cr.me toNathonsthre- flung floote , Vzzah put his hand to the Arke of God.f.nd held it : for the oxcn did ihcke it. j „ _ « ' , , - , , . , , α Here nee Ifee 7 Antl the Lord was very wroth with Vzzah, wh if danjei it ίι and God ^ fmote him in the fanae place fbr his 'ό follow good I fault.and there he dyed by the Arke of GoJ. imieaiios.oi to J•.• i g And Daiid was difpleafed bccaule the Lord 'ζΙ,^^ΤΙ'ίΑΖΤΐύ»- h.-'d t fmitien Vzzah : and be called the namecfUp'enrewoid; Or.thiff/i Chron i?.j,C|{ a Thi« was a city η IiidihctUed 2lfo Kiiiith-ieaciai»-' Io£biiS.i, be£h,Ahio went before the Arke ί And Dauid and ail the heiiie of Ifrael « play- irwWciwjsi place 0 Saale, * I.Sam 7. .caVoii, ili/e- m. -^-, j the place, fl Perez-Vzzah vnti;! this day I 9 Therefore Dauid thai day feared the Lord, i and fiid , Hc->v Ibail the Arke of the Lcrdcome tome? 10 So Dauid would not bring the Arke of the Lord vnto him into the city of D.iiiid , but Dauid caricd it into the houfe ©f 0 bed-t dom « a Gittire. 11 And the Aike ef the Lwd ccntiiKied in the hoiif^ of Obed-edom the Gitrite, three h:o- iieths , and the Lord biefli;d Obed-edom , and all his houll.old. 1 2 And one tolde King Dauid .faying, * The Lord hath blelTed the houfe of Obed-ejlora , :m{ aU that b*€ haih,be<:auicof the Arke of God: thereiocs I Or , iteiUifi»»^- f nz'*. twho vm a lenfrc» Mid had dwelt in »• >,CktM, iSjlfj.• F Meinlng.hecjtt 'ed ih« Letiices co tettc it , accaidinj iO the Livr. g with 1 garmeni lijftf te the I'tieftt gatlnea(^. •rte weiUlings •e not aUeto r.d th, II.SymueL therefore Danid went and f brought the Arke of God from the honfe of Obed-edoru, into the citie of Daiiid with glaJneiTe. 1 3 And when they that hire the Arke of the Lord had gone fixe paces.he ofifered an oxe,and a fat bean'. 14 And Dauid dmced before the Lord with all his inighc.Scwas girded with a linneng Ephod. I jT SoDiuid andall'the houfe of Ilrael brought the Arke of tlie Lord with ihouting , and found of trumpet. 16 And as the Arke of uhe Lord came into the citie of Dauid , Mkhal Sauls daughter looked through a window ,and fawe King Dauid leaps, and dance before the Lord, and ilie h defpifed him in her heart. mprcner.ctne 1 ^7 And whefl they had brought in the Arke oiions ihatmooueiof the Lord.thev fet it in his place, in the mids of 'Dauidsthankeigiaing and prayer^ beraacle. 7 In all the placet wherein I haue walked with f Aseonteisitjit (be all the children of Ifrael , Ipake I one- <= word with hoiife " „„ any of the tribes of Ifrael when I commanded the luiget to feed my people Ifrael ? or faid I , Why build ye not me an houfe of cedar trees? 8 Now therefore fo fay vnt» my feruant Da- uid.Thus faith the Lord of hoaftes ,* I tooke thee from the fteepe-ceite following the ilieepe, that thouraightcft bee ruler ouer ray people , ouer If- rael. 9 And I was with thee wherefoener thou haft walked , and haue deftroyed all thine enemies out of thy fight , and haue made thee a ^ great name, like vnto the name of the great men that are in the earth . I ο (Alfo I will appoint a place for my people Ifrael , and will plant it , that they may dwell in aU Heptomifftii CTprePTe word, noa thing onelictobe attempieoT. S»n. i«.||^ d Ibiuemtdethee the wetld. She children of Godithe Tabernacle that D.iuid had pitched for it:then \ place of their owne, and moouee no more, neither i'''em qHietneite.il Μ ptiife God by au q^,,•^^ offered burnt offerings,and peace offerings \ fr'all wicked people trouble them any more as be- fJ'.'X, "i"^ "/^J '■ »"°"°'"''"»"• u.r„,„.i,„r„„J at- ή 'foretime. d"encf II And fince the time thati fet ludgesouer my people of Ifrael) and I will giue thee reft frora .all thine enemies : alfo the Lord telleth thee , tha he will make thee an houfe. i.King.i.z•,' And when thy dayes be fulfiUed.thow fbalt • »,Clsren.i k It was for no woildly affta before the Lord. 18 And affoone as Dauid had ra.ide an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings, he•-*•' blefl'ed the people in the Name of the Lord of hoaftes, 9 And gaue among all the people.ew» among the whole multitude of Ifrael, afwcll to the women as men , to euery one a cake of bread , and a piece of flelli , and a bottell of wine : fo all the people departed euery one to his houfe. iTi.«i!rr.«r«f«r! 2,0 ί Then Dauid returned to ibleife his houfe, hisheufe, ai hehad andMichil the daughter ofSaul came out tomeete Aone for the psoplejJDjuid , and laid , Ο how glorious was the King of Ifrael this day .which was vncouered to day in the eyes of the maidens of his feruants , as a fl foole vncouered hirafelfe! 21 Then Dauid fayd vnto Michal ,1; It wets j before the Lord , which chofe me rather then thy father, and all his houfe, and coramaundedmee biuonelyforcfcat Uq ^^^ ^^igj. Q„er the people of the Lord , euen Gpl/glem"'" iouer Ifrael : and therefore will I play before the tl-ord, 12 And will yet bee more vile then thus, and will be low in mine owne fight , and of the very | dini 1 whicli^isipa- jfame tmid feruants , which thou haft fpoken of, '^ .fl.em.eckedtte&i^ihalll be had in honour. ^^ ,, j S.ei»tef,G9d, 23 Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had * no childe vnto the day of her death. CHAP. VII. ι ΏχιΜ wtuld huili Goil an houfe, but h fcriiiden hy the Priphet Kith»n. 3 Goi putteth Duuii in minde tf liiiben'fiti. it He ptomiftth cmtt/iKince of hii ktn^• iemeani poftnitie, A Fterward ■•« when the King fate in his houfe, and the Lord had giuen him refi round about from all his enemies, ^ The King faid vnto Nathan the Prophet, Behold, now I dwell in an houfe of cedar trees, and the Arke of God remaineth within the ' cur- taines. 3 Then Nathan faid vnto the king , Goe , and doe all that is in thine heart : for the Lord t'l with thee. 4 5 And the fame riight the word of the Lord came vnto Nathan.faying, <; Goe and tell my feruant Dauid .Thus faith the Lord ,:•» Shalt thou build mee an houfe for my dwelling? ! 6 For I haue dwelt it! BO houfe fince the time ♦,».Glue».i7.i• .«.Withtethe Ti- heinade comrgd with tkiqnes, toed.) $.7• h MeSning, hse ;Λοα1ίηοι; yet Nathan fpeaking according to mant iudgement and nol pheSStSl tha"t fbrought the children of Ifrael out of Egypt ^ ,λΙ*», .vnto this day , but haue walked in a cent and Ta- 1 fleepe with thy fathers , and I will fet vp thy feedc after thee , which iball procecde out of thy body,; and will ftablilb his kingdome. 13 * Hee Ihall build an houfe for my Name, and I will ftablilb the throne of his kingdome for euer. 14 -*' I will be his father , and he (ball bee nay fonne : and if he * finne , I \vill chaftcn him with the f rod of men , and with the plagues of the chil- dren of men. If But my mercy fhall not depart away from him, as I tooke it from Saul whom I haue put away before thee. 16 And thina houfe (Thalbe ftablifhed and thy kingdome for euer before thee , cue» thy throne fbilbe g ftablifhed foe ener. 1 7 According to all thefc wordes , and accor- to all this vifion , Nathan fpake thus vnto Dauid. 1 8 ί Then King Dauid went in , and fate be- fore the Lord, and faid. Who am I , Ο Lord God, and what is mine houfe , that thou haft brought me hitherto? 19 And this wasyeta fmall thing ia thy fight, Ο Lord God .therefore rhou haft fpoken alio of thy feruants houfe for a great while : but t doeth this appertaine to ^ man, Ο Lord God? ' 20 And what can Dauid fay more vnto thee? forthou.Lord God.knoweft thy feruant 21 For thy words fake, and according to thine owns heart haft thou done all thafe great things, to make them knowen vnto thy feruant. 22 wherefore thou art great, Ο Lord God;for tTiere is none iik« thee , neither is there any God befides thee , according to all that we haue heard with our eares. 23 * And what one people in the earth is like thy people . like Ifrael ? whofe God went and it- deemed them to himfelfe.that they might bee his, peopl^e , and that he might make him a n.;me , ?nd|God"free*diecl•eda^elt £ lathitpattof Syria, while Da- mafcas wai. d Theypjyed yeetelyttibute, « Ftyr 'he vfe of th .Temple. J Or, AttlhtUi. Bir.il.pt.m. For feejng Daaid vidorioni, he« w .glad to intteai oi peace. peopk Ifrael to be thy people for ener ; and thou Lord an oecome their God. 2y Nowtherefore, Ο Lord God.confirme for euer the word th^t thou haft fpoken concerning thy feruant and his houfe , and doe as thou haft faid. 2(5 And let thy Name bee magnified for euer by them that (lull lay , The Lord ofhoaftes «the God ouer Ifrael : and let the « houle of thy fer- uant Daiiid be ftablifl-ied before thee. . 27 For thou, Ο Lord of hoaftes.God of Ifrael. haft reuealed vnto thy feruant, faying.I will build thee an houfe : therefore hath thy feruant t beene bold to pray this prayer vnto thee. 28 Therefore now, Ο Lord God, [for thou art God , and thy words be true , and thou haft toldc this goodneffe %'nto thy feruant.) 29 therefore now let it pleafe thee to bleiTe he houfe of thy feruant, that it may continue for r before thcc : for thou , Ο Lord God , haft _ uken itrand let y houfe of thy feruant be blei- feii for euer with thy blefiing. CHAP. VIII. I Dauid oatrcommeth the Philifiimr^and other flran^e nations , andmak^th them tributaries to Ifrael, Δ Fter * this now , Dauid fmote thePhiiiftims and fubdued them , and Dauid tooke 0 the bridle of bondage out of the a hand of thePhiii- ftims. 2 Andhee fraoteMoab , and meafured them with a cord , and caft them downe to the ground: he meafured them with b two cords to put them to death , and with one full cord to keepe them aliue : fo became the Moabites Dauids feruants, and brought gifts. 3 ί Dauid fmote alfo Hadadezer the fonne of Rehob king of Zobah , as hee went to a recouer his border at the riuer t Euphrates. '4 And Dauid tooke of them a thoufand and feuen hundrethhorfemen , and twentie thoufand footemen . and Dauid n deftroyed all the charets, but he referued anhundreth charets of them. y ί Then came the D Anmitesofo Damme- fek to fuccour Hadadezer king of Zobah , but Dauid flewe of the Aramites two and twentie thoufand men. 6 And Dauid put a garifon in e Aram of D^mmefek : and the Aramites became feruants to Dauid , d and brought gifts. And the Lord faued Dauid wherefoeuer he wenr. 7 And Dauid tooke the fl-iields of golde that belonged to the feruants ofHadadezer.S brought them to e lerufalem. 8 AndoutofBetah , andBerothai (cities of Hadadezar) king Dauid brought exceeding much brtlVe. 9 ί Then Toi king ofl| Hamath heard how Dauid had fmitten all the hoafte of Hadadezer, I ο Therefore Toi fentloram his fonne vnto king Dauid , t to falute him , and to t f reioyce with him , becauiehe had fought againft Hadade- zer , and beaten him (for Hadadezer had wane with Toi) who brought with him veilcis of filuer, and veffels of gold, and veffels of braffe. 1 1 And king D luid did dedicate them vnto the Lord with the filuer and gold that he had dedi- cate of all the nations,which he had fubdued: 12 Of II Aram , and of Moab .and of the chil- dren of Aramon , and of thePhiiiftims, and of A- malek , and ofthefpoyle of Hadadezer the fonne of B^ebob king of Zobah. ir: I Or , Μ all li, ,n. : Hee gane iuJje- it inccntronet. and wai fticict- liill towaid the >;opls. β Or,,.,•,,,,/ ■ inttHlet 1 The Cheredjil ind i'tlethiies iheliirg» ;uard, and had rge of hit icrfoa, Bjcaiife nf minp DJthe asdpromife ade to lonathan, Sim.tc.is, b Such mereie « a!«Ube«cCftabk to Cod. 13 So Dauid gate a name after that hee retur- ned . end had flaine of the Aramites in the |) valley of faltcighteene thoufand men. 14 And he put a garifon in Edom : through- cut all Edom put hefouldiers .^^nd all they of E- dom became Dauids feruants : and the Lord kept Dauid II whitherfoeuer he went. 1 s Thus Dauid reigned ouer all Ifrael, and ixt- cuted g iudgeraent and iuftice vnto all his people. 16 And loab the fonne of Zeriiiah ϊ'Τ'Λί ouer the hoafte, and loftiaphat the fonne of Ahilud was C Recorder. 17 And Zadok the fonne of Ahitub, and Ahi- melech the fonne of Abiathar were the Priefts, and Seraiah the Scribe. 1 8 And Benaiah the fonne of lehoiada Β and the *> Chcrethites and the Pelethites , and Dauids fonnes were chiefe rulers. CHAP. IX. 9 D.tuid refioreth all the lands ofSatdto Mephi- bofheth the fonne i^ lonathan. 10 Heappoin* teth Ziba to fee to the profit of his lands. A Nd Dauid faid , Is there yet any man left of the houfe of Saul , that I may il'.ew him mer- eie for» louachans fake? 2 And there was of the houfliold of Saul feruant whofe n.im.e was Ziba, and when they had called him vnto Dauid , the King faid vnto him. Art thou Ziba? And he faid.I thy feniant^.OT/;e 3 Then the King faid , Remaineth there y none of the houfe cf Saul , on whom Ί may Hie w the •» mereie of God ? Ziba then anfwered the king , lonathan hath yet a fonne * iameofhis feete. 4 Then the King fsyd vnto him , Where is he ? And Ziba faid vnto the king, Behold, he is in the houfe of Machir the fonne of Ammiel of Lo• debar. 5 ί Then king Dauid fent . and tooke him out of the houfe of Machir the fonne of* Ammiel ofLo-debar. 6 Now when Mephiboflaeth the fonne of lo- nathan, the fonne of Saul was come vnto Dauid, he fell on his face, and did reuerence. And Dauid faid , Mephibolheth ? And hee anfwered , Behold thy feruant. 7 Then Dauid faid vnto him , Feare not : for I will furcly ihew thee kindnes fcr lonathan thy fathers fake, and willreftore thee all the jj fields offt Or.Uxie, Saul thy father , and thou ihalteatbreadatmy table continually. 8 And he bowed himfelfe . and faid , What is thy feruant , that thou flaouldeft looke vponfui '^•' bread alway at my table {now Ziba had fifteenej fonnes, and twenty feruants. ) 1 1 Then faid Ziba vnto the king, Accorditig tc nil that my lord the king hath commaundcd his feruant , fo (ball thy feruant doe . ί that Mephibo- fliethmay eat ,it my table, as one off' kings fons. 12 Mephibolheth alfo had a young fonne na- med Micha . and all that dwelled in the houfe of Ziba, were feruants vnto Mephibolheth. t i And Mephibollieih dwelt in lerufalem for Ρ he Ά Chap.+.+, : who wajtlfe called Eliam the I of Bach- [tieba Danidi wifc^ A Mtmiji5,aac. fpifed peifon. Beyeprouident Diierfeecs and go- may be piofitabl;,' f That MepTiibo- (heth may hau.- iH thirgsatcom- mandement, it be- commetha iiagi Tonne, Il.Samuei. Dau . J tyeth \^itb "^ It hefore them. ed Dauid.thcn he gathe- 4 „-jI„ 1 ,.r. .- T,-...J„., f atb-fheba. ι Th« -h la.cr of •fceuchrrtceiutd. b Thtirarrogmt ijiahccwcu.d not fdliFst ;h;m to fee |!ii.• fit«pl;ciiit' of D«ii hea-t::hertf. ioit theii connlell iWHtdto ihc de- Βιιι:\ o,io£ih;it (OUi.Uey. cTliattlitv'iji defetud Danids dilpUaTure» for (lie infiirit ioiie to his airbaffadotirs. |0t, J>iM«*, i TlVele were ii- Jieri part•: of ihe ioBJtKey of Sjiifa, htrtbysppeareih «•ί! the Svtians ftrned wbeiethev Ae Swiiitisdoe. » Mete 11 detlarei v-hereioiTe warre ' •tig'it '■obe vnd^t- laken : fot 'he de- feiAieftmf tdi- Jioaandeodi he did este continually at the kings table,and was Ιαπι•; on both his f^ete, CHAP. X. ^ The meJT^n^eri ofOxuid Λrevίίί.t^Jouβy enfrented of the kj»^ ef ^mmon, 7 ΙολΟ is fent againB the ^rnmonites, Λ Ft r this the * King of the children of Am- raun di^'d , and Ηΰπΐιπ his lonne reigned in his ftead. 2 Then fiide DuiiJ ,1 wilUliewekindnefie vntu Η,'πηιι rhe funne of Nah-ifli , as his father 2 xi-ewcd kinJneiVc vnto roee. And Duuid itent h's (cniants to comfort him for his f -ther. So Daiiids fcru.nts came into the Jande of the children of Amraon. 3 And the princes of the children of Amnion f.dd vnto H.'.nun their lord ,' ^ Ihinkeft thou that D uiJ durh honour thy f ither , th.it he hath ient comforters to thee ? h^th not Dauid rather fent his ΰ rii ints vnto thee, ^ u) le.irch the city , and to fpie ir out, And to oiierthrow it ? 4 wherefore Η *nuii tooke Daiiids ferusnts, 3rd fliaucd ofi'the h.ilfe of their beard, ,',nd cut off thjir g'.rm nts in the middie . euun to their but- tocks, .'.nd fent them iiW^y. y ί When it was folde vnto Dauid, he fent to meete them (for the men were exceedingly alha- raed) and th ■ king faid , Tary at lericho , vntill your beards be growen.rhen returne. 6 ί And when the children of Aramon fawe that they c ftanke in the fight of Dauid , the chil- dren of Ammon fent and hired the y Aramitesof the houfe of Rehob , and the Aramitesof Zoba, twentie thoufand footeraen.and ofking Miacah a thoufand men , and of Ilh-tob twelue thoufand men. 7 And when Druid heard of it , he lent loab, and all the hoafte oftheftiong men. 8 And the children of Ammon came out and put their armie in aray at theentring in of the g-ite , and the Aramites of^ Zoba. and of Rehob, and of Ifli-tob.and of Maacoh x-fffreby themlelues in the field, 5> when Imb faw that the front of rhe battell was againft him before and behind, he chole of all the choifeof Ifrael , and put them in aray againft the Aram ires, ■ 0 And the reft of the people.he deliuered in- to the hind of Abilliai his brother,that hfee might put them in aray againft the children of Ammon. 1 1 And he faid , If the Aramites be ftrongt^r then r,thou llialt helpe me : and if the children of Ammon be too ftrong for thee , I will come antl fnccour thee. i 2 Be frrong and let vs be valiant for « our people, and fot the cities of our God, and lei: the Lord doe that which is good in his eyes. I T, Then loab , and the people that was with himiioyned in bakell with the Araraites.who fled before him. 14 And when the children of Ammon fawe that the Atfrnites fled , they fled alfo before Abi- fhai , and ebtred into the citie. So loab returned from the cradrenof Ammon , and came to leru- falemi,, 4e 1 y *i ΛΜ^ΐφβη the Aramites faw th^t they were 'frtHt-terf^fete I&ael.tbey gathered thenj tegether. 10 And } Hrdarezer fent, and broAight out rhe Aramites that were beyoud the Κ Riiier: and they came to Hdam , and Shobach the captains of. the g which were the chitfenand mofl pincpall.-fnri, all iiedefiio)td 70.0. as > Chron. i» il, o> ihc loiiid/ers which wtrt in a The yeere foil», rg,ajonttke Ipd.gnme. .i.*r«,10. I, b Wherevpon he lid loren at after oone , as was teal ot lOi-beOictil, Chap. +,7, c who was iiofaa lite botjit, bug I'glCT. /.« hoafte of Hadarezef viient 1 7 When it was Ihewe red fall Ifriel together, and palled oner lordcn, Κ ^*'™'''δ•''« and came to Hel.im : and the Ar.imites fet them.p'""''^"'• lelues in aray againftDauid, and fi.ught with him: 1 8 And the Aramites fled before Ifrael : and Dauid deftroyed g feuen hiinJreth charets of th Aramites : and fciiitie thoufand horiemcn , and fmote Shobach the captaine of his hoalte.who died there. 1 5» And when all the kings, that were feruants to Hadarezer, faw that they fell before Ifrael.they mide peace with liraej.and lerued them. And the Ar.imites feared to helpe the children of AmmoH £ny more, C Η A P. XI. 1 Tliechte Rdbbahis be(!c^ed, /^ Dauid commtttet adiiltriie. j 7 Vriah isfla'tne, zy Dau,idruarriet(i Batt.pieba. A Nd when the yeere was a expired in the time when kings goe foorth Μ ^^rff//, Dauid fent ■♦' loab 1 snd his feruants with him , andall Ilrael, vho deftroyed the children of Ammon , and be• fieged R bbah^ but Dauid remained in lerufalem. 2 ί And whenitwaseueningtide.D.'uid arofe out of his b bed , and walked vpon the rcofe ofthe kings palace : and from the roofe hee fawe woman waiting her felfc : and the woman was very beautiful! to looke vpon. 3 And D.'uid fent and inquired what woman it was : and one faid , Is not this Bath-ll.ebathe daughter of Eliam.wife to Vri.ih the c Hittite? 4 Then D uidfent mdlVngers.and tooke her away τ and ihee carse vnto him and hee lay with her : (now Ihee was * purified from her vnclecn- neife) andibe returned vnto her houfe. y And the woronnconceiued ■ therefore fl^ee fent and ^ told Dauid, and faid , I am with childe. 6 iThen Dauid fent to Ioab,p7% .Send mc Vriah the^ittite. And loab fent Vruh to Da- uid. 7 And when Vriah came vnto him , Diuid de- manded him how loib did . and how the people fjred.and how the warre profpered. 8 Afterward Dauid faide to Vriah , * Goe downe to thine houfe,. nd walh thy feete. So Vi i- ah depjtted out ofthe kings palace, and the king fent a pre fent .-'frer him, 9 But Vriah flept at the doore of the kings palace with ail the feruants of his lord .and went not downe to his houfe. «V 10 Then they told Danid, faying, Vf'iah went not downe to his houfe : and Danid faydvnto Vriah, Commeft. thuu not from thy iourney ? why didft thon not goe downe to thine hou^e? 1 1 Then Vriah anfwered Dauid , ί The Arke f He'etyepi and Ifrael , andludah dwell in tents loab and the feruints of my lord abide in the open fields:lhal I then goe into mine houle to e.:t anddrinke.andliewithmy wife ? by thy life,?nd by the life of thy foule.I will not doe this thing. 1 2 Then Dauid f?id vnto Vnah.Tary yet this day, and to morrow I will fent thee away. So' Vri- ah aboade in lerufalem that d^y.and the morrpw. 13 Then Dauid called him , and hedideate and drinke before him,and he made himg drunkc and at euen he went out to ] ie on his couch with the feruants of his lord , but went not downe to ii'ii'>in_|he;ct^p dfea ingleiflfte. Oiould beSoned accoidiiigteihe • DjuidAnn|R» that if vtiah lay with his wife, hil fault might be tloked. g thefidelitfe rel.gionefhic iii,hev.on]d ecl,ue himfelfe f» cntadehrin Item ore lik»« ny,ihfahe wU his houfe, Ϊ4 A2^« ^^e π ι<ν.Ιοφ^Ρτκ1ΐ it by morrow Dauid wrote a lettei the hand cfVnph. 15 And lien bj )au v^i^ Uriah IS murdered iZEir.f.ji'ri. „;.!.; MS Riighcie tfic meK per ill hiaillaiig 'ice tnd itiion. Wg.o.si.SJ f Elf. efWifjifff/i 1 He ailfemMeth >»iih t1i« TOcflengcr, to the intent tkat ■eithet liis cmtll •«mMSiidenitnt, not leabs vricltcd obedknce might I cfpi'ed. f S(r. mt»t7/.-« AttftfftieUii. S Ββ<>ηΓ( D;nid 1»^ vow dtewnu'd IB finne.the loafng Ineicie ot Goi, x*h'( feti.h t keih his confcisr• by this fimiliitide, and biingcthhim 40 repentance. I Or, myfjytiig Cha ?.XII. Dauid reprooned,rcpi ititet\\ 114 1 r And he wrote t tliiis]in the letter. ii Pin yee Vriah in the forefront of the ftrength of the bar- tell , ΛπΛ recuJe yee backe from him , that he may be fmitten.and die. 16 f Sowhenloabbeiiegedthe citie.heeaf- figned Vriah vnto a place , where hee isnew that ftrong mt^Ovvcre. 17 And the men of thecitiecame out , and fought with lo-b ; .-'nd there fell of the people of the ieruants of Dauid , and Vriah the Hittite alfo dyed. 18 Then lo.ib fent and tolde Dniidallthe things concerning the warre. 19 Τ And hee chirked the meflenger. faying. When thou haft made ?n en Je of telling all the matters of the w^rre vnto the King. 70 0 And if the kings anger arite.fo thst he fay vnto thee , Whtreft^re approiched ye vnto the citie to fight ? knew ye not that they would htirle from the wall? 2 1 who fmote Abimelech fonne of i lenibe- iheth ? didnota wom.in c.ift apieceof amilftone vpon him from the wall , and he died in Thebez? , why went you nigh the walUThen fay thou. Thy feruant Viiah the Hittite is alfo dead.. 2i So the tneifenger went.^^nd c?me and fliew- ed Dauid all that loab hrfd fent hifb for. 23 And the meiTcnger faiJ vnto Dauid , Cer- tainly the men preuailed agiinft vs, and came out vnto vs into the held.but we t purfued them vnto rhe entring of the gate. 24 But the fl-;ooters (hot from the wall againft thy feruants , and jowt of the Kings feruants bee dead;?c thy {eriiant Vriah the Hittite is alfo dead, 2V Then Dauid faydc vnto the meiTeoger, \ Thus (halt thou fay vnto loab ,Let not this thing trouble thee: for the fword deuonreth t one 3$ well as another • make thy battell more ifrong agoipft the citie, and deftroy it, and encourage thon him, , 16 1 And when the wife of Vriah heird that her hiisbsnd Vriah was dead.ihee mourned for her husband. 27 So when the mourning was p'.ft , Dauid fent and tooke her into his houie, and llie became hts wife , and bare him a fonne • but the thing that Dauid had done , t dilpleafed the Lord. CHAP. XII. I Dar4d rtprooued by Nathan cenfffeth liv pnne. 1 8 ^'e chtldp concttued in adultrry^dieth. 24 So.- lomonisborne 16 Pctbhah is taken. 31 The citit^ni are grieuouflj punifhed, ^ Hen the Lord fent > Kathan vnto D.mid , who came to him , and (aid vnto him , There were two men in one citie, ;^ one rich.Sc ;y other poore, 2 The rich man had exceeding many Iheepe and oxen: 3 But the poore had none at all, fane one little Ibeepe which hee had bought and nourilhcd vp: and it grew vp with him , and with his children alfo, and did catc of his owne morfels, and dranke of his owne cup, and flept ii? his bofome.and was vnto him as his daughter. 4 Now there came a fl iVranger vnto the rich m.in,who n refufed to t.ike of his owne flieepe.and of his owne oxen to dreffe for the l^ranger that was come vnto him , but tooke the poore mans Iheepe , and drcifed it for the man that was come to hhn. f Then + Dauid ws exceeding wroth with th man, and l-id vnto Nath n. As the Lord liiietli.the man that h ith done this thin»,t ΐΊι-1Ι futely die. 6 And hee Qiall rei^ore thu 1 jmhe * fourc fold, bccaufe he did this thing, S: had no pitie thereof. 7 Then Nathan faid to Dauid , Thou ^rc the mm. Thus laith the Lord God of Ifrael ,*I an- oynted thee King oner Ilrael , and deliuered thee out of the hand of Saul, % .5 nd gaue thee thy lords'" houfe , and thy lords « wiues into thy bofome . and gaue thee the houle of Ifr ael, and of hid h,.;nd wouid mor -oner ( if that had beene too little) haue giuen thee d fuch and Inch things. / 9 Wherefore haft thou defpifed the comman- dement of the Lord.to do euiil in his fight ? thou haft killed Vri .h the Hittite with the fword , and h ift taken his wife tobezhy wife , and haft flainc him with thb fword of the « children of Am- mon. I ο Now therefore the fword ftial! neuer depart from thine houfe , becaufe thou haft defpifed me, and taken' the wife of Vriah the Hittite to be thy wife, I I Thus faith the Lord, Behold.I will raife vp euill agpinftrhee out of thine owne houfe, & will * take thy wiues before thine eyes-andgiue them vnto thy neighbour , andhee ilialllic with thy thap t Et.r. » E,.d. 21 I. b Fer Daird ruccee- ded Saul in hit kingdome. The le^'esvn- Ictnandthis of Fglah and Miciial, ' Riipah ar.d hal. hat is, greater gs then thcfe: cods Ion and •htsiiCTeafe heir ingia'iriide he•» flay him not. Then haft mod iiiellv en hin ito the hinds oi ods enemies. Meaiiing.openlf, ainoon«da;ts. wiues in the fight of this ί funne Ϊ 2 For thou diddeft it fecretly : but I will doe this thing before all Ifrael.and before the funfie. j 13 Then Dauid laid vntoN.'.th,n,* I haue fin- 7 Etcliis 47 ned againft the Lord. And Nathan faid vntoDauid, j The Lord alio hath S put away thy finne , thou ihalt not die, 14 Howbeit.becaufe by this deede thou haft cauied the enemies of the Lord to•» blafpheme the childe that is borne vnto thee die. To wit.tohf» Kiiiii ihyiit I For the Lord '»eke'hbiitc!iattiie linnet wor.Id turn» ehim. Ϊ InTaying.that Ihali furely \^' Letd hath ap, ■' beinted a wicked I jr ί So Nathan departed vnto his houfe : and fciip.eple. '* the Lord ftroke the childe that Vriahs wife bare vntoDauid, and it w^sficke. ' 16 Dauid therefore befought God for the child , and f.fted , and > went in, and Isy all night vpon the earth. . 1 7 Then the Elders of his houfe arofe t» come vnto him, and to caufc him to rife from f ground: but he would not , neither did hee eatckaieate with them. ■' 18 So on the feuen'h day the child died: and the feruants of Dauid feared to tell him that tht child was dead : for they faid , Behold, while the child was aliue, we fp.ike vnto him, .-nd he would not hearken vnto our voyce : how then ihallwje fay vnto him , The childe is dead , * to vexe him more? 1 9 But when Djuid faw thathis feruants whif- pered , Dauid perceiued that the child was de id; therefore Dauid faid vnto his feruints,Is the child dead? And they if -yd. He is dead. 20 Then Dattidl arofe from the earth , snd w.7lhedand aooyntedhimfelfe . andchngedhis apparell, and came into the houfe of the Lord, and wor.'hipped.and afterw.ird came to his own houie , and bade that they fhould fet bread before him, and he did este. 2 1 _ Then "> f.^vd his feruants vnto him , wh-t thingis this.th.it thou haft donenhoii di Idefttfaft and weepe for the childe while it wns .liii'e , but when rhe chiide was dead , thou diddtlt rife vp, and eate meaie, Γ 2 . 22 Anc Thini Hattpt, God V niild haiie reftored hi- child, jtir God had other- wile detetjniiitd. £6^ .vi h m!t 1 Shpwinf that our Umenta--op: ought but mcd lart•: ard that «etunnpraili C"d ill all his doin.s. jn A< thiv whith ccrddercd iioiihi God j; anteth jnai;i thi..gs oihciobs ' «"dt ar.il ef the faithltiU. Salomon : 30?ί1βν IFi £ mud. Ey this confi- ditation he ap- paafcil his lot- rov». Matth. I i. β To wif,ihe Xord. j.Chion 129. t Eir. iythiUnel 1 To cill him Salomon.. q Meaning, Dauid. «• i.Chron.it.si \Ot,thtiif,mh. [That is, the thiefi ciiie and. ^ where all the con. ■atiitrare, is ai good as taken. I Eli-rntj jijmtit iCh on 10 1. ί That is: three- fcove pound after she common taleni C Signifying tKl ai they v'/L virgin , and it lecmed hard to Amnon to doe any thing to her. • 3_ But Amnon had a friend called lonad.ib, the fcnne of Shimeah Dauids brother ; andlonadab was a very fubtill man. 4 Who faid vnto hi-m^why art thou.the kinos fonne.io leane from day to day ? wilt thou not tdl me ? Then Amnon aniwered him , I loue Tamai .my brother Abfaloms fifter. y ' And lonadab laid vnto him.c Lie downe on thy bed , and make thy klfe ficke ; and when thy father iLallcome tofee thee, fay vnto him, I pray thee let my iifterTamar come,and giue raee m.eat, and let her drtlVe meatin my fight, thati may fee it.-nd eatitofherhjnd. 6 ί So Amnon iay dowiie, and mode himfelfe ficKe : .-nJ w/κ-η the king came to fee him, Amnon faid vnrc the king.I pray thee.lt^t Tamar my filler come, and nv.ke me a couple ofd cakeS: inmy, fight.th.t 1 m ly receiue meat at her hand, > 7 Then Dauid fent home to Tamar , faying, Goe ηοΛ• ro thy brother Araoonshoufe.anddrell'e. him-Oieate. . Am ions inceil:" 8 Τ So Tamar went to her brother Amnon; houfe, and he lay downe : and lliee tcokc D floure and knead it, and made cakes in his fight , and die bake the cakes. 9 And fliee tooke a pan , and « powred them out before him , but he would not eat. Then Am- non faid , Caufe yec euery mjn togoe outfrom ί mee : foeuery man went out from him. I ο Then Amnon faid vnto Tamar , Bring the meate into the chamber , that I may eate of thine hand. And Tamar tooke the cakes which flie hac made.and brought them into the chamber to Am- non her brother. I I And when iliee had fet them before him to eat , hee tooke her , and faid vnto her , Come , lie with mee, my filter. 1 2 But (hee anfwered him , Nay , my brother, doe not force mee : for no fuch thing * ought to be done in Ifrael : commit not this follv. 1 3 And 1,0 whither fliall I caufe my Oiame to goe? and thou ibalt beasoneof gthe fcolesin If- a Or, /,./?,, e That {%, Skt ftq iKdthcmona diOi, f rot thewicieef . atcailiamtd todo ■ that before men, which they are aoi afraide to;commi5 rthtfishtei Gud, ' raehnow therefore,! pray thec.fpeake to the king for hee will not denie me vnto thee. 14 Howbeit hee would not hearken vnto her voice . but being ftronger then ihee , forced her and lay with her. ! 5^ Then Amnon hated her exceedingly , fo that y hatred wherewith hee hated her, was grea- ter thenthe loue wherewith hee had ioued her;8c Amnon faid vnto her,Vp,get thee hence. 16 And Ibe aniwered him.o There w no caufe; this cuilUtoputme away) is greater then the other that thou diddeft vnto me : but hee would not hearc her, 1 7 But called hisO feruant that ferued him.and faid. Put this woman now out from me,and locke the doore after her, 1 8 (And Ihee had a garment of ^ diuers colours vpon her : for with fuch garments were the Kings daughters that were virgins,appatelled) Then his feruant brought her out, Sc locked the doore a^ter her. 15) And Tamar put aflies on her head, .ind rent the garment of diuers colours which was on her, and laide her hand on herhead.and went her way' crying. ■'' 2ΰ And Abfalom her brother fayd vnto her. Hath Amnon thy brother beene with thee ? Now yet bee ' flill-, my fifter : hee is thy brother : let not this thing grieue thine heart. '^ Ta- mar rernained delolate in her brothei-Waloms houfe. ^ 2.1 f But when King Dauid heard all thefe things.he was very wroth. 22 And Abfalom faid vnto his blether Amnon neither good nor b.-'.d;for AbiaJom hated Amnon. becauie he had forced his fifter Tamar. 23 f And after the time of two yseres,AbfaIom had iheepefhearers inllBaal-hazor .which is befide Ephraim , and » Abfalom called all the kings fonnes. 24 And Abfalom came ro the King.and faid. Behold now ,thy feruant hath Ibeepefhcarers ; I pray thee . that the king with his leruantswotild goe with thy feruant. 2 5- But the King anfwred Abfalom , Nay my fonne, I pray thee.let vs not goQ all, leaft wee be chargeable vnto thee. Ye: Abfalom lay fore vpon him : howbeit bee would not goe , but t thanked him. 3.^ Then.faid .Abfalom , But, I pray thee, iliall ~~^"*•^ — • '■ net» ]Ot,i,»Jh.,lii "•iy rnyfiimt^ g As alewdeand ked^^fgil. I Or, h). Far that which- as of diners co- lotits 01 pieces, in theft dajes was had in great efljratj tion,Gtn.37,3, iidg.s,3 0j For though het conce inedliidiloa ' vengiance in^hii ■ heart, yet hee dif_ ' fembled it till occa« iicnfeiMed.and. foiled bit. |iii,t., Or^n lit f'.MJtf To wit.to abaj»;. itt.thir.linithnfcei. fiilbllhu " k*i;dpur joisj Eir, ίίφί^ ^ I Abfalom Q lyeth Amnon. The widowes Chap, 1 Preteniing to ihi kingihic Amnon wisntoft^eaie Viiio him. w Siith is the f rii ef the wick.i mane", [hjtinall their wicVeltom mandementitiiey thinkecobe «bejtd, n timentinj.a! h (hat felt the wtath of βο4 vpon his toirfe. Chap. 11.1 f Eit.ieciKptt i»ti fui in Aifi- ttms mixtb. Ρ Ο», ΐΛ^ίΓ II Or, M,_ f Of,tBf*f(1 llrrr. ο That onely AmBon is dead. f Foi Maachah bis mother was the daughter of thi Talmai, Chap. 3 I Or,«M/}yAUalen, not my brother' Amnon goe with vs ? And the king anfwered him.why ihuuld he go with thee? 27 But Abfalom was inftant vpon him, and he fent Amnon with him, and all the kings children, 28 ^ Now had Abfalom commanded his fer- uants , faying . Marke now when Amnons heart is merry with wine, and when 1 fay vnto you , Smite Amnon , kill him, ftrire not, for h me not m I com- maunded youibe bold therefore, Sc pl.iy the men. 2p And the fertt3nts_of Abfalom did .vnto Am- non , as Abfalom had commmdiid : and all the kings fonnes arofe , and euery man gate him vp vpon his mule, and fled. 30 ί And while they were in the way, ti.Hngs cams to Daiiid.faying, Abfalom hath (bine all the Kings fonnes, and there is not one of them left. 3 1 Then the king arofe.and tare his girmenrs, and lay on the η ground, and all his feruants ftood by with their cloathes rent. 3 ζ And lonid.ib the fonne of Shimeah D luids trothcr anfwered and faid , Let not my lord (up- pole that they h lue fljina all the young men the Kings fonnes: for Amnon oneJy is dead.t becanfe Abfalom had reported fe , fince hee forces! his fifter Tnmar. 33 Now therefore let not my lord the King Π take the thing fogrieuoully , to thinke that all the Kings fonnes are dead : ϋ for Amnon onely is dead. ^ 34 ί Then Abfalom fled : and the yong man that kept the watch .lift vp his eyes , and looked, and behold , there came much people by the way of the hillfiiJe |l behind him. 3ί And lonaddb laid vnto the king, Behold.the kings fonnes come : as thy feriiant faid, ο fo it is. 3iS' And affoone as hee had left fpe; king , be- hold , the kings fonnes catiie , and lift ν ρ their voyces.and w«pt:and the king alfo and all his fer- uants wept exceedingly fore. 3 7 But Abfalom fledaway,and went to Ρ Tal- mai the fonne of Ammihur king of Gelhur : and Dauid mourned for his fonne euery day. 38 So Abfalom fled , and went to Geihur, and was there three yeeres. 39 And king Dauid Π deiired to go forth vn- to Abfalom , becaufe he was pacified concerning Amnon,feeing he was dead. CHAP. XIV. abfalom is reconciled to hii father by the fuki/tie ofloab. 24 ^bfilommiiy not f:e the K^ngs face, 2^: The beautie of ^Abfalom. 30 Hee caufeth hubs come to be burnt , and is brought ta his fathers frefence, •Tp Hen loab f fonne of Zeruiah perceiued, that ■*■ the Kings a heart was toward Abfalom, 2 And loab fent to Tekoah, and brought thence a 0 fubtil woman , and faid vnto her , I pray thee, faine thy felfe to mourne , and now put on mour- ning apparell , and ^ anoynt not thy felfe with oyle : bnt be as a woman that had now long time mourned for the de'ad. 3 And come to the king , and fpeake on this maner vnto him , (for loab t taught her what Ihe iliould fay.) 4 ί Then the woman of Tekoah fpake vnto the king, Sc fell downe on her face to the ground, anddiJ obeifance,and faid.t Helpe.O King. 5: Then the king faid vnto her , Wh;t aileth thee ? And flie anfwered , I am indeed α t widow, and mine husband is dead: 4 And thine handmaid had two< fonnes , aoJ XIV. parable. Her requeft granted, i ly I Becanfe he hath aiiichi btoihet,h« light to be llaiRt ccoidinjto the ,aw,Gin ρ i^ Exod.ti.ti, : As toiichtrg the jreach of the Law hichpuiiillieth ! )lood . let me beaie \ I Or, ,•»«.«». : Sweare that they fliallnot reiieBge he blood, which j are man; iu «iia. ' they two ftroue together in the field , (.mdthe was none to part them) fo the one fmote the other, and flew him. 7 And behold , the whole family is rifen againft thine handraaid,and they faid,D.;Iiuer him that fmote his brother , that we may kill him for the^ fouleofhis brother whom hee flewe , that wee may deiiroy the heire alfo : fo they flijli quench my fparkle which is left . and fliallnot leaue to mine husband neither name nor pofteri- tie vpon the earth. 8 And the king faid vnto the womin , Goe to thine houle,and I wUl giue a charge for thee. 9 Then the woman of Tekoah fdd vnto the King,lv5y lord, Ο King, this e trei'paflei'i; on me, and on my fathers houfe , and the King and his throne^f 11 guiltlefle•. 10 And the King faid , Bring.him tximethat fpeaketh againft thee , and he fliall touch thee no more. 1 1 Then faid flie.T pray thee,let the king ί re- member the Lord thy God, that thou wouldeft not fuffer many reuengets of blood to deftroy , lecftf"*'' they flay my fonne. And heanlwered.As the Lord liueth , there fliallnot one haire of thy fonne f.dl to the earth. 1 2 Then the woman faid.I pray thee, let thine liandm.ayd fpeake a word to my lord the King. And he faid. Say on. 1 3 Then the womJn faid,\Vhercfore then haft thou g thought fuch a thing againft the people g why deefl thos of God ί or why doeth the King,as one which is 5'"' '" faultie . fpeake tnis thing, thit h^jiftili not bring j^J^' againehisbanilhed? ^^ 14 For we muft needs die.andfT'* n of great wif. in hearing of good and bad : Therefore the Lord '^'""^/""'''■'«'"'= thy God be with thee. ^'s'" ^«» <""β^ Λ 8 Then the king anfwered, and laid vnto the . woman , Hide not from me , I pr.iy thee, the thing that I fliall aske thee. Aad the woman faid,Let my ' lord the king now fpeake. , 19 And the king faid,Is not ί the hand ofloab,! Hat» not then with thee in all this ? Then the woman anfwered, («lone this by the and faiti. As thy foule liueth.my lord the King, I will not turne to the righr hand nor to the left, from ought that my lord the kingh;ith fpoken: for euen thy feruant loab bade me , and he put all thefe words in the mouth of thine handmayd. 20 For to the intent that I "> fliould change the forme of fpeech , thy feruant loab hath done this thing ,but li my lord is wife according to the- wifedome ofan AngelofGod , to vnderltand all things that are in the earth. il ί And the king faid vnto loab , Behold Ρ 3 now. G«d hath pro- dcd wayes (a» "jncSuaries) to faur hem oft times, whom man iiidgelh »etthy death. For i thought hey vrotild kill this mineheizx. lunfellof 1 By fjieiiiingra- r in a parable thenpliinely. I Ο , ««nr Uji hiit Abfaloms returne : His ambition, 1 1. Su\ nuel η I biiiegt; thy tttjUcil. t Eir. U,fi. • Conetinj; hereby hi» afttihen, Oiewiiig fonie pan •fiuiiicetopkile iht fecjU, f Whit\ Wiyed i. li.^.onnces i^t halfe an ciis.ce ci)« IbtW, I Of fofffkK. q The witAid are impiiieatintheit aiFedions.incHpiTs no vulavffnJi If I haue oiTea. ifie.s d io- aorit; chiu [he thtmfeliiej in ihcic i 5t'.m».i,lf,». > ^aidiofciibtih 3^tf eAate «■A. k Tttat Π, «f what c, »Ja«he w; e "Siimbynindir, flittstie and faire |c»»iie! the wk now, I haue " done this thing:goe then.and bring the yong man Abialom ag<;ijie, 2 ζ And loab fell to the ground on his face, and bowed hirnleife and t ih.mked ^ King. Then loab f-iyd , This day thy feruant knoweth , that I liaue found grace inthy fight , my lord the king, in that the king hath fulfilitd therequeftofhis feruant. 23 f And loib arofe.and went to Geihur.anJ brought Abl'aiom to leniialem. 24 And the King fay d, Let him <> rurne to his owne hoiife.and not fee my face. So Abfalom tur- ned to his owne houfe.and faw not the kings face. 2 J Now in all Krael theri wasnone to be fo much prayfeLj for beauty as Abialom : from the fole of hisfoote euen to the top of his head there was no blemiili in him. %6 And when he polled his head, (for at euery yeeres end he polled it : becaufe it was too he.niy fiur him, therefore hec polled it) hce weighed the haire of his head at two hundreth ρ ilitkeis by the kings weight, 27 And Abfalom had three fonnes , and one davghter named Tamar, which was afaire woman toKAkevpon. 28 ί So Abfalom d«'clt the fpnce of two yeeres in lerufalem.and law not the kings face. 29 Therefore Abfalom fent for loab to fend him to the Xing , but he would not come to him: and when he ftnt againe.he would not come. 30 •Ί herefore he laid vnto his leniants.Beholcf, loab hath a^flfielJe by my ph'.ce ; and hath barley therein: goi4|i fet it ί on fire ; and Abfaloms fer- u.Tnrs fet the field on tire. 3 I Then loab arofe.i-nd came to Abfalom vnto his houfe.and fayd vntohim.Whercfcie haue thy ieruants burnt my field with fire? 3 τ And Abfalom .mfwered loib , Beholde , I fumforthee.fiying. Come thou hither, and I will lend thee to the king, for to fay , Wherefore am 1 come from Geihur? It had beene better for me to Haue beene therci (lii! : now therefore let mee fee the kings face : an J ? if there be any trefpalTe in meclet him kill mec. 3 3 Then loab came to tlie kirg.cnd told him : and hee called for Abfalom.vvho came to ihe king, and bowed hirpfelfe to the ground on his face be- fore the king, and the king kiiTed Abfalom, C Η A P. XV. a ThefraUtfes of^tfatam to ajpire to tht king^omi. 14 D'iuid and hL• flee. 31 Dtiutds prayer. 3 4 Hujtxiiis (ent to ^MitiTjf to difueuer hii kwi• AFter this, Abfalom t prepared him chare ts.anJ horfes.and fifty men to a riinne before him. And Abfalom rofe vp early, and flood hard by the emring in of the gate : and euery man that had any 0 mitter, and came tothekingfor iudge- roent , him did Abfalom call vnto him, and fayde. Of what city art thou ? And hee anfwered , Thy feru.ia t « of one of the ^ tribes of Ifrael , 3 Then Abfalom fayd vnto him, See.thy mat- ters are good and righteous , but there is no maa deputed of the king to heare thee. 4 Abfalom fayd mcreouer , « Oh that I were made ludge in the land , thaieuerym:n which hath any matter of controuerfie ,. might come ta niee,that I might doe him iultice. 5 And when any man came neereeo him , andf id hifti obeyfece , hee putfotuchhiaband^ and loatefi hiia,and kiffei him. andtreafon. Daaid fleech 6 And 00 this mafisr did Abfalom to all Ifrael, that came to the King for iudgement:fo Abfalom i ftale the hearts of the men of Ifrael 7 ί And after «fourtie yeeres, Abfalom faide '0 hem iiom hii fathei to himfeifc, e Counting fiem the time that the IfrieliteKhadif- k^daKingofSt- ••■M whoft heart Ri " that Satan hai opo(r«ired,thath« (ToiUdleaue no fcliieft vnat- :cnipred. ■ ByefFeringj ►eace Θ filing, which « as Uwfull 9 doi in anyplace. g Ακί bid (0 hit teaa iii Htktoa, t ^if. Auf4. vnto the King, I pray thee, let mee goto Hebron and render my vow which I haue vowed vnto the Lord. 8 For thy feruant vowed a vow when I re- mained at Gelhur . in Aram , faying , If the Lord ihall bring mee againe indeed to Ietufalem,I will iferuc the Lord. 9 And the King faid vnto him, Goe in peace. So he arofe,and went to Hebron. 10 f Then Abfalom fent ipyes throughont all the tribes of Ifrael , faying ,\Vhen yee heare ihe found of the trumpet . ye ihall fay , Abialom reig- neth in Hebron. ir ^ And with Abfalom went two hundreth men out of ieni;alem,that were S called : and they went in the it finiplicitie, knowing nothing. 12 Alfo Abfalom lent for A hithophel the Gi- lonite Dauids counfeller , from his citie Giloh, while hee ofFert- d facrifices : and the treafon was great:for ;y people t encreafcd ftill withAbfalora 13 f Then Came a mefienger to D.'.uid, faying The hearts of the men ofllraelare turned after Abfalom. 14 Then Dauid faid vnto all his feruants thai were with him at lerufalem , Vp , and let vs flee; for wee ihall not efcape from h Abfalom : make fpeede to depart , leafl he come fuddenly and take vs , and bring euUlvponv3 , and froite the citie with the edge of the fwoTIl. I y And the Kings feruants faid \ηηο him,Be- hold , thv feruants are ready te do according to all that my lord the king Ihall t appoint. 16 So the king departed and ail hishoufhold * after him .and the king left tea concubines to keepe the houfe. 1 7 And the king went foorth and all the peo- ple after him,and taried in a D place i hirre οίΐ. 18 And all his feruants went about him , rnd all the k Chcrethites andall the Pelethitcs , ;nd all the Gittites , euen Ijxe hundreth men which were come after him from Gth , went before the king. 19 Tlien faid the King tollttai theGittite, wherefore commeft thou alfowith vs ? Retuine and abide with the King , for thou art a ftranger. depart thou therefore to ihy place. 20 Thou camefl ycilarday,and ihouldl caufe thee to wander to d ay dnd goe with vj ? I w'ill go wbith.er I can : therefore returne thou , and cary agiiiie thy m brethren : mercie and» trueth^i with thee. 21 And Ittai anfwered the Κ ing , and faid , As "hee^v'tdt^di,• the Lordliueth.and £s my lord the king liueth.io a^'dfid/iitie." what place my lord the king fliall be .whether in death 01 life,eiien there furely will thy feruant be. 22 Then Dauidlaidto Ittai . Come , and goe forward. And Ittai the Gittit^ went , and all his men,and all the ciiildren thatwere with him. 23 And all the countrey wept with a loude voycc , and ο all the pci^ple \vcnt forward , bu,t the jo τβ wit^h» r»» King paiied oner the brooke Kid.'Qn : ind all the pn-^ife'l» *«»• people went ouer towardtheway ©f the wilder- neffe. 24 ? And loe , Zadok alio vvai thtrt , and al! the Leuifs with him . ρ bearing the Aike of the couenam of God rand they fet downe rhe Arke of God , and Abiathar went 9 vp vntili the peop e were aii corns oik ©f the c it ie, [=• x% Theft I Hi ftlit. Ct, tcuf,. To wit, ri.int nxhUm. Thtie w«re as thg. iing! gard, or a "" ; write, hii fellers. 1 Who as forne lie was the gs for.n» el Ga;h, {h,> family. ρ WhithwM»*, charge of rheKo- hathites.Huni « 3^ <\ TO Rasd-tj sfae Aike, ' The Atke r >turneth. Pauids prayer I er» Us telirnaclt elThefaithfullin all their afrtiilioni fiisw cSemlelnes obeelieac to Gods VrtU t WithiSicc>»d diilt in figne of t ThetonnreUof chscofcy wetld- ling» deih more hjtme thtn the open toiceef the ο Thoiigli HwOiai difliumbl^d here at the Kings reqnee> jitmay we net vfe this example ti «Kciifc οίπ di/lintu Ucioa. Οΐφ.χνι, a Wliith war the hill of Oliiiei, Chap. 1 5 3». Β CM-, fiil' "^" fc Commonly rhere »re no vilei trsitcr tiien they, which vndeipietence e£ {tiendihip acciife 1 y Then the King faid vnto Zaclok , Cary the Arke of Gtxiagaine into the citie : if I fhall finde fauout in the eyes of the Lord, he will bring mee ag,iine , andfliew me beth it, and the Ο Tabernacle thereof. 26 But ifhe thus fay.T haue no delight iii thee, behold, ' here am I, let him Joe to me as fceraeth good in his eyes. a.7 The King faid againe vnto Zadok the Prieft , Art not thou a * Seer ? returne into the citie in peace , and your two Tonnes with you , t» %vit, Ahimaaz thy fonne, and lonathan the fonne of Abiathar. z8 Behold.I will tarie in the fields of the wil- dernefte , vntill there come fome word from you to be told me. 2p Zadok therefore and Abiathar caried the Arke of God againe to lerufalem , and they taried there. 3 ο And Dauid went vp to the mount of oliues, nnd wept as he went vp , and had his head ^coiie- red, and went barefooted : and all tiie people that was with him , had eiiery man his head couered, and as they went vp , they wept. 3 1 Then one tolde D uid , faying , Ahitho- phel is one of them that haue coni'pired with Ab- lalqm : and Dauid (aid, Ο Lord.I pray thee.tume the' counfellof Ahithophel intofooliihneiie. 3 2 f Then Dauid came to the top of ^ mount where he wortbipped God : and behold, Hiifliai ^ Archite came againft him with his coate torne, andhauii)^ earth vpon his head. 3 3 Vnto whom Dauid fay d . If thou goe with me, thou llialt be a burthen vnto me. 34 But if thou returne to the citic.and fay vnto Abfalora,! will be thy ° feruant.O King(as 1 hane beene in time paft thy fathers feniant , fo will I now he thy feniant) then thou miyeft bring me the counfell of Ahithophel to nought, 35 And haft thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar thePrietts ? therefore whacfoeuer thou fhalt he.ue out of the Kings iioufe.thou Ihalt fliew toZidok and Ahiarhar the Prieils. 35 Beholde , there are with them j:heir two fonnes : Ahimu.z Zadcks/oWi , and lonathan Abiitharsyo«»« : by them alio ihallyee fend mec eiiery thing that ye can heare. 37 So Hufliai Dauids friend went into the ci- tie: and Ablalom came into lerufalem, CHAP. XVI. I The infidelity of Ziha. <; Slit-neicurfith Dauid. 1 6 Hufhni commeth to ^hfiUn,. ζ l The cmnfellef ahithophel for the cOTjcuhinet , yVT Hen D.aiid was a little psftthc ' wipofthe ^^ hiU, behold , Ziba the ieruant of Mephi- bolheth met him with a couple of alfes fadled.and vpon tht^m two hundretheu^/ of bread , and an hundreth bunches of raifins , and an hundreth of fi dried fijigcs, and a bottle of wine. 2 And the King faid vnto Ziba.What mcancft thou by thefc ? And Zibifaid.Tiiey beb jffes for the kinfrs houfnold to ride on.Sc bread, and dried figges for the ybng men to eats, an! wine, that the faint may drinke inrlT? wildcrneffe. 3 AndthcKingfaid.Butwhere isthymsfiers fonne ; Then Ziba anfwered the King , Behold, he remainetli in lerufalem : for he faid , This day fhall the houfe of liracl reflore race theKingdorae ofmyf-ther. 4 Then faid the King to Ziba , Behold , thine Shimei curftth I )auid. 1 16 which was ! :in'e in the tribe of Btaiimin, are all th.it pertained vnto Mc phihofl^eth . And Ziba faid, * I befeech thee, let me finds grace in thy fight.my lord, Ο King, 5 5 And when King Dauid csme to ' Β ahurim, behold , thence cam'j out* man of the family of the houfe of Saul , n^med Shimei , the fonne of Gera: andhe came out and ciirfed. 6 And hee cafV ftones at Dauid , and at all the 1 feruanrs of King Dauid: and all the people.und all ; themenofwitrevfiri onhis bright hand, and on ■^ That is, roanl his left, 7 And thus fayd Shimei wlien he curfed.Come forth.come forth thou * muxtherer, and * wicked ^ man. 8 The Lord hath brought vpen thee all the ^ blood of the houfe of Saul , in whofe ftead thou haft reigned : and the Lord hath deliuercd thy kihgdome into the h^nd of Abfalom thy fonne: and behold, thou art tal^n in thy wickednefle.be- ^, caufe thou art a murtheier. 9 Then faid Abiihai the fonne of Zeruiah vnto the King , Why doth * this dead dog curie my lord the King ? let ine goe , I pray thee , and take away his head, 10 ί But the King fayd , What haue I to doe !* hi, lUl. •fkM cRcp-oacIiirg h I (hengh ty hi; icinti likboOiclfc nd Abiitt wei .Sam. 14. 1 and Chap. 3. a. with you , yee fonnes of Zeruiah ? for he curfeth f D laid fttt that ,and (hetefoTt hHmblecIl himfelfetohit :od. I 3i•, mj ttent ; MeaniBg.thaf rhf Lord ν ill fend fo'ttohis, ishen ihcy >t« ippi«(r«d. euen becaufe the Lord hathf bidden him curfe Dauid : who dare then fay , Wherefore haft thou f^" >«»< 'he it.dg«- 1 „ /- , ■" ment ot God tot done lo? ^.^ ^ 1 1 And Dauid fayd to Abiibai , and to all his feruants .Behold, my feme which came out of mine owne bowels , feeketh my liie : then how much more now may this fonne of lemini? Suffer him to curfe; for the Lord hath bidden him. 12 It may bee that the Lord will looke on n mine afflidion , and g doe me good for his cur- ling this day. 1 3 And as Dauid and his men went by the way, Shimei went by the fide ofthemountaineouer agjinfthim, and cnrfed as hee went , and threw flone»againft him.and c^ft duft. 14 Then came the King and all the people that were w ith him weary , and refreilied them- felues >» there. I r f And Abfalom, and all the people the men of Ifrael , came to lerufalem, and Ahithophel with him. Iei aiefo greedjioex-tcute iheiimilice,i')V theylesiw none o tbe baiieli. i»heu he Wis fk- 23 And the counfell of Ahkhophel which he coiinfelled in thole dayes , was like as one had af- ked 1 counfell .it the oracle of God:fo was all the counfell of Abithophel both with Dauid and with Abfalom. CHAP. XVII. y ^kithophels counftll is ouerthrovvne by Hupm. \4 The Lord had fo ordained. \t? The Pri flsfinnes are JjidJe tn the well. 21 Dauidgoeth ouer lordin. 23 .yihithcjihelhangethhtmjelje. 27 They bring viiiuiils to Dau'td. \Ji Oreouer , Ahithophel faidto Abfalom, ' Let me chufe out now tweliie thoufsnd men , and I will vp and follow aftet Dauid this night, 2 And I will come vpon him : for he is weary, and weake handed : fo I will feare him, and all the people that are with him ihall flee, & I will fmite the king onely, 3 And I will bring againe all the people vnto thee, and when nil Ihall returne, C" the man whom i thoufeckeft ^««gjZrfMi) all the people lliall be in \ peace. \ 4 And the iay ing t pleafed Abfalom well, and \ all the Elders of luael. ! y Then faid Abfalom, Call now Huihai f 'Ar- chite aifo.Ji let vs heare likewifetwhat hee faith. 6 So when Hufliai came to Abfalom, Abfalom fpake vnto him , fayin<^ , Ahithophel hath 0 fpo- ken thus ; iliall we doe'after his fay ing,or no? tell thou. -* 7 Hi]lhai then anfwered vnto Abfalom , Tbe counfell that Ahithophel hath giuen,is not*^ £ood at this time. 8 For.faid Hufnai.thou knoweft thy f.ither,and his men , that they be ftrong men, end are chafed in minde as a be^re robbed of her whelps in the field: alfo thy father is a vjliant warriour, and will not 0 lodge with the people. 5 Behold , hee is hid now in fome caue, or in fome place : and though feme of them be oucr- throwne at the iift , yet ihe pteple Itall heare, and fay , The people that follow Abfalom , * be oucr- throwne. Then he alio that is valiant, whofe heart is as the he?rt of a licn'.fliail * ll:rinke and f.:int : for all Ifrae] knoweih that thy father is valiant , and they which be with him, ftout men. 1 1 Therefore my counfell is.ihat all Ifrael be gathered vnto thee, from D.:n euen to Beer-flieba as the fnd of the Sea in number, and that thou go tobattell in thine owne perfon. So ihail wee come vpon him in fome pli'ce, where we Ihall fnd him , and J wee will vpon him as the dew. falleth on the ground : <;nd of all thi men that are with him , wee will not Icuue hira cne. 13 Moreouer.ifhe be gotten into a citie.then fl-.al! all the nitn of Ifrael brirg ropes to that citie, and we will draw it into the riuer , vntill thtie be not cne fm.ll ftonc found there. 14 f Then Ablalom ^nd all the men of Ifrael faid, The eounfe'l ofHulhai the Archive, is letter then tVe ccrnfeil cf Ahithophel: for ihcLord harj] determined to deftroy the * gocd counfell of Ahithcphel.thatthe Lord mighi^bringeniil vpon Abfalo.n. I Ϊ Then faid Huihai vnto Zadok and to Abia- thar the ?i left , Of this and that manc-r did Ahi- thophel and the elders of Urael counfell Abfalom; and thus and thushaue I counfelled. \6- Now therefore fend quickcJy , andlbew Dauid, faying, Tarie not this night in the fields of the wildeineffe, bur rather get thee ^ ouer.leaft the king be deuoured , and ali the people that are with him. 17 t Now lonathan and Ahimaaz aboade by Π En-rogel: (for they might not be feene to come into the citie) and a maid went , and told S then, and they went and Ihewed king Dauid. 1 8 Neuerthelefle, a young man faw them,and |g Meaning,ihi told it to Abfalom. Therefore they both departed quickly, and came to a manshoufeinBahurim, who had a well in his court , intO the which they went downe. 19 And•» the wife tookeand fpread a couering ouer the welles mouth, and fpread grounde come thereon.that the thing Ihould not be knowen 20 And when Abfaloms feruants came to the wife into the houfe, they iaid, where is Ahimaaz and lonathan ? And the woman anfwered them, They bee gone ouer the "' brocke of water. And when they had fought them , and could not finde them, they returned to lerufalem. 2 1 And aifoone as they were departed.the other came out of the well , and went and told king Da- uid , and faid vnto him , Vp, and get you quickly ouer the water : for ^ fuch counieli hath A.hitho- phel giuen againft you. 22 Then Dauid' arofe, and all the people that were with him , and they went ouer lordcr ^ vntill the dawning of the day , fo that there lac- ked not cne of them , that was not&eme ouei lorden. ^^ 23 ί Now when Ahithophel faw^t'hat his coun- fell was not followed, hee ladled his ?ίΓε,& arofe and hee went home vnto his citie, and put hi; houlhold in order .and»" hanged himfelfe, and died.and was bui ied in his fathers graue. 24 ί Thi;n Dauid came to Mihanaim. Anc Abf'lom pniied ouer lorden, liee, and all the m.en of Ifrael with him. 2 y And Abfalom made Amafa captainc of thi hoalle in the ftead ofl.oab: which Amafa wis; m:ns fonne named Ithra.an Kraelite.that went ii to Abigail the daightcr of» Nahilh, fifter to Zer• uiih loabs rrother. 26 So Ifraei and Abfalom pitched in the land ofGile^d. 27 ί And when Dauid was come to Mahanaim. Shobi the fonne of Nuhalhout of Rabbahof the children of Aramon,and Machir the fonne of Am miel outof Lo-debar,and Baizelaiihe Gileaditc outcfRogel 28 ο Brought beds , and bafens , and earthen veffeis, and wheat, and barley ,and floore,and pjr• ched eorne, and beanes, and lentiles, and parched corne. 29 And they brought honie , and butter , and iheepe , and cheefe of kine.for Dauid, snd for th people th u were with him , to eat ; for they faid. The people is hungry, and wearie, and thirftie in the wildcrnelfe. C Η A P. XVIII. X Dauid dittideth his armie info threepartr.fi ^bfa lom IS hanged, flaine, and cafi into a pit . 3 3 Da Aid lamenteth the death of abfalom. Τ Hen Dauid 'numbred the people that were withhim,.'k. let ouer them captames of thou- fands.and captaines ofhundreds. 2 And Dauid fcntfoorth the third part of the people vnder the hand of loab , and the third _ part f That it, I lorden. ■i'l- h ThasGodf-ndei^ fiiccoiinohis.ia ihtir gteatett din- g«". i The Child» ifxt readeth: Now chey banc pafUd the lotdtn. k To mil, ts pntfu* £( with all haflt. 1 Thty trinelled all night, andby mor. jiirg hadalliheit company paiTci eaei. m GodsiiiD vex gfaiiCt men in ihji ]ife is powted on hem which ate inemiei , iiaitourt^ otperfeCBtoiusof his Chuich. η who VMi jlfo called JOiai Oiuiit Fsthei, God α,^wet^» mftlie n.oB libi- lall to his.whcn they fecmf tobcvt. ly dtflintts» ι For ceitaiaeofilit- Kiubenitei.eaditei mdof thehilfe libe.ccidd not beate the infolenci; oi ihefoBBeagune^ he father, and therefore ioyiwd^ kbfalom ba igedand flainc. b Siinifffnt, thai I Igoaernoat nght to b« Γο deate vnta hispeople,thac the7 will laihet loofe their lines» then ihai otighi Ihoirfd (ome vol» t Se called , becioft (he Ephramiies (a» feme fay) fed theii taitell beyond lot- d«n in this vf eed. ff tWs is a teidble exampie of Gods venganceagaiiiil ihemthat ate reitls ecdifobtdientco iheii f aieuti, »βίβ•ΐ3.ι$, ««•iglvf.» >/Abfaloni, dFoiheJiidjiiyof the people , which was feduced by Ab- faloms Hittery. e Thus God tnraed has vaiae glory co Jit ftemed that Godhadpuniihcd Chap, f».irt vnder the hand of Abiitai losbs brother , the on cifZeruiah : and the «i «sir third [i^n vmier the iand of Ittai the Gittite. And the King faid vnto the people, I will goe with you my feife alio. 3 But the people anfwereJ.Thou fhilt not go forth : forif we flee aw.iy, they will not regard vs, neitlier will they palTe for vs , though halfe of vs were flaine : but thou art know worth ten thcu- fandofvs : therefore now it is better that thou fuccour vs out of the citie. 4 Then the King faid vnto them.what feeraeth you beft.that will I doe. So the king flood by the ate fide , and all the people came out by hun- reths andby thoufands. y And the king commanded loah and Abiil'.ai, and Ittai , faying, £«frirtf*the yong man Abfalom gently for my fake. And all the people heard when the King gauc all y Captaines charge concerning Abfalom , 6 So the people went out into the fielde to meete Ifrael , and the battell was in the « wood of Ephraim : 7 Where the people of Ifrael were flaine be- fore the feruants of Dauid : fo there was a great flaughter that day, eue» of iwintie tlioufand. 8 ί For 'the battell wasfcatteredouerall the countrey ; and the wood deiioured much more people that day then did the fword. t> ί Now Abfalom met the feruants of Dauid, j and Abfalom rode vpun a mule, and the mule came ' vnder a great thicke oake : and his heade caught hold of thCeake, and he was t.iken vp fl betweene the heaUOTBld the earth ; and the mule that was vnder hiti/f^nt away. 1 ο And one that faw it, told ΙοΛ, fay ing.Be- hold, I faw Abfalom hanged in an oake. Then loab fiid vnto the man that tolde hira , And haft thou indeed feene ? why then did- deft not thou there fmite him to the ground , and I would haue giuen thee ten -»'/)jei^''//of liluer, and a girdle ? 1 2 Then the man faid vnto Joab , Though I fliould t receiue a thouland fhe^fls of filuer in mine hand , yet would I not lay mine hand vpon the Kings fonne ; for in our hearing the King charged thee.and Abiihai.and Ittai, faying, Beware leaft any touch the yong m.-iu Abfalom, 13 Ifl had done it , if ί-ίί^^^»* t the danger of my life : for nothing can be hidfrom the King: yea , thou thy felfe wouldeft haue becne againft me. thee. XIX. Dauid mourneth for Abii f £tr. hd^fi. g Foi lojbbare 1 good afftflion 10 Ahimaaz.and doiib- led how Daii;d would tale ihere- orc of Abfaltmi eaih, % h He fate in t^ίgJtβ of the tiiy ofMaha- Then faid loab , I will not thus tarie with And he tooke three darts in his hand , and thruft them t through Ablalom, while he was yet a Hue in the nrids of the oake. ly And ten ferusnts that bnre loabs armour, compaifed about ^nd fmoteAbfalom,&; Qewe him. li Then Io.ib'*blew the trumpet , and the people returned from purfuing after Ifrael : for lo.ib held backe the people. 1 7 And they troke Abfalom, and csft him into a great « pit in the wood, and laid a mightie great heape of^tones vpon him:and all Ifrael fled eucty one to his tent. 1 8 Now Abfalom in his life time had taken and reared him vp a pillar , which i$ in the * Kings J .._ ... . ■ ii^le : for he laid , I haue no f fonne to keepe m.y Godhatipnnithcd j , j u η j 1 -i, •' bin» in taking awaV n^ftie HI remembr.-.nce : and he called the pillar " hildien. Chip. 1 after his owne name .and it is called vnto this day, •♦*7i Abfaloms place. If) f= Then faid Ahimaai the fonne of Zadek, tfii lleruw. I pray thee , let mee rurne and beare the King ti- dings that the Lordhath t dehueredfaimoutof the h;nd of his enemies. " 20 And loab faid vnto him, Thou S ihalt not bee the meflerger to day , but thou flialt beare ti- dings another time .but to day thou Aalt beare none. for the Kings fonne is dead. 21 Then fayd loab to Cufhi, Go tell the King v^'hat thou haftleene. And Cufln bowed himfelte vnto Ioab,f nd ranne. 22 Then fayd Ahimaaz the fonne of Zadok againe to loab , What , I pray thee.if I alfo runne after Culhi ? and loab fayd , wherefore now wilt thou runne my fonne, feeing that thou haftno tidings to bring ? 23 Yet what if I runne ? Then hee fayd vnto him, Runne. So Ahimaaz ranne by the way of the plaine,.''nd oucrwcnt Cuil• j. 24 Now Dauid fate betweene the two '' gates. And the watchman went to the tG{icf the gate vpon the wall , and lift vp his eyes , and fawe . and behold.a mnn came tunning alone. 2y And the watchmsn cried.ind told the king. And the Kirg fiyd.If he be alone, thee bringeth tidings, And he came apace, and drew neere. 26 And the watchman f.w anoihtr man run- ning , and the watchm.-n called vnto the porter, and fayd, Behold. ii«oifcer m.-n rimrcth alone. And the King fayd, He alfo bringeth tidings. 27 And the watchmsn fayd, t Me tbinkeih the running of the fortmoft iV like the running of A- hiniaaz the lorine of Zadok. Then the Kirg fayd, Hee is a » good man , and com.merh with good ti- dings, 28 And Ahimaaz called , and f-yd vnto the King , Peace ie with thee : and he fell downe to the earth vpon his face before the King, and fayd, BkiTed be the Lord thy God.whohath Β ihut vp the mtn that lift vp their hands againft my Lord the King. 29 And the King fayd,Is the yong man Abfa- lom f.fe ? And Ahima.z anfwered , when loab fcnt the Kings Jt frruant , and wsthy feniant, I faw a great tumult, bur I knew not what. 30 And the King fiyd vnto him , turne afide, and ftand here : fohe turned afide, and ftcodftiil. 3 I And behold, Cuihi c.-rae, end Culhi fayd, t Tidings, my lord thcKing:for the Lord hathde- liuered thee this day out of the hand of all that rofe againft thte. 3-2 Then the King fayd vnto Cnfl-.ijs the yong man Ablalom lafe ? And Cuihi anfwered. The enemies of my lord the King . and all that rife againft thee to doe thee hurt , be as that young man is. 33 AndtheKingwasJmooued.andwemvpto : Betsafi-he cos/Iw the chamber oner the gate, and wept : and as hee ' '^ ' ' ' ' went.thus he faid.O my lonne Abfalom.my fcnne, my fonne Abfaiora : would God I had died for thee, Ο Abfalora.my fonne.my fonoe. CHAP. XIX. 7 loab eneouraoeth the l^vg. ξ Daiudis rejioreei.2^ Shimei is pArdcned.. 1 4 M foune^ iuiuidretui a As thty de (ha netb. Il.Sayiuel. Shimef pardoned Ir At M»hanaim. tOttUplVKIt, f Sir. (Μλ( ri^ht in 'Iff" 3 And the people went that Jay into the citie Β (ecretly, as people confounded hide thsmfelues when they Hee in haitell. 4 So the King > hid his facciwd the king cried with π lund voyce , My fonne Abialom , Abfalom my fonne, my fonne. 5Τ ί Then ΙοΛ came into thebhoufe to the King, iind fdyd.Thou haft (Kimedthis day the fa- ces of all thy ieruants , which this day haue fined thy life , and the lines of thy fonnes , and of rhy d-iiightcrs, 6c the Hues of thy vviucs, and the Hues of thy concubines, 6 In that thou loueft thine enennies , and ha- tcft thy friends : for thou haft declared this day, that thou regardeft neither thy li princes, nor fer- uants : therefore this day I perceiue, that if Abfa- lom had liued , and we all h id died this day , that then it would hane t plcafed thee well, 7 Now therefore vp , come out , and fpeake t comfortably vnto thy feruants : for I fweare by theLord,except thou come out.there will tsot tary one man with thee this night : and that will be Iworfe vnto thee, then all the euill that fell on thee iffom thy youth hitherto. '■■ 8 Then the king arofe , and fate in thee gate: i and they told vnto all the people , faying. Behold, Jiaunted. jthe ]iing doeth fit in the gate : and all the people jcarae before the king : for Ifraelhad fledeuery I man to his tent. aEKiiTontMamedl 9 1 Then all the psople Were at ^ ftrife tho- anaAetaniftroiie Irowout all the tribes of Ifrael , faying , The King iitued vs out of the hand of our enemies , and hee ideliuered vs-outof the hande of thePbiliftims.and aiow he is fled out of the l.ind for Abfalom. i I ο And AbfaJom.whom weanoyntedoaer vs, is dead in battell : therefore why «re ye fo flow to bring the king againei 1 1 But King Dauid fent to Zadok and to Ahi- athar the e Priefts, faying, Speake vnto the Elders jof ludah , and fay, Why are yee bchinde to bring ithe King againe to his houfe.lfor the faying of all Ifrael is come vnto the King, eutn to his houfe. ) ye are my brethren ;my bones md my flelli meaneth Efhxaint^ Minideh and Ilea- lamin (wh«eef he wasjbecjule thefe tliMC were vndci one lUnditd. NBm.i.i8, jC where them•» WhoQiouldfii» bttif him home £ llMtiliey loiild Ttpreone the negli |:nce of the Eld it s teeing the people vrera lo iosnua. the king (tould irake It to his hearth 20 For thy feruant doeth knowe , that I haue done amilTe : therefore behold , I am the firft this day of all the houfeof «lofephthatam cometo goe do'Mie to meete my lord the king. 2 1 Bat Abilhai the fonne of Zerniah anfwered, and iaid, Shall not Shimei die (or this, becaufe he curfed the Lords ano) nted? ' 2 2 And Dauid fail , What haue I to doe with you, ye fonnes of Zeruiah,that this day ye (hould be aduerfifies vnto me ? Iball there any man die this day in Uriel? for doe not I know that I am this diy king ou^r I frael? 23 Therefore the king faid vnto Shimei,Thou i „ l 4 ftialt not * die , and the king fware vnto him. id'jringLyTife.'n 24 f And Mephibolheth the fonne of Saul Wade i.Kin^.' came downe to meete the king , and had ntither {»•*■*• walhed hisfeete , nor drcffed his beard , nor wa- 1 flied his clothes from the time the king departed, I vntiil he returned in pe.ice, I ^^^^ ^^ .. . 25• And when ' he was come to lemfalem.and Iftethfciiagat'iere. met theking , the king faid vnto him , wherefore fiiem hid mei the wenteft not thou with me.Mephibo'.heth? z6 And he anfwered , My lord the King , my feruant deceiued me : for thy feruant faid.I would hane mine afle fidlcd to ride thereon .for to goe with the king.becaufe thy feruant?/ lame. 27 And he hath * accufed thy feruant vnto my lord the king : but mv lord the king ti as an "« Angel of God : doe therefore thy pieafure. 28 For all my fathers houfe were η but dead men before my lord the king , yet diddeft thou fet thy feruant among thera ih;t didjO^e at thine owne table : what right therefore^ue 1 yet to crie any more vnto the king? 29 And the king faid vnto him , Why fpcakeft thoia anymore of thy matters ? I haue faid.Thou, and Ziba.diuidethe "lands•. 30 AndMephiboflieth faide vnto the king,Yea, let him t. ke all , feeing my lord the king is come home in peace. 3 I 1 Then Barzillai the Gileadite came downe from Rogelim , and went ouer lorden with the teftoieti King. ►ci^ K.t; η 10 iHdge m aU tteri. Β Wiithytodi'e for Sauls «rneliy towJtd thee. eDaoidifdeiiiH i» lakirg his land* horn hi.T. before k knew thecatife, bt mi.£J. «erra.that fki,o*ir.gtht h.he did η•( ere ye : Wherefore then are ye the lafl that bring | king, to condiifl: him ouer lorden. ( %f this poli'tie Danid ihotight that by winning of the iaptaine, he OisiiU hiiie the hcatii ef aU the people. g Wlio had beroie («ailed hiin> »Ci4/..i.a. 'Chtf.U.rt. the King ag.ainc ? 13 Alio fay yee to Amafa , Art thojs not my ;bone and my fiefli ? God doe fo to mee, and more ialfo.if thou benot captaine ofthehofte to mefor jeucr in the f roome ofloab, ! 14 So he bowed the hearts of all the men of I ludah , as of one man : therefore they fent to the jKing, faying .Returne thou with all thy feruants. I If ί So the king returned', and came to lor- jden. And ludah cametoGilgall ,for to goe to meete the king ,a>id to conduit him ouer lorden. 16 'AndgShimei the Sonne ofGera,the fonne of lemini, which was of Bahurira , hafted and came downe with the men of ludah to meete king Dauid, 1 7 And a thoufand men of Beniamin with him, and*Ziba the feruant of the houfe of Saul , and his fifteene fonnes and twenty feruants with him: and they went ouer lorden before the king. 1 8 And there went ouer a boate to cary ouer the kings houfliold, and to do him pieafure. Then fc^oiinhiiideet- §himei the fonne of Gera fell before the king, 1 u.. y^/hen he was come cuer lorden, 19 And faid vDto the king , Let not my lord impute * wickedncs vnto mee, nor renaeraber the thing that thy feruant did >> wickedly when my loid the fcing dep.uied out of Urufalein , that a»d neiv in his ■rrfiptiitie , teeietli iy Hi'ieryto cie«f« f» t Where the njbe «i Indih tatied to Tecemc him. f Which hid liken (ϊιιηίΊι (he Kisg t Tewwi letefa- a Wicie the ten inbes conieadeJ 3{ΐίηβ Ind«h. k As they of laJah fay c Hee thought by peaking «ontemp- IBOnrtyof ihekingi te ftitte the people «aiheitofedirion.e «Ke by ouicg If- nel to d< piit> thonghi that they ο lodah Mosld tiaoe Jeffe eSeemed him, d ftom eilgal, Vthich WIS atcte I Olden. >»Oif.i<.l», (Who watlu't «Wife eapiajue in leabs xooine. Chap. ■;.!}. f tjthtt them 'Whicli hadbeette- «nder lot», at DP Chap. «X. Chap'.liS. f WHidi ynshn !,th»ihevfed «o weaie in (be with mee , and I will doe to him that thou ihalt be content with : and whatfoeuer thou flwlt 0 re- quire ofmee.ihat I will doe for thee. j9 So all the people went ouer lorder : and the kirg paffed ouer : and the king Rifled Barzil- lai , and g bxfled him , and he returned vntohis owne place. 40 f Then the King went tot Gilgal , and Chimham went with him, and all the people of ludah condufted the kirg, and alfo halfe the peo- ple of fllrael, 41 A nd behold , 3 11 the men of I frae 1 came to the king , End laid vrto the king , Why h-.ue our brethren the men of ludah ftollen thee away ,and haue brought the king ^nd his houlhold , and all Dauids men with hira ouer <■ lorden? 42 And all the men of ludah aofwcred the men of Ifrael . Becauie the king is neere cf kinne to vs:and wherefore now be ye an^ry for this matter ? haue we ecten of the kings ceB , or haue we taken iny bribes ? 43 And the men of Ifrael anfwered the men of ludah , and laid , Wee haue ten psrts in the king, and haue alio more ri^lit to Dauid then yee : why then did yee difpife vs , D that onr aduife fl^ould not be firft had in reftoring our kiv?g ? And the words of the menofluJah were fiercer then the words of the men of Ilrael. CHAP. XX. I Sheia rdifeth Ifrael α,^α/ηβ Dau$d. 1 ο Io*i> killeth ^mafa traiteroufly- 2 ; The headofShei^ it deltue- red to loth. 23 D* uids chief e officer/ . 'T Hen tJipre was come » thither a wicked man (n.im^ Sheba thefonneofBichri, amanof lemini) and hee blew the trumpet, and faid. Wee hoUe no part in* Dauid , neither haue we inheri- tance in the fonne'of Ilhai : eucry man to his tents, ϋ Ifrael. 2 So enery man of Ifrael went from D.iuid and follewed Sheba the fonne of Bichri : but the men of ludr.h claue faft vnto their King, from d lorden eUtn to leruialcm, 3 when Dauitl then ttme to his hoiife to Te- ruiilem , the king tooke the ten women his * con- cubines , th^^t he had left behind him to keepe the houfe, and put them inward , and fed them , but lay no mere with them : butt^ey• v/ereencloled vnto the day oftheirdeath.Iiuing in widowhood, 4 f Then faid the King to • Amaia^ Aflemble Biee the men of ludah within three daycs , snd be ihouhere prefenr. ί So Amafa went to aflemble ludah , but hee taried .'ongerthen the time which he had appoin- ted him. 6 Then D.:uid faid to Abifliai ,Now fl;all Sheba the fonne of Bichri do vs mere harme then did Alifalom: take thou therefere thy fiords fer- Uunts i',nd follow after him,kaft he get him wal- led cities.and eicape vs. 7 And there went outaft^r him loabs men,, and the * Cherethites and the Pclethires , and all the mighty men: and they dc parted cut of lerufa- fcm.to follow after Shebn the Icnne c f Bichri. 8 When they were at the great ifone , w hich is in Gibeon, Amafa went before them, snd loibs ί garment that hee had put on , was girded νηισ him , and vpon it was a iword girded, which han- ged on his loynes in the flieath, and as he went,ic vied to fall our. 9 And Icxib fayde to Am-ifa , Art thou m t health, icj brother? and loab tocke Amafa by killeth Amaft traitqroufly. 4 h He flood by fa It loabi ag• poiaijntat. i Vnto the dn't Abel, which wj» neete toSethiaa- ichah. ITl!!ti boui CO he went iiertlliOTl the beard with the right hand to Kifle him. f *''■•/'*»' 10 Bnt Amafa tooke no heede to the fword th.'.t Wis in loabs htnti : for therewith hee /more him in xhed^vib , and fl:ed out his bowels to the grotmd , and t fmote him not the fecciid time ; fo|t he died : then loab ftood by him , and faid , Hee th.n f uoureth loab , and hee that is of Dauids pinjethimroe .nfter lOib. 12 And Aroai'a wallowed in blood in the raids of the w..y : and when the man faw that ail the people ftood ftill , he remooiied Amafa out of the way into the field, ?.nd caft a cloath vpon him, becaufe he law that cuery one that came by him, ftood ftill. 1 3 5 when he was remccued out of the way, euery man went after Io;.b-, to follow after Sheba the fonne of Bichri. 14 And hee went throughall the tribes of If- rael vnto Abel , end > Bethmaach h and A\ places I of Betim : and they gathered together , and went alfo after him. 1 5- So they came , and befieged hira in Abel, Meeret.o Bethmaachah , and they caft vp amount againft the citie , and the people thereof flood on the tamper , and all the people that w..s with lo- ab,'' dcftroyed and caft downe the wall. 16 Then cryed a wile worn η out of the citie, Heare,heare,I pray you,lay vnto loab.Come thou hither.ihat I may fpeake with thee. 1 7 And when he came neere vnto her, the wo- man faid , Art thou loab ? And he cnfwered, Yea. And ibee faid to him , Heaie the words of thine handmaid. And he anfwered, I doe heare. 1 8 Then lliee fpjke thus , l They Ip^ke in the old time , faying , They Ikould aske of Abel ; and fo they haue continued. 19 Iamn>e«i of them that are peaceable, Λβί;^ faithfull in Ifrael : and thon goeft about todel^^roy a citie, and a m.other in Ifrael ; w hy w ilt thou de- uourc the in heritance9f the Lord? 20 And Icab afslwfered.and laid, God forbid, God forbid it mee , that I ilioirld deuoure or de- ftroy it. 21 The η matter is not fo.but a man cf mount j»' M*,'''"*. ''" ^^"'Ί Ephraim (Sheba the fon of Bichriby name) hath lift vp his hand f gainft the king , eue» againft Da- uid : deiiuer vs himoncly.and 1 wil dtp. rt from the city. And the woman laid vnto loab, Behold, his head flialbe throwen to thee ouer the wail. 2 2 Then the woman went vnro all the people with her wifedome , and they cut off the head of Sheba the fcnne of Bich: i.and ca:fl it to lo.^buhcn he blew the trumpet , and tthcy retired from the ^ e;» ά>} »rr< city, euery man to his tent : and loab returned to leiiifalem vnto the King. 23 ί * Then loi.b t/*4. ou^r all rheJioaftc of If- r ^»-Ρ » r.-.el,ar>d Beniiah the fonne of Iehoiadaouerth.i Cherethites.and ouer the Pelethites, 24 And Adci am ouer the tribute , and loftia- phat the fonne of Ahilud the Recorder, 2-^ And Sheia was Scribe, and Zadok ani AbiatharthePritfts, 16 And alio Ira the lairite was o^chieft jbov.t Dauid. CHAP. XXI, I Three dtareyeeres. ρ The vengeance ^'tfie finnes of Saulhghtsth tn his feutnfgrmes, which ar^ hanged. 1 5• fture gr-e»ti/*tttU , which Dautd-had againfi $hc FhiUait»}-, The» 1 she Qieweth tfcji the eldc ciideme as Slot todeiliov ::rie before peace asofthed.Dtat. Shoe fpeilleih the name efiht c iiie. Heating hisfjnli Id him.heegaiie J pliCe teieafon, ajtji itijuitedonely kimJ that was an lioigf ' iheireaibu. r Ij'rhet in dfgni- [-iatniiuiiuV, lauis Tcuen Tonnes hanged. Il.Sajmucl. ■f Hi.r.f»aWhat ll-nllldoe for you .and wherewith ihall I raike the atonement . that ye may blelle the in- heritance of the Lord? 4 The Gibeonites then anfwered him , Wee will haue no filner nor golde of Saul nor of his hoiife, neither for vs Arait thou kill c any mm η Ifrael. And he fiid . Whatye Hull fay, that will I Idoeforyou. I J Then they anfwiredtheking.The mm that iconfumed vs , and that im.igined euill againft vs, Ifi that wee are dsftroyed from remaining in jny Icoift of Ifrael, I 6 Let feuen men ofhisd Tonnes be dehuered jvnto vs.and wee will hang them vp* vnto the Lord in Gib;ah of Saal , the Lords cholen. And itheking faid, I will giiiethem. j 7 But the king had compalTion on Mephi- jboiheth the fonne of Jonathan the fonne of Saul, becaule of the * Lords oith. diat wasbetweene them , euen betweene Dauid and louathau ths ifonne of Saul. i 8 But the kingtooke thetwo fonnesofRiz- ah the daughter of Aiah , whom Ihee hire vnto aul, euen Armoni and Miphibo'heth, and the hue fonnes of fMichal ,the daughter of S aul , whom flaee bare to Adriel the fonne of Birzillai the Meholathire. 9 And hee deliuered them vnto the handes of the Gibeonites, which hanged them in the moun- taine before the Lord: fothey 0 died fl//feuen to- gether : and they were flaine in the time of har- ueft ; in the £ hrft diyes , and in the beginning of barley harueft. 10 ThenRizpahthediughterof Aiah tooke h fackecloath and hanged it vp for her vpon the rocke, from the .beginning of harueft , vntill» wa- ter dropped vpon them from the heauen , and fuf- fered neither thi birdes of the aire to D light on ithettt by d ly.nor beafts of the field by night. 11 1 And it was tolde Dauid ,whatRizpih the daughter of Aiah theconcwbineof Saulhad done. I ζ And Dauid went and tooke the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his fonne from the citizens of labefla Gilead , which had ftullen them from the ftreet of Beth-ihan,vvhere the Phi- liftims had* hanged thetn , when the Philiftiras hsd flaine Saul in Gilboa. 13 So hee brought thence the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his fonne , and they gathered the bones of them that were hanged. 14 And the bones ofS ml and of Jonathan his fonne buried they in the councrey of Beniamin in Zelah ,in the graue of Kilh his father : and when tliey had performed all that the King had commanded , God was then it appeafed with the land. ii ί Againe the Philiftims had warrewith lirael : and Dauid went downe, and his feruants Dauids viaonds: His lotfg. with him , and they fought againft the Philiftims^ and Dauid fainted. j 16 Then in^i-benob which was of the fonnefl of 'Haraphih [the head of whofe fpeare weighed thfee hundieth"» IhekelsofbraiTe) euen he beinajj'"'''- of*• girded with a nswfvvord , thought to haue flain^ m'whifh'am'onnt Dauid. i to nine potm as tbomes, 8 The names andfuEfes of Lis mighty men. \ ; Hee defiretb ν va'ter ,and would not drtnke it. Ύ Hefe alio be the a laft words cf Dauid , Dauid the fonne of libai faith, euen the man who was fet" vpon high , the anoynted ofthe Godoflaa- kob.and the fweete finger of Ifrael faith, ζ The Spirit ofthe Lord fpake by me, and bis word VT/aj in my ^ tongue, 3 The God of I frael fpake to me,the ftrength of Ifrael faid , Thoufhalt b^AruIe ouer men , being iuft.iiW ruling in thefemTcf God, 4 Euen as the morning light when the funne feth , the morning, 1 fay .without clouds ,fofhail mmehcujebe and r,ot as the c grafle ofthe earth ". which groweth by the bright raine. _ q„ickiiv and hd^ - y For lo Iball not mine houfe l/ee with God. for|ft hee hath made with race an eiierlafting couenant perfcil in all points , and fare : therefore all mine health and whole defiie is , that hee will not make it ί grow Jo 6 But the wicked fhathe eiiery one as thorne s thruft away , becaiife they cannot bee taken with hands. 7 But die man that fliall touch them , muft bee defcnced with yron , or with the ft-iaft of a fpeare: and they ihall bee burnt ^«th.fire in the fame place. 8 ί Thefe bee the names ofthe mighty men whom Dauid hid ; Hee that fate in the feaie of e wifedomf .being chiefe ofthe princts.wssAdino cfEzni,hc flew eig.Sthundrech at one time. 9 And afre r him was * Ε ieazar the fonne of Do-- do, the fonne of Ahohi, one ofthe three wort-hies with D.it:id, V hen t.hey 3 defiied y Phiiiftims ga- Of, «J}. thered there to battel, when the men of Ifrael were f gene vp. I ο Hee arcfe and fmote tne Philiftims his hand was we.::ie:anc'. his 5h.-,nd claue vntojify ί«'«>ηβ« the fword : and the Lord gaue great vidorie the fame day . and the pcopie returced sftcr him a which hi fpaSt after that he had made the rfalmts. b Meanirg.hei' fpske nothing bnt by the motion e£ God. Spirit, nyV:•; Liet accotding to his prcmifii paecfrhe . KingfccirafelL " - Chron ...,ejf ./«*ί;Λ !>ai}!ij>g^ Dauidswo* h Whieli hjtl» nei Aer tefpift to ma- i^ thies. 1 1» Si muel iiJ>m'»i The peop iennmbred i Seiog OBjrceme wiih wcaiineile «li ihiift. k Bn'deling hi: afte:lion, Jni be offiodid for that tail) eiite:ptit«. tElr./v«f. |er,F>U. (Or , » ακιιΊ) m in- I VThich VMS as big •ta weaiieri^>came. j.Chisn 11-1} m He t»M moie valiant then the thiic^ih κ follow «n4nei fe valia^i jsihefixtbtfoic. * SiY i.i8. * 1 CI»•" II tr- I Or. Ρ,Ι,-τι••». ji Diners ofthefe iia tvTO namts, ; «pyaarei Chre K.: «vd «Ifo many are ih«tt him cnelv Ό !*potie. 1 1 After hirn vvat * Shammih the fonne of Age the Hjrarite : f ,r the Philiftinns affembleJ at a towne.where was a piece of a field full of lentils, and the people He J from the Phiiiftims. 12 Biirhe ftjodinthe middesofthe field, an^ defended it , and flew the Philiftims : fo the Lord gaue •• great viitory. 13 f Afterward three of the thirty captures went downe.and came to Diuid in the h rueft time vn: 1 the caue of AduHim , and rhe hoafte of thePhiliftims pitched in the valley of BRephaim. 14 And Dauid vz/xt then in an holde . and the garifon of 'hePhilif^ims was -hen in Reth-lehem. I y And Diuid « longed.and faid . Oh . that one would giue me to drinke of the water of the well of Beth-lehera which is by the gate. 16 Then the three mighty brake into the hoaft [ of the Philiftims , and drew water out of the well ; of Bcth-lehem that wis by the gite.and tooke ^nd j brought it to Dan id, who would not drinke there- of.buf'' powred it for an fff?ring vnro the Lotd, I 7 And faid , Ο Lord, be it farre from me, that I Ihoiild do this. Is not this the blood of the men that went in ieopatJy of their Hues ' therefore he would not drinke it. Thefe thitige did thele three mighty men. 18 Τ * And Abifihiithe brother of loib , the fonne of Zeruiah,was chiefe among the three.and hee lifted vp his fpeare agiinft three htmdreth, t and Hew them, and hee had the name among the three. ip For he was moft excellent of the three.and was their captaine, but hee attained not vnto tfeff ;^/? three. 20 And Benaiah the fonne of Tehoiadathe ' fonne of fl j valiant man , which had done many ades.tfeii x^ai ofKabzeel.Uew two ftrong men of Moab • he went downe alfo , and (lew a lion in the midsofa pit in the time of fnow. %i And he flew an Ε gypti?n a Β man of great ftature.Sc theEgypti4i*»ii «^ fpeare in his hand: but he went downe toh'im with a ft ffe, and pluc- ked the fpeare oat of the Egyptians hand, and flew him with his owne fpeare. 2 2 Tbeie things did Ben.iiih th^ fonne of le- hoiada , and hid the name among the three wor- thies. 23 He was honnuratle among «thirty, "but he i attairied not to ihcfirfi three:and Dauid made him ofhiscounfell. 24 ^ "" Afahel the brother c\f loib was one of the thirtic : Elh--nan the fonne of Dodo of Beth- lehem : 2y Shammah the Hirodite : Elika the Haro- dite : 26 Helez the * D Paltite : Ira the fonne of 11?- keflitheTckoite : 27 AbiezertheAnethothite: "MebuDnaithe Hulathire : 28 Zalmon an Ahohite : Maharai theNeto- phathite : 29 Heleb the fonne of Baanah a Netophnhite : Ittai the fonne ofRibaiofGibeah of the children of Beniamin : 30 BenaiahthePirathonite: Hiddaioftheri- uerofG.'.a(h : 3 1 Abi-albon the Arbathite : Azmaueth the BarhuHiite ; 3 2 Eiihaba the Shaaibonite ; */the fonnes of 33 Sbamraah the Hararite : Ahiam.the fena ! ofShirartheH/rarite : 34 E!ipheletthef:>nneof Ahasbi, the fonne ο ' Miachathi : Eliam the fonne of Ahitophel th< Gilonite : 3 % Hezrai the drmelire : Paarai the Arbite : 36 Igilthe fonne of Nuthan of Zobah:Banith{ Gidite : 3 7 Zelek the Ammonite : Naharai the Beero- thite : the armour bearer of loab the fonne oi ZeruiA 3 ij Ira the Ithrite : Gareb the Ithrite : 39 Viijah the Hittite, 0 thirty and feuen in all, C Η A P. XXI 1 1 1. i Dauid caufeth tb' pets-pie to be numbred. i^ He re- pent eth , and chu^th to faUinto Gods hauit, ly Seuentie thoufand perifh with thtpeSiiience. e TheTeCimec• Dauid. and helped tereflocehim te his Kiojdome. t Before Aey WMt plagued with fa- .Cfcip.»!.!, bXhe Lo-dpci- iittid Satan, at ,Chi«a.li't. I Or, Zor, A Nd the wr-th of the Lord was * ig nne kindled agiinft Ilrael , and b he mooned Djnid ag.nnft them , in that he faid , Goe , number Ifr.iel and luddh. 2 For the King fa\-d toloabthe ciptaincof thv; ho.ifte, which w's with him. Go fpecdily now through ail the tribes of Itrael ,from Din cuen to j Bcer-iheb.\ and number ye the people, that I may i know the c n,imb.-r of the people. %T'o'^h wf p- 3 And loab fayd vnto the King.The Lord thy Let. and fo to tmi» God incre.ife the people an bundrethfoldcraoe 'hetein, itoffendel then they bee . :nd thnt the eyes of my lord the ^""^/,,^ί'•' "" r • ■ , 1 1 1 I 1 „• 'lawtiiUto n«mDet Kmgraay lee it: but why doeth my lord me King lihepteple, i«od. defiretliis thing ? Ijo.ia.Na'mb. a. a, 4 Notwithftinding the King* word prenaikd I againftloabSc againft the captaiaesof thehofte; therefore loab ;'nd the captAJnes of the hoile went i out from the prefence of the King to nuniker the people of Ifr.iel. J ί And they puffed ouer lorden , and pitched in Aroer atthe rightfideof thcci'-y that is inthe mids of the J valley of Gad.and toward lazer. 6 Then th?y came to jilead , and to J T.-th- ij^in.wijiniiMut. tim-hodllii.fothey came to Dan laan.and fo about to Zidon, 7 And came to the fortreffe of || Tyrus.,and to all the cities of the Hiuites and of the Canaanites, and went toward the South ofludah , etien to Beer-flieb». 8 ί So when they had gone about all the land, they retnrned to leruf alcm at the end of nine mo- neths and twenty dayes. 9 ί And loab deliuered the number and uimme of the people vnto the King : and th-t^• werein Ifrael*■ a.Sim.is,! ί Tlie lorifpiTii he had chofenit to knildhii Temple t DiBi'd faw not ihe iuB caufe why Cod plagiKd the people, and there- fore he offererh bimfelfe lo Godi (orreAions ai the ly eaufe of this iSewitabont ^aveeieoldoi i.S»m.s.+. i Fochisnaiartlf keaie vr2S worne may vich innels. |Or,y!»*fi>ii•, ( Wliicli tity w» In ihc iii&e of thou flfc three πιοηει3-8 before th!ne'"eren-.ies. tiity following ihee , or that there V c three ikyts peftiiCntc in :hy hnd ? now aduiie ihte . rr.d ice, vbiTcnivt-rr^ J tldl giue to him ihat knt mee. 14 ^ AnJDcUid icid vmoG^dJ fm inavorv derfuil ftr; it : let vs fall now into the hand of the Lord (for his mercies are great) and let mee not faJi into the hud of man. 1<; SoiheLcrdieiirapeftilenccin Ifraelfrom the morning cucn \nttJthc time appoynied: Hid there ditdof the peiflc fiom''Djneuen toBecr- il.eha feiientie ihculimd men. 16 And whtn the Angel ftretched out his h. nd vpon lerulait-m to de (troy it , the Lord ■•' re- pented of the eiiill.dnd laid 10 the .'\ngel,th<.t de- llroycd the peopitf , It is Infficit-nt , » hoide now thine hcnd. i»nd the Angel of thi. Lord w^s by thethreihing pi ee of Araiin h the IcLunte. 1 7 And D uid Tpkc: vnto the Lord (when he fiw the Angel that i'mote the peopie) jnd luide, Bihold. I haue finned.yea.l hau< i!one wickedly: bat thefe lheep>.-,what h^'.i e ihey * done? kt thine hand , I pray thee , be agnnft mee and ag.'.icft my fathers hoiile. 1 8 Τ i>o Gad came the fame day to Dauid.ind faid vnto him. Go vp. re?re an altar vnto the Lord in the threlhing floore of Araun,;hthe I«iuhte. 19 And Dauid (according to the laying of THE FIRST THE i: 1 Ν G S GaA) went vp.astbe Lord hr<^ccΓΓ.manL•t•d. iO And Ar.unah iooked.i-nd {.we the king and his Itru. nts conrmirg towards him , and Ar.ainah went out, end Lovcd himfelfe before the King in his f. ce to the ground. 2 I And 1 Areiin. h faid. Wherefore is my lord the kipg come to his lerutnt ? Then Dauid an- fwered , To buy the ihreil ii g floore of thee for to build : η altar vnto the Lord , that the plague n:iay ceaie fit m the people. 21 lh<.n Aratmdh faide vnto Dauid, Let my lord the King t.ke r.nd offer what ieemeth bira g(;od in his ί yes : behold the oxen ft/t the burnt cfK ring, and chcrets , and the infiri.ments of the oxcn for wood. 23 (All thefe things did Arai;n:.h "λ/ a king giue vnto the king ; and At. un.h kid vnto the king, The Lord thy God be fauottble vnto thee J 24. Ihcn the kirg l-id vnto Araunah , Kotl but I will buy it ot ihee at a price , and will not offer burnt cfFring vnto the Lord try God of that which doth coft tree nothing. So Dauid hou«;ht the thrcihing lioore , and the oxtn for " iiftie 11. e- fcelsof liliier. 2y. And Dauid built there an altar vnto the Lord. and oflrcd burnt cPiings 5c peace offrings and the Lord was appealed toward the land , aid the plague ceafedfium Ilrael, f Called alfo Oe- i.Chioii t• m That IS, ifeH! damly: fct aicmt e.hewaj Kiijj «f leitilaleni befcK Daiiid nanne the loviei. BOOKE OB THE ARGVMENT, Bicaufe the children ofGodfhouU looks for "" continuallrefl end quiet nejfe in this world, the holy Ghoftfitteth hejore our ey.s in this boake the vanette and change ofthtngs,vvhtch came to the people oflfr^el from the death tfDaud , Salomon . arJthe rejl of the E^n^s.vnto the d^'ath of ^hab.dt dating how that jloivijhin^ kingdorpest txceptthey be preferued by Gods prelection , [whothenfauou'eth them when hsvj ordis tru./j fit forth.Vertue efleemed , vicepufilfhed , ar^ lonco'd meifitat»• d) fall to dfcay and conte to naught : djjppeareth hy the diuidtK tf the kingdomevnder Roboam.cnd lerobtam, which btforevvere hut allone peoj.l^^^^ova by t he iusl pttnifh ment of God were m>ide tv ve,whercofIudah and BenttTfinvlaue t» Roboam , and^swas called the kingdom tf ludah : and the ether ten rrtbts held with leroboaiu , and thii was caittd the k^ngdome oflfrael The K^ng ef Iitdah htd his throne m lerufalem , and the king oflfrael in Samaria, after it was built by ^mii ^ ha bs fat Iter, ^nd becaufeour Sauiour Chnft according to tKefi(f'),fhonldcon>eoftheflockeofDauid,thegene.i/ggieoflhe I-^ing. »f ludah ts hrre d'fcr/bed.from Salomon to-Ioram the fonne oflofaphat , who raigned tuer ludah in Ierufjlfm,as ^hab did ouer If αεί in Samaria, CHAP. Γ. a ^bifnag keepeth DAuid in his extreeme age. ^ ^- donijah vfurpeth the kirfdome. 3 ο Salomon is Anoyntedk^ig- 1 Ο ^donijah fleet h tethe<ar. Ow when King Daiid was » olde , and flriken in yeeres.they coueredhim with c loathes , but no * heatecame vnto him. wherefore his fcrnams fayd vnto him. Let there be fought for ray lord the king a yong virgin , and let her g ifand before the king , and cherifh him : and let her lie in thy bofome , thai tny lord the King m -y get heate. 5 So they lought for a faire yong maide tho- rowoutailrhecoilis oflfrael.and found one Abv- ftiag • a Shun^mmite , and brought her to the king. 4 And the maid was exceeding faire.and che- riOied the king,andminiftredt&hun,biit the king knew her not. f, t ThenAdonij^hthefonneefHaggiib, ex- run J altedhimfelfe.faying,! will be king. And he gate him ch-.irets and horkraen , and "* tifty men to before him. 6 And• his father w^nld not difpleafe him from his t chiidhood.to fay .why hait thou done fo? And he was a very gootiiy man , and his mother bare him next after Ablalora. 7 And he t tooke counlell of Io;b the fonne of Zcruiah , and of AbiAthar thePrieft ; and they e helped forward Adonijah, 8 But Zadok the I'rieft.and Benaiah the fonne of Pchoioda, and Nathan the Prophet, and Shimei, and Rei , and the men of might, which were with Dauid.wtre not with Adonijrh. 5 Then Adonijah facrihted.^.eepe and oxen,. 8c fat cattell by the ttone of'Zohelcth.wfdch is by 8 En-rogel , and called all his brethren the kings fons, and ail the men of ludah the kings feruants, I ο But Nathan the Prophet, and Btnaich, and * the mighty- men , and siensouhJs brother hee called not,. iJ Wheie» >i Some write ihn eueiy tribe gait» sc »hichm:l:e 6e» ox that afterward he bought as iruci came to naSkeTstlt, i.chroa li>2S< ReaJe 2 San. iS-^ ftlr.Hiwf'if, Theytoolteh» part and iollovre4 0:t ih fumnitttf- As Ae Chere- ^ir«i and Pek' tbitis. s^QvHiJSiwri reatoirmerecl by Teaman• * i J.(m.}.+, f For Aden iah Will deiirny thea »nd thy foiise.if he teigne, h By de WeJtimi.the mon my fonne to ride vpon mine owne mule , and }'!!3[!"1"*"^ ^ im downe to Gihon, gavd^ 34 And let Zdok the Prieft and Nithan the Prophet apoynt him there king ouer Ifrael , and blow ye th*e trumpet, and fay, God faue King Sa- lomon. 5 r Then come vp after him, that he may come and fit vpon my throne : andheiliall be King in my ftead: for I haue + appointed him to be prince ouer lirael.and ouer ludah, 36 Then Benaiah the fonneof lehoiada an- fwered the king , and faid , So be k.and the Lord God ef my lord the king t ratifie it. If str/jj./,, 37 As rhe Lord hath beene with my lord the I kir^, fo be he with Salomon, and exalt his throne ahoue the throne of my lord king Dauid. | 38 _ So Ζ idok the Prieft, and Niathan the Pro- I phet , and Benaiah the fonne of lehoiada, and the i Cherechithes . and the Pelethites went downe and caufed Salomon to ride vpon king Dauids mule, and brought him to Gihon. 39 And Zadok the Prieft tooke an home of Ρ o)ie out of the Tabernacle , and anoynted Salo- mon : and they blew the trura{5et,3nd all the pec- pie faid, God Γ?ιιε king Salomon, 40 And all the people came vp after him , and the people piped with pipes, and reioyced with great ioy , fo that the earth t rang with the found of them. 41 1 And Adonijah and all the gheftes that were with him .heard it.: (and theyhad madean end of eating) and when loab heard the found of the trumpet , he laid , what meaneth this noiie and vproare in the city? 42 And as he yet fpake , behold, lonnhan the fonne of Abiathar the Prieft came : and Adcnijuh faid , Coaie in : for thou art a t worthy man , and \Έί' bringefti? good tidings. jp•»^. 43 And Icnathan anfwered .and faid to Ado- nijah , Verely our lord king Dauid hath made Sa- s wherewith iSey ccnllomed to anoynt the PrieftS md the holy inllm» , Exod.jo.Lj. fEtr.irsA/, of the hoafte,3nd Abiathar the Prieft: and behold, they eate and drinke before him, and fay, t God faue king Adonijah. 26 But mee thy ieruant,and Zadok the Prieft, and Benaiah the fonne of lehoiada, and thy fer- uant Salomon hath he not called. 27 Is this thing done by my lord the king, and thou haft not Ihewed it vnto thy >» feruant , who Ibould fit on the throne ofmy lord the king after him? 28 ί Then king Dauid anfwered, and faid, Call me Bath-ilicba. And Ibe came into the kings pre- fence.and ftood before the King. 29 And the King fware . faying. As the Lord liueth ,who hath redeemed ray foule out of all ad- uerfitie, 30 That as 1 η fware vnto thee by the Lor5 God of Ifrael , faying, Affuredly Salomon thy 44 And the king hath fent with him Zadok the Pneft , and Nathan the Prophet , and Benai h the fonne of lehoiad.i.and theCherethites.and the Pelethites,and they haue aufed him to ride vpon the kings mule. 4 Τ And Zadok the Prieft,and Nathan the Pro. phet haue anoynted him king in Gihon , and they are gone vp from thence w'ith ioy , and the city is mooued : this is thenoife thatyee haue heard. 46 And Salomon alio ficte'th on the throne of thekingdome. 47 And moreouer the kings fernants came » to bleffe our lord king Dauid, faying, God make the name of Salomon more famous then thy nam?, and exalt his throne aboue thy throne : therefore the king worfliipped vpon the f bed. 48 And thui fayd the king alfo , BI ^fled bee tlie Lord God of Ifrael, who hath made one 'fit mtncf [fed Γ q Hee prailed Γοιιβ- than, thinking to haue heaid comjet- tablrne-'.iS.birt God w'-on^ht thing! cf) nary te his expefan'on, ani fo did beaie doTrae hii ρ tide, r ToraVehiijij Jnd topftMni ptiyfeGodTorffiia f He g«ae Geii• thankes foi me good ίΜ(φΐ^ ^ 3> irge to Salomon• 'Oapm: Ms fithti had built in the Hooie of Aiiunah , -at fit on my throne this day, eueH In n%y fight. 49^ Then all the ghcftes that were with Ado- nijah , were afraid , and rofe vp , and went eiiery man his way. fo ^ And Adooijah fearing the prefence of Salomon , arofc and Went , and tooke hold on the homes of the ' altar. fT And one told Salomon , faying . Behold, 1 Adonijah doetlifeare king -Salomon : fbrloe , he ^ hath caught hold on the homes of the altar , fay- ing , Let King Salomon fweare vnto me this day, ] that he will not iky his feniant with the fword. j J- 2 Then Salomon faid , If hee will (liew him- 1 felfe a worthy man , tliere fhall not an haire of ' him fall to the earth, bat if wickedhe,s be found in him, he fhall die. f 3 Then king Salomon fent,and rhey brought him from the altar , and hee came and did obey- fance vnto King Salomon. And Salomon fayd vnio hin3, Goe to thine houfe. He dieth.Adonijah Jlaine. i2i «»ϊ amttaiyto -die as lUmen i inua. , b Ht dieweth j hew hard a thing it is CO gouetne, I aod that none can ) 4oe it well except : ht obey God. i Or,doimf'9. c And wtihonc hypocriiie. ■" .S*m.7,tt. ^Ekt.tmMjIuU tinfrem*fftti •thttnr. ♦ a JVm.i?. 10. Λ HeOiedhis blood in time et Seaee , as if there adbeene wane, c Hee put the bloody fwoid into his fiieath. f Thy is . they '4talt metcifiuly :».ΛΐΗ.ιί,ί, CHAP. Γ. tit^ ibepa. death V Dauid exktyttth Sahmm , imd liueth cbAtie tintirnitii Ittb^iAtT^iltei , ani Shimii. le The death tfHiHid, η Adtnijth »sktth Aiift*zt»vtife. if Heisflitine. iS ZeieKwatflacedmAbiatimtirfme. *^ Hen the dayesofDauidtkewneere that hee ihould die , and hee charged Saiemon his fonne, faying, 2 I goe the » way of all the earth: be ftrong therefore, and ihew thy felfc a man, 3 And takeheede to theb charge of the Lord thy God , to walke in his wayes , and keepe his ftatutes , and his eoraraandements,andhi»iudge- ments , and his teftiraonies , as it is written in the Law of Mofes , thlt thou mayeft ■♦•' 1! profper in all that tho» doeft , and in euery thing whercvnto thou turned thee, 4 That the Lord may confirme his worde which heefpakevnro me , faying , If thy fonnes take heede to their way , that diey walke before mee in« trueth , with all their hearts , and with all their foulei, *ί- thou ll-altnot (faid he) want one of thy pofieritie vpon the throne of Ifrael, ί Thou knoweft alfo what loab the fonne of I Zeriyah did to mee , and what hee did to the two captaines of the hoaftes of Ifrael,vnto*Abner the : fonne of Ner , and vnto* Amafa the fonne of le- j ther , whom he flew , and d Ihed blood of battell in peace, and* put the blood of warre vpon his girdle that was about his loyncs,and in his Ihooes that were on his feete. 6 Doe therefore according to thywifedeme, and let thou not his hoare head go downe to the graue in peace. 7 But ihew kindnes vnto the formes of * Bar- ziHai the Gikadite , and let them be among thera that eate at thy table : t fer fo ihey came to raee when I fled from Ablalom thy brother. 8 ί And beholde,with thee"•' «Shimei the ibnne of Gera , the fonne of leraini .-of Bahurim, \ which curfed mee with anhonible curfe in the i day when I went to Mihanaim : but hee came ! downe to meet me at lorden , and I fware to him by the Lord.faying,'•' I will not flay thee with the j fword. 9 But thou ihalt not count him innoceat: ' for thou art a wife man , and knoweft what thou oughteft to doe vnto himj therefore thou fl^alt caufe his hoare head to goe downe to the.graae witlu bloo4, I ο So * Dauid flept wiili his fathers , and was » buried in the citie of Dauid. i S.*« '*«*« Αίβ- houleofEliinSliiloh. life w/»id h«c* •28 "^ Then tidings csmc to loab: (for loab) vfa.itd the ung^ had tatumeJ after Adonijah .but hee -.uraednoti dome, chaj. 1,7, after Abfalom) and leab fled vnto the TabemaJ ioab and Sbimei are flaine. exliinliiugtobe fjtied by the holi- liv*ic Λ- tK^Te vpon thine owne head, 4y And let king Salomon be Heffed , and the thione of Daiiid eftabliihed before the Lord for euer. 4^ So the king commanded Benaiah the fonne of lehoiada ; who went out and fmote him that he died. And the * kingdome was " eftabiilaed in the hand of Salomon. CHAP. III. I SalcmiHtaketh Pharachi iauihltr fvife- f Thtlcri affeavtth tt him ,ttHdgiueth himivtfeilemt. 17 The fUaitttig efthe tw» huritti , »ni SAlemcHS fentenst C Alomon * then made -affinity with Pharaoh ' * king of Egypt , and tooke Pharcahs daugh- ter, and brought her into the a citie of Dauid . vn- till hee had made an end of building his owne houfe , and the houfe of the Lord , and the wall of lerulalem round about, 2 Oiiely the people facrificedin the * hie pla- ces , becaitfe there was no heiufebuilt vnto the Name of the Lord, vntill thofe dayes. 3 And Salomon loued tlie Lord .walking in|v»tothe Lerd. the ordinances of Dauid hist father : onely hecLj"''" ^^'!"? a Which WM Seth-lehesi, fcwhereiltars ΛverJ appointed :t\ before the tempi* Vfajbuflt, toortet the ahead of Ioab, and on the head of his feede j facrificed and offered inccnfe in the hie places, ihimtoobeyihe for euer: but vpon Dauid, and vpon bis feede.and ; 4 And the King went tod Gabeon to facrificelioid andwiikein vpon his houfe and vpon his throne ftiali these i there, for that was the chiefe hie place : athon-i^''"=y«.c)iap.»,j be peace for euer from the Lord. fand burnt offrings did Salomon ofier vpon that 1 34 So Benaiah the lonne of lehoiada went vp, j altar. J and imote him and flew him . and he was buried ! y In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Salomon 1 in his owne houfe in the wilderneffe. i in λ dreame bynight : andGodfaid, Askewliat : 3y And the King put Benaiah the fonneof Khali giue thee. I lehoiada in his roume oner theho.ifte .-and the ; 6 And Salomon faid , Thou haft Ihtwed vnto «AndTotoole ^'"S iet Zadok die rPrieftiu the roume of Abi•. \ thyferuar.tD.iuidmy father great mercy ,ϋ when the 0 fine ot the ' athc;r. i he Walked before tlicc in trueth,and in rightcouf- i'^/'f "r "■" if ^^ ^ Afterward the king fent , and called Shi- | neffe.andin vprightiielTe of heart with thee : and «aotedifio'the" "i^'i and laid vnto him .Build thee an Jioufe in ; thou haft ' kept for him this great mercie.andje thoi. ban pet heuft ot phinthasf. lerufalem, and dwell there , and depart not thence ; haft giuen him a fonne . to fit onhis throHe,as e/»-|fo™«d thypto- ■* mei £ js| leruf: Γ any w 37 e the Tabernacle wis, »,Chioa,j,:. Β 0',;e£utiHg this charge of tnling, *« . Cir<». 1. 1 o, flOr,.4fAV«l, inghisiuft ; chah king of Gath : and they told Shimei .faying, ! is able to iudge this thy δ mighty people V Hi's ccnetoiis mind mooned hin lather to venture fcislife lofe hisviotldly Bicht 'hich he fiannn. 3ehold,thy feruantsiiinGath. ! 10 And this plcafed the Lord' w'elU that Salo- 4.0 And Shimei arofe , and fadledhis affe , and ί mon had delired this thing. went to Gath to Achiih, to feeke h'is feruants: i 11 And God faid vnto him. Eecaufe thou «It. tS iiiiTnei want, and brought his feruantsfrona ihaft asked this thing, and haft not asked for thy ^"^h. Ifelfe long life , neither h>ift asked riches for thy J 41 And it was. tolde Salomon , that Shimei ifelfs .nor haft asked the life of thine ''enemies; y (had gonsfromlerufalemtoGach.and was come ί but haft asked for tby felfe vnderftanding to had a&ainr- ! u^„o ;„,l«„~^»,. ° g which ate f» inacy in niimbe «For though thoit woiildcit de:i:c, ystihijiQQwne icitnc. «o.a4 ae t'nee for 1 ailing and doi againc 42 And the King fent and called Shimei , and f-tid vnto him , Did I not make thee to fweare by die Lord , and proftefted vnte thee , faying , Thit d.'v that thau goeft out , and walkeftany whither, inowe ailV.redly that thou ihak die the death? And thou faideft' vntome.The thing is good, that lhaiKhesrd. 43 V'hy then Tiaft then not kept the oathe of the Lord , and die. conimandement wherewith I chirged theo? 44 The King iiid aifo to Shimei ^ "Tliou kno-.velt all the wickednelfe wherevmo tiiini lieati isfiriuicthatthaudidJcfttoDuuidiny fa,. i hxhat;?, that thin* cnemie Snaali ii«t. heare iudgement,, 1 2 Bcholde , 1 naue done according to thy wordes : loe , I haue^uen thee a wife and vnder- ft.^Hding heart, fo that there hath beene none like thee before thee , neither aftei thee ftall arile the like vnto thee | • 1 3 And I ha'ue alfo ■* giuen thee that , which ;* mmI. i.jjj, thou haft not asked, both riches andhonour.io'^f/"''•^•"• that among the Kings there Jflhall be none like 1",°^'•*'*"*'^ - vnto thee all thy. dayes. ., Γ '^ 14 And if tiiou wilt walke in my wjj^es , .so kee|)e rajile ordinances and my comrr,jndtjnent$, * as thv fathci Dauid did waike , I will ptolongL ^ thyxlayes-, V^-^^i «J. Aad . .• Lt»*- _ Tnetwo h ittots pleading» iKcIincwthit Godhadippo- cc4 vnio bim in adicamc. I Or.siibfiDif/. k By ihis example ic appcneth that Cod kept piomifc with Salomen in ^ituiringbia !She«£«chc i)uiclie;hilde away.becasfe Qie jnigtitbtthaHOide ifht frame aal juaifiimcat Sfcesb BC inig I _ I y And when Salomon awoke,behold it was } * a drcame , and he came to lerufalem , and ftood I before the Arke of tlie coiienant of the Lord , and offered burnt offerings and made peace offerings, and made a feaft to all his kruants. 16 f Then came two J harlots vnto the king, and * ftood before him. 1 7 And the one woman faid , Oh my lord , I and this woman dwell in ene houle , and I was deliuered of a childe with her in the houfe. 1 8 And the third day after that I was deliue- red, this woman was deliuered alfo, and we were in the houfe together: no ftranger was with vs in the houfe faue we fwaine. 19 And this womans fonnc died in the night: for ihe ouerlay him. 20 And ihe arofe at midnight , and Itooke my fonne from my fide, while thine haiidmaide flept, and layed him in her bofome , and layedher dead fotine in my bofome. 21 And when I arofe In the morningtogiue my fornie fucke , behold.he was dead : and when I had well conlldered him in the morning , be- hoJd.it was not ray fenne, whom 1 hadborne. 2 2 Then the other uOman laid , Nay , but my fonne liiieth , and thy fonnc is dead. Againelhee faid , No , but thy fonne is dead , and mine alius; thus they fpake before the king. { 23 Then faid the king, She faith .This that Π- Ι lieth is my fonne , and the dead is thy fonne : and itlie other faith.Nay.but the dead is thy fonne.and theliuingismy lonne. ■ 24 Then the king laid, «"Bring raee a fword: C^>. ry. Salomons officefs^andproiii lions. 122 Epn^lfii". ! ίΠ'Ι ^l^^y brought out a fwurd before the king, _ cielpiirer QnU ••ueithtowtht iuft cjnft of ih« in- soceaf. ■ Metmothcily afFeftionhiitiii appeaieth that (he had laihit indtne the rigont of the Xavv.rheBfteher «hilde cruelly iViMi». hit thief* oi¥ceiJ. b Hce wat the fenne of Achi- mais and Zadots cKotAbfKhit ' >wh«m SalemAa I had ^ί tram hi! I office. Chip, t,» I fcui snothei of I that Mame. 2y And the king faid .Diuideyee the liuing childe in tvvaine , and giue the one halfe to the one, and the other halfe to the other. i6 Then fpake the woman , whofe the liuing child was , vnto the king , for her compaffion was kindled toward her fonne , and iliee laid , Oh my lord.giue her the liuing child and " ilay him not: but the other laid. Let it be neither mine nor thine, but diuide it. 27 Then the king anfwered and faid , Giue her the liuing child , and flay him not ; this is his motJier. 28 And all Ifrael heard the iudgement which the king had iudged.and they feared the king: for they faw that ^e wifedome of God was in him to doe iuftice. CHAP. IV. a Tbt frineesatidrulttsvndtt SalemtH. 2x The purrtiy' tnttfnhisvtaunti. i< Tht number »f his herfti. 31 Hii b*ikes andwritiH^s. ouer all IfraeL rinces,' Azariah the fonne of Zadok the Prieftri 3 Elihoreph and Ahiah thefonnesof Shiflia, Scribes .leholhaphat the fonne of Ahilud.thc Re- corder, 4 And Benaiah the fcaine of lehoiada wat euerthe hoafte.and Zadok and « Abiathar,Priefts, y And Azjriab the fonnc of Nathan τ/^βί ouer the oflicers.Sc Zabud the fonne of Nathan,Prieft, x'j/d/ the kings friend, jS And Ahiiliar was ouer the honfhold , and * Adoniram the fonne of Abda vvat ouer the tri- bute, . 7 f And Sali, ntion had twelue officers ouer 41 Ifi-aeljwhichlprouided viituaU for the king and his houfliold : each man had a moneth in the yecre to prouide viiitBals. 8 All thefe are their names : the fonne of Hur in mount Ephraim. 9 The fonne of Dekar inMakaz , and in Sha- albim and Beth-ibcmelh , and H Eion and Beth- banan: 10 The fonnc of Hefed in Aruboth , to \vhom perteined Shochoh ,and all thelandofHepher• 1 1 The lonne of Abinadab in all the region of Dor , which had Taphath the daughter of Sa- lomon to wife. 1 2 Baana the fonne of Ahilud in Taanaclj and Megiddo , and in all Betli-ftean . which is'b ,^ . . ■ by Zartanah beneath Izreel . from Beth-lbe..n « to"" °'••• '*'?■•»'" Abelraeholah , etien till beyond ouer againft lokineam. 113 The fonne of Gebcr inRamoth Gilead, and his were the townes of d lair , the fonne of Manafleh. which are in Gilead, and vnderhimil whichtowre» was the region of Argob, which is inBall-an- •'""^,ΗΒ,η,*. threefcore great cities with walies and barres of ^ί""'*!?" ""'''* brafle. |tnim oltneCauaa- 14 f Ahinadab rhefonneofIddo64itoMa-"""''^"" ^*'*'' hanaim: IT Ahimaaz in Kephtali , md hee tooke Baf- math the daughter of Salomon to wife: 16 Baanath the fonnc of Hufliai inAlherand inAloth: \ 17 lehofliaphat the fonne of Pariiah in , char: Jifa-l 1 8 Shimei the fonne of Elah in Beniamin: Salomen oWer- *u ^""..^i 111», luiuicui cijii inueniamin: taomha! lofl-ua «-•i^ j^t^" '^*^ fonne ofUri in the coiintrey ofUade,b„tdiaidc4 Gilead, the land of Sihonkingofthe Amorites,i''""''8'"''«ft andof Og king ofBallian . and was ofHceraJone inf'T f•'^"!"* theland. ?"'*• 20 I udah and Ifrael ffer* many, as thefandofi eating , drinking , and ma-i If They lined iit fall peace and ANdking Salomor» was king 01 2 And thefe were* his pri the fonne of Zadok the Prieftr;^* the fta in number. f kingmcrcic. 21 * And Salomon reigned oHer all king-^fS domes,fiom theSRiucr f «ί« the l.ind of the Phiii-'* ec'/,.,.*7. .5 . ftims, and vnto the bor^^ of Egypt and thev 'β ''^'"'''' " "^^ brought prefents , and ferued Salomon .ill the '''"*'"• dayes ofhislife. ' 22 And Salomons viftuals for one day were thirtie t meafures of fine floure , and threefcore , . . meafures of meale : '""iEir. c»«»». 23 Ten fatoxen.andtwentieoxenofthepa- ftures ,and ari hundred /lieepe , befide harts .and buckes , and bnglcs , and fat foul e i 24 F^rheruledin allfA.re^y.«cn ^otl,erfideiiio,.e.i^ of the Riuer , from Tiphfah euen vntoB Azzafa,'hFOrrheywere ouer all the «kings on the other fide the Riuer• !'""'''"'"'« ^■»" and he had peace round about him on euery fide Γ° '"'"' 2y And Iiidah and Ifrael dwelt without feare- euery man vnder his vine ,.nnd Miderhisfio.treej from » Dan , euen to Beer-lbeba , all the dwes ofl' Thtonghoet «U Salomon. ^ ■''^^"^ iftaei. ftalles of horfesfor his charets , and twelue diou- fandhorfenien. 27 And thefe officers prcuided viSuall for king Salomon, and for all that came to king Sa- lomons table, euery man his moneth , ^«/chev fuffered to lacke nothing, ' 28 Berlay alfo and ftniw for the horft;sand mules , brought they vnto the place were the of-i*««'«.+r. '*' ficers were.euery man according tohischaroe !.'■'*• i?_^..!>.^"jl^°''S,^"^Sdomonwif.dome%nd;v^de"tf;/;•" vnderftanding exceeding much,&ia Igr euen a$ the fand that is on die fca (here. ' heartv>ndabi< jftehcad aUdiiji^l iaiomons wifecJome. Hiiara. "Ικΐ ίΤβ wit.tlw Phi- ofophersand A- ftioiiomers, which Vtie iiidged moil i 30 And Salomons wifedome excelled the wif- ^ome of ill the children cf the' Eaft, and all the wifedome of Egypt. 3 1 For hee was wifer then any man : fM, , then were Ethan the Ezrahitc.thenHeman.then Chd- ^he building oftheV I made a conenantr I I ? ί And king Salomon raifed a fumme out lof all Ifirael , and the iumme W4S thirty thoafand raen; 14 Whomhiie fentto L'ebanoa ,ten tbotifand •C4^.+,«J, m which foi die moRpauarc thought tehaiie feiiOied in che ejptiiiitie of B>- [bylen. ji Ftom «he hiefl t• thtJowiH- ./rt, fcol , then Darda the fonnes of Mahol : and he was i a moneth by cotirfe ; they were a moneth in Le pmous thorowout all nations round about, ibanon.and twomonethsathome. And ■''■Adoni ( 3t And Salomon fpake three thoiifand™ pro- : ram fviwouer the fumme, ] kierbs : andhisfongs were athoufandandfiue. if And Salomon had feuemie thonfand that • I 33 And hee fp.ike of trees .from the cedar tree bare burdens , and fourefcore thoufand mafons in ' fthat is in Lebanon , euen vmo the » hyffope that the Mountaine, sfpringeth out of the wall: he fpake alfo of beaftes, ; 16 Befides the β princes , whcan Salomon ap-J 'and offoules.and of creeping things, and of; pointed ouerthe worke .«Kwthrcethoufandandfi Of.mjfl, filbes. : three hundreth., which ruled the people that "'"''^'' 34 And there came of all people to heare the j wrought in the worke. wil'edome ofSalomonjfrom ail kings of the earth, ! 17 And the King commanded them , and they i wJiich had heard of his wifedorae, brought great ftoncs and coftly ftonestomake CHAP. V i *^^f°""'J3tions of the houfe.iwis hewed ftones.! Hhmfcminh ic Saim,n,»nd SaUmoHf him , fufptfoig \ 1 8 And Salomons workemen , and the work-'^J^* ^uiZxim - U buiti the hmfe tf Gti- 6 He prepareth the flaffeftr the mCD of Hiram , and the ^ mafons hewed and pre -J ^hich fome hy = iuMmg. 13 The number of the wnktmen. pared titaber and ftones for the building of the- we««c,iitnt i, Δ Nd Hiram king ofllTyrus fent hisferuants ;: houfe. \tnti9a$. I vnco Salomon, (for hee had heard that they [ C Η A P. VI. '-had anoynted him king in the roomeofhis fa- ϊ i Tit iuUJihi ef titTtmiUand'aiffrmlsimtf. la Tii fther) becaufe Hiram had euerloiiedDauid. ('<"»•/<■ 'fttelorcti»sai,m«!•. 1 I 2 i< And Salomon ient him to Hiram, faying, ; Λ Nd*in the fbure hundreth and fonrefcoreL^ ^.^^^^ ^, i 3 Thou knoweft that Dauidmyfathercould 1 '^yeere (afterthechildrenoflfraelwerecome; ' ■*' * not built an houfe vnto the name of the Lord his , out of the land of Egypt) and in the fourth yeere' I God, for the warres which were about him on ; of the raigne of Salomon ouerlfrael, in the mo-, which montth r Or, «f crpmir/. , euery fide , vntillthe Lord had put ϋ them vftder ; nctli *Zif, (which is the fecond moueth) he builticantainethparinf sHedeciareth ■ the loles of his feetc : the b houfe of the Lord. Apniiandpiacf ioftiioahGods ' 4 But now the Lord my God hath giuen me 2 And the houfe which king Salomon built ^^Vj^ glory, for as much, a left on euery fid^, /« ftoi there is neither aducr- for the Lord, was threeicore cubites long , and meant (hi Ximji, i.Chrm.1,1, as the Lord had J {^thimttfland : fcace. *'ι,Χιι»ι•7.>3. j^rie nor euill to relift. twenty broad,and thirty cubites high. ind the Oracle. y Anu benome.i purpoie toDuiiaanwuit; j^.•.-....^. j^vi^„ ιλι«»^ «,ν •"-"■t"^""•"^ „herethcBeo»i» vnto the Name of the Lprdmy God,-^as the Lord noule vvat twentie cubites long according to the praytd,which w,, fpake vnto Dauid my father , faying . Thy fonnc , breadth of the houfe , and ten cubites broad be- btfot» ihe pii.e whom I willfet vpon thy throne foi• thee , he fijall fore the houfe. where the tliat of broad !.l"rft"e» b This WIS hi* e OiohU helpe to . btijU the Spititu- H\ Temple, , 4 And in the .houfe he made windowes without, sndnznow wit htn. Ιΐ'οίΤ'• «i*»<»Mi Τ And by the wall of the houfe he made Β gal- I'fiu'- leries round about ,euei> by the wals of tlie houfe l°^^l'^"•. round about the Temple and <* the oracle , and fpjj(/bctt»«Be '. made chambers round about. the chembiais, 6 And the nethermoft gallery Z'VAs fine cubiteSi'*>"«<' aifothe broad, and the middlemoft fixe cubites broad,;"•'"*'''??'»'^^ and the third feuen cubites broad : for hee made ι * refts round about without the houfe, that ίΛίϊ heames fl^ould not be faftened in the walks of the «„,;".«*•„ houie. commingoiit of 7 And when the houfe was built , it was built *« wall , as eay«4, toi inc bcames to build an houfe vnto my Name 6 Now therefore commaund , th^t they hew me cedar trees out of Lebanon , and my feruants •■ benehte wnnout '^"'■^^^ ^c with thy feruants , and VHto th.-ewilll ; fSmrtecompence. giue the b hire for thy feruants , according to all ί cjnHitamis ^tjj^ thou ilialt appoint ; for thou knoweft that tlKre are none among vs ,-that can hew timber :, : like vnto the Sidonians. : 7 - firretrees.iKiii his full defire, ; lo Andhe.builtthe galleries vponalithe W/^„^,'°,„/f^;^ II And Salomon gaue Hiram iweaty thou- [ of the houfe of fiue cubites height, and they were ora«u themes• • ,fand t mealures of whcate for foode to his houf- ■ ioyncd to the houfe with beamcs of cedar, Iwlj eU*(| j|hold,and twentie meafures of fi beaten oyle. Thus [. 1 1 Aad the word, of the Lord came te Salo- f nethe .inuch gaue Salomon to Hiram yeere by yeere, inon, fayings ; fetnitnreoi^eoa I 12. ^ And the Lpid gaue Salomouwifedome s 2, Concerning this houfe which thou buildeft, tjii^iuiUi,, " las hee^promifed him. And there was pecce be- - if thpu wilt walke in >nine,ordirjnces.& execute ,; itvwene. Hkam.aa4Salomi«i». iwd tbey « twO ,,Pyi«dgeraentSi&.k?ep«4liny jeminandem^ _^ — - — t— -'"'- ••.;...• ' • I ' : — ψ\ • V- , ff (It^fltti. d V.'hilemy fet- pied sboat thy buCjiene. f Kr.Con'i». fl Or, t^-e. *Clup.i,if • .AirtCtlchlB 8 The doorc <^ the middle 8 chamber was.ioJ*''''-•*^''! the right fide of the houfe , and men went vp with , winding ftaires into the middlefQoft , and out of ji the middlemoft into the third. 4 , * j. • • 9 So he built the f houfe and finiHied it. and „uJ;',,7;^^^^^^^^^^ fieled.the.hQuie ibeing vawted with,l.iejing of ce- nwie : and the dar trees. Temple is here i-ftip.VI. The CBaupTmsTizF" 21 So SalomoB couerecJ the hoiife withic with pure golde : and hce t Ihut the piace of the oracle with chaines of golde, and coucred ic witi golde. 2 2 And he ouerlaid all the houfe with golde vntill all the houfe was made perfite. aHo he co• iiered tlie ' whole altar , that wss before the ora- cle, with golde. 23 And within the oracle he made two Ch^ rubimsofe Oliue tree.ten'iubitcshigh. 24 The wing alfo of the one Cherub vvas fine cubites, and the wing ofthe other Cherub τ/Χ"»/ fue cubits : from the vttermoft part of one of his wings vnto the vttermoft part of the efW of his wings, were ten cubites. 2 J Al.o the other Cherub was often cubites; both the Chetubims were of one mealure anil Cine fife. 1 MeaBtng , cKe altar of incenfc, £xo(l. JO, 1. '^Qr, Vixe «VI, The cxttfe rshjivt tiKitutreA itndfet tpm the Temple,wilhtut fit- ting fcirth the v>*U that ts befne it,ii, that the trier tfthcfe things \th*t nteivithitiymightbefeeHtmtte Ituelj. A Β The length of the Temple cf three fctre cnbit es. A C The breadth oftwentie cubites ytithin.iS nctmeafunng the thickemjje of the waSes.This alfo i»;ii the length of the ptrchivithc»! the Temfie. CO The height tf thirtie cubites. Ε F The chambers of the Priejis, which ctmfajfed about the Temple m three βάα. Sonth,H^efi,aMiNirth,Andwere of three height). G Η The breadth cf the porch ten cubies. J The• Xvindivnes of the Temple. KThe firflchjmier wasfiuecubitei broad. 1 Ζ The fecind fixe. Μ The third fenett. NOV Tht reftes or flayes tf the wall , nhich bare if the pofls that did feparate chamber 'rim chamber, ^The holy place. R The hthtft «/«ί,ιιΆ"» the A>ke »f i the toitenailt'ieas.S The gate to enter into themoi} holy place.T The I fne ciHdIe/licks on euery fide ef the Temple. V The te» tables ΟΛ ' iith fides for the fbervbread. X The tncenfe attar. f*,Sm.7> m Accoidirglt liepiomifed vnto Mof«s, £xaa],a*, * Meaning, vnt «hetonfc. which Vras alfoficlcd. ί Fet whin he l^ake ef the honrc an the (itft vcrfe,hi meant both the Oiatle,an(ithe Temple. I Or.mUiiuci,. tnnt. * That Ji.jn the to walke in them , then will I performe vnto thee my promife,* which I promifed to Dauid thy fa- ther. 13 And I wills dwell among the children of Urael , and will not forfake my people Ifrael. 14 So Salomon built the houfe.and finilhed it, I y And built the walks of the houfe within, with boards of Cedar tree from the pauement of I the houfe vnto h the walles of thefieling , and \ , within he couercd them with wood, ^nd couered ί the floore of the houfe with planks of fiire. 16 And he built twentie cubites in the fides of "j the houfe with boards of Cedar , from the floore ! to the walles-, and hee prepared Λ /j/fhervennott.\i>iitne ofCeder-boardes. A The co»rt of the Friezes next to the porth, called the inner riurt, fn it was neerer the Temple then XQ.XS the peopUs. Β The Altar of burnt facrifijes .nhici, UPas much greater then Mtfesyvas. For the length hereof nas twentie cubites and the breadth asmuch.anditnin height. C Tentauers.x chron,^,6 D Tl fea.i.Chron.^.Z Ε The nurt of the people, t chro.i,9 and 6.i2,which iscaB the ireat porch . and in Acles 3,11. the porch of SaUmon. This court isofi takeninthe Scripture of the NewTkfiament for the Temple, Matth. »/ Aaes 3 a,3 for the people dii not pajfe vp-further , but did worfbip in this mt This „ the place wbercn Chrifl and his Apoflles-vfed to preach', and whi Chrifl did caft the buyers and fellers . prayed , that he might be better fci long.fiut broad, and in height three, ir,z.ki» F A page of Irafie , vhereonSalr and heard of the people. It was fine . .Chrin.ci}. .E F Τίιζ•νφΙ1 ιτΛί ι» lempA/ft ihirtie tubus. C Thttwt reives rvhieh tcmptffedtke vrfell abtut.andvrere gutltifieiwilb tuSes hexi'., rohirein vert fifes (c autid thfrcattr, ,' 24 And \-nder thebrimof ifPt/iri knops Jikej wikle cnciimers compafsing ir roundabout , ten; " I one cubite, compafsing the fea * round about:|* i.Cfw».. and the two rowes of knops were caft, y'•,"^ was molten. pie jflai Ithjj iis!«i nitMil MunftUn ward tie N'orth , and three,' r ^i _«. thrie toward the Sou'-^.^f^SiJ^mcnh: Eaft : and the feaj?*"'•^"^ ftyd. What co.m theirhin-^^ . .-..1-y makean ^nlwereto this peoples hearts.bu , 7" Anrd'they fpikoS-nto him , frying, , If thou ||ί« g""' ;''«™ *«= if crib* for cjy ferBiBt--i be j fc feruant vnto this people this day .and feruc j"^ Ρ«α"β»•. j , them,| ?b They (hewed j pirn that there vft» *j fnewayto win ihe '7 ρ Eatli ini ep5iah Htnie «fi be beth mcaWe , Eze Λ ■ euery i^ath conteiiied sboiii !&>•./*« Wrr/, q The meuth of Ihe g tat bsfc ox ffamciniredmro the chap';«t , or pillar ihai bate vp ihtcaU(oji. ofibc I.Kin C ο,,,.ν I WWA was ejU ' ledchepllav. cha. -pjitr.or imaUbafe wherein the Cil- dionnooj. r Toieept T»a- itrsfot he vfc of ihefacifites. 1 wii.of I t Τθ wii.of ihe Temple -^r San- itary, r i Or, t^ «AV-tciii^ingih' fiitiiiaite oiwooa cup with floiires of lilies : it contained two thou- fandPbjths. 27 Τ And he made tenbafes of braffe.one bafe z/vas foiu'c cubitcs long, and fouie cubites broad, and three cubits hifih. ί And the workc of the bafes was on this mancr , They had borders , and the borders were betweene the ledges: 29 And on the bunders that were betweene the ledges.where lions .bulles and Cherubims.-and pen the ledges there was a bale aboue : and be- neath the lions and billies, were additions made ofthinne worke, 50 And euery bafe had fourebrafenwheeles, and plates of brafle : and the foiire corners had i vnderfetters : vnder die caldron were vnderiet- ters molten at the fide of euery addition. 51 And the moudi of it wis within the cha- piter and bone to meafure by the cubite : for the mouth thereof was round , m:de Jike abafc.and it wasaciibit .nJ h'Ifea cubit: andalfovponthe month thereof were grauen works , whofe bor- ders were foiire iqnarc , I one cafting,onemealure,rt^iione file. ■ 3 8 C Then made hee f ten caldrons of brafle, one caldron conteined foiirtie baths , and euery caldron wixjifoare cubits, one caldron τ-^Λ-τ vpon one bafe throughout the ten bafes . '^ά^;^ 39 And he fet the bafes , hue on««ght fide of the houfe, and fiue on the left fide jt^houfe. And he fet the fea on the right fide o»flf'hoplc Eallward toward the South, W t , 40 f And Hiram made CaldiOns.anMiqfonits, and bafens , and Hir.im finiihed all the'^^e that hee made to King Salomon for die h#M^f the Lord: *"' ' 41 To wit, two pillars, and iffibo\^s of the chapiters that v;sre on the top of the twpiilirs, aiad two gntes to couer the two bowles of the chapiters which were vpon the top of die pillars, , 42 And fouic hundreth pomegranates for the ■■^ grates, euen two rowes of f oraegrnnates for to couer tlr; tv/o bowles of the cha- ponthe pilkrs, .-Safes , and ten caldrons vpon A S The bafe whnevptn fltti theclinm, whchwuiftnf cutuUml- BC Fmre^ubtU^ircade, ^ ^J>''" '"^'''', jr The ho,in ct ii^rhmrnfi.P fcUmg tcAnd fr.. G The foure fl,i,^s or vf>h',litrs,vh,eh nerevpun tht UfewhtYevfcnth* Ctlimn flcoie. 1 TheCeldmn. 4^ In the pl-ine of lordendidthe Kingcaft , them in C clay betweene Sucroth and Ζ Tthan. | o,(Wtii 'fi^i 47 And Salomon left i» wet^h all the veflels, becatife of the exceeding .-.bund. nee , neither could the weight of the br fe be counted. 4g So Salomon made -^l! the veflels that per- _- , „, .^^, reined vnto the ho.ile of d.e Lord . the x golden^ .^^/to Γ altar, and the golden table , whereon theinew-^in,t,h,cthe bread Wis. 4Q And the candlefticks^fine atthe right fide, and fue at the left.before the uracle of puregold, and the flowers, and the lamps, and the Inuftersof ί gold. ' • ΪΟ Andthebowlcs.ynndthehookes.andthe I bafens, and the fpt.ones.and the ηΠ-,ρ mnes of pure [ golde, and the h indges of golde for the doores of I the houfe within .««e» for the moft holy place, I and for the doores of the honle .t#ff»> .of the Temple. . yi So was finiihed all the worke that king Sa- lomon made for the houie of the Lord, and Salo- I mon brought in the things which * Daiiid his fa- ! ther had dedicated : the fiUi-r end the golde and i the veflels, rt»ii l;;yed them among the treafures of '■ the houfe of the Lord .ordptelcribei nto Moles in L-iodns. ' <;omt (ike thit- fome inftiu^ ntntofmuficlsej .CifiX, s,rj CHAP. VIII. rkthhrtif inlo ike Tempi ,+ Th kjilhUffeth V 10 AdtuifiUiththeTem- .ePr't'' h'Cte.r.ui. ' ^ r Eir. SJ-mtre^ , nfl-embled the ^^c^^^,^„ . heads of the tribes , thejobed edom , an* Th.sfe, ΤΓ Hen * King Salomon : liraeKeuen all the h^— . -,^„.>. cuum, chiefe fathers of the children t.f Jfticl vnto thimjplaced it in the in lerufalem, for to^a bring vp the Arke of thejo^ ^"^μΆ ^\t Sam. 6, uen^nt of the Lord from the city of Dauid, which I C Η A I' .,|,ji,£. bills ^-vider that fea,•. *-. iv" bafens : and all j^ Salon-ion, was building his o\siie houfe 1— ihiitecne. yeeres,.a»Ki» finiihed flU his is Zion; rie l•, H,ihicf,ih liufeofS.il• i -flrif.of Hh^fi* Ikefieceti in g put of Septcber, &pa ; i And all the men of Ifraelafiembledvnto j King Salomon at the feaft in the moneth of "Ε- ι thanim , which is the feuenth monetb. ,...,„ „»« , \ "»"^ \'pcii-;l ail the Eldersoflfrael c$rie .aHdthcreafli.Mum.i,.. 3 Ami V wa3co\.> in Σ«ία juie he vied 1 A T.hcV of Odtober.i.- vi*ieh moneih thty held three folemne.- ^paa •I. Salome - rhf *rf e 'Γ-Λ :"cr'a-d cuSid KHD* Li..c , ^ici α- JZI^ii^ :,fceepe ■ •« ■-2 Aiscfrfce -:οώΞθ- 7' -.e.eoen fi:._ _.__^ _._...., jj liier wsie bit-re ns , 2S oos ίβκ•βΜΚ« :ct- τ • ■ ι •.:, *ft.O*>.6,I. . lo Aad wben cie Pikftes were cflose ctx ef 5κ Saictaer , dk: "* doi-d tired -J^ boafe of:2« Lotd. : So tli^: πκ Prit- i κ> m- uifter-, bec^n'• c^-i^z ν cf *-- tocJ h^l- ■ .• 1 i i : 15 ΙΛ. . . -: -in.:. li ^.-. j: :!:; !::£';; - Λ -re it Wis in ibeheattofDaniiir-.; : . - boQ^ to thcKamecttbeJuuc^^. - . . — -the Lord uiavatoIXandmTfeau;, Wiicre^ ii was in aineiesrrro boLdajhcz^ri vnto ITT Ν -36 . thou iiJft weJ. ihsz dwii vrau :,) iciisj ρνπ ff-f 1 :r£ipu£"e a^cfiV^ I ^ ^ -iT pec ■p Bill wni t . -: ύ•^ * thatic if ice ; rz D^iiiC my r jihei , . .^ _ _ £s the Lcrs Γτοίηίί«α , ir fe d>f Ssa er the Lor i -3cc iLi not buili the hc::!^, i \ϊεο tje-i£ fibers. ' irr^ ■--V-JcfTiiti. "I ^ " 0!S« A*i the people r-^ i/l» r 0025 rcoke __ ^ .,._ i:a Good i«f«eSdoHKB his " ^~1 . -Tee! ' ' 7- AiAaer φΛε'-τ!» han . feri^ 'JfAcn^^t**•**' ai Aad&d *OLcid ^^^=rl*ru3: ibcJfefcu«RiiEodiispe£^ediisdsy,aidr '-- -— ^ ί jxjc oc tie Lei :. Salomons prayer fortVie ilialbe made of any ram erof all Ay people Ifi-a- 1 el , when euery one fl^all know the plague in his owne-e-^ar: , and ftretch forth his hands in this houfe. 3 9 Heare thou then in he^'-uen , in thy dwel- ] I. Kings; ' -people : His ofFring. ■• F»( fiich ire .moBmeete to ttcthe Gods jMfe iiich as (hoiild be jiHtnedfrom their I idolatry to fetuc ttucnic Ged, praying all this* prayer and fii.ipHcation νιιιο"*'''»•"»»''.• the Lord.hee rofe from before the altar of the Lord , from kneel ing on his knees, and ftretching of his hjnds :o heauen, yj And ftood andblefledallEheCongrega- figrt.e et chrM, whocentiiBiUy iitheMcdiaiwt | ^ctvecne Cod j tnd htf ChKch• ling place, and be meicifull.auddo.andgiueeoas- \ tionof IfraeLwith aloud voyce.iay.'ng, f y man according to ail his waies, as thou know- ' ^ "■ «- > eft his heart , (for thou oncly knoweft the hearts of all the children of men. ) <;6 Blefied be the Lord that hath giuen reft vn- tohis people Itrael , according to ah tliat he pro• mifed : there hath not failed one word of all his 40 That they may feare thee as long as they good premife whichhepromifcdby the handof Hue in theland, which thou gau?ftvnto our fa thers. Mofes his feruant. y 7 The Lord our God be with vs , ashee was 4.1 Moreouer as touching the Ρ ftranger that | with our fathers , that he forfakevs not .neither is not of thy people Ifrael , who fliall come out of j leaue vs, a farre countrey for thy Names fake, y8 That hee may κ bow our hearts vnto him, ^""°"''^^* 42 (when they ll-sall heare of thy great Name, { that we may walke inallhis wayes .andkeephis'ie]'f<™'e„tniie"" " ' /- . " . . . . . „ .... vnto God.anithit all obedience to hisLawproceedeth ofhismccie JKttcie. and of thy mighty hand , and of thy ftietched-out arme) andilwU come and pray in this houfe, 43 Heare thou in heauen thy dwelling place, commandemcQts , and his ftitutes , and his lawcs, ! which he commanded our fathers. S9 And thefemy words , which I haue pray- and do according toall thattheilrangercalletli ' ed before the Lord , beheere vnto the Lord I ^ thit this is the wtnt tcligion wherewith then •wilt be wot - Slipped. '♦■ΟίΛ.ί,Ιβ. II Of, «,inu:n, their rieH. ~ .Cinn.t.iS. Salrt.j.il. Β Of,iftlt}itli«t c Though tfce Temple was the chiete place oi ptayer.yetheefe eliidfih not them» (' for vnto thee.• that all the people of the earth may ; know thy Name , and feiirethee.as do thy people j Ifrael : and that they may know that thy q Name \ \ is called vpon in this houle which I haue built. ' ! 44 f when thy people ihall go out to battelli j againft their enemie by the way that thou ilialt ■ i fcnde them , and ihall pray vnto the Lord * to- : ward the wayof the citie which thou haft cho- j fen.and toward the houfe that 1 haue built for thy Name, 1 45 Heare thou then in heauen their prayer j and their fupplication, and 0 iudge their caufe. 46 If they fuine againft thee, (* for there is no man that finneth not) and thou be angry with them , and deliuer them vnto the enemies , fb that they carie them away prifoners vnto the land of the enemies, either farre or neerc, 47 Yet I! if they lurne ngaine vnto their heart in the land (to the which they be caried away i God day and night .that hee defend the caufe of I his feruancand the cauie of his people Ifrael t al- j wayes as the matter requireth, ' 60 That all the people of the earth may know» i that the Lord is God, 4Bii none other. 6 1 Let yoiu- heart therefore be perfii with the : Lord our God , to walke in his ftatutes , and to j keepe his commandements, as this day. j 6z ^* Then thckingandalllfrael with him I offered facrifice before the Lord, ,4»ηιι thiit fupplication in heauen thy dwelling place ,and j»rei>^. 8 iudge their caufe, y ο And be mercifull \χλο thy people that haue I finned againft thee , and \pto all their iniquities \ (wherein they haue tranfgrefled againft rhee) and . iMe vrderfteod j caufe that they which led them away captiues, by faith , tha< God fpay .t haue pitie and compalTion on them, ^aie' to'r" '-"^i-" ^or they be thy people , and thine inheri- them t\ '^'^'^ two gL " -}, thou broughtcft out of Egypt from uer ? chapiters whicu yronfornace. \ 42 And fouie h\. ,5 be open vnto the prayer of - ^mes.euentwo.ug ofthypeoplelf- TTiis'^rr """■ ' "^e"» ' in ^" that they call •'^3f^5"''"^^e them to thee from η \Λ If V \ /f*^ri)n inheritance, rUlniUhroffl•' LufecfS-thmiH. ΊΤ" haiCi.-'c Cpvof \ '/hi,..fHiL• i, Iheti^ce, Mi'bie n.^i,f-rih, i-^sW-* \vfk Salomon, was building his owne houfe 4i---ibutecne- yeeres . aiul» finilV.ed aU Jus 2 e or, f. ...AitCHehinglh ;Rui)ituie otwocd «uiiieitailu,. 66 And the eight day he lent the people away: !^ and they t thanked the King ..and .vent vnto their " tents iuyous , and widi giad heart, becaufe of ail the goodncfte that the Lord had done for Dauid his ieruant.andfor Ifrael his people CHAP. IX. » Tki Ltii affrnrnh ilrftMnJlim^tcSjUm'n. j, Saltmoa giurit eiii/i »o HirMt . so The CntiMinitti irttmi l-itHldfiii a8 Hif,ni,tif«.thJH,Jui/forg''id. XT^ Hen•* Salomon had flnilbed the buildin^ of the houfe of the Lord , and the Kitigs palace , and all that Salomo»; Sbcis pfomifesand th^,-dtnings. in my feJit, and viihdiiw ihy Iclft from ihe commen imunti 01 men, which follow thtir feiifaali:ie. b Ged dccljicih thatdifobedicKfe ajainft him, is che (luirof his dif. picarare , and to efallmiletic. Chayi.X. The Quecne oti-Sba. rjrtT 4 And a ijf thou wilt waike before me (as Da- uidthy father walked in piireneile of heart and in righteoufne5)to dee according to all that 1 haiie commanded thee , end keepc my Itatutes, and my iudgementf, J Then will I ftablillnhe throne of thy king- iome vpoft lirael for euer.as I promiled to Dauid hy father , faying , * Thou Ihalt not want a man ifpon the throne oflfrael. 6 But if yee and yowr children tiirne away 'rom mee , and will •> not keepe n.y Commande- •nents , and my ftatutes (which I haue fet before yoi.) but goe and ierue other gods , and worihip them, 7 Then will I cut off Ifrael from the knde, which I haue giuen them , and th^ houfe which I haue hallowed * for my Name , will 1 catt out of Ibips in Ezeon-geber , which is befide Sbtli, and * make no bonAnen : but they were men of svarre , . and his feriiants, and his princes .ft; his captaines, ί"•"•^ίιί»>] and rulers of his charets .-nd his he rfemen. 23 Thefe were the princes rf the officers , that ' ' were oner Salomrxis woike : ««e/jlfiuehundreth |i iTie OHeifem and hftie , and they ruled the people that wrougl-.t ;°^'''omojis intheworke M.^^Zt 24 1 And fharaohs daughter csme vp from ^ «ts : the Sift the citie of Dauid vnto the houfe which Salomon '"«"intd ,300.• hid built for her ; then did he build MiUo. ^'i"lMril\o: ζ J And thrife a yeere did Salomon offer burnt which wtt« lii^- offrings and peace ofFrings vpon the altar which ^'f' : ioUit are he built vnto the Lord : and he burnt incenfe vp- "„''"'^"^ ''" '"^ »/ίΤί./.ΐ4- e-Thc vroird Oiall' mate of you a jnocking floclie for the vjl« con- tempt and abtili 11 g of Gods moA li- fieiallbenefti. ftrf.»t.8. 5».Clf»».l,t. I Or, Z,r. I 9r, Qtlitt. tirr.». d For ki5 liibiitt towaid the buil- ding. e The teitimoa tileni was aboni three fcorc pound weight. f Millo was as the towae houfe or place of adembly ■which w« open f Cities for hij ' miiniiions of wane. *Thefi were ij boiidemcn and' ψίϋ what was «qiiired, either uoimostjr. my fight , and li'raei fliall be a c prouerbe , and a common talke among all people. 8 Euen this-high houle Ih.iU be fo : euery one that pafl'eth by it, ih.tlbeaitonied, andlball hilfe, and tliey fliall iay,*AVhy hath theLord done thus vnto this lind, ioid to this houfe? 9 And they Iballanlwere , Bee aufe they for- fooke the Lord their God , which brought thtir fathers out of the irnd of Egypt .anii haue taken hold vpon other gods, and haue wotihipped them, and ferued them.therefuie hath the Lord brought vpon them all this euill. Γο * And at the end of twentie yeeres , when Salomon had builded the two houlcs , the houfe of theLord, and the Kings palace, 11 {For the which Hiram thekingof U Tynis had brought to Salomon timber ot Cedar, «nd irre trees, and golde, and whatloeuer he deurcd) then king Salomon gane to Hirara twentie cirics in the land of II Galil. 1 2 And Hiram came out from Tyrus to fee the cities which Salomon had giuen him , and they pleafed him not, 1 3 Therefore hee fayd , what cities are thefe which thou haft giuen rae , my brother f And he called them the land of jl Cabul vnto this day. 14 And Hiram had lent the King vvtt, to build the houie of the Lord ,and his owne houle and f Mil- lo, and the wall of lerul'alem, and Ha2or,and Me- giddo, £nd Gezer. 1.6 Pharaoh king of EgyptJiadcome vp,and taken Gezer , and burnt it wiih fire .and flewethe Canaanires that dwelt in the citie , and gaue it for a prefent vnto his daughter Salomons wife. 17 (Therefore Salomon built Gezcr and Beth- horon the nether, 1 8 And Baalath , and Tamot in the wiidernefle of the Lnd, \9 And all the cities g of itore .that Salomon had , euen cities for chaiets, and cities for horf?- men , and all that Silomon defired and would build in lerufalcm, and in Lebanon, and in all the Ian,d of his dominion) 20 All the people that were•• left of' the Amoi rites, Hittites,Perizzites, Hiuites,and lebiifites, which were not of the chi.dren oflfrael: ■ To wit , their children that were left after thent in the- land whom the children oflfrael were not able to dei\roy , thofe did Salomon make tributaries vnto this day . But of the children ofl^>:jddi'':'Tee. . * tribe, for" my ferBiBt-v on the altar that was before the Lord had Pniibed the houfe ■2.6 ί Alio king Salomon made aiJiauie of : *•'°• whenheeimsite jso.look»! Imoie, a.Chion. ; Brotl the brinke of the red fea , in the land of Edom. 27 And Hiram ftnt with the nauie , his fer- '\ '^^'^^ |^*''°"'( uants , that• were mariners ,;ind had knowledge of mcmion^f thitdf the lea , witbthe feruants of Salomon, moii. whieh feeite 28 Andtheycame to Ophir,&fetfrom»hence '?*"'!' ''"".*'"•^ ■' foure hundreth and twentie talents of gold . and ί^^'' " j brought it to king Salomon. i* .« " C Η A P. X•. ! ! 1! HiiToyMihtine. ^ttb t• hejre the wifestomfofS^tcmon• ' * 1 Hit fow/r and mjfiUfttTKe , ; P^tia the*Q«eeneofaShcbahearingthefame|*;,;f*;;';^'_'< of Salomon (concerning the Name of the, j^^, ,,.31. ' Lord) came toprooue him with hard queltions. la lofephus faith 2 And fhee came to lerufalem with a very o"*"^'thio- great traine , and camels that bare fweete odours, pij;"rj*that sV.eba and golde exceeding much, and precious flones; was the nameot and ihee came to Salomon , and communed with j** ''"«''« '"i«°* himofallthatwasinherheart ,,^Ρ','ί^ΙΙΪ"" 3 And Salomon declsred vnto her all her! - queftions : nothing was hid from the king,which| ■ he expounded not vnto her. I i 4 Then the QueeneofShcbafawallSalomonsj wiledoms, and the houfe thjt he had built. [ f And thebmeat of his table , and the fittinfi'''^''^' "'''■' of his feruants , and the order of his minifters,and trzde efhis houfff their apparell , and his drinking vefltls , and his t burnt offtings, that. he offered in the houfe of the I Lordjtnd t ihe was greatly aftonied, ^ unhni »ui» ' 6 And lliee fayd vnto the King ^ II was a true munftiut i»i>tr, word that I heard in mine owne land of thy fay- ings , and of thy wiiedume. 7 Howbeit 1 beleeued not Ais report , till I ί came , and had feene it with mine eyes , but loe.t the one halfe w.is not tolde raee • for thon haft] more wifedome and profperitie , then I haue heard 'by report. j ' 8' Happy are thy rnen.happy are thefe thy fer-i uaiits, which fland eu.r befuie thee, and hcaK thy 'wifedome. ' » ν ' 9 Bleffed be the Lord thy God^whichJlouect ^ρργΊΓΐΙϊ,ΓγΓ" i thee , to fet thee un the throne of lirael jj^^ qj;; •chhesrethe ( the' " '" "" . -' - • ,1. "Ix he to mee. And the people ,fiaiBt precious ttonc- 5. Th<- *^ Pi dance ofiweeteodc^ .j^^^ ^^^^ counfdlwith'n or ww.^» gaue to king S=lor. ,^^^^^^^ j^f^,,^ ^^^^ ^is i.^^^l.^A^i, " 1 1 The name ai j^^^^ ,,^ fayd, what conn- *,.'"ji'je? ■ peoples heart- ••■■■ ' 7 Arfdthey fpikeStitohira. iiiying >Ifrhoti||c > feruant vnto this people this day .and ferue f" them,] bcj fc feruant vnto this people this day, grant them dwU" peciiiga; Kihg^aiomons thyoneT XTCings. S^'i*S,irt pnlace , and made harps and pfalteiies for fingers, j vefleis of fiiHer j and veflels of go There came no more fiich Almuggim trees , nor nnd armour , and fweet odours , hoifes wer^ no more feene vnto this day, jfrom yeere toyeere. 1 And King Salomon gaue vnto the Qneene j z6 Then Salomon gathered together* charets*i.Cir#« slde.and raiment J loifes and rnules J 13 of Sheba.whatlbeuerilie would afkcbefides that, which Salomon gauc herof his t kingly libera- litie : fo ilie returned and went to her ownc coiui- trey, /^oth llie and her feruants. 14 ί Alfo the weight of gold , that came to Sa- lomon in one yecre.was fixe hundreth threefcore and fixe * talents of gold, If Befides th.it he had of merchant men and ef the mere handifes of them that fold Ipices , and jof all the kings of Arabia , and of the princes of fTowir.ofA- thefcountrey. , , . ubia, which for ' 1 6 And King Salomon made two hundreth '.'4, and horiemen '.and he hada thoufmd andfourej hundred charets , and twelue thoufaV.dhorfemen,! whom he placed in the charet cities.and with the' King at lerufalem, ' ^ 27 And the King |l gaue filuer in lerufalem as; «f iv»'/,.!'.'^/''**' ftones, and gaue cedars as the wilde figtrees thatjybnw. " ^ grow abundantly in the plainc. 1 28 Alfo Salomon had horfes brought out on Egypt.andiinelinnen. H the kings merchants reJ Π Or,firihfc,mf4. ceiued the linnen for a pr ice. ^ °f"" '^''l' . 29 There came vp and went out of Egypt ySwi; "2^,T„'J^tnM chareth worth fixe hundreth /ύ^Α'^ of filuer : thati «pic. the great ibim- targets^of beaten golde,fixe hundreth/7je;^// of i is,onchoife,an hundreth and fifty. And thus they iianccof allih Was.ialltd Happy. gold went to a target: 17 1 brought herfes to all the Kings of the Hittitesapd And three hundred ihields of beaten gold, ; to the Kings of Aram by their t meancs. .i-W-tf./,•,• jthree pound of gold went to one fhield rand the ί j King put them in the * houfe of the wood of Le- ibanon. 18 ί Then the King made a great throne of I yuorie, and couered it with the beft golde, I f THE ROYAL THr'ONE OF i- S-A, CHAP. tbiufini tviurt XI. t Etr. hnit: a whif h wete idolacets, *f 1», ■i4.I«i I Mtmo» hjii Hm t« idiiUliie tim. +3 Hi iieth. g Vt King Salomon loued * many » oudandiili women ; both the daughter of Pharaoh ,Ληά, the women of Moab.Amraon,Edom,Zidon ,and Heth, 2 Of the nations whereof the Lord had faytl ^ vnto the children oflfrael,* Goenotyeein td them.nor let thera come in to yoa-.fer furely they! will turne your hearts after their gods .tothemj Ifty , did Salomon ioyne in loue. ' 3 And he had feuen hundreth wiues,i/;c here •Til'tn as one tiiW. Salomons aWucrfaries^ Chap. X i f. Hcdictb« Rehoboaifl fucce< Mt^'iifif^ Dauid my feruant.and becaufe of lerufalem which Ihanechoien, ' .„. , , r • f Then tlie Lord ftirre J vp an adiierfane Dauids fake , and for lenifalem the citie, which I haue chofen out of all the tribes cf Ifrael, ; 33 Becaufe they haue forfaken mee , andhaiie i • lA 1 'ineBtHeUOranirreuvi)aria>.iLitii..w^ .p»- ^.....„„, _...... , vnro^Saio^n..«.. HadadtheEdomire ,ofthe | -^'-^ΙΡΡ^^^Ι^^^^^^ί^^^^ aefAetiBgoE j liomJ floclt. * t.S»tH.t,l^. i Oi ihc E fcourge to paaierlus|ief I Golirouc^t I htm CO honor, thlt his power might ,b«moce able to cwnpafTehiscn- terptifci againft S^moai koiift. kings •> ftede , which was in Edom and Chemolhdie god of the Moabites , andMil-1 ♦ForwhenDauidwssinEdom.andloab { com the god of the Ammonites, and haue not II Or.ii i«ii4i the captainc of the hofthadfmitten all the males in Edom, and was gone vp to bury the » llaine. i6 (For fixe moneths did loab remaine there walked in my wayes ( tondoright in mine eyes,& ; ''■" f '"/"* «"•»■ my ftatutes.atia my lawes) as Λίί Dauid his father. 34 But I will not take the whole kingdome' and all Ifrael , till hee had deftroyed all the males- ! out of his hand : for I will make him prince all T-eJL• \ ' t his life long for Dauid my feiuants fake, whom 1 haue chofen, rt«i who kept ray commandements; andrayftatutes. in Edom.) . .v,<, i , • l 1 7 Then this Hadad *• fled.and ceirtaine other Edomites of his fathers feruants with him,to got into Egypt , Hadad being yet a little childe, 18 AndtheyarofeoutofMidian.and came to Paran.and tooke men with them outofParan. and came to Egypt vnto Pharaoh king of Egypt, 3y * But rwilhakethefkingdomeoutofhistJici^^.jj^jj; fonnes hand , and will giue it vnto thee , euen the tet>- tribes. , ! 3^ And vnto his fonne will I g»K one tribe,! «•irich"o.auehirnanhoHfe,andappoint"ed him vi- i that Dauid my feruantmay haue a«3 IightalwayJqHe^aΛΓerfeΛ- ^ ^' .... ^i- 1 before mee in Irtufalem the citie, which I haue, vnro the Mdnah i chofen mee to put my Name there. iv-huh a,o«ld h. IB' When Danic hiddHeoafi»»*'^- Hadadetat and tailes and gaue him land 19 So Hadad 1 found great fauour in the fight of Pharaoh , and he gaue him to wife the fifterof his owne wife,e«f» thefifterof Tahpenes the Qgeene. . . ^ zo And the fifterof Tahpenes ba*e him Ge- nubath his fon , whom Tahpenes weaned in Pha- raohs honfe : and Genubath was ill• Pharaohs houfe among the fonnes of Pharaoh. 21- And when Hadad heard in Egypt that Da- uid flept with his fathers, and that loab the cap- tainc of the boafte was dead , Hadad fayd to Pha- raoh , Let me depart , that I may go to mine owne CQuntrey [iincciupuiiiiyi><».nt ii.tit. _ jtht bright flarrey 3 7 And I will take thee , and thou (halt reigne •,}, jt fi,o„ia (tinr t euen as thine hean defireth , and fl^alt be king jthorow all the τη. „l world. ouerlirael. , ,. g^, in all t•-^ 3 8 And if thou hearken vnto all that I com- 'Jt,^^,, mand thee , and wilt walke in my wayes i and doe right in my iight,to keepemyftatutts-andmy; commandements as Dauid my feruant did, then' will 1 be with thee , and build thee a fure honfe, as» I buUtvntoDauid.andwill giue Ifrael vnto thee.; ^, .. . „ ρ Andlwill^forthisaiidtthefeedeofDa- ίϊ/^^ίί^Ό^ liJ *^but not for euer ;ted. ,„„„^ 40 Τ Salomon fought therefore to kill leto-fr For the whole iz : But• Pharaoh fayd vnto him , What haft [ boam , and Jeioboam arofe , and fled into ^ΕΥΡ^\%]';^'^^;'^Χ,,^ ou lacked with mee , that thou wouldeftthos ) vnto Shiftiak king of Egypt .and was in Egyptj^^ j^jj-j.^j, vatill the death of Salomon; ,, 4 1 And the reft-of the words of Salomon , andi all that hee did , and his wifedome . are tliey not fatyfRwon the fonneof Eliada,which»«fledftom ■ written in the ' booke of the afts of Salomon? ^,'^Χ^^^^^ his lord Hadaderar king of Zobah. 42 The time that Salomon reigned in lerula- j^^ .„ theiritp- 14 And hoc gathered men vnto him, and had ! lemoueraltl ftael, was* feurtieyeere. •, ,i*i'""i• binxaptaineouer the company.wbeii Dauid flew i 43 , And Salomon flept with his fathers : and * asCtort.»,}». than. And- they' went to Damafcus , and dwdt ' was buried in the citie of Dauid his father; andi gee to thine owne countrey ? Aud he aniwered, NoAing , but in any wife let me goe. 23 f * And God ftirred him vp 4«(*^raduer- « To wit.the me» vrhom hte had gai »g.Cl»»»i, I3i«• thOTi. And they there; » and they made him king inDamafcus, 2 ? Therefore was he an aduerfary to Ifrael all a^uZci^A the dayes of Salomon : befides the euill thatHa- ' dad^'i; he alfo ahhotred llraei,andieig«ed ouer Aram. 26 f--^ And leroboam the fonne ofNcbat an Ephr'atitc of Zereda Salomons feruant (whofe mother was called Zeruaii e widow) lift vp bis haiidagainft the king. -r • 27. And this was• the caufe that he lift vp hu hand agaiaft the king , When Salomon tuiit Mil- lo.heeiep.iired the broken places of the citie of Dauid his fatheri 28 And this man leroboam was- a man of « Ht WIS «ucf 4. feei of Silomoni workes, f»t(hk tiibeofiihrtim an4,Jt4*na0eh,; Rehobbatt his foniie reigned in hisftcad G Η A P. XII. _ , i , ^Rthoho*mruccetd^,hSeltmcn- S Hferrfiftthtlitccuu•, CeU of thtjincitnt. 30 Itui,»mrtis.nM tuHjfrttl^ ii cUctmmanieth Ri:h»b,Mnntttofiht. aiit/e-j Λ Nd ■»"RelTOboam went to Shechem: for all If-; »-c'"»• "•5 racl W€recometoSheche,tomakehimking4 2 A«d when leroboam the fonne of Nebac|»ofc.^',.4».^ heart of it (who was yet in Egypt , ^ whither le^^"""'^'"' roboam hadfledfromking'Salomoa , and «dweft ^" 3 theti they fent and called him : and leroi boim-and all• die Congregation of Ifrael Cffltie f to«g.h ,„a cou„ge,.„d S^omon fctog_.h„ ; "«ΕΪ'Γ^ΐίίΓαΚ the yong man was meete for the worke , he made himoouerfecr of all diei labour oTthehowfe of lofeph. 29 And at that tinie,-when leroboam. weHtoBt .'e, and layd.Thy father ha:h made our yoke heauie, ! but make thou it lighter vnto vs : eaen thli;^od fayd vntothe King , If I Lion which hjth rent him and ilaine him ,accor- , ._n.^• i..,r..i.:_ L...r_ τ >i ding to the word oi the Lord , which he fpake vn- to him. 27 t And he fparke to his fonnes. faying.Saddle thou wouUleft giue me halfe thine houfe , I woufd not goe with thee .neither would I eate bread Dor drinke water in this place. 5> For Γ0Ι was it charged me by the word of ! roetheafTe. And they fadled him. the Lord, faying ,f Eate no bread nor drinke wa- I 28 And liee went and found his body caft inj ter ,nor turne againe by the fame way that thou | the way .and the afle and the Lion ftood by the! cameil. | corps : and the lion had • not eaten the body , norji To declare ihtt 10 So he Wi-nt another way, and returned not I torne the afle. «his was entry cfit by the way thdt he cafne to Beth-el. j 29 And the Prophet tooke vp the bodie ofj "^swent of - - - the man of God.and laydit vpontheafle.and'f? •/V'/'''*.'' f And an olde Prophet dwelt in Beth-el and his fonnes came and told him all the works I brought it againe .and the olde Pfophet came toifot himger.hee that the man of God had done that day in Beth» | the city, to lament and bury him. | wonia siroVane el , and the words which he had fpoken vnto the j 30 And he layd his body in his "• owne graue.j^'""'""? 'J'*^°j? king, told they theirfather. and they lamented otier him , faying . Alas , my imim.td fethim- 12 And their father faid vnto them , what ; brother. [ieiir. way went hee? and his fonnes t lliewed him what ' 3 1• . And when he had buried him , he fpake ΐά way the man of God went , which came &omi his fonnes, faying.Wlien I am dead.bury yee m<5; ludah. _ i alfo in the fepulchre , wherein theraan of God isi 13 Andheefaydvntohisfonnes .Saddle raee' buried: lay my bones belide his bones, ' the alTe. who ladkd him the afle, and hee rode 32 Forfhatthingwhichhecriedby the wor^ diercon, of the Lord againft the altar that is in Beth-ei^ 14 And went after the man of God , ahd'foundi and againft all the houlbs of the hie places, which him fitting vnder an oke : and he fayd vnto him.; are in the cities of Samaria . fl^all furdy come to Art thou the -man of God , that earned from lu-i pafle. dali 5 And he fayd. t Yea, ! 33 Uovvbeit after this leroboam" conuerted I,y Then he fayd vnto him. 8 Come home with| not from his wieked way , but turned againe .and lae.and ear bread. | made oftheloweftof tlie people priefts ofthehic 16 But hee anfwercd.Inwy not returne with 1 places, who would, might t coniecratehirafclfe thee.nor g-oeiBwithtlJee,neither will I eat bread' and be ofthe priefts of the hie pl.ices. ' ' \ nor drinke water with thee in this place. 34 And this thing turned to finne vnto the 17 For it was charged me by the worde of the; houie of leraboam , euen to roote it out , snd dc Lord ,fiiying , Thou fhalt eat no bread,Tior drinke I ftroy it from the face of the edrth. water there , Hor turne agaiae to goe by the way that thou wentc ft. CHAP. XI I II, 1 8 And hee layd vnto him,I am a Prophet alfo a Tenhum fenitth hu wifeiif^nifeiu Ah^ah tie Tufhet ■&S thcHi art , and an ^ Anfic 1 fpake vnto me by the ' '*'** '<''<■'«>■'»* f «»• '"" thedefiruiHtn efkis *»<»/«, 21 Itt- word of the Lord, faying. Bring him a^iinc with \ *"'' " ^"""^"^ *^ "'^'^ thee into thine houfe, that he may cateWad and, A τ that time Abijah the fonne of lercboair dnnke water ;^'«?ne lied vntohim. j ■ fellficke 19 So he Went againe with him , and did eate ' ;refit not by Gcdjthreatnings, bm go b,i£lward, andirecomt wori; and worft^i.Tim. 3. '3• ^Bir.fiUhisUnir the Lord came vnto the Prophet, ihat brought him.igaine. i 21 And hee cried vnto the man of God that ; came fiom ludili , faying , Thus fayth the Lord, j i Becaufc thou haft difobeyedthe meuthof the ; Lord.ar.dh'ftnoikcptthe co;nm>:ndemenc which i the Lord thy God commanded thee, 22 But c ;!neft' b-.ckc ag.iine.and haft eaten , 2 And leroboam faj'd vnro his wife > Vp , Ϊ ray thee , ^ and difruik; thy felfe that they know• ,' 3t that tho'J art the: wife of leroboam . and gee roShiloh : far there is Ahijahthe Prophet.which toldc roce * that I ihoiild be king ouer this ficople; 3 And' take t with'^ thee.tenne foaiics andji^dma η crpkm-ls , and a bottel! of hony, and goe to him•! ♦ a^p, he Ihail tell rhee what ihall become of die man. bread inhij houfe .and di-ao«ewiter. ■ pray tnee,=>anddilruifc thy leftethacthevknow! « «"«"«'«* And £S they fate at the table , the word of ! not thet thou art thi wife of leroboam .andcoe '".'«'*'''»"«'»' I>^ : rvii^i. r <.•__•_ .1•• 1 . 1 •„ . .*? . wimcffe, that the Prophet of God woiiM not (atisfe- von»!/-"• "'*'"' *"*i , , w , .^ ,. , . the fiiSome when i,„.,j ,„ 1 , „ , „ V ,- ,, cV ; 4 And leroboamswifedidfo.andarofe.mJihey wt>.ttoas>t• bre.d caid drunke waur .n the place -(whereof lie went to Shiloh. and carhe to the houfe of Ah',™1'™"i'" «^ ^^- did fiy vnto th.e Thou ihn;reat^nohreadnor but Ahi^h couidnotfee .forhiSht was deJ ''''''• ''r'"• y w,tcf) thy carkcis Uiall not come vD^ cayed f.vhis a<>e .'"i«»s^iigncWascieH^p, „,f^ ^uiU^''a'f''\ . ., ■ J StifxordfoydvntoAh^ he itddS h i h ' ''Adeatenbread'anddrunke. Uew-Je of leroboam commeth to askea thin iSiSldZSv^Vn'' ^'«' '°*l^^^'«^i>i^' hf theo fu,• her fonne.for he .sftcke:t!ius r.nd thul «uanhehadhroughtagainci j φ^^ ^^^ ς ^^,^ j^^^ .^^^ whenihee commctfi ?roboams deftruSion foreihewcd. i;Kings; Rehoboam dietb. Abijam> ^ , , ia,iht;fl-ialifeine her f?ife/«^i' another. er"obotm t ^ Therefore when Ahijah heard the found of i her feet as ihe came inat the doore,he iuyd.Cqme in thou d wife of leroboam : why feineft thou iFoiGodoft thus thy felfe to be another' i am lent to thee tunes dirdoftch ' v. i•' ■ i• it :he crift r vy'tli heauy tidings. sndftibtilticof the wickti. t Whifh vrifl ^'htal'esnant, 7 Go tell Iert)boam,Thus fayth the Lord God of Ifrael, Foiafrauchas I haue exalted c thee fj-Qm among the people , and haue made thee prince ouer my people Ilrael, g And haue rent the kingdome away from the hpufe of Dauid .and haue giuen it thee , and thon ihait not heeneas my feruant Dauid , which kept iray Commandements , and folJowed mce with ?11 ihis heart, and did onely that which Wc'3 right in j mine eyes, i <) But haft done euill aboue a!I diat were be- |fore thee {for thou haft gone and made thee oth^r igods, and ^molten images , to proucke raee,and Haft caft me behind thy backe. ) j ,10 Therefore behold, I will bring euill vpon the houfe of leroboam .and will cut off from Je- roboam him that * g pifleth againft the wall , as well him that•» is Ihut vp , as hitn that is left in Il- rael, and will fweepe away the remnant of the houfe of leroboijii , as a man fweepeth away doung till it be aH gone. ,_,„_^ n The dogges Ihail catehimofleroboams i TheVLuiitlie [(locke that dicth in the citie , and thefoules of the ^ehonct of bi.- <-^^^ j^^^n ^^^ him that dieth in the field ; » for the soismalidiftiea.i Lord hath layd It. .. . r 1 2 Vp therefore and get thee to thine houfe : 1 for when thy feete enter into the cicie , the child i fhall die. • 3 And all Ifiael ll^ll moume for him , and lhfiifMr,,had ^ } wliire idolatry eigneth.allhoiri• vices aie com Mil King 9,S, J Euery male tpta to che dojs, i.Sain.a>,a<. k As well him tkwisin tlie teonzholdjashira is abroad, ibury him: for he onely ofleroboamlhallconSe caufe in him there is found* foiffe i In tht mjddi» ,- , . of the wicked, to φε graue.bccaufe eod hath feme oa geodnelle toward the Lord God of Ifrael in the Trhomhedoeth ^bottfe of leroboam. • tnercies. 1 4 Moreoiier , the Lord iball ftirre him vp a 1 ih« Loid wiU i King ouer Ifrael.which (hall deftroy the houfe of i.gin 'o denioy ! jeioboam in that day : 1 what ? yea , euen now. •' ""' '**-*""• ; I y For the Lord Ihall fmite Ilrael , as when a de is ilwken in the water , and he ihall weed If- |tn Meaning |{]»ai prouocacion, wherewith he prouo- ked the Lord God of Ifraei. 3 I And the refiduc of the aftes of Nadab.3' ther life from her eftate , becaufe tlie hjd m-.de an ! all thit he did , are they not written in the bookv idole in a groue : And Afa d-ftroyed her idoles, and burnt them by the brooke Kidron. 14 But they put not downe the hie places. Neuerthelelfc Afas heart was « vpright with the Lord all hiidayes. 1% Alfo he brought in the holy veflels of his « £" 'i L"' *" ■" f^ither , Jnd the things that he had dedicated vnto SiGodiu the houle of the Lord , filucr and golde , and other places.ihenhfi veiiels. fcadapjoyiited.it j i(j f And there was warre betwecne Afa and ."Γη« Ό*Γ:Χ:1 Β^^*,. king of irrael all their dayes. ' 1 7 Then BaaGia King uf Il'rael went vp againft pofeihat leiobeam ludih , and buiit * Raaiah , fo that he would let aid.becanfe the peo- ^^^^ ^^, ■ ^^ ^fg ^j^ of I udah . ■U uinHld not 20e ,^0 __, _ ...*=>_ Syeauiingthi «opU: to commit lol.tt, „iui hi. ilu! >i andto pto« okirgGodta ingec. fie Qionldnoigoe vp to leinfaUm.leaf they IhouldfoUovr t Or, Siri* jAnJrexemij a«leiig«r. J Or, mJi£ 4/w. f Eir.xtme IJII*. Ii UN had the goot »λΦ put his tiuA la thetin Phync/oni then fii the Loid, 2 Chion.i<;,ti 1 His great grand- fa iii«i. t Se cod Airrea p«ne tyrant to panilh the mcked- a«0c c^jmedxi. I !5 Then Afa tooke all the liluer and the gold that was left in the treafuresofthe ho'ifeofthe Lord.and the treafures of the kings hoide.and de- liuered them inro the hands of his feruants , and king Afa lent them to * 3en-hadad the fonne of Tabrimoa , the fonne ofHezion kingof Β Aram that dwelt atDaraafcus.faying, I ρ Viereis a couenint betweene mee ?nd thee, *» feete. 24 And Afa flept with his f,}thers,and was bu- ried with his fathiirs in the citie of Djuid his > fa- ther. And lehoUvphat his fonne reigned in his ftead. 25: And N-dab the fonne of lercboam began to reigne ouer Ifraei thefeconJ yeere of Afa king of luiiah.and reigned ouer lilael two yeere. z6 And he did euill in the fight of the Lord, Walking in the way of his father , and in his finne wherewith he made Ifraei to finne. 27 And Bjaiha the fonne of Ahijah of the houfe of liTachar confpired againft hira , and Baa- iha flew him at Gibbethon , which belonged to the Philiftims : for Nadab and alllfrael laid fiege to Gibbethon. 28 Euen in the third yeere ofAfa king of lu- dah did Baaflia ilav him.and reigned in his ftead. 29 And when he was king, hee k fmote all the houfe of leroboam , hee left none aliue to lerobo- I chap. 14, I.J τ Which was (hi lace whete the lings of If.Ml smainid, ThusTpike Tell• ;o biaU,a in the honOorBaaOii, Chap. IS, t». Cha£.i4,i.. ofthe Chronicles ofthe kings of Ifraei? 32 And there was wane betweene Afa and Baaiha king of Ifrael.a'.l their dayes. 33 In the third yet.recf A'aking of ludah, beg.^n Bjaiha the fonne of Ahij h to reigne ouer all lirael in " Tirzah , and retgntd foure and twen- tie yeeres. 34 And hee did eniii in the fight ofthe Lord, walking in the w.iy of lerobojm, and in hi* finne, wherewith he m:de Ifraei to finne. CHAP. XVI. I OfBaafha. 6 Elah, ^Zimri, \6 0mri. 31 ^hab marrieth let^bel. 34 lericho it built again';. Τ Hen the word oftheLordcAmeto lehu the ionneof Han-mi againft Baaiha,!", ying, 2 • Forafmuch as I exalted thee out ofthe duft, and made thee captaine ouer ray people 11 rael , and thou haft walked in the way of lerobo- |Naini of the toi4< am , and haft made my people Ifraei to finne ,to proucke mee with their linnes, 3 Beholde , I will take away the pofteritie of Β aafl^a , and the pofteritie of his houfe , and will make b thine houie like the * houfe of Ierokoam,*'**"'^"8.'* the fonne of Nebat. """^ ---"--'« 4 * HAhat dieth of Baaihcs fiteke in the cit,ie, him ihall the dogges eate : and that man of him which dieth in the fieldes , fljall the foulcs ofthe ayre eate. 5• And the reft of the aftes of Basftia.and what he did.and his I power,are tbey not written in the booke ofthe * Chronicles ofthe Kings of Ifraei? 6 So Baaiha flept with his fathers , and was buried in Tirzah , and Elah his fonne reigned in his ftead. 7 And alfo « by the hind of lehu the fonne of H^nani the Prophet.camc the word of theLord to Baaflaa, & to his houfe.that he fliould be like the houfe of leroboam , euen for ail the wickedncflc that de did in the fight ofthe Lord, in proiioking him with the worke of his hands , and becaufe he killed d him 8 ^ In the fixe and twentieth yeere of Afa king of ludjh , began Elah the fonne of R , -(hi to reigne ouer Ifraei in Tirzah , and retgned two yeeres. I 9 And his feruant Zimri. c.-?ptaine of halfe hisj charets , confpired .againft him , as he wjs in Tir- zah e drinking , till he was dnmken in the houfe of Arza ftewjrd of his houfe ii TirzaK. 10 And Zimri came and fmote him, nd killed him in the fcuen and twenty yeere of Ala kineofiC"?"!'*""*'',. Iudah.and reigned inhis fteid. ^ ''"'""^* "'^'"*' η ί And whenhee was king .and fate on his throne , hee flew all the houfe of Baaflia , not lea- ning thereof one to pifle againft a wall , neither of his kinsfolkes.nor of his friends. 1 2 So did Zimri deftroy all the houfe of Ba.3- fiia , according to the word ofthe Lord which he j • fpake againft Baaflia by the hand of lehu thefpro- f Both Hariri bfi phet, fatherand he wcie 13 For allthefinnesofBaaftia .andfinnes of I ''«?''«'«• Elab his fonne,whicb they finncd.and made Ifraelj R zf^. L ■•■i.Chroa.ii, I, : Thatis.the Fro» pheididhi» meflage. d Meaning. Nadab leieboams foajie. f The ChiUe te« bath thns, B.Jiiliin till he was drunks, η the templf of Lria ike iiole Sy 55 mgs. .^SS_ Jilijsh fed pi I<.auens 4u f TfiefieJeliJi £ojiiinue4i from th. of Nad 2b Icia. i«»ms Jonr.e,, 1i where Zimri Jcpihimleiiesj» hold t ί i. k^r.i ,i. Gibbs hire ttc) 1 OjiMJ, t*f,Sifi to finn» , end proiioked the Loi J (7oJ of Ifrael with their vanities. 14 And the i-sftoftheiflsofElah.nnd all that he did , arethey not written in the bocke of the Chronicles uf the kings of lirnel? ly f In the Γεϋίπ .lodtwentisyeereof Afa king of luJah did .Zimri reigne ienen dryes in Tirzi)h, δζ the piopKi was then in oinipe £ againlj Gibbethon,whichi'<'/i'.;giito therhiiiftims, 16 And the people of the hoaiHiejrd fay, Zim- ri hithcompired , and h.ith aifo llaine the king. Whertfore Δ\ Ifitel madi Orari the captainc of the hoiile , king ouer Ifi del that farce day, twn in the hoafle. 1 7 Then Omri wvnr τρ fron". Gibbethon, and all Ifracl with him, and theybefieged^ Tirz:h. I i Atid when Zirnii faw.tliar :be city wis ta- kea, he went into the piJace of the kings houfe, ind t burnt himfelfe , and the kin^s huufe with &rc,itfi4 fo died, I ρ For his finnes vshich hee finned, in doing that which is eiiiil in the light of the Lord, in wal- , king in the way ofleroboini , fjul in Lis finnes I which he did, canfing Ifr^el tofinne. I 20 And the tefi of the ^&s of ZJmri , and his I rrealon that he wrought , ate tJiey not written in the booke of cha Chtonicles ofthekingsofll- rael? 2 1 Then were the people of I frael dini J'•'^ in- (>, tjic peoplJ to two parts : for i hylfe thf people followed TibnithefonneofGinath to make hira king , and the other halfe followed Omri. 22. But the people that foliov^d Oqjri.p^-enai- led sgaihft the pfople that followed Tibni the fon of Ginith: foTibr*died,a:)d Omri reigned. 23 In the one and thirtyy eere of Afa king of Jiidnh beg. η Omri to reigneouer Ilrael , andreig. ■ned twelue yeere.Sixe yeere reignedhe inXiizah. 24 An.el? 2.8 And Omri (IcptAvithhis Huhers , snd was bnric'd in 'Samaria : and Ahab his iohne reigned inhisftiad. 7.0 Now A.hab the fontae. of Omribeg:n tn rcigiv? ouer Iiiael , in the eight and thirtie yeere of Afj kingof Itidah: and Ahsb the fonne of 0~ri eigned oner Ifrael in Sam::ria two and twenty yeere. 3 ο And Ahab ^ fonne cf Omri did worfe in the ijght of the I.(jrd then all t'rat ν ere bei'ore him. 31 For w.TS it a lighnhing forhimtov.'.i'ke in the Gr.nes of Icroboahi the fonne of Ncbat , ex- Ci'pt he tooke lezebel ,ni!b thediughter ofEth- b;i.- an alt.-ir to BaaLiii ths houfe of Β lal.which he !u>d built in Samaria. 3^_ And Mab made A^rGUs,, and Ahab ρΐΌ^^- JltffU tOjll e fpnne of th wife of the houft; fdl ficke , mi his fickncfie was fo fore.D that there was no > brearh left in hirn. 18 AndibefaidifiitoEiij-ih.Wliathauel to do; η T)-tiiiUit,.4ii.t^. ■fl'fi-it^ im.5,<«, ly . Thaiij.wiioa, fsies. k I'll aj ί a,,]] liUfijijon. piomifcth to feed hijumitaculou/i-/. J Aj fhe troubles ef ihtSiiatiofGoA are ni7iiy,lOlii» «lerty is eiier « ■ hand lodiliint ihem. I.iiiie+,2S,i<, e All thii V7srte firm jthen tile faiti *f El'.J..h,i, *s luteal ibai he 81 ofild l»oievpcniio:hJng wo.ldiy , bat em«]y m'ii on (Zediproui-^ dense. f For theie gGodrtfemcth ■ no benefit lor the ; \f^of his.bfv fic ptcirttfetha mofl imi,Urethiag«IBchold.thyfcnneliueth 24 And the woman faid vnto Elijah, Howl I know thdt thou art a nv>n of God , and that the word of the Lord in thy mumh i»true. XV HI. Bets tonteinseJ, ixccptht (boiildj haue coBtinued hi Btiiciesajhehad kegiinre theni,fp«- «ially while he thti• is CO άφηά on God, eii«ept"« ee EUjahjObadiahjanc CHAP Eiij.-th it fir.t to ^hai hundrerh ProVhets. prophets, 45 tUeobtai/iethraine /3 QUui'ah hiieth ΛΚ 40 £/■>/; kiUdh all ΕλλΙ: I thy feruant i feare the Lord from nay yoir.h. 1 3 Was it not tolde rny loruAVhi^'t I did when lezebell ilewthe Prophets oftiie Lord.howt hid an hundrerh men of the Li re's Γη;) hets by fifties in a caue.and fed them v.'ith bread and water? 14 And now thou fneft , Goc .ttU thy lord, Behold, Elijah is here , that he may Hay me. 1 5- And Elijah faid . As the Lord ofhoafts li- ueth,berorc v.h(;m 1 Ikcd.I will fiirely iliew « my Iclfe vnto him this duV, 16 ί So Obadiih went to mcete Ahab , and told him. And Ahab went to m,eet EJij ih, 1 7 And when Ahub law EUjih.Ahab faid vnto him, Artthoa he that troubleth Ilrael? 1 3 And hee .iniwered.I hane not troubled If- rael , but ^ thou aid thy fathers houle.in th-t yee haic fori ken rJie commandtiDentsoftheLotd, and thou hafi fodowcd Β i?lim. ip Now therefore feni,;nJ gather to mee all Tfrael vnto ro(.unt C.'rmel.anil the prophtts of Baal foure himdteth and lift it•, and die prophets of the groues foure hundreth,\vhich eate a: lezebels si y^ie», table. 20 ί So Ahab fent vnto all the children of If- rael.and githered the prophets together vnto mount Carmel 2 1 And Eljj.-h croe vntoall the people , and iakl , How long ε hilt y ί betweene two opinions? If the Lord be God , foUowhim ,but if B.t Ube hee.then goe after him. And the people anfwered him not a word. ■t vuio mc e^J and {juembiscluJiiti; e By mY p>rfcDdc2 gtanted foe C«dssJ)(ldren« Akc Fcer many daves . the word of th? Lord came to Eiijih.; in the a '.hir.! yeere . %ing . Goe, Al_ iliev/ rhy felfe vnto Ahab , and I wiil fend nine vpon dv; earth. 2 And Elijah went to ihew hirafelfe vtito A- hab.and then was ζ great famint in Samuria. 3 And Ahib called Ohndiah thegouemour of his hou'e: (and Obadiah ^ feared God gieady : 4 For when Iszebel dettroyed the Prophets of the Lo> d.Obadiih tookc an hundreth Prophets.Sc hid rhem by fiftie in a caue, and he fed them widi bread and water. ) ' , „ ■ . J And Ah.>b faid cnto Obadnh , Go into the land , vn:o all the fonnt.-ines of water, and vnto all the riuers,if fo be that we may finde grafle ro faue the hories and the mules a,iue . leaft wee depriue the Unci at t\\zhi'\^-i. 6 And fo they diuided the lande betweene them to waike thorow it. Ah A went one way by himfeife, and Obadiah went another way by him- 7 ί And as Obadiah wis m the y?ay , behold, Elij.'h'mit him: and he knewhim .andf.-lion his face .and f^d , Art not thou my Lord Elijjli? 8 And he anfwered him. Yea,go tell thy lord. Behold, Elijah Μ to-i. 9 And he l;nd, what haue I finned, that thou wotildeft deliuer thy feruant into the hand of Ahjb.io!l,yme? 10 As:;ieLordthv God!iueth,there is no na- tion or kini]dom, whither my lord hathnot ftnc 10 ieeke thee • and when they Oid , He is not here, he tocki an o..thofthekingdumeandnatiun,if they hid not found thee. 1 1 And now thou iJyeft, Goe.tell thy lord,Be. bold'.Eiijihw/fii'ri. ■ 1 2 A 11 ! .when I am gone frofhthee.tne Spmt of the Lord ihal! ca-y the; into fome place that I do not know : fo when I come and tell Ahab, if he cannot taxJi^ thcc.then will he kill tne : But Be conSiri io ίtl•'Si 24 Then call ye on the name of your god,and I will call on the Name of the Lud: and then the God that aniVerethhby fire, let him be God And all the people anfwiied , and fayd , It is wel I'pc'ken. af And Elijah faid vnto the prophets of R.wl, Chuie you a buUocke . and prepare him hift, (for ye are manv) and call on the name of your gods, but put no fire vnder. z6 So they touke the one hullocke that was giuen them . and they pr^p ited it , !nd called on th- name of B.ul from murning tonoone, faying, Ο Baal.he-ire vs : but there was no voyce.nw any ro anfwereiand they' leapt vpon the altar that was m:de. 111 27 And at noone Elijah mocked diem ,and faid , Crie alowde : for hee is .. k god : cither hee talktth or purfucth his tnemiesMt i- m his iuumey or it may be that hee ileepetn , and mult be >awa 28 And they cryed lowd.and cut themfehies as their maner was, ♦•ith kniues ..nd Ijicers . till the blood gulbe'd out vpon them 29 And when midday nv.'.s ρ ifled, prophecied vntill the ofF;ring of the eMfww ( -en fice , there was neither voyce, noi one to anfwcre. ■norany that rcg^ir.ied. 30 And Eiij h faid vnto ε11 the piople.Come to mee. And ail the people cati;e to hmi. And hee repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken downe. . „ J• 3 1 And Elijah tooke iwelue ftones,accurding Η 1 i ΛΙ met niJilor f;iii<. taoltel k Yt«e asaCai 1 Ittc f thc.sb. oikeA l.mld- hichih.nk- th4i bv .vi»H.I>i« nd they had] ien^o^iTP-^ Elijah killetiji Baals prophets. I.f t.iil«{,i7,i*. fiitlft (a:i Λ iHrd ftrlfifiit. » Hcifbyhe J«tla- ted the excellent power of God,nho contrary• to i-atiire could mske the fire t cneu in ihe T»?.rer, to tl>e intern) Λ«> ftiouJd ban.• donbi thai he ii thi onel; Cod. η Thctigli God faf- f»t h(. 10 Timiic in kliridentn't: and et rout for a time, yei at the length he cal- kih ihem heme tc fcim by'fome noto (ioui fignf and * HeCommtnJrd riitm that a» they •wer» tTu;ly p«'.fwj didteconfenethe enely God ; fo the' T50tild fetnehim with all tbeii pow«r,aitdiU(lroy the idolaie««bJ« f A! eod' fpi'tft »noued him to prsy, fowashttnieng- ihencd by the fame; fhat he did not ftint.kut continue* «ill tillhehaioi- sained. I Or, iert mi I"" ^Hee wasfodicng- «hened with Gods fpirii.thst he ran la Her then the cha- let viasabk to • TPo wit, of B»; b rhotigh the w tedta^c againft Godichrtdten, yet heholdeth tSe backe.th-.cthe) notexecniethi IDgS He is fed t^ an Angel. jto the number of the tribes of the fonnes of laa- Eob, (vtito whom the word of the Lord came, lying, * Ifrael flialbe thy name) 3 i And with the ftones bee built an altar in he N.nme of the Lord: and he inade a ditch round bom the altar , as great as would conteine two tmeafuresofleed, 33 And he put the wood in order . and hewed the bullocke in pieces, and laid him in the wood: 34 And fayd.Fill foure barrels with wnter.and powre it \'pon the burnt offering Sc on the wood, Againehe iayd.Doe foagaine.And they did fo the fecond time. And he fayd , Doe it the third time. And they did it the third time. 3 Τ Antl the water ranne round about the altar : and he m filled the ditch wi:h water alfo. 36 And when they ihould offer the f«e«««^ facrifice, Elijah the Prophet cme, and fayd.Lord God of Abraham , Izhak .and of Ifrael , let it be knowen this day , that thou art the God of Ifrael, and that I am thy ferumt .andthat I hauedone all thefe things at thy commanderoent. 37 Heare'mee, Ο Lord, heare mee.and let this people knowe tiiat thou art the Lord God , and that thou haft turned their heart againe"atthe laft, 3 8 Then the fire of the Lord fell, and confu- raed the burnt offering , and the wood , and the ftones , and the duft, and licked vp the water that was in the ditch, 35» And when all the people faw it, they fell on their faces.and fayd.The Lord is God.the Lord is God. 40 And Elijah fayd vnto them.Take the pro- phets of Baal , let not ° a man of them efcape : and they tooke them, and Elijah brought them to the brookeKiflion.and Hew them there. 41 1 And Elijah fayd vnto Ahab , Get thee vp , eate and drinke , for there is a iound of much raine. 42 So Ahab went vp to eate and to drinkc.and Elijah went vp tothe top of Carmel.-and he crou- ched vnto the earth.and put hisf^cebetweenehis knees, 43 And faid to his feruant , Goe vp now, and looke toward the way of the Sea. And hee went vp, and locked.and faiJ,There is nothing. Againe he faid, Goe againe Ρ feuen rimes. 44 And at the fcuenth time he fayd , Behold, there arileih a Utte cloude outof theSea likea mans hdnd. Then he fayd, Vp.cnd fay vnto Ahab, Make ready the charet , and get thee downe , that the raine ftay thee not. 45: And (1 in the meane while the heauen was blacke with cloudes and winde ,ut jhe Lord was not in the fire ; and after the fire came itill and foft voyce, 13 And wlien EHjih heard it.hee couered his face with his mantle , tnd went out , <:nd Itood in the entring of thecaue ,andbehc;d, ί/>ί>•ί «we a voyce vntohim.and fayd.what doeft thou here Elij^ ? Γ4 And'he anfwered,! hane beene very ielous for the Lord God ofhoafis ,S becauie f children of Ifrael haiie forfaken thy couenant , caft downe thine altars, and liaine thy Prophets with th. fword, and I oncly am left, and they lecke my life t»:" oeeatiie hard a thing ft is to budleom jm- p>iit*ce iii aff.ic- tios, that tie Sainti could net OKicoisiC the fanM. d Ht dedateth thai God had nouriO^cd him π racnlonliy,it had ' enefon^blefot tchaiiegona this ioutncy, Hi tcwplaineth that themCK tea- Ions that ht (hewe^ himielfe to mi hee petfeciKed, f For tile nature Λ man is not able te come Etere vnto God. ifhetflioulJ sppeaie in hit gth and fall maiehie, ajidthete- fore of hit me) he itibmitteih himielfe to oni :apaciiie, g We «nglitnetti depend on the ninl• aintai- dutie fo reqiiireth, ght 10 doe i |σ>, Jj-ii*, to take it away. ly And the Lord ftydvntohim.Goe.rettirneby the wilderneil'e vnto Daraarcus,i>nd vhen thou cofnmeft lhere,moy\M Hazaelking oner 0 Aram. \6 And lehu thefonneofNimiliiiiuh thou anoynt King ouer Ifrael : ark! EluVa tha fonre of Shaphat of Abel Meholah ihalr thou anoynt to be Prophet in thy roome. 1 7 And* him that efcapeth from the fword of Hazael.iliall lehu (lay; and him that efcapeth from the fword ofίehu,^l•a!l Eliilia Tay. J 8 Yet will*Ileaue fenen thoufandinlf- t rael , «•«?«'> all the knees that haue not bowed ynto Baal, and euery mouth that hath riutkiflt;d!"'f''^,'','i'''*"»*'i«i him. 19 ^ So hfe departed thence , and found Eliiba the fon of Shaphat,who was plowing with twelue yoke oioxen before him.and was with the twelft: and Elijah went towards him , aad caft his ■ . BUlttlfi tofltiab^eged, Ahabs d, )tt It eiignt not to moouevs* wheHGodollith vs to lerue him. It Ht woufS not follow hi» vocation. f Or, Si'U. a That it, gonet• noiitsindialt" ofptoitinc" I Or, Stimtnn• ft Urn content te obey and pjy Mi- mantle vpon him. 20 And he left the oxen.and ranne after Elijah, and faid , » Let mee , I pray thee , kiffemy father and my mother,?nd then I will follow thee. Who anfwered him.Goe.returne ; for whathaue I done to thee ? 2 1 And when he went backe againe from him, he tooke a couple of oxcrn , and llewe thera , and ibd their flelh with the k inftriiments of the oxen cyp.xx. vidlories ottetBen aadad. i^r «ay till wea^JMraj, and cauevnto the people.and they did eate: then washisdelireto Πΐ arole . and went after Elijah.and miniftred vnto him. CHAP. XX. I Samaria it befieged. 1 3 The Lord prem'tftth the viClo<-te to shabby a Prophet ^1 The K^mr• of Ifruel made peace with Ben-hadad,andis reprooued therefore by the Prophet. •y Hen Ben-hadad the king of n Aram nflem- bled all his army, and two and thirty a kings \ with him , with hortes , and ch.irets, and went vp, andbefieged Q Samaria.and fought againft it. 2 And he lent meflengers to Ahab king of If- rael, into the citie, ^ And laid vnto him, Thus faith Ben-had.ad, Thy filner and thy gold is mine:alfo thy women, and thy fayre children are mine. 4 And the kingof Uriel anfwered .and faid. My lord king, according to diy faying .bl am thine, and all th it I haue. 1; .And when the meflengers came againe, they faid , Thus commmdeth Ben-hidad , and faith, when I ihall fend vnto thee, and command, thou iiialt deliuer me thy filuer and thy gold , and thy women.and thy children, c He* weiiu not 6 c Or elfe I will lend my feruants vnto thee accept hi? anfweit by to morowthis time, and they ihall fearch thine eKcpthidid out },^„,^ ^ and the houies of thy feruants : and what- ^^a'wl hf S foeue'' is pleafant in thine eyes , they ihall take it fiiotildaskt.fothe iin their hands.and bring it away, fought an occaRon J y Then the King of Ifraellent for all the El- ??.7_"u?i'" "*"1 ders of the land, and faid, Take heed, I pray yon. '" and fee how he feeketh mifchiefe: for he ftnt vn- to me for my wiues , and for my children, and for y filuer, and for my gold, end I denied him not. 8 And all the Elders , and uU the people faid to him, Hearken d not vnto him,nor confent. y wherefore hee faide vnto-tht- meflengers of Bjn-hadad, Tell my lord the liing.All that thou diddeft fend for to thy feruant atthefirft time, that I will doe.but this thing I may not doe. And the meiTengers departed , and brought him an anfwere. 10 AndBen-hadadfentvnrohim, and faid. The gods doe lb to me and more alfo, ifthe» luft of Sarairii be enough to all the people that f)l- low me,for euery man an handful!. 1 1 And the king of Ifrael anfwered , and faid. Tell him,Let not him that girdeth his harneis,hoa& himfeifcdS he that f pntteth it off. ' I 2 And when he heard that tidings, as he was with the kings drinking in the paiilions , he faid vnto the feruants , II Rnn^ionh your engines. And they fet them againit the citie agiinS him. i Tliey thought ittheii diitiei ra- ther toveiitef their liut?, then to giant to that thing which was not lawful], «aely to fatisfiethe liift of a tjiant. e Much leiTe Oiall there be found an prSy that is worth any thing, when they IhalUefo many. f EoaSnotbefute ihevidtoty be {otten. tftlurt f Before GeJ wen about wiihftgnei and mitacJes 10 pull Ahab ftom hi» impieiie,andBOW againe wi,rhc j feruants of the prini-esoftheprouinces.and the hoafte which follo'A --d them, 20 And thf y flew euery ore his t encmie:and the 0 Aramites fltd, and lir.-cl purlued them • but Ben- had d the kingof Aram elcaped on an horfc with Wi' horfemm. 21 An -1 the king of Ifrael went out, mdfraote • the. horfes . nd charets , and with a great flaugh- • ter flew he the Aramites 22 (For there had come Prophet to the king of Ifrael , and hulfaid vnto hiin, G >c, be of good courage , and confidor, and take heede what thou docft : for when .he yeere is gone about.thekingj of Aram will t omevp ••gainll: thee. ) 23 f Then the feruants ofthe king of Aram faid vnto hjm, Their ■< gods are gods ofthe moun- taines.and therefore they ouercame vs : but let vs fight .^g;inlt them in the piainc, and doubtlclfc wefliallouercomethem. ' 24 And this doe , Take the kings away ,euery ' one out of his place , and place captaines for thera. 25: And number thy felfeanarmie , like the I armie that thuu haft loft , with fuch horles , and ! fiich charets , and wee will fight againft them in ■ the plaine , and doubtlefle wee fliall ouercome them : and hee heaikened vnto their voyce , and did fo. z6 And after the yeere was gone about , Bed• h 'dad numbred the Aramites , and went vp to Aphekto fight againft Ilr.iel. h That 11, yen J mcnciiinrdinif-r feiuKt of piiiict.^, f Sir. ιιΐ4«.' I tOr.Sjiint. Ί i Wh.ch hemili* (or the picfciiiitioa of hii pctfoa. kThtiitheWicM blafpheme Cod ia theii iMiie, whom noiwiihAandin£ he I'utfteih not vnpanilii Ben-hadad. And he faid.Goe, bring him. So Btn-hadrd c^me out vnio hiiD, and he cauled him to ^ome vp into the chariot. 34 P,naB(n-liiuiAd[?.\d-<;mo\\\m , The cities which my father tooke from ihy f.:ther , I will re- Sore > and thou ilwlt make fireetes for thee in PD^mifcus ί as my father did in Samaria. Then faid ^Ihab, I will let thee goe with this couenanr. So bee made a couenant with him , and let him goe. 3 jr ί Then a ceitaine man of the D children of the Prophets fiide vnto his neighbour by the commaailemeiuofthe Lord , jp Yhoe (Viilt jp- I joint in mychi'efe j iltie w'nui ihoa ■^rihyini 1 will obey lit*. Jfuy.,fih, iifilfUt: w37 [hijenitrnjll /tgne he would thee. But the ntwn refufed to finite him lytoMch ^ζ jj,pn faid he vnto him, Becaufe thou haft rot obeyed the voycecfthe Lord .behold , as fcone as tbou an departed from mee , a lyon iliall ' flay thee. So when he was departcdfrom him , a lyonfoond him, and flew him. 37 Then hce found. mother nin ,. rrdfrdd, Smite mee , I pray thee. And the man frhote him, i!!id in imicing wounded bim,^ 38 So the I'rophet departed , antl v,!aitedfor the King by the vwy.anJ diigulfed himfelfe with ail^.es vpon his Dee. 3.9 Αχύ when the King came b}',he cxyed vn- to the King, and laid , f Thy feruant went into tha middes of ihs battell , and behold , there went jJway a mat) , \'Mom*notl;srra?Xi brought vnto me, "and ίύά , Keepe this man : if he be loft, and want, thy life fliall go for his- life , or elfe thou flialt pay; atalentoffiluer. 40. And as thy feruant had here and jherc ta d.,e,he was gone:And the King of Ifracl f.iid vn-. to him. So Ihall thy iudgement be : thou haft gi- ijfn fcnrence, 4 1 And hee hafted , and too!«: the aflies away, from his face : arid the Κ ing of Ifrael luiewe hira that he was of the Prophets: 41 And.ho faid vnto him. Thus faith'the Lordj. * Beciiufe thoiihafi let goe out oi thine hanrics a rnan whom I appoynted to die , tl^y life (hall goe,• f^r his lifj.and thy people for his people. 43 And the King of Ifrael went to )i is houic• beauic and in tiirpleaiure, and came to β. Samaria.. C Η A P. XXI. I I(z^M comsnAndeth to l^jUNaOolh.forthe vineyard• that hee refupdte fell to ^hak. i^ E/'jah reproa-. ueth ^huh.and hee repent eth, Nabc th is UameiT 3 And Naboth faid to Ahab , The Lord keepe me from giuing the inheritance of my fathers vn to thee. _ 4 Then Ahab came into his houfe fieauie and in difgleafure, becaufe cf thf word which Naboth the Izreelite had fpoken vnto him. For hce had (did , I will not giue thee the inheritince of nv/ fathers , and he lay ^ vpon his bed, asd turned his face end would eat no bread. y Thetilezebel his wife came vnto him , and faid vnto him , Why is thy fpirit fo f^d that thou eateft no bread? 6 And he faid vnto her .. Becaufe I fpake rato Nahoth the Izreelite, and {aid vnto him.Giue me thy vineyard for money, or if it p!e«le thee, I wiii giue thee nnothir vineyard for it:but he anhvered 1 will not giue thee my vineyard. 7 Then lezebel his wife faiJe vnto him, «Doe ft thou now gouerne the kingdome of II• rael r Vp, eate bread,and t be of good cheere, 1 will giue thee the vineyard of Naboth the lire- b Thus tfie wicie* coni^dei not whic , iiian>»£< no" Becauft thouhafl traBlgreffeii the «pmmaiijcdient • «he !.««!.. f -By tliijparsMe hematcih λh^t> «ondsmne him. iilfe.whomadei nant with Cedi encmie, an' Iti him sfy vnto him .Thus faiih the Lord , % Haft thou killed, and alfo'gottcn poifeffion ? And thou ihalt fpeakevnto him, fay- iog , Thus laith the Lord , *> In the place.v.hcre dogs licked the blood.of Naboih , fnali dogs licke euen thy blood alio. 20 And Ahab faid to EHj.-.h.. Haft thcufoun mee . Ο mine ensmie ? And hee anfwered, I haue found ihee ■: for ^lou haft fold thy I'elfe to worke wiikcdiies ia tbc fight of the Lord. a.i.'^'Bdiold i For thin iSey vlid to enquire of »>c«$faulrs:fo, nontcooIdfuS iruelythacwe^ notorious finiieifV e Thnst!iewtorli!^ lings contiaiy t» Gods com mariJe- - rneiK, wh« willjth rotcocoT.fint to the Oieddingof iniiocent blood, «bcyriiherth- niilttd commaK- Ijaients of prineet,' h«n the iiiH laws» of God f £i.r. tl.ff.- ( This essmplaiiis•' moiiiitousciMlut. the holy Gbofl Iricittti CO vs, to the intent that wt ihoiild abhoii: all ■ramie, and fpj. ally ia ihf m ' 'horn nxnretnd liird flronld nioone be pitifiill and c}iclni(.d...io n>u haue any aduan- tafc by mtirth«ring h This was fulHUed loiam his fon-ne, as I'.KUigj^ ftAtiab repf c oued^rgpcptgtb; t• chip i+, .«Kings» » » Chap.i » Cliaip.is t». * Chap. I4.J. i tytheViicUi •eanfcUofhiswife be bicime i vi' idelaiti.and " thai gaite himfelfe *thoUj to feioe iinae. f iif.iitfl'P». I la token of raoiirning, ot a> fometeade.bire- foot(4. I Meining, in to- cam cime^i.King »«.CIiten.i».i.» a Bfn-hidad l!ie king oi Syria, ar.d Ahab made a pcaci «rhichenducd ihteeyeeTei. b To fee andvifii him. c The kfitigs o£ S^iiaktpt ?.jmoih before this league »»as made by Ben. hadad : therefore Beeihoiight κβί himfelfe bound theiebytorefloreit. d I am ready lo ioyne andgne with tliee, and all mine is at thy tomman- dement. e Heefeemtdihat he Vfonld not gee to the watte.csc'pi Cod apptooued it, 7et when Michai^h «ounfelled ihc ceu- ti«y, he viould not obey f Meaiiing.the falfe picphett, which ■were tiatistars and fttued for lucre, whom UieS,.ll had iffembltd aiidkept iftetihe d.-ah of thofe V7h«ra Eli at flew. g leho&aphatdid not aiknowledje «he falfe piopheis to be Gcdsmini- fleis , but did cent to heai$4he wicih ■/ Chap.^: * Behold. I will Lrin/;euilIvpon thee, and will t.ke away thy fbfteritie, and will cut off from Ahab him th t * pillcthagsinft thev/all , afwell him that is ■" liiut vp , as hira that is left in lihel. And I will m«ke thine houfe like the hoafe of* I^roboam thefonne of Ncbat , ;.n J like the hpiife of-^Bjiimthe Ibnneof Ahijahjcrthe pro- uocation wlierewith thou haft prouoked and madel.^cJ to fmne. 23 And alio of lezebel fnake the Lord , fay- ing', * The dogs lliall eate l-jz^bel fl by the wall of Izreel, 24 The dogs rtiall eate hira of Ahabs/?«c^#, that dieth iu the citie : and him that dicth in the iields.fliai! the fowles of the aire eat. 2)- (But there wss none like Ahab , who did i fell himfeife to woike wickidnes in the fight of the Lord.whorc I.zebelhis wife prouoked. z6 For hee did exceeding abominably in fol- lowing idols , according to all that the Amoriies did , whom theJLoid caft out before the children oflfrael.) 27 Now when Ah-ibhearithofe wordes, hee rent his cloathes , and ptu fackcloith vpon t him, and fafted.and lay in fackclor.th, and went* foftiy. A nd the word cf the Lord c.me tc El ij jh the Tifhbite, faying, 29 Seeft thon how Ahab is humbled before me? becaufc he fubmitteth himfelfe before mee.I will not bring th.ueiiill in his dayes , but inhis Tonnes ddyes will I bring euill vpon his houfe. CHAP. XXII. -I lehofhaphat and ^bab fight agai»^ the Ι\ί»ζ of Sy'i-i• ly Mickaiah fhevveth the l(ing whit fha&s the fucce-ffe ef their enterprifi. 24 2/i- j k.'jih the ftlfe prophet fniiteth hi'm. 34 ^hab is flaine, 40 ^ha\t*h hL• fotme fucceed^-th, 41 Tb( reigftt oflehefhaphat, 5• ο unk ΙοτΛτη his βηηβ, Λ Nd * they continued « three yeere without **vvarre betweene Aram and lirael. 2 And in the third ycere did lehofliaphn the kingof Indah ^ come downe to the king of Ifrael, 3 (Then the king of Ifraeliaid vnto his fer- uants , Knowyce not that ' Rimoth Gilead was ours ? .ind we ftay, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Aram;) 4 And hee fjid vnto lehofliaphat , Wilt thou goe with mee tobatteil againftRamothGiiead? And lehofliaphat faid vnto the king oflfrael , "1 1 am as thou art, my people as' thy people, and mine horfes as thine horfes. J Then lehofhaphat faid vnto the King of Ifrael,* A$kc counfeli, 1 pray thee,of the Lord to day. 6 Then the king oflfrael gathered the ^ pro- phets , vpon a foure hundreth men, and laid vnto them , Shall I goe agairtft Raraoth Gilead to bat- tell,or ihali I let it alone ? And they laid, Goe vp: for the Lord itall deliuer it into the hands of the King. 7' And lehofhaphat fa.id , Is tiicre here neiier A Prophet of the 5 Lord more , that we might en- quire of him? 8 4nd the king of I frael faid vnto lehoflia- phat , There is yet one man (Michaiah the fonna 1 of Imlah) by whom we may aske counfell of the Lord.butli I hatehira : for he doth not prophetie good vnto mee, buteuill. And lehofliaphat faid. Let not the king fay fo. ine ihem. h Whereby wee fee that the vii(%^ c»JUl« ikiie ^ι{ΐ3(βΐ1ΐΰΙΊβρ1ΐ£Ε!θΙ Cotf and melfu then), the prophets pro- phecieJbefort:them. 1 1 And Zidkijah the fonne of Qjienaanah m.'.de him home's of yrcn ,and laydc , Thus fayeth the Lord , With thefe fliak thou pmh the Ararai- tes.vntill thou haft ccmumed them. 1 2 And all the prophets prophecied fo.fay ing, Goe vp to Ramoth Gilead , and profper : for ihj Lord iball deliuer it into the kings hjnd. 1 3 '^ And the melfcnger th.t was got^c to ciil Michaiah , ip. ke vnto hira , frying , Heboid r.jw, the words of the prophets detUre good vnto the king with tmoneaccord.-letthy word therefore, I pray thee , be like the word of one of them . and fpeike thou good. 14 And Michai.ah fayd , As theLordliucth, whatfoeuer the Lord layeth vnto me , that will I fpeske. I y t So hee came to the King , and the king fayde vnto him , Michsiah , fl-.all wee goe ?g linft Rimoth Gi!e?d to battell , or ihail wee kaue oS 1 The title Trephdi of Cod i»at tcttt- i)«m':d to vie itgnc* tr ihccoBCtmi• icn jf their da- Iri'nc. Ifa 13 » leu Whcteliilh; \. Ttophtll diJ r e-.eihim. ihinl).-.j ; he Icily to maic ihcii do:trine moi« commend.b].•, jt £.r. »..e• and the Lordfliail deliuer it into the hand of the^•"'""]"'*'"?»'"*• king. P""• • ""'" " 1 6 And the king faid vnto him , How oft fliallL/anin j, chat b.j I charg'i thee iha ' which is true in the I X^^» Zidkijah and otliers pfophec 9 Then thekingofIfr..elc3lled.'.n«• Eunuch, anti fayd , Call quickely Michaiah the fonne of Imlah, I ο And the king oflfrael .md lehothaphar the king of ludch fate either r/f/;(rrt en his throne in their k ..pparell in the void place at the entring in L - .w - ^^ ... of the gate of Samaria , and all the proohets Dro- .»1« "^«^^ PpariB. wair.i) a 1 7 Then he fay on the mountaines , as ftieepe that had no iheep heard. And the Lord fayd . ο Thefe hatie no im^ m.ifter , let euery rain rcturne vnto peace. 18 (And the king of Ifrael faydvritoleho fliaphat , Did I not teil thee that hee would pro phecie no good vnto me, buteuill;) 19 Againehefayd , Heare thou therefore the word of the Lord. 1 fawe the Lord lit on his throne , and all thePhoaft of heaiienftoodabout hira on his right hand arrd on hir. kft hand. 20 And the Lord fayd.Who fliall || eutife A- h.ab that hee may goe and fall at Ramoth Gilead And one fayd on this raaner , and another fayd on that maner 2 1 Then there came forth a fpirit, and 1 ftood . before the Lord, and fayd. I will entile him. And the Lord fjyd vnto him, wherewith? 22 And he fayd, I will goe out.and be a' falfe fpirit in the mouth of ail his prophets. ThMi hee iayd , Thou flialt entife him , and llialt alfo pre- uaile : goe forth, 'and doe ίο. 23 Now therefore behold,the Lord hath pit a lying fpirit in the mouth ofallthele thy pio- phets , and the Lord hath appointed cuiil ag.iinft thee. 24 Then Zidkijah the fonne of Chenaanah cattle neere , and fmoteMich.iiihon thecheeb and fayd . * f when went the fpirit of the Lord from me.to fpeake vnto thee? 2 <; And Michaiah faid. Beheld, thou flialt k in that day , when thou liialt goe from chamber to ch.imber to hide thee. 26 And the king of I frael faid.Take Mich -U and• carie him wito Amon the gouernourcft citie, and vnto loafb the kings liinne, a-'.'And lay .Thus faith the King, Tut this R 4 hishouTeinb^^re';^:. ο bep'.iniuiid iii4 citici':d,t>etai>le hey take waiceii land miiliOLii Codf fill and appto- liii«ii.. I Meaning , hk Angili Or , fltfmtit * q Meet» We fee th•» ihoiifh [be dcoillbe (Id ready to biing i to d.-fl. action, >ee he haiH n» fuiihti I then God glutth him I I «ill ctofe aH fail piopbeii iiid (hitGo4 hath K.utn his siouonef• mKli is (o ihem* r: >roanj »Λ7ϊγ with hunger, tni be fed with t fmallportion ef bread ind water. , η Thai when ye ftilHce thefe ■ «bingJcemt to pade.ye may giiie God the glory , and know that I am ill J [lae Prophtt !« Thitis.io the |loidloihclp«. I.Kinbs. in the prifon hpufe , and feed him with 'bread of afflidion.snd with water of affliftion, vntill I re- tiirne in peace. 28 And Mich aiah fay d . If thou returne in peace, the Lord hath not fpoken by nae. And he layd, II Hearken all yee people. 29 So thekingof Ifraelandleholliaphatthe king of ludah went vp to Ramoth Gilead. 3 ο And the king υί Ifraei faid to lehoihaphat, I will change mine apparel! , and will enter into the b ttell.but put thou on thine app''^^^^ vnto lehoihaphat , Let my feruants goe with *„>„,„ t thy feruants in the fhips. But lehoftiaphat would not. ?Φ And lehoihaphat did ileepe with his fa- thers, and was buried with his fathers in the citie of Dauid his father , and lehoram his fonne reig- ned in his ftead. yi f Ahaziah the fonne of Ahab beganne to reigne ouer Ifraei in Samaria , theleuenteenth yeere of lehoihaphat king ofludah τ- and reigned two yeeres ouer Ifraei. 52 But he did euil! in the fight of f Lord.and walked in the Way of his father , and in the way of his mother , and in the way of leroboam the fonne of Nebat,which made Ilrael to linne. 53 For hee feruedBaall,.-.nd worfliipped him, and prouoked the Lord God of Ilrael vnto wrath , j] according vnto all that his father had done. 3'i OiiOi the Scripiaie meaneth Cilicia arid all the fea called Aieditel- raneum. d lolephus «niicth that Ophii is in Inoii, where the, Egyptians and Art• bianstuffickelor gold, , inallftSitti OS bit /Milt Hi, THE SECOND BOOKE ο F τ Η Ε KINGS. τ Η Ε A R G V Μ Ε Ν Τ. His fecetid booke centei'ittl•' the ^[^esofthe I(jnis of ludah and Jfrael: tovvtt, oflfmel.fremthe deathef "^ ^hab vnto 1 hr Ιαβ I<^ifi• H'>('hfa,vv^^evvas imprifoned by the I<^ngof ^ffyria , and his citie Samaria ta» ken, and the ten iriha by the tujl fd-mue oj God for their idolatry and difohedience to God led into captiuity. ^nd alfo of ludih from th' τ i ne eflehoram fonn^ oj iehofhiiphat v?,to Zedeci raw ho for contemning the Lords com- : mandemem by his Prophtrs and ne^leihn(^ his fundry admonitions by famine and other meanes, -ovas taken by his ! enemies , jnvv•! is fonw s mH cufit) f.ainc before hit face, and hts ovvne eyes put out, as the Lord had decU'eJ. te him before by hisPropoei ' -remy : and alfo by t he ίπβ i>en^tance of God for contempt of his word lerujatim ' ^vas dtflroyed the T! mf•. mmt . and he and <:// hispropl• Wereledde away captiues into Babylon. In this t booke are norii''leex,,inp!'sef'. ijds fauour towards thofe rulers andpeopte t/vlitehobey - ;/ Prophet s, and imbrace' hisvvord. 'iniconr'jrivvife,ofhisfLigttts (tvvardi thtfe comm»ti'VVfaUsvvlnehtieileiihismini^ers,u.nddoe: ^»t «bey hi) coTimumaeiMnts, \ . C Η A Pj lAbaziahiicl^e. Fire from heauen, A Ρ I so (hit Kc wM (imiiheifothn ideliityaftenw» libaie, leOeUid, ina he fcU d"""* (Mivpon his hoafe to jiuelighibe- aexh I) The Philinimi rhich dwel' >' l>i> (dole, whiil» OBifieththegeilof ies.ih.nli.n8L II» Ahaziahdyeth. Elijah. Eiiiha. i:j imngt ailed ■Is he was fo jecanfe Bies wete ingejidted io g'eit ibundarceof the )lood of thefaiu- fices that weie Iffered to that idole. He Oieweth that idolateii hau« not „.t «He God, for tUtheywoBld feeke le iio»e but him alone• a IgBOtance " the mother oftaout and idolany- , So-e .W»k. *at «his is mean' ft"" jaiment?, which wereionghan* nadeofhaiie. fT0Wi«.C»«»"e*• « He iedaxi^ what power Gods word hath in the Bjotuhothisfei- nants.when they chreatenG-dsindg ments againR the «ricked Hel CHAP. I. ^harUhbyafaUfaUethfickf , and confulteth with Baal-7ebub. 3 He is reprooued by Elijuh. 10 The caprainesBnerfifiii were f->it toElijah.wbere- of two were burnt with fire from heauen by his prayer. 1 7 ^hiziib dieth , and Ukoram htt brother fucceedetb him. Hen Moab rebelled sgsinft Ifrael after the death of Ahab : 2 And » Ahazuh fell thcrcw Uie lattefie window inhisvpper chamber which was in Samaria : fo he wss ficke : then he fent meifengers , to whom hee laii Gee. 4^ in- quire of 0 Baal-z.'bub the god of Ekron , if I Ihall recouer of this my dilcaic . ^v , = Then the Anoelofthe Lord faid to Elijah the Tillibite , Arife. and goe vp to meete the mei- fengers of the king of Samaria , and fay vnto them « Is it not bccaiife there is no God in lirael. that yee goe to enquire of Baal-zebub the god ot 4 wherefore thus fayeth the Lord.Thou ihalt not come downe from the bed on which thou arc gone vp , but iLalt die the death, ^o Elijah de- ^" y And the meffengers returned vntohim , to whom he faid. Why are ye now returned? 6 And they anlVered him , There came a man and met vs , and laid vnto ^%,Goz,and retume vn- to the king which rent you.&fay vnto him.Thus faith the Lord.d Is it not becaule there u no God in Ifrael, that thou lendeft. to enquire of Baal-ze- bub the god of Ekron ? Therefore thou fnak not come downe from the bed , on which thou ait gone vp.but Q^alt die the death. 7 And he faid vnto them.What maner of man was hee which came and met you . and tolde you thefewordes? ' 8 And they faid vntb him , He was an« ha:rie min.and girded with a girdle of leother about bis loynes. Thtn faidhee.It is Elijah y Tiihbite. ο Therefore the King fent vnto him a cap- itaine ouerfiftie with his hftie »»m , who went vp vnte him : fir behold . hee late on the toppe f of a mountaine , and he layd vnto him , Ο man of God. the king hath comtBaBdedr/« not afr.'.id of his prefence. So he arole , and went dcwne wi:h him vnto the king. 16 And he Hiid vnto him.Thus faith the Lord Becaufe thou haft kntmeflengcrs toerquirctf Baal-zebub the gcd of Ekron, (was it not becaule there was no God in Ii:acl to enquire ofhis word?) therefore thou lliaitnot come downe eft the bed , on which thou art gone vp. but Ihalt die the deaih. 17 So hee died according to the word of the Lord which Elijah had fpokc-n. And"Ichoram beg.n to reigne in hisftead in the fecond yecre of Ichor am the fonne of lehclliaphatking of lu- dah,bccaufe he had no fonne. 1 8 Concerning the reft cf the aftes of Ah.-^zi.ih , that he did .are they not writttrn in thebooke ofc the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael? C Η A P. II. I Elijah diuideth the vvatert with hii cleake, Hee is taken vp into heauen. 13 Elt[ha taketh hi, clo^ke aiiddiutdethlorden. 20 The hitter and ve• nemous waters are heafed. 2} The chttdrenti>at Tfiicke Elifha, are rent in pieces with heartt. A Nd when the Lord would c.-.ke vp Elijah into heauen by a whirlewinde , Elijah went with Elill•.afrom>GiIg.•.l. 2 Then Eiijah laid to Eiiflia , Tarie here . I pray thee : for the Lord hath fent me to Bcth-cl. But Elilha laid , As the Lord liue:h . and as thy j»f'«^'^ fouleliueth .1 will not leaiie thee. So they came J°' * do.wne to Beth-el. 3 Anί«Ί'""" Knoweft thou . that the Lord will take thy mafter from thine fiead this day ? And hee fayd .lYca . I know itihold ye your peace. 6 Moreoiier Eiijah fayd vnto fim .Tarie . I _ pray thee, here : for the Lord hath fent me to lox-w^y,, den. But he layd , As the Lord iiueth .and as thy -'•- foule liueth . I wiH not leaue thee. So they went both together. r . ^ l 7 'And fifty men of the fcnnes of the Prophets [went and ftocd ontheothcr lideafarre off. and 1 they two ftcod by lorden. ' 8 ί Then Elij. h tooke his cloake . and w;r.--pc it together, and fmote the f wateis , and they were diuided hither a*d thither, and ihcy twaine went ouercn thedriel-Jid. 0 Now when they were psficd ouer , Elij fav-d veto Eliiha . Afke , what 1 ihall doe for ι ue before I be t.^ken from thee. And Elilha laid . I pray thee, let thy Spirit g be double vpon mc^ wh'ch was thai place whcfeihc child.» of rfixl were ci-ctiircil• Ί dhad ibe»ilJcfe, which befere «TAihutifuU. « Ferteiiilr.g theit tnalict'oiii heart aiainft the Lord ^ Jiis word, he defi- leih God to talte •veninace of that jaiiitii doKevntB iUm. « K.ekde'tfie anne. «Jtion in the Κιβ .f ludsh, resdel ι King. 12. 47. tbrir fctti. f Than'?, who w»l his feriiaBt. g He is able to in- ΜηιΛ ys wrharis Gods will in this point. h He knew th« this wicked lin^ wouldhanebnt vfed his ceimfell to feme his tutae» and therefore ht diTdaincdtoan- fwett him. i The wiiiea cSeemenotthe fertiants of God, but when they av« driiien by veryne- «fCtyand feareof the pre tent danger. It God fufl-ereth hi* word to be decla- red to the wicked, bccaiile of the godly that arc among them. 1 He fangfonjJ-t• Gods glory,and fe eirred v; the Fco- pheii heart to pto- phecii. m Hes will not only miraciilotifly giiie 70Π waters, btit youtenejnieJaife into yo!ir hand, η Though God be• flow hjsbenef.ief for a time vpon the enemie?,ycthehaih hii feafort.wheo ht wilUake them away, to the inteat they might foe ] vengeance which (« prepared again* ihejs. Moabires. Ο The fndien ioY «fihevrK>edjs fcut a ptepratjcn to ihcK c« ftruetion, «dfiKh it II hmd ii MeJnitig.ihey oUowedihtminti the towr«s. q which was one ciiht principill iiiies of the Moa- bitis.whetiir. they Ufi nothing kot ihi VrtUeS. I Somerefc-re it t( «he kirg of EJo! lonne'j whomrl• fay he had taken ii that skiimiOi: but father iticeiiMih be hit owne i«iiiie '^homhe offered κ liiigodj,to pacific «hem : which bar. blrons crucliie meiicdihelfraelit^ hearts ct piiie to dcfait, J'ReiJeChsp.i.j, • And therefcrs 'iellBOtiiito debt byvrthrifiinefle etprodigalltie, tut ty the hand, efths Lord. t Becaiife J am pooreandiioiable io.pay. ά Thus Gel fiif- fereih hi» many times to be bionghi to extreme iiec;f- iitie.befote hefnc- loiir them, that af- terward ih^y may themottpiaift liis ntdcie. c Ihe Frsphet dedtrethhaeby vnto her,thai God scaei faiietb to prantde fot h is feiuiiits.tbeit Viiucs, S children, ittheytiuBinhim. f Twangmemar.d increafe i» the veaUi. S God here did not o«c3y ptrmide• fiwhtffefj.int, that Mtd^bis (hniild te payed.end lb kept bisdaAdneand fiofe(ri«n wiihont Sander, kttt «Ifefor bis Wife ijidAil- bwhich (Koald be iepatatefrcm the tee of ihi hotife, that, he mighi more conuTiodtDnJly giiit bimfeire i« fliidi*. SBdprayect^ The oyfe encreafed. kiDgs were come vp to f ghi againft them , they gathered all that was ablet to [nn oti hartiefle.and vpward,and flood in their border. Z2 And they rofc e.^riy in the rriorning.whcn the Sunne crofe vpon the water ,and the Moabites law the water ouer againft them , as rt d as blood. 23 And they faid,oThis is blood : the Kings are litrely llaine , and one hath fmitten another : now therefore, Moab, to the i'poile. * 24 And when they came to the hoaft o^irr.>eU the irraelites aroie vp.anJ fmote the hJoabitcs.fo that they fled before them, but they Ρ inaaded thero.md fmote Moab. jy And they deftroyed the cities : and en all the good f.cld eiiery roan cfll his flcne , and filltJ them, and they ftopt all the fctm;ainfs of water, and felled all the good trees : onely inq Kir-lv-ra- feth left they the ftones thereof : howbeit they went cbout it with flings, and in-.ote it, 7.6 And when the king of Moab faw that the hittell was too fore for him , hee t&oke with hira feiien hundreth men that drewe thefword.to breake thorow vnto the King of Edom : but they cotild not. 27 Then he tock-e his eldeft for^ie , that il-oiilJ haiie reigned in his flead .androfiered him for a burnt oftering vpon the wall : fo that llraej was lore grieued, and they• departed (rom him.and re- turned to their countrey. e Η A P. IV. 4 Gad increafeth the tyle to the foorc vvidn>v ly SlU fha. J 2 Hee uiteiheth for the Shmammite Λ fame at Gods hand, ι 8 ]'Ύho dying, 3 2 lee TMfeth himvpngnine. 40 Heema^thfvveete thej-'ottage, ^i and r/sriltip/ieth the io^uer. A . Nd one of the wines » of the fonnes of the• Irophets cryedvntoElilha, Ciying, Thy fer- ii;nt inine husband is dead , and thou knowcll, that thy feru.int did ^ feare the Lord : and the cre- diixji^r is coriiG to take ray f^'o fonnes to be his t bondmen. 2 1 hen Elilba faid vnto her,AVh3t fliall I doc for th^'e ? tell mee , what hift thou at home? And fhe fii J, Thine handmiyd hath nothing, at home, fauea * pitcher of oyie. 3 And he uid , Goe. and borrow thee veflels abroad of all thy neighbours, emptie vclTels.4«i fpare nor. 4 And when thou art come in, thou fliak-iliut the doore vpon thee and vpbn thy ioimes.and powre out into «all thofs veftcls.and fee afide thcfc thatarg fiiil. So ihee departed from him .snd fhutthe doore vpon her, and vpon her ionnes. And they ought to her.and fiie powred out. 6 And when the vefiels were full,fl-e faid vnto !ier fonne , Bring mc yer a velTel. And hee fayd into her , There is no more veifels; And the oyie ceafed, 7 Then (heecameandtoldethexnanof God. And he fjid, Goe, and fell the oyle, and pjy them " hit thou art in debt vnto , and Hue thou ind thy :hi]diencfthegrcft. 8 1 And on a ti.^ne Eliiha came to Shunem, nd th.'re a woman of great rji/wii/iiw conftrai- led him to eat bread : and as he palled by.he tur- »ed in thitherto eat bread. 9 And file faid vnio her husband , Behold , I^ inew now, that this isanholy mauofGod that pail'eth by vs continually, J 0.. Lfic vs make ^hioi a little chamber.I pray. IV. TbeShunammitesronncdtclb. 134' thee.with walles,5c let vs fct him there a bed, rnd a table , and a ftoole , and a candlefticke, that hee may turnc m thither when he commcili to vs. II iAnd on a day , he came thither and ti»i ned into the charaber.and lay therein I ζ And laid to Gthazi his ferticnt , Call thii SlnmLmmite; and whtii he called her , flic ftooc before him. 1} Then he faid -.nto him, Savvntc her now Behold, thou halt h.id all this great care for »whai (hall wedoforthee? Is there any ihitigtc be Ipokcn for thee to the kirg or to the captains of the hoafte ? And ihe anfwered, I k dwei among mine ov.ne people 14 Againe hee faid, What is then to be done for hi r; Then Gehizi fnfwered , Inc^eed ll-.e hath 1 no lonr.e.and her hi;sband is old. 1 r Then fayd he, Call her. And hee called he; aiid fl-,e ftood in the doore. 16 And he (ayd, -"At this time appointcd.ac- coriing to the time of iiie , thou ihalt embrace a lonnc. And fle fayd , Oh my lord , thou man of God.doenot lye vutothine haidmayd. 1 7 So the w oman conceiued. ami bare a fonne at that fame feaion, acccrdipg to the time of life, that Elilba had faid vnto her. 1 8 f And when the child v.•:? growen, it fell on- a day , that hcc went oin to his father , and to the rcnpers. 1 9 Arid he faid vnto his father , «Mine head, mine head. AVhofaid to/;»/ feruant , Beare hira to his mother. 20 And hee tooke him and brought him to his mother, and hee fate on her knees till noone , and died. 2 1 Then il?e went vp,cnd laid hira on the bcti of the man of God , and Ihut the doore vpon Inm, and went out. 2 2 ί Then fi:e called to her husband, and faid. Send with mee. I pray thee, one of the yongmen and one of the aiTes : fori will haltu to the uanof God, and come againe. 23- And he l.iid , wlRrefore wilt thou goe to Iiim to day ? it »> neither " new moone nor Ssb- b.iihd..y.And (hi anfwered, t All Ihnilbe weU. 24 1 hen the fadled arv alVe,and f.iid to her fer- u.int , Driue , r.nd goe forward : flay not for mc to d get vp.cxcept I bid thee. 2 f 1 So 11 ee went , and came vnto the nan of God to mount Canncl. And when them.tnof God faw her D ouer againft him , he f.dd to Geha- zi his feruant,Bcho!d,the Shunammite. 16 Runne now.l fay, to mecte her, and fay vn- to her , Art thou ki health ? is thine hiisbiud in health ? a^d is thy childe in Iveoltli ; And ihe an- fwered,we are in health. 17 And when He came to the taan cf God vn-< to the mountainc , fhe «caught him by his feete: :nd Gehazi wenrto her , to thiiilt her awry : biu the man of God faid , Let her alone : for her fuule is t Vexed witlMn her , tnd the Lcrd hath hidit from me,and h.ith not told it me. 2 8 Then Ω ee faid. Did I de/irea fonneof my lord? did I not i.iy,Dcceine me not? 79 Thenhcfiidto Gehazi.C.ird thy loynes, .-ntl take my iLfte in thine hjnd.and go thy w.iy : Ρ if thou meete any .falute him not : uid if any fjltite thee,anfwcre him net: tnd laymyftant vpon the face of the childe. 30 And the mother of the childe fayd, As the Lbrd IJaeih , and aj• thy lowle iiueili-, J wiil n«t I f^nithefettiimi vnh».k.:Miifot iht Wnehuthe; y I imcorceni wiihihr thai CrTir.t and ;oniol>n'-fhn.: fliiy and uythal• hihaUmci with ; xnltOich lf>«4r- K noihingmay thee ii the VHJC ΐΤ^ ings. ^^aaman the Syriatj and Elifha^ leaiic tliee. Therefore hee arofe , and followed! her, 3 1 But Gehazi w.is gone before them, and had ]ayd the ft.ifFe νρόη the face of the childe, but hee neither Ipake nor heard: Wherefore hee returned to meet him, and told him, faying. The child is not waken. ι 32 f Then came Eliilia into the houfe , and behold , the childe was dead , and layd vpon his bed. 3 3 Hee went in therefore, and iliut the doore vpon tliem twaine.and prayed vnto the Lord. i q Tlie lilie Hi ^^ After he went vp.and ΐ lay vpon the child, ! dowes'fon''ni"i" i ^"'^ V^^ ^'^ 'rtKinth onhis mouth, and his eyes vp- j Sivf^Li^Tiiijigl on his eyes, and his hands vpon his hands , and [ «r.i ■ .«n'd s Pauii ftretched himfelfe vpon him , and the fleil• of the j Afts2o. .o.f.gmfi^ ^hild waxed warme. ' i,|h't co'b"in i 3 Τ And he wemfrom him. and walked vp and «him, thatOeate c That is iNiamM loldeicco the ki^g of Syria. f Eir. in ii word of Cod, ifirib'Utts of «he fpitiiuall life. I Meaning.ofun f that is, in the Und of ifiad, 3 J• And he wcmfrom him, and walked vp and | : tht downe in the houfe, and went vp and Ipread him- f felfe vpon him : then the childe neefed i feu.yi . times.and opened his eyes. | 35 Then he called Gehszi, and faid, Call this Shunammite.So he called her. which came in vn- to him. And he faid vntoher.Take thy fonne. 37 And ilie came,and fell at his feet,and bowed her felfe to the ground , and tooke vp her fonne. and went out. 38 Afterward EliOvi returned to Gil?al,and a fam.ine was in the^^b.nd , and the children of the Prophets dwelt with him. And he laid vnto his feruant , Set on the great pot , and feethe pottage for the children of the Prophets. 39 And one went out into the field to gather herbes. and found as it were a wilde vine.and ga- thered thereof' wilde goVirdes his garment full, and cnme and fhred them into the pot of pot- le"J^'^j tage : for they knew it not my lord were with the !> Prophet th.it is in Saraa- ■> Meam'ng , iliflii. ria.hc would foone deliuerhim of his leprofie. 4 And ί he wen; in, and told his lord , faying Thus and thus faith the maidc that is of the land oflfrael y And the king of Aram ^lyd , Goe thy way thither, and I will fend a lecr-r vnto the King of ^TogiuetWun Ifrael. And he departed . and i rooke t with him'prefen ten talents of filuer.and iixe thouIand/>/fc«uf'proph( golde,and tep chjnge of nyments. 6 And brought the letter to the king oflfrael to this effeit. Now when this letter is come vnto thee . vnderftand , that I h'iue lent thee Naaman my feruant , that thou roayeft heale him of his leprofie 7 And when the king of Ifrael had read the letter.hee rent bis cloathes.and faid.Am I God.to: kill and to giue life, that he doth fend to m.e , that I Ibould heale a man from his leprofie ? where- fore cortfider, I pray you, and fee how he feeketh a quarell agrinftme. 8 But when Elilba the man of God had heard that the king of Ifrael had rent his cloathes , hee j fent vnto the King, faying, < wherefore hail thou je The prophet rent thy cloathes ; Let him come now to me, and t''"*r'V''j-5"'^ he (hull know that there is a Prophet in Ifrael. jconfidet that coi 9 ^ Then Ν lam.m came with his horfes , and with his charets.aud ftood atthc dooreof the |ρΌ'η>ι'';. and "here- houfeofEliiba. _ iorew<™ld 10 Apd EliibafentameiTengervntohim.fay- ing.Goe and waih thee in lorden feiien times.and phet, whofe puyeti oft vehe dingcroiis in purging. α ihcy feared that they werepovfo- ned.becauieof the bitteincirc. ( It is «at the qiianiitie of bread thai fatiifitth, but the bit iriiig that Cod giueih. 1 Here jppejreih that among ihe in (dels God hath his.andairoihat the infidels haite them in eflimatior ivhich doe good t their coiinriey. \ Ebt.fliewas**- feic. 40 So they powred out for the men to eate : and when they did eate of the pottage, they cried out and faid , Ο thou man of God," death «^ in the pot: and they could not eate thereof. 41 Then he fiid, Bring meale. And he caft it into the pot , and faid , Powre out for the people, that they may eate : and there was none euill in the pot. 42 ί Then came a man from Baal-lhalilba , and brought the manof God bread of the firft fruits. tuert twentie loaues of barley, and full eares of corne in the huske. And he faid , Giue vnto the people that rhey may eate. 43 And his feruant anfwered , How. ihonld I fct this before an hundrcth m-rn ? He laid againe, Giue it vnto the people , thit they may eate : for thus faith theLord.They Ihall eat,and there " ih.i\\ remaine. , 44 So hee fet it before them.and the;.• did eate, I and left ouer.according to the word ot the Lord. C Η A P. V. I Naaman the Syrian is healed of hit tehrofie. 16 Eltfha refufeth Ui gifts. 17 Geha-^ is flriken ' -with leprofie , becaufe hee tooke money and raiment of N^ama». ■VtOw was there one Naaman captaineof the hoafte of the King of Aram, a great man, and honourable in the" fight ofhis lord , becaufe that by him theLord had > deliuered the Araraites.He alfo was a mighty m jn and valiant, iut a leper. ζ And the Aramites had gone out by bands, and had tskcn a little mayd of the land oflfrael, and file t ferucd Naamans wife. 3 And ihi faid vnto her miftreife.WouId God thy fielh fliall come againe to thee, and thou ihal he cleanled. 11 But Naaman was ^ wroth and went away, and laid. Behold, I thought with my felfe. He will |f μ furely come out , and if md, and call on the Name ^'^(jj, of theLord his God, and put his hand on the place, .the fig and heale the leprofie. iward things, and 1 2 Are not Ahsnah and Pharpar, riuers of Da- ϊ^'^^ w"o°d oVgoT mafcus, better then all the waters of Ifraehmay I j|,>,"h is there" ' not wafh me in them , .-nd be cleanfed ? fohe tur- «onteined. woald heate , & horn other Id hanerecoorfe fer comfort. ! reifon mtrc h.vihenit go»ely nd oat-, ned,and departed in dilpleafurc. 1 3 But his feruants came, and fpake vnto him, and laid, g Father, if the Prophet had commanded thee a great thing , wouldeff thou not haue done it ; how much rather then, when he faith to thee, Wafh.and be cleane? 14 Then went he downe.and * waflied himfelfe feuen times in lorden, according to the faying t^f the man of God •' and his flelh ciiroe againe , like vnto the flefli of alittlechild,andhe was cleane. If ί And hee turned againe to the man of God , hee, and all his companie , and came and flood before him , and faid , Behold now, I know that there is no God in all the world bur in Ilrael : now therefore, I pray thee, take a t reward of thy feruant. 16 But hee faid , As the Lord liueth (before whom I ftand) I will not receine it. And he would haue conftrained him toreceiuc ir.hbutheere- fufed. 17 Moreouer Naaman faid, Shall there not be giueo to thy ftruant two mules load of this earth? for thy feruant will henceforth offer neither burnt facrifice nor offring vnto any other god,faue vnto the Lord. 1 8 Herein the Lord be > mercifull vnto thy fennnt , that when my mafter goeth into the houfe of Rimmon , to worihip there , and leaneth on mine hand , and I bowmy felfe in the houfe of Rimmon : when I doe bow downe , I fay , in the g This dedareth hatfemantiOBghl toretierenceand lone their miners as children their fa- thers, and I'kcwil'e mafiers toward their feniants , mnR be affeftioned a? to- ward iheir children. * Liile+ »7. h So (he Lord commandeth that they that receiiie freely, ttioald giue alfo freely. i Heefeeltthhis tonfcience vyOHn- ded in being prefent at idoles fetiuce, and iherefore de- fivethGodto foigiiie him, lead oihen by his example ghifallioideU- Ity: for nfor hij ownepatt hecOH- fefTeth .har he will >ieiict lernc any but the true Ced, k the Ptopliet Hi not appieoue h'S %Ae, but ifcet the Ommon manet.of &:ich hee kiddeth - fuewell, 1 DeeUrfng Aettky, fthlt honont and dSiaioi) he fcaie to the piofhethii Gebazy leprous. The Aramitei fOt,fftiffi4,W m NaaniMi !«(• mWiSTnetptereitt with thee in ip""? • That it, mone7 tokuyponellious ^ih : nie<3in{, riiiiitis deteHable in the truants of Csd to hail'- cnue- «onimindtt f To tie an example η all fach, a > by «tliote (ouetenf- HtfTeGods «raid ■li|||i(be(landeiei • etl«ie«tef wood fit te boild % Gad «ROBght «hit BiitacDlonQyto con&rnie liie iii- dloiity of Hi»ia,i wiiom he b«d giitei fath abuadaiiit of hii Sf iift. c Meaning, tbaihe Treoldlieinam- kaOi.and take the Ifneliies » vul- chap.vr. the houfe of Rimmon.the Lord be ffiercifull vnto hy feruant in this point. ip Vnto whom hee faid , k Goe in peace. So lee departed from him about halfe a dayes iour- isy of ground. 20 And Gehazi the feruant of Eliiha the man )f God faid .Behold , my mafter hath fpared this Aramite Naaman.receiuing not tho!e things srhis band that he brought : As the Lord liuetli , I will :unne after him.aod take foraewh u of him. So Geh.izi followed fpeeciily ?fter Naam-io. lind when Nacman law him running after him, hee light downe from the charet to meete him, and faid. Is all well? 12 And hee anfwered, All is well : my mafter hath fent mee , faying , Behold , there be come to mee euen-now from mount Ε phraim two young' men of the children of the Prophets ; giue them, I pray thee , a talent of filuer , and two change of garments. 25 And Naaman faid , Yea , take two talents : and he compelled him , and bound two talents of filuer in two bags, with two change of garments, and gaue them vnto two of his feruants , that tb;y might beare them before him. 24 And when hee came to the C tower , hee teoke them out of their hands , and layd them in the houfe , and fent away the men : and "> they departed. 25; f Then hee went in, and ftood before his niaftvir. And Ε liiha faid vnto him, Whence mot- meji thou, Gch-.zi ? And be faid. Thy feruant went no whither. %6 Bitt hee fivd vnto him , η Went not mine heart with the*, when the man turned sgaine from his charet to meetethee? Is this a time to take muQey, and to receiue garments, " and oliues,and vinjyards,and ihiope.and oxeD,and men feruants, and maide fer uan t s ? 27 The leprofie therefore of Naaman fl.all cleaue vnto thfe,and to thy Ρ feede for eiier. And hee went, out from his prefence a leper white as fnow. CHAP. VI. 6 £lip>a mak^th yran to fvvimintahoue the water. 8 He dtfcUfeth the Ιφΐ7 of Syrias connfel to the kmg eflfr-i I. I s VVto finding certaiue to take hint, 1/vere k^Pt fiif- in Samaria, j^ Samaria is befe- ged, and atdureth extreme famine. ANd the children of the Prophets faid vnto Eiilha, Behold, v.e pray thee.the place where we dwell with thee, is too little for vs. 2 Let vs now goe to Iorden,that we may take thenceeiiery m'na «b^-ame ,andmjke vsaplace to dwell in. Andhe anfwered, Goe. 3 And one f-dd. Vouchfafe,! pray thee. to goe with t'py feruants. And he anfwered, I will goe. 4 So he went with them.and when they came to lorden.they cut downe wood. 5• And .;s one was felling of a tree , the B^'ron fell into the wuer ; then hecryed ,and faid, Alas mafter, it was butbotov/ed. 6 And the man of God faid. Where fellit? And he fl.twed him the place. Then he cut d jv;nc npicce of wood, and caft in thither, and he caufed :he yron to ^ fwinime. 7 Then he fayd , Take it vp to thee . And hee ftretch.jd ou^^his hind, and tooke it. % f Then the king of Aram warred againft If- r:e.,and tooke counfeliwith his feriiants,and laid. In ί fuch and fuch a place fhai(>e my campe. imitten with blincjneiie. 1 3 j; 9 Therefore the men of God fent vnto the kingof Ifracl . laying , Beware thou goe not oner to luch a place : for there the Aramitcs are come * downe. 10 So the king of I frael fent to the place mhich «ne nun of God told him , .-ind warned him of, and ti .,,. . , thou fpeakeft in thy ' priuie chimber. ΓίβΙ/" ,h,"'|, jf* 13 Andhefaid.Goeand efpie where he is, that i"»' η gr.ib.m.bat I m,-.y fend and fetch him. And one told hira, fay. i*"^''"""'''"•"»* ing.Behold,/ji«inDothan. ίίϊ','κΐΤ''' " "'* 14 f So he fent thither horfes, and ch.irets,and t Thwgh ii fcad almighty hoafte : and they came by night, and P»»'»•»'"'"•'*"' compaffed the citie. r"» ','"'*',"'"' '• ly And when the feruant of the man of God Le"*htwicitd*«iie« arofe e?rly to goe oUt , beholde , an hoafte com- jdoiikt, and ihini.- paffed the city with horfes and charets. Then his '•''•> "* >'"«"'>'« feruant laid roto him , Alas mafter . how iliall wee '"ΓΧι^ΓηΊι doe> jb; but agu'nA «Bc 1(5 And hee anfwered, g Feare not:* for they that <>' > f"»- be with vs , are moe then they that be with them. ;f f "o'd'i hd '*ί^* 1 7 Then Eliita prayed, and fdd. Lord, I be-Aa, liliior^i" feech thec.open his ey es , " that hee may fee . And I ab gf is c imped the Lord opened the eyes of the feruant, and heej»''r"'*'«'"*'i " looked, and behold, the mountainc was fullofl»','"chJon"'a ?. horfes and charets of fire roundabout Eiilha. (h Thai he ma^ bt'- 18 Soithey camedowne tohira ,but Eliihaj•"'"•'»'"'"'"''»'* prayed vnto the Lord.and iaid.Sraite this-pcople.^^'^'f^,"""'* I pray thee, with blindnclVe. And hee fmote them j Mianrg .the sy- with blindnelTe , according to the word of Eiilha. jiiam hi» enemici, " ■ * »hich camt donTS• ihtDli:iiglhcm- fcliiiifiucofhim. 15> And Eiilha faid \'ntothera, This is not the way,neither is this the city ;follow mee .and I will leade you to the man whom yee feeke. But he led I1 them to Samaria. 20 And when they were come to Samaria, Eliiha f.nd,Lord,open their eyesy they" may fee. And the Lord opened their eyes , and they faw, and behold, t/;ey were in the middes of Samaria. 21 And the king of Iftael laid vntoEli(l:a _ when he faw them, • My father, lliall I finite thcm,|l The witW vCt fell I fmite them? j«i..t.riandg-- k Thai he did be- ing hi by the Spiiik of God.andnotbe• caiife he fought hh ownetdcagcaact, bni onely to let fooiih ihvgloiytf God. And hee anfwered , Thou fl^altnot fmite|^,"'i," οΤο^!'*^ them : doeft thou not fraite them that thou haft | when they ihinkj taken with thy fword , and with thy bow ? but fet ' '<> h««« ««y «»»- bre.id and water before them , that they may eate ;,"' 'h'n'Ih',,*,'"' and drinke and gee to their mafter. ' jheaiith.ycanBet 23 And he made great preparation for them : Ltidcthtm. and when they had eaten and drunken , hee fent | bands of Aram came "no more into the land of Ifrael. 24 But afterward Bcn-hadad king of Aram githcred all his hoalte,and went vp and belicged Samaria. 2 y S ο th ere was a gre at f.:ra inc in S amar i a : for loe.they bcfieged it vntill rn afles head was at fourcfcore piece.• of filuer , and the fourth part of a kab of douesn doting at hue pieces of filuer. 26 And as the kir.g of Ilr.^el was going vpon the wall , there cr}-cd .; woman vnto him . laying Helpe,nTj'lord,0 King. • 27 And he iiid^Seein^ the Lord doeih not fuc- coui \e vnonthi by ophet, did mote j-ttniile for qmetm•, (ih.'vhidkia oaetconr.• li-. tatell: foi i!ieyifi«^r.«det steal Ihatyne fight ag>iaA lU tail,ot in that , KingidiVei. η The ibrewej wtitr.ihatihey biiintdiiio the fiegefotliCkc•! AKimnciT iiraci. foure • Mcl-,i/;ij, »ny kinde of viiails, as f orre and • Mtiat, r with the winepreflef 28 Alio tha king laid vnro her , Whit ayleth thee ? And fhe anlwered .This woman laid vnto me,Gir.c thy fonne that wee may eate hira to day, and sve will eate my fonne to morrow, 29 * So we fod ray lOnne.and did eate him:and I iaid tehii- the day after , Giue thy fonne , that ve miy eate him, but iliehjth hid her fonne, 30 And when the king had heard the words of th'j womiii , he rent his closthes , (and as he wtnt vpon the wall,the people looked , and behold, he had fackecloath Β within f vpon his fle(h) 3 1 And he faid , God doe fo to mee and mere alfo, if the headof Eiiflia the fonne of Shaphat ihill ftand on him this day. 3 ζ (Now Elillia fate in his houfe , and the ai- ders fatrt wi-h him, ) And t/je f^i»^ fent amsn be- fore him : Out before the meilen;!;er came to hitr, he laid to the Eiders , See ye not how this ^ mur- thercrs fonne hath fent to take awayniine he;dj tike heede when the metrengcT cororaeth , xnd fl-iut the doore , and kindle him roughly at the doore : is not the found ofhis mailers feW be- kindehim' ^ 33 While hee yet taiketh with them, behold, tne meil'enger came downe vnro him , an I faid. Behold.thiseniil commeth of the Lord ; ' ihouid I actind on the Lord any longer? CHAP. VI r. Ϊ Ε!,βΛ prephecieth plentie of viuiUs,And ether thimt to Samtria. 6 The Syrians rm away, and haw no mmfMovving them. 17 The priwt that would not bdeeu! the vvrdofEli^hA ,is tradento death, "£ Hen Eliaw faid , Heare yee tha wordofrhe Lord : thus faith the Lord, « To morrow this time a meaiure of fine ^oursfoalbe feld for a ihe, kel. and two meafmes of barley fora Ihekel in t.he gate of Samaria. Then a prince, on whofe hand the king * leaned , anfwered die man of God . and faicf. Though the Lord would make « windowes in the heaiien. could this thing come to paffe ? And hee f ThH5 Ccd needcth 310 gtiacp to de iltoy k;d, ihotigh they n»;ier fo many : fot Ιΐζί tan f:autr them with afmallnoyli OTlhakiiipefi I«afe. "■ β The vTickei r.cede no tijuet enemiethen thiic .owacconfciencc fio futUn th«m• faid,Beho]d,thou Ihalt lie it with thine eyes , but thou Ihalt not * eate thereof. 3 Now there were foure leproin men at the entrui^ in of the gate : and they faid one to ano- hei'.Why fit we here vnt ill we diei 4 If we fay. We will enter into the citie , the famine is in thccitie .andweihalldiethere -and if wee fit heere. we die alio. Now therefore come, and let vs fall into the carape of the Araraires -if they faue out hues , weQiaJiliue : and if they kill vs.we are but dead, 5r So they rofe vp in the twi-light , to goe to the campe of the Aramites : and v.'hen they were come to the vtmoft part of the campe of the Ara- mites , loe , there was no man there, 6 For the Lord had caufed the campe of the Aramites to heare a f noife ofcharets . and a noife ofhorfes.dw^anoifeef a great armie, fo that they faid one to another . Beholde , the Kinp cfll- 2el hath hired againft vs the kings of the Hi••, .res, and the kings of the Egyptians to come vn- 011 vs. ' _ 7 Wherefore they arofe , and fled in the twi- light, and left their tents and their horfes .and their afTes, euen the carape as it was.and g fled for their hues. And when thefe lepers caraete the vtreoft Lepe^. incfcdulky fewardeit wrt of the campe , they entred into one tent , anc did eate and drinke . and caiied thence fihier and gold, andrai.ment, and went and hid it : after they teiurned, and enrred into another tent, and carie J thence «i/Za , and went and hid it 9 Then fayd one to another. Wee doe not well : this dny is a diy of good tidings , and wee hold onr peac;. If wee tarie till day iighr , fome S mifchiefe will come vpon vs; Now tt*;n;fore, come,lecvs goc.acd tell ths kings hotiil-ioid, 10 Se they came and called vnto the porters of the ciiie.gc told them, f.:ying. We came to the campe of the Aramites, and loe, there was no man tlvjre , neidier voyce of man , but horfes tyed and afles tyed : and the tents λπ as they were, II. And the poirters cryedand declared to the kings houfe within, I i Then the king arofe in the night, and f^i J vnto his leruants, k I will ifcew you now, what the Arsmites hiae done vnto ts. They know that we are aftamilhed, therefbre they are gone out of the cwnpe to hide therafelnes in the field , faying. When they come out of the citis.wee fliall catch them aiiue.and get into the citie, 1-3 And one ofhis feruants anfwi.reJ.aa J faid. Lei uti..\ iakc now fine of the horfes tiiit rsnaaine, f nd arc left in the dtie , (behold . they are eucn as ail the i miiltinidc of Draeithm• ate left therein : beiiold . Ifijt , tliey are as the multitude of the If- raelites tii-n are confumed) &: we will lend to fee. 1 4 So they tooke fl two charets of horfes , and the king fent after the hcafle of the Araraites.fay- in».Qoc? And they Went afrer thera vnro Torden , and lo.sil f way w.;s full of clo*thcs and vellcls which the Aramites had οΆ from them in their hafte : and the RjcHengtrs renimed.and told tfie king. 16 Then tiie people wect out and fpoiled ihe campe of the Arartiites: io ameafure of fine flotire was at a fliekcl.and twomeafurescf barley at a fliekel k according to the word of the Lord, 1 7 And the king gaue the prince (on whof; hand he leined>.,the charge uf the gate , iind the people^ t/ode vpon hira in the gate . and h:• Ji^ J as the man of God had faid, which fp.ike ic.whcn the king came cowne to him. „ 18 And it came to p.,iie . as the m.an of God had ipoken to the ki.ig , 1 lying, Two me .fures of bsrley at a fliekel, :ind a meafure of fine floure Πυΐΐ be at a Ihekei , to morrow about this time in the gate of Samaria. 19 But the prince had snfwcred the man of God. and iiiid , Though the Lord would m.,ke windowes in the he.-inen . could it come fo paffe Ϊ And he (aid. Behold, thou fealt fee it with thine eyes.but thoii il>alt not eate thereur 20 And fo it came vnic him : for the people trode vpon him in the gate.afi^ he died C Η Λ P. V 1 1 Γ. I EJtJhapropheeietk vnto the Shunamrmte the dearth of [men yeeres. i ι He prnpt^ecieth to Ha;^^l,that hec fhaU be ktng ofSirU. ly Hee rei^ngth after 1 Hi midrKUti tfit "tophets words, an4 iiiiefore iouM iodly ctier cad • ! moiepetilsilua r.etdeth. i There aren» meq eft.kiitthey , er the ell are c.^nitimed Ithiheiamintjil there» of the pjcple - im> h,rpt cf •Kffiornii '^'hichheftalfB 1 .hc,.o,..:h',t Uu^a.vt.r* I. A'cliepieple eafiTedoiiioftlie i:e to run to tlie Syrians tenti, whi'eih.yhad heird wasmeatf, and steac fpoiU left. Ee»had,td. 1 6 lehon tmretgnetnoueriudal-). • 20 IJ ^ha^Mhfucceedtth Edor» faliethfrom Indali Tehoram^ 'J' Hen φ ,ke Elifha vnto the woman , * whoif> ionnehee had refVored to iifc. laying, Vp ^nd goe , thou and thine houfe ,. and foioume where tliou'catift foiourne,: for the- Lord hath caiied ior a fimine , aad it comtneth alio vpon the Lnd ijeeresi Λ. Ant Cha?.4i?i ■ v.htttihoii tan* finit a'commodion* placf to dw^l, where as U plentij, Hazael.Iel: oram. Cliap I X. Abaziah.leliu is anoyntec Kino. pltinecntliem iwhicb h»a ukea liet f erttflimis .«ihilr lie yiu Λ fert. « eo4s werdctf*! 1 ff euideiice affei' «ith in ihiJ.ibn kc mnf(«liheKi»(io I And the woman arofe, and did after the fay- ingof the mnnof God , • nd went luith (be and her hoiiiliold , and iuieurned in the land ot the Pfailf- fiires feiicr yeercs. 3 ί And itt the ftuenyeeres end , the vwoman returned out of ihe land cf the IhiJiftims .end went out '•to coll vpon the king forherhoule and for her land. 4 And the King talked v.ithGchizi the fer- nant ofthemancfGod .faying. Tell ine .l^'ray thee.alithe great ^ib that Eliilw hath done. y And es he told < the king , how he had re- fiured one dead to life, behold, the weman.whofe Tonne heehad railed to life , called vpon ihtking lubicct Unm DJitidi v.nt, viuJI ^ wi""Xm"b^ for her hoElc and for her land. Then Gehari {aid. fwi beiimfciTaed My Icrd.O King.thji is the worn an, aid this isber «Btiilf• hereby fie ■ fonnc.whcm Eiiflia reftored to life. 6 And V hen the king iiked the woman, ίΐτβ told him : fothc King appoynied her an Eunuch, faying , Reftore thou all that aie hers , and ell the * fruits of ker lands Tince the day thut llie left tlie lindttCuen vntill this time. 7 1 Then Eliflia came to Dimafcns, «nd Ben- hadad the king of Aram w.-.sfictie: and one told him.fiying.The man of God is come hiiher. 8 And thi£ king laid vnto Hazael . T.*e a pre- fent in thine hand , and goe meet the man of God, that thou rcaicft enquire oftbeLcrd by him.fiy- ing.Shalll recouer of this dif&afe? 9 ί SoHazael wemtomeethim.indtcokethe prefent in his hand , and of ouery e good thing of Daniaicus , eue» the bnrden of fourtie camels, and came and ftood befwe him , and (aide, Thy foiine Ben-hadad king of Artm hath fent meet© thee, faying , Shall I recouer cf this difeafe? I ο And Eliflba U'ld to him , €oe. Uhd fay vnto him.Thun 3:alt irecouer ; hovfbeit the Lord hfth fliewed me.tJiat he fliall furely die. II And hee looked vpon him ftedfaflly .till Bt^#/was 2flwnied,and the man of God wept. 1 1 And Hazaci kid , Why weepeth my lordc And ht anfwered , Bec^ule I, know the euiU that thou ίί•.3ΐι do vnto the cliiidxeu oflhasl :/irtheir ftrong ciries fhalt thou fcton flia , and their yong men tliahthou fl'V nith the Iword, andfnaltdaih their infants a^ainsl• f/;eyi««« , and rent in pieces their woraen with «hild. 13 Then Hazael faid,What?isthy fernantSa doggo, that 1 fl^ould dec this great thicg ? And- Eiiiha anfwered, The Lord hath Ihewed raee.thac thou fh-ilr he kine of Arsm. • 14 iSohedepaiiedfiOmElUlia.rndcameto his niifter , who faid to him , What faia Eluh 1 to thee ? And he anfwered, Hec tolde mse that thou iliouldell recotrer. 1 ί And ΘΒ the mo'cwe hee tooke a thicfce cloiith and dipt it in water , and »> fpread it or his feace. and hee died : £nd y.izaei reigned in his fieede. ^ 1 6 1 * Now in the fift yierc of lorsm the lonpc of Ahab king of Ifr.iel , and of lehofiiaphst Km.• f ludJi, ilchor-ra the fcnne of Ichofliaphar kingof luJr'hbfgmitoreigne. ,, , , 1 7 Hee was two and tbirtic yeere o.d.when hee brg^n to reigne:and hereigocdeightyeere in leriifdlero. 1 8 f.nd he vvilked in the wry es of the Ivingt of Ilra.-l, ^ diJ the houle cf Ahab : f or the 1 tbrghter of Ah ib w.'^s his wife , and be die euill intho)i2;hr"cftheLord. , , \. c J 5> Υ At the Lord .would wot dcilroy ludah, tot (• the pe«ie wide Wet iaiK, 4 The Kicg canied thac t• te inlly lel*r<4,Tthich MratwrengfoJly l^tUenfcoinheii •«f^ntllecliiefee a«d precious thing ef the (asiHtit;, Sjileinmg , that h< ftiould leccnei of dlisdxfeire.'biit !hekHeWtliat ihii jncffieiigtr Hiistl jthculdilayhim to ebtainc the litsg- f^it Ittouldbe tviihnit all hiima isitie and piiit, Ih-V'niet prcimce toredcl• erei'e- n.he fliflidliim i*thisclqa!h. ^ l.ChlOe.21.4•• iReidCliif.i 17, kHeewascsr.fit- dene after hi: fathas dcarb. 1 Tie holy βΐΐϋ»• flic'^iefh hereby ■what djiiget itij in^eyae wilhia- Danid his feniants fake. * us he had promifcdhim togiuehira a hght.aWtohis children for euer. 20 ί In ihofe daycs Edcm'n rebelled from vnder the hand of ludah , and made ε King ouer themfeltics. ^ I Theiefore loram went to Zair , and all his charefs with him, and ho loic by night.nnd fmote the Edomites which were .-bout him , with the c.ptaincscf thee harcts , and the people fied into their tcnrs. 21 So Edom rebelled from t-nder the h:nd of ludah vnto this day ; then » Libnah rebelled at that fame time. %l Core ertiing the reft of the ai\e$cfIor.;ra iind all that hee did , are they not written in the booke cf the Chionicles of the Kings of ludah? 14 And loraiTjf.ept with his fuiiurs .and v.^s buried with hii fathers in the citie of Dauid. And * Ahaziih his fonnc reigtisd in his fttad. 2i iln the twe!ft"j'ccicof loram the fonne of Ahflb King cf Ifrael , did Ahaziaii the fonnc of lehoramkingof lud.ih begin to reigne, 26 " Two and twentic yeere old was Ahaziah when he began to rcignej6v he reigned one yeere in leruialcm , and his mothers name was Athaliah the daughter of Omri king of Ifrael. 27 And he wdked in the wa)' of the houfe of Ahab, and did euill in the fight of die Lord ,like the h(jii!e of Ahab : for he was the f&nne in law of] '' the houfe of Ahsb. 28 And he went with loram the fonnc of A- hab to warre agaipft Hazael king of Aram in Ρ Ra- moth Gilead.i.rd fhs Aramites imote lorim. 29 And king loram tetei n&d to be healed in <5lzreei cf the \uiirds which the Aramites had giuen him at Rsmah, \vhenhc fought ag.iinit Ila- z.iel king cf An m. And Ah^i.^h the fcrne of le-] horam king of lud^ih went dew nc to fee loram the fonne of Ahab in Izreel, becaufe he was ficke. CHAT. IX. 6 lehuismfdekMi^oflfrad, -ί-ί- ^tiak>lUthU!>»• ram thekfTiithsufif, 27 Mnd ^knxhh ,other^ wife eatifdOchetJaj.the l^n<^of ludah. 33 .-inii eaufeth hz^tel to be ct'.U dovvne oktefavvinr dev o, and the dt^gct did eate lier. 'γ Hen Eiiiha the Prophet cailt•! one cf the children ©f tlve Prophets , and laid vnto him. •X a Gird thy loynes. and take this loxe ofoyle in thine haDd.'nnd get thee to Ramoth Gilead. 2 And when thou conrjneft ihithcr.lcokc w'-vere w Ichu ike ionr« of lehoP.iapha' .;hc i(>rne of Nimlhi ..and goe, rndmakehimarife vp.froml•^' among his brethren , and leadehim t tuaicC'- charj-ber. 3 Then t.ike the braxe ofoyle and powre it on ffnn. * «„, his head , and fay . Thus laith the Lord . I h^^jic \''^;^:'/,.„. .inoy nted thee for king ouer Ilrael: thcnoptn the doore, and flee without anv tary ing. _ 4 So rhe fertiaiit of the hopiiei gate h:na \τ to P. uiictth Gilfcad. « . 5 And when he came iii.behold.the c^ptaines of the armie were fmirg. And hee laii ,1 haue a meflageto :hce.O capt.ine. And lehul.tid.Vnto which of cil• v3 » And he aufwered , To thee . Ο 3 «ra aOti tinned t'lcni Ki'rg Icheiim.bconlt «f liii idolaiiie. 0 Which ih hi nai ccrftn-.td kin^ when hilt II η whithwas J cnieinih.^a.ke ot Cid bcyi/iA I Old t η qThii ill cfti• b.lppfirf in "h« fjctli)ftire icgoking ouer the people cfihil.ord.iww '^ ; C'lfr Ilrael. . . . , - λ .1 1 7. And thou Giair Imue tl:e houfe ot . h b lefau anoyiited King,goethto Izree!» II.KingSy "^ • thy msfter .that I may auengethebloodof my ' feruants the Prophets, and the blood of all the ier- uants of the Lurd * of the handoflezebel. 8 For the whole houfe of Ah^b fhallbede- ' ftroyed : and ■•< I will cut off from Ahab.hira that jraaketh water againft the wall , as well him that I is thut vp.as him'that is left in Ifrael. 9 And I will make the houfe of Ahab , like I the houfe * of leroboam the fonne ofNebar, and like the houfe * ofBiafha the fonne of A- hijih. I ο And the dogges Chall eate lezebel in the 'field of Izreel.and there Ihallba none to bury her. I And he opened the doore.and fled. II ί Then lehu came out to the * feruants of his lord. And o«f faid vnto him.Isall well? where- fore came this i mad fellow to thee ? And he f.iid 8tld ilayetii lehoram he] s Or,, lezeoei. * , Kirg..,.zp. h By ihii pljii it it enidesi.chac !«icbel. cirjl'eih boih Naboch and his {onses to be pu: 10 deaih, that iVhab might eniojr hii vinelard more qni.ily: tettls hit jchv:drcB migh» hai% I tlutii, thtreO et ;^t armte,whet hecalledbefoie. his;| bKtthtin,verfe-. i i i • i• d [n tins iftimation ! vnto them, Yee know the man, and what his talKe «he world hath the ^^jj ir,mi,h'f»ld?ng I i And they fiid.It is falfe.tell vs it now.Thsn Wmnch a" -he ihe faid , Thus and thus fpake he to mee . faying. v»»iidha.hciiei ;xhus faith the Lord.Ihaue anoynted thee for 2"'''f'rod"«.^''KingouerIfrad. levelled the I 13 Then tlicy made hafte , and tooke cueiy Sonne of God a -mm his girmcnt , and put it vndcr him on the ieceit.fr a„d faid L• ^f j^^ ft^jfej ^ jjid blcw the trumpet , faying, hehsd the deuill! r . ,-._„ ;heiefcveth.ycng]. Ibnnes. faid the u^,^,i pof Lord , and I will render it thee in this field , faith ^enieton the Lord : Nowtherefore take λ«»^ caft him in the Mf" *" ^e*• fidd according to the word of the Lord 'ζ,Γ^,^.Ζΐ'Τ'^Ζ 27 But when Ahiziah the king of ludahfaw u-jdo, «hich wm thii,he fled by the way of the garden houfe: And I» cin« «f indsh. lehu puriued fter hira , and faid , Smite him alfo f ^hat is.ei.nen . . ' , , , r , ■ • \ ■ !wh»jlt veerc»: lot in the chuet : ana they [mote him in the going vp Uap.s.•,, before, to Gur , which is by Ibleara. And he fled to > Me- [when hef^id th>e giddo.and there died. ^l^ began to te.gue - And his feruants csried him in acharet to '.^XheMfeA lernlalem , and buried him in nis iepulcnre with pan of iheyeete his fathers in the citie ofDauid. [ior .he whole. Bein? ofan hantT «Clifft.i», Hazael king of Aram, I % And * king loram reti'rned to be healed in Izreel cf the wounds , which the Aramites had giuen him , when he fought with Hazael king of Aram)and lehu kid . If it be yourmindes . let no ■ram depart and efcape out of the city, to goe and I tell in Izreel. eOeaTii4tIi«« I 16 So lehu gate rp into a chiret, and went to erdeined, as is rwdj Izreel '. for loram lay there, and « Ahaziah king of »^chion.ta.7. j iud,^|i ^^s come downe to fee loram. fn'di'doianoHt \ 17 And .tlie Watchman that flood in the tower King, who was inTzreel fpycd the company of lehu as hec came, more rf ady to gtj- ' 3,., J f^i J J fee a company. And lehoram faid.Take '«i^nTo'o'bey'ih»""' "" horfemin and- fend to meete them, that hee wiliofGod.fliouU may fay.Is it peace? peiitiiwithhim, by jg go there Went One OH horfebacks to mecte whole meantshe ihj'm.Sc faid.Thus faith the King, Is it peace? And i.enf«r"„geT lehu fayd , What haft thou to doe with peace ? i Turne behind me. And the watchman told , fly- ing , The meflenger came to them , but he com- raeth not againe . 1 9 Then hee fent out another on horfeb^cke, which came to them, 5c faid,Thus faith the king. Is it peace ? And lehu anfwered , What haft thou to doe with peace ? turne behind'me. 20 And the watchman told, faying. He came to them *//» . but co.mnaeth not againe , and the marching » like the marching of lehu the fonne of Nimibi : for hemarcheth f furioufly. 1 1 1 Then lehoram faid. Make reaiy : and his charet was mide ready. And lehoram king of If- rael, and Ahaziah king of ludah went out either of them in his charet agiinft lehu , and met hira in the field of Naboth the Izreelite. 22 And when lehoram faw lehu, he fiid , Is it peace, I ehu ? And he anfwered, Whatg peace, , f . . whiles the whoredomes ofthy mother lezebel, *Tei ^atilwill and her witchcrafts ^re yet in great number? 23 Then lehoram turaed his hand , and fled, 1 faid to Ahaziah,0 Ahaziah, f^ir*» treafon. 14 But lehu tooke a bowc in his hand , and iciuellnatiHe, I woirld Bill |:eieint her piinteljr jflate anddigniry. Wt As though Oic monld fay. Can any kraiiour.or any that eifeih againfthts Inperietir, hane good ^iicceffe? leade .King, eaineDlvaboat hit emerptife. g Meaniiig.that {atafmtichas Ged Jnheirontmie «lie! ftittivp forae lereiiengehit 29 ^ And in the 1 eleuenth yeere of loram the fonne of Ahab , began Ahaziah to reigne ouer ludih. 30 And when lehu was corr-e to Izreel, leze- bel heard of it, and painted her face,and tired her head.and i looked out at a window. 31 And as lehu entred at the gate, fliee fayd. Had •" Zimry peace,which flew his mafter? 32 And he lift vs his eyes to the window, and ^, faid , who is on my fide.who ? Then two er three js o». f°''/'i>'««"/« of her 0 Eunuche? looked vnto him. P. ^''" ^« "•''J.'''' 3 3 And he iaid,Caft her downe: and they caft [spitT. oTcod . th« her downe ,nand hefprinkled of her blood vpon Lt blood Aould the wall, and vpon the horfes , andhe trodcher Nl;'^''!'»'''?'', vnderfoote. tocm'lt, 3 4 And when he was come in.he did eate and jpeAacie andexam- drinke,aHd faid.Vifite now yonder curled woman, pie of codsindge- and bury her: for ihe is a « Kings daughter. bnen-steall tyran», . J I- 1 I 1 1. i• , k> Te wit.of the 3^ And they went to bury her,but they found fcjnfzijoe, no more of her, then the fkull and thefecte, and 1, King li.ji'. the palmes of her hands. }t ^'"'■''/ "' '«^«Λ 3(ί Wliercfore they came againe and told him. '* ' '^"S *' ^5- And hi faid , This is the word of the Lord, which Ρ τ^πι Godtind- • he fpake t by his fernant Elijah the Tilhbite,fay- if^n ,"«' w"rl4 ing, * In the Held of Izreel ihall the dogs eate the jagaino them that I fleib of lezebel. -ftippren'ehis wor4 ; 37 Afid the cirkeis of lezebel ibalbe as <ίο""?!",„ϊ"^""""' I vpon the ground in the tielde of Izreel , fo that { ""'"*' I none fliall fay, ρ This is lezebel. I ' C Η A P. X. I \ ^ Iehuc,tH''eththepuent'te fonne'sof^habtobeflam*^ \ T-* ^nd after thtt fotirtie andtvioof^^haijah* brethren. 2? //i tqlMi alfo all the Prie}, of Baal. 3 f ^ft^i' his death his fonne reigneth in his fteadt I A Hab hid now feuentie > fonnes in Samaiia. I And lehu wrote letters , an I fent to Samaria I vnto the rulers ofIzrael,a«^ to the Elders, ^ndto the bringers vp of Ahabs children, to this efFeft, j 2 Now when this letter commeth to you, {fori I yee haue with you yoai- m ifters fonnes , yee'haue I with you both charets and horfes , and a defenced j citie,and armour) ! 3 Confider therefore which of your mafter^ ; fonnes is bcft and moft meete, and!» fet him on his , fathers throne, ind fight for your raafters houfe. ! 4 Butthey were exceedingly afraid, and faid, ^^^j^'jjjjj^j.j, I Behold , two kings eould not ftand before himj or no, j howlball wethen ftand? J 1 J And t Thelrtipmre v£:th to call iheni fonnes, whieh ate eiiher children et nephew«t, b Hee W!*tf Mt, to procn* rhem hether thev Ababs torn es flaine. juiMrtniiheth thiwiclitdchildtei 5 And he that was govietnovifof^haishonk, and he thac ruled the citie, and the Elders.and the bringars vp of the children fent to leh'i , faying, Weare thy feruants.and will do all tbat thoiilhalt bid vs : we will make no king : do what feemeth good to thee. 6 Τ Then hce wrote another letter to them, faying , If yee be mine , and will obey my voycc, ctake the heads of the rnenf/7iA ( hifQ^jnd his familiars, and his* priefts,lb that he wet. ch, idaUaoBf^ ^ ^^^^ Pf j,i^ ^g^3i„g t"ee»i {eanKitvponihem (hac hint any pirc «tfimiliiiine vfitk tht wicked 12 ί Andhearofe.anddeparted.and caraeto , burnt oiil-ring, lehu fayd to the guard, and to the I capt.iines , Goe in, flay them, letnot a man cornel icui. And they fmote them with the edge of the! fword. And the gard, and the captaincs call them j out,and went into the k city.vvhere vvti the tcra- 1 j pic of Baal. P^^'; i 2i And they brorght out the images of the f* ! temple of Β tal, and burnt them. 27 And they deftroyed the image of Baa!..ini ■ threw downe the houfe of Baal , and made a iaket i of it vnto this day. 2? Solehu deflroyedBailoutof Ifrael. 29 But from the finnescflcroboam the fonne. of Nebat which made Ifrael to finne , lehu dep.ir-l Samiria.o^«i as lehu was in the way by an houfe j ted not from them . neftherfrom the goidea caluee j vhere the (l;epheards did (heare 13 He me t with the brethren of Ah aziah king of ludah, an i fad. Who are ye? And they anfwe- red , Wee are the brethren of Ahaziah , and goe downe to falute the children of the King and the children ofthe Queene. 14 And hi faid , Take themaliue. And they tooke them .iliue.and Qew them at the well befide i that were in Beth-el and that were in Dan. 30 f And the Lord fayd vnto lehu, Becaufej thou haft diligently executed that which wasi right in mine eyes ,A«i^haft done vnto the houte of Ahab according to all things that were in , mine heart , therefore Ihall thy l tonnes vnto the L"^^,^•^•?;, fourth^<«"'df /■»* fit on the throne of Ifrael . ^°^ ^,^', «ii "in 31 But lehu regarded not to walke in the liw ^«.«cing God. the houfe where the iheepe are &orne,.«.« two ofthe Lord God ofKrael w/.J' ^1 his hearty V Hs^mcn,..ib.i. andfourtie men.anJhe ileft not one of them. I hee departed not from th» hnnes ofleroboam. ^.,.,,„„„^ if ^- And when he was departed thence.hee 1 which made Ilrael to finne „ i„„i, Γ""^'' , with lehonadab the fonne of Rechab com- j 32 I" thofe dayesthe Lor_d begin ω « loathe ^0,,—*- ^:^^.JSL,Z:^:^^^:^ i I^V^ei.and Hazaeiiinotethemin.lthecoaftsofh/; tht wicktdnes oC thoft limes: thti faid'to him . Is thine heart vpright , as mine heart is toward thine ? And lehonadab anfwered. Yea, «''oyt",^ihh!m:doubtle(re. ΤΤ^^η giue me thine hand. Atidwhen . ' he had guien him his hand , hee tooke him vp to j of Rechak ttidt Jtteui.jt.t fit bim^ h Htrt Baal is t^ta for Allitatoththt idole ef ihc zido- Bians, which Itxthil cauftd ce be «poiOiipptd, aiks) albfovftd, X. Kisg.it, Jt.tsd him into the charet, 16 And he faid . Come with mee, and fee the zsale thac I haue for the Lord : fo they made him ride inhis charet. 1 7 And when he came to Samaria, he flewe all that remained vntoAhnb in Samaria , till he had deftroyed him , according to the word ofthe Lord,which he fpake to Elijah. 1 8 Then lehu aflembled all the people , and fayd vnto them . Ahab fetued »> Baal a little , *«f lehu ihall ferue him much more. 19 Now therefore call vnto mee all the pro- phets of Baal , all his feruants , and all his priefts, and let not a man be lacking : for I haue a great facrifice for Dial : whofoeuer is lacking , he (hall not Hue. BiK lehu did it by a iubtiltie to deftroy the fef wnts of Baal. 33 " From lorden Eaftward, euen all the land of Gilead,the Gadites.and the Reubenites,.!nii them that were ofManafleh , from Aroer (which is by the riuer Atnon) and Giiead and Baihr.n. 34 Concerning the reft ofthe ad :s of Ichu, and all thac he did . and all his valiant deedcs . ar* rhey not written in the booke ofthe Chronicles ofthekings of Ifrael? .,,.., . . a f And Jehu flept with his fathers . ."nd they buried him in Samaria. and Ichoahaz his lonne feigned in his ftead. , . , ^, , 36 And the time thatlehn reigned ouer IfraeJ in Samaria is eight and twentie yeercs. CHAP. XI. I Athatiah luvtt» *' i"'"• »" "" Ki-is f'xnti .exteft ,, ^Ich,ia* cauf.th Ath»U»k f. « flMiH,, ,7 l»< mehth acuentni tetrpe.MiGciixitlitpffU. it i4«/ „Hi hi^ frirflf arr ifflrftri. _ Τ Hen ♦ Athaliah themother of Ahaziah when file faw that her fonne was dead,ftie arofe.ard S deftroyeai Athaliah. loafh made King, aMcaaijig , all A polteifty or i«ho Ikaphat , to whon Kintdoine ;p. pjita;ii..i : Τ.ϋΐι ■ vkd ihe c.ti- of this womjr rojtftioy iht whoii family of Ahib b The lord pio mffed (0 niainttrini ihe family of Di- ijtier.ch tht lighr I.'i2!<;of,t;ie:,;orthe Jr.ooucii ih,. i'eait of ieViOllitba to pte- ».!.<« hhn. c white «he Pi ft fl> did lie. *J. Ctr,». .3., J 7i; f ^^fW! in « the bed cbimbcr , and thsy hid him from Athaliah , ibthatheewasnot ilaine. 3 And hee was with her hid inthehoufeof the Lord fixe yeere, and Athaliah did reigne ouer the land. 4 ί * And the feuenth yeere ^ lehoiada fent and tooke the captaines ouer hundreths.with ether captaines ^nd them of the gard , and caufedthcm to come vnto him into the houfe of the Lord , and mide .1 contnsnt with them, and tooke an o^rho of them in the hoafe of the Lord , and (liewed them the Kings fonne. ί And he cooiminded them , faying , This is itthityeemuftdoe , The third part oi« you that commeth on the Sabbath , Ihall f ward toward the Kingshoufe: 6 And amthar third p.irt in the gateof ί Siir: and another third part in the gate behind them of the gu„ird : and ye Ihall keepe watch Β in ihehoufe ofMaflah. 7 And two parts of you , that is , all that ^ goe out on the Sabbath day , ilwllkeepe the watch of the houfe of the Lortl alxjut the king. 8 And yee ilicll comp^iTe the King round abont.cuery m.;n with his weipon m his hand, and wholoeucr commeth within the ranges , let him i be ilaine : be you with the King, as hee goeth gut and io. 9 ί And the cnptaines of the hundreths did according to all that lehuiada the Prieft com- manded , and they tooke cnery man his men that entred in to their charge on the > Sabbath with them thrtt went oute/ir on the Sabbath, andcame tolehoiadithe Priett. 10 And the ^' Prieft gaue to rhe captaines of hundreths the fpeares and the fliields that were king Dauids.rnd were in the houfe of the Lord. 11 And the guard ftuod , euery man with his weapon in hishande , from the right fide of the hoiiie to the left fide.ibout the altar and about the hoiife.round cbout the king. I i Then he brought out ' the kings fonne, and put the crowne vpon him , and^ii»* htm m the Te- fiimony.and they "made him king: alio they anoin- ted) him, .-.ndclapt their hands, andfaid, Godfaue the King. 13 ' And when Athaliah heard tfcenoyfe of the running of the people,ihe camp in to the peo- ple in the houfe of the Lord. 1 4 And when Ibee looked , behold, the Kin» flood by a» pillar, as the maner wa3,and the prin- ces and the trumpetters hy the King , and all the people of the land reioyced , and blew with trnm- pets. Then Athaliah rent her cloithes.and iryed, TreafoDitreafon, I y But Ichoiada the Prieft commanded xhc cspnines of the hundreths that had theruleof ihu hoafte, end faid vnro them, Haue her e forth of the ranges, and he that « followetb her.let him die by the Iword : for the Prieft had faid. Let her not be flaine in the houfe of the Lord. 16 Then they layd hands onher,andfiie went by the way . by the which the horfes goe to the houfe of the King,and there was ilie flaine. J 7 And lehoiada made a couenanibetweene be' people nsar.amepeoBl Qiould maintaine' Jit trae woilliip S of God.ind it&lVf ill idoJairy. ] That h< Oioidd | JOMtine and ihey iJey in the feate of ,od. r Kiien in tht fUe^ where he had bla. "phemed God, m* iheughcto hatic btneholpen by hf,' the Lord.and Ρ the King and the peop!e,that they '' ^'' lliould be the Lords people : likewile betweene the ί King and the people. 1 8 Tnen all the people of the land went into the houfe of Baal, and deftroyed it with his altars, and his images brake they downe couragioufly, and ilewe Mattan the Prieft of Baal betore the » altars : and the f Prieft fet a gard ouer the houfe of the Lord. 1 9 Then he tooke the captaines of hundreths . and theeiiercaptiines , and the gard , and all the people of the lande : and they brought the King,., , ,- ruL•^/-.. I 1 1 L '^ idoie, there God trom the houfe of the Lord , and came by the way ,aMrtei his van- 3 of the gate of the grrde to the Kings houl'e : and ;cance vponh; hee fate him duwne on the thront of the kings. 20 And all the people of the land reioyced ,,„^,,,^ ^,,^ and the city was in quiet : 'for they had iiaineltutiou 'had vexed*' Atisaliah with the fword btfide the kings houfe. 2 1 Seuen yeere old was lehoaih whtn he be• gsn to reigne. C Η A P. XII. 6 lehoafh mak^th prouifion for therepayrtngofthi Temple, 16 He^ayeththekingofSyrubyapTe' fent from comming αχαίηβ lerufa/em. ίο He ΰ killed hy two ofhi'ftruantf, IN * the ieuenth yeere of lehu lehoaih begantc reigne , atid reigned fourty yeeres in lerulalem and his mothers name was Zibi<-h of Beer-ilieba. ».«»», 14. ij money. 2 And leho'fh did thit which was g<,oi in the fight of the Lord all his time that > lehoiada the Prieft taught him. 3 Bui ''the hie places were not taken away: i for the people offied yet and burnt ittcenfs in the hie places. 4 f And lehoaib faid to the Priefts , All the filuer of dedicate things that be brought to the houfe of the Lord, fAiiiii .tlae money of them that are vndcr the ' count , the money that euery mm is fet at , and all the money thet one ofiereth willingly , and bringeth into the houfe cf the^ Lord, ^ ^? Let the Priefts take it to them , enery man f ofhisacqaaiinance : and tbey Ihall repay re thc'j' "* broken places of thehouic,wherefoeuerany de- cay is found. 6 f Yet in the three and twentieth veere of Μ «"« yeeies king lehoafli the Prieftes had not men Jed that fh'|"";//„;';j"]; which was decayed in the Temple. 7 Then king Iehoa!l-i called for lehoiada the Prieft, and the other Priefts , and fayd vnto them, why repaire yee not the ruities of the Temple ? now therefore « receiuerto more money of your accjuaimance , except yeedeliuer it torcpaire the ruincs orthe Temple. 8 Sothe Priefts confented toreceiue no more money of the people , neither to repaire the de- caied places of the Temple. 5> Then lehoiada the Prieft tooke a cheft and bored a hole in the lid'of it , and fet it beftde the altar , on the * right fide , as euery m ^n commeth iniG the Temple of the Lord. And the Prielh that kept the j] doore , put therein all the money that was brought into the houfe of the Lord. 10 And when they faw there was much mo». ney in thecheft , the kings fecretiry came -. pand. u, r• the hie Prieft . and put it vp after that they had' ^,d,'poynt,d'"* toldethemoneythat was found ill the houfe of the ' Lord. 1 1 And ihey gane the money made ready in- to the hanies of them , t thar vndertooke the So long at rnieii le eaie to the "tie miniflei» of God , they ptofper,' b Se hard a thing ii ii for them , th« aiirhoritir, brought to . ;r6i obtdJentf- of God : That is, th( «f ledenpuoi , Exo,3o,i,.ali-i,,},j i9ii»y which the iiiBvjIwd ihe iwesat.Leit 17 j, d their free beialjiy. For the Temple hich wai bnilt hnndieth fifty , both by the gligencs of tht ings his piede- tefTori, andallo by it wick.daeile el e id rhierf. Ht laketh from Λβτη ihi ordering.. )f themouiy.be- canfeof iheime- gligenee. itfThatij. 1 tlnittUTil^ OS toe J Or. ν.βΙί other which were meeit f^r that Jtutfete, chap zt.| loafh flain ;, Tehoabaz. h Fortlisfe had only ihe «hjTj oi ihe fffitjti of ihi money VIS broDght to ih lir.g, whoiaiifci thite ifteiwaid to be made, t.Chron Chap.X v.OTkz,Md that hadtheouerfightofthchoureof the Lord;and they payed it out to the carpenters 2tid bailJers that wrought vpon the houfe of the Lord. 12 And to the raafons andhewexsofftone, and to buy timber and hewed ftone , to repaire that was decayed in the houfe of the Lord , and for all that which was laid out for the reparation of the Temple. 13 Howbeit there was*» not made for the howfe of the Lordbowlesoffiluer :inftruments the Tem'ple.jtd ih of rauiicke, bifons, trumpets , nor any velTels of gold, or veflels of filuer of the money that was brought into the houfe oft he Lord. 1 4 Bat they gaue it to the workemen .which repaired therewith the houfe of the Lord. I J Moreouer , they reckoned not with the men , into whofe handes they deliuered that mo- ney eo be beftowed on workemen : for they dealt faithfully. 16 The money of the trcfpi(Te offering , and the raonjy of the finne offrin^s was not brought into the houfe of the Lord -.far it was the Priefts. 17 ί Then came vpHaziel king of Aram, and fought againft Gath , and tooke it , and Hazael fet his face to goe vp to lerufalem. 1 8 And Ichoalh king of ladah tooke all the •hallowed things that lehoflwphat , and I_'ho- ram , and Ahaziah , his father , kings of ludah, had dedicated, and that hee himfelfe had dedica- ted , and all the gould that was found in the trea- fures of the houfe of the Lord , and in the kings III. Ichoafh.EIiihac ieth. 13? Where-B Aft ΛΛ :••ηικ»ιΙιοΊ ido!•- t aad xhich ihc ird hji cv.-nniB• -a 13 be d η:ογ:4, Thar J:. Hm.l 3c J-nhidad hit ««,.,», 3. tea* i>f H]ti;l, Chi; I, I After ihe death •( lehoiada, Icafli fell CO idolaiiie: therefore God te- ^'eAtih him , and ilineih vfbis «ae- vhem he pjc'm houfe , and fent it to Hazael king of Aram, and he *riih ihe neafiiiei ' departed from lerufalem. of the Temple : fo!^ cod would not be fetaeihniihiholc gifts,feeingthe Sings hear: wat -wicked. i Betaiife he had ptii Zicharie ihe foime el lehotada 10 death. aChron-J+.i$. iKCidea Sam.;,» «Τ!» worfliippi'ng « To wit, Ιοίβι thi fonne o> lehoahai d Safelj 1 cm dang f Sin at yefleiday «ndbefoteyenei- day. 19 Concerning the reft oftheaftesofloaih and all that hee did .are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of thekingofludahf 20 ί And his feruants arofe and wrought trea- fon.and k liew loaih in the houfe of i Millo, when he came downe to SiJla. 21 Euen Β lozichar the fonne of Shiraeath. and lehozabad the fonne ofS homer his feruants fmotehim and he died: andthey buried him with his fathers in the citieof Dauid. AndAraaziah his fonne reigned in his ftead, CHAP. xirr. 5 TehoAhar^the fonn? oj lehu ii deliuered inte the handes of the SyrUnt. 4, Hee prayeth vtito God, and is de- liuered. s> ίοαβ] his fonne reignnhin hitfie^d. 10 £• lifhadieth. 24 Hazael dieth. Τ Ν the three and twentieth yeere of loafli the fonne of Ahazi :h king of I«dah , Ithoahsz tVie fonne of lehu beyantoreigneouer Ifraelin Samiria , and he ri/ewed iV ueiiteene yeere. 2 And hee did euiil itt the fight of the Lord, and followed the finnes of leroboam the !onne of Kebat, which made I irael to » finne, and depar- finties of the hc^fe of leroboam which made If- rael fmne . but walked in then•. ,eaen the « groue alfo remained ftili in Sam'tiiy 7 For hee hid lefcof thepjopletolehoah.iz but fiftie horferoen.and ten charets.and ten thou- land footmen, becaufe the king f of .^ram hid de- «royed them .and made them like diift beaten to powder. 8 Concerning the reft of rheailesof lehoihaz and all eh at he did, and his vali .nt deeds, aie they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the kings of Iff ael? 9 And lehoah.iz (lept with his fathers . anj they buried him in Samaria , and loalh hi$ fonne feigned in his ftead. 10 1 1n the fcuen and thiriieth yeere of loafli kingiof ludah began lehualh the fonne of le hoahiz to reigne oner Ifrad in Samaria , and rei^md fixteene yeere. 1 1 And did euill in the fight of the Lord -.for he departed not from all the finnes of letobo^m the fonne ofNebatthatm.idelfraeltolinne.but he walked therein. 12 Concerning thereftof theactes of loadi, and all that hee did , and his valiant deedes ,and how hee fought againft Amaziah king of ludah, are they not written in the booke of the Chro nicies of the kings of Ifrael; 13 And loalh (lept with hisfathers.and Icro j boam fate vpon his fcate : and Io.ilh was buried ,? I inSamariaamongthekingsofllrael. t■.Γ.ill•m.n.!<^id 1 4 f When Elilha fell fitke of his fickeneffe £„;" """ whereof hee died , loilh the king of Ifrael came ' downe vnto him ,and wept vpon his /ace , and I % faid , *> Oh my father , ray father, the cbaret of If- k Thu they vf J t» rael . and the horfemen οι the lame. tall the Pio>heii & I y Then Elifha faid vnto him , Take a bowe l*"."""."*.?.'^;.*? and arrowes. And hee tooke vmohira bow and b'!n{don>eof iMdili# ind haw Gsd pei- forjnedhd promifc ;to the honfe of Oinid : bat by the nivh.-i>^<«re(t ho» ll->elwiiif. tiki.dandpnniO-ed foTikijt g-eat id•- l»i7, who .hough ih.'y hid new Irgnciaie , yit Coi both by (cn- dingiliemioiidry sl>eii and iiutU his peopU. SI CJwp. I,...nirimrgih«f of Ifrael, Put thine '7 'i"•' F"*""''«y ! arrowes. j 1 6 And hee faid to the kinp hand vpon the bow. And he put his hand vpi^n it. And Elilha put his hands vpon the kings hands, ty lto«e' of 17 And faid , Open the window > Eiftw.ird. [ rhit And when he had opened it , Elilha faid, Shoote. M• ' ieior^'rere.'Jtednotth.refrom 3 And the Lord was angry with Ifr?cl , and deliuered them into the hand of Hazael king of Arim.and into the hand of Ben-hadad the fonne of H.iZiel.r.li >> Wz-dayes. 4 And Iehoah?z b-'fonght the Lord, .-".nd the Lord heard him : for he law the trouble of Ifrsel. wherewith thekingof Aram troubled them. y ( And the Lord gav.e Ifrael a ' deliiierer . fo Λ- that they came out from vr.der the fubiedlion of the Ararnftes. And the children of Ifrael * dwelt in their tents as i beforetiroe. 6 Neuerthcieffe , they departed not from the hei' te»nB-«y. the» ai4 (o tfati he onehft•-' ■ with wpil^' And hee Ihot. And he faid . beholde , the arrow of 1 the Lords deiiuerance .and the arrow of deliue-boiaifoconfii ranee againft Aram : for thou Ihslt Imite the Ara- '''"'.''1''j''^' ί»"•• mites in Aphek .till thou h-ftconfumed them. ί^^^ΙΙ^,^ ' 1 8 Againe he laid. Take the arrowes. And hee ' * tooke them. And hee faid vnto the king of If- rael, Smite the ground. Andheefmotethrife.and| ceafed. ! 1 9 Then the man of God was * .-ngrie w;h jj p,„„c j^ (■„; him, and faid , Thou Π-.onldcfthaiie fmittcn fine B,fdcon'r»tioh»ni or fixe times , fo thou fhouldcft haue fmitten A- ;v!i»oiie •»»'"* 'J* ram. till thou hadft confumed it, where now thou J|^'^'" ,°,^* ^ rtiaJt (mite Aram but thiiic 20 < So Elilha died, and they buried him. And certaine bandcs of the Moabitcs came into the land that yeere. 21 Andas they were burying a m^n .behold, they faw the fo;ildier$: therefore they caft y man into the fepulchre of Eliiha And whim the πρπ was dovi'ne.md touched the bones of Eliilia, * he > reuined.and ftood vpon his feete, 22 «" But H5Z..el king of Aram vexed Ifrael all the dayes of leho.ibiz. | 2i Therefore the Lord hadmeicieonrh'?m & pitied rliem.and had refpsci λτι^ them.bccaiife of his louenant with Abraham , Izhak , and lau- kob , and wouiJ not deftroy them , neither cnft he S 2 them d fti^y-h;!» vttiiN » Ecdut- 41.14. 1 ίτ ihil Biiridf God cciifimird the :..th'<„„e ofElibi whore doAriiwiB hi. 11» fkeyr-n- tinen ο them of ^«dah {0. and was buried at Samaria arr.org he kings cflfracl: and leroboam his ionne reigned in his fit ad. 17 1 And Amfzish the fcnneofloiili kirgof ludah , liutd after the death of It ho^fli Icnne of lehoihsz king of Ifrael, f ftet ne yeere. 1 8 Concerning the reft of tJie rfts of Amrziah, are they not written in the booke of the Chroni- cles of the kii^gs of Iiidah? ,,,^„,^^, ^.._ 1^ But ihcy * wrought treafon igrinft him in 2 He was fine ; nd'twentie yeere ol*when he | lerulalem, and he fled to ^ LachiH^, but they fent teg'in to reigne , and reigned nine cnc twentie Τ He fecond yetre of loJi; icnn^ of lehoihaz kingof Ifrael , reigned ■''Amaziah the Ionne of loaili king of ludah. ycere in Icrul.ilem.and his mothers nsme was le hoadan ofltrufplem. 3 And hee die ^ vprightiy in the fight of the Lord.yct not like D.uiid his father, έίίί did accor- ding to all th.n locjfh his father had df ne. 4 Notwithftanding the h;gh places were not taken away foraa yet the peopte did facrifice,.;nd burnt incenle in the high phccs, f 1 And when the kingdoroe was confirmed in his hand, he Hew his feruants which had * kil- led the king his father, 6 But the children of thofe that did flay him, he ^ flew not , according vnto that that is written in the booke of the Law of Mofes , wherein the after him to Lachilh.v.nd flew him there 20 And they brought him on horles , and hee Azatiab. * t.Chre iU*T» h Which city K.e< beam built in Id- dah fotafoiiitlTe^ t ChlOA. I>,^ »Hth"th»h"fMheri ' Lord commanded, faying, ■''The fathers fball not ; » «*>M aa. I be put to death fot the children , nor the children i,» Detii^t4 K, i put to death for the fathers : but euery man ihall be put to death for his owne finne » FKiliMduine. tnt,wl>om Dauid j rirad.bionght to fab-' J»iMoji,didrebelli«jj ,φΐ iiaie of lefaoran^ foiuicollelio&a- ] >ff/e. l-Ci..».2J. I Who ]t aira called \τιίΛ, t Chio .i<5,i. It which is alfe tailed Elanen 01 Elothi 7 He flew «//oof* Edom in the valley of fait, ten thonfand,and tooke Β the citie of Sela by warre, and called f name thereof loktheel vnto this day. 8 ί Then Amaziah fent mefiengers to leho- afh the fonne of lehoahaz , fonne of lehu king of 5 Ifrael , faying , Come , d let vs fee one another in the face, 9 Then lehoafh the king of Ifrael fent to A- ^' ί"/'^*!!' *■"- mazi"h king of ludah , faying . The thiftle that is jbv.bateli.aBdnot ' '' "^ Lebanon , lent to the « Cedaj that is in Leba- 'ίίβιο> oitanorhtij "'"-'η > laying , Giue thy daughter to my ionne to uMciM. wife : and the wiide beaft that was in Lebanon, i}i!ln,ieife?o7"edai 1° Becaiife thou haft fmiiten Edom , thine i,me,becanfe of his i. heart hath tiude thee piouJe : ί br?gge of glory, f jjtat lijigdome (and tary at home. Why doeft thou prouoke to iZi-A^lilht'i \ *'''"' hurt, that thou fliouldeft fall, and lud.h with thiale, beeaafe tthee? StesaJedtutotiit t II Β ut Amaziah would nct heare : therefore "^ija'i b*'flrt'''° lehoafli kingof Ifrael went vp : and he and Ama- TeLIfti's'roi.u'rtji^'^''' '^''^8 °f ludah faw one another in the face at thii fpeiicd the 1 Beth-lhemefli which is in ludah. of ittdah. 12 And ludah was put to the worfe before If- ' rael.and they fled eueiy man to their tents was buried at lertiialem with his fathers in the ci- tie of Dauid. 2 1 Then all the people of ludah tooke i Aza- riah which was fixteene yeere old , and made him king for his father Amaziah, 2 2 Hee built iElath.snd reftored it to ludah, after that the king flept with his fathers. 23 f In the fifteenth yeeie of Amaziah the fonne of loslh king of lud.h , was leroboam the fonne of loall• made king oner Ifrael in Samaria, and reigned or^Q ^ηά furtie yeere. 24 And hee did euill in the fight of the Lore?: /or he departed not from allthei iinnes of lero- ' Be«trf« this Mo. boam the fonne of Nebat , which made Ifrael tol„dti^ei^ctt! linne. dibl^.thatmea 25 Hise reftored the coaft of Ifrael , from the *'«^'* ^ontU the entring of Harr'arh , vnto the fea of the wilder- P;7|,^°,^,'„'° ,^, nefle . according to the word of the Lord God of 'woifce of mans Ifrael-, which he ipake i by his feruant lonah the ■hiids.therefoietle fonne of Amittai the Prophet, w hich was of Gath ;^"'P'^' ^^^ «f' il Eng of the ίο that thou iai«taihcnit,»nd• f et.-j.tionjht 33 But lehoafli king of Ifrael tooke Amiiziah king of ludah , the ionne of lehoafli the Ionne of Ahaziah at Beth-fliemefti , and D cametoleruta- V ^. L τ jr u J. , • ^ i'hetepto«hofaU 26 For the Lord faw the exceeding bitter af- idolaieis. fiiolion of Ifrael , fo that thi: re was none!" ihutjt^-^y '•'«'""* <>*! vp . nor any left , neither yet any that could helpc Γ ^^"^ ''Kiig^ Ifrael. !'*' ' * 27 Yet the Lord * had not decreed to γ\\χ out 'y ^ . , the name oflfrael from vndcr the heauen : there- jf.oiea " fore he preferued them by the hand of leroboam the fonne of loaih. 28 Concerning rhe reft of the afts of lerobo- am , and all that he did , iFid his valiant deeds, and how he fought , and how hee reftored Damalcus and a Hamath to lud h in UraeLare they not writ- „ which wu aJf» ten in the botke of the Chronicles cf the kings «lied Amiochiaef «if Ifrael? syiij,oi RiWah^ 29 So leroboam flept with his fathers , enen and Zachariah his fonne with the kings of ifrael reigned in his ftead. CHAP. X V. I ^Kjtriah the king^of ludah hecommeth Λ leper. 3 Of lot ham, 10 Shallum, 14 Menahem, 23 Pf- k^hiah, 30 V^si'^''• 3i lotl.am^ ^iand^hny. I Ν the ■" ieuen and twentieth yeere of leroboam I»», .r,A u < Λ u " II fT ri f i, '«ir-.g of Ifrael. bcg.^nAzariah fonne of Amaziah Jem , and brake downe the wall of lerufalem from i king of ludah to reigne the gate of Ephraira to the corner gate , foure ' 2 Sixteene yeere oj •■ Ibr la tjie fWi»; i«th yeere and cntmfajcttt. hundreth caWtes, H4; And hee tooke all the goldand fihier , snd all the re gels- that were found in the houfe of the 3i9id; and iff the treafarea of tHc kings houfc, acd yeere olde was hee .when hec was' made king, and he reigned two icdfiftie yeere in lerufalera : and his mothers name was lecholiah : SelengJih»• ©f I'enifalem, 1 ane mm «• za- 3? And hee did *• vprightiy in the fight of the ' ""'* *''*'''»?««?ί• ■. ^ Sjudy g^acharMb^Shallum.MenahetB; Ch^^XVl b His fatllet mil gtindfiihet were llaineby their fuf>- ieftianifeiii»»». «nd he.beciiifehe yfoold vfuipethe Priefisoifice con- trary 10 G«ii orii- nanc immediatly by the hand of Go4 Wiihihelepi»fie, j.Chton.tijU. e As viceroy, or fonich in defccnt front lehH.who teijTied according to Ged> piomire, bat in him God began co execute bis wraih agaioft tke hottfe o{ leha. e ZKhatiah was the la ft in Ibtel, thaihadthekinc- domeby faccelTion, faut onely rekahiib Lord, did. according to all that his father Atnazijh 4 But the hie places were not put away : /er the people yet offered . and burrted incenfe in the hie places. f And the Lord b fraote the king: and he was a leper vnto the day of his death, and dwelt in an houfe apart, & lotham the kings fonne goucrned the houfe.4«ii c judged the people of the Innd. 6 Concerning the reft of the adtes of Aznriah, and all that he did , are they not written in the aance, was fmicteaj fcooke of the Chronicles of the Kings of ludjh? 7 So Azariah flept with hisfachers , and they bnried him with his fathers in the citie of Dauid, and lotham his fonne reigned in his ftead. ae^:,iS""i;u,erJ .{f In the eight and thirtieth yeere of Aza- d Htt was the j "an King of ludah.did Zachanah the lonne or le- roboam reigne ouer Ifrael in Samariah fixe d mo- neths. 9 And did euill in the fight of the Lord.as did his fathers : for hee departed not from the finnes of leroboam the fonne of Ncbat , which made If- rael to finne. I ο And Shallum the fonne of labelh confpired againft him, 5c fmote him in the fight of the peo- pie.ande killed him, and reigned in his ftead. II Concerning thereft oftheadesofZacha- the fanne o( Menahem.whs leigaedbiutwo iCbij. 10,30. riah, behold .they are written in tKe booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Ifrael. 12 This was the * word of the Lord.which he fpake vnto Ieh\i , faying , Thy fonnes iliall fit on the throne of Ifrael vnto the fourth generation after thee. And it came fo to paffe. 1} f Shallura the fonne of labeihbegan to reigne in the nine and thirtieth yeere of Vzziah King of ludah: and he reigned the fpace of a mo- neth in Samaria, I4 For Menahem the fonne of Gadi went vp from Tirz:ih,and came to Samaria, and fmote Shal- lum the fonne oflabellT in SaiEaria.and flew him, and reigned in his ftead. I ί Concerning the reft of the aftes of Shallum, and the treafon which he wrought , behold , they are written inthebookeof the Chronicles of the Kings of Ifrael. 16 ί Then Menahem deftroyed f Tiphfah.and all that were therein , and the cuafts thereof from Tirzah, becaufe they opened not to him, and hee Imote it,and ript vp all their wo uen with child. 17 The nine and thirtieth yeere of Aziriah king cfludoh , began Menahem the fonne of Ga- di to reigne ouer li'rael . and reigned ten yeeres in Samaria. 1 8 And hee did euill in the fight of the Lord, end departed not all his dayes from the finne of leroboam the fonne of Nebat which made Ifrael to finne. 15» ί Then Tul the king ofA-fihur came againft thegland : and Menahem gaiie Pul a thouland htalents of filuer.that his hand might be with him, and eftablifh the kingdome in his h:nd. 20' And Men.!hem exafted the money in Ifrael, the faionref this j that all men of fubftance fliould giiie the king of lingbeinganinfi- I f^f^ι^^J^ f ftie ihckels ,of filuer a picce : fo the king Gof f«fo"k him. of Aflhur returned, and taried not there in the d Pul foone after-] land. 2 1 Concerning the reft of the ailes of Mena- hem,and all th.it he"did,are they not written in the { «inticti w» * -tityof Ifrael that wocildnetteceiac lintobekiD^, < That is.'of Ifrael. ■Klnfleadoffetking helps of God.he ^ent tboiit by money to purchafe Mahiati.Pekah.Ior; iwhicliwee the fame fpiiatit, i ΓβΓ Cod aicrii vp Pill and Tigli. I'ilefcr aiiiiiH 11 ra:l forth.:! ilna.. i.Cluoa. .«♦a «rardbralcpro. mife.deflioyed liis (ounirey, and ^UBt, ?:d'hS«"w.y booke of the Chronicles of die kings of Ifrael ? 22 And Mennhem llept with his fathers , and Pekahidlihis fonne did reigne in his ftead, 2? ί in Λβ fiftieth yeete of A7.ariah king o6 ludah , began Pekahiah the f «ne of Menahem to reigne ouer Ifrael in Samari.i.Cir reined two yere 24 And he did euill in the fight of the Lord • pr he departed not from the finnes of leroboam t^e lonne of Nebat which made Ilr.iel to finne _2y And Pekah the fonne of Reraaliah.hisc.-'p- tam_ confpired againft him , and fmote him in Sa-' raina m the placeof the kings palace with» Ar- gob and Aneh.and with him fifty men oftheGilc- adites : fo he killed him, and reigned in his fteaJ 26 Concerning thj reft uf the ades of Pekahi ah, and all that he did, behold, they arc written in the booke of iheChronicles of the kings of Ifiael. 27 ί In the two and fiftieth yeere of Az.iriMi King of ludah , began Pekah the lonne of Rema- liah to reigne ouer Ifrael in Saraaria , and rehned twentie yeere. 28 And he did euill in the fight of the Lord yor he dep.uted ngt from the finnes of Ierobo?m the fonne of Nebat that made Ifrael to finne. 2,9 In the dayes of Pekah king of Ifrael 1 came Tiglath Pilcfer king of Afibur. and took lion , and Abel, Beth-ma ich'h, andl.inoah. anJKeJe{h..nd Hazor, and Gilead, .ind Gaiilah. and λϊ the land of Napht;;li,and caried them aw.iy to Aflhur. 39 And Hoiliea the ionne of Elah wrought treafon againft Pekah the fonne of Remiliah , and fmote him, and flew him. and reigned in his ftead in the twentieth yeere of lodiam the fonne of j Vzziah. 31 Concerning the reftofthe ades of Pekah, and all that he did, liehold.they are written in the I booke of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. i 3 2 ί * In the fccond yeere of Pekah the fonne of Remaliah King of Ifrael , began lotham fonne of g Vzziah King of ludah to reigne. 33 Fine and twentie yeere old was hee, when he began to reigne, and he reigned fixteene yeere in lerufalem : and his mothers name was Icruflia the daughter of Zadok. 34 And hee didvprightly inthe fight of the Lord: he did according* to all that his father Vz- , „ . ... .■Ill '-' I Hf trCWeul tniC 2i.ih had done. hisvp-,,gh,„..w,» 35- But the hie places werenot put away :/»r|ro:iiich,biuthat_ the people yet offered and burnt incenfe in the •" *•'? "?•"? hie places : he built the higheft g itc of the houfc of the Lord. 36 Concerning the reft of the ades of lotham, and all that hee did , are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of ludah? 37 In m thole dayes the Lord beg.m to fend againft ludah , Rezin the king of Aram, and ■ Pe kah the fonne of Remaliah. 3 8 And lotham flcpt with his fathers, .ind was buried with his f;thers in the citie of Djuid bis father,and Ahaz his fonne reigned in his Head. CHAP. XVI. 3 ^hax^ K^ng 1^ ludah ci»ifcrar> ih hi fonne in fire. ί lerufal^iibefieged. 9 Dam^fats is taken.ani Rerin flaine. I 1 IdoUtrie. 1 9 Tdc death tf^na^ 20 Hex^ki»hfueceedethhim. "Γ He feuenteenth yeere of Pekih thefonneof Remaliah ,» Ahiz the fonne of lotham King .Chron.l/.r. I Or, A^ffH, Remaliah , » Ah of ludah.began to reigne. 2 Twentieyeereold was Ahai, whenheebc gan to reigne, ά he reigned fixteene yeere in le- rufalem , and tlid not vptightly in the fi^ht of the Lord his God.like Dauid his faher : 3 But walked in the way of the kings of Ifrael fceVT vjKtiniii» il i« to itieni en Ait dijuity .f ot» fathitt. S 3 ^«, gtta: (ai'Jis. fi After the dtaih f Irfihjm η whii»..l»9nie^: 20 And Ahizilept with his f.thers , andwas buried "with his fathers in th;; cicie of Dauid , ami Hezekiah his fonne reigned in his ftead. Chap. xvii. 3 Hofhea. KJKg of Ifrael istahe!!, 4 ^ndhfeavd all his rtalme brought to the ^/lyriafis, ι 8 jor their idoUttie. 25 Uont defray the ^pyrh.ns that dwelt in Samaria. 29 Enery omvvorfhip. pet h the rod ef his nation, 35 Centrary to the commandement of God, J Ν the twelft yecre of Ahaz king of ludah be- gan Hofhea the fonncocElah to reigne in Sa- maria ouer Ifrael,«i.'i/nine yeeres. 1 And hee did euill in the light of the Lord, » but not as the kings of Ifraei , that were before him. 3 And Shslmanefar king of Asiliur came vp againft him , and Hofliea became.his feruant, and gaue him prefents. 4 And the king of Asfluir found treafon in Holhea : for he had fent m.effengers to So king of Egypt , and brought no prefent vnto the king of Asihur.l' as hs hnddone yeereiy .-therefore the king of Asihiir iLut him vp.and put him in priibn, y Then the king of Aslhur came vp through- out all the land, and went againft Samaria, and be fieged it three yeere. 6 ^ * iQtheninthyeere ofHoiliea.thekin; of Asftmt tooke Samaria , and caried Ifraei away vnto Asftiur , and put them in Halah , and in_Ha- bor by the riuer of Gozan,and in the cities ci the ' Medes, 7 For when the children of Ifraei ί finned againft the Lord their God , which had broughi hera out of th: land of Egypt , from vnder the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt .and feared other gods, 8 And.walked according to the failiions of the Heathen , whom the Lord had caft Oi.it before the children cf Ifraei , an 1 φβτ the maneu of the kings of Ifraei, which they vied, ρ And the children of lirael had done fecretly things that were not vpright before f Lord their God, and throughout all their cities had built hie places , I'Oth from the tower « of the watch , to the defeHced-cii^eV , I ο And had made them images and grpues vp- on eu:ry hie hill,and vnder cuery greene tree, I I And there burnt incenfe in all the hie pla- ces, as did the heathen , whom the Lord had taken away before them , and wrought wicked things to anger the Lord, 1 2 And Icrued idoles : whereof the Lord had faid vnto them, + Ye Ih.ill doc no fuch thing. , ^ 1 3 iiotwithftanding the Lord teftified to Ii'"- ragl.and to ludah t by all the Prophets, and by «ill the Seers, faying, + Turne from your euill wayes, and keepe my commandements , a-.idmy ftatute.s, according to all the Law , which I comraaundcd your fathers , and which I fent to you by my ler- uants the Prophets,' 34 Netiertheleffe they would not obey,* but haTvlened their neckes, like to the neckes of their ^ iathe,M , y did not beleeue in ^ Lord tlieir God, if s^ that to aiWet ly Andtheyrefufedhisftatutesandhiscoue- the-.tithoritieci nant.that he made with their f)ithers,and his tefti- «>"' fathers.ot jteas monies (wherewithhewitneffed vnto them) .ind "Γρ3,ΧΓ,ιΓί^ they followed vanitie, and became vaiae, and fol- iretegodJy. isbat' lo-A'cd the heathen that were roundabout them: to declare that we ctpnccrnin^ whom the Lord hadch?rgedtbem, V"** i*"',"'*"•*^ ihat they ihotild nQidoe lil Fotheehjl payd itito:, f„ fpacteftightj' Chjp.ij.io,' c rot anfu'i time Medes and Pe: s were fuliiedt to tlie APTyrians. d Hee fetteth foril at lesgththe caiife of this great plajui and pit'peiiiaU caof.iiitie.to admonilhall people and naiiojil ro deaae to the Xord God.^nd onely wotftifphini fotfeareoflike judgement, e Meaning, ihionghoHialUheit 0' lit Jjnrf ./. \:e-i8. II. and iJ.S.iiii-}} «S. SiiTe. Lior* in SamaM »*»*■•«- cnap. .a E«oa.3i•»• King.•»•» 5 ThiiiSj rttfiin. ihe«ioone,and lines, u.'iit.+. 1» MLeideChap.ii.; Readeofihis; phiife, i.Kiag. 21.20 a.. Nowlioleiiibe .sWtbacIu'ia''; vete counted wi'lj ludah, VI 11 τκρΚμ<%« π»»• i6 Finally they left all the commandements of the Lo-a their God , aad made them molten iraaoes , * euen two calues , andmadcagrotie. and worfnipped all the S hoafte of heaiten. and ler- ""^17 And they made their fonnes and their daughters l» pafle thorowe the fire , and vied witchcraft and inchantmens , yea , ί fold ihera- fehies to dee cuill in the fight of tlie Lord ,to an- ^^\ 8 ' Therefore the Lord was exceeding wroth withifrael.and jnit them cut of his fight .««ti none was left but the tribe of lud,ihlOnely. 1 9 Yet Iiidah kept no: the commsnderacnts and rht7 of £.»- ^^^ζ^ jr_„rd their God . but walked according to "S«^«inU thefafi-.ionofllrael.whichthevvfed ■ lo Therefore the Lord caftoffall the feede of Ifrael and afftifted them.and deliuered thcra into the hands of ipoylers . vntiil hee had caft them out ^ 21^ ^ ""^Fcr hee cut offlfrael from the houfe of Dauid , and they made leroboam the fonnecf «^Nebat king : and leroboam drewe lir?elaway from following the Lord , and made them hnne ^'^^'ponhe children oflfrscl walked in all the 1 tiatetiiitl»'"^ r.heiel'^e thcwet ihe greateB lolcens ,{ his pitfence ar fzBOire nt That II, God inc oft the teiine Itioei, i.Kiiig. f tir. I) titU** > itn.is. ft which he did , a>t|. nS..«.3• <. lO. η Ofthtfej'op'e» same the Samati- i»heieof men- tion iif^i""'*"^ „,d.. in liie CoE- Bjl.andwiih whom the lewes weald haue no- thing 10 doe, lohn+.!». oThatii.'l'e-y*'"'- „edhimnO•.; t>ieie_ iote.l.'ftti'e'i "^""'^ blaiphsn-e him, a» ihough the'c -wcrs ,0 God. b^canle h« ihaftiftdrhelfta- elit«s,hta>5^^"•» hismgHtie powet among ihera by • ihis fltangt pi,.i4iment, f That is. hew ti wotihiphim : thi the wirtid rathei tn looft iheir cpmmodines , wil. changt to aUt« lijioi,;, ή Meleing tint eaetycoun.Ky fit- tied that idol, Vvhith vii moll tB.emed in that phi« v»h»Bce they «wnc. 2 4 And the king of Asfiiur broiig, from Babel . and from "Cuthah, andirora Aua. and from Hamath . and from Scpnaruaim. and ρ'^- ced them in the citiesof Samaria in fteadet the children cf Ifrael : fo they pofleffed Samana, and dwelt in the cities thereof. ί And at the beginning of their dwelling there , they ο feared not the Lord : therefore the Lord lent Lions among them , which ilewe ^' Vo" Wherefore they fpake to the king of Af- fiMir . faving , The nations which thou haftre- roooued, and placed in the cities of S:man.•.., know net the manner ofthe God of the land : therefore he hath lent Lions among them, and behold, tney_ fl-ychem . becaufe they know not the manner ot j the God of the land. . , , r 2 7 Then the king of Asiliur commanded ,lay- iU(> , Carrie thitheroneof the Priefts whom yee brought thence, and let him goe and dwell there, and teach them the manner of the God ρ ot the countiey. . . . , , , 28 So one of the Priefts which they had ca- ried from S.'maria . came and dwelt in Beth-el, and taught them how they fliould feare the Lord. . . , . . 29 Howbeit , euery nation made their goas, snd put them in the houfes of the hie places. I which the Samaritans had m ide , euery nation in their cides wherein they dweh, I 30 FortheraenofB.'.belmadeqSuccothBe- noih : and the men of Cuth made Ncrgal", and the men of Ham-^th ma 1 e A ihima, 2 I And tlie Aui-as made Nibhaz, and Taitalc: and the Sepharuims burnt their children is the firetoAJraramelech , and Anammelech the gods of Seph :ru:im. , , • 1 3 2 Thus they feared the Lord, and appointed out Prieas out of themfeluesfoi• the hie places, who prepared for uicmficnfuj in the houfes the hie places: 33 + They I feared the Lord.but forued theit gods .after the manner of the nations whom they caried thence, 34 Vnto this day they do after the old maner: they neither feare God , neither doe .after • their ordininces.nor after their cufloroes. nor af:cr the Law , nor after the commandemint , which the Lord cora-naoded the children of lai-.ob, ♦ whomhe named Ifrael, 3 ,- And with whom the Lord had made a co- uenant.andxharged them, faying,•* Fe:.ienoce other gods , nor bowe your I'chice to ihera , nor feme them.nor factifice to them: 36 But feare the Lci-d which brought you out of the land of Egypt with great power,.'.nd a il.-et- ched out arme : himfeare yee , andrvorlhip hmi, andlacrificetohira, , .•; 7 Alto keepe yee diligently the Jtatr.tes and » lujgi the ordinances.md the lawe , and the co.T.m jide-|iu«. i ment . which he wrote for you. that yee doe them I continually .and feare not ether gods. I 33 And forget not the couenantihat Ihaue made with vuu,nei;her feare ye cihergods, 39 η ιύ feare the Lord your God..'.nd hee will deliuer you o;u of the h^.ndes of ell your enemies •ήο Howbeit they obeyed not , but did after their old cuftome. 41 So thefc ' nations feared the Lord, and ler- ued their images «.((»: lo ht folke 1 doe they vnto this d.;y. CHAP, xyin. {JiXjl{iah ki'i? of luMi jmrtith djvvr.ethe brafen^ ferpeutjtnd dcfinyeth the ίάώ, 7 and prtfpereth. J I Ifrati is caried away captius. jo ΤΙχϋοΓ• phemieefSaneherii), fonne of of Euli.to.s».' ZcpS.i.s. ihcybtd knot.- hJrecf Ccl,a:-.i • η btcmfe |0f the pu.Tiitintat, . bm ihey coniinu:! full idoUicis as doc iht Papini, which wo:inip boih God -idolil; tiuihii ii not to idie Ccd, i> jpfta.eil» I Kc ir.e>ne4Pfcti ihcUiiclit^si• bomCoaKii I Thji ii, ihife gets xhitb alia oy ilic AfTy- i»s, NOW inthethirdyeercofHon^ea , fonne ( Elah kingof lirael . * HcZ"ki.-h thcfonne ( Ahaz king of lud.h began to reigne. 2 He was fiue and twentie yeere old when he beean to reigne , and reigned nine and twectie ' yecre in lerufalem. His mothers name cllo was i Abi the daughter of Z3ch.ui.-.h. 3 And hee did » vprightly in the fig.it ofthe Lord , according to all diatDiuid his father had done. , , . , 4 He tooke away the hie p.aces Al>he«gh thjytit l,-.d.h«..»gm«.i loidnljiiicaiid impi.ii«. a>lh«yot Ifij l-.vt.e.ytt 6od 'ot hi! p-o- mirt :iU *a< η,,.ΐίΐίπ! vntoth* tone c* L)i<:.d, d ye. ty hi «;•'Λ not»>iinr-">d.iai>'-Dl5 Sbihakcr^s b afphemie; *p. v.i. 'Si.Cliien. 3«,i. I&.}6, ■•Hccliu, 4», «8, I,. d As his ZiiU wjj *efot« prsiftd.fo 1)5 weakcntlTeis hire fetfanh, that acne (hoiild glory ihimlilf*. yeeres.when He I Sikiah ceafed to : fend theiribiiie JippoiBtedby thi; iingofih» Affy- liaiu.hifeiit his ; •apciines and ar- ! stu'e «gain Β him. I ^:iv»l•l•^,^r fi- »'tl nit Kr { Thon ihinkift «hat wordi will ftfiie topetlwade (b;; people, or η ineoue my mafltr. J Egypt Uiallnot enelynot be able «η,ΓιιίςοιίΓ ihee, lb()i fl:allbe2ahr.il «nte ihee h flhm ifce idels- aeirs iliinie that «(,li5t.ligiOT>iS «ls(ltoved,v»Iien Jupetftitionand uolitii» »tc »e- Joiiiiiid.• 3 Meaning, that at was bed for him ao, yieM to th» hin «tAOTytia, Ofcaufc his power wasfo Tmallrha-hehad -ΛΟΙ men tn fiirnilli rxo shoiiUni , motfes Ji ^Lhe i-icktd al)»aiei >n their pro ί-ΛΜίίι. ftatie» iHeni. iilues,that Cod doth fauollrtheiiK rk[i>s Ji« fpi-aieih , «e,JeMe Hn-liiah, «hitl)y:erir>".snim ^ Jtfiuitiwrte doi. onneof Elahkingoflfrael) Shalmanefer king of Asdiur came vp againft S aniari i, and befiegcd it. 1 0 And after three yceres they tooke it , euen m the iirr yeere of Hezekiah : that is,* the ninth ycere of Holbea king of Ifrael was Samaria ta- ken. 1 1 Then the king of Asfliiir.did carie awsy If- rael vnto Asfliur , and put them in Haiah • nd in Hy ihs riuer of Gozm , and in the cities of the Mfdes, 2 Becaufe they would not obey the voyce of the Lord their God .buttr.infgrefledhis coiie- nant : that is , all that Mofes the feruant of the Lord had commanded, and would neither obey nor doe them. 3 ί * Moreouer , in the foureteentb yeere of king Hezeki.ih , Sant- herib king of Asihiucame vp againft all the ftroog cities of Iudah,and tooke them. 14 Then Hezekiah king of ludahfent vnto the king of Aslbur to Lachifli , dying , ^ 1 haue offended : depirt from me ,tnd whit thou layeft vpon me , I will be.ire it. And the king of Asihur sppoynted vnto Hezekiah king of Iud.!h three hundreth talents of iiiner, and thirtie talents of golde. I y Therefore Hezekiah gaue all the filuer that was found i 1 the houfe of the Lord , and in the treafures of tlie kings houfe. 16 At the fame feafon did Hezekiah pull off ihepUtes uf the doorcs of theTemple of the Lord, and the pillars ( which the f yd Hezekiah king of ludah had coiicred oucr) and gaue ihem to the king of Asiluir. 17 f And the king of Asfliurfent• Tartan, and Rab-faris , and Rabibakeh from Lachilh to king Hezekiah with a greathoafte againft leru- falem. And they went yp , and came to lerufalem, and when they were come vp , they ftood by the conduit of the vpper poole , which is by the path of the fullers field, 1 8 And called to the king . Then came out to them Eliakim the fonne of Hiikiah .which was fteward of the houfe, and Shebnah the chanceller, and loah the fonne of Alaph the || recorder. 1 5» And Rabfliakch fayd vnto them , Tell yee Hezekiah, I pray yon. Thus iaith the great king. euen the great king of Asihur , What confidence is this wherein thou truftelt? 20 Thouthinkcfk.Sureiy I haue * eloquence, ibut couniell andftrengthtfriforihewarre. On whom then doeft thou truit , that thou rebelled Sgiinft me ? 2 1 Loe , thou trufteft now in this broken ftaffe of reede , to wit, on % Egykpt , on which if a man le- n^; , it will goe into his h.tnd , and pierce it : fo is Pharaoh king of Egypt vnto all that truft on him. 22 But if ye fay vntomcWe truft in the Lord our God , is not thit hee whofe hie places , and whijfc altars Hezekiah hath '' taken away , and huh Ciyd to ludah and lerufalem , Yee fliall v/or- iliip before this altar in lerufalem? 23 Now therefore giae ' hoftages to my lord the king i)f Asfliur.and 1 will giue thee two thou- fr>nd horfes , if thou be able tq fet riders vpon them. 24 For how canft thou defpife any captaine of the leaft of my matters feruants , and put thy triiit on Egypt for charets and horfemen ? »5 ; Am I now come vp withoHt the ^ i,ord to this placf.to deft/oy it? the Lord LA to me.Goe vpag:iinft thisljnd,.nd deflrry it. i§ Then Eii.ikim die fc nnc tf Κ i'kiah, and Shebnah , and lu. h laid vnto Rabll -k.-h . Sperke I pr-y thee.to thy feruants in the ■'' Ar..mirts lan- guage , for we vndcrlt.ind it , and talke not wi^h vs in the leWts tongue , in the audience of the people that are on the wall. 27 But Rablbnkeh iayd vnto them , Hath my mafter fent me to thy mafter and to thee to fpeafce thefe words , and not to the men which fit en the wall , thit they may cate their owne doung, and drinke t their owne pifle with you? 28 So Rablbakeh ftood, and tried with a loud voyce in the lewes langu ige , and fpake, faying, Heaie tlie words of the great king , of the king of Asfliur. ap Thus faith the king , Let not Hezekiah de. ceiue you : for he fliail not be able to deliuer you * out of mine hand 30 Neither let Hezekiah make you to truft in the Lord.faying.The Lord will furely deliuer vs, and this citie ihall not be giuen ouer into the hand of the king of Asibiur. 3 I Heark<;n not vnto Hezekiah ; for thus faith the king of Asihur, Mal« t appointment with me , and come out to me, thit euery man may eat of his ov/ne vine , and euery man of his owne fig- tree , and drinke euery man of the water of his owne well, 3 2 Till Ϊ I come and bring you to a land like your owne h.na, euen a land of whe.it and wine, a land of bre'd and vineyards , a land of oliues, oyle.and hony. that ye m,:y Hue end not die : and obey not Hezekiah, for he deceiueth you, faying, The Lord will deliuer vs, 33 Hath any of the gods of the nations deli- uered his land out of the hand of the King of Asihur? 34 where is the god of Hamath , and of -A pad ί where is the godof Seph .ruaim , Hena and iuah ? howe haue they deliuercd Samaria out of mine hand? 3Ϊ who nre they among all the gods of the nations , that haue deliuered their Ijnd out of mine h :nd , that the "> Lord ihouid deliuer leru- falem outofBiine hand? 36 But the people held their peace and anfwe- red him not a word : for the kings commande- ment was,f tying, Anfwere ye him not. 37 Then Eiiakim the fonne of Hiiki h which was fteward of the houfe , and Shcbn.h the ch^n- celler , and io--h the fonne of Afaph the recorder came to Hszekiah with their cloathes rent , and told him the words of Rabfl^akeh. CHAP. XIX. 6 Gad promifeth by Ifahh i/iBorie te Hezj^ah, 3 y The ^ngel of the Lord l^lleth an hundreth and fourefrcre and fine thoufand men of the ^ffyrians, 3 7 Sanehenh is killed efhisovvnefonnts. _^Nd* when King Hezekiah he^rd it Jieerent his cloathes .and put on fackcloath, and came into the houfe of the Lord, 2 And fent Eiiakim which was theftew^ril of the houfe, and Shebnah the chanceller, and the Elders of the Ptiefts clojthed in fackcloth a to I- faiah the Prophet the fonne of Amoz. 3 And they fayd vnto hi.n , Thus faith Heze- kiah , This day is a day ©f tribulation and of re - b«Ke,& blafp hemic; foi the chiidi:en«:e come to — t* '■ — i-tfae. Or.^'ta•/^ t UilitwMttti *Of,liU,lmdg JHemakcthhim- Ultc fo fiire , ihM he will not grant them trnteitxctpt «hey rendeithem- fdaes 10 him to be led avra; (apiivct m "Aiit is 3n tu- crablc blafphemis a^ainH ihc tiucGoi], 10 make ihem equal! with .he Jdoh of oiliei njions.ihtri» {ore Cod did moD Oiarply punilh iij *lfa.37.'»i ί Τ• hean fojitJ xcwpiophtcie, ami to hint ((Mikica of bunj Ijezekiaf^spyer » The a»ngert ire [β gteat.i"" "6 (in neichet auenge thisbU.phemi«,nc helf e em tsl"" «' mere cb«a • f«omui « hti tt«mile. ( -Metoing, (»t Jetu ilcn i*hi*h onely lemlined of iilih* cities of aTheteiiciB with one WjftWow away «1 'he fitengih of nijn.amdiiitn* ■ ■FO iaH. eThat is, Samibe- »Or,i/jkeh , whom the king of Aslbiir his malter h.th fcntto r.nleonthe luiing GoJ.md to π preach h-rtiAviih wordes whic h the Lord thy God h.th he jrd .then lift 'houvpf/^jf prayer tor the « remn>m th t are left. y - ί So the ieru^nts of kin^ Hezeki^h came tolfiish. . 6 And Tfdah faid vnto them , So (hall ye fay to your matter. Thus faith the Lord.Be not cfiaid of the words wHich thou h.A he.'.rd . wherewith the feruams of the king of Aslluir haue blalphe- med me. _ , , . , 7 Behold . I will fend a blaft ^ vpon him. and hee iliali he re anoyfe ,and returnetohisowtie l.ind : and I will caufe him to fall by ihe Iwcrd in his owne land, j u„ I 8 ί So Rabniakch returned , and found the king of AsIburhghtingng.anltLibnAh:.x>rhee had he^rd that he was departed from L:.chi.h. 9 « He be^rd.alfo men fay of lirhk^hking , „, of * Ethiopia, f B'choid . hce is come out to hght f For th. KinP ^g 'i^^ ^«^ = ^ '^'''^'^'^ '''^^'"^'^ '" Ethiopiaand Eiypiimcifcngtrs vnto Hezcki.h.iaying, ^ ieyn.drose.her , "jhus llv.ll yee fpe.-k.: to H.Zikiah king ot lagainfi the Ki„g of j^^^^j^ ^ ^^j r ^ j_^^ „^^ ,^y j God dcceiue thee in whom thou tiufteft . laying .leriilalemihall not be deliuered into the h..nd of the king ot Ai- ^Tl Beholde.thou haft heard what the kings of Asn^ur haue done to all lands . how they haue deftroyed them : and Ihalt thou be delinercd ? 12 Haue the gods of the heathen deliuered them which my fathers haue deftroyed » «^ Go- ran . and Har.;n, and Rczcph, and tnc children of Eden, which were in Thelafar? , , ,• „ I ? Where is the king of Hamath. and the king cfArpjd.and the king of the citie ofSepharuaira. Kena anJIu/.h? -,rti-i^Vi fi»rfu'ifn the I - .ς, 3 , „.,„.. ; andHez; 'hoiife• of tha Lord . and He- I Λ ί So Hczekiah receiued the letter of the hand of the mellirngevs , sndread^it kiah went vp into i" k Before the Ailie ef thecoiitnant. iKfeSieweth «rhai it the true re luge and fiicconr i aUdangets. to wii 10 rtee to the Loii fcyaatneflptaiet. kShew byeffcft that thou wilt rot fifftr thy name to ' bt bhfphemed. 1 iy this title he difcemeth God 'from all idoleOn ttiSt gods, wrtefttWeil» fot what end the faithfnlld'-fireof Cod looedeline- led. to wit, that he ■ny be glorified by iheirdelmetante. H £ec»ufe as yet lerafalem had not ieene :ak»a by the inemle.thertforehe h.bfcyirsia• zekiahi'pread it before the* Lord. I s And Hezekiah i pr:>yed before the Lord, and faid , Ο Lord Godof Ilracl . whichdwe heft betweenc thcCmmbims.tliou art very God alone ouer all the kingd(;mes of the earth : thou halt made the he.-'iicn ^nd the earth. 1 6 Lcrd. k bow downe thine eare, and heare : Lord open thine cyts and behold . and h<;are the words of S.nchcrib , who hath fcnt to bUipherae the Milling God. . ^ 1 7 Trueth it is. Lord, that the kings of Asil'ur haue deftroyed the nations ^nd their lands. "^18 And haue let lire on i heir gods : for they kvcre no gods, but the worke ol mans handes, tnen wood and ftone : therefore they deltroyea ' *i 9 Now therefore, Ο Lord our God,T befeech thee,faue thmi vs out of Ins hand . that all the •nkingdomc-s of the earth may know . that thou Ο Lo"rd,.'rt onely God. 20 f Then llaiah the fonne of Amoz fern to Hez^ki.h.lfvine.Thus feith the Lord God of 11- ,aJ.lH^' hc^^J th^t which -.hou haft prayed K.•, concerning Saneherib king of Asihur 21 . This is the word that the Lord hath fpo, ken againft him . 0»Virgin daughter ofZion, Ο daughter of lerufaleni.he hath 11\Α-:π h at thee. Z2 whom h-ift thou railed on? and whom haft thou biafphcmcd ? and againft whom haft thou exalted thy voice, & lifted vp thine eyes on hie f eiten ° ag.iinft the hoiy One or Uriel. 23 By thy ΓΓ.οΑ'ίημεΓ5 thou haft railed on the Lord , and laid. By the multimde of my charcis I am come vp to the top of the mountaines , by the fides of Lebanon . and will cut downc thehfe ce- d irs thereof , <*nd the fi:re hrre trees thereof, and 1 will goe into the- ρ lodging of his borders, and > into the foreft of his •" Cirmel. 24 I haue digged ind drunke the waters of o- thers, and with the pl.nt of ray feetehauc 1 dried all the * floods doled in. 2^ Haft thou not henrd , howl haue ofolde time made it , and haue formed it long ago • ί and fl-ould 1 now bring it.tliat it Ihould be deftroyed, ΛΛίe of As ftnir an himdrethfourelcore and hue thoulard : lo when they role early in the mornmg.behuld.they were all dead corples. = 6 So Swneherib king of Asibur departed, and wt-nt his way ,p.nd returned and dwelt in Nineiieh. wem Ilia »» /. T..rr,r.U-«nr binninC 0 Gcd t(^ακttll■ ihatimaiK donct« hiiB,aiid willie- HCngtii. which ii ler.1 10 ajiy of bii Meining, lenfi m, »hth lliiili >llcih ,h, : uiboiJ : dI \3i>~ *Ofll.. ■■ * Ow lat mitnt ■/ \ He drcUtcih th ilniDoty, bill giit'S ...m a ligne tocc fame bit (tub 11 The Loid will miiliiplyingiist 1, umbel thai imi 1 icoinar.ief liidi:i la- ittfcifcd. _ The leuc ihat Cod btaicih town bit Chutchlktll «ifieicome the cona »dvBUtp4p of mea• 1• unthis way,3na teturnc" <"'" '•"'-" •..•-—-—--• iii..»ix. tob. 1. ji. Ecclni 4I •4 I Mu.t 41. I. Mai. I.I•. ^ Thii wsi tlic ia iltdg<πlerιol•Cod iMhiiblafphemy, ihiihruriildbe bclcicibac idnle . whom be prtftn.d loih- iag Cod.ind bf onghtby iiaiare t» baitcbecistdcitt 37 Antiasnewa^iii i"= *..,.,|-.. .•-- , , ^ NiUmh his K"<1 . AJranelech andSharezerhs fonnesy ftew him with the «^^"-^ ,= "V^'^A^i^fA•; pedinto the bud of Ararat . and Efarhaddon his I'onne reigned in his ftead. C Η A ?. aX• „. , ,, 12 H^ reLu.th uvvard>c}B.raah η εΠ,Λ \ \,„, Ins treafures,& ύ r.Pr'il^'.ded of^.ah 12 H,di.rhi»huft»d.l A Bout hat tu.c * was Hezeki.h fuke ^""W ;•^«.3V^»• A Siand the rroph« Ifawb the fonne^of 'fM\k Hezekiah feftoreltoliealth; ΎΓΚ igs» Thii his minis iiehiuoibj :^o:i b Meaning , wjlh- :j:iKypo,-riii2. C iJotfonituh fet his 0 ,9r. 3• [nafleh 1 9 Then Hezekiah faid vnto Ifaiah, The of the Lord , which thou hsft ' fpoken , is good : for faid he.Shall it not iegood i:'m peace and trueth be in ray d;yes? h: His idol word atrte•! 1 He aclinowled- eeth Ifaiah 10 be the ttii«Pcoph«t of God, d therefoi* 20 Concerning the reft of the ades of Heze- l>ie:h himfeife to bis kiah.'.nd ail his valiant deedes , and how he made a people and α conduit.and brought svater into the citie , are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the kings of ludah ? 2 ί And Hezekiah llepc vnth his fathers : and Manaffeh his fonne reigned in his flead. Seeing that God ■'!> Ibewed me ihi» fiuour to giaai etxelTe duiing my lifi : for he mai afraid lea s uioaldh bid leroyce, iftheChuich had decayed in his time, teciafehehadiflisied uligto; CHAP. XXI great crtultte. 1% He dieth and ^mon his fonns fiicceedeth, 23 WlioiskilUdofhisiWneJirttAnts. 1.6 ^fter him rsigneth loiiAh \Λ Analleh * was tweh:e ;.-eeres olde when hee *'■* began to reigne .andreignediiftieandfiue ♦i. Chieii,33tXc' t Chap. 3»•ϊ+; yecres in lerufalcm : his mothers name alfo was Hephzi-bah, 2 And hee did euillinthe fight of the Lord after the abomination of the heathen , whom the * Lord had caft out before the children of If- 1* o*"»• '«-"^ rael. 3 For he went backe and built the hie places, + which Hezekiah his father hid deftroyed : and he creiied vp ahars for B.'.al, and made a groue, as did Ahab king of Ifrael ,and woriliippedall the hoafte of heauen and ferued them. 4 Alfo hee * built altars in the houfe of the Lord, of the which the Lord faid, * In lerufalein will I pu: my Name. .y And he built altarsfor all the hoaft of the hea- uan in the two courts of the houfe of the Lord, 6 And he caufed liis fonnes a to paffe through the fire , and gaue himfeife to witchcraft and lor- cerie , and hee vied them that had fumiiiar fpirits and were foothfayers , and did much euill in the fightof the Lord to anger him. 7 And hee fet the image of the groue.that hee hsd made in the houfe.whereof the Lord had faid 1 -, toDaiid & to Salomon his fonne.* In this houfe ».•'^"'8•'•"« and in lerufaiem .wbichi hauechofenoutofall the tribes cf Ifrael , will I put my Name for euer. 8 Neither will I make the feete of Ifrael mooue any more out of the land, which I gaue their fa- thers : fo th:t they willbobferue and doe all that ^τΐΐεΐίΓοϊβ feeing 1 haue commanded them, and according to all the Law that my feruant Mofes commanded them. ccd.they wt 9 Vet they obeyed not, but Man -llchledde them out ef the way , to doe mora wickedly then did the heathen people , v.'hom the Lord deftroy- ed before the children of Ifrael. I ο Therefore the Lord fpake by his feruants .the Prophets, faying, I I ■* Becaufe thatManaffeh king of ludah hath done fuch abominations, and hath wrought more wickedly then all that the Amcrites (v.hich were before him) did , and hath mide ludah finne alfo with his idoles, Therefore thus faith the Lord God of Ifra- •'i.sa», Relds ctaf. md i Cl.ap.a}.»7, ly cafi forth of thai land, which ibe-y hadbntoa (ondiuos. '•' Kiem.ij.^t 1 8 And of thy fonnes, that fl^all proceede out of thee,rt«<^ which thou (halt beget.fhall they take away, and they flialbceuauches intliepaUce of the king of Babel, ♦ i.Siin 3•"• c Meanitig.thit nhofoeuec Hiall heive o£ ihii gteM f hgue, dull bt , eLBehoId, I will bring an euill vponleruOilem and thine hoiife,and whatioeuer thy fathers haue lay- i ludah.that who fo heareth of it, boih his * eares ed vp in ftore vnto this day, * fliall be caried into { ihall « tingle. Babel : Nothins ilwll be left.faith the Lord. 1 3 And ' I will ftretch ouer lerufaiem the 1 int JhS ^ of Samaria , and the plumrriet of the houfe oE i as 1 haaede• Ahsb : and I will wipe lerufaiem , is a m.:n w" petha difh . which be wipeth, and turneth it vp- fids downs, . \\ Aati. fltoyed Simari» and thehoafeof Ahab , fo will! d«ftio7 IikW»! Amon.Tofiab. Chap elnirg, luiih which Wiieonely Jeitotttiticacf ih« aibti. f Tile Efctcwe» Wiiic [hat ht Hew Ifailh iht Prophet V«ho Trasbitiacht inlaw, *i.cJ«e;j}.i XXIL The Law ii found. 14 10 hit commander lewii.l'fittiit ' pTophtcitd of,! fiis sim« meni * l.thtCB )i aHismli d aienticnci ty laddo the Pio- fhet, morethjn three hajidteth yeetiJ before, •^ king.ij.i.ana l)eei:ig biitcight y»eie old, he i'oiigh lb: God of his fa- (heiDlui'd, B.Cbieii.34,3• *Cr.v,f'U. tCettiineoft!). Ptiells were ap- pointed to ihii of- Ece, ajclijp. 12 i>• t From the time ol loBiiotihcfFice Μ 24* yeeies, (he ί^βηρίι remained ipriihoat reparaiioa . brciigh the negU- jenee of the piieU• kii «oclareth.ihat hey that haHe a - batle.aE'J-eoietnw tnet,o^gbt 19 hiiie ukca iion ihen 14 Ana I v.'ill fcrfjke the e rercnsnt cf mine inherit• nee ,dnd lidiuer them into the hind of theii eneitiies.and il.ey fi'albe robbed and fpoikd cf ail thtirsducrf.i.'fs, j•^ Bcc. life they hare dr.re euil! in nr.y f f ht and haue pi clicked mee to jrger . fince the time their fathers carre cut cf Egypt vnful this day. 16 Moreoiier,M2n..r-th iVcd f irnccent Hoed exceeding much .tillhecreplciiifl-iedKiufaifni froin corner to corner, befide his firne wh; re with hee n.ade ludah to Cone , and to doe cuili in the iightoftheLord, 1 7 Concerning the reft of the iiles of Manaf- feh , and all that hee did, and his fmre that he fin- ned.are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings cf Ii;dah? 1 8 Aiid Manaffeh flept with his fathers , and was buried in the garden cf his owne houfe , eiun in the garden of Vzza: and Araonhis fonne reig- ned in his ftead. 19 ί * Amon was two and twentie yeere old, when hee bcgat^ to reigne . and he reigned two yecre in lerulalern : his mothers ncme alfo was MeiliuUerneth the daughter of Haniz of lotbah. 20 And hee dideuill in the fight cf the Lord, as his father Maniffeh did. 21 For hee walked in all the way- that his fa- ther walked in , and ferued the idoles that his fa- thfr ferued.and woifl-ippedthera. 2 1 And he forfooke the Lord God cf his fa- thers.snd walked not in the Sway cf the Lord. 23 And the feruants of Λτποώ ccnfpired againft him.aild fiew the king in iiis owne hoiile. 24 And the people of theknd flewe all them that had confpired "ngainft king Amon , ard the peopkraade lofi.h his forine King in his ftead. 2 5- Concernir.g the reft of the icles of Am.cn, Vhich he did , are they net written in the booke cfihe Chronicles cf the Kings cfludah? _ io And + they buried him in his fepukhre in the garden of Vzza : and lofiahhis ionne reigncd in his ftead. CHAP. XXII. ^ , , , walked in alT the wayjs of Damd '.; .s fatlicr.and bo-^-e J neither to the right haid.ncr to the left. , . , 3 <■ And in the eighteenth yeere ct King lo- fiah , the- king fent Shaphan rlie fonae of A^aluib the fonne of MeibuUam the thaunccllei-, to tne houfe cf the Lord.Gying, . „ , , 4 Goe vp to Hiiki.th tne hie Pneft , that h?e may* fumme thefiluer which is brought into the hnufe cf the Lord, which the keepers cf the ♦ b Joore haue gathered cf the people. _ And let' them deiiuer it into thenaiidct d So Gedpro:i;'deil himoff.itlifiill feinui^f. ft()r.j he ■»»cnt «ionifo Ttilor!!^ tofetfciih ll.il wiiihc opy ihst Mofi» le'.iih«m,ai3p- •^ ,' '"""••=" bl the r.t!li(,tT.te e the oucr-Lj ,tc p.*ci.ihil k.cmlttf. oiels ■li"etedmefc-^-^$: 7 Howbeit , let no reckoning be made wi them of the money , that is deliucred into then hsnd .-for they deale"! faithfulllv. 8 And Hilkiahthchii'hPnefti;ndvi>toSh; phan the char.nceller .1 hauefoi-ndthe 'bothc of the Law in the hoiife of the Lord : and kiah gaue the booke to Shaphan , and hee reail it-l 'ViT.'',?.'',^ ^*"*' 9 So Sh.-phanthe chanccilercimctoil.eking, "^ and brci:ght him word againe, and fayd. Thy Icr- u ints haue t gathered th':: money , that was fciindjp•""''.» ch'on inthehcufe.andhaue tleliuered it vntothe handsL'*;!^^^*,''!^''^;^*" of them that doe the worke , c-mihsac the oucr- ' ■' • "* ^"^ • fightcfthe houfe of the Lord. I ο Alfo Shaphan the chanceller king,faj-ing,Hiiki?h the Prieft hath del: a booke. Kui Shiphan read it before the Κ irg. II And when the King hr.d heard the wordes ofthe booke of the Law.he lenthisclcithes. 1 2 Therefore the king commanded Hiiki^.a!- the Prieft, and Ahikara the fonne of Shaphan , vad Aehbor the fonne of Michaiah .and Shaphiahe cfeanceller, and Afahiah the kings feruant,i;nying, 13 Goe ye *nd f incjuire cf the JLord fo': .-ne and for tlie people , snd icr all ludah ccncc/.iing the wordes of this booke that is found : ''χλ gieatis < the wrath of the Lord that 5skindl.-.4-:gcinft vs, becaufe our fathers haue not obey id ilie wor.li cf this bcoke.to dceaccording vn• jaz\\ tjir.t \7bich it written therein for vs. 14 ί So Hilkiah the Prieft ,'and Ahik;m , and Achbor , and Shaphan , and Afahiah went νητο Huldah the Propheteffe tht wife of Shul'.am , the fonne of Tikuah.ths fome of Kathas keeper of the wardrobe : (anJil-.i^dwelt inlerufalcitiiijthe g. coiled i:e) and they -.-©mmuned with he I % And Toec 3'.:r»crcd them , Thus faith the Lord God cf Ilr id , Tell the ir^nnhit fen: ycti tome, . 1 6 Thus akb the Lcrd.BehoUl , I will brir. cui:I vpcn tbis place , and on the inhabit.-nis thereof , «iien all the werdes cf the bojke which the king cf ludah hath read 1 7 2}e'caufe they haue forfaken mee, and haue butnt incenfe i-nto other gods , to arger me \<, ith Ψ f Me»»irj, tofcri TrofSei ».hoin C.r 1 ftmiJcih ihcinow- a^ti ihJBgt nio.iiliie.iM. bonghii other heyii!^tiiv.i he reidby vrim nd Ί1ΐΑ3ΐιιι1ΐ3| f Ci -J-c I-JKift ol ■ar:iie,-Ahich aiiccit taihg e^tplcj tiArifinn :^e')earBedaΠca. ^ Icdie utreaM th* ^ ci:pniref,2ndtlic o.'hipe of iben»^ iheis , all il;eh workes cf their lie ir.y WTath-Mfo ' ^^^''^J^itot' ibsil be kirdled againft this phce.and Ι1%ύ11 twf he uencbed. thatwoi . decayed places-cftfle houie: 6 To vvii,-vmo tbe.'.rtil.cersanacapenrersj and mafons , and to boy tijnbci , sad bcweij itf JK. toi-.cpaiictheiioufc. ihiu'dht i ihti'ejite'lh tt- Biit to the king cf ludah, v/ho ient yon tcpirrho word of inquire ofthe Lotd.fo ll-a!! ye f:v vnto him-v'thn ; fayth the Lord God of lltJer.The woriUibat thou haft heard./>.ti// cor/.•? /i/rtj(?i. 1 9 But becaufe thine he.':rt did» me'.t ; sr•' thtni haft humbled try lette before f-^f.i^wh- thou heardeft what 1 ip-'ke rg.inft tbif ;»lace, cr againft the inhabitants ofthe i'ame, 1 1 vvit.xht.t :: ihoulJ be dcftrcyedandaccurfed , .nod haft rcf.t thy clo.^thes . and wept before aiee , 1 haue alio heard it.faith the Lord. 20 Behold therefore , I w'H gather theeto thy fathers", ani^ tbcu ri>alc hi .-5111- ,in thy gr.iuc ic ipeace , and thiRe eyesftjsli rictfce cil the euiil which I will king -fion thi*; place. Thus^hc}^ brought the king ".:n;d. hekn no more fpecdie ■way to auoid the to tu: 3^• "^Ho-ii * the King » fint, and thi^iC gathered vn- *■ to him all the Elders of liidahandof leru- falem, 2 And the king went vp into the houfa of ths Lord , with all the men of iudah , and all the in- habitants of lerulalem with him , and the Priefts «soibyreptnsance! and Prophets , and all the people both fmall and ! ^'"''in""ffii ' S"^"^"^ •' 3nd he read in their cares all the words of ' llThi'hby "' 'I ^^^ booke of the couenanc , which was found in hearing of the t the houfe of the Lord. vroidofcod. ] 3 And the king ftood by '' the pillar ,and made i v^!i1"'jv, * 1 ' 3 ' coiienant before the Lord , that theyihoiild '■ JtiHS had hisplace.i ,, r 1 , i 11 1 ■ 1 j Chap. II t+. j wake after the Lord , andkeepehis commande- i c Ai loinuiiJ, \ ments , and his teftimoaies , and his ftatutes, with d^M**•^' 'h" Ϊ 3" *''"'' i^i^^r: , and with all tAieiVlouIe , that they ! \irhi"w"c'jiexr rnig^t accQmplilh the wordes of this couenant in dignity te iht j Written in this booke. And all the people.ftood hf^h pritft. , to the couenant. t*ha't"i"r wTchLi 4 Then the king commanded Hilkiah the hie roSoam had there 1 Prieft , and the ^ Priefts of the lecond order , and built to fzcttfict •0 hi» calaes. f MeaiiiBg, tht ptieflioitiaal King?. Th4 Pafleonef I of the^raonnt cf corruption iecauie of all the prouo- cations wherewith Manaffeh had prouoked him, 27 Therefore the Lord faith.I will put ludah alfo out of my fight, as I hane put away Ifrael.and will caft off this city lerufalem , which I haue chofen,and the houfe whereof I fayd, + My Name ihall be there. 28 Concerning the reft of the aftes of lofiab and all that hee did , arc they not written in the boot» * t . Chron .35,1. i.Ufdr.i... ♦ Exod.ii.J. Dent. I i.2. q foi the multiftldf and z:ale of the people with ihe g:caiErcpar:eioii, ♦ Lea it. 1 Dcut.ie,: r Becaiifeof *e wiilted heart of the people, which ' would not terne vntohimbyrepen. tame. ind J J. Chap.t.r, f Betiufe lie piffed ihorow his conn- tte^ , ht {etni leaffi he woaM htu^ done him kaimt, and Aet«fote weiJi • ?'"* e»y<:'' ί•ί"«•^" jied him in his owns lepulchre. And the people confulttd with the Loti *tteiote WK i»i»* »MeiBiBC. the iwickcd kings be- fete. Β Which was An• tiechia in Sytia, oUtAalfo Hamath, ΐρΐ>Ββ«ιΐ- Cbap.XXlHL XXV, lemialem befiegcd. ^ΦβΕΓ boekeof the Chronicles of the kings of ludah? 29 1 * In his daycs Pharaoh Necivsh king of Egypt went vpagainft theking of Asiluir tothe riuer Pcrath. And king lofiahi went '.gainft him, whom when Pharaoh law , hee ilew him at Me- gicldo. 50 Then his ferinnts caried him dead from Msgiddo. and brought bim toleriifalem, ^J bu- 8 ί lehoiachin was cighteene yecrc old, when he began co reignc.and reigned inleruf.ilera three moneths. His mothers naitic a\[ovvas XchuUua, the danghtf^r of Linathan of lerulak-m. '45 of the land tooke lehoah-iz the lonne of lofiih, and anoynted him , and m.>de him King in his fa- thers ftead. 31 * lehoahjz f w4/ .hrec znd twenty yeere olde when he beg in lo reign: , and reigned three rtonethsinlcruljiem, Hartiutal the daughter tf lercmi^h of Libnah. 3 1 And hee did euill in ihe fight of the Lord, according to all that his «fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Nechoh pat himinbondes " at Riblah in the land of Hamath. 1| while he reig- ned in lerufalem , and put the lind to a tribute of ail hundreth talents of filucr, and a talent of gold. 34 ί And Pharaoh Nechoh made Eli.ikim the fonne of lofiah king in ftead of lofiah his father Dtt. I• r; dThatit.yeeldtJ *> cr.e connlcU «t 1« In ihcnigneof 9 And he did euill in the fight of the Lord.ac cording to all that his father had done. 10 "•'In that time came the leruants of Kebu-i» chid-nezzar king of Babel vpagainft lerufalem : fo the city was bcfiegcd. 11 And Ncbuchad-nezzsr king of Babel came againft the citic , and his feruants did bc- iieg« it. 1 1 Thenlchoiathin the king of ludah * came GUI againft the king of Babel , he , and his mother His mothers name alfo was and nis kruants , and his princes , and his cunu- ches: and the king of Babel tooke bim in the eight yeere « of his reigne 13 * And hee caried out thence all the trea- khe king cf μ»)Γο* i furcs of the houle of the Lord, and the treahircs of I ,*-.'"'' "-'^i. ' I the kings houfe .and brake all the veflels of gold, i' "'^'•*» j which Salomon king of Ifrael h:dmadeinthe ' Temple ef the Lord, as the Lord had faid. [ 1 4 And hee caried away all lerufalem , and all I lonnc or louan i^ing m «cau ot xu..,u. .... .-...^.. | the princes . cndall the ftrong meH ofwarre. tiim\ and turned his name to lehoiakim . and tooke le- ten thouUnd into captiuity . and all the wotke- tnen , and cunning men ; ίο none remained fauing tUe poore people of the land. 1 y * And he caried away lehoiachin into Ba- bel , and the kings mother , and the kings wiues, j***" and his eiinuches ,and the mighty ofthelande, caried hee away into captiuity hom lerufalem to Babel, 1(5 And all the men of Wirre,f«f« feuen thoii- old, ) fand , and carpenters, and lockl'miths athoufand: hoahaz away , which when he came to Egypt, di• ed there. 3 Ϊ And lehoiakim gaue the filuer and the golde to Biiaraoh , and taxcd the Lnd to giue the money, according to the commandement of Pha- raoh : hee lenied of euery man of the people of the land according to his value , filuer and gold, to giue vnro Pharaoh Nechoh. 36 leboijkira was fiue and twenty yeere, -- -j „ , - » , r ,• , , when he began to reigne . and he reigned eleuen ^ a 1 that were ftrong and apt for warrc , did the yeeres in I "rufalem. His mothers name alfo was king of Babel bring to Babel eaptu.es. _ ZebudahthedaughterofPedaiahofRumah. 17 Τ ^^ And the king of Babel made Mattani- And hee did eui» in the fight of the Lord, ah his vncle king in his Itead , and changed his ι Chto». }«',if^ according to all that his fathers had done, CHAP. XXIIII. Ifiijn. Jr.li and 51,,,, name to Zedekiah I 1 % Zedekiah was one and twenty yeere oldc, '; when hee began toreigne.and hee reigned elcucn 1 lebeittkftn madefu>'ie^ to Nebuchad-ncz^r, rebel- j yegyts in leruiaJem. His mothers name alfo was '"-■"' " " ••• • -I ^i>r..j.L. -i i j^2n,utall the daughter of lercmi.ih of Libnah ».'Ih tKiend efiie child yctie otb is ' reigne, and in ihe beginning of chc fODRhjOln.i, t. ♦clfJp i».i7t V TTiiujh God vfed ihefe «ricked ty- xams to execute his itifl iadgemenis,7et ihe^ itenotto be excnftd.becanf» rhey proceeded oi an^iiiou and leth 3 The caufc of his r nine and all ludah). 6 Ithoiachin rtigneth. 15 Hue , and his people ΛΤβ • carted vnto Babylon, ι J Zedekfah is made king• \ Ν his ' Jayes came Nebuchad-nezzar king of , Babel vp.and lehoiakim became his iernant \ tluee yeere : afterward lie turned, and rebelled a- i gainll hira. ! And the Lord fent againft him bands of the j , ^ . r„ , , ν „.--.. .„j,. Caldees.and bnnJs of the Araraites . and bands ] I . lerufalem, sbefiejedofNebHihjU-ne^^rfndu^ 19 And hee did euili in the fight of the Lord, according to all that lehoLtkim had done. 20 Therefore certainely the wrath of the Lord was againft lerulalera end ludah, vntill hee caft them out of his f fight. And Zedekiah rebelled a- eainlt tlie kin?» of Babel. CHAP. XXV. of the Moabites ..and bands of the Ammonites, and he fent them againft Indah to deftroy it,* ac- cording to the word of the Lord , which he fpake by his Icru.nts the Prophets. 3 Survly by the b commandement of theLord came this vpon luiah , that hee might put them out of his flight for the finnes of ManaHeh , accor- ding to ail that he did, 4 And for the innocent blood that hee flied, (for hie filled lerufalem with innocent blood) therefore the Lord would not pardon it. y Concerning the reft of the aftes of lehoia- kim, and all that he did.are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the kings of ludai.f 6 So lehoiakim = flept with his fathers , and men evNetthathet «Wf bniied-vnth htsfs- ίΚτ'ί^ΚΐΙ lehoiachin his fonne reigned in his itead_ ^^ϊ^:- |of^is'liS-fer1;f^ngffi£StSS the^;gsgarden:nov^heC^de«..^hep... ISerLr of Egypt, vntothetir,erePeratb,alltbatlcity rour^a^hom:.nd tht K^imnxh)-uitvi^T\ [pcttcined tothe king of Egypt jjetem; 12. 1?, U Ot,E(«phiaRSi l^n.yTbefonnts efZcdgl^iah areflaine bejore his eyes and after are h>sovV7ie eyes pHt out. %i Iitdahit brought to Babyltn. %t, Gtdaliah is flain* . 37 lehoiachin it exalted. ANd*in the'ninsh yeere of his reigne, the ^ tenth montth , and tenth day of the moneth, Nebuchad-nezzjrkiBg of Babel came , he, and all bift hoaft againftlerulalem,ind pitched againft u, and they built jfforts againft it rciini about, 2 bo the citie was befieged vnto the eleuenth yeere of king Zedekiah. , 3 And the ninth day of thi moneth trte fa- , mine was ' fore in the citie , fo that there wasno j«, bread for the people of the land. 4. Then the citie was broken vp .and all tSe >n of warrc ^^ by night, by the way of the which u betweene two wallcs that was by foufof t«tuf»]«ir and Ii'dih ial» M• kylOM, ■r»r«*f.ji,r,'• Tha»ij,ef Z.di S»i* 1^ ! stf the wUdcrnelle, Τ B«M IeixiralemijdeftfOYed> ludah Il.kings* caried into eaptiuit y. Gedaliah, 5 But the armieofthe CaWee•? purdjed after -. theking, and tooke him in the diferts of I.ericho, I and all his ho jfte was Tcatterf.d froin hirn. i 6 Then th;y took- the king, and caried him j vp to the king of BAelto RibUh , where they s c g.!Ue iudgement vpon hira. | 7 And they ilewdie fonnes of Zidekiah be- fore his eyes , vvi put onr the eyes of Zedekiah, | 5c bound him ia chaines.Sc carieJ him to Β ibel. • '8 ί Andinthefircmoneth ,a«if leuenthi^^)' j ofthemoneth.which was the nineteenA yeere of! king Nebuchid-nezzu king ofR^bel , came Ne- | biiJir-adan 0 chiefe ftewird and leruanc of the | kingofBabel.tGlerufalem. i 9 And burnt the houfe of the Lord .and the j kings houie. and all the honfes of lerulalem ; and I all the great houfes burnt he with fire. | 10 And all the armie of the Caldees that were ι with the chiefe fteward , brake downe the wailes of lerulalem round jbout. 1 1 And tke reft ef the people that were left in the citie , and thole that were fled and « fallen to ; the king of Β jbel, with the remnant of the rauiti- tude, did Nebuzar-adan chiefe fteward cary away \ captiue. j II But the chiefe fteward left of the poore of j the land to dreffe the vines.and to till the land. I . 3 * Alfo the pillars of br.iife that were in the j houie of the Lord . and the bafes , and the brafen ; Sea that was in the houfe of the Lord , did the I Cildees breake .and caried the brafle of diem to , Babel. , . . ί 14 The pots •'alfo and the beloms, and the in- ftrumentsofrauficke .andtheinccnfe dilhes.and ] all the velfels of braile that they miniftred in. j tooke they away. , , , . _, /, i ij Aodtheaίl•lpannes,andthebalens,4»ίί}. f teiemie wiiisth Chap St. 12, the clie £te concinit^d 6em the fioetiih (l>y totheienih. { Whfl« th« fiege endured. i *Cbtj.io,iT. bOfthefeKadt Eiiod,27,j. • i.King.r,»»» lertm si.»'• «, C2ueii.j,ii4 i That it. one ip- f ointed to finceede that had the ou'erlight of themen ofwsrre .and *nue m;n of them that were in the kings pre- k i«cemft nnfeth ) fence, which w-"re found in the cirie.and Sopher msntiea βίΛα.» c.ptaine of the hoafte.who miiftred the people of ^{/κ^^^^ί,^^ί^* the land . and threefcorc men of the people of the tKt chiefe». land, that were found in the citie. lo And Nebuzar-ad?.n the chiefe fteward tooke th-ira , and brought them to the kii.'g ol BibeltoRihlah, 21 And the king of Babel fmote them, and fle.v them at P^ihlah inche Imdof Haraath, So ladih was caried away captiue out of his owne land. j 21 * Howbeit, there remained people in the! land of lodah , whom Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel left , and made GiJaliah the Tonne of Ahi kam the fonne of Shaphan ruler ouer them. 2? Then when all the captaines of the hoafteS and their men heard . that the king of Babel had made Gedaliah gouernour.thtiy came toGedaliahi toMizp'-h, to wit.llhmael f fonne of Nechaniah.l and lohanan the fonne of Kareah , and Seraiahj the fonne of Tanhumeth the Netophathite , sndj laazaniah the fonne of Maachathi , they and their] men, 24 And Gediliahl fware to them.and to theid j .j^^, ., ^^ jy men, and laid vnto them , Feare not to be the fcr- uants of the Caldees : dwell in the land.and ferue the king of Babel , and ye ihall be well. 25 ■•' Bat in the feiiench raoneth llhmael the fonne ofNethaniah the fonne ofEiiiliama , of the kings feede. came.Sc ten men with him„Sc fraote' r«eing ic was thj Gedaliah, end liee died.and fo did hee the Icwes, ! '/"f " ' m Centrjryte lereraiei eoiinfcll, Ictem. 41c, 41,4.•, wife leiied 19 And out of the citie hee tooke an Eunuch CKhoit th«in in the Name of the Loid iicoiiinjto leie- mUs (οατιίαΐΐ, ιβ fiibmit ihemfeliiit ibachad-neziK, sthe ihc and the Caldeesthat were with him at Mizpah. » i"«rem.4f,t, i6 Then all the people both fmall and great, and the captaines of the armie arofe , and came to >" Egypt : for they were afiaid of the Caldees. 27 Notwithftanding in thcfeuen .and thirtieth yeere after η lehoiachin king of ludah was caried away, in the twelft moneth ,a?jd the feuen and i*"i.+5 .«h»?' twentieth day of the moneth king of Babel in f yeere that he began to reigne, ithild., did lift vp theheadof Ichoiichin king of ludah p''i'•''. "'''»" outoftheprifon. ^^',^Γ' 28 And fpake kindly to hira, and fet his throne jfathcrsVat^pre- aboue the throne of the kings that were with jfttred to honour: him in Babel. luJc'^.^'fLdTef 29 And changed his prifon garments : and he ^^^'^ '„,, Zitw did continually eate bread before him , all the cues vmo chiie. dayes of his life. 30 And his β portion vvtt a continiiall portion giuen him by the king , eucr}' day a certaine , all ht hVd an ordinarie the dayes of his life . • »« ^ί fon». r{,tTiat Τ HE FIRST BOOK Ε OF the * Chronicles , or d Paralipotnenon. THE AKGVMENT. Τ He levves comprehtni both thefe bookss in one,Vvhich the Grecians hecaufe of the length . diuide inte fwe i and they are called Chronicles ^becaufethey note briefly the hi^eriei from ^damto the returnefremthtir eaptiuitie in Babylon. But thefe are not thofe booths of Chronicles , vuhich are fo oft mennonedin the bookcsofetie iinis ef ludah and Ipaet , which did at laroefet forth theflorieofbnththebingdomes , and afterward perifhed in the eaptiuitie : but an akridftment ef the fame , and vveregatlyered by E^ra, as the levves vvrtte apertkeir returnefrom Babyhn.Thisfiril bookf conteineth a briefe rehearfaUofthe children of^.dam vnto Abraham, I:^iak} laato'j.and thetvvelue Patriarches chiefly of Iudah,and ef the reigne of Dauld becaufe Chril} cam.' of him accor- d/no to the fefh, ^nithereforeit fettethforthrnore amply his ades both concerningciuiUgouernment ,andalfc the adminifiration arid care of things concerning rtltgion , for the good fucceffevvhertof he reioyceth and giuetl. ^ CHAP uingt cmil. Adams gen< alogie• k Mtining, tlitc Stieihvf» Adiral foiine,uid tnoiti ^«ihs ienae. bif htlbeincfuf- CcienctohiBeiu- flied Skem of Vrbom came Abti- liini and Oauid. fern bfcanfe ih« «Olid vasKfto- itd b\ ihtit three, mcviionnaifo n^de al Ham and Ijpheth. * Gtr. ie,t. I Or,Rift••!!•. fiOrJ c Whe did fire lift vp bimff Ife abont otbe", eta, 10,», » Ge« te.l».' •ndii. lo «. and >i,z. * Geee 25. »J. I Ot.miir, I ^e»it««nt.*S• Cha CHAP. I. 1 The genedkgte of^dA/n and Noah vitill ^br^hdm. 1 7 ^ndfrom ^iraham to Efau. 3 3 Hii ehi/dre». 43 f^£' ""^ Dukej carat of him. Dam.» Sheth,Enull•, 2 Kenao.Mahalaleel.Iered, 3 Henoch » Methttlbelah , La- mech , 4 Noah,^ Shem, Ham, and lapheth. y 1 * The fonnes of lapheth were Gomer, anJMigog.andMaJai, and lanan.and Tubal, and Melhech.andT.iras. 6 And the ionnf s of Gomer , Aihchenaz, and D Iphath and Togarmah. 7 Alfo the Tonnes of latian , Eliihah atjd Tar- fhill)ah,Kittim,incl 0 Dodanim. 8 ί The fr^nnesof Ham t/fire Cuili , and Miz- raim.Pntand Cina.io. 9 And the fonnes cf Cuil•, Siba, and Hauilah, and Sabtih, and R irrnh, and Sabtecha. Alfo the fonnes of Raam^h were Sh-.ba .ind Dedan. 10 And ChQt bfgate «Nmrod , who began to be mightie in the earth. ' 1 1 And Mizraim begate Liidim and Anamim, : Lehabim,andN;phtuhim : [ II Parhrufim alfo, and Cadiihim, of whom I came the Philiftims.and Caphtoiim. 13 Alfo Canaan begata Zidon Jiis firft borne, and Hcth. 14 And the lebufite.snd the Amorite.and the Girgafliite, ly And theHiuite.and the Atkite , and the Simite, \6 And the Armdite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite, ! 7 ί * The fonnes of Shcra fWiftf Hlam and Af- flvar , and Arpachflud, and Lud , and ^ Aram . and V2,and Hul.and Gether.andMflliech. 1 8 Alfo Af pachfhad begate Sbelah, and She- ikh begite e Bber, ip Vnto Eber alfo were borne two fcnnes : the name of the one -tivks Peieg : for in his dayes was the earth diaided , and his brothers name T-fittlcktan. 2 ο Then lokt.in begat Almodad and Sheleph, and Hizemaiieth and Ic^rah, 21 And Hador-.ra.and Vzal and Diklah, 22 And Ebalvind Abimael.and Shebi, 23 AndOphir.and Hauilah , and lobub ; all thele were thi fonnes of loktan. 24 fShem gArpachllnd.Shelah, 2Ϊ Eber,Peleg,Rebu, 7.6 " Serug.Nahor.Terah, 27 * Abram, which is Abraham. 2 8 ί The Ibiines of Ab r^iham were Izhak, and Ilbnael. 29 Thefe are their generations, * The elJeil fonne oflil^mael ft/a/Nebaioth , tnd Kedar , and Adbeel.andMiblam, 3 ο Milmia , and Daraah, Maffa, 8 Hadai.1, and Tema, 3 1 I?tur,Naphiili and Kedemah :thefeare the fonnes of Iibmael. 32 f And Keturah Abrahams * concubine aare fonnes , Zimrm , and loklban , and Med^n, ind I»iidian, and Ilhbak.and Shuah: and ^ ionnes of Ioklhan,Shiba,snd Dedan. 33 And the fonnes ofMidian f τν? Ephah.and' Ephar.and Henoch, and Abdi3,ai>d Eldaah : * Ail hefe are the fonnes of Keturah. 54 And '''Abraham begate Izhsk : the fennes •. Ι.Π. The Kings of ^doin^i44 iTbeCi v>crt fceina of ihiet i.Ktxi irotheT», \t\in Gen 5< 4. * Cen II. 11. I Or, ζ fit, \ VThich wai FJi- pHji loacnhjnr, aie Gin j» il. 1 Mee il life cilltd Seir the Keilie, T>h^chlchibii(4 msnni S:ir, Ce» 3< ift, m H-« wiVetl» mtniioa of the Kingi >V.arcaai«ef ufjlljtcoidfllj te Codi pinmifc n",dt 0 /b:i>ijm •r.irphiT, ihii kivjiaiMi'.A ccme et him• Thtf.• eight lliip tetjKfd rreaitet inoikti in Unme* vTito :hetime of t)3Tnd, who cen- itred iheir Cvun• whifhwifihe oflzhak.EfauanJTfrael. 3 τ ^ The fonnes of Efau were ' * Eliphaz Re- uel,„Dd leufh, and Iadl;m,,nd Kor.Ji, ' 35 The fonnes of Eliph;z .Temin ,and O- mar 8 Zephi. and Gatcm.Kenaz, andkTimna,ind Aruiick. 37 The fonnes of Reaei.Ndhaih.Zctah.Share- tnahandMizzah. J 8 And the fonnes of ^ Seir . Lot:n, snd She• bai, and Zibecn, and Anah.nid Diihon, and Ezer, andDia-ian. 39 And the fenncs of Lotan , Hori , and Ho- mam.and Tirana Lotans fifler. 40 The fonnes of Shobal were Alian, snd Ma- nahatb , and Ebal . Shephi . and Onara. And the fonnes ofzib^ean , Ai^h ani Anah. 41 The fonne of Anah T-fiiDilhrn. Andthe fonnes of Dia^on, Amran, and Elhban, and Ithran, and Cheran. ' 41 The fonnes of Ezct fi/fr? Bjihrn.and 7aa- nan,rt»i/Iackan. The fonnes of Diihon x/T/eri Vz, and Aran. 43 'An»! rhL-fe were the "t Kings that reigned in the land of Edom.before a King reigned ouer the children of irrael.iit/^rr.Bela the Icnne of llcor. andthenamecfhiscitiei'T'ii/Djnhibdh, 44 Then Bela died, and lobeb the fonne of Ze- rah of η Bozrah reigned in his ftcad 4y And when lobab wcs dend.Husiliam of the land of the Temanices reigned in his ftcad. 46 And when Huslhara was dead, Hidad the fonne of Bedad , which fmote Midian in the ueld ofMoabueigned in his ftead,an J the name of his citie i»T'»/0 Pai, and his wiues name Mehetabil the d-iughier of Hatred the daughter of Mez.:h.ib. 5 I Hadad died alio , and there were dukes in Edom, duke Tirana, dake U Aliah.dukeletheth» rz Duke Aholibanah.duke Elah , duke Pi- non, ^3 Duke Kenaz.duke Teman.dukeMibiar, τ 4 Duke M.igdiel.dukelram : thefe were the dukes of Edom. CHAP. II. S The^eneahgte oflndiih vnt» Ifiui the father ofDa* Htd. "T" Hefe are the fonnes of Ifrael,* Reuben, Sime- on. Leui.and Iiidah, Islliachar, and Zebulun, . 2 Dan, lofeph.and BeDiamin»Naphtali, Gad, and Aiher. 3 * The fonnes of'Iud.ih, Er, and Onao, and SheLih. Th*fc three were borne to him of the l" fiirt*f|ii daughter of Shua the Canaanite: but Er the eldcft "^""• "" fonne of Indah was eirill in the light of the Lord, Lb,i„5„ «f οιηή and he flew him. pf whoa» c«nc 4 * And Thamar his daughter in law hare him Phare2,and Zerah -.foul the fonnes of ludah wert,n fiue. , y * The fonnes of Phsrez.Hezron and Haranl. 1 6 The fonnes alfo cf ZenJi Tvere β Ztmri, and | ' Ethan^ and Heman, and Calcol.and Dara, which [ verefiue inall. > And the fonne of Carmi , i *Achar , that ticubledi I Of, J•.*, «■Gin 1..S2OT jo.s.andjs..! »ntn J» i and »i,ll.thip.«... a rhrcijh Lidah wiiini laikobi rUeCioiK'-.yel -jweuM toa '> ^crjlneieel ^fwhoatc; ,Jchtii. J»Gen».3l, '-^■acih.. «. »». I- Kuth 4.ir. lOdhelVtea^* , King.*.}•,. I Or./ifitf», 1 he gencaiogie cconiT ron< e Whom Siint Mitihew ctlleth Araai.Mar. 1.5. i Hint it, eiitfi 1 .iJwiimii/. » I. Sim. It. t». snd .r M. I Or, J«;<«R4i, *Β5θ4.ίΐ,ί, troubled Ifrael, trenrgreffing In the thing excom• ror.cicate, 8 The fonnealfo of Ethan, Azariah, 5) And the fonnes of Hezron that were borne tnto hira , Icrahmeel , and « Ram and Chc- lubii. 10 And Ram begate Aminadab , and Amina- dab begate Nahilion * prince of the children of ludah, 1 1 Arad Nahihon begate Salma, and Salma be- gate Boaz, ' . It And Boaz begate Obed, and Obed begate 8 lihai, 13 * And lihai begate his eldeft fonne Eliab. and Abinadab the fecond.and Β Shimma the third, ί 4 Nathaneel the fourth, and Raddai the lift, I ί Ozem the (ixt , and Dauid the feuenth, 16 Whofe fifters were Zeniiah and Abigail. >ndthe fcnnes of Zeruiah.Abiihaijandloab.and Afahel. 17 And Abigaill bare Amafa : and thefather of Araafa was lether anilhmeelite. I whe Wis Wlei I g 1 And e Caleb the fonne of Hezron begate βΙ'Η«£οη''νί"1 I^iot•^ °f Aziibah hl• wife . and her fonnes are ' ' ^'jthefe.Ieiher.and Shobab.and Ardon. i ip And when Aziibah was dead , Caleb tooke vnto hira Ephrath.whicb bare him Hur. 20 * And Hur begate Vri.and Vri begate Be- j zaleel. Ί ' 21 And afterward came Hezron to the dangh- jter of Machir the ftther ofi Gilead .and tooke jher when he wasthreefcoreyeereoJde,andilie I barehiraSegub. 22 And Segub begate lair, which had three and twentie cities in the land of Gilead. » 23 And Gelhur with Aram rooke the townes f Thirij.the Ge- ί ©f ijjr g from them . *nd Kenath and the townes ltok"he"owner' thcrcof.fw» thrcefcorc cities. All thefe were the feomairichildttn.. fpnoes of Micbir the father of GUead. h Which was I 24 And after that Hezron was dead at '' Ca- wvrne Mmti of jgj, Ephratah , then Abiah Hezrons wife bare him ; alfoAflhurihe' father of Tekoa. 2y And the fonnes of lerahmeel the eldeft I fonne of Hezron were Ram the eldeft, then Bu- ' nah.and Oren and OzenaW Ahijah. ; x6 Alfo lerahmeel had another wife named i Atarah.which was the mother of Onam. i 27 And the fonnes of Ram the eldeft fonne of ; lerahmeel were M3az,and lamin and Ekar. ; 28 And the fonnes of Onam were Sharamii I and lada. And the fonnes of Shemmai.Nadab I and Abiihur. I 29 And the name ofthe wife of AbiflinrfMi , ! called Abiahil , and ihee bare him Ahban and i Molid. 30 The fonnes alfo of Nadab were Seled and Appaim : but Seled died without children. 3 1 And the fonne of Appaim was Ifl-ji , and the fonne of Ilhi , Shefhan, and the fonne of Shc- I ihan,*Ahlai. ; 32 AndthefonnesofladathebrotherofShnm- \ ihiMrotcitiifaici; Riai trr^eri lether and lonatha» : but lether dyed ¥«re s^.thjtsbt- without children. iinhiisefonBei. 33 And the fonnes of lonathan.t'f ifi Peleth | aijdZwa. Thefe were the fonnes of lerahmeel, ' 3 4 And Sheilian had no fonnes.but daughters. '■. And Shefhan had a feruant that was an Egyptian earned larha. ^ I 3 y And Sheftian gaue his daughter to larhj | bis leruant to wife,ami ihe bare him Attai «he hnibinii and wrife.caUcii ilfo Beth-lehem E- riiaiah. Meaning, the JiWhedieii wMles his fathet Xfit aliee , and begate Zabad, 37 And Zabad begite Bphlal, and Ephlal beM gate Obed. 3 8 And Obed begate lehu , and lehu begate Azariah, 3 9 And Azariah begate Helez . and Hclez be- gate Elcafah, 40 And Eleafah begate Sifamai , and Sifamai begate Shallum. 4 1 And Shallum begate lekamiah , and leka- miah begate EliQiama, 42 Alfo the fonnes of Caleb the brother of: lerahmeel ,vv»re Meiha his eldeft forsne , which! was the 1 father of Ziph : and the fonnes of Mare- J^" „;«*' *'^* fiiah the father of Hebron . ^JcTohhV ze - 43 And the fonnes of Hebron-fi/iri Korah and phims.bccaufe the Tappua.and Rekem and Shema. I""" «"ght ro . 44 And Shema begate Raham the father of J.'^^^Vl]'^^^.^ lorkoam : and Rekem begate Shamraai. jtewnd his people. 4) The fonne alfo of Shammai was Maomand I"» This diftntnc* Maon vvai the father of Beth-zur. 'wife''rad T' ** 46 And Ε phah a « concubine of Caleb bare iccbine,cha[ λ"*" Haran and Moza,at5d Gszez : Haran alfo begate wif» was taken Gazez. wi.hcer.ainefe- 47 The fonnes of lahdai were Rcgem.and lo- ti,'^"'"*^ heTcha. tham , and Gellian , and Pelet , and Ephah , anddn^'d-d inheriie: Shaaph. iheto.cnainehai 48 Calebs concubine Maachah bareShcber!!L''/r''""''!'."''l.j end Tuhanah, ker cMlire» inhe- 49 Shee bare alfo Shwph the father of Mad- raannah , 4«i/ Sheua the father of Machbenah , and the father of Gibea. * And Achfah was Calebs slaughter. ΪΟ ί Thefe werethe fonnes of Caleb the fenne of Hur the eldeft fonne of Ephrathah , Shobal the father of Kiriath-iearim. .? f I Salma the father ef Bethlehem , Ληά Hareph ' the father of Beth-gader. i2 And Shobal the father of Kiriath-iearim ί had fonnes, and hee 0 waa the ouerfeer of halfe ij^,'^;^ ''{!**•** Hammenoth. jfra^^w'.. '• f3 And the families of Kiriath-iearim *»ίΓβ|«ι•»»/««//»»ινΛί, the Ithrites,and the Puthites,and theShnma-j thites .andtheMifliraites : of them came the Zar-!"^/"'';6•*• ι reathites.and the Efhtaiilites. !*^ii. '""* 54 The fonnes of Salma ofBeth-lehem , andj j o,.ii,z»{,u, the Netophathite , the « crownes of the houfe οΐ ^^^ toifffiie loab.and Β halfe the Manahthites*« Daniel of Abigaill the Carmeliteffe: j 1 The third Abfalom the fonne ofMaachah|i»whicti2 $am 3», daughter of Tdmai king ofGeilm: the fourth l^^'^^'j^^''^^^^^^*' Adonijah the fonne ef Haggith: j ^jrNabah wife poicioii ofgeodsot money ginsn * »l(tQi,.j,i7, i He«reniriiet{i w the genealogic «{ Dauid, ro fliexr thai ChnA Came cf his fleclie 3 The fift Shephatiah of Abitall. the fixt Ithre am by Ε glah his wife. 4 The^e fixe were borne vnto him in Hebron and there hee reigned feuen ycere and fixe mb- reths : and in lerufalem hee reigned three and thirty yeere. % And thefe foure were borne vnto hin 3^ And Attai begate Nathan , and Nathan j leruiaiera.ShJnjea, and Shob*, and Nathan, and j Salomon tbe CuiaeUle, Bauids gene alogie.Tudahs^Caje^ Salomon of* B^thihua rhe daughter of Ammiel: 6 Ibhjr alio . and ^ Eliih.'raa , and Eliphalet, 7 And Nog.ih.and Ncpheg.andlaphia, g And EHlharna , end Eliada , and Eliphelet, line in number. 9 Thefe an all the fonnes of Dauid , befides the fonnes of the concubines , and Thamir their fifter. I ο ' Afl(i Salomons fonne ff Λ/ Rehoboam, ( Called ill» baik Aeba ch« daii^hiet of Eliam : toi chej gaue ihejn «Imett names Λ EliOiamih.or 2- liHiua.i.Siin >,•$• andElipheleciied. and Dauid named ihofe tonnei. ^hich welt next ■totne, bychefame nimtsiinthebookelwhoie Ιοηπβντ/Λ/ Abia , rtni AfahislonQc, and jlehoihaphjt his fonne. 1 1 ^'id lorara his fonne , and Ahaziah his fonne, and loafhhis fonne, 1 2 ^nd Amziah his fonne , and Azariah his fonne,'»'«i lotham his fonne, 1 3 ^nd Ahaz his fonne , and Hezekiah his ibone,*«'^Manaireh his fonne, 1 4 ^nd Amon his fonne , and lofiah his fonne. y ί Andofthefonnesof lofiah, thee eldeft was Η lohanan, the fecond lehoiakim, the thirde Zedekieh,'««'>i the fourth Shallum. ϊ6 And the fonnes of lehoiakim fTiffrileco- niah his fonne,*»i Zedekiah his fonne. 7 And the fonnes of leconiah.AflirrtWShe- altiel his fonne: 1 8 Milchirara alfo and Pedaiah , and Shcna- zar.Iecamiah.Hofliaraa.andNcdabiah. 19 And the fonnes of Pedaiah vvtre ί Zerub- babel , and Shimci : and the fonnes of Zerubba- bel vverelAeihiuhm , aud Hananiah , and Shelo- raith their fifter, 20 And Haihiibah , and Ohel, and Berechiah, and Hazadiah,fii6cus did Well»! fCaUedtlfoCfa«|k the families of Aharhel the fonne of H.^ru-n j 9 But labez was more hunourabie rhf η his i brethren: and his mother caiied his name. Iabc:z I laying,BecaHfe I bare him in forow. ; ^ lo. And labez called on the God of Ifratl.f..v- : mg. If thou wilt blefle mee in deede. and cn.aree I ray coaftes. and i, /thine hsnd be with mt;, and l| thou wilt caufe me Η be ddiuered from euiil . that if 'V : I be not hurt. And God granted the thing that .; he asked. ^ i II 'And Cheltib thebrothsrofShiiahbe- gate Mehir,which was the fatherof ElV.ton. 1 2 And Eihton begate Beth-rapha , and Pafe- ah , and Tehiniiah the father of the city of Na hafti: thefe are the men of Rechah. 13 ί And the fonnes of Kenaz τ/τ/«Γ<• Othniel, and Zeraiah , and the fonne ofOthniel , Ha- \ thath. 14 And Meonathai begate Ophreh. And Se- ; raiah begate loab the e father of the valley of I craftcfmen ; for they were craftefmcn. ' ly f And the fonnes of Caleb the fonne of ! fIephunnehi/z/iriIru,Elah,andNaam. Andthe } fonneof Elahfi'a.f Ken.'z. i 1 6 And the fcnnes of Ichaleelf fifi Zjph,and , Ziphah.Tiria,and Azzreel. 17 Andthe fonnes of Ezrahz'Vfrflether and . Mered , and Epher, jnd lalon, and hee begate Mi- i riam.andShammai .andlll.bah the father of Eft>- ! tcmoa. ] 18 Alfo hie 8 w'ife lehudijahbareleredthe! , father of Gedor , and Heberthe f.iiherof Socho,:ier,.^'l4f#,» and lekuthiel the f->th,.r of Zanoah : and thefe arei'"''x•"'/'"»' , the fons of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh ""^"''^'"'•* D which Mered tooke. o, ./»*.„ i 1^ Andthe fonnes cf the wife of Hodiah, the i**''*«'"<'i ■ fifter of Naham the father of Keilah fvfrfthej ; Garmites.and Ellneraoa the Maachathite. 20 And the fonnes of Shimon i/f ire Amnon I and RinBah.Benhanam and Tilon. And the fonnes I and the men of Chozebaand loadi , andS.rafh , ν hicii had the dominion in Moab , and 0 lathubi Lehem. Thefe alfo arc and ent things. 23 Thcie were porters, and dwelt among plantsi and hedges : ε there they dwelt with the king for g They «»er,kinj hiswoike. " ■'' ' " " 24 ^ * The fonnes of Simeon ffiriNemuei and lamin,Iarib,Zerah,rdinti>. ii.drciii.d himia hi xoikci ♦ Cine <4, le. »od.e -s h Hit fonne Ohid is hvelt ouer againft them in the land of Baflian , vnto Salchah. 1 2 loel vvai the chiefeft,and Shapham the fe• cond.but laanai arrd Shaphat fftr* inBafban. 13 And their brethren of the houfe of their fathers were Michael , and Mcihullam , and She- ba.and Sorai.and lacan, and Zia.and Eber, feuen. 14 Thefe are the children of Abihail.the fonne ί of Hnri, the fonne of laroah, the fonne of Gilead, the fonne of Michael , the fonne of iefliilliai , the fonne of lahdo .the fonne of Biiz J r Ahi the lonne of Abdiel.the fonne of Guni vvdj chiefe of the houfl.old of their f ihcts. 16 And they dwelt inGilead in fBaflian, and in the tpwnes thereof, and in all thefuburbscf Sharon liytheif borders, 1 7 All thele were reckoned by genealogies in the dayes of lotham kingofludah.and inthe dayes of leroboam king cfllrael. 1 8 f The fonnes ot Reuben and of Gad. and of halfe thfe tribeof M.u I ^τ,αί lofephs. ) ihc tri'e iccoidin fteljjiQlMpio- tpliccie. Gen 4fJ. !jMd keciniechvia ^i^ouidcenteof i'ii.n-..., ■ ■■ » Gia.^t.f. . «id •*,<*, nam. i*,s. ί r»w;t,inthe limeotViiah Xjngoftiijti, *-«re beyond jet- dcn tnwjidihc . S^ainihelj-nd ■Siue^.io thj. . Kcnbenitts I Or, B''flirtt!i. , ΐ IhA-lilimiclftt! 2 r And they led away their cattell , i«f»rheir camels fiftie thoufand, ind two hundreth atw liftie thoufand fheepe , and two thouland alfcs , and of t perfons an hundreth. thoufand. 2 2 For many fell downe wounded.becatife the wirre was of God. And they dwelt in their Heads vutillthi 'captiuitie. 23 And the children of the halfe tribe of Ma- naffeh dwelt in the land , froTi B^ihan vnto * Baal Hirmon.and Senir,and vnto mount Hcraion ; for they increafed. 24 And thefe Were theheads of the hbufbolds of their fathers.euen Epher and Illii.and Elicl and ; Azriel, and leremish.and Hodauuh, and I^hdiel ftrong men , valiint and furaous , heads of the 3 * t.he fonnes of Reuben, the eldeft fonne, ho ulbolds of their fathers, of ifrael , were Hanoch and Pallu , Kezron and .j 25• But they trtnigrelTed againft the God of their fathers , and went a vvifaoring after the gods of the people of the land , whom God had de ftroyed before them 26 And the God of Ifrael ^ flirred vp the fpirirj' '^1^ ced «itrej iof Pul king of Afihur , and thefpiritofTi;gath|^("^|^ I• To wit.byihe d(h«giaethe« III* vi^otit, \BU.f,»U,,fmtai Me}nfii|,tJi» Jp:initieotth« ttisei vTider rilgath Pilnefer, I Otherwife cjU idSaalgid, Carmi, 4 The fonnes cf loel , Shgmsi^h his fonoe, Gog his funne,d«i Shimei his fonne, 5 Michih his fonne , Reaiaji his fonne , tfninftiudj«mMi the Reubcnites. jthe halfe tribe of Manaffeh ►and brought them ?£«'«""ϊηηβΓΐ, 7 And when his brethren in their famflies -i vnto *Halah and Hibor.and Hara^apd to tbiiiuer^,^"'/]'^''',^ reckoned the genealogie of their generations, j Gozan, vnto this d.!y, leiel and Zechariahff*;.: the chiefe, 1 CHAP. VI nd Bela the fonne of Azaz, thefonneof . I ThegenealoiiteofthefonyietefLeui, 31 Their order mTAictSctnMiitm. Kiag.it.ii» Shema, the fonne of Joel, which dwelt in iAroer icuen vnto Nebo and Baalmeon. ί 9 Alfo Eaftward bee inhabited vnto the en- Jtring in of the wildcrnes from the riner S Perath : for they hid much cattell in the land of Gilead. 10 And in the dayes of Saul they warred with :ihar «me of Higari thee HJg.kims, which fell bytheirhands : and thsy dw^lt..ii3. tbe!r.;teoii inaUib^Ejltparts.af Gilead.:. , inthemimjierieeftheTal/emade. 49 ^arenand f hisformesPriefis. 5:4, yy Their hahttation'. j 'J' "He fonnes of Leui were GerlLon,Kohatb,ar4il I Merari. I 2. * And the fonnes of Kohatb , Araram , Iz- har.and Hebron, and Vzziel. 3 , And the children of Amram, A aron.andMo- fes and Miriam. Ami the fonnes of Aarori , '•' Na- dib.atid Abihiuaiid * Elcazar,apd Ithamar 4,_Elea2a ■ «,««.(ba;.a},ia, ♦ten te.i; rheleuites genealogie •{Wlliibfilill• »ii«il «fMt ihit Abiaihtt w»s itf» M, 9Cibi« ytf But the fielde of the citie.and the villages: f;=" '3' "* *'* called ih« Ttngett btrikieii bccasre ^camcofthe It Aa:k<. i 29 5 The fonnes ofMerarix/vi^iMahli, Lib- I thereof they gaue to Caleb the ionne of Icphun- ο rhir he ihnii»* m his fonne , Shimei his fonne, Vzzah his fonne. I neh. \i-iM ' 30 Shimea his fonne.Haggiah his fonne.Afa iah his ionne. fot Uh.ict 31 And thefe he they whom Daiiid fet for to fing in the houfe ofthe Lord , after that the Afke had f reft. 32 And they miniftred before the Taberna- cle, euen the Tabernacle ot the Congregation with δ finging, vntil! Salomon had builttiie houfe of the Lord in lerufalem: then they continued in their office . according to their cuftome. 3 3 And thefe miniftred with their children• of the ifonnes of Kohath , Heman a finger , the fonne of loel , the fonne of Shemuel, 5 4 The fonne of Elkanab , the fonne of lero- biBijtbc fonne of Eliel.thefonn* of Teab, 57 And to the fonnes of Aaron they gane the| !?J^j^j 1^ ^^ ^^ cities ofludahioi" refuge, *«*« Hebron and Lib-j „„,,„^4, jft„. na with their fuburbes , and lattir , and Ellitcraoai , with her fuburbs, 5f8 And^Hilcn with her fuburbes, et«' warre , and were reckoned by their gtnealogies, two and twentie thoufand an^ thirtie and foi,rc. 8 And the fonnes of Becher , Zcmir.ih , and Ioa(h , and Eliezer, and Eliocnai.and Omri, ind lerimoth.and Abiah.and Anathoih, and Alameth: all thefe were the fonnes of Becher, 9 And they were numbreJ by their genealo- gies according to their generations, 8c thechiefe of the houfes of their fathers , valient men of warre, twenty thoul'and and two hundred, 10 And the fonnes of lediael vvaj Biihan, and the fonnes of Biihan , leufli , and Bcniamin , and Ehud.and Chenaanah, and Zethan.and Tharfliilh, and Ahilhahar. 1 1 All thefe werefonnes of lediael, chitfe of the fathers , valiant men of warre , feuenteme thoufand and two huodreth , marching in battell' aray to the warre. 1 ζ And Shuppim.znd Huppim vz/tre the fonnes' of α Ir, out Hulhim ^'vas the fonne ^ ot g .nother.f ϋ O'• Η 13 iThe fonnes of Naphtaii.Iahziel, & Guni; ^*^«"'i''S' '^«*« andlezer.and DShallumgofthc fonnes of Bilhah.; Γ/CiUtimd 14 f TheionneofManaifthT'T/«/ Afhiicl when; Dan, ctn.+is 23. fliee bare unto him , but his concubine of Araiii * °'« •/ -^'^ bare Machir the * father of Gilead. ^ \.^ 'J'^""^ Ii And Michir tooke to wife rttf /yisr ofi g "htit «me of Huppim & Shuppim, and the name of their filter! D",>Hd waphtaly, was Maachah. And the name of the fecond/ensf was Zelophehad.and Z-lophehad had daughtits. 16 And Maachah the wife of Machir br-re a; -λκ» zo.zp.ji, fonne.and called his name fl Perefli.fnd the namcM'/*• "■ ' ■ of his brother was Sherelli : and his fonnes were] if'^o'^"' *''**■ VlamaodRakem. j And the fonne of Vlam was Bedan. Thefe! fonnes of Bilhah, Gen. 46. 23,j+,i{^ *Ι./Λ2β,Ιβ»(Ι ben,•^ Bezer in thewildcrnciTe withherfuburbs, \, were the fonnes of Gilead the fonne of Macfair, and lahzah with her fuburbes. 79 And Kedemoth with' her fuburbes, and Me- phaath with her fuburbes,. , ; 80 Andoutof;y tribe of Gad Ramoth in Gilead jwith her fuburbs, & Mahanaira with her fuburljs, ; 8 1 And Heflibon with her iuburbes, and laazer with her fuburbes. I C Η A P. VII. !I, "ne^^eneattiie ofljff.har.e Beniamin, 1 3 Naphtali, 1/^MamJfeh, 20 Ephraim, }oand ^Afher. /V Nd the fonnes of Ifl^har were Tola andijPu- a-i^noz^iu .. •"-(Xiah.'Iilhtib.andShimrop.fouie. ^"^'^'thiti*' '' s * ^"'^ ^'^'^ ^<^""^5 of Tola.Vzzi, andRephaiah, __ was feuniJi'n'J lerie!, and lihraii, and libfam, and uhemuel, gtiat. «ban jhead? in the houiTiolJes of their fathers. Of Tola ''"""''""' '^'^^3Wff valiant men of warre in their generations. uilhatis, the fonne of Manafleh. 1 8 And h his fifter Molechetli bare lihod.andlh Mtaeing, tk•- Abiezer, and Mahalah. | fifiei e£ tiileiiL - i5> And the (pnnes of Shemida -overs Ahian.i and Shechem , and Likhi, and / niam 20 f The fonnes alio of Ephraim were Shuthc-i lah.and Bered his fonne.and Tahath his ibDne,andi bis fonne Elad^h.and Tahath his loune. ζ I And Zibad his fonne , and Shuthelah his} fonne,and Ezer.and Elead: and the men cf« Gathj' ""'"'' ■w'seae tlur were borne in tjie l.-nd , flewe them, becauic I ?'"''' S"',P'T'''.!" they came downe to take away their cattell. ieims, flew ih» zz Therefore Ephraim their fitber mourned : Ephraimitei. many dayes , and bis 3 brethren came to comfort ; ' ''''» ^''0*}'}ii him, ^ 23 And when hee went in to his wife.iliee con- i ceiiied , and bare him a fonne , andhe called his Ι,βιμ^ίίπι,ΐψ.ι k whofe number was ■ in the daves of Dauid twe \ name Beriah, becaufe affliaioti was in his houfe aod twentie tbuufand,aad fixe huodiedf^ 34 And his SiUugbier w&t Sherah.whicb built f *'» ^*^i Beth- Amersger|eaiogie, iTewit,ofS• |ht>iJ«, * •uAiiiAi *ouit{.*«,^r• * er^ Kimtil, a Heecontiflueth in the defcription of ihe tribe of Bcnumtn.beciure his pntpofe is to fet foeith the ge- acalogit of Saul, b Melning.ihc inhabitant! ofthc citieofGtba, f T• ni'. Bhnd, lAftcihehatl' (utawayhiitwo Beth-horon the nether.and the vpper.and Vzzen Sheerah. 2y And Rephah fvrt/his* fonne.and Relhepht and Telah his fonne.and Tahan his fonne, 26 Laadan his foBne.Aramihud his fonne.Eli- flaama his fonne, 27 Non his fonne,Iehoil:ua his fonne. 28 And their pofTedions and their habitations •»vere Bsth-ei.and the villages thereof, and Eaft- ward Naaran , and Weft ward Gezer with the vil- lages thereof.Shechemalfo & the villages there- of, vnto * Azzah.and the villages thereof. 29 And by the places of the children of Ma- naffeh.Beth-fliean and her villages , Taanach and her villages , Megiddo and her villages , Dor and her villages. In thofe dwelt the children of lo- feph the fonne of Ifrael. 30 ί * The fonnes of Ailier were Iranah, and Ifuah , and I&uai .and Beriah , and Serah their ITfter. 3 I And the fonnes of Beriah, Heber and Mal- chiel.which is the father of Birzauith. 31 And Heber begate laphlet , and Shoraer, «ad Hotham.and Shuah their fifter. 33 And the fonnes of laphlet were Pafach, and * Bimhal , and AQiuath : thefe were the chil- dren of laphlet. . 34 And the fonnes of Shamer, Ahi, and Roh- gah,Iehubbih,and Aram. 3 y And the fonnes of his brother Helemwere Zophah and limna, and Sheleih.and Amal. 3^ The fonnes of Zophah, Suah , and Harne- pher.and Shual, and Beri.and Imrah, 3 7 Bezer and Hod,and Sharama.and Shililiah, and Ithran, and Beera. ' 3 8 And the fonnes of lether, Iephunneh,and Vil'paand Ara. j9 And the fonnes of VHa.Harah.and Haniel. andRizia. 40 All thefe were the children of A (her , the heads of their fathers houfes , noble men , valiant men of warre *«ichiefe princes , and they were reckoned by their genealogies for warre and for battell to the number of fixe and twentie thoufand 1. CHAP. VIII. I The fonnes of Benkmin, 33 ^nd race of Saul, J> Eniamin alfo>begate Bela his eldeft fonne, j Aihbel the fecond,and Aharah the third, 2 Nohah the fourth.and Kapha the fift. j 3 And the fonnes of Bela were Addar, and \ Gera, and Abihud, j 4 AndAbilhua.andNaaman.and Ahoah, j 5 And Gera, and Shephuphan, and Huram. 1 6 f Andthefe are the fonnes of Ehud:thefe | were the chiefe fathers of thofe that inhabited ί Geba : and b they were caried away captiues to ! Monahath, | 7 And Naaman, and Ahiah, and Gera, he ca- j ried themaway captiues: and» he begateVzza, 1 and Ahihud. I 8 .AndShaharairabegatertri4Wtf inthecoun- | trey of Moab. after heehad fentd away Huihim and Baara his wiues. 9 He begate.I fay.of HodeIlihiswife,Iobab and Zibij.and Melhi,and Malcham. I ο And leuz and Shachia, and Mirma : thefe were his {onnits, Sam.z. i Hit it lili;\»ift alicd Mephibe- keihiLSim ;w(. ( HithCRohihi irciibcd iheit gencalo(ici bc(c capti hedtlaibtihihcit hillory aftet thcic iiitne. I Meaning, the Gibeoniici,>vhii;-;c. 19 And Shallumthe fonne ofCure the fonne of Ebiafaph the fonne of Koraji, andhis brethren the Korathites (of the houfe of thrir father) x/ffi oufr the wotke , and office to keepe 'he gates cf theiTibernacle : fo their families x/t/fTiOuer the hoafte of the Lord.k'-eping the entrie. 20 And Fhinehas the fonneof Eleazar was their giiide.and the Lord was svith him. 21 Zechariah the fcnne of Melhclemiahft'rtx the porter of the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation. 2 2 All rhefe were chofeti for porters of the gates.two hundreth and twelue.which were nnm- Lued according to their genealogies by their towncs. Dauid eftabliihed thefe .and Samuel the Seer * in tluir perpetuall office. 2^ So they and their children had the ouer- iight of the gates of the houfe of the Lord , eucD Bf the houfe ef the Tabernacle by wards. 24 The porters viete in foure quarters , Eaft- ward.Weftward.Northward.and Southward. 2 y And their brethren , which vvert in their townes. came at S feuen daycs from time to time with them. αί For thefe foure chiefe potters were in per- pctuall office , and were of theLeuites , and had charge of the ■" chambers , and of the treafures in the houfe of God. 27 And they lay round about the houfe of God.becaufe the charge vvai theirs.Sc they cau- fed it to be opened euery morning. 28 And certaine of them had the rule of the miniflring veflels : for they brought them in by tale,and brought them out by tale. 2$ Some of them alfo were appoynted ouer the iuftruroents . and ouerall the vtll'eU of the San• (Suarie, and of the h floure, and the wine, and the eyle , and the incenfe . and the fweete odours 30 And certaine of the fonnes of the I'riefts made oyntments of fweete odours. 3 1 And Mattithiah one of the Leuites which was the eideft fonne of Shaiium the Korhite , had the charge of the things that were made in the frying panne. 3 2 And other of their brethren the fonnes of Kohath had the ouerfight ofthe*ihewbreadto prep.ire it euery Sabbath. 3 ? And thele are the fingers.the chiefe fathers of the L•t\x\^ts,vvhich dwelt in the chambers.'Sc had none other charge : for they had to doe in thatbufineffe day and night. 34 Thefe were the chiefe fathers ofthe Leuites according to their generations, and the princi• pall which dwelt at lerufalem. 3 Τ ■'' And in GibeoB dwelt J the father of Gi- beon , leiel , and the name of his wife was Maa- chah. 36 And his eideft fonne was Abdon.then Zur, and Kilh.and Baal.andNer.andNadab, 3 7 And Gedor. and Ahio.and Zechariah.and Mikloth. 3 % And Mikloth begate Shimeam : they alfo dwelt with their brethren at lerufalem, «wi by their brethren. 39 And * Ner begate Kifli , «nd Kiih begate Saul . and Saul begate lonathan , and Malchilhua, and Abinadab and Eihba.l. 40 And the fonne of lonathan T^fi^Merib- b^al : .ind Merib-baal begate Micah. 41 And the tonnes of Micah t/feriPithon.anil Mdechand Tahrea. 4 2 And Ahaz begate * larah, and larah begat Alemeth , and Azmaueth , and Zirari , and Zimri beg-ire Moza. 43 And Moza begate Binea.whofe fonne vvat Rcphaiah.Sc his fonne ff*' Eleafah,<»«>A ti>»./-d , and 'i ' So Saul died , and his three fonnes , and all hishoufe.they died together. „, .,,^,.,^ 7 And when all the men of Ifrael thatwc e in the vaUey . faw how they fled . and that S.ul ^d i?s fonneVwere dead, they forlooke the.r ct- tics and fled away . and the Pbiliftims came and 'rti^'the morrow when thePhiliftuns! came to fpoy le them that were A^'ne . they^foand Saul and his fonnes t ly ing m moum Gilboa. % ind when they had ftript him. they tooke his head and his armour . and lent them mo the land of the Philiftims round about . to pubhlh « vnto their idols.and to the people. . , . , ο And they layed vp his armour m the houfc of their god .IndYet vp his head in the houfe of nf.'^u°Uvhen all they of labefl^Gilead heard * ■■ all that the Philiftimshad done to Saul. ■'^ IX Then they arofe (all the vah.nt men) ar^d tooke the bodie of Saul, and the bodies of hi fonnes . and brought them to labeih jnd buried the bones of them vnder ^n oake in labelh, and faded fcued day es. . _ t. .i,-» t> So Saul died for his tranfgreflJon that hee committed againft the Lord, *eu0n ^g""» Je word of the Lord which he kept not . and in that ■^ he fought and asked counfellof a Ϊ * familiar fpi- '"'14 And askednotof the Lord : therefore hee flew him . and turned the kingdorae vntoDauuf thefonneofIil:iaJ. ■ CHAP XI.. 2 ^ftcrthe death of Saul DAuiduaruontedmHe- brtn < The lebufte, rtbeU againfi Dautd. froj» vvh»i» he takfth the tower of Zm. 6 lo^b ts wadecaptaine. lo His valiant men. I Τ tlcn* all Ifrael » g'ltheredthernielucstoDa :^^'1ίΐί. ^ i;ivnS'Sn.ifyi;;i:i;hold .we are thy t^ti^i ^rZit^J^^W... when Saul was kir^. C«"- .„li thou leddeil Ifreeiout and in : -/^e Lord thy f.u*,n 7«re. and Q^^ faid vnto thee . Thou flialt feed ray pcop e C„ mo»,ihs in j^ j ^^^ ^jj^^ 0^3!^ be captaioc ouer ray people S 'SocamealltheEldersoflfraeltotheKing to^Hebron . and D.uid made a co^|enant >.»h theminHcbronbeforetheLord. Andtheyan- t,,/^ ,«, „, oynted Dauid king «"^«^Ji^^^^^ ^ /"ς"" „> 1 the word of the Lord.by the hand of Samuel. Λ ί And Dauid and%ll Ifrael went to lerufa- leri.whichislebus.wherevv.«thelebufues.the "f S ItSunts of lebus faidtoDa- uil.Thou .halt not come inhither Nenertheleffe Dauid tooke »be tower of Zwn» which Js the cuy ofDanid, 6 And Dauid fayd.* Whofoeuer fmiteth the * » '*" i-'' lebufites firft , Ihaibe the chicfe and captoine. So loab the fonne of Zeruiah went firft vp .and was captaine. , . 7 And Djuid dwelt in the tower : thcrctcre they called itthecitie of Dauid. 8 * And he built the citie on eiiery fide.froi Millo eiicn round about -.and loab re paired th reft of the citie. , , . , , 9 And Diuid profpered and grew : fortl Lord of hoalts vvaj with him, 10 1 -" Thefe alfo aretliechiefeofthc v,il.„. men that were with Dauid, and ioyncd their forc- with him inhis kingdome with all Ifrael.to ranke him king ouer Ifrael. according to the word " the Lord. r , ,■ 1 1 And this is the number of the valunt -... whom Dauid h.d . laa^obe .m the fonne of Hach^ moni . the b chiefe among thutie : hue lift vp h,^ ^J,'»'-^.•.^•'^ fpeate againft three hundreth., vvhem hee ilc w ad . . - : . onetime. _, , , I ζ And after him was Eleazarthelonne _ ■>' Dodo the Ahohite , which was one of the thrc I valiant men. . ^ , , 13 He w.is with Dauid at Paf-daramim , an there the Philiftims were gathered lope/her battell : and there was a parcell of groiinu full 0 barley, and the people fttd before the I'hihllixs 14 And they ftoodinthemiddcs of the field, cand faiiedit.and Qewe the Philiftims : fo the iii.lluilC d hiktwoioia• ftat7re;J«'fi"e cubites rong:«nd in the Egy pti^ fnThand w.s a fpeae 1>^.^,^^::^^ η uacd ^'^"liefeSsifrienaiah^lonnecflehoIa. da?an?hidSm; among th? three wor.h.s. Dauids valiant men. I called i.Sam, Ϊ. CI ron. ζ 5• Behold , he was honourable among thirty, but he attained not vnto the ^firB three. * And Dauid made him of his counfell. 26 ί Thefe alfo were valiant men of warre.A- fahel the brother ofloab, Elhanan the fonne of DodoofBeth-lehem, 27 8 Shamraoth the Harodite , Helez the Pe- lonite, 28 Ira the fonne of Ikkeih the Tekoite, Abie- zer the Antothite. 29 •> Sibbecai the Hufathite.Ilai the Ahohite, 3u Maharai theNetophathite.Heled the fonne of Baanah the Netophathite, 31 Ithai the fonneofRibaiof Gibeahofthe children of Beniamin , Benaiah the Pirathonite, 3 2 Hurai of the riuers of Gaaib.Abiel the Ar- Lathite, 33 Azmaueth the Baharumite , Elihaba the Shaalbonite, 34 The fonnes of Haihemthe Gizonite.Tona- than the fonne of Shageh the Harite, 3 f Ahiam the fonce of Sacar the Hararite, EHphal the fonne of Vr, 36 Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahiiah the Pe- lonite, 3 7 Kezro the Carmelite , Naarai the fonne of Ezbai, 38 loel the brother of Nathan, Mijjhar the fonne of Haggeri, 39 Zelek the Ammonite ,Nahrai the Bero- thite.the armour-bearer of loab.che fonne of Zer- uiah. 40 Ira the Ithrite.Garib the Ithrite. 41 Vriah the Hittite, Zabad the fonne of Ah- lai. 42 Adinah the fonne of Shiza the Reubenite, a captaine of the Reiibenites,& thirtie with hira, 43 Hanan the lonne of Maachah «andloiha- phattheMithnite, 44 Vziah the Afhterathite.Shamaand leiel the fonnes of Otham the Aroerite, 4y lediael the fonne of Shimri, andlohahis brother theTizite, 46 Eliel the Mdhauite,and leiebai and loiha- uiah the fonnes oi Ejnaam , and Ithraah the Moa- bite, 47 Eliel and Obed, and laafiel the Mefo- baite. CHAP. XII. thofe that ayled Daqid» ■Oc.Cedai, tor. At*/ ilTotilehiir"' igiinfl Sanl , who {erfccutedhim. k TJiaris.of ilie «ibt of Beniamin, 'mheteof Saul was, »nd wherein were xc?llent chioweii with llsngi, ludg. 10, i«, iVVho they i/vere that went with Dauid when he fled from Satd. \^ Theirvaliantnejfe, 23 They that came vnto him vnto Hebron out of entry tribe to mal^e hint I\ing. , •J" Hefe alfo are they that came to Danid to " Ziklag.while he was yet kept clofe.becaufe of Saul the fonne of Kirti : and they were among the valiant and helpers of the batteil. 2 They were weaponed with bowes , and could vfe the right and the left hand with ftones, and with arrowes and with bowes .andwereoi Sauls'' brethreD,<«f» of Beniamin, 3 The chiefe were Ahiezer, and loafbthe fonnes of Shemaah a Gibeathitc , and leziel , and Pelet the fonnes of Afmaueth , Berachah 8c lehu the Antothite, 4 And lilimaiah the Gibeonite, a valiant man ?mong thirty.and abouc the thirty .and leremiah, and lehaziel, and lohanan, and loflwbad the Ge- deratbite, ^\ τ Eluzai, and lerimoth.aad Bealiah.and She- | roariah,and Shephatiah the Haruphite, 6 Elkanah .and libiah. and Azariel, and Ioe« | zer, lalliobeam of Hakorehim, [ 7 And loelah . and Zebadiah the fonnes of leroham of* Gedor. g And of the Gadites there feparated theip- felues fome vnto Dauid into the hold of the wil- derneffe .valiant menof warre, andmtn ofarmes, and apt for batteil . which could handle * fpeare * ot, bacUn/ and ihield.and their faces ^firife'A* the faces of « lions , and were like the roes in the moimtaines * i^tni-neMw in fwiftneffe. ί"* '*"'"*' 9 Ezer the chiefe.Obadiah the fecond.Eliab the third, I ο * Miihmanah the fourth , leremiah the fifth. I I Attai the fixt.Eliel the feuenthr 1 2 lohanan the eight.Eizabad the ninth, 1 3 leremiah the tenth ^ Macbannai the ele- iienth. 14 Thefe were the fonnes of Gad.captaines of : I thehoaflcioneof theleaftci!«/lf« AptiU. «hen 16 And there came of the children of Benia-'p°'j;^;;|;^.;'^°^i;«• rain,and ludah to the hold vnto Dauid, mdt iafli.j,i$, * I 1 7 And Dauid went out to meete them , and ' anfwered and fayd vnto them , If yee be ceme peaceably vnto me tohelpeme , mine heart (hall be knit vnto you : but if you come to betray me to mine aduerfaries , feeing there is no wickednes in mine hands , the God of our fathers, behold it, \ and rebuke it. «The Γρίπ' ef b*U-- 1 8 And the « fpirit came vpon Amafai.which ^'ooaeliiiim"!' i was the chiefe of thirtie . and he fayd. Thine are fpea'Cihu»] " vf if , Dauid , and with thee ,0 lonne of Ilhai, j Pe:ce , peace be vnto thee , and peace be vnto 1 thine helpers ; for thy God heipeth thee. Thenj Dauid receiued them , and made them captainesj of thegirifon, ; 19 lAnd of ManaiTeh ,ftme fell to Dauid, I when hee came with the Philiftims againft Saul 10 batteil, but they f helped them not ; for the Princes of the Philiftims * by aduifement ientf They tame onely him away , faying, Hee will fall to his mafter Saul '^^ifj^J^^tTke * for our heads. phiiiflims, which 20 As he wenttoZiklag , therefelltohimof werecjiemieito Manafleh , Adnah . and lozibad , and lediael, ^f jj^"°"*^• and Michael , and lozabad-, and Elihu , and » or.^'i" /«;«- Ziltai, heads of the thoufands that were of Ma- di» «/««r *»*(», nafleh. 2 1 And they helped Dauid againft « that band : I for they were all valiant men , and were capraines' ^^ v,it.of ihe inrhehoafte. _ AmaieVites, which 2 2 For at that time day by day, there came to '"«^ '"'"■ed ■''e city Dauid to helpe him, vntill it was a great hoft, lil^e ^'"'S' '" *""" '*' thehoaftofhGod. '' *' 23 And thefe are the numbers of the captains that were armed to batteil ,and came to Dauid to fiMeamnj, mightie Hebron toturne thekingdotneof Saul tohim.ac- ?1 """"«; ^"'ΐ' cording to the word of the Lord. - ,wToShe'„ ίΐ^ 24 The children of ludah that bare ftiield and U excellent. * fpeare , were fixe thoufand and eight hundreth armed to the warre. *Or,bBckUt. If Of the children of Simeon valiant men of' warre.feiienthoiifand and an hundreth. \ 16 Of the children of Leui foure thoufand and went to maKe him king. Chap, a 1 1 i Of ih< Leaiiel «ihichcame by ikfceai of Axon, tThitii,cke|rca-. ttft nuihbet toekt 1 Men efgead ex- perience, which Knew sc all timet iwhai vrai to bee done, in*'•»- * Oj.fiibi in itiir * Or,1i>Uh*gtti nThertaoflhc and fixe hundreth 27 And lehoiada was the chiefe of them of * Aaron : and with him three thoufand and feuen hundreth. 18 And Zadoka yong man very valiant , end of his fathers houChold came two and twenty captaines. 2j) And of the children of Be niamin the bre- thren of Saul three thoufand : for a great part of them vnto that time k kept the ward of the houfe of Saul. 30 And of the children of Ephraimtwentie thonf:nd, and eight hundreth valiant men *nd famous men in thehoiilhold of their fathers. 3 I And of the halfe tribe of Manaffeh eigh- teene thoufand . which were appointed by name to come and make Dauid King. 32 And of the children of Iffachar which were men that had vnderftandingof the 'times, to know what Ifrael ought to doe : the heads of them were two hundreth , and all their brethren were at their commandement. 33 Of Zebulun that went outtobattell.expert in warre, ■«ADduid.and prepared a place for the Arkeof , God.and pitched fur it a ten». 2 Then Dauid {M, * None ought to cary the , Arke of God , but the Leuites : for the Lord hath i chofen them to beare the Arke of the Lord , and | to minifter vnto him for euer. | 3 ί And Dauid gathered all Ifrael together to lerufalem to bring vp tlie •• Arke of the Lord : vnto his place, whi.h he had ordained for it. j ί 4 And Dauid afleoibled the fonnes of Aaron, 1 I and the Leuites. ! % Of the fonnes of Kohath , Vriel the chiefe, i and his * brethren lixefcore. j 6 Ofthe formes of Merari.Afaiah the chiefe» j [and his brethren twohundreth and twentie. j j 7 Ofthe fonnes of Gerilion ,Ioel the chiefe, j and his brethren an hundreth and thirtie. I 8 Of the fonnes of tEIizaphan.Shemaiah the ! chiefe.and his brethren two hundreth. { 9 Ofthe fonnes of* Hcbron.Eliel the chiefe, j and his brethren foureicore. I υ Of the fonnes of Vzziel , Amminadab the chiefe , ?.nd his brethren an hundreth and twelue. II ί And Dauid called Zadok and Abiathar the Prieft , and of ths Leuites,, Vriel .Afaiah and loil.Sheraaiah and Elicl.and Amminadab. 1 X And he faid vnto them.Yee are the chiefe fathers ofthe Leuites : * fanitifie your felues , and your brethren, and bring vp the Arke ofthe Lord God of Ifrael vnto the /)i*ei thatlhaiie prepared might be poUtued', i for it. indfono.jbieio i 13 For * bccaufe ye were not there at the firft, «em. eyat«nRoin«4ie 22 But Chenaniah the chiefe of the Leuites i"vfj,^.)h*V,,. had the I charge.bearing ;y burden in the charge, Pight tone,en« for he was able to inftruil. fhe which he ihit 23 And Berechiah and Elkanah were porters ^'λ'"*" «"'"«■' foriheAike. iTo'v^.V.oap- 24 And Shecaniah.and Ichoihaphat.and Nc- teim pfalmt ι , and ihancei. and Araafai, and Zechariah.and Benai^h, ^°"β' tethem ihtt and Eliezer the Priefts did blowe with trumpets; ^• before the Aike of God.and Obcd Edom.and lei- j iah vvtre porters " for the Arke. fcd'rikanir^ 2y *So Dauid and the Elders of Ifrael and fetCj, * the captains of thGuf.;nds went to bring vpthe *»,Sim,<,it,' Aike ofthe Couenant ofthe Lord from the houfe i of Obed Edom with ioy. i^ 26 And becaufe that God η helped the Le- t?„y.h ll^jj^ uites that bare the Aike ofthe Couenant ofthe rteii office. Lord , they offered * feuen buUockes and feuen ν Befidi» the bnl- „__„- • »oc»e aad the fat rarames. fcean „hi.h d.uu 27 And Dauid had onhimahnnen garment, |offeted aitueiyfixt as all the Leuites that bare the Arke, and the t»".«-Sa»n <.•ι, fingers, and Chenaniah th.'t had the chiefe charge \ ^"<«»i*»«« of the fingers: and vpon Dauid ν vas a linnen Ρ E- ' ' '*' phod. \ 28 Thus all Ifrael brought vp the Arke of thei Lords couenant with fliouting , and found of cor-i net, and with trumpets.and with cymbals,making! a found with violes and with harp'. i i,„„fe,,ij i 29 And when the Arke ofthe < couenant of becanf. it puuhe the Lord came into the citie of D.uiid.Michal the ! 'f' daughter of Saul looked out a window , and faw king Dauid dancii'g and playing , and * ibec de- fpifed him in her heart, CHAP. XVI. ■1 The ^rkt being placed.they offer faeriftets. 4 Da- uid ordeintth ^faph and his brethrtn to mini^r before the Lord. 8 Hee appointeth a notable Pfalme t» be p4Mg inpraifj of the Lord, CO* they brought in the Arke of God, and fet •^ it in the midft of the Tabernacle that Dauid had pitched for it, and they offred burnt offerings and' peace offerings before God |.He.„IWvT.. 2 And when Dauid had made an end of of-, the Name of coi, fering the burnt offering and the peace offe- rings , he • bJeffcd.φe people io die Name ofthe toxda ' I An
  • u*mt in 34 Praife the Lord for he is good.for his mer- ζ^^^ί' '• """ cie e«ii«rer^fore»ier. ' *" *"" 3 y And lay ye, Saue vs, Ο God.oiu fahiuion, to roinifter before the Arke of the Lord . and to 6 rehearfe and to thanke and praile the Lord God of Ifrael: . , . „ . < Afaphthe chiefe.andnexttohitnZechj. ' ' r . , ' f u u u »iah leiel . and Sherairamoth . md lehiel . and and gather vs . and deliuer vs from the he.then.^ „, Matt'ithiah ,and Eliab.and Beniiah .and Obed- that^we may praile thine holy Name , and ς g;o:y|h,,, Edom ,euen leiel with inftruments , violes , and harpes.and Afaph to make a found with cym- bals. 6 ^nd Benaiah and lebaziel Prieftes , with trumpets continually before the Arke of the Cone- nantofGod. .,..,, Then at that tkne Daniddid* appoynt at ibcU )plc both In ^ tu isil ixemh t< ^onfcnl 10 ihcU the begianing to giue thankes to the Lord by the band of Afaph and his brethren. . . „ . % * Praife the Lord.dnrf call vpon his Name • iBMtiaglB«*«"»| Ail Pfalme t• j Bcait; the I.<«4 . I ί^'„"™ΓοΓοοί ! declare bis* workes among the people huo be pi»ii'«? ρ Sing vnto him , ficg praife vntohim ,<«tf talkeefalihis«wonderfullwotkes. I ο Reioyce in his holy Name : let the hearts ofthera that feeke the Lord.reioyce. I Seeke the Lord and his ftrength :feeke his and i• •• .^ Hii eiongfailh appeaiethheiiin, that though all the «roild .votUdiol Jowiiol«».yelht nonid dcane to the lining God. fllocs vndei th» Biighiiehind of • Het exhotieth tbedembe creatiBel «oieioyc* with him ia cnr.fideiing th• jte«««ffe «' «*e ffitt of God, his mouth, _ ^ , , ... 1 3 Ο feed of Ifrael his feruant.O the children oflaakobhisichofen, ..... 14 Hee is the Lord our God :his ludgemcnts irithroughout all the earth. I ί Remember his Couenant for euer ,Md the word . which he commanded to a thouland gene- 1 rations: ' , , , j. • i6 ■* Which hee made with Abraharo.and his oathc to Izhak : , , , c 17 And hath confirmed it to laakob for a LiV/^nd to Ifrael for dn eiierlafting Couenant, 1 8 Saying.To thee will I giue the land of Ca- naan.the t lot of your inheritance. 19 When ye were »« few in number.yea.a very few.and ftrangers therein, lo And walked about from nation to nation, and from ββ* kingdome to another people, II Hee fuffered noman to doe th*m wrong, but rebuked i Rings for their fakes.fay ing. a 2 Touch not mine k ^noy nted . and doc my 1 Prophets no harme. ... li * Sing vnto the Lord all the earth: declare bis faluation from day to d.:y. , Z4 Decl ire his glory among the nations , and his wonderfull workes among all people. ai For the Lord »V great and rotich to be prai- fed.andheistobefearedabouealigods. z6 For ^11 the gods of the people are <» idoles, but the Lord made the heanens. 17 Praife and glory <»« before him : power andbeautie4riinhisl»lace. 28 Giue vnto the Lord.ye' families of the peo- ple : giue vnto the Lord glory and powcr^ 20 Giue vnto the Lord the glory of his Name : bring an offering ..nd come before him . *»i wor- fliip the Lord in the glorious Scnduarie. 30 » Tremble ye before him all the carth.lure- in thy praile. 36 Bleffed it the Lord God of Ifr?el for euer j^';*^ and euer: and let all the people fay.» So be it.Jid , praife the Lord. 37' Then he left there before the A ike of the <'>)f«». Lords Couenant Ai'aj-h and his brethren to mi- nifter continually before the Arke , that which; was to be done euery diy: j 38 And Obod Edom and his brethren, three- fcore and eight :Jnd Obed Edom the foiine of le-' duthun.and Hofah were porters. , 39 An 1 Zadok the Prieft -nd his brethren the Priefts were before the Tabernacle of ihe Lord, in the hie piace that was st Gibeon. j 40 To offer burnt offerings vnto the Lor^ vpon the burnt offering altar continually ,inth0 morning anJ in the euening.euen according vnto! all that is written In the Law of the Lord , whichj he commanded lirael. f with zadelmd 41 And with^them were Hemanandledu- J^^^^^^jj,, thun , and the reft that were chofen (whi.;h were i.„.s, appoynted by names) to praife the Lord, becaulc c u..i..ing that his metcy endunth tor euer. tei w• «« 'h"• • 42 Eiicn with them^fw-i HemanandIedu-|,o„„d leouiov.^ thun . to make a found with the cornets andho.iie.iotiht »«h,.i. with the cy-nbals . with excellent inftrmncnts "f " J"' i, *'c"^ht muficke : and tha fonnes of leduchun were at the ,βρ,•,„ηο o'd. g3te_ iiiiliiiftiuit•"' 43 And all the people depjrted.euery man to hisjf»'^^!'^•^'' P"'" houfe ; and Danid returned to « blcffe his houle. : C Η -^ Ρ XVII. ! 3 Oduii tsferbiddtn to butld an houft vnto tht L»rd. \ 1 2 Ch'iji is promifed Vftder thefimre ofS*lom»n. , Ig Dauidgiufththanki,zl &pT-iyethvntoCod.\ >T OW * afterward when Dau id dwelt in his, ^•^•^-J.^'j •*• houfe .hee faid to N?th.n the Prophet . Bc-jt^,,, hold. I dwell in an houfe of» cedar trees . but the|b rhi• ii. in temr Arke of the Lords Couenant reraainetb ^•ηΊ"|«ο».^.ι»τ,.ί. o...^ fc CUrtairies. , ,„. !»otn>i,aUH roih. 2 Then Nathan faid to Dauid .Doe «all that, r,„ph„^h»c h« ^ is in thine heart : for God is with thee. ΛΤ.ΤΖΤ''^ 3 And the fame ^ night euen the word of G od^ J'^;"^^^';•';:•^ cametoNathan.faying, lUKiK.iufpikc 4 Goc.and tell DauiJ my ferusnt .Thus futhl wh.> h, thongh.. i the Lord . Thou ihalt not build me an houle to < c For I haiie dwelt in no houfe (incc the day that I brought out the childr:n of Ilra^ vnto , this day. but I haueb-ene from «tent to tent, and from habitation refca^-'f^ran. -ι,,ι.τΓ 6 Whsreloeu.-r I hauc f w-lke J with .-.l! Is- rael.fpake I one wor J to any of th=: ludges .fif- i AficTthit .Sithua hid-tp-km to Tttat if.ia i * w>int David. Thus faith the Lotdof hoaia-s L j,„f. I looke thee from the ihcepecoat. g arid from fo.-U,ae o, lowing the iheepe.that thou Ibouldeft be a prin. . ouermypeoplelirael. % Kci\\ t ihepheaid .pt I mad• I incphcaid of jNatnansm |!?g_= to Dauid: His I. Ghron. Ii Mike them fiiie thit they iJiall not J Or, «»/■«, iWiUgineiliie greacfufitiitie, 8 And I haue 'beene with thee whitherfoeuer ; thou haft walked , and haue deftroyed all thine * Of, gotten ihe« enemies out of thy fight , and * haue made thee g *""'• ' name , like the name of the great men that are in I the earth. j 9 (Alfo I wil appoint a place for ray people I Ifrael , and will h plant it , that they may dwell in i their place.andmooueno more : neither iliall the i t wicked people * vexc them any more , as at the I beginning, i lo And fince the time that I commaunded ludges ouermy people Ifrael) And I will fubdue all thine enemies ; therefore I fay vnto thee, that the Lord will ' build thee an houfe. 1 1 And when thy dayes Ihalbe fulfilled to go , with thy fathers , then will I ralfe vp thy feede af- jter thee, which ihalbe of thy fonnes, and will fta- jbiiflnhiskingdome. ! 12 He Ihall build me an houfe, and I will fta- k Thit i«,»Bto the ' blilh his throne for * euer. commingofchtifl; j^ I will be his father , and hee ihallby my EuU'ifcouaceare. . ίοππβ , and I will not take my mercy away from f wiiichviaisaui. jhira.as I tooke it from him that was before ithee. 14 ButI will eftabliili him in mine houfe, and in mine kingdoms for euer, and his throne iliall be ftablilhed for euer, I J According to all thefe words ..and accor- ding to all this vifion. So Nathan fpake to Dauid. i6 ί And Dauid the king m went in and ■" fate before the Lord.and faid.Who am I, Ο LordGod, whii we ougkt to 'j and what is mine houfe , that thou haft brought aoe when were. I njC » hitherto? 1 7 Yet thou efteeming this a fmall thing , Ο God, haft alfo fpoken concerning the houfe of β Meaning, CO this j thy ieruant for a great while , and haft regarded j *";|^'' 'i*'•- me according to the eftate of a man of β hie de- I Ο inoii nail pro- ι i ,-, t I miied a kmgdome i grec.O Lord God. iiiiiQiaiicominue ' ig What cauDauid rayey,andviaotie5^| 27 Now therefore.it hath pleafed thee to blefle •. the houfe of thy feruant, that it may be before thee foreuer:forthou,OLord,haftblefled it.and it flialbe blefled for euer. CHAP. XVIII. 1 The bmeUof Dauid againfithePhiliftimt. % ^ni A^inflMoab. ^Zok^h, <; ^ram, li ^nd £dom'^< Δ Nd after this , Dauid fmote the Philiftims, and fubdued them, and tooke » Gath , and«wh«li ».jain.«.i the villages thereofoutofthehandofthe Phili- ftims. ; called the bridle jof bondage, bccinfe " was a flrone And he Imote Moab , and the Moabites be-;towne,jnd kept the ' came Dauids feruants.and ^ brought gifts. '^ountreytounda- ' 3 fAnd Dauid fmote * Hadarezer King of!™'i"~'°"• Zobah vnto Hamath,as hee went to ftabliih his — • - border by the riuer * Perath, 4 And Dauid tooke from him a thoufandcha- rets , and feuen thoufand horfemen , and twentie thoufand footemen, and * deftroyed all the cha- rets.but he referued of them an hundreth charets. y iThen came the AramitesofDamafcus to' fuccour Hadarezer king of Zobah , but Dauid ! flew of the Aramites two and twentie thoufand. j 6 And Dauid put λ ^Λπ]ί«ίη Aramof*Da-i*ef, Vtimifik^ reafcus,and the Aramites became Dauids feruants, I and brought gifts : and the Lord b preferued Da- •• Thatii,in all uid wherefoeuerhewent. And Dauid tooke the ihields of golde that 'xsam.t,^. things that he eiiMl* ptifei, a Hte went Into the lent whete the iMke was, CnewiBt ceiue any benefits I el the Lord. I * Or,T,wjiind, Which 1 Sam. 8.t «recalled Betah, I were of the feruants of Hadarezer , and brought ., them to lerufalem. . 8 And from'Tibhath , and from Chun (ci- I ties of Hadarezer) brought Dauid exceeding and Beroihai, i much braiTe , wherewith Salomon made the bra- '* '-King r. 13. fen *Sea.and the pillars and the veiTels of bralTe. f"""^>•"• 9 1 Then Tou king of Hamath heard how ί Dauid had fmitten all the hoaft of Hadarezer king of Zobah: id called alfo le. i 10 Therefore he fent * Hadoram his fonne to "»«» ». «"«ι». «<Ί ι king Dauid , to falute him , and to reioyce with I him . becaufe hee had fought againft Hadarezer, I and beaten him (for Tou had warre with.Hada- Ig to ihepmpofc tliywiU.wi' any dLfetuirg. ding to thine Ρ heart haft thou done all this great \ ftΓ,yw;^.wS^hiπg to declare all magnificence. \ ' air-e. ■ 10 Lord, there IS none like thee, neither wi/jirf ; I any God befides thee , according to all that wee , haue heard with our eares. 1 j 21 Moreouer what one nation in the earth »'■» I jlike thy people Ifrael, whofe God went to re- '' deeme them f«i'ehispeople,and to make thy felfe \ a Name .and to doe great and terible things by ; cafting outNationsfrom before thy people,whom j thouhaft deliuered out of Egypt ? j 22 For thou haft ordeined thy people Ifrael to | be thine owne pioplejfbr euer , and thou Lord art . become their God. j 23 Therefore now Lord , let the thing that thou haft fpoken concerning thy feruant , and | concerning his houfe, be confirmed for euer, and 1 doe as thou haft faid, ' 24 And let thy Name be ftable and magnified ; for euer, that it may be faid. The Lord of hoaftes, \ God 'of Ifrael , is the God of < Ifrael , and let the I qThatit, heQiewJ eih himfelfe indeed £0 be their God, by ' dcliiietingihem item dangett^and frefeuiing them, t Thouhafl declared the Prophet f And canfi not breike ptomifei rezer) who brought all veflels of golde and filuer and brafle. I 11 And king Dauid did dedicate them vnto the Lord.with the filuer and gold that he brought; from all thenations .from « Edom, and from Mo-je BecarTethe Eie- ab.and from the children ofAmmon.and from the ' ""'" "'',''!.* f^' Philiftims,arid from Amalek. ^J^^^^ui 12 'And Abilhai the fonne of Zeruiah fmote f"^ ' sam.s.ii. of Edom in the fait valley ^eighteene thoufand. '•'" *' Atamitet 13 And he put a garifon in Edom , and all the \ Twlubuti^z. Edomites became Dauids feruants : and the Lord «ood that loab ilev preferued Dauid wherefoeuer he went. 'welne thoufand, 14 So Dauid reigned ouer all Ifrael. and eXe-i*hVthr"eic'.te'pfti cuted iudgement and iuftice to all his people. |indAbia,ai th» tee , I $■ And loab the fonne of Zeruiah was oueri the hoafte, and lehofliaphat^he fonnne of Ahilud Recorder. 16 And Zadok the fonne of Ahitub , and Abi• melech the lonne of Abiatharx-Z'erethe Prieftes, and ■•« Shiulha the Scr.be, 1 7 *■ And Benai.ih the fonne of lehoiada wag' g^R^'deTsam ouer the g Cherethites and thePelethites:and thei«-it .....,-......- , - c, r • u L Ml -.J. ' Λ ^J^^ii» Kjtg. of the children of ^rttmondtethvreMU meby tJathan the eare of thy ieruant , that thou wilt build him ; injuries to the feruants of Dauid. 6 HeepiefaretH -_i r. - „..t„.,-u.. ,. ^^^^ „i. armieagain^Diiuid, ly mdisouercome, | houfe of D.iuid thy feruant be eftabliaied before ; fonnes of Dauid were chiefe about the King. thee For thou, Ο my God,haft'' reuealed CHAP XIX. an houfe : therefore thy feruant hath t beene bold to pray before thee. 2d Therefore riow Lord {for thou art f God, and haft fpoken this goodncfle vnto thy feruant. ) A Ftcr this alfo * N.^hafhthe kingofthechil- - , ''*■ dren of Ammoudied .and his fonne reigned ••»""'"»«• inhisftead, j ■ a And! t^W^ Cbap.X) SMlnfe NahiOi [eteiaei D «m J ■' bis company, whc" Saul f.ottaiii hiir bte «TouU not* ifaew pletliiie to hi fonae tot tbe lame, b that «lie Bulisi- eai eiiec inicipiecc the paipofe of the eodly in the wot* fenie s Xhey ftatieaolf thehilfeoiiheir fceaids, t.Sam.io ^ d Te pHc them »»e»te lidegainjeniJ a»d beatds , they disfigured• i.io snjkethera edioHS to oiheis. * Or, Ι,λΛ ikjiS' titmfiluii I» lit t.Sim 10 6.8. c Which vreie fine iiiaU. f Which wasacirit of the tiibeof Reuben bejend ICidM, And Diuidfaid.TwUl ftiev'kirdncllt vnte Hnnun the lunrid of Njhaih ,becaufe bis «father hewed kinJnciVr vnto mee And Dauid i'ent mel'- lengcrs to comfort him fur his father. So the fer- Dants of D^uid came into the lind of the childr?n of Atnmon to Hjnun.to con fort hirn. 3 And the princes of the chil.ircn of Ασιΐηοη faid to Hanun , Thinkeft thou that Diuid doeih honour thy father .that heehithfentcorrfurters vnto thee ? Are not his iertianrs cortje to thee to b i'earch, to feeke and to fpie out the land ϊ 4 Wherefore Hanun tooke D.!iiids leruants.and ' Ihaued them, and cut off their ^ j;.',rmenrs by the haife vnrothe buttockes.jnd Tent them away. y And there went certaine snd tolde Djuid concerning the men : and heefent tomett them (for the nnen were exceedingly ailv.raed) and he d villtny.j King faid, Tarie at lericho, vntili your bcardsbe wheifaitheam- i growen : then rctiime. nftToSXa I ^ ^ When the children ofAmmonfawe that laoaitl. .ndbeca'ufelthey * ftanke in the fight of Dauid , then (Vnt H.?- the lew»-' vfed lo jnun and the children of Ammon a thouland ta- lents of (iluer , to hire them charets and horfemcn out* of Aram Naharaim , and out of Aram Maa- chah, andout ofeZob.ih. 7 And they hired them two md thirtie thou- fand charets, and the king of Maathah andbis people, which csme and pitched before *Mede- ba : and the children of Ammon gathered them- felues together from their cities , and came to the battel!. 8 ί And when Dauid heard it , hee fent loab and all the hoaile of the valiint men. 9 And the children of Ammon came out , and fet their battell in aray at thegateofthe citie. And the kings that were cotae , were by them- feiuesinthc held. I ο when loab fawe that the front of the bat- tell was againft hiin before and behind , then hee chofe out of all the choiieof Ifrael , and fet hira- felfe in aray to meete the Araraites. II And the reft of the people hee dtliuered vnto the hand of Abilliai his brother , and they put themfelues in aray againft the children ofAaj- iHon. . 12 Andhefaid.If Aram be too ftrong forme, then thou ihait fiiccour me:aud if the chiidren.of Ammon pren.;ileag..inrtthee, then I wilHuccour thee. 13 Be ftrong , and let vs fliewour felues vali- ant for our 6 people, and for the cities of our God, and lei the Lord doe thit which is good in his ownefight. 14 So loab and the people that was with him, came neere before the Araroites vnto the battell, ~nd thty fled before him. 15 And when the children of Ammon fawe that the Aramites fled, they fled alio before A - bill»! his brother , :.nd entied imo the citie : fo loab carae to lerufalem. * ^ 16 ^And when the Aramites fawe tnat they were diicomfited before lirael. ihey fent meflen- gers, and caufed the Aramites to come forth that were beyond thehriuer : .^d Shophach the c^p- taine of the hofte'of Hadarezer went before them. 17 And whenit was fliewcdDauid.he gathe- red all Ifrael,and went ouer loiden.and came vn- to them , and put himfelfe in aray againft them : And wheo D.uiid had put himfelfe in battell aray to meet the Aramites,they fought with him. Λ l< But the- Aramites Aid before llx4el,ana Da- jjleiedsiithtliw where the ciufc is taill , ihc coinage cannot be valiant, asd-that in good can{et men ought tc bc-coHTagieus, and cemmii the lucceiTc XXI• otiercomc.Rabbali deftr uid deftroyed of the Aramites» feuen thoufand ch.irets , ind fonrtie thouland fuotraen, „nd killed Shophach the c^pt .jne of the hoafte. 19 And when the feiuants oi Η-'d..rezer favw that they fell before Ifrael. they made pejce with Dauid , and ferued him. And the Aramites WoaJd no more fuccour the children of Ammon. • CHAP. XX. I RakUh deflroyed. 3 Tlie ^mmmitei Hrmentei. 4 The Phi/fflian are thrift euercome vvtth thtir giant ί A Nd * when the yeere was expired, in the time ■* *^ that kings go out a warfare, loab caried cut th^ ftrength of the £rmy,.,nd ucflroyed the coun- trey < .f the t hildren of Amiron , and came rnd be- fiegei!»R. bS:h (but Dauid tnied atlerulalem) and loab fmure Rabb.:h,and deftroycdit. 2 * Then Dauid tooke the Crowne of their king from off his head, and found it the weight ofat» talent of goide , with precious ftones in it : and it v/a fet on D.uidshe.^d, and hee brought away the fpoyJeof the citie excecdirg much. 3 And he caried away the people that were in it ,and cut thern with lawes , and with h^rrowes of yron.and with axes : eiien thus did Dauid with all. the cities of the children of Amraon. Then Duuid Sc al the people came againe to lerul^km. 4 ί * And >:fter this alfo there arofe warre at '*' Gezer whh the Philiftims : then Sibbechai the Hufliathitc flew * Sippaiuf the children of ■" Ka- raphah, and they were I'ubdued. J- And there was yet «*efA#r battell with the Philiftims : and Elhanan thefopneof lairflewe ' L.-.hmi,the brother of Goliath the Gittite,'whDfe fpe^re ftaffe ιί/λ/ like a weauers beame. 6 And yet againe there was a battell at Gath, where was araan of a^ritfiftature , and his fingers were by ^ ilxes.iw» fours and twenty,and was al- io the fonne of Har.^hah, 7 And when hee reuiled Ifrael .lehonathan the fonne of Shimea Dauids brother did flay him, 8 Thefe were borne vnto Haraphah at Gath, and fell by the hand of Dauid , and by the hands of his Icruaats. CHAP. XXI. I Dauid cAhfeth the feopletobe numhred, 14 ani there diethftuentie thcufandmtnofthe Pefiilene*. A Nd» Satan flood vp againft Ifrael .and pro- uoked D uid to number KracI For tkiplsce, ea(i;,Sa«,ia,i»,• »i. Sam. I Mi which wit ili« hiefec..,.of,h» )yed.~iyi 2. Sam t» je b which movnteth ibeui the value of ihoarind and fj ciottnei, which 11 abcni hitcicore poiull weijht. Of, Jj^t. 0>, fjifctbm. dMcanir{.tliat&t UilxtapKcc «a baafls ind itci, H< tiinpni Dli ij.in {eiiingjbf foic hu cyei hitexccl- Itncic asd gloiy.lill power ir.d viAo- Therefoi-e Daiiid (aid to loab , and to the rulers of the people, Goe.i'"^ number Ifr.^l from •> Beerlbeba euen to D 11 , ind bring it tome, that I may know the number of them. 3 And loab fnfwered , The Lord increafe his people an hundreth times ίο many zs they be , Ο my lord the king : are they not ail my lords fer- uants'whereforc doth my lord reoiiire this thing? why fliould he be λ c .iu l"e ot" « trc Ipaffe to I frael ? c " "" » >-••» '■- 4 NcuertheleP..•, ^hc king, word preuailed a- >'«;;^« ;«>- J^ gainft loab. And Inabdcp-ated and went tbo-'pi,i.„,b,«,„(i,t« row all Ifrael, and returned to lerufalem. Adu of «mbiti e And loab Kaue the nirmber and fumme of the ptoplevntoDduid: and all I Irael were M» '• G«a. fwered him by fire from heauen vpon the altar of I* "***'••^**• burnt offering hisovrne.MKl yet to hjn* tiken ef anoihcT mm σο«ι te elfci vnto (lie BGoddecIanthtktl 27 And when the Lord had fpoken to the f« iwaid ha n^ate, Angel, hee put vp his fworde againe into his » '•"«'"<■««' ' „■ . . , -^ -ΛΓ u . , , i«iuta:foiditlirj! 28 At that time when Dauid law that the Lord night vft no fir« jb had heard him in the threihing floore of Oman famSct, b«tof«hic the libufne.then he facrificed there. ^^n «« ώο!".'* 29 (But the Tabernacle of the Lord which ie„i"s. ,j,,na: •" Moles had mide in the wildemeife , and the alter jt»n»e d««BefV«ai of burnt offering i/vtfriatthatfeafonin the high k«i«n,L«iiit.».«4 placeatGibeon' 'ρΠ^^^Ικ^ 30 And D iuid could not ^oe before it to «ke dab and aWw. counfell at God : for hee was afraid of the iiwerd of die Angel cf the Lord . ) CHAP. ΧΧΙΪ. X Dauid prepareth things necejfary for the iuiUing if the Ttmple. 6 Ee commandetb hii fonne Salomcn te build theTemple oftkeLi>rd,VVhich thing hee htm- felfe was forbidden tedn. $ Vnder the figure of Salomon Chrifl is promt fed, Δ Nd Dauid fayd , This is the a houfe of the Lord God , and this is the altar for the burnt , ^^ 1 offering of Ifrael. ji«o.fl..n.d, 2 And Dauid commanded to gaiher together ! the *> flrangers that were in the land of Ifrael , and p Memhrfjiit•- hee fetmafons to hew and poliih ftooes to build ί'"8 "Z™""' .,,-_, Γ Siatien» wnicti the houfe of God. awek among the . 3 Dauid alio prepared « much yron for the ji«vns tr}itth,(hefUet ^Therein he willtt ' nailes of the iioores and of the gates, and for ί,^? j^ j 'J,^^*,^ i the iovnines .. and abundance of brafle DaiTinti ""^ ^ commanded to number the people ? It is eucn I I weigh that haue finned and haue committed euill, but thefe Iheepe , what haue they done ? Ο Lord my A'Tho» li» Both llii-! Qod, I beleech thee, let thine hand be on me and "ncVandVhtClT' °" my fathers houfe , and not oti^ thy people for :in"tomidhi.' ^.t heir dtiimAion. ijtopie, wkith d«R-! ii g 1 Then the A«gel of the Lord commanded jeth eod te fp«« J Gad to fay to Dauid , that Diuid ihould goe vp, timtniiu \ and fet vp an altar vnto the Lord in the threihing ' uore of Oman the lebuiitc. ■19 €0 Dauid went vp according to the faying of Gad , which'hee had fpuken in the name of the Lord. 4 If miB hid» him J *° And Oman turned about and faw the An- «Γι at Wfight efl gel.and his fcure fonnes that were with him,' hid »iiAng«i whithii t themfelucs.aed Ογπλπ threfhed wheat. Thou haft flied much blood.Sc haft made Ί"'^''^ t* ^^- .7.1J3 » chap..». J. d This decliriill fitceti he had ,i(ikeiCoatv*«d, ing, . _„_ ij?g floore, and bowed bimfelfe to Dauid vyiih his ί great 'battels: thou flialt notbuild an houfe vnto] ^^^".^'''""f/f^ my Name : for Aou haft flicd much biood vpon|,h,-,"*^° is Bayti the earth in my fighr. ' le kniidtk* Ttm 9 Behold,a fonne is borne to thee.which ihalljie oi th* Ldd, be aman of reft, fori will giue him reft from all J^"'*•"';;;•?!^; his enemies round about • therefore his name is jcedTMmmand.- Salomon: and I will. fend peace and quietncfleimtst and agat»• vpon Iftael in bis deyes, I »>ί• «»««»«, m *ν&ά , iufficicnt money , that the plague may be flayed from the people, ' 23 Then Oman (aid vnto OtfuiX > Take it to I rempIe.H tdbaygete^j omon. MI. The chiefe I suites IS^ » »,S»m.7. ' king.s-i «hit there cin be jjopic the Lord (tall be with thee , eve ilci; Π di c ρ iclptr, .nd thou il.alt build an houl'e to the Lcrd ihy God , as he «ah fpokeooftbee. 1 2 Onely the Lord giue thee f wifcdorrie ar.d vnderftanding , iind {, iiie thet charge oner Ifrael, «b^ meant! whwebfj^ Keepe the Lav uf the Lord ihy God. K..£.ge,.e.»e.heii ,3 Thcithou il^ait prcicr.if diou take hcede to cbf(.rue theiiatutes& the iutlgeniems.vhith the Lcrd ι en η anotci Inclcs for lirnd; be Itrotig and cf good courage : fe£re not, neither be afraid, 1 4 For bch&ld , according to my g portrtie batie I ptepaitd for tlit houle cf theLord η hr.n- dreth thoufand talents ct gold .ardathotifjiid thouland talents of ftluer.aiid of brai'e and of yton piiTmg weigJit . for there was abund?nce : I fiaue alio prepared timber and ftone, and thou mayeft prouide more thereto. 1 f Moreoiier thou haft workemen with thee encvgh , * hcwers of lione , and workemen for timber.andail rcen expert ineuery worke. 16 Ofgold,ofliiner,*« Vp therefore, and be doing, and the Lord will be with chee. ^ 1 7 Dauid alio commanded all the princes of ι Ifrael to helpe Salomon his iome.faymg, 18 Is not the Lord your Goa with you. acd batbgiuen you rell on tueiy fide ? for he hath gi- ucn the ' inhi'biti'nts of the l.nd into mine hand, and the land is fubdned before the Lord , and be- fore his people. J r , 19 Now fet*your hearts andyourfoulesto feeke the Lord your God , and anfe , and build the S< nrtuary cf the Lord God.to bring t he Arke of the Coutnani of the Lcrd, and the holy vtflels of God into the houfe built for the Nan;e of the CHAP. XXIII. J Dewdbeingcldf.ordeineth Salmon Kjtig. 3 Hit c.iufrth the Leuites t» tte mmered, 4 and φι- heththemtorheirofficei . 13 ^aron and his fonnes are for the high Priefi. 14 The femes of Mcfis. SO when Diuid was old and full of dayes , * he 10 Alfo the fornes Shinrei were Inhath , Zi. na, Ieufi:,and Betiah ; thcfc fourc were the fonnts of Shimei, 1 1 And lahah wat the chiefe, snd ♦ Zizah the fecond.but IcuihandBeriahhad not itiany fornes; therefore they were in the families oi their father counted but as one. I ζ f The fonncs ofKohath wtre Areram.Iz- har, Hebron and Vziiel.foiire. 13 * The lonnes of Amrani,Aaron and Mofes : and Aaron was feparated to»iindfifie the m.cft holy placc.he and his focnes for eucrto I uine in^J^ hct>t 1.4 {■ a Thii ίι,ιοΓ(-ιι« jnihemcliholy fcThacii,{et •beHttifiKklj, I The natiesf leniidabcBi. »ioielthekfl«W that Ged would fUgnr fhtai,ar.d aoi ptoipei their Satotn:,.tXccpi/he7 long'.it vtiih all theit hiirts te fet ^oiibhiijloi;. *τlα^l^i-^.J•. the chiefe 17 Andthefonneof EliezerfViiiRehaKuh th« Itratt ih« hol]r cenfe before the Lord , tominiftertohim, andto bleffe in his Name forencr. 1 4 ί Moles alfo the man of God and his thil dren were named with the *> tribe cf Ltiii. 1 5: The fonnes of Moles were Gerihom . and Eliezer. 1 6 Of the fonnes of *- Geril.orc was Shebuelj «"^"^l'^^ . ,^,, vfeihiocaUihtcft fc They «ere tm of 'h« otd and for the fried things . and for that y^ufaJd Sfed the Lord with inftruments L.Hichwa.rofted.ardforallmealures andcife. uhich t he made to prayfe the Lord. e Djnid did dinfi the Leu iiei twite, (^TRai-.he tgf ol chivy. ai vetle }.β againe adttwaid at ' 1• aiiherettfliiy e'lheciifl ,n„e-...h. begP . . ^ . JhidnockatpiB the laft words of ,he TemrU.t•'•»• yeere and tboue. iWey welt rue andtweMyyttte rU.andhi'dnoae 28 And their oflficei-t"i/vnderthe hand ofthe ,(,„f,i,7, - • • ' Vtunb.*.3• f Ii> waainttnd heljveliil», 6 -x So Dauid diuided offices vnto them, f» wit, toihe fonnes of Leui . to* Gerilion, Kohath, and 7 Of 'tbeGerίl•onite^r•»ί'•»■* iaatJan & Shimei. 8 The fonnes of Laadan.the chiefe was lehiel, and lethimfndloel, three. 9 The fonnes of Shimei . She loroub. and ha- tial . and Haram , ibrce; thefe *ere the thiefe fa- ;bcrsofi-aatki^. which was Toftcd, and for ?o And for to ftand eusry raornuig , to giue thanks and to praife the Lord.Sc likewile at euoi. «51 And to ciTcr alLbmntofttrings vnto the I ord in the S.'bbaths , in ihc moneths. and at the appoynted times, acccrding to the number ««i accoidirg to their cui\ome, continually before * ti ^And that they flioitld keepe the char^geof th« Tabernacle of ^ Congregation,5c the charge of the holy place, and the charge ottbelocnes The Prieftes office. I.Chton. The fingefs-placed m tl \c Temple• *Le«It,i«4,(. taai6,io. • Whilctffcir falhuycdiaei. *Ot,UHfiat. jJBtriiMjii, i jfrtii'sIoiWi! ordeijied to talis avri; all occifion ,ef eniiieorgtudg- UngafoBeagaiBa '«Bt.thtr. ie Zachiiiethefi- | L,::,i, : Acrof loh.. Btptift °'J*"• I was of this ceutfe ; .otlot of Abi]. i iXoie i.S, ί !of Aaron their brethren in the feraice ef thehoufe of the Lord. CHAP. XXI V. DiuidapjHeth offices to the [ennss ef^aro». 'ΊΓ Hefe are alfo the * diuiiions of the fonnes of Aaron : The fonnes of Aaron were Nadab, end Abihii.Eleazar.and Ithanvar. 1 But NjJab and Abihu died a before their father.and hjd no children: therefore Eleazar and Itharaar executed the Priefts office. 3 And Dauid diftribui«d thera.euenZadok of Ae * fonnes of Eleazar , and Ahimelech of the fonnes of Ithamar according to their offices in their raiiniftiation. 4 And .there were found moe of the fonnes of Eleazar by the tnumber of men , then of the fonnes of Ithamar.and they diuided u\cm,tovvit, among the fonnes of Eleazar , fixteene heads, ac- cording to the houiliold of their fathers, and among the fonnes of Ithamar , according to the houiliold of their fathers.eight. f Thus they diftributed them by lot the one from the other.and fo the rulers of the Sanftuary and the rulers cf the houfe of God were of the fonnes of Eleazar, and of the fonnes of Ithamar. 6 And Shcraaiab the forme of Nethaneel the Scribe of the Leuites.wrote them before the king and the princes , and Zadok the Prieft , and Ahi- melech the ibnne of Abiathar , and Itfere the ichicfe fathers ofthePrieftesandoftheLeuitcs, one family being referued for Eleazar.Sc another I referued for Ithamar. 7 AndthefirftbJotfelltoIehoiatib.andthe fecondtoledaiah. 5 The third to Harim , the fourth tc Seorim,, 9 The fifth to Malchijah, the fixt to Mijamin, , I ο The feuenth to Hakkoz , the eight to e A- CKydsefij 1 1 Th$* ninth to leiliua , the tenth to Shcca- niah. li The eleuenth to Eliaihib , the twelfth to lakim, 1 3 The thirteenth to Huppa.the fourteenth to leflicbeab. 14 The fifteenth to Bilgah , the fixteemh to Immer, I y The feuentaenth to He^ir , the eighteenth to Happizzer. 16 The nineteenth to Ρ ethahiah, the twenti- eth to lehezekel, 17 The One an d twentieth to lachin , the two and twentie to Gamul, 1 8 The three and twentie to Deliah, the foure and twentie to Maaziah. 1 9 Thefe were their orders according to their offices , when they entred into thehoule of the •Lord according to their cuftome vnder<'the hand of Aaron their father , as theLordGod of If- rael had commanded him. 20 ί And of the fonnes of Leui that jemained of the fonnes of Araram , was Shubaei , of the fonnes of Shubaei , ledeiah. 2 1 Of Rehabiah ,euen of the fonnes of Reha- biah.the firft Isihijah, 22 Of Izhari,Sbelomotb,of the fonnes of She- lfl>moth,Iahath, 23 And^»» fonnes, Ieriahifc«^r/f,Araariah the ■fecond , lahaziel the third .and lekameam the fourth, *4 The ibane ofVziiel»v«»» Mich^,the fonoe of MichahziWif Shamir, 25: The brother of Michah vvat Isfliijah, the fonne of Isfbijah.Zschari.ih, z6 The fonnes of Mcr ri were Mihli.acd Mu- ilii.the fonne of laazijh was Beno, 27 The fonnes of Mt;r<;ri, of lahaziahfWift Beno.and Shoham, and Zaccurand Ibri. 28 Of Mahli tame Eicazir , which had no fonnes, 29 Of Kifhrthe fonne of Kith t/fitxler^hmeel, 30 Andthefonnesof'Muihix/T/eriMihli.jnd •'^i*wM Eder,and lerimoth: thefe were fennes of the Le-;^*°^;°°"• «* uites after he houQnold of their fathers. , 31 And thefe alfo caft Hots with their bre-jfThsn'f.inerj thren the fonnes of Aaron before King Dauid, and i^^' ''^Ί,^^'ί tf Zadok and Ahimelech and the chiefe fathers ofi"n?o^j^t_i'^^ the Priefts , and of the Leuires, euen the chiefs of] the families againft their yonger brethren. C Η A P. XXV. The finders are appointed, with their places and lets. '' C Ο Dauid and the captaines of the army » fepa- iJ.^/.j^Sf* '**" ^ rated for the minifterie the fonnes of Afaph, tonifet,fo''ihit*' and Heman , and leduthon , who fliould (ing pro- iener> «omf« « phecies with harpes , with violes, and with c>tb- °"''' «<""p.n«< bales , and their number was euen of the raen for -ih^'e"^'", ^J"^ the office of their minifterie,foz''»i>, uttikj. ' 2 Of the fonnes of Afaph .Zaccur.and lofeph,' and Nethaniah , and Aiharel-h the fonnes of A- faph were rnder the hand of Afaph ,τ/»/«£^/λ«5 prophecies by the t commifsion of the King. ,\sit.UxU^ 3 Of leduthun, the fonnes of leduthun , Ge- ί daliah, and Zeri, and lefhaiah, Aihabiah and Mat-j tithiah, b fixe.vnder the hands of their father : Ie- jb wiieteef eae* duthun /a«g e prophecies with anharpe , for to'»'"''"»"'""'»'* giue thanks and to praife the Lord. «7&c^?aifc 4 Of Hem.in , the fonnes of Heman, Bukkiah,! God, Mattaniah, Vzziel, Shcbuel, and Ierimoth,Hana-! niah, Hanani, Eiiathah, Giddalty.and Roraamtie-j zer , lolhbekaihah, Mallothi , Hothir , »td Maha-! zioth. { r All thefe were the fonnes of Heman , the| Kings * Seer in the wordes of God to lift vp thei» e*,F»»»(»». * home : and God gaue to Heman fourteene fons j»er,V.iBfT,iiif-«ii»ii^ and three daughters. i•/•*'•*."'; 6 All theie were vnder the * hand of their fi-j * or, ther , finging inthe houfe of the Lord with cyiu-i bals , viols and harps, for the feruice of the houfe of God.and Aiaph,and Ieduthun,aBdHeman ftiirej at the Kings + commnnderaent. j j eii.hmt^ 7 So was their number with their brethren! that were inftru two " dedicated. m Accorfi'nf»t 27 {For of the battels and of the (jjoyles they it^e_ Loidcommi». ■onnes and his brethren tweiue. 50 The three and twentieth to Maha^ioth , he. rempk. Theft alfe hi4 ihaigc «Ki (he kvealutts. his fonnes and his brethren tweiue, ^ I The foure and twentiet]i,to Roraanti-ezer, Aiihis fonnes and his brethren tweiue. CHAP. XX VI. t TkefortitsoftifTrmflfe^io'dtir'e.l, n-tr/mtnto fjf fidcio the fonne ofZechariah: ouer Benianiin, «aftaine was euec ; laauel the fonne of Abner ; *?G^'""'"" « ^^ ^^^'^ ^^ ' ^^"^'^ the fonne of leroha». f '■ iThefc are the princes ofthe tribes of Ifrael. ^ 23 But Daiiidtooke not the number of them ■ φ:<Μ twentie yeerc oldeandvmier,becAiilethe | number : but hee finiilied it not , e becaufe there came' wrath for it agninft ifrael : neither was the nuirber put into the f Chronic'es of king Dauid, 2) And ouer the kings treafures was Αζτιιά- ucih the fonne of Adiel : and oner the treafures in thii fields , in the cities and in the villages , and in the towers was lehonathan the fonne of Vzziah: z6 And ouer the workemen in the field that tilled the ground ,τ/ζ/λ; Ezti the fonne of Cheiub ; 27 And ouer them thatdrefled the vines.t-iii j Shimci the Ram^athite : and ouer that which ap- pertained to the vines . and ouer the ftore of the wine wns Sabdi theShiphmite : 2 8 And ouer the oliue trees and mulbery trees that were in the valleys, f ©a/ Baal-Hanan the Ge- derite ; and ouer the icore of the oyle was loaili ; izp And oner the oxen that fed in Sharon,*i'•«ιΒ£ Mw J• ffjrf the Ltri, ^ Ow Dauid aflembled all the princes of Ifrael ; the pritTces of the tribes , and tl:e ca'ptaines of the bands that ferued the King , and the cap- tainesof thoufands.and the captains of hundreths.j and the rulers of all the fiibilanceamlpoHiffion of the kiiig,and of his fonnes.with the Π eunuches, and the mightic , and ail the men of power , vnto lerufalem, 2 And King Dauid flood vpvpon his feete, and fait! , Hcare ye me, my brethren and my peo- ple : I purpofed to haue built an houfe ofireft for the Arke cf the couenatitofthe Lord , and f )r a * footftoc'e of our God, and haue made rea- dy for the building, 3 But God iaid vme mee , * Thou flialt not buik! an Tioufe for my Kame.becaufe thou haft becne a man of warre, and haft Ibed blood. 4 Yet as the Lord God of Ifrae! chofe me be- fore all the houfe of my father , to be King ouer Ifrael for cuer (for in Iiklah would hee chufe a prince.and of the houfe of "^ ludah is the houfe of my father, and among the fonrris of my f aiher he delighted in me to make me king ouer all Ifrael.) y ■*" So of all my fonnes (for the Lord hath gitien me many fonnes) he hath euenchofen Sa- lomon my fonne to fit vpon the throne of the kingdome of the Lord ouer Ifrael. 6 And lie fayd vnto mce^^loroon thy fonue. e And the com- mandemeat oftke Kingivas abomi• nible to loib. Chap ri.«. ί TheE^tev^es ke both tht!t bcoiics of Chro- nicles tilt one, an4 ihisverfcmake the middes ot the bockc as touching the number of vtifes, ' Ϊ That is, ani»a ed in the word of God. 1 To be (heir choolemaliets and e.icheis. After that Ahithe.. >hel had hanged int!eire,2.$»ni. 7. 2 J, lehoia'd» adt as vade inlclki^ ounic, a Wheie theAii» ihoiildiemainr, andiemooueno stove le and&p, *r/,/.i6.s. *1 Sam γ.}.11^ AccoroYngte iicpvcphecit cf !a»)iob,Gen..»j>, ^' Chap. XXIX, ■ Ifheeentmntto iKtpemyliwind de^jtt not there- front, ashedoeth hiihcco. dTowit.ofCl- MUN. c He decUreth itiic aoihingcan fcpiratc them from the he ihall build mine houfe & my courts .-for I haue chofen him to be my ionne.Sc I will be his father. 7 I will ftablilh therefore his kin»Jome for euer.if he endeuotir himfelfc to doe my commaii- dementJ, and my iudgemeius.as ' this day. 8 Now therefore in the fight of all Ifrael the congreganion of the Lord, and in the audience of our God.keepe and feeke for all the commamide- ments of the Lord your God.that ye may poffefla this ί good land , and leaue it for an inheritance for your children after you e for etier. 9 And thou Salomon my fonne .know thou the God of thy father, and ferue him with a psrfit Gifts fonhe Tern pie. 174 alfo and all the people 9viU6e t wholly at thy t i^^- *' 4(119 commandement. • "trdtt. C Η A P. XXIX. 1 t Tkr of, i,^ ./β^,,,ν 4„ί .F ihf,!^», f„ /i, UilJi„, cfitf'. TtrnpU. 10 DMid fi.di ittnki, " llu '-"■i. to H« fict»r(,(i tkt fnfU l„ iot Ihf^mr. ji Jjl.Bi»lii/ ireMrd h'-i- It DMiiditth, iH^S^Jomcr. kit f.i,»rr,i^r.fiiiK til \Λ Oreouer , Danid the King fayd vnto all the i *^•* Congregation , God hath chofen Salomon : mine onely fonne. yong and tend;r , and thq I work» «great ; for tJiis houfe « notfor man. buti • *"* ih«tfere (1 for the I Lord God. km 'u"Jii "• ''' I 1 Now I haue prepared with all mypowef '""" '"*" fommodityofthis 'heart , and with a willing mind : ••' For the Lord for thelioufeofmy God.gold for t'-jf/fZ/ot gold ' fleiitie.but'theitijginations of thoughts : if thou feeke him.hee will be found of thee, but if thou forfake him.hee will call thee offfor euer. I ο Take heed now , for the Lord hath chofen thee to buiidefthe houfe of the Sandluary ; be llrong there/ere and g doc it. pofl Imne^aud iniqiiirie. ,Sjm. for his £ Mei Atke. J nttituiextcn ^ i.W. iktinirti Vbffiritmtktim. nd filuer for them of filuer , and bralfe for thingt of biaffe , yron for thinj^t of yron . and wood for thinit of wooJ. and onyx ftones.and ftones to be fct ,and carbuncle ftones, and of diuerscoleuri, and all precious ftones, andmarbleftooes in a- bundance. ? Moreouer .bcciufe I^ haue b delight in thej.^iJ^Jf^i'.'^f^f^,^ fc Tliat is, the ten candle likies. i,Kuig.7,+». I Of, ttunir^' i MeiBiBg, 01 '"« mercy-feat which coiieredthe Arlte, «/hich was called hichboole tl•. ling TTJS bound to ]put in execution. ^iikgiKslkiin, ranee of the remyk made him to ipire noe,;fenfei , bniie beilonc his oocA ί Then Dauid^gaue to Salomon his fonne houfeoftny God.Ihaueof mineownegoldand the paterne ofthe porch and of the houfes there- j filuer, which I hiueginen to y houfe of ray God of. and oftheclofets thereof, and of the galleries ' befide all that I haue prepared for tht houfe of thereof , and of the chambers tliereof that are theSanSuarie, peeniiirtreafiue. within , and of the houfe of the mercy feate. I 4 Euenc three thoufand talents of gold of the c He o.ewethwhK And the paterne of all that t he had in his gold of Ophir . and feijcn thoufand talents of]''»''»'' «f^''»»"''' minde for the courts of the houfe of ^ Lord, and j fincdfiluer to ouerlsy the walles of the houfes, horfe ' * for all the chambers round about.for the treafures 1, S The goldc for the things of golde , and the dHe wat «ot onely of the houfe of God , and for the treafures of the j f'luer for fW of filuer, an J for all the workc by S-t'-aii i-'n'Wf*. dedicate things, I the hmJs ofartificcrt : an J who is «J willing i| ιο|,^,"|Ρ;^^'^;/^^^^^^ IS Andforthecourfesof the Prieftes .and of I fill his hind today vnto the Lofd; ^ woikeoicod. theLeiiites.andfor allthcworkefortheferuice ' 6 Soths princes of liisfamilits.andthtprin^ii cr.i../>r. ofthehoiiieofthe Lord.andforallthe veflels of j cts of the tribes of Ifrael, an.l the captaines oV the miniftery of the houfe of the Lord 14 ifi?-^4««of goldby weight , for the νφΐι of gold, for a'l the veflels of all maner of feriiice, Λπά, all the veflels of filuer by weight , for all ma- ner veflels of all manJr of feruice. 1 5• The weight alfo of golde for the h candle- fticks , and gold for ijieir lamps , with the weight for euery candlefticke.and for the lan-fps thereof, and for the candleftickes of filuer by the weight of the candlefticke , and the lamps thereof accor- ding to the vfe of euery candlefticke, 16 And the weight of the gold for the tables of fiiewhread , for euery table . and filuer for the tables of filuer. 17 And pure gold for the fleίl^hooks , and the bowles , and II plates , and for bafens , gold in weight for euery bafen , andfor filuer bafens.by weight for s;iery bafen, 1 8 And for the altar of incenfe . pure gold by weight.and gold for the paterne of i the charet of the Cherubs that fprcd themfelues , and couered 't' ''"^'J' iVJU'*"' the Arke of the couenant of the Lord: the Lord tleclared ^^ M\,faahe,hy writtin^fcnt tome k by the hand of the L•ovά,vvh^ch made m^e vnde^^nd all left in vTritting inl jj^g vvorkcmanlhip of the paterne. il' ""ixod as ΙΌ 20 And Dauid fayd to Salomon his fonne, '''' ' ' ' Be ftrong and ο f a valiant courage.& doe Jt: fcare not , nor be afraide : foT the Lord- God , eiien my God is with thee : hee will not le.itic thee , nor forfake thee , till tijpu haft nnifhed all the worke for the feruice of the houfe of the Lord. 2 1 nchofd alfo , the companies of the Prieftes 1 Tim it, entry OM g^j j]^» Leuites for .ill thcferuiceof the houfe r.Kcr^ith° of God , euen they fhail be with thee for the .heft gifts that God whole worke , ^ with euery free heart that is skilful] in aiiy maner of feruice. The princes thoufandsandofhundreds.wiih the rulers of the kings worke.oficredwillirgly, ^' 7 And they gau: for the feruice of the houfe of . God, fiue thoufand talents of goijl.ind ten thou.• fand pieces.and ten thoufand talent•; of filurr,ind eigh-een thoufanJ talents of brafle . anione. hundred thoufand talents of yron. 8 And they with whom ;>rfcis«i ftones were je vitanin « found.gaue them to the tt' afurc ot the houfe of «>»' "^ *■ the Lord by the hand of fehiel the Gcer/liunnite. 9 Andihepeoplsreioycid vrhcT they oflered , willingly ; for they offered wiliingiy vnto the Lord, with a ^^Jtrrnt heart. And Dauid the king alfo * r^ioyced with great ioy. 10 Therefore Dauid blcflcd the Lord before all the Congregation , and Dauid faid , niellcd Oe thou . Ο Lo^d God of 8 IfracI our father.for cuir and eucr. 1 1 Thinc.O Lord.is grcatnefle and power.and glory and vidlorie , and prayfe : for all that is in heauen & in earth it thine: thine is the kingdoms, Ο Lord, and thou excelleft as head ouer ail, 1 2 Both riches and honour corae of thee, and thou rcigneft oner all. and in thine hand is power ^^ and ftren.^th, and in thine hand it is to make'j;','ut„,,i,„ij,f great.and to gitie ftreiigth vnto all. thee i/oi whether I ? Now therefore . our God . we tlianke thee,,•''• g''"!»• "T"»- ,•' ^ , , . -iall oifpiriniall.we and prayfe thy glonotis name. ,ectiue thennUof 14 But who am I , and what is my people, that cod.aod iheiefoie wee fliould be able to ofier willingly r.ftcrthis maetinthimihe fort ? for all things '' come of thee : and of thine ^^«Jj ^^^^^^^ ownc hand we h.-iiie giticn thee. ^ _ _ hjt;e rhi» l»d bit 5- f That it, witJit joodcju age and ithoiic hypoCiiCt. Vfjtm 11 a, I. 2 Wh:chdiddcR letiealc thy (clfcc• our fiihti Jaiktbt bWcptiethceiA thing of otir owne. ■ T.hich For wee are > ftrangcrs before thee . and ent to vi fei foioifmers like all our fathers : ourdayes areWke ' the fliadowc vpon the earth , and there is none tabidTng. 1 f auids prayer. i Ce«»inut them is this good mina that thi^ may ferm dice vKilliiisly. rtJiatis.didw ; (he Jcijij. II. Chfon. t5 Ο Lord our God, all this abundance that wee haue prepared tobuiidetheean houfc for thine holy Narcc, is of chine hand , and all it thine, 17 IknowairomyGod.thatthou *trieftthe heart.and haft pleafure iHrighreoufnelle : I haua of?; red willingly in the vpiiohtiif s of mine hear: all thefe things :'uowaifo haue I feene thy people which are fouud here > to oiler vnto thee wil- lingly with ioy. I i{ Ο Lord God of Abraham. Izhak.anJ Ifrael our fathers J kfepe this for euerin the ^ purpofe, and the thoughts of the heart of thy people , and prepare their hearts vnto thee. 1 9 And giiie vnto Salomon my fonne a perfeil heart ίο kpept thy comraandements.tby tcftimo- nies, and thy ftatutes ,and to do all things, and to buiJd the houfe which I haue prepared. 30 f And D:iuidfaid to all the congregation, Now blefle the Lord your God. And all the Con- -j gregation bkffed the Lord God of theirfathets. and bowed downe their heads , and worihipped the Lord and the l king. ζ I And thdy oiTcred facrifices vnto the Lord, and on the morrow after that day , tley cffl-red 1 burnt offerings vnto the Lord feuen a thoufand _ ty°"g bullocks , a tiioufandraros ,iinJa thoufand Biinglei with theii 'heepe.with their ™ drinke ofiering#,and lacriii- f2"'S«« . as wixLtj ce s in abundance for ali Ifrael . »ϊ«ί*«. I 2j_ And thay did eate and drinke before the Ρ dsami ' Lord the fame day with great ioy, and they made Salomon the fonne of Dauid king the fecond j time, and anoynted him prince before the Lord, i andZidokforthc highi'riefl•. I 13 So Salon-oii fate on the" throtie of the I Lord ,as king jnftv'adeof Dauid his father , and i' profpered : and ali Wr^'.el obeyed him. 24 Andalltheprinctsand menofpovrer.and , - all the fonnes of l^ing Dauid tfubmitted them- ^ ".Γ.ο"Ζ™ ο,Ι^ felues vnder king Salomon. ; ai!t the ch;efe ly And the Lord magnified Salomon in dig. jcuernmentofall This JtcIaretS at the Kings of Indah „eie figure» 'fte 0/ . erufalem , which was the two ar.d thirtieth yeere of Darius , and contamein the whole , tltree thoufiid, lue hundred , three fiore and eight eene yeeres , and fixe montths, , CHAP. I. - .9i!•• ί Ttf cffnirg of Sulmmii If if»e him xifriomr. j+ Τίί number of iit ( ti^es. niton. 8 Hfrprj^livKloCoJ Which tr giutth Urn , ^ni mor? . I and horfemen, ij Midofkii Hen Salomon the fonne of Dauid was II confirmed in his kingdome: ,ξ and the Lord his God vvas with him , and magnified him highly, a That is, hee pro- '^^S^*'^^ ^ And Salomon ^fpake vnto eiafmea a foiemne S^^^S^^ all IfraeUo the captaines of thoii- t^iiw'hat'X" ia'ids. and of hundreds, and to the iudges , and to Aeiddbeatthe .all the goiiernours ill all Ifrael , £ίκ7ΐ the chiefe fame; 'fathers. »Rta(tei,iciiig» ; ^ So Salomon aiiiall the Congreoation with ibim Wiiocto the high pUce that \yaj at ^ Gibeon. ; mifiroig , TMcl» ^» SocaII«d,bi- for there wastheTabernscle-'oftheCorr^rega- I tion of God v/hich Mofes the feruanr of the-Lord Luf* that God had made in the wildernefle. thereby(Ke»e«''ηιΤ^,>« the fonne of Vri > thefonne of HiirhadmaJe'.did ENoa.i?, >. he fet before the Tabernacle of the Lord:and Sa-;* £»J. j8,i,». lomon and the Congregation finught it. 6 And Salomon offered there before the Lord vpon the brafen altar that was in the Tiiernacle of the Congregation;•* tuen a thoufand burnt oU* ■ί^'''Χ»3•4β ferings offered he vpon it. j 7 ί The fame night d-d God appeare vn-, roSaiQjnctp»aad faid vma him» Aske what 1} ' - - ■ Ojalt Salomons I 'fayer piomiie maae ro my father concei- ningme. f Tliat I may g»iierne this people teade i.Chron.i/• id i.King-3,7. gTliatis.tobe renenged on thine enomics. l,Vng.\a,t6 h which we ties appointed leepe &maintaine the chatets. Heefaufedfo great plentie.that jt wasnomoie eStemed then «ones. It Reade i.King. 19. tS, f Eir. Mit. fliall giue thte. 8 And ■ Salomon faid vnto God,Thoii haft fl-ewed great mcrcie vnto Dauid my father .and haft made me to reigne in his ftead. 9 Now therefore , Ο Lord God . let thy pro- tnUe vnto Dauid my father be • true: for thou haft made mee King ouer agreat people , like to the daft of the earth. 10 Giiie me now wifedoroe and knowledge, that I may fgooutandgoe in before this people: for who can iudge this thy great people?^ 1 1 And God faide to Salomon , Becaufe this was in thine lieart , and thou haft not asked ri- ch es.trejfmes nor honour ,nor the g iiues of thine enemies , ncitlier yet haft asked long life, but haft asked for thee wifedome and knowledge , that thou mighteft iudge my people , ouer whom I haue made thee King, 1 2 Wifedome and knowledge is granted vnto thee.and I will giue thee riches and treafiires and honour , fo that there hath not bcene the like among the kings which were before thee .neither after thee fl-iall there be the like. i.i Then Salomon came from the high place that was at Gibeon.to lerufalem from before the Tabernacle of the Congregation .and reigned ouer Ifrael. 14 * And Salomon gathered the charets and horfemen : and he had a thoufand and foure hun- dreth charets , and twelue thoufand horfemen. ^ J whom he placed in the b charet cities , and with the King at lerufalem. ly And the kinggauc gold and filuer at leru- falem as > ftones, and gaiie cedar trees as the wild figtrees,that are abundantly in the plaine. 16 Alfo Salomon had horfcs brought out of Egypt , and * Hnelinnen : ^ ths Kings marchants receiued the fine linnen for a price. 17 They came vp alfo and brought out of E- gypt fifne charet , worth fixe hiindreth fhek^ls of fi/uer.that is anhorfeforanhundrethandfiftie; and thus tiiey brought borfes to all the kings of the Hittites.and to the kings of Aram by their t raeanes. CHAP. II. a 7hf namLrrcfSMomori mrkrmei to ifild/ the Temflf. 3 Su~ lomon fenitth to Hnrem the Kif^g »/ Tywi/or nriedjiti jwtxkr.en. __S^P' ^ llh Hurams workmen: icr him m houfe.when tfie heauenand the heaiien ol npan^ne ^in.m* ^^M•..!..» l-r_ . , ^ . Β 0», Wjif. a Which is tote vndernoednfall forts of ofticers and oiierfeets ; for els the chiefe officers were but j^oo.as j.King.s, !<• g Ot.Hi'M•. heauens cannot containe him ? who era I then that I ihould build him anhoufe > but/rfoi/f burne » incenfe before him . 7 Send me now therefore a cunning man that can worke in gold , in filucr . and in bralle, and ir yron.and in purple.and inicrimolin and blue liike and that can graue in grauen worke with the cun- ning men that arc wiih me in ludah and in Icru- laiem.whom Dauid my father hath prepared. S Send mee alfo cedar trees , Hrrc trees and* ' II Algummim trees from Lebanon : for I know that thy feruants can fkill to hew timber in Le- banon : and beholde , my feruants βαίί be with thine, 9 That they may prepare me timber in abun- dance : for the houle which I doe build . ύ grea» and wonderfull. io And behold,! will giiten to thy feruants the cutters and the hewers of timber twentie thou- fand t mcafurcs of beaten wheatc , and twentie thotifand meafures of barley , and twentie ihou- fand baths of wine , and twentie <• thoufand baths ofoyle. J ί Then Huram king of Tirus anfwereJ in writting which he feut to Salomon , Becaufe the Lord had lou?d his people , he iiath made fliee King ouer them. I i Huram faid moreouer , BIefli;d be the Lord God of Ifrael , which made the heauen and the earth , and that iiath ^iuen vnto Dauid the KingI a * wife fonne . that hath difcrction, prudence and vndeiftanding to build an houfe for the Lord.and 'olfeUdTh» if ** a palace for his kingdome. 1 3 Now therefore I haue fent a .wife man . and of vnderftanding of my father Hurarai, *" 14 The fonne of a woman . of the ^daughterslt of Dim : and .his father was a man of Tyrus , and he can skill to worke in f^old , in filucr in brafle, ^ in yron . in flt^ne, and in timber, in purple, in hlue Ij^,;'^^,^'; *^"^ filke , and in fine linnen , and in crimohn.and can'f n ί«»];ο »rritiem graue in all grauen workes , and broyder in ail tlm Qiewisofihe broydered worke that fhalbe giuen him , with thy f ^^. "^ ^"f'•"' cunning men , and with the cunning men of my ",;hich'^',')*biv«, lord Dauid thy father. Idcinood ihatby i^ Now therefore thewheatc and the barley,j"'f<"'<''''''<"»»• the oyle and the wine , which my lord hath fpo- " bThjtif.toioi iheferntce which he haihcommin- i'i, ngEifyingihit none liable to horr.iu and rent Cod in thai per- at his maeejr^rfenieth Soint lake κ fot tifil , 01 the «roo4 illei rbenam. jiheii for ^^im.'^Ί'•'i'^< of the morning .md euen:ng, on the SabKith '*"■'"' '"'i'"^ dayes.and in the new moneths.and in the folcmnc feafts of the Lord our God: this is a perperuall thing for Ifrael. "* 5• And the houfe which I build . is great : for great « our God abooie all gods. 6 who is hee then that can be able to build ken of, let him fend vntohis'fcriiants 16 And we will cut wood in Lebanon as much as thou ihalt needs .and will bring it to thee in H rafts by the fea to II lapho , fo thou mayeftcary them to lerufalem. 1 7 ί And Salomon numbrcd all the ftraitgers that wet ■ •• Ί• - land of Ifrael, after the niimbrin» that his lu. r Dauid had numbred them: and they were foundan hundreth and three and fiftie thoufand,and fixe hundreth. 18 And hee fet fcuentic thoufand of them to the burden, and foutelcorc thoufand to h_ew/?iw/ in the mountaine, and three thoufand & fixe hiiii- 1 oCnibei^ 'wh'ch then begaa to be, they mailed in diners tribes , Γβ tl.at bv her fathei (lit might te of Din.andbyhci moihei of >;sihtal;. tCr.flif,. I) Or, i.r•'' Whuhiiih^ oirniiine whert' CO * Salomonbegan to build the houfe of the •^ Lord in leruftlcm ,in mount « Moriah which y^traham thotr hi had lieene declared vnto Dauid his father , in the j,o hjueTscr,fi«d place th.at Dauid prepared inthe threlhing rtoorcihisfcniie, cen. of* Oman the Icbiifitc. IV. jum ■< κ 2 And hee bcganne to build ία the fecond' ' ■'*"-^•' ■ V 3 moneth -i The building of the Temple If. Gh b A«»"liiig to At whole length ai rhc Temple, tli&moll holy flict. with the reil' β. It contcinid It much 3s d ynder"» it was the fafliicn of cxen,which did cornpaire ir round about , * tenne in a cubee cempafling. tb^ 5?a fbottt ; two rowes, pfossn (according to « their forme) and put them in the J' Temple , hue on the right hand j and hue onthe lefr. Η * And he made ten tables , and put them in the Temple Jiue on the right hand.and hue on the left;and he made an hundreth bafins of gold. 9 And hee made the court of the I'rieils , and the great f court and doores for the court , and ouerlaid the doores thereof with bralle, 10 And hee kt the fea on the right fide Gail- ward toward the South. n And Huram made Β pots and bcforos and bafins,and Huram fiuilhed the worke that hee iliould make for King Salomon for the houfe of God 1 2 To vvir, two pillars, and the bowles and the cbap\Krs on tiie top of the two pillars ,and two grates to couer the cwo bowles of the chapiters which were vpon the top of the piiUrs; 1 3 And foure htindreth pomegr.£nates for the twogrates.tworowes cf pomegranates for eucry grate to couer the two bowles of the chapiters, that were vpon the pillars. 14 Hee made alfo bafes.and made caldrotis vpon the bafes; 1 J M«iVa Sea.and twclue buls vnder it; 16 Tots alfo and befoirs , and fieibhoofccs; and all ih^fc vcHl-Is made Huram g his f.uher to King Salomon for the^ houfe of the Lord of ilii- uing brafl^. 17 In tlie plaine of lorden did the King cafi them in clay bctwecne Succoth and Zcredathah. if?- And Salomon made all thefe vclluls in great abi;ndance : for the weiglu of brallc could not beieckoned. 19 .And Salomon made aH the veflels tha 11 declared. £uen as ihcy QioiUdbt iRidt, f Callei iir.if.£i perch of SaJomon, AA.3,ii.Jtisilf» taken lor the Temple whi.e Chrift pteichei, Alatth. ii.ii. Q Or , Μη»]φ ] were for rhc houfe of God: the golde altar alfo father, ti« Either ,{ anu the tables .whereon the '^ /hewbread flood. 20 Xioreoucr , the candleftickcs with th lampcs , to burne them after.the maner be! ore the O) acie, of juire gold. 2 1 And Δκ fioures and the Jampes , and the fnuffl'rs of gold.which was ^;negold. - 2 2 And the i( hookes , and the bafins , aiu! the fpoones , and the aihpans of pure gold ; the entry alfo of the houfe λ?.'.^ doores thereof within , fa*» of the moft holy place ; and the doores of the hoiife, ίβ Kwr.ot the Temple x/*eriiofgold. C Η A P. V. 1 Th,. Ιϋ,ζ, itj,;^,i iv VM.ii ^rtfu» in ,ί,,Τικμ,. ς Tlf ' ^■k:i• hr.^iH ir.ic ihTmfl,. „ Μ *.!/ »4t n-ili ιλ 11, i C Ο * was all the worke fmiilTedthar Salomon f ':Tf"/»:.?.iJ,< ^ mide. for ihe h?eie oi th? llptd, aiid Salomon Γ"• ^' '^ 5 Wjiem SaioMta i for the gifts that God hai ;iiict him , as a iaihei : he had the >me name alfo that Huram the king of Tyms hiJ, his moilkR wai 1 iid hit failier a Tyrian. Sonve teadt, for his this weiie, h In Ebievi-, thi ajof the faces« becaiife they neie fet before the Aiie, here the Xoid , Q-.ewedbij I Or, iiflruBitttl- 7 -^ie- That is,ctmiiii \ wiih plate ( of The Arke afthe Couenant^ ■a %tiit i.Sim.i It. b when t!it thing Wtre itdicue md Ivroujht into th« Tt:7iple. c Called in eIj« Eihanim, c*iiici ningp«toi Stptembtt and p»ti oi October, i . King. i,i which fiionechiht lewis •illed the firO monethibecaiife «hey fay, that the \»oiW wascteued rn ihaimoncih.ani ifiet tkeycame fr»m Egypt, they fcegJB atMitehrlxii fcecatife this epinon if vneer- talne , we malie March eiiet the £ift, aibel) vrti• KU dee. f Oc.m'iioxl lAf OvMlr. i Fer Aaions rod and Manna were taken thence befoK ic wasbroitghi this pUce. c Were prepered to feme ihe Lord- f thty 9gr«(d all ^ ThiiTwihe c IftA of theit fong.•, Pfal. ii8 nil H*,', thig.t.M aAfieithathcehai brought in the things that Dauid liis father had dedicated, with the lihicr^nd the gold, and all the veilels , and put thera among the treafiirc$ cf the houfeofGod. 2 Then Salomon aflembledthc Eiders of li- rael , and all the heads cf the tribes , the chiefc fa- 4 And he fsid.BleffeJ 6e the Lord God of If. rael , who fpake with his mouth vnto Daiii.I myl father,and harh with hisff h»nd falfilUd it.fay ing jj „, ,, y Since tho diy that I brought ray people out ' of the hndof Egypt . I choie no citicof all the tribes of Ifrael to build an|/ houfc.that rtiy Name thers ofthe cliildren of Ifrael vnto lerufalem, fo i might be there , neither ctiofc I any tnan to be . bring vp the Arkc of the couenant of the Lord j ruler ouer my people Ifrael: e«. th. glory of X j,^gjhe,^,oi,idawellinthedarkecloHd: 2 And I haue built thee an houfe to dwell iti, an habitation for thee to dweil in for euer. 3 And the King turned his face , and blefled all the Congregation of Ifrael (for all the Con- 4jr^gauoii oi Ιίικϊ ftood thert.) the Lord, in the prclcnce of all the Conc^regation of Ifratl, and It retched out his hands, 1 i (For Salomon had madea brafen fcaflfold andfet it inthemiddes of the court,of hue cubits lo.ig, and nui cubites broad, and three cubiics ofi height , and vpon it he ftuod, and kneeled downei f^'^^^i ^""1';* vpon his knees before all the Congregation op" - ^ • Ifrael, and ^ ftretched out his handcs to-ward heaucn.) ' 1 4 And faid,0 Lord Godof Ifrael,* thf re » no God like thee in hcaujnnorin earth, which kee- p, ft couenant and mercie vnto thy feruants.that walkc before thee with all tlieir heart. I J Thou that haft kept with thy feruant Da- uid my father , that thou haft p.'omifed him : for then fpakeft with thy mouth, and haft fulfilled itj with thine |; hand, as appeareth this day. | 16 Therefore now.Lord God of Iirael,k;epe with thy feruant Dauid my father , that thou haft promifed him, faying. Thou t (hah not want a roan in my fight , that Ihall fit vpon the throncof Ifrael.fo that thy fonnes take heed to their wayes to walke in my Law , as thou haft walked before mee. ' 1 7 And now , Ο Lord God of Ifrael , let thy! word be verified , which thon fpakeft vnto thy{ feruant Dauid. i 18 CIsittrueindc'd.thatGodwill dwell with i Π3 an on earth? behold, the * heauens,and the hot- wens of heaucns are not able tocontainethee: how n>uch more ν/αίί: is this hocfc which I haue built ? ) 19 But haue thou refpedl to the prayer of thy feruant.and to hisinpnlication,OLord my God, to heare the cry and prayer which thy feruant praytth before th.?e, ' , ao Thatthine» eyesmaybeopentowardtyds It Thatiheee>Y heufe day and ni«ht,,«^ toward the place. |a-'«--^ wheriof thou haft fajd . y (hou wouldeft put thy Name there , that thou mayeft liearken vnto the pray cr.whkh thy feroantprayeth in this place, V 4 »» rt^itA^i •ueiihisjflMC Salomons f rayerfof the .KiV^iS 3•. f By teraining any tiling from him.or
  • .ny wiong. f.Lr. o.,ihe. Meaning, to gins m thai wh;dilie hMh dtfctncd. iOt.i*^p. ■(^.:^.9. ■f &t. in thr Imi ιι.αίρ^ !^H«edeAieth j «hit At prayers efhypoccjKscsn- ■jiotic hcaid,nor ο attytutef them •wMApiay vnto <3od wiihan vn'al• 3iedfaith and in «ueiepemance. -i Hee llicv.cth tha icfoie God t! t.e is isoacceoiionof yctfon,tiiit all liglittoufnedi, i accepted. Ads I0.3S. 3l Mianing.that xone ought to «nterptife aay •wane<^it a! the Xotds cAimande- «i pray in this houfe, . 3^ Heare thou in heauen , thy dwelling place, and doe accordijn||o all that the firanger cal- leth for vnto tna||w^|^|Fthe people of the earth may know thy NWF, and feare thee like thy people Ifrael , and that they may know that thy Name is called viJon in this houfe which I haue built. 34 1 when thy people n?all goe out to bat- tell sg.iinft their enemies , by the way that ^irhou (Ihalt fend thera , and they p'ray to thee , |j in the [way toward this citie, which thou haft chofen, euen toward the houfe which I haiie built to thy people : Η s iaerificc. 3 y Then hearc^ thou in hea«en their prayer and their fupplication.and iudge their caufe. 16 If they linne againft thee (* for there is no man that fmneth not) and thou be angry with them,and de;iuer them vnto the enemies, and they take them and cary them away captiue vnto a land farre or neere, 37 If they II turne a&aine to their heart in the land whither they be caried in cnptiues.and turne and pray vnto thee in the land of their captiuitj', flying, we haue nnned,we haue tranfgreHedaiid haue done wickedly, 38 If they turne againe to thee with all their heart , and with all their foule in the land of their captiuitie , whither they haue caried them cap. tiues,and pray toward their land.which thou gaueft vnto their fathers.and fez/t/ari^ the city which thou haft chofen , and toward the houfe which I haue' built i"or thy Name, 39 Then heare thou in hcat:en,in the place of thine habitation , their prayer and their fupplica- tion.and II iudge their caufe.and be merciful! vnto thy people.which haue finned againft thee. 40 Now my God, I befeech thee,let thine eyes be open , and thine eares attent vnto the prayer that « r/iade in this place. 41 * Now therefore arife , Ο Lord God, re cor/2e into thy 1 reft, thou , and the Arke of thy ftren^^th : OLord God.let thy Piieftsbecloaihed with "^ fahiafion , and let thy Saints rgoyce in goodnelle. • 42 ϋ Lord God, refufe not the face of" thi: anoynted ; remember the mercies promifed Dauid thy feruant. .IclH.i.t. ijCr.rrftnl. vir. yrjjir, 17 Ma fron.ifrtii 1 That is, iato «fc» Temple. mLeithembepte- leiiied by thy pow- er, and made veitu- oiis and holy. ji Hcare my priy«t i^hich am thine iaoyniid kinj. *a.A faces to the earth vpon the pauement , and vvorihipped and pray fed the L^^tu, faying , Fct he is good, be- caufe his mercy hp^eth for euer. 4 * Then the King and all the people offered facrihces before the Lord. y And king Salomon offi^ed a facrifice of two and twentie thoufand bullocks, and an hundred and twentie thoufand flieepe. So tb^ king and all the people dedicated the houfe of God. 6 And the Priefts waited on their offices , and ύΛΰ Leuites with the inftruments of muficke of the Lord , which king Dauid had n;ade to prayfe the lord, becaufe his mercy Ufleth for eiier:when Dauid prayfed Cod f by them , the Priefts alfo blew trumpets oner againfl thetn ; and all they of Ifrael ftood by. 7 Moreouer , Salomon hallowed the middle of tJie court that was before the houfe of the Lord : for there he ha J prepared burnt offerings, ami the fatte ofthe peace offerings , becaufe the brafen altar wJucli Salomon had made , was not aUe to regciue the burnt yffeiring , and the ^ " lasaLsi -^ Gedsprotijiie to Salomon. and the fat k Tkefiiftefthe Takevnacles which ■waiVtpiin the ftMnthcioiwtli. eThey lOcmbled to heatc the woid of Ged.afici that they had lemayned feiiendayesintte boothes ot Ijbivnades. I ά They had It Htt 1 to depart the two aadiKeirtiethday, 1 1. King. 8. «6. biic ihey went not away till the next 4jy. *-».ICi»f ».«. Chaf. VIII. Uieate offerii „ . r λ i. • r And Salomon made b a feaft at that time of feiien dayes , and all liVael with him , a very great Gjno-regation , from the entiing in of Hamath, vm® the riuer of Egypt. r i.^„o 9 And ill the eight day they c made a iolemne aflc-raWy : for they had made the dedication of the altar feucn dayes, and the fealt leneii dayes. I ο And the ^ three and twentieth d 7 of the feiienrh moneth.hee fent the people avvay into their tents , ioyoiis aid with glad he.irt.liecaiile of the goodiies that the Lord had done for Dauid and for Salomon.and for Ifr.iel his people. I I So Salomon finilhed the hoiife of the Lord, Salomons buil lings, ij 7 and 'thV kings houfe, and .ill that came into Salo- j Salomon hada roinde tol-uiidinlerufaiem mons heart tS make in the houfe of the Lord ; and j a Then Salomon builtthecitiesthat Huram, ι •"gaue to Salomon.and caufed the children of '' I'hit is , which] lirae'toJvvell there 3 Ana Salomon went to Hircath Zobah . an J oucrcamc ii 4 AndhebuiltTadmor inthewjldcrres.ard ri^aired al! c she cities of Itore which he builtin Hanjath. y And he built ^Bith-horon the vpper, and Beth-horon the nether , cities defented with walles.gates and barres : 6 Alio Baalath , and all the cities of ftorethatld That Salomon bad, and all the charetcities,andtheci-jj'"'''|? ties of the horferaen.r.nd euery pli.fant pUceihal ■ . - r ■ ^^^^ Hnanigaiie ajiisM 0 S.lo.ronoccatd• h«\flea;edhim 1 αφ : a:id iheieloic called ibem hibiil, ihitis.diM t.tXA, 1. Kug. Mtii(i»^',m ma• litjous and leitn.ejfoitlie , he rc> foil; they veiebuUtlorg tah he profperedin his houfe. 12 1 And the Lord * appeared to Salomon by night , and laid to him . 1 haiie heard tny prayer, and haue chofcn this place for my Iclfe to be an honl'eof facrifQe, i^ If I Ihiit the keaiien that there be no raine, | l^d.or if I lend peftilence among my people^ 14 If my people .among whom my Name is I ed vpon , doe humble themfeliies , and pray j , and [urne from their wic- | then will I heare in heaucn and j dominion 7 ^ndill the people that were leftofthe Hittitcs , and ihe Amorites , and I'crizzites , and the Hiuices.and the lebiifues, which were not of Ifrael, !J But of their children which were left after iLfhraun, i . tht•, aiie peifleice to ceafe anddedioythe bcafts that htitc the friiits oitleTjtth, and fend rair.e due feafoa. nsijf.i.U. called vpon and feelce my prclcnce ked wayes 9 But oi the childrenof Ifrael did Salomon make no feruants forhiswbrke : for thsy were menofwarre.and hischiefeprinceSjandthceap ■j Elr It fme rf which Salomon had. men f t wo hundrcth and fif- tie that bare ride ouer the people. I'l ^ Then Salomon brought vp the daughter of Pharaoh out ofthecitie of Dauid .into the houfe that hee had built for her ": for he faid.My wife rhall not dwell in the hcufe of Dauid king of f-^f'^'^^'^f ; ing( oftt f Whfeh thing d( elateth that God had more leipeJt to tVeirfaluati to the adiianccment of hj! enne gloiy : End vrhe'.easnien a'oiiii tlioi'e iKmgs whicl• eed-hsihappoii 10 let forth his ytaife , he doth withdraw his ft2«esdiciice. be merciful! to their finne , and will e heale their | taines of hi* charcts and of his horleinen , 1 . 10 So thefe were the chiete ottne officers I y Then mine eyes ilwlbe open and mine eares attent vnto the prayer made in this place. 1 6 For I haue now chofen and fandlified this houfe . that my Name may be there for euer : and mine eyes and mine heart Ihall be diere perpe- 1 7 And if thou wilt waike before me.as Damd thy father walked , to doe according vmo all that I haue commanded thee . aiid ihalt obferue my ftatutes and my iudgements. 18 Tlien will I ftablifh the throne of thy king- dome , according as I made the conenant with Dauid thy father , faying , * Thou ihalt not want \ amantoberuler inll'rael. | 19 But if yec turne away , and forlake my Ik- ; tutes and mv commandements which I haue let before you ,'and Ihal! goe and ferue other gods, and worihip them, 2 -) Then will I plucke them vp oat of my land, which I haue giuen tliem , and this houfe which I hauetfanitifted-for my Name.willl caft out of my fight . and will make it to be a proiierbe and a common taike among all people. 2 1 And this houfe which is mofthigh , fiialbe an aftoniilTOent to euery one that pafleth by• it, fo that he iliall fay. V\^hy hath the Lord done thus to this land.and -to this houfe ? 22 And they Iliall anfwer , Becaufe they for- fooke the Lord God of their fathers , which brouolu th£m out of d^^ land of Egypt, and haue taken hold on oth -i^ods , and haue worlhipped them, and ferued them.therefore hath he brought all this euill vpon them, f rot ia all ι^eι^ j^oobuihcc• he meaneih of I them that had the 1 eidei.Kinj,».«J ΚΐΓ^.ί.Ι' iSigni lying that he •Wiitwentieyeeie wbuildugthem. CHAT. VIII. stUt.KMnKK lull I Htfuittii to 0[Hr. A Nd * aftct » twenty yeere when Salomon had ^ built the houfe of tb§ Lord, and hisowne houfe. Ifrael : for it is holy.bccaufe that the Arke of the Lord came vnto it, I 2 f rben Salomon offered burnt ofFrirgs vn- to the Lord , on the * altar of the Lo* J.which he had built before the porch, 13 To* offer according to the comraandement of Mofes (I euery day, in the Sabbaths.andin the new moones.and in the folemne icafts,? three tiroesintheyeere.fWw.inthefc-altoftheVn- Iciuened bread, and inihcfeaft of theweekes.js ρ."^« !■«;'« •»/• av.d in the feaft of the Tabernacles. 14 And heefctthecourresoftherrieftesto their cffices, a«c&rding to theotderof Dauid his father . and the Leuit<.s in their waiches .for to praife and minifter before the I'riflts euery day, 'and the porters by their * courfes at euery gate: for fo vvai the co^mroandemsnt of Dauid the man of God. I y And they declined net from the comman- dement of the king, concern>ng the Priefts and ihe Leuitcs . touching all things , and touching tbetreafures. r r , 16 € Now Salomon had made proinfjon for all thehworke fcom th5|«yr?ff''i-(o""J»"°" ofthehculeof th^iilliivntiTl itwashnilhed: ^ the houfeefthe Lord was pirfit. 17 Theti went Salomon to Ezion-geber ^^^,.,^^„^,^, and to Eloth by tU* Sea fide in the land o^.ho.igh.ton,««. iT" And Huramfenthimbythejwndsofhis feruants . fiiips and feruants that had krowle>^c of the fea:and they went with thefcruants of Sa- lomon to Ophir . and brought 1 hence » foure hundreth and fiftie talents of g^ld , and brought tjiemto^iDgS^omoB. c^hf. h ioib fei the dalfofoi he woilenianflif. i Mcanug,theTi4 miilioBt d Itxe hnndietb ihoiifar.d cron^tf* fot heie n:3dcofihMtit iv.et then ate fpcV.cii ol, I, KinS.ijaSj Ili-Chten. * J.Ki»X.10yt. L«K' •'■ = '■ -a To k.-.ow wh* his vrittiloKi' vrtte (o gtcit 5&Iomotisticnes 17 And the king made a great throne of yuo- rie. anioaerlaid it with pure gold. 1 8 And the throne had iixe fteps, with .1 foot• ftoolc of ?o!d » f.iftent-'d to the rhrone , and fti)'es on cither" fide on the place of the feate , and two lions ftandiiig by the'' ftayes anddeatn•! fteps on either fide : there was iiot the like madei ^cls er Incfj. thtlt W»! ΤΛ 'jcHion fo Κ.η4 ijt he didaot «lohte. teiruiy kf mutt + tir-thrrrwAc Λ Nd*«vhen theQjieeneof SheUa heard ot the ^ fame of Salomon ,lhe cam; to » prcoucijalo- fT.on with hard queitions at leriifalem , with a very great traine , and camels that bare fweetc odours and much gold , and precious ftoncs ; and . - . j^^jo^e I when fhecame to Salomoii , ihi communed wuh j '^l ^ «^ ^„ ^. Salomons drinking vcife/s him ot all that was in her heart. ^ ^ j^^ | ^j, .^^ ^^j^^.^ ^f ,j^ (,^,,^-^ ζ And Salomon dec ared he.• dl h^er saeft- ^^ ^,^^ ^^^^^ of Lebanon ^^^.r* of pare golcfc : fir one and therewasbt-.oth.ng hid from Salomon. ^.,^^^ ^^^^ ^^^j^^ ^^^_,^^^^ ia theda'-csofSa• I whicn he declared not vntohcT. Ιοηκιη 3 Then the Queene of Sheba faw the 'wife- j '_ dome of Salomon, and the honfo that hee had I .i>uiic, i 4 And the meate of his table.md the fitting of i rliJt U, tjie Seft tiid il.c fooineolc , vtiefaacasdto J iIk iliiene. « Mewing , Ast \ht Uraeliies were Gods pecaliat peo- ple , md that King! ere the lieutenant «,£g»J, which sugh: to graiint vntehim the fitperioiitie, and jninifteiiisfticeii i Ji.ta3t chap and I.King. I' his fernonts, and the order of hi.; waiters, & their apparell , and his butlers , and their apparell , and his H burn: offerings which he oftered in the houfe of the Lord, and die svas ■J And ihe fjyd to the King Ji which I heard 'in mine owne iaud of thy)) fay- ' ings.nnd of thy wile(fcme : 6 Howbeit , I beieeued nor their rcpoi-t, vnti'I .1 came , and mine eyes had fecne it : and behold, the one halfe of thy great wifedonie was not told me :for chon exceedeli'the fame that I heard._ 7 Happy are thy men,and happy are thefe thy .feruants.which ftand before thee alway.and hearc .thy wifedomc. 8 Blefled be the Lord thy God , which loiied thee , to fet thee on his c throne as king , in the ftead of the Lord thy God : becaufe thy God lo- ueth Ifrael . to eilablilh it for euer, therefore hath liee made thee king ouer them , toexecate iiidge- raent and iuftice. 9 Then ihe gaue the King fixefcore talents of gold , and of fweete odours exceedin» much, and precious ftones : neither was tliere Inch fweete odours /';ίιί , as the Queene of Sheba gaue vnto Xing Salomon. 10 And the feriiants alfo of Hiiram , and the fertwnts of Salomon which brought golde from i Ophir , brought ^ Algummira wood and precious «.'flones For the kings fii-ips went to Tarfliifli with I the feruaius of Huram , euery three yeere once came the Ihips of l Tarihith , and brought golde and fduer,yuorie,andapes,and peacocks. 22 So king Salomon excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and wifedome. ; ^ ,, . , 23 And all the Kings of the earth foiTght the rcatly t altonicd. j .jl^^^ of Salomon , to heare his wifedome tha«i ^^'^ « ^'"^ «'"'■'^ ' God had put in his heart. 24 And they brought euery man his prefent, veflds of filuer.'and vedels of golde.and raiment, armour, and fweet odours, horle3,3nd mulcs,from 1 whic^iitmmj of thebeft writer» is thought to be Cilicia, r««de i.KiBg.io.tt. mTltatis, tijilier. fes in tatcy fiab)t, vrhich in all amOBnt t» foiwty ihmfand^ « i.Ki;ig.+.ai. I yeere to yeere. j 2y And Salomon had "* fonre thonfand rtalles ; of horfes, and charets, and twelue thoufand horf- i men , whom he beftowed in thecharet cities , and \ with die king at Jerufalem 26 And hee reigned ouer al! the kings from j thellRiuer euew vnto the landofthePhiliftims, j and to the liorder of Egypt, ϋ '''•' Ε-ί'"•"'*• 2 7 And the king gaue filuer inlerufaiem, " as ilones, and gaue cedar trees as the wilde figtrees.jii The abitndanre that are. abundant in the plaine. 28 And they brought vnto Salomon horfes out of Egypt.and out ofail lands. 25 Concerning the reft of the aftes of Salo- mon firft and laft , are thev not written in the booke of Nathan the Prophet, and in thcpro- phecie of Ahijah the Shilonite , and in the vilions of 1) leedo the Seer » againft lerohoam the fonne of Neb at > : lempoiae fthei eali.! ions kiiijdome tS figure of the Spititnalltieaftrts, hich jhe eleS fiiallcnioyinthe heaiicns viideithc true Salomon Chrift. ο That is , whicli f5o And Salomon reigned in lenifaiem o«er prophecjed agaiji» • Oi pillars : mca tiing , thejatni- 01 f Slats. ί ihatis , vfhieh die King gaiif her fotiecompcnie all Ifr-iel fourtie yeeres 3 1 And Salomon * flept with his fathers, and and' Rehoboam his fonne reigned in his ftead. C fl A P. X. forte KfeU. li -ibtfiofUuliU. «hjttteafiire «hich 1 1 And the King made of the Algummim wood' ftaires in the houfe of the Lord, and in , , ■ , . , .• • , • • Γτ^ -ju• r i „i„g.rnegar„i- : the kings houfe , and harnes and violes for fin- ^^^^^;^^^^^!?^!^'^^}'1^^ fliing.'and trim- j gers : and there, was no fuch feene before in the {ther.anes||andofIudah. 1 2 And King Salomon gaue to the Queene of Slieba euery pleafant thing that fteeafked ,ibe- fides for that which ihee had brought vnto the king : fo iliee returned and vveht to her owne countrey , bsth (he, and her feruants. 13 ί Alfo the weight of "old that came to Sa- Itjmon in one yeere.was fixe nundreth threefcore and fixe talents of gold, 14 Befides that which chapmen and merchants brought : and all the Kings of Arabia , and the princes of the countrey brought gold and filuer to Salomon. 1 5: And King Salomon made two hundreth targets of beaten ξο\ά,Ληά g Cxxz hundreth//;».^*'/* of beaten gold went to one target. 16 And three hundreth Ihields of beaten^old: three hundrethl'/I)fWj of gold went to one ihield, and the king put taetn in the hoiife of the wood .ofLebaaoQ, J Whith fiimme jnonnwth to t+oo. .ccownesorihe i'linne Btidens de affc. h Or.pands called inin«> whereof cueiy one feeme4 .ft nutke an hun- Aeth ttkebj him. Τ Hen * Rehoboam > went to Shechera : Shechem came all Ifrael to make him king. 2 And when leroboara the fonne ofNebat heard it (whicli w^ in Egypt.whither he had fled from the prcfence of S.ilomon the king)he retur ned out of Egypt. 3 And they fent end called him : fo came Te- roboam and all Ifrael, andremmuned with Reho boam,fayHig, 4 Thy father '' made our yoke grieiious : now therefore make thou the grieuous feruitude ofj; thy father , and his fore yoke that he put vpon vs, lighter.and we will feriie thee. 5" And he faid to them. Depart yet three dayes then come againe vnto roe. And the people de- parted. 4 And king Rehoboaa) t^Oke counfeil with * • the t.Kii'g. ii.r. After the dcadi of Salomon, Τΐ!«ίί,ΤιιηΛί4 i tndely , iffee- jneththai Gotlhar. dened^heir hearts, fo that they th:is «itKmiired withom caiifej V hich dedi- leihalfothciiKO»- fiancie «[the peoples ■TfSboait: ,irrae! reMe*: CH^p. KJ. XU llraeisiaolamfl _lyh'-n> , tHat i•, which wtie eikis (oanfell uni a Or , Utile fin?" meaning. Λ»' I* rssofistieg'ea't eewet , then w»s his father. the oUcEcn that hidftood before Salomon hK father, vrhile he yet lined, faying, what counfdl | giae ye that I ina? anfi^ere this people » 7 And they fpikc vnto him.faying.U thowbe kinds to this people, and plca'ethem.and fpeake louing viords to them . they will be thy feru.ants 8 But hee left the counfell of the ancient men thut they had gi«en him , and tocke counfdl of the young men thatwerebroughtvpwuh bim, and' waited OD him. 9 And he faid vnto themAVhatcounfell giir» i ye, that Nve raay anfwercthis pcople.whi.h haue . fpokento me, laying .Make the yok« which thy fatherdidputrpon vs. lighter ί 10 And thi young men that were brought vp with him/pake vnto him.fay ing.Xhus (halt thou anfvvet the people that Ipakctothee.fayiag.Thy father raadeour yokeheauie , bat make thouu lighterfor « : thus ihalt thou fay vnto them.My ifeaft part iliilbe bigger then my fathers oynes. II New whereas iny father did burdenyou with agrieuous yoke . I will yet ircreafe your yoke : my father hath chaftifed you with rods, but I vviU ctrrtajou with 8 fcourgcs. 1 α r Then leroboam and all the people came to Rehuboam the third day . as the kmg had ap- ludah and Bftiiairin , fay'ing, 4 Thus faiih the Lord, Vee ftall not goe \-p, I nor fght againftyour brethren ; teturneeucrie man t% his houfc : fcr ihisth.ng is doceof roc. They obeyed therefore the word of the Lor J,anJ returned from going againft leroboam. | y Anl Rehoboara c!welt in letufalem , and I Ϊ built ftrongchies in ludah. »0* : itrono- cities m luaan. » "« . "P'T"* 6 Hee built alf© Beih- lehcw.and Etam.and ^^ *^*!Tf^ Tekoa, t.oK ibk I 7 Ard Beth-2ur .andShoce .and Adnllaro, jietebeim. 8 Aud Gach , and Matciha , and Zi( h, , 9 And Adoraim.andLEc'.'.idi.artdAxekah, I 5 ο And Zorab.and Aialon.and Hebron.which , Jtrr*ltil^i• ^ere in ludah and Beniarain.ftrong cities. 11 And he li repaired the Itrong holds and pift captaines in them, and ftore cf vittaile, and oyle and wine. 1 2 And in all cities be pm flnslds and fpeare $, and made them exceeding ftrong : fo ludah and Beniaroin were his. 13 ^ And thePrieftesandtheLeuitci th?t| were in all Ifrael , t reiorted vnto him out of all f '^'• A•* their coafts. ! 4 For the Leuiteslcft their fuburbs and their poffciTion , and came to ludah and to letufalem• for leroboam and his fonnes had caft them out pum». , 7 c. „/°...r«,1i-k^miharDlv:and Lord. IV And che king aniwered them Iharplytand king Rehoboam left the counfell of the ancient T4 And fpake to them after the connfell of the young men . fayi.ng . My f«her made your yoke crieuous . but I will increafc it : my father cha- Sifed yon with rods , biu 1 vvHl comS yen with fcoarg t^ois will im ^(«th fneh « ne ceffitfe Ό the Cccon caHfe!,tlvatnothii', can be done but a<- reidirg to the ftme, and >et wins v»ill woikcih as oi itfeUe.fothatit (an not be exce<{, la.ji. i N'eaniaf.idolf. :U: Ifi. which lealouiof tne religion, »»d {ti- led C*d. { S«IaB{l>i>(r I fratdOod.and ! letfoiiii hi» w•:*»} ihey pwd/eicd; V-Tha? is, tie halfe tiibe of Eeniamin: let the otiiet halfe joaeaffii le- arn. b Mta nil! J , t• < «-1 tribes which C Η A P. XI. A Nd * whcnRchoboamwascome tolerula» ^hm .hee pa Jieredofthe houfe of ludah and . Beniamin mne fcore thoufand ch^f'".™^"?! warre to fight a-ainft ^ Ifrad . aadto bri:>g the Kingdomeagaine to R hoboam. ilit the word of the LordcamstoSherav iahtbiTOanofGod .fayingi , * S.^Mke vnto Rehoboam the fonne of Salo- Ju^g^M. ^i vo'.iUirael that zt^m 1 y * And hee crJeineJ hits I'riefts for thehie places . and for the i deuils and for the calucs which he had made. 16 And after the teuites there came to Icru- falem of all the tribes of Ifrael . fuch as fit their t hearts to feeke the Lord God of Ifrael, to offer veto the Lord God of their fathers.^ Γ7 So they ftrengihened the kmgdoroe of lu' dah , and rocde Rehoboam the (bnne of Salomon mighty , three yeere long : for three yeere they f waked in the way of Diuid and Salomon. 18 ^ And R:hoboam tookehimMahalath the daughteroflerireothihefonneof Dauidto wife, And Abihail the daughter t f Eliab the fonne 19 Which barchimfonires,Ieuih,andSbema- riah , and Zsham. ^ , . . vJ ao And after her hee tooke Maakah the daugh- tfi of Abfolon which bare him Abiiah . and Ai- thai, andZiri.andShclonith. ^i And Rehoboara lou;d NUakah the daugh tcr of Abfolon abouc all his wiues ar.d his con cubines: for he tooke eighteenc wines and thre; fcore concubines, aivi bcgatc ei^ht andtwen-j tie fonnes. and threefcorec'aughtcrs. i ι And KehoSoam made ε Abitah the Tonne of Maakah the ciiief.• rvkr amcnj^ his bretbtr η /«■hetbo-JghttosBakehimKirg. »a Anahe taught him rand ti/perfed all his fonneMhrougboutallthecourif.ist.fludihand. . ieniamin vnfo euery ftrong citic: "il•:^"^ g:"7^?:'.;C'^" " them abo.-^dai-xe of vittaile . aiid '' dcfired many 'J;^';^» »— ''''""^ C Η A ^. XJ I. i Sirmiiu •'t A Ν J when 0 Rehoboam liad eftabl^hed the ^ kingjoroe and made it Prong , hee forl.x)ki• the Law of the Lord . and > *!1 Urael with hit:>, *trmr^ LoidtidetU- jliOid Kehe- .'boimt ii^taemit; fodiistke • ncoaaaact νίΛί wϋcyvπψ?cψJγmπι 1 1. Vinton. 1 Therefore in the fife yecre of king Rehobo- ί ASiiah and leroboam. ■,•^_Ρυ^"'^^€^0Ρ0^"ΐ qitcomfited. ι3ίΗ, Siiiihak the king of Egypt came vpagaitift 3 _ And Abiiah kt the battell in aray with th^ jlerufalemibecaufe they had tranfgreffedagiinft j armie of valiant men of warre . d-«i;, foure hun the Lord_) 3 With :wcl ; hundreth charets , and threes dreth thoufand cho(eniKen. Icroboam alfo fcti the battell in aray againft him with eight hun- b Whicliwere» people of A&ica «ajied die Trogl„- , . dices , becaiile they ofludah dwelled in holes.- a Or.hUrk: Motnt. fiore thoafand horfimen.and the people were dreth thoufand chofen men which wereftrong without number.thaccame with him frotnEgypr, ] --'--':-— ** euenxlxi Lubiras>Sukkiims,anJthe|;Echiopians, I atid valiant .4 And Abiiah flood vpvpon mount dZetre• 4 And he tooke the ftrong citieswhich were 1 raira.which is in rr.ounc Ephraim, and iaid,0 le Stgnifying , that I calamiiie cm me vnto vs ex- cept we forfake God.and thache MSiierlcjiieth vs till we Jiaiie cift him β if. ά And thcrcfofc I doe.h and camt vnto leruLilem. J• f Thenc.imeShem.iiah the Prophet to Re- hobo am , and to the princesofludah that were gathered together in lerufilem , becaufe of S^i- ihak.and faid vnto them. Thus faith the Lord. Ye haue forfaken me.^ therefore haue 1 alfo left you ' in the hands of Shi/h^k. 6 Then theprincesoflfrael, and the King humbled themfelues, and faid. The Lord u ■^iafl. 7 And, when the Lordfawe that they hum- , , . |bled themfelues , ths word of the Lord came 60 1, ..fr,gKt|St>imaiah. faying, rhey haue humbled thee- felues,r/;;rf/iri I willnot dcftroy them.but I will fend them deliuerance ihortiy.and my wrath (hall I g Sir A-o» i,t»ni. ] not Ν be povvred out vpon lerufalem by the hand ' jofShilhik. 8 NeaertheleflTetheyiliillbehisferuants; fo e Hce ftievieth thati ^"^^ they know my e feruice , and the feruice of j •odspuaiuijiients j the kintidomes of the earth. \i:i^XX{o \ ^ ,>ν•ιί tie etcMizn. iz Hie trujinhinthi Lori Anio^tnommftbltrolioj/n, i ti Of hit iriats ani ikilinn. IN the eightenih yeere of King leroboam, be- gan Abiiah to reigne oner ^ lu Jah. 2 Hee reigned three yeere in lerufalem: ("his mothers name alfo was^Miehaiah the daughter of c Vriel of Gibca)an4 there was warre bstweene roboam , and ail Ifraei , heare you me, d which WIS e^ of tJie top.! of mount tphraim. j eAxdtherefoic y Ought you not to know that the Lord God' whofocHerdoeth of Ifrael hath giuen the kingdome ouer Ifrael to lW« " or taie it ^ Dauid for euer , euenio him and to hii fonnesi^^t'^""!^• byacouenantfoffalt? ^ ^_ _ icrdi„'anceofthe uaiit and h And leroboam the fonne of Nebat the fer-)i-o"l. Thiisiike u of Salomon the fonne of Danid is rifen vp. ^ψ"}^^}^ ai- lath * rebelled againft his loi-d •. - *^ ΙίΓλίΛ"''^'' . ! 1 ", , , . . ofGodforhii 1 7 A nd there are gathered to hira g vaine men aduamage. j *Wt wicked.and made themfelues ftrong ao-ainft * ^''^''^ , peφe- Rehoboam the fonne of Salomon ; for Re^Obo- [i! • " """^ -^-'i '''" am was i•• but a childe and fi * tender hearted,and faltef ^'u'^tittt^J could not refift them. ^ pom corruption ; | 8 Now therefore ye thinke that yee be able to f'^'"?'""'"'^'» I refift againft thekingdome of the Lora.which u ib Wiy^aTd'^cc in thehaadsofthelonnesofDauidjandyebea fimed by otfrijig great multitude , and the golden calues are with jof^f^nficej , whert you which leroboam made you for gods. w'dij!^'at!^^' 9 * Haue yee not driuen asvay the Prieftes of Lrdeine^ Numb the Lerd the fonnes of AaronandtheLeuites, ''S.ip. and haue made youPriefts like the people of <.//;fr! * Χ^''ί- '.'•»( u^r , '^ . ^ r ! ε This word in God then tyrant: I which dcdareth «hat God feeketh ijot the death o{ a finner.buthis verfe : f tlrfyhg. t He meJnetJi Ih- dahand Beniamin b Or , Maacha, ; «.King. 15,2. e Called all^ Ab- flialom.forAbflia- : countreycsr whofoeuer commeth to tconfecrateff with a i yoHg builocke and feuen rams, the fame may be a Prieft of them that are no gods. I ο But wee belong vnto the Lord our God.and { haue not forfaken hiro.and the Priefts the fonnes of Aaron minifter vnto theLord^and theLeuitcs j in their office. i 1 1 And they burne vnto the Lord euery '^ mor- ning and euery euening burnt ofFrings and Ithe f haldt ton» h Meaninj.fnheait and courage, II Cr,f.'ii,tie4riei, fweeteincenfe.and the bread is fet in order vpon *■'•? the pure table , and the candleftick of gold with ί η« fluwe.h ώί the lamps thereof, to burne euery eucning : for aiatme of idolaters weekeepethe watch of the Lord our God: but .Iw^ich take no ye haue forfaken him. ['^^^ °[^^« ^°"- 1 2 And behold , this God /> l with vs a cap- fc",', of d«"rm'il taine.and his Priefts with the founding trumpets piflers , but thinlte to cry an alarme againft you.O ye children of If- ,"'" "'<>" "•'" a»* rael , fight notagainft the Lord Godof your fa- fSt'toferu* thers : for ye ihall not profper. 'their tntnc. 13 f But leroboam caufed an ambuiliment * As it vvas ap- »> to corapaiIej/!«ii come behind them,when they ;^°'^"£ "'j '" were before ludah.and the ambulhment behinde them. 14 ThenIudahlooked,andbehold, the bat- tell WAS before and behinde them , and they cryed vnto the Lord j and the Prieftes blew with the trumpets. !.•. euen as the men ofludah iliouted , God l ;hci gtanc .Kiag. leroboam and alfo Ifrael before Abiiah and ludah. 16 And the children of Ifrael fled before In dah , and God del iuered them into their hand. 1 7 And Abijah and his people fl:w a g'-eat {laughter of them, fo i hat there fell downe woun- ded of Ifrael hue hundreth thoufand chofen men 18 So the children of Ifrael were brought vn- der atthattime :and thechildrenofiu->ahpre. uailed, η becaufe they flayed vpoh the Lord God of their fathers. 1$ And Abijah purfsed after lerebeam , and j ιόϊΐ tooke 1 leciuie theii caiife κ 3.5 good and appiootied by the Lord, they doubted notof the fiicceiTcand vidoty. \m ContemniKg the . jgeodcoaniell fmote tvhich came of the Spiritof God.he thought tehatre onetcome by de^i't, J Or , gj^f Um tki η Hce (bewcth that the (lay βΓ.ι11 I-ii'gdomes, and alTutance of viAories depead vpon our tnin an4 confidence in the The Etbio )ifins deftreffrd. f tit. if»Sit<-'t. » ι.Κι>^ i-S β. phnicil contrary t(J Chap, XIN, XV. Ilraels coirenint withjGodTiJJ tooke cities from him , etten ieth-el and the t vil- ' theni,8{ thty fpoiled all iheciiies, for there was] lages thereof , and lefhanali with her villages.and 1 exceeding much fpoilein them. Ephron with her villages. i ί Ytd,andthey fmotethe cenrsoicaf.ell.and 1 And leroboam recoiiered no ftrength a- gaine in the dayes of Abijah , but the Lord pla- gued him, and he died. 21 So Abijih waxed m'ghty , & married foar- tcene wines , and begate two and twenty fonnes, and fixteene daughters. 22 Tiiereftofrhciiitesof Abijah, and his ma- nors inJ>iU fayiniis, afc written in the ftorieof the Prophet Iddo. C Η ΑΡ. Χ II Π. J Aft itflraftth iJolttvy , aiii t0»nmM>Jetk Lrj freftf f» frfit ih fi^ht. 12 Hni)it.iinfthnii\'i!i<,n.\ C Ο * Abijah flept with his fathers, and th^' bti- ^ ried him in ;^ dcie of Dauid , and Afa his lotinc reigned in his ftead : in whole dayes the land \ras. quiet ten yeere. : 2 And Afr did tJiat was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God, 3 For he tooke away the altars c f tlie firmge gads, and the hie places, and brake downe tiie ima- ges, and cut downe the > groues. And commanded liidah to feeke the L ord caried away plenty of ΐΐκε pc and cafucls.and rc'| tuinedcolexufalcit]. '\ CHAP. XV. I Til fxJiiitjtio» o/ A:(ffijh. i *p fuTgiil Hi ii,ii>..x. 1 Wlio wss callii Oted.aslii'fath^ was, vcifti, nie, The Lordwwith 7cu,v.hi]cyebewithhiai: and if ye (eeke liim,he will be found of ycni,buc ifyeforfakehirc, he vvillforfakeyou. 3 Now for a long feafon Ifrael t.arh bene vvoth- out thi b true God , and without Prielt to teach end without lav/. 4 Bat vvti>fotHer returned in his affliftion to the Lord God of Uracl, and fought him, he * was fciin ί And there came out againft him Zerah 4+.whoeMichjirf ^ of Ethiopia, with an hoaft of ten himdrcththoil•- fand , and three hundt eth charets , and came vnto « Marefl^ab. Then Afa went oiit before him , and they fet the battell in ar.ny in the valley of Zephahath, befideMareiljah. ij And Ala c«jfe4 vnto the Lord his• God, and fayd , Lord , * it i? nothing with thee to heipe (i with maiiy, or with no po\\'er : heIpe vs, Ο Lord our God ; for wee reft on thee , and in ' the Prophet w Μ home. *lj.Sjm. 14, jMife^i few^r iThasthechildTen of Cod reither nuft in theii owrc fower orpclicie, Eeiehet icftc jhe fliergthar.dfiib- «iltie of theit ejse- aiies.biit confider the caufe and fee Vtherhfi theit eii- tea^tifes tejid t• Cods glory , ard therc^^on a(Tu\e themfeliies of^the ^ecaufe wee haue fought the Lord our God, wee i before the perch of the Lord . „ . . ' ii . - . ' ρ An-l hee gathered all ludah and Reniamin, and the ftringers wiih them β« of Ephraim.aixJ Manilli'h,and cut of Simeon : forihire fell manj to him out of Ifrael. when they faw that the Lore his God waj with him. 10 So they aflcmtled to ierufalem in the « third moneth , in the fifteenth yrere of ibe reigneof Afa 1 1 And they offered rnto the Lord the fame time of the ίΓροί1εζν//Λ^/; they had brought <•«« feuen hundreth hillockcs , and feuenthcufand flieepe. 12 And they rrtfde a ccuenant to fcfke the Lord God of their fathers , with all their heart, and with all their foul 13 And g whofocuer will not feeke the Lord God of Ifrael , fl^all be flaine , wl ether hee wer are wee come again: ft thi; th6u art our God ;* let not man preiiaile againft thee. 12 ί So the Loixl fmote the Ethiopt-ws before Afa and before ludah ,*and the Ethiopians fled. 13 And AU and the people that was with him, ^i£,ory by him !p„rfued them vnto Gcrar. And the Ethiopians t!l'ji"Zln lioart was ouerthrowen./» that there was no life iii tntne/uPeQiinto them : for they were deftroyed before the Lord h ihebreaih lamj before his hoft: and they caried away a irigK- •"^TheTordhai Stie great fpoile. riSen .hem 14 And they fmote all the cities round about wiih ftwc Gcrar ; for tjie S fearc of die Lord camrvpon , and in thy Name i fmaH or «rear,man ci wotrEn. ^ , . . , , ΐ..-d ilt'tiid'^ • Ο Lord ^4 And they fware vnto the Lord witn a loui. tolo»! ,„ *,„n.-L>ii« ,«.i,nii vovcc, and with flouting.ard with trumrcis,& i«''«' e CalltdShiiii», corteining yan«< May, aid pait ef tunc. f which ih long IS &.ty d hijn atighir, »g didk«p<(. bem. *i»i •:•'3• 'i|jOTg»nid-nici)K ir|srdh«ieimbe&e- ΙΓ for j jOT g»»»d-nici)le« they h?d fworne vnto thcLcrd with ^'' f^''='M"'']'V'!'hV,«t:a I heart, and lought htfn with a whrlet'elire.and hcr^*' ,;^ (,',^^^, was h found i-f them. And the Lord ganc them l,ohi,«a;edbochb, reft round about. i "he tci enan a« ,6 f And King Afa dtpofed *Maachah«, ■iro-l-i^ ^fc'^d :I^ I ther from her rcgerce , becanfe il^.e had niade|h„ ρ^,ρΐι,, to an ic'ole in a groue : ard Afa brake dcwtie herifocinnpiiie.Md | idole, and ftampcd it, ai^ burnt it at the brook« ^*';|'',fj"*,o L? | KidroD, φίtOtl^r, •17 But Hanani imrmlonec!. Aia dietb. Π. Chfon came ihrone 17 Butthc high places were not k taken away £l,j out of 1 ItracI; yet the heart of Afa was m perhte all his dayes. I 8 Alfo he brought into the houfe of Ood the things that his farher had dedicate, and thathee had dedicate, (iluer ,and gold .andveifels. 19 And thercwasao warrc vntothefiuaand thirtieth yeereof the rcigiie of Afa. \ l'«c«i\fe tliit Ceikras called the C»tl of Ifrsel , by leifon of his promifc to laJ- Itob ; tUcttiote li'rael is lomtiime taken for JiiUah , btCiult liidih was histhicfe W Which pattW «i zcalcin him yartly ihtQiigh the negligence of his «flicets.and partly by tlic fupetnittoii of the people, that til wete not t*lien ftpplc. m InrefneAofhisgicJeceU'oi CHAP a Whoieigntdafte Madak the foiine 0 Jttohoam. with wallet ani «[itches: it was a cltic in Beniamin jtceie to Cibeon TJ OtfUamtfck X7I. , ,,,-ιι^!!• .1 «afUJUi witi HefutMhhiitruJUntkc lit thought t rfp.dfe imidticvfa. thy league with llaaiha king of Ifrael .that hce ; noiir in abundance ;VealV!IhatTl,™3yJfPy'/'-«™"t, , , ^- .r i .^ Andhiclif,vphisheartvntothew.iyesof reeking help» ol in- 4 And Benhadad haarkenid vnto king Afa, j theLord .andhetoskeawaymoreoiicr chehi^h *delt as t>ieythaianJ lent thL• captaiiiis of the armies which hee | places and the o-roues out ofludah. , thaqiinJ fcnt th fttlte the Tiiih! jliniiy .thinking «r i.Mit.f.s, M<4ia.ta. iEkr.prifom l:,.p.: ThHS in Head of taming to tied by Kpentancchc dil- dained the adi dieteby to make iiiemfclucsm»r( flrtag. §er,Vt^fl. mi phnidied him, ai the tricked doe vrhtn they be told ef their'faulis. II Oy.g.mi,, or fnullf». r , la thrlQfvf c Cod plagued his jlOihiHg to begin ■v»ell, except we fo centiniw to the erde.thatis.iealoii of Gods f lory , an( Jnt oni whole iiiift η him 1 0 (Worn h/f full rib it fife riyfi'i-ir.,. ij Hitiltiii. "T Ν the fixe and tliirtiith yeereof the reigneof Afa , came λ * 8aa(h.i king of Ifrael vp againft ludah.and bailt b Ramah.to let none paffe out or goe in to Afa king ofludah. ζ Th-^n Afa broug-htautfiluer and gold out of the trcjfures of th^\lififlHJ,Utfi; 7 tni cuufiih lit froplt f it null• II lltfrirfUilbiri^„t,ofjl,Mtt«t le- marr/ed Aliab« Jjtigliitt. b Thai it, the ihiid yteve. 1. King 1» ι- οί ihe Sytiins. d Heiv< tlie adtiifi of fome Ptr)ih to inovr whitlie il be Gods will, c which wtie «he piophcts of Baal . llgiiifMiii ihit chc wiclicd «neemt none lint i'atitxts, andlucli as wiUbtaic »iil their inoidluaie «flieAior.s. f Yet tlie f.ut mi&iflets of GoJ oiijhtnotio ccaff io ihtii diicn' CHAP. XVIII. wiiJ, JlM. 19 r»*»» iunirtth rrtfk/it KUifll /.M tc gif Is w-V'i i^.ii,>ftlk.m. 15 2i.iftii./;uil.(/. /rm. a; T4,• (y>i fuii.iHiminfiifK. ap Tht rifrUofhu foiittlt. AKd * IehofliapIi.it h.id riclics and honoiii• in .abundance , but he was io)'ncd in» afHnitie with Ah.ib. 2 And afa-r ccrtainc * yeeres hee went downe to Ahab toSamaiia :anil Aiiabncwcfliccpcind oxen for him in great number, and for the people that Jie had with him , and entiled him to goe fj) vnto' R.amoth Gilead. 3 And Ahab kini> of li'rael faid vnto leho- (licipliat king cf IiuLili , Wilt thuu go with nic to R.amoth Gilead ? Andlie antwciedhim , I nmas ihoii art, am! my people as thy pcople.and wcvv'iU ioyne with thee in warre. 4 And Icholbaphat faid vnjothcking of If- racl , Aske coimrell , I pray thee, at the•' word of the Lord this day. y Therefore the King of Ifrael gathered of « Prophets foiire hiindreth men , and faid vnto them. Shall we go^t" Ramoth Gilcad to battell, or Ihall I ccafc ? And they (aid , Goe vp : for God ihall deliuer it into the kings hand. 6 Rut lehofbaphat faiil , Is there here neiier a Prophet more of the Lord, that we might emjuire of him ? 7 And the king of Ifrael faid vnto Ichoihj- phat,There is yet one man by whom we may aske counfell of the JLord : but I ^ hate him : for hee doctfi not prophceie good vnto mce , but alway ciiill ; it is Michaiah the fonne cf Imla. Then le- Ztt\ ^'n„M 'lo'Haphat faid.Let not the king fay g fo. » A-nd the king of Ilr.icl called an eiinuch,and fiiJ.CaJl (juick.'y ϊ/icliaiah the fonne of Imla. 9 f And the king of Ifrael and lehoikiphat King of ludah late cither of thenTon his throne cloathetl in tlicir h apparell : they fate cuen in the threfliing flocrc at the entring in of the gateof Samaria ; ami all the Prophets prophecied before them. 10 And Zidkiah the forane of Chenaanah made hirrj^i homes of yron , and fayd , Thus faith the Lord, With tlicle (hait thou pi;lh the Ar-anoitei Viwillthou hail confumcd them. I And all the Proplicrs prophecied fo,f.iying, Goe vp in Ramoth Gilcad , .ind profpcr : for the Lord fhall dfliiwr it vnto the hand of the king. I ζ f And the mcllenger thai went to ciil Mi- chaiah, fpake to him, fayieg, Beliold.the words of the Pjophets declare gooti to the king with one * accord : let thy word therefore , I pr.iy thec,be like one of tlieirs.and fponkc thou good. 15 And Mithaiah faiil , As the Lord liiieih, whatfocuer my God faith, that will I fpcakc. 14 ί So hee came to the king , and the Kin» faid vnto him , Michaiah , (li.ill we goe to Ramoth Gilead to b.ittell , or ihall I le.iiii οΛ? And he (aid, * Goe ye vp, and profpcr, and they flioil be deliue- fyealetLetiimh. f Meaning. that e ought not to itfiife loheate any that was of Ood . h Ihat if, in iheit Biaefi.tandtopll «ppaicil. i Reade I.King. Ji Ihinlt'ng that •nkereasfoiire htindieih prophets had agreed In ore ihfig.thaihe being till one man and inleaHefiimation, *irnnot»aiirayif, 1 Hee fpalie this by deiirionofiherallk piophttt. It the King well I»i(cittC(L red into your hantl. I y And the King faid vnto him, How oft duN I charge thee , that thou tc:l mcnothin'>but the truethin the Name cf the Lord > 16 Then he faid.l Γa^v .ill Ifr.iel fcittcrcd in the rnoumaines.as llieepc that liaue no (Icpiicard: .and the Lord laid . m 1 hefe hane no mailer ; let them returns man to his hoiifc ui peac 17 And t he Kit^g <;f Ihacl faid to Icliofh.iphat. Did r not tell thee , that liee would not propjiccic good vnto mc.butcuill? I S Againe hcc faid . Therefore hcare yec the word of the Lord: Ifawe the Lord lit vpon his throne.. and all thenJiofte of he.tuen llandin» his right h.md.ind at his left. " 1 9 And the Lord laid . Who flull [) jvrfw.ide Ahab King of Ifrael , that he tray goe vp.and fall at Ramoth (iile-id ? And one fpake and laid thus, and another laid that, 20 Then there c.imc foorthafpiritanddooJ before the Lcrd.and faiJ,I will periwade him. And tlic Lord faid vnto him.Wherein ? 2 1 And he faid , I will g<5e out , and be a falfe fpirit in theniouthof-illhis Prtiphets. And "hcc laid , Thou (halt pcrfwade, and llialt alio prcuaile goe forth and doe Io. 2 2 Nov; therefore beliold , the Lord hath put a Ρ faile fpirit in the mouth of thefe thy Pro- phets , and the Lord hath determined euillagainft thee. m H»e piof htt'tik kiwlcft'^ple a.rnldhedi.petftO, AA»bll4in«. 1 II Meinlag.iai 'Ansel.. |Οτ,<Ι/Μ<•ν. 0 Thiiit.chcl•''. ρ Τβ ihem ihit will not beleeie ihe niicih.ced lendeth Miencdc- Inrmn.tklllhev ildbclrcncliU^ 23 Then Zedkiah tlic fonne of Chenaan.ih came ncere & fmote Michaiah vj-on the q chceke. 1,"'τ'ί!,^,*',' and fayd , Uy what w.iy went the Spirit of the Lord from inc,to fpeake with thee ? 24 And Michai.ih faitl,13eho!d , thou Halt fee that d.iy when thou Ihalt goe from chambtr to chamber to hiile thee. 2 ,- Ami the King of Ifrae! faid . Take yee Mi- chaiah , and cary him to Amon the goucruour of thj titie, .and to io.iih the Kings fonne, ■2.6 And (iiy. Thus i'aitli the king, Put this man in thcprilbn hoiife , and fccile him with bieadof I afliidion .and with water of .ifflidicn, Vntill I re- turne in peace. 27 And Michai.ih fiyd , If thou re turne ii peace, the Lord hath not ipuken by me. And H.he faid, He-ire all ye people. 28 So the King of Ifrael and Ichofl'.aphat the King of ludah went vp to Ramoth Gilead. 29 And the King of H'r.icl faid vnto lehoilia- phat.I wilKchange my felfe.andentcr into the battell; but nut thou on thine .ippaicli. So the king c-f IfraL•! cnangcd liinifelfe , and they went into the battc I, 50 And the kin» of Aram h.id comtriiimded q By thiiCTiidiy, t h^ptxiiiet iat.lihcSp'rfC hich ilicyhaiic ic.inddecliie tirmsliceagaiilA ihciii inwhomtkt : ^pivil II. fer«>"™ !g)..lyinm{- . and lei him Ircle hnngccaad hull. r Thni the niei ii.kebviK«/i iv>ie l.ibiiliieii hrcitncihbyht• the cajitaincs of thccharcts that verc with him, faying , I'ight you nor with fma'.l nor great .but .igainrt the king of Ifrael onely. 3 1 And when the captain.s of the charcis faw Ichofhaphat.ilu'v faid, It is the king of Ifrael : and they compailed about him to tight. Put fcholha- ph it ' cried , .ind-the Lo;.! helped him and moo- ned them todcp.ut fiomhim. 32 For when thecapiaincs of thccharets faw (hat hee w.^s not the King of Ifrael , they turned backe from him. ^3 Thcntf«rfciroilM labyjeknow- cd§iiig hi« fitilr Ja ;airg withihit .»ί<1ι«ί1<ιι•|ΐΟ , ragjinftOi» • ο.ι>ι.•α, ly hii PtrpKei, iidairnbydctndg ■ tu the bosfte: for I am huti. 34 And /;-.,/i- u>%tn. tadges anj miniftersappointed. « Hee dilTtmblea his hull that his iouldiets might light mote coutj- I Ot.tnttifi. end lathcr Qie HOC in deed thit iheyave enemies I »o «11 fuch as hate [ (he Lord) \ i Shr.mr.ul• from I thr Lord. j b Hee viiited all ! his cotmtrey/ Il.iChton. lehofliapbats prayer• 54 And the battel! incieafed that dey.: and tite kiiig of IfraeP'ftoode ftill in his charetagainft the Araniites vntill euen, and died «the time of the fiinne going downe. CHAP. X I X. f Aftrr Uhofit^hM mji triui^i by the PnjMt.hf uUid ΛξΦι tit fnfl, tothf'MnoadKgofihfLord. S He Jpfointfti, Μζίί end mirtifint, 9 iixi exhoririh thfm to f.-xr/ God. A Nd lehoilnphat the king of ludah returned t fafe to his houfe in lerufalem. 2 Andlehuthe fonne of Hanani the Seer went out to meete them , and faid to king lehoiliaphat, ' Wotildeft thou heipe the wicked , and loue them inigemenVoiGOii^^t hate the Lord? therefore for this thing the ■ is oner aiifiich that wrath t of the Lord is vpon thee. 1 fopport_ehc vviciedJ j Neiierthelellc good things are found in thee, becaufe thou haft take away the groiies out of thf land , and haft prepared thine heart to fecke God. 4 .3+, 19. mSti. i«.3+. F»m.2.ii. *fhf6.9. «1.3,25. I.Pet. 1. 17. e The Piiefts and Xeiiites , which flioald iudge mat- ters accotding to the woid of the Xqrd. f Thati's, to try Vrhether the miir- ihet was done at bie..ght his people .,\ ""^ ""^ '."^ '""p"^ " ^''V '^"" ^'"" Jiom idolatry to 3" the Itrongcities oiIudah,citieby citic. the knowledge of 6 And faid to the iudges .Take heed what yee the true God. ^qq . fm- y^g exccute not the iudgements of man, yoa°fyo°/■« fluU iudge them and ad- moiiiih them that they trefpafle not againft the Lord , that £ wrath come not vpon you and vpon your brethren. This lliallye doe and trefpafle not. • 1 1 And beliold , Amariah the Prieft fhnlibe jthe chiefe ouer you in all matters of the Lord, and vnawates, oteife j Zebadiah the lorrnz of Khmael . a ruler of the !i™?b. B^i'T" ^^""^^ of ludah JhalUe for all the ^ Kings affaires, ieiit.+.+i. i and the Leuites //;«/^^ff officers i before you. Be 5 Meaning,thjt j of courage , and doe it,.ind the Lord (liall be with i GodwotddpnniO, tfjek J j them mofi ftiarply, ο | if they wotild not «wcitte iiitiice aright. •» Slialie chiefe otierrect of the piiMilie 1 afFaiit'scfthe Realtae. ί They iHaJlh?iie ihehaHdIiiig of inferioiu cafes, k God \ ^iUame them th;k doe iiiBice. j CHAP. XX. j J Ifhfijjt.HjaJllitfeoflffrjy vnto the Lord, ij Ύίτ manniloMt . viBciy ihjt, the Lord gjut him tg'if'ft kisenemiet, }» Hu I j IngJitjTtdAdfS. ' j « j Δ Fter this alfo came the children of Moab and j the children of Ammon', and with them of the | a Ammonites againft lehoiliaphat to battell. • j 2 Then there came that tolde lehoiliaphat, | j flying , There commeth > great multitude againft ' ;thee from beyond the I» Sea, out of Aram : and i ! beholde , they be in HaEzon Tamar , which is En- ! 'gedi. i • TJrttis.which •eanteifeytedthe Ammonites in lahgnageand^- ptel.TheHebre- ■wes thinkc that ney were the Amalekiie ί *to feeke the Lord.and proclaimed a faft through- ' This dedareth Ϊ cut all ludah. ' .l^diw^ww * 4 And ludah gathered therrjfeUies together toils as a pr/clteTe , aske counfell of the Lord : they came euen out of nitre ihemto I all the cities cf ludah to incjuire of the Lord. ' P"y«f.2nd to de- 5: And lehofliaphat ftood in the Congregation: 5^he„a°it \ of ludah and lerufalem in the houfe of the Lord mooueih the wic- :' before the new court, • •''<' ««her lofceU 6 And fayd , Ο Lord God of our fathers , art „e'ane*a»d ^ not thou God in heauen'and reigneft not thoa on'poiicies.erels ts all the kingdomes of the heathen , and in thine: fall j'nto deffjiie, hand is power and might, and none is able to witliiland thee. 7 Diddeft not thou our God caft- out the in- habitants of this land before thy people Ifraei, and'igaueft it to the feed ofAbraham thy friend <1. Hee gtounieth foreuer? codl'^''^*'* 8 And they dwelt therein, and haiie built theC: whereby*"ls abl» a Sanihiary therein for thy Name, faying, : to heipe.and alfo 9 If euill come vpon vs , as the « fword of ,"" •>« mercy, iudgement, or peftilence, or famine, we will ftand !!, .'i'' •" ^^ , 1 r° I ■ I ',- o. . 1 r (f 1 contiBue toward ■■ berora this houfe & in thy prelencettor thy name hi$,fer2fmuch as ft» ^is in this houfe) 'and will cry vnto thee in our hath once chofen tribHlation,and thou wilt heare and helpe. ^'^ »"'* '«=i"n » I I ο And now , behold . the children of * Am- ',ow«d them"' mon and Moab , and mount Seir , by whomthou * i,/fi/>^.8.j^. wouldeft not let Ifrael goe , when they came out ''■'/•■i .a8, of the land of Egypt : but they turned afide from t^Wchco^I^h " them.and deftroyed them not ; -by codsiuft'iildj- i II Behold, I fay, they reward vs.incommingmentsfotoiic to caft vs out »f chine inheritance, which thou H'"'l|'-. , , : haft cauibd vs to inherite : LSd ™,„, j 1 2 Ο our GodjWilt thou not iudge them ? for Ud thou declare V there is no ftrength in vs to ^md before this pypwftnce and greaE multitude that commeth againft vs , neither w^^^ut i doe we know what to doe : but our &yt% s are to- j^^J* | j' f/ I ward thee. g we one*ly piit oar I i^ And all ludah ftood ^ before the Lor^«"'!'Y'«'.a'"l < with their yong ones , their vViues, and their chil- ^eWan«froni ! dren. heauen. ' 14 And lahaziel the fonne of Zechariah, the f> That is, befoie j fonneof Benaiah, the fonne ofleiel, the fonne of g^^^^^'J^*' ' Mattaniah , a Leuite of the fonnes of Aiaph , was fwhich wis mwel there , vpon whom came i the Spirit of the Lord, Jiy the spirit ofco* : in the middes of the Congregation. '« piophecie, I 1 y And he fayd.Hearkcn yee all Iudah,and ye inhabitants of lerufalem , and thou , King leho- ; fliaphat : thus faith the Lord vnto you, Feare you ■■ \ not, neither be afraid for this great multitude; for ί ' thekbattellanotyourSjbutGods. ikrhey fght afainii 16 To morow goe ye dx>wne againft them; jGod and not behold , they come vp by the cleft of Zlz, and yee β8>'»« y°!;. 'h"*- fliall finde rhem at the ende of the brooke before i|°;',^,^,^"",*«'" thewilderneflc of leruel. it; Yee fhall not neede to fight in this battell: * ftand ftill , mooue not , and behoU the \\ faliia- tion of the Lord towards you : Ο ludah, and rufalem , feare yee not , neither be afraid : to mo- row goe out againft them , and the Lord will be \ | with you. ! 18 Τ Then lehofhaphat 1 bowed downe with] J D5j„,-„gtfs his face to the earth , and all ludah and the inha- faith and j bitants of lerufalem fell dowue before the Lord,; obedience to the ; »ord of the Lord, tell: I iua- 1 IIe-Γ ^"'• '+•»3•'*. Β Or, dtliueuncr. tare by thW tfe, I may appeare tenth vetfe, tS^vittt the iJtimtans of m< •icyed th« Hitt cincs for fiane. And lehoiliaphat feared , and fet himfelfe S«i(. b Called. U4«." Prophet», andyeihaliproiper. ,,.•.. » I Aoi when he had confoltcd with the peo- ple , and appointed fingers vnto the Lord , and fhem thatihould praife him that ,s in the beauti- fall Sanftuary . in going fooith before the men ■fti,w«. efarmes. and faying, η Praifeyee the Lord/or „ «,,„,v-„^„,„ V- °l,.rf ^'' T*7nfwii[°;herbe-an to iLonte . and to ' I Ehoa.aphat then Oept^ith bis fathers and wa 2 X And ^''"^"'(^y ""f^jj _ ' , ,^2inft ihs ' I'Ufied with his fathers in the city ofDaiid praife .the Lord la»de.mbufl,m.nts«g^^^^^^^ and lehoram his foiinc reigned in his ftead. children of Amtnon . Moab .^and « π^οπη^^»^^';. j ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ brcthrcnihe fonnes of lehoftia. phat.Azariah.andlehiel.andZichariah.andAta-' »f>lM of thinMj f,ng when thty children ot Amtnon , Moao , ana - muuui ^>^., f::ti*^:.B"t„i Such were cotne againft lad^h , and they flew to Tarihi.li. CHAP. XXI. killfll) Hi irilirr*. t HermJt htiaflllc idaU,, . . .., ftj^itik ih ftc,tt. >« tM ii<>f[„£iitflktpUliJUmt. waJ wldiidolitccsajrf Wis maae by Di Bia.nji.'ii- ο Mcjaing, «ne ; Jditmtanswfeic* ; iv7«li i» nwunt wu»v.. ν.^Λ>. Β . . - piiat.Azariah.andleluel.andAicnarian.ananti- OBcanother. , ., , „ , .__,„_„^ ^,,^ι,-οί-ς I riah. and Michael,andShephatiah. All ihefe were ^8^'"^Λ•!^^.^^'i";"hlT"^^^^^^^^ I 3 And.h.irfatheV8--hemgreatgifteso to deftroy »/jiw: aod when they had maue an end of the inhabitants of Seir . cnery one helped to ? dertroy one another. , ttas the toia 14 Ani when ludah came toward Mizpah m itcotding to leho- ^^^ ^iderQcfle.they looked vnto the raultitude: *^'»'Yl "^".Twe and behold . the carkciies were fallen to th (laied his po«« *^iln h^7X««^ earth .and none efcapcd. his, byctiiruig iheit tBtinits luttoneweih 1 .ana none civ-ipi-u. a? Andwhenlcbolliaphatand his people carae to take awav the fpoile of them.thty found , -— -- — Imong them in abundance both of fubitanceand i when he began tore. aSoofbodies/.^.« withpreciousiewels, which | yeeres κ. lerufaUm they tooke for themfelues.till tfiey ccul.i cary no 1 6 And he vv aiRi 3 And their father gaue them great giftes of filuer and of golde . and of precious thirgs.with ftrong cities in ludah.but the kingdome gaue he to lehoram-.for he %Vas theeldcft. 4 * And lehoram rofc vp vpon the kingdome cf his father.4nd made himfelfeftrong.and'' flew all his brethren with the fword, and alfo of the princes oft Ifrael. y Ichoram was two and thirty yeere olde •-' ' =~ne, andhee reigned eight aR€|" rHeedtclat.th ktieby.ihat the woiisof God btins «"«' «t»" fo»tetdtlii«tan" fpoils: •. for it was mwch. „ n- ui j ^ 26 Ani in the fourth day they 1 aflembled themielucs in the valley of B.rach.h :for there thev bleflcd the Lord : the refore they called the name of chat place-, The valley of Beracbab vnto '^Tl^^Th^n euery n^anof ludahandlerufalein returned with leboQiaphat thtir head to gofe againe to Urufalem with ioy: fur the Lord had raade them toreioyc- oner their enemies. _ 23 And they came to lerufalem with violes, asd with harps , and with trumpets, cue» vnto the houfeoftheLord. ι ο And the ' feare of God was vpon all the kineiomes of the eanh, when they had heard that the Lord had fought againft the enemies of ^iot'o the kingdome of lehoibaphat was quiet iiraei.astne nouicoinunujiau-^wv- . i^• .i^..-- the daughter of Ahab to i wife . and he wrought euiU in the eyes of the Lord. 7 Howbcit the Lord would not deltroy the houfe of Dauid. becaufc of the * couiinant that he had made with Dauid, and hecaufe he hadprotui- r J : i:_1-.. ^^Kim ami rr> hi* fonneS for b Sec:niethe icked line eiier f«a:er.d»lf»a« ambitioBS , ihty become ciuell, aji4 liueuottomta- ilitr ihem , wloiB by natu:• ihey luihi men ioc!ie- liO, and defend. : Meaning , of In- dah ar.d Bcniamin. d So that »i fee homiicanixtfbc that we flioiila had made with Dauid, and becaule he naaproiri-|j,j„, „;,h ,h. fed to giue a light to him, andco his fonne^forjwuled, and feme 8 ' C In his dayesE-iom rebelledfrom vnderl*^.,^'^;^•.;,*'/,*;^ the handofIud•. and all his charcts with him : andhcerole vpby night, and fraotc Edom , which had coropaffed himin.andthecaptainesofthccharets. 10 But Edom rebelled from νπ Jer the hand of ludah vnto this day. Then did' Libnah rebedH ^ f^,,^, ^^^^ ,. at the fame timcfrom vnder his hand.becaule Ba n. had forfaken the Lord God of his fathers. _ 1 1 1 «- Morcouer he made high places m thci^ ,cetddi.«taneej 30 So the kingdome οιιεηυιιι»^'"""- -i^-'M ''.ajnes^of luJah. and caufed the inhabitant^ , and *f«^fiae8c thirty yeere old. when he began P^^f ^"^^ , ^^^ a writing to him from lethpromiiewKh *""_. ^„ „j„,„/.^fin^.ndtwentieycerein 1 I^. A^^.^ I'^fl,^ r,,i„^ ThnstaiththiLordlcioi. «doeth .h. ΪΞ^^\^:ί^^Ι^^^^'^^^^^ \ gHluah^S:S5i^"iayi;^Thnst^lnh^i:ord *"'"";:-.i«int erufa1cm.and bis mothers name was A.ubah the ^ Ej^^^/J J^^ J f^.her ,*Becaufe thouhaft not r?v« «*'"""'' . k,„ofShlhi, ... - i ^°V. j:„.u» „,L..cnfIrholhat>hatthTfatIier, foUowed God Ifthegieatcaie I daughter of Shilhi, . , 3 ζ And he vralked in the way off Afa his fa- wa!k-d in the wayes of leholhaphatthyfatlier, g some.hinke «or in the wayes. of Afaking ot ludah .w.'^;-^'^^^ ΙΪ But haft walked in the way ottheking», ^__,^^^^^^j„ of Ilrael.and hift made ludah aii^ the inhabi-isj:„„„,b„„. au{i,peifti-i 25 Howbeit tne me pact:.r...- ":;:7;i;,,> rantsoflerufaleratofeoeawhoring.aithehouleidance asha* niidolary I J^^ .j^, .fa^ people bad not yet prepared thcit ^^^^^^^^ went a whoring, and haft alio flame thyji^^h. St^ heaitsvntotheGodofdKirfath^rs.^^^^^^^^ ; J^e.hr.nofthy fathers Houfe.whidi were bette.]^ ^^^^^^^__ ''^Ti^koid. wid. a great pla,ue will tlie Lordie,amj^ J^^^^^^ fm te thy people.and tfy childrcn,and thy wiues^jP-ffjf ^^,"/,,.*: -_J,ll,K,,fnSftance. . . Sc.d. a.d become . '"t;'t--S'^^'p^5^^— ;s iTche g«at care A And he vialked *n tbe way or ^ '"»"";- &diiigenc».itiua ' & departed not therefrom. doing that wHicii ^ood kiHi was 110^ vvas'rieht in the fight of the Lord. Iblevtteiiy tea- , was rigni i» m Β , .^ „,,^„«/prflt not taken bolifli all fcipeifti- iionandidolat- £:^;S'pihe«tsvntot.e^^ JJb foyne himfelfe with Ahaziah king of I- ^1^?nrhSP«hbMm:to * make.fb/ips to |oe tofarSill•: -dthey o:ade the fl.ps in E- *77Yh:nElie^crthcf..nncofDed.«ahofMa: 61ih and idolatry, how much lefle atttheyableio iefoi«e eaill, which either haiie lixtleaeale, otnot jiicfrasheehad: thenghheieinhe was not to be «Ktiifcd ; Kiri,«<.>• ^t'i^l^'Stbeingreatdireafesinthe difeafeofthybowels.vntiUhthy bowels fallout for the difeafe , day by day. \< € So the Lord ftirredvp againft lehoram the fpirit of the Ph.bftims.and the Arabians that ^rcbclide the i Ethiopians. ^^ ^^^ idolaieit and mat thereisoftheii breihien. i There were other Arabians in Atiici Sotiihwitd tOVT»«» r lehu flay eth Ahaziah^ ϊϊ.αφ. loaCh anoyntedKi ΧΧΙΓ. Itrti lo df-ltb Μ Iht King! U-- 1 7 And dteycame vp into ludah , and brake jin to it, & caricd awayalUhe iubftance that was 1 Calltd »1Γο Ahi- found iti the kings houfe.and his fonnes alfo.and his wiues , Co that there wasnota fonne left hira. iaue k lehoahaz the yongeft of his fonnes. 1 8 And afte-r all this . the Lord fmote hina iiv his bowles with an incurable difeafe, 1 9 And in proceffe of cime.euen after the end of two yeeres , his guis fell out with his difeafe; fo he died o£foredifeafes;&his people made no burning for hiET. like the burning of his f.uh.rs, ro When he began to rcigne.he W3S two and thinieyeere old.and --eigned in lerufalera eight eere.l and liued without being defired: yet they uriedhitn in the citie cf Dauid .'but not among the fepukhres of the King?. CHAP. XJge. I I Ιοφ tftJ}ri. A Nd *the inhabitants of lerufalera ruaJeAha- ziah his youngeft fonne King inhisftead: f©r the armic that came with a the Arabians to the campe , had flaine all the eldeft; therefote A- haziah the fonne of lehoram king of lud ah reig- ned. » Two and bfourtieyeereoldz/i/4/ Ahaziah whenhee began to reigne.and hee reigned• one yeere in lerufalem. And hie mothers name i>Zf/!/ Athaliah the daughter d of Orcr;. 3 Hee walked aife in the w ayes of the houfe of Ahab ; for his mother counfelled him to doe wickedly. 4 Wherefore hee did euill in the fight of the Lord,lik« the houfe of Ahab : for they were his e counrellers after the death of his father , to his deftrudiow. y And hee walked after their counfell , and went v/nh Ifhoram the fonne of Ahab king of Prael to fight againft Hazael king of Aram at Ramoth Gilfad: and the Aramitesfmote lorara, 6 f And hee returned to be healed in lireei», becaufe of the woundts whtrewith they had wounded hiiD at Raroah . when hee fought with Htzael king of Aram. Now Azariah the fonne of lehoraiD king of ludah went dcwne to fee le- horam the fonne of Ahab at Izreel, becaufe he wasdifeafed. 7 And the deftru(aion of Ahaziah *cafflecf God.in that he went to Ior"hm : for when he was come, hee went foorth with lehoram «gainft lelni the fonne of Nircihi,* whom the Lord had alfme/iies cofeiiKe. anoynted to deftroy the houfe of Ahab. §. Iherefore when lehu a executed iufigement vpon the houfe of Ahab, and fourd the princes of «Λ, >s chop, «A AMtiah, vitf.i. following. 1 That is, asfojne te , he waJ not ligirded , but dt- joledfoihis wic- - ■ &id«latry, fo that h'S fonne ltigi»«d 2 2.yeeres (hij fatk-er )et li- ning) without ho- noiit and after his fatheis death he -Masconlirmed to Mj'gr.e ft ill, as «hij.ai,!., ft Mtaaing, the k Kead^chapt 3*.20. β That is, after the ^tath- ef his fatker. d.She was Ahabs daughter, who was diSLlanne.of Own *Hee fliewctJi that it miillneedesfol- lipwchit the rultis fiich as theit cpHnfellers be , and «hat there canret fct-a good King, that ittriereih «ic- 3(ti.cciinfell«iS, iHMetywefee nothing can .-co any bat by God> prouideni a^illus he hatli appointed , and thiifffoie he caii'eth * a Kir ι 9,7^ J^Or , tuoii vfa- g^This was the jnnrirgiieof Cod, bera.ilc hcioyned hi.r.a: c withGods udah and the fonnes of th? brethren of Ahaziah that waitedon Ahaiiah.he (lew them alio. 9 And hee fought Ahaziah , and they caught And hcefcugh hira where he was hid in Samaria , andbrougiu himtolehn-, andilewe hira and buried him, be- cod to declare the ^^^ς^ (^^^ they.H'ie is thi fonne ofgl hoihaphat, *°ihathTs fo'nd!' whirh fought The Lord with all !)is heart. So the houfs of Ahaziah was not able to retaine t!ie kingdon^e fdjhet, metied taen le git'e hi™ the lit>»oiit ofbtitialli *I.iiia? ii.i. 3t Xo thetsiie^t il)!tthivt li oiild bi ■-ine fom'ke tiil. lo f "^ Therefore when Athaliah the mother Ij people running and praifing the King, /lie came of ^ha^iAhfaw that her fonne was^dead.fliee arofe \ to the people into the houfe of the Lord, iflatne , a«d pnt him and his nourfe in the bedde chamber : fo leliolhabeath the daughter of king lehoram the wife of lehoiada the PriSft (for Ihee was the filter of Ahaziah) hid him from Athali- ah : fo the flew him not. 1 α And hee was with them hid in the > houfe of God lixe jeeres,whiUs Athaliah reigned ouer tbeiland. CHAP, XXIIl. ι lonflitkf f,nnt «f Ahj^iAiimMeiirg. ij AtluHjk it [ut Ic d/Mh. 17 Tbr tfwtlxfBjAliUffifjei. li liktiuM afi'f.ciith wir.ift,ri in the Tinijii. ANd * » in the Icucnth yeere lehoiada waxed bold , and toolvt the captaines of hundrethi. to wit, Azariah the fonne of lehoram , and Ifl:- miel the fonne of iehchanan , and Azariah the fonne of Obed, and Maafiah the fonne of Adajah, and Elilhiphat tlie fonne of Zicbri in couenant withhiro. 2 And they went about in ludah , atvd gathe- reJthi Leuittsout ofall the cities of ludah.and th(-'' chiefe fathers of Ifrael'.and they came to le- rufakm. 3 And a!l the congregation made a couenant with the King in the houle of God : and he faid vntuthem, Behuld,the Kings fonne muil re igne, * a? the Lord hath faid ot the fonnes of Dauid. 4 This is it that ye (hall do. Thethir-d part of k'/.»" ?■ you that come on the Sabbath of the Prietts, and the Leuites,/5jrt/^i• porters of the docres. y And another third part toward the Kings houfe , and another third part at the * gate of the t foundation , and all the people [halbe m the courts of the houfe of the Lord. 6 But let none come into the houfe of the Lord, faue the Prieits.and the Leuites that mini- Iter , thty ihall goe in .for they are holy : but all the people iliall keepe the wateh of the Lord. 7 And the Leuites (hall coropaiTe the King . round about , and «lery marv withhis weapon in j„ak"''„'y^*,,°r, hishandjand he that entrethdinto the houfe.ihall j,, to hinder thtii be flaine, and be you with the King, when hee nserfrift, commeth in,and when he goeth out. 8 f So the Leuites and all Iiadah did accor- ding to all things that lehoiada thePrieithai commanded, and tooke euery man his men that came on the Sabbath . with them that e went out on the Sabbath : forleheiadathePrieftdidnot diicharge the courfes. 9 And lehoiada the Pried deliiiered to the captaines of huhdreths fpeares , andihields .and bucklers which had beeae king-Dauids,and were inthe houfe of God. 10 Ard he caufed all the people to itand(euery man with his weapon in his hand) from the right fide of the houfe , to the left fide of the houfe by the altar and t y th ei houfe round about the king, ί Meaning , the 1 1 Than they brought o^^t the kings fonne, |^ofi^'''^'J_yP^»'j^*^ and put vpon him the crowne , znagaue him the S^^j ί teftimonie, and made him King. And lehoiada .That is, the and his fonnes anoyured hira, and faid, God fau* lockeoftke Ltw, .ko Ir.'n» ir asfome leade, the km». τ c u i>ey r• vpon hOn II f But wsen Athahah heard the nolle ot the usroyall sjpaieil.. Meaning, in the chamber, wlieie the Ftiefts and Le.» ilept, vhich iept their courfes weekely in the Temple. k XoYviijOf ludab» ■K'ltg. 1 1,4, a of the leigneof Athaliah , or a£t« the death of Ahaiiah. MeiniMf.ef Itidahand £enit• lain :retde. why they aieeallc4 Iftaelchap. 15,17• ■" Xi'..7,ia,U. c Which was the> ' chiefe gatt cf the- Temple towii4 th« Eaft. •Which Bad fini- ied their coiHfe )n the $abba*,anii "0 the other pare nrredtokeefe hcirtini-.e. and η deftroyedallrhekiOi-sfeede of the houfe of ludah• •1 Bat lehoihabeath the daughter of the king t(. oke loiih the fonne of Ahaxiab , and ftalahira feopi; amoD^ t^e. Hings- foionet , that fi^oaldbe. 13 And when fheei/ looked, behold, the king \ if.f^thtiit^ ilood by his pillar at the entring in.and the prin- ϊ•»λ*»2. cesand the trumpets by the king,& all the peo» pie of the land reioyced , and blew the trumpetSj Si the fingsrs vvsre wish inftiruments of muficke, ' ' • '"^ acd: Atbaliahii^ine• Chap. X^qillL ti Dethring hit Irilt impii'cncic» Vrhtch hanrngvii iuBly and by mm thetvfurpeathe ctownt.wouH nil: hanedcfcaicd the tnie polTefToin.and thetefort^caUed true obtditHce rieifon. i Teieynewitk lierpattie, audio jnaiiitainehit au- fhoritie. i TIui ihey would nelyfenitnim and tenonnct »U idolattie 1 AccoidingtO theitieucnant made to the toid in As the Lord commanded in hi: Laiy.both for the perfon and alio the Eicie> Deut. i. ixa IS. ρ Qr,thiv£t. ■*K»» j^ople, ^i.KiKl-it.t, ftWlie wi5 » fa inllceiirfeller.ani * Heemitnetli net the ten tribes, and £eniamin. X Forhee was the Jiigh Ptieft. d The Scripture .«loethtttmelier ihus ,-bccsufe flie was a aiiell mut- '{heTer,inda bla- :^emoiis idolaiiefTe. and- they that could ling praife : then Athaliah rent her cloathes, and faid , '' Treafon, treafon. 14 Then lehoiada the Prieft brought oiit the Ciptaiiies of himdrechs rhat were gouernonrs of the hoft, and laid vnto them.Haue her forth of the ranges, and he that i followeth her, let him die by the I'word : for the Prieft had faid , Slay her not in the houfe of the Lord ly So they laied hands on her: and when ihee was come to the entring of the horfegate by the kings houfe, they flew her there, 16 ^ And lehoiada made a k coiienant be- tweene him and all the people , and the king , that they would be the Lords people. I γ And ail the people went to the hoiifc of Baal , and 1 deflroyed , and brake his altars , and his images .and lleW^Mattan the prieft of Baal before the altars. 18 And lehoiada appointed officers for the houfe of the Lord,vnder the || hands of the Priefts and Leuites , whom Dauid had diilributed for the houfe of the Lord , to offer burnt of?erings vnto the Lord , * as it is written in the Law of Mofes, with reioycing and finging by the appointment of Dauid ZacBariah ftoned. i^t the houfe of the Lord : theygnueit alfo to wor- kers of yron and brafle,to repaire the houfe of the Lord. 13 So the workemen wrought , and the worke + amended through their handsrandthey reOored the houfe of God to his ftate, and ftrengthened it• 14 And when they had finifhed it , thc)• 19 And he fet porters by the gates of the houfe j brought the reft of tlieliluer before the king and of the Lord , that none that was vncleane in any | Jehoiada , and iiee made thereof g veiiels for the thino-.iliould enter in. j houfe of the Lord , euen velleis to minifter . both 9 And they made proclamation tliorow lu-! dah and lerufalem , to bring vnto the Lord * thel» taxe of Mofes the feruant of God, ti;rfvponIfJ '•'''•■''* rael in the wildernefle. And all the princes and all the people rc- loyced, and brought in,and αϋ into tlie cheft.vn till they had uniihcd. II And when it was time , « rhey brought thi cheft vnto the Kings officer by the hand of the Leintes : and when they faw that there was much filuer , then the Kings Scribe, (and one appointed by the high Prieft) came and emptied the cheft and tooke it . and caried it to his place .i^^aine : thus they did day by day , and gathered (liuer in abundance. 2 And the King and f lehoiada gaiie itto fiich as did the labour and worke in tht* houfe of the Lord, and hired mafons and carpenters to repaire ^'foithe wicVei kings his orede- certors.ard Atha- liah had deftrovti theveflelsof the Temple.ortnneJ them te the vie of their idoles. h Signifying ihx coiildroiho- « Smh a» wt.-e fnihfnll meg, whom the king had appointed lei f Signifying that his ihin^ »at itme by adeife ant coiinfell.andnoi byany or.emaai art'eflion. t Etr.» mriin»e 20 And hee tooke the captaines of hundreths, and the noble men, and the gouernours ofthe people , and all the people ofthe land, and he cau- fed the king to come downe out ofthe houfe of the Lord . and they went thorow » the hie gate of the kings houfe, andfet the king vpon the throne ofthe kingdoms. 21 Then all the people of the land reioyced, and thc citie was quiet ° after that they had llaine Athaliah with the iword. CHAP. XXIIII. 1^ lcijhif[muti tht yiift tfthrLni. 17 Afirr ih drJti ef ItkuiOt ke fjlleih it iioU.l•. 11 H? floMh to iejtb ZAibjuiAthe Pnpitt. 25 U-tfltii iiillii'fhit cwnefft«aKtt. 27 After kirn rHl'rth AmJijjh. Τ Oalh *vvas leuen yeere olde when hee beganne to reigne,and hee .reigned fortie yeere in leru- falem : and his mothers name was Zibiah of Be- er-ihcba. 2 And loafli did vprightly in the fight ofthe Lord all the dayes of " lehoiada the Prieft. 3 And lehoiada Β tooke him, twowiues, and he begate foones and daughters. 4 ί An.i afterward it came into loafli minde to renew the huufe ofthe Lord. _ y And hee aifembled -.he Priefts and the Le- uites, and faid to.ihein, Goe out vnto the cities of ludah , and gather of all ^ Ifraei money to repaire the houfe of your God , from yeere to yeere , and hafte the thiiig,but t!ie Leuites hafted nor. 6 Therefore the king called lehoiada the ' chiefb.and faid vnto him. Why haft thou not required of the Leuites tobriii^inoutofluJah and lerufalem * the tiSie of Molestheferu.intof the'Lord , and ofthe Cougregaiion of Ifraei , for the Tabernacle ofthe teftimoni." ? 7 For ^wicked Athaliah , and her children brake vp the houfe uf God: and all t!ie things that were dedicated for the houfe oftiie Lord,did they beftow vpon Baalim. 8 Therefore the king commanded. * and they made a cheft , and fe: it at the gate of tlw houfe ofthe Lof d without. they n<~t himtoomnch, whohadfoncel- lenilyfetuedin ihe woke ofthe Lord, and in the aftaiietofthe common wealtli.' i which were flat. , ,ttrer!,andkne«» I y ί But lehoiada waxed old and was full oflnow that the kiaj daies,and died. An hundreth and thirtie yeere old ff«/ he when he died. 6 And they buried him in t he citie of Bauid with the I kings, becaufe he had done «oodin If- raei, and toward God and his huufe, morters and wciw/i cups , and velleis of gold, and of filuer : and they offered burnt offerinos in die houfe ofthe Lord continually all the dayes of le- hoiada. 77 ί And after the death of lehoiada, camefit Vh'i]^"toe>ehtfli ■ndcmhinA waideilirareof him who did waich operhimif a faiher.andiheie- fore brought him " ile all cieamtcs le iviinelTe , thnr xcepttheyrtmm 0 the Loid, het AOMldmoft jrieoonfly puniiW their infdeliii» andiebcllioa, Nthe 9.J6. 1 In a place the pe the the 'princes of ludah , and did reiierence to the king, and the king hearkened vnto them. I Χ And they left the houfe ofthe Lord God of their fathers , and fenied groues and idolcs ; and wrath came vpon ludah and lerufalem , becaufe of this their trelpaHe. 1 9 And Ged fent Prophets among them , to bring them againe vnto the Lord ; and they * made proteftation among them , but they would not heare 20 And the Spirit of God came vpon Zecha• riah the fonne of lehoiada ti;e Prieil, which flood m xh"e is norajc laboue the people, and faid vnto them. Thus f^'""!' •'■•'' faith God, why tranfgreile yee the commandc- ments ofthe Lord ? furely yee (iuU nor profper ; becaufe yee haiie forfakendie Lord, hee alfo hath forfaken you. 2 1 Then they confpired againft him ,8c ftonet him with ftoncs at the"^conimandement of tht king,in the court ofthe hoiile ofthe Lord. 2 2 Tlius lo.tlh the king rcmembrcd not the kindnefte which Iehoiad.1 his father had done ic him , but flew his fonne. And when hee died, hc< faid, The Lord n looke vpon it and rc;)uire it. 2;? ί And when the yeere was out,the hoft ο Aram camo vp ag.^.infthim ,&the)-c.imea^-ainl luda and lerufalem , and d-"ftroyed all the prin. ces ofthe people from among the people .an^ fent all the fpoylc ofthem vntothekiiigof Da- tnafcus. 24 Though the armie of Aram came with 1 fmall cempanie o£ men , yet the Lord deliuerei X 2 avo" pecple to ■It that hee • might be heard. beafJy.asefthen• whoieh«afisC«latth. tj ,5 kecanfehif idllitda.&H loafb'ilainc. Amaziafe • That is, κκββ- uti axi checked liijii,»3idhin4Ied f MtiBl'llfjZJ- «linie, which τη: fcnnes, a«d a Pto- ghci et she Loid, ^ Thstii, rcncti. aing his foiuics, Ac. XL CbroH ί very great armie into their hand, becaiife they had forl'akcn the Lord God of their fathers : and they ο gaue fentence againft loalli. 2.5- And when tbcy were departed from him, (for they left him in great difeSies) hi> owne fer- uants cotifpired againft him for the blood of the Ρ children of Ichoiada the Frieft , and flew him on his bed , and he died , and they buried him in the citie of Daiiid ; biiir they buried him not in the fe- piilchres of the kings. 2.6 And thefe are they that confpired igainft him , Zabad the ionne of Shimreth an Ammoni- telle, and lehozabad tha fontie of bhiraiiih a Mo- abitcHe. 7 But 1 his fonnes.and the fiimme of the taxc gathered by him , and the i foundation of the hoiife of God, behold.they are written in thefto- rie ofthebooke of the Kings. And Amaziah his fonne reigned in hi» ftead. CHAP • Meaning, in re- ^ftof hisptede- celToiirt, albtiihe had hisimftiit' *Dtut.n. a./fi«f. 14, oucrcommeth the Edomitesi fmote of the children cf» Scir . ten Lhoufund. ^^ ""or .he rd j.•;.^- 1 2 And ether ten tiioiifand did the children of g,';^i,'r''j,°",,f ^^"* ludah take ahne , and caried them to tiie top of afeibiedion, icbtlUi i rccke ,and cail them downe from tlie top of the pndet icheram rocke, and they all but ft to pieces. achoftii^hatsioanc. J 3 Bat the men of the ^ armie , which Amazi-rJ"/.,*i^fo'ti,y,-^ ah icnt away, that they iliould not goe with his Uiiti the ciaescl». people to batteli ,fell vpon the cities of ludahg That is, th« Hh»-. from^ Samaria vnto Beth-faoron , and fmote three r^'^l^j*'"^* •* tlioufand of them , and tooke much fpoyie. • * 14 Now after that Amaziah was come from the ilaughter of the Edomites ,heebroi;ght the] gods of the children of Seir,and fet them vp to bej his gods, and 1 worUnpi^d them . and burned in-u ^,"/^'""''« cenle vnto them. thep.a.feco cod J 5• VVheieforethc Lord was wroth with Ama-|fot his benefiu ana ziah.and fent vnto him a I'rophet.which faid vnto'S'"' '"''^^<'"« . •»* him , Why hufi rhon fought the gods of the peo-;i;d j^o^v^y '"' pie, which were not able to m dehiier their owiicidiOieuotirhim. XXV. 3 ΑηίΛχΐΛ fultili tiem It dnUb χϋώβ/ιρ Hi fjtbtt ffnJiihUkeihcmtflJrMl n Hn tuefeommtlk ΑτλλΧ}^ \j Hfe is fluirely m HeepioonetJi that what oener taiinotfiiiehim- felftiaerhiswor- Qiipper?, is MO eU ^ people out of thine hand? j 16 And aslie talked with him , " he faide vnto Hff him,I]aue they made thee the Kings counieiler? ZT^iJ'''l°f'r'';i 1 ccafe thou; why iliould they'fmite thee ? And "Lii'^ll. " ' the Prophet ceafed , hut fayd , I knowe that I God hath determined to deftroy thecbecaufeKnii*"'"^' A Maziah was flue and twentie yeere old when ! thou haft done this, and haft not obeyed myjesohjtd it is, fo: he began to reigne , and he reigned nine and I counfeH. 'Ί« carnsll man t« twentie yccre in * lerufalcm 8c his mothers name I 17 ί Then Amaziah King of ludah tooke|^yf™]'"j^^''^j^''^ was lehoaddanof lerufalcm. ] counfell, and fent to loafh the Ionne c/Iehoahaz,icoiKemiKth,moc- 2 And hee did» vprightly in theeyesofthc Lord . but not with a pe-rhc heart. 3 And when the kingdome was eflabliilied ^ ^ _^ vnto him, he flew his fcniants. that had flaine the j king of ludah, f3ying,The tlnftle that is in Lcba- ρ a7e"h him't'o. *""* king his father. ; non, fent to the cedar that is in Lebanon ,fa)irg,|'ie«ih , as -hap. κ, 4 But he flew not their children , but Λ'ίί as it ! * Giue thy daughter to my fonne to v/ifer-indthei"" "''^ '*'"•"'' is written m the Law , Md in the booke of Mofes, ] wilde beaft that was in Lebanon went and trode;'p xhaVis .Ictvi where the Lord commanded,faying,*Tlie fathers ! downe the thift'e. ' «ie the matter *<<■«.. IS. 1», ^'2" not die for the'' children , neither iliali the i 19 Thou thinkeft : loe ,thcu haft fmitten Ε-ί""* '°ί^"^ /•« b.Thatis,fort!«»tjchiJdren die for the fathers , but euery man fliail | dom.and thine heart Hfteththec vp tobragge:' tharthVav^eoi the fonne of lehu king of Ifrael , Laying Flet vs fee one another in the face. J 8 But loaih kini; of Ifrael fent to Amaziah Comej[l'«''',jrd threat jr.ethh.m, that war. hhi'm; iea.inj. fauh wherefore th«Lj,ie f^j. f^jj q^.^^ β„„£_ «ΐ^'Γ"ΐ I y 1 And Amaziah affembledladah, and made ^ fMtei ih» faiae.ithem captaines ouer thoufands,&: captaines oner | with thee? [hunaireds , according to the houles of theirfa- ( 20 But Amaziali would not heare : for ^ it was thers.thorowout all ludah and Beniamin; and hee ; of God, ^ he might deliuered them into his hand. «9dK vrane btate Λ ΪΗ3ΐί5,ΟΙΙίβ[ «J>e tense tribes, ■MhUh had fepata ted theaifclnes be , both froai «od ind their tiui king. • And therefere t Aiiiie ίο hjiie 3i»lfe of ilem, •whom the Lord iaiioH erhnor.is t «afi off ihe helje «f the Lord. f If thou wilt no Jill* ciedite to m< i He flu, we* tha *f«e defend 01.. ly vpen Cod, we ^fcallnotneedc to aboue , and found among them three hundred thoo&nd chofen men , to goe forth to the warre, and to handle fpcare and fliield. 6 Hee hired alfo an hundreth thoufand vali- ant men * out of Ifracl far an^hundred talents of fiJaer. 7 But am.-in of God came vnto him,faying,0 king,let not the armie oi Ifrael go with thee : for the Lord is not * with ifi ael , neither with all the hoiifeofEphraira abide now at home : whydoeftthoiiprouoketo Ae'ifrae'ik'e"wJtow thine hurt, that thou ihouldefi fall, and Iiidah ^'"'^'"^'''««g". and difmidid by the cotinftll ofth« rrcphet.had tie. Breytd cetiaireof the cities of ladah. "■1.^%, I4.S. 5 Thus GOd oft times pisgneih by hole means wlieiein men moft irttii, to leach ihtht hjKetheirre- 8 If * not , goe thou οη,ιίοε it , make thy felfe gate , foure hiuidreth cubites. So loafli the king of Ifrael went vp ; and fee .nnd Amaziah king of ludah fawe one another in theface at Beth-fliemelli,which is in ludah. 23 And ludah was put to the worfe before It rael,and they fled euery man to his tents. 25 But loafli the king of Ifrael moke Amazi-komft o»eiy re ah king of ladah, the fonne of loafli, the fonne 1'™•=/''' "»*'*' of Ieheahaz,in Eeth(hemefl:,and brought him to;';",";fJhX';.J' lerufalem , and brake downe the wall of lerufa- Wisto foUtr lem , from the gate of Ephraim vnto the corner *!>" "]'•'«'' ftaiike ftrong to the batteli , hut God iliiU make thee fail before the enemie : for God hwh power to helpe, and to c aft downe. 9 And Amaziah faict to the man of GOD, Whit flial wee doe then for the hundred talents, which I haue giuen to die hofte of Ifrael ? Then the man of God anfwered .The Lord is able to Ε giue thee more then this. 10 So Amaziah fepararcd ihem,iei/T/if,the ar- te tionbied with \ mje that was come to him out of Ephraim , to re- γΐ{* woiidly^e-i ^^^^^^^ [g jfjej^ pja^e : wherefore their wrath was •mtattiitiiTes \ kindled greatly againft ludah .and they returned hich fliaiibjk to their places with great auger. ftriiiaioii. c M«jning,the fRCfed'oHK of OMi Edom : for the hoitfe bare the of the :hiefefitliK, 24 And he toeke all the gold and the filiier , and all the veflels that were found in the houfe of God withif Obed Edom ,and in the trcafures of the kings houfe , snd the children that were in ho- ftage, snd returned to Samsria. 2$• ί And Amazih the fcnne of loafli kin": of ludsh liued after the death of loafli ionne of le- lioahoz king of Ifrael, fifteene yeere. 26 Concerning tlie reft: of the afts of Amaziah firft and laft , are they not written in the booke of the kings of ludah and Ifrael ? 2 7 Now after the time that Amaziah did nirne f* ^^ j^•,,^. ,^_ ^ away from the Lord , * they wrought treafon' aeceiTaiic, if wee ^ , Then ■ Amazuh was encouraged , and led againft him in lerufalem : and when hee was fied \ - ? few w«*: * , f-Qjjjj }ys p^^pjj ^ g^ ^ςη: to the fait valiey , and to Lichifl^ , tliey feet to LdchiCij aiwr him , £ηΊ i ftcwi Uzziahvriypiog theFflefts office, Chap.xxvj. «tvij. becommeth a Ieper« Ic|tbam, 16^ flew him there, 28 And they brought him vpon horfes , rn J Jjuricd him with his fathers in the city of ludah. CHAP. XXVI. *, t yH''<' 'hi'S '*' '■""" ' ffr""^ '" ''•■ ^''-flfit• 1 < Mee KJXftifroKiljnivfirfrlhlhtPileftvafrcf. ι » Tii Lard phguetb tim. ta Thf Ptiiflt dii-Jf him tat eftie Temflr, andtKcluiiUmeuttfttfLoritkcp. 13 Hii UtiMl.^r.d •y Hen all * the people of Iiidah tooke a Vzziali which was fixreene yeere old.andmadehiii dehira ! king in the ftead of his father Amaziah. ] b Me fortifiid it 2 Hee built b Eloth. and reftored it to ludah, and ma^e it Utonp after that the king flept with his fathers. "' ■ " J * Sixteene yeere oldei/i'aiVzziah. when I hee began to reigne , and he reigned two & fiftie yeere in lernfalem , .md his mothers name tiZiw lecoliah of lerufalem. 4 And he did vprightly in the fight of the Lord, according to all that his father Anuziah did. y And hee fought God in the dayes of ^ Ze- chariah (which vndcrftood the vifions of God) this city nualfo called £lath and Ilanon.neete to die ted s». * i.Xi»<.«S,». c This was not that zechariah ff'iehSada. t""^ and when as d he fough: the Lord.God made hira feme oiher Γ10- to profper, pliet of th»t name. ^ p^^ j.,^ ^yg^j foorth and fought againft the *>rf°ke?h tnvXti Philiftims.and brake downe the wall of Gath.and feeiethvntohim.| the wall of labneh , and the Wall of Alhdod, and and therefore mai builtcities in Aflidod, and among the Philiftims. " 'he caufe of hij ! ^^^ q^^j helped him againft the Philiftims, ewn.denn.aion.; J^ ^.^^.^^ the Arabians that dwelc in Gur-baal. "... I and Hammeiinira. 8 And the Ammonites gaue « gifts to Vzziah, and his name fpred to the entring in of Egypt:for hedidmoftvalisntly. 9 Moreouer Vzziali built towers in Icrufa- lem at the comer gate , and at the valley gate .and at the ■" f turning , and made them ftrong. I ο And he built towers in the wildernefle.and digged many 0 ciftemes: for he had much cattell both in the valleys and plaines , plowmen . and dreflers of vines in the mountaincs,and in ε Car- mel : for he loued husbandry. I I Vzzi.ih alio had an hofte of fighting men that went out to warreby bands , according to the count of their numbei• vnder the hand of ♦Kami.li «lie t'emtd/olt good uid alio hi (. iniention, ytthr. «lift tVey wt e . not {nnrircdhy tlie word of f.'d, he did wK^tdly. and was therefore both liiRly irHnei u4aIib;nB«a.e-»»» *>' ι'" It^nt'flf'-t'l• Ρ Tit PnfttttefrocuilkiL• Ifrtiliitt rr-il- I). iS ladiaiimcl'flrdtwiikrrinrrf. i} Atiiii>.rMj' Baalim. Ben-hinnom, and || biunt his fonnes with fire, af- ter the abominatioBS of the heathen whom the Lord haft caft otjt before the children of Ifrael. 4 Hee facrificed alfo and burnt incenfe in the high places, and on hils, and vnder euery greene tree. y wherefore the Lord his God deliuered hirn into the liand of the king of the Aramites Ahazidolatrie. Hezekiah• flew of ludah , and cariedaway captiiies. 1 8 The I'hiliftiros alfo inuaded the cities in the low countrey , and toward the South of lu- dah, and took-e Bethil~/emeili,and Aiakn.a.nd Ge- deroth.and Shocho.with the villages thereof, and Timnah, with her villages .and Gimzo, with Moreouer hee burnc incenfe in the valley of | her villages.and they dwelt there. If) For the Lord had humbled ludah, becaufe of Ahr.z king of" Ifrael, for he had brought ven- ^ Ke» mesne* geance vpon ludah, & Iwd grieuoiifly tranfgref- led againft the Lord lndah,bccaufe Alitt oifooke the Loid i _ knd fought helpe eC 20 And Tilgath Piineefer king of Asibur came jthe infidels, Reade vnto him , who troubled him and did not ftreng- then him. 2 1 For Ahazftooke a portion "•'out of the houfe of the Lord end out of the kings houfeand Df ifrael talen foi rud?h,Chap.is,»7, ■ Etr. dixiM. tliey fmote him, and tooke of his "t mf;nv prifo- ho ners.and brou|>ht them to Damcfcus : end he w.'S ί of the princes.and gaue vnto the king of Asil^ur; alfo deliuered into the hand of die king of lirael. j yet it helped him nut. whichfmotehim widi a great flaughter. _ j 22 And in the time of his tribulation did hee 6 For c PekU-> the forme of Remali'h flew in ; yet trefpafle more againft the Lord » (this is king ludah fixeicore thouland in one day . all t valient [ Ahaz.) men , becaufe they had forfaken the Lord God of i 23 For hee facrificed vnto the gods of Damaf- theirfathers. _ I cus,which » plagued him.and he laid, Becaufe the], j^jj,jfjj^ 7 And Zichri a pmighty man of Ephraim flew gods of thj kings of Aram helped thcm,I will f.i-iiippoied. Maafeiah the kings iume , and Azrikam the go- [ rrifcc \Tito thcm.andthey wiliphelpemee ; yet^ ^hus the wickd uemour of the houfe, and Elkanali the fecond af- j they were his ruine , and of all 1| Ifrael. ίΓιι"« by mofpe- ter the Κ ing. ■ 24 And Ahaz gathered the veflels of the houfe i,tieand aduetiity: And the children of Ifrael tooke prifoners j of God .and br.;ke the veifels of the houfe of ioiitidolaten oftiieir brethren,"! two hundreth thoufand ofwo- | God , and fliut vp the doores of the houfe of the ?ί°ώ idok? '^'' men, fonnes rnd daughters.and caried away much i Lord, and raede him altars in euery corner of le- neuenidVrnig'* fpoile of them,and brought the fpoile to Samaria. | rufalem. «hat cod pimiQi- 9 ί But there was a Prophet of the Lords, ' 25 And in euery citie of ludahhe made high !"^''«^°f"''n« (whofe name fT'rt/Oded)indhe>s;ent out before J places to burne incenfe vnto other gods ,and^7^u4hi*en». khe hoft that came to Samaria,and laid vnto them, ] prouoked to anger the Lord God of his fathers, [mies goodfntcere • Fotthsy uioughtBehold,«becaufe the Lord God ofyoiir fathers is ] 26 Concerning thereft ofhis aotes.and all his f" atimt.whom «hey had ouetcome \vrodi with ludah , hee hadi deliuered them into i wayes firft and laft,bebold,they are written in the ifl'^"*^ ^' *"°' o^^Uhnuitnt i'y°"'' ^^^'^' sndyehaue flaine them in arage, that | booke of the Kings of ludah.and Ifrael, i\*(w7iuM *si anTd^jii'i" onfi-' leacheth vp to heaiicn. , . dti that God had i 10 And now yee puipofe to keepe vnder the ' AiUiiered them into children of ludah and lerufalem , as feru.-nts and il'ht&f h"'^'^^" ^T >'°"•}^"' arenotyouMifc-f ded hira. * linnes are with you before the Lord your God?. Mi,y not Gcd af- 1 1 1• Now therefore heare mec . and dcliuer the fot"om"iiwier 'captiues againe, which yee haue taken prifoners lee'haTh d"ol"'thefe iof your brethren : for the fierce vraih of die Lord anen for their». \is toward yoU feefrgjourt are j jj Wherefore certaine ofthe chicfe of the greaf_tr?_ lr-1-,;:flrpn fifi> Pniiraim Azariah the fonne of le fcnne ofMefliillemoth g which tribe itow gve«tefi , and Itad mofl aiitho- xitie. i" Luwmu yuu. * { 12 wherefore cert; „.jjchildien ofg Ephiaim ,j ind nohanan , Berechiali the Λ God will net• fiiffec this finjie, ■which we commit *3ainfthin.i, IB be tiiipiiniaiea. iWhofcnanet 'wevetehearfed ll^ote^vetfe i a . y Etthsr for their ■wounds oi weari- r.eRi. Ιτο them ofthe «ibe of ludah. an To Tilgath lilneefer andthoft Stiac' 'hat were vndet hij domini- and lehizkiah the fonne of Shallum , and Amafa the fcnne of Hadlai , ftood vp againft them that came frum the warre. 3 And fald vnto them, Bring not in the cap- tiues hirher ; for this fhalbi h a fnne vpcn vs again(l the Lord : yee intend td adde more to our finnes and to our trefpaflc.though our trefpafle be gieat,and the f erce viath ofGcdts igahift Ilrael. 14 So the army left ihe captiucs and the ipoiie before the princes and all the Congregation. I r And the men that were J named by name, rofe vp and tooke the priloners , ?nd with die fpoile cloathed all that were neked among them. nd aiayed them >,and ihod them , and j>aue them 27 And Ahaz flcpt with his fathers , and they iCi buried him in the city || of lernfaJem.but brought fU ^• ^* '^j^*'''"*' him not vnto the q fepulchres ofthe Kings of If- ^;„ ^^oti.'he ciry : rael.-and Hezekiah his fonne reigned in his ftead. [«f Dauid, whtte CHAP. XXIX. arr^'" J. 5 htXtiijirtftiitlh lirTtmlU tirft monedi oii,J^pi"f'"^*'• his reignc,and repaired them. jptincei . fi'tii to 4 And heebreughtintherrieftsandtheLe4«fl»''liihthepiire. uites.and gathered them into the Eaft Itreet, ίκΐ.ξΚ)» «f God, , .9 . , , ,, , - and to procure ] f And laid vnto them, Hcare me, ye Leuites: ,hat the Lord may ! fanftifie jjow yoiu• felues . and fanftiae the houfe jfce henoatedmd ofthe Lord God of yourfethers . and cary foorthf"'"^ "'ε'"• ,, ^ rcU^ti-u: Γ.^,Γ^,-Ω. ■' fc Meaning, all the! ^ the hlrhines our of the SanAuary. jjioies , ia.„., 6 For cHir fathers haue trefpaflid and done i^ouef,& wha'tfoe- meate , and gaue them drinke .and i ancynted j cuillinthe eyes of j^'Lordour God.and haue for-i»""" occupied them , and called all that were feeble of diem vp- faken him ,and turned aw.iv their faces from the'"?^'/')™ . . ion afies.tndbroupht them to Jericho the city of 1-' - .,-.,, ,' ,, - , . iand«hexew«h Palme trees to their l brethren : fo they returned , toSamaria. id f At that time did king Abaz fend vato tlie w kings of Asfl.tir, to helpe him. t7 (For tiieEdc!aite5c«BneEcoieoner,aaii ■ayt Tabernacle ofthe Lord, and turned their backes.[t*heTempii7was 7 They haue alfo flint the doores ofthe porch, IpoHuted. ■ ■ ' • •■ ■ . '. d He flieweth thtt and quenched the lampes, .and haue neidier b^.... ^ ^ , incenfe,nor offered burnt offerings in ^ Sanftu-'itligtrn'^the arie vnto the Lord Ged of Ifrael . ,«ufe of all cod• i ^Wheiefore the wrath ofthe Lord hath bin J?iis««j cat rtie Tempi e cieanrca.-sagrmces. f Eif. Uii I'/i m»»i β He pteouethby the iudgement of God vpon «Hofe thit hiue «Nffwi.it.f, Ch^.XXX. on ludali an J lerufalem : and he hath made them a II fcattcring , a defolatioa, and an hiffing, as yee fee with your eyes. 9 For loe.oiir fathers are fallen by the fworde, and our fonnes.and our daughters , and our wiues •r* in captiuitie for the fame caufe. Now 1 1 purpofe to make a couenaiw with the Lord God of Ifrael , that he may « turne away his fierce wrath from vs. 1 1 Nowe my fonnes,be not decehied:for the ntd his word , thMLord hath * chofen you to ftand before him , to there is no wayto'if^^ug him , and to behis minifters , and to bmne Pl'S^?• _ incenfc. 12 5" Then the Leuitesarofc,Mahaththe fonne of Annafhai , and loel the Ibnne of Azariali of tiie fonnes of the Kohathites:and of the fonnes of Me- rari, ΚίίΐΛ the fonne of Abdi, & Azariah the fonne of lehaleel : and of the Gerlbonites , loah the fonne of Zimmah, and Eden the fonne of loah : 13 And of the fonnes of Elizanhan , Shirari, andlehiei : and of the fonnes of Aiaph, Zechaii- iili,and Mattaniah, 14 Andof the fonnes of Heraan , lehiel , and Shimei : and of the fonnes ofleduthun.Shemaiah and Vzziel. I f And they gathered their brethren.and fan- ftified themfelues,&came according to the com- mandememoftlieking ,a»dfi by die words of die 1 Lord, for to cleanfe the houie of the Lord. 16 And the Priefts went into the inner partes of the houfe ofthe Lord.to ^ cleanfe it,Sc brought out all die vncleannefle that they found in the Temple of the Lord , into the court of the houfe cf the Lord : and the Leuites tooke it , tocarie it out vnto the brooke Kidron. 1 7 They began the firit day ofthe 8 firft mo- neth to fan6l:ifie it , and the eight day ofthe mo- neth came they to the porch ofthe Lord ; fo they fandified the houfe-cfthe Lord in eight dayes, aid in the fixteenth day ofthe lirft moneth , they made an end. 1 8 f Then they went in to Herekiah the king and faid , Wee haue cleanfed all the houfe ofthe Lord , and the alt.ir of burnt offering , with all the velTels thereof, and the a Ihewbread table.with all the veflels thereof : ip And all the veffelsN^iiich King Ahaz had cuft afide ^hen he reigned, a/id tranfgrefled, haue we prepiS'ed and fanitified : and behold , they aie befoie the altai- of the Loi d . 20 f And HezckiaJT the king ''rofe early, and gathered the princes ofthe citie , and went vp to the houfe ofthe Lord. 2 1 And theyferought feuen bullockes, and le- uenrammes, and ;buen lambs,and fouen hee go its Η for a * iinne offering for the kingJome .and for the fanauary,aid for ludah. And he comnian- ded the Priefts' the fonnes of Auon , to offer ί/;ί»> Unaified.Hii).»• |on the altar of tile Lord, 11. Exod.2+.8. I ^^ Sot!ieynewthebullocks,andthePrieftes Ld*e fliers! a" ) receiued die bleod . qpd i fprinkled it vpon the ύ- ittut.+. I s . to't i tar• : they flew alfo the rammes , an.l fprinkled the they thatortetei 1 1 blood vpon th^ alt.j" , and they ilewe the lambes, UyVlhllir^'^'^ th.T fpnnkled jlie blood vpon the altar.^ this thing vnt lOt jppeiV.ied of iu«,b;tiii wastht ominaBdtjmri.1 o\ cod. U115 for haiJctfgiiiirg iWhich Dwid hij tppoiaicd to priyre i\t Lo(d wi*. swiih tlin rfalmt ( me η tie a tOf,»iitifniirgtlf tHiigi ofthi Ltrd. £ Frftm the poUuti- ons.ind filth that Ahazhadbranshc g .Which conteined pact of Maieh and tieirtiimifrt iii*r/rr, It 2y thit minatt tjffpetchthe Zbiewes metne 1 ceicaioe diligence tnd fpeed to do a ■thing: and when thttt is «delay. Pqyle atid tbaokefgiuing. ιζ^ 2 y He appointed alfo the Lenites in the hoafe of the Lord with cymbals , with viols , and with L harpes , * according to the commaundement of ' Dauid , and Gad the Kings Seer . and Nathan the Prophet : for the > tommaundement ντ,Λΐ by die iiand of the Lord . τ''* fiilat* I the trumpets , and tlie inftrumcnts χ di Dauid '^^'^^ Dan'ik»* ' king oflfr-iel. 28 And all the congregation woiilupped, I finging a fong.and they blew the trumpets :ali this i contintted vntill the burnt offering was hniihed. j 29 And when they hid made an ende of offe- ring, the king and all that wjreprefent with hira, 1 bowed themfelucs.ind worlhipped. I 50 ί Then Hezckiah the king and the princes i commaunded the Leuites teprayfe the Lordwidi the 0 words of Dauid . and of Af'.ph the Seer. So .,..., ^„..^, i they prailed with ioy.and they bowed themfelues.iismideV rchiel' and worfliipped. 3 1 And Hezekiah fpake , and fayd , Now yee . _^ ! haue t confecrate your le lues to the Lord : come \^/,_' I neere and bring die facritices and φτίπρ of i prayfe into the houfe ofthe Lord. And the Con- gregation brought facrilices and cjfr/Vj?/ of prai- , les, and euery man thit was willing in heart.ejfriii . burnt offrings. 3 2 And the number of the burnt oflferiiigs, which the Congregation brought , was ieuenty bullockes, an hunJreth ramraas,«»i two hundrem lambs : all thefe wei'e for a burnt offering*to the Lord : 3 3 And for Ρ fandi.'ication fixe hundreth bul- lockes,and three thoufand iheepe. j 34 But the Priefts were too few, and were not I able to flay all the burnt offerings: therefore their j brethren the Leiuites did lielpe them.till they had I ended the woike,& vntill ether Prieftes Were fan- I dified :for the Leuites were s more vpright in I heart to fanAifte themlelues tlicn the Prieftes. 3 5: And alfo the burnt offerings were many, with the* fat ofthe peace ofirings.Tnd thedrinkei He (heweehthit offerings for the burnt offering: So the feruice of religion ti; the houfe of the Lord was fet in order. -— j- - 36 Then HezekiJi reioyced.andall die people that God had made the iieople for ready : for the Uiing was done fuddenly. > Thit ii.fo: tie lely olTcttagi. I VleJnfng.wtrt note icilous^ro fu forward the ttli- •ton. ■ ' -%■' vpoi that lOBit.tofignifie hey had dtretnedthatdeith ■nd alio that they did confectate 1( ci Godiobe thtteby fanftified. 23 Then they brouglit the hee goates for die Tnne offering before the king and the Congrega- tion,'' and they layd dieir hands vpon them. 24 And the Prieftes ilewe tliem , and w^th the blood of them they cleanfed the altar to reconcile all Ifrael : for the king had commanded for all If, lael the burnt offering.and the fifins offexiu^. piocetde except Cod touch the ««tefthepeoifc,* CHAP. XXX. .f:i*ifr»nr. Httfrjyrth »7 Tht I. 13 rttit'ting »/ ily Ρφ•'••" lyih/kl'gt i Hf rahc'trlh I/tAtltc !•>'•>' to the Uri. for lit pm,pl,. 2+ Hit cUjlioH mJ ti, jril Ui^it/tlt'pthifio^i. A Nd Hezekiah fentto .ill Ifrael .ind luJ.ih , .ind alfo wrote letters to • Ephraira and Manilleh, that they lliould come to the houfe of t!ie Lor! at Icrufa:cm, to keep the Pafleouer vn:o the Lord God -jf Ifrael. . „^. ..... 2 And the king and his grin.-es and all the b rhwj\ ihev Cong-egition h.id taken counlel! in lerufilcTi to oagV -o hmc done keepe die Palleouer indie*' feconimoncth. 3 For d:;.• / coiil i notkeepe it at this time.be- caiifc thert wer.• not Pri.tts enough I'-nftified neither was the people gathered to lerufalem 1 Mrining,«n iC ntl, nhom Til- th Pilnc«rar had )t taken away ia- tothe capuiiid'c. King. iefttxtit vaio ike fcceai )ΐκ> '-'' , μ VKrr* < hefi ncth , a- rsod. 11, iS.Numk.;.} yet if anv weit not tleajr, or els had t long iotirnty, ibey alight Beg^klabse^hoftation. . II.CltrOH And the thing pleated the king , and all the ί Fremojittndc of Jand to the :r , Noithand ih. t in fucb fait 2nd jerfeition as Gad ni 2pf ointcd. thim, andpie- idues CO [Jie Lotd, and lebcUno ma:4 { God will 1 onely pic fcii but .hLOii,!h v.h:ch fot iheit finncihct ga-ie in the hands of the enemies. h Thonrhtnevvi licd mocke at the •feiiunfs of God, b^ whom he calU;h «hem to icpenrir as Geu.L». 14, 7et thewordccalctii not to frtiitifie in til* hcatti ot Gods eled, iHe QievTeththe etcis why fomt Fjtey and fome mtiie at Gods cal- his Sfii; the one fo:: , ίιΛ ntoouexh tl;e:£ {icaii, and the ozhe «re Ufttothem- fehves . "k which depart Ji «hat w« mnft put sway thofe things wl.eiewith God h offtEded , kif*rt wee canfettit h.m ,r.ght. ^ . I Seeing t.-,eircrw: •■ 'I'sence (who ■'.iS hji'.e becne .1 -li proiJip:) "nc gieieadirielTe of thi _feoplt,Ch3f.i3, \i mTo wir , of ^^ί lambe of .htPa;Ttu«a-ifc. .lecaaft people,to keepe the feiil of the vnleauened bread ""^ in the Iccond muneth,a very great aflembly. 1 4 ί And they .-Toie , and tooke away the '' al- tars that were iii lerufalem , and all thole for in- c'jnfe tcoke they away , and call them into the brookeKidron, I) Afterward they flewe the PaiTeouer the fourteenth d*y of the iecond moneth : and the Priefts and Leuites were lifliamed.and fandified themfeiues , and brought the burnt oflerings into the houfe of the Lord. yo And they flood in their place after their mazier , according to the Law of Mofes ihe man cf God: and the Pricfts fpi'inkied the '"blood receiued 01 ύ-.ζ hmdsofthe Leuiies. 17 Becani'e thire were many in the Congrega- tion that were not f.mftified.diercfore the Liuires had the charge of the killing of the I'alfeouer for all that were not cleane , to faiiitihe it to the Lord. 1 8 For a multitude of diepeople , evun a nuil- titude of Ephraim.'jrdhlanaiieh.ljfachar and Ze- bulun liid Πι )t clenfed themielucs.yct did eatc the Pafltfou-'r.ajtf not as it was written: wherefore He- zikiah pr ivcd for thera.fay jng , The "good Lord be m.ercifi'.ll towrtrd him. Ifrael defiroyetfiido!atrier | be not c/f4«^ii , accoiding to the puriiicationof the Sanduarie. 20 And the Lord heard Hezekiah.and 0 healed the people. 21 And tlie children cflfrael that were pre- fent .at lerufrlem ,kept the fe.ift of the vnleaue- ned bre^d feuen dayes with great ioy , and the Leuites, and the Priefts pray fed the Lord day by day , fmging with loud inftiuments vnto the Lord. 22 And Hezekiali t fpake comfortably vnto all the Leuites that had good knowledge /o/«g vnto the Lord : and they did eate in that feaft fe- uen dayes , and offered peace offerings, and prai- fed the Lord God of their fathers 13 And the whole aflembly tooke counfell to keepe it other feuen dayes. So they kept it feuer dayes with ioy. 24 For Hezekiah king of ludah had giucn tc tlie Congregation a 5 thouland bullockes, and Thatii , aid ac- cept them .as puii=_ itVt. leuen ihoufandiheepe.And the princes kad giuen to the Congregation a thoufrjid bullockes.and tea thoufand iheepe ; gpd rsany priefts werefandi fied. 2r And all the Congregation of ludah reioy ced widi the Priefts and the Leuites , snd all the Congregation that came out of Ifrael , and the itrangers that came out of the land of Ifrael. , and that dwelr in ludah. %6 So there was great ioy in lenifalem : foi fince the time of Salomon the fonne ofDauii king of Ifrael there was not the like thing in le rufalem. 2 7 Then the Priefts and the Leuites arofe, andj J^hichtS» " 1 blelVed the people, and their voyce was heard and their prayer came vp vnto heauen, to his holy habitation Ρ This great liteia litie dedaieih how kings, princes, and all they to whom Codhaih giiien wherewith , ought to be mofl ready to teilow it in fetting foorih of Gods glory. writte Niim.i, 55. when theyflioiilddifmiift. thejjeepi» mar.dCBtejit *f the Lord, Deiii./, CHAP. XXXI. I nffn,fl,cl.flri)}idi!jirir. a Nelrki'ku^oixltti V.xxxn. Saneheribs blafphgmic^ 16^ in the commandements, to feeke his God.hce did it with all his heart, ajid profpcred CHAP. XXXII. wj-rf, 7 H, ,xtt'tni li, fcpUicfuiit,i,,r,fliK ,i, lorJt 9 SJHti-ri^iUffirnulkCcJ lo ItrokiM, crjr.lk a . ThA.g.l d.firv:,6 ,(,, ..,;>„•,„ ,,j,;„ ki,gi,%„: 2> H,:^^kjaltl«,ttk4Kkifun„m*rdlh,Lo,i li if, P^ Fter thefe things faithfully dffcribed, * Sane- herib king of Aslhur came and entred into ludab.and belieged the ftror.g cities.and thought to t winne them for hirafelfe. 2 When Hezekiah faw that Saneherib was•* ^'■■^■'"" come .and that his t purpofe vvai to fight againft leruialem, 3 Then hce tooke counfell with his princes and his nobles, to ftoppe the water cf the foun- taines without the citie , end they did help.; him. 4 So many of the peo])le affcmblcil thcm- felues , and flop: ail the foonraines , and th j riuer that ranne through the mids of th; ccuntrey .lay- ing ,AVhy ihould the kings of Asihur come, and £nde much water? y And + he tooke courage , and built all the broken wall . and made vp the towers , and ano- ther wall without , and repaired > Mjllo in die \. b city of Dauid.and made many « darts & Ihields. 6 Andhefet captainesofwarreouerthc peo- ple.and a/lembled them to him in the broad place of the gate of the citie , and t fpake comfortably vnto them, faying, 7 Be ftrong and couragious : feare rot , nei ther be cfraid for the king of Asilu'r, neither for all the multitude that is with him : * for there ke more with vs, then is with him. " ^ 8 With him it an d rjme of flefli , but with vs w the « Loni our God forte helpe vs, and totight our battels. Then the people were co.nfirmcd by the words of Hezekiah king of ludali, 9 * AfteY this did Saneherib kin^ofAsditir fend his fetnjants to Icrufhlem (while he w.-.s f a- gainft L2chilh,.ind all his dominion with him) vBfo Hez-'kipJiking of Iu:iah , and vnto all Iiulah, leji that were .!tlerufa:era,faying, [!^ 10 Thus faith Saneherib ihcking of Aslhur. 1 He made ι ieo» le wall. Readc J Sam. j, f Someieade, ivi-eids «I dtgveti. d That is, rhtfn. vretof man. e Thisdecliieih that Hciekiah Hi «iierputhjs mift Gcd.andvei (liongandrfei lawfnlimejHif, he QiotJd me tu lesvpt cod. ' *a.iri« e he belie. wherein doe vec truft , tliat ye will lemainein F whij( itrulalcm , rfKri>!j rhe liege? gedLathii... 1 1 Doeth not Hezckiali entife you to giue o- uer your felues vnto death by famine Sc by ihirit, faying , The Lord our God Ihall deiiiier vs out of the hand of the king of Aslhur? 12 Hath nor the fame Hezekiah taken away his hie phces , and his g altars , and commanded ludah.and IetufaIem,frying,Yc Ihall werlhip be• fore one altar, and bu:ne inccnie vpon it? 1 3 Know vee not what I .'nd my f.diers h.-.uc done vnto all the people oi other couatreys? were the gods of ths nations of at her lands able to de- liuer their land out of mine hand? 1 4 who is hee of all the h gods (jf thofe nati ons (that my.f.:thiKshtiiedeftroycd) that could deliucr his people oi;r of mine h.ind , thit y.oui God ihould be able tudeiiueryou outofraim hand? * 1 y Now therifjre let not Hezekiah decciu» you,nor feduce you after this fort.neirher bcleem ye him ; for none of all the gods of any nation kingdome was able to deiiuer his people out o: >mine h.md , and out of the h.'Jid of my fathers how much lelVe.iiwli your gods ileliuer you oat of mine hand? 16 And g that thtytitlei no d.i\diio).ts:{at Heiciiiao oncly it- '.royed idclKpy, , I y.ii placed ttiit ! elision. Ihiij the r>p.i(illi:]dert)ie reuiixis of Cc-d; for when they df - (Itoy idolitiy, ihey fay that they jbo- lili- lelijion. h liiiiu hia: yatiendywait on him , and conOantlypiittheit tnift inhis metciei A^.io.i. i To coii£rr.-,« his fsu'th i« Gods pre jn>fe,v«ha declared him by his Pro- phet that his life Iboiildbeptolon ged fifteeneyeete. 1 H« was lifted vp ■with the pride «f hisviitoryand tteafmes, and flieweththem for •H oftentation to the ambalTaaoitrs •f Babylon. on• • Manafleh. His idolatry , tepentanc J Or, titgtti II Or, riffe*• * Whieh dfe was called Siloe, whereof meution ismade.lfa.S.o. lehn...r. 11 Heit wee fee the iaiife , why the fatthfidl are temp- Ctd.whichis to nit whetheithey liaiic faith or no» and ihit ihey may feek the prefenet of God, who fuffeiedi thcainot is be oiiercome by te«tations,biit in «heit weakene/Te sninifiteth ■ i.OT.jtJf, 1 6 And hi» feiuams fpake yetmore againft the Lord Goi.aad .igainft his 1• feruant Hezekiah. 1 7 Hee wrote alfo letters , blafpheming the Lord G0'i of I frael , and fp^aking againft him, laying, As the gods of the nations of ii/j#r coun- tries could no: deliuer their people out of raine hand , fu Ihail nor the God of Hezekiah deliuer his people out of mine hand, 1 8 Then they l cryed with a IoujI voyce in the lewes fpeach vnto the peopleof lerufalem that were on the wsll , to feaie them and to aftoniib them.that they might take the citie. 19 Thus they fpake againll the Godoflern- falem, as againft the geds of the people of the earth, euen the m works of mans hands. 20 But Hezekiah the King , and the Prophet Ifaidi the fonne of Araoz " prayed againft this and cryed to heauea. j 21 AndtheLordfentanAngel.whichdeftroy- ; ed all the valiint men , and the princes and ο cap- ί taines of the hoftc of the king of Aslluir : fo he re- ; turned t with Ihame to his owne land. And wiien he was come into the houfe of his god , they that came forth of his ρ owne bowels, flew hira there with the fword. So tlie Lord faued Hezekiah and die inha- bitants of lernfalem from the hand of Saiieherib : king i of Aslliur , and from the hand of all oifcer, and II maintained them oneuery fide. 2 ^ And many brought offrings vnto the Lord to ierufalem , and prel'ents to Hezekiah king of ludah , fo that hee was 1 magnified in the fight of all nations from thenceforth. 24 "^ In thofe dayes Hezekieh was ficke vnto the death , and praved vnto the Lord , who fpake ^•ntohlm,and gaueiiimr afigne. 2 J But Hezekiah did not render according to the reward befloxmed vpon him : for his heart f was lift vp.and wrath came vpon hira.and vpon ludah and Ierufalem. 26 Notwithftanding Hezekiah humbled him- felfe ( after that his heart was lifted vp) he and the inhabitants of Ierufalem , and the wrath of the Lord came noAfpon them is the dayes of Heze- kiah, 27 Hezekiah alfo had exceeding much ri- ches and honour , and he gate him trealiires of fil- uer and of golde , and of precious ftones , and of fweete odours , and of ihields , and of all pleafant veffels ; 28 And of ftore houfes for the increafe of wlieate and wine and oyle.and ftalles for all beaftsj and II rowes for the || ftables. 29 And lie made him cities , and had pofleffi- onof Iheepe and oxen in abundance:for God had giuen him fubftance exceeding much. 3^3 The fame Hezekiah alfo flopped the vpper water fpiings of Gihon.and led them ftreighc vntlerneath toward the city of Dauid Weft ward : fo Hezekiah profpered in all his works. 3 1 But becaufe of the ambaf&tiours of the princes of Babel , whichfentvnto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land , God left him tontrie hira , ind to know all that was in his heart. 3 2 Concerriing the reft of the aftes of Heze- kiiSi , and his goocineffe , beliold , they are writ- ten in the vifionof Ifaiah the Prophet , the fonne of Amoz , in the bod« of the kings of ludah and Ifrael. 53 So Hezekiah flept with his fathers^and they buried hJm in the higheft fepulchre of the fonties of D.auid:and all ludah and the inhabitants of Ie- rufalem did him honour at his dcath.and M'anafl'eh his fonne reigned in his ftead. C-H A Γ. XXXIII. s Manajfeh an idolitey. 9 Heeaufrth ludth tttrr/, 11 Heeii ledewa) prift.Hcr intcBAbytcn. ri Heprai-' eth to the Lo/d, tni es idmerei. i , H*e abilifheth idi- lasry, i6 andfetteth vp true Ytligten. lo Hedifth,xni\ A ntn his fmne j'Mcceedeth . 24. Whtm hn twite j'etukn M• ]yT Anafleh vviu twelue yeere olde, * when hee *t.H''i- began to reigne, and he reigned fiue and ftf- tie yeere in Ierufalem : 2 And hee did euill in the fight of the Lord, like the abominations of tlie heathen , * whom tlie Lord had caft out before the children of If- rael. 3 For he went backe and built the hie places, '■'' which Hezekiah his father had broken downe "*' and he fet vpaltars for Baalim, and made groues and woriliipped all the hofte of the heauen , and feruedthem. 4 Alfo hee built altars in the houfe ®f the Lord, whereof the Lord had fayd, * In lerufaleio iliall my Name be for euer. Τ And hee built altars foi all the hofte of the heauen in the two courts of the houfe of the Lord. ! 6 * And he caufed his fonnes to paffe through the fire in the valley of Ben-hinnom : hee g.iue ',^'^""*'*'"*^ himfelfe to witchcr.ift and to charming , and to ; "■"■ forcerie , and hee vfed tliem that had familiar fpi- i rits.and foothfayers:he did very much euiU in the fight of the Lord to anger him. 7 He put alfo the earned iraage.which he had made,in the houfe of God: whereof God had faid to Dauid and to Salomon his fonne *ί.Κ;>χ.βι t.Khg.t.jt: In this ^"^,^'; houfe and in Ierufalem, which I haue chofen be- it^rf af.iV• fore all the tribes of Ifrael , will " 1.7. le^ put my Name for euer, 8 Neither will I * make the foote of I iiael to f" *• remooue any more out of the land which I haue appoyntedforyourfarhers,fo that they take heetle, and doe all that I haue commanded them, accor- ding to the Law and ftatutes and iiidgements by the k hand of Mofes. ρ So Manafleh made ludah and the inhabi- . tants of Ierufalem to erre , and to doe worfe then J,•*'' ** ^"J^ the heathen,whom the Lord had deftroycd before "*" '** " **' the children of Ifrael. 10 ί And the Lord fpake e to Manafleh and his people.but they would not regard, i - 1 1 wherefore the Lord brought vpon them t Meaninj, by hii the captaines of the hofte of the king of Asihur, jrophett, but their which tooke Manaffeh and put him in fetters , and bound him in chaines, and caried him to " 1 2 And when he \tas in tribulatien.h to the Lord his God.arhd humbled himfelfe great- ly before the God of his ftthers, 13 And prayed vnto him : and God was ^ en- treated of him, and heard his praycr,and brought him againe to Ierufalem into his kingdome : then Manafl'eh knew that the Lord was God. 14 Now after this hee built a wall without the citie of Dauid, on the Weft fide of* Gihon in the valley , euen at the entry of the filh gate , and compaiTed about f Ophel, andraifed it very high, and put captaines ofwarre in all the ftrong cities of ludsh. I ί And. he tooke away the ftrange gods and rbf Asihur, propnett, Diit tneK ^^t'f^lbherV:b"eTee,.. B.abel. £„d «pent , with- e prayed cut the which the preaching of the word taketh no place. d Thus if fliAioit giucrh underflan- ding : for he that hated God in his ptofperiry, now ii hismifetiehe fee• keth vnto him. t Reade Chap. 51.11. £B.eideChip«i7'i jmd death, f^on.7oflah deftro^^ed Chapkantnij, idoles. Hilkiah.TheLawround« i«^ " 1 the imape cut of the hcnfe of the Lord,i:nd aH ths iHe erotics , and had broken end ftamned to do». iud caul'td to kc h TJimb7 igne- lance.they weie dtceitied.thijiliing the image cHt of the hcnfe of the Lord,j:nd altars that he bad built in the mount of the houfe of the lord , and in lerufakm , and caft them out ofihecitic, l6 Alfo hee prepared the ε altar of the Lord, & iacriiced thereon peace offrings, Sc of thr.nks aid commanded Iiidah to feme Ifrael. J 7 Neiicrthelefle the people did facrirce ftill in the hie places, but vnto the h Lord their God. 1 8 ί Concerning the reft of the aftes of Ma- naflth,;nd his > prayer \T)to his God.Sc the words ' ■ ■ the Name of grotics , and had broken end ftampcd to poe- dcr il e images , and had cnt downc all the idoles ' thrcughoiit all the land of Ifrael , he retnmed to ! leriif.Uem. ' 8 ί *Then in the eighteenth yeere of his f'*•'^''''"•'• reigne.when he had purged the land ..nd the torn- | it notiiing tok«ep« of, he Seers , that fp^ke vnto him in the iXnxs.io ihw ^, ,^ , ^. i ^„ j ^r τ(^,„ι ι,„1,/-,Ι,1 rKi»» the Lord God of Hrael,beho]d,they are vontten Gclbiuiiiwdoh-j in the booke ofthe Kings of Ifrael. • ^- n..•- I J ρ ^j^ J j^jj prayer and how Goivizs inueated of him.and ail his linne, nd his trefpafle.and the places wherein he built hie places, & fet groues and images ( before he was humbled) bthoJd.they are written in the booke ofthe Η Seers. 2 ο S ο ManalVeh Qcpt with ! ' is fathers ,5rd they buried hira in his own fc houfe : and Am^nhis fonnc reign• u in his ftead. 2 1 ί (■momvas two .--nd rwentie ycTC clde. when he began to reigne.and reigned two yecre in lerufalem. 2 2 But he did ei'iU in the fight ofthe Lord.as did M.'.naflth his father : for Amoniacrificcd to all the itnages , which Manifleh his father had made ,and ferued them. 23 And hee humbled not himfelfe before the Lord , as Manafleh his father had humbled him- felfe ; but this Amon trefpafled more and more. 24 And his feruants * confpired againft him, and Hew him in his owne houle. 2 y But the people of the land flewe all them that had conipired againft King Amon : and the Eeople ofthe land made lofiah his fonne King in is ftcad. CHAP. XXXIV. * IffijhJtJhoyriitliiidclrj. t Axil rfflcr.tt titTmflr. u Tfcf It^k: >f It, Ua> il found. ii Hrr fendetb to ΗκΙάώ iht Trcfi,upf^,ouiif,ll. 17 Cvdtetr.tiHiJ^J^'r jj iltt _ _, mikft^ 1 furxaiiwilh Cod. "J Ofiah+wtf/ eight yeere old when he began to ■*■ reigne , and hie reigned in lerufalem one and thirtie yeere. 2 And hee did vprightly in the fight ofthe ... „ . Lord , and walked in the wayes of» Dauid his fa- ΚίοΠοι^ίΓ' ther.and bowed neither re the right haad nor to the left. -«hey woiUiifyed evtowoifcfp God my otherwife then he haih ap- i Whici albeit ihal itisnotconteined in the Ebtew , ^ec becaiiie it is here mentioned sud is ^fiitten in ; btity him in iVe {tpttlchrti ofihe Kings . but in thi gatden ofthe Kings liBofe. ♦tUto^.ti.tJ• a He {oUowti Lord God of pie. he fent Shaphan the fonne of Azali ji 5c Maa feiah the gouernour of the citie ,rnd loch the fonne of loahaz the Recorder te lepeire the houfe cfthe Lord his God. 9 And vhcn they came to Hiikiah the hie rrieft.rhey deliueied the money that was brought into the houfe of God, which tire Lcuites that kept the dcoies, had gathered at the h; nd (i Ma- n.;fleh,and Ephraim.Sc ofalltherelidue tf Ifiael, and of all ludth andBcniarain , and [! of die inha- bit.uits of lerufalem. I ο And they put it in the hands of them that ihould do the worke,4mi had the ouerlight in the houfe ofthe Lord:and they gaue it to the workc- men that wrought in the houfe ofthe Lord tore- paire and amend the houfe, I I Euen to the workemen and tothe builders gaue they it to buy hewed ftoncind timber for couples, and for bcamesofd^efhoufes .which the kings of ludah had deftroyed. 1 2 And the men did the worke S faithfiilly.and the ouerfeers of themx/z/rrilchaihiJidObadiah the Leuires.of the children of Merari.rnd Zecha- to l.,.fjrm. I iMci«in(,Sh>»ht9 f rot tJieitwtr» iniaypoiiions ind piece! arr.r». d to the Tetrple. ; Metnirg , ih»t hcyweie in Inch diie foi their made xor.eac- eo bocJcc ofthe Law ofjb utiit ι ling, the Lord^/Wnby the hand of Mofes. ly Therefore Hilkiah anhvered and faidto Shaph.'n the chanceller ,1 haiie found the hcoki ofthe Law in the houfe ofthe Lord : and Hilki.;li gaue the booke to Shaph^n. 16 And Shaphan caried the booke toi the King.and brought the King wordag.iine.faying. All that is conMnitted to the hand of thy feriiants, that doe they. !7 For they haue gathered the money that was fcund in the houfe ofthe Loi»i,and luue deliue• red it into the hands ofthe ouerfeers , and to the hands of the workemen Alfo Shrph.',n the chanceller declared to irertfcelijig was comBiandcd to haiie ^onilniuU/ a copie of this boow, and le leadt therein day a«d Bight, Dtui.)7,ili at twentie yeert oldehe abolitt'.ed idolatry, and telle ltd the (lueteli- jion. c which Oietctih (hat hee would fee ihc leformauon with >ts;0wn* eye! A Kcadei.King, »$,!«. t This great leale of this godly Kii the holy Ghoft ft leih fotth a; an cumplc and pat- tecae to other kings and tnlers, (O teaih them «kMCodtC^ui^tlk God of Dauid his father : and in the twelfr yeere I the Κ ing, faying, Hiikiah the prieft had giucni mc a booke, and Shaphan read it before the Kirg.j 19 And when the King hndheaidihc woidcsl of the Law.he > tare his cloathes. And the King commanded Hiikiah .-rd tsrs of Baalim, and he caufedtocut downethc ( A'hikam the fonne of Sn3fhan,and Abdon the iiTpiefiedandthe ji FetfoTow A«- {thc woidef Cod )'idt>eencfo)png^: images that were on high vpcn them : hee brake alfo the groues , and the caruedin>iges and the inolten images , and ffimpt them to.pcv.der , and ftrowed it vpon the gniues of them tharhaJ fa- crifided vnto them. y Alio hee burnt the ^ bones ofthe Prieftes vpon their altars , and purged lud.ih and leruia- lem. 6 And in tlie ciiies of Minafleh . end Ephra- im and Simeon , euen vntoNaphtali , with their maules theybrakf all round about. 7 ita«rwheQhfeliaiis-deitr9yedt&caIwr5,acd fonne of Micah , and Sh; plun the chanceJlcr , and r«' p'' K» '" 'K Afaiah the kings feruant , faying; '^''' 2 1 Goe a^ frcfit biTVJtle Hm. "ΚΛ Oreouer , "^ lofiahkept a Pafleouer vnto the \Lord in lerufalem.and they flew the 'Paffeo- uer in the fourteenth day of the firft moneth. 2 And he appointed the Priefts to their char- ges , and encouraged them te the feruice of the houfe of the Lord, 3 And he fayd vnto the Leuites that '' taught all Ifrael and were fanilified vnto the Lord , Put fering i jtames of the„iHingj which ate fignified. b So that the Letiites charge wasnot on- ly Μ rtiniftei in. tJ* Tempi t , but «lio w iofltuft the jeoflt in tht yy «id «f «od, _ ingtotnecimmonsot ^nt ^^^^^^ ^i^yl'"^l families ofthe children of the people, to otter vn- 'μ neceffnie the Lt- to the Lord , as it is written in the booke of Mo- ^rites might kill fes.and fo ofthe bullocks. K^rlife.'.tea 13 And *■ they rofted the Paffeouer with fire, Lt the people according to the cuitome,but f iandified things pat which was they fod in pots , pannes , and cauldrons, and di- r°' a"!"^""!'" ftribujed them cjuickly to all the people. Lue'ry m'a n'niighe 14 Afterward alio they prepared for them- p>fter peace offe- feluesandfor tlie Priefts : for the Prieftes the i™gt,aiidfo haue fonnes oi Aaron were occupied in offring of burnt Ι^''^,'^'""^• ^ offerings , and the fat vntill night : therefore the Leuites prepared for themfeliies , and for the Priefts the fonnes of Aaron. • i<; And the lingers the fonnes of AfaphjiW in their ftanding * according to the commrjide- rRCm of Dauid , and Afiph , «nd Hcman , and le- dudiun the kings h Seer : and the porters at eue- ry gate,who might not depart from their fernice; therefore their brethren the Leiiites prepared for them. 16 So all the feiuice of the Lord was pre- pared the fame day to keepe the Paffeoner , and to offer burnt offrings vpon the altar ofthe Lord, according to the commandemcnt of King lo- iiah. 17 And the children oflfrael that were pre fent , kept the Paffeouer the fame time , and the feaft ofthe vnleauened bread feuen dayes. 1 8 And there was no Paffeouer kept like that in Ifrael, frwnthe dayes of Samuel the Prophet neiElaei h Meaning hereby |his rtophtt.becabii he appointed the pfilmes and pro- phecies which vreiccobefuns. lofiahsdeaih, rehoatiazT'^' Cbap.XX[xvi. lehoiachin. Thecapi iuidc. 167 i Eir.f»inJ. S either did all the kings of Ifrael keepe fuch a alleouer as lofiah kcpr.and thePrieflsandthe Lcuites, and all ludah, and Ifrael tliat were t pre- fent.and the inhabitants of lenifalem. 9 This Pafleouer was'kept in » the eighteenth crrnd m;nri..h y«rcoft^e rcigMC of lofiah. γ«ϊΐί of his age. *i.Kl>i2J.i». % Which was i iirieof tl'c Afl)f- ii>nt,smi ΙοΓι>Η feaiing leifl h«e f aftiiig thorovT iiMlah, wonldbaoe taitahisVing- Jome, made waiie againfthim.and ctniulccd act yrith At Loid. I Or , Eufkmft. •fBlr.ofmytMltU. 1 That ii J aimed himfelfe.oKiifgui- ftdhiinfelfe.be- «aufehee might »•( kc kiiovfca- ■I Thtfeoplefo much lamented tlieloiTe of this geedking , that afttr when there was anygicatla- mentation.this Wisfpoien of as α pioueibe,reade 2ach.ia.li. η Which fomt «hinlte leiemie made, wherein he lamenKththe Daie ί * After all this.when lofiah had prepared the Temple , Nccho king of Egypt, came vp ro fight againft ^ Carchemilh by Β Pciath . and lofi- ah went out againft him. But hee fcnt meflengers to him .faying, What haiielto doc vich thee, thou king of I u- dah ? Ictme not againft thee this day , but againft the hoiife t of mine eHcmie,<-md God commanded ree t» make hafle : leaue oftVe ceme againft God, which is with me,!eaft he deftroy thee. But lofiah would not twrne his fice from him , but 1 changed his apparel! to fi»ht with him, and hearkened not vnto the wordes ofKecho, which were of the mouth of God, but came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. 23 And the (liooters ibot at king lofiah : then the king faid to his feruaiits, Gary me away , for I am very ficke. i4 So his feruantstookehimoiuof that cha- ret , and put him in the fccond charet which hee had , and when they had brought him to lernfa- lem , he died, and was buried iti the fepulchres of his fathers : and all ludah and leriifalem "" mour- ned for lofiah. 25- And leremiah lamented lofiah , and all fin- ging men and finging women mourned for lofi- ah in their lamentations to this day , anil made Ithc fame for an ordinance vnto Ifrael ; andbe- hold.they be written in the η Lamentations. 2(5 Concerning tlie reft of the adtes of lofiah, and his goodnetie , doing as it was written in the Law of the Lord, 27 And his deedes firft and laft , behold , they i H< jSklnitli fa. FfiHitiecis maiki which weic fotoii vpon hi! body, when he WIS deij, he bej .fThecHiuch'aftira" written in the booke of tl)e Kings of Ifrael. tkisgsicath. aud ludah. ^t.Ki»£ti.i». % f«t thr«e me• aedK after the itath of ^oliah, came Necho to I<- lufalem, audio the pfegiiesbega», fihich HiildaTiand tke Prephets fore- Teamed Ihoiild CHAP. XXXV I". .^m. % Jft'rr him lrk<:hί »t»)3•. lehoahaz his brother ."and carj-cd him te Ε ypti 5- lehoiakim was fine and twentie ycere olde when he began to reigne , and he reigned eleueii ^eeres in lerufalem , and did ' euill in the fight of ;he Lord his God. 6 Againft him came vp Nebuchad-nezzar ^ing of Babel , and bound him with chaines to :arie him to Babel. 7 Nebwchad-ncnar iifo * caried f f the vei. fcis of the hoiife of the Lord to Babel . an*put them in his temple at Babcl. 8 Concerning the reft' of the aftes of leho- iaK.ira , and his abominations which hee did , and «that which wasfound vpon Ivim.behoM , they "•■^ wnifen in the beoke of the kings of Ifrael and ludah, and lehoiachin his fonne reigned in his ftead. " 9 ^ lehoiachin t,vas . eight ycere olde whenL^illa^ '^^"^/' - began to re,gne,and he reigned three moneths! ί;;ίοΐ.,Γ,Γ and ten dayes in lerufalem , and did euill 1ηι1;εΙ'»"«Ί'η»>»ΐ'"π. fight of the Lord. f««i«i !■« bue ikt And when the ycere was out, king Kcbu- Γτί'^ΰ heh»J l.i..e:gr;.,.,8ht ;e(ie olde, and teigned icayMitt whenhiifaihoe >"asal;iie,and iftn hij faiheis death, which wauhe eishieenli^ccieol h:f age, be leigxci aloie thixme- reihsaxdMB *■ ■ Mitf.t^.if.tf Irrrm.ii.t, chad-nczzar fcnt and brought him to Babel , with the precious veilils of the houfc of the Lord , and he made Zedekiah his j] brother king ouer ludah and lerufalem. 11 Zedekiah fi/Ji one and twentie yeere olde when hee began to reigne . and reigned eleiien yeere in lerulalem. 12 * And hee did euill in the fight of the Lord his God , and humbled not himfelfe before lere- miah the Prophet at the commandcraent of the Lord. 13 But hee rebelled morcouc r againft Kebn- chad-nezzar , which had caufed him t * fweare by God ; and hee hardened his nccke and made his heart obftinate , that he might not rcturne tethe Lord God of Ifrael. 14 All the chiefe of the Priefts alfoandof the people trelpalled wonderfully, according to all the abominations of the heathen , and polluted the houfe of the Lord which hee had fandified in lerufalem. If Therefore the Lord God of their f.iihers; fcnt ro them t by his mellengers , frifin^eaily and fending : for hee had compaflion on h?s peo- ple.and on his habitation. 16 But they mocked the meflengers of God, and defpifed his words.and miftifed his Prophets, vntill the wrath of the Lord arofe againft his peo- ple , andtill there was no g rcmedie. 1 7 For he brought vpon them the king of the Caldeans , who flew their young men with the fwordiM"n the houfe of their Sandbiary .andfpa- red neither youn^ m.an nor vir»in, aneient, nor a- gsd.Godi gaue all into his hand. 18 And all the veflels of the houfe ef God great andfraall , andthetrcafuresofthc houfe of the Lord, and the treafurcs of the king.and of his princes ; all thefc caried he to Babd. 1 9 And they burnt the houfe of God,3Hd brake downc th-e wall of lerufalem.and burnt all the palaces thereof with fire : and all tlie precwus veflels thereof, to deflroy aU. 20 And they that were left by the fword , ca- ried he away to Eabel , and they were fertiants to him, and.ro his fonncs, vntill the kingdomc of the k Pcrfiansltad rule. 21 To fullill the word of rhe Lord by the 1 moHih of leremiah , vntHl the lande had her fill of her Sabbaths -.fir all the daycs tliat fbee I.iydefolate , fliee kept Sabbaih , to fulfill icuentic yeeres. 22 ί * Rut in them firft ycere of Cjrris king of Perfia (when the word of the Lord, v^e%'ii„3s:nflir. * iir,m. aj. 1 3. «, ftra.iji, I iy ihis phialc ih* Scripinrt mel- ee li, olicmimt^ and dilfgecily , Μ letem. 11 7 ui4 ι•5.5~. »nda<.^. and.ji.jj. ( l^UecdcouU rolor.getfnftet their linres.bm ir.nft ueedeipn- nifh them, h Whither ihey flcd.rhiiikiRgt• hail• beetle laccA for the hoLneift .hi«of. i V.hich i< not bccanfe God ip- prooncih him, whiehvctihthe minillet oi hit inilice. bai be- eaiif• God vronM by hi, iiiA itidge- poniOi thai |KopIe : foi ihii kixf was led niih aickitian ai.dvair.egloty, wherevrio wer• ioyred fntie an4 ciiieliy .• iherefore hii woikewas |coBdein.tabIe,BM- - , - Iwiihlandineit #«%''|w3s;nflindliel• Ccdspaii oft la ik(fil Kitig Cytm piloclamation« tibfEirewM tie CrrfK't t Hioa haR pie- nuYed that lepeu- : Oiilb; ilie way foi thim ta teturne to thee. k Heefpeaketh A is i fen ofhimlelfe, ijidthofe holy fzthcts which haiiii and Ifaac and lacob , which haue not l» fiiineJ in'tTsS' ^^^'"^ '^^^ ' ^^"^ '"^«^ '^'''^ appointed repentance , {6 that in' '^'"o me that am a fimier; for I haue finned aboiie terpsAof himfeifi the number of the fand of the fca. My tranforeflS- he calleth th« ir / c> iinuei nothing, attiibnteth vntc tfiemrighctoaf• Kent, compau- by tlie mouth of lefemiah , was finiflied) the Lord ftirred vp the fpirit of Cyrus king of I'erfia , and Jice made a proclamation through all his king- jdome.and aho bv writing.faving, 23 Thus f.i!th Cyrus k'ingofPeriia , All the kingdomes of the earth hath the Lord God of The prayer of ΟΪ the r\ Lord alnnightie, God of our fathers , Abrs- ham , Ifaac , and lacob, and of their righteous feide , which haft made heauen and earth with all their ornan^ent , which haft bound the Tea by the word of thy commaundement , which hail iliuir vp the depth , and fealed it by thy terrible and <;loiious Name , whom all doe feare , and tremble before thy power ; for the Maieftie of thy glory cannot be borne , and thine angry thrcatning to- wai-d finners is importable , but thy mereifuU pro- snife is vnmeafurable and vnfearchable. For thou art the moft high Lord, of great compalioii, long fuffering , and moft mercifull , and repenteft for mans miferies. Thou , Ο Lord , according to thy {►teat goodneile haft promifed » repentance and torgiuenefleto them that finneagainftthee.and Co thine infinite mercies haft appointed repentaiKe vnto finners that they may be faued. Thou there- fore. Ο Lord, that art the God of the iuft.haft not appointed repentance to the iuft , as to Abraham; Citin,%S,tt t.Bpir„,.l.i. Irrtmis ti. «ιίΐϋ.ιο, 9 Afteichat hte find D»iiis hid Wonn« Bjbylon Έ~^ heauefl giiien me^andhehath^'cotrimandedme. coihadfo to buiid him an houfe in lerufalem , that is in lu-i fort watned by hi» dah. who is among you of all his people, witlii Ptophet about an whom the Lord his God » > let him goe vn. i J^'"*"''» y«te5 •5 ' befeie Cyiiis was bovne, lf>.++.iS.that Urufalem and the Temple (heiild be btti] : Maine by Cyrus h iiiovntcd : ίο called , becauie God vfed his iciriuce ίβι » lime cp oelititc his ChiKch, Manafleh King Icwes, on3,0 Lord,are multi[5lied : my tfanfgreflions are exceeding many : atid I am not worthy to behold and fee the height of the heauens for themulti tude of mine vnrighteoufnes, I am bowed downe with many yron bands , that I cannot lift vp mine head, neither haue any releafe. For 1 haueprouo- ked thy wrath.and done euili before thee.I did not thy will, neither kept I thy commandements. I haue fet vp abominations , and haue multiplieci offences. Now therefore I bo\V the knee of mine heart, befeeching thee of grace. I haue finned,0 Lord, I haue finned,and I acknowledge my tranf- greilions : but I humbly befeech thee.forgiue me: Ο Lord, forgiue me, and deftroy me not with my tranfgreftions. Be not angry with me for euer by referuing euill for me , neither condemne me into the lower partes of the earth. For thou art the God , euen the God of them that repent : and ia me thou wilt fliewallthy goodiies : for thou wil: faue race that am vnworthy , according to thy great mercy: therefore I will prayfe thee for euer all the dayes of my life : for all the power of the heauens prayfe thee , and thiue is the glory for etier and euer. AmeH. R A. THE A R-G V Μ Ε Ν T. AS the Lerd is euer nttrcifull vnto his Church^anddoethnotpumjh them , hut tethe4ntentthey p}t)Mfe0 ^^ their ovvne miferies .and be exercifed vnder the cro£e , that they might contemne the vverld , and a/pire 1/ijto the heauens :fo after that bee had vipted the lev vts , and hept them now in bondage feuentie yeeres in * firange countrey among infidels and idolaters ,hee remembred his tender mercies and their infirmities , and there/ere for his- owns fake raifed thim vpadeltuerer , and mosued both the heart of the chiefe ruler topitie them , and alfe by him pumfhed fuch ,vvhich had kept ther/i tn feruitud?. Notvvithflanding , leafi they fhoidd frewe into a contempt of Gods great bene files , hee keepcth them IhU in exercife , and rayjeth dorneHicall enemies which endeuottr as much as they can to hinder their moli worthy enterprifes: yet by the exhortatign 4f the Prophet they viz ent forward by little and little , till their -uvorke was fintfh?d. The authour of this booke i/vas E^r^ , who was Pr'iefi and Scribe of the Iaw , as Chap. 7 6. Hee returned to lerufalem 'hefixt yetre of Darius , whofucceeded Cyrus , that ii , about fiftie yeeres after the returne of the firfi vn-ier Zerubiiobel, when the Temple was bukt .. Hee brought with him a great officers fir aU fuch things as pjoufd be neceffary for the iTemple : and at hit comming hee red refed thai which trvAs Λmiβe, and fet the things ingoodorder. CHAP. I. ; t^fut-finiiAjgi'tiiithefttYittUtajs In (ψ! fioxttii tkm tiiir My νφΐί. Ow * in ^ the firllyeere of Cyrus King of Perfia (that tli? word of the LORD, jio^'* by the * mouth of Teremiah migtitbe accomplifliedi^ Lord ftirred vp thee fpirit of Cyrus Kiagof Perfia, and hee * Whoptomifedthia,deliiiersncc after that feHWtyyeei!?Swe*i«ft, lete• »i.«i' - Thaiis, mowed him, and gane tiro heaa. ■ompany and much treafures , with Utters to the 1<^/ψ made a proclamation tTiorow all his kingdome.and alfo by writing , faying, 2 Thus fayeth' Cyrus King of Perfia , The Lord Gad of heauen hatli ginen race ^ all the kingdomes of the earth, and hchathcomman- ded'me to build him an houfc in ierufalcm, which is in ludah. .^ who is hee among you of all his people with whom his God is ? le'chimgoe vptoleru- ialem whkli is in Iudaii> and build the houfe ol — : the d For hee wa? chiefc Monarch, and Kai many nations vndir his do:ni«iioi•, whick thi'hejthcnkinj confelTeth to haite rccemed of tU liutng Coi!. c If inythiengh |Oneriyweve not ■ ' te retnrne, the kings com- mifsion wjs that htt HioM b«fut- nifl'.ed wiib ne- tn'aiies. f which they thtmrelues flieiJi fend lowaid the teparation of the Temple. g The Fabylonian and Chaldeant gjite t'lem thefe ptefents • thus tar thei then the chil- dren 01 God (houM want for their nccefsiiies, he would nine vp the heaitof the very inf dels to help e them. *i W»^. a5>3. I.Cf-WB. 36.7. *riOT. 27. ipio. riji. 1 t. h so the Chaldean called Zeiiibbabel ■who wai the chief gotietnoiir, ίο that thep.eeminerce flill re>">iiied in the hoiife oi Pa- llid. i. which fenitd to kjjl the beafts that Wire offered in fictifice , It With the lewei that had btenekep captiiies in E»- by>«. * itete. 7,t'• z.EJSr.iT. a Meaning, Iiidel which was a pro nince, that is, a coortrey which ■was in ftibiedlioB b Zetiibbabel was chicfe captaine,! lefliuathi high Piiefl: biitNehc. miah a man of great anthorttie ■vent not now.btu tame after 6^ yeeies. t Thiiwasnot that Moidecai which was Efieit kiafman. d Meaning, of th. :«immon ptopl lOr.tf tiiDuks 'f Mini. I put ottnemtmc the Lord God of Ifraehhe is the God.which is in lenifalem. 4 And CHery one that remaineth in any place (where hee foioiirneth) « let the men of his place reHeue him with filucr and with gold, and with fiibftance . and with cattcll , ^and with a willing offering .for the hoiife of Godthafis in lerufa, lem. y Then the chiefc fathers oflndah and Ben- iamin , and the Priefts and Leuites role vp , with all them whofe fpirit God had raifed to go vp , to build the houfe of the Lord which is in lerufalem, d And all g they that were about them , ftreng- thened their hands with veilcls of filuer , witii ^old.with fiibftance and with caticll.and with pre- cious things, befides ail tliat was wiiiing'y oftred. 7 Alfo the king Cy riis brought fort'i the vei^ fels ofthe houfe of the Lord, '••'vvhich Nebuchad- nezzar had taken out of lerufalem .and liad them in the houfe of his god. 8 Euen them did Cyniskingof Perfiabring forth by the hand of Mithredarh the treafurei-,and couHted them vnto ϊ» Shertibazzar the Prince of I»dah. 9 And this is the number of them , thirty ba- fins of golh the nunes •ί t^K*', ly The fonnes of Adin . foure hundreth and foure and fiftie; i(i The fonnes of Ater of «Hizkiah .ninetie . which were if and eight: ),, pA,,,-,;. ,{ 17 The fonnes of Bezai . three hundreth and Γ"*'"'''• three and twentit; 1 8 The fonnes of lorah , an hundreth and twelue: 19 The fonnes of Hasiluira, two hundreth and three and twentie: 20 The fonnes of Gibbar, ninetie and fiue: 21 f The fonnes of Bet-helera .an hundreth and three and twentie: Z2 The men of Netophah.fixe and fiftie: 23 Thd men of Anathoth ,au hundreth and eiglit and twentie; 24 The fonnes of Azmaueih . two and fourtie: 25: The fonnes of Kiriath-arim.ofChephirah: and Beroth.feucn hundreth and three and tourtie: i6 The lonnes of Harainah and Gaba.fixe huu« drethand one and twentie: 27 The men of Michmas. an hundreth and two and twentie: 28 The fonnes of Beth-el.and Ai^two hundreth and three and twenty: 29 The fonnes of Nebo .two and fifty: 30 The fonnes of Magbilh . an hundreth and fixe and fiftie: 3 1 The fonnes of the other Elam . a thoufand, and two hundreth and foure and fifiie; 3 2 The fonnes of Harim , three hundreth and twentje: ^^ The fonnes of Lord-hadid, and Ono, feuea hundreth and Hue and twenty: 34 The fonnes of lericho.threc hundreth and fiue and fourty 3 y The fonnes of Senaah , three thoufand fixe Itiindreth and thirty 36 f The g Prieils:of the fonnes of ledaiah of the houfe of lefliua . nine hundreth feuentie and three: 3 7 The fonnes of Immer . a thoufand and two and fiftie: 38 The Tonnes of Pafliur.a thoufand.two hun- dreth and fcuen andfourtie; j9 The fonnes of Harim, a thoufand and fc• uenteene. h .^ , • 40 ί H The Lenites . the fonnes of le/liua . and f ^* ^""'**- Kadmiei of the fonnes of Hodauiah , leucnty and foure. 41 ί II The Singers: the fonnes of Afaph. an hundreth and eight and twenty. 42 t Ν The ionnes ofthe porters ; the fonnes of Shalkim, the fonnes ot Ater.tiie fonnes of Tal- mon , the for nes of Akkub , the fonnes of H.-»ita, the fonnes of Shobai : all were an hundreth and nine and thirty. 43 f The h Nethinims :the fomiesof Ziha, the fonnes of Hafiipha.rhe fonnes of Tabbaoth, 44 The fonnes of Keros , the fonnes of Siaha. the fonnes of I'adon, 4y The fonnes of Lehanah, the fonnes of Ka- gabaJi, the fonnes of A.Vkiib, 45 The fonnes of H-agab. the fonnes of Sham- Jai.the fannes of Hanan, 47 The fonnes of Giddcl.the fonnes of Gahar, the fonnes of Rcaiah, 48 The fonnes of Rczin , the fonnes of Nekt>- da,the fonnes of Gazzatti, 49 The fonnes of Vzzah , the fonnes of Pafis- ώ^ζ foamcs of B^fai».. in Tim^ g Before he if tk» declired ihe twr- iiibei οι liidah ane SingefT, The reucrf, So »1<«4,ΐ!<«1αΑπ ey wei* giiien) he rcirrle.teca ood and beaie rtei forihe-vfe )f the fi!Cil6it«, ;.beOBiteii \-fe by I• ΚΛ- F=^ They tbatfeturned, arenumbred.^ i Whiii» time of iktrnthit Salomon Wj appeiVeed for the worlie of ibe Esra, yo The fonnes of Afnah , the fonnes of Meu- Mim.the fonnes of Nephufim, y I The fonnes of Bakbuk , the fonnes of Ha- kupa.the fonnss of Harhur, y 2, The fonnes of Bazluth , the fonnes of Me- hida,the f vnto Ie mafoas, and to the workemen.and meate and drinke, and biah. the fonnes ofNekoda, fix hundreth and two ] oyle vnto thcmofZidonaHd of Tyrus , tobringl their feed.whether they were of ifrael. 6o The fonnes of Delaiah , the fonnes of To- i of hiili is nuie »ention, i.Sam. !7•>7. 9.31• and bectiiife the I>i-eifts efnce wss hid in contempt, «licfe would ha;ic ch»njedthtivt8aie hythtirjiame.iKi fc by Gods iuil wtdgcmcntlori both *e eniraation oi she world andth•, Agnity if cheit •iiie. i This is 1 Chiide Mswe, and figni- 6cth him ihat hjih oaiheiity «iist erher•!. Μ Ktiit Fjtoj. • «rJO. m \yhtenmOHn: «.of our money ii4Sas.l1. IJ-ftltU. /(..i.efleiming the Jrench ctewne fat <.Ml,+.d. for the diamme is the tight pltt of an «imce.and the •iince the eight fait of a matke. • Which arc mitp, and en m ^icce two •narlcs : fo wiinti malit ssoec fcankes, which Mount 10 of om anOKev 6>666.) «j.fciU.+.d. fe ("hit the whole ailed Moles the man of God, tPedaiah, reade a And they fet the Altar vpon ' his bafes (ffri^'^^^jj'^• 3•^'/' feare was among them , becaufe of the people of] „i,ere saLmo» thofe coumreys) therefore they offered burnt of-ί had pUced it, ferings thereon vnto the Lord, f»i« burnt offe- rings in the morning, and at euen. 4 They kept alio the feaft of tlie Taberna- cles ,at it is written.and the burnt oftrings * daily, ^ ^^^ it ,t< by number according to the cuftome day by day, ■ 3• ' • y And afterward d the continuall burnt of- d That is. afwi At fering , both in the new moneths and in all the f»»" of xak«- feaii dayes that were confccrate vnto the Lord, "^'^'i and in all the oblations willingly offired vnto the Lord. 6 From the firft day of the feuenth moneth m\d fiftie. 61 And of the fonnes of the Prieftes , the fonnes of Habaiah, the fonnes of Coz , the fonnes of k Barzillai : which tooke of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wife , and was called af- ter their name. 61 Thefe fought their writing of the genealo- gies , but they were not found ; therefore were they put from the Priefthood. 63 And 1 Tirih itha faid vnto them , that they fliould not eate of the moft holy thing , till there rofe vp a Pr'ieft with "■> Vrim and Thummim. 64 The whole Congregation together vvai two and fourtie thoufand .three hundreth and threefcore. 6^ Befide their feruants and their maides ; of whom were feuen thoufand , three hundreth and feuen andthirty.-anda'Taong them M/crf two hun- dreth finging men and finging women. 66 Their horfcs were feuen hundreth.and fixe and thirtie ; their mules , two hundreth , and hue and fourtie: 6 J Their camels foure hundreth , and fiue and thirtie : their aflcs, fixe thoufand, feuen hundreth and twentie. 65 And certaine of the chiefe fathers , when they came to the houfe of the Lord, which was in lenifalem, they offered willingly for the houfe of God, to fet it vp vpon his found.ttion. 60 They gauc after their Ailitic vnto the trea- fure of the worke , euen one and threefcore thou- fand » drammes of gold,in J fiue thoufand" pieces offiluer.and an hundreth Priefts garments. 70 So the Priefts and the Leuites , and a cer- tain: of the people,' and the fingers ,and thepor- |ters,and the Nethinims dwelt in their cities, and all Ifrael in their cities. I them cedar wood from Lebanon to the Tea vnto I ΰ lapho , according to the graunt that they haii i of Cyrus king of I'erfia. ; 8 ί And in the fecond yeere of their com- 1 raing vnto thehoufeufGodinIerufa!em,in the, i « iecond moneth began Zcrubbabel the fonne ofl^ *'''«'' i uheakiel .and lellvia the fonne cf lozadak ,anJ '"""■"" ; the remnant of their brethren the Priefts , and ijie j Leuites, and all they that were come out of t'liefneine fcai 1 captiuiiie vnto lerufa.em , and appointed the Le- 1 iiites from twentie yeere old and aboue.to fet for- ward the vvoxke of the houfe of the Lord. Ρ And leikia f Itood with his fonnes , and his brethren , and Kadmiel with his fonnes , and the Tonnes of ludah together , to fet forward the I (9r. t^fiS ;cd part of ί,ρι.ΙΙ and part of vlay .• for in the tke, ■i3dp.oii;ded for ihin^sneccirary :or the woike. f They gaae ihent hottarions.ani courage^ enery workemen in the houie of God,and the fonnes of Jhe^e!kt." "^ Henadad with their fonnes, and their brethren the Leuites. 10 And when the builders layed the founda- tion of the Temple of the Lord , they appoynted the Priefts in their appareil with triimpets,and the Leuites the fonnes of Afaph with cymbals , to prayfe the Lord , * after the ordinance of Dauid kin» of Ifrael. 11 Thus they fang when they gaue prayfe, end when they gaue thankee vnto the Lord , For hec is good , for his mercy eadureth for euer to- ward Ilraei. And all the people fliouted with a t• i.Cinn.K./.sj • CaUed ΠΛ,τί •rhichanfwereth tepiitof Septeirb. ^fKtti oA«bet< III. < Tkri,ff„t, thUfi. 7Th C Η A f'i'-irf f»r ihf TfinfU. 1 1 Λ Nd -I" when the * feuenth moneth was come. and the children of Ifcael were in their ci- ties » the people aflembled themfelucs as one njaji great flioute , when they prayfed the Lord , be- caufe i' layed. caufe the foundation they pr oftheb oufe of the Lord was 1 2 Many alfo of the Priefts and the Leuites and the 'chiefe of the fathers , ancient men which had feene the firfc ftoufe.fwhen the foundation of this houfe was laj'ed before their eyes) Swept with a loud voyce,and many fliouted aloud for ioy, «,«.„„,- ,1.. li bo that the people could t5otdi!cerncthefpititiiaU Temple, found of the fliout for ioy , from the noyfe of the which ai« ch» weeping of the people: for the people fliouted with 4,ioude cry, & the noyfe was heard farre off! CHAP. IV. r*f UtWrg cftkr Trmflr it Vnini. ifii it AfUKtrxUtVt tilt ^xβ^trt^ Bii: Bertnfe they aw chit it was othin J fo jlerie« ; that Temple, which Salomon iaifcuilt,notwith• landing Aggeus comiorteth tlient, ind prephecieth hat it Gialbe mor, eaHtil'iill then the fiift: mea ciembers of Chiiesbody. JRehumsaccufation. TF^ Chap. iv.V. ^ TbebuilJinghitJjfari^9 .^?^'i™L" Γ 17 τ The KingfentananfwerevncoRehum Vt^the acluerrar.es of Itidah and Benumm 17 Τ The Kmg fent an anfwere vnco Rehum heard, that the children of the captuune buil- the chancelJour , and Shimihaithe fciibc . and to led the Temple vnto the Lerd God of I.frael. the reft of their companions that dwelt in Sama- 2 And they came toZerubbabel.andtothe ria.and vnto the other beyond the Riuerl She- ;hiefe fathers . and faid vnto them. We will build ' lam and m Cheeth. /ith you: for we feeke the Lord your God as yee ' 18 ί The letter which yre fent vnto vs. hath oe , 8c we haue facnhccd vnto him fince the time ' bene openly read before me, _- . jaf Efar Haddon king of Asfliur, which brought 1 19 And I haue fl„Ppedidoi«aire. ^^ vp hither. and tnetetoie weie i ^ ι ^^_ ^ thegie ntie fer ihclun, ftkiadta giietinj. «n Lillcdair• , . commaunded anJ they haue P""^•* . «» ^1 ^ . L ,. , ,. . , ,. /. 'marched , and found , that this citie of oldc time ^"* " ' I ί Then Zerubbabel. and leflvia. and the reft 1 hath made infurreaion ag^inft kin?s . and hath enemies to the ttpi of the chicfc fathersofIfraelfaidvntothem.lt I rebelled . and rebellion hath becne committed feriiants of God. Js not for you , but for vs to buud the houie vnto j therein. 2,0 There haue beene mightie kings alfo ouer «i?ed «ffi'eit h"" ^°'^ •'" ^°'^ ^'^^ """^ '""^'"" together will build metenc" was , to |c vnto^the Lord God of Ifrael , as king Cyrus the eieA idola- ttie in fteaj of tiiie «eligion They bribed the y ^ing of Perfia hath commanded vs. 4 Wherefore the people of the land t difcou- "mMifiMr Mged the people of ludah, and troubled them in we^ks- building. And thev' hired counfellers a»ainft them, lerufalem , which haue ruled oner ail beyond the Riiier , and tolle , tribute and cuftome was gi- uen vnto them. 21 Make ye now a decree that thofe men may ceafe, and that the citie be not built, till I haue ^U , lien another commandement. ° \ j 22 Take heedc now that yee faile not to doe j this : why (liould domage grow to hurt the kingf I ; 23 when the copyofkingArtahίl•lnl^.tesl^t.l ter was read before Rehiim and Shimftiai the ' beginnin» of his reigne) wrote they an accufati- , fcribe , and their companions , they went vp in all I on againft theinhabitantsofludah Sclerufalem. I the haftc to lerufalem vnto the Icwes .aiidcaufed 5 "t'*'"^*'''"'' 7 And in the dayes of» Artahiliaihte , Mith- I them to ceafe by force and power. l.hori'ed''ihJm"«, ""'"'''fome Air" f^'^'^^^ < Tabecl . and the reft of their companions 24 Then η cealej the worke of the honfe of ^«minne.bu. .hey wrote when it was peace , vnto Artahlhalhtc king \ God ; which w.is In Terufalem . and did (lay vnto Ij;*^"* '«■' F"^-"i»MrA,} to At mif>i^.fT«r,^. 6 Hitt,tini\ fcribe wrote a letter againft lerufalem to Artah- '° "■*"'"• ' Ihaihte the king, in this fort. ' "ηΡ Hen || *■ Haggai a Propher.and Zechariah the 9 Then x-xTife Rehum the chancellour .and Shimfliai the fcribe, and their companions fDi- naie , and Aphariathcaie , Tarpelaie , Apharfaie. fheTirj: MndL to- hinder their deuife all the dayes of^Cyrus king their wcike: Thus of Perfia, eucii vntill the reignc of Daruis king they that halt, can- jof Perfia. not abide that ^ ^„j j„ ^fj^ reigne of^ Ahaihnerofh fin the Godftioiildbe ° purely leraed. d He WIS «Ifo cal Cambifes Cyiiisfonne , er IMuriiis.asverfes. |e Called Artax- i itxes, which llgnt- ficth in the Petfian iCOMgue.an excellent ; -warricut y Or, munpHfr. f Thefe werecet- laine people which thcAiryt np Hen II *■ Hag»ai a Propher.ai -*■ fonnc of Iddo a Prophet placed in Samaria in fieadoftliei'en Bablaie , Shuihanchaie , Dehaue . El- Archeuaie tribes. raaie. g Some thinie it i i q And the reft of the people whom the great was sanehctib but! 31,(^1 noj,je g Afnappar brought ouer, and fet in the h r" wit"nph"-' ^^'"^5 °^ Samaria , and other thai are beyond the tes: and he'me,inetlj ^ Riuer and ' Cheeneth. in relpeii ef Babel that they dwelt beyond i which were etrtaine people that eaaied the Itwes li Meaning, the ^fts that are won to be giiieii to lings when they pafftby any coiintrey. ■f Ebr.in tie CUi fOttfUtfiUie. for. H^^f./,' pro-pliecied vnto,* hjjj. 1,1. the lewcs that were in ludali , and lerufalem , in ί>Ε/Λ•. <. ι, the Name of the God of Ifrael , euen vnto them. 2 Then Zerubbabel the fonne of Shealtie/J and lelliua the fonne of lozadak aiofe , and be- 1 gan to build the houfe of God at lerufalem, and I with them were the Prophets of God , which «which "cw- 3 helped them. m'^ them 10 «oe 3 ί At the fame time came to them Tatnai!fea7h"i,-'h„ '^« which was captaine beyond the Riuer , and .She-j were moiecarefiS ther-boznai . and their companions , and faid thusi'»'^"" *'■' vnto them , Who hath giiien you commande-j ^χΙ','^'έ,'^^^'^ ment to build this houfe , and to lay the foiinda- ,he Temple oi tions of thefe wallcs ? | cod. ί This is the copie of the letter that they fent vnto King Artahlhalhtc .THY SER- VANTS the men beyond the Riuer, and Cheeneth , fa/ute thee. 12 Be it knowen vnto the King that the lewes which came vp from thee to vs , are come vute 4 0 1 nen laia we vnto tiiera atter this maner,, lerufalem (a citie rebellious and wicked) and what are the names of the men that build this! , build, andlay the foundations of the walles .and , building? haue ioyned the foundations. y But thee eye oftheir God was vpon the El-I ^^ ^ , 13 Be it knowen now vnto the king , that if dersofthe Icwes , that they could not caufc themUj,e fpin'r"•"' this citie be built, and the foundations of the wals ! to cti(^ , till the matter came to Darius ; and then flitojtii. layd . they will not ^iue tolle , tribute , nor 1< cu- 1 they anfwered by letters therevnto. ' ftome : fo flialt thou Hinder the kings tribute. 6 The copie of the letter .that Tatnai cap- 14 Now therefore becaufe t wee haue beene taine beyond the Riuer , and Shether-boznai ant^ broug'it vp in the /^'«^-f palace , it was not meete his companinns , Aph.ufechaie , (which were be• yond the riuer) fent vnto King Darius. 7 They fent a letter vnto him.whercin it was written thus .VNTO D A R I V S the King.aJI pe.ice. for vs to fee the Kings diilionour : for this canfe haue wc fent and certified the King, I y That one may fearch in the booke of the Chronicles of thy fatners , and thou (halt finde in the bookc of the Chronicles . and perceiue that this citie is rebellious and noyfomc vnto kings and prouinces, and that they haue mooued fediti- on of old tjpie , for the which caufe this citie was ■deftroyc^. 16 Wee certifie the king therefore , that if this chie be bnilded , and the foundation of the walles Jaid, by this me.-mes the portion beyond the Ri- wr ftall not be thine. T*r Be it knowen vnto the king , that we went into the prouince of Iudea,to the houfe of the great God , which is builded with J| great ftoneS, and beames are laid in the walles , and this worke is wrougiit fpectlily, & profpereth in their hand"; 9 Then asked wc thofe Elders, and fayd vnrt them thus , Who hath giuen you commandcrrenLj ro build this houfe,and to lay the foundation oi thefe walles i Υ 10 we edecrecof Darius Ezra. The PaiTeouefl DfCo wit, Salomon. ir^i<.j.2. , l-W-I^.Z + .Ii. iRwde*»?.!.»•: B.caiec5ijp. .iflicsot«ct)iis ,i-/ar.i.2i. fit .*»»/>e,Mat. ii,j«. Matthev* and Lnke calle him a Liwyet ot aoftoroftheLaW, Maith,»t-3i• ioke 10. t». i That conteined l^irtoi iiily> «"^ patt of Aagaft. C Of King Diiiut. Chap. Vllf VIIL Who rtmxtitam^^^ τ jq CHAP. VII. nmt I* ImfAim. ij Hee il'ttb It^nkii to GcJ. ■M" Ow after thcfe tliiii»s , in the reigne of» Ar- ^ tahlliiihte kiii^ of Perfia , was Ezra the fonne of Seraiah , the fonne of Azariah, the fonue ofHilkiah, feruice of the houf; of thy God .tliofcdeliuet• thou before God in lerufalem. 20 And tlid rcfiduithat (hall he neidfull fof the houfe of thy God , which ihall be meete for thee to beftow .tbou flialt beftow it outoftli«i Kings trcafure houfe. | I 2 1 AndlkingArtalilhadicehaue giuf;n com ( rnandetnent to all f treafurers which are beyond i The fonne of Shallum , the fonne of Zadok• ] Ithc Riusr , that wbatfoeuer Ezra the Prislt and the fonne of Ahitub, Scribeof thcLiwof the God of heauen Ihall re- rnon th^ f seme take thi» for the name of people , ioine fot time otcontiau- avce, meaning'hat the king wiied himlonglife. ^ Whwhiemained as yet in Bibylon andhadnotietiit ned with Zenib- babel.' h To examine who liued accoidtug to the I.avr. i wheieottlioii ail «: Aaron. ■ the chiefe Prieft. 6 This Ezra came vp from Babel , and was a , c Scribe, prompt in the Law of Mofes , which the j Lord God oflfraelhadgiuen.andthekinggaue i him all his rcqueft according to the hand of the Lord his God, vvhkh vvai vpon him. 7 And there went vp«rra»«i of the children of Ifrael, and of the Pricfts, and the Leuites, and the fingers , and the porters .and the Nethinims vnto lerufalera , in the feuenth yeere of king Ar- taliihafhte. And hec came to lerufalcm m the " hfth monech , which was in the f'iuenth yeere « of the king. ρ For vpoB the firft dAy of the firft moneth began he to goevpfrom Babel , and on the firft άΛγ of theTrlt moiigth came he to lerufalem ac- cording to the good hand ofhisGodf/;iif ΐΊ/Λί vpon him. 10 For Ezra had prepared his heart to feeke the Law of the Lord, an J to doe it , and to teach the precepts aiid iudgements in Ifrael. 11 ί And this is the copie of the letter that king AitahJhalhte gaiie vnto Ezra the Prieft and Scribe.<«i)j a writer of the words of the comman- diments of the Lord, and of his ftatutes oner Ifrael. 12 A RT AHSHA S Η Τ Ε kingof kingi.to Ezra the Pri:e I• uAorcallihingt tCCO.llil.^ loihc xveid 01 ood , andl to p.i iili ihemiha^ lielidid, and woulJ thy God, and the kings law, let him hauo iudge [„os mightie Frinces : and I was coroforteii by the hand of the Lord my God which ft/« vpJ, onmce.and I gathered tlic chiefcofllracUoj goe vp with me. CHAP. viir. I Tie Vmmlir of ibm t^tt rituinti I» lrr,ftl/m ntti ΡξΛ•, a I HreiMfithikimtofjfi- ai. HrrjimtnifirtliikfPn.fitof li/ir iurtit. 3 1 WhJt ttty iii mktn ιι•/]ΐ oiire u Ut»fdti 'Ύ^ Hefe*ar*nowthechisfef; ^pifN ^SEp; i0r. Eu(l»lltSt {lOir,P4V*ff/?, iAs God Jttoonei me ts ashe, aud a jie gaoe me good lu(((uc th«iein, t lliefewere jtew enemies to die lewes, and labonted aliVayes both by foice and fiibcilty (0 ouer- «ome tfaem, and Tobiab, becanfe hi! *?ife was a lewefle, hadad- (Kitiiemenc euei of their affaires, and fo wrought «hem great - noMble, Β ©!•,«Λ^ν, frtiti'j, content, ned of other nati- «ns, as though Go< had forfaJien vs. 5 They were en- «onraged , and gi»< themfelncs VeU, and to it:4icl in this woifhy «ntevpriTc . hThefewere ι thiefe „ vnder tie knig of Perfia beyond Inphra:es. iThiis che wicked Vfhe.i they will burhe 1 the childrcj «f Ged , eiierlay treafonvmo their charge, both bccaiiC 31 mat!et!i them moft od:oM totlic Vrorld, andalfo flitreth ilic haeed efptinresmea tgiiatt thcav. y And fald vrtto the king , Tf it pleafe the king, and if thy fenianc haue found faijour in thy fight, I defire that thou wotildeft fend me to ludah vn- to the citie of the fepiilchres of my fatJieis.ihat I may built it. 6 And the King faid vnto race ,) the Queene alio fitting by him;) How long (liall thy iout- ney be ? and when wilt thou come againe } So itpJeafed tlie k.ing,andhe fent me, and Ifethima time. , 7 After , I faid vnto the King , If it pleafed the Ring , let him giiie me letters to the captaines be- yond the II Riuer, that they may conuey me ouer, till I come into ludah. i And letters vnto A faph the keeper of the kinp 1) parke , that hee may giue mee timber to buiTd the gates of the palace (which appertained to trre houle) and for the walles of the citie , and for the houfe that I iliali enter into. And the kin» gaue mee according to <* the good hand of my God vpoii me. 9 f Then came I to the.captaines beyond the Riuer , and gaue them the kings letters. And the king had fent captaines of thearmieandhorfe- men with me. 10 But e Sanballat the Horonite , and Tobiah a feruant an Ammonite heard it , and it grieued them fore , that there was<;ome a man which fought the wealth of the children of IfraeJ. 1 1 So I came to Ieruia!em,and was there three dayes. 12 And I rofe in the night , I , and a few men with mee : for I told no man , what God had put in mine heart to doe at lerufalem , and there was not• a beaft with mee , faue the beaft whereon I rode. 1 3 And I went out by night by the gate of the valley , and c^wi? before the dragon well , and to the dung port , and viewed the walles of lerufa- lem,how they were broken downe,and the portes thereof deuoured with ύ\& fire. 14 Then I went foorth vnto the gate of the II fountaine , and to the kings filhpoole , and there was no roiime for the beaft that was vnder me to pafle. I y Then went I vp in the night by the brooke, and viewed the wall, and turned backe, andcom- ming back, I eiitred by the gate of the valley,and returned. 16 And the rulers knew not whither I was gone , nor what I did , neither did I as yet tell it vnto the lewes, nor to the Priefts , nor to the no- ble men, nor to the rulers , nor to the reft that la- boured in the worke. ly Afterward I faid vnto them. Ye fee themi- ferie that wee are in , how lerid'alem lieth wafte, and the gatesthereof are burnt with fire: come, and let vs build the wall of lerufalem , that we be no more ί a reproach. 18 Then I toldthe.mofthehandof my God, (which was good oner me) andalfo of the kings wordes that he h.id fpoken vnto mee. And they faid. Let vs rife.and build, So they S ftrengthened their ha-id to good. 19 But when Sanbaliat the Horonite , and To- biah the feruant an Ammonite , and'' Gefnem the Arah: η h.ard it , they mocked vs . and defpifed vs , and fayd , What a thing is this that yee doe f Will ye Mcbcl! agajift the king? 10 Then annvercd t them, and fayd to them. The God of heauen, he will profper vs,and we his IC ~'^^^^^^^^^^^igo^tiit^y^i3Sts7i7t ieruatus will rife Vp and buil JT15nri?ToFvou ν ie"ufalem';°"'''" ' ""^ ""°'" ' "''' ' '°''°°"='" *" ^3711°?.^,!* GO* '^^"'"•** **■' "'"■* »»'^yi »*"«' ^^ "ϊ CHAP. III. XHen arofe Elialhib ihe hie Prieft with his brethren the Priefls. and they build the (heep- gate; they a i^^paired it .and let vpthedoores thereof: euen vnto the tower of Meah repaired they κ,αηά vnto the tower of Hanaiieei. 2 And next vnto him builded the men of Jericho . and befidc him Zaccur the fonne of Imri. 3. But the fidiport did the fonnes of Senaah build , which alfo layd the beamcs thereof, and fet onthedoores thereof, the lockes thereof .and the barres thereof. 4 And next vnto them fortified Merimoth the ioiine of Vrijah . the fonne of Hakkoz • ani next vnto them fortified Melhullam , the fonne of Berechiah , the fonne of MeflKzabcel • and next vnto them fortified Zadok . the fonne of Baana: 5 And next vnto them fortified the Tekoitej; but the great men of them <> put not their neckes to.the workes of their lords k Neiiher at» yt »f he niunbei of the rhiHren of Goi of yoatpiedeetf- InEhNrt», ttte» I'ani^f.ed it, iha n. Snifliedii, lafl dicired ii 10 the Loid by piaytr, ■ ' ' g huni« b The rich inJ nighty woainit the fepuldir.s of Dauid.and to tlie filhpoolc; that was repaired, and vnto the houfeof the mightie. 17 After him fortiHed the Leuites.ReKum the fonne of Bani , and the next vnto him fortified Hafhabiah the ruler of the halfc part of Keilah in his quarter. 1 ϋ After hina fortified their brethren: Banai, the fonne of Henadad the ruler of the haife part ofKailah; 1 9 And next vnto him fortified Ezer.the fonne of leibna the ruler of Mizpah .the other portion ouer againit the going vp to the d corner of the armour, 2 Ο After him w Miphkad, and to th-, chamber in the corner. I your daughters,your I y And when our enemies heard that it Was knowen voto vs,then God brought their counfell giery.and for the ' ' • .V . , .. prefeiiiation of their ownc lines »ndof theirs.bce eneonragith the»i [0 play tiie valiant men. i To oneifec thent»' and to enceiiraje them to theii ούΛ, to nought .and wee turned all againe to the wall, euery one vnto his worke. 16 And from that day halfe of the yong men did the labour , and the other halfe pare of them held thefpeares.and flnelds.anJ bowes, and ha bergions : and the Rulers ftcod ibehindcall the ! houfe of luuah. ■ 17 They that builded on the wall , and they that bare the burdens,*» W they that laded,did tlie 3 1 And betweene the chamber of the corner ; ^^,γ^ ^j^jj ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ giid wiih the other helde vnto. the ffaeepd gate, fortified the goWimiths I the fword, andthemerchams. ί i g For eiiery one of the builders ta^i his fword C H A P. Γ y. ' girded on his loynes ,andya buiWed : and hetha» 7 The Luiuhg cF urnfuUm u HniMi , is hut c»i ΐτ^Λ^ιίί blcwthe trumpet , τ-ζίΛχ belide me, .it,/r«(„i„/,. xrThei,^,ii4iivrUi>onft^ni.triiMe\ ,^ j^en faid 1 vnto the Princes , and to the tt,t.«...f.«.,> tie c,i.r. rulers,and to the reft of the people.The worke is Κ Vt when Sanballu heard that wee builded Ρ great and large , and wee arc feparatedvjon the *^tki W3lJ»th.;a \m h? v/KXk an4 foregrieued^. | wall , one farre ftona anotheri f That is, ofteaS times. g They which brought the ti- dings, layd thuT» when youleaue( yotit woric, and goe eiihei t» ««« or to reft, yoitr afTaile yoii. h who is etiei• at hand to delitier his cut of danger rani thevefore leeirg they Ihould fight for the mainic- of God ylie pecpi^ opprefTed. Chap. 7. VI 1 MeJiiirf ,lo Tf (Id jhcireneni.esif «hey puiiiied them fellies, pt els when they wa&ed theii J Agiinfttheticli vhicli oppteiieil them. I xKxsis the com- plaint of che peo- ple , lliewing to what extfcmity they v*etebtoiight rnto. : to pay oti£ tri- bute to the king of the rerfiaii?, which was exaitei ^eciely ofvs. d By nattitc the lich is nobcttet tlien the pooie. C we aic not able > vetleeme them, but foi poiieiiy ate coiiflraiued to hiie them to «thets. f VoitpfefTethem / (iiry , and feikt how to btinj all things into yoiu hands. J Both becaefe they Ojpiild be jnooiied withpiti'e, feeing hov/ many vveie by them op- rieft , and alfo heaietJieiiii^e- jiienf ofothets, t»hich (hould be t w ere wiinef- fescftheiidea- ; towacdtheit ϋπΐ to bieihie h Seeing God hath OHce delwcied themfeo π the bondage of the he^ihen . ftall we make them out iiuesi J Meaning, Nehe- jniah. i who by this «ccafio'4 will bla- fpHemethe Name efGod.ieiing that out a^s aie mobeiKithe» (heics. II Or. vfuiOjnirc, Sanballatshtter. 17 3 »n tTeeetaednOe tpoitienaiid t, which the go. noiiii chii were teloieniecciia..-)eii, beteio he decla- ihthatheiarhet "iht the wealth eople then (1 Or ,*iicri'iir,e . hereai at o'fict t they had by mealnic , ai this time they had mOt Lbiully. 1 That i5 , ifiit iftiy iejned lojt- 14 And from the time that t^f/^injgane me charge to be gouernour in the land ot ludah, from the twentieth yeere , euen vnto the two and thirtieth yeere of King Artahlhalluc , tlxtt it. twehie yeere , I , and my brethren haue not eaten the "> bread of the gouet nour- ι y For the former gouernours that were be- fore mee, had beenc chargeable vnto the people, and had taken of them bread and wine , befides forty flickels of filuer ; vea , and their feruants bare rule ouer the people ; but fo did not I, be- caiii'e ofthefeareof God. Ihis ow 1 6 But. rather I fortified a portion in the worke ^'y of tljis wall , and we bought no land . ami all ray feruarrts came thither together vnto the worke. 17 Moreouer there t/fcri at my table an hun dreth and fifty of the lewes, and rulers .which come vnto vs from among the heathen that are about vs. 1 8 An.d tliere was prepared dayly an oxe , and fixe chofen iheepe, and birds wei e prepared for me , autl |) within ten dayes wine for all » in .ibun- dance. Yet for all this I required not the bread of the f^ouernour.-for the bondage was gricuous vn- to this people, 19 Remember me, Ο my God,ingoodnes, HiiemiA utifxn^th trite g'cM niftikmi Mi ^rM It U/ aiarr- fme, .. t!.-iir.tJir..ur..g^Lythet\,ti>p..ph.i,. ANd when Sanballat, and Tobiah.and Geiliero the Arabian, and the reft of our enemies heard that I had buiki the wall ,amJ that there were no moea brcaclnsthetLb (tlioughat that time I had not fet vpthedoores vpon the gates) ί Thenfent SanballatandGeflicm vnto race, faying.Come tt ou that we may meet together in the villages in theplaine of Ono:Sc they thougfic todoenieeuill. 3 Therefore I fent raeffengers vnto them.fay, k Mtming , ih» if ing, Ihaueagreatworketojo, dc Icannotcoree be (hmud obey tide downc ; b why Hiouid the worke ceale , whiles I «l"*'' . ■he «o.ke leaue it and come downe to you? appointed , (hould Λ Yet they fent vnto race foure times after " • this fort. And I anfwered them after the lame njaiier. y Then fent S-anballat his feruant after this fort vnto lEC the fift time , with an open letter in his hand, 6 Wherein wos written, It is repotted among the heathen, and ') Gaflimu hath laid it, th.it thou and f lewes thmke to rebcll.for the which caufe thou bnildeft the wail.and thou wilt be their kirg according to thefc ' wortls. 7 Thou haft alfo ordained ^ the Prophets to preach of thee at lerufalera , fdying ,Thtreis.\ King in ludah : and now according to thtlc svordes it /hall come to the Kings eares : come oow therefore, an J let v$ take counfell together. 8 Then I fentvntohim.faymg.It isnotdone according to thefc worJes that thun faycft : for tiioufaineft themof thine owneficsrt. 9 For all they afrayed vs.faying. Their hands il:albe vveikcned from the worke, audit Hiall not be done: now therefore t encourage thou me. 10 % And I cameto thehouleofShen aiah thefonneofDeliiah thcforneofWehetal-vcUi. hee waj«/hutvp .andheefajd. Let vs come to gether into the houfc of Godinthtmiddcsot ihc TeiDplc«aDdll:utiiiedoorc9ofihe ΓςαψΙε: - - fia» g Οί,Οφητ. c Ai the rune d Thrnhan bribes ind fc; vp fatk r;c>rl.c <, to 11. lie hi)t<.iek:n;..ii« ο (oic:tand the irg 01 Pe.tiaef bat InhicAion ivh.ch'coowe nto him. ' .•. „ i». *J«(. A!tIiOMg!>h«c .oiildtctetei, te lie in e '.fthiihtc mrhichinhini tl* iiuliyfoallMf The wall fi iiihed. They that f Kedodbied not tut God was able to prefcnic Iiim, and )(iiiiv diat if hehsd obeyed i!iisconnfell,he llio-.ildhanedif- cotiragcd all the peojile : thus God prophecies, thoMgh theyfeeme to haiie neitcr fo great ptoiaW- .gVetyjicierc canfedhimtopny Ssainfi fnch, which VKdctihe pre:enc« ofbeingthejni- Kjilcrsof God, weie adiierfarics ίο his glory , and went about to oaerthrowhis church, decla- tingalfo hereby thit vihcretheici: .©iieiriie miniHer of God , the deiiili hath a areatfori of heelings. h which was the iixt moiicthand , contained part of AuguR , and pan of September. lAfterthat Ihad fent Sanballat his atifwere. h Thus the Chmch of God hath ciiet- ;ltiore enemies ν jigf« fled anemic *miit.\}*ii! fi foViit, thvj tlu are mentioned, \tr.i. ^ Bhr. held th/m, .vi.'ming , lilt lif ^^πiί ifiuput in• *t£^4 * That is , the in- >.^icaius.«f iudah ,e Mwiali in Ezra js.callcd Seraiali, and Raamiah, 2?<";U*ih/]iap.i,i, Nehemiah.' ieturned Fromjhc captiuitico 'or they will come to flay thee : yea, in the night will they come to kill thee. 1 1 Then I faid, f Should fuch a man as I, flee ? Who is he , being as I am , that would goe into the Temple to liue ? I will not goe in. 1 2 And loe , I perceiued that God had not fent him.butthat hee pronounced thisprophecie againft me ;for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. X J Therefore was he hired , that I might be afraid , and doe thus , and linne , and that they might haue an euill report , that they might re- proach rae* 1 4 My God.remember thou Tobiah .and San- ballat according vnto thefe their works, ancTNo- adiah the jPropheteffe alfo .and the reft of the Prophets that would haue put me in feare. 1 y « Notwirhftanding the wall was finiflied on the fiue and twentieth iirf/ of hElul, in two and jfiftiedayes. 1 6 And when all our enemies heard thereof, euen allthe heathen that were about vs, they were afraid ,and their courage failed them ; for they knew that this worke was wrought by our God. 1 7 And in thefc day es were there many of the princes of ludah , whofel: letters went vnto To. biah , and thofe of Tobiah came vnto them. 1 8 For ihsre^vere many in ludah, that were fworne vnto liim : for he was the fonne in lawe of Shechaniah , the fonne of Arah.and his fonne lehonathan had the daughter of MeihuUam , the fonne of Berechiah, 1 9 Yea.they fpake in his praife before me and toldehim my words , and Tobiah fent letters to put me in feare. Wm it felfe, which are moie dangerous then the OHtward and CHAP. VII. 1 J^ftff the ip.itlcKcr luUl-a.is thi jr^ich .ipfpintfl 6 Tit} ChMretutmdfram ibe e^mtj ^i Kumirfd. ^ Ow * when the wall was builded , and I had fet vp the doores , and the porters , and the fingers and the Leuites were appointed, 2 Then 1 commanded my brother Hanani and Hananiah , the prince of the palace in leru- falem (forheewas doubtleilc a faithfiill man, and feared Godaboue many) 3 And I faid vnto them .Let not the gates of lerufalem be opened, vntilltheheateofthe funne : and while a they ftand by , let them flmt thedoores,and t make them faft : and I appoin- ted wards ofthe inhabitants of rerufalera^euery one in his ward , and euery one ouer againft his houfe. 4 Now the citie was large and great, but the people were few therein , and thehoufes were not builded. 5 And my God put into mine heart.and I ga thered the princes.and the rulers.and the people, to count theirgenealogies : and I found a booke ofthe genealogieofihem,->whichcamcvp at the nrft , and found writttn therein. 6 Thele arethebfonnesof the prouince that came vp ffom the captiuity that was caricd away /whom Nebuchad-neEzar king of Babel haii ca- ned away) an.J they jcturned to lerufalem and to ludah , euery one vnto his citie. 7 They which came withZerubbabel, le- iliua.Nehemiah.' Azariah . Raamiah .Nahamani, MGrdecai,BUll)an.Mifp£re_th.Bi5«^i,tiehiip,B4•» anah. Tliitit the number ofthe men ofthe peo pleoflfrael. 8 The fonnes of Parofli.two thoufand an hijn•• dreth feuenty and two» 9 The fonnes of Shephatiah. , three hundrcth feuenty andtwo. 10 The fonnes of Arah «fixehundreth fiftie andtwo. 1 1 The fonnes of j Pahath Moab ofthe fonnes ofleiliua and loab , two thoufand eight hundreth endeighteene. I % The fonnes of Elam , a thoufand two hun^ dreth fifty and foure. 1 3 The fonnes of Zattu , eight hundreth andi fine and fourty. 1 4 The fonnes of Zacchai fcueiv hundreth anel threefcore. 1 y The fonnes of Binnui, fixe hundreth and eight and fortie. 1 6 The fonnes of Bebai , fixe hundreth and eight and twenty. 1 7 The fonnes of Azgad, two thoufand three hundreth andtwo and twenty. 1 8 The fonnes of /(fenikam , fixe hundreth threefcore and feuen, * 19 The fonnesofiseguaijtwothoufandthree• fcore and feuen. 'J.,. 2 ο The fonnes of Adin, fixe hundrcth and fiue and fifty. 2 I The fonnes of Ater of Hizkiah.ninety and eight. 2 ζ The fonnes of Haihura,three hundreth and eight and twenty. 23 The fonnes of Bezai .three hundreth and foure and twenty. 24 The fonnes of Hariph . an hundreth and twelue» 2 y The ^ fonnes of Gibeon , ninety and fiue. 26 ThemenofBeth-lehemandNetophah.an hundreth fourefcore and eight. 2 7 The men of Anathoth , an hundreth and eight and twenty. 28 The men of Beth-azmaueth , two and fourtie. 29 The men of Kiriath-iearim , Chephirah, and Beeroth. feuen hundreth and three and forty. 30 The men of Kamah and Gaba, fixe hun- dreth and one and twenty 3 I The men of Mich[nas,an hundreth and two and twenty. 32. The mtn of Beth-el and Ai, an hundreth and three and twenty. 3 3 The men e ofthe ether Nebo,two and fifty. 3 4 The lonnesof the other £lam, a thoufand two hundreth and foure andfiftjr. 3 5 The fonnes of Harim , three hundreth and twenty. i6 The fonnes of lericho.three hundreth and fiae and forty. 37 The fonnes of Lod-ha^lid and Ono , feuen hundreth and one and twenty. 38 Thefwines of Sanaah.three thoufand nine hundreth and thirty. 39 The Pricfts: the fonnes of ledaiah ofthe houfe of leihua.nine hundreth feuenty and three. 40 The fonnes of Imnjer , a thoufand and two and fifty. 4t The fonnes of Paihur, a thoufand two hun dreth and feuen and forty. ^ 42 The fonnes offlatiilrSUoufandandfe» ««!«e«ae, ' • ■ — :: — ■ «H^-sW fl Of, fif tMljf'lli i Thatis.iheanhji !icincsof Citron» Foi t!i«t ■were two ciefej of this name. ΒίίΦ IQf.Hili^. I Ktadc-izra 2.S3 Gtiapnrrnr itie I Meaning, Kehe- jiiia: for TirQiatha in the ChaUe longiie /ignifi«th a butUi . =»•,£*>((. ι S. So. ~4^ Tine Leimes ; the fonnes of lelLiia Kadmiel, and of the fonnes of 11 Hodiuah. feuent: and foure. 44 iThefing°fs ; the children of Afaph, an hundreth and eight and fourtie. 4j The porters : the fonnes of Shalhim, the fonnes of Ater , the fonnes of Talmon, the fonnes of Akkub, the fonnes of Hatita,the fonnes of Sho- bai,an hundreth and eight and thirtie. 46 ί The f Nethinims : the fonnee of Ziha , the fonnes of Hailiiipha , the fonnes of Tabaoth. 47 The fonnes of Keros.the fonnes of Sia.the fonnes of Padon, 48 The fonnes of Lebana.the fonnes of Haga- ba.the Ibnnes of Shalmai. 49 The fonnes of Hanau , the fonnes of Gid- deljthe fonnes of Gahar. 5- ο The fonnes of Reaia]i,ihe fonnes of Rezin, the fonnes of Nekoda. J I The fonnes of Gaz2am,the fonnes of Vzza, the fonnes of Pafeah. yz The fonnes of Bcfai.the fonnes of Meiinim, the fonnes of Nephilhefim. 5-3 The fonnes of Bakbub , the fotlnes of Ha« kjipha, the fonnes of Harhiir. S4 The fonnes of Bazlith, the fonnes of Mehi- da. the fonnes of Harilia. fy The fonnes of Batkos^the ibnnes ofSiffera, the fonnes of Tamah. i6 The fonnes of Neziah , the fonnes of Ha- tipha. ίγ The fonnes of Salomons feniants.the fonnes of Sotai , tlie fonnes of Sopliereth , the fonnes of Perida. 5• 8 The fonnes of laala.the fonnes of Darken, the fonnes of Giddel. j9 The fonnes of Shephatiah , the fonnes of Hattil , the fonnes of Pociiereth of Zebaira , the fonnes of Amon. 60 All the Nethinims,and the fonnes of Salo- iDons fcruaius were three liimdreth , ninetie and two. 61 ί And thefe came vp from TeI-melah,TeI- harefha , Cherub , Addon , and Immer : but they could not (hew their fathers houfe , nor their feedj ar if they were of Ifrael. 6z The fonnes of D.-laiah : the fonnes of To- biah, the fonnes of Nekoda.fixe hundreth and two and fourtie. 63 And of the Priefts : the fonnes of Habaiah, the fonnes of Hakkoz , the fonnes of Barzillai, which tooke one of the daughters of Barziliai ilie Gileadite to wife , and was named after their name. 64 Thefe fought theirwritingof the genea- logies, but it was not found : therefore they were put from the Priefthood. 6^ And S tlie Tirihatha faid vnto them > that they fliould not eate of the moft holy , till there rofe vp a Prieft with * Vrira and Thummim. 66 All the Congregation together was two and fourtie. thoufantl, three hundreth and threes. fcore, ■ 67 Bcfides their feruants and their maids.which tvere feuen thoufand , three hundreth and feue-n and thirtie .-and they had two h'.mdreth and (iue and fourtie finging men and finging women. 68 Their horfes i/vere (eueii hundreth and fixe md thirtie , and their mules two hundreth and iiue and fourtie, 69 The. camels fowe hundreth and fiuc and The Law i^ read, 174 thirtie , and fixe thoufand feucn hundreth and twentie alles. 70 And certaine of the chiefe fathers <>aue vn- to the worke. The Tirihatha gaue ro the treafiire, a thouland h drammes of guide , hftie bafms , hue Ρ *•***' ^* *»'« hundreth and thirtie Priei"b garments. 71 And fime of the chicfc fathers oaue vnto t le trcafi.re of the v.orke . twentie thoufand drammes of golde , and two thoufand anA two hundreth « pieces of filuer. 72 And the reft of the people g.iue twentie thoufand drammes ofgolde.and two thoufand pie- ces of filuer, and threefcore and feuen Prieiis gar- ments. 73 And the Priefls , and the Leiu'tes . and the porters and the fingers, and the reft of the people kwhich coH.ii«.*4 and the Nethimms , a -. Λ_.ι .1-, r „.,:.. Λ _-.J.>..';it.t>^.j lotd, and lie w ^iuc yeu ftiiiigthc ! O"• . s•' And the Leuites made fiience throughout all the people , faying, Hoide your peace : for the day is holy, be not lad therefore. Thea all the people went tneateandto driuke . and to fend away part , and to ma'K.e great ioy , becaiife tiiey had vnderftood the words that they had taught them. i , r r -l 1 3 And on the fecontTsday the diiefe fathers of all the people , the Priefts and die Leuites were gathered vuto Ezra the Scribe . that he alio might inftrudl them in the words of the Law. 14 And tliey found written in the Law , (that the Lord had commanded Mofes) that the chil- dren of IlVaei Ihould dwell in * boothes in the feaft of the le^enth moneth. J J And that they ftould caufe it to be decla- red and proclaimed \n all their cities , and in le- ruralem , faying, Goefoorth vnto the mount, and bring oliue branches , and pine branches , and branches of || Myrtus !, and palme branches , and branches of thicke trees ,to make boothes, as it is The Leuites prayef«1 h Ferthtithon- iei wite made Rat sit4ue , >:eade O• nioft a ihoiifand iieft them all .and thchoafte oftheheauenwc ftiippeth thee. 7 rhou art, Ο Lord.the God that haft chofen Abraham , md brougiiteft him out of Ur in Cal- dea J and * icn-.kii his name Abraham. 8 And foundeft liis hcarr f^iithfuJl before thee, * .-.nd madelta Couen.iiu with him , to glue vnto his teede the land ; f the Can.-.anites,Hiktices,Amo- rites , and Perizzitts , and Icbulites , and Girga- IhitCi , and haft perfomed thy wordes , becaufe thou art ijft. 9 * ihou haft alfo confidered the afftiition of our fathers in Egypt , and heard their cry by the rsd Sea, I ο And Ihewed tokens and wonders vpon Pha-i raoh , and on ail his feruants , and on all the peo-' pie of his land ; for thou kneweft that they dealt proudly againft them : therefore thou madeft thee a Name , as appeareth this day. j I I For thou dkldcft breake vp the Sea before' ^ them , and they went through the mids of the feaj on dry land ; and thofe that piirfued them , hafti thou caft into the bottoraes as a ftone , in thel mightie waters ; j I ζ And * leddeft them in the day with a pillar cf a cloud, and m the night witha pillar offire r^*"'•'!'*'? to giue them light in the way that they went, 13 * Thou cameft downe alfo vpon mount Si-i > £»i«aine out of the captiuitie , made nances and good Cemmandements. iboothes,and fate vnder the boothes: for fince the I 14 And declareft vnto themthinekoly Sab- iwWiliw«sal- liji^e of leihua the fonne of Nun vnto this day, j bath , and comraandedft them precepts, and ordi- 'had not the children of Ifrael done fo, and there I nances .and iawes , by the hand of Moles thy fer- nery gr«t ioy. * ■""'■ j And hee read in the booke of the Law of God eueiy day, from the flrft dav vnto the laft day. And "they kept the feaft feuen dayes , and on the eight day afolemnealliimbly, according vn- to the maner. % Meanijig;^ the i«t»th. 1 J»• ι.ΕβτΜ.ίΛ- UMUK. b Tkty maie •o.iJeflion oftlie: fwi.es, and vfed giaicis. iiant 15- •" And gaueft them bread from heauen for their hunger , * and broughteft foorth water for' them out of the rocke for their thirft : and * pro-, mifedft them that tney lliould goein , and take poileffion of the land , for the which thou haddeft lift vp thine hand for to giue them. 16 But they and our fathers behaiied them- fclues proudly and hardened their necke , fo that they hearkened nor vnto thy Commandements. 17 But f efuled to obey,arKi would not remem- ber thy marueilous works that thou haddeft done | for them , but hardened their neckes , and had in j their heads to returne to their bondage by their , rebellion : but thou , Ο God of mercies, gracwusj (And they that were of the feede of Ifrael | and full ofcompaiTion.of longfiiffering , andofj feparatcd from all the t ftrangers) and they great mercie, yet forlookeft them not. j ""■''■'' , , . . . J g Moreoiier , when they made them a moi- t• Exa.i ιγ,Ρ^ *Dfi(«.l.ij S Jheliuitrf na/rt. 16 Ani i them. CHAP. IX Λ Tfffid Chenani, and cryed v/ith a lowde voyce vnto the Lord their God. y And the Leuites faid , euen lelliua and Kad- iniel, Bani, Hailabniah, Sherebiah, Hodiiah, She- baniah and Pethahiah , Stand vp and praife the Lord your God for euer and euer , and let them firaife thy glorious Name , Ο God , which excel- fcth abowe all thankefgiuing and praife. 6 Thou art Lord alone : thou haft made hea- «len . and the heauen of all heauens , with all their boafte , the earth ,and all things that are therein, Uk feas , and all that are in theim, an4 thpu prefep^ ten calfe (and (aid , This is thy God that brought thee vp out of the land of Egypt) and committed great blafphemies. 1 9 Yet thou for thy great mercies forfookeft them not in the wildernelle : * the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day to leade them the way , neither the pillar of fire by night, to iliew them light , and the way whereby tney ilioald goe. 20 Thou gaueft alfo thy good Spirit to inftri?(il them , and withheldeft not thy MAN from their mouth , and ganeft them water for their tliirft. 2 1 Thou diddeft alfo feed them fortic yecres in the wildernelle : they lacked nothing : * their' clothes waxed not old.and their feet 'I'weiled not. 22 And thou gaueft them kjndgoms and people, and "Jfcatteredft them into corners :fo they poflef- fed* the land of Sihon,and the land of the kin» of Heflibon» and the land of Og king of Balhan ■^' ' " 23 And Γ,κί3.4: c -Though the waj was tedious and long. i ;.•«3ΐι;ιΐ5. tlie heathen whom he drcue out. *N«mt.li.»<; 1 he Lemtfcs prayer. ChapTX t TaXmg Miufa andtiLthtovh- aed'c , that God tvould deilxoy them , except they tetiitKtd.as x.Chcon.t^., i;. I ttiat f^ed tbe Couenant. ifj? which thou diddeft ftrt before thera.and haue not 2 3 And thcu diddeft mnloply their childre like the ftarrcs of the facauen.and brough;cfti conucrced from :hcir euiU wVrks them into the land, whereof thou haddeit fpoken^ , 6 Brhold. wee arc ΓεΓύΓη rh'ic ^.„ , ^ κ vnto heirfathers, that they fi.oulugoe.anipof.l land thatthotgYuX^ro^ c , .... . , ^^ I """«"cth.reof.andtheguodneffethertfof be >" τ>•« " . to fce 24 So the children went in.andpofftirtd the I hold , we arc fernants therein ' 'J'«i-<»ij«l«"oi, laiid.and thou fubdBedft before them the inhabi-i 17 And it veelderh nairhfr'.iifm»^^!, t• -««.tsoftheland .«.^theCanaanitcs.andgaueftj whlL thiu'i.attt'rr^ them tDto their hands , with their kings and the , finnes.anJ they haue dominion ouer our bodies. What they would. _ , are in great affliaiun. .i..y proii,,!, .0 tJx^ ^ Λ ν^Λν^'"'/ ^'?."°/\V" ^".'^ '^= 3 8 Now became of all this wee make» a fure ^"f^- "'^^ "^'»- fat land and poflefled houfcs full of all goods.ci- I cDuenant. a.id write-it. and our princes, our Lc .wZVi» ftcrnes digged out, vineyards and oliues.gc trees uitee . n»d Pritfts feale vnto it. c^ll7u^ for foode in abundance , and tiiey did eate , and ! b.cHght by coit werefillcd, and became fat, and liued in plcafure i CHAP. X. tvcabta«6ti, through thy great goodneffe. j z6 Yet they were difobedient.and rebelled a- 1 ' ?';Τ" °^ '^""'^"f'•^'^ '"'*'>"'■-' '""^""<^'^*^''" gainftthee.and call thy Law behind their backs, ! " '' ft and Qew thy Prophets (which eproteftcd among j ^ Ow they that fealed , νΐ/ίτί Nohemiah the them to turnc them Tnto thee) andcommitted II ririhathathefoiincofHachaliah, andZid great blafphemits. I kijah Or , h f He dedaitth hov ■ Gods mercies ener their ptofpenty feigjt Ged. Seraiah , Azariah , leremiab, Paflsir, Amariah , Malchiah, Hattufli , Shebaniah . Mallucb, Katim , Merimoth , Obadiah, Daniel , Ginnethon , Baruch, Meiliullam , Abijah . Miamin, » ivi^uh fubfaOxd Maaziahj Bilgai, Shcmaiah : thcfe are • the 'c tcepeihe pe- 27 Therefore thou deliueredft them into the ! 1 hand of their enemies that vejied them : yet in 3 the time of their affliftion.when they cryed vn- 4 to thee.thou heardeft them from thc'heauen.and ί through thy great mercies thou gaueft them fa- ! 6 uiours . who faued them out of the hand of their I 7 adverfaries, 8 a8 Butwhen they had f reft, they teturned to ! Priefts merciesener doceuiUbeforc thee: therefore Icfteft thou them j 9 * AndtheLenites.-Iefliuathefonneof A• »»icke'd'Mni"'f i* ^" '^'^ ^^^^^ of thi'ir enemies.fo that they had the ' zaniah , Binnui , of the fonnes of Henadad. Kadt ftopie , «ho e,.et" dominion ouer them , yet when they connerted , miel, and cryed vnto thee.thou heardeft them from ! heauen .and deliucredft them according to thy | great mercies many times. 29 And proteftedft among them , that thou ■ £4'λ.".... Rom. 1 0, 5 . Ϊ Which is a fi- militude caliea of oxen that ftrinle at the yoie or biiiden, as Zech.7, II. h When thou diddcfl admejiifl) thtui by thy Γιο- phets. f Eir. thou diddffi fnlttg vfun thtm tfiATiy yfiffs. ί By whom wee •were led away in to captiiiity , and liaiie bene ap- pointed to bee llaine , as Efiet 3. 'J. I HeconfeiTeth hat all thefe thjngs cime to them iiifily foi (helrfinnes , but beappeale^h from Gods iuftice lo hismeic/e.;. 1 That thou wonldeft defttoy them , exccpi they Viould retuine to asverfcii.. mighteft bring them againe vnto thy Law : but they behaued themfelues proudly , and hearkened not vnto thy commandcments , but finned a- gainft thy iudgemenis (* which a man fhoiild doe and Hue in them) and ϊ pulled away the flioulder , and were ftifnecked .and would not , h heare. 30 Yet thou + Jiddeft forbeare them many ' yeeres , and proteftedft among them by thy Spi- 1 rit , cuen by the hand cf thy Prophets , but they j would not heare : therefore gauift thou them in- ; toihe handof the people of the lands. I 3 1 Yet for thy ^rreat mercies thcu hift not confumed them^neither forfaken them; for thou I art a gracious and mercifull God. I 32 Now therefore onrGcd,* thou great Gcd, | reightie and terrible ,:that keepeft couenant | and ♦ mercy .let not all tha affliction that hath I ο And their brethren, Shebaniah, Hodijah> Kelica.Pelaiah .Hanun, I I Micha . Rehob , Haniabiah, 1 2 Zaccur , Sherebiah .Shebaniah, 13 Hodiah , Bani , Beninu. 1 4 f The chiefe of the peeple i/vert Parolh, J Fahath Moab , Elam .Zattu , Bani, Bunni , Azgad , Bebai, Adoniah , Biguai , Adin, β Or.tJfH;,.t,f Ater . Hizkijah , Azztir. 1 8 Hodiah , Ha/hum , Bezai, 15) Hariph , Anathoth .Nebai. ao Magpiaih , McJl-uUam , Hezir, 1 1 Meihezabeel , Zadok . laddua, 1 Zi Pelatiih.Hanan, Anaiah. | 23 Ho/hea , Haneiah , Halhub, 24 Halloheili , Pileha , Shobek, a y Rehuro , Ha/liabuah . Maafeiah, 26 AndAhijah, Hanan , Aii.in, 27 Malhich , Harim , Baana!), 2 8 And the: reft of the people, the Priefts.the Leuites thepcrters,'.heiinger5,the ''Nethiniras, (• ;^,jj« ^,^, come vnto vsjfeeme a little before :hee,i/;i.dg>neihem-' this day . i *^ "^^^ chiefe of them i receiued it for their '«'"«' '" ''™« 33 Surely thou art iuft in all that is come vp- 1 brethren, and they came to the 'curie a«d to the j They nude iht on vs : for thou haft k dealt truely, but we haue oathe to walke in Gods Law.whichwasgiuen by caihcm the , „„, done wickedly. I Mofes theferuantef God , too'jferueanJdoeall ofihe«hoJtmn:- 34 And our kings and our princes,our priefts the commandements of the Lord our God, and ^'^^.^^^'^.^ .^^^ and our fathers haue not done thy Law, nor re- I his iuJgementsand i.iiftatutcs : .hevgr^e iiic,,. garded thy commandcments . nor thy protefta- 1 30 And that wa would notgiue our da»gh- feincs ,1 .^cy tious, wherewith thou haftiproteited among [ ters to the people of the land, ndilier takethcir '''ike-i'^^L,». them. ; daughters for our fonnes. j f wh.'lhuo't^itlil 3jr And they haue not ferned theeinthcir j 3» And «/the people of the lande brought ftindii.gihey kingdottie , and in thy great goodncflc that thou ware on the Sabbath.ot any vitailes to fell.f that *■"*' looAeafiet^ fliewcdft vnto thejn, and in the large and fat land vvee wuld not takeitofthemonthcSabbathj ""'Γ•''''*•■ ___________ ' Μ I. jFirft fraite ia6d tithes. They Z)f«i. If '. i £i*. kvucfth d , iheiethe tithe; were due vn-, the Lord both l)>| tlie Law , and j according to the caihe and coiienant that we made =•• Nam*. I J,! Ihiiah. g And after him Gahai.Sallai, nine hundreth and iwenty and eight. 9 And loel the lonne of Zichri was gouernoi ouer them : and Iiidahthe fonne of Scnuax/^a/ ! the fecond ouer the city : 10 Of the Priefts, ledaiab.ihe fonne of loia• ■ rib , lachin. ! II Seraiah,thefonneofHilkiah.thefonneof I Meeiit them , they frniiidtd that it might be repJe, niched with men, andvfed this policy , becaufe the.e were fewthi eiferedthemfelue Willingly. ■iiieiiheiennee ludab. our' traueli. 3 g And tlw Prieft.tha fonne of Aaron fhall be with the Leuites , wh.:n the Leuites take tithis, and the Leuites fhall* bring vp the tenth part of the tithes vnto the houfe of our God .vnto the chambers of the treafurc houfe, 39 For the children of Ifrael, and the children of Leui fhall bring vp the offerings of the corne, of the wine , and of the oyle, vnto the chambers : and there/Tra/Z^fftheveflelsof the Sandluary.and the Priefts that miniftcr.anJ the porters, and the fingers . and ^ wee will not forfafce the houfe of our God. was Zabdiel the fonne Ii of Hagedolira. Ij I y And of the Leuitcs,Shemaiah,the fonne off Halhub.the fonne of Azrikara , the fonne of Ha- 1 fliabi^h.the fonne of Bunni. | 1 6 And uhabbethai,and lozabad of the chiefe of the Leuites x-Kire ouer the workes of ;^ houfe of God without, 17 And Martaniah .the fonne of Micha, the fonne of Zajdi , the fonne of Afaph vvaahQ' γν 7 t t i chiefe to «begin the thankfgiuing ^«AS hmlJui, I Abda.th: fonne of Shammua, the fonne of Galal, j the fonne of leduthun. j 1 8 All the Ltuites fn the holy citie vvertVKo 1 hundreth f jurtifcore and foure. j 19 And the porters, Akkub.Taltnon, and their i brethren thatkept the igates.vfiri an hundreth I twentieandtwo. . A Nd the rulers of ;^ people dwelt in lerufalem: \ 20 And tht g refidue of Ifrael , of the Prieftes, Λ the other people alio caft lots, > to bring one | and of the Leuites dv^tU in" .ill the cities of put often to dsvcU in lerufalem the holy citie, 1 ludah, eueryon* in his inheritance, andninepartsfiaf hi the cities. j i\ Andihe Nethinims dwelt in theflfortreffe, ι And the people thanked all thementhat } and Ziha,andGirpat/vW.i r« trtn , rn KKmLr/d, 27 Md the tauU XII. tvith Z,rMM fTil» lerufl- MtultJ. b Ntxt in dignity tothtlile Ptieils, and which we:e 0 thi ftotlie ofAaion Had charge of thim dut Urg ihi pralnits. d They kept tli ■wards and waiche accoidingto cheir tiirn(s,a$ i.Cluroii' Thai ίί,ικχί to S«taiah,ottathet of ih« otdei.whici ) called aftci ih( ne of Setaiah f whereof w»t jcHavie John I ijtjfls father. THefe alfo are the Piieftcs and the Lenites that a went vp with Zefiibbabel , the fonne of Sheaitiel,»nd Iclhua : fo ti'if.Seraiah.Ieicniiah, £zra, 2 Araaviah,Malliich,Hattiiili, 3 Shccaniah.Rehum.NteriiBOth, 4 Iddo,Ginnctho,Abiiah, 5 Miamin.Maadiah.Bilgah, 6 Shemaiah.aiid loiarib.Iedaiah, 7 Sallu , Amok, Hilkiiah, ledaiali : thefe were thebchiefe of the Priefts , and of their brethren in the dayes oflcfliua. 8 And the Leuites , leihiia , Binmii , KadmieJ. Sherebiah , Iiidah , Mattaniah .«ΐΊ/ίΓ/? ouer the thankergiiiings.he.and his brethren. 9 And Bakbukiah and Vnm, and their bre- thren fZifri about them in the d watches. 10 And leniiia begate laiakim ; loiakim alfo begate EliaQiib.and Elialhibbegate loiada. 1 1 And loiada begat Jonathan , and lonatban begate laddua. 12 And in the dayes of loiakim were //jf/f the chiefe fathers of the Priefts ; vnder « Seraiah was Meraiah.vnder leiemiahjHananiah. 13 Vnder Ezra , Mefliiil*am , vnder Amariah, lehohanan. 1 4 Vniler Melicu , Jonathan, vnder Sebaniah, lofcph. ly Vnder Harim , Adna , vnder Meraioth, Helkai. 1 6 Vnder Iddo, Zechariah, vnder Ginnetlion, Meihullam. 1 7 Vnder * Ahiiah , Zichri , vnder Miiiiarain, And vnder Moadiah.Piltai. 1 8 Vnder Bilgah, Shammua, vnder Shemaiah, lehonathan. * 1$ Vnder loiarib , Mattenai , vnder ledaiah, Vzzi. 20 Vnder Sallai.Kallai.vnder Amok.Eber. ii ■ Vnder Hilkiah , Halhabiah , vnder ledaiah, Nethancel. 22 In the dayes of Eliafliib, loiada.ind loha- ran and ^xiaMwere the chiefe fathers of the Le- fites written , and the Priefts in tlje reigne ofOa- tus the Perfian. Tbewal! is ded cat€d,i7($ \ g Thi:ii,en« aftet aJlOt^tr,a.^deDery y. Whic.i nc.c » cctiaine fimilic, and had their 23 The fonnCs of Lewi.the chiefe faiiiers vbtre written in the bcokc of the Chronicles eiien vn- to the dayes of lolianan the fonne of Eiialhib. 24 Ami tlie chit-fe of the Leiiiies.t'ff rf Hafl^- biah , Serebiah , and lelhua the fonne of Kadmici, and their brethren about tlicm to giiiepiaife and thankes , .iccording to the ordinances ofDauid the man of God.ward ouer 2 .igainft ward. 2y Mattaniah .md Bakbukiah , Ob.idiah , Me- flwllam , Ta'mon And Akkub were porters kee- ping tlie wcrdat the thrciholds of the gates. 26 Thefe were in the dayes ofloiakim the tonne of lelhua , the fonne oflozadak , and in the dayes of Xehcmiah the captaine , and of Ezra the Prieft and Scribe. 27 And in the dedic.ition of the wall at Icru- falem , they fought the Leuites out of all their pla- ces to bring them to lerulalcmtokeepe the dedi- cation and gladnefle.both witii thenkefgiuings and with fongs.cymbals.violes, and with harps. 28 Then the t lingers gathered themfelues to- gether both from the plaine countrey about Icru- ialem,and from the villages of h Netophathi. 21; And from the houfe of Gilgal , and out of the coiintrcys of Geba .and Azmaueth : fortheipeneaionsinclie fingers had bailt them villages round about Icni-iStldj, 1. clueii,»^ falcm. Ιί+• 5 ο' And the Priefts and Leuites were purified,' and cleanfcd the people.and the gates,and jy wall. 1 31 And » I brought vp the princes or ludah. . vpon the wall, and appovnted two great comps-' ^^"'"''^ »'«»♦-• iiies to »iiie tlianks , and the tne went on the right hand of the wall toward the dung-gate. 32 And after them went Holhaiah , andhaife of the princes of Ii'.dali, ^^ And Azariah.Ezra.and Mefliullam, 34 ludah, Beniamin, and Shemaiah, and lere- miah, 35• And of the Priefts fonnes with trumpets, Zechariah , the fonne of lonathan , the fonne of Shemaiah , the fonne of Mattaniah ,the fonne of Michaiaii , the fonne of Zaccur , the fonne of Afaph. 3O And l» his brethren, Shemaiah, and Azra- reel , Milalai , Giialai, Maai, Kethaneel, and ludah, Hanani , with the muficall inftrr.ments ofDauid the man of God:and Ezra the Scribe went before them. 37 And to the gate of the fountaine, euen ouer againft them went they vpby ti'.e^ftaires ofthc citie of Dauid , at the going vp of the wall be- yond the houfe of Dauid , euen vnto the water gate Eaftward. 38 And the fecond company of them that gaiiepnyoi Dauid thankes , went on the other fide, and I after them, j and the halfe of the people was vpon the wall,<:ni I vpon the tower of the furnaces euen vnto the broad wall. 39 And vpon the gate of Ephraim .and vpotj the oldegate.and vpon the fiih-gate,and the tower of Hananeel , and the tower of Mcah , euen vnro the iheepegate : and they ftoodin the gate of the ward. 40 So ftood the two compariics (of them that gaue thankes) in the houfe or God , and I and the halfe of the rulers with me. 41 The Priefts alfo , Eliakim , Maafei.ih , Min- j.unin .Michaiah . Eiiocnai , Zechariah, Hanaui.ih, with trumpets. 42 And Maafeiah, and Shemaiah.and Eleazar, and Vzzi» and lehohanan, and Walchiiah.and LiStib. ι thai is, ihebrc- ihien of Zaccut. 1 which w»i ih» goi.gxTtoiht »ic«"■« °f out lenifalem. «he one day, to the «IT- η . . ..... Siinnefettingof 21 And I protefted among them , and faid vnto the other, them, why tary ye all night about the wall ? If ye do it once againe.I will lay hands vpon you. From that time came they 116 more on the Sabbath. 22 ί And I fayd vnto the Leuites , that they fliould cleanfe themfelues , and that diey ihould come and ^ keepe the gates , to faniHfie the Sab- bath day. Remember mee , Ο my God , concer- ning this, and pardon mee according to thy great mercy. 25 In thofe d.iyes alfo I faw levves that mari- ed wiues of l Aihdod , of Ammon, and of Moab. , . 24 And their children (])ake halfe in the fpeach il'ni of Aihdod, and could not fpeake in the levves lan-i guage ,and according to the langnage ofthe people, and ofthe other people. 2J• Then I reprooued them,and ■" carfed them, ί g and fmote certaine of them, and pulled oil their}"' liaire.and tooke an oadie of them by God, Ye fhall *, not giue your daughters vnto their fonnes ,nei-ithem ther fhall yee take of their daughters vnto your fonnes.nor for your felues. 26 * Did not Salomon the king of Ifrael (innc by thefe things ? yet among many nations was there no King like h'm : forne was*beIoued of his God,and God had maJe him King ouer Ifrael, * yet firange women caufed him to finne. 27 Shall wee then obey vnt-o you , to doe all this great euill , and to tranfgreile ao;ainft our God , euen to marry fltange wines ? 28 And *MiJnijig, ofthe Temple, that none that V. as vndejne, Qioiild enter. 1 Which was a f the Phi- ls , and they had matted wine» thcreof.andfohji ■pied their fpeachand Reli- Thaiis, I did «commnnicate them , ind dn'tic ofthe congregation. \*.K!ngl,7, * ι JjT». II, 14,1 * ..Ki«f,..,t. Aliaf hucrom toyaH feaft; Cfaap, η rimilhtlitmic- 'fault and eitill «xamyle , which they haiiegiuen'O the «ft of thy Ipteple , tentriry to theit ve««i««i iij And ofh , but it feemeth , Daniel o.i.and f.i.that bee was Darius l^ng of the Med.s and finne of ^Jy ages, -ailed aid ^hafhuererh.whichvvasAnameQfbonour^andfigmfiedireatandchttfeaschtifehtad. Herein u Mwhenthey anJt hi^hTf'andhovvGodpreferlieth 4»d prejerrith them vvhich are i^alousof his glory, and Β Called alfoCt- I riiis.who was now ^ the fouetaine Mo-i Batch, and had the | joncmmenc efihei Mides, Ptifians, | snd ^haldcans, I fome thinke h«i was Dsfius Hy- flafpisfonne, called alfo AitixerxtJ. bOanklchap. «, nukcin mention bat ef fixe fcoK, leaning oat the nnmber that isvn- petfae , as the Sctipttue in di- «etfc places vfeth. t Tiat is, had tte and qnlecnelTe. * »Λιιη. I.». a care and leue tovvard their^retljrgn• ' CHAP. I. 9 Kill Ahjfh«f»>f^ mehiih a royjU ffjfi, >i WirtnMo lie e«»«, Vjjki mU Jtot „m,. IP For wHA cmf. fie it " - TbtKiK^t d/srn UueUng the t"""""»" '/ Ν the dayes of ' Ahaihuero/h (this is Ahaihuerofluhat reigned from India euen vnto Ethiopia, oner an ^ hundreth . and feuen and twenty prouinces.) ζ In thofe dayes when the kino Ahalluieroft'c fate on his throne . which wafin the palace of * ShuAan, , in the third yeere of his re^ne . hee madea feaft vnto all his princes and his feruants . ««« the power of Perfia and Media . and to the cap- Mines and gouernours of the promnccs t.x//>/c/, vveri before him, 1 • i j , 4 That hee might ibew the nclies W glory 4 which they vfei in thofe conntieyes «necid oftiUcs of "his kingdome , and the honour of his great maieftle many dayes , euen an hundreth and fourc- fcore dayes. . .. , -it. V And when thefe dayes were expired . the Kin•» made a feaft to all the people that were found in the palace of Shullvtn , both vnto great and fmall, feuen dayes, in the court of the garden of the kings palace, 6 Vndc} an hanging of white , greene , and blue clout hes, faiknedwith cords of finne linnen and purple ,in filucr rings ,and pillars of marble: the d beds were of guide and of (iluer vpon a people and the princes her beautie : for ihee w» rairetolookevpon. 1 2 But the Queene Vailui refufcd to come at i the Kings word,t which hee had ginen in charge .(Eir «.■,•* sAr^ to the eunnches: therefore the King was very an- «^ toi ./ He gry, and his wrath kindled in him. ».»•*«. , 13 Then the King faid to the wife men.'» that 1, -rtat had «p«- '■ knew the times (for fo was the Kings maner to-.iienet of thinji μ wards all that knew the law and the iudgement: 't^\^i.t^,^"*„_ 14 And the next vnto him t/v3 this day lay vnto ail tne Kings 1 rinccs . wncn .ney -- pauement of porphy.e , ani marble ana aiaoaiier, ^ ^earJofihe a^e of the Queene : dius fhalL• «^« « and blue coioui . , ,^^^ ^^ ,^ defpitefullnefle and wrath. ^j ^.. .... .... ., 7 And they ^^^^Τλ J^*^^^^^^^ ; ,9 If ,t pleafe tKc K.ng.letaroyall decreeproJ «on«aw.uUb, gold , .^nd ch^igcd '^^t;^'^^^^^ ceede from him . and leT κ be written among the <-,.,.»« d.e i»SI ^»"1 ."' abundance, according to ttie power , ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ Media,(and let it not l^ tranf., ">' ^""'• "o:_. ,.,. ,,^,Uv an order none' srefled) that Vafliti come" no more before king « Lcih«l•. di- mple drinking r/.'^LT,° .!i:;,3 i ^ha.lu,ioil, : and let the kirff ^iue her royaii .-.d,, frornn { «likli Wit «he ijfldayot the feaillhai tl>el(ing made for the people, »s vtrf. i. the King. " * 'Tpie drinKing '' . , , . might fcbtPpell : for lo the K,r.g had appoynted viuo ail the officers of 'lis houfe . that they llxjuld doeaccordin.^toeuerj^mansplealure. 0 5 The Quaene V'alhti made a feaft alfo for the women in the royall houfe of King Ahailiue- '''ιό Vpon die g feuenth day when the King was merrir with wir.e.h- commanded Mehiinian, Biztha . Harbona , Bigtha, and Abagtha , Zethar e,tliaceuery man fliouIdPbeare ni!e in his ovviie houfii , and chat hee Ihould piibliih it in the language of tlut fame people. CHAP. II. Ihe Ki"^ ' i 7 l-fir f /.■.!/>(/) th K'>g . Mail mude (i_^.„e. Μι.τί,Μ dijchfeth v?:la thi Kl-^ tbip lint woMhetr^y hin:. It is , he callea taiion. By the Teuen wife enoihis coojifeli. c The abiife of heie coiintteys tvasfo great, ihat hey iniicmed ma- ny meai.es to feviie *e lufls ef p.ii.ces ijii iheiefo.e as they otdeined wicked lawes. ih» :he king might hat» whole daiigh- lesshe unnld.lo they had d.iiet•; fcoifcies appoyntcd .IS one for them Vihiles thty wewe Avhen thev were £0fic:ib;res,and iai the Ci_ie«,iet (ter Efte* Queene. Haman e^l ted.' ^ lit. f•^' \t Fer though {Vie Iwas taken away ^yacttielUaw, yet .lied not to latie a fathetly met her, and iheieioiedii.'i- fort oft times Χ) htaneoi hu. rvthaf jppaiell the a. led of ihe mniich, that waste bgiuid togiuchci. AFrer thefe things , when the wrath of King AhaAiierolh was appeifeJ , he =» remembred Valhti , and what ihe had done , and what was de- cieed''agaiufther. ζ And the Kings feruants that miniftred vn- to Iiim , faid. Let them iceke for the King beaiiti- fullyong virgins, 3 And let the King appoint officers through all the prouinces of his Kingdome , and let them gather all the beautifiSll young virgins vnto the pa! ice of Shuflian , into the houfe of the v/omen vnder the hand of Hege the Kings eunuch « kee- per of the women, to giue them their things ^ for purification. 4 And the maid that flia'I pleafe the King , let her reigne in the ftead of Valhti. And this plea- fed the king, and he did fo. J• ί In the citie of Shuihan there was acer- taine lew , whofe name was Mordecai, the fonne of lair , the fonnj of Shimci , the fonne of Kiih a man of femini. 6 which had beene caried away from lerufi- lem "" with the captiuiiie that vvas caned away with leconi.ih King of ludah (whom Nebuchad- nezzar king of Babel had caried aw.iy.) 7 Anl he nourilhed Hadaffah.that is, Efter, his viicles daughter : for ilieehad neither father nor mother , and the maid was faire and beautifull to looke on;and after the death of her father and her niother.Mordecai tooke her for his own daughter. And when the kings commandement , and his decree was publifhed, and many maides were brnu'jht together to the palace of Shulhan , vn- der the hancfof Hege , Efter was brought aifo vn- to the Kings hoiiie vnder the hand of Hege the keeper of the women. 9 And the maide pleafed him , and ilie found -fauour in his fight,cherefore he cauled her things for purification to be giuen her fpeediiy , and her t itate, and feuen comely maides to be giuen her out of the Kings lioufe , and hee gaue change to her and to her maides of the beft in the houfe of the women. • I ο But Efter fiiewed not her people and her kinred : for Mordecai had charged her thatihee fliould not tell it, i I And Mordecai walked ' euery dsy before the court of the womens houie , to know if Efter did well.and what llwuldbe done with her. 1 2 And when the courfe of euery maid came, to goe in to King Ahailiuerodi , after that ihe had bene twelue rnoneths according to the maner of the women (for fo were the dayes of their purifi- cations accompliilied , fixe moneths with oyle of myrrhe, and fixe moneths with fweet odours and in the purifying of the women: I ^ And thus went the maides vnto the King) whatfoeuer Ihe required , was * guien her to goe with her out of the womens houfe vnto the kings houfe. 14 In the eueningil^e went , and on the morow ihe returned into the fccond houfe of the women vadcr the hand of Jhaafl^gaztl» Kings cimixh which kept the concubines : il;ee came in to the KiPg no mere.except ihcc pleafed the King, an4 that Ihe were talied by name, 1 5• Now when the conrfe of Eftt-r the daugh- ter of Abihail die vr.clg of Mordecai (which had taken her as bis owne daughter) came, thatihee iliould go in to thi king, fhe dcfired nothing.but what \\ Hege the kings eunuch the keeper of the worn, η g (aid : and Efter found fauour in the fight ofail them that looked vpon her. , ,^ _. 16 f So Efter was tikcn vnto kin^Ahailiue-p«"rt«^^i«"sht roih into his hcufe roy.illinthetentnraoneth,'"'"^-^^' '° which is the l> raonethTebeth, in thcfeu;nth yeere of his reigne. I 7 And the King loued Efter aboue all the £?Ρ?,ΐ".'7>' ,-,-ο . ...ρ which c wom?n , and flieefound grace andfauour in his ii-htraorethen all the virgins: (othathefct the crovvneof the king3ome vpon her head, and nia^-e her Queene in Read of Vafhti. J 8 Then the king made a great feaft vnto all hisprinctfs.andhis ferijants.wf/w/jx't/rt/iihe feaft ' of Eitt^r ,and gaue reft It vntotheprouinces.and gifts,accordirgtothel powerofa king. 1 9 And when the virgins were gathered the "1 fecona time, then Mordecai fate in the kings gate. 20 Efter hadnotyetfhewedherkinrednor herp'ople, as Mordecai had charged her : for E- fter did after the word of Mordccai.as when (hee was nouriflied with him. 21 f Inthofedayes when Mordecai fate in the kings gate, twoof the kings eunuches , sigthan & Tcredi which kept the ^ioore.werewrodi, and fought to lay n hand on the king Ahalhuerolh. 21 And the thing was knows η to Mordecai, and hee told it vnto Queene Efter, and Efter cer- tified the king thereot in Mordecais name : and when inquifition was made , it was found fo : therefore they were hot h hanged on a tree ; and it was written in the booke of the » Chronicles before the King. III. D Or . Wg-J g vvhc.ein hef modeilyapjieuej. appa; me lid her ty, but fiooti ο the Eiiuuchcs ceni«i• edpariof De- cmfceraud pait >i Xaniuiy. That U , made r her fake. He leleafed heir Liibiite. That is, great id magnihcill. That is, at the marriage of Eiier, tlft iijig. cUcinni of tht Kiyig.tl'ji j11 the ■Mu/e Murd'i^! hj» h^t icK ' CHAP. 1 Viamxn , jfti* he jrj/ ex^Utsl , leii.s fi^^i-lil if fjt to inth , L, jvofliipiiott/rhji. Λ iter thele things did king Ahafl^.ueTcflipf note Haman the fonne of Hammeddtha the Agagite,and exalted him, andfethisftateaboae ah ihe princes that were with him. 2 And all ihekinosfituantsthatwereat the• kings gate , boweti their knees, and reuerenced Haman ; for the king had fo commanded concer ning him : but Mordecai a bowed nor the knee, neither did reuerencc 3 Then the kings feruants which were at the kings gate , faid vnto Mordecai . why tianfgref- feft thou the kings commandemtnt ? 4 And albeit they fpake dayfy vnil^im.yet he would noihcare them: therefore they^iol.le Haman.that they might fee howMordtiCais mat- ters would ftand :forhchadtcldth(.ro, that he veas a lew. f And when Haman faw that Mordecai bo-.v- ed not the knee vnto 1 im,nor did reutrence vnto him.then Haman was full of wath. • In the Chroniclei of lie Medes and i"iaiii,a5 Chajj. 1 The Per/iant anr.er was to :eeledownt anJ eiietence their ngs,and iuchjf : aff oyntcd in which Mordecai uldnotdoeto his ajithitieui aai• itoiid ma Thus we fee atiheti wicked.bnt ey haiie th( ^ VT L L 1 1 • 11 It, faueierstoaceiife 6 Nov/ he t thought it too httle to lay hands lie godly onely on Mordecai; and becaufe they had Ihewtd 1 £'' *i'/"' '*• ■ him the people of Mo'decai .Haman fought to deftroy all :h' lewes that were throughout the whole kingdome of Ahaihvieroih , «««nhc peo- ple of frtordegai. 7 la The Kings cmell decree. Chap. ic Whi'cTi anfwe- [«ih to pjit of jAarcliainipstt ,ef Aprill. d Tokuow what Unonethandday kiould be good to 'entcrptife this jthing.that itmigh jhwe good fiic- cettt :' bet God difappoimca theit lots,a>ideKpe;la- tion. ( contafninipatt of Fibriiary and parfof Match. f Thtftbe the two arguments Tihich commonly the worldlings and the wiclted vfe toward ptincts againfl the godly, that is.the con- tempt of theit lawes.anddimini g of their pro without re- fpefthow God is eithetpleafed or difp leafed. <| Or tpcttUii't. 4 £ir. tit iMit nil. V. g YeWif.the jewes that wCK a Bicaitrehce woiild adiicitifc met of this ctiicll «todamation. fittAifor iiw»;. 7 In the firfl moneth (tliat fs the moneth «Nifan) in the twelft yeere of king Ahailraeroih, they caftPur (that is a lot) d before Hamari , from day to day , and from moneih to moiKth vnto the twelfth moneth .that is the moneth « Adar. 8 Then Haman faid vnto king Ahailiuerofli, There is a people fcattered, and ditperfed among the people in all the proninces of thy kingdome, and their lawes are diners from all people , and they doe riot obferne the f Kings lawes: therefore it is not the kings profit >o fuftcr them. 9 If it pleafe the king ,let it be written that they may be deftroyed.aud I will t pay ten thoii- fand talents of filiier byihehandesofthemthai haue the charge of this bufinciie to bring it into the kings trealuric. 10 Then the king tooke his ring from his hand , and gaue it vnto H-rnian the fonne of Ham- medacha the Agagite the lewes adiierfarie. 11 And the king faid vnto Haman, Let the fii- iier be thine , and the people to doe with them as it pleafeth thee. 12 Then were the kings ff Scribes called on the thirteenth day of the tirft moneth , and there was written (according to all that Haman com- manded) vnto the kings officers , and to the cap- «ines that were oner euery prouince , and to the rulers of euery people, aWtq euery prouince, ac- cording to the writing thereof , and to euery peo- ple according to their language : in the name of king Ah.ilhuerolh was it written , and fealed with the kings ring. , λ • ^ And the letters were fcnt t by poltes into all the kings prouinccs , to roote out, to kill and to deftroy all the lewes .both yong and old, chil- dren and women , in one day vpoo the thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth (wliich is the moneth Adar) and to fpoyle them aj a pray. 14 The contents of the writing was.that there fiiould be giuenacommandement in allprouin- ces , and publilhed vnto all people . that they fliotild be ready againft the fame day. 15• And the poltes compelled by the Kings commandement went forth , and thecommanLle- ment was giuen in the palace at Shulhin : and the king and Kaman fate drinking . but the g citie of Shiilhan was in perplexitie. CHAT. nil. $ ΜοΦ»•,ί,ν»ώ the Quf,ne fc,.».ir^«/ft. cr..f/ *«■, ./ es , and went out into the mids of the citie, and cryed with a great cne.and a bit- ter. I rr. 2 And he came euen before the Kings > gate, but he might not enter M>-thin the kings gate , be- ing cloathed with faekcloath. 3 And in auery prouince^w.^ place, whither die kin"s charge and his commiffion came tiicre was o-reat forow among the lewes , and faftiiig, and weeping , and mourning . and + many lay 111 faekcloath and in afhes. ., ^ , A. ί Then Efters maids and her Eumiches came and told it her : therefore the «]ueene was very iieauie,and ihee fent raiment to cloathe Mordcca:, and to take away his faekcloath from him , bi;t he leceined it not. /-.»,• J Then called Efter Hatach one of the Kings Gods prouideace. '^ί^^Β : + hai appointed to (erne her ~ " ^^| mandement vnto Mordecai .t< t Eir.ijj rt.f.j H ennuches.whomhc and gane him a commandement vnto Moriiccai.tt t know what it was.andwhy it was. 1, p^ti trftr, krr; 6 So Hatach went foorth to Mordecai vntf the ftrcet of the citie, which was before the kings gate. 7 And Mordecai told him of all thatwhicl had come vnto him, and of thet fiimmc ofth< t i*r,Ai*W.»; filucr that Haman had promifed to pay vnto th< Kings trcafutes , bccaufe of the lewes, for to de• ftroy them. 8 A:fo he gaue him the n copie of the writing g o, . ctittktft and comraiffi'Mi that wa? giuen at Shulhan , to de- ftroy them, that he might rtiew it vn:o Elbr and «leclare it vnto her , and to charge her that (liec ihould goe in to the king , and make petition and fupplicat ion before him for her peo_ " 9 r So wlien Hatach came , he told Efler the words ofMordecai 10 Then Efter faid vnto Hatacli,and comman- did him to fry vnto Mordecai, 1 1 All the kings feruants and the people of the Kings proninces do know , That whofoeuer,maT» or woman , tJiat commeth to the king into the inner court , which is not called , there ii a law o£ hij.that hee Ihall die, except himtfiwhomthe king holdeth out the golden rod, that hee may liuc. Now I haue not beene called to come vnto the kingthefe thirtie dayes. I ζ And they certified Mordecai of Efters Wordes. 13 And Mordecai faid , that they flionjd an- fwere Efter fW,Thinke not with thy felfc that thou fhalt efcape in the kings houfe , more then all the lewes. ^ I 14 For if thou holdeft thy peace at this time, + El*, ht^ingt tcomfort and deliuerance b ihall appeare to the ^JJ-^^-^Jnl-l lewes out of another p.'acc , but thou .mJ thy fa- jd,nce ofihaifiich thers houfe fliall perilh : and who knoweth whe- jwh.ch all cods ther thou art come to the kingJome for c fuch aii'"'""^J??!jJ"«• time ? I J- Then Efter commanded to anfwer Morde- cai, 16 Goe,lfd a-a be gT»icd, I Maik.i.ai, Hamaos EEeE 9 And the king faid .Caiife Hamantotnake hafte , that he may doe as Efter hath fayd. So the kiiiff aivd Haraaii came to the banket that Efler iMdprepared. 6 And the king faiJ vnto Efter at thebanket t Ecciufe diet vfedtoddnke excelmcly inth«it , ^ , i i r r-i ι • j jjankets.cJieycalUdtoe performed vnto the haite or the kingdoree. die baiiict by the j y Then anfwered Efter, and (udMy petition «icQccmcd^ doe honour «ore thetrto me » 7 And Haman aniwered the king , The man j Mordecai promoted» f Ben thee ? and what is thyrequeiti itiiial'l eucn *' I will declare Yiiiit thing I de- whom, the king would honouf, 8 Let them bring for him royall apparell, ■ u «iivi wi^ «...g — " - which the king ^fth toweare, and the « horic ^ Miain'agfieieby of Ί wine , What isTliy petition, that it may be gi- that the king ridcth voon , and that the crowne IflJOVid 'Jfallium roj'all may be let vpon nishead. Uxt vnto himieu; i> And iet the rairaentand the horfebedeli- « loitphJieteby iiered by tlie h.mdufi>ne of the kings moft noble *γ^^ ίο p"^"'^'" j princes, and iet tliem apparell the man (whom the Gen.+i.^»" 8 iflliaue found fauour in the fight of the king will honour) ancfcaufe him to ride vpon the " ' * ilng ,and if it pleale the king togiue me my peti- horle through ^ itreet of the citie, and proclaime tion. and to perforrae my re^iicitjet the king and | before him ,Tluis Uia!l it be done vuto the man: Haman come to the banket that I ihali prepare j whom the king wi;! Iifinoiir. j for them, and I will do to morrow according to j lo Then the king faid to Haman , Make hafte^ the kinos « faying. \ ''"''^ε the raiment and the horfe ,as thou haft laid, 9 1°Then went Haman foorth tlie fame day ; and doe fo vnto Mordecai the lew , that fittetii at the kings gate : let nodiing fayle of all that thou haft ipoken. 1 1 So Haman tooke the raiment and the horfe, and araied Mordecai , and br.)i.ght him on horie-j backe thorow rlie ftreetof the city .and proclai- med before him , Thus Ihall it be done to the mair whom the knig will honour. 1 2 And Mordecai came againe to the kings ate , but Kamau haftcd home mourning and his f Thus tTie wicked ■when they ore pro- moted , in ftead of acknowledging liieii: charge aid hiimbliugtiiem- 1 fel»es - — ' bitiou full , and ciutU, ioyfuli , and with aglad heai't. But when Haman faw Mordecai in the kings gate, that he ftood not vp , nor mooued for him ,then was Haman full of indignation at Mordecai. 10 Neiierthelelie , Haman refrained hifnfelfe: aid when he came home, hee fent, and called for his friends , and Zerelh his wife. 11 And Haman told them of the glory of his riches . and the multitude of his children , and a!l the things wherein the king had f promoted him, and how that hee had fet him aboue the princes and feruants of the king. 12 Haman faid moreouer , Yea , Efter the quewe did let no man come in with the king to am-' the banket that ihce hadprepared.faue me: and to morrow am I bidden vnto her alfo with the king. 13 But all this doeth notliingauai'.e mee , as I long as I fee Mordecai the lewe fitting at the kingsgate. ! 14 Then faid Zereih his wife and ail his friends β Mesning , the 1 vnto him , Let there make a tree of fiftie ε cubitcs Sfrfieit that coidi ( ^jg ^ a„j ^^^ morrowe fpeike thou vnto the king, "*" ■ I that Mordecai may be hanged thereon .'then flialt ;thou eoe ioyfully with the king vnto the banket. And tlie thing pleafed Haman , and he caufed to make the tree. CHAP. VI. »• Th• 1^"»^ «MMif fi eurr theChmklt, 4»Jl findttt the fid-litlr of Morctri^i, 10 Md ummnirtk H*ma to uufi Moiieuila It h.til in honour. j^ Ai&A^ -^j*Tp He fame night t the king flept not , and hee fff'Ktkt^^ commanded to bring thebooke oftheRe- '^ ' cords.^W the Chronicles ; and they were read be- fore the king. " 2 Then it was found written that Motiiecai ♦had to'd of Bigtana,and Terefli.two of the kings eunuches keepers of the doore.wLo fought to lay hands ontheking Ahaihueroflj. 3 Then the kin^); fa-d, What honour and dig- nit'ie liatk been•.• giiien to Mordecai ^ for this? And the kings feruanrs that miniftred vnto him , faid. There is notliingdonc for him, 4 And the king faid, who is in the court» (Now Haman was come into the inner court of the kings hotife , that iiee might fpeake vnto tl^e head couercd. 13 And Haman toIdeZerelli his wife, and ail j his £riends.all that liad befallen him. 1 hen ifid his : wiie men , and Zerelh his wife vnto him , If :.ior- decai be of the feede of the Icwes , before whora thou haft begun to fall , thou (halt net preuaile a- ^ainft him , i out iliait furely fall before him. 14 And while they were yet talking with him. came the kings eunuches and hailed to bring Ha- l^^-ickcd . to ipeal» man vnto the banket that Efter had prepared. CHAP. VII. i Thus GoJ ΓοηιβΜ puctetli in the: mottth (that th.ng which hehj'h decreed Oiailceinctofairej Ct^.t.tt. ι Tor he tliottgh wnwcrthyhisedate: torecej'ne a bene fir, and notievfiidit J 1hftixtHitltMtththttii7i^MiHim*ntg.aiif, Mtl frjfeft fir hf\ frift tlttd if» ffofte, * Sbfr tctufeth Hamm, ΛΠά he u fcix^frf «X tkr giiitotfn trtui kt hiifrrfJtriifir Moriecui. 5 Ο the king and Kaman came to banket wjtii tlie queeue Efter. ζ And tlie king faid againe vnto Efter on the iecond day at the banket of s wine , What is thy * ^«»ί« Gx'i-tS petition, Queene Efter.that it may be giuen thee ) and what is thy rei^ueft ? It fliail be euea perfor- med vnto tlie halfe of the kingdome, 5 And Efter the queene anfwered, and faid, Ifj 1 haiie found fauour in thy fight , Ο king, and if it' pleafe the king , let my life be giuen me at my pe- ■■ tition.and my people at my rec^ueft. 4 For we are fold.I. and my pepple.to be de- ,,Haman ceuli«et itroyed, to be llame, and to periiii ; but if we were io much profit the fold for feruants,and for hai\dmaids, I would hauet^ii^g bytWshi» held my tongue , although the -sdiicrfarie could |];;.^^"'ί;^\°7^^* not b recompence the kings lofle. jioffe olthe letvej, 5• Then king Ahaihuerolh anfwered , and faid|ant is, to de« ehdif£oneredjf'«'^\f.800'I for the king. Then the King &d, twelfcmoneth.which is themoncth iAdar w-iiat cities foeiier they were) to gather them- ielues together. andtoltandfurJ»theirlife/»«itoL , , roote out, to Hay and to deftroy all the power odT.fjT!^•;^ the people and of tlie proumce that vex^ them. C»oaid Λ»ώ tOth children aiid women , and to fpoile their F«"• goods: I 12 Vpon one day in all rhe protiinces of Kine Ahaftiieroft . euen in the thirteenth day of the Hang him thereon. 10 So they hanged Haman on the tree, that he had prepared for Mordecai : then was the Kings wr4th pacified. CHAP. V 1 1 Γ, S AfttititirMl,ofHimunwttM.iiieMi/xMtii. f^Cemforldtt tiiirti triftnt vrtt lb/ Itmn. Τ He lame day did King Ahafliueroih giiie the houfe of Haman the aduerfarieof the Icwes, vnfo the Queene Efter. And Mordecai » came be- fore the King ; for Efter told what he was ^ vnto her. Aeconfpiracy , nang mm tnereoii. ^ i.-{ The copie of the writing x,v4/ , how there Xft:. ^' u,!,°^° they hanged Haman on the tree, that he fliould be a commandement gmen in all and cue- Chap, x.iuifa had prepared for Mordecai : then was the Kmos rv prouince. pnblilhed amon|all the people , and that the lewes ihouid be ready againftihat'day, { to k auenge themfelues on their enemies. k The ifnj p« 1 4 Jo the pofts rode vpon heaves of price and^"^ ittn.t m dromedaricsAwent foorth with fpced.to execute *^,,^'•'ίί^'^ the Kings commaHndement , and the decree was giiien at Shnilian the palace. I s And Mordecai went out from the Kino in royall apparcll of blue.and whitc.and with a gpuat l-jhat hewashei" " t λ u τ, ■ , a:u• ■ ' u• i l "'^'W"'; f'fgoid.and with a garment of fine linnen «„de,a„dh.d i . 5 f "'^ '^^ i^'"g «οοΐ^ε °^^'^ ""? ' "^^'^^ ,^= ; a"'! P"rple . and the citie ofShu^ion reioyced and twnghthei νχ. "^'» taken from Haman , and gaue it vnto Morde- i was triad. cai ; and Efter fet Mordecai ouer the houfe of Ha- | 1 6 ^«d vnto the lewes was come light and «an. i^ioy and gladnelfe, and honour. ! Herewith »y 5 And Efterfpake yet more before the King. ; ,7 Alfo in all ^deuery prouince .andinail tl:"t\ and fall downe at his feet weeping , and befoughc | and euery citie artd piaoe . where the Kin-s com- l^t «'J! ., • A .ij "™ ^'^^, ^^ ^°"''^ P"' ^"^^y ^^f " .w'^^'^^'lneil^ of ; mandement and his decree came , tl,tre Zva, iov ^ α,«αΤΛ<5ίΓ .he ?^™" ^^ ^&ψ\^ , and his deuice that hee had ; andgladncneto the lewes. a feaft and good day. imagined agamit the lewes. | and many of the people of the laiicfm became I», confer, 4 And the King held out the golden d fcepter ; lewes : for the feare of the lewes fell vpon them *'"*'"" '• * toward Efter. Then arofe Efter, and flood before ' Mw.\ «11415^ the King, I C Η A P. 1 X. I J- Andfaid ,IfitpleafetheKing,andifIhaue ; > ^"'""'«'"■"icciie Efter, Tlie lev.cs haiie llame in Shuihan the palace , ancl deployed fine liundreth men , antl the ten Tonnes of Haman : what haue they done in the reft of the Kings prouinces ? and wh.it is thy petition.that it may be ginea thee? or \viiat is tliy requeil rcoieo- ucr, that it may be perfurmed? I 3 Then laid Ε iter , If it pleafe the King, let it be granteii alio to morow to the levies th.it aie in Shuihan , to doc according ί ν nto this d.iyes de- cree , that they may hang vpon the tree Hamans ten fonnes. 14 And the King cli.irgcd to doc (o , and the decree was gitien at Shuihan , and they hanged liamans ten ionnes. 1 5• Τ So the levves that were in Shuiliar„anem- bled themfeiiies vpon tlie fourteenth day uf the moncth Adar.&flew three himdrcth men in Shu- lhan,bi:t on the fpoile they laid not their hand, i) And the reft oftheicwes that were in the k As the lewej do ciien to iliii day, calUn J it in jhe retfiaii lin- gnage Piitini, that is, the day of lot;. 1 Tlie leives ga- ther hereof that Moidecai wro'e this dory : but it feemcth thathce vnToie but o.icl/ thefe lertet? and decieesthat foUo-.v xn Hcefeti«th be- fow out eyes the vfe of thfs feaft. A'newfeaft. begun.and as Mordecay had written vnto them. 24 Becaufe Haman tlie fonne of Hammedatha | tlie Agagite all th* lewes aduerfary had imagined I againli the lewes tu deftroy them , andhad ^ cail jtRtadi chap. j,7J[ Pur (that is a lot) to cont'iime anddcflroy them. Ρ ^l*^-,• ''• i^^tr, 25• And when ° Ihc came before the king.hee Loides ofVhe* commanded by letters , Let his wicked Ρ deuice Jtiagstommande- ( which he imagined againft die lewes) turne vp- ?"*"* '« difamiil on ills owne head , and le: them hang him and his foiines on the tree 20 Therefore they called thefe dayes Purimjjy the name of Pur .«Wbecaufe ofall the wordscf this letter, & cf that which they had icenebefuies ihis.and of that whicii had come vnto them. 27 The lewes alfo ordeined , and promiied foj them and for their feede , and for ail that ioynet vnto them , that they v.'ouid not \\ failc toobleruc thofe two q dayes eiiery yeere , according to theii writing.nntl according vnto their feafo». 28 And that ihel.: day^is iliould be remem- bred , and kept throiighont eiiery generation anc cilery family, and euery protiiEcc,and eucry citie Kinp-s prouinces, allemWed themfelues.and flood | etien thefe dayes of Purim ll-.ould not faile anion for g their iiues , and liad reft from their enemies, ! the lewes , and the memoriall of them ihould nc and Hew of them that i> hated them , feuentie and ί perilh from their lecd. hue tlioiiiand ; but they laid not their liand on the ! 29 And the Quccne I• fter the darj^hter of Abi- fpoile. ' ί hail and Mordecai the lew V. rote with all /J autho J 7 r/jw i/jfy Λ'ίί on the» thirteenth day of the rooneth Adar,and relied the fourteenth day there-, of. and kept it a diy of feafting and ioy. 1 8 But tije lewes that were in Shuihan ailem- ί themfelues on the thirteenth άΛγ, and on th I fourteenth thereof ,Sc they refted on the fifteendi cf the fame.and kept it a day of fe.ifting and ioy, 19 Therefore the lewes of the villages that dwelt in the vnwalled townes ,'' kept the foure- teendi day ofthem.cnethAdar with ioy and fea- fting , euen a ioyfull day . and eiiery one fent pre- fents vnto his neighbour. 20 f And Mordecai wrote 1 thefe words , and fent letters vnto all the lewes that were through all the prouinces ofthe King Ahalhuerolh , tci/j ncere and farre, 2 1 Inioyning them that they fliould i'.eere the fourteenth day of the raonethAdar , and the fif- teenth day of the fame.euery yeere. 2 2 According to the dayes wherein the lewes , refted from their enemies , and the moneth which which ^was forthei\,_j^ turned vnto them fromforowe tQiuyj.anJ Gmlj'dciii'ie" iKe, | ^''«^m mouming into a ioylull day , to keepe them tht maintenance ' thii daycs of fcifting and ioy , and to»" fend pre- lents euery rcan to his neighbour, and g'.fts to the ofmutuMl friend fnip indtclicfegf ihe pooi:e. poori 23 And the lewes promilcd to do as they had I α Β. ritie (to confinne this letter of 'Piuira the fecond tiiiie, 30 And he fent letters vnto all the lewes to the hundreth and i'eucn and twcntie prouinces of the kin»dome of Ahaihuerolli , with ' words cf peace andtrueth, 31 To confirm^ thefe dayes of Purim accor- ding to their feafons , as Mordecai the lew and Ε iter the Qneene had appoynted them.anJ as they had promifed for them t ftUies and for their feede with f f afting and prayer. 31 And the dtcrec of Efter confirmed thefe words of Purim.and was written in the booke, C Η A P. X» I Ttf e^muthH ΛκΛ Jiihcriiy of .VtorA-f.i;". ANd the King Ahalhuerolhlaid a tribute vp•• on the land.and vpon the y les of the fw, 2 And all the adles of his power . and of his might, 2c the declaration of the dignitie of Mc decai.wherewith ;^ Ring tragnifiedhiro.are they not written in the bcokc oftheChi-onicJesof the Rings of Media and PerSa? 3 For Mordecai the lew was the fecond vnto king Ahad-iUeioni.Sc great among the Icv/es.and «accepted among the multitude of hi» brethren, who procaredthewcahhof his people, andfpaKc peaceably to all his feed THE A R G V Μ Ε Ν T. I' Ν this Wflerit U fet lefore eur eyes t he example cf a fngskr patiente. For thU holy mdn lob was not ouely ex- tremely affliiied in outward thin^t and iti hU body, but alfo in his r/itiid and cu»jcienie,by thefiaipe tentaticru efhii wife, andchiffe friends : which by their vehement words , atidfubtiU dijfutationi brought bimalmojl to difpaire ; for they ft t forth God as afeuere Iudtie,and mortalt enenie vnto him, which had cafi him off,t here fore in vaine he p7eiitd feeke vnto l>im for ftta-our.Thffe fi iends came vnto him vnderprcttnce ofconfeilation,&yet they tormented him more then did allhu ajjiiiiion. liotwithfianding he dtdcofiflantly --f/i/f thetn, and at length had ^oadfuccejfe. In thitflory we haue to ma rke that lob maintainelh a^cod caufe.but handlethtt eutU : a^aine hit -edwrfiries haue a» euitl matter, but they defend it cn'ftily.Fer lob held tlja t God did not alw.ty punifh Ken ac fording to their flnnei, hut that tie had ficrtt iudgrnents .wheriofrr.an ^itw notihecaufe,& therefore man could «et reafon ngatn^QtitlMnin^bHt hepxuldl/e (:9ntaCic4iM«rt*i*(r,he WAiafund that Otdhadnot rtieCiedhim, Hamar.s wickei entei]^c. 9 >iear.inj,tht fonrtcenth «nd fifteenth dsy uf t>.e moscih Aiui ' II Or, (hfUfil,, β» t wh.chweie leiicis declaring vi.toihe.jitjiLet- neiVe, ajtdaiiii- lancc, and putting cJicm out of dotilH and leaie. J ELY foul.- f. . f ihat iheyHoiiIl obieiiie this feaft with fafiing and c«ine a pvayer, whicliin tbiew is fignitied by Chit WOU lihej cry.^ a Thefe tJirei points arehere let forth as com» meiidsble. and"B«• ceiiaric for him that ii inaiitl-oti- tie, tohai;ethefl- iiour of the ffcfle, topiciute their v\ealili , and tofcc gcmle a^dloniej [«yviidtlitJO, lobsrkhcs, Satafi Chap. I. yet through hit great iomtHii dni Afjli(tion hee brailtth foerlhiiitiyndt^tneoHUiMtHeti hath efwordei and finten es , and fijevveth hirnftlfe as a defperate rmninmnuy things , and ai one that would nfisl God: and this is his good caufe which hee doth mt handle well. \Againe the aducrftriei maintaiue vvtth many gtodlj arguments J hat God punifneth cetitir.uiliy aocordini^ to the trcjptjfe , grounding vf-on Gods preuideiice , liii lobspliigues. i8q iuilice.and mans ftnnes ^yet their intention u euiU. : %r they Ubour to bring lob into defp*ire .and jo they maintains an euili c.tufe, Ez^kiel commendeth Μ (sutujl man ,Ετ^Ι^ i-f, 14. and lames fetteth tut hii patiiiice for an example, lam, j.ll ft that fs, of tlie coonttey of id"- mea, as Lament + boideting th«tevpen : foi cheland was cal- led by the name of vt the fenne «{Dilkanthe foane of Stir, Gen.ji.ii. b lotafmnchas he was a ceiitilCi nt a Iew£, and yet is pro- nounced vpiight, and wichoiithy- pociifie, it decl»- xeth tliat among thehejthtnGoS hath hii. c Kertlryisde- cUted, what it niefncbyanv^- rghtandiurt d Hischilden and tiches ate de- clared , to com- mend his vetiiii inh sptofperitie Sndhis patience, audcoiiRancie, when Godhid taken them ftom him. f Eh.tUlirtn. c Meaning . the Aiabians, Chal- dejtis , Idiimeani. &c. f lliat is , com- jitanded them tobefaniVified: meaning , that they flioiild conlider the fanlti that they had committed, and tecenc.le «hemleliiesfot the fame. g Thatii.hee offetedfotenery CHAP. I. » Tii Μίκ'β' , H'iitfi . MitA't *fIoif,Tlit cHlirtK. 13 Sjtin hulh f?in From compafTing the earth to and fro, arid from walking in it. 8 And the Lord faid vnto Satan , Haft thou not confidered my feruantlob.hownoneMlike him in the earth ? an vprightandiuftman.one that feareth God, and efchewctheuili? 9 Then Satan anfwered the Lord , and fayd, Doeth lob fcare God for ΐ nought ? 10 Haft thou not made Ian hedge about him and about his houfe , and about all that he hath on euery fide ? thou haft blclled the woike of his hands.and his fubftance is increafed in the land. 1 1 But ftretch out now thine hand and " touch all that he hath , ia /« if lie will notblafphera^ thee to f thy face 1 2 Tlicn the Lord fayd vnto Satan , Loe , all cneofhischil- 7 jK«snoffetms.Ki Sei:i«hrted. k Mcaninl.. he Angels. wh,ch are calledih btcaafe tley a-ewiUinge 10 execute his ■- eemprehend God citie mav be able to that although Saryi be ^«''"''""'Y, """ '; ''o- and appoyntment he can doe η aoe hi„,aU h^'S'. -'^Τ-Λ^νΤΓ Γη.η' ^fLGodkaew wh.ncehe ( Godgiiiethi'.tft Satan ptwetoHn giu-it him, bnt todecljTC that he hithno poT^er oi»«f man, [thaivihch cd jintihhim. Tint is, wen» that he hath ii in t thine hand , onely vpon him- felfe flialt thou not ftrcich out thine hand. .So Sa- tan departed fromthe"prefence of the Lord. . . I i ^ And on a day , when his fonnes and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in ihcit clileft brothers houfe, 14 There came a mcftcngcr vnto loU.and faid, The oxen were plowing . and the allcs feeding ir their places, 1 5" And the " Shabeans came violently , and tooke them ; yea , they hauc flaine thefcniants with the edge of the fword : but I onely am efca- pedaloiic to tell thee i6 And whiles he was yet fpeakin^ , another came , and fayd , The τ fire of God is fallen from the heauen , and hath burnt vp tlie Ibeepe and the feruants , and deuoured them : but I onely am ef- ceped alone to tell thee. 1 7 And whiles he was yet fpcaking , another came.and fayd, The CaUl.^ans fet out three bands, and fell vpon the camels, and haiie taken them; and haiie flaine the feruants witli the edge of the fworde : but I onely am efcaped alone to tell thee. 18 And whiles he was yet fpcaking.cameano ther , and fayd . Thy * fonncs . and thy daughter^ boVniTcodcVn were catino-.and drinking wine in their cidcfl fend vs another brothers houfe, - 1ο,;Γ,ο.Κ 1 1) And behold.there came a great wind froitil ,„^ ,;,th ,bem ' beyond the wilderneUe , and fmote the foure cor-j obedience, ners of the houfe .which fell vpon the children, and they are dead , and I onely am efcaped alone I ,, f I » Wliichcime torellthee. Ino.ofimp.t-en- 20 Then lob arofe , and > rent his garmentj cit,},^ deciiteii• and fliaued his head , and fell downe vpon tha that the children ground, and worfliippcd. rJi>.l"'X' And faid , * -Naked came I out of my mo-| ^ι^,,^. , t,.i ihn which God htd pern-iiiedhiir. le Joe : fo; clfc hee can neuergoe ciiu of Coil fieimce, X Tha; (s , the AtabiaiiJ. y V/hich thing ivaiallodoreby the ctafiof Saiaii. loicmpt lobtlie more grienetilly, for almneh ai he might fee, that n»t o'lelymen were hiienemiei, fctH that God made warreacainfthim. t This lift pligt» dcchicih, ihii when one phpne is pin wh-chlee- h hard to be thers wombe . and naked (hall I returnc b thither : the Lord hath giuen , and the Lord hath taken it ; « blefled be the Name of the Lord 22- In all this did not lob finne , nor ch^gc^ keipe a meme God'^fooliihly. iheli patience they feeU afflisn- en and giricft of mindt : yet they , and tebcU agiini) God, thing. h inEbiewitis.a^dbleTedGod, whichiifo.nieiimet»- Lnr"nng arh"ere:v.d ^-f-r^-^lj^^f;• IfTof his nai.rtie ,'hee isfet ioorth v„,o vs as a King > J^'^•" "P'^- ovndetnandthatwhichisfpoieoofhim. m Ti-''^"!"""; . ,b. ad^erfarie to Oor,,yethee.s«mpellcdjoobeyh,m. and „„,Atte, without vvhofepeimiftvonana < This queRion Isaskcd fotoar infirmitie He:ein is defcribed the nam e of Satan, which i 'iorhit pay. ο He:em is »""' " ".. Γπγ fit.hine ownefale. b.itforthe com- Wditie that het r.ceit^d by;»•^'• 0 '^'^'''^ξ,Ι fignffch . that Satan is not able «Mfitif. ss.hewicieddoe. *£..(.•. S- ■♦. .. f.-.i-r- b Thatis.inte.h.heU.ecf.he earth, which is the mother of aU. c Hereby he confelleih that Cci 15 lupl.ani good , aHiongh his hande be fote vpon him. i But dedaitd that Cod did »H things accordingto iurtict ard eqiiitie. I CHAP. II.. I t SM^n kith ffimf" f-ffii^i ''t- f Hi,w;f,i,mti.ihHi>\ ANd on a day the » children of God came andi « Th» u. At An- ftood before the Lord , andb Satan came 3ΐΙϋ;ε•''ρ•/;^^^ι.%';'; a^iong them, and ftood before the Lord. . * f,i,K,^ i*. ' ι 2 Then the Lordfayd vmoSetan, Whcncejcif.••. commeft thou ί And Saun .iiifwered ^!ι<=^ο/^.« y'r^h•^•*• and fayd . Froni corapa^Tug the earth to and fro J ,.„,^, „,,ί^ „„ and from walking in it. to fene cod «he» J And the Lord faw! vnto Satan, Haft thou hi; plig.>e.we.T no? confidered my feruant lob , how none/>likel J'^•»"'? -τ»» him in the earth ; * m vpi ^ght and iuft man , one a That is , when choii hidn n»ighf agiin!lhim , ot when thoiiwiH Γ01 able 10 brinp thypiiToieiopaJ*. that feareth God. andefcheweth cuill ? for yet he continueth in his vprightnellc .«aldiough thou moouedft me againfl bim , to deftroy *him With Z4 4 Am. obs plagues : Hecurfeth his ΙϋΚ e Hereby Iiee meant, that a man! owjie sim is dcj. net vjiio liim iheu anoAeimans. 1 Meaning, his owueperlou. J Tlius Satan can joe no fmther in jiimifliiiig , the ted Cod hath hint. Ή T!iis fore was 3110(1 -.chement, •VI herewith ailn "Cod plagued the ■ 'Igypiiins, Exod. ^.y.and threatncti to pimiQi th^ii- fcellioiis people. 3>eut.iS.27.foth3i «his tentation was jnofl gtietioiis : for if lobhadmeafiv ffci Gods iaiioui; by thevehemen. 4~Triid" Satan aiinvered tlie tord, andlald, e Skin for skin , and all that cuer a man hath , will lie giiie fox his life, J But ftretch now out thine hand , and touch his f bones and his iielh , to fee if he will not blaf- pheme thee to thy face. 6 Then the Lord faid ynto Satan.Loe he is in thine hand .but faue S his life. 7 f So Satan departed froijiihe prefence of the Lord , and fmote lob with fare h boyles, from the fole of his foote vntohis crowne. 8 And hee tookea• potlhard to fcrapehim> and he fate downeamon^ the alhes. 9 Then faid his ^ wife vnto him , Doeft thou - continue yet in thine vpriglitneife? niBiafpheme God , and die. 10 But he faid vnto her , Thou fpeakeft like a birth day , and defiteth death» y Yea , defolate be that night , and let no ioy ^I'^^l' t u Γ 1 J fL ■ r 1 if Which enrfe the• 8 Let the.fn that curie the day, (being 1 ready jday of their birth^ to renew their mourning) curfeir, pet them lay that' 9 Let the ftarres of that twilight be dimme '''I'^'^'f"" •'•'» through darkenefli; of it .-let it looke for light.but ig^Letit be al- haue none; neither let it g feet the dawning of jw^yes night, anJ the day. ineueiieeday. 10 Becaufe it flint not vp thedoores of nfiy mo-yj^l'/j^/^fj'^' then wombe , nor hid forow from mine eyes. ih This, and Si'at 11 ^ why died I not in the birth?or why died' ^ hich foUowetk, I not , when I came out of the wombe ? ' ;"in'man''ineth 1 2 why did the knees preuent me ? and why, pijce"to hi'sprf-' did I fucke the breafts > iions.he is not able 13 For β fliould I now haiie ί lieu and beenel '° "J? "o^ l^ecpe guiet.I ftould hatie flept then.and becne at reft. \ ^^ThtMonX^ 14 with the kings and counfellers of the; to all eniii, except fooliih woman : what ? flttU we receiue good at ! earth , which haue bmlded themfeluesi'defolate| God caU him back, the hand of God , and not " receiue euill ? In all | places : ' • ; *f ^ί afi™'* this did not lob finne with his <> lips. ly Or with the princes that had golde , an4 „ade him to vttet II Now when lobs three ρ friends heard of hauefilled their hoiifes with iiluer. ' thefe words , as all this euill that was come vpon him , they came j 16 Or why was I not hid.as an vntimely birthj ,'^Πηΰ^Γ^ΊΓ"* iie.of'hisdifcaii, euery one from his owne place , to x-i/rf, Eliphaz j «f/jir as infants , t-z/Z/jc^ hauenot fcene the light? feces', and* sif'^ 'ijI'm'ihchiM jthe Tcmanite.and Bildad the Shuhite ,andZo- 17 The wickeldl haue there ceaied from r/?f/r there were no life Woftjimof'P'^3'' '*■''= ^'^^f^^^'^"^- for they were agreed toge- , tyrannic . and there they that Jabourec} valiantly ;;3f«y''js."!"«'»he. iAsdenitmeof j ther to cpme to lament With him , and to comtort are at reft. '■'- j 'wh i"^'e' e fe ■ all othet hcipe and| him. \ ^^ '^^^ " prifoners reft together , and heard bm tiie infirmiiiet*^ weanes, ard won- ^^ So when they lift vp their eyes afarre off. not thevoyceoftheopprellbur. ofh.sfieihca.fed they knew him not : therefore they lift vp their j I9 There are foall and great, and the feruantj ^" ,{,^.J'^ifj^"^j voycesand wept, and euery one of them rent his :*< free froni his mafter. jthe wicked garment and fprinkled 1 duft vpon their heads toward the heanen. 13 So they fate by him vpon the ground fe- uen'dayes .and feuen nights, and none (pake a _ ., , „ word vnto him : for they faw that the griefe vvat they would euen fearch ir more then treafures : ΐ<"^" "f «a'" 22 which iov for p!adneile.rtWreiovcp.when»"""''^^" >reat. derfiilly affliaed ^vith the foro iv of Iiisdifcafe. S. Satan \i'eih the ftmeinnmmcnt again ft lob, as ia did agttinft Adam. 1 Miaaing, what gaineft ihoii to Jeme God, feeing , Very Jie thwsplagneth ' " «hee , as though he were thine enemie ? This is the men iaichfiiU, when their faith is aifailed, & when Satan «hat they mitl in God in va and fo a-emennt thathe fli ipaiient in adiiiiiiiie , as we leioyce when he iendeih ptofpetitie , &fot Tedgrhim to bebothmeieifiill and in(i. ο He fo bridled his afleihon vtonjue through impatiencie did not murmnre jgiinft God. ρ Wliich were men of authoiitie , wile and learned , and as the Sepiiiagint write , Kings, and came to Komfott him, but when they faw how he was vilited, theycoi.ceiiiedan «mil «pinion of him , as though he had leene but an hypocrite , and fe iiyfily plagued «tCod (br his finnes. q This was alfo a cetemonie , which they vied in thofe Siiintieys.as the tenting of their cloathej in (igr.e of forow, &c. ϊ And theie- Joi» t}lo«?ht truths would not havehearieued vnto their coimftll. 20 wherefore is the light giuen tohimthatjli Henottththe is in miferie ? and η life vnto them that haue hea4 ambition of them,' ny hearts hich for iheis Wliich Ion» for death , and if it come not,[ were, change the . aiinre, molf which ioy for gladneilCjrtW rcioyccwhen^j^j^^ j^^^^ j^ they can finde the graue. Icaife'lhey w~ad*' oethlbrtU'"e"i'tade ΰ.^ 1 ^^ ^^^ " »^i /'^/ϊί ^ί«ί» tO the man whofetherebyraalt their m Poi death was a^i^oi«red°iO Ae blafpheme" ii ^^^y '* ° ^^^' 3"^ whom God hath hedged in Id foone bend out of hi! pail " ' ' "' r.^u...^ .1. L_r_.. τ .. oyce when he iendeih profp namesimmoitall. iciiousientatiijiiof the 1 perl'itade th< be I 24 For my fighing commeth before I eat,andj iTcrneUut\ Λβ* my roarings are powred out like the water. jacSn that his 2y For the thing I F feared , is come vpon me, & the thing that I was afraid of, is come vnto z6 I had no peace , neither had I quietnellC; neither had ί reft, q yet tiotible is eome. : tko^^b c CHAP. Ill II Vititfritk rthe A Fter ward = lob opened fed his day. mouth , and ^ ciir- And lob cryed out , and fjiidj 3 Let the day c perilh wherein I Was borne, and the night when it was fayd , There is a man child conceiued, J The fetiin dtiyes tjiiti. Chap. a. i !> Here lobbe-gii «eih to fedehis y:est inipeif»Ai- on in this battell betweene the fpi• ii; and the fieQi, ».om.7, iS. & af- ter a maneryeel (derh, yet in the , ' vpon It. end he gettcth vi- ; 5• ^ut let darkeneflt? and the « iliadow of d6ath **" "' *e "meal'e ί^'•πε it : let the clouderemaine vponit ,andlet them make it fearefuU as abittcr day. 6 Let davkenefle poflcHe that night , let it not to'CwearleOr' Γ^ ioyned vnco thedayesoftheyeercnorietic iheit life, and curie korae into the count of themoneths, it»becaufe of the j infirmities 1 that ilisfiibieiTtvnto, but becatie ihey are giiien to finne »ndiebeaioa •gynft^God.• d' tet.itbe put out ofthe : iimberofdayes , andltt itnothaue the tyrans hath cea- fed. m All they that fuftjineany liinde' of calamitie and miferie in this world : which he- fpeaketh after the judgement of the fefli. η Heefliewtth that the benefits of Go4• ace not comfortable, except the heart be ioyfull , and the cor.fcience quieted., ο That fee.h not how to come out of hismifeties, bccaitfehe dependeihnot on Gods providence. ρ In my profpeiitie I looied euer for a fall , as is come now to palle. q The feare of troubles that (hould enfue , caiiMjny proljeiiiit 10 ■ feeme 19 mee as nothing , and yet 1 am not e.«mpted ftom troiv le. CHAP. nil. lol' is r/frtherJ-di'fiTiifjtiritf cflh jirffuntpioa of Hi cjvni 1 ^^c,, 1 Seeing this thi«e impatiency. 3 Thou haft com- forted others in friiftions. 'S^' Τ Hen Eliphaz the Temanite , anfwered and %d, 2 If wee aflay to commune, with thee , wilt 4 Let that day be darkenefte , let not God > tliOu be grieued ; but * who can withhold him- d regard it from aboue , neither let the light fhine | felf» fronrfpeaking ? \ 3 Behold , thou haft taught many , and b haft ) ftrengthened the weary hands. I 4 Thy wordes haue confirmed him that was and cano not now falling , and thou haft ftrengthened the weakej«»iio«''>>f«l&'<• j knees. \ J But now it is come vpon thee, and thou I art grieued : it toucheth thee ^ and ihou art trou- ;« This ht «endu-; bled. ideth that lob was : 6 Is not this thy «feare, thy confidence, thy!'"•' «nj'ypo""^»- i patience , and vprightnefle of thy wayes ? 'f"^, .'«"^αΓώ' 7? Rsmsmber>t pray thee•; wJw «if periihedj-ceiT,^ beipgk God.• d/ ti J.gftt ot the Simne to feparate it from the night. e v 9«ί^ , Vvlu.«l>..nuA«iii thsffl ihiii cfisj^tiut.we.fe Jigi t of the Snnne to feparate ft &om the night. e ν That h , JUOlleMwut dnik* that lob was ^oned, fee that God handled him iocxnemely Vihich is the atgn. jiitnt that thee jr- liall men make igainftthechJ- dtenof God. e They that doe cuill , cannot but xccciiie euill . i He ihcweth tha God ncedeth no geat pteparation to deftroy his ent jnies: for.hecan doe it with the. bun ofhismoiith g Though men actoiding to their efficedoenotpn- nitti tyrants ι whoi for their cruelty liee compatethto lions, and their children to their whelps) yet God •both is able , and his iuftice will rxifli them. A thing that 1 tee wnot before, V»as declared vnt Thewickejdpaniilied, Chap. y. VI d He condiidetii being an ^ innocciit ; or where were the vpriglit deftroyed ? 8 As I haue feene , they th« «plow iniquity: and fewe wickednelle , reape the iame. 9 With the fblaft of f=od they perifli .and with the breath of his noftrels are theyconfu- med. I ο The roaring of the g Lion , and the voyce of tlie Lionelle, and the teeth of the Lions whe'lps are broken. The Lion periiheth for lacke of praye.and the Lions whelps are fcattered abroad. 1 2 But a thing was brought to me "^ fecretly, and mine earehatnreceiued a little thereof. 13 In the thoughts of the vifions of the night, when ileepe falleth on men, 14 Feare came vpon me , and dread which made all my bones ί to tremble. ί J y And the winde parted before me, and made | the haires of my fleih to ftand vp. j 16 Then flood ofie , and I knew not his face : iin image vvaj before mine eyes . and'm k filence [ heard I a voyce, faying, 17 Shall man be more 1 iuftthen God ? or fliali i a man be more pure then his Maker ? 1 8 Beholde , hec found no ftedfaflnefle in his j fernants.and laid foilie vpon his »" An»els. : 1 9 How much more in them that dwell in j hollies of" clay , whofe foundation is in the duft, which (hall be deftroyed before the moth » 20 They be deftroyed from the ο morning vn- to the eiiening : they perifh for euer , Ρ without regard. 21 Doth not their dignity go away with them ? doe chey not die , and that without 1 wife- dome ? The godly rewarded. 1 8 χ * » But I would enqire at k God , and turne my* ta:ke vnto God : I's 'hon Αμλ, ι 9 Which 1 doeth great things . and vpfearcha-feot^'"**'"" ble , and marueilciis things without numbe;. 1 He ce..nr,Ucth 10 Hem giucth rail e vpon the carth.and powTj'*'o'"™'=ie reth water vpon the flri.etes. pinnfeife vntocod ri Andfetteth vpon hie them that be lowe.IU.^.ribilt'r that the lorowfiili may be exalted to faliiation. !u>d whoft work» 12 He fcattereth the deuifes of the craftie . ._ that their hands cannot accorapiifti that which they doe enterprife. 1 3 * Hvi ta:<.eth the wife in the ir craftinefli; the coimfell of the wicked is made foolidi. 14 They mectc with " darkenefle in the day iu rime , and 0 »rope arnoone day , as in the night. >»t I y But ne faueth the ί poore from the hvord, t*• from their 1 mouth , and from the hand of the vi- L 'in'diing'pUiai oJcntman. • indciiidemthey 16 So that the uoore hath Ί« hope , but ini-i*«'*'*'«^«>"« quity n^all r ftop her mouth. t'.'i'Vl'""' "^ 1 7 Behold-, blellL-d « the man whom God cor refteth : therefore refufe not thou the chaftifing of the Almightj• , and Iwile I Thi! dccbrcih thai GodpnniOi- :h the η orldljr Te , >i he ihtcit'• For he makcth the wound .and bindetb it ned, btui .lt.l9 That is, he that imitlcth him- tfclfe before Codk foeiier tbinketh himlelfe inft, Oial be fonnd a finner, ^henhecommetJ before God i In the'.evifions »»hich GodUiew cihto his< tuits , the: a certain feare ioyJ- jied, that the autho- .,,,,, liry thereof might be had in greater reuitence. R When all things η etc qmet, Μ when ihefeaie was fomewhat affwaged , as God appeared to Eliiah, i .King le It 1 Heptooiieth that if God did ptiniQi the innocent , the ciearaie Qioiilc be 'more iuftthen the Creator , which weie a blalphemie. m if God find imfet- feftion in his Angels > when they are not maintained by his power .how muct» j more ihall he lay ioUy to mans ch.tge wl-en hee eod ? η That is.inthismoiiallbody.fnbiedttocomi vp : he fmiteth , and his hands make whole 1 9 He fhall deliuer thee in f fixe troubles , and in the feuenth the euill fliall not touch thee. j Hecompanth 20 In famine he ilialldcliufr thee from death :lthenandeto(ih» and in battell from the power of the fword. \ wicked 10 (hntt 2 1 Thou llialt be hid from the fcourge of thej^""'^'^ ^.^^^^ tongue , and thou iliak not be afraid of aefttuAi-jb, compeUed at on when it commeth. ; Gods woileste thou fhaltt laugh at deftruftion andinopP";''' •earth. 2j For the ftones of the field" fliallJbe in 'more ihcyihic ptofclTc Cod. f He will tend , and the beafts of the field n:ali ^'^^ Ι^"! childten i ould iuftifie himfelfeagainft Tiiption , as a. Cot. 5. i. e"Thev fee death continnaUy before ih«r eyes, and dayly appror.chiiig toward Stem. ρ Nomanforallrhisdoethconf.detit. q lliat is , before that any of veie fo wife i Hi^jlleth lob fo confider the cx- wnple of all them that haiie lined or decline godly, Vhether any of fjifmhe lik'evntO him in raging. . again» God as he doech. b Mmmiiring Sfainft Godinaf- itictions increafeth the paine , and vt- tereth mans folly, c That is , the fin- ner that hath not diefeaicof God. d J was not moo- ned with his pro- fpiritie , but knew that God had cut- fed him and his asWsIiinkeondeai CHAP. V. I.i ίίψ'Λίβ,,ινηί the digmncf ketme/Ki th thiltytyt of Csi Md thttekiii- i TiefjlloflbemckiJ. y Codi f"»"!"!'» iejiroytti Ikt mi.-Ai"' , Mdd/liurrithht. GAll now ,if any will^aiifwere thee, and to which of the Saints wilt thou turne > 2 Doubtlelle t anger killeth the fooUih , and enuieflayethtlie idiot. 3 I haue feene the ' foolifli well rooted , and fuddenly I ^ curTed his h.ibitation Jtymg, 4 His < children (lialbe farre from faluation. and they ihaibe deftroyed in the t'gate , and none ihall deiiiier them. y The hungry iliall eate vp his haruefl : yea, they ihall take it from among the £ thornes , and the thirftie fliall drinke vp their fuhftance. 6 For miferte commeth nor foorih of the diift . h neither doeth affliciion fpring out of the earth. 7 Rut manisbornevHtoMrauelI,asthefpar*s iiJie vpward. league witli thee , be at peace with thee. 24 And thou flialt know , that peace piau be iiJfoi ore timt.bnc ^- • ■ " ■ ■> I • 1 -I ■-- continually ttiift in him : but ihey (hall haue : «nee grciienanii :htla«,»liich hete called the feiienili. I thy tabernacle , and thou llialt vilit thine habita• ' tion , and fhalt not ^ finne, .„^ ..„„^ , „ 25• Thou flialt perceiue alfo that thy fcede fonible i,r..e. fhalbe great, and thy pofteritie as the grafle of thejin the greve earth. 26 Thou flialt goe to thy graue in y a full age, as a rickc ef cornc commeth in due feafon >w thi , whe-easthe / wicked limei "■ . , • J f jf„thei.troi.ble-. 27 Loe , * thus haue we enquired of it , an.i lo ,^^„ β,,ι, ^„,. It is ; heare this and know it for thy felfe. cct>non lo le io^ce. π when ν> Gods faaote , all ereatnres (l,al1 feftteV.. x Ccd ^i. 1+ fii«mfUirf(i. or three tares left in the hedges , yet *efe ihall be raktn from him. jh ■ That is, the eaith is not the caufs of barrenneee and mans mi.ery. but bis owne fiitnc.•• i which declaveth that finne is eiier U» 0« 6«ΠΠί< ll«l«« : "l e»rWi flew* wa»Jie(iiilii«ft «» ρώι« uii ίίώΛβη^ lowed vp. 4 For the arrowes of the Almighty are in me dcd in confctence, . „. .— - - - ■ . . . J which is the gte 1- the venim whereof doeth drinke vpmy lpint,*.« ten ba.t.Uthnrfi.-^ ihetcrrousotGod^HghtrgainftDic,. J DoQtt: To know «fac. iher 1 complaint IthoHt .11•» cjiift,• .My gtiefe is fo |s(ai, that Ihcte vrosdes to t*f\tf* e which dedi- tcih thithe «a» not onelv af 'iittJ in txjdv.bui fait)vbiU 12 Is my ftrength"the ftrength of Hones?»/• is my flcflj of brafle ? 13 Is it not fo , that there is in me no ' helpe ? and that II itrength is taken from me? 14 He that is in mifeiy . ought to be comfor- ted of his neighbour : but menhaue forfaken the feSreofthe Almighty. r My brethren haue deceiued me as a 1 brookc, and as the riilng of the riucrs they pafle away. 16 which are blackiih with yce , a^jii wherein the fnow is hid, 7 But in time they are dtied vp with hcate and are confumed : and when it is hot cliey faile out of their places, S Or tney depart from their way and courfe, yea , they vaniih and {>eriih. ' 9 They that goe to Tcma. ^ coniidered them, rt/ji they that goe to Sheba , waited for them. 20 But they were confoiiatled : \vhcn thcj- ho- ped, they came thither , and were alhamed. 21 S urely now are ye hi^ ^ vnto it : yee haue feeae riyi fearefull pla»ue, and are afraid. 22 Was it becaule I fayd , Bring vnto me? or giue a reward to me of your ^ fubft.ince J 23 And detiuer me from the enemies haud, or ranfome me out of the hand of tyrants ? 24 Teach me, and I will ° hold my tongue: and caufe me to vndcrftand, wherein I haue erred. y How f ftedfaft arc the words of righteouf- neile ? and whatcanany ofyouiuftly reprooue ? i6 Doe ye imagine to reprooue 1 words, that the talke of the afllidtedlhou? with dreamcs , and afioniilieft me with vifions 1 f Therefore n:y foule ^ chufeth rather to be ftrangied atid to die, then το be in niy bones. 16 I abhorre it : I Ihall not line alway : ^ fpare me then, for my dayes are but vanity ly What is man , that thou m'docft magnifie him , and that thou ietteft thine hear: vpon him ί 1 8 And eioeft vifit him euery morning , and trieft him euery moment ? > 19 How long will it beje»" thou depart from mee ? thou wilt not let mce alone whiles I may fwallow my fpettlc. 20 I haue η finned, what fliall I doe vnto thee? Ο thou preferuer of men , why haft thou fet me as Λ marke agajnft thee , fo that I am a burden vnto my felfe 21 And why doefttliou not pardon my tref- paile ? and take away mine iniquity ? for now ihall I fleepe in the dull , and if thouYceke mee ir the morning. I Ihall <> not be found tions faith bradeth forth and leadeth lob to repentance ; ye perfertion that he could bridle himlelfe fromteafoning with G od , beiiufe th»t he Hill tried his faith, ο Ihatis, Ifliallbedead. CHAP. VIII. I ΜιΙίΊ fitmrth thtl lot ϋ .i/nwc. ittAuffthn Ctifnifliithtlt iick(d, Mjfvrferurtilhe^ocJI. Τ Hen anfwered Bildad the Shuhice , and faytf, 2 How long wilt thou talke of thefe things ? and how long fliall the wordes of thy moutli * hear a mighty winde ? 5 Doeth God peruert iudgement ? or doeth the Almighty fubuert iiiilice ? 4 If thy fonnes haue finned againft him , andlf hee hath fent tliera into the place of their ''ini qiiitie. rewarded tlicm sccotdinj totl eit iniqnitie : meaning, that ati by thctnamfle of htf chiltlicn , that ht offend not God. : : S-Jit i He Ipealteth as Dne ouercome withforew. and of iudgement. Oi of the examine- of his faith, 1 Seeing my tetme f life is fo fliott, letmt hauefome and eaU. m Seeingthat manofhimfelfe isfo vile, why • does thou giue him that honour endagainl! him? lobviethall kinds of petfwa- fion with 6od, that he might ftay his hand, n After all tenta- was not in fuch HedeelareA that their word? wh :ch κ ould di- minlfli any thing iuaice of God , is but at » puffe of wind thai vaniftitth away, b That is , hailj >bo"glitto te ffK» Gods power. ■wwijjjsr Chap. IX. X. Mans rigbteourneflTc. iSa e That if, if then ebeeime v.hilesCoiip!ci of ihem that vventbefoievs. J As a 'aili till- not gtow wiihoat jiioiflnci'e, focan- not h! hypoctiie, becan.ehcehath aotta.th, which if moifteued nith Cols Spitir. h Wh.diisto day, and to me.O' Incj'. away. i He con-.pateth the i;ift to a t ec, which althoafh be ve:i.ociiedout of or.e fl.-.ce vnto wsihec.yet f cu- tiQ.eih; ioiheaf- f.iclionofthc^odlj itirr.eth to theic ptcft. i That is, fo th; iSu^e rcniair.c i thing I here to prooiie whetjiet f Tet ifthou »wilt early fecke vnto GoiJ .and pray to ih2 Alm'g.hty, 6 Ifthcu be pure and vpright .then furelyhe willawaki vp vnto the e.and he will make the ha- bitation of thy rightecufncs profperous. 7 And though thy beginning d be fmall , yet ■»jthy latter end ihall greatly increafe. t t Fnnnir- therefore, I pray thee, of the for- Enquire . . roer age , and prepare thy fclfe to fearch of thei fathers. 9 (For we ate but ί of yeftetday, and are igno- rarjc; for cur daycs vpon eat:h «rt but a ll;adow.) ο Shall not ihcy teach thee and tdlthee.and vtter the words of their heatti 1 1 Can a rulh 2 grow v/ithout myre ? or can thegtalT-' grow without water? I ι Though it were in greenc ami not cwt iowne.yetflialUtwirberbeforeany other herbe. I ? So are xh" p'ths of all that forget Godjand the hypocrites hope Ihallperilh. 1 4 His conhdince alfo il:albe cut cfF, and his ttatt fialhe di the houfeof a^ Ipid-r. 1 y Hee flial' Icane vpon his houle .but it lliall not itand; he il.ail hold him faft by it.yet fiiUl it not endure. i6 The »irie is greene before the Sunne, and the branches 'prcadouer the garden the.-eof. 7 Theroctfs thereof arc wrapped aboutthe fcur.tHine , and ate foldcti- aiout the houic of ftonesw , 1 • ,. J g Κ any plucite it frota hisplace.and it κ de- ny, fym.l haur not fejne thee, 1.9 Behold.it will reioycel by this nieanes.that it may grow in another mould. 20 Behold , Godwin not caft away an vpright man.neither Will betake thewickci by the hand, ai Till he h^ue tilled thy mouth with «"laugh- ter.and thy lips with ioy. . * ι They that hate thee, (hall be cloathed with ihame , and the dwelling of the wicked Q.all not 'emiitic. Lee had ενο-.κ en the-.e or no. 1 To te planted in arethev phee . wliete it m.v jioff at i-leafir-e. an if thctt be godly, he wiU jiue thee occalien to leioyce.ind if aet, tliijii ifi'.iftiir. fliiU in«taie . CHAP. IX. t βί•,ι mtifg. "TKenlobanfviered, tnd faid, "•• ι I kncwe verily that it jsfo:forhuW iliould man ccmc^vei to God be•» iuftiiicd? 3 If he v/oiild difpute with biro , hi conid not anfwere him cue thing of a b thoufand. 4 He is Λ ifc in heart.&mighty in ftrength.who hath bene herceagainft hitn.andhaihprofpeied? Ϊ Kc reiDooueth thcmonmaincs.apdihty feelc not when hec ouerthroweth ihem in his Λvrat^. 6 He crcrr,ocue:h'hee:rthontofherplace, OiewnhiAji ! OoddoetJi Fiiccuie:itspo»ct Joeth ii iufllv, afniiKk is ' icne can coitioU lint. Cod will not bi hCiied fot cu^t at man cjalij himfelie fot ■" at.'nn. >]\ the » 'hat men ifp-.OO^ and when he paCTeth by,I percf ine him not: 1 1 Behold, ν, hen he t.'ik'^ \h a pray,' who can ί , make him to rsftore it ? who lliall fay vnto him, ί,^^^^,' What doeftthoa? 13 God g will not \»ithi3raw bis anger ,4ηίί the moft raigiity helpes '^ doe iloupe vnder him. 14 How njUchleiTeihiU I anlwerehiraior howlhonldl find out «my wordijs with him? 1 y For though I W;^rc lull ,yct cculd 1 » not anfwcre , but I would makefupplication to my luJgc:. 1 (J Iff cry, and he anfwere rcee.^ft would I π '^^'^ not beleeue. that he hcjrd my 17 For hedsftroyeth tr>ew woundeth me ■'ί v/ithoitcaufe. ^iiow UiooH r I i Ho will not fiiiiir mc to take m ν breath.but P« »''•' "; anf«e.e filieth me with bitterneCTe. ' . pt'^, h^;::,;! 1 9 Itv-jif'penkf ol ftrength , beholde , hee is pi.s ft/end!, 1 "ftrong -.If T/:,eyVa/yofiudgement. »Ηοΐ1•.3ΐΐΡ«»»''">β7 | bring me in to plf ade > Γ,'^^' !'°'5,;,7*,^!f 20 If I ihould iuftiF.e my fclfe, mine cwne tot in hc-n.jiat' mouth (hallcondeicne me ; 0 if I would be periit !"'' «'' 'heyipi^c. he /hall iudge me wicked. P" '^"""T. »' hi» 21 Thc-.'.gh I were perfit.yft Ifcnownotmy ^g"f^^'j'_"'|'i;j, foille: t/xri/crf abhorrdmy life. jwan wilffomniar• 2z Thisijopcpoint : ihfrefcrelfaidjHeJi- llroyeth tlie Ρ perfeft and the wicked. ^^ 2 J If the fcourge fl;ould fuddenly Τ flay fi-ould Gcd^ laugh atth^'punilliment oftheiiip.ccent? 24 The earth is gi jcn into the hand of the wic- ked ;i he cousret h the faces of y iudges thereof: ifnot.vhere tishe ? orwhoishe? 2y My day;, s haue bin more fwift then a port: th;y hi ue fled, and haue fcenc no good tliinr;. i6 Thev are paiTed»!/ with the moftfwiftlhipj and as the Hackle ihatflieth to the pray. .. 27 If "I fay.[ will forget mfcomplaint.I wUl| '^;,^;;ί,'^/[^'?; • cealV from my wrath.and comfort me, ' ■■- ■ i 8 Tl:e>i I am afraid of all my forowes.know- ing that thou wilt not iudge mc innocent 19 If I be wicked, whv « labour I thus in vaine? ' I 30 IflwafliTmyfi-lfewithrnow water, aaJ liareihimf«r 10 Le lijhtfcn», hchbefoiecoi itTnJnjtloa. lu:„Ui Ism in nyprji. lta;„«t ti.tbufl forth in- ntKCes , a!t!Mi«>'v ! kr.o«RJlik*t a Iebh«.«anfre- re:h to t>jt point of U.pliizaid Eild.'>ds otaiior, tot.^>-iiig the iiiflifi f f Cod , and his innocenc/e, '^eflii^g God te nlrnieiniii- :.aiidmsnrot Olfii.s.Vhichcsl' " ""-■ mminrlprh.heSunne.anditrikth llhytoh's chargc,in3n can ine.e h;;npr.e. He declicth what ij ihc infir- *t m-in,by ightyand L:.eomp:eheiirbk power that is in Cod , 0 ewir J :ihit hecotJd doe bV'u"ir«le*th\*''au''fl^«cVbo.h Vnovin & vrlno-enaie a.his arjoint^cnt by t.t "••""V^,^^^^^^ .. ,.e;emyf,«r fe t-t.r, „ , r,, eightof I•. hecVaktth e^jiJemrehfi d'l!, ttf e.andio iuni- it Cod. u Af.er he h:tJi accufcdhis o»ie wejlerere.hte COQtiutteth toin- (tiHc Cod and hie power. ο If I vreoU Αιιιβ in mi'neonnede. fcnc<.Ht< Godbatk inn cjifc Ό ccntie imen e, ifhetkim nemCa» htaii ir.4vor.fci- ence. ρ II (lolpiinilk y ifvellihcm le wicVed. t ΤΜΐ f f^dtBioj Oied. ς To , as thoiijh he wonld f «„ ."he wic'ktd , as Chjp. S, J .' why Iboidd he Intier ihe («noceiit* to Ve lo Ι^πς .-- n■ented bv them ' 1 Thatihty cannot fee 10 dee inriice. t Tljtcsr Oew if!• contrary? η I ihfnU not lofzHinto thcf. aKeAicn-, b•.. m> foto,. t. bt ... g me --► thtfe inanitoldinfirmi.i«,.nd my .-nfcierce condemre.h me. « ^>•Τ •*'«''; n« Ccddeiitovnieaioiice ' ihashte (peakcth «cord. -svo the inhtmn'c ot ■!«: feO,. y Thcngh H.cmeu<»etrpr•,.vtl..m;l,eβ">.ee^e.,1tιJl.l^Xttor I TKiUwiW» Mans creation• C H« would net thit God Qioiild proceed jgainft hint by hisieciet inftice, |)nc by the ordmary ^e>ncs that hee jptmiflieth others. . agreeable ne wrong :* ; Wiltchoiibi without com- PiiTion ■ Η the bitterncffe of toy foule. 2 I will Uy vino God . <= Condemn! mee not Lew rae, wherefore thou contcndeft with me• 3 Thinkeft thou it Ί good to opprefie me ,and ^ h to caft oii'the «labour ot thine hands . and to fa• uourthe f counfell of the wicked? 4 Hid thou g carnall eyes ? or doeft tho» fee asmanfesth? 5 ArethydayesasmanJhdayesiorthy yeeres as the time of tnan, 6 That thou enquireft of mine iniquitie, and 4 For thou haft Taii.b My dqiirine is pure, and . llmcleaneinthitjeeyes. ^ ^o^t^^ y But , oh that God would fpeake and open Uat he ftouidfay; is lips a^ainft tliee! Wiat the thing «o thy iiinice to doe jfearchft out my finne ? 7 Thou knoweft that I catinot doe i wicked. \y •. for none can deuuer roc out of thine hand. 8 Thin^^ hinds haue made me,andfaflnoned if Wilt thou gratifiej mee wholly round about , and wilt thou deitroy ifonrem«e''me'i "=«' te^Doeft'ihoTthis i 9 Remember.I pray thsc, that thou haft mad Ef ignorance ? ' me a$ 1 the clay,and wilt thou bring mc inio duft h Art thou incon- [ againe? twe.'as'^the'c'imes,! "'o Haft thou not powted mc out as miliie»and : to day a friend, tc| tumed me to cruds like cheefe? morow an eiKmy? ' j i TfaOU haft cloathcd IHC With sklH and flertl, ν>ν!'ί^\Τ^^Γ:^^<^ ioyned me together with bones and iinewes. /ieeoclt me as m a ' ' , , ^ ^. ,./- . j - 12 Thouhaftgiuenmehfe,and'"grace:and g the η vifitation haih ptefcrued my fpiric. 13 Though thou haft hid thefc things in thine i heart, yet I know ο that it is fo with thee, I 1 4'lf 1 haue finned, then thou wilt ftreightly ! looke vnto rae.and wilt noj hold me guiltlelie of I mine iniquitie. If Iflhauedonewickedly,woevntome.• Ifl , haue done righteoudy , I will not Ρ lift vp mine head, being full of confufion, becaufe I fee mine ; affliaion. • ! 16 But let it ingreafe : hunt thou me as a lyon : j returne and iliew thy felfe 1 marueilous vpon 6 Tha t hee might fliew thee the e fecrcts of \^\ί'1^^ ^^tL•^ wiCedome how thou haft defemtdioahh , accor- ζ^Ι,^^^^οΜ^ ding to right:know therefore that God hath for- ifmne in the fight gotten thee for thine iniquitie. Κ " ' ■7 Canft thou by fearchingfind out Sod?canft^ thou find out the Almightie to Λ/ί perfection 8 The heauens are hie, what canlt thou do?evv ^iiimiilfc rigorous \ again ft him. j I As brittle as a pot ef clay. f That is , teafon! 1 3 If thou g prepare thine heart , and ftretch ιΚ« height of the out thine hands toward him; ^Γϋ'?,' '?' ^'P* ' 1 4 If iniquitie be in thine h hand . put it farre °| i.e e'arVh ^\hl* away, and let no wickednefle dwell in thy Taber " aacle. 1 5 Then truely flult thou lift vp thy i face with- V^ out fpotjandihalt be ftable,and ftalt notfeare. therly care and frouidtncc where ythouptefetveft me , and withoift Thou renueft thy plagues againft me, and zndvnderftandin^J thou incrcafeft thy Wrath againft me : » changes ' '"«""wUr^b" and armies ef/orofi/•/ are againft roe. man ex«u"th a^u 1 8 Wherefore then haft thou brought me out i earthly ceatiires. J of the wombe i Oh that I had perilhed , and that j " ^"rivi '''y,f'- I none eye had feene me .• i 1 9 ^nd that I were as I had not beene , hut \ brought from the Wombe to the graue? i lo Are not my daycsfewrlet himfccafe,o"leaue i Sriih''ftraiPh'i'«f "^^ ofFfrom me , that I may take a little comfort. I ο Though I be^'^^l * I Before I goe and ihall not t returne , euen jiet fully able to to the land of darkeneflri and Ihadow of death: j comprehend thefe j j^^ Into a land, I fay, darke as darkeneife it j ^eedfs Jnfene"'i ^«^^^, a»d into the fliado w of death,where is none i ^that it is fo. I " order , but the light tivhere as darkeneffe. ( ρ I will alway ι j walke in feare andjhumilitie.linowing that none is iuft before thee, q lob being I fore affaulied in tAis battel betweene the HeUi & the fpitit', brafieth out into theie ;' a flexions, wilhing rather fliortdayes then longpainc. r Ihac is, diuerfitieef di- Icafes 3c in great abundance: Uiewing that God hath inhniie means to punifli man. fHewiflietli that God would Jeaut ott'hisafHidtion.conndcring his great mifetie and the breuitie of his life, t Hee fpeakeththus in the peifon of a fmner , that is .ouercomc with pafsions & with the feeling of Godi iudgcments, & thetefoie can- not fpptehend in that Bate the mercies of God , and comfort of the reftirtechon, Η No ieliinitien between light & daiJ(eneire,biit where al is very daikenefle ic felt, CHAP. XI. J MuvniufllyrtprfiexJeil'fZophjr. 7 GcihimomyrehnpUr. 1+ H>t it m^iafuUuthirrfrnHnl. 18 lixir ^unct th* 'Ί£ Hen anfwered Zkiphar ;y_^Naaroathite,8c feid, 2 Should not the multitude of words be anfwered? or Hiould a great = talker be iuftified? 3 Should men hold thsir peace at thy lies? and when thou tqockeft tthm, fliall none nakethecl auiamed i . ^ - - -Λ Sfteiild he per- l)iv3de by his great ii}Jlc,tli»uieisiiin 1 6 But thou (liali forget thy laiferie . and re- peatot eadilt of the Sea, hich are but reamtes: how ( aitaine to the terfeftion ofthe if God (hould iurne the ftatc of member it as waters thatarepaft. rry\ ' I Γ .1 11 . xutnc me uatc 01 . 17 Thine age alio ihall appeare more cfetfr* -things, and eiij- then the noone day : thou ihalt fhine ««iibeas HiOi'anewotdet the morning, I 8 And thou (halt be bolde, becaufe there is hope : and thou ihaltdigge pittes . and they ihall . - . tell thee. AemtoUw^in 8 Ov fpeakc to the catth , and it ihaJl fl«w iiidging,ar.a?iv^eV thee ; or the fillies of the lea, aiul they ihall di.•- »e'v^.ow ii.e tight j cjare vnto thee. ΙΟτ.β'β. Λτίβ why eod hwh jmoiih. f Thonjh men ty 9 who is ignoram of all thefe , but that tlie hand of the Lord hatli made thcl'e > 10 In whole hand is the foule of ciiery Huin» , thin» , and the breath of ali (j mankiti Je. of I me at- " Doetli not the earci ι diicernc the words, Jiin'eto wiiedome,, and the mouth tafte roeate for it fcife ? «t it is not coni- JatabletoGods vvjfcdoi.e, nox Sblt teeoippte- nieet!,-whci*Jn keanfHCxth to that whith was ^«agcd.Chr^.S.! k h« Qieweth tha Tofcsconficcnee^ i?j 1 2 Among the ε ancient u wifdume.and in the Icngdi of daycs » vnderftanding. 1 j Wicli him β wiiedome and lUength : hee harhcoimfei) and vndcrftanding. 1-4 Behold , he will bre3,ke downe, and it can- • not be built ; he ihutceth a man vp,and he cannot 1 beloofed, j , I J Behold , hee withhoideth the waters , and Ant it n"!'"'? , they drie vp : but when lie lendeth thera out.thiy done m this wotltt J A \ '^ ι without Gods w.l dcltroy the earth. »rdotdinai5ce,for 1 1 (J With him it ftrength and wildome : he that elTe lie ftioiild not I is deceiiicd.and that ^ deceiiieth.are his. ' 7 He t'li'hwifeJ 17 Hcecaiil'eththecoimlel.eistugoefl/fpoi- dome ftomthemJ led.andmakcth the iudges fuoles. \ He abiteth tee , J g > He loofcth ^ tho co*'sr of kings . and gif- \ΤΓ- t'/h'S J-^tii their lovnes with a -iid .•. - 19 HeeIeadetha\vaythcpiinceS4/apt3y,antt ouerthroweth the mighty. 20 lie taketh away the fpeach from the 1 faith- ftill eounfetlers, and ta'i<.eth away the judgement of the ancient. 2 1 Hee poviTeth contempt vpcn princes , and maketh the ftrength of the mighty weake. He difconererli the dcepi.- places from their 9 Is It well that hee ftiouU'feckc of you i W1.J you make a lye for liim.as one iyethfora man » ' 10 He will fiircly reprooitc yon , if ye doc fc cretly accept any ptr^i. 11 Sliail not his excellcncie make you afraid i and hh L-dtc fall vpon you ί 1 2 ΥοίιΓ ■* memories may be compared vnto alhcs,Ae «f others. 1 He tanfeth that «hcitwotdshaiie ro Ciediie, wh.ch is when he wiU faniCa iimie. jn In this 4 fteaiC ef God' woudei. fall vrotkes, ΐΛ , , ι . aeweththtt ; darkenefle , and bringeth fourth die Ihadowof I jrt,|^oenet is don. ^^,,^^ tO lighr. koih In the oidn J Yoar time B-aU [ cemt 10 iioih ug. ί c Is notihi- a ma-i aifefl fijTKimire aUidhoa, tni that I dor.oicomflj.re wiihoai c^ iff chit I inmate 4 ai ihon jl» -■4 Wherefore doe I « take my flelh ir^my teeth J Όϋ« re'^'.'InT" «nUp'itmy louie in my hand ί ip«™>ii'ei« ι J Loo, though hee ilsy me, yet will I truft inif''lf'. . him.anJ I will reprooue my wayes in his fight. : ί»Ώι,." e 1 6 Hee Ihaii be my Caiuation alfo : f(^r the hy-'« «oi an h\pociif« pocrite fliall not come before him, ?• •'"7 tha.'jtd 1 7 heare di.igently my words.and marke my l"^,,,•,^!,, ^ |andiieie»n oft (jit ίδ Behold now: »/I prepare me to iiidgcment,i'"'>"'»n*'."yoii I 1 know that I flialbe 8 lultified. f."*^• . \ J 9 Who is he that will pleade ^ with me ? for €ο4Ζ?Γλ*™,; »/I now hold my tongue, 1 i die " ' 20 But do nut thclc two things vnto me : then will I not hide my fclfe from ihee. 21 k Withdraw thine hand from me , and let not thy feare make me afraid. 2» Then call thou , and I will aufwere : or let me fpeake, and anfwere thou me, 23 How many arc 'mine ini^iities and finncs fliew me my rebellion and my finne taJke, Oi m* tot mj linnCi. It l4crcndnoi ir.y c»irfe. ei*ry man willcon- demneme. k Mc (keweih ohatihcic tc.# thinsiwc. t HiSfirgTrfiOf mootic htm to rtt- ith Cod. ne^ 24 Wherefore hideft thou thy f.ice , and takefl dtnv""i ι~Γώκ le for thine enemie ? hehadn.ine4: ly Wiit thou breakca Icafe driuen to and fio ? and wilt thou purine the drieftubble ) bnthcdclircd lo vrdetrtird what weve hii gieat 2(5 For thou writeft bitter things agaiiiftnje, fmres thai had 23 He » increafeth the people.and deftroyeth j T^' '■"• and makeft me to poUefle » the iHiquities of my ta4ch»«Ee of i therii : hee enlargeth the nations . and bringeth I ^7 Thou putteft my feete.alfo in the « Hocks th'iigslsby Godi I {jjern in aoaine. ' ^"'^ lookeit narrowly vnto all my paths . and ma- mrat^ wi^"^'" 24 hee taketh away the hearts of them that he dteiavetJ» that are the chicfe oner the people of the earth , and hcethjnineA w«a .iraketh them to wander in the wildemeUe out ef efood , andisat jjjg ^^^y hi!*Mw«in.'* ' 2y They grope in the darke without light.-and ■weidet as they *ai| he maketh tliem to ftagger like a drunken man, teafoncd again β» *v«ej . C Η A P. X 1 1 T. frjyHl, vr.u C»i , (t* »r wuU jio ί iu»<(lf hin, - igctufy. f Oe.mine eye hath feene all this rmineeare *-' hath heard , and viiderltood it. I 2 1 know ailO as much as you fcnow : I aft i For aUiengh ht \ not niferiour vnto νοιτ. 4»cvv that God hadi ^ But I will ip^''^^ to the Almighty , and I >va"m?nifrni^hi^*^elireatodifputewithGod. aidinary weiking 4 For ill deede yec forge lies , and aii youare and anotlicr in his b phyficians of Π0 Value, fl' " iTlt„V- 5 Oh , that you would hold your tongue.that r.e wouia vrrer niSi .'.,,. ' , - '*.- . , affcAoii (0 God, i 'C might be impnted to you for wiledorae ! kecaiiie he was notj 6. Novv heare my tlifpiitation , and giue eare jfcle to vndetaand ' to the atpumcnts of my lips. t^t^;^it \ y Will ye fpeake Mvickediy for Gods^^M., and talkc deceitfully for h;s catife ? 8 Will ye accept his pcrCon ? or will ye cai- tend for God ? keft the print thereof ni the t heeies of my fcete. 28 ^lJch a one confumeth like a rotten thing Atidii a garment that is motheatcn. the fjiilies that I ittdinmy Τΐιβα «laltefl me thy pcifonet, «md <1β(β fefwi t mtt that I uuH Elr. meltr CHAP. is of fhort b Voudfenot well apply yout medicine to lbs 4ifcai». c Ht eoi)4emsei their itaJ« , whith had'jiot Jnewledje , r.eiihet rejaidtd they ■ ■ ' though i« ■' ' «htwoi, OR him . ^ut alway gia ed on Cods iiinice a' though it nas a«( ««dtjltly f«Mt.w lok, exs«j;(ihe} hiidvn:d yet thou opened thine eyes vpon fiicJi b one , and caufcft mc to enter mto iudgen^ent with thee. 4 who can bring a ckane thing out of fil thincfle ? there is not one. y Are not his daycs determined ? the number of his monahs .u# witii thee: thou haftajipoin ted his bounds which he cannot pailc. 6 Tmne from him thai Ικί may ceafevmill liis deiired day ,' as an hireling, 7 For theie is ho|« ofa tree, -f it he cut I downe, that it will yet fptout ,andthelraucl.cs thereof will not cealc. 8 TYiough the roote of it wasc o'de in the earth, & the ftocke thereof be dead in the groi;nd, 9 Tft by tiie (eat of water it will btiddc . and bring deie: lied Inch -.i, jofir, nhfteini.e orttndtd that he Idkrowi eanle ?f Ccd «thy d dp» .-.flihini,' I ΤΑ{ης odtliea of hi» iducriirici wotdt!. he deCtrl-' berhrV«,!,t.of ' »ra,.. lift fom hit i biith to hisdtith. »C(^«... /■/J. ■♦♦.♦. b Hiiircm»•! , ihii fitjng thai man itfo ftaileaoeaniit, CodGo^iMnot hardlrhimfou» nc7Tit",> : V hertip lob flt^'-eih iht wKkedre cottkK |Jlil<. whcnicb SOI (iibicct 10 the Sbirii. * rfJs' St- e vnt.-Hihe lime ih ithoe }-λΛ irro'aicdfer himiedie.»hJ* he dfiMcihjiihi biieli'i g ynyttttr fr, ir labom to KUlMT hii vraj^ I^fhe condition of mans life.' 13 A IJtefpcaketh mot here as Λοιι»!ι he had not hope •tcheimmorrali- tit, but as a man jin extreme paine. hen reafon is «tie-co.Tie by af- fcAioiisandtoi- jnents. « Hereby he ie- cUteth that the ^eate ofGotIi atidgcmenc was ihe caul'e vihy he deiicedtodie. f rhatis.velcafe any paincs and me to mercy g Meaning.vnto the day of the re - ftrreciion when Jie Oioiild be chan ed, and renewed Jifc, yetin theie-| fiirre;Uon I fliaii jcommcth to nought , and thekrocke that is re- bring iuftli bougI->es liice a plant. lo d Biitmanisficice.anddieth.andman peri- ilisth, and whsre is he ? \i ^s the waters paire from the fea.and at the flood decayeth and drieth vp, 12 So man lleepeth and rifeth not -.for he ihall not wake a bagge, and thou addail vnto my wickednefle. 1% And furely us the moimtaine that falleth; 14 what is man , that hee fhould be cleaned and hee that is borne of woman , thathee ihould >beiuil? I J Behold, hee found no ftcdfaftnefle in his Saints : yea , the heauens are notcleane in his fight, 1 6 How much more « man abominable , and filthy, which •" drinketh iniquity like water ? 17 I will tell thee , heare mee , and I will de• dare that which I hauefcene : 9 ^s the water breaketh the {ionz^,vvhen thou ouerfioweft the things which grow in the duft of the earth : fo thou denroyeft the hope of man. 20 Thou preuaileft a! way againllhim, fo that he paiTeth away : he changethhis face when thou caftell him away, 21 And he knoweth potifhisfonnes Hiallbe honourable , neither Hull he vnderftand concer- ning them , whether they Ihall be of low degree. 22 But while his ^ flefh/i vpon him , hee ihall be forowfull , and while his foule is m him, it ihall mourne. thoti calleftme, d Thoiilayeft tJicm altogethe attd futfotcft none «f my finnesvjipu 3»iflicd. J He jniirmiiteth «hroiigh the im~ patiencieofthe iiefti again ft God, 9S though he vfed a> great ieiiericie agiinfthimas agaiBfitJiehaid a ocki , or waters that oiietKow , fo that hereby all the οκβΠοη of his hope is talcn sway. I Yet whiles he liiipth , he ttialbe in paine •, and miferie. CHAP. XV. EUphrilrffrtTiyTiil^ib Μ , htcJiff- hff afcnhili mfdcmf ma furetifp to timflff, 16 Ht d!fviihthibici»rj,ik*tfail/lh I en thi ivUkii , rtcksr.ing Ιοί to iioTie of (Ik «umh^r. [•jTHen anfwered Eliphaz the Teraanite , and ■4 That is , vaine 1 iayd, •w ords.and with- j ^ Shall a Wife man fpeake words of the => wind? Wtconfolation ? , ^^^ j ^„ ^j^ j^^j;;^ ^ ^-^^^ ^.^^ g^jj ^j^^ , I 3 Shall hee difpute with words not comely ? I or with talke that is not profitable ? ! 4 Surely thou hall caftoifcfeare, and reftrai- j nell prayer before God : y For thy mouth declareth thine iniquity .fee- ing thou halt chofen the ^ tongue of the craftie. 6 Thine owne mouth condemnctli thee , and not Ϊ, and thv lips teflifie agairtft thee. 7 Art thou the'firft man that was bor«e ? eft'thefa're'of'* I 8 Haft thou heard the fecretcounfill of God, VGod.aiidptayer. j and doeft thou rcftraine wifedome ^ to thee ? a Thoti ipeakefl ; ρ What knoweft thou that we know not ? atid ^'„d c^tcmTcr^Jf vnderftandeft that is not in vs ? God. i 10 With VS are both ancient and very aged e riiat is.the morti men, farre older then thy father. n S^eiwethe confolations of God sfmall vn- to thee ? is this thing ftrange vnto thee ? 1-2' why doeth thine heart'' take tliee away, and what doc thine eyes meane, t.idej J.? That thou anfwerert to God tat thy plea- fure , and bringeft fuch words out of thy mouth ? b Meaning, with inttttts that «« ef none impor- »ance, which are ioigottenaffoone as theyatevtie- xed.as the Eaft «vinde drieth vp the moirmre affbene as it fal- leth. He chargcth lot ancient, ana 10 by jt.ifoniliemon Wife ; f Art thon onely wife ; g He jcciifcth Icba pride&ingraiiiiidr ihat will not be eamforiedby God, net by i^eir ctjonfcll. fBr.inihffiini. Wliich wile men haue tolde , as they haue todrinke. heard of their fathers , and haue not kept it fecret: 19 To whom alone the land was l giuen , and no itr anger palled through them 20 The wicked man is continually as one that trauaileth of child , and the number «* of yeeree ' hid from the tyrant. 21 A found of feare « in his eares , and in hi; profperity the deftroyer Ihall come vpon him. 2 2 He beleeueth not to returne out of" dark- nefle : for he feeth the (word before him. 25 Hee wandreth ° to and fro for bread where he may : he knowech that the day of darkenefle ii prepared at hand 24 Affliotion and Ρ anguifli fliall make hin afraid : they (hail preiiaile againlt him as a ready to the battel!. 1 • v, • r - 2T For he hath ftretched out his hand againl : |," SSm God ; and made himl'dfe ftrong a<>aiiill the Ai-f mighty. 26 " Therefore God ihall runne vpon him , euei ^""^^ ' * vpon his necke , atidagainftthe moftthickepar - ^ ofhisiliieid. 27 Becaufehe hath couered his face with 9 hi^ 9°^ '''\'V'"v i Ilfs pmpcfeii to ptooa: that lob asanvninrtman, and an hypocrite ispiimOicdfothi'» finne; , like as h« did before, chip. 4.1?. It Which hath s defireto Γιηη«,ίί he that is thiiRie 1 who by their wifedome fo go- iierned, that no (tiar.gei innadedl them , audio the landfeemedte be giiien to them alone. m The craellmaa is ei-.et in danget of death , and is nener quiet in conic ience. η Out of that mi- ferie whereinto he once falleih. ο Coddceihnot onelyimpoiietia» the wicked oft- times, biiteuen pimiDieththesn with a gteedineife fiieimoie to ga- whichis»s ry. ρ He Ihewetlt what we.ipons the wicked, whidt lift vp themfelues gainft " Κ why does then Aan^ in (Iua« «wnc coaccit? fatneile, and hathcoHops in his flancke. 28 Though he dwell * in defolate citieSj^rti ir houfes which no man inhabiteth , but are become '*•"» '*""" "^ Lp - confcience.and Ρ „ ^ „ , .. ., „ „,. ^, outward aftiich- 29 Hee (ml not be rich, neither iliall his fub4 ons. fiance continue, neither lliall hee prolong thai if•" is, he was l^perfedtion thereof in the earth. \l°jf['^ ^ 30 He ihall neucr depart out of darkenelTe: thel'^^Xadanee of flame fliall drie vp his branches , and hee ftajl goe aUthings.thathe away with the breath of his mouth. r'"^^". *^°^ ' "*~ 3 1 He c beleeueth not that he erreth in vanity: fh'^f;!)!:•' 'had" therefore vanity fliall be his change. Lot the ime feare ^2 His branch iball not be grcene , but fiiall bejof cod. Cuioff-beforehisday. Ljdanfret'ire 33 God iliall deftroy him as the vine her fpwre Linotti places to " grape , and ihall cait him off, as the oliue extreme 35- For they y conceiue mifchiefe and bring ι^'^'^^Υ'^^.^^^,^^^ foorth vanity , and their belly hath prepared de- Lj; fi,„ptuot[$ Ceit. Ibu Idings flioiild Ineaer come to petfeftion. t He llandeth fo fn his owne conceit', that hee |/fll gine noplace to good cottnfell, therefore his owne pride Qiall bring himto deBtnition. it As one that gatheieth grapes before they be lipe. χ Which were built ot maintained by powlnig and btiberie. y And theiefore «U iheii vaiiicdeuifes fliallimne to their owne deOruAion. C HA P. XV] J loimooiieihy lyimpotluTiAii^ofhufninJs. 7 Cour.lrth in tctiJt fnfremitU btii. I» Anit^hith Goitt mintfftoftit innoi^tie, I ■D Vt lob anfwered and fayd, , 2 I haue oftentimes heard fuch tilings: mi- ferable comforters are yc all. 1 3 Shall there be none ende of tiiewordes of j — — ? windtig Itobs afflictions Λ \^hich feme for [oRtntition 99i foi no Cine contfott. h For Eliplial dii leplie againtt Io!>$ i; I w ouH -foa felt that which 1 doe. d Thaiis.mocke at yont jnifery , at I do at inine. c If this weie in my power, ytt would 1 comiott you , and not doe as ye doe to me. f Iftliey woidd fay. Why dotft thou not then coratott thy ielfe? he anfweieth , that the iudjements of Godiiemeieheauy then he is able to afTwa^e either by words or filer.ce. g Meaning , God. Ji That is, destroyed laoftofmy f^- inilie. i In tooken of fo- rew and griefc. i That i?, God by his wiath : and i diis diuerfitie of voids and high flile.hecxpreileih how giieiions t>.e hand of God was vponhim. 1 Thatishath handled me moil contempnionlly: foifofmitingon the cheeie figni- •jied.lking.ia, t. jnai. 14, 6 J. jn They haue led jne whitJiei they vvonld . 31 His manifold affliAions. e I am woiuidei to the heart, ρ tleanijig , his jlery was biought Jcwe. ^ Sigaifyln?.fn>t he is sot able to «ompiehend the canfe of this his grietionsponiOi- ment. I That Is , vnlainec fiich a linner jiian condemiic me , ye fleed or*"ti:ue coiiiolati" fcuReih out into pais: »%vinde? or What «aketh thee bold fo to ban. fwere ? I could alfo fpeake as ye doe : fbut would God your'foule were in my foules &trai:)f could keep you company in fpeaKing,an(l could ^Ihake mini h' ad at you. y But I would ftrengthen you * with my mouth , and the comfort of my lips ihcald ^dwage y out forcvv. 6 Though I (peakc.my forow f cannot be af- fwagcd : though Iceale, what releafe haue I ? 7 But now S he maketh meewsarie ; 0 Gcd, thou haft made all ray I» congregation d efolate. 8 And haa made mefuUofiwiinckels which js a witneiTe thereof , and my l-anntiTe rifcth vp in roe , teftifying the fame in my face. 9 * His vsrath hath tome mee , and he hateth racaad gnaiheth vpun me with his teeth : mine eneraie hath ftarpened his eyes againft me. I ο They haue opened their mouthts vpon me, and fmitten mee on the l.heckc in reproch.-they gathered therofeluestojifther againit me. 1 1 God hath deliu ered me to the vniuft , and hath made rate to turne cut of the way by the n» liands of the wicked. II I was in wealth, but he hath brought me to nought : he ha:h taken me by the n-tke and beaten me , and (ct me as a marke for himfelfe. ij His η archers coir paffiitre round about : he cutteth my reines . and doeth not fpare , and powrethroy gall » vpon the ground. 1 4 He bath Irokcn me wuh one breaking rp- on another , and runn-th rpon mc like a giai t. ly I hauefoweo a fackf cioath vpon tty skinne, and haue abaled mine Ρ home vnto the duft. 1 6 My face is withered with weeping, and the ihadow ot death Μ »pon mine eyes. 1 7 Though there be no wickednclTc in q mine hands , and my prayer r^e pure. 1 8 Ο earth.couer not thou my *" blood^and let mj crying find no place. 1 9 For loe.now my ' witncfle ύ in the heauen, and my record ijon high. io ^'yfriends"fp;ake eloquently againRmc: but mine eye powreth out tearcj vnto God. i I Oh ihata manmightxpieade withGod,as man with his neighbour 1 2i For theyetres accounted come.andl lliall goe the way .whence I ihallnotreturne. and viithotit hypocride. f Let my finne U luiowen if 1 b« adcerfaries acciile me , and let me finie no faiioiir. t Though Godis wiii-.eile ctmycaiile. u %fe fainted woides iii 1 X Xhus byhisjieat toimtnti he iscaiicdaway ,ar,d ,s,, and iftalicih v'uidniledly . as though God ύ:θΜ Miaeai nan niwe «ntly , feeing hee hath but afl-.ort time here to line. C Η A P. XVII. 1 Ich fjjih thjt tfccxf^mit JJTJV , uxjyrt dtetijelUfllji'lU' it. 10 HiiaorinhHi fUKii to rifizunct. iiflaifi'g, tbJt kibok't'' iutfur ieith. MY breath is corrupt : my dayes are cut off, and thegraue isrendy for roe. 2 There are npne bu; » rrockers with me,and mine 'yecortinu. th int» their bittc. leflc, 3 ^ Lay Owne now , ar,d put me in furetie for thee : who is he ,,that d will touch mine hand? 4 For thou haft hid their heart fron- e vndcr- ftanding ? therefore ihaltthouuotfet them^i^on high. t He icafo«'h with GoJasaman tefde himfelfe , to theintentthathiscnire might be brought to light, d And aii^w ere for thee ? e Th2t ihefe miue afri- clitES aic thy inn iiidgtmcnis, thoi>|h taw. knoff ιλ: tte citdV. Ckp.Xiyn. XVIIT. Nohopeinproiperitie.184 y ί For the eyes of his children il-.allfailc.that fpeakcth fliit'.rie to fc/jfriends. 6 Hee hath alfo mat'e mre, a s byword of the people, and I ^m as a tabret h Sefore'th-m. fHeethjifattereJ», 1 man , ar.d or.dy {Qdgcihhim ... - haj-yv iBhilpro- 7 Min: eye thcrtiore is dim forgriefe,andall lyeiir e . o.aU rot hinilel e < (but iDy ftrcngth ύ like a ihado^s i The righteous fiiaibe cftonied at » this, and the innocent ihalbe mouvd ajjaintt the hypocrite, 9 But the righteous will hoid his k way.and he whoTe hands are pure .flialHncreafe/Hltrength. 10 Alllvou ihtrtforeturnc you, and come now, and I Ihall not findeone wife among you. 11 My dayes are part, mine enterpriles are broken ,rtW the tliou<^;hts of mine heart 1 2 HauechangedVhem night for the day, and the light that ?pproached, fur darkcneffe 1 ί Τ hough 1 hcpe,n_)ef the graue ll-.albe mine houfe , Md ί ihall maku my bea in the darke. 14 I Ihall fay to corruption. Thou art my 0 fa theT^ndto the wormc.Tiiou art my itoiher and my filter J y Where is then now mine hope ? or whcjbe diicOu'tiged.' ihall conlider the thing that I hoped for » confidetiug that 1 6 Ρ They (hall goe dcwne into the bottomc * i;^,a''Jj "(iTu of the pit: furely it ihall lie together inthe duft the wicked 1 lob fptaWih them three thai cam.e to comfort him. m Thas ii, haue bronghi me forow in if :d of tnmfoit. η Thoiijh 1 ihoiiid hope to come uomaductfiuc tojiToffeiiiy » ■)oiir djfcoiiri'e preiendeih. ο i hiiie nomoie hop iniaiher, moiher.iiRer, et any ---rldly thing ; for the diirt and wor.T.es iLall be to meinliead ofthem. ρ All ildlyhope & prolperity taile,wh;chyoii(ay,ate only Hgnes of Ceds fanom: t; e Vhc liltcutilaOiag, pnnill-.cd. g Gnd haihmade lithe woiU I» fpeake ef me , be- came of nuncaf- icVieni. h That is .at 1 connniiall found in their eires. Ji;o»lt,wl!e. tl.eyfeeihetodlf ^ piiniucd : bit in ihMndthey il.all comeioN-nde'•- f.ai.ding.indkn««| \vhir α all be the reward ot the only I ^ feeing that'thele'things peiilh , 1 let τηίΐΛ hoi* in God anl ia' • Io Dead of com- fort, beeiKgnoiy i d«athsdoore , he had but them that mocked at him. and dilcoiuajed him. b I fee η ill that thev leekc bm to CHAP. XVIII. 1 BilJUdrtheji^ihtiffjin^s cf iht wf4iiifHV Mixi:)^/, 'T' Hen anfwered Bildad the Shuhite , and lavd 2 When will» yee make ancndcof Ye«r words? ''caufe ys to vnderftand.and then wc will fpeake. 3 Wherefore are wee counted as beafte$.e«i arc vile in youriight ? 4 Thou an 'its one that teareth his foule in his anger. Shall thi <• earth be forfaken for thy fake? or the rocke rcmooued out of his place ? y \'ea, the liglit of the wicked Ji^ali he « quen- ched, and ths Iparkeoth is fiie Ihall not ftine. 6 The light liiail be datke inhisdwclling and his candle ihall be put out with him. 7 The ftcpt of his ftrength ihalbe reftrained, and his owut counfell ihall caft him downe, 8 For hee is taken in the net by his fccte.and hefwalke:!) vpon the fnarei. 9 The gK-nne fiiall take him by the heele.and the thiefe inall cofBe vpon him. JO A I'nare is laid krhim in the ground^and a trapfor him in the way. 1 1 Fearefulntiie Ihail make him afraidon eucry fide , and (halldtiue him to his fecte. I ^ His ftrength flialbe g famine: and ceftiU(9i- on /halbe ready at his iiJe. 13 It fhall deuourc tbeinnerpartesof his skinne. 4nhrft borne of death ihall dc- uonre his ftrength. 14 His hope fhalbe rooted out of his dwelling, _ and ihall caufe him to goe to the > king of fcirc. ^ "«•" IT Ff.irc. ihall dwng« oidcioicatuic ^ thy l.ki , by leslii-xvi.hihet itherwilc &ta he locrh with al mrn^ : when theivitkcj hi.r.of,e,„y hen Cod ;!uii{c>b '.is n:t ar.J'ihii it y ivorkiag Icr t;;eir : Meanine, tiac he wicWd ite in ontiuuaJdan^tlf' ' hich ^c!ιIJ noJiiih n.U'iltccoarB. dtyiamta». hiiis , forac firong >rd violent ' ViUcoalaav• vrotdligniicih.hil mcmleis or pacts, ^ ' That is , with mod frtatftaTt. |. net Though ill cbt ovld woiil,• ;i- :urhim oe,C.o4 o'.i.'i dtfl'.oyhiap •Λ lus. Hope of the reiurreaionr_ 10£), 1 8 They Oall drjue him out of the"• light vn- to darkeneffe , and chafe him out of ths worlJ. 19 Hee fliall neither hauefonnc η rncpheve among his people.nor any pofterity in his dwel- lings. I β The pofteritie (lialbe aftoeied at his » day, and feare (liallcome vpon the ancient. II Surely fuch are the habitations of the wic- ked, and this is the place of hina that knoweth not God. C Η A P. XIX. S Μ fiffoaartSi hit friitis, 1 s mi ytdteth kis mlftiin fi irimou, finet. Ij H? j/arrtt himfAf, of (i.- gntrAll Vt lob atjfwered , and faid, X How long will yee vexe my foiile , an J orment me with words ? 3 Ye haue now « ten times reproached me.and p"n™4it ot i«e not aili med : ye are impudent toward roe. " ■ 4 And though I haiindecierred.mme error remainsth with me. 5• But indeed if ye will aduance your felucs JHHelhallfaH ftom p;efptr;ty I to SQltctiity. whenthiyiheH ε whit «ami vatc •a rtit 15 , miny i:imes,asNeh.4, 1 i> That is , I mv Jclfe flialbe ___________ •* ^'β P^^g*^! oi the wicked; ΐΤ And theugh after my skin worma deftroy this My . yet Ihall 1 fee God » in n.y fli fli. i r Htrefn leb #,. 27 Whom Imyfclft ihall fee.and mine eyesi*'''^f'pi»j^'iy ihall behold .and none orhL-r for me .thenghmy ho^. ,hacbo'',i!i.e teynes are confamed withiu me, foiat'and body But ye fayd , Why is he pcrfecuted ? And ^° «•oc , fA^^no ,^^,,., :., ^^ «the fliould er loy irefeiicc of ββ4 mmelaflttfor- «Aion. f Though his friends thought that he was but you haue not yet confiitedit. μ c^cbcaflethout \ againe into his paf-j there was a f dcepe matter in 1 29 Be yee afraid of the fword .-for the fword : win be«auengedofwickedneffc .thatyee may I know that there is a Judgement, ptrfecmed pf God for his foiiiis , yet he Jedareth (hat there vfas a deeper cod iJJe, ration, to wit, the trial of his faith & pat e nie, and fo to be an example for ethers» teod willbeteaeagedofthishaftieiiidgement . wheveby y on condemned me. C Η A l>. XX I Zcpitr Jhnafik , ihM it, a^.k^J jnj th iouHm:JhAUhtui» Jhntini, II ihca^bfarAUm^ihfyfliurifi. •T" Hen anfwered Zephar the Naamathite , and ■*■ faid, 2 Doubtleffe roy thoughts caufe mee to an- fwere , and therefore I make hafte. 1, jjj ^,^5^^,,, 5 I haue heard a the corrcftioH of my re- hattwo*in proach ; therefore the fpiritof mine vnderftan- piooued him nddeclarcth againft me, and rebuke me for my reproach. 6 Know now , that God h«th t ouerchrowen me , and hath compaffed me with his net. 7 Behold , I crie out of violence , but I haue none anfwere ; I crie, but there w no iudgement. ,, 8 Hee hath hedged vp my way that I cannot W^fSm" '"^ Pafl^e ' 3"^ he hath fet darkenelTe in my paths. ' 9 Hee hath fpoiled mee of mine honour,aad , iiiU that his afriidi-i encommeth of Cod , though he be nottbleioleele the caufe in himfelfe peaie : le wit,be, aafe lobfeemed to touch him,ani becaufe he thought a Meaning , his ' ■" n.andwf was deate ding caufeth mi to anfwere. 4 Knoweft thou not this of old? and llncc God placed man vpon the earth, f That the reioycing of the wicked»/ fliort.andhe^aliuiowiedge that the ioy of the hypocrites is but a moment ? f'-ffi'^nt to confiit 6 Though 1» his excellencie mount vp to the heaucn, and his head reach vnto the cloudes, 7 Tet fhal bepsriili for cuer like his dungiCirthey which haue feens him.fliall fay , where is hee? the ^H purpofe/t ο piooiie lob to ickedmaB, an hypocrite, 2ufe God puni- 10 ptooi Λη^Γη" tecjtife hildten.and whjtJtaksn the* croWfie awav from mine head. Τ L '° '^'=^^^^fT'^"''°".'"rjSHk: :notfindehim.aadlh^lpaireawayasaviliOnof^='"^'P-iP''i^ jIamgone;andhehadi reraooueaminehopeiiKe ί {j^g njajj[_ "^ ' jintoaducrfiu*. :neccrowneawayirommmc.x=.u. g He ihall flee away as a dreame.and they ihall JQ.edhim,andcha». He hath deftroyed mee on euery fide and ! . ^^ ^.^ l^ g- » Ld Wsprotpetit, «odd. I'^wV^'/nf' jiatree. ,„,:„a„, '' 9 So'that the eye which had feenehim,aiall do j ^oehop to^ow-i " Andhehathkindledhiswradiagamftme, fo no more.and h'is place fluU fee him no more. ^^^..LfoS" iandcountethmeasoneofhisenemies. ; ^^ His children ihalU flatter the poore. and 1 1 His 2 armies came to|ether.4nd made their ; ^.^ j^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^.^ fubftance. way vpon me, and camped about my tabernacle. g His manifold Sttiiftiens, & Mine houlh old j feruants: byall i ihefclofieslob i Iteweth that tou- ehnig the rteflihe His bones arefull9/i/«/««ffof his youth. p^ZThrougl, mee , and alfo mine acquaintance were ftrangers vnto me. <• r i, „ .„.. . Ϊ ««nine ma it vnjermis tongue 4MyneighbGurshaueforfakenme.andmy j ^^ ^«^fanoured it.and'w'.tildnotforfakeit. amWti ndcy- iiTeii had freat occafian "miliars haue forgotten iobemooucd. If hTh'Y thatdwell 3 which were ieis and mine. » Be fides ihefe jteatloiTesand n«oBet«ellvnl!i ssefle , he wa: t ehed in his owne eetfen, as iolloweth. 3 All my fleOi wa: confumed. jn "iceing 1 haue Aefe iufi caufes t< eomplaine, con- (iemne e not as a Iiypocrite.fpecially •ye which iliould comfort me . ji Is it not enongi that God doth pi siQi me , cxcep you by lepvoaches in mine houfe , and my 6 I called my fernant, but be would not an- Λ-ΐ fw.. re , though I prayedhim with my mouth. l7My breath was Itrange vnto my wife/hough I prayed her for the childiens fake of mine *ownebody.- 1 8 The wicked alfo defpifcd mee,4»i when I rofe , they fpaKe againft me. 1 9 All my ff cret tiiends abhorred me.and they whom I loued , are turned againft me. 10 My bonelf Po»» jmayJstook«meforafttanger:forIwasaftran- , thegaUof Afpesz,*^. in themiddesofhim. , g.-r in their fight. ^ . , , i ly Hehathdeuoareifubftance.andheeih khinj nil Jiaih )e Me «ling, that he fliall cary no- thing away -vith him bmhisfinnc. f As poyfon that vomit it: for God (hall draw it od« to^thevc ' m of Alpes.whichfer- pent is moll dan- geto.is : noting that lob g eat ■Ad-i ere lot trttelycome by, Xhfuig'iGodgti le jpfoiperitie of the wiclcedi m Some leade, νροα his fleih, allu- ding to lob.whofe flefti was fraitten whith afcab• D Ssme teadc, of the quiuer. AUfetrc'andfa- Chap xx] ,xxij. lob accufed of vnmercifulneffe. i8 J 13 He Uiallbe about to fill his bellie.^tttGeii " "''• '' - -- - fhail fend vpon him bis fierce wrath ,™ and (liall caufe toraine vpon h'm.eutn vpon his meat. ' him. Chen the tiumber of his moneths is cut off i ich ' dnii kimiul^i'a» uihm fliall drinke of the wrath of the Almightie 21 For what plsafure hath he in his houfe afte* 24 He rtiall flee from the _y ron weapons , Λ»ίί ' the bow of fteele iliall ftrike hira through. I 25: The arrow ^it drawen out , and commeth 21 Shall any teach' God knowledge, wha mdgeth the higheft things? I.„u r j u , , , ^3 One '"Jieth in his full ftrengtb. being it^thrvvKkldp^oV* row fliill lightvpoi^ foorth of the " bodie , and (liineth of his gall , fo ; all eafe and profperitie. ^";Γ.Γ"η«.'''''Ί^"''^5°'°'"5'ΐ^Ρ°"^1™•. ... ^4 His breafts are full ofmilke, and his bones run fullofmarow. 25; And another iKth toercape, ρ That ii , fite froi heau(n,or the of Godi wrath, q MeaniDg < the children of the wicked (hall flow «waylikeriuew, and be difpetfed ID duiei'f placet, r Thu» God will plague the wicked, f AgainftGod, tbiokiDg toexcufe fcimfelfe.aod to ef- Mpe 6od« band• J 26 ° All darkeneffe fliall be hid in the fecret ~ places : the fire that is not ρ blowen iliall deuoure him , and that which remaineth in his tabernacle, flialibe deftroyed. 27 The heauen ihall declare his wickednefle, and the earth lliall rife vp againft him. 28 The 4 in creafe of his houfe iball goe away : ic fliall flow away in the day of his wrath. 29 This is the portion of the wicked man from r God, and the heritage that he f hall Imie of God.for his f words. CHAP. XXI. 7 Jth ilclMvtth hcwtheprefperitieofthewicktdmxkith them pitii. ij In fc much that they itafphemt Gti. j6 Their ieilmaimii at hxiti. i} Nene eught to te iudji,ei wicked ftr aflii£liin,neither gtodfor prej'feriiy. D Vt lob anfwered,and (aid, *-' 2 Heare diligendy ray wordes , atid this « flialibe in ftead of your confolations. 3 Suffer mee that I may fpeake , and when I haue fpoken , mocke on . 4 Doe I direii my talke to man ? If it "^ were fo , how ihould not my fpirit be troubled ? y Marke mee , and be abaflied , and lay year hand vpon^e«r <= mouth. 6 Euen when I remember , I am afraide , and feare taketh hold on my fleih. 7 Wherefore doe the wicked <* Hue, and waxe • Tout diligent matkiogofmy wotdi Ihallbe to me a gfeat con•• folition. b Ai though he \^ouId fay, I doe cot talk with mai but with God, who will not aofwere me , and therefore nei^d^elt .Tolled, old.and^grow in wealth. c He ebargeth them as though they were not able to comprehend thii hit feeling of God( iudgement, •od cxborteth ihem therefore to filence. d lob prooueth ■gainit hit aduer- farieithat God pu- 8 Their feed is eftabliihed in their fight with tbem,and their generation before their eyes. 9 Their houfes are peaceable without feare, and the rod of God is not vpon them. 1 0 Their bullocke gendreth , and faileth not : their kow caluetb , and cafteth not her calfe. 1 1 They fend forth their children <= like llieep, and their fonnes dance. 12 They take the tabret andbarpe.and reioyce diem in the bitterneffe of his foule,and neuer eateth with pleafure. 26 They fhjil ileepc both in 0 the duft , and the wormesihalicouer them. 27 Behold, 1 know your thoaghts.and the en- terprifes Ofherewiih ye doe me wrong. 28 For ye fay .Where is the princes Ρ houfe?and where is the tabernacle of the wickeds dwelling » 29 May yeeinot aske them that goe by the way ?af)d ye cannot denie their Ggnes. 30 But the wicked is kept vnto the day of ' de• ftrudion , and they flialibe brought foorth to the day of wrath. 3 i Who iball declare his way f to his face?and who iball reward him for that he hath done j 3 2 Yet (ball he be brought to the graue , and f emaine in the heape. 33. Thc'llioiie valley iliallbe fweet vnto him, and euery man fliall draw after bim , as before him there were innumerable. 34 How then comfort " ye me in vaiee , feeing in your anfwere there remains but lies ί ptrme, anapn- niilifih the godly, m Meaning, the wicked. η Τ» wi(,the godly. ο Αι concerciag ifaeit bodiei : and thii be fpeiketh •ccording lo tbe Λ iudge• nilheth not ftraighi- iH the found of the organs. wayei tbe wicked, batofttimeigi- ueib them long Jifie.and profperi• tie : fo that we mult not iadge God iuft or vniaft bytbethingitbat appeare to our «ye. e They baueftore ofchildren, lultie •nd healthfuU, Scin! from meC, 13 They fpend their dayes in wealth, and fud- denly f they goe downe to the graae. 14 They fay alfo vnto God . Depart from vs : for we defire not the ε knowledge of thy wayes. 1 5• Who is the Almighty, that we Ibould ierue him i and what profit Ihould we baue.if welliould { pray vnto bim j I 16 Loe, their wealth is not in their'' hand detidon.coDclu- diiig ibat it wat leftroyrd. becauCe be wu wicked. <( Which through long trauailin; haue expcriecce aa4 tokeni thereef.to wit. that ifae wic• kfd doeproffxi, and the godly liue ioa'fliftion r TtouKh tUewio• kedflourilhhr;-, yet God will ;-■ Dilhbimiuibc laft day. f Thoiigh-meo doe Hiiter bim, and none date reprooue him intbii woild , yet death ii a token that he Wi I bring bim toaouc count, t Hee (ball be glad to lie iaalUmie pit, which before could coi be can. tent with a royall palace u Saying, that the-iult in thii world haue piolpeiiry, «nd the wicked aduerfitie. •■ CHAP. XXII. > ilifha•^ affirmiih thitt Ub is ftin:foei{tr hiifttmn. 6 Hf acitifeth him of i/nmercifiilnelje. 13 And that hee demeJGcJs pnuiioice. 11 He txhcrteth Icrepemarnt. Τ Hen Bliphaz the Tcmanite anfwered , and faid, » Though m«o^ 2 Maya man be » profitable vnto God , as he μ^"ύ hau^no prV- that is wife may beprofitabe tohimfelfs? itofthiihuiu 3 * Is it any thing vnto the Almightie , that "i" : «nJ '""«'■'''• thou art righteous? or IS It prontablei 9 fo»w, that ^,^ jj^hathiiote- thou roakett thy waycsvprighti Igatdiohiiiuiiice, 4 Is it for feare b of thee that hee will accufel'""»' ''"''»"• theefor goe with thee into iudgement } i* ^,'^',^οά' y Is not thy wickednefle great, and thine ini- jfliouideit reptooae qulties innumerable ? |°'^"" '»" •. 6 For thou haft taken thee pledge from thyj=,J.i°;„^/^.|7i,'f„ ^ brother for nought, and fpoiled thecloathesoficbi.uy.andwot' the naked. ;dertdoero,hipg water to drinke , and haft withdrawen bread from ti,erefire let' the counfellofthe wicked! be farre '''^o''n"fl thefe pointi be anfwereth to that «vhicb Zophat «1• 17 How oft ihall the candle of the wicked be put out , and their defttuftion come vpon themihe will diuide theirlines in his wrath, f .. SSL .iiiff .ΐί5"£Ίί'"'"^' f»;e«ss^i;=ss Zopi leaged befoi f Not being tor• niented with long fickenefle. g They defire tio• thing more tbe« to be exempt from all fubieAioa that they Ihould beare to God : thai lob . Iheweth bit adaerfsfrie• , that if they reafon onely by that which ii feene by ceiamoB experience, the wicked that hate God.arc better dealt withall,tben they thit looe him. fa It it not their owne , but G«d onely leodeth it vnto them. ] God keepe me from their prof[»rity. k When God re%omp„ „„',^„ can he iudee through tbe datke cloud ? conndrr the height " " of G«di niaiefty. b That fo much tbe moreby thatexeellent workethou miyell Icjre God , ani reuerencc him i He reptooueih lob, at tbciigh be denied tiodiprouidcat^» »Bd that he could nut fte the ibini!• that were doee in thii world. Sc Μ The aduantage. d When ibouwalk in pcwei Jc auibo- liiy, tboj didft noc iuiiice but wrong, e Tbou ball doc onelynotlheweJ piiy, btitoppreflel f Tbatii.inaiHfoM g Heaccufetblob of iiiipieiy and con• tempt of uod.aa though be would Ιφ gxhort€Jd to repentance» I(ib. k Row Goi hat& pdoilheii them iiom the btgiiiniog I Hieprooiieih Gocis proui.leace by the puiiiihinsct cf'tht wUkei, whs-< he tafeeik Wjy before ihey caa >ii,.g their Wi kMcuiyufes (Te. m He ..ifwereth Ahicij lob iiari.faul, Chap, I. : ibatthtw^-k=l luui piofp::i:y in thii.voiU,Hnd. b-yfl,s„:ea es.. C!,.u-rhhisho• ragdgl-ry i«cpiiiity, iiecaufe Coii lliewetb tnat h» hath care our r b that he pu- loiflleta theii eee- o.TSa ider God» 14 The cloades hide him that he cannot fee, and ha walkcth in the circle of heauen. ly Haft thou raaiked the way of the v/orlJ, k wherein wicked men haue walksd ; \6 Which were ' cut downe before the time, whole foundation ιρλ/ iiiariuer that ouet flawed. 17 Which fiidvnto God, D.pvtffoiBvs.aud ashd whit the Almighty could doe fjrthem, 18 Yit hee I" hll;J their houiiS wi;h good things; but let the counfell of the wicked iefirre from me. i^ The righteous fliall fee them , and fl-ull re- ioyce , " and the innocent iLali laugh them to fcorne,. 20 Surely , ο our fubftjnce is hid : but the fire hath deuoured the remnant of i' them» 2 1 Therefore acqiaint thy fitfc. I pray thee, "3 with ^lim,and make peace .' thereby thoii-iljaJ!: haueprufpeiiiy. 2i' R..C; iiie.I ptay thee.the law of his nwuth, andiay vp his words in ihiae heart. 23 Ift lou rcturne to the Aluighty.thou ihalt 'be built vp- and thou Ahik put iniqiiitie farre fio:n.t;'y u'aernacle. 14. TuOj Ibrtlt iav vpgoIJ forrduft, andxhe golj of Op ί^ as rne fli ts f the riuers 2j Yej.ihe AlmigMv ihtilue thy defence.snd thou Ihalt haue pleniic of hluer,, 26 And thou iliah then dtlight in the Alruigh. tie, and lift vp thy face viaro God^ 27 Tnou ihalt make thy prayer vnto him, and he fiiall heate rhee,&u"iou Ihalt render tny vowes. 28 Thou ihah alfo decree a thing, and he fliall eftablifli it vnto thee , and the ' ligfiC Hiill Hiina v'pon thy wayes 29 " Wnen othen are caft downe , «hen iliiit ihou fay , lam life J vp : and C'oilhall faue the hnmble petfon. 30 The innocent fliaildeliu^rihe '-^ yland, ScJe lliallbe pteferued by the purenefl'e of thine liaiids. p, Ksaniogiofthe ficked- ■q Hjeshorutb 3eb to tepeoian:e and cQiattitneta Cpd. God 'Λ•ϋ! ignore vnto thee allthy fubftaace f\Vbi.-i finlb- m abaada^ ce like It.. tTbjtii, tbefauourofOoJ u God will deiiiier his A'heD the wicked are 4e!lιc-yfdto^m^ about tbiin , as in the flood and iu So.lom, χ Gcd.wiU deliuet a «7ii»le coMtreyCi-oulpcrill.euen % theu 1 nuuj Uir. CHAP, ΧΧΠΓ. 2 Jib »ffimelh ihxt he toth kiiivith atii feayeih the f^mer andfentenct of the litdi', 10. AnithMhte ii nitfUKipied eatlj for hii finnn. BVtlobanfwcred.and uid, 2 TacBgh iny talke be this day in » b'tter- nei]e,a«ii my p'jgae greater then my groni'ng, , . 3 Would -Guti yzt I knew how to 6ads hi.T, 1. would enter vnto tiis phce. 4 1 would pleidq the ςaufe before. hirn, and fill my mouth wuh arguments. 5• I would knowe theworks,i'-iHt (lisweth the ^ttftcaufeofhit omplaininj.and• sjtouchi^g ;hic Jliph.•/. balex. hor.ci him tore- «.-etoGodi Chap, 21. ii.hedc• «Jarethihjt heae. fir?ihnoi!ii. g ire : Cui it fee- •d that God vwjuJil net be fcui.d of him. b.'/li^ghisabro- epDWJr.and iayiug, becaufe I Ztia,\ may do what l• will. Ot bis mercic be νΛΌ^Μ jjiae ino. po w- ! to anf let Gods lultice , he ii t ot i 01' wiiac pait foeuei be (U(Dvointed him to y poinis man is cot aole to atta >t he without feate. I Keflltwe 0 trouble feetb noBeeud , .either C Η A P. X X I V. » tub' defcribelh the ■anckehtijje vf mtn , and ItifWttii] whut curfe behnieih to the nuked- a» Hotv all things I are goneriicd cf'Ciii promietne. ly And the dthrti-] . a.cLfthctvukcU jLjOw Hiould no; tlietimesabe hid ft cm the *■_ '' Almightie , feeing that they which koowe bim.fee nothis b dayes? 2 Same remuoae the land luarkeSjthat rob the fljcks ar.d feed thereof. 3 They leade away the affeof the fatherleflbk and taki aW3.y the widowes οχί to pledge. 4 They make tlie poore to turneoutofthe way , fo that the poore of the earth hide them- fehijs ' together, y. Heboid, ethers as wilJe afles its the wilder- netre.goefjorch to their buunefle.and ^ rife early for a pray :tlie wiidetniUt;«^/»tef/> him andhi'. children foud, 6 They teape f his prouifion in the field , but thev gati er the late g vi'itage of the wicked. 7 Thev caufe the naked to lodge without gar roent.aDd without couering in the cold. 8 They are wet with the iLowrcs of the rcountaints , band they. embrace the rocke for Avantofacougring. 9 They plvicke tb^ fathetles " from the breaS, and tike the pledge of'' the poore. !o Tuey caufe niin to gee naked without cloa- thing.and take the gleaning fropj the hungry 1 1 They that nsake oy!e' ' bttweene thek wallis.and tread their winepreiTes/uffer thirft^ 1 2 Mill "' cf ie out of the city, and the foules of the l!;ine"ciieout:yct God " Joeth not charge them with folly. '• 1 3 Jhefe are. they that abhorre the Ρ light : they know not the wayes thereof.nor continue in the paths thereof 14 Trie muttherer lifith early,i»if killeth the noote aid the needy : and in the night he is as a thiefe. I J The eye alfo c)f tbe 1 adulterer waiceth for the twilight, an i faith, None eye feall fee me, and difguilcth his face. 16 They digge through houfes in the daike, imhiJ] they mat kid for tbeiufclues in the day •. wisich are appointed for that purpofe: irt writed , avepi ejfur hu:iger m Foi the gi oat aid call firvengtance. oGoddo«ib not'condeaiDe tb topjli'toiiei it by n s lonj/i'ence. ρ That is , Godi Wur< pi ouued thereby. (\ By iheCepaitiiular vicesanl th. toGodtiudgtiiieais. k Thjtl aecaufeofhis fea.e, which ii, tbat t knoweth the ciufe, ■ a Thill lob fpe,,. It=thja his padf- o'sandaf.er.he ii.g and , urtherii g. f Meaning, the pcioreinam g S.g'jiiyini.that.. one wnkcd niaa wiilooi fpoile aa . hei bill for Be» ffiie. The poore are iiien by .he wic« ked i -to tb- tocfci od holes whtre they caniiotliedr» f.;r the raine. ThAt,is, tbeyTo powle itni pill the poore widow, that (he cannot haue to , fultaine her felfe that Qie liny be abletogiue her chihefocke. k That ii,bisgir- nt wherewith (houldbecoue• Cods pow( JjT, tbey know not the light." 1 7 But the morning it euen tu them as the ihi- dow of death : if one know them, they are in the terrouts ofthelliadow of death. 18 Ha is fwift vpon the "^ waters : their f por- tion (hallbe carfed in the earth: he will not behold the way of the vineyard». 1 9 ^i the drie ground and heate coofume the ibow viiKrs,fofhaU the graue' the fiHners. 20 " The pitifdil man ihall forget him : the Worme P'all fiele bjsfweetnefle : hee lb>llbeno more remeajbred, and the wicked fliallbe brokea g^v.3gyvj.xxvij. TherewardofthejgkCTm^ — t Hcefleethto the wateti for hi» fuocour. f They thinfee that all ihe wuild i» bent igai. ft them, and date not goe by the high way. t At the d/y gioiiod il neuet full with waters . fo willtheyj [[^q g tree neiici ceafe TiDaiBg till they come to the grauc. u ThoaghGol fufFci the witkej for a time, yet their end Ihallhe molt vile deltiuftion, aodio thii poiat leb conuiierh tcs himfeife, and fllew• etfa bis conhdeoce. X He (lieweth why the wicked (hall net be Jamfiued, becaufe be did not ptcie other» y Hee declaretbthatsfitvthatthe wicked hiuedeiiroyed the weakeft , they will doe like to the Ihocger , and theref"eaieiulHy puoiihed by Godi iudgemtnts. 2 Th«tis, that cooiiarie toyoui leafouiog nonuecan giulperfit teafonof Godi iudgemeoti , let me be tepiouue j. CHAP. XXV. Sil^xi triiueth that no men ii cleaut uit withtut fmne before Cci T" Hen anfwered Bildad the Shuhite^ind faid. 21 He " doth euill intreat the barren that doth fiotbeare.neitherdothhe good to the widow. 22 He drawetb alfo the y mighty by his pow- &,and when he rifeth vp.none is (ure of life. 23 Though men giue him aifurance to be in fafety , yet his tytsare vpan their wayes. 24 They are exalted for a little .but they are gone , and are brought low as all others : they are deftroy ed , and cut oflf as the toppe of an eare of coine. 2y But if it be not ^ fo, where is he? or who will proue ise a liar, and make my words of no value? a !!it purpofe ii to prooue that a1- b.-itGod trie and affliitthe iuft, yet fooae after he fen- dethprofpeiitie, and becaufehedid not fo to lob, he conclude(h thethe k witked. b Who can bide Km frmn his prefeace ? c That if , be iuft in refpeft of God ? i If God ihew hit il giucD them, mud a Thou conclu- deit nothing : for niiither thou hel pelt m;,w'biL:h am deftituteofall helpe,atitbeiyet fpeakelt fulficirnt- ly on Godi be- hilfr.who bath no nee>ie of thy de Power and f;are is with him, that ma• keth peace in his high places. 3 Is there any numbei in his armies ? and vpon wtiorn fliall noc his light arife ? 4 And how may a man c be iuftified with God? or how can he be cleane that is borne of woman? y Behold . he will giue no ligiit to t:ie Moone, «3 and the Starre's are vncleane in his fight. 6 How much more roan , a worme , euen the fonneof man. whhh is but a worme ? 3Wer , the Moone and Starrei cannot hane that light wSich lefle can uis;j haje any excellencie but of God. CHAP. XXVI. Sich β(\νίΐΗ thatrriAn cnnnit helfe CeitAKd frtueth it by his mir.^elis. BV t lob anfweted , and faid. 2 ' VVhora helped thou ? him that hath no power } faueft thou y srrae that hath no ftrength? 3 Vv'hom counfelleft thou ? him that ham no wifedome? thou ilieweft right well as the thing is. 4 To whom doeft thou declare fAc/c words 1 or whofe Ipirit ' commeth out of thee ? y The d dead things are formed vnder the waters, and neete vnto thera. 6 The grauefs « naked before him , and there is ho couetingfor f deftrudion. 7 He ftretcheth out the g North ouer the emp- tie place.and hangeth the earth vpon nothing. 8 He bindeth the watei sin his clouds, 8c the cloud is not broken vnder thera• 9 Hee holdeth backs the face t^bis throne. feate b But tliou doeft notapplieittoil purpofe. c Tha- i«. mioue «hee to fpeake this i d lob begioneih to declare the ior.eofGodi power and proui• dencein the mine and mettals in the deepe placet of the earth. e There i> noihicg hid in tbi boitonie of the earth but he feeth it. f Meaning, the graue wbeteia thirgJpu xiim. g He caufeib the whole bcauci, to lurae about the i^ci'ibpole, h Thati», hehU deihtbe heaueoc which atr called kuihO,.e I So Icuig ιιιΐιί* WotldeiHlureih. I: Nat thai htauea b-hpilla^iovp. hod 11. but he ffe.knhLy a ft. ini]i(u,fe , aa thougll he Would f»y. The he'uenitfelfeia not ahl. to «bide and fpreadeth his cloud vpcn it I ο He hath fet bounds aboutihe waters» vntil the i day and night come to an Λϋ. II The >! pillars of heanen tremble and quake at his reproofe. \^ The fea is calrae by his power , and by his vnderftandmghe fmiteth the pride thtnof. 13 His Spirit hath gatniflied the heauens,<»,* things whicb we fee rf.jly with our ey„, declare 61, great , owe, In <^«* WoikV? "" ""'" "'""''^ ""^ •Ρ'"*" ' '^'^' ^"« 'o "°>?'»l>.ni »1U» CHAP, XXVII. 3 The anflamie αηάρημηφ ,fUb. 31 Tkert-niU tf the Kicked and of the lyrxnti . Wi Oreotrer lob proceeded and continuei hii *•^-' parable.faying. 2 The liuing God hath taken away my » iudge* ment : fur the Altti ,htie hath put my foule in bittcrnellt. ■3. ^'^^ ^0 ^P^S 3S fny breath is in noee.and the Spirit of God in my noitrcls, 4 My iijis furely Hull ipeake no wickednefle, and my tongue Ihall vtter no deceit. y God forbid , that I fhould <^ iultifie you : vn- tijl I die , I will neuer takeaway mine•! innocen- cie from my felfe. 6 I will kcepe my righteonfnefi'e, end will not fotfske itimiue heart Ihall not reprooue mee of my ' dayes. 7 Mine cncmiefiiallbe as the wicked, and he that rifeth agaiiift me.as the vnrightf ous. " 8 For what f hope hath the hypocrite when hee hath heaped vp riches , if God take away his foule ? 9 Will God heare his ctie.when trouble com- meth vpon him ! ID Will hee fet his delight on the Almightie? will he call vpon God at all times ? 11 1 will teach you what ii in the hand of g God , and I will not conceale that which is with the Alu ightie. 1 2 Behold, all yee your felues *" haue fsene it: why then doe you thus vaniih ' in vanitic > 1^ Thisisthe-pariitinofa wicked man with GoJ, and the heritage of tyrants, u>niih they fliall receiue of the Alrrighiic. 14 If his c'oiUken be in great nun bet .the fword pi^li dtiiro) them , and his puftctitie ilull not be latisfied with bread. His remnant Ihall be buried in death , and a He hath fo fore afiiiaedme.tbac lOi iudfc pri(ht• ntifc (oi I he 7 inifrooeJr ^Ί ii figne». b Howfofoe: ntv iudgeuf me«,yec It fpeike conttai7 " 'I"*' hichlbiuc faii,' d fo do wicked- in be:rtyiDg the VVhich^con- leirneme aia wicked roan, be• taufe rfae hand of Bod is vpon me. Mnoicoa• t God loth ih::s puoiOl ne for my fionet.' e Of my life palt, aduaiitage lathtbtdiflenblet :o game neuer lo . nuch, feeing hta (hall lofe his owne lcu!e ? \ Tbit .t what Gvi. irfeiue^hto hiniielf •υ<< where• giu'ih not the k 'cwledge tO h That 11. ibefe iectetiudg meot» GoH. aariyet his widowcs ' ihall not weepe. |y 16 Though hee liioul.ihcape vpfilucrasthe duft, and prepare raiment as the clay 17 He may prepare it , but the iult rtiall put it on.and the innocent Ihall diLidc the liluer, 18 Η ee buildeth his houfe as the " troth, and as a lodge that the watchman miketh. 19 When the rich roan fletpetii, nhefliallnot be gathered tohisjatbtn: they opened their eyes, and he was gone. 20 Terrors Ihall take him as waters,rtn coif.ralTeJ thic ceitain?' limits, and bathaa tnd but Gad< «vift:iome. M-aniog , hitti tbat dwelletli tberc'y. d Wbicb a niaa caoaot wids tbo• aroA•. c Tbatis.corne, and vDdeineath i] brimlToi.f or coalt, b ea(i jf coa- .bfiie. f.Hf illudtthto the -ji es and fe• cretsot nature, wbi:hare voict iie-eaith, wherein• ihet foulei cor.bcjlts caa ίΐηι;ι•; gAfterthuhe bathd eclated the. ■ifedom-DfGod the. fe-reti of ture , bedefcri- tb his power. b Though God» f OTWraod wife- dome inay bevn- deiltood iaearth- i If- things, yet hij iwaiiea I y w i rjom e. annotbeattaiai'd Jt IS toe bigh a. thing for niaino at'eine vutoia this world. litber b». bought for gold HOI pretiuai ftei»!j,but is onely ihe gift of Gad, So be a liiud cf prtcious ftooe. m Mianing.that : is QonaturaU niean-s'.vhereby tnin might attaine le heauenly wif- s: which he «neaneih by the ■ 'rstbat fly hie. c :Tiiiteth God PJie;yibeau:hor of thi! wifedome . and the iiucr thereof. » J'rou.,.7. Ο Hedeclaveth that iiiao bath fo much of this hea- uly wifedrjne , ai be fiieweth by fea- iR God, and t'epartiogfrom 23 Euery man {[■α]\ clap their hands at hiOBj and hi'lle at t\iva out of their place. Chap, xxviii. Jihjbiweth thxt the wifedtme of God is v»ft:*rchatte. Τ He iWast furely hath his vtine . » and the golJ his place , whtre they take it. ζ Yroii is taken out of t.*)e duii , and braffe is molten out of the ftone. 3 Cad putteth an ende to darkeneffe , ''and hee trieth the perfcdion of all things : hee fet- teth a bond of darkenefl: , and of the lliidow of death. 4 The flood bteaketh out agairfr thee inha- bitant , and the wateri <^ fo gotten of the fcote,bs- ing higher then man, are gone away. y Out of the fame earth comtneth^bread.and vnder it, as it were tire is turned vp, 6 The ftones thereof neft,and I lliall multiply my dayes as the fand. 19 For my roote is ° fpred out by the water, [ an the dew fliall lie vpon my branch. 20 My glory iliall renew toward me , and my bowe llullbe reflored in mine hand. 21 Vn to roe iBen gaue eare, and waited 1 and ^ hekl their tongue at my counfell. 22 After my wordes they 1 eplied not, and my talke "dropped vpon them', 23 And they waited for mee.as for the raine, and they opened their mouth ρ as for the latter raine 24 //Is laughed on them , they beleeuedjt not : neither did they caafe the light of my coun• tenance ' to fall. 2^1 appoin-.ed out ^ their wsy . and did fit i- chiefe , and dwel? a,s a Kiiig in the armie , ar,dl\ki him that comfotteth the mourners. CHAP. XXX. J IthcompLxineth ihnt he ii ctni'm^e.l eftht w({ ntt liaiplsble, ii, ii hrcaufe of hn adicofnit mi «ff.i• (},M. 2} -Dialhisthchouft efal fiefb. BVc now they that are yonger then I , " roock( me;^id,they whofe fathers I haue refufed tc fet with the ^ dogges of my flockes. raeo were glad todoe me-ieuereuce, tbeyongnJi DiDg to be luy ihff heids , ii te teepe my dog». f .EJr. vteHelk teftre. IfeltbiV VVheD fauour. was free from ifeiOioa. Thati»,feeme(I byeuident tokenj- to be more ptefeac Kubrr.e. 1 By .brfe fin,,•», "deshedechreth he great profperi- y that hee wai in, ο thn be bad ntne >-calion tebefuth. ι fia• er ai they ccof-dhim. ! Bti. galhamedj ftheii I gbtntfle and atrraidotmy- gvauitie. ckcowledging; ^•if.dome llthath:ard iCJ.pijifcdBie. ■ Teliifying.that iidgoodiu'licij Efcaufefaiiad. :\ farici did fo uch charge him withwickednes, he is conjpeiledto • der account of . life, k That i«, I did fuccouv him that wa«int}iftreire,ie. fohebad caufe tO< praife me. 1 1 delighted to doeiuliice.a» others did to weare coftlyapparell my bed without iaU trouble at yogaittnefle. 1 My felicity dot! ;ncreafe. That if, was p'eafant vnto then As the drie >und thirfteth for the laioe• q That is.tbiy tbougbt it not to be a ietl.or they thought cot thatir Aould coEsdefcenil vnto them, r They were afraid to offend me aad canfe mt to be angiy. f I bad sbem at a Thati«,miBe eftate is changed, arid whereas be- furerbeancieot now cof temae imj b MO ■ What men mocked lob• iT^itis.tbeir fi- ber» died fo! fa- Bine before thty came t;> agt. that thefr ihit tncckd bini in hi! afti ftion.Wfre like to tbsir fathers, «kicked , and lewd fcUo'A'i. fuch ai be btre dcfviibeib, ( Thcf mike fongs of ine.aad inotke at my luifeiy. f God bath takes from me the/brce, ctedit,and autboiit^ wheiesviih I kept tbemiu fuoieftion. •gHt faidtliat the yong tr-en wken they iauv bim, bid tbemfelces^ ai ckap ^9 S.acd now in Άί mifeiy they were im|jaieot acdli.enciout. h That it, they roughi by all meaoes bow they might detiioy me. 5 They need uone to helpe them, k By try calamity they tcokc an octa- i darkeitielcUte and wp.fte. 4 They cut vp β nettles by the bullies, and the iuniper roots crai their meat. J They were ί chafed forth from among men: they Ihouted at tbem.as at a thiefe. 6 Therefore they dwelt in the clefts of tiueis, in the holes of the eatth and rocks. 7 They roared arrorg the bullies , and vnder the thillles they gathered theffifclues. 8 They acre the children of fooles, and the children 6f villaines , which were more vile then the earth. 9 And DOW am I their ' fong , and I am their talke. I q They abhorre me,nd my boDCS are burnt with I' heat. CHp^nnrr lobs vprigjitneire , i S 3 1 Therefore mine haipe is turned to mour. nir.g.and mine organs iuto the voyceofihem that wetpc. . CHAP. XXXI. I Ubiicleih il'f inki»tnrycfht,!,u,Kf4tUnumheT *ii vrriuti , XPhich diclaitib w/mi tirtAi κ hi tht Itfe cf Ihtf^nhfuil. - ' I Made β couenant with mine» eyes: why then •*il-,ould I thinke on b a maid ? 2 For what portion fboutd I haut cf God from aboue ? and ohat inheiitance t;f the almigh ty from on iigh > 3 Is not dttlri (Sion to the wicked.and ftrangc pM?,///:mi?i/ to' the workecs of iniquities ,^j , 4 Doeth not he behold my wayes . and tell al ,V,*h.'fe.'. of my fteps ? J If I haue walked in vahitie , or if my footc bath made hafle to deceit ? ! 6 LctGodweigh roe in the iuB balance, and be ihall butw my « vprightnefle 7 If my ftep hath lurnedcut ofthe way .orjarbe rune heart hath ' walked after mine eye.ot if any blot hath cleaued to mine hands, 8 L't me fow, and let another f eate : yea, let my plants be looted out. 9 If mine heart hath beene deceined by a wo- man, or if I haue laidewayteat thedooreofmy neighbour, 10 Let my wife g gr ind vnto another man.and let other men bow downe vpon her. 1 1 For this is a wickednes.and iniquity to be condemned. ] 1 2 Vej.this is a fire that fliill denoure ^ to de-l flrtiftion , & which Ihall root out-ail my incteafe 13 Ifldidcontemnetheiudgementofm'J fer- uant , and of my maide , when ihey ' did contend with mc, 14 What then iliall I do when •< God ftandeth vp'and when he ihall vifit»»*, what Ihall I anfvrei? I J He that hath made me in the u ombe, hath he not made ' him ? hath not be alone fjiliioned vsin thewotcbe ? 16 If I leftrainedthepooreoffAijrdeiire.or hauj caufed the eyes of the widow "> to faile, 1 7 Or haue eaten my morlcls alone, 8c the fa- theilelTe hath not eaten thereof. 18 (For from my youth hath hee gfowcnvp with me ■'' as oi:h a father, and from my motheis wonibehauel beene a guide vnto her.) \y If I haue feeneany pcriilifor wantof doa- thing. or anv poore without coueiing. 10 If his loynes haue not blellcd me, becaufe he was w-itnied with the fl;cce of my (lieepe, 21 If I haue lift " vp my hand againtt the fa- ther les. vvhen I faw that I might bclpe him in the 22 Let miner arrae fall from my flx»ulder,and trine airoe be brcktn from the bone. 23 Fot Gods punifhment was ! fearefull vnto me , and I could not be dchucTtd from his High- ntfle. 24 If I made gclde mine hope, or hauefaid to the wedge of gold, 7 hcu ait ray confidence, 2) If I rcioyced becaufe my fiibftance was! a I kept mintey:! frimall wantoa lobkt. bNVYildoot God iheobaucfO• niOledmc? Godvcu a biidk to Hay him fioi» •llnii.ktdaei, d He {hcA'cili whtieio-hii vp- iightnei/tacdetb, hat 19. iaaiiiiut.h blainrlea beloiemen. and ha> nedooiagaiDlttht feco.d Table, e That ii. hath ae• cctuplillied tht tuft of iniue eye. f Accuidingtoth• cuife oiihelaw, Deut.aS 33. I Let her bcma^c a Oaue. Hee (hewtih thai : I'uniiliicenicf rtuei ceafeiiU fui.h bedeUioytd i When ihty thought them• rrUeseuilliotie* ted by me. k If J had opptelbil D-.hei», faowlhoU'd I haue efcapej God^ iudgemCDl ? Hee wn mooucd ο Ihew pity vote feruanu, beiaufe y wereGoda aturet ai bcl It. m By locg waitinf foi her lequelt. ocuiiHeJ ibefatherin . ind oej the W'ldovrci UiliCt Let me rot io V] I refraired coC ficiu linDingfor feaie of men .but becaufe I feared 'IS prcud -tUIy profjeiiiy and fe- ll.iiie, which if great, or becaufe mine band had gotten much, meant ; y the 101- 26 If I did behold the ■ funnt.w.Htn it Oined,! '■"'}?!'^' ^''°''•• ,, . . , , . , I «nd bMgliti;eiM or the rooone walking w her brightres, ■ J ,ht moone. 27 If mine heait did flitter me in lectet, ot if] f if mioe owre Bjy mouth did kiJe a ine ί hand. j^°'"f!' '^'H^•** 28 (This alio bad beene an iniquity to be Con-^^"" b^ , ^,,,η^ cerfc deroned : for I had denied the Go.l ' atoue.) j dm^e 11; «oy thmt bated '»'""*'■ ••»"• 29 If I raipyceJ at KisdcfttucUontbatl• Wiredome commeth of Gbd., τΈ, Theendcrafmaioni. Myfe ruaats .be eueng^d ofminff- jsaemie , yer did I biuer \wilb him κ Andaot con- fciftd iifretly: wheieby it isf'ji- ncat taat hi inlti-. fitd birafelfe be- fore mep , an.1 not btf'^re God y Tbat if, I-reue- ierc-dihemolt '3ke and con- ifuffrtad thcin fl'eakp cuillof • , iiDd Went not tofmy houli «Thi. it jfuVfia- int ioieo of my righ:«oi',fBcilc, tbit God ii my W.iH.elK and will E«ftififmycaufi. bSivialduotihi• tor.iteofhit ae- curaiioai be a priifc and conj- KsieuiatioBto me ? c IvTiUmakebira account oiall my , life , witbout feaie d As though I iit] withholden theii wagei that lebouied-ia it. e.Meaaing. that he which he had with iiy three fiiendi• fiieh.vts iisji in I) Which came, ofBuz thefoi:nc . of Nahor, Abu- - bains brother. b Or,. a> the Cha- ds^ paraphiaft leideth , Abriin, cByinaltiDg him- feffe inapcfnt , an. by charging God o.t rigour. d That h, the three mestioned beroie, Meaning , tis» aqcient, which haue experience. iftriiafpeciall giftof God tbat injnhathvndn•- lUo liag , .itid cpmmeth neither icaiurc apt by g To prooue that XabiafAi&itiQctK %b(tl»«ci. roe , or was moeued t$ icy when euitt ceoie vpon him. 30 Neither haue I fuffsrei my mouth to fmns, by wilhing 1 curfe vnro his foute. 3.1 Did not the rcen of ray " Tabernacle hy. Who fl-iall giue vs of his flelb f wee cannot be futistie;!. 3 2 The ftranger did not lodge in the ftrecte» i»f I opened my dooresvniohitn , that«ent by the way. 33 If I haue hid " my finaes,as Adam.coixrea-- Ung mine iniquitie in my bolbrae, 34 Tnougb I could haue made afraid a greit tnultitiide , yet the mjft contemptible of the fa- milies did y fcare me: fo I kept' (ilence, and went not out of the doore. 35; Oh that I had fome Eo heare me ! behoUe my 'figne that the Al nightie will witneff- fjr roe : though mine aduer&tie Ihouli wtke a book, agatnflme, 36 Would not I take it vpon my llioidderi4»S OF I OB ARE ENDED.. CHAP. XXXII. EHhu refrcctfeth tie m.in -wife, bift the ffi> of fiUy. S Aiemxketh ntt « ifGti.. Co thefe three men ceafstlto anfwere lob, be- ^ caufe he t efteemedhiroreife iuft. Then the wrafh ofEli'iuthe fonneofBi- rachel the » Buzire , of the family of" Ram , wjs kindled ; his wrath, lfay,wi% kindled againli lob, becaufc he iuHihed hirok'lfe ^ more thtn God. 3 ; ΑΙΓ0 his anger was kindled agsjali his three friends , becauie they could not finde a.T an- iWere , <»;jiyet con.itrmned Job. Hf. {Njw Eiihu had w-iite J tilllubhad Γρο- ken : for d they were more ancjjnt in yeeres then hee.) y So when Etihu law , that there wasnoae anlwere in the mouth of the .three men, his. wrath was kindled. ' 0- Therefore Elihu the fonne ofBarachel , the Biizite aniwered and faide , 1 am yongiti yeeres, andycare ancient : therefore,! doubted , and was "'f aid to Ihew y ou mine opinion . 7 for I faid , I-ne dayes » lliall fpeake, and the roiiltitiide of yeeres (ball teach wifsiiGme. Surely there isa fpirit in roan , fbut the infpifation of the Aimiyhtie giueih vndetftan- ding. 9^ Great -men an not aUay wife , tielther do,e the agsd rt/irfl;)k^nJetftand iud^ement. 10 Theretbre I fay,Heace me md I will fcwjB alio mine opinion H Behold-, I did waite vpon youf words, 4»;i hearkened vnto your knowledge , whiles you fought out greafons. U. Vea,, whea Ihad coniidcred ?o!i,Ioej,t]icte was none of youthat reproouedlob.nor anfwered his words : 1 3 Leaf! ye fliouLJ fay ,We haue b found wife- dome i/er God hath call him downe , <»?ι<ί. no man. 14 Yet hath ' he not direfted hii words to me neither will I anfwere ^ him by your words 1 5: Then they fearing, anfwered no more, buf ieftoif their talke. 16 When I had waited (for they fpake not, but ftood Hill and anfwered no more ) 1 7 Then aniwered I in my tutne.and I fliewed mine opinion. J 8 For I am full of 1 matter.ani the fpirit with- in me comptlleth me. 19 BeholJ.my belly « as the wine,which hath no vent , and like the new bottels that braft. 10 Therefore wHi I fpeake , that I tnay take breath : I will open my lips , and will anfwere. 2: I will not now accept the petion of man, " neither will i giue titles to man. 21 For I may not giue ° titles, leajimy Maker iliould take me away fu Jdenly. CHAP. XXXIII. S ΈΙί'ηκ aicnfeih lobtfiinerance. 14 He jbeweth ihtt God hath diutrf meanei tomfiruil• η)ΛΗ anitt ii»rv him ffttafmrtf. ij.jo Hte affiiilcth man *nd fadie deliuerith him. i6 ΛΙλ» heiHi dsitutrtd giueih Ih.tnki vy; Herefore, lob , I pray thee , heare my talke, W andbearken vnto all my words. 2 Behold now, I hiue opened my mouth .• my tongue hath Ipoken in my mouth. 3 My wordes art in the vprigbtneffe of mine heart, and my lips ihill fpeake pure knowledge. 4- The «Spirit of God hath made roe, and the breath of the Alixightie hath giuen me li'e . y If thou canft giue roe anfwere ..prepare thy felfc and ftand before me. 6 B;hold , I am according to thy wiflv Ja b Gods ftead ; I amalfo formed of the clay. 7 Beholde.roy terrout fliall not fearethee, neither il:ali mine hand - be heatiy vpon thee. Djubtleife thou haft fpoken in mine eares, and I haue heard the voyce cf thy words. 9 I am "i cleane.without iinne:! am innocent, and there is none inicjuitie in me. !o, Loe,hc hath found occafions againft.mee» and counted me for hiseaemie. 1 1 Hee hath put my feete in the ftockes ,atid boksth narrow!/ vnto all my paths. 1 2 Behold.in this haft thc« not done tight: I will anfwere thee , that God is greater then roati. I ) VtThy doeft thou ftriue agaii ft him >. for he doeth not e giue account of all his matters 14 For God fpeaketh *Once or twife , and one feeth it nor. I J In dreames And S vifions of the night.when ikepe falleth vpon men , and they ilsepe vpon their beds, 16 Thenheopeneth theeates ofmen,€uenby their coiredions , tMcb he i» had fealed, Ι7Λ That he might caufe man to turne away from his enterprife , and that hee might hide the ' pride of man, 1 8 And keepe back his Ibule f om the pit, and that.hisiife ll,ould not palfe by the fword. is He is alfo ftriclsen with forow vpon bis bedi h And flaner youc ftl lei.a» thoagft . yt u had ouet- ~ cumehm. iTo wvit ,Iob; d He vfc h aftnoit- the likcaigu mcQtJ , but Witt• out c>untii:gaad reprojchei. 1 1 hauecoDcei- ued in my mini great iloie of realoDS. m Ivvilloeitfaee haue legard to ri.hei .ciedit , nor authoritie , but will fpe.lie tnc very true:h, D The Ebrew Word (ignifieth, to change the name , as to call a . foo'ea wife tnaa^ nieiding , tbat he Would not cloak» theiiueth coflA(« I confeiTe the - power of God, im one of hiif . oughteit to he«ie k'llions to teach vs the cju.'e- oihi» iudgi mtflnge.. h That is , deteriuined \xihai Mij Gfd fcnaicbafflidiocs.- CO beated» euiH. } Becaufelob had wilhed to diffutehis caufe with God , Chap• ,ii. fo that he gbt doeit wiika DUtfeaie> Elibu Urea, fon in Godsltead, whom he neetteth ' feare, febeit araaa made of the fame mattet that be it. 1 will not ban- die thee fo rough•• ly ai ihefi other» ■ haue dose, tl He repeateih lobi word» , where* by he protelted faii.icmocenciein diluers placet , bui fpcciallyjnthe ii,i6.aad3o>. Chapieit eThe caufe of hiL' iudgementi i» Iwayei de- clared to man. ( Though God by,- fundry example* of hisitidgememt» fpeake vnto nun, hr reafoo thereof i» not kaowea : ye» aad , though God Ciould fpeake, ret is heeuot vn• leiftvod ; God, faith hee, pe.keth com- nonly., either by aiflidio3i,ai by ΰ ^tinentt , or eu bij aifliaiosi ,αι by uu feqd vpon themj i Hee Ihewe.h fori ed9/vnc matii.piide, and w (utM fjtoiai' gbdi&kftin bistiudgement. Chap.xxx|ij,X3n;y> God reJbcaeth not n, 1 ..I ~.:..r. .rt.:. 1 . :. r " . _ -C k'■Va^xi^^ hi't- paioefuU iDd mi• tiriblelive. |.Xath«m chat ihall buciebim.' in A m»n feut of God to decUre- biiwill. η A liogulir man , and it one choleuoutof a tbuuUDd, which it aole to declare ibtgtf at mercies of tied VDiofin- vets : and A'herein inai'i righ'.eouiuei Itraodetb, whiLh it throngh tbe^ultice ofleiusCorilt and faith tueieitr, ο Hee Iheweth that and the gtiefeoftiis bones «-fore. 20 So that his 1^ life caufcth him to abhotre bread, and his foule daintie meat. 21 His flclh faileth that it cannot be feencj aod his bonts which wac not feene , clatter. 22 So his foule drawath to the graue , and his life'totheburieis. 23 IF thcrs be a '" tneflenger wih him , *r an jBteipr titer, one of a shouiand " to decUre vnto inanhistightcoufnefle. 24 Then will he hiue ° mercy vpon hitti , and will lay, Ρ Deliuer liim , that he go not tiowne into the pit ; for I haue receiued a recorxiliation. 2 J Then [hill his flsih be q as fielh aS a chiL's, niliei ihall hy tbe pteacbing of the woid pionounce VBto himthe for- giueneireofhil. llnuci. q Heliiallfeele Go^sfauouifinJ ireioycc ; declaring hereby whereia (tiud:ib tbe true iof of thefa;thfull, .— and that God will / ; him 10 hrilthlof body , Which iia token of hii bleSTii^. t GedwiUfor- ii liocet , aadacceptbiiBijiuJt. f That is , done wickeJ'Y- t hatb beene tbe caiileof Gods wrath towtiH me. u God Will ft>i penitrnt fianer. χ Meaning , oftcitime» , euen as uft ai a ff net doetb repent. ylftboudoubtof any thing, or leeoccaliaiitofpeakeagiiDlt it,, i Ttat li » to fliewtiicej wherein jaaaiiuUifitaion conliltetb. CHAP, XXXtll. S ZIthH chargeihieb , llut hie tilled hiKftlfe rightems. 11 H.f pcTPUh that Gad «i inft i» hii ««i Μ G'MUtfS - . ■ . mini \Λ Of eouer Elibu anfwereJ and (ud. 'i^OT\Sj_i 14 If* hefethisheatvpenwa», andeatber'i, .r j„ Wto hitbfeife his fpirit 1 antl his breath, * I»,i«4rf ■' wic- ked i or to purees, Te 4r«vngodiy } 19 Hew much Itffe to him ihatacceptethiK5t tbe pet fons of pi inces, and regardeih not the rich, more then the poore ! for they be all the woike of his bands io They fl;alldie fuddenly, «and the people iliaibe troubled at midnight , ρ and they ibaiJ palle forth and take awsy the luightie without hand, 21 For his eyes ar» vpoiubc wayesofman, and htefeeth all his gfirgs 22 There isno daikeneife nor fliadowe of death , that the woikeis of iniquitie might be hid therein. 23 For hee will not lay on man fo much , that he lirould q enter into iudgetEcnt » iih God, 24 Hee Ihall break- the mightie without ' fee- king, and Ihjil fct τρ other in their ilead. 25- Therefore lljali he declare their f works : he ihiil turne the ' nigl.t , and they Aulbe defttoyd. 26 He fli ikcth them as wicked meD in the pla- ces of the" keis, 27 Bcc^ufd they haue turned backe from bim, and would not confider all his wayes : 28 So that t|-,ey haue caufed the voyce of the poore to » con-.e vnto him , and be hath heard the CiycfthealflviteJ. 29 An J when he giuedi quietnefle . who can .81 I' Thebieathof ihall '■ * which he gauc oun. ■n If Gad were eot lull, bow could h* gouerne the World. 0 If man ofaitiuc feaie to fpeike euill cfiucbaibaue powei ,ibeonuclk more cugbt the» tobeaft.ydto fpeaHeeuillof j God. ο When iber lockenotfurit. 1' Tte mefleogen ofviltMtion that God (ball feud. 1 God tfoeih not alni^inuD aboue meafuie , ίο that b• iOocli blue tKcf hon to contend With hiia. ' l•^! all hitcrft'• luiei aic ti hand lofeiuehim. fo ihatbecnecdeth uot to feeke for inyoiheiarmy. f Mjhetbnnin4. left that ibey e wuktJ. Declare the ihiugi that wetr bid. , Meaain; , opf D^ Jy lu the fi^biuf ' all meu. \ By then ctuelt/ i «ndextotiioo, I y Whcntyiatiit • hione of which v«> . ■ Which are efteemed wift of tfae world. b Let v( examine, tbe matt» vp- rightly. e That is. baihaf•- fliAed me with- out meafure d Should I fay, I am wicked, being r innocent? I »m foier pu- Ihed , then my' . unne deferuccb. f Which IS com- lled to receiue the reproach anii fcornei of many . Air his fooliUi words, g Meaning , thn Vit liKe to the wicked , becaufe be feenied not to glo fie God and lub- it himfelfe to bit judgements. h.He wielieihlobl woidi who faid that Gods cbildien are oft timet pii'iiiheti in this world, and ihe wicked go free. i That is, hue god K,at:Geo. i,aa. Ittjeth the nightie, iu B) him iht kyfuUte 2 Heare my wotds , yee ■> wifemen ,and heatken vnto me ye that haue k^wledge, 3 For the eare trieth tbe words , as the mouth taiteth meate. 4 Let vs feeke ^ iudgement among vs , and let VS know among our felues what is good. J For lob hath faid, I am lighieouSj and God barn taken ' away my iucigement. 6 Should I lie in myi tight? vij avmna ύί the arrow is « grieuous without my finne. 7 VVhat man is like loo, thatdiinkctb f fccrn- fulnefl'e like water ? 8 Which goeth in the g XOtrpany of thcro that WOike iniquiiie , and walketh with wicked men } _ 9 For iiee hai.Tfayd ,^ U profiteth a man no- thingihac he fl-ould ' walks with God. 10 Therefore heatken vr.to mee , yee men of wifedome , . God forbid that wickecint5/ea• pie, II It a ftgoe iba^Gudhaib diaAtobacl^ehi!) i.te. aocetnd out li..>m that |^laie. Onely itb"loe< getb to God to iOdeiiie bit cor• tbe j make trouble? and when hehidethhbface , who '«i" pxiO-'ofex- can behold him , whether it be vpon nations , or '"■""β luiheeaie • ^ [but bypocritet an4 vpon a man onely? 30 li;;caure the τ hypocrite doeth teigne , and becauie the people are inared. 3 1 Surely it apperteiiith vnto God ' to fay , I haue pardoned, 1 will not Jeftroy. 32 »Butifl feen^ , teach thou mee: if I haue done »\ ickedly , I will doe no more• ii Wiil*lic peiforrae the thing through '' thee? for trjou hatt tcprooued ' it , becaufe that thou haft chofen.and not I : now fpeake what thou knoweft. 34 Let men of vnderlUnding tell mee, andlet 3 wile rran hearken vnto roe. 3f lob hatb net Ipjken of knowledge, neithw were hii wordsaccording to wifedome. 36 I difire that lob may be J t.ied , vnto tlw end, toixl.ing the anfweres for wicked meri. 3 7 For hee « ad Jcth rebellion vnto his finne, he cl^pperh his hands among vs , and multiplicth his words againft God. refufe afihfticn at hi v.* nuy aiifAere hi Tbui Elibu fpcaheth in tbe foil of God , I) «leHioAng ) , bccaulc tee would be wifcf God. b WiilGcd vfe thycoeiifellia do• g bis ncikct 7 Tbustefpfatn!» ■ ibefe:fo.iof L..l . ai ibcogb loW jili'.uldchuiti • pleifdie. d That he tray fpeake ti iiucbai he can, Ddallihe witkrdibjilball vftfut^ai^uiiDtt. intenacce of bit il»fe. • G Η A P. XXXV. 6 mithtrittth j.i.'i»f/.- /"-.if . cr -.vy.i'ix'lfe hutt Cii, h!4tm.;n. 13 'fhe wtcK'd '0 '■">'* d^**'""" htJrd ELihu f^wke moreoaer , and fayd, 2 Thinkeft thou thii light, that thou hiS eriijht hall fa itt^ka lerl bit i : feemtd fayd,-l3B3' more riijhteous then Go.i? _ 3 For thou hall fayd , Wnai prohreth it thee,:^.,;.i, (,,, , ica whit atniietb^mee , f » / "'i' «« ftoru my oed^ .<,, met ^^^^ Gnnei Why God bumiheth« b Su.h a, ate io j . Then fere \ If)b. The power of God ι will I anfwer c thee , and thy i» com- panions with thee. ^ „„.>„„„....„..„»..->, b - f Looke vnto the heanen, and fee and behoIJ,] wicked . ihoui^h iudgement and equiiie maintain^ m Thou an alt< table had beetle full of fat. \ 17 But thou art full ofthe*" iudgement of the; clouds. Wilt '.αοΛ piefume 10 ια• Itrcd God > d Ncuherdoetb thytia.eh^jrt • God noi thy lu- , tlict pi^fith;m : ί for he will bt glo- I rified Without I the. j e The wicktd miy ; hui t man and caufe hiraiocry , whoif fcr fought to God which fiodeth comfort ihouid bede!iu«red> f Bccaufctbfy ptay not in faith, ai feeling God» mercits. g Godiiiut, bowfoeucrthou iiu.i5tftofhim. fe For if he did piinilhthedai thou deferu^ft, 7 If thou be righteous , what giueft thou vnto birn ? or what receiueth he at thine hand ? j 8 Thy wickednes may hurt a man as thou art : and thy righteoufnes may profit the fonne of man. 9 They caufe many that aie oppreifed, t to cry, tohtih cry out for the violence ®f the mighty. 1 0 But none fay eth , Where is God that made , ID€ , which giueth fongs in the night ? j 1 1 Which teacheth vs more men the beafts of the earth, and giueth vs more wifedome then the j foulesoftheheauen. 12 Then they crie becaufa of the violence of the wicked, f but he anfwereth not. 13 Surely God will not heare vanitie , neither will the Almighty regard it. 14 Although thou fay eft to God, Thou wilt { nottegard it , g yet iudgement « before bim : ttufl 1 thou ill him. I y But now becaufe his anger bath not vifite J, not called to count the euiil witft great extremity. 16 Tnereforelob bopeneth his mouth in vaine, and multiplieth words without knowledge, CHAP. XXXVI. ι EHhufbfiVfththepiwtr tf da. 6 ^itihiiiujUce. 9 Ani rvhcrefire he futii^ith. ij The profcrtie c[ the wickei. ■p Lihu alfo proceeded and fayd,, '*-' 2 Suffer me a little and I will inftrudl thee: ! againit .e L,fCioJ. ■ Re Qiiweth that | for / haue yet to fpeake on Gods behalfe. whenwefpeaki cfGod, we rouft lift vp our fpirit» inore hie , then out' oitur-all feafe i• j able to reach. b Thou Ihaliper• ceiue that lam a fjithfull iaftruftor, and that I fpeahe to thee in the name of God. I t Strong and con• I Itant, aud of vnder• j ftanding : for theft are the giftts of I Cod. andheloueth I ihem in man : but ' forafmuch aj God j yuoilbed-Qow lob, I .it it a Ijgne that tbtfearenot ia j him. d Therefore he will not preferue the wicked : but CO the humble and afflifted bean hee j willihew grace. I e Hepreferr«th i thegodly toho. nour. f He willmoou» theit; hearti to fecle their Cq» that they m.iy come to him by repentance a< be did ManaOeh. alt things 1 8 η For Gods wrath is , leaft hee lliould take) °• thee away in thins abundance : for no multitudd „' ofgifts can deliaer thee. Jtb 19 Will he regard thy riches ?/;« ri^rtr^iftfa no i°. . , ,i 11 . ° 1 u ■ Λ . I uiltl thee . leait thoo gold , nor all them that cxceJ m Itier. gui. j ihcidtii forget 20 ο Be not careful! in the night, how hee de-j Ood in thy wealth ftroyeth the people out of theirplace. ' "'< '" f"'^^- 2 1 Take thou heede : looke not to Ρ iniquitiei °^, ,ourinVe°kiue for thou haftchofenit rather then afhidion. tfce caufe of God» 22 Behold, God exaheth by his power: what. i>"ig">=a:»,whe3 teacherislikehi.^? ;. i^rfJlV-"" 23 Who hath appointed to nimnisway? -orlmureagain.t God who can fay, Then halt done wicketlly ? jthioi.gn impatu 24 Retucmbsr that thou magnihe his woike, jq'xh.^o.ket of which rr.en behold. jOod are fo maai- 2T Allmenfeeit, and men behold it q afarre f=it , that a maa ff mjy fee them °°• „, ,, ^ ,. „ ■ J , atarieolF, andkuov» 26 Behold , God u excellent . ' and wee know go.i by the fame. him not, neither can the number of his yeeresbe|r Our iubimitie fearchedout. I^hat weeVan^ot 27 when he reftraineth the^drops of water.the! ,,^ι^^ ,„ ,he'ptr- raine i^powrethdowne by the vapour thereof jhtekuewledgeof 28 Which rame the clouds doe drop and let God. fall abundantly vpon man. 29 Who can know the diuifions of the clouds, and the thunders of his t Tabernacle ? 30 Behold , hee fpreadeth his light vpon " it, and couereth the χ bottoctie of the fea. 31 For thereby he iudgeth y the people , and giueth meat abi nJantly. 32 He couereth the light with the clouds , and commanded them to goe ' againS it. 33 «His companion fheweth him thereof, and there is anget in riling vp. ffe: , wheo itdi hat it declatetb Godi iudgei ces, aud ibe otherthat it malieth ibe land ftuiifv.U. ζ Tha againlf anoilfer. a The cold vaj-our illtweth him : that ii exhdiatior , which being takeu in ibe cold cloude π where the fir: ii, aud fo auger is ingendred : that it , CHAP, XXXVII. f Th.it is , the raine c tnmethof thofe which he keepeth ioihe clouds, t Meariug, of the cloud•, which he calleth the Tiber- oacleof God. u I'pon the cloud, X That men caa nut CDme to the knowledteofthe fpriog. thereof. y He (heweth ihat itherainehjth double eth ou'tflow any pla- 11, one clou! tndalh , the ..loud of the hot ρ tcwaid the place yfe , and tbuaderclaps 3 1 will fetch » my knowledge afarre off, and will attribute righteoufnes vnto my maker. 4 For truely my words lliall not be falfe, «nd he that is b perfeft in knowledge, fpeaketh with thee. y Behold , the mighty God caftsth away none that isc mighty , d«ii valiant of courage. 6 He" maititaineth not the wicked, but hee giueth iudgement to the atfufted. 7 He withdraweth not his eyes from the righ- teous, but th:y are with * kings io f throne, where he placeth them for euer : thus they are exalted. 8 And if they be bound in fetters andtycd 1 Λ Τ this alfo mineheatt is with the cords of affliolion, i ■'* roooued out oflisplsce. 9 Then will he lliew them their fwotke and ! 2 Hearethe t» found of his voyce, and the noife'iingo! the thun their finnes, becaufe they haue becne proud, j that goeth out of bis mouth t Elihu ptcoutth that the vr, ti maxtfeft ij his mtrkes. 4 /«ow. J The whirtifViuae. \fcarchaHe TviftJome tfCcdl afionied , and is der and light 10 He openeth alio theit eare to difcipline, and ! comandeth them that they returne from iniquity. | 11 '^ If they obey and ferue him.they Iballend their dales in profperity.&their yeres in pleafures: 12 Butifthey will not obey, they fljall pafle by the fwprd and periih ε without knowledge. 13 But the hypocrites'" of heart increafe the wrath -.for they ' call not when he bindeth them. 14 Their foule ditith in ^ youth , and theit life among the whoremongers. 1 5: Hee deliuereth the poore in his afflidlions, •nd openeth their eare in trouble. 10 Euen fo would he haue taken thee out of the ftraite place i»f β a broad place, and notiliut vp beneath; and 'that which tefteth vpon thy ? That it. in follyorobltinatioa.UadfoIhalbei life of theit awne deftruftlon. h Which are I maliciouny bent agaiaS God, and flatter themfeluetio their vice», i When I «hey are inaffliicion^ they feeke not toGoifor fuccour, a» Afa 1. Chro. :6, ij. 1 leue. ιί,ιι. kThey die of fomevile death, and thatbe£(*.'they cometo age. 1 If 3 He direfteth it vnder the whole heauen, and he ,^cc!aietb"that his light vnto the ends of the world. the fanhfuii are 4 After it a noyfe foundeth : hee thunJereth ''"ΐ^'"'''■''ft with the voyce of his maieftie, and he will not ftay ^ God ' "whea'thej c them when his voyce is heard. be b. id bis wovki. y God thundretb marueiloufly with his voyce; he wotketh great things which we know not. 6 For he faith to the fnow , Bj tiiou \ pen the earth d likewife to the fraall caiae and to the great raine of his power. 7 With the force thereof ht * fliu'teth vp e- uery man , thatallmen may know his worke. 8 Then the beaftes goe into tlie denne , and remainc in their places. " ifmaiiraiuen 9 The whirlewind commeth out of the South ^ gie»t. /now and the cold from the ^ Notthwind. i '7, h!^fXl, thunder , whereby hefpiakeA to raeo to waken theic dulneire,and to brinf them totht conflderatiooof his wo.kei. c Meaning , the nines and tbuudfrt. d So thit neithct Mans weakeneiTe. J To» >' I ffo• ftn V? and dried- fa Gatkeithev». pcu!» and niooue to la• fioco wa- ter the eirth. i That is, the cloud that haih ligb-.uiogioic. k Raine, colde, heate , tenipefts ■snd fuch like are fentof God .either to pi fit tbi or lo declai fauoJt toward man aiChap.35,31, 1 That is, the lightDing to breake forib ία the clouJes ? m Which is fom•- lime chaogcd into laioe , or fuowe, hiife , or fuch like• D Wby tby cjoathe» (houM keepe thee vvartne wheo ibe South wind bloW" eth , rather theo when any o:her winJe bloweth ? ο For their «uearacOi. ρ Thjtii ,our ig- norance; fignifyi'g thit lob wai fo prefunip:uou$, that be would contrail the works of God. Hath God netd 1: at;y ihould tell biin when man marmuretfa sgaiQlt bini > t If God W3uld deftroy a man , Πΐο( Id bee repine funae Chap. X X 10 At the breath of God the froft is gii!en.,inJ the breadth of the waters g is made narrow. 1 1 He miketh alfo the cloudes to h labour , to water tht earth, and fcattereth the cloude of i his light. 12 And it is turned about by his gouernement, that they may doe vvhatfoeuer he commaunJeth them vpjn the whola world : 13 Whether it be for ^ piiniihment.or for his land , or of mercy 1 he caufeth it to come- 14 Hearken vnto this.O lob j ttand and con- fider the wonderous works of God. I y Diddeft thou know whei) God difpofed them ? and caufed the 1 light of bis cloud to Ihine? 16 Halt thou knoweii the '" vatietie of the cloud , and the wonderous wotkes of him that is peific in knowledge ? 17 Or how thy cloathes ate "^ watme , when hee maketh the earth quiet through the South- winde ? 1 8 Haft thou ftretched out the heauens , which ate ftrong, ««iias a molten ° glaffe ? 19 Tell ¥S what we lliall fay vnto him:/i7rwe cannot difpofe e«t-w4tfer bscaufe ofp darkcneflej. 10 Shall it be 1 tolde hiai when I (peake ? or fliall man fpeahe when he iliall be ' deQroyeJ ? 21 And now men ke not the light, ("which fliineth in the cloudes , but the winde pafleth and cleanfeth them, 22 The ' brightnes commeth out of the North : tbepraife thereof is to God, which is tetrible. 23 It it the Almighty : wee cannot fiode him out : he is excellent in power and iu Jgemint , and abundant in iuflice : he " affliiSeth not. 24 Let men therefore feare him : for hee will not regard any that are wife in their owiic conceit. XVII I. Theiecretworkes<( f The cloude ftoppeth thefhii not fee it till the winde hjue chafed away ogofthe iher and cleare at mjn be not able td attaioe to the knowledge of thefe things , bow much lefle of Godi iudgemtnts .' t I,: E^rew , golie, meaning '' golde. u Meaaiog , without cafe. CH A P. XXXVIII. Ish, una drcUreih tkevptaimeffeef ■, lufltce, • That b!i words might haue grei- ter maielly, and liiat lob might know, wif h \*rhoic he hi.) to doe. b Which byfre- kiag out tht fecret couiifellof God by mam reafon, ma- keth it more ob- iture, acdibeweth hii owne follie. c Be:aufehe bad wilhed to difpute with God. Chap. ti.}. God reafoneth Tsith hiui, to de- clare his raCweOe. d S^eiD5 he could not iudge of thofe things which we':< done fo long b*- fore he was ooroe, nd drtUr ί ereaiHtes , by n>hcfi f.v- and ^)MiieBce of the Coi fpeeknh VMn in the attfiit tellencie the foirer Cttatm is k»yme». Τ Hen anfwersd the Lord νηζο lob out of the a whirlswinde, and fayd, 2 Who is this thatt datkeneth thecounfell by words without knowledge ? 3 Gird vp DOW thy loynes like a man : I ' will deraaund of thee , and declare thou vnto me. 4 VVhete wait thou when I " layed the foun-. dations of the earth ? declare . if thou baft vnder- ilanding. y Who hath layed the meafures thereof, if thou knowe-ft , or who hath ftretched the line ouer it : 6 Wherevpdh are the foundations thereof fit; OT wholayd the corner none theieof : 7 When the ftarres of the ruorning ' pray- fed me together : and all the f children of God te- ioyced ; 8 Or T»ho hath ftrji vp the Sea with doores, when it iiigcd and cime foortb m out of the wombe : hee was oat able to comprehend all Goilswork« .-much Iffl"; the fecret caufcs of bis ludgeijients- e 'The ftarresandHuinbecreataresaiefiyde toprayfeGoJ, beciufehis pwer, Wifedomt and goedaeffe iimauifeft gad knswen thttiia, f Meaning, the Angels, 9 Wheu I made the cloudes d/acouetiDg thereof, and darkeneffe »s the g fwadling bandcs 10 When Iftabliftied my commandement vp- on it, and fet barres and doores, ] I And fayd , Hitherto.ihilt thou come , but no further , andheere ilyltit t ftay thy prouJe waues. 2 Haft thou commanded the ' morning fince g As though the feawerebjC tile babeJa he hands of Gbd [0 luiue to aal fio. thy dayes ? haft thoucauled the morning to know bis place f 1 3 That it might take holde of the corners of the earth, and that the wicked might be ^ ihaken out of it? 14 It 4s turned as clay to falhion,• and all ftand vp as a garment- 1 ί And from the wicked their light Hialbe ta- ken away, and the high atme llialbe broken. 16 Haft thou entred into the botioiies of the fea? or haft thou walked to ieeke out the '" depth? 1 7 Haue the gatesof death bene opened vnte thee ? or haft thou feene the gates of the ihadow of death ? 1 8 Haft thou perceiued the breadth of the earth ? tell if thou knowcft all this. 1 9 .Where is the way t»here light dwelleth ? and where is the place of datkenelle, 20 That thou ° fl'.oulJeft receine it in the bounds thereof , and that thou il".ouldeft know the paths to the houfe thereof ? 2 1 Kneweft thou it , becaufe thou waft then borne ? and btcauft the number of thy dayes it great 22 Haft thou entred into the treafures of the fnowe ? or haft thou feens the treafures of tb« haile, 23 Which I haue hid ° againft the time of trouble.againft the day of warre and baitell ? 24 By what way is the light parted.» /><;/> feat tereth the Eaft winde vpcn the earth ? 25• Who hath diuided the fpouts for the winei or the way for the lighming of the thundeti, 26 To caufe it to raine on the eaith where no man is , *«i in the wiUerneife where there is no man? 27 To fulfill the wil.!e and wafte placi,ind to eaufe the bud of thehetbe to fpting forth ? 28 Who is the father of the raine ? or who hath begotten the drops of the dev; ? 29 Uitofwhofewuri.be came the yce; who hath ingendred the froft of the heauen ? . 30 The watersarehidi'aSB'W/jaftone: and the face of thcdep:h is frozen 3 1 Canrt thou reftraine the fweete infiutncei-oi s the rieiades.or loofe the bands of ' Oi ion ? 32 Canft thou bring foDfth ' Maizaroth in t'neir time ? canft thou alfo guide t Aidturus widi hisfonnes? 3 ; Knoweft thou th e cout fe of heanen.or canft thou fet the" rul : th^reuf in the earth i 34. Canft thou lift vp thy voyce to the cloudes that the abundance ut water may couer thee ? 3f Canft thou fend the lightnings that they may waike , and fay vnto thee , Loe , heere wee are ? 36 Who hath put wifedoaje in the » reines ? or who hath giuen the heart viideiftanding ? a,'7 Who can number cloudes by wlfJorae! or who can ca^ife to ceafe the ϊ bottels of heauen, jg Whtn the earth groweth into birdncfle ζ aad the cbi^c fait lOguhet Tbatis.GoJi tnandcmcnt, as erfe lo. To w it, to rife» ince thou waS boroc. CHAP. £G^ k who bluing Qthenigbibene ;iuen.owicii.d. ce-Je.canoot abide the light, but lie ihemfeluel. The eaub which f-fined in the gbi to haue no rine.by the li- fiogofihefuDcc, is at itwere crta- asddi things tbereio clad th new beauiy, Κ thou are not ■■% able 10 ietie oat the depth of the fra , how much Idle ait ihou able >compiehend th• puiftll of God ? I That thou mi^b• ten afpoint it bit ay and limiil. ο To poniih mice btni, υ Ejiod.», S. loQi, 13. II. ρ Tbeyce coiif• reihit, as ibcugh- Weie paucd th l!on«. Which Λ aire» ■ r? when the ine IS 10 Tau- , . wbrcb-U tb». fpriog tint, asik lingfloutes. Which llair»: hrinEcih to winter. f Cerniiieft#rr»• led : foiK thii;ke tbeywere i.heiweiuclignct. t JLcNoiih Il.lieWilb ihofc ih4t .lie «bout him u Caud thou ciule the heajtnlj• bodies to baiie X laibefectet parii uf man. y That is, the clou eswhcteio the w\ii" i» coa- itiae.l as ia bv»• tcl. ■i For when Ged' dofth cot o|ta ibele bottels, the earth coinmna to ibis i coove• oicoce. Gocls mercJte ^nd power. ft Aftethehad decUr^d Gods VVOiRes IB the h!i- aens , he thesveth bis raaVueiloiis rrouidsoce in eaitli, cue η fowatd the braic btatts. t Reade Tfal. If?.?• c He chiefly ma• j keih mcDti-OD of I Wilde goatiani j liiadcs , btcaufe ; they bring forth i their yong with ! molldWficuliie. j d Tujtis.how I long they goe I With youg > TheybiiDg rth with great fficultie. f rhati»,the turrea grouuil where no good fr.uic( grow. g li it poifible to make thevnicoroe lame ? figHiryidg that if man cauuot rule a crfatuie, that it iimtich mori impoffible that hefliould a[)- poiot the wife- domeof God, whereby be go. uerueth all the WaiU, li They write that the oltrichcoue- lethher eggei in the fand, and bt- caufethe coua- trey ii hct and the funnelliU ketpeth them waimc.ihey are hatched. i Ifheniouldtake care for them. k That is, to haiie icllitfcftion to- ward h;i yoDg- 1 When the yong oftrichisgtowen vp.he ouetruaneth the horfe. m That i», giuen hiiu courage, which ii m;int by ueying and (ha- kiMg hii inane : for with hi» breath he coae• rethhii ncckc, π He ueateth with his hoofe. ο Heforitidsth the ground that it feemctb uoibiug vuduhiiu. VoW. CHAP. XXXIX. The htuntie irproaiience efGcd, which extfltdith eutn tt the jeuKgraiteni , giueih iTttn full cctaftm'ts put hii co»irfe»c£ i« Giii. 37 lib cmfejjeth anihumbUth h,mfdie. ^* Ik ^ thou bunt the pray for the lion ί oc fill the appetite of the lions whelpej, 2 When they couch in their places , and re« maine in the conert to lie in waite ? 3 Who prepareth for the rauen his meate, when his birds b crie vnto God , wandering for lacke of meate ? 4 Knoweft thou the time when the wild goats bring foorth young ? er doeft• thou marke when the ■= hindes doe caiue •> y Canft thou nutcber the moneths that they ^ fulfill ? or knowea thoa the time when they bring forth ? 6 They bow themfelues : they ebiuife theit young and caft out their forowes. 7 Lei their young waxe fatte , and grow vp with corne : they goc forth and teturne not vnto them. Ζ Who hath fet the wilde afle at Hbenie ? or who hath loofed the bonds of the wilde ail'e ? 9 Itii I which haue made the wildernefle his houfe.and the f fait places his dwillings. 10 Hederidethtbe multitude of the citie : he heareth not the eric of the driuer. I Ϊ Hee feeketh out the mountaine for his pa- fture, and fearcheth afcef euery greene thing. I ζ Will the vnicorne 8 fsrue thee ? or will he tary by thy crib ί 13 Canii thou binde the vnicorne with bis band to ΙαΙιβκτϊη the furrow ? or will he plow :he valleys after thee ? J4 Wilttbou truftin hiro,bccaufehjs ftrength is great, and caG off thy labour vnto him ? 1 y Wilt thou beleeue hitn , that he will bring home thy feede.and gather it vnto thy barne ? 1,6 Ηαβ ί/;β«^κίί» the pleafani wings vnto the peacockes ? or wings and feathers vnto the oftrieh i 1 7 Which leaneth his egges in the eartb, and roaketh them •> hot in the dalt, 1 8 And forgetteth that the foot might fcatter them.ot that the wilde beaft mightbrcake there. .It) He ίlί^weth hirafelfe cruell vnto liis vong ones , as they were not his , »nci is without feere as if he ttauelled ' in vaine. 20 For God hath deptiued him of ^ wifdome, and hath ginen him no pert of vnderftanding, 21 When ' time w.hee monnteth on h)gh:hee mocketh the horfe and his rider. 22 Haft thou giueu the h'orfe ftrengtb, «"rco- ueredhis necke with ^neying f 23 Haft thou made him afraid as the grailiop" per ? his ftrong neying is fearefuU. 24 He " diggeth in the valley , and reioyceth in /j«ftrengch : he goeth foorth to raeete the har- neffed mtin. zy He mocketh at feare, and is not afraid.and turneth not backe from the fwotd. i6 Though the qaiuer rattle againfi hitn , the glittering fpiare and the iliield. 27 He « fwalloweth the ground for fierceneCTe and rage , and he bsleeueth not that it is the noife of the tfiirapet. 28 He faith among the trumpets, Ha, ha : he frpelleth the battell afarre off.and the noifeof the capiaines, and the fl^outitJg. " " fobs iepcntance? 29 Shall the liauke file by thy wifidome.jti'i.'i• c^mg cut his wings cuen toward the ρ South'» 30 Doth the eagle mount vp at thy commm- dement.or make his nefton high ί 3 1 Sbee abideth and remained in the rockei tuen vponthe top of the rocke, and the tower. 3 2 From thence (lie fpietb for meate, pcrvevti,beir^ cimpared tothewetke of Gad: lo Whofe porver appenreth in the creatie»,nni gtaerningiif the great be/iiis, λ Gaine the Lord anfwcred lob out of* the ^* vsbirlewinde , and fayd, 2 Gird vp now thy loyiies like a man : Ϊ will demaund of thee.and declare thou vnto me, 3 Wilt thou difaouUa my iudgeraent? or wilt thou coniemoe me, that thou maieft be iuftified » 4 Of haft thou an arme like God » or doeft thou thunder with a voyce uke him ί J Decke thy fclfe now with ^ maieftie and exceilencie , and aray thy felfe with beautie and glory. 6 Caft abroad the indignation of thy wrath, and behold euety one that is proud. Sc abate him. 7 Looke on euery one that is arrogant , and bring him low ; and deftroy the wicked in their place. 8 Hide them in the duft together , and binde <= their fjces in a fectet place. 9 Then will I confelie vnto thee alib.that thy right hand can d faue thee. I ο ί Behold now « Behemoth (whom I made f with thee) which eateth g grafle asan oxe, I I B;hold now, his ftrength is in his loynes. and his fotce » in the naudl of.his belly. 1 2 Ween ΐ\α taketh pleafure.his taile^'s like 3 cedar;tlie finews of his ftones are wrapt together. 13 His bones are'iikf ft-uesof brade, andhis fmall bones like ftaut-s of vron. 14 ^ He is the chiefe of the wayes of God: ' he that made him , will make his-fword to approach vnto him. ly Sure.ly the mountaines bring him foorth grille, where all the beafts of the held play. i6 Lieth he vnder the trees in the couert of tbe reede and fennes ? 17 Can the trees couer him with their ilia- dov/ » or can the willowes of tue fiuet compafli him about ? 18 Behold, he fpoileth the riuer, ^ and hafteth not : he trufteth that he can draw vp lorden into his mouth. 19 Hee takethit with his eyes . and thrufteth his nofe through whaflbeuer meeteth him. 20 f Canft thou draw out ' Liuiathan with ^ hooke , and with a line which thou fhalt caft downe vnto his tongue ? ' ai Ck& thou taft an hooke into his nofe ? - canft Ρ That ii, when colde commetfa.ta fiie iato the watmi couaiteyt. q Isthiitheway for t man that will learne . to ftrius with God? which thing he repro•- ueth in lob. r Whereby hee bathe tepeated.andde. fired pardon for nil fault•. * Chilp.i$:ii I Signifying that bey that iurtifie hen]feiuet,coa> demi;eGod as b Meaning , that ihefe were proper vQtoGod, and be^ longed t I rrootiingheteby bat whofoeuer attributetb to bim< felfe power and abilitieto faue himfelfe, raibcih felfe God. e Ttiibeaftii thought to be the elephant, or fome ithcr , which it uknowen, f Whom I made fwellat ihee. g Tbis commeu» djfth the proui- ence of God tO' vard man: for if he were giuen to deucute at a lion, thing were able tffili him, 0^: conteat him h He is oneof the chiefelt works of God among the beafti.' i Though man neer- him.yet Goi ca hill him k Hcdrinketh Mleifuie,Jndfei• retb CO botiy. 1 Mcanins.the m.tc,e«:'i.e. who IS able lO compare with GiJ I he Creator? b Who hath taught r.ie ce ac- compliili -By woikt? c The f>att! and members of ths whale? d That ii,whod»re pu'.l ' iV'his sKiJ ? . Ε Who dare put a biidle lahii i who dare looke ia his mouth ? g That is , cilleth out Dames sf hie. ii Nothing is paic. full or hard ναια Uim. His ihinne is fo a;H tnaihely-th h Eiihci hemakfth ibereatolsimeai it Βογίε•• by his wallowing, or els he fpouteth water ID fu.b abundance as it vvcw'd fee me that the fea boiled. 1 That is ,a wbi:e froth and ihiuing fttCAuu befoit-liuai ^^irau Aij^Aiij• canft thou pierce his iawes with an angle ? 2 Will he make many prayers vnto theeMni Ipeake thee faire ? 23 Will he make a couenant with thee ? and wile thou take « him as a firuant for ener ? 24 Wilt thoa play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou binJ hiiu for thy maiJes I ay Shall the cowpainions banquet with hiir.J fliall they Jiiiiide him among the n-et chants 26 Canft thou hll ttie bafketb with his skinne? or the fiili paoyer wi;h his head ? 27 Lay thine hand vpon hitn : teraember ° the battel], and doe no more fo 28 Behold, Ρ his hope is in vaine :/er ihalinot one perilL euen at the fight orhim } CHAP. XLI. I Sy Ihe fymtnegeofihn msHfley LmiatliA» ,Gcd jbe- rveih his grtainejfe ΛΛά his power, which nnhini ΐΛΐι ufiil. Ν One Μ fo fierce that dare ftirrehim vp. Who is he then that can ^ ftand before me >. Who hath preuented n:ee that I fliould ' make an end? All vnder heauen^ mine. 3 I will iii)t keeps filef.ce concirnin^ "= his pans , not his power , nor his connelv p:oportion. 4 Who can difcouer the faced of t^js garmen' J or who lliall coine to him witb a double « bridle ? y Who tliill ' ορ•ίη the doores of his face ? his teeth are fsarrful! round about. 6 The iiuiefty of his fcates ts hkj ftrotig fliields, ««rfarefurefealetJ, 7 One is fet to another, that no winde can come betvveene them. 8 One is ioyned to another: they fticke to- gether, that they cannot be fundred. 9 His neiringsg make tne light to iliinne, and his eyes ait like the eye liJs of tne morning. to Out of his axiutb goe kuips , and Iparkes of fire leape out. 1 1 Out of his noSreli cort:meth out fmoke, as out of a bo\ ling pot or caUron. 1 His breith makstli the coales burne : for a Bame goetn out of his mouth. 13 in hisnccke reoaaineth ftrength , and^ la- bour i$ reieoted before his face. 4 The members of ^^is body are ioyned . they ate flrongi;uhemfelues,4);icsnnot bemooueJ. 1 5: His heart is as ftrong as a lione.and as hard ss the nethet roilftone. 16 Tne migh'.ie are afraid of his maicflie, a^id Tor feare they faint in ihemfilucs. 7 When the fword doeth touch hita , he will not rifi! vp.;;>r/(irthe fpeare.djrt nor habergion. 18 Heeeileemeihyton as Hraw .andbraue as rotten wood. 19 The archer cannot make hi.-nflie:theftones if the fling are turned into lU>hbK-r vnto him. 20 Thi dartes are countea as fttawe : and bes attg'ieth ai the iliaking of the fpiare. 2! Shatpeftones' are vnder bicn.andhefi^rea- deth fmrne things vpon the myre 22 He mak'ith the depth to fe boile like a pot, and mdkctt) the Sea like a pot cf oyntraent^ _3 He raaketh a path to ' liiine after hi.O , one would thinks the depth as an hoare head, K^bs tencitie, ipo 24 I" the earth theft is nonelikebim : hee is made without fcare. 2y He beboldeth '" all hie things;he is a King OHer all the children of piide. G Η A P. X L I r. C ThercptntniuiofJcb. 9 Net prj^eth fox hi; frimiK. I» HiigicUi.trerefltreiidiHtlt'VHitiitm. ij ttischiU- itm,ait nniiimh. •T Hen lob anfwered the Lord , and fayd. ■■• 2 I know that thou canft doe all things, and that there is no » thought hid from thee 3 Who is hee that hideth coimCell without b knowledge ? therefore haue I fpoken that I vn- derftoud not , tuen things to wonderfull for ixje, ' ina{}^hich I knew not. 4 Heare , I befeech thee , and I will fpeake : : will detnand of thee , "^ and decUre thou vn:o rae. y I haue <= heard of thee by the hearing of tht eare , but now mine eye feeth thee. 6 Thercfote 1 abhorte my [tlft, and repent ir diiftandaihes. 7 Now after that the Lord had fpjk?n thtfe words vnto lob, the Lord aifo fayd vnto tliph^z the Temanice , My wrath is kiiidk'd agaii^ft thje and agtintt thy two friends : for ye haue no: Γρο• ken ot me the thing that is fright , like my fer uant g lob, 8 Therefore take vnto you now feuen bul lockes , and feuen ramroes, and goe to my f:ruant lob, and offer vp for your f;lu; s a burnt offeiing, and my feruant lob ihall *■ pray for you: for 1 will accept him ,leai\ I lliould put you to Iharae , be- caufe yee haue not fpoken of me the tbing which is tight, like my leruant lob. " 9 So Eliphaz the Temanite , and Bildad the Shuhite , rt/iiiZophar the Naamathiie , went , and did accor Ji -ig as the Lord had fayd vnto them, and the Lord accepted lob, 10 f Then tile Lord turned tlieicap-iiiitie of lob, when he prayed fjr his friends ; alio the Lotd gaue lob twifc fo much as he bad before. 11 Teen came vnto hitn all his i- Brethren, and aH his fiiiers.snd ail they that had beene of his quaintance before , and did eat bread with hira in his houfe , and had coropaifion on hira , and com• fortcd iiim for ail the euill that the Lord had brought vpon him , and euery man gaue him a Dpiecc of money, Jceuery one an cirering of gold. 1 2 So the Lord blelVed the lift dayes of Icb, moretben thch^t: for hee had 'four ."teene thou- And ih.'epe, and fix; thoufand ca'utils.and a :hou- fanJ yt k .• uf oxen , and a thoufand Ihee all'ss. 13 He had alfo feuen fonncs^ud three d^ugh• ters. 14 And he C'lled the name of one '"•' leroiraah, and the name of the fecond « iLcmh.3e»he max ofiheihird" Kiten-happuch. 1^ In all the land were no women fo'.md fo faire as the daughttis of lob, and thrir father gaue them inheritance among tlieir brethren. 16 And after this li.ied lob an huiicJreth and fuiirtieyeeres .andfiwhislonnes.aadhii loiw- fjnnes, tuen foute generations. 17 So lob died, being olde. and fall o^ thii;!!ei hou , Lui tbou ■•git to p.U>. b Is there any but fjF ibii God laid 10 hii ckcrge, Caap.jS.i. ontciTehetiia ijnjriDce, andihatlfpake not what, 4 He Qle.veth ihit llbeGoJt • f,.hol!er loleacne f him I knew ibee on• It belareby beire fay^'bHy now thou halt caufed me to ' fiti; what thou art K-e , that I may iSne m;f.felfe η vote thee. f Youtoolieiii haud atieuitlciarek Ko th«ajhife 1 fee .:, -g.h.t. that enrned bmrby ^B outlaid af- Oitlicns, and oot cinfoitedliim .viihiry merciet. j; Wbe had a d caufe. but \ i.:l'.diccuill. b When you bjue led your f<(:es t} bi'nfor. 'that you ' Jfc.Oilh:l pisy tcr ; heflia ill beaie bim. He.leiiJtul bim uut of:i;af- tian «hercn -i 1'^ A^<-A β^^^ :^S/^^ J^^3y./9• ^^g^gfy 5>.>.^ Χό ^^v/^ '^• '-/■ ^ ,.3. .L^s-i" -iA^f/y- ^-«-ι^/•ζ•2•ι<ί^-^ο. .2. P oarichis^, vp.heouetiu the hoife. ra That i», giuei himtourige, which ii iii:»iit by ueyingjnd ih»- ki'ig hii maae : (or wiih hi» breath heceae. ■ rethhii nccke, η Heoeatech with bis boorc. ο He fo riddeth the ground that at feemetb ooihiag vudeihiu!. ^ / / 7SJ /,7,f9 - glitteti. 27 h and rage , of cbe tfun 28 He' inpelleth thf capwines;; \ -^'"'A„xrrDU3K-ll-M-.^*::A-.i^ / THIS ; SECOND PART OF THE ΒΙΒΓΕ CONTEINETH THESE ♦ BOOKES• ■f^nrAy ' ' Pfalmes. 1 loel. /^w ^^ Prouerbes. Amos. (r//u/^^^- Ecclefiaftes. Obadiah. /α'^Ιι^^^ Thefongof Ilonah. I — — — — •- Salotnoa j Micah; Ifaiah. ^ Nahum.' leremiah. Habakkuk• Lamentations. Zephaniah• ' Ezeldelv Haggai. i \ j Daniel. Zechariah. MalachL Hofea. • 1 1 U . ^_ _v / F 3 ¥ 1 3t fceiatrb ni, VV,. vuderhim, A Ji *\ι•,?Γί:ΓίΙ,4«^ι;•< dicg to the E- chifBy ialiituitd_ to praifeaoH giue ' tli«kf» »e eod for bit bccefits. Tbty are callid tbePfalmeiot Scot;• of DjuiJ, becaufs the moft part vv;re n«»de Τ Η ί *1F S^ L Μ Ε S OF DAVID. Τ Ηβ A R G 7 Μ Ε Μ Τ.' m 'ΤΡ Hit beokj of Pf timet isfetferth vnto vt by the holy Ghofl , to b* tfitemrd as a ti»efi jirttteus t r^ftire ' ■■■ wherein all things are contemedthat apperttaine totrue fe!iaty,afa>eUin thii life pre ent at inlfhe /:;>! to comt. For the richetef true l(noa>ltdge andheauenly mfd»me , are here ftt optnfor v> to tal^< ftheu»f\ mofiahundant'y, Iftpeivouliknooi thegrtaT& hi^h maitflyofGod, here tvemay fee the bri^htn es r>;trr- of fhine mofi clearely. //wee would feeke his in.ernpre'tenfible irifejome , heere ii thejit&le c f\hijdmt\ P'''>f'Jf''>'*• lfa^eea>ouldeomprthend^ti iitejiimnble bounty, & approach neere therevnto, ana fill ohrh.mattl tftth that treafure , hefre ooe may haw. a moji Ituely and eomfortable t,:fle thereof. If we ctu.UikttV. wherein pandtth turfaluAtien,and heef to attaint to life euerlafiing, here it Chrtii eur one ij re deem er,anA mediatour mofl euidently defiriked. The rich man may 'earrte the true ν fe of hu riches The ps ere man fXMjl find full contentarion. He that inll rei»yce,fha!i kfio-v the true ioy, anU hot» to ktepe meafitre therein. Th%^e wicked and the perfautorsofthe chiUren of Go* fhali fee k ewth fl hand of Qoditeuer ag-iinfl them : and though he fuffer them to prosper far aa>hile ,yet he bridieitj ihem, in fo much as they car.not tout'-) an haire efontt head except he permit them , and hotr i» the end their ί/ί- firuSfion « mo^i miferable. Briefly , here v»t may haw: mojlprefent remediei a^ainji all tetitatioi^i i'rtreu. bletofmind&confcitnce ,fo ihat beingaieU pradifed herein,fpe may be affured againjl all dan^tr.iinthii lift , hue in the true feare and lone of God, and at length attaineto that incorrnpt.ble cr»a>nt e^jf glory, vhich u laid vf for all thtm that hue the camming of our Lord lefus QJitift. a Wbea a iiuo ha'.h giueaoDLt piace totuill couo• iell, or to hii ovtne c9ncupifceoc*,he bcgiuDeth to fot• gtib'inMfe in his fi.iDi.aod fo falleth io'.o conrempt of GoJ,v^'bich con- trmoiii called the tsat' ofthf fcftoers * DeHt.6,6!ofi).i. t. fr«« ί ίο. b intbrhoty c Go:!i childrtaare fo moyltesed euer tTi:h bn grace , tba wbatfoe.itt com- me:h vnto them, teadrtb vnto their fa!uati)a. d Though the wic ked fedn'tobeare the fwinee inthii Ρ S A L. Γ. mtther it was Efitai ', tr any ether that %athtrtd the rf.dmti into a bonkt , it feemeCi he iti thii Pftlme firit in manertf a prefxce , f exhcrt all ΐ,ιάΙ^ men tt ftufly enimedit.ue the hcAuenly wifdome.Fer :he effect hereof 1', ι That they ieble^ei which giue themflues nhoBy .tS their life tt the hoiyScrtptHre: ιψ ani that the Toickfii contemners cf G»i , though Ibey feemt fer a rvhile happy, yet at length jbail cme ftmtfentledeftrH- LeSed is the man that doetb not welke in the ^ counfell cf the wicked , nor ftand in the I way oi Tinners, nor fit in the Λ featteofthefcornefuU. β 2 But his delight is in the *Jaw of the Lord , and in his t> law doth he medi- tate day and night. 3 For he (ballbe like a * tree planted by the ti- uers of waters , that will bring forth her fruits in due feafoii; whofeleafc (ball not fade:fo'iyhatro- euer he fhall doe, rtull profper. 4 d The wicked are not fo , but as the chaffs, which the wind dtiuetb away. y Therefore the wicked fliall not ftand in the ' iuJgeojent , nor finnets in tiie afliembly of the righteous. " 6 For the Lord f knoweth the way ot the lighteoas , and the way of the wicked (haU perilh. I, Tto. yh'W'f"''* f.y.th., V'»''Ti*'i' «.toff.. V'•**•* Goii.and \e''"» Caiil. \ * PfM.l '»*• ce»4iHlf «"" in rrlifling i C.t.ll, .h:y «gaiolihiin. Λ To lllevT .t ki I κ -One it oi ficd heir lite nor Go' Id, yet the Lord d.iuethth the company of the tighteoui. e «irjth. fDoth approoue and profper, like at CO !m downe thatibey Qlali not Buttieiible »htn;hey feele t to k-JOW.is to reprooue aad Ρ S A L. Π. ■, ^ I The Prtphet D.»;«ii reityceth, iha: nitv>fthnaHini$ hss (HtT.iei rage , yet GU xoiU ccntm»eh.i'K>nS/""' l•/ tuir, aniai,ia,ue it e»en to the erd ,fih,w>rli. .0 anXthtreftre rxhorteih kiniS ar.drulen that tn,J rv.uU h„mthp*imitth,mfelues vnicrC.di yoke . be. r««^ it 'S •» -"-KBi '» ''/<« <'"'• """" 'ifii""* '~''ilts kinidome. Hy doe Ae » heathen * rage , and the peo- e.murmure in vajne. WJ. ri A-eT,' anVpowet of king» caonot pituaile »ζύα(ί Cbiift, * A(li,^,iS> » The kings of the eatth band thetnfelae s.and the Fiicces are aflenbled togethei agiitifttbe Lord, and againS bij 8 Chritl. 3 b Let vs breakc their bandes , and cafli theii cords from vs. 4 * Butf hee that dwelieth in the heauec. fliall U«gh : the Lord fliall haue thetn in^etilionr y <: Then fliill hee fpeiko vnto them in his wrath , and vexe them in bis fotc diiplcafute, 6 Euen I haue fet my K>ng vpon Zion mine holy reountalne. 7 I will declare the '' decree : that i/,the Lord hath faicf vnto mee , * Thou art roy fot)Qs ; this e day baiie I begotten thee. 8 Aske of aee , and I ihall giue thee the hea- then fof thine inheritance , and ihe' endes of the earth f^r thy pAflsfTioo 9 * Thoi^ffclt crudi theno with a fcepter of yron , and bf^ake thein in piece» liku a pottas { veOeil. I 10 sBe wife now therefore, jjc kings: be iear- ! ned yeiudgesoftheearth. II Scrue the Lotd in feare, and reioyceiu I trembling. I iz hKifletheSorae.leafthebeangrV.andye ' , , ' i perifli in the way, wh* Ids wrath fluU fikUcnIy | i'sot'onety :ht butne.Blcfled ate all that ttuft in bioi. leAn but tb• I Gin 'ciilfo. I * ϋί•,/.ι,ΐ7. g He exborteth all ruler» «d repent in time, h faugne of ho-iuce. i Wtf• the WKked ttullfay, Peace and re», (ccin ng yet lo b- I ut id ihe midWlTO' "»'/ purpofet.iiea Cjall deUrua.oBfuJjeLly co.nr , i,Thtir.;,|. Ρ S A L. .III. 1 "^Hiidriuenf.orth ef h,skne.d,me v>as,r,att, t<,r. ^ntedinmmi f.r his Cum* *:'•"" C"* : ♦ ■^-* Therefore Zl.th.pon cZrid ^.«,* b.U r*.r.w £,. prom fes , αια•«β the f.uat ra.h»}^ and u,r.r: ./ A.i enZue' yea aialoft death „felft,rvhi,h hefawp.f'ltnt before hite^el 7 F,»>ttlM »i^'th1'r>k,lo.d [,u. t^>>>^^.Ood,a.eh..andaUtHeC,.<>..^^^^^^ e That it to fay, >t I' tufaiognianf kouAlcdgebi- caufi it ^vaiibt firt time ibatDa- uid appf at ed to 1 1 e(e."cd ■'■; I. ■»■ •■ 0eIircfaflcf is of the Lord, Pfalnes ■ Thii wi: a tckea ofhi» ilable fiitb, }t a!l bit itou- 'bles hf e had hii '■tcou,n.-toGoi, b S.lah h;re figui- ieih a lifting vp ci ihevorce.toiaufe ΛΙ to confi^er the featence. aiitticg. ofgtiatunjor. tai^ce. c WlifftieconlT- dtreA the truth of ^o-5p/amife, anti tr.ed the Aime, hi« aithincrtafccl he daegei t uer fo «natjy.ytt God ihjth euei meant* Bo4cUi:er his. • Ameng th jr, siat «ere J j,polnted lo fiDgibe pialmu, fno to pia• ^ „o it^ •eftrnmer ,,,οηβ Wa«appr ,ioted chiefete , f-t the tuae , who be'.ai: jitl to beg ία Aif y charge, fa he wii ""»'• Mcelleot.an^ ■"• fc egiB thitPfalm *" ' ti ioaruintnt 5»' * Selah. I 3 But thou Lord art a buckler for me.my glo- ^«y, and the lifier vp cf roine heaJ. 4 I did call vnto the Lord with try voyce, and Ite beard me out of his holy mountaine• Sdah. ^y I laid roee downe and flept.en-^rofe vp ag'aine ; for the Lord fuRaiiied me. .i, I will not be afraid fore ten thoufand of the pec ple.thai lliould befsc me round about. 7 Ο Lord , arife helps me . my God : f >r tlioa haft 1 Oiitten zli mine enemies vpon ^ check bone: thou ! toft broken the teeth of the wicked. 8 ■'' Seluaiion bthngeth vino the Lwdtund thy ble ifin^V/ vpoo thy pet pie, Selah. Ρ S A P. I U I, r When S'julpetfiCHted htm he callcii vpctt Cti,truH<»t, »»o/J xfurcdlj in his frtmifc , aiii t^crefcre hcldlyre- Itnueth Sss iHremies,whowi!ful!)ffifrei( hi; dominin"• •.J AKd ffiillj, friferrtth tht f.fumr cf Gii bifne all %W/diy trevfwei. f * Γλ him that txcelleth on Ke^inoth. ^ rfalmeofDaiiid- L'lEareme wnen I call , ^ Ο God of my rigl-te- "•■•■•ournes: thou haft fet rue at liberty , w^ei ί TAs 10"= diftrefle : haue mercy vpon me, aad iiearken vnto my prayer, ζ Ο ye Ί fonnes of roec^.how lorg inllye turne toiy glory into Ihatce, e louing viniiy,4«iileeking lyes.•" Selah. 3 Fcr be ye fure that the Lord hath chofen to birefelfe f a godly man , the Lord willheate when "call vnto him,. 4 g Tremble and (Inne not: examine your owne heart vpon your bed,and be •> ftill.Sclah. y i Offet ihef.Ciificesoirighteoufnelle.and UDlt in tht Lord. 6 Many fay , Who wHi Hiew vs <««y i^ good? but Lord , lift vp the light of thy couoieuance vp. on vs. 7 Thou hailgiuen me more ioy of heart, then they ham hiid , whcv. their wheate and their wine did abuund. I will lay me downe.sr.d s'.fo ileep in peace : for diou,Lord.' oncly mskeft me dwell in fafety. i: i feiteth bii f< I God, as itii i ^ull^ alone, a tern. Hi prayer, jotl ■Dd iii;hiiig4. b SVith paiience *nd tiult 111! I be h.-ard. c S'eiDgibaiGoJ oftnttiiebateih wickidnoffe, he niflnhT wicked, «aJfaueihe '««ai/. d Which dseniiut. h Ceafeyour rspe. i Sf rue Cod purely, aod not nies. k The muli'iidc ff.He woild!y weaiih.but Panid iLiiie in Goti» fauour. I Thi: word io Eb'.e.v may be referred to btie tranfl.tvd, or to Dauid.lignifying that he fiioulddwell at it-y. if he hid mji y aboat hmi.beciofe the Lo.d is with hitu Ρ S A L. V. 1 Dairii cpfrefei nith the crueiijef ljise«rmies.,.A»i fearti^ ΐηΛίετ dmi^srs ,(aShh';s Qui f„ (ktcoar, finvin(> hc-iv rrquffit it ii itif., G«i fhif.id f.»n:ih the diKg, that whin Gurf/b.ii diliuer him, titers ntf.Oiill beparttkm '■f the f.ime trivd'S. f To him that- txcelleth vptn \] Kelnkth, f ^ Pfalme of DsnH. Η Ear»! my words.O Lord ; vnderfiaDd'rcy » me» dilation,, 2 Heaiken vnfo the voyce of my cry.trjy I«ng. and my Gad : Cjr vnto thee doe I pray f; 3 Heare my voyce in tlie morning. Ο LtJrd -.for in the nsornicg will I dircdl m:e vnto thee , and I will ^ wait. 4 For thou art trot a God that leneth « »ic- kednes.neirher lliall ei/ill dwell with thee. J The f^oliili ihall not ftand in th}' light :nioftra^ioglyaf:eii.he : cainall aC-ai' A prayer oftbeafffi . ;dc In lie Jeepeft' ■ ihiste.tafion heepHtfeth hit faIKoi:fiJcDce io God. f ^Ecaufethoeart iuft, therefore leaie luecutcf.faedaa- gets of mine ene. ir.ies. 0 Of, CXUftthllH tc errt. % Let their diuice». cnne to rought. b Tfcy faur.ur to. I me ihall con». firii;e the fjith of allotheri. II Or, iitiegiii . i So that he flidt? be fafi from iJi. danger». "^ Tfyf.ie n, a Though I.'e- for than bateft all rlie» tliat woike h'iquic)'. 6 Thou Svallt deftroy themtfiat fpeakelyeK the Lofd .will abhorre the bloody tran and de- cdifull 7 B,it t ' will corae into thine houfe in the tr.ul- titude of thy nievcy :-Andii\ thy feare willl wor ILip toward ibine holy Temple. 8 Loid me , Ο Lord, in thy tigbteoufi^es, f be- caufeof mitte eneti/ic-s : make thy way pUine be- fore my face. 9 For no coiittancie ii in their mouth : witbin thev ari f ery cor.-^uption : ihtir * throat n an open fepiiicbie ,Λ?;ίί they 3jtrer witli their tongue. 10 Dcftrof Vi-.eni, Ο Gnd.li 1st them ΐ fall from their counf^U : caft thstr. oui for the multitude of ibtir in!q.aiiies , bicaufc they haue rebelled againfl tbe2. 1 1 And h let a'Lihem that ttuft in thcc, rcioyce and triijrr.ph for euer , and coutr thou them : and Jei them tLat lous thy Name.teioyce in thee. xz For thou Lord , wilt t, bloliethe tighteous, and with faucur i wilt compaffd him ,.as with a a^ielJ. Ρ s A L. vr. I PVhen Oawd ij his fiitK:s /ad IrcuekcdCds Wraih, and »iw {lit net early his hind κ-^ΛιηΙ} him , but alfis cuncciufi the f.errin if ilenth ert^rl^fliiif , he defuetk• forgimnflTi. 6 Bewailing lh*t ifCU tuae him aim] in his :Hdi^K.-.tH>s. hi f.>M!d:U(ktcc^fi,i, itfrijfehim as he iri< rpt,Bf icdo n.hil s ke rvxs finttKi men. 9 Tk'en fuidittl) fe,l,agCiditJ!er(ies, lire jhxtfl/ rebukelh hii enenii!i\vhiehrriiteed inl/isaf^fSlioH. f To him that exciUeth on Kegimtth , vftn tie cipjttnne. ^ Pfalmt ofDauii. Λ\ Lord,* a lebuke mce not in thine anger, ncia ^^ ther chaflife rric in thy wrath, i Haue rnercie vpon mee , Ο Lord , for I am weake.O Lord heale rae,for ray b bones are vexed. 3 «^My foule is alio fore troubled ; but Lord, bow long wilt thou delay ? 4 Reiurne, Ο Lord ; deli«er my foiile : faue me for thy mercies fake. y For in d death there it no remembrence of thee : in the graue wht). ilwll prsifo thee ? 6 I fainted in my mourning : I caufe my bed euery night 10 iwitBrne , and water my couch with my te.^es, 7 !1 Mine eye is ditr.irsed for difpight,at:d funke in bccsufe of all mine enemies. 8 * Away from tpe all ye workers of iniquitie : for the Lord hath heard the voice of ray weeping, 9 The Lord hath heard ray petition : the Lord will rcceiue rr,y prater. 10 Ail mine enenies itall be confounded and fo:e vex«d: they ,ΤιϊΙΙ be turned backc.Γιοο akeo ;refation. I Offline eye is eat it were rtilb tecrmes. r Godfenle-.h omfort aod btlj eflt is alfliaioa, hat we (nay tri• niph ctier our inemirj. r when the wic• Jenly , »nd< j] Or.KiHdcftuaA II Or. aeeuf»iiilt, '* a. Sam.i6.7, jjauids ng iteouines» Mans dignitie. Cbulh cbaigcih me. c If I leutrenced not5aul toraffi- oilies fike aad fieretued hit life, i.Sa.Ti. 16 ,3.-9. d Let me not only die , but be diiho• oouced luieger. e In promifiog me the iiagdam•;. f N>toBely for mM,e.oa:fcr,hy Chuich fake, de- cUie ihy jiovicer. g As toucpi.gmy bebauiout toward 1 and miae enemies b Thou^b they pretend a luli caufc agiinfi: me : ye: Go- (tiiiliudge hell hypocnfie. Heedoibcouti- nuallycall the Wicked to te;en- tance by fonie figaesof bis ludge- tcept S.ul e bit miude, 1 die:furbeha:b both mea via wea- pons todeltroy me. Thus cocfide- ling his gieat dan- ger , bemagDifibtb Gods giice. ifa.S9.i,i'b,!. 1 Id seeping faith- fully bii ptomife wiib IT.:• .lat i»,fli» be calt ''^^ttl» : Church mcuf.jr (»«f . Β Or,ineie , tr mar- ueilius. a Though the wicked Would bide Gods priiies, yet the very babe> aie fudicieot wit- neOetof thefame. l\Of,ei}atlijiti. II Or, ctu^ouni. b Ic hadbeece fuf- ficieatfothi:i.to bauefetfoitbhi• floiyby the bea- tjeni , th«ugb he bad Bot come fa low as to man, which ii but dult. c Touching hit firft creatioo. d By tbe trmpo- lall gifts of n-anl creation , be it led to coofidertbe be- nefits which he bath by his rege- neratioQ through ' Chrift. 3 Ο Lord njy God. If I haus done ^ this thing, if there be any wickednec in mine hatuls. 4 « If I haue rewarded euiil vnto him that had peace witfj me,{yei I haue deliuered him that vexed me without caufe.) y Tlien let the eneccie perfecute my fo'le, and take it ; yea , let hito tread my life downe vp- on the eattb , and lay mine d honour in the dult. Sdah. 6 Arife , Ο Lord , in thy wrath.and lift vp thy felfe againft the rage of mine enemies, and awake for mee ^ccer^n_j to the ^ Judgement that thou haft appointed. 7 So ihall the congregation of t!ie people corapatfethee about: for tlicii fakes therefore fretumeonhigh. 8 The Lord ihall iaJge the people: iudge thou me , Ο Lord.according to my s tighteouf les, and iccording to mine innoc^ncie that U in me. 9 On let the malicc of the wicked come to an end ; but guide thou the iuft ; for the righteous Gudtrieth theh hearts and reines. ο My defence U in God, who preferueth the fptightin iieart. 11 God iudgeth the righteous, and him that ontemncrn God, ' euery day. 1 2 6xc.:pt " he turne, fae bath whet bis fwotd: be bath bent ois bow , and made it ready. 13 H; hath alfu prepared him deadly weapons: be will ordcine his arrowes for them that perfe- cute w*. 4 * Bcholdiheilialltrauailewiihwickediies: for nee hath conceiued mifchicfe , but liee fl^-iU bring fjorth » lie. I ) He hat r! made a pit,and -digged it , and is fallen into ibe pit that ht- made. 16 t-IismifciTiefe ihall reruenevpon his ownc head, and nis cruelty flidl! fall vpon his owne pate. 1 7 I will pralfe the Lord accor.liiig to his ' tigh• teouiiiede , and will iing praile to the Name of the Lord mo& high. Ρ S A L. VIII. The Vnphtt c»rfiif\iH\ the cxctlltnt liberalitit aiii Fatherhpreitidtuee cfGcd toward maH.whfm he mxde Λί it rrert a ged ouer all hit vorks , doih ntt tnly pue gteAt thanks , but n afiomlbedwilh the eimiiaiiin tf thef.tme , ai i»e noiriini kble t» etmpafie fuch iu*t P|almes. Deftrudionofthe ^ To him that exctUtth en || Gittith, v/i Pfalme of Dauid, Ο Lord onr Lord.bow ΰ excellent is thy Name in all the world ! which haft fet thy glory abouetheheauens. 2 Out of the mouth * of babes and fiicklings haft t^jou I! ordeined ftrength , becaufs of thine enemies , that thou mighteft H ftiilthe enemy and the auenger. 3 When I behclde thioe heauens , ««/» the workesofthy fingers , the icoone andtheftartes, which thou haft ordained. 4 Wat is b roan , fz-y I , that thou art rcind- full of him? and the f'onneofman that thou vi- fueft him? J For thou hift made him a little lower then <= God, and crowned him with glory and wor- fliip. 6 Thou hsftmadebim to haue domiriin in »hewoiks of thine hands, thou haft put all things vnder his feet: 7 All i Iheepe and oxen : yea, and the beafts of the field: i S . The fowles of the ayte , and the fifli of tbe wicked. iOr.kilUitfiHth». thf deAlh tf Ltttcl Gtlietk. a Gud IS «ot prai* fed , except the whole gloiy brgl. iimaljoe. b Howfof uer the topreuaile, thou haft h"' God preit.-ueih fea, and tl}« which paCTeth thorow the paths o< the kdi . 9 Ο Lord our Lord,how excellent is thy Name in all the world i Ρ S A L. IX. ι jifiet he had linen th-iuh it Ctd ftr the funirj viil». rif; fiat he lud [ent him at»,Hft hit emmtei , And etft f:ciHtd b] m.^ntfoii cxfetitnce , hcK ,ejdj C:itpai «r hand Its all h$i ttaiiblei, 1^ Hee iemj^ nirplikevift ,Μ datfget tf new cnemiei , difreth Gii t,,hilft him acctrdiiti tc htsrvcm , ly aud κ diiitc) the mAlieimt f To him that exceileth vf»n J .Aluth Labbtn, ^ Vfalmi of Dauid. τ Will praife the Lord with my » whole heart ; ^ will fpeake of all thy marueillous wotks. 2 I will be ghJ , and reioyce in thee : I will fjpg praife to thy Name , Ο moft High. 3 For that mine enemies 'are turned backe they iliall f»ll and perilli atthy ptefence. 4 For b thou h. ft miintained my right and my cauie : thou artfct in the throiie,4«iiiuJgca y Thou haft rebuked the heathen deftroyed the wicked ; thou haft put out their name fur euer and euer. 6 •= Oenemie.delttudlionsarecorae toaper- petuall end, and thou haft deftroyed thu cities: their memoiiall is perifi-.^^J with them. 7 " Bat the Lord * Ihall lit for euer ; hee hath prepared his throne for iiidgement. 8 For hee ΠυΙΙ iudge uie world in righteouf- ncile,«nii Ihali iudge the people with equule. 9 The Lord alio will be a refuge for the ^ poore.a refuge in dtii time, ii altvayei be dered. 1 God promiiriD not to bell'evs be• fore we hiue felt the crofle. k Whiihthe» canaiilearne thouc tbe (Vart of thy iedgeim•!, TIeYitmtlaintth of the fraud. rapttte.lyrteiut.Ma an ktidii of wrtttt, vhuh woridh me» vfe , «flixtti tht ,αφ thereof, that tvuhd men, heint, ai ,t were ura». k'Jrf.ihwirlMy M''"•"'• ^' 'heref.re fettini afatt rt.V/t.ire andreuturec tirfarii Gtd , thmke tht, »Mjr doe all things vithout tcnirtl'itli. ι f Then fere h> ea:hth-jfonCUttf.«dfome reaedie aiamfl lh< fed ffcraie euih , ,6 and at lenph ίΟΗΐμΠβΐΒ kimfilit TVilhitpe tfdeltuer*»ee. , X Aa i Wbj ίΛ The nature of the wicked. Places. The ludgeraent of tbc wicked, ' So fooiie ai Tce teriaioaffl.ai- cn, we ihlnkc GoJ Id help vs. bu: that ;s nutalwaj hi• dn£ timi. ■ b The kicked man ieioycetb io his e liift, be boa- iteih .vhen he hi'.h »hat he vV-uU : he •brag^eth oi hit and wsiltfa.and bleUxt^ him'.'elfe, atti ihusblafphe- msth ibcLoii. 11 i-r net be misuei. etcAHfehe ttAi nt- n tHill. c Theeuilllhall HOC :ouch me, Ifa.iS i; or elfe lie fpeahctc chut 4>eG3u1e he DC iec Uh, ■A He ihc^eih that . hau lyaiyo WHy ftandeS thou firreoff , CfLorJ , and hi. deft thee in « ooie aie de- «louitd. ■f Kecallelhte 4;od for heipe, be- «aufe wickedbf» %i"J""^::Goi ' '3 Wherefore doeth the wicked contemne νχΛ DO Λ• hcif e God ί bee l*ith m liij heart , Tfiou wik not % re- gard. 14 Ttt thou baft feene it i for thou beholdefi and brimtione , and ftorttie tetnpelt ; jhu is the fportijnof sheir cup. 7 For the righteous Lord loueth righteouf- neflb : his countenance doeth behold the iu2. Ρ S A L. XII. _ 1 The Prtphft limentHf';ihrm-feYAbleeflate punifh this their blaiphe- i Toiu^gebe- «veene the right aaJ the wrong. i For thou halt viMiJy deiiroy' id him. k The hypocrites or fucb as Imc no: after Gs.HiLaoc, Oislb; de.lroyed. a God helpeih ^vheo maoi bcipe ce-fwh . I Or,de the fadierlefle and poore . that eartblj man i) caufe to fcarc no mote. Ρ S A L. XL J TAm Pfalme cmtemeih IwofAHS. Intht HrjiDiutd fiiTveth huTV hard efiAuIti if KHtalipns kef,ijta:ned. And m Icwgreat aK^uifb uf miad he Teas , woinSsr»/ Miit ftrftcme him 4 Then nex: he tntyceth that G.i fent Kim /»«£.»► ,n h!ihe court WBuhhurt more with their loaguet , ibeh with lijcir wea- They thiolie thtm'tluenble ο petfiAidewhat- Jeurr they take in baad The Lord it mocurdA'iib the •laiouofhif. a-d deliueieih in da'igt Item ill life the word ar>i pior;ufe is true and hangtible , he Jlpei forme it andpiefi.-uethe hiooie frc but c ic man- Foith«y , Rretati llbatbV..., 2 How long fluU I take ^ coutjfell within my ftife hauu-g wcai JDefle dayly in mine heart 5 how Jong fliall n.ine eneoie be exalted aboue me ? 3 Behold , and heare roee , Ο Lord my God : lighten mine eyes, that I fleepa not in death. 4 LeaQ rome enemie fay .Ihaue^ preuailed agai.;ii ιύνα-.Ληά they that affl;6t tae , reioyce, wlien I Aide. y But I truft in thy d mercy : mine heai t itall reioyce in thy faljation ; 1 will fing to the Lord, becaufe be hath ' dealt louingly with me. Ρ S A L. XIV. I He defttHeth tht f.rueifc aature of m'n ,V)hichvtiere /) grme» r« /ici».i»n/iif/?f , thai'Gcdrvai brc-rihi ■utttt ctntempt. 7 J-'nt the which ih,»i . eiihouih ■nxs greatl] griened , yet b,ing pcrfwidti ihe.t Gcd •Kmld fend f,me peftin rimedy , he canftiteih hi felfe and others ^ To him that txcelltth A Pfalrce ofDaMid; 'T He * fool; hath faid in his heart, = There it no He fliegveth nat ihecaufeof ;1 wi-kelcesis «o forget Cod. bTitere il ootbicg , but ^fotder and wi le juelTt amoui tli«ia< Ν • . ■ a Thel God; they haue *• corrupted.and done &n abo- minable woike : there « none that doeth good. cdal oQg lime , > 1.^ that hit faith fainted not. b Chang icg my Ui dt the fuke man doeth hit place, c which might turnetoGoa» dif- ho'iour : if he did not dcfeod hit. d The mercy uf6ai ii the caufeef our la'ua-ion. e Bulb by the be- BflitipaH.audby oihett lOcouK. lAllmenari e T)iu!d here mi• ketb ceioparifon bstweeoc the, faitbfutl and the reptobite.but S. Piul fprakech the fame of all mcD aa• turally, Rotn, 3 lo• d Whetethfy think: tbemfeluet molt fute. e rou inocbeth*» than put iheittfufk ioGod. f He prafetb fof the whole Coutch whom heii afluieH Gnd will deliuer : for oone but be ooelf candoc ic. • Pit» 60J reijui- reth vprightDrlTe of life.ni'xt doing well toothcii, and thirdly, iiucth aad iimplititie in our word I, b HethatOatte- reih uo: the να• godly ia their «vickedQciTe. c To the binde- rance of hii oeightiour. d That ia.flltll 00c be call 'ortli of the Church aibypucritci. Β Or, Λ certai»! Λ He iheweth Vtit we canoDtcall vp- OD Gad, except we tiuaia bin. b Tboii^h we can cotrnricbG^d, yet weiDuil be- 11οΛ• Gudtglf;» torbe vf^ofhit children. cAf griefeofcoa• fcifoceaad mife- rahledellruftion. d He jpouidnei- thiibv out ward proreflisD nor ia fafatt , uor in mouth ccnfent to tbeir iJolatriet. » Exti.iJ. •}. e \vtere«ithmy roriiaa IiiociiitieJ vniuft, Pfaimes. Gods word brid jleiEi 2 The Lord looked dow^ne from heauen vp. 8 Ifune let the Lord alwa^es before cee: on the children of tnen , to fee if there were any ι for he is u tay ligh: hatid : thtrefort I g iliglJ not that would vndetihnd.andfeeke God. j Hide, 3 cAll are goneoutof the way : they are all ' 9 WhifreforebKiJne heart is glad, and xy corrupt :dierc is rene that doeth good , no not ] toegue rcioyceth : my flclli alio doe:h r"^'":"Λ"]'.^'ί°"'1'.Ηί"'!.''^.° i 2 Let mybfeatence come footth from thy pekace.and let thine eyes behold tcjuiiie. 3 Thou haftcptooued and vifiteJo-ine heart in the night : thou haft tried tee, , Ρ S A L. XV. 1 This Pfalmr leafhelh 0» what ctniit'im Cci did chufe the lemei for his fictliar people; and wherefore he pUced his Tcmfrle amoi'l ikim. which wAi It the intent that the) byiiuini vpugktly ntid gcdlj , mii^lit wtinejfe tliit the] were hi>fptciMl and hul) feofle. ^ ^ Pfalrm efDauid. Τ Ori, who Ihall dwell in thy Tabernacle i who ■•-' iiiall reft in iijine holy Mountaine J 2 Ke tiiat» walketli vptighdy and worketh tighteouir-tfls , and fpsaketh the trueth in his heart. 3 He that ftandereth not with his tongue , nor doeth ecili to his neighbour , nor teceiueth a faife report agsinit b is neighbour. 4 bin whcfe eyes a vile perfon is contemned, but he honoiitith them that feare the Lord : hee that fweattth to his owne hinder^ice and chan- gethcot. y ' He that ■: giueth not his money vnto vfury, nor takith reward againft the innocent ; he that doeth thele things , ^ lliall neuer be mooued. Ρ S A L. XVI. liuuid pr.iyeih toGod fur fuccwi not for hit workis.iiit ftrhtifjithf fake , 4 ProiejiingthM he hateih alli.U- i.ilty,tak":g Gii enelj for h,s tfmfort andftliiitie, S IVhofuffsxeth hii to Uch nothing. f Ο Michtam ofDauid. B,eferue mee , Ο G Ο D : for in thee doe I j a iruft. ι 0 my fmle , thou baft faide vnto the Lord. Thou art my Lord : my ^ well doing fxtendeth not to thee. 13 Vp Lord , ^ difappoint him : caft hira PF^eierue mee, Ο ϋ υ υ: tor in tnee aoe ι | downe; deliuer my foule from the wicked U with ' t"jft• '^y ^*°''''' . , . , . . ^ , a <• 1 4 From men by thine ' hand , Ο Lord, from men II of the uorld, who haue their ■" porrion in this life^wliofe bellies thou hlleftwitb thine bid 3 But to the Saints that are in the earth . and 1 treaftire ; theii chilJ.en haue uioiigb and leaae the excellent: all my delight is in them. | the reft of their lubftance for that children. The = forowes cf th?m , that cfler to an j i y - But I will behold thy tiC. = .n r.ghtiruf- i,.i;„";f„V^3» t The rai.bfoli .Λ fiire ro uf iftuete i.Mlrend. b Toar:i , frjioji toh 1 body and < Tb.in.hiffly r'.eja: „,Cotilt, by nvboferrCjrif- Aio-i all bji inern• beta haue irLtiior- taliiie k Where God Ιλ• peileCt felicitia. I My rigbteo »• b The vecgcjice that thou liult ihewagaioll mint fbu.fal Thoi.gb ibe Wuke ' I'toBokeJ rat todoeeuiilto?) full I, yetthy wotfi kept nii ba' ke. f He wa• •«'utcj tbatOod Wiuid no: iffufe hi» tfque.i. g »or all rebell »«»■"» tbee.w his* troujle ifc. Church. b Fotihrircue^ tiecaenot be fitU• 6ed but with III* rtea.h. i Tbeyirrpuft vp Λ itb pridr,ai | the lioir.ai.ke that '•itckedwitb fat. k Stop bisraee. il Or, n-'Uh η 1*7 Irvcri. I Ey thine heaueo• rp:wer. i; Or,whofe ijrenui» hmh no long r..U,id. It Aud fetlecot be fniari that Godi cbildree . tinieldof. Tbiiiitbcrull Oriciiie. coTf t• gain» all aC , to baue ih• ί Go.! and other , ςβ.ί. ibilibe multiplied : ά theiroffiringsof j nefle .««iwhen I ° wake, I fl.illbc fatiitied wiib blood will I not effer .neither make of their names with my lips. y The Lord κ the portion of mine inheri- tance and of my cup: thou Ibalt maintainemy lot. 6 The 'lines arc fillen vnto me in pleafant places : yea, I hauc• a fare heritage. 7 I will praife the Lord . who hath giuen me counfell : my f reines alfo teach me in the nights, f God teachetb ««oMiouaHy by fecwt infpiiatien. (bine image. Ρ S A t. XVIII. , nu Tfdtrte ,. the j„jl lepimog «f '"' S"'*"."'"•! AndthAHkefp'^ini .« tie .ntyng "•"*",, *"•/'''"''; wherein hee extotU th And fiAjf'th mcft hiM the m^r «e,/,«i merciei And r,r',' '/G•;? .iv*« i-'*»*»' /'' f,mtd end de fended him. i» Ai[o hee fetleth forth ihc .ji#^i ofCh- "■■ '•■—'■"" ^Ather ,theii(h voto Vi. Ο And amdcliu ie4 ouiofvT great ueubhrs. -WtiJ ihH Chirit SbMt Alw^yt ,, come i) the-MfeokeAUePotveron, all the vhile vnldfuuli print tkeii TY Aa4 Α^βιηβ. 5Γ• Dauids confidencCi Pfalrnes f Tohimthatexcelleth.\ Vdlme «fDauid the ftruantoftheLord.wkhfpai^ivnt» the Lerd the words ofthisfong(m tht day that the Lord deliuered him from the hand of all his enemies, andfum the haadefSaul) andfaid, 1 Will loue theftield,the borne alfo of my faluation, and my refuge. 3 I will call vpon the Lord , which is worthy to be b praifed : ίο fliall I be fafe from mine ene- mies. 4 c The (bro wes of death cotnpafled me , and the floods of wickednefle made me afraid, y TheOforowi'softhegrauehaue compaCfed me about: the fnares ot'death ouertooke me. 6 But in my trouble did'i call vpon the Lord, and cryetl vnto my God : he heard my voyce oat of his Temple, and ray cry did come before him, «Kin into his eares. 7 Ί Then the earth trembled and qusked: the foundations alfo of the mountaines mooued and llwoke, becaufe he was angry. 8 Smoke went out at his nofttils, and a ' con- fuming fire out of his mouth : coales were kind- led thereat. 9 Hee bowed the heauens alfo and came downe, and f datkenes was vnder his feete. 10 And hee rode vpon g t herub , and did flie , and hee came flying vpon the wings of the vvinde. 1 1 He made darkeneffe his ^ fecret place, and his pauilion round about bim , euen darkeneffe of waters, and clouds of the aire. 12 At the brightnes of his preience hisdouds paffed , haileftones and coales of hre. 13 The Lord alfo thundred in the heauen.and the Higheft gaue i bis voyce , baileftonts and coales of fire. 14 Then he fent out k his arrowes and fcat- tered them .and he increafed lightnings and de- flroyed them. I y And the channels of waters were feene.and the 'fondations of the world were difcouercd at thy rebuking , Ο Lord , at the blafting of the breath of thy nofttils. 16 He hath fent downe from aboue and ta- ken me : he hath drawcn me out of many " wa- ters. 17 Hee hath deliuered me from my " ftrong enemie.and from them which hate mee: for they were ° too fitong for me. 18 They preuented roe'in the day of my cala- mity bat the Lord was my iJay 19 Hee brought me foorth alfo into a large Id ^" "«• J place : Ρ he deliuered me becaufe he fauoutcd ire. and tnereiore ^ «,. , , 1 . 1• 20 The Lord rewarded me according to my s righieoufneffe : according to the purenefle of mine hande he recompenfed me; 21 Becaufe 1 kept thewayes ©f the Lord.and did not wickedly againft my God. 22 For all his lawesi»'«re before mee , and I did not cattaway his ' commandements from me 23 I was vpright alfo with him.and haue kept me from my ( wiekedneile, 24 Therefore tl^eLord rewarded me accor- din- to my righteoufnelTe , Λ«ίί according to the purensOe of mine bands in hb fight. ^-. ~ Sam II, a. ■ vfethihisdi- iiie oiutmet, lolhew that at ihewiikedhaue many me«nei 10 buic , fo Gai bath y wayei ts helpe. b For none eao obtaiDe thiir re- xbat ioyoe aot, hil gloiy with their pttition. He fpckith of thf dao^c I and «of hi» cne- ,m>mthe which God had deliueiedbim. Β Ox,ciirdei,oi,ca 1 A defciiptioQ of hewiath of God igainft bis ene- uies, a'tpr hee bad braid bit hoMibleGods iudgtmeiitf fliall be to the wicked, f Djikenefle ligni- fieihthe wrath of God , as tbe cicare light ftgnifieth Godsfauour. e Thit it defcti- 6ed at large, rfal ;o4. ui Aiaking angry with tbe people. Will not ihew him felfe VQto them Tbundted.light. :datiH hailed. Hillight.vings. I That if , the detpi bottome» were ftene when the red fea W*» Ί>"ϊ- I. Om of fund ly and gieit dangeii. T» «it ,Saul. β Therefore God fiBi tae fucfour. pTbecfufeof - -ideliiieiance it bii onely fauouf «nd loje 10 V» ^ Dauid wai fure of hisrighteou• fe , aoH good be- bauionr toward 3aul and bii ene* Power commethofGod. Cops fauoui and deliueiince. r For all hit dan- ger• bee exeriifed himfelft in tb* Law of Go.1. f ,1 neither gaue place to their wic ked tetitationi. «or to miueoWEe aSedisot. 1 y With the t godly thou wilt ihew thy felfe godly : with the vpright man thou wilt fliew thy Itlfe vpright. 26 Wuh the pure thou wile iliew thy felfe pure, and with the irowatd thou wilt Ihew thy ftlfe ftoward. 27 Thus thou wilt fane the poote people, and wilt " caft downe the proud looks. 28 Surely thou wilt light my candle;the Lord my God willlighten my dsikeneffe. 29 For by thee I haue χ broken through an hoafte.and by my God I haue leaped ouer a wjD. 30 The way of God is vncorrupt : the y woitl . of the Lord is uied »» tht fire , he is a fliield to all that truft in him. 3 1 For who is God befides the Lord i and who is mighty faueout God? 3 2 God gitdeth me with ftrength , and ma- kiith my ζ way vpright. j ^^ Hee makeih my feete like hindes/e«ie,and feueth me vpon mine ^ high places. 34 He teachetp mine hands to fightifo that a bowe of II btaffe is broken with mine arroes. 3 J Thou haft alfo giutn mee- the ^ Ihield of thy faluation , and thy tight band hatti ftayed me , and thy < louing kindneffe hath caufed mee to increafe. 36 Tiiou haft enlarged my fteps vnder me,and my heeles haue not Aid. 37 ti I haue purfued mine enemies , and taken them , and haue not turned againe till 1 had con- sumed them. 38 I haue wounded them . that they were not able to nfe , they are fallen vnder my feet. 3 9 For thuu b aft girded mee with ftrength to battel ; them that icfc againft me , thou baft fub- dued vnder me. 40 And thou baft « giuen mee the neckes of mine eneiBies , that I might defiroy them tnat bate me. 41 They fctiid, but thete was nonetofaue them, cuen vnto the Lord, but hee anfwered tbem not. 42 Then I did beate them fmall as rhe duft be- fore the wind : I did tread then, fla;, :■$ the cla^ in «hcftieeres. 43 Thou haft deliuered mee f^ox the conten- tions of the people .thou haft made rre the head of the g heathen, a people, u.'hom I haue not b knowen ,lhall ferue me. 44 AiToune as they heare.they ihall obey me: the fts angers Ihallbe in fubitdiion 10 me. 4f Srrangers iliall k ihrinke away , and feate in rheii priuie chambers. 46 Let the Lord liue , and blefled be my ftrength, and the God of my faluation be ex altcd. 47 I til God that giueth me power to auenge roe , and fubdueth the people vnder me. 48 , 0 my deliuerer from mine enemies , euen thouhaUfet me vp from thofe that rofe againft mee j thou haft deliuered mee from the 1 cr'uell man. 41 Therefore ■"! will praife thee, Ο Lord, among the nations , and wil fing vnto thy Nime. 50 Great dfliuerances vineth hee vnto hK king , and Ihiwetb mercie to bis anoynced , t»*n to Dauid , and to his '>, feed for euer. H.re befpei- xh of Ged ac- wording CO our ca• icitie, whoihew- b ineicie to bis aud puniDletbthe m.ked . ai is faid ilfo. Leu 16, it, 14. ! When theit iece it iometo he full mearure, X He attiihuteth to God that he 3th gate tbe itorie in the fielde , and alfo dt- oyed the citiei of bit e'-emies. y Be the dacgeri neuer fo icany or ■ great, yit Gorls piomtle mult take Hegiuetb good iiccttfe to aU Dine enterprties• As towtes a: d Fortes, which be ke our of the haodesofGod» eueiriei. 'ly , lieele. To deffodme from danger;. jttributeth 'gi niog, nuance and ife in well doi f cnely to G .•:• fsuiur. d Dauid decUieth hie "id no- g betid -I fait vocinon . but Wi» . iiyOodt Spirit to execute Ibis iudgemen,.. Thou h.ft giuen them iuto mine baiides to b« nai.e. f They -hat reieft oftheaf- fliaed.Go.H Will fo reea tbtm, when they cry for hclpt : fo• either pjine or fcatr h ife hypo- to cry. g Which iwell round sb?ut me. Tbe k.ig 'o.nie oft hni: is 10 Da- rius kin^d-.n.e ρ ffigiued , who byrheprea..bi'ig of bis wor ebtin ge-ti all tr. hit fubifftlO!,. i Or, lie : ti^nify• lag a fubieilion conftuiBffiand not pcluB'aiie k Feare fliall c:nfe them to be ifi.id and coinefoonh of the ii frctet bMet and holds to feeke pardon I Thst it , Sau), a This did aet properly appertaine 1 I Salomon , but r >S A L, Thl; ,->hecf le'of theki.,g Chril>ar lion of the G-ntile» a•. Romanmj.j lefiu Chrift. Gods;cxccll snt workes. nai|nes ■UaviGS cuiippiaint. Ρ S A L. XIX. clAi faithfull ttditper ■» Κ.•Μ.ι.>•. aHeitpioa'^htib vDio mail hi» '■>- grtiiiu'ie • fit'»?, ibe hcaacDf . «vbich aierfumbecti»- tureif («I foorth Godi glory- „ b The coniinuall fucctri5^of tte day and the night i• fuffic.ent to de- clare God» power CBd got-'dneire. c The heaneni are a Scbooleroaller T«(*e intent hee might . , ^ . emfiieiatitnof Gtis gUry , hefttiethbcfnt then e)t> themoA ex^Hiftte wctkeinanfiip 'f the heAtttm , mtth thtttficponttn.ani cinxmeaii, 8 And afterward cnl- leih them to the Larv.xvhcrein Cid hath leuexUihim- [elfe tnoTt μ,ηιΙίΛτΙ) to his chofen feoflt. The v>h,eh ftculier grace bj ammendiHg the L*r9,hse feiteth foorth mere Λί Urie. f To him that exctUcth. ^ Pfalme ofDavtd. ΠΓ He * * beaocns JecUre the glory uf God,«ia <■ the firmarret fl.ewcththe woike of hishapds. b Diy vnto day vtteteth the fame, and night vnto night t€acheih knowledge. 3 There is no fpesch nor ' language , xfUr* their voyce is not heard. A Their " line is gone foorth through all the eatth , 8c their words into the ends of the world• in them hath hefet a tabeinaclc for the Sunne. Which commeth forth as a bridegoome they ntuerfobjt- karcui d The beaueni are ■ aline of gieat ca tall letter• to Olev TntoviGcds gloiy, e Orvaile. The theslFemO y f Though the crea- mt»»catiDOt feiue, jet thiseughttobe fafficieot to leade ν vnto hiin. g So that all man• inutDtio-tacd in• tentiort are lies. b Eufty ouewiih- out exci-i ti"!•, ί Εχο•ριϋ>•'• Wrrd beeliermtd aboueall wcrldly ihingl it ijcon tenineH k FmGodJccp. 1 ^. ^ , ^ teth our ind-uout . Vhotgh it be hxxe vop-rfit out of hii ■= chamber , ana reioyceth like a ODigh- tie man to run his race. 6 His going out ts foro the ende of the hea- uen,& his corcpaffe ts vnto the cndes of the fame, and none is hiu from the beate thereof. 7 The f Law of theLotJ is peiht , conuernng the feule : tbetetJimcnv of the Lord is fure .and giueth wifedotne vnto the firrple. 8 The ftatutes of the Lord λπ right , antl te- io\ce the heart : the cop roanden tnt of the Loid is pure , and giueth light vi*to the eyes. 9 Theteare ofihcLotdiiCleane.indendu- n.aDerwa.th.tthe l^tf-, for euer:tbeiudgt.TQent?c'f the Lord art ttifuidtndv' dTa U truetb ! they are righteous ^ altcgcher iaUe together ard lo Ard mote to be* defrt^t-i '.atrn g.lJe . yea. after come footih ' |,g(, ,^οςΗ fine gold ifw;ecc iAo thcD hony , antl ' *■"'' ^r'l'i'ciroft the hon V cotEbc. ^ . ,γ , and tetoycDg ^ ^ M^.gouer by thetr is thy fetuant raade cir- cura(p.a,4nWir. ketpii^g of ihetu tbere/ij^Mt k reward. , , , ^ Wiio can vnderftand ;?« i fauhs ? cleanle me fio'r Ic'cret / ^ϋ/ίί. . 13 Ke-pethy fe.uant alfjfrora "ρ.οί,ρρίη. ousfiiift's.let them not leigo- "UT me : " It• Ihjill I bev(right,andradecle«nc from much wic- keJnfU'e. , , , „ 14' Letthf wo'ds of my n'outn.ind the" me- dit-aionofffiue'-r-attbeaccruoU \Q thyfjght. Ο Lordmy ft.cng'.h .and my reaeeaaer. The, there Uro re^wiid of (ion.• ii. hete d-aih is ■^■- 'ewa-.'*n^ ^fOuutd. rie. by the tEighty helpe of his right hand. j» τ!=' «^' 7 Some trufl in chariots, and iome in botieSir '.^'^j;;,;;; '^-J_ but we will temeniber the Name oithe Lord our h le• the k.ug be God. ':'''vv''"'": •• 8 8 They arc brought downe and faikn . buij^'^^\^ H^^'Ckt we ate tifcn. and ftand vptight. vntobim ioi ία»• 9 Saue Lord ; h Let the King hearc ?s in the '"■■' day that we call. Ρ S A L. XXL , Dautd ,n the ρ,φη of the pofit ,r«,feth C.d for the ■vtdtri.nttri.utiug It to Gid,tnd hoi ttthe rtrenith of m*n. Wh'rein lA, A»/; GfcoiJ direaeth the (tiihfull f Ch<••' , wAe Ii the terfednn «f lAii (tihjJome . f r» him that txctHeth. ^ Pftlmt ofDamd. 'T He King Ihall'reioyce in thy ftrength.O Lo;d; yea how greatly IhiUhercioycein thy falua.ioii? X Thou haft giuen him his hearts defire . auu l-t^-i;^;,.!! fauun; baft not denied htm thetequeftof hislips.Selah. L^waid him Dei*.n 2 for thou b diddeft preu.nt him with libe- l•" '"'^'',•, . „„. „„ rail .U(n.gs.Wdiddeftfet . crownc of pure^^^-fj'?;,»;:: goldevpon his head. Ufoaaurjncttha:^ 4 c He asked life of thee, swd thou gaueft 1"" ^..^^ -.^m y^^C^»- alonglifefor euerandeuer. _ L rbou baft mad» 5 His glory is great in thy faluaiion : dignity L.^, ,,,, bl. Oi >|• and honour haft thou laid vpon him. ΓΓ'Τ^ί,ί^.ΐί of 6 For thou h.ft fet ; im4,^bl (T.ngs fore.r-;^--^"' uer : thou haft made him glad with the toy ot tny j; ^„, ^^ jefci.beib "rTcaufe the king truftetb in the Lord . andli""S''°"'H•• in the mercy of the roofthigh. he ftiall not aide, 'y eUnebeJe .hrpo«erc ■■ f Tbiiteac ts, jatiemlyio [beitcf, teacbcib ui endure tilGoi ilehrby :he aduei• farr. , but of ; race : tor whr ,.,j je rutrnf-lyaodf.f mall UhiBC holy fpint. ο That I ra 5 e Thine hand ilial hnd out all ih-ne enemies & thv tight hand (liallhndout them y liatetbee 9 ' Tnou Hnalt make them like a hene ouen in tier c of thine anger, the Lord Ihall dtft.oy them g xbeyUiJ" in bis 1 wrath, and the hre Hull deuotite u-.tm. *^"' "" 10 Their fruitclhih thou deliiov fromHhe cat th. and their feede from the children of men. 1 1 For they ? intended euill agnnft thee, attd irooeined mifchicfe, hut they Qiall not prti.aile. 1 1 Ther fore flialt thou put tl-em h apaiM»4 the firings of ihy bow llialt thou tiiike rc*uy a• gainfl their faces. . . , « u 13 i Be thou exalted. Ο Lord.in thy ftrcpgih To will we fiPgandptiifeiiiy p^'wcr. PS AL XXII. . . , . . ■D.H.i cmpUiHid bee^e A.e «"» ^TJt'itehehli txtumit.n th.u he «Λί p»ii "/"'•?' ■ ,'"' '>"λ IP ;:Ae..re.,Ay.r..we.W.r.^;,.-^'- theii ntiwo ma'-.c Godi puWtf gluf placeio -it kicked eoitt• r.Ut. m a iTiafke to fhooie >t. M-iDtainetby Chute ragainit bincaduriranei. :ha' wee niy haul (i;.y(etby Name. \Or.tk • Hereby king» trealfo a.^moni- fiiedtocall t. God ic iheit^ffaite» b τllev^ltue.p^wel and grace o'^God s lu token t^■tthe^ arc accepiable voto him A Grimed to the King ir whof' wealth our ielicitie ftandeih. eTh- Church feeleth that Gji had heard their petitioD. f Atbytlje THe» Lord '.ears thee in ir^e davof trouble, the ^ ι the - Name of K.od of latk^b 'Itfend thee; 2 Send thee helpc' from me Sar.aiiaty .and fttcngtheri theeouti.f Zion. . , , Let him remember all thine offerings . «nd c turne thy burnt oficrings i"'».^"'"• f f'f -.^,,. 4 ^«^g.-aunt thee according to tM.e tieait. feiptheb.i>B«in.heN.oc cfot..GoJ.» ■» '^VG'iit^;'G":thyhaethouf.^^^^^^^ Μ tnee . and^n fu fa.refrom mine heakh.a»ho" «arcj. ^^^,,^ 3 • iBir: : inJlAn Here ap(«welb a. h«iitbi*cu-.• ,a mbicbbr fu• iiw 'betwti• C Jrlriraiion, ted* |o StfobvfS:W;..=Ui.,o..t.a.d».e«. rho-r'art'loiy.anddocftinhabite.hc TorSttrufiedinthee.theytt.fted. irtfe Hot, canciKiba place of ρ[•ΛΊο(|» tucj the 1 jbeio•• (le:oirl>i(ii ioc.lled.b"«»le he gaue ike people Ci/ * .'Utlh.27, For excc'p- Gods roiiidrocf f>re- ciucthc intjHt», b'y Sicu'dpiiiih ihoufaiid cimei v/Eii at my mothets brefis. 10 I was cad vpon thee.<»£fifium the fwombe: thou art ray God from rny mothers bsliy. 1 1 Be not farre from cnee , becaurc trouble is neere ; for there is none to helpe me. 1 1 Many young bulles banc corapafTed inee: trighty κ builes of Bilbao haue clofed rae about. 15 Theygapa v[;cnsre wuh their mouches, af a ramping anu roaring lion. 14 I am like t» water povvred out , and ail tcy bones are out of ioynt : mine heart is like waxe: it is molten in the raids of my bowels. I)- My fttengch is drisdvplike a potflsearJ. and my tongue cieuu^th to my iawcs , and thou » haft brought me into the duft of death. 16 For dogges haue cotrpjlfed m: , and the aa'embly of the wicked haue inclofed mee : they k pierced mine' hands and my feete . 1 7 ί may tell ail my bones, jytr they beholde, and 1 joke vpon me. 1 8 They part my garments among them, and caft lots vpon ray vedure. 19 But be not thou farre oft" , Ο Lord , my ftrength : haftcn to h;lpe tee. 20 Dtliiier my fcule from the fword:my I de- folatc/iii/ff.o.Ti the pawer of the dogge. "■■ Saui me from the lions mouth , and an- fwere n\e in fiuing me from the homes of the vnicornes. * I will declare thy Name vnto my bre- thren : in the irjiddes of the Congregation will I pray fe thee .faung, _ 23 η Pray fe the Lord.ye that feare him; mag, nifie ye him.all the feede of laakob.and feare yce him all the feede of Ifrad. 24 For he hath not defpifcd nor abhorred f af- fliotion of the ο pooterneich.er hath he hi J his Uct from hitn , but wtien he called vnto him.he heard. 2f My priyCi fhalbe uf thee in the great Con- gregation ! mypvowcs will 1 performe before them that fjare him. 26 q The poore (ball eate and be fatisfied:tbey that feeke after the Lord , Ihall prayfe him : your heart fhalj liue for euer, 27 All the endes of toe world iliall remember themfeluci and turne to the Lord, and all the kin- reds of rlie natioris (ball worlhip before thee. 28 For the kiiigdorae is the Lords.and he ru- leth aroong the nations. 29 All they that be fat •■ in the earth ftall eate and worHiip : all they that gge downe into the duft , ihall bow before him , ' euen he that cannot quicken his owne foule. 30 ' = Their fcede fliall ferue him:it ilialbe coun- ted vnto the Lord for a generation. 3 1 Tney I hall come and iliall declare his tigh- teouftieile vnto a people thatJballbe borne, be• caufe he hath u done it. W horn Goa accepteth. rtdm uta'I hope of life, : TbuiDiuid oinplaintfh as hougbhewct naylcd by biseof. ii.iti buih hi, di atidl=rtc:bii thit was acconipliihrcl • •uCbriit. 1 Myl.7ff=hiti5 loii aiy, Icftalone 2 id foilakci oi all, Pfalj;. ,7.4nj m Cbri/! it deli- niighcy deitue• r-n.eb, oi,e,com. ."""gdrath.thea if he had Docta- fttd death a: all. * «fir. J. II ο He promifith tnexboit the Cbufchthatthiy by his fiample «"g'5tpiayfc:tbe Lord. ο The poore af- fliaed are comfor- ted by ihif (xam• pleofD.uid.or Chrjit. γ Which weve (i- tiilicei lif inaukf- Ijiuin^ . which they cff.TeJ by Gcdl when they were ^cliuetedoutpf anygieatdiog-T. Λ«/«!, •\r Nto thee , a Ο Lord , lift I vp my faule. the building vp of the Tcrople, where• in the glory of God iliould ap- peare , and vadev the figure of ihi» einple , he alio rayeth for the fp.ntuall Temple, which is eternall, becaufe ofthepro- fe which w^J de to the Temple, it it written, X'fal.ija.H, Iput Dotitiy MyGod.Ibttuftintheeilet mee notjiything, be confounded : let not mine enemies rcioycei^' Thafthouwiu taSte away mine ouer nie, 3*80 all that hope in thee , iliall not be ailia- med i but let them be coafowided.tbatvanfgteue without caufe. .4LShfiS( enemies , which «re ciiy rodt. * Ifa.iZ.if. fTcue teare re^rded fiithofthvptoinife tbaclfwitutootoi anyiiit. d Conft»ntly.«<«d .giioU all Λ-»• ( Heconftiethtlut hii πιίοίΓοΙΊ finne» were the caufe that bit ίηϊΐΓ«ίΐ<1ίΛιΙιυ5 fttCtcate him , dfti• ling that the caafi of the ««ill may be takcD away , to the. ioteot that tbe tffett mayceafe. fT^itii, call them to repeutaiice. g He will goueine (od comfort ibera that aretiuely humWed for theit fiooei' b And for none other ϊίίι«Λ. ■ Meaning, the jmbetismT tinail. k Hewillaitf" fuchAithhlsfpi- ritto folio\iv the fiibtway. I He ihall ptolper both lu fpit.tuall •nd co.poiall tbiag•. iti Hii couofell coBteined in hi» word, whticljy hedeclarethihat be is the pictf ftor of the faith full. J 4 'cs),^,,,raeeihyW4yes. Ο Lord. W teach roetny paths. , , , y Leade mee foorth in thy trneth , and teach me •. for thou att the God of roy falaaiion : ir. thte doel truftdaiitheday. 6 Reraeoiber . Ο Lord . thy tender mercies, and thy louing kindneQe: for they hauebeene tor euer. , 7 Remember not the" fmnes of rovyoiur), nor my tehu\ions . but according to thy kmdnes recnenober thoo mc , tutn fcr thy gooinefli: lake. 8 Gracious atid righteous ii the Lord : there- fore willheiieachfinncrs in the way. 9 Them that be roeeke , will hee ? guide i.i iudgement , and teach the humble his wiy • 10 All the pathes of the Lord ore mercy and truech rnto fuch as keeps his couenantand his tettimonies : , > •<• ii Γ „ For thy b Names fake.OLord,bemetc.fuU Ivnto naine iniquitie . foi it is g^-eat. 11 What- man is hce thai feareth the Lord ? bicD will he teach the way f fc-» be (hall k chufe 13 His foule Λ^ιΙΙ dwell at ' eafe , and bis leed fliall inherit the land. , j .„,u,„ 14 The •" fccret cf the Lord ,ι reueaUd to them thai ware him: and his Couenant to gwe them vndetftatsding. , , r i r ,l•,» ly Mine.eves4re euer toward the Lotd.forbe will bring my feet oat of the net. i6 Turne thy face vnto ttjee. and haue mercy vpon roe .• for I am defolate and poore. 17 The forowes cf mine heat: ■> ate enUrged: draw me out of ii.y troubles. i8 Looke vpon mine affusion and my traiiel. andforgiueallmyfinnes. 1 9 Behold trine <> enemies.for they are many, and they h«te me with critell hatred• 20 Keeps my (oule and deliuer me : let tr,e not be cor.foiinded ; for I truft in thee. _ 21 Let Ρ mine vprigbtnelTe and eqonie prelerue me; for mine hope is in thee. idiuer Ifrael , Ο God , out of aU his trou. jod.y thaiC». ice vDio thee. 6 I will • vnth mine hands in itlnoceccie . Ο |^ ^ .^.„ f„„, ,v„ Lord, and coT.p.^tTe thine altar. 7 That 1 may dcclaie with the voyce of thankefgiuing.and fet forth all tliy wonderous wotkes , ^ 8 Ο Lo'd , I haue loued the habitation ot thine houfe.and the place where thine honour |f Deiro, me dwelleth. .,_,,,• U.hcA.,k«d. ^ f Gather not my foule with the linnets . nor ^ ^^^^^^ ^ 1— 22 Ddi e" bles. 5j. ρ Ftwafraacb «1 1 1 a Btefleeilit• God to bit the ludge of hiiijft eatff i f«i"g there is nu etjui lie among men.' b Myvevy.ffe- Aio» av.l iuW«l4 moaoutot the creafed beoufe ef reiueeaeniie» uelty. _ The gfeitet that hit afflift'oDi mdib ii eiieniiei iiicreifed , „„rer«refelt J^ f„„,b..Ih.uebeh,«i ray f.Ife vp.lghtlytogva.dmin* "' ''"'SVt^.bemkSth'tthou.vtthedefet^d.rofmyiultca.ic. Ρ S A L XXVI• r"«i „JAifiU „ o, ... the »«p^«, oiihe f^.thful !. .L' Coni^nM.M of eU . whtttce hte was bamfi'i Andtkanhfiiting- ^ M'UmeefDamd. Τ Vdge tee . • Ο Lord . for I haue walked in mine 1 innocency : my truft hath beene .Ifo m the Lordi»^««/»r<'^allInotflide. 2 Prooue me . Ο Lord, and trie me ; examine niybreines, and mine heart. r „ „;„*. , For thy ^louiog kindoeffe -/ before mine eyes itheref .re haue 1 walked in thy rrueth ^4 I haue not d hatimed with^vainc pctfons. oeithe c Hee (heweth vvbat Itaycd biin. that beciiidaot reco.npe .feeuill for cuill. Λ Hee declaretb thai .-, - •be«»ii>p«Dy uf tbcvo^Qoly my life with the bloody men , i-- 10 In whofe hand i> i wickedneffc , and their ^hj tight band is full of bribes 11 But I will waike in mine innocencie ; re- deeme me therefor; and be roercifuU vnto me. I ζ My foot ftandcth in >> wprightneffe i I will pra> Ii thee. Ο Lord, in the Congregations. Ρ S A L. XXVII. τΰΜϋ mthih this P(*!me heinf,ietiHertif>tt»\UAt Pttsh,as Affeitith ij the pr>)f'^aH^lhΛ.n, ' ' f A Pfalmec/Ddu«i. THs Lord is my » light and my faluation.whom Ihall I fcare? theLordutbeltrengthofmy life of whom (ball I be afraid ? , 2 . When the wicked , eHii mine enwies and ray foes came vpon me to eate vp ray flilh , they Rumbled and fell. 3 Though an hoafte pitched agimft me, mine heart flwula noi be afraid i though watre b: rai• fed againft me. I will ttuft in b this. 4 c ο le thug haue 1 defired of the Lord, that I will rcqjite. ««e» that I may dwell mthe houfs of the Lord all the dayes of my life . tcU«- holde the biauty of the Lord, and to vilite his T^Fot in the time of trouble hee il-.all hide mee in his Tabernacle •, in the ficre; p/4fi0i his pauilion iliall he hide me . md fct mee vp vpon a locki. , . , , I 6 dAnd now fliall he lifivp mine head aboue mine enemies lound about mee i therefore will I offer in his Tabernsde facrih.cs ot loy i I will fing and pray fe the Lord. 7 Heaiken vnto my voyce , Ο Lord . «hen I cry i i-aue mercie alio vpon mee and beare '^^"' When then iaydefi, . See ke ye roy face.mtne heart anfwered vnto thee. Ο Lord. 1 will fetke * V^ide not t/;ir<>fthv face from mee. nor «ft thy ftrtunt away in difpkalure ; thou haft beene my fuccour . leaiie ιυβηοι .ner.licrlorlaRc nje.OGodufmvfiluation. ,0 'Tnough my father and my mother flio,°d forfake'inee .yet .heLotd will gather *" u^ Teach me thv way . Ο Lord, and leade roC inaiiijhtpath.becaufeofrnineene.TiifS. I r °Giae me' n..t vnro the t lutt of mine aduer• bardi i lium-ide- ifrsof cheir btaru. I a-n preferu»^ from inioreue «lie* by tbepoWK of Go«icd itht :.hf.,. God will Igiar f ftiibtU a..y• τ hr It ft of couo tty, wife.ana Ί A-niidly tom- moditieitr:'> Go Jlit «»"*•*"* bi,..SSichfi-« iMli-ihihe iii?ft Λ inaue ποι-ιΐΛΐιΐ"'-" -• • ■hhet kepicorrpany with the diffe.nblets. 7 I .L• hated t e ali.mbU of the euill . and ba«e nvit companied with t' .e wuked. they canaotwalUe lafimfUcUi.b.fo.c Ood. thatd.lisM io fetid 'in' [paciG• ir Gmcroen.jt vnro the tiu!to:™•- ♦—•r-i'• Π: Ls ; f .. .l«re are f lUe witncUes nlcn ^T '8*'°» V::^^^ '''* tne. and lach as lp:ake ctAielly • Tf,. j,. . , . ή / fnoud ■ ^,.efa,nrcd. except 1 ^^-',^Γ", „Λ"7" 'Γ --- ^ to L the g^odneie of the Lo.d ^ m theliod of fb,,.;fe.. .od^ ''ΐ' -'«ope in the Lord : be Q,ong.and be, Qui—'--' coitihiocheart.indtruaiatheLo^d.^ ^ ^ » TTucrs-miprypowet. rial IKS. PS A L. XXVIII. a He countftb miD-,ιιΙΙ Godliiev his fauuui' ioward' btm.ard ^ttai hiiu bis I'ciiiion. b Hevftdibis to help the Aeike- nell'uofhis faith : f.-,^iα■.hJt place wasihiAike, and ibweGolprorni- fed to Itie/v the tokc-sof his fauour c Deitroy net the jood With thtbad. d He tbui prayeth inrcfpfactGo-Ji glory and not for bii owue ciufi•, fceifg alTu'ed that God would pu-.iftl tbeperfecmersof fall Ch'irch. c Ltctberabevt- trr!y deiti^oycdi ai Maiac.i.4 f Efcaufe he felt the alTifanceof Go is belpeta his t, bit mouth hi. -.rayfis. Mfa-:iDg, his uidirrs.vi'bj were meanes.by wb God decliiedbis |j prayer, 9 Fate rvhefe tuttttn keccmmendtth all the fAilhJHil. f ^ PfaimtofVauid. VNto thee. 0 Lord , doe I cry : Ο tny ftrcngth, be not deafe towaid me , leaft if thou anfwere mae not. I be like a tbem that goe downe into the pit. 2 Heare the voyceof my peti;ions .when I cry vntothee , when I hold vp ray hands toward thine b holy Oracle. 3 «Draw raenotaway with the wicked, and witti the workers of iniquitie ; which fpeake friendly to their neighbours, when malice «in their haaris. 4 d Reward them according to their deedes. and according to the wickednetTe of their inuen- tions : recompenie them after the worke of their bands .• render tbem their reward. J For they regard not the works of the Lord, nor the operation of his hands : thtrefore>:h\eakQ them downe, and build them not vp, 6 f Prayfed bt the Lord, for he hath heatd the voycec fray petitions. 7 The Lord ii my ftrengtb and my iliield : mine heart trufted in him.anu I was helped there- fore mine heart iliail rcioyce.and with my fong ^ili I ρ'β) k him. 8 The Loid is t their ftrengtb , and he is the ftrength cf the deliaeranccsof his anoynteJ. 9 Saue thy people, and blelTe thine inheri- tance : feed them aU'o, and exalt them for euer. Ρ S A L. XXIX. I The Ptephet exhortcth the princes ani rulers cf the tvcrlU {nhich ftr the moti >/irt thmke there tint GiiU) i At the ΙίΛίΙ rifeittehimfirthethuniersandtcii!- feiiu fer featevihereiif alitxe^UMreitreTrtbie. ii And though thereby C*i thriatueth fmners.yet he is alwayes merctfuUtohii, aaimeeueih them thereb) tofra^fehis ι H?eit'io''teth ueproiii tyrants ο humoleiheni- elue» vndei Gods haod.aud not to be inferiour to feruitebea isand dumbe creatures. b Tbc thunder clippes that ate beaidout of t-te •t»udet> oujWt to make the wicked to trcmHIe for feare of Gods anger, e That is, the tbunletbolt btea- HA-me. f w/i rfalmeofVauid. Ihallmtnihinke their power to be able to refili God? k Called alfo Hertnon. e Ittaufeththe lighttiiDgs to Iboot ■ od gliie. f lu places moll defolaie, wbereas I'eeiiitfth :here is no prefenceofGod. g For feare mal-.eth thctn to calt their calues. b Makethtbetrers Glae vnto the Lord, ye a fonnes of the mighty, giag vnto the Lord glory and ftrergth. 2 Giiie vnto the Lord glory due vnto his Name: worfbip the Lovd in the glodous San- ftiiary. 3 The b voyce of the Lord is vpon the waters : the God of glory makethittotiiunder: theLotd is vpon the great waters . 4 The voyce of the Lord ii mighty: the voyce of the Lord is glorious. y The <: voyce of the L9rd breoketh the ce- dars: yea, the Lord breakcih the cedars of Le- banon. 6 He maketh them alfo to leape like a calfe : Lebanon alfo and <* Shirion like a yong vnicorne. 7 The voyce of the Lord diuidetb the « flames of fire. 8 The voyce of the Lord maketh the wilder- nefle to tremble : the Lord maketh the wildetnes of f Kadelhtotrsmble. 9 The voyce of the Lord maketh the Hndes to g calue.and •> diicoaereth the forefts : thertfert in hisi Temple doctb eaery man Ipeake of^i' gl^ry. rpetrcetb the mail fecret places, i Though the wic- ked are uoihing luoi uedwi is tbefe fight•, yeithefaii&ftiU prayfe God. 1 1 The Lord iliall giue fliength vnto his pao pie i the Lord Ihall b ietlc his people with peace. • Ρ S A L- XXX. 1 When X).iHid W4S deliuerei , frmi ^rext d»nier,heten• drei thank.es te Goi, exhorliKg ether to dot the like, am to lexrne by his cx.mple , thjt Ctd is rather mtriifui then feitete and ri^,oreuitort>ardi his childreu. 7 Aru alfo il.ai t lie fall f, urn frrjperitie loaditirfilie isfhddt 5 Th- ■ d'-ie,',^-y rc.<: fith toprajtr,frtmifingtifriijf Godfcr euer. ί * .^ Pfdme Qtj'cr:gofc''t * dedication of the * houjs of Dmid, 1 Will magnihe thee , U Lord : b thou haft ex- ' alteti me, and naii no: made my foes to teioyce ouer me. 2 Ο Lord ray God , I cryed vnto thee , and thouhaft'^riftoredme. 3 Ο Lord , trioa haft brought vpray ^fuule out of the graue : thou i'sft reujued me fiom them that goe downe ii.ro the pit. 4 Sing prayfes vnto the Lord, yee ' \η% Saints, and giae thank^s ' before the rerasnribrance cf his Hulineffe. y * For hie enJureth but a while in his anger j iut in his fauoiir »> life ; weeping mdy abide at euening.but ioy cemmeth in li'.e morning. 6 And in my g proiperity I fayd , I Hiall ne- uec be mooued. 7 For thou Lord of thy goodnefle haddeft made my *> mountaine to ftand ftrong ; but thou di Jeil li ide thy face, and I ' was troubled. 8 Then cryed I vnto thee,0 Lord.and prayed to my Lord. 9 What profit is there in my blood , when I goe downe to the pit f-fliiU ciie k duligiue thanks vnto thee ? or Ihali it declare thy trueth ? ID Heare, Ο Lord , and hiue mercy vpon me; Lord, be thou mine hejper. 1 1 Thou haft turned my mourning into ioy : thou haft loofed my facke , and girded mee with gladnelfe, 12 Theref3reflial!wyi tongue piayfe thee and "^ °•'"''* not ceafejOLoid my God, IvyiUgiuethankes ' '" " vnto thee foi euer. in the earth .therefore he would liue to pray fe his Name maoscreaiioa, I B:caufe thou hall preferued me that my thee, I wiUnotbe vomiudfuUof my aaeiie. Ρ S A L. XXXI. ι Onuiddeliuercd ftomfome great diirlger,firfi rehearfeth tshat meditmiort he had by the power of faith , nhen death rvas before his eye\,hts tnevme being read} to take him. I J Then hee aS^meththat the fauiur of Godis alwayes ready to thofe that feare h:m lo Finally hee exhorteih all the faithful! te truft in God and to loite him, betaufe hee preferueth anifirengtheneth them, 45 the) may fee by his example, f tohimthattxcelieth. u4 Tfalme cfDauid. Τ Ν * thee , Ο Lord, haue I put my truft ; let mee neuer be confounded ; deliuer mc in thy ^ righ- teoufnelTe. 2 Bow downe thine eare to mee j make hafte to deliuer me ; be vnto rae a ftrong tocke, and an houfe of defence ro f»ue me. 3 For thoii art my rocke and ray fortrefle ; therefore for thy Names fake dired me and guide mee. 4 D aw mee out cf thebnette , that they haue layed priuily for mee ; for thou att my ftrength, y Intc k To moderate the rageof tietempeft ■■d waters, that tbey dellioy dsc atl, 2 S^m.y.t Dfrtf.ae ;. a After thuAb. oio hid pollu- I It wi h moit fay foraic'tiOB. He condemceth gratitude, which ο not ptayfe God for his benefits. Reliorei frem e rebellioQ of Abfalom. Meaniag , tb«t be efcaped death molt narrowly. The word fig. Hi-th them that :ut receiued ercy, and Ihew eicy libeially ito others. f Btfore his Ti- nacle. ,//<-♦;.». ».Ctr.4.i7. g I put coo much confidence in my quiet Hate , as lere. 31. i3 a Chroa, 1 14 >f. I thought thou hadll elfabliflied molt jfui-ily. After that thou baft Wichita wea beipe, I fdt ifefy. meineth dead are profitable to Congregation of the Lord here which is the end of tongue Ihould prayte P/it/ 71,1. a Fur then God declarfthhimfelfe ft , when he pre- rueihhisaccoi- ng as be bath proioifed• b Trefetue mee from the craftie couufels and fub- till ptaftife of mine encmiet. rJ4ans Dieiifunene. ^^^^Ψ^ y Into Λίοβ « hiSJia^mmend try ΓρΗ^77»Γ' Ϊ nieiTedl « the man . vnto whom .h? Lor'd .tn- e Hit Jtrirtih Goi coi oorly to take c^" for bim. in ihii li'e, but thathiifoulem:.y d ifier lb t I «11 __ The power of God* 7 thou haft 'eJeetneJ roc , Ο Lord Goi cf tfiieth. 6 I iiane b4teJ tiiitn tbjt giue themfelues to dectii Ρ ill vanities : fjr Η tiuft in the Lor J, 7 I will be glad andrtioycein tliy tnercy ; for thou haft fe^ne my tioiible ; thou hi& knowen my fouleinadueiGties. 8 And thnju haft not fliut tree vp in the hand of the ereniii , hut baft C^. my feete n' krge. 9 Hiiie niefcie νρυη me . Ο Lord : for I am in troabl? ; tnioe f eye.ray (.oule & my belly are coa. fiiT.td wiih grief*. 10 For my life is wafted with heauine ffe . anj tty yeeres with mourniiig : ay ftrengrh faileth for my paine, and rny bones are confurocd. 11 I vv.;sagiep:oich «iijorgali trine enettiies, but fpecially ?n»cng my ncighbcurs ; aod a feare to mine i.cq-uintance, bwho iecing mee iothe ftfeire.flfdftorarce. II lara forgotten as a dead raanow of mind; lamlike a btoken vclleil, * 13 For I t'iuehiard the rsiling of' great raen : feare ivat on euery liJe , wbiie tJj'.cy Cuiiljiired to- Igether agairU tcee,and confalted totskemy life, 14 Batitruftedinthee,Ot.urJ:Ifiid,'--ThuU art my God, j I J My 1 times are in thitie hand : deliuer nsee from the hand of mine ervetriies , atid from tbetn jthatpctfccii'teme. 16 Make thy face t.? iliinevponthy ietuant: and fane me through thy roetcie. 1 7 Let me not be cot founded , Ο Lord : for I haue called vpon thee; let the w^cksJbeeputto COn'ulion, avd to '" fiknce in the gr.:ue. 18 Let the lying lips he made dtinbi . which cruelly, proudly , and ipitsfully Ipiakeagaiiftthe righteous. 19 How great is thy goodneffe , which thou "haft laiJ vp for them that fcare thee ! friend». h The/ veeie a- firaid to Ihew Bxt ny ιοΙιβα of ftiendttlip. i They that weri ία authoritie, coa* denined me a» a ikej doer. k Ihadthiiteai" monicof coafci- tbattbou Wouldjft defend miae iaaocencie, laifoeuer cha• gel come, thou gouetneft ihem by thy [ΤΟ• ■ 'eace. Let death de- fixoy tbem to the tent that they ly hurt no n Thetreafiires ef Go>fuII deliuerance^S-lah. 8 I will h inftrud thee , and teach thee in the way that thou il.aU goe, rtnrflwill guide thee wi;h mine eye. 9 Be yee not like an horfe . ar like a mule ti>hich vnderftand not ; whofe i mombcs thou docft binde with bit and briJle.leaft they come neere thee. ■I ο Many forowes fhall come to the wicked ; hut he that truftcth ia the Lord, mercy ibillcom- paflc biir, 1 1 Be glad ye righteous , and ^ rcioyce in the Lord, and be ioyfull allyee.tbatate vptightin heart. ,(K,y ηιιΓί of Co (aeei there• repentaacc andcoafilTiea bicbpiocctdof F.Mh. f Vl'heu I fetbi feeketo ihfe'or helpe.Ifi,; «. ο wii.tbe wi• and great daap lauijpromi- fe* to inike the tcftur Go'icbtU lieo faiukni cf be beothii wbiib le fell. and ibai Se willdiiigtnr• ly luokc and take aretodirrft ibfM 3 the ptimifef het indtrilMndrih mini heart nni ''c.ttttttth tht nun- felltt tl>t Tvuk'd, i« fo tliJtt nt nun eJr.tt fufituti t) an] CTtatiLte er mini /Irtniih : kntthtj, ihntfHt their etnfidtntt tn hismacit ,\btll te ittitiHiifri alUduofiKn. Ο Eioyce in the Lord , Ο yee righteoi;s :/cr it ** a becorometh vpright men to be thankcfuli. , . . . α Pf;ife the Lord with harpe : Cr.g vnto bim'^^ .iiy^jV'^ » ith viole and >• inftrument often Brings. fet fotjh the prai- 3 Sing vnto hitn a new fong : fmg cheerfully f" '-f God . for tt» ai fetie hi; merati. t Be With tauenly ftrecgLlj. lied to haue beene foifaken. llOr.jei IB youi vucation,ai:dGodv%illccnfinnt>cu I C&DCernicg «he freeremifiicaof fiaDei,which ii thecbicfeD point of our faiib. b Tc «the reputed iult, Kbin^.e, Ρ S A L: XXXII. ifiHtiey S TiMHii fUHifiirJ wit'• gritutui f.rk»'i" f' teunteth them lltf,'d tt Ivhtm G'i <<»"* na! -.mtait their trnnfzr.ilns ; And nfttr thtt he k-td onftf.-d his finnes , aid obianed pMtdm, « he exhcrieth tht WiikedmcKliliHtgjd/j, II end ihig'idfreitjct. f A Pfalcre (fDduid tegtut » in/lruHien. BLeiTed i< l.e whof: wickednes is ^ forgiueo,4M1bea ts. tltaer.ng alfo of the wate.i,be fetrerh •o.th -be roAei ofeod. ikitall CM», luret mlgbt feare hi'n. OOr.ipa. rrfiifd ϊ Ν•, cuunfelka» frttn.le ijaiua 0»d, but t«. and ligbti. c Tbiti», coonfejl' oinmaEdemeM [ouetcirg the rlJ. d Thaiii.ifae rfftft aodeiectf- i'°H^wf..eoettb• woild ludfeth «f Go'iwrtkn.ytl hedoib allibi.-ifl' ictoding to iB- ■ifi.lloroameitw:ti' The faCetl^ofthfe godly. Ptaliifes ftiiideih ia this, tbi: [hcLarJi» ou. God. iiHcprooiieib, tblt aJl Umijs ate go- Ufiaed by G d» proutdeoce aaJ DM by tartane. k theieforetie kao'A'Etti their wicked eiiterini- 1 Ifkiogfaadthe ojightie of tbe. wroild caouotbe iiaci by -jvotidlf tne»nei,but ocel.y by Godiproui• tjiq^e, whli haus othcrj to trait id, thit hia« DOt like ro Gjd ihewetb that towixd his ofhua«rdi, which nu» by a» meinci ί• able to compaUe. η Thus hee fpea- fccth iu the Daitii of tht whole Church, which onely depend oa ©odspiviuidiuce. ■ Km promifed neuer to becsms να• miadtullof Gods gveat benefite f.r hi» deliufraoce. b They that are beaten downe with theexpetienceof their owoe euil». c Which 1 con- eeiued tot the dan. get wherein I vvi». d They Ihall be bold to fl^e to thee ( tor iuccour.whea tbey (hall fee thy mercies toward me. e Though Gedt power befuffici. eu( tagoueme VI, yet for maat I 1 1 The ceanfell of tlw Lord itiail Rend (ot euer.d/iithe thoughts ef his heart throughoutall agis. I J BteiTed h that nai?ea , whoia ^ GoJ is the Lor J: euen the people that hs hath choitm for his inhetitance. ij Tastord' boketh downe from heausn, a>ia bsbo'idtth all the children of men. 14 From the habitation of his dwelling, hee bsholdeth all them that dwell in the earth. 15• He It falliioneth their hearts euery one, 4ne! VnJL'fftandeth all-cbeir.v/orkes. ιό The 1 King is not l-iuedby the mulatuJe of an hoatte.'jf li ■ e'r is ths inightis aian deliucred hy great ftrength, 1 7 A hoifi is a vaine helpe, and ilull not di- Iia:r anj/ by his great ftrength. 18 B2holJ,'''cheeyeoftheLord!;vpon them that feare him , aid vpoa^hemthat ciuftinhij jniTcie, " ''. 1 9 To deliver their fauks from death, and to preferae them in famine. zo ° Oar iotiU waiceth for the Lord:/»rhe is our helpe and our il.iild. 2 1 Surs ly our heart iliall rcioyce in him , be- caul'iwe truti^d in his holy Njtce. 2z Lst thy mercy, Ο LiirJ,b.e vpon vs. as wee truSed ia thee, PS A L. XXXII I r. Ϊ After D.tuUJ-.iA written tn ifce 1. ^ c-ilieth Abtmilech {-tohich roxi λ %6>ιη ail nAm: to all the X...^: cf the PuiUHim.) heepra)ftih Cedforhit de/inerii'!ce, j ptiaeking ail others hj hti exitmple '<> triift ; fsaie. y They '^ Ih.ili looke vnto liim , andrunne f» him : and their fiCii iliall not be slhimsd.faytux, 6 This poore m^n ctyed. and the Lord iiearU A/w,and faued him out of ail his troubles. 7 The» Angel of the Lord pirchsth round about them.'.hatfcara him, and deliuerreth them. 8 Tafte ye and fesiow gr.icious the Lord isc bielTed is the man that trufteth in him. 9 Feare. the Lord yee his Saints : for nothing wanteth to them that feare him, 10 The ''lyons do kckeand fuffer hunger, but they which fecks the Lord . iliall g want nothing pj that is good. 1 1 Come children, heatf^en vntomee: I will teach you the *> feare uf the Lord. I ζ * What man is be that Jefireth life, and lo- ueth lon^ lUyes for to * fee good ? 1 3 Keeps thy tongue frotn will , and thy lif s, that c'jcy %ajse 00 gmla. ■ ' , 1 4 Efdiew «jill and doe good: feefee peace and follow after it. 1 J Tbe eyes of the Lord are vpon the tighte- Ous.^oa his earee an ορκη vnto theit ctia. 16 But the ^ raci of the Lord it againft them that doi^ cuill . to cut oS'tlieir remembrarxe from the earth, \ 7 The righteous cry , and the Lord heareth thentfiVia tieliuerctb them out of alltheirtreu-.a'^;a' bU's. 1 8 The Lord is neere vnto them that are of a ' contrite heart, and will faue fuch as be affltited in fpu ir. 19 Great are the troubles of the righteous:but the Lord deliuereth him out of them all. 20 ■" Hekeepeth all his bocesinot one of them 13 broken. 21 But malice ihall fliythe" wicked : and they thic hate the righteous, ihall perifli. 22 The Lord » redeeraeth the foules of his ki• *uancs : an;( none that traft in him, iliall perilh. coni£laint, k The «nger of Go(i .γ.αβ cruelly perfec!ttepA!iid:»g wilimkeeprayethGMto pleaiiaifdto Λίκκ^ι S thxl they may be ta,\>:it tn their Heti Anifn^rts.tvb'ich they lajifit him, tOAt Λή innoceacie Miy ke d^clareU, a? itndt'Jui till• tna(cent,Tvhiclt tAKtthpArt wjit him, tmy reityce.aKd piayf: iA« Ν ^me of thf Ltid.thm tbns ■aelttierukJiisfer^ii'iit.ii Anifthe promt feth to j'peake foonh the istjlice %f'.heLti\{,»r>i f m»gntjie hiiM^me ΛΐΙ the iiju of hti life. d.->x.tk h-.i CMtfi, f A Pfalme of D mid. Ρ Lead thou my » caufe, Ο Lord, with th( ttiiue wi'.h ms:ligh: thou againft th< ;htm that ^ . ^ them til fight againft me 2. b.Lay hdnd vppn the illield a.ad buckler,aBd ftand vp for my heipe. , •> 3 Bring out alfo the fpeare . andftop the (ray agunft them that parfecute mee.lay vnto my c ibule, I amthy faluation. 4 Let them be confounded and put to iliime, that leeke after ray ibuli: let tt e be turned bicki, and brought to Cdnfufjon , that imagine mine hurt, y Let them' be as chaSs before the wind , and I π the Angel uf the Lord J fcatter f ^f«». 6 Let their way bo datke and llippetle : and let the Atigel of the Lord ptrfecutethem.^ 7 For < without caufe they haue hid the pit «;;i their net for me : without caufe, haue they digged apt for my foule. 8 Let deftraftion come vpon f him at vn- tVares , and let his net , that hee hath layd priui- ly , taks him : let him fall into ί the fast; deftru- dlion. • 9 Then my fouie fliall be ioy fjU in the Lo'td : it fliall reioyce in his faluation. I ο All my ^ bones ih ill fay. Lord, who is like vnto thee, which deliuereft the paore from him, that is too ftrong for him ! yea, the poore and hitn that is in miff;ri@,from him that fpoykih him ! I I i Cruell witneifes did rife vp : they a^ed of me things that i knew not. 1 2 They rewarded me euilifox good.to ^ haue fpofhd my fouie. 13 Yet I, when they werefickerl, wascloathed liithafacke; llujoibled my foule with failing : HedefirethGol Vodeit.kehii ife agaiuit them hatdijpeifrcute bini and aaundef 5 Albeit God caa h his breith ro» «iibij ece« then God ii at Saadt»»' deliuertbem m Audai Ciirift fjith^allibehaiiet ofhiihead. Tbtir wickei eaterpiifei Ihall ' tur.ie to theit ovvne deiliuftion, ο For when the» feemetobeouer- comewith great ■ nger» and cJeatll it fclft. then God Iheweih himfelfe their redeemer. ly Ghoftattributeth vnto him tbiefe ouiA'ard weapon• 0 ilfure vi of hi» iietVat.powet. : AlTure tnee aiaiaft hrfetentatioBf. hit tbou art toe lutbour ofm» ■4!uation..• i Smite them with fpiritofgiddi. oelfe thit their eoierprifei may be fooliih.anjthty ued iuft le- va rd. ; Shewing that lay not call God to be a reuea- grr, ba; ooily for gloiy, and when g Which he pre- pared againft the ch.ldr.nofGod. b Hta:iribui!th hit lirlruerance oie'yro God , r"f" iiog him thetefirt both in fculeanl b»dy That w^uU Dl fuier me to puj ge n-.y r.!fe. k ToMje ;akeT me al comfoftf jiiught me defjjaiie. W^nerem tjie wicked reioy eg. I If.tJye.-t ft" witO i.:wa.-<< • Ifedion it I woi'ld baue done foi my itife.ot, Idiclared Diiae iStaica Viich bowing doWne hcid. ir Wbeo ihey ΓίΛτ jJr to flip, aad Μ CUE ibat bailed for iBfirmiue. Wiib ttuHr ii4ipg-Kaid»- Thc woid I'.g- ihe b cakcj : me»- itg thit thf ptoud counitij atrteir ie smHi f^cife, rule , and coofpiir his death, ρ In token «fcoo ipt and moi kia h, clefts cf Ike tk : meaning, ifafc »Kdo:htt hriv mi'irte. q Tbry lei^yctd tti though they b J CO*• feeiie DauiJ oufilb'-oi«j(n. ' It.>-;af lui ite iGed togiiif lo it:e opp:eH(>uii if- fl;fti0D Scrorm- t, a-jrf to iheoppicf- fed a:> ar-d .elicfe, a Thflfi «. f Sfcaufe we Vaue rhai which we . foj^ht for.fc.iog Of ii.deftio'ytd. t Tiarii , atccnte, wcie rhey nea-i fo i),a yormig.v.ie. u Tijuprajtr fnall alwjyti bs v.r fir.1 ag„nit them that pnfs. cu.ettef.i h*ull. X Tbitat'ta't mourning as ny i£bt, though tbtry bt r.o( »b!k to belpt mf Τ HerAhcilfthrhe Church to prayfe GoJf>:rrht»: ikil- iitK , that h) thefaiih iheutf he ma;/ be tnnfcrui .itid cSuied ef hii iilitttiance kj thu trd-.narie esurfe tf Ctdi vtYke 13 Whi m tht end dei}ro)eth the yeicKiA, ^ndfautihthe lufi. t; T» him that excelUth, A Pfalma <>/Dd«;J, tkefi,ruani of the Lord. yVJ Ickednes faith to the wicked man , > euen vv in nineheatt.f/;4ti^iriMnofeareofGod before his eyes. 2 For be b flittereth himfelfe in his own eyes, whjle his init^uity is {oar.da>orthy to he hated, 3 The wordes of his roomh λκ iniquity and <■ deceit ; he hath left off to vndeilUnd and to doe good. 4 He «i imegineth mifchiefi vpon bis bed : he fetteth himfelfe vpon a way . ihat « not good.4«<< doethnotabhorreeuill. idoftfine , md put not diffrtence betweene i*od and euill. rgetke «muif eiite ttfic'jate , bitadnwnilhtU» t^e Β•*^Ί Pfal!TOe"s> ■ '^ Thcw'ickcds profpcritip. '^^ Ticufhwic- " Ictffe frtmeth ο trSuw all the >ili. yttbyibinn beauenly ptout- dcBct tboj e» heauea and kKiHei if CU:ftr neth all l>in;i , aoddifp»• h ibem . albeit f *ickeJ (rem* ouerwhelme 'World. Ooely Ooda 5 Thy e'tnercy.O C^<3,rt*chith vnto the bca- uers , a»d^hy f»ithfiilnelk'^l"'«othec)oudes. 6 Thy righteoafneiTe « h^' the + roightie tnountaines : thy iudgetrents art !*kf a great ' dee pe • thoB Lord , doeft faue man and Diift, 7 How excellent is thy mercy , Ο God ! there- ί ϊϊιϊ. fore the children of men ttuft vn^cr the ibadow μ -Etr. »*i ofthywi'igs. « lr«riifi»/"i 8 They ihilbe g fii.fied with the f.tneffe ef Ρ^Ιί?;*" * "• t ine houl; , and thou llvilt giue them dtinke om f'l'ti. ' of the liuerofthypleafures. [ Thedeptbef 9 For with thee is the we» of life, and in thy Qrr«th'*lu• light fliall we f;e light. 10 Exrend thy b'jing kiidneife vnto thetn tVat b know thee , and thy 1 ightcoufnefle Tnto tl.tm that ate vprigbt in heart. 1 1 Let not the > fooiecf pude coice againft tnee . and let not the hand of the wicked menP'J,g;Vf*.» mooueme. ^ Ihingi both coo. J 2 ^ There they Trifillen that wotk•: iniquity: («rnjng tbi• liit they are caft downe . and fliall not Li able to rife, "i^*"'*'' " b Ke; niewe:b whs aeGodicbil.'ireD, towi•. ,tb<7 that koow hi•, ualfit ibeii Uuts v./rigbtly i Let 1 otihc pioit.iea kuocehim felfe agiin.l me», Dfirker thepswcrofibe wicked diiut me aAay. k Thaiil, inibtii piJ; v>beie is thcr fl*tier ihtmfeluti. 1' S A L. XXXVII. I Thii Pfatme ctnmineih exhttia:iin and etM^claiim fit the itfCAKe , that /trr^ritued at the frtfferitie tf tt KiektJ, V IheAJiiiaim ,ftte i^cd J. J f,rhtv>fr>ff tQUflj fteue/ lkev>t ^ndketa mifetatl) ihM the ti^httcitf fiemeth i< /lut iK ihi rvtr^d )et hit tnd 11 }e.He .unihi n in the fJKohrtf Ci,d , hen itliutui frimfhewick-d «»d-prtfirHid> f A IfaltDe ofDavU. FRet not » thy felfe becauie c f the w-kked neitbe; be enuioiisfor the ci.illc!o;rs. 2 For they ll^ill feone be b cut downe like graffe, and (hjll wi;her as the grcene lietbe. 3 'Triift thou in the Lord and doe good: dwell i.uheland , and tHou fualtbe fedauuredly: 4 And dtli'e thy felf^ in the Lord ,and bee fliall giue thee thine hearts Jefire. 5 d Ccmmi; thy wjy vr.to the Lord, and ttuft in him, and he ΛιαΙΙ hijng it to pafle 6 And Ie (lull biig forth thy lighteoufneffe as the light, 8i thy * iuJgetnent as the noone day. 7 Waits paiijndy vpjn the Loid , and hope iihim ;f!et not thy felfe for him f which pro- fnereth in liis way , rtor for the man that biiogeih ^«"er f^ ' - !<' Benctlidbf jvot wife• HeadmoDinink' i neitter 10 vtxe >ut feluri far the 'rofperoui eftate >f the wicked , otU her lodefireio be to 'make )ur ftateibe better. 3 Foi Godi iaJf• tteth duWBeiheii fitft a luooieot. TotruttioGol, lod doe according his will, are fM* A,/emepril«topane. , .. r fb,oeo;vo 8 Ceafc from anger , and leaue of wratb : hct ^ome , bu not thy felfe ί alfo to doe euill. 9 For ei'ill doers fhalbe cut off.and they ihatj WiitevpontbeLord.they iliallinheiitethelacJ. j, A.tkehepeof 10 b Theitforeyet a little while and the wicked.'thedayiijht ra*. ihail notapinare , and thou Hwlt looke after bis|'^',J>y,"";°b^, place ,anUhe fliall not i•* foMnd. daikerrffc t.f the 1 1 But * meeke men iliall poueffc the eattb.and iball haue their delite in the roulricude of peace. 12 i The wicked praitifeih againft the luft, and gnailx-th his teeth againft him. 13 £«f the Lord iLjll laugh bim to fcome : for he feeth that his uay is coraming. 14 The wicked bauedrawen thetr fword and haue bent their bowe, to caft downe the poore Sec. g Mtaoing.eTceptbemodi [Obey Cod , aoJ be wit ,,£oilb hii worbe lintbee. oifh: fo ought Wl paiient'y loiroft bat eod will leareo'.ir caufe f,d reftore v» 10 ftteih the wiikflj ο profper , it fre- ■ahioiheHcQl baih.faujuieih bit . ecaioDi.befiun bur oatute .wbitb beteme » M*tlb. $■ !■ • The godly fioribewiciedftull ooifttuaile «faioll tbetn b.. f.ll OD =hei. owre aeci,» .aod therefor, ought pa.ie.uly, ο abide Q^*'^ ^ ti'c biW»il« ώίίι Ληβη 1 «M elfn vp iheir itaiei) « • «••«• their doiozJ, lab _ beleJ.odoea.thrydoe. hHecor^efleth tb. mip.t.ea, canao! abide till ihe feloeffe of G •rp ail'jiej that the powei and V «Bl)' Thciuftnoiforfaken. Piklbes, Dauidsfoileaffliaion,:! : fl 55• fuch as be of V[vight con- ti Fortwy ue diyly tiJai -Kub υ?Ί . «uJ hsii; fuf- fi.icat , v.ben ibe wickea hiue atari γ<Β».ι?Ί,•6αι euti i GoJ-kuo.Vith wbatdjr.-.fji ba^g deliusr ibftn. m F«ir Gid will gi'je tbrni -ontea- te.'J mi;;t?es•. an! thiiKbich (lull c They ibali vi- lli;!. tJi/iy CMi'.rn- Jy ifat.thry aiefed for thrdiy ef llaaghte•.•. ο God fi) fat ci- flloth liimwithbis b!-(li gi, tij»t hie iiablt to bd|o- irtvitie.and though Crod fuitVi" foinff lumujia!) b;ucfi.!, yet are tecompi-.B. i'eih him with fpi- lifnll iiejfij.;•!. <■ ThiyfhiU con- tinually beprefet- uedvider Oio.-il Wii>g>i and haue a Itift inwird reli;. t Thefi three pojHtJ are requi- re.! ofthefjiLbfiill, that their talke fee Rodly , thai God» iauvbe intheir bean , and that their life be vp- iright, • u For though it be Co-nedme fo expeHeot both for Go !.» pi ,ry and tbeii lala/tion, yet ■be will a| proojs thiit ctofe , and re rejge their wrong. X S ) that the pro- fperiiir of the wic bed if butaia cloud, which vani- llieth a^vay ia a •jf He cxhovteth the faithfuil to mark! diligently the exjitplei both ofGoiii mercies, liadalt'oof hiiiudge: eeui^T ia viioe , buti ■tism by fundiy tent«ioai. iina needy 1 lierfitioo. If i?iif their fword ίΐι,ιΐΐ enter into their owne heart, and their beives iliilbe broken. t6 I* Λ frajli thing vnto tht iuft man is better then g'-est riches to ibz wicked and raightie. 17 For thtfrraes of the wicked Oiallbe bro- ken : bt!t the torU vphol Jcih the iufi roen. 18 Tre Lord i knoveth the dayee ofvpright ffien, and ti^ it i iheriratice flialbo pcrp-;riiill. I ) Thej• il:;^!' r.ot be conioanded in the peril- loustiaii: ,enJK4the daj-esof famine they ihail hiU'e '" ynough 20 But thev iCked ilisllperiili.and the enemies oftheLgrd ihali be confnrced as theifattecf Jarcibs : euen wiih theiaBoke fhall they eonliime away, 21 The w'icke.d borroweth and payeth not againe •. but the righteous i^fcttrciiuU and => gi- ζ ζ Far fuch as be Ueffed of God iliall inherits the land, and they that be cutied of him , ftall be cut ofF. 23 ^Thepathesofroanare direded by the Lord : for he loueth \h way. 2 4 ThoL'gh he > nothing iound in my flifli.becaule ibut that be -κοαίά of thine anger : neither ίί there rett in my bones, f^ moderate hit becaufe of tny dfinne. a To put himfelft • nd other» in niinde of Gods 4 For mtpe head , and as a weightie burden Wey are too hea• uiefor rae. y My wounds are patrified . and corrupt be- caufe otimyfjolilhnefle. 6 I aci bowed , and croolfed very fore : I goe Ijtroarningalltheday. 7 For my reines are full of burning, and there »■< nothing found in ray flefli 8 I am weakened and fare broken : I g reare for the very griefe of reins heart. 9 Lord , / [>oa>re my whole deiirs before thee, and my fighi ig is not hid from thee. ID lili.ne heart t panteth : my ftrength faileth me.and the light ef mine eyes.eaen b they are not hs)d , ihit he [mightbe able to He fheweih that the patif IH hop he eai hath gogj fu^ccrtfe, though for « t ifthe godly it Ε Cod pcooue iniquities are gone ouef mine ... ■ |c τ whertwitbtheu halt vKited me. d ledgeth God m- meati, becaufe hit Bti had defer- pea confeffeth oei , Godiia.f andmilteth >riyer hii itfuge ■ That rather 2ue place to mine iwneluiU, then to he will of God, 1 Or, bUcke »s tite hat i>. dtsfigittei ,,.,/• \ind confumedwitk My louers and my friends uaHd alide troiD jf^keneff, my plague, and my ' kinfmen ftand afarreoff. 12 They alfo that feeke after my iife.layfnares, and tSiey thar go about to do me euiil. talfce wic- Krmem' neuer fe k.*d things and imagine deceit continually. |•««: butalw.iei 13 But I as a It deafe man heard not. and am as |^i,"^fj;"\° °„ ^t a diirame man, ahich opsneth not his mouth. fieiiuerance. 14 Thus am I as a man, that heareth not, and f ^'r. runneth in whofs mouth are no reproofes, ίη7'(ΐΓ'«^!^ίί " I ί For on thee.O Lord.doc I waue : thou Wilt \hathe was deflf. hears me, my Lord, my God. ?«" «/«« htlfe ani ϊ6 For I fayd, He.nt f»ff,l5aft they reioyce ouer V"^'";,^, u\U^'^ mi: for 1 when my foot flippetb,tbey extol them- fnefoi voiy for. feluesaoainft me. iow. 17 Surely I am ready to «> hair, and my forow iZT^nulJr"' ii euer before me. .L.de, theydeniei 1 8 When I declare my painetW am fotie for p" duet my Cnne, 1 9Then mine η enemies are aliue,/wi are migh- tie , and they that hate me wrongfully are many. 20 They alfo , that reward euill for good, are tnineadiierfaries, becaufi I f jjlow ° goodoeffe. 2 1 Forfake mee not , Ο Lord , be not thou farre from me, my God. 22 Hafte thee, to hslpe mee, Ο my Lord , my Ρ faluation. ; This example warneth vs neuer fpaire, betbe me, m I am withoot hope to recouer my flrength. idlhip. Jk For I can haue no audience be- fore men. and there•' foie pjiiectly wait for the beipe of God. 1 Thati», if they fee that thou fuc- cour me not \a time, they will mocke and triumph', although thou hadft forfakeo fi my gieate ' miferie they iTioft reioyce ο He had rather haut the haired of allthe world fiile in any part of hi» ductie to God ward. ρ Which.»|ri theauihoutof mf faluation : aud thiideclareih that he prayed with fure hope ^f deliueraace, Ρ s A L. xxxrx. ί 7)Λ«ίι< vtterefhivith what ^reat griefe and titttr-i nejje ef aiinds hee w/is driuentc thejc cuttagnits c»m- " ififi a Fn• he eenfijjeththat cdftteuce , thtt htUpfi faith )tt into wirds, th*t he wcit/d Hat.ihrmxh I he iretttnejje'tf hii griefe- 4 Then hee rehearfeth certmne nque/IS Which txfle.tf the infirtmiie of m*» , S AndmiX' Φ vith (km nunj irti}tri ; titt nli i«e fiw λ •* Matts'vamtie tkecbiefefiogert, I.I hroa.s^.^c. b Albeit he ha4 • ppoyated ^ίvah himfelfe patiently to htue taried Gedi leafui», yet the vehtmency of bispaine caufed him to bieake hi• purpofe. c Though wben the vsii-ke.t ruled, he thought to baue kepifilcDcea yeihiszejle «ufed him to change hit d Heconfefltth that bee grudged agalolt God, confi- dering the great- Defle of his fjr- rowi, and thefiiort neflecf fail lii'c. e Yet Dauid oifen- ded in that that he reafoned with God at though that be were too feuere toward his weake creature, f Make me not a mocking llocke to the wicked, ot wrapmee not vp with the wicked, when ihey are put to ihame. g Seeing my trou- bles came of tby prouideiice, I ought to haue eodufed them patiently, b Though thine open plagues light cot euermove vpon word lignifietball that heddi euer bee hath. ■elight fo that world. kForhisforow whereby we ffe how hard words, whi Pfal' • Though God de- ferred hi»help,yet he paiicn ly abode till he .v« hear?. . b He b:th d^liue- red me from molt great daogrrs. c That rs , a fpeciall oCLafionto p.ayfe him ■ Λ; GMs be- Befits are fo many example, which he iHuft nerd» do that, trui'eth notonely in the Lord, e Dauid poeih from one kind of Godi favour to tbecontemplaticn of hii pfouMeDce ou oiy capAcities : we< >pini nnittfHlly frtuHtd ,i!,MHt m/n fUinth appear, bow he itifluue Blight,!, eg<.,nlt Jcut>, & Jcfperat„H. f Γβ the txceUent Mufician a ledntbm, yA Pjalme ef Dawd. Τ Thought, ^ I will take heed to my wayes , that I lin not with rof d ordered my gg'rigs. ».3 And he hath put in ray mouth c a new fong of prayfe vnto our God : many ihall fee it Sc feare, and fiiall truft in the Lord. . 4 Blefled is the man that maketh the Lord his truft , and regardeth Ί not the proud , nor fuch as turne alide to lies. f ■= Ο Lord my God , thou haft made thy wonder full workes fo many , that no^c can count in order to thee thy thoughts towajiU vs : I would ' declate, and fpeake of them, but ti>cy are moe then I am able to exprefle. 6 Sacrifice and offering thou diddeft not defire: Sacrifice f:efuTcd. (/«r f mine eare» hall t!ioa prepared) burnt oflHcig and finne offting haft thou not tequi ed. 7 g Then faid l.Loe.I comei/orin theroUeoi the booke it U wtitten of me, 8 Idefiredto doethy good wiU.OmyGod: yea. thy Law is within mine heart. 9 I haue declared thy righteoufnes in ^ b great Congregation : be, I will not tefraine my lips ; Ο Lord, thou knoweft, 10 I haue not hid thy righteoufccfle within mine heart, but I haue declared thy i tructh and thy ialuation: I haue not concealed thy mercy and thy trueth from the great Congregation. 11 Withdrawe not thou thy tender metcie f>om me, Ο Lord , let thy mercy and rhy trueth al way preferue me. 1 2 For innumerable troubles haue compafled me : my finnesJ^ taken fuch holde vpon 1 that I am not al^K looke vp : jea , they are moe in number then the haires of mine bead: therefore mine heart hath k failed me. 1 3 Let it pleafe thee , Ο Lord, to deliuer mee; make hafte, Ο Lord, to hclpc me. 14 Let them be I confounded and put to iliame together.that feeke my foule to dcfttoy it : let them be ciriuen batkward and put to rebuke . that defre mine hurt 1 J Let them be >" deftroyed for a reward of their fiia^te, which lay vnto roe. Aha, aha 1 6 Let all them that feeke thee , reioyce and be lay alway, " The Lord be praifed, 17 Though I be poore and needy , the Lord thinketh en me : thou art mine helper and φy de- liuerer: my God, make no tarying, f Tbou bait opf. ned mineetrci te »ader.i«nd tke fpi- ntuallmeanioioi the facrih'C, an4 .ruid elter- mcth :ke criemo- m,•, of the law no- chiai; in refpeftuC ■ hcfpliirtuU feiuict. g When ihoD baddelb opened mu.rnTetand heart,lA„rtadj to ooey ttiee. be- irif, aUjitd that I *ai w.it.cnmthrf booke of thine eledfoi hiicnd. h loibeChuicli aflVmbled in th• Smajiry. i Dj id heie num• birrb j degteesof out i4lua.ion : Gidl meicy, wbciebv ha pitie.hvi. hi.iigh- teoufoca , vvhicli fignifirtb h ι coa•. ticMall protedion: and b s iiueib, «hereby appeJteth bu c oitautfa uo .r fo that htreeP procrc-diih bill faluatio. glad in thee , and let them that loue thy faluation,) iu (gemeat ot ibe flrOi.I w:>vtieil< delliru;e of all counfcll, yn faith inwardly Miooiii i ^loehcait to pray. I He defirith that God» mercy may coDte• d for him againlt the rage of hii enemirs. m Let luo fame Ihame and confufion li?ht vpou them , which they intended to hauebrcughl vpoi me. η Asthcfai hfulialwayei prayfe God for hii bcBehte»; fetbe wickeJ inocke Gods children in their aftliaiaoi. Ρ S A L. XLI being ^rieumflj affitfted , bleffeth them that fitj mflaiKcth if the ireaftn tf hii oTvne familiars, as came to fajjem lud.'S ,Jth. !r he feeliK! the great mercies tf Ced^enily im, »ni net Cnffring his rntmiis it tr'iHmfk ijgmeih mtft hearty thanks to Ctd. I Ό. h.scfe, friends and 13 iS. Ani thaiifiHg h aga.nff i',m, fTc him that exctlUth, ^A VC^^mc ofDautd. D Leiirj « he that - iudgeth wifely of ihe poore: ^-'thcLDrd Ihall deliuer him in the time of trouble. 2 The Lo. d will keeps hitr , and preferue him aliuc , he Ihalbe bleiled vpon the ejrrh : and thou wilt not deliuer him vnto the will of his enemies. 3 The Lord will ftrengthen hira vpon the b hed of forow: thou haft turned all his <= bed in his fickneile. I Not eoDdeiBDlM im.iic.uire<» bom G.xt doth l(iI.knoΛΓ.ng lat iheie iic diueric..ure>wk)• Ο,.Λ layrih tiii hindrp.nrs, *dl ud ifei ward be 'It re-h ri. b Wben for foravr 4 Therefore I faid. Lord haue mercy vpon me:! J"<* 8''**'' "f "jj* he.'le my foule.for I haue finncu againft thee. .poV b!. bed." - 5 Mine enemies Ί Ipeake edill of mee ,f*ytng, |c rbou baa refto- When il-,al! he die.and his name periih ? "J bim io b„ ftjt 6 And if he come to lee me, he fpeaketh • Η€$.|„=;ί,;;„. "' """ i«f his heart hcapeth iniqiitie wttbin him ,.«ni|dThat is.curfeme tfhen he coraroeth forth, he telieth it. «'"< '""«>' 7 All they that hate nje.whifi^er together againft me : encn againft me do they imagine mine hurt 8 f A mifchiefe h light vpon him .and he that lyeth, (hiW no more rile. 9 Yea , my t fjmiliar friend , whom I trufted r all, ic conrefleth that his counfels toWardi T« are fil abpee QQOt fo much at tell tbem io order. which did eat" of my bread , 8 hath lifted vp• the d"rb m hi, bean, ' -'id biaggeth ime bil fro their ciucll bale | qucocbed, but I With m* ftuiocfUlfl de«b. t For pretendia{ to coittfoit me. be coofpiirth I heele againft me. fTbr enemies thought by hi• (harpepuniOlnifnt• that God Ka» brcora tall enemy, t i*'• '*' '»*» •f'».• Γ<«'- Ζ A» D"•.'! f''^'}"> '•I'"'': "i it wa. chiefly accorplifhed in Chiift , loho- iJ.iS. fo fluU bil Wtabtn uttUgl \JL Β b 10 There. t 'o'^mtot^ ^Ood; wa tses. Ϊ h Meaning, tithet jin profptiityof hit; or in the true Ifeiie of God I againltall tenttf'os . ' i Shewing itieeui- I den: lignesof thy . fatherly prouidecce. I k By ibis lepetiiijn be- Itinetb vp the IfaiibfuU toptavfe ,a. Ai»kre»fafite liekfptoftbem, (Bvhich weieof the number of the Xcuitet. Jb By thefe limili- tudel ufthirll and panting, he IheW- eth hi( fcment de• lire to ferue God in hit Temple, c As others take t)leafurelD eating 10 Therefore. Ο Lord.haue mercy vpon mee, iind raife me vp: (o iliall I reward thetn . ' 1 1 By this I know that thou fauonteft me , be- :aufe mine enemy doth not uiuraph againft me. 1 1 And as for me.thou vphoideft me t in mine integrity ,8c doeftfet me before thy ' face for euer, :S Blefled be the Lord God cf Iftael world without end. k So be it, euen fo be it. PS A L. X LI I. 1 The Fief het grieuevflj cmflaincih ,th»t beitt» lettti i) his perfeculm , he cauld not be prefcut in tiie ctrngre. gatiM tfGods people , proleflmg that although he tv*s fepitratcd in hcij from them , yet his heart rv»s thither- ΠΛιΛ affedtiiici. jAndUftofallhelbeneth, that hee rvas not β far ouacomt with thefe /oroirfi & ihoHikts, t but that hecontiuuali) fitt his ctnfliience •η the Lord, f To him that ixcelieth, A Pfalme td giue in• firuiiion, » committed re tlief^nnesofl\orah. AS the Hatt brayeth for the liuers of water , fo b panteth my foule after^ee , Ο God. i 2 My foule thiiftethfoe||d,f«e" for the li- |uing God : when iliall I come and appeare btfore itheprefenceofGodf God onely giaflth vi(9:( f why art then cafi downe.my foule ? and \, thereby he why art thou difquieted within me ? « wayte on fadironilheth the mdje God : for I will yet giue him tbacks , ht fi my pre- f ^f'^fu' fent helpe and my God. Ρ S A L. X L I ?. 1 The faithfnB fememiev the great men cj efGoi ttWItri hii people. 9 Aftirthty complaine , hccanfe they feele it no mere. 1 7 Alfo they atiedte the couenant madt With Abraham, for the keeping whereof they fieTP what }rieutm things they fnffred 23 Finally, tkey pray vnt» Gid not to cememne their affiifltott , feeing the farm tcdoundeth to the contempt of his honour f Tehim that exceUetb. A Pfalme to giue ϊηΐίηά ίΐίβη, committed fo the fonnes ofR^rah. W Ε haue heard with our a eares , Ο God : oui *^ fathers haue told vs the workes that thou haft done in their daycs, in the old time; ζ Hoo' thou haft driuen out the b heathen with thine hand, snd planted <= them : hew thou haft de- ftroyed the '^ people, and caufed e them to grow. 3 For they inherited not the lande by their j owne fword , neither did their owne arme faue 1 3 « My teares hauebeene my meate day and ι them : but thy tight hand, and thine arme. and the •night, wbUe they dayly fay vnto me. Where is thy | jight of thy countenance , becaufe thou didft ' fa- len», butcoa• ftastly to wayte he Lord, though their troubles be aad gieat. God? 4 when I femembred d thefe things . I powred out ray very heart , becaufe I had gone wiih the muhitude , and ledde them into the houfe of God nicing.fo'he jwith the voyce of finging,rt«ii praife,aj a multitude [ was altogether gi- ^^^ kecpeth a feaft. i a ThatT.^how'i I y wW a" thou caft do-.vne, my foule, and vn- led the people to jqulet Within me! «wait on God; for 1 will yet giue him thanks for the help&of bis prefence. 6 My God , my foule is caft downe within me, f becaufe I remembred rhee , from the land of lor- den, and Hermonira, and from the mount Mizar. 7 One g deepe calleth another deepe by the noife of thy water fponts : all thy waues and thy floods are gone ouer roe. 8 The Lord b will grant his louing kindnes in the day , and in the night Ihsll I ling of him , euen a prayer vnto the God of my life. 9 I will fay vnto Goa,a>liich is my rocke.Why halt thou forgotten roee ? why goe I mourcirg, when the enemy opprefleth we i 10 My i bones are cut afunder, while mine ene- mies reproach me.faying dayly vnto me. Where is thy God ί 11 k Why art thou caft downe , my foule >. and why an-thou difquieted within me ? wait σα Gad; for I will yet giue him thanks ; hee κ my prefeiit helpe, and my God. 1 e alTureth himfelfe of Gods help in titne to come, i Tiat fiy tormented. kTbis repetii ion doth declare that Dauid ierue thee in thy Tabernacle, and *ow feeing my contrary eltaie, I die for foiow. «Though he fu- fiained grieuouf alTauItsofthefleih I to caft hi Id into • tJefpaire, yet his » faith grcunded oo Cods accullomed mercies gettettt the vittory. fXhatis.whenl xeiuember thee in this land of toy ba- nilhmeni among the raountaioe», » Affliftionscame 3b thick vpon me, that I feh my felfe •i ouerwbelmeJ: whereby he ihew- •«xh there is no end «fourraifervl.ll Coa bepaciSed and feod teniidy. h fs, lammoft giieuo |guu:lY deliUKC iii*« la Tie delireth CoJ take bis rainll the_ enc;r.i:s,bat chiefs• ly that he wt,uld leftore hmi to the Tabertiacl». bf nat i»;tbe cruell eoinpany of miae enemiei. c To wit , thy fa- «our. which appea• j«!th.br the petiov- a,.n-..eofcl-yrro. inifei d He promifeth th v»to beccBlta , for : chat God will cet• Ρ S A L, X L 1 1 Γ. tte fiayeth to be delmered fnm thea againn hun.that he might io) fully pr( htly tongregatii I that totiffirt ife Ccd in hii IVdge * me, Ο God . and defend ray caufe againft the vnmercifuU ^ people : deliuer me from the deceitfull and wicked man. i For thou att the God of my ftrengtb : why haft thou pu£ me away ? why goe I fo mourning, when the enemy opprefledwei 3 Send thjf >-lighrand thy trueth: let them lead mee : let them bring me vnto tjjine holy Moun- taioe . and to thy Tabernacles. 4 Then <• will I goe vnro the altar of GodiiKi,-» vnto the God of ray ioy and gladnes: and vpun the harpe will I giue thanks vnto tht;ejO God my God- «#f s«-fo!iaiw Uta»» w£ ϋι#;ί;;ΓάίιιΙΐ!4 -in toksa gf ^j grMt^dtliaeranc^ uour them. 4 Thou art ray king , Ο God : fend helpe vnto laakob. y i> Through thee haue wee thruft backe our aduQtfaries : by thy Name haue we troden downe them that rofe vp againft vs, 6 For I doe not uuft in my bow j neither can toy fword faue roe. 7 But thou haft faued vs from our adueifatie*, and haft put them to confulioti that hate vs. 8 Therefore will wee prayfe God continually, and will confefle thy Name for euer. Selah. 9 But Jioiv thou art farre off , and putteft vs tc ί confuhon . and goeft not forth with our armies. 1 0 Thou makeft vs to turn back from J aduer. fary,and they .which hate vs.fpoile liforthemfriues, 1 1 * Thou giueft vs i^ as flieepe to be eaten.and doeS fcatter vs among the nations. 1 2 Thou felleft thy people i without g4ine.and doeft not increafe their price. 13 Thou makeft ys a reproach to out neigh hours, a ieft and a laughing ftocke to them that ate round about vs 14 Thou mikeftwa prouerb among the trati- oui.and a nodding of the head among the people, 1 5• My "> confulion η dayly before me, and the iiTame cf ray face hatji couered me 16 For the voyce of jhe ilanderer and rebuker, for the enemy and ^ auenger 17 All this is come vpon vs, yet doe wee rot ο forget thee, neither deale wee falfly concerning thy couenaiu i8 Out bean is not turned backe : neither our fteps gone out of thy paths, 19 Albeit rhou liaft fmitten vs downe into the place of !1 dragons , and couered vs with the iha- dow of death. 20 If we haue forgotten the Name of our God, and holden vp our hands to a ν ftrange god 21 - Shall not God s fearch this out i for hee knoweth the fecrets of the heart. a Thii rfalme fee» metb to haue bene made by fome ex- cellent Prophet for the vfe of the people, when the Church was in ex- trenremifery, ei. ther at their re- turne from Baby- lon,or vader Au- tischus , or in fucb like afAidion. b That is, the Ca• c To wir, our fa. then. d Of Canaan, e That is, our fa- thers. f Gods free mercy and loue is the only fountaioe and beginning of the Church, Deut.4,3f„ g Becaufe tbou art our king, thtie- fore deliuer thy people from their mifery. h Becaufe they and forefathers made both one Church , they apply thit to themfelues which before tfaey did attribute to their fathers, i As they confef- f«d before that their ftrengihcamft of God, fo now hey acknowledge that thisafHiftioa :«meby his iull udgemetit. Π Or,«f their pleU" fare. k Knowing Gjd ο be authour of his calamity, they, iniirmute act, but feeke remedy at his hands, who wounded ibe»i. 1 As llauet which folde for a low price, neither loo- ked thou for bitrt that offeteiiimoft, but takelUhe tirft chapman, ml dare Dot lift jClffift and lis Church figured- e The faithful! makethu iheir eomfott, thai the wicked puoite them dot for iheit finnes . but for Codicaufe, Mu. i.ret.4. 1+. ί There iiao bcpe ofrecouery, excspt'.houput hioe handaod raife vt vp. t VVhUb ii the ; of flauery andVoifery, Pfahnes, ax Surely for thy fake ' are We fliine contintj- , ally, and are counted as flieepe for the (laughter. 23 Vp, why fleepeft tbou, Ο Lordf awake, be notrarreofiforeucr, '. 24 Wherefore hiJeft thou thy face ? and for- \ getteft OOT mifery and our afflidion? j zy For our foule is f beaten downevntothe | duft ; our belly cleaueth to the ground. 26 Rife vp for out fuccour , and redeeme v$ for thy 'mercies fake. Godisafufercfiige^ ic *nd ihall enter Into the Rings palace. 16 In ftead of thy lathcis Hull thy " children τ fuAicient raDfomc to deliuer bctfa body and foule frcm all Ρ S A L. XLV. •"ftii waiacet. Uine taceor aa 'iDlttuinent. b Of that petfite loue that ougBt be betweene : bcibaod aad the iwife. c Salomons beau- ty and eloquence to winne fauout Vvith hit people. ■od bii power ta ouercofi* his ene- «nies, iihere de- fcribed. a He alludeth to them that tide ία chariots in their triumphs , Oievc- ingtbat theqaiec ftate of a kicgdon' llaodethiatrueib, lueekenelTe aod iailice, not in worldly pompe and viuitie. «Voder this figare of this king- dome of iu'ice il fet forth the euer- lalting kicgdome ofCnrilK fHatbelUblifhed tby kmgdomeai the tiguieof Chnit, which is the peace and ioy of the Church. g Ια the which palace the people nude tbeeioyfuU to(ee them gije thaakes »rd le- ioyce for thie. b Though he bad many Kings daughters amoni bis wiuei, yet be loued rbaiaoba I daughter beit• ! i Vndetthe figure I of Pbaraaht j daughtet.be (hew eth that the Cbuichmu-t cat oifalUarujlUtfe• ftioni to oSey Chrilionely kH ! to the Church , albeit t The r»»itfiit tf Sxltmtn, hii hmour , ftienjith , bexuty, tichti , and firver are praifed , »ni/ttft hii marriHg< Wilfc ihf EijfiUn bein^ λη heathtn mm»n , is bttfti, 10 If thetfiee can nniunce her ftoyU And ihe Imt tf tier ctMntfc) , ani line her fetftrDholij it her huikand. Vndtr the rvhich figHre,ihe rvcHderfullmaieftte and incrtaft tf the ktngicme ofChrift and hii Churtb hii fftufe, new taken of tki Ctntiles, is defcniid. f To him that exceUeth on s Sbofhanntm , dfeng efbloHcto giue ίηβ m Π ion , committed to tht funnel of i^r ah. ■ \Λ Ine heart will vtter foorth a good matter: *^•» I will in treat in my works of the King : my tongue w ;//ea> af- ter'her , And her co?"pinbi s Ihallbc brought vo- te thee. ly With ioy and gladncs ί^ί|ί4(ε^ be brought, be rich' (Halbi b-nefAaorl They IbaO haue gteater {ra- ce» ifacQ thfir fit. then. u Hee (ignifietb the i^eat compalEr ofChrirtikmg. be : thou llialt make them princes » through all ^ earth. 17 I will make thy » Name to be remanbred through all generations : therefore Ihall the people giue thankes vuto thee woild ι,ν ithout eod. l/Mj fignifie Κ th ygiun Df rhei Tkeie ;n.usSot'''Ai^pi!i«nd «rtthout: and howoei: the Cbiirct batb uot at al' time• ibit 9Wty>'Ai«il cws; tP£t ί" Ρ S A L, XL VI, I Μ (ntg tf triumph tr thanXefpuoii for the diliutrMtt if lerufaltm , after Sennaihenb mih hn atmie wm driuen aw*] , cr ftme ilher Itke fudjen and mtruitltui delincrauce bj the Mighi] hand cfCtd. I Whetebj t JPrifhet itmmeiidiHg ihii %reat btnefil , dceth exki the faithfuU » giut themfclnes -ahtll) mtt the hand Ccd.dmitini ""hfl («( thai vnder his frtteOn» ihej Ihali be fafe aj^amtt all the t^aults tf their enemies, teeanfe thi< is his delieht to afitagt the rage tf tki vieked.whenihe) tSSn^fl iitfie againil lie luff. f To him that esMml'vpon ' ^lameth committed to the fo>meiof Kjrah, Ο 0 D « our 1) hope and ftrength , and heipe in ^0 troubles, readieto be found. 2 Therefore will not wie' feare , though th« earth be mooned , and though the icountaines fall into the raiddes of the fea. 3 Thmgh the waters thereof <• rage and be troubled,tf«i/ the mountaines Usake at the furges of the fame. Selah. 4 ret there U a ' Riuet , whofe ftreame ihall make glad the Citie of God: euen the Sandtuaiie of the Tabernacles of the moft High. y God « in the middes of i: : thtrtfirt ihall it not be mooued : God fl:a!i heJpe it ''very early 6 When the nations raged , and the kingdoms (vere auoued , God i thuadered , and the tirth melted. 7 The Lord of hoaftes i, g with v$: the God of laakob «our refuge. Selah. 8 Come And behold the workes of the Lord, t what defolations he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh wattes to ceafe vnto the ends of the wotld : he breaketh the bow . and cuttetb the fpeare, 4Miiburncth the chariots with fire. 10 Be 'ftill and know that I am God . I will be exalted among the heathen , and I will be exalted in the earth. , ^ , « reec 11 The Lord of hoaftes « With v$: the God of .^ £„^ laakob «our refuge.Selab, U•"'• , . g They ate tOiiria ttat God can and wil defend hii Churth froi» all dangeriand ineinit». h To wit," how oft be bath dellroyed bis enemies, and deliufied bis people. • Hee wai them that netfecute the Church . to ceafe theit ci ueltie : for elle ihcj UUU that God ii too ftrong foi tbem agaioft wh»m (hey light. Ρ S A L. XLVII. I Tht Trtthet exktrleih all feof.e tt the \frf),f tf Ihi true and euerliHingCtd, timmeHdin/iheminie tf Ccd leward the fiftenlie tf Uacib. t yfni after frt- fheaeth tf tht kfH'Jme tf Chufi in the time tf I*• Cofpell. f To him that txctUeth. ^ Tfalmt com- mitted to thtfonnti ofKorai). A LI people» tlap your hands jGng lowdwtO GoJwithaiojfullvoyce. 1 For the Lord u high . ani terrible ; a great Ring ouer all the earth. 3 He hath b fubdued the people nidcr v$ . *p^ Λβ n»ti'>ns vnder our f ete. 4 He hat',1 chofen <= our inheritance «"'.'"• tuen the glory ol laakob whom he LueJ- SelA-^ ficall iM Itiument «r a fe- lenice tune vDt4 ichibi» rfalnu WU func g Or, frUtOitHt b In all inautol ticublci God Iheweih bii fpt- die nwicic and pyweiiaddtBdiDy hi, c Thatii.wewill Dot be ouetcome with feare. d Though the af- ei&Lcns iagei:«uc« fo much, yer the riufii ofCod• mercies biiog fuf* licicnt comtgit to hi•. e The tiuer of Sbiloah, which pitfed through leiuratem, mfiniofjr though the de- fence feeme neuet fo fmall , yet if Gcd blue ippoia• t,d it, it isfuu- cieot. lAl\K'aye>iwhni cqviirt.b. hn • Hert if figewi CDiiil.voi'MAhonl all bii Qiould giua v»,i:i.-« .S»^— >-• ,od AhoWiUld Cirw hmifelfe teti bletothc wicked. b H. efthe La\ive and Γι glarfoelT: obt> ■'•'I (tl, chxileml.'i who wire tkekrtPfri to tVe GetMilei. that tkty il -utJ « ΪΙ ab-ue allothy Μ""" » »» «'!•»Ι * lotbui Tiic kin<7;dome of God• PfalJiies, y God is gone vp wtih triiunph ,euen the Lord, with the'' found of the trumpet. 6 Sing prayfes to God.liiig pra)fss: fing pray- fes vntoour King.fing pra)rcs. 7 For God «the king ofall the earth : fing prayfes euery one that hath"= vnderftanding. 8 God laigneth ouer the heathen : God fit- teth vpon his holy Throne, 9 The princes of the people are gathered vn- to rhe peupie of the God of rtbralictn : ior the fliie! is of the world belong to God : he f isgceady to be exalced. ■ pfophaned with vaine crying. fHeprayfeth Godshiohds», dHedoethal. lude vnto cbe trumpet», that were blowen at folemne feafts: but he doetb fur- ther fignitie the triumph of Cbrift ■nd kisglorioui afceDfiott into ibe iieaueos. c He rr4Uiieth tb« vnderllaci• ding be ioyneH VVith fi .giue. leaft theSa.m ufGol tie foi tha he ioyntb he gicit prince» of the world (whuia he calletB ttlields) to .tll« feiiuwAlif oi hi^CiuirLb. Ρ S A L. X L V r 1 1. χ4 noialrle dtliuer.inte tf lernntltm from the haKdf »f tn η kiiif i' mcnrioiied, for t^^r/iicti thaiikei are flu- η ti Gii. ακΛ the ftate tf th^^e is preifed , that nth GaA β urefmtly ai all tmia read) to defend ihem. Tlii< Pf.Ume feimeth t« he m.de in ih^ .,me cf Ahiz, J'h fi iph.it Afa c, Eztchixh- {«, in iheit ttmacnieflj W-i ihfche byf.rrcn.pr.nre^ φ,,Ι-,ά f » w/i fongoT Pfalme committed to the fonnes of K^rah, r-^ Rear « the Lord , am! greatly to be prayied in *^ the b Citie of our Gud , e..en vpon his holy Mountaine. Mount Ίλοη , lying Northward, w faire infi, tuation : it u t'le ^ ioy of the whole earth , and. the Citie ofthe great king. 3 In the palaces tbetcofGod is knowne for a ^ refuge. 4 For \o , the kings were « gathered, ma went together. (iSomcput tbi> difference he- tweene a foni and rfaline.faying .hat it .» called afog, whea there i» no iallrument, but the voyce : anJ tee rfaiioe, thecou- traiy. The fong of th^! rfalin IS when the iDltruiiiems begin, and the voyce followetb. Thepfilmeofthe long the con- trary , b Albeit God ihewhis w.Qder» through all the woild, yet he will be chiefly prayfed " his Church, c Bcoiife the Vvord of faiuatioD came thence to all tbem that Ibr.Qld beieeue. d Except G.d were rhe defence iheieof, either eitioD could pre- uaile. c They conipired all^ went 3gai:ift Cods people. ( The eneiiiie» «cere afraid at the Ai^ht of the Citie. fjThatii, ofCi- icia.or of the fe^ called Me.uier- xaneum. b To wit. of out father, .rohauewrproo.e•! :or God hath perrormed bispromife. ί Inallpla- ees wher- thy Name iiiil. be b-ard of , men (h.li prayfe thee , when ihey heare of ihymjrueilouswvikj. k Let letufalem sad rhecitiesof lusea reioy.e.tor thy ii J When they fawHt, they marueiled : they were altonied.tfiii fiiddenlv di i nen backe. 6 Feare came there vpon them, ma forow, as τροη a woman in trauaile. 7 w4/ with an Ε aft winde thou breakeftthe fliips? of Taril-iilh,/etPi7e rhiy neflroyed. 8 As we haue ^ heard.fo haue we feene in rhe Ciiis of the Lord of hoailes , in the citie of our God : God will eftablilli it for euer.Selah. 9 We waite for thy louing kindnelle , Ο God, in tne middes of thy Temple. 10 Ο God.accoidingtothyName .foisthy praife vivo the; worlds ende; thy tight hand is fullofrighteouiiiefls. 11 Let k mount Zion teioyce > Atid daugh» tets of ludah be glad , becaufe of thy iudge- ments, I ζ 'Compafle. about Zion, and goe rouod about ν.,αηα tell the towets thereof. 13 Marke well the Vc^all theteof: behold hei towers.that ye may tell your poftcritie. 14 For this God «out Gud for euefand ewer, he Ihallbs our guide vnto the death. «udge a» blrm,es,iid alfo appeare : but the ι I KStitdefcnct, \ Λο neuer leaueih his. iithis outward defence a dlncngth efe it to he referred tq Guds fauour The vaine trail of tl le wicked ρ S A L. XLIX. J T/jt hi!) Ghtp iHleth all men t» the ctnfiierntim cf η>Λη<. life. 7 Shetving th mntt tt be moti bhffed that are mo/) wealthy . uHi'ihercfore Hot ti te fe.'rid.bat tcftr-'viwife hr.'ifi-th'vp cur mirU.s (g cmfiAer how aU (t.,i.^i .,re ruled by God ^routdiitee: 14 \Vht «< he tudgHb thcf- nirlilf nnfen te ruerl^ ling r.imf Kts. . Jf So dorth he prefcrue hr ^nd iv.ll revetflfhm tit ^ To h'lmthAt txceUeth, tA P/^teieom- mitted to thefoKties of K^rith, J-J Fare * this, all ja people : giuc e-tie, all ye that dwell in the world, 2 As well low as high.both rich and poore. 3 My mouth ihaii f pWke ofwifdome , and the p'-^^ ^°^ g""*'- meditation of mine heart u of knowledge. t:-' .. '°*^° "^ *** 4 I will encli'.ie mine care to a parable , and Vtter my graue matter vpon the harpe. y Wiierefjre ihoiild lb ieare in theeuill dayes, a>htn iniquitielhaicoropalTe me about.<«/ at mine heeles ? ' ' 6 They truft in their <= goods .and boaft them- feluesin the multitude of their lichcs. 7 Yet a mm can by no means redeeme his brother : he cannot giue his ranfoiue to God, 8 {So "precious is the redemption of their foiiles,<• and the continuance for euer.) 9 That hee may liue itillfor euer , And not fee the graue. 10 For hee feeth that wife men <" die , and alfo that the ignorant and fuohlh periili, and leaue their tichi;s for ί others. a He will intreate his prouidence, hicfa LaoDo. be percenedby :he iu gemeot of Hlh. Th.jugh wio keJncs rcigue.anj enemies tJge, fee• g God will «xs• nis.igaiiltthe icked in time coo.teuieu'. To trult inrU :hesi>mcere na.Hiielfe, feeing hey Lau neither Tet tlney thinke their houfes ewii their ha- bitations/iWi C9!itwie for euer , <■«?« from gene- j'^'slm",* ^^ ^''* radon to geoeration.and U call their lands by their names. 1 2 But man fliall not coBtinue in honour ; he is like the ^ beafts that die. 13 This their way t/itereiAtheitfooliilweiTe: Jit their pofteritie i delight in their talke. Selah. 14 k Like iheepe they lie in graue : ' death de- uoureth them, and the rigiteous Ihall biue do- mination ouer tiiem in tne "> morning, for their beeuty Ihali confume,i»^e» they jhaUgo from their huufe lu graue, i y But God lliall deliuer my foule from the power of the gvaue : u for he will receiue raee. Se- lan. 16 Be cot thou afraid when one is made rich, and when the glory of nis houfe is incieafed. 17 "■ For he Ihdl take nothing away , when he dieth,neitiier ihjjl his pomps aelcend after him. 18 For while he iiued, tne reioycedhiii.felfe; and ^ men will p.'-ayfe thee , when tnou makctt much of thy fHfe. 19 II ο He ihall enter into the generation of his fathers ,p ana they fliall not liue for euer. 20 Man « in honour, and q vndetliandeth not; he is like to beafts that pcrilh. they be brought to the graue. 1 Becaufe they haue no part of life euerlafting, mChriltcs comiinng is as the morning , when tbeeleft Ihall r-ignewi bef.-iritu.iVy vhetenf «re two frinctpetl! pani.inuac.'ninandlhankef^iuing, f ^Pfalme of \.lfaph. •T He God of gods , eun the L jrd hath fpoken * and called the dearth from the riling vp of the Sunne.vnto the going downe thereof. a Who vwi eU ther .oeiuthour, or a chiefe li iger, to wbom i: wa» committed. anU, Thetmcf4cfifice. ^^ ^falmes. Thefcormpt nxme of man. 2 Oat of Zion ; tt»A,ft ,'< thee petfeaioa of ; mde of thy compaiTions put away mine iniquities, beauty. h«h God flamed. i 2 Waih me c throughly from mine iniqmtie^ 3 Our God lliall come . and aialle not keepe Γι- 1 and cleanfe rac from my linne. lence:d a fire fliall deuoare before him. 8c a migh- ; 3 For I li know mine inq jities , and my finna eBteaufe God had chofen it to baue bis Name there called vpoa.and alf< bit image (hi"id there io tte do- etiiai' °f ^^' l^iVV. (i Ai when God gAehii taw in oiount Sinai , be ap- pealed terrible witb thunder and teinpeil, fo will hi appeate terrible to takeaccoLiQt for the keeping thereof. e Aswuueflct again* y hypociits f God in lefped: o' bijelta.calleth the whole body boly , Saioti, aad bii people, t g Which ihouM Iknow ihatfacriificei iarefealtsofthe coueoaotbetweene God and hii peo- ple , and oot fet le ligioD theieio» h For I palfe not for faciifices , ex- cept the true vfe be there , which it ti confivme your faitb in my promifet. i Though he did delighiin facri- a.e , yet had he no ir tie tempeft ihalibe mooued round about him. 4 He ftall call the beauen aboue, and e ^ earth to iudge his people. y Gather ray f Saints together vnto me . thofe that make acouenant with roe with g facrifice. 6 And the heauens fliall declare his lighte* oufnes : for God is Iudge hircfelfe. Salah. 7 Heate, Ο my people and I will fpeake : hmre, Ο Jfrael , and I will teftitie vnio thee : /«r I am God . etitn thy God. 8 I will not h reproooe thee for thy faaifices, or thy burnt offerings ,t/j the world , haih ho 'neede olfuch 1 Shew thy fcKe miudfuIlofGeds benefits by ihankef- giuiug. Ill why doeft thou faine to'be of ray people , and talkeft of my couetaut. feeing tbou att butanhyporrite? ο And to hue aς• cording to my word. ο Hee ihewech what ate the fruits Oodsword. ρ Hee noietb the cruelty of hypocritei . which fparenntia their talke or iiidgeAent tteir owne mothers fonnet q I will write all thy wic- ked deeds in arol .and make thee to reade and acknowledge them , whither thou wilt or no. r Vnder the which itcontaioed faith and inuocation. f At God ^atb appoiuted• t That i», deflate my felfe to be hit Sauiour. ; PS A L. LI. me» D^uid wasreiukd hy the Prophet Nithtnfc h,s great tffences, he diimt tnelj acKntivleiie ihefame f» Coi, rttthprcteftatimtfhntialurxU conitpiisn .tni iiiiqiiitie, tut alfe left a memnUlt thertifte hii fcjie- tiheo Therhrtfirn he dtfireth Gtdtt firgiue ha fins, loAnd to renew ,n him /;«> holy Sr,r/f,i3 With pron.fe thithewUlnothe r,nm:nift:l of thofe fre*» iwtfj. 18 FioAlly , feartag Itail Cidmouli pur.ifb the whole Church for his fault, he lecj-.tireih that htt wenii iMhet iiicteafe hiifracei toxt>*rd the fame. f To him that excclUth, ^ Pfdme ofDauid, tt>henthe Prophet Nathan ^ came vnlo him, .frerhc had gene in to Bath-fheba. 17 Seeing thou haiefl ο to be reformed, and haA caft my words behind thee ? 18 For when thou feeft athiefe, ο thou runneft with him . and thou art partaker v/ the adulterers. 19 Thou giueft thy mouth toeuUl.and with thy tongue thou forgeft deceit. 20 Thou ρ Gfteft.ajjii fpeakeft againft thy bro- ther . and llandertfl thy mothei s funne. 21 Theie things haft thou done, and I held my j laiion tongue : therefore thou thoughttft that I was hks -'— thee : but I will reprooue thee , and 1 fet them ia order before thee. 22 Oh confider this yee that forget God , leaft I teate you in pieces , aud there be none that can deliuer^ Open thou my lips, Ο Lord , and my month fliall fliew forth thy prayfe, ϊ6 For thou defireft no facrifice'. though I would glue i: : thou deliteft not in burnt offting. 17 The iicrifices of God are a ° contrite Ipi• ri; : a contrite and a broken heart , Ο God , thou wilt not deipife. 18 Βϊ fauourable vnto Ρ Zion for thy good pleafure : build the walles of Icrufalera. ,| 19 Then flialt thou accept the facrifices of ['„ <\ ri-hteoufnefle . tuen the burnt oflering and ob- thcn ihall they offer calues vpon thine altar. i.Simit. 17. nBygiuirgmeoccaliontopraifeihee, whei thou Oialt foreiue my linne.. ο Which i» a wounding of the heart. piocredingcffaitb,wbichfrr«tli vnto God formercy. ρ He ptayeth for the whole Church, becaulc .hica^n h,» , fir.ne it watia danger of Gods iudgement. q That ii , lu I andUAlUll , ϊ;•^-.:ί'ι to the right eud , which is theexetcifeof faiih and lepentAiltt PS A L. LII. 1 Dttiidieferibeth ihearfiiant lyranme efhii aduerftrf ■Vtig: who by falfe farmifts c*Hfid Ahimeleth roiih thereifetflhePri,ftitobe (lame. siytHidprofhtiielh hisdtlhMclion, 6 and cncournieth the fitlhfHk to put thttr ecnHdetiee it. Gtd.whofe luditmtn:•. are mtft fharft ai»,:nh,i aduerfar,':'. 9 And finally, t,rtoC>dftr in deliniranee. In this Vfilme n liHily ft forth the hitgdome of Antuhnfi. f To him that excelieib. A Pialme of Dauid to ^lU initruoiion. When "Voej^ the Edomite came ant fiita-ed Saul, andfaidt'o him .TJautdis come te the htufe of ^himelech. WHy boaftet» thou thy felfe in thy wicked- nefls. Ο » man of power? the louing kicd- nefl'e of God «m'ttrfr/; daily. 2 Thy tongue imagineth ^ mifchiefe , end h like a ll;arpe rafor , that cuttetb deceitfully. 3 Thou L'offtloueeuill more then good , «ni lies fTorc then to fpeake the t ttueth. Sclah. 4 Thou loueft all words that may deftroy: Ο deceitfuil tongue! . η η y So Hull God ■= deflroy thee for euer: he maU tEir riihteoHrntH V Though God foibtiie for » tie», ,.c«a.pesiieth,f.lu. \ . ^^^^ c My fioDM Oicke ίο talt io me , that I haueoeedoffom* '"iguU:kindof waUimg. If M» co.ifcieoce acculcihintfe, that When thou g|. e't fenienve ■gainit Uoceii, tbry mult cecjei coa« (eJe ifcee to be lull , a<:d ihtm&laei lii.ucii. f HccoDfrfftth bat God wfaolo• ueth purcneifeof heart, nuy iultly deltioy man , wha of oaiurc u a liu. ocr .much mote .him . whoLiJ he had lii'jaed 10 bit aucnly wifdiXDf,, i»».r. 1+6. Κ He meaoctb God, comlotiable roctciet toward epentant hnnetf• b By the hcnei ba iMciUandeibiU leugih ot foule and body which if• >tci and mourniog re confumed. He coorelTeib lai whin God• Sjiiit ia cold 10 vi, to baue it agtiLc iniiued , ia a i.cA' creation• Which ituyaf• le me ihtt I ana a Λ en out of the uety of liune. Heptomifetb endeucr that tieit by hit exiffl^ :m>y tuine God. I From the mur« eiefVriah.and t otbeis that weit line with bim. I Ο Peeg, wbid» hai< credit witb hetyiaotSaul. and ball powtt 19 inu.thei the Saint• fGod. b Thy malice meo- bec by ciaH teiKSanl i.cufeana d-nr^y tbe louo- atlcDjibhewill The godly oppreiTed. Pla mes. i fclbiitthoii ieemetobs ueuer ίο fuie fetled e For the rjM of the repiobate are fiiut νμ it OoJi iudicmcatl- f VVithioyfull re- «eierce , fericg thathttaksih their fjvtagainft the wi^kiJ. % He teicyceth to liaue a pUce «mong the fcruanf» of Gjd , that he tt XVhUh VTsi an Snihumentorkilfd of no e. i> Whereai no re- jai J ii baJ of bo- Celtic cr liihjoe- lli<, ofvertur n^r of vice, there the Tiophei pr",noun- «eth ihat tfe peo- ple haiieno God. t Wbcreby he conderncth all iinowledge and vc (]er!tanding , ibac xecdeth not to /«keGod. Bi icra t Λ>,ά, ,i: f,r„.•. itaks thee and plucke thee oat of fSj- tabernacle, 8c d root thee out of the land of the liiiing. Selah. 6 The e righteous alio rhall fee i: , ^^nd fate, KvS lliall laugh at hitn.^Otij»^, [ 7 Behold the manthtttookenetGodforhis rength , but trutted vnto the Eiultitu Je of his ri- ches . and put his ftrength 8 iii his malice. 8 But I ilTaitbe like a s greere oliue tree in the hnufe of God : pr 1 ttufteJ in the mercy of God foreueranJeaer. 9 I will alway pray fe thee , for that thou haft (lone h th-i, and I will || hope in thy nacne.becaul'e it is good btfore thy Saints. ay grow io tbi: k-.o^'eHge of godlioefic. h Ex:<.uted hit veu- |Or , vaat ^f» thj^rnci .viA -. rora:f(. Ρ S A L. LIII. eih CKc ciotk^d mime, ^ The cruelty, ilbmeni cfthe T9:chi , when the) loikt »tr And dfi/eih lA.idiurAnce »f th^ giiiij, th :! iKiy m.i) leioyiv tot ttm, f To htm that tx'cdleth t,n * Mahalath- A Pfalme of Dai.id to fine infxruSiion. Τ He Γο )le hath faiJ 'in his heart , Thtre « l» no God, they haue cortupted and done abomi- nable v^ickedne lie, there it n^.ne that doeth good. God loDked duwne Γατί heaaen vpon the children of rcen , to fee if there were any that would vnderSand.and • feeke God. 3 * Eaery one is gone back: they are altogether corrupt: there is none that doth good, no not one. 4 D^e not the d workers of iniquide knowe that they eate vp my p,'Gf k λ( they ute bread? they call not vpon God. 7 Tliere they were afraid For feare , xrher» no «if are was: for'Ccd hath fcaitsred the 'bones of him that befieged thee : thou hali pns them to confuGon , becasie God hath cill them off. 6 Ob giue faiaaiionvnto Ifraelout crZion: when God turneth the captiuitie of his peoi-le, tluTi Iaakobn-,ailreio>ce, andlfraelJhallbegiad. Falfe Δ DauiciiironcuD• eethGoJs'veng-• ance agaitsit crjell "jouercouis, who ling charge t^ end and preftrt <3ods people, doe jnoli cinel'y doucaritheiti. e Whrn thty ihought there wai none occai feare , ihe fudden vengtmce of God l,;;hted vj.oi. thim. ftSrite eaemies power WXMi ίο gre»t , nor lie dasher fo fwitfuil, yet God dcliiiereth hi» indue tim:. Ρ S A L. L 1 V . 1 D.inii hrtutlit into great U.turer by reafen ef the Zifhims, -, d-.Ucthvfmthe N.wn cfGcito deftr^y AiifWfWies, « Vnrr.ijingfuctifiiCianifreecfriXgs fit fo jri.it delinn.tnei-. f Te hifn that exceUeth en Neginoth. A PfaltTDC o/ Dantd, to giue in^runionWhen the Ziphtntt came Oisdfaidvnto Sua!,* I; nit TJamd hidafnottg i/i? C Aue ire , Ο God , a by thy Name , and by :hy *^ po'.ver judge roe. X Ο Go'i'i heareisy prayer : hearken vnto the v\ ore's of roy rcouth. 3 For b ftrangersare tnfen vp againftme , and V tyrants fetke my ioule : they haus not fee God before theru. Selah. 4 Beheide , God « intne helper : ώβ Lord « with ^ them that vphold my fcule. J Hea Hull reward euiil vnto mine enemies: Oh cut them oiFin rhy « trueth. 6 Then I will facrifice f freely vnto thee : I will praife thy Name , Ο Lord.becaufe it is good. 7 For he hath delruered me out of all trouble, 8c ' mine eye bath gfeene my defrt vp 5 mine enemies. • According to thy faithful! promife for my defence, f For hypocrites frrue Co<4forfeareorvpc&conditiotis g \Ve may lawfully reioyce for Gadt iudge- mcDt*ag«afti!ievvit'«d, ifour affeflio .i be pure. Ρ 5 A L. L V. . ; DuuU Mni in '^rent htAmnejfe and di!1re[fe, eemptai. tiethtfthe enttlfiee^ Sa-*l, ij and ifihe'fitlfboeicf his fjmUiar aejiiaiittanre . 17 Vlteriiigmc/t nrd.nt affeciicnf ttmfme the Lord tt> pity bim. xt After, bung aptirca cfdeliuerUKce.he fetd, fcrth the iraei ojf Ctd, * X.SfMt. ij, 19. a Hedcclaierh that whfnall meancsdaefaile. Cod will deli iier euen ti'-.x were by miracle , thein that call vnto hini wiih sn vpright cou- fcience. b To wit, the Zi- phi,«. e Saul and hi» ar- »nie , which were likteiuellbeail». «ndtoutdootte iatisficd but by %!l death. xilt himfelfe againll uae : foe i would haue l,id roe from him . 1 3 But it AW thou , Ο fnan , euen my ^ compa- nion , my g'.iide ■ and my familiar: 14 VVnicn delited in confdlting togetlier , And went into the houfe of God a companions. I J J." death fcazi vpon them : let them ' g -.e downe quicke into the graue : for wtckedneic « in their dweliingi, euen in the miJdesof tncin. 16' Bull will call vnto Gpd , and the Lord will faue me. 1 7 Euening and trorning , and at noone will I pray, ™ & ro.ike a noife, di he wil heare ray vovce. I? Hae .hath deliuer:a my fuul? in peace from the bsttell that was agjinft me : for " many were with me. 1 9 God fli-dl heafe and afflift rhem, euen hee that reigneth of olde , Selah : bccaufe they ο haue no changes , therefore they feare not Go-d. 20 He Ρ laid his hand vpon ftich as be at peace with him, and he brske his coueuant. 21 TiJi rvordi of his mouth were fofcer then butter, yet warre -/cas in his heart; his words were more gentle then oyle , yet they were IworJs 2 2 Oft thy II burden vpon the Lord , and hee fl-ial! nouriili thee : he will not fufifer the righteous tofailforqener. 2 J And thou , Ο God, ihalt bring them downe into the pit cfcotiuption: the bloody , andde- eeitfull men ihall not line ' halfe their Jay es: W I will truft in thee. ai at peace with him, yet he mid war againf me 5 Or, gij ■ wculHen that GtdlboiUigiue thee, q rhoagh toi t' fiiffei ihtmtoOip fora time, r Though thry foinet , and worfe then aa/ death. ' aTheearneinHfe f Bis priyer de- late h the vehe- lency of hi» griefs D lo much a> he ίβ vjinpeliea to butft i f er the tateat- .lugs.fSauiaacI el perion , tney bi e imagi- tied my de.iruftioB• hire was ..o jf-iiin, ihac wa> not iitouilhed With exireme fca.e. ate had driuee 01m tj fo gteaidi- ttrtU'e , y he wilhej be aid in ioine ijerncs , and to be o.nilCed troi• that kmgduine ' whuhGuJ-haJ pruoti led «bat be m^uld euioy. f Fiom tbecruell rage and tyiaony otSaul. g As ill the coa« fiiSonofBa.yloB when the wicked csal'pired agaiaft God. h AlUawes and , anJ cnelf ton reigieth voder SjuI. i limine open e..emie had foiight mioehurt.lcouli the beccer haue a^iotded him. k WDichwainOt ud counfell in worlitiy leaner», Ifyin te igloi^ ΑίΚ) life it curfed of Cod , v^qi1iet Ρ S A L I T>iuid heitu hitug• jt'Da than ind Abiram. m Which lignili• etha fcmant leinj and fu.etruit to oil* uiue hi» petition, whi:h thiDg made bun earncitaiaU u*es in prayer, ο Euen the Angei* oIGjH fought ea my lide jgainlh m.ne enemies^ a King. 6. 16• ο Bit their pro• fper.us eitateliil continue.h. ρ I did not pro- uokehim. but wa« which thtl heir beiteriog and iiiill, hi loQger , ](ct tbcic L VI. yicitlbthe kin« of G.<»t, i . Sum. ai. 11 omplmn'th of hii enemies, dtm'.nd- thfitcctur, 3 Putteth hit tru^ in Csi.tnd <» his f<»mtfei. 11 Aai frtmifeth t« ferferme his vnoes xfhich hee hud t.iken -upm him, wheretf this w*s Ikt effecl , ttpaifeGti in his Church. f To him that ex(eUeth. A PfalmeefDawiri on Ι"'"8' "?""'''' ,.. ,. ... , , , -^ . - he was « duinbe Michtam.ceKCermng the\dum''e do»t ft a farre joue no: feeliii ^Hn(T«;f ttf hen thcrhiitfiims (e»l^ hinmGatb. reuenge«c«. ,fte teafe$ of the Saincs, Ch«t it ii ciiber Pfal , tbat Goa he kim, for all the World it again» bim and ready to denouie bim. c He itaycih bit confcie Ji.e vpoii Coil piuinife, tkougb be ice not fteleocfaclpe. St Alt my couorel* kau: euillfuccclTe, aud turae to mine owae furuw. e A» all the world ftgaioit oac man, ■od caoDoi be fa- tiate, except they fcaaemy life. f They ibioke aot ODeiy to efcape f uoilhineac , but the more vrttked tbeyare , the more impiideat they •vaite. gIfGodkeepe theieaieiof hit Sa:miiD Itore, eiuch more will be «emember their Wood.toaaeDge aud though eyrams butoe the r( , yet can not blot the traiet and Wlood oa fed. I am bound to full of hu great metcie». and gi 1^ ud light «f tbe fuaue. BE mercifull vnto me, Ο Go3, for ^ man woold (wallow eae vp : hee tigbcech couciniully *nd vatitb roe. X Mine eneiuies would dayly fwallow me vp: fbt cnaay hgbc againe me > Ο thou mofi High. 3 When ί was afraid . I truied in thee, 4 I will f eioyce in GoJ, btc*uft of his c word, I cruft in God , *nd will not feare whet flefli can doe vnto me. y Mine owne d words gtieue mst dayly ; all tbeit thought» are againft me to doe me hurt. 6 • They gathcf together , and keepe thetc- felues clofe ; they matke my fteps , becaufe they wait for my foulc. 7 fThey thmke they fliallefcapeby intqaity: Ο God , caQ thtfe people do« nc in thme anger. 8 Thou haft counted my wandtings , pjc my g teaies into thy bottel ; are they cot in thy rc- gittet ? 9 When I crie , then mine enemies fliall turDC backei this I know , for GoJ is with me. 10 I will reioyce in God becaufe of hit weid; in the Lord will I reioyce becaufe of hii word. 1 1 In God do I truft ; I will not be afraid what BJan can doe vnto me. I ζ Ί Thy vowes are vpon me , Ο God ; I will tender ptaifesvnto thee. 13 For thoa haft deliucred my (bule from death , and alio my fecce from fallwg, that I may ' walke before God in the "^ light of the liuing. tof God» reglRer h Hauiog teceiucd that which I rrqui- pay my vowes of ihanktfgiujug , a» I promifeth i A» inind- ■ ghimthanki for the fame, k Teat il , in toil fc The malice of the wickei • Thit ffit either »he brginnir.g of ecertaincfoug,or the Λ•.>χάί jvhub Dtuidvitered Whenh^ 'aytd kis atfcdioo. α Or, dxotU mtjl fuffly. b H'compareth tbealflidiao» which Gjdaietk τραη bis children. J a itorme mat -. mnie-.h aud __oirih c Who leauetb woikc» begun v-Fei fit. d HeWoH ra- ther deliuet me fcy a miracle, 'heo tbat I iUuuld be c Hemeaneth «heir calumnies and falfe tepoitl. f Suffer me not to l>e del toyed to the contempt of thy Name. g For rety feare feeing the great dangers 00 all fiJet. h That it .wholly Ρ S A L. LVII. J Oxuidbein^ in thcitf>»< l>" yilljhevi hu lltry in the heauim aiii the earthagamfthn cr»tU enemies, f Thtreftre doeth he render laud /ii.dfrAife. 5 To him t at exriUerh. 'DePray no'. A Pfalme */ Dattid en Mtchtam. * When hee ficacte from 8ληΙ tn the caue, HAue mctcirvponmee.OGod ,haue metcie »poT mee ; f;r my loule ttultith in thee, »nd in the IhiJow .»f thy wings wiil 1 11 trail . till thefe *> afflittiuiis DUtrpolfe. 2 1 wiil call vnto the moft high God , euen the God. tiiar •- perfo'-mcth hu promt fe roward mc. 10 For tby mercie» is great vnte the beaueos, I tfnti thy tructh vnto the k cloude$. 1 1 Exalt thy felfe, Ο God, aboue the heauetu «nilet thy glory be vpjn all the eartii. Ρ S A L. LTIII. I Hedefcriielh the tr.'hce tf hii entsiiei, the ptttertri »/ Saul, whtbnhfecTeil)and cptnly feufhl hu dtftrx- ifim, frtm whim he tifpe»leth 't» Gtdi ludpmiut, 10 Shervinj, that the tuH ^.i3 riitne , when thej fet thep!in:JhmeMl tf the xvickcJ m the j/jri •/ Gcd, f To Inm that exielicth. Defiroy not, A Pfalme efllauiiien ^/Akhrem, 1 S it true ? Ο * congregation, fpiake ye iuftly ϊ Ο fonnes of men . iuJge ye r,;rightlv > 2 Yea, rather yeeiaaagine oiifchiefein^ heart : b your handes execute ctusltie vpon the earth. 3 The wicked <: are ftrangert from the wombe tuen from y belly haae they erred , and I'peake lies. 4 Their p.)yfun is euen IHce the pt'ylon of a ferpent j like the deafe <^ adder that Uoppcth bii eate. y Which heareth not the voy ce of the inchan tcr . though he be moft expert in charming. 6 Breake their e teeth , Ο God , in their roouches : breake the iiwes of the yong lyons , Ο Lord. 7 Let tliemfroc!: like the wates,. let them patTe away ; wlien hee Ihootetb his arrowes , Itt iAif» if as broken. 8 tct «hetn confume like a Ciaile that raelteth, etndliks the vntimely fruit of a woman, that hath Dot feene the funne. 9 g As raw aiih before your pots feele the fire of thomcs;/» let them caiiethemaWay aswiih a v;hirlewind in hit wtath. 10 The rigbtegus ihall '' reioyce when hic feeth the vengeance ; he flull walb lai fcctc in the i blood of the wicked. 1 1 And men iiiall fey , >-- Verely there is fruit for the righteous ; doubtlelTe there is a God that iudgeth in the earth. terprifrt before ihty bring them to pafie. b With puni. lime- He will lend fi OKI "i ht^auen , ana laue mee from ;^ reproc'fe ofhi.Q that wool.i IwjUuwroe. Selah. GoJ will fend his mercie , and hisrrueth. 4 My foule « among liuns ; I lie avnng the children of men . thataicfst on fire » whole teeth «re e fpiares and arrowes . and their tongue a fliarpe Iword. J f" Ex4lt thy felfe, Ο God, aboue the heauen, and let thy glory be vpon all the earth. 6 Thev haue laide a net tor my fteps ;S my foulc is pieiTed downci they haue digged a P't be- fore me , antiare fallen into the mids ofir. Selah. 7 Mine heart is i> prepa.ed, Ο God, mine heart is prepared i I wiil fiog and giac praife. % Awake my tongue , awake viole and Jiarpe: I will awake carely. 9 I will pray fe thee, Ο Lord , among the peo- pie , and I will ling vnto thee among the nations. ■ent to giue thee priyfe for my de'iuerance. i Hee nieweth that boeth hii heart (hall prayfe God, aud hii tongue ΠιλΙΙ confelTe bim , aai «Mo ke eiU vf« other meaaci to prougke himftlfc forward te the ί*ι»«• ^ k Ttymcrcirt ■ do noi «aety a^ I peitaint 10 tie Icwci , but alfo 1% the Cenulu. a Te eoanrellm of Saul, wiuj να• dct t':c:cucc of . coatuUiDgtor the •ommuo vsealth, tojfpitt my-dratk be:Qg amnncvrot. b Yeaicu^ialbta \ oied! ο execute ' ι^at ctueitic i^ub• likely . WkUb yt hatie miigiucdio y... beau., c that It, eneSBlM to the peovie of •cd euen fibm ihcii uiiih. d They pair» io ma.iceai.dfubiilti• tbecialiiefcrpeot Hopping hi» eare fiooi the eochani» • Take away all occaliuDiand Birace• whcicby ibey bun. f Coolideting GoJi diuipe pod«ni.r,tS'>-l r,h.fe,t„p«] h.m ,nh,i ted. fr»)r,h ^m, G«l )P'cl*rnhhn ,nn.. cena^. Aid then )«„', S D'fum. G.di,depr.< »ll\ th.fe thA i«B'./w«/.r..»t W'.M-»./e .il^* (fpU. γη tn ,U ««/«me it.m ,«»,urral*, ,5 Thnt hee m/t. he fc«.n.i« I. ke ih, GU ef /aafc.» »• the end of th.• Tvorld j6 For t/;/S hee fmj^tth fr<•}!" »» C^^nedofhtmirn', f TohimthttextUcth D^roy ne». A VUXzazef Damd, oti^Mic»tam. " When Saul ftnt and t et did watih nu houfe to t^iUuim. OMvGoJ. ^ deliuer me tiumrr.ine enemies; defend lae from them that rife vp agai: It nir. ζ Dsliaer me fi-orotae wicked doers, andlaue mefrom tiiebloodicmen. For loe. tky haue laid wiitformyloulr Reatir rfal. tO * I. Sun. 1*. II. bTh- the mig-itie men arc g«thetc.l agJioft me . not ίυΐ mine <^ otience. nor lor my Imne. Ο Lord. 4 Tbey runne and prepare iherufclues with- out a fault on my fart : atif: therefore 10 aiTi» me, ^" c EuSn diou, Ο Lord God of hoafts, Ο God of Ifrael . awake to vilite all the heathen , and be ndt d racrcifull vnto al y tranfgreire roalicioufty ..SeUh hee deliicth God to execnte hit Vingi*t<« oo ihe probate , iewce bit Churih, Bb 4 .\ Bb 4 6Ί 6 The] . yei br a iTureih frire ,t..t Ood ha 1 wayei yrotv t band lodeltoit bun. cent 10 tbeni- wirds. atd bine nut nieoded d Seeing it «ρρίΤ» .Godi ■uHieaienit ropi• oiQi the wuked, pvto tualicicully peti J - IPrayers agaSnftthe wicked• Pfal mes- Manshelbeis yainei e H« compireth their ciueltie to hungry doggei, Jhewiog thai they are neuer weirie iu doing euill. fTbeyboafto- f enly of their wie ked deuifes, and «ueiy word is ai afwoid: for they neither feire God ■or are aihamcd of men. g Though Siul liaue neuer Co great power , yet 3 know that thou doeft bridle him: therefore will 1 patiently hope on thee. h Hi will not failetofuccour me wbea neede lequireth. i Altogether , but jby litie and little, ihat the people feeing oftemimet thyiudgement», nuy be miudfull k That in their mifcrie and ihams they maj be as 1 6 They goetoandfro in tbe euening : they batke like ^ dogs , and goa about the citie. 7 Behold, they f brag in their talke, and fwords are in theit lips : for who , fay they doeth heare? 8 But thou , Ο Lord , iliak baue them in deri- fion, and thou llialt laugh at all the heathen . 9 g He is ftrong : but I will wait vpon thee: for God it roy defence. 10 My mercifiill God will t preuent ws : God will let me fee my defre vpon mine enemies. 1 1 Slay them ' not , leaft my people forget it: but fcjtter them abroad by thy power , and put them downe, Ο Lord , our fliield. 12. For the finne of their mouth , and the words of their lips : & let them be ^ taken in their pride, euen for their periurie and lies , that they fpeake. .13 1 Confume them in th-^ wrath: confume them that ihey be no more : and let thera knowe that God ruleth in laakob , eutn vnto the ends of the world, Selah. 14 And in the euening they "" iliall go to and fro, and batke like dogs , and goe about the cijie. 1 5; They Ihall runne here and there for raeate; and iurely they IMI not be fatisfied , though they tarie all night. 16 But I will fing of thy " power.and will praife thy mercie in the morning: for thou haft bene my defence and refuge in tbe day of roy trouble. ij Vnto thee , Omy <> Strength will I fing: ,for God is my defence , ajid ray merciful! God. jlalfts ana exam- | ' ^ileJof Gods vengeance. 1 when thy time Ihillcome , and , when they haue fuf- *"-■— tif fctuedforan example of thy vengeance vnt» other, in Hee mockeih :ir vaine eateipvifej, being alfuied that they (hall net bring their purpofe to IniTe. η which didft vfe the policieof a weake womanto confou id the ene- siiei Ifrength , a• I. Sam. 19. 12 , ο C;}cfelliiig biicfelfe tobevoide of all rcriue ao4 lUeagih , he autibutech the whole to God. Ρ S A L. L" X. I OxtiiAhcing vpTv kir.gtutr Itiiah , nr.ihmiivihai ni^ny viclniei , [beweih by eitidittt fignts , ihnt Gci eledeihim KiHg, afuring the ftepie that Gocl.wili ptif(er them , if they apfiome till fame. 11 After, he prayethvMtd Goito fiii^ that that hee hath kepmne. ^ To him that ex'ciUah vpon a Shufhan Eduth, or JAkhtam. A Pfalme of Dan id to teach, **■ When he fought againfl ^ram Naharatm, andagainfi \\^τατη b Zobah.when loab returned and flewt twtlut thoufand Edomites in the fait valley, ΓΛ God , thou feaft call vs out , thou haft <^ fcat- ^^ tared vs , thou haft bene angry , turne againe vnto vs. 2 Thou haft made the iande to tremble , and haft made it to ^ gape : heaie the breaches there- of, for it isibaken. 3 Thou haft t ihewed thy peopleheauy things: thou haft made vs to drinke the wine of giddines. 4 But now thou haft giuen f a banner to them that feare thee , thatitinay be difpUyed becaufe oithy trueth, SeUh. J That thy beloued may be deliuered , helpe with thy right hand and heare me. 6 God hath fpoken in bis g holinefle : there fore I will reioyce : I fliall diuide Sl'.echero, and rceafure the valley of Succotb. 7 Gilead/W/έί mine . and Manaffeh/Zji// he mine : Ephraim iMoputll be the'' firength of mine bead : i ludah « my law-giuer. 8 Moih fhallbs my kwaflvpot : ouer Edom retformed ihypromife fpoken by childrso. Λ Tb--.-.-'•- -.:-i- \l\^ F In making mee V.inj , ' dig?.icie ; their delight is in lies \ they bleft'e with their mouthes, but curfe with rheir hearts. Silah. y ' Yet ray foulc keepe thou filence vnto God : for mine hope U in hira. 6 Yet is hee my ftrength and my faluation, andmy defence: therefore 1 fliall not be mooued. 7 In God ii my faluation and my f glory , tbe rocke of ray ftiength ; in God is my truft Truft in him aiway , ye people ; g powre out the k 9 Yet the chiUren'^of men «re vanitie , the r thou wilt diCembJe.iDd faine as though thou weren glad, m He was allured, that God would giiiehim the ftrong cities of his eiiemies , whir• in they thought theinfeluei fuie. a From the plaee wheiel was bal•;'- &ed, being drii.en out ofthe citie and Temple Ό•/ my fouae Ablalom. b Vatothewbicli without thy helpe thing tiiat doeth more ftreugthen our faith , then the reiiiembranceof Gods fuccour ia mf s palt. Thi, chiefly ii iferredtoChrilt, wholiueth eter- ally notooely ia himfelfe, but alfo mbers. e liability Ifanletb in thy mefcieandttuetb. i.CAri». IS, 41J 1 Though Sitan 5od ,yEt hebriJc• ed hi* afT,-ftions, lod lelUng vpotj jooj» prouiife, :ih his ctofle ntly. b Itappejieth fay the oft tepeii you. e Dau id w.is greatly raoou'd himfelfe to truft in GoJ. fThrfe fihis word, that the Prophet abotle majcifold teatati* ons, but by reding God , and by patience be ouer- came thfm.all. e mcaneth felfe, being the roan whom Goi had appointed to gdome. nour , yet God will fuddenly deftroy iib thefe troubles, therefore hfe liineth vp hemeut and often repetitions were oecef- 'arie to (Irengthen his faith againit the hor.ible alfaults ofSatan. g He «dmoni- fljeth vs of our wicked naturo, which rather hide outforow audbKcontili fc"• dJs, itca vtter ow grUfc to God w obteia* iemedie, _ "jhcemn tcjngue• jchiefe men An lie« : to lay them vpon a balance Pfaljiies, Gods benefites towards man. \χ\ • feiues \^^'} ^f^ altogether lighter then vanitie. Truft r-oc inopprcffion nor in robbctie: •" be not vaineiit tiches incre«fe,fet not your heatt thereon. God fpake i once or tsvice, I haue heard it, that power bilongith vnto God. 1 2 And to thee, Ο Lord, naercy: for thou •= te» wardeft euety one according to his woikc. Giae your wholly to God by futiing 4Way all things tbacare coniraty to hi» L»w. Hehathpliioe• ly borae witneire cfhis power , fj that none needefh to doubt thereof. b So «h»t the A'clsed ttlill feele thy power , and the godly thy mercy, Ρ S A L LXIII. O.iHxi afle» he hai bene in great danget ij Saul in the itfen of Zifh , made thu Vfalme. 3 Wherein hegiueth thankes to Ccd fcr his -Windtrfutl ieliueranct, in whofe mtrcies he triiHei , eiteittn themiddeti>fhism:ferief. 9 ProfhecyiMg the dtflrrtciien of Cods enimies: n Ani contrarinife huppimffe to all thA Pfalme of Dduid , when he wai in tht » fviU derwjfe of lu.iah. Ο God, thou" arc my God, earely willlfeeke j thee : my fouleb thiiftethfor thee : my flclh - longeth greatly after thee in a barrea and drie ! land without water. 2 Thus c I behold ih&tas in the Sanduary, when I behold thy power and thy glory. 3 For thy louing kindneiie is better then lift: therefore njy lips ftall ptayfc thee. 4 Thus will! magnifia thee λ// ray life, and lift vp ttine hands in thy Name. y My foule Ihalbe fatisfied . as with ^ marrow I and fatneffe, and my mouth fl-sall prayfe thtt with I ioy full lips, 6 When I remeiEber thee on my bed , ani when I thiiike vpon thee in the «i^/r watches. 7 Becaufe thou haft bene mine helper , there- fore vnder the fliadow of thy wings will I reioyce. 8 My foule «cleaueth vnto thee : /or thy tight hand vpholdeth me. 9 Therefore they that feekemy foule tode- ftroy it , chey (hall goe into the lo weft par ts of the earth, 10 fThey fliallcafthira do wne with the edge of tbe fwon!, and they fl.albe a portion for foxes. 1 1 But the king iliall reioyce in God , and all that g fweare by him lliail reioyce i>i him ; for the mouth of them that fpeake lies , ihalbe ftopped. prcftelTc him . Ihall reioyce in this worthy kiog. Ρ S A L. LXIIir. I DauidfraycthagatHltthefurte and fulfe reports of his enemies. 7 HeeduUreth ihcir punifbmcnt andJe/lru- a.m. 10 Tothe comfort of the luft a,:dthe ^torr cf Gid. ^ Tci.imthat exctlleth. ^ Pfalme ofDauid. Η Eire my a voycc, Ο God , in my prayer : pre- ferue my lif« frors feareoFthe erecuie. 2 Hide me from the ^ confpiracie of the wic- ked, & from the ■; rage of the wotkers of iniquity. 3 Which haue whet their tongue like a fwotd, and Ihot far their arrowes d bitter words; 4 To Ihoote at tbe vpright in fecret ; they flioore at him fuddenly and <= f sare not. •y They f encourage themfelues in a wicked purpofe •, they commune together to lay fnares piiuily , and fay , Who lliall fee them » 6 They haue fought out iniquities, <««<^ haue accompHHied that which they fought out , eucn euery one g hit fcaet tboughtt , and tbe dtpth of hit hearr. Thou gi'uell yly ccw occa. •a toihyChurcb piayieihcc. 1> Not onely ib« a Id that he cal- Jfihto GoJ with hi» voyce , it is a ligo; thai bis prayer wis vehe- inent , and that bis Iifewaliπ.^angn. b Tbat it , from their fecret ma- c To wit , their outward violesce. d Falfe repoiit and fii The more that jibe wiclted fee God/ childien in mifetie . the more bold and impudent art they jinoppitflingthfin. gTh:reisno way foficrei ani fubtiU to doe blKl , which jthry iBuented not for bis deitiudioa. 7 But God will ilioot* an arrow at them fud-l " denly : their fttokes flialbe at once. ] 8 They iliall caufe their owne tongue to fall l*" ''"° '«G<»A vpon themj ««d wbofoeuer fliallfee them, Π -all j, ",■,", J "Jf^""^*! t flee away. Ihowheebaih 9 And all men fl^all fee it , anddedare thel""*'"''""'''' wotkeofGod. andthey Hull vnderQand . whatlfwC^^X',',• he hath wrought. jcornder that bee 10 But the righteous ■ fliall be glad in theK'" b» fauour.bU Lord, and truft in him: andallthat are vuiight' •'b'!T,f'A'''•• 01 beart., ihall reioyce. iDtuid, Ρ S A L. LXV. i 1 A frajfe and ihankefiiuing -unto God bj the faithfull, reho are fit,nif!td b) Zion, 4 For the thnfing. prefeiaa' titn fA'.d goMcrnnnce of thitu, 9 And fcr the pltni if nil iltjjings potvrid forth "bftn all the earth , hut effittallj toward his C'-nrch. f To htm thatexceUeth. ^Pfalme or foiig of Dauid, Ο God , t prayfe waiteth for thee in Zion ,and v^to thee ihall the vow be peifornaed, 2 Becaufe thou heateft tbe ptayer , vnto thee ihall all b flellicome. 3 Wicked deedes ■= haue preuailed agaiuft me; bttt thou wilt be mercifull vnto out tiangttflions.! g^l' ''"' *^'° "' 4 Bleflcd»i/;ie ,»/;<)»» thou chuieftand caureftikJ.g'iO'^'",' cj,j(j^ to come to thee : he ihall dwell in thy courts , ani i c Uc impuitih it wee Ihall be fatisfied with tbe pleafures of thine '°, '''•""■"« "'i'• ,- , . I I _ ', ihelinoesofibe Houle. £««« or thme holy Temple. _ !ρ">1''« •«''atGod all ye inhabitant, of :^ earth i^> 2 Sing footth the glory of his NaiLc: I make his prayfe glorious. . 3 Say vnto God , How terrible art thou tn thy workcs ! through the gteatneJe of tby power ccoui fioart)MU Thou wit^n- ] arc 1 by felfe to I t ibe inefeiiier liby Cburchin ddtioyiDg ihise red Sra. ! Ai ofill barba• OLS oatioai •ιχ| f.rie off. f He ihtwiththat here ii no part Dcr creature in tbC A'oildwbichi* not gouerned by Gc'di power anil ptoiiidcnct. ^Eh.th.g.int t.nhofthemor. m«» and of tht g To wit , «iii laine. b Tbti ii , Shiloih 01 tbe taiiie. ί Tboj baft a^ pointed tht earth 10 biiug foorh fr>o,ie to min• vfe, thiid»r.,:n. heii^t«.-3 ; waid \l , -Abo ,a..itthl im'.-c ciraT3ictiU|UliM| uuall) finj, Μ affiihoHS. 13 Hee Aid proutketh all nun rlim, and to f raj febti arougt ihal Skult a ffe propliecieia tbst all natiucs (hall c know; God. νι-ίβοηΓίγΚο••™»" edge ο who 1 Godttyett hist fcAttheUivhfu 1 Williugly. Co ihs inli uli tof irare fluil diaioujJe tbetiifclusi io b• Jiibieft. «^ H» touchctk lihs flomhfull dul- ceiTe of m«a, who it LOid io the con- /il,c.ercd h,mlt/fe im thtm. tj Ani thevefitc G>di Cbmch tj ηφη Λ' hit frumifri , ir.tens. a»A -jitJouf^ dveih excet vithH,. cm- f^ufon a» worldly tlnng-, 3^ He exberitih thercfere ell mtn Oftiiif God fit tuer. ^ Tehim that exctlleth, ^ Pf»lmt or feiig of -Vauid. /^ Od a will 11 ifc . and his enemies flvll he fat- VJ tei ed i they alfo tiut hate him , fli«ll Bee be- fore: him. 2 As the ftnoke vanilheth , ft flialr thou drine them away ; and as wax; rarlteth before the fire, fa, Ihall Che wicked ptnili at the prefence of God. 3 ''But the lignteous Ihall be glad , «tnti re- ioyce bifore God ; yea.they ilwll leape fur ioy. 4 Sing νπίΟ Gcxl,<»!rt (jiig prajrfcs vncohis nan.eiesilt hirn ιίτ*ε rideth viJon the heauens, in bis Numeo lah.anartioycet-eforehim. 5 Htwg, Father cf the frfti.riitiic", and a lodge ^ of the wiJowes , titen God in his l-oly habitation. 6 God d maketh the fclitary to dwtli in fe- milies , ici.d deliuetecb them that were priioners in Sockes ; bat the rcbeilioos lliall dwell in a e drie land. 7 ί OGod, when tiiou wentefifoorthbefoie thy pesopki when thou wenteft through die wil dernefie. (Selah) 8 The earth fhooke.atid the beauensdrop 1(5 ' Come W hearken, all ye that feare God. F=^ ^\ the prefence of this God ; tuen Sinai i^as and I will tell you what he hath done to tny foule. i -7''7*' «t the prefence of God . eucn the God of 4- 17 I called vnto him with ray tnoutb , and he was exalted with tny tongue. 55 ''If I regard wickedneflc in mine faeait.the Lord will not heare me. 9 Bat Ged hath heard me, and confidered the voyceof my prayer. zo Prayfed be God , which hath not put bscke toy prayer , nor bis aercy from me. It is not sdotigh to haue receieed God» benefits, and to bi indfull thereof, bat alfo we are biucd to irak; othcrt to profit thereby and firayfe God. k If I delight in wichedueCe. God will rot heaie me, but i£ Icon- j(c^ it , he vviU receiue me. Ρ S A L. LXVII. . A prayer tfthe Church ta 1.1^1 »ine the f*viiur of Gii anAto b'elt^htetiei 191th hii cmntimnc!. i Τά ihe et.ie that htSTV-ty and iuilgnuem mey te kvcTvnthrci'ghoHt the etnh. 7 Α'ΐΛ (inully ii declindthe kin^d-mr of Gtd,v>hich IbuHU be urn tittj'xllj c recltd at the ctmming */ Chnil. ^ 1* him that exce'tUth on Neglntth, w4 Pfalme Of Jong, God bemercifilll vnto vs. ^nd blelTe vi,tuia *■ caufe liisface lo Ihuie an.oni; vs. (Selah.) 2 That b they may know thy way vpon earth, Λπά thy fauing bealth aarong all nations. 5 Let the people pray ie tnec.O God ; let all the people prayfe thee. 4 ' Let the people be ghd and reioyce; for jthou ihalt iudge the people ligbteoufly , and go- I uerne the nations vpon tlie earth. Selah. y Let the people prayfe thee.O God j let all the people prayfe thee. 6 Then fliall ^ the earrb bring foorth her en- creafe, κηά God,euc»our God (hail blelle vs. 7 God iliail bleii? vs , and all the ends of the eatth'fliail feare him. 4lTlMiii,»noBue our heart» with his" holy Spirit, «bat we may feele bit fauour te- riii.vs. bThaiJoth lewe» ^d Gen- ^ tiles BMy know iGoiiicoueDanc •nidewithtbtm. «a^theieoftte. })etitioos hee Slieweth that the ixople can neuet *eioycefufficient• 4y atid giue thanks he great bene- •ts that they fball arectiue»Dder the kingdome of Chril>j d He filewetli that where God faooure^h , there «lall be ab,Md»ece of all other ifcings. eWhtm ibry feele hi* great beaeftti both fpi- tiieiUand coipot«Utov¥e»il Ukem. Il'rael 9 Thou , Ο God, fenteft a gracious raine vfon thine inherimnce , and thou didU reftefn it when itwaswearie. 10 Thy Congregation dwelled therein; /« thou , Ο God , bait of tby g goodneile prepared it fur thepoore. 1 1 The Lord gaue nutter to the h women to tell of the great ijrtiie. 12 Kings of the armies did Ot^ ; they did flee, andi file that remained inthcboule.diuidedthe fpoile. 15 Though ye naue ϋειί among ^ pors.yetfh ye be as the v/ings uf a doue that is coueted with fiber, and whofe leathers Are Itke ytllow gold 14 When the Almighty Icatterea kings ' in it, it was white as the inow in Zilroon I y '" The mouiitaine of GoJ u like the moun- taineofB,iihan :ir«aohig.i raounioinc, o^ mount Baiban. 16 " Why leape yee , yee high roountalncs ? as for this Mountf-ine , God deiigoteih to dwell in it; yea, the Lord wiildweliinit lureutr. 17 The cnarets of GoJ «re twtntie thoniand thcufind AiigJs , and the Lord is among tbcm, as intheSanftuaf) of Sinai. 18 Thou art gone vp on high ; thou haft ° led captivitie captine.r.^'rireceiued gifts fur men ; yea, euen rhe rebellious hafl thou /«<<, that the Lord God might dwell t/7trf . 19 Pray fed be the Lord , *Mcn the God of our faluation , ifhich ladeth vs dayly mth htnefitestl Selah. I » the Prophet flieweibihat albeit Oud lufFcreth the (Tebie Church for a limf, leogrh hee wiU bercuengei them, b Hee (beweth hit when Gael tiiclareth b.'• power igainii the wicked , that it if for the conunodi- .ad faluatioa of hij ChUich, which pviyfe him there'ore lahaod lehouah are the naicei of God, which dee ignifie h'S eiieDte and maieitie iti- coiKpiebeiiiible , ib that hereby is de- clated that all idolcsaie but ri• nitie , and that the God of Ifriel is the only true God. d He giueth chil- diento iheratfaat b;childeleee,(n(l encreafeth their e Which is bar- ren of Gods bief» lings , which be• fori tbey had abufed. f Hee reacheth tb ,t Gods fauout peculiaily be- lon^etb to his Cou'ch, ai appei- leth by their woo- (terlul! de.iuetauce ouiofLgyft g G^>d biclled the land ei Ca»aaD, brcaule bet had cbufcj teat place f.thuCbuich. h The faiiJim I fnngfi>!ig« ih , lu :i.fa , atid The pi ay was fo icat , that not οα• ly the iuulHicr», women alfo part thereof, buugh God fue-'ct hit Church timeto lie in blacke darkenefle. make ir mult fbJBing and white. 1 Ιλ tbeknd of Canaan , where his Church was. m Zion the Church of God , doe:h excel! aM worldly things, cot in pompe and<»utward Ihew , but by the in.vaid giace of God, which tbcre remayueth, betauicofbisdwclliugthfie. η Why boalt yee of your Itrength and beautie againit this Mou.itaiue of God ? ο A» God ouer- cameiheecen-.ie» of hii Ch'Jtch , tooke thein prifooeis , and made ibein ttibuta- lits : fo Cbtift, wbich is God maoiiefted inthe flelh , fubrtued Satan and hnne vodetvi, audgauevmohif Chuicb malt liberal I gitisnf his S,>iiit , ti'hef.t.S• _____^__ 20 This i pbds p0W€ r m his Charch. q Ajhedeliuered bit Chutch ouce fio.n OgoiB.ihao, andotlwr tyiiit», and (torn ihe dan- DtrficitdSea, fo will he Itiiidt-e as olt as oecsffiiy Irecb. I Taat i«-. inihe blocd ot that gteai uiUjjhter, wrberedigs ftuU lap|if bload. ί Tha' IS . tow the u vvh-ch art ehieit King ξοίϋ Λιΰι luy μίο• pie to wjtre^ani gltxiA latm the viftory. t HadifLtibeth theoto.t ofchr people, when they wen; to the Tem- ple to giueihaakl fcrtheviaoiie. u vv'hichcume of the ratiiaitb laakob. X B?niaai;a is cal- lei Utile, beca-jfe he iwai the yongeit CoDoeoflaak'b. y «"ho A'as fome chieieiuUicfthe tiibe ζ Declare out of thiseholy pi.ace thy pr«'ci for the detence of thy Cbiivcb Iet:ifaiem• a He 'eliie h that the [niJe ef the rni.-lity maybe de:rDyel, which accjitomed to giinifh ihoi iheoiri wuh t'liuer, their slir.timj pom pe thought theaileltie» a^oue• all me a. b H- p. and wotQlip of Guc kt!».veo the God of aJl PlalT. n€9i This β otir Gud, euen the God that fsu; π vt : ai'iilto the Lor J God beUieguic PiSues <-£ death. 2 1 Surely Goil will wound the head of his e- nsiries, and thch«iry paieofiiim tuat wtlkith iohisfinnes. 32 The Lord hath faid , I will bring wy pfoflt egainefrom 4 Bafiiic : 1 wiii bring them agerf the maidee playing with timbrels. 26 Pra) fe yee God in the aiTemhiifS , and the Lord ,yt r/iai «reofthefountaii>e " ofllrael. 27 Thcie.j'ai » liilc Beniamin wuh their ν ru- ler , and the pi inces of ludah o-if " their allettbly, the princes of Zebaliin ,. and the piincesol Naph• taly. 28 Thy GOD hath appointed thy ftrength: ftabiilb , Ο God , that t»hUh thou haii wroiighc in vs, 29 iOiu of thy TempJe vpon lefufalem , a»d Kings tli^U bring ptcfents vnio thee. 30 Daliroy th« cottpany of the fpearerren, avd multitude of the cnighry bulks with the calues of the people, tliat» tread vnder f=cte pieces of liluer : Icatter the psople th-u Jeltte in warrc. 31 Γ»ί» ihall tDe p• inces come out ^ofE• gvpc: Ethiopia ihill bafte toiirttch herhacus vnto God. 32 Sing vnto God, Oyeekingdorr.es oftbe earth ; ling prayfe vnto the Lord. (Sslah) 33 To him I hat ridetbvpon the nioft nie hea- netis.ie'/ic/.n'iri/rowtbebeginniDg : bi:holJ, hea will feiKJ out by his <^ voyce a mighty fosnd- _ 34 Afcribe the potver to God : for bis mai. fty Μ vpvMi Ifrael , and histlrengtn ri in the cloades. 3J OGod, thou art ^ ten ible out of thine ho- ly ' places : rlie God of Ifraei is bee that giueth ftrccgih and power vnto the peepk : ptayled^e God. th that the Gentiter fjiall corns to the true knowledge ir h:s terrible thiin.icii hee vtill nuki- hi-rftl e to be /Olid. d liOiVJiiig feaiefuiliudgtioruiiagainlt thit«r;Dtm:ei fot the faliiatioT of thy people, e He alludeih to th« Taberna.le which was dinided ieto ihiee pavti. Ρ s A L. Lxrx. 1 Tm cunplaimu prayers, fcmcnt xtatt anipeet afiu-fh if T3t!:,itijn ftojih «5 «figure ^f Cht.il α>ιέ »a kn iKimiers.• t• The mal-ctunrueitie tftl't ir.tmfi. j» ABith'Jr funifimer.t eilfo. 16 lyhen Ιλ^λι μίΛ [Mih t^J^oiirs »ie ait:nfti 30 rte gilhrreih ccuroft in his tntte ntcrttaktt thin λΠ f-ttiificci : whireof αΐί thenf- fitSrd r»r.) txke ctr>-fcrt 3; Fiiall), het icth frcikt all treatures ttftx\fes, frsfhftyiii, of the ΥίΚ^ιΙ^ηκ »f Cb'ii,*niihe i'reffTuatnnof thtChnuh.wheit tU ikt f»ithfHU,3j Ani their [f.ir pili dvell i>' tun. crofhts enemies, i^ «Of Shtiilisnnim, teaie rfilin4f. b Da'iid figui-. fietbby the wa- tt, lawhac eat dingeit was , out of the whi.h God did deliiiM i f To hht that exceUsth vpon ' Shofhannim. A PfaliEe of Danid. Ο Auernee .O God : for the ^ waters are enrred ^ euen to my fo'jie. 2 I ftitke fsft in the deepe myre , where no ftay is : I am come into deepe waicis, and the ftreanjes rnnne ouet me. him, e »efirmitie erttaWtneffe 10 fettle my fettc. 3 IztTj'Xtiv. .. V thro»te is diy j fftiie ^ eyes fjile , w :ir* 1 \ι^γί (ji my God. 4 They tifax ha:e tae wiihtwt a caofc . aie n.-^ tben ihe hdiies ofir.ine bead; they that wo; Id I, _ dc&oy mee. *>.d ^re mine enemies <•■ falHy , «re i^'l'^tib "Q^g.'iiy , fo dwt 1 reftcred that which 1 f lockc τ" Ο God , thoQ knoweftmy s foolijtncs , and t''"./t my ftnlti are r.ot hid from thee, 6 Let not them that truft in tliee , Ο Lord God of hoaftes, be alhamed for h me: ict rot thofe tlut irtite tliee . be coniounded through mcc , Ο God of Ifrael. 7 For thy fake hane I fuffred reproofe : Qiame bath couered my Lcc. 8 I am Ijccome a ftranger vmo iBy bteihren, euen an alfanc νηω my mothas Tonnes. 9 1 FoTthe zeals uftl.ir.e hoafc bath eaten ae, and me rebukes 0.' taem that rebuked thee , are i.Ueii vpon me. 10 1 k wept and roy fonk fafted , but that was to my roprooi^^ u Iputonafatkealfo; ar.dlbecaceapfo- cetbe vnto them. 1 α They that l fite in the gate, fpike of tree, andthedruiikardifango/wje. 13 Btii Lord , / make ray pra7er vnto thee in an 1» accepuble time , euen in the irulritude of thy n>ercy : Ο God , bcare pe io the trueth cf thy filiation. 14 Deiiaer mee out oftbe ryre , tVat I finkej not ; let me be dcliuered f cm thtro that hate ae, and out of the π deep: waicrs. I y Let net the water fiocd drowne roe, neither let die deepe Iwaliow mevp^ and let not the pit Ihut her month vpon mee. 16 Heare ire, Ο Lord, for thy Irulcg kindneffe is good ; turns vnto mee accoiuirgto the iLuIii- tude of thy tender nicicies, 17 And i> hide not thy face from thy fer- Hant' , for I am in trouble j luake hafte ^«if hciie 18 Drawneere vntoiryfcDlc«»/ireieEmeiti deliuer ree brcai.re of tr.ire enencies. 19 Thou haft krowen my rcptcofe and my ibamc ., and my dilhonoat ; all mine Ρ adueitarice ate before thee 20 Rebuke hath broken ir.ine heart , and I am full of heaumefle , anu q I lcoktdJer/iW« to haue pity en me , but there was none ; and for comfur. ters , but I found none. 2 1 For tr«y gwe me g.iH in way rreate , and in roy thitft they gauc me vineger to dtir.ke. 22 Lettheif ' table be a Inare before them, and their profpctityiAf.rruine. 23 Let theit eyes be blinded that they fee not: and make iheir floyre$«tway to i»eaHe. 24 Powte cut thine anger vpon then , and let thy wravhfuU difpieafore take them. _ 2 y * Let their ' habitation be voyde . ana let none dwell in. their tents. l u α 20 For they peifccute him . whom thou hau ^ H,(i,;w»th' fmiuen : and they adJe tnio the fjrow of tbem, .»., „ ,, „»„,»■ wht^i thou haft wounded. .'enuiiig leu-iitet. r»ty lud^isl (.gn I be ;u>ttee. , );: tmli . ti>vt*f4 ■ hetntiu.ttbe» Oicalioti , that the faitbrull (ibdoaa tbtf. 1 Whrnlfwe thi!eenriii:ripie^ (IrDlt iJm fjWT, ilii ί boty Spitic lb i» .■ i-art.m which rhali be l.he vDto.b.e• " 8, •1«Γ let ii L>c ItBoweo ttu the j be eii«B — ^r Thehoje of the faithfull. - __ Pfattiiesj .Theywhicbfee. let thstn not come into thy righteourneiTe. 28 Let them be put out of the " booke of lifij, neither let thetn be written with the righteous. medby thci fefiion to haue bcene iviittcn in ihy bockc , yet by Iheir fiuiti prooue the contrary , let tb;in be knoweo as rcpi'obite. y Thne is qo fa- trifice , which Gd mote efteemeth , tben tbanhefgi- iiirgfoi his bene- ίΐί. 2 For as he» deli- vered hu feruaiir J)»uid. fo willhee doe all that are in idilirell'e, and call «rpon him. V Vnder the tern• f>oralI promife of «he laud of Caoa- Λα , hecomprehea' deth the promiTe fcflifeeuerlaltingtt the faithfull and their poltcritic. 8 Let mj' mouth be filled with thy prayfs with thy glory euery day. „ - 9 Caft me not offin the time of 2 age 29 When I am poore and in heauinefle, thine | me not when my ftreneth faileth Α pf aver of the faithful], ayfe,4«i : forfakj helpe,OGod,ihallexaltme 30 I will prayfe the Name of God with a fong, and magnifie hitn with thankclgiuing. 31 J hi, ^fo ihiW pieafe the Lord better thea a y yong bullocke that hath homes and hoofes. 32 The humble Ihall fee this, and they that feeke God ilialbegUd , and your heart ihall liue. 3 3 For the Lord heareth the poore, and dcfpi- feth not his - prifoners. 34 Let heauen and earth prayfe him ; thefeas and all that mooueth in them. 35- For God will faue Zion , and build the ci- ties ofludah , that men «ay dwell there and haue it in polTiffion. _ 36 The a feed alfoofhisferuaBtsfliall inherits ί Ui and they that loue his name il:all dwell therein, i ο For mine enemies fpsake of me, & they tha, lay wait for my fouls , take their counfell together^ 1 1 Saying , h God hath forfaken him : purfu. and take him , for there is none to deliuer him. I ζ Gos not fatrefrona me, Ο God : ' my Goi hafta thee to helpe me. 1 3 Let them be confounded and confumed thai i^^^s^ ''« ''»'' for• are againft my ibule: 1st them be couered wicb fT^Jtll'l':!^:,. reproofe and confufion , »hat fefeke mine hurt 14 But I will waite continuallyi and will Braofe! .' '^'^ ""'°g him thee more and more. g Thou, hit dii- delt helpe me io my youtH , when I bad more Itteogth, helpe me qow Io much the more ία miDeoldiageautt weakcntHe. h Touj ihe wic» ked both hlaf. pheme God , and triumph againll hij SiiQis , as i,««uuj tatter, hem to fail Urt. lato their hands. Iprayfd j,^° "Λ°8 '''"« ' ' Ί hiiGsd, he put.. . teth baclie the f.rth.a ΐ .-.ir- ίτ S MyiBouth lliall dayly rehearfe thy righte^ faife reports of • -"- and thy faluatipn : k for 1 know not the 'ϊ* '^^"(^t I« which might put him ioremem• braoce of hit de- liuerance. }* Ρ/.,ί 40.. 3. jb He ieai.ticth v$ to be earnelt in jprayei , though <;od fccme to itay : for at fall time be Will heaie vs. c Hee was allured that the more they raged , the neerer ihy were ro de- flru^ioD, and hee the neerer to hi» ideliuerance. d Hereby we are «aiigbt Dot to mock Bt others i their mi tad felt God• helpe I iimforiuccour, * i>fal. 31. tJ * Heprayeth to God with fullaflu• xance of faith, that tewil' deliuer bin uomhiiaduei^ fariei. fc By declaring thy felff true of c Thou han infi. ti/ceraeauifs , and Ρ SAL. LXX. / Ketrayelhtote righi fpeedily deiiuettd. 1 He,dif!reth tbelbumeofhu encmui, 4 And the icjfuU cmfirt of all thcfe thatfiekt the Urd. ^ ' f T9 him that ex ce 'let h. A Pfalme ofDattid, to put ^ in remembrance. r\* Gody^haf.e thee to deliuer mee: make hafte ^^ to helpe me. Ο Lord. 2 Let them be c confounded and put to lliame, that feeke my foule : let them be turned backward and put to rebuke , that defire mine hurt. 3 Let them be turned backe for a reward of their 'i ihame , which fayd , Aha , aha< oufnefle number. 16 I will 1 goe forward in the ftrength of the > Lord God , and will make mention of thy righte- j oufnefle , euen of thine onely. ) 17 Ο God, thou haft taught mse from my ] youth euen vntill now : therefore will I tell of thy wondsrousworkes. : 18 '"Yea euen vnto ?wi«e olde age and gray I head, Ο God: forfake me not, vntill I haue decla- ί red thine arme vnto this generation , and thy I power to ail them that ihall come. 19 And thy " righteoufiies.O God, I iviUtxalt on high : for thou haft done great thibgs ; God , who is like vnto thee ! 20 Which haft ihewed me great troubles and hat I'ayd , tutfaljec him. k Becaufethy be, oefitl toward mea are innumerable, 1 caauot hut con, tinuaily meditate and rehearfe them. 1 I wiliremiine Itedfilt , beii;gvp< holdeu with the power of God. •n He deliteth that as he hath begun. he would fo c elir. Qlthit his liberality iniy haue petfiie prayfe. Thy ioft perforo 4 ^«..let'allthofetLtVeeke'thee.beioyfuU , ^ΧνΓ^Γ" '''"'"''""'' '^°" ^'^ and glad in thee , and let all that loue thy falua tiou , fay alwayes, God be prayfed. y Now I am « poore and needy : Ο God, make hade to me : thou art my helper , and my deliue- ler : Ο Lord . make no tatying. leaft the fame fall efore, he groundeth on on our owne necket. e Becinue be expeiience, and boldly feekeih vnto PSAL. LXXI. » He prayeth in {λΜ , eHeblified by the wtri of prtmife f Anicmfjmrdby the workecfGoificm hnyoKth. \ 10 He comflameih of the nueltie efhti enimiei^ijAnd Ί j di'ftrcth dodto cinttriHe hifuracestewxYahtm. 12. Pr>' , mtfing t» be mtnifull and than keftM for the fame. J itN=<-athee, Ο Lord, I ttuftjletmeeneuetba j-*aihamed. i 2 Refcije mee and deliuer mee in thy t> n'ghte- | ouinefle : incline thine eare vnto me and faue mf. \ 3 Be thou my fttong roc^e. whereunto I I ; may alway refort : thou «^ haft giuen commande- nient to faue mee : for thou art my rocke , and my | fortreffe. 4 Dcrliusr me. Ο my God , out of the hand ^ of the wicked : out of the hand of the euill and cruell I (Dan. I y For thou art mine hope , Ο Lord God, euen, \ my « truft from my youth; 6 Vpon thee haue Γ beene ftayed from the wombe : thou art he that tooke me out of my mo- thers bowels ; my prayfe ihall be alwayes of thee. 7 I am become as it were a f monfter vnto ma ny : but thou art my fure truft. Ρ aduerfities, but thou wilt returne and reuiue me. "^^'^ efthy pro, mife. ο His faith bre». kcth through all 21 Thou wilt increafa mine honour, and re- *'°"3"«°». tadbf I turne and comfort me. t*"' ^"'^«'"«'oo , 22 Therefore Willi prayfe thee /or thy "3 faith- LTerofGod.' < fulnefle, OGod,vpontnftrumentrt» fea to fea, and f:cra the ri.ier vnto the ends of the land. 9 They that dwell in the νϋ1βΓη65,ίΐ53ΐ^η6βΙβ before h:in.ind his enemies ihall licke thi dutt. 10 The kings of 'TarlhilhS: of theyleslhall bring piefents : the kings^of Socba and Seba Ihah bring gifts. 1 1 Ye.< . all kings Aiall worfliip him : all nati- ons llijll UTiie him. I ζ For he ih 11 ddiaer the poore when he cri, eth : the needieaifo, and him that hath no helper. ι ? He Ihalbe roorcifuli to the poore and needy, and Ibdilpreferuetr.efoules of the poore. _ 14 Hce ihall redeeme their 1 oules from deceit and violence, and Ideate ihall their blood beia his figtir. 1 f Yei, hee ilnU line, and vnto him iliall they gir.e of ttie "" golJe of Shcba : they ihail alio ptay for him cuminually , and dayly bleQ'e him. 16 An haadfull of cotne ihall hefoiren in the eatth.eMii in the topofthemountaines./swithe "fruit thereof fliall Ih.ikc like ί';ί frtii of Leba- non : and tne children Ihall flourilh out of the ci- tic like the gralle of the earth. 17 His name ilialbe for euet : bis name fliall endure as long as the Sunne : all nations ihall blcfl'e ο hitr.and be bleflcd in hira. 1 8 Bleded be the Lord God ,euen the God of Ifiael.which onely doth Ρ wcndroui things. 19 And blelTed he his glorious Name for euer: and let all the earth be hlled with his glory. So be it.euen fo be it. r -j HERE END THEiprayersofDamd the fonne of lihai. ex eptGodmiisculouflypreferue hii people , that oeitheii necaDcoutiuue. q C-aceming his fonne Salomon. Ρ S A L. LXXIII. The Zriphet ti^iheth bj h.s ix^mple that Heitherthe ycnldly ptcffcvue >fthe νη^οϋ} , 3<> ««rj't thi affU- Uon if the good ought to iifcourage Cod•, chiliutt : but rether oH^ht to motue^/s toconfider our J^^thersprout- ience , ΛηΛ to enuft t-s to tetterenee Ctds tudgements, 19 foMmuch »s the rvichd -van-lb Λν>Λ],ι^ «ndtoe iodry enter, nto life emrlnfl,nf,,i% inhottwhereefhe lefi^nelh himf/tfe into Go(irr-luM to haue God our Woolefuftciencie, and onely "en7%rht°; f;.f"k;i^h„^^^^ <,Thoughy.ltbewotldih.#.j Ivom God. yet he prom.feih to trak in him, and to roagn.fie ^i, wsttci, LXXIIII. r«luat,.n ./ *.s ?..re «fflifttd fttH*nls,»i ftifitn of his proud roemif J. f A Pfalme togit" ίηβτΐίίΙΊοη, committed to ^faph. Ο God . " why haft thoJ put vs away for euer ? oh) is thy wrath kindled again» the Iheepe of thv pafture ? . . , ■ , , 1 Thinke vpon the congregation. tK/t^ thou h,ft pulVeaed of olde •«-'"" l'^<=' '"'^ ^^J'"" inheritance . u^hich thou hift ■eJeemcd . attd on this men• Zion.where.n thou h, ft dwelt. , Lift vp thy !,ft-okes, that .houirayeft for euer delUoy euery enemi« that doeth euiU to the Sanduary. bait mcafuied out iotvhyfclfe»IYTitli»liB«<»rjd. 1 Β Or Thia< a The fiherell of God beitg oppirir-.' by the tyia nie, eiihercftbe Babvloniaet of of Aiijochui, prayeth loGod by .vbo'e hmil ihuy ke was Uyr.vi^ontbem rrtheif finre», b which ii.he- ri ance ihot» The faithfuHl prayje God, eTbey baue it• ftioyed thy true religion , aodfpred thcu banners in figne of deliaace. d He coinmemleth the tenipie for the ■y matter , the excellent wotke- BUnihip, and beau- ty taereof , which Duiwithflanding the eneiuiei did dellroy. • ThcyeDcourt'• t,ed one another (ocrueltie > that not ooely Godt people might be «ieftroycd , but al- fo hii'religioD vt- terlyia atlplacei iupprefled. f rheylimestthat they haue no Pio- phet amohg ihem to IhsA'e them how leug their mifeiy fbouM endure. fThey ioine theft eii.itrance with Gods glode and povver , ktiowing «hat the puoiQi- ι of the ene* inie Qlould be xheir deliuerauce• tt Meaning , iu th« fight of all the World. i To wit , Vbi' Xaofasarmie. it Which wa» a Sreit monllf r of the fea .or whale, ti>ieat»Dg , rbatash, 1 His deiUufttoa did reiojrce them as meattefreiheih the body. Seeing that God by his prouideace «ouerneth and di- Tpofeib all things, be gathercth that iie will take care chiefly for his children, s He meanetfa the Church of God, which iiexpofed Ki a pray to the «picked. β That is . all pU- ses where thy word fllineth not, there reigocth ty- rannie and ambition ρ Hee Iheweth ih»t «jod cannot fuffer lis Church to be cppieQed, except lie loofe his owiv right. a Or , increnfetb niite «nd Otirt, tLhtiitVUlsju rein. 4 Thine aduerfariss fdare Γη theliiicls of thy congregation.rtNii• fee vp their banners for fignes. y He that <* lifted the axe vpon the thicke trees, was renowmed as one that brought a thing to parfedioa : 6 But now they breake downe the carued Wijrke thereof with axes and hammers. 7 They haue caftlhy Sanituarie into the fire. And rafed it to the ground , and haue defiled the dwelling place of thy Name. 8 They fayd in their e hearts , Let vs deftroy them altogether : they haue burnt ail the Syoa- goguei of God in the land. 9 Wee fee not out Ggnes : there is not one Prophet more , nor any with vs that knowetb f how long. 10 Ο God , how long fnall the aduerfarie re- proach thee ? iliall the ciieroie blafpheme thy Name for euer ? 1 1 _ Why « ithdraweft thon thine hand , euen thy right hand * draei it out of thy bofome , and gconfiiraethem, 12 Euen God β my king of olde.wotking faU Cation t in the mids of the earth. 13 Thou diddeft diaide the fea by thy power : tbou brakeft the heads of the ' dragons in the wa- ters. _ 14 Thou brakeft the head oft Liuiathan in pieces , and gaaeft him to be ' meat for the people in wildernefle. I )- Thou brakeft vp the fountaine and tluer : thou driedft vp mightie riuers. j6 The ™ day is thine.and the nigln is thine : thou haft prepared the light and the funne. 17 Thou haS fet all the borders of the earth : thou haft made Summer and Winter. 3 Remember this , that the enemie hath re- proached the Lord , and the feolilli people hatb blafphemed thy Name. 1 9 Giue not the foule of thy ° turtle doue vn- to the beaft , and forget net the Congregation of the poore for euer. 20 Confider thy couenant : for ^ the darke places of the earth are full of the habitations of tbecruell. 21 Ο let not the oppreffed returne ailiamed, tut let the poore and needy prayfe thy Name. 22 Ariie.O God : roaintaine thy Ρ owns caufe : remember thy dayly reproach by the foelilh man. 23 Forget not the voice of ti-iine enemies : for the tumult of them that life againft tbee, U afcco- deth continually, ^ S A L. LXX Vi I ThefxtthfuBdotprayfetheNtmtcftheZtYd, nehici ^^atomettmiigentthetimeappttntei, % whin the itfufioH, aui driHke eftiie cup • pnde Ibulbt abated , «ni the rviekfd Ib^a ke piitUc »/ his wrnth. 10 The tightems p>/illie exUltti t ^ to him that excelieth* Defiroynot. sA Pfalme, otfong committed re ^faph. tVr/E will prayfe thee. Ο God, we will prayfe ^ theeSot thy Nime ύ neere : thtrefore b they will declare thy wondrous tvorkes. ζ c whenlfhall take a coouenieni time, I will tudge righteouQy. 3 The earth and all the inhabitants thereof h He dedareth Jjow the faithful! a«5tUtoii34iiug9e round about him ; let the bring prelenrs voto him that ought to be feared. 12 He ihall ' cut off the fpitit of princes : he is terrible to the kings of the earth. : I can pre. fer e The I'topnet war- neth the wicked that ihey would i fet themfelues againit Gods people, feeing that God at bis time deftroy- eib them that rule wickedly, f Gods writh it compared to a cuji o( Itrcng and deli- cate wine, where- with the wicked are made fodrunke," that by drinking til) they come to the very dregs they are vtterly deftroyed. g Tne godly Alalt better profper by their innocent liin- plicitie, then the wicked ihall by all their craft and fubciltie. «Redeclifeth that Gods power iseuidentiy feene in preferuicg bit people and deitroy< ing hisenenies. b Which after, ward was called lerufilein. c He compareth the kingdumt full f extortion and f»< pinetotbe tnoun- taices that ate full ftaueningbeafts, d God hath taken heir fpiiits and trength from them,' IS though their lands were cut oC ! God with a looke (able to deltroy 11 tbe power and i^iuitie of the enemies, were they oeuer ίο many , oc ghty. f Toieuengethe /vrongs done to hyChutch. g For the end fliall lllew that the eae- was able to bring no hing t• tie: alfo thou Ihak patlt: a brildletneii rage that they ihall not compjlfe cheit Ipurpofe. " To wit, the Leuites that dwell about the Tabernacle , or the people amo-.g whom he Joeth dwell, i The Ebrew word lignifieih to vintage, or gathei grapes : meaning, thac be (hail make the couufell and enterprifes of wicked tyrants fijolitt» «ad vaine. Ρ S A L. LXXVII. I The Tttphet in iheHameeftie Chunhrehitlrfelhthe gxeat.Hei if hit afflt£H»n , and hts £r»:.<«»5 tentnttiUS. 6 whereby hee was driutn tt thU end 10 ctrifiUrhiS ftrmer cintterfatien, ti and the cmiinK-ll ceitrfeof Cids wti'iesin the prefruation ef htif<-ruaHti ,aHdf> he ctnfitnuth his faith Λί,αίηϋ theft temattoni• u f Fortht*xeeL•ntl^ύΓ\c\in* lednthun. ^ Pfalme committed to ^fiph. Υ a voyce came to God , wlien I ciied : tpy voycQ (ome co Qodi «nd bciieftrd me. *PN.i i,Cfer»B I • Τη^Γ.) tea.he.hv 9. andSh fi.4«. tjGod for ht.'pe jtjQuine(ci&.tc$» The godlies meditatlont Piiliiii esi ζ In tee day of my tfoulsle I fought the Lord: | 5 my fore ran & ceafed not ia the night : my Ibule ' efufed coraforr. | 3 I did tbinke vpon Gcd.and was ^ troubled : I ; prayed, and my fpirit was full of anguilh. Selah. | 4 Thou keepell mine eyes «» lumtm- hred the yeetes of the right hand of the Boft High. 1 1 1 remembred the works of the Lord : cer- taindy I reaembred thy wonders of old. 12 I did alfo meditate all thy woikes .and did deuife of thine adts,/*;)»^, 13 Thy way, Ο God. w i" in the SanSuaryiwho is fo great a ' God, as *ur God '. 14 Thou art the God that doeft wonderSithoa baft declatetl thy powei among the people. I y Thoa haft redeemed thy people with thine atme. tuen the fonnes of laakob 8c lofeph. Selah. 16 The ^ watets faw thee , Ο God : the waters faw thee, and weteafrayde : yea, the depths trem- \y The cloudes powred out water : the hea- uens gaue a ' found : yea , thine arrowes went abroad. , , 18 The voice of thy thunder was round about; the ligbtenings lightened the world : the earth trembled and Ihcoke. 1 9 Thy way « in the fea , and thy paths iQ the great waters, and thy footfteps are not m knowen. JO Thou diddeft Isade thy people like Iheepe by the hand of Mofes and Aaron. 1 That ii, tbonderei and lightneJ. m Fof v«-beo thou had- deft brought ouirthy peopic, .be wawt .«ui.eJ.ohrr coa.fi.aod .he enemie• ihatthojlbt to hi«ibllowed them, could Dot pafltthoiow. Exod.i+.i8,»9. Ρ S A L. LXXVIII. He [hervttl, A«» G=d >f hi•, mircifchcfe its Church tf tht lofierith pfjitr»h.m, S RtpriAchmg the fiuoburne tttclltontf their faihni , that ihechildrtnmighintt o- »cly^nierp>>»d. i. ThatGU efh.i (rtemeuiemiieh.i CcuenHHt vriththeir xnceHntji,iiBui nlfi [lemi them fo BiMtdiW end feruerfe , miiht bt a^jfoird, fir/i turne tchilh to Gfd. Ja this rfmme the htly Gheflhathctm- trfh'.'nded, /liitrvce, the fumme iftitCaibiHefiti.to Ike .Kiettt the.tHcrxntiSirt^efeoflefntghtftemfiW Virii the effect cf the Tch.lehiiiir.ei ,f the Bible. f A Ffalme topue » i'^ruUtm , com- rcitted to .^/^ip'7. ^mptingotGod, X^ I Or , mine k^nd | Vatflretchedtnt. b He filewetb that «Pe muft patie^jily abide, although eod deliuet vs out of our trouble! at the firlt cry. c Meaning, th« fait forowe» were aiwati bmeo that tept hit eyei fiom fl«piog dOf ihankefgi- uiog, which I 'Mtt ■ccuftomei to frog in niyprofperity. e Both thecaufet why I waichafte- Dcd.and when my ibrowei fliould haue an cod ■ fAiifbelhouM fay, It is impt ίΠ" tie: whereby he exhorteth himfelfe to patience. g Though I firft Soubicd of my life, yet confide- tiog that God haJ fail yeerei, that it, change cf timeJ, •nd w«« accuflo- niedalfo to lil't vp them, whome be bath beaiea, I touke heart •gainr. fa That iJ, in hea- uen, wherevotowe fcend by faith, if we will know the wayei of God. condemneth •II thit worftiip any thing faue the enely true God, «vhofe glory ap- peareth through the woild• k Hee dectareth wherein the power of Godwat (fecla- «d.when hee deli- ueredthe Ifiaelitei «horow the red fi HEare my f» dodirine.O my people; incline yoo» eares vn to the words of my mouth. eieaierul j»» b The rrophtt gnder the oaine ^a teacher cal- leth the people AtiDehii,a( Paul ealletbthe Gofpel his,wheieof he vvai but the prea- cher.asRoro.2.16. •nd rSiii. c Which were the people of God. d By the teftimo- cieaud law, bee IS^«Vn;SlheiWe«._W«m«dedtoteacttbc.rchildu».D.u.i,7, 1 1 will open my mouth in a parable : I will declare high fenrences of old. 3 Which we Laue heard and knowen^and out fathers haue told vj. ^ • t.-i i „ 4 ■ We will not hide them from their children, ki to the generation come we will Ibew the .ayfe oftheLord.hispower alfo .and nis won- erfullwotkes that he hath done: . , , . y How he eftablin-.ed a d teftimoDy in-IaaKob, and ordeined a LAV» to Ifrael , which he commanW ded our fathers .that they ihuuld tiacb their ctil-' dren: 6 That the « potteritie might know it , Mnd the children , which Ih jukl be botne, ihould ftand vp, and declare it to their children. 7 That they might f fct their hops on God, and not forget the woikes of God , but keepe his commtndements; 8 And not to be as their ί fathers , a difobedi« ent and rebellious generation : a generation that fet not their heart aiight . and whole fpirit was not faithfuU vnto God. 9 The children of >= Ephraim being armed and llwoting wUh the bow , turned backe in the day of battell. 10 They kept net the Couenant of God , but refufcd to Wilke in his Law, 1 1 And forgate his ades . and his wondctfiill workes that he had Ihewed them, I ζ Hee did marueillous things in the fight of their i faibeis in the land of Egypt iCMi« in the field of Zoan. 13 * He diuided the Sea.and led them through : he made alfo the watets to ftand as an heape. 14 * In the day titne zlfo hee led them with a cloude, and ail the nig'.it with a light of hre. I J ■ >*• He cUue the rocks in the wildernefle.ani gaue them drinke as of the great df pihs. 16 * Hee brought floods alfo out of the ftonie rocke.fothat be made the waters todelcendlike the riaers. 1 7 Yet they k finned ftill agalnft him , and pro- uoked the Higheft in the wilderneiTe, 18 And tempted God in their hearts inlre- qait ing meate for their luft • 19 =<• They fpake againtt God alfo. faying,Caa ^ God " prepare a table in the wildernefle ? 20 • Behold, he Imote the rocke , that the wa- ter gnfhedont , and the ftreames ouerflowed: can hee giue bread alio i or prepare flelh for bit peo- 21 Therefore the Lord heard, and was angrie, and the * fire uas kindled in laakob, and alfo wrath catie vpon Ifrael, zi Becauie they bcleeued not in God , and "ttuftednotinhisbelpe. 23 Yet hee had commanded the « cloudes aboue. and had opened the doores of heauen, 24 And had rained downc Μ A Ν vpon them for to eate . and had giuen them of the wheate of '^Ty^"*MandiJ eate the bread of Angels: he fent them meate enough. ^ . . 26 He caufed the Ρ Eaft wnnde to palle in the heauen : and through his pwa bee brought in the South winde. . a j 27 He rained Beil^ aUb vpon them as diift, «nd feathered fowle as the fand of tbe fea. 28 And he made it UH in the m.ddes of rfieir carape, t'un round about their habitations. 29 So they did eate. and were well hiled : for he gaue them their defire. ,.„,«,. 30 They were not turned from tbca . lu». lut the meate ir«t yet in their mouthcs 3 1 When tbe wrath of God came emo vpon weih wbeteio the chil» rt:D fbould be ketheii faihctt : hat i>, iDmaiDui• DiBg Godi puie Religion. f Hee (he-wtth whfrtin the vfeof this dodtiDc Itaa• faiib. to the mrdiiatioQof God>bo,4, fy,fd It,*. k Their wickej uldhe ouerconie by fK^ beeeliti, which were great and piy. iTben toreqoif• rooie then il ae- y, and to Cc* pstate Gi.«l• power fiom hi• will, il 10 leinp* God. • ii«m».ir.t. Thui when w• 11 place to hnet^ doubt of God» pcwei.eicer»^ will alwaye• be eaet to ferot vjr (ufi. ►£«<«. 17.««' iiani.ao.iiv . P/4/.io;,4.i. i.rir.io.v » ■Sum'• II. T, oTbatis.ioki» fitberiy p'.oui- dfoce.whrrtbyb» (lb for bit,aoi^ ptouideib fnfhti- id'fufScient: but their In» JM^'^Sli^i^^ r Though ftther were uot fpafeJ, ytt chierty they fuffeied, whith agaioft ifted i ftrengt Ood. ί Thu« (imie by kedmeDiufenfi- t>le , fo that by no plagutt thty caa fee amended* t Such wa« their iypactifie.that they fought vaia Godforfeaieof yuBilhmtnt, ahoughin thtir icartihcy loued tim not. ti Whatfofuer tommeth not fiotx «be pure fBiiutaine of the he.itt, is lypociiric. St Btcaufe hea would euef.haue fome remnant of a Chuj'chto prayfe fhis Name inearth, ht fuifred net theit lint to oueicomc fci. mercy, y That is , they lempted him oft- iimts. Υ As ibeyalldoe that meafure the power of God by theit cajiacity. a The forgeiful- refle of Gods be- nefits is the root of rebellioo and allvice. b This word lignifieth a confu• fed mixiute of flies and veuemous vvovmes. Sume takeit forallfortj of fetpeu [« : fome for all Wilde beans. c He repeatfth not here all the miracles thai God did in Egypt, buc certaine which night be furiici- thepeopleof ma• lice aijd ingrati- tude. d SociIIed either cftheetrrft, tha« ii.of puoiftiiog the wicked : or els be- caufe tbey weie wick'd fpiriti, whom God per- PTalnes them , and flew f tiie ftrongeft of them , and fraote downe the chofen men of Ifraei. 32 For all this.thsy f linned nill .and beUeued' not his wonderous works, 3^ Therefore their dayes did he confume in vanity, and their yeereshaliily. 34 And when he ' flew them.they fought him, and they returned.and fought God early. 35 And they rcmembreJ that God irdi their ftrength, and the moS hie God their redeemer. 36 But they flattered him with their mouth, and diflembled with him with their tongue. 3 7 For their " heart was not vptight with him: neither were they faithfull in his couenant. 3? Yet he being mercifull, » forgaue their ini- quity, and deftroyed them not, but oft times c.?lled ! bickehisanger,and did not ftir vpall his wrath. 39 For hee remembred that they were flelh: jea , a winds that pefleth and ccmmeth not agai"^. . . , ., 40 How oft did the7 prouoke him m the wil• dernefle? and gtieuc him in the defert? 4 1 Yea, they y returned and tempted God, and « limited the Koly one of ifraei. 41 They a remembred not his hand.werthe day when he deliuered them from the enemy , 43 Ner him that fet his fignes in Egypt.and bis wonders in the field of Zoan, 44 And turned their riuers into blood , and their" floods, that thev could not drinks. 45• Hee fent ^ a fwarrae of flies among thera, which deuoutsd them, ana frogs, which deiiroyed them, 4$ He c gaue alfo their fruits rnto the ester- pillar, and their labour vnto the grailiopper. 47 Hee defiroyed their vines with baile , and their wild hggc trees with the hailelione. 48 He gaue their cattell alio to the haile , and their flocks to the thundetbolts. 49 He caft vpon them the iierceties of his an- ger , indignation and wrath , and vexation by the fending out of ^ euill angels. yo He made a way to his anger : he fpared not their foule from death . but gaue theit life to the peftilence, y I And froote all the i1t£ borne in Egypt, euen the «beginning of r^«)• firength in the taberna- cles off Ham, J 2 But hee made his people to goe out like Iheepe.cc led them in the wilderncs like a flocke. 53 Yea , hee caried them out fafcly , and they g feared not, and the Sea couered their enemies. 5:4 And he brought thera vuto tiie borders of his ^ Sanduairy : euen to thjs Mountain, which his right band purchafed. jy * He caft out the heathen alfo before them, and caufed them to fall to the lot of /;« inheri- tance , and made the tribes of Ifraei to dwell in their tabernacles. y6 Yet thay tempted , and prouoked the moQ high God, and kept not his teftiraonies, 57 But turned backe, and dealt ' fallly like thcif fathers : they turned like a deceitful! bow. 58 And they ^ prouoked him to anger with their high places , and mooued him to wrath with their grauen images. Feare , farafmuch as God Jeflroyed their enemiei , and deli- h Meaning Caeaan, which God had confecrated to himfelfe, * lojb. 11. 6. and 13-6. i Nothing more difpleafeih hen tbey continue in ihat wickedoeife , which theit men. e The firft borne ■re fo called, at Gtn45,}. f Thjt is , Egypt: for it was called Mizraim or Egypt of iMizrairn that was the fonne of Ham. STbat it, thev bad noneoccafioQ uered them fafely. «nd appointed to bis peopl God in the children . fitheri bad beguu , h By feiuing God otheiwiie thea he bad appoiaced. 5-9 God heard th'ti and was wroth ,and greatly abhorred Ifraei, 60 So that he ' forfooke the habitation of Shi- lo , eueit the Tabernacle where hee dwelt among oien, 6i And deliuered his ™ power into captiuity, and his beauty into the enemies hand. 62 And hee gaue vp his people to the fword, and was angry with his inheritance. 63 The fire °- deuoured their chofen men , and theit maides were not ο pray fed. 04 Their Prielts fell by the fword , and their Ρ widowes lamented not. oy But the Lord awaked as one out of fleepe, and as a Qroug man that after h» q wine cryeth out, 66 And fmote his enemies in the hinder parts, and put them to a perpetuall flnarae. 67 Yet hee refufed the tabernacle of ■■ lofeph, andchofe net the tribe of Ephraim : 68 But chofe the tribe of ludah , and mount Zion which he loued. 69 And be*" built his San<3;aarie asanhigh;?4- lace, like the earth, which he ftablilhed for euer. 70 He chofe Dauid alfo his ferDant , and tooke him from the fiieepefolds, 71 Euen f'Om bchinde the ewes with young, brought hebim to feed his people in laakob , atii rncffo befm."- his inheritance in Ifraei. 72 So t he fed them according to the Craplici- tie of his heart, and guided them by thcdifcrcdon of his hands. I For their ingr»- tituJebefuffere* the Phiiiftimsta take the Arke, wbich was the figne ofhispre- fence , from amoog mThe Aikeii called hi, power and beautie . be- caufe thereby he defcuded bis peo- ple, and beautiful- ly appeared vnto □ Tbey were fud- decly dertroyed, I. Sam. 4.10. ο They had no marrijge fongs: that is, they were not m-mied. ρ Either they were fliine before, crtakcn ptifoBerj of their enemiei, and fo were for- bidden, q becaufe they Were drunken in their finnet, ihey bring, «J though be were drunken, therefore he an- fwering iheir beaftly iudgemenii fayeth . hee wit awake and take fudden vengeaace. r Shewing that hee fpa ed not altogether the Ifra.liies, though he puniihcJ their enemies, f By building the Tempie,and efia- b'iOling the kiogdome , he declarerhthat y figLesofhis fauour weie among tbemi t He flieweth wherein a kiugs charge ftacdeth : to wit , to prouide faithfully fot his people, to guide them by counfcll. and defend them by power. Ρ S A L. LXXIX. I I The Ifiaethn cumftiine ti Gad fer'che great calam Andec-frr^hu t'lxi the] faffcrcd by Goii extsnies, } end ■* confe^lii'i their panes, /»« 10 Gedt mercies with full hope of deliuernnce, 10 Secaufe their calamiiies were ioy- ned wtih the eentempt of I'ls Name, 13 for the vhteh they pioviife to he thankefuH. ^ ^A Pfdnt! committed to ^faph, Ο God, a the heattien are come into thine in. heritance : thine holy Temple haue they de- fika.and made lerufalem heapes offiones. 2 Tiie b dead bodies of thy feruants haue they giuen to be meate vnto fowles of the heauen : and the fl?lh of thy faints vnto the beatts of the catth. 3 Their blood haue they flied like waters, round about lerufalem , and there was none to c bury them. 4 We are a reproach to our ^ neighbours, e«i» a fcornc and derifion vnto them that are round about vs. y Lord , ho'.v long wilt thou be angry , for euer } ihall thy ieloufie "^ burne like (ire ? 6 * Powre out thy wrath vpon the heathen that haue not knowen thee , and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vpon thy Name. 7 For they haue deuoured laakob , and made his dwelling place defolate. _ , 8 Remember not againft vs the <" former ini- quities , but g make hafte , and let thy tender mer- cies preuent vs : for we are in great mifetie. Q Helpe vs , Ο God of our i" falnation . for the |e w ^ ' confum »J.fre.io,2f. f which a The people cry vnto God againft thu barbarous tyrant>y ofthe Babylonians, ivhofpoyled Gods ir.eii ance.pi Mutci isTemple.deRroyed ii religion, & mur- dered his people. b The Prophet Ihf- o what ex ^re- God fuffcreth r.smetimc his Church tofal!,toejeici htir fjith, before he et to his hand to deliuerthem Their friends and infcfolkes datd not jory them for feare he enemies, d Whereof fome came of Abraham^ jut were dtgene- _ other» were open eiie- hy religieq; ■ both laughed at out ■fevits. I vtterly befot, g And Hay not till wee haue recoirpenfed for our iiui.- b Seeing we haue none othei Siuiour, neither can Wehelpe our felues, aad alfo by our faluatioa thy Hame ihalbe prayfed : therelore, o|Lotd,belpe v», ____^ glorie ^ yhe Churcb affliaedpfayettu glory of thf Name ,snd deiiuer vt , and be merci. lull vnto our finnes for thy Names fake. 10 Wherefore fhould the heathen fay , VVhera is their God ? let him be knowen among the hea- then in our fij^lit by the vengeance of the blooJ of tby fetu^nts ;! itis Ihtd. 1 1 Xet the fignmg uf the ' prifoners corae be- fbte thee : accotiiing totny mighty airoepreferue ^ the children of death. 12 And render to our neighbours feuen foUe into their bofottie thtir reptoich , whetwith they ■hail J rep^oayhed thee. OLori•.. 13 Sjwcetiy people, anJilicepe of thy pa- fiureliiali priyfe thee fur eucr : a ία f ora genera- tion to genetaiion 1 wee will f-t fauh thy prayfe. Ρ S A L. L XXX. Λ A Utneniat/f fi.ijerte Ctiiohttft themiferin of hii Chuich 8 DtfiitKg h:mttictnfiin ihtir pr/t eJ:air,\vheH his fjHiu, jbiiuiitiV)ariitliem,tciheittici that heemnht falpihxt wori.e rvhich he hadttgun. ^ Te h:m ihat cxceUethon Shjflnnmm Eduth. ^ Pfilme comrnittc-d lo^japh, HEarea Oihou ihrpheird of Ifrael , thou that leadeft lofepn like Ihecpe : Ibew thj bight» nelfe , thou that iittelt bctweene the ^ Chetu- bims. 2 Before Ephraim and Beniamin and Ma- nafleb ftirre vp thy ftrength , and come to helpe vs. 3 ε Turtle vs againe , Ο God , and caufe thy face to llMoethat we may be faued. 4 Ο Lord G.d of hoaftts, I owlong wilt thou be ^ie«ae,ir rcu'iuiofo.'noc^jo cait thou vs , and we il-:all call vpon thy \jme. ' "¥<" God , bu•. lu.i 19 Turnevsigaine. Ο Lurd God of hoaftes !"""*'f""'P." i caule thy face il imnc . and we Ihallbe laued. Ρ S A L. L X X X I. 1 An exhirtatna i. ,ητ/ν Ctrt f ih, η hcMt tHitt)ct *'"' ί rtiilhif himnu/j. ,, Gii 'jBi-Mtthnhtt e o«r «eighbouM Λ> face to iluiie . and we Ihalbe faued j '8 Tiiou haft brought a g vine out of Egypt: j thou haft caft out the heathen , and planted it. 9 Thou madeft roume for it , Sc diddcft caufe j it to take root , and ithlled the Und. 10 The mountaines were couered with the Ibadoweof it, and the boughs thereof wifi i/^« the t goodly cedars. 11 S'lee ftretchcd out her branches vnto the Sea i and her boughes vnto the •> Riuer. 12 Why haft thou then broken downe her hedges , fo that all they , which palleby the way, haue plucked her ! 13 The vvilde ' bore out of the wood h ath de- ftroyedit, andthewilde beafts of the field haue eaten it vp. 14 Returne we befeech thee.O God of hoaftes: looke downe ^ from heauen and behold , and vi- fitexhisvine, I y And the vineyard , that thy right hand hath planted , and the yong vine , which thou madeft ί ftrong fur thy felfe. 16 It is burnt with fire , and cut downe : and they perilb at the ■» rebuke of thy connrenance. 1 7 Let thine hand bee vpon the " roan cf thy right hand , 4n«i vpon the fonne of man, tnhtme They gaar net thoH madeft ftrong for thine owne felte. f ace to «nw_a.^ ^^|^_^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ _^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ to fuccour them from heaueo. I Sothat iiopowei cao preuailc aRaiaft it , a:id wbicbai a roungbud thou raifelfvpagaineat out of the burnt aftlei. m Oce.y when thou «rtangry, and not with the fwot.l oi the enemie. η Thain, 'T?'"';'•*'"' or people , whom thou haft planted witl» thy rigkt band , tUatibey Would be U baue continjall ftrife and warre ■gainll vi, f Bectufechatre' pentance onety commetbofGod; they moft inAant' Ij and oft timit call to cod for it ■J a meane , where' by tbey ttialbe faued. g Seeing that of thy mercy thou btltmadevtainoft deare poITeilioD to thee, and wve through our fiaaei are iwide open for Wild bealts to deuoure v« , declare ■gains thy loue, andfinilh the workethittbou baft begun. iEb.CcdAti tfCtl iTaTo wit, £u• phratei. iThati iigafweH tbey that hate ooc religion , at they that hate our /•r hiilrtntpii, (vndemHeth ihtu :ngr*!itHa S.r'• Oh that my people had hearkened vnto me, e;i/lf[ael had walked in my wayes ! 14 I would foone haue humbl;d their ene- mies , and turned mine hand 1 againft their aducr- faries. I y The haters of the Lord fliould haue bccnc fubied vnto him, and their time endured for ener. 16 And Ged would haue fed them with the " fatte of wheate , and with hony out of the rockc would 1 haue fufficed thee. OfiL fro, b li fre meibthu 'kii I'Ulme wai 'i'pcyuitd (or fo. 'eranc fealii aai aiTembrieicfihe r'opleio wbom loraiimetbefecf. lemaoiei weieor- deitied , but navT voder the Gofpel treabolilhed. c Vodei this feaft he compreheideth II other felemoe rfayei. I That it . io If. ael, for lofeptai f^ oily v\'d tt -undenekt tkt ntMier , and extcute iufltn htmf.ife. f ^ rfilmt comititted to ^ftph. OJfiandethin the aflembly of a gads : hee ^J iudjjeth among gods. 2 How long will ye iudge vniuftly , and accept thepeifonsofthebwicketl» Selah. 3 Doe right to the poore and fathetlefle : do iuttice to the poore and needy. 4 Deliuet ihepjorcand'neeJy: fauet/«« when the caufe < Γ rotitierers fiode fiuouf io ijigement beitd c Notonly when tbey ciy «udfuppoit• a The Tropket D.eweih, ihat if t% and iudf>e* • 0: tbeir dure. Cod . wbufc authe• is ab.'ue .will like be so-ly cannot be foi help .but when their caufe te^uiietb aid• CC from }Λ P«ycr agamic vaoas cnemie s , i Thic is.aii thing» ffona the hand of the wicked. J They know not and vnderSand nothing: they W4ike in darknes .«j/tcir all the "^ funJaiions of the earth be mooned, 6 I haue laid, Yi^ are gods , and ye all are chil- dren of (he moft High. 7 'B;.tyeeilnildieasainaD, and ye princes fljaJI Γη 11 like others. 8 Ο God, ink, there fort, iudge thou the earth: fur thou Ihilc inherice fall nations. Ρ SAL- LXXXIII. Tht petple if Ifracl pra} vnio the λι,νΛ to lidinet them ftcm thtir enmtei bath at hume and j.xrrt cff .tvliic^ imipKtd>iulhi>i^ hut thtir dejiu.ctiiii. } A'Uthiy tiftic -Ihii all JHch wicked (ttjile may, acariing ah Cud W.ii nicufiimti , le fittckcn Tvnh the ituKUimfeil of Ctds math, iS That ihi•} ma) know that ifie Zeri 15 moft huh vfo» the e«rili. f ^Afong or P/a/we comriiitted to i^ftph. ^ Ε μ; ^.not thou (Hence, OGodi benotftill, ■* and ceafd nor , Ο God. 2 Fur be, tline ^ eneroiss trjake atumuk.and jthey that hate thee; lified vpthe head. I 3 They haue takin crafty counfel! againS ithy people , and haue confultid agiinft thy <■ fecrec iOnis. '' 4 They haue fai J . Conne and let vs <* cut them off from being a nation: and let the name of if- tael be no more in reroembranc;. y For ti ey haue co ilolted tpgethcr in « heart, end haue made a league ^againli ihec. 6 Thi tabernsclcsof Edoro -, and the lihoiae- litcs , Moab and the Agaums; 7 G.-bal and Airraon , and Amalech the Phi- liftims , with thj; inhabitants of II Tyius. 8 Asihur alfeisioyned with them; thev haue b.ene an arnae to the children g of Lot Sel.)h. 9 Doe thou to them as vnto the ^ Midia- ni'cs J as to Siiera and as to labin at the liuet of Kilhon. ο They periilied at £ndor,«»J were ' dung for theeaith. 1 1 Make them , euen their princes , like * Oreb and like Zeeb ; yea , £ll thtir pikices like Zebah and like Zilxiunna. Which hauefayd , Let vstaks Tor our poC- feiiijn the *- hdbi;aiioas of God. 13 Ο my God. make them like vnto a' wbeele, end as the ftubble before the wind. 14 As the fire batneth the fori eft , and as the flaiwe fetteth the mountaines on fire : y So petficutc them with thy teirpjft , and make them afraid with thy 9orme. 16 Fill their lacvis wich ihaoie , that they may " feekethy Njtne .0 Lord. 17 Let thetn be confounded and troubled for euer : yea , let them ba put to.fliame, and perilh, 1 8 ThAt they may " know that ihjii, which art railed lehouih , art alone, fwn the moft Hie ouer ^ ^ ^ illtheeatth. Trodtnvndir iter SI ravre.*.'«ii/.7.j;.«Mi{ J.ji. kThn is.Iu-iea: few w'leie biiChurch if, there dWilleth hcamciig then:. I BfCiufe the irpiob.te could by no tneaDes be iincn- aei, hepr«yeih y they may viie.lybe deftroytd, b; vnltablf.Sc led wiibalviindi. m That i(, be compelled by tbyplaguei to coDfelletby po.vef. η Tbough ibey belfeue not , yet thev may piooue by expeiieoce, that it is in vaiue to lelift agaiaft '■'- couuidl ja e.tab^miDg ihy Chuicb. PS A L. LXXXIV. 1 Bitnii driutM fttrth tfhii ctuKtrey. i Oifiieth m»!l• ariiniiy la ctnte fgaint to the tebcrmch tf the Lari undihe afitmhlyofthe Sgintiloprajfe God, ^frcaoutt- einz them btelJtd that mf) fi doe f, Then h,e fratfeth the''eourate of the people, thMpafie through thewildcr- ne/Je to n^limile themfe/nes i» Zu«. j ο Finxllf. with frtyfe ofthh mallet .tnitmpAtmt tfGtds g^itiuei , ht tnieih tkt PfUmt, riaimess folder either by their ly- lancy or carcielfe eegligrnce. >Jo title ofho• '/r iMali exiuCe 3j , hut y.'U thall be fubied -0 G^dt iudgement. and uder aciou'itai well 01 oihermeu. f Tcerttoie do lyraur lii-ill |>lu Aecauetbtbem 4ju.is euemiet, Vvbich ate I nemiei sobisChiirbb. The eleG of :Bi from all get*. «) They weie not ■tax to take the Cbuiiih as piifo• xier : but fought vt- acrly todeltiuy it. β By all fecret ■neanes i' rhey thought βο hkuefubuci'icj •byciuufell where- it tbeperpetuitie ef the Ctiuitb %\ii βΛα!3ΐίΙΗβα. jg The wicRedau pi the Awmonitei Si-vd Moabitti i» deCciibedinthat Bhey prouoked :Γε oibernatiici eght ajraiiRtbe Jfraeli res their bretfaien. }tt By theff exam• pies they were tiArmed , that Cod would not iuffer his people «obeviterly de- «voyed, lud. 7. ai. 1 ne aeiire o^tne jgoaif .j 1 To him thm txctUtth vptn gittith. ^ Pf^me \ ~ | committed to the Jenne's of Kj- rah. \ G» Lo-d cf noaftSjbow amiable an tby Taber- |a Dauid compliU nacles ? joeihthathecaa- Ζ My faule longcth , yea , and fainteih for the t^' cu.'cb"fGod ο courts of the Lord ; for my heart and my flcih to nuke proiHiion reioycein theliuingGod. '"''■" '■""> .anite 3 Yea , the Ij-arrow hath found her an houfe, ; ΓΐΥαυπί b«°he find the fwalbw a ηΛ for her , where iLe may lay :i>riei;s could enter h:r yong : eutn by thins c al^is.O Lord of hoafts, {'"">''": s..bcIui- tcy ki;ig and my God. β^ *^^ IcU'oiU 4 Biefled are they that dwdl in thine houfe.[to'ut''t'iT"''"" ' they will euer prayfe thee. Sdah. !<^ Soihatihe ί BL«Ucd i> theman whole d ftrength « ία thee, ii;"'/,^""''*" J - 1 r 1 . " more iibertv and m whole heart are thj wayes. (then i. 6 Tiiey going thiough the vale of «Baca.jd wbotrufteth iiiakewelles therein; the rainealfocoueteth ϊhe;?°ί'''■'«'°.'''"- ] felfe, but 10 thee pOOleS. lonly, andleirocifa 7 They go from ' flrength to ftrength, f/ijofiheetorulehi» entry one app.-are before God in Zion. 8 Ο Lord God of hosfts , beat e my prayer, hear- ken . Ο Go J of laakob. Selah. 9 Behold , Ο God, our Ihield, and looke vpon the face of thine g Anoynted. 10 For b a diy in thy courts is better then a thoufandef/jtr ir/icri .• I hadiather be adore kee- pe. in the houfe of my God , then to dwell in the|^""i" 'V" ""** ' , , r . . ! Jaie fully bent Co tabernacles c f wiekdues. come to Cfariiit 11 For the Loid Godistheftinneendihield'cburch, oeither vnto vs : the Lord will giaa grace and gbry , 3η^ΙΠ^,'Ί•!; f ."b "^'^ no i good thing will he withhold froui thcmtbatjf''Tiey'" ''^' cieafe Ϊί Itrengcll ind courage till ihey come to Gods ent. h Hee would and among y Itug mare. Ρ S A L. Secaufe God VJiihdinv «eiAijr»«> ir.cm his Chuni yfier thiit returne ft.m Β ibiltN . /!>;? thn put him in ' >f their dr/iiieranee, to the intent tkiit he jbouli '.he werse efhif pace -unjiifil. s i^."" '*«/ ,^ P/rftoi committed t• the j(iw:es af^irah e That ii ofmul- beiyitee» , which Wat a bail en place: L• thai they whicll palTed through, muii digpits for waiei : liguifyingj Waiki: vp. ifihtly, 1 2 ο JLoid of hoafles , bleCed « the roan that trufteth in thee fcoufe. Ε Tbat It w.ilitoliuebuic; I But V. it , foi Cbiifts f .ke , whofe ligute I tepr cue day -uiti id GoiU Chutcb.iheaa thuu !lfr-in time 10 time (e hi« blefftag» [foWitd h.i uioit a^d. Lxxxr. They coDfeffe that GoJt fiee mercy was the fe ot'theif de- lijeiaoce, becaufe be loued the land which be badcho• fen Τ Ord , thou haft bcenc» fauourable vnto thy ■■-'iand : thonhaft brought againe thecaptiuity of Ia?.k'.)b. ζ Thou haft forgiuen the iniquity of thy peo- ple, and couered all thtir finnes. SeUb• 3 Thou haft wi thdrawen all thine anger, and __ ( hall turned bjcke from the cfiercenefle of thy i'b xhou bad buri \^rath. '^^ rbtm thlace. • Diuii perfecu• ted otSaal, thu( prlyed .leaning the fame to the Church af a mo- Pfa feare him, th«t glory may dwell in oor Unci. lo Mercte and trueth fliall tneete, righteonA nefle and peace iliallkiHe one another. rr gTrueth Hull bud out of the earth, and righteoufneljj; rhallbokedowne from heaaen. I ζ Yea , the Lord iball giue good things , and our land fliall giue her increafe. i.i •'Righteoufneifelhallgoe before him .and fliah fet her fteps in the way. Ρ S A L, LXXXVI. I T)ftHiifcreafe,flfJ&firr^kfn,f.ill,frayethfe'Htnlly for deiruerence .• lemettmti ttheitiftrg hii miferieu S Horxetimfs the mercies reeeiuei. iijJOefirin^ elf» to te tH^ruflei of the Lird , that h' mny feere him , Λy|d iltrifiehisNam". 14. H'f ccmplittn'eth elfo 0' hn ad• utrftrtti , and rrjmreth to be delitierd from them, f K^ prayer of Vauid. r Kcline » tliine eare.O Lord, and heare me: for I * am poore and needie. τ Preferue thou ray foiie , for I am^ raerci- full : ray God , faue thou thy feruant .that truSeth in thee. 3 Be mercifull nto roee, Ο Lord ; for I <= cry tpun thee continually. 4 Reioyce the foule of thy fenijnt ; for rnto thee . Ο Lord , doe 1 lift vp my f )ϋ1?. f For thou , Lord , art good and d mercifull. and of great kiadi}efle vnto all them that call vpon thee. 6 G'uK 'ear. Lord, vnro ray prayer, and « hear- ken to the voyce of my fupplication. 7 In the day of my «ouble I willcallvpon thee ; for thou heard* me. 8 Among the gods there is none like tliee , Ο Lord , and there is none fthat can doe like thy works. 9 All nations whom thoa fiatt made , fliall come and g worfliip before thee, Ο Lord, and iliall glorifiethy Name. I 10 For thou art great and doeil wonderoi» ; things ; thou art God alone. I II ^ Teach mee thy way , Ο Lord , and I will walke in thy ttueth • knit mine heart vnto thee, j that I may feare thy Name. 12 I willprayfethee.OLordray God.withall I mine fieart : y ea, I will glorihe thy Nettie for euer. '3 For great is tliy rocicie toward me, and thou batt deliuered my foulc from ' the lowett graue. 14 Ο God, the ptoiid are rifed againft me, and the aflemblies of violent men hauc ^ fought my foule, and hane not let thee before them. ly Butthon, Ο Lord, arta pitifull God and mercifull, flow to anger, and great in kindneilie and trueth. 16 Turne vnto me, and haue mercie vpon roe: giue thy firengh vnto thy feruant , and faue the ' fonnc of thine handmaid. 1 7 Shew a token of rhj goodnefle toward me, that they which hate me, may fee it , and be aiha- med , becaufe thou , Ο Lord, bait holpea mee and comforted me. great danger of (teatb : out of the which nenebutonely the uld deliuer him. k He ftieweth ihat there cao be no mo- equitie, where proud lyraots reigne, and that the latlte of God» leare ύ «s a ptiuiledge to all vice and crueltie. I Hee boaftetb not of hi• owne vettiiei, but confefleth that God of hit free eoodoeffe bath euer bene merciful! vnto him. jmes. Thcf^'fiiUgaiAecir i% f v/i iyi?«f Of /l»^ committed f» tft» j finnet of P^rah. \ QCO/ij-i his» foundations amot^ the holf^ OeJJfJdwfe '^moimuines. ♦*«"". «»««•• I allthehabitationsoflaakob. ' ul''!! il'l''"" '•* 3 t» Glorious things are fpoken of thee, Ο j ciiieofGod.Selah. 4 I will luake mention of^ R.ahib and Babel among them that know mee : behold I'elcftina and Tynis with Ethiopia , * There is he botne. 5• And of Zion it (hall befaid. «Many are bornr in her : and hee , tutn the moS High Iliall llaHirti her. 6 The Lord Iball court . w'-.:n Ης[ writeih the Utkt Ttitttii ». gaioltttaeitmire• «iei. b I am not enemy to them, but pine them,though rbey be cruell toward c which was a fare tokea tbat be lieleeued that God would deliuet him. A Heedoetbcon- fefic chat God is good to all, but ooelf mercifull ta pooresfinnerf. β By cryiDgaoJ «ailing cootinual- ly, be Iheweth how weeniay notbe weary, though God grant ootfootth• witfaour requeft, but that we mult (aracftlyand often call vpon him. f Hee condemneth allidoles.fotaf. muchai they can doe no worket to declare that they ■re go^ri. gTbit prooueth tbat Dauid prayetl in the Name of Chriit the MetSai, of whofe kingdom be doeth here pro . phecie. h HeconfelTeth himfelfe ignorant till God hath tiHght him , aid bii heart variable and ieparate from God, till God joyneit to him. andconfirme it in bW obedience. I Thatii, frommol^ •Imightiehaad of God derati people. He was borne there. Selah 7 Afwdl the fingfrs as the players on indrc• ir.SQtt fhali pray ''e thee : all my 6 fptings rah for htm that tXCtUcth vptn MaUth */,• ^'",'• *• ' Teraple. b Though ity gloM oil cOac? ii = t yet ap. I e, yet waif» h patience, and Cod ΛΐΙΙ tccam- plitll hti promife, c Thj• ii. Egypt anlthrfi other comet'itbekaow•! ledjreofGed. d UOulbefaid of him thatii le- jen-raeaudccn-r CO the Church tbat be II ai one ihxc onmeto the Church, word ibem iitotbe Tbt rrepbci Uitt-'i ble. It wai the !>e. gicningofa laug, oy tbeture wber- lofthit rfalmt wa» fu.g. b Though learf ciie in tbeit fo- yei they ijtnelHy God for I erne• die, aihe did who• beconf.fledtoba hour of hit c Foi be that it deadiii free front alUareiaedbuU- neil'eofchii life: and ibiii beCiitb, becaufe he \ COPC-t- niufi n'a"ilire, >n4 ai II were tut oi fiom thi> wot Id. d Tha ii , from thy I roeitie c• a-.idtaie, which ia R : confefleth that God of hit free goodoeffe •lul giuica bim power agauilt hit enemies , ai . oae of bii owne houllwld. PSA L. LXXXVI I. I Thf holy Ghoil frmifrlh . that the cetiiititn of the Churth which v>»t ,n mifery after the ceftiuiiie of Sehjion , fhouli he refiored f great exteUent"» •" '*»'* "' rememb.ao... ^ Cc a •βοο> early iliall my prayer come before thee. j ^;^l\ p,""^ \ 1 4 Lord, why docft thou reie^t my loule , Λβα; mibeih, and ■\ ^ Ispowy• Pfalme*; ftom my youtli I itfl&r thy ter rours deubting «f . aadthy The tmethofGods I I am euet m f: my life Iboud vt- teily becucotf [ cuecy momeuca iangei» anl ; / /• orowct . ai though '"J'J'Jl:, iftO^*"*-*^^ and by thy fauour our horncs ihill be exalted. , 1 8 For our Ρ iliield ipptnaineth to the totij and our King to the Holy one of Ifrael. ^ j 1 9 Thou fpikeft then in a tifion vato i thinej ρ j^ ,ι,,^ tkat oct Holy one , and faideS, I haue layd helpe vpon one \ Kiog bath power that is ' mightie : I haue exalted one choieo ontit» «'«<«η<ι τ> , iti» ofthcpeople. !fVSi!i1„, το I haue fuund Daaid my leruant : wub mmc! to oihen . to holy oyle haue I annoynted him. laffUre.that τ>ι»\ΐ zi Therefore mine hand Hull be eftabliihed j^»•'''» '""f'» with him , and mine arme ihall Arengthen him- | r vvhom i baue 1 1 The enemy (hall not opprefle bim. neither '>«"'' '1ό^«ο «d fliall the wicked hurt him. fccu«h"ofi^ 25 ButlwilK deSroyhisfoesbeforehisfacejifice, 3$ν6ΐΓβιιΓ and plague them that hate him. |f Th ugh there 24 My iruethalfo and my'mercie ft^ii^»!'^'"""".""» t'"::^c:n;±izi:^ii^i^:::^: '^''"" ^ ^^.i^^'^^ ^ -^^'■"'= ίhaIlhisuhorne^^^;:^ 1 6 Τ hine indignations gee ouer me ifearehathcutmeoff. j i 17 They came round about me daily like wj* j ter, and cotnpaffed me together. ] ; ig My louets and friends haft thou put away 1 from me, and mine acquaintance t bid tbetcielues• ! Ρ S A L. LXXXIX. With m^ttj rttiiei deiA the Vytphet frajfe thtgmiHtJS't efCod, 13 For hil teflament itnticeuettant , that hit had in:iit betrvt'te him Λκά his elefl b) lefus Chnit \ the ftiine «/ Dnuii. jS Then dtith hee cotnflatne of ί the great ruine, and defolatitn cfthe kiiii"» ef Ditti ' fo that tc the outward appearance the prtmife was . troken. ^6 Finally , he prajeih to be deltnereU from h•' '■ a Though (he bortible confufioQ of tbingi might fpiiie ot Godt fa- uour . yet Che nu- Eifbldtxamplel of h:s metciti taufethem to tiuftinGod, though to iiiant judgement ihey iaw uoue occiiion. b As hethatfuic'y btkeueth in hsait. c Ai thine iuuilj- biehtaiitn is not fiibitii to any alte- laiion and change : tfoilMllibetiuetb i ofthypron.ifebe i, vnthangeable. , d The rtof htt iUewetb what Wil tbf promife of j Ood, whereon ha ί jicuaded ii» jfai-.h. e The Argcis fruUp-.ayfe thy er and faiib- fulntlTe in dclius- •.hy Church. f That 11, inths heai;eus. g .M:aniDg, the Angels. li If the A. gel. tremble before Gud» maieity and infinite iultice, what earthly crea- tine by oppief- fipg the Church, diK ftt hin felfe aeaina Gcd f i For as be deli. »ered the Church ^y the tej Sta. and bydefiroymglU- bah , thu is , the Ε gjjtij- i : fo will lecft funnes deli- f A Pfalme to giut inflru£iien,fif Ethan- the £'(rAhitCi I Will » fing the mercies of the Lord for eaer: with my mouth willl declare thy ttueth from yet he promifctU generation to generation. —^-J^f— 2 For I iJ laid , Mercy ilull be fet vp for euer: thy trueth ifcalt thou <■ aablia•. in the very hea- uens. 3 d I haue made a couenant with my chofen: I haue fworne to Dauid my feruant. 4 Thy feeJe will I ftabliih for euer , . and fee vp thy throne from generation to generation, Sclih. f Ο Lord , euen the ' heaaens iliall prayfe thy wonderous worke : yea, thy trueth in the ' Con- gregation of the Saints. 6 For who is eqqsll to the Lord in the hea- uen ? ΛΛί/ίρΑβ is like the Lord among the s foones ofthegods ? 7 God is very terrible in the aCTemblie of the ''Saints, and tobereuerencedaboue £llfA is thine : thou haft laiJ the foundaiioa of the woild, and all that therein is. ij. Thou haft created the North and the South : It Tabor and Hcrmon ihsU reioyce in thy Name. 3 Thou haft a mightie arrce : ftrong. is thy hand , and high is thy right hand. 14 ' RigiiteoufnelTe and equitie are thefta* blilhxent ofthy throne: meitie and trueth goe | before thy face. \ J Biefied « the people that can "* reioyce in i thee : they ihall walks in the light of thy » coun- tenance , Ο Lord. ; 16 . They Ilull reioyce continuilly in thy s Narr,e, and iathy righieoulheire Ihall they exalt [ dierorelies, !, 17 For thou art the» glory of their ftiength, ' tphet lignifieth that all part• aad placei of the woi Id (hall o- .,, r thedeliuertnceof h , Cburib. I For hereby bee iul ^^hthe (world, and ihtwtih bi.Tftife a intrcifuU Father and faitbfull proieaou, ynr. bii ■ im Ftelingin'thrirconfcieoce that God is rheir Father, ο They ftullbc pteiet- uit:e luedbyiby Fatherly ptcuideuce• ο In tbatthey ai'ep[«lt:rucd«adcuBtiauc,iLey ; ^ion exalted. If I will fet his hand alfo in the fea , and his tight hand in the » ftuods. 26 He Ihall cry vnto mee , Thun art my τ Fa- jiy perfcvme my " ' ther , my God , and the rocke ef any faluation. jP'omife» to him, ' 27 Alio I will make him my fiift botne.higher h°' itfi',mi?°ei'an(l then the kings of tlie earth. ,. offencd.- 28 My mercy will I keepe for him for euer- j" Hi power, gig• • more, and my Couenant fliall ftaad fait vvith||^''H°toa'!"enioj- him. the land round 29 His feedealfowiU I maketo eodureiforpoi"• euer, and his throne as the dayes of heauen. ^i"m'ii"maU ap. 30 But if his children foi^ke my Law , and tpiare herein , that waike not in my iudgemenrs. \^' """ i" ^^med 3 1 » If they breake my ftatutes, and keepenot^^'j^°he'fi'it°o?rnel my commandements: jwheiem be is 1 6• 3 2 Then will I sifite their tranfgreffion wirh ^u c of Chriit. the rod , and their iniquitie with ftr kes. ^^ a Yet nry louingkindnelle will Inottake fiom him, neither willl falfihe my trueth. 34 My Couenant w ill I not breake , not b alter tc£ t-i"'^s "let ii δΰΰο oui ciiuy ivny. Though forth*-- laei of the peO• pie theltateof hirkingdom de• ■ ayed : yet God cferued iiill X hehacT 5: I hauefworneonccbyminebolines.i'that ««"jrapliQied danjers be g.eit. k Tabor is a Mountaine Wefl- wtrJ fiom leru- fiiem, ans Hem iEa!;ward:foiherr bey Gods power fi this promise in Cbiilt. Sam. 7, 14^ a Tough Γ ' βμ^Ί' to giue the prayf; aed jlory oneijf to thee. I willnotfjilf Duui'l./iij/»^ 36 Hi- i.;-;de lh,.Li liudure for euer , and his thione /^ia/iie ts the funne before me. 37 He IhiU bs eitabhiliiJ for euertuoress the tro^jiie.and <»/ a faithful!*^ witneffe in theht.auen. Sehh. 3 3 But thou haft reisfted and abhorred , thou halt biene angi y with ti.ir.eannoynted. 39 Thoii hift'< broken the Couenant of thy feruant, en<^ prophaned bis « crowne, caflingit on the ground. 40 Thou haft broken downe all his walles: thou haft layd his f jrtrelles in 1 uine. 41 All that goo by the way, fpoylehim: he is a rebuke vnto his neiglibours. 42 Thou haft fet vp the i ight hand of his ene isies , and made all his aduerfaries to reioyce. 43 Thou haft alio turned the edge of his fword , and haft not made him to itand in the battell, 44 Thou haft caufed his dignitie to decay, and caft his throne to the grounds 4y The daycs of his *" youth baitheu Cborte- ncd,4»i/couered him with fhame.Sefah. 46 g Lord , how long wilt thoa hide thy felfe, for euer ί fliall thy wrath burne likefite ί and impatien.e. e By tbi» he meaneth the horrible difTipitiou andientingof the kiigdom, which wa• ν -der reroboam, or els .y the fpiiit of pr^pbe.ie Ethan fpeakeih of thofe great miftrie». which came fooneafietward 10 ρ uir:e of Babylon, f He fheweth that the kingdone fell before it pe. g The Prophet ia ioyning prayer with hii ceinpUini,UiCW3 anf.vete iiallH-in» heir prolefli- , veiG.dwill not breake b;i Co• " wi hthem.- b fur Gu.diapio« gbirnre- f^.eft tjhis iner• cie , Ji.d ot to mans po -ver iti oerfirnii ig ffor. ;/ J lietirtt§ D I rh) Ais ;λτχΗΜ fit thank- AU, ij tkertfore Mofei fr-yeih Co4 lotmncthtir hi»m , >tadc,iuini,eh*i mttcteittrvxrd them and tbtir fesierii) fur tuir, f ^ pTsytrof Maps , ' tht man ofCotL Lord , thou haft bene oui ^ babitation from geaeration togentration. ^ ^ Before the'nnountaines were made , and before thou hadft fortned the earth , and the world, euenfcoiu eueilifting to eustlaftitig thou art*w Goi. 3 Tbou^turnefl: manto deftruttion: againe thou fay ett. Retutneyefonnesof Adara. 4 e For a thoufand yeeres in thy fight are as yetterday when it is paft , and 4x ? watch ω the night. J Thou haft f ouetflowed tbem , they are μ a fleepe, in the morning he groweth like the gtall'e: 6 In the morning it floutilbeth and groweth, but in the euening it iscutdowneand withereth. 7 For we are % confumed by thine anger , and by thy wraih ir; we troubled. 8 Thou haft fee eur iniquities before ihee.and our fecret fmnes la the light of thy countenance. 9 For all out dayes ate paft in thine anger: we I haue i" fpent our yeeres as a thought. 10 The time of our life .•> threelcote yeeres and ten. and if they be of flrengtn. '• foutefcore yeetes: yettheidtrergth «but labour and fotrow : for it is cut offcj-iitkly, and we flee away. 1 1 k Who knoweth tlie power of thy wrath? for according to thy feate ύ thine anger. ■ 1 2 Teach vslb to number our dayes > that we may apply onr hearts vnto ' wiledome. 1 3 Returne ( Ο Lord . ■= how long ? ) and be J pacified toward thy kruants. _ 14 Fill vs wi;:b t'ny mercy in the morning ; lo null we reioyce and bi glad all our dayes: I y Cumfort vs according to the dayes th.it thou haft afflicted vs . anda.cordin^ to tbe yeeres that we haue feeneeuill. , . r 16 ° Let thy woikebe feene toward thy ier- uants, and thy glory vnon their <> children. 1 7 And let the Ρ beauty of the Lord our God be.vpon v3,and qdiredVthoii J worke of our hanus vpon ?s , cuen ditedt the woike d out bands. ■ r ponevity , aJ 10 ihcm, h, wbcnbe I ihibc bolj thou but cieited _ to befto\we thy bsQ'fii» vpon him, ex>ep« ''>*'» hille 10 help, de«tb ^illpreuent thte. ί flemeioeihthat God» eceiniei did ,ely Hinder h!.u bebinie hi» bickt : but i'lo mocktdbimro bi» ftce. aodaiitA-ite caft their itittiie» inhiibsfom•. k Sa he calleth ' them that petfe- cutethe Chutcb. I They laugh ϊ> V» which paueatly waiefof ibecom- Bjiog of thy Chrift, • Thu» tht Scripi uitevfetb to CiU the Propketei. b Thou halt bene ■laubeufe audde- feBte voco v« in all eurcToublei aad tri< iieli Bowthis foucc baodietb yeere». c Thou hilt cho- /envstobetby ;ye9ple btfote the founditioniuf tb« world vvete Uyd. d Mofei by laiiien- ting the rtmiltie «Dd QlaicoeOe cf inaDi life mooueth eodtopuy. e Though maa tbiake hii life long > which Η iodecd mo(t Qlort, yea, though it were ■ thoufand yecre»: Vet 10 Oodt fizht 1 . ' , ■ - .. _!.. iti. airothiol, anij haue h fpent our yeeres as a thought. a«the watchthac laiteth but three koures. -t Thou takeft tbem away fud• deuly a» with* flood. g Thoucalleft v» by thy rod» to coo- Aden be Ihorines ofourlife, andfot iib.iJgiftbur diyei. h Out deyei are not onelyUiDtt, buciuifcrable , fo>• afaiuch as our iinne»dayiy pro- noke thy wiitb. 'liAteaniDg , ac cor- ding tetbecoiE- monftateoflife. k If mans life f** > «he breuitte be miferable, irucb moreifthy wraih lievponit, mhey Ρ s A L. xcr Hfft ii .iffetihti in vhAt elluraaetke Uutii, xkttput- ttth hii whUt irufi ,M Cid , and cimmittith b$m,'rlfi mift cfGtd It ihtfe ihAt Inti kim , know lum. eud irttfl tnhim itdeliuir ihtm , «nijiKf th»m immiimUgJtrj, γν//Ηο fo dwcllcth in the «fecret of the mofl ^ High , il;all abidt in the lUdowe cf the Almighty. 2 " I will fay vnto the Lord , Ο my hope and my foitreffe ; /;« « my Gad , io bim will I ttuft. 3 Surely Iwilldeliuer thee fiora the^fnare cf rhe hunter, and ftom the nojiume psflilcBce. 4 Hee will couer thee vndcrl. is wings, and thou (halt be fure vndsr his feathers : hit <* tructh iliallbethy ll-.icld and buckler. y « Thou ihalt not be afraid of the feare (if the night : nor of the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor of the peCilence thit walktth in the datkeneffc; «srof the pUguethat defcoyethai noone day. 7 A thoufand fliall fall at thy fide , atid tennj tbouf^iid at thy i ight haad ,bnti\ Iball not ccmc neere tliee. I 8 Doubtlefle with thine f eyes il-ialt thou be. I hold and fee the reward of the wicked. I 9 For thou Arf//;•»^, The Lord «mine hope ' ihou haft fee the troft High ioi thy refuge. 10 There Hull none euill come vnto thee, neither Hull any plague come neere thy tabcr. nacle. u 8 For he ihall giue his Angels charge otierj». tbce to kecpe thee ui all thy wayes. i 2 T-hey ihall beare thee in their hands , that thou butt not thy foot sgainft a ftone ] 3 Tt;oii lliilt walke vpon tue iyon and afpe; the BfODglyon, and the dragon Ihal: thou tread vnder feet. 14 i Becaufe he hath loued me. therefore will I diliuer bim : I wi knowenmyName. 1 J He Ihall call vpoQra;.and I will beare him; I will be with him io trouble; I will ddiuer hiuj and glotihe bim. 16 With k long life m'll I fatisfie him , an fiiew him my faluatioB. onely te preferued from all euill , b.it ooerrrrae h whether i. b« f'"" " "J'•- i Toa.r,?e ,h. f.iihfull o.God. pro.rA.on h= brirgeth .n G^"» " cooh".«b. fame. >. F,.r -he ii contented wuh .h.t life .bat God g;u:ih; fji by dtaUll*» {boitneOieeftbii life ii tecompeofed with immuiialiiy. Ρ S A L. XCII. , Thh PfAlmt wMm»dti,kt Γ»»ί •« ij" SM*ik, u Unifufthtptcfie i, luknowiUit Gii , and l»f<*Jl h m ,nL η•ί,κί> : I*' P"?*" r,,»}tttk ikxein. 6 B» tie yvubd .s,tot M» ,.ι»,μ>', tUt tl,e:,vi!,\ y,h. η h,t ,i m,ft β,^φ:»^ . Ji.v/ ,»tiifr•'^••) t Ζ Mofe. pr.y.tb for the p.fteriiy. ρ Mean.eg, that .t was obfc le.fe-h to doi good.» hi. Church, q Fo, except lhouga.de V. ί Spirit , eur eoterprife» can taue oo JOJa luiijUti HeikiftteJretfc God bii defence ihall perJ lOiedl- OJ to be a inutt fuiefiftjird. b Being ilTuied i'.hvaio tie '^ Lord. heipe it molt lei- dy for n , whetdr; Si lutiL'^iue vi fe:iet:y . WLlcih•! calletba :naie; or opeaty wbicb meant by tbepelttleute. d Thit ia , hit faithfuil keepmz — proroile to he:^! re ij thy cc• celStie. lit circtlu;. uod oatbouer I mon (υβϋ 0 defend u.» all danger». The godly Qiarf je rcmecapeii• :eof G.id«iud^44 oil agaiult he vMikedeJto aihiihfe.buifuU iytkey Ihall l'e«i£ hat dty .Ahen ihiog» fluliM ealcX I GoJ haibaet ppointed euny; lusunr Angel, luimjoy :3be niinlle.iofbif Mouideoce to keep hi», «nJ de- feud ihem m their ocaiion, which ta he wayiewalh•» α without temp• 'Aifi>iifd ihtftUcii] ijlhetHjl, fi> htiife tf CiOtc frajft ihi Lad. ,i Pfalmtotfongferthe* Sabbath d*y. ]T is a good thing to pray fe the Lotd,and to fing viitottiy Nimf.OinuUHigb. , 2 To declare thy louing kindncile m tte b motning. and thy trueth in tiie nighr. 3 Vpon an ' inftruercnt of ten ftrings . and vpon the viole .with the ioog vp" «he baipe. 4 For thou Lord, haft ικ^ΐβ tnegUdbytby Ί wotks . and I will rcioycc in ihc works of thuid hands. . . , j y Ο Lord . how glot ious ate thy woi kcs \and thy thoughts are very ileepc. 6 * An e vnwife roan knoweth η not , «nJ ζ kuluJi.mecu aj^io» t^h.^- . and ih...lor.m•:. ζ^^ί-'^Ι^• a Whicb Hicbetk bat tbevleol lae Sabbath (tardeth D rraylioi Ged, •od not onely in oj fiom worliti b hur Codi mei• fidelity ία h.i prfieife» to- W3(d hi» , bitide themio|>iayfehin continually boch day and nighi. c Thtleitlttu- itienti wen the• fbcrigbteoas ffoiiTif&. Pfalmes. The Lord will net faile hS^ jfoule doeth not vaderflanci tbis ( When the wicked grow as the ?rafi3, and ! fhali bi not know} not correft ^ he tbat teacheth man krowledge^^ Jiall the workers of wickeJn-ile doefljuriih) tbat fThvmdeimeDM ? they ihallbe dearoyed for euer. g But thou, Ο Lord, art fmoft High for euermore. ! 9 For loe , thine enemies , Ο Lord : for loe, I thine enemies lliallperila : alithe woilsets ofini- quitie ihallbedeftroyed. 10 g Bat thou flult exalt aine home , like the vnicornes, and liluU be anoynted with frelh oyle. II Mine eye alfoiliall feemy at fin agjinft trine enemies: and mine eares llial! beare my mfh againft the wicked , tl.ac rife vp againft tne. 11 Tie righteous fliall b flomiili like a palme tree, Ana lliill grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 13 Such as be planted in the houfe of ths Lord , fliall flouriili in the courts of our God. 14 They iliall ftill bring foorth fruit in tkeir age ; rhey fliallbe fat and flouiifliing. If To declare that the Lord my rocke is rjghieous s,and that none iniquity U in him. F S A L XCIII. z.H€e fr3 tvhmthc LerdniUdiflrcy. Lord God " the auenger , O'God the ausn^ ger »iliew thy felf; ^ ciearely. 2 Exalt thy felf? , Ο luJge of the world , and render a reward to the proud- 3. Lord, how long il>41 thev/icked, how long flull the wicked "^ ttiurapli ? 4 They prate and fpeake fiercely : all the wor- kers of iniquity vaunt tbemfelues. J. They d frcsfc downs thy people • OLord, and trouble thii^e heatage. 6 They flay the widow and the Srangsr , and anuithet the farther Icfle» 7 « Yet they fay . The Lord fliall not fee : nei- ther will the God of laakob regard it. 8 Vnderftand , yee vnwife among the people; and ye fooles , when will ye be wile ? 9 Hee that f planted the eare , fhall hee not hcare ? or he that formed the eye, ftiall be not fee ? 10 Or he that chaftifsth the β trations, ίϊνϋ he molt cODlunt gjiolltht wic kcdtndpalleouc g TtOBWitl gtheD ihtm• ail power, a blrlTe tbemwitii all felicitie. b Though Ai faiihfullfeenwt•• Withtr »i,d bu cut do wo by ibe wic• feed, yet they thill grew agiine and flaurilb io the Church of Go J a» the cedar» doe ia mount Lebaaon. Ϊ The children ot Cod fliallbauta. power aboue na- ture and iheir age fiiall bring foorth ineii fieflLfiaiis, » A» Go J by his power anJ wife- dome hath rnide and goutineth the evorlrl : lo uuilt the fame be our de- feace agaiull ill tittelt and gouet• BeA the world. : c (iais power ap• peareih in luliflg tar f^'ious- 1 waters. I d Βι^Ί'β» God»- goiter an-J wiiif do.ce i- creating and goustiiirg, hit ! ttit,wa(ilaad.i3ue!u 1 1 The Lord knoweth the thoughts of luan, that they are vanitie. 12 Bleflcd « the man whom thou ^ chaftifefl, Ο Lord , and teacheft t.im in thy Law, 13 That thou tcay eft giue him rtft from the daycsofeuiU^ whiles the pitte is dijjged for the wicked. 14 Surely the Lord will not faile his people, neither will he foi fake his inheritance, 1 5: For 1 judgement flxll returne to iufiice.and all the vpright in he^t fhali fo Hot» zfiQt it. 16 Who will t ife vp with me againlt the wic- ked ) or who will take my part againft the wor-|c''eiet-.iiy kerscfiniquitiei Ee^hVf'^Jhe'*'' 17 If the Lord had not k holpeo me , niy foula would nOiTei^e had slmoft dwt It in fiknce. hun to i«fi it the 1 8 When I faid , ' My foot Qideth. thy mercy, Ο Lord , flayed me. 19 In the multitude of my ™ thoughts in mine heart , thy cutBfortshauereioj'Csd my foule. 20 Hath the throne of iiuquitie^fellowiliip with thee, which forgeth wrong ior a Law ? 21 They gather them together againft the foule of the righteous , and cundemne theinno* cent blood. 22 But the Lord is my refuge , and my God w the rocke of mine hops. 23 And he will recompenfe them their wic- kedQelfe, and <> deitroy them in their owne malice, yea, the Lord our God ihatl dcftroy them. 0: ft vrboft ofike it ii to take veD- geance OD the wicked- h ihtw by effeft- that thou art ludge ofthe woiH to pu niui ihe •A'lJ-.cd. cThvtis, brafge ofiheircn-ehyjnd cpiirciS η : cr efieeiaethe-Tifeliiea aboue all othx, d Sieing the Cbiiich Wit-thei» ftfoieoprreiJiJ, It ought Dct to . fceme ftrangc to W. if we fee it fo now and therefore wemuftcall to God, to lak: citf caufe ia hand. e He llreweth 'hat they oie defp-mte , ,, . ,, in malice , forafmucb a» ibeyfeare>inot God , but j-auethemfeluM waollyto d Wicksdly•. fli; !lis/ce ii ibat it i, impoCRbie, b-at God ihould heate, fee.and» ditltand rheirwitktdnelTe; g If God puallh wboIe-Ditiooi for their Sonci , ii mtiie foUj loiaejgsc mtu , ot Hi a. few t» riialieiliat Cod will ifue^ittm b GoJhathcaf:: ouer bit, ai^d ctaa«- ftileih ihem fur their We.lib, that- hey u.ould Dot penli foi euer •ith the wukei God Aiil teliote ;he itateaod gouera• uieut ol thmgt to a d then the Godly, ihail fclijA bim 'ts yet waa- aUuieu ibaiGoJ». he] e would not farle. I Whea I thougbr there was no waft but death. m In my trouble anddiftieadeuei: fouadthyptefent ij Though the wicked Judge; pretend iulltcei oppteffing 1 Church, yet tbejF haue tiot thatau-.^ thotity ofGed. ο It is a great to& of Gods iudgement> v<7heDthepurpofeofche wii^keilt(b(0lc4a« bucmelt^, :bey u'c defticyed io their owne malice. Ρ SAL. XCV. Ah etmesl exhtvtaiiin to frayfe Gcd , 4 fer thi ■ gcuernement of ihe wtrld, and the elediin tf t% Church. 8 Ah aimtnitittt net to folhiv the rebellict efihe olde ftthtrs, that tempted Gcdin the wMeinefii II For the which the) might «»» fnlf r into the Urti oj frtmife Come , let vs rebyce vnto the Lord : kt V5 fing a alowde veto the rocke of our falna- tion• 2 Let vs come before his face with praife: let vs fing lowd vnto him with Pfalmes. 3 For the Lord» a great God, and a great King aboue all'' gods. 4 In whofc bai-hJ4r» thedeepe places of the earth, and tb3<= heights of the mountaines ftf « bis. y To whotD the Sea btUngeth, for be maue it» and bis hands formed the dry land. ^ 6 G)me , kt vs Ί worlhip and fall dcvne; and kneele before the Lord our maker, 7 For he is our GoJ.and we are the people of HefoiWitfetfeit• God• feruice fttt» dethnotiodead cereitiooiet, bac chiefly in tlie fa• orifice of prayfe «nS tbaokfgiuiDg. he An- gel» ( who in lea fpeft of nen arc thought ai godi^ are notbiog in hi•- ligbt, much jefle the idoleji, wbicb^ naoi biaioi in- eateth; All tfaiagi- prouidence. d By thefe tbree^ words be figni- fietb onething : neaaiDg that the7< nuft wholly giue themfeluttto fetue GoiJ. ί That i( , the his'pifture, and the iheeps of bis '- hand: jo day, if prouidence!' yewillhearehis vojce. . 8 f Harden not your heart, as in β Meribab; ana as in the day of iJ MaiTah in the wildernes. 9 When your fatiiers* tempted mee.prooued roe, though they had feene my worke. ,10 Four t ie y eeres haue 1 contended with M* generation,-3nd faid , They are a people that % erre (locke , whom ber in heart, for they haue not fcnoweo ray wayes, |°"o'^*'''^"j 1 1 Wherefore I fware in my v/rath , faying, ^ ^eweih "ir- Surely they ihall net enter into >> my reft. sathey are 6od<- ' jftocke.thatii, i-'they heate his voyce. f By thecantemningofGoda'V»erd-.iOr,i» firife:vhm cf ihe plxte -mAS (i cxUid. lOr,ttnlaM»,re»ieExoi.xT.j?^Exoi.i7.x.uitmi 14, at. g Tliey were without iudgenieat«D(l leafoD. h.Tbat i»,iate tbcUa4ef' CaaaaQ | wtk«ie be piemiici iktm lelt. Tfaepfayf€JofGod« « The Vrofbtt •flle\we and «aely ai he huh «ppoioted. ]| Or. vanities. c Then the idolef , orvrhatf euer • not the hea- , are not GoJ. d God cinnot be fanoweo , but by hii ftccngthaod |lo• ty , the ligi ei w' of appeare ία hit Pfal rcitu :W Ρ S A t. XCVt t An ixhtftAtim ioth tt the lewes *ni Gitttilts te Gid fir his mereie. And this fptcixUy ought f erred to the kiitgdome ofChrifl. C ing » vnto the Lord a newe fong : fing vnto •^ the Lord all the earth, 2 Sing vnto the Lord , and fray kius Name: declare his faluation frona day to day. 3 Diclare his glory among all nations , eni his wonders among all people. 4 For the Lord is ^ great and much to be prai• fed : he is to be feired aboue all gods. y For ail the gods of the people 4ri|jidolcs: but the Lord ' maUe the heaaens. 6 ^ Strength and glory art before him: power andbeautie are in his Sanotuary. 7 Giiie vnto the Lord , ye families of the pea< pie : giue vnto the Lord glory and ' power. 8 Giue vnto the Lord the glory of his Name: bring fan offering, and enter into bis courts. 9 Wui (hip the Lord in the glorious Sanftua- ry ; tremble before him all the earth, 1 ο Say among the 8 Nations , The Lord reig- oeth: furely the world iliall be ftable, and not mooue , and he Hull iudge the people ^ in righte- oufnefle. 1 1 Let the heaaens reioyce, and let the earth be glad : lee the.fea roare , and all that therein is. e At by expert- ' * ^s' '^2 field be ioyfuU , and all that is in it: ye fee that it let all the i trces of the wood then reioyce, ooeiy due vnto j^ Bifore the Lord : for hee commeth, for hcc *"b ■ oif riog vp com'raeth to iudge the earth; he will iudge f world your fiioei wholy with tighteoufnelTe, and the people in his trueth. vnto God > declare \ that you wovQlip himonely. g Ht piophecieth that the Gentiles Iball be pavtj. kers with tbelewes of Godipiomife. b H;fliallrege eiate them a uew with ilif Spirit, «π4 teftove them to tile image of Ggd. i If the inienfible creatuit» Ihall haue caufe to reioyce, wiieo God appeaieih, much mote we, from whom hee liiUb («iea ouledidioa aod fiaue. Ρ S A L. XCVII. ■ The Prophet exhorleth all to reityte fir the eemming of the kingime of Chrtft, η drtnifitilto the nieli and tdolattis, s and toy full to ibt lutt , rvhtm he exkorteth to inneteHcie , la'io rtitycim und th.inkefgiumg. Τ He * Lord reigneth : let the earth reioyce: let the ^ multitude of the lies be glad, 2 ' Ooudes and diik.;neire are round about bim : righteoufnelfe and iudgetuent are the foun- dation of Us throne. 3 There fliall go a fi e before him , and burne vp bis enemies roundabout. 4 Hii lightnings gaue light vnto the world: the earth faw it and was ί afraid. y Tne rao'intaines melted like waxe at the prefence of the Lord , at the prefence of the Lord of the whole earth. 6 The heauens declare his r jghteoufneiTe, and all the people fee his glory. 7 >: Confounded be all they that ferue gra- «en images, «nitbatgOry in idols : wotfliiphim f all ye ^ods. 8 Zion heard of it , and was glad; and the I'g daughters of ludah teioyced, becaufe of thy I'iudgemenis.O Lord. I 9 Fur thou. Lord, art moft High aboue all I the eartn : thou a't much exilted aboue all gods. ! 10 Ye that i> loue the Lord, hate euill; hee pre- ifcru-th the fjulesof his Saints; hee willdcliuer jthera frjin the hand of the wu ked. I 1 1 1 Light is fowen Li the i ighieous , and ioy ^[iie^WngdonicpfGod. 2a « Ke nieweth that where God leigneth, there it allfclicitic .and fpiritu.llioy b FortheGofpel Iball Dot be onely pleached iolu- dea , bat through «II yle< and cooa-, Creye». c He ii tbui de« fciibedtokeepe liii eoemiet in feare, ivhich cum• ly contemue Is power. Λ This feare fcrinieih oot the ^ikedto trueo- bedlence, but ma• ^h them to luu away fiom God. e H.- fignifieth theoit are inaiea- dioelTc to deliroy the idolaters. f Let all that which i> eiieFmed ία the world fall doA-nbtfor-b-m. the eatth haue feene the faluaiion of our God, 4 All the eatth, fing ye loud vnto the Lord cry out and reioyce , and ling prayfes- J Sin^ prayfe to the Lord vpon the harpe, tuen vpon the hatpe with a Tinging voyce. 6 With e fl-.almes and lounJ of trumpets fing loud before the Lord the King, 7 Let the fea roare , an J all that therein is, the world, and they that Swell therein 8 Let the ficiods clap their hands , and let tbc jnountaines reioyce together, 9 Before the Lord . lor he is come to iudge the earth: with righteoufncs (hall he iudge the world: and the people with equitie. Ρ S A L, XCIX I Heeetmmindeth the f oner , ■ and exteiUntie of It Be miQ^fullor his bcnetiiiand ooily trull ia hi• dcfeiue. • That if . ΓαΐΜ fong oe Aly made in token of their woodeifulldd,- iieranctbyChti«« b He preferuetb bit Cburthmiia• culo'jfly. c For ihedclioe• for the vptight in heart, Reioyce yee righteous in the Lord , and giue thanks for his holy *"• remembrance. Ρ S A L. XCVII I. Ah eatnefl exhorlaiun to all creaturn toprtyfethe Lord for hti potver , made rti.J fidcline in hit prtmife h Chr.p, ,0 h) rvhom he halh <,mmHHK»i(i hii faluation to all nattoni. f ^ rftlmt. C Ing a vnto the Lord a new fong : for hee hath ^ done marueilous things : * his tight hand, and his holy '• arme haue gotten him the viiSory, The Lord declared his <■ Ciluation : hisrigh- teoufi^elTe bach he reuealsd in the fight of the na• tions. 3 Hee hath d remembred his roercieandhis trueth toward the houfeof Ifiael : all the ends of "'q'^j'JJJ,•,^^)'""''» ued by none othit oieaaei to gather buCbuichofihc leires and G, tilti , but becaufe be would per- forme bii ptomife,- e By thii repetiu• on and eiruclt rxhorutioa to piue prayferwick initrumcnii, and alfo of the dumbe treiiuiM . be figoi• fieth that tbc woiM is ceuerable to prayfe God fuffict. eniiy for toeu^« liueiance. a trhenCoddrlf- uereib hiiCbufch, •lUheenemiei tiuM g TbelewelUiall , lianeoccaiootoreiotce, that .be Ge til•, are made pertaker» with them of God» > • C*•""^ 8 Thou heatdeftihero,0 Lord out God: thou I „,ff,,nbi«j I waft a fauouiable God vnto them, thuugh ihou'd vudenbefe ! diJdeft take vengeance 'or e their inuentions. '^^^^'^^^^ ,'°f l"" 9 Exalt the Lord out GoJ and fall downe be- |.^i,oi, people of fo-eliis holy Mountaine: for the Lord oui God if-aei. with who• . ', , ' iGod nude his >S holy. iprcm.fe. e For tbemoTeliber.lly that Gr< dealeth with hil people . ihe n puiiiQi them ihai abule his beoeh;s. Ρ S A L. C. 1 Ht exhorleth all 10 lerue •υί , and preferuid ~ji , i:iest»;'>}f'hiN'me. 5" „^; Pf'Mc efprajfi. Sing « ye louJ vn ο liie Lord , all the earth. 1 Seiue tlie Lord wi'h gladnefle ; come before him wi;h ioyfulnetfe. ίο ixtu, thai 1^1 aall haue «roo.-ferfullotctfion to prayft e Ltrd , } who h.ilh thofen and to enter into tots affi Cc4 3 Know tnoMdeUk^ I Hee prophecieik tbai Goas bene- fi-e in calling the Gt.tile•, Dull his mercy λ KiefCC, yjCKierccJ The duetie of Magiilrates, ^1^^<^<^*• 3 Know yee that eoen the Lord is God ; hee hath b made V5 , and not we our felues : vtt are his people . and the freepeo' his pjPaire. 4 c Enter into his gates wit η pray fe , 4«i into Iriis conrres with reioycing : prayk hioD &adhh& his Ν arte. y" Far the Lord is good : hisir.ercie is** eusr- lafting , and his u uetit « f.oai generation to ge- neration. be wtarid in (H^yfiDg % fU cbirfly me»- retb , louctingihe ipirifJjUrigene- »ition , whutby \: cry come vntothee. ^ Hile not thy face fiOm cneein thetirneof mv trouWe : incline thine eares vnto me , when I c jil, rrake hafte to heare me. 5 For my dayes ai^ "^confuraediikefraoalte, and tnv bones are bnrW-liks an herth. 4 Mine he?i*"is- fmiacn , and withered Hex greife, becaofe I f >rgne ^ to ea-e my bread. J For the voyce ofiry gronii'g.tny bones doje clcaueiomy skinne. 6 I am lik•? a f p-licsr.c ci< the wiideineffe ; lam like an owle of the defens. 7 ί watch , and am as a fparow alone rponthe hoiife ton. 8 , Μ i.ne f Demiei-rem'te me daj Iv, a'^d they, that i.;^e agaii.ft me , baue f fworne againft roe. food, e Euer niojiaiig wd folitwie j ciRi-'g Out.feavefull ciytl. f Hili(i aiy dtitB, thefvvordMo punilh iiimjecfirtely put i'h nMg'firatei aiooul ΛΜ Church of God asWDerehyiJ fitnftei , thtal- fcei; we be in -.e ■ Utrf-j great iril'e- «tes , yet ibrre is . eu!r plice left -UK prayrr. ^ H-rdeclarffh- iaoutpr.yei w/e-miiftliuely feele tfcar, which V.e<'c!ie , una iiedfa'ily beUsJe »(i obtaine. c Thefe excriTi je sBifid'-.- pf fpe.nt. ftle-ri: b w itiurh Xhearfiiaionof »be Ch'iich ought lowourd the iea-tsoflhi godly d My roriowei •katlpanvi not fuU 'th Ihi g Ihaueoatvf•• fen ou: cf my m«urBicg to lakC my -βίβΛιοΊ. b HaJt.eA-erb thanheafflutioDi did nctone'y thut: nncrefcun , hjs^ cku-fly tee lee- ling or Godidif- pleafure i Η jwfoeuer we be ttaile , yet thy promife ii fire, acdthe ren.em- bvan.e thereof (l)allcon6rinevi ... for euti. k Tbiin, the fe- 9 Surely ί Kace t eain »(ks as bread, and mingled my drinfce with weeping. 10 Ecc-ffe of thine ^ ίικϋ^^ηβ^ίοη and thy u'tath ; for thou haLi heaued cue vp , and caQ me dowr.e. II. My djyes Λτ« HkeailiadowethatfaJsth, and I am withered like graiT•. 1 2 But thoa.O Lord, doefl ί remaine for eiier, and thy reiBembrancc fiOm generation to gene- ration. 13 Thou wilt arife 4«i Iiaae msrcie vp'^» Zion : for the time to haije metcie thereon , fjr the k apf linted tiaie is corre. 14 For thy feruants delight in the I ftoties thereof . and hauc picie on the du3 thereof. 1 f Then the heathen (liall ieire the Name of the Lord , and al! the kiigs of the eart'i thy glory 16 When the Lard lliall build vpZim ,<»».< fiiflil appeare >" in his glory, 17 ^A.jd lh.ill turns vnro the prayer .of the dfi. iblare , and nor dsfpife their prayer. 18 This fliili.be writ:en for the generation to come ; and the p.'ople which ihallbe " created, ίΐ',ίΐΐ pravfe the Lo d. 19" For he hath looked downe frow the height rfnisSanciiary : out of the heaacn did the Lord behold the earth, 20 That he might heate the rqcurning cf the prifoner. and delijer the children of death: 21 That they may declare the Nameofihe Lord in Zion, and hisprayf? in lerufalem, a2. When the p^ple ilv.libe gathered ? tog^ ther, and the kingdomes to ferue the L-ml 23 Hee ο abated my ftr ength in the w:ay , and fl"iOitncdmy dayes. 2.'\.^ w/i;iJI f.id, Omy God, take me not away in the raids of my dayes : thy yefxes cr^ure from generation td genera;ton. 2 y Thou haft af jretime layd the foundation of the earth, and the heaiuns trt the work: of thine hands. %6. >■ They ihall periili , but thou ΠίλΙι endure : euen they ali ll-.a!! waxe old as doeth a g^Γment: as a vefture fi-«k thou c.«.ange them, and they ihall be changed 27 But thou art the fame» sad thy yicres-Zlisil Rst-faiie;- 28 Th? children ofthy feruants ib-ΊΙ con tint:; arid their f<.od iluli ftand ί faft in thy light. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ Cb'.ift q The Church hmeiftlutihey fee not the time of Cbiift, which waspro. miffd , bu• baue butfcwe yetr-i a 'd fljortdayei. r If heaueo and earth psriOj, much more man (htll periih: but thr Church by reafon of Go^s inomifeendureti», f*- e'ler f Seeii ρ thou hUt choftrn thy Church ou' of the world-, »nd ipyoed it: to tbee, it cannot but continue for euer : for ihou at: euerlaljiDg. Ρ S A L. CI 1 1. I H'eptuuhth all le frit)/ the Litd , which h'tli ρ-ΐϊ" donedhif finn'i, dfUue'ted himfrtm dfslmclitn, and i-f-ifti him fu^cient of λΙΙ lied thixjs 10 Then het. aiikth the te>idcr m'-rciei »f G'd, which heejbw'tb t:Ke a m^ft lenier Father tirrtrds hi$ children. 14 The fratltie of mm life. 20 /In extnttntion to w<» uni ^n^elstofvxjfitDeLord. ί hYfilme ofD^utd. MYlbule . » prayfe thou the Lord , andal! that i•; wi-hi'i rrK.ptdyfe his holy Name. didll appoint, I The inorethat ' the Churchuin mifcrie aid de(o- latioB , th- moie . ough'ihffai b'all^ to luue «nJ pitie it., lu That ij . when d-.asyen his church out of ihedark- cei ofdcith. η The deliuei-a-c«,. cf tbeCh.irch iia moll exce'Ient be- nefit, and therefore- be ccmpireth it to a nevV creation; . fo' in their ba- oilbment tbebo- d>.of the Church feemed to blue beece dead, «bicljj byd-uaerance wai ai it wtiic created a new, 0 Who now !Q their bjEiQiTenc cBa'd looke far t>o'hi g Snt death.l ρ He iiiewcth that 1 God» Ν -.me isne- uer more priyfe J, iben when religi- on florilbeth and , tbe church ii- cmffth .- which ■ gh it chiefly ic• iplilhedvndcr t H« wakeneth hi• duluclTeto prayfe God, (hew. ig that both va- er undiiigtnd ie^.ooj, minde ■ an.1 heart aretotJ- •le to fet foortll I pnyfe Thi5 iittebe- nnini andAiefeft The mercies of God. ikt tie f ag !f, when he' b;i|ie OBtrgiowetb , fuc ksth blood , aud iait renewed io I'lTength , euen fj Cod miraculi-iuily g^iuetb Ihftijib :o bis Ciufth auoite airmaniexpeft»• tio I. e Alto his cblefe minilte'-, and next iobisiwop'.e- f He ihtAxrh firft bitfiutreiudge- Bient, but fo foone at thr fincerit bjmb'ed , bere- ceiueihhim lo ineriie. g Whuhaueproo. ued by comiuuail experience , chat bit mercy bath e'^er preuiiled a- jaioit Γ od'en- y Which fitisfied thy mouth with good thir>gs : and thy <• youth is rcnued like the eagles. 6 The LorJ cx?cut:th rijjhtsoufneDe tna iudgjroent tuall that arc cfpreflcd. 7 He made bis waycs knowen vnto'Mofes, *wrfhis wo'k's vnto tVic children of If.ac!. 8 The Lord is fi;ll cf compafD jn and iSercy, flow to anger and of great kindnefle. 9 He wiil noc alviy^chi Je, neither k-cpe Λ» «r^irforeuer. 10 He hath not ε dealt vikh v; ifter oor (iiines, ncr rewarded vs according to our iniq licjjs 11 For as high a; tt e heauen is aboue the earth, fj great is his mercie toward tbetuthat feare bir. II As fdrre as ^ the Eafl is f; etc the ^'efl .β fwrehuhh: remoojedOurfinncs from vs. 13 As a father hath coxpaiTion onhischil•- dren , fo hath the Lord cofEpafiioD on theai that iearehim. Γ4 For hi knoweth whereof we be laade : he retcembreth that we are but duft. I J The dayes of' man are as grafle: as a 3owr6 ofthefiiid,fufljuri;hethhe. 16' Ft)T the v.'ind goerh ouet it 1 and it h gone, fii^Jihep'.ice theteofiiwli know it no tnore. J 7 . But the louing Uindnes of the Lord end». Titb for tiitr and euer vpon them that feare hitn, and his It righrcouiiiefle vpon chilJiers children, J 8 V^nto thetD tbit kuepe his l couenant , and thinke vpon his cotDmandements to doe them• 19, The Lord hath prepared bis throne in hea- uen , and his kingdome nilctli ouer all. to Prayfe the Loid , y e ■" his Angels, tharc/:- cell in ft erg-.h , that doe his commandemer.i 1:1 obeying the troyceof his word. 21 Trayfe tlie Lord all ye bis hoafis,ye his Tor. Uitiis that doe his pleafiire. 1 ^ Pray ie the Lord all ye his works, in all pla- ces of his doirinicn : o^y iocls, prayfe thou the Lord. PfalSiT^ b A5 great at the v^^rld It , Co full if it of lig lei of eodi roertieitT Viaid hi» fa t'lfuU; vvhen he hith le- iuooued their «jnei. i H?edec!aveth that man hath 00 th.a%mh'mU\f• to anoue Gjd to jrercie, bir one!y thecenfefiionoi kii iQlirxit) αά- mifine. It Kisiunaid faiihfull keej'ing ef hia Γ' ra'*'f• i-Towbomfcee titifth I r.ict to lea e hitn and to obey hia wri. n> Io tha ttitwi which DTU jliy J* fiow to payft Godl ejhort tbe Aiftels, whict willioc'y doe it. «ve fl ieiuej ic contidtr cut dcr.y . «nd avit?ltr out of out li^^2cι^^n^ll"e. Ρ S Ai. CI HI. An tvctBetitPfelme Ic fytyfr Goifcr the crJttttn H.TIre PVophet fiiexetbibatwee Beede not, to rnef i ro the heaue s £» fteke Go I , for »$-!iiU:b at all tbe order ofna-u-e. vvrth thrproj-rie- t-e , and t'U;i -.g of ibtelffirent» , ste moilliu'lyinir- roori tu {-: bit mae'iiein. y b A» the Prophet ■ beaeihewcb thit »'l I'ifisle pow'rt ■ are leidy to f<(u: God : fo tbe Apo- • ," ίϊνν»ί ».-Ί.ρ()£ιίί4• , boi the whole W*iW ftwuid be deltrcyej.- ^4s prouia?ncc, 2 t If God preoidt ' h- vfty brair, b nytrmill hi ai bit («roai- deotcaif to iMO. f Tkitri, noi'art cfibtAo-.Mfo ba> rn , wbm matt eui the .χοϋπε for certaine feai fon.s , •= the far.ni. kr.oweth his going dowrie. 20 Thou makeft da'keneili?, andirismghr, wherein all t'-e beafts cf the foreft crtepc forth. 2 1 The lyons roareafct their pray, and fetke their meste ' a: God. 22 W'ltn the funne lifeth, they retire, and couch in their dennes. 23 "> I'hcn goeth man forth to bis worfce, and to hiskbour vntilliheeiunirg. J 4 Ο Lord , how " D-aiiliold are thy woikes in wifedome haft tbou icade them all : the eaith is fqi! of thy riches, 2j So is the fea great and wide : /«• therein Λτ( things creeping intiuojerable , both Imall beafts and great. ^6 There goe the fl-iijis , yta that i, Liuiathar», whom th.nihail made to] Uy "therein. 27 " All thefe wait vpo-. thee, tha: then niaytft giiie them focde in due iealon. 28 Thou giueft it to thf n>, *-.b ca;.Goath.be«n^tre.^..n.t.o^h... , I lite prljfxh Ih' finiul,, f r„e ./ C.W. trA. h^lh .f^n Λ•.,'. , «r:J -.ΛΛί-ί ffe're•» <* « - «««r «««/i•* f *" "••« S«i , e«i»/»r i.i t"""i' i* 'i'• p^^ . 3: nj tb'cicujctj defctileth Codi .-irouiifect raie cue: ηα:ι. who d.jiih not ODfly piouide oe• tflf.ry tbiuji for hm, a:n/rbeia Λ ciheruieae .but af; thii.gi to re- κ Y'.e an :comf.jrt t maiAiiieanJ oyle , CI o>n meot t ('r.rf«i,r.fj,«ii i Aii« ip,-aiatf ihenipbif.om.le day, an; to oo'.e d.yo.moDeiha k%k« i"by hit couTfe, citbri faiia ri neere, i: noieih and otbfr iraf oi. I Tiatii.thfy oin!j h.ideniraie .■>ccoidio(ioC«L'a pouidruie, v^bo caicib rLcf ( r tSf b'uiiewallt, m To mi . lAbea tt,d-,fp,inp>b: Icrthclijbtii»» ■ iiV.utaUiirli t: defend oiaua- jain't ihty anni€ acdli (..eoillcol beilit. η Η- ccn'rlfrth ibΐΊ tetiiei: I TheflagVes of Egypt. Pi n* the common con- demaition of the world , and Were eltfted to be Go;i« pCQl'l , ihe Γιο. A Fof as roach as '' p Rayfi; the Lord, f.ndciil vpon his Name : , de• the ifrwiiKs weie ί cUrc. his Work ■ among th ': people. ζ Sing vnto im , fir-gptayfevntohimi iW»^ Mike of all bis », ondrjus workss. ξ Reioyc?. in his holy Name . let ihe heart of them that Tr^^ki the Lord, rcioyce. 4 Seeks the Lar J »nd his ^ iliength : feeke •his face coatinually. y ' RcfBemhet his = marueilous worfces that he hath done , his wonders, and the d iudgements X)f his raoutii. 6 Vs feed of Abraham His feruant, ye children of iaikob , which are his eleft. 7 Hee is the Lord our God : bis iudgements «ere through all the earth. 8 He hath alway remembred his couenant, and promife , that he made to a thoufand genera- tions, 9 Euen that which he « made with Abr ahaa?, and bis oath vnto Izhak : 10 And fince heth confirmed it to laakob for a law, and to IfraeHbr an euerlafting couenant, 1 1 Saying , f Vnto thee will 1 giue the land of Canaan , the lot of your inheritance. II Albeit they were few in number ,yea very few, and llrangers in the land, 13 And walked about from nation to nation, from one kingdome to another people, 14 Tet fuffered he no man to do tnem wrong, but reprooued g Kings for their iakts, faying, 1 5; Touch not mine ^ anoynted , and doe my "Prophets no harme. 16 Moreouer , hee called a famine vpon the land,4»iivtteily brake the hftaffe of bread. 17 £;. ly.and ao. J, li Thefe A'hrm I jb«ue fanAilied to be my people. father, , to whom iGjdih=wedhim. felf« pJainely.and who ATcre frtters forth oE hi, WJ(d. ^ Either byfen- ding fcaicity, ot ty t fcing away the itrengthand oouriihmeat thereof. I Solopghe fu^e- ConfciTion cf finnes. trees , and bralce dowtie the trees in their coafts. 34 r Hefpakeandthe gralhoppets came , and «ate piilers iniiumetabie, 3 J Ami did eate vp all the graffe in theii land, and deuoured the frun of their ground. 36 * He Iraotealfu all the firll borne in thar land . euen t :ie beginning of all theit ftrength. 37 Hee brought them foorth alfo with (ihier and guide , and there was inone feeble among their tribes. 38. Egypt wast glad at their depaiting: for ",'^'^***" the fe'are of them had fallen vpon them. * "]ζ" gqj, pi,piei 39 He fpread a cloud to be a coueriiig, and fire to giue light is the night. 40 They u afked, and he brought quaiks, and he hlled them with the bread of heauen. 41 He opened the rocke, and the waters flow ed cut , and ranne in the dry places like a tiuer. 42 For hee remembtek his hoi/ J^ promife tol fitmeih to 1 Abraham his feruant, \ il""". ''" 43 And hee brought foorth his people with ^^/j f '"" y ioy , and his chofen with gladneffe, 44 Andgaue thsm the lands of the heathen, & they tooke the labors of y people in poil'eifion, 4) That they might ^ keepe his liamtes, and oblerue his Lawes. Pray fe ye tne Lord. r Hed'r.vetb that al. ' I e, Hire» ate arm.d.;gain:. maa whcuGod ii hi» eneniie , a, at hi• comminrfemeot the graliioppen • delaoyed the laiuL' *£xod.ii.iy ί Wheo their ene• mie, fell God» plague» , hi, cbil« dreoby his pro- can fed them rather to depart with the Ifraelites, then wirh tbeir liue•. u Nc/t foroecein- tie.butforfatiify- iDgoftheirlnlt. Which becon- ihoo le andeniof fe,. heEgyp• I The tetfle iifptffed Tjnder A Ρ S A L. C VJ. thchui , dei magnifit the y Wh tijDS lamented aad weredeltroyed. ζ Thi» i, the eode, why God prcfevuetd hit Church, becauiie they ihould wor- ihip, aud callvpoa bim ia tbii woitii^ a The Prophet exhortetb the peo• pie to ptayfe God ΪΌι his benefitei paft, ibai thereby ^beii mindcsmay h.td appoiu- a;:dtillne ha tryed futfi itntly his patience. in That the very prince, of the counirey ihou d bs at lofcpbjcoii- mandemtBt.and leara: wiiedome at him. b So it it in God. «rther to mooue ibe hearts of the 4lvicliL-d \a. lous xirto hatcGodi childreB- ο Meauing, Mo- fes and Aaron. * Exd. 7, 10. *ENm. i.e. ρ So that thit ver- ;n;neca;nii uoi by but as Goi hadappointei and hi, prophet Mofe» fpake. <\ It W»l ftrinre tot'ee liiue iaEi/pt, muth muieitw*! fcaieiuUw fcehaile, giodnefe cf God ammi the lusl ir.d repentant : 4. Df/i- ring r$ be irought a^aine tuts the Ir.nd hy Gedt merciful titfititisn. S AHiafterthem»r.ifi>idm.tri4eilci tifCci Wrcugbt in their de/iiierance forth tf Egypt , and the ire it iKgratttuie if the fetfle rehear(id. 47 They doe pray and defire tete gaihered frem among the heaihin, to the intent tkey tniy frayfe the Heme «/ the Cti «/ Ift«ei, f Fray feye the Lord, ρ Ray fe » ye the Lord becaufe he is good.for bis mercy endweth for euer. 2 Who can exprefle the noble ailes of the Lord , orihew forth all his prayfe i 3 Blei3ed ara they that ^ keepe iudgetncnt, and be ,trcngthened doe righteoufnefle at all times. «gaimt all prefent 4 Remetrber race, Ο Lord , with the « fauour ['°^^^^y »'"' <^'• of thy people : vifit me with thy faluation, J" He'flieweth that y That I may fee the felicity of thy chofen, t i, not enough to and reioyce in the ioy of thy people, and glory ζ'^^Ι °Ji^*t the with thine inheritance. .excep t β 6 Wee haue d finned with our fathers : wee haue committed iniquity , and done wickedly. 7 Out fathers vnderftood not thy wonders t l^, t^e good in Egypt , neither remembred they the multitude ^uhbat thou of thy metcids, but rebelkd at the Sea , euen at the P'•""" ■° '""ν . ■ / • i^eiple , exiend Vtl• reJiea. io me, .ha, there- 8 Ncuertheleffe he ' faued them for his Names by i may b» lecei- fake,thathe might make his power to be knowen. "' ' inioihenui* 9 And he rebuked the red lea , and it was dri- ;/ b° pj,'"'^ ^on» ed vp, and be led them in the deepe, as in the wil- ifeflion afwe i of dctneffe. ί&'ΐί fTh" ' " '^ 10 And he faued them fro the aduerfart«;shand,l,in'„",^',Jj^ ft,ew and deliuered them from the hand of the enemy, jth.t they had hope 11 * And the waters couered their oppieflors: i'*!-" God accor- r , , e dill» to bis pro- cot one of them was left. {n,if; «ouid piiie 12 Then^'bcleeued they his wordes,rtw that ple»&nt land, mii beleeued not his word, y Bat rautrourcU in their tents and heatke• ned not vtwa the voycs of the Lord . 20 T-'ierefore " hee lifted vp bis hand againft theros to deftroy them in the wildernelie, 27 And to deftioy their feedeamoDgthe na- tions , and to icattet them thtoughuut the coun- treyes. l they ioyned themfelues alfo vnto ° Baa!- peor, and d id eat the ofterings of the Ρ dead. 2 j> Thus they 1 pi ouoked him vnto aoger wirh their owne inuentians , and the plague brake in vpon them. 30 fiut Γ Phinehas ftoode vp , and eacecuted iudgement, and the plague was ftayed. 3,1 * And it W4S f imputed vmo hina for righ• teoufnefle from generation to generation for e- uer. ' jx They angred him alfo at the waters of * Metitah , fo that « Mofes was punittied for their fakes. 33 Becaufe they vesed his Spit it, fo that bee fpake vnaduitedly witn his lips, 34 Neither deftroyed they the people .as the Lord had cotDraanded rhem , 3 y But were raingled among the heathen , and learned their wotkes, 35 And ferued their idoles , which viere tbeir mine. . 37 Yea , rhey offered their " fsnnes. and their daughters vnto deuils, 38 And Hied innocent Hood , lutn the blood of tbeir fonnes , and of their daughters whoa they offred vnto the iJoles of Canaan , aid the laude was defiled with blood. 39 Thus were they ftay ned with the sr own* workes , and wentiawhoting with their own© inuentions. 40 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kind* led againft his people , and heabborred bis owns inheritance. . , rj. 41 And hee gaue them into the hand of ihe heathen : and ibey diat hated them werelordea ouerrhem. 41 Their enemies alfo opprciTed uiefXJ , «ja Aftiidlon cauferh prayer, 22 fcTtfAuoJance thai God gaue tbem.profi'ed not» but mide ibem pJDca'A'iy, becaufe Cod cu. (edit. iBy the greatnt» ef the puailhiOCDC the bainous of- fence may be con- fiieved : for ihejf «hit lifeagiiult God< miniiteri, rebell a^aioft bim. k Hee Ihejvcth that all idolatert reuounce God to be their gloiy, when iu Itead of .himtbcy worlbip any cieaiure, iniich note wovd.ltone, mettill.cr alues. I If M^'fts hy hi» inteiielsion had Bot obiei..ed Godi fauour a• Saiatt their [β> ellioos-. That it , Canaao which vv»i « it Were an earnell peuy oi the bea- iy inheritance. BTtat it, hee ίΛΓate. Sometime elfoitine.-neth, topuaiih. ο Which wa» the idole of the Moa• bket, ρ Sacrifice! offred tothe dead idole». q SgDifjing, thic whatiotuet ir.an inuenteth of bim• felfe to feme God by. it detenable, and prouoketh bit anger, f When all oitrt leglefted Godf glory, hee in bil 3«ale killed tbe «delterei» ard preuented GodJ wrath, ♦ iJ»i»i* ii.ii. fThis afte dech- red bis liuely faith, and for bit faith» fake V7M accepted. «If fo notable» Prophet of Gsd efcape not punilU- BiiEt, though o• abets prouoked bim tohnoe. hor/ much mete Ih all ttey be fubieft to GodtiudjemcDt. which ciuft Gods children to fioae? u Hee OleAreth boTV menilroui a: thing idolatry ii, which can wiaae VI te thiogi ab- bot ring to na- ture, whereat God» word can not obteine mo(b finall things. sXheatiuetltUliiie ( t»«i««evih»lly «td ewly vote C»i• they were hmnbled wider cl,cir hand 43 Many y a tirr.e did hee dtliuer them . but L The Tropbet they proucked him by their counlcls : therefore F'«".b'hatnei. they were brought downe by their iniquiiie, P" ''ϊ '""««. 44 Vet he law when they wetc in aiflidion. & tTO .'o^'to ctj fee heard thtir cry. ticepiwebeaJ-* 47 And hee rcn-embred his couenant toward Γ"?"*"'""^'» them . and - repented according to the muliitude {.V.Trc ' ",,^Γ of his mercits, kir,,njhid*«ur I 46 AiiJ gaue them fauour in the (iaht of all "'''"'• tkmrr.,W„\.A.l. ^ :..„ " tt Koi ibat God it froai anong the heathen, that wee rueypra)fe thine holy Nime, and glory in thy prayfe. 48 Bltllcd be ti e LotdGoJof ifraelfor them that Ictl them capiiues, 47 Siue vs , Ο Loid our God , and » gather v» vift,*bu"i"ta"iheB repeal vihen kcc :eicih hit pj (hmeot.andfo•. andeuer. an J let all the People Cay, So be it, I'layfc Ικ'""'' ye the Lord. ctV'^ly ' Church, -.vbich 1» lil|>e,gg For be fatished the thirBie foule , and filled the hungry foule with goodneOe. 10 They that dwell in darkneffe and in the fliadow of death , being bound in nifcrie and yron, 1 1 Becaufe ihey ^ rebelled againft the wordes E'Tbe of the Lord , and defpifed the qounfcllof the moft «m [^,^-^'' ,®"*' High, '° " ** 1 2 When hee hutabled their heart with he «- uineffe.rAwi they fell downe .and there was no helper. i , ,• l • ί'Όΐ»"»'»'"••» 13 Then they'cryeJ vnto the Lord in their forafemcb.» trouble, and he deliueted thera from their diflreffc. «on. »7Ρ"'•>• 1 4 He brought them out of tiarkneile . and .nr IJ^^J*,"; *"*"' */ the fiudow of death , and b.ake their bands ij Let them thtuftrt confeffe before thcL„^-,„ Lord his louing kinJntfle , and bu wonderful! j^ „ wotkesbefotetnefonnesofmen. '*"''.„,. 16 For hee hath broken the ^ gates of brafle.j^»-^'"»^'» andbtJftthebarresof yronafunJer. 17 gFoolesby realon of their tranlgrplsion uerie, bat ill ibi (f power, g Τ . , ^ ^ t»«»U vi'«a bus ι *f^ (onacttBcii-;, gi are brought todefrayriithen Go! (f power, g They that haue no fcaieol 6«d , Ly t•: lt-.el(rginni..g»•. Ted at the fooit artenour of ih» Tung, which Λ11 ificn liicn re• pfaied. > A&tb'iwai irut in the Ifweaij fo inhere none ofGudtelra.tbM: feeVcoihiihe^» I their aecef- D OrJrtmtkrfeM: meemmi tht rtd fi-Λ, Tvhiihii (It the StMihiarl »f thf lani. c He Oiewrh ibit there 11 oow alfli&icn fo grie• tKJUi, onl of iba which God 'XUl- noideiiuet bu, led ilfo ejborietJl» hem tbai ate d•• lidtred ro be cdcfull off• (treat a ben ire. icoi : airoberi* illaierxfcor• to deaeod ^o ibemrduaav (heweth fe Ahy God dcetb Ihviei-rre f VVher ibeie (remeii to isaB• ij!feciiHcetof the godly, 1 He IhtJ^cih bf the f;» 7.-bat die Oiii luthouit m*ia,fjr i'l thif fhaiheJeliuercth *beiBltioai tee Ereit dinger of thi ifj, he deliueretl» ■iacia, a«it^'eie .fioimihcuucd dei.h.. m Tseir feite aad djiiiipj, ΛΒίί occupie by the great wacers, 24 They Teethe WO! !x£s of the Lotd, andhis wonders i;i the deep;. ' 25Γ For he conipjanJcth and raiieth the flor-. mie win Je, and it lif'teth vp the waues thereof. 16 They mount vp to the heauea.4«.-i defcinj to the deepe , Co that their fouls •" melteth for trouble. 27 They are tofTed to and fro , and ftaggerlike a drunken man , and all their Q cunning is gone. 28 1 hen they cry vnto the Lord in their' trou- ble iand he btingeth them out of their diftreiTe. 29 Hee torneth the ftortKe to caltne , fo that the wanes thereof are βϋΐ. 20 When they are <> quieted , they are glad, and hee btingeth them vnto the hauen , where they would be. 3 1 Let them the rtfore confeiie before the Lord his louing kindneffi , and his W(snt!erfull woifces before the fonnee of men. 3 2 And let them exalt him in the ρ congrega- tion of the people , and pray le him in the aOeiiibly of the Elders. ^l Hee turneth the floods to a wilJerneiTe, and ihelptings of waters into dtineffe. 34 Mnd Λ fruiifoJl land into II batrenneife, for tlie wickednetTc of them that dwell therein. 35• ^game he Τ turoeth the wildernes into pools of water, and the dry land into water (prings. | 30 And there hepUceth^thehungry, and they j build a cit+e todvvell in, j 37 And fow the fteldes , and plarkt vineyards, j which bring forth ffuitfuU ' incteafe. 38 Forheblefleth thera , and they multiply exceedingly, and he diminirbeth not their cattcil. f Agsine msn are di35inilli»d, and brought low by oppreilion, eui'l aud forow. 40 He powteth ' contempt vpcn prino?e , and caufetb them to erre in defert places out of ;^ way. 41 Yet hee raifeth vpthe pooteout of mifery, and roakcth him families like aflockeoflheepe. 42 The " righteous lliall fee it , and reioyce, aed all inicjuiiie Ihall 6op her mouib. 43 Who is wife that bee may obferue thefe things? for they Ihjil vnderftanJ the louiog kindncfle of the Lord. Ρ S A L. CVIII. Thii Tfaltnthciin^t'iU tf fx>o tiher Pfalmn beftre the feuen »>iif>ft,fth anithe fiftieth. Thcm.ittn he, c en- liintU IS, I That Daitid gtuithh:mje!fe nmhhe.irt xnd ■Vfjati pr.Vfft the Lont, 7 and afiuTeih hintfelf'e tfihe promife of CoiciUcitniHg hii,(i"ilUi>me o.'iet I frail, an.i *ii pitver egaiiti! other nations : Ji Who thouvhhe-; fti me It fctfake vs fir Λ lime , ]it ht «hite μ•»»/ la \ht ei.ic^lidotPHe i^t enimief. f ^AfoTigQX Ffilmt ofDauid. .a Thi^eirneft »i- /^ God , mine heart a ' prepared , fo if II my f-aioudefhreih \J tooiiue : I Will ΐΐπ» and (liiie prayfe. !i;,tkeeisrr.e V " ο Id C J ■from bypoc.i.ie . aod that eugsiftioelTe flajeih him cot. J Or, m}ghr}, «(«W/e eS4hi4) ftttcihjwth lh€J,ii>r] oj u>it. ■a They, wbofe faith ijlighteneJ by GoJs fpirit, iuillieicyce to fee Gotii iud'cments af;aiiiit the witkei iiud.yugodly. 2 A wake vble and harpe , I will awake eai ly^ 3 I will pray fc thee.O Lord, amor.g the ^ peo- pi J , and I will ling vnto thee among cha nations, 4 For thy rueicy isgteat abouctheheauen», and thy triteth voto the clouJes. 5 <^ Exi It thy felfe, Ο God.aboae the hsauens, and lit thy gloiy b* vpDn ail the earth. 6 That thy beloued may be• deliuered; ^ helpe with thy right hand and hearg me, 7 God hath fpcken in hissholinciTe: there fo:e I wiJl reioyce , I fujll diuide ihechem and msafuw the valley of Succcth 8 GileaJ [hdhe trine , md Manafleh [hal^i miR'i ; Fpliraim ^\'io fb&lbe theftrength ofir.iQe head : iudah is tny lawgiuer 9 * Moaby^a/^d my waibpot: ouer EJom will ! caft out my fiwe : vpon Paleliina will [triumph, 10 Who will leade me into the ftrong citie? who will bring me vnto Edome ϊ li f^ Wilt not thou, Ο God, tj;6;'c/> haddett fotfaken vs , and diddcft notgoe foortb , Ο God with our armies ? I J Giue vs helpe againft trouble : for vaine is theheipeofman. 13 Through God We n>ali Joe valiantly : foi he Ihail tread downe our enemie* me. * Ρ[λΙ. βο.ί. f From the liu veil expofitioa of thelx. rfaline aai) liii verf< Ρ S A L. CIX.4i- Dnuid btiHg f^ifely eccxfcdby fimttrers VKti S*ul, pTxjfth Gddtt helpe him, and ie de/hcf his etf.mies. 5 And vndet ihem hefptjll'lhif Ihdiis the tt«)ttrijnti lefui Chilli , aiii ef all tke tik.e enemies if the ehildre» efCsi: »7 And defirethfn tobe ieliuered , Ihut hii ehem:es may kfitvf the Tvotks lobe if Cid. in Xhtti doth heprcmife to ^iue prifjfe vnto God. f lohimtbnttxceUeth. ^ PftlmtefTJauid. Hold not thy tongue, Ο God of my *prayie; 2 For the mouth of the wicked, and the mouth fuH of deceit ate opjned vpoa mee . they haue ipoken to me with a lying tongue. , 3 They coropaQed me about alfo v-^th words of hatted , and f jught againli me without a caufe. 4 Foe my friendflnp they were my aduetfa- ties , ^ but I gaue my felle to prayer. y And they haue rewarded me euill for good, and hatred for my friendlhip. 6 ' Set thou the wicked ouer Him , and let the aduetfary ftitid at his right hand. 7 When he ihall be iudged . let him be con- deoiaed . and let his tay.'e to me. 3 To declare that I had no other re- fuge, but tbre, ia η my coufci- WIS at reft. c Uheiher it were Doeg , or Saul, or ' me familiar end chit hath be» trivtd biin, tee .yeih . I prr uaieajtertion . but niooued by Gods Spirit, «huGoA oald take ven- geance vpon him• d Aiiotheeleft 11 things lurne to heir prctiie : fota he reprobate, euoa thofe thiogf 12 Let there be none to extend mercy vnto jitataie good, lurne Ijim : neither let there be any to Ihew mercy vpoa his fathetlefle children. 13 Let hispoftetitybedeftroyed, j.robitt mioJ». . k For being Jefti- 1 tuteufmjnihelp, 'he fully tti.;^edm I the Lord . ihii bee ! would del iue» hitn. 1 Λι thou anna- | nied me.cifuU , gt»-! ciousa d long iut- I feting foihcw thy felfemtffeft. in Meaning , that be haih no itay nor aliui ance io Shis woild. D For baoget, that cameofforfow , he wu leioe> andhii oatuiall raoiltuie failed him. ο The move grie- Boui y Satan allay- Itd him , the mote earnelt aod inttant ^vat he in prayer. ρ Thty ihall game eothinge by cut• finginee: ,3 Not onely ia conftiTiog itfe- creily i" my felCe, but alfo io decla- tin^it before all ihecongitga'ioii. Γ Heieoy he flleiV- cth th-.i he haJ not todceA-ithihem th. power but with th j 20 tet this be the reward of mine aJnetfaiie» i k from the Lord , and of them that (peakc euill a- ■ gai, ftroy foule. I 2 1 B.it thou , Ο Lord my God, deale with mee \ according vnto thy ' Name : deliuer me , I for thy , meicy is good ) \ 22 ij.caulc I am poore and neeily , and miBe heart is wounded witi in me. ! 23 I depart like the IbaJow that dedineth, and ) fliaken oif as the '" gralhopper. 24 My knees are weake through fifting , and roy fkil-i ° hath loll all fdtneire. 25 1 became alio a rebuke vnto them: they that looked vpon me , Ibaked their heads. 26 Hfipe me, Ο Lord roy God: " faue mee ac- cording to thy mercie. 27 Arid they Ihall knowe that this is thine hand , ani t hat thou , Lord, haft done ic. 28 Though? they curfe , yet thou wilt bleffe: they iliall arile.and be confounded.but thy feruant ihall reioyce. . , . 29 Let mine aduerfatiesbedoaihed with fliame. and let them couer tbemfcluts with their confu- fion as wuh a cloike. 30 I will giiie thanks vnto j Lord greatly with my 1 mouth.anJ prayfi himamongthe raultiaiJe. 31 For hee will ttand at the light hand of the poore , to faue him ifom them that would' con- demae his foule. iudgcsand priucei of th? wortJ. Ρ SAL. ex. »-Ie(iiiChvi(lin theiwoanitwen- liecfMiith vefe α J lhevvc;h thit thii can lot properly be jppli- oDauid, LUt b And thence it ibaUn.etchtb-,- 10ΛΓ all the world: «ndihispfiW't chiefly llan'cih in the preicbijg ofhiswoid. c By the weed thy people fluU be alTimbled into thy Chuich . v.hofe increafe ihall be fo «buiidaat and woiiderfjll, as the iJropi of the dew. Prieft :foiheelffa Dtttiii frifl-f fui antniio 'ipomer ii euerUHifi^kinidoirtt :,iofht' I'liellhe.il, Which jiliHli th),i iij Lett. t Wilhprayiethe Lord with my whole heart io|• The rrophet /e• ' * the alJcrobly and tongregJtion of the iuft, ,«:laieib th.t he wiU 2 The works of the Lord ^u b great , & ought f ,'• ',^Ι,ίΙ'.Ιί^'Χ. \ CO be fought out ol all them that loue them. ^y.aod that fiomUi 3 His worke « beautiful! and glotiouJ . and P•"•' • " *>« '''« ' •■• ibteoufnelle enduteth for euer. ίΓ,ίί'Χ^.^Γ Hee hath made his wondetfull wotkes to kntiy vntoCcd. be had in remetrbrance : the Lord« oDcrci&iU and ρ «» tteweti ibt^ fullofcompaifion. ^ ^atfr.;^/.:: y He hath giuen * a a portion two them that V hettfoie ««« feare him: he will euer be mioiifnll of his couenat. ftouid ρηγί. tm^' 6 He hath Hieweth to his people the power of f,;'^,','','^'^',,''/i^**• hisworkes, in gluing vnto them the heiitage of, church. the heathen. |' God b«ih giuta 7 Thedwoikes of his hands art ttueth andLb,^^.^"B''.'c^ΛΛ i iurfgeracnt•. all his llatutes are true. [for thc.u, .uJvmII I 8 They aieettablillied for cuti and euer .and do*»'" "^«°<;of I aredoneintruethandtsuiiy. t^^X^^'l 9 Hee lent redemption vnto ri$ people: nee UffcbTewwofJ hath conraanded his couenant foi euer: holy Sinkeu, Pro. jo.e•' and feaiefuU it his Name. JS ur%;«i"«.< fcti 10 e The beginning of wifedome w the feare ofj,, as Oc/' ptoni ^ the Lord : all they that obferue 'them , haue goodtfrd lo n':e the vuderUanding ; his prayl'e endureth fot euer declare bimfelfe iuft and true in the goaernement of the fam wife, that teaie God. and ο oe haue vodetllandiDg.bit the; ( To V\il , kil coii'.maodrmea;t, it veife 7. PS A L. CXII. ■ 1 Het paifeih the frittiut cf 1 htm thxi ft»rl Cti, 1 0 «»4 cnitmncth the curf,djl*t' cf ih, ccni.muen ffCil f Pr/iift )C the Lord. LeiTed u the man that α fcarcth the Lord ^and dtlightetb greatly in l is commandements. 2 His feeu IIiaI. e n.ighty vpor eaith : the ge- neration of the righteous Ib.lbe bltUcd. 3 b Riches and tresluies βαΐίι inhithoufe, and his lighteoufnefle endureth for euer. 4 Vnto the >■ rig- uous ariieth ligh in darkre$:l^"be c»i:y(»uil ^e ;, mercifull & iullof coi. ρ.•ίΓιοη Si ri{;^teoi;5, ar n mt: cifull, and " kndtth, ana B' cire othii Charcb: fo io iSeA doe.hbl They occly ail .bey ibt ννβΐφ I He neiactb t teucreni fttxt, Vihwb II IS the drro ofGod , whi4 catjfeih ibrni 10 delirblcntlyia ibe Moid of Gcd f ^ Pfa'me ofDauid, Τ He » Loru faid vnto my Loid , Sit thou at roy right hrt'.iJ, vnd-.llmake thine eneaicstby footftoole. 2 The Loid ftr.U fend the rod of thy power out .i ΖΛν.η; be thi.u ruler in the midUcscf tr ine c'Hfuies. . , . 3 Th/ p.- p!e /■•' all o- me willingly at the time ofcffKmbltrg^u.i^e a.n.ie in hoi) beautie : the youth of thy wombe/'Jrt/ii as the n'Otinng dew. 4 The Lord fwarc . aiid will i.ot rep..^t. Τ Hon art a Pridt for euei.after the order of ^ Nklchi-zedck. y The Lord tha' L• uxh^ right hand, Ihall wound kings in the day o£ his w ath. β Hee ihallbeiudge among the heathen : hee ftvJl fill all Wuh dead bodies , and Itoue the « heaa oner great countries. . 7 Hefliallfdrinke ofthebrooke m the way. therefore Ihall be lift vp hi, head. leWfrr vwitcfiTci 'faij holy maielUt, tiiaJoptiog th;in, •«iidofbisniightie 'f»ower IQ deliucttDg rhrni. 'C Setiogtbit tluffe <*eiii creatures ftit ,Codi power , ind •efter» fort fawit, «auch more bis peo- ple ought to conlider it. tni gloriKc him ifot the lame. (t Oaght then bit jjieopleto be infen- Ubte , when they fee ifcispoweiandmaie- lliie? i« Jhatii, caur«i t «niraculouJly water lo come out of the jOckeinmolt abun- dtacc, £xod. ij,6, I? Hee will blefle them that feare the Lord, P""'' iSeri ard teachers of fiitl» «nd religioM for others to follovT. b That ii , he wiM cootiniie his gra. ' ward hit PS A L. CXIIII. r TtetVfhe If'-iiflittt «rr-o dli-'n-'i ''■m'.I, ff T.'ytt, nt^d of ihe ytr.iitfKU ns that Cd m^'oHght at that timt. Which fat OS in remrmir*ncf if Galitre.it merry toivAti his Chv'th . ■cr'-.„-vi„n the cmrfe >f nature (λι- ieth , preferuethhiiimraculofiai. yVJ Ken * li^ael tvent out of Egypt , and the »▼ houfi; of laakob from the » barbarous pco- pie. ; 2 Judah was his b fan61:i[ication , md Uriel 1 his dominion. | 3 The fea faw i: , and fl;d : lorden was turned ; backs. 4 The cinonntaines leaped like rararoes, and the hils as larabes ? 5" What ailed thee. Ofea , that thoa fleddsS? Ο iorden , whjj waft thou turned backe i 6 Yeraountaines u-'y leaped ye like rammes, Andyee hils as hm'^es ? j 7 Thed earth trembled at the prefence of the Xord , at the prefence of the God of laakob. Which e tarneth the rocke into water- pooles,4«rf the flint into a fountaine ofwater. I both fmall and great. j 14 The Lord will inc-eafe/j'/^r^ie/ toward i you , €uen toward you , and toward your children. I y Ye are hiefled of the Lord, which ' tnade the hfaucn and the earth. i<5 Thei: hesuens , euen the heaaensrtj-f t^e! jiuen the earth to the fonnes! 1 ooern iijigoueme ard continue all things therein. k And ibev declare enough his fufii- ciencie, (:> rSat the Id feittethhim bing.buttolhev» fatbtrly care Lords : but he ha oftrcn 1 7 The dead p*ay{e not the Lord , neither any- 1 though the ilead that I goe downe into ;he f /d^i «riilence: ' '" ^°"'' '^'^^■' \% But wee will prayVe u^e. Lord frcra hence foottb and for euer. Tray f« ye the Lord. Ρ s A L cxvr. I Tauii hiini in frru d'trgrr ,f S/)m! in the defft ο Μ»">,ριτζίΐιιίκξ the ffcet v,rfilir7il,/'Une afGtd ro wnrdhim,ma^Hifethfnchfreiiimttctr,, 13 andpta te/!elh that heeyvtli be thankefxH for the j'umr. giorif, yet fc•.•* mea- weih here, that they prnyGh.tr net in h;• C*inrtKaodCoa gtegatioo. a Feegratitetb that nopleafnreit ίο frrat, aitofeele Geds heipe in our necellitie , neither tt:.t any thmg npreOineth vp nur loue towari lb Thi J 3 Loue the Lord , becaufe hee hath heard my voycejtBi my prayers. 2 For he hath inclined bis eare vnto me , when I did call vpen him b in ray dayes, 3 When theiiiares cf death cotnpaiTed me. and the griefes of die graue caught me : When I found trouble and forow. 4 Then I called vpon the name of the Lordjio^nij^j,,^ to faying,l beftrech thee , Ο Lord , deltuer my foule.lieeite heipe, «fcich ^ The Lord «« mcrcifuil and righteous , and |wa' when he wa» our God Η fbll of coropaiHon. ilTHe'll^we.h 6 The Lord preferueth the fiiuple : I was in jforth tbe fruit of niifcf y . and he faued me. fhu lone m calling 7 Rernrne vnto thy reft. Ο i try foule .• for the IZglfnuo' beu't' Lord hath beenebeneficiall vnto thee. iand mcrcifuii , and ] 8 Becaufe thou haft deliuered my foule ffomj^ii'ipe them that (ermi that hee hath adapted and re. death, mine eycs from teates . and ray fecte from t'/'"""/" °' *'** Ρ S A L. CXV. I 1 /i frayey ,f the (.titl- full »tprrfih id,!atremtyrxnti j agaiHii rvhom they dtjire thai Old tvoMldfucrmr them, \ 5 truflinromifed to dtii• [ %er them . not for kteir fades, but for bit Niin-t.Ila 43.11 iberefoie they ground their pray. (rr vjsoD ibis pro- intfe. b When the wic- bed fee that God aiceonipliflietb not bis pomife ai they imagine, thty »hfnlte there il no God. • Koiinpediircstf eaeletbiiOTorke, but faevfetheuen tbe impediment! ro ferue hi• will, 1) Seeing that nei• rher tbe matter nor ahe forme can com - i:;ro,;nh'ihl:;'t'h;rejth"r helps. and their ilTieid. if nothing why j they fhouH be efteentei. ί Helheweth whit great etnttie it il te atke hetpe of tbetn, which not only faaue uo beipe in thtm. t>ui lacke ieafe «ad reafen, f A• piueb wilhgw (wCt , aj blocket aad Matt, relt vpon the lord , for hee ithbi-n-bene- :i;)ll towards 3 But our God it in heauen : he doth whatfo- j ' Ruer he « will. ; 4 Their idoles are ^ filuer and gold , euen the wotke of mens hands. ! 5: They haue a mouth , and fpeake not : they ihaue eyes . and fee not. j 6 They haue eares , and heare not : they haae ! nofes and fmell not. j 7 Thsy haue «bands, and totich not ; they I haue feete . and walke not : neither make they a found with their throat. j 8 They th« make them are f like vnto them: 1/1 are all that truft in them- 9 Ο Ifrael . truft thou in tbe Lord ; f» r hee i» I v\ ill ^ tike the cap of faluation , and call The Lord tr.ul eft-rue mtt, and uetnylifr. r felt all thefe 1 , V, r 1 w Γ tuinpi , and there. i vpon the Name ot the Lord. ^o.e was m^oued 14 I will pay my vowes .vnto the Lord , euen -by laith to con- now in the pretence of all his people. f'^^^ '''*™' »-Cor. ly Precious in the fight of the Lord «Vthe jg i„ „^ g,.,,t. • death of bis Saints. Ein teiit i thought 16 Behold .Lord : for I am thy feruant, lam p°''«^'°" '<*'">' . thou had broken try bonds. hit;e, yet i ouei 17 I will offer to thee a facrifice of prayfe, and )««'"< '^ Vlll call vpn the Nime of the Lord. jcon.r^fie'" 1 8 I will pay my >« vowes vnto the Lord, euen h in th. Law now in the prefence ofall bis people. theyvftd tomaie • 19 In the courts of the Lord, boufe.e«a« In fe^^^ the mids of thee, Ο lerufaiem. Prayfe ye the Lord. iKes to God , and to take tbe cuppe nd drinke in figne of tbankefgiaiog, i I perceitie that God hath a care ouet bis. fo that he both difpofeth theiV death , andtakcthan account, k Iwill thanhe hira foi bi( bctketiK, ioi iluc it a iuttpajfinent, loconfeOie tbtt We ow« «H to Ood, 1 he iicipe pt tne Loya, riaimes. ♦■Kom. 1,- II.. 1 That ii , tie i ceriai )c nd col 11 tclim-jni uf hie Fatherly |t».el. V s A t; cxvri. i Tift exhittelh the GenlUetti tfa)fcCiiaMt*«fihth*ih omp.ijhid AfiicU to ihem nyt„ the Ιίττα , ihi ftiraift life cuennltiitg A.y Ufui Chnft. A LI * natioiis.prayfe ye ths Lord: all yt people, prayfs him. For liis buingkioJneffe is great towird vs, and the»trneth of tiie Lord eadHreihioc euer. PrajfcystheLord. Γ S A L. CXVIII. i5 ikid rticlti cfSiul xni cfthe ftteplc,at (/;f (.-«I? Up- puiitteU eDitinti the kinidcmc. 4. tot the which hec tii ,em, that f tare the Ltii.is ht ili.inkt(ul' yini fcvfiiK in «II thii was ChnU Intel] [et fioiih, ibetfhisfetflereieiUi. The bleijedndre οψΆη^ 24' ~ who jiimi Ρ Ra) fe » ye the Lord , becajfe he is good : for his fiiircie tndureth for euer. ι L-Λ Ifrael now fiy , That his mercy tidu- rcth for euer. 3 Let the Iioufe of Aaron now fiy > that his tnercieiniiirii/; for euer. 4 Let them that feare the Lord, now fay, That is niercie etidnreth for euer, y I called vpon the Lord In b trouble, and the Lord heard nie. ΛΛί'• 16 The tight hand of the Lord is exilted ; the right hand of the Lord hath done va|iantly. 17 I Ihall not die , but hue , and declare the workes of the Lord. 1 8 Ti-e Lord had chaftened me fore . but bee hath notdeliuercd me to death. 1 9 Open ye vato me the ' gates of rlghteouf- nc5,f W I may goe into tbetn.ei?• prayli the Lord. 7o Τ hi» is the gate of the Lord: the righteous A-:ali enter into it. a 1 I will pi ay fe tliee : for thou haft heard me. and haft beene my deliuerance. zi * The ftone, sMtch the builders k refufed, is the head cf the corner. 23 This was the Lords doing , and it is mar- ueibus in our eyes, 24 This is the • day , O^hich the Lord bath made : let vs reioyce and be glad in it. α Biciufe God by ii,^ υ-uia Be «g, ftieAeih hi» ie toWii.i bit ifflidedChatch, riophetdot h oue'y biniftlfe thiokcGod. bJt exhotteth ill ihe people ty doe ttie fame. b Wm >ie beie tiu Jbt y ibe mute thit ttoublei op- pteffevs, ihe mote ought we to be nt ill pta»«t• c Biiigtiilitdto thi»e iat<-, bciffa- fedhinifelfeto baue iniD euei lo bebiieueme. Y« doubted act, bu: Go.Hwo lid iteinebim.be- caufe be hid pU- «d him. d He Iheweit) that hehadt.u(tei in vii^e, if be hii pat bitconfideoce 1:1" taaa, to biue'je^i Jiiefetred to the kingdom:, ani theiefoie h- put bit tiuil in Gad anJobiciutd. r He noutb Siul bis cbiefceueniie f Ir that, hewa deliuered , it can norof hiinfeife , nor of tbc po wet of nuo. but onely of Gods fauour , there fore he willpiiyf' bim g He promifeth both to rendei gra- ce! hinifelfe , »>d le caufe oth-i*$ lo doe the fame , be- caufc ibit ii bi» perfoQ iheCiiutcb b So tbn all, that arebjibfaiitaod ««ere , may fee hi» niightie po.ver. i. Hewili«:h the duoiei of the Ta- bcroicle to be opened , that be may declare bit thaou• full miuJe. » If». »S , le. matt. II 4i. «ffei 4-11. rc»Mn 9, 3). chief! powcit re^ufeJ me lo be King , ye I Wherein God batb Qlevseib ubicfiy bit mclcie dciiueriiig hit Cbuu k~ " ly ™ Ο Lord, Ϊ pray thee, faue now j Ο Lord, ^ The people I p<'ay thee now giue profpeiiiie ^'*'' '"''''' I'M*• 26 Blilled I'e he , thit commeth in the Name i'lnRdt'r.eTii.'b» cf the Lo:d ;"wce haue blcfl'cd you outol me ;"»» '■^' tiguieof houfeofthe Loiu Ι^'"•!;" h 2; The LorJ » mightie , and hath giuen vs 'pneni' ^l h *ue "lightj I'inde the tatiihce with c&tdts vnto the itbeib.rgc ttc;e• ^flfr 1.6.7. h Though Saul and the God haib prefeiiediae aboje them all. by appointing luckiuj. tod > N.m *,aj, ο Bccaale be baih teuaicdvt fibm daikenrile taligbt» wc Will otter fairi'• liceiar>dpi()f<». • He ere the» tre uot ciilej bielTelf' Mbiabtbiutte rhemlelueiwife Ια tbeir owne iudge• uieni , nor wbicb imaftluetotbtni'• fcIuM acr.taine bolmclfe , but ikty VvbclecoDueifati• oc iiwitboutby• pucrifie b For they lie luled by uodr Spime and im- brace iiodcftiise iBcciureycuih ii It giueo toll• ceocioufnellV , be cliitfly vvaineih tofrausc iheivUuetbeiim• Godiword. b It Godi \Kroid begrauen incur I, w-e fiiall b• more able to refill bealfaultjcf Sa- an : and ibeirf. •■« he nopbet dcli- cib God to in• Itruft bim dayly noieatdingie iberr;ii. c TBe Piopbct ) »n, b'.alt id that wccia It Criuc biin ight, except hi homes of the altar 28 Thou att my God , and I will pray fe thee, (uen my God : tt.eicture I w.ll exalt thee. 29 I'fayfe yc the Lord, brcaule be is good ; foe hismertic<«i<;irtf/7 for euer. 1 S A L. CXIX. I The Tiifhtt cx.'t.ilcih the chiliiin »/ OU »• frtmr thtir lilies ac.trdiKf^ to Au hch wri. iij A',\ l.ti [bavilh rvherein the itue ftriuci'cf C.d ftahdiih , i/m none iniquiiic , but waikeinhiswayes. 4 Thou haft commaunded to keeps thy pre- cepiS diligently. y ' Oh tha: my wayes were direfted to keciie thy ftatiues ! 6 Then iliould I not be conf junded , when I bauerelpeit vnto all thy toramaiindcmentj. 7 I will prayfe thee with an vp.-ight•* heart when Uhall Icai ne the Judgements of thy rigbJ^u^t^,^^^^^^^^ teoufnel'ie. j,dg 8 1 will keep; thy ftatutes: forfake iceenot fea.oo, deiiiiDj fouerlong. ] I'f b r» "ie Γ,"' beconformjble to GoJ» «void, d Fui true religion iTindeth in (eiuiogGoii without hypocti.lr. e That il , tby p-ecepts, which coDiiiuepetftte rigbieouf- celTe. f Heirfufech not to be tiyedby ceauiioiif , but be leaicib totAim,if<>o# fuccour'UJt b,i i..fiiiBiiie io time. BETH. <) Wherewith Ihall a » yong man redrcffe his vay ί in taking beede thtnto according to thy WOtd. ΐυ With my whole heart hauc I foBght thee : letmetiot v.aiider from thy co.iiroanderoents. 1 1 I haue b hid thy piomife in mioabeatt, that 1 n.ight not (inne agiinft thee. ^ 12 bldfcd art thou, 0 Lord: teach me thy ftatutes, 13 With my lippes haue I declared all the iud^eraents of iliy mouth, 1 4 I iiaue had as great ' delight in the way of thy teSioioniei , as in all riches. 1 y 1 will meditate in tby precepts, and confider thy wayes. \6 I will dtliie in thy ftitates , mid I will not fopget thy word. ' exa.nple for othert to fe^iow God; woid, and leaue worldl; I G I Μ Ε L. I 17 Bebeneficiallvntothyfeiuant.f/Mflcay » Hue and keepe thy .\\utd. 1 8 Open mine eyes , that I may fee the won- ders of t!iy Law. 19 I am a L ftranger χψοη earth : bide not tby ccmmaiidements from me. 20 Mine heart breaketh for the dcftreto tby iudgcraents alway, b Seeing mil.» life ID ihiawo.ld iibdt a piffle, whlt if iby word were uut bit &u.de ,' ii Tboq 2 1 Thou <: haft deftroyeS the ptoud : cutfud are \ thiy that doe erre from thy commatidements. iz RiD.O'j'.ie f ofii me (hawe and contempt: fo» ; I haue kept tly teftirronits 23 Ί Princes slfo diJ lit, and fpeake agsinft mee: ■ but thy feruant diJ medirate in thy ftatutes. ;' 24 Alfochy (citimonics^tremy deliie, mdiay , counfellciS. « ln»\la2,eithoi) haft plagued ill ,, foch which mali- ] cioufly and C'li- ! temptuoufly dt- ■ pau from thy tructb. d ^Vteaihtpaw- tuof the«'otld gaui filfe fen:ence , »giiQ I mse, thy ! vvod wai a guide «ad counfeller to wa ;•» m» what (^ Thjtii.itiial. eooft brought to \thi grlcie.aad with' Oiir thy Woidl Itftd mine offences, i an.H now depend jevholy on thee. [« If God did not ■mintainevi by liii word , our life [wouM drop away tike water. ■1 latliuamem mSy word , where• fcy my miode may 'fce purged from \'a(iity , and taught ' 40 obey thy «viU. e By thishee ifileweth tfai doe, and to comfort rate, D A L Ε Τ H. ay M7 foule clsaueth to the » duS : guickeo me according to thy word. 26 I haue b deciareJ my wayes, and thou hear- deft me : teach me thy ftatutes. 27 Make me to vnderltand the way of thy pre- cepts, and I will meditate in thy wondious works. 28 My foule roelteth for heauineOe : rayf; mee vp according to thy c word. 29 Take tiom me thed way of lying, and grant ree gtacioufly thy Law. 30 I hauechpfen the way of trueth , and thy iudgements haue 1 layd before me. 3 1 1 haue dcaued to thy teftimonies, Ο Lord: cor.found roe not. 3 1 I will ranne the way of thy commandc- Cients, when thou e ilialt inlarge mine heait, wee |e«n neither chufe gooi , cleaue to God» word , nor runne forward in his W4y, except bee make ouiteirts large to receiue grace , and willing to obey. Η Ε. Β HeBlewtththit tie cannot follow on to the end, eX' cep: God teach lim oft timet, and leade bim forward* h Not cnely in outward cornier• fiiiuD , butalfo twith inward af- fcftion. c Hereby meania J ell other vices, fcecaafeehat coue- scufne) is the roar ofalleuill. d Meaaiag jail bis fences. c Let me not fall Co thy diHionour, loat let mine heart flilldeliieinthy gracioiu word, f iine me ftrength to coctiaue 'b Helheweththii I Cods mercy and lloueis the ntlt caufc I cfourfaluati fc By nulling .0 Cods word hee jairureth himfelfe i»o be able lo'confut ithe flatideis of faia jBdutrfaiies. !c Tbty that (imply ! *va!ke aftei Gods ivord, haue nu let• to iiitanglethem, t^'hercaί they that tioeceniriry , are eueriaoettetaod faates. d Hje fhewetti thattbechildienof Cod oiight Dot to fuffei their Father» Β lory to be obfcured y tbevainepoiDPe ^ipilBCtl, 33 Teach a tne.O Lord, the way of thy ftatutes, and I will keepe it vnto the end. 34 Glue me vnderftanding aiid I will keepe thy taw , y ea , I will keepe it with tny whule i» heart. 37 Dired mee inthepathoftbycommande- tnents ; for therein is ray delite . 36 Incline mine hearr vnto thy teftimonies: and not to <= couetoufnes. 37 Tutne away mine d eyes from regarding vanity , ««i quicken me in thy way, 38 Stdbliib thy ptomileto thy feruant, becaule he feareth thee. _ 39 Take away e my rebuke that I feare:fur thy iudgements are good . ήο Behold , I defire thy commandements; *" quicken me in thy tighteoufneiie. thy word euen to the end. V A V. 4 1 And let thy louing ' kindneffe come vnto mee , Ο Lord , and thy faluation according to thy 1 proraife. 41 So fhall I b make anfwere vnto my bla^hc- BJcrs : for I truft in thy word. 43 And take not the worde of trueth Vtter- ly out of my mouth : for I waiie for thy iudge- ments. 44 So Hull I alway keepe thy Law for euet and euer. 4f And I will"^ walke at libertie : fot I fc'eke thy precepts. 46 I will fpeake alfo of thy teftimonies beforu ^ Kings , and will not be alhamed. 47 And ray delite Ihall be in thy Commance- roents , which I haue loued. 48 Mine handes alfo will I lift vp vnto thy Commandements , which I haueloiied, and I will weditaie in thy ftatutes, " - -- "^ - Ζ A IN. 49 Rettiembei » the. prcmife mide to thy fer uant; wherein thou iiaftcauled mc tofuft. yo It is my comfort in my troubki fot thy fro- him , aifchath qaickenelnie. yi The b proud riv'.ic had roe exceedingly ia ! dirifion : j/tt haue I not declined from thy Law. ; f i I rcmembred thy ' iadgements of due, Ο j Lord, and haue bene comfoiied, i 53 d Feare is come vpon mee for the wicked, l that forfdke thy Law. i j4 Thy ftdtiiteshaue beenemyfongsinthe^,„-^,"//';4;^^\" I houie of my e pilgrimage. jthuu de'cUreit ih> j-y I hauercraembred thy Name ,OLord, inK'i'/'^ rubeiudge I the^night, and haue kept thy Law. i!l*i^y!i"!'!!.u- 5:6 g This I had becaufe I kept thy precepts. glory aod tion againft the vn diced, e lo the courfe of thi» life lad loiowt'uU exile, f£uea when other Uecpe, g That it , alltbefebcnefi: a Theuih hee fcelt Go'ds hand lii:liuliev(.on ,yetheie(teth ispromife .and coniforteih him'elifi therein. b Meaoing , ,he wiclted , which comrcmoe Godf . Wiord , and treade' his Religion vnder' C Η Ε Τ H. $γ OLord, firtr^rtmy a portion, I haue de- termined to keepe thy words y8 1 made my fupplicatien in thy prefer ce with «ywht.l; heart: be mercifull vnto mee ac cording to thy protrife. J9 I haue corfiJered my ^ wayes , and turned ί my feet into t'-.y iciliraonies. ''' 60 I maJe hafte and delayed not to keepe thy ' commatidements. 61 The bands of the wicked haue « robbed roe : hut I haue not forgotten thy Law. 6z At midnight will I rife to giue thanks vn- to thee , becaufe of thy righteous iudgements. 6} I am ^ cooT'panion of all tb«m that feare thee .andkeept thy precepts. 64 The earth , Ο Lord , is full. of thy mercy: e teach me thy iUtutes. Τ Ε Τ H. 6y Ο Lord . thou haft dealt « gracioufly with thy feruant , according vnto thy word. 66 Teach me good iudgement asd knowledge: for I haue beleeucd thy conimandetLents. 67 Before I was h afflided , I went aftray : but now I keepe thy word. 68 Thou art good and gracious : teach mee thy ftatutes. 6^ The proud haue itiiagrf'^^a lie againft me: tut I will keep thy precepts wm Dfijt whole heart. 70 «^Their heart is fatas greale', butmy de-li:'',"•^""".""" ,.'..,_ " ' -Gods rods , IS to light IS in thy Law. ^»ιι vs home to 71 It is d good for me that I haue bene affli-i God. ,aed . that I ir.ay Icarne thy ftatutes- "^ '^^'''' ''"" '» a lampeifwaaed tbattokerpeihy La/visanheruage and great gaine for me. b He iheweih that none canimbrace the word of God, except he conlidet hii uwne impeife• Sionsand wayes. c Thry haue gone about to dtavs' me iatotheir company, d Not one!y ia mutailcooeat, bucalfo with aide '. and fuccour. e For the know- ledge of Gods word is a finf ular tokeocfbis tAuoiir, 72 The Law' of thy mouth is better vnto mee, then thoufandsofgoldandfiluer. of t'lemfelues. d Hee confeffeth that before thit hee wai rebellious . ai man by nature is. I Ο D. 73 Thine hands haue » mads mee and fdlito- ned me : giue rnee vnderftindiig therefore, that I may learne thy commandemcnt j, 74 Sl» they that b feare thee, feeing mee, lliall rcioyce, becaufe I haue trufted in thy word. 7)• I know , Ο Lord , that thy iudgements are right , and that ώοη haft affiidted me t iuftly. 7O I pray thee that thy mercie may comfort me , according to thy proroife vnto thy feruant. 77 Let thy tender mercies come vnto me , that I msy c Hue ; for thy Law is my deliglir. 78 Let the proude be afnamed : for they hauel ^ £*/"«»"»«*, c HvdecUi(tb< tbatwbeoiicfplt not Cods mercies , be deal dcned , puSFcd vp withp.ofpe.iiie chalteoed, be WM a Beciufe Cod leaueth not his woike that he haib begup , be de• /ireih a new grace: thathe< would continue • his mercie», b When God Iheweih his grace toward any, bete• nitieih toother•, that befaileth not them that truft 1 wtiaidead) light (|> r oods word. be com- :oned bj miae .e Helhciweththit theKcaii be no triie feaie of Gsd without ihe know iifgeofbUword. « Though my fttength faile met ^et my fou'' 8'°' ntth aud ligheth, xefting ftill io tliy _ woid. bLikeaikmbottle or bladdery is pit- ched in the fmoke. c How long wilt thou afflift t>>y feruaot 1 Λ They haue not onely ορριεΛΊ me violently, i»»: alfacraftily con- ipiredagainlt me. e He affureih hire- felfe, that God will ^eliuer bit and deitroyfucha• vn- iuftly perfecuie rtem. f Finding 1 • Becaufe none fiiauld elteeme <;od» viord abcor• ding CO thechan• get of things in this wotld, he (heweth that it abidetb in heauen» ■nd ibei'cfei'ei» immutable. b Seeing the earth «ud all ciiaturei S dealt wickedly and falfly with me : but I meditate in thy preccprs. 79 Let fuch as feare tbee d turne vnto me , and they that « know tTiy teftimonies. 80 Let mine heart be vpi ight in thy ftatutes, that i be not aOiamed. C A Ρ H. 8 1 My foule » faintcth for thy faliiation; jit I wait for thy word. 8i Myne eyes fiyk for thy promrfe , faying, VVnen wilt thou comfort me ? 83 For I ana like at* bottle in thefmjke; yet doe I not forget thy ftatuies . How many are the = dayes of thy feruatn? Wnen wilt thou exjcute iudgement on them that pirfecute me ? 8 J The proud haue d digged pits for me,which is not afcer thy Law. 86 Ail thy commandements are true : they p^rfecute me fillly : e hdpe ms. 87 They had aliBoft coniumed f me vpoo the earth : but I forfooke not thy precepts. 88 (Quicken me according to thy louingkind- nes : fo ixiall I keepe the teftioaony of thy mouth. PTalmes iwii: A prayer againft til ! proud» a • cltate wherein thou halt credited them , much more thyirueih lemai- neth conllant and VBcbingeable. c Ht pfoouethby efftft, taatheisGol• child, becauCe he fccketh beipe inearth , helifteth vp hii eyei to heaucn. LAM ED. g9 Ο Lord « thy word enduteth for euer in • heauen. . 90 Thy trueth « from generation to genera- tion : thou hall layed the foundation of the earth , and it abideth. 9 1 Th'ly b continue #««» to this day by thine ordinances : for all are thy leruants. 92 Except thy law had bin nay delite, I fliould now haue perilhcd in mine aiflidion. 93 I will neuer forget thy precepts, for by them thou haS quickedned me. 94 I am i» tliine.faue tneifor I haue fought thy precepts . 95• The wicked haue waited for me to deftroy me ; but 1 will confider thy teflimonies. 96 Id hauefeene an end of all peifei3:ion:i(if thy commandement ύ exceeding large. in earth , but 11 hath an end , onely Sadt I vnderftand his word, d There it nothing fo parfeft « He fliewetb that we catmot loue Cods word, except we exercife out felues there in aad p.attifeit. b Whofocuer doeth fubmit him- felfe ojly tj God• woid , tH«ll noto^- lybefafeaa-iuft thepraftifeiofhis caemiei, but alfo leatniiAorewif• dome then they that profefle it , and Hid.are nwB of expe^ rience. e S, ttenoiour ieluet we can doe nothing : but whrn grace» fwceier then • Of out felues we ace butdirkeoeOe ■nd cannot fee, eK• WMtd laHeth for euer. 'MEN. 97 Oh how loue I thy law ! it is my meditati* η «continually. 98 By thy commandements thou haft made me wifir then trine enemic;s : f >r they ate euer vt me. 99 I haue had more ''vndeitlandi.-g then all my te«chers : for thy telUmonies arc ray meditation, 00 I vndetftooil more then the ancient , be- caufe I kept thy precepts. 01 I haue refrained my feete from euery euill way, that I might keepe thy word. loz I haue not declined trom thy iudgements: for ' thou diddeft teach me. 103 How fwe:re are thy promifes vnto my mont'i, j-ei , more then hony vnto my mouth. 104 3y tl•. ;, precepti ι haue gotten vndetft*n- diag : thertfore 1 hate all the wayes of fallhjod. Sod doA .in.V4r lly inlf'ua vi withhi» fpitit , we fee'e hi» ^ Ν V N. loy Thy word »J a « lancerne vnto my feete, and a fighr viuo my paths. 106 1 haue ^ fworne and will perfotme it, that he faithfull ongbt 10 bind themir!u-s to God by feteoioe o»ih «ndikomife., 10 ftitw vf tkeii zeaU toembute Geai weid. villujepeihy lij^'i-.teoiis lodgements. 107 1 am very loie afflided ; Ο Lord, tjuickea me according to thy word. 108 Ο Lord, I befcech thee, accept thee free offerings of my mouth, and teach roe thy iudge- mcnts. 109 My Ί foule is continually in mine hand: yst due I not forget thy law. no The wicked haue laid a fnate for noe : bm Ifwarued t:ot from thy precepts. . 1 1 1 Thy teflimonies haue I taken ijj an ' he- ritage for euer : for they are the ioy of mine heart. 1 1 ζ I haue applyed mine heart to fulHll tby ftatutes alway, tuen vnto the end. S A Μ Ε C H. 113 I hate » vaine inuentions : but thy Law doe 1 loue. 114 Τ hou art my refuge and fliield, and I trufl in thy word. 115 ^ Awaj from tnce, yee wicked : for I will keepe the commandements of my God. 1 16 Stablilh rac accordingto thy promife.thar I may Hue , and difappoint me not of mine hope. 117 t Stay thou roc, and I fl:ialbe fafe, and 1 will delight continually in thy ftatutes. 1 18 Thou haft troden down all them that de- part from thy ftatutes : for their Ί deceit « vaine. 119 Thou haft taken away all the wicked of the eartii like ' drolic : therefore I loue thy tefti- raoni:s. 120 My flen. fttembleth for feare of tbec, and I am afraid of thy iudgements. e which i Icded thy people, at dtoffedotth the meull. I ely tcich 1 nelie, which feai priytitandth.Bkr•. K'uin; which fa- •'(iteHofeacal- 'ih the ciluftof ii^lipi. Chap. 1^. ^etfc. J d Tbjc if , I am ία contiuuall daozer . „.y 1,1c. I c'leemfj nj a whofoeuer will embriceGod• word a light , muS abboriealllaDu• fiei and ima^ina• tiont both oi him- felt and Qthfri. b And hinder me not to keepe the Law of the Lord, c Hedellieth GndicontiDuall alTrtance , lei>g mine own weak obedience, but litth repent A I Ν izi I haue executed iudgement and iuBic<: leaue me not to mine opprelVour. 1 22 » Anfwere for thy Icruant in that which is good, and let not the proud oppreffe me. 1 23 Mine eyes haue fayled tn wayttng for thy faluation. andforthyiuftpromile. 124 D::ale with thy bferuant according to thy mercy, and teach me thy ftatutes. I2i I am thy fetuant : grant roee thereftre vn- derftanding.thatl mayknowthyteftimonies. 1 26 It is '^ time for thee , Lotd . to worke : for they haue deftroyed thy Law 127 Therefore loue I thy commandement» I w^u id aboue gold, yea, aboue moft fine gold. 138 Therefore I efteemed all thy precepts moft iuft.andhateallfalfsd wayes nHGoiflwoid d Thitis , wbatfotuetdiflcmetl»»iciii ne ( 1' E. 119 Thy teftin-onies λγ« a woBderfoll : thprc- fore doth my loulc keep, them. 130 The entrance intotliy ^ wordes ir.ewetb liiJf.t. -.ni eiucth vnderllanJingto the limp• 131 i opined my mouth.and - panteO.becaule I loi.ed thy commanderaints. Looke vpo.i mee and ht roercifull vnto a rutibyfrlfebca weeoe mineeae• niti and me, at fthou weiemy pledge. b He boalleth cot toconfniion, i fend remedy. feruaot ,but here- by putieth God in Id thai a< be leftimhitby g; ace . ίο hre ' 'contintie bt'f Ifwour icwird l\m, c TheP>o(het ii.eweth ih«t whe» tbe«Kked hj'je brought all ibio|l com-mpt. then it it do.1. tiire to belpe »«J me . as ihou vfelt to doe vnto tnolt tiiat loue thy Naiue. , , , , Dirci° rry otthy W4id. a C'aielaiagbie ao,: le;re• luylle- iiet,f> /:./. 69,9• j»*n• 1.17. Ix Gold barb nied to bf .fined, b.:t thy vvord it petfcitiun it ff Ife. c Tiii it tbe true irUll, to piajfe Grd inidpufi'.y. d So that the life »ln),in.A'itb<;ui thetnowledge of £od, it de»tb. « -He tlitwetli thlt. «Jlhinffcftiom and vabolehisrt Were bent to Ged- . vrui fof 10 baue Ijelpeinbisdatigeii b He was mote tfiaeft inibeiin» <1y otGod» jvorJ, sjiin:ti:y,'hatk(pt «he watch Wttein ib£irch»rge. t He (heweth the jiatureofihe wjc• fce-Jiobe toperfe- «cute :.g>ia(t tbeii; d His^'iihii grounded vponGode word , t^at he - would cue» beat ItgTid whe I hii chil• Λτί,η be opjirefled. , α ΡΌγ without Godi pr >ttiife thet i« no hope of. dejiij?iarce. b Acj:or<)« =' "te ouet _ I 17) Let my foule hue. and it a.all ptayie thee. ^^ "^,^ΧΓ"^ ■ and thy ^ itidgemeots ll-allbelpe rac. jmitie euemies. iy6 I haue ' gone aftray like a lott lhecpe:feeke!'= ^=''^8 cbifid te • i thy feruant , for I dos not fo-get thy commaiin- .^'.^.nL's.^^d hauiog i detEentJr o» pUce to lel» i»*- j P-SA L-. €XX.; 1 Thefnysttf DAuUbeiv.ivtxeih] the f»lfeitp.ni•, «■ \ Sauls flMttni'. ; And ihcYtfoie he lamcnieih hi: I hrg Aheif- emtig theft infiiets η Wnc weft liutn \ U λΠ kitie if xvick."in,omift ani pl.uii his Arkt inZUn. s FiT theyvhichiieeit^etkthAHK'U % Ani ■frajtth fir theptfferiut of ihf Church. f ^ ftn^af degrcti , or Pialme ofDMiid. 1 * » R-ioyceJ when they fai J to ine.Wfi The Church leftored. 26: jwill.goe into thehoufeof theLofd. 2 Ojr b facte Iball ftinJ in thy g«€S,0 litu- falim lerufalem » bull Jed as a eiiie,ihat is c com. 3 leriiij pad bgeiher in i: felfe 4 Wherevnto "^ the Tabzijutn the Tribes of the Lord goip4ft«r^i>»^to theteftitnonie to U- rael, to pray fe the Name uf the Lord, ,j For there are thrones fet for iudgeaoent, tufi the thrones of the houfi of' DauiJ. 6 Pray for the peace of letufaiem ; ht them profper that loue thee. 7 Peace be within thy f walles , Ani profpeti- ti; within thy paUccs. 8 For my g brethren and neighbours fakes., I will wilh thee now profpsritie. ρ Becaufe uf the Hoafe of the Lord out God, I will procure thy wealth. I maieitafigureof Chrillikingdome. fThe fjuaurof God profptrtheeboth wi hinsal wiihout, e Nut ocely for mine owae fake. t>jt for ailther«iLhfuIi. Ρ S A L. CXXIII. I H fi*)tr of thr faiihfull , which were efflided tithr in S( GU. f ^fong ofde>reif. IXift \rp iDine eyes to thee , that dwelleft in the heautns. I 2 B?iiold,as tbe eyes of a feruants /«ft^e vnto 'the hand of their tmfters.Oiiji as the eyes uf a i maiJen vnto the hand of ber miureiTe : fo our eyes a>»itt vpon the Lord oar GoJ, vntill he haui tHEComptreth the coaviicioD of theiuily.iofet- vautichat are de- fiituteofallhelpe. (Tuiiug that when i nagrcie vpon W. ■ Uotb:rIielpei faiie.GodiieUit at ha.^d and Tike hiofrire. b He dectaretb that when -.he faithfullarefo fall, thjttbey can DO more eniute .be ο ppiefTions icd fcoruings of ibe wi^edithcie ii alway helpe y defirej chejr call foi it, abuue, ifwithbuig t Ik (hewttb that Goi WJitealy to helps It eede , and liiai there was none otb^r way to be faue-l , but by hii ouelymrans» b So r «ble were We to lefii. c He vfeih noil profier liiniliiu>'et «o -xpicOeihe great danger tliat the Cau.ch w>i iu.ani euiofihe which tjodmiticuloiifly ■jeliucied tb«m. 3 Haue roercie vpon vs , Ο Lord , baue msr- cievpon vs ;for wee hauc b fullered too much ioiitecr pt 4 Oar fo jle is filled too f Ί1 of the mocking of the wealthy ,ti iht ielhiithm efihew.ckU. ί w4 fon^ ofdepees, TT Hey that trult in tne Lord .fhnllbt as ■*• 7.\{)ajvhich cannot « be rcmooued,*"? remat- neth for euer, 2 o^ithe mountaineJ4ri aboutlcrufalemifo { ts the Lord abiut bis people fiOO heuccforxh and foreu-r. 3 For the b rod of the ivicked il-.ak not reft on the lot of the righteous , leatl thetiglittOJS put forth their hand vnto wickidnelTe. 4 D je well , Ο Lord, vuto thof: that be good and trua in their hearts y ' But thefe that turne afide by their crooked wayts , them il^ill the Lord leade with the woikets of iniq.iiiie i butpsicefhalhe vpon Ifrad cHe Jefi o!' the ttueih PSAL. CXXV I. a This Vfa/tae W4s m tdt efier the rfi.me »f the petfl, fr»aB\h)!in,i3fbevK th (/mi i*e meiat tfihtir deitut ranee w.ij w^nUerfuU .iiicrlhe femniie jiereSifedf- tiutlie fcreffiken kj lircmii:,Ch»t-i;.M.*tiii9^o. Τ ^ fong efdegrtts , or l-'falmip/'Dofcirf. WHen the Lord broagu againe the capti- uitie of Zion , wee w:re like them tiut a dteame. 1 Then was our mouth i» tilled with laughter, and our tongue wit i ioy : then faid they among the 'heathen. Toe Lord hath donegteat thitjgs for them. '3 The Lord hath dotic gteat things ίν'^'.^,";|^1'^•;„, ijiKreifwcreioyce, Icuihuoieioyce 4 ό Lord . bring againe our-captiuitie , as the i wiien G»d gath. •iriuws ill the South. |.αΐ, h,.cb.uh y Tbey that fowe in teares, Hull reape in ioy. 6 They went weeping , «nd caried e precious feede : but they IbiU retuine with ioy , and bring their ibeaues. d It is 03 mr>te iinpeOi'jle κίΐΛ I .- oueiy Lr-... : iJge aja:irt | luc 1• ibfull , b«i criiii.y iaa,.ir.e.J t• dtittij ibua. a Though the Willi je (uoitft tomuiatioot , fee taepeoplr.ifGji ftalllta.dfu:e,«j4 ledet'caieJby G ji* pfuuidcDce. b Tbiaab Cod fatftt hutoWvo- dft the trjtfeleaa ibryChoulieui- briCiWi-keicei, yeithiiciode Ihall 0^1 fo idl vpoD ih;a . that It (hould d;iue them freia taopo• h Goi to purge hii Cbiitch fton»hypociitei, and fu.ia» baaeouae»tc a Their deUaf.• lancc Altai a ibiDH luciedible, ao^ iherefjte tooke away a!l «»- fe Of wgtiti-.ade. Ρ S A X. CXXXI V. I The people of GoJ. efctp.Hg ^guAt t^nBioe »ιΚηον>• | S ^J<">1 • dtgre ttdie themfelKts to hi ieliunei , nil b] lheiro\tnef<,tce, j "C Xccpi the Lotd» i,HHythep,wcTofGo4. 4 The, die Arj-the greAtn.fe ] i-« jp viine that b«il felue» fufii lople . ' eTha ii.ftelewbi.b wu fiarce and deafeimeaaiog, thai Gjd> pto.nilerj leiutue.had thcii dcfi.e. PSAL cxxvn. iHe Ibtrvtth 1*41 tAi i»A»/f iJUte tfthe wn'd.leth dtmf ntcilir.ndftlHicJllJeneeiLh Cods murefitu,' - and b'cdini. 3 A»ilb»t fh»n, c'.,:d,tnnetl tHied . i>tn efie.iiill pace end χι/ι <,/CiJ. f ^fong t dtgrett , or ΓΓέΙ.Ήε «/ S.il dell Ifih.i.^ft.-e:» coafiSeGodi wcadeituilworfte,' the faiihfull oaa EtJet Olew ihem- ο GoJ >odeliuer hi• neTn th. \V.Merueili and ba-,.a place,. build the huufe , they labouri / the leiHI. 6 And {ra}fe the η,ΜΛί t/ C>d, ^ yyifon^efderreet,ot Pfalme e/OJwiW, ■iF the Lord had not beenc » on our fide , ( may *Ifrael now fay ) 2 ■ If the Lord had not beene on our fide.when men rofe vp ag^iiift vs, 3 T:.ey had then iwjUowed vs vp'>qji;ke, ■V/hco their wrath w^s kindled agaoft vs. 4 Then the ■= waters had drowned vs , λπΑ the ftreime had gone ouer our foule : ^ Then bad tne fwcUing waters gone ouer our foule. 6 Pray fed έ« the Lord , which hath not giaea V3 as a pray vnto their teeth. 7 Our foule is efcapcd.euenasibitdoutof in vaine that build it : excrpt the Lord keepfl^T>'j;.|;^»;;;i[ the tcitie.tbe keeper watci.etb in vaioe 2 Itisinvainefjr' yoatotifeeirelv, «"^'o lie downe hte , en ' cm tbe head <* of fotow : b'*^ bee will lijrtly giuc« rcfl to his bcloued. 3 B;liolJ,c, ilJrtna.-e theinheriiancecf the Lord.an^ the f.-.;i:of;hw-womb<:'^// reward. 4 Ai art (he arrow:» in die baud of the ftrong ma.';loare the 'child- η of youth. y B,clL-.l It tae iii.:.uhat hath his quiuer hill of them for \(xy t fliiU n^i be all-.^uicd , wheu they ipeakc with their eiumics in tbe^ate. hSo, 1,. t*efai!il.e. ο Tae f-ubwhe elliteofthe coe- n n-wci1tb. c Whi.h watch audwaiH . and a alfoma{i.lr»ie». andruleiiof ikc d Eitbn tkii which iigoite• ty hard labour. t the-r. it-i gu'efeofKiade. rf C'^niforiatjlc , aoa uues'roni Col : for the'.-aieliic ιΠ...ΙΙ1 Uboii , i;j:mi,i ,fGod« j.lTiori.aiidnoi henuitb:!. gSuh.h ^ ._..,, aj.,fa(ie>..ou;be». «hen ibt.rgid.y lifi i» TOAliytmflr guied tefoie lud^c». FSAL. Gods bleiBngs on the godiy, Pralmes. a Godapproaue;ii lUf liie . ex- It bt refoi- mtd accordiDg to. hisworJ. b The world efte- intih ibemha|spy, chliueia ihaudi^lf- tb;iri belt tbat hue of the meane pio- le of their U' faouri. c Becjufe Geds faiiout appeiteth la noce outwird thing, more tbea cttafe of child' cauie of the fpititu pursl things ihali be'g thif puu»te bltiriogtvcte nothing Ρ S A L. CXXVIII. I He Jbnvtth that biejjednejje apperiaineth ntt to nil vnmerfAily, but ti them eueiy that feme the Zerd , ani m-i/keja fimvajes. f w/i feng of degrees, D LefTed U euery one that feareth the Lord , and ■*-' walkcth ill his * wayes. 2 When thou eateft the labours of thine b hands , thou ihah be blefled , and it Aialbc well with thee. 3 Thy viiiefiialbe as the fruitful! vine on the fides of thine houfe . and thy c children like the oliue plants round about thy table. 4 Lo, furely thus Ihall the man be blefled, that feareth the Lord. J The Lord out of Zion fliall i bleffe thee, and thou llialt Ae the wealth of « letufalem all thedayesofthylifa. 6 Yea , thou llialt fee thy childrens children, fumed wiih the heat ofGrds ilitte, d Thatis^thewiclsed ou't of the plough c The enemies xhat iift ihem Slues, noil high, «ud as it were approach ceere to the Sunne.arect wrath, be• aufe liiey ai» not grcundeJ in godly hu ifaall peiilh, «od neiie Itisll paile for ihrm. Ρ S A L. CXXX. 1 The ptofle ef Cod (nm their bditomte^e mif ries die cry -vntoCcd, and are heard. 3 Thcyciiifjietkeit finties , and flee iiniu Cadi mercies. f ^foiig of degrees. OVt ofthe^deepe plsc'es haue I called vnto thee. Ο Lord. 2 Lord , heare my voyce : let thine eares at- tend to the voyce of my prayers. j If thou . Ο Lord , ftraightly matkeft iniejiii- ties, Ο Lord, b who lliall ftand ? r 4 Bat mercie » with thee , that thou <= mayeft be feared. 5" I haue waited on the Lord : my fouie hath waited, and I haue trcfted in his word. 6 M• fouie waiteth on the Lord more then the raorning watch watcheth for the raomlog. 7 Let ifrael waite on the Lord : for with the Lord « -1 roetcie , and with biro «great redemp- tion. 8 And hec ih«li redeeme Ifrael from alibis ini^uitie;• but '.>y lotgiue- utlfe jffioncf. c Eicauftoina. tui! thou i'ltnier- cifull :thrrer>re tee fai-bt'u'.l reuc. renccrhee. ά Kclhewetbto wicm the ini-rcy cf God d'th ap per'air-c 1.. liVael tbar is. f tKe Church a 'd ootti the fcpiobnv• * He fetteth forth•• his giea: humility, as an example to all rulers and go- uer jouri. b which paffe the nieafure and limit» f his vocation. .: void of am iton and wic», keddefu'Ci• tmcl in^hi fitfterttte , andihe huudittg cfthe Γι loyrny there aiwmforefpoktn, Deut u, i. ^ ^fong of degrees. Τ Ord, remimbe: D luid with all his » afflidion. ■*-' 2 Who fwaie vnro the Lord , and vowed vnto the roightie Qod oi {akob, fayng, 3 I bwill not enter into the Tabernacleof irine houfe. nor ccme vpon my pallet ίτ• bed. 4 Nor fiifter mine eyes to fleepe , nor tsine eyci'^T ^'"J ' i:.iJ.„ n,,~L..,. "^ ' {andciiehe jabouctobjslJthy Templi habitation for theraigbtie (^oiioflaakob. 6 Lo, we heard of it in d Ephrathab,d«ii found it in the fields of theforreti 7 Wee will enter into his Tabernacles , and woriliip before his fcotftole. 8 Atife , Ο Lord, f β cswe into thy «^ reft, thou, would gee«bou£ and the Arke of thy ftrength . 2°"/ worldly thing, 9 Ltt thy Pi ieSs be cloathed with 1 lighteouf- nelTe , and let chy Saints reioyce . 10 For thy gferuantDauidsfaketefufenotthe face cf thine Anoyntcd. 11 The Lord hathfwornein trueth vntoDi- iiid, and he will not ihrinke from n,flebeEn apleaW fuH place : but after we pcvceiueal bat thou Aiouldeft 'lace it in Ie;ufit em, which was iirrenaialoirell».' and compalTeJ a.•, bout ocely with hilles. ε TBatij, lerufi." lem, becaufe that afterward his Aike Ihould temooue to none other place, f Let the effeft of thy grace both ap- peate in the Prieitt• people and i g As thou firft madeft promife to Dauid. ,fo continue it to h/spol'erite,that what, foeuf r they fliall aske for their people, it may be granted h Becaufe this cannoi- bj accompliflied but ioChrift.itfiillowerbthai the promife wssfpiritiiall. i Μί«• ning.for his owne fd>l{e.and not for the plentifulnelle of the place for he promt fet b to bleflc it , declaring before that it wa» bitreo, k Tia: is. with my proteftioo, whereby they fliilbe fafe. 1 Though his force for a time fceiied to be broken, be proujifeth to reltore it, Ρ S A L. CXXXIII. I This Pfalmc cttttemeth the cammcniitKintf brtthettj amitte anting the feruants of Gad f w4 fong of degrees, or Pfalme of Dauid, Β Ε hold, how good and how comely a thing it IS , bre'tbten to dwell euen» together. - » Becaufe the gtea;ei> part were againft Dauid, though fomefannured him, yet when hee wjis eftablifhedkingat gerher like brethren : aud cberefoi^he flleweihb; tmt jdtsibecoiumodiiie-cCbfbtheily ioue, a. Λ i Jdoles and their makers- Wi« a6guteof the t It u like to the precious b oyntmint vpnn the head, thic runneth downe vpon the beard, eutn vnco Aarons beard , which went duwne on ihe border of his gartuents. , ' 3 ^nd as the dew of ' Hermon which falleth vpon the mauntains of Zton : for <* there the Lord appojnted the bkfltng and life for euet. Ρ S A L. CXXXIV. Ϊ Ht exhirtah the Ltuitti vittehing in the Ttntfle , »» frayft the Lord, f ^fon^ of degree!. BEhold.prayfc ye the Lord , ail yee » ieroants of the Lord , yee that by night ftand in thehoufe of the Lord. a Lift vp your ^ hands to theSanduary , and prayfe the Lord, 3 The Lord that <= hath made heauen and earth, bleffe thee out ofZion. all power, blfift thee with his Ei'hiily'ou' detlatedin ZiOB , TbultheLeu teivfsdto prayf; the Lord , and birffe the people. PSAL• cxxxv. Hee txhrleth «II ihe'faiihfull , tfwhal en«ief<.euer they be.ts praife Gei ftr h:s mArtiiiloui rrorkfJ. ii Ati* fpmnliy fur h,i gY«(cs tmari h.s people , ivhe,e,H he eitiAten *ni their littei. b come Cbrift y head v.uo bit Church, c ByH'tmoa and Zio3 he me>- ueththeplentifuU couotrey about le• fufalem d Where there i» fuch. concord. a Te that «re I-e. uite» ind chiefly appoyntedtoihu ollice. b For their charge waiDotonelyto kee pe the Tem- ple , but to pray there, and to giue Co-dbao!:!. c And therefore ha i t Yi Leiiitei that IateinbiiSaoauaty. b Meeoing, the people : for the , people and Leuitei i bad tbeiv court•, I Which were pla- 1 cii of the Temple icparate. r That is, hath freely loued the porieiity of i Abraham. { d He ioyaed God» I power with hts vi'ill. to the intent ' rhat we fliould not ftpara:e them , and , hereby be s^illeth Gods people to depend on bit po- wer which hecoD- »1 by example», *Ifre. 10, 13. f £xti. II. 29. t Num. It, »4, 3t' c He flieweih What fiuit the godly conceiue efGodi power, whereby they fee bow he dellroyeth _.i eaemies , and deliiieretb bit ffople. f Tbatii, gouerne jind defend hi• peopU. g Ey fliewiog wba puniftimentGoi appoynteth for the beatbcD idolaters, _.e wjroetb bit peopi• to beware the line off? ncet, feeing that idole» baue neither poW er oor life . ' ' their dclivieij came no; by iiol«, bui by the laigbj power of God, ReadeTfal. n/, f Pra) ft ye the Lord. ρ Rayfe the Name "of the Lord ; yee fcmants ot the Lord, prayfe him. ζ Tee that > ftand in the Heufe of the Lord, and in the b cotjrts of the Houfe of our God, 3 Prayfs yee the Lord for the Lord is good; fingprayfes vntohis Name: for it isacumeljr thing 4 For the Lord hath <= chofen laakob to hun- felfe, and Ifrael for his chicfi treafare. f For I know that the Lord « great , and that our Lord « aboue all gods 6 Whatfoeuer pleaftd the Lord, thaf* did he m heauen and in earth.in the fea 8c in all the depths. 7 He bringeth vp the clyiides from the ends of the earth, anJ iraketi. che * lightnings with the raine: hee draweth foorth the windeout of Ins treafoies. He fmote the firft borne of Egypt both of roan and beaft, 9 Hee haih fent tokens and wonders into the raids of thee, Ο tgypt. vpon Pharaoh , and ν^ΌΠ allhisfertiants. 10 * He foiOte many nations, and flew mighty Kings: 1 1 ^j Sihon King of the Arconces , and Og kingofBalhan , and all rh!e kingJomes of Canaan: iz Ar.d'gaue their l,;fe thxr.iei-jntiCti (>Λ Ihe cremitu ^/eufrKmee if til ti.i'^Mviif* ftanifitl »n f id/ifliK^ 1/.Λ1 heg!u'th τ;ΐ λ! if ht\ mtere li^cr»l«if. \ Ρ Rayfe ye the Lord , becaufi he is good : tor 1, Ey th.'i tepetii;- •■- his * mercy endureth for euer. f" ^' Uiewetb that 2 Pf ay fi yee the God of gods : for his mercie t^,; ''^'jJlf,";'; endureth for euer. to .hmkefiiuiot : 3 Prayfi yee the Lord of lords s for his mercie \'^• cbi.iiy bn euiurethioTtyKt- 4 Which onely doeth great wonders \ f j» his mercie endureth for euer. y Which by hii wifedome made the beauens, for his mercie eniurtth for euer. 6 Which hath «retched out the earth vpoo the waters : for his t" mercie endureth for euer, 7 Which made great lights: for his mercy tn- dureth for euer. 8 ^ ί the funne to rule the day \ for his mercy endureth for euer. 9 Th^Moone and theQarres to gouerne the right : for his mercy endureth in euer : 10 Which fmote Egypt with their tirft borne, ( for his mercy endureth foAuer.) jc g< 1 1 And «^^roogV.t ouWVael from among Ρ'»" them: for his rcerciein^i^irfc for euer. IX \Vith a tn^ hand and d ttretched out arme ; for his a')etci^ndurfth fjr euer: 13 Which diuiJeth the Sea into two parts; for hisiirercie endureth (ot euer- 14 A nd made 1 frael to paffe through the mids of it ; for his macie endureth for euer ι y Andonerthrew Poaraoh and his hoafte^in the red Sea ; for his mercie endureth for euer :" 16 Which led his people thorow thee wilder ne»; for his mercie endureth for euer: 1 7 Which fmote great Kings : for bis mercie f«rfnr/r/; for euer, .^ 18 And fliw f mighty Kings : for his mercie fe^ ,i,„ no power <«^g his mercy i«a«rii<' for euer,• 22 Euen ir\ herita»s vnto nrat'l bis leruant; for his mercy endureth for euer: 23 Which reraembred vs in out t Lale eKate; for bis mercy endureth for euti . 14 And hath refcued vs from our oppreffoms; for his mercy trdr.rethfot euer : 2i Which giueth food to all ^ flefl-- ; for his mercy «««^«retUor euer: r .• „^ 26 i Ptayle ye the God of heauen ; for his mcr-^ cieWW. for euer. ^^^^^„^ Thepe.fU.fca.,. .*-">*-'^-"'/7;^,^,f '"" 17 They haue eares andheare not , neither is there any breatli in thtir mouth. 18 They tnat make them , are like vtuo them: β, 4r«alltbit truft in them. r 19 PrayftikLo.d,yeehoufeoflfiael:prayio tbeLjtd.yehuufeof Aaron. _ to Puyfe theLurd.ye houfe of Leui: Fcethat icy, which nc.fally decU- I fowaidi hii Chu ch. Ttis wai a cent• 00 kin* of ihankifgiuiog, b ihe whole [lei'plevled , wbeo bey bad rrcriued iny beielitof God, ■ a Cbroo.; * acd 10 11 mtamng, bitCoil WJt not coely meic/uU to iheir tath'rs, but •He cnaiisjcd ibr fame to then po• ■rity. Goea, if I pteferre- not- lerufakiO to my <= chiefe icy. 7 Rgtneniber ch; children of fEdom, Ο Lordi intbe g day of lerufJem , which faid , Rafe it.rafe it to the foundaiion thereof, 8 Odiughcer of Babe! , worthy to be deftroy- cd, blelTed fnali la^ be that rewarde:h thee, as thou bailier lied vs. ■ , . η p. b,?,)sf:ea fhnUht bs thattaketh aaddalli- etb-thy childien againftthe ftones. b Towvit. ofthit coantiey. c The Bibyloai- anifp^eihus in «eocking vs , al though by our ft• leace 7\e Ihoold figciiietbat we feoped no inote iu6t)i. a Albeit the ftitt. full are touchid vi-i:hth!:ir p.ini- culivgrisfes . yst rbe common it>- rowoiihe Ciuixh i« moil gileucvu» voto their., apd ii fuch. at (bey cianoc of « Thcdeci le and.ce'eiiioniaU ieiuiceatCnnlU, coniuiiogwete aboljlbeJ : f!>thai; DC «•.God will bs νΡοίί1ιίρρ?Ί only ία fpiiit aaitratth, John 4, 13. c Thou haiV itxtpg'.beued me •gliiilt mine out- twaid aui iD^atd etieniiet^ d All the wtld IhsUcoDfeiretbit thou halt wonder - irjlly ptefiiued me , atid perfor- ined tty ptomife. « DiiUt:ceof place c2n"Qt bin• dfr Gjdtoili^vm•! ieii fane off. tTh. agib begunbis.woiki; rodsiopunilh his eaemiei^ PSA iJ|Gxxxviir. i-Uxuid Tstth 71-f.Jt (ctaagetrtiiffth the^l,etd>ieSe of Ged towiM mr.i,tbi which ,iJ,WM, 4 Th^t tt ii k«oweit, to f mem funcn, who Jb^U/mfe the lord fjgetker Wiikhim 6 Ar.aheetiajMm'i>h«uf the liKeccm. ftttofCoi in the time fill.wJvl ■ "' he hid hetetcfne. I Will prayfe thee with roy whole heart: euen be- ' fare the a gods will I prayfe theei 2 I will worllvptowatd thine holy b Temple aiid prayfe thy Name, becaafs of thy louing kind- neffe and for thy trueth : far thou haftroagnifisd thy Name aboue all thir.gs by thy wotd. 3 When I called, then thouheardeft me, and bait c increafed ftrength in my foule. 4 All the Ί kings of the earth umW pray feihee•, Ο Lord : for they haae heard the wordesof thy mouth. And they Ml fing of the wayes of the Lord, becaufe the glory of the Lord « great. 6. For the Lord is high , yet he beholdeth the lowly , but the proud he knoweth ' afarre ofT. 7 Though I wilke in the middes of trouble. yet wilt thou rcuiue roe : ihcu wilt Qretch foortb. thine hand vpon the wrath of icine enemies , and thyrig't hiiid Ihallfauerae. g. The Lc;d will fperforcee ^jitt'er;!;* toward roee : Ο Lord , thy mercy erJureth {o; euer : for. i'alcenot the works of thine hands. jt.H« cot\feliirtii thttncih-r ovJi- «ftiojs , thoughts, or any part of our lit,- can be hij fro η Gid, though- he fee m: 10 be firre off• b So that tbey are aitideoiljkBOWcato :y to hil , tai to inclge the.wickf'i thsujh they thioke tfcat ijh mine eoeniiet 1 age ncucr fe auch , yet the Lord ) whtc-h lOiLC , willcontiDiieh'Ssiacetaihcend. Ρ SAL. CXXXIX. I VlHiiclennfeih his hcavt fr»r».ell hspocnfe . fieweth. thxt thin ii Ht>thing p> h;d . whuh Ccd fetih %ot. tjiV.hich hee and roy lying downc , and artaccuftotaed to all my waycs 5• Thou hcldeflme fttaite behind and biforci andhyeft thine «* hand vpon me. 6 Thy knowledge is too wonc'etfull forme: it is fo high that I canrrot at t nine vntoit. 7 VVhiiher fliall I goe from thy « Spirit ? or whither fliill I fl;e fiom thy prefecce ί 8 If I afccnd into heauen , thou art there : if I lie downe in hell, thou art there. 9 Let me take the wings of the mortiing. aad dwell in the v:ternjoft pairs of the fea : 10 ifetthiiher Hiall thine band Heade me, and thy right hand hold me. 1 1 If ί fay , Yet the datUnefle fl^all hide me, euen the night [hallbe g light about me. I ζ Yd, the daikeneUe hi Jeth not from thee"' bat the night fl-.ineth as the day :'the datkcnefle and light are both alike- 13 For thou haft b poOclTed my reines : thou baftcouered mein my mothers wotLbe. 14^ I will prayfe thea , for I am ' fearefuliy and WonJeror.iiy fpade: raatueilous ai>e thy woikes, and ray foule knowech it well. I y My botiss arc not bid from thee, thf^gh ΐ was made in a fecret, pUce , and faibionii^be- neathintfieeaith. 16 Tbi ία syesdld fee nie , when I was without forme : 1 for in thy booke were all things written i»ttch in continuance were f^ihloned .whenxhete v/as none of luetn bef 17 r]ow,i=dcar« cherefore are thy thoughts vnto me.O God! bow great is the fumme of them! 18 If i IhodiS coutu thtm , they are moe then the fjnd : when I awake, ° I am iiill with thae, 1 9 0,1 that thou wouldeli fljy , Ο God , the wiv-ked and bloody men , 1 0 whom J fay , Dipart tbou kiow ye !tom me 2Q Which fpeake wickedly of thee,<»« hate them , Ο Lord , that hate thee ? and doe not I earnefily contend with tbefe that rife vp againft thee ? 21 I hate them with an vnfained hatred, as they were mine t/rrer enemies. 23 Try roee , Ο God, and kaowe msDC heart; prooue me and know my thoughts. 24 And confiJer if there be any ρ way of wic-C^'i ".Vcomemnb kednes in me, andieaderoein the ί way for euerJaU the hatted of I tfarwikked, and friendihipofihewoild, when they would let vitoferue God lincerely. ρ Of any heicou, way or tebellioui: meajiog, that though he weie fubieft to fiani.ytt waihenoi giuento wickednefl";, audtoprouoke God bjjf^ebtlUoD, qTitttiSj. continue thy fauAur towards me to the e.-.d. Γ S A L. CXL. 1 TiViiicempLtiitflh ofsheeriieltie , fal^sti nniini»itef cfhuenemiei. 3 yig^Hft the which hee prayith vntt the Lord, ar.i affureih kimfilfe'ofhti helfe and fuccoui, !Z tVhere fore hee priuokeih the mil tt fr«}(e the Lni, Mi to o^tirt themfelues of his tutiicn. ^ T»hi!7tthatexc(Ueth. ^ FfalmeefDmid. ΤΛ Eliuer mee , Ο Lord, from the euill man : pre- ferue me ftom.the « cruell roan : a Which imagine euiil things in t^#jr'' heate,- Λ«ύ/ make warre continually. d Taen fo'guideft- mte with tbice bttlciD turue a.i way , but where tb.u appoin- ted me. o.n thy power knowledge ? f thf powei doilt fo fa'.ih-ld me, can efcape ilieace» from ibee. ieiaij,.eto inant ighc, yet it ferijeth hinc eyei at well 15 ihe light. 1 Thou ball made nei J allpar;s . andi. therefore moll C JDlidenng thy Won_ierfull worke onning me, I cannot but praife heeaadfeaiethy . nighty power, 1 -That ij, intr.y njiherj jvornbe: Miich hecnmiji•», e.htoibein-" A'ltdparii of :bee4rih . Seeing that thou liddefl know me iefore I watcom• pofed of either flclh or bone , luuclj when thou halt faihioned me How ought we :lleemi the ex- cel em declaration f thy wifedome 3 the creation of lao? Ϊ contCbuallj fee- new occafioni to meditate in thy v^ifedome, and te prayfe thee. ,o He tea:heibv> aouait^c^uuutoc«.y_«n^y ^«,..^ fpread 3 net with cotdes- in my pathway For there IS not a-wordiamyc tongue. ί.«ί g^ennesfor mf.Selab lee, t!.3U knoweft it wholly , Ο Lord, be», β Thou knoweft my meisiDS.bcfjre Ifyciks, I which pfrfeco• . :etbme of malice ind without caufe, > That is , by their Ife cauillation»e<; esibey kindle the a They haue iliirpeae'd their tongues Kke a>i'»«« hope, an.i my portion in the ItnJ of theliuing. 6 Hearken vnto my cry , for I am broughrre- ry losv 3 deliuer mc fi03 my peilccutcrs , for they are too ftrong for rae 7 Bring my foulconc of«piifon,thatI raiy prayfi thy Name , then iliall che righteous d come about me, when thou att beneficiall vnto rat. tEbr.:PAifJdt» «r mafpta in me: tne*Hinj^, 41 nit :h^ iheii ctHldbtetrtf (Oe.fr^ihlfumj jmle. b Tneu^hill :inthy»rrueth, ,y«tU that God KouU uMiotUtte t.ni, : Poihe ill lidici bcfei withbli ai thuii^b he had beftir Uraitpurun, d Either to rcioyce at isywoadetfjlIdeli'jer*oee, or to fci acivwoe vpoainta» bead. ' PS A L. CXLIII 1 yin litntH prayer for remi^un ef !i»nei,»ck>m>leitlt§i ί d:i:h.-n cruel.) peifecKtehimiyCtdi tHiliuditmott, % He definih t> ie rtiiirta Itiraet, ■ 10 Tetrgehcrnedh hiihcly Spirit, that hee may fctnA thettimMofhii life m the true feare& ftruitetfCid. f ^ Pfetme of Dauid. IJ Eare my prayer , Ο Lord , and hearken vnte ^'my fuppl.cition : anlwere and in thy b r ighteoufneil'e. ζ (And enter not into iudgeraent with thy feruant : for in thy ' figbt fliali none that Liucib beitlSififd ) 3 For the enemie bath perf-cmedmyfoulc: he had) fraitten my life downs to the earth : hee hath laid rae in the daikeneOe , as they that haue beenc dead "^ long sgoe ; 4 And my ipitit was in perpkxitie in me , ant mine ' heart within me was amaltd. 5 2" Ih:w me thei^;^\ „^ d,,, ^, way, that 1 ihould walke in , for 1 lift vp my loule ii ibx lo taife rnto ihee. 9 Deliuer me, Ο Lord, from mine enemies; for i I hid mee with thee. 10 '' Teach me to ' doe thy u ill , for "thou art tny God : let thy good Spii it leade mee vnto the land of righteoufnes. 11 Quicken me,0 Lord, for thy Names fakej. J. .J, ^^ ^^ 4«^ for thy righteoufnelle bring my foule out oi|g,„X*;s;,'; trouble. And for thy mercy " fliy mine enemies k Tbttii.nibo• baft promi fed» be fiiibfxil lu >hy b That if.accor- dinf to ihy tire goodoefle, where- by ιΊοη dcfcaikR thin•. c Heknewibat histrniuion• weie GoJi inef- feD|>"• tocallbia to I^IKDIIDCefoT hii Iraaei.thongk toA'jid bit eae- inie» hewitin- noccni.tod ihat I.I God• fight all finnert. Jlai>.v\cJ« tiGoJ I• ;ly and iiit 12 and deflroy all them that oppreflemyOulei for I am thy ■> feruant. bimtolifc, tko be were deed toog t goe, and tuined toaUlet, e Sj that ooely by faiib, and by . giace of Godt I Spirit he wa• pboIJeo old, and tbc ifold example• oribyfauenrio- warrfiihioe. Thatii. free»i(f 1 * ii du* frafoo. b Let thioe boly Spirit ccunicH mebow to tome foorih of thr fj gteit cirn aud troj-le» i I hid my felfe veder :he fliadow cf thy WiOj.,*ai I might be d.fen- dedby ihy power k Tic cooteffeth that both the koo/v «dgt anJubrdieiK• of God» wiUom . eth by the S .iritof God vnlernaidiugbyhuS,•!! I That vboirachcihviby hit worde , giurth d fraroeth ourbetuiby bi$ ;race to obrybim. l'y«udaMgh::foifo looneai Aee Je.I.oe ft.m G>H• iwtll. wee&U ni Which Iball bet fiRoe of iby Fi'h.ilj hi iJutUe towaid n? my felfe wholly vmo thre.in I tiulh..| io ity Ρ S A L. CXLIV. ^jfeBinanJihumiHtit The dayegy man fialgSr The end of €^ds workl a VPhoof a poors lheei>heird batli hiiJe η f » vtlijnt •vnttme ; for the Fttphet tanntt fu.-fich.mfelfe With any mords. b Hit coareQkh !hi: Dtiihir by hf» cwai «otboriiie, poWeror poli- cie hii Kingrfome wasq-iiet , but by the ftctetjrace of God. c To gias vnto God iuf! prayfi, is to confeflt our felue» to be va• vvoithy cfroex- cellcDi bcDcH;: , and that he be η ο wt til them v,vou v> of hitfi'ee mci-cie. d Heiieliif lb Goi to toDiioue his giaccs- , antt to fend helpefor thepie- fem neceiUtie. e Bythelemauer offpeechet he Iheweth ibat ill the letu.Dthewoiid caoiio! hinder Gods power, whiLb heappre» hetded by faith. f Tbit ii.deliuer ιηε•Γϊο!ο ibe tu» mdlimfthem that (hould be mf peopii , but ate f APfilme dT)auid. BLefled bt the Lord my ftfsngth , which a tea- cheth iLine hant's to light , and ray Hngirs to bsctell. 2 Ht U my gooJr.efl'e and my fortrolTe , my towre and t my dt;liuerer, my fijitlJ and in him I truft, which fubdueih roy people vnJer tric. 5 Lord , what is njan that thou <^ regiideft him ! erthelbnne of man that thou tl.inkeft vp. on him f . 4 Nlan is like tovaniiiej his dayes <*?•< like a iliiJowthatvanilhtth, y d Bowe thine heaueiis ,.0 Lord , and come downe; touch the c:ount«ine?,& they iliallfmoke. 6 « CaS forth the lightning and fcauer themj iboot out thine arrow, s and coiVfuroe them.. 7 Send thine hand from aboue i Jeliuer mee, and take me out of the great' watcfS.dMii from the hand of ftrangers. 8 Whofe mouth tafetb ^anitie , and their tight hand κ a right hand g of faillicod. 9 I will fing a ^ new long- vnto thee , Ο God, and fifig vnto thee vpona viole , oHd an inftru. cneni often firings. I ο Itiilie that giueth deliuerance vnto king5, end refcueth Dauid bisifetuant fioo) the hurt- ful! fword. I I P.efcue me, and deliuer mee from the hand of ftrangers , whofe mouth talkcth vanitie , and their tight hand,» a right hand of fdlihood : 1 i That our fonnes may bt as the plants growing vp in their youth, and our daughte: s as the corner /?oni/,'grauen after the fimilitiide of a place: 13 Taatout'cOi-nerswiy be full hough thej. (hake biaodi, yet they keepc uo premife. h That is, a rate ttiJ excellent foDg , aithygieat bene- hisd«ferue. i Though wicked Kigs be called God» fctuaois. ai Cytui, lCt^;,u forafmuch ai he vieththe-n to ciecutthii iudgeineLti• yet Dauii becaufe of God• proir.il'e . and they tba: rule go'ly, a'-eF'^T'i'V fj called . becaufe they feiue aot their owoe aff-tfeion« , but fet forth Gods gloiie. k H; defireth Goitocontiaue his lienefitei toward hi« people, couQting the protreatioia of childiea and their good education among the chiefelt of Godi beuefits. 1 That the very corneu ofouihoufesinjy befullbflloreforthegreataioandip.ceofthy b'efliugs. m He attribatttb not one ly the great coiumbditie» , bui ei:ea the leall alfo to Godi fa- oour. η AnJ if God giiienonoall-hiicbildteu all thefe blelTiugs , yet he re- campebfctii tbtm w C X L V. κ the k.;n^&^i of Oxuii ■Mliih the ■>vtι'•■i^tfll•ί! pro• 17 He prxy,eth Gji β Heftiewaeh what faciifices are plrafant aoj accepube vn:o God. cucn pr;^fe And th.}i}krgiuirgt and I g:ha God miicoutinu- towards vj. wee ghttifuei tobeweJri that all p^Aer isfabie itiOto God "Γι FV thbctiet ihii3g<> Ρ S A L Thii PftIrM w.is cimjiiii ivi•- « flcmpci. 1 V/heYan h: Ue.h uiai aS the rei? »f his trtatm fcv hii tuf.ice and mtrac. iS But ffccial/j fur nt< iomng hindnijetorvard tkifeih.it call ■up.tHhm , thxt feare him, facilitiehim. at F»r tht lotiuh hee frcmftih te pii-jfe him for eurr. Γ A rfdlme of-'D-auid ffpray'e. Ο My God Ληά King . a I wiU ex:o'l thee , and will hletle thy Nari^^e for euer and euer. 2 I will blet3e thee dayly, aoil prayfe thy Name for euer and euer. 3 b Great it the Lord , and raoii wOrthy to be pray fed. and his greatneifew incompteheofible. 4 Generation lliall prayfe thy works vnto ' gc- prailinghimforthe fame, b- Hereby hee ieclaretb " ■ d that no worldly proiuetioa ought to ob- fcureGods glory, ς F.-rafin-ith ai tbc ■ u.ie ormaDScreation .and of hii preftt- «lation iiithij life is to prayfe God, thiiefoie hre tequiietb rhit not ose4j v\etour itliie» ioe this , but caafe all oihcii te doe the fame. d Of thy terrible dgemetts againft ewtcktd. Exed. 3+ 6. e Heiiefciibeth ftet what fort God ttieweth him» felfetoallhi.crea.*- he ugh out fius haue prouo• ted his vengeance gaiuft all : to wit, raercifill , notonl| pardoning the fi! oesoi hiseleft, ■ oggootj euen to the repro- bate , albeit they lot feele the fweet comfort of the fame, f The Praife of :hy glory appea- ethinall thy crei• urei : ard tbougb he wicked would ob(cu:e the fiiue by their (ilence, yet ihe faiihfull euet mindiull . the fame, g He flieweththat ail things .re eut of order , tut only.' heie God rei j• oeth dan. 7, h. who being in niiferie aud affli< Aion would faiot 3J. neration; and declare thy power. J• I will meditate of the beautie of thy gloti• ous maieSie, and thy wonderful! vvotkes, . 6 ' And they Iball fpe^kc of the power of thy ^ dreadfull adis , and I will declare thy greatnefle. 7 They fliall bieake out into the mention of thy great goodncffe , and ihall fingaloude of thy lighteoulneiie^ 8 ^ The Lord is gracious , and, * mercifull,flow to anger , and of great mercie. 5) The Lord is good to all , and his mercies ,(«r* ouer all. his works. 10 All thy works prayfe thee, Ο Lord, and tby Siintsbleirethee. 1 1 fThey ibew the glory of thy kingdcme, andipeikeofd-.y pow.°r. 1 2 To caufe his g power to be knowen to the Ibiinesofraen , and the glorious renowmeofhis kingJ ome. 1 3 Thy * kingdome β an etietlaftiiig kingdome, and thy Jominioh enduritl•: throughout allagej. 14 The Loui vpholdeth all that l» fall , and Irf- teth vp all that are ready to fall. 1 5; The eyes of i ail waice vpan thee, and thou giueft them their meate in daefeifon. 16 Thou opereft ti ine hand ι and filleft all things liuing ol thy good pleafure. • 17 The LoruBt righteous in all his wayes, and holy in all his works. 18 The LordiVneere vnto all that call νροα bira .yen, to all that call vpon him in ' trueth. 19 He will fulfill the m deiire of them that feare him; he will alio hsare their cry.Sc will faue them. 20 The Lord preferucth all them that lone him; but he will dearoy the wicked. «dfaUaway.if 2i My mouth Uull Ipeake the prayfe or the God did not vp- tord, and all "flillj ατ«11 bleffc bis holy Name M^ «bem , and for euer and euer. , therefore they •01 «uci «uutiuct. joughi to reuerence Jhim that reigaeth in heajen, and ftiifef theitifeloei to be gouerneJ by hiie, i To wir.afwellof roan,' «I of beafl. k Kepraiferh God, notonety becaufe be is beD«6ciall toaUhiicrea•• turet.butalfoin ihattbat he iuftly puninieihthe wicked,& mercifuUf examinetk hisby the crolfe , giuiagth. m (Itength «od delinering them. 1 Which otwly ap• pertiineth to the faithfull : and tbisvettueis contrary to infidclitie, doubting, inipacientiesndiEurninti: g. m For they Willaske or wiOl for nothing, but ac- cording to his Λ ill, I. lob ;, 1^. Β That is,allm:aih«U be ound to prayfe blDV PSA L. CXLVI. I 'Tiauiidi'eUreth hii great Ttnle that heehath ttptajfe God. } Andteacheth, not to mFrincei, aor in the foime of man , for there is no helpe in him. 4 Ris breath departeth , and hee retutneth to his earth; then his <: thoughts peiiili. y BletTed ti he that hathtl^e God of laakob for his heipe, whofe hope « in the Lord his God. 6 Which made dheauen and eaitb , the fea and al! that therein is , which keepeth his fideli. ui for euer. 7 Which esecjteth iuftice ' for the opprefled, which giueth bread to . the hungrie i the Lord loofah the priiooerj. 8 Tiie Lord giaeth fight to the blind : tbi d He encouragetb the godly to truS onely in the Lord . both for that hii powtr i. able to deliuer ihem from all danger, and for his promife fake , hit willii med teady to doe it. e Whofe faith snd patience for a While he tryeth .but at leijgtil rftletb the aduerfarici , that be out be bBOWen to be todge of the WeiW. Lord a He nirrethv• himfelfe and all hfs affeilionsto prayfe God. b That God iray haue the whole prayfe.- wherein b• forbiddeth all vaiceceofidence, fliewing that of nature wee are more inclined to putourtrui.io creatures, them Q God the Creator, c As their vaice opinion», wheit• by they flattered the-nfelues , andf* imagined wicked enterptife». ri'Ui Gods prouidence« Pfalm fTh3V.-gDhtV:ru thtmbyi:ii aioi», hunger, impiifoa- ment «id Tuch like, yet bit faihcr ly loue and piiie oeuer fiileih them, yta, rather tobisibrfrave fignrs of his loue. g Meaning, ail thimtiiicaredefti that God reigoeihio; a HeeOiewiib wheirin we ou'^ht to txticife i^ur felue: contiauaiiy, iad.o take slt pattirae : to wit, ία ptayling G^d. ■ b Btrcaufe .hi I Loia is he foun- I it cmnot bude- 1 ftroy.d. '.tflgb the inciubell rheie• oibe''iIi.e!feJ, and iceinc at it , Wffe for a tiir.e to be cut uff. c U-ithatfliftion, or foiowfoi linne. d TboKgbitiMWe toman inc-eJiblc, that God (hould aflcmble his iChurch. being I'o jdifpetfed, yet no• •thing can be too I bard to him, that ' can number icd Sim; all ifae flarrei. e For tie more high that the vcic' ked clime, tbe greater is their fall in the end. f He iheweth by . the exami>les of '■ I Gods mighti: jpoi«>et , gootfiKlTe, land wifedome, he'caantuer wact moft iuit oc• caSoD to prayfe God. g For their crying '-- - - were a con- fefiioa of their oeede, which c.iu- Dot be relieued, but by Goioaely, thenifGodihevW himfeife minifiiU ef the moii con. teinptible foule». Lord raifeth vp the crooked : the LorJ f louetb the righteous. 9 The Lord keepeth the ? ftrangers: he relie- ueth the fitherleile and widow : but l-.ecouer- tbroweth the way of the wicked. 10 The Lord /hall h reigne for euer : Ο Zion, thy God endureth from generation to generati- on, Trayfe ye tbe Lotd. ni fwccour. h He aOureih the Cbutch OD of the fame. t • of worldly meaoei euer for thepreferui Ρ % A L. CXLVir. I Tht Pmfhet fra^ftth the bcunt), rvtfrdtrHt, ptirtr, «'«• y?icf , and puuiiknce ef Gii -jptn ait his crtaium, t But [fecmlljvfcnhis Church. tvhith ki guthereth tige- ther After theit differfitn. 19 D, daring hl• witd atid iuigemtm ft vitte them , as he hath done to tune ether pccf/e. Ρ Rayfe ye the Lord , for it is good to fing vnto oar God : for it is a > plcafant thing , and prayfeiscoraely. ζ The Lotd doth build vp'' lerufalem , (W<< gather together the difperfed of Kratl. 3 He heeleth the ie that are « broken in heart, and bindeth vp their fores. 4 Hee <• counteth the number of the Qarres, andcdlktb tUetn ail hy their names. y G'eat ts our Lord , and great is hi: power : his wifedoiuc L• infinite. 6 The Lord relieuech the tast)s.e,artd abafeth thewi«.li°dtothe'' groundf 7 buig vnto the Lord with prayfe : fing vpon the harpe vnto our God, & Which fcouereth the heauen with clouds, and prepaieth taine for the earth, and najkcth the graiieiog ow vpon tbe roountaines : 9 Which giueth to beafts their foode , *nd to tbe yong rauens that g cry. 10 He hath no pleafure in the ^ ftrength of an horfe, neither delignteth he in the legs of man» 11 Eut the Lord delighteth in tbcm that fcare j biip, and attend vpon his mercy. 1 2 Prayfe the Lord , Ο lerufalem : prayfe thy God, Ο Zion. 13 For he bath tnadethebarresof thy gates ■ftrong.diMJ bath blelTed thy children wuhin thee. 14 He/etteth peace in thy borders, *«<< faiif- fieth thee with the t floure of wheaie. I jT He fendeth forth his ^ commandeme nt vp- on earth, and his word runneth very ' fwifdy. 16 He giueth fnowlikewooil,<«nifcattereth the hoare froft like alLes. 17 Hecaftetb forth t-.is yce like morftis : who can abide ihe cold thereof ί i8 He fendeth his word and raclteth thero;hs caufeth his w inde to blow, and :he waters flow. 19 He llieweth his'" '.vord vnto laakob , bis fiatutes and his iudgements vnto llracl. 20 He hath not dealt fj with euery nation.nei- ther haiie they η knowcn hii iudgeinents. Ptajfe ye the Lord, S, ThcprayfeifGod can he futfer ihem todie wi*h famine , wh?m he hathafluredof liffeuedaftiog ? h Theugh to vfe lawful roeanei il both profitibleard plea'etb Got*, yttlo retoui irult id thru», 11 to-defiaud God of his honour, i Hedjth notone'y ''uriiiih his Church with «11 things [)ect2iry,but piefeiueth alfo the far.ie iod maK;ih it Urong agaiuit alhot- wardfoice \ Eh. fat. k His fe.ittwo. hi g io all creatures iias a crmmio- dereifot to keepe them in order , andtogiue them moouing and foice. 1 For in•.- mcdiatly and without trrtiiingall things obey him. m As before hee called 6ode fecrec wo king io all ais crutui'S his word, fo he meaneth hereby hii word thedoarioe ofjife eaer!al:ing, which he bathJeft to hit ChJtch as a molt preci- OHi iteafare. η The caufe of this difftreoce is Goii free iiercie . which hith e• ledei his in hit Sonne Cbrilt Icius to falnatioo: ai)d hiiialt iudgeincot,whir«by ke hatii appoyuted the repiobtie to et«iull d^mmtioa. cxLvrii. It frtyfe ihi Ltrdin hetuiH Church. f Ρ S AL, I Hifttuihihall ani earth, and all places. ,^Sprciall) the piwer that hee hath tiuen tithe fame,»fi hadchofeit them i^ntujned them vate h,m, q Prajftyetht Latd, Ρ Rayfe ye the Lord from the heauen : prayfe ye him in tne hie places. 2 Pf iyfe ye him . all ye a his Angels : prayfe bim, εΙΙΙ isifftif. 3 Prayfe ye hina , b funne and moone : prayfe ye him all bright ftarres: 4 Prajfe yee biro , "= heauens i-f heauens . and ^ waters, that be aboue the heauens. y Let them pray fe the Niroe of the Lord : for he commanded , and they were created. 6 And he hath eftjhlilhed them for euer and euer ; he hath made an ordinance.which (ball not paiTe. 7 Prayfe ye the Lord from the earth, ;e <= dra- gor.s and all depths: 8 *^Fire and haile, fnow and vapours , ftormy winde, which execute bis word 9 Moantaines and all hils , fruitful! trees, and aD cedars : 10 Biafts and all cattell, creeping things and jfixtd uanei and fethered foules : 11 g Kings ofthe earth and all people, piin- ces and all lodges of the world : 1 1 Yong men and maidens, alfo old ccn and children : 13 Let them prayfe the Name of the Lord:for his Name oneiy is to be exdtcd, and his prayfe a- boue the earth and the heauens. 14 For he hath exalted the ^ home cf bis peo- flefi-hicb u a pray fe lor all his Saints, tuen for^he ' children cf H'rael , a people that it neere vnto him. Pray feye the Lord. whaiesand fucb f ^V'hich come not bychaunceor fortune, but by Cods appoiiitrd ordioanc•. g For ihegreater gilts that aoy barb lecciued, and the morebigh ihatone ii pi feired , the mo e bound is heto ptayfe God for the fame : but neither bieoor lo' condition or'egree ca^i be exempted fiom this dueiie. h Thatii, tbe digniii pojver and gl. ry of his Cbatth iBy reafon of hiscoueaaoifMde wiib Abrthara. PS A L. CXLIX. I jinexkertatun iuhe Church tc prayfe tie Zcrd_ viclirr andc'.rquifi,lk.U hee ^iHCth kit SaiHIi atn.njt Altm.iits pewer. ί Prjyfe yethlLorJ, C Ing Vfe vnto the Lord» a new fong : let his prayfe be beetd in the Congregation of Saints. 2 Let Ifrael reioyce in him that b made him», and let the children of Zion reioyce in theii ' King. 3 Let them prayfe Vis .Varoe with the flute; let ihem fit. gptayfes vnto him with thetirobrell and harpe. 4 For the Lord hath pleafjre in his pfopIc:he wi:l mike the meske glorious by dtliuerar.ce. y Let the Sainis be io^ full with glory : let them fing loud vpcn their << beds. 6 Let tiie hign A^s uf GoJ b: in their mouth, and a two e.'gcd fword in theit hands - e To execute vergearce vpon the heathen, Wcorrtaionsan-,org the people: 8 To bind f their kings in chaines , and their nobles with fetters of yron , 9 That they may execute vpon tbetn the -; Been fe they are ■mbersoftOe. r«-nebody,hefet. teth thetnbefoie eyes, which molt willing ■VBTo , aod by r prempi•- bedier.ce teach v» oeour duety, } Iq that Gods {l:ry (hineth iia lel'e iiifenfible ramies , ibis eii beauty is as «rtbatthnc du'tii hcaoe::;, bf caufe of the fpheres and of the; litua iuoof the woide the whole heauen. d That is, the aiiie which is in [heiniidleifgi:ia >ftbeayre, whicl le briecuinpie* i-o.ietfa vnder be Name of the that coniiroall re."} and suieinrlTe. which tbey n'<»-ld.«"« Godtoiulethem. e Th.s ,s vhirfly accomp ifcct .n tbe God whf nGods people for iuH cauf-s ei and it giueth no li^evtie to any ute Oi>ds iudgeiT 5. theii a Fcr bisu'ranit foUbroefn beftcwed 00 hit Church. b In that thirtiiey wtic pitletie4 be for, .Hotter iiytf riecallnlibe ftieeceof Go'» barii». c Fcr Cod as he ia beceaiour of the f<»uleand b«dy, fo willhetlatbeib '.V* feiuc bim. ai.J' that bispecp'r be ^ntiiTu'l'y .''ΰΙ>- ft ΙΟ him. as to IrullkiDE d Htalludeihto if tbey would fuffer t rg-lumeof CbiifT, againt b lenr.iirs: f Not cetir the people , but ibekiDjuUl weietheu enemies . Oiouldb» defltoytd iudgemcni The^owef cif the word of God. Pfilmes. 8_. W'^'^by God ^ iud^em;nc that is ζ written : this hoeouf fluUbs '■-'■—'- toalihisSiints. PiyfevetheLottl. Ρ S A L. CL. 1 An fxSertAit» to pri)fe thr Led withorit ctxff. h λ!1 inxi-.et efrviyci for .>// fc/s mighty nni wonitrfitt worts. r Pray fc ye the Lord. Ρ Rjife ye God in his » Sinda^ry iprayfeye him in ths Ij h'rmairenc of his power. _ 2 Payfa ye him in his mighty Ailirptayfs yc him accordine to his excellent sreatnefle. . bioierhtb:hjndi «ad miadti of ill bii to eaterprrfe nofirthrr then he i appsintetb. a That is, in the q Forhii wondtr. :£ull powtvyipM- re:ii-Dthe fem»- Jnfnt, which ii THE * PR The fooliih hate mredome• 3 Prayfi ye him in thefound of the = trumpjc prayfi ye hira vponthe viole and cbeharpe. 4 Pfayre ye Kin with timbrel j ye him with virginals and o'gins, y Prayfc yee him with founding cymbals : prayi; ye him wi:h high founding cymbals, 6 Let euery thing that hjtti d bteath prayfe theLoid. Prayfe ye the Lord, c Exhorting the people oiil)f tore- by God« coininin- deinrnt wneap. poiotsdin theoli Χ motheis teaching. 9 For they llwil be t a comely ornament va- to thine head , and ai chaines for thy necke. 10 f My fonne, ί ifGnncrs d^e iiuifethee, confent thou not. 1 1 If they fay. Come with vs. we will lay wait for k blood, and lie ptiiiily for the innocent with- out a caufe : 1 2 We will fwallow them vp aliueiike a ' gran?, euen whole , as thofe that goe downe into the pit : i? We ihallfinde all ptecioiis riches, ΛΛίί fill ourhoufes with fpoyle : 14 Call ia thy lot among vs : we will all haue One m purfe ;, ly My fonne, walke not thou in the way with them : refraine thy footefrom their "path, he Church, whe * Thr» word Pro- aerbe , or Parable, lignifieth a graue and notable fen- teoce, worthy to be kept in memo* tie .aod is feme- time t;kea ia the euillpart for a mocks 01 fcoffe. ο H»iheweihth»t theieisnocaafe to nicoue thefe wicked to fpoile the Qoccut, but their auarice »ndcru;!ty, ρ Whereby he coacludc'.h, that the couetous man if a muitherer. the eter word of God. oreteod ignoran r Wfedsme re- " uctb three - - -thefaithfuil. «p-.blereedeotGodi worde. \ £h . increafe of grxc Which haue not the fe.re of God. k He fpejkethnoi onely of theOiedding of blood with baod, butofallcvaftic praftilei which te..d to thedettimeor ofout neighbour. 1 At the graue is nevrr faii.te.fu the .luirict of the wicked aod their CKBeliy hath non^ end. m He Iheweth whereby the wicki-d are alluredto io^ne Wgether. becanfethey haue everyone partofthe fpoyleoftU ianwiiti π TUl iMiftWSBSthiRxatillwdoe witft iliein, greedie of galne : he would takeaway Ρ the life of j? Thu wifedome the owners theteof. " ''" " j 20 f q Wifdomecryeth without : ihe vtteteth I her voyce in the ' ftr eetes . i 21 She calleth in the high jf rti fi , Among the . ;i preafe in tiie entringsofthe gates , ftll thee h'JW to go- eiDc tby fclfe. g Toat is, ibe word tjf God, which it the only light, to foiiow iheir owne faotjlie• which are dailter.elTe. h_ vvheuthej fee »uy giuea to euill at ±ei aie. i Mejoiug.tbat wiledcme which ii the A-orJ of God, iliill prefetue vt frjinal vicei, na- mitig tbi» vice o{ whotedsiH whete- prcne.. Κ That i». bet hiif- bsnd, which is her isadand guide to gouerLic her > fiom whjniftieougbt not to depart, but fgaiaiue ία bit fubieaioo. I Which ic the ptomiftmade io- niaridge. tn Her acquaintance with her i. MY fonne , if thou wilt ticeiue my wordes.and a hide my co-nmindecuents within thee. ' 2 Aiidcauf; thine eares-to hear ken vn:o y.i(• dome .^nrfendiiie'» thine heart (ovndeiftandirg, { 3 ( For if thou calleft after knowledge, • and ] cryeftforvnderQanding: 4 If thou fetrkt. β betas filuet , and fearcheft for her as for <> treifures. y Then ihaltthcuvnderftandthefeareofthe Lord, and ftr.de the e knowledge ©f God. 5 For the Lord giuech wiledoffie, outofbu mouth ii7/i?««./j knowledge and vndeiftanding. 7 He II preferueth the ftdte of the righteous, he U a Ihiel J to them that walkc vp ightly, g That they may keepe the wayes of lUuge- ment : and he pdrferueth the way of his Saints) 9 Then itilt tlion vndeiftand righteoufnefle and iudgemcnt. and eq litie, and eiier y good path . 10 f when wifdortieentreth into mine hcarr. and knowledge delighttth thy foule. 1 1 Then Iball fcomifell prefetue thee , 4ir hnd , and ihe vpjisht men iliall remaine in it. 21 But the wicked ihall be cut oft fcotnthe earth . and the tranfgtcflbur ilwU be rooted out ofic The curfe ot'the wicked, ^b *Dent.t. i.» the Lord, neither be gtieucd with bis corte- f^H^h^ibe', Λίοη, wrre.eadytobe• I i * For the Lord correfteth him. whom hee "ow ait „ hn tern. hidtlig'nteth. Ifu idiHribu 13 BlelTed is the man that fir.deth wifcdome, \'^oi giue.h and the man that gstteth vndetftanding. 14 For the marchandife thereof is better then the riarchandife of filuer , and the gaine thereof»* iirfirihen gold. I y It is rooie precious then pearles : and all things that thou canttddire , are not to be com- pared vii'o her. 16 Lsngth of dayes u in her right hand, 'i Ληά in benight band I iches and glory. 17 H:r«ayes art wayes ofpleafure, and all her paths ptofperiiii. 1 % She is a tree i of life to them that lay hold ou her , and blelTed is he that retaineth her 19 The Lord by wifedoree hath Uid the •■• foun- dation of the earth , and bath ftablilbed the he». uensthroi:gh vndei (landing. 20 By his knowledge the depths are brcken vp, and the cbudes d'rcp diwne the dew. 21 My fonne .let not thtff things depart from thine eyes , but ohfctue wifeJorae and counftll.• 21 So they flialbc life to thy foule. and grace vnto thy |] necke. 23 Then llult thou walkefafcly by the way and thy f joie flwll not ftun,ble. _ 24 If thou fieipcft , thou ll alt not be if^aid: and when thou a;c-pc», thy (Isepe fbalbe fweet. 2y Thou (halt not fcare for any fudden feate, neither for the dtUiudion of the wicked . whenit corometh. . _. 26 For the Lord (lull b: for thine aihirance. and Ihali prefetue thy foot from taking. 27 f With hold not &e good from t" the ow- ners thereof, though there be power in thine hand to doe ir. , , ^ 1 28 ■ Say not vnro thy neighbour. Go and come againe, and to morrowwiiH giueifc« , iiihou ; «οφ haue it. . „ , - , . _ 29 f Intend rone hortagaioS thy neighbour ictinii he doth dwell " without feare by ihte. 30 ί Siriue not with a man caulclelle. wbtn hee hath done thee no harme. ; - 151 ^ Bi not ο enuious for the witkid mjn, neither chufe any of l-.is wayes. 32 For the ftoward ts abcroination vnto the Lord ; but his Ρ fcctet « with the righteous. 3 3 The cm fe of the Lord w in it e houle of the uiied• but hee Lltflcih the habitation cf the MiiDing, that he that (eekeib wifedootr , ibai il, fufTdeih himfelfe to be gouerned bf , be wurd of God. fiiallbaueaJIpioC• boihcoi- porallaad fpiri• all. Which briofctb fofifa fucb fiuit tbai ibty thjieai• cfhi..elife:- lealliiJclhto leeoflifei• JiCr. k HeittykeD-nf* eib that thii wifr- rfoir.?. wbereotLtf fpraknh, iieuciU• Iting , beiciufc it wai before all cirituiei , acdt*Jat II ibirgi euro the vrhole world weiw by It. Ihrtat, Τ*ΛΜ Chef. I 9. I Fcr wbro (Soi oyeih the vvicHed, he ΛΐΙΙ faucbiiaibedid Lot IB Snlon•. in Not oncly Γιοβ them to η bom ib« tig feo^^.^^ ^^^ fcornefull <\ he fcotneih , buihe« btiifoolei 34 fiiueth grace vnto the humble. 3y Theuifilball inhetii g'ory diiix>nour.»<;<>«s<' they be exalted. CHAP. I Π I. , νίί«ι.^"»'ί'"'('•'•"'"^'"ΛΪ' ('*' ti, .; ,he w,ck"t «.•«« be "H'^'" tab. bota.fo then (halt ι o» keepe it ■Tfthf m, wbici baurnred of the vfe'her.Of. Thatii.puiieih' bii rri>nintbre. ο DiHirer.ottobr like viiipkim ρ That i», hiJtr*• otntandfaihffir' ff,ft:o..wh,cbir ,>1indfeiietfrc« hr wotli. q hV-nillib'Vrt• by bii pTiJue». ibeii Itoiert ita'.ltiitoi'prbeh f,.edenii.aio^' Cbap. •• «*• t'-td. 1 Ijf I*» jorenismbrapce. u,„7„h, he whole body,•» 1•Υ b'a'i H-Eare. Ο ye children . the ir.ftruftion ot a • fa• tba! and ttuc eare to leatne vndctftacdit^g, hb4 eifliacr , wbivb i» *» tUAti v»te iht r^Q : t Kc ffeakeib «bit i-j the petfoa- of» Pfcack». fal. b Mfiniog, Djuii til fs'.ba, c Hifheweikthit evt-mjii firit re- gill a: Godi v?ord| itfobewew-iil that other ihingi profper wirh vs, isrdgc: : of tie lid , wbi.h I For I ΐ)! giiieyou a good doOTrlne : thtre' fore forfaki ye not my U'.v. 3 For 1 was my fnthcrs fonne , tender and deare in the fight of my tEother. 4 When bee t taught me , and fayd vnto mee. Let thine heart hoIJe l"4ft my wods : keepemy comroandemcnti, and thou ilult liue. ■ y Get wifedotEfi: get vnaeiftanding: forget not, neither decline fros the words of my mjuth. 6 Fuifdke her not , an J ir.ee ihall keepe thee: loue her and lliee ll-ail preferue thee. 7 ' Wifedome ii the beginning : get wifJoine therefort : and aboueall thy poffeiion get vnder- Qanding. 8 Exalt her, and ihe fliall exalt thee : flie fliall britig thee to honour, if thou irabrace her. 9 Shce lliall giae a comely ornament vnto thine head ,^ea, Ihce Ihill giue thee a ctowne of 10 f Heare, my fonne ; and rcceiue my words, and the yeeres of thy life fliilbe many. I I I haue ^ taught thee in the way of wifJom, and led thee in the pacbes ef rigbteoufnefle. 12 When thou goeft , thy gate iliall not be e firait, and when thou mnneS , thou ilialt not fall . ij Take hold of inftruition, and kias not: keeps her , for ihee is thy life. 14 «[" Enter not into the way of the wicked, aiid walke not in the way of euill men. 1 f Auoyde it.andgoenotby it: turneffom it, and pafle by. 16 Fot they cannot ffleep;, except they haue done euill , and their fleepe depatteth except they \ caufe/iwitofall. j 17 For they eate the bread of g wickedneCTer and diinke the wine of violence. 1 8 But the way of the righteous fliineth as the 1 ight , that b Ihineth more and more vnto the pet- fiteday. ip The way ofthe wicked fc as the datkenefle: they know not wherein they fhall fall. 20 ^ My fonne , hearken vnto my words , in- cline thine eare vnto my fayings. 21 LettheiB not depart from thine eyes, hut keepe them in the mids of thine heart. 22 For they ate life vnto thoie that find them, and health vnto all their i B-il-,. 2 3 Keeps thine hsart with all diligence : fot thereout commeth '^ life, 24 Pat away from the a fcowatd tnoutb , and jiiake ittTieii• li!l iDLiy , or els cue cot for it ata'.l. ά Salomon dprefli3n. h Sigcifyipg , that the godly incrtile rliyly in know- ledge and petfe- Qion^ullrbey come to full petfe- &ioa , which ii wheothcy iflalbe , Soyaed loiheir head in the hea- u:n>. i That it, they (hall haue health of body : yntitrtbe ilietbt r.oredome forbidden , That ii, thy d good» bat will faiae nopitie vpon thee; ai itfi fon , '^and the ptodi' gall fonne. f The goodi gottea bythy trauell. g Altbeugbl wt» faithfully inllruaed in thetrneth.^ethad I afmoft fallen to titer Ihame and rieftruftion ,ηοι- witbdandiog my good bringing vp in ibeii!embly of the b He teachett v» fobrietie , eifcorting and let I k israttheh I Ti either puie ι Lovrupt , foi» the v^'hαIe courfe of mans life., I Ketpe a meafure :oali iby doiogt. i rnt^aTaron. | put wicked l.ps farte from thee. , I tf ined. I 25 Let thine eyes behold the right , k Fer at the heart tbin^ye lids dircd thy way before thee. 26 ' Tondsr the path of thy feet, and let aH thy wayes be ordered aiight. 17 Turne not to the right hand , nor to the left, Iwt reroooue thy foot from euill. CHAP. V. 3 WhnUmeftrhiiicn. 9 Anifrciignlitie. if HemU- htb Λ man ti line en hislabouti and tc htlpe ethers. 18 Toltue his wife. 11 The fvickei taken inihiir tvmeyvUkeiiaeffe. Μ Υ fonne, hearken vnto my wifedome, and incline thine eate vnto my 0 knowledge, 2 That thou mayeft regard counfell , and thy 'btiMTe to^a'totber : li'ps obferue knowledge. i' 3 For the lif s » of a Grange woman drop at an hony combe , and her mouth is more fofi then t" oyle. 4 But the end of her is bitter as wotmewood, and fliarpe as a two edged fword, y Her 'feet goe downeto death, and iier Β Or. 'vKderflA flinz- a That it, an h then to her fausba bBy oyle and ho- cy bee i:je.^aetfa t'ataeriogaudcraf-, lie iotifcinemt. t Allfatrdoiegi ^i to deiticStioD. fteps take lioUJ on hell. 6 She weigheth cot the way of life : her paths are mooueable : thoucinft no: know f'jcw. 7 Heate yee mee now therefore , Ο children, ^ringth and depjrt not fom the words of ray mouth. '" ''*.' '.^ ο ... , c r L 1 nopitre vpon tnee: 8 Keep;; thy way fjrre ffom her , and coine ^, it read» of Sam- not neere the doore of her houfe, 9 Lead thou giue thine e honour vnto others, and thy yeeres to the cruel!: I ο Leaft the ftranger fi^oulJ be filled with thy ftrength , and thy ' labours be in the boufe of a ftranger. I ! And thou moume at thioe ende , ( when thou haftconfumed thy Α:Πτ and ihy body ) 1 2 And fay, How haue I hated inSrutlion,and mine heart defpifed correction ! 13 And haue not obeyed the voyce of them that taugh" mee , nor inclined mine eate to them that inftfuiiied me ! 14 Iwasaloioft brought into all euill in the niids of the Congregation and ε affembly. I J f D.inke the water of '' thy cifterne , and of the riuers out of the mids of thine owne well , 16 Let thy fountaines fioW foorth , and the ri- uers of waters in theilreetes. 17 But let them be thine , <«(»' thine onely. jt' and not the ftrangsrs with thee. 18 Let thy k fountaine be blefled, and reioyce with thewiferf t.'-.y lyouth. jp Let her ie as t+ielouinghindeand pleafant toe : Jet her bteafls fadshe thee at all times , and delice in her loue continually. 26 For why Ihouldeft thou c delite , my fonne, in a flrange woman , or einbrace the bofome of a ftranger ? 2 1 For tfte wayes of man are before the ™ eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his paths. _ 22 His owne iniquities fl«ll take the wicked himfelfe , and he fliall bs holden with thecoards ofhisowneiinne. 23 He fliall α die for fault of inftruition , and Ibili goe aUtay through his great follie. ownelabouri tai to be beneficiall to tbe godly that waot, i Deltribuie them net to the wickej snd itifidelt . but refcrue iheni for thy fflfe.tby family tbem that are of the of faith. k Thy children Ihallcome oftbeein great abundance, iliewing that God bleifeth ^irriige , and cr cth vehoredome. Which thou diddeft lariy in thy youth, lUr.gitafiraj with I ftranier ! V. He d^clareib thac ixcept roan doe oyne to fail Wife >oth in beirt lai to lutward conuerfa- ion.that be Qui not fcape the tudge- ncots of God. 3 Becaufebe will eate to Godi word and be itlisouifhcd. CHAP. VI, 1 lufirunisn ftrfureties. 6 The flsthfull ani βα^ψ h(liTrtdtew„)kt. la He iefcribeth the nature tf Ihe rotcKci. 16 The ihtngi that Goihateth, ao 2"»ci- ferue the Ward c} Gti. %^ To fee aiitttetie. MY fonne.if thou be furety for thy neighbour, and haft fttiken hands with the Qranger, 2 Thou art » fnared with the wordes of thy mouth : thou art ttten taken with tbe wordes of thine owne mouth. 3 Doe this now , my Sonne and deliuer thy felfe : feeing thou art come into the hand of thy neighbour, goe, and humble thy felfe, and foUicite thy friends. 4 Giue no flcepe to thine eyes , nor flumber to thine eye lids. y D.'liuer thy felfe as a Doe from the band ofthehhitrer, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. 6 f Goe to b the pifmire . Ο fluggard : behold her wayes , and be wife. 7 For lliee hauing no guide, gouetnout , nor ruler. 8 Prepareth her meat in the furatESf , ^nd ga• thereth her fuode in harueft. ^ How long wilt thou flcepe, Ο fluggnd? wher He ferbiddethv» i: to become fute- ; one for >.: oifaer, according to the rule of chaviiif , but that weconftder for whom and a'ttr whit fort, fo «hit the creditour may DJt be defiaudcd• b Ifthewordof God cannot iirllruft ther, yti lear^e at the littie pifmire to Ifljour fo. ihy felfe aud nut 10 burden other I, Theft leile then adulterie* CniPi vn. vin. e HeexpiclTi'l» liuely the nature theOugga ds, which though ihcy ϋκ«,< neutt (o lo'Lg, yetUi-ie ue- ueref.o gh. t'uc «uet ferke occau- oas ibeieirJtJ d That is, iuddea- ly, ant when thou lookeitiiotfot it. e It (hall come in fu^hfoit.a» thou ait ..ot aile to f HeiheWilhtO Wh-tmcoaueoi- entetheicllelirv- ioniJ-dn.ggaiJs come , by cailii g themvothnft'.e.ot the in-Doi Belial, «ail OancieiOUS i Ebr.lptait,th, g Thus all til ge'turc ten.lethto witkedacirE. h Meanii.g. the I raging .ffeftiooi, which caiy a man a.vayin fu^.a ioit thai he cannot tell iwhat he d^eth. y Or, net^hirturi• i RfadeClui'-J.S• k By the comraia- • dement, heemea- neth the word of God: and by the inllruaioD.tbe pieafhi g and de- c lava: ion oi the fame, which it committed to the j Chuich. 1 Audrcpvebeu- | liooi vvhea the . word is preached ! biing V! to Ufe. . m With her ; wautoD iookes and geftuie. '. η Meaning, that fceewiUceuer \ jiceafetilllhebaue ] ' broughtthee to i Ijeggerie , and thea . iceke ihy dtiiiu- ' ttioD. oHeapprooueth uot the't, but (hew- etb that it is n4/ in the window of mine houfe, 1 looked tlorow my window. 7 And I faw anaong the fooles , r. pir/?,t»ilA•. ntiiirftte. c Becaufe t hit ia ' peace oifeiing•• > tkein that utf •Λ , n-.c Ciewcth im that Qlcc b«ik mike good cbtvir with; or els Qlt• would vie foroe cloakeotbolioiOe till Ihchidgoritn him in her Inuc}• f Which decif, leib tbitbuloti outwaidly will fremc bolj toa leligiojtr both be:aufiihey miy thebriiff dtceii» otbrri.anddfo thioLing by obfer•» g Which ihickiot heegoeihioih* paKuie, gofihwil* liutly tobiio*••» deniuai.B. b which cocik tbrrrc fully, DOC knriAiDgihit he baR.fed. otoallinei>t>y hiiwo.d.aidbT hiAokrir>fv't- lowverttte.aud to He. fre». vice, b When the people did «j* «fo...»- «ϋ* Go(3s word ϊ? esrie.C!infts-eternitie. _ Pfoutrb; The godlf woman. the Wi5tl o' Gai i% c.-fte vntoall thic h3U2 a a• fire vnto it , ιηΛ wliitl ire Dot bliHii^-'d fcy thf piTnceof thit world. dThnis.ixc-p: t ir.an haa: wiD- doine . wWcb iiih Goi, b• an nei- thft be pru.lert Our goo:! coiinf-ue e'Sa tbjt hee that doeib not bate «ui'I, feircih uot βΰ.Η. cljreit 'hs' hn. rii-bps come no: of loanj %vii*edume Oi jnHa'Iry . but ΐγ the ptouideace of God p. That it. ftndit boufe , 4«i hewen *^ out her " feuen pillars. 1 She hath killed her vidttials , drawen her wine, and c prepared her table. 3 She hath fent forth her tth.! Wi*'edome , eue:i Cliriit J-fiie , 'Vii tquill Aiib God tis fishtr, and ere»- tel, preferueth .t)d rtillTforkethvs-ith him. aetoh ,-,17. Β 'Vhereoy it d<- d.tred tkarthi woik dcmeof God. η By ( wifedome locate j leafu 1 woild, ; 27 When he prepared the heauens.I was there, j-when hee fct the compifle vpoii the detpe : i 28 When hce eftibhlhed the tljudesaboue; when hee confirmed the fpantiic?es of the deepe: 29 When hegaue his decree to the fea.thatthe Witers thfiulJ not pjtlc his comtmndem?nt,when hee app i ited t!ie foundatinns o' the eaith, 30 rHen was I witli him '" a' a noiiri'her.and Iwis dayly iw deligl-.t,reiO}cing alway bcfoifi him. 3 1 And tooke my " fohce in the.compafle cf "his earth : and my delig.it is with the children ofmsn. 3 ζ Therefore now heaiken , Ο children, vnto me : for bliiV-d a^ethey that kt; p^ my wayes , 3 3 Η iare inltr iii-Uon, and be ye wife, and re- f fherreatiin wa; nr h bee me.infih msn. . re; lufou.u.b !S f,.r r a;n'ng vs snd filled. •5-h'i it xY^t iolac.e «ad pa'.l psinf , but a r>Iace v-itothe wife- h lb is thevivori'.eoftiod.ia wh)m ans fake 1 jediuine wudoine took» i with unfpeakeablcucafuies : *ad ! fpokea. .He Ihe-JCetb n-hat I fpee, jkeih this iocom- .V, ....... .v< w .^N.. .w .......... .v^.uw . I...•.... •.,.. P•"'^'" ' "^"^ '*"*' to bim Vh« irde^tat'e' oif wifd'oroe7nie fai^'alfo! to' betbtk^d."''' .17 Stollen waters ace fwect, and hid bread is ^ut'.he iheweih' pleafant. ii'''r'"n*K•' "? 18 Bat he knowetb no:.that the dead au there, fe/;"'" ■""''* "^ ^ndtiiM her ghefts are in the dtpth of hell. hruevnderll is.toknowtSe will of God in hit word, which is meant by holy thi:gs. flulc haue the chiefe proh'taiid'coinmodi'ie thereof. 1 By the foolidi womaq, f ome V .deillind the wicked pteacbers , who counterfelte the word ofGod appejrethverfe li .wti^-h were tbe words oi ibe t:ue preichert ,aive>fe 4. bat their dodiine it but as Qollea waters ; meaning .that tbey^re but meet tiTii , which a- e mate p^ifaot to the flelh ibcDthe Word ef God, and ihenifeu they taemielues boait tbereof. CHAP, X. In this Ch.tptc*, a»i *ll ihxt fitter» , vnt» the tiirtiitt, the roife m 1» exhirleth by diuers fintenct! , tvhith hee caHeih pjr.ii/e» , 1» fclltw venue , Ληί flee viet ; ani κψ fj'wih iv'iatpr heart, u Chap, β, >3• ^ f Foi- ttecotrup. tiao of hu heart ii kaoweu bj h^l taliie. ♦•i.Cir.ij, ♦• Ρ 3 The Lord will b not faroifhtbefoule righteous : but he Ciiteth away the lubltiiice tliewickic). j 4 A iinjuthfall hand roiketh poote : but the hand of the diligent irak-eth rich. 5• He that gHihitith i:i fjinmer , is the fonne of wifdjroe: but lie that fleepeih in haiutft.w the fjn ofconfuficn. 6 BiciTiigs *rt vpon the bead of tbciighti- ous: bat inicj-ii.ie (hui couet the mouth of ' the wicked. 7 The inemori.ill cf the loAf'^altc blefled: but th'j Dattie of the «icked Ιΐν.!1<* lot. 8 The wife in heart will recciuecommande- tnents : but the foolilb in t talke ilialbe beaten. 9 He that w;4«an eueila- f.ing foundation. 26 As vineger is to the teeth . and as Imcke to the eyes, L ts the flotfcf ill to them that ' ki:d fcim. 27 The feate of the Lord inaeifcth the dayes, but the yeeres of the svick^d ™ llulb;: dimmiir, cl. iS The patisnt abiding, of the righteous /<'<.** eUdnes ; but the bop:, tf the wick;d ihall pei li.•. 29 . The way of (be Lord is liiengtli to the vp- ighlmani but feare Unlbe for the wotkctscf him bold to doe ejill, whereit pa- ueiiy btidleibthe pooie fiom mauy euiU ibingi. j i i6r Ihfv fpealie ilru^ih, adelitie j many by eihoita- lio'ii , aJmoaitiQP». and coiiiifell. (k Mf4Diug, that [ all worldly thiogi briaj tare ,thd{^t- rajv , whereai,'he I aha: fcele the bier- i <ίο|•οίθΛΐ, haue epublc: biHthc mouth of the wicked )/»4'ih b.oj >><>uboj. im. J, I. c That ii, (ballet tc! iui} iioutile. d AdJ'tmblcr ib.t p:e-(.Lde:b :eadUlip. bu tl i luie e •<ιηίε. The couJttty il cJel, wbetc ,.-.ea.ejoJly CO. and they uut|| le Aicktd are lahe 1 av9>y. Or. ft.^ttilif, Wi!i uoi make light ir|'gf\ef' thill. 14 Where no counfcll is , the people fall ί tui^ ^ where many e counfsllers are ,f'iir< u health 1 )- He null be lure vex:d , that is luetic for-a b fttanger , md he ' that bateth fareiiUvp., ί• I ire. 16 A 1) guc'.ous wotuan attainetb honur , and where God t'- al-O- i H» It bJt a troa. breanig.itfeio hirotha; fcite'.hbioj «bcutanyb.iliiefi=. Im Tie time of jt'je;rp.ufper:tie jhalbeflioit'Je• caufe of their great iJl.thojgbthey (ieemetoliueloog. D Ttey eiiioy iu »bi» life by faith and h •ρ« , tbeir CjciUKipS lilt, jTignt man ; out icatc "' &iiiq:.i[ie. 30 The righteous flia Ibut the wicked Ihall not d fl^allnneuer be relnooned: bw the wicked Ihall not dweit in the land. 3 1 The rr^outb cf the 1 .ft lliiU be i. u.^f.- «n wildonje; but the tongue of the fro ward ibolUitt ;ututn. . . . , .. 3 ζ The IJps of the fig^'teoM k?wwn««? the ftrong men attaine riches, 1 7 He that is metcifuM , "^ rewardeih bis owae foulc : but bee that trubLnb his owne I) β-ώ , η <^f"S!l. . . . r „ I 18 The wicked worketh a diceufuU woike: blithe that fjweih ti-hteoitiiielle , fhaHuctmi a fiire reward. 19 A3:ightiourn:irv/i4i»»'itolifi. lobccBat fcllcweth euill, [«ktihhn ownc death. 20 Tbey thai aie cf a f oward heait. Eination to the Loid ; but tbey that are vp-ig^i inf.<;rway.rfr«hisd;light. 21 1 7 /,»«/« band .«j.i in hand . the WKked fiu;i not be v:ipuniQiid .^ut the feed of t..c -"utite^i".::; ' teous iliall efcape . ' ^ r r r^'*i':^- .»• 2 1 ' ^r a icwel! of geWe in a fwmes fnout, /«-► | n ^^..ffibMrnUJi a fairs woman ^hich 11 lac'^eth dilcrei ion. _ ; *^ τ"^/.« kekt 2i The deflre cf the- righteous i» uneiy gooui ,. , _,^^^;,^ ^, '■ " Gcdv femeaoc». m Mawogtbe• taiptx libenl'- ly.whuoOni bf the wiiCutnfkAO' ;e^, {.uthiiuftlfe oJaBjct,a>C«af, U'Or, «•<ί<Π. k I» .(.it l^oi tohiiuTc.fcani I Or, i.i«»f. - I Tajo,6ibrT mike Bci.er Γ- η a.» f.itDJ». •»- itlik' lkci>:rthM• i«r Itic bopecf the uick^d.»»; indignation 24. there is thatfca;reieih , - and is itij.e in- oeakd, bat be that Iparetb more» then is tighi IjrelytiWnrletoiXJuenie , -/ T.ie i liberall peifon fl.allhaue p.cntyj and be that watcreth . f:uU alio baue lauie. i5 Ke that *i.hdtaweth the coiac .tbcpeop^ will cuife bin: , but blclu-g Μ^< vpon the head ^ ^^^^,__ , cfhiaDthatPf-lliibcoine. i,/• I,,, '-"'"'^'•^'i;"' 27 Hj that fecketb good thmg^.gettctb faaouti ,t., .,, inrnwrf. batbcd«tfick«bcuiil.uaiallw»ctol.^. ^ Ifu.*.- •t E*r. I*« r•»!' tf TVlfieuid** IfltK• The vemioTis womafl/ Frouerbes. tj The coustoui π iihic ipavi; their ri chej to the bindc- lanceofthei. fam liet, Oiilb; deptiu thereol miferably. ' r For though the ! wicked be rich , ' i' aie they but (iiuei 10 ibe godly , whicl atey true poireli'un J of the gifts ofG^^d { { Thatis, bringeth j «hem to the kaOW- I leigeof God j It Shalke puiiiftieJ I as be deferueth. I ■» They ire foproun- ried in the fauour ο Ood, that their too ihsll profper conti Dually. 'i ΕΙίΫ. ftttng, o»all-iamed>as i corruption in his bones. I 5• The tlKDUghts of the iuft are right: bmthe \ counfslsof the wicked are decsiifuU. 6 The talking of the wicked « to lie in wait for blood: but the mauth of the righteous will 1 > -, , • ^ , ■, . i.u„rif b (jeiim;f thetn, ' hath nothiiig , and that maketh himfelfe poore, 7 OW oue'rthroweth the wicked, ana they are -'"""'"S^Sreat riches. aor. but the honfcof the righteous iball ftand; i . . 8_A man uvfl^m* his riches for the ranfom of, fujfer violence. tongue to Godj I 3 Hee that keepeth his tBouth . keepeth hb:!!^;^^^^'»'^ I life; iiiihe t'latopcnethhis lippes, deftruotioniGodftulibieaehiiB, fhalbe to hiin. 1 4 The fljggard b iufteth , but his foulehath|b He euer ddiretb, nought: but the loule of the diligent fball hauei''"''^''-=''";°P*'''** ple-tety. " jtogetacythtog. y A righteous man hateth lying words : butr; the wicked caufeth Ω ander and itame. 6 Righteoufaeile prefetueth the vptight of but wickednefle ouetthroweth the linner. ^ ''• "'"^ There is that maketh himfelfe rich jtlife 7 For hi» pouertie^ |2^ 5 and cend iallothe.s iptft of himfelfe, but the froward of heart ihalbe defpifed. 9 He that is defpifed . <= and « his owne feruant, is better then he that boafteth himieife , and lack- eth bread. 10 A righteous man ^ tegardeth the life of his beaft : but the mercies of the wicked are cruel!. 11 ^Hethattilieth his land, Ihall be fatisfied with bread : but he that foUoweth the idle , is de- ftitutcof II vnderftanding. 1 2 The wicked defireth the « net of cuils : but the froot of the righteous giueth/ri(?f. 1 5 The euill man is fnared by the wickednes of his lips, but rhe iuft ihali corns out of aduerfitie. 14 A man flialbe faiiate with good things by the ffuite of /w mouth , and the recompenfe of a mans hands fliall God gtue vnto him. ly The way of a foole is s right in his owne i eyes : but he thit heareth counf.::ll , is wife. j 16 A foole in a day Ibilbe knowen by his an- ib wbichbiidlci'h ! gcr '. but he b that couereth fhame/'/ wife. j IbiiaE'eftioiii. i ! * Chap 14. f. !a which feeke ; Slothing more I tieotoprouoke I Qcben to Mger. i: ΟΛ^, K, f, A ma^n Ihalbe comme^nded for his wifdome: \ '''' ^'^%'?"' '^TT' ' ".""°^ ^^^'^ F^^ rt^toich.\ ^ ,^ „„^^^,^ _^ I 9 The light of tne nghtaousreioyceth : but jefcape the threat.' ' the-candle of the wicked Uialbe put out. niog» . which the j 10 Ontly by pride ^ doeth man make conten- vfe ai'amit'him'"^* : tion i but with the well aduifed » wifedome. d when ai eu"V i II The «riches of vanity Ihalldiminill'Si but he -""Π '<:°««deti» \ that githereth with <^the hand, ll^.all increafe them. '\^^„ΖΙΙ^'^^Γ^-Μ ; 12 The hope thatz'idefutred , /j the fainting'cotgiuepu'ce te'- of the heart, but when the defire commetb , it is d/ianothcr. 'atreeoflifb. ieuii!"'.4. b Thjtu.iavp- iigbc^'«i of Drart, ■au wicbout hypo• crilie c Hiiproude Kinraaion ί ottiie wHe* • toogue Qiill caufc be puQiihed, d Br the ox( it meaaUabour , and by tbe ctibbe che bf If The foolifli will beleeiie euery thing: but the prudent will confiJet his fteps. 16 A wife rean fearcth , and departeih from euiil , but a fouie rageth , and is carelcHe. 17 He that is hafty to anger . comitteth folly, and a t bufie boJy is hated. i8 The foolifl-i d>je inherit folly : but the pro- dent arc crowned with knowledge• 19 The euill ihall bowe l-etore the good , and tbe wicked kit the gates of the ighteous. 20 The poorc is hated euen of his owne neigh- bour: but the fi lends of the riih are many ■ 21 The fjnner depifeth his neighbour : but he that hath mercy on the poore , i' blcfled. 12 Donottheyerretnat imagine euill? but to them that thinke on good things , fhalite mercy andttueth. 23 In all labourthere is abundance j but the ialkeofthelipsfcrjfi^ff') onely want. 24 The crowneofihe wife I» their riches, and the folly of fodcsu fooliliiiielle. ly Afaithfuil witnes deliuereth foules: but a decciuerfpeaksthlies. i6 In the fearc of y Lord «an aiTured ftrength, and his children Ihall haue hope. 27 The feare of the Lord // at a wclfpring of life , toauoyd thefnarts of death. 2!} In the multitude oftha' people is the ho. nour of a King . aril for the want of people cow- meth thedefti-udionofthe pri.ice. 29 He that is llow to wrath,»'/ of great wifedora: but he that is of an hafty mind, cxalteth folly. ■30 A found heait »/ the life cf the i fieili i but cnuy is the rotting of the bones. 31 * He that oppreQeth the poorc, reprooueth him that made bim .• but hee honouretb him ,that hath mercy on the poorc. CTap«pgiHj.icv Tbe^ckedsuicrifice^ f^ ου» .aiidiiemtTty •(th.f.,fl,„tfA "ticf'TjiHiu. » Ch*f.t},ii, 31 The wickiJ ibail be caft away for his ma I'cc: but the righteous hath hope in his death. 33 Wifedome refteth in the heart of nim thai hath vndeiftanding, and isknowen ■» in the mids of focles 34 luftice exjlteth a nation , ». but finne is at^"""' "^ i*« fl'.aue to the people 35• Thepleafure of a King is in a wife feruant: but nii wrath Ihalbe (owarJ him that is lewd, CHAP. XV. Λ * Softaofwfre putteth away wrath : but grie- "* * uous woro's ftitre vp anger. 2 The tongue of the wife vfeth knowledge aright: buttheroomh offoulc$*bablethoutfoo- '^ Vttft it, lidinelie, 3 The eyes of the Lord in euery place beholJ theetiill and tnegooJ, 4 A whole fome tongue i/4r a tree of life : but the ftowardncflc thereof»* the bieaking of the (sind. y A foolc defpifeth his fathers inftrudtion , but he that regatdcth corrtdion , is ptudent. 6 The hoofe 1. f the 1 ig iteous hath much trea. fute ; but in thereuenues ot'^ wicke.l is ' trouble 7 The lips of the uile Jo Ipted abroad ki.ow- ledge; but the heart of the foohlh dotth not la 8 The i» facrihce cf the wicked 1* abomination vnto the Lord: but the prayer of the righteous is acceptable vnto him. 9 The way ofthe wicked is an abomination vnto the Lord ; but be loucih him that followeth lig'-.tcoufnelle. 10 Inilruction is euill to him that c forfaketh the way, and he that hateth cortedlion, (hall die H fall jf iioubie 1U.I emoi( excellent, lod wheicby ihef binkc molt tob• kLcpted. : Me itat fwudtljk d of God. I .tbiae 10 be adiiiouiUled. Tbtieii ■othioC dcrii« jrftact, 41 cau behiddc Oin ibceyei o( α .mablrO• «..nboughn. Chtf. >;.a«i t Ftr hiMrt. .tii.kemi» (inltib fomcleiet ly, ard daic utt t luiwaid.. Ch^f. iw, I• RcadCbaptifif foiiat'lc, wt mxlt it foi lime aid fcifon. Mans wayds. Pride hath a fall. ί ThitfutTereth hiin'^i;:fetobead- (htd by God» woid , which briu• gitti ίί'Ί: lad Co ideth. k Mra:img. thit God txiltnb none butihtm that aie 1} bumbled. a He derideth the piefumption of I dareat- bitiifelfe any thing, as to piepan his heart ct fuch 1 1 ks > feeir; that bt is not abie tofptaiii! a word, except Gcd giue it him. He D.ewcih hereby that man .ttnx-th himfclfe ihis doings . caU ng that vnEue, which uodier- fneh vice. t £ir. n!e. ο that the iu- eofGod Ihall arpeireto bis glo- ly, eum in the de- ftruftioD ot{he wicked. * Ch.ip. It. »i. d Their vpright ■od repeoiirg life ihalbe a lokea that their linoes *Ch^p. ■;,!«. rf;!. 37 .«. e Hi Ihcweih the folly of (ran, whicl: thinhe- way ofth. iband and yet is not able to remooue ont foote except God giiie force. *θ!Λρ.τι, I. f If tbtybetrne and iufl. ihty ire Codi TVcike, a id bi deligh:nh therri biito.heivivifeif they bf 1'alfe, they are the wov' eeuill.andtothi condemnation that vfe them. J• They are «p- poynted by God ru!- actordicgii e^u'iy «rd iultici h ThaM..heSa • .,b cut inr y tr.eaiiei tcexecut hi• wrath, i uhicbismoft CDinfortable to thedriegvounl, Prou irbe» 27 He that is greeJy of gaioe , troiibleth his ovvne houfe : bat he thit hateih gifts , fliall liue. The beart of the righteous ftudieth toan. fwere: but the wicked mans mouth bableth euiii things. 29 The Lord is farre offfrom the wicked: but he heireth the prayer of the righteous. 30 Theligiuoftheeyes reioyceth the heart, and a good name roaketh the bones fat ? t The eare that hearkeneth to the ι correftioa of lifa , fliall lodge among the wife. 32 He chat rtfofeth inltniftion , defpifeth his owne foale : but he that obeyeth correilioa , get- teth vnderftandiDg. 3 3 The feare of the Lord it the inftruftion of wiiedome : and before honour i^oeth ^ hamilitie. CHAP. xV r. Τ He a preparations of cheheait art in man;bnt the anfwere of the tongue ;; of the Lord. All thewayes of a man drebcleanein his owne eyes : but the Lord ponJereth the fpii its. 3 -f Commit thy works vnto the Lord, and ihy thoughts ili^lbe direoled. 4 The Lord hath made all things for his owne fake : yea, euen the wicked for the day of c enill. y All that are proud in heart , are an abomina- tion to the Lord : though * band ieynt in hand , he iliall not be vnpunilhed. 6 By d mt- rcy and trneth iniq'iiiie ihalbe fot- giuen , and by the feare of the Lord they depart from cuill. 7 When thewayes of a man pleafe the Lord, he will make alfo his enemies at peace with him. 8 *- B'jtter is a little with righteoufneiTe , tuea great reuenues without equity. 9 The heart of « man purpofeth bis way : but the Lord doth dirtdfaisfteps. 10 A diuine lentence/Vidi'fce in the lips of y king: his mouth lliall not tranfgrefle in iuJgemenc. 1 1 * A true Wiight and balance arc of the Lord: and the waighis of the bag are his*^ worke. 12 It is an abomiiaiioii to kings to commie wickedneOe: for the throne is ftabliiliedg by iu- ftice. 13 Righteous lips are the delight of kings, and the king louethhiin that fpe^keth right things. 14 The wiath ofaking i) df i» meflengers of death : but a wife man will ρ jcif e it. I y In the light of the kings countenance ίί life; antJ his fauour is • as a cloud of the latter raine. 16 * How much better is ittoget wifedotce then gold? and to getvndeiftanding, is more to be delired then filuct. 17 The path of the righteous is to decline from ei:iil,d?• he kcpcth his (ou!e that kse peth his way, I % Vniageeth before def.ruolion.an j an high niird before the fall. 1 9 Better it is to be of humble mind with the lowly .then to diuide tbefpoyles with the proud. 20 Hethatiswifein /wbiilines, iliall find good; and *■ he thattrufteth in the Lord, heisHefied 2 1 The wife in heart fliall be called prtidept; and It the fwectnelle of the lips lliall increafe do- aiine 22 Vndernandingi'ia we!rprirgoflifeT?ntotbem that baue it^and the ' intUudion •ffoolesii folly. 23 The heart of the »ifeguid;th his mouth wifely , and addeih doftt ine to his lips. Deiutr.i*. ' '■ *Ctir(i s ,o^rf:l J , I. kThe fweetwordsefccnfolation, which come foonh Vajrdlyhi r.. I Either that whub the wi»liedie*i.ii Oihej» ,ut els it is fo.;^ to tea(.li ibeiii tiiat aie malicious. vertuous age acfo'Wfpe of glory* 24 Faires wordes are as an hony coicbe, fwcet• nes to the foule, and health to the bones. 2y * There is a way il.st Apmeth right rnto man, but the ifluc tht-reof «re cue waycs of death. 16 The perfen that trauaileth , tra'aileih for himielfe . for his mouth t craueth it ciiium 27 A wicked man diggeth vp enill, and ίο his lips is like "> burning fire. 28 / ftoward p^rfon foweth ftrife; and a talc- teller maketh diuifion among ρ inces. 29 A wicked man deceiueir.hisntighbourjend leadethhim into the way that is n.:>r good. 30 " He (liutcethhisevesrodiM lewickedoes: he utooneth hislipf , dWi^bringeth eoijl topaife. 31 Ageisacrowneofgloiy, »'fei» it is found in the way of orighteoufnes. 3 2 Hee that is Ilow vnto anger, is better then the migbtie man : and hee that ruleth his owne mind, it btittr then he chat winneth adiie, 33 The lot is caft into the lap : but the whole dilpolliion thereof a Ρ of the Loid. C Η A F. X V I r. "D Ette» is a dry motfell . if peace be with it, then ■^-'an houft full of afacrifices u-ich&nie, τ * A difcreete feriiantlhiilhaueruleouer lewd fonne,and he Ihall diuide f t> heritage among the brethren. 3 .^i » the fining pot for fiber, and the fornace for gold, fj the Loid trieth the hearts. 4 Tiie wicked giueth heed to falfe lips , and a liar hearkeneth to the naughty tongue. y * Hie that mocketh the poore, reproacheth him chat made him ; and he that reioyceth at du Srudiun , fhall not be vnpunifhed. 6 ChilJrens children are the crowne of the elders ; and the glory of the children are their ft thers. 7 t High talke becommetb not a foole , much lefle a lyiiig talke a prince. 5 A reward is as λ Sone pleafant in the eyes of them that haue it ; it profperetb , whithetfosuerit ' njrneth. 9 Hee that couereth a tranfgreflion, fcefceth loue ; but bee that repeateth a matter, feparateth the d ptiiice. 10 A reproofe entreth more into bira that hacb vndsr&atiding , then an hundred firipes into a ioole. 1 1 A feditious perfon feeketh onely euill . and a cruell « maffengct flialbe fent againft him. 12 It it bitter for a man to meet abeate robbed of her whelps , then f a foole in his folly. 13 * Hee that rewardeth cuill for good , euill ihall not depart from his houfe. 14 ThebeginningofCrifeMi?; one that ope- neth the wateis ; therefore , or the contention be icedled with, leaue off. , I y * He that iuftiiieth the wicked ,and he that "Comderaneth the iuft , eucn they both areaboml- nation to the Lord. \6 Wherefore is there a g price in the hand of the foole to get wifedotu, and he hath none heart? 1 7 A friend loiieth at all cimes;and a ^ brother is borne for aduetfitie. 18 A man deftituteofvnderftanding.' toueh- eth the hand , & bccometh furety for his neigh. boJir, 19 He loueth tranfgrciCon thatlouethft.ifei and bee that exalteih his "^ gate , feeketh deftia• ftion. 3.0 Thefcovsfvdbcact^etbnogoodiandhe thai * Chxf; 14, u, t Σίτ. icwtth vftm htm, m Foi he coofu- meib bimfcire and ithers. α With hii whole iiideaaur he iabou.• r. ta tf bring hi» ' w.clι..iL•efl^ to p.lTe. I whenie is ioybed -suhvet• tue: or e;i me ei- «the wicked : more- they be abhorred, g So that there is ig that ought i«riju;e9, 2i. b That Μ , ihalbe made gouetoonr ouer the childrei», *Cibil/. 14, Jt, iEbr.theUfstfci^ ctUenej, c The reward hath great force t»gaioetbe heart! ofmea. He that adrriO" iOied the prince fhii fault , maknib imbis enemy. By the meOeDgtl I meant fuch leanes ai God feih to puoiOl tha rebel». Whereby hee neaoetb the wic« hi• rage, ;vbo bath dq feare ofGod. f Rtm. la, 17. . Thef. !. .i. Pet. 3, 9- What auaHeth the wicked to be ;h, feeing befet^ :bnot hit mio4 owifedome? S» that be i« }re then a friead» en a brother bat helpethin me of aduerfity, ReadeChap C, oj k Lifieih vp bin)• felfe aooucDit iegree. grhe refqgf of the godly. *Chaf,tS,t1• IThitii, iiecret?f and OUT o( the bo• fomc oftfwrich. ♦ £«/«.»,!♦. diS.i m That it. ivinitt to and fro, and feeke not after Wifdome, Willie- |>*f«K biinfelfe difconered, 5 WhSn the wicked comtacth, then commeth c contempt, and with the vile man reproach. 4 The words of a mans mouth an like deeps ^ waters , and the welfpring of wifdooie is Itke a flowing riuer. J It is not good to « accept the perfon of the wickid.to caufe the righteous to fall in iudgeroent. 6 Afooles lips core: with ftrife , and his mouth calleth for Stipes . 7 A fooles mouth « his owne deftruition , and bis lips are a fnare for his foule. 5 The words of a tale-bearer are asflitte- rings, and they goedowtie into the ^^ bowels of the belly. 9 Hee alfo that is (louthfull in his worke , is euen the brother of him that is a great wafter. 10 I'iie name of the Lord ii a ftrong tower: the righteous runneth g vntoit.anJ is exjlted. 11 * The rich maris riches > a wounded fpirit who czn beate it ? ly A wife heart getteth knowledge , and the care cf the wile feekeih learning. 16 A mans gift > enlargctn hisn , and leaJetb him bi fGr=gcc3t men. 17 I"•//•* ιΑαί jrfirttinhisowneciufe .i/iuft: then cjirmeih l.is neighto.ir and maketh en- qaii ie of hinn I % The lot 1 caufetb cortemions to ceafe , and iDaketh apanitio» amotig uie tnif; aie. 19 A ^r.>- .er 'jff-ndtu uhr.uhrta ainr.e thct: tircngcij; ;>α i//«r contentious «« like the bs, Γ if a paLcs. 20 ^• Λ the fraitofa taans mouth fliall his bell' :«i i. o.S.'d , 4»1 with the incttafe of his lips ί1'<>ίί he b.-: filled. 21 Dustb and life are in the power of the cviU^.x«. jChiiften thy after iiitlbi I Ifa ea«DOi other wKe be decided, it it bell te oafl lots to kBov7 whofc the thiogi lhalk«. ■t Appeafeth (hehr csKrouerfie, which are fo .'oui tb.twan :,t-t citeri\ife be pacified. itetivagUthcreotwiUaot^owaoi jreeld. tongue , atid tbey that « loue It , iliall eat the ftui thereof 22 llee that findeth a Ρ wife . findeth < good thing , and rcctiueth fiuour of the Lord. 23 The poore fi>eaketh mth prayers : but the rich anfwcreth rougly. 24 A man thdt hath friends, eugl,t to iliew him. feli friaidly :fot a friend ii neerer sthen a btother. q That i», oft timei f.>cb arc fouod which ate more ready ,> do tUtafiife that iimote bound l.yduitie. ' P«»aiiire ionne. 3^^ ο BTthevfiogof the tongue Well 01 euill, coaimeih the fruit thtieof titter food or bad. p He ibi! ii ioy- ned wi'h artriu• outwon.au inma- fHR«,ilbleired<,f ihiloid.aiCtsp. , then Ης CHAP. XIX. DEtter * is the poore that walketh jnbisvp. . "ghtnefle , then be that abufeth his lips , and is a fo'jie. 2 For without knowledge the minde is nyc6 h,s faiber , *r chafetW ^^^ ^, Ee 2 away *C*«;.if>, h He thai κ ('plight loiudgeutot kaddh faujur (Λ God• e The free rfe of thingiire ootto be peimittcd to him that caanot vfe ihein aright, d That ii . to coiMI it by chaiitie, aod to(do• therein a» may «nott ferue I» Godi glory. » Chtf.ia,!. • Chef. i7,»«. * ChAf.it.9, c At laice that dio;peihaod lOC* trtb tbc boule. f Thoogh for •' time be tfiue plact IJ couolell, jet iooceafwr will be giue place tu hit gffffeionl. g Mai I dicife Otali oji baixf^ccclTe, rpt Gcd go- ce it, wbofe iipejbif. h Tbat ii. tbii he be boneit ? for ibe poere intc ibjt ii , II 10 be J abjue . vbich i« C'•',•. t.A. Putte-.bhiilife ; It'u kardto fiaJ lUi r l.r tt is as idire}>5^-J'eM, biwife maB kcowaman irbyhii Wpidi or rnanert. i Whtretighte• out iudgeirenrij ncd , there none ceafeth ,aad iare net ap= ptaie, *i.5;>»8.4i. 1. cfcr««. i. 3*. /ft.'ij. 7• 3i. i:i«hn. 1.8. iJEbr.ftcnexni jten-c, tfheh end rfhih. «, Keade Chap. λ6, II, ■* Chap. 17. 13. f Teaeb him wit, ibaitecaftnot Jumfrlf» laOily, ircu danger. =<■ ( iaf i>. 13. ^.JSxcd. 31. 17. ittllt la 9. iv'i.•*'• ';.♦• >Dti,t 32. }U. ehf. 17 >3- And 1^. J9. Tim. «>. 17• 3. Pfi.a.9• es* To ioeiufticei ! %vL;ck wa 10 Go ■« , tbcy 1 > how. rirptcd ficum the fault i Which »aj a kind of puniih-, ment thrnvftd. i The -A- id of Co.igm- h\ ('. . VBtr ;via 1 , a-dc» fitfa it to ftc and «ie ihc iccret of «tut dithebeaiu, iWay hii oeethcr , « α lewd and ftjimefull childe. ; 27 My I'onne , heare no more the inlirufclioa, that eaufetb to etrc from the wordes of know- ledge. 28 A wicked witneffe mocketh at iudgement, and the mouth of the wicked ^ iwalloweth vp iiv- jq.iitie. 29 Ent iuJgeroents are prepared for the fcor- neis , and ttripes for the back' of the fooles. CHAP, XX. vy; Ine • ii a mocker , λο-ι Itrong drinke is ra- W gi,ig : and wi.ofoeuer is deceiucd thereby, is not wifi. 2 * T.ie feare of the Ki-^g it like the roaring of a l^on ; hre thai p.ouokcth him vnto anger b fiiineth agai>i{t hisowneioul•. 1 It if ^ mans honour to ceafe from £lrife;but fiueiy f lole wiJi be roedling, 4 Tiie Oouti f .11 will nor plow , becaufe of winter j therefor^ Ihill hee bcgge in fummer , but haue nothing. y The counfell in the heart of <= man « /% deep; watci s ; biu a man that hath vnderftanding, will daw it out, 6 Many men wulboau euery, one of bis owne- goodncfl'e , but who can find a fiithfull man? 7 Hs thatu ilketh in his intej^itie, η iuft, a>ii blelfed fi>aU his children bi a'ftcr him. 8 A king that ficteth in the throne of iudge=. roent, d chafetb away all euill with his eyes, 9 * Who can fay , I haue made mine heari cleane, I am cleine from my finne ? JO Diuers i w-ights , and diucrf meafures.both * thtfe are euen abomination vnto the Lord, 1 1 A child alio is knowen by bis doings.whe- aher his woike be pure and right. 1 2 The Lord bath made both thefe , cuen the eare tobeare.and the eye to fee• 15• Loue not fieep3 , ieaft thou come vnto po- uertie j.open thine ej'es, and thou ihalt be fatiihed with brt- ad. 14 Itisnaughi, it is naagh', 'faith the buyer; but when he is gone apdrt , he boaftcth. 1 5 There is gold .and a muhitivJe of precious fiones; but tne lips of knowledge »rf a precious iewclj. 16 * Take t'i? rgarment , that is fnretie for a ftranger, and a pledge of him far the ftranger. J 7 Thebreailof J-ccit ijlweeteto a manjbuc afte wa'd h is rooutb ihalbe hlled withg.auell, 18 Eft bhflirhy thoughts by counf.ll ; and by counlell make \varre. 19 He t';at goeth about aj a flanderer , difco- utre-h *fecrers; therefore meddic not with him tha- flittrrerh with his lip. *He that curfeth his fither er bis mother, his lig^t ihall be put our in obfcure d.Jtk.;nelVe. 21 An heritigc u h.'ftily gotten at the begin- ning, but the ena thereof ih^U not be blslTed, 22 Say not thou,* I will recon penfe euill.twl %Vii'c vpon the Lord , and he fliil! faue thee. 23 * Diuers weights are au abomination vnto the Lord , and decoi full iialances .ire not good. 24 * Toe ft-rps of man are ruled by the Lord; how can a man then videiftand his owne wa> ? 2 J It is a dell iidioi. for a nnan to ι dcuoiire that wl ich is fanclihed , and after the vow-.s to ^■;ire. 26 A wife Ki-ig fcattereth tV-e wickid , and Cauf-t.^ t: e *• 'A'.Krlt: to tarne ouer them. iy Tae' light of the Lotd «.-the breath of appoi man , and fearcheth all the bowels of the bellie. 28 "" Mercie and trueth preferue the king: fo» his throne ihalbe eflablilhed with mercy. 29^ Thebeautie of young men it their firength, and the glory of the aged ts the gray bead. 30 kThe blewnelle of the wound feruethto puige the euill , and the Uripes within the bowels of the bell id. CHAP. XXI. Τ He' Kings heart >/in the hand of the Lord, as t• etiuers of waters; he turneih it whither- foeucr it pleafeth him. 2 Euery * way of a man U right in his owne eyes : but the Lord pondereth the hearts. 3 "•■ Tu due iuftict; and iudgement is more ac- ceptable to tht Lord then latnhce. 4 A hautie looke, and a proud heart ipWffc it the li ^ light of the witked ,«finne. y The thoughts of the tiiligent do furely bring abundance; but ^ whoioeuer ishaftie, totnmeth furely to pouenie. 6 * The gathering oftreafures by a deceitftiU ron„ue , ii vanitie lolied too and fro oftbemtbat feeke death. 7 The tt tohberie of the wicked fliall deftroy them ; for they haue rcfuled to execute judge- ment, 8 The way of forae it peruerted and ftrange; but of the pure man , his wotke is right, 9 * It is better to dwell in a corner of the houfe top , then with a contentious woman in a li wide houfe, 10 The foul! of the wicked wiiheth euill: and bis neighbour hath no fauour in his eyes, 11 «When thefcorncrispnnilhedfthefoolilh is wife, and when one inftruitech the wife, he will tecciue knowledge. 1 1 The I ighteous fteacheth the houfe of the wicked; but (ii.2 ousrthrowetb tbe wicked for their euill. 13 Hce that ftoppeth his eare at the crying of the poore, be fbali alio crie and not be heard, 14 A ? gift in f^cret ρ xifieth anger, and a gift in the bofoine , great wrath, 15: It is ioy to the iuft to doe judgement ; but de(trudion//)4/i^ to the workers of 1 iq litie. 1(5 A roan that wjndreth out of tne way of wifcdome , fiiali temainc io the congregation of the dead. 17 Hs that loueth Osdime , fhaUhe i poore rpan : and he that loueth wine and oyle , ihall not be rich. . 18 The *> wicked fhall be a ranfome for the iuft and the tranlgrelfour for the rigiueous. 19 * It is better to dwell ii the wilderneflc, then with a contentious and ar.gry woman. lo In the houle of the wile is i pleafant trca• fure and ' oyle , b'lt a fooliih man deuoureth it; 21 He that followeth after ri^hteoufnelle and mercy . Ill It find Ire . righteouf lelfe and glory. 22 Alt wife man goeth vp into the citie of the rri^hiic, and c«ltech downethe ftrengthoftne confiilence 'hereof. 23 He that kc:epeth his mouth and his tongue k?eps-hnis fouie fr.jro affli^ions. 24 Pioiid, hautie , *(ii Icornefull β his name that woik 'th in hii aro^^ancie wrath. 2 j The 'defue of the UoatufjU ' ilayctft him f;».- : is hands : ef iife to wo-fce. 26 Η e ovieteth cusrii ore f>'eedily : but the rigi.tcous ^iueth and fpd.ccu liUi. ♦ CAo^'s. 14. k Shatpc puoittl• mcni that pieicetb e.eo ttteiuAraid , icf lotiuble »or ttt« wicki:d, te briug thuD tea• iniuaeiDcot, a- Though K.og» •"• lee.ne loh.ucall [hiu,; 11 cuium^a- demtoi , yet are they uot aole to bri jgtheii οΛπβ " jmipiles to palli '« any ochcfA/ife toe 1 Goil bi.hape poiotrd : muuh leHeare ibciafe- ii.juri aeie. » Ch»p. 16, i. * M:ch. 6. g. ll Or, flixvmr. 3 Th-iit..he thing wheicby bee ii guiJed, or A^liich. gethfuiih astbet'iuit of Di« II he. c He that goeth tatUly about hit fii.es , and «viit« 1. coiinfell. Chaf. ij, II. d He lueaneib his chiefly uflud< ges, aod rnm-ei which iciue ihae tioD where• God ha b (t ihem, and ροΛ'Ιβ iheif fub• maintaioc lit. * Chap 19, 13. nils H- e Kcade Chap. >9. a?• f Though the goJly. admjnilh thein buth oy AOid» deiami'leof e , yei the A'icked will uot amend , liU God i-e ituy theie. g To doe a ρ eafuii. to tne angry nu pacifietbhim. 1 GodOiaUcaufe hit 10 fall 00 tbrir. iw ' hea s, which. they intended a• raei.lt.br- nog the iu:t«. sad putting the wiched is (heir pla ei, * Ecclus. if It. i Mea iig , bJBa dance of alibiDgt.: k \V'.(edoitieouet• coinmeih '(rcagth. an.d L .nfi!rn..em w»; dl» :bi"gi. 1 He .hinlten to , liueby Wiuiiog a'd efi.! gall thingi but JVill lah' nopaiue tO: get ought. The Lord the poorer Chap. XXII. XXHI. facrifice of the wicked « an abomi- m Chef. 19 f nHe may boldly leftifie thctrueth * Eeetus 7,}. Which com • sthbywelldo• IDg * Clmp.it.tJ- b Liue together• and haue ocede the one of the other. * Chup.tj, 11. cThati». the pu- iihment. which is prepared for the wicked, and lieeih toGodforfuc- d Bring himvp certaoufly , and he (ball fo coDtiaue, e Hit tathority, Dvhereby he aid effe others, fiialbe taken from him. He that i« merci• full and liberall. g Hee flleweth that priacei fliould vfe their much more wbea hee bringecb ic with a wicked mind ? 1 28 * A falfe witnefle ihall periih ; but he that \ heareth, ™ fpsaketb continually. I 29 A wicked man hardeneth his face : but the ' iuft, he wil direol his way. j 30 There is no wifedome , neither vndetftan- ; ding, nor counfell againft the Lord. \ 3 1 The horfe is prepared againft the day of battell : but faluation » of the Lord. CHAP. XXII. Λ * Good name is to be chofen aboae great rl- •'••ches.and »Iouing fauour is abouelilueraad aboue gold. familiarity , whofe ^ tranfgreflour. 2 * The rich and poore '' meet together , the Lord « the maker of them all. 3 '•"A prudent man = feeth the plague, and hi- detti himfel{e:but the foolifh go on Itill, and are puniflied. 4 The reward of humilitie , and the feare of God « riches, and glory, and life. 5- Thornes and fnares are in the way of the fro ward : but he that regardetb his foule , will de- part farre from them. 6 Teach a child ί in the trade of his way , and J an e euill eye , neither defire his dainty meats, when he « old he ihall not depart from it. ~ '^ l < ■ • 7 The• rich ruleth the poore. and the borower it leruant to the man that lendeth. 8 Hee that fowetb iniquitie , Hull reape affli• Saon, and the « rod of his anger ihall faile.' 9 "■ He that hath a good f eye, he iliall be bJef- fed : for he giueth of his bread vnto the poore. 10 Caft out the fcorner.and ftrife ihall go out: fo contention and reproach ihall ceafe. n Hee that louethpureneiTe of heart/erthe grace of his lips, the ζ kiagfhalbc his friend. 12 The eyes of the Lord preferue t know- ledge : but hee ouerthroweth the words of the Tobuytructh. ^$ 2i Leaft thou learne his wayes, and receiuode•^ ftrudion to thy foule. I 1 26 Bs not thou of them that Ρ touch the handJ„ .„..• ν η,, • n»r among them that arefuretic for ddbts. 1puMh,"ififi^|!« 27 If thou haft nothing to pay, why ff4«/ifiM"g'r for otheri/ thou that hee Qioold take thy bed from vnderr'^•'''•*•'• thee ί 28 Thouihalt not * remooue the ancient ■*D«..,7..;. bounds which thy fathers hauc made. iiv.aj.ie. 29 Thou feeft that a diligent man in his bofi, | netle ftandeth before Kings , and ftandeώ not be- ' fore the bafe fort. CHAP, XXIII. ! W7Hen thou Ctteil to eate with a mler . » con.fc ^*^"''•'' '■" W Qder diligently what is before thee, jb audle ,h,ne .p- 2 b And put thy knifi to thy throate , if thoa |P*'i'e,ai κ wen be a man giuen to the appetite. f/ '"" ••■* »">* _ 3 Be not defirous of his daintie meates : = for fcToV of, timet It IS a deceiuable meat. hhe rich when they 4 Trauaile not too much to be rich : tut ceafcr"' ''"" "'/'''"';• , from thy d wifedGme. "crihet".• ""' y Wilt thou caft thine eyes vpon it , which is pey b J}" P'ofpeiinr „ „ lof the w, cited ioall tmually. 1 8 For furely there is an end, h and thy hope iliall not be cut off. , ^_ . 19 Oihoumyfonne. heare.andbewife.and ;;^;;°:Γ°"' guide thine heart in the ' way . ΐ-ΕίΜ*»'*' 20 In the obferui- 16 Hee that oppreffeth the poore to increafe himfelfe , ΛΝί/ giueth vnto the iiai.fhAll furely e*witopouertie. 1 7 V Encline thine eare , and heare :he words of the wife , and apply thine heart vnto my know- 18 Forit/"W/4epleafant, if thou keepe them 20 Keeps no: companie with t drunkards, t£»r'. in thy bellie, 4Bii»/they be direded together in «erwithtgluttons. ^'^' thy lips. 1 21 For the drunkard and the glutton iliall' 19 That thy confidence may be in " the Lord, I be poore , and thefleeper iliall be cloatbed with j I haue iliewed thee this day; thou therefore /•4.4« I ragges. , ,. . .„,.- heedt. j ^^ Obey thy father that hath begotten thee, *fP^«~^^^ 20 Haue not I written vnto thee " three times I and defpife not thy mother when ihe is old. beiit.i depart in counfels and knowledge. 23 Buy i- the trueth , but fell it not : /j^rtw/i rrom .t for any ^ 21 That I might fliew thee the aifurance of | wifedome, inftruaion.audvnJerftanding *""• the words of trueth. to anfwer the words of trueth 24 The father of the righteous ΠμΙΙ _ to them that fend to thee ? | reioyce . and he that begctteth a wilccbilde haue ioy of him. 1 'ί''"ιΓί^Ι'^Τ 2y Thy father and thy mother fl^.ill be glad,j^^^'»'«""f' and ihe thatbarethee Ihallreioycc. Uc*-•/.!».!*. 26 My fonne , giue mee ' tliine heart , and let thine eyes delight in my wayes. | 27 * Foi a whote u oiz deepe ditch , and a | £e 3 ftranga Robbe not the poore.bccaufe hee is poore, neither opprelJe the afflidhd t in iudgement. 23 For the Lord * will defend their caufe, and fpoyle the foule of thofe that fpoylethem. 24 Make" no friendfl-.ip with an angry ni«D, neither goe with th@ futious man, ^nuie not Ae wicked. Proicrbe?* IB She fcdaccih many md cjufeth cbcu} to oSitod CroJ. ■ WhrcTi by «t «like Ά i eltrodgeir ikaa mure ple%£uic• • Tbit !•, Λ'αη• keDnrtOuUbrln ttee.o A'boieiome. ρ In fuch giear danger Qiili tboa «jThoujh dtoa. fctnoelTe make shem more infca- «bleibcubMlli, yet can they not itfiaiae. ♦ ΡΛ/37Τ. * <Γ*Λ/.»β.ι». alatbtptace where wiftdome fiiouli be Ibcwed• V Min hatti no triall of hii itrfngth til be b< in troablel4 c Ncns can be ex- cufed, ifbeheipe | Bot the inDocent j when be it iu i 1 i Al Ββηγ ΐ• Cv^'ct aaJ pleafani to , tbetalic, (ajjUiis• . riooQ King' fringe woman it ah HirroW plt.- r% * Alfo ilie lieth in wait as for Λ pray, "> and (be increafeth the tranfgrefibrs among men, 19 To wbom is woe ? to whom is forow ? to whom is ftrift; ? to whom is murmuriog ϊ lo whom are wounds without caufe ί and to whom is chs reJnefleoftheeyes? 30 Euen to them that tary long at the v/ine, to them that goe,° ahd feeke tcixt wins. 3 1 Looke not thou vpon the wine , when it is red , Λπά when it flieweth his colour in the cup, er goeth downe plcaf^ntly 32 In the end thereof it will bits like afer- pent ,and huu like a cockatrice. 33 Thine ° eyes (hall looke vpon Rrange wo- men , and thine heart Ihall fptake lewd things. 34 And thou ihilt bq asone that fleepethia the rrids of the Ρ fea , and as he that Qeepetb in the the top of the roaft. 3 )- They haue fti icken mee, [ΙιλΙι thou fay, hut I was not ficke : they haue beaten mec.twd knew not , when I awoke : thttefore will 1 ί feeke it yet ftill. C Η A P. X X I V. BE* not thou enuiouJ againft euillmeD, nei- ther defire to be with them, ζ For their heart imagineth deftrudion , and their lips fpeike tnifchiife. 3 Thiorgh wirJoroe is an houfe builJsd , and with vnderftanding it is eftabliflied. 4 And by knowledge fliall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleafant riches. y A wife man is ftrong ; for a man of vnder- ftanding increafeth Aii ttrength. 6 * For with counfeJl thou flialt enterprife tby warre , and in the multitude of tbem that can jgiue counfill , is health. 7 Wifedome is high to a foole : tbcnfore bee icannot open bis mouth in the ' g.tte. 8 Hee that imagineth to doe euill , men iliall call him an autbour of wickedneffe. 9 The wicked thought of a Foole // ftnne , and the fcorner it an abomination vnto men. 10 If thou be t> faint in the day of adueiGtie, thy ftrength is fanall. 11 D.'liuer jjiem that «e drawen = to death, and wilt thou not preferue them that ate led to beflainei ψ ... 11 If thou fay, Behold, we knew rot of it: he that pondereth the hearts, doeth notheevnder- Dand it? and he that keepeth thy foule,knoweth he it not ? will he not alfo recotcpenfe euery man according to his workes ? 13 My fonne , eate Λρ.ιη.ιί, b Β-Γιΐ'βοΓι&β thou tit fut ibtx to further as tnou ti : :r troubleJ bookrs of Saloiroiu c God .Joetb not leiiaaleibe caufe fbi• iJ geiiientJ 3 mi. B- canfe the in,; lulethby the cu-jled Word of Go I the caufe of gt tiiuit appraie . aoi there• fore he muft vfe I'gence in trying It ofcaofci. Hedt^'Weththat is tec bird for .... in.ia tpattaineto .jg eafoaofaHthe ficrttioingiof the g, eus3 «rhen beisvprightaod. joeth hi• duttitf. fWbenvice J rt- fron. a ί king, he is a meet •: volTell Tor the L ids vfe. g It i> nit enough ibAt he be pute hitife'fe , but thit be piitav\'aycibert' lukclt by.tbUineaat( Ainrewdwite k Which outwaid 1 ^liap.3 A V l*^^ V U^ 13 As the cold of the fnow ' in the time of htr- oeft, /ei/afaithfuil meffsnger to them mat fend bim J for he refrelheth thefoule ot his raaftets. 14 A roan that boifts-.h of ύΐΐώ liber aJi:ie, « like ^ clouds and wind wi-.hout raine. 1 J A Ptince is pacitie J by ftay ing of ' anger, and a foft tongue brejkcth the ■" bjnes. 16 //chou haue found bony . eat that is » fi:ffi' cienc lor thee, leaft thou be ouetfall, and vomit it ti 7 Withdrew thy foote from thy neighboms houfe, leait he be weary of thee, and hate t.iee. thing wiihia. - By «01 aiini- Itiingoccifi-^oto prouokebimfjrthi: Thitit.the. - ,- beiitibatiio'ut iS A man that beareth falle witneileagiin» ,ng=r ,ai Ctiap. hjj neighbour, Μ /i\e an hammer and a fwoid.aod a Ibarpe «rrow. , 19 Cjnh.k'nce in an vnfaithfull man in time of trouble, ;/ iikj a broken tooth & a fliJing foot. 10 Hie tliat tdketh away the garment in the cold feafjn. is lik^ vmega pea-red vpon » 3 Ditte,or (ikt him that lingctn I'on^s to an fieauy heart. 21 * If hee that hatetb thee be hungry , giae him bread to eat , and if bee be diii (tie . gwc bim water to drinke. 21 For thou lluU lay Ρ coales vpoq his bead, and the Lord Ihall recmpenfe tr.ee. , 23 ^s the Northwind dtiueth away the raiae, fodoeth an angry cdiintenance the Qaadering tongue. 24 ♦ It is better to dwell in a corner of tlw bouletop; then with a contentious woman in a wide houfe. 2 ^ ^t art the cold waters to a weary foule. fo Μ good newes t rom a fsrre countrey. 26 A righteous man falling downe before the Wicked.j; tike a troubled well and a cortupt ipring. 27 It is not good to eate much hony : * lo to fearch their owne glory ,ίί »et glory. 28 Amanthacrefrainethnot his appetite , «/ like a city which i$1 broken downe and without «rules. CHAP. XXVI. AS the fnow in the Summer . and as the rame in the HarutU 4» t not mttt , lb is honour vn- feecDclyforafoule. , , r ., 2 As the fpiirowby flying, audthelwallow by flying efcapcSo the ciufc that n caufdelVe, Ihal not come. - 3 \ nto the hotfj bthni^eth a wV.ip , to the afle a brildle. and a rod to the fjolcs bEck^ 4 Anfwerc not a foole » according to his foo- liihnefie.leall thou alfo be like him.' J Anfwere a foile ^ according to bis fooUa> nelTe, lealt he be wife in his owne t conceit. 6 He that fcndeth a radlags by the hand of a foole, J4 as hce thatcuttetb ofi"' the feet. D Vfe moderately the pleafuret of tfaii woiU.• ο Which welieil aod coafumcth i II Or. Kl:ime. *R:m, 11, iO. ρ Thou (h«lt. ai it wneoy foite.ouet. come him. in fo much tbit hit oAnecoolcieuce ihall mooutbitn to acknowledge thy beatfi;» , »ad hii , heart ihalbe in- flamed. *Ecc!us.i,ii. '■ q And Γο is in I cuieiBe dangt « ConfeBt not ve- to bimiabii do• iagi. b Reproouefaiio at :hs matter t-uuiie.h. i£.r.fjf.'. c T3 wi:, 01 the jutlfenger whom be (9,ti' «tfitai, », Rnowthy Bocke. Protierbos. The want cf the worn» g On»h«ftyiii prouok-th aDi ebti to anger. fa Theie is no dif. fevecce betweene Biaaaodmaa bf catuie ,but oDely the grace of God «naknh the diffe- rence. * Ecclui. »+. 9• ^ Chap. 17.3- ! J Thati.,heeisei. I therkoowentobe \ ambiciou», acdglo^ lioui , or humble I scd tnodelVi ίΛά a contentions wonan are alike.' j ' i6 He that hideth her , hideth the winde, and if he is as theoyle in his right hand that vtteteth it Ifelfe. 1 7 Yron fliarpeneth yron, fa doeth S man i|^at- I pen the fice of his friend. I 1 8 He that keepeth tlie ft.ge tree.flull eate the I fruit thereof: fo heethat vvaiteth vpon bis ma- j fter , iliallcome to honour. ! 19 As in water face ;b!i!hed for euer. ij The -rod and -conedtion giue wifedome, bttl m Shall baas il2 gi in abundaccc Chaf.is.ti * Chap, it, n,,^ Or.eteitKTt^ftdi, ifZ»kiiS,i3. i He thit giueih ο the flatte. s in daoger II the bird it be- Fore the fouler. J He is euer re»< iy to f/llictothi fuaretbat helaietb others. c Hecaitheari DO admooitioD ία whit fort foeuet Cfokeu, *Chitp.xi,»i If αιφ, ailiS* ML*i2 d white there «re not fiithfuU tniuiHertorthe word of God. e H; that it of a feiuileand lebel- Koui nature. G Or, rei^ti. Chap. f Heihatfejretk man mote then God , fallith into afaateandiide- ftroyed. oeedeth t thtiu let : lOC whacGod baib appoioted, that fh'all come to him. ■ Who was an excellent man in rettueaod know• ledge in the time cf Salomon. b AVhich weie Agurj fcholm ct friends, c Herein he de- clarrth his great bumilitie , who would not attri- bute any wifdome to himfelfe , but al vnto God. ά Meaning ,'to know the fecreti of God , at though be would fay. None. * Pfal. 19. S• =f Dent. 4, 1. and c He mibetfa tbU nequeft to God. I i/feaniog, that >h«y that put their trult in their ή- , forget God, and ihat by too much wealth men haue an occafion to the fame. g Inacculing him «vithouc c«uft. bnt a cbilde fet at libettie aihamed. 16 When the wicked are increafed .traofgref- fion increafsth: bat y righteous lliail kc thcit fjl!, 17 Correol thy tonne , and hee will glue thee reft, and willgiuepleafurestothy Ibiilc 1 8 ^ Where there is no vifion, the people de- cay : but he that keepeth the law « blelied. 19 A e feiuant will not be chaltifed \v words: though he vndeifiand , yet he will not U anfwere. 20 Seeft thou a man hafty in his matters ? there ii OJore hope of a foole , then of him. 21 He that delicately bringethvp his feruint from youth, at length he will be euen «< his fonne. 22 "■ And angry luan llirreth vp ftrife, and a fu- lious roan aboundeth in tranigreilion. 23 * The pride of a man fliall bring him low: but the humble in ipitit fliall enioy glory. 24 He that is partner with a thiefe , hateth his owne foule:he heareth curfing and declareih it not. 2 J The feare of man bringeth a Tnare: but he that trufteth in the Lord ihalbe exalted. 26 Many doe feeke the face of the ruler : but cuery mans % iudgeroent ctmmeth from the Lord. 27 A wicked man « abomination to the iiift, and he that is vpright in hit way , »< abomination to the wicked, Cu A P. XXX. a Tt humble our felms in confUerxtioH tfCtdt rvnkeu 5 ThewcrdcfGcd tiperfil. 11 Of the nuked «nahj- fcctiies. i; Ofihings thitt are niHtr fattatt. i3 Of «then thAt are wetiderfnS. THE WORDES OF^AGVRTHE SONNE OF lAKEH. Τ He prophecie which the man fpake vnto Ithi- el, eutn to t' Itbiel , and Veal. 2 Surely I am more « fcolilb then any man, and baue not the vnderftanding of a man in me. 3 For I haue not learned wifedome , nor at» tained to the knowledge of holy things. 4 Who hath afcended vp to Ί heauen, and def- cended ? Who hath gathered the wind in his fift ? Who hath bound the waters in a garment ? Who hath eSabliilied all the ends of the wotU .'What is his name , aad what is his fonnes name , if thou canft tell ? 5• ^ Euery word of God is pure : he is a iliield to thofe that truft in him. 6 '•' Put nothing vnto bis wordes , leaft bee te- prooue thee, and thou be found a jyar. 7 Two e things iiaue 1 required of thee : denie tne them not before I die. 8 Remooue fat re from mee vanitie and lyes; giue me not pouertie , nor riches ; feede roec with foode conuenient for me. 9 Leaft I be fuU.and denie f/;ef ,and fay:'" Who is the Lord! or leaft I be poore and fteale, and take the Name of my God in ν aim. 10 Accufe not a feruant vnto his roafter , leaft he curfe thee , g when thou haft cfTended, 1 1 There ii a genet ition that curfeth their fa- ther, and doeth not blelle their mother. • 1 2 There it a generation that are pure in their owne conceit , and yet are not wailied irom their fihhinefle. 13 There it a generation whofe eyes are hauty, and their eye lids are lifted vp. 14 There h a generation , whofe teeth tre at fwards , and their chav.es as kni:es to eate vp the faidid out of ihe earth, aod thepoorc ftoma- oongmen. maketh his mother | i? The botfeleach hath two ''daughters tr.huh'i-- Tteieicrhi.h ~! cry, Giue,giue. There be three things t ^at will not j Qe blood, aadia eo fo ate the c» uouirxiortie• 111 inlaiiabic Which h»ioc the v«!le| fuc i Shet balk ber deliiei, andaftet ο .me feiietba» ho ga llic .veir 10 h i. cit MomiB» Thefe commoilf• ly abufe ihelUie Dthqr ■ re called. in Which it nu- ied to her nullet fee 1 1 he death of hetmillieljir. Theycoutaior giraiHoariixWid wifcdomc. ο If man btooc ible 10 conpalSe hefccommoo ihiujibyhii wifi dome, we catuot be fatisfied :yea , foore that fa/noc . It is enough. Pabrlht;. .wo™ 16 The giaue.and the barren wombe, the eatth, daughter•, «ho th.at cannot be fitisfied with water , and the hre ^J ΐ,"'^"''"ί. ihatfaithnot ,Itis enough. 17 The eye that motketh his father & defpifeth the inftruilion of his mother , let the raucns ' of the valley picki it out , and the yong eagles eate it. 1 8 There be three things hid frona mee; yea, foiire that I know not: 1 9 Thi way of an eagle in the ayre, the way of a ferpent vpon a ftone , the way of a (Lippe in iha aids of thelea,Scthe way of a man v.'ith a raaiJe. 20 Such is the way alfo of an adulterous wo- man : fliee eateth and •■• wipeth her mouth ,and faith , I haue not commited iniquity. 2 1 For three things the earth is mooued: yea, for foure it cannot fufteine it feifc, 2 ζ For 1 a feruant when hee reigneth , and a foole when he is filled with meate. 23 Fot y hateful! woman, when fl'.e is raatied, & for a handmaid that is ""heiretoher rciftreffe. 24 Thefe be foure (mall things in the earth yet they are ° wife, and full of wifedome. 25 The pifmires a people not ftrong , yet pre- pare they their meate in fumroer: 26. The conies a people not mighty, yet make they their houfes in the rocke : 27 The gralboppet hath no king, yet goe they forth all by bands: 28 The fpider taketh hold» with htr hands, and is in kings palaces. 29 There be three things that order well thiir going : yea , foure are comely in going. 30 A lion which is ftrong among beaftcs, and turneth notatthe fight of any: 3 1 A lufty grayhound , and a goat, and a king againft whom there is no rifing vp. 31 If thou haft bene foolilh in lifting thy felfe vp , and if thou haft thought wickedly , l^y thine hand ρ vpon thy mouth. 33 When one chutneth inilke , hee bringeth fotth butter ; and he that wringcth his nofe , cau- feth blood to come out, bhe that fotceth wraib., bringeth forth ftrife. CHAP. XXXI. a He exhcvieih tochjflitit and lu/iiie, lo eHdJbineih the condttuni ef λ wife andwurth} ntmtn. I THE WORDS OF KING»LEMVEL: The ^ prophecie which his mother taught him. WHat my fonne ! and what the fonne of' my wombe ! and what , Ο fonne of my defites ! 3 Giue not thy ftrength vnto women . <* nor thy wayes trJiich it todeftroy kings. 4 It is not for kings , Ο Lemuel , it is not for kings to drinke wine , not for p:inces « ftrong drinke. y Leaft he diinke and forget the decree, and change the iuJgemeot of all the children of af- fliction. 6 Giue yee ftrong drinke vnro him that is ready to periili , and wine vnto them that haue griefe of heart. 7 Let him drirke. thathee may forget f his pouerty ,anJ remettber his milerienoroore. 8 Open diy mouth for the Ε dumbe in the ue.le« Which i. to execute iudgemenr. f for wine do^.h cemfortthe Eeaxt.uraU»•» Ii. ( Pefead their cautc that art uei «blc w htlpe themWuei Λ*ιΐ! cootinuf not doing ejiU. but folli. flay, [ That I ofSi- inon , whu wa* lied Lemuel, •tit, oCGcd ,h• lufe God had tiU rincd himiobe ki'ift'euii IfraiJ. b The d Jttrine which bitmothtt Bith-lbcba taught hint• By ihiaofienic» tiiiooof one tbiof.. ihc dcila• rrih hriinoibtilf ffeaion. d .Mrauiug.lhaC toruenaoeibe eftruftioo of mf.» . if they atn: them. That 1, , ibe ;iti|! mult not uehiirfrKeio ^'jnionnefif I an^ «leabiaultkr, Tlie vanitie of worldly things• caufe of all the children of defttuftiohi 9 Open thy tnoiith , iudge righteoufly , and iuJge thi afRided, and the poore. 10 ί Who Iball hnde a vertuons woman ? foi her price ts firre aboue the peailes. 1 1 The heart of her husband trufteth in her, and helhallhaue no needeof >> fpoylc. I ζ Shee will doe him good, and not euill all thedayesofherlife. 15 She feeketh vvooll and flixe, and laboureth cheirfcfiill)' whh her bands. 14 Shes is like the ihips of carchants : fi«s bringcth her foode from afarre. I ,- And Ilia arifcth, whiles it is yet night: and giueth II the portion to her houlholde , and the > ordinary to her maides. 16 Shs confideretb 1 6elde , and k getceth it: and with the froitc oi her hands Ihee pUnteth* vineyard. 17 She girdeth her loynes with ftrength . and ftfengthenech her armes. 18 She fecleth t.hathermirchandifeisgooJ; ber candle iinjt put out by night. 19 Shee putteth her hands to the wheels J and her hands handle the fpinuls. fHe (hillnot nrc.ie to vffany ta^tiat bisliuiog. g Or. mtmf.ti rf.ti.itx,i;. i She piqiareth tijfif msat berime, k Shepurchaftth it with the gaineJ of ter ti«uii!e. Eccliliaft'fi^ _^'GodbumbietL• man; 20 Shee ftretcteth outlier band to the poore, i ~ ' 8 Or , With dMKl ' IntheiDVm. and puttcth f jtth her hcnds to the needy 1 1 Shee feareth nat the fnow for her famili: for ail ber faraiii<; ii cloathed with II skatlet. 2Z Shem»k;ihhc;r felfe carpets: finelinnen and purple u her garment. 23 Her husband is knowen in the 1 gttes, when he litteth with the Elders of the land, 24 She raakcih || lh:etes,and felleth thetn.and giueih girdles vnio the muchant, 25• m Strength and honour tf her cloatliing, and in the latter day Ihe ibill reioyce 20 She opeoeth her mouth with wifdomc, and the« law uf grace is in her tongue. 27 Sheoucifceththe wayesof hcrhouihold, and eatetb no: the bread of idlencde- 28^ Her ciiildren rife vp, and ο call her blefled; her husband alfo IhiU prayfe htn.fayt-.g, 29 Many daughters haue done vertuoufly: but thou furmounteft them all. 30 Fauout « deceitful! , and beautie » vanitie: but a woman that feareth the Lord lliee IhiU be prayfed. 3 1 Giue Ρ her of the ftuite of her hands , and let her owne woikes prayfe her in the s gates. ECCLESIASTES , OR THE. Ρ RE A CHER. ( Silomoais bete la preacher, e thataB'tm• bleihihe people, beoaufe be tea• cheih the crut knowledge of Cod. and how men OHfhtto paire their lifcio thit tvanfi- ! tory world. .■fa He condemneth theopiniont of ill ; men that fet feli. '' citieinany thioj, ' but in God aloae, feeing that in tbi. ^ world alt thiogi are ai vanitie and nothing, c SilomoD doeth not condemae mills labour or di- ligence, but IheW- cthihit thrre i> no Tutl coatentati- on in anything vo- der the heauen, nor THE ARGVMENT. StAlcrmnnsAFrtdchertmdontthatdtfiTtd to mflrnii all in tbt tvay ef faludt'tan , dtfcribtth thA deciiiteAble vaniries efthu werli :that mAnfivjtdd not bt addiiied to any thing vnder the fuimr, bitti r»ther inflamed ivith the άφΐ of the hciiucnly life : thtrtfort he confuteth ihsir opiniyns , vnhuh fet their felicity either in knoivledge , or in pleasures, or in dignitie and riches, fhewing tuat r»ani true fell citie confifltthin that , that hee is vniteduith Otd , and fhali eniuy nu pre fence jo thj.t all other things mufl be raeoifd ,faue in afmuJi as they further vs to attaine to this beauenLy treafure , tphich is furt And permanent , and cannot befoHiii in any other ' CHAP. I. t AS ihinzi in tkii world art fiitl cf vsititit, ακά ofncne iniinMct.ti^U mxm wifedM.e ji kin foUte.iniiriefe. Η Ε wordes cf the » Preacher, the fonne of Dauid king in le. turalem. 2 b Vanitie of vanities, fayth the Preacher : vanitie of vani- ties, all « vanitie. 3 What remaineth vnro man in all his' trauaile.which he fuffreth vnder y funne? 4 One generaiion palleth , and «jior/itrgenera- lion fucceederh;but the earth retniineth fori^euer. 5• The funne rifeth, and the funne goeth downe, and draweth to his place where he rifeth. 6 The e winde goeth toward the South , and compafleth toward the North : the winde goeth roundabout , and returneth by his circuites; 7 * Alltheriuersgoeiniothefea, yettheiea is not full ; for the riuers goe vnto the place f whence they returne .and goe. 8 All things are full of labour : mancannot vtterit: the eyeisnotfatished with feeing, nor the care filled with hearing. »»* 9 g What is it that hath bin ? that that flulbe: and what is it chat bach bin done } .that which ihali bUesandpiace» oHudgemect. m Afierihaihs bad fpokenofihe apparell of the bo- dy, he nowdecl»- leth ihe appareU ' o''thefpiiit. η Her tongue it ai a bocke where» by one might icatne many goo4 : for fliede- lightethtntalke of the word of God. bat ii, doe bee reueieace. Ρ CoDf.lTeherdi. 'igeot labours, aud comrttecd her ftifore. Forafmuch at the rr.oit ho!]Ou« rable «re clad in appareU that atAit, I another ihingi arctranuiory. d One man dieth at*t day, which yet.» fubieft to < £;eweih ihic the greatelt labc fcf no felicity in ihi, warld. ' the earth, Hlieth the veiu^s thi «hefeaijaine. g Hee ipeaie irth remaineth longed , euen to tie laft orruptioB. eBythefunne, wind aid riuers , he uraud loogeft haihanend , and tUrefoie theie can ' Ecciitf. 40, II. f Tbe Tea which coiDp^lfeth all reof, the wbich powreout fptingi and riueri into b of times acdfeafon, , and things done ia tbetai wbicb w ibe; baue bMt in tim:! patt, ία cume-cbey to pallc ajaice. aue in God alone, be done:8c there «no new thing vnder the funne 10 Is there any thing , wticieof one rhay fay. Behold this , it is new ? it hath bio already in th< old time that was before vs. 1 1 There is no memory of ι he former, neithei fliall there be a remeaibrance of ti;e latter thai fiiali be , with them that Ihail come after. 12 f !> 1 the Preacher haue beenc king oucr If- rael in leruialem. 13 And I haue giuen mine heart to fearch and find out wifdome by all things that are done vn- der the heauen ; ( this fore trauell hath God giuen tothefonnesofmen, ' to humble thenuheicby.) 14 Ibaue confideredsll.the woikisthat aie done vnder the iunne , and behold, all»; Viniiie, and vexation of the fpirit I y That which is ^ crooked , can none make ftreigiit:6c that which faileth, cannot be nunibred, 16 I thought in mine heart , and fayd , B;Iiold, I am become great, and exceil in wildom all theii that hauebeene before roe in lerufalem; and mine heart hath feene much .vifvidorae and knowicg 1 17 Andlgiuemine heaitto know wilJome and knowledge , ' madnefie anJ foulilhneiTe j I knew alfo that this is a vexation of the fpirit. 18 For in the multitude r f wifedome ;'/ much nigriefe; and he that increafeth knowledge, in- creafethibiow. /can hee ni the faults ibat are committed .mucblelTe remedf ihem. Ip'bat is, vainetbinj/, which feruedvaio pleafuie , wbeiejn was no coui'iiodiie , but griefeaod troubl» ofcoofcience. m VViieiorae ajd Uajwledge cannot be CDinc by without gieac paioe of body a• d miude : for wheu aiiuo baibansined toib» highelt, yet nuDftc bCMCi fully «euitat : ibeiefele iu ibis norld is no true iclicity. fa He prooueth tbae if a..y could baue aitaiuedcofelici. tie in this woiU by labour audltuv hieAy Ihould haue ob• , lined it, becaufe j e had gifts and fdcsof God therevuto aboue all otiier. i Maa ofnatar• harbadefiieto kouw , aad yet it utable to come ) the ρβιϋ&ίομ uf tnowle.lge, hich ij the pu- able by all hudiligeoae fe iblog» to go oiherAilcthen y doe :r.eitherc ibeei w t«j ΛΜϋν ccn ms neirt r ""J kcthibiidirLourfe wuh bimfrlft . a• lh:u,;ti be would try v.'heihir there weie contiriiuti- sn luc^fe >dJ plejlurti. t-Ei " b Albeiclg my felfeiopli fmei , yeil thoughl to kwps wifedom aLd iht tVaie cf God in mine bean , and gouera minealfiiie» by the iainr. I Ebt.dtt. i £br- fnitiifti. t Mejuirg, ofthe fi (iiantt 01 .lljuei, Vvbich bee haJ bcujht : fo tbs cbiUreo borne in their ftiuiiud: , Wereihe maiters. d That ii, wrat- foejcr men take (ilufure in. e Whith were ifae molt beiutirii'Iuf tl^emibat uveie t.lieiHid w^ne , ai ludg.f, JO. Scoie vnJcrllaad by thefe words, no Vv'oaie:! . bj' in''ra nitiii» of mull Ue f Fotall.bii God did QUI lalic bit gift of wifedime liom inee. g This wai ihe••' fVoltufalliiiyli- boar, acertaioe pleifuie ro «i with care , wbith he c»l itih vanity in the r.extverl'e. b Ibeihcught Withmyfrlfe wheihrt itWere fcit:ertofoJloW wiiedoine or mine 0(Vte afteaioiisand pleifj.ei whKh he callerb inidr.H II Or, cem;mewuh the Xiiii- * Preti. 17. J4- i H-efcvefeeth thin^i wbich the foulet... o. f.r licke ufwiledcme. k forbtithdie and Jiefoi gotten Mvcrfe 16. orihey both like haue Iprof.reritiecr aluerlitie. 1 MeaoiDg, in thi» world. m He wondteth that men foigct a wile inao, being dead, air.otiea• tJMy doe a hole, CHAP. P-'fit/erfs , fuir.ftitoui bitiliingi it; — τΞ?χ•ϋϋ!. ^ime for all things, 38! . . ο *nd ριβφοΗί are , iiiiinnitie. 24 Tkevife anithe ftsU hauc l/olh tne enie teuihingihe btditj kcMb, ■J Said in mine heart , Gee to now. I uill prcoiie * » thee vviih ioy ; ihtrefote t;ke thou pleafute ia pleafant ihings: and behold . this alio is vanitie. ζ I faidof Linghter , Thou ait trad : and of iey, What is this (hat thou dotft ί 3 I fought in aine heart i- to giiie my felfe to wine, and to leadrj rcine heai t l•;. *= wi'.edoiEe , and to take hulJ offLlIy , till I trigin lee where is that gooiineti'e cfthe children ot men, which they t f nioy vn..er the Sunne, the whole number cf the dayes cf their Ufe. 4 1 haue aiade my great workes : I haue buHt mehuiifes; I haue planted tee vineyards. y 1 haue toade me gardens and t orchards.and planted in them trees ot all fiuit. 6 1 li.ue made ms ciilcines of water, to water thetevfith the woods that grow v.iih tiets. 7 I haue gotten feiuants and maides , and had children kofr.e in thechoufe : alio ί had grtiat Poikllion of b-jeues and Iheepe aboue ail that were before me in lerufikra. 8 I haue gathered vr.to mee alfo filucr and gold , Sid the chicfe tieafures of Kings and pio- uinces : 1 baue prouided me men firgets . and wo• men fingers, and thed delights oftne fonresof men, at a woman « taken captiue , and women ta- ken capciues. 9 A.id I was great, and ir.crecfed aboue all that were before me in letufalem : alio my wife- dome f remained with me. I ο And whaiibeuer mine eyes dtfited, I with, held it not froni them : ί withdrew not mne heart fiom any ioy : for aine heart reioyced in all my Iabour;and this was my g poiiio of all my traujilj. i I Then I locked on all my works chat mine hatidshad wrought, and on the trau;il^ that I had hboured to doe : and beheld, all « vanivisand vexation of the fpitit : andthcte»ino piohtvn- dcr the funne. J 2 f" Andltuinedtobehcld'' wifidome, and madnes, and folly i (for who isthemanibaty will come after the King in ih.ogs, which men now haue done } ) 13 Then -1 fiW that there is profit in wifdome, mare then ii-, Folly : as ttie light is moie excellent thendaikentd'e. 14 * Fui the wife mans ' eyes are \n his head, but the foole walkrth in daiktneUe: yet I know alfo that the €ime *: condition ialleth to thtm all. 1 y Then 1 thoug' t in mine eart. It btfalleth vnro me , as i: befalletb tt) the focle. Why there- fore doo 1 then labour to he more wife ί And ί faiJ in mine heart , that this alfo is ν initie. 1 6 Fo: there fliali be no remembrance ofthe wife , nor ofthe foJe ' for euer : fur that that now is, ID the dayes to comf , Ibali all be forgotten. And '" howdifth the wifr roan , asdocththcfoi'lc? 17 Therefore 1 hated life: for tbewoikethat is wroL'giit vnder the Sunne is gtieuous vnro me] for all w vanitie, and vixaticn cf the fpitit. 18 I hated alfo all my labour , wherein I hid traaailed vnder the Sanr.e , which 1 Hull leaue to the man that llialbe after me. 19 And who knoweth whether be-iliilbe wife orfoolilli» yet fhall he haue tuleouer ailmy la- tour, wherein 1 haue traiuiied , and wherein I iuue Uiuvvedfcy Γ«1ίΰ wife vcUet the foone. Ibis IS alfo vanitie. 20 Therefore I went about to make mine heart I " abhorre all the labour , wherein I had ttauailed ? '^'"' ' ""'«'" vnder the Sonne. "'"■'" ''' 21 For the.'e is a man whofc trjuajle is in wife- dome , and in knowledge, and in eq )i:ie : yet to a man that hatb not trauaikd herein , Iliall be " giue his pot lion : this alfo is vaiii.y , and a great gncfe 22 For what hath man ofallhistrauaile and g'ltfe of bis heart, wherein he hath ttauailed vnder the Sunne ? 23 For jII his dayes are forowes , andhistri- iiailegiiefe : his heait alfo takcthnoi ttllinthe nig: t : which alfo is vanitie. 24 There ts no pr. he to roan , but that he eat, andd.il ke, and ρ delight his foule with the pro- fit of his labour : Ifaw alio this, that it was 0; t.ic hand of God. 2 y Fur wh 0 could ear, and who could bafie te ^ outward things mote then 1 ) 26 Surely ro a man that is gcodin his C«i/giueth wifdome, and knowledgj, and ioyrbut to the Gnner hee giiiiih paine to gather , and to htipe to giu3 tobira that is good betoie God this alio is vanitie , and vexation ofthe fpitit. CHAP. III. huh the lu jlinS-jKiult^ •Tp Ο all things thtie is an « ap',X5inted titre , aod * atirbc tocuety purpofe vnder the heauen. 2 A time to be borne , and a time to die time to plant , and a time to plucke vpthat which is planted. 3 Atimetoftay, and a time to heale : a time tobreckedoane.anda time 10 build. 4 AiimetQwcepe.andatiireiolaugh.atime to ir.ournc, and a timetodaunce. y A tiire^to cjftavvay Hones , and a time gither lloms : aftmeto embrace, and a ti.ceto be farre fom embraciPg. 6 A lime to ((.-ike, and a time tolofe: a time to ket'pe, and a time tocaft away. 7 A lime to rent, and a time tofowe : a time to keep? fiiei'ce , and a time to fpejke. % A lime to loue, and a ticDC to hate; a time ci warre , and a lirce cf peace 9 Whar prcht hath hee that woiketh ofthe thing wi Λ 1 cin he traiiailktl ? I ο I haue (eene the trai:aile that God hatb giuen to Ric foi nes of men, b to humble them thereby II Hehathmadeeueiy tliirg bcauiifi li in his time, alfo hee hath fctihe eWorld in their heart, yet cannot nan find out the wo.k that God bath wroL'ght fioin the beginnirg euen to the end 1 2 I know that there is nothirg good in ibecf buttoreioyce.andtodoe (jood inhislife. 13 And alfo thateuety mancateih ard diirk- cth . andfeeth the ccn.moditie of ill hishbonr. Thisisthe'i f;ii1ofGod. 14 I know that wbaifoeuer GoJ ihall doe, it flialbefot « euet ;to it can no man adde , and from itcan none dfttjifidi ; for God bath done it, that trlyiljould fearc before him. "If what IS that that hath beenc? that is nowi and that that (hall be , hath row beene i for God irfqi.lreth that whicli is paft• 16 Af J mot eoiiet,! haue fecne vnder the Sarine thep'ice,ofiud2cment, wheie vpen wickedneile, and ihe place ot iufiice , where tfus iniquity. 17 1 thought in oiioc heart, Goti w ill iudge the ^etke ciiie wkith u Μ «od. Arioo| other guefittkai wa« titeictlt, to lueihatwbuli be had goneo by ttiauiilc . ta 110 paine tbeiee fote, aod 'Aharo >eknewoo'. Abe• her he weie a wiCl ii.oor afoolc. > When mia iiihillbbourtif, bee can get uo more laen foodc • DlrefielhiDg. yet bee coDfeireih alia It thttcoinnteth GoJibUniag ■a Cha[>• 3• 13» I Rffpealetfcor thii diucifiiie ot' for i«o cau- fiiftro dfcUt•' hic^totbii VJild perpetuaU: lextto teach vi icnu be giieued, f we b»ut ooiall bi-giatonceic- or.liog loourdi" diei .DfiihertDitjr ibem fo lougia b Reiile Clap. '3• c God hatb (tutll nun a dclire . aod rtca^uBtofrck• utile ihu gtof hit world, aod to labcui ihriein. i Kradc Cbaf. a• 14 a.:dihtlep!a• :ri i^ecUie ttiat λ e (hi utd<1c« ali- bi; g• with (obtie• y and in tber«aie- of God, foviftuuck be ^luetbnjt i gittiio ibcia- imi that they ihouldbeabuffd. e That ii mac (halii beabJeio letGo.'iwcrk», butai be baihc'e• in.ioed.ioiiCiail. r G.djue.'yaa- ' Teih iha' , whichif 1 >ait, leicMiu* 0£_manan4beaft. od , howfoeuet nstn Qcglca; his duetie. ill And made thsm puieiatbeir fitft jjicadon. a Man 11 notable by hi» leafonaad iuJgemeottopuC differfnce be- tweeneinanind btM, ai louchiog thofe thing• wtiete- vnto both are fub- ieft : for the eye cannot iuigeany othetAifeof a man being dead> thcT ofa bead , which is dead : yet by the word of Godaed faith weeafily know ihediuer- litie, u verfe >t• k Meaning, that leafon cannot comp ehend that which f«ith beleeueth hereii repetition of tbi» feoteuce , ai Chap. a. a^, acdChap.j. i» Chap.!, !>. bedeclateth that imp by reafoncan comprehi thiiiife , thentovfe thegifirof Godfoberlyandcomfoitably : for to know fur- ther , ii 2 fpeciall gift of God reuealed by bit Spirit. ^ , C Η A P. Π 1 1. a The iHttcceuts are opfrefei. 4 Mam Inbmrs are fall of abufeani'janitit. 9 Mam fccietie i> neceffarie. 13 /i jtstttg maiipoiireanimfe, ii te he f referred tt an eld King that is afoele. C Ο » I turned and confidered all the oppreiTioas that are wrought vnder thefunne , ai:d behold, the teares of the opprefled , and none cotnforteth them , and lee , the ftrength is of the hand of them that opprefl'e theto, and none comforteth them. 2 Wherefore I pray fed the ^ dead which now are dead , aboue the liuiog , which are yet aline. 3 And / count him <= better then them both, which hath not yet beene: for hee hath not feene the euill works which are wrought vndec the fun. 4 Alfo I beheld all trauaile , and all J perfedH- onofworkes, that this is the enuie ofa man a- !| giinft his neighbour : this alfo « vanitie and vex- j ation of fpirit. jiuft and the wicked .• for time is g there for euery putpofe and for euery worked 18 I confidered in mine heart the Rate of the children of men, that God hadb purged thetB; yet to fee too. the» 2.:z in thssrclusj (w beaHs. 19 For the condition of the children of men, and the condition of beaSs are euen μ one ' con- dition rnto them. As the one dieth.fo dieth the o- ther:fof they haue a! one breath.Sc there is no ex- cellencie of man aboue the beaft : for all «vanity, 20 All go to one place , and all was of the duft, and all (hall returne to the duft. 2 1 Who k fcnoweth whether the fpirit of man afcend vpward, and the fpirit of the beaft defcend downeward to the earth ? 2 ζ Therefore I fee that there is nothing better then that a man fliould 1 reioyce in his aS'aires, becaufe that is his portion. For who iliall bring him to fee what ihilbe after him. 1 By the often Chap. ;, i-j.g.ai Λ Henufiethhere ithet difcourfe with himfelfe con- terningthetytaa- nie of them that i opprefled the poote . b Becaufe they are no more fub- ieft to theft op- preflTioni. c Hit fpeaketh ac- cording to the judgement of the jielh , which canDol abidetofceleot fee trouble!. d The more per- ite that the wotke is, the more it i( eouied of the wicked. e Foridleneffehe is compelled to deftroy himfelfe. I ί I behelde ali the Huing, which waike vtider the Sunnek with the fecond chjlde, which ihaU ftand vp in his place. 16 There is none l end of all the people.nar of all that were before them , and they that come af- ter, ihall not reioyce in him : furely this is alio va- nitie and vexation of fpirit. 1 7 Take heed to thine '» foote when thou en- treft into the houfe of God , and be more neere to heare then to giue the factifice of " fooles : for they know not that they doe euill. Benot_faini!nrpeach k Which forlow and flatter the Kingi foune ,or him that Cball fuc- ceede , to enter ioa toctedite with them ia hope of i - / - - - ^- ".- " ",uu cu- P'f • J ^fo(V it^fr^ ^Ua u^,-.r^ ^cr^^^ it ' a hey ceuer cea(e by all mean• to creepe itjto fauour, but when they obteine not their for h.in. m That .s , with whataffea.oa thoii zcm^.el\ to heare the worde of God. η Meacng of the wicked . wh.ch thinke to pleaie God With ceiem^ aiei , end haue netthet faith nor repentance. tctcaj». CHAP. V. 1 Nit ti Speake lightly , thief y in Gtis matters, 9 The couetiits can neuer haue eneugh. 11 The labourers fleepe is fweete. 14 Manvhenhe diethjaketh nothing With him, i8 To hue toy full] , Mi With a contented mind, is the gift of C(ii: ϋ Ε nofrafli with thy mouth, nor let thine •*-'heart be haftie to vtterathing before God; for God is in the heauens , and thou art on the I Either in vowing rin praying: mea- ing.that we Uiouli fe all reueience to Gcdward. b Hee hearetb thee not for thy many d» fake, or often litiont.but cot fideieth thy faith feruenimiDde, * Oeut. ij, ai. He fpeaketjh.of wlficfa are earth; therefore let thy words be t> few, 2 For as a drearae commeth by the multitude i of bufinefle ; fo the voyce of a foole is in the mul- I titiide of words. i 3 * When thou haft vowed a vow to God, de- j fer not ro pay it i for he delighteth not in fooles j pay therefore that thou haft ' vowed. 4 It is better that thou fhouldeft not voWa !^PP''oou=. "cheskteferued to the l^h.^tcomme^h'by owners thereof for their euill. jbis great feeding. 13 And thefe riches periih by euill trauell,and p when coueiom he begetteth a fonne, and in his ' hand is nothing. 'X,°,''whic'h'turne 14 =<■ As he came foorth of his mothers belly, he fhall returne naked to goe.as he came , and iliall 13 Better is a poore and wife childe, then an j beare away nothing of his labour , which he hath old and foolifli K'ng ■ which will no more be ad- ί caufed to paiTe by his hand. moniihed. 14 For out of the ^ prifon he commeth footth torcigne: when as he that is ' borne in his king- doaae, is njade poote, ' ' | I y And this alfo is an euill'rickneffe,t^«i in all points as he came ,fo fliall he goe, and what profit hath he that he hath traueiled for the ™ winde ? \6 Alfo all his dayes be eateth in » datkneffd gtiefe of miide", witii to their dclttuftion. J.'He doeth notenioy bis father! riches. '^Ieb.i,ii.nifd.7,S j.tim.6,y. m Meaoing, in vaine, and without proiir. on «ad How tiches are miierable. pHewillukiBo grra; tho.tght for tut p.ine» tb"'»* ba'b iuluied m »H2 IheWithtbat itistbepUgueof eo!l whtn the litb manhithoota liberall heaittovfe fail ticbei. h It he »o neuer baut yaough. c Ai we fea ofien- timet ibat theco. Ue'OUJ miD cii.bei' falletb ipio Climes Jhit defe.uedtatb, or is mJitbcieJ or drowned or hao. etbbiiuielleor ucbiike, and fo lacktth tbe honor cf buiuU , whii-hil tbcliltofftcccf buiDinicie. d Meaning, the vn- timely fmit whofe lite did neither p.oficor hutiaoy. e His ddireaod iffiftioo. f That knoweih to vie hi» goods well in the iudge•: lueat o' men• 2 To he content witP tb't which Go3 hath giucB. is bettei then to fol- io ν the deliresthat n^uer caa be falif- fir hMeining. God Wh . Λ•ι!1 imke him to I. ele that iic iitooitatl» «. There i$ no ftatt quietorlle to tfau * Soi 14.,!. >/•-/• •44•4- * trtu Ji,I. b Hi fp-ok-th thus a ter it* iudge- me^tofibt firfli, v\hi h tbinkeih dra;h to be lbs end of ail ruili.orclfe, Ibe-aufethatth'S. coip nail da h 11 the efitiing iuto tifeucrlafting- c Wbrre we may fretheh.nH.jf God sni lear e to cUiDiucour iiuu• wiWiDUch g icfe , and in his fdrow and anger. 17 Beiiulii then , wnat I haue fi<;ne good, tliat it is comely to ° eate , and to drinkc , atid to rake pleal'ure in all his iabour, wherein he ir-tCailah vndet the funne.the whele number of thedajes of his life, which Godgiueih him : for this is his p.;ttion. Alio to euery tuan to whom God hath :i. Hen ri^cs and tre^luies .and giuEtb him pjwer to eate thereoE, and to take his pjrt , and to enioy his labour : thisisthe gif> ufGod. 19 Surely hce will not much remember the dayfs of his ρ life^ becaufs God antwctetli to ilie ioy of his heart. CHAP? VI. The mifemtle eflair tj h,m towh.m Ccd haih iiii*» ri• J, e«J not iht imce »« x/V them. T" Here is an euill , which 1 (aw vnder the fiinne, ^ and it is much amoK men : A man townom God hath giuen riches and treafares and honour, and hee wantcth nothing tor his fouleofallthat hedefireth : butaGodgi- licth tiir not power to eate thereof .but a Hrange roan (hall eat it vp : this is vanitie , and this is an euill fickcncH'e. 3 Ifa roan beget an hundreth childun and Hue many yeeres .andt edayesof his yeeres be rouhiplyed : and his fouls be. not b fatished wiih good things , and he be nut <^ buiied , i fay that an vntimely fruit is better then he. 4 For d he corameth into vanitie , and goeth into darkenefle : and his name iliill be couercd with daikeneffe. y Alio he hath not feen the funne, nor knowen it : there fate this hath more reft then the otner. 6 Andifhehaaliued a thcufand yeetes twife tolde , and had fecne no good , iliall not all go to one place ? 7 All the labour ofmanw for his mouth j yet the e iotile is not filled. 8 For what hath the wif- man more then the foole ? what hath the poore that <" knowcth how to walke before «iicliuirg ? 9 £ΐ\ύί fight of the eye is better then to walke in the iufts : this ilfa is woitie , and vtxation of fpiiit. 10 What is that that hath bene » the name thereof is now named ; and i. is knowen that it is can: and he cannot ftriue with hitu that is^ fitotl•• gerthenhec. CHAP, VII. DiK/Ti precepts tcftlic-w tkafmhuh tsgtci , «»i tt autid SVrely there be many things that increafe vani- tie , andvihix. ai:ailetl} it a man ? For who knoweth what is ^ good for man in the life.iirW iwtt'.enuctiberofthc davesifthe life of his vanitie , fe^irg hee roakeththt;raasa *■ ftadow » for who can flu w vnto man what iliall be after him wder thi funne ? .3 * A good name « bet> tr then a good oynt- ment.and the day of ''death, then t.e day that one is borne. 4 it is better to gee tothehouf-of' mour- ni"g , then to go-• to the houfs uf f.alung. becaufe this is the enu of all men ; and the liuiug fliall lay it to his heart. V Anger is better then laughter : for by a fad looke tlie heart is made better. 6 The heart of the wife is in the hoiifecf n)omning:bw the heart oi fvolts w io the buufc iSap.VL Vll. No mai ι ofmirtb. 7 better it is to heare the rebuke of a wife man, then t^t a man (hould hi;arc the long of looks 8 Tor like the noilc of thed ttiotncs vrnJer the por . fo u the laiighter of the foole : tliis alio ύ vanitie. 9 Surely opprefsion roaketh a wife tnao e mad ami the reward deftroieih the heart. 10 The fend of a thing is hettert' en tfe be- ginning thereof. ΛΛίί the patiem in fpirit i» bet- ter then the proud in fpiiir. 11 Be not thouofanhafty fpirittobcangry forangtir itftethin the bofome of .oolcs. 11 Siy not thou , Why is it that the fotmet daies Wdre better then theie ι for thou doeft cru^iie ε wifdy of tlisthing. 13 Wifedomc is good with an ^ inheritance, and t xcellent to thcra that fee the funne 14 For mun fidli refl in the Ihadow of wife- dome , and in theliiadowoffiluer : buithetxcel- lencie of the knowlaige ofwifedomegiueiblife to the pjiieffots thereof ij Beholde the woike of God •, for who can ttak•: * Uraight that which he haib made crooked i 16 In the day ofwealth beofguoJcgmfort arid in the day cf .dfitdion * conlidet : God alio hatn. made this coiittaty to that , to the intent that man fl-.ould Hnd k nothing after lim. 17 Ihiue feene all ti.ingsinthedaiesofiry vanity ; tlere isainit man that petilheth in his ' iuftice , & there is a wicked man that continneth long in his malice. 18 Be not thouiuft^ouermuch, neither make thy fcJfe ouetwife : whereiote llwuldeli thou tc defc'late ? 19 Be not thou wicked » ooerroiich . neither 8"• be thou foolilh : wherefoie flioulJeft thoupetiih not inihy lime? 20 It is good that thoulay hold on 0 this : but yet withdraw not thine handfrempthat : for he that feareth God fliall come forth of them all zi Wifedotne Ω'.-ΙΙ ftrengthen the wile men iroTC then ten eighty princes that are in the city 21 * Surely thete is no maniuftin cheeaith that doerh good and liiineth not. 23 Gii^e not thine 1 heart alfo to all the words that men fpeake. liaft thou doe hearc thy ieruant curfingthce. 24 For oftentimes alfo thine heart Knoweth that thou likewife ha(\ jl curled others. 2 J All this haiiel prooued by wii'edorae : I thought , I will be %vife, but it went fitre fiora tnc. 26 It is farreofl , what may • it be ? and it is a prcfound deepcntfle, who car. fird it > '27 1 haiie coa.piiled alxjut , t/orb I and trine heart to know and toentjoite and to fcatch wif- donie , and rcafon , and to know the wicketineCe of folly, and the fooliibncfle of roadnelle. 28 And 1 find more bi:ter then dcaiKthe wo- man whofe heart is at nets and f-arcs , end her hands as tan^ls .-"he that is good before GoJ , iliall be dcliueteu from her , but the fmiiet flialbe t " by her. , . , 29 Behold . faith the Preacher . this hsue I found . fc< Ιφζ one by one to ' fni I the count : 30 And fct my foule fceketh , but I iinde it not. I haiiC found one man ot a thouftiid : but woman among them all bauc 1 not found. 3 ! 0<-.ely loe , this haue 1 found , that God hath made m.!n tighweuii but ibi* bauc fought many ' iiiuQPtioi». CHAT kM^p dw-bi(ktra<)ilc Wti,e.;.d rrofi: nothing, ^ mao ih4i II eened wi't, l^n hrlailr.h opi'iefsicn be- '>n.cth iikc a bellt. f He oieih ihric fttDcQe wbiib s.eipute a ■hinj •dfu.M.ulyl r - (•■ af iDe g y.uim feni agaii.l. Ο d ^^ he fcndeth aiuei* for inaot fiDI. aofweinh to themihatelii iMfedotr cept li. bei be iuj• Dtd ihertwiih, Clr'Aiog iba both are iiiegil':iof iod . botibaid omr ii fane ci< tiel eni,a>.i irjj e (^iιlout iicbtt, C'lifilei wktrc• ireG ditueil ..h.i.ginbi. VlOlkM. I Mraciog, that lU'll yiaciiput he god y ic dc'th an.H let tie Wukcj fife. uift rot too uch cftbii eo'Al IticranJ wif». dnc». Tary not lon^ when tfauu attid- (bed I J of . kentJe. ο Kit , thtfi •crbe'oie. C nfilrrwhat 'tfjlitiur. ant dc- irufion CmII ome , ifibou dM 101 obtyihem. *i lC.i.r.S.j«. ,. ft:rtH.«,}$. UiH 10,9. I C edi t tb»ll» 1 .[. reiil-ercirt Hbem. ; ur.jftk'M-mU, f„l,.r,. Meaoii>f. WUf fTbJti». locoa 4'ίθΐ:(1υίβΒ< I And Toaif caaft rn»»u;de• ItiuttKC. Obedienci to the Princes• Ecclei lafte ;? The ftace of go<|)dand bad^ c HA P. viir. a 7"» obey Tiincet and M^'iSratei. χη Tht toerkti of \%J Ho is as ihe wifernin ? and who kaoweth the interpretation of a thing ? the wifcdome of a Q'an doth make his Face « to fliine : and ^ the g=,"^i'^').iot"' ftfeDgtboflus/acelhaibe'chan'ged •ndprofpeiiiii. b VVhereaibi- forf tc ΛΊ» proud aad arrugiot , bee Ihallbecuniehum• h\'.i:\a Rvcke. β Th^t it , that thoi ebty the king aad feie^the ojibthar thou faitt made fo{ theriaiecaufe. d Withdraw not thy I'eife light.'y fioratheotredi- *nc'eofthypiiQ-e. e That is, «Jsio time is to obey, and how farre hi ihould obey. f M*nofhimfeIfe >iiDiret'ib!e, and tbjrrefore ought ιοιίοβ Qothicg to iacreafe the fame, but to woike all things by wifdom anttcouDftl). { Maa hath ao lOWeito faue their wotk« are 'in the hend of God : and a knoweth either loue of a hatred of all thatU Ϊ>ο1λ Meaning, what fo:ethem. things he ought to cbufc er refufe : or man knoweth net by thefe outward thiogi , that it, by prcfperitie or ad- . , r ■ , c- . , verfitie . whom Goi not : as is the good, lo ts the Cnner, he that fwea-! doeth fauour η reth , ashethatfeatethanoith, |h»te,forhefea- 2 All things come alike to all .• and the fame condition it to the iutt and to the svicked , to the good and lo the pure, and to the polluted , and to hitn that facrificetb , and to hicn that factificetb 3 This is euill anaong alltlM|is doi>e vnder' f„",te w?ck"dT," the fanne , that there is one b condition to all. and to the godly, alio the heatt of the fonnes of men is full of euill,; '' }''■ cuiwitj 2 / aduerttft thee to take heede to the ° mouth of the king , and to the word of the oath of God- 3_ dHait not togcefoorAofhisiight : ftend not in an euill thing : for be will doe wbatfoeucr pleafeth bica. 4 Where the worde of the King is .*''•«''« i'J. „. , u ■ . ' Τ'Γ ", ""';■ ."ithii^ ί,,,νι,-. What doeftT!?,iXt^^" '"'''''' u'T after that , they got to the dead. neffeand health, 4 Surely whofoeuer is ioyned to all the Huingi '>>"■« '■> no Λ^• there is hops ; for it is better to a <= liuios dog.theti ' *",? ''"7"* '^e 'o^^eadlfon. " ^ 1 ffi"ti^the 5• For the liuing knowe that they fliall die J ^i^tna u that but the dead know nothing at all : neither baud '''* g"'"'' *'* '""""i they anjr mgre a reward : for their remembreoce βο^Λ^,'όίιΙί IS forgotten. j affi fiance.• 6 Alio their loueand their hatred, and theit! _ '^^ ''°««*"''e power, and who Iball fay vn:o him thou ? J He that keepeth thecomrasndetBent, fhall know none euill thing , and the heart of the wife lliallknow the* time, and ii^gement. 6 For to eueiy purpofe there is a time and iudgement , bccaufe the f mifetie of man is great vpon hinj. .Jfc_ 7 For he kaoweth not that whicOialbe: fot who can tell him whea it ihall be > enuie is now perilled , and they _ haue no mot^ lln'^'^ ,^ whuh' 8 Man isDot Lord gouerthefpiiittoretaine i . ^ - ■ „ . • , , , - ,..-... diefpjrit: neither hath hee power in the day of Ρ'^^ιοη for cuer. 111 aU that isdoae vnder the ra.de their beiiy death, nordeliueranceintbebatcell. neither £l.alJp"""'• , ^ .... , ^ . ^ J ή^Γ^Ι^ν^ο''!- ■ - • ! .7 Go. eat thy bread with loy, and drinkethyj[^i/,if,"'V^"^'' I wine with a cherefull heatt : for God now d ac- rather to be aa aaJ I Cepteih thy WOI fees. J jea and vilejer. wicXednefle deliuer the poflcflbrs thereof. 9 All thii haue I feene , and haue giaen tnine Heart to euery worke which is wroaght voder «.waeiife.aiidthete] thefunne, (tttd I fatp a time tbSt ojaQ ruleth ouer fore muit not lalh- man to his owne h hurt. j^ lycaiihtmieife j ,^ ^^^ likewife I faw thewicked burtsd. and - At all times let thy garments be e white, add' l?°^\ ™ω 'if iu- let not oyle be lacking vpon thine head. j t'bodtie , and fo 'tt 9 t * Reioyce with the wife whom thou haft! Ί'>. which ii »mti to tytaotsi wicked rulert. j That it, othert • wicied at they n.tfn";thoft ! •aeyreturned.andtheythatcamefrom the holy ';."^^^«J^?l^°f'!^^''ft'^f;hy vanity wh.^^ .J^place . were yet forgotten in the city . where ^'"'J^'-^ g"!en thee yr.der the funne all the dayes,; j xhe, (ia,«r Mey had done right ν this alio is vanitie. f "Τ•'' 1"'"^ ■ ^?' '^? «.'^y ρο««οη m the life.! jhemieiue, to be »w.,c.ea.,tDey. | ' n Becaufe fenteuce again» an euill workeis Ϊ ^^'^,'" Ajtraqaile wberan thoulaboureflTOdet - «^^'^^rh.'^ ,k They that feared not I executed fpeedily, therefore the heart of the j "''™• ^• , :. ^ „c 1 j , «n thing, in aba», «ed him a^nri '■''■ ! «'^"''^^η of men IS fully fet in them to doe euill. ! . '?. ^ ' that thine hand ll^all finds to doe . doe dace•. S ht'h "ppottd i^ Though a (Inner Soe etiill an hundreth "«'f «^^ thy power: for there is neither worke »ae yce.be tne^^^^ ' I Where iU^ic.^'l times . and cf.^ proloneeth his dayer . vet I know ! Τ ^""«""<^P • "or knowledge . nor wifedome m , ZCC^:.^: * the graue whither thou goeu. ithe wicbed beiiy. 1 1 I returned , and ί faw vnder the funne that If'"'•• the race isnotto thefwift. not the battell to the J•^;?*''• "i*"''*« U delayed, there Hfioe rei jneili. times , and Ocd prolongeth his dayer , yet I know ! that it ihall be well with them that feare the { Lord, and doe reuerence before him, 13 But it ihall not be well to the wicked, nei- 1 «her ihall he prolengefci.dayes; hefiaUhksa \ «fo^g. not yet bread to the wife, nor alfo riches i^c*»,.,, .s ι rL• ^ 1 I *i-iy- .' ...■'„. ί fn mpn nf trnritanftino _ npirht^r upf raiimir rr» (f Thus the υση j ihadow, becaule he feareth not before God. j 14 There is a vanitie , which is done vpon the 1 tf A 111.H» 15 α vaimic , wjiiv.in> nunc νμυυ iiic :| , , ,,' j«arth. that there be righteous men to whom it | n^eth tothemall j to men of vnderftanding . neither yet fauour to jf Thus the world- men of knowledge j but' time and f chance com- :V''K''!*y 5 " «hat all things D. wu.u= ... • *^0'°t°eth according to y "i woik? > of the wickedj jpunuhedatthonjw! 3ndibere be wicked men to whom it commeth ί «heywetewitked, j accotding to.the woike of th^iutt; 1 thought al- \ "» Cwp• 7, 16. j fo that this is vanitie. • j ; l< And I prayfed toy , for-there is no good- j β Read Chip, j.ixi nefle to man vnder the fnnife.faue " to eate and to j ' drinke and to reioyce ; forthis isadioined tobis labour the dayes of bis life that God hath gjuen j bim vnder the ffinne. 16 When I applied mine heart to know wife- i dome, and to behold the boGneU'e that is done on earth , that neither day nor night the eyes of man take fleepe. 17 Then I bthelil the whole worke of God, •that man ciiinot finde out the worke that is Vronghr vnder the fcnne; for the which man la- boureth to feeke it , and cannot finde it ; yea, and ihcughxhe wife man thiuke to know it, be cannot finde it. CHAP. IX. ζ S} Ko culiDxrd thmi canmx!tk>to-n>v>htm Gcdltueth erhettih. it Ho mA» kinroith hii ende. leWfMcnn r:tngth. iHaiiefarely giuen mine heart to all this . and to deioi^e alibis , tlut the ίί4 «id the wifd • »od For neither doth man know bis g time, tut pad atn ibute that as the fifhes which are taken» an euill net, and ί'*'^'=*".^•?'^/°''- ι . . , , 1 •• L r r tune, which IS done as the birds that ate caught »i the fnare; lo are jb, the prouidence the children of men fnared in the euill time, when Icf God. it falleth vpon them fuddenly. k τ''»' ;* , \iox\>. 13 I haue alfo feene this wifedome vnder the £ί^0™. ' funne, and it is great vnto mee. i 14 A little citie and few men in it, and a great i King came againft it, and compaffed it about, and buildedforts.againftit. I y And there was found therein a poore and wife roan , and hee deliaered the citie by his wife- dome, but none remembted this poore roan. 16 Then fayd I.Bcttet is wHJome th<:n ftrength; yet the wifedome of the pore is defpiftd, and his words are not heard. 17 The words of the wife ars more heard in quietneflb, then thccty of him that ruleth among fooles. 1 8 Better is w ifedome then weapons of warre: but one fionet dcftroyeth much good. C Η A F. X. I Tht ijferenee tffi>e!ifi»tc[le wife man it at his -isht hand; X nc louic im^ioiLaii. 4Λ ■■ • Sa that he doth all tbings wclUod iaitir, «vfatfe ai thd but the heartof a foolc itat 'nisleft hind.' foele diKth the ' b By tis doiogi lie beuv'riyeth bimfelfe. c ir thj foperioat be angry with ihee, be thou dif- creete , and aot tnooued. d Meaning , that it is ineuillthiog wh^lihey thai'are in authority, faile and dae net their duety. e They that are rich in wiCedoine >nJ venue. Pfal. 7, li. /re», ae. a?. tcflHS, i7, '$• f Without Wife- do.re whaifoeuet > ma:i t^keth ill hand ^ turriethto bit owaehutti ■ 3 Arid alfo when the foole goetli by the way, ! his heart faileth , and i.e ^ telleth vnto all ch ^ he is a foele. 4 If thecfpiritofhim thar-Tjleth, rifevpa- gainl» thee, leauenot thy place i far gentlents pa- cifieth great finnes. y There is au euill that I haue feene vnder the funne , as an •* errour that proςeedeιh from the face (jifhitn that ruletb. 6 Folly is fst in grcitexceliency.and the ' rich fet in the iuw place, 7 Ihauefeeneferiftntsonhorfes, and priiices walking as feiinnts on the groand. 8 * Hethatdiggethapit.lliallfallintoit,&he that brcaketh the hedge .aferpent (hallbita'niin. 9 Hee that reroooueth ftones , ilull hurt hira- fv-lte thereby ,d/;i/ he that cutteth wood, flidbein, danger thereby. 10 Ifxlne yron be blant , 8c one hath not whet the edge, he rouft then put to more 'ftrength: bat the excellency to dited a thing ii wifcdome. 1 1 If the firpent bite, when he is not charmed; oo bettet is a babler, 12 The v?ords of the mouth ofa wife man haue »race j but the lips of a foole deuoure himfelfe. 13 The beginning ofthe words of his mouth ir fooliftioeffe , and the latter end of his tuouth « wicked madneffe. 14 For the foole multiplieth wordes , f^yhg. Manknoweth not whatilulbei and who can tell bim what flialbs after him > g the igBorteci i. ly The labour of the fooliih doth Weary him; and ^'«i''''"' "'.'''"Tfor he knoweth not to go into the ΐ citie. i iSiykoow no, coi^J i6 Woe to thee, Ο land . when thy king h a ' inoD thing», and yeti •> chucj.and thy princcs ' eat in the morning. will tbey difcuffe j y Bleflcd art thou.O hnd. when thy King is [jjjj;, the fonne '^ of nobles , and thy ptinces cat in time, for ftrength and not for drnnkennes. 1 8 By fiouthfulnes the roofe of the honfe go- eth to decay , and by the idlenes ofthe hands the houfe dropcth thorow. 1 ρ They prepare bread for laughter, and wine comforteth the liuing , but filuer anfwereth to alf. io Cutfe not the king , no not in thy thought, neither curfe the rich in thy bed chamber; for the ' foule ofthe beauen iliall cary the voice , and that which bath wings , ihall declare the matter. CHAP. xr. 5 Tt bt liitratl Itthe fotre. 4 Net tc dtukt cf Gtd< prt- nidofcf. 8 A!t weMlj fnffcrhtc n but 'janiiie. 9 Cei Villu,df«.^inthem all he rcioyci ,yet he ihall remember the dayesof|^ HerdtriHeth 8 daikenelftr.becaufe they ate many , all that com- ''"'" '''■" ''' '''"' ireth u vanitie. 9 >> Reioyce, Ο yong man , in thy youth , and let thine hearr chetre thee in the dayes of thy youth ; and walkein the wayes of thine beart.and ill the fight of thine eyes: but know that for all thefediings, Godwin bring theeto iudgement. 10 Tlierefore take away ' giiefe out of thine heart, and caufe euill'' to depart from thy flelh: for ctiilJhood and youth λη vanitie. CHAP. xir. 1 TothinktevGodiH jomh , and ntt f ieftrte tit ati. 7 Thefcule ntitrnch to GtU. 11 V'lftdtme ii tht {i/> of God, /tiii ccKj'in'eth in feerir^ htm *tid k.ttftt:l his ' commaiidrrjtents. TJ Emtraber now thy Creator in the dayesof ι /^ thy youth, wliles the euill dates come not, noijhe yeeres approjch , wherein tbou ilwlt fay, 1 haue no pleafuteio them: 2 Whiles the funne is not datke.nor the light, nor the moona , nor the ilatres, nor the » cloudes rewtne after \ke raine. 3 When the t keepers ofthe houfe fiiall trem- ble , and the <^ ftrong men fliall bow theo-.felues, i and the << grinders lb;ll ceafe , becaofe theyjre ; few , and tbey waxe dai ke that « kicke out by the ' windowes: { 4 And the fdoores fliall be fl'-ut, without by I «he bafe found ofthe g grinding , and he fliali rife I vpat the toyce of the i" bird : and all the ' daugh j ters of finging flialbe abafed : f A Ifo they ihall be afraid of the '^ hie thing, g When the i we• and k»zf>^«lbe in the ι way. and the almond ttie||h^';i^i«|;;«»|i^|'; I n-iill '" fiowiilT , and the " grailwpper iliall beal.tilw.nymore. burden , and conci'pifcencc (halibe driuen away : | h Heftaiinctb. j furmangoithto the houfe of his age. a°dtbc •b|<|^'^';f;jj^•^;^, i mourners goe about io the ftreete. Ippn , et'ibeeatf• 6 Whiles the ° liliiet coard is not lengthen ed, I (h.ii be deafr --' ncr the golden ρ ewer broken , norihe -Jpitcherl':"'»^''•"' I broken at the ' well , nor the 'wheeie broken at k"tcdirri 1 the' cifterne. " I 7 Anddiftreturnetotheearthisitwas, and the » fpitit returne to God that gaue it. 8 Vanity of vanities , laitb the Preacher , all u I 'And the more wife the Pre.-cVer was. the t'"'^™,^^,.,,,,^ more he tiirght the people knowledge , sndcao-|bi,af ibn-poe ..a fed them to heare . and iearchcd forth , and prepa- h b^-j'gh ib.y tvrre red many paraU, s. Γη'τΉπ' bead thrfl 10 The Preacher fooglit to find out plealantjb,,, ,^ι,,,,,,,^, words, and an vpright writing , ti.tn the words oflt.ioOom'«ofa. trueth. • .r .-L J ,^ Tkeyftl.l'lbe I I The words cf the wife are like goads , anJ Ui, „ beareee- like nailcs ^ faUfired by the tcafters ot the aUcnl- .hiug. bliessa'/-^ar?|iuenbycneTr.ftour. Ι^,^Ι^'^,ν.;^ 1 2 And of other things bcfide thcie . ray lonne.if,^,^^,^,^ ,^^ take thou heede •. for there is none end in «Eaking ,be^firr>Ae• 1 B'for» >hn• come to acooiia•* allia(erie:tet w hen ihe cloud e» rrnuinraliei the raiie, mamgneft i• ...oeafea. b Tbe bande», which hicpe '^» boHy c Tbelegl. Λ The teeth, c The eye•, f ThelipLor iheate bebie hrcaufe ef their weaki-elT', c. ib«1 βrnrfd..l^ne. a» Ihoufbtbeywe.t afraid, leaft a• » tbingOiould hit tbatccueieib the brJine , wbc I Me. nine , ibrliuer. f Wh ichthebe.ddrawe.bihepcw like jol !e. 1. t Tbi Tbe f,...l. ρ Tee liiilefh» q Tbaii* ι tbev^in I , ibebea•! . ' ν ixomioently gc wiaarfllfe4bTibe>nioift..s,whointec«Ueib»:.f-'.• Τ Tbatu,biGo4. The Churcties beautie. ζ Thcfe tbin^i hendei mbonki cr learned by Itu- djr, but God inuil JDlliuit thine heart that ihou inayelt oiiely know that wifdonut the true ffliciiy.ind the wa] ibeievntoii to ftirs Gsd, a Tliit ii^okcB ia the petToaofthe Church, oroftbe faitbfuil foule lofla totd with the defire ofChiill.whotalhe loueib. b The feeling of thy gie^tbeoefitt, c They that are pure in heart aad coDverfation. d The'fjiihfull ton- fefle that they cSaot some to Cbrift , ex- cept they be draws, t Meaning, the fe• iretioy that i» not knowe tn the woili f The ChufcbcoD- fcfleth her fpots tod finne , but hath confidence iu the £iueur of Chiift-, g-Kedarwailih- eoaelsfauae, oi whom came the Arabians that dwelt in if ntj. ii Which A'ithin were all let with preciout (ioaei and levels. i Coofidernotthe Church by the out- ward appear Salomons Baany '^ hookei , ant^ach readin• is a wearitiefle of the fleih. 13 Let vs heare the end of all : feare God and keepehiscommandeiiiencs: for this is the whole V-& AN * EXCEL WHICH WAS 4:iet/ of iran. 14 Foe God will briag euery wotke ν to iudgement . with euerv. fccret thirg, wbethei it be good 01 euill. LENT SONG SALOMONS• THE ARGVMENT. ■fEir.Mfingtf caufe $t IS :he ihie* fejl,t,h,fe 00s. made , «] n mtniii nei, I. Kini. f-ga, C Η A P. r. X The {λυπιΗλψ talkf ^ndmyjlicnll etnnnunitstitnef tht SpiritHall hue hemeene Itfui Clirift and his Church. S TheimeilicAll eurmits that^perfecnte the Chnrch. ^^^Ll i?P\A ^.-^ ^' * ''i"^ f^'S^ OK with the ^^^^^^B^ J^'^" of '"''s mouth: for thy I λ? thu StHg , Sdomon by ιηοβ ftrute and ce mfc rcable ailegeues arid pirtblti defcribtth the ptrfite lotte of leftts Chrifi, the true Salomon and [Qng of peace, and I he faith full fenie »r hit Church , trhich ht hat hfundtfitd and appoint td to behisfpoufe ,"oly . chafle.andtpithoHs reprthtnfion. oethachereis declared the jlngular btte of the bridtgrome toward the bride , and hit great and txceUtitt benefitet tfheritpith he doeth tnnch her of hit pwe ioMUit and grate xrithottt any of her deferutng. ^Ijothe ear'ie/l afeiiion of the C hurchirbich ij inflamed frith the lotieofChtifl, denting to bt mere and more ioyntdtthtmialeHe , and not to be for faken for any ifotorbkmifh thatii nhir, ■ 16 The beatre* ofourhouferfrecedats, ΟΠΙ rafters are of iirre. c Η ΑΡ. rr. J The Church defireth t» reit vnier thejbidov »f ChrOf. a. She hfArech his -i/cyce. 'n She is ccmfared It the dtfte, MS A»i the enemies to the joxes, Τ Am the rofe of the fidd ,^4»ίί the lillie of the * valleycs. 2 Likea lillie among the thornes , Co it my * loue among the daughters. 3 '' Like the apple tree among the trees of the foreft.fo is tny.welbeloned among the Tons of men: vnJet bis ihadowe had I deiite , and fate downe: and his fruit wat fweet vnto my mouth. 4 Hee brought mee into the wine cellar, and loue ES4/ his banner oucr rae. f Stay fDe with flagons , and comfort me with apples ; for I am ficke of ioue. 6 His Itft handuvndcr mine head, and his Joue is better then wine. _ ^ 2 Beciofs of thej• fa- j ^iji uour of thy good ^r.t- 1 ments , thy nams « at aa j ^> oyntroent powred out: j '' therefore the <= virgiss [ loue thee. j j d Draw rae ; we will , nature through ; aQiiafltldiOQi. I ] Mine οΛ'ηβ bn ; ibreo, which tliouid I bau^molt fauuured 10 She coufeireth ■ ber owo negligence, nThefiwietce- ling her fault fleeth to her has'jani only for fiici-oui•. ο Whom thou haft run after thee ; the King hath brought roc into his ; e chambers ; wea wili reioyce and be glad in thee; j we will remember thy loue more tljen wine ; the ' righteous doe loue thee. 4 I am <■ blacke , Ο daughters of lerufalem, i but comely , as the tents of g Kedar . and »s the j ,; j.^^ ^and doeth imbrsce me η curtaine 01 Salomon. j J Regard yee mee not becaufe I am ' blacke; for i the''• funoe hath looked νρά loe.Theifonnes of rcy | mother were angry againft me : they made me the j keeperofy vinesibuti '"kspt not mine own vine, j 6 Shew rae , η Ο thou whom my foule kmeth, where thcu feedeft, wiiere thoUliett at noonc: for why ihoDld I be as (he that turneth ali4e to the ftockes of <» thy compmions ? | 7 Ρ If thou know not.O thou thefaireft among I women, get thee foorth by the ftep^ uf the flockc. k Toe corruption of! and feed thy kids by the tents of the iliephcards. 8 I haue compared thee , Ο my loue , to the troupe of horfis in the 9 charets of Pharaoh. 9 Thy cheekes are comely v/ith rowes of ftones , and thy necke with cjiaines. I ο Wee will mjke thee botders of golde with floods of iiluer. I I ' Whiles the King was at his repaft , my fpikenard gaue the fmell thereof. 1 2 My wel-beloued « *< a bundle o^ rayrrhe vnto me :he ili.ilUie hctwesne my ''breafts. 13 My wel-beloued i; m a clufter of camphire vnto rae in the vines of Engedy . 14 My loue , behold , tnou art <■ faire; beholde thou arr hire j thine eyes art Itkf the doues. I y My welbeloued, behold, thou art faire , and pleafant ; alfo our " bed is greene. called. igni tie of paltouri, and »hey fct forih ibeir owne dreamei in fteadofihyJodviee. ρ Cbrift fpeaketh to hii Church, bidding them thaiareigiiorant,^ to goe to the paliour »bere was no woddl (eththit (lie it adi) :. tj For thy fplrituall beauty and fxcellencie, ! tobe coir.paied vnrothee. r The Church reioy- tbe companytif Chrilt f He (hallbe molMeare «rnto ine. i Ciri:t accepiejh bii Church , an;! coirmendeth hrr beauti*. nTbat t», tile bean of ihefaitbfall, wheiei» Chrjft dwellttb by hi» Sj^irir. 7 « I charge you , Ο daughters of lerpfelem, by the roes and by the hirvds of the held , that ye ftir not vp, nor w^ken my loue , vntill Ihe pleafe. % <^ It is the voyce of ray welbeloued : behold, he corameth leaping by the mountains , and fkip pingby thehiis. 9 My welbeloued is like a roe. or a yong hart: loe , he « (iandeth behind our wall , looking forth of ttie windowes , iliewing himfelfe through the fgrates. j 10 My welbeloued {pake and fayd vnto mee, ( Arile , my loue , my faire one, and come thy way. 1 1 For behold , g wmter is part : the raine is ch-ingcd , and is gone away. 1 2 Th- flowei s appeare in the earth : the time of the finging of birds is cotce ,■ and the voyce of the turde is heard in our land. 1 3 The hgtree hath br 'uglit foorth her yong figs : and the wines with their frr.all grapes haue ' cati a fauour : arife my loue , my faire one , and j come away. 14 My doue , that art in the ^ holes of the I rocke, in the fecret places of the ftaires, (hew mee i thy figl^t, let me heare thy voyce: for thy voyce ' is fwict , and thy fight comely. If Take vs the foxes, the' little foxes , which deft, oy the vines: for our vines haue fmall grapes. 16 My welbeloued is mine , and I am bis : hee feedeth araong thelilliiS. 17 Vntill the day breake , and the fhadowes flee away: returne, my welbeloued,4ni/belikea'=toe. or a yong hart vpon the.mouQtaiues of Bether. CHAP ■ Thui Chrift pr«e Ferreih hi» Church iboue all other log». Thefpoufetefti. ;h her gieat defire oward ber husband. )ut her Itiengib 'ailetb her. and heiefore Ihe deli• eihiobecomfor- ed,' and felt it. : Chriit chargeih ■ . ? fcem which haue ,, to doe ill the Church as it were )y a fajemne oath, bat thty trcuble )ot the ijuieinefle heieoF. I Thi» iifpcken of Ch.iit. whotooke ί'ρϋΐι hitB our oatiite ome to heipe Church, iurafmuch as b,s iiuiniiiewa» , Jicdevndcr ih.• :loakeofcu. flelh. [ S.J that we cannot f;.l.kno'.v:edge ofhiin.in:hiilife. Tbat is, linoe and errour i. dri- backe by the iiniDgof Chtift, ich ii here de- bed by the ingtii*, wbea things flouiiUl. b Thou that art alhamed of thy liine», tome and ibew thy felfe vn• to me. i Supprefle the hite'ikes while» they ate yeig, that Ii , when ibey begii toftirwthtinna- llce.andt'eltoyih» vine of the Lord. k The Cbmihdefi. rethChitIt lob molt ready to hcipe her in all danger•. ™hc Chur< bdenrethto be loyned to C iap.iij.mj.v. Limlt.l he toantame pf grace.4iT β The Church by •ight.tbaii• is txoublet.fcclRtb toCbMit.buci• not inLooticcDtly beard. fc Shewing thit although wvi be not bend at the 6tft. yet «e mult nillc.minuein prziet.tillwefeeie coinfosc. c U'hithdecli reth,Ait we muft fe.kevaioal' i^f >7< • Thi» !• refetred to the Cbuich of Iftael which wa« Udby Lbi JViMe<• oeifaiueye""• f By the b-.a U meant the Teal,'!• wbicb Salemon CHAP. in. I The Church dtfireth t» be icynei ,nfef»r*hlj U Chtt/i btr h»fh*ni. 6 liti ieliutt»nce out if ihe wiiitrnei. 1 Ν my bed by «night 1 fought him ihit my foule j ^^jjg' *Ioned: I fought bim, bull found him not | ig " Mv 2 1 will rife tfcifi/erenow.and go about in the ' - * CJty.by the ftreets.and by the open places.onii will bfecke him chat my foule loueth .1 fought bite, but I found birq not. 9 My « iifler . w/ fpoefe , thou haft woundid i iBioe heiK : tfaou baft wounded mine heart with ί ^^'i,''* "J'i* one of thine > eyes , And witbachaiiK of thy!iB,cfpraibaihe haiuktBibcllelk gH< ..lla'i'-bto aich which kept the Tcraple y Ox.chnrtt. Gftcr.^^ Spoufe.how faire is thy louei L°' ™»; , ^ ^,,. how much better isthy loue then wine? and the hi. chuithbeauii- fatiout of thtne oyntments then all fpices r iuH 3( mb, be louea .. Thyglippe5.«^Spoufe.d,oppc4.hony^7;'-;^^« s:bony and milke ate vnJer thy tongue, CoafrHiou and and the fauout of (hy garment n as thefauourof^haaitcrjiuiDg Lebanon. I X My Gfter.my fpoufe i/ fai:ht'u!l Ι:ύ:α «llih-coinetlof Xtt VYOild. CHAP* IV• I The prAyfes»f the Church. 7 She iiVfithouthltml^ in hii fight. 9 The hue efChriSi tewarii her, BEhold.'thou art » faire, my loue ; behold.thou art faire ; thine eyes are Itkf the doues; among thy lockes ' thine haire is like theb flocke of goates, which looke downe from the mountaine ofGilead h.rnaktdnege. 10 She fratfethChrifl her huiheiti. _ ί ra. r r ^ The garden Ctf J Am come into my ' garden, my fifter.my (poufe, l s^h ,h, kmg- I gathered my myrrhe with my fpice: I ate mine •τ'•^- -^ hany combe with mlnehony , I dranke my wine with my milke : eate, Ο friends, dtinke.and m^e you merry, Ο welbeloued. 2 b I fliepe , but rain* heart waketh, it ii the voyce of my welb.-loued that knocketh ,/*;f«.». Open vnto me.my Gfter.my loue.my doiic.my vn- dehled : for mine head is full of dew.and my locks with the drops of the c night. 3 I haue pat off my d coate , how fliall Γ put it on ? I haue waflied my feete .hfw fliall I defile them ? 4 My wellbdoued put in his hand by the hole efthe doore , and t mine heart was affeiSioned to- ward him. ί I rofe vp to open to my welbeloued,and mine hands did drop downe roytrhe , and oe' fingers pure myrrhe upon the handles of the bafte. 6 I opened to my welbeloued: but my welbe- loued was gone Scpaft: mine heart wai gone when 2 They teeth are like a flocke oifhetfe in good he did fpeake : I fought him . but I could not find ^.J^'/Cm '< among them. 3 Thy lips are like a threed of fcatlet , and thy 7 The f watchmen that were about thecityj found me : they fmote me, 4η<^ wounded mee: the Jj'y^'jVf.iJwtU hmenofthewallestookc away my vailcfron^ good^•*"-'' for 00 td- ofCbrift, here he pTep4• :b ihebat ket irh.ielra >> Tbe fpourc (aiih troubled ciof '•it. ogtbe tonit patience of the Loid lOWaid fncer» d The fpoufe con- feffftb hrt Mked- netTr, aDdthatofbK felfe (he hath 00• ib.ng,otf«ei''gthi (he iiooce made clea'ie.QlL pioioi• feih not to driite her felfe agaioe. Τ £ir .»»*•>»'/» d<*- j»4tJ> fcii aooyote. (hail 101 fOletbi are iwinnes, feeding arro;ig the lilies. 6 Votill the day breake . and the (hadowes flie away, I will go into the mountaine of myrrhe, and to the mountaine of incenfe. 7 Thou art all faire my loue , and there is no fpotinthee. , r c 8 d Come with me frorr Lebanon, wylpouls, tutn with me trom Lebmon ,^nd looke from the top of Aroanab, from the top of Shener , and Her- iDon .. from the dennes of the Uons , μΛ from the owuniaines of the leopattJs, talke is comely , thy temples are wkhin thy locks j watcl as a piece of a pomegranate. j «=^f • q daughters of lerufalem, '".,; all the targates of the ftrong men. t Thy two "^ breads are as two yong roes that '■■'-■• . .•ι:_^ WeiDilUUCU lUUlC ^.ίι^.κi •"■'•■ '■■ . η B-caiife that is thy welbeloued more then4«»riirlouer .tbaP ,„^^^^^^ thou doeft fo charge vs ? l» Church .0 10 My welbeloued is white andmddy ,t»l'^»l'jP<^''hii Chiefeftoftenthouiand. , e J all t'o'be deftroyed 11 His'headif 4j hne gold, his lockes curl,;t,ie„u,obri , l and blacke as a rauen r\t^'l7. )l:^^„v»>• 12 Hisoesari like doues vpon the nur^^^_^^^ ^_ ^ »^,,. waters , which arc walln With muke , and rer bythefuilvr/i/j. ^ ,, rr ■ ^^^ 13 Hischeekes4ri«sabeddeof!pxes SpirituaJl loue^ i ΣίιΧΛφ% k Hjaring ofth» ««licncy of Chrift.ths faith- fulldtfiire tokao^v a Thit i uerfint I COB- take bold of herbooghes : thy breaftes fliallnow be like the tluRets of the vine : and the fauout of CAfcb atDong ntcD• b vvbich wsa faiie ίηλ Itroog city. I.King, 14. 17, c Thii ueclaretd the ei;etding loue afChritt towafd hii Church. Chap.^, I. d Mtaniog that the gifti ate inli- ,iw which Chtift giueth to hii j pgg yp ffoau the waiting , which eiiety one bring Church : or that hill •» •. 1 • 7 1 ° faithfuii are miay ! OIK twmnes.and ποηβ IS barren atrong them. ! 6 Thy temples are within thy locks as a piece oiaporaegtanate. 7 Tbere are Ί threefcore Queenes.gc fonreicore concubines.andof the damieis without number. 8 £»fiDydoueis alone,an(itDy vndefiled.iheis the onely fl!i«^/jrerof herinothcr, and ihe is deare lohet that bare her: the daughters haae feene her, and counted her bleCfed : euen ihe Queenesand the concubines.and the/haue praifed tier. S «= Wi ο isihe that looketh forth as the mor- ning , faire as the moone, pure as the iunne, terri- ble as an army with banners ! 10 I went downe to the '' garden of nuts.to fee th e fruiics cf the valley , to iee if the vine budded, An-fif ihe pcmegranates floi.ri(hed. 11 Si knew nothing, my foule fst me •" as the chareis of ray noble people. 1 2 Returne.returne.O ' ShuIatDite,returne : re- tur.ne that we may behold thee. What ihall γοκ fee in theShulatuite, butzs the cotrpany of anarftiy? CHAP. VII. 1 The ifiiHty of the Church in all her memitrs. 10 She is agurei cfC'jrifls loue tewAril. her. HOW beautifull ate thy • goings with llracs, Ο princes daughter ! the ioynts of thy thighes art like iewels :the woikeofthehandof acuo- ning woikman. 2 Thy nauell is as a round ciin that wanteth not liquor : thy belly"» «tr a:i heap of wheat com- vntoaffed about with lilies. 3 *> Thy two breaflj aftzs two y ong roes that vnto .e twinnes. 14 % Thv necke is likeatowre of yiiory ; thine thou insareitke the fiilipooles in Heinbon by the gate 1 5- 'iath-rabbim: thy nofe is as the tower of Lcba- plejfant that looketh toward Dimafcus. Thine head vpon thee U as fcarkt , and the »herc was noworidix trcafare to'f '-^'"^ ^^ad like purpleithe king u tied c in • eththjt nie ίι admirted to tbe'aftetS r^"nea;o?.LeV:ai''v^;'e:^°^ f^^ r' thou, and how ;plcafaDtatt thy nofe like apples. 9 And the roofc of thy ti:o'Jth like good wine, which goech ftreigh' to ruy welbeloueJ, and caufeth the lips of the ancient to ipeake. 10 «1 1 am my welbeloueds.anti bis defire is to- ward me. 1 1 Come my welbeloued, let vs go forth into the fii-lii : let vs reroaine in the villages. 12 I,et vs get vp early to the vines.let vs iee If the e vine ficutilb,trfeif/?er it haih budded the fmal grape ; or whither the pomegranates fiouriih. there Pj,^, will I giue thee my loue. 13 The mandrakes haue giuen a fmell, and in our gates are all fwset things . new and olde : my welbeloued, I haue kept th tm for thee. CHAP. VIII. a The Church Will h: ta»ihtbj Chrtfl. 3 Sheis vfhtUeH by him, t ThevitiementUhevlierewilhChrifthuetu her. II She is the viae that brtrigeth f nth fr fptritur.K Sxlemm^wh.ch is lefus Chriii. I Thiithefpcufe rpi.keth. If the penpnik called to hiift, brioj tbrtl» joy fruit. He Ihewith thit «be beginnJDg of the Church wa• /-tall.but that it grew vp to a great 'ticude, f H: went dowoe into the Syna- gogue to fee what fiuiti came of the I.aw and the Irophctj . g 1 found notbiug but rebel'lioii. h IranMfwift a• tbeBoble» ofroy people ID ibeir rbaren, i Ο ye people of lerufalem r for le. Tufalein wa» called Clfiiialeni.wbich waronirietb peace. fe The oaiure tb «Ddafflidi Mineojvut. . threa, which ibetb tau^^moll fauourauty in She coofelTeth -hi» bet own uegJiecnce Thefrwilelce- liag her fault fleeih to her hasaani oniy for fuctour. ο Whom thou bjft called tothedigni- tie of pattours, and they fee forihiheir owne dreimei in fteadofihyJodrine Ρ Chrift fneaketb to bii Church, bidding thrra thjiareignor, togoe totbepalhji It chtyfolite , his bell/ like white yuoryconered with faphirs. If His legges are as pillars of marble fet rpoa fockets of tine gold : his countenance as Leba- non, excellent as the cedars. 16 His mouth it as fweet thing$,aDd he is whol•• ly delcft^ble : this is niy wclhiluued.aDd tcisis my iouer.O daughtets of lerufalem. 17 •« Ο the fayteft among women , whitlier is thy welbeloued gone ? wiiiher is thy welbeloued turned iCide, that we tLay Icxke him with thee > CHAP. VI. a The Church ajfureth herfe/fe.cf the hue cfChriβ, 3 The fraifes of the Church. S She is but ene ani ■vndefiltd. MY welbeloued is gone downe into his » gar- den to the beds of rpices,to feede in the gar- dens,and to gather lilies. 2 I am my welbeloueds, and my welbelo«,ed is mine, who feedeth among the lilies. 3 Thou art beautifull , my loue , as ^ Titzah, comly as lerufalem .ter.ible as an army v/ banners. 4 cTutne away thine eyes froir. me: for they | ^ η • that thou wereft as my brother that fuc- ouercomemee;* thine ha.re is like a flocke of j U ^ed the breafts of my mother : Iwoul•! finde goats , woich looke downe from Gilead. ί | ,}. ^j^^^^^ , j^ ^.^ ^j^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^jj ., „^ ,,, ^,, 5• Thyteetb^r.hkeaflockeofil^eepe.which |^^^j.(pi(-^l,^h^^^ T^Tcb^c'l 2 I will lead thee W bring thee into my mo- emrtiem"' theiS houfa : thtre thou ilialt teach me ; attd I will ( Or.me. caufe thee to dtinke fpiced wine, and new wine of the jjomegranate. 3 b His left hand fhallbe vnder mine head,and his right hand fliall itcbrace me. 4 "= I charge yon , Odaughters of lerufalem, j. -g^^^^^ chjp.s.y. that you ftirre not vp , nor waken nyloue vntill ' Itouri ihe pleafe. $ (Who is this that commetb vp out of the wildernes , leaning vpon her vielbeloued i ) I fai fed thee vp vnder an apple tree ; there the mother conceiued thee : there ihe conceiued ^ bare thee, 6 ^ Set meafealo on thine hearr ,and as a fignet vpon thine arme : for loue β ftropg as death : ielouiie is cruell as the graue ; the coalts thereof *re fiery coales , 4»!^ a vehement flame. 7 Much water cannot quench lone, neither can the floods drowne it : if a man fhould giue all thefubftancc of his houfefor loue , they would greatly ccntemne it. 8 «= Wee haue a little fifter . and fliee hath no breafts : what fliall we do for our lifter when ihe fliilbe fpoksn for ? 9 f If ihe be a wall , we will build vpon her a filuer palace ; an'l if Ihe be a doore, we willkeepe her in with boards of cedar. 10 g I am a wall, and my breCs are as towers : then was ! in his eyes as one that findeth peace, 1 1 ^ Salomon had a vine is Baal-hamon: bee gaue f vineyard vnto keepers:euery one briogeth for thefruittiiereof a thoufand^icccj of filuer. 1 2 But my vineyard which is mine , « before me : to thee, OSaloroon,efferrdi««f^ a thoufand pieces offiluir, and two hundred to them th?t keep the fruit thereof. J 3 Ο tivDU that dwelled in the i gardens , the cortpanions hearken vnto thy voyce i.caufe me lo heate it. 14 Ο my welbeloued , k flee away and be like vnto the roe , or to ^e yong hart vpon the moun- tainesof fpiccs. ISAIAH t The Church eaf- Grotile», > Reade Cbip.a.ei i The fpouf• de- Tireth Chtut to be loynedin perpe- II loue with lim. - Thifeu iOr Church fptakfth biioftbeChurcb ftheGen'ilei. It fliebeiuieanil falt.dit iiaie»rfoi buibaod to g TheChorcb promifeib fidelity aiicie. b Tbii ii the vine- yard of the Lord ■ red out.Matt. (jhiift dwclleth hi. Church, bofev jycethe failSf>illbeare. k TheCburcbde- firub Cbrilttbat f be depart from them, yet that be would haiie to belpe ibem ia theit uodbic». Uraeisipgi&titade; ΓΤ ΑΧ uoas piagucse -|j r^ THE A R G V Μ Ε Ν Τ. ^^ GO D , acmimg Uhisfrmii'e,'OMttton.\%.\^.thAthttxfoi\intHtrlt*M hiiChurch dtjlitute^ a Prophet,h»thfrom ttmt to time accomfltpxd thtfamf.iphofe effict was net tndj to dtctare vut, the people tht ihtngste come.n'hrtef they h.dafpeciall retnUtioa ,t,ut alfo to tnterprtte anddtrlare the Lew , and to apply partu «.'.i- 'y the doiirin* c-onttined briefly therein , to the vtibt'ie and profile oj thtfe , to t»hom they thought it chuflj to appertame, and as the time andftate of things nqutred, ^nd trincipaUy in tht dicUraiim of the Law.they had refpt£t to three things.trhtch votr* thttrouni of theii duUrine.Ftrft, TO his deihine contaned briejly in tht tao TabUs J.condly , f» tht prom• fts and 'hreat nings of the Lai» : tmd thirdly , ro the CoUtnant of grace and reconciliation , grounded vfon our Sautimi llfus Chrift , who i» the end of the Lna-. Wherevnto they neither added nor ditfiinifhed . but fait-jfuUj expounded tht ftnft and meaningthereof.^nd according as Godgaut them vnderfianding of tbmv, they applied tht promifts pxrticuUrlyfor the comfort of the Church and tht rnembtrs thereof, and alj a dtnouncedthe menaces agiinfi the enemies of the fame; not forany care orregard to tht tnemMs.iut ToAfure tht Church of their fafeoard by the defiruShon of their enemies ^nd as touching the doJr.nt Φ f reconciliation . they h»ue more clearely intreated it then Mofes.^vdfet foorth more Ituely lefus Chujt, in t^hom tht, Couenant ofrec.ncliarion t^as m^ie. In aU t^efe thmg, Ifaiah d,d exceUaUtht Prophet,, and was mo(l diligent toftt out thefame.rvith mofi vehement admontttms, reprthenfions, and confoU. J ώ ■- „ . . „ ...,,. /- Λ.ι_. _t ■—■!. Hee declartthatfl tht Mtf'iah Lis of- fict,and kingdom., ^nd ofthtfauour of God toward htt Church, tut vocation oj iht Gentiles and then -vmonwith the letpes.Whtch are as moft princip all points ccntttnedm this b,okj,and agatnermr β//. Sermons that hee preached. Which after certatne doyes that thty had flood vpon the Temple doort f}t the mxnner of the Pr.ph^t, was tofet vp the ftcmmt of their doiirint for certain» dayes.that tht p,o, fie might the better Lrkeit. as Ifa.i. i. andHabal^. z.z) the Prtedts toc^eu downt.and referuedu imonitheir Tiegijhrs ; andfo by gods prouiienc, thefe booses were preferu.d a, a mom.mentto th^ aurthf.rcuerJis touching his perfon ani timc,ht» cca, of the ktngi fiockf (for ^moz. hv father,»» brothsrto ^?ariahkinxofludah,as the btPt>,riters doe ^grte) andprophecui more then 6^yeeres, from The tim>ofv{^ah into the reigm of Man.ff.h . uM^thtrin lac. he «as (a, 'J^ JJ''^''^, «rite) and of whom hee r, as put to death, ^nd in reading of the Prophet s.th, one thing 'Tj'"' is r. be ohferued,that they fpe^S of things to come ^.s though th^y«"J' "** Pf•^"/;'' Z^UI .Tret tit thereof, and that they could not lut come to faff,, bt.aufe god had ordamtd them tn h,s fecrtt couafell, andfo wtealedthem t» his Prophttu " — ^ ~ for ye fall ivny more an J more ; the whole ^ bead and ifasmofi diligent toftt outthe fa.r»e,rvtthmop vehement aamonitims, r»p.'«" tions; tutr uppljingthe aoHrint, as hee fat» that the difeafe of the people.reqwed. many notable prophecut which hee had recelued of God, a, touching the promt fe oft fiet,and kinodomc ^nd ofthtfauour of God toward his Church, tht vocation of the CHAP. I ^ , irM!threpy>,Het<,lhe lew,! 6f their 'H"'""'*'J'f^ wfMameU " He fatrvtt'-whj their facr.j^c» «re reieRei aniv>hertin-Ct ah. The zeale ο Fthe godly, The hlCt gη•η>. n.>nnl.> . >V..... rU.II ; I I.. The decree ani dinance ofGod, touching theie- ftauration of the Church. whiUi it ;hiefty meaiit of thetimeofChtift. ina°^ rebuke many people: they (hall i breake their fwords alfo into mattocks, and their fpeares iilto fiethes .• nation ihall not lift vp a f^vord againft nation , neither ihall they learne"^ to fighi any more, y Ο houfe of laakob , come yee , and let vs ' walke in the Law of the Lord. 6 Surely thou '" hail fotfaken thy people , the houfe of laakob.becaufe they ate ° full of the Εαβ maners, and art forcerers as the Philiiliais,'' and abound with Stange children. 7 Their land alfo was full of Ρ filuer and gold, and there was none end of their treafures . and their land was full of hories , and their charets wert infinite. 8 Their land wasalfo full of iJolesithey wor- lliipped the worki: of their owne bandes , which their owne fingers haue made. 9 And a man bowed himfelfe , and a man ^ humbled himfelfe; therefore ' fpare them rot. 10 Enter into the rocke.and hide thee in the duft from before the feare of the Lord, and from the glory of hisMaieQie 11 The high looke of man fhall be humbled, and the loftinelfe of men (hall be aba fed , and the Lord onely (hall be exalted in f that day. 1 2 For the day of the Lord of hoaftes «r vpon all the proud and hautie , and vpon all that is ex- alted ; and it ihalbe made low. 13 Euen vpon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and exalted.and vpon all the okes of Ba- ihan. 14 And vpon all the hie ' monntaines.and vp- on all the hils that ate lifted vp, 1 5; And vpon euery hie tower, and vpon euery f^ii c Whea (he king. lomeofChriil Ihalbe enlarged preaching )f thedofttine. alfo ii decla- red the zeale of the children of God, when the» lied, d Alluling to Zicn, where the vili- Ccurch then vnt, Mich.^. 1. Mtaaing,the whole doftiiue iffalvation, Γ This wa• ac :ompliIhed,when he Gofpel was iilt prea>.hed in falem , and 'torn thence went horow all the wor'd. g The Lord, whic is Chrift, Ihall hau a:l power giuea h That they may knowledge their finues , aud turne to him . He Iheweth the fruit of the peace, hich the Gofi'ell oul t bring ; to it, thatmeu flioul.i doe good one toaoetber, agiinit the vfe cf weapons and law- (heweth how the heart• of the god. lyihilbealfefted ouetowaida o. ife , but Oral be per- Seeing the Gentiles Srong wall. 16 And vpon u all the (liips of Tarihiih , anc ther : which peace and loue doeth begin and grow in thii fefted when we are ioyned with our Head CSrift lefui. I will befo readie.make you hafleand foew them the way to wotOlipGod.m The Trnphet feeing the finall hope that the lewes would conuert , coinplaineth to God, although he bad viierly forfakea them for theii fin. ο Full of the corrup. tiontthatieigaed chiefly in the Ε aft part», ο They altogether gaue themfcliM* to the faOlioni of other nation•, ρ The Prophet firft condemned their fupetftiticn and idolatry : next their couetoufnei, and thirdly their value truft rn worldly meaoes. 4 He noteth the naiuie of the idolater• , which are neuer fatiified io their fnperlliiiun•• r Tbu» the Ttophet fpake , being inflamec^vith the zeale of Gods glory, aiih»kt arvAJ thi nife mtn,aHigiue ihemfctlijb pnucci. i^The ceuetoufntJSe ofthegmernoun. it The prtile tfthe wcmcn. ■p Or loe, the Lord God of hoaftes will take away ■■• from lerufalem and from ludah thcttayaand a Becaufethey the flrength : i«»« allthe ftay of bread , and all trulteJ ia their the ftay of Water, abundance and pro- ^ jj,^ ftrong man^nd the man of warre,'' the ib« they miuU ' iudge.and the Prophet, the prudent and the a. ed, 3 Thecaptaineofhftie.andthe honourable, and the counfeller , and the cunning attiticer.and c eloquent ntan. 4 And I will appoint ^ children to it their princes , and babcs Ihall rule ouer them. y The people Ihalbe ' oppteHed one of ane- ther.and euery one by hisneighbour; the children iliall prefume againft the ancient , and the vils againft the honourable. 6 When euery one fhallffake hold of his brother of the houfe of his father , and fay , Thou haft cioathing , thou llialt be our ptince , and let this fall be vnder tliine hand: 7 In that day he iball i fweare.faying , I can- not be an helper : for there is no bread in mine houfe,nor cloathing:t ttiall of their countenance teftifieth for yea hane eaten vp the vineyard : the fpoyle of the poorc is in your houfes. ly What haue ye to do that ye beate my peo- , pie to pieces, ni and grinde the faces of the poore, I faith the Lord,eMfn the Lord ofhoafts? I 16 The Lord alio faith , ° Becaul'e the daugh- ters of Zion are hauty , and walke with <> ftretched I out neckes ,and with ρ wandring eyes , walking \ ands minfing as they goe , and making a ■ tink- j ling with their feet. I 1 7 Therefore iluH the Lord make the heads I of tlie daughters of Zion bald , and the Lord Ihall difcouer their fecret parts 1 8 In that day Ωτβΐΐ the Lord take away the ornament of the flippers , and the kalles , and the round tyres. 1 9 The fweet biHes.and the bracelets,and the bonnets 20 * The tyres of the head.and the floppes.and the headbanJs.and the tablits.and the caterings, 23 The rings and the rauffl;rs, be takeu fiom tbera. b The tenipooll {oueioourand the minilte.•. e By thcfc he mea- Deth that God would tikeaway cuety thiog'hac wa« iDanyellima- tioB, and wherein they bad any occa- fion to vaat them- feluei. d Not ondy in age. but in wit, m»- neri.knowledge •od Ittengtb. e For lacke of good regiroenc and order. f He (heweth that this phgii» ihalbe fo horrible . that contrary to the cotnmoD miner of ine«i, which by natuteareaiBbiti. oui. noDe Ihilbe found able or wil. ling to be their gouernour g Feare Ihall ra- ther ciufe him to forfAieare himfelfe, aben to take fach a daogereui charge vpon him h When God ftiali examine their deed• whereupoo they now fet ao impu'lent face, be ihall findeihe ■naike of their lht.vallc.ueity • Kaialtihem- Itmcraceh Veeple bccaufe of the atrogancy deefthe;t womeo, whicb gaue tbenifeluet to all wtotonnei and dilTolution. Which dec'a- red their pride* ρ Aaahgoe.that they Were not chalte, feueti women take hold of one man, faying , Wee will eate our owne bread.and we will wears our owne garments: one- U u'ben /^οά Ihai ly t> let vs be called by thy name , and take away our <^ reproach. 2 In that day iliall the ^ bud of the Lord belfound tobetbe beautifull and glorious , and the fruit of the earth |t-id to many « Iliall be excellent and pleafant for them that arc ""="•*°''' 'Τ efcjpedoflfrael. 3 Then he that iliall be left in Zion , and he that Ihall reroaine in lerufalem , ihalbe called ho- ly , and euery one ihall be ' written among the li- parell accordiog heitdegtee. leaDiigiibar IniUnotco•• ly puniihthewj- mcD, but their huibindi *hich fuiFciedihi• diUolutcneire.aod alfo the common ale, which ba th tiemedied it. execute thii ven- geance,(here fhtfl aiy to wo- manly niamefalt- oelTe Qiallfeeke againftthem.yea.they declare their finnes ,asSo- [ uing in lerufalem dom:they hide them not.Wo be vnto their fonles: j 4 When the Lord (hall waih the filthineffe of for they haue rewarded euill vnto therafelues. ι ΙΟ ' Say ye.Siirely it il-ialbe well with the iuft; j for they fliall eate the fruit of their works. 1 1 Woe be to the wicked, it ihalbe ea'ulirith him : for ^ reward of his hands ih^Ube giuen him. 1 2 k Children are extortionet s of my people, and women haue rule ouer them : Ο my people, they that teade thee.caufe thee to erre.and deftroy the way of thy paths. 1 3 The Lord ftandeth vp to pleade , yea , bee ftandeth to iudge the people. 14 The Lord ihjU enter into iudgement with the 1 Ancients of his people & the princes thereof: foiehead i Be yet godly «flured that God will defend you in t caufe the wicked people were moie addtft to dementi of God, he Iheweih that be wouH gi fllould haue no heipe , but that ihould be mi ; middei of thefe trouble!, k Be- heir princes, theu to the comrcao• e them luth f>rincei.by whom they ifelt tokeus ofhii Wiatb , becaufe they Ihould be fooles and ctFemiuate. 1 Meaning , that the ruleic aad gouciaouri had dearoyed kit Churcb , aad oot prcferued it , according to ihcii duetir. b Be thou ourhuf- band,a-dletvibe alied thy wiut». ; For f . they bought it to b« HI I ho J I au heal loH huibaod. d He comlortttb ihr Coutchio ibii drf. Ittioo, wbiih Ihall fpiing vp like «bud iigoifyiog ihat u.ji'a grace Ihoi.ld he a» plea- full u.waid tb» faithfull , ai iboug fpraag «utof laitb.asCbap. \4t S. Sum- by > budJe of the I.erd m«aoe Chtift. e He alludeth to tbebook- of life . w h read Exod.3a 3 « meaning.Goda fecret counfell, wherein hi» eltS ate predelt to life euetlaltiug. f Th a cloude and fmoke by day, and thelhiningof a flaming fire by night : for vpon all the ' glory fjaii bt a defence. 6 And a couering ilialbe for a ihadow in the day for the heate , and a place of refuge and a co- uett for the ftorme •« and for the rainc. jinevmevard « Toe Piophpt by tbit fong doihfsc bcfoie the peoples «jt« their injraii- tuile, andCoiii SH-rcy. b That is, to Old. ll«t ιϋ. C Η A p. V. : VrJer the ftmilitude ef the -vme, he ieftribeth the flate of thepcofie. i Of their auarice. i< Ticir Urtink'n- iitfc. 13 Of their edpnaitie. XT Ow will » I fing to my '' beloued a (bng of my beloued to bis vineyard , * My beloued bad a ' vineyard in a V2i y friiitfuil hill. 2 And hie hedged it , and gathered out the tlunes of it, and he planted it with the beft plants, Ί and bee built a towe» in the mids thereof, and made a wineprefle therein : then hee looked that it fiiould bring forth gtapes : bat it brought forth ' wild gtapes. 3 Now therefore, Ο inhabitants of f erufalem and luen cf iudah , iud-e , I pray you, ^ bctweene me and my vineyard. 4 What coulJ 1 haue done any more to my vineyard that I baue not dons vnto it ? why haue I looked thatitAiouId bring forth grapss, and it biingech focrth wild gtapes? f And now I will tell you what I will doe to my vineyard : I g will take away the hedge there- of,and it Aiall be eaten vp : I will breaks the wall thereof, and it fhallba troden downe: 6 And I will Jay it wafte : it fliall not be cut, nor digged, but briers and thornes iLall grow vp: I will alto command the cloudes that they raine no raine vpon it. 7 f Surely the vineyard of the Lord of boaRs is the boufeoflracl, and the men of Iudah arc hispleafant plant, and he looked fori» iudgiroent. but behold oppreffijn ; foi tighteoafnelle, but behold i a crying. 8 Woe vnto them that ioyne houfe to hoofe, rflay field to field , till there be no k place, that ye may be pkced by yout fclues in the mids of the rth. 9 This is in raine ' eares./rtif/j theLotdof boafts. Surely many hoiifes ilullbe defoUce, juoti. ρ Tbf. t fpare no pain nor diiigence to follow th:ir luftei. •3 .Which are ne- uer weafy of ih?ir rioting and " nothing Oiail ' word cfthεHolyonεofIίl•ael, JeM! toeweth that 2 y Tnerefore w the wrath 01 the Lord kindled God had fo fore againft his peoph , and he hath ftretched out his e hand vpon thero,and hath imitten them that the mountaines did tremble: and their catkeifes were torne in the rciddes of the ftreets , anU for all this his wrath was not turned away , but his hand was ftretched out ftilJ. 26 And he willliftvpafignefvntothe rati- ons afatre . and will hjfle vnto them from the end of the earth ; and behold , they fliall come haftily with fpeed. 27 None iliall? faint not fall among them: none flulifltwibcr .lor ll;ep , neither fliall the gir- dle of his loynes be loofed ,not i» the latchet of bis iliooes be broken. 28 Whofe arrovve•; fliall be (liarpe, aud all his bowes bent : his horfo foofiS fliilbe thought like flint,andhis wbeehslik.-awhiriewind. 29 His roaring fhall u^ like a lion.and he Ihall roare like lions whelp^s ; they Ihall i toarc , and lay hold of the pray : they iliill take it away , aad none Ihall deliuer it. 30 And in that day they ihall roare vpon them, as the roaring of the fea : and if ^ tUey looke vnto the earth , behold datkeneCfe and fotow , and the light ilwlbe darkened in thcit ' $kie CHAP. VI.• I Ifniah jiKtvUh hii-utcatiiinby the vifimtftbeiiHrHt. mAieily. 9 «? Iberveth the ebiliiutte of the petfle It The dciir»aica afthelani. 13 Fhe nmiiAiiirc ferued. IN the yeereof the death of king Vzziah.» I faw alfo the LoVd fitting vpon an t> hie throne*, an* lifted vp ,and the lowers parts thereof tilled the Temple, 2 The - Seraphiras ftoode vpon it.enery ore had fixe wings:with twaine he couered his « face and with twaine he coaered bis f feete , and with twaine be did h Bie, doue. b As « lu^ge ready to giu» fentenie. c Of his throne, d They weie Angels, fe called becaufe the, v( ere of to «snilie thac th< y burnt in the loue of God . or were light as fi will e Signifying . that they w«'c not able ebry. f «h-rtby was declared that man ν of God io them, g Wieb thing dedatetb the ptoejipie obadience of the At Zeis to execute Godi cowmindeiceuE. 3 And puni (bed this peo• pli, that the dumbe , if they had beene fo pla- gued,would haue lin more fenlifale, nd th-refore hii 'laguts n. utl con• inu'.iil' they be- in tofiijle them, f H-e will make the Ba'yior.iansto .inrt thi-m ar hisbecV.e.jnd to' fight vnder bit fhallbe prompt ar.d lultie eaeciKe God• ngeioce. The enemy (llall haue : oneimpeii- i Where'jy is de• lare.1 ;hf cruelty Lifihe enemie. r The lewes (hall h'ndnj futcour. Io the land of luiah. a God rnejwtlr nat biirfelfe to msn in his maii- ftie.t ul according- as iranj capaciie is able tocompr;. hcnH him. thatia by vidblefigoei.at lobn BiptilkfiW the holy Gliolt in the forme of a ofh olour j:ch brighintUe ot God nor able to fee the btif hinelf Mans lips Polluted 3 Andc h This oft repeti- figa:fie:h , ihit the boiy Angt!» otl'iuihc th«n- feluet in piirling Coi.to icacb v> that in 111 our liuci we fi-.OJld giue oui icluet to the comiiuiallFtiifeof God. i Hi» g!oty docsh no: or.tly apfeare in the heiueot , . but tbvougb«li the world , and there- fore all creatufeiaie biund to praifi him k Which thingi were to tocfiirae therrophec , ttait ii watiio: the cf man : anJ by tbs finoke wa» iigr-i- fted ibeblindnclT: tbatlllouldioine vpoii the It Wei 1 He Iptakeih ihi; for tvvo tajfct : ibi one , becaufe bee that wa» a>nioriall ctejtute, and theie- foie bad more need to glotifie God then ihe An• and ibt oifcei , be- c«ufetVmne tbati lap- 3 And one cried to another, and fiid, ί Holy, holy, lioly « the Lord of boafts : the whole ' woilJ is full of his glory. 4 And the lintels of the doore cheekes k rooo• ued at the voyce of him that cried , and the houfe was filled with fmoke. y Then I faid , ' Woe is roe : for I am vndone, becaufe I am » man ofpjlluted lips , and I dwell in the tuids of a people of polluted lips : for trine eyes haiie feene the King , and Lord of hoafts . 6 Then fl;w one oi the Seraphircs vnio roee with an hot cole in his hand , ivhtch be hath taken from tl;e '» altar with the tongs : 7 And he toucned my tuoath , and faid , Loe, this hath touched nay lips , and thine inicjuity fball be taken away .and thy olinneitilbepuiged. 8 Alfo I heard the viayce of the Lord , faying, Whom Ihall I find ? and who ftiall goe for vs ? Tnen I f'id , Here am I , fend me. 9 AnJ he faid , Goe, and fay vnto this people» ° Yea fl-.all beare indeed , but yee ilwU not vnder- ftaod { ye ihall pUinely fee , and not perceiue. 10 Make the heart of this people fat , make their earc> heauy, and ihut their eyes.leaft they f:e with their eyes, and heare with their eares , and vnderftind with their heart, and convert, and hehealethera. 11 Tnen faid I .Lord , ρ how long ? And hee anfwered , Vntiil the cities be wifted without in- habitant . and the houfes without tEin , and ths land bevtterly defolate. 1 2 And the Lord haue reraocued men farre away , and rhtit bt a great defoiation in the mids of the land. 1 3 But yet in it βαΙΙ btla. tenth . and flull re- tiune , and Ihali bs eaten vp as an elme ■■ or as an eke . which haue a fubiiance in them . when they caa thiirleauei ;/e the holy feed fcaUbe ibe fub- Qance theieof. Chap.Va pioicbeib :o God the moie dcth be knowhi« ovi'ne linne and coirupii- oc ni Ofthebuint otfiings , v.E;re tbe fiie ncuer vventcut. η This Jeclarf:h tka:i»:n cannot nnJcr due obedience to God, till he haue purged vs, oWhtrby i( declared that fb; the malice ot man , God will not immediatly take away bit VVOrd.but he wiilciKfe it to b> i>i cached to ihtir condemnation , when as ihey will not iearne thereby to obey his wi!l, Scbefiued :heieby heexhorteih the mi- niltert to do their duty , and aafvsereth to ibewicked monniiien , that through their own ma!icethe;t bean 1» hardened, Matt.ii,i4.Aa aS le.rons.ti.S. pA> be waamoouedwithihezeaie cfGodt gloiy.foWi» he touched with a charitable affeftiou toward the people q Meaninj, the tenth pa-.t, oraifome write, hwit reoraledto Ifziah foi the ccnuiisaiioDot hit propbecie , that ten Kingi Ih^uld come fcefoi* their cafititji. y , as were frcin Vzziab to Z?dt-kiah. r for tbefewne» they Ihall lecme to'be earen vp ; yet they fliall after flourilh ai a tiee , whichin winter loieth Itauci, «ni ficraed to be dead, yet in Summer ii fitOjandgieene. CHAP. VII. 2 Xifip 16. s• g Or, Snis- a To wit .thefe• ccndiimc : for in tbetirK bttrell Abaz was ouer- ccine. b Meaning, the i King» houfe. c Tbalis.iruel , becaufe :h«triS3e was tbe greaicii, I Gen. 4S. 19. 'd Forfeare. e That it to fay , thereClhailte- tuvne, which camelfjiah gaueh; out of tbeii captiuiti leiiyfUm is iefirgei. 14 ChriH is fnmtj'rd. 4 Jfahh cmfdttth the king. A Ndinthedayesof*AhiZ , the fonne oflo- •^^thsro, the fonne of Vuziah king of ludab, Ri- 2inthekit:gof|l Ararat came vp. andPckahthe fonne of Rcraeliah king of Ifiati , to leruialem to fight sgainft it •, but he couid not ouercome it. 2 And it was told the houfe of '° Dauid , fiy- irg , Aram is ioyned v.iih "^ Ephraim : therefore his he£rt was d mooucd , and the heart cf his people, as thetreesoftheroreft are noouedby the wind. 3 f Then faid the Lord vnto Ifaiah.Go foorth ncwtomeeteAhiz (thoaand « Shear-ialhub thy fonne ) at the end of the conduit of thevppcr poole, in the path of the fijlleis field, 4 And fay veto him ; Take heed, and be fiill : t fonoe , 10 iigniSe that tbe Left of the people flwuldtetutne feare not , nelthif be faint hemed for the two tailes of thefe fraokingf firebrands, for the furi- ous wrath of Kezin and of Aram , atvi of Remili- ahs fonne. y Becaufe Aram hath taken wicked connfell egiinft thee , and Ephraim aad Remaliabs fonne, faying , 6 Let vs goe vp agiinft ludah , and let vs ν/Λ- k?H them up , and tEske a breach therein for vs, and fet a king in the mids thereof , euea the fonne of g Tabeall. 7 Thus faith the Lord God, it ihall cot ftmd, neither fi-.all it be. 8 For the head of Aram is Daroafctis , and the headof Damafcus ύ Rezin : and within hue and b thrcefcore yetre , Ephraim ihall bedtftroyed fiom bting a people. 9 A nd the head of Ephraio) is Samatia.and the head ofSamaria // Retnaiiahs fonne. If ye beleeue not, fu rely ye il'.ail not be eftablillied 1 0 f And the Lord fpake againe vnto Aha ε, faying, 11 Aske i a figneforthee cftheLord thy God : aske it < j:/;i r in the depth beneath.or in th: height aboue. 1 2 But Ahaz faid , I will not aske , neither will I ii temp: theLotd. 13 Then he .Qid ,Heare you now. Ο heufe cf Diuid; is it a fmali thing for you to griiue ' men that ye will alfo gricue my God ? 14 Therefore the* Lord m himfelfe will giue yon a figne. Behold , the virgine Ihall concciue and beate a fonne,and flie il:all c^U his name 0 Ini- manuell. I y ° Butter and hony ihall he eate, till he haue knowledge to refufe eheeuill, andtochufe the good. 16 For afore the childe iliall haue knowledge to efchew the euiil , and to chufe the good , the land that thou abhorreft , Ihalbe forfaken of both her kings. r J 7 The Lord ll-all bring vpon thee, and vpon thy people, and vpon thy fathers houfe ('the day es that are not come from the day that? Ephraim df patted fiom ludah ) euen the King of 4 Af- fl-ur. 1 8 And in that day fliall the Lord hiife far the r flie that is at the vttetmoft parts of the floods of Egv pt , and for the Bee which is in the land of AsO-.ur. 19 And they fhallcome and fliall light all in thedefolate valleys , and in the holes of tne rocks, and vpcn sll ihorniepJices , and vpon all bullae f-plsces. 20 In that day ihall the Lord fliaue with a ra- for rhat is hired , tuen by them beyond the Riuer, by theKingof Asfliur, the head and the haire of the ' feet , and it flvU confume the beard, 21 And in tbe fame day fliall a man" nomifl-: a ycng kow , and two (heepe. 22 Andforthe ^ abundance of roilke , that they fl^aUgiue , hee fliall eate butter ; for binter snd' honyibiU euery one eate, which is left with- in the laud. Chrift££oimled. 44 f which fcaoi Ε imok to ieb;lla;aialt bim. 1 Ycaihinhe yeu hiue HI doe with ir.e.i, whrnyecoiM- t;mne Gocnn !- ί-1'geri : buii: h Gud jgair.it whop.i v-'-u brndyout ieliVs. m Foiaf.nuch at thou an vnworthj-, the Lctd for hit ov.neprcmifeiike Will gill» a figDe, which flialbe that CUtilt ihe Sauicu^ ofhii Cbtticb.and tbetffeaofall lijn-iand miiaclel flialbe reueaieJ. II Or, C'.imthw, ■ivhrh>i.v>:ec.in it kim tint ii Mh η MearJn^ , that Cbcilt-ij liCionely Gsd , but m:n alio, btcsu'ete lllalbe nc'iilheii as ether inrn,vn:ili..he=ge ο Kotmciniig Cli lis but any child: torbefwe a child can come to the yteres of dircte:ioii, tbe l:-nci of Stmt- snd Syria Πι in be deftroytd. ρ Since tbe time that the twflue Tribes reb'elied vndfr Koboaw. ij In whom thou hart put thy trull, r Meaning, the Egypii.ni : fur by r.-af:i( the countify is hot and moid , it itfull oiliiet , at Aifyria ii fi 'J of beei. f Sig. uifying , than, ο place ilia 1 1 bi- free from them, t That is, that wkich is from τ he beliy dowDewaid: incaciBg . that h; would deiiioy both jr-ataod uiull. υ Κ that before ha-h a gre.t nuffbn ofcitiell , flulbe ctu-.eot with cce kcw and twi flieepe. χ Tbe nunibeiof menfhalbero fiiMll.that a few beads ilulbciibieio ooHiiih «11 itbuQdui: and this was done inavifion. H Ormxie {fttdtt the β>ίϊί€: hMftt to the -pray. » Before any child be able to fpeake. fThat ii.theairoy'of Atfyria. g Which wat a fountaice at the feote of mount Zioo.out ofthe which ran a fmall ituer through thither the feare of brier sand thornes: but they ihall be for the fending out of bullockes , and for the treading of ilieepe. CHAP. VI ir. The captiuit} cf Ifrael and Iiidah by the ^^yrians. β Theintiiehtieoftheliwn. ^Theiefiruaienofthi AfyrUm. 14 Chrifi the fione of flnmbli>H to the wte- kid. 19 The vcsrd of Gad mittl be cnquiied at. Kyf Oreouer tlje Lord faid vnto me , Take thee a » great roll , and write it b with a mans pen, Make ipeed to the fpoyle : hafte to the pray. Then I tooke vnto me "^ faithful! witneCfes to record , Vriah the Prieii , and Zecbatiah the fonneofleberechiah. 3 After, I came vnto the ^ Propheteffcwbich conceiucd, and bare a fonne. Then faid the Lortl to me.Call his name, || Maher-lhalahaflvbaz. 4 For before the ' childe Ihall baue know- ledge to cry. My father, and my mother, f he fliall takeaway the riches of Dimafcus , and thefpoyle of Samaria, before the King of Asihur, y f And the Lord fpake yet againe vnto me. faying. 6 Becaufe this people hath refufed the waters of κ Shiloah that runne fjftly , and reioyce with Re2in,and the fonne of Remaliah, 7 Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth vp vpon them the waters of" the Riuer mightic and great, *uen the King of Asilwr with all his glory, and hee (liall come vp vpon all their riuers, and go ouer all their bankes. • 8 And (htW breake into Iiidah, *nd ihall ouer- flow , and paffe through, and Ihall come vp to the "necke, and the ftretchingoutof his wings ihall fill the breadth of thy land, Ο i^ Immanu-el. 9 Gather together on heapes, Ο ye 'people, iiai^n, 1 ο leeKe uoq oneiy ftumbling ft.one , and as a rocke to fail vpon, to both the houfes of Ifrael, and asafnareandasaj net to the inhabitants of terufalens. ly And many aiBong them fliail Sumble, and Ihall fall, and ihall be broken , and Ihall be fnared, andil^jllbetaken. 16 r Binde vp ihe teftiraony : feale vp the Law 'Though ai! forfake among ray difciples. m'oe'kee 'm 1 7 Therefore I will waite vpon the Lord that ' " trfeaUd In^yoaV ~ hath hid his face from the houfe of laakob , and I ! hearts. will looke for him. I ί^""^•,^;'„'"'™„'''^' i8 Behold , I and the ''children whom the ' t^lre «d obfy?he Lord hath giiien me; «re as figoes and as wonders word ot God.whom in Ifrael. t by the Lord ofhoaaes, which dwelleth'^' '^'°'^t '•"^''•" in Mount Zion. mttr.'lXoT 19 And when they ihall fay vnto you,Enquire-wo"'>y Ό ''"«• atthemthathaueafpiritofdiuination, and at the J'^!'" wa»aconfo. foothfaycts which whifper and mutmure," Should bi(',°kno wing tb^"" not a people enquire at their God r from the »li- notijing could come uing to the dead ? ^05° tbein.btit by the 20 To the τ Law, and to the teBimonie . if ΓΑηίίνΐβ Vhe'*' they fpeate not according to this word : tt it be-i wicked thu», caufe there is no ^ light in them. i ^<^°^^λ not God» 2 1 Then he that is affliaed and faminied,{hall| P^eiyS,''""''" goe to and fro in « it : and when hee ihall be hun-• χ That », will they gry,he iliall euen fret himfelfe,'' and curfe his king "^"^« '° ^^ "«β•»' and his gods.aBd ihall looke vpward. 'ir/:b:m"^hXod! 22 And when he fljall looke to the earth, be- and fe.keheipe at hold trouble, and <=■ darkenefle, vexation , and an- j'*»' ^'•»'^. which ί• guiih.andbei;driuentodatkeneffe. ^i:::!^ the word of God, where hii will i» declared, ζ They bsue no knowledge, but are blinde lea- der» ofthebiiode. a Thii it , in ludah , where they Ibould haue had reft, if they hid not thu» grieuoufly offended God. b In whom atore they put their tiuit. c They Ihdl chinhe thathcauen and earth aad all crcaturetare beola- gaioll them to trouble ibem. CHAP. IX. I The vocation of the GeHliles. 6 Aprophecie$fChti/f 14. Theieftrticiton of the ten tithei for lh»tr [ride ani coxtemft of God. YEt a the darkeneffe iliall not he according to theafflidion, b that it had when at the ύιΰ. » He comforteth the hee touched lightly the land of Zebulan and thef.trrgL^ib'leat" land of 'Naphtaly , nor afterward »/;£» he wasjBiBgt.prominng to more grieuous by the way of the fea beyond Ior-jt«"o" them to great den in Galile of ^ the Gentiles. /^ ^ ^ ib^'wl^ewfh Krael i 2 The people that << walked in darknefle,haue|waipuaiftied,firii and ye iliall be broken in pieces, and hearken all j feenea great « light : they that dwelled in the landpy Tiglnh-piiefar, ,^ yee of farrecountreys: gird your felues, and you j oftheiliadowofdeath.vpon them hath the night!'^^'';.^'y""''8^ .■ty:mea..ng,that^^^,jj^g broken in pieces : gird your felues , and ' -■ ' acou.ge.nreipe* i yee of farre countreys : gird your I fliallbe broken in pieces : gird your felues , and | ihined. iof that which ibey you iliall be broken in pieces. \ 3 Thou haft g multiplied the nation, rtnifnottfutrrredaftet ward 10 Take counfeU together , yet it (lull be \ iocteafed i/jWrioyithey bauereioycedbtforethed^^^^^''*^™"*^'^^• brought to nought : pronounce a decree, yet ihall i according to the toy in hatueft.e^- as men reioycej κ,,ιϋ,^, away lit not ftand : for God is with vs. \ when they diuiJe a fpoyle. jcaptiuts. For the Lord fpake thus to mee , in taking i 4 For the ^ yoke of their burthen , and the! J^^^'^J""g'j.*^jl^ elttogeihtrby II For the Lord fpake thus to mee , in taking i 4 For the ^ yoke of their burthen , and the! J ofmine hand, and taught me , that I ili3«ld not j ftafl'e of their ihoulder,<»nii the rod of their oppref-lj hey of Jadah, itrufting their owne power, which wai fmall, defired fuch power and richeia they faw ia Syria and Ifrael. hThatii.the Affy riani which dwell beyond Eaphraiei. iltftiallbi ready 11 drown* them. hH-fi.eakethihiito M.ffiih.otChtilt, in whom the faith full were comforted, sni who would fufferhiaCburd to be denroyei vttedy. I To wit, rtee that are enemirs to the Church, althe AfTynans, Egyp-- tiani. Syriani, 3cc. 'τα Toencourage me that I ftlould not (hrinke for the infi. delitie of tbii people, and fonegleft mine office, η Confent not yre that are godly, to the league and frieudfllip that ihi» people freke with ftrangeu and ido- Liter», ο Meaning, that they ihould not feare the thing ihat they feared, which haue no hope in God. ρ l.-i putting your iruft onely in him. in calling vpen him inadverlitie , patiently looking for his helpe, and fearing to doe any thing eo'ntraiy to hit will, q H't will defend you which are hi» elcft, and reie^ all the reft, which it meant ofCbrili, agaioft vvbsmthe lewei Ihould liumbh «ad fall, ttike a,3+. Rom. 9 33. ι Pet. a 7,$. walke in the way of this people, faying, 1 2 Say ye not, A ° confederacie.to all them to whom this people laith aconfederacie , neither feare you ° their featfe, nor bcafraiJ of them. 13 Ρ Sanftifie the Lord of hoafles, and let him be your feare.and let him be your dread , 14 And he Iliall be as a q Sandjarie: but as a four haft thou broken.as in theday ofMi.tian. ireafoi y Surely euery battell of the wattiour «with: noife.and with tumbling of garments in blopdibut Hii°aT.° ^"" " this ilialbc ' with burning.ana deuoring ofhte. |d which were cap. 6 For vnto vsachilde is borne , and vnto vsf''"' '" Β'^ύ'' ' a SoDne is giuen : and the goiiernement is vpon the rrophetfpeaketh . of that thing which [ ihould come to i e Meaning , the com* | were Hgure» of our ! gh the pieathiagof) ■ bey went ; palTe ihreefcore yeerei after, at though it were now done. fctt of their deliuerance. fThit captiuitie and deliiier.'C captiuitieby liiine,andofcurdelii)eranc-cfcyCbrift th theGofpel.Mathew 4 1;. i«. g Their number wai gieaiei when into captiuitie , then when they returned , but their ioy wat greater at tbeir re•' turne , Hag. jio.. h Thou gauell them perfite ioy by deliuering them , and by , deftroying the tyrant» , that had kept them in ctuell bondage , as ibou diJdell ' deliuer them f^y G'deon from the Midianites. Iuc)g.7.ii. i He fpeaketh of the j deliueranceofhii Church , which be hath deliuered miraculoully froin hii ene. miet , butefpeciaWy by thccomming of Cbrilt ,of whom he propheciethinthf text verfe. Lis ^Vickcd lawes* CkapUC*, Blafphcmie of the cnemje. 4^ k The autbour of eterinty,»ndby whoiu [be Cburch and euety member thereof ItuU be ptefeiued for e- uet.aud haue im- noitall lite. 1 Hi| (wgulit loue and catefor bis ele». m Thi» i« another iprophecieagaioll them of Samaria, which-were moc- i ken and contem- ineriofGedspre- [ mifei acd meuacea, ο We were but weake, whea the eneroie ouercame VI. but wee will nuke out feluei fo lltong.ibat we will oeither care ; for out enemie», j Bor feare Godi Ijtheatoitigi. I ο Rezio king of Syiia.who was j ID league with If- rael, was Oaiue by the Airyrian»,af;cr whofe death A- raiD,ihatii,the Sy- riaoi were againd Ifrael, which on ■ theothi-r fide his ilioiilder , and he fcill cai\ hk name.VVonder- full.Counfdler.Tbe mightie God, The euerla- fiing!' Father. The pi ince of peace. 7 The encreafe of Ai/gouernmem and peace fl-all haue none end : he ftiall fit vpon the throne jof Diuid, and vpon his kingdome, to order it, and 'to aabliih it with judgement , and with iuftice, from henceforth . euen for euer i ' the zeale of the Lord ofhoaftes will pet forme this. 8 f The Lord hath fent a word into laakob, and it hath lighted vpon "> Ifrael. 9 And all the people (liall know , tutn E- phraim , and the inhabitant ofSatnatia , that fay in the pride and prefuroption of their heart, JO The"brickes are fallen , but we will build it with hewen Sones; the wild 6gge trees are cut downe, but we will change them into cedars. II Neuertheleffe . the Lord will raifevpthe iaduerfaties of^Rezin agabftbim.andioynehis I enemies together. ■ 12 Aram before and the Philiftimsbehinde, I and they Ihall deuoure lirael with open mouth ; \yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but {his hand » firetched out Qill- i 13 For the people turneth not vnto him that jftniteth them , neither doe they feekc th6 Lord of jhoaftes. i 14 Therefore will the Lord cm off from Ifra- iel head and taile, branch and ruib in one day. ' I J The ancient and the honourable roan.he is the head : and the prophet that teachcth lies, he is the taile. 16 Forthe leadas of the people caufe them to erre : and they that are led by thera are deuoured. ιγ Therefore fhall the Lord haue no pleafure in their yong men . neither will he haue compaf- Ikin of their fathetktfe and of their widowes : for euery one is an hvpocriteatyd wicked , and euery mouth fpeaketh follie ;_;«( for all this his wratlj is not turned away , but his hand « itretched out Qill. ig For wickednefle ρ burneth as a fire ; it de- noureth the briers and the ihornes , and will kin- dle in the thicke places of the fbreft j and they fliall mount vp lik^ the lif ing vp of fmoke. 19 By the wrath of the Lord of boafts Ihall the land be darkened , and the people fliall be as the meate of the fire ; no man fliall 4 fpare his brother. 20 And he fliallfnatch at the right hand ,aod be hungry ; and he Iball eate on the left band, and fliall not be fatisfiedieuery one fliall eate the ' fleih of his owne arme. 21 Manafleh Ephraim ; and Ephraim Maoafc feh, and they both ihalbe againft ladabiytt for all this his wrath ibnotturned away , but bis hand» firetched out (till. CHAP. X. I Oftritkeilarvmnken. s α<,άνιΙΐρ(νφΗΐί fetfle hi iheAfyrians and After Aeflvty them. itThe ttmmnt *f Ifrael jbninefaned. W' Oe vnto theai that decree wicked de- ctees.and * write grieouousthingi. 2 To keepe backe the poore from iuJgeroenr, and to take away the iudgemem of the poore of my people, that widowes may be their pray , and that tijey may Ipoyle the fati^etlefle. 3 What will ye doenowintheday ofvifita- tion ,and of defttudion , which Ihall come from |b farre i to whom will yee flee for helpe'and j where will ye leaue your c glory ? ΆΐΓ-ri,. cYour jtiches and auihoiity.kbat tbeymax beftfe^aod ihtt jt inay leceiuctbim againe. ρ WickeJoeffe «sabellowet kiodleth the fire of Godi wrath, which cotifunieth all bit obftinate t] Though there ' weie no foueine entmie, yet they , Ihall ciellrcyune another. \l Theirgreedi- iDflfe flialbe inra- j liable, fo ibatone j brother Dull eate ivpa»otber,«« tiiough he fiiouM , eat bis owoe iefb. [a Which write j anj pronounce a { v\ii.kedfeQience j. to oppreOf the f poort ; mcaDiDg, ! that the wicktd magiltraies.which Were the chiefe ' caufe of mifchiefe, I flioullbeliilt punilhfd. I b To wil.ftom 4 ^ Without mee euery ont ihiW fall among them that are bound , and they Ihall fall downe a-| mong the flaine : ytt for all this his wrath is notj turned away, but his hand is ftretched out ftill. u Bec.ufe they f f Ο ' Asihur.the rodde of my wrath : and jhaue forfakeo m», theftaffein their hands is mine indignation. iiemenialigoimo 6 1 will fend ♦ hirato adiffembling nation.iiJP;;^;^7t,';;;f;»'; and 1 willgiue him a charge againft the peopleje God caiieih for of my wraih to take the fpoyle and to take the!'^^ Afy'»•" pray , and to tread thera under feete like the mite " ' ' """' iu the ftreete. 7 Batheethinkethnotfo, neither doeth his heart efteeroe it fo : but hee imagineth to deftroy and to cut off not a few nations. 8 For he faith. Are not my princes altogether Kings? 9 Is net Calno as 8 Carcbemiih ? Is not Ha- noath like Arpad ! Is not Samaria as Damaicus^ 10 Like as mine hand hath found the king- doms of the idoles, feeing their idolcsBJeri aboue lerufalem.and aboue Samaria : 1 1 Shall not I , as I haue done to Samatia.and ^^^ to the idoles thereof , fo doe to lerufalem , and to ipofe „ „ deftroy the idoles theteof ? ' «'««> '» ««" " u f But when the Lord hath accompliihed '''all Us wotke vpon mount Zion and lerufalem. I wiirvifite the fruit of the proud heart i of the king of Aslhur.and bis glorious and proud lookes, 13 Becaufe hee faid , By the power of mine owne hand haue I done it , and by my wifedotr>e, becaufe I am wifetthetefote I haue remooued the borders of the people , and haue fpoyled their treafures . and haue pulled downe the inhabitfnts like a valiant man. 14 And mine hand hath found as a neft the ri- ches of the people.and as one that gathereth egges that are left,/« bauel gathered all the eatth: and there was none to moouc the wing or to open the mouth, or to whiiper. I y Shall the ^• axe boaft it felfe againft him that heweth therewith ? or ΠίϊΙΙ the ftw exalt it felfe a- gainft him that mooueth it ? as if the rod ihould lift up it felfe againft him that tiketh it vp , or the ftaffe ihould exalt it felfe attt inre no wood. 16 Therefore ihall the Lord God of hoafis fend among his fat men leauneilt: , and under his glory fThtt isrtheAlTf rians againB the lewes. which are but hypocrites, and io the fixtand feueoihverfeis declared the diife- reoceofthe woike of GoJ, and of the wickei in one ve- ry thiag aodafte : foi Gods intenti- on is to chaftife them for their a- meDdment, and Affyr themfelues : thu» io lefpeft of Godt iuftice.itisGod» woike, but in te- fpeft oftheirewae malice, it is the W'crke of tbe de• uill. g Seeing that I have oiiercome afweiloce city ai another, fo that cone could refift, Ihall lerufalem be able toefcipe mice hands ? h whea he bath fufficientlycballi- ied hii people (for he beginneth at hit owne houfe) then Λ ill he bume Meaning of Sa• we fee that it'jreisahle to doeaoy thing, God ap- he ftaTl kindle a burning,likc the burning of hre. if^j^'.^ey^.tTair* 17 And the light of Ifrael ilulbe as a ' fre,andL•tl,i/j;l,',..Jmen!t the Holy one thereof as a flame, and it ihall bwrne, |to doe fcis worke, I end deuoure ™ bis thorns & his briers in one day : toX'^rfiteis' "«'* 18 And ihall confume the glory of his forett, L•, f, 5.' ; and of his fruiifull fieldes both foole « and flvlh : | Meaning, that ( & he Ihalbe as the " fainting of a ftandard bearer. )'^„°^f^' .'^'If "^^",, '.19 And the reft of the trees of his foreft ihall p°d ^^fiie tl baToe'* be few, that a childe may tell them. 'bis enemies. 20 f And at that day ihalhhe remnant of If- ^ That is, the AiTi- rael and fuch as are efcaped of the houfe of lea- i'tj wit , body mil kob, ftay no more upon biro that fmote them, but iouie vueily. ihall Ρ ftay vpon the Lord , the Holy one of Ifrael ■« \vb^a '''« ^««'1 , ' ' ■' 5» lolt.and ihe ftao- 21 Theremnantiliallreturne, «««itherem- tThisistheend of nant of laakob vnto the mighty God. Sod. plague 22 Forthough thy people, Ο Ifrael. be as the [."^t'lt'trhim. fand of thefea , ytt ihall the remnant of them re- ,ud ,0 forfake all tutne. The conlumption 1 decreed ihall overflow truft inothe». • ι ' t r rr q Thu fmail num- withrighteoulneile. |;„ ^^.,^ι ^ f^^.^^j 23 For the Lord God ofhoaftes Hull mAethe to be cc,nfumed,«nd confumptiun euen ' determined , in the middes of yf < accordinj to »U the land. % ^°fd ihaii'be' fuf. Rcienttofillalltbe world with righteoufrelfe. r God Will liefliey this land iitbe bath determined, and after (aue a fmall ponioo > 24 Therefoti Λ p.rophecieofChnft. Ιίί iahi f A» the Efyotiatii dKipunilbtate. Reaie Ch»•,•. 9.4 wapiti zh:lU2^- by toe lifting Vj> f Mof?» rod, aad tbe eoemics •.te clicJWiied, ■M. i4,iS. B:caufe of the jniife made to jtliiog.loin!. whereby Chri.t» l:irtg.fcmeWM piefiKUted. y He deftribeih by wbat way the Allyriaosilinuli comea^aialt Ie:u- ijl.m, tnco;jfirme tbef«iibfull , vvUei 3uM come » pjiff , that SI their pUgue vVii come, iuililruUtbeybe dfiijered. 2 Fii e and de- «tuiiicn fn>U- come i-j'oa ludifa : f,.•: tbe princes a:iH I he ptopie Ihailbejllled aA'aycaptiue». £ B'Ciu e tiiecap- t.uitieijfBjbyloa vvMafigmeofih: Ipiiituallcaptiuity vntSer fione , he fljiweth that cur true deliuerance mull come by Cbtift : for a« Da iiid came out of iniai cut dignity , fo Cbrilt Ui >uld coma of a poore caipensen houfe at out of* dead Itocke , Caap. 'iik- 24 Theteforeihus filth the Lord GoiJ of hoafls, Ο roy people . that dwslleft ia Zion. be r>ot afraid of AsfliiB-.he iliall froite tliee wi;b a rod,& ihal life his ftaffe againft thee after y manerof ' Egvpt. 5• Bjt yet a very little tioie, and the wrath ihall be confumed, and mine anger in their deiiruftion. 26 And tbe Lord of hosftee fli.;ll rayfe rp a fcourge for him , according to the pUgue of' Mi- dian in therocke Ore'o : anda; his ftaff,; tvasvpon the a Sea , fo hee wili lift it vp afier the tnancr of Egypt. 27 And St that day fliall his burden betaken away from cS'thy iliouUer, and his yoke-frcm eft" tliy npcke : and the yokafiuibe deftioyed becaufe ofs the anoynting. 28 He is come toy Aiath: 1 eis pafledinto Mi- groEi : at Michmalli ihall he lay vp bis ariaorr. 29 They haue gone oner the focr J .• they lod- ged in tbe lodging at CJeba: Rainafo is afraid: Gibeah of Siiil is flid away. 30 Life vp thy voyce, Ο daughter GallitHiCaufe Lailh to heare . Ο poore Anatbcth. 3 f MaJnienah is rsn->ooned : thein'.iibicants of Gebim haue gathtr.d thetnfelucs together, 3 2 Yii there is a time that he will ftay at Nob: hee Ihall lift vp his hand t Sp r.ie :hc; Λ-jrke ia 'hem fuch m'lraal! cbart-y , tbat ihey ΪΙ11ΙΙ be Uk- )ef. fa'jouring and louin^oneanothi-r . and ci I cJf i!l:heir cruell aff.ai- , Chap• 6;, i;, d .It ihailJje iu «s gvwt sbucdaace at the ^'u»u in ώ; fta. nr.ong the people : make tDcntion of tiiem, for his Name is exalted y Sing vnto tlie Lord, for he hath dona excel- lent things : this is knowen in «11 the world. 6 Cry out , and iliout, d Ο inhabitant of Zi on : for g.-cat it the Holy one of iitael in the mids of thee. CHAP. XIII. The Meiei *nd Perfiam fiiilldentcy B.iijlii Τ He a bi;r len of Babel, which Ifiiah the fonne ofAixi^zdidfee. 2 Lift vp aftjndard vpon the high monntaine lift vp the vo)cev:Kotbea3 :' wagge the b hand that they luay goe into the gates of the nobles. 3 I haue cwrornanded them, that I haue « fan- dtihcd : and I ban;.• called the mighty to my wrath e Heproplecieth ofihecaliicgcf the Gentilcl, f Toat is , the Cburch , vvbich he irocilletbhis elt, rul iji.,^. g For God fit It .a.id 10 And in that day the roote of lihal ; which fliill ftandvpfor a figne vnto the e people, the nations iliallfceke vnto ic , and his 'leftfliallbe glorious. 1 1 And in the fame day ΑτβΗ the Lord firttch cut his hand t againe the fecond time , to pofleffc tbe remnant of lis people , (which Ihalbe kft) G^^eimeied bis people Asfliur, and of tgypt , and of Pathros , andof Ε thiopi.i , and ot tUm, and of Shinear, and of Ha. math, and of the ylcs of the fea 12 Andheeil-islifcivp a figne to the nations, and affettblethedirpeifed of Iftael, and gathei thefcaitered ofludah ftom the fourecotneisof the world' 1 3 The hatred alfj of Ephraim fliall depart, andtc^ aduerfariesofludahlliallbecutcfF; E. phraim Hiail notennie ^ ju^jah ^ neither ihali Iu dah vexe Ephraim : 14 But they Ihall flee vpon the llioi.'lders of ths Ρ hiiiftims toward the Weft; they iliailfpoyle then of the EiR tog2iher : Edom and Moab ihali be tin ^retching out cf their hands , and the children 0 Aajftion »« their obedience. I)• Tbe Lord alio ίΐ-,βΐΐ vtteily deflroy th< i tongue of the Egyptians fea.ind with his mighty wind flwil lk"t vp his' hand kouerthe.ruer , and ftailfmite hi>a in hit {insn ftrciames, and caufi men to walke t htnm with Ihooes. - 1 6 Ai;d there llulbc a pjth to the remnant of his people which are Uft of Aslhur . like as ic was vnto If 2ςΙ in tfteday that hee cacce vp out of the land ofEgypc. CHAP. XII. ji thaKkfiiviK^of the fiithfitll for themeiciei afCU. A Nd thou « ihale fay in that dey, Ο Lord, f will **ptaiie thee : though thou wili angry with me, thy wrath is turned away.and thou corofortea me. 2 Behold, God // roy b laluation : ί willtruft, & will not fearetfor the Lord God ij*ray itrength and fong : he is alfo become ray faluaiioii. 3 Thbreforewith ioyfnallyee cdraww*ters out of the wels of faluation, 4 And yee HiaII fay in that day ; "•" Prayfe the ofEgypi nowprotrifeth to iuet iheinout of their enemies bands , at froni^he rartbnm , Perfi- Csldeans , and them ofADtiocbia, smo.ig whom they we,e d.fperfed : ■ ■ hitfl/ meant of Chtill , ocaueihhi»' pie being difper- fed ihroughalltbe .rid. Here he defcri. betb thecenfenc th4t ihalbe in bit Church , «nd their V ftory ag»infl their eoeiniel. i Meioing , acor« net ofttefea, that entr^ihintothe laud, and bath tbe fjriiicofa tungi'e. 1: TowitjNi'us , H;erof hirh en- the fea with fcuen (tteamifc Egypt He flieweth hov» the Church /liall Crjyfc God , when tHry aie «eliuered their captiui• b Ourfalustion Itandetb nnejy ta ^od, wbogineth s an alfured confi. ence , conliancy , nJ occalioa to prsyfe him for the lie. . ' Exti. I J. X. Γ[λΙ. 1,8. If. 3 The graces ofGoi itialbe fo abundant, ye miy rcceiue inasgteat plenty , 11 water• ofa fountaine t-is fall. ■ «. 8. a That is , the great calamity , which wasprophe• cied 10 come on Babel, as a moll griruoaj buideo , which they were nut 2b'< to lieave. In thefeiwelue eis following: tht.MedessndPtrlijns, c That is ments. c ft'bith w'iHingly goe rb but how (h: wii;lied do: thii , reade Chap. io. C God Ifo i.if epeit not. b To wit, epsrcd and appointed toexecute itiy iudge- he woTkewacrevato I sppjfnt ihem, 4 The Babel like. 1 ο Sodom and Gomorah, ' Ch^p.X ly, 4 The noife of a rankituJe h in the raountiftis C Or » the Lord wiS haue compilTlon of laa likeagreat peopie raiuinultuous voyce of the , •*■ kobiindwillyetchufelftacl. andcaufetheR The army of the Medejantltbe riaasigiinll Babylon. f re BabyloQitni, jhe fall ot the tyrant> 46 kingdomes of the nations gathered together : the ί to reft in their owne land ; and the ftrargerb ll^all Lofdofhoaftesnumbteihtheliofteefihebdttdl. ' ioyne hitrfeife vntothecD, and they ihalicleana They conaefioraafarrecountrey.from the ι tochehoiifs of laikob. g The Babyli am angei anJ griefe nialbefomucb.. tbil their hers flwllbjrne iihre. h Thty that are ouercome Ihall thickc that alt tbe poweis of h^auea and earth are 4' gainft thrm.Ezek. . 7.Ioel3, ij. att. 14. !9• Hec^mparech Bibyio.i «othe nho!e world. b:- «awfe they foenee- medihsmfjlurs by eafonof thtir great empiie. h He no:eth the upill vice, wbeievato they mofl giurn, as «re all tUit abound in w'ealtb. 1 He DJteih the gicai llaughi that (Ijillbe tbe enenvy fliall neither lor gold, or filaet fpaie a mint lift, ai vt. i raMianing. the power of liibylon wirh .heif hired fouidieii. * Pfat. .37- 9. η Thiiwai notac complilhe.i when, Cyut looke Ba- bylon, butafier the death of Alex- •Dderibe great. t• Gf'f• 19. 14' Jerf. so. 40. ': ο Whoufethto j go from couotrey )untiey to find paiiuie for ihejr beaiti.tut there Hull they finde none. p^Which wtreei- thei wild beans. orfouUi.»t wic- hed fpirit» , wbeve- by Satan deluded man, ti by tbe fat- ries,gcblmt,and fughlikefaaiiuct. end of tbe heauen : iutn the Lord \f uh the ' wea- pons of his wrath to deftroy the whole land. 6 Howls t you , for the day cf the Lord is at hand : it iliaU cotne as adcftroyer fiom the Al. mighty. 7 Therefore iliali all hands be weakened , and: i all mens hearts lliall melt. 8 And they llialbe afraid: anguifli and forrow Arall take thtm.ind they lliall haue paine, as a wo• man that ttauailetb : euery one (halbe amazed at his neighbour , and their hccs fhalbf like g fljraes of fire. 9 Behold, the day of the Lord comnjeth, cru- ell,with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land wafte:and he rtiall deftroy tbe finuers out of ir. 10 For the ^ ftarres of heauen and the planets thereof ihail not giue their light: the funne Ihalbc datkened in his going forth , and tbe moonc fiiall not caufe her light to iliine. 1 1 And I will viiite the wickednefle vp3n the i world, and their iniquity vpon the wicked.and I will caufe the ariogancie of the k proud to ceafe, and willcaftdownethe pride of tyrants. 12 I will make a 'man more precious then fine gold, euen a man aboue the wedge cf gold of Ophir. 13 Therefoie I will il^ake tbe heauen,and the earth /hall remooue out of her place in the wrath of the Lord ofhoaites, and in the day of his fierce anger. 14 And '" it ihall be as a cl^afed Doe, a::d as α feeicgj flieepe that no man taketh vp : euery roan Cisll turce to his owtie people, and flee each one to bis owne land ly Bnery one that isfound,ihillbeftriken throug'.i : and whufoeuer ioynetb hiaifclfe , fliall fall by the U-ord. 16 * Tbeir"cbildrpn alfofluil he broken in pieces before their c/es: their houll-s Italbe fpoi- led, and their wioes ranilhed. 17 BfihoIde.I will ftirre vp the Medes againR them , wliich fliall not regard filuer , noi be defi- rous of gold 18 With bowes alio ftall they deftroy the children , and ihall haue no coirpidlun vpon the fruit of the wombe , and tiieir eyes ihall not fpare the children, 19 And Babclthe glory ofkingJonies,the beau- ty and pride of the Caldeans , (balbe as the deftra- j ftion of Gcd * in Sodom and Gomorah^ 20 It (hall not be inhabited for euer , neither fliali it bedwjiled in from g-eneraaon regenera- tion: neither Ihall the» Arabian pitch his tents there , neither ihall liieir fliepheatds make their ; folds there. I 2 1 But ρ Ziiin (hall lodge tbere,8c their 1 cafes llialbe full of Ο.ν:>τι : Oftriches (hall dwell ther^, and the Satyrs fhali dance there. 22 Andliro Iha'.lcryin their palaces, and dra- gons in their plealint p^Ucesiand the time there- of is ready to cotne.aiid the day es thereof ihal not be prolonged. C Η A P. XII I r. The ntuiH! eft'm peoflc frtnt cnptinitj. 4 The Jitifi't tfthi Kmg tfB.xtylea.ii Tht ieath »f tilt k'ni-iiTh^- itilmdiiU ij {hi VkiiiiliM, 2 And the people (hall receiue them δε br ing them to their owne place , and the houfe of Ifrael ihall po(3'elIe them in the land of the Lord , for c feruints and handmaydis : and they (hall take them ptlfonets , whofe captiues they were , and haue lule ouer their opprefl'ours. 3 f And in that day when the Lord (liall giue thee reft from thy forow , and from thy feare, and from the fore bondage , wherein thou diddcft fofue 4 Then flialt thou take vp this prouerbe a- gainft the King of Babel , and fay . How hath the Hefhfvveih by Gud will hafie todeittey hit ene- :witde. . liucr bii Church Meaning , that :be Gemilei fliall be ioyned with the Church, and woiftiipGod, e Signifying, that the lewci illould be fupeiioii to the fGeniilei.ind that they (houM b: brcught vnler the ' ■ ofChiilt by thf preaching • oftheApaftlei, whereby all ate ought to the fubicftionof Chrilt.i Cof. opprefibur ceafedi and tbe geld thiiftie ΒλΙ^Ι refted? y The Lord hath broken the rodde of the wicked ,ΛΛίί the iceprer of tbe rulers: 6 Which fraote the people in anger with a continuall plague, and ruled the nations in wrath: if any were psrfecuted , he did •^ not let. 7 The whole world is at e reft anii is quiet: they fiug for ioy. 8 Aifa the firre trees reioyced of thee.dwr/ the cedars of Lebanon ,fij/i"g , Since thou art layde do wne.no hewer catr e vp againft vs. 9 Hell beneath is mooued for thee to '' meete thee at thy comn-iAg.rayfing vp the dead for thec,/« ile-n, wheieof beTilf.ple wa» jq the Nofth- i!e, rfal.48 a. when by he mt«» them at noi-t.g hi» crue'tie. m Thou Waftaotburiei in ihe fepulcbre qfrihyf^ttertittyj- raccie wai ίο «bhuned. r'"g' ■ whe gainit Goi, tbrv ptrfe- is Cburchj and would fet rmfelueiin hii place. k In Biafueiliug Again It Moab llaikh, The caules ofMoabs fall< ■ He calletb to the Medet aud rediatu .and »ll ihofe that Ihould exctcuteGodt veo- ge*nce. ο Ai I hiue bei;uu to delhoy the Af- fyriinsioSamhe- libifo^riUIcM- tinue , tnddeltroy thtm wholly, whe 1 Ihalldtliueryou /jom Bibyloa. ρ From th« lewet. q Reade Chap. 13. t. )r Hewilletbth: Fhilirttm» not to ireioyce becaufe thelejvet are di- iaithed ia theu' power, for [heir Itr^agth (ball be greater chtDeuer ttwa». f The Ifraelitei, Bvhich were brought to moit extieme niifeiie. To wit , ray peo. pie. lat il , from the lewes, or Affyiians: for they were both North from Paleltiaa. X Butthey fliall Ik all ready, and Ε logtther, J Which niall lo enquire of the Itaie of the Church. They IhiU an• •fwere that the lord doth defend his Church, and them that ieyne tbein felaes there' vnto• ■ KeadeShap^ 13. t. t£) The chiefe city whereby the whok eountrey wai meant. c The Moabite», fliall Aeetoiheir idolei for fucoour, butitihallbe too late, d Which were citie» of Moab. e For at in the ' Weft parti the people vfed to lei thfir hairr grow lodg.whrn they mourned, foio the Baft» parti ihcy cut it oiT, f The Prophet graue, becjuie thou haft deSfoyed thine ownc j momtlng Vp of LufeithTitii by the way of Ho- Uao.end flaine tby people; the feed of the wicked | ronahn tbey l» fliall raife vp a cry o£ deftruftion. fliall not be renowmed for euer, 6 For the waters of Nimrim fliall be dried vpj 21 . " Pfepare aflaughter for his children, for ' therefore the grafle is witbered.the herbes conlu. the iniqoitie of their fathers : let them not rife vp nor poiiefle the land.not fill the face of the world with enetnies. 22 q" For I win rife vpagainft them (fayth the Lord of hofts) and wil ctjt ofl frem Babel the name and the remnant .andthefonae.andthe nephew, fayth the Lord. 23 And I will make it a pofleflion to the Β heJgehog. and pooles of water.Sc I will fweepe ic with the beforae of deftrudion , fayth the Lord of hoaftes. 24 The Lord of hoaftes hath fworne , faying. Surely like as I hauc purpofed , Co fliall it come to pafle, and as I baue confulred.it Ihail ftand: 2Ϊ ο That I will breake to pieces Aslhur in my land , and vpon my njountaines will [ tread him vnder foaite , fo that his yoke fliall depart from Ρ them , an:l his burden, fliall he taken from ofl" their flioulder. 26 This is the counfeli that is confiilted vpon the whole wotlJ .and this is the hand ftretcned out ouer all the nations med ,ΛΛίί there was no greene herbs. 7 Therefore what tuery man hath left , anc their fubftaoce fliall they beare to the'brooke ol ' To hide them• the willowes 8 For the cry went round about the border: of Moab , anduit howling thereof vnto Eglaim, and iheskriking thereof vnto Beer-Elim 9 Becaufe the waters of Diraon fliiUbe ful ^ of blood ; for I will bring more vpon Dimon, eucn lions ' vpon him that efcapeth of Moab, anc to the reisnant of the land C Η A F. XVr. Thecnufes vehtrefore the Mo*hitei ate deflro^ed ^Enda yeealambe to the uiler of the work fcom the rocke of the wildetnefle , vnto th« mountaine of the daughter Zion. 2 For it Ihall be as a bird that b flieth , and a neft.forfiken : the daughters of Moab fliall bs at the footdes of Amon. 3 Gatheracounfd,exjcuteiuJgeraent,<;make I thy ihaJow as the night in the midday :hide them Γ^ρ*"^ ''«"g*•"'" 27 Becaufe the Lord of hoiftes hath determi- that are cnafad out; bewray not him that is fled. °hJ^. '"'^'"' ned, andwho Ihall djfannullit ? and his hand is 4 Let my baniflied dwell with thse ; Moab, ftretcheJ out , and who (hall turne it away? be thou their couert from the face ®f the deftcey- 28 f In the yeere that king Ahaz died , was er ; for theextortioner J ihiU ende : the deliroyer iHl"ai^ ivtih this q burden. flull be confumed ,4«5 able to heli^e ihem. iompartio all iavj I. η They (hall vft ine : for C^eiuez their would haue moo• lament with them, asPfal. 14. ». I The enemies are come vpon thee, and Ibout for ioy, when thty cary tby conimo,fitiei from thee. a» lerem 48'33 ail mean;is to feeke great god Oull do: Of Dansali us and Ifrael. p who will ob- fetut iuRly the b ThecUefe citic of Syria, c It WM a Goun- «Ky of Syria by tbe riuer Arnon. d Ic fcemctb that Pj^-^vq ^v"i .x^^* ° In three yeeres yyeeresof anPhiteling-.and I the glory of Moab (hall be contemned in all the j great rauititade , and cbe temnaat ihall be very f {laiU and iecbk. Deftrudion of Egypt, 4}? C« A p. XVIII. ~ I Of the enemies «/ the Ch»r(h , τ And tf the νΐίΛίιοΗ j of the Geniilei. \ time for the which I vine branches. n Id the day ihalt thou make thy plant to grow , and in the morning ihalt thou make thy ftede to flauiifli ; but the harueft iliali be gone in the day η ofpofltffion.and thtrefhali t«dclperate foriow. 11 0 Ah, the multitude of many people, they fliall make a found like the noifeof the fea:for the Ro} fe of the people ihall make a found like the noyfe of mightie waters. 13 The people ihall make a found like the noyieof many waters. iar god iliall Ρ rebuke the. and they ihall.flee farre oft.and ihall be chafed as thechifle of the mountaines before the windc, and as a rouling thing before the whirlewinde. 14 And loe.in the euening there» ι trouble-, hut afbre the morning it is gone. This is the por- tion of them that fpoylevs, and the lot of them thatrobbevs. ID declaring the dellruftion of thefe two kiogi of Syria and Ifrael. Wbea ai they had coofpired tbe o- uerthrow of ludih. e The tea tribe• gloried in their multitade and al- liance with other natiooa : therefore fee faith that they Iball be brought dowoe,andthe Syriani alfo. f MeaoiDg.ofihe ten tribe• , which boatted them• feluei of ibeir no- bilitie.pibfperitie, ftrength and mul• titude. { A< the abnn- daoce of corne , doth lot feite the baruell mea that Ibould cut ic dowce : no more ball tbe muhi- olinael :tbeeaemiet rinke, whom eod Ihall ap- point to de• llroy them, h Which valley watpleocifuliaod fertile. i Becaufe God would baue hit coucnaot (table, beprcmlfeih to refetue fome of (hit people acd to briog them to repentance. k He Iheweth that Godi coireftioDi cuer btiog forth fome fruice, and caufe bii to tume from their finuei.acd to bumble them- feluei to him. 1 A• the Cananitci left their citiei. when God did flacecbe Ifraelitei there, fo the ciciei of Ifrael (hall no more be albe to defend their inhabitants then iuBle's, wheDGoifli'll feid the eoemie to plague them, m Which aieexcel- !Dt, and brought outofothtr couniieyci. η Αι tbe Lord thteatnetb the wicked in hit Law.Leuit i6 i6 oTheProphet lamei:ttth , ccnlideriug the horiible plaguelbat wai piepaied»gain)l Ktaelby the AOyrians , which weieicli jite in Dumber , and fathered of iriany nations, ρ Hee addeth ibis for iheconfolatiou of the faithfuU which were in Ifiael. q Hee coirpaieth the enemiei the Afl';ri• 0 * KBif eft, which iifeth ouei night , and io tbe moiiung it gone. ζΛ Η . the » land ihadowing \vith|^ing$ , which ^-^ is beyond the riuers of Ethiopia. a He i 1 Sending ambalTadours by tbe fea , euen in Ip" veflels of h reedes vpon tbe waters, fajinx,'- Goe, |^j meaneth that part of Eibiopia, hich lictb to- r -r /!■ - . .•-.><■ . ••>rd thefea.wbick yec fwift mefleogers. to a nation that is fcattered iwai fo full of ibipi abroad.and fpoyled , vnto a tertible ^ people from *•"' thefaiin(whick their beginning euen hitherto; a nation by little ''*.'°"'P"«''"<» and little euen troden vnder foot : whofe land the e floods baue fpoyled, 3 All yee the inhabitants of the world ,and dwellers in the earth , ihall fee when f hee fetteth vp a figne in the mountaines , and when he blow- eth the trumpet, ye ihall heare, 4 Foi fo the Lord faid vntomee , I will ί reft and behold in my tabernacle , as l" the heate dry. ing vp the raine,«»ii as a cloud of dew in the hcdt oi bartieft, For afore tbe harueft, when tbe floure, is fi niffed , and the fruit is riping in the floure , then hee ihall cut downe the branches with bookes, and ihalltake away , and cut off the bouges: 6 They fliall be left together vnto the foules cf the mountaines,and to the ' bieafts of the earth; fo. the foule ihall fummer vpon it , and euery beaft of the earth ihall winter vpon it. 7 At that time iliallai^prefent be brought vnto the Lord of hoafis(a people that is fcattered abroad,aDd ipoyled, and of a terrible peopL- from their beginning hitherto,a nation by little and lit- tle euen troden vnder foot , whofe land the riuers haue fpoyled) to the place of the name of the Lord of hoaftes , eutn the mount Zion. wiog») fcemed to fhidow I be fea. b Which in thofc cooatreyes were great, infomiich as they made Ihipa ofthem for fwift• neffe. c This may be ta- ksn that they fent others to comfort eltwes.aud ptumifeiben IpeagaioU their enemies , and fo the Lord did cbreateti take away theit fttength.tbat the lewes fllould doc trull therein -. oc that they did fo• licite cbe Egypti- ans, and piomife4 thtmaide to goe againftluda. d To wit, the wei , who be- ufeofGodi plagues, mideall siher nation• a- Iraid ofthe like,»• Godthieacocd, Deut. as 37, e Meaning the Aflyrians, aichap S, 7 . fwheu the Lord prepartih to fight agaiuit cbe Ethio- pians, g Iwillihya wbilefiom puoilhicg tbewicked. b WhiLfa two feafon» are nioft pioiiiable for the riping of fruiies , λ oere'jy hee meaneth, that hee will feemeto fauour them, and giue them abunda-.cc fur a time, but bee will fuddenly cut them cff. i Notouely men Ihall cantcmje ibcm.buithe biuite beattes. k Meaning , that God will pitie hu Churih,aDJ rcceiue iby little renuunlai offring vato bimfelfe. CHAP. XIX ι The deiitullim ,f,he £i}ptUns by the Afyr,a»s.nOf their ceuuetfieHtt the Lai. TT He , burden of Egypt. Behold.the Lord '' ri- , R^aj, Chap. ■*• deth vpon a fwift cloud , and ihall come into <3•ι. Egypt , and the idolesof Egypt ilialbe mooued at bis prefence , and the heart of Egypt ihall melt in tbemiJscfher. 2 And I will fet the Egyptians againft the E- gyptians:fo euery one ihall' fight againft his bro ther, and euery one againft his neighbour , citie againft citie , and kingdome againll kingdc nse 3 And the rf (pit it of Egypt ihall faile in the midsofher ,andl will deftroy their counfell,and they ihall feeke at the idoles.and at the fotcerers, and at them that haue fpirits of diuination , and at the foothfayers 4 And I will deliuer the Egyptians into the hand of the cruell lords , and a mightie king iliall rule ouer them , faith the Lord God of hoaft?. y Then the waters ofthe fea lliall ' faiJe , and tbe riuer ihall be dried vp , and wafted. 6 And the ' riuers ihall goe farre away : the riuers ofdefence ihall be emptied and dried vp; the reedes and flags ihall be cut downe. policie and wifedoiue. e Hee fheweth that tbe fea and N' wheiebyihey thought tbemfelues molt fure , ihould not hi from hii anger , but thai hee would fead the Atryiians among them , that ihould keepe them vnder ai fliaes. fFot Nilui laa into the fea by feuen Uieatnes, It though tfaey were fe many tiueii, 7 Tl» 3 Bccaiifethe igyp-iioitrufted ο the defence of heu countrey.in he multitude of their idoles.and ία thevaliantncU'cf iheir men.iheLoid Iheweth that bee will come ouer all their mu litiobi la ifwiitclo.id, and bat their idolc• Ihall tremble at iscommiiig.aod 3ac m;ushcaiti ihall faint. Asbecaufedthe" Amosites.Moa- )iiesaod Idome- ins to kill one an. )ther,wheo they ametodeltroy he Church of God a Chron iO, bap49,j6. d Mdanir.g ibeir The tongue of Canaan g Tb» Ebrsvv Word jsin.uih, Wiieifby chfy fpiing liaiahl• tnfth oiuwftbe »i Toe Scrijiruie» vfctotdcfcnijctbe ύ'.ΛΐΊΐ&ίαα of» couiu.e, by takiug awayofihe con4- i"=Jities thereof, •t by vines, ftcih. 6/I1 , aa 1 luch othe things, whereby couutieyeia'.eea• l/ched, i CilleJ alfo Ti- «lei afimoHScitie vpooNriui. k'Hi notethtne flarterert oi-Ph». laoh : who p.-rfsvi- ci« tb. kin J rb:t tevru wiic.jcd fioble, sn.ithit h/ihoufe wajmoft ancient , a.l^ fo hfe flattered bimfelfe, iayitJS.Ia.nwife. I Ϊ Or,Me,n;)hif, I ether» Alexaudii», «nd DO .V oiled «i«gr(?tCiii-a. m Tbe priucipaK l/pfao) lifs tbeveof ■re the chiefell tiafe of their de• itnidioB. η Forthofpiritof v-'utdonie he hath 1111. ie :h;iiiclri20- hfuandgiddiewitl thL-(;.,nt of error. ρ Ndiher tbe grearaorth: fmjll ihellrongoor the -weake. b Coslidering that ihrough their eccafioa the lewe» made aot God their defeace; but pettheit trulHa them, and Aere therefore now pu-• niOied.tfaty ihiil - ieareifaltthelihe | light vpoQ them. d aright. f Meaiing,of lix» cities, fine Ihould fttac God, andth» iixt remain* ία their wi..kedaet: anifoofihe frxt 7 . The graiTe in UKtlml4ftd at the s head of | Blefled te Osy people Egvpt and Aifliur.the worki the naers .and ail that groweth by the riaet fl^all of mine hands , and Ifrael mine inheritance. Ilaiah g^tuimkcd wither,««ib|^riueQ away .and be no more. 8 The fiiners aifo iliill Ί raourne , and all they that call angle into the riuet , fhalilaraent , and they that Ipread tbiit net vpon tlie waters , Hull be weakened. 9 Moreouer.they that worke in fljxs of diners fjtts.lliilbe confound i;d, and they that wesue nets. I ο For chtir nets ihali be broken.and all they that make ponds fhaWe heauie in heart. II Surely the princes of ' Zoan dr*fooles:the counfeil of the wife counfejlers of Pharaoh , is become fooliili ; how lay yee vnto Phataoh , I ''• arn the fonne uf the^wife i I am the fonne of the ancient kings? 1 2 Where are nov; thy wife men , that they 1 may tell thee, or may know what the Lord of ^hoaftes bath determined againft Egypt} 13 The princes of Zaan are become fooles.-the (princes cf Njph art• deceiu^d.they haae deceiiud Egypt , tuen the "' comers cf the tribes theieof. 14 The Lord hath taingled among them the [rpirit η of errciurs : snd they haue caufed Egypt to erre in etiery wctke tlereof.as a drunken man er- reth in !Js vooait. I ) Neither fhai! there be any worke in Egypt, whiwh the head ro?.y » doe , not the tayle , ths branch nor the ruil;. 16 In ihdt day Ihall Egypt be like vnto wo- men : for it ll'.ill be afraide and feare becaufa of the mooning of the hand of the Lord of hoaftes, which he fliiketh ouer it. 1 7 And che land of Iiidah (lialbs a feare Ρ vn. toEg^'pc reasry one ihat maketh meatioi;of it, fliall be aftaide thereat , becaufe of the counfeil j of the Lord of hoalles, which he hath determined \ vp on it. 1 3 In that day iliill fiue cities in the land of Egypt 1 fpeake the language of Canaan , and fliall a who Wat cap- taine cf Saaehetib, i.Kfng.iS.i7. b A «iiie of the PhiUlhmf. c The Ebrewe» that Saaeha- C Η A P. XX. » The three yeeres ctfittnity of Ei-^ft aiti Xthitfixdti fcrtbei by ihe ihreejeerei gain^ naked oflfuAh. Τ Ν the yeere that «Tartan came to^ Ailidod, {when e Sargon king of Asftiar fent him) and had fought againft AlhJod . and tjken it. ζ At the iarae time fpake the Lord by the hand of ifaiah the fonne of Amoz . faying , Goe , and| loofe the d fackecloath from thy loynes , and put, ^'^ was fo railed. off thy Ihooe from thy foot^ And he did fo , rJiUtT.h^ Ι^ΐ kingnaked andbarefoote. 'Sd'S'll'^nr 3 And the Lord fay d , Like as my feruant Ifa- ' the miftrie thu b iah hath walked naked and barefoote three yeeres [^^ f^'^","^ ' '''' Λ! 3 fgne and wonder vpon Egypt , and Ethiopia.j y;"Js !hat"he 4 So iiull the king of Aslhor take away thei went naked aii captiuitieof Egypt, and the captiuitie of Erhio- !'""''"""* p'ii,both yong men and old men , naked and bare- foote , wiiii their buttockes viKouered , :o tha Ihatne of Egypt. y And they ihali feare . and be alhamed of!* in whoi'eayje « Ethiopia their expedition , and of Egypt their 1'"'^ν """«Ι- glorie. * j' of whom they 6 Then iliall the inhabitants of this gyle fay Ig Meaoiog.iudea, in that day. Behold , fuch is our expeftation , whi- j '"'"'^'' "'" "=""" ther wee fledde for helps to be deliuered from theifbe^ «<,ΓΓ« king of Asfhar.and how fnill we be deliueredf j an yie with water». CHAP. XXL I Of the deftmdton «/ SaijLa b; the Fetpxns and] pieties, ztlherutne of Idumea ,'ii x»d»j Arabin.j Τ He burden of the » defert fea. As the whirle-' • 0° '•'« ''" fi^e winds in the South vfj to palTe from the wil.;,^"^^!''^',* derneffe , fo lliail it b come from the horrible land. | a wiideroeffe. 2 A grieuous vifiou was fliewed vnto mec.i"'''*"''!''»^""»' The = Tranfgreil'onr againfi a tranfgreObur , and |ΓτΗ« uVtVeraiat the de^coyst a^aiitjl a defttoyer. Goe vpdElam, jof Babylon ijy j befieee Media: I haue cauleJ all the mourninRJtheMedej.ad c The Affyrian» at Cildeacs , which thereof to ceafe. ^ . ί Therefore are my Hoynes filled with forow; Ayeare by the Lord ef hoafts : one Ihall be called ! forowesbaue taken me as the forowes of a wo the citieof f deftruSion. 19 In that day ί1ια11 the altar of the Lord be in the mids of ths land of Egypt.and ' a pillar by the border thereof vnto the Lord. 20 And it ihalbe for a figne and for a witnele vnto the Lord of hoaftes in the Und of Egypt : for they Λυΐΐ cry vnto the Lord , becaufe of the op- preflburs.and he Ihall fend tiiem " a Sauiour , and a great man , and ihall deliuer them., 2 1 And the Lord Uulbe knowen of the Egyp- tians, and the Egyptians Ihall know the Lord in that day , and doe χ factifice & oblation.and iliaJI vow vowes vnto the Lord, and perf jtme them. zt So the Lord ihall fraite Egypt, he Ihall fmite and heale it :for he fnall retume vnto the Lord, & heflulbe inrteated of them and iliill healethem. 23 In that day ih ill tbete be a path from y E- gypt to As-1-!ur,ani3 Aslhur iliall come into Egypt, and Egypt into Aslliur:fo the Egyptians ihall woriliipwith Asiiwr, 24 In that day Qiall Ifrael be the third with Egypt and Aslhui : tuen a bleiEng in the mids of the Land, 2 ) For the Lord of hoaSs iliall bleife it.fay ing. be hut one loit. t There Oiall be «uiieatfigneiaad tokeni , that Gods religion •«tbtre: which ι ^iiner of fpeech is tftea of the Pattiarltej, and ancient times. when God hath not Μ yet appointed ihs plaie.acd full roaner how he would be worihipp;d. u Thia declareta that this prophecie ihould beacccmpliihed in the time of Chriit. χ By thefeceremouiei hee comp'eheudtth tbe fpirituall feririce voder Chiilt. y By tbefetwo nation» , which wire then chrefc toemiei o.'the Church , he fllewetU that the Sentilei and the fewes (hculd be ioyned logtiher in one faiiii asd ttU• jB'ofl , antJ ihould be all oa« faU voder Chtittitcit ttepbcard. had deftrcyed other Ditioa», HhU be ouetcomeef the Medei and Perfs. ansr and thii he prophecied an huuJred yeere be« fore it came to palTe. d By Rlamheme*. neth the Pwfiaot. e Brcaufethey (hall Slide no fuc- cour .they flijll raourne no more, Dor, I haac caufed ouroiog , wbom Bibylon hadaf- flifted, f This the Pro- let fpeaketh ία e perfoo of the bylooiani. ' g Kepropbecieih the deith ofBci- Uiaziar.a» Dan.j-.j» who in themidi pf pliafurei wa* deitioyed. h While» ihry are g and drinking they Ihall be com- ma ided to ruoneto their weapons i To wit , in avifionby the fpirit of proibecie. k Mtanifig , cbareiiofmen o^ watre . ind otbeij that curied ihe baggige- 1 M«aniDg Diriuj , which ouercame E.ibylon. inThe wrtihiran whom Ilaiah fet vp , told him who oine rowarj Babylon ,aiid the Aigel declared that it ihould be dellroyed : allthii wa» done iuavifioQ.#/ire. iJ.S.rf«e/.i4 S. η Meaning, Bibyloa. 1 Ehr.fmne.oWbith VN'AS 1 citis οΐώϋ Ilh«aiict« > aad «VU fo Dimed of Duinah, Gtoe. i/. 14. —ESS man that trauaileth : I was bowed oowne when I beard it . and I was amazed when I faw it 4 Mine heart failed : fearefulneife troubled rre : the eight g of my pleafures hath hee turned into feare vnto ms. y Prepare thou the table : watch in the watch tower : eat , druike : ^ atile.ye prinoes,anoFnt tbe ihielde: 6 For thus hath the > LOrd fayd vnto me.Goe, fet a watchman , to tell what be feetb, 7 And hee fawacharet with two horfemen: I» a cbaret of an iSe,and a charet of a canell; and ■he hearkened a«itookc diligent heede. 8 And hee cryed , A i lion : my lord , I ftand continually vpon the watch towre in the day iirae, and I am let in my watch euery night 9 And beholde, this mans charet commeth with two horfemen. And '" he anfwered and fayd, '*' Babel is fallen : it is fallen , and all the images of her gods hath he broken vnto the ground, 10 0°my threiliing.andtbetcorne ofmy floore. That which I haue heard of the Lord of hoafis the God of Ifrael , haue I Ihewed vnto you. 1 1 ί Tile burden of ^ Diimah , he calleth vnto ITtie deftruaion of lerafalera Chap.X X I L X X 1 1 1, foretold. Feafting fo^fafting^. 43 ρ Amountaineof tbeldumcaoi. q Hrd-Iatbeth thevnquietoei of theoeople ofOu- ih, whowete gbtaodday ia ft»re of their eos- eiiu,*odeaeri»o to ind fro (0 eo- tjfiiit ceweit I Fot feare, the A• i*biau• (hall dec iato the wood<, he appaimeih what way they bitll lake. f Sigtufjing.tbai for feate thty Ibal! not tary to eat oot driakr. He appointeth iheni leipite for eneyeeie only, and then they (hottid be deftroyed. ReadeCbap. i6. s horrible deftri place for refuge oitto efcape Godt wrath, but oneiy ι wd to Hue ία bit feat i. ises out of t'Seir, Watchman , what was in the night i Watchman, what was in the night ? 1 2 The watchman favd , The °. morning cotu- Bieth, and ?lfo ihc night. If ye will aske, inquire : retutne and come. 13 f The burden againft Arat :a. In r th e for- reli of Arabia lliell yee tary all night , tuen in the wayescfDidanim. 1 4 Ο inhabitants of tb'e fand of Teraa , bring forth f^ water to meet the ttitfty ,> is ftifnui. Γ He bMtden of the * valley of vifion.What *> «!• j leth thee now that thou art wholly gone vp j vnto the houfe tops ? j 2 Thou that art foil of "= ooyfe ,a ciiie full of d cbernh, there areofthe learned that thiDketbat this wicked man brute, a ioyous citie, thy fljine men llial) not ie flaine and to baldoes and girding with lackcloacb- i^ Aodbehold.ioy and gladnes, flaying oxen L J « . - and killing llieepe. eating fldli.and drinking wine. r„°,o" ,e J*,'e Ρ eating and drinking , for to raorow we Ihail die. [oyfuii and maje 14 And it was declared in the eares ofthe Lord P"". '^^"" • ""»- ofhoaas . Sorely this iniquity iball not be purged pni'°!n.O*fhe fromyou.till yedie.fayththeLordGodofhoafts. rtophet•, faying, ly Thus fayth the Lord God of hoafls.Goe.get Μ'^'""»'^Ί thee to that s treafurer . to Shebiia , the ttewatd of S^^oph^rfa^/tbat the houfe, andfuy, jwee (ball die to 16 What halt thoo to doe here ? and whom """•οΛί• haft thou ' here f that thou liouldefthete hewei^,^^,';;^^;^'^/^^^; thee out afepulchte.ashethathcwethouthisfe-iaifofigmSeone' palchre in a hie place , or that graueth an habita- ^^^f- doeih ooutiih tion f for himfelfeia a rocki • 1 7 Behold , the Lord will cary thee away with a great captiuity.and will furely couer thee. 18 Hee will furely rolle ^«^turnetheelikea,^;;^^^;.''^^"^^^ ball in a large coHiutey : there flialt thou die , and lAiryrian'/'acd'Egyp- thcre the charets ofthy glory /WA» the' Ihamejtians to betray the of the lords honfe. ^ j ^ί^ί7„^Λ?™^°ιΡ'°* Ip And 1 willdrine thee from thy ftation, andj),'g,*„ft',ii'd™t,gj;., . outofthy dwelling will he dellroy thee. liutbemeanefea- 20 And in that day will I "call my feruant/i^•' '"P»'"''*'»?• Eliakira the fonne tf Hilkiab. :^^[, '^itXxo 21 And with thy gattuents will I cloathe him, Li• hand vDdti He- and widi thy girdle willl ilrengthen him: tby|"!='»'>.euerafpi- power alfo will I commit into his hand . and liee |i'Me'aning, .larh'ee iball bea father of the inhabitants cfleruralem.lwsiaiiraDget , and and ofthe houfe of ludah. Icamevpofnothing. 22 And the ^^ key ofthe hoofe of Dauid will I ffe^ J^t'" m"ke lay vpoii his fl-oulder : fo hee ihall open , and no f man Hull fim : and he Ihall lhut,and no man Aiall 23 And I will fatten bim as a y naile in a fure L™oa"'tb'e*A'Jy placo.and he iball be for thj throne of glory to his fathers hou(e. 24 And they fl-sall hang vpon bim all tVie glory of his fathers houfe, *uen of thenephewesandl pofterity ^ all fmall velTels . f: om the veiicis of the '"g'" '« '^' cups.euen to all the inltruroents of muficke, ali by hii famou* fepukhre, be diut molt isiferaoly ~ riacs. t Sigaifying.tfcat whatfoeuer digni tie tb• witkedai" of tbofe sfirre To be iteward ipaine , one of ibe ihfull : haue lallcn. Cry , acd the Ciiy of Dauid , which wa« within ibe coinp.ae ofthe other, m Eithit to pull dowce fuch a» might hurt , or slfe to know wb.-j; me;i rbey wereshletomake. η To prouide if Deede Ihouldbe of water, ο To God that nude Uiudiem . tl)«( ii.tbey.uuUcd mou in ibeie worldly meaDei,ihea io Ged, 2y In that day faith the Lord ofhoafls.ihalltherby whom they a naile that is faftened in the fure place.depart and Hialbe broken and fall.and the burden that was vp- on it , Ihalbe cut off: for the Lord hath fpoken it J which Office bee had bteue put , b' the craft of Sbfbni. χ I will commit vato him the full charge and gouerjjement ofthe kingi houfe. y I willeltabliih bim. and confirme him 'o fait olfice:of ib phrafe, reade fcra,9 9. ζ Meaning, that both fnulland great that ihrdlcumt t Eliakim, iliall hjue prayfe and gloiy by Shcbna , who in niaus iud/eraent mould oeu CHAP. XXIII. ι Afyofhecie ugainft Tjms, 17 j4 frmife that it fitll is I'll nei: Τ He » burden of Tyrus. Howie yee fljippes of b Tarlbilh : for' it is deitrcyed , fo that there j^ v'/^^^cilTcu'^'" is none houfe ; none Iball cctce from the land of jbat come thubet d Chittim : it is < rcuealed vnto diem. 2 Be ftill , ye that dwell in the yles : the mar. chants of Zidon , utid fuch as pafle ouer the fea bane ' repleniihed thee. 3 The ε feede of Niliis grcwing by the alu v daiice of waters , «/liihehaiueftof theriueru'di her renenue;, and Ih; was amartof thenaiicns, 4 Be ailiaraed, thou Zidon ; for die i" fea hath fpuken.iKM theftcength ofthe fea, faying, I haue Dot ■ trauailed, nor brought forth cbildrco,neither g Meaning, the corre cf E^ypt.wtich wii feddoby ibe c h That ii , Tyiut, which v\as ihc cbitfepoit of ihe fea. le& \a me , and s» a> a bauee v\oiaw thjtt ncurr Όλλ chi !de noi:tiihed »r marchan \'\h* Tyru.l. de. icye.ibyNcbu- jjdcwzar. d By Cti'.timthej ni a'l the yie» cbcd thie. rfiowiiiSuf Ki'u» i 1 h^uc DO )>ecple phetallofirymsr Hiab. eie loyiied m ague together- Mzi iTiArcfaants hoi.matcbaa.i like piioce». η Thy ftreogtb thee .' the4efoieflt;e to other cotiQtreyt for fuccour. ο ForTyruswas ceuei' couched nor afflifttd before. f Becauie Tyiiit was build by them of Zidon. ΛίΙ fra)fe the Lord. BEholJ.the Lord raaketh the ' earth empty.and hee makith it wafte : hee turnetb it vpiide downe « and fcattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. 2 And there fliall be like people, like *> Prieft, end like feruant , like matter . like mayde, like mi- ftrefle . like buyer, like feller, like lender, like bor- rower, like giuer, like taker to vfury . otAarotit wai alfo applied to them , whici wet Ifo a ma:j of dignity ai 2 Sam 8. iS.atid ao if. i.Chro id by thefe word» the Trophe: fig iifi«h aa hoiuble toefulion , wjier there ihilUx; n:ithM relijioo, cider, not policy, Hufe» 4,9. is fmitteo with deftrucSioa 1} f Suidy thus /hall it be in the n){h cfthe earth, amon.; the ρίορίε,*" astheihakingof an oliue tree,4«i as the g. apes whe« the vintage is ended. 14 They fl-iall lift vp their voyce r they fliall fljout for the magnificence of the Loid : they ihall reioyce from 'the fea. 1 y Wherefore prayfe yee the Lord in the val- leyeSi rue» the NameofthcLotdGodof (fraei,in theylesirfthefea. 16 From the vttermoft part of the earth W'.'e haue heard prayfes , euen glory to the !« idft , and I fayd, ' My leannefle,my leannefle.woe is me : the tranfgfeiiburs haue offended: yea thetranfgref- fou's haue grieuoufly offended. 17 Feare , and the pit, and the fnare fatioui, till God bi take tbe force thereof. f Meaniog.tbatai the beate is abated by the raiue, ίο llul God bring downe tbe rage of tbe Wicked. g At a cloud Iha• doweib fiojHtbe heate of the funoe, fo iliall God af- fwage the rtrioy- ciogof tbe wicked ■ gaioll the godly, h Towi:,io Zioa, wbeieby bemea- neth faisChuich, which (hould vnder Cbiift be aflemdled of tbe lewet and the Gentiles. iciibedvuder the figure of a coll I y banket, at Matt ii. kept backe (torn Cbiift. k H: will take iway all occalioD of ΓοιοΛ and fill h withpeifitioy,Reiie.7.i7.aDd a 1.4. 1 By Moab ate meant ill tbe eneniief of hi Church, m There were iwociiiet oftbii name:orje in ludjh, t.Cbro.a.49 an ■anutbfr in tbe land of Moab , leie. 4S. a. wbicb feemeih to banc bin apleniifulL. plaic of coitie, Cbap • Thii foag wra> made to comfort the faiibfullwheothei captiuitie ftiould eometfluting tbem alfo of their deliuerancejfor tbe which they Oiould ling chit fong. b Godi protefljon •n<3 defenft fllaibe fufficieotfm vi. cHeafluieththe gidly to rttuine after tbe captiuiiy 10 lerufalem. d Tfaiu hal» de. «re«J fo md thy farjOTfe ciunot be c!*Bgcd >3«. C H'A P. XXVI. w4 f «j tfthe failhfall, wherein is itclarei, in whxt ton• jift ih the βΐΗΛίΊοη tf the Church; andwhcrein they tughttaituft. INtiiat day (ball a this fjng be fung in the Ian J cf ludah. Wee haue a ftrong citie ; ^ faluatioa ihail ged fet for walks and bulwarks. 2 ' « Open ye the gates that the righteous nati- on , which kee(>eth ttie truth , may enter in, 3 B-/ an allured d purpofe wilt tbou preftrue perfeft peace ,b;caufethey ttufttd in thee. 4 Truft in the Lord fcr euer : for in the Lord God ii ftrength for cuerroore. y For he will bri: g downe them that dwell εΏ hie : ' the hie city hee will abafs : eutn vnto the ground will he cjH it down, and b' irg it vnto duft. 6 The fooie Ihall tread it cOwnc.itr»» thcfceie of the 'pootc,and tbe ftcps of the needy. God whfn he 7 The way of the iuft it righteoulnes: thou wil make ecjuali the rigt.teous parii of tue iuft, 'i Alio wee , Ο Lord, t.. uv wayted for thee in the way of thy g iudgeaients : the delirc of out foule is to tby Natue .^nd to the remembrance oi thee. 9 With m^ βυΐ* h;!ue I defired thee in the ni^ht , and with my fpirit within rae will I feeke thee ill the n:orning : for feeing thy iuugiimsnts arc in the eatth.the inhabicaots of the world Ihall learne ^ righcioofnes. 10 Lci iceicy ' be Ihswed to the wicked ,yet he will not leatne righteoufnes : in the land of vp. rightncs will he do wickedly , and will not behold the maiefiy of tae Lord. 1 1 Ο Lord , they will not beholde thine high hand : hut they Ihall lee it , and be confounded with Ii the zfale of the peoplc.and tbe Hre of thine ' enemies ihall deaoure them. I i Lord vnto v,5 thou wilt ordaine peace : for tbou alfo haft wrought all our works far vs. 13 Ο Lord our God.er^ir " lords befide thee, haue ruled Vi , but wee will remember thee onely , 4»iithy Name, 1 4 The »dcad (hall not liue . ntithtr fliall tbe dead arife , becaufe thou haft vifited and Mattered them , and dcftroyed all their memory. ly Thou baftincreafed othe nation, Ο Lord: thou haft increafed the nation : tbou art made glorious , tbou haft enlarged all tbe coaftsoftbe earth. 16 Lord , in trouble haue they Ρ vifited thee: tbeypowred out a prayer when thy chaftening was vpon them. 1 7 Like as a woman With child, that draweth neeretDtbe trauaile.is in i"orow,4n.eili!Jrs vvi]erewi:h tQoti fted vs. h Meani.-g , that by afdidions mea (ball leaine lo irate God. i Tte wicked though Gvd ihev» them luident iifne» of bii grace, ilialbe ntuer the be.ter. k Tbrough enuy igainll thy people. I The fire and ven- geance, where with deeil dell toy ihiLe enemies. The BabyloL'ia3% which haue ot goutrned »c- ciding to thy Meaning, that tbe rep:ob.ie, euen ία bis life ftiallhaue he begicoing of titrlatiing death. > To wit, the cow rany of the faitbfuli by tbexalling Gtntilej. ρ That is, the faith» full t5y thy rotii looued to pray vnto thee for deliuerjace. To wit. inei• !me fotow. Our fotowet bti Bt end, neither Λ we eoioy the infort that we looked for. f Tbe wicked aal without leli- werenotde. ''"''''' foiieih the fai;hfull in ifeeic afflidioni, (hewing 1 ptT.'»er fo hie that ca ^illdtli«iliii.fGodwiUf«ths poore affliaedoott «tepovvei of he Aitked, hey, (bould mrft c'ldntJe of Satan. Ζ And ofi Vieity if the Church fn their deliutranee. I Ν that» day ihe Lord with his fore and great and mighty b fword fliill vifite Liuiathan , that Lymid' '"" '^' piercinglerpent.enen Liuiathan.that crooked fer-jb Thatis.bybit pent.andbe fliall flay the dragon that is in the fei.migbty power suJ 2 I η that day In-g of the vineyard c of rpdde bX^;°,'h h"; wine, foftbetieftn.ftioa 3 I tie Lord doe keepe it ; I will water it cue- of Saian ai:d hit ry" momtrt». Icaft any aflaik it,l will keepe it nigh t|'^b''/„^^ "/Jf^iui- a'ldday. Jatban.Aliiur.and e Meaning.of ibebeft wine, wHcb thii viLtyitd , tbaiii|, tbe Cl-urcb ,ilsc«M, brius feitb,ai moll agieraSle to the Lord, | Gg 4 Anger Fotlakin^of idolatry , liaiah. d Therefore he will dellrcy the ki gdorreofSj. tan . becaiiff helo- Beth hijChurcb for his owne mer- cies rike.aoii can- not be anoiy s^'ith it,butwilh::h that he may powre hi» enofrvpon the wi.kei infidels, whom he meaaeth fey brieri and ttaornei. e He marueiletb tbu Hkelwill not come by geotle- BtlTe , except God mike thtfin lo feele bii rt)(<• , anl ib bring them va- to bim. f Tfeuuihlaffliil: aoddiniiuilh my people for a time, yetlbill the root ipriiigagiine and g foorth ia t aboundjiice. g Hee flliwech that God puoi- fteth his ία mercyi lodhiseneiBiei ia iullice. h That is, thon Wilt notdeilroy the- root oftLy Church , thuugh thebranchejthere- ef feime to petilh by the Ihaip wind •fafeiftioo. Ϊ Helhewcth that thtre is no true re peotaiice , ooi- full lecoQLiliation to God , till the hfart b-r purged fium^ll idolatry, ai Do'jr that hi cattelllballgn »e..y women thalldoe it to the 4 Anger r:ii:rusd.r fitteth in indgetBent , and for f ftrengtb vnto then that turne away thebattell to the gate. 7 But g they haue. erred bccaufe of wine't and are out of the way by ftrongdrinke; the Ptiefi and the prophet haus,erreJ by ftrong drinke;they are fwiliowed vp with wine ; they haue gone aftray through Grorg diinke ; tbey f^ile in viljcn; they ftumblein iudgeraent, 8 For ill i4/;V (.lilies are full of filtby vomitings no place it lUane. 9 ^ Whom Itsll hee teach knowleo'ge ? and whom iliiU hee make to vnderftand the things that hee heareth 1 them that are weaned from the milke, 4«i/ drawen from the brefls. 10 For ' precept wti,f be vpon pi ecept, precept vpon precc-pt, line vnto line, line vnto line.there a little , a?iil there a liide. 11 For with a ftammering ''torgue.andwitha £f .^^f ""' I" a 1 η 11 1 i- 1 * 1- I werefooliHntid Uiange language ihall he ipeake vnto this people, as vnireetas y*ng 1 1 Vnto wi^ora ' hee fayd , m This is the reft: bjb^s "giue reft vnto him that is weary, and this is the rcfeiliing, but they would not heare. 13 Therefore ihall the word of the <> Lord be vnto them precept vpon ptecept, precept vpon pre• cepr.line vnto line.line vnto line, there a liitle and there a little : that tbey rriay go and fall backward, and be broken , and be faared.anJ be taken 14 Wherefore hrare the word of the Lord , ye 1 That is. the Pro. Icornefd!! men , that rule th is people, which is at pbet, whom ood Icrufalem. iWdfcd I J Bec^ife ye bane faid. We banc made a Ρ co- S, iL ,'whe«ion uenant with death, and with hell are wee at agree- yeought toft^y rcent : though a (courge runne ouer , andpafle tborow, it flisil not conDe at vs : for we baue made q fallliood our refuye , and vndcr vanitie are wee hidde. 16 Therefore thnsfiith the Lord God.Bebold, I will lay in Zion a ftone , a '' tried ftone , a preci- ous corner ftone , a fure foandaaon. He that belee• ueth, f Ihall not m?ke hafte. 17 ludgement alio will I lay to the rule , and t rig''tecurnes to the balance , and the " h«ile ihall fwet pe away the vaine confidence , ar.d the waters ihall oaeifluw " the fecret pUce. iS And your couen^nt with death itallbe dif. anuUed.and jour dgrrc. ent with hell (hall not fiand ; when a fcourge fnall lunnc ouer and paile thorow, then ihall ye be troden downe by it. 19 When it paiTeth ouer,it ihall take you away: for it ihall patTe thorow euery morning in the day and in the night , and there iliallbe onely ϊ feare, to roake^ei* to vno'e.-fiaad the bearirg. 20 For the bed is ' ftreigth.that it cannot fuffice, and the coueting narrow , that one cannot wrape hiirfdfe. 2 1 For the Lord iliall Sand as in mount » Pera zim : he ihallbe wroih as in the valley '' of Gibeon, that lie may do his woike . his Sraiige wotke , and bring to paffe his afte, his ftrange adle. 22 Now therefore be no mockers, leaftyoui bonds increafe : for I bane beard of the Lord of hoaftes a confuroption , eucn determined vpon the Tvhole earth. 23 Hearken ye, and heare my voyce : hearken ye, and heare my fpeacb. be content wiihChiift. i In the rellitutionof hii Charcb , ihall reigne. u Gi;ds coirfftions «nd affliftions. χ Affliftlen lllill difcouertbeit vaine confidence, which tbey keptfeciet to thunfelue». y Terrour and deftriiftion ihall *ake you lolearne that , which exbortatios and gentlene» could not bring you VDto. ζ Your affliaiiu Iha'lb'e fo Core, ;hat you are-not able to a When Dauid ouercame the rhiliftiini, i.Sam.f,io. i.Chron.i4.,ih b WbeM Wlwa difieiufi'.ed fi«: kings otttw AiBOUtts, Iolh,io.i». J 4 Docib Shew to them ihat are weary and haeitn-edofreil, what is ihe true Ά. Becaufe they will )' recfiiie the ordofGod, whe isolTred.ii ccm- meth of thfirowae nalice , if after heii hearts be fo haidned , that they. e 001 for it ,as fote,Chap,6.9. They thougbc they had ilxihs to uoyd Gods uHgrinrnrs,a-d haitbty could fcipe though all other peiiihed. Though the pro• pheis coedemned tt'iridolesand ffali. hood and vanity, yet the wicked bought in tbetn» eljenbatthey would tfuft in hefethi^gl. That if , Chrift, by whom all the building muft be d vpholdeii 3,32. mattba ifts.4,11. rom 9,33. I. pet a,$. f He Ihallbe quiet and fetbe none other remedits, bot Igcmentand iuft Againft lejaialenTN Chap, xxix.xxx. Ai the plovvm» bath bit appoyotiJ : , iikI diurrt u.nent. lor bit hfaju. , fohaihthe luidforhijvrQ. geance : Γοι he pu- Dilhcthlonic at one lime , aod fomi at anothrr , fome ■ Γι» onefurt , and foiiie after aao- ihtT, fo that hit choftrD (ted ii bea I aad itied ,but not bibhea ,asai( tht WicHed. « The Ebsewe r.1 Aviel fi^ .1- fieih the lyoo of 6od , and lignili- eth the Altai , be- caufe the altar fee- ined to dcuoiiie t^e facrifice that wai Ltf red tu Godi Ezck.+3 16. t YourV2ine coa- h"Jet;ce in yurfa- crifi.-es fliatl not Uft long. € YouicijieflinU be full cf blood, a» «□ altai wheL'Cua tbcy (hctifice. d Thy fpeich ΠηΙ- beDomorefolof- bvit «bafed aod as the very cbaitn^r» , which ! in low places, aod whifper , fo that their voyce can fcarce be heard. Thioe hired fouldieii inwhcm thou truiteH , (ball be deilroyed *S duftorch.lfeia awhirlewidtie. ■ f tbettiemiei that I will b ing Itioy thee, asd that which thoumaken ihy kainetiuft.fllill :orteat vawaiei, ea*a aia dieaice ithei.igor.SontJ :»d« , «SI fib II were a ctrnftrt te the Cbiircb ;Ov the delinidisn of tlieir ene.Tii:!. g That is, bee tbiaketh that be eateib. h MuCeheieoii at long as fFli: y.t Ikall ye I lift. 6ad η )ih: 34 Doeth the plow-man plow all the day , to fows i doeth he open , and breaks the dots of hi» ground? 2 y When he hath made it « pliine, will he not then io\v the fitchtis, and Lwcummio , and caft in wbeate by tneafuie . and the appoynted barley and rye in their pl.-cej 26 For his God doth infttua bim to baue dif- crei\on,ttnd doeth teach him. 27 For htches Hull not be threilied with a tbre- ihing inftturcent.neitber fl-sal a cart wheele be tur- ned about vpon the cummin ; bat thetitchesare beaten out with a ftaflfe.and cumain with a rod. j 28 Bread came when it is threibsd, hee doeth j not alway threfti it , neither doeth the wheele of ! bis cart/»// make a noyfe, neither wil he breaks it I with the teeth thereof- 29 This alfocomaoeth from the Lord of hoafts, Wiiich is wondeifull iocounf;ll, Stay your felues and wonder : theya'e biinde , and make you biiiide : they are drunken, but not with wine ; they ftigger , but not by ftrongdrinke. 10 For the Lord hath coufred you with a fpi- rit of number, and hath ihut vpyoureyiS :the Piophet, and your cliic-fe Seers hath heecooeted. 1 1 And the t^ifion ofthem all is become vnto you , as the wordes of a booke thatisfcalcdvp, which they deliuertoonethat cjnreaJe.faying, Reade this. I pray thee. Then ftiall hee fay, I can- 'notiforitisfraled. The rebellious cMldren, 50 k Beciufe they a'e byf octites and uoc linceieio heait ; as Matt. I. 1. $, 1 That ii , ihsir re- ligion WIS learned by iniiis dcfttiiie, & not bymy woii. r» Meaniae , that wheiea» God it no worlliipped accor« diog tu his word, both Hujiitrates ioiltetsare oles «ud ; is fpoiten 1 , which ία efplfed void ,an(t wardly bire t good fact. For all your craft faith the Lord , yoe not be able :o efcjpe mine banis are then the 08 bu. .cca- tobeaftotvi- foryoiH Pie- t: are biinde, aad iherefcre caa- notdircftyou. i Meaning, that it isallalifaf, 1 6 Your turning ofdeuiftt fliall it not be eftee- med ο as the potters clay ? for iliall the woikc fay of him that made it , Hee made mee not ί or the thing formed, fay of him that fail.ioned it , Hee had none imderftanding } 17 Is it not yet but a little while,acd Lebanon ihallbe ρ turned into Carmel i and Catmd Ihall be counted as a foreft ? 18 And in that day fl-iall the deafe beare the words of the booke . and the eytst f the blind ihall fee out ofobfcuritie,andout of daikeneffe. 19 The meeke in the Lord iliall receiue ioy againe,and the poore men lliall reioy ce in the Ho- ly one of Ifrael. 20 Fotthecruellman Qiailceale.andthefcom- full ihall be confumed: and all that hailed to ini- quitie.flialbe cut off: 2 1 Which nraJc a man to fmne in the <5 word, and tooke him in a fnare : whicli reprooued them in the gate , .nd made the iuft to fill without caufe. 22 Therefore thus fayeth the LorJ vnto the hcufe cf I?akob,fM£» hee that redeemed Abra• ham : laakob Ihall not ;oow be confounded , nei- ther now ihall his f.ice be pale. 23 But when he feeth his children , the worke of riiine hands , in the mids of him. they Ihall fan- difie my Nart e, and fanSifie the Holy ens of laa- kob.and Ihwll fearetbe God of tftajl. 24 Then they tl at «red in fpirit , r (hall hauej knowledge .mm vnderftanding . and they that murmtued , β«1| ."r'^'rnd mVrmur! learnedod:iine. agtiaithim. CHAP. XXX. Hi rttrttacth the Jewes,t»hich «κ tkeir xduerptievfti thii/twne ci,unfeli , < anifeught helpe e( the EirP' ttatis, 10 defptftngthe Prephits. I6 Thrrefcre he flit, vrrth what difhuiUin fb xltcime vpon them , 18 i«t c^eifihmereie le the rep'iitant. ' Oe to the» rebellious children , fayeth the Lord , that take counftU.but not of mee, and t» co'jer with a coueiing , but not by my fpi- tit.ihat they vr.zy lay fmnc vpon finne: 1 Which walke foorth to goe downe into Egypt (and haiie not asked at my mouth) to ftrengthtn themfeluts with the ftrergth of Pha- raoli ,»nd iruft in the Ihadow of Egv pr. 3 But the ftrength of I'ha'aoh ihillbeyour Hiatr.e , and thetruUin thelhadow cf Egypt yoa* confiiEon, 4 For his <• princes were at Zoan, and hisatr- baffadouts came vnto Hanes, They fl-iallbe sll eiliamed of the people that bi.h '• I ers hind» poWfrtoJeliuet η Sbail there not r a cbi >ge 0Γ.1ΙΙ ;in»s ?and Cariael Jar U a plemi'u'l pb.e in refped of hitit Ihil'be then, nay b. for-ft, as Chap, 31, If andtbot bee fpeaketh to com- fort the faiih'ull, η They that went aiouto find fault wi-h ihf Prophet» words , and woidi notat)He.^noni- tions , but would iB'sugli thera aoi' biing ihem iat» r Signifying, that except God giee vcdtrllaadioo, aoct w I Who contrary :o their piomife ake not me hr heir priiteftour, md Contra, y tc my ctmin-nde- ' ehrlpe at iirjnoer». b They le.ke diifi» to d^ike their do- iiifs , sbH nctgod• ly meants. Theclieftof .e «""""^^ Εογρ in ,tr cannot profit them , nor heipe , nor do tliem good. ibo"e''at''t'i!eie bat fhAllit » florae and alfo a reproach. I cities. Gg i . 6 iTba To walte Wr the Lord, 6 ~' ntaujr ί Thiiis ci; ^glio.^ ths fc-.alliihaiciiisa :ti?ir treilurn ia- to Egyp:,b/ the wildtrires , which wa• Soutb from ludah , fignifying thjtifihtb:alis AoiiM aot be f,iv red , thtrata Iho :ld be puniih- ed mu;h mjie grieuoiiily. e To wit ,coI•. nifilem. f Aad not to come «ad fio to f»k: he'pe. g That IS , thii prophecif. b That it nny be a witiiclTt: agaiall them fot all po- fttririi. i H: iheweih what Wih the caufe of liitir di- biit dilighied to btflartered. and led in errour. k Threaten vs not bytbiw.i.dof God, neither be fo ligoroui.n^r taike VBto vsin the le of the Loid, ■gaioUGoJ and ibeadinojtcions his Prophet», nr Signifying , that the delli union of the wicked (hallbe vvicbsiitiecoucrv. u Ofttim;» by hi» Prophets he put yoHin remembiiuce eff this , that yuu (houM onely de* peadoahtm. . ■ewiUtiulto , «fcape by out j horfes. ι ρ vvhcr;a»3i! the trees are cjt dowue iaac tWJ or three to make niufte». ;cotn3ieoi- ! «thihegftat le.oiGjd, with patience »vai:e:h to calllia• Ifahh c The d burden of the beafts of the South, in a lanJ of trouble and anguiJh .from whence ihill come the yong anJ olJ lyon , the viper and fiery Hying ferpent againf? themthvihAlbeirs their richis rpon the Ihoulders of the colts , and tbeir trealurcs vpon the bounches of the camels, to a people that cannot profit. 7 For the Egyptians are vanitie.and they (liall beipe in vaine. Therefore haue I cryed vnto« her, Their ftrengthfji to fit ftill. 8 Now goe, and write s it before their, in a ta- ble , and note it in a booke , that it may be for the b laft day for eaer and euet : 9 That it is a rebellious peoplejy in g children, ^nci children chat would not i heate tbc Law of theLoid. 10 Which fay vnto the Seers, See not : and to the Prophets, Prophecie not vnto vs right things: but fpeake flattering things vnto vs : piophecii: ^ errours. 1 1 Djpart out of the way:gos afideout of the path; caufe the Holyoueof Uraeltoceafe from vs. 1 ζ Therefore thus faith the Holy one of Ifrael, Becaufe you haue catt off this word .and truS in ftruaion , anJ briii-j 1 viokncc , and wickednes , and ftay chcrevpon, getbaifo^aUnufe-^^j 1 3 Therefore this initj'jitielhalbe vnto you as fe they '■ a breach that falleth, er a I'wclling in an hie wall, weuid KJt heare whofe breaking corocneth fu Jdenly in a raomenr, thew.rdoiGod. ,^ And the breaking thereof 15 like the brea- j king of a potters pot , which is broken without ! pity, and in the breaking thereof is not found "> a i ilieard to take fire out of the hearth , or to take I water out of the pit, j I y For thus laid the " Lord God.the Holy one j of ifrael , In reft and quietnelVe lliail ye be faued: jin quietnefle and in confidence Ihall be your j flrength , but ye would not. I i6 For ye hauefaid, No. but we will flee away vpon" horfes.Therefote fhall ye flee. We will ride vpon thefwifteft.Theref jre fl^-all your perfecuters be fwif.er, 17 Athoufandrti one /i^dtf^i* at the rebuke of one : at the rebuke cf hue Ihall yc ri^e , tilly ee be left as a Ihip maS vpon the ν top of a mountains, and as a beaken vpon an (lill. 18 Yet therefore will the Lord wait , that hee may haue q mercy vpon you,and therefore will h? be exilted.that he may haue corrpaffijn vpon you:for the Lord ii the GoJ off iudgetnent.Blef- fed art all they that v/ait (or him. 19 Sur-' ,. people iLsll dwell in Zion, Λ)ίί^ in letufa' oitOou thai: weepe no more : he will cer- tair.ciy haue mercie vpon thee at the voyceoftby cry : when hee heareth thce.he wiH anfwere thee. 20 And when the Lord hath giucn you the bread of a:iueifitie .and thewatec of affiiition, thy raine lliall be no more kcptbacke, but thine iieiy in pa- \ ^yes «hall fre ihy u taine. ,b,itiq i 21 And thine eares Iball heare a word behind thee.faying, This is the way,''walkeye in itiwhen thou turned to the right hand , and v/hen thc«: turneft to the left. 2 2 And ye ftail» pollute the couering of the images cf filuer , and the rich oruacent of thine images of gold, and caft them away as a trieuftru- ous cloath , and thou ilialt fay vnto it , " Get tbee Vaine trdft in maa. Difili: Iirg moderation 1. 1 he fame, as ler. o.j4ard3o.n. Or, inilritctm ί Godf.uUdiiet «llihy wjyes , at appoint thee how to goeeithsv hi- ihei' or thither. t ye ihalkailiway . Touri.loles.whi.h '^'=""• you baivi made u.rg„ld, ind filiiir, with all thit btlongeth vnto them, as a moft filthy th poiliited. u Shewiug, that there can beuoirui tcpemancc,ex«tiii boiU 8ei deed Wei^W uMt fttucs cacmics 10 idsUify, e-A*ih tbat felicitie of the Chuict niallbe fo y: fufficirctly prelFeit. hen the •ch flia.'lb; re- J. the glory of/hail palfe I limes the l:n^lΓ:ofthe e : for by the 2 J Then fliiU hee glue raine vnto thy kedk, when thou fhalt fowe the ground , and bread of the irxreafeof the earth , andit ili'llbefatandas oyle.in that day ihiUthy cattellbe FedinUrgs pjflures. 24 The oxjn a!fo and the young affes.that till the ground , ihall eate clea le prouender , which is winnowed with the fhniell aiid with the fanne. 2y And vponeuery hie = mountain?, and vpon I euery hie hill Ihall there be r iucrs,» countenance, and flame of a deuoiiring hre , with icattei^ing and teropeft , and hailettones. 31 For with the voyce of the Lord ihall Asllmr jof your enemie», be dcfttoyed , which fmote with the c rod. Us they that fin^ 32 And in euery place that the ftaffe fl-iallpaire. [^'' ior.^f^be io- it ihall d cleaue faft.which the Lord Hull lay vpon ^< him with» tabrets and hearps and with bauels,4n no bing ; and hui GoJ confu. neth the wickrd . by that ninnei, whei>by be cleaa- fethbii. b Vefivllieioyce roCtion nine leaft , be^an in the eue- iU?. Gods plaoue. d Itnu!lJe-t ith ioyand iruiaace of the idoiy. f AgjiuftBibel: g tbe Ally• toy. g Here it is taken foi hell, where the wicked are h So that tbeir ellate ordegiee cannot exempt tht fpeaches htdeclareth the condiuon of tbe wickedafti loniaus. meoted, leadea.Kin? 13. m. ickrd. i By ihefe ,'ijuiiijae Hee helfe CHAP. XXXI. rfeth them Ih/it ferfake Ced, eadfecke'fcr the "g.and WOe vnto them that » g03 downe into E- gypt for helpe , and ftay vpon bjtfes , and truft in charets , becaufe they are many , and in hotfsD'en , becaufe they be very fttong ; b« they Jooke not vnto the Holy one of Ifrael, nor b fjeke vnto the Lord. 2 But he yet his <= wifeft; therefore he wiH bring eii.ll,& nottutoebackehisword.buthewillarife againft the houfe of the wicked , and againft the helpe of them that worke vanitie. 3 Now the Egyptians art men and not God. and their horfes fldh , and not fpitit ; and when tbe Lord ihall ftretch out his hand , the Λ helper the fuperlliiioaand idolatry of the Egypt Ding, that they forfake the Loid, that |»i cannot truft id boib. c ' to uQB^bi, a Meeain; a There were tw» ipsciallciufci.wll»- be Ifi^lites ihould aot ioyne with the E-. gypiiini : firft , be• aufethf L .rdbad cmimndci tbe'ra euerto returne hither, Deut. 17, <.andaS,63. JeafttheyiliouU forget the b ne. fit of their ledeaip• lion :aQj ftcojd- iy, leaft they fliculd ■tedwub 8c fo forfske God.Ieie.i.rS.b.slea- ir triift in worldly things : for they a.1 knnweth their crafiieenterprifes, and will bring ώ ) betb tbs £gypciao3 «nd the Ifraelutf . — £baiL Of good ^ijagiftrates i n^all fall . and be that h holpen (hall fall, and tbey i Iball altogether faile. He (hewetb the lewes.ihatifthty W;ulcl put tbeir Itultinbim.heii foible.ihiiaone can refi ft fail pow- er: and fo caiclull ouer tbem,aiabiti ouej bet young, whicb tact flyeih abuuc tbem for tbeir defeDce:wbicb Ιϊ• miliiudeihefcrtp- turevfeib indiuerl placet, at Deut.ja. II. mn. 13-37• f He toucheih tbey migliieirneft Jy fefle their grie- uout innei,aDd fo ttuely tepent . for ■I mocb at now they ate almolt drowned and pad g Bythefefruiif pe tiice fluftek Τ bit wa Chap, mij . xxxiij . „__ .„The fpoyler i|poyIed.' ^i ioj ίο the city of reioyciDg, ! ο , 14 Becaule tbe palace Ihalbe forfakeo.tfBi/ ihejO Or,'»»/"f«<Tnen (hall Aslhm fall by the fword,not of ' ^°'^ the ■" citie italbe in the low place. Sted.aad he Bed to b their confcience.tba' njjfn.neither Ihall thefwordofiaa.idtuoure him, and hee fhallfiee from ttie fword.and his young πκ;ηΙ>.3ΐ1 faint. 9 And he ihall goe for feare to his > towrs.and his princes ftialbe afraid of ttic ftandard . laith the Lord , whofe k fire is in Zion , aad bis foroace in lerufalem. 3Wfn,asCbjp.i.>S. h When your repentance appea- t cattle ia Nmeueh for fuccour k To deittoy bit eaemiei. CHAP. XXXII The co«rf<( toe baruro wilder- oei.bftng regene- rate Ihalbe fra.Julf, aud they that ba4 foinebfginciiag of godlioelTt.ihall bring foonh fruitt in fuch abuodance.tbat t'heir tormei life Ihal I feenie but aia wildei net. where oo tiuitiweie m TSey ihall not need to build it ia high places foi feareoi thee-.ei«ie ; fui God will defend it, and tuineaway the llormta from hurting of tbeir cun-.m^ditiei. η That it,vpon fat grouadan^ well Watered , which biingeth foorib m a-undance , or in placet which before weiecoueted with waieti, and now midediy for your vfet. e|.Thefieldt OiaH be fo tji.ke.that theyfllill fend out their tattell to eate vp tbeWll ctepfe.wWch abundance Ihall be li^n;i of Gudt ioueicd fauour toward them, C Η ΑΡ. XXXIII. I The dejiruclicn «/ them ty rv'htm Ccd hath tuHifhet his Church. \Y Oe to thee that » fpoyltft , and waft noi fpoyled : and doeft wickedly , and they did a Meaning, the not wickedly againft thee:when thou Ibilt ^ ceafe to fpoyle , thou (halt be fpoyled : when thtiu Aialt make an end of doing wickedly , « they lliall doe wickedly againft thee. 2 do Lord , haue mercy vpon vs , wee haue waited for thee : be u\Q\i,ti>hich waft « their a^me in the morning , our helpe alio in time of trouble. 3 At the noiie of the tumult.the f people fled; at tiune ? exiltipg the nations were fcattered. 4 And your ipoyle Ihall be gathered/»/^» the gathering of h caterpilkrs : and ' be ihall goe againft nim like the leaping of grafl^oppers. y The Lord is exalted : for hee dwelleth on hie:he hath filled Zion with iuJgement & iuftice. 6 And there lliall be ftabilitieofkthetimes, ftrength,laIuation, wifedome, and knowledge ; for raei.and the f..i»p r\( r\\.* Γ .^i-,-l Hi^IUa ViXtf .-aqfTi... *t*^ ^ ^1 the feare of the Lord flulbe bis treafure. 7 Behold,' their meffengers Ihall cry without. with lying wortjs.and to fpeake against the poorc in iudgemcnt. 8 But the liberal! man will deuife of liberall things.and he will continue his liberalitie. 9 ^ Rile vp ye women that are at eafe:heare my voyce.yef careles daughters.hearken to my words. 10 Ye women that are careletfcfl-ialbe in fea^e ε aboue a yeere in dayes , h for the vint-ge Ihaii faile,<»ii.^ the gatherings (hall come no more. 1 1 Yee wuroen , that are at eafe , be aftonied: feare.O ye carelefle women : put off the clothes, make bare, and gird/ic^c/flijf^ vpon the loynes, "i ι Men (hili lament for the ' teares , euen for the pkafant fields , and for the ftuitfull vine. 13 Vpon the land of my people fl-5.ll grows tbornes and btitrs : yea ,νροη all the faoufcsof ! 8 The ο pathes are wafteiths wayfaring man ceafeth ; he hath broken the couenant : he hath contemned the cities : he regardetb no roan 9 The earth mourneth and fainteth: Lebanon is alhamed , and hewen downe : ο Sharon is Ilk: a wildernes , and Baflian is fliaken and Carmel. 1 0 Now will I ρ arife.faith the Lord: now will I be cxalted.now will I lift vp my felfe. 11 1 Ye lhallconceiuechaff;,4wi bring forth fiubble: the hre of your breath ftiall deuours you. 12 And the people fliall be as t^c burning of calXant for (. of the Wddriand Perfiant. g When thou , Ο tc-rd , did 'eft lif: vp tbii e.nemiea. h Yeetbatas caterpillert detitoyed with y Church, at were CalJeaoiand Afl-yMani, but chiefly of Sanehe• rib, but not onelye b When thine ap- 5:yoted time (hall come that God Ihall takeaway thf power:aaJ that hou hail ally gotteoo ihalbe giuen othert.ai AinnC f.tt. c The Caldeau (haittioliketothe Airyiiant,ai the Aflytiant did to If« the Medet ians Ihall do the fame cu the Caldeant. d Hededaieth hereby what it the ctiefe refuge of the faiihfull, when ttoubleicome, to pray and feeke helpe of God. e Wbich belpejft out fatherj fo faone at they callii vpon ibee. f Tbat ii.tbeAiry- is fled befoie arinieofibe Cildeaiit e» the Ca,deini:b!;v flijll te ga- , the Medet and rerlians againft world, Iha'l haue nottrengthto refi, tbeied ouan beape anrt deiUryed. i' Mean the Caldeant. k That is , in the dayes -of Hrzikiab. 1 Sent (■ om Saneherib. m VVbomtbeyofleiufalein feutt.iioriea: of peace, η Tbtfe are ibi word» ofiheaiiibairadoiiis . wbenthey reiuine-1 from Saoehtrib. ο Which Waia plentiful! countrey.meacing.that Saoebmb Would deliioy jll. ρ To beiue ad delioer myCaurch q Tbit it fpckrn againlt theenemiet.who tboupht all wa» tbeir owatrbut be fheweth that tbeir eoierprife (lialbe-io vame.and that ibefite wbich (bey bad (tiodled let otfaert , Chould coufunie tb pray be deuided for a great fp3yk:^«»,the lame ihaltake away the pray. 24 And none inhabitant ihall fa/ , I am licke: the people that dwell therein , Ihall Iwjctheii ini- quitie forgiucn. » HitviBge»Bee iball befogicac, tbtiillthe worl^ /hall talke thereor ί Which doc not l>el«je the worii cfibfPtophct, »od thsalTurtDceor their deliurM^ice. t Mfiuing.that Cod will be» fure defence to .utied of Codj βα4 cBCDiid vaio hit Ciiuich.ai ibcPaiiiiUacei rab, and a great flaughter in the land of Edom 7 And the b vnicorne Ihall come downe with them, and the heifers with thebulles .and their land ihail he drunken with bboJ , and tbeir duft made fat with fatrefle. 8 For it is the day of the Lords vengeance, 4ni/the yeere ofrecompenfc foe the iudgement of Zion. 9 And the riuers thereof fhali be turned into pitch , and the duft thereof into ' bricoftone ,and the land thereof ihalbe burning pitch. 10 It iliall not be quenched night nor dayrth? ffijoki thereof fliail go νρ eaermorerit Ihalbe de- folats from generation to generation j none Ihall paCfe through it for euer. 1 1 But the pelicane k and the hedgehog ihallJ!• Reade Chtp poflefle it.and the great owle i and the rauen (hall dvvel in it.and he fliall ftretch out vpon it the line of ' vanitif.and the ftones of efrptineCTe 1 2 '» The nobles thereof Ihall call to the king- dome , and there Ihslbe none , and all tne princes thereof ihilbe as nothing 13 And i; flnll bring forth thornes in the po- lices thereof, nsnles, and thiSles intheitronj bolls thereof, and it Ihalbe an habitation for dra• gons.and a court for oiiriches. 14 There fliill ° meet alio Ziim and Ijm, and the Satyrs Πκΐ! crie to his fellow , and the fcrich- owle Ihall rtft tbete, and (balifinde for her feife a quiet dwellirg, I J There ο Ihsll th: owle make her neSk , and lay and hatch.aBd gather them v.ider her (hadow: there (hall the vultures alfo begatbered.eusry ooe with her roaki, 16 See ke in the Ρ booke of the Lord.and reade: none ofqthefe (hall faile.nonc flisll want her make : for ' his month hath commanded , and bis very fpirit hath gathered thera, 1 7 And he h^th ad the f lot for thero.and his b and hath deuided vnto them by line ; they iltall poiTeife it for euer : from generation to generati- on (hall they dwell in it. CHAP. XXXV. iThegrett ic) tf thimihMbclctue m Chri^.-jTiiir φί txhUh preach the Gofpe'.iThe fmiti that Ule'.v tieriif. Τ He » def.Tt and the wildernelTe (hall rr ioyce and the wafte ground Hialbe gUd and floufiii as the rofe. τ Itthillflourtfhabundantly.and (hall greatly reioyce alio and ioy : tbs glory of Lebanon (hall be giuen vnto i: : the beauty o£b Ca'cnel , and of n, Sha'on.diey fhail c fee the glory of the ioti,»nd the excelltncie of our God, 3 d Strengthen the w;ake .^ands, and comfort the feeble knees 4 Siyv.ito them that are feareftiU , Be you β.-ong , feare no• : behold , your God comroeth with « vengeance . men God with a tecotcpenfe, he will cofHc and fane you y Thcr^ fl^ali the eyes of the f blind be lighte• nedand the eartfs of t!ie deafe he opened. 6 Then Ihall the lame man leape as an hart and the dumbe mans tongue fhall lingifor in the κ wildemeffe fliall waters breake out in the defert. μ He wlileih aj to encourage one Mother , ted fpecially ibemiriftersro ! xbottaiid ftreigtben the weake thatthey may patirnily kbide tbecomnipng of oOd, which i» «t band, e To Je.iioy yuHreaemiei. f When the kunwledge ofChiilt ii reuealfd. g Theyj that were bair«n and ddtttuM of itat grace» of God , Oiall hiue thc« giu«a b|: CUfii». 7 And- g Tb.,t-,nv.«ict. tie ihjibe coafuuati a< a facrifi e ctto «ihri. 1 Taf mijhiy anfl ■ h ihilbe afwtll leltroyed tl ia« infetioun. i He alludeth to thedearuftion of So.iome tnd ϋοπιο* lab.Gco. 19, j^. ■and Zeph.t.14. Tn vaine (hall any nan go about to η Meaning. there halbeneiheroi. lur pollcit, U'eof com- Weale. Reade Chjp. 3.11• ) Signify. -g, that iduueiihouldbe hoii.bSe Hffo- 10a and barren \'i!derneire. > That IS, in the .»w wheveCurh ujfeiareib.eat. led aRaintt th« krd. \ To wit, beade» " foulet. latii.ihe thof the LorJ, f Hrfaatbg'U-a hebeaitei and feultsIduTitfer ID infatrittace. H-prr. bec!evh f iheCeuRll ho-b of [be IVwei rf Grniileivaiei brilt.wbiih allbrfuuyae- mphintd at the l)aftdav:.ilb!i;a« compared loadefertefiS.. wildcrnrllf^ b TheCbucli^ b Λ-as bef.Sre lared to abar- cilderDel.niUl by Chfiil be made moit plcnteoui »n i beau'.ifull. c Hi flieAfetb that pre fence of Gjlrtthecaufe hat the Church •!.' I and nswts doth brirg ίοχφ; fruit and flouriffi. , The craft of the wicked, Cnap,xxxvj;:jcxxyil^. Λ lie v^u.iy i.aiucut« ^3 1 h It ftiilbe fof the Saimiof God tad not for tbe wicked. God diall ieide ■Dd guide them, liDgtothc bringing foftU of Egypt. k Ai he thrratned the witlsed to be dertroyed hereby Chap.joS- I whom the tord Ih all rieliuet flora the captiuitie of BabjtoD, n; ■ Thii biftoile ii rebeaifedbecaufe it is ai a feale aad conAi'inttion of thedoftiioeafoce, both for the threaiBipgiand pfomifei : to wir, [that God would Wet bil Church tobeafflifted.bnt itleugih would fend dcJiue- rance. b When be had ibjliftied fopetfti- tioQ. and idolatry, ■Dt) rertored teli- grotj. yet God would exercife fail Cbur^b to trie their faith and patience. For he wal now reftored to bii of- ._ ,ai*faiahhad f ropheciei, Chap. it »e>. d This declaieth that «here were few fodly to be foUQdiotheliiug• houfe , when be WU driuen to fend «hi• wicked man lu fucha weightie iratter. • Saoehtribi chiefecapiaice. f He fpeaketb tbii in the petit>n ofHeiekiib.filOy charging him that "heputbiitrunia bii wii and elo- quence , wherea• hit onely confi.Heace ^as in the Lord, g Sitan laboured 10 pull ihe godly King from one Mine coofiieQC• to another; to ovit* from ttuft in the E(yptiani. wbofe power waiweike •Mi would deceiue them, to yeelil bimfeire totbe AITyiiaoi.aiidfo no ptocheth libileaftcap'aicei 7 And the drie ground ftalbe as a poole , and the thiiftieas fprings of water : in ths habuaiton of dwgons. where they l»y .fiaUbetiflKeiot reeds and rulhes. ' 8 And there flialbe a path and a way. and the way fliall be called h holy : the polluted Ihall not paffe by it : for ' he ihalbe with them . and walks in the way.and the fooies aull not crre. 9 There QiaUbc k no lyon , nor noylome beafis ilwll alcend by it . neither ihiU they be found there, that the redeemed nwy walke. 10 Therefore the i redeemed of the Lord ihaU retutne and come to Zion with piaife : and liuer- lafting ioy UmU be vpon ihcir heads -.they Ihall obuine ioy and glaJneiTe , and forow and moui• oingiball flee away. CH AP< XXXV I• , SanekcrU fenieth RiifoiVjh „ te/ieje leyffiUm. -[ HishlaffhemitsagaiuslGii, Ow » in theb fourteenth yeere of King He. zekiah.Saneherib King of Aslhutcamevp agiinftall the ftiong cities ofludab.and tooke i"' And the King of Asilw fent Rabiliakeh ftomLachifli toward lerufaiem vnto kingH«e- ki»h.with a great hoaa.& be ftood by the conduit of the vpper poole in the path of the fullers hdO. 3 Then came foorth vnto himEliakimthe ] Come of Hilkiah the c fieward of the houfe . and Shebnadthe chancellour.and loah the lonne ot Afaph the recorder. 4 And « Rabihakeh faid vnto them , TeM yoa Hezikiah , I F»y yo" • Thus fiith the great kirg. the King of Asjhur.Wbat confidence is this, wherein thou tru&t:ft? y I fay.f Surely / gMi countell and tttcngth artfot the warte :onwhom then doeft thou ttuft.that thou rebelleft again» me? 6 Loe . thou tiafteft in this broken ftaSe of reede,on Egvpt. wherevpon if a man leane, it will goc into his band . and pearce it : fo « 8 Pharaoh King of Egypt vnto all that ttuft in him. 7 But if tbou fay vnto me, We truft in the Lord our God , is not that bee , whofe hie places and whofe altars Hezekiah tooke downe . and faid to ludih and to lerufilem . Ye lliall worihip before this altar? 8 Now therefore giue hoftage» to my Lord the king of Asibur . and I will giue thee two thoufand horfei , if tbou be able on thy part to fct riders vpon them. 9 For how canft thou D defpife any captaioe of the 1» leaS of my lords fetuants } and put thy truft on Egypifor chareis and for hotfemen? 10 And am I now come vp without the Lord to this land to deftro^ it? The Lord fayd vnto tne , ' Goe vp againft this land and deftroy it. 11 f Then faid Eliakim. and Shebna and loab vnto Rablhakeh,k Speake.l pray thee, to thy fer- uants in the Atamites language "(for wevnder- Sand it; aud talke not with v» in the lewes tongue , ία the audience of the people that ate oa the wall. . , „ . 1 2 Then faid Rabihal«h,Hath roytDaBer fent mee to thy mafter , and to thee , to ipcake tbcfa to hop. for any heipe of Cod. U Or,f«r«e t^fce. b Here- β", ' aBd urOpreuBdrf tog'ow to foipe «ppoymacot wU (iiuu wordes , and not to the men that fit on the wall ?i that they may eate their owns doung .and drioke ^ ^,^ ,^^ their owne t piffe with you ? their fat. 1 3 So Rablhikeh Sood, and cried with a loud voyce in the Icwes language , and faid , Heare the words of the great King.ot the King of Asibur. 14 Thus iaith the king , Let not Hez.kiah de- ceiue you : for be iliall not be able to deliuer you. I y Neither let Hezekiah make you to tniil in the Lord, faying. The Lord will furely deliuer v$: this cide fhall not be giuen ouet into the hand of the king of As (hur. 16 Hearken not to Hezekiah: for thusfayth the king of Asltur , Make 1 appointment with me, and come out to me . that' euery man inay eate of his owne vine . and euery man of his owne figtree, and driake euery roan the water of his owne well. 1 7 Till ί come and bring you to a land like yoiif owne land , tutn a land of wbcate and wine, a land of bread and vineyardes, 18 Leatt Hezekiah tieceiue you, faying. The Lord will deliuer vs. Hath any of the gods of the nations deliuered hi» land out of the hand of the kingofAsihur 19 whcreisthegodofiiHamath.andofAjii ^. pad f where is the god of Sepharuaim ? or how 0 hauc they deliuered Samaria out of my hand ? 21 Then they " kept filence , and anfweted bim not a worde : for the kings commandemcnt was.faying,Anfwere bim γκ*, ^^^^, ,,^, ,^,, 22 Then came Ehakim tbeionneofHilkiahibouidhaueie the fteward of the houfe , and Shebna the chan- cellor , and loah the focne of Afaph the recorder, vnto Beiikiah with rem cloathes , and tolJe 1ύϋ)ί thewordsfcfRabibakeh. j CHAP. XXXVII a tUtikiihask'thcoHnielUflf^iah, who frtaifelh hItM tkeviilerie. lo The blaffhetate cfSaneherti.ie He^e. kt»hf trejer. ^6 The aimie tf SA»ehetitiiifta,Hctf tktAniel. jS jinihehtmfetfrofhnoV)nei>nfei. ANd*wnen the King Hezekiah heard it, bee » tent hiscloathe5.and put on fackecloath and came into the houfe of the Lord. 2 And bee fent Eliakim the fteward of the houfe , and Shebna the chancellor . with the El- at rs of the Pi lefts , cloathed in fack«eloath vnto b Ifaiahthe Prophet, the fonne of Amoz, 1 The Ebrev7 Wetd flgaifieih bleffiDg.wi-t.tbj thisw•' ked cip- would baue >e>rnadedihe people, that their coDcii.iooihould be better vr,d«t Sanehcrib then i-uderH-zrkiah. m That 11, ofAa« tiochia in Syria, of the which ihefe two other citiei alfo weie : whareb] we fee h:w eueiy towae bad bis prcu'iar idcle, and how tbe wic- ked m.ke (ίΙΪΛϋ idole.becaufether do not vcdernaad that Ged maktth thsmhiifconrge» d punilheih ci« ie» for ft line, ο Not that they lid not Diew by euidentfignei ih«: they did deieRbia blafphemit : for they hid tiPW ree« their clr>ath«,b(»« tbeykoew it wil in vainrtovf» loogieifoDiof witbtfaisitoiideU, Ch IBOfB * 1 JCwpii.x. a In figne of grief and repentance. b To kaue com- fort of him ly tbe word of God. thX his faith might be J . cor. firmed audio And hee faid vnto him, Thus iaith Heze-|hi« payer be kia"h . This day is a day of tribulation and of re.;^";°« '^»'^««^ '«- buke and blafpheroie :forthechildtenarecomeith.tin»li dinger» to the 'birth, and there is Doiliengthtobring|thefetwoareihe J. , ooely retuediei, ta 4 if fo be the Lord thy God hath d heard the j,"d h" minifter.. wotds of Rabiliakeh, whom the King of Asibur ;e we are in. ι his mafter hath fent to raile on the liuing God^. «^^^^J^;^;;^ ;;,t uaileth ofcbild, and cannot be deliuered. d That ii, Willie• dare by effea thac he bath heard it; far when Gud de• ferreih to pimilh, it fermeib to tha fielb, th.t bee knovs'eih not the finne , or beiretb and to reproach him with words, which the Lord thy God hath heard . then e lift tbou vp i^^ prayer for the remnant that are left. y So the fetuants of tbe Kirg Hezekiah came tolfaiah. . ^ 6 Andlfaiahfaidvnrothem.Tbasfayvntoyonr mafter .Thus Iaith the Lord.Be not afraid of the wordes that tbou haQ heard , wherewith the ler- nants of the Kit: g of Asiliur haue blafpbemed me^ not thecaufe. e DecJaring that the micifteri office do* ih no» onely Hand U (ewfoiting by ibi w»"» • k»' «If» « Ρ«Τ'•>£ ^'*' ^' P^P'*• ' Cg 4 7 '*"*'^- iriezeEiafis'prayeri ■^ ΏίάΚ. 7 Behold, I will fend a blaft vpon him , and he ilijll bsare a fnoife.and returne to bis owne land , and I will Ciufe him to fall by the fword in bis owne land. f So Rabfl-akeh returned , and found the King of Asfliur fighting jgiinft g Libnah : for he had heard that he was departed from Lachiili. 9 Hee heard alfo men fay of TirhaUab , King of Ethiopia, Biholde.hs is come out to fight againft theeiand when hee heard it.hee fent other meffengers to Hezekiah .fjyipg, 10 Thus ihM ye (peaks to Hezekiah King of ludah, faying , Let not thy God b deceiue thee, in whom thou trufteft, faying, lerufalem llwU not be giuen into the hand of the Kingof Aslhur. 1 1 Behold, thou haft heard wr.at the Kings of Asihur haue done to ail landes in deftroying them, and flialt thou be deliuered? I ζ Hane the gods of the nations deliuered them.which my fathers haue deftroyed ϊ at ■ Go- zan , and k Haran,and Rezeph, and the children of Eden, which were atTelaffar» 13 Where is the king ofHamath , and the King of Arpad , and the King of the ciiie of Se- pharuaim.Hena.and luah? 14 τ .So Hezekiah receiued the letter of the hand of the meifengets, and read it, and hee went vp into the houfe of the Lord , and Hezekiah fpread it before the Lord. 1 5• And Hezekiah prayed vnto the Lord , fay- ing. \6 Ο Lord of hosftei , God of Ifrael, which 1 dwellefl betweenethe Cherubims , thou art very God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth; thou haft made the heauen and the earth. 17 Encline mine eare , Ο Lord , and heare: open thine eyes, Ο Lord, aud fee.and heare all the words of Saneherib , who hath fent to blafjneme the liuing Gud. J 8 Trueth it is.O Lord.that the Kings cf Asftur Sii&Miu/L: bauedeft,oyedalllandsand."theircounrrey. 19 And haue cart tneir gods in the me;foi they were no gods,, but the worke of mens hands, $uen Iwoodor ftjne: therefore they deftroyed them. 20 Now therefore , Ο Lord our God , faue ! thou vs out of his hand, that I- all the king Jomes ofthe earth may know, that thou onelyarttha Lord. 2 1 f Then Ifaiab the fonnepf Amoz fent vn- to Hezekiah, faying . Thus faiththe Lord God of \ Ifrael.Becaufe thou baft prayed vnto me , concer- \ ningSanehetibkingof Asihur, j 22 This is the word that the Lord hath fpo- j ken againft him, The 0 virgin , the daughter of Zion , hath dcfpiied thee , ατχί laughed thee to fcorne : thee daughter of lerufalem bath ihaken her head at thee. ! 23 Whom haft theu railed on and blafphe» | med ? and againft whom baft thou exalted thy Jjrrantsar f Of the Egyptiio and Eihiopiaas, that aiali eome and fight againft him. g Which wai a citie toward E- gypt.thinking thsreby to haue ftjyed the force of his enemief. fa Thus God would haue him tovtteramnll horrible blafphemie before hi» de- ftruftiou .-a» to call theauthoutofall trueth,» deceiuer: fome gather hereby thatSheb'.ah baddifclofedvoto Saneheribthe an- fwerethatlfaiah iiiat to the king. > SVhich W.I a citie of the Medel, ic Called alfo Chatre. citie 11» Mefopotimia, whence Abraham Citme after bi« ft. :!bciidcatii. J Hegreundeth bit prayer oa Godi promife, who prom i fed to hejre them from between* the Cherirbimi. r.an jbm in hani. r He iheweth that i iiateaod pow« ofmoll flouri- endu• etb but a momtnt 3 relVeft of the Chut h, which ihall fe God II the , grow without fowing: and in the third yeere,low '"*""»">" thereof. '. ye and reape , and plant vineyards , and eate tbe tounfeliald en- \ fruite thereof :erpniei. I 31 And "the remnant that isefcapedofthe "enbX^'^'/h' !, houfe of ludah . Hull againe take root downward ra'fe as aXuou-'"" and birare fruit vpward. ing filh and furiou» 3 2 For out of lerufalem ihaH goe a remnant, '*''*• ,*" ν'''''» and they that efcape out of mount Zion : the 'oVeairhowte' zeale of the Lord of hoafts iball doe this. 'wui tike him «nd 33 Therefore thus faith the Lord concerning the King of Asiliur , He iliall not enter into this citie , nor flioot an artow there, nor come before it with ihicld , nor caft a mount againft it. 34 By the fame w^y that he came , he'iliall re- tutne, and not come into this ciiie, faith the Lord, 35; For I will defend this citie to faue it , fur mine owne fake , and for my frruant b Druids fake. 3(i f * Then the Angel of the Lord went out, and fmote in the campe of Asihur an hundretb fourtfcore,and hue thoufand ; fo when they arofe early in the morning , behold , they were all dead corpfes. 37 So Saoeherib king of Asihur depa• ted.and went away and returned and dwelt at c Nineueh 38 And as Iv was in the Temple wo>ihipping of Nifroch his god , Adramelech and Shaiezer hisfonnes*flewehim with the fword , and they efcaped into the land of ϋ Ararat ; arad ^Efar. haadon his fonne reigned in bis ftead. X Thou ihalt lofe thy labour. y Godgiueih fignei after two forti : foine goe before the thing, as the (ignei thai Mofei W! ought io Egypt, wr.i.hweie for the conii.ma- • lion of their i.ith; nd foine go after ' ae thing, at tbe fa• :ifice, which they /ete conimiuded 3 make tuiee ajei after thfir departure: and theft 'attet are toketpe bf bmefitiof Go- inour re- nembrance r of he whiih fort tbiihereii. ζ He promifeih bat for two yeere» he jrouDd of it felfe ihouldfeede ' them, a They whem God hath deliuered oat cf the handi of the Affyriaoj, ihall p«of, er : and thit properly belongrth totbe Cturch, b For my promife' fake mi.}t.i,. ttbt.iS. ect/us.^S it. 1. war.? 41. aWMc.8 19, c Which Wa» tbe ihiefelt citie of the AffyriaM. *Tui..ii. ]l Or, Armenia, d Who was alfo called Saroanapalni, in whofe dayti tenoe yeett» after Saoeherib» death the Caldeani 0 etcameiheAnVfUni by Merodach their King. ' CHAP. XXXVIII. I H'^ekiah ,1 ficke.s Ht'S r< Ucredtc health by the Lcri, enitiueihfifltene yeertiufter• 10 He^ueih thanKs ..« .. .w.„ w v.„.«^..w... ..^ t for hi< benefit. voyce.and lifted vp thine eyes on hie?i«<» againft ( Δ Bo"•:'*' that a time was Hezekiah fickevnto the Ρ holy One of Ifrael ]i the death , and the Prophet Ifaiah fonne of 24 By thy fetuants haft thou railed on the \ Amoz came vnto him, and laid vnto him , Thus Lord , and faid . By the multitude of my charets I ! f^''^ «he Lord . Put thine houfe in an order , for am come vp to tbe top of the mountaines to the \ thou ihalt die.and not Jiue. fides of Lebanon , and will cut downe the hie ce- ^ Then Hezekiah b turned bis face to Λβ dars thereof , and the faire tirre ttees thereof, and j wall.and prajed to the Lord, I will goe vp to the heights of bis top , and to the ♦ 1. Kin^s le. ή \ i.ihrtn 31,+. ' a Soone after that he Affyriamwere nainr fo that Goti vollbaietheex. ifeothiichiU dreoceoiinuail» that •hey may learne onejy to depend vpao Godand afpire to the heaue i» b Fur hi» heart ftreft ofhis fruitful! places. ; wai touched with teareolGodiiulgfraent, feeing hee had aftpoynted bim to die 2y I haU2 digged.^ and drunke the WaterS.and ί ίο quickdy after hi» deliuetance from fo g.eat ca'ainiiie . as one vnworthy to re- With the plant of p, fce downe. 9 fTl e W icing of Hezekiah kingofludab, when he had beene ficke.and was tecouered of his fickeneffe. 10 I fayd in the g cutting off of my dayes ,1 fhall goe to the gates of the gtaue : I am depiiued of the refidue of my yeeres. 11 I faid , ii I Ihall not fee the Lord , euen the Lord in thelandofiheliuing :I fl«li fee man no moreaiiong the inhabitants of the world. II Mine habitation is departed , and is remoo• ued from me, like a Ihephearis tent : i > haue cut j off like a weauer my life : he will cut me off from i the tieight : ftom day ^ to nigh: , tliou wilt make j anendeofme. 1 3 I reckoned 1 to the morning : bat be brake all my bones likea lyon , from day tonight wilt thou make an ende of 'ue. _ i 14 Like a crane or a fwallow , fo did I ^ chat- ter ; I did mourne as a doue : oiine eyes were lift vp on high : Ο Lord , ° it hath oppreffed mee, | comfort mo. ly Wi at ihall I fay ," for he hath fafd it to I , and he unh done it : I lliall waika Ρ weakely all my y eates in the bitternefie of my foule. 16 Ο Lord ,'ί to them that ouetliue them , and to all that are in ibero, the life of my ίμϊηβαϋ be J /^«oB>i» . that thoucaufedftmetof flecpeaiidhjft ; giuen life to me. i 17 Behold.for ffelicitie I had bitter griefe, ; but it was thy pleafute rai. figb.' Β To wit ,ioroW 30 griefe both of body and mind. " i{lU die , and theiefoie I willycel llf.roweswbi es Iliue. q They ihaifllallouifriiue ihe , and all ibey.toataem ibefcycerei Hull ack'owledge «hi'sb-nefite r^Tba' afiertbat tbou bjdlt condemned mcio de.th.ib. u reitoredft metJlile f \VheieisI:bougr,tto baueliuedior.ltaodeafebcingddiucied from mine fnemir, l ha,' giiele vpon g.icfe. t Heeltetmetb more the remillloa of his finnes ,andGodsfai»urtDenatto"findlm:s. u For a hath placed man in ir.if worl ' to j;lorifii '; im , the gc-dly take it as wrath, w^eo tbeii da7t• wtienit-rtened. cither betaufe that ihcyfci thy for their finnesn) >iue lo. gn in his fcruice, or for their ze^-ie to Gods glory, feeing that there are fo few iireartb,ihat do wee will fmg ooy fong , all the dayes of y our life w «ee f.-, in thehoufeof the Lord. he Congtega'.i 21 Thsniaid Ifaiih.Take alumpeofdryfigsLd Cht iroglu the for ben.fiis. Reat J King,»», 7 As verfe 7, and 2 lay it vpon the boile.and hs iliall recouer 2Z Ailb Hezekiah » had faid.VVhat is the figne, that I ihall goe vp into the houfe of the Lord ϊ CHAP. XXXIX. Hf{ik.iah is xefreoued beci'tfc hee fbewd his MAfures ■vnti the amhijjitdtuts ofSabj/cn. AT * the fame time , » Merodach Baladan ,the fonne of Baladan , King of Bibel,fentb let- ters , and a prefent to Hezekiah : for he had heatd f '" king u{a,by- that he had beene fi.ke, and was tecouered. p; "^t^^f^^^^' ζ And Hezekiah was c glad of thero.and fliew- jans io ,be tenth ed them the houfe of the treafutes , the filuer , andiy«"ofhiireisi Kini ao,t 1 was the Tartly with of the niimclr, pariljrbtcjufehe Ihtwed himfelfe eneniietohii ene• miei, but chiefly btcaufehe wouli oyne with them ivhom God fauou« ed.atjd haue tbtit helpe , ifoccalioa feiued. c Readei.King, 2o.i3,&i,Ch'rea. r ajfceth tun of the pariicuUis, to make him vn. dcrlland the craft of the wiiked, which he before being ouercome wi:h their flattery aijd blinded witt» ambition, could I or fee. Β By the gtituouf- ne» of the puoiih- metit is declared how greatly God dereiwthambiti- .. ohic vaice glory.' f That i>, officer» iad I'eriunt». g Reade 1, Kicgs i0,lj. God hath dec > him. ρ [ fti^U I edby has God f his betaufethat ihcy fccmed vnwor- for their zejie to Gods glory, lit , ai Pfal.S ,-, and r 1; 17. _ AlT pofteriiy ihall acknowle ge , and .he f.rhers Recording to their dueiyttj, mtd theif ehildrea ih»U ίήΐιιαδ tbioi in iby giacei^d rottciei igward me, menr, and all the houfe of his armour, and all that was found in his treafures ; there was nothing his houfe. nor in all his kingdome that Hezekiah flv;wed them not. 3 Then came Ifai.ih the Prophet vnto King Hezekiah, and fayd vnto lim .What fayd thefe men ? and from whence came they to thee ? And Hezekiah faid , They are come from a farre coun- trey vnto me. from Babel. 4 Then fayd hee , What haue '^ they feene in thine Foufe ? And Hezekiah anfwered , All that is in tcine houfe haue they feene ; there is nothing smopg my treafutes , that 1 haue not iliewed them. y And Ifaiah fayd to Hezekiah , Heare the vord of the Lord of hoaftes, 6 Behold , the dayes come , that all that is in thine houfe , and which thy fathers haue laid vp in ftore vntiil this day , ihalbe«catisd to Babel nothing ihall be left, faith the Lord. 7 And of thy ionties , that Ibsll proceede out of thee, taine and bill iliallbe made low ; and the crooked;;^„,^™X^^«^ ll«Ube ftreigbt,aniJ the rough places plaine. j and to aiiure thet y And the glory of tht Lord fhallbe reuealed.joftbejrdtliue- and alli-flinv ihall feeittogetlKr:fortheiDouthr;^;„,^7„''„°;.''">- of the Lord hath Ipokcn it. ib The time of ' jheraffliftion. c Meaning, fufficieut, ascbap.(Sr.7 and fulleorreftioD, or t^uble grace, wl Mie deferied double punilhn'ent. d To wit. ofthe rrophei» e Thati3,io Ba- bylon and otber place» wbeie they were kept in capiiuity,and mifeiy f Meaning Cyrus and Darius which ihould neliuer Gods people out ofcaptiuiiy , and make tbein a ready way to lerufalem : andtcis v«ai fuIlyaccoinpliilied,when lohn the Bapiilt biouoht tiding! of I:liu CiJiilts commiug, who was loetiue reliiiercr Of bis Church from finoe and Satan , Matth-j 3 . g Whaifoeuei may let cr (un- der this .lelilierante, Uiallbejemooiied.' b Tttisaiiratle Ihalbe fo great, that it JhalfbekDgwen through «11 tb* world/ ■ \ 6 A t'herew God not tc befiguredf ΐ Thevoyceof Gjdwbichfpike «a theProphst k Me»ning , all iiuns wiledome iwidoatatillpow• en, lamts ι,έΟ, I. pet. 1,14. 1 The (pi. 11 of Cod Hull difcouer \ thevinititiD »11 thit feeme liiiahi auyexccllccci: of themfcliiei. IT•, Taoujh coufi- dcnng theffailiie ef mjas nature nitny of the lewet Alould pei'ifh, and fo not be pjrukeri ofibli dtliucrance. 6 A i voyce fayd , Ctie. And he (ύά , Whit ftiill I cry ? All fleih is griCfe . and all the k grace thereof is as the floure of the field. 7 Tiie gralTe witheretb , the floure fadeth. be- caufe the ' Spirit of the Lord blowcth vpon it : lutely the people is grafle. 8 The g'affa withereth.the floure fadeth ; but the "> word of onr God ihall ftand foi eu;r. 9 f OZion.thatbiingiftgoodtiJings.get haue I thee vp into the high η mountaine : Ο leiufalem. Not to Icarch Uods leerets» armies by tmnober.ancl callsth them all by names : ' "= " by the greatneffe of A;» power & mighty ftrength ,^.^";! fcould be fulfil- led , and they that «rtipained, ihould #eele tbe fruice iberjof. D To publiAi tbii fcenefite through .all the world, ο He illeweih «C OD» word the ptr- fedim of a'l linos <=lKi ie, which is to haue Gods prefcnce. I piJispowerih.iIl I btfuflicientwith- i «nitbelpeofanf ] othrr , and (lull fcfueill meanes ία , Jaimfelfe to bring kiswilltopaire. : q He (hall Itaew tiKcare and fa• «our ouerihrin that ire wealte and tender. Γ Deciatioj thn •s God ondy hath Jill power . fo dienb lie vfe the f»me for fhe defence and maintenance of iiis Church. { He (hiweifa GnAi idrtnr.e wif- ' dome for tbe tame end and purpofe. t He fpeaketh all »hii to the intern ehatthey ihould «either feare ιη.ΐη Ββι put their ttuft iaany , faue onely JnGod. u Hereby he ar- meth them ag^inft the idolatrie. wherrwiib they Ihouldbe rerap- «ed in Bibyloo. at He iheweth iLe ja^e of the idola- gfri , fteing that tbe poore that hwe rot to fuffice heir owne necef- that btingeft gooJ tidings , life vp thy voyce with ftrcngth : lift it vp , be Dot afraid : fay vnto th* ci- ties of luJah, Behold ο your GoJ. 10 Behold.the Lord God will come with pow- er . and ρ his araae fl-ull role for him : behou . his reward » with him ,and his works before him. 11 He ihall feede his fljcke like a fhepbeatd : ί he fliill gather the lambs with his armc , and car/ ' them in his boiume, and fliall guide them with g young. : 1 2, who bath meafured the waters in his t fifti ' and counted heausn with the fpan , and coaipre- ί bended the duft of the earth in a mealure > and , weighed the mountaines in a weight , and ths . hills in a balance ? ' 1 3 Who hath inftriifted the fpirit of the Lord} i or u^as f his counfcUcr, or taught him » I 14 Of whom tooke he counfell , and trhe in- ftru6ted him and taught him in the way of iudg- roent ί or taught him knowledge , and Ihewcd vn- to him the way of vnderftanding f I y Behold , the nations he that cal- leth the Ί generations frons the beginning. I the Lord am tne« Hrft.and with the latt i am tne fame.! y The yles faw it.and did f feare,4»i< the enJsi inj 'puitdlhii' of the earth w:re abalhed.drew neere. and g came.j in the land of 6 Euery man helped his neighbour, and fayq Canaan ,. . .ldo., ' I ρ who hathcre- to his bf otner.b Be ftrong, i^ej ^JJ^ ^^^ 7 So the workeman comforted the faunderJ maintaioed his and hee thu fmote with the hammer , him thai i"£."'''on- fmote by courfe , faying, it is ready for the fode-l ^-ο,ιΓγ! t Jp neu-t ring , and he fafteaed it with nailes that it fliould fo many gudi , y« DOtbemOOUed. [tbeydiminiflloo- 8 f But thou , Ifrael. art my i feru-int , »ndY^;f°^1\f^^ • thou laakob , whom 1 haue chofcn.the Icedeoijvncbrngeabie, Abraham my friend. 'which haue eu«r 9 For I haue taksn thee from the ends of the! f "^^;*°^ ^'^''^* earth , and called thee before the chiefs thereof J f Confiiering and fayd vnto thee , Thou art my fcruant ; I hauei "niae exceileot chofeo thee.and not caS thee away. ί my ΐορΊΓ"^ 10 Feare thou not. for I am with thee : be not j g /hey airemblei afraid , for I am thy God : I will ftrengthen thee, themfciues , and and heipe thee.and will fufleine thee with the "°^i"'"'! 'κν"* . . . Γ , ^ ' . (,. metomauitiiQe k r ight hand of my lultice. ,heir idolatrie. "" b He uoteth the obftinacieofthe idolaters to tnain- their fuper.. 1 1 Behold , all they that prouoke thee , ihsUbe afhamed.and confountied : they flulbe as nothing, and they that fttiue with thee Hull petiih. 1 ζ Thou fbelt feeke them and (halt not 1 finde them : to mt , the men of thy fttife,/er they Qiall be as nothing , and the men that warre againft thee, as a thing of nought. 3 For I the Lordthy God will hold thy right ffiftble cieatuies wh-tn God hath made to ferue your vfe , that you fcould not ierue «hem not worihip tbem ? a So that bi$ power «ppeatetb in eueiy place wherefocuer wee tutnt our ejct< b vyjio taaib in ia oidci ibt icfijii.e nuaibcr f f tbe Bjirws, And tbeiefore oughielt not to hy felfe with the iuper• (iitioQ oftb» Gentiles. k That is , by the f^rceofmy pro- mife , in the petfor• mance whereof I will flww my felfe faithfulland iuit. 1 Becau.fe they (hall be deltroyed- m Tbu» he carleth them becatife tbey Weteconteninei ofallthe world , ao4 that iiey c3Dfi(JeiJD{ their owue poore ellate , ftiould (tAc vnw bim &r bcl]>«. pea hand, faying voto thee, Feare not, I will help thee 14 Feare not thou ™ worroe , laakob, andyte livu •bUtedcfty thins , thit cry lo bint bttrBefiiih in tbfii mifeii•»: dccliiingi" tbera hereby that tbty Ihilllickeooihing by tie wjy , wh'» theyretuine from S.bvloa. S Thai ii,Iuathap. poioted aud Jeter- mined .hat 1. thall comefotopalli. »■ Hebiddcthtfae idolater» to ptooue theit jelifioti,aod to bring foorth their idolei , that they may be tiled whe- ther they know all thiais , aodcan do »llthitigi : vvbi:h, they cannot doe, he coacluiletb that f 3e thta man cannot make an idule, but henmft do thitt which Ood deteftetb and ib- hotreih ; for hee eb«feth hi• owne deuifetand forfa- keth the LoiiJJ, Mearing , the ChsHeari. That 14 , Cyrus, «vhoihalldoeall _ things in niy ninie it bymy iiireftiun : whereby hee mea- netb that both their caprmi- n^de- Kuerance Ihall be orierrd by Godf prouidenceanJ aprointment. Both oftheC'al- deani and oiheri. y Meanit g , that sone of the Gca- tilel god» can wrke any of tbefe thingi. ζ Th-tii, thelf- raeliiei which re BBcn of Ifnel ; I will belpe thce.riith the Lord.and thy redeemer the holy One of Ifratl. 1 jT BehoKl.l will ojake thee a roler.aiid a new threfliing inftrument hsuirg teeth : thou il^ilt thrsih the η fDountaioes , and bring them to pow- der, and ihalt make the hillts as chaffe. 16 Thou ihah finne them, ami the wind ihaii ra:y themawjv•, and the whilcwiod ilul! fcJtter theni:andtboo Ikalt reio) ci in tbeLord.4HK ^y bin : for tltsieii oa oiber wtauetof re«on<:iliaiioii,M«t.i}|>i.()>b, i,^. t^^ BEholde , ^ oay feruant :*> I willftay vpon him : mine eled,)»»/)»r»my fuuie<: deliteih:! haue put my Spirit vpoa him thee fballb.ingfoorth ■* liklgement to '.he Geatiles. 2 Ha (hill not e cry , nor lift vp , nor caiife bis L voycetobeheardintiieftreete. 3 A f bruiled reede Ihall hee not breake , and He ihaU declare n^felfegouetnor ' ilti. mfoitibejn, g Meanig.ibe wcfke of a lampe. f auour the weake« yet will hee not i'pare the wicked, but will Judge them according to tiUftb «ni the fnoking % flaxe ihall he not quench : be Ihall ^"'^ "H '«« by bring foorth iudgement in Kttueih. fhlmSi; s^th!* 4 He fl-iall net fiih nor be difcouragfid till he ^e Hi• comining hiueifet iuJgjment in the earth ; and the''- vlesif"^"°<»'"=*i'l» fii^l! WJic for his L aw. lareTr'hT"' "^hc-'u 5 Thus faith Godthe Lord (beethatcreatedlf'He will n'^"hu'« the heauens and fpread them abroad : hee that! '''«weike and fee. fiexbcd footth tl.e earth . and the buds thereofiihV.''"-'/"''?;:". htethatgiutth breath vnto thi people vpon it, and fpint to them that wilk-j therein) 6 lihe Lord haue called thee in ltighteouf-!^;^'j;";,-^^'"'»_^^ nefle, and willholdf thine band, and I will keepeibewiiuhealliit thee , and giue thee for a " couenant of the peo- i «ad fiuif • n , that pfr. 4» he may magnirie the LiW an J exalt it, caiife they will:; 2i But this peopk is ' robbsd and fpoyled.aiid ■k' \ rh'.llbi all foared in dungeons.and they Ihallbe hid ready *" pf ϊίοπ honfes^ they ihillbe for a pray, and none ilull deliuer; a fpoyk.and none ihall fay,» Reftore. 23 Who among you ilnll hearken to tbis, together, and let the people be alletnbled : who among them can declare this, and ihew vs former things? let them bring forth theit ' witneflts , that they may be iuftiBed : but let them ''heare, and fay. It ii trueth. 10 You ' are my witnefles .faith the Lord , and my '" feruant.whom I haue chofen : therefarc yee /hall know and beleeue mee , and yee Ihall vnder- ftand that I am; before mee there was no God formed.neither Ihall there be after me. 11 I, euin I aiQ the Lord, and befide me there isnoSauiour. 12 I haue declared, and I haue faued.and I haue fliewed, when there vas no ftrange ^«d among you : thercfsre you ate my witnclies , layetb the Lord.that I am God. 13 Yea, before the day n'dJ, I am.and there is none that can deiiucr out of mine hand : I wiil do it, and who Ihail let it ) - 14 Thus faith the Lord yonrRedefmer. the ho- ly one of ifrael , For your fake I have fent ro Ba- bel, and η brought it downe : they areallfugf- tiues , and the Caldeans cry in " the fliips. 15; I am the Lord your holy one , the creator of Ifrael, your King. 16 Thus fayth the Lord which maketh a way in ρ the S;a , and a path in the rrighty s waters. 17 When he >' bringeth out the ' cnaret and horfe ,the armie and the power lie together , ani caule bee hath le• ge Derate chcm, adopted them, and called them. b when thou feeli danger• and confpiiacLes on all fides , temeaiber this benefit and theloueofthy God , and it ftiall encourage thee, e By water and fire he meaneth allkindoftrou- bits and perils. d I turned Sane- betibs power againit tnefe coun- tries , and made tbein to fuff»' that ■fflifton which thou ihouldeit baue done , and Γο Were as the pay- ment of thy ran- fome, chap. 37, 9. e I will not fpaie any man,rather thfnthuullioiildeft perilh , for God mure elteemeth one of hi» faith- full, then all the wkked in the world. f Heptophecieth of their deliue- tance from the cap. fiuityof Babylon, «ndfo of the callin of the vniuerfall Church, alluding to chat which is Written,Dcu!.3o.,5 g Meaning, that be Could ηαί be vn- windluU of them, •xcept he would aieglefl: bis owne Uame aud glory. •h Signifying.that nopoWft cai» rs- fift him in doiiio this miraculous" Workt.nor all their idjes are able to doe ibe like, I^^U^iC• « By Darius and Cyrus. ο They ihall err when tiey would •fcape by water, feeing that the couiieofEuphi•». tes i( turned ano• theiwaybyihe uered Ifrael fro^ TharaobjExod. 1 8 Rememberye not the fortuer things, neiJ '4.u• ther regard the things of olde. l^rp'aV'd''''*" I ^ Behold,! do a new thing : now Ihall it comes through lorden, forth : Ihill you not know it ϊ I will euen make ίΙ^ο'^οιΐ?• way ία the t d«fert , mi floods in the wildernefle.! 'e^"",''p,opie 20 The wilJe " beafts Ihall honour mee , the out of Egypt, dragons and the oftriches , becaufe I gaue water in the defert,*«i floOuS in the wilactDedcto giue drinke to my people,euen to mine elcdt, 21 This people baue I formed for my felfe: they fliall fliew forth my prayfe. 22 And thou haft not χ called vpon mee , Ο laakob. but thou haft y wearied mc.OIfrael .23 Thou ^ haft not brought ra.-e the Iheepe of thy burnt offrings , neither haft thou honored mc with thy faciihces. I haue not caufrtl thee to ferue with an offsring nor wearied the with incenfe. 24 Thou boughteft me no fweet ' fauout with money , neither haft thou made mee dru..ke wito the fat of thy facrihces • but thou haft made mc to b ferue with thy finnes, ana wearied me with tnioe iniqui'ies. 25- \,taenlz.m hee that putteth away thine iiiiijiiities for mine owne fake, and will not re meiuber thy finneS. 26 Put me in '^ remembrance : let vs be iudged together : count thou that thou may ft be iuliifitd. 27 Thy d hrft father hath finned, and thy " tea- chers haue tf anfgreffed againft me. 28 Therefore I haae ' pre pnaned the rulers of the Sanoluaty .and haue made laakob a cutfc, and Ifrael a reproach, l»«nd thee , thou diddeft grieue me. yvbereby he flieweth that his mercies Were the onelyciufe of their deliueranc», foiafmuch as tbcy ua•: dcieiued the contrary ζ Meaning , in true faith ani obedience, a Either for the compofuion of the fweeioyntmeut , Exod.30.34. or for ibefweei id.enfc, Exod.30,7. b Thouhaltnude mee to beare an heauie burden by thy finacs c If I fotgetany thing that may make for iby iuftifica- 1 Pharaoh and bis mighty armie. t Meaning , that theii deliueraoce out of Babylon fliouid be mote famous then that from Egypt was, ler.ij./hag.i.io, 7. icuel. u Tbey fljall haue Inch abundance of all hings ai theyteturne home, eu-u in the drie and "arreu placeij that the very bealts iliallfeele my benefits , and Ihall atkoowledge tbem : mu«.h more men ought to be tbanktuli iortbe fame. X Thou hart not worliiipped mee ■ as thou oughtel^ to haue done. ^ « y Becaufe thou halt not willingly ■eceiued that which I did com- as Chap. 41,12. ί To prooue that the things which are fpoken of them ,aietrue. k Shewing, thatjiie malice of the wicked bindreih them in the knowledge of the triietb, be- caufe ihey will Dot he.ite when Godfpeakctb by his Wurd. 1 TheTropbcts ptid people to whom I bane giueu my Law. m AicAain| fptcially Chrilt , and br^tm all the faithful!. emembranceand fpeake for thy felfe, d Tliae lacefters. e Thy Trieltsand rby Prcph-rti f Thatii , I'eicded , abborte^, i sdcicftroyed tbcmia ihe wildetnclie and at other times. CHAP. XLIIII $ The Lord prcmifith amftrt , and that hee VfiSaJp-mile hti Church if diuers nations. 9 The vxHitie c{ Idiies, 17 The ieajtltnejfr ofidalaiers. "V Et now beat e , Ο laakob my fcruant , and If- * rael, w lom I haue chofen. ζ Thus faith the Lord , that made thee., and formed » thee from the worabe : hee will belpe thee. Feare not , Ο laakob . my feruant, and thou righteous t• whom 1 haue chofen. 3 Furl will powte wattr vpon tVd ihall declare it, and ftt •> i: in order before me, iince I appointed the ' ancient people ? and what is at hand , and what things are to coine > let ^ them {htw vnto them. 8 Feare yee not, '.wither be afraid : haue not I told thee of olde , and haue declireJ it i ' you are euen my witne fles, whether there be a God befi Je ine.and that there is no God that I know not. 9 All they that make an image , are vanitie* and'^theW dcleftable things lliall nothing pro- be ; and they are their owne witnefles, α that they fee iiot nor know : thetefure they ihall be confounded. ο Who hath made a ο god, or molten an image , that is ρ profitable for nothing ? Beholde , all that are of the 4 fellowfliip thereof, ll-iall be confo-jnded : for the workemen themfelues are men : let them all be gathered to- gether, and r ftand vp,yet tbey iballftare, and be confounded togethir. The fmich frtj^effean inftrninent,an4wor- keth in the coles.and faihioneth it with hammers, and worketh it with the ftrength ofhisarmesi yea , be is ("an hungred , and his ftrength failethj he drinketh no water.and is faint- g And appoint tbrmtbaclhill dciiuer the Chuich. h That is , decWe vote me how I ought to proceed heieia. i God calletb tlie Iftaeliiei incieac, becaufe he prefer- red them Co all ether in bit eternall k Meauiag , their idol«. adeChap.+3. Bi vvhacfoeuer they bertew vpoD theii idoles , to make them to feetoe glorious. Tlutis, (be ido- laters feeinj their idolei blinde, muft needs be witnefles of riicir owne blindneUe , and Teeliag that they are not able to hf Ipe them , muV con'eflethatiuey liiiue no power. ο Mejoiog , that Whatfotuei IS Bitde by the hand Ch^P• XLT. GodonelyistlfeLord. yy haue baked bread alfo vpon the coales thereof: I haue roft:d aefli. and eaten it.and Ihall I make the relidue thereof an abo:uinacion ? Ihail I bowi to the ftccke of a tree i 20 He feedeth ' of afli?s;a feduced heart hath deceiued him, that hee cannot ddiusr his foule, nor fay. Is there not a lie in ray right hand» 21 » Remember thefe (O laakob and Ifrael) for thou ill my feruant : I haue formed thee-, thoa art my feruant : Ο Ifrael forget me not. zz I haue put away thy tranfgrellions like a cloud , a id thy finnes as a tnift , turne vpto mee. for I haue redeemed thee. 23 b Reioyce yee heauens ; for the Lord hath done it ; (liowt , ye lower parts of the earth; bra* footth into prayfes, yeemountaines, Ο foreft and ρ euery tree therein : for the Lord hath redeemed ί""'" .-,.,. laakob . and will be glorified in Ifrael. ^e amono!h^" 24 Thus faith the Lord thy redeeemer.a'id hee that formeJ thee from the w jrobe , I am the Lord that made all things , that fpread out the heauens alone, and ftretched out the earth by ray felfe. 25Γ I deSroy the<^ tokens of the foothfayets, and make them that coniedure, foolcs, and turne the wife men backeward , and make their know- ledge fooliihneiTe. 2(5 f He cocfirraeth the word of his <• feraanti and performeth the counfell of his meifengers, faying to lerufalem.'I'hou (halt be inhabited ; and to tlie cities of ludah , Yee ihjll be built vp , and I willtepairetlie dfcaied places thereof. hunger, a Shewing that man» heart is moft inclined to idola- , and thtrefore A-a.aeih bis people by thefe that hey ihould not r to any but ) the 111 Gnd, 27 He faith to the ' deepe , Bs drie, and I will' 13 The carpenter ftretcheth out a line; he fa- ! drie vp the floods ihionetb it with a red threed.he plaineth it.and he punrayeth it with the compjfle.and maketh it af- ter the figure of a man,4e^ according to the beau- tie of a man , that it may remaine in ' an houfe. 14 Hee will hew him downe cedars, and tike the pine tree and the oke , and taketh courage a- roong the trees of the foreft , hee planteth a tirre tree.and the raine doetb nourifb it. I ) And man bui neth thereof ν for hee will take thereof, and " warme himfelfe : he alio kind- leth it , and baketh bread , yet het niaketh a god, and woriliippeth it ; bee ro'aketh it an idole , and boweth vnto it. 16 Hee burneth the halfe thereof euen in the fire , and vpja the halfe thereof hee * eateth fliflij, he rofteth the rofte , and is fitisH;d ; alfo he war- meth hixfelfe and faith, Aha, I am warme.I haue beene at the fire. 1 7 And the reiidue thereof hee maketh a god, «««Λ his idokiheboweth vnto i[, and wotlhippeth and praycth vnto it , and faith , Diliuer tree i for thou act my god. 1 8 They haue not knowen , nor vnderftood: y for Goii hath fhut their eyes that thry cannot lee. and their hearts.that they cannot vnJerftand, 19 And none t coniidereth in his heart , nei- ther is there knowledge nor vnderSanJing lo fay , I haue burnt halfe of it , euen in the fire , and fyiag , tliat the intiU titude null not tb^o faue the idolateii , when God will tafce vengeance, ■Ithouoh they excufe thcmfehies tbercby among men. f He defcri^eth the ragino''affea:ion cf the idolaters , wbi>-b forget tncir owoe nei.efsia.-s lo fet foortb their dtuotion toward 'heir idolf I. t To place u in fonw Temple. 0 Het fertttb foorth the obitioacie acdrailice of the idrolateri , whi;h 'bv.uj;h they fee cy dayty experience ibac their idoles ate no betiettten the leitotihe matter whereof rhey are made , yet tbey rtfufe the cne part , ar.d nuke a god of the other , as the Papifti mike their cake god. and the rea of their idoles. χ That )te either in.k;,h a table or trenchers, y The Proihei g,iuetb bete an anfwere to all them y wonder how it ii pofUble thataoy Ihould be fo blinde to conimit ie.b abomination , faying, xh» God baib-bAoded ibeir exes , aadWdcoed ibeir dolatets. b He flieweih than Wurke of the d toward hi• people ih.U be f». ;ieat , that tbeia- enfible creatures fliall bemooued hcrewiib. : Hearmeththera againit ihe footh- fayersof Bibylon, b ic h would bauf ..ne them in ni , that tbey knew by ihe Itaries , that God nrculdnotdeliuer hem , and that Bibylon flxould iUod. d Oflfaiahand ρ Whereby ap- peareth tbeit blafphemy , which call imajies Che booket oftbe kftie.fveingtbai they are notone- Jy here called vn• profi:abie , but Ghap 41,24. abo- minable , and Ier«• miecalletb them the worke of cr- Touis . ler.io.if. Habikkuk , a lying Macbet a.iS. q Tbai ii , which by any way con- fent either to the tnakinj or wor- fcippiog. r Signi- 28 Hefaithto'"Cyrns,rfce«erf my (hepheard, j and he fliall perfotmeallmydefire: faying alfo i to lerufalem . Thou ihalt be built, and to tberhe""^'h'i-hdid' ' Tea)pls,Thyfuundaiion ihall be furelylayd. aotire'thi church ofGodjfiuour and di-liueiance. e Hre Iheweth that Godi worke iho'.ild be no leOe aoiab!» ίο tbif theit deliuerance, then when heebrougtt them out ofEgypt.thorew thefea. ' ! pei (In by whom it Ihouli- . CHAP. XLV. ι The AetlHeianceef the people tj Cpits. 9 Gvdisiuli in»lihiiwtrk.ei. ao The caUttigof ihe OeniiUs, THus faith the Lord vnto » Cyrus his ^ anoyn- ted,whcfe right hand I haue holden to ' fub- due nations before him ; therefore will I wtaksn the loynes cf kings , and open the doores btfjre him.and the gates ihall not be lliut. 2 I will go before thee,. and make the Ί croo- ked ftraight : I will breake the brafen doores , and burfttheyron barres.. 3 And I will gi'.ie thee the treafures cf dark- neUe,and the things bid in fecret places , that ■ thou mayeft'know that I am the Lord which', call thee by thy narae.euen the Go J of Ifrael. 4 For laakob ray feruants ' iake ,and Ifrael t cine elcfl: , I will euen call thtt by thy name,in-« | Dame thee: though thou haft not knowen me. y I am the Lord, and there is none other; there is no GoJ btfiJes mee : I g girded thee °* ^"1^ Pl"?'^'^ though thou haft not knowen roe, j 6 That thfy may know from the rifingcf the ^ funne , and from the Weft , thai there is none be- ^ fides me. I am the Lord , and there is none other. 7 I fotme the ^ light .and create dai keneflis : ί a Toaflurethe lewet oftheir de- liuerance againft te-.tiii• •"^ IhruJd abide, be ?th the pet- ndihe ej. «ufeCyri!! Ihijuld execute, he ;ofad:liue- God called :ii atioynted time, but af• nother fort te called Dauid. c To guiie him elijeraoc• 11 imp-.-diicent» NottbatCyiua diJ know God to i.',.rlhiphiiEa- ght, but be had• f!t«in«patncu- lar knowledge aj prophanemen may haaeofbii power , and fowascompeiled todeliuer God* people, f Not for any thing th.t is in thee, or forihyworibi- nefie. g I baiiegiuen theeftieagth, peweraniauikoriiie. h 1 lendpiit»«o"• waire, profpeiitit, and adtieilitie, u Aisot 3.$'. Againit idoraters. iiaiab teaka peace ι and create euill : I the Lord doe all thefe things. 8 Ye heauens fend the dewe from aboue , and let the clouds drop downe ' righteoufnes : let the esrth open , and let faluitiou and iuftice gtowe f jorth : let it bring themfuorch together : I the Lord fcaue ^ created him. 9 ' Wofi be vnto him that ilriueth with his maker, the pjtihearJ with thepotlhearJsof the earth : (hall the cliy fay to him that falhioDeth ir, What makeft tiiou t or thy worke, m It hath none hands ) 10 Woi vnto him that fayeth to /;« father. What haft thai! begotten > or to his mother , What haft thou brought forth ? 1 1 Thus I'iitn the Lord , the onely one of If- rael , and his maker , Aske me ° of things to come concerning ray fonnes.and concerning ttie workes of mir.c hands ■. command you me. 12 I haua iraJc the earth , and created man vpon it : I , whofe hands haue fpread out the hea- uens , I haue mm commaunJed ail their »ar• Cuie. 13 I haue raifed ρ him vp in righteoufnes. and I will ditfd ail his waycs ; hee Ωι.ί11 build my ci- tie. and he iLalllet go my cap-.iues, not for 1 pi ice nor rewatdXaith the Lord oi hoaftes. 14 Thus fayeth the Lord , Thelabour ' of E- gypt, and the merchandife of Ethiopia, and of the Ssbeins , men of Satute ihall come vnto thee, and they fhall he f thine : they lliall loilow thee , and ihall goe in chaines : they lluU f^U downe before »hee, and make fupplicaiion vnto thse , faym•^. Surely God is in thee, and there μ none uthci God befides. I y Verely , thou Ο God ' hideil thy felfe , Ο GoJ,tlieSamourofIffael. 16 All they Iha'.lbe afliaroed and alfo confouni ded : they fhall goe to confuiion together , that are the makers of images. 1 7 But Ifrael Ihall be faaed in the Lord , with an eiierhSing Alaation : ye ilial! not be aihamed nor confounded world without end. 18 For thus fay th the Lord (that created hea- uco/jod himfelfe that fotmed the earth, snd made it : he diat prt pared it , be created it not in vaine : he formed it to be " inhabited) I am the Lord, and there is none other. 19 I haue not fpoken in fecret , niither'^ ia a place of darkenes in the earth : I fjid not in vaine vnto the ieede of iaakob , Setke you mee : I the Lord doe fpcake righteoufnes, and declare ligh- teous things, 10 Alletiible your felues , and come : drawe ncere together,! yee abicd of the Gentiles ; they haue no knowledge , that fet vp the wood of their idole , and pray vnto a god , that cannot faue them. a I Tell ye and bring them., and let tbera take Counfel together , who hath dtclaied this from the beginning , er hath told it of old i Haue not I the Lord ? and there is noneoiher God belide mee, a iult God , and a Sauiour : there is none be- fide me. x^ Looke vnto me,and yee Hiallbe faued: all i Hce comrorteth ihe le Wet, a• It I Wouid fay , Though when ye looks lO the beaiiro• and h fof fuccour, fioW bai figaes of Goii yVia^ta , yet Will Icanfe them to briag foorth wuit ceuaiae to- ken» of your deli• Dec , and of thepcrfoiinanoe o''my pioiiiife : which ii meaac by lighteouf- nelfe. k I haue tppoia• tedCyruitoihii vfe mi jju.pofe. i Hetcby hee bii- dulei^ their impa- tiencie , which is ■duerfitie aad (trouble muimuie •gaiolt God , aad Willaotcii'y bit pleafure : willing thactnin Oiculd ;!naicb with hit like , and not con- tend «gainlt God. Bi That is , it ii ost pti(e&lf made. 11 In Head of mur• .muring , humble you: feluei , and «tie what yee will for the confo- laiioB of my chil- dren , and you flial be fure 0fit,aiyee ire oftbefetbin^i which are «t yonr CanimiiiJemeat. Some reade it with an ioterrog». xioa, and make it the application of the limilitude. ο That ii , the Xiarret. ρ To wit, Cyiui, that I may Ihcw by himthefiithful- nell'eofuiy pto- nivfe in deliuering ray people. q Meauing, freely •nd without ran- fem; , or any giie- uous condi- tion. » Tbefe people weretiibotariei to the Pertianl, Jind fo king Ar- tahlhaihte giue thit money to- ward ihebuilding of the Temple, Ezii.7,»7. t Whereat to fore «hey Wfi-e tbiue eneidiei , they ihall now honour ihee, «nd thou Oial•. rule them .-which wii ■ccompi idled in the iCime of Chrilt. t Hirreby hce exhorteth the lewet to patience , thoKjh tb: r«d for atirae: fllcAJog ihitihcy Ihould ooc leiienc thci wicked and.iJolaiersfllall be deitroyed. u lo wit , uf aim , but cbirfly of hi» jCburch. X Ascloe thefalfe gods , which glue vnccrtjineanfwcrei. y All yee idolateii which though youfeeme ioli»ae ueucc fu much woildly Jiiditie , yet ia Gudt fight you ue file aiivl «bicCl. idelluer, long pari t be defer - laroa t^earctn nis• * the endes of the earth fhalf be faued : for I am God.and there it none other. 23 1 haue fworne by my fcife:the word is gone out uf my mouth in * righteoufuefle,and ihall noti returne , That cuery b knee Ihall bowi; vnto mee, and euery tongue Ihall rwe*re fey mt. _ 24 Surely c hte iiiall (ay , in the Lord haue ί righteouineile and Qrcriigth : he Ihall come vQto him.aQd all that d proiiokc fiin, ihalbe aihamed. aj The whole feede of ifrael ihalbe iuftified, and glorie in the Lord. ζ Hecalltththe idolaters loicpea- tance , willing then to lioke viKo him with the tyeol faith. jbnt God himfelie icarieth hit ,as That is , that the ing which I haul piomifcd Ihall be 'ilthfu.iy peilct. led. The knowledge of u.>d ADd tbc true Woiflli^piugiluU be tborow all the world , Rom. 14. ii. Thil. 1, 10. whereby he (ignifieib tha< wee mull not onely feme God in heart, but declare the fame alfoby outward pio'tTitin. c Mea- ning , the iai:hfull fiiall feele and couieire thit. d AlliheCootemBers of God, C Η A P. X L V I. 1 The deflriillicncf Bnbpsii! and cf their idiles. 3 Het cailerh ihe Inveito the cenfidcrxiim of histverkfS. ' D El is bowed downe : » Nebo is fallen ; their! » Thtfe were the ■L^idoles were vpon theb beads, and vpon the g^^|^''[J|^°'" "^ cattel i they whicn did beare yo\i,i»ere laden with b'sLtufe they a wearie burden. weie oi gold ani 2 <= They are bowed downe , and (sWsn toge-lf' j" ' ^^^ '*'«''«.» ther;for they could not rid them of the burden, td ttem'away."' and their d loule is gone into captiuitie. f Toe beaii, that 3 Heare ye me, Ο tiouf; of laakob.and all that t\\''/ '^' "^i". remaine of the houfe oflfuel , which are ' borne Ueir ΖΧΓ''" of mee frcm the wombe, and brought vp of mee d Hedendetii /rjiwthebifth. M'^idoies, wlicij 4 ThetcLre vnto olde age . I the fame , euen f '^ l'^'^^' ^""'« I will bfare jou vntill the hoare haire» : I haue U He ilitweih the mide )ou : I will alio beari νια , and I will carie P'"'""•^» t><-•- you , f and I will deliuer j>o(i. f^^""' "" '^°'« ' _ , -,, . ... t (tad the II uc God: Τ c To whom will ye tr.ake me like , or make ^or tbey muitbe me equall , orgcompare methatl Ihould belike["'"tdofQtheri, him? 6 They draw gold out of the bag , and weighj dJj'U'j niujr in the ba'a 'ce, and oire a goldfriiith to make f Seeiug i haue a god of Λ,Λκά they bowe downe and worlliip it. i^f,°n'°,''i^ ■ *. 7 They beare it vpon the flioulders : they cary I ^«ferue you fer him and fct him in his place : ib doth he ftand.4«'i>=o'igi- not done , faying , My counfell fliall ftand , and I io'nile'!bemtt°'* will doi Wiiatfoeuer I will. |be abnor!ed™f all 1 1 I call a • bird from the Eaft , and the man ni=n : ibcM-iog that of my k counfellfromfirre : as I haue fpoken , fo ittV "(Aea ''*' h"" will I bring it to pade : I haue purpofed it . and I icciiraen'aa°ioti°!' t will doe it. 1 2 Heare mee yee ftubburne hearted , that are farrefromliuflice. 13 I bring m neere my iiift:ce:it iliall not be f;rre cft'.and my filuation Ihall not tarie : for I will giue faluation in Ζίοη,ΛΛίί my glorie vnto lirael. as fwift tta birde ,ani figbtagain'V B-by'on. k Hinibyi. ted to eifcuie that ..which I haue determined, I Whicb by youi inciedul would let rhe peiforinarce of n.y proinlfe. m Htihsweth thaiauci iiictedu.itie cannot abolilh the pioinife ctGjd , Rem. 3,3. CHAP. X L V I r. The ie^nuflinn tfBihylcn, and thtccufei wStiefore, /^ Ome downe and fit in the duft : Ο » virgioe, ^~^ daughrer Babel.fu on the ground: there is no uot ;e: beeae ouctcotM by aoy eocaiic, . " ^throne but to pre -uetbeni nle,BlIL ch.6.3^ h Brcm = w.fe. me.m g that all i.lol.te.s are with- our VVK 0 . frnfe. ;l'i; mad i That It , Cyrns, w hi. bill ill cojne « wrhich haft Jiuei in Wealth at; d w»n. tonnctfe , «ad haft Vaine fcicnces Cha£.XLViri.XLlX. GodtrIetin!is^? b Thy jouetoi nent Dijrbcukcn from thee. e Thottfhaltbe brought to mjrt vile ieruituit ■• for tixurae ι he mill wai -.he offi<;e of Diues. d Thethii gs wheiciatfcefetteth ber gitacj pride, Ihjlibe niide vile, ftoin the head to the toct vit no bu- miaity asr pity towaidttee. f The Uue it«s fliallcoofenethat the Lord doihtbil for bis Churchet fake. g For veiyihame, aad bid< rny relt'e. h Theyabufed ~ Gods iudgemjntii ihinliiog that he puniftied the Ifra- •lite•, brcaufehe Would vtierly cift them otF, lad there- fore »n itead of pitying thtir mife- ry , thou diddelt increafe it. i Su that thy ρα• BiDlment fliallbe fo great as is pof- iiLte i« be ima- gined. k Tkoudiddelt tliuke that ihii c owne wifederae ■Dd|ioliwy would baue faued thee. He deride:h iheii'vaiae crcfi- «ieuce , thatj mercy , but thou didft lay thy very beauy yoke vpon the ancient. 7 And thou i iiJeft, 1 ihalbe a lady for euer, fo that thou dii'ft net ftt thy u-iinde to thefe things, neither diJli thou remember y Utter end thereof. 8 Therefore now heare.tbou that art giuen to pleafutes, anadwelleftcarelclTe, She faith in her heart,I am and none eh: I Ihall not fit 4j a widow, Beither ihall know the iofle cf children. 9 But thefe two things Ihali come to thee fud- denly on one day .the Iofle of children and widow- hood ; they ihall come vpon thee in their > perfe- dion , for the multitude of thy diuioarions, and for the great abundance of thine inchantets. 10 For thou haft trnfted in thy wkkedneflc; thou haft faiJ.None fseth rre. Thy ^ wifJotne and thy knowledge, they baue caufed thee to rcbei,and thou bag iiU\ in thine hea't.I am.and none els. 1 1 Therefore Ihall cuill come vpon thee , and thou ilvtit not know the lEoruing thereof ; de- ftf uClion flull fjll vpon thee; which thou Ihalt not be able to put away : deftruflion lliall cooQe vpon thee fuddcniy.or thou beware. 1 1 Stand Qowarrong thine inchanters , and in the multiiude if thy foothfayers (with whome thou baft ' wrarl-:d thy fclfe f.ox thy youth) if fo b« thou maytft haue profit , or if fo be thou maiefl ban: ftrength. 13 Tnou att wearied in the multitude of thy counftls let now the aSrulogeis.the ftarre gazers, and pi-og'.ofticaiors ftaiid vp , and laue thee fiooa thefe tbiiigi t^a: ihall cume vpon thee. 14 BsholJ , ^^ey lliall be as ftubbie : the fire fliill bnrnc tbewirhey ihall net cieliuer their owne Hues from '! e power of the dame : theiefhalbtao coalesm to warree at,«orIigt\t to fit by, ly Thus ihall they ferue tbee, with whom thou haft wearied thee , «uen thy merchants from thy youthjeue.-y one feal wander to his owne " quarter; none ihall faue thee. CHAP. XLVIir, 1 Thehyftfufietfthe le-xemrepitmei. nTkeZorda- hne v»U be Tvctuyiffed, lO Of tbetr deliueraMce tut of 'Babylon. HEare yee this , Ο houfe of laakob. wliich are » called by the nanae of Ifrael , and are come ont of b the waters of ludah ; which fweare by the I5ame of the Loid , and make mefttion oft-.e God of Ifrael.tMt not in trueth nor in righteoufneOe. 2 Fot they are called of the lioly ciiie , and ftay tbemfelues' vpon the God of Ifrael . whofe Name is the Lord of hoaftes. 3 I baue declated the former things of old,and they wenteut of my inouth.and I lliewed <* them: I did them fuddeuly , and they came to pafle. ■ He delete th r bypocriue which vauate.l themfcliKS to be Ifraeliici , and Were Boi fo indeede. b Meaning the fountatue an4 ftocke. They mike* lliew at «hough I they would baue •oneo;herGod, ά Heeiheweibthatjthry could not accufe blm id any tbin; fciioimed whairoeucr be bad proaaifed. , fprafmucbisbehai 4 Becaufe I knew that « thou art obfiinate. and ! thy ntcke ts an yron finew.and thy brow brafe. V ' f^ue donefor y 1 betcfore I haue declared it to thee of eld: Γ" "?!?" ''^."' ' before it came to pafie,! Ihewedf it thee.lcit thou Γ«ΧίηΛίι> aid fhouiiJetl fay „ Mine idole hath done them , and 'mpudenciemigftc my earned image , and my raolten image bath r""''"°'°""- commanded them. ψΖ'^ ,^^„ β,„^ ο /hon haft heard , behold all this, and willMeii bfdeiiuered not yee κ declare it ? I haue ihewe.f thee new|^'';°.f,?'"''»'»n• things , euen now , and hid things, which thou kneweft not. 7 They are created now , and not of olde.and euen before thij thou heardeft them notjeaft then n:oulde_a fay.Behold.I ^ knew them. 8 Vet thou heardeft them not , neither diddeft - . , Shewing that know them, neither yet was thine eare opened of p"»°""OKanci« * ' '' - ' - - ' ' - IS thecaufe why God doth notde- thiug»a« r>nce , Icalt they mould attribute know led jt olde ; for I knew that thou wouldeft gneuoiifly tranfgreife : therefore haue I called thee a tranf- grt fluur from the " womhe. 9 For my Names fakewilll deferroy wratbi and fur my praifcwil ί rcfraine i: from thee.'^ that I cut thee not ofif, J ο Behold.I haue fined thee,but 1 rot as iilucr: I baue "i chofcn thee in the fornsce of affJifiion. 11 Per mine owne fake , for mine owne fake |f' will I doe it j for how fhould my Hamt ° be pollu- ted > 0 fiitely I will not giue my glotie vnto ano- thet- 1 2 Heare me, Ο laakob and Ifrael, my called, Ρ I am, I am the hrft.and I am the laft. 13 Surely mine hand hath hid the foundation cf the earth , and my right hand bath fpanned the fceaucns;when I cal them, itbey ftand vp together. 14 All you , ailecDble ycui ielues , and heare: which among them hath declared thefe tbingsj f."^"" the The Lord bath loued ' bim j he will do bis will in Bibel.and bis a'lnspialht agaioft the Chaldeans. 1 5 I , euen I haue Ipoken it . and I haue called him, I haue brought him, and his way Qial profper. '" ''^'\' '""'"«, 16 Come Deere vnto nw: hea^e ye this: I baue ^rit baue beene not fpckeo it in fecret From the <" beginning from the time that the thing was , I was there, and now the Lord God and his Spirit hath • fent roe. 1 7 Thus faith the Lord thy redeemer, the Holy one of Ifrael, I am the Lord thy God.which teach thee " to proHte , and leade thee by the way that thou (bouldeft goe. 18 Oh, that thou hadft hca; kened to my com- maodements ! then had thy prcfperitie bin as the flood, and thy righteoufnes as the waues of the fea . 19 Thy feed alfo ha 1 beene as the fand, and the fiuite of thy body like the gtauell thereof : bis » name ihould not haue bene ci;t ofif nor deftroy- ed before me. 20 τ Goe yee out of Babel : flee yee from the Chaldeans with a royceofioy : tell and declare this : iliew it forth to the end of the earth : fay ye, The Lord hath redeemed his feruant laakob. 2 1 And they ^ were not thirftie : be led them thorow the wildernefle ; bee caufed the waters to flow out oftherocke for them •, fot he clauc the rocke and the water gufhed ont. 22 There is no « peace , faith the Lord, vnto »β«." <ι»•πι of the wicked, ledge thi* my benifii ,and dethrei; vote othcri > their I «ifedome. From the time at I brought bee out of Egypt: ■ bat deliue- lance wssasth» tbofihe Church. I Ai it wai my .^rcytbail lidihofethee: t my free ibatmu.t lee. I had refpeai ο tby weakenfde ind infirniitie : for onfumed. η God ioyn i?y cannot pe- fli, kilt bis glorie ihould be dimi- hed, at Dcut. »7• Reade Chap. -U.S. Ρ Reade Chap, 41.4. q To obey me, hat- foeuer I conimsnj them. Meaning , Cy/u», bom he fcadcho- f'n to deftioy Ba- bylon. ί Since the time deejaied my ftlfe to yeur f». t Thus the Pio- et fpeaketh for hiinfrlfe , and ι hefethiDys Whattbingi Ihall doetkcegooi; X That IS , the protperoBS titate of Ifrael. y After that he h jd forewarnesi tbtin of ihcii capiiuitie , and of the canfe thereof , bee (heweth them tbegteai ioy that Ihall Come of iheirdeliueiance. ζ Hee Iheweth that ii ihall beaseafie lodeliuei tbem . as hee did :htir fathers ou:of E|yrt. «Thus hee ipeakeih thai the wicRtd bypocritei (hould not abufe God» ptoniife , ia whom wai'ntiihei faiih tan^e ,asChap.;7.ai. CHAP. XL IX. tThtlird&d <;eh»ttth Λ& wtirnti ti Meene his pYmirti. 6 Cbrift Vdiuus greaciouc a This is fpoken hn the ['ofen of Chrirt, toaCTure ttaefaithfull tbat tb^repromifcs ihouU come to palle : for they Wiri ail made iu him, aod him Ihould be performed. b This is meant of the time that jCbrift mould b- jnaaifdted to the world, airfal.1,7. C By the fword ■ nd (hifc , he fi^ni• ieth thevtfftueind «fticjcieofCaiilti doftriae. d God hath taken « Chifl is tht fxluxiicH of all th»theteeut, auiwill itliucr them from the tpaniiy cf their lenemtes l_l Eire yee me, Ο yles, and heirken.yee people *■ 'from tarre. The Lord hath called « me from bthe wombe,and made mention of my name from my mothers belly. α And he hath made my mouth like a iliarpe e fword : vnder the ihadow of his hand hath he <) hid me, and made me a chofen iliaft, and hid me ill his qui uer, 3 And fayd vnto me.Thou art my feruant « ΙΓ- rael, for I will be glorious in thee. 4 And I fayd , I haue f laboured in vaine : I bane fpent my ftreogth in vaine and for nothing; but my iudgraeat w with the Lord, and my worke with ray God. y And now fayeth the Lord that formed roe from y wombe to be his fsruant , that I osay bring laakob againe to him (though Ifraelbe not ga- thered , g yet flsall I he glorious in the eyes of the *'ii of w 1 ne caning ot tt^e (jentilcs. me to liii proieai- _ j Lord; and my God Ihalibe my ftrength) ou and defence : this, y is meant of Chrift, and may al• ίο be applied to (he :ninifteit of rd. e By IfrieUi tneao: Cbriit , and ell the body of the i^ithfull , as the memb'-rs , and their head, f ThuiChtiuio til members eoiti- plaiuetb , that bis labour and prea- g tike none «ffett , yet hee is contented that his gs areapproo- uedofGod. ; Though the ewei refufemy doftiine.lyet Gjd Will approone my inioiftety. b To declare my Gofpeho the Gsa• tilei, Cbap.4a,«. ifts i3,4.7.Luk.i.32 i Me laakob , and to reftorc the defolstions of Ifrael ; I handcs: thy^walL» are euer in my 1 7 Thy buil ii rs mike y hafte : thy deftroyers and they that make thee wafte , are departed from thee. 18 Life vp thine eyes round about and behold: all rhefe g4 her themfelues together ««W come to thee : es Γ hue , faj th the Loi d ,thou flialt fjrely 2 put them ail vpon thee as a garment , and gird thy felfe with them like a bride. 19 For thy defolations , and thy wafte places and thy land dcttroy ed. ihall furely be now narow fur them that ihall dwell in it , and cbey that did deuoure thee, fl^all be farre away. 20 The children ofthy barrenneCTefliallfay againe in thine eares. The place is ttraite for mee: glue place to me that I may dwell. 21 Then flialt thou fay in thine heart, Who hath begotten mee ihefe .feeing I atn barren and defolate, a captiue and a wanderer to and fro > and who hath nouriihed themi behold,! was left α- ϊ forget thte. meaiiiog ,ihe ;ood order of po- ie,aoddiicipline' Ibiueacomi- auall care to build ihee vp agiiue , and to deltroy tbioe enemies. : Heeiheweth what arc the or- s of the Church : to haue hiUrea, svbici are aflem- >led by the Word of God , and gouer• d by his Spirit. a He lilevvetb that II not one• y ga.oer '.hi* great numocr of the lewes , bu'. alfoof heGeotilej. Meaning , that • ngs IhaLw con- r:cd to the Gof. pel , aiid bellow lone : whence are thefe ? 22 Thus faytb the Lord God , Behold , I willh"' Ρ<"Τ" ^ed ■11 1Γ - >. , r ,• , Γ, ^. •, lift v-p mine band to the a Gentiles, and fetvp my " Γ °' '"'""-?' will alfo gmei-thee forahgHt oi the Gentiles. ] (^,^οάπ to the people, and they ftall bring thy .he Church that thou mayeft be my faluation vnto the end of ! fonnes in thttr armcs and thy daughters iLall bs = ^'"8 '"y^d ' cariedvponr/imlhoulders. !v»KhtheCnur«b, 23 And Ki• gs b Ihall be thy nurfing fathers, the world. 7 Thus faith ths Lord the redeemer of IfracI, and his holy One , to him that is def^Hfed in fouJe, to a nation that is abhorred, to a > feruant of ru- j lets , Kings Ihall fee , and k arife, and princes fliall i worihip , becaufe of the Lord , that is fiithfull : ijand the holy One of Ifrael , which hath chofen 1 thee. . 8 Thus fayth the Lord.' In an acceptable time haue I heard thee.and in a day of falaation haue I helped thee : and I will preferue ihee.and will giuc n> thee for a couenant of ;^ people , that thou mai- eft raife vp the α earth.an J obtaine the inheritance ofthe defolate heritages : 9 That thou trayeft fay to the ° prifoners, Goe foortli ; and to them that are in darkeneile. Shew your felues;they iliallfeede inthewayes, and their ρ piftures flull be in all the tops ofthe hiUes. 10 They fliall not be hungry.neither fliall they be thirfty, neither ihall the heate fmite them, nor the fiinne; for he that hath compailion q on them, (hall leade theiEj euen to the fpiings of water ihall he driue them. I And I will rrake all my roountaines , as a way. and my paths ihalibe exalted. 1 2 Behold , thefe ihall cocce frofB farre : and loe, thefe from the North and from the VVeft.and thefe from the land of' Sinim. 13 Reioyce , Ο <■ heauens i and beioyfoll.O earth ; braft fortii into pray fe , Ο raountaines; for God hath cotnforted his people , and will haue mercy vpon his affllded. 14 But Zion fayd , The Lord hath t fotfaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. I jT Can a woman forget her child.and ttot haue compaflion on the fonne of her wombe ? though they Ihould forget, yet will I not forget thee. 16 Behold, I haue grauen thee vpon the palme and Q_ueenes Ihall be thy nurfes : they Ihall wor- ^^'" ^"<^ . and giue fliip thee with ffoeirfacis toward the earth, and j'™*'"'°"°"''• order. ο To them that are in the ptifoo of finne and death. ρ Being inChrilts protedion, they flialbe fafeagiinit all dangers, and free fi cm «he feare ofthe encmit». q Meaning, that iheielUould beaothingin their way frnni Babylon that foould hinder ot hurt them ; bm this isaccoinplillicd fpiriruauy. r Meaning.the South coimtrey,lo that Coiill ilialldeiiiier his f oin all the put! ofthe world. _ f Rradc Chai>.++.23. t Hee obiedeth what the /aithfull might fay intheir long afflicliuu , ludanf^ertth thcrevmo to comfort theaijwitii i. moft f taper (i!Biliiudej«Bd full of coofalatioo. licke vp the <= duft of thy feete ; and thou ihalt .< know that I am the Lord : for they ihall not be aiharaed that waite for me. _ 24 Shall the pray be d taken from the migh- tief or the iuft captiuity deliuered ί 25- But thus laith tiie Lord ,« Euen the capti Ditie of the mighty AuU be taken away : and the pray of the tyrant ihall be deliuered ; for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee .atid I will faiiethy children, 26 And will feede them ihat fpoyle thee.with f their owne flelh , and they ilall be drunken vvi.h their owne blood, as with fweete wine; and all fleih fliall know that I the Lord am thy Sauiour and thy Redeemer, the roightie o.ie of laakob. CHAP. L. I The lewti forfuken for Λ itme. a Tet the pover God IS »tt dimmi^ed, f Chriflt ebti ence ani-vtcln ΊΓΗϋ5 fayth the Lord. Where is that» bill of your mothers diuorcement , ^ whom 1 haue ! cad off? or who is the cteditour c to whom I fold you , Behold , fc" your iniquities are ye fold, and becaufe of your tranfgreflions is your mother forfaken. 2 '^ Wherefore came I , and there was no roan ' 1 called , and none anfwcred : is mine hand fo e ihortened , that it cannot helpe ? ot haue I no power to deliuer } Bthold , at my rebi^ke I dry vp the fea : 1 make the floods defett ; their filli lot- teth fur want of water, and dieth for thii ft. 3 I cloathe the heauens with datkeneife . and roakeaffacke their coieiing. 4 The Lord God hath giuen g mee a tongue ofthe learned, that I fliould know to mmifitrz word in time to him that is ^ watf ; he will raife dc a 1 ine and conuett . e Am I not ai able to helpe , h :hi! an ebiftlion , ai though the Calde- ereftr^ «and had them in jiu.t polTcirun. e This is the an- fweie :o thtir ob• ieiiion , that none oDger then he Lord , neither iatha'noreiult i.le vnto them. ■ IwillciuletbeiM ο dertroy cue an- >ii>'r, at Iudg.7,ii,' i.Chron.zojjj, Chap.is.a. Meinin?, that he idnotfetfaken :.,butthro„gli ■rowneocc.li- i.asHofe.t.i. > Which fiiould eclare that I haue at her off : mea- ling , that they ould ihtw none. ; Signifying ft'ldethem not •any debt or Ufity , buttbat ;y foldetheiti- their VOUl fathei an.iMfoaft Exod. 10.21 hat 5uy ihi• lultesai ftnes. d Became by his phets and mi- en , but they would notbelreue boipe folde,when I dryed vp the ted Sea.and kiUtH the Rlh iotbi vaid in lotdei. ? f As I did in Egypt intoken of my difpltafuiei I. g The rnphetdoib reprefentherc tbepetfon andchargrofthem that arc iulily cilled to the uiiniilery of Godi woid. h To him thai ii oppt«l6 lo , chejr ijhall waxe old Μ a garment i the moth ihall eate them vp. 10 ' Who is among you that feareth the Lord 'Let hioi hcat^ the voyce pf bis feruant : he that walketh in darkeneOe and bath no light , let hi(D truft iu the name of the Lord, and Itayrpoa e I J J Btbold.all yoo kindle™ a 6re, tod arc com- paiTed about with fpirke»:walke in the light of your fire, and in the Iparkes that ye haue kindled. Tbii ihali yc haue of mine hand : ye ihall lie dowae in Ibtow. CHAP. LI. I r« tr»!i in Cti atone if Mrahems exumfU. 7 ATut t» ftAtt men. 17 The gt<»t Affhnini ef lemftiem, ti aniberieliiteTtnce• LJ Eare me» yee that follow after righteonfoes, *• • and yee that feeke the Lord : looke vnto the *» rocke , n>4i«« y on are hewsn , and to the hole of the pit oibtnc* ye are digged. Confider Abraham your father, and Sarah that bare you : for I called bim alune ^ and bUlled him and iacreafed him. 3 Surely the Lord iliall comfort Zion : he flull ct^mforc all her defolaiions , and he Iball make her defert ^ like EJen , and her wildernes like the gir- din of t c Lord : ioy and gladneiTe Ihill be found thei ein : praif-, and the voyce of Gnging 4 Hf arken yee vnto me my people , and giue eare vnto roe , Ο my people : for a <* Law ihall pro- ceed from me , 6cl will bring forth my indgement ί for the light of me people. 1 My tighteoufnes it neere : n-y faluation go- etb forth , and mine ^ armes Ihall iu^ge the people: j the yhs iliiU wait for is« , and ihall truQ voto mine I arm;. 6 Lift vp your eyes to the heauens , and lool^e | vpon the earth beneath; for the S heauens iliaU vaniih away like fmoke , and the ea'tb Ihall waxe J ot me great deepe , mi- king the depth of thefea away for tbe redeemed to paUe oiieri U Therefore the redeemed of the Lord flial] I returne , and come with ioy vnto Zion, and euer. lifting 107 ilnlbe vpon their head : they /liall ol> tame toy and gUdneSi4»i brance of hi• treat benefit for theit deliuer«Dceoaiof Egypt, that thereby th-y mighr learoe to t(ii:t inhim coaliantly, i Meaniog, Egypt, rfal. S7.i, it To wit, Pharaoh ^ik »i I, who will lament thee? delblation and defiru3i. on and famine , and the fword : by whom ihall I comfort thee? 20 Thy fonnes haue fainted,and lie at tbe4iead of all the ftreetcs as a wiide bull in a net , and are full of the wrath of the Lord. Mi rebuke of thy God. 2 1 Therefore beare tiow tbi», tbon miferable •nd drunken , bnt f not with wine. 2 ζ Thus faith thy Lord God , euen God that pleadfeth the cjufe of his peopIe3chold,I haue ta- ken out of thine band the cup of trcrobltng ,«ur» the dregges of the cup of my wrath j thou Hult dtjnkeitnomore 13 But I will put it into their hand that fpoyle olde like a garment, and they that dwell dierein, ! 'hee ; which haue fayd tothyfoiile.Bowdowne ίΐκΐΐ psriihin like maner ; but my Cduation fliall hz for euer , and my righteoufnes ihall not be abo> lilhed, 7 Hearken vnto me ye that know righteonf- netl'e.the people in whofe heart it my Law. Feare ye not the reproach of men , neither be ye afraid of their rebukes. g For the moth (haJI eate them vp like a gar- ment , and the worme ftiill eate them like wooJl: but my righteoufnes dull be for euer, and my fal- tution from generation to generation. 9 Rife vp , Rife vp, and put on ftrengtb , Ο arme of the Lord : rife vp as i" in the olde time in the g;neraibps of the world. Art not thou the fame , that bath cut > lUhab , and wounded the kdrigoDi -— -- - - ^ that we may goe ooe^ , and thou haft laid thy bo., dy as the ground , and at the ftreetet to than thac v/entouer. CHAP. LII. J A tmftUtitn t» thefiofie efCii, 7 Oftht mejien• gets thereof. ARife, atife j put on thy ftrength, Ο Zion : pot j« vo wicfcedtyrantj on the garments of thy beauty , Ο I erufalem, \^}>^^ ^'i^ the holy Citie: for hencefootth there ihall no ''"' " « more come into thee the vncircumcifed and the vndeane. ζ Shake thy felfe from the ^ duft; arife , and fit downe, Oletafalem : loofethe bands of thy neck. Ο thou captiue daoghter, Zion, 3 For thus liiyeth the Lord, Vce were IbWe ogeaaceof Godioariuetbem to an infenfibleoe• and madDelTe , a» fe.e.af.,,. ,6. 4 Whercofthe one is eutward, at of tbethis(t that come to the body, •s war , and fimfee; ard the other it , inward,and apper- ' «aioethtotheminde^ tlSt ii.tobe with- out comfort ; ibcce• fore he faith, How /halt thou be coo• forted? r But with trouble aod feue. peace puHiuied, c Tbe Babylonians paid Dothiog to me for you: , theiefote I wil' "ke you igaice without raniiome. d whfn laakob we:itthiiheiin time of famine, e ThcEgyptiani might prttende fome caufe to op- prelTe Tiy people b^canfe theyWfnt thiihsr.and femii- Eed amoDg them, but the Aliytiaas haue no title to ex- cufe their tyianny by: and theiefote vvilllpuBifli them more then I did theEpyptians. f To wit, by the wicked, which tbinkethat I haue DO power todeliuer them. g Signifying.that the ioy and good ttdiogi of their deliuerance Ihould make their afflifti" on in ihe ineane ti;ne moreealie: baithiiii chiefly meant of ihe fpiiituallioy ,ai Klhura.i 15. torn 10. ly. h Tbe Prophet• which are thy watchmen, (hall publilh thitthy deliuerance :th!t was begun vnder j!;etubbabel,Ezra, and Nebemiab, butwaiaccom- rliftiedvndet Chrift. i Aiveadftofmiie ±is enemies, and to deliuer his people, jk He warnesh the poMute th°mfe'!ues 4'^'^ '*^« fuperftttloni of che^Babylonians , as Chap. 43. 10, ugi-.-titherefore ftwll ye be redeemed with, out money. 4 Fortbus fayth the Lord God, M^ people wentddowne aforetime into Eg) pt to foioutne there , and AsJhur ' oppreffed them without caufe. r • t 1. y Now therefore what haae I heere , faith the Lord , that my people is taken away for nought; & they that rule ouet them, make them to howle, fayth the Lord ? and my Name all the day conti- nually is fbbfpbeined ? 6 Therefore my people fliall know my Name: uierdorsthegfjallknow in that day , that I am bee that doe fpeake : behold , « is I. 7 How g beautifullvpon the mountaines are the feete of him , that declareth and publiQieth peace! that declareth good tidings, anrfpublilheth faluatiun,fa5/iiigvnto Zion.Thy God reigneth 1 8 •> The voyce of thy watchraen//M^i'« heard-, they fbail lift vp their voyce , and Ihout together: ifjr they iliall fee eye to eye , when tbe Lord ihall i bring pgaineZion. 9 Ο yeedefolate places of Eernfalem, be glad and reioyce together, for the Lord hath comfor- ted his psople : he hath redeemed lerufalem. 10 The Lord hath made '<■ bare his holy arme in the fight of all the Gentiles , and all tbe ends of the earth Iball fee thefiluation of our God. k Depart,depart ye: goe ye out from thence, ί and touch no rncleane thing , go out of the mids of her, be y e cleaoe,thai ' beare the veffels of the Lord. I ζ For ye fliall not go out m with hafte, nor de- part by fleeing away: but the Lord will go before you.and f God of Ifrael will gather you together. 13 Bebold.my " feruant ftall ptofper: he ihallbe exalted and extolled , and be very hie. 14 As many were aSonied at thee (his vifage was fo ο deformed of men, and his forme of the fonues of men) fo Ρ fhall he fprinkle many nati- ons : the Kings iliall dm their 1 mouthes at him: for that which bad not bin told them , Ihall they fee, and that which they had not heard, lliall they r vnderftand. a. Cor 1 For hetuneisathand that the Pueiles andteuite» chiefly(and fo by them all tbe peiple , which ftlilbe as the Leuites in this effice) ihall αψ hom'theviirdsoftht Templewhich Nebuchad-nezzar had t«ktn away, m A• ■your'fatber. did ouiof Egypt, η Meaning Ctirilt , by whom outfpiritualldeli- Lerance fhould be wrought, wheieof tbi, wa. a figu.e.. ο In the corrupt iudEementofman.Chriltiabi«perfouwainoteftee;ned. ρ He Ihall Ipread hit word tbrcujh many nations. er,ir taxU. *y the heating of faii word and inward moouiag of hii ffirit. m In Itabititie and fuieneffcifotbat it " lUtaiid for tuer D And :heiefore fllallnoifreuaile. ο Meioin;, the fticall ecemiti of the Church, as are the hypo- critei. ρ Signifying here- by ,tbai mm can dot nothing, but fo farre at God gi- ueth power : for feeing that all are biscieaturet^be tDuIlse^di goutroe •adguij thcui. a Cbtiftby pro- pofing bii graces andgiftestohi» Church, exempteth tht hypocrite• which are full with their imagined «voikes, and the Epicure! , which ere full with their Worldly lulti , «nd iothirft notaftei thefewateis. b Siguifyiog, that Cods bencfiti on not be bought fot Go J of the whole g World. 6 For ihe Lord bach called thee, being £S a womm farfaken , an J afflioted in fpitit , and «w a '' yong wifs when thou waft rcfuied , faith thy God. 7 Foi a little while haue I forfakcn thee , but tvicb great compaifiun will I gather thee. 8 for a moment in wine anger , I hid my face from thee f jr a little feafon , but with euerlatting mcrcie haue I baJ compaffion on thee , faith the Lord ih)' Redeemer. ρ For This is vntome*»* the' waters of Noah, 'or 4sl haue fworne that the waters of Noah ibouldno more goe ouer the earth, fo haue I fworne that I would not be angry with thee , nor rebuke thee. lo For the mountaines iliall remooue.and the hiSes fl«ll fall dowoe ; bat my metcis Ihall cot depart from thee,neith:r fl^aJl the couenant of my peace fall away/aith the Lotd.that bath com- ριίΠοα on ttiet. Ο thou afflidiedand rofled with tempeft, that haft no comfou , behold, I will lay thy ftjiae$ with tho ^ catbuncli , and lay tby fouaiiation with fapbirs, I ζ And I will make thywindowes ofaeme- raads , and thy gates iliining Rones , and all tby borders cf pleafantftones. 13 And all tby children /^Λ/έί ' taught of the Lord.ancJ much peace flialbe to thy thil-.ren. 14 Innitighteoufuefle flialt thou beefiabli- ihed , Ληά be fartc from opprefUon ; for thou Ihalt not f'earC it : and from fcatci for it iliall not come oeete thee. I J Beholde, the enemie fliall gather hirofelfe, but without ο mee : whofoeuer Ihall gather him- fclfe in thee , <» againft thecltall fall. 16 Bsholde.l haue created tl>e ρ fmith that blowath the coales in the hre , and him that brin- getb foorth an inftrument fot his wotke , and I haue created the defttoyer tb dcftroy. 17 Butallthe Wiapons that aic made againft thee , fnall not profper : and euery tongue that ihall rife againft thee in iudgement , thou ihalt condemne. This is the heritage of the Lords fer• usnts , and their tighteoufaelTe is of me > faith the Lord. CHAP. L V. I Aacxhcrtxtiente nmttoChrii't. 3 Ctdscounfdsere Hotesm^HS. II Theisytfthi faithfull. HO , euery one that» thitftetb, come ye to the waters, and ve that haue h no filuer . come. s not : IS ΠΐΑΐΛ": waters, and ye that haue h np filuer , come, buy and eate : come . I fay. buy <^ wine and miike without filuer id& without money, 2 Wneiefore doe ye lay out fituer, andnoi for btead i d and y our labour without being fatisfied? hearken diligently vnto me , and eate that which is good.and let your (bule delight in <= fateneife. 3 Enclineyour earea.and come vnto mee: heare , and your loule fliall liue , and I will make an euerlatting couenant with you ,«««« the ' fure metciesofDauid. 4 Behold , I gaue ε him for a witneiTe to the people , for a prince and a mafter vnto the people. c By waters, wine, mi Ike and bread, he mtaneth all things nereffivy tj the fpirituill life ,ai thefeare necelTary totbiscorporalllife. d He reprcuetb their ingratitude, whicii refufethofe ihitigs that God offereth willingly . and iu the m-jne lime fpaie neither coft nor labour to obtaine thofe which ate nothing piofiiable. e You ftiillbe fed abundantly, t Thefime couenant which ibrougb my inerciel lat^fied acdcsDAtmed toDa- uid , that it (hould be cteraall , a.Sxm 7-ΐ3>λ&Μ '3-3i• i Meaoioj Chtiftjof Vihoa Dauid wai a figure. y Behold, thou Ihalt callanation thai thou knoweft not .i» end a nation tra: kcew not thee. Λ12ΙΙ tunne vnto t et; becaufe' of the Lord thy GoJ.and the Koly one oflftael; for he hath glo- rified-thee. 6 Seeke ye the Lord while he may > be found: call ye vpon hire while ne is neere. 7 Let the wickedly foi fake ^is wayes.and the vnrighteous his owne io^aginaiions , and re- turni voio the Lord , and her. will haue mercy vp- on him i and to out God , for hee is very ready to forgiue. 8 For my ' thoughts art not your thougins^ neither are your wayes ray wayes , fa^th the X^rd. 9 For as the beauens are higher then the earth, fo are my wayes I igcr then your wayes, and my thoughts aboui youi rhcughis. 10 Surely as the rainc .commetli downe,and the fuow from heauen , and returneth not thither but wateteth the earth ,and taEkcth it tobiing forth and bud , that it may giue feed to the fower and brea.-i veto him that eateih, 11 So (liail my rawordbe,thatguethoutof ^y mouth : it ihall nottetu-ne vnto me voyd, but Ttlhillaccomphili that whictilwill, and it Ihall profper in the thing whereto I fent it. 12 Therefore ye ihall goe out with ioy.and be led foottn with peace j the " tr.ountaines and the hilslliall breake foorth before you into ioy ,and all the trees cf the field Ihall i:lap t*>#«r hands 13 For thornes there lli.dl grow hrretreesifor nettles ihall grow the mytrhe tiee , and it ihall be to the Lord ο for a name , and for an euetlafting Ρ Ggnf that ihall not be taken away . CHAP. L V Γ- Ι AnexhtitathHtcitiagentnt aKiiuftitt, 10 AgAi f>e(he»rii that ieinmc their fleckt• THUS faith the Lord , • Keepe iudgement and doeiuftice,fur my falu,tion is at.hand to come , and my b tighteoufnes to be reuealed. 2 Blefled ;/ the man thatdoeth this . and the fonneofman which layeth hold on it j hee that keepeth the <=■ Sabbath , and polkiteth it not , and keepeth bis hand from doing any euill. 3 And let not the fonne of the ftranger.wbich d is ioyned to the Lord, ipeake and fuy.The Lord hath furcly ftparited me from his people; neither let the Eunuch Tay.Behold.l am a dry tree 4 For thus (aith the Lord vnto the Eunucbes that keepe my Sabbaths, andchufetbe thing that plcafetli me.and take hold of my couenant y Euen vnto them will I giue in mine « Houfe and within my wals , a piape , and a fname better then of the ibnnts and of the daughters ; I will giue them an euerlafting name, that iliall not be put out, i>akt .-.way all im. $ Alfo the ftrangers that cleaue vnto ''^c|P^;^;'|*"^iJ^^s^'^»°<* Lord , to fetue hiro , and to loue the Name of the^.J,icb wiil'keepe Lord , and to be bis feruants \ euery one that kee- [his :tu• religion, - peth the Sabbath, and poUuceth it not, and em- »°^ ''''"«''» e Meanino.in hie Church, f Tbey fhall be called sftet my people, and br of tbe fame religion; yea, vndei Chrift the dignitie of the faiibfull flialbe greater then the lewes weie at that time, g Hereby be mianeth ih« fpiiiiuall feniice of God , to whcm the faitbfull otter continiiall thaDkefgiuiDg , ye• theai(clncS and all that tbey haue , as aliHcly asd ac«piabU Acri6<«, Hb X boufe h Tiiwit,theGtn•. il«,woicb before hou di.1j-:i not eceieiobethy 'eojlc. 4 When te uffreth hinif.-lfe by tbe f re«« ' ing of his word. Hereby befllew eth that rtpcutauce ; muH be icy^ed with faith and fajv/ we cannot cailvpoa God arightjexcepsS^ iteaofonc ^^ faith api-care. ''\u I Althoiigh you are"^ ' not foouere oEcilei oce to ancihei, dge mee by your felues . yet Ιίπι lortea/ie to be ec'nciled, yea, I ff rr my mcicie» > you. m Ifthefefmall bingi hiue their elfea, asdiyiy ei- periente iheweth, much rooic ihall ai]f ptomite which I bauemade an4 cunfirmed , bring to paflV the things which I faaue fpoken for your deli- uerance. Q Keade Chap. 44. a3._and 49.13. .0 fet forth glo.y. Ρ OfGodsdeliue- ance.snii that he • ailloeuerfotfake JiiCbutch. God iheweth bat berequireih oftfcemaiierthat haihdeliu:ied , them ; to wit, the woikej of charitie wbertby iruefaitla ii declared, b Whi..hrwi« decl.ve toward you . and powre int|^ your hearts by my Spirit. c Vi;deriheSib. bath he ccini'tc- beodeth the whole feiuiceoiGod and ttue religion, d Let ! ooethinke h.'nifelfe vnmeete to receiue the gricet ofthcLoid: for the Lord will braceth my couenant, 7 Them will I bring alio to mioe holy tEoeo- taine.and make them ioyfuUinroineHoufeof prayer; their burnt ι offerings and their facrifi- ces fhall bt accepted vpon mine altar : for mine Spjritaall '^^^^^^^5}^. Tmin, boafe iliall be called an houfe of prafei for b all j people. 8 The Lord God f»itb , which gatfceteth Λβ fcattered of IfraeJ.Vet will I gather to them ihofe jthat are to be gathered to theco, 9 All ];e i beafis of the field, come (o deuoure, liutn all ye beads of the fore&. I ο Their'' watchtnen are all blind: they baue bypooritt», «nd noknowledge 1 they ate alldumbe dogs:the7 can ""i" '}t 'ί'Ι.ΐ: «ot batke : they lie and aeepe.and delight in llee- ping. I I And thefe greedy dogs can neuer baue s- [noBgb:and thefe Uiepheardscaanot vodeiftand: Vtftittioa fcaU jf'"' *hey all boke to their owne way,euery one for his adnsntage,4n. ai.ij. i MeiniDg , the enemieioftbe Church, « the Bi- t]}louUiii,AaY>Ual, Sec. thus he fpeaketb to Teire the I to alTurc full that vvheathil commeihithcy iniy koow it wa• loid them be/ort. k Heftleweth that « ttom tkf plague that is at ban^iaiid alfo bicaufe God Will puatOl the wicket!. b The foule of the reighseoui ihaJbe ία ipj ,aad their body Hull reft in the gtaue vDtothe tiau ofthe tefur- »3ίοα, bccaufe «hey wiikei before the Lord. G He :hi'catneihthe No peace to { he wicked. with Mfuning, thattiie} Wicked ab'jn; Gods | hni:ie, and gtow f»| fur'ber wickfiineUc,; ρ That is, thy [ luughiurfle, ido« j atiies, and itupie* ichthe cktd call Godt iometbrough the fault of the guuer• Bonis , piopbetr, and paftois, whofe ijaotance, negli- gence, «uarice , and! obftinacie prouoked GoJl wrath againft them. 1 We are Well yet , and to me- ϊοτν fliall bs better : thtrefoie let vs aot ftare the plagues b;fore caey Come: thus the wicked contcmotd the «dmouitioDl and exhottaiioni which were «uie iheiu iaxht Manic of C^d. CH A P. LVir. I Goi ttktth Mvayihe gtii , ίΙΐΛί hte jbrn/dnttfretht horrible plaguis to ccmt. j Of the wicked HoUlers^ 9en4thejrv/iiue coH^dincr, rHe righteous perillTith, and no man confide- retb it in heart : and mercifall men are taken away, and no man vndcrftandsth that the righ- teous is taken away » from the euill to come. 2 «> Peace ibill eome : tlstiy ihall reft in their beds, (Her J one that walketh before him* 3 But you <^ witches children, come hither,the feed of the adulterer and ofthe whore. 4 On whom bane ye iefteJ? vpon whoiD baue ye gaped and thrall out your tongiie ί are not ye rebellious children ^ani a falfe f;ol? y Inflamed with idoles vnder euery greene tree? and facrificing the ^ children in the valleys vnder the tpps of the rocks? ^ "^^y PoriJJn Μ in the finoothe ftones « of wukedhypactliis^ i the tiuerithey,they are thy lot: euen to tbem haft who vQdfr the | thou powred a drinke offering : thou baft offered a facrifke. Should I delight in < thefe? \ 7 Thou baft made thy g bid vpon a very bie rEouataine : thou wenteft vp thither .eusn ttatber wenteS ihou to offer facrifice. AO)'iiio$ aod otbsCf wbofe belpe they looked for. r God Ihall fay to Daiiuj and Cyrui pretence of the name of Gods people^derided God• A-rrd and hi* , piomifcs.boalUoj openly that tbty . weie the children i of Abrabam.bu: I bicaufe they were ant faithfall and obtdient as Abra- I ham wa« , he calleil j them ballards, ; nod the -h Idiea \ cfforceietf.wbich ■j fotfookeGod.and [, fledde to wicked £ nieants for fuccour id KeadeLeul•.. i8 Ui. a King.iai"• 5 e Meaoing.euery thou waft not grieued. 1 1 And whom diddcft thoB reuerence or fcarej ^^^^^^ fteing tboa haft ■• lied vnto me , and haft not re- • ■ ^ membred me , neither fet thy mind thereon ? is it not iicen/i I holde inv pcice. and that of long ο time ? therefore tboo fsareft n« ma, iz I will declare thy lighteoufnelTc Ρ and thy workes,aDd they thall not profit thee. 13 When thou cryeft , let them that thou haft gathered together , deliuei thee : but the wind 1 Iball taki them all away : vanitia ilult pal}["ui«:tbuib« them away : but he that truftstb in me il.a'l inbe- f b'fatcie rite die land , and iball poffeffe mine holy Mown- |q Meaoiag ,the taine. 14 » And he fliall fay.Caft vp.caflrp: prepare the way ; take vp the flumbling blocks oat of the way of my people. ly For thus faith he that is hie and excellent, hie that inhabiteth theeiernitic , whofe Name is the Holy one . I dwell in the high and holy pjjce: with him jlfj that is of a contrite and humble fpirit to reuiue the fpititof thchumble.and life to them tbat areof a contrite hearr. \6 For I will not contend for euer ; neither will I be aiwaies wroth , <" for the fpiiit fliould faile before me ; and I haue made die breath. 1 7 For his ' wicked couetoufneffe I am angry with him . and b»ae fmittenbim : I bid me , and \"^'[^ζ^^\Ύ^°Ι'^ was angry , yet hee wer>t iway , arid turned after -■" '"'-'■ • the way of bis owne heart. i8 I bane feene 1-is waies.and will "heale him: I will leale hira alfo , and rettore comfort vnto bim.and totbofetbat lament him. 19 I create the » fruit ofthe lips , tt bt peace: peace rnto them that are y farreoff , and toihem that are neere.faytb the Lord: fori wilt heale 2 0 But th e wicked art like the rsgiog fea.tbat can ζ not reft J whofe waters caftvpmyreand diit. 1 1 There is no peacs , faith my God , to the wicked. ai to him that rfiiiiineth at hon». X Their euill cosfcienc• doetb euer tormeat theD.^ad therefore ihey cm neuer biae telt . S-eade Chap. iS. i*. CHAP. LVIir. wi!l net rfi- my power agaiiift for the and fault! of the people, whiull meant here by couetoufneile. u Though they obrtioate.yel not wiihdiiw my mercie from ttem. X That is. I frame the fpeach and words of mymef. fenger» which filall i3g peace. y As well to him hat ii in caf tiuitit t ThftifcttfCotliminiflers. iThiwnkesofththy-pe» frite!. 6 The fail if the faithfttlt. 13 Ofthe true Sabhath. 8 Behind the hdoores alfo and pofts haft thoti ^Rig,,,oade.fpafeDot}Hftvp thy voyce like ietvpthyremerabran«_:_forthouhiadi(cou^^ I ^atrumpet.and ihew my people their tranf- thy felfc t» anethtr then mee , and wenteft vp^and diddeft i enlarge thy bed.and make a couenant be- tweene thee and them , and louedft their bed in euery place where thou faweft it. 9 Thou wenteft k to the kings with oyle , «ad diddeft increafe thine oyntmcnts , attd fsnd thy roelTcngets fatre uff.and diddeft bumble thy fclfe vnto hell. < lo Thou weariedft thy felfe in thy manifold iluti-d I J<5"fn«y* .^-ef faydeftthou not.lTh'lire isoohope: thou">haft foundiifti by thine h^d,(hereiore f Ια thefacrifices which you of- Wuh their iJola- J try : or euery fiice «one thrt they fouod.tkey m^de an ilole of it fling before thefe ^do es, thought youdid ferue God. g To wit, thine altarl m 7 1 thou halt fet vp figrei atid market 'Ctbiae idolatry Id euery pUce. i Th.t is .diddeft incre.fe thine i.lolatrie ra ο re and moie. k Thou did.left feekeibe fauout of the Affyiians by Uifrsand pr-fents iohe!petheeagain(ltbe Egyotiaot ;and when ihey ffikd.tbou fou-hteft 10 the Ba'jylnnians . an.l more and more riiddelt torm^ot thy feife. 1 Altbouoh thou fswe.t ail >hy labor» to be ia vaine , y<-t vouldelt tboii neuer »tknowlasethyf»ult, .n.d le.ue off. _m Bee deridetb their vnproftuiUte έψ. geace , wiit!» thpaght I hauc uude «II Γατ«4 tod yet weted«':»iuid. greOion , and to the houfe of laakob their finncs. X Vet they ^ feeke me daily , and will know my waies , etjen as a n«ion tbat did-rigbteouQy aodhadnotfurfiken the ftatutes of their God: thev askeof me the ordinances of iuftice : they will draw neere 7ntp God .faying, 3 e whf refote'haue we fitted . and thou feeft it not ? we haue pnniilied our felues , and thou re- gardeflitnot. Beholde in the day ofyourfaft you will feeke <» yettr will , aod require all your debts. 4 Behold , ve faft to ftrife and debate , and to imite with the lift of wickednfffe: ye 11*11 aotfaft as^e« ii«t to day,to make your voyce to be « heard abouf y Is it fuchafaft thitlbaue chofen,thatt man ihouldafflid his foule for a day , and to bow reli t(ion. e So long u ygu vf* COll{«I»tion»ud opprelBeo, f josii^tilRotbihurd, doww • The tord tha» fpeaketb to the Prophtt.wiilior him to vfe all dili- gence and fnjeiitie toiebukethe hypocrites, b Thevw'Iifetiae to worfnip me and haue outward linelfe. Hefettethfjrth e malice aoddif» ine ofthe typo• ilea, which udgeagainft Godjif their worke be not accepted. d Thus he coQ- uiaceih the bypo- ctiies by the ft:cofaa cable, aad by their diiety toward- their neighbotrt ihattbey baue - neither faith Π' r • faftingatideni οι the true tan. t Tbit yoa lew oifall jroiiiex• (OClioQS. s Far ID him thou fciu thy iclfc alia gUlit. b That is , the pre. fptroMie late therewith God SvillbleUtthse. The teitimooy "ihy gooduelVe Ihallappeaiebe- FjreGod iud man. k Whereby i« meatit'all miner of iniurie. I That'is , haue ipain D OD their mireries. m Thiiieadaer- fiiit fliiUb; lutntd ptof^iity. η Signrying , that ofcbt lewes fliouM come Cuch Ihould build air.e the mines of Iet'ula!rm and lu• dea- butchi;fly thii is meant of tbefpiritnallleru- falera, whole buil- ders were the A- iby felfe fr;in thy WitkedWOjk». i. *Ittt>n.s,if, ■ Ktade Chip.i,]; b All men winfce attbeioi iiiet and crPfelions, and nooe jjo about to remedie them . c Accoiding to thiir wicked r.eui- ces, they tutt iheir eeigbbouii. d Wbatfotuer commeth fiou themispoyfon, and btinjethdraib. e-Theyaieprti- UbU 19 Du I'urpofe, ^ow.ie his bead, as a bul-ra(h, iaa to Its downe ia iickecIuAth and adits? v)\\t tbou call this a facing, or an acceptible day to che Lord ? 6 Is not this thafaSiagthacI hanechofen? to loofe the band» of wickedaefle , totskeoS'the heauy burdens , and to Jet the oppreifsd goe tree, and that ye breake eaery f yoke f 7 Is it not to dcale thy bread to the hungry, and that cbou bring the poore that wander ,vnco thine hoiife ί when taou ieeft the nak'jd.that thou couer hira , aod hide not thy felfe from g thine owne flelh j 8 Then iLall thy ■> light breake footth as the niotning,and thine health Jhallgrow fpeedily: thy ighteoufnes Ihall goe before thee , and the glo- ry of the Lord Ihall embrace thee. 9 Then ihall thou call , and the Lord ftwU an- fwere : thou flialt cry, and he Ihall fay .Here I am ; if thou take away from the mids of thee the yol*, the putting footth of the >'- hnger , aod wicke3 fpeaking : 10 If thou I powre out thy foule to the hnn- gry.and refreih the troubled foule : then iliall thy light faring out in the " datkeneffe, and thy dark- ietre//74We as thenoone day. 1 1 AndtheLord Ihall guide thee continually, and fitisHe thy foule in drought.and make fit thy bones: and thou (hah be like a watered garden, and likeafpring of water , whofe waters f^ile not. iz Aiid they lliall be of thee , that ihall build the olde " wjfte places : thou il-.alt raife vp the founditions for many generations , and tbou ilialt be called the repairer of the breach, «niithe re- iiorer of tl5e pa!hs to dwell in. 13 If thouotume away thy foote from the Sabbath , from doing thy will on mine Holy day, and Cill the Sabbath a deliglit to confecrate it , at glorious to the Lord, and ihili honour hitD, not doing thine owne wayes , not feeking thine owne wiii.not fpeaking a vaine word, 14 Then Ihalt thou delight in the Lord.and I will caufe thee to mount vpon the high places of the earth , and feed thee with the heritage of laa- kob thy father: for the moutboftheLordbatu l^oken it. CHAP. L I X. ZThe wicked per:fi tAme^A their nvne miquitiei. It The ccnfejp,u of finnti. i« Cod ahne rviilfrefcrxt his Church thcHgh nil men faiU. "D Ehoid, * the Lords hand is not fhortened, that •*-^ it cannot faue ; neither is his eare heauie , that it cannot heare. But * your iniquities haue feparated be- tweene you and your God , and your finnes haue hid hit face from you, that he will not hear?, 3 For your handes are deliled with "blod, and your fingers with iniqaitie : your lips haue fpcken lies , and your tongix hath murmured ini- qritic. 4 No man calleth for icflice : no man ^ con- tenderh for irueth : thsy truft in vanity.and fpeske Viirie things : they concciue mifcbiefi,and ' bring forth iniquitie. 5: They hatch ccckarice "^ eggee, and weaue the fpidets « web : hce that eateth of their cpgss, dicth , and that wiicb is trcdc vpon , bre iketli out intoaferpent. 6 Their v;ebs ilnlbe no garmcnr.neither fliaJl they coner tbenufelues vvi:h tlieir labors :fcr their workes are workes of iniqai:ics,andtheworke of cfueUie «ia theit bands. __Chap,L•IX;tX7 Ί fie iult is ^praye^^ 7 Their feete runne to euW, and they make nafte to flied innocent blood : their thoughts are wicked thoughts ; defolatiou and deftruaioo ύ in their paths. j 8 Tlie way of peace they know not , and there j ii none equitie in their goings : they haue made • them crocked paths : whofoeuer goeth therein, I {hill not know peace, : 9 Therefore is f iudgement farre fiom vs.nei- ] ther docth g iuftice come neere roto vs : we wait f Tbatis, Cod» i forlight.but lo.it w datkeneffe : for brightne$,*<«t veas«ance' to pa- , we Wilke in darkenefle- "'^^ "^"- enemirs. 10 Wegrope for the wall like the h blii5d,and ^„?odt.Cd"^'~ j we grope as one without eyes: we ftumble at the h } noone day as in the twilight :ii>#4f« in folitary *"''.eftuu:( 1 places, as dead men. fio"e »o ea'd of 'II We roare all like i beares.and mourne like lom mifcrres " j doues : wee looke for equitie.but there it none;ior j. ^^"= «"P''^' j health, but it is farre f.otn vs. ' J ζ For our treipaffes are many btforethee.and i our It finnes teQifie agait^fl vs : for our trefpaffes are with vs, and we know our iniquities. 13 In trefpaiTing and lying againS the Lord, ! and we haue dep;rted away from our God , «nd : haue fpoken of cruelty and rebellion , conceiuing j and vtiering out of the heart ' fjlfe matters. ! -14 Therefore m iudgement is turned backe- j ward , and iuftice ftandeth farte off : for trueth is I fallen in the ftrcet.and equity cannot enter. ί 1 y Yea , trueth failcth , and he that refraineth from euill , maketb hirafelfe ° a pray : and when the Lord faw it , it difpleafed him , that there was 1:0 iudgeroer.t 16 And when hee fawthit there i»as no roan, Iiee wondered that none w^uld offer hiaifelfe. ° Therefore bis arme did Ρ faue it . and bis righte- oufnes it f;!fe did fuftaine it. 17 For he put on righceonfneire , as an haber- gion , and an s helmet of faluation vjion his head, and hee put on the garments of vengeance for cloathing, and was clad with zeale as a cloke. 18 As ro mal;e tecompence , as to requite the furie of theaduerfariesirif/; arecoTpence to his Tiemes at band to enemies : be willfully repay re the' yianJs. • 19 So iliall rhey feare theNameoftheLord from the Weft , and bis glory from the rifing of the Sunne; for the enemy fiiali icome like a flood, /'«ithe Spirit ofthe Lord 11:1311 chafe him away. I 20 And the Redeemer Hull come vnto ΖϊοΠγ jand vntQtthem that turne from iniquitie in laa- Ikob.fiith the Lord. j 21 And I will mal^ this ray Coue.^'ant with them , faith the Lord,.My Spirit that is vpon thee, Κ and my words, which ί haue put in thy mouth, "Ihill not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of ί the mouth of thy feede.noroutofthemomhof '^'°™'=^=''»''nl profperitie. f Meaning.not » tcJDpolnUfe. : itie,ba:a fpijituaU , which ic fulfilled in Chrifti kiogdome. He piBfhc, CHAP. LXL tth thai Chvtfl pi.ill he uncyntci 10 TheiojoflhefMhfuU. i'it cfibe Lord God ;'/» vpon tree, The children of tie Church, !c Meaning.that C&uich Ihouli be miraculoufly multiplied. tdfcat •THe •* therefore bat'.i the Lord anoynted mee : he hath fint mee to preach gooJ tiJirgs vnto the poore , to bind vpthe ^ broken heatted.to preach libertie to the ' captiu• s , and to them that are bound , the opening of tbe prifon, 2 To preach the <• acceptable yeere of the Lord , and the day of ^ vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mournc, 3 To appoynt vnto tbero that monrne in Zi- on , a>id to gi je vnto them beautie for ί aihes. ibe oyle ('f ioy for mourning , the garment of glad- nefleforthefpuit of heauinefle , that they might be called gtrees of rig!" teoufoes , the planting the Lord.tbat he might be glorified. 4 And they ihill build the old waSe places, rtiJiiraife vpthe former defclations, and they ihall repaire rhe cities that were defolate andwaSe throu;;h rrany ^ generations. y "λοΔ the ttrangers imll'ftand and feede your iheepe , andthe fonnes of the ftr^ngirs ihall be your plowmen^ a'.'.d dreffeis of your vines. 6 Bjt yee ihall be named the 1^ Prieft;s of the LorJ , and men ihall fay vnto you i The miniiltrs of our God : Ye ihall eate the ι riclies cf the Gen- tiles ,and ihalbe exalted with their glory. 7 For your ihamcyoufhali rtctiue '" double and for conf. fion,"» they ihall rcio>ce in ο their portion: for in their land they ftiail poffefle tbe Ρ double : euerlaSing ioy llialbe vnto them 8 Fori the Lord loue iudgcroent , ««ii hate ■Jtobberie for burnt offering.&l will din ft their worke in ttueth.and 1 will make an tueilafting co- uenant with them. 9 And ' their feed flialbe knowen among the Gentiles , and theit buddes among the people. All ihat fee them , fliall know them , that they are tbe feed which the Lord hath bleifed. 10 '^I will greatly reioyce in tbe Lord,4«tt.3.S. b Tbj. ii,fora T^ty ihalbe letdf to fcruc you II your oecef- fitiej. Thii it acccra- pliflied in the time ofChrift.by bom all ihe faiihfull are made i Kingt, ( leuel. 1 Reade Chsp.f.' 11. li. m Abundant re- npeoce as tbit ti is vf.d. Chap 40.2, That it, the Icwei. To wit , of I he Gentilet. p: Whereat the OeniileshaH do- pall, now they ihall haue d^ublf autbotitieouer fefo much, q I will not leceiuethfir riftr^ngi whi^b ate decciuf 11 . hypocrites, ot that depriue inee of tr.y glory i Tbati» Heihewetb what ihaii be ifae iffeaion , when they fccie tbi» CHAP, Watcbmegp duetie* „^.n?P'_Jxyi ^^"L, Dcliuerance of the.Churcb. 60 • The Proph'ft faiih that he will neuer ceafc co ac claievoioihe people the good ■ gi af ibeii dtliuttance. b Till thi,htt h.tut h^iftr Chri/ls tomming. 6 The Uiligtnce tfihe iAitiUtst) {reAth. Ρ Or Zions lake I will not » bolJe my tongue, "*• and for leruulims idkel will not rcii.vntill the righteouiiiefl't thtriof bre.k; foortbasthe nc.andfaluationth.riofis abii.iiinglampe. And the GsntiLs ilwlleetby rig iteouihcs, andall Kings thy gloty:and thou ihalt be cal- led by <: a new name, which the CDOUih of tbe Lord ihall name 3 Thou ihalt alfo be a >! crowne of glory in the band ot the Lord > and a royall diaJemein the hand of thy God. 4 It fhiU no more be faid vnto thee , * Forfa- ken , neither ihall it be fiid any more to thy land, Difolate.but thou ihiU b; called y Hephzi-bah, and thy land ll Beulah : for the Lord delighteth in thee.and thy land Itilthaua an ' husband. J For AS a yong tnao matieth a vif gin,/* iliall thy fonoes 8 matry thee : and a$ a btiaegr ome is glad of the bride ,fo Ihall thy God reioyce ouer thee. 6 I haue fet •> watchmen vpon thy walks , Ο leiufalccc , which all the day and all the night continually Ihall not ceafe : ' yee that are ffiin J-< full of tie Lord , k;epe not filence, 7 And giue him tw left.tiU he repaircaRd vn- till he fet vp lerulalem the ^ praifs of the world. 8 The Lord hath fwoine by his right hand and by his firong arme. Surely I will no more giue thy cotnc to be meat for thine enemies . and furely the fonoes of the ftrangets ihall not diinke thy wine , for the which thou haft laboured. 9 But they that haue gathered it , Ihall eat it 3 Ihlueuodenthewine-preiTealone, ancfci" all people there was none with mee : for I wilB rrtaJ thero in tnine anger , and tread them vnder fcote in tny wrath.and their blood ihall be Γρι ink- led vpon my garments, and I will liaine all lEy raiment. I 4 For tbe day of vengeance r'/in mine beartj atrd the «iyeere of my redeemed is come, | y And I looked, andthete was none tohelpe, Μ shewing that andlwondred that there was none to vphold :| when God i unilh* therefore mine ovvne* arme helped mee, and my "hhiieaemiei, it wrath it fclfe fuitained me. 6 Therefjrd I will tread downe the people in tD7 wrath , and mske them ^ drunken in mine indignation .and wiil bring downe their ftrength to the earth. 7 1 will s remember the mercie of the Lord, rtnitheprayles of the Lord , according vnto all that the Lord hath giuen vs , and for the great goodneife toward thehoufeoflfrsel, whicn hce ha:h giusn them according to his tender loue, and according to his great mercies. 8 For bee (aid , Smely they are my h people, childten that will cotlie:fo hee was their Sa- uiour. 9 Γα all their troubles hee was ' troubled, and the Angel !« of his prefence faued them : in his loue and in his metcie bs redeemed them.and hee bare them and caiied them aiwaycs conii dually. 10 But they rebelled and vexed bis holy Spi rit : therefore was he turned to be their caemie, *nnihep• iliatl dtinke it in the courts of my Sanduary 10 'Goe through, goe through the gates: prepare you the way for the people : caft vp , cali vp the way , and gather out the ftones , and fet vp a llandart for the people. 11 Beholde.the Lord hath proclaimed vnto the ends of the world , m tell the daughter Zion, Bihoi J, thy Sauiour commeth ; Bebold.his wages is with him ,and η his worke is before him. I ζ And they iliall call thtm.The holy people, the redeemed of the Lord , and tbcu A«lt be na- med , A ο citie fought out and not forlaken. ί Herfxhorteth tbe M-.aillcrine- ucr to ceife to call vpon God by prayet for tbt-deliuctiuce of bii Church, ttacb othen to doe the fime. k Ρ >r tbe reftautation wbereof ill tbe world fluU praife h'ln. 1 Signif?'ng the grtatnumber thir IhouU com•: to tbe Church, and what m-ioe» be would prepare foi the reliitutianof the fame , »i Chap J7.14• tn YePtophttianH Mmiiteri fllewtbe people of this their deliueiioce : wnich watcbiefly meant of out filuation by Chri;l , Zacb.<,.9. mait.ai ; η Hee liiill haue all power t^i brinj hi• purpofe to paffe.ai Ccap 40. 10. ο Tbati»,oae ouer Whom God hath had a fiagulat care to recouer her when Ihe wai loft. C Η A P. L X 1 1 r. 1 Gei flialt deftvoy his Mtimies for hii Churches fake• 7 Cciis benefits titv^ri hii Chinch. tx; Ho is this that comipeth * from Edom, with red garments frota Bozrah > hee is glorious in his apparell . and walketh in his great ftrength.'' I fpeake in righteoufnes,4«s like Λ filth} cioath. Q Η .that thou wouldeft » brcake the heaoens, ««income downe . *n(i that the mououines might melt at thy prefence' 2 As the melting fire burned , as the fire cau• fed b the waters to boile , (that thou mighteli de- clare thy Name to tcine adtreilarits) ttie people Ϊ did treroble at thy prelcnce. 3 When thou diddertteitible things, which ;' we looked not for . thou carat ft downc , and the < lEountaineJ melted at thy prefcnce. ! 4 Foi fince the bey nning of the world , they haue not <^ heard not vndeiltood with the eaie, neither hath theeiefeene4n9r/;irGod befide thee, which doth /» to him that waiteth foi him. J• Thou diddeft tnest him.dthat teioyced in thte, & did iu81y:they remembred thee in thy ' waies; behold , thou art angry , for wee haue finned :ytt in f them it continuance , and we g ihall bafaued. 6 But we haue all beene as an vccleane thing, and all our h righreoufnes it as hlthy' cloutes , and we all doe fade like a leaie , and our iniquities like the winde haue taken ys away. 7 And there w none that caileth vpon thy Name. neither that fiirreth vp himftlfc to take hoid of thee: for thou baft hid thy face from vs, and haft cocfuraed vs becaufe of our iniquities. 8 But new, Ο Lord, tl.ou art our Father : we ate the ■ clay . and ihou ai t our potter , and we all are the woike of thine hands. 9 Benot angry, Ο Lord.it abonemeafure.nei- ther remember iniquitie for eaer:Loe, we befoech thee ..behold . we are all thy people. 10 ' Thine hcl; cities lie wafte:Zion is a wil- dernefTe.ani lerufalira a defert. 1 1 The houfeof our Sa;iiSuaiie,and of our glo- ry ."> where out fathers piaifed thee , is burnt vp with fire , and all eur pleafant thirgs ate walled. 12 Wilt thou holde thyftlfe ftillnitthefe things . Ο Lord ί wilt thou holdc thy peace and aAiidi vs aboue meafuce} b; The Gem ies called. » The Ttophet j contir.ueib hil j yrayer/cliiing God CO decUre bis loue to4Vard j bii Church by ini- i r4cU»,aodmighiy i power , I• bedid j in mount Sriui. lb Meming.the JMire.biilf.brr. ! thuDi'er aud Uightning.. ;c S, Faulvfe-.h I the fame kinJe of !aJmir«tioa,i. Cot. :a. 9• mirueilJBgat Godi great beae- :'fi:e lliewed to hit j Church, by the pieachiag of the Cofpel. Id'ThouftliWedll fau?ur toward out tfatberi, wheu they Strufte.i in ihee, i,and walk;i after (thy Coininjcide- ! nwDli. |« Thty conlidered »hr gieatiiiercit». fThitis.iotUT j twrciti, which he «alltth the waye» ef the Loid. g Tbcu wilt haue piiie vjioa vs. k Weateiullly puBiiliedaud ι brought into cap• litiltie , becaufe webiuepfcutkid thee toaajcr, and •hough we would «xcufe our feluei, yet ourrifhteouf• Jh, audbell ver- fSei are befove thee as vile clout», • r (35 fome rejde) like iheitieDUruouj «lotbeiof a woman. < Albtit.OLord.l potter may his pat, •0 adopt vj to be t notimmedittly iead fuccoar «all vpon tby Nam? : He fheoretb i^eligbtis Durowne ranialiefi ■ dcclicitg God, and ibebtgicning of all fuperllitionasi Idolatry, d Which weie dfdictie to idol» vyit fmbidden, Dtut. ,3. II. g Whi b waico». iraiy to Godf Comniaadc mcDt^ y thy full iudgement thou miyeft vtterlydeftroy vs ai the appeale toiby mercie», whereby ii haih pleafcd thee hyctildren. I: For fo the flelh ludgeth when God doeth Which were dedicated to tby feruice , and to 1 wee teioyced and worfllipped thee, η That 1», at thecoi:tenipt of ibineowae glorie ? though our lianei haue deferued tbii, Jti tbou wile «(uiufcr thy gloiy ihut tobe dim:aifhed. CHAP. LXV. 1 The vtcatUn of the Gentilrs.i^ the rueaioH «/ the le. ij The hy ef the eled , And the funifliment if the a Meaning, tire Geutilts which knew cot God, iiaould fefkf after him,when he bad inooued their hearts with hi» boly Spirit. Roiu. r,i,kei. I Haue beene fought of them that * asked not: I was found of them that fought raeenot : I fayd .behold me. behold mee, vnto a nation that called not vpon my Name . 2 I haue bfpread out mine handes all the (Jay vnto a rebellious people . which walked in a way that was not t?ood , tutn after their owne b He flleweth I tiecaufeofthereieaSonof tbelewei, becaufetbty would not obey him for «ay •dmonitioo of his Prophets , by wbom hteesfletittiWieatinwlly «ad llieKhed •at ai» baud tg duwt htaj, - :^ ij '«• '■m imag!n«tion}. 3 A people that proaoked mee eiier vnto my face : that facrificetb in ^ gardens , and bmnetb incenfe vpon « bricks. 4 Which remaine amotig the f graiies , and lodge in the defetts , which eateglwinesfltil•, and the broth of ttiings polluted are in their veffils. y Which fay.l» Stand apart, come not neere to me : for I am holier then thou•, thefe are a fracake in my wrath ,<»«all reat.and ye ihalbe hungr) j behold , my feruants flialldiinke, and ye Ihallbe tbitfiie ; behcld.my feiuanis fliall reioyce.and ye ihalbe an:iamed. 14 Biholde , my feruants ihall fing for ioy oflb hfatt , and yee fliall eric for forow of Heart , and f^whuhwaia fhal! howie for vexJtior. of minde. 1 5 And ye ihcllleaue yoiii name as a curfe vn- to my f chofen ; for the Lord God ihall fliy you, and call bisfeiuantsby ' another name. 16 He that ihall bkfle in the " earth.aiallblefle hircfelfs in the tru: God ; and he that fweareth in the earth , ihall fweare by the true God ; for the former X troubles are fjigotten.and Ihall furely hit.'e themfelues from mine eyes. 17 For loe , I will create y new heauens and a new earth.and the former ihall not be lemembred nor come into minde. J 8 But be you glad and reioyce for euer in the things that I Ihall" create , for behold . I will cre- ate leiufalem , at a reioycing ,and her people 4/ a ioy. 19 And I will reioyce in lerufalem , and ioy in my people , and the voyce of weeping fliall be H aeuei haue end. k So that the re• of cannot i)e fer- gotten. 1 Soalbebothpue nillied together: and tbiidecli. rethhowthe cbiidren are po« niibed for their fstbtr» fjulii, to ' wit, when the fajur faults or l,ke are found in them, m Thn i,, ,"t is profitable: mea- fiog, that God will notdellroy ibe Taithfuli branchel ofhisviaeyard. wheu he ^eftroy- ll.t tkl.rfa.. ypocrit. UoMfullpli dca to feede iileepe.ai Achor Λ3» for caitel. ) By the multi- ude jnd number le intacetb their niumetable do!ti cfwhom (they thought tbej could ceucrbaue yiijugh. ρ Seeing you can« not number your gods, I will oum• ber.you with ihg fword. q By isyrro- pbeti, whom ye would not obey, r By thefe word», fate and drinke, i^ meaneth,.heblef. fedhfe totbe faitbfnll.wfaicb hauealwayeicoiifolation and full contentment of all tbingi in their God, though fomeiiinei rbey lacke ihefe corpcrill things, f Mtaninj. that be would call the Gentiles. who fliould «bhorre euen the very name of the It;wci for theii infideli- ties fake, t Tbenby the naaie of theleWes. u By bltlliof, aed by fweaiing ii meant the pia'fing of God for his benttiis.acd ihe true woriliippingofhim.whicll fllall Dotbe onely in ludea , but ihorow.all the world, x, 1 will no more fufler sny Cburcb to be dcfoUte as ia tiuiet paft. y I will fo alter aad«baa£y. ■ VVbctcb; he fileweih that the infidels and vnre• pentant litii*ri h»iK no part of this benrdiiiion• b He propofeth totbefaicbfull the blefliags wLich arec.atatoedia the Law , and Γο va-!er tem|iotaU tbiogi compre- kcDdetb the fpirt- luallptomifes. « K.M hailJ houfss, and inhabite them , and they ihail plant vineyarils , and eate the fruit of them. 2z They iliall not builJ, atid another inhabite: tiicy flull not plant , and another ea^e : for as the day€S of the t^ee are the Jayes of my people, and ttiine ekdt Ihall eiiioy in olJe age the worke of «heir hands. Z3 They ihall not labour in vaine , nor bring fortn in fearc;for they are the fcede of the bielTed of the Lord, and tbeirbuds with thera. 24 Vea , before they ciil , I will anfwere , and whiles they ipeake , I willheare. 2y The = woIfe and the lamb• fliall feeJe toge- ther, and the lion ihall eate firaw like the bul- locke : and to the ferpent du& fhaibt his vatiie. They ihall no raorehurteordsttroy iaallaine boly Moiintaiae, fayth the Lord. CHAP. LXVI. 1 GeiiweUtth «il in Temples maie vitii htnds. jfte ie. ffifeihfaerifcts dene without merey and faiih. s Gjii cemfirteth them that are trmbledfcr hufike. 19 The -JOCiltiottifihe Gentiles. «3 The perpetuaUSaib»th. i^ The fHnifiifh HI tfthe ifSfked it enetUfim^, *A{ls^A^^'^9^ a My nnaieltie i fo great , thai it fil• leth boib heauea «odearib ,and therefore cannot i>e included iaa temple like aa idole : coodem• cing hereby their vaine conh.lcnce. Which tiufted in the Temple and faciifices. b Seeing that both the Te.nple and the things therein, wiihthe faciifice» , wove made and done tyhii appoy.it- aient , he Ilitweth that be haib no neede thereof, and that he :anbe ■witbotit ihstn, rfal jo.io. c To him that is Aamble and pure iu heart , which re- ceiueth mydo- Arine with teue• irencetodfeare, ά Beciufe the lewes thought thcmfeiuei boly iy offering of their facrifii.rs, and in the meane feafou had neither faith noi repentance God flitwetb that iacrificet of the heat things wereexpreily furbiHdL_ ._ and hypocrifie, wheeewiih tbey THus fayeth the Lord , * The » heauen is mj throne.and the earth is my footeftoole:where is that houfe that ye will build vnto tee? and where isthatplaceo my reft f 2 For all thefe things hath mine hand made, >> and all thefe things haiie beene , faith the Lord : and to him will I looke, eaen to him that is poore , «cd of « a contrite fpitit , and trcmbieth ac my words. 3 He that killeth a bullocke , ii as if he ^ flew a roan : he that facf ificeth a fl^eepe.iW if he cut off a dogges necke : be that offereth an oblatiun.^x if heoff.red fw^nes blood : he that retoembreth in- cenfe,4i if he bleiiied an idole; yea .they baue cho- fen their owne wayes , and their foiile delightctb in their abominations. 4 Therefore will I « cbufe ont their delufions, and 1 will bring their feate vpon them .becaufe I called and none would anfwere : I fpake.and they would not heari : but they did euill in try iigLt, and chofe the things which I would not. 5• Heare the word of the Lord , all yee that tremble at his ^ word , Your brethren that bated yen, andcaftyouoDt for my Names fake.faid.Ltt the Lord be glorified : but bee fl^all appeare to your ioy, and they ihall beafhamed. 6 ε A voyce foiindeth from the citie , tutn a voyce from the Tecple:, the voyce of the Lord, that recompenfith his enemies fully. 7 Before ^ llie trauailed , flie brought foorth : le doth no lefTe deleft thefe ceretnoBier, then heedoeth the who offered men, dogs, and fwine to their idoles, which Law. e 1 will difcouertbeir vsickedneUe ske to blind mine eyes , to all the world. and before her paine came , Ihe was deliuered of aj ; man childe, I % Who hath heard fdch a thing ? who hath ) fsene fuch things ? fliail the eatth be brought j forth in oneidiy 'or ihiU a nation beboineai j once f fof alToone as Zion trauailed , ihe broughi j forth herchuJren, j 9 Shall I k caufe to tranell . and not bring foorth ί Ihall I caufe to bring foottb , and ihailbe barren , faith thy Godi' 10 Reioyce ye with lerufalem.and be glad with her , all ye that loue her : reioyce fur ioy with her, all ye that mourne for her, 1 1 That ye aay fucke , l and befatisfkd with the breaSsofher confjlation : that ye may miike out , and be delighted with the btightneflis of bet glory. 1 2 For thus fiich the Lord , Behold. I will ex- tend "> peace ouer her like a flood . and the glory of the " Gentiles like a flowing ft> eame : then ihall ye fucke , ye iliall be » bonie vpoa her fides, and be ioyfull vpon /«r knees. . ij As one whom bis mother corcforteih , fo will I comfort you , and ye ihall be comforted in lerufalem. 14 And when ye fee this.your hearts ihall re- ioyce , and yonr ρ bones Ihall floutilh like an herbe : and the hand of the Lord ihall be knowen among his feruants , and bis indignation againft his enemies. 1 y For behold , the Lord will come with fire, and his charets like a whirlewinde , that hee may ^ recompenfe bis anger with wrath , and his in- dignatioii with the flame of fi-e. 16 For the Lord will iudge with fire.and with his fword all flslh , and the flainc of the Lord Ihall be many. 17 They that fanftifie ' themfelues.and porifie ihemfelues in the gardens behinde one ir«< in the raids eating f fwines flefli, and fuch abomination, euen the moufe, Qiallbe confumed together, fayth the Lord. 18 For I aiUvifit their wctkes.and their ima- ginations , for it will come that I Ihail gather all nations.aiid tongues.and tney Ihall come , and lee ray ' glory. 1 9 And I will fet a " iigne among thera , and will fend thofe that * efcapi of them vnto the na- tions of y Tariliifl-i , ' Pul , and a Lud , and to thera that draw the ^ bow , to <= Tubal, and d lauan.yks a farte off , that baae not heaid my fame , neither baue liene my glory .and 'they lliall declare my glory aoDong the Gentiles, 20 And they fliall bring all yout fbrethren for an offering vnto the Lord out of all nations, vpon 8 hotfes,and in charets, and in hotielit- teis , and vpon mules , and fwift beafts , to leiu:' lem mine holy Mountaine , faith the Lord , as the children of Iftael offer in a cleane vellell in the HoufeoftheLord. 2 1 And i will take of them for h Piiefts , and for Leuites, faith the Lord. i TbisniallpaQb -'"'aracilfof ■of-eluch >nce, meaniog aderthefre»- hingoiiheGof. el, wherfoithef f B.byloQ , were figjre. I Declaring bere- l^y ,th«asby his power and proui- dence woman tm- uelleth and is de- line red.• fohath povitr to bring foorth hit Chutck at bis t poiatei 1 That ye may re• Joyce for all the benefi s that Go riiheda.her dearelybeloued children, f Ye ihall baue Dew llrengchand ew beauiie. I This vengeanrt Cod began to ex- ecute jt tbe de- llrnftion of Baby- , and hath (uec inned it a- It the enemies of his Cbercb ,aiid will doe till ibe lall diy , whish Iball be the ac- compli Oiment hereof. r Meaning, the hypocrites. f Whetehyare meant thein that did maliciouCy trinfgrefle the Law, by eating bealis Ibrbiddca. he moufe, wtich oaiure ab- iite.h. The Gentile» Ikallbe partaker» fthat glcry, which beftfie I ihe wed to the kwei. .1 I will make Lhtfe that I chuff) that they peiilh not with tbe reft of the infidela : whereby he «llu- ofthe pofteiofhis people, whom hsepreferued, Excd.11,7, χ IwulCcatter reft of the lewes , which tfcaped deOruftion , into diners naiious. y That it, Cilicia. ζ Meaning, Africa a To wit, Lydia, or Alia n.itot. b Signifying the Partbians. c Itilie. d Crecia. e Meaning, the Apoilles, Difciples, and otheri, which bee did flrft chufe of ihe.Iewes to preach vnto the Gtroiles. f That i», iheCentilea , which by faith Ihall be ma 'e the childtf ο of Abraham as you are. g Whereby bee meaueth that no neccUarie mcaues ihall want, when God Hull call the Gentile• to the knowledge of the Gofpel h Towit.ofite Gentiles , Μ hee did L«^ , Tioigthit j «ad Taus firH , and otheii after t« preitb his woti^ Zi Foi ;i HirebyhiTfi^nir: ^1 For ss tlie new I heaocns ," and the new ; the !« catkeife» of the men tfiathauetranigreffedl earth, which I will make.flisll remaine before me. againft tre : for their 1 worme Ihall not die , oei- Di *! fCori.i wherein hisCbmcblhiilbe ved , and whereas br'oietber wee appointed feaionsto Uc.ii- fice ,.in this tOete iiuUsc one coa- 11 Sabbath, fu tb^iaiXtimesi fayth the Lord, fo fliall your feede and your name continue. 23 And from moneth toinoneth.andf cm Sabbatli to Sabtath ihall all flcllVcome towor- fljip before me , fayth the Lord. 24 And they Ihall goe f jorth, aad Icoke vpon ff aos» fiwll be mette• I Ε R Ε Μ ΙΑ Η agaii ther Ihall their fire be quewched , and they fliallbe ;h«^nia ί b'e within anabhottiog'" vnto aUfleih. heCb„.ch (^t be godly . fo doth he fliew what horrible caUmitie ihall come to the witbed that are uut of theCh.rch. 1 Meaning , a con iausll coimcnt of coaftience, wh.ch Ihall euet gnaw ihem. and neuerlurtet them to be »t relt,Marke 9,-1.4. m Thisi• theiuft recompenf» for the wii.lie.1 , which contemning God «nd his Word , lil»U be bf Gods itut iiijgemeut abhorred of all cit creatuiei. he that de- lareH thefelt^iiie THE A R G V Ε Ν T, THt Prtphet Jeremiah heme in the eitn of^nathoth in the cottntrtyef Beniamn , aat the feme ef Htlki»h, athomfome thinke te be he that found out the bvakj if the La», and gme it to lofiah. Thit Prof hit had txceUent gifts ofijod , and raoft euident reuelatiom ofprophecte ,fo that by the commande- rnent of the Lordhe beganne veryyong te propheat , that it , in. the thirteenth )ieere of lofiah , and con- tinued eighteeneyetre vncier the fajd Kmg , and three moneths vnder lehoahaz^ , ana. vndtr lehoiakjm tleuenyeerei, and three Tiioneths vndtr iehoiichi», and vnder Zedci^ah eltutny'teres, vnto the time that they were varied atvay into- Bahyion,' So that this time amonnteth to abone fonrtie yeere , befides the time that he prephecisd after the captiuitie. In this booke hee dedarethatich teares , and lamentation, the defiruiiiitt of Urufalem , and the captiuitie afthe people, fer their idoUtri!,cottetoufntJfe,fubtiltie, (rudtie, excejfe, rebellion, and contempt tfGods u)ori,andfor the confoUtion of the Church rtuealtth the iufl time of their deliiierance. x/lnd here chiefly are to be c»nfidered three things. FirJ} the rebellion of the melted, tfhich waxe more flubborne and obfitnate, when the Prophets doe admonifh them moH plaine• Ij of their deflruRion. Ne*,-f how the Prophets and Miaiflers of Qed ought not to be difceuraged in i'htrr vocation, though they be ptrfecuted andrigoroufty handled of the a-tcked for Qods caufe, ^ad thirdly theisgb Godfhew his iuft tudgement againfl the mcked , yet will he euet fhtw himfelfe apreferuer cf his ChtiTch , and mhen all meanes fttjm to mans iudgement to be aiolifhtd , then Ofiil he declare him felfe viderious in preferuing his, 8 6s not afraid oftheitfacssi for I amwitt) thee to deliuer thee.faith the Lord. 9 Then the Lord ftretched out his hand , and ^- touched my meuth.and the Lord fayd vnto me Bihoid, I hiue put my words in thy mouth. 10 Biholde , this day baue I let thee ouer the 1 nations , and oaer the kingdomes , to pkicke vp, and to roote out.and to deftroy.and throw downe to build, and to plant. 11 After this the word of the Lord came vn. to me , faying , leremiah , what ieeft thou 5 And I fayd, 1 f-; a "" tod of an almond tree I i Then fayd the Lord vnto mee , Thou haft feene aright : for I will haften my word to per- forme it. 15 Againe the word of the Lord came vnto me the fscond tiroe.faying. What feeft thou? And I fayd , I fee a feetbing ■» pot looking oat ot the North. 14 Then fayd the Lord vnto me , Ontofthe ° North fliall a plague be fpread vpon ail the inha bltantsoftheland. I J For loe , I will call all the families of the kingdomes of the North, fai'.h the Lord.and they ihall cotce, andeueryone ilwll fet his throne in the entring of the gates of lerufalem , and on all the walks thereof round about, and in all the ci. ties of ludah. 16 And I will declare vnto tpem my ρ iudge- dents touching all the wickednelTe of them that haue forfaken tnee , arid haue burnt incenfevnto other gods , and wotihipped the wotkes of their owne hands. 1 7 Thou therefote trulTe vp thy loynes , ^nd arifc and fpeake vnto them all that I commaund CHAP. I. Ih what time lenmiah frtpheciei. 6 Hee xcknorv- leaietHhii tmperfe{lttn,f.ni is flrtngthenci cftheLori. 1 1 The Lord jbnvethJjim the iejlritcUeu if Utaftittm. t; He cimmnnUith him to preach his ward rvilhtutfeare. ' He * words of leremiah thefonne of jb Hilkiah e»e of the Pfiefts that were ^at G Anatbotij in the land of Benia- 1. 2 To whom the ^ word of the Lord came in the dayes of lofiah the fonneof Aman Kingof ludan in the thirteenth yeete of his rtigne : 3 And alfo in the dayes of lehoiakim the efonne of loliah king of ludah vnto the end of theeleueoth yeereofZedekiah.tbefonne of Icii- ah king of ludah .««era vnto the carying away of lerufaiem captiue in the Hft ' moneth. 4 Then the word of the Lord came vnto me^ faying. y Before I s formed thee in the woalbe ,1 knew thee , and btfore thou caaseS out of the wombe , I fandtified thee, and ordained thee to be a Prophet vnto the ^ cations. 6 Then fay d I , i Ob , Lord God, behold, I can not fpeake/or I am a ciiilde. 7 But^the LiStQ fayd vnto me. Say not, I am a childe ; for thou Ihalt goe tOiUthatllhallfend thee , and whatfoeuet I commacdt,iee, Ibalt tboa fpeake. That Is.the fet- Dni and ptophe- oes. b which is tbouibtto be he hatfound the bo^keof the Law vnder king lofiai, s.Kin.ij,3. c This vvai a ciiie t three miles diltanc from Icru- faleni , and bclon• gedto the Γι lefts. ■ fonoes of Aa- ron, lolh.ii.iS, d This is fpokeo toconfirme hi• vocation and of- fice, forafsiuch as he did not pre- fume of himfelfe to preach and prophecie , but wai called therevnto by Gad. e Meaning , the nephew of lofi- ah : for lehoahai WIS his father. Who reigned but three moneths, and therefore i> not memfar.eJ , no more is toachin th>ii rtigned no longer, f Of theeleuenih yeere of Zcdeiiiah , who wai alfo called Mattaniah , and at tbiftime the leA'ei were caried away into Babylon bj Nebuchad-nezzar. g The fcrip- tlirc vfeth thi» manner offpeech, to declare that God hath «ρροί.ηε.! bis niiniHers te their offices befoteieey weiebjrnc,ai Ifa. 49.1, Gil. i.i>. b For leieniiah did notonely prophtcie agaiaft the lewes.bnt ilfoagaiull the EgyptianSjBabyloniini, Woibirts and other oatiani. i Coofidering ttt great iudgemeotsofGoci,wbich «ccording tohis 'hreatningihould come vpon thewoild, h;e wesmooaed with a certaire compaffionon theoue fide to pitie them that iho^ thiuperiOl ,aBd oa the other AJe by the iofiiniiiie of Enan• nature , koowingouwbl^tadUDg it Wa» ioenteipnfefachachaige.af ifa.i.u, Exod.a.Ji.aud 4,1, k Which decf«- teth that God ma« hem meete, indairuieib thema whom he calletk ;o fet forrh his lory: gijina hem all meaaes nccelfiry for the fame; Exod. 4.12. 6. 7. ! Hee ihewetb what :s rbe auchoritie of Gods true ■ninifters, which by his word haue 3ower to beate downe whatfoenec ifteth it felfe vp igalnlt GM : and ο plant and aOtire he humble, and fuch as Riue thein« the obe. dience of Gods word, i.Cot.io,4, Hebr.i)., 1». and befe are the keye» ivticb Cbiift hath efctoloofe, and de.Mat.ii.iS. Heioynetbthe fijne with the word , for a mote imple confirmatw. on : (ignifyiDgby ite rod ot the Al- mond tree , wbicll firlt buddetb , the ba.tie c mmiBgof • the Biby Ionian! againft the lewei, I Signifying, tbit he C. I J cans, and ^ABy iaas lliouU heir plcafares and Iuft. ο Sy- were Northward ia refpeft of lerafalem , whicii were the Cat- ρ I will giue them eta• ge a'Jo power loexecuie my vepgeaoiC be as a potto feethe the lewes which boi ria and Affy, ' deans doroini sgUQlt the Idolaters wbicb baue foifakcn olet, ijjeej. Cods benefits on lemfalem* q Wbich declitetb tbatGjds geince is pre- pared zgainft cbem, WQicb'diie not execute tbclr diieiy faithfullir, ithti- foi tVare of nac,of for iny other Ciuie, j.Cor. t SioDifying , on the one(>i!c , ihit the iDotc that Sa- tan and the world hclpetheni Iclh./.j- ftrue God ι α fa, C^ap. IT• The vnkitidneiTe of n^.?.r!, C^ m; thee : be rot afraid of their fices ,Ieafi Iqdeftroy thee b;fire them. 8 For I, bebol J. I this day h»oe made thee a defsncetl citie , and an r y ron pilUf 'nd whiles of braffe ^gaip.li the whole land , «gainft the Kings of ludah, andigiind the Princes ciereuf , againlt the PfieSs thereof, and agaiaft the psopie of the land. 19 For they ihall fight jgiinft thee, but they n^all not preuaiie agjinft thee : f jr I atn with thee to dsliuetthee.fayth theLord. ■ige agaiift Gods Mintflers , the mare prefent will he be to beb.13, ί .aud oa the o:her ['art, that they are vttei-Iy vtimeece CiHtth , whiuh areafiiiJ , and doe not relia wiciicdotfle, WOatio£Usidaogerd«pei»dtl>eteoa,Ifa.iO,7. Ezek.jjS. CH A P. U. » Cei rthearfeth hts benefits done vntt the levies.- S ^gaiitl the prieftranifAlfe pretiheis. iiThi leaes aredeflrojei beczufe tht) fcrfuke Cad, Oreouer the wotde oftbe Lord came vnto me, faying, ζ Goe and cry in the cares of lerufakm , fay- ing, Thus fa^h the Lord, I remember liiee. with the » ki.^dneflΓe of thy youth 18 And what haft thou now to doe in the w.y of' Egypt ? to dtinkc the water of Nilos ? or what makcit tnou in the way of Aslliur» to diii^e the water of the "iRiuer? ■ \^ Thini owne wickeincffe fliall ' corred thee , and thy turnings backe ILjII rcprooue thee: know therefore and behold, that it is an euill thing , and bitter , that thou haft forfaken the Lord thy God .and that roy feate is not in thee, faith the Lord God of hoaftcs. 20 For of old time 1 ha je broken thy yoke, »ni butrt thy bonds , and (hou faiddeft, fl v/ill no more traofgrciTc , hut Ukt an harlot thou runneft about vpotj .11 Lie hils. and vndtr all gteene trees. I I Vet I had planted thee a noble vine.w'nofe tplants were allnaturall: how then art thou mr ned ?nto me into the plants of a ftrangs vine? 21 Though thou walh thee with g nitre , and take thee much fope .j^sr thine ioiguitie isifcar- ked before me,laitii the Lord God. 23 How canft thou fay, i am not poHuted,nei- ther haue I •> followed Baalim ? behold thy wayes in the valley ,and know what thou haft done then Art like a (wife ' dromedaiie,tbai runneth by his wayes. 24 ^ni as a wilJe '• afle vfed to the wildernes that fnuffcth vp the winds by occifiDn at her pleafurerwho cantutneberbacke ? all they that fetke her, will not wjaiie themfclues , i«f will finde her in her l moneth. ay Keepa thou thy fcote from '" barencffe.add thy throat from thirft : but thou faklft dciperate• ly , No , far I haue loued ftrangets; and them will 1 follow. 26 As the ■> thiefe is allnmed when hsisfcund, fo is the houfe of Ifrael ailumed,th€y, their kings their grincrs and thur priefts.and iheir ptopheis 27 Sayirg to a tree, Thou art ro;- ο father, atid to a ftone , Thou haft begotten me ; for ihey haue turned their backe vnto me , and not their face but in the time of their trouble they will fay , A rife and belpe vs. , 28 But where are thy gods, that thou haft made thee ? let th^ arife , if tbey can helpe thet God would haue «ill led them ar,i,ht,ifthey Would haue foU lowed him. c To fte.ke helpe of man , as thotigh God were not abl« enough to defend thee, which is to dtinkeof thepiid- dles.and toleaue the f«untaii4e, rtad Ifa.jt,!. d To wit , Ea- ph rates. t Meaning, that the w; eked aie in- fallible , till the pt». Qiilmunc for theit r,njemrakeothei>i, as vfrfe a6.ifa.3i9. f when 1 dcUae- redtheeont of£- gypt ,Exoc!ii9,S. deut./,i7.iolh.a4. i6-ezra is. 12. nehe S,« i Ehr.fetiwASilU g Thpaohthou vfe all the purifi- cation» and cere- njonlssol the law, thoii canft Dotef- c«pe puniflunenr, eXLcpt ihoutume to me by faith and repentance, h Meaning, that hypocrites denie that they wor• fliip the idoles , but «hat tbey honour God iu them, and therefore tbsy call their doings, Godsfermce. i Heecimpareth ihe idolatei•• to ibefcbeifts,becsufethey Eenerceare tunning to and fro : for both valleysand tails are full of their idolatry. k He compareth the idoUteis to a w Ide afle: for file can ueuer be tamed nor yet wearied: for as (he lunnetb ihe can take her windateuery occafioo, I That is^ when Ihe is with Lale, and therefore the hunters wait their ivrne ; fotbouohthcu canll not be turned bark now from thine idolatrie , yet when thine iniquitte ftiiU be attht fulljGcd willinettevtitb thie. m Hereby he warneth tbtm thatihey ftioulJ i:ut go iatollrange coiutieJ((i- feeke helpe: for they Ihooldbut fpend their labour, and hurt tbemfclues, whicii is here meant by the barefoot and tbirll.Ifa. /710. η Αι a thicfe will not acknowledge hi» fault, till he b' -akeowiththe detd , aod ready tob-'punili ed , fo they will not conftfl'eth i^ idolatrie , till the leagues due to the lame light vpon them, ο Meauiop , that idolaters fpcyie God ot bis boDoi^ : ind whereas he bath ungbt te call huu the father ef all fltibi tbey aitiibuM tso title to iheii idoles. S'b"ii-y:ng,tli»i hen iceo totfake Gods word, whicbisthefouD- ttineotlife , thty rCt God hj'tn- felfe.andfofaUte theit owneinxren" tions, audvaine conndcQCe , aad procure to tbem- felu-s deilTuaijo, Iana.>,3.2ecba. e I ordered ike feiuanis it like deace- ly belobiedchil- >Ejsd^.,ia. fort it ii their• fault oneiy , if the enemy fpuile Tbe Babylotiiansi Caldeons•, and Alfyiians- y NotoneftiaU be left to dwellthere. ζ Tfea«is,ihe£- gyptians : fotiheie Were two great cities in Egypt. » Haue grieuotif• ly vexed threat fundtv times. Skewii : that Idoles mnamerable• lerebiah. in the time of thy trouble : for «ccotcling t> to the nniubei; of ihy cities.ate thy gods, Ο ladab. 29 Wherefore will q yep'eade with roec ? yee ell hauc rebelled againSrEe.faitb the Lord. 30 I haue fniucea your children in viine, they receiued no correaion : your ' owne fwoid hatt) deuoured your Prophets like a dcftroying lyoiJ. 3 1 Ο generation , take heed to the word of the Lord : haue I beene ant wilderneffe vnto li- raelf or a land of darkenefle ? Wherefore faith my people then, We are lords, t wee will come no more vnto thee ? 3 2 Can a maid forget her ornament, er a bride her attire ? yet my people haus forgotten race, dayes without number. 33 ^hy doeft thou prepare thy way, to " feeke atmrie f euen therefore will I teach thee , that toy wayes are wickedneOe. 34 ΛΙΓ0 in thy >: wings is found the blood of the foules of the poore innocents : I hsue not found it it holes, but νφοη iWihtL• platti. 35: Ye: thou fayeft, Hecaufe I aa3 gailtlefle.fure- ly bis wrath Πυΐΐ turne from lae : behold , I will entft with thee into iuJgetcent , beciui'c thou fayeft, I haue not finned. 36 Why runnett thou about fj much tochange thy wayes? for thou Ihik be confounded of 1-- gypt.y as tbou art confounded of Asfliur. ^γ For thou Ihalt go foorth from thence , and thine hands vpon - thine head , becaufetheLord hach reieoted thy confidence , and thou iMt not proiper thereby. God ^s merciful ! ρ Thon though• tcit ib*t Iky god< of block• acdlbnei jCould baue bblpea .ule.bcy were many la # number tod pre- imt 10 tuery place: let vs fee bethel either the» BiultituJe . or theit jiiefiwcecau deli- hee from my lague, Cliap.11,13 ij Ai though I did youiniuiie in pu- gyouileeiog tbatyour t' Ze- .chiriah,Ifsiah,&c ί Hjue I not giuen dince of all things? v.tu trull in power With ftfangers. X ThePiopheis andihefaiihtulUre flaiueiu cutty r of your . couDtrey. y For the Alfyti- •ns had taken away the ten tribes f Ifrael.aod de^lioyedludah euen veto Ismla- lern : and the Egyptia i« flew lofiah , and vexed the lewes in fyndty forts, ζ In ati.Sam. 13. 1 CHAP. Ill G'dcxHcth his pecple-vnto repentance. 14 He prittiifcth iheteftitiitiilt ofhiS Chunh. jo He reprcm^l'i JtiJ^Ji a^iijfr^e/ , iwifxttng them to λ ηΐΛΚΛη iiftbeiitHt it het hiiiiai-.i. Γ Hey » fay.If a man putaway his v;ife,& ihee goe from him, and beconse another ra.irs, ftall hee returne againe vnto bit? llnil not tliis land ''be polluted .» but thou haft played the har lot with many ' loueis : yet ^ turne againe to me faith the Lord. 2 Lift vp tUine eyes vnto the high pi jces , and behold , where thou haft not played the harlot: thou haft fit awaiting for them in the wayes , as the = Arabian in the wildetncffe : and thou halt polluted the land with thy whoredoms , and with thy malice. 3 Therefore the fliowres haue beene reflrained, and the f latter raine came not , and thou haddeft a g whores forehead : thou woulJtft not be aQiamed 4 Diddeft then not ftil! cry ^ vnto me ,Thou att my fjtber, 4»ithe guide of my youth ? 5• Will he beepe /wA'j^irforeaer? will bee referue it to the end ? thus haft thou fpcken , but thou doeft euill.euen more and more. 6 The Lord faid aiij vnto me , in the dayes of lofiah the King.Hjft tbcufcenewhatlhisrebell i ll'rael hath done'/er Jbee bath gene vp vpon cuery hie mountaine.and vndereuery.greenetree, and there played the hailot. 7 Audi Cjyd, when ibee had donafell this, Turne thou vnto me : but ilie retutaed.not, as'het rebellious fifter ludah faw. , V iofla c Acccrdii Deut. one to wiieafsiae. c -Th»t is , v,-iih idoles ,and wi h them whom thou hilifutthyconii- dercc in. d Aad I win not calt thee off , but f ceiue thee, accot- e Which dwel- letl in truts and waitetfa for them that palfe by to fpoyletbem. ί AsGorithre.it• uedbybisLaw, Deut. 18,24.. g Thou wouldeft ueuer be alllinred of thine aftes and repent : acd-this impudentie is conimun. to idola- »eu , wtich will not glue off, though lb ey be ntuet fo uiiuifeft• ly conuiftsd. b He iheweth tbitihewickedia thjlr mii'ites will riy vnto God and yeri S when I faw ,1iow that by til eccafions re• I bellious Ifrael bad pUyed the harlot, I cafi^ber I away, and gaue her a bili of diuorceoieni : y et hei j rebcliious iiftcr ludah was not afrayd , but lliee I went alfo and played the harlot. -- ■<: > • 5 So ihatfor the • lightncs of her whoredome irStnet, ilie ha:b euen defiled the land : for (he hath com- or noife aad btmc Gaitted fornication with ftones and fiockes 10 NeusrtheJeiTe for all this , her tebellious fifter iudah hath not returned vnto mce with w het whole heart, but fainedly. faith the Lord. 11 And the Lord fai J vnto mee. The rebellious Ifracl bath ^ iuftified her felfe more then the rebellious ludah. II Goe and cry thefe worJ^stowardothe No;ih , and fay .Thou difobedientlfrael , returne, fayth the Lord,«»i/I will not let my wrath fail vpon you ; for I am metcJfull, fayth the Lord.atid I v;ill not alway keepe mine anger. 13 But know thine iniq /uie : for thou haft re- ij belled agdnft the Lord thy God , and haft ί fcat- \ tered thy wayes totheftrange^oi/jvnder euery greene treerbut yec would not obey my voyce, iaytb the Lord. • 14 Ο yecdifobcdient children , turne againe, faith the Lord, for lam yojr Lord , and I will tike you one of a citie , st:d two of a tribe , and will bring you to ZioD, I J And I will giue you paftonrs according to mine heatt , which lliall feed you with knowledge and v.nderftanding. ij^j,^ ^ ^^^ ^ \6 Nfbreouer, when yee be increafed and mul-L piign'mage. tiplied in the land, in thofe dayes, faith the Lord, q Thitist°obe. they aiall fiy no more , Tne s Arke of the coue-r°''"'.'°°'' fi^*'. . nant cf the Lord : tor it Ihail coma no more jfor then they liuii to tsinde , neither iliall they remember it , nei- !i>ot fecke the Loii - ' - byceteraonie.. «nd jllri'^uret lliall ceiie. Meaning , the Church , where tbt Lord will be pie- rBt to the world» nd,Mi(ihu3,tja. the godly doe , butbecaufe tbey turite not ftoni tbeif eaiil; tiey «:e agi heild , il4 5i-i'^, X Msaning , itte : k And gaiic b!^. My father, and ihalt not turne from me ί 20 But ai a woman tebilleth agiinft her t huf- band : fo haue ye rebelled againft me , Ο houfe of ■ Ifrael. fayth the Lord. 2 1 u A voyce was heard vpon the high places, weeping, and fupplications of the children of If- rael ; for they haue peruerted theit way ,Λπά fjr- gotten the Lord their God. 22 Ο ye dif.ibeiient children , returne , and \ will hesieyour rebellions. * B;hold, wee come vnto thee , for thou art the Lord our God. 25 Truely the /«peofthehillesir biKvaine, ner tne multitude of mountaines : but in the Lord our God is thsiiealch of Ifiael. 24 For confuiion hath deuoured our y fathers labours , from our youth, their fl«eps and their bullockis, their fonnes and their daughters, if We lie dowas ki our coafulioo , and oui ihamt f where theyjre DOVTtocaptiuity, t TaeEbrewr fordlig• ifieth friend or com- panion , and here liy betakenfor husband , «i it i» vfedalfo, Hof.j.i. Signifying , that God , whom they hadforfaken, wculdbriog their enemiei vpon tbem, who fli uld leade tbemcaptiue ,anil jnikethemtocry and Uiuent. X This iifpoken in the peifoa of Ifrael 10 ihe llianie efluJah , wliich liay.;d fo l.> -g "j try Gods vengeance hath light vpon tbcmaad t'leiis. Ί fue repen :ance ■ Thtt !i I whollf •ad wiiboot kypo.• CTifir,Io«l.i.i>.iiot diftcmbliog to turnc and ferae God attbcy doe wliich feruc bim krbalfes,a(Hore^ y.is. b Tbcuiliaitde• left tbe name of idoUf, ΓΓ>Ι.ι<.4. aod ilulc vt ich le- Ueitate [■jvtue by tbe liuiog Cod, wbeo ttiiae oaib miyaduacceCcds gloiy, a'od ptofite otbeu : and bere, by fwearing bee meaneththetroe ieli;ion of God. C Kewilleththtm to pliicke vp ihe impieiieand wic- ked iffeicion and VVorldly reipcfti outoftbeif heart, tbat tbe true feede ofGodi word may iJoa^iiJ^TU^ ι They iu^ife not tbfmreluM . ''Γ fay tba; itey wojid foJiow thiir fa- tbeis, but coa• demne thtii wic- ked dgingi«nddeliiejforgiueneae of chetme.ai Eir«.9 7. Pfalioi,*. IUm «■ CHAP. nil. t True refenttnct.nHteexhiiUthtt the tireumtifuntf j ththeatt. r Tktdeftru(HiH tf laiahitfrtpbeciedfet \ thtmiktt tf their te»ris. 19 The Pnfiit tamenttth i», Ifriel.if thou rctiane.areturne vntemee, laith the Lord : and if thou put away thine abominations oat of mj fight, then ihalt thoa not raraooue. 2 And thou Ihaltb fweire.The Lordliusth In traetb, in iudg«roent,tod in righteonfnefle.and the nations fl^all be bleiJed in bim , and il»ll gto• lie in him. 3 For thus faith the Lord to the men of I* dah, and to lerufilem, 4 Breake vp « y our fallow ground,and fow η ot etnong the thornes ; be circumcifed to thi Lord, and take awa)? the foreskios of your hearts , ye n»enof ludah , and inha^ίtίnts of lerufalcm, leaft iriy wtath come foorth like hre, and burnc .that wiietodjeeum. 6j• ,/ ' " athen.4f; whicbicecpe kedme vnto wrath .faith the Lord, {''= *"''» ft «rait•. 18 Thy wayes and thine inutntions haue pfO-canctm.""''''"^ cured thee thtfe things , fiich i« thy wickedneffe : jout : (o (houid [he Olfrael . if thou retuxne . » returne vnte mee. ''!;'^^^5= \^'^^ ^« ^'"«'• '^^««^o''* " ^*" Γί««^^»ΐο°ύπ. com- lairhth. rn,H..n^,-f.K...n,»,„„.th;n. ^to thme heart. f Hei,'l:5;.htb.t 19 My belly, my 1 billy, I am pained, euen atUe true mjci.ter j the Very heart; mine heart is troubled within me: ke'iueiy touched I cannot be ftill : for m)• fjuls hath beard ^ found ^"^^^\ "'""'■ of the trumpet , and the alatme of the battcU. jfo that an the pa«e' 10 DiSradtion vpon deftroiftion is cryed, foriofihcirbody feeie the whole land is wafted . fuddenly are my ' tents l:*" g'i'ffof tbnr J rt . I . . 'beart , albcir with dettroyed , and my curtaincs in a moment. i^jjij ,,, q^j ^ .J 2 1 How long ihail I Γ«β the (Undatt, and hearejry tbey prooouoce the found of the tiumpet ? i*"' .'""Ignnenta 22 For my people is fooHih . they haue ηοί^Μ'^ηίοβΓί^*''/. knowen roe : they ate foolilb children , and haue ^if j , wbi -b'were \% none Tnderftanding : f they are wife to doe euilJ,|^''''r "^ dowoe but to doe well they haue no knowledge. f'thl^r "wifedeme no'necan quench it. becaufe of the wickidnefle of j >3 I ha"/ looked νροα the earth, and Ios.it. .nd police tend T. > was witboat forme and tyoide: and to the hea-P''""owDede- uens , and they4iad no light. pjBa.oi., and rullei jrourinuentions. 5• d Declare in lodah, and ilisw forth in Icru- nisra, and lay31ow the trumpet in the land : cry, I and gather together.and fay, Afifemble your fclues, i and let vs goe iato ftroog cities. ' 6 Set vp the iaodart in ZioQ :« prepare to fi^je, 24 t bebeldc the mountaines : and loe , they trembled, and all the hils ihooke. 2 J I beheld.and loe there was no man, and all tbe birds of tbe heauen were departed. end Qay not : for I will bring a plague from tbe j .?f * beheld .and ioe . the fruiifull phce ^4, a North, and a great deftrudlion. ' wldernclle,and all the cities thereof were brsken 7 The f lion is come vp froti his den, and the | f^^^\,^l^'^ P'«^«"<=« "^^ '^^ ^^^ > *"^ ^V ^^^ deBroycr of the Gentiles is departed , 4»^ gone «oft. io.ia.'«Dd"ibil• foorth of hisplice to lay thy land wtSe , and thy ii the true circnm- j cities ihallbe deftroy ed without an inhabitant, cifionoftbebeart, I j Wherefore gitde you With fackcloath : U- aeot , and bowlc, K)( the fierce wrath of the Lord Is not turned backe from vs Seat, ic.ie Κοα• 3.19. col. a. II. d Hewarnetb rtwmof tb»g;eat daogert that ihall come vpon them bytheCildeaat, txctptthry repent ■tul lutneto the Lotd. e Hifpfaitfthihji to admonifh tbetn ef tbe great danger wbeD euety maa filall prepare to iaue himfelfe , but itlhallbeioolate, • King »i 4. f Meaning , Neba- cbad-oenaiKmg ofSabylon, .«.Κίαξ.ΐ4.ι• g That it , the falft piopheti , which Cill prophecied _ peace andfecutitie k Bytbefalfepro. fbew , which pts- siifed peace aod tranquiliii« : aod thus I boil halt pu- eiihed tirir rebel- lioui ft'jbbornoes by caufing tCem to bearkeii vnto liet which WDuld not beleeuetbyirneth. wheieby br meaoetb ^hem from God. t Bythefemantt offpeecheihee ineweth the hor. ribl. dfftruaioo that.OiouIdceme I'pon the land , and ilfo condfiimtrti :heobftii„cieof ibe people , wha rfpCDtnoiattbe feare ofthefc ter•• fibli tidings , fee. JBgtbijctbeiafen• fioJe crealuresa^e mooned thetewiiJi»' aiifthe order of nature ihonld be gfd, Ifa. ij.io!. fierce wrath, 27 For thus hath the Lord fayd , The whole land fliillbe dcfolate : yet will I u not make a full ende. 28 Therefore iliall the earth mourne, and the heauens aboue ihall be darkened , becaofe I haue Γ Anib^hardly". faicb the Lord, the heart ; Fononncrd it : I haue tboughtit. and wUI not _ of the king ihallperilh .and the heart of tbe prin- '«?*"' ' °="^", '^,'" ^. ™ ^l''^" ^^""^ "' .^ JTji V,?'.»'; '* ', ces and the Ptiefts ihall be aftoDiil.ed,andthe . ^l J^ whole citic fell flee, for the no.fe of^„ bu? ri'• 'ilV." S Prophets lliall wonder. he hotfemen and bowmen : they ihallgoe.nto ci«fak*.hewiu 10 Then faid I , Ah . Lord God . furely thoa *'.'''"»,• »"^ ^'?^ ^P ^i'^^ '^^ 'f^H^ L '""^ rtί]u^t' h '"f ' * has t dfceiaed this people, and lerufaiera.faying, citie n^allbc fotfakcn.and nor a man d%veli therein, ^^«^^--b;';•• Ye ihall haue peace . and the fword pcatceth να- | .30^ And when thou ihak be Jeftroy ed , what ρ,,^Γ. tin, i„ ίο thebeart l•" '°°" '^°^ ' Though thou"-' cloatheft thy felfeM"l> . rfa.2 ,. i II At that time ihaUitbe faid to this people *"•> fc-rlet , thongh thou deckeft 'hee with or- L"^^ !^'';^;b, ce. ' and to lerufalcm , A dry i winde in the hie places \ °a"ents of golde. though thou paiotcft thy facefg,f« (halldel.uet of the wildcrnefle comm.t/, toward the daogbter ; "^"^^ colours . yet flialt mou trimme thy fe fe lo ,tbee. Ofmypeople.i*r neither!^ to fanne not to cleanfe. ; "'",*•-^'"' «^^ laueis willabhotretnee*»<sacloud there be 311" iShai esecuteth ludgemeni , and fee- that is -aiiedwi.h thewind. m Thiiiifpiken in rheperfonofalltne people. ■ keth t'-eHUi^.and I willfpare» It. who in their afHiaiouihtuld crie thus. a Which wiaciiy lO tbe vtmort i _ ^T . . . jr border of ICtael Northward lemrd fcbjloB, Ο WW** W»5 in tit wirt W»T ι _ . .^i r - „ /• ,ή. l•— ^ -i r— Li For though they lay .Thcbtord liaetb, I'fle , yft . hypocri. ne : for vniertbi»' kind ot iwearing i(.coutrin«d ifcs true relijisQ. Gods plagues» c DoiltDoiia.u loue vprigninefle and f:ithiuUdta• linf? d Thou haft ofc- timrs pnniihtd ; the:n , but all is Ια i ViLae ,Xia.9.i3. e He fpsaksththii vo \he veproich of theiu which Ibould gouerne iud leach others , and yet ate tittheroutof th« way ihea theftm- fleptople. i Meaning , Nebu• chad nezzar and tiisarmie. jg tie iheweth Bat tofweareby By thing theo by God ,is to fotfake liiin. 'E^k.ii. liHe iethiheBabylo• aims anil enemiet to deftroy them. t KeadeCl>ap.4.i7, k Becaufe they gaue DO credite to the «voids of his riopbcti, as If». as.. J. I Theiiwordi Ihall be of none effcft , butvaiae. jn They are not ftntoftheLotd, and theiefore that W"hi>,h they thcta- ten covj , fliall comevpon them. D Meaning , lere- iniih. ο To wit , the Ba- {jyloniacsaBi Caldeani, Who ihdl kill I many with their .q Here the lord declneth hlsva- fpeakejble buiar toward bis Church SI Ch>p.4.i7. * Chap 16.10. r Meaning , tlie Fiopbcslelemkb. lerci SJh 3 Ο Lord.are not tbioe eyes vpon the ^ ttueth f thou haddftriken thcao.but they hauenotfo- rowed : thou haft coDfumed them . kut they haua refiifed to receiue corre(3ion : they haue made their faces harder then a ftone,4»ii bauc refufgd to returne. 4 Therefore I fiyd.Sarely they are poore.they ate foolilli , for they know not the way of the Lofd.worthe iudgeiEent of their God. y I will get me vnto the <; great men , and will Ipeake vnto them : for they hsueknowen the way of the LoTd.and the iudgement of their God : but thefe haue altogether broken the yoke , Climbevpvpon their walles, and deftroy them , but make not a full end ; i take away their batlemei.ts, for they are not the Lords. 11 For the boufeoflfrael.andthehoufeof ludah hausgrieuoufly trefpau'ed agaioit me, faith the Lord. 12 They haue'' denied the Lord, and fayd.Ic is not hec, neithei fliall the plague come vpon vs, neither fhsll we fct fworJ not fatrine. 13 Atid the Ftuphcts Ihallbe dj ' wind, and the word is m not iti them : thus thall it come vnto them. 14 Wherefore thus fayth the Lord God of hoalies , Becauleyee fpeakefuch words.beholde.l will put my word» into ■• thy ccoath .like a Hce, and this people Ihall be « wood, and it Ihall de- uourethero. I J Loe, I will bring a nation vpon you ο froto farre, Ο houfe of Ifrael, faith the Lord, which is a mightie nation , and an ancient nation , a nation whofe language tliou kaovveft not, neither vn- detSandeft'vvhat tney fay. 16 Whofe quiuer is as an Ρ open fepulchre : they are all viryftrong. 17 And they fhall eate thine harueft and thy bread : they flull deuoure thy fonnes and thy daughters : they fhall eate vp thy Iheepe and thy builockes ; they fliall eate thy vines and thy hgge trees ■. they iliall deftroy with the fwor J thy fen- ced ci:ies,.wberein thou diddefl troft. 1 8 Niiiettheleffe.at thofe dayci.faitb the Lord, I will not make a full end of 9 you. 1 9 And when * yee flisU fay .Wherefore doth the Lord out God doe thefe things vnto vs ?thea ihalt I thou acfwere them , Like as yee haue fot- faken inee and feruedSrange gods in your land, ίο fliall yee fetus Grangers in a land that is not yours 1 ο Declare this in the houfs of laakob , and publifh it in I udab, fayinjg» Out finnes ftay Go< is bleffings 2 1 Heare now this.O fooliih peopIe,8c t with- out vnderftandingAV.iich haue * eyes and fee not, which haue eates and heare not. 22 Feate yee net mse.faith the Lordf or will ye not be afraid at my prefence , which haue pla- ced the fand for the* bjunJeof the fea by the ρ petuail decree chat it cannot paffe it, and though the wanes thereof rag j, yet cm they not preuaile^ though they roare ,yet can they not paCTe ouet it ? 23 But this people hath an vnfa?"hfull and re- bellious heart : they are depirted and gone. 24 For they fay not in theit heart, Let vs now feare the Lord our God . ihat giueth raiae both early and late in duef?afo.i : he referueth vnto vs the appointed weekes of the harueft. 25• Ttt yo'jrf iniijiiities haue turned away thefe things , and yoiu liune? haue hindred good things from you 20 For among my people are found wicked parfoD* , thai lay waite as hee that fetcetti fnarss : they hiue made a pit. to catch men. 27 As a cage is fjWofbirds , fj ace their ijou- fcs full of• leceit; thereby thsy are become greac an J wixen rich. 28 Toey are wax;n fat and ilalning: they doe ousrpaffe the deeds of thewick^'d: * they - x;cute no iuigcoient ,no not theiuJgement of tnefa thcKleie ; yet they < ptofper, though they execute no iudgemtntfor itr.s poore. 29 Siull ί DOC viiic for thefe things .faith the Lord ? or ih>ll not my foule be auengid on fuch a nation as tnis } 30 ' An horrible and filthy thing is committed in the land. 31 The " prophets prophecie lyes, and the prieftsll teceiue^i-fj in theii hands, and my people delite therein. What «ill yee theadoeinrtie end thereof ί CHAP. VI. a The commiug tfthe AJfytians andCaldeans. i6 Het Ο Yee chilJrsn of» Beni»min , prepare to flee outof t!?emidJ^s of lertifalera, and blow the trumpet in b Tekoa : fet vp a ftandart vpon « Beth- hacceferj:f;ir a plague appeareth out of the North and great deftfudion. 2 Γ haue comparedthe daughter of Zion to ^ a beautifiilland daintie vvootiao. 3 The Paftors with their flockss* Iball come vnto her : they ihall pitch their tents round about by her, and euery one iliallfced in his place. vs gos vp toward the South : woe vnto vs : for the day declineth , and theibadowcsofthe eue- ningarefiretchedout, y Atife.and let vs goe vp by night , and de- Qroy her palaces. 6 Forthus hath the Lord of hoafies faid.Hew downe wood, and caft a mount againft lerufalem: tliis citie maft be vifited ; all opp.eifion is in the miJsofit. 7 As the fountaine cafteth out her waters , fo iliee cafteth out her malice ; s cruehie and fpoy le is cDntiaually beard in her before me, withioiow and ftrokes. 8 Be thou inftrufted , Ο ■• lerufalem, leaft my foule depart from thee . leaft I make thee defolate b Which was a ie in Iiidah , fixe lesfrom Beth- 4 f Prepare warre aeainft her : arife , and let Seheiti.i Chr.n.e. ^ "^ - ° ■ ' - Re«deN«be.3.i4; I haueintreated r gently, and gi- n het abundance ofall thing•, e She Ihallbe fo deftroyed , that the (heepe may b: fed themfelues. h He waroyh ibem to amend by bis 1 tiaa by tepentancc, Λ I t £ir. withiitt * Ift 6.9 watMj, '+..■»<;>. »3.»7. Rem. I t,S, * Itb 26, i«. f Ifthevebeaey lUy , that we re- ceiue not Gods bielfingt in abuua dance, we mult confider that It it for our owne ini. quitiei,Ifa.j9,i.a» //*.r,2j. ι They feeieeot the plague of Goi for it. Meaning , that there coulJ be ii;g but dif- ov'.ct . where the minifteis Were wicKed petfons , corrupt. I Or , ie»rt rultm He fpeaketh to ■mchieflybe- caufe they iliould aki heedeby the xampU of their )retiirea , the othi lali'e of their tribe, which were now catied away pti- iher. f He fpetketh this he perfon of the Babylonians, whi.hcomplame that the time faileth thtm before they uibrougbttheir terpiifes to pafle. g He iheweth the caufe why it Iliould e deltroyed , and ow it contmeth of Uot Aske for th ; old and good way. »i a laod that none inhabitetb, 9 Thus fay th the Lord of hoaftes, They ihall gather as a vine , tt^e refiJue of Ifrael ; turne Cnap. VI L i ne rebemous lewes. nyyocrme, oij ■_ i Hencfcortnh the Babyloniaul to bediligintto fciKboutalUnil to Icaue ooDC. k They delight to fceare vaine ihingf, and to Ihiu vp thtir ea,cs lo trne tloftiine. 1 As tbe Lord bad j;iuia him his word to beat a ficeof his indignation to burne the wicked, CBap.j.Hf"'"' kiadlethiinow when he feech that al teni(diesart paft in None lluUbe fibred. α when the peo- pie began to feare Godi iudgemeats, the falfe piophets comforted them by flatteriogs, Ihewing that God would f«nd peace and not vvwie- ■f Ebr.themthat μα. ο wherein the rkttiatkei and Prophet» walked, diuftedby the word of God: lig- nifying that there is no true way, but that which God prefcribeth. ρ Prophet» which ihould warneyou of the dangers that were at haid. Godiakethall ;woildto wit- nefli , aod the ia- cnfible creatures» f thekigtatiiude of the lewet. t Reads Ifa Ι,ιι• •ad Amos f, 21. f From Babylon by Dan, which wa! Mot th from letU' ialun. t For feare-of the enemy : hee fpeaketfa tbisin the ffttian of the lewei. backe thina hand as the grape gatheret into the baskets. lo Vnto whom fliall I fpeake . and admoniih that they luay beare » behold, their eares *rt ^• vn- circamcifed , and they cannot hearken ■, beholde, the word of the Lord is vnto them as a reproach ; they haue nodeiite in it. 1 1 Therefore I am full of the «rath of the Lord; I am weaty with holding it ; 1 1 will powre itoui vpon the ■" children in the Itreet «and likewife vp- on the affembly of the yong men• for the hasband fliall euen be taken with the wife, 4»/didfemice «/ theTemple. 13 The eu, Is that jbAil come 10 the Jems, fitthedefpifingef their Prophets. ii Sacrifica doth Kot the Lord chiefl) require of the leives , but that they Piould obey his word. Τ He wordes that came to leremiah from the Lord, faying, 2 Stand in the gate of the Lords houfe, and cry this word there .and fay , Heare the word of the Lord , all yee of I«dah that enter in at thefs gates to worfbip the Lord. 3 Thus faith the Lord 6f hoaftei . the God of Ifrael,* Amend your wayes and your workcs, and I will let you dwell in this place. 4 Truft not in a lying words.faying.The Tern, pie of the Lord , tbeTemfle of the Lord; this is the Temple of the Lord. y For if you amende d»<< redreffe your wayes and your workes ; if you execute iudgement be• tweenea man and his neighbour, 6 ^nd opprefle not the ftranger, the father^ leffe , and the widow, and Hied no innocent blood fo nomilhyou ia * ChupAe,\zli a Beleeue Bot the- falfe prophet», which fay that fo» the Temples fake, ini the faciificei there, the Lord will you ,and this place , neither walke after other gods tc your defirudion, 7 Then b will I let you dwell in this place in the land that I gaue vnto your fatheis foteuer andeuer. 8 Behold , you ttuft in lying words , that can. not ptolit. 9 Will you fleale, murder, and commit adul teris.and fweare falfly.and burne incenfe vnto to' Β jal ,*and walke after other gods whom y e know not ? 10 And come and ftand before meeinthis Houfe , whertvpon my Name is called, and fay We are deliuered , though wee baue done all thefe abominations ? 11 Is this houfe become c a denne of theeues wberevpon my Name is called before your eyis i Behold, euen I fee it.faith the Lord. 1 2 But goe ye now vnto my place which was in Shilo, ^ where I fet my Name at the beginning, and beholde , what I did to it for the wickednelle of my people Ifrael 13 Therefore now becanfe yee haue done all theie WQikes . faith the Lord, (and I « rofevp ly and fpake vnto you: but wheni fpake .yee youriinne . and raine confidence, b God ftieweth OD what condition he ' maflt his ptomif• to tbiiTeinple: that they IhauM be an holypeople ' vnto him , as be would be« bfull God thtm. As tbeeae» hid bol^ and deuoeS' biuke tbemfeiues fafe , lo when you in my Tempiej . heAikewas» he fendeih them Gods iudge- ments againll Sbi- lo , where the Ails• J ad remained bout jocyeeres, feiablyd^fcoinfitetJ, 1 Sam. 4 II. chap i6.<5 e That is,I neuer ceafedto w«rneyou,as Ifai.ij i.Pic ' , la f HelhewethwhatistheomlyfemcdietoteditireoMrfaultS•. tofjife» O-tl ould not beare me, neither when I called.would f ye anfwere.) tbioke nes,Ma;th.ai.i3, il Becaufe they depenJfdfo raueh on the Tempie, which was for his proii that he w lead vs inw the way, andiocbeyhiscalling , Ifai «64. j4:Tberelure- Tmetn IS periined. lefec «ah. g I wi!! frndyou iruocii'ii ιίιγιι I hi;• done Ephti- ί-Λ, tbai is, the ten tribe». h TjalTjre thfin «hat Ooi bud d»- teimineJ whh timfelfetopu- niih iheir wicktd. nefTe.heiheweih. tkit ihcpr«y;fof thi godly can no• ibing >u«ile thtm, ^iWiile» thfy le- jiiaine inthtif ob• liia«cy againft Cod ,»ad wi'l net vfc ihi; meaas that he vfeih to call «hem to r^ptn- tance. Caap. 11.141 •nd 14 II. i Thaiis, they fa- enfice to the Sjani Moone and Starres, which they called the queent of hea- lien,Ch»p 44.17. a.liiBg.jj.;. k ShfwiDR that it wasnotbischiefe purpeieandiatent, Ihai they ihouldolfer fjcri- ficcj ; but that they fllould regard, ^vherefoie *hey^ Were ordeinid : to Wit , to be ioyaed to the word at feales and coiific• matioas of le- miflion of finnes in ChrirL• iot without the word they were viine »Qd vapiohtibl:• 1 \Vbiςh was . aboutfoureteene hundreth yeeres. Deftruiition of the! ewes» Therefore will I doe vnto this houfe.wher- jvpon my Naase is culled , wherein alfo yee truft: euen vnto the place thit I gwc to you , and to your fathers, as I baue done vnto Shilo. I J And 1 will caS g you out of my fight , ai I I haue caft out all your bretbren.iiMB the whole t fecdofFphraim. j 16 Therefore thou Unit not h pray for this peo- ple, ncitber lift vp cry or prayer for thco , neither ! ititreat me, for I will not heare thee. j 17 Sicft thounot whattbeydointheciiiesof j ludab.and in the ftreetei of lerufalee ι ύ The c bilJf en gather wood, and the father» { kindle the fire , and the women knead the dough i to make cikes to i the Queene of heauen , and to : powre outdrinke offiings vnto other gods , that S they may prouoke me vnto anger, | 1 9 Doe they prouoke me to anger , fayth the \ Lord, and not thcmfeliies to the confufion of their owjje faces > 20 Therefore thus fayth the Lord God , Be- hold , mine angsr and my wrath ihallbc powred j vpon thi» place , vpon man and νροα beaft , and vpon the tree of thefi;ld,and vponthe fruitof ' the ground ,and it ihailburneandnoibequen- > ched. ' j 21 ThusfiiththeLoriofhofts,theGodofIf- j fael , Put your burnt ofitings toco yoat faciificcs, j andeatthcfleOi. ! i2 For-klfpake not vnto your fathers, nor j comtKaunded them , when I brought them out of' ; the land of Egypt , concerning burnt offrings and ' facrifices. ί 23 ButthistbingcoiDroandedlthem.faying, ' Obey my voyce, and ί will be your God, and y ee Iball ba my people : and walks ye in all the way ct i _ which I haue commaunded you , that it may be \ theLLrd.Sballthe/ 'fall, and not arife ' Ihallbe well vnto you. j tutne away and not tuine ag tine? 24 Bui they would not obey.nor incline their ! y Wrtereforeis this people of lerofalem t.r- eare.but went afcer the counfels,<»»i< the ftubburn- j ned backs by a perpetuall retjcllion i they gaue nefle of their wicked heart , and went backward ; theoifcluis to deceit,eni would not returne. #£:^fci<.ij, the Lorti, that it fliall βθ more be called Topheth,! cor the valley ot Ben-hinnom , but the valley of fl:ughtoi ;for they fliali bury in Tupheth till there be no place. 33 And the carkeifes of this people il^all be ine4ce for the foules of the heauen, and for the beafts of the eatth,and none ihall fray rhem away. 34 * Then I will caufe to ceafe from the cities cf ludah , and from the ftreetes of letufalem the voyee of mirth , andtheyoyces ofgladnelTe , the voyce of the briJegrome, andtbevoyccoflho bride : for the land Ihall be defolate, ^ CHAP, VlII. I Thi ieflruOiiH »/ the Itvts. + The Ltri mttUtlfi tkl P'>?'e to amendment. 10 HerefrelitiUeih the lyingl *'itr,Ht and the cometoufnejfe tfthe Prophets ifPrtefts.i J^ Τ that time,fiyth the Loiri , they Ihall bring out the bones of the kings V ludah , and the bones of their Princes , and the bone» of the Priefts , and the bones of th^ Prophets , and the bones of the iababicanti of Icrufaiem out of their » graues. 2 And they iliall fptead them before thefunne, «nd tne moooe.and all the hoaft of heauen .whom l'^ they haue loued.and whom tb.ey haue fcrucd.and whom they haui followed , and whom they haue lougbt , and whuia ttjey baue wotlhipped : they iliill not ac gathered nor bs buried ,J>ut ihall be LVu" as doung vpon the earth . 3 And death Ih^ll be defired b father then life of all the iclidue that retraineth of this {h wxked ramilie , which rea>aine in all the places wncre I haucfcattered them , fayeth the Lord of i hoaftes. | 4 Thou (halt fay vnto them alfo, Thus fay thi τ ^ _j OL II.•.- ,r ,1 ^., .....;/-. . ,1. .,1 L . F Is there BO hof« hat ihey win The enftnie for greeciicefle of iae dial I rifle urgriues.aui ay you before iofe idolti , which yoar ii.^e you worlhipped , to Cee ifthey cao helpe > Becaufeofihe iffliftioDsthac bty ihall fcdt gh Gods uJgeineuts, η Whereby he fceweth te«t«he paftouri ou^ht not leaue thiir flockei in their •bftinacie : for the Lord willvfe the {n:anes of bis fer- I to iinke the wicked more faul- tie, and to proue his ο In (igoeof Jiioutning , ai lob J.ao Micahi.i. ρ Againltwheiu be bad iull occati• onto powre out his wratfr. <) OfTopheth, iiMiiet.Kin3.aj.ro Τ But coiaia ^tuit. iS.ii.aad ^e.j.dqst.iS.lo, and not forward. 1$ Since the day that your father» came vp out of the land of Egypt, vnto' this day, I haue euen fent vnto you all my feruants the Prophets , ■» ti- ling vp early euery day, and fending them. z6 Vet would they not heate raee.nor encline their eare,but hardened their necke.enfi did woife then their father». 27 Therefore ihalt thou fpeake all thefeVord» vnto them , but they " will not heare thee : thou ihalt alfo cry vnto them , bat they will not an• fwere thee. 28 But thou flialt fay vnto them, This is a na- tion that beareth not the voyce of the Lord their God, nor receiueth difcipline : trueth is periilied, and is cleane gone out ©f their mouth. 29 Cut off chiqe ° haire, Ο lerufalero, and οΛ it away , and take vp a complaint on the hie pla- ces : for the Lord hath tciededaod forfaken the generation of his ρ wrath. 30 For the children of ludah haue done euill in my fight, fayth the Lord: they haue fct their aboa»nations in the Houfe, whaevpon my Name is called to pollute it. 3 1 - And they haue built the hie place of s To- phethi which is in the valley of Ben-Hinnom to bnrne their fonnes and their daughters in the fire, which I r cotamsnded them not. neither came it ia mine heart. j[ 2 Therefore behol J , the djyes come , &jtb 6 1 hearkened and heard . bttt none fp^ke aright ; no man repented him of his wick^.dneile. faying, What haue I done/ eijety <* one turned to jj'^y"^ their race, as the hotfe rulhetb into the battell. d They are full of hyuoctilie , and tuery one follow- c 1. a 1. • 1 1. It'"'' l^'S owne fan-, 7 iuentbeftotke in the ayre knoweth heritafie without«cy appoynted times, and the tucde.and the crane and «onfideration. the fwallow obferue the time of their comroirg,j^i,jJj"'^^''^^^j but iny people knoweth not the ' iudgement of ithey are more ig. the Lord. norantoiGod» 8 Howdueyefay.VVearewife.andtheLawteKo? ' of the Lord is with vs? Loe, certainely in vaine "their appoynted made he it, the pen of the fctibes i» in vaine. Mfom to difcerne • 9 Th: g wife men ate alhamed : they are afraid ^ι^^^''';"^ ''*«• and taken : loe,they haue reieited the word of the! f Tue Law d«etli Lord.and what wifedome is in the» ? jnotprcfiieyou, 10 Therefore will I giue their wiues vnto;"'i,'j".b«M''wri{. others , and their fields to them that iliall poffeffeiten for ought' that" them:* for cuery one from the leaft euen vnto'rou haue Je»ined the greateft isgiuentocoueteoufneffe.itn^ifom the Prophet euen vnto the Prieft ,euery one dea. leth falfly. 1 1 For they haue healed the hurt of the daugh< ter of my ρεορίβ widj fweete wordes , faying, ^ Peace, pface.whcn there is no peace. 1 2 VVete they afbamed when tbey bad com• ffiirted abomination ; nay , they were not afha• med . neither could they haue any ihame : there fore Ihall they fall among the Oaine : when I flul vifit them, they ihall be caft dowoe , ftyeib tht Lord, - — ii Iwil by it g They that feeme Vife , may be aQl»- med of their igno- rance .-forallwife- dom» confilleth ία Godi word. * lf».$6.iMh*i.fi ΛΚ,ίί.ΐ}. hRt»dcehip.«.j4, Ofdeceit and lyes Chap. IX. The true ioy, 6^ 1} I will fufilyconfume tfiero. faith the Lord: 7 Therefore thttsfayeth the Lord of hoaftes, there ibiiae no grapes 0.1 the vine, nor tigs on t> .e | BenolJ^ ί wiil ■> melt ti.eti) , anJ trye thero : for fi^tiei, an.: tne leafe ili^ii faile, anJ ye uiings that I naue gi juh tbciu Ib-il Ucpart from them, 14 VV.iy lioc we Ita/ f ' air;mok you. felues. anii 1« vs enter iii;o the (t ong ci ics, anJ l-.t vs be qiiiet there: for tneLorJoui c»oa haw put vs to lilence.and gijen v» wa^ei with ''gall to uiinKe, becaufe we nau. ft .ntd agaitift tlie Lor i. 1 5: * Wot looked for pc4Ce,but uo gi)oJ came, and for a cime of he^lt > .and bthi Jd tru ooles. 16 The neying of nis h^ifes w is heatd from I Da'i, the wSole ianj tretqbl.d *i t le lioile of ihe oeying of bislirongfcer/ii fo: toey aiecoroe.aod haue tleuou^ed tiie laou with all that is in it , the city.ind c ofc thac dwt. II tticrcio, 17 f.jt twhold, I will •" LiVJ fcrpeots and toc- katrices a oongjou , wnich wiiinoi be chariutd, and they liiill filing you.taitn u e Cord 18 1 would {,aue « cou f jrcctl my fclfe againft forow>«t raine heart is heauy m roc 19 BenolJ. the voycc of the ay ofthe daugH- ter of ray p--oplc f#r/>*rt «fthem of a farrc c jun- trey , Is not t.ie L jf J in Zi jo ? is not hei king in her : Wbr ο t-.a-ie they prouoked mee to an^er with t>it:ir gauen image», and vfiuuhevaitics ofaitiang-^ίίίί 20 Inci' aruiftispaft^heSummeriscndsiJ, anil ws aie not hoipen. 21 1 atu q fare vexed fot the hurt ofthe daugh- ter of ray people , 1 am heauy , and aUouiUimeDt bathiAeome. 22 Is there no balme ' at Gilead ? is there no Phydcian there» Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recoueredi fpe»lse«hia thcperfoiof ibe pijpie.wliu «hen thecacm.ecom' neth.wiilriiDae ■ba.ttobide tbcmfciues, and ai-lcDo.vledge -hat it l> G:>:itc.auJ. k Too. IS hath brought VI iato exitem-ifS.dioo, Mad tbus tary (hill ao««:mbMe hi» W'gae 10 toiiu e, fcnt [O Godi iult iudgemeat Cha^. 5 <;.»id «3 'ί• * CA4 »9. 1 ReadeCuap 4.1] m Goi ibrcameth to itud ibe B.bylo~>uat ama ;g tbem.wfao ftialnritfilydenroy them in fuch foir ai by ao ■nca.etibeyltaall tfcap*. IiR.:ad;Cbap 4.19 β Tbui [be Loid fpe-lc.ih ρ The people eW^ndeiihaiibiy liaue fo loag time leokeJforiuccot viiae q The Prophet ipsaheth hi». Ϊ Meioing , that no mio« beipe .. precioui baliue , Chip.+6.ti.oi elfe deriding rbevaioe cor ti.ienceof the people, who loolitd for hcipe at their PiidH , who illuuid haue beae ibe Pbyruiaus oi ebcir ζοαία , and dwelt at Oileid.HXe.S• CHAP. IX. X Tht comtlaittt tf the Prcphet ftr the mulice tfthe pee. fie- 14. in the knifVeledie tf Gci might rot enei} t» tef)ee. 2s The'vnctrctim(i[:i.nofthehtett, • The Prephet iheweh the great eompaHIon ill at be had lowai dibit peopie.fteing that hecoull iieaer fiilfi i>»tly l.nuQt thedertruftioe thai be fjw to h«Dg ouer ail bW if-h.y be liitked.ihilipriiBu η R'adC.p.8 4. 1 Seeing y.uca» do; Uinectyour owne lianrSfCiU fot hofefool Πι wo- nen, vvLoni of a fu« perltition you haue for the dead, thattbeyby their fainedteare» y piouokeyou ume lorovw. ο A» though tbey weary of VI, bfcaufeof out i asd none crq'd ί ad to ho-ef) man. f They h'-yr caoaoc foifake ic. g Tbey bnAJiixbtsioiiiiie and that tjUI'l Leu i3.it. wnat Iboulil I ttft doe for the daughter of my people i 8 Their tongu e * rr as an arrow (hot out, anc fptakcth dfceite rone fpcaketh peaceably to hi: neigiibour with his iroutd.but in his heart he lay. etti wait for him, 9 Shall 1 not vilit them for thefe thing':, faith the Lord ? or Ih-U not my foule be auenged oc fuch* njijoastrii ί " 10 Vpon the ' mouotaines will I take vpa weeping and a lamentation , and vpon the faire piac s ι fthe wildtrnes a ojourning , becaufe they arc: biKnt νρ,ίυ that none can paflc thon;W them, ntimer can men heare the voyce cf the flocke ; both the fade of the aire, and the beafiaie Bed away of Icrufalsiii out of their ί «graues 2 And they lliall fptead them before the funne, le» i and the moooe.and all the hoaft of heauen.whom jj^^^j^f "^^',?^^^ j they haue loued.and whom they haue fcrued.and jtaofe idoit» , which i whom they hau" followed, and whom they baue j lought.and whumtttey bauewotfliippsd; they ' ihM not oe gathered not be buried ,,bm Ihall be ^ as duung vpon the earth. 3 And death Ih^U be defired b rather then '. life of all the lelidue that retraineth of this I wicked ramilie , which reiraine in all the places Where I hiuz fcattered them , f^yetb the Lord of hoaftes. 4 Thou (halt fay vnto them alfo, Thus fayth ; the LtrJ, Shall thej ' fall, and not arife ' iliall he tutnc away and not tutneagiine? ί Wherefore is this paoglc of lerpfalem tur- ned backe by a perpetuall rebellion } they gaue The enetnie for greedioelTe of ' Ihatl rifle ■id life you orlhipped , to (it theycaohelpe Beciufeofihe iffliaioostbac •ihallfceic • ugh Gods iudgemeuts. is then BO hop» lat they win iturae? nefle of their wicked hcatt , and went backward j thenjfdues to deceit,d»ii would not rcturne iand not forward, 25 Since the day that your fathers came vp out of the land of Egypt , vnto ' this day , I haoe euca ^ fent vnto you all my feruants the Prophets , "> ti- ling vp early eiiery day, and fending them. 26 Vet would they not heate raee.nor encline their eare,but hardened their necke,e« Peace, pf ace.wben there is no peace. j* //j. ί β . n thaf. fi 1 2 VVeie they aibaraed when they had com- J'j^*"'^* 'J- iBJtted abomination ? nay , they were not afhaJ * »P-«J4. med , neither could they haue any ibame : there, fore ihall they fall among the Daine : when I flul vifu them I they Ihall be c^ dowoe , ftyeth the Lord, - - - Of deceit 3 nd Iyes< i ntfpttkethia the perTo I of the |ico(>ic,whi> yvbea tbeeacm.ccoai' iDiih.wiilriiaae abu.ttohidt tbemfeiues, inhat it 1• G^uL^iuJ. k Tna. i> bach bfoughi VI ioto exiicin''fi).dioa, •ad cbui laey Ihill sot •:1<ι1>< u hit fligatio loiiu e, fcac to Godi iuft iudgeaMot Cha^, 5.>/.aad tj If. * Chxf•)^ 19. 1 R»deCt>ap4.rj m Gu4 ibrcatDcih to feud the B-bylo'iimi g tbein.wfao Ihaliritoly dcRioy them in fuch fort ai by no et ibey OiaU efcape. DR.;ad;Cbap «i-ij β Tbui tbe Lord fpe-knh ρ The people «Vjndei ihitthiy baue Γο long lime looked for fuccor q The Prophet ipsaketh hii. Meaaing , that no miai heipe ω meanei J J I will furefy confume tiiem.raith the Lord; ipcs 0.1 the vine, nor tigs on Is < fi^ti et-, iin>; cie Teife ih Ji faile, and i|. le uiings tbai 1 naue gi jai tbcin ihiil Jcpar t from tncm. 14 VV.iy ilow: we Ita/ ? ' air;molc you felues. anil let tfs encer into the it ong ci les, an J lit ?» be quiet there : for tne Lord om t»oa haui piw vs to lilencs.^nJ gijen v-> wa^ei with•' gill to Jiinke, becaufe we nau^ fi ined agaiiift tlie Lori. I y * Wet looked tor pc4ce,but uo g^od came, and for a time of nealtsand bchwld trojolei. 10 The nejing of Oishuifeswts heard from 1 Dd'i, the wSole land trerqbl• d «t t le rtoil'e of itie oeytng of bisfttongfcor/i/ foi toey aiecorne.and haue deuoured tac Udu with all ttiai is in it > tbe city.uid t ofcthacdwdl therein. Ί 7 F^t bctiold, I will " Lno fcrpeots and toc- katrices a oong)ou , wrnch wiilnoi be charuicd, and (tie> lli-ll fting you.laitr. t.- e L'orJ 1 8 I would ί aae η coa f jftcd my felfe againft iarow.but mine heart is neauy in mc 19 benolJ, the voyce of the ay of the daugh- ter of my p,-ople f»rfeArt 'ft hem jf a farrc c juii- trey , Is not tne L jC J in Zi jn ? is not hei king in her : Wlif ο r.aue they prouoked mee to an^er with t^icir gauen images, and wiaitheva iacs ofaltiang-^oiif 20 Tile ρ arutftispaft^hcSummeriscnJeJ, andwsaienothoipec. II I rftt) q fore vexed fof the hurt of the daogh• tet of ray people , I am beauy , ΛηΑ aUoniaimeot bath taken me. 22 Is there no balme ' at Gilead ? is there no Pbyljcian there {Why then is not the health of tbe daughter of my people teeoueredf Chap, i X. The true ioy, 6^ 7 τ herefore thtjs fay«th the Lord of hoaftes, precioui balms , Chip.+e.n luulctd for heipe tbcir roulea , scd dM'elt at Oilead.Hof-«.S• CHAP. t tfatm : for in Gilead wai ding tbe vaine coi ti.^entrof tbe people,^ who illuuld haue beae the Fhyliciaui of ■ The Prophet iheweh tt-e great eompain on that ba<^ lowatdtbli peopie.fceiBg that oul t iieeet ftitfi reiitly limeat ihedeHtudiuB that he fjw to hang ouer ihmi. Wbichisafpeciill note to difcerne the irui pallor» im the hireling•, lit Chip. 4, 19. b H- Ibeweib uat Were more qnietoefli and ;erf.fe-yfor to dwell among thewiide t>Mlt> the. ■ amoDg IX. I Tfit comtlaint »f the Prophet ftr the mtlice of the pee. fie. 14, In the kai^vled^t »f Goi ought -at entlj tt Ttf^ce. 2« Theiticirctnuifiinofthehiert. QHithatroineheadwere/wft f^water.andmine eyes a fountaioe oftsares .t.iati roigr.tweep day and night for the flaineofthed-iighterof my people. 2 0;i, that I had in the wildernes a b cottige of wayfifing men , that I rright ieioe my people, and gofrora tl em: for they• be all' adultereis.and an allemV^Iy of rebels. 3 And thty bende their tongues likethek bowes ford lies : but they h-ue no Courage for the trueth vpon the eanh , fo. they proceed from eiiill to worfe, and they haue not knowm mee, faith the Lord. 4 Let cuery one take heed of his neighbour and [fuii vou not in any e brother : fir eutry bro- ther will vie deCiit , and cuery friend will deale deceitfully, y And eusry one will dec-^iue his friend , and wll notfpeakethe trueth ; for tney f ^aue taugi c tiiur tongue to fpcake lies , and take great paiues to do wickedly. 6 Thine ha nrafion is In the rrids of Jeceimrs; g becaufe of thetr deceit they refufeio kaow me, fitknow-' t Meanin(;,b3t!i lewet and Gemilei, ibe next verfe be ihcA'f tb tbt irigHteoufnefle in the eittb ; for in thefc things I jdelight.faith the Lord. f 25 Behold.thedayes come, fiith the Lord.tbat I will vifit all them which are ' circuoocifsd with the vDcircurocifed: 26 Egypt and ludab.ind Edom.and the chiU dren of Aramon , and Moab , at>d all the vtraoft cotnets of them that dwell iu the wildernes : for all thef* nations are vocitcumcifed , and all the boufe of Ifrael art vncircumcifed in the heart. Coucnattt* μ Oodforbiddeth bii people to giue credit or feare the conilelUtiooi and couiunftioni of i'ittitt and planetl, which baue no power of ihtm- feluei.but are go- uerard by him, aad their feciec inottoBtaadiDAu- .ences i ledgcjauety founder is confoLinded by the grauen ! ^ Themoie that image i for bis melting is but fililiood. and there |^at their lawei an ceremonies where• by tbey co firme their .dulatry, which itforbidien, Beut I» 30. e ThePropbetl vfe thui plaioely aid ljin;>ly lo let forih the vile ab- furdity of ihi ido- laters ,tha'. mco Blight Itjrne to be afhainedof that «vheicvato their corvupt naiure it moft fubicft, reade Jfa.44..2. it He tejcbe;h the peopJeio lift vp their eye's to God, «vho hatb alt pow- er ,a id ibe'efore ought oaely tob: fearid : and herein ieihi^Witbthim cot cn-ly the euill that they ought to efchew:but the good which th«y ought to follow, Reu.l..y.4. e Bccau'i: the peo- ple iboL:gbtthat tobaueimagei.wa» tim.heiliiWfti tin 16 The' portion of lakobwhot like them: be ptoouehimfeife for he is the maker of all things.and Ifraelw the :}° ^'« ' ^iie be.ft. rod of his inhericance : the Lord of Ooaaes it his ll, ^r 'ttfe wordi . _ * ortion and Kod« Name. he lignifietfa iheit 17 Τ '' Gather vp thy wares out of the land, Ο inheritance ,mea- tbon that dwelleft in the ftrong place. λ^^^Ί" ^nf a: η Ύ- 1. r• ii_r jr.11» 1• 'would be alj/iiffi« 1 8 For thus fayth the Lord , Beholde , at this icient for thsm.aad time I will throw as with a fling theinhabitmis that .heir felicity of the land .and will trouble them, and they ihilli"'"'"'^''. '-'>"" HEare yee the word of the Lord that he Ipea- i find it /i. _ !{hey?ught tHe!'* keth vntoyou, Oboufcoflfiael. j 19 Wo i$me formy deftru£tion,^«ii my grie-inouoce aiiotber 2 Thus faith the LorJ.Learne not the way of ! uqus plagae : but I tlwught ,Yct it 1 is my forowi'^^'P' "f f""our« the heathen , and be not afraid for the » fignes of j and I will beare it. j".., pf° ι.',ί'. "'• r_-j_ ...1. ^^ raMy Tabetnicleisdefttoyed.andalltryfk Ther.ophet cords are btoken;njy children are gone from me, ;wilietbtheiewe• and are not : there is none to fpread out my tent i,'°|i'^,'^*7b'is cTpti. the worke of the hands of the caipentei) with | any more,andtofit vpmy cuttaines. Uuiiy.lhewingthat ii Forthe Paftour$ " are become beaftes.andi•' wsinow atbaad CHAP. X. a Tht cenUelUtUrti of the flatrts are tttl to he feared. S The xpeakmrfe cf idols. 6 Of the power of Cei. at Their PAiiouri «re become hruit beaUes. Eare yee the word ofthe Lord that he fpea- keth vntoyou, Oboufeoflfiael. heauen.though the heathen be afraid of luch 3 For the b cuftomes of the people are vaine for one cutteth a treeouc of tbeforeft (which is rheaxs 4 And amthtr decketh it <= with filuer , and with golde : they f*fien it with nailes and bam- mers.tbat it fall not. y The idolei ttind vp as the palme tree.but fp^ake none vnderftanding : and all thf^«^o'^ 'h ία Behold.the noife ofthe bruit i» come.and notrthey are borne becaufe they cannot go : feare ^ a great commotion out of the ο North countrey.ifo) plagu uft ,aad there• II take i they doe good• 6 There is nonelike vnto diee.O Lord:^ thou art grear.and thy Name u great in power. Who would not feare thee.O king of nati- I to dired hi» ft;ps. of dragons. ^ Jpeoplehow, 23 OLordjIknow thatp thewjy ofman isiihaueihemf l not in himfelfe , neither it it in man to wilke andS 'owarti God ons ? for to thee appertaineth the dominion•, for [ atrong a'l the w.fe men ofthe Gcntilts.and in all ' their ki' gJomes there is none like thee 24 Ο Lord.corred saee.but with 1 iuJgeroent, not iti thine'aogi r.leaft thou bring me to nothing, ay Powte out ' thy wrath vpon the heathen 8 Bu: ale jgcther they dote , ajd are foolifl: j that know thee not , and vpon the fjmilies that ftr the liocke is a e doftnne of vanitie. 9 Siluer plates are broug t from TatH-siili.and goldff/om.Vphiz,/ir the worke of t.-'.e worke- miO,and the hinJs of the founder : theJblew filke and the purple ii their ci jathing : allthefe things ace made by cunning men. 10 But the Lord u ^he God of trnsthihe is the lining God.and an ens riitting King ; at his ang^r the earth Ihail tremble , and the nations cannot abide his wrath. 1 1 (Thus iball you fa- vnto them , The g^ds % that haue njt raadetne heauens and the ea th, fhall perifli from the earth , and fo.u vnder th.f; heauens) 1 2 He hath made the earth by .-is power.and eftablilbeJ thewjrld by his \vif.Jorui .and hath (iretched out the heaaen by bis dilcrction. 13 Hee giiieth by /'jj voyc= 'h; multitn-lc of waters in the neausri, and hee ca'.iPt'i the clnuJes afjend fom the ends of tne earth : hee turnetb lig.itnings to raine , and biingith fjtth the wind out of his tteafures TO H.ίheΛ•fth :ho/vIerufal«m Qial lameoi. η The gojercoutl and miniliers. ο Reade Cnap.4.iy. ρ Hefpe/k-th this becaufe that Nebuchadnezzar purpofed to baue made Waire agaioft the Moibies and ng of Zfdrkiahs tcbellioD.he lutned b s po^er togoagairift itreforetLe Pr:phet f>yih, that this wai the Lordsdire- t God had leuealed voto fcim ibe ceriituae ef their cap- iDilypiaieth , that be would puniCh tbein wib mercy, :alleibiDmfafure,Chap 17.3 nieafuriog bisrod>by ihtit infiraiiy, I Cor. 10. 13 foThereby iudg'raeitii mram not one!» the punitbm-nt. but alio the meicifiill modtraiion of the farte . as Chap. jo. it, r Foiafmuch as God caDDOtoiieiy be knoweoandglorifitd by his nurcy , that bee vftth toward bit Church , but aifoby his lullice in pjnilhing his tnem'e» , heepuKlb that this call not on thy Name:for they haue eaten vp laa kob.and deuouredhim , andconfumetl him «and baue made bis habitation dcfolate. Amminites.but bean leiuf^lem.Ei'k ii.J ftion. q ConfiJerinj tijitie, Chip. 7. 16 which Ifai gloiy may fully apptare both in itt CHAP. : and the other, Γί*Ι xt. mgi tliem totbekn ί b'iogeih m.r ferue God, and to bring .irt,ii((.lfafeih God uo Dd :rnnbtrer...rh,-'.s, w» ;o 'Wledje of uiiru.e'.f J AcurCe of them that cbcy nor thetvordof Giiittui' uant 10 thr teople e[ Ji'/l)'p ffr^K^i gJs. Ij The Lord for hiddllh Jerem'ahtopr») fnthem. Τ Hi word that came to leremiah from the Lord fa} ing, 2 Heare yee the words cf this couenant , and ipeak; vnto the men of ludah, and ty the iohabi- taitsof ietufalcmi 3 And (ay thou vnto them , Tnns fayeth the heb,iokr> .fth- rbitdcvia vaoitie , 'fa' WO'.lte of eirours, teachiri rf lyf«. r,.Dtraryto thai lay people, f Wr.irtaithey fjim reth that all hit hath t when they (hould b- ία Cildta .mDr.g heidjlat hee iuftfuae.h them bo-b biw topro-.e.t their >.• n- ie!;gi m ryfvu\ ■ f-iii ?nce Lo'd God ofifratl.'Curfo' be the man that oh.-yerh noc t.ie words of tris Ci.uenant, 4 VVhico i comtiaunded vnto your fathers. w. -n I broig t them out of the land of Fg, pt, fr j.T the . ron f 'mace, faying , Obey .r-y vo)Ct:, avjdoe ccording i.> allthefe things which I con mauod you : to Oiallye be my people . and I how they t er OieWcd them!elu.-s tettliii it on their p»rt,»Bd ίβ are lujieft le ih* < [fl:Qfd)(L•a P>«. a Heealletlitbc the COO" fiicraiion of Godt nercies, who fieely hofe their., ,.aHe allfelici.y with them, an-• how he euer p!Tf:iTtned it on bii b halfe, t-.Λ ftitt tofca, J h in . aDd biilM Oeut, X1-16' will The peoples idolatrie? ^ Thuihefpeiketh CfiaipmClI, will be your God, f Thir 1 may confi'Oie the oattie , that I baue fwofne voio your fuhers.tog-.ae mem* land, wiiic.ifljwtth with milke aad tiony. as apftertth The wicked >roIper, "^5 pcople.which a- creed CO (be coue• t Kuie Chap.;.!} in eke (κιτΓοη nf tbel tbis day. Tbcii anfwcred '> I, and fiidtSo be ic.O ϋ u:,u. j_^^j^ 6 Then the Lard fai J vntome.Criealltbcie Words in the citieiof luda'i.and i>j the ftreetesof lerufaleiD , Ciyirg. Heatc ye the words of this co- uenint.atid doe them. 7 For I hioe protefted vnto jcuf fjthers.when I brought them vp out of the Und of Egvpr vnto this day.cfifiig ca'sJy and protcftkig, frying, Obey my voyce. 8 Neue.-thel d"- they would not obey, nor en- dine their ewre; but eu ry one walked in the ftub- i Accoidingtohii: burnntffe of ois d wickeLi heart : therefoie I will :οΤ«ϊ:£Τ»ρ.| bring vpon the^ all the «words of this couenant poicied him vvoich I cotsisaadcd ihem to doe , but they did it e Meioiag, the ' qq;. ~mel"e"o the"" . ^ A^^ ^β Lord fai J vHco me . A f confpiracie Liw.Leuit.K. j Η found among the wsa of Iudab,afld amotg the J4.d«ut. 13.15. J inhabitant! of lerulaletn. co"«t»'lb*eT '° Tney are tumed backe to the iniquities of ■Xuaftme. ibeir forefathers , watch refufad to i.eare my Wordesrand they went after ©the•• geds to f?rue them : thus the boufe of Ifrael and the boufe of ludah baue broken my couecant .which I made with their fathers. 1 1 Therefore thus faith the Lord . Behold , I will bring a plsgue vpon them , which they fliall not beabietoefcapa , aud though they ale vnto me , g I will not beare them. I ζ Then ihill the cities of [udab. and the in- habitants of letufalim go , and crie vnto the gods vnto whom they offer incenfe.but they Ihiiil not be able to help: (hem ia time of cheii trouble. 13•» Fot according to the number of thy cities were thy gods, Ο Iadab,and according to the num- ber of the ftreetes of lerufalem baue ye fet vp al- tars ofconfuiion, fair inc. 13 And lione of them (hall remaine:for I tvilj bring a pl./gac νρυπ the men of Anatboth , tuen the yeere of ihcii vifitation g Seciuretbeyoril cat pray with true faiib and repfn• tance.but forihe fiBart and griefe whitb tbtj fecit, Frou.t.at. kRctileCbap.a.aS I ReajeChap.7,i« ■ 14.U. k My propTe of ΙΓ• tael.whom I baue kiihertofogieiilif loued . 1 Mraaing.that the ootmthe Temple to GjJ.bt vpon the altau of I «nd the idolef, f3 reioyced ia their wickedaet. m OftheBabrlo• ttwiaad Caldeao Chap. I. >. r Not that tb^y could not abide to they would fliew thHnltlues nult huly) but bee fliaipely leptooutd.and toersioie drfi.cd lo be fla inait..eioed iu their pleafurei , M'chih a. Ji. «u Amo>7.ia, CHAP. XII. I Tht Prtphelmatutieih nt thr prcfptritie tftht rvickei, , allhcughh' c>nteJ!G:it(,bttiihtt4Ui. jThtlfntl t are fi„i»k.tn of the Lcri. lo H' jpeahth tgutHfl f*ftttl I & fre/ichefi. that feducr the fetfU ^^tTit itrithrtaf 1 Helb de{lru{li m vnto Ike riAtiern thet trtubitd luink. I /*\ Lord, if I difpute with thee, thou are • ligb» ; ^-^ teousryet let me talke with thee oithy iudge- ments : wherefure doeth the way of the wicked : b profper ) t^t^y ^re all they in wealth that rebelli- oully iranfgtclle j 1 Thou baft planted them, and they baue ta- J ken roote : they grow.and bring forth fruit, thou I art neere in their mouth , and farre ftom their 1 β teines I 3 But thou.Lordknowett roe -.thou haft feene b Tbui he fpake.not for hatred. but being dcliteibf e,du mentut GjI» ρ and tbf veiify η hiJ rt-ur-l.wr.ic bT the tint, u.-li 'I'bistntm'ti. q Tow.t.ootbthe I'r.Tlh.n-i.herelt "f ikr people: lor to is rowilf Wal th« riwel- ,ni. rrade- ufcihey could ncd.Ifji 30 I o. and to U oot 10 hearc ν ice condemoed The Propheteni frfleib God to be ftiBallhiidoingi, «Ithoaghmaobenot able to giuearetfoa fall bit aAei. b Tbii queliionbatll me , aid tiied mine heart toward thee ; puU them b"" aiway a gtejt our like iheepe for tht flaugl iter, and <* prepare " them for the Jay of ilaughtet. 4 Hew long lliall the land mourne , and the htrbcs of euer^ hrlde wi her, f jr the wick.-dnetle of them that dwell iheteiii » the beai'.s areconfu- rocd,and the bitds.becauf.; they fayd.e He will not feeoui laftende y If thou haft runne with the ^footmen, and they haue wearied thee, then how canft thou match thy felfe with horfes } and if thou though• left thy fdfefafe in a peaceable land , what wilt thou doe in the fwelling of lorden? 6 For euen thy bitthren and the houfe of thy faihcr,euen they haue dealt vnfaithfully with thee, and they haue cried out akogetht-r vpon thee but beieeue them not , though they fpeake faire to thee. 7 I haue fotfaken ε mine houfe: I haue left mine heritage : I bane giuen the dearely beloued of my foule into the bands of her enemies. g Mine heritage is vnto me , as a b lion in the foreft : it crieth out againft me . thetefoie haue I hated it. 9 Shall mine heritage be vnto mee . as a bird Β Which wtBt aboatjtknow it , tutn then tbou Ihewedft mt " their pra- priuilytocoDfpire j^JCgj^ 119 But I was like a larobe , *r a bnllocke, that ο Lei vt de(»roy the 's brought to the flaughter .and I knewnottbat they haddeuifed thus againft cotcfaymg , Let vs " deftroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and cut him out ofthelandoftheliuingithathlsnatne j Eoay bs DO tuoce in memotie• | Prophet and hi»' doftrinj. Some reade.Let Vicorinpi bia men with t.>ntationtoibe gotily.tofeethe wi.kelenfrainof God inprofperiiie, and bit drare tbil• dietiin jduerlitie, •( loh.ii.;. pfilme 37 i.and 73 J Hibac. e They proftflc Go4 ia mouth, but deny him in htart, which it hereineant by the reitics.Ifa .j.tj. matth.ii.S. dTheEbiiwetwOrJ ii,Sitiftifie them, meanin?,ihai God would be fa aiSed in the deilruftion of thr-Aicked.te v\hoinf?oil fora whi'egiueth pro- futntie.thai after• vard they thould be More feele bit ifauie iudgement vbtn thfy lacke thfii richei,wbic& weic aftgoeofhi» ! AbuftngGcdsleni- i> and bisprcRiift», they flattered tbemfelueia» though God would euer be nWraifull .and not »:- terly deftroy them : therefore they hardened chemfeluei ir. finoe, till atlenjili thebeafti and infeDfible creatures fejtihe puniihrnent oftheirftubbuine rebellioa •gainU God. f Some thirke that God reprooueth leremiah , in that that bee would rcafon with hiiti.faying, that if he were oot able to inatth with meo.tbat he were ftne viiable todifpiite with God. Otheii, by the footemen.meane them of Anatboth : and by the horftmeo, thfitiofletufalemwfaich ihould trouble the Prophet Wprfe then hiiowne contreymendid. g God willeth the Trophet t3 denounce hi» iudgemeot» agiioR leiufalem.noiwithftinding that ibty fllall both by threatoing» and (latteriei .labour to put him to fllence. h Euer («niping «nd raging agaialt I0« and iny rtophet». The linnen girdle. Icre tiiabi t lafttadofbti- riog my liui.it, BD(iWtaUugo"fly inycoloat». thry hauecbaDge and diuerfiiif if co- loun of their iaolt ■nd fupctnitioDt: therefoie their eoemiei.ai ihicke as the f ulet ot the ail eftiall come ■bout them tode• Itroy them. k He prophecieth of the Heftruftio» oflerufa'em.by theca'ptainei of Mebuchad-Dezzar, VPhora he calleth paflori. I Becaufe do maa «gaideth my word, or the pleguei that I. fc«us-uat νφοη the land- lo To wit.the Prophe-.i . 'ofdiiKrs colours ?ife not the birds about her, faying , Come .aflemble all the be»fts of the field, coinetoeatehef} 10 Many paftours haue deftroyed ay k vine- yard , and troden my portion voder foote : of tny pleafant pottion they haue madeadefoIatewil- dertieiFe 1 1 They haue layd it waSe , and it , being wafte , mourneth vnto mee, λ»<< the whole land ly eth wafte , becaufe no man fetteth his mtnde on the finaeiofihe people. ο Fot io Read of ■ui;Ddinent,you fftvt worfe and wor(t)i9 God» p'ague» teltifi'd. |> MeaHing.tbe wicked enern-e• cfhii Church, . which blafpheined liitKiiiie aod ■whotsrhe woulJ punifli after that behith deliueied ki> people. q Afiffthatlhaue piiniflitd the Gen- «ilec } will h Church, e Η A P. XIII. 35e deflruHita of tbt Uvueiis prtfgutri. n XPhyJf,/ttl VMi retiineitotetktfttflttfCtd.MtiTr.) thiiyvtrt ferfakot i; He exhorteihlhemiireffmAtiee. *T Hus faith the Lord fnto roee , Goe , and buy •*■ thee a linnen gitdle,& put it vpon thy ioy-'jes, suidput itnot ir. wa-er. ' Sol bought the girdle according to the comtDandemeDt of the Lord , and ptti it τροη my loyncs. 3 And the word of the Lord came νικο mee the fecond tiroe.faying, 4 Take the girdle that thou haft bought,, which is vpon ύ\γ loynes , and at ife . goe to- ward * Fe>acb , and^idc it there io the cleft of the rocke. 5; So I went, and hid it by Perath.as the Lord had cotninanded me, 6 And after roauy diyes the Loid fayd vnto mee, Atife, g.je toward Perath , and take ti.e g^ir- dlefcooi tbence,which i cotZHsanded tbee tobi:!e there. 7 Then went ί to Perath , and digged , and tocke the girdle from the place where 1 bad hi J it, and behold, the ghdle was cotrupt ,andvtit profitable for nothing 8 Then the word of the Lord came vato πιβ» faying. ^ Thus faith the Lgr J , Aitet this οηηςι will I BilStctare this ri- uei -Perath or Eu- phrates wat farre - fiomlertifalrm.it iicuident that tbcl a Yifion, thereby WJ« fig- DiBed that the f*wn fljcuidpalTi cuerEophratei to becaptiuei in Bl- b^lou.andib're fot lecg'fa οι ttsae ihould fceme to be lottea , although they were iuyned tethe Lor 1 before girOic^bouta deSroy the pride of ludah , and Αέ ffttt pihleof lerufalem. 10 This wicked people bane refufed to hcare Bjy word , and walki af-cr the ttiibbtitnneffe of their owne heart, and walke after other gous to ferue them , and to wot (hip (hem : therefore they ihall be as this girdle , which is prcfitabie to no- thing. 1 1 For as the girdle cleaueth to the ]o\ nes of a man, fo haue I tied to me the whole houfi of If« rael.and the whole houfe of ludah, faith the Lord, that they might be my people : that they might haue a name» atid praife,and glory ,but the; woul4 i:ot heare. 1 1 Therefore thou fiialt fay vnto them this word , Thus fiiib the Lord Got of Ifrael . Euery ! '' bottell lli-H be filled with wine, aid they Ihall fay vnto thee,Doe we not know that euery botttll iball be filled wit.h winef i3 Then Hiilt thou fay vnto them , Thus faith the I. otd , BebolJ , I will fill aH the inhabitants of this land , tuen the kings that fit vpon the throne of Daaid , and the Priefls and the Fiophets ,and all the inhabitants of leiufalem with druDi;ea iiefle, 14 And I will = dafli them one againA another, eutn the fatheis and the fornes together, faith the Lord : I will not fpare, I will not pitie , nor haue Cumpaflion.bnt dtftroy them. 1 5 H-^a: e ai'd giue eare , be not proud : for the Lord hath ipt>kea it. !6 Giue glory to the Lord your God before fee biii gd darkenefle.and or cuer your feet Sum- bleiii the datke oxjuntains, and whilesyon iooke for e light . hee turne it into the £hidow of dtath and a ^e it as d^ikeneffe. 17 But if ye will not heare this , my foule llvH ^ weepe in ftcttt f>." y η thy fice.m that tl yijiljiiroe ms)• appeate• 27 1 taue fcfne th-.'ie iiuulteiiesard thy "ney ings, the hitbiiiefie ci tl y whoredome on'ihebil ■ ia. R'ep. Mtaoiog, for !ΐ^>β and fupport of the Eeyptianj. ' You ih'sll furely beledawiy capiiue» cdl.acsr.rding. omi eaffeftioa owatdi yoa, ΩμΙΙ weepe and fot your onelfe. f Fjr IchoiacUa idhii repcbei rdred than• feluei by Ifremi- afai couuf^'lto the g of Babylon, :iug.i4.ia b Tbatii,ofIudabi which lieih S ■u-hwardfiom Babylon i iikeththe g, where til jple ii hecoine. k ByfeL-kingto ' nger» f. r help» thou hill tnide skilfutlto fight jgiinit thee. I Thyauakeo hy- poi.rifi:lbaUbe (ulled cif >udth!^ fiiamefecae. Ai tbioe ioiqaM lie• hiuebeeoe ilfittoallthe id.fottialJthj^ Ciamcaudpunilh• «lent. n H' ' omp»i eth i,Hol»iei»iohotl«»' inSamedaftci Falfe prop letsi ο Tttere itao pUce foh:c nor , «vhereu the narkei and ligoe• efthiaeidoUtty ypcare aet. • Whict e«ti« for Ucke of taioe,** vcrfe 4. I Or.teftteint. b The word fig- nifictb to be made blacke, and fo is her taken fot exunne ietow. e To 9v!c,w!th aflisiiacokeiiof foiow. i Meaning, that thebtuubrattei fot dieught were compelled to forfak their youtig, cooiraiy to nature, «od to goe feeke water, which thty could not Ande. e Which are fo bete ofoature, that tbeycaunoe be cooled with drinking of water, but Hilt ^ape for ihi aire 10 refrefll thein f He Oieweih the onely way to remc- ^eGodi plaguei, which ii by «ofaioed coufeflion ofour fieaei.and re turning to him by repentance. g That taketb no care for τι . b Asooetbac haih (irength to hcipe , and yet it afraid to put to hii hand. i B.efUii,en.thea,d. ,2 OffT Though the I'ropheckncw huGodbadcaft iff ihe muhitude, which wrre hypo< criiet.asd baitjrd CHildren.yet he Wat alTured that for hii prcmife fake be Would Cfauicfi, f r the which he praye.h. He leatheth be Chutcb a fot me of prsyer to huruble thftinfehietto _ Gcid by true re- ly meane to auoyde thii famwe, , ,hich wai thebegi»• Gentiles.that can glue raine i or can the heauens giue ihuwrcs Is it not thou , Ο Lord out God? therefore wc will waite vpon thee: fot thou halt made all thefe things. Ρ Mcai'ing, their idoli.ieadeCha j.ie, CHAP. XV. I The Lcrdlvfuldheare nt frajfrfur the lexvtl, 3 hnt threetneih to deittcj them rtnh fturt plaguei. iihitntd.and. couered their heads. 5 yea.ihchinde alfo caiued in the field , and fbrfooks <* it.becaufe there was no g'afle. 6 And the wilde afles did ftandinthehigh places,8c drew in their wind like « draguns : their eyes did faile.bccaufe there was no grade. 7 f Ο Lord , though our iniquities teftifia againft vs.dcale mif /> vs according to thy Nitne: for our rebellios are icaoy.we finned againti thee. 8 Ο thou hope of Ifrael.the fauiour thereof in the time of trouble , why art thou as a s Granger in the kad , as one that palleth by , to cary for a X Hen faid the Lord vnto me , » Though Mofes nighti j and Samuel flood before me.j'it mine affeoti- 9 Why art Aou as a man aftonied , and as •" a {on could not be toward this psople: caft thtm out ftiong man that cannot heipe ? ytt thou , Ο Lotd, | of my light.and let them depart, art in the midsofvs, and thy name is called vpon I ζ And if they fay vnto thee, Whither fl-sall we vs : forfake vs not. j depart?then tell them.Tbus faith the Lord,* Such; 10 Thus faith the Lord vnto this people.Thus | as are e/j/ie/jjfii/ to death, vnto death: and fuch as! haue they delighted to wanderrthey haue not re- | are for the fword, to the fword: and fuch as are;i,^"he had' deTeL,. frained their feet.thetefore the Lord hath node- : forthefittiine,tothefatEine ;andiuchasarefof Ined tbeconrraiy," light in them :έ«ί bee will now remember their thecaptioitie.tothecaptiuitie. l**^'*'*' iniquity.and vifit their fiones. 3 Andl will appoint ouer them foure kindes.l• "'*•"••• 1 1 Then faid the Lord vnto mee,• Thou flialt faith the Lord , the fword to flay , and the b dogs k The dogi^birdt to teare in pieces , and the fouJes of the heauen.knd bean• (h«uid ' and the beafts of the earth to deuouta , and tode- P'""";;» ;'>"n that η (were fijine '*'°y• . ^ c The word fig. 4 I Will t fcatter them a]foinallkingdott$of|nir«thiorunu;te Dce for » Meaning, that f there were apf "«n liuing moouej with fo great zeale ^aid the people were tbefe tw», t that he would gtjntthisre- the earth , <> becaufe of Manaffeh the fjnne of He- P"d fo for feare zekiahKingofludab.for that which he did InlTiJuTrZT^t not pray to doe this people good. I ζ When they faft.l will not hearc their cry, and when they offer burnt offering , and an obla- tion , I will not accept them : but I will confume them by the fword , and by the famine,and by the peftilence. 13 ThenanfweredI,AhLorJGod,behold,the lerufalem. fe prophets fay vnto them .Yeefliall not fee the I 5: Whoftall then haue pitie vpon thee.OIe-l'' ^'°"''»"''e fword. neither iliall fatnine come vpon you, but I j rufalera 1 or who flball be^ fory for thee } or who if '^ ^ί,^'ί^ " p""'""* wiilgiueyouaifured peace in this place. j flialigoe to pray for thy peace? '(inoeoad/.'t-utfot 14 Then the Lord fjid vnto me.Ths prophets I 6 Thou haft forfaken me. fayetb the Lord,<»>;i^;''='i'°«'n<^ii=o'« j prophecie lies in my name:* I haue not fent them, ! gone backward : therefore will I ftretch out mine u^rto'ied' o^bii^"' neither did I command them, neither fpake I vn- j hand againft thee , and deftroy thee -.for I « am U icke^aene, " to them , but they prophecie vnto you a falfe vifi- | wearie with repenting, t^°^ ?'•»• And I will fcatter them with the fanne f in on , and diuination, and vanity.and deceitfulneiTe of their owoe heart, ly Therefore thus fakh the Lord.Concernirg the prophets that prophecie in my Name , whota I haue not fent , yet they fay , Sword and famine ihall not be in this land,by fword aod famine ibal thofe prophets be confumed. 16 And the people to whom thefe prophets do prophecie ibalbecaft out in the ftreetes of lerufa- Icro.becaufe of the fairine.&ihe fwotd.and there ihail be none to bury them : both they and their wiuiS , and their fonnes.and their daughters ; fjr I villi powre tbeir wickednes vpon them. 7 the gates of tr.e eartb: I haue ν/ίΆίά,αηά deftroy- cd my people , yet they would not returne from their wayes. 8 Their widowes 8 are increafed by me aboue the fand of the fea : I haue brought vpon them, and againft.the U aflembly of the yong men.a de- ftroyer at noone day: I haue caufed hmttofiW vpon them , and the citie fuddenly and 3 fpeedily. 9 Shee that ha-h borne ^ feueu ,hath beene made weake: her heart hath failed:the funne bath failed ' her.whiles it was day .llie hath beene coo. founded 1 and alhamed , and the refidue of them Ii a will That it, I will ;ke mf plague, or fpate theea:y more. Γ -Meaoing , the g Becaufe I bid iaine their huf- hindi. 0 Or , mithrr. Or , f.arefHllj, She that had any, loiiallher lildieo. She WMdelroyeJ the raids ofhec profpetity. ί odaffifteSKsi lercn ilihi Tfophtts wordi, eomplaning of chi obltinaciecf cbe feop\t,3.ad that be »vas rcferued to fa rvicked a time : evheteina'fo be fhtweth what is the condiiion of «odsminifteti: ti •vit.tohaueallth Boue occali Which is ΙειΓκ that my hft daye» ftiould be quiet : and by the enemy JiemeaDtthbtf're, Webuzzardan tbe taptaiaeofNebu. «!iadnc2zar, who jaueleiCmiabihe «boife either tote• ■inaine in hiicoun- ^ trey, of to gowbi- i iher he would : or ι by tbe ecftmiehe • vrhich ftould af- iP'*8F teiward know le- «emiafes fidtliiy, and iheieiore fa- uour him. m A» for tbe pf 0- fU , though tbey ieereed (ttnng ai yron, yet iliould they net be able toiefiljtbebaid yron of Babylon, but ft:ouId be led cauiiutsA J Or , rxnfcme, ο He fpeaketh not this for df fire of reuengeance, but wiihing thai God would deliuer bli Church ofihtnj iwhom be knew to bs hardened ,and incorrigible. ρ Ireceiuedthera vrith ai great ioy, as he that itaffamillied.U'eth meat, qlbjd nothing* doe with the wicked coniemneu of thy word , but lamented bitterly for thy plagues : ihewiuj what the faithfull ihculd do when tbey fee toktni of Godi «oger. r And halt botalTilted met according to the' ptomifj? wherein ap- fieareth ihitin the Sj'ntsofGod iiimperfeftion of fifth , which thiough impa- *iencie hHt they ilialbe ».i (!ung ?pon the earth , end they ihall be cocfamed by the fword , and by famine, and their catkeiff s fl-all be meat for the foules of" the heauen.and for tbe beafts of the eaith. y For thus faith the Lord.b Enter not into the l> signifying . ibu boife ef mourning.neitl.crgoe tolarocTit, norbe mooued for th(m:for Ihaue taken my puce from this people, fahh the Lord ,<«e» mercy and compilion. 6 Both the great and the fmall ihall die in this land : tbey fliall not be buiied , neither iliall men laiuent for them , <= nor cut themfelues , nor make themfelues bald for them. 7 They fliall not ftretch out the hands for them in the mourning to comfort them forthedeaJ, neither ihall they giue them the ^ cup of confola- ti jn to drinke for thtir father ot for their mcther, ' 8 Thou ihalt not alfo goeinto the houfeof feaftirg , to fit with them to eat and to dri ke 9 For thus ftith the Lord of boaQes.the God of Ifrael , Behold , I will caufe to ceafe out of this place in your eyes , euen in your dayes.tbe voyca cf mirtb,and the voycc cf gladnefl'c.tbe voyce of the btidegrome.and tbe veyce of the bride, 10 And when then Hult iliew this people all thefe Wurds,and tbey fl:iall fay vnto thee,* Where foie fcath the Lord pronounced ail this gieat pbg le againft vs ? or w.iat is e our iniquiiie ί and what is ou) finne that wee haue comaiitted againfl the Lord our God? 11 Then /liaU thou fsy vnto them, Becaufe yci:r fatheis haue fotfaken me.faiih the Lord.and h:ue walked after other gods, and haiieferiied them , and worlhipped tbera , and haue fotfaksn roe , snd bane not kept my Law, 1 1 (* And 5 e haue done wotfe then your fathei s: for behold, you walke euery one af;rt the ilub- burnnes of his wicked heart,& will not heare me ) 1 3 Therefore will I driue you out of this land into a land that ye know rot, «rf^ir you no» your fathers .and there ye Itall ferue other gcds day and night; for I will fl-.ew you no grace. 14 * Behold therefore,faith theLoid.thedayes come that it fhih no more be faid , Tlie Lord li- ueth , which brought vp the children oTiirad out ofthe land of Egypt, ly But, The Lord Itoeth .that brought vp the children of Ifrael^ from the land of tte North, vuderCbrift. and from ail the landes where hee had feat tered g uy tbefiih< thcro.and I will bting them againc into their land that I gaue vnto their fathers. 1 6 B±old, faith the Lord.I will fend out ma- ny Ε fiiliers.and they iliiUfiflithem.and after will I fend out many bimters.and they iliall hunt them from euery mountaine « and from euery bill ,and Β MeanioE, that th< «ffllftioBiiiculd be fo horrible in lerufalem , that wife and children {hoaldbut Incitare bit foiow. *Chaf.f,ii, e Becaufetie wie• arealwayes rtbrllmus , and dif- fenible their o'wne finDei.aodmurniHre agaiaft Godsiudge- tbough he ha 1 no iufl caufe to ru--iih ihtm , he ' ewetb him what anfwife. Chaf.zyy. f Slgri.fybpthe At o; thtir de« l.uer.nce outef Babylon (he u'.d 3e fogreit, thjtit " uld abolifli the remtmbrauceof heir drliuerance from Egypt: but he hberechiefly refpeft to the Ipiti• follow tby godly example, y I wiUarmethee with an inuincibl COOittDcie , i» tkit all the powers of the world ihall cot cue CHAP. XVI. » The tori fnhiiiin% leremiah tatmnit ,^etveth him VhatjbjHUbetheiiffliaisnfUpmludth. 13 The c.ip- tiuitiecf^ttj.'e». is Their deliuerance. ii) The cal- ling tfthe Gentilei. Ύ He word of the Lord came alfo vntomee» faying, 1 Thou Ihalt not take » thee a wife , nor haae fonnes nor daughters in this place. 3 For thus fayth the Lord concerning the fonnes, and concitning the daughters .that are ,. ., ,^., ^o , r, . borne in this place.andconcerninl their irothers ι of the world.andil^ll fay. Surely ourfathers hau; _ _ _ that beare them, and concetning their fatheis i. inheri!edklics,4»< '^^ «**• out cf the caues ofthe rocks, 17 For mine eyes are vpon all their wayes: they are not hid from my face.neithej is their ini- qaitie hid from mine eyes, ]3 And firft I «ill recoirpenfe their iniquitie and their finne double , becaufe they haue defiled my land , and haue filled mine inheritance with their filthie Ί cations and their abominations. 19 Ο Loid, thou art my ' force .and my (irength and my refuge in thedayof afflidion: the Gentiles fluU come vnto thee from the endes tDd luaters are meant he Babylonians and Caideans J who iliould delnoy '.hem fuch fcrt , thai if ttey efcaped the her ihculd tike them, h That is, their founts and daugh• ters , wi;ich they otTered tu Molecb. i He wondretb at the great mercy of God in this deli• utrance.whicb ihall not onely extend to th: lewei , but »lfu tp the Gentile•. k Our fathers were moil vile idolaters, therefore it commeth onely of Gets mercy, that he that beget them in this landi 4 They lliall die of deaths dwiidifeafes: they I flwll notbelwented^ieither IhaUthey bcbaticd, | 'ofy «« "» S^as? 11 BehoUi Thefcdrcb cr of hearts. I Tbey QuU once agiine Utit mj power, aad racicie for their Weliue- rance.tbat they m* leaiui to weimip α The roncra• bran ce of their lapt of God caaaoi pafle, albeit for a time bede• ferre thepuaiih- ment.for it (hall fcemanifelt la aad An- b lafteadofthe Law of God, they haue wtitten ido- Utrie and all abo• tnijiaiioaiia their heart. c YoQr finnestp- peate in all the al- tars chat you baue ereftcd to idoles. d Sorui leade, So that th;i( children remtmbit their altati.tbaiil, fal- low their fathers wicltednefle, e Zion that was my mevntaine, filall now be tefi: .«lawallefield. f Becaufe thou Wouldelt not giue theiaad lelt, at fucb times, dayes, andyeerei as 1 ap- poimtrd, thou (halt liereaf:er be carird away, and it Uiall reftfstUckeof laboureit. g The lewei were giuen to worldly policies aad thought to nuke theroleluei Itiong by the friendftlip of the EgyptitQS. ira.31 3 acd ftran- gets.and in the meane feafon did oot depend on God,and iherefore he deoouaceth Godf plagues a^ainathem, fiicW ing rhit tbey pre- ferre coriuptible tnau to God, which is immor- tall.Ifa.a ,i. C6ap. ^S.S.7. h Readerr.l. 1.3, i B-caufe thcwic- krlhiueeuer ioii!TX uferode- fejl theif dciags, be flliweth that theirowne lewJc 21 Beholds , therefore I will this once i teach ! theo : I will Hijwe tbsm mine hand and my powir ,aud chey iballkaow tbatojy Name is the Lord. CHAP. xvir. J Thcfrni>erHnefeefthele:ves, f Curfeiht thtfe th»i fut their cinfiicnce inrriAn. 9 JUxmheert iswicktd. 10 G«< is the fitrcher of the heart. 13 The Iming waietserefirftke». il The right keeping of the Sub- bMh ;> ammittiei. •J" He fione of* luJah ii written with a pen of yron , and with the point of a diamond , and graucn rpon the b table of their heart , and νροα ibe homes of your c altars. 2 ^ They reraensber their altars as their chil- dren , with their groues by the gteene trees νροα the high hils. 3 Ό ray mountaine in the field , I will giue thy fubftance, and all thy trearures to be fpoyled, for the finne of thy high places throughout all thy borders. 4 And thou il^alt reS , f and in thee piall be a rtfi from thinehsiitagetfcat Igaue thee, and I will caufe thee to fetue ihine enemies in the land, which thou knowcfi not : for yee baue kindled a fire in ojine anger,»//»,;/? Ibali burns for euer. 5• For he ihall be as a tree th»t is planted by the water, which fpreadeth out her rootes by the riaer, and iliall not feele when the heat comm :th , but hei leafe iliall be greenc.and Ihall not care for the ycere of dtougrit .neither Ihall ceafefrom yecUing fruit. 9 • The heart is deceitfuU and wicked abous all things , who can know it? 10 I the Lord fcarch the heart , anditlt the reines , euen to giue euety tuan according to bis wayes , and accerding to the fruite of bis works. 11 ^-^t the Pittrich gathereth the young, which iliee bath not brought foorth •./« he that gettetb riches , and not by tight , fliall leaue them in the cniddes of his dayes.and at his end ihall be afoele. 12 .-^^ agloiious throne 1 exalted from the beginning , /o is the place of our Sanduary. 13 Ο Lord , [hi bope of Ilrael , si! that for- fake thee , fliall be confounded : they tbat depart from thee, ihalbe written m in the earth .bccaufe they haue forfaksn the Lord , the fountaine of li• uing waters. 14 Healemee.O Lord, and I ihall be whole: η fauc mee , and I ihall befaued ; for thon art my prajfe. I y Behold.t• they fay vhto me , Where is th word of the Lord? let it cftne now, 16 But ρ I hane notthrnft in my felfe for ftonr after thee , neither haue I defired the miferie , thou knoweft that which came out of mi lips was right before thee. 17 Be not q terrible vnto me ; thon art mini hope in theday of aduerfitie. TEe pottefsjot, i% I lithe rapai day 05 ο The tvckerf fjy ibatmjpro. pbecieftiallTiot come topaflejije- caufe thou defer, reil the time of thy vsngeance. ρ I am alfured of myvocation, aad tberefoieknow tbat the thing thou fpea- B.e , Ihall and laagiaaticDt deceiue them , and bring them t niences : but God win examine their dcedsby tfee 1 tbrfeincomie- lice of theif heart! , I . Sam. IS. 7. 1 Ctron.iS.j. Pfal.7, 10 Cbaj-'.it so and 20. la. Reuel.1.13. k At the fartrichby calling gathereib others «hichfoifite brr.w hen they fee that ihee il Bat their damme : fo thecouetous man ii foifikeu of Bis richts, Uecaufe he com• mcih by them falfely. 1 Shewing tbat the godly ought 10 glory ia noibiog.bat in God. whodoeib exalt his, and ba.h left a ligie of bit fauour in this Temple. in Their names (ball ntt be legiiiredintbe bookeoflife. η He dcfKeibGcd to piefctue him that bee fill oot into lentation, confideiing the gtt«sOBtCBptof G jd* WOi(i ) «ad tile iMpltitude that fallft'om Cod, . S:bba^ and dcftroy them with double d€-jof"^'-^'^'|''"" ftruaiOD. ■ aff=ftion.° 19 Thus bath the Lord faid vnto me, Goeandk H,.wfoeue» tbe ftand in the ("gate of the chUdten of the people. j^„;;^;^^ t''ih me whereby the Kings of ludah come in .andby the!ytl°et αΤΙηάΤ which they goeout,and in all the eatesofIerD.|eo»fcrtmibee. faJem. jr^Re^eChap. 20 And fay vnto them, Heare the word of the 5\vbe reai thy Lord ,yee kings of ludah , and all ludah , and all doftriae may be the inhabitants of lerufalem, that enter in by ί' V°fr''u°'' ^ thefe gates. .^c^b ofb.gh.oi 2 1 Thus faith the Lord , Take beede to your : By namiog the foules, and beare no burden in the t Sabbath day, Dof bring it in by th.e gates of lerufalem, 22 Neither catie forth burJecsout of your houfes in the Sabbath day : neither doe yee any wcrke.bat facdifiethe Sabbath, as I comman- ded your fathers. 23 Bat they obeyed not.neither inclined their eares, but made their neckes ftiSe, and would not heare, nor receiue coireftion. 24 Neuerthelefle.if ye will heare roe,laith the Lord , and beare do burden through the gates of the citie in the Sabbath day , but fandifie the Sab» bath day,futhat ye do no worke therein, 2f Then iliill the Kings and the Princes enter in at the gates of this citie , and Ihallfit * vpon the throne of Dauid, and iliall ride vpon chatets and ''^* Chtf. aj.i, vpon botfes , beth they and their ptinces.the men ! of ludah , and the inhabitants of lerufalem : and this citie ihall remaine for euer. 26 And they il-iall come from the cities of Ικ- dab.aad from about lerufalem, and from the land of BeniacDin , and from thephioe, and from the meuctaines.and from the South, which lliall bring burnt offerings, and facrificts, and meat cfferirgs, and incenfe.dzi^ Ihall bring facti^ce cfptaifeinto thehoufeoftheLord. 27 But if ye will not heare me to fiHOlifie the Sabbath day.and not to beare a burden,nor to go through the gites of lerufalem in the Sabbath day , then will 1 kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it fliill deuoure the palaces of lerufalem «and it iliall not be quenched. CHAP. XVIII. » Gti (beneth ty tie example tf * pi>iter.,that it is in his fcWtr to irfirii) the dtffifns t,fhis trcrd. iS The coi;f(i-\ recie tf the Urves agatnft lirttniah, 19 His pa)er\ egainjlhts niuerfxries. ' Τ He word which came to leremiah from the Lord , faying, X Arife and go dowae into the potters houfe, and there iliail I ihew thee my words. 3 Thenlwei^ downe to the potters houfe, and behold, be wrought» woike on thewheeles. 4 Andthe velftlthat he made of» clay ,was broken in the band of the potter , fo be retumad, and made it another veffel , as feemed good to' the potter to make it. y Then the word of the Lord came vnto me, fayipgi Aitbr potter ha-.h power oner liy to make wbar pot he wiM, or to breake them• when he hath rcaJe them : fo baue I power ouat you to doe with you ai feemeth good to me ,Ift, 4; si.wifd.ij•^. fi nhricli Rumvo••»»• Eaillfotgood, leremiab* The blood oj innocetits^ 6 Ο honfe of Iftaei , canrtot I doe with yoa |as this potter.faith the tord } behold, as the day lis in the potters hand.ro are you is mine band, Ο ||houfeoflfrael. 7 I will (peake Suddenly againft a t^atbn . ot k vehn At Scrtp• ί 'gainS a kingJocDe to plucke it vp , and to roote imeiittibutMh (it out.and to deftroy it. ! 8 But if this nation againft whom I haue pronounced , turne from their wickednes , I will b repent of the plague that I thought to bring 'vpon them• i 9 And I will fpeake fuddenly concerning a jnaiion.and concerning a kingdomc to build ic [and to p'antit. [ lo But if it doe euillin my fight .and heare ! not nay voyce.IwiU repent of the good that I • thought to doe for them. / 1 1 Speake thou now therefore vnto the men init) takithdo jof ludah .and to the iobabitants of lerufilem, fiiace : «cd tbii the dying , Thus faith the Lord , Behold , I prepare a Iplague ifor you , and purpofe a thing againtt you: retufneyou therefore euery one from biseuill Wiy , and make youi wayes and youi woikes good. I ζ But they fjid "= defpetately , Surely we will walke after our owoe imaginations , and doe eue- ry man afttr the ftubburnnelTe of his wicked heart. 15 Therefore thus faith the Lord , Aske now among th c heathen , who hath heard ilich things? the virgin of Ifrael hath done very filthily. 14 Will a man forfike the fnow of Lebanon, !?.".", "™ J T„""' i»hich cerfimeth from the rocks of the Held ί '^ or llulhhe cold flowing waters .that come from a- nother place.be forf.ken? I y Becaufe my peeple hath forgotten vatAnd iijcauget» a'ttdVtaue jhaue bumt iticenfe to vanitie , and ihttr prepheti eoawbkhwji haue caufed them to ftumHe in their way i.s fro»» prcfcotwi.hth.iH. the 'arKient wayes, to walke in the paths and e That 11, the way ί , . ' , * eftruttbwhich I way that Κ not trodeo, God had taught ■ 16 To make their land defolate,4«if 3 petpc- br hii Uw. teade ^,]) detifion./o that euery one that pafleth (here- f I win fhewmine | by ^l^*" be aftonilhed and wagge his head, •nger and not my j 1 7 I willfcattcr then) witti an Eaft winde be- iauour towaid | f^jg the enemie : I will Ihew them the backe.and g This aignment ! *^H0^ ^^6 face in the day of their deftiiidioii. the wicked baue S iS Then fiiJ they. Gjrae.and let vs imagine the fe'*i!in'tro'f* ί ^°°^^ ''^"''^ agiinft Iv remiah; for the Law t Ihall eoa'TbeChurth iDotpeti'b from the Prieft , nor counfell from the eatinot erre ; we | Wife ,ποΓ the word frocD the Prophet : come.and "V h* ^f'""'''' '®' " ^™"^ ^''° *"^ '^^ ^ tongue , and let vs not whofo'L" fpeaketJ δ'"*^ ^""^ '«> ^'^^ °^^'^ "'0'•''*• «gaioiivt, 19 Hearken vnto mee.O Lord, and heare the they ughitodif, voyce of them that Contend vfith me. Ch'^^l^'aD'djo.i, Ό Shall euill be recoropenfed fjr good Ifor 2.4. an j they haue digged a pit for my iiule : reraeraber tbuithefaife that I ftoodbefore^thee.to fpeakcgoodfoi them, and to turne away thy wrath from them. 2 1 Therefore,' deliucr vp their cbiL'ren to fa- mine, and let them drop away by the force of tlie fword , & let their wiues b: robbed of their chil- dren , and be widowes : and let their husbands be put to death , and let tneir yong men be I'aina by the fword in the battell. 21 Let the crye be heard fioro their houfes, when thou (halt bring an hoafte fudi!en4y vpon theoi ; for they haue digged a pit to take me , and hid fnarcs for my feet. /«pentaocevnto Cdd.it iiDot that lie doetb contiarf to that which be batbordeined in fait fecret counfell: but when bee tbreataetb.it ita cilliog to repen- taDce.and when be giaetb inaa jfacetotepeot, the tbreatuing (which eutr con- eodition fcrlptute calletb repentaace ia God.becaufe ii fo «ppeareth to niaoi iuigemtm. s At m:D ihat bad no remotfe.but were altogether btnttetebellioa and to their ewne felfe will. d Ai no man ih»t bath thirlt refufctb freth conduit watei'i which be bath at bome.to goe and ferke wa- ters (.broad to «jueuch bittbivft: fo they ought not to ferkefor heipe «nd fuc futtne. Church prrfecute the true Church, which lijndeib noi in outward pompe, but isknowfn by tbr grtcet of the bcly Gboft. h Letvs fiander him.andaccure him: Tor we (hall be be'eeuetf. i Seeing the ob- fticate malice of Ibe a.Hu, which t ■clayly loreanj more, tbt Prophet being mooued with Godi Spirit, 1 affeftijn priycth fci thtir deiltuaioo , becaulehe katwe that it ilioi U lead le Codt gloiy , and piofii of bit Chuiib. ; 23 Yet Lord thou knoweft all their counfell ί againft me tendtth to death : forgiue not their iniquitie, neither put out their (mne from thy \ ijght.but let them be ouerthrowen before thee: } deals thui with them in the time of thine anger, i C Η A P. X I X. Heefriphicieththe Aeflruilitn cf Jtyuftlemfttthecin• ttmpi r.nddtffifin^ tf the Tsori tf Gad. "p Hus (aid the Lord , Goe , and buy an earthen bottell of a potter , and take of the ancients of «he people.and of the ancients of the Priefis, 2 And goe forth vnto the valley of Ben-hin- nom, whicn is by the entry of the D Eaftgate : and thou llialt preach there the words , that I iliall tellfi. O'. £*te "•/ Λ§ thee, 3 And ihalt fay , Heare yee the word of the : Lord , Ο » Kings of ludah , and inhabitants of le- 1 ; rufilem , Thus faith the Lord of hoaftes , the God f Br Kingt here tai ' °fIi^»^l-B^hoU.If" bring a plague vjion this ^-;ίΤ:<ί:!:ί:!ι:;: ί place, the which wholoeucr heareth , his eares laud goutmourior : ihall b tingle. |the people : whidi 4 Bsciufe they haue forfaken me.and propha- 1*"' 'j*^^^ '^^^^. , ned this place .and haue burnt incenfe in it vntoC^Ri^deoVtViJ' other gods, whom neithtr they, nor their fathers 'hraie, t.Sam.j.i^; ί haue knowen , nor the Kings of ludah (they haue \ filled this place alfo with the blood ofinnocents, : y And they haue buih the hie places of Baal, I to burne their Ibnneswith fire for burnt off ings ' vnto Baal , which I c commanded not , not ipake it.neither came it into my mind) 6 Therefore behold.the dayes comc.faith the Lord.that this place iLa'l no more be called <* To- pheth , nor the valley of Ben-hinnom,but the val- ley of fla'Jghter. 7 And 1 will bring the counfell of ludah and I' lerufalem to nought in this place . and I wi|l caufe .• them to fall by the fword before their encmits. ,< and by the hand of them that feeke their liues: ί and their catkeifes will I giue to be meat for the ' foules of the heaucn , and to the beaftes of the field. 8 * And I will make this citie defolate.and an hii5ng,/e that euery one that palfeth thereby .dial be aftonillied and hiffe becaufe of all the fdigoes thereof. 9 * And I will feed them with the flefli of their fonnes, and with the flcih of their daughters .and eueiy one fliall eate the flelli of his friend in the fiege and ftraitneiie, wherewith their enemies that feeke their liues , ftiall bold them ftrait. 10 Then ihalt thou breake the botteli in the fight of t.he men that goe with thee. 1 1 And ilialt fay vnto them , Thus faith the Lord of hcafts .Euen fo will Ifcrtkerhis people and this citie , as one breakeih a ' potters vetfell ,j« Tbii viftbltfigo• that cannot be made whole againe, and they IhallJ^" "> '°'ί''""'κ burie them ioTophetb till there bet»placetO|ii/"a°"e'of'ifit * burie. plague. which ibe 1 1 Thus will I doe vnto this place , faith the '^""^ thieamed by -Lord , and to the inhabitants thereof , and! wul;" ^'°^ "' make this citie like Topbeth. 13 For tbs houfes of lerufalem.and the houfesK «e aotetb the of the Kings of ludah nialbe defiled as the place «J^V^.^ff^^hich of Topheth, becaufe of all the ' houfes vpon whofef left ooj>uce free groofesthey hius burnt incenfe vnto all the hoaft'''f«'iii their «bomi- of beauen . and haue powted out drinke oeriiigs;;*^";• ^°^,;;7'' vnto other gcds. tbeir owoe hoofef 14 Then came leremiah from Tephetb.where} tbeiewith.ai we the Lord had fent him to prophecie. and he ftoodt plpVii,*™""* * !i inthecouttofthc Lotds boufe.and faid roalllg Keade DMt.aa.l whereby ii Je• «red, thai what» etitt ii not com» Handed by Gods ■ word touching feruice.it iait bi. word. i Rcade Chap. 7. J...ndiKing.a3. iU. 30.33. If Chap.tS.tg.Mtii iP.ti.aaa 50.13. * Deut. iS.ij. Lament, 4.. 10, (he people. T* Thud Sods wore labarntogfire« tbat the thing ^htch neither the King,aoi the ptio- tes, tior the people durll entetpnfe aoaiort the Pro- phtt of God , 1s iudgemeati : but becaufe h«« was derided and perfe- cmedforthii , be waadircouraged, ■nd thought to baut ce.fed to praach,Oue that Gods fpilit did force bim theti- f Thus the ene- mies coiitetred to- gether to know what thf y had ll*ard bimiay» >ha «hey Hnigbtac^ufe him theitof , reaie Ifa.isai. g Here he ftieweth bow bis faith did ftriue a{aioft teu- tatioD , and fought to the Lord for fttiDgth. * I. Sem.ie,7. j.ChreH.iS,9, Tfntnu 7,9. Ct«p.n,K, . unii) 7, io. 1 jr Th us faith the Lord of hoifies ^ihe God of Ifrael, Bchold.l willbiingvpon this city.and vpon all hst townes , all the pkgues that I haue pro- nouncid againft it , becaufe they haue ha-'dencd theit neckes .aod would not heare my woidi». CHAP. XX. » lermUh iifm-tten and dfl into tri/en ftr pitxthin^ »f the word of God. 3 He ftofhtcitth tke cnptiuitttof Βλ- tyten 7 He comflmneth that hieis a mich'ig ftcckc for the word $f Cod. 9 He n {tmfekei bjtbeffait ti f reach the rvord, WHen Paihur , the fontie of Immer, the prieft, which was appointed gouernout in the houfc of the Lord, beard that leremiah prophtcied thefe things, 2 Then Pafliur fmote leremiah the Prophet, and put him in the • ftockes that were in the hie gate of Beniamin.wkich WiSby the houfe of the Lord. .3 And on the morning , Pafhur brought le- remiah out of the ftockei . Then faid lerecniah vnto hira , The Lord hath not called thy name Piiliur , but II Magor-miilabib. 4 For thus faith the Loid, B:hold, I will make thee to be a terrour to thy felfe , and to all thy friendes , and tliey iballfjll by thefword of their eneiuies , and thine eyes il:all behold it, and 1 will giue all ludahinte the bandofthe kingofBibel, and hee Hiall carry them captiue into Babel, and (hall flay them with the fword. y Mcweouer , I wilt deliuer all the fubftance of this citie.andali tlielaboutsthereof, and allthe precious things thereof, and all the treafuresof the Kings of iudah willlgiue into the hand of their enemies , wKich tlwll fpoyle them , and take themawa> and c*ry them to Babel. 6 And thou Paihur, and all that dwell in thine houfe , fliall goe into captiuitie , and thou ihalt come to Babel , aod there ihou ibalt die , and ilialt •be buried there , thou and ell thy ^ friendes , to whom thou haft prophecied lies. 7 Ο Lord, thou haftdcceii!edmee,andlam ' dec iued : thou an ftronger then I , and haft Ί preuailcd : I am in dtriGon dayly : euery one iDoc4ieth me. For firce I fpake , I cryed out of wrong.aiid dcfolation : tbertfore the word of the Lord was made a reproach vnto lus.and in de• fifion dayly. 9 Then I fayd , I will not make mention of him, nor fpeake any more inbis Name. But ht ward WAS in mine heart as a burning fire Ibutvp in my bones . and I was wearie with forbearing, and I could nor flay. 10 For I bad heard the rayling of many , and feare on euerv iide. f D;clare 'fayd thej, and wee will declare itiallmy fan.iiiarswitchcd for mine halting, /4/jn^, It mav be that he is Jeceiued : ib we fliall prcuaile agsir.ft hira, and we fliall execute our vengeance vpon him. Π g Bur the Lord is with mee like* mighty gyant : therefore η y perfecuters iluU be ouer- throwen, and iliall not preuaile, und fhalbe greatly confounded :for they haue done vr.wifely , and rfcfireuerlafting fharae lliall neuer be forgotten. 12 * But.OLordofhoaftes.that tiyeft the righteous ,and feeft theteincsand the heart, let mee fee thy vengeance on them : fur vnto thee haue I opened ray caufe. 13 Sing vnto the Lord, pratfe ye the Lord ; for be hatb deliuetcd tbe foule of the pcote from the Cbap» XX. XXI. leremiahs impatiencie. (5j > band of the wicked. Γ 14 Τ b Cutfed b$ the day wherein I was borne : I I and kt not the day wherein my nwthcr bare me, ^rf°IfGvAui be bleflcd. ioueicome in thi» ly Cutfed fre the man that Ihewedmy faAer,H""°f'>" "'^ faying. A man child is borne vnto «hee, and com- |^°f„ '^.;^["/„';; *."' forted bim. Uienitnces they 16 And let that man be ai the i cities, which if•"" 'iHGodraife the Lord hath ouerturned and repented not : and j'^^^ ub^"°' ' let bim heare the ety in themorniDg .and the,'Ind chap. zj'io. ihoutingatnoonetide, ii Alluding tothe 17 Becaufe he hath not flaine wce.tHeniiom'f/^J't^'''" ''*'^*• the wombe , or that my mother might haue beene my graue > or her wombe a perpetuall ^ concep- tion 1 8 How is it , thdt I came fotth of the wombej to fee labour and (brow , that my dayes fliould 10 profit, bg confumed with ihame ϊ CHAP. XX T, Be propheiieth th*t ZedeKixh jbuliie tnktn , end the o'tj iutned. Τ He worde which came vnto leremiah fron the Lord , when king Zedekiah lent vnto hia Pafliur , the fonne of Malchiah , tnd Zcphaniahj the fonne of Maafeiah the Prieft.fayirg, ζ a Inquire, I pray thee, of the Lord for vs_ ( for Nebncbad-nezzar king of Babel makeths 'Y'"^ fepentaoc» of warre againft vs) if fo be that the Lord will dealeifolg °"" g."*^ with vs according to all hiswooderouiwoikes, didHfztkiah , whtB tbat he may teturnc vp from vs. 3 Then fa'd leremiah .Thus Thall you fay to Zeikkiah, 4 Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael . Behold, I will b turne backe the weapons of warre that are in your bands , wherewith ye fight againft the king of Babel , and againft the Caldeans , which bdiege you without the walles , and I will aiTem- ble them into the mids of this city. 5• And I my felfe will fight againft you with feJuei, an outftretched hand, and with a mighty arme . e- uen in anger and in wrath , and in great indigna- tion. 6 And I win fmite the inhabitants of this citie, both man and beaft: they Ibatl die of a great peftilence. 7 And after this, faith the Lord, I will deliuer Zedekiah the king of Iudah , and his fetuants . and the people , and fuch as are left in this citie , from the peftilence , from the fword , and ftooj the fa- mine, into the handofNcbiichad-nezzarkingof Babel , and into the hand of their enemies , and into the hand of thofetbatfceketheiiliues.and be. Iball fmite tbem with the edge of the fword : i he ilull not fpare them, neither haue pitie not [ coropaflion. i 8 f And vnto this people thou ihalt fay , Thu s ' faith the Lord , BehoM , I fct befoie you the « way of life .and the way of d death. 9 ' He that abideth in this city , Q^lldie by the fword, and by the famine , and by the pefti- lence : but he that goetb out , and falleth to the Caldeans , that btfiege you, he iball liue , and his life fliall be vnto him for a * pray- For I haue fet my face againft this city .for dom and Gomo- iah,Gta.i9,j/.• k Meaning, that the fiui-eibeteof ght neiut coml a Not that tl< Kingwaitou h< fent to liaiab, vin29.i.Ifa37.j, tbeoufeibe ophet might pr»ii to God ID take I piefent plagae away, ai Pharaa.b fought rmo Mo• fet, Exod.9,i8. b To wi«, from yourenemics i• dellroy yout c Byye.Iding • your felofs to Ke» bucbid nezzar. d By refill iof bilBi * Chef. it, i. t A• a thing rc- ccUtred from me dano^ euill and not f jr good .faith the Lord ; it HhU be|chap,j7. 1. !iid giuen into the hand ofthe king ofBabel. andhe 39.iS.»i.d+;.i. Ihallburne it with fire. 1 1 c And fay vnto the houfe of the King of ludah.Heare ye the word of the Lord. I ζ Ο houfe of Dauid ,Tl us faith the LorcJ,*^ t Execute iudgement < in tbemotning.and deliuerif g^ Juig'^t'se iheoppiefled om of ibebandof theopptefliour.Cjoeiiiftne. The Kings duetie, the hill, and part ioihe valley , acj WascompalTed about with iiioua- h That ij , in the haufti I hereof, which itood ai thickeai treei in thefottrt. that! thetnwi # Ch»p.ii,t\. a This was bj^ oi iliaary maner of prfachiDgbifore ihr Kings , from lofiah vnto Zede- l:iah, which was about fouriy yceie» * Chap. 17,11. b Shfwing that 5 there is Done gre«- ter iheaheis , Heb. 6,13. and that be will mo.t certainly performe his oatbe, c He conij>ireth Xerufaieir.toGi- lead J which was beyond lordeu, and the beamy of ludea to Lebjnen. d TheEbrfvie wordiigDifitth to fanotifie , becaufe the loid doth de- dicate to his vfe aud purpofe fiicfa ■s he prepjieth 10 «xeciiteblswoike, Iia.13 3.chap.«,i.. •al iz,}. e Thy buildiugs made of Ce,lar trees. f As they that • WOKder at a tfain" WhLhihey ° thought would neuerhaiiecome fotopifle, Deut.j9 »4•. I.King. 9,3. g Signifying, that tiejr lliould lo.f^e tteii king : for Jehoiachio went foorih to meets Nebucbad-nezzar I and yeelded hiui- ■ itlfe , and was car ed into Babylon, a,King.i^,,i. h whom fonie thinke to be leho. iachia, and that Ipfiab W4S his grandfather : but as feemeih , this was lehoiakini, • jve.fe 18. i By biibcsjsnd «stMtioa, leaS my wrath gos out ίΐκβ fire , and burne none can qaench it , becanfeof the wkkedneiTe of your workes. 13 BeholJ , I come againft thee , s Ο inhabi- tant cf the valley .anrf rocke ofche plaine , fiith the Lord , which hy , Who Ihall come do wne a• gainft vs f or who Hull enter iato our habita- tions ί 14 But Ϊ will viilte you according to the fruit of your workes , faith the Lord , and I will kindle afire "^ in the foreft thereof, and it IhiUdeuome round about it. CHAP. XXII. X He eshcTteth the Kingto iuiiement nidrightemfnei, 9 Wi) leiufalem is brought tnticnptiititj. i iTheUexth of ShiiSum tr>ef(inae of lafiiih Hfiopheciii. THus fayd the Lord , Goe downe to the hoafa of the King of ludab , and fpeake there this tiling, 2 And fay , Heare the word of the Lord , Ο King of ludah.that fjttea vpon the throne of Diuid , thoa and thy feruauts , and thy people that enter in by thefe gates. 3 Thus faith the Lord , * Execute y ee itidge- tnent and » righteoufnetre, and deliaer the oppref- fed from the iiand cf the oppreflOr , and vexe not the ftf anger , the fathericlie , nor the widow : doe no violence , nor Ihedde innocent blood in this place. 4 For if ye doe this thing.then fhal! the kings fitting vpon the throneofDiuidentet inbytbe gates of this Houle , *and tide vpon charets and vpon hotfes ,ier/; he and his feruantsand his people. 5; But if yee will not heare thefe wordes, I ''fweare by my fdfe.fayth the Lord , that this Hoiifelliallbevvafte. 6 For thus hath the Lord fpoken vpon the kings houfe of ludjh , Thou arte Gilead ynto me, uhd the head of Lebanon ,_7erfurcly I will make thee a wildemelTe , and as cuiss not inhabited. 7 And I will 'i prepare dellroy ers againft thee euery one with his weapons ■, and they tliall cut downe thy chiefs ^ cedar trees, and caS them in the fire. 8 ♦^ And many nations (hall paffe by this city, iand they ί1ΐϋ11 fay cuery man to his neighbour, Wlierefore bath the Lotd done thus vuto this j great citie ? 9 Then lliall they anfwere.Becaufi they haue forfaken the couenant of the Lord thtir God , and wariliipped other gods, and ferued them. 10 f Weepe not for the dead, and be not mco- ued for thetr.: but weepe for him g that goeth out: for hee fliallreturneno more, not fee his natiue couotrey. 1 1 For thus filth the Lord. As touching ^ Shal- lum the fonne of lofiah King of ludah, which reigned for lofiah his father, which went out of this place, he ihall not returne thither, IZ But he ihall die in the place, whither they i -i , - -. : , j.u haue ledde him captiue . and Ihali fee this land no "'^' °' ^-"'^ '"'^^"^ "^^'^ "^ ^"''^• more, 13 f Who vnto bira that buildeth bis houfe by'vnrightcoufnelTe.and his chambers without cquitie : nee vleth his neighbour without wages, and giueth him nor for his wOike. 14 He fayth , I v/ill build me a wide houfe and large cfaaicbets : ίο he will make himfelfe large fvipdowgs , atid feelipg with csdar^a^J ^^Qt A^Kings ^rolgcmlc themwitHvemiillion 1 y Shalt thou reigne, beoaufe thou clofeft thy fclfcinCedar?didnot thy k father eate and dtinke and profper , when be cxscuted iudgement and iuftice ? 16 When hee iudged the caufe of the afflided and thepoore, bee profpered : was not this be- caufe he knew me.faith the Lord ? 17 But thine eyes and thine heart are but one- \y for thy couetoufnell^, and for to (bed innocent blood , and for oppreffloa , and for defttuttion tuen to doe this. • 18 Therefore thus faith the Lord againft le hoiakim , the fonne of lofiah king of ludah. They iliall tjot lament' him, /ijii;;^. Ah, my brother, or ah fifter ; neither ftall they mouroe for him./rt/ ing. Ah, lord,or ah,his glory. 19 He ihall be buried , as an affe » is buried, euea drawen and caft foorth without the gates oi lerufalem 20 f Goe vp to η Lebanon , and cry : ihowte in ο Biflban , and cry by the paffagcs : for all thy louers are d^llroyed. 2 1 I Ipake' vnto thee when thou waft io pro fptrity : but thou faydeft , I will not heare , this bath beene thy maner from thy youth , that thou wouldeft not obey my voyce. 2 2 The winde iliail feede all thy paftors , Ρ and \ thy louers ilwll goe into captiuity : and then (halt ! thou be afhamed and confounded of all thy wlc- I kednefle. 23 Thou that dwelleft in Lebanon , d«ti ma-1*"^>';'*''5 f''' fceft thy neft in the i cedars , how bsautifull ibalt ' ^'' thou be when forowes come vpon thee , as the forow of a woman in trauiile ? 24 As I hue , faith the Lord, though f Cooiah the ibnne of lehoiakim king of ludah , were the fignet of my tight hind , yet would I plucke thee I thence. Ϊ 2y And I will giue thee into the hand of them that feeke thy life , and into the hand of them, wiiofe face thou feareft, euen into the hand of Ne- buchad-nezzar king of Babd , and into the hand of the Caldeans. 26 And I will caufe tHem to carie thee away, and thy mother that bare thee into aoothei coun- trey , where yee were notbotne.andtherelhall^uiitofthefaire ye die. 27 But to the land wherevnto they defire to returne, they Ihall not returne thither. " 28 Is not this man Coniah *t a defpifed and broken idole ? or as a. veflell , wherein is no plea- fure ί wherefore are they carieJ away , hee and his feede , and caft out into a \v,\i that they know not» , 29 Ο f earth , earth , earth , heare the word of the Lord. 30 Thus faith the Lord, W/ite this ' man de- ftitBte of children , a man that lliall not profper in his dayes : for there Ihall be no man of his feede that iliall profper and fit vpon the throne of Da- Meaning, lofiahj^ ho was not gi, η to ambition d fuptrftuiiy, :t was content with medioctiiie, d did onely de. light in felting forth Godsgloiy, 0 doe iuitice loaU. 1 Foreuery one fiiall banc eQOU|>lt lament for hiia- fe. Not honora- bly among his fa- s jbutai caii" CDS are catt in a hole , becaule tbeiE JUnke Ihould nut infta, readea. King. 24,9, lofe- phus Antiij. 10,8, teth that the eneinii (lew him , and comtnanded him call before the wailes vubu- d , looks Chap. 36.30. ., B^T^.call to the Farihis was the way out of ludea to Alfytia, whereby is meant that all lelpe Ihould aile : fur the Caldeans haue fubdued both them and the ;ypuacs- Both thy go- rnours and they that flloiJJ helpethee, OiaU vaniih away as winde. 9 Thoa that arc Cedar trees of Lebanon. Who was cal- led leboiai-hia, or leconiah, he calleth here Coniah ia contempt . who thought his king- dome cou'dne- ler depart from im , becaufe he aaic of the ffocke of Dauiil• and therefore foe the promife false could not be taken from his houfe : tut hee abnfed Gods therefore 1 tits Ihall 1 memo'ie. CHp:iai;ie; Iprcuiife , and ras iuftly depriue.f of the kiugdoine. f Hee ilieweth that al! pofferi• : witiielies oftbis iiilt plague, as though it Were regiltred for perpetual t Not that hee had no cbildreD(roraf:er that he begaie Salatbicliothe Match.1,12) but that none fhou!dreigcieafteibiin as Kiug, CHAP. ΧΧΓΙΙ. ΑίΛϊηβ fa!fe pxftns.sA Prtpbecie tftke (i/tift Pafitui » Mia-iiig, the priacesjgouernouri and fslfc prophets, asE^e!I.j4,^. b Fur ibe whicli Ihaaetfpeiiall , «ud aaue f te- parej good p*- s toi thtm. e whole cfcaige • f«d tbe flocke , but thf y eat the ftuit the e• of, Eiek.3+,3. d Thus ihe PiO- ieueivfeto roixetbeproiaifcs with the ihttat- nings , leaft the god- ly lUouldbetoo much beaten doW^e.anJ tbete• fore beihewrth bovYGid wiilg»- therhisCauich «f:et this diifeilion t This propherie i»oftbeie!titu;ion cfiht Cbiirchii thetimeoflefi-s Cbiilt , who is the true branch , rea^ie Ifa,ii,i.aad4.i,8. tbjp.3i,ii dan.?.:- *Ch»f.)i,t6. fR.i»dCbap.i6,i* 8 Meaniagjthe ialfe proptets which dereiue the people : whereia appeareth his great loue toward his naiiuU, reade Chap,i4,i3. t Eir. fjjjtd tuer tr trtubtei. h They tunue leadloDg to wic- krdne»,andfeike vaiaehelpe. R Or, are hjpecrites, i MyTempie ii fuiioftbdriJolatrie acd iuperlliiions k They which fiiould haue ριβ' fitedbymy rods agaiDitSstnaria, «re become svotfe then they. 1 Though to the World iheffeeme holy fa:hers,yet I deteft them «s I did thtfe ibcmi- sable citits. niReadeChap.3,14. iOfthjpicrifit, ioHcntn) oftbeii: •WW btaioe. Chap. ymiX. WJOe it Vuta=> the paftoofsAat dtftroy and W fcatter thi'>iheepe of icypafture.fiyththe Lord. Therefore thns fayth the Lord God oflf- rael vnto the paftours that ' ftedc tny psople, Yee haue fcattereJ n-.y flocks , and thruft them out, and haue not vifited thetn : behold , I will vififc you for thi wickedneUc of your wotkes, fayth the Lord. 3 And I will gatlier the ^ remnant of ray fheepe out of all countries , whither I had driuen tbem , and will bring theoj againe to their foldes, and they lliall grow and increafe : 4 And I will fet vp iliepheards ouer them, which fliall feed them: and th@y lliall dread r ο mote nor be afraid, neither lliall any of them be lacking.faiih the Lord, y Bihold, the dayes come, faith the Lord.that will laife vnto Djiiid a righteous « bt anch , and a King ibsll reigue and profper , and ihali execute iudgement and iutlice in the earth. 6 In his daye: ludah Ihalibe fausd , anJ * If- rad Ihall dwell kfily , and this is the Name where- by they iLall call bim,* The Lord our righte- GufnelTe. 7 Therefore behold, the dayes corae.faith the Lord , ti,a! they fliiil no more fay , The f Lotd li- ueth, which bruiight vptbcchildreaoflfraelout ofthe land of Egypt. Β But the Loro liueth , which brought νρ and led the feede of the houfeof Ifael out of the North coactrey , and from «ill countrtyes where I had fcattered them , and they Ihall owill in their owne land. 9 Mine heart breakethwiihiTi roe, becatifi of the g prophets, all ny bones Ihaks:! am ike a drui.kea roan (and like a toan wrom wine hath ■touercoroe) for the preiencecf ihe Lo 'an! fir his holy woic's. 10 For the Und is full of adulterers , W he- cajfe of oathes the Und monrneth , tiK iieafant places of tbs wildetneiTe are dried vp , .nd their h coorfe is eui!l, and their force is rot right. 1 1 For both the Propliet and the Prieit 0 doe wickedly : and their wickedneiTe haue 1 f jund ia inihe' Houfe.f.iih the Lord. Ii Wherefore their way Ihall be vnto them as llippery x»ayn in the darkenefle : they fliallbe dri- uen foorth and fill therein : fori will biirg a plague vpon them , euen the yeere of their vifitati- on,faith the Lord. 13 And I haue feeoe fooliihneiTe in the pro- phets of Samaria.that prophecied in Baal,and can- fed my people Ifrael to erre. 14 I haue feene alfo in the prophets of lerufa- lem I: fflthines : they commit adulterie and walks in lies : they fireogthen alfo the hands ofthe wic- ked, that none can returne from his wickednefli: : they are all > vnto mee as Sodom , and the iababi• tants thereof as Gomorah. ly Therefore thus fayth the Lord of be ailes concerning the prophets , Behold , I will feeds them with ™ wormewood , and make them dtinka the water of gall: for from the prophets of leru- falcm is U witkedneiTe gone footth into all the land. 16 Thus fayth the Lord cf hoaSes , Heare not the words of liie prophets that prophccievnto you , and teach yoM vanitie : they ipeake the vi- fion of their owne ■> be4t( » «d not out of the KWjthoitheLoid» Notliing fecret tb God, 70 17 They fay (kill vnto them that• defpifc mee, The Lord hath fayd , Yee ° ihall haue peace : and they fay vnto euery one that waiketh afcer the ftabburoneiTe of his owne heart , No euill ftall co^-ne vpon you. 18 FofF who hath flood ii the conn fell of the Lord that he hadi perceiued ,-anJ heard his wird i Wiio hath marked his word and beard it? 19 Behold , the tempeft ofthe Lord goeth forth in his wuch , and a violent whirlewind ihall filLdowne vpon the head ofthe wicked . 20 The a-• ger ofthe Lord ihall not returne vn. till he l-aue executed , and till he hauepetforroed the thoughts of his heart : in the latter dayes yee 4 llull vr.d;iftand it plainely. 21 * I haue not lent thefe prophets , fayth the Lord, yet they ranne : I haue not fpoken to them, and yet they prophecied. 2 i Bat if they had ftood in my counfsll , and ' had declared my wotds to my people . then they ihould haue turned tbera from their euill way, and from the wickidnefle of their inu2Dtiuns. 23 Am I a Gcd λ{ hand , fayth the Lord , and not a Godffsrreoff? 24 Can any hide hircfelfe in fecret places.that I ihall not fee him , faith the Lord ? Doe not I fill heauen andeatth, faith the Lord? 2y I haue heard what the prophets fayd , that prophecied lyes in my Name.faying.I t haue drea- med, I haue dreamed. 26 How lo!^g ? t Doe the prophets delight to prophecie lies, euen prophecy iog the deceit of their owne heart ? 27 Thinke they ro ciufe " my people to forget ray Nat^ by their dreames, which they tell eaery man to his neighbour , as theit forefathers haue fjrgoiten ay Name for Baal ? 28 The prophet that hath a dreame ,Iet him X tell a dreame , and he that baih my word, let him fpeake my word faithfully ; y what is the chafle to the whtat,faith the Lord ? 29 Is not my word euen like a fiie , faith the Lord » and like an hammer , that breaketh the ftone > JO Therefore beholJ , I willcomt agsinft the prophets, faith the Lord,thatift2ale my word euery one from his neighbour. 3 1 Behold , I will cemt againft the prophets fahh the Lord , which haue Iweet ton^ujs , and fay ,» He fayth. 32 BiholJ ,Ιπ'ΐΛ com* igjinft them that prO' phccie falfe dreames , fayech the Lord , and doc tell them , and caufe my people to erre by theit lyes ,and by their fiatteries , and I fent them not , nor commaundcd th«m : therefore they brirg no prchte vnto this people , iayth the Lor J. 33 And when this people, or the prophet.or a Pfiett fhall aske thee , faying , What is the ^ bur- den of the Lord ; thou ftalt then fay vnto them, What burden i I will euen foifake you, fayth the |:ommaodt Lord. 7„, 34 A«d the prophet, or the prieft, or the fjij^j, (,,-,,„,, _ people that Hull fay , The <= burden ofthe Lord , I Ungs Gods barden, Iwhah ihe linaers were not able to fjfleine , thfrefore the wicked in deiiding the word , vvouli aske o(therropbets,what wai the burdeo.as though ihey would fiiy,VcH feeke nothitig elfe , biK to liy burdens on cur Ihonldcts : and tiius they reieGed rhe word of God,as a gtieuous buidetj. c Becaufe this wotdwas brought to con- tempt and derilion, hte will tesch them aaoibet m-'oner ot((eech, «od will caufe this word burdeoioccafe,andte*eh the»t<>«stewi«l^teueience , wbaifayu» ttsLoidi Reade C!np. ρ Thus they did as the ugh the word ot God were ;aealedvato him.foarfofpike Zii. 1^,13,14. and 17,1;, λλ4 »9 S.9• r He Ibewtth thr tFcrenct•^- iwefD- the tiue hetsand the falfe, betweene he hireling an! he tiue niinilter, ί Doe not I fee our falfehood, ' owfotuer you Icfce it, and where» fotuer youtonJBiit haue a prophe- me . as Naii).ia,«. "t Ebr. Is It in the' art cf the PrO' fheti > i He flieweth hat Siianr.ifeth vp falfe propbeis- 'the pro-• pie from God. Let the falfe prophet declare hat ii ishiscwnff fjnti/ie, and not nder niy word though it were :luake to couet his lies. y Meaning .that t is not fiRicient For Gods mioiftei»• bltiine from V and to fpeake wordofOod; that there be opineni in el- ding it , and that layappeareto applied to the fame purpofe that .ai fpoken, k.3,17. i.cor. ;.aad 4,>. iim.i.ii. pet. 4, 10, tr. Which fet forth my Name that 'hi faiue not he Lor j. Baskets of figges. leremiah. i The thi'ng which they mocke •nd coDteniDe, flialicomevpoa tbem, ^ j will euen viftt wery fuch one, and bh boufe. 35 Thus ilwU yeefiy euery one to his neigh- bour , and euety one to hi» brother, What hath the Lord «Drwered ? and what hath the Lord ipo« ken ? 36 And thcburden of the Lord fliall ye men- tion no more : for euery mans <^ wotd Ihall be his burden : for yee haue peruertedthe words of the Kuing Gc)d,thc Lord of boafls our God. 37 Thus fljalt thou fay to the Prophet , What ' hath the Lord anfwered tbee ? and what b4th the ; Lodfpokeni '. 38 And if you fay , The burden of the Lord, Then thus fayeth tiie Lord , Becaufe yecfay this word , The burden of he Lord , and I haue fenc 10 And I wtll febd the fword .the famine, andl the peSiience among them . till they beconfumed! out of the land, that I gaue vnto them,and to (heif fathers. The Pro^hejjdiligencci CHAP. XXV. J Hee pophscitth that they f>x!i »e in cAptiuitie ftututj yteres, 12 Ani that xftet the feutntjyetrti the TSxb]• im:a»ijbi>uUbeie;i,c]ei. is The deflruiliiiH of »& nations is prophecied 'T He word that came to leremiih concerning all the people of ludab ,in the » fourth yeere of lehoiakim the fonneoflcfiab king of ludab, that was in the firft yeere ot Nebucuad-nczzai , king of Babel: ti 2 The which leremiah the Prophet (pake vn- piuhej.and ia cbe m»u. .nc uuruen 01 DC ..oru . aao 1 oauc .enc | ^^ ,^ ^[^^ j^ of I uaab. and tu^ the inbibiJ?'g'"t^ ''/■'''■, vntoyou. faying. YelhalJnatfay.Tbeburdeaofj tants ofIerufakiD,(aying, llrfi^ffii^""»" From the thirteenth yeere of lofiah ijin the ,-.- , . the Lord, |Or»MA!< yi« *m^ ^ ^ Therefore behoU.t.euen I will vtterly || for- get you, and I will forfake you , and the citie that I gaue you and your fathers, <»« r , f 1 " thn the Proohet?. .fathers for euer and euer. ^ ^ ^ ^ fUoir, wUh one' 6 And goe not aftir other gods to lerue them todfem did labour I and to worihip them , and prouoke me not to an- ρ pull the i.eopie i gee with the vvjtks of your hands, and I will not Ji^'l™^''^"^'^^^^^^^^^ SpunilhyoU. jned.towitifroi» [ 7 Neuerthelefle , yee would not heare mee,Moi»tiy,«udthe ■ fayeth the Lord, but haue prouoked mee to an- V-«;-fif;__';f^^ ger with the workes of youi hands to your owne thefetwo all other hurt. MVevecontiined, I 8 Therefore thus faith the Lord of hoafts. Be- ^^•^"'2j'7j'3. j caufeye haue not heard my words, kad''3i,i"' i 9 Behold , I will fend and take te me all the {onab as. ; e families of the North , fii.h the Lord,and Nebu- ^ J^^'„^;|.'?J'" I cbad-nezzar the king of Bibel my f feruant , and Co^,^,. """ ! will bring theraagiinft-this land, and againft the jr So the wicked Ϊ inhabitants thereof .and againft all thefe nations "J'^'J^S"»"''™-^ ' g round about , and will deftfoy them , and make Q * "* ° ' •'" h whereby he ■pprocueth the yeeldiiigof leco- THe Lord Ihswed mee , and behoIJe , two , a baskets of hggjs were fet b-fore the Tem- I pie of the Lord . af;er that Ntbuchad-nezsar ] king of Babel had caried away ctptiue leconiah thefonneof lehoiakim king of ludab, and the i princes of ludah with the workemen, and the eun- , ning men of lerufalem , and bad brought them I to Babel. i One basket had very good figgcs , tuen like the figges that arehrft nft , and the otfler basket hni very naughty Bgs . wbich could not be eaten, they were fo euill. 3 Then faid the Lord ynto mee . What feeft thou.Icremiah? And I faid.Figges: the good figges very good , and the naugntie very naughtie, which cannot be eaten . they are fo euill. 4 Againe the word of the Lord came vnto OJe.faying, ; β romiu auuui.anu win "ciroy ujt:uj .auu tudi^c.^^^^ (jj^^^f^jig y ThusfaiththeLord theGodoflfrael .Like \ them an ailonillitnent andanhinin^.and'con-imakeththerato thefe good hgges, fo will I know them that are ca• fany,bt« ufethev ried away captiue of ludah to be good, whom I haue fcnt out of this b place , into tbe land of the Caldeans. tiuuall defolation. ^f- '"'"' 5^ "■" 10 * Moreouer , I will II take from them the jil," wfakh tb"7" voyce of mirth and thevoyceofgladoefle, the ijoe of malice, to voyce of the bridcgrome and the voyce of the;'•'• '""•""tan'! obeyed the Pro- phet jWhoeihcc ted tiiem there- «•Dto s Which decU. reththatmanof kimfelfe nothing, lillGud giiie the heart atjd vndetftanding. »CA*i 31,33. hebr.t.ia- * Chitp^ 19, 17. d Which fletfthi- ihtf fsrfucceui. 6 For r will fet mine eyes vpon ihem for good, bride . the noife of the ^ miiaones , and the light ei»^f r• and I will bring them againe to this land . and will build them and not deSroy them , and I will plant them, and not roote tbem out. 7 And I will ^iue them «^ an heart to knows now ί tne. that I am the Lord,and they ihalbe * ray peo- ple , and I will be their God : for they Iball returns vnro me with their whole hesf t. 8 * And as the naughty figges which cannot be eaten , they are fo euill (furely thus faith the Lord) fo will I giueZedekiah the King of ludah , and his princes, and the refiJue of lernlalero.that remaine in this land, and them that dwelU in the land of Egypt : 9 I will euen giee them for * terrible plague to 4II the kingdoms of the earth,d»ii for a reproch j j and for a prouerbe. for a common talke, and for a j Eurfe,{n 4li places where I ihall ca& cbem• of the candle. 11 And this whole land iliall be defolate , and an aftonill-iment , and thefe nations ihall fcrue the king of Babel fiuenty yeeres. 1 2 And when the i feuenty yeeres are accom- plilhed, I will vifit^ the king of Babel and that nation , fayth the Lord , for their iniquities , euen the land ofthe Caldeans, andwillmakeitaper- petuall defolation. 13 And I will bring vpon that land all my wordes which I haue pronounced »gainft it . eutn all that is written in this booke , which leremiah hath prophecied againft all nations. 14 For many cations, and great kings ihall ms, Airmonneij Egyptians and then. tChap II Or, defhoy. Meaning, that bread and ail ngs that Hloiild feiue vnto their feaftes.fliouldbe awiy. 1 rtuelatioa wai f( firmaiinn of his prophecie,be- he told them of the lime that hey IhouJd enter md remaine in Cbron.5e.22. ezta 1,1. chap.J9,io.dao.9,i. k Fi•»!• feeing the indoe• began at his owne houfe , thteBeniiesniuit eeedei ψ pvinilhed molt gr>e>i «suDy , tzek.yji, j,pet,4.i7 SBCU C.pt] i the Phili- txtrc>»ea(fl idiom that God had ap• poiDted foi eueiy cGe, aiPf»1.7f 8• Ifa,y..i7-a''<< tbi» cup . ^bicb the Wicked diinke, i< moie bitter then thpt which he gi • ueihtohiicbil- dreo , for he me»• fure(h the one by net y.aat the other by iullice. Β For noJVit be- BiDnetb aod (hall bcaicoinplifiied. ο Keadelub.i.i. ill mi q Edom it heie taken foi tte whole couDtrey» ■ndVzfo apatt thereof. I As Giecia Italy ■nd the re of thoie countieye•. ( Thefe were pie- fleofAiabia vpht'.bcameef Deiar the fonne of Abiafaamanil Ketuiah. For there were twe ecuDtrtie» fo cainsd , the one callcH plentifxll, and the other bai• leo , or rfefeit. tOT,F.,f,a. a*Tha:ii,ofBa. byloD , a Chap. X That it , leiufa• lcm,ieade veif.iif Chai>.XXVI; f Tbey which are Dajneatthe Lordi fipoiot«caU' nen i ferpe therofelues oftheesthus will I recorn- penfi them according to their deeds , and accor» dipg to the workf s of their owne hands. I y For thus hath the Lotd God of Ifrael fpo- ken vnto mc, <" Take the cupof wine of this mtnt indignation at nsine hand , and ctufe all the na• tions.to whom I fend thee.to dtinke it, 16 And they fliall drinke.and be rocootd.and beroadibecaufe o£the fword that I wilLfeod a- iDongthem. 17 Then tookejthe cup at the Lords hand, and isade all people to drioke , vnto wbooi the Lord haib fent ne : 18 Eutn lerufilem and the cities of ludab^aad the kings theieof and the pt inces thereof.to make them'dtfolite. an aflonifhmcnt , an hiiTiDg, and a cutfe , η as apfeartth this day: 19 Pharaoh r kie. X begin to'pLguc the city .where wy Name is calic . ; vpon, ana Ibould you go free? Ye fi-allnot goe quite : for I will call for a fword τρορ. all the iobabitantsof ttieeaitbi%ethtbe LordoihoaAeS. 30 Therefore prophecie thou againft them all thefe words, and fay vnto theoj,* Tlic Lotd fliall roare from abotie . and thruft out bis vo^ce from bis holy habitarion : hee iliill roare vpon his habitation , and c^ aloud , as they chat prefle the giapcs , agaicft all the ineabitants tfche earth. 31 The founds (hall co.ae to the ends of the tb;fQr the Lord hatn a contiotjerfie with the nations, an J will enter into iu igement with all flelb , 4»i f ee wi:l giue theiD -hu ate wicked , to thefworJ.fiith th<; Li rd 32 f Thusia th the Lord ofhoaftes.BehoU, . plague /liill goe forttif.om nation to natiun, nd a ''^ g eat wbidewind lluU oe raifed vp from thecoaftes of i:ie earth, 3 ^ And y the flame of the Lo»d (ball be at that day from otu end of the earth,eaen vnto the other end uf the eattb : they (ball not be mourned . nei- ther gathered nor buried, i«( β]2ΐ1 U as (bC donguc vpon t^e gtoBgd}. ^he Propheaccuied.71 etfily btoiteo. b ItfllUlnot beipe them to ietke to flee. t Eir. t'fKiHt, 34 Howie, * ye ibepheards, and crv, aid wal- U Ve that are low your fslass in the allies, yeeprincipall of the r'*''"^"•' flocke; for your ca .es of uaughter art accotrpli. ihed.aodofyourdjfperfion.and )eeihallf*lllike|ji which are moft a precious veflels. 3 y And the b flight ftiall feile from the fliep- beards, and the efcapiogftum the principal of the fiocke. 56 A voyce of the cry of the ftepheards , and an howling ot the principall of tri-; auc)ae,.p>aU be htard: for the Lotd hath deftroyed their paftote. 37 And thetbeft piftures are deftroyed be• caule cf the wrath an d indignaiion of the Lord, 38 He liath foi fakcn bis couert , as the ly on for tbeif land is walie, becaufe of the wrath οΓ the oppreffour , aod becaufe of the wtatb of bi: indignation. CHAP. XX 71. 2 Iiietniahmocueth tke fenfleti rc^'ttiante. jHteista• ktn eft^efalft prufhei; iS ftuflt, endircught to inig. tntnt. ;3 Vriiah iht Prifhftis kiuei'f lihtiakini cintrar} to thcwiS ef Otd. I Ν the beginning of the reigne of lehoiakim th< ■* fonne of IoGjH King of ludah .came this word from theLoid, faying, ζ Thus faith the Lord , Stand in the » court of the Lords Houfe , and i'peake vnto all the cities of ludah , which come to worlbip in the Lords Houfe , all the words that I commaund thee 10- fpeake vnto them : keepe not b a word backe, 3 If fo be they will hearken , and turne euety man from bis euill way , that I may ' repent roe& of the plague . which 1 baue determined to bring vpon them , becaufe of the wickednellecf their wofkes. 4 And tbou ilialt fay vnto them. Thus faith the Lord , If ye will not nearo me to Walke in my. Lawes.which 1 baue fct before you, 5 And to hearethe words of my fcrnants thelj j^^^^^ ^hap 7.11. Prophets , whcm 1 fent vnto you , both rifmg yp |e so that whea early , and fending thcTn, and will no: obey thtm, .'^<:y wouidcuife 6 Then will I make this Houfe like d Sbilob, Sg^Vdo?» tb« Jl'^^ and will make this citie « a carfe to all the nations jto letafaifm. of tne earth. f Becaufe of God» 7 So the PrieBs, and the Prophets, and all the 5.';"';;;°^;'^;= people heard leremiab fpeaking thefe word$in|i4.,)iath«vvou'ld tne Houfe of the Lord. 'f°' ««' >tma:ne g Now when leteroiah baJ made an end of l'^";^;^; ,'^^^^^Ρ";,,;, Ipeaking all that the Lord bad commanded /))w,T,rnvlecouidat. to fpeake vnto all the people,tbeD the I'liifls , and lurr petilh.ajd the Prophets . and all the people looke nim , and jff ^ilr'hem.em'^' fiid.Tt-ouil-ialtdiethedeatb. fetak/a^Tafth. 9 Why baftthoupropheciedin theNameof Mitth.2s.e1. a Thatii.inthaf place of the Tern- pie whetevmo the people tefutt oatofallludah tofacrifice. " To thezoteit that they Ihouia pre;eDdno igno- rance.a» Aftv.jo.>7. c Reade Chap.il.e, and this citie Thall be defoUte without an inha-ithu'waimran" bitant } and all the people were gathered «g-tioft oithsCburcb, Icremiah in the houfe of the Lotd. r'Tm'.iL'for Γ« 10 And wiien the Princes of ludah heard of;g'"s!,'cLled 'XI'. \ ibefe things , tbey came vp from the kings houfe ,caafe it wai'repai- j into the Houfe cf the Lord, and (ite downe in the ;'«^^ν loattim, | cntrieofthe8neV»gateofiheLotdsHii«/f. '^-f Etr^mdlentntif \ 11 Tben fpakeibePricils,andtheProphetS;iifJ »pon this city.and vpon the inha- biuncs thereof : £υ: of a truth the Lord bath fent mevutoyou. lo ipeaks all thefe words in your cares. 16 Then fiid the Princes andall the people voto the PtieSs, and to the Prophets , This man is not worthy to die : for he hath fpoken vnto vs in the NaiJe of the Lord eur God . 17 r Then rofs vp certaineof the Elders of the land, and fpake t& all.tbe aiTsrobly of tbe people• fayiog, 18 Michab the Morafhite * propheded in the dayes of Hczekiah.king of ludah, and fpake to all the people ijfiudah .laying. Thus faith the Lord t"h.7«"«^.mHi "he of hoafis, Zion llialbe plowed UJ^e a field , and Ic y^eofBabdi. i Tbjt ii.ofthe HuufcoftneLotd, d M'aniagj EuiU meiodacb.andhi* ToDDe Beiflljzir. Theyih'll bring 1^ <• db'i king, dome in fub'edtOD^ «I Chap•»;, H, odiy aiiedged to dej- rufalem lliaibc an heape.ind the niountaineof the 1 • houfe/'/7«/6i as the hie places of the foreft. ? 19 Did Hezskiah king of ludah , and all ludab I put him to death ? did he not feare the Lord , and beeoe fnijfitd , but | .prayed before the Lord , and the Lord repented oft he Ptieil» haudi: «vhoferage «Ife would not haue fcy 111» death. k So that tbe city , . „ , - - I wai not dell royed. gainft them ? ThusiDight we piocure great eniil ' tut by miracle vviJ | deiiutridoiitofthe Standi of Saneherib, ' t Heieii declared bin of the '' plague , that he had pronounced a- againfiourfoules. 20 And there was alfo a man that prophecied in theNanQeoftheLorJ,«n#VrijabthefonneofShe- hefuty of tyrant•, J maiah, of Kiriath-iarem , who prophecied againft "'"" ^"'' "^ this city,and againft this land, according to all the words ofleremiab. 2 1 Now when lehoiaki'm the king with all his j who caoQot abide ta{ feeire God» word ; declaied.but peife• j ! cute the miniller• \ j ihereof.aodyctiB J j^g^ of power.and all the princes heardbis words, «heend thcypreuailq , , . r . η Γ• r. ■ .. •. . I oothitig but piouoki the king fought to flay hiro. Bui when Vnjah j <;od• iudgetneati fdl beard it, he was afraid and fied, and weot into E• j much the more. j ill A» in the lirrt He zekiabs eximplei» t( i be followed, fo ia ithi» other lehoia- j him» aft ii to be ab t liorred : for Gol jplagu ||.im, ; told. 8Fpt• 22 Then I«hoiakim the king > feat men into E- gYft.euen EInathan the fonne of Achbor.aad cer• taine with him into Egypt. f 23 And they fet Viijahoat of Egypt, add d light oa broug'it him vnto [eh iakim the king . who flew ' "^i• houf. fjinj ^ith the fword.and " Cift his dead body Inte η which declareth ^^ graues of the children of tbe people that ootbing could ; fury Dot mooucd this nob!emauto ftand valiiBtly io ti« ■!:£cocr. >pie. (onn( 24 But the handof Ahikam » ttie fonne of Sba• «PP"f'<' ''"'f i phan was with lereniiah that they fljould not , 1 Go ad 'giue him into tbe hiod of tbe people to put bisn to death. i CH A P, XXVII. I t leremiah/it the tomroautiitm^nt «fthe Lnd fetideth I ioniei i» the King of luiih »ni ts the eiher Kmgi that j were neere , ■whirfk} they ate αιοηφ^Λ t$ ie fiibieil 1 •vnto Ncbuchaiae^ttt. 9 He warneth the people , »ni the k'»is ii rulers thai they beleene noifAlfe frtfheti• t Al touching the difpofi - ■ ' ptopheciej.tbej thai ohhefe I Ν the beginning of the reigne of » leboiakim 'tb'e/tbatl 1 ^^^ (onac of lofiih king of ludah came this £atb;red them into a| word vnto leremiah from ttie l^or J, faying, a Thus faith the Lord to roe. Make thee ^ bonds and yokes,and put them vpon thy necke. ^ Andfendtbemtothekingof Edom^ and i hoafts.thatthevcffeU.whichareleftintbe Houfe booke.didootalti jnberbbft-ruethe order of timei, but did fet fonie afore, «vhichaiouM be af- ter , and cooirari- wif<';which if tbe readtr ihall . doubit, and make the reading much more eafie. b By fucb lignei the Prophet» vfed fometime» to coofirnie their prophecie» . which ootwithltanding they could not doe of ihemfelue», but iaai much •• they bad a reuelatioti forthe fame, Ifa. 20, a. and therefore the falfe prophets to get the more credit , did vfealfefucll vi<)bleljgiie:,biitliteyh»ij n» r.eMUiOD, 1 Kiog.zj.ii, come to lernfalen vnto Zedettiah ihe king of ! ludah. 4 And coirmand them to fay vnto their matter»,' Thus futn the Lord of hoaft.s the Gijd of Iftael, ; Thus fl^ali ye lay vnto your mafters ; I bane made the eatth,the m.in,and the bead I that are vpon tbe ground, by roy great p^wer, and ] by my ouiftr::tched armc .and nau j gueu it vnto ■ whom it ple^fed me. I 6 But now I baue giuen all thefelandes into the I handof Nebuchad-n^zzar ttie king ot Bav»lmy j « ferueot.and the beafts o; ihf.fi-.ld haae I -Ifogi- fc Reade Chap.if,>; - uen him to ferue him. 7 And all nations iiull ferns rim, ^n 1 his •* fo me, and his fonnes fonne vntilltie veiy tineofhis ' land come alf j;theH roanv ■ atiuiis and gieat kings ihall» f;rue theTifeluesof him. 8 And (he uation anJ kingdorae whicti will not ; ferue the fame N-buchadnczzw kii .g of Bab l.and thai will not put theirnecke vndci the yok». oi" toe king of Babel, the fa ne nation w'll i viiits;. iaitlj ; the Lord , with the fword , and with tht fainine, and with the pcftilence.vntill I haue wholly ^«'«i» them into his hands. 9 Therefore heare not your prophets nor your i foothfayers. nor your dreamers, nor your inchan- ters , nor your forcerers which (*y vnto you thus, ; Ye fliall not ferue the king of Babel. ic i^or they prophecy a lie vnto you to caufe : you to go farre from your land, and that i flioukl cift you out,and you ihould perifli. 1 1 But the nation that put their necks rader tbe yoke of the king of Babel.and fetue nim,thufe will I let reiiiaine flili in their owne land , faith tbe Lord.and ihey Ihall occpy it, and dwell therein. 12 ί I fpake alfo tiZedekiah king of ludah ac- cording to iUthefe words.faying. Put your n«cks vnder the yoke cf the king of BabeUnd fetue bits aadhitpeople.thatye may Hue. 13 Why will ye die.thou,and thy people by the; fword, by the fatuine. and by tbe peftilence, as the , Lord hath fpoken againft the nation . that will noi ferue the king of Babel f 14 Tliercfote heare not the words of the pro- phets that fpeake vnto 'you , faying , Vee fliall not ferue the king of Babel : for they prophecy a lie vnto you. I y For I haue not * fent them, faith the Lord, yet they prophecy a lie in ray Name.that I might caft you out,8cthat yeraignt piiiib.both you.aad tbe Prophets that prophecy vnto you. 16 ^ AlfilfpakctothePriefts.andtoallthis people, faying. Thus fiith tlx Lord, Heare not the Babel wordsofyour propnets that piophecy vntoyou, faying. Behold.* the vtilcis of the houfe of the \ Lordlhal! now fliottly be ^brought againe f.oia Babel : for they prophecy a lir- vnio you. 17 Heare them not.^rMf ferue the king of Babel» that ye may liue : wherefore fl^ouid this city be deiblate? 18 But iftheybeProphets,and if the word of the Lord be with ifacm,Iet theme intreate the Lord of * Ch»f. Γ4,Ι4.Αν4 i• C*4/.iS.3. if Which Wire taken whmlechoniah wa^ led captiuE iato j to the king of Moab , and to the king of the A m- I roonites.and to the king of Ty ras.and to the king ,\i ofZidon, by the hand of the melTengers which g For it Wil oet ondytbe Trophetf office to (hew the word of God, but alfotopray f^r the tiaaei of thepeoplff Gen, 20.7. which tbefe could tiot doe fe thiy had aa < cf the Lord.and in the houle nf the king of ludah and at Iert:ialero,gr) rot to Babel. 19 For thus faith the Lord of hoafts.concetning the * pillars, and concerning the fea, and conccr-j ' η • f t ning the bafes, and concerning the lefidue of the GoThad^tonouol veflels that reraaine in this city, ί ted .he countrary, 20 Which Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel• * » κ>η.2,, ,3. nhecaried * away Ciptiueleco^ ♦ *Χι»ί 44)ΐ»«»Λ _ ηϊώ looise Dot , when he caried ' Hananiahs ambition and rage. CBapi x^viij . ^xiXj. h Th»tii,forthe fpaceof feutnty yrerettilll haue cauftd the Medel and rcilitBiio oueicomejhe ■ wbcD ItremUb bcgao t« b:are tfaefe bonds and ^okei- b After that the land bad relied, mLeUU if.», c Tiii• wti « city \a UeoiainiB beloDting lo the fonnciof Aareoi loth 11.17. iEtr.lVftjettCi jjaih the fonn« of Ieboi:kimkingofIadabfrbm lerufalem to Babel , wi.h all the nobles of ludab, aDdlerufalem. 2 1 For thus fjith the Lord of boaSes the God of Iffael , concerning the veiicis that remaioe ia the houfe of the Lorj.and in the houfeof cheking of Iudah,aDd at leiufalem, 21 They Ihall be brought to Babel , and there they flialbe vniill the day that I vifit ^ thero , faith the Lord : then will I bring tbecQVp • andreftote them «mo this place. CHAP. XXVIII. I The fslfe pmphecie if Han^ttiah. ii leremUhre• ftttueth ΗΛΗΛΗίαΗ,Ληί frcjiheiielh, ANii that fame yeere in the beginning of the «teigoe of Zedekiah KLiigof luJan ,iu the b fourth y eete , end in the hfi moneth , Hananiah j the fonne ef Azzur the propnet.wbich was of Gi» ' beon , fpake to me in the houfe of the Lerd in the ^ prefence of the Pricfts , and of all the people , and i ^*^'^' I 2 Thus fpeaketh the Lord of hoaftes, the God I of Ifrael, faying , I haue broken tbeycke of the I King of Babel. ΐ 3 t Within two yeeresfpace I will bring into this place all the veiTjis of the Lords Houfe , that Nfbuchad-nezzat king of Babel tooke away froio ttus place,and catied them into Babel. 4 And I will bring agiioe to this place leco- niah the fonne of lebuiakiro Ring of iudah , with all them that were caried awaycaptiue cf Iudah, and went into Babel .fayetb the Lord : for I will bteake the yoke of ibc king of Babel. y Then the Prophet leremiah fayd vnto the iGod 1 the lb dtj&tti• Ti d Bewiifoeftee• ! w•» a faiPe prophetl ^ prophet Hznaniab in the prefence of the prices, e Thati>,i would and in the prefence of all the people that Hood in wi£h tht ftmf for ---•'--■- - ' ' Coda boDour.aad Wealth ofu.y peo- ple,but ||e hath ■ppoioted the comrjty f McioiBg.tbat the Tropheti that did either de- nounce warre or peace, wereiried either trueorfalfe by the fucceffe of ttbeir prnpbrcies. 'Albeit God in». Jieih to ccme to jfaffefon-ftime that which ihe alfepiophit jfpeakfih to tiie kbe faith of bii, toeut 3-3 tg Tliis dcclareth (the impudcncieof the VMcked hire- , vvbirh haue no zeale tc the liue-.b, but ;ire led gviib ainbitiuD to get the faiiour cf nro.aod there- fore ' Dr.ot abide .hat might dif. i[eih okes ofytoa; 14 For thus faith the Lord of hoaftes the God ef Ilrael , I haue put a i" yoke of yron vpon the \^ Jbat ii, a h.rd necke of all thcle nations . that they may fetu* ?""«""" i""'""•^ Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel : for they ihall : ferue hiao.aBd 1 haue giuen biao the ' bcafts of the Ii sirnifying.tiat held alio. ,, n^n , 5 * I y Then fayd the Prophet leremiah voto the ^ seeing thii Prophet Hananiab, Heare now Hananiah , theihiag waieuident Lord bath not fent thee, but thou makett Λ»* p^^Jf^^J^j^Vt'" people to truftinalye. they le'iurnednot 16 Therefore thus iayth the Lord , Behold , I : to the Lord . it it will caft thee from off the earth: this yeere thou ""ife'i.'hat mi- ihalt die.becaufe thou haft fpoken rebelliooily „ooue'v., neither againft the Lord. itheword itfeife, 17 So Hananiab tbePropbetk dicdtbefamC;««P|^Go;.iyoji jif- , gather you ffom all thc oattons , and from all the ooriieace.andiifo ; pj^^j , wbitner I uauecift you, iiyeth ihe Lord, jTtet of\lu'"c>^- I*"'! will bring you ^giine vnto tie place , wrieoce ciuiiy (hibeexpi- ι Icaifcd yoiwu be carludaway captiue. rid. i.Chroji 12. j ,j. r B.caufe ye bausCiiJ.ThcLord hath tai- At Aha .. Zede- bi»!«j *Bil SUmaiab. I Re«deCbap.7. 1 6 Tnerefore thus fiyeth the Lord of the King , that ficceth vpon the throne of Dauid, and of all the people that dwell in this citie , your brethren that are not goEK foortb with you into captiuitie : 1 7 £(4 ing. Thus fayeth ihi Lord of S ^eioaia 1 theNohela* mite , Becaufethat Sntmjiah mtn ptopiecied vn- to you , and I fent iitm not , and lie cauted you to truit in a lye, 3 2 Therefjr i thus fay :h the Lord , Beiokl . I will vifite S.iemaiah toe Nvi-elamite.and nu ieed : he ihail not haue a man pro dw.ll among mis _ people . neitiier Ih iii be faenola me guoU , tnat I ,fo"that"Jo"ne Ό? wihJofijr ray^ei)ple,faicntiieLorj , becaufe he j'''»™ """''Ί *«e batQ fpokea rcbclliouily agaiolt Uie Lord, '"" '""°'^'~ '"'''' C ri A P. XXX. * Therttame «f the fioflt frtm B.iiyl§». IS Heemen»• etih Iht eHenties, iS ακΛ ci/inforteth the Cnurch. 1" He wtjrJ, that came to. Ierea>iah from the •^ Lord, (ay ing, 2 Thus fpeaKeth the Lord God of Ifrael. fay- ing . Write toee all the words ttiat I Imue fpekea vnto ihee,in»abouke. 3 Fur loe.the daves come,faith the Lord that j* "heir pt 1,1,,. . ' . . . ^ 1 wi C^ahimed i Will bring agame the captuuitie 01 my people II- bop.of hn rael and.iuu^n ,lavth the Loid;forl will -ettjre them vmo the Ijnd, thatigaue to their fathers, and tney Ihall poikOe it. 4 AgaiLie , mefe are the words that the Lord ; Ipakicoucerning ifraeUandcoucerning ludab, I jT For ti, us faith the Lord, We haue »'eard a Ί ^ teriible voyce,ijf f.-are and not uf peace. ' 6 DirT,aund now and behold , if man trauell with c lilde : wier;fore doe I be .old enery man with h!s nanus un his loynes iS a wjman in tra uell.andail f^cs are turned into a paleoefl'e ? 7 Alas, f-ir this c day is great : none Arti/y^ien* like it n't js euen the time of laakobs trouble , yet Ihiil he be deliuereJ fron» it. 8 For in that d day, fiith the Lord of aoaftos.l will ore^ke'his yoke froO off chyneckeiand bre^ke tt;y bonds, and Urangeis Ihall no more fcrue themfclues fof rira. 9 But they ilull ferue the L*r.l their Goi, and g D-iitia their King , whom £ will raiic vp vnto them. 10 Therefore feare not.O my feruant laakob, faitnthe Lord.neither be afratd.O ; ir lel : for loe. Ρ iJetoihltfetit deitroyed.. And Zephaniah the Pricfi read this lettei 1 will deliuer tnee from afartecswifrc^i, and ihy ' τ iecJe from the land of their capiiuitie, an J f lakob '^ ^ iliall turns againe , and fhjll be in reft and proipe ritie.and none Ihill make him afraid. 1 1 For I am with thee, fay th the Lor J.ro f»ue |j, thee : though I vttetly deftruy all the nadons wherelhtue fcattered thee, yet 1 willnoi vtterly deStoy thee , bnt I will co;r.-d: :. ee by iu.tge- ment,and not i> vttcrly cut thee otf. 1 2 For thus fiitb the Lord.Ttiy btuili.g is iiv curable,<«» the father. That is, from the Babylonians, and Dthtt enemies, q By thefe tempe- tall benefits hee meanethtbe fpiri- tiiall graces.whicfi in the Church, AT the a fame time, faith the Lord.will I be the God of all the families of lirael.and they ihall be my people. 2 Thus faith the Lord .The people which ^ ef- caped the fword , found grace in the wilJernefife : he Wilketh before Ifrael to caufe him to reft. 3 The Lord hath appeared vnto me ^ of olJ, fay thty : « Yea, I haue loued thee with ao euerla- fting loue , therefore ^vitb metcy I baue drawio ihee. 4 Againe I will build thee , and thou flialt be builded , Ο virgin Ifrael : thou flialt ftiil ^be ador- ned with thy titnbrels . and Uialt goe forth in the dance oftihem that be I yfull. y Thou ftialt yet plant vines vpon the iconn- tiints of g Saaiaria , and the planters that plant thc(D. h fhall make them common. 6 For the dayes fliall come , that the ' watch- men vpon the mount of Ephraim fliall ctie.A- ife , and let vs go vp vnto •' Zion to the Lord our God. For thus fayth the Lord, Reioyce with glad- nefle for Ia;kob.and fl'-oute for toy among the chier'e of the ' Gentiles : publilb praife and fay , Ο Lord, fiue thy people,d:ie ren^iaiit of ifrael. 8 Bshold , I will btirg them from the North „ r returned to Sam:riJ, therefore this muft be fFitimally v'ndeVltood vude'r thikingdome of Chria, which Was the reftaurjiiun ot the «me Ifr.a. hXhatis, ihaU«ateihef.uitthereof,asI.euri.:o.i3.dei.t.20.6. 1 Tlie Winiftcrs of the word, k They (hall exhort all to ihe emfctaciog of the Golpel , as Ifai 2.3 . 1 Hee Cieweth what ihall be the crncord a,id Icue of all vndtr the Gofptl.when none ftiall be refnfedfot ib«il-iofir«ui«5 : aad t»er; onellwU ubort oaciuiQibci i«e{ub(itte it. ■with the woman witivchil J.and her that is deliuj, red alio : a great company ilull returns hither 5 They Ihall come "» weeping, and with mer- cy will I bring them againe : 1 w;li leade them by the riuets of" water in a ftraignt way , wherein they fliall not ftumble : for 1 am a father to Ifiael, a nd Ephraim is <> my fit ft borae. 10 f Heare the word ofthcLord.O yee Gen- tiles, and declare i.n the yles afarre off, and fay. He that fcattered Ifrael , w^ gather him , and will keepe him , as a Ihepheatd deith his flocke. 1 1 For the Lord bath redeemed laakob , and raefbmed hioi from the band Ρ of bim , that was ftrongf r then hee. 1 2 Therefore they fliall come, and reioyce in the height of Zion , and fliall runne to the boiin- tilullnefle of the Lord , euen for the 1 wheate and for the wine.and for the oyle.a^d for the increafe of flieepe and bullocks : and their foule flijllbe as a watered garden , and tbey Ihall haue no more forow. 1 3 Then fliall the virgin reioyce in the " dance, and the yong men and the old men together: for I will turne their mourning into ioy , & will com- fort them ,and giue them ioy for their forowes. 14 And I will repleniih the foule of the Priefts wirh ffjtnes . and my' people ihallbefatisfied with ' my goodnes , faith the Lord. I y Thus faith the Lord.A voyce was heard on hie.a mourning, and bitter weeping,' Rahel weep- ing for her children , refufed to be coitfjrted for her children , becaufe they were not. 16 Thus fayth the Lord , Refraine thy voyce from weeping.and tbioe eyes from teares:for thy worke fliall ba rewarded , faith the Lord, and they ihall come againe from the land of the enemy: 17 And there is hope in thine ende , fayth the Lord, that thy childtcn flialJ come againe to their thej were iifeeto"' owne borders. 18 I haje heard "Ephraini lamenting thut. Thou haft corrected me , and I was chaftiied as an ^d caried " vntamed cilfe : y conuert thou me , and I flialbe conuet ted : for thou ar t the Lord my God. 19 Sorely after that I conueited ,1 repented, and after that I was inftruAed , I ftnote vpon my ^ thigh : I was aftiamed,yea,enen confounded,bc-£^',|,''f^„'„^^'^^°'''^ caufe I did beare the reproach of my youth, r, 20 Is Ephraim β my deare fonne or plsafant ^ . , child ? yet fioce I fpake vnto him , I ftill h reroem- t[%t" ^'"^ '"* bred him : therefore coy bowels are troubled for ^ vvhkh wa« him. I will furely haue corapaflion vpon him.faith Ρ^οη, an< c^uii the Lord. Kb.juoiea.o 2 1 Set thee vp c fignes : make thee heaps : iet y HeWeth hov» thine heart toward the path & way , that thou haftlihc fiithfiiii »ieto walked: turne againe, Ο virgin of Ifrael : turne f"^"• «'»''* Afife againe to thefe thy cities. 22 How long wilt thou goe aSriy , Ο thou re- bellious daughter ? for the Lord hath created' new thing in the earth; A VV Ο Μ A Ν fliall ρ, compafleaman. . IfiS.H.Il. t 'n thi company o( he faitbfull.whick euer praife God I bisbenrfits. f Meaning, the fpi- t of wifedomf, loviledoe, lad ale. To declare the eatncsof Gods nercy In (feliuer- Icwfs, bee fheweih them that the Beniamites , Ifraelites, that ii, 'tterly deftroyed nfo mu.hjthat if Rabelj.he mother ofBeniamin ccnli baue rifrn aoaine tofcekefor ie. 23 Thus fayth the Lord ofhoaftes the God of Ifrael » Yet fliall they fay this thing in the land of God to turne them foraftnuch as they cannot turne of themftlurs. In ligneof re- pentance anddete* nation of my finne, X As ihounh bee would fay : No,foi by his iniquity hee Idid what lay in bitn ^o call me off. b To wlt,!n pitying bim for my promife fake, c Marke by what Wiyihou diddeli go into cjpiuiy,Sc thou Ihaltturnt againe by the fame, d Be- caufe theirdeliuerancefromBibylon,wa5a figure of thrir deiiuerancefiom (inne, he Aieweth how this iiiould be protured,to wir,bylefus Chiift,'Ahom < woman, ftiould concciue and brare is bet wombe. \Thich is a itrange 'bing in earth, be- caufe bee (liould be borne ofa virgin without man, or hee meinetb that leriifa- lem , which was liite a barren woman in her captiuity , fiiouli be fiuitfuU i» IheeiibatiSiioynedia ia«riage,»nd whom GodblcU'etb with chilitea, Kk ludah. new coudnant. t Rauing vniei•. d tb:» vifion efche Mcfl'uh lo le, in whuKi two boifel of ΙΓμ:! jaib;:a commiittdtne fiult.and iliattbe chiUrtii vveie pa- BiOiid Ei?k..s,3. h Tliough the cu- Uf D,n. of a-Jrn.p. tion madi to the fathcri.joJ tbii which wai puia after, fctnic diU:»•, jet the, areall onejndgrouuHed oalrfuiCbriil, laue that ihii n calleJneAi.be- caufeofihtt...atii- felUtiooofChiilt, ■ndihe;jbu) anc gracrfoftneboly Gh'jit giuenio hn Chutch va.ier the Goffel. i Aid fo Wire the occafion of their owned lUircemtot through r^eir iu~ fideli.y, Ifa.,-0.1. II Or, «nlhr. k Ια the time of Chiilt, myUwfljall in lieaHuftaDlei •flfonebevviitteii «iae holy S;>irit, EbveAf.S S.io. ItVniev the king- domeof Chiilt thite (halbe nooe blipded wiib ignO' ranee, but I well giiieibeinfaitli, aad It-owledge of God for itmiirua of tbcu hutwiatid dayly increile the i.ioie : fo that it Hull not feeme to come fo much by «he pteachiog of «nyniioi en , asbj th.iallruftionof nif holy Spiiit, Icre niah. wlih.andia th; dtUs tbrfeof.wheo 1 ih»U bring ^lins their captiuity.The Lord blsffe thee.O ha- bitation of lattice and holy mountaine. , 24 And luJah lln lU dwell in it , atid all the ci- ties thereof together , tlie hiisbanJmeti and they that go fuorth with the flocks. Far I ha'ie Atiitc the wea y feule , and I haue replenilhsdeuery forowfuli lojli. 26 Therefore I awalied and bebelde , and my deep; ' was I'wect vuto me. 27 Behold.the dayescome.faiththeLord.thjt I wiU Tow the houfe of li'iafi.and the houfe of lu- dah f with the feede of tnaft , and with the feede of beaft. 28 And like as I banc watched vpou thern, to plucks vp and to roote out , and to throw downe, and to deftroy, and to plague them.Co will f watch ouer them , to builde and to plant rhtm , faith the Lord. 29 In thofe dayes fli ill they fiy no roote, The fitht-rs hiueg eatenafowre grape ,and thecbil- drens teeth are fct on edge . 30 But eiery one Ihalldie fjrhis owna iwi-. qnity , eiiery man thit eateth tbeiowce grape , his teeth llulbs fit on edge. 31 f B.hold, the dayescome.fiiith the Lord, that ( will make a >> new couenant with the houfs of Ifrael, and with the boiifeof iiiJah, 3 2 Not according to the couenant that I raade with theit fathers, when I tooke them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt.thi which nay couenant tiiey 'brake , although I was D an husband vnto theiu, faith the Lord. 33 But this Owil be thecouenantthat [ will make with the houfe of iftael, After ^ thofe dayes, faith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will'be their God, and they Ihalbe toy people. 34 Aiid they Iball ' teach 00 more euery man his neighbour, and euery man hisbiother.faying. Know the Lord : fjr they Hull all know me from tlie Isaft ofthern vntothegi'eateftoftbcra ,fayth the Lord : far I will forgiue their ini4 lity, and will remember their fjnnes no more. 35" Thus fayth ihj Lord , which giueth ""the funne for a light to the day.-wi thecourfci of the tnoone and oftheftarresfora light tothetiight, which breakeih the lea , when (he waues theiCvif roare; bisNinieixthe Lord of hoalis. j6 Ifthefe ordinances depArt out of my fight, faith the Lotd , then ihall the feed of Ifciel ccafe from being a nation before me/or euer. 37 Tdus laid) the Lord . If theheauens can be meafured , " or the foiuidations of ξ earth be (ear- ched out bencath.then will call oil' all the lied of lftaeI,for all that they bane done, faith the Lord. 38 BiholJ.tae dayes corae,C;ith the Lord.that the ο city Ihilbe built to the Lord from the tower of Hananeel.vnto thf gne of the corner. 39 And tl;eliniuf themeafureiballgofurth in bis prefencc vp jn the hill Gareb.anJ Iball conj. pide ab nu to Goath. 40 AnJthewhol'^vjIleyofthe d;adbcdies,and of the albcs, and all f hcL's vnto the bi 00k of Ki- dton , and viho the corner of the horfgate towatJ cicBot batgiiie light atcofdreg torn) le orditunce , foloBgai . lo (hall my Clutch iieiier faile, nciib:!• ;i)all anv hing bin- ,ii I will haue » people, fo cerniae isir ihat 1 will l.-auc them togoueine hem Aiith. η The orn- aad ι e oltei is impi Qi'jle. - - . met. Nehein.j.i.By hi» Jefirip;io.ibeelheweth that the cm'e flioulHbeaiample.iad beautiful! ai eacrl• W4>: bn; hvalludcilltO dl«ff iliuall iciufaiem . w^cfe biauij UiouU be iucompatabie. leremians purchah Ila. •+•'3• cotnplilhing hireutiifefctted to fhr kiogdome olCifilt , when we ftalbe ioyoed with m Ifthe funne, •luouneaat iiair thit A'ord UU der Itranl as fu my womfjreu. ο Ai It wai peii the Eaft/7;^:ito thee Scfty,' Buy vnto thee my H;lde, that is in Anathoth for the y title by kindred appertaintth v.ito thee <* to buy it, 8 ^o danamscKmine vncles fonne, came vnto mee in thecourtof the prifon .according to the word of the Lord, Sc faidvnto roe. Buy my «ficU, I pray thee , that is in Anathoth , which is in the countrey of Beniarciin : for the right of the poCfcf- fuu is thine.and the pirchafi bthngnh vnto thee: buy it for thee Tbenlkaew chat thiswasthe wordof ihe Lord. 9 And [ bought the ffild of Hanameel , mine vncles fonne , that was in Anjthoth , and weighed hiin thetiluer,tt«nfeuinflhckels,and imfitces of filuer. 10 And I wiit it in the bocke and figned it.and tooke witnefles , and w;ighed bim the liiuer in the balances . 11 Sol tooke the booke of the poiTririon.be• Ing fealed g atcordtng to the Law , and cuftome with the bocke that was open, 1 2 And I gaue the booke of the poCTeflion vn- to Baruch thefonneofNetiah.thefonncofMaa- ftiab , in the fight of Hanameel mine vncles ftnm and in the preience of the wimeffcs, written in th booke of the poifeilion , before all the lewes that fateio the court of the ptiibn. 13 And I cha-ged Baruch before them, fay ingi 14 Thus faith the Lord of hoafts the God of If- fael, Take the wriiings, *««« this book ufthepof- felhon , both that Is fealed , and this booke that i: open , and put them in an earthen ^ velTell , tliat they may continue a long tiine. 1 }■ For the.Lordofhoaftes , the God of Ifiae: faith thus , Houfcs and ftsldes , and vineyards Ihal be pofleifed againe in tiiisland. \6 f Now when I bad delioered the booke ο the pofleiQon vnto Baruch the foBiJe of Neiiah , prayedvtitotbe Lotdifaying, Uittt».- ah had uowpro- jphecied from the thiiteeuthyeere of loliih vnto the laft y--e,efaueoaeof ZeJekiahireigUf, Which wj»aJmolt fouiiie yteici. C*4/.i,.ii.,7,. "'it••». b Ti!I I take Zt- dekiab away by 4th: far he (hall I die by the f.votd thap.34.4. Whereby w«» piitthac ihepeoM pie Ihouldreturae ine out of cap«i tyand eoicy their pelTcfSoni I vineyard» , a« f.ti.aDd44. DOr, r,£*j(«rr. Ofthepolfeiit-. > of the Leuitei, ade Leuit.j;.3j. f Which maun- f one mo- ney about trulhiU i«eBce, if thii airkel were the common flie- ieG:n.aj.,/. Ih-lifl of theTempie w*l• of dDuble value. iecetof liiuer Were• halft a fheltel : for iwent J made the ihekel, g Acterding to the cultome the imhumentoreui• dence wai fealed vp with the com» m 0 leale , and a copy thereof re- mamed, which eOBs tetnei the fame in eifra.but wastioc fo aucenticallai the other. but wa• left open to be freneifaay thing Ihauld be called into doubt. b A'J.ifotohiJe ihem in the ground) that they might be preftttiedai a t*» ken of theit ds» ieremiahs prayer; ■ _Cbap.Xpc XjUl. 7 Ah Lord God. bshold, Λοο haft made «he JLUWAkVt• CiVCU-W* f•^ lOlthii. * Zxti n.T. dcut.r,9- i Biiaufe the wio kei «M fujiea to tlwcuifeofGod, fc« ihfwe-.h tb« their poileritie wluth by paiiire Iftiiaion ,lha\lbe pujilhed boii fo their o.vnewicke-l• oeffi , and that ths iniqjitieoftheivfi rls.wliicli i« lik; ..ife iat«'n,fn» be alfo Kuenged ο tkeir bead. kMeaniuj ,thac bU miracles iode• liueriag his people fiiould neuej be fti-gotti iThsword Π^οί- «fthauyih.Dgth i.ciitvT,asa.no or lampirt, aoH i «Ifo vied for eni;iDi lofwiire , wbi^h I were laydon ati place tniboJl isto aciiy before th»t gunBeiWetein Tie. IxThttii , of enery who : they irchii wor fo doth he goucr id gtiid them a heaiun and che earth by thy gwat powei . and by thy ftretched oat atme.and tbete is noiwcg II harJ vnto thee. , r ι „» i8 * thou iheweft mercy vnto thouUnJs.and recompenfeft the iniquuicofthefahers into the boforae of iheit i chilJien after them : Ο God the S-at Sc mighty .whofe name is the Lord of hca'is. 19 GreanacouQfell.and mighty in worke. (tut thine eyes ate open vpon all the wayes of the fons of men , to giuen to euety one according to tas wayes.and according to the fruit of his works) 20 Which haft fit Ggoesand wonders in the land of Egypt vnto this k day . and in Ifraelanda- roong <.« aien , and haft made thee a Name, as -f - peartt^ this dav, , ,λ ι . <• 2 1 And haft brought thy people Ifrael out ot ■ the l.nd of Egypt with i.g.ncs . and with wonders. '■ and with a ftrong hand . and a ftretched out arme. and with 2re>ittcrrour, , . , i_ ^^ And haft giuen them this land.which thou di Jdeft fweare to their fathers to giue thero.<««» a land that floweth with roilke and hotjy. 23 And tbey cacne in.and polleired u.but tliey oHeyed not thy voyce.neitUer wilked in thy Lnv: ail thai thou cofflffianJeJft tbem .o do . they haue not done : therefore thoa baft ciuf<:d this whole pUg'ie to come vpon them . 24 Biholde. the 1 mounts, they are come into the ci;ie to take it , and the citie is giuen into the hand of the Caldeans . that fight agawft u by tiie meanes of the IwjrJ. and of t^e fa.Dine.and ot the peftiieoce . and what thou h.^tt fpoken . is come to padi.andbehold.thnufeeftit. 1Ϊ And thou haft faid vnto me. Ο Lord God, Buv vnto thee the held forlilucr . and take wit- neifes : for the citie ihalbe giuen itKo the ivind ot the Caldeans. , r i. r j . αδ f Then came the word of the Lord vnto ieremiab, faying. ^ ^ r^ c 27 Behold. I am the LORD GOD of all ™ flilh : is there any thing too hard for me ? 28 Ther;fute thus faith the Lord , Behold , I will eiue thiscitie into the hand of the CaUeanJ., and mto the band of Nebuchad-nezzu kingot by he iheiweth that be is tbe auth «.this their cap.». ty for their fmoes.fi will bee for bis irei eies be their tedce- jliertotetioiethcm ■gaineto lib;rtis D Fiom the time that I biought thei out ot Egypt , and made them my pto plf, picafeTh hfSre Bibel . and he Ih all take it. *^ " 19 And thet. Caldeans aiaU come and fight a- gaiuft this citie, and let fire on this citie.and biitne it mtia the houfcs, vpon whole roofes they biue offered incenfe vato Baal . and powrcd dnnke ot- feringsvrito other goas, to ptouokemee vnro "TJ* ForthecWildteaofUueLand the children of ludah hauelurely done euill before me ifrotn „ „„ p,o their ° youth:for the children of Ilrael haue furely , ^.idL• prouuked mee to angir. with the workes of their ciyfiraioint. hanJs, faith the Loro. J 1 Therefoie this citie hath beene vnro me at * prouocathn of mine angsr.and of ray wrath .trora tne day that they built it . euen vQto tms Jay , tl.4t libinldremooueitoutofroyfight, 3 1 B'-caufe of all the euill of the children of Ifracl.and of the drildtf η of ludah. which they haue done to prouoke mee to anger .«ue» tbey, their Kings . their Princes . their Pricfts.atid their Prophets . and the men of ludah , and *e inhabi- tants of letuiaiem. .l,^L,^tA 3 2 And they bane turned vnto roee the backfi md and not the face : thotigh I taught them." nhng • ί • i vp carely , and ioftruaing them, yet tbey W«C UQt ^/,,7. t obediepttoiecwttc c^'^'ioe, 34 But they fetthiit abominations in the houfd (wherevpon my Name was cal!ed)to dtfile it 3,- And the» built tb.3 high ρ places of Baal, pTha which are in the viUey of ^ Ben-hinnot^ . to caule their fonnes and ti.eir uatighters to ' paCe through the fir* vnto M.-lecli , which I conimaaded them not. neither cams it into ray minJe . that^ they Ihould doe fueh abosiinaiiwn , tocaufe lutan to 36* And now ■ iheref jre . thus bath the Lord GuJ of Ifrael fpoken Concerning this citie.where- of ye fa> . It ihabe deliuercd into the.land ot the king of B-'belby the fword ,aiul by the famine. ' and by tV.e peililtr c^. 37 * BehoU.I will gather th«m out of all coun treys . wherrin Ihaue fcattcted them in mine ao- gsr.and in my wrath .and in great indignstion.snO I will bri-ig them againe vnto this place, and 1 wnl CJufi them to awell fafely- 38 And they lhaibc*ray people , apd I will oe tbeitGod. . , 39 And I will giue them '^ one heart and one way. tiat thev n-av fcare mee for tiuet for the wealth tf them . and of their children .if-er.them. 40 And I will make an euetlaftirg " cou;nant with thcm.that I wilineuer tiirne awjy f otn them to doe them good , hut I will put my fearc in thai hea-ts.tliat they Ih^H not dep^rr from me. 4 1 Yea . I will delight in them to doe them good, and I will plant them in this land alfuredJy with my whole heart.and with aU Q.7 loule. 41 For thus faith the Lord .Like aslhaue brought all thisg.eat plague vpon this people, fo will I bring vpou them all the good that 1 baee proroifed them. . ^ , 43 And the fields niallbepofleffedm this land, whereof ye fay , it is defolatc whhout man or bcaft and n^allbe giuen into the hand of the Chaldeaiu. 44 Men ihall buy χ fields for filuet . and make Κ JJ^jJ^^Jf^Va, wriiirgs and fetle them , and tM wimiil^s in the^tich w.s fpok land ot Beniamin.and tound about lerufalem , and «tfe ». in rhc cities of ludah, &: in the cities of thetcoan- taines.and in the cities of the plaine,' and in the cities of the S outh : for I will caiife their captimty to returne, fjith the Lord. CHAP, xxxiir• , ■ , . The Prophet ,s m.mib.-d.flhcioritcpt'yf'rthetf' ■ l,u»ran(eiifthepe»flcwhi(hlheLotUpv<:m:\ and D-.j.and Ji ■ nd If. 19. and i.Chroo.jS.ir. , thealtiitl off-erfjciihce i-poo lothrir idole*. R-ad; Cha| Ki,g.a,.4.L . IteaJ a. Km^.iij fRe»deCiiap.3»,ii. XJe^t.jo. Chnp.}o.ii, ! cotrrent aal rliaioa . a» u fteadChap. jr^ M' cbi ,cr te mdci. Oreouer the word of the Lord came vnto le- remiab the fecond time twhilehee was yet fliut vp in the » court of the prifon) f.iy ing. 2 Thus iaith the Lord . the b mjke» thereof, the Lord that formed it . and eftabliihed it , the Lord is his Name. ^ . j 3 Call vnto mee. and I willanf*ere thee, and iliew thee great and reightie things , which thoH knowsftnot, 4 For thcs faith the Lord God of ifrael , con- cerning the houfesof this citie . and concerning the boufes of the Κ logs of ludah, wUch are de- ftioved by the « mounts.aod by tbe fword. ί They cprae to ^ fight with the Caldeans^ h\K it u to fill themfelues with the dead bothes of men.whoml haue fliine in mine anger and in tpy wath : fori haue hid my ^ fice from tbisatie, bccaufeofalhheirwickednefle. 6 r Behold, 1 f will giue it health at3d amena• ment • for I will cure them ', and will reueale vnto them the ibundaiicc bf peace,and ttueth. I KK 1 7 »*'* -Whicti wa»infli< kiog.boufeat leiu- ■ , ai Chap.jJ. , ..wir.of Iera« filr/w.whoa» he it,f..willhe prelcru-it.icade Ifa 37.26 Rc..d Co. 31,14. i The le-vr.s thiuke C.lltar.s.br fefhetbeir ο deltruftieo. , He flieweth that God• f^uour i• ;aufeof.llpiori-e' .ity.a.bi.an: ofalladue.l.. f Inihemidsot bis threatcirp God rrmtmbirth hii , and tcnitvrg the» r it jjnnesTorg'iuen. Ieren|ah. Reformation begun and fepem:ea« T)ecl»-,ing thit (here is no driiue- r»nce nor ioy : but wlicreis wee feele ictuflioD oflionel. h whereby he* Ihtweth th«t the Church wbeif in minrion of s, is Godsho- and glory.fo that whofoeuer is enemy tu it.Ubou- reth CO diiboQOUc Cod. And I will caufe the cipiluhiecf ludah and ihe captiuiiie of lirael to returne , and will build them as attbehift. 8 And I will g cleanfe them from ill their in i- quiiie, whereby they hane finned agiinft me:ye>, Iwill pardon all their iniquities, whereby the/ haue finceJ agaioft mee , and whereby they haue rebelled againft mee. 9 And it ilull be to mee a name , a"" ioy , a praife , and an hoHour before all the nations of the Confidereil tbou not what 4 this people '^ Meaning, the Ci'.deins atid oi fidels which f haui fpoken , faying, Tbe two fainilies. which the Lord hath chofen , hee hath euen caft them ciF ί thus they haue defpifed my people 1 that they ftoiild be no mote a nation before them. ly Thus faith the Lord ,ifroy conenantbe not with day and night, and if I haue not appoin- ted the order of heauen and earth, 26 Then will luft away iKefeede of laakob and Dauid my feruant , and not lake of his feed to ijbt God had ly caft oftlu- dahand Ifiaelor Benijmiii, becaufe iid ccrrtft for a lime for theft »aieade• BieDt., i Which vvit » fong «ppointeJ for tbeLeuitesto praife God by, i.CaroD.ii.S.Pril. ϊοί.ι Ifa. Pfal.joe.r.andpfal j07.i.anJ pfa.iiS.i nod pfaj.ije.i. fc Meaning, that sll the cotintrey efludahihallbc ishsbiced agaiac. IThat is.lwi:! iendihe McfTiah. •vhich flull cume of the houf» of ■SOauid, of whom ibisprophecie is meant, as lenifie all the lewes, ar.d thatvyiichiswiit. ten Chap. ij,f . A To wit , Chrift that /hail csU hit CSu'Cb. a Tiiat is.Chiill is cnr L^rd God, Dur iigateoufneiTe, faaaihcition , and reJempiion, a Cit 1,30. ο This is chiefly meant of the fpi- litutll faciificeof ihankcfajuino. earth, which lliall heare all the good that I doe \ be rulers ouer thefecdecf Abraham, Izhik , and laakob: for I will caufe their capiiuicie to returne, and haue compatTion on them. CHAP. XXX ΙΙΙΓ i He thteaiHtth thai the cine, ar.dthe KingZ burnt offrings.and to of- fer meat offrings , and to do facrifice continually. 19 Τ And the word oftbe Lord came vnto le- remiah,faying, 20 Thus faithtbe LDrd,If you can breake my couenant of thePdav ,and my couenant of the night . that there llxiuld not be day and night in hichis 1(β to>hep''"tle»fDn. Gbutcb in the times 21 Then may ojy couenant be broken with riie^u'.'riJlh'i"^"'' JDauidmy feruant,ihat he iliould not haue a fonne lauiag Tacrlfice """ UwdPiTeftstny minifters, Whocommonlf ofliTcmiah was called Ncbiicbad- Ncbucbad-nezar. Chnn.iS I J, Chap.i9,ii,ij. andji.j. \Bluitl•;l»^}ι,}sf^Pl^'^'^^^^.^*^^ °/'^s .•"«* meaftired:fo will I mul- \ let goe frce,to returne, and held them in fubieai• £■ iply the (cede of Dauid my. feruant jAnd the Lg- lites.thatminifter vnto me. 2j f Moieouet.thc.wgrdqfthcJLerdcanMj on as feruants and handmaids. X 2 Therefore the word of the Lorf came vntO leremiah from the Lord,fayirg, ii, Thu* fakh the totd Gud of Ifrael,! rsades -ggBgoa» ■■ — e The lewes ifcalj hir.entfor thee' it loidaod lIBg. d When theetie* was at band, md [bey faw then felues in danger, ;hey would fcesis i:oly,an.i fo began fome kinde of re- foimation : but fooneaftei they, vttered their by. socriiie. _ According to 'Me taw•, £xod> Dept.iy.ijj t £ir, rttH7»t4, jfaeJlcciJ^Wtcs^^ t Metniag. ia the Temple, to declare thitit waitmc" folemneand itr« coaenaat, made the Name of (he tOfd. g That ii, I giue couenant with ybir fathers.w1ien I brought them out of the land of Egy pt^out of the boufe of U fer- uants/aying, 14 * At the terme of feuen yeerc $,let ye go eae- ry man bis brother an £brew which bath beene foltl unto thee : and when he bath ferued thee fixe y eetes , thou ^^tit let him goe free torn thee : but your fachers obeyed mee oot , neither enclioed their cares. I f And ye weie now tamed . and bad done right in η y fig^u in proclaiming liberty ,euery man to bis n:ighbour,and yc had made a couenant be- fore me in ' the houfe . wherevpon my Name is called i6 But ye repented , and polluted my Nacne : i&bij for ye baue caufed euer.y man his feruant , and euery man bis handmaid.wbom ye had fee atliber. ty at their pleafure , to returoe , and hold them in fubicdioo to bo VQCO you as feruants and as hand• Diaids. 1 7 Therefore thus faith the Lord, Ye haue not obeied me.ia proclaiming freedome euery man to his brother, and euery man to his neighbour: behold , I ptoclaime a libeny for you , faith the Lord.to gthefword.tothepeftilence.andto the Cbap« xxxy; xxxvj« Obedience to parents. 75; y And I fet before the fonnes of the houfe of the Rcchabites pots full of winc.and cuppes.and d faid Ρ The Prophet filth vnto them,Dtinke wine. ~--^-. -..-:-u 6 But they faid.VVe will drinke no winerfor « lo- .TheLoiduitli lui, for ibca ibty ughc tubaoeobey• radibthelonneof Rechabeur failiei coraman- pd, but he teodeih ded vs.faying , 'Ye ihall drinke no wine, niither you nor y our fon nes for euet. 7 N.;ithe» iiiall you buikl houfs.notfow feed.nor plant vineyard, nor haue auy.but all your dales ye taotber end: that i>, declare their obe- jiruce coinan.reeiijg be lewei wjuH not )fa!r God binifelfe. fa Al touching thit f folemne diftirvti''""'' Ί f*'^^°"= • »"'* ^ '''" ^^^^ y<>" * '«row to all the kingdomes of the earth. 18 And I will giue thofe men that baue broken my Couenant, and baue not kept the words of the Couenantjwhich they had made before me. when .u..u.^ ^^^f ^ '^"' '^^ '^^'^'^ '" twaine.and paffsd betweene co'iTe'Dan't'whic'h thi the patts thereof. «ncieot rfedbypafi 19 Tbepiincesof ludah.and the priocesof Ιβ- the land where yc b : ftrangers. 8 Thus haue we obeied the voyce.of lonadabthe fonoi ofRecbab our father.in all that he hath char- ged vs,and we drinke no wineall our diks.ncithet wc.our wiues.our fonnes.nor our daughters. 9 Ndther build we houfes for vs to dwell in, neither haue we viney ard.tior fieldjnor feed, JO But we haue remained in tents, and haue obeied, anddone accorLingto t all that lonadat our father commanded vs. II But when Nebuchad-nezwr king of Babel came vp inro the land, we faid , Come , and let vs goe to lerufaleui.from the hoaft of theCaldeaus,f wbTcb iecT»"erh and from the hoaft of Aram : fe we i» dwell at le- rufalem. I ζ Then came the word of the Lord vnco le- remiab.fayipg, 13 Ttius laith the Lord of hoafts ,the God of IfraeI,Goe,and tell the men of ludah.and the inha- bitants ef let ufalero.Will' ye not teceiue dootrine, to obey my words.fiith the Lord > 14 The commandement of lonadab theibnne ofRecbab thathecomanded his fonnes, that they ling of Ifrael fauo- led for hi• zeale, iKiog 13,1/. ( Tfachiog them hereby to flee alloc•' zsi^oa oficieoipe- riniy, ambition aaj uirice .asjihac hey might kaow bit thf V were firan• gen in the earth, and ady todepattac ill otcalii.au g Wnith waioovr for the fpace of three bundreib yeerei froio lehu to Icboiikim. iwo^arn'ofa be'aft; '"'^'s™• '^« Eunuches, and the PfieSs, and all the I] Ibould drinke no wioe.isfurely kept: for vnto this befo divided ia piece», reade Cea lignitie that the i people of the land . which paifed betweene the tranlgreffour of the I parts of the CiHe. f,mecouenao.ihoui4 jq 1 wiUeueogiuetheminto thchandof their enemies , and Into the hands of then ;hat feeke j their life : and their dead bodies fliall be Ijt meat j vnto the foules of the heauen, and to the beaQs of I the earth. I 21 And Zedekiah king of Iudah,and his princes will I giue into the hand of their enemies,and ia- to the hand of them that feeke their life , and into the hand of the king of Babels hoatl , which ' ate gone vp from you. 2 ζ Behold.I will command,faich the Lord ,and caufe them to returne to this city , and they ihall fight againft it, and take it, and burne it with hre : andJ will make the cities of Indah delblate with• out an inhabitant. CHAP. XXXV. He pripoptth the tieiience oj the Keciabites , «ni thereij etMfiundeth the pride if the Iiwes. TTHe word which caoie vnto Jeremiah from the • For the difpofitioJ Lord.in the daies » of Jehoiakim the fonne of •Dd ordeioftbefe i lofiihking of Indab.fayirg. propheciei, reade j j Qq ynto the houic of the ^ Rechabites, and b 'rbei «me o! Ho. fpe>*ie '"'0 'hcm , and bring them into the bjufe day they drinke none,but obey their fathers com loandement : noiwithftanding I haue fpoken vn- to you,'' tifing early, audfpeaking, but ye would not obey me. I f I haue fent alfo vnto you all my fetnants the Prophets,rifiog vp early ,and fending i/«»>,faying, * Returne now euery man fro» his enillway, and amend your workes , and goe not after other gods to ferue them, and ye Q^all dwell in the land which I haue giuen vnto you , and to your fa- thers , but ye would not encline your eare . cci obey me. 16 Surely the fonnes of lonadab the fonne oi Rechab, baue kept the cfltomandement of their father, wi^ich be gaue them , but (his people hath not obeyed me. 17 Therefore thusfaith the Lord of hoafts.the God oflfrael.Behold,! will bring vpon Iudab,and vponall the inhabitants of lerulalem, SU the euiU that I naue pronounced againft them, becaufel baue 1 fpoken vnto tbem.but they would not beaie, and I haue called vnto them , but they would not anfwece. 1 8 And leremiah (jid vnto the houfe of the Re >.-.,......„,..>- . w , . chabites.ThuiQiththeLordofhoafts,tne GoJof babMufeif.theria of thc Lotd into One of the chambers, and giue ► Ifrael.Becanfejebaueobeied tbecommanaeroent f Toftgbtagaialltbt Egyptiaa», U Chap 97'". law.who wa• no them wine to drinks. raelite, but after , yned with them ia P. . r r ., r • • l jl • 1 thefeiuiceefGod, mubthe lonneof Hjbazziniib ,and hisoreilTen and all hii f.'Dnes.ana the w.iole houfe of the Re- chabites. 4 And I brought them into the houfe of the Lord, into thechamberoftneionnesofHaoan the fonne of Igc'aiiih a man <^ of God , wi ico was bv the *Tha»ii,aPtcpV,€t. chaffibetof the princes , which was aboue the cha'^ber ofMaait-ian the foUAC ofScalluo), the tor.iotie, Uctpctoithelltieifure. of lonadab your father , and kept all his precepts, and done according vnto all that be hath com• ir>anded you. 19 Therefore thusfaith the Lord of hoafts.the God of ifrael , lonadab the fonne ofRecbab ihall ■° not want a man.to fiiind before me for euer, CHAP. XXXVI. I Biruchwriteih Λ! iettmtah mdiieth, the hokecflie iUf['\a(T " IfeaaJ my Trophet•. Chef.tt.tl, ITh«tii,bybiiPro«f pbet» and mioiliertj which iUeiv-ethilm ii. as much. « hough he (hould fpeikc to VI himfelf, when be fecdeib hi» roinillentofpcake in bii Name. niHi» polietity fhal! faiwui [gieuei. mSWBmWWr lenTmscnr k which weretwen- I three y«fre, »s Chtpij,3- «^ua. tiug from ihe thif- h ycere uf luluhf G Ai bidi firit taken, ίηά then le ^w wHen they had heardliirtie words. ^iie|KiDgsraga<: were led imf cap tiuei•. h Which is the Eaft of the Temple, th<_ wuSed n-ere alioai- eJ for the bono^f of thepun^lUmtot. godly gauetbi] ccuiifell, by wbofe tueanes it i> liitethat crrmiah was deli• ered; hi they knc'^v te lage cf tte kiDg ,ndof(hfwii.kfdt>i e I'uch : that they ou!d noiefcape witlioutdaoger of their iiues. Which conteioed paitofNouember, aad pert of December. Shewroj that the ickedinlleadof rfpt-oiing wheatbef heare Godi iuige- nifnu, grow mta fun her malice ■'giinlthiai4adh'M word. •nd his 'companion lereiiiiah in the Houfe of the Lord , in the cham- berofGeraariah the fonne of Shaphan the Secre- tary in the higher court at the e.itry of the h new 'Λ» of the Tempun β'*" ^^ ''^^ Lords houfe , ia the hearing of all the • ' people. 1 1 When Michaiah tite fonne of GecDatiah,the fonne of Saph.-in had heard out of the booke all the words of the Lord, 1 1 Then he we nt downe to the kings houfe iinto the Chancellours chamber , and be , all the princes fate there , ttitn Eliihatna the Chancellor, and D."laiah the fonne of Shemaiah, and Elnathan the ftttine of Achbo: , and Gemit jah the fonne of Slwphan, and Z:dekiahthe fonne of Haaaoiah, end all the princes. 13 Then Michaiah declared vntothemallthe words tba: he had heard wh:n Baruch read in the boake in the audience of the people. 14 Therefore all the princes fen' lehtidi the fonaeofNethaniah , the fonre cfS.elemiab.ths fonne of CulW.vnto Bicuch.fay hand the roule , wherein thou h^ixtead in the au- dience of the people , and come. So Baruch the ! fonne of Neriah tooke the toule in his hand , and came vnto tliem. If Andtl.eyfaidvntobim,SitdownenQw,and leade it, that we may heate. So Baruch read it in ilieifaiidigDce they were ' afraid , both one and otfeer , and faid : The gnjly t!v vnto Baruch, Wewill ccrtitje the kirg cf all ihefe ^ί^Τ^ηΓ"^ ^'' words, 17 And they examined Banicb,f3yirg,Tell vs now,How diddtfi ttou write all thefe woids at his month ί 1 i Then Baruch anfwered them,He pronounced all thefe words vnto roe with his mouth , and I wrote thtm with ynke in the booke. 19 Then faid the princes to Baracb.Go.t bidel ^^ ^, thee, thou and letemiah, and let no man know'' '^* ' wliete ye be. ao τ And they went in to the kirg to the court, but they laid vp the roule in. the chirober of Eli. Hiama the Chancellour , and told the kingallthe Words,that he might heare. ζ I Sothekingfent lehudi to fet the rouIe.aDd hee tooke it out of Eliihama the Chancellours chamber , and lehudi reade it in the audience of the king , and in the audience of all thepricces, whic h Itood befide the King. 21 Now the king i bread in c' ,e city were eaten vp. Thus leremiah rcucai- tiid in the court of the ptilbn. CHAP, xxxviir, X By the mo:iin of the rulers lenmiah is put intt Λ diiTf i'on. 14 Aithe refuel} of JLbLd-miUch the timj, Ciimmnndeth leremiah to he inught jttnh of the inn i'on 17 letemiAh jhiwelh the Kimhnv hetmith fjcAfe death. 'THen Shephatiahtbe fonne of Mattan, atvIGe- •■• dahab the fonne of Paflihut .5c lucal the lotin^ ofShelemiah, and Paihhur the lonneofaMiu- chiah, heard tbe words tliat lereoJab had fpokeo vnto all the people .faying, 2 Thus fiith the Lord, He that remaine tb in thiscitj'.lLall die by the Iword, by the famine and by the peliilence : but he that gocth foorth to the ^'"?- Caideans, iliallliue: for he fcall haue bis life for '^^^-'•'"Ctap.it^s^ baprayiatidlhallliiie. \ ^''^' 3 Thus faith the Lord,Th Is city (lull furely be giuen into tbe hand of tne king of Babels army, which Ihall take it. 4 Therefore the princes faid vnto the king.VVe befeech you.let this man be put to death : fut thus ht H weakeoeth the bands of the men of warre <= that remaine in this city , and the hands of all the peoph, in fpeaking iucb words v.)to them: for th.Eman feekethnot the wealth of this people, but the hurt. f Τ hen Zedekiah the king faid, Behold.he is in your hands ,for the king can deny g vndet tbe cteafutj•, and tooke there old rotten ΓΛ^^ίί .and oUwotre c/oB/j.and let th.m downe byc^aidsioto the dutj- geoD to leremiah ι^ .AndEbed-melech the bljcke Moore faid vnto lerecniah , Put now thefeoWrottc; ranges aod woine I vndet cbine arme-hoies, bciv.'>.(.ue lOiJifetufa^eth. : Thui wereeboW> he wicked wbcn tcy cannot ab:de to cite tbet:tifb of Godi word, feefee Bo 3ulthemir.i;; Which wan re• c Which iicilled Antiocbi» ii Sfxiai i Which (JecUr^h tbat be more fe«ied the reproach of men, then the chieatDiDZ• efGod. k When Teconiih and mother , with ο theri.wM'eciiied ■way, tbefe Komra •f tbejitog» boufe wrcreleft; which ihalbe Kken , faith theTropbet, and cell •he king of Babel low Z-dek fed liar friend .iot^yeere of Zedekiah king of In- *»*:»"«. »/,ι. tenth moneth. ceme Nebuchadnezzar *^**'• ■'»'♦• king of Babel and bis hoafte agjinft Ierufileej,and[ they beGeged it. 2 yyind in the eleuentb yeerc of Zedekiah in thej fourth moneth, the ninth day of the moneth , the city was broken » vp. 3 And all the princes of the king of Babel came w."" w«re in.and fare in the middle gate. *uen Netegal, Sha- ° "*• rezer.Sharogsrnebo.Satfechim.Rab-fatis.Netegal, Sharezer , Rab-mag , with all tbe tcfidue of the princes of the king of Babil. 4 And when Z;dekiah the king of ludah faw , them, and all the men of watte.then they fled.and went out of the city by night , through the king gatkn,and by the ^ gatebetweene thetwowals, ai3d he went toward the wildernes. ; But the Caldeans hoift purfued after them and ouertooke Zedekiah in tbe defcrtof Iciicho : and when they had taken him, they brought him to Nebuehad-nezzat king of Babel vnto « RibUh in the landofHamath , wiietebegaueiudgement vpon him. 6 Then thekirg of Babel flewthefonnes of Ze- dekiah in Riblah befote his eyes : alfo the king of Babel Q^w all the nobles of ludah. 7 Moreouet he put out Z:dtkiahs eyes , and bound him in chaines to caty him to Babel. 8 And the Caldeans burnt the kings houfe, antl ihe houfcsof thepeople with fire.and brake downe the svales of lerufalera. 9 Then Nebuzar-adanthellchiefeflewatdca. f ied away ciptiue into Babel tfte remnant of the people that remained in the city , and thofe that were fled and fillen vnto hiro,with the left of tbe people that remained. 10 But N?buz. r-adan the chiefe Seward left J thed poure that bad nothing in thelandi.f ludah, tt and g r< l6 i'^frf^ ialfepropheti,which| J Bereia appcireth ibe infirmity of rhe Ptophci, who did «lifffmble to {i jotoufly landled. t Eti.l)) the h*«i of, , thine t^et him no barrae.but do vntobicu * euen as hefliall "fn ihim. f Thui Gud pitfei• :ed b < Piopbei by incinri.wbom be de ihe fcourgt to nitti the kiDg.ani in that were hii nemiei Babel had now 1 pointed gouernour eft of the u he lifl Kbiad. in of any. 13 SoNebtizar-adan thechiefeftewardfent, ^„ f and Nebuihaz'^an, Rabfaris , and Ne.egal . Sha- ! r.zar, Rab.t£ag, and all tbe King ol Babels i princes. I 14 Euen they few and tooke leremiah out of |_whom the king of ii the court of the prifon, and committed hiro VBto Ij f Gedaliah the fonne of Ahikaro the fonne of Sha- j phan, that he fliould cary him home , fo he dwelt I among the people. I If Now the word of the Lord came vnto lere- j uiiah .while be was flwt vp in «he court of the pti- I fon.faving, I 1 6 ' Go and fpeake to Ebed-roelech the blacke Moore , faying, Thus faith the Lord of hoaltes the Godoflfrael, Behold, I will bring my words vpon this city for cuill, and not for good, , andthey il^allbe 4a«m/7/i/7;«;(^ in that day before ! thee. 17 Bat I will deliuer thee in that day faith the^ Lerd,and thou (halt nothe giuen into the hand of the men wiiom thou feareft. not fall I For I wiUfurely deliuer thee.and thou fliik j,ju II bv the fword.but uy life ihnlbe f r .t pr* y f»"' teThuiGecIi ufed hiszeileuij r y lire imioc i r a pfiy fauour , wbichh* vnto thee.becaafe thou ε haft gat thy truft m me. fc^^'° ^j»J^ fiiitbtb^Lotd,• s&mi ^ The Propbet at liberties Chap» XL•. X LI — i^ Moreooerlobanantbc fonne ofKareah, shiffletuiiiAumief. f?; • Ftom tki» fe'on"™« to o.b.r.. to lohanan the fonne ofKareah. Thou Ihalt b notj ^Λ. ίΤΓα^Τΰ'.Ι^ do this thing : f jr thou fptakeft falfly of lfliaiail.i (^ b ». coi>fpir« CHAP. X L I. ^ibeirdeUrudio% 5«i?th«;oco;;wi:;;m;intoBi^ , • ^ri;j^'";?i::i:^^»"ia"*" ilel "+ ude^ Ml• ' nV'i^theafeuenth tnoneth came libmaelthd • Tl>ecit.>*|^ £iwhrth«it ' Dfonne of Nethaniah. the fonne of Elin^mab ?;«-/;!- ^J for thee to eoe, of the feederoyall, and the princes l1 the f king, «db the fcutn and ten men with him . vnte Geualiah the fonne motetb.wh.cb ^^ fcUdllb wherefoeuer fieward gaue bimgoe. , ,. i u 6 Then went leremiah vnto Gedaliah the fonne of Ahikam Who WM of the kiogi blood and af:er aewebiin. Cbjp. ^i.a. J t.King.is-H^ IXSthreelo gol So7hrchref j ofShaphan wich thefworJ. and flewhim , whom ThT» vtiSandl rlwa,d . and le. [ the king of Babel bad made gouernour oner the Diah vnto Gedaliah the i 3 Ifl^'°»'=l a'^o ί^«« ?" '''f ^'Γ.' ί ^17"' ,„,.„, ,, „,„^ Mizpah, and dwelt t;, ere with Gedaliah at Mizpan.and all the aideans with him among t,e peopfe that were left in the , ^^γ^ΐ;:^^^ΖΧΖάτί'^0. hecaptainesoftbehoafte,! daliah.andnomanknew it. etdes tHtn they and their [ y There came men fiom Shechem.from Shi- loh , and from Samatia , tutn fourelcore men ha- c Tbeydideate togethft fiieod•• land 7 Now wS-rn all d w' ich W' re in the fieldes , tutn they - • "• ■ -injcn. aacciit.with'ioffrir.gs and incenlem then bands land, and that he had committed vnto him „. r "r u τ ,j and women, and children, and ofthepooreof ^ to offer in^the^houfet.fil.c Lord the land, that were not caried away capiiue to j 8 Then they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, j euen « Iflmael the fonne of Nethaniah. and loba- the Tonnes ofKareah , and Sc- \ 6 And lihmael the fanne of Nethaniah went foorth from Mizpah to n^eete them , weeping as hee went : and wlnen he met them.hee fayd veto them . Come < to Gedaliah.the fonne of Ahikam. 7 And when they came into the midft of the g Or,t» Ytttiue them , η f tmreett them fury». Β Or.thtfentt dwell I». f Wbicb were «ed alfo for leare efiheOaUtaa•. ?aubl'7omrom=i«h7anTthVi^nne"s ί cit'ie . Ilbmael the fonn. of Nethaniah (iewthem - t- . . . r . , , inenthat were With Bim. _ 8 But ten men wetefbiindattoi^g them, that fonneCf"ha"praa'''fwrev;rtVem:a;i.otheir I faid v^^^^^^ m η f• Jne F.are not to fe-.Ui the Caldeans: i fures in the field, of wheate. and of barley .and of m.n.Uiing.p.a.e iKi « _ . ,^ , , _, , ^^j^^ and of hcny :fo bee Sayed, and flew them not among their brethren. 9 Now the pit wherein tlhmael had caS the dead bodies of the men (whom he bad Cainc be- and furomet fruits , and caufe of Gedaliah) is it . which Afa the king had f made becaufe of Bafliakii-'g of lirael-^n^IUi- yourcities-tbatvehaueDtaken. . , tvzd the janne of Netl.an.ah hfled it with tbem Lik wife when all the lewes that were in | that were Ilaine. , . , • „ .i,„ a;da^ongtbeAmmonites.a-,idinEdom. 10 Then Ifl.mael caned away captme all the of Maachathi.they and tbeit men 9 Arid Gedaliah the fonne of Ahikam .the let i d.vel'l inVhe land.""and'ferae the king of Babel>and it Ihill be well with you: 10 As for me. Behold ,1 wiU dwell at Mizpah to D fs'ue ;he Coaldeans.which will come ynto vs: but you. garrer you wine oyle . an.: put tnem in your vefleU , and dwell m d For they thoagbt ; thit (be Temple bnfi not beiDe deftioyed^ ■od therefore camt ; vp to ihefeaft of Taberniclrs: but bearing of the bu.Bingtboeof in the wiy.thfy ihtwed ihefe ligDeiofforrcw^ e For bis death*-^ svai kept fecret," ά be fained that lamented for tdeftruftionef Icijfa!em,and«be Tprepk.• bu; after Itvvibrm when hty fititifd to f«a uoui Oedahab, k^ f Moab.atid arong ... and 'Λ.Λΐ were in •Λ\ the cciuntryts . beard that the Ikinoofbibd natl left a remr.ant oflBdah,and jtbat°hee nad fet oua thetn Gedaliah the ionne of ahikam the fonnc of Sfajphan. Γ li t u;n all mcI'-Wii returned out otaUpla- !rf<:«;her^ idev we- Jiiuec. a^d carce to theland refidue of the people that were in Mizpah , then the Rings daughters, and all the people that re- mained in Mizpah , whom Nehuzat-atfan the chi:.fe fteward had committed to Gedaliah the fonne of A.^ikim . and IfliBra-l the fonne oi Ne- j thaniab caried them away captiue . and departed 15* woe »ad fiwwi £ίμϊ»ι wiy ngocb. f AfafortifieJ Miipab for feire of theecemie,aoJ calt diikbeaand bet, i.Kiogt ^Hypocrites. lerei niah. 'hich b.^ bj lat» vod.t Z:w'nii»ii, fc ForBJtli'ile b;cgof the Am- rooiiitt» wmhe ciufe ohbii Bi VPbicli place UauidofoUbjd fiucn CO CbimliMi thsfonof of Cjfii.UitheGilr- (■ Eh-Ln citrpray. fallieftrethie, Thif iecISi t J» th: aituie of hy- pacritcs, which Id know of Gods word wh»t they (llould doe, ' itwilloocfollovv^ ,biit in afniucb it utagrtitb with chat tbing, which Shiry hiue puff ofed to doe. k There art none niJte ready to abufe the Name of God and take it in vaiue , then the hy- pocritej.vvbichto colour theii filie- heod vfe it withou all teucrenct, and make it a mean!! for then» to dfceiue the £mpleaodthe jodly. c Here is (Jeclarei thtvilion and the occafion theriof. whereof mrntioa wai Kudi,Cbap. sllthec captiines of thehoafte that were ivuh him .hcjrdof all the euill chat lihrnad tbc fonne of N:thani»h had done, 1 2 Then they all tooke thiir ttsen.and west to fight with Ifh.Dael the foone of Ncthaniih , and found him by the great waters that are in Gibeon. 13 Now when all the people whotn Ilhmael caried away capiiue.faw Iohan*n thcfonueof Kareah, and allthecaptainesof chehoai^e.thac were wiih him, they were glad. 14 S;j all the people that IfiiTiael had caried away cjptioe from Mizpah , returned and cjrae agains.and went vato lohanao the fonneofKa• reah. ly But Ifiimatltbefonneof Nethaniah.efca- ped from lohaaan with eight men , and went to the '^ Ammonites. 16 Thee tooke lohanaa the fonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoafte that were with bim, alltheretunantofthepeople.wljom lihma- elthefonneof Nethaniahbad carieJ away cap- tine from Mlzpah , (after that he had flaine Geda- liah the fonne of" Abikam) euen the ftrong men of warre, and the women .and the chiJdren , and the eunuchej, whoic he had brought againe from Gibeon. 17 And they departed and dwelt in Geruth ' Cnimtam , which is by Bsth-lehem , to goe and to enter into Egypt, 1 8 Bcciuie ϋ( the Caldeans : for they feared them.beciufe Khuael the fonne ofNsthaoiah had flaine Gedaliab the fonne of Ahikam . whom the king of Babel made gouernoat in the land. CHAP. XLil. 1 The cxptaines aike ctunfcU tf leremiKh nhat they cught t,ise. 7 hee aA»un,jbeth the temnxntcftht ftople ntt tegoeintc Eg)pt. •T• Hen all the captaines of the boaSe,and loba- •*■ Dtn the fonne of Kareah , and lezaniah tha fonne of Holliaaiah , and all the people from the leattynto themoft,camc, % And fayd vnto leremiah the Prophet, t Heare our prayer we befeech thee, and pray for vs vnto the Lord thy God , euen for all this rera- paut (f jr we ate left , ί^ί 4 few of miny.ss thine Cjcs doe behold.) 3 That the Lord thy God may ihew vs the way wherein wee may wMi,«nil I will p!*nt you.and d KeadiChtp.iS.J, cot roote j-fl» cut : for I d repent ms of the euiil that I haue done vnto yoo, 1 1 Feare not for the king of Babel .of w^cm ye areafraiJ: be not afraid cf ^iim.fatb the Lord for I am with you, tof.u; you.audto dcliuer jrou * from his hand, 1 2 And I will g'ant yoii mere," that hee may bau.' compaifun epon you.aad he lUall cauie you to a u'well in your ovvne Und, »°ί d.fpoie ihew 13 But if ye fay.We will not dwell in this land, *oi\gi"fO«t''ileV neither he^re the voyce cf me Lord your God, J B„ut o^eiy of Egypt .where we flvill fee no wirte, nor hsare the found of the tiuupet, nor haue hunger of bread.and there will we dwell, ly (And now therefore hcare the word of the Lofd.ye remnant cfiuJah: thusfaitn tie Lord of hoaftes , the God of lirael, If yee f;i your faces to eater ioto Egvpt,ar.u g.jc to dwill there." 16 Tiien tiielword t!:a: yc f .-ared, f fliall take you there in the land ofEgypt.jndthefdmine.for the which ye at-' , llwU thtri hang vpoDyou in Egypt.and there Jliallye die. 17 And all the men traifet their faces to en- ter into Egypt to dwf li there , ilijl! die by the fword, by the faoiine , and by tht peftilence ,and noneof t'.icnilh^lliemaine ,uor eicape from the plague, that I will bring vpon them. iS Furtlusf.uh~tbeLordofhoaIls,theG»d of if «1 As ujue joger and my wrath hath beene powred f .rth νρυη the inhabitants of lerufalem: fofliafl my Wiath be p.Wiedfoorth vpon you, when ye Ih.li ei ter into Egv pi.and ye ilialbe a de. teBation , a^.d an aftoniihiseiK , and a ε cuile, and α reproach, and yc flail fee this place no more. 19 Ο ye remnant of itida^,'He Lotd hath (ayd conceiuing you , Goe not into Egypt ; know cer- tainely that ί haue admoniilisd you this djy 10 Surely ye ' dilfsinbled in your hearts when e lent mc vnto the Lord your God. f ying, Fray Bicaufe all king* irtiand wayei t in bi< bands. obey God, Ptou, 31 I. y Oftretttrnt, { Thus God tuiaett the policie of the wicked to their owne deftru^ firion: for ihty though: themfeluei fureiu egy^t.and there Ncoucbad- tiejzai deltroyei tbemand ibe Egyptiini.chap. g ReadeChjp.jS; '. andi^.f I. ihew eg that thii ftioHld come vpon them for their infidelity mi Itu burnoeire. Were y iDin iedto ye lent mc vnto the Lord your GoJ. r ying, Fray "Je ;, ό ε - fjr vs vnto the Lord out God, and dc da evnto AbtUoea^^ai vs euen according vnto all tbac tne Lord our G.;d lliall fay , and we will due it. 2 1 Therefore I haue this day declared it yon, but you haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lord your God , nor any thing for the which he bath fintme vnto you. 22 Now therefore,know certainly that, ye fliall die by the fword.by the fatDine, and by the pefti- lence ■ in the place whither ye dcfire to goe and dwell. CHAP. XLII lihattan cirleth the remnant ef the people inttE^pt, cmitriXy) tithe mii'.de c{ InemM. S leremiah pnfbe- ctcth the deiirudicn of Egypt. ^Ow when letemiafa had made an endeof fpeaking vnto the whole people all the words of the Lord their God . for the which the Lord their God had fent him to them , tutn all thefe words, 2 Then fpake a Azariah the fonne of Holha- iah.and lohanan the fonne of Kareah, and all the t prou-1 men , faying vnto leremiah , Thou fpea- keft falfly : -he Lord our God bath i not lent thee to fay .Goe not into Egypt to dwell there, 3 But Batucn tht ionne of Nciiah e proBoketh pake to t larjr. ira.30.10. d Htttieweth what i« thecal that tbeywjuld obey Sod «id imbrace 1 mtircngf rs fpake the truetb.tboiign injeede they be moll f», Tbu» the Wicked doe not ooely cootemae an i ' oftbebypoct iftbej e inu. tne wicked doe not oaely cootemaeaiii bujt th»ni ffenreri of God but flanier.aad fpeakt witkedly of «U thcra that fupp&t or iiu mr fh^ iedl, ' — ^ 1^ i To vrit, in Egypt; • Who w»i tif• called lezaniab» Cbip,4a,i. b Thiideclaretk hat pride iaihe aufe of rebellion, !nd contempt of Godi miniiier». he bypo- crilie of the wicksj difcouered.tbey brail forth into openrage:forlhef nothing r.reade t , to fai'iie Were aflured tb»t hii from all obeditnee, He pfophejrieth ttiedettraetion of Egypt» Cfhap. xhiij . To learne by othersejxample.75 ihee igiinft vs . for to deliue r vs into the hand of | dah , and in the ftreet;»of lei ufalera, and they are r λι from the t(0;ibUes. Ammo• iJKi.and Edoinitei» J Whom (bth fVuHtd lead away jj fctcc. ii>B Egypt iNilui. i Which ligpifiei ha( Nenucba.i- 1 ihould come Meotsthe ;a:eiof Pbariob, where Wire hi• ^kkekiileifor us buildi >g•. ί iLeadeCtiap.a;.9 I Eu«ry ene (hall befliioeby tHac neanet that Cod latb appoyottdt Chap.i/a. m Meaning, meft fily mi fuiden- ly Ihall he caiy ihe Egyptiani away. Β Or.the htufe af lie Sunnt, » Tfctfe were all Itmaui and (troug itlei in Egypt, ivbeietbc lewea that were fled, dwelt for iheir Tafety feu. the Pro- pbetdeclareth [hat there ii no bold roltroDgtfaat caDprefetueifcem rrom Godi venge- b Keade Chap 7. ry.anda/.j.and 36 f.and 29.19SC13.3 c He ferieth be- fore tbtir (yet Cod( iu.jg(mentl ■gaiolil idak and Icruralem for their idalary. that they might brwireby their exunple,3nd oocwiihthe like wickedo' Oe pro- aoke the Lord:fot then they (liould be it«uble gaaiSM. the Caldeans, that they might uiy ts, and cary vs away captiucs into Babel. 4 So lohar.ao the fonne of Karr aVi.and all the captaines of the hoafte, and all the people obeyed not the vof ce of the Lord , to dwell in the land of luJah. y But lohanan the (bnneofKareah.and all the captaines of the hoafte tooke all the refcnant oflui-'ah that were retur9ed' from all tOations, whither they had becne driuen , to dwell in tlie land of ladah: 6 Ewn men and women.and children.and the kings daughters, and euf ry perfon.that Nebi'Z?r-a- dan the chiefL• fteward had left with Gedaliah the fonne of Ahikaua.thc fonne of Shaphan,8c leremi- ah the % Prophet, and Barucii the fonne cf Netiah. 7 So they came into the land of Egypt : for they obeyed not the voice ot the Lnrd: thus caaifi theytoi'TahpanheJ. ' ^ Tl e carae the word of the Lord vnto le- remiah inTihpanhes,f3yjPg, 9 Tikegt.ac (tones in thine hand, and 'hide them in the clay in the bricke kill, which is at the cDtty of Pharaohs houfc ia Tabpanhes in the fight of tne men of ludah, 10 And fay vnto (bem, Thus faith the Lord of hoaaes the God of Ifrael , Behold, I will fend and bring Ncbuchad-nezzat thekiLg of Babel it cry feruant , and will fet fns throne vpon thefe ftones that I haue hid , and be fliall fprcad his pauilion ■ oucr thetr. 1 1 And when he IhslI corM, he Ihali fmite ttie land of Egypt: ' fuch as are ofpftntedfjt deaifa.ro death, anu fuch as are f j; c ρ iuitie , to captiuiiie, and fuch as are for the fwjrij.ro tr.e fwoul. And ( will kiOviie a Bre in tne hoafes of the godsofEgypt, brtad. k Thii i• «ill the argument of ido'at;r»,vshiih elte e*e reli- gion by the belly, and in lteadofickoowledgiogGodswo:kfi,whof(Bde!bbc-li p'eaty and death , healib and liikentife , ibej amibute it toihtir idole», «adi* iifcoeour God. BOr,/w. i Or_.mm. iOr.toapftffther. ΛΟά i He Oieweih tb»t wecnght to keepe ia roemjiy Godi plague• fiuLit he beginning, thai ionfideiiDg iljem, ^e might liue IB bis feare.and koojv if be baue not {[in-• ed cor ficfaeis, yea.kiiigi.princel, leri.aod «Ifo whole counrreyj, oni far nei.tbat U Or,l>eateH dtwne, Antts 9,^. e Which baue fully fet ibe.r nJi, and ire gone tb-r on puipofe, wbertbyheex- epteth ihe inno- cntt, i> Icrcmiah nd Bjriicb ihjt Wert forced: there- fore tbt Lord ftiew•^ tb tbat hewillfec H! face againft brm: that ii.fur- pofi!y deltr'.yihein. f RejdeChap. a«.e. ind4i.i3, t^hrjift-nptheif- iog.but b Tbiideclaieth daogercut a thing it ii to declincr ontc frrm Gd, and to follow our owne faniafie»: for Sjtm euci fo- licucth fuch, and doeth not lesue tb'm :ill beh.iue . brought them to _* extreme impadtoeff and msdnrifir, euentoiuftfie their wiikednrOe againlt God and hn Γ I Of bet I. i ReadeCbip.7." iS Itrcrmetb that ibe pjpiltl gttliutf of rhi» place ' •' Sxlue Regiail, and Rtiin* tali lt:nte , calling the vltginf Mary Queeneof heaueo, and ίο of the b1e0cd virgine and mother of onr Sa- uiour Chrift, itiade an idole: for bete IJeltllidtion tufeatft^d tof idoiitrie. leremiatii . a pf opficcie againft tgypt^ and powreont dtiDkeoffsringsvnto her without inmyiw«iiningiao3Tcan{indenoree. t ι Thii teieheth VI how great daa• I geric ΪΙ fur [he buibioJitopet- micihcir wiuci ; »Dyiaiog wheiiof i thsy b: DOi ilfjted ι byGjJiword: : fut ihertbyihey take ao ocoafijn to flltli giueaa account thereof biforcGodirnde ir».3.if. •Vgifttthiiheeni m Toil hiue com- luitteddooblicuill in miking A'ickel voW«i,»Qclin per- formieg thef:ine. η Thiidclarcth an horrible pUgue toward idolateri, feeiag that God will not vouchfafe tohaue bis Name mentioned byfuch ai haucpoUaied ic• ο We feethetefoie that God hatha per,ietaall care oue hii, wherefoeuer they are fcactered: for though they be jbuttwo orthrect yet he will deliuer them whea beedeiiroyeib hit enemiei. ρ Heiheweth the meanea ^hereby they fljould be de- Uroyed. toaffuie thtin of the eet- taiptieof the plague ,and yet they reinaine ftill is ibeir obllinicie till they periOl: ^sr lofephutlib. lo. 4e Aiitiq. cap.n, ^'ritetb, that fiae yeerei after the taking of le- rufalein, Nebucbai' anfK theyoDger bauing ouercotne theMoabitei and the Amiuonicei, went a^ainit Egypt.andfliwthe king , tnlf» brought there ϊεν^ϊΐ and other into Babylon. 1 ourhusbandsf •>.„. 20 Then faidlercmiahvatodl the people.to faith tbus, Behold, that which 1 haue built, wilU Go7mi^hfd"roy the tnen , and to the women, and to all the peoi>le '. a deftroy , and that which 1 hau; plamed , will I '•"» p«opi«.beca«fe which had giuen him that anfwere, faying, ϊ plucke vp.euen this whole land. ithein '"'"* 21 Did Dot the Lord rimember the incerfe, ii y And feekcft» thou gfeattbingsforthyfelfeije Tbinkeft thou thatyee burnt in the cities of ladah , and in the ί feeke them not : for behold, ϊ will bring a plaguei'obaue honour and ftreetes of lerufilem.ior/) you and your fathers, j vpon alt fldh . faith the Lord: bur thy life will I «'/^'_';^^^^^^^^^^^ your kings.and your princes.and the people of the | giua thee for fa pray ia all places, whither tliou!i„(i„ui,y. goeft. 5f Readechap.ai.ji CHAP. XL VI. I He frtphtcieth the dfftruiliitt of Egypt. »7 Dtline^ ranctii promifeitalftaet. i, 1" He words of the Lord . which came to lerc-; . miab the Prophet againS the » Gentiles, L That ii, nine a«• 2 ,yii vglinft Egypt.ag ainlt the *τηγ of *> Pha-; tiem , which are "d'iheiihSK'' iinJ. a'ld rbithhenbt confidered it? 21 So that the Lord could no longer forbears, becanfs of the wickednes of your inuentions.rtwi becaufe of the abominations . which yee haue committed : therefore is y out land defolate, and an aSoniiliment , and a curfe ,(t»i without inha• bitant, is appe^rtth this d*y. 25 Bscaufi you haut; burnt incenfe , and be• caule yee haue tinned againit the Lord , and haue not obeyed the yoycc of the Lord , not walked io his Law , nor in his ftitutes , nor in his teSimo- Dies , therefore this plague is come vpon you , as appeartth this day. 24 Moreousi leremiah faid vnto all the peo- ple and to ail the woTien , Heare the word of the Lord.all ludah.that are in the land of Egypt. 2y f Thus fpeaketh the Lord of ftoafts.the God of Ifrael, faying, Yee and your wiues haue both fpoken with your muuthes , and fulfilled with your ra hand.faying. We' will perfjrme our vowis that wee haue vowed to burne incenfe to the Qu,eene of heaaen, and topowreout drinke offe- rings to her : yee will peiforme your voWiSaand doe the things that ye haue vowed. 26 Therefore heare the word of the Lord , all lu Jah that dwell in the land of Egypt , Behold . I hiue fworne by my great Name , i'iytb the Lord, that my Name ο iliall no more be called vpon by the mouth of any luan of ludah , in all the land of Egypt.faying.The Lord God liueth. 27 Behola,! will watch ouer them for euill,and not for good.and all men of luJah that are in the land of Egypt , fliill be confamed by the fword,Sc by the famine.vntill they be vtterly deftroyed, 28 Yet a fmall number that efcape the fword. ο (hall returne out of the land of Egypt into the land of ludah : and «lithe remnant of iudih that are gone into jf land of Egypt to dwell there. A:iall know whofe words il:alUtand,mineor theirs. 29 And this Qiall be a figne vnto you.lay th the Lord , when I vifit you in this place , that ye may I Circnemiin, which Nebuchad-nez- i, c H- warneth the 'gyptianitopre- Uif Peratb in Circr.emiih, which Nebuchad-nez- b Re.de I king; zarking of Bibelfmoteinthefcurtbyeefe ofIe-.j»3 »9. and 24.7. hoiakim the fonne ofloiiah king cl L>dah. ""» ».<:hron. ,,-,19, 3 c Make ready buckler and ihield , and goe forth to bacteli• 4 Maki readie the ho'fes.and let the borfemen ?"' 'bemfeiuei get vp , and ftand vp with jf*Mrfatlcts. fourbiil• the '° *^*"*• ipeares.and put on tiie brigandincs. y d Wherefore haue I fiene them affaid.it»^ d The Prophet driuen backe ? for their mighty men are fmittenl '"'*■'"'» *'.''"'» °^ and are fled away, and looke not backe ; f«r fearel Vh.ci'ftouTd' be was round about.faitn the Lord. ί put to flight by 6 The fwifc iliall not fl;e away.nor the ftrong' the Bibyionian» man efcape : they iball tturable , and fall toward; J' The BaT.'bniaa» the « North by the riuer Peratb. ' fl„ii difcomfite 7 Wlio is this thai comraeth vp as *' a floodJ '^"o « tte riuet whofe waters are mooued like the riuets? f H.''^!"i' ,k .1,- n ^ .1- , 1•. 1 η J i,• i I He dendeththe 8 Egypt tifcthvp like the flood, and /)i/wa-|boaiiing• of the tersare mooued like the tiuets.and he faith, I will! Egyptians, who gae vp,4«rfwill couer the earth :_ I will dearoy 'he) ifc°h« «d^ Ower city with them that dwell therein. ; io'^hlu* ου«°Γ"ϊ 9 Come vp ye horfes.and rage ye cbarets,and' aii the worid,ai!u« let the valiant men come forth.» the blacke MoresJ ^'"u/°wbich'at" and the Libyans that beare the ildeld , and tbdcena'iaTiimja" Lydians that handle uniibend the bow. oueteoA-eihtbe 10 For this is the day of the Lord God of hoaftes . and a day of vengeance , that bee may auenge hira of bis enemies : for the fword ftiall deuoure. and it fliall be faciate, and made dtunke with their blood: for the Lord God of hoatts hathi ,''^iT;'[ta\l\ tafactifice in theNorthcountrey' by the riuerj becaufe it t Perath. Ithmg thatdoetb I Goe vp vnto Gilead. ^ and take balme , o! p'^'^< bmt.ir.^at «.^ coantrey of Egyptc g Forthefe naiioo) tooke part with thei Egyptiant. b Hecailethihe ihce» •H 'Which wti le- remtahidirciple.anj wrote hii prophe- ciei vojer him. b Whereof reade Chap. 36. 9. 10. e Birucbtnootied with as incontde• rate zeale of lere- tniahi impriron- ment, but chiefly for the deltrudioo ofibepeop!e,and the Temple, maket Lord , when I vilit you m this place . tnat ye may < 1 1 t»oe vp vnto tjiieaa, " ana lase oaime , «Ji • Jhat ii, a know that my wordes fliall furely ftind agaiuft ! viigine.the daughter of Egypt': in vaine ilalt-chfmifli.' youforeuill. j 1 thouvfe many n'inedicines;/ir thou ilialt haue! k Foratcu 30 Thus faith the Lord. Behold, I will Ρ giue ; ao health. if'if,'?!!"!! Pharaoh Hophra KingofHgypt into the hand of j his enemies.and into the hana of them that feeke his lifs: aslgau? Zidekijh king of ludah into the hand of Nebucrtad-n';zzit king of Babel his enefflie.wbo alfoifoDght bit life. Car. lead 1 2 The nations haue beard of thy fliatnc, andj ^ι wo und. , thy cry hath filled the land: for the Srong hath; 1 Soeaiied.be- ftu:nbled againft the ftrong , and they ate fallenl ""^^^ ^m' ^'^ , , β ο •» not yet beeae ouer• CHAP. XLV. 1 lertmUh ctmhittth Baruc pjsuUnit peripin theieSlii h , apuring him that bee tnitnafletufulem. THeworde that leremiah thePfophtt fpake j vnto « Batuch the fonne of Ncriah , when bee had v/i itten thefe ^ wordes in a booke at the mouth of lertioiah.in thf f juiib yeere of Sehoia- j kim.the fonne of iofuli ki.ig of ludah .faying, 2 ThUs fayth t,ie Lord God of Ifrael vnto tiice, lOBa-.uch, ihilaweutation «1' 3 ThoudUdeft fay.Woe 13 menOw : far the Fi4«Ti" * ' i.0 «il h^b laid forow vpio my forow ; I " fainted bothtogeth-.. 1 3 ^ The word that the Lord fpake to leremi- ah the Prophet , how Ncbucbid-nezzar king ol Babel lliould come am- f-nite the land of Egypt. 14 Publilh in Egypt and declire in Migdol, and proclaimeinNi-'ph.iiiidinTai.'panbes and fay, Stand ftill and prepare toeeifoi the fword iliali deuoure round about thee. 1 s W^y are thy valiant ύ.ν,-η pntbicke ? they couldiif/i iiand, becaufe theLord ίϋ .ιΐαΐ; th'^ttj. ιό Hecii^adeirany tofi ι a..J oncfeli νρνπ another : and i:.:cy faid.Aftle.itt v; g>e againe to out ° v.viie people . iiiJ. ϊυ tlie land of out nati- iiitic from tic iwor > of ill-* /"olent• 17 incy did cty tbercViiaraoh king of Egypt enemie, come by m Heihi that nof»!ueori medicine can pre- uaile where ai God giueth the wouDd< ti Ai the" that ihould tspeat that th;y belpti the EgJPtiwi. Cgy^tlikaa calfe• ο Heederidsth thcui wbichihati impuce theii ouer* throwtoUckeof couafell and poll• cie, or toforiuDC» add not obfciuing ofiimc : not codIi• dei'ia^tbat ii is G^di iuft iuJge• iiieot. ρ Towit,th»ithe Egyptian» Ihilbe dcttroyed. d Tfaey haue abundinceofalt tbingi.and ibeiefort difabcdieot •Bd proud. I Ajveife». f They anil be fcarcbl.to ipeakefor fe»re f>rtheCaldcaa>. Meaniug.Egypt u Thatii.they ihallflaythegrMt and roigbtie me• of power, jc To wit, -ΝίΒα- chad-aczzar« «tiiiie, y Sswe take the Ebrew word Ainon fottbeK'ng• name of No, thai il.of Altxaudria. ζ Mtaaing.tbat afterthefpaceof fouriy ytare» Egypt Ihould be r< ttored,Ila.i9.»3• Ezrk.a9.13• a God comforteth all bis tbit weie ii captiuitie.biitfpe• llyibelmtit Church oFibe lewcs, whereof were leremiab Ad Eaiucb, which re- taiioed among the EgyptiatH: lot the Lord ne«er foifa- keih his, lia. 4.4.1• Glia().30 10, bReadethap.ie,!^. andoii great mukkude . <> batb paiTed tbetime appointed. 1 3 As I luie.faJth the Kirg.whofe Name is the Lord of hoaites. Surely as T«bor is in the moun- uines,8cas Carmci// in thefeaj/eihajpitcomei 19 Ο thou daughter dwelling in Egypt.roske thee giareto goe into captiuitie : for Noph ihall be watte and deljlate.without an inhabitant. 20 Egypt // like a q faire calfe, iKfdedruilion commeth: outoftheNorth itcommeth, 21 Alfo her hired men ' are in the middes of her liki fit calues : they are alfo turned back and fled away together : they could not ftand, becaufe theday of tbeirdeftruiSion was come vpon them, and the time of their vifitation. 2Z The voyce cbereof Ihall goe foorch like a f ferpent ; for they ihall march wiib an atraie.and come againft ' her with ax?s,as hewers of wood. 23 They Ihall cut downe "her farefi.fait h the Lord:for :l;sy cannot be counted.becaufe they are more then the =< gralhoppers.and are innumerable. 24 The daughter of Egvpt flialbe confounded: Hie ihalbe dcliuetcd into the bands of the people of the North. 25- ί Thus faith the Lord of Ηοαβί,ίΒβ God of Ifrael , Behold, I will vifite thy τ common people of No and Pharaoh , and Egypt , with their gads and their kings , euea Pharaoh , and all tbetn that truit in him. 26 And I will deliuer them into the hands of thofe that feeke their hues , and into the hand of Nebuchad-nezzarking cf Babel , and into the haads of his feruants , and afterward Ihee il^all dwell as 2 in the old time, faith the Lord. 17 .a3• f They that puUed fFtheir haire for fetow and heauinti 2 As the heathen vied in their ling, which. I he Lord ferbade .dispeople to doe, hathfpoktn. [wordmayfignifie, 9 Giuewings vntoMoab.tbatitroay fkeanJ" 'Samjj.a. get away ; for the cities thereof ilull be defolate, ?. ^,°'^ '^^ R•'"' without ary to dwell therein. ύίΐ*;. flulbe'je'd '° 10 ''Cutfad^i ^itbatdoeth thewoikeoftbei'Wiycaj.tiues, fo feed from the land of their captiuitie , and laakob Lord || negligently , and curled bt ht that keepeth i'"' "'"'' ^^3" '"«n fliall returne and be in reft , and profpetitie , and j backe his I'word from blood. ; va °ne lo'iok'V'" none ihall mske him afraide. I 1 1 Moab hath beene at reft from his youth.andi t^'i-e a^idoie',"' 28 Fea-e thou nor.O laakob my feroant.faith ! bee hath fetied on his lees , and hath not beene, i'"• ' '■ »• the Lord.for I atu with thee.and I will vtterly dc- ; i powred from veflell to veffeli . neither hath hee - "'""'^"'' ''« gone iato capiiuitie ; therefore his tafte remained in him , and his fent is cot changed. 1 2 f Therefore behold.the dsye s come, fayth the Lord , that I will fend v.ito him iuch as ihall and' carie biuj away , and ihall empiie bis vcU'cls , and '^1• breake their bottels. j " ' firoy ail the nations , wiiither I l.aue driusn thee: but I will not vtterly deftroy thee , but cotreft thee by iudgement, and not vtterly cut thee off. CHAP. XLVII. ^^ The wtti if the Ltrd agAiHil the Philtilims, 'T He words of the Lord that cam: to ieremiab the Prophet , againft the Phihftims , before that Pharaoh fmote » Azzah. 2 Thus faith the Lord.BsholJ.waters rife vp out of the b North , and ihalbe as afwelling fJood, and fliall oueiSaw the land, and all that is loetein, and the cities with them that uwelll therein: then the mfin iliallcry .andalitheinhabitaimsof the land ihiU howle, 3 At the ncifedni/ftaropingoftheboofesof bis firong herfit,ii the noife of his chatets,8c at jf \ fumbling of niswhtdes:^ fathers ihall noplocke \ backe to their ά ildren.for feeblcoes of «^ hands, \ 4 Becuufe of th? day that commeth to deftroy all the rhiiiftims,aDd to defiioy Tyru$,and Zi- j don .4B Hath notbeene ' 1 1 Moab is dearoied.& his cities t bprnt vp,8c ',""°°"l"* " ''"' f . , r , η ■ l*'Wes baue^bni his cholen yongmen are gone down to il»ughterJiiaueiiue^it way , and behold : aske hitu that fleethand that ""i^i!?'' "^ efcapetb,4» iicigh.• Read» Efi.iS.; iSrhichcitievTii in tbe vunjft bor- dtrof Moak.an.i hereby he figaifi- cch tb«t the whole Jaad (hould be oyed.ind the people CiriediWijr. t E-e»4e Ιί«*ί y. •, Theii• cuftome |»»itopl.yon flute• or inftiu- nitnti,he»uie and gtiue tunei at bu- lialcaoH iuthe time of mouioiag» ai Matth.9.j3, terg^njeand^rueltig» lere xihh» 41 And iudgemeot is come vpon the plaine countrey , vpon Holon and vpon lahizah , and vpon Me^jfajath, αϊ And vpon Dibon, an J vpon Nebo.and vp- on the boufeofDibUthairo, 23 And vpon Kiriatbaim, and vpon Beth-ge- taul, and vpjn Beth-njcon, 14 And vpon Kerioth.anJ vpon Bozrah,8c vp- on all the cities of the land of Moab far or neere. 2 7 The " home of Moab is cut oif » and his arme is broken, faith the Lord. 26 Make ye him " druni^in; for bee iragnified himfelfe egainft the Lord : Moab fhall ϋ wallow in his vonaite, and hee alfo Ihall be in derihoo. > 27 For diddeft not thou deride Ifia:l,as though hee bad beece found among theeuas ? for when thou fpeakeft of hioi, thou art μ mooued. 28 Ο y ee that dwell in Mo;jb , leaue the cities, and dwell in the rockes , and be like the doue that aaketh her neft in the (iJes of the holes mouth. 29 * Wehaue heard the pride of Moab (hte is exceeding priwd) hisftoutnelle.and hisartogan- cie, and his pride ► and the baafiuefl'cof his heart. 44 He thit efcapeth from the feare.ftali fall in the pit.and he thai getteth vp outol the pit.Rialbe taken in the fiare : for I will bring vpon it ,euen vpon Moab.y yeteof their vifitation.Uithy Lord. 4y They that fled, flood vnder the il^tdow ^ of Heihbon.becaufe of the force : for «the hre cime out of Hdhbon , and a flame ftooj Sihon. and dc- uoured the corner of Moab, and the top of the feditious cbiUren. 46 Woe te vnto thee ,0 Moab : the people of b ChemoQ-i periiliath : fur thy fonoes ate taken captiuss . and thy daughters led into captiuirie. 47 Yet will i bring againe thecaptiuitieof Moab in diet latter dayes.hythibeLQtd. Thus iatre of the iudgetnentof Moab. C Η A P. X L I X. I Tki Vfird of the Lord a^ainft th^ Ammirnittf. 7 Idn• ruea. aj TtamaicHS. iS Kedtt, J4 «nd £:tm, VNto the children of a Amnaon thus faith the Lord.Hath Ifrael no fonnes ? or bath he none heire? Why then hath their king t poileded Gadr and bis psople dwelt in « bis cities 2 Therefore behold, the dave« come.fasth the thithe* h«ue fuccour of the Amorites. a The Amarites had deitioyedihe MoabitM iti time» paft.andnswbe- fe of ibei^ power. the Mo»- tcs ihallfteketo them for heipe. b which vanted tbemfeluei of their de'e, as though he ;ould hauc defended tbrni. : Thar ii, they fh.llbeietio.ed by the MeiUah. Ο I know his vyrath.^iaith the Lord, q bunt ] Lord.thatI willcauf;anuifi ofwarre tobeheard Hiallnot^f fo: «»ibisdi(Qinulation$i for they doe not right. 3 1 1 Therefore will I howie for Meab , and I will cry out for all Moab; mm* henfr lliall aaoutne for the men of Kir-heres. 3 2 Ο vine of Siboaan, I will weepe for thee, as I wept for lazer: thy plants are gone ouer the fca^ theyareeometotheieafoflazerithedefttoyeris | Ιί^ΰ'^'ίί,ΐπ'";;^,;'^";;^;;' ;';;;,^VAe^ fallen vp thy fummer fruits . 8c vpon thy vintage. ; ^^ ^h Vrinr.^\c.^^.\C^: 33 And ioy ■ and gladnefle is taken frotn tne plendfullfiild , and ftom the land of Moab : and i:i d Rabbah of the Aranjoni;es , and it lliall bs a deflate heape , and her daugl^ters diall be burnt with fire : then fhall i frail DKaifeffe thofe that pof- fifled hicD, faith the Lo«i. 3 Howie. Ο Hell•bon.foΓ Ai is wafted : cry yee daughters uf Rabbah ; gird you withfackecioath: mourne and runne to and fro by the hedges : for «Or J c^«d-ni!««i, .Chap, .J J 21. jr iie that efcaptih eue dangcft ftlalW eiUeaof as gtbcr iili.n-.ij, •: haiie caufed wine to faile frorcthe wineptefle none Ihall treads with llwiiting : rAerr lliouting fhaU be no fliouting. 34 From the cry of Heihbon vntoElalsh and vuio lahaz haue they made their noyfes:from Zoar vnto Horonaim .tlie 'heifer of three yeere old fiall goe lowing : for the waters alfo of Nim. rim Ihaibe wafted. 35Τ Moreouer.I will caufetoieafe in Moab, faith the-Lord , him thatoffreth in the hie plaets, and him that burneth iocenfe to his gods: 3O Therefore mine heart fliall found for Moab like a u fliaume , and mine heart Uiall found like 3 Ihaurce fat the men of Kir-heres , bec^aufe'the ri- ches that he bath gotten isperilhsd. 37 * For euery head (hall be ji balde.and euery beard plucked: vpon all the hands fliali be cut- tings.and vpoo the loynes fackecloath. 38 o4»i/ mourning (hill be vpon all the houfe tops of Moab , and in all the ftreets theteof : for I haue broken Moab like a veffell wherein is no pleafjre , faitbthe Lotd. 39 They ihall howie , faying. How is hee de- ftroyed ? how hath Moab turned the backe with lliime ί fj iliall Moab be a detifioo . end a feare to all them about him. 40 For thgs faith the Lord, Behold,'' he fl^all Bee as an eagle, and Ihall fptead his wings ouer Moab. 41 The cities are taken.and the tlrong holdes are wonne.6c the mighty mens hearts in Moab at y day fijilbe as the heattcfa woman in trauaile. 41 And Moab iliallbe dcftrwyed from being a people , becaufc bee hath fet vp hiipfelfe againft rbeLord,• , 43 τ Feare ρ and pit , and fnare piall be vpon tbee( Ο iobabitant of Mo^^b, faith the ^otJ. and his Princes likewife 4 Wherefjte glut left thou in the valleyes? thy valley floweth awa>'. Ο rebelfious daughter: iliee trufted in her treafurcs , faying , wlio (hill come vnto me ί 5 Behold , I will bring f a feare vpon thee, faith the Lord God of hoalles , of all thois that be about thee , and yee (ball befcattered euery tnan Κ right forth.and none rtial gather him that fieeth. 6 And t afterward I will bring againe the captiuitie of the chili^ren of Amroon. 7 c To Edona thus faith the Lord of boaftes.Is wifdoroe no more in 'Teman? is counfcl periihed from r/ierr children, is their wifdome vanilhed > 8 Flee . ye inhabitants of Detlan { k tliey ate turned backe.and hiue coufulted to dwell) for I haue brought thedeftrutilionof £fau vpon him, dn.alt lurelydrinkeofir, 13 For I haue fworne by tny felfe , fayeth tlie Lord , that ο Bozrah ihall be wafte , and for a re- proach , and a dcfolation, and a cutfe, and all the cities thereof flull be perpctuall dcfolations, 1 4 I haue heard aiucoour from the Lord.anii am Which a They were fepae rated from the Moabitci by the riiier Arnoo . aod after [hatthcteo kei were tariel away icBocaptiBi- hcyinuai^ed tbt itrey of Gad. bTo wit , of the :r«. c Meaning , of the Kraclitei, d Whiah wai one ofthecbiefecitiel of ihe Amin^niief, ai were Hrlkboo wa» lied . ODg hind Ai ; there 'Ulfoacitiecai; feifllbon aiDOi ? [the Moabitet. people , ^ai hovv ftuuld I pittie tbtti by pleDtifuIl Λβγ. f SlgnifyiDg , that powrraod riches cannot preiraile, whea as God wiU xecutehitiudgt- nenti. g That .11, witbeuc looking backe.iod »» euery onecaa ladea way to fcape. I la the time of ;brift when the ;etitiliiDtt mouo Stit «nd Edoin. f Tb«t is, tht Iffae• litei v/bf>in ihe E.lomieiktptai ptifooert.to hifte awiy from ib^nce. { Tbeca[>taiD; »οά go'jeruour of th; ir my. laeinin^, Ke* bdchid-DP'/ztr, t They Ihall not b( ab'eioiflifthi•, petit ctptiiot». u To wit, the ζ Αι Chap. iJ. 40. vvaifaid of Moab. y Which wai ih? ehi«feςiιy of Sy- ria,whntby he me«neih ibe whole couotny. 7. Whio n>e« hesTcitbelutiJen CO 1 niiiig ofibe < He fjifakfth tbil iatheptifooof tbe kinf , and of ibcmof the ceun• triy. Khs fhall wonder to fee Di- nnfcusibe chiefe b Wbo'A-oiking of Syiia, i Kiu^.io i6. and had built thtfepalacel, wkich were ilill lied the palace* of BcB-biJad. c Meaning, the A• labiani > andtbeir bcrdeten. d IKaufe tbe^ fed to dwell in tents. be oaimth iteihiogi that perteiot therevDto. Tbe enemiei •rilMwtUinyouK placet. f Heibeweihthat they efHizor will flee to tbe Arab'ani for fiiccour.bttt thstflull netautilti' ambafliJonr is,fent vnto tbe he»then,fayitig. Ga- ther you togither.and come agiinft Ρ her.and life vp to the battcll. I J For loe, I will tnike thee but foQall among the heathen.anddefpifed among men. 1 6 Thy D feare , and the ptide of thine heart hith deceiued thee, thou that dwelleft in the delts cf the rocke , and keepeft t le height of the hill: though thou Ihouldeft rnaks thy ncit as hie as the egle , I will bring thee dowiie from theace . iiyth the Lofd. 17 f AliuEdomn:.iUbedefolate:eueirone that goeih by it , fl^albe aftoniibed. and fliall biife at all che plagues thereof, 18 As in the ouerthrow of Sodom and of Gc- iBorab,and the places thereof oeere about , ttyeiii the Lord : no roan lluil dvvtll there , neither IhaU the fonnesof men remaine in it. 1 9 Behold.s he ihaH come vp like a lion f om the fwelling of lorden vnto the ttrong dwelling phce : for I will make Ifrdd to reft , eutn I will i»ake ' him to hafte away from btr . and who is a cbofen roan that 1 may appoynt againlt her ? for who jslik'9 iiiei?and who will appoyntmethe time ? and who is the iihephej^ibat wiilftani befote me? r .. c 1. , j 20 Therefore heare thecounrdlofiheLord that he hath deuikd agiinft Edom, & his putpofe that he hath coneeiued againft the inhabitants of Teiran : furely the leaft ' oftbeBocke Challdraw them out : Purely " he fliall itake theit habitations delolate with tBem. r i_ • r n n The earth is mooued at the noife cf theit fall: the cry of their voj-ce is heard in the red fea. αϊ BeholJ.he Ihall come vp,and fly as the egle, " and fpread his wings ouet bozrah , and at that dav nnH the heart cf the ftiong.raen of Edom be as the heart of a woman in trauaile. 23 «/" Vnto J Diroalcus httfayeth.Uimih is confounded and Arpad , lot they hauehead euill tidirgs , and they are faint hearsed as ene oa ti-e fearefull Tea that cannot reft. 14 Dimafcus is difcourageJ , and curneth her felfe to flight, ^ and feare hath leiled her ; angidai 8c fjrowes hane taken her as a woman in trauaile. ly How is the glorious «ciiie not refcraed, «hecitisofroyioy? . i6 Therefore her young men (liaU fall m her Oreetes , and all her men of war re Ihall be cut off in that day .faith tbe Lord ofhoaftes. 17 And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Da- roafcus.wbicli Ihall confurae tbe palaces of ° Ben- hada.1. 28 f Vnto <: Kedar . and to the kingdomes of Hazor , which Neluchad-nezzar king of Babel flnllfTite . thu! faith the Lord, Arife.*»i goe vp vnto Kedar ,ar.d dtllrcy the men of the Eatt. 29 Their tenuand theit flcckes ihall they take away :yea,they iliall take to tliemfelnes their l bathdeuifeda purpofe againft you. 31 f Arife.«»ii get you vp vnto the wealthy nation that dwelleth without care , fayetb the Lord , which iiace neither gates not barrcs , btte dwell alone, ^ . . . 3Λ And theit ounds ihall be a booue»aDd the Thai il, Perfii, called ofElam t fonoe of Shei»; k Becaufetbe Per* fiaos were good »rchen,he ihew• ttbe thing wherein the y ( uc rtiuft, fiiouM ptolictheim II place Ne. propheciei lete. raiah fpeaketh of rhorecountreyi, whichfliouldbe ftbdii»d voder the firit of ihofe foure itienarchiei whete of Darnel maketb iisntion. k Thiiiiniy be re- ferred 10 the Empir» of the rerfianiaod ,VIeJesaf:erthe Caldeani, orvntv ibecimeof Chriii,W ebap. 4» 47. j multitude oftheirctttelia fiOyle ,and I will feat- ' ter them into all windes, and to the vtmoli cor- ner j , and I will bring their deftruotion from ail the fides thcreoffayth the Lord. 33 And Hazor Ihilbe a J welling for dragons. And defolation for euer : there Iliall no roan dwell there , nor the fonnes of men remaihe in it. 34 ί The woides of tlie Lord that caite to Ic• remiah the Prophet , concerning i Elam , in the beginning of thercigneofZedtiuahking of la- dab, faying, 3 )- Tnus fayth the Lord ofhoaftes , Behold, I will breake the " bow of Elam , tutn the chiefe of their ftrergth. 36 And vpon Elam I will bring thefoare windes from the foure quarters of beauen , and will fcatter thcTJ tow.itds allthefe windes, and [^,',^*f"„j"^^^,/• there Hiall be no nation, whither tbe fugitiues of '' '"'*" '"' '* Elam ihall not conic 3 7 For I will caufe Elam to be afraid before '„ their enemits.and before them that fitke their Hues , and will bi ing vpon them a plague, £:ds of mightie natioi^srji w' from the North coimti ey ,and they ihall fet thtm- ieluts in aray againft her , whercoy fliee ihall be tiken: their tttov/ts fhaibe as ofaftrotg iran which isexpeit./er none ihall returne in vajne. 10 Aim! Caldea ibaU be a f^jk : alt that (jjoyle ^ ber. a After thtt 60Λ ^fed the Ba. bylouiantferuice Λ> pum(ho:ber nation», ht fhtw* eth thai tbeit tiirne fhall come :o b• pun Clid. b Tiiefe were tv?» ofibeirchitfe idolcs. c To Wit the Medeiaodihe- I'filiini d When CyruJ Ih.lIt.keBibel. t Read* Cbap 31.9• f Tberr geeerreur» niffcK uy xampiti baue prouoked tbem to idolatryi g Tbey baue cam* mined idolatry eui:y plate. For the Lord reli amoDji tm Id hiiTtm• pie, and would baue miintlioed his iu*ic« igaitrtt iheireoenirii ad (lull delittii jou by Cyruj. k That it, molt forward ind V>i'.hi ftJlt. J. WW I ,! Stalbemade , [itlllbefcby. m For pof ofthe jigiiuttuijr usople. : a In figae of cob• ! tempt and difdaia. ; Q Ht fpeaketh to tb• e:ietni«the iMccitiandPerifiini, if) Though the ; Lord called the JBibyloniani h!i feruant» and their wotke her,; ilnlbefatisfied.faith the Lord. ^ 1 1 Β Ciuii yee were gla i and reioyced in de- ftroviug 'Dine hct'\iag:,and becaufe ye are grow- er) fit, -i the calues in the grallc,™and neyed like ftfOng horfit, I Ζ rhtrefore your mother fbalbe fore confonn- ded, and ihe that bare yon ftiall be ailiarosd : be- hoid.the vtterajoftof the nations/tid/^iadefeft, adrie ianJ.aod a wildernes. 13 Becaufe of the wrath of the Lord it fli all not be iahabited.but flialbe wholydefolate : eue- ry one that goethby Babel.ihallbe^ftoniflaed, ° and hiife at all her plagues. 14 ο Put your felues in aray againft Babel round about : all ye that bend the bowe , Ihoot at her.fpare no atrowes:for Ihe hath ρ finned againQ the Lord. ly Crii againft her round about : flie hath II giuen her band : her foundations are fallen,4ni , her walles are dellroyed;for it is the vengeance of lp"rpre,ye:Lclufe | theLotd : take vengeance vpon her : as ihee bath (they did it cot done.doe vnto her. l«o gtorifie Gad, ! jg Dettfoy the s foWir from Bibel , and hiiu jow/e «a'ike and | 'hat haodleth the fieth in the time of harucft: be- Ito pfofit ibeiufeluei, j caufe of the fuOtd of tae oppreiTor they Ihal turns i'h'i'i'-* I '"^'y °"" ^° '^" people , and they ftull fl;e enery Ϊβογ,;«".^..κ ionetohisownelaaJ. I 1 7 Ifrael it like fcattcred iheepe:the hons baue I difpcrfed them : Hrft the king off Aslhurhath de- I uoured him, and lift this Nebuchad-ncrzar king i of Babel hath broken his ^ bones. \miiie jq Denroy her fo jtbit none be left >to labour [be j^iouad, 01 to take jfte fruit theieof. Ir Meaning.Ti- |g!ath-pilezii,who waried away the Ixen tribal. Ke caried away hereft.towit.Iu- ^b, aad fieniaiBia. t That i ibylon: tbui the Lord railed vpCytu.. D Ox.tfthem thxt pimli be vifitti. u Kebuchadoez- zar, who had frait' ten down» all the princetand people of [be world. ί tir.ftm Iht ttti t Ber princei »nd y Ofihtlewe• which Ihould be diliu«ttdby CytttI, ZZ^ 8 Therefore thus faith the Lord of hoafts the God of Ifrael. Behold, I will vifu the king of Babel . and his land , as I haus vilited the King of Asfliur. 19 And I will bring Ifrael sgaineto his habi- tation : hee fliall feed 00 Carmsi and Bilhan .and his foule Ihalbe i'itisfied vpon the mount Ephra- im and Gilead. 20 In thofe dayes, and at that time, faith the Lord, the inicjuity of Ifrael Hulbe fought for, and there lliall be none : and the finnts of ftidih , and 'they ihall not be found : for I will bemercifull |vnto them.whom I referue. 2 1 Goe vp againft the land of the ' rebels.iK*» againft it , and againft the inhabitants * of fl Pe- kod : deftroy ,and lay it wafte after them, faith the Lord , and doe according to all that I baue com• manded thee. »z Aery ofbattelb'nn the land.and of great deftrpftion . 23 How is the " hammer of the whole world deftroyed,and broken ! how is Babel become de- folate among the nation»! 24 I haue fnared thee , and thou art taken, Ο Babel , and thou waft not aware ; thou art found, and alfo caught , becaufe thou haft fttiuen'againft the Lord. ay The Lord hith opened his treafure.and hath brought foorth the weapons of his wrath-.forthis is the worke of the Lord God of hoafts in the land oftheCaldeans. 26 Come againft hert from the vtra oft bor- der : open her Itore houfes , tread on her as on llieauts.and deftroy hietvttetly :let nothing of her be left. 27 Deftroy all her * bullockes : let them goe downe to the (laughter. Woe vnio them, for theii day is comt,ani the time of their vifitation, 28 Thevoyceoftbemtfcaty flee, and efcape ewgf the land oi ϊφΑ tO'^Uie io^ioQ ^e He (heweth that wbeD God execu- h hi• iudgement* liait hiicDemiei, It h t Churi.h Oialiifceo h/ueieftj «ngeance of the Lord oiudod, endux venge• ancS of his Temple. 29 Call vp the archers againft Babel: all ye that bend the bowe , beliegc it round about : let none thereof efcape : + recompeiife her according to her wotke, «nui accor^ling to all that ll^ehath done , doe vnto her : fj- Uiee hath beene proud againft the Lord , euen agaiBft the holy O.ie of lf« rael. 30 Therefore ll\all her yong men fall in the ftreetes, and all her men of warre Ihilbe deftroycd in that tiay, faith the Lord. 3 1 Behold . I ctme ynto thee , Ο proude wd», faith the Lord God of hosfts ; for thy day is come, euin the time that I will vifit thee. 32 And the proud fliall ftumble and fall , and none (hall raife him vp : and I will kindle a tire in- bis cities, and it ihal deuoure all round about him. j il Thus faith the Lord of hoafts .The cbildtenj of Iftael , and the children of ludah were oppref. fed together : and all that tooke them captiue», held them, *nd would not let them goe. 34 But their ftrong redeemer , whofe Name U the Lord of hoaftes.he Ihall mainiaine their caufi, that he may giue reft to the land, " and difquiet the inhabitants ofVabel. 35: Afword « vpon the Caldeans , fayeth the »l Lord , and vpon the inhabiiants of Babel , and vp- on her princes.and vpon net wife men. 36 A fword It vpon thet foothfay ers.and they fliall dote : a fword ii vpon her Stong men , and they (hall be afraid. 37 A fword is vpon their horfes , and vpos their charets , and vpon all the muhiiude that are in the raids of her , and they ihalbe like women : afword ;'; vpon her treafures , and tbeyiliallbe fpoyled. 38 A a drought is vpon her water» , and they I» ""' ^V" ^'^ rt- 11 J ■ J ° c • • 1 1 1 r • ■^ icut the tioei Eu. ihalbe dried vp :for it it the land of grauen ima-^hiaiet, and diui• ges,and they dote vjxjn theit idoles. M«<1 '•>« couife 39 Therefore the bziiras with the lims Ihall t|'^y^'^^i''^°^"J*[''' dwell there , and t the oftriches ihall dwell there- jt mTght b°paire(i inrfot it flwlbe no more inhabited , neither lliallbutraitboajh it be inhabited from generation vnto eeneration. f '""'""* ''"°* .^ιΐΛίκοι >/- L bo water: which 40 As God deftroycd* Sodom and Gomorah Ujng hee did by with the places thereof neere about, fayeth the [he couafeii of two Lordr/i ihall no man dwell theie.oeitber Ihall the r^ ^/j'^;,"^'^ fonne of man remaine therein. ioofp'rVd'ariinU 4 1 f Behold , a people Ihall come from the Ueir king, becaufe North , and a great nation , and many kings ihall P« ""^ «'''^«^ '""^ be raifed vp ftom « the coafti of the earth. ^'e^adnii^e the 42 They fliall hold the bow and the buckler : fonne of the other. . they arecruell and vnmercifuU : their voyce fliall ^ i^«*''« 1fa.13.zt. roarelike thefea, and they flull ride vpou horfes. L•f^lί'""ryl„g, and be put in aray like men to the battell againft Cf?»e. 19.14. thee.O daughter of Babel. pi3 J?• 43 The king of Babel hath heard the report ί^^Ι^,ξ^^,^,^ of them, and his hands d waxed feeble :fotow[gathei their atmj came vpon him,i»tr» forow as of» woman inpf traaaile. 44 Behold, he * fliall come vp like a lion from the (welling of lorden vnto the ftrong habitation : for I will make Ifrael to reft ,and I will make them to hafte away from her : and who is a chefea roan that I may appoynt againft her? for whois like me, and who will appoynt me the time? end who!• „ ,-, is the « fliepheard that will (land before roe ? f "■"'* "»p.49.«rhabiu lion deiulace witi 1 checo• 46 At the iiuife ofthe winning of Rabel the earth is roooued .and ide cue is heard among the The worke'<>f errours 3 i For the land of Caldeawaifullof riuei», which ran ioto EuphrJtei. Η Ο» , meafures. t Eb,. his fouie. i» Chaf.19. tt. fcKe«dCbap.io.i4 nations. CHAP. Lr S Why Sahy'iHisdeiirtyoi 41 The vMitte (onfidtttcetf thi B*b)unien•, 43 ThevamijcfiUiiUteri. s^ lere- miihi.utth All b><,ke U Strata.•,. TTHus faith the Lord . Behold, I wilhaife vp ■* againh Babcl,& egiinlt the in, ab;tants U that lift vpi/;<»r heart jg,ii,liiiic,adtfto>irgi wind, 2 And will f.-nd vnio Babel fanners tnat lli^ill fanne her.anJ iliall empty her land , for in the day of trouble they Ihall be agatnft her on cuei y fide. 3 Aifo :o the bender t. at bendeth his bowe, and to him that lif^eth liiiDfelfe vp in his brigan- dine,H77//"' •"">'« will I breake the yong man and the ii:aid. jCb»p.;a aj, 13 I will alfo breake by theethe ihepheardj and his fl xke ,and by thee will I breake the huf-! bandman and his yoke of oxen , and by thee will, I breake the dukes and princes. j 24 And! will render vnto Babel and to all the inhaoitants of the CaJdears all their euill , thai they haue done io Zion, tutn in your fij,ht, faytbf the Lord. j 2y BeholJe , I comt vnto thee , Ο deSroying 0 Qjountainc , faith the Lord, which deftroyeft all the earth ; and I will ftretch out mine hand vpon thee , and roll thee downc from the Ρ r«ckes,and will make thee a burnt mountaine. 26 They Ihall not takeoftheeaftone-fora corner , nor a lione for foundations : but thou , flialt bedciiroyed for euer.faith the Lord. 27 Set vpaftandatd in the land t blow the trumpets among the nations : prepare the nations «gainfther .-call vp the kingdoroesof 9 Ararat, Minni,and Aflicheuaz againft her ; appoint the j""''"" *" priijce againft heriCaufe horfes to come vp as the ihiaht'lT'c rough caterpillers. ο Nc3ttbatBabj-i lou (tood on a mouniainr, bulbe• caufe it wai flron^ and feemed iouin• q By thefe ttree !tbe lov 28 Prepare againft her the nationswiththe;^ ί"*"' '"Cr'us „„. „f .1.,. n..^-. .1.- J..I,— .i,...„„f ._ I .L.Jbadeathtredaa prepare theskouts : tor tnc Lord 1 ath both detii- led ,and done that which he fpake againft the in- habitants of Babel. 13 Ο thou that dwelleft vpon many ' waters, abundant in treafures .thine end iscoaiC, «ur» the β end of thy coueteoufncs. 14 The Lord cf hoaftes hath fworne by -f him * felfi .faymg , Surely I will fill thee \Vith men.as with cateipiliett, and they iliall ciy andihout againft thee. I f * He Lath made the earth by his power ,and eftablilhed the wotld by bis wifedome , and hath flretched out the heauen by his -iifcretion. 16 Hee giucthby /)iiVoyce the multitude of Waters in the heauea, and he caufeth the clouds to afcend from the endss of the earth , he turncth lightoitigt to raine . and btingetb foitb the wind out of his treafures. ιγ Euery man js a bead by hu oomc ^ knew- gathered ai» larmy of diutr» kings of the MedcS ,tbc dukesthtreof , and the __ __ princes thereof, and ail the land of his dominion, lajtiooij 29 And the land Ihill tremble and forow : for the deuife of the Lord ihall be petformed againft Babel, to m?ke the landofBabelwaSe withcuc Μ inhabitant. 30 T.'^e ftrong men ef Babel haue ceafed to fight , they haue remained in their holdes ; their ilteiigth bath failed , and they wete like womenj they haue burnt her dwelling place,4nii hei batrec are broken. 3 1 A poQe (hall runne to meete ώβ pofte.ind a roeflenger to meete the meffcnger,to Ihewe the King of Babel, that a citie is taken on a' fide j thereof, I 3 2 And that the palTages are ftopped, and the j reedes burnt with hre.and the men bled. ' 3 5 For thni faith the Lord of ho^ti the God !c'.°i! 4- J^'^''^ oflirael,The dsroghtcr ofBabeU likeatbrcih- couOfeiiOfGob^u fngfloore; the tieoe of her thteihing if tow» ;yet:«°'i Gj a little while, and »kc time of her haruift f Avail l^'.'.VA' come. 34 Nebuchad-nezzar the Ring of Babel hath « deuouicd roe, and deftroyed meci he hath me an eroptie veflell j hee fwallowed roe vp like a ίΰζ^ dragon , and tilled bis belly with my dclicaiet»Uruei and hath caft me out 3 f The fpoyle of nic , and that which was left! cf mee , is brought vnto Babcl.lliall the inhabitan ef 2k)n fay ^and piy bloodvnto the inhabitant: LI 0 r BynirniDgtfie cjutfeoftberiuer one ude wai made |opi«,andtbe reede• WarrC UOU-|ibai didgt.w ia water v?erede• Gabiiba Bel apiaini f W:ieo Hie (hall 6« flled, fl u tbcperfoB ofth» eWfi, bewailing iid lbs th«B«. Ibytooiwi. f waeo (he ft kut rpsnd tbii I li Tbit i> fnoht ^ els vomit r α Thui tht Lord mttemcd lU in- Γ dene lohi» Chatch ts dou; to hemiflftf,o«i-anf€ tkciictuiciibii. xAVbiothfyire iaftimed wiib fuf- feting; and diinkioj ;vili iciit wiih hem, alluding to JBs!fl:av:£»rs baa- qjet.Daa.;.», y Mexaiog Btbet» ι The great arity ofibe"Medesani refijDi. a Tb«iJ,ii«gif: »nd prefentt waici be bad receiued ai part oftbe ipoile oi other natioDi.aad wliich the ido'.a- bcoughtvnc» tVom all oiiey». b MeiniDj.that Ba- Lyloa Ibjuld not be diutoYtdallat y little and little Ills ul J be Jwcugbt to oothiDg: for the it ft yeere cimetbe cidinji, the u:xt yeere the iiege, & m the third yeer* it v/aj tak;o: ;yit thit ii not that ioriijle deiltuftion propheti IhrcjtnediamaET pJacejrfor that wa» tftertbii when ib<) libelled and Daiiui cjei'catnetbtm by ahe policy of Zopyrui,»Qi hanged ibree thoufanJ gentlemen bclidef people ο All creature J ία nd eartb fiiall rcioyce,:ad praifc Godfsr the deltroftioD oiBaby< he Rieat eueir.> of hi» Church. Isibylon did not eiydeftroylf. l,but I othe< nttiooa', Vechat are apiiue» in Babylon, f Htfhewetbliow ihey ftiould re- ember lerariletQ by lamenting tbe tniletableatfliaiua thereof. f Fct the wallt» !two bttodred fe»tehigli, t gi-ill fo aftcBim in by affliaicni, c tbcyiha'il not know vrbich vrty > lurae the.Ti, of CalJea.flnJlIefufiilem £ay. 3δ Therefore thus faiiD the Lord .Bcho! J . I will maintsiuc thy " ciufe.anc! tske vtngeaoce f jr thee , and I will diis vp the ki . and ciiz vp her fpriogs. 3 7 And Babel (ksW be as heips.i dwellirg place for dragons.an aftonilLinent,and an biffiog.wich- outaninhabiMDt. 38 They fliall roare togeths r lili; lions , an J yell as the lions whelps. 3^ In their ^ heat £ will make them fisfti.and I will make th'em drunksa tba: tbey raay rcioycf , and fkepe a perpetuall flsepe , and not wake.fiith the Lord, 40 I will bring them downc like lambs to the ilaughtcf,«i«ii like ratris and goats. 41 How is yShelhac'a taken! and how i» tbe glory cf the whole earth taken ! tow is Babdbe- coire an aftonilhment among the nation! 42 Tbe 2 fea is come vp vpon BibcIAe is co• uered with the multitude of tbe vrauas thereof. 43 Her cities are defol^te.tbe land isdric and a wildernes, t land wherein no man dweiliib.nei- ther doeth the fonne;of man paffe thereby, 44 I will alfo vifit Be! in Babjl.and I will bring out of his mouth . that which » be bath fwiliow- ed vp , and the natiotis flnll runne no more vuco bim.andtbe wallufBabdlhilliall• 4^ My people, go out of the mids of her,«nd deliu:r yee euery mail bis foule from tbe fierce wrath cf tbe Lord. 4^ LeaK your heart enin faint.and yefeare the rurcour that (ball be heard in the landithe tiuuonr flwll come thh yeere , and sfier that in the othtr b ytae fhali (omi a ruQ3cnr,Sc cruelty in tbe land, andruler a^aiull rukr, 47 Therefore behold , the dayes coae. that I will vifit tbe images of Babel , and the wholiland fhall be confounded, and all ber flalne £lwllf;dl in tbe mids of her. Tbfn the heauen and ctfie earth, and ail that is tberein.lhill reioyce for Babel : for the de- ftroyers Ihall come vrno her from the Nortb,faith the Lord. 49 As Babel caafed the Ί flaine of Ifrael to fall, fo by Babel tbe flaine of all the earth liid fall. yo Yethat = haueercaiiedtherw.ird,goaw»jr, | flandno! ftiil : rcmetrber the Lord i,f,itte off, and ( let letufilem come into your ff'ind. j fl Wee £jri f confounded btcaufa wee haue [ heard rsprocn : iliaiBe bath couered our faces.fof firangers are come into tbe Sandbaries cf th» I Lords houfe. y i Wherefore bchold.the da-es cqroe , faith the Lord, that I will vifite her grauen images, and througn all her land the wounded (Ι^αϋ grtine. y J Thoivgh Β,ΛεΙ Ihould mourt vp to ε hea- oen,and tliou^ ilic Ihould defend her ftrengtb oa hie.^'it from mee ihall ber deftroycrs come.iayih the Lord, y4 A found of a cry cenmtth from Babcl;and great dfeftfuttioD from the land of the Caldeans, yy Becaufe t>ie Lord bath laid Babel waiie, and Jeftroyed from her the great voyce , and bet iwjues fl-iall roare like great waters.oMi^ a found [was made by theirnoyfc: yi Becaufe the deftroyeriscorae vpon her, lereqiiane ii«^wiie mioTtet iuKss, and herBoblfs.ancTheir Thetbi.kHi»«f icwalJwaififtii ^ote ihkke. k Thii was not ia he time of hi» jptiuity.but feuea ceres bcforCjWhea e went either to tatujite Ncbu- had-neizai.or ta iiitreat of fom» nuttet'i. 1 S. lobn inh-tRe» Uu,ie:i to tbii place, wte.i he faith that tbs Angel took» a mil- ftone and cafl it iota the fea; ligtiifying thetiby the deftra- of BVoyion, Re α They fliall »ot bjt iKailUboM in vaine. ftrong meo:ai:d they iliallfleep a perpetuall fkepe, and not wake.fayech the KiDgiwiiofe Name h the Lord of hoifts yg Thus faith tfaetordof bojfts.Thc i tbickc Will of B^bsl fliall be broken , and her high gates fnall ba burnt with fiie. and the people fliall labour in vaine,and the foike in tbe fire , for they ihjbe weary y9 Tbe \rord wliich leremiah the Prophet commaunded Shcraiah tbe fcnne of Neriiah , the fona; ofMaafaiah , when he went with ZedfkiaU the king of ludah into Babel, in tbe l"• fourth yrerg ofhisrcignei and this Sheraiah wi« a peaceable Prince, 60 So leremiah wrote ία a booke all tbe eoiU that fliould come vpon Babel.fwi» all tbefe things that are written agiinft Bibel. 61 And leremiah faid toSheraiah,\Vhen thcu cotcmeS vnto Babel , and ibih fse.and UMh. reac'e ail tbefs words. 6 ζ Then flvi't thou fay iO Lord/nouhafl fpo- ken againS tbis place , to deftroy it , that none flvaul J remains in it , neither man nor beaS , but that it ibuuli b; difolate for euer, 53 And when thou hafk made .-.n ande of rea- ding this booke , thou ihall biade a 1 ftone to it, and call it in the mids cf Euphrates, 64 And ihalt fiv.Thus fliall Babel be drowned and fliall not tife f'om the euili , that I will bring vpoii bet : and they Hall >" be weary. Thus farre are the words of. leremiah. CHAP. L I r. 4 Umfalem is lake», to Zedeki-thsf.ti»ts »rt killid tefsre hii fjce.and hii eyes pitt c:ti. 13 Ttec:t}is turnei, 31 lehsiatbiH iibi»it%lAfiinlnf frifcn, »ni fUiiKeakin^. ZEdekiah *a.f/ one Sc twenty yeere old when he began to reigae , and he reigned cleuen yeeres in lerufalera » and bis mothers name o-d/ Haamtal , tbe daughter of ietemiah of Libnah. a And be did cuill in the eyes of the Lotd,ac•• cordicg to aj! that lehoihkira bad done, 3 « Doubtleffs becaufe the wratb cf the Lord was agiioft lerufalem and luJah , till be had caft them out from his preferce , therefore Zedekiih rebelled agaioft tbe king cf Babel. 4 "i^ But in the ninth yeere of bis raigncirt the tenth moneth the tenth rf*)• of the raonetb came Nebuchai-rezzar King cf Babel, hee and all bis hi"pe, hoailagainftIerufalem,and pitched igainSit,and * i-Kisi,: bDilt forts agair.ft i: round aboac. |«»^£.'>.«ρ•3? y So the citie was beiieged vnto the eleuenth yecrs of the king Zedtkiab. 6 Now in the fourth moneth, the ninth li «7 cf tbe monetb.the famine was fore in the citiejo that there was no mote bread fe: the peopls of the land. 7 Then tbe city was broken rp.and sll the men of wirre fled, and went our of the citie by nighr, b)• the t way of the gue betv.'sene tbe two walies, j, ^^^^ Chai». 3? 4; Wiiicb was by the King? garden: (now the Calde- ans ipfr< by the city round aboiv} and they weac by the way of the wiL'ernefle. 8 But the army of the Caldeans purfued after the king, and tocke Zedekiah in the defer t of I©. ticlio.and all the hoafte v/as fcattered ftomhim, 9 Then they tocke the Kiog and caried hitn tifn vpon Babel, and her ftrong men are taken, j vpvnto the king of Babeho Riblab in the land their bowfs are broken .• for the Lord God that reconopencctb.fliallfurely recompence. i7 Ad4 I will i" make drunks lier ptinccSjiD J cf Hdmith.<: where be gaue iuJgement vpon him 10 And the king of Babel fle\v tbe fonnes cf Ze- dekiah before bis eyesJie flew alfo all the princes t Sj the tord pu• QiU.ed fin by linue belliou» leiJt, till he had jrcUght the ene- ay vpoo him to d h:-.naWJy sod Read iking.jr.i^ and Chap 39./. rfag Temple burnt and fpoiled. Λ Tntfae i.KiDg. j;.S it ii called feutnth diy, iufc the fire begin then.asJ fo continued to the tenth. at ii.whicb waiiitiferuani, «I i.ltioj.i; S. f Of theft F'-i^iti leaJe'i. king 7.1; f: which were «1 ibmadeofbrafle, Ml.KiDt.7.+i. h Itwai fo much in «jutDiUie. of luJah in Riblah. 1 1 Then hee put out the eyes of Zedekiab.and the king of Balil bound bim in chaines , and a- tied hw to Biibel . and put bim in ptifoa till the day of his death. 11 Now in the fift mooeth in the λ tenth day of the monetb (which was the nineteenth ycere of the king Nebucbed-nezzar Kinjfof Bab«l)canDe Nibuzar-acJan chiefe fteward e-*»f/j e fioOJe be- fore the king of Babel in lernfilem, 1 3 And buret the Houfe of the Lord, and the Rings houfe, and all t!ie houfesof lerufilecD 1 and all the great houfes burnt he with fire- 14 And all the artcie of the Caldeans that were with the chitre like vnto theft. 23 And tb ere were r.inetie and fine pomegra. nates on a lide ; and all the poxegranatsi vpon the networks trire an i bundreth round about. 24 And tr.c cbiefi fteward tooke Shetaiah the chiefe Prieli , and Zephar.iah ε the fecond PtieB aad the three keepers cf the doore. 2y ■ Hee tooke alfocutofihecitiean Eunuch, which had the onetligLi of the men of warre, and 1 feuen men that were in the Kings ptefcnce, wl'ich were found in the citie , and Sopiicr cap- taineoftbe hoaftcwho muftered the people ot the land . and threefcore men of the people c£ the land, that were found in the middcs of the ci;ie. 26 Nebuzar-adan the chiefe ftewarde tooke them , and brought them to the King of Babel to Riblah. 27 And the king of Babel fcaote them «and flewe them in Rialah . in ώβ land of Haroath, thusludah was caried away captius out of hi) owne land. 28 f This is the people , whom Nebuchad nczzar caried away cjpiiuc , in the "" feuenth yecre , etten three thoula<3d lewes , and three and twentie. 29 In the ^ eighteenth yeere of Nebixhadnez- zar, he caried away captiue from lerufalem eight hutjdrcth thirtic and two 1 perfons. .30 In the three and twentieth yeere of Nebu- chad-nezzar, Nebuzar-adan the chiefe fteward catied away captiue of the Icwes feuen hundreth fjutry and hue perlbns ; all the pcrfous ftert fours tboufand and fixe hundreth. /i And in the feuen and thirtieth yecre of the (Bptiuitie of lehoitchin King ofludah ,inthe twelfth monetb , in the fine and twentieth day of the troneth , EuJl-merodach king of Babel , in the/r/i yeere of hisreigne.» lifted vp the head cf lehoi.chiii king of ludah , and brought.him outofprifon, 3 2 And fpake kindly vnto him , and fet his throne aboue the throne of the Kirgs , that were with him in Babel; 33 And changed hispiiibnp garments, and hee did continually eate bread before him all the dayes of his life. 34 His portion waiz ith three "jerfei for t»et] Utter , and the fcurth >ias the firff. iCSi^c^ Ow doeth » the cine renraine foli" κΙώΜΙβ "'7 ^^" was full cf people ? Aie is as Ρ]ίϊνί"Λ 2 widow; file that wa• great among SfiPi^ ϋ-ί the nations, l) 4fl tbatlh- tsli?;hnoreIl. i Munipg, tbiEgyp-.isoianJ HDircd helpe. Bat bfciufe of le lOgninfUe.ne l-.ieciuldbe ene biitoineir Qd fixe, k Which ftrued he high Prieflt Iteadifbebadanf aeceir«rie iir.pedi- ni;ct. 1 In the a King, i;, I'jif read but ot fine: thafe were ihemoftcxctUfnt, and iheoti-.er iTi-o, which were not fo noble, are cot there raeiiioBtd with them. m which «•»« tht litter eod of the feuenih ytere cf hit reigne.anJ the begioDiog of the ei^ht. I Id the latter en J Ifoofthat yeei*, »i the beginning of the niocEceoiU• ί UrTfcMlet. ' Tbatii.reftorei bimtolibeity and honcur. And faue tim ■incelyappar-ir. That is.he tiid lewaBce in the ]u:t, andibui tc (engih he bad lelb caufe be obsyfti leremijti the Tro» phtt , \\heif«ttbe A T.I Ο Ν S. friends haue dealt vnfaithfuUy with ber • andite her enemies. 3 ludab is caried iwi}- captiuc.becaufe « of af- fl'ilion.and becaufe of great Γefϋi!ude;ll•ee cwe!- Icth atDorg'the heathen , and finJeth no reft : all her petfecuters tooke her in the Qrdts. . 4 The waycs of Zion Ument.becaufe no n-an comrBeth f to the foltrone feafts, all her gates are defolate : ber Priefts figh:her viigins are difcom- fited.and fhebiainf heaviineffe. y Her aduerfatics g are the cbicfe.eKi; her enc. tries profper : for the Lord bath affiicled her , for the multitude of her tranfgrcfljons , Λκ<ί lier chil (Ir^nare gone into captiuitis beforexhe'enemie. 6 And from the daughter of Zion alfhei beauty is departed : her princes are beconni oxiutd, that vfculi I p9i obey bim. Fov her cntelti» toward the po.nre jnd opprtffion of feiuaQi>,Ier.j4.ir f is ίΊβγνΓίίκ» ccme vp v?iih mirth ard icy, rfjl.4:!, +. "t -Etr- huierHtS, g Tbstir.hatit rule ourr her, D«ut.i8.4^. The £oke of iinncs^_ Lamentations. " Ai meopintd j'way wvitbforow laad tbathiuc no ! courage • 1 |i In her miff ry iQieconriJered cbe ; great bsncfiil «ad icrinmoilitieltbat IhehadloR. Ik At ber religioa !a«J fetuiogof God, which wai Ithegrciteftjriefe 7 Ebr.htth mtt• f,fi,i h.mfelfe. m God foibiiideih ; that the Ammouicei and Moabite) | ftouU enter iB» «be Cougregatioo , of the Lordjand vndef ihem hee comprcbeodeth »!lenemie«,Deut. jo Thus lerufalem lamentetb moouing ■others topitieher, and to learne by her txampie. ο Toil declaretll that we (hould 'scknowledgeGod jtobetbeanthorof I all our affusions to the intent that we might fetke vn to him for remedy, jp Mine heauie jfinneiare contiau- jelly before bii |«yei, ai be thatty- ietba thing to bis j band for a t(m:m• I brance. ' q He bath trodea Khem vnder foot i as they tread gjcapeiin the wiaepreife. t Which faecaufe of herpallutioa was feparate froiiv herhuiSanl.Leu. i; 19 acd OTaa ab- fcorred for the tim: t £ir. mtuth. fTSatis.theydi- : Salibaths. i lerufaleitihathgrieucufly finned .therefore ilie is U*ecfifion : allthat honoured her.defpife irjwaufe they baue feeoe her filtbines:yea,ihe ;hetb,and turnetb backward. 9 • Her file hinefle is in her skirts: fiie remera- bied nor ber latt end , thcf efore iliee carae downe wonderfully ; ihee' had no comforter : Ο Lord, btbsld mine affiidlion : for the eneaie t is proud . 10 The enemie bath ftretched out his hande vpon all berpleafant thingsrfor /lit ha;h faene the heathen enter into her Sanduarie , whom ™ thou diddeft corooiand , that tbcv Ihould not enter itr. to thy Church. 1 1 All herpeofie figh and feeke iheirbtfal•. they hauegiuen their pleafant things for meat to refrefli the foule ; fee.O LorJ.and confider; for I am become vile. 1 2 Haue yee no regard , all yee that pafle by (hit way ί fcehold and Ge, if there be any» fjrow like vote my forowe. which is done mtomee wSerewith the Lord bath afflideJ mee in the day of his fierce wrath. 13 From aboue bath ° hee fent fire into my bones, which preuaileth again» them : bee hath fpread a net for my {οίΐ,Λΐίί laraei mee bscke:he hath made me deiblate, and dayly in heauiielTe. 14 The Ρ yoke of my tranigreiTions is bound vpon his hand : they are wrapped , and come v;i vpon my necke : bee hath made my ftrength to fall;the Lord hath dcliuered me ini;o their hands, neither aju I able to rife vp. I J The Lord bath troJcn vnder f jote all my valiant men inthemiddesofmeeihee hath called an affcmbly againft me to defltoy my yorg men; the Lord hath troden q the v.'ineprei3e vpon the virgine the daughter of lij.i'.h. i5 * For thefi things 1 weep: : mine efe,cuen tEioe eye cafteth out water , becaufj the comlor- terthat Ihould rtf elVi my foule, is firre f oro me: n «i^P 3 fif hath cut ofi' in his fierce wrath all the ί home of I frael : he bath drawen back his ' tight band from before the enemie.and there was kind- lad in laakob like a flame of fire, which deuou- red round about. 4 He "^harh bent his bowe like an enemie: his right band was ftret<«lied vp as an aduerfary , and flew all that was pleafant to the eye ia the Taber- nacle of the daughter of Zion , he powred out fcis wrath like fire. y The Lord was as an enemie;he hath deuou- red Ifrael and confumed all his palaces : be hath deftroycd l.L• ftrorg holdes , ai^d hath incteafed in the daughter ofludab lamentation and mour- ning. 6 For he hath defiroyed his Tabernacle , as a garden he hath dtftroyed his Cong.egatijn the Lord hath Ciuied theFeaftss andSibbjthi to be forgotten in Zion , and hathdeipifed in the indignaion of his wrath , the King snd the Pi left. 7 The Lc-d hath forfaken his altar : he hath abhorred his Smotu fie : hee hath giuen into the band of the ene-Tiy the walles of her palaces: they haue made a g noife in the Houfe of the Lord , as in the day offjleranitie. 8 The Lord hath determined to deilroy the wall of the daughter of Zion : bee ftreccheJ out a line ; hee hath not withdrawei his haid fom deflroyiog: thtrjfjre hee made the ra.rpart, >> and the wail to lament : they were defiroyed together. 9 Her gjtes are funke to the ground: hee hath deitroyed and broken ber batres : her King and her Piinces are among the Gentiles : the Lav/ « no more , neither can her Prophets fl recciue a>ji viljon from the Lord. 10 The Elders of the daughter of Zion fit vp- on the groimd , and keepe (ilcnce : they baue Cift vp duft vpon their beades : they haue git ded therofelues with fackecloath. : the vi'gins of lerufalem hang downe their bcades to the ground. It Mine eye $ doe faile with teares : my bo wels fwell ; my liuer is powred vpon the eartb.for the deftruolion of the daughter of my people.becaufe the children and fucklings U fwoone in the ftreets of the citie. 12 They baue faid to their mothers , Where is t bread and dtir.ke ? when tbey fwooned as the wounded in the ftreetes of the city , and when they + gaue vp the ghoft in their osotbers b©- t Of defiling ven- gean;e againlt ths mie, lead Itr. »o andi3.ii. 6 Or,g4iher then k.e%'.tfc<. rhat is.biougbt ^r from ptofpe- lie toaduetfrit. b Raibgiu?nber ι nioft iore fall. c Alluding lotbe rem, le, or, ο the Arktofthecoue- iiaut, which vvi» called ibefoot- neoieofthcLorii, becaufc they fliouMnotfet drs (b low.bjt life vp heart» lo^ wjrd the hrauen». Mtaoiug.the gloiyand llreDcib, .Sam.i.i. t Tharis.biifuc- which he wai to fcoJ v«, cut eaemiei opprelfed VI. f Shewing that there is no remedy bu! deiiruaioo, bete Guilii the tasmie. mint \ Ebr.ptwrei lut heftult. , — , , J, — , ,j. ...w •.••w^ ,.— . — — f. .Meaning, that bearJof my trouble ,rt«ii are glad, that thou baft ! fome. - her caUmitie wa» done it ; thou vyilt bring the day . that thou haft | 13. i Whit thing ihall I take to witneffe ί η i''''!"'1"^'i^" " fio«o«Qccd,and they IhaUbe likt?oto me, | sbec Ϊ Wtiat thing llwU I compire to thee . oCZt ' daughte g At the people a.-c..a. ,«ij life G,i m 1» rone halls a loud voyie, fo no .* the eD-mii.1 ifpbeme him i-.h lltoutiBg ani y Tois 11 a figiira- le fpeecb.i;» ihat ai.wheahefai', e vyatei did la- rnt, Chap. 1.4. •ining [ha: il}>i {otoTVt was fo grcat.tha- the ic• fi-nfibe thing• heir part •-hereof. Or , finit. Of , f^ittt, t Eir.wheaie Λη4 Flattering propnets, kBeuafe the fair* propbtti called ihunfcluti Stttl.u •heotbcrwetee*!• kif. ikntfore bi flieweth «hit tbef dwanifle . btcaaf lkiih t willingly, nor afflift the children of tnen, 34 In ftamping vnder his feete all the ptiionets ef the earth, 3 y In oaerthrowing the tight of a roan before the face of the raoft High. 36 In fubueiting a man in bis caufe ; tbe Lord q (ceth it not. 3 7 Who is be then that raith.& it commeth to palTe , And the Lord ' comm andeth it not i 3 8 Out of the mouth of the moft High procee- decbnotfeuill and good} 39 Wherefore thtn is tbe liniog ' man forow- full ? wtnfuff'erethiut hisfinne. 40 Let vs fearch and try our waics. andturne againetotheLord. 41 Let vs lift vp u our hearts witb our bands vnto God in the fceauen», 42 We haue finned,and bane rebelled,i*(<'■ b vvhichareoflnurl eftimaiion.aoi hiue ίοοί honour. c Though thedt»• goni bectuell.yit »hfy pity their yong and nouriftiihem ; which thing Irrufa- I'm dotih not. , d The women for- ifike their chiUren ' «I the OUrich doth bet eige•, lob jy, |Or,at«ereH;l( TJOwisthe » gold become fo D dimme ! the ■"moS fine gold is changed, and the ftonesof the Sanauary are fcattered in the corner of euery ftreet. ,, r 1 The noble t men of Zion coropar ible to fine gold.how are they efteemed as earthcR b pitchers, €utn the worke of the bands of the porter ! 2 Eiien the dragons <^ draw out the breaS.and giue fucke to theif yong : tMtthe daoghter of my people it btcomt pruell like tbi ■* Oftriches in the wildetneffe. 4 The tongue of the fucking childe cleaueth to the roofe of hi» mouth for tbitS . the young children aske broad , hut no man breaketh it vnte them. 5 They that did feed delicately, petifh in the ftteets : they that were brought vp in fcailet, em- brace the dungue• 6 For the iniqalty oi^the daughter of mf people if become greater then the iinue of Sodono , that * deftroyed as in a moment , and Q none pit- ehed camps againft her. 7 Her *Nizuites were purer then the fnow, and wliitet then the nailke : ibey w«te «ote tuddy in rtody then the rcdpreciowftoaes: they were Uk^ \ poUfhed fipbir. 8 l^w their evifage is blacker then a coale: j thty cannot know them in the ftreetes : their skin i cleaueth to their bone$:it is withered like aftacke. i 9 They that be flane with the fword.are bet- ter then they that are killed wfth hungsi : for they fade away λ< they wereftricken thoiowforthe *■ fruits of the field. 10 The hands of the pitifull women haue fod- den theit owne ct, and oth er place• for fuccour : albeit it ieemeth that the rropbet forefeeing their miferiei tu come,thuipr>YeJ. b Meaning , their ei league tti] amity wiihtb«n,M J The peoples miiery; d Aiouifatbcri fcMie bia puoiihed fof tbeit fmae$ : fo wethtiaceculp*• bltofihe ΓιοΜ fiaati, ate cuiii• fljed. e Bfcaufc oftbe tBemie tbit came from (he wilder- neffe.and would Bat iulfet Vi to go »Dd feeke our uecef• firy food. f Tbat ii, by thee• Bcmiei band, g Theii flauety wai fo great, that they were not able to a- bide it. k There were co more lavret cor forme of cemmoa- lutis.and to Asfl)ur,(o be (attsfied wftb bread. 7 Oai father J baue fiQneJ,»nd ^e not.aad we < June borne ^ their ini^iities. λ I g Serutnts haue ruled oaer vs,noni would de- lioer vs out of their hands. 9 We gate our bread with the /»ίΓ»Λ of cmrli. aes.bccaule of the fword « of the wildernes. 10 Our skinne was blacke like as an ouen be- caufe cf the terrible fimine. 1 1 They defiled the women m Zion , and the bmAJs in the cities of ludah. I i The princes are hanged vp by f their hand; the faces of the Elders we re not had in honour. 13 Thy tooke the yoDg men to grind, and tke children fell voder i the wood. 14 The Elders haue ceafed from the ^ gate. Ch^TJ. and the ydbg meti f rem their fongs; I y The ioy of our heatts is gohe,oBrdenep CBrncd into iBourning. - ^ 16 The crowne of our head is fallen : wo now vnto vs, that we haue finned. 17 Therefore our heaitis hcany for thefe thiogi, our 'eyes are dimme. 1 8 B:caufe of the mountaine of ZioBiWbicIi is defolate : the foxes run vpon it. 19 But thon.O Lord, remaineft for k euer; thy throne is from generation to generation. 20 Wherefore doeft thou forget vsfot euer, and forlakc vs fo long time ί 2 1 1 Turne thou ys unto thee, Ο Lof d,tnd we ihalbe turned : renew our dayes as of old. 22 ButchouhaQvcterlyreiedufedvi; thoaait exceedingly angry againftfs. Ε Ζ Ε Κ I Ε L. THE A R G V Μ EN T. Λ Fttr that Ithtiachin by tkt c»unfeli0fleremiith and E^ikjit hadyttldtd himfitftto 1^i«tft4 vifions and reuiUtitm fhtwed vnto him,that th* city fhould ntofl certaiiiely bs dcftroyed.and the people grieuiu, !j tormented bjf Gods plagues , infemuch that they that remaned , fhould be brought into cruellbondage, ^ndleau the godty fhould defpaire in thefe great troubles , heafnredthcr» that GodwtU dt liner his Church at his time appeiated, andalfodeflroy their enemies , iphich either affiitled them , or reioycedin their mtferies, The tffeil of the one and the otherpieuld be chiefly performed T/ndtr Chrifl , of »hominths bokjart tnatiy not able promifes ,αηά in whom the glory oftht new Ter^ple fhould perfeiily be refiored. He f r».- pheciedtbefe things in Caldea , at thtfamttimi that Itremiah prophesied in ludah, and there beganin tbtfiftyetrtefleheiachinteaftiuity, .^____ • After that the' booke of ibe Liw wai found, which was tfaeei^hice-nib yccrc of the leigce ol Ioriab,fo tbat fiue and twenty yei re» after this boAe waJ founJ , liconiab wai led away captiue with Ezekiri and /of the people, who ibcftrO yeere after fawthelevifi- eai. b Which was a pan ofEupbtatei fo calltd. Tbaiii, notabfe anjtzce!iem vilioai, for that it might be koowfs, it wai no ■^^M"" i With weepine. k And therefore thy coueoant andmer- caa Deuer fiile, 1 Whereby it decia- eJ thai ii it not ia nun• power 10 tui ne Goil.bui ii oaely hii woike to cob- c VI and thut d wuikeib iart >eforewecaaiura• let,} I, it, Λ Tbat ii the fpirit of propbtcy.aiCha, and 37, 1, e By thii diuerfuy of wotdl he ligDiri- etb thefearefuli i\i]' gemeuc of GoH, and the great afAidioo thai (houtd come VpoDlerdfalem. %Oi,p»Ujehtw. f Wbi.b were the foure ObetLbimitb reptfftiired the glory of Scd,at Chap. i. J}, CHAP. I. The time Vfhereitt Exekiel ftophtciei , in ivhai place. i His hndrtd. s The vifitn tf the feme beejtes. a« The t/tfitnoflbtihtont. Τ came to paCTe in the » thir- tieth yeere , in the fourth mo - neth , and inthefiftriiyofthe reoneth ( as I was among the -V ..jp:iuesby the riuer b Cheba^) j^iat I he heauens were opened, ^^^I faw viiions of '^ God. 2 In thft nft lay of the moneth (which was the fift yeere of king Ichoiachins captiuity. ) 3 The wo'd of the Lord came vnto Hzekiel the Ptieft , thefonne of Bi'zi , in the land of the Cal- , deans, by the tiuer Chebar , where the <^ hand of the Lord was vpcn him. 4 And I looked.and behold.a e whitlewind came Q'ii of the North , a great cloud and a fire wrapped abotit it , and abrig'itneSBJ^J about ir , and in the out as the likeneU'e of 11 amber. <; Ailb out of the mids thereof cdwe the likenes off f )ure beafts .and this was tbei-r foitne : they had the appearance of a man. 6 Andeiiety one had foure faces.and euery one had foure wings. 7 And ihiir feet were ftreight feete.and the fole of their feetc a-dj like the Ibles of a calues foote, and they fparkled like the appearance of bright brafle. 8 And the hands ofamanMwas as h the j^*as asonewhetl; in another wheele. 17 When they went,th.:y went vpon their foore fidettaud they returned not when they went 1 8 They had alfo y rings.an J height.and were /i«rai wondatfull , like vota cryftail fpread ouex their heads aboue. 23 And vndei the fira^aroenr n'«r< their wings ftteight the one toward the other j euery ooehad two which coueied them , aod cueijr ODC fcai two which «messcj their boittei.. 24 Aiic' wSf η tbey went foorth.I heard the noife of their • wings.Mke the Boife of great waters, and as the voyce of the Altuighty , turn the voyce of (peidi.is the noife of an hoaS ; and when they flood, they "let downc their wing*. ly And there was a voyce f ι om the firmament that was onci their heads, whea they (ίοοά,αηίΐ had let downe their w'Dgs. 26 And aboue the firtBament that was oue< their heads • ivat the faihion of a throne liKe vnto a Saphir &cnz , and vpon the ilmititude of the throne wat by appearaoee , as the fimilitudeef » man aboue νφοη it. ι J And I few as the appearance ofamher.ani as the Cmilitude of fire " round aboat within u to looke too, cuen &om bis loynes vpward : and tolo(*etoo, euen from bis bynee dowtjeward, I fan as the ii^^e of fin» ud btisbtaes umi «boutib ^" ' "^ - a* A. ^iiij,OitkeSoutki IWhichilecIarHtlr fwiftncei «nd the. fc«rtfulDc>ofCodt dgem'up'.if, - tbou^h ibf pe-ple tie Btiier C<. ob' i- litte : ''c r ihe womI ofGoJ ltl£^eci. jhvt to ih'it fal- iaor jreatii conoeir.'ja nn. Rea.!.- le nn.1.17 e flic wet i• ibat .0. none affiifti- BBi t'h- y ih> -.li ιβ»ίίίυΊι- thett f Hte Joetfc Bot cnflv'xfco•; bim tobi>c:ueti..buta<.( •ute it. g H« Ihe' JudgenBtstiagtiaft il • tni(ret>Y it MMantthatDOEe tete to be Codi .nrirtager before be baue re• teiued tbe word of God ia bia bear 1,11 verfe ro• haueazeale ivBtef.andd*- ligbt ibtreia.a• lere.ii.ii. Jt.eucl./a.iOk Chap, ij, xi As the IffceneiTe of the bow , that is in the doude in thed^ofraineifoiM'tbeapperance of the light round about. 29 Ttiis was the appearance of the fimilitude of the glory of the Lord : aod wbcD I faw it . I fell « vpon my face . and I heard a voyce ofoae tbatfpake. ^ CHAP. I L The Prophet is fent f» e*U the pttpUfrtm their entHf» Δ Nd * he faid vuto me . ^ Sonne of omd . ftan J . vp rpon thy feetc , and I will fpeake vnco thee. . 1 e And the fpiri; entred into mee , when hee bad fpckeD voto tne, and fee me vpon my fectejfo that i heard him that fpske » nto me. 3 Andbefiydvncome.Sooneof Madiliend thee to thechildren of ίΓ:αΐ1, to a rebellious Da< tioathatbath rebelled agaofi me ; /«r they and their fatkers hauerebdied againft me • euen vnto this very day. 4 For thiy »rt t itcpoJent children,and fiiffe hearted •, I do fend thee mto ihem.and thou ibalt fay voco them . thas faith the Lord God. J• But farely they will not heare .neither in deede will they ceafe.for tbey are a rebellious honfci>et flijll rhey know that ^ there bath beene * Prophet anting them. 6 And thou foDoe of tran,*feare them not, neither be afraid of their words , althoiigh rebels and themes it with thee, and thou rercaincft with fcorpions : fiare not their words , nor be afraid at «heir lookes, for they are a rebellious bouft. 7 Therefore thou&alifpcakemy words vn- to u-eva,but fnrcly they will not heare.oeirlKr wil tbey indccde ceafc: for they ate rebellious. 8 Bjit thou (bnne of man , heare wbat I fay vnto thee : be cot thou rebellious , like rfc;/ rebel- lions houfe:opeD thy mouth, and^eate that I giHethee. 5> And when I looked vp , behcJde , an hand was fent vnto iue,and loe , a toule of a books a>at therein. 10 And he fpread it before roe, nd it ψλ% writ- ten within and without, and there was written therein , % Lamentaitior.s and mourmi>g,aad woe. giueth b!m tbe meanei wbetewitb be may be able to exe- ,'etb what Were ibtcesicBt|oftbilbocl[e;to wit, Godi twiihed, CHAP. III. t TheTiffhet heiiif fed with the word tf GidanJ%ith thettnfi*nt btldnege c) the fiitit.n feat i/nicihe petfle th»tweretnt»ftimt}, 17 Thet^te tftnteminiden,' VA Oreonerhe fmd vnto me^onne tsf man,eate *'•* that thou findeft : » eete this rcuk,and goe tnd fpeake vnto the houfe of If acl 2 So I opened my mouth,aciu he gaue me riiis :oule to eate. ^ And be (aid vnto mee, fonne of man.caufe by belly to eate, and fill thy bowclswitn mij oulstbat I gtoe thee. Thee did I e^te. and it was π my mouth as iweete as bony. 4 And be faid vnto me.Sonne of man.goe «ft^ > nter intoul J obey thee, 7 But the houfe of Ifracl win not obey thee; for they will not obey race : yea.all the boufe of Ifrael ate impudent and ftiffe hearted. i Behol Je , I haue made thy ^ f^ce firong a gainft their faces . and thy forehea J hard againft their foreheads. 9 I haue made thy forehead as the adamant Λτίά harder then tbe flini:feate them not therefore, neither be afraid at their lookes : for they are a tebciicus houfe. 10 He fai i moreouer vnto me, Sonne of man, « receiuc in thine heart all my words that I fpeake vnte thee,and heare t^em with thine eares, 1 1 And goe and enter to them that are led a- way captiues vnto the children of thy people, and fpeake vnto them , and tell tbem , Thus faith tbe Lord God : iwr furely tbey will not heare,neither will tbey indeede ceafe. II Then the fpirit tooke me vp , and I heard behinde tuee a noyfe of a great rulhing , faying, b Goi protnleib ainaoce to unillers, αΛ that be willgiut tbem boIdneOe md coDlUncieiD beir vocation , Ifa,' /o. 7. lere, i.iS. Micb.a.t. Heefilewetb what i• meant by' the eating of th« bobke.wbicb ii. that tbe miBiltect of God may {οΐύΛ ihemfeTuei.but (bat osely, wbicb bey haue teceiueif• of the Lord. ■ Wbciebyhe ntfieib, that Gods glory (houM not bedimiolihid} although be de- parted outof hi* Tempi», for tbi» ' tared that the citieaod Temple ftould be deltioyej, e Tbit fheweiii' that there iicuer an inlirmity of the flefh which can Bfa Ber lie ready to reader full ebedi• eaceto God, and aifoGodi grate «vhoeuerafliReih. bii, aad ouercom• neibtbeir rebel, liout affeftions. ifaatGodi miniReri» iiRift wi;h aduif•. meot atid delibtit* tiso vtter bit iudgemeet». b Oi^rbii rraJe I? / hiard alio the Boyle of the wings of the bealts, that touched one another , and the ratling of the wheelcs that were by them.euen a noyfe of a great ruiliing. 14 So the fptit lift me vp.and tooke me away, and I ' vfiiK In bittetneife 4» =' 18 When I fliall fay vnto the wicked ,Tbou ilialt furely die, and thou giueil not hiro warning, nor fpeikeft to admoniili the wickid of bis wic- ked way , that he may Hue , the fame wicked man ihajl die in his iniquity , but his blood will I te- guire at thine hand. 19 Yet ,if thou warne the wicked,and he turne [ net from his wick-dneifc , nor from his wicked j way , hee (1\ύ\ die in his initjuitie . but thou haft \ deliaetedtbyfoule. } 10 Likewife if a ' irigkteous man turne from hi» l if h» that baib; tightcouihcife . and cororoit iniquity , I will lay a P;^"'. '^f^f *'''* t itamblitjg blocke btfore himandheefl5alidie,'^„"^ba^^!^ becaufe thou haft nor giuen him warning,he iliall k i «Ji giue bim- die In bis finne . and his ' righteous deedes which >?.'" • '^P'°''*•! hee hath done.lhallnctbe remembred ;but bisif'^vVichfeemei' blood will I require at thine hand. . ;*to hau«; beene dot» 21 NtuetthcleiTe, if thou admonilh that righ- f<^ f»''". "d w«* Motis man , that the righteous finne not , and that f""' he doeth not fiane , he Itall liue becaufe be is ad-} B}oni{hed;alfo thou haft deuuered thy foale 21 And the '"'.land of the Lord was thttevp^ onmee.andbef/idvntoQTe.Atife.rtniigoeiotofc'.T'"'/'•'''? . , tbe Ϊ Hild.ind t will there talke wirfi thee. _ δ.''θΓ.1ϊ/7ί "* 23 So Wfen ί had rifen vp,a>id gone forth in-S Meaning, tk* to the fidd , behold,the " glory of the Lord ftood ^ifi« of 't* cfe». there . a» the glory which I faw by the tiHCt Che- j^;^^• "" "" b.;f , ίΠϋ I fdl downe vpon my face^ jo kcaiU Cli^ *», a-t Then tbe Snitit cntrcd into mcwbidi ° fetj ■' »c* 1 )ka Tbatir.tl jSpititofprei a. Or, -ualU Thefinneslofthe peopled» EzcEcl; ρ Signifyingithit not onely he Ihoeld not|)rt>fii, but tlity (houlJ gtie- Boufly trouble andalAiabim. q Whicli jecU• r«th the terrible pUgueof the Loril.wheaGoi ftoppeththe inoutbeiofbii mlniAers , andthtt allfu^h are the rodi of fail ireuje- «nce that doe it. '*' &eutl,n,tt. f _Tbeiignc ottbemifcj WkichfigniSeJ theftubOimiinrlTe and hardiielfe of theit heatt. b Hereby he re» pieftntcd theido• Utry aod fioue of theteotribr» (for Smiarii Wis oq biiierthandficm Babylon ))nd how they badtcmiiDcd therein three bun- dveth and nineiie yeerei. β Which declared Ijda.who had DOW from the time oflofiih lltpt ia their lionet fourty d In token of a fpeedy vengeance, c The people fliouldfoftuitly be befieged.that theyillould not be able to turne f Memiog.thit the finiine IhouM be fo great, thit they (houLl be glad to eate what- foeuer they could g \Vbichwere fouuteoe nione;h$ thai thecuie wai b licged, and thii was at many dayei «Ilrielfmned a pound. i ReadcExod,i9 Λ' k Signifying here. by the grea:fcat- ci:ieoffuel!and ouicerco burne. raee vp vpon my feete , tod fpake WIO Mee , and fayd vhto mee. Come , and? (hat thy felfe wttuin thine houfe. 2y But thou , Ο fonne of man , behoUe.the/ (hill put bandes vpon thee • and ihill binds thee tvich them . and thou (hxh not goe out among them. id And I will make thy tongue 1 deaue to the roofe of thy mouth , that thou Ihilt be dumbc, and Ihilt not ba to them as a man that lebuke^h : for they are a rebellious hoafe . 27 But when I iliall haue Ipoken vnto thee, I will opsQ thy mouth , zad thou H^alt fay vnto them , Thus &yth the Lord God.He that heareth, let him heare, and hee that kauetii off , * let him leaue : for they ar^: a rebellious houfe. CHAP. I III. I The b'licging of the cztie tfJerufalcm isfigntfied. 9 The Idttg cmtir.uxnce of the eipttuitie »f Ifrxel. ιβ An *«nnfr is t.rophfctedto tone. THou alfa fonneofrnan , tjfce thee a bricke, and lay it before thee , and pourtray vpon it the c-iiie, «««» letufalem, 2 And lay fieg? againS it , and build a fort a• gainft it.and caftamount againftit.fet the campe alio againft it , aa4 lay engines of warre againft it round about. 3 Moreouer , take an « yron pan.and fet it for awallofyron betweene thee and the citie , and ditetl thy face toward it , and it fliall be befieged, and thou (halt lay iicge againft it : this Hull be a figne vnto the boHleof Ifrael. 4, Sleepe thou alfo vpon thy left fide, andiay the iniqiiide of the b houfe of ifrael vpon it : 41;- arding to the number cf the dayes , that thou llult fliepe vpon it , thoulhikbeate their ini- quitie. J• For I haue laide vpon thee the yeeres of their iniqjitie according to the number of the dayes, tutn three hundrethand ninetie dayes : fo ibilt thou bearethe iniquitie of the houfe of If- rael. 6 And when thou haft accoropliilied them, fleepe againe vpon thy <= right iide , and thou ihalt beare the iniqutieofthe houfe of luJah founie dayes : I haue appointed thee a day for a yeere, turn a day for a yeere- 7 Therefore tboa fliolt dired thy face to- ward the fiege of letufjkm , aid thine ^ arnie βαΗ be vncouered , and thou ilialt prophecie againft it. 8 And behold.T will lay « bands vpon thee,and thou flialt not turne thee from one fide to ano- thef,till thou haft ended the dayes of thy fiege. 9 Thou Ibalt take alfo vnto thee wheate, and barley , and beanes, ancJ lenuies,and millet , fand fitches . and piK them in one velTell , andrrake thee bread thtitoi according to the number of tiie dayes , that thcu ilialt fleepe vpon thy fide : tutn g three hundteth and ninetie dayes lliah thou eat thereof. 10 And the meate , whereof thou Qialt eate fnalhe by wiight,«(«n ^ tw.'ntie ilukels a u&f.and from time to time Italt thou eate thereof, 1 1 Thou ihsltdrinke alfo water by meafure, tutn the fix pift of' an Hin : from time to time Ihalt thou drinke. 12 And •u flialt eate it as barky cakes, and thou Ibalt bake it k in the dui-g that commeth out of min.in their fight. 13 And the Lord fayd,So fl .all the children of Ifrael eate their deffled bread among the Gen' tiles,wbither I will caft them. 14 Then fayd I , Ah , Lord God , behold, toy foule hath not beene pUuted: for from mf youth vp , euen vnto this houre , I haue not eaten of a thing dead or torne in pieces , neither came there any ' vncleane fl:lli in my mouth. 1 y Then be fayd vnto me , Loe , I haue giuen thee bullockes n• dung for mans dung , and thou ihalt prepare thy bread therewith. 16 Moteouer.be fayd vnto me, Sonne of man, behold , I will breake η the ftaffe of bread in leru- faiem , and they (hall eate bread by weight , and with ca'e . anJ t?hey fliall diinke water by roea- 1^] fure.and with aftonifhmeot. 1 Muck leOt rich vile ceriuptioa. ' m Token ftreto bake thy biead with. Thatit, the force and Itreogih wherewith ildnouiifh, lfa.3.1, chap, f .i^fl 17 Becaufe that bread and wateiiballfaile,)*ad 14..13 the>• flaallbeaftonied one wkh another . and Iball coofume away for their iniquitie. CHAP. V. The figne of the hxites.wherei) is fignifitd the ieftruCiiM tf the people. A Nd thou fonne of man , take thee a ihirpe knife, or take thee a harbours rafor.and caufe it » to pafle vpon thine head.and vpon thy beard then take thee ballances to weigh , and diuide the hairt< . ι To Jbaue thioe * lead and thy bearj " Ρ To wit.cf that y which he had 2 Thou ihalt burne with fire the third part in h7br"ke,'cha°p°. e mids of the t> city .when the dayes of the fiege . b* ihe fire *' the mids of the t> city .when the dayes of the fiegi are fulfilled , and thou (bait take the ether third part , and fmite about it with a knife , and the Ιαβ third part thou Ihtlt fcatter in the winds , and I will draw out a fward after them. 3 Thou fliilt alfo take thereof a fsw in num- ber .andbinde them in thy c lappe. 4 Then take of them againe and caft them into the mids cf the fite , and burne them in the fire : ■* for thereof fl-sall afire come forth into all the houfe of ifrael y Thus fayth the Lord God , This is lerufa- lem , I haue fet it in the mids of the nations and countreys,f/;«i are round about her. 6 And (be hath changed ray ' iudgements in- to wickednefle more then the nations , and my ftatutes more then the contreys , that are round about her : for they haue refufed my iuJgements, and my ftatutes , and they haue not walked in them. 7 The refore thus fayeth the Lord God , Be- caufe your f muitiiude is greater then the nati- ons that are round about you , and yee haue not walked in mj,• ftatuies , neither haue yee kept my iudgements : no , yee haue not done accorciing to the iudgements of the nations , that are round a- boutxou, Br dpeltileo aneth the famin*, iietewith one part tiAli'd during the lege o• Nebuchad. itziit. By the word , thofetbat (Vereflaiue wh;i> Cedekiah fltd.aad hofe that were aried away cap• iue. And by the catteringinto winde, thole hit fled into gypt, and into Hher partes aftet wai takes, : Meaning, that y fewihoultj >e left, which the Lord would pre• feme among all thefe (iorntei, but not without trou• blei and triall. d Out of that fire which the» kiadlel>,(hallafire which Oiall fignifiethedeftiu- ftion of Ifiael. My word and dolatiy 8 Therefore thus fayth the Lord God.Behold "^ Wyfti'io". . ' ... . . f Becaufe your idoli are in gteitef Bumber, and yout fuperftitiont mote i,euen I come againft thee, autl wil execute iut'g ment in the mids of thee , eutn in tlie fight of the nations. 9 And I will do in thee ύ at I nener did befon , neither will doe any more the hke, becaufe of all thine abominatiors I ο For in the mids of thee,the fathers * fball eate their fonnes , and the fonnes ihall eate theit fa:hers,andl will execute iuilg'tuent in thee .and the whole remnant of thee wili I fcatter into all thewinJes I I Wherefore as I line . fayth the Lord God, Surely , bscaufe thou haft donlid ray Sanohjaria with all thy fikbineffe , and with alUbineabe- minaiions , theiefora will I dlfo deitrey thee, l^icbei profeflid idolateri leaoe If<.<;,ii.ot becondemneth theij ing'atitude in re- fpedofhit benefiu, ♦ Leuit. 16.19, Deut.it S). a King.6.19. Lemtnt 4.. I•, . Baruthi 3. ι nc arrowcs otiamine. ^nap. vj. yij« 5WorQ,tamine,aifapeUuence. C Thtt it, I will ■ot be picifiid, •ill I be reuesecd, Ifi. I. n. Wbich wet* tke grafcopper», mildew, «ad wbif fceuer were oc- «((ϊααι of fimine. • C/(«/. 14,13. neither (bail mine eye rparet^M, neither will I baueanypiiie. r II The third part of thee ftwll die with the pe- ftUence .and with famine (liali they be cor^fuoicd in the mids ofchee: and er third pate iluH fali by the fword rouRd about thee : and I will fcatter the Ιαβ third part intoaUwindcs.aod I «ill draw out a fword after them. 13 Thui (hall mine anger be accoroplifhed, and I will cauf^ my wrath to ceafe in thecL•, and I will be g connf jfted : and they ihall know , that I the Lord haue fpoken it in ray zeale.when I h?ue accompliibed my wiath in them. 14 Moreouer. I will make thee wafte,and ab- horred amo^g the nations that are round about «bee , arid in ihe fig) ι of all that pafle by. I y So thou ih,all f»dde»lj ,μ« X/j Oreouer the word of the Lord camcvntc ■•■^■•me.fayiRg. 2 Alio thou fonne of roan^tbus faith the Lore God , An end it come vnto the land of Ifrael ; thf end is come vpon the foutecornetsoi the land. 3 Now» the end cors» vpon thce.and 1 wil fend my wrath vpon thee , and will iudge thee ac• cordirg to thy wayes , and will Ly vpon thee aU « thine abominations. 4 Nf ither iliail mine eye fpara thee , neither will I haue pitie : but I will lay thy \va;es vpon thee : and thine abomination fliali De in the KiidJcs of thee , and ye Axui know that I am the Lord. 5 Thus faith the Lord God, BScbold.oQe euii],(K(» ent euill is come. 6 An ende is coii)e,the ende is comc.it " wat- ched for thee : behold.it is come. 7 The t morning is come vnto thee , that dwelleft in the land : the time is come.the day oi trouble is neere , and jjot the ^ iounding againei^" iio«hope »f of the mountaines. Γτ""»ί;οΓοί 8 Now I will Qxiiily powre out my wrath ofhiipuniflimeni» vpon thee, anti fulHll mine anger ^pon thee:I will iudge thee according to thy wayes , and will lay vpon thee all thine abomina ions. 9 Neither ihall mine eye (pare thet.nekheT wil I haue pity ,b .tl will lay vpon thee accotdmg to thy wayes,and ttiine abomiijations ih^ill be in the miaues t^fthce .and ye lliillknow that I am the Lord that la itetb. 10 Behold , the day , behold , it is come : the morning is gone foottb , thee rod flout Uheth; f pride hath tuJded. 1 1 g Cruelty is rifen vp into a rod cf wicked- netic : none of them /^λΛ remaincoot ofihcir ri• «hes , not ofany of uieits.ncit.ietlliaiittierebe •i lameotatioi for them, 1 2 I hf time is conettbe day drawetb neere: let not the buyer > (cioyce,ner let bia| that felletb a I will ρβηίΛι thee at thou haft i'ferucd for tUe doJa:ry, I Or, iehDld, euill cei»im>th after eHill* b He ihtweih that the iaJgeraent» of God euer «atch to dcftruy ite finneri, which Dotwiih- ing he delay- eth till there be alrea^ d Which Wil a .y.e&fioy and iitb. Thefcourgei» areadiDrl^, ί Thai is.the proud tyriEt Ne- bucbad-neizar, haih gathered hia force aud ii ready, g Thii ctudl ene- Ihall be a fl»arpc fcourge fist belt wiciedicffe. h Their owi;e«f- A aionlhaWbefe irrai.that tt!»y Ihaii regard to lam~'t for otfaeta. the picfeac EzdcieU k For bt fluii k mourne : f jrtbe Ma* is Won d«h• midtitudc tht lubiie, in:.ninH ij For hcc ttw felleth , iliall not ' retntne to rtat none Qioaid J that wbich fc fold , although they were yet aliue: irheuyZeui 'lil ^of '•'= '" '''>°" w« TOto all the multitude there- «3. for they /hoaM* of.<«/;^they returned DOt," neither doeth any en• ΛΙ be «ried »w«y , conragc hiojfelfe in the punifliaient of brs life. -"Thi?' r.„. r. 14 ° They hiueblowen the trumpet.andpre- nified, ib« ill \ P«ed all , Dut Donc gocth to the battell : for my wrath is vpon adl the multitude thereof. 1 J• The fword ti without, and the peftilence, and the famine within : he that is in the ikld,ltalJ die with the fword, and he that is in the city , fa- mine and peQilence ihall deuoure him. J 6 But they that flee away from them , ihall efcape . and Ihall be in the mountaines , like tlie doues of the valieyes : ail they Hull mourne, cue• ry one for bis inscjuitie. 17 * All hands fballbeweake, and all knees flull fall away as wat>le,foi' noae fllalbe l^tengtheoed iubii iaiquuie o( hit life: meaoiag, that they (houU gaiie ootbiog by flatceriog tliemrclLiei i ID euill. , ο Tlie Ifraelite• Blade abrag.bac their hearu failed lere. 6.1^. *I/«. .,J. ««re. 48,37. # ProH.it, t. V^""••'••»• tides. s,t. ρ Meiniag.tbe Sanduary. q That is, of the S.tbyloaiani, r Which fignifiecb the matt haly place, «vhereinco nooe might entei' but thi bie Pfieft. f Signifying, that they (hould be bound and ltd awa) eaptiue». t That ii.ef finnci that d'ferue death. u SVhicbWM the Temple that wai iiaiiti into three fattiirfal.sJ.j;. aOfthceaptiuity *fIeconiah. b Which contetned part of Aujuft. .iad Pift of Stptembcr, « Al.Chap.t,»;, >art white tie •iple hid iBjde I alur to Baal, Fui Gjd will noi be wbeceidokjaic. vpwardtM the ippaaraoce »f bt!ghtnefle,«)d like ?oto imber. 3 And hee Oretched oixtbelikeoe£r«ofaa hand . and (ooke roe by an hairy tocke of mine head , and the ipirit lift me vp betweene the eanfa and the heauen .and brought iseetb; aDiuine iZir.inthivifitn. Ί vifion to lerufaloiD, into the entrie of the inner j»/ GoL «gate that licth toward the North, where remat-j^ Meaning, that ned the idole off indignation .which prouoked -,ο fyi'lt, "ai^t indignation. inbo^y.' 4 And behold , the glory of the God of Ifrael ' *^"'> ^»' '''« n»4/ there according ttj the vifion .that 1 faw g in ^heie°the peop"e* the field. iie'eisbled. y Then fayd hee vnto me, Sonne of man, lift f s»caiied,bec»«fe vp, thine eyes DOW toward the North. So I Hft vp |r,P;°:,t,:'n*'wh!ch mine eyes toward the North , and behold, North- jwai the idole ol ward,(t the gate of the ^ altar.tbis idole ofindig-JBiii nation was in the entry. j" ^ 6 He fayd furthermore vnto mee , Sonne of man, feeft thou not what they do i tu*n xhe great abominations that the houfe of Ifrael commit- tethhere tocaufe w«to depart from ' my Saniftu- ary ; but yet turne thee and thou ihalc fee greater abM^minations. 7 And hee caufed mee to enter at the gate of the court : and when I looked , behold , an bole was in the wall. 8 Then fayd he vnto racSonne of man,digge now in the wall. And when I had digged in the wall,&ehold,r/>(r( »»s a doore. 9 And he fayd vnco me , Goe in , atid beholi the wicked abominations that they doe here. JO So I went in.and faw.and behold,t6«r< tt>/u eikery fimilitude of creeping things , and^: abomi- nabli beafls , and all the idoles of the houfe of It• rael painted vpon the wall round about. . 1 1 And there ftoode before them feuentie i men of the Ancients of the houfe of Ifrael , and in the miJdes of them Qood laazzaniah.the fonne of Shaphan , with eneiy man his cenfor in his hand , and the vapour of the incenfe went vp lik^t "» a cloude. II Then fayd heintome.Sonneof man,hafl; thou feeoe what the Ancients of the houfe of If- rael ° doe in the darke , euery one in the chamber of his iniagerie J forthsyfay , The Lord feeth vs not.the Lonl hath foriaken the earth. 13 Againe be fayd alfo vnto me , Turne thee againc,4n^ thou ihilt fee greater abominations ttiat they doe. 14 And hee caufed me to enter into the entrie of the gate of the Lords houfe , which was to- ward the North : and behold , there fate wonen mourning for <> Tammuz. 1 y Then fayd he vnto me.Haft thou fetne this, Ο fonne of man f Turne thee againe , and thou ihalt fee greater abominations then thefe. 16 And he caufed me toenter into the inner conrt of the Lordes houfe , and behold , at the doore of the Temple of the Lord , betweene the porch and the ahar were about fiue an'i twentie men with their backes toward the Temple of the Lord , and their faces toward the Eaft , and tbey worfliipped the funne.toward the Eaft. 17 Then hee fayd vn» me,Haft thou feene tkit, Ο fonne of man?Is it afmall thing to the houfe of ludabto commit thefe abcniinations which they ρ otclariog that doe here ? for they haue hlled the land with crn- eltie , and haue returned to prouoke me ; and loe, ihey haue cali out ρ ftinke before their nofes. 18 Xheisfure Willi alfo execute »>/ wrath: isine k Which were forbidden io the Law,Levit.ii..f. I TbuitheyxhU (hould haue kept all the relt in the , and true fernice of God, were the tingle»• jeriofallibomi. atioD,and by leir extmple pulled other» God. m Iiwaiin Tuck abundance, □ For befidei their •ommoD idolatry they had pariicu- lai fetuice, which they hid in fecrec chaisberi. 0 The Itwi» e.tbatthii was a Prophet of the ideiei.wboaf• ter hit death wai once a ye»re mour- Dcd for is the nighi , later•, are but m- feftioD and vile- Die bcfeic Qui, The markejd Jtr.ii.tr, Mich 3,t. a TbetimetotaJ» venge*nce. b which wert An- geli ia the bmilicude ofmeu. Sigoifying.thitthe BtbylODiaoi ihould 1 from theWortt todeftroytbecity and the Temple- dTomJikethfm thatfliouldbefaued « Which declaied that be was not bound thcrevoto, neither would te- maice aoy longCi theo tbtre wa» hop« chat they would re• tutoe from their wichedoe'i and wor (hip his aritht. Β Or,Thrtlhtii. lOT,m»rKtwith Thau. f He iheweth wbai iithemanerofGod^ children, whom h matkethto falua- tien : to wit, to mourne aodciyou agaiall thewickid- ««I, which thty lee committed againlt Gfldi glory, g That in allhii pUguei the Lord preferueth hi< fmall cumbet, which he maihmb, ai ixo.n. iiB.eu.7.3 bJi ^l^e chiefenurkei'the Si>irit ofaJoptio'-, wherewith the hear ii Tealed vp to life euerlalting. h Which were the chiefeoccafionofil thefe eu ill, al Chip i This declateth thai the fetuiDtt o( Ged baueacompafsioD. when tbey fee bii iudgemeoiitxecuted k Tbatii , wub ι kiadofwickedoes, readelfa.iiif. ♦CAdi.i.»». «Which ID thefirft Ciitp.ver.;.be cal kdtbcfoure bMlf*. h Tbii (iniiliea.tlut thecity Iheuldbe fe«w«i mine eye fliall not fpare *i/w, neither wU I b»uc pity , and "' ikough they cr; in mine eirei with a oud voyce.yct will I Dot hcate them. CHAP. IX. 1 Thede/ituUitn efiht citj. 4 Thej thai jh^lit feuti.nre niArk'i. 3 A Cintplmnt tftht Frtfhei fir tht dtfiruili- tncfthtf,<,ple. J-JE ciied alfowitha loud voyee in mine cares, faying.The vilisatioos of» the citydraw neere, and euery mtn hatha weapon in bis hand to de- ftroy it. 1 And bebold,iixe •> men came by the way of the hie g4te, which lieth toward the c Korth,and euety man a weapon in bis hand to deftroy it : and one man among them wis d jathed with linnen.with a writers d ynkehorne by his fide, and tbey went in and ftood fcefiJe the brafen altar. 3 And the glory of the God of Ifrael was ' gone vp from the Cheiub, wherevpon he was utid flood on the Q doore of the houfe , and he called to the man cloatbed with liunen, which bad the writers ynkhorne by his fiJe. 4 And the Lord faid vntohiro.Goe through the mids of the city, tatn through the roids of Icrufa- lem.and y (et a roarke \φοη t.ie foreheads of cheiD that f mourne . and cry for all the abominations that be done in the mids thereof. Chap, ix,», ^be Chembims and wheeles. 87 4 Then the glory of the Lord c «cnt τρ from (C Meaning, that th• the OKmh,mift»»d ouer the doorc of the houfe, k'^'y <>' ^'^ "o^W end the houfe was filled with the cloud , and the τ7^"/"" '"" court vTiS filled with the bt ightoefli: of ihe Lords '"^ '' glory, y And the ^ fotini of the Cherubims wFngs wasj^ ΐ^«ί<1« Ch»p,i,ii; heard into the vtter court,aJ the voyce of the Al- mighty God.whenhefpsaketh. 6 And when be bad commaanded the man ckiatheJ with linnen, faying , Take (ire from be• tweene the wheelis ^and from betweene the Che•» rubims , then he went in and ftopd befidc the wheele. 7 And one Cherab ftretchcd forth his hand from betweene theCbernbinis vnto the fire that was be- t weene the Cherubims.and tooke thereof, and put it into the bands of him that was cloatbed with linnen ; who tooke it and went our. 8 And thete appeared in the Cherubims the likeneffe of a mans band vnder their wings 9 And when I looked vp,bebold, foure wheeles wtre befide the Cherubims, one wheele by one Cherub,and another wheele by another Cherub, and the appearance of the wheeles u>at as the co• lour of a e Chry foiite Bone. < Keajc Ciup.i»ici 10 And their appearance (/or they were «H/foure S iniQS CnereCI. '^ """ ""•" •ff-"••"'-^ V' «-"ty wtic nu luutc y And to the otb«• he faid, that I migk heare, ' of one faibion) was as if one wheele bad beene ia Goeyeafterhimthtoughthecity, andlmite: let ' "nor/;«rwhitle• your eye (pare nene.neitherhaue pity. 1 1 When they went foorth , tbey went vpon 6 Deftroy vtterly ibe olXmd the yeurg.and the \ 'beit fouie fides , and they retiwned not as thty went : bat to the place whither thefirft went they went afttr it , and they f turned not as they ' ^°"" •'«Υ '"<' yygn(_ ' executed Godi iui» 12 And their whole body, and their 11 rings.and their hands.^nd their wing'.and the wheeles were full of eyes round about , tutn in the fame foure vyheeles .1 3 And the Cherub cried to thefes wheeles in mine heai ing, faying,0 vvhetlc. 14 And euery //ia// had fowe faces : the firft fjce relidue of Ifrael, inpowringoutthy wraih νροά »"»'the ficeof aChetub.andthefecondfacewd* letufalem? | theface of amao.and the third thefscecfalioo, and the fourth the face of an E^gle And the Chetubims wsre lifted vp ; '^thisisl* Ci^ ancient men.which wtre before the houfe. 7 And he faid vnto them.D.-file the houfe.and fill tl>e courts wi:h the (1 :ire,r*in go forth : and they went out and ftcw tbemiw thecity, 8 Now when they had fliine them , and I had efcaped , I fell downs vpon ray face . and cryed, laying , ' Ah Lord God , wilt thou deftroy all the 9 Then faid he vntome.The iniquity of the houfe ! of Iftael. and ludah « exceeding gtcit.fo that the ί land is full οί i' Wood, and the city full of corrupt iudgaroent : for they fay .The Lord hath forfaken ths earth, and the Lord leeth vi nor. 10 As touching rae alfo.mine eye itiall not fpare i/!<«j.neither will I bans pity.i»r kvill recotrpence theif wayes vpon their head». 1 1 And bchold.tbe man cloatbed with linnen U'hich had the ynkehorne by his fide , made (e- port , and faid , Lnd , I bauc done as thou haft commanded me. CHAP, X. lOftbtmxH thattt'ke holt turning tealts tut efthe midtH'cflhewhetles of the Cheruitrm. S A rehCArfall tfthevifiontftheifheeUi, tftieteafli, and $f the Cherub'ims. A Nd as I looked .behold, in the * firnament that was aboue the head of the » Chetubims, there appeared vpon them like veto the fu&ilitude of a tbtone.as it ourt a faphir ftone. 2 And he fpake vnto the man cloatbed with IiHi Den, and faid, Goe in betweene the wheeles , tuen vnder the Cherub, and fill thine hands widicoalet of fire from between the Chernb, and fcatter them ouer h the city. And h e went in roy fight. 3 Now the Cherubims ftood vpcn the tight fide of the houfe.when the maq went iD,and the cloud filled the itmer court. ihi bealls that I faw at the liuer Chebar. 16 And vvhenthe Oierubims went.the wheeles went by them: and when the Cherub, liftvptheir wings to mount vp from the earth , the fame wheeles alfo turned not from befide them. 17 When the air«6,ftood.they ftood; 8c when they werelifted vp. thpy lifted themfelaes vp alfo: ^ ^^^^^ ψ,,, out for the g fpirit of the be afts was in them. ionfcnt betweine 1 8 >> Then the glory of the Lord departedfrom fbe cherubim» anj aboue the dooreof the houfe , and ftood vpon the l''Rr,d*, Chap,?,^- Cherubims. Γ 19 And the Cherubims lift vp their wings and mounted vp (turn the eatth in my fight : when they went out.the wheeles alfo ffere belides tbem: j and tuery one ftood at the entiy of the gate of the , Lords Houfe at the Eafl fide, and the glory of the , God of Ifrael »«i vpon them on hie. j 20 * Tbisisihe' beaetbatlfawvnderthei«rc*4;.i,>f. God of Ifrael by thetiuer Chebar, apd 1 knew that they weie the Cherubims. 2 1 Ε uery one bad foure faces , and enery ont foure wings, and the likenefl'e of mans bands truf vnder their wings. 22 And the likenes of ifaeir facet ai^/ the felfe fame faces, which I faw by the riuet Chebar, and the appearance of the Cherubims mas the felfe fme,and tbey went euery one firajght foiward. " " & HL A Pa That ii , the «hole bodj of li» Foure btalit 01 Ccciubitnsi 'h5moc]cerspunirhe,be- taufeofthe dead bodic; tbjt haue httat morthttcJ cbtrcio, andfo lies 4c{h ία tlze caldron d Th« ii,oithe CaWfam. e Tbacii.ia Rik lih,readc*Kuig. Anh^artofflffll. » WhHhcjyotvethMfeiuitAthittoptetflfrnel. S /t• tainn ihtfe he prcphcu.th ,lbevi''gthemh:;v tke) jbiU btdi^ttfeddirMi. .9 The rt»eif,»ioftht htMttxn' tneihcfGoi. it Hethrtainetb themlhitUeAuet/ntii tbcit iivne cnnnftli, XiJOreoiicr.the Spirit lift me vp.and brought nae vpto the Eaft ijit? of the Lords houfe . ^vllich lieth Ejfhvir'd.md twholJ.at the entry of the gate »rff« litre aridiwentymfsi : among wliom liaw IaS2iniih'th:fonr.;of Az;;r , and Pibtiihthe I'onneof Beniiah.tns princes of the people. 2 Thea laid he vnto cQe, Soonc of man, tbefa «re the men that imagine ciiichicfa , and deuife wicked connfel in this citp. 3 ίΊ"• they iiy , »Iiis nctneere, letvsbuild at'tho^i'h "he7'pf«4; ^o^'^'S ! this ci'y IS thcb caldron , and we be the fldh. 4 Therefore prophecy againft tbeia ► fonne of Π)3θ prophecy. y And the Spirit of the Lord fell vpon tpe , and laid vototne, SpeaXe, Thus faith tbe Lord, Ο ye houfe of Ifticl, this haue yefaid.andl know that which tifeth vp of your mindes. 6 Many hene ye murthered in this city , and ye hiue filled the ftreetes thereof witt» ihe flaine. 7 Therefore thus faith the Lord God, They that ye hane fliine,aod ba'ie laid in the uiids of itjthey erc^ the flelh, and this fjty is the caldron, but I will bring you foorth of the tniJs of it. 8 Ye haae feared the fword, aiiti I will bring a fword vpon you.faich the Lord God. 9 And I will bring you out of the raids thereof, and deliuet you into "^ the bands cf ftrangers, and wiil eieciiti iadgements ctnong you, I ο Ve Ihall fall by the fword , and Γ will iudge you in the border 6f«Ifrael,and ye ihsllknow that i am the Lord. - Ϊ I This &y ilisll not be your caldron , neither rtiall ye be the flsih in the raids thereof.iKi I will wdge you in the border of ifrael. ) % And ye ihall know that 1 am the Lord: for ye haue not w.dked in my ikatutes , neither executed i»y iudgeraents , buthanedone after the miners of the heathen that are round about you. 13 f And when I propheeied,PaUtiab the fonne of Benaiih diedj then fell I downe vpon my face, and cryed with a loud voyce , and fiid , Ah Lord God, wilt thou then vtteily deftroy all theremnant ofIfr.-ieli 14 Agsinc the word of the Lord caaie vnto , tne,faying, 1 J Sonne of man.thy g brithrcn,?«f»» thy bre- thren,the men of thy kindred, and all the hoal'e of Ifrael . wholy art they vnio whom the iiihsbitants oflcrufalera haueuiJ , Depart ye farre from the Lord -.for the land is giuen vsin polVtlTion. 16 Therefore fay , Thus faith the Lord God, Although I haue caft them farrei-ffaajong the heathen , and although I haue fcatteted thetn a— rcong the cocniries.yec will I be to them as a iitila ^ Sanduary in the countries were tlity ihall come. 17 Therefore fay,Thuj faith the Lord God.I will gather you againe kom the people, and alTemole you out of the countteis where ye bane bene fcat- tered.and I will gioe you tiie land of Il>acl. 1 8 And they lliall coroe thjthtr. and they fliall iakc away all tfte iJoles thereof , aad all the abo» i It feewetli ttit ihii oobl: inindied otfome tcriible dcuh, andiheiefote thtriobfiteaicd id. lie llrange iodge ment ofGod towaic tb'reltef ibep<;o(i|« β Thfythat itn:»i- liiditillatlttuft- lim tbuirtproched Ihein that were goni iaiocapiiuiiy, as tbaugh tbiy weie ciltclVaad foifakea efGod. t Tbeylhalbeyet a little Chuich llitwinjth.ttbe loid Will eaei ba fome tp call vpon h JJaaie, wbnm he Willprefeiue and leftore, though ttey tefoiitiiueafau &cd, * let.i2.it' Ch!>p )S,>9- Meauiag, tfce heart vihitevnto no4 tbiog can enter, and re^enetatethe alteAT, hat th;ir heart may Jt foft, and ready to lectiuenij gracei. k WhthUcoaisX WMiedaTvay captii^ BJiiiations thereof from thence. 19 *♦ Audi will giuc them one heart, and I will put a new fpirit within their boweh: 8c I will take the i ftoay heatt out of tseiv bodii•, and will giue thetnaahsattoffleih. 20 That they fnay wilke in icy ftatutes , and keepe my iudgitncnts.and execute tbemiSc they flialbe my people.and I willbe their God 2 1 Bat vpon them , whofe heart is toward their idoles.and whofe aticdion gpeth after their abo- minations , I v/i!i lay their way vpon their cwne heads,laith the Lord God. 2 ζ ^ Then did the Cfcernbiirs lift vp their wii"'gs, and the wheeles befides them, & the gloty of tliC God oiliuelwts vpon ihim on hie. 23 And the glory of the Lord went vp from the mids ci'the city , and ttood vpon the mountiinc which is toward the EaS iide of the city• 24 Afterward the Spirit tooke me νρ.δί brought me in a vifion by the Spirit of God into Catdea to them that were led away captiues; fo the vifion that I had feens.went vp from me. ay Then I declaredvnto them that were •'led away captiues , all the things that the Lcci had ibewcd me. CHAP. Xlk r Thefiraileof the cnftiuity. 18 Amthtr f*ralle whereoj tht άιίΐϊΐβ' if hnnger flndthirjl is figU'fied- 'T'ils word of the Lord alio camevoto me/ay * Jng. 2 Sonne of man, thou dwelleft in the raids of* rebellious houle , which haue eyes to fee , and fee a not: they haue eares ro heare.and heare not: for they are a rebeluous houie. 3 Therefore thou fonne cf roan , -f piepare thy ftjffe to goe into captiuity, and goc foorth by day i'.i their figiit : and thou fliilt paffe f.om thy place to another place in their fight , ifitbepof-j lible that they may confider it : for they are a re- bellious houle. 4 Then fhalt thou bring fjorth thy fluffe by day in their fight , as theftuffeof hirothat goeth into capiiuity : and thou ihilt go forth at eucn in their iight,.-is they that goe fooith inio captiuity . 5• Digge thou through the wall in theic hghr.and cary out thereby. 6 lu their fight Ihalt thou beare it vpon thy fiioul- ders.d»ii cary it Lrth in thedarke: thou Ihalt co- uet th» face that thou fee not the earth : for 1 haue jb That ai tiioi fet thee an^ figne vnto the houfe of Ifrael iThiti», tkeyrm ■.ti.it Dottheliuit oE hit which ihej fc• nd beaie. ■\Ebrmaktihet. efitlsttgmim» '.ftiHitJ. doelt, foflulltbey e.and iherifotei γ And as ί was coraanded.fo I brought forth my .^,V^hey ihaiifte'" fiofle by day , as the Suffe of one that goeth into their owne pUj captiuity : and by night I digged throagh the wall "«^ paoiihintM, with mine band, and brought it forth in thedatk, andl bare it vpun my ilioulJer in their fight. 8 And in the morning catne the word of the Lord vnto tDe.fiying, 9 Sonne of man , hath not the houfe of ifrael the rebellious houfe, faid vnto thee, VVhat <; doelU Dse net they di. thou? fiiilbY doing,. 10 But fay thou vnto them , Thus faieth the Lord Gpd.This y burden cci;cfr7!tf/;:he chiefs in le'rufaletn , and ail the houfe of Urael that are a- roong theai. 1 ! Sav.l am your figne : like as I haue'done, fo (hall it be done vnto them : they lliall goe into bondage and captiwity 12 And the chiefeft that is among thefn.fliall |K:are vpon his iLoulderiaths datUe, and ihall 1 Οϊ,ρν^μΐί}, The Httlc riurcber. when the Ki'dj ballihink^toercip• kyecttog,! fvill imia my α•Γ .» Chip,i7,io.*oil Ε Whicl Diould ieitehiiHim•, »od uld be bit Cburcb^reide f BiClufelhifdid not ieunediitly fee the prophecies «c- coiaplillied, chey ceatemceicli-mxt ihougfatbeyihould aeueriefslfiUed, tOrMkt Itiltc gThilJt.itlhJIno cometop'SE >t> ^'^ iaiel.MJUhetefjre trecirenotforit: (hu» the Vfickea e- oer tbufe Ooit pa- tt«BC• aoi bttustuty a After tbeit oWt UDtalie.aDd doc a tauingthereuela tioDofthe Loidt tU,H> ^^' Chap, goe fooTih : they toll digge through the vrail. to cary out thereby : be iliail coutr his fice , that he fee not the ground with kit eyes. 3 My net sifo will ί fpresd vpon ^ him, and he fliilbe taken iti my liet.aiid I will bring him toBi- bel to the land of the Caidcsns.yet lliall be not Ice i£,tboi:gh he iliall die there. 14 And I will fcattet towaid euerf wind all that are aWout hia: to helpe him , and aU his gsrirons, and I will draw out tbe fsford after them, 1 5 And tbey ftisll know that I am the Lord, whet» I ilull fcjtter them among ;he natious.Sc dilpetlij ihera in the coiintreis. JO Bat I will leaue a ' little ncmber of them frons the lu'ord.from tbefamine,& from thepcftilence, thai they may declare aU thefo ibGminations 1- raoDg the heathen , where thev come . and they fliall koD w.tbat I im the Lorc\ ' ■ 17 f Moreouer, the word of the Lord came VQ- tome.iaying, ϊ8 Sonne of man.eat thy brea 1 with trembling, and diinke thy water wuhirouble.ind with citc- fulneffe. 1 9 And fay vnto the people of th* land, Thus iaiththe Lord God of the inhabitants of lerufj- lem,d««ioftheland ofIfr3eI,They ihaileate their fcreid widi cartfulnes,and drinke their w«ter with defolatian : for the land Ilialbe defolate from hes itiundance, becaufeoi tbe cruelty of them chat dwell therein. 20 And tlw cities that are inhabited, fl:albe left void , and the land ihalbe defolate , and ye ihall kHOW that I atn the Lord. II * And tbe word ofthe Lord cacoe veto me, faying, 12 Sonne of man , w'raristhatpronerbe that you haue in the land of Ifrael.fiyirg , The dayes 'areprolonged.and all viSons S faile i 13 Tell tbem therefore . Tbas faith tbe Lord God, I will make this prouerbe to ceafe. and they (hall no more vfe it as a prouerbe in Ilrael.-butfay vnto them. The daiesate ac hand,and thee&ii of euery vifion. 24 For no vifion fhalbe any more in va:ne,nei- thei fhali tksre ht any flatteiing diuiration with- in the bonis of IfraeK 25 For I am the Lord : I v/i!l fpeake , tutd that thing- that I Ihall fpeike.iliall cocne to pafleat iliall b; no more prcloi"ged; for in your daics.O rebsl- Hons houfe.will I i'ay tbe thing, and wiil perforoie it.fai^h the Lord God. 2 6 Agaioe the word of the Lord c»me vnto me, faying, 17 Sonne of man , behold , they of the boufe of Ifrael fay , The vifion that he feeth, is for g many daies ti coi3*$,iai he prophecieth of the titues that are farre off. a8 Therefore fay vnto them.Thus faith the Lord God, All my words iliall no longer be delay ed.but that thing which I ha«e fpoken,lhalbedone,faitb tbe Lord God. . CHAP. XIII. S Tht Wiiii sfth; Lcrda^^inft fttft prtphtti , (ahttb teach thepte[ie the emafeli 'flkejr twne hiatn, Λ Nd the word of the Lord came vnto me.fay- •*^ ing, 1 Sonne of man, prophecy againft the p'ophets ot* Iftrfel.that prophecy.acdfiy thou vnto them, that prophecy out of their » owne heetts.Heare tbe wotd of tlie Lord. J TbKS faich the Lord God , Woe vnto the Vntcnipered morter* Xllj, focHfh prophets that follow their owne fpirit.anj lauefeene nothing. ... , 4 Ο lfrael.thy PropiKts are like tbe ioxes b in ]^-^f,",ll°fX the WafteS places. : He fpeaketh t y c Ye haue not rifen vp in the gaps, neither in the bartell in tbe day of the Lor J, 6 They haae feene vanity .and lying dioina tiot), fayir^.The Lcrdfiith it, and the Lord hath rotfenr'them: and they haue made «t/j»ri to hope that they would confirme tbe wotd ofthtirptO' phecjr. '7 Haue ye not feene a viitienfion? and haue yea repromifed notfpokenalyiiigdimnation Μ ye fay,The Lord laith it.albeit I haue not Ipcken. 8 Therefore thus faith the Lord God,Brcaufe you haue fpoken vanity and haue ieene lies.tfceie- tbre behold, I am agaicft you , faieth the LcrJ God 9 And mine hand ilialbe vpon tbe Prop.hets thai f«e vanity, and diuine lies, tbey fhcU not be in tbe aifenihly cfmy people.neither (liali they be writ- ten in the « writing of the houfe of Ifrael, neither iben, people, iiid nowytitt tbeir ilruftion.fo that iimanifei> ibai j* ! falfc ptopkcit. know that I am the Lord God. 10 And tberefore.becaufe tbey bane deceiusdmy people, faying.f Pface.aod there was no peace: cC one built vp a g waU , and heboid the oAers dab- bed it with vntempered tnorte r. 1 1 Say vnto thera. which daubc it witli vntem- pered wurrsr.tbat it iliall fni: fer there ihail come a great fbowre, and I will f;nd haiieftones, »hkh fluli Citife it to fill , and a ftormy wind lliall breaks it. 1 2 Loe.when the wall is fallen.iliall it not he faid vnto you , Where is the daubing whert;with ye haue daubed it? 13 Th.eriforethas fiitb the Lord God , I wi!l caufe aScrrcy wind tobreake fooith in η y wr:th Thiti'j, iath• f Riatierer 6.14. g WbtccK the tiue Ptophetiprophe- cied the deitruftioa of tbe city tobiiig the people to recen•' he/alfe prcphei» ipikeifce contrary, aod fla:ic« red them is tlieir anuiei,fo!hjt vbat oaefalfe prophu fiyd (wh'ch iiberectl• and a great ihowre Hialbe in mine anget,5c haiie- ftones in mmc indignation to confucceir. 14 So I will deftroy t^e wall that ye haue diu- bed with vntempered wcrrir.ind bring itdowne to the gronnd,fo that the f jundaticn tt.er ecf Inall be difcouered.and it ihjll fjll.aod ye ihalbe cocfu- vatd in the mids thereof.and ye Iliall know that I am the Lord. 1 y Thus will I accompiifb my w r Jth vpon the wali.and vpon them that haue daubed it with *> vn- tempered msrtcr. and will fay vnto ycu.Tbe WiilK is no more.ncliher the daubers thereof. 16 To a^r.the Prophets of Ifrael.which prophe- cy vpon lerufalem.and fee vilions of peace for it, *nd there is no peice.fiith the Lord God. 1 7 Likewife thoq fcnne of man.fet thy face α gainft the daughters cf thy people. which prophe- cy cut of their owne heart; and prophecy tboua- gainfttbem,andfay, 18 Thus faith the Lord God. Woe vnto the m^:n that fow ί pillows vnder all arme holes.and maks vaiies vpon the headof euery ooe that Sari- dethvp,tohuntfoules: will yebuntthefoulesof my people , and will ye giue life to the foules that come vnto you ί ij) Andiwill ye pollme me among my people for handfuu of *>■ bafley .and for pieces of bread to Qay the foules of them that ftoulJ notdie . and» to ,.,^^ , ..^^ ..-. giuelife to th.e foulss that flwuU not liae.in lying '^^^ °^„ „' {JJJ^^ to mt people.ibat bearey«;byour pillowci.wher»;- »opt«='«'>' with dlh.t ildin ribew«ll)aQ ihet falfe prophet lOuld afhrir.e, though be bad btroccanoa £Ood giouod to beai't bini. h Whereby i» wbatfoeuet' ■nan of himlelfe tk footth να• heautboritic ofGodi word. Tfaeie fuperfi i- ous wcmeD for icre would pro• phecit and leii euery rein bit for» tuoe, gijiDg thtm pillowestp leare pon, andkercbie.'et ' 3 couer their etds.toibeiui leymi^htthe note (ilurs them »a4 Mwitcb tbena. k Will ye make isy wor d to ferue ' yoarbcliici? i Tbifeforcere^l " made the prople beleeueibai ihiy' could prefer doktefstifeatned Thf-is.tocaufe ;iii iJ periill.aoi that ibry Uijuld ^rpai ( tiom (be budy. 0 Sy tbrcatding thtm tbic weie god !y,»Da vphoWing he wicktd. mm: Noab,Daniel,and lob, with ye hum the» foules to mike them to flee,& I will tsare theno fruCB your armes.tnd will lei the : foultsgo, euenihs foules that yee hum to make > tbetu lo flee. i j ζ I Your vailes alfo will I teate.and dcliuer my | , people out of your band.and they ftialbe no iDore \ ] in your hands to be hunted,aed ye Ihall know that ', latsthcLord. Becaufe with^oxr lies yee haue maJe tlie ; heart of the " righteous laJde, whom I haue not made fad, and ftiengthened the hands of the wic-- 1 ked , that he fliould not returne from his wicked i. way.by pfomiling biralife, ; 23 Therefore ye Ihall lee no more vanity .nor . diuine diuinations : for I will deliuer my people out of your band, wd ye IImU know that I am the : Lord. ' C Η A P. XIUI. i 4 TheZtrdfcndethfi/fiprtphets fut the ingrMtitudf of j thepecfle iiHt referueth aj'maU fiir;it» ft his Cktrcb., j Τ Hen came certaine of the Elders ©f Ifcail vnto ' me.and * late before roe. i ζ And the word of the Lord came vnto mce, ' faying, ^ ; 3 Sonne of man , thefc men bauefet vp their ί idolcs in their ^ hearcand put the fturablingfolocke of tbdr iniquity before iheu faee : Ihould 1, being ; required.anfwcre thcro » 4 Therefore fpeake vnto them, and fjy vnto , her J them . Thus faith the Lord God.Euery man of the ! houfe cf inaelihatfetteth vphis idoles in his heart, and putteth the ftumblingblocke of his iai~- ; oneiyVdohieri in ! S^'7 before his fjce, and commeth to the ' Pro- ; ihtatt.but .ifo Iphet.I the Lord will anfwere iiim that ojnjmeth, ' thy idokfoptDiy j sccotding to the multitude felfe. 1 ί Th. pruphet decl». ' «th that G dfor ■cant ingiaiitude ■ taifeth vp falf Pre ' pheiito itduce thera ' that drlit* in lieira• I tbet tbv'n in ibe i Itutthv,! G*d. and tbutbtpu-iihcth finoe by linn^ ι Kin »a,ao ,x ^,^^λΛ^• ftroy-th ifwiiltbofi riop--tiattb«e pt iple. ' g Tbiii Gi^siudge- luenti againft the ( tiontto thr godly i cleaue vnto 1 be Lord aiiil aocto dclile tbeni(etiietv\'iihl: I tka[Riiutio&(, by co-niting ttfefpaffe , then will I ftrctchout tuioe alio ypon it , h and will breaks the fiaffc off•» «■"''': Chap.4,if the bre.id there f,anLiwill fend fatDine vpoa it.j*'"*^''' ^'*'' ' end I willderttoy manaudbsaftfootih ofit. j 14 TiiOiigh tn.fj three men,' Noal',D-.niel,andi TbougbHoah,»nd lob were among thcMi , they Iboukl deliuer fcwt lobwe.enowai theit ο wne foul.s ty tr.eit k righteoufces.faith the w°i^ „ο• ' «"i'v Lord God. Lto (for ai thit tim^ J y If ί bring noyfjmebeafts into the land and JDioiei wa» m cjp«i they fp'jyli it , lb ti«t it be dolulate. that no maa r J^'J (T'hcf/'b *'^ roay patle thtougii, becaule of bealts, Lgciner ihoaid prai 16 Γ<)β»?'> ih;le three men w;re in the mids ffor tbii wicked pe» thereof, Asl liuc , iaith the Lord God.they iliall |J.' ..^''(.^""i^/j"" faue Beitder ibnnes no» daughters: they onely <^"''^' """" * Ihalbedeliuered.but the land ihdbe watte- ^. Metmog, thata ■ 17 Oi//i bring a fwordvpoQ this laad.aod fay. ^'lyf'w (which hi Sword, go through the laod.fo that I detlroy man C'lf 'fa!)' flioi"' andbealtsoutofir,' tf>.apetheiej,iaguei, 18 Though thefe three men were in the miJ» UtoiuGcd batu thereof.As I hue faith the Lord God,they ihall de- bf,'eo*uV'°fo !b«* liuer neither fonnes nor daughteis.buttncyonely thu ngbteouineui llialbe deliuer themfciues. f» aiignetha. tbey 19 Or J a fend a peftilence into this land . and t" ί*" *!''■'"'' «*■ ' 1 -•.II I \ God, whom he powre oat my wrath vpo.i it in blood . to deftroy would preferue f•» ou: of it α an and beaU. 20 And ihough Noah, Daniel and lob tftrt in the mids of it, As iliue, faith the Lord God, they ihiW deliuer neither foune not daughter : they lliall kut deliuer theit owne foules by their righ- teoufnefle. 21 For thus faith the Lord God , How much L ' mote when 1 fend try * foure lore iudg;ment$ Γ ^'^'''^' vpon lerufalero, tutn the fword and famine , and i the noyfome beaft.and peftilence, to deftroy man andbeaft outof it ? ' 22 Yet behold.therein Ihalbe left 1 a remnant of)• ^'*^' Chap. ;,}. them that ihalbe caried away both fonnes and' daughteis: behold , they ihall come footthvntp; you.and ye iliall fee theit way.and their enterprin i fes: and ye ihalbe comfoited,concerning the euil) that I haue brought vpoh lerufalem, tutn concer- ning all that I hatie brought vpon it. 23 And they fhallcomftirtyou.when ye fee theit way and their enterprifes: and ye ihall know.that I baue not done wi hout caufe a'i that I hau• done in it,faith the Lord God. C Η A P. XV. a ^s the itiprcf tabu Wild tf the v:ne ttet if cxfi int» tkefire, β leiuf*lem jbiihe iumt, A Nd the word oftbe Lord came vnto me , fay- -i^ing. 2 Sonne of man,wbat commeth ofthe vine tree aboue all oi^er trees r and of the vine btaocb, which is among the «trees of tht: forett > 3 Shall wood be taken ι nereof to do aiy worke? or will men take apiuofit to hang any vefl'el thereon ? 4 Behold.it/is caft into the fire to be confumed: the tire confum.th both the ends of it , and the mids of it is burnt. Is it meet for any wo'ke • _ 5 Behold, when it was whole , it ν as roeetefoi P»»"'** ^* »'»«^> novvorke: how much lefle Ihall itbemeetcfor any wotke, when the tire hath confuiucd it , and it is burnt ? 6 Therefore thus faith the Lord God, as the vine ttcc.that if among the trees ofthe fotri ft. which Ihauegiuentothelire to be confutncd.fo will I giue the inhabitants of lerufalem. 7 And I will fct my face againft them: they ftiall goe out from o«* ^ fire.aod «not her fire ftiall Vet aooihtr .fttil caofuoje tbero ; upd ye ihall Iwow t thai I am the f *>" «i"»' Lord J »g.th Wbicb b borib no fi thea theouier .fthcforielt loe: meaoiBg, that Icrufaletn, which tJite the Damt of hij hutch , did >fiDg foortb fruit, it b Though they tfcap* oae (MngeTf The bitttli of icmfalem. Her ■ Theu boalted tobcofibefeei of Abribini.biit tbou ai'c dcgene- laic and folloA'cll the abomiaaticai ofibe wickei Ca- oaaniiFs.aiLbildien do the m lacr» of tbcir far! ert. Ifa. Chap. XVIi wickedneflTc and \ dolatry . 8 j » Lord.when I fet my face againS tkem, 8 And whin I make the land wafte.becaofe they haus greatly ofTendcd.fiitu the Lord God. CHAP. XVI. Tht Ttofhit dttUreih the beHefis tfCoitetttra laufA- Itm. IS TI.eirznkindKes- ^6 He miltfiith iketvic- k'inei tfjthtr fee fie in cimfurifuntf the fir.nei cf U- rttfiUm. 49 rtf ΓΛκ/ί cf the abcmittiinni.inintihich the Sad^nitei fill. 60 Mercy is fremfid, tithe tt• pentant. AGaine , the word of the Lord came vtito mee. faying, i Sonne of man, caufe lerufalcm to know her abominations, 5 And fay , Thui faith the Lord God vnto le- rufjlem , Thine habita'ion and thy kinredisof the land » of Canaa.i : thy father wai an Amorite, brought thee out aad thy mother an Hittite. 4 And in thy natiuiiy when thou waft ■» borne. thy naucll was not cas : thou waft not waihed in Being thu"» in :h)[| water 10 foften the* : thou waft not falted with filthiiitUitaiiJ for- fait,nor fwidled in cbutssi took' °bee!a"Tg.u. ? ^^^^ ^Y^ P'"=J 'f^" 'O ^0 »">• ^^^^^^"^ ">- thee iif; :vvMrebyltO| thee , fi-r to haui comf atfion vpcn thee , bm thou waft caft out in the open fieiie to the con- tempt of tby pccfjn in the day that thou waft borne. 6 And when I pafled by thee , 1 faw thee pol- luted in thine « owne blood , and 1 faid vnto thee, uhen thou waSin thy blood,Tbuufliiitliut::uen when thou waft in tby blcod Tbou Halt Hue. 7 I haue caufed thee to multiply as the bad cf the nild, aad thou haft increafed and waxen great, and thou haft gotten excellent ornaments : thy breads are faihioned.thine haire isgrowei), wbcr- as thou wail naked and bare. it niMat that be- fove God Willi bii Cburcb.aad gije life.thtre ii no.hio but JiUhlDti auj Jeatb d ThefeWordi.il blood.pollu'.ion. Bakedn;i,ioduUhi nei.are oritntimfi repeated :o beat doirne their pri.te and ta caufe th-in tj cpuli.ier wba: they Aeie befsre Gad leceiued tbm toraei'cy,(auau:td them aaj coucrcd tbairninse. t That tbcu Qioul- deftbeachiltr net come.neither hath any done fo. 17 Thou hall alio taken thy faire icwels mati* ofmygoldeandof my (iluer , which 1 had giut;n thee.iiii J ο madefi to thy fdfe iiragss ι f men , and diddeft co-timit wboredorae with tnem I % And tockift thy broydeted garments , anc try pci fame before them, 1 9 My meate alfo , which I gaue thee , at fine floure.oyle and hony , tDtitrtwith I fed thee , thct: haft euen fet it btfjre them for a Rveetc fauout : tbus it was.faith the Lord GoJ 20 Moteouer tbou bift taken thy fonnes and thy diughters , whom thou haft borne vnto mee , and tbfis baft thou facriticid vnto them , to°bedt- uouted : is i/;ii tby whoredome a imall matter ? 2 1 That thou haft llaine my children , and de- liuered them to caufe tbem to pafle thonn>firt for them? 22 And in all thine abominations and whore- domes thou haft not remembred thcdayesof tby youth . when thou waft naked and bate , and waA polluted in thy blood. 23 And befide all thy wickednes (wo.wo vnte thee,f4iih the Lord God.) 24 Thcu haft alio built vnto thee an hie place, and haft made thee ai high place in euery ftrcct. ay Thou baft built thine high place at euery IJ cotnei of the way , and haft made thy beautie to bcabhottdd : thou haft opened thy feeti 1 euery I fayd vnto thee, i one that palled by , and mahiplied thy w.hore-j I dome. 26 Thou haft alfo coccroitted futnication with α Thnu bad ctla• uerifil my vt^'el» an.l inllruiHiiit», ^h I gaue :hei ο Meaning, by /ire uade Lett t. iS. J.Kiogl.ij.ie, 8 Or. head. _«, _ ,„„. „....--..„ ρ H.BOteih:he the ρ Egyptians thy neighbours , wr.ich haue g-eat ^reat inifitty of e^f'.t , wh» firlt filliug t.ora C'.d lu fecke heif at Itiaiigenaiioui, dulaliuatlergib members , and haft iccteafcd thy whotedoroe ,to proucke ae. 27 Behold,therefure I did ftretch oct mine hand 8 Now when I palled by thee, and locked vp- I ouer thee , and will dimvniili thine oriiinary , and on thee , behold.tty time Tf<»s as tht tinr.e of loue, I deliuer thee vnto the will tf ihem that hate tbee. Γ"'',',^ ,^^ andlfpredmyskittsouijr.hee. andcoucred^tby \*Mn to thcOdiughttr» oftheFhiliUims , whichjibciriy a'e aiharaed of t!.y wicked way. 28 Tbouhift flaiedthe whore alio with the ! AfyiiaBS.becaafe thou waft inlatiablc : yea ,thou filthines : yea.l fwaievnto thee , and entred into a iich -h aiigrac-ii bccamtft ffiini i tai'ne thte& ?Γ^'ι'β 1 couenant with « thec.laith the Lord GoJ,and thou f I waihed away ^ Then wailiid I thce With f Water : yea, I I baft played the t arlot with them , and yet cuuUeft g \ TxTak^i tbe« wailied away tby bloed from thee, and I 8 anoyn- j net be latistied. with m.Defao.'y Spirit. k Hereby be fhew etb bow he faued bi> Churcb.eari• chedit.aod gaue it I power and iomU \ ο ion to reigne i He dec!are:l wherein ihe digniiy • f lerufalern ftood to wit.in that chat tbi Lord gaue thei oi bii beauty and tsd thee with oyle. 10 1 clothed thee alfo with broidered woike.arid fhod thee with badgeis skin : and 1 girded thee about with fine linne ', 8c I c jut r^-d thee with filk. I flecked trei alfo wi:h ornaments , ar:d I 29 Thou baft moreourr mii'tiplied thy forr cation from the land of Canaan viuo Caldca , and yet thou waft no: fatiilicd hetewith. 33 Ho .V weaks is thine heart , fay tb the Lord Gotl , feeing thou doeft all theie thifgs . ehcn ibe put bracelets vRon thine bandes , at»d a chaine oo I worke cf a U prcfmriptuous whorilh woaoan? thyneckvi. I 3' In that thou buildcft thine hie place in t! 1 2 And I put a fronriit vpon thy face.and eare- | corner of euary way, and makeft thine hie place (tloDg. U Οτ.ά α Or.thatveiU c rutr. k Inabui gifu.an.J. tby crni i thine owne wifd jm iai.ddignity, wh-cb Iweie the occaliona ai thine idolatry. 1 TCeie wai tiouc idolatry fofi'e wherewith thou ciddeit not pollute tby fevlfe m Thii declaretk ha.v the idolater! pjr their chiefs delight in thofe thingi.wbich pleife the eyj» and 1 Tcard fcutu. rings in thine eares , and a beiutifuU ^ crowns vp on thine head. 1 3 Thiis waft thou deckt with gold and filuer, and tliy taitnent was c f fine linncn , and filke , anti jibroyderedwjrke ; tl.oudiJit eatebneeou'e.and bony and oyle , and thou waft vci y beautiful!, and thou lii-idtft g'ow vp into a kingdorae. 14 . And thy oa 'β was fptead among the hea- then for thy beautie : fotitw..s pcihtc through my ' btautie which 1 had fet vpon thee , faith the Lord God. I J Now thou didft k truft in thine ownt beauty, and plai-tdft the harlot , b.-caufeof thy renowme, and hid powred out 'thy fo;n:catiunsoneu(;ry one that paft'ed by.f*^ difire was to hira. 16 And thou diJft take thy ga'roents, and dec- kedft thine hie places with diuers colours , "» and plaiidft the harlot ihetevpou : the like ccirgs flial eueiy ftreet .and baft not beene as an hatlots ti a:j ^ ; defpiicth a reward, L• I 32 But Λί a wife that play eth the harlot , ««W|wa"di,b( ! taketh others fjr her husband: iucrigiuf j ^^ They glue giftcs to all etfetr whores , but;''' J^["'j I thou giuift gifts vi.to all thy loutrs , andrewar- ) dei thtnuhac they may come vuto thee on euety ■' fide for tby fjtnication. ' 34 And the coatraty is in thce f om ether wo- men in thy fornications . neitheit the liij fornica- tion piaZ/fri after thee : for in that thou giueft a re- ward af.d η J riward is giuen vatoches , therefore thou art Cunira;y. 3 J Whertf jre.O hirlotjieare the word of tbe Lord, 36 Thus fayeth the Lord God , Bscaifithy 0 fhame W.1S pcwted out , and thy hlihioefi'e difco- ucrcJ thioughtby fotr.icataon» wthiby loners, Μ a ane Meaning, that fmall le .uni.yingtbjtibe j drillers 0c!tow j ;wtaicbtbcy ieLe:ua of Goifoi hii gl'JiyV to fcrue tke:i vtie abomiaaiicQi. g ©r,«fji«nt. Ai wtrttbeCa- naBitn.andibe III and otbrri your predccrebri, fo are you their ficccffon y That ii.ofSaniiri» «Bd Sodome. Thar ii.her citiei. ■\£ί>τ.ί>>}βϋ,γρκ- prthta ihiu. But done faite WW it. i> N« allradgetb thefp foure vice», ftidc,excee>,idle- firS'c aud conttinpt uftbepoorcas fjureprincipall cauTcs ci fuch abo- fori thty wtie fo horribly puoilhed. CenC'19 14. c Which woifhip- pcdthc cilue» iu B>ib el aui Dan. d Thou ait fo ck<:to»w:s, and thruft thee through with their fwords. 41 And they * ihall butee vp thine houfes with fire, and execute indgcments vpon ihee in ;y light of many women : and I will caufe thee to ceafe froTJ playing the harlot , and thou Ihalc giue no reward any ooore. 41 So will I make my wrath toward thee to reB,and my < ieloufie ihall depart from tbee.atid I will ceafe, and be no more angry. 43 Becaufe thou haft not rcmetcbced the day es of thy youth , but baft proooked me with all thefe ! things ,beholde , therefore I alfo haue " brought thy way vpon thy head , faith the Lord God : yet bafi not thou had confideration of ail thine abo- j Bsinations. 44 Behold,aIl that ufe prouetbs , (hill vfe thir prouerbe again* thee.faying.As it the mother,»/» « her daughter. 4y Tcou art thy mothers daughter .that bath caft off her husband and her chilJten , and thou art the fitter of thy y fifters , which fotfooke their husbaods and theit children •. your mother is an fflttitc.and your father an Amorite. 45 And thine eldei fifter is Samatia .and her Ϊ daughters , that dwell at thy left hand.and t thy younger fifter , that dwilleth at thy right hand , h Sodom, and her daughters. 47 Yet haft thou » not wilked after their wayes, nordonesfcer their abominations : but as it b^ii blent a very litde thing, thou waft corrupted iiiore then they in all thy wayes. 48 As I liui.fairi) the Lord God.Sodom thy fi- fter hath not done, neither Ihe no: her daughters, as thou haft Jone.and thy daughters. 49 Behold , this was the iniquitie of thy fifter Sodoro.b pride, fulnefle of bread & abundance of iJlenes was in«her,& in her Jaughtersrneicher did Ihe ftrengihen the band of the poore and needy. JO But they were haughty , and committed abcnanation before me : tbetcfjre I tooke tbeai away as pleafed me. 5• I Neither c bath Samaria crraroitted halfe of thy finnes , but thou hart exceeded them in thine donc.in that thou baft f comforted them. ΐ/κ i^ h jf And thy fifter Sodome and her dai,ghters;:L""l;,net,"'!°aud lliall returne to their former ftate : Samatia alio and her daughters /hall returne to their former ftate, g when thou and thy daughcei ι (hall returne to your former ftate. f 5 For thy CAtt Sodom t was not heard of» by I *°''« ''l"''^''• thyrtpcrcintbcda,ofth,Fr.de. '\^^;:^ y 7 Before thy wickedoes was ' dilcoui red. asj mtnt, in the fame time of the reprochof :^ daughters of g Meaaing.tfcatit Aiam.and of all the daughters of the Pbiliftimsj.^p^',;!,""'"'»' round ab jut k ber , which defpifc thee on all fides, f Ebr.wes ast a rif y8 Thou haft borne f/iirijfir» thy wickcdnefle and thine abominations,faith the Lord. y 9 For thus faith the Lord God.l might euen deals with thee-, as thou baft done : wnen thou diddefl defpife ;y ' oaEh.in breaking the couenaot. 60 Neuertheles , I vrtU «> remember my coue- nant wJii* with thee in the dayesofthy youth, and I will confirme vnto thee an euerlaUing Co- uenanr. 61 Then thou ihalt remember thy wayes, and j a Chten. is.ig. be aihamed. when tboa ihalt receiue " thy fifteis j'' ΛΥ'''''' ">7"^ both thy elder & thy yonger.and I will giue them"'*' ' ^'"'""• vnto thee for daugbters.bat not ο by thy couetiit, 6i And I will efiabiiih my couenant with thee, and thou fbalr know chat I am the Lord. 63 That tbon roayeft ren3ember,and be Ρ aiha. med,& neuet open thy mouth any more;becaufc of thy ihame when I am pacified toward thee.for all that thou haft done, faith the Lord God, tou ii rweaut oftke gieatelt ptit ef the lewei. f Ια that tboa haft flKweed thy fclf• hy mtutb. Thou Wuuldelt not caliber puDiih• ■neat to raiade wben thou waft aloft, to learne by bei rxtisple 10 fear• lujr iudgetnenii- i Tbalii.tilltbou wall brought vndt» by the Syrian! and Fhiliftimi, or compaired about lerufalein, 1 when thou bra• bell the couenaDC which wai made bctweeoe thee stai Yi :,ai vtrf.S. Thatii, of mercy dlouelw.ll pitie thfe.and ίο ' itacd to my cone• nant though thou haft drfcrued the comraiy. n Whereby he (hewetb that am ;ng be moil wicked he had euer fomt feed of hi» Church , which he would caufe to frudifiein due time : aod here be declareib hoA» he will call the Gen- • ilei. ο But otray fttt iiiircy. ρ This .-"eciareth what fruinGodl metcietwoike in hii.to wii.ionowaadiepentiocc for theit foimit life, CHAP. X V 1 1. Tht ftrAble cflhenvu£»gies. A Nd the word of the Lord came vnto me , fay- • '"8• 2 S jnne of man.pm forth a parable and fpeake a prouerbevnto the houfecf Ifrael, 3 . And fay, Thus faith the Lord God.The great a egle with great wings.owii long wings, merchants . Λ?»<ί fet it in a citie of merchants. f Hee tooke alfo of the '^ feed of the land ,and planted it in afruiifull gtound:hee placed it by gieat Witers,and fet it at a willow trSe. 6 And it budded vp , inJ was like '^ a fprea- ding vine of•: iυw^ftar Jte . whofe branches turned towa-d ic.and the roots thereof were vndet it : fo it became a vine , and ii brought mrth banches. abomina-ions, end baft d iuftified thy fift rs in all ! and flvat ioorth buds 7 There was alfo <" another great Ea^le with great wings and many f:athets , and behi;ld,ihis vine did turne her rootes toward it, & Ip'ed forth ! thine abominations which thou haft done y 1 Therefore thou which haS iuftified thy fi. ftets, beare thine ow>ie Ihime for thy iinnes, that thou haft comniitted more abominable then they O'hich are note righteous then thou art : be thou thetefore confounded alfo , and beare thy fliaoje, ieeiiig that thou haft wftiued thy (tUen. her branches toward it , thatflie might water it by the trenches of her plantation. 8 It was planted in a good foyle by great & waters » that it ilaoul J bring forth bi ancbes , aad a Thatii.Nebu• chad-neuar,wbo bath greit power, hei, and many utttieyes voder it. ihall come to iifiUiti.and take away lecutiiah the " "ug.aiverf.ti. Meaning, tuBa• byloo. c That is.Zedikiab, who waipf the Kingi blood »od nsleft at lerufa- m, and iiuJeKiDg iteid of lecoaial;^ King.1t.17. r.37. '■ Tbii ivaiZede• kiab» kiiig.iome. bat it, niigbt haue powrr to rebrliagainil Ba• bylou.ai veif. 14.- f Meaning, the g of Egypt, of whom Zcdikiali fought fuccour agaiDi: I4cbui:hail- tKzzar. g Thty thought to- btmoiltened byrhe water• of Hilu t» infidelity pnnlflled, Ctap.xviij. Euery onefhaiibearehiso*^eiinne.po # i By thU diywrind be m<'a:^etb ttsc Ba- li Tbit it. lecaaiab iKingii* «/. 1 Fo( bit fabicAioi beate fruit, and be an excellent vine. 9 S^y (hou. Thus (aich the Lcrd God , Stullit ptofpc i Iheli " he not puJl vp ilic mors thereof end defray thf fruit th-r-of, and catfct'heroto dry; .11 tnc leaui? il her buo iiuu vvi'htr wit! out great pov^^er, cr many people, to pltcke κ out ty the roots thtr-icf. 10 Behol I, h waspUntec" : but ihall it profptr ? fliall ii not bt dried vp,& with r i i when the Eaft wind Ihali touch it, it lliali wither in the trenches, where it ^ r-w. 1 1 Mi'reouer. the word of the Lord came vnto nse, faying , 1 1 bay nuw to this rebellions houfe. Know ye net wh^c chefe things meane .' tell tnem , behold, the King of Babel is come tu lerufilem , and h^th uken k the Kit gthireofand the pi jnces thereof, andled them wiii hiojto Babel. 13 And had taken ont of the Kings feed , and made a ceueoant with him , and hath taken l an oath of him: he hath alfo taken theprincesofthe land. 14 That tjje kingdonoe might be in fubieSion, and not life it fclfe vp , iut keepe theit couei^ant, and Qand to it. I y But he rebelled againft him, and fent hisam- bailadours into Egy,). . that thty might giua hioi hc»fes« and much p-ople': fliall ne piofptr ? fhall he efcape that uoth fuch things; or iliall be breake checouenant, aad be dehuettd 16 As I liue, faith the LotdGoJ.he fliall die in the ttidSLf Babel, in the pUceof the king that bad made him king,whofe oath he de(pifed,Mid wbofe couioant nt/ide with him, he brake. 17 Neither (hall Pharaoh with his mightie hoft. and great mnltitude of pet pie , maintaine bim in the warre , when tbey haue caft vp mounts , anal buildet* ra• parts to tlefttoy oiany psrfons, I i For ht bath defpifed the oath, and broken tl-e coueDaoi (yet Im , he bath giuen m his band ) btciufe he hath done all tbsfe tnings, he fliall not efcspe. fcM6rniedbygijingj ij rhcreforc.thus faith thc LoT i God.As I lluc, *Ί' ^•"'^ L""T^?" 1 1 will furdy bring mine oath that he hath defpifed . the Prophet ded«- 1 , ' " , ι i . ι ι ι_• leth thai God would »ηα roy couenantthac hehatnbrcken , vponbis ownehead. 20 * And I will fpread my net vpon bins, aad he flialbetaken in my net.and I will btiog him to Ba- bel, and will enter into iudgement with him there for his trefp-tfle thn he hath comitted againft me. 21 And all that flet from him with all his hoft, fliall fell by the fword.and they that rcmaineflialbe fcatteted toward all the winds : and ye fliali know that I the Lord haue Ipoken it. 22 Tbas faith the Lord God, I will alfo take off the top " of his high ceJar, and will fet it, and cut off the " top of the tender plant thereof.and 1 will plant it vpon an high mountaine and great. 23 £κίΛ in the high meuntaiiie of Hiarl will I plant it : and it fliah tw ing forth boughs.and bcare fruit, and be an excelLnt cedat , and vnder it fliail reroaine all birds , and eucty ρ foule fliall dwell in the fliadow of the branches thereof. 24 And all the flof lib ;iih« Lord haue fpoken it;and baue done it. CHAP. XVIII. > Hft fbnvtth ihni tutrj imn pA'JbeAie hii «rone finnt. eihtfikefrm came vnto toe agiine. m Bccaufe he tooke the Name oi God io viiae.aBdbrakr bii o>tii which be hid aotfulfcr fucfapei- iur^aod ioudeiiif toercafe puaitti- Bietii. '*' Chef.iiiij.niU 3».3• e Thit protnlfe ii aide to the Cburcb which fiiilbe fmati remniDt ■I the top of a ο twill trim it, -and ^relTeic. ρ Both the Iewe«.S: C^BtilellhilDe ga- thered into It. ^ Alithe Woildflitl Itow that I haue plu.ke d woe the pio«deneit)i.».aHd iet vp my Church twtiicb wa» Ι0Λ• an< «J pttphectcJ it tht rightetus, whi tmrtihiTVAj. 'THe word ef the Lord ■*i*>ing, 2 Wnat meane ye that ye fpeake this prouerbe concerning the landof ifrael.laying,» The fathers haue eaitn fowre grapes , and the cbildrens teeth are ict on eiige ? 3 As 1 iiue, faith the Lord God.ye ihall vfe this proarbe r.o nr.ore in Ifiael. 4 Behold, all foules are mine , both the foule of «he father.and alfo the foule of the fonne aie mine: thefonle tbatfinneth, it fliall die f But if a man be iufi . and doe that which is lawful! and right. 6 ^«ihath not eaten b vpon the iBountains.nei ther hath lift vp bis eyes to tne idoles of the houfe of Ifrael,neitherhath*dcHled his neighbours wife neither hath t lien with a* menftruous woman, 7 Neither hath oppreffed any, hut hath reSo- ted the plsdge to bis debtour : ne that hath fpoiied none by violence , * but hath gioeo his bread to the hungry , and hath couetcd the naked with a garnent. 8 And hath not giuen foorth vpon * vfury, nei- ther hath taken any increafe.^r hath withdrawen bis hand from iniq ity , and hath executed true iadgeraent bttwecne man and man 9 And hath walked in my ftatutes.and hath kepi oay iuii groacnts to deale nuely. be u iuft , he ihal furely Iiue, faith the Lord God^ 10 f if he beget a fonne, that is a | thiefe, er a fliedder of bloo«l,if he do any one of t hefe things. 1 1 Though he doe not all theis things , but ei- ther hath eaten vpon the a:ountaines,or defiled h« net^ourswifi, 1 2 Or bata opprefled thepoore and needy , tr hath fpoiied by violence, »r hath not reftored the pledgf , er hath lift vp his eyes vnto the idoles , tr hath committed abomination, I 13 Or hath gijenfocfchvpoD vfury, er hath ta- I ken incteafclhi^ll he Iiue i he fliaii not Iiue: feeing Γ he hath done all thefe iboroinations,^ he ihall die the deatb,rtn-ath not eaten vpon the moontaines.nei- I ther hath lift vp his tyes to the idols of the houfe i ofIfracI,nor hath defiled his neighbours wife, ! 16 Neither hath oppreCed any , nor iwth with- j holden the pledg<,nei:her hath fpoiied by violence, but hath giuen his bread to the hungry, and hath . ,f. λ newTieat-t. Ezeki <ί Hiidyntthtketb fetniMonof the Ubour t» kiepi! the 0 Or,nitU]tiihi5 e Thit ii, in the luiuofbii faith rraicb o>tl.tfe tbat f Mi do:h accept i"nef(.e!l!fththi.t C0Tim?nd G->fii "itr iv to poore hnntr», ■■v-horitbtrtirraiT to pardon, rben to ,iiiiOl,aihi»loeg b2 vpon liitn , anJ the wlckdoes oF the wicked fhalbcvponhifDfdfi. ζ Γ But if the wicked will rewtne from »llhis finncs that he hat cooimitttd , an.! kcepe all ray << flatutes, & CO thatw^ich is lawfuU and rig!-.t,he /ball furely Hue, and ihall not die- 2 2 All his tranigre'.lionsthat he bath comtricted t'lej- ll;all not be il mentioned vnto hm,,but \n his « rightrotifnes that he haih done.he /hall line. 23 f Haue I any defire that the wick*;d fli3ii!d_ die, fiith the Lord God ? D cr iliill he not liue. if hereturne froin his wayes I 24 But if the righteous turne away froni his righ- teoufnes.and commit iniq lity , and doe accoruing to all the aboiBina:ionsthK the wicked man doth, , , . , „ ihallheh-ue? all his g tighteouftes that he hath \ n Hat flie was plucked vp in wrath rflie was caft ,) — „ /i,,ii„-. u»„.„.;„„o4. i..>f;„ u.-cr-^nfo-or. 1 downe to the eround. and the h Eift wind dried The wickediu#t heard. h -- _„ that WiS thertjn by the noyfe of bis roaring. 8 Then thefnJtiocsfttagsinft him on enery ^.^'^''^'.^'''.''j^'.^l fi,!e of the couotreies.and layed their tjets for tlm: fo he was t.ken in their pit. 9 Andthey pjthii-cinprifonin chaincs.and bro!ig'-t him t j the kiog of bihd.and they put 1 ioo il bolJs, ihat hij voyce IboulJ no more be heifd vpon thsmountuinesofllraeh 1 10 Thy Ε mother jj like a vine in thy blood,pIin-jg Hffpeak ted by the waters : ihe brought foottb fruit and i''" ^ branches by the abundant waters, ij.' 1 1 And llvi had ftrong rods for the fcepters of |in them that beare rulo.and her ftatnre was exalted a-b''^^'«f»"".^«'''i roong the branches,3nd ihe appeared in het height ' ''"" with the multitude of her branches. m/itb bii grt^ army of diuetioatti•.•»• tWi in !tbe reproach of toil .jw-hcfc Chap 3 Μ Albf nail cuuocell appoi ttd «he ttf j-h and dam- ra-.iotrofthf rrpro- I'Zie, yet ibee-idcf fci» foj'-.fsUviatnca tbririfarhonely l> It cbiffiy fail owoe jloiy. And aHubt- caaft be doth not ipprooue rinne^tbeT-i fore ft il herefaid tbir b'Wouli baus ihfm to turne sway fioie Lord is not cqjall: heare now.Oboiifeof lirtel.Is not ray way cquall? erare not your waies vneqi'all ί i6 For wiien a righteous man turneth away from bis righteoufnes .and committed iniqti y, he lliall euen die for t'.ie fame.he Λι*11 tuen die f . r his ini- qiity that he hath done, 27 Agdne, when the witfced turneth awajr from hb wickednes that he hath committed , and do:h that which is lawful! and right, bee ihall faae bis fuule aliue. 28 BiCJufeheconfiJereth, and turneth away from all his tranf^veffi )ns that he hath committed, hefnall furely iije,4«ii not dij. 29 Vet faith tb; hoiife of Ifrael, The wiy c f the Lord is not equall. Ο houfetf Ifrael , are not my waies equsll < or are not your waies vneqjall ? ■^0 Thcrifore I «iU iuJge yoii.O houle of ifrael, euery one according to his wiyes. faith the Lord God : returne thertfort, and caufe ttbert to turne away from all 5 our tranfgreilions: fo iniqiity lliall not be your deilruolion ^ I Call away from you all your tranfgreilions, | wiereby ye haue tranfjrefl'cd . and make ' you a j new heart and a new fpirit: fur why will ye ciie.O - 1 houf; of Ifricl ? i 32 Forlderirenotthedeathofhimthatdietb, | fjith the Lord God.caufe therefore otie another to returne ,and liue ye. CHAP. XIX. I The ciftimty of ihe hngi of lud.ihfiimfiethhj theliont rehe/p•. anil b, the lion. laThe pefferity of the city of Jem''alemihtt iifiSi , ani the imfry t'hcrctf th.it is trrfrsf. •nTHjualfotakevpalaraenta-ion for the* prin- I •* cesoflirael, h»t;s,ithibii;<| 2. Andfay.Wheteforelay thy b mother Λί a iio- neCe among the lions ? Ibe rsouiilhedher yong ones among the lions whelps, 3 And in: brought vp one of herwhelp?,i«?<ί became a lion.andliatoed to catch the ρ ayi^nii be deuoured « men. 7 And he knew their widowes, andhedeftroy- ed their cities , and the land was wafted, and all jb--«o« b'eli'el .aecor- Iding to Godi pio- mife , an! flouriibeJ a fruitfull vice. Djftruftion ij comebyZedek'ab, who wat the occa• Γΐ'οα oflhis itbellioD, downe to the ground, and the h Eift wind dried vp her fruit : htr brancLis wire broken and withe- red : as for the rod of her ftxengtb .the fire confu- iftfoy ^i^"» » tiifEiii J• jwind doeththe fcuit 13 And now ihe is planted in the wildetnes in a dry and thirfty ground. 14 And fire is gone out ' of a rod of her branches, which hath devoured her fruit, ib that ihz bath no f'vrong rod to kt a fcepter to rule : this is a lamen• ta;ion,and Ihdlbe for a latr enration. CHAP. XX. ; The Le^dienhtklhit hewiB atifwer ihtmjtJun thej ]-rixy,te(ai,Ce tfthsitvnkinintpe 3) Hi Mi^tthih^t hii fcopielbaU returne f^omeaftiiitty. 4W! Φ f^fft tbAt flim.'d ie tu r»t.ij Jignifiei the burniiig^f I'rufale. ^Nd in the « fiventh yeere,in the hft n/^nt^b.u^s ten;h day of the moneth , came ceitaine of the Elders of iir jel to enq aire of the Lord , and fate before me. 2 Then came the word of the Lord vnto me, faying. 3 Sonne of ncan, fpeake vnto the Elders of If- rael.aod fay vnto them. Thus faith the Lord God, i Are ye come to enquire of me ϊ as I l.ue.faith the LirJGod, when I am asked, I will not anfwer I you. I 4 Wile thoniudge their.fonne of man ? wilt thon judge r/;fCT.' cauls b them to vndei Sand the abo I minations of their fathers. i' 5 Aiul fay vnto them.Thus faith the Lord God, In the day when I chofe Ifrael, and <= lift \p mine compared elty JVe v.no \'f>r-%. b Tj Jiit, Itkohiz nvjther, or lifi.fa- Um. c By rha'soh Necbo k.»i"fEiypt, jKin^ujaj. Λ \,Vh!ch.Mvaj le- boakun. t Hi new of, lie - r.ophttl , and them tb.it Je,e'.0,H,aDl ra-ulh-dibiir b Thit decUreth the gvtn leni.y and pa- ienccofGod.wbicIl calicih iiaaeit to le- prnisnce befoie be ndeixcf thprn, ir..varcihatl would be tbeiiGod, which manei cf oath hand vnto the feedofthehoufeoflacobj&maJe jaii'.ntiquiiy.whrre my felfe knowen vnto them in the land of Egypt, p^y vfed to liftvp when 1 life vp mine hand vnto them,andfiid,l am Γ'" ^^^^' '""'^"' the Lord your God. Btdginj G:d to hr 6 In the day that I lift vpminehand vnto tbem,to kte autou. cf nuth, btino them foorth of the land of Egypr.into a land r"' '''r '^'^■;'"!f L• ,1 J • 1 J .- L Λ ■ u -11 tbtrecf, anj alfo that I had prouiJed ror them , Sowing with milke and hony.which is pkafant among alllands. 7 Then fiid I vino them,Let euery man caft away the abominations of bis eyes. on them, iir to accomplilh my wrath againft them j in the midftofthe land of Egypt. 9 But I had refpedi: to my f" Name, that it λ. >IfW, 1.^,13 ■ io Now ilfo ;ie luHge of tte heart, fliiof that bee fliould take vengrae• f ibeyconcealed any thing which hey knew to be ruetb. HGoUadfotbiddeo em ic make men- 31 oftbeidoli Ex. Mi.rfal 16,4. V.'fcich thini de- thtbe cUi. nei of mici heart, which iulge Godi icruice by their eyei,and ou-ward feocei. f GoJhadeuertbit fpefi: to fail glory, lit he would not bauehijName eaill• pikenof tm.ng the CO ifitcDce wbeiecftbe Cods meti ies. Μ CaUl.3,ii. * ExU. 2β,|. DtHt.StlX. g VVbo might thereby take AD occafion to bUfph«aje my N»i» to iccufc me uf Itcke of ability, or elfe that I had fought a mraues to dcltroy them more conunttdiouAy. h That it, my true religiotv. which I bidccmmanded them, aad gaue theinreleei to ferue meaccotdicg to their owoe iaptafie». i Whereby the holy Ghollcon!ate-h ihem that fay that, thry will follow ihe religiooand exunpli oftheirfathert.iBj Dot meirtire their doingiby Godi Word whether they be approoaeable cbereby or oo. k Meaninj.ihattbty fet their delite vpe them. 1 Becaufe they would not obey my lawei,l gaue them vpto thtiufelueithatthry (hould obty their ownefaniali;!, ai ver.39 Rom. 1,11,14. m I condemned thofe thiagt, and cQumed them at «bominable. which they thought ha.4 b;ene excellent , and tofaauedeciaveim^U zsale,Luk! iS, if. for that which God requirtd, it malt excellent, thatgaue ehsy t9fheii idolei. η Not oaely in the wild«rnri, when I brought them out e Egypt; but (i nee I placed tllem inthia land : which decla- rett ho wproaipi nianibeatt is to ido l4(Ty. fertogtbat b) B> admonitionihe can be dAswen .i^acke, 1 0 Now I caried thee out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wildemeiTe. 1 1 And I gaue them my Oatuces, end declared fDf itidgeracnts vnto them, * which it'a man doe, be Hull line in chem. 1 2 Mortoiier I gaue them alfo my * Sabbaths 10 be a figne bewcene roe and tbeai , that they might know that I am the Lord, that fanilihe them. 13 Butthehonfeoflfraelfebeliedagainftroee in the wildernes : they walked not in roy fiarotcs, & they caft away my iudgements.which if a man doe. he ihaliliue in them , and my Sabbaths haue they gr«ady polluted : then I thought to powte out mine indignation vpon tbcm * in the wilder- nes to coniurae them, 14 But I ha J refpcot to my name.that I ihould not be pullu ted before the g heathen in wbofe ftght I brought them out. 1 5: Yet neuettheles , 1 lift vp mine hand vnto them in the wildetnes.thatl would not b'ing them into the land , which I had giuen thetn, flowir§ with milke and honie . whicu was pleafant aboue all lands. 6 Bjcaufa they caft away rny iudgements, and W.iked not in iry ttatutes ," but hauc polluted my b Sabbaths.fof their heart went aft^r their idols. 17 t*usr{heleli'e, mine fyeiparedtliem.that I wjuldnotdeftroidthem.ntitherwouldlconfume tbem in tlie wildernes. 18 But I fai 1 vnto their children in the wildernes. Walks y: not in the ordinances of your ' fathers, neither obferue their maners.nor detile your Iclues with their idoles. 19 I am the Lord yoer God : walke in try fta- tutes.and keepe n^y iiiJgements and do them. 20 And fanolihe ray Sabbaths.and they (lialbe a fig ie betweene me and jou , that ye may know that I am the Lord your tjod. 21 Notwithftanditig the children rebelled againft me : they wilked not in my ftatutes , nor kept my iudgaments to do thero.which if a rnan do.he ihall liue in thero,fc«f they polluted my Sabbaths:then I tiioi'ght to powre out mine indignarian vpon thenj,a«^to accomplilhmy wrath againlt them in the wildernes. 22 Neuerthelefle , I withdrew mine hatid and had refpedi to my Name.that it flioul J not be pot- luted befisrethe heathen, in whofe fight I brought them forth. 13 Yet I lift vp mine hand vnto them in the wiU ddrnes, that I would fcatter them among the hea- then,and difpetfe them through the countreis. 24 Bscaufe they had not executed n-.y iuJge- ments, but hadcatt avv^y rey ftatutes, anu had pol- luted ccy Sabbaths.and ttieir eies were after k their fjthers idoles. 2y Wherefore I gaue ' them alfo ftatutes that were not giod , and ludgements , wherein tfcey fliouU not liue. 26 And Γ polluted them in their owne m gift» in that they caufod to pafle by the fire all that prft bpeneth the wombe , that I mig-τΐ deftrcy them, to the end that they migtit know that I am the Lord. 27 Therefore, fonneofman,fpeake vnto the houfe of Ifrael and fay vnto them , Thus faith the Lord God, Yet in this your fathers haue blafphe- med roe, though they had before gtieuouQie trant. grefled agairkft me. 28 » Forwhenlbad brooght thcmiotothe Chau« XX. Thrcatnings pron0unced._^ land , for the which I lift vp mine band to giue it to them , then they faw euerie high hill, and all the thicke trees , and they offered there their factifices , and there they prefented their offering of pronocation : there alfo they made their fweet fauour , and powred ont there their drinke offe rings. 29 Then I faid vnto them . What is the high place wbereunto ye goe ? And the name thereof was called » Bamah vnto this dale. 30 Wherefore , fay vnto the houfe of Ifrael, Tlius faith the Lord God,Are ye not polluted + af- ter the manerof your fathers ? and commit ye not whoredome after their abominations ? 3 1 For when you offer your gifts , and make your fonues to paHe thorow the hre , you pollute your felues with all your idols vato this day : ihall I anfwer you when I am asked, Ο houfe of Ifrael ? As I liue, faith the Lord God, Ρ I will not anfwei you when I am asked. 32 Neither fliall that be done that commethinto yuur mind : for ye fay , we will be as the heathen, and as the families of the countreics , and ferue wood and q Uone. 33 As I liue.fait'n the Loril God.I will furely rule you witfi a mighty lund.aod with a flretched out arme,and in my wrath powred out. 34 And will tiring you from the people.and will gather you out ofthecountreies, wherein ye are liaitered.with a mighty hand , 8c with a ftretcbed out arme,and in my wrath powred out. 3 f And I will bring you into the " wildernes of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. 56 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wildernes of the land of Egypt.fo will I plead with you.faith the Lord God. 37 And I will caufe you to paflfe vnder the rod, and will bring yoi into the bond of thccouenant. 38 And I wilKchufe out from among you the rebels, & them that tranfgreil'e againft ddc : I will bring them out of the land where they dwell , and they Ihall not enter into the land of IfraeLand ye Ihall know that I ara the Lord. 39 As for you, Ο houfe of Ifrael, thus faith tVie Lord God , "Goe you , and feme euery one his u\o\c, feeing.that ye will not obey me.and pollute mine holie Name no more witli your gifts , and with your idoles. 40 For in mine holy mountaine, tutn in the hie raountaine of Ifrael.faiththe Lord God.thereihail all the houfe of Ifrael, andall the land ferue meei there will I accept t'nero, and there will I reejaire yoiK ofirings,and the fitft fruits of your oblations, with all your holie things. 41 I wilUccept youriweetfauour.when I bring you from the people , and gather you out of the countreyes,wherein ye haue beene fcatteted.tbati may befandihedin you before the heathen. 42 And ye fliall know that I am the Loid.when I ihall bring you into the land of Ifrael, into the land for the which I lifted vp mine hand to giue ic to your fathers. 43 And there Ihall yeremerober your waies.ahd all your workes , wherein ye haue bin detikd, and ye " Ihall iudge your felaes worthie to be cut off, for all your euils that ye haue corumiited. 44 Atid yeefliall know that I am the Lord , fjencei fliall when I haue refpeft vnto you for my Names uift^a anerthat fake , /»M(inot.after your wicked waves, nor accor- ding to your cortJ^t evokes , Ο yee hoefeo^ Μ ro 3 Ifiael, oAVbich fignifietk high place.decla- g that tbty v«4ia • themf'U.ei of ii Idolatry, and were not afliamed thereof, though God had commanded . efly that :hcy ihould Haue ne liar lifted vpon high ayftaires.Ex.io.ie. ■\Eb,.,nthfa>ar. ρ He (hewcih that the iogratitHde of the people deferueth God fliouldtuc I 06 , and that they ihoitld rothauf j the cem'ort ofhii J q He declaretk ibae of nature ii wfaoll^nemy vnto Gi^d.aodto hit own filuarion, and there• Fote God calle^h bin te tight way, sartly bj chaliifing, chiefly by hi» cyintoigming, lebellioa, aai wicked ne». I will biingyon imoDg (t range naii.-' jniai into a wilder- lei.snd ;here wi)I»i• ire )cu,Sc to callyou ο repentance, and hen biiogthe godly huiiie agaiLe.If*. β J 9. ί Signifying, th« he willnot burre the cotoe with the chaiVe.but chufe ο the wiclied t.- puniHi tbem when he will fpaiebi., t Thi» it fpokeo ta the hypoc'.itei. u Tour ovwoe COB' ifelt niy irhefword^rawen. fi2el;M. ■! For Inn1«b Ι1οο3 icuiUfroiaBibyian. y Both Orong >n alone : goe to the right hand.er get thy felfe to the left hand , wbitherfoeuer thy face tiimeth. 16 1 will alfo fmite mine hands together.and wil caufe my wrath to ceafe, I the Lord haue faid it 1 8 f The word ofthe Lord came vnto me a- gaine,(aying, 19 Alto t! lou fonne of maa, appoint thee » two waics . that the fword ofthe King of Babel may come, both twaine fliall come out of oneland.and chufe 2 place , and chufe it in the corner ofthe waie ofthe citie. 10 Appoint a waie , that the fword may come to Rabbahof the Ammonites , and Ρ toladab in lerufalem the lirong citie. 2 1 And the King of Babel ftood at the <3 par- ting of the waie , at the bead of thetwo wayes, confultingby diuinaiion , ΛΠί^ made bis airowes bright ; he confuited with idoles , and looked in ftheliuer. 2z At his right hand was the diuination for le- rufalem to appoint c-3ptains to open theirtBoaiia in theflaughtcr.and to lif; vp t! -c!r voyce with ihou- tiog , 10 lay engines of warre againit the gates, to caii among, and 10 build a fottrelTc. 23 And it fliilbi vnto cheia f i.s a falfe dimna- tiou in their fight for the oathes made vnto them: t but he willcs'lto remembrance ti;e;r iniquity , to die intent they ihould be taken. 24 Therefore thus faith the Lord G )d Bicaufe ye haue made youriniqjitie to be remembied in dif..oucring your rebellion, that in all yo; r works your lianes might sppeare : becauf? I fay , that ye are coTie to remembrance , ye Uialbe taken wiin the band 25; And thou " Prince of Ifrael polluted , and wicked , whofe day is come , when iniq .itiefhali haue an end. 26 Thus faith the Lord God , I will take away the* diademe, and taktoffthecrowne : tnisfhall be no more the fame : ' will exalt the hnmble.and will abafe him that is high. 27 I wiirouetturne,ouerturne,ouetturneit,aDd it iLilbe no more vntill be y come , whofe right it is. and I will giue it him. 28 ^ And thou fonne of Baan, pophecie, and fay. Thus faith the Lord God to the children of Ammon. and to their blafphemy ; fay thoa, I fay, The fword, the (word is drawen foorth and four- hifted to tiieflaHghter, to coniunie.beciufe of the gUitcring. 29 Whiles they fee i vanity vnto thee.and pro- phecied a lye vnto thee to bring thet vpon the neckes of the wicked that are flaine , whofe day i* comeiwhen their iniquitie//!'4^ haue an end. 30 Sriall I caufe it to returne into his iheath ? I wiiliudge thee in the place were thou was ae- ated, ί»β« ir> the iaiid of thine habitation. 3 1 And I will powi e out mine indignation vpon thee , and will blow againft thee in the fire of ray wrath , and deliuer thee into the band of beaftlic mQT),and skilful! to deftroy. 3 2 Thou ihalt be in the fire to be deoonred: thy bloo 1 Ihalbs in themids ofthe land, ««:i thou fiiiU be no wore retqembred: for I tbe Lord haue fpoKenic, CHAP, Pfouideforthy felfe : for thou Ihalt fee God• plagtte οί all pan, in thi» countrey. ThiiwM fpokea, beca-ufe that ■xhtti Nebuchid-nezzar came agaiaft tiidaii^ I purpofe wasalf» goeagaioft the miionitei : but doubting in theway, hich eiitetrrife t• vadetiake fttit, he confuited with bit footfafayert, aad fo Went againli ludafa. ρ That is , to tbe be ofludah that keptthenife'uei ia leiufaiem. . To know whether he ihoiild goe againit he AmmoDiteioi heniof leiufalem. Hevfed coniuriej and forceiy, ciaufe there Wa» uut beweeae I'.vesa^dthe B.bylo iani.tbeyoi erufilein Ihall biDkeautiiinj; lell'ej hen :ha•. tbi- if ng 111 uldcoint μ,ιΐΓβ. T-^ai ii,Ncb.ib..,d- tzi.it will rem-m. ei tfci te^ielliunoC MeaniB, Ze :ck;;h, vho prjiiiltd "Vith tbe E,> ' .a.nto ■ke him il'e i-ie ι-Ί e to refilUht iby ο \mt. Some itfevte thil hePtieft. at:ire : r Ichozad-k che lit•!' we. t into . iptiaii y wiih the Th.t i», vnto the imtning of Mcfsiah: for though thelewe» had feme figne of goucroiuieni after- ward vndev the Per• fians, G.eekeia:id R inanei, yet this teltitutii,n was apt tillChrillsiomminj, aad at length (hould beaccomplilhed.as Wil promife-J, G-n 49.10 Tnoiigh tbclewe• d Amiiio-.iitei would BOt beleeue boo, to wit, the iwo.d.OlouMeft in them, and fairf that the Tro- pfaeia. which threat• ed, fpafeelies, yet, bou Ilialt as furcly ome. ai though bouwearell already vpon ibeii Bttket, Iffacl asdioffc» eA«tlioure»dy to execute cby cfaiige, whieh I commit VD to theeagaiait letu Cllem. that mJide- teth the Frophet• aad them tb«c aie godly? b Tii«t ii, the time of herdefliuftioD. cToherowat ro. i vthoityttjaztat •UmeDhAte. e He meaneth hereby thtttbete wai no kioJ ofwickedneflis which wai aet com- milted io lerufilem, and tbeuftite the plageet of God 30c»j« A con: piracy, ^t f Io toketi of my wrath and ven- g That I'f , able to defend thy felfe• h I will thus take away theoccaliont thy wickednefli. i Thou (halt be no mere the iaberit• taoce of the Loi'dj but forfakta. k Which before wai moll precioui. CHAP. XXII. * tirufultmisrtprttHtdfcremtlsy. isOfthenfhkcditc• iltine oflhefalfe frophtts and friefls, and $f their i/ii- fAttabU ctueteufnfge.n The ψΛΗΗ] tftHltu. 19 The WickMnrft of the feefle. tk/fOreouer, the worci of the Lord came rato mct 2 Now thou fonne of man , wilt thou » iudge, wilt thou iudge this blooJy cuy i wilt tbou ihsvt ber all her abominatioDS i 3 Thea fay , Thus faith the Lord God, The city ihsddeth blooJ io the tnids of it , that het b tima irny come .and roaketh idoles <= agaitift bet felfe, eo pollute her felfe. 4 Thou baft ofiended in tby blood , that thou baft ihed,and baft polluted thy felfe in thine idols, which tbou haft mad? . and thou baft caufed thy dales to draw neere,aad att come vnto thy terme : therefore haae I made thee i reproach to the hea• then, and a mocking to all countreis. y Thofethatbeneere . andtbofe thatbefarra from thee , ihall mocke thee , o>hieh art vile io d name and fore in affliftion, 6 Behold, the princes of Ifrael euery one in the* was riady to his power , to ihed blood. 7 In tbee haue they deipifsd father and mother: in the raids of thse « haue they oppretied the tiran• gep : in thee bauc they vexed the fathetlefle and the widow. 8 Thou baft defpifed mine holy things, and bzft polluted my Sabbaths. 9 In thee are men thatcary tales to ihedde blood : in tbee *r$ they that eate vpon the moun- taioes : in the mids of thee they commit abomi- natiun. 10 * In thee haue they difcousred their fithers itame : in thee hsue they vexed her that wss po- lutedin W figures. And euery one * hath committed abomina- tion with bis neigi)bours»if;,and euery one hath wickedly defiled 11 is daughreriu law , anJinthee hath euery man forced his owne fifter, citen his fathers daughter. 2 In thee haue they taken gifts to flied blooJ: thou haft taken vfury andtheincreafe, and tbou haft defrauded thy neighbours by extortion , and baft forgotten me, faith the Lord God. 13 Behold > tbeiefore 1 haue ' fmitten n-ine hands vpon thy couetoiifnefle , that thou haft vied, and vpon the blood, which bathbeene in the mids of thee, 14 Can thine heait endure, or can thine hands ε be ftrong , in the dales that I ih .11 haue to doe with thee > I the Lord haue fpokeo it , and will doe it. If And I will fcatter thee among the heathen , and difperfe thee in the countreis, and will caufe thy ^ filtbinefle to ceafe from thee. 16 And thou ihalt take thine ' inheritance in tby felfe in the fight of the heathen, and thou ihalt know that I am the Lord. 17 f And the word of the Lord came vnto me, faying, 1 8 Sonne of man.the bonfe of I frael is vnto me as kdroffe ; all they are braffe.and tinne,and yron, and lead in the mids of the fomace : they are tuen thedroffeoffjuer. 19 Therefore thus faith the Lord God, Becaufe ye are all as droffe, behold, therefore I will gather youin themidsofletufalem. ao As they gather liluer and bralTcand yrot)« and lead,and tinne i«o Ac mids of the fornace.to blow the fire vpon it to melt it,fo will I gather you in mine anger and in my wrath , and will put you there > and melt you. 2 1 I will gather you,I fay, atid blow the fire of my wraih vpon you, and you ihalbe melted io the mids thereof. 2z As (iluar is melted in the mtdft of the for- nace , fo fhall yee be melted in the mids thereof, and ye (hall know that I the Lord haue po wred oac my wrath νροα you . 23 And the word of the Lord came vnto me, faying , 24 Sonne of nan, fay vnto her , Thou art the land that is vncleane, m and not rained vpon in the day of wrath. 2 f Thtrt it a confpir acy " of her prophets in the mids thereof like a roai ing lyon.rauening the pray; they bane deuoured foules : they haue taken the riches and precious things : they haue made ber many widowes in the mids thereof. 26 Her Priefts haaebioken my Law .and haue defiled mine holy things : they haue put no diffe rence betweene the holy & prophane, neither dif- ceroed betweene the vncleane and the cleane,and haue hid their ο eyes from my Sabbaths , and I am prophaned among th em. 27 Her princes in * the raids thereof 4re like wolues , rauening the pray to flied blood ,Ληά to deftroy foules for their owne coustous lucte. 28 And her ρ Prophets haue dawbed thee with vntempered morter, feeing vanicies. and diuining lies vnto them , faying , Thus faith the Lord God, when the Lord had not fpoken. 29 The people of tlse land haue violently op- prefkd by fp 'i-ling and robbing , and haue v.xed t(>e poore and'the needy : yea .they baue opp.ef- fed the ftrang-t igainii right. 30 And I iougbc for a aian among them , that ihouiii s make vp the hedge, and ftanJ in the gap bef re roee for the land .that I Ihould not deftroy it, but I found none. 3 1 Therefore haue I powred out mine indigna- tion vpijn them, and conlumed thjam wkh the fire of my wrath : their owne waies haue I rendred vpon their heads, faith the Lord God. CHAP. XXIII. 0/ the Idtlatry tf Samxria and lerufilem , -vnaer tht names cf Aholah And AMtbah. '1"He word of the Lord came againc vuto me' , i faying. ■ 2 Sonne of man , there were two women, the daughters of one » mother. 3 And they committed fornication in b Egypt, they coraiDitted fornicition in their youth : there were their breafts preffed, and there they bruifLd the teats of their virginity . 4 And the names of <= them tvere Aholah the elder,aod Aholibab her fiftert and they were mine, and they bare fonnes and daughters: thus mrt their names : Samaria « Aholah, and lerufalem A- holibah. y And Aholah played the harlot + when d fliee was mine, and Ihe was fet on fire with her louers, fe Biif, with the Affyrians her neighbours. 6 Which were wloathed with blew fiike.iwA cap- taines and princes they were all pleafaot yong men, 4»iihotfemen tiding vpon borfes, were named the people of Gad, they became idohteti,and theij t:jft in the Affyrians. Mm 4 6 Tbup I Meaoioj^ , beieby ihatihegcdlyiVouiil be tried, and the wicked ie&toytd. m Thoairtliiea barren land which the Lord plagueth b drou|bt. η The fallepropbetj baue coufpi red toje ther to mjke their doftrine mace pea• bable. They blue arg'e• fted my f-tuice. ^^ Mich. 3,t«. > They which liould haue reproa>- lei them, Sattered hem iatheit vicei, lad coueied their joingi with lycl . Cbap,ij,ie, Which weuld lew himfjlfe zea- ou« in my cauff by ingvice, Ifa.,'9 n)«j f .rd ilfo pray vnto me r» lithholdmy pl• uei.rfal, 106,1 a Meaning \ ΙΓυβΓ and lu.lab, which calu: boib out of one fami'y. b They L-ecaras i later» iftei the mmtr of ih« Egypti• e Aholah figni^fieth a maniionor dwel- ling in berfelfe. meaning Sam tit, wbicbwa» ihe royalUiiy of Ifrael} and Aholibab figni- fi-:h ixy nunlioi. io ter .whctebyi» neantlerjf lem , where Godi Tenip'-e t Eir.vnde•/ me i when tte livarlJtet fooke God, ant! Ahokh and Aholibah, ^z^deh chaneearei.to ifi .his wicke,! viceof idoiitry fol be abhorred, rhat vnoecb mj lliould tbide to heart the thereof meationed. Meaaiag, the AITyrUci. cap:ai:iesanJ princes clca'heJ witfi diuers ^bouattpollutedwitn their idoles. i7 Thus (he coojtnitteJ her wboredorae with iem.«»«» with ail them that were the chofen teen f Asftur. and with all on whoBi ilie doted, H a> ther citiciaad eoumiid. t' Of Icchociabt captiiiitie , aud of tbeieigne otZe• dekiab.j.kiDg.ij'. b Called Tebtth. wbicbccutaiDeib part of December and part oFIanuaric in the which «UDetb and (fay Mebucbad-Eczza befieged lerufalcm. G Wbeitbywa» neant Icrufalrin ά That ii, the cil zcDl, and tbechiere ncnibireof I Or , heafe. c Metnieg.of tbi tbeyhjd Qaine, who were ibttaitfi oftbe kindling of Cods wiaib ag.iion tbrm. f Wh• fe iniquitii aad wicktd citiz there yet rtmaine t Sieoiy.ngiha they fliculd not b «lellrtyed a! at OOCC; kuiby liitieand little. h Spare none eRate •r condition. i The citic flit wed kerctueltietoall the world .and wai cot aihanied iheieof, atlihei ytt bid it. * NAh3 ,. H»bf,ki iJ. I Or.AHtt/ifetf Vtid. k MeaniBf>,!bat tb< citieflioold be Jydetticyed.a that be would ibeeneiniei ao tite tberevnio. I Or,bclts>fte. I The citie bath flatteied herfelfe in appe• to thy waycs , atiJ according to thy wotkes Ihall ■ they iudge thee.Gith the Lord God. ijr ^ Aifo the word ofthe Lord came vnto me, laying, i6 Sonne of man, beholde, I tjki away from thee the <> plcafure of thine eyes with a plague: yet ihalt thou neither mcnrne nor weepe, neither fliall thy tearcs tunnedowne. 17 Ceafe from fighingttrake no mourning for the deid.and binde the tire of thine head vpon thee, Ρ aud put on thy fhooes vpon thy feete. aitd couer not thy lips.and eat q not the bread of men. 18 So 1 fp.ik; vnto the people in the morning, and at euen my wife died : and I did in ' the mor- ning.as I was comn:anded. 19 And the people faidvntomee , Wilt then not tell vs what thsfe things meane toward vs that thou dotftfo? 20 Then I anfwered them , The word of the Lord came vnto me, faying, 2 1 Speskfi vnto the boule of IfracI, Thus faith the Lord God , Beholde , 1 will ^ pollute my San duary . eutn the t pride of your power , the plea- fure of your eyts.and your hearts defire.and your ibnnes , and yotir daughtas whom yee haae left, ihailfailby thefword. 2 2 And ye iliall doe as I hans done: yee fhalj not couer your lippes, neither Iball yee eate the bread of men. * 23 And your tire /ίΐΛ/ί'* vpon your head, anj your fliooes vpon your feet ; ye ihall not mourne Dorvveepe ,biit yee Ibail pine away for your ini- quiiies.aod mourne one toward another. 24 Thus Easkiel is vnto you a figne : «ccor» ding to all that he hath done , yee iliill doe : and when this commetb , ye Ihall know that I am the Lord God. 25• Alfo.thon fonne of man.ilijil it rot be in the day when I take from theiB their power.the ioy of their honor ,the pleafare of their eyes.gc the i de- fire of their beart,theii fonnes and their d.iughters, 26 That he that eibapeth in that day.ihall come vnto thee /«;rd God , EiCAnfe thou ' ■ ' ' ba| tylo Meaning, hit ite.inwhoinbe d«lited,«t veif. 18, ) hor m nseurning hey Went bare bei« dedandbirefoottd, aodalfo couered theirlip,. q That ii.wbich beneigtbours Tent to them that" mourned. >leaoiQg, tl inio^ folle f Ey feodiog the Chald«anitode. it, a» Chap• t wherein yon boaft J delight. ■f Ehrliftinivp^ efthiirftiil'S, a Becaufe y> reioyi ced when the ene- iuiedeRroycdm7> citieand Temple. b That i», to the Bjbylrttianj. c They ikall chafe thee awiy. and takt thy gotgeoui boufej to dwell ill, d Called alfj Phi- lade.'phia, which Waitbechieftcii?' ofthe Ammioitei, andfullorconduit*> i.Sam.ii.i;. iyTymsvras dtm^u. Ezekiel (Irngth fllould b: able to tt&i the B4b]fleRi«ai. haft clapped the hands.and ftirrpec! with ό e fee•., I andteioyced in i,eart withalliuy dti'iueegaiiiU tbelandoflfrael. 7 BeholJe .therefore Iwillftretch out mine hand vpon thee , and will deliuet th^e to be Ipoy- led of the heachea , and I will root thee out from the people , and I will cauie thee to be deftroyed out of the couutries , and I wilideftroy thee ι and thou (l\dt know that I am the Lord 8 Thus faith the Lord God.Becaufe that Mo- ab and Seir doe fay , Bthoid.the houfc of ludab is like vnto all the heathen, 9 Therefcie , behoUe. I will open the fide of e Sothitno p»w4 Moab, ««en ofthedais* of his ciiies»//*;, in his frontiers with the pleafant coantrey , Beth- ieflji- motb.Baal-tceon.andKiriatbaim. , ^ "* 10 i will tall thefDOTiftheEaftagainathe Amajonites ,-Λ«ί will giue them in pofleifion , fo that the Arrroorkites iliall iii(TDc«e bs remembred among the nations. 1 1 And I will execute iud^ements vpon Mo- ab.and they ihiU know that I am the Lord. 12 f Thus faith the Lord God , becauie that Edom hath done eutllby taking vengeance vpon the houfe of ludah, and bath committed great of- fence,and reuenged hiccfelfe vpon them, 1 3 Therefore thus faith the Lord God , I will alio ftretch out mine hand vpon Edom . and de- ftroy man and beaftoucof it .andlwillmakeit defolate from Teman , and they of Dedan iLall fall by the fword. 14 And I will execute my vengeance vpon E- dom by the hand of my people Ifrael.Sc they (liall dos in Edom according to mine anger, and ae- cording to mine indignation , and they fliall know ray vengeancc,raith the Lord God. 1 y Thus faith the Lord God, Becaufe the Phi- liftims haue executed vengeance , and reuenged themfelues with a delpitefuU heart , to deliroy κ for the old hatred, 16 Therefore thus faith the Lord God .be- hold . I will ftretch out mine hand vpon thePhi- lifiims . and I will cut off the f Cherethims , and deftroy the remnant of the fea coaft. 17 And I will execute great vengeance vpon them with rebukes of mine indignation, and they ihall know that I am the Lord , when 1 lliall lay Bjy vengeance vpon them. CHAP. XXVI. I HeprcphecitlhthatTymi jbalbe cuenhrmcu , hecau^ It re,t)(eii at the df/!runien of lerufa/em. . ,- Th' won- dring and afiinifimeHt «/ the marchnHtifor the diitrtic• ^Nd in the a eleuenth yeerein tbefiift<^<7of the moneth , the word of the Lord came vn- io me, faying. 2 Sonne of man.becaufe tbathTyrnshath faid againfl lerufalep, Aha , theb gate of the people is broken : it is turned vnto me tfor feeing ihe is defolate , I flulbe ^ replenilhed, 3 Therefore thus faich the Lord God, Behold, I come againft thee , Ο Tyras , and I will bring vp many nations againft thee , as the fea moun- teth vp with bis waues. 4 And they fliall deftroy the w:!lles of Tyrus and breake downe her towers : I will alio fciaps her duft from her , and make bet like the top of a rocke. y Thou flijlt be for tbefpreading of nets in thcmidsofthefea : for I baue fpoken it.faith the Lord God, and it fliall be a fpaile to the nations. 6 And. her d daughters which » re ίβ the field. f Which were cer Uioe garifooi ot rhiliftim». whereby they oft time» molel'ed thelewei, of the Cbereihiini Di- uidalfo had a eud,i.Sam.S.i3• I Either of the capiiuitieofleio aiha, orof the igaeof Zedfkiab The deitruaion ofTyrus.^ bThi th«ra. moui citie lerufa• lein, wheievDto «llpeople teforted. c My liche» aad fiine ihill increafe: tbui the wicked feioyce it their fall by whemthey may haueauy profi fotaduantage. d' The townei that belonged vnco her. •■ For Tyim ftbenob'e mea vhicb they bad efteci vpfortheii ory and lenowm•, leiemy 3+. I will make thee I bare that thou hale haue noihiag ο couer thee. Iballbi flaiie by the fwoid , and they fliall know tnatl a''ij αις Lord 7 For thus ffith t^e Lord Go ?, B-'hold, Τ will bring vpon lyrus Nebucad-npzzar ki:jg ofBa- bcl , a king ofkings from the Naitb , with hotits and with chatcts.and with horfemen, with a mul- titude and much peopi( 8 He fliall fl.y with the fword thy danghterj in the field , and he fl:5ill make a fort againft thee, and caft a mount againft thee.and lift vp the buck let againft thee. 9 He flsall fet engines of warra before hita againft thy walles , and with his weapons breake downe thy towres. •>' 10 The duft of liis horf^ ihall couer thee, foe dieir multitude : thy wals fliall ihake at the noife of the horfemen , and of the wheeles , and of the charets , when he fliall enter i«o thy gates as ia- to the entry of a citie that is broken downe. 1 1 With the hooues of bis horfes fliall he tread downe all thy Sreetes : he fliall flay the people by the fword, and the «pillars of thy ftreng.n fliall fall dowrie to the ground. 1 2 And they fluU robbe thy tiches.and Ipoylc thy marchandife , and they fliall breake downe thy walles , and deftroy thy plefant houfes , and they fliall caft thy ftones and thy timber and thy duft into themidsofthe water. 13 "*" Thus will I caufe the found 9f thy fongs to cea(e , and the found of tbiae harpes Ihalbs no more heard. 14 I will lay thee lika thetoppeof a rocke: ^ thou fliak be for a fpreading of oits : thou flialt be built no more : for I the Lord haue fpoken it, faith the Lord Gud. If Thus faith the Lord God ζο Tyrus .fliail not the y les tremble at the found of tiiy fill ? and at the cry of the wounded ,when they fliall be flaine and murtheted in the raids of theef 16 Then all the princes of the g iea fliall come ί ThegouemoHtt downe from their thrones: they fliall lay away ;°17'"•°^°'!'",, .1 . , /τ- 1 • 1 ' τ 1 ouatrici that dwell their robes , and put off their broidettd garments l y the fea : wheteby and fliall cloathe themfelues with aftonilhment : ' « fiioifieth tii ■ they fliall fit vpon the grou.id and be aftonilhed J ^'f^^fj"";^^' at <«erji moment, and be amazed at thee 17 And they fliall take vp a lamentation far ί• thee, and fay to thee, Hiw art thou deft, oyed, fvicanin that waft inhabited *> of the Sea mtn ,tbe rcnou- ihantjlihlh "y med citie which was ftrong in the fea , //itfe fhee ' and her inhabitants , which caufe theii feare to be oil A\ that haunt therein! 18 Now fliall the yles be aftoniflied in the daie of til) fall : yea . the yles that are in the fea , fliall be troubled at thy departure. 19 For thus faith the Lord God, when I fliall make thee a defolati citie , like the cities that are not inhabited , and when I fliall bring thedeepe vpon thee, and great waters fliall couer thee, 20 When I ihall caft thee downe with them that defcend into the pit , with the people ' of old time, and fliall fet theein the lowe parts of thelongagoe.' eatth,like the old ruines.with them ,// les arir* in thine hands they brought thee for a ptefent , i homes, teeth and pcacockes 16 They of Aratr mre thy" marchants for the mnliitude of tby [) wans ; hey occupied in thy faires , with || emeraudes, pu'ple , and broydred worke.and β finne Iinnen, and corall.and peatle. 17 They uf ludah and of the land of Ifrael were thy maichants tkey Isroug <• for thy mar- chandife whfate offe Minnith , aud Pannag , and hony.and oyle.and R balroe. 18 They of DaiEafcus trtrt thy marchants in the mi'ltitude of thy wares, for the multitude ef all n'ches,*.• in thewineofHtlbon and white wooll. 19 They of IXnalfo and of lauan, going tp and frOjOccupieu in thy faites : yroa wotke,Ciflia* and Cibmus weie atrocg thy marchandife. 20 They of Dedan jftre thy merchants in pre- cious cloathes for the charets They of Arabia.ard ill the princes of Ke- dar J occrpied with t|-ee.irlarebes, and rammes and goates in thefe were thy m .chants. 22 The marchants of Shtba.and Raamahwere thy matcliants ; they occupied in thy fayres with the chiefe of all fpices,9r.d with all precions fton,es ani gold, ' • march They of Haram and Carneh and Eden,the marchants of Sheba , Asfhur and Chilccad wtrt hy marchants. 24 Thefe were thy marchants in all forts of things, in rayment of blew filke.and of broydered ■werke.and in c ffirs for the rich appirell , which were bound with coatdes : chaines alio wen among thy marchandife. 2 y The iliips of Ta'fliilh D were thy chitfe in thy marchandife , and thou wafl repleniihed and made eery gloi ious in the mids of the fea. 26 Thy II robbers haue brought thee into great waters : the ' Eaft winde hath broken thee in the midsof thefea. 27 Thy riches and thy faires.thy marchandife, thy mariners and pilots , thy calkers , and the oc- cupiers of thy marchandife, and'ail thy men of watrethat are in thee.and all thy multimde which is it] the mids of thee , Hwll fall in the mids of the fea in the day of thy ruine. 28 The ■« fuburbs /hall iliake at the found of the cry of thy pilots. 2;? And all that handle the oare, the mariners and all the pilots of the fea Ihall come downe from their fl-.ipsj.'ni (hall ftand vpon the land. 30 And ii\ii\ caiifc their voyce to be heart! agsinfl thee , and ihall cry bitterly , and lliall caD duft vpcn their heads, and wallow themfclues in the a/lus. 31 Th« > ftill plucke off their haire for thee.ant gird them wirh a fackccloth.and they fliall weepe for thee whh forow of heart and bitter moutrin^ 31 At;d in their moLtning, chey ihall take vp a lamentation for thee .faying. What ttt) is like Tyrus fo deftroy ed in the mids of the fea! 33 W.Sen thy wares went fcorthcftl-efeas, thou filledft many people ,λ«.-/ thou diddeft en. rich the Kings of the eaiib with the nnukitudeoi thy riches and of thy mirchar dife ^ 34 Whirn thou fnalt be broken by f feas in the depths of the waters ,!hy matchancile end all thy muliitude which was in the n)ids of thee.fhjli fsll. 3y All the inhabitants of the yles ili;lbc aflo- nilhed at thee ,a.nd all their Kit^gs ihall be foie afraid anrffooblei in their cour.tenance. 36 The ro?-chants among the people Hiall hifTe at thee : thou ihalbe a tettour.and ueuet ilialt be" any more, CHAP. XXVIII. iThsrsndofCidag/iiVt the kia^ ofTyruifcr bis pride ii Thewi>r.iif ihi LniageiHit ZiUoH. 1} Tbe Loti prcmifeih ih.tt betviU gtthtr ttgtiker the thiUun tf Ifrael. '*ΤΓ He word of the Lord came againe vnto laec, •* fayif^g. 2 Sonne cf man.fay vnto the prince of Tyn:s, Thus faith the Lotd God .bccaufe thine heatt is exalted.and thou halt fai>l,» I am a god.I (it in the feat cf God in the irids of ;y fea.yct thou art but a man 8c not Gud,& t though thou diddeft thinke in thine heart, tl>at tliou wa3 equatl with God , 3 Behold , thor, art wifer then ^ Daniclithere is no fecret that they can tide ftoro thee. 4 With thy wifedorre and thine vnderflanding trdeiiiion thou haft gotten thee riches, and baft gotten gold ""' """' andfiluer into thy treafures. y By thy great wifedotvc and by thine occu- pying frail rhoa incieafed thy riches , and thine heart is lifted vp becaufe of thy riches. 6 Therefore thus faich the Lotd God.becaufe thou diddett tlinke in tbine heart , that tbou wag e^oall with God> 7 OrjAmtincuH» fait} ttwArd tbte. Or, riwers. That it, Neba• cbadncziai• in That ii,tbec!i5(i leete about thee II wa! ZidoB, AiuadiiBd etbor•. η Whereby if alcng time." far it wai prophe- :ied t• be r'tilrojtS but feuectie yeerWy Ifa. i3, 1}, ram fife >hai ne ciacoire to It me, a• 6od i» the heauen. '■ Ebr. tb*ngb tbiu ihiaehttttti h(»HcfGaBieI had declared lotible fignel of h:s wifedome in Baby. hen EzehM «vrote Ihia. I Zidon a ptickint^ thorne^ E2%^1• c Like the re* of thibeiiheu «nd infiJtl», which «re Codi ecctB:e(, c! Ke dsiictethtbe Viini opinion and ia'theirriche», (irensjth and plc.fuic» II Ο,,.φιτ. II Or , carbiixclt. e He infaeeih the royaillUteofTy- lui, which for the cx.elkncieat-.d glone th..reol•- hccompaieth to the Cbcrubiiiii Which coueied tie Aikt : andby ibi» OTJid anaymed be iigiifittb the farae. f Ididtheethii hoDour 10 mike tbteooeot the bjildenofinr Tdupie.whiih was when Hiiara ffat vnto S.lomon tbiiigi Eectflary for the woikt. h Tovrit, ammj liijr people Ifiael, which ilunedai precioui Itonii. b Which w»« When X fit ft called thee to thii digniiit i Thou ihilt haut Bo pert amiiigitiy pcoplt. k Tha(i5,i|teho- ■our.whettvnto Ϊ jialled t^em Β Or , bfCMght t> tisthing. ϊ Βγ ejecutin^ my ludgeintnti againft tby wic- UtdpsOe. 7 Behold, therefore I will bring BraDgers rp- on thee , tuen the terrible nations : and they ftaU draw their fAOrds sgainft the bcautie of thy wif- dome , and they flislTdtrfile thy brightneffe. 8 They iliall caft thee downe to the pit , and t'tiou il^alt die the death of them, that are fliine iu the roidj of the fea- , 9 Wilt thou fay then before him that ilayeth tl;ee , I atna goJf but thou Unit be a man.and no god.in the hands of him that llaieth thee. 10 Thou fhilt die the death of the c vncircura- cifed by the hands of ftrangers : for I haue fpoken it.faiththe Lord God. 11 f Moreouet.tbe word of the Lord came vntome.faying, 12 Sonne of man .takevp a lamentation vpon the King of Tyrus , and dy vnto him , Thus faith the Lord God, Thoc fealeft vp the furome. and art full of Ί wifedome, and pertite in beauty. 13 Thou baft beene in Eden the gatden of God: eutrry precious lionetra-i in tby garment.theruby, the topace , and the || diimond.the chryfoHte , the onix,ai)dthe.iarper..'hefiphir, y eraeraud,andthe carbuncle and goLle:the workemanfliipofthy timbrels, and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou waft created. 14 Thou art « the aaoynted Cherub.that coue- retb.ind 1 haue fet thee f ;» htutur : thou waft vp- on the holy mountaine of God : thou baft walked in the KiiJs of th>e % Itones of fire. I ) Thou waft perhi in thy waies from the day that thou waft ^ cr sated , till iniciuitie was found in thee. 16 By the multitude of thy marebandife.they haue filled the roiddes of thee with cruelty , and thou haft finned : therefore I will caft thee as pto- phane out of the ' mountaine of God :and 1 will deftroy thee , Ο couering Chetubif torn the mids oftheftonesofhre. 17 Thine heart waUif:ed vp becaufe of thy beauties and thou haft conupted thy wifedome by reafon of thy brightneile : I will caft thee to the ground. I will lay thee before kings that they tnay behold thee. iS Thou baft defiled thyli fandlification by the multitude of thine iniquities, 4«i by the ini- quitie of thy merchandife : therefore will I bring forth a fiie from the miJs of thee , which Hull de- uoure thee:and I will bring thee to alhcs vpjn the earth , in the fight of all them that bcholi thee. 19 All they that know thee among the peo- ple , Aull be aftunidisd at thee ; thou flwh be 0 a uerrour.and neuer ftiak thou be any mote. 20 ί Againe the word ofthe Lord came vnto tDC, faying, . ζ I Sonne of man , fet thy face againft Zidon, .end prophecie againft it, 21 And fay.Tnus fayeth the Lord God.Behold, I cemc againft thee, Ο Zidon , andl will be ' glo- rified in the mids of thee ; and they (liaJi know that I am the Lord , when I iliill haue executed judgements in her. and llialbe fandified in her. 23 For I will fend into her peltilence , and bbod into her ftreetes , and the flaine lliall fjllio the mids of her .•■"»/««««»>/'/;htch hetocke againft Tyrm. He fheweth far hatcaufe God wiilalTeinble hit Chursh , and pie- reiueitftiU.ihoHgh deilroy hit ene• miei.towit , that hey lliould praife iiiti,aiid giuethaakS for hit great »:(• cie<. « To wi't.of the captiuitie of Ieee< 1 Ν the * tenth yeere Seuer.eh Ihall they fall by the i\vo:d, fath the Lord God. 7 And they ihalbe defolate in t'.e n-ids of the countreis that a-e dclula ε, and her cities ilulbe in the raids cf ihi cities that are waited. 5 And they fi all knew that I atithe Lord.wb.n I haue fet a fire in Egypt, eijrfejie» all her helpers flulbedtftioyed. 9 In that day fliall there meiTergers go foorth from me in fn;ps,to make the carelslTe Mcoresa- f aid,and fiare Iha'l come vpan them.^s in the c'ay of Sgypt.for loe,it conjir.cth. 10 1 luis faith the Lord God.I will alfo tra'« the multitude cf Egypt to ceafcby the band of Nib«- clitd-nezzir king of Babel. 1 1 For he and his peo,Je with hira.tutn the ter- liWes nations flialbe broi'g'it to deflroy the land : and they ihall draw cheir Iwotdf againfl Egypt.aad fill the land with the fliine. I X And I will made the ti lers dry, and ft 11 the \trA into ihz har.is of the \v;ck:d,iti J 1 will u.t\t f PorN.-bucbidoezi s.troytd Ph». raohNtctoai Cat- cbtmilhiltr,4i,af , g Hiiforcei ρ•»νίΓ. h whereby v/e fee I haraoh king of Eg .pt ; and loe , it iliall not b: boundvpto be healed , neither fliall they put a roule to bind it, and fo make it ftrong to hold the fword. 2 ζ Therefore thus fayeth the Lord God , Be- hold, I ctme againft Pharaoh kirg ef Egypt , and will breake «hi» arme that w.s ftrjrg, but is broken, and Iwiilcatfethefwcr i tj tall out of bis haod. 23 And I will fcatter the Egyptiars among tb< nations. aid will difperfe t'r.em throiig'ithe coun. treys. 24 And I v;iil ftrengthen the arme c f the king cfUabtl, and put my iv/jrJ in his hand, but I will breake Praraobs arrues, and he iha'l cait cut (;gh- ings.as the fighings of hiaa that is wojaded before him. 25• But I will ftrengthen thea'mes cf theking of B.vxl,& the armes of Pharaoh Ihali fall downe, aed they Ihali know , that I am th-i LcrJ . Ί when I ihall put my fs\ ord into the hand of the king of Babel . and he fl all ftrctcb it oiit vpon the lanu of Egypt. 26 And I wiiifcatter the Egyptians among theGadapuoiDttth.mi rations ,aid difpcrfe them among the count ics, and tbey iliallknow that I am the Lord. CHAP. XXXI. 1 A αηιρΛχίβη cf the freffentjtf Ph-irAth-wilhthe }ri• f peril) tf the AfjuAKi. lo Hv prophceieit *!ik.edeftrU' ititntmhimixiih. Λ Ν J in the » eleuenth yeere,in the third mcneth, ^ mid in th; firlt dcy of the moneth the ward of the Lord came vnto iKe.fayirg, 2 Sonne oi'rcan , fpcake vnto Pharaoh king cf Egypt, and to his muliitude.Whom art thou ^ like in thy greitoeiTe ? 3 Bihold.Aslhor n- like tiis branches and t^ie chcilenut trees were not like his boughes •. all the trees in tie garden of God were not lika viito him in his beauty. 9 I tuaietiimfaire by the multitude of his branches : fo f jr all the trees of Eden . thac were in t^e garde 1 of G-:ji\, enuiid him. lO' Thittf jre thijs l^kli the Lord GoJ, Brcaufe Β he is lift vp o.i hig i , a;-!d hath ihot v^' his toppe atnoiigtne thicke ooughes, a.id his heart ii life vp in his height. II I haue therefore dsliueted him into the hands of t ie = mighticlt a nong the heathen : nee fluU handle hinD./or I haje Cilt hitD aW-iy fot bis wickedneUe. 1 2 And the ftrangers haue delVoied him ,«uen the tertible natioos . ami ihty haue left nitn vpon I theitiounraints, and in ail dx vaileii his branches are faiien .atjd his toughes aic f bokci' b) all tns riuers of the land . and all the people uft;ie earth are departed frora his inadow, ind haue for- faken hin. 13 Vpon his ruine iliaJl all the foules of the hea icn ternainc . and all tb^beaftesof ihc ftdd Ihaibe vpon his tranches. 14 bo ttist none of 3il t*'e trees b)- the w \tet ihaibe exaheJ by thcii height, neitncr iliail ihoot vp therii top among the thi^Ke bo g^es , neither Ijhall their ieaues Ua^d vp in their lu-ght , which drinke lb much water : for they are ^lidehuered vnto death in die nether p^rts of the earth in the raidsof the ctiildrew of men : aitong them that g3 dow.ie to the pit. I J Thus faith the Lord G jJ.Io the day when he w^Dt downe to hell, I ca jfeJ fiem to mournc, and I g couered the cletps f 1 iiim.and I did reftrcme theflooJs thereof, an.i th't g- at waters were ftayed : I caufed Lei a' on to iciMtn (ot t,iia, and "j all the trees cfthe helJ fai-tsd. 10 1 irvadc th^ nacioiis to (bikr r the f jund of his fall, when I caft hiua Uowik to hdl.wiih them ■ I ti atd.;icendintotr)cpit.ano. alrheexctiicikt -ies ^\ of B.len^and the bift of Latiaio.i; eucn all that ate : nourilh.-u with waters, fliall h be coa.foftedtu the j nether parti tf the fa; ti). whuh^re de°u' ti ' 7 ^"^y ^"° '^""'^ ''''>*"« to hell witH him vnto ihovigb they rrio'y- ' them thit were fliine wirh tlic i\votd,& his arme. in the fea ; th m cattedit out ihy riujrs c and irou-]«ii that t>e weiket bledft the waers with thy feet, and fiaropedftinj'''"''"y.»°'if«li their riuers. If The df f pe «faiert ibitcsufcdhimto m3Uurfohie(mei- niog his great abun• dance aad pompt) ilull aow tarueiit a: though tbcy ^erc couerci withfack- cloa^h. h Tocaufeihiirfe- Hriiftion of ib cfAliy.iato f frf.ilhfouhul II Or, whale. <- Thod prepaiedft » Chap,iz,ij. Λη4 i Withheipiof iikafeiof thiae ! A(Niiii> porape ο " Egypt , and all the multitude thei eof Ihaibe confumed. 13 1 will dcftroy Aio all tne hc4ts thereoff ora the great witerfides , neither Ihall the foot of man trouble them any more , nor the booues of beafts trouble them. 14 Then will I make < their waters deep , and caufe their tiuersto lunne like oyle.faith the Lord God If When I fhall make the land of Egjptdefo- latc, and the counti ey with all that is thp'tein.flull be hid Wifte : when i ibaii Iraite all them which dwell therein , tiien il«ll they know that I am the Lord. 6 This is the mourning wherewith they Ihall la- thing fygn k ReadiCbap. jS,to. mthemiJs j ment her:the da ighters of he nations ihall lament I her; they IhalUamert for Egjp:, and for all her 18 To wnom' art thou thus like in glory and in I mukinide.faith the Lord God. greatnes wiio'ig the trees of Eden ? yet thou llialt j \y ^ In the twelfch yeere alfo in the fifteenth be caft dow.ic with the treesof Eden vmo the day of the iDoneih.camethewtitd ofthe Lord netaerpitisof the cartb : tuou (lialt fleepe in the otids ofthe k vncitcuoicifed , withthtm that be to me.faying, i3 Sonne of raao, Umentfot the multitude o< Egyp» h Thii came tp ptOc lelTethcn fouic |reerF(«lter thw piofhecy. To wit, ofthe CaWsani tbioe ene- mies; vvbicfa fiiall quietly epioyUllhl ioamodiHC•• The ende ot ΐ yrants. Cba£^XiLAU thuiiheLorri gi ueih hii Propheii powerboib to_ plant aad to ic- liroy by hit wotd, reade lete.i. 19. I Hiuc Doi other kingdofnei,nK>r2 beautiful) iheo th»u,|>erifilcd? mThatii.Egypc ■ To make .he mttter more ftnfi- ble.hebriageth iu Fharaoh vvBoa the dead (baUmeetaaii nurueileaihim, readf lC»i4•». k That ii , prophe- Egypt , aod Is cad then) downe,««d fleepe with the vncircumciied. 20 They Ihdi fall in the mi Js of tbera that are flaine by .the fwoid : o» iliae is deliusred to the fword: draw het downe.and all her muliiiude. 21 The moft mighty 4naiid not a true watchman, d The watchmtD ireit aofA'cre for ih: b-'oodof all tbit perifh tbrou^b^ his Dff^ligence. e Thus the wicked wbeu they heare Gsdi iudgeimsta, r the] I finoea, fpaire of bii mtr. ^i.andmjrouire. f Re.ideCbip.i8.a} g Rrade of thii ■jhteoufniflf, Chjp.i3,>a,a4. his way to luine froroit.if he doe not turnefrom bis uay , hee fiiall di; f jr his iniquitie, but thou ha& deliueredthy foule. 10 rherefjre.O thou fonne of man.rpeskavn to the 1 out; cf Uriel , Ti.usyeefpeak; and fay, If our iranfgrilTi J..S λλΔ our finnes be vpon vs, and wee are condtfaed btcaufeofth;m , "= how Ihould wee then liar-? 1 1 Say vnto them , As 1 liue , faith the Lord Go J , f I defire not the death ofthe wicked , but that the wicked turnefiomhi3v,a/ andHu2:tBtne you,furne you from your euil wayes.fjr why will ye die. Ο ye houfe of ifriel» 1 2 Therefore thou ibnne t f man , iay vnto tbt children of thy people. The irighteoofoeue of the righteous Hull notdeliutr him inthcday of his tranfgtcirton , nor the wickedneife cf the wicked fb*ilcaufe him to fall therein , in the day that hecrtturneth from his w ickednelle , neither Hull the rigueous line fjr his righteemfntjfi in the day that he finneth. 1 3 When I iliall feri, who when he hath bin among his Ihecpe that are feat- f "',*! f 'Ί 'u*' '"* i r Ml . /- . ,1 ο .111. »nJ lifelibour to tered , lo will I lecke ou: my Ibeepe κ wil deliuer i-„j, hi• Qieep• them out cf.lfplaces , where they haue bin icac-fn the pieafantpa- tered in f the douJy and da;ke day, k i""h '^ί" %"''* 13 And I will bring them out from the peo- jihei'r affllft^OT aai "^le.and gather them from the couotteys , and will f«ife f'ftny i biirg:hcm to their owne land, and feed them vp.»;'" ^ people thatptaike oftheeby the wjIIs and in the \ on the mcuntainssof Ifrael, by the riuets , and in Γπ I dooresofhouftsandfpeskionetoanothir, euery \ one to his brother , fa) irg , Coiie.T pray you,and ■ heare w'lat is § word that commetii from tlie Lord. 31 Fir they come vnto thee , as the people i we ill; ] point» :elfe word q Thiiiieclarrth that we onght to heart God» jvord ii^daffeaujo^btt ' ■^Z*''* focome; and my people fit before thee.and heare thy wordei , hut they will not doe thcra : for with iheir mouthcs they make q it ftes, andtbdt: heart g )eth af;er their coustoufoeire. 3 2 And lo.thou art vnto them.as a 5 iefti-g forg of one that hath a pl-afint voice, 8c can fug well : for they heare thy words.but th: y Joe thero not. 33 And when ibis comrneth to palTe (^for loe, it will come) then Ihall they know , that a Pro- phet hath bcene among them, j rieirtntion aod ji-iikeofhismJni- I tter»,a5 though j they were ieili to feruemrtiroMiBl IfjotahM. I I Or,pltifnnt,*>!i CHAP. X X X I r- i jltainlt thi fbtiheittii thntUcf^tfii theflttke ifChriff, HKi^tthnheir nvne piine. 7 The Li,r.if^,:h th.it hte VfiUtiifiie his difprrfej fleckt ', tnd gAther thorn i<^e. ther. 1} Hee frtmiftth (ht truf jjtefhtisri Ckrift, β«Λ wiihhtmfe^it. all the in inhabited places of the countrey 14 Iwilifiede them in a good pafture , and vpon the hie mountaines of Ifrael Hull their fold _ jirnm fe ii to com• hi Church in angeri. ; McaaiDg.fu.h I lift vp themf iudgement. 17 Alio you my flier pe , thus fay th the Lord Go l.Biholde, I iuJge bt::weene iheepeSc ilieepe kttwttne the rarts and the goats. \% Seemeth it a fmall thing vnto you to haue eaten vp the good ' pirture , but yee muH tread dp wn« wich your feet, the refidue of y our pafiura i an4 ; their be- hieD.and thitiks : gOHemed by b That ii.by put- ting difference be• tweeue the good ani the bad.aai fo giueto either ai theydefeuie. i Dy geod paOure and deepewatei» Ii ineaat the pure Word of God aai thetdiiuBiftiacioa of iu'tit», which chey did iiet cii- firi'juteto the poore till they had tor rupted it. e noble jplant k Meaning Chtift, ofwhomDauid vwimfijiure.Iere. 3». a hoie.j;. 1 Thii declartih that vuJer Chtiik thtflotk-fliould bs ttueiydeliuerrd ftcintinne, an! htU. acdfobefjfey prtfcrued in Λι Charch.wheie they 111 'uld R^ruer periflj, niTbefium of Godi grace Aiill »PHeariiagieat ibjadancembi• Cbuccb. 9 That ii.ihe rod thi« Ihall c( m: cui of the root of liUiijni.d,!. Chap*xjsxv. ixxxvj. Λ Where tb(>Idu «31 dwelt. b Wbeiiby iheit punilhiutnt I cal- led thrill from tbtrir iniquity, c ί«ί|" ''>"'» ffptiii ihjr fo!m;r cruelly. and tohiiw drunke of the deepe water», but yce muft trouble the refidue with your feet. 19 And my ilieepeeit that which ye haue tro- den with your feete.anddtinkc that which yee haue trouiitled with your feet, 20 Therefore thus faith the Lord God vnto theta , BehoId.I . enen I will iudge betweene the fat iheepe aiid the leane flieepe. ii BiCiuk ye haue tbruil wch fide and with (boulder , and pullit all the weake with your bornes.tillye haue icattered them abroad. ■ ζ I Therefore will I helfie my liieepe.and they fliall no more be fpoiled, 8c I will iud^e betweene iheepe and ilieepa. I? And I will fet vp a ihepheard ouer them, and he iliall fsede them.i«M my feruanti^ Dauid, he Ihall feede them, & he llialbe their ihipheard. 24 And I tbc Lord will be their God. and iny feruant Dauid fhall be the Prince among them , I the Lord haue i'poken it. 25• And I will make with them a couenant of peace , and I will caufe the euill beaft to ceafe out of the land, and they ihdl'dwtll fafely inthe wiUernes, and fl^epe in the woods. 16 And I will let them , as a bleffing , enen round aboDt my mcuntaine:and I will caufe raine to come dowae in due feafon : and there Ihall be taine of blciTlog. 27 And the '" tree of the field ihall yeeld her fruit , and the earth iliall giue be: fruit , and they fliall be fafe in their land , and ί1•>α11 know that I atp the Lord, wheni haue biokenthecoardesof their ycke , and deliuered them out of the hands of thofo that ferued therofelues of them. 28 And they fliall no nrarc be fpoileJ cf the heathen ,nei:hei iliall the beaftsof thelandde- UQ^re them , but they flull dwell fafdy.aod none fl.ialliBjke them afraid. 29 And will raife vpfor them a " plane of re* nowrae , and they Ihslbe no tuore conlueced with h!:nger in the land .ncithet beate the reptoach of the heathen any more. ■ 30 Thus /hall they vndeiftand.tbat I the Lord their God am witli them , and that laty, euen the houfe of lirael are my people, faith the Lord God. 31 Andyeemy rtiKpc.theflieepeof my pa- fture are iren , ΛηΗ I am your God, faith the Lord God. CHAP. XXXV. a The deRtudUn that ftiell ccme t» miunt Seir , lecaitfe thty troubledthe {etfle cflfratl. \Λ Oreouer.the word of the Lord caiue vnto *'-* me, faying, 2 Sonne of roan , Set thy face againftiEount a Seir, and prophecie againft it, 3 And fay vnto it , Thus faith the Lord Go ueredthero.but there was no breath in them. 37 And I vill put my fpirit within you , a»d 1 9 χ^ςη iaid he vnto {nee, Prophecie vnto the wir.de: TBe vnitieiof ail the tribes. Cfaap. bSignifymg,»!! parit whe:;ai the \(tiel\at i to carie away filuer and golde , to take away cattell and goods, Ληά to fpoile a great prey ? 14 Therefore, fonne ofman, prophecie , and fay vnto Gog, Thus faith the Lord God, I η that day, when my people of Ifrael' dwelleth fafe, Hialt thou not know it? Nn 2 ly And iliall ihinlse to haue the fpoyle of.heCh.rch. i Shjit not thou fpie thine occalioal tecr,meagiiolt my Church waei» tbty fufpeft thing? cftnidion Chr.ii I lof. tid. IS.g.-.fyinf.tbat eodw:i;bff,o- aifi, -a by ..umpi- ring hii Cbjicb, aad dslli.ying bii hi.byiif dc- tiL in»i oon» atfiidioD can come to tiieC-:ui-ch, rpotcbtry baus ice.whtitihey ojW cha: God fcath fo oideincd. Γ A I m-wni vvheie. byminllvwld ■ t to f Jilt h:m- fd'e, ilullfaile, theaf^AIAioo in thofedsy?t ihiU bffogieat,a-d l,:i-uft;onlh*Ub: .it.rb't. - Agjin't tUe people of G )g aod MigJg• * Chap. 3β jj. Ez< k'el. Or.dcilroy ihfe i Chap }%. 11, t> Meinir,g. that by the v!rtui of Gad» ward ihe >nii«m.llt>• •royr(^ wbeie- fcfu-r be affailecb tii>ChD.(.b. c Tbat i» , «mono η 11) CI of my psiiplf dw;il, inn- tl-ty nTuei CviittriefiSUt• 1 y And caitti from thy place out of the North pi-ts ,thou and much psople with thee ? all β-iS ride vpoQ horicj ,tneni great roultitudi 2nd a mighty armic. i6 And thou ilult corns vp againft my people of iTrael, as a cloud to cone,• theliiid , ilioa Ihsit beiiiche''- Utterdayes.andl will bring thee vp- on wy land, that t'ne heathen may know oiee, when I • Ibalibe finftilied in thee, Ο Gog. before their eyes. 1 7 Thus faich the Lord'God. Art not thcki he, of whotD I haue (poken in oUe time , '" bp the hands of rey firnamsthe Prophets oflfrael which propaecied in thofe uiyes and yeeres, that I would bring thee vpon them? 1 j Ac the fame time alfo when Gog /lull come aganft cheland oflfrael, fai;h the Lord God., my wrath ftillarife in roinzangir. 19 For in mine i idignation, and in the fire of my wrath haue 1 fpoken it : furely at that time there Ibiil be agreat fliaking in the hnd of lOael. io So that the fidies of the Ses.ind the fouks of the beauen , and »he beaSs or the helde,and all that m ioue and creepe vpon the earth , and all the raen that are vpon the earth , fhili tremble at my pref3nce,& the mountains iball b: ouettiirowen, and theiftajris ihall fall , and eiiery wall ihall fall to the grojnd. [ For I will call for a fword againft bin ο throughout all trfy raountaines , faita the Lord God : euery mans if/ord ibjll b; againft his bro- ther. ι And I will pleade againft him with pefti- lence.and with blood, and I will csufetoraine vpon him and vpon his bands , and vp jn the great people that are with him , a fore rai.ie , and haile- Uones, fire, and btirnftone. 13 Thus will I be * m igniiied, and fandifijd, andknowen in the eyes of many natiois.and they fiuUknow.that I am the Lord. CHAP. XXXI X Hi fii^KChthei itrullie» of Οοι,ΛπΛ M»;.'g- ii The fiauei efCtg ini hi, hmflt. 17 They jbillie deHdtrei <■/ UrAes aiU trei j.' ij IVhirefite ifn houfenf lf,ael isc*pti'4c. i^Their btin^iHi nixiiti- fto'Ac^ftiuitie ii fnm-.fcd. THercfure thou faiine of man , propVcie agaiiliGog &fiy,Tousfiich the Lord God, Rehoi J , I come ag/nil thee , Ο GDg , the chiefe prince of Milhech and Tubal. 2 And 1 will deftroy thee, a and Uauebutthe fixe part of thee «and will caufe thee to come vp from the Ν jrth puts, and will btiiig thee vpon the mountaines oflfrael: 3 And 1 will fmite thy bowe out of thy left Land , and I will caufi thine ar rowis to fall out of thy right hand. 4 ThouHbilt falfiypon the mountaine of Ifrael,and all thy bands and the people , that is with thee : for I will glue thee vnto tnc birds, and to eoery feathered f>;ulB and beau of the fidd to be deuous-ei y Thou (halt fall vpon the opeti fisU : for I haue fpoken i.fiitb the Lord God. 6 And I will frnd a fii-e on Magog.and among Ithem that dwell fafd/ in the ' yles, and they Iball ik^ow that lam the Lord. 7 So will I make reile holy Name knowen in Jthe raids of my people 1 frael , and 1 will not fuff.f jthem to pollute minj holy Ν ane any more , and khe heathen (bill know that I am thi Lord , the r°"" • A c>reBt facrificc. 8 Behold, "1 ip-iscome^and iti».V ■ -' h .h- Lord God ; this is Che day v/.ier ken. 9 And they that dwell in the ^....^cl ii i.' iball e goe forth , and Hull burn; and f;t fire vpon the weapons, and on the ibields, and bucklers, vp- on the bowes, and vpon ti.e atrowes.and vpon the ftaues in their hands, and vpon the fpearcs , and they (bill burne them with firefeuen yeeres. 10 So that they ihall bring no wood out of the field , neither cut downe «njout of tbefor- rcfts: for they ibdl burne th; weapons with fire, and they fliall robbe thofe that robbed them , and fpoyle thofe that fpoyled thecn.fayth the Lord God. 1 1 And at the fame time will I giue vnto Gog f a place there for buciall in Ifrael , etun the val- ley .whereby men goe toward the Eaft part of the fea : and it Iball caufe them that pafle by , to ftop th^r g noles , and there (ball they bury Gog witn alitiis rouldrude: and they Auli call i: the valley of II Haraon-Gog. I ζ ^ And leuen moneths long iball the houfe of Ifracl be burying of them , that they may cleanfe the land. 13' i'ea , all the people of the land iliall burie them. and they (liall haue a name, when I iliall be glorified , fiirh the Lord God. 14 And they Hull chufe out men togoconti' nualiy thorow the ' land with them that trauaile, to bury thofe that remaine vpon the ground , to cleanfe it : they iliullleaich to theendoffeuen moneths. ly And the traua'.lers that paffe through the land , i(any fee a mans bone.then fliiU he fit vpla fjgneby it .till the buriers haue buriedit in the valley of Hamon-Gog. 16 And alfo the name of the citje fhalibe II Ha monihithos fliall they cleanfe the land. 17 And thou fonneof man.thus frith the Lord GoJ.Sp.'akevnto euery featheied foule ,and to all the b:atls oftheheld.Alfemble your fs lues, and com;:k gather your fclaes on euery fiJe to my fa- . criiice : for I doe factifice a great lacrifici f jr you vpon the mountaines of If-ael. that yeemay eate fieib.anddiinke blood. 18 Vee fliail eate thefl.-ib of the valiant , and l'( dtinke the blood of the princes of the earth, of the weathers, of the lamhes.and of the goats , and of buliocks.ewn of all besfti of Bafhan. 19 And ye ll.alleat fat till ye be fuU.and driake blood till ye be drunken of my faccihce , which I hauifa;rrfi:ed for you. 20 Thus you (hall befilledat my table with horfes and chariots , with valiant men , and with all men of warr?, faith the Lord God. 21 Andl willfetroy glory aiBong the heathen, and all the heathen Ibili fee my i idgement , that I haue ex::cuted , and mine hand , which I haue laid vpon them. 21 So the houfe of Ifrael Jliall know I that I am the -Lord their God frottrtbat day and lb foorth. 23 And the heathen fliall know that the houfe of lira :1 went into cap[iuitie for 'their i liq iliie, becaafe tiiey trefpailed againft me:therefo;e Did I mv fiCf fro η thea:, and gaue the.-n into the hand of their eiTiraiis: fo fell they all by the fword 24 Accofding to thei-• vocliaiinelVe . and ac- cording to their tianfg-ctTuns haue I done vnto them, and Did my face tton them. 2) There- .s;uliyde- ei,iD luy chuiged. J tb.i dt- on th; Cb'..rchf.ullhau« liiids ind iU the'ii wujpjni bcciufe beyfluli nonijf« fearcibee.nfniT», andih.iitctiitfly meaat oftbc ac- mplilbaifnt of y ihcir hsad C.tiit.all es (lui: bi om?. f Which decltieih tbacihecnc.uiet flullbaufan odiblcfiU. Fjithelhokf f the csikt.iV». tl Or, the rnx'-tituis fG>g. h Meaning a long tii'.it. P-irtiy :hit the .!y land Ihguld .! pan ly for ibe: ]0, Whfreby bee inifinb Lschir bledinma.-n bitihiuldioiiu I Thf he.nbiB knjv-vthjt t...ryo..fr.a.n-n5t T.y tjplcrbytbElI llrengti ne.ther y t by ibcwceke- ^uflmerance trom captmme promiied» Cap> X L•» • <%*fi«.i}. t The liwei eeun. Kdtbebeginmng oftbryecic after two forurfor their fealtiithcy beg»Q to couDt ία March, and Tor their cfaei affjirei in Sep- em- ber : fo that thii 2t tobe vaderllood of Scptem! a Or.viftMs efCti. uine , wberevpoD u>*t as the bnilding cf a citie. j Ze T«rm>s ie it- duns : »r,Tht in»trc)Hit• iy -riierWere thus faith the Lord God.Now will 11^ ■ - - -hi captiuity of laakob , and haue ct ihe whole houfc of Ifrael , and VM,, w mine holy Nume, 26 At'er that they haue borne their ihame.anc} all their tranfgrtflion , whereby they baoe traof- grefTeu againU me.when they dwelt fafely in their land , and without feare of any, 27 When I haue brought them auine ftom the people , and gathered them out of their ene- niies lands , and am "^ iandihed in tbem ia the fight of many nations. 28 Then fhjU they know that I am the Lord their God , which caufed them to be Jed into cap- tiuitie among the heathen: but I haue gathered them vnto their owne land, and haue Ufi none of tbem any more there, Z9 Neither will I hide my face any more from them : for I haue powred out my Spitit vpon the bqufe of Ifrael ■ faith the Lord God. C Η A P. X L The refttittg tf the cttit and the Temple, 1 Ν the fiae and twentieth yeere of oiv being in ' captiuitie.in the* beginning of the yeere.intbe tenth day of the naonetb , in the fourteenth yeere after that the citie was fcritten ,in the Alfe fame day . the hand of the Lord was vpon mee , and brought me thither- 1 2 Into the land of Ifrael brought he me by D a | diuine νϊΩοπ, and fet me vpon a very high moun- ^n Angel witn aiyeature. 99 Atgeltn forroeof flMf out thii buiidinj. toward the South. 3 And be brought mee thither , and heholde, \ there D'4/ a "^ man, whofe fitrilitude was ro looke '> which was an ; to.likebraife.witbalinnen threedin his hand, ' and i reed to meafutc with ; and hee flood at the I gate. 4 And themanfaid vnto me, Sonne of man, behold with thine eyes,& heare with thine eares ! and fit thine heart vpon all thatliball ILewe ! thee : for to the intent that they might be Atcwcc ' thee.art thou brougiu hither: declare all that thou fecft vnto the houfe of Ifrael y And behold , lf*o) a wall on the outfi Je of the houfe round about : and in the mans hanc o>as a reed to meafure with, of fixe cubits long, by thecubite , and an hand breadth : fo he roealured , the breadth of the building with one teede.and ; the heiglu with one reed. I 6 Tnen came he vnto the gate which looketh . I toward the Ε aft , and went vp the ftaires thereof, ami meafured the D poft of the gate, which »4/one reed broad.and J the other poS of the gate , u>hich voas one reed broad. 7 And tmry chamber was one reed long , and one reed broad, and betweene the chambers iwre fiue cubits and the poli cf the gate by the porch of the gate within wa.> one reed 8 Hee meafured alfo the porch of the gate within with one reed. 9 Then meafiued he the porch of the gate of eight cubitis and the II poftes thereof, of two cu- bits.and the porch of the gate was inward. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE which beginneth verfe y ■ F I G V R Ε ^Or.lhrfPitli. { Of.vpf'.r f,,7. i Or.feMifei. PAKVIS'DEDEDANS, .. „ verfe {. The wall that cotupalTctb about the Ttmpi; and thecOLirrs.a• appe.ireth in the fecond.and in the great figure. A BThethiilt- nefT: of the wail wa» fixe cubitet: for Co long the reede WJt. A C The htigtt oftfae wall, wh was alfo fixe cubiu tbiiwall ned looo cubites, tbat 11, on the Ealt (IHmo. C Η And on the Ml Η I Aimuch oa tbeSou h lide. C Κ And th- Wert fi-e I Κ Thii wall did fep>r«te the Tem- ple from : he city, Cbap. 41 V• rf. 6 This gate in he great figi iimnkei witfaD vnto the which appertaioe feuea ftepi E. Thence theygoeinrothe porch, wh fixecbamheri F. Whic' cloferf with a wall G. Vetf. 7 Ε F β The length. The irea^th. Ε Ο G• The fpat» of fiue cubits betweene the ehamberiland fo much fpace wu on thii fide.and bryond the chamber•. G fiom the tt hold inward to the porch wai fixe cabin. A Β Β C The porlh. Ver/es. CD The vpper pottt, HI The breadth ef the alley of th« porch. Β C The length of the porch, which was inward. Nn 3 10 And' Tbe^undi?ig< £zek el• V^f.u. X, M. the bejj.h of'b-.^vi- theh-ighr AN. Verf.,1 Thefpace bifors the chain- bcrs , ai a linlcgal ! O. Verfe ,j. The biMith uf the lie poich ffom the vimalt cna n- to thegJici; i« the 14 i/(P hsfpeikiihofthe vpper poiles, or jp.-nt;f-s whi;h -n ;ilIw;rtr6ociib:•!: foi euery co»m'jer Ui»d iix?, lud ih: "le.'hu.'d . andiin- lofthedoore.ri- ei 11 Κ iiguit». Vnr•!. AD The r,r/:i7.Tce out• waid couit R fa fllled. becaufe it Wj« iheciiveaid ciurefpeaof ibeTe-iple , as ap- pcareth iu the greJt figure N. bu itis theinner court IB refpcftof tbe porch ■ ch haih bcene | dffcribed. S. The iech4iiib;ri, lifte:neoiia liie. The two little sates i. which are by th» g-tit gate Τ Vcrf.i9Th3 Thegite ofihe..iaf.co.n; triga!u'1ibe jiareol theouc- w.ul court Κ»Ίί jov.<.dtbrEill rihLiidiei ca « a Β γ/-. i> TfaSiU-.b £uaio the great ?a I F AuV Atί^ L.ir-« D F w'jich wjj tbi !-;ti2 b»f a cou'taivl ui» 10 And the Chamlers of the gate Eaft- Waril , tfere three en this fi Je , and three on tha fuk : they three trtri of one treafure , arxl the poftes had one mcafure on this lide , and one on that fiJe. 1 1 And he meafured the b eadth of the entry οΓ the gate rencubui ,4«i^ the height of the gate thirteene cubits. 1 1 The fpce aifo before the chambers o>ai one ciibite on thi.'fidt , 8c the Cpicetvas one cubite en ttwt Ijde , and the chaiEbas «rirt fixe cubites on this fiJe.and fixe cubits on that fide. 13 HsmjifureJthin the gate from the roofe of » chambfr to the top οι i\ii•- gats : the breadth ipΛΐ by the fide of the gites ouer agiinlt the length of the gates , and the pauement ipar bsneath. 19 Then bee meafured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate without, vato the forefront of the court wiihin , an hundred cubites Ei2ward and Ν jtihward. 20 And the gate of the outward court , that looked toward the North , meafured hee after the length and breadth thersof. ΪΙ Apd the charobeisrhcreofoiiri three on this fide .and three on that fide , and the iK)flej thereof and the arches theteuf were afier the meafute of thefirll gate : the iingth thereof trdj fiftie cubits , and the breadth hue and twentie cu- bites. az And their windowes. and their arches with their pilme trees, meri afrer the mjafareofthe gate that loolceth toward the Eaft , and the going vp vnto it had feuen Seps , and the arches thereof tP^r^lxforet^em. 23 And the gate of the inner court fioedoast agiiiift the gate toere windowes there in , and in the arches thereof round about : ir tt>a$ fiftie cubites long , and hue and twentie cubites broad. 34 And the arches thereof n>er Hf- tie cubites, and the breadth hue and twentie cu- bites. 37 And the poftes thereof were toward the vtter court , and palme trees wert vptjn the poftes thereof on this fide, and on that fide.and the going vptoit fciii eight fteps. 38 And tueiy chinib^r , and the entrie thereof rrai vnder the pjfts of the g*tes ; there they wa- ll:>ed the burnt offering. 39 And in the porch of the gate flood two ta- bles on this fide , and two tables on that fide, vpon the which they fljwe the burnt offering , and the finiie ofTiring , and the trefp.il3e oif-^ring . 40 And at the fide beyond the Sips.at the en- trie of the North gate flood two tables ,-andon the other fide , which was a: the porch of the gate were mo tables, 4 1 Foure tables jreri on this fide, and fuare ta- b!.-s on that fide by the Ude of the gate,f«f» eight tables whercvpon they ([cvf their facr'fict. ΔΙ And the foure tables trerf of hew en ftone for the burnt offering, of a cubit andanl-alfe long , and a cubiie and a halfe b.oad, and one cu- bite high .• wlierei'pon alfo they liide the i.ifiru- ruenrs wherewith they (lew the burnt cffrirgand thefactihce. 43 And within rvere borders an hand broad, faftened round about , and vpon jbe tables laj the fleiLoftheofiiog. 44 And without the inner gite aiere the cham- bers of the fingjrs w the inner court , which was at thefiJcofthc North gate : >.nd their profpeol rt>a' toward the South, and one im/ atthefide ofthcEaftgite , hauing the proipeil toward the North, J 4i Ani ortkTelp^e, ^eigh Verfii.Ti couit G. Ί ftepi are bid tb• buidiiig.but tbeys.elikeihrm of rhe Halt gate Q^ for all the court» We.e of oae niea- fur-e, cimBtitieani fiihioa. Verf^l Tbeidoer court oDtbe Ealb de N. anti Co in llhemuketblixe cui'ts, two so the Lift iioe , rwooi> iie Noith.aud tw» a the South liie, ooksr luthe great f't./3Sflefpea. ' le chain. t>eij , which were poiwh ofthe :oiirt on the Nonh file I, The eattyof the ch.in« berj , ihit li , the jore» were vnder the oppf r polti ot pectifei, which ged ouer the b It .aia'.fa did rur-r the gate. Looke in the great figure. yo-/>3i,.Iathe porch of ;he inner re foure 3l(S K.andi »n1 ai) halfe loi,g, ul as bro.id, and le cub.te high. Vtif. 44 The Cham. b-Tsin tii! inner h on^beNorib (i !e for the (inj. . , f-uttbe pn- fpeftiiii hndere tbe fi„ht , tbtrefere hol.r ihem which f inlhfEalt u.t fortliey are i alike: l.ktw.fe 1 tb^Sauihlile, a:• r^opbet mi )W in tbe Ead urt , woere hee wjbfuir th- I'liei!,, Tjiebuild^ings (Ca]>.XLI. of the Tiemple, n 4^ And he faid vnto me.This chamber whofe fpeit ij toward the Somh KfotihePrieiies, ktih of ihe two rown of cbiir.berj, which were the ionf r ccu(t N, wheieofthiy the North fiie ire for rn>n*tbitracrU ficed O. aad they on the South fiJe for themtbj' kept lh« Temple M, which cha.nberi were Eaft and by Sau^hasjhe othet• Ο were Eaft aod by North .Thefe maft be ffene in the great figure. Vttf 47.TheAl- P. Vi^'^+S Heentred by the gat* Q_jo come into the porch of ibe Temple R. The «which Tsmple i• here defcnbjd rcore be vnder. proipei ha toward the Somh that'haue charge tokeepe the houfe. 46 And the chamber whofe profpedt is toward the Nonh.B for the Ptiefts that haue the charge to keepe the Ahai : thefe are the fonnes of Zadok a.nong the fonnes of Leui , which may come nere to the Lord to DDinifter vnto him. 47 So be meafured the court an hundreth cu- bites bog, and an hundreth cubites broad . tuen foure fquare : likewifc the Altar t/;rtrw4x before the houfe. , f ,. 1 48 And hee brought roee to the porch of the | houfe , and meafured the pcfles of the porch . hue | cubites on this fiJe , and tiue cubites on that fide: j and the breadth of the gate was three cubites on this fide , and three cabiteson that fide• 49 The length of the porch B>rt/twentiecu- bits.and the bredth eleuen cubits.and hee brought m* by the fteps whereby they went vp to it , and thtre O>tre pillars by the poftes , one on this fide and another on that fids. large, becaufe the thing» heie mentioned, might the better /l+S. By the polti of the poftbliee nwnneth the wall which Wis fine cubitefthicft on either fide of the alley of porcjj i.a.Thetwoliit'egatei in the file of the pnrth J4. which «ere :o gee to the Priefti chambers that were by the Temple A B. Vnf 49. The length of tbt porch 10. cubites ,-. 6 And the bieadih eleuen, 7. S. The fteppet whereby the Prophet came into the porch of the Temple 9 7. The cwopillatt 10 C Η A P. X Ll. The iiffifithn e»d order of the hmlihig „fihe TempU', and the tther things thersto helotKing- Veif. 1 . The vpper po'itesor pentifct, mrao^ng. the topi of.hecbambert en the fides of the TAipli _ . _ urll It., and the third A mote Itiea the fecond. AFterward , bee brought mee to the Temple and meafured the poftis. fixe cubites broad , The fecond chamber G goeth cut mere tbta the Vi,f.i.Tae bieadih of the eutrie or gate tenne cub tes. Fiuicu. bites fic-m the iplewallto. gate en ei- •(ile EC DF, Ta; Irnst'a otfouitycubitei mihcT. iu?!s :e£o themoft ly place S. 1. Tfac brearith of tiecubite» ζ F- oc GP. Htfi-eikeih uothereofthe heighir iheief'^re it i> miJe (if thirty cubi:s according to Salottioai. Vnf. The Angel wentintothe moit ThrDoltofihe cntrii: . that iS| ibethrefhold. ' cr ihirktifffe of • the ■A'al! II I. Tfaega-iifiy.'CU- bitis Κ U The bie.-Jrho: either (i'ethe• Jtefeuea on the one fiiJe, and fixe cubites broad on f otbel• fide,w/jw/7 was the breadth of the Tabernacle. 2 And the breadth of the entrie a&: tan cu- bites , and the fides of the entrie iPirt• fine cuhiter, on the one fide , and Sue cubites on the other fide, and he treafured the length rhcreof forty ctibitcs, and the breadth twentie cubites. 3 Then went he in , and meafured the poftes of the entiie two cubites, and the eotrie fixe cu- bites,and the breadth of the entrie feuen cu- bites. 4 So he meafured the length thereof twenty cubites , and the breadth twentie cubites before the Teccple , and he faid vnto me,This is the moft holy place. J After , hee meafured the wall of the houfe, fixe cubites , and the breadth oieutry chamber foure cubites round about the houfe, on euery fide, 6 And the chatDbets rwri chamber vpon chambir , three and thiniefoote htgh.ina they „^„,.„ entred into the wall made for the charrbes s which h.,iy pi was round about the houk , that rhe pcftts might be fattened ther*i»,zna not be falienedinthe wallofthehouie. 7 And it wii large , and went round moun». ting vpward to the chambers : for the ftaire o; the houfe trtfs mounting vpward , round about the boufe : therefore the houfe was larger vpward : fo they went vp from the loweft chambirtQ the hieft by the mids, Verf. 4. The length twentie cubiiei G Ο , fo it was fquar . * Virf. ; chimber was foure cbbltes Q.!*• Tbefecoc,' fije ST . aid ibeih-.r Tbcie were thtte heights or liages ofcbamberi R S A. The lurniog ftaire canaut be fatwed in the figure , but may eafily bi epnctiued. Nn 4 8 I6w. nhte•. Virf. s- Thefi.ft Thebulldifes and Ezekiel VeriS.rbe fjun- Httionsoffixecu- bitei, mraning.the hie chamber w« anJ the neither from thence fee- 1 fo likewife, by t perpenlic'-i• Ur liue or plum- :t BZ. •rf. 9. The cham- ber without WiS lie chainb'i, and from that chamber ihe will wai but dae cu- iihicke, BXY: for downeward it at fixe CL.«. ■rf. 10 The chambers on the one fiJe Were di- ftaiit from thrm on the tber 1 twentie cubitei, which Wis the breadth of the Temple. •verf. 1 1 . The chambers on the l^orth fiile, ope- ned toward the rthV.and they on the South fide toward the South R. for there wa» an alley of fiue cubits round about the Temple V Z,and was fo nfedwilba a'l II. •r/.i». The buil- ding,ot the great I ace compaQVd with a wall, uf fiue cubits thicke, and was farther off the Temple then the alley,or fe[.ar»te place*, and this is insre plainely fet forth in the great igu-e. fer/'.ii.HedecU- etb that whatfoe- itrwjs of ft one worke from the faottome to the ρ , was couered ith wood on the Ealt,. South and natxhMt. verf.ii.the «Itar which was ihre cubits high Υ X, nd two cubiiei iongy z. I fiw alfo the houfe high round abouw. the foundations of the chambers a ere a full reede of fixe great cubits. 9 Thethickenefleofthewall which was for the chamber without, »4j fiue cubites , and that which remained , a>at the place of the chatubtrs that were within. 10 And betweene the chambers was the wide- nefle of twentie cubits round about the Houfe on euery fide. And the doores of the chambers were to- ward the place that remained, one doore toward the North , and another doore toward the South, and the breadth of the place that remained , »'4i fiue cQbites round about. 1 2 Now the building that was before the fe- parate place toward the Weft coitter.wa/ feuentie cubits broad , and the wall of the building was fiue cubits thicke round about , and the length ninetiecubites. I J So he meafured the houfe an hundreth cu- bits long, and the feparate place and the building with the walles thereof iPire an hundreth cubits long. 14 Alfo the treadthof the forefront of the houfe and of the feparats place toward the Eaft, o>as an hundreth cubits. 1 5" A nd he meafured the length of the buil- ding oner agairift the fcparatc place , which was behind it , and the chambers on the one fide and on the other fide an hundteth cubites with the Temple within.and the arches of thecout, 16 The poftesand the narrow windowes.acd the chambers round about , on three fides oner againfi the poSes , fieled with ctdar wood round about , and from the ground vp to the windowes and the windowes were fieled. 1 7 And from abone the doore, vnto the inner houfe and without , and by all the w toward the palme tree on the other fide : tlmt was it made through all the houf; round about. 20 From the ground vnto aboue the doore were Cherubims . and palme trees made as in the wall of the Temple. 2 1 Ttie pofts of the Temple were i^ired.and thus to looke vnto wdr the limilitade and iotiae of the S^niSuatie. 22 The altar of wood was three cubits high, and the length i^iereof two cubites , and the cor- ner thereof and the length thereof and the fides thtreodvere of wood. And he faid vnto me, This is the Table ihat fluU be before the Loid. 23 And the Temple and the Saootuarle had two doores. 24 And the doores had two wickets, <«?» two turning wickets , two wickets for one doore , and two wickets far another doore. 2 y And vpon the doores of the Temple there were made Cherubims and paime trees, like as was made vpon the walks , and there were thicke planks vpon the forefront of the porch without. 26 And there o>tre narrowe windowes and palme trees on the one fide, and ok the other lide, chambers oft' He Templeyi by the fides of the porch ,and vpon the fides of the houfcatid tSiicke plankcs. CHAP. X L I L Oftht chamber! ef the Ttm[lc fur the PiricHs, nniihe , T'Hen'brouglit he me intotheyttercoattby the %tlilhfiXu way toward the North, and he brought mee »ndb,eadth of tin into the chamber that was ouer againft the fepa- Tempie , he com- rate place, and which was before the building ™,;'^'|j'°^^»^°;||-^^ toward the North. Kouhfide'T. Thii 2 Before the lenght of an hundreth cubits.wtfi ap^eiretb in tie the North doore.and it was fifty cubits broad. b'rOugh? mliifto 3 Ouet againft the twenty cubites which wete the chamber , that for the inner court , and ouer againft the paue-' '•. the row ef ment. which was for the vtter court.was chamber ^,'™';"^^,^^ ^'^^ againft chamber in three rowes. feparaie place 4 And before the chambers wrfi a gallery of we(t ward. ten cubits wide, and within was a way of one cu-' J^^h ,hat" hT'*' bite.and their docres toward the Notth. ; Nonh was an . 5• Now the chambers aboue were narrower : hundreth cubitet for thofe chimhtts ftemed to eate vp thefe.io wif.ji^" ^"^.^ fiftie" b'°x the lower, and thofe that were in the niidft of the, ^,^,); 4. rhisgai. building. Uerie appeareth in 6 For they were in three rowes , but had not ''. * J« g'"t figu« bj . . '. I• , ./•.!_ this number n, verf. f. Thefe nbeis were contrary fafliio- them of pillars as the pill- is of the court : therefore there was a difference from them beneath and from the middlcmoft.iiii» from the ground. 7 And the wall that was without ouer againft the chambers , toward the vtter court on the fore•* front of the chambers, ινΛί fifty cubits long. 8 For the leng t of the chambers that were in the vtter court ,u>as hfcy cubits,and loe.before the Temple mere an hundteth cubites. 9 And vnder thefe chambers wat the entry, on the Eai^ fide, as one goeth into them from the outward court. 10 Tbe chambers a>ere in the thickeneffe ofT, the wall of the court towjrd the fcait, ouer gaicft the fep.rate pUce,and euer againft the buiU ^ ding ] 1 1 And the way befote them was after the t' manner of the chambers, which were towsrii the p/r/"• North, as long as they, and as broi'! is ι'τ.•/ ; aad all their entries were fike , both atco; uiiig to their falhions,and accot'diog to their doores. 12 Andaccoidii'g tothe doores of the cham- bers, tliat wete towara tbe South , was a doore in he Tempi i/fr/: S. So thit the f/alloftbechaitJ- >ei I of the out- ward court and the wall of the er , was either iecubiicl , and •- whole court hundreth. verf. 9 Vnder tb((i hjinbiTs were opalfc ircmoi The ;hambin5 Ρ of the • court Μ were i to the cb.-m- • of the North the corner of the way , euen the way dircdiy be- the Eait gate to- fore the wall toward the Eait.as one entreth. !ί^^ somh^°" ni 13 Then faid he vnto me.Tiie North chambers 'rwarTthe^fep». and the South chambers which are before the fe- »ae place 01 bjck parate place, they be noly chacpbsrs, wherein the build(ng4. which Priefts that approach vnto the Lord ,lhall eate the iedhoiy'b-caufe moft holy things : there fliall they lay the moft they were by the holy things , and the meat ofTring, and the finne τ«'"ρΐ< oSV ring , and the treipalfe oftring ; for the place » holy. 1 4 When the Priefts enter therein , they Hiall not go out of the holy place into the vtter court, but there they Hull lay their garments whereiti they miniftei , for they are holy, and fkall put on other girments , and fo H^all approach to thofe thir>gs,which are fot the people. I J Now when he had made an end of meafu- ting the inne? houfe.he brought me forth toward thegate whofe profpeft is toward the Baft , and meafured it round about, 1 6 He meafured the Eaft fide with the mcafu• ring rodde > fiue hundreth reedes . eue» with the meafuring reede roundabout. 17 Hi maafuied alfi the Notth fid^ fiue bun' dteth f I}, which ibers were is ^odreturnfcd. The Chap mi Altar deicr bed, io| * Chap. 9.3, a when I pro• pbecied thede• nruftiouofthe citieof cheCal- draci. b Which nu depaiied afore, Cbap.io^ and .v'i dreth reeds, eutn wdth the meafuriog reede round about. 18 And bemeafured the South li fide fiue hun. dreth reedes with the meafuting reede. 1 9 He turned about alfo to the Weft fide, and mealuredHuebundretb reeds with the meafuring j reede. _ j 20 Hemeafureditby thefourefjdes; ithada wall round about , hue hundreth rttdts long , and fiue hundreth broade to make afeparation be« tweene the Sanduary ,and the prophane place. CHAP. X L 1 1 1. a Heftnh the gUr) of God going tntt tie Temple, from ivheiice It hai before depArlei. 7 Hementioneththe iitlatrie of the children of Ifrael, for the which they were conftimfd'inihrought to nought. 9 He ticom- mattdidi) call them Againt to rtpentance. ι AFterward he brought me to the gate,nnff of man.thus faith theLordGo£i,Ther;are thecrlinancts of the akar in the day when thej- fl^almake it toofier the burnt ofFringthereor.Sc to fprinkle blood cheron. i^ And tho« nialt giue to the Pticftes» andto th« I'ii'/.ij.Themidt or botiome A, which was acubitt Β C aod a cubite broad ΰ Σ>, Ver.jT.TbeftiiM wbemvOn the S piece ftood,ii foufteenecubrtei: fer CD every fide it it lodger, by a cubite theu the vppermoft Ε I, L M. The vnclrcumcifcd in heart. iEir fill h,s haul ate D in the giea: figure Msanin?, frrm thecimmonpro- plc , bjc Dot fiom thePriefts, nor hf Piincf.rejJe Clijp.4(S. S.s). b for ihry baJ brcupht kiola- «eri A'hich Were efo.berwu,•,- ttty» .to teacb th-ni their idoli- try , Chap »3•40, t'if«dvntomeeac- foidiugtomy Li- the Leuices that be ofthefeede of Zadok, which ! approach vnto race.to minifler vnto rnse.fsyththe ', Lord God.a yong bullocke fer a finne oflsriog. j 10 And thou Ihalt take of the blood thereof.and pjt it on the foura homes of it , and on the foure corners of thefra tie , aoj vpon the border rounil about ; thus Ihak thou cleanic; it . and riconcileit. ζ I Thou fliilttake thi bullocke alio of the finne cfTiing , andbunieit in the appointed piace of the hou(e without the Sjndluary. 21 But the fecond day thou ilijlt offer an hee goat without bieiriilh Lr a finneofTring.and they' iJiilLcJeanKi the aitar , as they did clianjc it with thi bullocke. 15 When thou haSi made an end of cleanfing ir, thoj Ih lit offer a yong bullock without bleniiih, and a racame out of the fljcke without blemi'lh. 24 And thou ilialt oiFef them before the Lord, and the Priefts fliail cait fait vpon them,a!-id they ihall offer them for a burrxt off: ing vnto th? L^rd. 2y Seuen dayes ilialt thou prepare euery day an hee goat foraHnue offering; they ihallalfo prepare a yong bullocke anJarimmsout of the fljcke without blercilb. z6 Thus (hall they feuen dayes purifis the al- tar.and cleanle ir.jnd t cotiiecrate it. 27 And when tiiefe daycs are txpired vpon the eight day and fo forth.the Pi li lb Hull make your burnt ofTiings vpon the altar . and your peace of- ferings.aiid Ϊ wifl accept you.fayththe Lo:d God. CHAP. X L U 1 1. h liepc>pUf„thr^,cffmce. 7. The vHcir. •eart.PMi ,h ihe βιβ). 9 IVho Are t> be s.iv.n- iU vflia is he refuf- 4. "|~Hin hee brought me tow.rd thegatecfthe J•- outward Sandluarie , whicn turnetfa toward the Eaft,3nd it was fhut. 2 Tiien fayd the Lord vnto me.This gate (liall be » {h-jt,a>id HuW not be opened.and do man liial enter by it. becaufetheLord GodofUuelhath entred by it , and it fViali be ihut, Ji It appertaiieth to the Prince : the Prince hitrfeife iliail fit in it to eat bread before the Lord» l)ee fhaii enter by the way cf the porch of that gate.and ihall goe out by the way of tbefaoje. 4 f Then brought he inee toward the North gate before the houfe : and when I looked . be- hold .the glory of the Lord filled the houfe of the Lord, and ί fell vpon rtiy fice. y And the Lord fayd vn-o rae.Sonne of man, i marke well & behold with thine cyes.and beare witli thine eares.all j ί ίιγ vn;o thee, concerning all the ordinances of the houfe of the LcrJ.and i.l the lawes thereof.Scmarke well f entring in of the houle with euery going forth of the Sanduarje. 6 And thou Uiilt lay to the rebellious , ««{» to the houfe of Ifrael , Thus fayth the Lord God, Ο houfe of Urael .yee haueeoough of all your ibofuinstions. 7 Seeing that ye hai:e brought into my San- iiuary b (Grangers vncircurrciled in heart and vn- circumcifed in Α;Πι . to be in my Sarfl-uary , to pollute iMue houfe, when ye offer my btti<.],euen fat , and blood •. anc! they haue broken my coue- nant, becaufe of «II your abominations 8 For yee hauc not kep: the' ordinances of mine holy things; bu; yaw yan felues haue fet «f^er to take the charge of mvSanaaary _ 9 Thus fayth the Lord God , No lirangrr vn- cucutccifed u heart , nor vncitcumcifed in fltfli, fl:ili entei into my San(auary,ofany Uranger 'hiciT than's s hthe ! 10 The Ppeils office. Het reprctne cnmnfid in ted 10 the fer (Vhicb obferiiej :he ί.ι,,-οί Sod, feliooEte idoUcrie, among the children of^frsel. I Neiiher yet i^hedLeuires tbat are gone U ^hs LruitM backs from me , when ifrad went aftray , which Γ^',',Ι^ id^j,""':• went aftray from roee ai'ter their idoles , but they U-^c pu;''ffom' Iball beare their ioiquitie. jtheirt'i^nitie ml 1 1 And they fiiaJi ferue in my Sarftuaiy , and l„'j"„°" "?- "Ί'• keeps the gates of the Houfe , and η ia;fter in the Γ«ςί,">ΐιί.ουΓΒ"^* H:;ufe ; they Uull flay ihe burnt ofTiiing and the fhty ha.^ beenecrf fdcnfice forthe people ; and they ihall ttand be- h''' '"^"j''^'^*' fore the.-Ώ to ferue them. keTuTin ιί•\ο{,ή-α 11 Becaufe they ferued before their idoles.and loifi.o, at to watch cjufed y houfe of Ifrael to fall iutoiniquity.thcre- gn^ :» ■''•«,-'! the fere haue I lift rpmine hand agiinii them, fayth (,_°^7ο' '"''* the Lord God.and they fliall beare their iniquitie, 13 An 1 they ilnUnot comeneere vnto meto doe the office of the Prieit vnto me, neither iliail they corns: neere vnto iny of mine holy things in the moft holy placr, but they friall beare their ihame , and their abotLinations , which they haue Gommitted. 14 And I will make them keepers of the watch cf ttie Η jufe , for all the feruice thereof, and for all that fliall be done therein. 1 y But the Pritfts of ciie Leoites.the fonoes of Zaclok. thatc kept the charge of my Sandluari! When the coildren of I frael went afiray ί ora m; they ihili come necre to race to fwue mee . and they (liiilitand bif^r.-. me to offer me the fat and the blood .fayth the Lord God. 16 They ihall enter intoroySanduary, and llwll come necre to my table , to fccue mee , and they ihall keepa my charge. 17 And when th£y lhall enter in at the gates of the inner court, they fliall be cloathed withiinncn garmens. 8c no wool fliall come vpon them while chey ferue in the gitesof;^ inner court,& wichi 18 They ftial hewe linrfC'bonets vpon their heads, and (iiellhaue linnen breeches vpon their by nes: they ihall not gird thefelues in the fweat ing /»/<»(:// 19 But when they gx foortb into the vtter court , euen to the vtter court to the people , they fliUl put off their garments , wherein they mini Hred.and lay them in the holy chambers.and they fliall put on other garmeats : for tbey ihall not iandtihe the people with their garooenis. 20 They fiiall not alfo *■ fliaue their heads.nor fuffer their lockes to grow long , but round their heads. 2 1 * Neither fliall any Priefts drioke wine when they enter into the inner court. 22 Neither flull they take for their * wiues a wi iow,or her that is diuorced : but they fliall take maidens of the feed of the houfe of Ifrael.or a wi- dov/ that hath beene the widow of a PritS. 23 And they fliall teach nsy people the differtnce betweene the holy and propbane. and came theni to difcerne betweene the vncleaee and the cleane. 24 And in controuerfie they .fliall fiatid to iudge, and they fliall iudge it according to my iudge- racnts : and tbey ihall keepe my lawes and m/ ftamtes in all mine aflemblies, and tiiey fliall fan• olifie my Sabbaths. 2 y * And they ihal come at no dead perfon to de- file thecfelues.except JtriiiV father or raother,or for.ne or daughtet.brotbet or lifter, that hath hacl yet nnce husband .-i» theft roay they g be denied, 26 And when he is cleanfed, they fliall reckon vnto him feuen dayes. .27 And when lie goeth into tha9in(aaary,vn. to the ini:er courtjto miniflcr in the Sanduar r,be il«H offct his tinneofferiDg.iayth ths Lord God — : \ iSLlM tf*iMi,i,i,II g Th-y m»y be It bjriall. which WM a defi- ling. TH^and dauidt:d• X:hap.xlv.xivj, XJt teaiis auu υΐί;;ιιιι^*>, iqj a 0{' all the Und oflfiielthetoid oiely t« TheProphit fliewerhtbaitbi beads mul) be Ml reformed aloie a:iy good order can bs eftiblifhed aidKOs tbe i>eop!e• c Epbib and Dich were totb ot'one <^tljnttty , fauetbftt Etihthconreioed i;iHiiethiDsi ihit wsich Barb did in licojr, Ltuit /, II. 1 Kii.gtj, II. * Exti.y^, ij. Ze»i« «7, zs. Knmi. 3,47. 28 * AndthePriiyifceeiitallbetheitinheri. tance , yea, I am their ioherirarce : therefoie ihtW ye giu3 them no pofl'cffion in Ifracl.forl am their poiiciD )n. 29 They fliall eate the meat offering , and tbe fmne cffiiiog , and the trefpafie offeting , and e- Uif y delicite thing in J frael ilialbe theirs. 30 * An J all the til ft of all the ti. ft bo; ne, and euery oblation, tuen all of euery fort of your obla- tions Uulbs thernetts. Yc ibiH alio gine vnto the Pfieft the firft of your dough . that hee rcay caufe the bieffing to reft in tl.ine houfe. 3 1 Tne Priefts il-^ll not eat of sny thing that is * dead , 01 torne , whether it be foule or oeali. CHAP. XLV. I Out of the UntC of frtmii't are there fepxratefouri pn- tions , of which the fir β li liten tithe Prieitei ana «o the Temple , the fccetiit t the Leuitef , iAe tktri to thr fit;, the fcttub tcthepince. 9 Aa exhortatttninl» iheheKaitflfreel. 10 Of tnU xveighti enimiAfHUi. H Of the firii fruits, iic. MO.-eouer , when yee fliill dinide the land for inheiitance , yee Ihali offer an oblation vnto the Lord an «holy jx)rtion of the land , h*e and twentie thoufand reeds long , and ten tbouiand broad : this iball be holy in all tbe borders thereof round about. 2 Of this there fnali be for the Sanduary hue hundteth in ttn^th , with fiue hundicth tti brcaath, allfi^naie rounu about, and ififiy cubits round a- bout for the fubutbs thereof. 3 And of this rccafure ihalt tiiou reeafure the length of Sue and twenty thoufand.anti the breadth of ten thoiifaod : and in it llall be the Sanduaty, rtfliithemoftholy pUce. 4 The holy portion of the land iball be the '■ Piieftes , which micifter in the Sanduary . ^\ hch come neeretoferue the L«td : and it ihall be a place for their houfcs , and an holy pl^cs for the Sandiiary. ^ r i r f And in the fiae and twenty thouUnd ct length , and the tenthouiand cf breadth il«ll the Lcuites that rcinifter in the houfe , haue ifieir ■poCTefli in f jr twenty charabets. 6 Alio ye lha!l appoint tha poffeffioii of the city .Hue thoufand broad.andfiaeand twenty thou- find long ouet agiii'.ft cheoblaiion of the holy por- tion : it fliilbe fur the whole houfe of Ifratl. 7 And aportionfhalbt for the prince of the one fide, and on that fide cf the oblation of the holy portion , andof thepoiicffionofthecitie, entn before the oblaion of the holy i>ottion, and before thepoflefsion ofthecitie from the Weft corner Wdkward , and fom the Esfi: corner Eafiward , and the length /fcj.'ti by one of the portions fiom the Weft border vnto the EaS border. 8 In this land ihall be his poffiffijn in Ifrael : 4odmy princes ftiallnorooreoppreHs roy people, and tht rejt of the UnJ'ih^U they giue to the houfe of Ifrael .according totbeir tribes. 9 Thus fayetb the Lord God , Let it ^ fufBce you, Op.incesofifratfl: leaue offcfueltieand oppreiBon , and execute iudgenaent and iuftice : tuke away yom <:xidions ftotu my people , fayeth the Lord God 10 Yelbilii -ueiuft balances, and a true' E- phah , itnd a tru-^^yth. π TheEpbuandtheBjthlliillbeeqjall :a Ba* Hiall coiAaine tbe tenth part of an Homer , and an Ephah the tenth patt of 4η Homer : the e• quality thereof ft.albe after the Homer. 11 ''And tbe IbeKel fhali bt iwent j Getahs ^ , tbree- il'.ekeli make gbt called MiDa, f.irheiry. h tbf fe three pir:t CO a Mini. tVbicb wai Ui• fao , cocteioiog part of March aai . ofAHil. Λ»ί/ twenty fi-.ekels , and ^ fiue ar^d twenty iliekels'^ Tb and fifieene Ibtktls il:iilbe yout Maneh . j^'°,'' 1 3 f This is the oblation that yelbal! offer, tbe lix' part of an Ephah of an Homer ofwheate and yee Ihall giue the fixt part of an Ephah of an Homer of Batley. 14 Concerning the ordinance of the Dyle.itien cf the Bathofoylc , ;e//ji!//ejfir the tenth part of a Bath out cf the Coi ( ten Baths er« an H^mer : for ren Baths fiil an Honier) 1 y And one Liirt.be of two bundreth fbeeps out of the fat paUures of lOatl for a meate oSe ring , and for a burnt offering and for peace offe• riiigs, to make reconciliation tor them , faith the Lord God. 16 All the people of the lande iliall ^jW this oblation k r the prince in Krael. 17 And it ihalbe the princes part to giiie burnt off ings, and meate cffrings, and drinke offerings in the tolemne feafts and in tbe new mcones, at^ in the Sabbaths, and in all the fie ftaftes of tht houfe of Ifrael: be Ibai prepare the (Innecffring and the meate oflering.snd the burnt cffring.and the peace offrirgs to make teconciliation foi the hcideof Illael. 18 ί Thus faith the Lord God , In the fjift moneth, in the htft day of the e moneth.thoii Ibalt take a yong bullotkc v.i.boui bleiLilb aud cleanfe the Sar.obary. 19 And the Pfieft fliall take of the blood of the llnne offering , and put it vpon the pofte•. of U Or.aurt. the houfe . and \•\\)•^ the foute ί corners of the frame of the altar, and vpon the p^ft:sof tbegaie ofthe inner court. 20 And fo llialt thou doe the feuenth dayo the iBoneth. fo' cutty one thzt badi entd.anu toi him that is dectiued : lb ibill you tecor.cik the boiife. 21 * In the firft monet'i in tbe fourteenth day ofthe moneth.ye Ihallbave ihePalkotitr, a f of leu&n daycs, and yee flialleate vnleaue^ed bread. 22 And vpon that day.'fl-.all the prince prepare for himttlfeand for all the people oftheiaad.a biliocke fof a finne ofi'eiieg. 23 'And in the feuen dayes ofthe feaft he ihall make a burnt cffeiiiig to t.'ie Lord , euen ef feuco ] bullockti , and ieuen taiues without bkmilh tiavly for feuen dayes , and an bee goate dayly for a finne offering. 24 Andhetballp'epare ameatofftingofan Ephah for a bullocke, an Ephah for a ramme . and an ^Kin ofoylefof an Eptiah. 2,- In the feuentb moutth, in the fifteenth day ofthe moneth, ftiail he do•,• the like in the feaft for feuen day«s , according to the Iwne cffeting. ac cording to the bjtnt ofiering , ard according to the meate offer ing.and according to the ojle. C Η A P. XLV r. 1 ' The ficrificfi ef ike SMi.uh ani «/ the nev metnt. S Thntrvvihuh ioaici lAej txuji goe in, nftmotuttf the Temple, lu-c. THUS faith the Lotd Go J . The gate ofthe in- ner court , that lumetn toward theEaft , iball be iliut the fixe working dayes : buron the S-b. bath it fbalbe openen i audio tbe day ofthe new laoone it fhaibe opened. 2 And the p. ince ftvU enter f»y the way cf the porch of that gate without, and ll'.ill ftandby tiiepoft-;of ihe'^ate , and the Prints Iball make bis burnt offstiog, and bis peace ofierings. and ha Iball ZtNi/. 13,5. ί Reade ExqiU?, Vitfe I. The iarer ; gjte Q_ bMejnlaz.as h• fltUl tbiakc gooi. Oerfe^. Hi that entttih ία b/ the by jareD andcontraiy ■ni in ί',οιπί for- ward th»y wor• ihipppd in ibe ciijftM. b Offerings at ieaCies. iball worfliip at the thtefliold of the gale : after he Ω12ΙΙ go focth.buc the gate lluil not bi fliut till the euetiing 3 Likewife the people of the land fliaUwor- ibipatthe entry of this gate before the Lorti on the Sabbaths, and in the new raoones- 4 And the burnt offring that the prince fliall oS'et unto the Lord on the Sabbath day. [hdl be (ix£ lambes without blemilli , and a ram witboac blemiih• 5 And the meat ofFring/64// be an Epbah for a | 1! iBO'-h ij rarn ; and the meat offering for the lambs » a gift ί of his haiid.andan Hinofoyletoan Ephah. \ 6 Andin theday ofthenewmoone ίί/'/'Λ/Ζέ'* ! a yoig ballocke without blerciil•), and iixe lainbs j and a ram : they ihalbe without bieroiih. j 7 And he Ihall prepare a tneat offiing,c««« an i Ephah for a bullocke, and an Ephah for a rare, and j 4'or the lambs ^ according as his hand fliall bring, ; and an Hin of oyle to an Ephah. 8 And when the prince Ihali enter, he ilull go3 in by the way of the porch of that gate , and he ihall go forth by the way thereof. 9 But when the people oi the land fiiall cotne . , before the Lord in the folenane fcafts,he y entreth I '^:it Ty'.k.t'L• i" by the way of the North gate to wota.ip . ihall go out by the way of the South gate : and he that entreth by the way of the South gate.ihsl go forth by the way of the North gate : he iliall not retume by the way of the gate wbereby he came in , but i they lliall go forth ouer againft it. 10 And the prince fliiilbe in the midS of them: be flull go in when they go in, and when they go forth, they fliall go forth together. 1 1 And in the feaftes , and in the folemnities the meate ofTfing fliall be an Ephah to a bul- locke, and an Ephah to a ram, and to the lambes, the gift of his hand , and an Hin of oyle to an E- phah. I ζ Now when the prince fliall make a fre e barnt offering , or peace offerings freely tnto the Lord, pne flitl then open him the gate y^ turneth toward : the Eaft , and he Iball make bis burnt offring and I bis peace offriogs , as he did on the Sabbath day : ί after he fliall go forth , and when he is gotte forth, | one fhall Πμκ the gate. I 13 Thouibalt daily make a burnt offring vn- ' to the Lord of a lambeofone yeere, without ble- j vaiih : thou Ibalt doe it euery morning. ; 14 And thou Qialt prepare a meat offring for it ' eoery morning, the hxtpart of an Ephah, and the | third part of an Hin of oyle , to mingle with the i fineflowre-.t^ii meat offring flialbe continually by > a perpetuall ordinance vnto the Lotd. I y Thus ihall they prepare the lambe, and the | meateoffiing, and the oyle euery morning, fora | continuall burnt offering. | 16 f Thusiaieth the Lord God,If the princ2 j giueagiftof his inheritancevntoany ofhisfons, j it ihall be his fonnes,4Si< it ilialbe their poUtiBan 1 by inheritance. 17 Butifhegiue a gift of bis inheritance to Ezekieli The vifion of phe waters. 19 chambers of the Priefts which ftood toward the jweie at ihuiide of j ί North : and behold, there was a place at the Weft *^ 3,"'"'" ""^/'/ I Γ 1 Γ i. !thi Norm : and fo udaofthem. I JO Then fayd he vnto me, This is the place where the Prie/ls Ihall fceth the ticfpitVe offring j and t.he fmne offering , where they Ihall bake the j meat uffiin^, that they Ihuuld not beare them in- I to the vtter court, ' to lanitihe the people. '•'^°<=' 'o"t,a• -. \ 1 1 Then he brought me for th into the vtter Cc?w^! ^t"i ί court, and caufed me to goe by the foure corners kow i of the court : and behold , in euery cornet of the ^^. ! eourt there »<»ί a court. j 22 In the foure corners of the court there :ommrthio the )ljce which wai on heVVtulidc: S, /VhicU vtrfc2;.ii :ailed tbevtLcr court in tefyctt of ihe lane, court, a• alfa I refpedl of That the people illju.d not ban. bole • ere courts ioynedof fourtie cubth long, and 'hnigsvvnicaapper. thirtie broad : thefe foure corners were of one " ■--^-j tEeafure. ^ to than 23 And there went a wall about them, tuen -'«>•/' a»• The in about tbofe foure . and kitchins were made vnder the walles round about. 24 Then fayd he vnto me, This is the kitchin where the minifters of the houfe ihall feethe the factifics of the people. CHAP. XLVII. Thcvifion of the vaterf th»t came cut of the Temple. «3 Thetsaflsof the Uni <>{fri,mife, and the dtuifitn thereof b} tribes. Λ Fterward he brought mee vnto t the houfe : and behold , » waters long 7,8, and thiny broad 8,9, •>id7,9, ' 1}. About the wallei of thtrfe little courii.wbicb were ashiichim, were little chaiuberi for the csoket.i'O. thedoore of ^"•("^'^''"1^ :rs liiucd out Lndfrunvadnthe from vnder the threiliold of the houfe Eaitwird :ftbr Then he brought me,and caufed -cMeaaing.the me to returne to the brinkeof the riuer, c Which vvai ttthi oneofhisferuants.then it llialbehis to thee yeere Iubile,Leuit.a d Bat b; content with ibat poitioa that GM hath alTigned hiin,as Chip.,j;,8, of liberty ; after , it- fliall retutne to the Prince, but his inheritance fliallreraaine to hisfoanesfor them. 1 8 Moreonet the prince fliall not ^ take of the peoples inheritance, nor thruft them out of their poffeiQiniiiti he ilull caufe his fonnes to inherite of his owne poffeiTion.r'iat ray people b} not fcat- tered euery man from his poUeffi ju . ;ftbeni 7 Now when I returned, behold,atthebrinke.:f,eniei°bythe'^r. ofthe riuer Wire very many «trees on the one fideinruaii water», and on the other. ,'', shewing that thej 8 Then fayd he vRto me . Thefe waters iffue f,Tct7Zu b'% out toward the Eaff countrey , and runne downe into the plaine, and lluU goe into one «^ fea : they lliall runne into Another kt, and the « waters fliall be wholefome. great, that all the world ihoul.! bt fu thereof, which is here luejnt by the rerlian fea, or Ge• I 9 And euery thing that liueth, which mooueth, ""««'>.»οΊι>« I wherefoeuer the riuers fliall come , fliall Hue. and ri\^.?'^^'u"."\ there ihall be a very grcatmuhitudcofhfli, be- caufe thefe waters fliall come thither ; for they ihall be wholefome , and euery thieg fliall Hue whither the riuer commecb• lo And e The water» which ofnatureirifair, tni vnwholefome fhalbr made fweet and cemfortiblc. Ttiebordeis.and Chap, xi n\]< portions of the ^ribcs . i 03 { Sip,n Tyinj, that wbi/'a Cci Beltow- hhis iii'icifi ia f.icha'junJi.ict, lb «hcit preichng ίι1ιοΐί(Γ»Ί fea b Tbey flulbe here ofa'.lfoitt, andii aigre [ abundance O^can where they bred, i Thatii,itio- base. Or, tree for meite. Or, for irnilfl * Ct». 48. »»• #Gi« IJ.7. Λ«ι1 J. and If iS. if,S,4,X)f<.t34.*. k By th: Uai of promifehefignifiitl» the fpiri.Uili land whereof chii Aas figure. ■ Or;M'• I Meaninj;, tlann ihisfpiriiu.llliing- domethfliftliuld be no difference be- tween- lew LOt 0«)ule,b"t'.hst.l {houlJ be pa tjknj cfihiiiobetitance iu the of fe the maine fea,' ex reeding many. 11 But i the mirie pjjces thereof, and <-^- '"*" ;r^ 'i^^r^nf (hiW nnr u» ...u.j.rvojc . they lualbe roade fait pits. 1 2 Andby thistiuervponthebtinke thereof, on this fide, and on that fide Πι ill grow all ii fruit- full trees, vvhofclsafe iluUnot fade , neither fliall the fniite thereof fiile : it Ihiil bring fo'th new fruit according to his naonechs , becaufe their wa- ters run out of the Sanduary ; and the fruit there- of ihalbemeate, atid the leafe thereof iliall be for II medicine. 13 f Thus faith the Lord God, This ihalbe the border, whereby ye (hall inhetite the land accor- ding to the twelue tribes '^ cf Ifrael : lofeph fihall haue tive portions. 14 And ye ihall inherit it, one at well as ano- ther : * concerniog the wt:ich 1 lift vp mine hand to giue it vnto your fathers, and this land flial! fall vnto you for inheritance. 5^ And this fliall be the border '^ of the land toward the North fide, from the maine fea toward Hethlon, asraen gotoZeiUdah; 6 Hamath. B.'rothah. Sibraiai, which is be- tweene the border of D^mafcus, and the border of Hamath , and Hizzit , Hatticoi» , which is by the coaft of Hauran. 1 7 And the border frorothe fe» ih}\bs Hazir, Enan, and the border of Damafcus.and the refidue oftheNcrh Northward , and the border of Ha- math ; fo fhclbe the North part. But the Eift fide (liall ye raeafure froa Hauran , and from Damafcus , and from Gilsad, and from theUndoflPaelby lorJcn , andirom the border vnto the Eaft fej.and iofhalbe the Eaft part. 1 9 And the Seuth (lis-fhaU be toward Teman. f 033 Tarn jr to tlie waten ofoMeriboth inKadtlli, and the liuer to the maine fea: fofhaihe the South part toward Teman. 20 The Weli part ilCofhalbe the great fea from the border, till a man corae ouer againft Hamath : this Ibaibe the Wefi part. II So ill ill ye diuide this land vnto you, ac- cordiigto the tribes of Ifrael. 2 2 And you iliall diuide it by lot for an inhe- f jtance vnto you . and to the ftrangeis that dwell an)ORg you , which ihall beget children among and they ili)ilbs vnto you , as botne in the countiy among the children of Ifrael . ' they fiiall part inheritance withyou in the raids of the tribes of Jiradj,, ' 2 3 And in what tribs the (Iranger dwelleih, there Aiall yegiuehimbisiobetitance, fayetbthe Lord God. CHAP. XLYIII. The Utsefihe tribes. 9 Thepartftfthefcfffficniifthe Prie!}i.e{iheTemple, tf the Ltuiles, efthe (itie, pvi vftlte Prince Are rehearft i. TOOwrhefe are the names of the => tribes. From ^^the Nouhfide, tothe coaft toA-ard HetUlon.as one goeth to Ha.rath , H^zir , Enan , and the bor- der of Djmafcus N.nthward thecoaS of Han;ath, euen/roJM the Eaft fide to the Weft fl-silbj a/ir- riiwforDrn. a- And by the border of Din from the Eaft fide vnto the \Vcft5Je,a pcrtio•' lor .^ihcr. 3 And by the border of Aiher rrora the Eaft part euen vnto thi vVeft part, apDrtion for Naph- 4 And by the border of Naphtali from the Eilt quarter vnto the Weft fide, a pertion fot Manaffib. 5: And byjhc border of ManaQeb, from the Edftfide vnto the Wettfide, ifortimiot £♦ phraim. 6 And by the border of Ephraitn , from the Eaft part euen vnto the Weft part, a yottion for Reub:;n . 7 And by the border of Reuben, from the Eaft q jarter vnto the Weli quarter , a pirr»'*» for lu- dah. 8 And by rhc border of ludah from the Eaft part vnto the Weft part b flnlbe the offring which they ihall offer of hue and twenty thoufind reedcs broad, and oflength as one of the other parts.from the Eaft fi Je vnto the Weft fiJe, and the Sandtuary flnlbe in the mlJdes of it. 9 The oblation that yte fluU offer vnto the Lord, fhall/e of bus and twenty thoufand long.and often thouiand the breadth. 10 And for them , euen for the Piiifts flialbe ihii holy obhtion , toward the North hue and iwentie thoufand hn^ , and toward the Weft .ten thoufand broad , and toward the Eaft ten thoufand broad, and towatd the South hue and twenty thou- fand long , and the Sandaary of the Lord fliilbe in the mi Js thereof. 11 Itfimlbe forthe Priefts thai are faodili^d of the Tonnes cf * Zadok , whicii haue kept my charge, which went not aftray , when the children of Urael went aftray, as the Leuites went aftray 12 Therefore tins oblation of the land that is oifeted flialbe theirs , m a thing molt holy by the border of the Leuitci. 13 And ouer agaiud the border cf the Priifls the Leuites [hall hme hue and tweiitie thoufand long, and ten thoufand bread :.(i! the kngth//;4a icfiue and twenty thoufand , sr.d the bxadui ten thoufand, 14 And they iluU not fell of ir.neither cha:igg it. nor abalienate the firft ftui s of the lind : for ic is holy vnto the Lord. 1 y And the line thoufand that ate If f in the breadth oner againft the fiue and twenty thoufind, fliolbe a prophane place for the ci;ie, for houfir g, andforfubutbs, and the cicie iliall be in thcai.fs the.cof. ^ . • \6 And ihefe fhalbe theraeafures thereof, the North part hue hundretb and fourc thoufand , and the South part ' ft.ie hundierh and foure thoufand, and the Eaft part (iua hundretb and foure thou- fand , and the Weft part hue hundretb and foure thoufand . 1 7 And the fuburbs of the citie ilialbe to ward the North two huodreth and hfty, and towarJ the South twj hundretb and fifty.and toward the Eaft two hundretb and fifty , and toward the Weft two hundretb and fifty . J 8 And the refidue in length ouer againft the oblation of the holy ψο\\\οη fhAllbe ten thoufand E^ftward.and tcnihouGnd Wtft^ard : and it fliali be ouer againft the oblation of theboly portion, and the incteafe thereof lliall be fot foode vnto them that fetue in the city. 19 And they that fetue in the city, fhaUhe of all the tribes cf Ifrael th»t fliail fjiue theiein • 20 All ) That ii, tbepar• of the grown ί fvbtch they Ihall ft• arate and appuint ) the Lord, wbich luU>ediuir)ed ;n ο ■te parn.for the iefti, for the [>tiice, (udfgr the i'T. Meaiiinf, tliJt it liould be fquiie; ilt vuivi-VjiiJ aii: Soucbfidt;. a Reide 1 Kmg »4i J. end ler. »;, i. Jb Wbicb waia pUiac bj BabyioD, where wa« the T«n?Ie of theiv great god , and ii hfre takeofor Bi- bfloo. c Whowjt ai 111 liter of the watdei. d He calletb them Eunucbei whntn tbeKlagnnuiinitc end brought vp to be nileri of other countries after- Jrd. 20 Ail r'oe oSIation (htll hi fine and twentte thoufani w;ih d hu-^M-H twtniie thoufmd: you flialloffar this oblati^:- toQu^rq.jateforthe «^,ο, dtuarjr, and forthepu£rersiuL.-,f the city,, i I And the refidue fhall be for n»^ r-ince on the one fiJeandontheotherlide ofcbeobliui/.. of the Sar.ft jary, and of the pofl'effijn of the city, ouet agaioftthe iwe and twenty thoufand of the obiition toward the Eift border, and Weft ward o- ner againft the fiue and twenty thoufand toward the Weft border ; ouer againft [halbt for the por- tion of the prince : this llialbe the hoiyobU'.ion. and the houfe of the Siudmry fhalbe in the ooids thereof. 22 Moreouer, fromibepofleilioa oftheLeuites, and from the poffeflion of the citie , that which is in the mids (luibe the princes : betweene the bor- der « of /udah , and betweene the border of Ben- iamin lliUbe the princes. 23 And the reft of the tribes fhalbe thui: from the Eaft part vnto the Weft part, Beniimin/';a//'e a fortien, 24 And by the border of Benfamin , from the Eaft fide to the Weft fide, Simeon λ portion. 25: And by the border of Simeon from the Eaft part into the Wift pjrt, Isfliachar liuer , that rmntth into the|rico the citie of . irainefea. pjime trees. *9 . -This is the iind. which yee fiiall difttibutell.'!'!;!!.'?.' TJ^* vnto the tribes or »««« ru. i..i....;>...vc, ana ttiele Ue St are their portion», faith the Lord God. MedutrraBeum. 30 And thcfe are the boundes of the citis , on the North fide iiue hundrcch , and foure thoufand meafures. 3 1 And the gates of the citie [hdbe after the names of the tribes of Ifrael.the gates Northward , one gate of Ruben , onegateof ludah, anion* gateofLeui. 32 And at theEaftfiJe fiue hundrcthand foure thoufand, and three gates, and one gateof loteph, one gate of Beniamio, ani one gate of Dan. ^3 And at the South fide, Huehundreth and foure thoufand meafures , and three portes . one gate of Simeon , one gate of Isiluchar , and one gateofZebulun. 34 At tie Weft fide, fiuehundreth and foure thoufand . with their three gates, one gate of Gad, one gateof Aitier , ««.ioregateofNaphtali. 35 It aim round about eighteeue thoufand meafures , and the name of che city from that day fhaibtfi The Lord is there. I Ε L, THE ARGVMENT. 'Ύ^ H Ε great prouidemt »f Ged , andhisfingular mercie teward hit Church arc moflUutly here fet ■*-ferth, vfho neutrleauid his de^itute , but net» in their grtdttfi miferiti and affliSions giueth them Prophets , as E^ekjel , and Daniel , iDhom he adorned irith fuch graces of hi* holy Sfirtt , that . Daniel aboue all ether had moft fpeciallreuelations ef fuch things as fhould come to the Church , men from the time that they were in captinity , to tbe Ιαβ end of the World , and to thegeniraU refurreilioti, as of the foure Monarchies and Empires of all the world ,towi', of the Babiloniani, Perftans, Qrectant and T^omanes. ,Alfo of the certaine number of the time! euen unto Chrifi, when all ceremonies and fa- crifices fhould ceafe , becaufe he fhould be the accomplifhment thereof: moreourr he fheweth Chrifls of- fice and the caufe cf hit death , whichvat by hitfacrifice to take aa heeteacheth here, thatafterthat Chri^ it offered, he wiUfiiUleaue thts.extrcife to hit Church, vntill the deadrtfe againe, ^nd Chrifi gather his into his kjngdomt in the beam ni. CHAP. I. Thecaptiuiiy ,f Ieh,iaktmK,nscfIudah. 4 The Kittichuftth certnine ytHg men tf the Jtwes Ic leatne hii larv. ; Tnty htite the kingi eriinurr atpimttd, tuttheyaiHemefromit. Ν the a third yeere of the reigne of lehoiakim King of ludah , catce Ne- btichau-nezzar King of Babel vnto leruf^lera and bsfieged ir. 2 And the Lord gaue lehoiakim king of ludah into his hand with part of the veiiels of the hoafe of God.which he caried into the land of b Shinar, to the houfe of his god,andhe brought theveffels into his gods treafurie . 3 And the King fpake vnto c Altpenaz the raafterofhisd Eunuches , that hee fhould bring feif4/niofthechildrenofIfrael, of the «Kings feede, and of the princes: His purpofe was tjb heepe them at hoOagei , and that hee niipht fliesv hif.ifclfe viaoiious.anlalfoiy their good iuttejiy and learning of his reliitun thty might fiuout rather hiin then tbe lewe» , aod fo to be able to feme him a» goueroouil in their land: mireoucr by thiimeaatt the lewei might bibttter kepiinfubic- &iua, fearing gtberwife to proiure ban to tbefe aoble lutp. t Eh. tthm»!,. Ibtmrnah. 4 Children in whom was no bleii)ifli,but well '^fauoured , and inftruft in all wifedome , and welljf The King requu feene in knowledge , and able to vster knowledge,*"'* ''V" ίΐ" m' ._ , *V,' Λ J - u L• 1 " (that they Inould and luch as were able to ftand in the kings palace, 'L• of noble birth, and whom they might teach,.tbe 8 learning, and khat they Iheuid- tongue of the Caldeans. 'ned^.nd ^tuhlj J And the King appointed them prouifion e- jaould'be ef « uery day of a i» portion of the kings meate, and of ftrougaod comely ihe wine , which he dranke , for noutifliing them "*""' > «''*»''>«» > three yeere , that at che end thereof, they might ftand k before the King. 6 Now among thefe were certaine of the chil- dren of ludah, Daniel, Hananiah, MiHiael. and A• ziriah. gbtdoe him . better feruice : be did for h!> therefore it iioot praifehit libe ralitie : yetinthi worthy prayfe, that heefteemed learning.and knew that it waijan'celTjry meanete go- uerne by. g That they might forget their owne religion jnd counties faibioni tofcrue him the better to his purpofe : yet itit net tobe thought that Daniel die _ learne any knowledge that was not godly : in all points heiefufed tbe abufe of thingiand fuperftition , infomucbthii hee would not eatethe meate which the King appointed him, but wai content to learne the knowledge efnaturall things, h That by iheir good entertainement ibiy might learneto forgettbe mediocrity oftbeir owne people, i To the intent that in this time they mifht both lear«e tbe maneis oftheCaldeani , «ad alfo theiv tongue, k Afwell 10 fetue at the table , as iaotber officei. 7 Vnto )wledge. Chab._II^ Thitthcymigbt logeihei forget their rcligioa : for we» gaue cbildreo . which might euer put in tcmem- brtDceof feme of leligion : therefore thii wu a great teaution •odafigDe offerui• Eude , which they mo• »We to lifilt. Mot that hee thought toy teli- jion to be io the neate ordrinke, (for afterward he dideatr)biitbe• caufeibe ttiog ihouldnoi«otife himbyihii (jveet poyfoa to forget bi( religion aai kccullcmed fobtie• ty , and that io bit mtaieand diinke be might dally re• ofwbat people be wai : and Daaiel btiogeth thi> io to " '"'• • • • - - u meant ot tbe The father and Γ fence were hist fleepe Wiivponhim. 2 Then the Κ iog commanded to call the in- chanters , and the aftrologiins , and the force- „ rers , and the « Caldeans for to lliew the King bis 9 (Now God had brought Daniel into fa- dreames: fo they came and ftood before tbe ί Not -bathe bad •■•, and tender loue with the chieteot the tu- King. imanyd.eame» ' And the King fayd vtite their. I haue drea- \l\l'^'i,'^^ll locat when be riigoed alone : ftr he reigned alto aitef ja foil with hi» fa- Dtiontd, rf.i nuches.) 10 And the chiefe of the Eunuches (aid vnto Daniel,»! featemy lord the King , who hath ap• pointed yonr meat and your dfinke : theriforeif he fee your faces worfc liking then the etfc«r chil- dren which are of your fott , then iball you make me lofe itine head vnto the King. 1 1 Then fayd Daniel to Melzar , whom the chiefe of the Eunuches bad fet oner Daaiel, Hana• oiah, Miihael, and Azatiah. I X Prooue thy feraants.I befeech thee, ° ten (layes, and let them giue vs Ρ pulfetoeate, and water to dtinke. 13 Then let oat countenances be looked vpon before thee , and the countenances of the children that eate of the portion of the Kings meate : «nd as thou feeS , dealc with thy fer- uants. 14 So he confented to them intbis matter, and prooued them ten dayes- I f And at the end often dayes, their «3 coun- tenances appeared fairer . and in f better liking then all the chiUrens , which did eate the portion of the Kings meat. 1 6 Thus Melzartooke away tbe portion of their meat, and the wine that they (hould drinke , and gaue them pulfe- 1 7 As for thefe foure children, God gaue them knowledge , and vnderftanding in all learning ' and wiledome : alio be gaue Daniel vndetSan- dingof all > viHons and dreames. 18 Now when the time ' was expired, that the King had appointed to bring them in, the chiefe of the Eunuches brought them before Nebuchad- nezzar. 19 And the King communed with them : and among them all was tound none like Daniel , Ha- naniab, Miil^ael. andAzariah: therefore fiood they before the King. zo And in all matters of wifedome, midvn- derftanding that the King enquired of them , hee found them ten times better then all the in• chauncets and afitologians that were in all bis realme- 21 And Daniel was vnto α the (iiQyeere of King Cytus. • and dtinke had been» accuifeJ. q Thij 'fled from the court of Egypt , de- God doeih call vs vnto , feinghte iainuei : for fai^blcDiog onely fuf- in the libcrall fcicce, , and oaiu- den , Deut 18 11. ;ame( and vi- t yf erei aboue Tbit ii , he was ( Dtiemtd in BabyioD ai a Ptopkei fo loog ο Meaning , that within thii fpace he might biue thetiiall, and that loninAiouldbi ibletodifcemeit : and thus he fpake, ing mooued by the Spirit of God. ρ Not that it wa< • thing abominable ease dainty meates .and to drinke wine, ai ioih beforeind after ihty did, butifthfy {bould haue hereby le wonne to the g, and haue re- rufed their owne religion , ttat η bare fetdmg and that alfo of Mofrs , when Llaretb that wee muft Hue in fucb fobrie;y a will make it mare ptofitjble vnto v» , then al ;eiu. t i*'• /""" '" ^'Z*» ' M"°i''L II knowledge , and not io tbemagicalUrtei which «re forbidden f So that he onely was a Prcpbetand none ofiheother : for tyd fioniGodappeaiedtohisPropbeit . Nutrb, iJ,e. t Oftheihri ■we. lih ftood. CHAP. II. ijTht kins ttmmta• J Tht dreamt nfNeiiithxinel^ itth Kllthe wife mtn nf habilm to ie fitiMt , iitxufe they couUntt intetf rei hisij'eame ιβ Dinielreauittih umt ttfolHte the ^iHeiinn, j^ D*»iad not bad tbe ^'"^'"f^\ ,. r , ,r , «"Hewufoheauy y ^nd the King anfwered and fayd to^iihn«pe,thitb5 the Caldeans , The thing is gone from roe. If ye jbtgin to neepe will not make mee vndeffiand the dreame withk''°^=• η^^Γ'"!!' the interpretation thereof , yee g ftall be draw- ^^ι^^ "f.om'him. en in pieces e and your boufes Ihall be made afe F^t all thefe a- iaites, ktrologeri and for- 6 But if yee declare tbe dieame and theinter- ^""^\ ^ * jbj,' *'°* pretation thereof, ye fliall receiue of me gifts and Iname of nenour, ai rewards , and great honour : therefore Ihew mee 'hough all the wif. the dreame and tbe interpretation of it. 7 They anfwered againe , and fayd , Let the King Λίΐν/ Ί his fetuants the dreame , and we will declare the interpretation thereof. 8 Then the King anfwered and layd , I know certainly that ye t would gaine the time , becaufe ye fee the thing is gone from me. 9 But if yee will not declate me the dreame, CromVhrcaideaBi laue it Itemed be more eloquent, acdibeiefoietbe fpt.ikeii, a• the If wilh wrii«i• doe toibiid.yv g This iiaiufl re- ward of their arte* gaocy (which van- ted of ibemfelnea that tbey bad the .11 tbingi) that they flicu!dbeproo. acd foolei , and that to their per- peiuillihame aivi CO fufion. b Hereintppea- red their igao-- rance , that not - Withrtandingibeii brigs, yet were they not able to . tell the dreiine . t» tpi he tnii«d dknow ledge of tbe ccun- treyedepended vpon them , andibat all er countity» re voide of the fame, That i», in the Sy» rian tongue which diffeieduot inucb there is but one iudgement for you : for yee haue prepared lying andcoriupt wordes.tofpeakebe foremeetilltbe time be changed : therefore tell me the dreame, that I may know.if ye can declare me tbe interpretation thereof. 10 Thtn the Caldeans arfwered before tbe King . and fayd. There is no man vpon earth that cart declare the Kings matter : yea , there is nei ther King .nor Piince , nor Lord that asked fuch things at an inchanter , or alliologian , or Cal- kecwiedge of dean. " 1 1 For ir is a rare thing that the King requi. reth , and there is none other that can declare it before the King, except the gods whofe dwelling is not with fteih. 12 For this caufe the King was angry and io great futie, and commsunded to deftioyallthe wife men of Babel. 13 f And when lenience was giuen, the wife men were flaine : and they > fought Daniel audi' bis fellowestobe put to death. ,|^^_^^ ^^.^ ^^^ 14 Then Daniel anfwered with counftU andUatier , and thwc* wifedome to Arioch the Κ ings 0 chiefe fteward,|fore they would men of Babel ly Tea, he anfwered and fayd vnto Arioch the kings captaine , Why is the fentence fo haftie from the king? Then Arioch declared the thing to Daniel. 16 So Daniel went and defired the king that hee would giue Hir leifure , and that hee woukl ihew the king the interpretation thereof. ledge where was but meere igno- rance , and foa» delndeis ofihe people , thry were worthy to die. t Bir. rtietmelke- ti'.ie. i Which dicla. reih that 6od Mild r hi. fn n?i< in the cetrpanyof thtfeforcereriand adrolegen, whofe ant» wire vsiikTrl.a'- iherefcre iu. lyought 10 die , ihcughlbe,Kingdid it vpon a rage and co wait' U Or, ike (A(i(utK tfthe iniijd<, 17 f Then TaeKing^preame, Di riieU » Pf.-J.ui.i. fc Hi Ihtwjthtbjt inin hath neiihec hnuw.'fdgo, but vury dirkeblin.f- n;j anJ ignorance ofhimfaft.-foiit conimiiih ouely of Go\ .thutTUDva- derlUndeth sn/ thing. i To whom thou niadilt ihy pio• mife, aad who li- uid ill tby feate; Wheii-by hetxciu- deihallo^her pods. Meacing , poWii η Wherebif r cocr pin ions. 1 8 Thit they (lioi:ld belsech the God of bsa• uen for grice in tbis fecrec , that Daniei and his fdluives Ihould not peii/h with the reft cf the wile mencfBab.;!. ^,, ip ThenwasthefecretreuealQl vato Dmiel In a vilioii by night : therefore Dir.iei praifed the Godofieauen. 20 An J Daniel anfwered and ίύά,* The Name of God be praife J for euer and euer:for wifedorae and fttength are his. 2 1 And bee changeth the tinses and feafons : he taketh away kings : he fetteth vp kings : he gi- oeth wiledotBc vnto the wile, and vndeiftmding tuttsofetijat vndetfiand. f 22 He diicouereth the deepe and fccret things: he kuoweth what is in the dai knes, and the ^ light dwelleth with hitn. 23 I thanke thee atid praife thee. Ο thou God of ray ' fjihers , that thou hiftgiuen me wifdorae and »' ftrengtb.and haft 'hewed me now the thing that wee deiired of thee : fur thou haft declared vnto vs the kings matter. 14. f Therefore Dinicl went vnto A-ioch, whom the Kiig had ordeined to dtftroy tt-.e wi!e cnenofBjbel; hee went and faid thus vnto him, D.-ftroy not « the wife then of Baoel, but bring me bef jre the King, and I will declare vnto the King the inteipretation, 2,- Then Aticch brought Daniel before the King in ;11 hafte . and faid thus vnto iiro , I haua found a roan of the children of ludah that were brought captiues, that will declare vnto the King theintetpretation, 10 Then anfwered the King , and fayd vnto Daniel , whole name was Belteilijzzar ■ Art thou able to llievv mse the dreame which I haue feene, and the interpretation thceof? 27 Daniel anfwered in the prefence of the King, andfaid, The fecret which the Κ log hath demanded, can neitht r the wife, the a9ro!ogians, the inchanters , >ior im footiifayeis declare vnto the King. 28 But ^here is a God in ° heauen that reuealeth fecrets , and iheweth the King Nebuchadnszzar what llialbe in the latter dayes. fliy drearae, and the things which thou haft feene in ihine headvp- on thy bed, is this ; 29 Ο king, when thou waft in thy bed.thoiights catne into thy mmde , what ihoiild come to p.iiJe hereafter, and hee that reaealeth fecrets , ttllstti thee what ilial! corce. 30 As ρ for rue, this fecret is not fliewed mes for any wifedome thr 1 1 haue more then any other liuing, butonely to Ihew the King the interpreta- tion, aad that «hoH roighteft know the thoughts cf thine heart. 3 1 Ο King, thou faweft, and be'nolJ, there wat a great image : this great image whofe gloty was fo ejicelleat , flood before thee , and the forme thereof W'ii terrible. 32 This images iiead was of fine 1 gold, his breaft, endbisarmasofliluer, his belly and his thjghes of braiie. ich ^ ihall neuer be dcftroyed : and this kingdome Ihall not be giuen to another people, but it ihall breake , and deftroy all thefe kingdomes, and it ihall Hand for euer. 45 Whereas thou faweft, that the » ftone was cut off the mountaine .without bands , and that itibiake in piicts the yron, the braffe , the clay, the liluer , and the gold : fe the great God hath (liewed the King.whatiliall come to paife bereaf- ter, and the dreame is true , and the intetpretation thereof» fure. 46 f Then the King NcbuchaJ-nezzar fell vpon his face, and ^ bowed himfeiis v.nto Dinid , and commanded that they Ihorld ofler aseate oifiings, and fweet odoiits vnto him. 47 ^ifo the King anfwered vnto Daniel , and rptetation. ' Daniel leaueth out hekingdoms otthe Adyrinii, wliicb before la: B^- bylooun, bjtb be- tt it was cola Moi:archy and ^e- Derail Emuice,aa4 fobecauft hte vouiddctlareibe hiogs that were to come, to tbe com• ingufChri/t, fct e corn-on of the eft among ihtfe oaderfullalteia- Mi>,andbecalle:h e Ba^ylonnii ngdomerbe.goldea •ad, becaule in Ipedofthe other ree , it wai the beit. anJyctit wai cf It fe.ie wicked I. ί Meaning, tbe ans whitb ; not interiour and, , but e n'orfe tsu- g anbitiui. . Ky.snd all kind of vice.lhew•• ng that tbe wctld fhould glow wot fe id worfe, till ic was reltot'ed by Chrilt. t That i», of the Macedoui.,jit Ihalbe fbiafft.notalla- i;3g tj the bardeats aereof. but (o tbe uleotfle in rcipe* flWuer. ; That is, the R.0• lace empire Hull fubdue all thefe bet aforen:mtJ, hich after Alex- «ader were diui» ded into the Ma- :edo[:iaos, Greci- . »ai, Syrians and ^yptlan». They Ihall h^e iuill wars and coa• inualldifcords Dng tbemfelues. Th.-y liiall by ii'iages andaiti- ticsibicketo makeihemfeluei troog : yet illall hey neuer be icyaest η hearts. ι Hiiparpofeiito Ibew that all ihe kingdomes oftbe world are tranlr.c- ry, and that tbe kiDgdomeoiCbiift Ihailo. y remaine for euer. God.anJ not ftt vp by man, whofe ki w'iibou: beamy to maris iudgeraeur.bi earth, which he calJeib a great mount not orely referred to ihepcrfont a Meacioj.Cbi who wasieut ο he bigiiinlog ihould be fm: I Sc t mould at length grow and fill the wb• i'le.at verf 3;. And ibis kingdome, which Chi ilt , buc .Ifo to tbe whole body cf h Church. and to riiery member therrof.lha be eteinill:fur iba fpi islifeeietnall, B.om,S, 10. b Though tbis humbling pf the king feemed to deftri toiuiuent'atioa, yet becaufe he ioyned Gods honour with ibePiopbtts, it is tot tcprooued, and O.iniilbereiDeiied.if hefutfred it : but it ii credible that Daai asnioQillied him of tii fault , and did not fulier it. fayti. TDe^oIdep image let vp. cnap. 1 1 i. 5Daafacn,JMeLnacn,anQ ad{ Onego^io^ mjtiDo.ai It wat alfoia Pb^trsah, Exu 9»S- buibi» bcttZ ΛΜΙ BJr lovl• chcd.ai appeared fooi:c ifteivVatd. d No•, th.t tbe piOi'heiWai dc , b,it bt ■ho. aufe noui b]r thii iu*:anet bs migbc ielecu<: bit pooiebteibtta, «vbich wtie gtie- uoaUy uppteUVd io t oif faid,/ /(;«»» of a tnuh chat your c God «s a God of , and all inftiuments of oaiifick , ihall fill down.and goJs , and tiae Lord of Kings , and the reuealcr of lecrecs.feeing tnou couldelt open this ftcret. 48 So ch« king made i'aniilagvcat man.aid giue him many , and grtac '^ gifts, Hec nade .;im gfjuecncur ouer the whuleprtiuinceofB..b,.l. aoJ cniefe of the rulers, and aboue all ttx: wile men of Dabei. 49 Then Diniel t made rsqujft to the King, and be fet ShaJiich.M€il-iach,and Abediuga ouet the charge of the prouiuce of Babel; but Daniel fate in the f gate of the king. ithtir captii ud .ΙΓα , lead be Qiould eceiued thi uel king. which willingly jauethtiu. e He did nut ibii (et iheripn- uate profit, bui that the whole Church, which wat theu there in at ΙΙιβιοη might faaue fom: teleafe auil cafe bjr tbiibeaefit. fMeagiag.that either bewaiaiuuge, or that bee bad the whale autbarit;, fo ibac none could be admitted to :he kiogt K«Ieiic«,biicbyhiia, CHAP. III. I Thekinzfittttb vf aiolden imafe. S Certaine are eccufti hecauft they Jlefftfii ihckmgi ccmmaniieineMt, aulart futittto Λ bumtH^Mtn. i; Bj icUtft i>t Got tkij itre dihutved fnm thcfire . aj Nebuched-uc^^r tcHfefeth the pdwct tfGU iiftir the fight tflhemitAcU• « Vndet ptete Bce of religion, and hoUneiie in miking an iina;e to hi• idoleBel.heeCouihi hit owne ambition and vaioe glory: and thildecUtcthth, he vvai nit touched witntbe true feaie ofGodb^foie.buc that h< confefl'id him on a fuddea uiotionat the wicded.when they areoueicome with thegreatDClTeofhit works. The Greek: interpteter• write, that this wat diiae iighteeu yeerei after the dreaine, Und at luiy appeaie, the King feared leali the lewei by >^ Ebuchad-nezzar the king made» anitcage of gold , whofe height i»ai threeiiore cubits, and the b.edtb thereof lixe cubiis : he fet it vp in the pUiiieof Diraiii the prouioce of Babel. ζ r.henNibuch*W.tzzu the king fent forth to gather together the nobles, tbe pri.nces and the dukss , the iu.ig-s, the recYiuirs, the coiiifiilcts, the officers, anJ λΐΐ the gouerncurs of the prouin- ces , ihar vhey llwuld come to the ^ dedication of 4the inijgi , whicii Nebuchad-nezzar the ' Kicg had fet vp. 3 So [hi noble$.priiices.arid dukfs.tbe iiidges, the r?c-iu^t$ , the couiifelkrs . tbe otBcers. and all the goue.-nouts oU^e prouioces Wireaffembled Vnto the dedicaang of the image that NebuchaJ- nezzar the K^i g 1^ ju let vp , and they flood before the image w ich NebucbaJ-nezzat had fetvp. 4 Then an herald cried aloud , Be it knoweii to you.O people.d nations and languages. f That when yee heaie the found of the cor- net , trumpet, harpc. fackbuc , pfaitery . dulcimer, and all inftrumfnts of atilike , >e fall dcwne , and woribipthe golden image, that Nebuchad-nez- zar the king hath fet vp. 6 And wliofoeuer falleth not downe.aod wor- lliippeth , fliall the umi houre be call into the mids of an hote fiery fornace. 7 Therefore as foone as all the people heard the fjund of the corDet.truropst.harpe, fackebuc, pfalterie , and all inftruments of miificke , ail the peopb , nations , and langues feell downe , and wotlhipped the golden tinagc , that Nebuchad- nezzar the king had fet vp. 8 <" By rt-albn whereof at thatfame time came inenof the Caldeans, andgrieuoufl^• accuied the Icwes. 9 Farthevfpake andfaydtothekiiigNebu- cbaa-nezzar,0 iCuigjiue for euer. 10 Thcu.O King^alt mide a decree.that eue- ry manthatlhall iivarethe found oft e cornet, tmmpet , harpe, fackebut, pfaitery, and dulcimer, theltatc of hi commtm wealth, and thfrrfjte he lueaut to bring all to one kinde of religion, indfo tiiher fougW: bit owoc quieinefle thea God• glory. b SheA'iog that the Idele ii not knowen for an idule fo long a• he ii with the woih- man ; but whea ' tbe ceremoniet and cultcm^i are xeciied and vied, and theconfentof the people ii there. tbeu of a blocke they thiike they hauemide a god. c Thii wat fufli- cient with the wic< kedat all timet to approouetheir religion , if the kin^ authority were illeadged for the eftabliihment thereof, net confideting iu the meane feafon what Gods word did pennii. d Tbefrare tbe two diOge;ou« weaponi, wherewith Saan vftd tu fight agiiiid tbe childieo efGoH . the confentof the multitude . iiid the ctueltie of the funifiiment ■ for though. foi^e feared Gjd , yet the multtiudc wbicn confeuied tj he witked- neJff , aitonied them: and heete the King requte.i not an iuwat^i cu i-nt , but «a outward ge'iute , tji« ihcisWM laisb. by little und iittU Uarue tp forget ihth * It fermeth thtt 'hey uamrd not Dauiel.bccaufehe watg.eailyiothi kin^ifauuur, thin - king 1 1 thcl. ba fbeenedeltioyed, they might haue bad beuer occali- oa to accuieDaui' ei:aud ibit decU- hit polic» iting thi wat louenied by tbe nialiciout 9«iteieri, which fought no.hiug but ihedenruetit, ofth«lewe«,whw« heyaccefedof ebeilion and ingratiiude. Signifying tha» Would teceioe htm to grace li wotlhip the gulaeo image, \i And whi.foeuer Kalleth not downe, and worlhippeth . that he ihoald be catt into tbenjids cf an bote hery fornsce. 12 Tiieie are cenainelewes whom thou haft fet ouer the charge of the prouiuce of Babel .« Shadiich , MclLach, and Abednego : tbefemen, Ο king , haue not regarded ihy commandeintnt, neither will they fetue thy gods , not worlliip the golden iirage that thou hatt fet vp. 13 f i nen Nebuchad-nezzar in fc/i anger and wrath comtcanded that they ihoiild bring Sh» drach.Meibach, «nd Abednego.fo thefe men weie brought before the king. 14 ^nd, Nebuchad-nezzar fpake and faid vn to them , What diforder ? will not you.Sbadracb, Melliach.and Abcdntgo , fetue my god.nor wor- fliip the golden image that I haue fet vpi J J f Now thertforearc ye ready when ye heare the found cf the cornet , ttumpet .harpe.Qckebut, pfiliery and dulcimer . and all inftruments cf mu- fick , to fa'l downe, and Wuiihip the image which I haue made ? for if yee woriliip it not.yeilvill be caft iramediatly into tbe mids cf an hot lirry for- nace : fjr vvi-.o is that God , that can deliuer you cut of mine hands} \6 Shadrach,Mefliach,and Abednego anfwe- , red and piyde totheKing,ON:buchaJ-nezzir, weeg are not carcfdil to anlWere thee. in this matter. 1 7 Behold , our God whom we fetue.is •> able to deliuer vs from the hote fiery fornace, and he will deliuer vs oat of thine hand.O king 18 But ii not.be it knowen vnto tbee.O king, that we will not f'uod ,audli* make open con- fe'Iion , tint ther Will not fo much *• twardly confeui idolatry. ■ Thiideclaiath 'k«t the more that yraati rage, and the nore winy ibey fhew themfelue• ia uenting «range md cruellpuDi/h. "eott, the more ii Sod gloribed by hi• ruantt to wboio that broi'giit forth Shadtacb, Melliacb, and Abed- nego. 23 And thefe three men,Shadracb,Mefl:acb^ and Abednego fell downe bound into the mids of the bote hery fornace. 24 f Then Nebi:chad-nezzar the king was a8onied,& rofe vp in hafte./jnd ipake.Sc faid vnto his counfcllcrs , Did not we call three men bound i.Ko the mids of the fire f Whoanfweied.and laid v."iCo him,It is true, Ο king. 2y ^»d he aofwetedyind faid.Loe.I fee foure men locfe , walkii;g in the middes of the tire, and they haue no hurt , and the ibtine of the foutth is like the k fonne ol God, 26 Then tiie Ring Ncbuchad-nczaar came neeie to the mouth of the bote fiery fornace, ««d fpake »d4 lai;»iStMdfacn,Meftiach,and Aijednego O9 tut 'eth them firm ieath.oielfefot lifegiqelh ihcu)abc«ei. k For tbe Angcli V^ere called the foiine»ofGod,be- ife of their ex. celleocy.-iheiefore the king called ih:s An|eJ whom Go.tnttoccm- furt bu in thef* jrea: tornienii,th• IooaeofCi>4« Dahii ί The kings decree. the feruints of the hie God , goe foorih and coree hither : f(i Shadrich , Meftiach , and Abedcego I came foith of the mid» of the fire. 17 Then the nobles, princes, and dukes , and the kings counfdkis came together to fee thefe j men, bec^ufe the fire had no power ouer their bo- j dies : for not a i haire of their head was burnt. I Thii commen- dtthtbtir obedi- ence vatu God, tbatibcy would ■M for my fcare depart oui of thii fornace.tillthe time appointed»! Ho»h remained in theirke.ii» the lord calledhim fortb. m Hewairaooued fcylbegreimesof the miracle to pray fe God, but hil heart wai not tou- ched And here we fee that mitac'.ei sre not fufficiene roctDuert men to €od bJt that do• • Jkrinemuft chiefly ♦eadioyned.with- eutifee which there can bi do UUh. m Ififais heathen (ting m joued by •odifpirit would Bot fee blafphemy vnpunijhed,bu; . made a law and fee • puaiihmenr to fecfc iriofgieH'on, »iuch more ought «11 they that pro- ftfftreiigion,take order that fuch im pieiie teigne not, leall according at their knowledge an-i charge!» greiti £11 doinmioD euend ■ There WIS ne troub'"batmi»ht c.uf.m..to ^ dreame.and ihete. fore it came only of G.J. h This wai ano. tber dieaine !>e- lidei tbatvi'bKh be faA uf the fuure inii'irri.foi Da- niel bk'th declared what th't dreame »tr.i« an' what it «•ant.an.l bete he • nrly expoundeth jhedreame. c In that that be fent abroad to o- »lierj,wl»> fe iKi.o- rance in times pa^i he had expert itien- ted, and left Daniel eartfi.aDcTthe height thereof»*/ great 8 A great tree and ftrorg,and the height thereof reached vnto heauen , and the fight thereof to the ends of all the earth. 9 The boughes thereof cir* fiire.and the fruit thereof much , and in it was meat for all : it made Idles : lot not a i naire oi tueu neao was uu^.u, - a (liadowvnder itfortbe beafisofthefield.& the I neither were their coats changed.nor any faaell of foulei of the heauen dweh m the boughes there- fire c^-jevpon them. . . oiandsllflcilifedofu. , . ^ ^ 2 8 \^heref»re Nebuchad-nezzsr fpake and fayd, \ lo I faw in the vifions of mme head vpoti taj "BleiiedtitheGjdofSbaJrach.Mefiiach.and ( bed, and behold , a g watchman and an holy one Abednego , who l>ath fent his Argel , and deliue- | came downe from heauen, red his lefuaits , that put their truft in hira , and ' " *"'' rr\.A .ir>„rl ,n, haue changed the kings coromandement, 8c yeel- ^d their bodies rather then they would ferue or wofihip any god, faae their owne God. 29 Therefore I mAe a decree that euery peo- ple,oa(ion,and laiiguage.whic'.i fpeake any ° blaf- phemy againft the God of Shadrach . McilMch, and Abednego, ftiallbedrawen in pieces.and their honfesn-iallberoadeaiakes . becaufe there is no god that can delioer after this fort. 30 Then the King promoted Shadrach , Me- fliachand Abednego in the prouince of Babel. 31 Nibuchad-nezzar king vnto all people, nations 8c languages.that dwell in all the» world. Peace be multiplied vnto you : 3 ζ I thought it good^to declare the fignes and wonders tEee. 33 How grea* are his Ggnes.and how mighty Th 1 /»• ^ Itiould not be cut portion be with the beaftes among the gtaue of downe by nian the field, but by God ' 13 h Let bis heart bechanged from roars no- tHh'.hZ Nt^** ture, and let a beafts heart be giuen vnto him,and jchidne 'zar Vould let feuen times be paffed ouer hira. jnotoneiyfor atimi 14 1 The fentence is according to the decree of r['^|' j'ί'^«'{°"'*■ the witchmen , and according to the word of the f^cod ha'th decreVd bat the hie God bath wrought toward | holy ones : the demannd»* tmfweud, to the in- thii iuJgcment and tent that liuing men icay knowe , that the moft . High hath power oner the kiogdoroe ot men, and are'his wonders! ρ his kingdomew an euerlaiiing j; giueth it to whomfocuer he will , andappointetl»,i. kingdome, and his dominion i; from generation ;' ouer it the moft abiod among men to generation. tbeffuifei double punillimeiK. ο Meaninj, fo ftr »l ρ ReadeCbap 1.4+^ CHAP. IV. t Another Hrenme cf Nebuchail-ne-^r,v>hichV*niel de- clxreth. i^The yrofhit decUreih hovrcf λ freud kini, h€^,:ah the fpiritof the holy Gods.inhim)and before him I tolde the dteime.faymg, 6 Ο Brriiellvszzar , * chiffe f the inchanters, becufc ! kncn". thdt th? fpirit cf the holy gods is in thec,itid !•.ο fee et trouLleth thee, tel me the vi- fions cf my dreame ,th4t 1 haue feene.and the in- tcrpreta'iontiie'cof. •7 Thus were the vifions of my head in ray bed.andbe. uld , I fawa*^ttecin themidsof tlic whi< ready iaterprei feura neibs.and other• fe- ar DWerki but fremetb be we yeerei. "Tbe Kings pride and fall. Chaj Dottfait hi• ihapc (.r forme vrai cbinged ioio ■ beait.buichacbe wal eitbei Itfitken Bid, ind fo iuoy d«alll> ■Bd aie bcrbei tod giafle. n.DaDiiliheweih ihecaufewhy God thui puniihcd bim. • Ccife from pro- uokiog Cod to aa• er any longir by ly liDDct, tbit be My mitigate bil puBilhreeac , if thou fliewby tbiee vpright life ihatihoi had ttue faith a«d tcpeocaiKe, ρ Suffer the error» of thy former life ti b« redrelTed. q After thai Darnel bad declared tbit vi- Koo : aad tbit hi pride declaretb that it ii not io mao to coouert to 6ud , e: eept biiSpiiit luoou bim : fee The writing on th ;wall. 'xo€ , 22 Thit they fliall driue thee from men , and hi/ dwelling ftali De with the beafis of the field : ibey iliall mike thee to eategrafle as the™ oxen, d they Itall wet thee with the dew ofheauen : and feuen times Jhall paffe oucrtbce, till t'.K3U , know , that ° the inoft High beareth rule ouet tl.e kingJome of men , andgiaetblttowhooifoeaer be will• 23 whereas they faid.that one ibould leaue the ftumpe of the iree rootes , tby kingdoise Iball re• maine vnto thee after that , thou ihalt knuw• that the heaucnshaue the rule. 24 Wherefore, Ο kingjet my couniell be ac• ceptable voto thee, and " breake off t! y finnes by rigbieoufaefire, and thine initpiities by mtrcy to- wards thepoote :loe , let there be a Ρ healing of thine erroar. 2 f All thefe th ings Hall cone vpon the king Nebpchad-neair. 26 f At the end of c welne 1 loonetbs.be walked inthetoyall palace of Babel, 27 ^ndthc kipgffake.and faid.Is not this great Babel that I haue build for the houfe cf the king- dome by the might of my power, and for the ho» nour of my maieity ; 28 While the word a>'2ΐ1ρ»Αε o«et thee.votUl theu koow- '"* ' ' It cft.that the moft High beareth rule ouer the king- ed dome of men , and giuetb it τηιο whomfoeuer he will. 30 The very fame houte was this thing fulfilled vpon Ncbuchad-nezzar , and he was driucn from isjen.and did eate gratle as the oxen.and bis body was wet with the dewe of heauen , till bis haires were growen as Ei^ciifitthtrs^nii his raileslike bitds clave t, 3 1 And at the end of thtfi ' dales, I Nebochad- ntaat lift vpmine eyes vnto heauen.and mine vn- derSanding was refiorcd vnto roe.Sc I giue thanks K.*"8 * Belitazzarmideagrcatfcstttoathou. fand of his piiuces , auo i.'r«ijke wine *> before the thoufmd 2 xAful Bcllhazzn υ whiles he tafled the wine, comtkjanded to bring liim tnc golden and iiluer Teflels, whiol'iscfat er Nebuchad-nfzzarhad ^^^^^^^^^^ ,^„, brotightftomtheTertplein leruljlciu , that the goJi udgduei-ta kirg and nis ^Tinces tiis wiucs & t.is concubines migcidriiikt: therein, 3 Then were b ought the golden veffels, that were taken out cf the Teropls of the Lord» hcufe lof i aDanielteciieth thil hillory ofkicgBil• . ttiew gaiall ibe Aicked ; deliueracce Chiitcb :iDd bo'A the piopbety his at lcruf.(lem , and the king and ti? princes wiues and his concubines dtanke ia them 4 They dranke wine.and praifcd the ^ gods of gold.aad of filuetiof b[atie,of yron,of woou,aQd of ttone. y Atthefamehoure appeareth fingers of a mans hand.which wrote oner e igjioQ the candle fti.;k vpon the plaifter of the wall of the kings p«- lace,andthe king faw the palme of the hand that wrote. 6 Then the kings countenance was changed.and his tbougbts troubled him , fo chat the ioynts of bis loynes were loofed, and hisfkneeslmoteone again!! the other 7 W/7*r»/«re the king cried lowd. that they ibould bring s the'aftologians , the Caldeans and the foothfaycrs. And the king fpake , and faid to the Wile men of Babel. Wloloeuer can reade this SeuVuiirJ ibey Oiould oediliuerel fieifcucnyjeeii;». > ThekiLgt oiibe Eaiipaiit ib«a vied tout aio::e commas• ly, and diCdaiocd ι any ihoL.Id lit heii company : and now to Ihcw bit power, and boW little be fet by tit ecemy, which tbr« btlirgtd Baty'ou, be madi afbicmDC banket, and vftd tX' ceffe ia tbeii co»• pjr.y, wbii.b it me^biheic ' ydria- king wine .-ibuithc v^i^kecaic moll dili'oluteaQd neglt- beir ingi mooue him to repent t When tbe terme thefe feueo yeerct *va» acccinplilhed Mich 4., 1 7. Luke I.}). ί He con{tll"eihGo.-ii Will to be tbe tule ef all ittllice. and a moft perfeft law, whereby he gouer. Drth both miB and Angelt aoddeuillifo that Done ought to inncniireor aike a rrafon ofbit duitigi, but ontty to Hand cOBtent t'herewith •ad giu* bimibe glory. t By whore it fee• metb that he had beeot pat from hi• kingdome before. u Hedo-rhnot onelf fiaifeG dl• deliueiance, butalfo confeflcih that Sod m^y >.□;!) the K'oiy, tad the ihame.and be miy be rzil• led aad man cad ^xoe. Wilting, & declare me the intetpretaiion thereof, ihalbe cloathed with putple, SifhaU hAut a chaine of gold about his nccke, and Ihalbe tbe third ruler in the kingdome. g Then came all the kings wife raen.but they could neiihcr reade the writing , nor ihew the king the interpretation. 9 Then wisking Balili^aur greatly troubled, and bis countenance w.s changed in him, and his princes were aftonicd 10 New the hQujenebyreafonofthetalkeof the King and the princes, came into the banquet houfe , «Biithe Qjieenefpake andfaid.Oking, liueforeuer : let not tby thoughts trouble thee nor let tl y countenance be changed. II τncreisanMnlπtIykiQgdome,ίn\y^oIJl vnto the moft High , and I praifed and honoured j J$the fpirit cf the holy Gous , and in the dales c f lilt him, that liucth for euer , * whofe power a an c uerlaiiirg power, and his kirgdome « from gene ratic η to generation. 32 And all the inhabitants of the earth are repu- ted as nothing and according to his iwill be wor- keth in the army of heauen. and in the inhabitants of the eatih ; and none can ftay his hand, nor fiy vnto him.What doeft thou ί 33 At the fame time was mine vndetPaaJing reUored vnto me, and / uturmdio the honour of η y kingdome : my glcty and my beauty was le• ftored vnto me, and my coanfellers and ' my pi in- ces fought vnto me , and I was eftaWilhed in my kingdome , and my glory was augmented toward me. 34 Now thirtfort I Nebuchad-nt2zar " praife, and excoll and magnihe the king of heauen .whofe works are all truth.and his waiet iudgements: and thofe that waike in pride, he is able to abafe. CHAP. V. S StllbnTtAT ki»i »{ BAijitn ftttb an h»ni ivtitini ■ the fpirit cf the holy gods is in thee , and that light and να gemeoi» Ζ Thu» tbe wicked inthtittrobbUt fctke many ineacei, who but ofm^ice. D^isL ia Afif r that God iadfj loDg timed feired his logerai paiieatly waited foi ibioe amtndmea' η Tnit werd is twifi written for the cei tainty of the thing ih-win» that God iiad molt furely cottated : figeifyiog •irothitOodbath appointed a ternie for allkinglomes, ■nd that a miferable «hat tai fe themfeluei a^ain'lhim. J! ^fiWantint. ο Cyrui hit (on ialawgauebim this title of tainour, al- though Cyrus in effett b«d the doaii uioa. JerSan^ing , and excellent wifJotns is found tbec. 1 5: Njw therefore, wife men 4«ίί Alirologlans hiue bcene brought before me , that they iliould reade this w.'iting.aod lliew ms the imetpretation thereof : but they could not declare the ioterpre- Utioa of the thing. 16 Then beard I of thee , that thou conldeft ill iW interpretations, and dilloiue doubts : now if thou canft reade the wdting, and fliew me the in- terpretation thereef , thou link be cloahidwith purple ,indfhale fc<»i«i a chaineofgolJaouut thy necke, and ilult be the third tuler in the kicg• dotiie. 17 Then Dtniel anfw^red , and faid before the king, Keepe thy rewards to thy felfe.and giue thy gifts to another : yet I will rea le the writing vnto tbe king, and ihew him the interpretation. 18 Ο king, heare thou.The wo'i high God gaue vnto 1 Nebuchadnezzjr thy fither a kingaome.aaJ tnaiefty.and honour, and glory, 9 And for the maietty that he gaue him «all people, nations and languages trec-ibled, & feared iDefore him : he put to death whom he would : he fmote whom he wauld: whom he would he fet rp, and who:Ti he would he put dowae. lO But when his heart was puft vp , and his mind hardened in pride, he was depolt'J from his kingly throas , and they tooke his honour from him. 21 And he was driuen from thefonnesof ocen, and his heart was made like the beafts , and his dwelling was with the wild afl'es ; they fed him with gralTe like oxen , and his body was wet with rhedeweofheauen, til! he knew that themoft oigh God bare rule oarr the kingJoroeof men , nd tha: he appointeth ouer ic , wtioxil jeuer hep pleafich. A nd thon bis fonne, Ο Beli'haziar,hatl not husDblid thine heatt.thoagh t.^ou knewcft all thefe thing;, 23 But haft lift thy felf; v? agiinft theLorJ of heauen ,and they haue broug'.n the veifels of nis Houfe before thee , and tboa and thy p:iucc5, thy wiues and thy concubines hius diookiwine in them, and thou haft praifid the gods of liluer and gold.of braffe.yron.wjodaad itone.whtcb neithir l'se,neithcr hcarcnor vndetftmd ; and the God in. whofi hand thy breath is and all thy waies , him haft thou not gloufied. 24 ™ Then was the palrae of the hand fent from him.and ha'h w.iiten this writing. 25; And ihis is the writing that he h.nth written, " Μ Ε NE . Μ Ε Ν Ε . Τ £ Κ Ε L V PH Λ R. SIN. 26 This is the interpretation of chc thing, ΜΕΝΕ, God hath nuncbred thy kingdome.and hath finifbed if. 17 TE KEL, thou art wayed in the balalncs, and a't found Β too light. 28 Ρ Ε Κ Ε S, thy ki.igdome is diuided and gi• uen to the Medes and Perfians. 29 Then at the comn:andecDent of Belihazzar, they cloathed Daniel with purple.andpMi a chaine ofgold about his neck, and lEaie proclamation concerning him that he iliould be the third ruler in the kingdoTie. 30 The fame night «as BilllussM the king 0 f the Caldeani flaine. ■i I And Dariuso of the Medes tooke theking- dome, beingthreefcori and twoyectes olJ. Danieh connlflcy, sbGjJ. ::+ ajDiriasi; CHAP. VI. miie rrder cutr thtgeuerniari. f -An afie*• met. li HeisfHtt>itoaietinecfhi»>fythe mm mUcment ef tht itinj. »3 He I'i deliutrei bj fΛιtb )jKic/s nccaferi are put vntcihe litits, ecree mxgnifitth tht Otitf rOiniel, IT pleafed Darius to fet ouer the kingdome » an l.undreth and twenty gouernours, wtiich fliould be o:ier the whole kingJom?, 2 And ouer thefe, tnree lulers (^f whom Dit- nial was one) that the gouernours might giue ac- comp-s vnto them, and the king i ihould tiatie no damage. 3 Now this Dmiil b was preferred aboue the rulers, and gouernours , becaufe the fpirii was ex- cellent in hiin, and the king thought to fet him o- uer the whole realms. 4 ^ Wherefore the rulers and gouernours « fought an occafion againft Daniel concerning the kingJome : but th:y ;coj1 J find none occifion nor fault; lor he was f j faithfull that there was no blame nor fault found in biai. y Then faid thei'e raen.We ihall not find an oc- cafion againft this Daniel, except we find it againft him concerning tbe Law of bis God. 6 Tnerefote the rulers a^d trjcie gouernours wjnt together to the king.tnd f«i J thus vnto him. King Dirius,!iiie for euer. 7 All the rulers of thy kingdotie.the officers atid gouernours, the counfellets ζί di-k'zs haae cunful- tdd togithir to make a decree for tht king.and to eftabliih i Ibtutei that whofueufr Ihall aske a peti- tion of any god or man for thirty i-'aies faue oi thee,Oking,be Ihalbe caft into tht• den of lions 8 Now, U luting , eonfirme the Jccrse , and feale tbe writing, that itbe not changed, accorJiag to the law of the Medes andPe;liws, which aheteth not. 9 Wherefcreking Darius ■! kaled the writing and tlje decree. 10 f Ν j\v when D.iniel vnderftoed t'.ut he had feakd tlie writing, hewsni into his hoiifcand his e window being open in his chamber toward le rufilera, heknceied vpori bis knt:es three times a day, anil prayed and pcai'fcd his God, as he did a foretime. J 1 1 Then thefe men aifembled.and found Da- nid praying, and making fupplijation vnto his God. 12 So they came and fpak•; cnto the king con- cerning the kings decrse, Hail thou not fealed the decr.:c that euery coan that iliall ncak? requtft to any god or man within thirty daies, fauc to thee, Ο king, fbalbe caft into the deoni; of lions ί Tne king anfwered.snd fiid, Tbe thing is true, accor ding to the law of toe Medes and Pctfians, which alteteth not. 1 3 Tken anfwercd tbey.and faid vnto the ki-ng, This Daniel which is of the children of the capt uity of Iudah,7egardeth I'-ot thee , Ο ki;ig.nor the decree that thou haft feal.^d,but oaakah hii petition three times a day, 14 When theking heard thefe words .he was fore difpleafed with nitniilfi, and fet his heart^on Daniel , to deliuer him ; and he laboured till tbe Sunns went downcto deliuer hlcn. I y Then thefe men a lembled vnto the king, and faid vnto the King, Vnderaaod, Ο King, that the law of the Medes andPetlians it, that no decree eorftatutf vvhicfa the king confir- pjetb RfideEUcf, Chap, 1,1, \Oi,tteth inui/ni. 5 This heathen king «eftrred Djuiela ranger to all hii obles and fimilia'.»» Secaufe tbe gtacel Df God were moie llent in htm ;hen io otheri. Thus the wi.kej Laanotabidethe gtacel ofG^^ ino- tbeVs, buifeeke by ill occafijcs tode- «ce them, therefore ig.iia:t fucbanauli» here is no better emedy then to ^-alke vpright i( kh: feaie of God and to iiaueagQodcon- J H-'tiin ij cnn- niaed tbe wicke^•• Ue of -.he king. whowouH be fee god , and ken lawet he appto- d for the n;>inte- mce of ihe fame. Bscaufe he would ■ t by his lllence fliew that he con- fjnted to tbiiwitksd decree, he ffi opfo bis windowes lo- wj.dlerufalfm. when he prayed ; l-o;b to liiirt vp hi-7,felfrwi:hthe rrmcmbraicc of Go^s promifeito his people, wbra they ihculd pray toward that Tem» p!e,andalfotb.ic o• tisii might fe; ttat he would niithtt confent in heart no deed for thefe few dties to any thing that WIS contrary t GoJi gl>>ty recofripence• Cap. nray be • elrcred. 1 6 ?Tben the king coraraanded , and they b'oaght Daniel , and caft bim into the denne of iions : «»a> tie king fpske , and faid vnto Daniel, Thy God , wliomtttou alway feriieft,e«i» he will deiiuer thee. 17 Andafione svas brought , and laydvpon tberao'Jth of the denne, and the King lealed it with bis owne fignet .and with the fignet of bis princes, that the purpofe tight not be. changed, concetning Dinid. iS Then the king went vnto his palace, and reajained filting, neiihir weretise inftiuments of ΓηιιίίοΚ•: brought before liim , and his fleepe went flora him. 19 ί Then the king arofe early in the ttioming, and went in all hafte vnto the denne of iions. xo And when he catne to the denne,hc crycd with a limentabls voyce vnto Daniel : and the king i^iaki , and faid to Dani;l , Ο Daniel, the fcr- uant of the lining God , is not ihy God (.whom thou alwiy lerueit) g able to dcliuer thevftom the lions? 2 1 Then fjiJ Dmiel vnto the King , Ο king., liue for euer. 21 My God hath fent his Angel and hath fiiuc the lions tnouches , that they hausnothurtme; for '■my itiftic: was found out before him ; and vnto thee, Ο kirg.I haue dene ' no hurt. 23 Then was tiie King exceeding glad f .>r hi:n, anj commanded that they iliould t^kc D.inio• tnit of ttie denne : fo Djoiel was btot;ght out of the denne , and no rjanner of hurt was found vpoii him.becaiilc he'^ beleeued in bis God. 24 And by the cominanderoentoftheKirg thefe neii which liad accufeJ Daiiiel , were biought .and were ' c.i& into the donne of lions, euea chey , their children , and their wines : and the lions h*d the raaUeiy cf them, and brake ail theit bones apieces , or met they came at the ground of the denne. y f Afrf rwird king Daiios wrot^e , Vnto all people , nations and 1 tngaages , that dwell io all the ivorld : Peace beniultiplicd vnto you. 6 I make a decrcs,that iti all the doitjinion of my kingdorae.men tremble Sc feare ™ before the Gjd of Daniel : for he i•^ the " lluing God , and maineth for euer: and bis kingdome ihaii not periHi.and his dctmmio'u fhaU he cuerlafiing. 27 He rcfcueth anddeliuereth.andhe wcr- keth fignes and wonders in heauen and in earth: who hath ddiuered Daniel from the power of the lions 28 So this Djniel profpjred int'ieriigneof DiriuS.ind in the reigns of Cyrus of rerfia. VII. fTfau» the wicked iB4intiine eaill IaiA°«i by coDltaacii endiU'.bDiity, w!ii<;bii ofitinies .either lighirefle, er ftubburneO'e, V^FHii I he icno- cects thereby pe- lilh.anHihetefor- goutiDoufs neiiher ought to feare, cor be athsmed tobrejktfti:h. g This decUieih that Diriui wj» not toachfd jv'i'.h thstrjje know- ledge sf God, be- caule he doubted of his power, h My iull caufe an vprightne» in this thiog wh?rein I WJichirg.ecue true mrtice vpon ther.i. m This prooueth not that Diriu» did woithip Sod aright, or el» was conuertid; for then he would ha'ie deJtroycd ill fiiperlli:io:i and idolat;y : a;)d not onely giuen Gsd the chiefs place, but alfo liauefethinivp.-nl c ifelhnn to bsb .nouicdac• cording to bit wcrd • bit thit was t c?t'»i h-..vai cor,i?ei:ei by this uonde-f II ifuhiinfelfe, Lu'ij tfasonely Limtaiue of life and quichene:h all thiegi ,To that «itiout himtiicreii.ool'fe. CHAP. VI r. 3 Λ vifittt »f fill tuili (i fbtvei 'jnto Daniel. S The tcnneh'erriiitfiliefomlhbeajl•. η OftheeuerleiiiTig Whereas the peopieof Ifrael loo-Vd for con- tintiauqiieineire ftir irheir f:ucnti ih hjdjdiclar» d,ke flieweth that this tell HuI mt be a deliiierance btgiiininp. «nl therfore eniourageth thtinto looke for MtiVubb nieffioii of God, j-ower^htie ie. ^. VVhivbba;9aot Ajf li>' I quichene:h all thiegi ^o tha Τ Ν ^e hitt yeere ofBililiizzar King of Babel, Daniel faw a dreatre , and there trf r* viSons in his head , vpon his bedde : « then he wrote the ill troubles, bu' coiitiiuillatfliflion.tilli afpirituall deliueran' filo j!d haue a ceruiat tckei lerej S: r«uea'e '.,by wbom th^'y ih :uld :,in^ all the promifiJ be fulfiilfd : wbeieof ihey iu she deitiu&ioii cube Sal,jflooicall klD^dume, Fourcbeafts. lo dfearoe , and declared ihi fureme of the mat- ter. ζ Daniel fpake and faiJ. I f/win my vifion by night^nd Ixhold•, the fuure wiadcs of the i.eauen ftroue vpon Ό the great fc» 5 And foure great beallcscaoje rp from the Tea one diuets fom another. 4 The Hrft tpAi as a « lion.it'.d had eagles wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were pluckt off.and it was lifted vp frona the eatih , sndfitvpcn/j»/ feet as a roan, and a mans heart wis gi jen him. y Antl behold , another beail rnhick was tlie fjcond, was like a Ί bearcSi i^ood vpon the ' one ii-!s:and he tad three ribs in his (njoutb betweene histetth, I and they Oid thus veto hirn^Aiife, and dcucure mi!ch flrfli 6 After this.I bebeld, and loe,tbe.-eB'/if ai-O• ther like a ''lecpjrd, which had vpon bis bscke ' fjure wings of a foule : the beali had aifj f^ure heads,an>! k Jonjinion was giuen him, 7 Af;er this. I faw in ti.e vilior.s by night, and bel.old , the fourth beali v^as fearefull and terri- ble and very f rong. It had giMt '■•' yron teeth tioueiucd and brake in pieccs.Sc flcroped » the fidue vnder his feer.and u was vnhke to th•; bt.ills £u.ic wcie b ;fore it: for it had ° ren horn. s. 8 As i corjii^^cied the homes , beholae , there caojcvp among their itiothcr littk I'tiome .be- fore whora thereweiesfbteeofthe fj• it homes pluckt .iway andbehold.in bis home wtre ' eyes likt.• cbe eyes of cnan , and a mouth Ipeaking pte- iurr.piuous thin behel-i eill the f thrones were f«vp, and the '- Ancient of dayes did fn.whofe garment was fmd was iufjiiab^ white as flow , and the baire of his Ijead like the pure wooil , his throne rva.! lit^ the liery flin:c, and iiis. wheeles, a.s burning hre. 10 Aherie ftreatue iiiued .andcamefooithl" fronj before him: ihoufatidthotifandsminift^ed "M^jn'-l'^rii:'^'. vnto hiin , and ten tcouland" thoMfands Uood inderthe κ,.•;-'οΓ before hiro : the iaugement was itt , and the |^^ ,;^"°' ϊ^ bookcs opei-.ed. ifigoified e Ihould behoiiib'.e ttoublci affliftic hewo.ld.n all coineii oftte wotld.atdatfunjry ■ nrs. Meaniiig,tlie Af- Ipian acd Calc.ei rinofre. wbiih wai hercein power, Bad aioi! foone coinr to tbeir au• lhoiity,,iihcu-h ihty L.T-iw.f.i» lofl.e.yctthe.r W'iDgl wer b/lbePci; • nd ttiey weatcu :beir feete.ind ' iWflie made like itlier men, whi^ is teie meant by nuns beart. i M>;aiM'-.g,ihe fe.lut» .^Ιμ.!» • puilei ,de.'.icy;d many kirfdrin-s. he An- by God) cnin• ieni/nt, wbo jy 'hjs mrar.e• pu- inguri- Th.,i hirfecapiiin \\t.uhh4dtbe rmpiiearroDg the») «ffcrbii dearh SeVacuihilAla the fvjit , Aurigonyjthe ieU'e, CzlTinJeriud after fcira Aitipaierwai kitig oiMaced- nia , ^i- Pioiemrui had Egypt, k It was not of himfclfe nor of bis OATe powpr tbi; he gaie ali ihef: ccuatrey» : far biSaimiecoBteinedbut thirty ihouficd ir.eii, inj he ouircain: ir one baticl Darija v.h-.ch had ten hundietb thoufand . when h; wat fo hrauie with iWfpe , thii bis eyrs were fcarce oprn , as the ftoiei repie : ili-refoie tbis power v¥a» otuenhiui dt God. 1 Thai is, the Rcnime Empire which waa a mon- i;ei• , & cou.d not bi conipited to any (feaits , becaufe'tbe niture of nmt W4• ab'eiO£X;;ieUe It. iti Syjoi.ying, the tyraoay aud greedinelf; of the Roi.i.nes, n.Tbat waicb tbe R^inunts tou'.d not <;uie:iy enicyin otheiciuntvty.s, th y would giiit it to other King» and ruleit.iba: at all times when they vvo-ild. tl.cy might t.he it .-game : w'hith lipiralitie is here called the (tampi,-.g of the reft v.i- dei the feuC- ο That is , in dry and diueri prouiiices which wrre g^uerned fcj the deputies and frjconfu'a.v. hereof euery one niigbi t;ecc.niiv.v-.l to a King, ρ Which it m-!aDtcf'IJliu»CA'far,Aiigu'ius,Tibirii;s,Ca'igula' Claudius, an! Nfro.Sfc.w ho were askings in etfea.bui becanfe they could not ru'e butfay tbe cnfent of iht S:njte , tbfir power n ccnipared tq a little boine. For Mahomet cam; notof the K-omane F.Lnpire , aodthe ΓΌρ- bathro vocatisocf g'l.'tntiue.it; tbcief.irctbiscanoot be applied vato:b;m,Sc alfo in this propheci'e the rrojibeij purpofe it chiefly to ccmfo-t the Irwel vnto the reueiation of Chrift. Soaii take ic for tbe wb'ilekody of Aniicbri'.t. uties to fend into the piouioces. iz tooke tbe gouercemtnt of cevtaice countveyej to himrdfe. r Tbefe Rom' Empetoiiitat the (iilt vfsd a ceiraine huin^-tieand gen:leneii'e,aud werccoai that others . as tbe Confuls.acd Siaate, Ihould beatc tbe ni,m i ofdigniiy.fj thai they niigbt haue tbe profile .and thereiore ID ilcfi.ons andcovitfe.s would bebaue ihcmlVlues accordingas did other Senaiours • yet again» their enstniej an J tfc.)fe that would rfli:i ibfin, they were fitrci• 3c cruel, which itbire rajant by y-^nud inoutb. r Mea=iig.ihe places wheieCJod i,nJ his Angels fliou d ccii;e t- uidge th-rfe Monarchies, vehich iudgrinsatihouh biginit the lit!: c- in:n:n- cfCiiri;t, t That It, God which was bs'o'ea'l t m-i, aid it beiedif;tib;das nuos nature iiab'e to canpteheiid lomr portion of tis glory, u That is. an itfi .ir^, b;r of Ange's wliich were leady to exfcu e bis comcaudtmrit, χ Tbii ii fihe firt coirming of Chrift , wbesji the wiiluj^od was i<;atiely teu:a!edby hit Gofpel. Κ I' Oo 3 II Then Cbrifts duniniotii Dinitl. be vT" ill '"";» whin he f» Λ thefe £iiv"o>'f• ... fuch digni-.ie and pdde, tod fo fudieuly de- liioysd aitbe com;niug of Chri \wh--i icfaie Wii fubicft ccj uua of other oaiiutti. ι Aithi ihrte fo;mei Monit- chieihadan eni tbe> chac Gjda?poin:ed, «Itbaugh [ber floutiih:d for a time.fo Ihall tbi< fourth haue, tad ttey tb>tp»tieo:ly ibiie Gads ap poiticni^i Ilea• premifc». a which ii meant cfC^ti't.who bad not yic takeu ν ρ- οή him nuns na- ture,uei. bit W.f thefo.meof Dauii aicording to the fleih,a»hewa«af- tetWJid butap. peared then in a i^utf ,jiii tiftt in the cbndei : that ii, being feparate ffi,mibecoir.m33 fort of men by ID i- tiifeli figaeiof bit diwiniif. ' b Towir,whe[i beafcendrdmio the beaueai.aad fail diuinemaiefty appeared, and all power wai giuen νπ!3 him, in rsfpect of that that he wa» our Mediitour. c ThijisniTantof lbs beginning of Catiftsliiugdom, when God the Fa- thfr gius vnto btiu ait dominion^ 11 to the MeJia- toLir, totheJD'.eet that he (hould go- ueine here bis : Church in earth continually the time that be brought them tteinalll,-ft. 4 TbiougUthe Itnngeuelltofihe 1 1 Then I beheld . r becaufe of the voy ce of the prefumptuous words wbich the home fpake: I beheld.euen till the beift was niioe.and his bo- dy dsftroyed.anci giuen to the burning hre_, 12 As ^ concerning the other beafts, they had taken away their dorainion : yet their Hues were prolonged for a ceitaine tioie and feafon . 3 f As I beheld in vifwns by night , behold, » one like the fjnne of man came in the cloudes of heauen , andbapproicheJ vnto the Ancient of dayeSjind they brought him before him, 14 And he giue hitn.c dominion, and honour, an d a kingdomej that all people, nations and lan- guages iliould ferue him : his dominion is an euerUfting dorainion , which iliall neuer beta- ken awiy sand his dooiinion Ihall neuer bedc- ftroyed. I J• f I Daniel was <* troubled in my fpirit , in the midies of my boJy , and the vifunsof mine head made me afraid• i6 Therefore I came vnto e one of them that flood by, and asked him the truech of all this : fo he told me , and Ih^wed me the interpretation of thefe things. 17 Thefe great beafts which are foure , dr* foure kings.which Itall arife out of the earth, 8 And they iliall take the f kingdoaieof the Saintsofthe g moft High.whichfliallpoflcfle the kingdome for euer.euen for euer and euer. 19 f After this, I would /^«un» the truethof the fourth beaft , which was b fo vnlike to all the others , very fearefuU .whofe teeth were of yron, and his nailesofbraffe : »Aicfe deuoured .brake in pieces, and ftiroped the Wefidue vnder his feet. 20 Alfo to '^103' of the tea homes that were in his head.and of the other which came vp , before whom three fell , and of the home that had eyes, and of the mouth that fpakt• prefumptuous thiiigs, whofe k looke was more Soutthen his fellowes. 2 1 I beheld,and the fame ' home made battell againft the Saints.yea.and preuailed againft them. 22 Vntill«»the Ancient ofdayes came .and iudgement was giuen to the Saints of the moli High : and the time approached , that the Saints poO'effed the kingdome, 23 Then he faid. The foulth beaft iliill be the foutth kingdome in the eat th , which ilisll be vn- like to all the kingdomes , and iliall deuourc the whole earth , and ihall tread it downe and breake it in pieces. 24 And the ten Tiomes out of this kingdome art ien Kings that Ihall rife : and another HijU rife after the.n ,and he iliall be vnlike to the hift, and he Ihall fubdue ■> three Kings, 2 J And lluU fpeake words againft 0 the moft i k vifion and High, and ihall confutce thcSaiiusoftheracft High , and thinke that he may r change simes and lawus , and they fli^lbe giuen into his hand vmiil as time.and times andthediiiidingoftime. 20 But the ' iudgement Iha 11 fit.and they fliall take awy his dominion to confume and dcSroy it vnto the er.d. 27 And the "^kingJome , and dominion , and the greatnefl'e of the kingdome vnder the whole heaaen ihiUbe giuen to the holy people of the moft High, whofe Kirgcome « an euerlafting kingdome , and all ' powets ίΙ\ύ\ ferue and obey him. 28 Euen this is the ende of the matter, I Da- niel bad many " cogitations which troubled mee, and my countenance changed in me ; but I kept the matter in mine heart. Ρ Thefe Empe- rort lliall not cots• lidei that they haue tbn't power fGod,tuttbin!'.e : ilia their ovvlc power to change Godi lawesand aaDi.and as it vere the order of lature , as appea- eib by O&auiui. Tiberius, Caligu- la, Nero, DomiiU- lus, Sec. 1 God AuU^ufTet hem thus to rage againft his Saint* for a long tint:, which is meant bf the time and times, the time for bis tie A time, ί God by his >y this little home, the beali Ihould b: but at length he will affwage thefe tioubles, and falte , Matih. 14,»!. which is here meant by the diuiding of puwer ihall teflore things that were out of order, and fo di that it ihall neuer rife vp againe. f He iheweth wbrrti dellroyid , to wit,thit his Chuich might haue lefi and quieines, which though they do not fully eoijy here, yet tbey haue it in hope , and by the preaching of the Gofpelenioy the beginning thereof, which is lufant by thefe woides : Vnder the heaueiciadibettfoie bee beie fpeaketh of the beginning ofChriftes kingdcnie in this woild.wbicb kingdome the fiiibfuU haue by the piiticipation that they haue with Cbrilt their bead. iThat it.fome of euery fort that bearetule. u Though he h^dmlny mjiian» in his heart which meoued hiin toand fro to feekeout tbi» e Mejning,of the Aagels , ai verfe 1». ' f Bj^aufr Abra|}im was appoiatej heire of all the world, R-.m 4 1} and in him all rhefaithfall.tUerefoie the kingdome thereof is thtirs by fight , which thefe foure b;ailesot tytantslhiuid inujde , and vfuipe vntiil the world wereteftored by Cbriif.aiid this was to confimieihem that weiein trou- b'ei ,tbat their iffliftions ihould haue an end at length, g That is, of ibe mod high things , bccaufeGodbithchofentbcm vut of this woi Id, that tbey Ihould looke vp to the b:auens , wherein all th:ir hope dependeth. h For the other three Moatrcbies were gouerned by a King, and the Rjmine Empire byCDufuls. thrRuinant changed rfaeir gou-rnouis Veercly.and the otberMonarchies reteiced ihcm for lerme of life : alfo the Romin'es were the ftroigslt cfall the other, and were neuer quiet among thimfelues. i Readeverfe 7. k This is meant of the •ounhbeaft, wbich wasmDre teniblethen iheoiber. 1 Meaning the Rjmane Emperouri, who were molt cruel! againit «he C-uich of God both uf the lewes an-1 oftheGintiUs. m Till God Ih-.wcJ hispjwer ia thepetfonofChriit,jncl b» the preaching of the Gofpel giue vnto bis f 4ne reft , and fo obuined a fa- mous Name in the woild , and were called ibt Coutch of God, or the kingdome ο G.)d. η Reade the -χμοΓι ion hereof, virfe S. ο That is, (liall mikewi-kid decreet anl proclamation, again!! Go.'» word, and feni ihtoughuu: all tbtil do. m;nii)a , todeltto'yall th»; did profeilc it. itjudy , yet he was coutent with that which Goc ία mera.>ry . and wrote it for the vfe of the Church. CHAP. VIII. A vifien of a battell keftveeiie a rumme and a gcate. io The vnierilnnitng-ofthe vifiott. Τ Ν the third yeere of the reigne of king Bslfliaz- "^ zar , a vifiori appeared vnto mee , euen vnto mee Daniel , » after that trhich appeared vnto mee at thefitS. 2 And I faw in a vifion , and when I faw it, I was in the palaceofShuflian, which is the pro- uince '' of Elam,and in a vifion rae thought I was by the tiuer of Vlai. 3 Then 1 looked vp and faw , and behold, there ftood before the tiuer a ^ ramme which had two homes , and thefe two homes w*r* high : but one was d higher then another , and the higheft came vplaft. 4 I faw the ramme ptiliing agait^ the Weft, and againft the North , and againft the South : fo that no « bedfts might ftand before him.nor could deliuer out of his hand , but he did what he lifted, and became great. J AndasIconfidereJ,behold, a goat came from the Weft ouer the whole earth , and touched not the ground : and this goate had an g home that appeared betweene his eyes. 6 And he cams vnto the ramme that had the two homes , whom I had feene ftanding by the tiuer,and ran vnto him in his fierce rage. 7 And I faw him come vnto the ramme , and being^ooned againft him, he b fmoie the ramme and brake his two bornes : and there was no power in the ramme to ftand againft him , but he caft him downe to the ground , and ftaroped vpon him, and there was none that could dehuet the ramme out of his ροΆ er. 8 Therefore the goate waxed exceeding great , and when he was at the ftrongeft, his greai^ ^ home was broken : and for it came vp foure tba borne, h Alexander ouetcara: Darius in two fundi y batte kingdometi.f;be MedesandPeifua for when be bad ouetcom; all the Eall, he thought to fubdae ibcm that had lebelled.and fo died by the way eucaled,aDd kept it After the gene-' rail vifion, beccm- inttb to certaine perticular vifion» as touihing the deltiuSioD of the Monatcbie of the ani,and Ma- cedonians: for the ine of the Baby- bicd,aad alfo be bad fufliciently fpoken thereof, b That is, of Peilia. c Which repie- fented the king- dome of the Ter- li us and Medes, wh:ch were ioy« ned together, d iMeaoing. CyiruJ, vbich after grew ;ieatet in power ben Darius bis 'Qcle and father η law. : That is, no king! )r nations, ■ Meaning, Alex- great fpeed and expedition. e Though be cams in the name of all Grecia,yetbee bire the title and dignityofthege- ueiall captaine,fo tbattheftrength was attributed to him, which ii meant by this .and fo ba^ the two .\andetsgre^ power was bioktn. e t^iward Grecisui^ j, k appearec itne interpretation. cap, ifx k That is, which almoft ir ihe fpace cf fifje.ne »eere "there were fiOeene di.erifuccelTcurt bifort this im- caichie wuscliui- ded toihefe fouie, EieofCatr.ader bad Macedinii, Seleucus Syria, iiigonas Afia the lell': and Pco- emeui Egypt. Which vv«s Aa- iochui Epipha- nes.who wasof a fernileaad rtaite- ng nature.and alfo ihere were other betweene t andihe king- dnme and there- fore ii here called tbeliulehorocbe- caiife ceithcr jiiincely condiii• uov any oiber g wa. iD him. why he mould ob- taiue thitking- o That it, lujea. ged againli the (IcdofGod, aad trode hispreciout ei vnder ftft, which are fccal- iedjbecauie they arefeparatedfrcHi the world, q Thnii.God, who gcuiineih and lusictiineth ii CSuich. He laboured to abDiilh all reigi- iiid therefoie ci-i Godsferuice Df hi» Temple, :h God hid chofenaialittle er from all thereft of the world tohaue hii le there true- ly celled vpi-n. f HeOieweihthat fmnci aie the cajfe of thefe hor- eaffliaioni: I yet ccm^prtetb ppeared towared the foure windcs of the heaue. 9 And out of one of ibem catre forth a ' h't- tle borne , which waxed vay great toward the '" South , and toward the ° Halt , and toward the β pleafant land, 10 Yea.it grew ip vnto he Ρ hofte of beauen, and it caft downeyi;CTeofthehc.ft.:,andofthe fiatres to the ground, and trode vpon thcra, 1 1 And extolled himfelfe againlt the "ϊ prince of thehofte, frorn whom the•• dayly//jcr;)?c«was taken away .and theplaceof hisSaii6tuarie was cali'downe. 12 And ra time fliall be giuen Λ»»» ouer the dayly facrific* for the iniquitic : and it Itiall ' catt downe thetrueth to the ground", and thus Hull itdoe.aodpiolper. 13 Then I heard one of the " Saints fpeaking, and one pf the Saints fpske vnto a certainecne, faying. How long f alt endure the vilionof the dayly factifice ,λόΛ the it iijuifleoftheidefula- tion to tread both the Sanduary and the y atinie vnder foote? 1 4 And '■ he anfwered me, vnto the ^ euening and the Korning , two thoufand aud three hun- dieth;then fliall the Sanduary be cleanfed. ly f Now when I Daniel had ftetie the vifi- CI3 , and fought for the meaning , beholJe , there ftood before cue t> like the fiiEihtude of a irao. \6 And I heard a tDans voyce betweene the hankj of Vlai «which called .aodrside, Gabtiel, make this man to vndeiSand the vifion. 17 So he came whcse I Sood : ai,d when bee canoe , I was afraid, in ! fell vpon my face : but he faid vnto me , Viiderftand , Ο lor.ns cf π an ; for d in the laft time fr,aU be the vifion. 18 Now as he was fpeaking vnto me , I being adtip^ftU on my f-cc to the ground : but he tou- ched me, and fet me vp in my place. 19 And he faid, Behold, I will Ihew thee what ihill be in the laft « wrath : for in the ende of the time appointed it yTid/Zcswi, 20 The ramme which thou fawefi hauing two homes , are the Kings o: the Medes and Fer- Cuns, And the goate ύ the King cf Grecii, and the great home that is betweene his eyes , is the firft king. 22 And that that is broken , and foure ftood vp for it , are foure kingdomes , which flialJ ftand vp 'of that nation.but not g in bis Srength• 23 And in the end of their kingdome , when the rebellious Ihjll be confumed.a Kini; of i• fierce countenance . and vndeiftanding datke fcntences, iliall Qand vp 24 And his power fliall be roightitj.but not i in his Brength : and hee fhali defiroy wondeifully, and ihall piofper , and praftife , and Ihall defiroy the k mightie.and the holy people. ^ uamels-cont :flion. lojf traft belha'l ngittoprfl-e. m with 1 notable plague, tid fo comprt hit ;butcb.2 Mac 9.9, ' Readeverf ,4. ) F.rfeoeani liloniihment. Jllhh Thiihoroe flull tboliih for a time the true doftrine.anH fo corrupt Go-'s fer- Uice. u Meat: ing, that hehfaid one of the Ai.geli aiking thijque'.lion of Corilt, ;om hecalled a ceit-inecne, or afecretone.or a roarurilom one. χ That ii, th; lewes finnei.which weiecaufe of hit deltruftion y That ii.which fuppref- fetb God» religion, and hii people, ζ Chtift aofweredme for the ccmfort ofihe Church. aThitii.vntill fo many nituralldayes bs pair, which make β yeeres 3. njsne'b» and an halfe ; for foloog vnder Ariiiochm wai the Temple prophaned. b Which wai Cbrill who in thii maner declated himfelfe to theolde father•, bow he would be God manifell in flelh. c Thii power tocciumand the Angel, declared that he Wii God. d Tbeetfeaof his vilion Ihall not yet appeate, but along t mi after e Meaning , that grjat rage which Antijchui fliou'd ihew agji',ltthe Ciiurch. f that ii.outof Grecia gTht:y (ball not h»ut Iikt power " Alexioder. h Ν Jiing that this Antiochui was inipu.^cnt and ctuell, and •!fo craftie that b'e could not bedeceiu'd i That ii , not like Altxandir» rcDgih. k Both the Cemilii that dwelt about bim. and alfo the Icwel. ^ ly And through W$ I poHcIc alfo he fliall caufe \vbatfc,et-er he craft to proiper in hi« hand .and hee flu!! ex'nl! k:'*'- ^^oLt by himftlfj in his heart, and by m piacefliai! de- fiioy many: bee iliall alfo ftand vp agairftthe 1 prince of princes.but he ihall be broken downe ►"'«η" of peace, "without hand. _ "o""^'""" i6 And the vifion of the ^ enenirg and the i Meaning againft morning, which is deciared.is true: herefore ■^"^ "eajg th dayes. 27 And IDanielwas ftricken and ficke q ff r- taine daycs : but when I role vp , I did the kings bufinetfe , and I was aftonilhed at the vifion . but none vndetftjod it, CHAP. IX 3 D mitt dtfirtih Ii h*ue ihnt perftrmed ffCoi , XfhUh hie had primijid ctncerKing the rcturne if ibe fccfle from their kanijbmeHi i« B.\l>jlm. $ A true confiffi.n. io 'DaJtieli [r^ijer ti hea>d. ai Gatriel the Λη^ι i expiiinieth -viiuhim the vifiaa tf the feuemie neckei. i^The nn'^niittoaf Cht'li. aj The tttiidmi agtuue tf leriifAlrrk. ' 2S Ihidraih tfChrtfl. IN the fitit yeereofOariusthefonneof» Aha- •■ ihueroUT . of the feede cf thcMedes.which was made king ouer the ^ realms of the Caldeans, 2 Eiitii in the fitQ yeere of his reigne , I Di- niel vnderftood by «^ bjokes the nutxibcr oithe yeeres . whereof the Lord h«d fpoken vnto lere- miih the Prophet , that he would accoropiifli fe. uentie yeeres in the defolation oi lerul-'lsm. 3 And I turned my face vn'.o the Lord God, and d fought by prayer and fi:pplications with failing and fatkcloath and aflits. 4 And I p;ayed vnto the Lord my God , and made my conftfliun, faying , Ο Lord Goi.oihLh λγγ^ great and fearefiill. a'.u keepeft couenant and metcie toward them which loue t thee and to.sardc them chat keeps thy corcmande• ments, y Wee haue finned and haue committed ini- quitie, and haue done wickedly, yea , we haue re- belled . and haue departed from thy precepts, and from thy iudgements. 6 For wee would not obey thy feruants the Prophets which fp^ke in thy name to our kings, to our princes , and to our fathers , and to all the people of the land. 7 Ο Lord/ righteoufnes hthngelh vnto thee, and vnto vs t open Ihame , as appearcth this day vnto euery man of ludah. and to the inhabitants of lerufalem , yea, vnto ail Ifeacl , both neere and farre off, throughall the countreys, whither thou baft dtiuen them , becaufe of their offences , that they haue committed againft thee. 8 Ο Lord , vnto vs apperte'metb open iliatue, to our g Kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, becaufe we haue finned againft thee. 9 Ttt compafljon and forgiueneffe « in the Lord our God , albeit wee haue rebelled agaicift bira. 10 For we haue not obeyed the i• voyce of the Lord our God , to walke in his lawes , which hee bath laid before vs by the mioiftjry of bis fer- uants the Prophets. 1 1 Yea, all Ifrael haue tranfgreffed thy Law, and are turned backe,and haue not heard thy voyce : therefore the • cutfe is powred vpon vs, and the oathe that is written in the Law of Mofes a who wai alfo lied Allyagea. FjrCy.uf led irh ambitioo, ert about warre» ohrr countries, diheretore Da. 11 hjd the title of ihr kingdom-, igfcCy.usA-a» king in etfeft. hurjh be ex;eilt prayer, leaft ceir fiaoti (limild • aufe God to de- ay the time of beirdel,urr,nce irt.pbecie•! by eremiab. bu: Thi t E;r,him. ■ H- fliewe-h that A-her;f -euer God puoiOretb be doth for iutl caufe: aud :hui-the godiy X arcufe bim gout ai the vicked doe , but k owledge that thrmfelue. theie II iu't caufe why he Urruld fo intreat tbein. t £bj,cenf»ficlt offac. g He dieth not excufe the kings becaufe of their tuthoritie , but prayetbtjhirdy for them aj the chiefs occaliout of thefe greatplaguei. fa Hre flieweth that they rebrllagainit God , which feiue him not according to hii conmandemeot led Aoid. Pcut. 17, IS- or the curfe confirmed by tn oatbe. Oo 4 the r in thy frife toe.xecutethy tet• iudgfinenti ag«: It obltjuate leriaitbou iich intiiercy comfort ibem ichcb-y thy rd and ioue Danic! Mefsia 1. A viiion• Ij Or, jtutrntt vi, •f Her. wMtchti vt,a lilt tuitl. * Ex». i4,iS. JSi»«(b. 1.(1, k Ttii-ii, .cccf- din%tutti ib)rni:i• nfull iiroinifri »;'j>:iiiuto'.Cii.Ut, .ΐΛ,.ίυ. ^J-.u. ,v.....w. . ...ti'iiiiiJigainft And he lud confi met! his words, which he fpike^igjinS vs, and agiinfti^u; iudges that 0 i'ld- fwl vs ,. by bringing vpon v5 a g'cat plague : for vnder tiie whole hcavsin hath not beene the hkc , as.hath beene Lrouoht vpsn lerufiitra. 13 All tin's [iLiyuc is cyme vpon vs , as it is tirittiyiio the Lawof'Mof^s: yet midswenot our prayer b^fote the Lord our God , that ween.ight turne from cur ii.ijuities and vnd:;ltand thy truet'i. 14 Therefore hath the Lord t made reedy the plague , and brought it vpon vs : for the Lord o;:r Go I is rigbteous in all his works which he doth : for W2 wouM not hcare his voyce . f * And now , Ο Lord our God , thath^ft bro'jght thy pco\h out of the land of figj pt with a mighty hand , and liaft gotten thee r;r owroe, as appearcth this day, w:: hiue fianeJ, v/e baue done wickedly. 16 Ο Lord, according to zli thy"*• n'ghteoufi:e3, 1 befeech thee , let thine arger «t;d thy wrath bee turned awiy from the city Itrnfiletn tbine holy Moiirtiins : becauioofour iiniies , and for the iniquities of out fathers, lerufaltitn and thy people r a reproach ;o all f ^4t art about vs. J 7 Nov/ therefore, Ο our God, heare the pray- er ci tby feruant , and his fuf plications, and caule thy face to ' ^ine vpon thy Sindtuaiy , that lieth waftcfor the "■ Lords fake. 1 3 Ο my God, erclioe thine eare and heare : open thine eyes , an.! beheld ourdefolatior'j.an!! the city wlierevpcn thy Narre is called : for wee doenot prefsnt cur fi.ppli.:atir;ns u(.fore thee for oiirowoc " righteou(rics,batfur tby great tender mfrcies. 1 9 Ο Lord heare . Ο Lonl fo-gios , Ο Lerd ο confi J er, and do it : deferre not. for tb ine owne fAe, Ο my God : for thiy Nanie is called vpon thy city, and vpon thy people, ao 5" And whiles I was fpeakingand praying, en J confcfliiig my finne.and the finne of iry peo- plclfraei , and did prefent my fi;pp!ication before the Lord rjy God , for the hly Mjuntaine of my Gol , 21 Yea, while I was fpeaking in prayer, euen the man " Gabriel, whom I had feene before in the vilion .carre fl; ing, and touched lue about the tirasoftheeueningiibli'.ion. zx And he i:i(o/meJ me, ?nc] tilkedwithn-.ee, and fft iloly. 1 J Know therefore and vnderftar.d that from <■ tbi goi'-ig foo'ihof the cooDcrianderatnt to bing ag^iiie the ff^lt , and to build leriv falera.vnto MeiHih tl' .• Ffirci ,pj«// b. iLuen « w:ek:s and " ihreefcoreaodtwu w£^.kcs.Λ^ιcί η «rehendibi I 'jiie from the building of the T»m,i( vntv the \ Eh.in flrtitt tf n'A{$ laft Wf«kcof tbe fe- i.iy, nullC!:ii.1 ir.t tfA prtacb d fulfil del h. y Heih.llfeerre ■ ate 1.0 tcjJry, to beofacy eltmatiOD , a> Ifa fj.». Meaning, Tftiu, ifpafiiDi foone, wholluuM con.t irdciebrcyboth he Temple ind the people A'libout the fiiecte ihalbebuik agair.e, and the w:Il euen in a ftrotbloi-stiu e. 7(5 And if:er threefcoreandtwo» wetkes.flisll Μς/iiibbi flainr.ind (hill yhiue nctVirgjjt.dthe pccplecf the'p-irce that iIi.!lko!re Jhali de&.cy the ciry and the Siritiury , and the end thereof fha/br with a flood : and unto the end of the bjtteli it iliilbe defttoyedby dcfola'ions. 27 Andheafliail conhrtte the couenant with many for one wctke:and in the tijids cf the wet kc he lliall caufe the lacrifici and the oblatioi) to ^ ceaie.c and for the ouerfpreadirg c f the al oaj- nations bee iliall make it defolate , euen vntili tl.c coufiincation determined fhall be {lov/red vpon the dtfolatc. all bope ofrrcoueiy. a By tbe preaching oftleGofpi'.l be cocii.in-d bi» pre• mife. ftrit to tbe lewei, aoj after to the G«n-ilei b Cbtillaccwi[ liu e.l tbii by til dc.tband lifurrenioii. c Meaning that IrrLfaieni aoi the Saoituay fll.uM b? v.terlydelirtyii for tbrir teotl'.ion igjip.;: Cd.jnd tbeit iJnl.iiy.• tta» fome reade tb^tibe plague Qulbe ίο great, ibai ibry iluibe allalliniedat ibtin. CH A F. X. I There nftttreavHta D«niela mandtaiheiinlinnii 1 1 which Jbewtih hint wte/i/w f he i; (ent. IN the » third yene of Cyrus King of Perfia , •ihipg was reuealed vmo D.niel (wlicfe name was called Bel;elhaz2ar ) and the word a^as true , but the tiiBe appointed was ^ long , and l:ec vnderfluodihetbiiig, andhad vndciftiuding cf the vilion. 2 At the fame time I Danielwasiaheauines for three weckes of daies. 3 I ate no pl'^aftatbrcad.oeithercarrefleilinor wine in my irouih ,nci!hertlid I anoint my fdfe at all, till three weekcs of daies were fulfilled. 4 And in the foure andtw:niieth day of the ■= Ηιβ ironeth, as I <^ was by the fide of that gr^at iiuer,eucn HidJ-.kcl, y And I lift vpmineejes, aod locked, and behold, the: e 0^4/ a roan e tloathed in liunen, \v^ofe byoes ware girded with line geld cf * Vphaz. 6 H.is body alfo Wi/ like the Ch.-yfolite , and his face (toliokevpon) like tbe lightning , and his cyis aslampes of fire , and his armetandhii fcete t^eri like in colour to poll 1 bed braffe, aod the voyce of his words was like the voyce of a niidii'.ude. 7 And I Daniel alone faw the viiion ; for tbe Irfinf of the ηρ> began t, bs binii.'te'l by b)f-.C,ru e, Vvbcaibi fatbei iiu<1eW4ire Alii iiiinoragainft tS.>thiaat,wbich iiad-.fuouraging tbe god 'y .ltd a at feate to D.v.i«l j'.Vaiib ibjtibegoj/y Id not battel ucbjbjt paii- f u'ibi^c tbe ofGoJj CjteJ Abib A/bich .ontritcib t ofM.r h , and t of April Λ B-i:igcaric)by be S, Jilt of pi'.) he cy lu haue tbe figb tt;.f. uetTyg.il Tbii wa» the An. gel . f God vujj fii.t :o alfu; men that wire with me . faw not the vilion : but a phccy .Utfo'i'o'*eth, great feare fell vpon them , fo d:at tbey fled away I* Jer. 1 and hid tlicmfelues. 8 Ti'ie-tfoie I was left aisne, and faw t'.iis great vilion, and there remained no iliength io me : for f toy Itrerg'.!•. was turned in tcee into corruption, f η, „,,„,j ,,^-^ and [ retained no power. ^9 Vet heard i the voyce of I is words; and when I hear i the voyce of his word.s I flept on my face, λώΙ my face wat toward tbe ground. 10 And behold, an ε hand touciied me.whicli fet trie vp vpan my knees , and vpon the palmcs of mine bands. And fHid vnto mc, Ο Daniel, a roan greatly bcloued , viidiiftandthe words that I fpeike vnto ?, and ftand in thy place : for vnio thee am 1 row fent. And when he had faid this word vr.to me, I Itood trembling, Then faid be vnto tne, Feare nor, Danid : fjr from the hrii djy that tho'ididdcfifetthiut i.ittt to vndedtr.nd , and to hum. le try lelJe be- fore 1; , irod, tSy words were heard , ind I tn corf ί for iliy words 13 Bi t lyteii ^rlli toineliiie», iuty, Γο that for l-..ri be Tvailikc ■Irti iiuufoide- (ί mi y f. Which declaretb Ια mTghty k|ing, h Meaiiing.CiBi• bife» who liigned bis tiibe-» «b- fence, «ndrfiil not onelj (^< ihiifp»ce biiidtr ihebailding of ibeTeraplir, bin would bane r,CbiiltIrru• tbe bctdofAii• cell. k For though the Prophet Daniel (houldendeaui ceafe, yethiido- firine mould conti- nue till thectm- miDgofChiill fur omfoitof his Church. I Tbii w>• the fame Angtitbat fpake Aub biin before ia tbt Γιπιϋί- tudeofaman. m Iwa»oueicomi with feare and fot- rew. when I faW the vilioD. η Hedeclareih berebT thai God would be mercifull ι Chap, 13 Hut the 0 prirceofthe kinij'Jorcccf ΓαΓι.ι withftuoil raeo one arJ twenty tliits: biitioc, ' Michael one of the chiefe princis, came tc hel|ie lEe, and I rettiaint;d there by theking; ofl'tilH. 14 Naw I stu ctmie to fticw thcc what Hull come to thy pet pie in the latter diies: for yet tbe '' vifion ii fur rmtiy daics. 1 y Λ11.Ι wiicn he fpake thcfe words vnto rre, I fet my face toward the ground, and held my tongue. 16 And behold, 'onelikethcfimilitiideofthe fonnesofiTiin touched my lips : then I opentd my mouth , and (pake , and (ay vino him chat (toed before rre , Ο my Lord ,"> by the vifion ray for- rowes are returned vpon ince, end I bane tetained no fiiengih. 17 Forbowcan thefcruant cfihismyLcrd talks with try Lord bein^ luch one? for iS lo: rne, flrjightway there remained no ftreiigth in niee, neither is there breath lefi in ae. 1 8 Then there caine agane and touched me , one like the appearance of a man , and hee iliv ng- thtncd me, 19 And iiu\, Ο man.greatly bcIoueJ, feare not: ° peace bt vnto thee : be (ttong and of good cou- rage. And when he had fpckeii vnto n:ee , I β was Qrengthened, and faid , Let my Lord (pcakc : for thou halt ftrengthened me. 20 Ten faid he , Knoweft thou wherefore I am come vmo thee ? but i^ow will I rctuine tofiijht with the Prince of I'eilia: and when I am gone fotth,loe,P the I'linceofGrecia (hall tome. 21 But I wilDhew thef that whichis detreed in the Scripture of truth ; ί and there is none chat lioldeth uithme in ihefetl.kgs, but Michael your Prince. > the people of Ifi?cl. ο Which declirnh thatwhen God (miteth downhii chilJien.he doib not ininitdiaily lifiilirni vp .itorce (.'urnuW the Angel hadtouche.l bim twice) but bf liitlcandliiJe. d .Meanini; .tbatbte would not ontly hinifelfe bridle the rifceofCamliyfei.b it :lfn the othti Kiogj of Teiliiby AlfXindettheKinj; of Maicdciuia. q l-'orihii Atiftl wai nppoimed for iht defence of the C urch vndei Cbri:t, who u ibe head ihe.cof. <: Η A p. XI. jt frophrcieofifit krmia b Alitc thedi'ath of riolumeut Pbilup.ticr , who leli IVulmmut lipipl'arK'i bit hriie. c Fjr niitcnely Antiocliii cinie agiiuii biin , bui alio Pkilip linrg nf Vatrduaia and ihffe two brougtt greAt povter vt iih ihrtti d F>,.i vr.der Onias wbith fj!fe- ly allcdgid :h,t pine of Ifa. 19. ly. ctrnii.e of ihe IfWri retired with bin. into Egypt 10 (jfi'l iliiJ proptccy : a'fj tte Angfl illiwub rhii ill tbcle trnublei whithars riili'rCburi.h.arel.y theptoL,jdenteaodi«.ui lelU.i G ,.'. t Tht H- gyptiaos A're Oii jbit to ttfi'l Slopes Aniiochusopioine- f He ihenerh rbai he Ihall nctonely.i^fliA ihe Fj-y lian», bjta'fi tbeltnci, and Ihill cniei iniutbrir conrtrey , v\her'rit brr admonilhe!!. then•, before , that ibey iii:y kiiiiiA' that «Ii tbefe iti:igs (οιικ by Ο.ιιΊι louidtnce. g This war the ftcood but •!! ibit Α•ι• tiotbcs fo phiagai ;ΐ• Ρ .i^oit.eui Hpiphiiies. which wai Cleo, lira Antioihus d^ugbttr. i Foi be itgatLtd aoc ikelijcol hit daughtei in teffe^ ofihckiu^dt/ine dice, lawful I wife of Aniiochui, buc >ui awiy for bis wuain• f-ke. p Neither I'lofo• ineus nor Anrio- Ui. S'.mc rear'e, rdo, rnesuiiig , rbe ilde tieg'ititu ol ireuiie. Some reade, Ihe atbegaic her. an J errby vn eiltaort berruifr, which hat all ib'y thai \ereoccafroiiofiti• POila.'c'ih lliuuld luce eei'e in tUkini:dui le ijeing otihc fame nock. thai Dcrcoi was. t To leuen ge tbe fi- hers death .j.rtit Aritiiicbris ^i.i.iicai ti.gofSy. 1 For.h.s l-ir.lo- irrcrsmg., 1 n.esc Dan fe-Kt bii de'tru- ώΐοα, 1 Tiiat ii, tovvj tr. icylej A'hicb a r in ;he fn cillsJ Mfii-ftiatirn foi ihe IcWt» yhi Which wti dijidcj from .'a by f« 111 FiA'htie»! Aa:iocbln )Λί« uiioliimuia :Ίΐν«ί, Aui'ius thcCoiifull, o( Luciui SJpiosut bim to Htghi and ciufM his Ui imj toe η Β) hi! >ndc ■r-"i foo h^ifcateofthe -in.neshelluU Acetohx boidi, ρ F jr TVt'ea is vndcr the jtieience of poucrt/ he wjuU baue robuej ;he Tk-.uple eflui'iier Uiiduneus, ibc tuuaticy minflew q Th 1 S-!ta- fj.ceeje hii faittiAicij- rhai. r Nji byfoi-reo enemiei.or batell, bui by tteafou. { Whi.hwiS An- »chu« E,iiphi- ;i, who as i« lought wai the occalion of S:lcu- cui bis brotberj deaih, and wai of cruell.an.l ing iiaiave a id dtfia idcd bii h otUeri foniie of thelti igdjnn, and •f.ir?ei the king loi ■vithoui the coafcut if tbepeojjle. Η .• iheweth that gveat foireioe l>uwe(s fliallcoine toh;l|).;the yoag fonneof Sitjcui i u Mulling , ΓιοΙι k ilie ihill not flsn J on hisftde.nehhit be for hi.Ti. l8 After this ihill hcturne his facc; vnto thg ' yles.Sc ihjll take III my, but a prince niiluilcaufe his ilMme to light vpon bim , b;.riiks that hee ihall caufe his owne ihime to turne vpon " hiroff Ife• 19 For he liiall turne bis face towarJs the furres of «> bis owneliiid ; buthell'.albeouetthiowen anJ fall, anJ be no more ρ foand- 20 q Then Ihail ftanJ vp in his place in the glory of che kiogJome, one that Ihall raiie tsxis: but after fc* J ayes he Ihall be dettroyed, neither in iwrith.rii r in battel!. 21 And in bis pbce ihali (land vp a f vile per- fon , to whom they fhall not giue the honour of the kingJome : but hee Iball come in peaceably, and obtaine the kingdotre by flatteries. 22 And the ' A,-a3es Ihalbe ouerthrowen with i fi.)od before him , and llulbe broken : and alfo the prince of the " couenanr. 23 And after " the league ?w4/« with hira.hee fl->ali"woiks decei! fully : tor helballcomevp, and ouerconae with a y fioall peopL-. 24 He llnll ei;tet into the q'lietand pisntifull prouince . and he Ihall doe that which his fathers τ haiie not done, nor his fathers fathers : hee ihall diuidi among them the pray and the fpoyle, and the fubft,tnce. yea, and he ihall forecift his deuifes agiintt the ftrong holds, euen fjr a » time. 2)- Alfo hee Ihail ftirre srp his power, and his courage ag,inft the King of the South , with a great iriOy, and the King of the Sjuth Ibalbe ftir. red vp to battell with a very great and mighty ar- mie: but he Qiall not ^ ftand:for they iLall forecaft and pradife againft him. 26 Vea, they that feed of the pordon of ■= his reeate , ihall defiroy him ; and his array '^ iliail 0- cerflow : and many Ihall fall, and be floine. 27 A'iJboththefeKingshearts//7d«i-itodoe 'mifchitifo, anithey ilialltalkeof deceit at one table; but it ilull not auaile'. for ' yet the end fnali i'$ at the time appointed, 28 Then Ihall hee r.'turhe into his land with great g fubftancc : for bis be^ri Ibalbe againft the holy couenant : fo Ihall be doe and rsturne to his owne land. 29 At the time appointed be (hall returne, and come toward the South : but the iaft fliall not be as thefira. 30 For the ihippes h of Chirtina (liall come a- gainft hi 13 : therefore, he fhalbe forie and returne, and fret againft the holy couenant :fo /hall he doe, be Ihall euen returne • and haue intelligence with them that forfake the holy couenant. . lin^ his v:ic!e A:itio hui : and yet iliUl be ouenhio-.ven. Pbuome^or rbil<»pitcrs fonne , ■ who was this childe• genu .Be. auJ is hertciUed the prince of the couenant, becjuft bt v.is the ihiefc, aid all other followid his conjiift. x»Far after the battell Pbilnni toraa i b:£vjcle Aatiochusm.ide a league, y For hecjine voon binnt vnawanes, aid When he fulpea-d his vudcA.niiochut nothing, ζ Meaning , in Egypt, a He w.il content himfclfe with the faiaU holds fora-ti;oe, but eaer labour by craft to attamj to the chicfcit. b H; ihall be ouercome with treafon. c Slgnifvi.ie his priiiceia .d the chiefs about him, d Declatinj that bis fouldiers (liall brail cut • ndvi.Ture the:r life to Diy an.-i to be flaine for the fafegjrd of their prince. e Iheviicle and the nepbe.vOiall take truce, a.idbanltet toge ber, yetiii their keai ts they (ha'liinigiie mifcbief one againft the otber. f Sgoi'ying.tbat It lUa- «Jeih not lU the counfell of men to bring things to palle , but in the [■rouiiieri(ie of G ,d. wljo ruleih the Kings by af breake the cone- tiant, fliill hee caufe to finne by flattery : but the people that doe know their God.ihall preuaile and pruiper. 33 Λη:1 they that vndetftand among the ° pscr- pie ," liiall inftrudt many : ° yet they ihsll frtlUby fword, and by flAme, by captiuitie , and by fpoyle many daics. 34 Now when they iluU fall, they ihalbe hol- pcnv-'itha Ρ little helps; but many ihall cleaue vn^o them 1 fainedly. 35• And fome of them ' of vndetft .ding ilialfsll to try them.and to purge,and to make them %vhite, till the time be out : for there « a time appointed. 3^ Atid the '' King ihjll doe what him lift : he ilull exalt himftilfe, and magnitie hirofelfe agiir.ft all that is God,and ihall fpeakematueillous things againft the God of gods, and ihall profpar, till the wrath « be accompiilhed : for the determination is made. 3 7 Neither iliall he r.fgard the " God of his fa- thers, nor the defi'es i' of women, nor care for any God : for he ilull m'agnifre hirofelfe aboue all. 3 g But in his place (hall he honour the 'y god Mauzzim.and the god whom his Fathers knew not, ihall he honour with ^ gold and with filuer, and With precious ftoiies, and pleafant things. 39 Thus Ihali he doe in * the holdes of Mauz- zim with a ftrange god whom hee ihall acknow- ledge : be ihall increafe hi: glory, and ihall caufe them to rule cuer many . and fliall diaide the land for gaine, 40 Andatthe endoftime fliall the king of the b South pulh athiro.and thekingof theNorth iliall come againft him like a whirlewind with charets, and with horfemen, and with many iliips, and hee ihall enter into the cuuntrcies.and ihall ouerflow and pat3e through. 41 He Ihall enter slfo into the <: pleafant land, and irany countreyes Ihalbe oueiflowen ; but thefe ihall eicape out of his hand , turn Edom and Mo- ab,and the chiefeof the children of Ammon. 42 He Ihall ftretch forth bis hands alfo vpon the countreyes.and the land of Egypt iliall tiot efcape. 43 But he fliall haue power ouer the treafures of gold and of filuer, and ouer all the precious things ofEgypt, andof the Libyans, andof theblackefonepeifecutionaf Mores where he fliall pafle. ?"°'^" •^°'' ^Λ r ^hath appointed th time : therefore we mm obey. 1 Becaufe the Ange!s purpofeis to iliew the whole couife of ibepcr- fe^utioDS ofibe lewes vnto the ceinming cfCh.ili,henow fpeaketh of the Monar- chy of the Romanes which be notetb by the name of a King, who were without a'ticliglon and contemned the trueGud. t So long the tyrants ilull preuaile at Gjd bath appointed topuoilh bis peoplt:but he (heweth that it is but for a time. u The Romans fhall obferue no cenaine forme of religion as other naticns , but fliall change their goS. at their pleafures, yen, conttmne them ard pieferre them. Iclues to their gods, χ Sigai''ying that tbey lliould be without all humanity : for the loue ofwomen is tsk-n for fiagular or great loue, as a Sam ι , >6. y That is the god ofpower and richts, they (hall elteeme their own power aboue all their gods and woriliip it. ί Vnder pretence of worlbipping their gods, ibcy fliall enrich their city with the moi; precious iewels of all the world , becaufe that betebyall men ihouldbauetbemia admiration for theii power and riches a AU though in their hearts they bad no religion , yet they did acknowledge the ^odj. audwoiilii,,ptd them in their temples , leaft tbey Ihouidhauebeene tiefpifed ,ί Atbeift» :but this wae;to incieafe their fame and-tiches :and when they gaie any couniity , ttey fo made oihcri the rulers thereof , that the pixfir euer came to the Rornm^s. b That is.both the Egyptians 3c the Syrians fliall at length fijhtatrainf» the Roman,., but th,y fhall becuerccme. c The Argel forew.rneth the /Γ« that when tbiy (hould fee the Romanes louadethem , a;id that the wickfdfliouH eicape their hands, that then theyOiouid not thiokebut that a I this was done b» Gidsprouideoce, foiafmuch as h« Warned them ofit fo longalbre, aac) therefore k A great fact lot» of the wicked lewes Ihaiitoltl wi h Antiochus. I Socslleabccaufe the power of Gud was Dothiitgdmu- nillitd, although tcis tytaat fet vp in the Temple the in-.ageof lupiter Oly mpius, and fo began to corrupt the pure feruicc of God. in Meaning, fuch bare the njme of lewes , bjt in deed nothing It lie, lor they fold their laules,and betrayed biethren fc η Tbiy that re- conltant among the peopli Hull teach others by their exiiuple, and ■difie many in tte > Where.;y beex- horteth the godly )ughth!-yihouM iihathoufani ies,and though org. I Ai God will not eaue bis Church lellitute, yet w,U be not deliuer it II at once, but fo heipe, ofthem that fleepein theduft of the earth , fliall awake , fome to euerlafting life, and fome to fhame and petpetuall contempt. J And they that be "^ wife , ihall (fcine as the brigbtnesoi the hrmamenc : and they that d turne many to righteoufneffe , fhnUfhint as the ftarres, for euer and euer. 4 But thou . Ο Daniel, ' fliutrp the words, and feale the booke f till the end of y time : many fliall tun to and fro, and knowledge Ihalbe increafed. J f Then I Daniel looked , and behold, the rs xij. Ofpatlcntl biding. 1 1 c ' Η Ο $ Ε A Rood other twe.the one on this lide of thebiinke of the g 1 iuer , and the other on that fule of the brinkeof theriuer. 6 And one faiJ viito the man cloatheih in linen which was vpon the waters of the tiuer , When fhalbt the end of thefe wonders ? 7 And 1 heard the man cloatbeth in linen which was vpon the waters of the tiuer, when he held vp his b right hand and his left hand vnto heauen.and i\nite. by him that liueth for euer.that it [hall tary fi. r i a time, two times and an halfe : and when he ihall haue accoDopUllied k tofcatterthepowerof the holy people.all thefe things flialbe finillidd 8 The I heard it.but I vndetftood it not: the faid I,0 my Lord, what ihalbe the end of thefe things? 6 And he faid.Go thy way Daniel : for ^ words are clofed vp, and fealed till the end of the ticne. 10 Many ihalbe putihad.iEade white.and tried but the wicked fliall doe wickedly .and none of the wicked flull haue vndcrftandingibut the wife fliall vndet&and. 1 1 And from the time that the ' daily /kerj/jti ihalbe taken away, and the abominable defolation fet vp , there ™/<)<>/if a thouiand two hundred and ninety dayes. 12 Bleifed« h$ that waiteth 8c commeth to the thoufand,three hundreth and " hue 8c thirty dales. 1 3 But goe ο thou thy way till the end 6* : for thou ihalt reft and ftand vp in thy lot , at the end of the dayes. tbat they are gWhi hAJ• Ty£r:,. h svb cb wai ji it werea double u;ih and di it (hail Γ< to haue no power. 1 Ficm the time that Chili! by hi• fanihct (hall tike iWay thefaciifi.e anJceieinunies of the law. m Signifying tbtt the time (halbe leng of Cmilt fecond con.ming, and yet 'the childien f God ought not to be difcouraged ι hough It be de• feiied. In tbii namber addeibamrneh and ao halfe to the fotraer number, lignifying that it leiled that patiently bide, lil! appoiotibetimeof Chtilicomming . , abide hit appealing, ο The Angel warneth the Tiophet patiently the . time. ppointed come, fignifyiug tbat hee ihould <<'Ρ«•' '^"''i' • ""^ 'JJ* againe with the eleft , when God had fuBiciently humbled and purged hi» clutch. THE ARGVMEN ^Fttr that the ttn tribes had fallen aa>ayfrom Godby the vicktd and fubtill counciB efltrsbaAw th* fonnt ofj^bat, and infiead ofhii truefemice commanded by hu xvtrd , worfhipping him actorutn^ to their owritfantafts and traditions of men , giutng themfeUesta mofi vile idoUtry aid fuptrnition ,t'-ie Lordfrom time to timefentthem Prophets to caltthem to repentance:but they grew euer xvorf ύ worft andfiiU abuftd Gods benefits. Therefore nor» when thtir proiperity ira s at the htghei} vndcr ier^boam, thefonneofloafh , qodfent Hofea and Ernesto the Ifraelitei (as he did at the fame time Jfaiah and Micah to thtm ofIndah) to codemne them of their ingratitude : and whereas they thought t hemfdves t» be greatly in thefauourof God,anute be hu people, the Prophet calleth them baftards and children borne in adultery ; and therefore fherveth them that Godirouldtake away their kingdom, and gine thtm to tht yyifijrians to be ledatvay captiues.Thus Ho fea faithfully executed hu office for the fjace offeuenlyyeers, though they remained jM in their vices and tricl:jdnejfe and derided the Prophets , and contimned Qedt iudgements. ^nd beeauft they fhould neither be difcouraged with threatnixg o>,/y, r.oryet fatter them- felites by thefmetnes of qedspromifes, htfetteth hefcre them the tao principal partsofthe Lawfirhich «re the promifes »ffaluatio7i,& the doartneofltfetforthifirflparthe direUeth thefaithfJl to Mtfiah, by whom only they fhould ham true deliuera?ice : andfortht fecund, bt vfedthreatnings and menaces to hringthtm from ι heir wicked maners andvicts, and this is the chiefe f cope of all the Prophets , either by Gods promifes to allure thtm to be godly, or elfe by thrtatnings of his ludgtments tofeare them from vu e: and albeit that the whole Lat»conteine thtfe tw^pi^ints, yet the Piophets moreoun note peculiarly both the time of Gods iudicmtnts anathe mmer. "^ CHAP. I. The time wh-trein Ηφα priphedeil. i The idclatr} tf the peeple. lo The cfUtngcfthe Gtmiles. ii ChriU is the htidef unpeople. He word of the Lord tbat came vnto Hofea the fonncof Beeri'.in the dayes -,,^,« » of Vzziah, lot' am , Ahaz , and Huze- "^'•^ kiah, b kings of Iiidah, and in the daies ofletoboamthefonneoflojflikingoflfrael. 2 At the beginning tbc Lord .^pake by Hofea, and the Lord faydvnto Hofea, Goe, take vnto thee a wife c of fornications , and chjklrcn of fur- 1 Called a! ΓοΑζϊ• riah, who being i leper Wat depofed from hi• kingdome. b So that it may be gathered by the teigne of thtfe fouie king», tbat he preached aboue threefcote yiete». c That ij , one that/of long time hath accuflcmed to play the harlot the Prophet did thii thing in c(ie&, but he faw this in a viliou . o» vile was cm. maadedby God to fet fooithvnacr this paiable or fijtje , tlie iiolattj of ihe nications: for the land hath cororoitted great whoredome, departing from the Lord. 3 So he went.Sc tooke uld br no morecaled Ifraelitei tifihewhich name they bjalted.bi :aufe lOaelriid pre• tlai e with God : but that tbey were a• baHardi. aod tbe.tfoie (houUI becilletl liieelitei.that is.fca.teied people.alludiog to tzreel.which Was ihechiefrcuy of the teiiiribf I vnJer Abab where Ithu (lied fo much blood, i Kn;» loS. 1 1 wHl be reuenged vpon lehu for the blood that hee Hied iu Izreel, frr albeitGed ''"'■> him VP to execute hii iudgements •. yei be did .hem fo. his υΛ-ne ambinrr, Λ nor f^r .he flory of Gei U the end declaied ; foi be built vp mat iJoUiry which he i'rltuall whorcdomei Hd y Anrl at that g Jay will I slfo breaks the bow of If'iiel in the valley of Izreel. 6 She ccnceiutci yet a<,'aia?, snd bsre a diugh- ter.and ijsrf faid vnio him.Oll her name •= Lo-tu- hamah :' for I will no Kore haac. piry vpon tlie tiouf; of Ifrad/oat I wi.l vttefly ' take them away. 7 Yet I viUhaueroeicy vpon the houfsofiu- dih, end will ^- faue thera by ι he Lord their God. and will not faue them by bow , not by fwotd.nor by batteli.by horfas.nor by hoffemen. , 8 Nuw when ilie had wained Lo-ruhamah, flie conceiued, snd barea fonne. 9 Then faid Ood, Csll his iiatBe ' Lo-ammi : for ye are not ncy pcoplj.tberfore will I not be youts. JO Yet the number of the «"children of Ifrael fliilbe as the fand of ibe fea, which cannot be fcea- fuied no: toid : and in the place where it was faid vnto them. Ye ate not my people.it flialbe faid vn- to them, i'e are the (onnes of the liuing God. 1 1 Then Ihill the children of ludaii , and the children oflfraelbe °gatheted together, and ap- point theiBif lues one head.and they fliall cotre vp out of theland : for great u the » dsy of Izreel. ly.i.'u!!, anil liiall rilii viogeince sni (ieilroy ill thtir policy and Torcf. b That 15 , not ob- taining m;i(y : ■ fbybeligo'fi. hat Gods !a- uaur wat drpsnei frofii^them. Fuf thf ifratlitts curr reiained afier thacthi'y wcrt cafici'jet by the Aliy.iani• I: Forafcsrtht captiaiiy he isiicied iiunaculoully tycbi mtint% ji Cyrus, Ezr.t, i• Tbac if, CO! my η Cicaufe ttct be had JJrefirjeJ ibem. h declaieth, though they weredeliijyerljytt the ti Cljuldbewithou: number , «■Irv.h i-at».•! batn «' Roii.9.a-i. η To Λ>ίι, ι^μ the capiiaity of 1! it' Itsied. butcbicfiy thisu lefeiied to tbe::nie ot C both"ofihe levies and Gen bzL• tbar to lellois ihemfliail Seeing that Fhiue proir.ifji! yju deli- -fiuce, n leinai- Be:h that joueiiccu• raif ooeanjthcrto eiiibra^c tbe fsni', ilerngthityj !^y people on whoni 'N.il taue b God fiiewetb thai the fiultvva» I bi.-n, biit in rheit Sy ■ar.ojue, and their iJcrar'iej, f^rfoohe ft:m.If, ίο,., « Mear-n» , ihit ■ " idoU" i" great, tha ry A- Ezel: K.J,-. d Fur troii^jli thii people w-ii-i! an ilirlacro! thci, i.-fo. laiiiej, y;thc had •eft them with tbciir eppi.-e!lf.nd.Ow.y " ;i!rtaii.e li^ne. ofhijfauotjr.bjiii fbfy ^ojtinutd Iti!!, be ViouM v::eily defti^oy them ij'n I brought her out tif Egypt, ♦^'el•:. 1C.4 f Tiati., btllatds end bjgoiteaia ^dultety. g Meaning, tbe idolisvihichcbey ferucH ii by wbon ahey th.jn.ot th?y 'had w.-aith au4 jI^vd. ^vhetber thiitf :dclc» caianiiiy and c'h' A P. ithefotine.ofthepromire, he IcA'es and tbe Ge.jtilss, 10 when the ItA'es were te- ll , who fiioul.l be the bead Itrudionof Iztecllhall ir. Th? peoplf i< etilidto tctenuvce. s Ke p>rv>elhlhtii Ud.tiry and ihreaiHctii thtm fAi?;( ihey tefitit. ' brethren, Atcini, and to your fi- CAy vnto your St ^ttirs,R.,h2mah. .nhel,• topU, wbivhire T'U-'y vi>nHrr:e,1 , 1 k Toi$,(e!l-^frh toacffiolarei bis b-uffin ;. ibtii idoin >.'by bijinftraiiui, I Jis^iei and :nuemio.ii, vvb 2 riead with your'' mother : plead iriih her, for llie is not my wife.neither am I iur husb.ind : but kt her take away her fornications out oilier fight, and her adulteries <= from betweene her breaiti, 3 J-eaft I Itiip her nsked.and ^ fet her as in the day that flie was « borne , and make her as a wii- dernes, and leaui her like a dry land, and fljy lier forthiift. 4 And I will haiie no picic vpon her children: for they be the • children of ftjinicaiion. y For their mother hath pUiad the baibt : fl-.e thatconceiusdibem , hath done ihamcfdly : for ih: faid , I will go after c;y s loutrs that gine mee my braad and i;iy water , my wool! and my fl.ixe, mine oyle and try diirke. 6 Thertfure behold , I will ftoppe h thy way with ι homes , and make an hedge , that iliee llwll not finde het paths. 7 Though Ihe follow after her loaets.yet iliall (he not conje at them : thongh Ihe feeke thetn, yet Ibill ihe notfinie rher/i: then (lull Ibe fay,' I will and returne to my iirft basbaad : for at that lime was I better thctinow. 8 Now n->e liil not know that I !: gaue her come, and wine, ami ©ylj, and miikiplieu her iil- uer and gold, ii'!::ch they bellowed vpon Ba^jl. 9 Thetefoiewill I retume, and tik; away ' my coroei'ithe tia^e thereof, anil my wine in the feafon thereof, snd will i ecoiier ray wool! and my flixe lent , tocouer her flume. And now will I difcouer her "'kwdnefl'o ϊ. ι Pe:. CHAP. in. I The Jewespj.tlhecinpff for then idcUtry. s -^f- terrvArdlhe\pj3:i retume tcthe Lor-I. "yHen faid the Lord to me.» Goa yct.rt'iti Ic-ue a -* woman (beloued of her hi:sband , and was an harlot ) according to the loue of che Lord toward tbe ct)ilJren of ilrarl : yet they looked to other gods, and i^ Inued the wine bottels. 1 So <: I bought her to rre for fifteene pines of Silver, and for an Homer of barley, and an fulfe HoTTseroihiuiy. 3 And ! faid vnto ber, Thon fliall abide with ^ me many dayes .- tho'•. flialt not play the hatlct, and thou fluit be to none sThtr man, and I wiil be fo vnto thee. 4 For ttje children of \iut\ fliafl π I will pudilh her for her idolatry, ο By Ihewing ho\^ billots trim them, leiuei to pleafe o- tbeit, be declaretb how that fuperltiti out idolater• fet a great part oftheir ' religion io decking ihenifeluesoD their holydayei . ρ By my benefiti in (Fling nci graceand iicicy, euen in that placewhete die fliall ■ her felfe de- rtitiiteotallhelpe and comfort, q Which wa» a p.ent,f,iilvilley,ani whcieinthey hid gieat comfort when wilderntire.ailofh. 7, i«. and ittalled thedooreof hope, becaufe it wii a departing fiotra death and anentry into life. r SheOlalltben praife God is She did when ihe wat deliueted oat of E£y?t. f That it. mine Iiui!?and, kaowioj tbatl amioyned to tbeebyautnuiolable coucaaac, t That ii, my inifter: which name W2s jpplied to their u No iJoUtry Ihall once come itiao :beir mouth , but they fliiU fertie me tJUfiiyaccoiding my Word. Hsre'nthePiO- pbetreptefenteththe fon of God jJi loued his Ch'ifchbtfoiehe lied het, aud dij η withdrjvv the tne when (he pneber felfe to b Tft.i't ;$, giue fiwhoiy to and could ■p, as they pjy,-H 3 f in',' portion for hrr leaft file pcrceiiilog hs .c .-,h ;(■" ^ m- a.id cot bcin: v.tdei duiy : ff^r S h.,if..tuep;:L.Ofan:ue. Hiod 11,31. dl ui yy dowbood wht :hir tb• tt will be m^ii- cr uo• iimecftLeircij>tiuiiy,b.ut4iiova!cChritt. hat are c reroa^ne I W I Hue hi thegrcuij•! o'.iry oue fllould ftrrae piecci .it f.liiri weie b.tt !| tfe thee t long tim: it in thy e Wejcicg, ootQtic/'y allib* many many daies without a king 5c without a f prince, fTh«tii, they ">»"'<' and without an offriog.and without an iraag4,and without an Epbod,and without Terapbio). y Afterward lliautbe children of Ifraelconaert and feeke the Lord their God , and g Diuid their king.and liiall feare the Lord and big goodncffe in the latter daies. neither bauc policy oorietigtos, a^d ^ ttKit'idolesalfo evheiein they put their conHdcDce, fliouldbeikiiioyed. g This ii meant o( Ctriltikiogdome, which wai promifed • Beciufe the peo- ple would Doi obey tUe the Prophet, be ci- tethihem before the i^idgemenifejt of Cud.againlt whuin they chieny otfco- ded,Ifi.7,«3.Z«t»• ti. 10. Mich, 6, 1,2• b Ineueiy place ap' pearethalioert; to nioahainoui vices, fochac one follow• etb in the ncckcof «□other• c Af though be VTonldfay ib» it VS'ere in vaine to rebuke ihem : for no man can aiide ii yet, they wiU fj-eik» •gaialt the (;topheii aad prieiii whofi office itii chitfly to rebuke them. 4 Yelhalifei'ifi togettei: the one ouic be would r Db:y, aud iLe oil becaufe te WJui e T,h»f '«, tbt.Syni• go^ue Vvhcieij '.hou bjilted. f Tbatis.thelrieai Sialbe calt otf , be- fe thatfjt Ucke of knowledgs ibty iibieioeie- cit cbjig;, aad int*ru£t otbert, Deut.33,}, Mai 1,7 g Meaning, the wbelebody of the people , wliich were thegvordof Sod. h The moie I WM bescAciall vnto tbein. Chap^iij» y. Princes and Γ ricfts, ixi 'atoDauid tobeeterDall,r£iJ.7i,;7. CHAP. nil. A comflaiHt egAinii the fetplt end thefriefls oflft*/!. J^Eafi the word of the Lord . ye children cf If- rael : f,jt the Lord » hath a controuerfie with the inbabi-aots uf the land , beciuft: there « no trnetb t nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. 2 By fwjarirg.and lying.and kilHrg.and ftea- ling , and whot iiig, they bteattt oat , and ^ blood touc!ietb l^lood. 3 Therefore fl all the land moiirnfe, and eiie- ry one tlutdwtlleth therein Ihallbe cut off, wi:h the beatts of ihe fiild , and with the foults cf the teauen , and alio the hilxs of the fea Ihalbe taken away- 4 Yet = fat none rebuke,Tior teprooae snother: for thy ptoph*r< as they that rebuke the Prieft. 5• Therefore fbalt thou fill in the <^ day , and the I'l ophet fiiaJi f^-l wit!i thee in the night , and I \vill cicitroy thy e nether. 6 My pioplea-edeftroyedfor lacke of know- ledge rbecaifefihou hi ft ttfufed knowledge. I will alfo refufj thee that thou Ihalt be r.o Pncft to me : and feeing Ε thou haft forgotten the Law of thy Got!, I will alio fo'git thy chiliiren. 7 As they were ^ iocreafed . fo they finned a- gainft tne : iitrtforc v.ill I change their gloiy in- to ftume, , 8 ' They eate vp the finnes of tr.y people , antl lift vp their naindes in their inicjjity. 9 And there ihzlbe like people like k Prieft : for I will viGt their vvayes vpon them, and reward thera their deeds. 10 For they iliall e at.and not haue enot-'gh.they iliall 1 commit adolsery , and i^all not incitafe, be- Ciufe they haue left ofi to uke heed to the Lord. 1 1 '" WtoreJome.a.id vine.aod new wine take away rfcrir heart. 11 My " people aske counfell at their Sockes. 8c wMriUTtb'be«i"g their ftaffeteacheth them ; for the» fpirit of for- nications bath canftd them toctre,andthey haue gone a whoring from vnder their God. 13 'Theyfacrihce vpon the tops of the moun- ί To wit.the Piicaij taines, and burne incenfi vpon the hils ynder the feeke to eate the people! otfeiings, ■nd flatter taeniiQ their finiiet, k Signit'Ting.tbat mt they haue fmned together, fe (hall tbey be pirailhed t< cether. I Shewing that their wickedccfle fiialbe ponilhed on All foit•: for thau{!i they thiabe by the m|i!ticude of wiue• okes , and the puplir tree . and the dime, becaufe the lliidcvv thereof is good: thcrfoieyourdaugh- ters Ihall be Ρ harlots , and youi fpoufes fl^all be whores. 14 1 will not q vifit your dai:ghters when they are harlots, nor your fpoufes, when they are whores : for they thetnfelues are frparated with harlots.and fictilicewhh whores: therefore the people th« doeth not vndsrSand.iliall fall. aue :mcy ch-lJren, yet they (lia'be de- celuedofiheirhopel lu In giuirg th-ml'.-iuei to' pUafurei , they oecsme like biuitbeaft». η Tho» be f(>eakith bj detihon in calling them bis people , which nowfortheininnes they we'e not; for tb»y fjughthelpe of liockcJ aad I'ickcs. ρ They are cariedavwjy with a rage ρ Becaufe theytibeawsy Gods honour ,iod fiiue it to idolet : therefore he will giue them vp to their lu'U , tbiitfaeyAuIi Aiflionour their owne bodies ,Β-οι». i,iS. q 1 will aot ci.ru a your ftlame to |i:ogy5iito*n^eiiwot,butlet you runne headlong teyouiowaedamnauou. t God complaineih; b«Iudabiiinfe- dt.^.aud willetb to leaine ty | «xarapleio ie< ! iatime. IForaroeitibe Lord bad bououred this place in time palt ky If fence, y^r be- : it was tbufij by ibeir iJolatiy, be Ii not that bit people (hould lefett God, Be;b-auin,that is, tie houfe of initjuity, vp there , ligniiying that bo place it holy , whei u Godw;ll fodifpcrfetbeia , that tbey (hall i X Tbty ate fo impudent in teceiuing bribes , ι ■ The rrftfttainl tchedihe pooie people ia thei the foulerf did ibe biidi. in bcfe iwo high niouutaines. b Nutwitbltaoding hfy itemed lo be giuen aliugetherte (IT'e , and ly Though thoulfrael , play the harlot , yet r let not luJah finne : come nor ye wto '^Gugal; neither goe ye vp to ' Beth-aucn , nor fweare.The Lord liueth• 1 6 For Ifrael is rebellious as an vntuly heifer. Nov; the Lord will fecde thtmas a "iambein a i.i gc place. 1 7 Ephraim « ioyned to iioles : let him alone. i8 Their drunkenoeffe liirii;erh : they haue committed whoredome : their rulers louc to fay with lliatce, " Bring )e. 19 The wind hah ν bound thero^^inhei Wings,and they Ihalbe afnacaed of their (acrihces. t H^calie-.h Beth.el *? ' that is, thetoufeof becaufeof their abomiuaiions fet e G)d It notpurelywoiUlipped. :m temaineinauy ceriaine pla^e. that tbey will cemnjand mea n> biiBg tucm vniothem y To carythrmfuddeclj away., C Η A P. V. 1 Α^ΛίηΙ the Priests atiJi rulers of Ifmel. 1 3 The helft f\ Ye I'riifts.heare this, and hearken ye,0 houfe ^-^oflfael, andgiueyeeire, Ο houfe of the Ki"g : ior iodgemtnt u toward ycu , becaufe you hanc hfxnt a a fnire on Mizpah, and a net fpread vpon Tabor. 2 Yet they were profound to decline to b flaugh- ter.though I laue beene a'= rebuket of them all. 3 I know ^ Ephraim, and If acl is not hid from ccg: for now,0 Ephraicu.thou att become ^n har- ht,«nd; Ifrael isdchled. 4 They will not giuetheirrcindstoturnevnto their God•, for the Ipirit of fornication « in the STiiJs of them,& they haue not kt;ovven the Lord. )- And the e prid of ifrael doeth teliifie to bis face ; tiieifore fl^all if'ael & Ephraim fill in their iniqsiiy ; itdah alfo iliill fall with them. 6 They fl-iall go with th^irlheepe, and with their bullockes, to feeke the Lord : btt they (hall notiioJehim ; fur he hath wicbdrawen himfelfe from them. 7 They haue tranrgreffed agnoft toe Lord;for tbey haue begotten f ttrarge ctiilJten ; now iliall g a rooneth deuoure theoj \ν\ύι their portions. 8 Blow ye the fumpetio Gibeai» , and ihc fi-anme in Ilamah : cry out at Bsth-anen, after thee,0'>Biniiroin. 9 Ep'irjiitD flialbe defolite in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Urael baue I caufcd to ' know the tructh. 1 0 The princes of ludah were like them that k teroooue the bound ; thtnftre will I power out my wrath vpon them like water. ■ 1 1 Ephraim is oppreffed λβ«! broken in iadge- mcnt , bccaiife fee willingly walked after the ' commaoderaent, 1 ζ Therefore will I be vntoEphtaim as a moth, andtothehoufeof ludah as a toitenneife. 1 3 When Epht.-iim faw his fickenes, and ludah his wound, then went Ephraira vnto '" Aslhur.and ient vnto king ° lareb: yet could he not heale you, nor cute you of your wound. .1 4 For I will be vnto Ephraim as a lion , and as aliens whelpe.to the houfe cf ludahi I, tuenl will fpoyle and goe away : I will takeaway , and noneiliallrefcueit. ly I.willgo.iiniireturnetomy pljce.tillthey acknowledge ibtir fjult. and feeke me ; in theu affliition, they will feeks me diligently. "itikiDgforremtdyat Cods baad, C Η A i. Cod. m lo.&tad* the AfTyriwi. which b:ie he calleth ghicr in con- c Though I bad ad- iilhed ihtmcon- ia!!y by my pbet.. d Tney&oafled beiufelutt not one• ly 10 b; Ifiaelite», jutaUiEpbiat.itely iecaufe their k:og Itiobaamcameoi ihjtttibi. 1 Memi.^g , tbeir oriieinningof all dinooiiioBS. f That if, their 1 are eege- nsiiie, foihat hneif DO hope in beni. ! Tbeii; deftruftioo •notfarrecff. ι Thatii.aUIfratI ompieheudei voder III pait, fignifi. ng , that the Loldt 'laguesftlould turfue them ftcm 'lace .0 place till hey were aellicy• ed. By the fuccelfe ley (ball know that haue futtlydetei- mined this. 1-. Tbey baue tcrcej vpfije downe all pcliiictll Older a'ld ill niacet of leli- 1 T. wit, af:e!• king leroboami ccm- nupderrc-r, an.'i did not rather follow η Whovv'aJkiDgwf Γ lie Lord w [htweth the how tbcy »ughtiotJice to th( LoiW.ihit bet nigh call baifcc his pliguei. i Though he corred rifrom limetotime, yethii helpeviilloo befiiieoff.irwete• taioe to bini, V'ou ferme to haui tcertainc holinflli rcpenunce.bui vfOi ihefuddM aimotning nai iibou^ ttd by rny PiopheM J η it were fri• djou tob.inj you to arafniimeot butill Wiiio viin For ojy word w oundeth and healeth C Η j4jfltOitHc*u"'. »• „^ r L•^ k;,„ f . ir ,».,•. itheyihatcanoot teH DOrfcckebim for all this. . . , .^ iwhe^htr « i. better i I EphraitD alfo is like a doue deceiued witboutto cieaueoneif to 1» heart: they call to Egypt: tbey goto Asthur. God, or to feeke th« j 1 1 But wiien they ihall goe.I will fpreed my net^X"* °"„ i vpoa tnem.and draw them dowoe as the fowles cf cmfci made to the v>hachlpovleJ, andhe willhealevs: he hath wounded vs.and he will bind vs vp. After two daks will ^ he rcuiuc vSi «*n^ in the ] third day he will laifc vs vp , and we Ihall Hue in his Ggi-c 3 Then Ihall we haue knowieJge , and indeuoiir oar fclues to know the Lord : bis going footth is prepared as the naorrirg , god he iball come vnto vs as the raine.iir as the Utter taine vnto theeai th vpo.i the heaueo : I will cbaltile them as theit ' ton.;w»eie congteg gregation had heard. ^ ^ ^ ^, !Γτ^Κ«; J 3 Woe vnto them : for they hace fled away time» redeemed 4 Ο Ephraim .what n«ll 1 doe vnto thee .* Ο | from me ideftrudioi)/ii4/i'» vnto them, becaufethein, and deliuereJ ludab .feownalllintreatthee? for ' your good- ; they hauetraorgeeffcdagiinft me: though I bane ]''^^^^'^''^^"^^•^.^ ^ tedeeajcdibea>,jet they bauefpoken lies againft,, ,ffl*a|on!ir«ied lOe, fOut for paiac ι tfaay neOe >> ss a motning cloud , andastheoxtrDirg dew it goetb away . y Thertfotehauel > Gilead is a city c f tktmthat VDtke iniquity, 4»<^>'/ polluted with blood, 9 And is tliceues Wiit for a man,/» the company of Priefls oiLrth^r in the way by confent: for tbey ο I haue fcene viileny in the boufe oflfrael: there ti the whoredomc of Ephraim , Ifrael is de• filed. 1 1 Yea.fudah bath fet a i plant for thee, whiles I would retuf nc the captiuity of my people. >ut afford 10 fl^y then. ιMydcafiDe^^bich Itaeghtthee, wa• uident, r He Aicweth to fcope bii do• trine tended, that hty fliouMieyoe he obtdiecce of 1_„(,_• ;ri, f Bod. £n*tbe loueof WO'ke η liuhicte. heir neigbb^ur with njtw.id fa> 5 That i», like light and vieike perfom. k W hub wa• the gtace where the PiieKiduvelt, «"»d Clouldbaui b'entbeft 14 And tbey baue not cried vnto me with their hearts,' when they houled vpon their beds:™ they aUTcmble themf;: lues for corne and wine, Md they ribellagjicftme. jy TboL'gii 1 haue tound and ftrengthened their arme,yet doe tliey imagine mifchiefe againA me. fought not roto loe ^ for helpe. m Theyonely feelie their owae cooamo'• ditie aod wealth, andpaflenot feriae theii God. D Beeaufe they boaa of their owae j i6 They returnc.t«f not to the moft hie : they jH^I^^J; 't^y fS, j are like a deceitfeiil bow : their princes Ihall fall bjr itgainft me and my thefw.;rd. for the rage 1 of tticit tongues: tbuftfMati.vUlji.f, I Ihalbe tbeitderifiou in the land of Egypt. CHAP. VIII. The ittiiMClittt «/ JHi»h ΛκΛ Ift/tel , iirt«/e cf their iitlMrj. SEt the to thy « mouth , hcfi»Ucot?te as , God «aeouragetb Qftrufted ία ify word, i Thai >J , doeth i I idelairy, aod b itb taken gtJtfc• of th} i C Η A P. V I r. «i nanimtt'fe tftht fetfU. la Of their w. 1 Of fAf 1 Hen I would ^aue healed Ifrael, then the ini- quity of Ephraim was difcoaered, and the wickcdnefle ot S^matia : for they baue dealt fal- fly : and the a thiefc commetb in, and the robber fpoyleth witbcu'. X And they conGder not in their hearts , r ^4» I remember all their wickednefle: now their owne vvicked'oesTboib Ve- inuentions baue befet them about : they are in my fight. 3 Tbey make the ° king glid with their wic- kednes.and the princes with their lie?. 4 They are ail adulterers . and as a very « o- uen heated by the b,:k'. r , whieh ceafed from rai- fing vp, and from knfadirg the dough vntill it be Jeauened. y 7'<)BH the^ t'ayofourking ; the princes haue made him fickc with flagons of wine: be ftretct eth out his hards tofcotners. 6 For they haue made ready their heart like an ouen whiles they lie in wait : their baker fleepeth all the night ; in the morning it burneth as a flame cffire. 7 They are all I'ote as an ouen.and haue deuou- red their iix'ges ; all the ir kings are fallen : there is rone among t!;em thr.t calleth vnto me. S Epi rainahatb fmixthiorfeife among the peo- ple: Ephraim is as a cake on the beartb not turned. 3 Ifrael hath caA off the thing that b good:tbe enemy ΩμΙΙ purfue him :hc Prophet lu figsi• 6c the fpeedy com• miag of ibe enemy igaialt Ifrael.wh-kh Meinicg, that there wai no one ' kiudof vice among hat ihry were fubiefttoall 'hey elteemeth ked king lero. maboue God, and fttke bviihewto flatter it pleafe hii € He coniparcib t rage of the people to J burning taeo which the baker keateih , (till till bii doughleleaueued ■nd raifid. d Th'yvfcd allrio and ΜοιτίΓκ in their fealti and folemoi- tiei.whettby their king vvai cuercoiue Wi:b fu!fft ,and troughtinto difr». fei, and delighted in t By their occ«15on 6od bath depiiu them ofall good mien. t Tkatii, be countetlTeiled the leligion of the Ceniilei, yeti, tut ai a cake baked •1 tkeone lide, and raw on the other, that ii, Dtithet vbotovvhote, not ihorow fold, but pariiy a lew, *αά patiiy « GeaiUe, an eagle againft tbe Houfe κι f the Lord, beeaufe they haue ttanfg. elfed my couenant,and trcfpafled igiinft my Law. i Ifrael Ihall ^ cry vnto ffie, My God, we know !w" oace the people thee jpfGod. '"'^"^• > They ihall cry like lypocriiei, bat not rom tb• heart , a« 4 They haiie fet vp a <= king.but not by me:tbey ^''^ί,,''",''','*"'^"' bauemadep.inces.and I knew it not : of their fil• bywhot«'ih'yfought uer and their gold haue they made them idols: their owne liberty. therefore fliall they be deftroyed. •■"j °»' '» "bey «<τ y Thy calfe.O Samaria.hath caft thee off: mine ^'jhat i», vpright anger is kindled againft them: bow long will tbey iudgemeDtaad be without ti innocency ! feodiyiife. 6 « For it came euen from Ifrael.the workeman ^.. ^nuented by made it , therefore it is not God : but the calfe of ^»mfeiue»,aod of Samaria Ihalbe iroi^»» in pieces. ^heirfatheninthe 7 For they bane ' fowen the wind.and they ilvul J^shew"* ,hat their reapeibewhirlswiad : it hath no ftalke : tbebui< ,^ciigionhathbuca fliall bring forth no meale : if fo be it bring foith, iffcow, and io it ftrlfc the ftrat^as (ball deuoureic. teriieeaf.. 8 Ifrael is deucured.now Ihall they beamong ζ^, ,„„„ te and ft» the Gentiles as a vetfell wherein « no pieafnre. to feeke helpe. 9 For tliey are gone vp to AsQiur : thij art as a t^^"Jl^°^l^^ s wilde aile alone by himfelfe : Ephraim bath hi- ^jq^ aoj the piincea red louetS. jlhall lay vpcnthem. IO Yet though tbey baue hired among the nati- |;:i;^\re:h'':U''rrD6 ons.now will I gather them and tbey fliall lorow a ^bemto repeatance. i Thui the idolater» little f.Dr the ^ burden of th• king and the princes, 1 1 Beeaufe Ephraim hath made many altars to Kf" " '''' *="*.';»' /• , . , ^, ',, ^ ' God aj (Iranje ;n te« unne,his »\ur fhalbc to finnc. fpeftoftheit «wne II I haue written to them the great things of my Law : but they were counted as a ' ftrange thing. 13 They facrihceflefli for the facribces of mine offt ings, and eat it ; tut the ^ Lord accepteth them jferuice , which he not; now will he remember theii initjuity.and vi- fite theit finnc* ; tbey Ihall retutoe to Egyp^ : i4_lSl fpeft inueatiooi. k S.ying that they offer it 10 the Lord. but he accepteth no mfeKe hath not •ppoiuted. 6on other people IbouldcUape.yet ikou (bait fee puniflud. b TboM bift coa- Biitud idolairy in kop* ef reward. iBdiofaaiietbr barnei filied,I«e. 44,17. as an bar. Wibst bad latber fiac by playing tbc Wbore.tbvato be catertaioed of ber ewne buibasd. c Tbcfe outward t^ingi ibat then fcckeft.ihaJbe ta• keo from tbee. d All their d•- iag• both toucb- )Dg policy asd «tligioa , (halbc reie&cd ai thing• pelluicd. c Tbeawatoffriog wrkich they ulace vTbitber ihey ί ee for fuccour. h Theatbtylball kaow that tbey were deluded by tbem.wbocbillea- f ed 10 thcinrelue• to becbeir pro• phetf MdfpiritM- ■limen. i The Prophet• ^oeiy ia to briag ■MD to God and *ot CO b: a Tnare «o pull them frera Cert. fc Thi» people il forootCv-iin ibcir •vidte'ntee.tbac 14 For ΤΓγμΙ hetK forgotten his mtker , and bnildeth Tetrpcis , and luJah bath increafed firong cities : but I will fenJ a fire vpon his cities, and it fhall deuonre the paUces tbtteof. CHAP. IX. 9f tbt hnnity »ni €*ftiHitj of Ifr*tl. REiofce not.O Ifrael for ioy » is erAtr people : for thou haft gone a wiorirg from thy God : ihou baft loued ■> a lewaid vpon euery come βοοΓί. «: The fbore , and the wine prefle fliall not feed them.and the new wineiballfiile in hei. 3 Tbey will not dwell in the Lords land, but Epnraim will tecurne to Egypt , and they will eate vndeane things in Asfliur. 4 Tbey lliail not oSerdwine to the Lord, neither ihall theii facriiices be pleafant vnto Ww, kut thifyfhallbi rnto them as the bread of mour- ners : all that cate thereof ihall be polluted : for their bread * for their ioules A:all not coHie into tbeboufeof theLord. j jr What will ye doe ^ then in the folemne day, [ •nd in the d«y of the feaft of the Lord » 6 For loe, they are gone from g deftrudion : tht Egypt ihall gither them vp.and Memphis (liall '. burythecQ : the netrle ibali pofleflctbe pleafant ; plsces cf their fihjer,4»i the thoitK fhalte in their | tabernacles. I 7 The dayes of vifitation are come : the dayes I of recompenfc are come : IGaelfhallknowlt : j h the Prophet ii a foole : the fpirituall man it mad, ; for the mtiUitade of chine iniquity : therefore the j hatred is great. 8 Tbcwatchmanof Ephrairo'/V;««Ut#with lEy GoJ : tut the Prophet »'/ the fnare of a foulei j ioalbis waies,4«ii hatred in the hctifeofhisGod. ; 9 They k are deepely fet : tbey are corrupt as in the dayes of Gibcah : thtrrftrt he will tetneiEber | their iniquity.he will τιΓκ their finnes. j 10 I found Ifrael like' grapes ia the wilder- I ! they can bring PO fiuite ; yea , though they bring j fuorth, yat will I flay euen tbe deare&ofdieir ! body. j 17 My God will caft them away, becitifeibey I did not obey bis : and (hey ll^all wanda aax>Dg I the nations. > CHAP. X. 1 jigdinfi Jfratl »r,dhiiii(>Ui. 14 Hii iefltudiinftr lht/*me. ISrael is an « emptie vine , fit hath it brought ■■foottb fruit vnteitftlfs , and according to t^e multitude of the fruit thereofhee hath increafed the altars : according to the'' goodneffe of iheic land they hauemade faite images. 2 Their heart is « diuided : now fl:>all they be found faulty : he ihall breske dowce their altars, he (hall deilroy their images. 3 For now they Ihall f*y , We haue no d Kirg becaufe we feared not the Lord : and what fl.ould a King doe to vs 1 4 Thiy haue fpoken wori's . fwearing falfly intiiakirgeacouer.ant ; thus f iudgeroent grow-fbu" eth as wc rmewood in the furrowesof the fielde. y The inhabitants of Samaria fi:ali g feare be- caufeoftbc caife of Beth-auen ; for the people thereof Ihall mourneouerit , and the •> Chtma- rims thereof , thatreioyced on it for tbe glory thereof.becaufeit is departed f om it. 6 It ihill be alio brought to Asibur , fora prefcnt vnto king lareb : Ep.hraiiC Ihall recsiue ihame , and Ifrael Ihall be alhamed ofbis cwne counfeli. 7 Of Samaria , the king tberec f is deftroyed, as the ioax vpon the water. 8 The high places alfo of ' Auen fliallbede- ftroyed, ei««B the fmne of Ifrael : thethorneand ... whereof though tbcgrap•• wtre gathered, yeteucr aiit ga• thered cew SreDgth.itincret- ftd new witkfd- vflc.fotbaiike cnirtftion vtbick Aiould haue bioughtiheinto obecfijnce.did but their Dub- b Ai they were band baJabui• d>Dce, Tuw;:.f..iD God. The day (liall ' ni! ibatGod ihall t.ke «way faeir king , and heaibeyOiall Ifeelethefiuitof fianei , inJ bow tbey irufied In him in vaine, i King,i7 6.7. prom ft :g to. be faiihfvlltowaril God. f Thui thrir in«e- thethiftle Ihall grow vpon their alia, s . and they ;gri,y,VdfrM°!' ftallfay to the tBour.tiines, * G^uervs , andto:>vbi»ii theypie. the hils.Fall vjion vs 9 Ο Iftael , tlcu haft ^ finned f om the dayes neffe : I faw your fathers as theirft ripe in the \ of Gibeah : there thf y ' ficod ; the battel! in Gi KJk to Scxiom.wai ■euet mere cor- «pt, Iudg.19. Jl. I Meauir-;. that ke im eltuRKd tbcni,aDd drilled in tbcai. ■> They were «• ■bomioable vine n;,ai their 1 uei «roy tkeir thi; i.ru by tberc.ri:a little, ο A< they kept tender ρ itrom ibe cold ay.e ofthe fej.fo <λ fine him lothe U.'ughter. ρ Tb Ρ ward Epbraim,i.raye»k to Cd tt ■ daughter fli-old lom» vpo |Ai«aii,tkai ' figge tree at her firft time : but they went to Baal Pcor , and fcparatedtheafcluesv.nto that Ihame. ! and thetr abominations were according to "' their I louers. ' ! 1 1 Ephraim their glory ihall flee away like a j bird : Torn the bi'th » and from the wombe , and from tbe cat. Lcpijn 11 T.cugb tbey b»ing vptheir children ,yet Iwilldtpriiiethem from being meQ : yea, woe to them.when I depart from theo;. 13 Ephrairi! , as I faw ,ί5Λ}α trte ° in Tyrus planted ii) a coit.:ge : but Ephiaim ftjall bring forth his childi'M. totherounheier. 14 OLord.giuethem : what wilt thou giue them? giuc ti.tm a Ρ barren wombe and uiie bieaP.s J f All their wiek-idnefle w in <) Gilgil ; for there doe I hate thca;ior the witkeJneUe of their inucntions, Iwillcaft themcutuf tcine Houfe; I wiUloue them no more : all their princes arc lebtls. ϊ6 Ephraim is fmittcn.tkeir roote is dried vp : itcndel, thing but bitter• ocfT- aodgiie^. g When tbe calfc fliiUlecatied h Cbem'.riir.l werecenaiceijo• Utrouipriefti, which did w«r« biatke apparell IB' their ft'.rifi:ei,ani• tryed wi haloud- voy^e : wbi h fu- pcidition Eliiak dfiidtii, I KiDg. «S.I7,- »eadc a Kirg ij.s- he f;>ea- ontemp: I theido!e• η Signifying, that Gcd wtu'dde- ry ii^esBct , ::Ld ΙοιοηΓ^ιη? tbrin bytii-.lr and .10 . !0..hfir hc«.fn in Tyiui to preiemeibem II k.-tMmat ih« firft viicmet but now I will ; V. ^hs: Γ tit; .he great piafuri of Go* to- n:ake ^btmb-Meo laihei thcii iiai :bii great cfc idrec c Tfcecbitfe cJu^e c'lheir dtlliu- tkat tbey (OKiBiit idtiaiiy, «bo «.otiui'i wy Ktligiocin Gilgal, beah againft the ehikiren of itiiquitic did not "touch them. 10 It is roy deflre ■ that t fl-iould chaftife them, and the pecpic ftiall be guhered againft them , when tl:ey ihall gather tuemfelucs in their two ofjrrowes. 1 1 And Ephraim « as an heifer vfed to delight in Ρ threlhing : but I will paffe by her s faire ntck! I will tr.ake Ephraim to ride ; ludah fliall plowe, 4nilaakcb ΑταΙΙ breake his clcds. 12 Sowe to your felues in righteoufneCTe ; reape after the meafure cf mercy ^: ' breakevp Jj^ your fallow ground : for it i> time to freke tbejof Beth ei.readc Lord , till be come and raine rigbteoufnefle vpon• c^yp ♦■ ' ^ >°"• ,. ..... . ,J-xClj''o. 13 5»«f you bane plowed inck^dnes: ye haue i?.Af;.« n. reaped ini<]uity : you haue eaten the fnat cf iits :'ζ"^ » < becanfe thou didft truS in thine cwne waycs, and L• ,", ' ,,^^ ,'^^'ς^ in the multi;u.le of thy firong cten, Ld jitbe Gibe- 14 Therefore fliall atuirult arife among thy ί°'"•».»»ρ!>- people . and all thy munjtiors fhall be dcftroyed, l,,";j"'(2 ,ζ^. as ί Shalman dtftioycd Beth-aibel in the dayieaiecou'dnot be good in exe- cuting God» iudgfBHnrt . feeing thine ow-e deedrt were j» wi.ked st iVieira' i To wit. 10 Sgbt.oi tbe Ifrieliiei tfin yced ia that llubbi;rcrfir• fitni thj: nine IB The Ifnelite» we e roi mocued by their exsnipie toteife finv iheir finr.es; η Becsafe th.y are (o def| eiate , 1 will deligbnodeitioy ihrui. oToiti»•, when thry biue gathered al! tteir ftreBgibtogeihrr. p, Wherein η p!e:fiir . <> in plowing i» labout and paiae q I will lay my yoke ν 0=- ber 'attcne ke. r R-adeIerfm.4.4. f That i» , Sh»lmiiHaa»r inike drltruaor» jf lb*•• eiii»•' if ired B^iihei kii^de «or a^. : c;oddid beare ΠταεΙ* Hoi a• ■ Wbiliithelf. ficUtet were in Egy^cind did not preu.keiiiy wra.ii by .hei, nulice and iagratiiudr. b They resellcd aad wcat a con- trary way when tbel'iopbeiicaN Uil them 10 re- penuQce. ο Thati», ftierdly: ■ad Qutai beall• oi Aauei. d Seeing they con• temoe all thii hiudoelfe.they ilulbe led captiu; ini.> Affyria. • Tuwii, the rrophei». f God confideietli tviiii himfelle, and that v»iib a cer- tains gritfe.Dow topunilhthem. g Which were tWjof the ciiiel tha: were delhoy ■d with Sodom, Deut. 19,1}. h Meaning, that bii louewhete- witb he firlt Icued thim,m.-iHe him bet.veeoe daub: and aflurance what to do:and herein ap- peareth hi• Father• jyatiedion, that kit mercy toward liii (ball euercomc lii*iudgementt,a« be declaieth io the Bext Verfe. i To confurai thee, but Will caufe tott toyteld, aad fo teceiue thee to niti' y: ad ihii of bittel : the mother with the cbilJrm was da- ilieJ in pieces. 1 f So fliall Bsth-el doe vnto you , becanle of your malicious wickednes: in a motcing Ihall the king of liraelbe deilroyed. c Η A P. X r. I The benefits oftheLetdttwiirdl[r.iel. iTheiiingM- tmide .jg.iiuit him, •\J\7 Vita Ifrael ajy*/acOild,then I louedhiia, andcsUed my Tonne out of Egypt. 2 They called thera,t'«i thiy b went thnsfcom them : they laciiHced vnto B-aliro, and burnt in- cenfe to iasiges. 3 I led upbraim alfo , ai *«* iliaiild beare tbeiu in his atiiies : but they knew not that I hea- led them. 4 I ledde thetn with coards <= of a roan . eutn with bandsof loue, and I was to them, as he that taketh ofFthe yoke from theii iawes, and I layde the meat vnto tiiem. y He Ihall no more returne into the Und cf Egypt : but Asilmr fliall b^ l:is Ί King , becaufe they refufeJ to conueit. ,6 And the Isvot d Ikall fall on his cities , and ilullconfurai Lisbarres.anJ deuoure theop, be- cauftfof thtir owne couri":l5. 7 And my people are bent to tebellion againft me : though « they called tbem to the molt biii yet none a: all svould exalt htm, 8 f How Ihall I giue thee vp , Epbraim 1 heat Ihall I deliuerthee.lfrael ί how Uialli make thee, ai g Adoiahi/w;» lliall I fet ttiee.a» Zeboim ? mine heatt is lur oed within mee : h my repentings ate rouled together. 9 I will not execute the fiercenefle of my wrath: [ will not riiurne to deftroy Epbf aim:for I am God , and not man.the holy one in the mids of thee,and I will not i enter into tlie city. 10 They ihall wilke afttr the Lord : he Ihall roare like a lion :wlieFibee Hull roare , then the children of the VVeli ihall f<;afe. 1 1 k They iliill feareas a fparow out of Egypt, and as a doue out of the land i;f Aslhur.and 1 will place them in theii houfes.fayth the Lord. 1 2 Ephraim coropaffeth race about with lies, and the houfe of Ifrasl with deceit : but luJih yet ruleth with i God , and is faithiull with the Saints. TotaHi5tne^»ireK meantofihefmtll Buinbet who iUal walke after the Lord, k the Egyptiani aaJ the A/Tyr the Loid maioitineth hit peopie. I GoDerneib their 1 (halbe afraid when e accordjog to God» « That it,Aa!tereth bimfelfc w.th vaine cot^tidenc?. h Meaning, crefemi togetfriendlh.p c Which in thefe f ointt w«i like to Ephraim,but not in idoUtriet. A Seeing that God did thui pre- ferre laakob their father.Iudabiia- gratiiude wai ihe move lo be abhorred, e R.e»de Gen, 3 CHAP. XII. JI(« admonijbelh hylaak'is tXAtnfle utrhil• inOti , λλΛ ■p Phraim is fed a with the wind , and follov/eth *- after the Eaft winde : he increafeih dayly lies and deftruitioti , and they doe make a ccuenant with Aslliut.and ^ O) le is caried into Egypt. 1 The Lord bath alfo a controut rfis with <: ludah , anJ will tilite la^kob , accorclii^g to hii wayes : accoiding to his woikes , will be ricom- penfc him. 3 Hee tooke bis brother by the heele in the wombe, and by bis ftcength he had Ί power with God. 4 And bad e powsr ouer the Angel , and pre- uailad i he wtpt and prayed vnto I im : he found him in Beth-cl^nd there he fpake with vs. f God found laakob Μ face lay Qeeping ► io Dcthel.Geu.au. ta.and fofpahe with him there > that the fruite «f tbat fP«Qb lifptjKiiiiel tetlii VYboU body ohhe people , vvttieef weate, 5 7e4 the LorJGodofboafies.tbeLordi. himfelfe his memoriall. 6 Therefore turne thou to thy God ; kecpe mercy and iudgrment , and hope Kill in thy God 7 Hieis 6 Canaan : thebilances of deceit an m hij hand ^ he loucth to opptcHe. 8 And Ephraim (ayd , Notwithftatxling I am rich, I hatie found mee out riches in all my la• hours : they (ImU had none ioiijuitie to ine,'^ that Wire wickednefle. 9 Thou gh I am the Lord thy God , from the land of Eg> pt.yet will I make thee to dwell in the tabernjcks,as in i the dayes of the folemne feaft. 10 I haue ilfo fpoken by the Prophets , and I haue multiplied vifions . and vfed fimili.uJcs by the miniftety of the Prophets. Ills there'' iiiiquitie in Gileadrfutely they are vanity : they fact ibci bulkks in Gilgal, and their aiurs are as heapes in the futrowes ot the held. 12 'And la.kob fled into the couotrey of Af ram.and Ifrael fsi ued for a wife, and for a wife he kepty7;ei^e. 13 And by a ™ Prophet the Lord brought If. Γ4ϊΙ out of Egypt, and by a Prophet was heeie- ferued. 14 Bht Ephraim proooked bim with high fjace» : tnerefore llull his blood be powt ed vpon bim, and Ssis teproacn ihall bis Lord reward him. I If you boaftof your richetandncbilitie.yeefeeme torepi wa« apeore fugiiiue and fetuant- m Mejaiug.Mofe», wi whatfoeueriheyhaue.it coinmetbot Codt iiee goodnelTe. CHAP. XIII. I The ahctniuxtien if Iftxel, 3 uni the cttufe tf thtir dc• ihutliiiit. g At for Ephraim he it more like the wicked Cinia- niiit, then jodly Abiatiam nr laa• kob, h Thu» the wicked meafute Oodt fauouc by outward like hypocrite* cannot abide Dy ihould (e|>taouc theit lingi. Seeing thou wilt >t tcknowledge y nenefiit.I will bring thee againe ο dwell io lean, κ in the fealt of heTabcrnacleii ^hich thou dolt DOW con:emne, k The people tboughtthatn» mandurft haue ffiokeo agiinit Gi- lead.ibat holy pUce.aod yet the Prophet fayeth, tt all. heir religi- wai batvaaii yjut father, who hereby appcareth, ΪΪ7 Hen Ephraim fpake. there wd/ » trembling: Tiee b exalted himfelfe in iftael, but he hath Cnned in Baal,"^ and is dead. 2 And now they finne more and mote > apd baue made them molten images ©f their filuer, Λ»<< idoles according to their owne vnderftao- ding :tbey were all the works ofthecraftefmen: they fay one to another whiles they fact ifjce a <* man, Let them kilfe the calues. 3 Therefore they ihail be as the morning cloud.and as the morning dew that patfeth away, asthechaffe that is driuen with a whirlewindsj out of the floore , and as the fmoake that goeth out of the chimney. 4 Yet I am the Lord thy God « from the land ff Egypt , and thou llialt know no God but for uiereis noSauiourbeiide me. ; I did know thee in the wudetneiTe , in the land ofdrought. 6 As in their patures, fo were they lilled:they were fi!ieJ,and their heart was exalted : therefore haue they forgotten me. 7 And 1 wil be vnto them as a very lion , und^ as a leopard in the way of Aslliur. 8 I will meete tiiem.as a beare that is robbed of her whelps, and I will breake the kail of their heatt, and there will! deuoure them like a lion: the wilde bealts Ihall teare them. 9 Olftad.one^hath deftroycd thee , but in facts thine helpe. 10 g I am:whereis thy king that iliould helpe thee io all thy cities ? and thy iudges , of wbonJuBui tboa fjydtft.Giue me a king and princesf 1 1 I giue thee a king ία mineaoger • and I locks hi^ «way ionjywwthi ' pen; I Hee Ihewelli heeieellencieand ijihoritiethac thii tribe badaboat lUtherelt. HemdeakiDg of hit tribe, J. The Ephiiimitei ; ire not f arte from jeDrudiun.and laue lolt tbelt luihoritie. 1 Tfcefalfepro. jheti perfwaded ;he idolater• to atfer theit children iftertbe rxiinp'.eof Abr^bara,and he [hewethhoAihey 'jwoiild rxhortooe inoiber to the fame, and lokiU'eaaJ ^ worihipthcCeialuM '(which weie ttiil idoles. H' cailetb thrm repeataaccaad pi ouusih theit ingratitude. Tby deftruftio» ccrtaiDe.kndioy entliit toward Ice declare that cuinmeth not of !e:-hfrefore thine -wae milice. idoli ly and vaine coufidencc in nira muit iieedt be the caufeifaereof. all 0Ββ| ,17. GodWaca^i vnto death. h Itiifurelylaid vp CO be puaifticdi uler. 17,1, ■ Buc wualJ oome euiofchewombi, thitii out .jfchii dinger waeieij hi M, aadaociicy to b ftifcteJ. k Meaniag, chat no power Ihall tc< Cod whea he Will deUuer his.bu^ euea indeaihwillhegme •bem life. 1 Becaufe they will not turne to me, I will Dot chtDgeuiy purpofc. tHsexhoirtEtbcben 10 tepeetaoce co,a- uoidallibeie pU- gue», willing ttitm Co declare by A'oid their obedieaieaai Chap. J* • Sijuifyioj the piidces.thePrieftl, aid the goiKrnourJi b He calletb the lew'es to theconftie• ratiooof GeJ« iud- gememijWhohad now plagued the fruits of the ground for thefpace of foute jfcere , which w«i for their Cnoes y aod to <;all them to repeatance. c MeaniDg, that the occalioQ of their excelfe anr) drunken- ivaj taken away d Thit waiancthti plague whetiwith Sh)i had puoiUied them, when bellir- red vpthe Aifyriani «gainll tbem. eMaurne giieuoufly, » a woioao which faatb loiibechuibiad 'boiu Qie natb beene mariedia her yo ith f The tok'Bi of Ggdi writb .^id ap- peare ia bi« Temple infomuch ai Codi kiUM W»• left off, I Ζ The in'cfiityofEphralmjihbound vp;his finiie is hid . 13 The forrowes of a traaaiiing woman ihall j come vjjQii him: be is a'l vi.wife foDiie, elfe \iould I he not ftanJ ftill a', the ume.«Me« at the ' oreakicg | foorthof tnu chiUren. j 14 I will reJeeme tbctn (t(XJi the power c f ihe ί graud : I will dcliuer them from death , Ο ^ J.ev'a, 1 I wilibethy leam: Ogtiue.l wilibethy dciuu• 1 olion . irepeiiranc: is nid from mine eyes. | If Thoug 1 he grow vpaojongoi/ brethren , an ^ of Lebanon. Ead wi'vJ ihail corns , e«<» tl e wind of t'le Lord fhiil com? vp from the wildcrnes , and diy vp his vdne , aad nis fountaine Ihalbe dried vp ; he Ihall ipoyle the trsafme of 11 plcafant vellels. CHAP. XIV. 1 The itilrucli^n if 3ληι r 6 I will be as the dew vnto Ifraei ; he iliallj . grow as the lily and faften his tootes , as thi tri«|"i,^',hem"th4t do. repeni 7 His branches fliallfpread^and hisbeau'y ihalbe as the oliue tree.and his fmell as Lebanon. 8 They that dwell vndsr his ffliadow.lhall re- turne : tiiey Ihall reuiue at the cotne, and flouriili as the vine : the fern tiiescoifhaib$ as the wine ol Lebanon 9 Ep^ra^.m fhali fay , What haue I todo,s any more with idoles : I s haue beard bim.and lookec ypon him : I am like a greene nrre tree: vpon mc is thy fruit found, 10 vViio ishwife.andheftallvnder&and thefi thing?? and prudent, and he fliillknow tbeu:? fi the wayes of 'he Lord art righteous , and tht iuft a^all walke in thetu : but the wicked (ball fali therein I ο I Ε L. THE A R G V Μ Ε Ν T. d \Vt will leaue ofi all vaine confidence anH pride. leclareth how Whofoeoet ioyi inemftlutito thi people, Ihalbe blef. fed. % God Oieweth hoVT proQipi he ii to beais hi•, whtn they re- pent, anH to offer bimfelfe, a• a pro- ■eftion.au.t fafegari vn:otbem,ai a mod fufHcient fruit and profit. b Sigiiiryicg, that the tius wiftdorae an«l knowledge coi< riucihio ihit,eue« to i:it vpoB Cs4i **r/f* Vrophtt htlfirfl rebukfth them »/ Iudah,that being Hoa> pmtjhtd with agrtat plagut «Jfantine. * remainefliU oh^inate.Stcondlj,he ■■ hreatneth^attr plagutt,becauft they grew daily te 4 more hardi nefe of heartland rebellion againfi ^edno.ivttb0«>iilinghu punifhmeaci. Thirdly, he exhorteth themte repentance, [hewing that it mnftbe ejrnefi,andt»i(td: rom the he art, becaufe they had grieueufty ojft ded Gad. ^n.l fo doing.he promt feth that GjdifMb•: t»ercifuU,and not forget his covenant that he made] tvi:h their fathers, but wiU fend his Chrifi,whofth%*therthtfcattertdpjeepe,andrefiirethimtoUfi] «ndlibeTtj,th»ugh they ftemed to be dead . c Η A P. r. I A friphecy againfi the liwes.t Heexhtrteth the peeple te frxjet *ni juiltn^itr the mtfit). th*t was nt h*ni. He word of the Lord thafcatne to loelthefonneofPethusl. 2 Heare ye this , Ο « Elders , and hearken ye all inhabitants of the land, whether ^ fucn a thing the Lords roinifters moarne. j lo The field is wafted : the land monrneth : for! the come is deftroyed:g the new wine is dried vp, ar)dx.htt oyle is decayed. II Be ye alharaed, Ο husbandmet? : howle, Ο ye vine dreflersfor the wheate and for the barley», becaufe the barueft of the field is petiihed. The vine is dried vp , and the figtree is it* g A.II comfort taf fubfiltaece foruo«# rilhmisatii takqi «way. hath beene in your )iaies, or yet i cayed: the pomegranate tree and the palme tree, | in the daies of yourfathers 3 Tell you your children of it , and let your children p*B) to their children, and their children to another generation. 4 That which is left of the palmer worme, hath the grafhopper eaten', and the refiJueofthe and the apple tree , ««<λ all the trees of the field are withered ; iurely the ioy is withered away i from the loanes of men. . t «e fteweti thw 13 h Gird youtfelues and lament, ye Priefts;jtbeoneiy meaarito towle ye minifters of the altar j come, and lie all »''°'d GoJ» wr..h, night in fackcloath , ye mlnittas of my God ; for .te,w"U t'nSi gradiopper hath the canker worme eaten.and the i tlie meat offering and the dtinke offering is taken jtepent*n«. teiidue of the canker worme hath the cater, piller eaten. 5• Awake ye c drunkards ,Sc wheepe, and howld allyedtinketsof wire .becac.f'icfthe new wine, for it Ihalbe pulled from your mouth. . 6 Vea, Ί a nation cottraeth vpon my land, mighty.and vviihuut nuu.ber , wnolc teeth are li'-•^ the teeth 01 a iion.and he hath the iawes of a great lion. 7 He raaketh my vine wade, and pilleth off the barke of my figtree : he maKetn it bare, and caftech it downe : the branchts thereof are made white. 8 Mourne like a virgin girded witii fackcloath, for the e husband i..f i ct youth. 9 The meat ofiiing . and the dtinke offiing is ^cutoiTftomubefaQuleuitQeLotd ; the νύφ away from the houfe of your God 14 Sandify you a fait ; call a fcleoane affeorhly;,' gadier the Elders , and alJthe inhabitants of the land into the houfe of the Lord your God, ana cry vnto the Lord. J I y Alas ; for the day.for the ' day of the Lorci . ^,^ ^^^ is at band . and it commeth as a dettrcdion from! g,„t ^u^uVtb the Alrrjghty. Jvtter deittudioijat 16 Is not the meat cut cff before our eyes ?4«iij *'«'*, ioy .and gladnes from the boufe cf out God ? 17 The feede is rotten vndrr thtii clot's ; garnets are dcfttoyed ; the batnes are brokei doWiie.fot the cotne is withered. \% HowdiJthebeaftsmomne! the hear Js ο cattell pine away.becauletl.ey haue no paauie^ini the flocks of flieepe ate deftroyed. 19 Ο Lord , to thee will I ciy jfor tie fire hath Pu deuoaied To rent the heart• ioel« k t'att !•, droughtc dsuouteJthe piftura of che wil Jef eeCTe, and the IfiiBie hath burnt vp «lithe trees of the field. I ao The beafts of the field cry alfo vnto thee: for ;he riuers of waters are dried vp.md the k fire hath deuoured the paftures of the wildttnes. CHAP. I r. • He fhewitb ifce gftat iudg'"»enr»o *od, which*! Ε »t b«oH, except they repent. b OfaffliaioD «ad trouble. c Me^aiag.thE AtTfiian•, i Theetiemr ilf_ Oroyethour plenii iiilleountiey, where• i»cue< he Qooimetb. « ThiyDli'.bepnle and blatfec for feire. '7 tor none ihalbt Ht p-tpifciflh tfihe (emmmg i^ ctueity of their encmiet. li Anixhorlattcntc ' ' --"^'-'- tfCiitrnxrihisft Β Low « the trumpet in Zion, and Itout in miiie noly mountaine , let all the inhabitantj of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord is con3e:for icwai hand. ζ Abday ofdarknes.andofblacknes.aday of clouds and obfcurity , as the inoinirig fpread vpon the mountaiaes ,/"o « there a ^ great ptopli. and a mighty : there w«s none like it from the begin- ning , neither Uialbe any awre after it , vnto the yeeres of nany generations. 3 A ri-e deuourath before bitn, and behind him aflamebarueth rp : the land» as the garden of d Eden before him.and behind him a deiolate wiU dernes,fo that nothing iLall efcape him. 4 The beholding of rim u like the fight of hotfes, and like the horliraen.ro iliall they lunne. f Like tiie noyfe of charets in the tops of the mountaines ihiil they leapi , liSe thenoifeofa flimeof rife trat deueureth the ttubble , ana as a roighty peopl? prep^rjd to the battel!. 6 Bif -M ί his f ice Iball the people trembie : all faces e Ί\\Λ\ gather dacknes. 7 They ihillrunnelik^ ftrorgmen, andgovp The daj cf tt c Lor»if be glad.and reioyc;:for the Lord will doe great things. 22 Be not afraid, yebeaiis of the field : for the, pafturctofthewKdeines are greene for the tre^ "";«!?. re't'""" beareth her fiuit ; the liggstice and the vine doai>f»i.»irii. " giue tiieir force. 23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion,and re ioycein ticLordyout God, for he hath giuen you the rain; ofrrighteoufneffs.^&hewillcaufe to come downe for you the raine , euen thtfirfi riiie.and the latter raine in the firft montth. 24 And the barnes ihalbe fall of wheate.aad the prelles ihall abound with w irae and eyle. 25: And I will renUer yoa the yceres that the graihopjier hath eaten, the canker worms and the ca'.etpitler.and the palmer worrac, nj> great hoift which I fent aaong you. 26 So you (liall eat and be fatisfied and praife the Hdrae of the Lorj your God , thit hath dealt roarueiioaily with you: and my people iLall neaer be alhamed. 27 Vs ilijllalfoknowtbatlamin the mids Ciiltd the fait iea, or Tciliati fe» ; me». I that though my were ίο thatitblledtU fiom this fea toth^ >a tailed Mediterr»• Jeum , yet be would cattenhem, ' Ttatis.fachif Qiould come by infl Iiieafure.ina f»l.»i,i+, q That is, in greatfr abundance and mote generally then its T~iteaJv»r.j,3i.ana JfatJ. io.ez.k.31,7. en» j.ij.Mat a+,ii». k Xne Lord QiiU iirievpthe AUyti liaos 10 execiiie b iu/he will k titurne and re- pent and leaue ablelling behind him,e«#»a meat offiing and a diinke ofisring vnto the Lord your God ί 1 5: Bio w the trumpet in Zion.fandify a faft, call afolemneaU'embly. ' 16 Gather the people, fanoUfy the congrega- tion ;gathei the elders :aflembli the ' cnildren, and thcfe that fuck the brealls : let the btidgOrce go foorth ef his chamber .and tlie bride out of her bride chamber. 17 Let the Prisfts , the miniaets of the Lord, weepe betwjene the p^irch and the altar, and let them fay. Spate thy people, Ο LjkI, and giu: not tbine hvxxi^i into reproAcb .that the bevhsn with perene» i^f Jbeart, and not.vrith ceiremoniei. Ii^ifpeike.hthisto ftirre vp iheii Oouth• fblnes, ftoduot that he doubted of Godi iB'rciei, ifiheydid repent. How God lepeaicth, teade let 3 It. ίΤά-ΐί«ι»11 b»ue ini«j,foall may IBie.v foorth Γι^οβΐ rf'lbiir tepentaoce, thatm-n feeing the «hildrca which are ice from G?ii »9ratb, Bn£lnbc tbe • iiueiy touthei with ifae confiiera- of iheit OWBi lfraeI,an.V!.i»t I am the Lord your God and none other, and my people fliall neuer b: ailiamed 28 A>xl afcf-Tward will I poA'te i out my ^pi.i- vjional! 3;:lli, and your fonncsand your di'jghiers fhill pro-phecy : your old men ibiJj dreatneidteamtt.atid your young men Ihallfw viliotis. 29 A .d .ilfo vpon the ff-rnants.& vpon the maids in thof. uaif ^ will I pDWte my Spirit, 30 An! iwill ibew f wonders in the h-a- uensandin the earth: blood and&e, yndpil lars of fmoke. 3 1 Tne • funne ihalbe rarned into darknes,, and the 6 Ό jHfc into blood, before the great and tetri ble fiiy ot the Lord come 3 : B:• w-wfoeut' fhall call " on the name of the Lu ύ Ihiliyj faaed.for in tr.r.imv Zion aiio in lern- fahau lhi.be deli'i.-rirc(.,.s rh;. Lord hath faid,& in the ^ remnant worn the Lora llMlicalU C Η A Pi III. Of tie iuiitmint tf G»i Λ^αιηΚ the tnemiei tf hit wai fulfilled Λ-η<1<ι Chrilf.wheuai Gods grace», and his Spirit under ibe Gofpel wa» aban• ly .giuen to the Church, Ifa,44.j, ''^' lofln 7, 33,39• Ai ttey had vilie* I id dreamet in old time, f.j Ihall they now baue dealer reuelaiioni. I He tvaraeih the faitbtull whitieirw bingtihoeld e.totbe iuteot they ihould aot e for coDiioui^ quittnei in this world, and yei in all ties be A-iruId prefer ue the. tThe •, aerof njiurc Ihai; ftt inc , u be Cidfo, tOf hor- rib'. tbatfb;. FOr behold , ehofe ciai'^s andinthattfene, CO I fhal! brins! agr.tt) the-captiuiry of lu- dah andieriilil-jn, 2 IWillalG gafv;t al!n»d:'iis,& willbrir^g tbem downe into the ^ v'i=y oiieholhaphat , and will pleaJe uiih there :htre rot my people .andf^r tuiiuh:tit:.g' 'fracl : whom they haue fcatteted among rhe nations,9i:i' put?d try land. 3 And they haue caft iottes for s>y people, fpea to this word Iehonuplitt,'whicV. fignlfirthpIeatUDio «JOil wowu iudge thi «ueauei •! bit CtiOtth,aJ i»e did there, ί -dii I the 3ur ifle godly to vpon the Mime of God who «ill BiueTbenifa' κ MeJDiBg aer»by the GeDiileijS.eBl> iOi«3. 00, aWhenlihill deJtV myChurcb, wbicblWnde.bof tbelewetaadofthe Geeli-lei. It •ppearetbthalbe ludcthto that reatviaoryofle. iol'iiapbat,uvheDit Sod without manj deUroyrit the es, » Chro.i^ ii.alfo he bath re- u'dgeineut , biMvie X^ilath ;ft tlircatned; t Th»t which the tMioT gate tor the iile of ray people, he beltowed vi-ui» lidotiauH duiake. d He takeib the ctufe ot'hii Cburcb in hind «gainil tbe erKmy.i» thojgh tUt iniury were done to hi.nftlfe. VV'ioDg ,th'"Te wil Uudtt me (he like f Fir afterwiiJ Cad fold thero by H-buchii-neizit ir.i Aleitudrr ihe Brett, for the luue i bare to hi» people, «ud thereby t:iey were lomforted. a» though the eriiebtc beene thfir• gSVheo I (halle»e- tutcmy iudgtmeoi «gain» inineeDe• mlti.Iwillcaufe «oery one to be t'lU'y• '■'•l '° P'•" ' U* thiit Wiapon» todeftr'^yont »°o• Iher for my Ckmcbeifake> Cfajp, I Whict v»*l ■ lefiie milet f.omlerufaltin ia ladea.buche pro- pSecied ii Ifrael. b I^hii diir» the kingdom• of Ifrael did xott flouiifli Vf aichas lofeptu! Wii:eth. wa• whe Vzziah would ba-a vfurperftke rrifCi efti.',»nd tberefoie vva' niitren with the leprofie. anJ haue giuea tbe child e for th? ljatlot,and foIJ ihc gills ijr wioi.that they might driuke. 4 Yci.and J what hauc y ou to do with me, Ο Tyrus anJ Zi^bn, and all tbe coafts of Paleitiaa ? Willyerindermeearecompenfe? anJ if ye r«-^ coirpinfe ine , fwiftly and Tpcedily will 1 render your tecotupenfe vpon your head. 5 For jre baue taken my filiier and my gojd.and haue caried ii.ro your temples iny gaodJy αη4 ploifant tilings, 6 Γ he children alfo of ludah and the children of lefufaleo) haue you fold vnto the Grecians , tbat ye mig^it fend them farre from their border, 7 BiiioJd.l will raife them out οΓ the place where y.e naae fold them , and will tender your reward vpon your owne head. 8 Aiid I will fell your fonoes and your daughters into the han J of the children of ludah, and they ffbail fend theia to the Sabeans , to a peopls farre 'ofl.for the Lord hath fpoken it, 9 Publiih this amo.ig the Gentiles : prepare warte.Wdke vp the toighty men: let all the men of warre draw neere And come vp : lo 6 Bteake your {^wfl-ates into iwords.and your fithes into fpeaies : let tbe weake fay , I am lirorg 1 1 Alletoble your felues.aod come all ye heathen, and gither your felues together round about:there (hall the Lord ^afi downe thy mighty mcn- 1 1 Let the heathen be wakeneo.and come vp to the valley of lehoihaphat : for there wki I fit to iudjje ail tiie heathen round aboac. ^::>s_ The haru{ ft ripe» iiJ{ A Μ ij Put in your •> Rthes.for the harneft is ripe come, get you downe . for the wineprelfe is full ; yea, the wineprefles tonne ouer/or theirwicked^ nefle is great, 14 Ο multitude.O multitude.eew* into the val- ley of threihing : for the day of tbe Lord « necrc in the valley of threihing. I y The funne and moone ilialbe datkencd.Sc the ilarres Hull withdraw their lig'^ t. 16 The Lord alfo fliall roare out of Zion , and vtter his voyce from Icrufilem , and the heauens and tbe eaith Ihill ihake, but the Lord will be the •hope of his people, and tbe ftiength ofhischil dren of ifrael. 17 So fhall ye know tbat I am the Lord your God dwelling ir. Zion.raine holy Mountaine:then fliall le; ufal;m be iioly , and there Ihall no itran• gets goe ^ thotow her any mere J 8 .^nd ill that da> ihall the raountaines ' drop downe !JCw wine , and tbe biJl-.-s ihallfiuwwitb «Eilke, and all the riuers of I udih ihall runne wit waters, and a founuioe Ihjilcome focrth of the Houfe of tbe Lord , and Ihall water tbe valley o: Sbittitn. '9 ™ Ejypf fiialbe wafte , and Edom flialbea defolate wilJemes, for the ioiutics of the children of ludab . Uecaufe they haue lli:d innc cent blood ia their land, 20 Bat lodah iLill dwell for eaef , and letufalem from geoerarion to genetatbn . 2 1 For I wilt Q cleanfe their blood, that I haue not cleanfed,and the Lord will dwell in Zion. Ο s. THE ARCVMENT. h That he Ihall < courage the lata eked Dei J fuiliipe, deitroy one another, v^ hicb he calletb the vai/eyof Godi iudgclBtlii. i God atfureth kit tgiioSt all trouble, :hat when he de- ftroyeib bijenemieo hitchildieniha deliuerpd. k The itr»aj-ri fluU >io more dell roy hi». Church ; which if ihty dee, iiittht people, v»ibch by the:i liuoes make the breach for the enemy I Hepromifethiohii Church atundanct of grace», teade Ezei: 47, , which filould watetanj comfort the moft bairen placet, Α:η«« 9,13. m The m.lieioui e• oemiei Qiatl base ■« part ofihii gracet η He bad fuifered hii Chmcb bithefto lo lie in their filthinei, but oov^' he promt.• feth to cleanfe them, ■ ad tomakethe^ pu.'e vdio luiu. CHAP, I. Tkt time »f tht preflecj ef AniK. } The wari tfthe Icrd αι»:ηβ D-TnAfcui• ί The Philisiiim,Tjrin,Iiiii. He words of Amos, who was a- mong the hcardreen at»Tecoa, W-iich he fjw vpjn Ifrael.inthe daiiSofVziah king cf ludah, 15/^ IJ^^'QI andinthedaiesof b lerotoim Tle^I^aSi) the fcfene cf loalli king cf If- rad.txo yeeres before thee earthq.iake. 1 A id hefaiJ.The Lord ihall ioa;e fiom Zion, and vrter hisvi;}C«frorti leiufalem.and the dwel- ling places of the iliep^i-irJsfoallpeiiih,and the top '■ ofCi'TOell ihall wi'itbcr. ^ Thus fai'.h the Lo;d , Tor three tranf- d >vha:ioei!er it J o.^'flfi .^j of Daoiifcus , and for foure . I will not fiuitfullirdpl-afaBt S "■"* ". .- . u i. η ^ /-•ι j if.»ii,{lia!iihort• tutne 10 It .^btcaiite tbey baue fthtcilied Gilsad ly p-1!*'. f e H- Oitweihfirft that «II the pfopleroucd about Ihould be deflroyed for their ma ifildifi ntrwbicbareroeantl.y three i.d loure, which m-ke fcuto, becaufe ths I-.i lit» liiaulJ the more ieepei» cuoftder Go-'s iudgemenmowaid them. f litre >>riar.i Aill ro. be fpaved for co•. mitiinj thi» cruety i^ainlt one city, ikiiD>:V'>t<'bL-''.*tIftaeiaiouldercapc puiiJlineBt wbieb tuitb COiaOUKed C» OMi^ «aa £(i(U«t| ^3ΐιςΜ£^10'Λ C(fl«iid iMQ, wi;h threiliing inftruments of yrod. 4 Thcrefuie will I fend a fire into theloufe of Hazacl , and it lliall deapure the i palaces of *Ben-hadad. y- 1 will breake alfo the barres of Damarcus,and cut off the inhabitant of fitkeatb-auen :and him th ai btWetWie fcepter out of Beth-eden, and the peo- ple ofwaro ihall goe into capciuity veto ^ Kir, iaith the Lord- 6 Thus Taito the Lord.For three tranfgreflions of Azzab,ana for foure, 1 will not totne tu it, 1-ecaufe they ' catied away prifoners the whole captiuity to Ihuc them vp in Edom. 7 Tnerefore will 1 fend a fire vpon the walies ef Azzah , and it Hia!! deuoure the palaces thereof 8 And I will cut off the inhabi-aHt from Aili Jod, and him that noldeth the fcirptet fom Afi/Kelon, and turiie mine hand tu Ekton , ,and the renuoanti of the Philillims Ihall pcrilh , faieth tbe Lord God. 9 ^ Thus faith the Lo.d.For three tranfgtcC Gsns of Ty rus. ar,U for foure , i will not turne to gThcaeti<]aiiyar :hcir bmldiogs Ihafl no. avuyde my i«dge..^enu,ic»de h Tiglaih Pilefef led toe AUyriaDi cap;iue,a-d bioaghi uCyteoe whithhtcallett Tbtyi yoed itb the Edo. VViiicb caried ihetu «way captiuci. (whom cattle tht E- domitct) and iaakob were brctbrea, therefore they ought tohtue xJmooiQled them oftheir bro- therly fiiendihip, ani not to hjuepto- uoliedtheto hatred. ί tO It Β E^r.corruft hti fomfa-ftoni. I He was a conti- cuallmciBj vato m He notittibe great trueltyof the Am- rooaites, that fpareJ not the women , but inoft lyraonotifly came of Lot, who wai ofihe houfhald •fAiXilhani. For the Moabitei were fo cruell a jiaiaft the king of Eiera, that ihey kjrDthis bines after that heviii de«d which declared ibeit katbaroul tagi teeing they rtuengi thcinfelues if the dead. 1^ Seeing the Geo- tileithiibad oot fo farre knowledge riierethus puniflisd ledah which was ί fully in;truaeJ of the Lord• λΜΙ. nvghcuotthinke to «fcar-e. e If be fpare not ludihvnto whom bijpronBfei wtre made, much more lie will not fpiie tbii degenetaie t(r.:gdome. d Th»y eReeined moftviltbtibeimoi then meat lixes. e When they haue ^oyled him aad thvowen him vnto lthegrouni.tb«y jiai't for hiilifi f Thiokii_ ciremon>•. that is, by faaificing, and being neere mine ■Itir.they roiy ex- cufeall iteit other wickedntlTe. becaufetheyilwtthe whole «ptiuiiy m E- dom , and hiue aot remembred the ^ brotlierly couenant, 10 Therefo'e will I fend a fire vpon the walles of Tyrus , and ic lliall deueure the palaces thereof. 11 f Thus fiich the Lord , For three tra'if- greffions of Edom, and for foure , I will not turoe ; to it , becaufe he did putfue his brother with the j fword , and II did caS ufTall pity , and his anger i fpoykd him euermore , and his vvrath watched Ibio] ' alway. ζ Therefore will I fend a fire vpon Teman.and it Iball deuoure the places of Bozrah. 13 ^ Thus faith ttie Lord . For three ttanfgref- fiois of the children of Aramon , and for foure, I willnotturneto it, becaufe they '" haue tipt vp the women with ckil.l of Gihad , that they might enlarge their border. 14 Therefore will I kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah , and it (lull de iioate the palaces thereof, "'^' with lliouting in the day of batrell , ana with a temp^tt in the dav of the wnirkwind. I y And their king lluU go into capciuity.he and bis princes togethet.faith the Lord, C Η A P. I r. AiAiHfi Mtab, Iud.th Ani Jfreet, fHus faith the Lord , For three t anfgrefTions of Moab. and tor foure , I will not turne to it , be- caafe it burnt the * bones of the king of Edom in- to lime. 2. Therefore will I fend a fire vpon Moab.and it lall deuoare the palaces ofKerioth.andMoab (hall die with tumuir,.\vith Ihouting.anrf with the found of a trumpet. 3 And I will cut offthe iudge out of the tnids thereof .and will flay alf the princes thereof with him, faith the Lord. 4 ί Thus faith the Lord.For three traafgreiCons of fudah, and for fjurt.b I will not lutne to it,be- caufithey haue caft ayi(ay tne Law of the Lord, and haue not k;pc his commanJements.and tl eir lies caufed them :o erte afcir thi which their fa- thers haue walked. y Therefore will I fend a Hre vpon ludah.and it (hall deuoure the palaces of letdalcra. 6 f Thus faith the Lord , For three tranfgref- fions off ί Gael,' and for foure.l will not turnc to it, becaufe they lold the righteous for filiier, and the poore for d iLooes. 7 They gape ouer the head of the poore, in the «duft of the earth, and pstuert the wayesofthe raeeke : and a man and his father willgoeia tcUb maid, to dilhonour my holy Name. flfe ' 8 And they lye downe vpon cloathes ma to pledge ^ by euery altar : and they g drinke the wine of the condemned in tlje Houfe of their ^ Am|>si^ andltraeL l-'f (pphecy not, pbets , and of i your young men for Nazarltes. Is i y< it not euen thus, Ο ye childrenoflftael, faith the Lord? 12 But yegauethe Nazarites wineto drinke,& commanded the Pfophets.faying, Prophecy not. 1 3 Behold,! am k preffed vndet you as a cart is prelfed tiut is full of iheaues. 14 Therefore the flight fliall perilli from the 1 fwifr, , and the ftrong ihall not ftrengthen his force,neither (hill the mighty faue his life. I y Nor be that handled the bow lliall ftand, & he that is fwift of foo:e , fliall not efcape , neithei iliall he that tidgcn the horft'.faue his life. 1 6 And ne that is of a mighty courage among the Srong men , (liall flee away naked in (hat day. faith the Lord. emped my bsnc^ti , and ibufei my grate• .andctaf• tily went about to lloppe the miuth:» of my Prophets, k Voii haue weitieJ tiie with your fiaoe», Ifa,.,H None ihalbedeii• ueied by any moioct, by'thefj God. 9 Yetdeftroyedlthet Amorite before them, whole height was like the height of the cedars, and he vms ttrong as thcokes : notwithftanding-I deftroied his fruit from aboucand his roote from beneath. 10 Alfo I brought yon vpfrom the land ofEgyjiti and led you fourty yeeres thotow the wilderncs topoffene the land of the Aroorite. 1 1 And I raifed vp of your fonnes for Pro* their iniijiiity. h The delituftioti of their enemies »nd hitmacy joWKd them, &otiU li«uc Ciiufcd (beix ktuu to melt foi lous lowatd bioi. therrof vnto God, thinking that he willdifpenCe with «tern , whi C 1} A P. III. HereprctuedthehcufetfJ/iaelcf ingratitude, u Fit the which Cti wtUpitniJh the/n. HEare this word that the Lord pionounceth againft von. Ο children of Iftael.eijew againft the whole family which I brought vp from the land of Egypt, faying, 2 You » onely haue I.knowen of all the fami- lies of the earth : therefore will I vifu you for all i your iniqjides. ^ Can two walke togither except they be b agreed ? 4 VVillaclyonroareinthe forreft, when he hath no pray ? 0/ will a lions whelpe cry out of his den.if he haue taken nothing ϊ y d Can a bird fall in a Inare vpon the earth, where no fowler is ; or will he take vp the' fn^re from the eatrh,and haue taken nothing ac all ? . 6 0;< ihaUatrumpeibibloweninthecity.& the people be not afaid ? ir ihall there g be euili in a city, and ;hc Lord hath not done it ? 7 Surely the Lord God willdos nothing, but he *> rcuialethhisfecret tohis feruaotsche Pro- phets. 8 The lyon hath roared : who will not be afraid i the Lord God hath fpoken , who can bat i prop'iecy ? 9 Proclaimiin the palaces at kAiVijod, and in tht; palacti in tine latid of Egypc.and fay'.Allembli' your f;lues vpon the mouncaines i.'f Sancaiia . fo bch .'Id the great tumults ill the n- ids thereof , ana the oppi cifi^d in tiie mi Js thereof. , 10 For they know not to doe right , faith the Lord : they (lore vp violence , and robbery their palaces. 1 1 Therefore thus faith the Lord God.An aducr- faty fhall come euen round about the counti«y , £c Ihail bring downe tny ftie;:gti;froiD thee,and thy palaces llialbe fpoyled. * 1 2 Thus faith the Lord. As the fliepheard ta kith >" out of the mouth of the lion two legs, orj a piece oi an eare : fo lliall the chiUrea of °° Ifrael be taken out that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed : and in couch. 13 Heare, and teftify in the houfe of laakob, faicii the Lord'God, the God ofboafies. epav lakcr of t Ihau: onely ho fen you to be mioe among allotbt eople, and yet you aue forfaken mr, 5 H;reby the Pto- &gnifietb that f be fpeaketb cot of [ bimfelft, but a» God ■ guideth Sc moouetb j* him, which is callej i the «grecment be- j rwecne Gad and bii Piophet». c sviil God threaten ty his V ophit, excf pi there be fome grcii: occalioa. d Can ai:y thing come witbcut Godf f Shilltbe Ptophete tbreitcj^Go..! iu.ige- liXBti smTtbe people u: b? afraid ? f D- h any aluer. luy c',ni- without Gois appciatment? lf».4J,7 h gpd ■'ealeth not vvith the Iir.el:t«i at he doeth Witbo• thtr people : for be euer warneth tbeai ' cfore of his plague» Ly hi,Ftophere. I Becaufe the people ; I theProphett, [; A-eth th,t t Siiirit moouetj hem foio fptake at they did. Damafcus asimh He caiUth the llrti-'geri, as the , Philii-mu andE» ' gyptiant , to be ' j witU'lTe of Godi ( iud^emeotl againft | the IfraelitM for 1 %'.it cruelty and opprefsion. I The fruit of their cruelty «ni theft appe«reth by their great ricbe». which they h.u: in their houfes. m When the lionhath fatiate bii hunger, the Jhepheani findetha legge or a tippeof anear5,co ihewthatthe fheepc hau; beene woriedrO VVbCicby itie]f ibougbt to haue had a furebeid, utt to Uue beeue ία fafeiju 44 Surelj Tetvidnnke, Chap. iy.y._ a TVt:» fce ealleib tbe priacct iDd go• bffiag oaerwhelmed vciib ih« gicac abunJiocc of GikI• bcacd;i, forgitcGod.aai tbcicforehscillcib tberabi tbe aaine of b«4ltt aod Bac of men . b They eacour«ge inch ai baue ια• thaiineof Balhan that are ■*■ ' in the moantaine of Saraaria.which opprelTe the poore,4nr/dcftroy theneedie, and they fiy to ibelr tuafters,'' Bring.and let vs drirke. a. The Lord God hath fwotne by liis holines. that loc, the dayes iluH come vpon you . that hee will take you away with ^ thotnes , and youi po• fterity with hlli-hookes. 3 And ye Itallgoeout at the breaches euery k»>v* forward : and ye Ihall cafi your fducs out of the palaee.f'aith the Lord. 4 Copje to << Beth-eJ.and tranfgrefle : to Gil- gal .and muliiplie tranfgfeilion , and biiig your licriticei in the (coroing,«in(iyouriiiht:s after three' yeeres. y And oflera thatikeigiuing'^ofleiuen.pnbliili rtfli procljitne the free offerings : for tbisK liketh• you.O ye children of Ifrael.fauh the Lord God- 6 And therefore haue I giuen you i" cleanneife of teeth in all your cities.and f^arcenefle of bread in all your places .yet haue yc not returned vnro tni.faith tbe Lord. 7 And alfo I haue witbholden the ra'ne from | you , when there »ir*yet three i moneths to the barueu,and I caufed it to i aine vpon onett^.and haue not caufeJ it to raine vpon another city: one piece wat rained vpon , and the pkce wherevpoQ,^ it rained not.withered. A 8 So two or three cities wanJre J voto one ci- tie to drinke water , but they were k not iatislied: yet haue ye not returned vnto me.faiih the Lord. 9 I haue fraitten you withblaftiog and mil- dew ; your great gardens and your vineyards, and yotr figtrees , and your oliut trees did the paltuer worme deuoure \ yet haue y ec not returned vnto iDe.faith the Lord. _ Scekc tqe^ord. 1 1 j hcteath'a t.ouldftau bel.ucU. hat 'if 0 luthefep ttty woilh new do!f» afo^etm.e 1 acet .ped wbuh IU(d 3 For thns faith the Lord GoJ.The city which] went out by a thoufana. fliali leaue ^ an hundreth and that which went furth by an hundreth , ihaL leaue ten to the he ufeof Uiael. 4 For thus filth the Lord vnto the hcufe of Ifiael.Steke ye ne.and ye Ihallliue, y But ietke not Biti -el .nor enter into ' Gil- gal,«nd {.o not to Bctr- ih.-ba : for Giigal Ih^ll gc into captiuity.and Beth-el Ihall corot; ιυ ncughc. j 6 Seeks the Loid, and yee ih.ill liue, leats heejforthenucboi^ou breake out like hre in the houlc of Joftph and dc-i ^[ f.",'!,• Jn^'j'.'^'f, uoureit.and there tinone toqi.erc it inBiih.el.|(b,iiuOi'fa'uetht'm, 7 They tmnediudgemtnt to womiewcod, d Ιί iteaig!ity , and thedtiltoyer HjallcemcagauaQtbe forcreffc. 10 They haue hated him .fihat rebuked in the gate : and they abhorred him that fpcakotb vprighily, 1 1 Forafreuch then as your treading it vpon thej Ί,ι',Ι''^ poore. and g ye ukefiom him burdens of wheat, I g Venkebotb ye haue built houfcs of beweo ftone , but ye il'-aU, nicDey and »ifo bit not dwell in them : ye haue planted plealatu vine• yards.but ye ihillnot drii-ke wine of them. I ζ For I know )our manifolJ tranig eilions^ I and your miglity finoes : they jfti ct the uift.they ' take rewards , and they cpptefl'e the poore in the gate 13 Therefore b the prudent fliall keepe filence in that tioie , fcr it is an euill time. 14 Seekegood and not euill.thatye cay Hue and the Lord God of boaftes Hull be with you, as joubiuefpokep. I y Hate the euill,and lone the gcod,and efta- bljih iudgement in the gate : it may be that the Lord God of hoattes will be roercifuli vtjto tl^e remnactof lofeph 16 Therefore the Lord God of hoaRes.the Lord f.ith thus,Mournirg/"«d//ir inalltlreeis:anJ they iliall fay in all the lit waves, Alas, alas •. and they mdgeiucuiand t(|Uiiie iLey exe- cute ciueicie aod cpprtir.u. e He^f.tile^h tbe powci pt Gad« Uby.y. f They bit! riopbtn ν food , whetewilb be utculd liue. b Cod VTill Γο plague tbiKi tbar bey iball nut ioStt he go.lly occe to «pen tbeir motiths 3 adincnilb iheia of ibeit fauUl. , . ip Pcftilencehauelfentau3orgyou,afcertbe j ib,ii call the i busbantiirao to lamentaiiou , and leaner of 'Egypt : your yong mcnhauelQaine | fuchascan tDournc.tomoLining. with the fword, and feaue taken away your horfes: \ 17 And in all the vines fhali b$ lamentatiotJ: and I haue made tbe liinke of your tents to cocce | for l will pafle thtofgh thee, laith tl-,e Lord, vpcuen into your noftrels, yet haue ye not retur- j jg Woe yntoyou.ihat kdefire the day ofthe ned vnto me, faith the Lord. • . Lord : what haue yon to doe with it i tbe day of Itaueouerthrowenyou.asGodouerthrew j the Lord» daikenelle and not light Sodom andGomorah;and ye were as a '" (irtbrami plucktoui of the burning , yet haue ye not reti; nod vQto me , faith tbe Lord. 1 1 Therefore thus will I Joe vnto thee, Ο I i- rael:and becaiife I will doe thus vnto ihee.prepaie to" meetethy God.OIfrail. 13 For loe , hee tha: f Jtmeth the mountaines, and createth the wiiide , and declateth vr.to roan what is his thought : which maktth tbe morning datkeneHe.and waiketh vpon the hie places of the earth , the Lord God of hoaftes » his Name. CHAP. V. Λ Ixmtntftiin fir the etpliuity if IfrXtt: Η Eare ye this word . which 1 lift vp vnto you, tutn a lamentation ofthehoule oilfrael. 1 The avirgine Ilraelis fallen , and^^aWno irore rife ; the is left vpon bet liXia,and there ts cone to raifc hex vp. jj,^ 19 AsifaaaTdid fl-efroma l)on,and abeare ^ n;iet him : or went into the hoi;fe , and leaned bis Bard on the Will.and a ferpent bit him. 20 Shall not the day of the Lord be daiknsfle, and not lighr,^ ue η datkenelie and no I' ght in it ί II Ihateawiiabhcrreyout feaft dayes, and I will not fmell in your folenrne allerrbli» s 11 Though ye offer roe burnt cffrings and meat offiirgs , ' X will not accept them : neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beafts. 13 Take thou sway fom raee the multitude of thy fongs (for I will not heare the melodie of thy viokaj 14 And let lodgement runncdowneas"wa. ters, and rightcoufnes as a mighty liuer. 1^ Haue ye ι ffsred vnto m: facrifices and c f- frings in the wiUetaeue fouitie yeeres . Ο houfe ofllra:!} Pp 3 i6UM i SjthitaM** gieeifllailbaue bccaule the wicked aiid hypo- liiei laid they t>ide God I iu.'ge- leoil.whrteallbe godly lien bie aod feare , leicjo•». ioel.i.a.u. Ztph i.i;. I Bccaufeyibaue con up ly true i feiuicr.aod'einaice| 0>>llin>te io yout | vice•. I fa I.••. in Doyourdueryto God , and to yout j Dcigbbour, and fo ye llullfeefehi» gr.cepleuti'ul.'y.if you ilww yoer aburdintailcftioot j atcor/ingto Ood• j word. r^onelSfflebtethloreph, D Tbit idole _ . which you ttiie- med«« four kiti'^ and cai'ied about aiyou did ChiQa io which image• yau thought that there w«i ( cciu}ni diaioiy. i Amosi Amaziahs counielI,and rev^^. a The Prophet ' tfarettnecbihewekf; thic.which regjr- ded not God• pUguet nor me- n»ce» by bi» Pro- phets. b Tbefe two ci• tici were fiinoui ^ bythtiifiiftiaba-' bitaoK the Cana»- nites.andfeeiog beforeiiine they did nothing auaile them tbac were «here borne, why fhouldyou looks that they (lioal4. i'aue you wbicll brought in »o dwell in other neni poflcflioni? : If God hiuede- Iroyed tbefe ex- :el!enr«itiet in hree diueri king- domei, as in Baby- Jon,SYrit,and of ihePbililtimi, and bath brought tbeir wide border• into a gteatet (ItaitneQe your• yet ate; thinkeyou IO be better, otto efctpe? Λ Ye that conti- nue ftillio your tivickedoe•, and thinke that God• pUguei are not at handibu: giue ycurfelues lo all idlenelTe.wantoB• uelTe and riot, e At hecaufed diueiikindetot infttument» to be w, Todeuoure the id: and hi aliu- deihtothe iouadio^ f the enemie». Hus hath the tord God (hewed rnto meei and behold, hee formed > grafl^oppers in the beginning of the Cbooiing vp cf che latter grouih; and loe.tttnas in the latter grouch b after the Kings mowing. α And wheo they had wzie an end of eating the grafle of the land . then I faid . Ο Lord God. i, ^fter the pub fpare , I btfeech thee : who Ihall taile vp laakob: jiike comminde- for be is fraall. fmeatformowiDg 3 So the Lord c repented for tbisJt m ηοΐ^,^^',^,Ι: whVa be.faith the Lord. 'the king» flieept 4 f T/ius d.'/e hath the Lord God ihewed vn- f^'"' toome. to me.and behold , the Lord God called to iudge- ζ\ίΤρΐί '^^'^'Ι,'! ment by fire , ^ and it deuoured the great dcepe.'prayer. and did eat vp a parr. p Meaniog, tb»t y Then fdd I . Ο Lord God . ceafe.l befeecb i^°i'„'°f,;\''j';,'.°» thee: who ihali raife 7p Iaakob?for he is fmall. tgaina the iiub- 6 So theLordrepentedforthis.Tbisalfo ihall buiunefle of ibii not be.fiith tbe Lord God. p'°p' 7 f Thus againt he ihewed mee, and behold, the Lord Aood vpon a wall made by line * with a line in his hand. to feme tbeir wan ton atfedioni and luitet. f They pittied not tbeir brethren, wberof now ipany were Aaine and caried away captiue. g Some reade.tbe ioyof the; that jOreteh ihcitrieluei, ihall depals fa Reade lerem, ihall be fo greai they (hall bui oe mem at tiome,to car is , to fome neighbour that dwelleth at thii delUuaioii . that they (hall b they ate hi» people:but tbtry (hall be abhotre it , ai they that are defiierat barren rockei , wherevpon b:r.ffi:i cal aod glory. i\.siL• ■ t . that ΓιοηΙ 2(5 But you haue borne Β Siccmh your king, land Chiiinyour im»gts,and the ftarre ofyo'ur gods, which you made to your felues. 27 Therefore will I caufe you to go into cap- tjuiiie beyond Damafcus , faitb the Lord , whofs Name is the God of boafts. CHAP. V r. Again^ the pr:nees of Ifr»ei limniin pltufnrt . ■ Oe to » them thar are at eai'e in Zion , and truS in the moutttaine of Samatia , t> which were famouj at the beginning of the nations: and the boufe of Ifrael came to tbem. • α Goe you vnto Calneh , and fee : and from thetice goe you to Hamatb the great : then goe downe to Gath of the Philiftiras : be <= they better then thefe kingdoms } or the border of their land greater then your border, 3 Yee that put far re away the d euill day, and approach to the feate of iniquity» 4 They lie vpon beds of yaotie , and ftretch themfeiues vpon their beds , and eate the laoobes of the flocke, and thecalues out of tbe Sail. y They fiog to the found of the viole : they inuentto themfelues iDfttumentsofiDufickelike Danid. 6 They drinke wine in bowles , and annoint themfelaes with the chiefe oyntments.butno mjn is fforie for the affliftion of lofeph. 7 Therefore now Ihall they goe captiue with the firft that goe captiue, and i the forow of them that ftretched themfelues.is at hand. 8 ^ The Lord God hath fworne by himfelfe, faith tbe Lord God of boaftes, I abhotre ' the ex- cellencieof laakob , and hate his palaces : there- fore Willi deliuer vp the cicie with all that is therein. the fword, and Ifrael Ihall be led away captiue out 9 And if there remaine ten men in one houfe, ί of their owoe land, they ihall die. _ . i 12 Alfo g Aoiaziah faid vnto Amos, Ο thou 10 And his vncle ^ Ihall take him vp and burne ' the Seer, goe , flee thou away into the land of lu- him , to cary out the bones out of the houfe , and :; dah.and there eat thy bread.and propbecic there, fliall fay vnto him. that is by the' fides of the ; j^ Butpropbecieno moreat Betb-el,foritis houfe , Is there yet any with thee ? And hee iliail ; the kings chappell, ahd it is the kings court. (ay , None. Then ihall he fay. "> Hold thy tongue : S i ^ Then anfwcred Amos , and laid to Amazi- for wee may not remember the Name of tt)e I ah . I wis no i> Prophet, neither was 1 a Prophets Lord, I fonne . but I was an beaidman , and a gatherer of 1 1 ■ For behold.the Lord commandetb. and he . vvilde hgs. will fmite the great houfe with breaches . and the \ j y And the Lord tooke mee as I followed thpi '' ,■""' *" ^»^• little houfe with dcfis. | flocke.and the Lord faid vnto me.Goe propheci^ d'caVy v'c" "'n'li II Shallbotfcs° tunne vpon the roGke?or will vnto tny people Ifrael i that God bad gi. oneplowe thtrt with oxen ? for yee hane turned jg Nowiherefotehcare thou the word of the "'n •;'"'» ''""je. iudgement into gall, and the fruit of righteoui- | Lord. Thou fayeft .Prophecienotagainaifr«eIin,,a„f^""„. ncfle into " wormewood. i andfpeake nothing againft the boufe of Izhak. i Thu» God vUi 13 Yee reioyce in a thing of nought: yes fay, j 7 Therefore thus faith the Lord, ' Thy wife Haue net wee gotten vs Ρ homes byoutowne j flwH be an harlot in the citie , and thy fonne s and ftreogth? I fby danghters ihall fall by the fword.and thy liod 14 But behold.l will raife vp againa you a na- \ fliaH be deuidcd by line : and thou Ihalt die in a tion.O houie of Ifrael .faith the Lord God of polluted land, and Ifrael ihall furely goe into cap- [.^.'i^'ieus'e. hoaas : and they ihall affliS you from the entring j tim'tie forth of his land. |rnie. , ler.as.ia, of 1 Hamath vnto the riuer of the wilderneiTc e Signifying that ihi» ihould be the iait raeafuiiog of the people, and η . . i . 1 /- • I . I 'bat he would de- 8 And the Lord faid vnto mee , Amos , what hut hi» iudg«. feeS thou ? And I fai J.A line.Then faid the Lord, Behold. I will fet a line in the middes of my peo- ple Ifrael. and will paCTeby them no more. 9 And tl>e high places of Izhak fliall be defo- late. and the teroplcsof Ifiaelfliallbedeftroyed and I will life againft the houfe of leroboam with the fword 10 f fThenAroaziahtbePrieftofBeth-elfent to leroboam king of Ifrael .faying, Amos hath conipired againft thee in the mids of the houfe of Ifrael : the land is not able to beare all his wordes, Forthui Amos faith.lcroboam ihall die by II ment no longer. / That ii, when A« m..» bad prophe• cied that the king ihould bedeftroy ed.for tbe wicked Prieft t"ore for bailed be bare to he Prophet, then for loue toward the king, tbgagbt accufationfufa ficient to con- demne hiiu.where• a» none other Id take plKc. g Wfaenthi• in- ruinent of Sana wai not able to compalfe bit pur- pofe by the hing, flayed by an- er pradife.that wa», to feate the ophet , that be ght depart, and not reprooue their idolatry' there o- penly,aiid fb bio• fitofi to appraoue the authority of hii Prophet», by hi» plague• and iudge- ment» againft , which were ftruftion tbtrefoie ut tbe burnt aihcs wiih more raf-.l That nd about, m Tney flialbe fo aftoaiflied no more of ihe Name .f God , an! that Tibe wbeo they hfaie God» Kame . and jr teprobite. η Hee coriiparetb them to e to beliow labour : fhevving that God» amongihem. ο Reade Chap. ; y. ρ That i»,powet one corner of the couutrey to another. CHAP. VII. Cciiberveih cerUinc -uifions, whereb) he fi^nifieth the He- {Iruil.ou of the (tiple of Ifrtel. ao The falfi Mtufl- tin (ruflie ceiinfcll. heft iimcfAmn^inh, as ihiaday bedoetb againl) them that peifecute the nitDille^ of hii eofpcl. CHAP. VIII. I Ατ,»ίηη the rulers tf J fratt. η The LordfmeAttth. 11 ThefaminteflhewerdofGei. Ύ Hus hath the Lord God (hewed vnto mee.and , behold.a basket of fommer fiuir. 2 And he faid.Amos, what feeft thou ? And I fayd. A basket of »fommer fruit. Then faid the 'h,"^p',„Uf' ^^Z'' Lcrd vnto raee.Tbe end is come vpon my people iheir of Ifrael , I will paffe by them no mote. readinne• of Godi 3 Andthefongsofthe Temple iliall be how- ii"i&<'Piet•. lings in that day, uith the Lord God : many dead bodies Famine of the word b Theiefnillbe Chapj I OftheMtiliah. ii6 moutae for tbf m, c Bf It^yiojctie file of food, aod cccclTirieihingi vi'liich you haae gotten ioio yeur cwac handi.iad fociufc thepotre to fpeni quickely that little that they h>ue,aad at length for aeccf- fitie to become your Qauet d Wbeo the dearth wai oocc eome they were fo greedy of gaiot that they thought the holy day to be ■aoitideraacevn• to tfacm, e That it ,the lueafure fmall.aod the price grtat. f Teat ii, the inha• bitastiof the land (hall be drowned, aiNilusdrcw- netb many when it ouerflowttb. g In the middei of their profpctiii< I will fend great affliaion. h Whereby be llieweth that they ihallDot onely pcrilh in body, buialfoiDfoulc foriackeof Godi word.wbicb ii the food thereof. i For the idolateri did vfetofwcare by ibeir idolei: which bere becal• letb their flnne.as the Papiflt yet docby ibeiri. 3 And though they hide tbercfelaes in the top of Carmel , i will fearch and take them oat bodies ΡιλΙΙ be Ία euery placerthey fliall caft them forth with ^ filence. 4 Heare this , Ο yee that e fwallow vp the ' thence : and though they be hid ftom my fight poore .that yee may make the needy of the land I in the bottome of the fea . tbecce will '> I com- te fiile, mand the <= fcrpent.and he fl-iall bite thecn. ,j Saying, When will the <* new moneth be I 4 And though they goe into cap:iuitie before gone , that we may fell corne ί and the Sabbath, theif enemies, thence wiil I corcreand the Iword, that wee m*y fetfoorth wheate, and make e the and it Ihall ilaythem : andl willietmiueeyes Ephah foall and the fliekell gieat , and falfihe the \ vpon them^ for euill, andoot for good weights by deceit? i • . l .^ -j ^-1 6 That we may buy the poote for filuer , and \ the needie for ihooes : yea , and fell the tefuie of , the wheate. , ! 7 The Lord hath fworne by the excellencie i of Iaakob,Surely, I will neuer forget any of their 1 wotkes, I 8 Shall rot the land tremble for this, and cue- ' ry one moui-ne.thatdwelleth therein» and it flball | rife vp wholly as a flood . and it lliall be caft out. i the Lord u bis Name lodfdrowned.asby the flood of Egypt. 7 Ate yenotasthcEtbiopunscvnto tne .O 9 And in that day , ίαίώ the Lord God, children oi Ifrael . faith the Lord ? bane not He Oieweth bat God will de• Clare h nilelfc • Which gvat at Jetufaleni; for he appeared not in the idolairoui placet of Ifiael. b Both the chiefe ofibeiB and alio the people. y And the Lord God of hoafts ihall touch the land, and it fl-ail melt away .and ell that dwell therein fl^all mourne.and it fl.all rife vp wholly like a flood, and ihall be drowned as by the flood of Egypt. 6 He buiUeth bis "* fpheres in the heauen.and liathlaide the foundation of his globe of ele• ments in the car th : hee calleth the waters of the fea , and powreth them out vpon the open earth I will euen caufe the e'sunne togoedowne at ; brought vp Ifrael out of the land of Egypt? and ^«««^ ^ UIC* Ikall be entmiet tu delUoy tbcin. Hei^eclaieibby the wondeituU powtr ofGod.by the niikingotibe beiueui audtbe elcmeo>i;:biti:il cot ptA'iblctor maoto efcapebi• iujgtioeuu Ateii bepumnieih. t Am I more biuodto you ibtn to the Eibiopiani, ot blatkinoiti? yet bauc I bellov»• ed vpon you gteate er47.4. g Though be de- luoy theiebellicui noone :I will darken the earth in the cleatO| the rhiliftims from fCaphtor, and Aram from day. i 'Kir? 10 And I wiU tnrne your feaftes into motif- 8 Behold .the eyes of the Lord God 4ri vpj n,uimude.,e, nirg:and all your fougs into lamentation : and on the finfull kingdome . and I wil|deftrGy u wilibring fackecloath vpon all loynes.and bald- deene out of the earth. Ncuertbeleffel williwt effevpon euciy head: and 1 will make it as the vtterly ί deftioy the boule of laakob.lauhthe Lord ueCfevpon euery mourning of an onely forme . and the ende there- of as a bitter day. 1 1 Behold , the daf ei come , faith the Lord God , that I will fend « famine in the Land , not a famine of bread.nor a thitft for water, but of hea- ring the wotd of the Lord . 1 2 And they Ihall wander from fea to fea, and from the North euen vnto.iheEaft ihall they tunne to and fro to feeke the h word of the Lord , and flullnothndeit. 13 In that day ihall the faire virgins and the lerue the i(B\nant buChuictaioiaU thcj»po«bi>Nanie. Meanog, ibat weotbilUcu'd uilliin bii vrraih 1 will lendibe Mdliib piomifed. aod leltoic by bin• fpiiLtuall liiari Adi. t/.i6. k Mtaaicgithat y eoemtet eibetaa. lodotberi, ! ioyneJ leWti in k Tbatii. thecom4 yongmenpetilhfot thitft mon iMjner of worfliipping, and thefetuice or re- ligion there vfed> 9 For loe , I will command and I will fift the 1 houfe of Ifrael among all nations. like as «rn» 1 is fifted inafieue:yet ihall not the Meaft ftone j fall vpon the earth. 10 θ-Mt all the fmners of my people ihall die I by the fword . which fay .The euill ihall not come, nor haften for vs. 1 1 In that day wiil I raife vp the ' Tabernacle of Dauid . that is fallen downe , and clofc vp the ^.°"^^^^* breaches thereof . and will raife vp bis ruinca.and ^^^dat I will build it.as in the dayesof old, b dy.vsbeieof II That they may poiTeflTe the remnant of C"•''' "' k Edom , and of all the heathen , becaufe my ' Name is called vpon them .faith the Lord , that doetb this. 1 3 Behold.the dayes come,iBth the Lord, that the plowman fliall ' touch the mower . and the treadet of grapes him that foweth feed : and the moutaines fhallmdrop fweet wine .and all the fails ihall melt. . 14 nAndlwillbrkigagaine the captiume of a. Rr, 14 They that fweare by the fmne' of Samaria, Ithatfay ,Thy God .ODan,liueth,endk the \ maner of Beeriheba liuetb, euen they ihall fall, j and neuer rife vp againe. i C Η A P. IX. 1 ThrtaltiiHgs αίΛίηϋ the Temple. 1 Ani Ag»i»n Jfrittl. 1 1 The reiitring of the Chuub. ISaw the Lord ftand in g vpon the» Altar .and he faid. Smite the lintel of the doote. that the ., .. , . , ^• , ii n, nip-'- pofts may ihake ; and cut them in pieces, «wn the : wafte cities, and lobabite them. and tbey ihall L.„ bheadsofthemall,andIwilinaytheUftofthem ' plant vineyards, and drinke the wine thereof: L. --. with the fword: hee that fleeth of them, lliall not I they Ihall alfo irake gardens , and eate the iruits flee away; and he that efcapeth of them.iluU not of them. - 1. ■ 1 j j bedeliueted ly And! will plant them vpon their Und,and 2 Though they dig into the hcll,thence lliaU they ll^all no more be pulled vp againe out of mine hand ttke them ; though they climbe vp to their land which I haue giuen them . faith the beauen, thence wilH bring thetadownc. Lord thy God. Id be ifyiog, that theje Oiill be great pleniie of all thiDgi , fo that when one kinde of fiuite iitipe, mother Ihoald fellow, and eutr/ ooeiricouife, Lcuii. 16.;- »d Uel 3 '' i'liivoieiCbtilt, : Ubeii ibev «re S blaaied in hi• fCbuicb. out of , thewbi.bihey ,:aaoeuerbepull:i. •tietiheTare once untied Bdomscmoltie. Gorl hjth eef- niatly teueiled tobi! Pioj.tieis thsi hetvil! raife vi> tbe hMtheH κ iJeilioy ihe Edo. initsi , whcreot tbciumour it ii)W publtftleJ, J«e49.i4. b ThuitheSheithec Obadhh. lonah. Fire,flame,gndiluBM^d. He vlfion of ObadiaH. Thus faith the Lord God Againft Edora,• Wee haue heard a ruiijor from the Lord , and an ambaffadour is fent among the hea- then : aiifc , and b let vs life vp agiiiift bet to battell. . „ ζ Beholde , I baie made thee 1,-uall among the heithen : thou an vtteily defpifsd. _ 3 The ' pride of thine heat hath deceiueJ thee : thou that dwelleft ia the clifis of the rocks, whofe habitation is high , that laith in his heart, Who fliall bring me downe ro the ground? g.inn Edcm. 4 Though thou exalt thy felfe as the eagle, c which defi.ifeii jnj mjke thy ntfi araorg the ftartes .thcuce will "Κ^κΓ"''''^ 1 bring thee downe.fdthtne Lord, «udyetatt'butin I ? Ί Came theeues to thee Of robbers by kindfull ίυ com- | njgijt : hoW waft thou brought to filence ? would and «!'lhu°"'p"a' ^^^Y "ot «aue ftoUen till they had enough ; if the moDg xbt hill « ! grape gathtrets catne to thee , would they no: ftparate from the j Jea>Je /ewe grapes? ' , , d"Godwil7fo'de: ■ <5 HowarethethingsofEf«ufonghtvp,berD,(baII be ihioe cdemiciaDd deft ih<:e. ! 7 All the men of thy corf ideracie ' haue dri- uet3 thee to the borders : the roen that were at peace with thee.haue deceiued thee , a)id preuai- led againS thee : they that*att thy ^btead, haae I laid a wound vnder thee: there isnonevnder- ftanding i;-; him. 8 Shall not I in that day , faith the Lord, euen deftfoy the wife men out of Edom.and vnder- fianding from the mount of Elau ? 9 And thy ftrong men , Ο Teman , fliallbe afraid , becaule cuery one of the mount of Efau llullbecutofiby ilaughter. 10 For thy Cruehic againft thy R brother lai- kob , (1 anc (hall couer thee , and thou Ihilt be cut offoreuer. . ^, , 1 1 When tbDU ftoodeft •> on the ether fide.in the day that the ft angeis cariedaway hisfub- ftance.and ftrangjrs enited into his gates.aod caft lots vpn leruUlem , euen thou waft as one of them. 1 2 But tliou iliouldeft not haue beholden the day of thy brother , in the day that hee wjs made 1 i a firanger, neither lliouldeft thou haue reioyced ouet the children of ludah, in the day of their dtftruilicn : t!iou flionldrft not haus fpoken proudly in the day of afti.dion. 13 Thou OiGuldeft not haue entred into the gneof roy people in the day of their dtftrudtion, nei her ibooldell thou haue once lookati on their affliiSion in the day of their deftrudion, nor haue laid hands on their fubftance in the dayofthtir deftruoiion. 14 Neither fiicHldefl thou haueftoodinthe crofl'e vvayes to cut offthem , that Ihould efcape, neither ilioulJefl thouhaueihutvp the remnant thireof in the day ofafflidion. I y For the day k of the Lord it neere.vpon ail the heathen : as tnou haft done.it Hull be done to thee : t^y reward Itail returne vpon thine head. Ιό F-rasyee laue 1 drunke vpon isine holy Mouncaine ,fo iliall all the heathen drinke con- tinually : yea, they iliill drinke andfwalluw vp.'ouelypiopei and they llial be "> as though they bad not beene. {^'"''jlf'^. " i(>. r•. 17 But vpon mount Zion ι1-αΊί)β deliuerance, hrb il"','^'^*" and it ihalbe holy , and tbe houfe of laakob Hull pofl'eli'e thiir poticiiions. And the boufecffaakobiball be "afire. Wben the tori rfcpiiued them of heir former dig. oitie, andg-ue them to be '.iced k when he will fuiiiaiJDallrhe hcaihea.audfcni tbemio riellioy thee. 1 Thitii.reicycedl aod triumphed. m The Edcmiie» fliallbevt.eilyde. itroyed.ind yst ia ^efpueofallihe rei I will re. Imie IE f Church etb η Gudat-.i this power, bis euemiti. Church, b power r» β He defcribeth how tbeCbuicb ftiaJl be enlarged and the houfe of lofeph a flarre .and the bqufe of firiombat "' ^ * Efa^ ej ftubble , and they Ihall kindle in them and deuoure them : and there Ihill be no rem- nant of the houfe of £fau;forthc Lord hath fpoken it. And they Ihall poffeffe the South fide of !^'ί'"^^^' '■?'"«• chlcHy i P'iihed »nder Chnft, when at he faithful! are mide heirtsand «9 f^iat it.tby f»- aiiliac ftieudt aai fbeitt haue by ■fecvct praftifej deftroyid ihee. $ He iheweth the caufe why ihc E- ioniitei were fo ftarply puoifhed.• ts wit, brcaufe they wre entmie» to hii Church, whombeenow comforteth by puailhioj tbeirenpmi'i. h When Nibucbad• Biiait came again» L•rufal«ιn,ιbou toyntdft wi-^h biiiK& hadit part of the f^oile. •Dd fo didJeft ttioyce when my people , that ii , thy brother Were ϊί3•,ώο4, «r'bcK»; ihaa fitoaldelt baue pitied «ud holpen thy brother. I theomount ofEfau .andtheplaincof thePhili-jtheii head," I fticDS ; aid they lliali poffefl'e tne helds ci Kpina- f , By the Caaa». I im , and the neltjs of Samaria , and Beniamin/Orfi "^ I haue Gilead. ! 10 And the captiuitie of this hoaft of the chiU [ dren of Ifrael, which wt re among the ρ Canaa- [ t\hcs,fhAll'poffe(fe vnto Z.irephath.atid the capti. ) uitie of lerulilem , which is in Sephatad ,ώ^ΙΙ ; poifeire the cities of the South. I 1 1 And they 4 that lliall faue , {liaH come vp I to mount Zion to im!ge the mount of Efau , and j thekingdoee lliall be tde Lords. j det MeiBib.vvbom the rrcpbeEcalIetli'beK,theI.or<} and ewe» he Dutcb- ueo,and by Za• epbath.Ftance, md by Sephaiad Spaine 1 Meaning tbst jod willraife vp D hi» Church fuch I Oiall rule and [ouerne fc5 the irffDce of -he fame, ind deifiufiion of £! id ofi I Ο Ν αγη: w ΤΗ EAR G y MEN T. ■ Hen lonAh had lonipnphc'nd in Ifratl and had littlt profited, Codgitte him txprefi chitf^t teg» anddenonnct his luagti/ients mosiiC i^uiH'.h,thi chiefedtitofthe ^pjirians , Oecavft hte had ap. fointid, rhat they which mere of thi htathm, fhould conuirt hy the might ie power of his word , and that Vithin three dayes preaching , that Ifrael might ff- hot» horribly they hadfrouokfd Gods tvrath , a^hich for tbe ff ace offo many yetus , haJnot cmviirttd unto the Lord Jfcr fo many Prophets andfo diligent frtacleng. Hepropheciedvnaer Ioafh,andltroboa)h,as j.Kmg.i^.i CHAP. I. 3 IcH3hflrdtvhfHhtv>asf,itt to pre^th. 4 A tempelt nrfeth, »tiiihe κ <•<ιβ into the fea for hii i,feiedic>ice • Afttithiklie «S.'iii^ ^^ ^°"^ if the Lord came a alfo bid preach-d a ^]E?' '"'o louaW the fonnc of Amiitai, lone .itn» .0 If- ^?Ki fayirs, aeliand foEztkiel, K^j&5% ^ . •/ j ^ ^ b VT for 1 Arife, a>id goe to " Ni- me he bid pro- ngueh' , that e great citie , and ctie agaioft phecied in luda, " ke had vifnni in B.iBylon, Ezek i.« b For feeing thf great cbiHna;ion of the Ifraelitei.ht ftnthi» Γιίι'Ηί t" ihe Geutiltf ,ibat ibry iii ghtprouckchMn tote- penia• ce, or at lealt mike ihf m inexcofable ; for Nineueb wai the chicft citic of ihe AlTyoaaa. c Fo. a»auho\jr» win-, it c-titeiaed ia.i i.cuit ibou eight »nd fortinniie . and b.it a thoufiDd and fine hu.dieih tower», ant* attriitime shti.c vitxt ia bu^dxcth «nd tyvenue tbeuiaad clul^ita tb«iein , Clui^.4,1:. it : for their wickedncflc is come vp before 3 Butlonah rofe vp to "^ flee into Tat ilMlt from the ptefeoce of the Lord , and went downe to « lapho : and he found a fliippe going to Tar- ihifn.fo he paid the fare thereof.and went downe into it, that bee might goe with them vocoTar- ihilh, rom the fprefenceof the Lord. 4 Bat the Lord ft:nt outagreatwindeinto weaJturlTe, that «00 Id DOt imprly fol- low ifap Lord» calliBg.bti' gaui place to hiiowr.e ar»o,whii.h per• f^adtdbimibat hi (hould nithim at all profit there, feeing behad doue fo fmjll goo/' «mong hi• owiie people, Cbap»).i e Whicb wa« the hautn , and port to akefliippiog ihitber , . alle.l alio loppe. f Frim that vocation vvheitvnto CoiihAdciilled buujui whcxeia b» would ban: alCUc^ bua« the ofthiikiDjdcme, d Wbertbybe lediiij Cafting offots. lonabs As oat ibJt w [ue can oft' thi ttiai folicir by ie«l!.n8 rcll : .rlTt. [he fea, «ndthereWas a rtii'ghty tetnpsftiruhe fsi fo that the Ihip vas liks to be broken. f Then the Rwriners were «fi aid . and cryed euery min vnto his god , and caii thi wares tliac were in the (hip.vnto the lea, to lighten it ef them: but lonah was gone dcwne i into the fiJes of t.e Ihip.and he lay downe.and was fail aueepe. 6 So the ibipmafter came to him, and laid vnto hiro.Whitraeanea thoH.O deeper ί Arife cjII vp- on thy b God.ii lb be that God will tl inks vpon vs.. that we periili not. 7 And they fatd euery one to his fellow, Come, and let vs caft ' lots , that we msy know for whofe caufe this euill it vpon vs. So they caft lots , and the lot fell vpon lorah. 8 Then fjid they vnto him, Tell rs for whofe caufe tl- is euill « vpon vs? Wt-at is thine occupa- tion ; a^>d whence cou.meil thou? which is thy CTiap. ij,ij,iuj. prayer. A proclanptiun. ;inthefei. ' 6 I wert downeiothebottomeofncrnounJ H7 h As ihey hti called thfiv itols which dec'avtih ι^ί^'^ΐο- ΐβ e.• haueno I'ay cettaintT.buti thtit tioubltifceke they ciaic>t itU to horn. VVhich dttcUretl that the BWtterwai ία great «"""";' y aad doubt, wbitli ''"'"ir'in'^te'm. (oi coiinifey ?and of wha people art thou ? "'°"°° * 9 And he anf^rered them, I ara an Ebtew, and i I fcarethe Lord God of heauen, which haih made tbetiiillofthe caufe ; ani ttii noibedoccbut mmeii ofg'tail importance. KThiideclarethihii the very wit their neceCiitie» nee vnio God for fuc• cour, «ndalfoihit 6 I wert downe to the bottome of taines : the e^r.h with her baires was about meei far ?uer . yet haft thoii-brought vp tpy «ilife frotu ,'',7,^"",*'f ,he''"'* the pi-, Ο Lord rr.y God. _ ' ' ' beiiy"f'he"ht/at,d 7 When rey foule fainted within me, I remeir- 1 ,ii tbefe janjen , μ to thine holy Temple. 8 They that waite vpon lying ' vanities, foifAe theirov/nefmeicy. 9 Butl will faciitice vnto thee with the voyce of thankefgiuing , and will pay that that 1 haue vowed : faluadon « of the Lord. 10 And the Lord ipake vnto the fifh, and it caft out lonah vpon the dry land. e Thty ibai depend γοΏ any thing due D God aloue. f Th.y t.fufeiheit vneteli.iiy aod lat gcodnrs whicll iry (houidelle iccetuc ol'Gud• CHAT. III. eh, t Thi tepiHtdttcetf the fe», and the dry land, lo Tni η were the menexceeding afraid.aod fiid TOto hino.VVhy haft thou done this ? (for the men knew that he Aid from the prcGnce of the Lord, beciufe he had toU them.•) II Then fatd they viitahira.What (lull we doe I they are '»«'>^"•* j vHto thee/hai the fca luay be calnx vnto vs ? (for ' ftateto"iiiV.'imini the fca wtought.and was tioublois)' ^ ibleod.wherea. they^ n And he fald vnco them, Ti-k« me, and caft ; koow nomaniftft me into the fea. I fodiall thefeabe cala.evnto j i'fUy *"« toachVJ you ! for 1 know that fut my fake this £ra ibeciiy d ¥c aDdaffeftion.neiihei Bccotdiog to Qodi Β Tbui the Lord would ch.llifehl« rrophet with a not Ufii'ole ftnaacle ο riea.h, a"diereLy »lfo coufirined tirn cf hi• fiuouiand fuppatt io ihii hil charge which w«» ioyaed biiOk. I Jittiih ii [enu ANdthe word of the Lord came vnto » lonab tbeiccond time.faving X Arife.gii vnto Nineueh that great city ,and preach vnto i: thepreachirg w.iich I bid tnee. 2 So lonah atofe , anowent to Nineueh ac- cordingtothewotdofiheLord : now Nioeueh was a bgtcitand excellent city of tVree dales iourney. 4 An J lonah began to enter into the city a dates c rou,ney.and he cryed,a^ faid. Yet four.y daiesJ .^^^^^^-^l^'f^f ,'» and Nineueh llulbecnerthrov^en. ^iiy λ•»• .ouuened, 5 So tne people of Nineueh ^ beleeued God, Sc pioclaimed a fill, and put on fackcloath, from the' great eft of iht.ro, euento theleaft of them. 6 For worJ cine vnto the king of Nineueh.and he arofe from his ti.rone,andhe laid his robe frora hin.and coueted him with fackcioath, and fate in alhes, 7 ueh 1 . , fayin», Let neither roan .not ' beaft, bulb^;ke nor ,ir.g that for biifmot nieep1tift;atiy thing, neither fccde . nordrinke 'he angerofOod ' /β baogedouera 1 crea• turei. f He willed that the rnlhouldearorfil^ II vaco God fut*• Andhe proclaltned and faid thorow Nine- tb^i ly their .-x.ir (by the counfell of the king and his nobles) Lf.'XJIi.'l^jt! bedeclatei that he wai a Pro- phet feui to tbeni fiOuiGodiode- nouace hit iiid{e' meoii agiinii ibtin, e KoitbaiihediHib be»' I had MnDcd or cculd repent, b »4ΐη• be* ■ . Being row fwil Uwedvp of death, ■cd feeiognoreine^y to ercapc, hil faith bi,ft oiJt vnto the I.ord .knowing ibat cat of ihevery bell hew^saaleto deli iier hiiu. b Fat he wa> now inihefiniei brl'y a» ioagtuuecrpUce ofdatlieneire. c Tbii declaied what bit prayer wa• i^werAO'Srad"* JToule : ^h7.reprh cUeTmeVound about . «}d the defpaiie. co-fiJeting ^yjedcs Were wiapt about mine head. *vo "atf "»! wd G»«uf..d5e««w for .k. ft>« : but ye, in th. .ad fdtb £... the viAoiy, 8 But let roan an J beaft put on fackcioath, and f cry rciglnily vnto God;jea,let euery man turtle from his tu U way .and from the wickedReffetbat is in their lands. Q t Who can tell ;/God will turne . and repent atid tame awaj from his heics wrath , that we pc- tilhuot? ..... I 10 And God fiw their »> vvotks thit they turned from their euill waies : and ■ God repintcd ot tl-.e euill tiat he had faid that be would doe vi^to them, and he did it not. r pirt!yby the iniog of :hc riophet.aiil partly bycncnionon oftif ne cotjfcicnce, he bted wheib God woulillievW inercy b That ii , the iTuiti of iteirre- peoia-'Ce, wb did proceedeof f'llth , which Gcd had I'Untedl-y ihemi^lte.yof hi» rtofhet, i Ktade lerem.JS.S. CH A P. I Π I. TttiuM itUntft of G.« l.WJrd kii ntMiHUK •J" Herefore it difpleafed > lon^h estceedirgly. he was argry. 2 And he prayed vnto the Lord . antJ laiJ pray thee, Ο Lord, wa? not this my fayir.g .when I was vet in ray coumrey ? therefore I prevented ittofl=evntobTarlhilh: fjfl knew . that thou arta tracious God , and metcifuU , flow to an ger , and of gteai kindceflt , and repenteft tbce of the euill. . . ., , . . a Therefore row, Ο Lord.take.I hcfeech thee, ' π y life <: from ae : for « is better for me to dye tbeo to liue. a Bccaufe heΓe^y he Ibuuldkeialuu at a ftlfe piopbii, and fo ibe Natneof Ood, which hepiMt• ( bed (hould be blafphrmd. b KeadeCbap.' c Tbuthe prayeri ofgiiefe.tfarir.g lta:t Gndl Name bf Τ ibitlbigiueieUe raig-btbe bUfpue• ' \m:a. aiibeufib be lfia(kt>PierttH»> fooithtedenouni* bii wigemtnu io i 4•Λ« ivxioaii. w uat tuc jLfOr< I kThs flei-illiinj Hai ofthtking.lome ,i itw».vno« D-ui and SiloinoD.whic thing WJi jCQomp! fllediothf Chuich by the coiuiuiog of Chrilt. 1 Ια tht meaee frifon he fllewcih th« ihty Jhould enriuie gre tioublei iod tent»• tion» wheathtyfi rttmfelutJ neither tobauekiagaat coiiorell. m He iheweth thit the faithfull ought ■01 to meifuf e Goi» iudgenwnti by the bMgl and threat aiagi of the wicked, but the 11 by ate «d- ttooilhedtoliftvp their Btatti to God to call for deli- ueraoce. η Godgiueth hii Church thii viftory: fo oft «he oner - ;omm-th their ene- niei; buttheacccm• jiiilhmriit thereof Cul'jt at the lall n.DgcfChiift• « Heforewarueth iheinofthediiijer• that fliall come be fore ibey ehioy ibefe coinfoi'ts, fliewinj that forafmuch ts lei'ufaleiii wai accu- ilomed with her ga- rifoni to trouble o• then , the Lor.l Iduowcaufe oibet gltifuni to vexe her, an! that berruleii {iiould be fmitceB oti the face molt conteinptuDufly. b Forfothelewt» diuidcd their couu- Moum Zion, from heticefoorth enen fot cuer. j roan, nor Iwpeth m tfie fonnes of AdamT 8 And thou, Ο 'towreoftbe flocks, the ftreng j 8 And ttieremDant of laakobfhalbe among the bold ofthe daughter Zion.vatothee (hall it couie, j Gentiles in the mids of many people, as the Lion euen k the iirft dotninion , and kingdonjc ihall ; etuong tjie beafts of the forett , and as the Lione come to the daughter lerufaleas. 9 Now why doeft thou cry out with lamentati- on ? V there iiu king in thee ? is thy couhftilcr pe- ri Ihed i for forow hatb uken thee , as a woman in tranaile. lo Sjrow and mourne , Ο daughter Zion, like a woo'an in trauaile: for now flialt thou go foorth of the city.and dwell in the field.and llialt go into 8ibe\.but there ilialt thou be deliuered : there the Lord Ihaii rcdeerae thee from the band ol thine enemies. I Now al(b many nations are gathered agaioft thee, (ayiPg.Zion Ihalbe condemned.and our eye ilull looke vpoa Zion whelpe among ihe flockes of Iheepe . wao when hegoeth thoiow, ireadcth downe and teareth in pieces, and none can deliuer. 9 Thine hand (halbe lift yp vpon thine adueria- ries.and all thine enemies ΐί•ΛΐΌα cut ο£Γ. Ιο And it Hull come to patle in that day/aitb the Lord, that! will cut off thine ^ horfcs eut of the miJs of thee.and I will Jcfttoy thy charets, 1 1 And I will out off tbe cities uf (by land, and OHCf throw all thy (Iroi.g holds. 1 1 And I will cut off chine enchanters out of ^eipe'shee, thine hand : and thou Hialc haue no morefooch. fayeis. 13 Thine idolesalfo will I cut off. and thine t twilldeAwjraii hingi wherein thou tteltthj coafi. leuce, as ihy vaiat hdeoceandid^v at.y , and fo wilt But tbry'" know not the thoughts of the ! images out of the roids of tnce : and thou Ihalt no Lord they rnderftand not his counfdl.for he (ball j marc worlhip the woike of thine hands gnher them as the /heaues in the barne And I will pluck; vp thy groues out of the 3 Arifiandthrcih ," Ο daughter Zion : for I iniidsof thee : fo will I deftroy thine enemies, will make tinne borne yron.and I will make thine j 1 5: Aad I will execute a vengeance in wyr wrath hooues braH'e, and thou Ihalt breake in pieces 'and indignation vpon the beetbea, 'which they roany people: and I will confecrate their riches j:bau« not beard. vnto the Lord : and their fubftance vnto the ruler ;: of the Whole wotlJ. C Η A P. V 1. CHAP. V. 0 »/ UmfxUm, a Tht exctSeuey 0/ : jiu txhnlMticn to the imitbe crcamrts tt hene the iui^f ' ment aga:nfi Ifralbein^Tjiikini. 6 WhatntAnerti ; fwtliccs die pie.if, Cud. llJEatkenyenowwhatthe Lord fdith . Ariie VjOwaffemblethy garifons . Ο daughter a of j^'i^ou•;;^^^^^^^^^^^ INg.rifors: he hath hid rr'geag,inttrs: they '"'''L'''''''"'^'^>''°y^^^ . , , „ -allTmitetheiudgeoflftadwiih arodvponthS ,* Heare ye Ο mountaines. theLordsq.atell. g^[^^ . ^ .w η ui α tuu vi^ti luc and ye mightv foundations cf the earth : tor the ζ And thou Beth-leem Ephrathah art b little L-^^d bath a ^arell .g*ioll hi» people, and he wiU be among the thoufands of ludah .m out of P'"'^^r''. '!"''; .... .r , v„ , trey that for < thojfindthfre wu achiefeca|iiiipe : «Hd becaufeBetfalet wai not able to make a tbouraDd, be calUrh it little, but ytt God willraife vp bit cap inioe and goueiiiou theiein : an I tbui it itoni the lean by reaion of thii bene• fite.ai Mat. >.«. c He (liewech that the coinming of ChrilUudallhis waiei were appoin- ted of God fioin all itetmiy. d He compareth th< leweito women with child, who for toDeamongtnetnouiaoosoi ludah . ytt thee fliall he come foorth vnto me, that Ibalbe the ruler in ifrael , whofi c going foorth haut btoie from the beginning and from euerlafting. 3 Tncrefore will he glue thtm vp , vniill the time that <> ihe which (hallbeare , iliall• trauaile : then the remnant of their brethren Ihall returne vnto thechildrenof ll'rael. 4 And he flull « ftand.anJ feed in the ftrength ο f theLord.cir inthe m^iefty oftbeNatteofti-.eLord bis God , and they Iball dvv;ll ftill : for now iliall he be magnified vnto the eno's of the wo• Id. y And he f ibalbe our peace when Aslbur ihiU come into our land : when he ilulltreai in our piljces.then Ihall we atii'e sgainftfaim fcucn (hep- beards, and eight priwcipalimen. 6 And they (liall deliroy g Asfhurwich the fword, and the land of Nimrod with thdr fworJs: thus (liall he h deliaer v/ from Aslbur , when he eommethinto our land , and when he lliali tread within out borders. r^pupcio* 1 It fllaibe fo ttt» that the Ukt haih not beene teard of. Hetakethtbcbigh oinjtaine.and fattd rockMio witHfOe •gainft the obltiDtcy of hii people, b I haue not hurt hee, but belt owed nfinite becefit» vpon thee, c That it, tfmrtahtt beginn 3. Ο my peoplc.whathaueldonevntotheei or wherein haue I grieued thee ; teitiHe againtt me, 4 Surely I b brought thee vp out of the land of b»^»'^ ^ Egypt.andredeemedtheeoutof theboufe uficr-T ' '" uants, and I haue fent before thee , MufcS, Aaron, and Miriam, y Omypeoph.remembsrnow whatBalakking of Moab bad deinfed ,and what Bilaim the fonnep That jof Beorhadanlweredhira , fromc Shittim vntOi° jGilgal.that ye may know the «i^igbteoufries of the, I Lord, ' 6 \Vh;rewith « fhaU I coraebefore the Lord,ai into the land jmilcd truth promieanJ .;hii inioifold benetk» "( inward γού ie Thut th- people bj ■ hypocrifyailteho»» topleafe God, and arecoD'ent to offer facrifi ei, but will mt charge their nil uur [loruL-rs. ο n l '1. η 1 l ,-. il - i , "n κ« inereoyto Andthc. remnant offaakob Ibalbe among 8 Heh»th ihewed_thee,Ofnan.whar.s8coJ.and ,,,,,, ^i. auger: IV n.nnli . « ;. A.u, frnm th<. Γ «,,1. ..^ .. ,h. «'''« ^^e Lotd reqmreth ot tbee : g futely to doe but they ««li utMe, many people , as a dew from the Lord, «n city^nd themfciurs wiHinp. the man of wifdorce Ihall fee ihy name: Heare the '^J°J'^["^,^''^ rod, and who hath appointed it. I ο Are yet the treafures of wiekeJnefle in the hoiife of the wicked , and the tant iteifurc . that is abomin.. •s ? 1 God.i- thty 1 ke .1 hereby to gXteriophetiir fewworrficalltth them toihe obfetu».( lion of tfaeie-onj Table, tokuowif tbiy will obey God arisht or no, faying that Go! hath prefciibedthemto doe thi. b Meaning, iha when God fptiketh to any ciiy ot nation, the godly will at knowledge hism»• ieity .andcoDlidet oosibe moitill jnaa (btt briBgecb thf tbreatuiDg, but Ced tbatfeDjcibit, II Shall ΐ That ii, »f Isru• faltm. k Thou flult be confuncd wiiii inward grieietad eaili. 1 Meaniag,tbat the cicielhould goe about to faue bei inea,a»tbejr that lay hoJd oq that which ihcy weuldprefetue» ni you haue recei- ucd all the coi' • fupiidaand idol»• tiy.wfaeiewitb the «0 ttibei wtre ia- fededvadetOi and Abib bit ibone: aud t« extufi youi doing», youalledgetbe Kingi amboriiie by fail liaiutei, and atfo wi fedome and policie i,n Γα doing, but you Ihatl not cfcipe puDiniineatib people, ίο ΛμΙΙ youi __z -^ f- i= • 1 1 Shall I tuftifie tlie Wicked ballances , and the bag of decsicfuU weights? li For the rich men thereof 'are full of cru- elty, and the inhabitants thereof haue fpoken lies, and their tongue is deceitfull in their month. 13 Therefore alfo will I make thee ficke in fmiting thee,4»i in making thte defolate, becaufe of thy linnes. 4 Thou Ibali eate and not be fatisfied , and ^ thy cafting downe fh.tlbe in the middes of thee, and thcu ' ihalt take hold , but (halt not Jcliuer, and that which thou dcliuereft , will I giiie vp to the fword. I y Thou flialt fow. but not reape: Thou (bait treade the oliues, but thou iliak not aooynt thee with oyle.and make fweet wine, but ihiU not diinkewine. 16 For the '» ftatutes of Omrl are kept.and all the raaner c f the houG of Abab , and ye walkt in thtar counfels , that I llioulJ nakethea waft;,and the inhabitants tbereof an biffing : therefore yee iliall beate the reproach of my people. • The Prophet m• ketb vpon him the perruD of tbc caiih, which com- pUmcih tbacall bei fiuui aie gone, fotbat uooeii let't: that ii< that there ii 00 godly uiin ioiDg : for all are giuen to cru- eUie and c'e-.eit, fy that none fpaietb bit owne brother. t> He Ibeweth that thf piince. theisdge.atdtbe rich man are lia. ked togeihcr all to doe euitl, and to cloakt thedt'irg» of another, c That i»,ihe rich ihat it able to money, abltioeth from rickeJoeU'e ui'.irie. d Thefe men agree •Ddcoafpire with one confent to Joeeuill ted molt faonelt among ibem , ai ef the Piopbetei and gouernouit. fgl the godly io def^'erAte (Uili,i haue ihewed yoti great fauour.and lafttn you fot my plague» be accordingly Luke, a 47. - C Η A P. V 1 1. A ctmpUint for the finnti number of the tiihletus.^ The tvickedutfie of thcfe tmei.t^Tke fioipetiiie of ihiCh»rch.i WOc is mee .for I am as the > Suamer ga- therings , and as the grains of the vin- tage : there i/ no clutter to cate : my foule defired tiiefirii ripe fruits. The good man is petifhed out of the earth, and there is none righteous among men : ^ they all lie in wait for Hoodieuery man huoteth fais brother with a let. 3 To reak; go. <ά for the euili of their hands, :he prince askad , and the iuJge iudgtth for a re- w.d: therefore tl.e'gL.at man he fpeiketh out ibecoirupiioli jt his (oulc ; fo^ they wrjpit vp. 4 ThebeftofrhciDi/tfJ« abriar.anat.ne moft ;ighieousof thci' n yiarfcr '.'nm a ihorne hedge: the Jay of" thy watci.L.cn and thy vifuaciun cotnn.eih i then il^all tji their confufion. J Ttuft ye not in a t icnJ, neither put ye con•• fiJence in i counfcll^r ^ kcepe the doores of thy mouth from her tha' lietl; in thy bcforae. 6 For the I'inne 1 euiieth the fa.be jthe daugh- ter rileth vpagainft her reotber , tne daughter in law againft her mother in law , *>iii a mans ene- mies are thecnen of his owne houfe. 7 Therefore s I will looke vnto the Lord: Tbey that are of moft eilimation »nd are coun- e batthntuei ami briers to pticke. f Meaning g Tht Prophet fliewetb that the ontlyreiaedie t (C lice vnto Cod foi fuccour. Ν A Κ V M, I will waite fot G!od my Sauiour : my God wilt heare ms. < 8 Rtioyce not againft mee,*» Ο mine enemies though I fall , I ihall arifcwhen I Hull fit in dark- nelie, the Lotd/)jrt/i« a light vnto me. 9 I will beate the wrath of the Lord.bccaufe I haue finned againft him , vniill hee pleaJe my caufe.and execute iudgeoientfjrmc;f/;«» will he bring mee foorth to the light , md I Ihall fee his tigliteoufncEfe. 10 Then fhee that is mine enemie.fliall looke vpon it , and iliaroe fliill couerher .which iaid vnto me , Where is the Lord thy God ί Mine eyes fliill behold h'.r : now Hull lbs be troJendosvne as the myre of the Creetes. 1 1 This is i the day t::ai thy walks fliall be built : this day IluUdriue farre away ^ the decree. 1 ζ In this day alfo they Ih^U co^e vnto thee from ' Aslbur , and from ths flr jng cities , and from the fttong holdes cuen vnto the riuer , and from Sea to Sea .and from mcuntaine to isoun• taine. 13 Notwithftandirg the land ibalbe defolare bsciufe of them that dwelhhercin .««iiiorthe fruits off" their inuentions- 1 4 η Feed thy ρεορίΐ with thy rod, the flocke of tnine heritage (which dwell folitatie in the wood) at in the mids of Catmel : let them feed in Baihan and Gilead, as it) old time. I f ο According to the dayes of thy commir g out of the land of Egvpt.wiUI Hiswvntohim tEarueiioiis things. 16 The nauons fliall fee , and be confounded tox all tiieit ρ jwer : they lh.ill ρ lay their band vpon their raouth : 1 their eai es Ihall be deafe. 1 7 They Iball ' licke the duS like a fji pent: they fl^all roooue out of tneir holes like woriBes they (halbe afraid of the Lord our God, and Ihall f:are becaufe of thee. 1 8 Who is a God like vnto thee , that taketh away iniqaitie , at^ J l" palleth by the tranfgrcfsion of the remnant of his heritage .' Hee retaineth not his wrath for eusr .becaiUe mercie pleafeth him. 1 9 He vrill tnrne againe,««i< haue coropafsion vpon vs: he will lubdue our iniquin^s, «ndcatt all « their finnes into the bottome of tiie Ua. 20 Thou wilt performe t'7 " trueih to laikob ATtd mercy to Abraham , as thonhift Iwoine ve- to our fathers in old time. h Thi.iifpoket» η the petfou of he Church, which ^alleth tbemilig- laBt Church htt To wit, when So.) Qiall Oiew lanfetfr adeliueitl jfbii Church, inj eio lei ib(ia. m A'oie ibii grace appeare, he (Ucweth bovf giieuouily the bypocriieiibcnt» felue» fhtll be pjn:(hed,(eeiDg that the earth 11 felte. which cattW notrmne(halbt made watte be- caufe of their wiikednetfe. c TheTiophet prayeih lo GjJ tubcmitcifi.U vatobiiCbuich, when I bey (hould bef.attete.ta. broad ai iufoliary place» ia Eibylon, .ndtobcbtncliciaUf vnto ibcma» in timet palt. ο God piODi Tetb tu bs fauorable to hi» people, ai be bath beeue a• ρ Tbey (hall be 1» dunim: men and dar/btaggt . BO mote, ij Theyihalbc aOoDlibed aoda- heiremen fpe.ke.leaft they fllould heare oftbei.r de ruSion. t Tbey (li Jl fallrtat un the ground for feare i A» though he wouU not fee it. but wioke «'«• t Meiuiagot h.•. eleft- u The Chu.cb υ alTured, that God will declaie lo efftOj tbetiueth oi hii merciful! ptomife , which be hadKUde of old 10 Ab" loalUhatihouidippteheDd the ptouufc byUub, THE A R G V Μ ENT, ' hStheyi J^attd fo I ffUintttthfhtWti thmfclhts prompt & rtady U rtctlue themrdefgid.atlenahjprtactlng - ^ufo mntato the Lori by rep ntanctifo after a etftaint time rather giuiug themfelues reirorldly meanes to incrtafe their deminion,then ftekvig to iontinue in the feare of Ged.and trade i»herein they had teffun.they cafi offthe care of religio:.. and fo returned to their vomite/tnd proHoI^d (Jtdt lufi md^enscnt ΛίΜ'.η them . in affiiciing his people. Therefore their citie Nineueh was d.ftroyed.arsd Meroch-baUdan ktni ofBahelUrasfom- thinke Nebttchad-ne^Jar) enioyedtht emptrt of the ^fyrians.But betaufe Qod hath a ,οηΐ,ηχΛίΙ care of his Omrch , hee fttrreth vp hts Prophet to comfort the godly, fhewing that th, ieTiruiUon of their, nemUifhould he for their cenfolatton. ^nd asitfeemeth ,heprophccttdaboHttht ttmt of Helehtah, and ne( tit thtifmt »/ Jtiw^h hufmtH .Aitht imt wrttt.__ £ η A Ρ t^ ._j, -^.o j/u\Vcil "jNaftum. CHAP. r. Of the deflrufUm ,f tht AjfjuAM ,«tticfthe ieliue• runce of Iftttl. . HE• bur Jan of Nineueh. b The boofce of the vifioQ of Nihum the «= Elkertiite. ζ GoJ ii d ielous , and t'ae Lord reuengsth : the Lord reuangsth: eusn thaLord e of jng;r , the Lord will takj vsngiance on his a isctfxries , and be lefitueth wrAth for his ene• mies. 3 The '^Lord is flow to anger , but he is great in power, and will not furely deare the o-ic- k^i : the Lord hath his way in the wliLrlewin Je, and in the ftatme, and the cioudes art the dufi of his feete. 4 Hs rebiiketh the fea ,^nd dticth it. and bee drieth vp all the riusrs : Bilhm is wafted and Carmsl , and the fijure of Lebmon is wafted. 5: The mounciines treicble for him , and the hilles msli, and the earth is burnt at his fight.yea. the world, a id all taa: dwell therein. 6 g Who can ftmd before his wrath > or who cin abide in the fiercenelle of his writ 1 ?his wrath is powted out like fire , and the rockes are brckenbyhiu. 7 The Lord is good i' Ληά as a ftrong hold in the day of trouble, and heeknoweth tncmthat ttiiS in him. 8 Btit pafflng ouer *s with a flood , he will vt- terly deSroy theiplaci thereof, and daikeneffe Ihall purf ic his enemies. 9 What doe ye k imagine i^ainft the Lord? he will make an vtter deftradion : afflidion ihall tjot rife vp thefecond time• 10 For befiiali m.ni as vnro 1 thornes folden one in another , and. is vnto drunkards in their dmnkannetS: : they Ibilt be deuoured as bubble fully dryed. 1 1 There i" commeth one out of thee that imagineth euill agunft the Lord , t«<» a wictsed couoliller, II Thas fiyth the Lord , Though they be η quiet , and alfo many , yet thus ftiall they be cut off when hee Ihall paffe by : though I haue affli- did thee. [ will a Aid thee no more. 13 For now I will breake his yoke from theCi and will burft thy .bonds in funder. 14 And the Lord hach giuen a commandemeai concerning thee, that no more of thy name be ofow.:n : out of the houfe of thy gods will I cue (6 the grauen.and the molten icuage : I will make it thy g' a-te for thee.fut thou art vtle. ij ■* risholdvpontbemountainesihefieicof hjia that declarsth, and publiiheth ρ peace : Ο iu- dah.kiep thy iblemne feafts , paforrae t'ny vowes, f jr tlie wicked IMI no toote patf; through thee : he is vlterly cut off, thcjraei that pricke ob ill riJei,yet ihe Lord will ftt fire on ibero , »nd as diuriteo men «re notable to ftaod againitacy force , fo tbey ί;Ίι11 beaot'bingabie corclill turn, m Whkh may be vadttltood «ithef of Sanchez ib, ct of the whole body of ihe people uflv'iueutli-, η Thougtthcy tbiohe ihem- felueim mAi fafe:ie,and of greaielt ihengtl», yetwhfti God fhalipsnV by.bee will deitioy cbrm : ootwittiltandiDg be comfotteih hit Cbuicb . aod piciinifeib to make ao end of punilhiog them by the AlTytian» β Meauir.g , Saiie&Mib; BVho ihojld bme no moie childien.bji b: lUiue io the bouleot nis god•, i King i> 3«. 37- * 1[λ iS.jRtm. 10. IS. ρ Wbichpeace tte iswes liiould «WO]f by tbe dealt βί Saoebei lb, CHAP, II. fleeaefcribeih the vitlirifi 'ftbe Caldems ngninii the A bloody dtie•. < B-eadfllfaij,*. b Taevilionor rtuels'.'OD which Gjdcjimunded Nahuin:j write cju^erning ibe Nia;iiii;t. c Tiiicis, boroe ia a poor» villaje ij the tribeof Si- in?oa. d Meaning, of hil glotf. e Wiih biihe it b It aagiy tor» iiiae.bLit tiii anger neaec alfvVagetn toward toe repto- bate, though for R tim;lie defctre it / Thusibe wicked would make Gjdl rt»icy a» eccalioa to linne.but the Prophet Willeth them to coiilUer hil furce and iiiitice. g If all creature* beatGoii com- ina'jdeineni.aod none ij able to lelilt hu wrath, illall man flatter liimfelie.and tbiuke by any ii)eaae< to^elcape, wnca be ptouoketh hisa->dto «agei? fa Lei^ttbefiilhfull Ihould be dif- couragedby hea- ring inc power of tieiappertaine thai he nath care oner ibfin. j Sijnifying.tbit God wUlfuddenljr deltroy i^meueo, and ifae Airyiian•. in Inch fort a« taey lliall lie io pe.pe- luail daike.iele.aad jieucr recoucr their ilrengtlt Bgain!. ik He ftiewetb that ibc enterprifel oftba AlVyriani figaiult ludahaod £he Courcb.were agaiullGod.and thetefore bee would fo deitroy them tt oBce.tnat be (houldnat need to veturne the iecoad lime. 1 Tbouf.hthe Affy.iansthmke TH« I deftfoyer is come before thy f.ce; keepe , That i, the munition : looke to the wiy : make thy loynes ftrong: increife thj ftrength mightUy. 2 For tne Lord nat b turrved away the glory of laakob.as the glory of ifrael : for the eroptiers haue emptied thcm^pat , and <= marred their vine branches, 5 The ibield of ais mightte men is made red, ^ the valiint men are in fciilet : the charetsf-fjii^ "t «I in the hre aad flaroes in the day of his'prcpa ration, and fthefirte trees fliall tremble. 4 The charecs ihall rsge in the ftreetes : they Hull ranne to and fro in tne high way es : they flull feeme like lampes : they ibail Ihoot like the lighting.• f f Hie fliiil reraembsr his ftrong men; tbey flull flumble as they goe : they flial make bafte ro the walks thereof, and the defence ihall be prepared. 6 The gates of the riuer iliall be opened , and ihe palice Ihall melt. 7 An,iHuzzibf/7i^!^• aDs..Qd tbe t're« pbetdecide.hthe cnterpnic, of ihe AlTyiiaos which prepared to refill b SeeiOi God hub puoiiherj hil OA'Qe people ludah and irrael.he wilt now punilh the enemies by whom he fcourgej hem, reade If» to ii c Siguifying.that the rfraeliiei were erly deitioyed, d Bjth to feate he eaeroy.and ilfoihatthey hemrelui9 JIduU lot io fuonc efpie blood oneofauo- hcr to difcouraje hem. e Meaning, iheii; fpeavei Iheuld iliake aad craUt together, f Then the Afly. am fball feeke- >y allmeaoeii» ga-.hsr their power, butall hiajs Uiall faite ;he.n. I The AiTyrii-n» will flatter ihem- feluciand fay, that Nineueb ii fo «i• eut lb at it can Deuer peiilh,aa<{ it ai a fiihf oo!e, wh9fe water» hsy that waike α the banket aanot couch: but :hey Alallbefcat. lered, and Ihall looke backe gh men wouU t5onc end of their corpfcSjthey fturuble ?poD their corpfes, 4 Beciufe of the multitude of tiiefornicati• )( the '- hai firefieofwici hai jot \ Tt neuer eeafetb to f[t)y Ic a nd robbf . b He fiieweth huw. Caidear. Ihall balte, and bow hoifei ihill be in ground ■y come He compareth Nineueb to an ot, which by beau:y and Cuba ,f. h, thaiisbtsutiftid .andisa mi- ..iiiie andfille<(i y people thiovg^ me"•' ^ b.i ieth cbemtudeuiudiua•^! Λ pfopnccte Ijnap. Λ Mcania{.Altx• asdiria. wbich wal ■in league witb fo ηαογ DatioQS>aad yei w« QOtiV de- her w!ioredome» and Ae nations through hot wiccfacrafts. y BiboIJ , Γ c«»>« vpon thee.faich the Lord of hoaftes.and willdifcouer tby fkirrs vpon my fjcs, and will ihcvi the nations thy hitbinetie . and che kiogdorars thy fhaTie. 6 AnJ I will caft filth vpon thee , and niake ihee vile.and will fet thee as a gazing ftocke. 7 And ίί flvll come to ρίΐΓβ, that all they that looke vpon thee , Ihall flee from thee, and fiy ,Ni- neuehis deflroyed , who will baue pity vpon her} where ftiall I feeke coiiforters lor thee? 8 Art thou belter then <* No, nbich mas full of people ? that lay in the riuet» , and i^ad the waters round about it ? whofe ditch was the fca , and her wall a>as horn the fea ? 9 Ediiopia and Egypt nere her ftrength, and there irat none end : Put and Lubim wsre 0 her helpers. 10 Yet WIS iliee caried away , 4«i< went into csptiaitic : her yong children alfo were dailieJ in pieces at the head of all the ftceetes : and they caft lots for her noble men , and all her mighty men were bound in chaines. I Alfo thou flialt be drunken: thou fhilt hide shy felfe, & flialt feeke help becaufe of che enemy. J 4 All tbj ftiong cities fhalbe H» figttees with igalnftNirioUeh, Ιϊ^ \L• the fifft ripe fig* : for if they be fiwken ,they 0 into the ixxiutb of the eater. 13 Behold,thy people within thee er» woeetn the g^tfiS of thy land ihalbe opened vnco thine e• nemies, cufts, aniioiultiplied like the grafl-iopper. tjc"!• iuitgfineoti ' 1 6 Thou ha^ multiplied thy raarchants abone the ftarresofheauen:the locuft fpoileth and fly- ''ΐ'"^ eth away, 17 Thy princes 4r< as the grailioppets,and thy captaines as the g.'ea; grailT jppcrs which remaine in the hedges in the cuU day ; bnt when the funne arifeth.they Hie away, & their place is not know- en where they are. 1 8 Thy f ihepbeariis do fleepe.O king of Afliar: thy ftiong men lye ilowoe: thy people is fcattered vpon the mountaines,and no man gathered thtm, 19 There is no healing of thy wound : thy plague is gtieuous;all that beare the bruite of thee, ihall clappe the hands ouer thee : for vpoo I whom hath Qot thy toaltce paffed coDtinaaUyi „ lUitgfl "'"'0 fuldeal» htrrvei. with haegi orweatbci. f Thy prmcM ut example , and fhtertth them Λ forme of prayer tHohertipith theyfnonU csmfort themfeluet, 8 Their horfes alfo are fwifiertbentheleo- » The droplet ciiB^la'.oeihvnto ^od . and be- Vffjiietb tbaia• aong •Χΐ Ie*e« is left noneeqiii* tieiDii biecbeiljr l5ue:butiol>eid hereof rcijutth ciUiUy, ihett, «οαποιίυη and «life. b To fHpireire him.if an> Ihould fliew himfelfe zeal^ui oiGodi Caufe. B.\-*ufe the iudgf I which flv.aM ieat'lfe this -xcefle.are II at the itX A A« to timet pafi fou would Dot bcierue God» Word, (a ftiall yee aot C Η A P. Ϊ. -4 cimpUtHt tgainsi the xpt 2 Ο Lord , how long iVall I cry. -and thou wilt not heare ! eiten cry out vnto thee « for violence , and thou wilt not faelpt! 3 Why doeft thou ihew me inicjuitie , and cauie me to behold forow » for fpoyling.and vio- lence are before me ; and there arc that laife wp flrife and contention. 4 Therefoi e the Law is diifolued , and fudge, ment doth neuer go forth : for the wicked doeth k» coropaiTe about the righteous, therefore c wrong iudgeireiu pioceedeth. J Behold among the heathen , and rcgarde, and wor.det , And roarueile ; for I will workca woikt in your dayes: dyee will not belceueit, ihoutth it be told you. 6 For loe , 1 raife vp the Caldeans, that bitter a-id furious ration . waich ibill goe vpon the bredch of the land to poffefletbe dwelling places f^f 4Γ# not theirs. .... 7 They are terrible 8c fearefutt.-e their ludgmetit, and their dignitie iliall ptocscd cf tucrofelucs, „ „. bekeue the fttafloeplaiuei which are at band «They tb*mi.lue»&all be your iudgeiia «bU c»ufc. «ndnoBtihaUbaue «utowme .uec sbuaio conKollthsiii, pards , and are more fierce then the woIu;s in the "•"eoeningiandthcirhotfemen are roany:and their hotfemen Ihall corae from fatte : they ll«!l 6ic as the eagle hafting to rccate. 9 They come all to fpoyle; fjr their faces fh4lie an f Eaft windc , and they iball gather the captiuitie i as cbs fand. 10 And rhey iball mocke the Kirgs , and the Κ princes βαΐϋο a fcorne vnto them : they Ihall de- f,'J ride eiiery ttrong hold:fortfaey iliall gather h dnft, and take it. 1 1 Then (l-.ail they ' take a conrage,and tranf- gfeffe 5c doe wickedly , tmpuiing this their power vnto theit god, I ζ An not thou of old.O Lord my Gotl.mjne holy One » ws iliall not I' die ; Ο Lord , thou laft ord'eined them for iuJgeraent .and Ο God , thou haS^ftahlill-it:d ihiiw for cotreftion. 1^ Thou ΛΠ of pure eyes, andcanftnotfee euili itheu tanlt not be! old wickedues. where- {ndiiifeiea fore dotft thou kokt vjion t^e trarfgreilors . avd boldift thy torga; . when the wicked deuourcth f the nian,that is ϊ^ ore righteous then he? Zepk.ji^ f For the lewe •• • feared thit e, be,:aurc!t syedifaeir f. They fiialbt Co i»iany iq cumber, b Tlwy thai! cart ρ n>9uaiiag>iitli The Prophet onifurtetb the :hfull thai God llairodellroy ! Bibylooian•, :iufe they (hall, ifetbiiviaory, beccroe ^routf ayft Jtifigthepr ereof CO theif dulei. h Hean-'i>rihtbe- And at the «eeping tbingi. that baue no luUt 0- ';„^ ,^,, ,^, ,„, Uerthfm? mie can doeno Jinjfe then Gii hath apioioird , aod alfothtt their firtwi retjuirefl fuch a Aaipe lod. I Se ib«^ lbeEit«deu>i«Vetb ihe*uwU, «nd we Caldcaoi deii'-y all the w»iU. jij The;; the entmiei flitter ,^,^ [^^j^c iticenfe vnto thrir varnc .bccaafe by themfeluc, aad glo ^^^^^ ,^^.^ „„„;„„ ;, A^ ,. ^ ,Ji, ^«,. «l-n^»^.,c heir owoe force, power tud wit. η Meaning, ttat they AlouU not. DrrerlUg'tdTne net. ;_ 5r They take vp all with the ingle; tbey cjtch m Mefain2,tliat it in their net.and gnher it in theii jriroe, where- of they reioyce anU are glaJ. i6 Therefore they lacn'fice vnto their '" net HaD^KKUK. - _^ 1 eacners ot iies^ drunketi alfo , tbat thoa mayeCl fee their priuitifs, 16 Thou art filled wi:h lliame» for glory « I will renounce owr.e iudge- , and only de• peadoa Gbcdtobe jnitruded whjt I Hull aof vere iheui that a^ufe ray preacbiDg, and te be timed agaialt alitcjiaiioBS. b Wfite it in .reat letters, that le ibit raniietb uiij rcade it. c Which conteitied ' thedeliruaionof theentmy.aad the comfort of the Church : which * thing though ) Cod execute not I' accordiDg to miia baiiy affe• ftioni,yettlieiirae j of both ii cettaine at his lime ap- poynted. ti To iruft inhim. feire , or in any woildly thing, i» ceu't to bt quiet: for the only ve:t it to itay vpon God by fauh.Rom.i.i? Gal.3.ii,H:bt. 10.3S. e Hi cotnpareth the proud and co- ue;ous mjn to a drunkard, ib.H it, withou: tejfon •nd fenfe.wotm God will puuiill «nd makebim a laughing rtoclte to «U the world: and cEis he fpea- beth for the ccm- fort of the godly, agaiad the Chaldeani, f Sigoitying, that all the world iliall Wiihthadelhufti- of tyrjtit». and that by their op• preiTionaod couf- toufnes, they heape but vpon them- matt hex• uie burdens : for hey get. the more are hey troub'ed. 5 That ii, the Medts and I'er- fiani.thjc (hiuld de is the ruine of hi5o\^i The Hot and the wood (hall a Will not defetre hit vi at'boujh ibey weteci ans his glo'y ">•"*?!' of Baby! ' ' them their portion is fat.and their meat plenteous, 17 Shall they there fore ftretcH out their net.and t:oi fpare continuilly to flay η the nations? CHAP. I r. a A vifim. / Ai*inii ptiie , ceue.mfneffe , itrunkeit' nefc , anJidnLury. 1 Willftand vpon my » Witch , and fet iree vpon ■» the towre, and will locke and fee what he would fay vnto me.aud vv ai I flvU anfwere to him that rebiiketh cue. 2 And the Lord anfwered me.and fayd, Write the vifion, and make it pl.iine vpon tables , that he may runne ^ thatreadeth it. 3 For the vifion is yet fur an appointed time, but at the <= laS it llia',1 fpeaRe.and not lie : though it taty,waite; for it Ihail fui .%y coaie,and fliall doe fiay. 4 BeholJe , d hee that lifceth ?p hicnfelfe, his mind is not vptight in him , bu: the iuft ilnllliue by his fjith, y Yea, iodeede the proud man is as e hee that tranigrelleth by wine ; therefore fl:all hee not en« dure.becaufe hee hath enlarged hisdefiteasthe hell , and is as death .and cannot be faristied , but drinke thou alfo , and be made f.ksd ; the cup ofl doiu'g," -btVauil the L'jrds tight hand -(h*!! be turned vnto thee,|^""'^^'^'^^yiiume; and Ihamefuil fpui.'g pid// έί for thy glory. 17 For the °crueltit-(f Lebanon Ihallcouet oih, thee i fo lli.'ll the fpoyle of tiie beaftes . wr ich ttiade them afraid , becaufe of mens blood , and for the wrong done in the land , in the cttie , and vnto all t'ut dwill therein, 18 What profitfththepitBage? fottbetra ker thereof '^nb mide it an image , and 2 te.ichcr of lies.thcugo he that made it,trutithetein,wiien he maketh durabe idoks. 19 Woe vnto him that faytb to the wood Awake , and to thedumod Itone , Rife vp.it Hull teach thee ; <* behold , ii is layed ouei with gulu and filuer,and there, ii no breath in it. 20 But the Loiiiiiiti his holy Temple; let all the earth keepe filence before i;im, CHAP. III. » Apr «jet for the faitbfull. Λ Prayer of Habakkuk the Prophet for the ^ * » ignorances. 2 'Ό Lord , I haue heard thy voyce,<«»i/was afraid ; Ο Lord, reuiue t>iy '^ woikc in t^e midsof gathcreth vnto him all nations . and heapeth vn- ! the people, in the miJdes ofthJyetrcS makeit rniiruaVthb υ ikc J others t( ght them to him all peopli 6 Shall not all thefe take vp a parable agiinft him , and a taunting prouerb againft him,and fay, Ho.he that increafeth that which is not his? ^how long? and hee that ladeth himfelfiwitb tbicke clay? 7 Shall g they not tife vp fuddenly , that fliall bite thee? and awake .that Ihallftirre thee? and thou flialt be their pray ? 8 Becaufe thou haft fp)yled many nations, all the remnant of the people Hull fpoyle thee, becaufe of mens blood , and for the wrong done in the land , in the citie , and vnto all that dwell therein, 9 Ho , he that coueteth an euill couetoi^fneffa to his houfe , that he may fet his ne£l on high , to cfcape from the power of euill. • 10 Thou b haft confulted Hume to thine ovvne houre,by deftroying many pcopleiand haft finned agiina thine owne Ibule• 1 1 For the i ftone fliall cry out of the wall, and the beame out of the timber fliall anfwere it. I ζ Woe vnto him that buildeth a towne with blood,and ercdeth a city by iniquitie. 13 Behold, isit notofthek Lordofhoaftes, that the people flialllabour in the very fire ? the people fliall euen weatie themfeluesfor very va- nitie. 14 For the earth iball ' be filled with the know- ledge of the glory of the Lord , as the waters co- uer the fea. ly Woe vnt» him that giiieth his neighbour «n drinke ; thou ioyneft thine hcate.Sc oiakeft him 3y the Babylonians? h Signifying, that ihecouetous man e houfe, when a» be thinjteih to enrich iiby crusjty and !«of y houfe fhill ^ry and fay that they are built of blood, fwereand fay thefaiueof itfelfe. k Meaalig, that God Tgeancelong, bat will come and deft toy all tbeii labouis, nfumttd wiib fir^e I In the defituftion of the B.byl.itii-- arethrou hally world, m Hee reprocheih thus the ki-ig : wasdrunktn wiibcouetoufuelfe and cruelty, fo hee ^.to- for thou inaft arfuke ■eiarneiu^JWuh 11 ID iby ;u(ne. ο Becaufe the Ba* bT'miani were tiuc' not onely ag.-.ioti other nati- on» but aifo againft ihepeo^ieof God, h^vhich is mezut by Lebjuon ai.d ihe beaiti tceteiu.he ihcweib that the likecrueliie ilullb• cxttuird againlt Ρ H.efteA-eihthat thcB.by ouijni god• could nothing •uaile them, for they were but blecketer ftone», reade lere. lo.S. g If thou wilt eonfider whititi», and how that it haib neither bieath nor life,buti»ade»(i (hiagi a The Prophet people to jpray vna 10 God, not onely for their great lint, but alfo for fuch at hey bad coaimic• ted of igaorance. b Thu» the people were afraid whea hey heard God* he fam:, «ad (o flamed tiitiu by bit rage , and fo i ihwie. iibeende knowen ; in wrath rercember mercy 3 God commeth fiono ^ Teman , and the holy One from mount Paran, SeUh. His glory coue- teth the heauens,and the eaith is full of his pnyfe, 4 And/)// brignaieflewasasihftl'g ujc hee had homes t.amr»ing out of his hands , and there was the hidirig of his power. y Bifore him went the peftilence , and bur-P'/y^'^'-S»• ^i ring coales went furth before iiis feete. c That it, the flat 6 Hee ftood aiid mcafured the earth ; hee be- held and diilolued the nations, and thaeuerU- fting raountaires were broken , «ιη.'ί the ancient failles did bow; his f wayts art euerlafting. 7 t For his iniquity I faw the tent» of Cu.flian. ayjd the cuttainesof the lanJ of Midian did trem- ble. 8 Was the Lord angry againft the 'i tiuers? or was thine aiger agtiuft the floods J or was thy wrath againit thefea.thatthpudiddeft ridejhisdeiiurranre 'vpon thine hotfes ? thy cbatets brought falua• '""' ' tioti. 9 Thy Ί bowe was manifeftly rcuealed , and I the'oathesof he tribeswerea fure word.Selah, I thou "1 diddeli cleaue the earth with riuers. 10 The monntainesfaw thee , and they trem• bled J the ftrcame of the water f- paffcdby ; the deepe made a rK)yfe,aad hft vp his hand on high. 1 1 The <> funne and moone flood ftili in thiir habitation J ρ at the I'ght of thine arrowes they went, at prefeot cow at It wat then. e Whereby i» iHeant a power wat ioynej with hi» bright- neCTe , which wa> hid to the reft of Lhe world, but wa* 'euealed in mDunC to bit peo- Pfal 3i,ii. :nifying, that God hath wondew full Rieanei.and euer had a maruei- Inu» power whea he would deliuerhii Church, g The iriii^uiiy uf the king of Syiia in vexins: thy people, was mademanifett by thy iu;!gement lo y comfort of tt.y Caunh !o4g j, ο icalfo of y Midianitei.wliicl) deitroiedtheiiilelue»,Iudg. 7 21 b Mraaing.thaiGod wat not angry wiib y watett.but that by thi» mtanf» h? -.To.ild ilettr.'y hi» en^mie», aaddeliucr hii Church, i Andfo diddelt vfe all the e!i'me:Msa« inltrunie!?tt for tbe de;trMftiou of thine enemiti. k Thati«,thf po'.Vfr. 1 For hee had not onely made a couenaot wiih /ibrabam, but renewed it With bispolleritie. m Reade Nuii.b. lO 1 1 . η Healludeth to the red fea and lotdeu which gaue paffage to Gtjd» ppopIe,aud illewed ligae» oftheir obedience, aiit wtirby >h;lif;itig vp i.tibeir bands, ο Atappeareth,Iofll,t0.ii. ρ Ac- cr.idingto thy cummiudemtnt ,the funne wa» direfted by the weapoBI ef thf people , thai ft;ugtii ία tby «aul« , ai though it ducit not go« forward, tnii Ibreacnmgsagainftjadah. ' Chap. i. 1 1. ' "~~>7ozeni ;*»«! didficTf tfireih the heathi a Signir^ inv, tbat there ii noftluati- OD, bat by Chrill. r Fiom the top to the toe thou hail deKroyed the e- eetnies. iGod deftroyed lii< enemici both great and (mall with their owne Weapon», thuugl» they were neuer fofitrce agaiuft bis Church. t Hereturiieth to that which he fyihe ia the fccoad len in dilpleafure. 13 Thou wenteft ^orth for the ialuation of thy people, «««« for faluation of thine q AnoynteJ: thou haft wounded the head of the houfe of the wicKed . and difcouercdft the foundations vnto the'necke.Selah. 14 Thou diddeftf ill ike thorow with his owne Uaues the heads ofhis villages: they came out as a whirlewind to fcatter mce : their reioycing mas as to deuoure the poore fecretly, I y Thou diddeft walke in the fea with thine hor- fcs vpon the heape of great waters. 16 When 1 1 heard.ray belly tren:b!eil : tr,y lip» fhooke at the voyce : rottennefle entred into my bones . and I trembled in my felfe.ihat I might reft fe, and ihewetii how he was afraid of Godi iudgeinenti. iQ ° the day of trouble .for when he commeth vr » vnto the people.he lliall deftroy them 1 u He iheweih 17 For r he fig-tree thai! not flouriflj , neitheii '*"*' '^' fi'tbfull fliall fruit be in the vines : the labour of te oliud ■"" """' *""* fliallfaile and the fields Ihallyeeld no treat : the Γ,'Κ^ίΤ,Ι u;eep Ihallbe cut offfrom the fold , and there iliall •'« *'"«'« °i be no bujlocke in the ftalles. 18 But I will reioyce in the Lord; I will ioy Υ in the God of my faluation. 1 9 The Lord God is my ftrength : he will make my teete like hindts ftete, and he will make me to walke vpon mine hie places. ^ To the chicfe finger onNeginothai. ioy if the faithfull chicfe finger vpoB il thit great deliuerante of hii ChuKb. Godi iudgetaeatl. X Tha: i» , theene* n.y. tut uie godi, Uiall be quiet, knowing that all thingi ihall turns to good vnto y He declareth wherein llandeth .hough they fee .««„ foreat .fflifti.'n.Vr'^i^d"! Th. """"l"!! °/'»"β'''*>»»^'»«« «ς^οη » puifeGod fet ZEPHANIAR THE Eeng tktjrcat rehelUon tftht ptcple . a,d that th.n w^; now no hop, of ^mind^iitnV.t^ia^^it^ttli rrf cfi^ods vmgemct a.atnfl thtir enemies,^ tht Phililiims. .L^b f« .inr.rL•. L• 1... SA' l^f,li'rJTT' "^"'"^ ]!"" enemies,^ tht Philsjlims. Moab.t». ^fyri^ns and ot'nrs. to φτ, ri?rl 7^-5 /" ΤΊ'' "" ^""^^^y " l"''""" ' ""'^ '" '""fi f'>fi'"ir»cny by rLfon ofth*frt, " „ 'f{_?, ."'f, y'>t'>^i>rfhaw!_ and tberefore^uiettyto dbidc tiU Godfhtw then, the effea of that * t.Kint.\i.i, »2.JKfa|.a,.,9. «Not that Gi-d Wii angry with thefedumbe crea- tutei.but becaufe man wa« fo wic- ked for who fe caufe they were created, God ma• keih them to lake part ofthepuiilh- memj with biin. b Which were an order afj|teraiti- on priefH^^poin- tedto miniiler in the feiuice ofB«I, and were culiar chapleus, reade ..K.ug z;.y. Hofe.io./. cHealludeth to their idoleMoltch which was foibid- den, Leuit.io. J. yn they called bim their king, and nudi β'Πΐ ai a god : ther- forebe here noteth them tlat will beith lay they woiihip 6od. and yet will fweaiebyidolsjDd feru; them which fialring ia here condemned, a» I^ek. 20.39. » King.is., ^rac€ja>hcreby in tht end they fhould he gathered vn CHAP. Γ. Threatningi eg.unft ludah aui lerufalem , iecAuft cf their iHolittry, ' ' He word of the Lord , which came vnto Zephaniah f fonno of Cuihi.the fon ofGedaliah, the fon of Amariah , the fon of Hizkiah , in the dayes of * lo- i fiah .thefoa of* Amon king of luoan. 2 I will furely deftroy all things from off the land, faith the Lord. 3 I will deftroy man and beafl : I will deftroy the « fouies of the heauen, and the filhes of the fea, andruines f^ialibe to the wicked , and 1 will cut off man from off the land, faith the Lord. 4 I will alio ftretch out mine hand vpon lu- dah , and vpon all the inhabitants cf lerulalem, and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place , and the name of the ^ Chematims with the Priefts, y And them that worfliip the hofte of heauen vpon the houfe tops , and them that worlLip and fweare by the Lord, and fweare by c Malcham. 6 And them that are turned backe from the Lord , and thofe that haue not fought the Lord, ' nor inquired for him. [ 7 Be ftill at the prefence of the Lord God : for j the day of the Lord is at hand : for the Lord hath 1 prepared a facriuce , and hath fandtiHcd his gheflt. | 8 Anditiliallbeintheday oftheLordsfacrifice, ! that I will vifit the princes and the kings children, and ail fuch as areclaathed with«« but not inhabite t'.i<»j, and they lliall plant vine- fv.ckednei. *" yards, but not drinke the wine thereof. r 7>f«ii,as.3e,' 14 The great day of the Lord « neere : it U f""' ^•"• neere , and hsfteth greatly , euen the voyce of the I day ofthe Lord ;k the Itrong man iliall cry there Ν They that tm*, bitterly. fte.l io their owne .1 '' .7^''^r'i''^ °^JT\i^^'^i\T «helr'^r ble and heauinefle , a day of deftrudlion and defo. pcet. of Gad, lation.a day of obfcutity and daikenefl'e.aday of *■ ι<•"•30•Τι clouds and blackenefle, '^^■*' '' 16 A day of the trumpet and alarme a^iiiQ '"" ^'' the flrong cities, and againft the high to^vers. 1 1 7 And I will bring ditfreffe vpon men.that they ' ilul walk like blind men , becauie they haue finneJ ; againft the Lord , and tbeh blood fliallbe jOwrcd out as duft.and their fleili as the dung. 18 * Neither their filuer nor their gold fiulbe able to deliuer them in the day of the Lords wratb.but the"" whole land flialbe deuoured by the fire of his ieloufie : for he Hull make euen a fpeedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land. CHAP. II. 1 He mtiurth t» relumt t» Ccd, s prtphetjin^ ifflrit• iliin ίΐ/,αιηβ the Phiiiftiitu, McakiUi uni cthtii. GAther = your felues , euen gather you , Ο nati- on not worthy to be loued, 2 Before the decree come foorth , andu iias!•""•"'''?'""^ ■' them todelcenil into ihtnfelu CI aad gaibei thenifeluei , UaA they he fcatic:Ht- •r. as Hi- ή ^. Tha: if^tht Icwe! ihsil ccae asjreH Wbiub ii 10 bevn. eriioodvnder rhe «icofrfaeG'fpel. i»r>biy rns!l _ iuefuUrin• (Hm ef:heir!:.in;s anl t!ie hypo. rites whith boaf^td of hiTe:iip!e.wli"i-.b was alio iby pride s paft.flia'.l ke.i from tb'e. Aithe AOytiai!», Caldcanv Egypti- ans audothciiHa- p I will rleli'.ier the Cbareh , which nr>w Tode'endtbee as by thy fionti thou halt put bin» away, and left thy (elfe naked, at Exurf.3i;jf. giiifying.that Go.l .ic!igh:e[h to ibcA' his loue and gieataffifliori ti>- vta.dbisChur.li. oTtatis, tbtm that were bad in hatiedaaJrii.iled for thcCliurth, aci bi-caufr ofi^eir χΛχρ. a. fRia!i,!,aiKii.b.i *■ . 1 Aiaeorg, tbeAUynaai acd CaIiIcku wbiib did muike ibe^nand putt tern ce fliauiet HAGGAt =f 1 (intemptef religion; Chap. I. r I. Η A G G A Two queftions askeo, 122 ' , . THE^RGVMENT. , , - . .; . ,, . . He» the time of the feutntie jetret captiuitie prephecied by lercmiJ)ji>MiXfired,Gcd ruftdvpHag' gat, Zechariah AndMtlachi, to ca'nfort the ltT»ei, And to exhoit them to the buHdingofthe 'temple. Vhich ifiM afriure of t he fpirit uali Templeand Church of God , whofe ferfeiiion and exceileticie βοοά Chrljl. ^nd becaufi that λΙΙ aite giuea to their oane pleafnrei and commtdities , hee dtchttth that that fUgui of famine , which Codfent then amovg them . !Γ.ή a tuft reward of thdr ingratitude , in that they contemned Qids honour , who had deUuerid thtm. JTet hee comferteth thtm , if they viU returne to the Lorci, aith the pnmife of great felicitis .forafmuch μ the Url imUfinifh the work» that he hath begun, »ndfend Chrifl whom hee hadprcmifed, and bj vhe η thy fhould attain e tsptrfeci ioy andghrj, ι wTio ^» ite ionne of HyftafpU led the third i:ing iifdiePerliaDi.u hinkca bBeciiifethe iuildiog eftte Temi'lf. began t• teafe, by rnfon that ibf people evete dit-ouraged by their enemiti: •λΛ if tbefc two potable men had tobeftitred Tp andadwooilhei of their d:ieties« what Ihall wee thiake of other joasrocur»', whofe dojngs are either dgAioll God, or very cold in hit caufe > c Net thit they cendemneJ the bqilding thereof, kut tbcyprekrred pclicieand priuate profit to relijjion, h: !o content with fmUl beginning!. d Shewing that «hey fought not coely their necef- iitiei, but iheii very plcafutes be- fore Godt honnur. (C)ofiJer the plagues of God vjjun you foi'pre- ferringyaurpoli- tiei [o hii religioo» ad becaufe yee feehe not him iirltofall. (Meaning, that tbey (hsuld leaue oS their owoe eonunodtties, and go forward in the builiiing of Godt Temple, and in the fitting forth of bit religion. £That it, Iwill beare your prayeri accorJio; to pjy j>roir.ife, J. king. 3, 11. 19, hThtt i», my f^lory Ihall be irtfuithby yon, CHAP. I. I The time tf the Pfofhrcie «/ Hn^gai. S An exherta- titn tchiii-d tht Tcmp.'ee^iiiiie. Ntheficond yeere of king aDj- rius, in the fix: moneth ,thefi:ft day of ;^ moneth , came f word of the Lord {by the minifterie of i thePfophetHaggai) vnto '> Ze- | rubbibel the tonne ot Shealtiel.a I prince of luJah, and to lehoihua the fonne of lehozadak the high Pric9, faying, ' 2 Thus fpeaketh the Lord of hoaftfs . faying, I This people lay. The titne is not y et come 'thac the Lords houfeihodd bebuilded. 3 Then came the word of the Lord by the tni- niilerie of the Prophet Haggai. faying, 4 Is it tiite for your lelues to dwell in your A fieled houfes.and this houfelie wafte ? 5 Now therefore thus faith the Lord of hoafls, Confider your owne wayes in your hearts. 6 e Ve baue fowen much .and bring in little: ye eat, but ye haue net enough : ye dtioke, but yee are no: filled: yecloathe you.but ye be not warnse: and he that earneth wages ,putteth the wages into a broken bagge. 7 Thus laith the Lord of hoafls, Confider your owne wayes in yeur hearts. 8 Go f vp to the nnountaine, and bring wood, j and build this Houfe , and g I will be fauourable in it, and I will ^ be glorified, faith the Lord. 9 Ye looked for much.and lo, it came to little: and when ye brought it home , I did blow ' vpon it. And why , faith the Lord of hoafts ? Becaufe of dah . and the fpirit of lehofhua the fonne of lebo- zadak the hie Ptiea , and the fpirit of all tj-c. f etn- nant of the people , and they catce . and did the wotke in the Houfe of the Lord of boaftes uheu God. C Η k P. II• He Ib'-A'tth th.U the ghrj ./ the ftntii TtmfUpitU «•« leede the f.rft. IN the foure and twentieth day of the fixt ooo- I neth, in the fecond yeere of kii?g Darius, a Intheleaenth>w!>iiit''.intheoneandtwen-i 1 tieth day of the HJoneth , came the wotde of the j 1 Lord by the miniftery of cha Prophet Haggai, U For the ptopli I fayino, Jaccording atlf•• i 3 "Speake now to Zerubbabd the fonne of|f;•^»« '^;f*i'lhS hoaftes. ecanm s mine Houfe that is wafte , and ye runne euery man i vnto his owne bouie. | I ο Therefore the heauen ouer you ftayed it | fclfe from dew. and the earth ftayed her fruit. I I And I called for a drought vpon the land, ' he can mil:: all the . , , • , I r \. Itreafuiet of the II f In the foure and twentiith day of the jv^-orid to feme hi• ninth moneth , in the fecond yeere of Daritis, burpofe : but the ^loiy of ihii le- ground biingeth forth : both vpon men and v[X)n cattell.and vpon all the labour of the hands. I ζ When Zerubbabel the fonne of Shealtiel, and lehoil^ua the fonne of lehozadak the high Prieft.with all the remnant of the people, heard ■ ^ r j ' j. « i. feio.vofihiife- thekvoyceof theLordthcirGod.and thewords : came the word of the Lord vnto the rrophec !; Ji-^^p,, ^^,^ ofthe Prophet Haggai (as the Lord their God Haggai. faying, , cu λ .« pot ft«d inmate - had fent him) then tte people did feare before t!ie : i ^ Thus faith the Lord of boaftes . Aske now ^'^i ■^^-f.^""^'' Lord thePnefisi<."«r«."5dieLaw.andfay. ^. iMe,ni"g itilfpf. 13* Then fpake Haggai the Lords meifenger in i 13 If one beare? holy fieflim the skirt ofhis μ ,,Βΐ.ίτ.πκ. the Lords mefiage vnto the people . faying . 1 atn | gvnient . and with bis skirt uo touch the bread or 1»°^ /;'''*"' f"-- with you, faith theLord. 1 the pottage.or ;he wine.or *,le. or any treat n.aU ^W'^r Ch.ft, 14 And the Lord ftirred vp ' the fpirit of Ze- I it be holy ? And the Priefls «nfwered and faid.No. ^ ^ha^t ,. the fiefl, rubbabel the fonne of Shealtiel , a Piince of lu- i I4 Then faid Haggai .If a polluted perfon «^ Z^; Ccrf" ) , touch any of thefe . Hull it be viideanc ? And the ^,^^",^^'','^^8°^|-_^ ,d*M tf Ziz fao"a.°"- ^ i «hi'" of « f-='f' '» gocd.caonot make another tiling fo : ani ,i ereiore' t'heV ou'^-^j ia-i4.3''uog.7.aoac«.i,.j3 ;..»;«., i..„r.i._. k„ theirfacrificet and tertmooi.s : but cootraiy LePtbatl c. doth corrupt tbofc tbia^t and good WhI godJx fo bring it to nothing, k Thitdeclarerh the doSriae.aokl that he wat bet the miDiHf r,as ixod iWhi-hdCvlaieth that men are voapt anddulltoferue iheLoid, neither can they obey hit wcrd or hit melengeii , btfMe God lefume their heuu . acd jiue tben yew ffiritl, ΙοϊλΛ,^'^. uftifierheaiftluei by ii rnclcane and not pure of hf»i Cable vote Cod.Wbichelfe are FaeOs )t to follow the fathersi Zecnariab; Goas iignet, bConfiierhew Goddidpl'g« yo-j with fimine afoie you b«gao build the Temple. I That it, before the building wai begua. k From the time tbey began to builJ thcTtmpIe, be promifeth that God woulf' bletfe them : and albeit at yet the ftuite vyai net come forth, yet in ihe jstbennathey Ihould hiue pleotie. jPciefts anfwered and faiJ.It ilisll be vnckane. I y Then anfwcred Haggii, and iaid , So is this people , and ίο is this nation before rae , fn'.h the Lord : and fo are all the works of their hands , and that which they offer here, is vncleaiie_. 16 And ηοννε,Ι pray you .confider inyout roindes : f;omthis Η day and afore, e«i» afore a ftpne was layd vpon a ftone in the Tettple ofthe Lord: 17 ' Before thefe things were , when on'e came to anheapeoftwentie m.-afurrs , there were but ten , when onecitne to the wineprefle.for to draw out hftie ■vtjfeh out ofthe preffe , there were but twentie. 18 I fmote you with blading , and with mil- dew . and with haile , in all the laboures-of your bands: yet you turned not to rae.laiib the Lord. I r, ConGJer, I pray you.in your mindes,from k this Jay, and afore, from thi; foiire and twentieth day ofthe ninth tnincth ,e(i the fomeofHyRafpit bThii was net I Zacha.iab, Vfheieof it mention, i.Cbfon.14,20. but bad the fame le, and ii called (beroiiDeefBere• cfaiah, as he was, becanfe became conQJer it in your minds. 20 Is the 1 feede yet in the bame?as yet y vine,]' «« «botteth ' and tte figge tree , and the pomegranate , aiid the jlnd^oab.de'ifr* oliue tree hath not brought forth : from this day tbo harueii came, \^ill I bleffe ysK. f 'h™, they fhonlj 21 And againe the word of the Lord came vn, V',^ ι"^χ\^;^^,Χ' to Haggai in the foure and twentieth i^rtjOfthejchaoge. andrcnue ' monetn, faying, jalltbmgi in Chrift, 21 Speaks to Zerubbabel the prince of ludah,! b[re,^°e!t^s™'" andfay,I'"willfliaketheheauenjandtheeaith. {«gure. 23 And I will ouerthrow the throne of king- η Hcieby bee domes , and 1 will deftroy the ftrength of the| f^Xbe ηο1« cr* η kingdomcs ofthe heathen , and I will ouetthrowj hicd«a*nce, when the chatets , and thofe that ride in them , and tha Goh will make tbU ho fe and the riders Ihall come downe , euery one «onittfuli leititu- by the fword of his brother. "°° ''^'"' ^''""'^ 24 In that day, faith the Lordof hoftes .will I tske thee , Ο Zerubbabel my leruant , the fonne of Shealtiel , faicti the Lord , and will make thee as a c fignet : for I haue «hoiea thee , faith the Lord (A hoaftes. ZECHARIAH. THE ARGVMENT. Τ Wo mmtths afterthat Haggai had begun teprophecie , Zechariah veas alfe fent of the Lord to helfe htm in the labour , and to confirme the fame doilrine. Firfl therefore , hee futtetb them in remem- brance for οΊιαί CAufe Qoihadfofore funifhed their fathers : &yet comforteth them, if they a^Hrepent vnfainedly , anditotabufe thii q^itat benefit ofuodin their deltueranee .iphich was λ figure of that true deliuerance, that all thefaithfullfhouldliauejrom death andfinne , by Chrifl. But becaufe they remained fiillin their (pickednefe , and coldnefe to fet foorth Cds glory , and wtre not jet made bitter by their lonibanifhmentMe rebukjth them mofi fharpelj: jet for the comfort oftherep^ntant , hee euermixeth thepromife of grace , that they might hy this mcane^ be prepared to receiue Chrifl , in wham all fliould bt 3 Hi exhcvteth the people to rcttirnet efcheyp the rsrickedxife ef the peth the reftii --' ■ of thofe prcge tourituofl^iada Of Berecbiafa, and Iddo. eHeefpeaheth thii to '..■aie -hem with Gcdt iudge• ins.its, that they ftiiu!d mt(,ro- uofe- him as their fa. hut ba.1 done, f bom be fo grie- «oufly puriftled. d Let your ftuiti decUrf that you •r» Gods peop'e. fanitified to the Lord, CHAP. I. thtteri, Mil to fatheis. i« fite ^l»i• ifllrufxiemand theTemple. Ν the eight rncneth of the fe- cond ycere of «Datius , came y word of the Lord vnto b Zecha•. riah the fonne of Bcrechiah . the fon of Iddo the Prophet . faying, 2 The Lord hath bene ' fore difpleafed with your fathers. _ 3 Therefore fay thoti vnto them , Thus faith the Lord of hoftes, dTurne ye vnto me , faith the Lord of holies , and I will tutne vnto you, faith the Lord of hoftes. 4 Bf. ye tiot as your fathers , vnto whom the former * Piophetshaue cried .faying, Thu$faitli the Lord of hoaftes, Turneyee now fom your euill waves «and from your wicked woikes : but they would not heate , not heatkeu vnto me , faith the Lord. y Your f jthers, v\here » are they ; and doe the Prophets Hue fofteuer? 6 But di t not my words and my ftatutes, which I coirraanded by ray feruants the Propiiets , take hold of ' your fathers ? and & they returned , anj aadibathi: ha:h wroujhi in yon by bis Spirit. & mi^nified you: for elfs man hath no rower to re- tarrietoG J but Gudir.uitconucrt him, ai Icnm.jwiS. lament. ;. 1 1 lia i.,S.Sc 31,6 aud4f,2i. */«■?<•. 3, 1 J. £71 .ιΐ-^ο Hcfe t:^,i. Uel »,ii. eTbough y. ur fathtii be d«al .yi-tGo's iaig^meo'S inpuoiihin?, theraoughtflill to be bt'ore yjur tyes : aid thuuph the rto|.hc» bedea< , yet ibrir doftriae ren»i. etb i^r ejtr. a.ret.i.i,-. f Seeing yee fawe the Urce of myd.ftrine in punifui )£ yr,ut Jachers, why doe ye not feare the tbieatniog» coiiteined iu the fame, a'dde Uied i>y my Piopbett> g As men a>touilUed With my iuageiotai) «aud4iet tbai'tkcy eveie loafbtd wii)> iru« icf eatuOd;; faide.As the Lord of hoaftes hath dete; mined te doe vnto vs according to oar owne wayes , 8c ac- cording to our works, fo hath he dealt with vs 7 Vpon the foure and twentieth day ofthe eleuenth nioneth.which is the raoneth ■> Shebat,in the fecond yetre of Dirius , came the word of the Lord vnto Zechariah the fonne of Bsrechiah , the fonne of Iddo the Trophet, faying, 8 I ' faw by night , and behold , k a man riding vpon a red horfe ,and he ftood among the myrthe trees that were in a bottome.and behind him were there ' red hotfes fpeckled and white. 9 Then faid 1 , 0 my Lord , what are tbefe? And the Angel that talked witli me , faid vnto me, 1 will lliew thee wl; at thcfs be, 10 And the man that ftood among the myrrhe trees, anfwered and faid , Tbefe are they whom the Lord hath fent to goe thorow the world. 1 1 And they anfwcred the Angel ofthe Lord that ftood among the myrrhe trees, and faid , Wee haue gone thotovv the woild : and behold , all the world fitteth Sill and is at reft. 12 Then them Angel of the Lord anfwered and faid , Ο Lord of hoaftes , how long wilt thou be vnmercifuil to letufalero «and to the cities of ludah , with whom thou haft bme difpleafed now theie threefcore and ten yeeies ? 13 And the Lord anfwered the Angp] that tal• ked with mec, with good v/oias arid comforuble v\ords. 14 So the Angel that communed wirl- me , fiid vnto mee , Ctie thou , and (peake , Thus fait'i the indiaers foits. m That it , Chrift the inejiatour pr-ye'i CburwbjWhitli wai uow iieucted,wb«aaUibc coui-trev- «t iU>t4 Signifying, tbat t -ig Mtie UicaM be mort excellent, I thing wai plittied ία Cbnii. h Whicb eontei- neth part of Iai>u• ary and part of Februaty. Thisvifionfig- niBethrbe teltaii• ithe Church : but as yet it ihould cot apr pejre ta man» ey-6»> ch is her: meant by the night, by ' the bottome,.iBd by tbemyirhe tree» bUcke, aadgiut a datke Uiaduw. yet hee compare:h God. King, who hath bispolii anj mefle igcttabioad by whom he Uiil workrth his pur- pufe, and bii• gcth bit matteri to palTf, k Who wai the chitfe among tte reftoftheh^rfe- I Tbefe f.goified the diueiK.ffites ofGodsAigelaby wh m God fome- t:m'' puaiflleib anj iouieiimecomfor- trthai;d briugeth iorh his woiket >r the f^iIuatioD cf his r&ure norness ^nap.ii.iri. sat c Though for a time God defeiie ; hii help and cam• ι fort flora bit Chu-.ch, yet thtt decUiech chat he loucch them itill molt dearely, ^s a molt meicifuU fa- ther his children, or an busbiod hit wife, aod when it ilexpedieit for them, bis belpeit «uer rea.iy. ο In .-fe troying the reptobace I fliewed my feife buralitileangry coward my churcbj but the enemie >jvoiiId bauede- ilrayedihein alfo, and coulideied not the 'od of my cha- ftifemenis. ρ To nii4fjreout the buiMiogs. β The abundance Uialoefo grear. thit the place» of Aore Hull not be able to cnntainethefe Lord of hoafliS , I am η Jelous ouer leru&Iem aad ^ion wiih a great zeale, ' 1 <; And am greatly angry againft the carelefle heathen : for I was angry but ο a little , atld they helped forward the afflkftion . 16 Therefore thus uith the Lord, I wilUeturne vote lerufalera with tender me:cy ; mine houfe iliall be builJed in it, faith the Lord of hoafis , and aline ρ flialltw ftretched vpon lemfilein. 17 Ctie yet , and fpeake , Thus faith the Lord of boaftes. My cities Ihall yet q bebiokeuwith plenty : the Lord ihall yet cotofort Zion , and Iball yet cliuk- lerufakni. 18 Then lift I vp isine eyes and faw , and be- hold ' foure homes. '*■ ig And I faidvnto the Angel that talkeciUith tEC . What be thefe ? And he anlAsred me , Thefe are the homes w.iich hauc fcattetcd ludah , Iftael and lerufalem. 20 And the Lord iliewed me foure f carpenters. 21 ThenfaiJI, Wnat co ne tnefe to due ?And he anfwered.anci fdiJ, Ti efe are the homes, which haue icattered ludan, fo that a man durft not lift vp bis head , but thefe are come to fray them , and to cart out the homes of f Gentiles.which lift vp their hort^e oucr the land of ludah to icatter it. ibleffingsihj j Gja .-.ill fsud, but Hull euen breake for fuluefle. r Which figaified all the ene- I nies of the Cbaich , Ealt , Welt > Nuith, Sjutb. f Thefe Catpeueii or S.nithi areGod• iaitrumeiti, which with iheit mallets aod hamraen brejke thefe hatdand llioog homes which Qiould ojei throw the Cbaich, and declaie that none eaeiniea ikarae ii fo Ittoag, but God hath aa hammer to breake it in piecei. C Η A P. 1 1. ' Tht rtfttring of Irrufatem and ludah, f Lift vp mine eyes againc . and looked . and be- ■'hold, a a man with a meafuring line in his hand. 2 Then fayd i , Whibher goeft ttiou ? And he fayd vnto mee. To meafure lernfalem , that i may fee what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof. 3 And behold , the Angel that talked with roe , went forth , and another Angel went out to meet him, 4 And fayd vnto him , Runne , fpeake to this b yong man, an J lay, "^ lerufakm Ihalioe inhabited without walles.fot the multitude of men and cattell therein. y For I, faith the Lotd, will be vnto her a wall of << fire round about, and will « be the glory in the raids of her. 6 Ho,ho,fovifr to reiloie you b By fUeing from Babylon , and coin- ming to theChut.h. ι S-reing ihat God bath begun to Uiew bis gr^ce amag youby deliiiering vi.u, h continuetb the fame lull toward you.an thtrefoie fe»•- deth me his Angel aod hii Chvill to defend yon fioin yourenemies.thjt they (hall not hurt y.vi , neither by the way .jorat hnme kyreaie foiearevnto God, that he can no m^re fuii'i your e leilties to h jrt yoi , then •> man can abide to be thruil in the eye , rfiLi^.S. I Vjion the beaiheo youi eoemiel, η They Ihall be yoHt ferewtii, at yeu bias bcae ibeirf. hoafts hath η fent me. 10 Reioyce and be glaJ, Ο daughter Zion; foi loe , I cotuc , and will dwell in the middes of thee, f.ith the Lord. 1 1 And many nations Ihall be ioyned to the Lord in that day, and Ihalbe my people : and I will dwell in the mids of thee , & thou ihalt know that the Lord of hoalls hath fent me vnto thee. 1 2 And the Lord iliall inherit luJah his por- tion in the holy land, and Ihall chufe lerufalcm agiine. 1} Let all fleai be ftill before the Lord: for bo is raifed vp out of his holy place. CHAP. in. e ^^fhnie of Chrifl *>td of hit k-ngdme. ANd h^iewed raeelehoihuathe highPtieft, **aftanding before the Angel ol• the Lord, and b Satan flood at his tight hand to reiift hire, 2 And the <^ Lord faid vnto Satan , The Lord reprooue thee, Ο Satan : euen the Lotd that .'^ath chofen lerufalem , reprooue thee. Is not this a d brand taken out of the hre 1 3 .Now lehofliua was cloathedwith « filthie garments, and ftood before the Angel. 4 An 1 he anfwered and fpake vnto thofe that ftood before bim,fa\ ii->g,Take away thcfilthy gai ruents from bias. And vnto hitn he faid, Behold, I hauc f caufed thine inicjuity to depart from thee, and I will cloathe thee with change of raiment, y And 1 faid .Let tiiem g let a faire diaderae vpon bis head. So they fet a faire diadenoe vpon his head, and cloathed him with garments, and the Angel of the Lord ftood by. 6 And the Angel of the Lord teftified vnto leholhua, faying. 7 Thus faith the Lord of boaftes , If thou wilt walke in my wayes.and keepe my watch, thou ihalt elfo *> iudge mine houfe , and ihalt alfo keepe ray > courts , and I will giue thee place among k thefe that ftand by. 8 Heare now , Ο lehofliua the hie Prieft , thou and thy fellowes that fit before thee: for they ' are monftrous perfons : but behold , I will bring forth the n> Branch my feruant. 9 For hie , the " ftone that I haue hid before lehoiliua .• vpon one ftone Ihall be feuen e> es : be- i hold, I ο will cut out the grauing thereof faith the Lord of hoafts, and I will take F away the iniquiiie of this land in one day. 10 In that day , faith the Lord of hoaftes , ilull ye call euery man his neighbour vndet the 4 vin* and vnder the tigtree. flood of Chri/t, who being God equal! with hii Fa- ther, was fent as he was Mtdiatouf te dAellinhisCbardi and to gouerae th:[D. He pnyed te Chtiit the Media- tour for the (late of ihr Church, b Which decla- leih that the faith- full haue not onely withfltAl and blood, but h Satan biin- felfeand fpiiituali kedoetfc.tpheU cThat is.Chrill fpe.iketh to God Μ theMediatoutof bit Church, that he would rebuke Sitan : and here he iheweth himfelfe the continual^ piefeiuer of hit Church. Meaning , that bo(huawaiwoii• derfnily pieferued capiiuiiy, and now Satan fougbt loafflift and trouble him η he was dw lit office, refpeft ofthe glorousgaimeot* and prrciriutltone* hat ibe Ptieftet iid weaie before hecapiiuity : tot by this contemp- ble lute the ΓίΟ* [>her lignilieih that tbefe fmall begia• ags (hould be made excellent when Cb.irt (halt , tnikethefullre. Itituiion 0' hit Church. fHeflievreth ofwhatapparell hefpeaketh.whiihii, when out (il;bf fi ..n't are laktnaway, and wee are ς lad with Guds merciei, which it meanttif the fjiiritii&ll reititution. g The Truphet prayetb.that reli.les iht r»imer t.the Ptielt might alfe haue tyie for hii heaJ accordingly, that it, that ihedignitieo'thePrielt- hood might be peifcft :a d thu wavfulfille • iu Cbriit , who was both Piieft aod King and here all iuch are condemned , that can conien• themfelues with any niejnerefoiniaiionin religioi , feei'.gthe Piophei delireth thepe'fcaipn, and ub- taineia it. hThat is kiue rule and gouernerarnt in my Church, as thy ptedecef- fori ha ic had i Whereby h- xuaiieth to haue the whole charge and mitiiftery of the Church. k That it .the Angels . who trprefeuted the whole nuin'^eroi the fji'hfull : liguifying iha: all the godly ftiould willingly receiue him. I Sk- cau'e thiy fol'ow my word . they are coutemtjed iotbe world ,, a d eftecmed a» monlteis IfaS.iS mThat is, Chtil» . who did fo hun.ble hinfelfe .that not onel; he became the feiuant of God. ttitalfo the feiuant of wen: and therefoiein him they (hculd haue comfort, ilicough in -he world they werecn»iemned , Ifa. ii.i.I-r.a3 f.and 53 14 ir• '■ He flie.veih tbat the n.ioiiert cannot build before God Ly the titlt Itone.wbich isChrift.wbo tt full of eyes, both becaule he grjelh ligh: V to all otheii,.nJ that alliHfthtto feeke light »* him Chap. + , lo ο Thae is, I will m.-keit ι eifca in all poiuis.ai aaing wiought by the hind of GO D, pTbough I h at p'uniilled this laud for a time , yet I will euen ηοΛ bepaciKfi. and vili: th-it linies no mote. qYc (hail then Hue in peace and «JuietDcflf t ''^'•" if, in ihtkiBidomeofChri,. ,Iia,»,», iuitab,4.*. haggai i.ig. Q,qi CHAP. ^ecnarian, WickedneilelJlutv-^. » which wtieaer the midi of the Temple, fijBirjriDg tbjc chp graces of Go.fsfiiiiitihcun /lliiietbe/e io molt tbuodance, aad in all peiTeaioo, bVl-hi.hcuaueyed "e tkrt iroppfd fr^-m ih; treei iato the hmp», ioihai ihe light ceaei fjlled: lad this viiioD was tocoiififHiethe faithCuUthatOod kad fufficieLt powtr io fciiiifelfe «ocoDtiautbii bring thevifim 0/ thegcIA tbereif. A' Ν J the Angel that talked with mee , came a- gaine and wake'd me , as a tuan that is ralfed outijf his fletpe, I And faid vnto mec , What feeft thoa ? And I faid , I haue locked, and bchcid, a * cantllefticka all of gold v/ich 1 bowle νροη the top cf it , anJ his feu2n Urapes therein , and feiien ^ pipes to the lampcs which were vpon the top thereof, 3 And two oliue trees ouet it , one vpon the right fide of the bowie , snd the other vpon the left fide thereof. 4 So I anfwered and fpake to the Angel that talked with iEe,fayipg,\Vhac are thefe.tny Lord? J Then the Angel that talked with mee , an- fwered and fai J vnto me , KnoweS thou not what thefe be? And I faid. No, my Lord. 6 Then he anfwered and fpake vnto me , fay^ ing , This is the word of the Lord vnto ^ Z;rub- babel , faying , Neither by d an army not Rtength, but by my Spirit, faith the Lordof hoafts. 7 Who art thou, Ο = great rooantaine, before Zerubbabel ί tlmtfhalt be a phine, and f he ihall bring foorth the head iione thereof,with Ihoutings, f 7/15, Grace, grace vnto it. 8 Moreouer , the word cf the Lord came vnto me, faying, 9 The hands of Zernbbabel haue layed the foundation of this boufe : his hands ili^ll alfo linilh it , and g thou lliah know that the Lord of hoails hath fent me vnto you. 10 For who hath defpifed the day of the '' fmall things ? but they Ihiii reioyce. and fliall fee the ftoiie of ' tinne in the hand ofZerutbabel: h thefe f;uen ars the eyes of the Lord , which goe thorow the whole world, I I Then anfwered I, and faid vnto him, What are thefe two oliues trees vpon the right and vpon the lift fide thereof ? 1 1 And I fpake moreouer , and faid vnto hinj, What be thefe two oliue branches , which thorow the two golden pipes emptie themfclues into the gold i 13 And he anfwered mee , ar>d Gid , Knoweft thou not what thefe be ? An i I faid , No , my Lord. 4 Then Hid he.Thefe are the two 1 oliue bratj- ches, that ftand with the ruler of tlic whole earth, f Though the Vne- itoin thii ke to Itzy ihiibuiHiog, yetZeiubbabel (ball lay the bighe.1 fttne thrre- of ; and biicg it to perfiraion , fo that all iht godly fliall ifioyte . and pi ay veto God ihathe wojid tootinuehit giaceaud f^ui-ui to.vard the Tcnj^'Ie. g Mea- oiig, the Prophet, thai I am Cbrilt ffit of mj Father for the buildii^g and prefer- luaiion of my fpiiituall Temple. h Signifying, that all Wfic difvcui.'ged atihe jfrtiail and poore brginniogi of the Trm^Ie. i \\'hereby he ijgnificih ihepluiu- I met and line , that is , ih^t Zeiubb.bcl which repieleTtrJ Chult, (hould goe foi- Iwaid uviihJiis building to the loj and comfoit of the godly .though the wor'dbe nu him.anj though bijfot a while btdifcouraged.becaufc ihty fee not thing! faoito thetye. kTba- is.GoJ hath feuen eyes , meaning, a coniinuall pio- , fo that nei.her Satan oor any power in the world can gre abuut C9 bring I graces, a „ bis promile ta palfc thoujh he bad DO belpe of oiao. c Who wai a fi- gure of Chrift, and «bercfore thiido- arinewaidilraed to all the Church, 9sho ar^iabedy Mid mrnib;!». d He fheweih that Cods powei oaely ts fu'^hcientto pre- ftiuehil Church, though he vfc sot otans helpe thete- VE'.O. e Ha compareih the power of the eduerOirtS to 1 {reatmountalne, who thought tie lewes noiSiiig in ι refpcft of ι hem, ;aiid Aouldbaue hindered Zerub- j babrl, who repre• 1 ffottd Chrifl.whom jtbe eaeniies day!y ; labour to let in the btuHiog ofbii 'fpifltuall Temple, bu: all ID value. any ihii g to p.fle to binder hi• worke , chap, r 9. anJ fill ,f. y'e , fu thai (till theypowrtJ fjpr h oyl• thatGOil will cor.tiBuailyiraintaiue With sbAiidia.t andif tiicft.ou of g> I ^hich were euer gieene into the lampei'i figuifymg, picfcrue bit Cbuicii , «udeoduc it itiU !l- C Η A P. V. The viftintf tie II) ing bttke , ['■inifjtni tht turfr of 'heruei , undfuch .:$ atufe ihi N-imt ef Cti ί Β) t'le •jtfi.M of tht meafne n figntfieii ike bnn^ing of IiiiLthi nflhcti-minii £ab)li)K. Γ Ken I turned ire , and lifted vp mine eyes and ^ i9oKed»^dbehoid,ae'jingU)ok«•^ I And he iai Jvnto ree , "wiat it eft thou ϊ And j I anfwered , I fee a flying » booke : the length j thereof Μ tweotie cubits, and the breadth thereof ί I ten cubits. hBecaufetbelewea 5 Then faid he vnto me, This is the curfe that ^*^''^P'°^''''"='* goeth forth ouer the whole earth : for euery one tomeiDDiig"hi,' that ^ ftealetb, Ihall be cut off, αβριΙΙ on this ■= fide, jwo.d, and caning as on that : and euery one that d fweareth ,fliallbe "f aiUudgtmeEt cut off. afo'clt on this fide, as on that. ifcrwet^h't'Slfood» 4 I will bring it forth, faith the Lord of hoalls, Icutfes wiittea ia and it /hall enter into the houfc of thethitfe.and•^'' '"'okehad into the houfe of him that fallly fweareth by m; Ion 'ieut^-nd their Name : and it ihall remaine in the middcs of his \ fathen : but now houfe. and ihall confuine it, with the timber there- ! ''' ''"v ^''"•''i "• of.and ftones thereof. iCd\?el:'''°"''* y Then the Angel that talked with me , went foorth , and faid vnto me , Lift vp now thine eyes, and fee what is this that goeth forth 6 And I fayd , What is it ? And hee fayd. This is an « Ephah that goeth foorth. Hee layd moreouer , This is the f fight of them through all the earth. 7 And behold , there was lift vp a g talent of lead : and this is a h woman that fitieth in the mids of the Ephah. 8 And be faid. This is ■ wickedncs, and he caft it into the middcs of the Ephah , and hee uft the weight of lead vpon the mcjuth thetecf. 9 Then lift I vp mine eyes , and locked : and beholde , there came out two ^ women , and the wind tTM in tlieir wings (for rhey had wings like the wings of a ftorke) and they lift vp the Ephah betweene the earth and the heauen. 10 Then faid I to the Angel that talked with me, Whither doe thefe beare the Ephah ) I I And he (ayd vnto roe , To build it in houie in the land of Shinar, and ir Ihall beeftablillied and fet there vpon her owne place feuteth ioiquitie^ ai in the next verfe. i Signifying > that Satao Ihould pot haue fetch power «gaiult the lewet ΐυ tempt tbeiii, at bee h«d in time p.trt, but that God wi/uld fl.uc vp initjuity in a meafure at inapiifon. k '.Vhich declared that God woulj execute his iudgeinect t y the nieanei of the weakt and ii fiime mearet 1 To aiDoDg the Calde» aos their fi.tmex enemici b That ij, vfeth any iniuiie towarj hi, neighbour, c Meaning, wbeie• faeuer be be in :hi world. d He that tranf- gieOeth tee fir fi- table. and ferueib not Gad aright, but abufcih Gadt Name e Which wai 3, meafure io drie tbingi, conieiniog aboui ten poiteli. f That i•, all tfas itkedne» of the gc dly is ill Godt fight, which hee keepetb in a mea- fure, ard caa fliur it or open it at hit p!e-fure g To couer the meafure. h v. hicb repie- niquity and affiiftioD that came fut the Urns item ludah , to p!i 1 Bibylco. CHAP. VI. B; thefcure ihauti bt ieicrihtth iht fcure Mcnttrchies, AGaine I turned and lift vprcine eyes.and loo- ]iFn\ ' an.l hnhol/l t^i.>rA /^arr\(a fnnrf .. rh^rt^tK ked : and behold , there came foure ■ charets out from betueene h two mountaines, and the Ciountaines were tEoantainei of brafle 2 In the firft cbaret u ere "^ red hoifes ,and in the fecond charet d bUcke borfes, 3 And in the third charet ' white horfes,and in the fourth charet , horfes of f diucts colours. and f> By tt.brafei reddiili. 4 Then I anfwered, and fayde vnto the An- Ρ gel that talked with mee , What ai e thefe , my Lord? 5 And the Angel anfwered , and fayd vnto ^j* tree., T*iefe are the foure g fpirits cf the heauen, which goe fooith from fianOirg with the Lord cf to^e all the earth. 6 That with the blacke hotfe went fotth into »By charetilerei by hoi fet afore, he meaneth the fi ineflengeri ofGod to execute iod dec:are bit will* mount '1DF> be Jieaneibthe txter- fell, an* prouidrn.e cf by be hath from before ! eternitie de- eed what (hall dJ which mithec Satan cor all the c Which figoifiea ihe'^reat cnir!tiea-d perfecution 'h»t thr Ch mic5. d Sig lifyii.g , ihac thry hf eni'ured great fltiffious vndet the Babylo» ci.ns e Thtfc lepretnted uc't ftate vuei be 1 c'l.a > which lelioi^iltkeit» to libeitii. fwhiih fign fied that God vcoui* ii m'tiii e gije hii Churcl» reH, ad p^.wte hi, plagu i v^on heir -tiemie, > ι$ bUf d^d iO-dr' ri-vii-g Nir.eue, an.iBa'y.in and oihei -heir ν lunie». g Jieauing, ,^11 ibr lit ο .s ai.d nioiiio» •f G< ds Spiiit which a^coidis^ te bit Vavban^Cable tt ut. vll uc baufeih toaj}» pc4U ttuoug,a ^ tUe t^odit^ (lift TBeBfanch. Hypocrites ._Cliap. VII. vlll. fafting, Citicoftraeth. 124 the land of the North, an J the νΛίιιε went out if:er to the f Pricfts.and fajr. When ye fifted.and tnotff- j i them , and they of diuers colours went foorth , cedin^fift andfeuenthrooneth.eaenthefe ftueijw toward the ^ Soatb countrejr 7 And the • reddiih went oot , and required to goe , and paffe thorow the wofld, and he laid , Go, paffe thorow the world. So they went thorowout the world. 8 Then aied he τροη tne , and fpake vnto me, laying , Behold , thefe that goe toward the North countrey , baue pacified my k fpirit in the Nwrth coaturey. 9 And the word of the Lord caioe vnto mee, faying, 10 Takeof themof thecaptiuitie ,ίΚΜ of Hel- dai.andufTobiiab.and ledaiah, which arc come froiD Bibtl , and come thou the fame day , and goevmotheboufe of'Iofhiais ,thc fonneofZe- phaniah. 1 1 Take euen filaer , and golde , and make crownes , and fet thim vpon the «> head of Icho- flwa, the fooneof lehozadak the hie Piieft, 1 2 And fpeake vntu him . faying , Thus fpea- keth the Lord of hoaQs.anJ faith, Bitiold.the man whofe name is the i Branch, and he fliall growe ο vp out of bis place , and be r example, ni Beuufeihit cou!d not be it- tribuied to any Oie Jccordir;g to the Law, therefore it follovvetbthat lehoiliua mud re- p'efeRt the MelTi- «n.who ϊΐ•Λ both Tiieft and king. nMe ningCarift, cf whom Icbo. Cua Xii the fi they wereb' caired lefui. ' ο That is, ofhim- fetfe without the fcelpeof roan. f Whichdcclareih , «tat none could build this Temple whereof Haggai fpeaketh, fcut onely Cbril : «nd theiefore ii ArasfpiritujIl.inJ not ma'eriall, Haggai a.io. q Whereof lebofliua had butaihadow. r The two offi.es of the kin^dome, and Tried hood fliall befo ioyned together, thar thcylhallbe nomoredill'euered. f Who was alf J called Heldai. t He was alio calle 1 loQiialh. uTbatthey may ackoowledge their lofinniiie, whi^h louked that allthiogs Giould baue besne icitored iocooiineotly: and of this their iiifi.lelity thefe two crownes ihal reuuint «> t kiu», ^&ι 1,16. X That is, the Gentiles by the preaching cf the Gofpe , fliall belpe toward tbf building of toe Γριιίιιιιΐΐ Temple, y If yee will beleeue •ud remaiae in the otied>e°'c of 'aitb. CHAP. V 1 1. f The true facing . 1 1 The reheiisn of the fetflt is the (iuletfthrir «/ί-β/ο». ANd in the fourth yeere of King Darius , the word of the Lord came vnto Zechariah in the fourth da;/ of the ninth raoneth , euen in a Cbifleu, 2 For b they had f^-nt vnto the Houfc of God Sharezer , and I*gem-mektb and their men to pray before the Lord, 5 ^ndio fpeake vnto the Priefts , which were in the Houfe of the Lord of hoaftes , and to the Prophets , f yiBg, Should I ' wcepe in the lift n;o- neth ,anJ ■ (Iparaie my feife as I baue done thefe fo roanv « yecres ί 4 Then came the word of the Lord of hoaftes vnto me, faying, y Speake vnto all the people of the land , and • Wlii'clieentei. Ded part of No- n-mber ao,1 pan of bece -ibcr. feTbatis the red cfibe people that remain--! yet in Caldcs.fenttoihe Church It ler.ifa- lem, for the refo- lutionofthef. queftions, becaufe thefe feafts were confentenJ νροα by the agreement ef the whole Ch iicb. the one iothemoDeih ^^a' -he Temple waideitr yel, in I tWf «ther when GedaliahA'asnaiif,I-re.4i 1. 1 By weepi ani mourn'Dg tppeare «bar exercifes they vied in their filing, d Tba; is . pare my felfe w th all deuotion to ibis f#l, e Which wa• now lioce vhe ύ^ Teniflewas deltioyed. uerfic. beftdes thea• fft re- Caldea, and reafoned vf it, as of one of the chiefepoiDU of their ttligion. { For they ihoDglit the; haddefetuid toward God be- caufe of this fait, which they inueo• ted of tbemfeluei: ■ nd though faCine ef it fe'.febe rooil, yet becaufe they thought it a feruice toward God, aa4 tiuRed therein, it is here reptooued. b DiJ ve not eaic fciipt of my Law. iHeiebybecott- demceth their by• [wcrifie, whiih th.Bghtby theit farting to pleaie Cod and by futll things*• they i f For there were 6 And when yee did eate . and when yee cudl pij, .nd of tH" drinke, did ye not eat Ί for your felues, and drinkej ]'ί<:'ι». which foryourfelues ί ^ --- 7 Should yee not he'dfi the wordes which the Lord 'hath cried by the minifterieof thefurmer Prophets when lerufalem was inhabited, and in profpeiltie, and the cities thereof round auout her, when the Soath and the plaine was inhabited f % And the word ot the Lord came vnto Ze- chariah,ia)ing, 9 Thus Ipeaketh the Lord of boafles, faying, ^ txjoite true iudgement, and (hew mercy and CompaiTion.euery roan to his brother, 10 And opprefl'e not the widow, nor the father- lefle, ^ ft• anger nor the poore, and let none of you imagine euill agiinft his brother in your heart 1 1 But they tefufed to hearken . and ' pulled tway the ihoulder , and flopped their eares , that they Ihould not heare . 12 Yea, they made their hearts as an adamantiinddnVke for you» ftone,leaft they fhould beare the Law and the ο«'^«"™"°''"'«. words which the Lord of hoafts fent in his « Spirit Z\i)^^e\\i\& by the minifterie of the former Prophets : there- »b!iaine «f cording fore came a great wrath from the Lord of hoafts. jto yc-ur owne fan- 15 Therefore it is come to paffe. that as he ctU '.Jl*;;,•/ „f"*'pi^" ed , and they would not heare , fo they cried, and [ would not heare, faith the Lord of hoafts. 14 But I fcattered them among all the nations, whom- they knew not : thus the land was defulate «> after them, that no man paffed through nor re- turned : for they laid the pleafant land " wafti. uented.Jc in the mfa'^e feafon would not fcriie him t% he had commanded." k fU flieweth that they did not fa(i wiib a fiocere heart, but for bypocrifie, and •!>« if was not done of a pure ieligio.i,beca«'e tbat they lacked thefe offices of thatuie, which fllould haue declared tbat they were godly , Mauh.a3,iJ. I And wouW Dotcaiie the Lords burthen , which was fweete and calie . butwculi beire their OA'oe, which Was heauiea:d grieuous 10 the flelh, chinking to merit theiby:wbich fitniliiude is iiliea of cxeu^ which flirinkeat the yoke, >!ebe.9,»9. m Wbithde- cUicth .bat they lebsllcd not ooely agaiclt the Piophets, but againit theSpniiof God thjt fpUe in thtm. η Th« is , after tbey were caried caitiut, ο Β» ΛκΛ fmoe» whereby they piouoked Gods aogir. CHAP. V 1 1 L > Of t*f r-f"r»i' of rft< fe0ple vxto Itrufidem , ληΛ tfiht merq cf Ccd tewari them. a« Of%tei wvrKei. ac The ζΛΐάπ^ ef the Gtnliles- Λ Gain: the word of the Lord of hoaftes came ^to me, faying, 2 Thus faiih the Lordof hoaftes , I was » jea- lous for Zion with great iealoulie , and I was iea- lous for her with great wrath. 3 Thus faith the Lord , I will returne vnto Zion. and will dwell in the mids of lerufalem : and lerufalem fiiall be called a^ citie of truerh , and the Mountainc of the Lord of hoaftes , the holy Moiintaine. 4 Thus faith the Lord cf hoaftes , There iliall yet olJ'^men and oldwomen dwtllin theflteets of" lerufalem , and eucry tnan with hisftaffc in his hand for very age. y And the Itreets of the citie lliallbefullof boyesand girles.playing in the ft ects thereof. 6 Thus fiith the Lotd of hoattes.Thougn itrbe «ivnpoflible in the eyes of the remnant of this pe.)ple in thefe dayts .ihould it therefore be vn p.iHole in my fight,raith the Lord of ho^ttes f 7 Thus faith ihe Lord of In laftes. Behulil.I will deiiuer my people f om the taft countrey , and from the Welt countrey. God can per'ormt that which he hath prsmiftiJ, though it fiSi'e toiii»B,G«ii.iS,i+• K»•" ♦•«>• Q,q4 «And 1 1 lourd my ciey tba liiigulaf loue. fo ihat I could not «Wide tba'. any (hould hei an» iniury. b Becaufe ihe 0)»η ll,»Bd" loyall toward me cr hinbind. ThoJfh their < aemies did great- ly nicleft and trou- ble them, y^t God would com» aid dwel' among them, and fo pre'erue tb'ts Γο long as ni'ure wou d fuf• fetthrmtoliBe, atdincreafeiheJf chillieoingie» abuntance d He Uiewetb wheel" our faith 10 brleeue thar cesc ocugr fo vof of. The vocation of the Gentiles• 8 And I will bring them, and they flwlU dwell ia the raids of lerufalem, and they ilialbe my people, Scl v?il be their GoJ in trueth.Sc in righteoulnes. 9 Thus faith the Lord of hoaftes .Let your f hands be ftrong , yee that heare in thefe dayes thefe words by the mouth of the Propheis , which were in the day , that the foundation of the houfe of the Lord of hoaaes was kide , that the Terople might be buildiJ. 10 For before thefe dayes there was no hire for g man, nor any hire for beail, neither was there any peace to hina that went out or came iii be- caufe of the afflidion ; for I iet ell men , euery one againft his neigrbour. 1 1 But now , I will not entreat e the refidue of this people as aforetine .faith the Lord of hoaftes. 1 2 For the feede [hail be profperoBS : the vine sfed fl^all giue her fruit , and the ground fliall giue her increafe.aiid the heauens ihall gitie their dewf; and ί will caufe the remnant of this people to poSeffe all thefe things. 13 And it fnall come to paffe , that as ye were a curfe among the heathen , Ο houfe of Iiidah, and boufe of Ifrael.fo will I deliuer you, and ye ilwllbe a bleifing : feare not, hut let your bands be ftrong. 1 4 For thus faith the Lord of boailes , As I tbougln to punifli h you , vAen your fathers pro- uoked mee vnto wrath , faiih the Lord of hoattes, and repented not, I J So againehaue I determined in thefe dayes i to doe well vnto lerafalem , and to the houfe cf ludah : feare ye tsot. 16 Thefe are the things that ye fhall do.Speaka ye euery man the trueth vnto his neighbour : exe- cute iudgsment truely . 6c vprightly in your gates, 17 And let none of you imagine eu!!' in your hearts againft his neighbour , and loue no f^lfe oathe: for all thefe are the things that I hate, fait^ the Lord. 18 And the word of the Lord of hoaftes came vnto me. faying, "■- 19 Thus faith the Lord of hoaftes , The faft of the fourth Wfnei/) , and the fait oithefift. and the faftofthefetienth.and the faftofthek tenth, iLall be to the houfe of ludab ioy andgladneffe.and profperous high feaRs : therefore luue the trueth and peace. 20 Thus faith the Lord of hoaftes , That there fl->all yet come ' people , and the ^ihabitants of great cities. 21 And they that dwell in one citk, fhsl! go to another, faying. * Vp, let vs go and pray before the Lord,and fetke the Lord of hoafts : I willgoe alfo. 22 Yea.grear people and mightie nations ihall Come to fetke the Lord of hoaftes in leruialem, and to pray before the Lord. 23 Thus faiih the Lord of hoaftes , In tbofe dayes iliallten men take hold out of all languages of the nations , tnen take hold of the skitt of him that is a lew , and fgy , We will goe with you ; for we haue heard that God is with you. CHAP. IX. The ihrtatuing tfihe Gcnti!t'..'jThe c(mmingofChrip. Τ He burthen of the worde of the Lord in the land of a Hadracb : and D.imafcus βαΙΙΙτΐ his b reft : when the <= eyes of man , euen of all the tribes of Ifrael/T'i'Sii'e toward the Lord. 2 And Harcath alfo fliall border d thereby: wes fha'.l conutrt sod repeat , then GoJ will deitroy ihtir by Daiaafcut : )nt«Dicg , ihaiiUuvub u( AjittoihM Alould Zechariah. The comming of Chria, Whewby he itancib SytU. b Gois anger (hall I'oide vpi>n tbcir cbiefc citie, and coi pile fo much as :bit. c When the aeniirs. d Th : vtAtt the fame loj ;.nii(iaguei Tyms Λΐ[β and Zitten .though thty he ' very wife, 3 For Tyrus did build her felk a ftrong hold, and heaped rpfilner as the dnft , and golde as the mire of^the Itreets. 4 Behold , the Lord will Ipoile her, and he will fmite her f power in the fea , and Ibee Hull be de- uoared with fire. f AlLkelon Ihall fee it , end feare , and Azzah alfo iliall be very forrowfull , and Ekron : for her countenance 11«11 be alhamed ; and the king iliall peri lb from Azzah , and Allikelon iliall not be^- l)aLited. 6 And the Ζ ftranger fliall dwell in Aftidod, and I will cut offriie pride of tbe Philiftims. 7 And Ϊ will takeaway his blood out of his mouth , and his abominations from betweene his '■ teeth : but be that remaineth , euen he fhallbe for our God , and he ihallbe as a prince in luJah .but ' Ekron fhallbe as a lebufite. 8 And I will campe about k mine Honfe againft the armie , againft him that pafl'eth by, and againft him that retuinetb , and no oppreflbur ihall come vpon them any more : for now * haue I feene with mine eyes. 9 Reioyce gteady , Ο daughter Zion , fliont for ioy . Ο daughter lerufalem : behold , thy king corameth vnto thee : m be is iuft , and faued him- felfe , poore and riding vpon an ° afle, and vpon a colt the foale of an afte. 10 And I will cut off the °charets fromE- phtaim , and the horie from lerufalem : the bowe of the battel! Ihall be broken , and he fliall fpeake peace vnto the heathen .and hisdoFiinion /"fcrt/ifre frora ρ fea vnto fca,and from the 4 B.iuer to tbe,end of the land. 1 1 f Thou alfop/i/.• '-le faued through the blood of thy couenant. I haue loofed thy fpiifonets out of the pit wherein ύ no water. 1 2 Turne you to the ' ftrong hold, y e ti prifo ners of hope : euen to day doe 1 declare , that I will render the ^ double vnto thee. J 3 For ludah haue I bent as a y bowe for me Ephraims hand haue I filled . and I baue raifed vp thy fonses, Ο Zion, agaii:ft thy fonnes , Ο Grecia and haue made thee as a gyants fword. 14 And the Lord lliallbe feene ouer them . and fcis arrow iliall go forth as the lightning ; and the Lord God ihdli blow the trumpet , and Ihall come foorth %vith the wbirlewinds of the South. 1 y The Lord of hoaftes ib«ll defen.i them,and they fluU deuoure them , ^ and fubdue them with fling ftones.and they Iliall drinke, and make a noife as through wine , and they ihallbe fJled like bow• les, a»d as the homes of the altar. 16 And the Lord their God fliall deliuer them in that day as the flocke of his people : for they t He fecretly ihtwe ih thecaure of their deittufti- OD, becsufe thty deceiued all oihef by iheir craft and fubtiltie, which they cloaked wiill s name of fedome. fThoughtheyof Tyrus thiHkethem- felars iouincible by irafon uf the fea ttat ccmpafieth und about. yet :hey (kail not eicape Godt iudg•. ments. g Meaning, that allttlouldbede- Ar»yed, faue a vetf few, ihatlhou:dre« aioeas itrangert. He .premifeth ta deliuer the lewes ben be Oiall take ngeacce on ihcir enemies fotibeit crselty and wrong» dor:e to them. lebulitrj bad bindcDrryed, fo Oiou.'d Ekion aad allthePhiliitircf. k H.- Ciewetb tba: Coii power onely cfufficientto defend bi, Churcli ajaialtajiaiuetfi- they L.f net fo ciutll.or alTem. power i That is, GoJ hath now feme the greiiiniurie* od affliftiocs vbeiewith they baue bene affliftett by :beir enemies. That!t, heh.,ifc gbiecun.tireand f^^lunicn iabiin. felfefoi thevf* nd commoditie fbi» Chuicb. D \Vbich decla« tliey (hould not lorke for filch a king a» (hou'dbe gloiioii3 heeriei oiman, niould be f>oore, and yet iit niralcire baue all Jowet to dfliuet 3is ; and tbii it eait of Chrift, i Mat.21./. No power of man or creature ihalbeable tolet ihiskingduraeof Chrift , snd he ihall peace, biy goueine ibem by Tfcatis, !rrmiheredfca,totberejcall-d, Sy iai.uro:andtytbefe pJacet which the leA'ei knc^vV , he aeeait an itrt iie fpace and conpalfc ouer the whole World, ij That is trom Eupbratei. r MeaLir.g Ieiufalein,or ihe Church, whkh is faued iy the blood o! Chiilt whetof tbe blood cf ;he facriHces w?s a fijur-,a d is here called the ccuena. ι oltbe Cbuicb.becaufeGodma^e it wiih hi» Cbuf.h.aLiiltftit .vitb.tbtiuforthejoue ih«t be laje vnip cirai. 1 Ondflieweth that he wil deliuer h iChurch our of ail da geis.freiiie they oeuer fo great, t TbaB is, into the holy laid where tie ciry an.l the Ten pie are , where God will defend you u Meaning tbe faithful!, 7>b' hfeen.cdio bt ! η danger of ibeir eneinies oa euery fide, tod yei lineii i,i hope ihjt God vvoulH irltoie them to libcrtie X That is, diuble ben^fi.s «nd pri fpcrity. imefpcft of that which y ur fathers euioyej from Dju- 'stir.,eiothec>ptiuitie. y I wili in.ke Iiuah and E|'traiii.,ibai i$,my whole Cburcb , vifto.iorn Λ^,'Ίαϋ si! enmiK-s , woich bee heie n^eanetb by tb« Grecians. ζ He ; tomiferb tl (05 b:ieiv. aad athaDlii:(uUi«neiubriMe c(Gvdi great tiber.:lLtie ■ βΛUki lEphra• imasa gyant. Chap. a The fai.bfull Ibalbepieftrucd. and rtuerencfd of all, that ihe very «ntroies flialbe compelled :o cttecine tbein : for Godsgloty Ibal ihi hee rcetie ladi fhdbt at the»ftone$ofhiscrowne lifted vp vpon his land. 17 For how great is his goodnefle ! and how great is his Leautie ! come Ihall make theyomig men cbeerefull, and new wine the maydes. ■ Theriophet re- picueibthelewcj becaale by their oAne infi.lelitie they putbacke God» grjces pro- mi fed, and (o fa- uiine came by Godi iuft iudge- luent : therefore to auoid thii plague, he willeth rhem t> turne to God, and 10 piay infiiihio him , andfo he will giue thera abuD• daoce. bHecalletbtore- mcnibraace Gedi pUDiifamenCf io times pan,becau(e they iruUed not ia him, but ii their idoles and force- lers who euet de- ceiued them- cThat is , the I<4ves went iuto capiiuiiie- d Meaning . the cruell goujrnouts which did oppreDi the poore flieepe, Ezek 34 16. r?. e He will be mtr- cifull to hi» Church and cherilh them ai a king or prince doth his belt horfe «vhicb {halbe for bisowiie vfe 13 the warre. fOutofludih iball the cbiefe 1 corner to vp- to'd the bui'ding , and 31 a tuyle to faiieo it togeiher, g Ouer then ene- ibetii^h •CHAP. X. 1 The vtnitie tfldolairie. 3 Tht Leriprmiftth tivi• file and ccmfm the hcufe tflfrad. Λ Ske you of the « Lord raine in the tinne of the "** latter raine : fo ihall the Lord make white cloudes.and gitie you ihowres of raine, n^J^i to cuery one gralle in the field . 2 Surely the t> idoles haue fpoken vanitie , and the foothfayers haue feenc a lye , and the dreamers haue tc^lde a vaine thing : they comfort in vaine: therefore ^ they went away as Iheep2 : they were troubled, becaufe there was no Tiiepheardi 3 My wratlf was kindled againft the fliep- heards , and I did vidte the d goates : but the Lord of hoafis will vifite his flocke the boufe of ludah, and will tuake them as «^ his beautifuil horfe in the battell. 4 Om fof him iliall the corner come fcorth: out of him rhe nayle .outofhim the bow of bat- tell, Λ«ίί out of him euety g appoiu:er of tribute alio. y And they flialbe as the ncighty men , which tread downe their cnemits in the royre of the ftreetes in the battell , and they iliall fight , becaiife the Lord « with them , and the riders on horfss ilialbecoi'.fuurided. 6 And I will ftrengchen the houfe of ludah, and I will preierue the ^ houfe of loieph . and I will bring them againe, for I pitty them : and they iliall be as though I bad notcaft them off ; for I am the Lord their God, and will ::earethem. 7 And they of EphtaiiE ihjll be as a gyant: and their heart iliall seioyceas thiough wine : yea, their children Iliall fee it .and bg glad : ^nri their heart ll^ill rcioyce in the Lord. 8 I will ihi lie for them, and gather thero: for I haue redeemed them : and ihey ihell increafe, as they haue increafed. g And ί will ^ fow them among the people, Is "d"° who'fti'all bu ^^d they fliall remember me in farre contreycs: and they ihall Hue with their children and l turr.e sgaine. 10 I will bring them againe alfo out of the land of Egypt , & gather them out of Asfliiir : and I will bring them into the land of Gilead .ar.d Lebanon, and place Ihall not be found fur them. 1 1 And he "^ iliaU go» into the ka with affli- Stioa , and ihall fmite the waues in the fea , and all thedephts of the riuer ilull drie vp : and the pride of Aslhur ilialbe caft downe , and the fcepter of Egypt Ihall deprataway. 12 And I will ftrerg;hen them in the Lprd, and tiiey Ihall walke in tiis Name .faith the Lotd. f\Vcn thy doores.O » Lebaren, aad the fire i* B«"uft tieie^^ i ^-'ihill deuoure thy cedars. iewOiuT 2 Howie , b firte trees ; for the cedar is fallen, Γιμ"}-'!! of Ihii^ ' becaufc all the mightie are deftroyed : bowlc jre,!"^'"'^'»'"*. «b»t ■ Ookes of Balhao , for the c defenced forrett is cut !f ""ΓΓ.'. "'!" downs. 3 There « the voyce of the bowling of the ;hTha I, the tea tribei , which fhould be gathe- red vnder Chrift to the reft of the Gburch. i Whereby he declareth the power of Ged, who nerdetb no great preparatioa when hi- w.ll de- liufr his : for wi;h a becke or hiOe hee can calltbem frojn all places fjddenly. k Though they ibally-t be fcatteied and fccmf to b: lolt.yf i: ihaloe [..LUtable vnto them: for ihers ttey fliall come m the k;:owlei.geof)uyNair.c , wfc'ch Aji ac'.oniplillied vnder the Gofpel , among whom it was fir. 1 preached. I No; that they ttlould retarneino their counir»y . but be gathered ai-.H ioyned in on* fai h by bedcftrineoftlMGo'ptl. m He- aundeta to the deliueranceoi ibtlieujile eut of Egypt, wtete stbe Angel fiiiote the flvodntid liuris. C Η A P. X I. I The deflruilhn of the Ttmple. ^Ihe c»tt »f thf faith. fi/l rs rcmmtited tt Chrtft, 7 ^gritH»lf} vifttn ni/unft ItrnfUtm ΑκΛ Itiiib. g^|iiiouniaiue. that fjet:emy could con *" ko hurt theiD, thi prophet Qlewett ΐς jtbat when God ihepheards : far their' d glory is deftroyed i the j,^"^ff/^'^|^"^^- voyce of the roaring of lyonswhelpcs: for the jitVeVfe ready pride of lorden is deltroyed. leceiue thi 4 Thus fayeth the Lord my God , Feede the Iheepe of the = ilaughter. y They that polVelie them , fliy them f and finne not : and they that fell them.fay^i Blelfed ht the Lord: for I tm rich.and their owne fliepheards ipare them rot. 6 Surely I will no more fpare thofe that dwell in the land, faith the Lord: but loe ,h I willdeli- Uir the men euery one into his neighbours hand, end into the hand of his ' king : and they Iball froite the land , and out of their hands I will net deliuer them 7 k poore ftaues : the one I called Beautie , and the other I called Bands, and I fed the ilieepe. For I fed the llieepe of flatighter , euen the "°'f re of the flocke .and I tocke vnto me ' two j;* .^ foule abhorred me. 9 Tnui fiy d I . I will not feede you : that thatl |:^°8 ""' «"'^ '*'* Jill, g He Doieth the hypocrites, whicil euer baue the Name ot God ia ibeii racutbes, though in tbcir lite and doings they denieGod, ami- buting their ^aine to Gods klelltngs, wb ch coinnietU *ftDe fpoyleof tbuir btethrfD. h I will caufe cnc to dfilroy;noihe% i Their gouerooif (liallexrcuiecram eliieouet tbein. k That II , the fitull reninanr, whom he thought- worihie to Ihcw ireicie VDto. 1 God Ciiweih , his great bereliir ( towaid bis people 1 to coauincethcin of greater ingrati- tude, which woulif ueiibeibeiuled by bis moft beau- tifuil ordei of gtffc ueroement, neiflK cODtinue in the baodi of brotbtrlir vnitie, and tbtrefof•* hebitaketbbothihfr' one and the otbci. Some rcade, for Banc's, Deftroyer», m vvdrreby fare Qie-Aeifa hi*' rileis.becauleihey beciufrthry woulj th tbst the lead pare ritby God» .u.lgtM'ent•. ρ Bflide» their ingratitude GoJ atcufeth tbemt o. mi'.ce a«.i wi.tedi eife , wti:h didcotontly forgei h:s fceoehts , b>' t eltermti; them anbingi of r.m>ghc. q Shewing that it was too liilr te ray hi» Wage•». whith crul feat frfu'ii^e to make . fewtylesfot t > ceuer the Temple. i Sij-ni- fying thj; they fllould baw accrtaineiicde of regiinect and outward DleW of gouerornicnt .• but io elfca ti i'nouU be coihio j : (or ih?y lhould.be WoluelV »αΛ dei'tunn; cearts in llea^i oi.lbephtar.'s. f And κ in hejlib ai d feu id. i'y the ar«;e5 bt ficnifte b (lret;gih ,ai be doeth wifedome anJ iudgeinerti by th? eye :ihati», the ίΊί£«$»ί Cod ftuUwktawy bilk iby :iirngthaii(i-iudjeu»oi.. tig'it dieth , let it die : and that that periiiieth , let it pe- rilli : and let the remnant eatc , euery one the flell; of his neighbour 10 And I tooke my ftaffe,fi« κ Beautie, and brake it , that I might diianull my couenani.wbicl- I had ma Je with all people 11 Ancl it was broken in that day : and fo the ο poore ofthe flieepe that waited vpon me ,knew that it was the word of the Lord. ] 2 And I fayd vnto them , If ye thinke it good giue we ρ ray wag-.s ■ and if no , leaue oil' : fo they weighed forrr.y wag:s thittie^««/ of liluer 13 And the Lord layd vnto me , Caftitvntothe «sputter: a goodly price , that I was valued at ol them. And I tooke thethiriief.ici/cffiluer ,anc caft them to the potter in the houle of the Lord. 14 Then brake I mine other ftaffe.iwothe Bands, that I might diflblae the btothethoodbe- tweene ludah and Ifrael I ) And the Lord fayd wnto me . Take to thee yet ' the inftriimer.is of a fcoliih Jliepheard 16 For loe . I will raife vp a ihepbeard in the land, which fliall not looke for the thing that is loft, nor feeke the tender lairbes.nor hcalethai that is hurt . nor feede'that that fflandeth vp.bm he flidll eate flefli ef the fat , and teare their clawe: in pieces. 17 Ο idole fiifpheard that leaueth the flocke the fwc'fd f halbe vpon his » armc , and vpon hi! but !d the 14. verfe the firl) reading isconf caie ai:di!iligciice thacte vKou.dfutfer ib(m to baue no eui Qiould conlider bit gieat loue h Meaning , the people , not acknowled^ thrff great benefits of God. ο He Ihewe b Shewing , that if the llrong men Were deftroyed, the weaker were notabletorefift. c Seeiigthat Le- banon wai de- ftioyed, which wa the (lioogelt muni- tion , tht weaker places could not thiake to holdout, d That is, there- nsume of ludah (nd ir>aelrtferiie.^ by tny i|)ower, thea if «hey were vader their l!ingi(7S'hich ii meant by the ;*oufeof Dauid) ov ID their defea- cerf cities. eTbey Ihall haue the feeling of tny I grace by fiith,jnd' k.)Ow that I baue compalTioa OQ them. S Tktt is, whom they baue continu- ally veted with their ob^tinacie, end giieuedliiy Spirit, Ioh.19 37. f kht eye. His irtne fbiii be cleane itiei vp . and Ϊ Ν that day tJiete » if-ill bee a fountaiiw opened a He flj.we.h ^^. ,2. -_- ^.r. , . j._,.-„,i I 1 to thchoufuofDauiJ, andto the inhabitants ofi ?">»'?_»"": "'^ hii rigtit eye ihalbe vtterly darkened. CHAP XII. Of the deflru.nion *nd iuildiKg .%g*i»e efltrufaleM. Τ He burden of the worde of the Lord vpon a Ifrael , f^th the Lord , which fprcJ the hea- uens, end Uyd the faundaf ion of the earth, and formed the fpirjt of man within him. 2 BiholJ , I will make leriifalem a ^ Cup of poyfon vnto all the peopls round about : and al- fo with ludih will heebe inthefiegsagainft le- tufalem. 3 And in that day will I make lerufalem an heauie ft.jn&.for all people ; all that lift it vp , (liall be torne , though all tie people of the earth be gathered together againft it. 4 In that day.fdyth theLord.I will fnaite euery hor'le with aftonilhment . aud lis riJer with mad- nefle, and Ii will open mine eyts vpon the houfe of ludah , and willlraite euety horfe of thepeopii with blindneffe. j f And the Princes of lufah (liill fay in their ' hearts , The <; inhabitants of Icrufalena fhallfe my del him afore , (hallt g^ength in the Lord of hoaft.s their God. t^rSo^" of ί 6 In that day wil I make the princes of ludah lerufaiem ihalbe ) like coalcs of Η e among the wooJe , and like a ' firebrand in the ili^-afe , and chey ihall deuoure all 1; the people round about on the right hand , and^on ' the left : and lerufalem Ihallbse inhabited againe j in her owne place, etif» in Itruf;!em. \ 7 The Lord alfo iliall prtfsruc the ^ tents of I ludah , as aforetime : therefore the glory of the ' houfe of Dauid Ihall not boaft , nor the glorie of '. the inhabitants of lerufaiem againft ludah. 5 In that day ll^all the Lord defend the inha- ■ bitants of letulakm , and he that is fdeble among j them , in that day fliall be as Dauid : aniithe honle I of Dauid foalbe as Gods houfe , Ληί/ as the Angel I of the Lord before them. 9 And in th« day will I feeke to deftroy all I the nations that come againft lerufalera. 1 10 And I wil powre vpon the houfe of DjpiJ, 5 and vpon the inhabitants of leriifalem the Spii it of e grace and of compaffion , and they dial looke I vpon me , whorae they haue f pierced , and they I fliall lament for g him as one moumeth for hit I onely fenne ,and bee forie for him as one is forie j for /;;jfirft borne. ' 1 1 In that day iliil there be a great mourning ' in lerufaiem , as the ^ mourning of-i Hadadtim- mon in the valley of Megiddon. Ii And the k land Ihall bewaile euery fimily I apart , the family of the "' honfe of Dauid jpitt, and their wiues apart : the family of the houfe of Nathan apart.and their wiues apart : 13 The family of the houfe of Liui apart, and their wiues apart : the family of ° Shemei apart, and their wiues apjrt : 14 All the families thatore^uine ,eucry fa- ttily apart,an J their wiues apart. rel toCbrin«bo- i «Jy, which here it ; referred to the Spirit of God- g TMy null turne ; to God by true re- ; pentiBce, whom !' tefurr th-y hjd fj gfieuoufly of• feaded by their iog a-.itude. , l> They (hall la- ; nient ta.i repent j txcee,j;nj!y for the]ace neere to Megiddo wteie lofiah i •■ a!! placfs where the lewes (hall remai or repe ■ran-e filDiild not bea v.tine ceremonie .• bu; e'.iery one t. ucl «wnegriefcs, fliill liim?nt. m VnHetth-fe certiine families bee c. the tribrs , and flleweih thnt b-ith the Kingi and the Prieits h.i.i ny their fi-nei pierced Chtitt. D Called alfo Siireon. ο To wit, which wereeleti by grace, aad prcferued from Icrufalem,for finne and for vndeanneffe. j pe" tan«, w wit, 2 And in that day .fayth thcLord of hoafts.ljrem.tnuaoffmoti will cut off the h names of the idolesoutof thei^v^jj^' biood^^f^j^^^j, land : and they ilnl! no tnore be reraembred : and|t,e a'comToa'ali run-] 1 will ciafe the <= prophets , and the vndeane fpiritioing foumaine. and ; to depart out of the land. ; Ρ"'^^'^)^•;,"^/^?'" i 3 And when any Ihail yet i prophecie , hh fa-j J, J„'p" m'fefh j ther and his mother that begate him, Hull fay viiroUhit Go < w iiuifo | him , Thou fi-,ah not liue : for thoufpeafcslt I'yes in, F'^ge rhemfto.n the name of the Lord : and his father and his mo-j *„ j'^'J.P^ ^^^;|°°•,(, therthat begate him ,« Ihall thrull him through,; g,„nihai>e pure, when -he prophecieth. ; <• Meaning . tte 4 And in that day ibill the prophets f bee a-; [^|,^^;^;•^^^* fiiamed euery one of his vifion, when he hath pro-; ,he curMiptert of phefied ; neither ihal tbey wearea tough garment'aii i^iigi to deceiue. f But hee iliall fay , I am no ? Prophet : I am an husbandman : for man taught me to bee an hcardman from my youth vp. 6 And one flull fay vnto him,, What are thcfe ^ wounds in thine hands ? Then he Ihall anfwere. Thus was I wounded in the houfe of my friends. 7 f Arife. Ο fword, vpon my ' Ibepheard, and vpon the man , that it my f;llow, faith the Lord of] godly (hall haue the PiL falleth v^Kleanf f;.irii•. d that is, when tbey Ihall prophe- cie lyes, and make God, who is the author ot'tiu b, * cloake therefoto» e Hee Iheweth whtt zeale 1 hoft;s : froite the ilvfpheard , and the llieepe fliall be fcattered : and I will turne mine hand vpon the little ones. 8 And in all the land, fayeth the Lord, '••two parts therein flial be cut off. and die : but the third Ihalbe left thetein, 9 And I wil bring that third part through the fire , and will fine them as the filuer is fined , and wil trie them as gold is tried : thsy fliai call on my name , and I will heare them : I will fay , It is my pcopie, and they flaalliiy.The Lord» my God. nder the k domeofChiilt. Deur.13 «9. fGidHuamake them aUnme I of their erioiirs and lyes, and briigthet» t'l reptflta ice, and they Ihall no more apparcll to m.ike their doarioe feeme more ho'y; *ire their former igBoiaucf , ard be labour for their liuiog. h Hereby he (hewech that tb^ugh their j pareatt and frieods'leali m Jre gently wi h them , snd put them not to dejih , yet ! they would f^puniili their childreo , th_-t became falfe prophets , tha: the mjtkes ; »ad fignes Ihouid rrmaiae foreuer. i The Pruphet warne^h the leA'es, that be- fore this gieat comfurt fliould come vn'.er Chrilt , there ihouid be an horrible j dilfiinio) aming the peop'e r for their gouernouiS and paitourt (hcuH be de- :i llr-oyed, an I he people Oiauld be as fcattered iheepe : and the Euangelid applieth J this loCiii.t .becajfe he was ihe hea I of lU P.ltours , Mitth jS.ji. k The greattit part (hall havie no portionof thcfe oleiiings . antl ye; they that fhall enioy them , Uiaibe tried \ Gods power aud his ith grearb afflifti^ns , fo that it Ihilbi iisrcie» doe preferue them which WJtthe name of a ίο-ΛΤίβ line, I Chron.jf.ii. k That is, (Signifying , that thii mourning be common dediuiti'm. CHAP, XI ir. 1 OfthtfcHitalnetfirate. t Of the cleane ridianteef φίΛίΐ], J Tht T^eAlt tithe gtit] a£tiinfif*lfe fri£l>ets. C Η A P. X ! 1 1 1. S Of the d.Rrine that fhdl/ svcceede cut «/ the Chrmh, Λ»Λ tfihcrefianrmon thereof. T> Eholl ,the day of the Lord commeth, and *-' ihy fpoyle ih .11 bee » diuided in the middes of thee. 2 Forlwiil gJther all nations agunft lerufa- lera to battel , and the citie fliall be taken ,and the houfes fpoyled , and the wemen d-rftled, and halfe of the citie flvl go into captiuirie, and the refidue of the people ιh^li not be cut offftora the citie. 3 Then the Lord fliall goe f jorth , and tight ag-iinft thofe nations, as when be '■> fougit in the day of battel!. 4 And his feet fliall ftand in thit day vpon the <= tpoiint of oliues , which is befo-e lerufalera on the Eaft fiJe, and thi mount of Mines (hill cieaue in the raiddes thereof : toward the Eift ^nd towird the Weft there fhalbe a Vv:ry great ^ valley ,8c halft (hewe'h Go is po'.wer a id ciie ouer his miracle fauc it, rf So that oui o'all ih filein , which was faef^ire hid with jhi: f^iri'.uall lerufalein the Church, kaowen thit oaelf a He irmetb the godly ajamt the gieat tentations that Ih )uldcome, b-foie they enioyed this profperoui elt«e (MMinifed Cbrilt. that jwhen thefe da i- jers itaould come, they might know that tbey were warti'd of then» b As your fai her»» aud ynu haue'^h^d eiE|>erience both at tbe re I fen, aud cBytbismanerof fpeecb the Pro^hil ch , and h >wb-e'.vi|l as itwereby fth• world .they (halt fee I li.ie : and this he incanetU of the ■γΜ icr^-ot lue. V-- Chap. I. J of the mountaine fhiil rciroouc toward the Norih, . an J balfe of the a-ountaine toward the South. I J And yee fliall flee vnto the ' vslley ef the I mountaines : for the valley of the mountaines ihall ! reach vnto Αζύ : yea , ye iball fl;e like as ye fled HOHneile κί aliT irons the ' earthquake, in the Jayes of Vzziih king lem.and the artue of all the heathen Ih^ll be sathe- '^"'^' '"'■"■ of fivl iV>• -ir.^ .κ- r «.J » ~.. /--J n..ii -_j _.. ι i i •• . •• . .., ν of ludab: and the Lord ί my God fliail cotne, and all theSdints with thee. 6 And in that day lliall there be no cleare light, butdarke. 7 And there ihall be a day (it is knowen to the lord) h nci:her day nor night , but about the euening time it Uiall be light. 8 And in that day IhalT there • waters of life go out from lernfalem ,halfe of them toward the Eaft c He Tpciketh ef the hypucvitei, WhiihcoaldDot abide Goji pte- f:n^e, but IhouU flee iato all place! where they might bide them Jinang the incuacaiuei. f Riade Araoi i,i g Bccaufethey JiJ not credit ihe Tro- phet« word», face tuineth le God aoc •coiaforteih himfelfi ioiiiat ihac hee knew thai ibefe thiogi Ihouldcene, and fiytb, Tlicu, Ο God, withihiae Angelj wilt come to performe tbii great thing, b Si^Diryme, that theie ihould be great trouble! in the Church, and that the time hereof i! yet'.tle^n7th?^°i'^ ^ower of Hioaiiid v.ito the kings wineprefles is heere aieaut by II And naen (hall dwell in it , and there ilialbe the tueoiog) God i no more deftriKilion , but letufalcm iliall be i-fcly m«Krf?"rf'»bited. riti.»ll grace! of II Arid this ilulbe th€ plague whetewith the ϋοά . vvhi.b Qiould Lord will fmiie ail people, that haue fought againft euer continue ■» '' '- • ..„'.,•,.. - • .» . moft abundjuv.^. i ■ λ . ■ • /- ' «^ * All idolatry and I they uaxid vpon their feete.ind theit eyes ihall con- fuperftitiun fti«il j fume in their holes.and their to^eue IhiH cocfmnc theiSe;"' in their tEomh. God . oDe faiib anyone religion I Thi» new lerufalem fhal be feene ihroegh ^U tae Weriij acl ΰχύΐ citeU tb^ liift ia czctllctcie, wealth and greaccclTe, 13 But m that day m 3 great tumult of the Lord moodwiiinot inalbe among them, and cuery one fhall take nthe!o'>''y uyfevp hand of his neighbour , and his hand Ihall life vp vi^""" *^"'"'"'• againft the hand of his neighbour, |h!me ii'ny ,".« 14 And ludah fliall hglit alfo agSinft leruG- '■> To hurt and o[4 red round about, with » golde and liluer. and great, ο The eaemiei »r* abundance of apparell. Jiich. and therefore If Vet this Ihall be the plague of the hotfe .ofl'^" "« come foe the mule .of the catrell and of the arte . and uf all ί,ζ^,^,Χ^ ' the beafts that be in thcfe tents at this ρ plague. ; blood 16 But it iliall come to paiTe that eiicry one l' *"'" "f"» that is left of all the nations . which camcagainftji'^ij^,'"''•'""''^•''' lerufalem . fliall goe vp from j eere to yecre to; ' * ' worlliip the King the Lord of boafti , and to kecpi I lea, and haife of them toward the vttermoft fea, ' the feail of Tabernacles. ■ «Hi Ihalbe, both in fiiromer and winter. ; 17 And who lb will not come vp of <ιΛ the fa•; 9 And the Lord ihall be King ouer all the ; milics of the earth vnto lerufalem to woilhiptheiqBytheEiypti• earth : m that day rtiall there be one <« Lord , and ; King the Lord of hoaftcs , euen vpou t^ cm ihallU• «• wi^^b were his name ihall be one, come no raine. jgieaieit enemiea 10 All the laad Ihall be turned l as a plaine ig And if the family oft her place : from Beniaroins gate vnto the [>lace of all the heathen, that come not v^i to keepe the fcau! .'he^w" e ρ'ΪΙ" w the ntft gate, vnto the corner gate, and If om the of tabernacles. i ( whether to la- ' f,,._.r, ^^ Thislhalbethcpunilhment of Egypt. and^,"';,?';"^"""''» the puniilimentof all the nations that come not vp T/w hoiy?b«'au« to keepe the feaft of rabernacles• «he Lo.d had fjfa. In that day fliall there be tnritten vpon the bridles of the horits. The holincue vnto the Lord ,and the fpots in the Lords houfe fbail be ' lerufalem : their fl:-ih ilull confume away . though like the bowks before the altar, Keti](ira.!3,r. ΐ> Which deci'a• feth their grear in- gr,rrci';u!the one ai tie other, becnufe ibryflKli be faoa ified tBuial|{ii.dlbe puieaiidcJeaoe, • and theie U'all ott4 MALA C Η I THE A RGVMENT. 'T'Hii Prophet inn one of the three . wbich-qo i raifed υ ρ for :he comfort of the Church after the cHptl^ •* Mtie, &»fterhimthtrtwAin(,mortvnttUloim Eaptij} woe fen t , uhhha-iu either a tokenofuodt »raih , or an admonition that thry fhoulduith more ftruent c.efreskok^ for the comming of^Mtfiah, Hee co»firmelh theftme docirtne , ti.at the ta>o fornietdoe .chiefly hee refrooueth t he Fiitftjf. r their te- uetoufnfjfe, and for thai they frued Godafter thtir oamefantafitt , andnot aciording tothe frefcript of hiivpori. He alfo not eth certair.t pecuHarfnnet ,ivhichaere thenamongtLef» mmarryiKgofidoUtreui and many wmer, >nur?rmri»is agamfl God, impatiemie, a-idfuch likj. Kotn-ithjlandin^^.for the topifort tf the gealy , I.e dtciareth I ''at C^oi would not forgtth hit promifc made vnto their fatljtrs .but a>ou!d jendChnfl hu mtfftnhofe t,«mmt9ffi}ihld be tembli t9 the uutked, and bnngatl corifolMion «id toy t« the godly. CHAP. I. AttmpUintAiamfi Ifr.itl, nnithii/l• the Prie/Js. He *bu• den of the wordeofthe ))hiu be temtn$ ! iirpouerilliet?,' ' - fetuant ; tForl i yoiiyrr yonder brnther of v|hom they cime . and I^fι Ef u thi the iigt;-i nf mi le ba -re ' .ntpciir- d euro whe be wai mj biobi t-,?, g yciii, hiinvthtvibellT 3< ilfoafteiward id ttjt he wai put l-.om bi!^»'rrb ic;bt, y.i; cue O'^'^-bro-r^ u f.ei be- figcei her'ofareeui^'ient , in rbac Lountrcy lieth v\j• i.inj bcih II i.eu/-f remine ioi:ih bite it : whereis ye eiy eoile Abo,., the en ..i^ h.ied more then tbep»,iuc by my grace and lgu< t*. jWatd jrou delip«ed, ί«α ΛβΐΒ.>ΐ3, 4 ThoDghEdom fay ,VVe«areiirpoue but wc will returne and build the defolate places: yet fay th the Lord of hoaftes. They (kail huiKI. but j Lord tollrael by the itiniftery Iwilldeftroy ir, and they ihali call them .The bor- ; of Mal.ichi. ' der ofwickeontir; , and the people, with whom i tlie Lord is angr) fjr euer. J And s ou. eyes lliall fee it . and ye fliaf fay. U B.KIei the red' The Lord will be magnihed vpon the border of oftbepenpiehc» liael. "- ' '- 6 A f >pne Honoureth hi> father . and a feruant bis n.aftci 'f ihrn I be a faiher.where is η Jne ho• noiir ? and if I b•. a ra^lkr, where is my fearc, faith the Lord of ho , lies vr'o vou , d Ο Prielh that de-iil i. ζ I haue loued you. iavth the _ _ _ __ Lord yet yee fay. iJWhertfin haft ίϊ'ϊ-ί&ίίΑ thou loued vs? Was not Ε faulaa- kobs brother, iaith the Lord? yet I Lned laakob. 3 And { « hated Efau. and nial" great among theGe tiles, and in euery place incenfe ilialbe offered vnto my Name, and a pure cffring: for my Name is gfcat among the hevben, fayth tlie ' Lord ofhoaftes. i U But ye haue polluted it.in that ye fay, " The j table of the Lord i> polluted , and the fruit thereof, ' etten his roeate i« not to bs regarded. i 13 Ye iiiJalfo, BihoH,««ao wjarineffe, and | ye haue fluffed at it, filth the Loid of hoaflcs, and j ye offered that which was tome, and the larae.and the licke : thus yee offred an offiing : fliould I ac- ; cept this of your hand, fayth the Lord ? :, 14 But cutfed be the deceiuer , which hath his flocke Pa male , and voweth , and facrificeth ! 6 Tne Lawof ''tfueth was Jnhis mouth,aods ... \ there was no iniqaitie found in his lips : he walked) i-em on Godt pj», ■ .... ^j ijjj vvouli glue them loug life and fclicitie, 7 For the Prieftes l lippes ihould prefer ue ;i knowltd e , and they Ihould feeke the Law at bis }'{'^^QI 'j-;';^"' 'i mouth : for hee is the m iiicffengcr of the Lord of hlln acco'^dfort boaftes. ding to bij woid 8 Bitt yee are gorje out of die way : yee ** ' p^f^ibel haue caufed many to fall by the Law; yee haue ί aw m"tr"e me. broken the couenant of Leui , fayetb the Lord ot i He ferutd mee ' hoattes. «ud fet fooi tn my 9 Therefore haue I alfo made you to be de-:^!,i:,''X;'j'/„''b'i" fpifed.and vile before all t'.e people .becaufeyejmiffim. kept not my wayes , but haue beene partiall in the ^ "" Hieweth Law. ',Xk'lk.t' 10 Haue we not all one q father ? hath nor one kuoA-iedge to ia< God made vs ? why doe we tranfgreffe euery one i^ruao-.berin again» his brother, and btcalse the couenant of '^','^^'"^ °^'^ " our fathers ? 1 1 ludah hath tranfgreffed , and an abomina- tion is committed in Ifrael ar>d in lernfalctn :for' 1 Hee is at the treafurehoufeof Gudi word , and I Ifrael hath dehled the holines of the Lord .which) °ue%o'ne^accor. I bee loued , and hatb martied the ρ daughter of iU'"i to 'heir ne- i arangegod. iceir.ae , and not I " X.1 , . ... «■ . i . , jio lef.Tue It for iz The Lord Will cut off the man that cbetPih.mreife. ■ this : bath the matter and the feruant out of the m shewing that :'; Tabernacle of 1 aakob , and him that 1 offeretb an \ '^-^^j'^^" ^"'J 1 Λ- . , , 1 r-i s. A Yrtur feede fow- *n (hall come to C'^ profit β You boaii of you. holiDeffe, fa- cihcei and feafti, tut they (hall tnine ThrextnlttiS t'cple. CHAP. ΓΓ, ηβ the Tutfli , keing ftducers tf the A Nd now , ο ye » Pt lefts , this commandement •*is for you. 2 If ye win not heare it, nor confider it ia your heart , to giae glory b vnto my Name. fayth the Lord ofhoaftes , I will etien fend a curfe vpon you , and will curfe your <; bleilings : yea , I haue curfed them already, becaufe yee doe not confider itin.7o«rheart- 1 3 Behold , I will corrupi Ί your feede, and caft dung vpon your fices , tuen the « dung of your fo- lemne ffaS, and you fliall be like vnto it. 4 And yee 'Hisll know ,that I haue ^ fsntthis comroaodement vnto vou , that my couenant, which I made with Leui , might (land , fayth the ihame and as vile as dung, f The Priefls obitfted againft the Prophet that he could aui reprooue them, tut he mu't fpeake againft the Trie ithood , and the office elta- btifhcd of God by prm.ife, liut bet fhew^.h that the office is nothing Oaijndered, Wft* thefe tiilUipcs and dpuog φ calfea i>y tbeii owne uauiet. " couenant. I •) And did not * he make one? yet had he ν a- bundance of fpirit : and wherforeone f becaufe he fought a godly ^ feed : therefore keepe your felues in your ^ fpirit ,and let none '.refpafie againttthe wife of his youth. 16 rf thon hateft /jer , i> put her away, faith the Lord God of Ifrael ,yet he couereth c the iniury vnder his garment.fayth the Lord iif hoafts: theie- fore keepe your felues in your fpirit .andtranf' grefle not. 17 Yee haue ^ wearied the Lord with yowr words : yet ye fay, Wherein haoe we wearied him? When ye fay. Euery one that dosth « euill, is good in the fight of the Lord, an J he delitetl» in them. Or where is the God of' iadgement } elected them to be his holy peo- ple, they oipbt neither to oiVend God or their brethren. ο Whereby they had bouid them• felues to God to be an Iloiy peo- ple. ρ They haue ioy« neiihmfelues in maiiage with then that are of anether reli- Lord whom ye feeke, fhall fpsedily come to his Temple: eueii tbe"^ meifengcr of the Couenatit .whom ye defire : behold , hee iliallcome , fayth the Lord of hoaftes. 2 But who i may abide the day of his com- ining ? and who fliallcadare , when he appeareth? for he is like a pnrging fire, and like fullers fope. 3 And he Ihall fit downe to trie and fine the Gluer : he fliall euen Hr-c the fonnes of' Leui and purifie them as golde and filuet , that they may bring offerings vnto the Lord in righteoufneiTe. 4 Then ihall theoffe.ingi ofludah andle- rufalem be acceptable vnco the Lord , as in olde time and in the yeeresafore. y And I will come neere to you to iudgmenr; and I will be a fwiftwitnes againft the foothfty- ers , and againft the adulterers , and againft falf» fweaters. and againft thofe that wrongfully keepe backe the hirelings wages , and vexe the widow, and the fatheildle. and opprefle theftranget .and feare not roe.fayth the Lord of hoaftes. 6 For I am the Lord : I change not , and yee fonnes of laakob <"are rot confumed. 7 From the dayes of ycur fathers, ye are gone away f om tr.ine ordinances , and haue not kept thtm : g returne vnto me . and 1 will returne vnto I you. fayth the Lord of hofts: bm ye fayd, Wherein I Ihall we returne? ; 8 Will a ^ man fpoyle hh gods ? yet haae yi, : 1 fpoyled me : but ye fay. Wherein haue we fpoylea 1 thee ? In ' tithes and offerings. , ! 9 Yc are curfed with a curfe :foryehatieft^y- them of ingiati- _ i j^j ^q . ^ctn this wbole nation. mTbisiimeiiitof lohn Baptifl , ai Chfift«pouudeth it, Luke7,»7. b MeaaiDg, Mtfli• ■i, Pfal.40.1,7. D»n 5.17,2,-. c Tbac i>, Chrift by^hom theco• ueoant wai made pndtatif.el, who ijcalledthe Ang«l er lueSeagcr of thecouenant, be- caufe heiqconci- Uthv.tohis'fa. iher, aod i» Loid otkiDg .bcciufc hee bath tbe go- veinemcnc ot hi• Cfaucb. d He flievveih < tbac tbe bypocritti VvhkhvTiUifo m'jch for the tords commiDg will not abide wbcB bee draweth neere : for lie will confume tbem , and.puige bit anrf make them cleaBi. c Ke beginneth at tbe Prielli ihac they might be lipbcs, aod (hine vnto oihert. f They murmured againft God, be- caufe they faw not' biihelpeeuer prefeot to defend j.•.;-::^.• — — ι f- the Lord of hoaftes ί j ui «■ j i< Therafcrc we count the proude bleffsd eucn they that workc widcednefle.. arefet vp.aud the V that tempt God, yea, they are η denuered. in Tbsy are not ''7/"oThe'n fpakeWy chat ^f f /J^, ^-^ '^ΚΓ.^ euery one to his neighbour , and theLoid hear-ld,,„,,^f,<,„ ! kened and heard it. and a Ρ booke of remera- jda:,p„ i biance was written before him for them that fea-ji/v'-tbefc ad- euery one to nis iiciguuu"• •■»"- ...— --•- — ideiibei» kened and heard it. and a Ρ booke of remera- jda:,p„ brance was written before him for ί?^„^];!;^^^-ρ:• lief the red the Lord, and that thought vpon his Name. Jr„pbet•, fomr And they fliall be to mee . iaith the Lord οΓ, ,.,-, 17 ftnu iiicy Hill» >Λ, .>^ -"^ — . -_ — hofls . in that day <5 that I fliall do t^K. for » flock, and I will ' fpare them ,.as a man fpareth bisowne fonne that ferueth him. 18 Then fliall you returne , and dilcane be- tweene the righteous and wicked . bttweenehim that feiHSth God. and him that ierueihhira not. linely tc»- igrd oihcri 19 feare Gad. them ; and there foteheaccufeta ; t^icii una wiii/n., ufttiwij. 10 Bring ye all the tithes into the ftarehoufe, that there may be meate in my houfe , and prooue me now herewith , fayth the Lord of hoaftes , if I will not open the windowes of heauen vnto you, and powreyou outableffingt without meafure. Η And I will rebuke the 1 deuourer for your fakes.and hee fliall not deftroy the fruiteofyour groand . neither flwlf your vine be barren in the field, fayth the Lord of hoaftes. I ζ And all nations flull call you blefled : for ye flialbe a pleafsnt land . fay* the Lord cf hofts. 1 2 Your words haue bene ftout m againft me, fayth the Lord : yet ye fay .What haae wc fpoken againft thee? J 4 Yee haue fayd . It is in vaine to ferue God: and what profit is it that wc haue kept his com- mandcment .and that we walked humbly before how much yet D(ed . but I will giueyou i tude, and Iheweth | tbat in that they are notdayiyton- I'uraed , it is a to- ker», that he doeth , ftilldefendthem, ana fo fail mercy Itovrardthemne- ner chiDgetb. gP-eade Zetb.i.s• b Thtre are none of the heathen fo _ irbarous, that Villi defraud their god» of tbeir ho- nour or deale-de• ceitfully with tbem. i Whevehy the fcrui.e of God &ou!d haae beene tbe TiiilT» and tbe pcore telieued. - ... - ..ii .,ν,,η,ί^ο^»• kKothauit^grerpeahowm-Jchyee nted . but I will gmeyeu m all a-undaace. fo That ve ofa'-l Ucke pla-e to pa my bl.(r.<£• in I Meaning . .hecaterpiLer ii; wbltfoeuer d.i.io eth .crle an/f.u.te.; "' TbeP-pb- cc.aemoe.b ι eg cf loablebla'pbem.eagaicii God : firll.io that ihey fayd that God bii no relp.a Γο them that f««d til , aud «xr, tbot ibc m'.M W«e mere in his fauour then tbegojly, Bothbecaufe ihc- thing wat «range that foroe turued to God in I bit gieat aud voiuerfall corrup- as'miiie o«-ne prop-r g' odl! "xhat i. . forgiue their fiuoes. and gounne thtl» with my Spirit. ^^ , CHAP. nil. The dA} .f the Uri btftr' tht yohuh Zl.jah fboulictmt. tOr behold. the day commeththat fl-ill;buf"= Tas an ouen . and all the proud , yea . and all that doe wickedly . rtiall bj ftubble , and the day that commeth . fliall burne them vp . fayth the Lordof hoaftes , and fliall leaue them neither roote nur ^r Bm vnto you that fea*re my Name , fliall the b fonne of rigbteoi:fneffe arife. and health fhaU be Λ der his wings, and ye ftiaU go c forth, and grow 'Pr^t?"ye'fl-ll""J downe the wicked : for they iln» l>e d"» '"^er the foales of your feete in the day that I fliall doe xhu, fayth the Lwd of ^"fd" Remember the Law of Mofes my feruanr which I commaunded v^to him .n Horeb for all iiTael with the ««««"Λ^'^δ'ΤρΗΙΛ the Pro- < Beholde . I will fend yon ' tliuh he Pro- phet bSthe commiog of the great and ^ feare• 'T'^£ Su turne the heart of the fathers. ^^ ,^ ,^^,„„^^., to the children, and the heart ot the children toLJf.gbf. ;°hdr fa.hets,le.ftl come and ^ Itrnte 'he caithLe^.^.eanfeth v. with curfing. I thi• world, and re• ' fornuth vs to •>'» a He prophecieth of Godt iuJge- meotiagainlttbe wicked , who wo»iU not tcceiue Cbrift, when a» God (hould fend _.... for tbe rdU»» ration of bii Church. Meaning . ' who with ti ofbi grace igbteuand com-^•• forLbit Cbarcb, Epber.i,.4. andh• \i called ihefLuae of righteoufneife» becaufe luhim- fclfi'hebaiball peifkiiionatid alfo theiullicenf the Father dwrl- iThliChr«t >bcnh.for hi>ze»le. anc! fefto» r/. 4 , vip {liallbe fetlt libertie.and increafe in the iey of the Spirit; image of God. c ^ ee '"»''°*."'^^5 come that the lewt.ihoold bedritituteef ,.C.r.3, 17. .„V','!r-oChrilt,becaule.he, Oiould with more fe.u-iumiod• r.ophet. vnull tbr ""^"4 "b;"e\ho,.eth tbem to exetcife tkemfelue, Hillg.ot- def.ie his commioi , the . loj net » wbeieb, they might o». '^ '%:;"hJir^etugrn.°oTatb:«;ed .gain, all te^^^^^^^^^^^ ,i4 of religion.» »!"'» "X'j^'*, " a^^^^^^ ''gH.ft.w- wick-d , fo doeth ••'*»'^'-'7/,'^f^J.'i„thetur. ir,g ofmenic-Cod. aod ioyai^-g eth wbe.ein lohi.icfc.e 0'°"'f ' '"V;;-,^ . fo ,hat tbe father ihall tuf.. etc ih« :i3b^ fP'-'^^r^^— 4»jifjCJtiV\f^. ■'/Δ 0/c/^.ur ά^Α^ ci^!^ ^^c'^^ C^^^j^y ih//i^ ^^^: A/^7^ j^. c< .^v /^i^ j^.^^ z^^^/^^-^o^ Q^^ ^ ! i and lii you 4Ϊ' Hi. .L r^zziW-m-. Xr yi> Ϊ iN :; k^m^ to the diligent Reader. Eare Chriftian Reader , to the intent that thou mighteft the bitter enioy the benefit of thefe notes or expoiltionsvpon the New Teftament : I thought it not amide to declare vnto thee the vfe of the ianne. And firft , forafmuch as the quotations or citing of places of the Scriptures in the nnargent which dired to other places , conteining like phrafe or fenfe , haue beene fo placed , that none with- out great labour could finde out the text alledged, I haue made thefe fixe feuerall fi- gures or marks , "^ i • " a• * ^ and haue iet them afwell in ti e margent as in the rext , ib that thou mayeft eafily finde that wp.ich thou defireft. For example , in the firft word of the firft Chapter of Matthew is placed this fii ft markc * : looke out the like marke in the margent , and there thou ihall finde Lak^e 5, 2j. which place agrecth to this of Matthew : and fo likcwife thou (halt finde in the refidue. 'But if many quotations be- long to one place , word , or ientence, the firft is ontly marked , and thoie that follow unmarked , appertaine to the fame. And if it fall out that there be more then fixe dire- ftions in one columne , then is the firft repeated againe , and the refidue following in order as at the beginning: asitappearef'y'n the firft columne of Matthew , where both in the text and margent alfo , they are ail two times fei downe , and the foure firft re- peated againe. " ^^The Notes which aredireded by figiiits of Arithmeticke , as τ.ι. 3.4.&C. thqi««0!< ouuHFTuangelifts and Ads , declare the effed or fumme of the dodrine contij^j^ twcene one of the fayd figures , and the next that followeth : as for example ,^^γ^γ^Γ?"» sn figure I. in the firft line and fiift word of Matthew vnto the figure 1 in the 18 vj.' thciaraechaprer , the dodrine there gathered is fet downe in the margent in this i.-i I /efus camf of Abraham of the tribe of- Inda , £ηά of the fiockj of D.iUid as Qodpn m'h. fed. And in the Epiftles in like fort they declare the methode and arte which the Apo- ftles vfe , and how euery argument orreafon dependeth one vpon another : thele fi- gures are begunne againeat the beginning of euery chapter. Laftly , the Notes which goe by order of the letters of the Alphabet placed in the text, with tlielikeanfweringvnto them in the margent, ferueto expound and lighten the darke words and pl-iraies immediatly fallowing them. As in the firft Hne and ic- cond word ,> the letter λ , being referred vnto λ , diredly againft him in the margr '"" fheweth that this word , Booke , fignifieth A reheaifall as tht Hebren^s vfe to fp, as Genef. y, i. The booke of the generations, thefe letters beginne at the begja euery Chapter , continuing vnto z^, and fojbeginning againe with a , ifthere b ^^^ Notes that they doe exceede in number the letters of one Alphabet. This ^rie.and fully done for thy commodity , reape thou the fruit , and giue the prayie l ^^^'^"^ kingiy illj( Itnogcis,•.-. V S3 ,\J. jrirg 3 tao'th a fonne, and| ir.ou naic ^ ten r.u name i Ε S V S .• for he Ifcall 1 • ^ Farewi t Thrythxtncimtit the Ζλ19 t'thefrt- f'.e, ftr the Bi irirvt t/ikethii i\'crdtf antlhcr.-nhith ftg- itijifih «1 anth «3 fexptHnianiit. clue . ^'^^ .1^ , mnttn uj'ey ί Aaa 5 r 5 ^ J Afier nf^'pu^^ientioneTm tlie fourc HifangeinFs , witd other 'aces about the fea coafts , wherein mayhp^^eMJU^f^^^__^^j^^j:__ Deyes of Chrift and hit Apefilesiafu^i . Saif aria . aniGalile ; lor into ihde tEriee parts ! ^' :^ aon by the^blg^on ot the^degrees concerning their length and breadth. um mount Straton iry.24--3»'3* 6y.3f:3i 6y>yi.3i Π 6631.5:8 'ί6,5ΐ.ίΐ.29 jj 67.34.3». I 66.3 i.j8 \] «^5:1.31,48 ij 60.53.31,39 ; 66.3 1.31,50 (i 66,i6«32,i) Cofafinl 66.'i3-3ui9 Dill β βη« of the Foonraines wlwnce loxdan , fp-ingeth 67.1533-8 Ennoti Ea3mans Ephea GadaraorCrXlSJl Gaza leiicho : lemfilea \ W^ ] 664032.1 ί65,34•3ΐ 59 i! 66.8.31,1 66.48 31,19; 65,1031,40 66 10 3l.I;j 66ji.yJ -.6;,ί}0•3ΐ.ϊ1ι lor. the other Founiaine whence lof- t5an fpringeth 67,31.33.7 Magdaloa β called alio Dalmanutba 66,48 3i.i» iNiim ^Nazireth 66,5632,41 Ptolemais 66.50>3i,58 Samaria the City 66,11.31,5s. iSidoa ^7.15-33.30 jSilo 66,i7-5i.i9 Tr«» 67 - lO ilibcti® 66.4-, j r iniis Prp- hing. ,„=-:--_ 0 4cvnn the dcniU'tcolfH'' BO in"• »n ex- A Nd when he faW the βώιίπιίβ,ίιβ wett vp ίηϊφ £^ ί^τι.ί.;^™ .henhew»sfet,hjidlfe!ol?i 1 UfuiCbtiUor of Abrthiraofth tribe of Iud«,»ndofl the Itocke of Djuid ai God promifcd. « Rihtarfal.Ai thi Hebriwt> -φ to JpeaKe.tiiGen !.i [The buKfflht Β OftheMnceflerii hvhun Chrifl camt. jf Which Chrtii is la/fo the finne »f ^yihah»m. '- Gents.i^. Cen. 11,;;. Cen.i%.i7. iChnn.i.i. ii»t4,i8,i9. Ruth 4,»i. τ Sam. i6,t. am 17.•»• . l« I Χ(Κί,ιι,43• 1 JClHJ.lo.lI U.H.•/ .^ , Chun , Ϊ Chron.. tj/fi «>» theiJie! mias ■ itr lnhmiin \^,,b,,neie\,re thetr cernni avtAj ■inucifuuitj. 4. iChrtH 3,li- j.1 Chrtn.j.iT- £jr«3,i.««''J-»• ASlhefetvhtih lore techntii '«? •" ek',ei '*"y heiate ent antthet trderly m tbtir it- Iffm (th»ti»i Sauiour) iiconcei- |utd in tbe Vjrgioe THE HOLY^' GOSPRL OR IE S VS CHRIST, ACCORDTNG Τ Ο S. Μ CHAP. I. ThAt lifmii that Mentis, the SAuiiutfrimifci tt the Fathiri, it The Kattmtj tfchriji. He + » • books of the ^ genera- tion of lefus ehrift the lonne of Dauid.the <= fonne of Abraham. ζ S Abraham begatelfaac, •.• Andlfaacbegatelacob. J^d κ lacob begats ludas and his Irethren; 3 A• And ludas begate Pbares , and Za^a of Thitrar. And Pbates begate Efrom. And Efrotn begate Aram. 4 And Aram begate Aminac^ab. And ArainadaJ begate Naaflbn. Ami Naafion begate Salmon. y And Salmon begate Booz of Rachab. And <• Booz begate Obed of Ruth. And Obed begate leffe. 6 And 1^ lefle begate Dauid the Kirg. And Dauidthi Kirg begate Salomon of her that was ■•■ the wifeofVfijs, 7 And κ Salonjon begate Roboaro.And Robo- am begate Abia. And Abia bfgate Afa. 8 And Afa begate lofaphat. Andlofaphatbc- gatelotam. And loram begate Hozias. jf And Hozias begate loatham. "Antlloitl-afn begate Acbaz, And Achaz begate Ezekias. 10. And ^f Eztkias begate Manaffes.And Mar.af• - f;s begate Amon. And Amon begate lofias. 1 1 And *Iofia$ begate lakim. AnJ lakiro ■* be- gate lechonias and his brethren about the time they werecaiied away to Babylon. I ζ And after they ware caried away into Baby- lon,+ lechonias begate Salathiel. Ana J Salathitd A Τ Τ Η Ε \^, begate Zprobabel. 13 And Zorotabel begate Abiud. And ΑΜίκί* begate Eliacim. And Eliacim begate Azor. J 4 And fnot begate SaJoc.And Sadoc begate Achim.And Achim bsgate Eliod. 1 5" And Eliiid beg its Eleaza-. And Eleazar be- gate Manhan. AndMatthan begate lacob, 16 And lacob begate lofeph the husband of Miry , of whom was Dome lefus , that is called Cbrift. 1 7 So ' all the generations fromAbral-aTi to Da- ui(j,4re fouretcene generations. And f δ Dauid vu- y ths holy ^fj^'^'^'ltill they were caried away into Babylon.fourteene Γρ'ορΙ'" '' I generations: and after they w;re caritd away into iHitfi,?». Babylon vntillChrj^.foortesne generations. κΧ)ί«Γ•ΐ4 '• i8 f Now the biith of» lefus Ch:jft was thus, f^"'."*'^''^'." When as his mother Mary was * betrothed to lofcph.beforethfy came tcg.ther,lhe was found with child of the holy Gholi, 19 Then lofeph her husband being a iuft man, j and rot willing to κ make her a publike example, ^^Ktiotthe Heaft anwngthePiinctsofluda: fo her at he fUrents ani kms- f,tks hands. leVr'jichw.tifr'n'•- fed.ani m*defure ;thee tt be thy wife. \hOfthemrthe\ fublfante by the htly fGhcR. 1^ Cbrift i« borne of }thfft.neVi.gine which neutrkniW iTian : and ii cillcd \ Icfus of God him- i<::(c .by the was minded to put her away fecretlj•. 20 But whiles he thought thefe thing?, behold, the Angel of the Lora appeared vnto hiro in a dreame, faying. lofeph, the lonne of Dauid , fiare not to 'take Mary thySwif;: for thst which is h conceiued in her, is cf the ho'y Ghoft. 21 And ihe Ihall brings foo-tha fonne, and thou n:ak ^ call bis nanjc 1 Ε 5 V S •■ for he Ihail ψ i faue his people from their finois. 22 And all this was done that it irightbe fnlfilled which isfpoken of the Lord by theProphct.fayirg, 23 ^ Behold ,a k virgine flialbe with chilJc , end iljjll beare a fomie, and they ihallcall his name Emcranuel.vvhich is by ii.tetpretation,God with vs. _ 24 φ^ Then lofeph being raifed from fl;epe, did as the Argellofthc Loru bad inioyned him, andtookebiswifi. 2y But he knew her not, ' till (lie had brought fooithherfi ft borne fonne , a id hee called nis name I Ε S V S. 'vnderflaiUalf', thai a thturfbai net time tc pa£e in tin hadncthiUtinTiUherdtdtk^ay , μ Sam. 62s. •/<"<' ft») £«Λ»χί/ιβ .■ Bthtii, i etn rvith ytu till the end tflh, CHAP. II. The rvife men, wht are the fir β fmits tf the G fhip Chrtft. 14 Icftpb feedinte £jt;i irrti lefus «1)4 hi meiher. 16 Hertdflayeih ih( Children Vl/;H«n'•' • lefus then was borne at Bethlehem '^ in » ludea, in the daiei of Herod the King behold , there came '' Wife men ft ora the Eaft to Hierufalerr, 2 Saying, Where is the King of the lewes that is borne ? for we haue feene his ftatre in the Eaft, and are come to worfhip him. / 3 When King Herod heard f/;»i, he was 'trou Jbled^and all Hietufalera with hiro, 4 And gathering trgetheralhhe'^chiefcPriefts and iScribes of the people.hc asked of them.where Ch;ift aioLlJ be borne, y And they faid vnto hira , At Bethlehem in ludea; for fo it is written by the Prophet, ζζίί And thou Bethlehem in thelandofluda i Delmer, anilhii fhwith-vithetlU• luHitfthitnami' k There IS in Ihe nibrexvandCieikt dtd,tt {t:r.:»tit'ihe Vfcm.•", and [(I htr feirth fl.'ir.ely, ai fOM wti!: r I Thu!hA:!,MleandioHertte .■ f,r Kmf^sarffth exiled feiirr' anl'h'^'-- efthepeofle, h A kind of hum'le ar.d 'tmeiy re'uerente. i Τ " ' frefiKii , -whtih they htuiht him. k Gtivrarnti and u'dth they tskfiltutt. * Ati ? i5f » After ilhet ir.dlh, Jr:v r:Hilei:fn 1 30. r 4. e Tbnthattx6oiin$ the Latvl'thepei- p'.e, for the Η•ίηηι takethn nordcf tnothet.whiih /. . - f expound and . flare . XMieh.s.i• John:, 4! f Th»nr^h t'toti fmalllov»'. ; »/i lit tr.ii,i. 'that might be fulfilled.which is fpoken oftheLord by the -J. Prophet/aying.Out of Egypt haue I cal- I led roy fonne. 16 f Then Herod.feeing that be was mocked of the Wife men.was exceeding wroth ,& Tent forth, and flew all the male children that wsre in Beth- leem, and in all the coaftes thereof from two yeere old and vnder.according to the time which be bad diligently fearchedout of the Wife men. 1 7 Tiien was that fulfilled which is fpoken ' by the Prophet leremias.faying, 18 ^ In Rhama was "> a voyce heard.mourning, and weeping, and great howling : ο Rachel weep- ping fur her children , and would not be comfor- ted, becaufe they were not. 19 i And wnen Herod was dead, behold, an Angel of the Lord appeareth in a dreame to lo- feph in Egypt, 20 Saying, Atife, and take the babe and his mo- ther .and go into the land of Iftael : for they are dead which fought the babeslife. 21 Then he arofe vp.and tooke the babe and bis roother.and cama into the land of Lfrael. 12 But when he hear J that Aichdaisdid reigne in ludeainfteadofhisfaher Hetod^tie was afraid to go thither: yet after he was warned of God in a dreame, he turned afiJe into the paits cf Galile. 23 And went and dwelt in a city called Nffliteih, / Til Cod fftttkcth kj the mtuth cfthe rrefhtt's. κ A Tio^ce ofle- THenttng, weeping, tmihiivUng. $hat ctmfaffe atxiut Stihichirtt. fn Κλ- tbel Jacobs wife, •tvht ditd in childe- tcd,ivKibitned'i» thewajthatleedtlh u th$t tttfne,whieh ualficaUciEphr». t», becaufe cfthe fm,tfut»ejfe of the ftilt, iindfltntyef tctne. 3 Cbrifi is brought Tf ioNj«rtth,aiief thedcaib of the ty• lantby Gjdsitoui- 4eace : that by the veiy Dicae of ihc place, ic might plamlV appcaf» ;lbe heauetly, an nothing tttt htauenly. X £i5 40, 3. Mar. r.j. Luk i,^,liih>i 1,13. e Make himaplaiK! aniifmicthway. ^ Mtr, 1.6 fLccitfls were a ktndof :iteate whtth certtine cfthe Eafl petplt vfe, which were therefore caUed deiiou- reu tfLocufls. JEaii inOd.9.»Mar t,;. X«fe.i,7- f, The people of lemfalim, b AcknowleiiiKgih»! they were fined onely byfieerimiffunandfcrgiHenefiecf their fumes, i There i> noihiyg that liopiiethvpihe way of metcy and faluatiga ijUQft V4 fu leuih HtibeepioioQ of eui owoe ngbtcoufaifl'e docili. taiite. Λ Net when lofeph V/inltcdweS at Xi^teth, tut Λ %t^at while itfier, nhoutthe space of 1; jecrei : for in the 10 jetrttf hts age Wis Jtfus UptiTtei >f John : therefore by thofe dates ismtant, At that time thatle- fns rimtinei asyet Λη inhabitant cf the towne of Ν i-irflA. > Iohn,wh4 through hit fiiigulat holinelfe and rare auOereaeire of lifccaufcdallmea to cik theit eyei vp. on him, prtpareih the Wiyfor Cbrift following fait oa bis fMromeof the Gofpcl, ilohni.if.Alfl A- Chap. 7. 19, it Mar ket.i Lukt i£ Joh.i,i6.ail.t, faljaiion^jieithervp. on them : but we msft clime vp to the mattei it felfe, that i. to fay. .oChiift.: iWhoinwaiHIy wor• that effectually, which isoutsyardly lignilied vnto VI. / Tneoutw.iidfignt futtelh -us in minie our/"' F^''-onHiil<^ ''i'"Tl '^-h^ • ' and of the Sadduces come to his baptifme, he faid 1 vnto them .4. Ο generation of vipers , who hath^cAa. ii,]4, ' forewarned you to fl:e from the «iger to come f 3 True repentanc* it .' 8 i Bring trorth therefore fruit worthy amend- ''"'"^"''''''.■'κ, ί »,-r..„fi:^ I which hath II feat» mentotllte. lin the mind &h.a«. 9 ♦ And ' thinke not to fay k with your felues , i+The faiih of the fa- ij We haue Abraham to i»r father : for I fay vnto Ι»"»"• »"»>le'h theva- you, that God is able euen of thefe «ones to raife ΐΓοΓπΓ" «ίιΤΓίί vp children vnto Abraham. jyet for all that God 10 And now alfo is the axe put to therootofthe P'«y«''"'°"'>« '■"• trees : ν therefore euery tree which btingeth not|°;,;;'f„'J'i^,;J;';'^ /ootth good fruit . is hewen downe. and cad intojwhicb he made with the fire. the holy father•. π « s Indeed Ibaptizeyou with water tola- J.^*-^;-;;*^ mendment of lite . but he that commeth after me \t» be prend cfA- i$ mightier thea I.whofe ihoaes I am not worthy ^braham. to beare . he will baptize you with the holy Goft, * ^-^ J""'" '"'""■ and with fire. 11 6 which hath his fanne in his hand.and will " make cleane his 6oore, and gather his wheate ,. , .„,' ο , , _. . , jf,l6 iHB. Ι,Ιβ.Λί into his garner . but will burne vp the chafle with]^ „n<7, vnquenchable fire. UndiiA• 1 3 f ^ 7 Then came lefus from Galile to lordan ί we «ay neither vmVlohntobebaptizedofhim. _ feilrd'hulfo"' 14 But lohnearneeiy put him backe, faying, idained as meaoei to I haue need to be baptized of thee . and comaiea !'"<*« y• '""° ?>" thou to mee ? I y Then lefiis anfweting faid to him.Letbenow: for thus it becomroetb vs to fulfill η all rightfouf- nefle. So he fuffered him. 16 And lefus when he was baptized.carae firaightjk out of the water.And lo.the heauens wsre opened vnto ο him. and/oA»faw the Spirit of GoJ dcf- cendinglike a doue. and lightning vpon him. 17 8 Andloe,avoyC84/»j»f from heaiien,fay-;V '*".'*«»"" ing . * This is my beloued Sonne, in whom I am L^^*^ αηΤίΙ'.Ζ ρ well pkafed. 'heiter, φηηί V( asbyafeAle. that ret are ingraffcdinto Chrifl, where by tut eld man dieth , and the new mi» ri- fethvp,Rcm'.6. 6 Th; tr iumphi of the wicked (hall enH in euerla'tiog torment, m Will clcanfe it thonwlj, andmaKe a full riddance, j^r Μ r i.ii. Luk. 3,•ι. 7 Chrill fanftifietheurkaiMirmen himfelfe. η ΑΛ fiich things as it hath Ap- pointedvs toKeepe. 0 To lohn »S Cbri'ls full confecratioi andajthotiftDg to the office of the intdiatourfnip , ii Qicwid by tbefiihets owoevoy.:c , and avifible figne cfthe holy Gbolt. *t.W.t,i3 iPet.,,\j. ρ Th- Greeke wirdbeicke' Ketb a thing cfgreit account , andfuch ashnhly pleafeth a ma};. So then lit Father faith, th.it Chnft inelj is the m inwhtm when he iehoUdh, iieli« wbut opimtH he had coHeeiutd ofvs, he layetb it tltune afiit, C Η A P. I V. J Chrifl is tempted. 4 Heevin^uilbeth the deuillwith ScriptHr^. ij The Angel% mmifter vnto htm 12 He fteacheth repentance. αηύ that himfelfeis am . 18 The taUing of Ptter, Andrew, xxl.im':s andUhn if He preacheth the Gttpel,ani healeth the difeafed. Τ Hen ^ was > lefus led afide of the Spirit into the wilderneffe.to be tempted of the dcuill. 2 And when he had fafted « forty Jaies.anJ for- ty nights, he was afterward hungry, 3 Then came to him the tempter.andfaiJ.lfl^^^^ ^^^^. thou be the Sonne of God , comraaund that thefe mly"o^uercoi flones be made bread. 4 But he anfwering, faid,It is written, >| Man AmU notliueby bread onely , but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God . f Then the dcuill tooke him vp into the holy city.and fet him on a b pinacle of the Temple, 6 And faid vnto him. If thou be the Sonne of God.caft thy felfe downe ; for it is written, '•■ that he will giue his Angels charge ouer thee,ind with ^^"/^ their hands they ihall lift thee vp. lead at any time if wd for word, thou (houldeft dafli thy foot againft a ftone. '^houfbtit not gee 7 lefus faid vnto him. It is written againe, j•"^'" '" ""ί*"**• «- Thou ihalt not c tempt the Lgrd thy God. i Againei , 'i'Markft, 12. Luke ^, J. Chri It Was tempted U miner of wayea »nd Itill ouercom- we alfo venue rcome. Λ Full forty daiet. fOeut.S.j. i The battlement wherewith the flat 'coje cfthe temple was ctmpafiei a- bottt,thatncmxit might fall downe : uwas appointed tj rhe Law,DeHt.ii,t» 9 II L. xt^^'tspreSy^"^' v>Daf « v« was committed to piifon.he returced ioto Galile, 13 And leauing Nazireth . went and dwelt in { d Capert^auir.which is neere the Tea iu the borders of Zabulon.and Nephthaliro, th I ^m th ^^ etl W w< % Againe the denill 'tcoke hltn vp into an ex- i^ Otut.\«.\%. ■ ceeding high monntaine • sed (hewed himallthe *4 M»rTei,ii. Wngflotnes ofthe world.antnhe glory ofthem, inkt^-ii- ' j 9 Andfaidtobim , All thclc will lgi«c thee, V Λ/ΛΙ-.Ι.14. Litkt. if thou wilt fall downe.and worhip me. i'whiniVH/-* 10 Then faidlefusvntohim.Auoid Satan: for rauia< mouth it j it is Written . •«• Thou ihait wotfhip the Lord thy ftopped, the Lord God.aod him onely flijlt thou feiue. rndbdDg^i^ull 1 I ' * Then the deuill left him : and behold.the light mio the Angels came.and miniAred vnio him. da.kcDciieoftbij 12 f•" i And when Itfus had heard that lohij «vorM,pie>cbiDg ftte forgiucnefle ef liacei tu ihcin that repeat. d Wl>i'l> waiA _ ^mrTfamLTihlH I 1 4 That it might be fulfilled which wasfpoken HaxateihwAi. j by Eiaias iheProphet.fiyirg, "of^'i'Vi i '^ » Tnelandeof Zebulon, andthelandof *«*«/> thxt coun- trey btHitilorveri T}ru<,whuh flan, itthvftn he (en thatfututh the midft tf the wttid . f So (ailed, cecaufi it btrderiit vpcn Tyxui and Sidin. tttd becaffe S.ali- tntn gaue the king »fT,rmtr».niy titiei in that q^uar- »er,i.K(i»g.9, u. 4. JiUfke ,, 1;. I Is etme <«;««. 3. ChriltibiDking by time.that be filould atieegih depait fcomvi, cuen at the begin- ning of hi< prea- ching getteih bitti difciplesjfter iti faeaueDlf ftirc luen indeed poote.an.H vitetly vnlcaiued, aBdiberefoie fuch ai might be leait fufpeaed.witoef- Xcioiiheunethof tborethiagi which they heaid and fiVT. * Market, i«. J cur.i.ij. 4 ChtiltalTureth the hearts of the beleeuetiof bit fpirituall and fa- uing venue, by healing ihedifea- feicftbe body, hTheir.thai u, theCalileam. SjttagcgMts, the itwes ChttTctts. OfMcffias. I Difrafes efatt kindfS.itit r.tt entry one: that is, «J nefay,ftmi ' nerj ine- m Tht wirdftgmfeth ptferly,lht weaKtM'ffe if the fltmatke : but ■e it (J taken fcr thcfe difeafcs which make men fmnt, and weam atvay.that nethtm. nThe nni ft^nifieth fioperlythe ftcne -nihertrvilh leldis trieJ; r.ni y Λ bhrtwed kinde •/ /peech is applied (β all kinde ef exanunatim by torture, tfht» as by ttugh deal:ng And lermi nis,wee fte abcut todrarve o«» theirueih •/ men i rchuh tthttveife they ιροκ/,ί nuictnfefie : and in this place it is taken fcr thefddiCeafei , vehich put fickcmrn to great rvoe. « Which at lueiy full Mtone.c, ethe^changes oftheMi»ne,arepreivd;y troubled iS difeafcd ρ IVeakc & feeble ne»,»f*o haue lie pvirts cf their ieily Utfed. is faweakened.tkat they are ncithtr idle liialhet them vp tcteiher,Htr f»t them cut at they would. ^ C Η A P. V. IVhiare blefiei. li The Afoilles are the fait aadlight tfthe rvtrld. 14 Theciliefet tnanhill. if The candle, li Ctcdwerkei. 19 ThefutfilliHQcfChrids ctmmande- menis. »i yVhni killing ts 13 Rectmiliatim is fctbefne facrifice. 17 Admltery. 19 The fliicKoig tut ef the eye. 30 Cuiti»e ')t'«f the' hand, ji The bill ef dintrcemtttt. ij Vitt*fwenre, ^) Ht liut mr inim ti. 48 PtrftClnefe, 1 ne mu»^^ Nephthalim by theway of the ' fea • beyond lor dan, f Galileof the Gentiles : 16 The people which fate in datkenefle , fawe great light : and to them which fate in the region and ihadow of death.light is tifen vp. 17 st From that time lefus began to preach.and to fay , Amend your Hues : for the kingdome of heauen is at t hand. 18 fa And lelns walking by the fea of Galile faw two breiliren , Simon, which WiS called Ptrter, and Andrew his brother . cafiing a net into tht. Tea (for they, were fifliers.) 19 * And he faidvnto them. Follow me^nd I will make ycu fillers of men. 20 And they ftraightway leauing the nets , fol- lowed him. 2 1 And when he was gone forth from thence, he faw other two brethren. laraes the fonnt of Ze- bedcus, and lohn his brother in a Ω-,ίρ with Zebe- deus their father.mcnding their nettts,8c he called them. 22 And they without tattying, leauing the fliip and their father,followed him. 23 So 4 lefus went about all Galile.teaching in b their • SjTiagogues.and preaching the Gofpeiof the !i kingdome, and healing ' cuery fickenefle.and euery "' difeafe among the people. 24 And ills fame Iptead abroad thorow all Sy- ria : and they brought vnto him all fir ke people, that were taken with divers direaies.Sc η torments, and them that were poQelled with deuils.Sc thofe which were ° lunatike , and thofe that had the ρ palfie : and he healed them. 25• And there follow-'d him great multitudes out cf Galile, andDecapolis.and Hierufakm ,and Iu'dea,and fcora beyond lordan. I Cbttft MKhtih tbaiibtsiettttt oy and feliciiieil lot in ihecoinm>- litieiand plealmtl >f this life, but it ayd vp in heauea ihtra ih»t wil• ^ly leli in tte Jood will and plea. ufG.d.and uourtopro. Ii men, al. ibougbtbey be ;rw«lly vexed, and ronblcd of ibe Wjildliiigi.be- fe they Λ-,1| nor to iheii niir ii tliidrr tht Name are all ίπ:κ; Λ Nd when he faw the B«jltitude,be weot vp inn ι •** a lEountaine: and when he w« fet,hii difciple came to him. 2 > And he opened bis iD0Utb,8c taught them laying. 3 ^ Blefled art the * poore in ^ fpirit, for theirs is tbe kingdome of heauen. 4 ^ BleO'ed arc they that mourne : for they iliailbe comforted. y •.• Bleffed are the meeke : for they fliall iij- herite the earth. 6 « 'Blelled are they which hunger and thiift for tighteoulnefle : for they IhallbeHiled. 7 BleUed art the metcifull : for ttiey fliall ob taine tsetcie- « 8 Bleu'ed are the A• » pure in heart : for they iballfeeGod. , _. 9 Blelled art the peace makers : for they iliiUp»thioo themfeiuet be called the children of God. 10 BlelTed'^r* they * which fuffer per fecution for tighteourieffe f.kei for theirs is the kingdome of heauea. 1 1 * Blefled fliall ye be when men reuile you, and petf.cureje«,andfay allraaneref euillagainft youfor my fdke.falfly, 1 2 Rdo) ce and be glal.for great is your re- ward in heau.'n : for fupcrfecuced they tbe Pro- phets which were bifjte jou. II % Ye i are the faU of the d earth : but if the fait haue loft his faaour , wherewith Ihall it be ' ial ted ί It is thenceforth good for nothirg , but to be caft out,and to be ttoiltn vndet foot of men. 14 Ye are the Hight of the, world. Acitiethat is fee on an hill^cannotbehid. I y '•• Neither doe men light a cindle. and put it vnder a bufhji. but on a candle fticke, and it giueth li^ht vnto all that arc in the hcufe. 16 % Let your light fo lliine before men, that they may fee your good workes , and glorihe your father which is in heauen. 17 3 Thinke not that I am come todeSroy the Law , or tbe Prophets. I am not come todeUroy them.but to ? fulfill them. 18 •kΈQt truely I ii^ vnto you,Till heauen and earth petifh , one iote or one tide ofthe Law ibsll not eicape,tiJI ill things be fulhlled. 19 * 4 Whofoeuet therefore Ihall breake one of thefeleaft commandements , and teach men fo. he Ihallbe called the "> leaft in the kingdome ol heauea : but whofoeuer fliall obferue and teach are itj ■ ned,mthp>Hcr;y. > H'hofe nsindr i ndipirus are reufhr vnder. «n 1 lamU.atid "e)GJ. i-t-^i".? '■*'*• ^/fU.37.And ft arcfttles in thet.Ai:,ie itntue ctUei fattleiJe , a>jeH wuildfay , men ihaihatie tiofjlt , erfaueur aud lafiemthem. fTtH fbme anigiue lij^ht.by bemgmade part.ikers tf tht true light. :■ M.uke 4.ai. luke t.ii.and 11.3;. Κ '■ Pei.t.M. 3 Cbnft came nut to biiugany new way of righiec uibei Sc faluation in:o toe world , fcu: lofu'fill ibat in deidwkith wai fliadoJved by tbe figuteiofiheLaw , by del'uering men through giactfrpiu thecutfeofibe Law; aidin-jteouer to teach the ttuevfeef obedience which tie | Lawe appointed , and to graue incur hearit the force of cbedie«ce. g That the) frtphecies nay be accemplifbcd. -k Luke iS 17. * lamesi 10. 4 Heb^ginsetli with the true expounding of the Law,& feiieih it agaiDll the olde(bui y«i falie} glofei ofthe ScrtberSo fatre ii he fiomabolitDing tbe leaft cominindtin;ni ofbis Fither. h He fball haue Hi place m the Church, -i- Lukeii 19. iThetine meaning of the uxicommandement. J Ejrtrf. 10.13 ifui.j ιί, Aaa4 11 But fehcttie. d r.urdidiine t be very fnund andcoid.fer if it ».rr...t /b.ii ic "trtll,and what- fteiterjoit denie, ail'ie It iarelj Without anj met Words. From an euili mo^weighiieaffj res.asthe matter cl β while tribe, or tf 'HhighPrieft.erof ifalfe prophet. •n Whereas y^e reade here,He/l,it i "tthetextitfelfe, CehenHa,whieh is an Heirew word tn.xdetftwo, and i• ''f>n:tchtofai,aslhe -v.iliey cf Hinnm, Vfhieh otherwife the£trewesc.i/lei Tophet: itv^at a f/ace where the If. T.u/ites were Went moft crueUjtofx. crifice their children tofalfegods, Twherevptn it w.is tAkenfar a pUce appointed 28 But I fay vnto you.that whofoeuer locketh _.. a woman to luli after her , hath comtcitted adiil- tene with ber already in his hearr. 29 V Wherefore if thy ' right eye caufe thee f to offend.phicke it out and call it from thee : for better It is for thee .that one of thy members pe- rifl: , then that thy whole body Ihould be caft in- to hell. 30 Alfo if thy right hand make thee to offend cut It off.and caft it horn thee : for better it is fjr thee, that one c f thy members perifli, then that thy whole body Ihould be caft into hell. 3 1 It hath beene faid alfo.» Whofoeuer ili ,11 put away his wife.letfaimgiuehcrabilkfdi- uarcement. 3 2 Bui I fay vnto yon , whofoeuer iluli nut «■ay his wife (except it be for fomication)cau"reth er to commit aduitetie: & whofoeuer Ihail mar. M be fnJiiliood.that we may iu no wife trnJer euili for euili, but rather fulftr double ία- >', and due well hem that are out idlyeDemiei." f EA:.da..i4. . '^leit.n.io.deiit. Luke 6 '9. rem. 1/8. ment the repnbates ''^ ^^r that is diuorced.committeth adulterie. in lerent.y.^i. η The Jenes vfed foure kindes of p». nipiments, before their gtuemement nasttkeaawaykj Hertde, hanging, heading, iloning, andbutning: this i' it that Chrii} Jbot et,becaufeiHintng ■ptas thegriateii p». nilhmcnt, therefore in that be makcih mintion of ftme finnes are worfe ihci other ii.ie account forthetn.anifii.xilbe punifbed for the^n. 6 Tb( «'■'g'lt thatGod wa» appcafcd b/ the facrificei ajipointed ii ihemfeliieideuoaied But Chiilt od the contraiy iiJe dtnii 33 ^ Againe.ye hau3 heard that it was fayd to them cf old time, ■k Thou fhalt not forfweae thy felfe , but Ihalt peifjtme thine oathes to the Lord. 34 But I fay vnto you , Sweare not at all, nei- therby heauen, fjr it is the throne of God: 3y Nor yet by the earth.for it is his footftoole• neither by Hieiufalem: for it istbeciticofthe great King. 36 Neither Ihalt thou fwf arc b^- thine head, d'ement, a councHl, ig a fire.he Jbewelh that fume ,bu.t)et thcj, are all f:,ch that wee mtifi letoui Pharifct w.Ahich ihey God ac(.ep;eili ; any inans offering, vnleffe he maketh fitiififtioa to his brotbei whom hte haih I cffcnJed:a»d f.yeth ia:reouer,that ibtfe llubbaint ard It.tfe necked .lefpifcri of I ihe.rbrethreo.fiJiU oeuer «fcape the wrath and curfe of God, before they baue 1 m.»de fu I fatisf«aion to their brethren. 0 He applieih all this ffeech to the /late ! nfiit-.me , vheH as there nas an attar ilattdiniinHierufaltm, and therefore they are very foo>ip,that gather berenpon. that wee muii b»ild .%ltan.and\jfe es r b:tt the] f tiles , which drawe that t purgatorie, which is „ , , , , -i- -Luke It. up Cut ,..^ fialt be dealt withall to the ■vimofltxtrt• adultefer before God , wh»;foeuer hcebe , that " ■ ' keepeour eyei chaile , and all tht »ea]|occalioos which might mMu» \f,'(^Ktn if peace ntakini an.1 atonemnit one with another. 4• Luh j "ffallcaufe of emmiiie. q T' " nitie. 7 Hi« it taken for an coueteibawoBU"!: and therefo ratmberi wm haus, yea, and wee mull tfvhei ."s 8° al'l'V,'^' ^'"' ^V" " " Vl * .^""^ '°• '♦• ""-'i• »• ' ■•■ Chap. ^cCL:','I"'r^^''ii-^' 'f'Z^'*" r [>•'''"' fl^'^ reidien to cmJtZ Tlckesl^uJ Yl ^" 7'r^'''" 5''"^/*" '" 'JT'nd.-for finnes are fli.mbling fJocKes as it were, that is to f,y, rockes wh.eh we» are caii vpon. Vi Chap, , , f »">t.i^.i. maike ,0.^. luke 16.13. i.cor.7.,0. 8 The meaning of the third .ornin.ndMnent aga.n.t the ft^ow.rd opinion .nd iudgemrntof the Su,be..whtch And whofoeuer will compell thee r* wi »i ' Hee /heWeth fflllcgoe with him twaine. |c'«necontra,yto 4i « Giue to him that arketh.and. from him fsc^ 'b°f '^h'at 'ί'/ that would borrow of thee,turne not away. ^mme oft! fuViS^ '' '^"''' ^^^' " *'"'^ t>'" i'ai'J.* Thou '"""^ "'''' ' ifsalttoucthy neighbour.aad hate thine enemie. 44 But I iay vnto you,* Loue youi enemies• weiie them that curfeyou: doe good to them that rate yoii , sV and pray for them which hurt y anj perfecute you, f t^ 'x ^ ^'^" ^^^ "'^^ ^^ '^^ children cf your iJther that is in heauen if jr hee roaketh his llinne to arife on the euili and the good . and i'^ndeth raincontheiiiftandvriuft. 4<5 For if ye loue them, which loue you.what reward ilKii you bausiDoe nottheFuUicanes eu?n the fame? 47 And if ye be friendly to your brethren one- ly. what fiptjtilar thing doe yee i doe not euen the =' Pubhcanes likewifs:» 48 Ye Ihail therefore be petfit,as your Fachei w.hichisiaheauen.isperHt. 'Ϊ" 'u^J °'''" ■' "^■'° ofO-nparifon, The children of G• the ch.ld.en ofthis world, f i«^e 63,-. * Tht, th.u v td^at'h bZTl fr'T ®: -/'"-""■•" ^^'"i'fnien.hat the lewes hated το ataiD , Hth bccaiife tney ferued the Romanes in th^fe tflirfs (whofi i,rk,fu/l' C Η A p. V I. - I -^Im'i.S Praycr.x^ ForlmngturhrotJer. 16 Faflin^. 1 9 Our treafiire. ,0 IVie mnlfuccour the ;.«„.4 cU '"^'ir.ches.,,- CarefrtU feekmgfor meate aiudr.nle.Qi ΊΓ Ake heed that ye giue not your • alraes before * nien.tobefeenecfthem,orcIfeyeili!llbaue, „.„.. no a reward of your Father which is in heauen. \a Th^s werd.Re- , ^ ■ Therefore when thou giueft thitje almes. !»"'«>•''," λ/»λτ« thou llTalt not make a ti umpet to be blowen before '"*"'"» '**■ 'Scnf. thee, as the b hypccritts do in the Synagogues P^tir.te and m the ftree;s, to be praifed of men. Vcrely llf^'thefchooieme» iay vnto you,tbeybaue their reward. Uofindiyfet ,tt,be 3 But when thou doeft thine almes.Iet notithy ffiT «V,°a ,.„ left hand know what thy right band doeth. "' i«// Jer\t ' κ Drut. T-eiiii iuke 6. 17. Luke 13. J4. the one ii ta- of reljtiuei, chtUrcumuft i>--lilte their fa- lift be better, then the telle mailers, 4 Thatthinealmesmay beinftcret,aadthy ;•■ ^"" *•'• Father that feeth iii fcctet . hee wiU reward thee «r?,*";^^^^^^^^^^ "P'^"'/• , , hityers that plajei y * And when thou prayeft.be not as the by- l•'^"''''» " P'«J pocntes : for they loue to Band and pray in the ' " '"' Synagogues,and in the corners of the ftreetts.be- caufe they would be feene of men. Vetely I fay vnto you, they haue their reward. 6 But when thou prayea,enter into thy cham ber : and when thcu haft Itut thy doore.pray vnto thy Father which is in fecrct.Sc thy Father which feeth in fecret , ihgll reward thee openly. 7 Alfo when ye pray , vfe no <= vaine repetiti. CCS as the Heathen: for they thinke to be beard for their much babling. 8 Be yec no• like them therefore : for ytjm Fathc; » He repreheodett two foule faults in prayer , ambiiioD, «nj »aine babung. c LcMg frititrs art not condem>ed,hut vaine, neeUefi,^ \i^l^lj M^P ^*i"i^°f-?'"^ whereof ye baue need, before ya'i withSall we be cloathed ? ~'"-' j; , — ^ ' 3 A true fumme and forme of all Chriltim prayers. -i- L»ke„,z. d That, that ii HxiMttforcurditi!} ftid.trfHch asmiy fu§ce our n.iture AHicumptexim. * Chap.ii. .,. t Frcm the Dtuill tr frtiH nil »iiuer• ■ fitie. ••• Mxtke II.IS. 4 Thty tb>i forgiue wreng• , totb-m finsedre forgiuen, but reuenge is prepared for them that reuenge. J Againft fucb ai hunt after aoame of holineire, by fjfting { Thty fuff.r not thtirfirfihuettbe ftene,thet is to fay, tilt) mutre the • n»iurall colour of lhtirfaces,that thty mAy feemt U*Heanif*lt feccd. < Thofemen»Ia- bouri are Ihewed to be vaine «vbich pafleoot for the alTured treafure ef «uerlafliEglife, but fpenJ their liuei io fciaping togeiher fraile inj vaioe richei. « Lnke H.33. I, tint. 6, If. . •k Luktii.3^. 7 Men doe mall• ciouilyand wic- kedly put out cue the little light of ■ature tbatis ia tbem. f The iudgemcnt of the mini: th*t the body is with the eyes, ft our rvhole life may letuhd tvith right reafoa, thatistofity, vtitl. Ike ffirit tf Cti wherevMih ve Art lightened. " Luke 16. ι i. God will be VToribipped of the whole man. h Which be At uke of bimi $ 3 After this raancr therefore pray ye, 4 Our father which art in heaneo.hallowed be thy name. I ο Thy king.loroe come. Thy will be done cuen in earth as if is in heauen. I I Giire vsthis day curd dailie bread. 1 2 And forgiue vs our debtSias we alfo foreiue our debters. 3 And leade ts not into teaiptation; but deli- uer v$S from «-euill : for thine is thckingdome, and the power, and the glory f r euer. Amen, 14 :•■ ■» For if ye doe forgiiie men their trtfpaffes, your heauenlicFathtr will alfo forgiue you. If Butifyeedoe not forgiue men their tref- paffes. no more will your father forgiue yo» your trefpaObs. ^ "^ ' \6 5 Moreouer, when ye faft , looke not fowre as the bypoc!ites : for they •disfigure their fho,}'^m,d.ige•. .3 TitbioUani , Ti 1 'h [' ^''i'f'">('">i• i^Tht tree and {fHiti >♦ The houfe buiU .« a rocke, >6 atid on the [and! 1 1 VcJge I not,that ye be not iudged. I * 2 For with what 4 ludgeme«t ye iudge.ye ihall ! be iudged. and with what J raeafure ye mete, it! J: T,°^}^ ftalbemeafured vnto you againe. «"d f»uit 3 And why 'i , J . . ... ,- , ^°'' *^o'"''e"er aiketh.teceiueth : and he that 22 f^r 7 The light cf the body IS the eye: if then i feeketh,findctb: aadtohim thatkncikcth.it Uiall thine? eye be lir.gle.thy whole body ftilbe light, 23 But if thine eye be wicked.tben all thy body flialbc daike. Wheifore if the light th /Jiwes 1,1». j 4 J5; Namthere,iS mexnitbM might) ' tVitkitgptver of Gcd.ivhsch eutrie ma wetuejjeih that talleth vfm hi ai f 7 Noteuery one that faith vntome.Lord, Lord , ihall enter into thekingdomeof heauen, •f but bee that doethmy Facbeis will which is in beauea. 21 # Many will fay to mc in that day , Lord, Lord , haue wee not by thy Ί Name prophccied, and by thy name caft oat deuils } and by thy name done many ' gteat workes f zi And then will I profeffe to thera, f ■•■ I ne- "prt'if^rij fiwlii i uer knew you #*« depart from me g ye that wotke Vorfihifetxctl- i iniquitie. Z'cughtari oUe)^ »4 « Whofoeucr then heareth of mee thefe Ttwtri,hy Hcxfion I words , ^ and doth the fime, I will likf^n him to a tfthffe things , ^fg maD.which hath builded his houfe on a rocke: Χφ ft'lyXi*' ^S And the raioe fell.and the floods came, and VIC vniernani, j the wiods blewe , and beate vpon that houfe. and it fto» m^ghtie the j f.|l not : far it was grounded on a rocke, ^Tul^t'T. • ^'^ But whofoeuer heareth thefe my wordes, /r/!)"t/s'»/!«Vis-janddo8th chemnot , ihall be likened vnto a foo- ticrante,butifcaufe\i(h man , which bath builded his houfe vpon the lie mill CA ft them jf^^d ; tt'vfils.t. i ^7 And the raine fell, and the floods came.and J leitthttare the winds blewe.and beate vpon that houfe , and it c Of«Ufo„>. t. Pet a,24, ft Luke g.SJ.SU i'»'»*• f''ff"iA fell.and the fdll thereof w^s great. feZ"eum',t^n\ 2'3 f * And it catie to paiTe . when lefus had Att tffiHKc. ended thefe worc's , the people were aftotlied at his 8 Tiuegodliotfli jdoairine. Cbt"it,°nd ih«c° I ^9 For he taught ihem as one hauing authority, ioia ti'wjyti re- < and iiot as the Scr ibes. ■uinethinuincible.; Λ LHkeeAT.ii' d ttr CapernaotH tvai fuutte vpou the lake efTihiriet, 4 The iiue difci- ■plu ofChrili * JM«r.4, j C Η A P. V 1 1 1. 1 The Lefer citxnfei. ; TheCfUturioNsfAith. itThe calling of the Gentilts, i> ani cajhng cut of thelt-aes. 1^ letter• moihiT in ΐΛΤν heii!e4. 19 A Scribe defircus tt j foUnvChtiH. z} Thttemfefl onthefi/t. iS Two pof- { ie£'i:iivfith-itHihcHreA, jzThcdeuis goe inn /mine. I ^Ow when be was come down from the moun- I -^^tiine.greatmuUitiides followed hitn. 2 -i• ' And loe , there came a Leper and wor. .flapped him, faying, Mafter.if thou wilt.thou canft make me cleane. 3 And lefus putting foorth his hand , touched him.faying , I will, be tiiou cleane : and iarmediat- ly his leprofie was clean fed, 4 Then Itfus faid vnto him . See thou tsll no man , but goe , and Ihsw thy (elfe vnto the Prieft. and offer t:,e gift that § Mofescommaunded.for a wicneife to ttiem. 5 1" '•' » When lefus was entred into Caper, naum , there came vnto him a Cencuticn , befee- \ ching him. 6 And faid , Mafter , my feruant lyeth Gcke at •home of the palfie.and is grieuotifly piined. 7 And lefus faid vnto him, Iwillcomeand 'beilehim. ; 8 But the Centurion anfwered,faying,MaQpr,I lam Dot worthie that thou iliouldeft come vnJer I my roofe : but fpeakd the word onely ,and my fer- luantilialbehealid. i 9 For I am a man alfo vnder the authoritie cf ! anoiher,md haue fouldiers vnder me : and I fay to ' one , Goe.and bee goeth : and to another , Coce. and he commeth : and to my feruant, Doe this.and hcdoethit. j 10 When lefus hear J fW, bee marueiled.and j iaid to them that followed him , Verely I fay vnro ' t»ken of hanqiiets,\ you, I haue not found fo great fjith, euen in Ifrael. ''■"hejihetfit I II Biitlfay vnto you , that many ihall come •i• M*T.n*. Zukes,'i- 1 Chrirtin hel- ling the leprou• With the touching ofhiihand.Qiew- . eththAt he abhor- I «th no linaer» i tlut come vnto > liiin,be they neuer I fo vacleaae. * Zf«if.i4,j,4. ^• Luke 7.'• a Chritt by fettiag; ksfore them the example of the vncircumcifed i CentutiOD.aodyet of an excellent faith, proueketh theleweitoemu• jIatioa,and toge- ' tberfoiewitneth them of their ca- | calling of the I (Sentilet. I m AMetuphiYt nogeihi ■jHet feStnei Ttdlit '^'°^ '''^ ^^* ^"'^ ^^^^ • ^^-^ '^*" ' ^" ciowne with , AbrabatB ,.and Ifaac. and I^cob , in the kingdome S^nriftes pouertic,^ of heauen, j I ζ And the chiltircH of the kingdome fliall be caft out into bvtter 4. datkencfle : there ihall be! ^ ^^,-,^^^^,.,^ weeping and gnaihing of teeth. \out the kingiome' 13 Then lefus fiiU vnto the Centurion,Go thy \^<" <" »*' ki»gdtme way , and as thou halt beleeusd .fobe ic vnto thse. 'Ό»ηΙ'ΐ C"'^ T"'" And his feruant washealed the fameboure. ''da.ktuefi"^ '"** 14 f ^ 3 And when lefus caiie to Peters houfe.i* Chap., 2, , j. he faw his wiues mother laiddowne.andfickeofaj;^^'"^^ ••»»• ^'"^''' , ru uju u-j J. r , ^ ^''"'ηΐ.'ίη healing ly And he touched her hand, and the feuct left diuei.dife.fei, her : fo ilie arofe.and minittred vnto them. i Λ" "'th that bee 16 V When the Euen w-s come.tbey brought !,'i[",'r.'t°ih'im*' vnto him many that were poflelfcd with denils : o/iiy weihouid and hecaft out the fpirits with b>s word.Sc healed i ''«'=' rtmedie in ^ all that were ficke. f••^ MaTki"'"\' ' 1 7 That it might be fulfilled, which was fpoken Uke 4,40. '''** by « Efaias the Prophet.iaying . Hee tooke our in. firroities,and bare our fickneiTcs. 18 f A- And when lefus fiwe great multitudes oi people about him.he commaunued them to goe i oaeTthetPAttr. 19 4 Then came there a certaine Scribe.and faid vnto him, Mafter,! will follow thee whitherfoeuer thou goefi. 20 But lefi» faid vnto him. The foxe» haue ιΡ"?" '.'^/"'.f='"" holes , and the birdes of the heauen haue e neftes iZv,, °' ""' but the Sonne of man bath not whereon to reft bis < n'erd for mtrt, head. ' m*ies mide with 21 f / And another of his difciples faid vnto *"'^vhen God re- bim.Mafter, fufier mee fitft to goe , and burie my jquireth our labonr, father. jwemuftleaueoff 22 But lefus faid vnto hitn . Follow tne , and j^''^^"/^'/" ""• let the dead butie the dead. j/xi^fS.aj. * 23 f * « And when he was entred into the iliip, |« Although chrift ■'■'"■''■" '• ■ '''— "-th eften- toneglca euen in mod xtreime danger, et iuiinie conue- I 2y Then his difciples came, and awoke bim, Ρ JHi.SPii'.^^f;'' j fiyiDg,Mafter,faue vs : we periih. Libgetb them t» } 16 And hee faid vnto thero.Wby are ye feart- f-^' ''»"«°. j full , Ο yee of little faith ? Then be arofe.and rc-j buked the windes and the fea : and fo there was a| great calme. j ' j 27 Andthemenmarufiled.fiying.Whatmanj "* I is this , that both the winds and the fea obey him? 1 I 28 ί -J. 7 And when he was come to the other {*j^^|^'*' '■'•»• I fide into the countrey of theGergefenes.tkere met t chrift came'to j him two pofleffed with deuils which came out of ael'u"'ne from the graues very fierce, fo that no man might go by [^'j" ^^^''^f j,, 'bat way. (, ". ^°'"'^° ^,';,^ 29 And behold , they cryed out, faying, lefus had rather lacke the fonne of God,what haue we to doe with thee ?p.i''"''V,° ',ϊ" . ... 1 u. 1 \ r c ■ .rvilefland lealt of Art thou come hither to torment vs before y time?U,if „mmoditii». 30 Now there wasfafarre offfrom them , a W" ofanhiU.as gff at herJeof fwine feeding. C'"'^'/"'^ w"** 3 1 And the deuils befoi.ght him.faying.If thoa ^'JZi'as u/ejb £aft us out , fuffer vs to go into the herde of fwine. yeetrdeth hoke 17• 3 2 And he faid vnto them.Goe. So they went f^'P- ' J• ''»"'«/»« out and depatted into the herd of fwine : and be- Ι'ρ',"^";''^,^,,,. hold , the whole herd of fwine ran headlong into ^ore we m!«; «•» the fea,and died in the water. inatueiie ./ there 3 3 Then the herdmen fled : and when they j».""/"'"" '*""• were come into thecitie , they told all tbing5,and I what was become of them that were poflefled with j the diuels, 34 And behold , all the citie came out to meet u iphere men Hut lelus ; and when they iaw him , they beibught bimp» frvine.t^her'dettb to ε depart out of their coafts. CHAP. his difciples followed him. P. 24 And behold , there arofe a gteat tempeft in jj," the lea , fo that the ihip was couered with waues : ^ but he was afleepe tiViattnewci oa«l7 foigiueth then if we belecue. tnti Cuftrnxum, ■asThetfh.fattb, Selhlthem trutght himft»rth,NAx*- rithhrougnt himvf, atUCafernanm was bis dvtetiing place, 4^ Matkti.i. ZMke[,it. maHifeftfig T, Hafih. nifitlh amon^fi the iiHiuei, u ^e*ke rvifkeii) : ani»- mtngfi themtti auent GredoM βαηΜϊ. Chip, ix.x. Twoblinamen/i CHAP. IX. S Onii jieKe cf the telfntis healed, s Remijlii j 9 Matthew failed, lo Smuers. 17 Niw rvi rnlen daughttr reifed. 10 A ecnian healci ifue. %% TwHiudmeniy faith βίορι, and Chtift ■* «"0 camc into his » owne cuy. bietdf ft£efied a healed. ;alcUaal) uefiiL } J 7 Theharuefl and Ζ And •( loe , they brought to him a man Qcke ofthepaliie layed on a bed. Andlerosbfeeirg their faith , fiid to the iicke of the palHe t Sonne be of good comfort : thy finnes are forgiuen thee. 3 And behold.certarne of the Scribes faid with ihemfelues. This roan ' blafphemeth. 4 Butwhenlefusfaw their thoughts, be faid, Wherefore thinke ye euill things in your hearts ? y For whether is it eafier to fay.Tby finnes aie ^X-|forgiuen thee.or to f.y.Arife, an J waike ? ' 6 And that ye maj kn uw that the Sonne of man bath authority in earth to forgiue finnes (then meniftihemtu eh- Ifaid be vnto the ficke of thepaltie.) Arife, take vp jtby bed, and go to thine houfe. 7 And he arofe , and departed to bis owne bouie. 8 So when the multitude faw it, they marueiled, and glorified God, which had giuen fueh authoti- y to men. 9 f i » And as lefts paffed foorth from thence, _ Chtf* ciiileth the f^c i^w a man fitting at the d coftome , named Mat- kumble fioDers vjio :hew, and faid to him , Follow me. And he arofe, pnd followed hift. 10 And it came to paffe,as lefusiate at meate in /»«ihoufe , behold , irany Publicanes and « finners that came thithir , fate down at the table with le- fus and his difciples. 1 1 And when the Pharifes iaw that, they faid to his difciples, Why eateth your Matter with Publi- canes and finntrs? 1 Now when lefus heard it, he faid vnto them. The whole need not the Phificiau.bot they that are licke. 15 But g oe y e and learoe what this is. '•■ I will haue mercy, and notfactifice : for I am not come «0 call tnc righteous, but the κ finnas to repen- tance. 4 f Λ• 3 Then came the difciples of lohn to hiai.faying.Why doi we and the Phatifes faft oft, and thy liiwiples fali not j ly And lelusfaiJ vnto them.Can the f children ^. - . iJf the marriag ; chamber mourne as long as the if"^ U,:^»n.^r.^.> ;. .,„rh rlixml P!ti> rhp Aaifi will COI Zulu St *7- kin, but he cootem •eth the proud bj- focritei. 4 At the fuftmeti taiie, rrhereitvas leeeiued, tThtenHtmirt fel- IfWes whichmeie fiaeedby^'.h'Rimans, after that ludeawti irtugbt mtt tke fnme ef a prcuittct, U lather the cu^t- mes , and thnefne 0f the reft if the Jewes. the} were tailed finuen, that 1 t*f»y,ver) tile men .•Hifea 6,6. Chap.ii.j. X I Γ,ΒΙ l.Ijf. a Agaiol ill ioaiffe f An •ff^each, feirtiei^ that are admilteif, iml» the m«r/«J* thamier are as the netrefi abtmt tke tridegreme. lRawe,v>hi4hvPi* Meuir lift t» the ful tir. * M*rke!,*i LukeS,^u 4ThereiinoeuiUio old and iocurable, which Chlift<:»°°" keilebyandby, " kebetoocbed w «uefaith.butligbtly a»itWMtwiil»tl>e bridcgrome is with them! But the dales will come , when the bridegrome Ihall be taken from them, and then Ihall they faft. \6 Moreouer, no man pieceth an old gatment with a piece of g newcbatn : fx that that Ihould fill it vp , uketh away from the gsrment , and the breach is wotfe- 1 7 Neither doe they pat new wine into old vef- fch;for then the veflels would break€,and the wine would be fpilt , and the Tcflels flwuld periib : but they put new wine into new Ycfl"cls,and/o are both prefcrucd. 18 c * 4 While he thus fpake vnto them, behold, there came a certaine ruler, and worlhipped him, faying.My daughtir is now Jeceafed: but come & lay tbine hand on her, and (he U-.all liue. 1 9 And lefus arofe and followed him with his difciples . io (And befaoldiA woisaQ wbicb va difeafed with an ilTae of blood twdoe yeerencame behind him.and touched the hemaie of his gatment. 2 1 For ibc faid in her felfe, If I may touch but , hii garment onely.Iflialbe whole. , ' xft Then lefus turned him about.and feeing her, : did fay, Daughter ,be of good comfort . thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made | whole at that fame moment.) 23 ' Now whenlefus camc into the rulers hoDfe,^'^""'^"'*»"*»'* andfa.v the b roinarels and the multitude making ;^""„P„fch°i it noife, h Jtafftareth that 14 Hefiid vntothem.Getyou hence :forthei'*oV"'»>'"/'"'« maid is not dead, but fl:epeth. And they laiighed|*"*"'"'*"""*•• bim to fcorne. ι 2f And when the mtiltitude were put foorth, he went in and took her by tne hand,aud the maidj arofe. 26 And thisbruit went throughout allthat land. 27 « Andes lefus droarted thence , two blindei * '^νΐΤ.*"? roentoilowed him.ctymg.and layirg.Olonneof.rhtweih thathei» Dauid, hauc mercie vpon vs. tte light of ih« 28 And when he was come into the boufe.the «"'*• blinde came to him , and lefus faid vnto them» Beleeue y ee that I am able to doe this { And tbeyt faid vnto him, Yea.Lcrd . 29 Then touched he their eyes, faying.Accor-, ding to your faith be it vnto yon. | ^ 30 And their eyes were opened, andleiu^ gaue them great chargc.fayiog , See tl,at no man' know it. '. 3 1 But when they were departed , they Ipteadj abroad his fame thorowout all that land. | 32 f 4• 7 Andastheywentout. behold, they Ι•Ι•Χ•*ί 11.,^. brought to him a dumbc man poU'f Ifed with a 7 ao example ofibit deuill. 33 And when the deuill was ct8 out.the dufnbe fpake : then the rauliitude roarueiied. faying, The like was neu^r feer.e in Ifiael. 34 But the fbarifes fiid, JHe cafteth out denils.jAr-TrA „ through the prince of iiciiils. iiukeii,,f. 3? f And •.• leius went about all cities and Γ•^''*'*•<• townes, teaching in their Synagogues, and prea- ching the Gofpel of the kingJoroe , and healing] eueryfickneifeandeuerydifeife atcong the peo- ji Aithoegh,hrordi. pie. D»'ypafloiice»/e, 3i J But X when be faw the multitude, heMi];,',',^^';^^'";;;;"// compaffion vpon them, becaufe they were difper- !hii ctorcb. fed. and fcattered abroad, as (heepe hauing οοι^Λ"'*'*.?*. Cbepheard. j,*»'!, ,Μβ' 37 Then faid he to his difciples, A- Surely the ν wMf»r ■w',xd,tat harueS is great, but the labourers λγ» few. thtmtM .ftrmtn 38 Wherefore pray theLotd of the barueft.thati*''"•"•^/••» '»/• he would ' fend forth labourers into bis harueft. I ^ *^'"^'' CHAP. X. j 1 Thetift tfhealini tiuen ttthe Aftiiles. sTI.eyarefrnt] U pre.ith the <^il. isPeaie. ,^ Shaking •fftkid-aj iS AffliOitn.ji Ctntinuanee ■vnitthe end. 13 Flpn* fr,m terfetutitH. iS Feare. i^Twt fparrnns. laHaiteA ofeurhe.a. 31 TtacknovUdtt Chr,a. 34 rea(e anii Ihepwiri. isVariarceiTLtHC »i farentf. 3S TbetTtS<'.\ 19 To life the life. 40 Tt reteme a Preathti. ANd I ♦ he called histwelue difciples vnto bim,|, The Apoftle» ire' andgaue them power agairft vncleane fpitits,jreBt to preach the to caft ihera out. and to heaJe cuery fickncflc.and;^»''!^' '"y,"'^ . ,./- r '^J^'ar.^tlj.t^^i^, eueryJileale. \Luki9,i.i. 2 Now the names of the twelue Αροβΐ€8•3Γε λ Tbtcpiiuo faitt thefe.The » fit» « Simon called P^ter.and Andrew ^j*^^'';^';-:;*''^-;^^ his brother. lames »/;#/♦»»»« of Zebedeui, ^^},»ί,,ά,,β ih,, loba bis brother, \»%iita tnUeiH power that Cbrift hath ouii the deuill. * Chap., ,,1^ ..-A.a'erri A man tfKe• riith, NrnKirioth ■tons in the • tribe cf ludAh.ItOi.xuis, .!.><«?. 13, 4<. 1 2 The fumtncofih Gcffpil.orpreachlDj cfthc Apottle», 3 Mirjcleiare de- jjendjQcet of the word. •.•.V.ir «,S,9./eA:i S),3 n!j• ' y. iTim.s.i;. d GtU reUhfrmide yoHiHeate. 5• Hapjjy arethpy that receiue the pi'eachiug of the Gofpel : and vnhap py aie the», that le- iufeit. ■ i-.Zuke 10, S. t Jtis.tminer •/ ffeech taken from the Hebrejres, whereby they meant ΛίΙ kind ofhapptnes. Juke 9.!. *.ίΛ. ,3. it. YZuke, 0,3. C Chi ill (hevveth iTOpe. SrMMIiew^ Ί 6 uKc the ctmi^f" 3 Philip and Bartlemew : Thotnas , and Mat- 1 16 • Fears them not therefore: ■^ for thete is ' Trueth'finu ,. thewthat Fubiicane : Umesthe fonne of Alphcus, ! nothing couered , that ihsll not be difclofed , noi) ψ^"Λ*' *"'■ andLebbeuswhofeforname wasTbaddeus: ' hid, that fliall not be koowen. i«>c'T,i7*'(tr*ii.r. 4 Simon the Cananite , and ludas b Ifcariot, 27 What I tell you in darknefle^that fpeake ye '" openly and m'th't who alfo bettaied him. i -Ί in light : and what ye heare in the eare.that preach ,*fe**/f Λί" r'v-^" y Thefe twelue diJ lefas fand foorth.and co^ ! ye on the •" houfes. *««/' s wfre/i «"^, raanded tlieit), faying, Go not into the way of the ' 28 Andn feareyenotihemwcichkillthebo- that they m,^ht Gentiles, and into the cities of the Samaritans en- ] die, but are not able to kill the fouls ; but racher tec ye not : 6 Bjt goe.ratber ^ to the loft fliiepeof the houfeof IfraH. 7 1^ i And as ye go preach, faying. The king- dome of heauen is at hand. 8 i Hesle the ficke : cleanfe the lepers : raife vp the dead : caft out the deuils. Freely ye haue te- ceiued, freely giue. feare hira,wluch is able to deftroy both foule and „ Th\l',l\ I j:- :_ i._il ι *, bodic in hell ip Ate not two fparowes fold for a ° farthing, and one of them fliall not fall on the ground with- out your Father ? 30 J Yea, and all the baires of your head are numbred. 31 Feare ye not therefore, ye are of more Vi- 9 ■•■ 4 PoifeCe c not gold, nor Gluer, nor nao- I lue then tnany fparrowes, ney in your gird/es. } 31^" Whofoeoer therefore il^all confeffe mee 10 NDr a fcrippe for the iourney, neither two i before men , him will I confefl'ealfo before my coats, neither flioocs.nor a ftafle.x for the work- j Father which is heauen. man is worthy of his d meat. 1 33 But whofoeuer flialldenie me before be neuerft rag-.n^ and erne II, yet rve ' may nut feare thiia. 0 The fourth part of iSam.1^,11, ' A{tl 17,34. c Thenecefiiiy laj leward of open eon fefsiagChrift. ν Markei.iS. ZMk;>,l6.(!• ti,t.' xTim »,i». Mi»Jtiii,r,. II s And into -k wbatfoeiiercity or towneyee | hitn will i alfo denie before my Father which is in follow the p^wdilrg ihjil come, eni^uire whojs worthy in it, and there i heauen. of the Gofpei. abide till yc go thence. ί 34 κ s Thinkeootthatlamcoraetofend ί^;?^',"^•? 12 And when ye come into an houfe , falute | peace into the earth.but the fword. the fame. ! 3J For I am cocBe to fet a man at variance a- 13 And if the hoiife be worthy , let your e peace ' gainft his father.and the daughter againft hermo- comevponit : but if it be not worthy , let your | ther, and the daughter in law againft her mother peace returne to you. i inlaw. . . -"• 14 * And whofoeuer fliall not recciue you, : 36 A- And a man» enemi«/Wii they of his nor heare your words, when ye depart out of that ! ownehoulhold houf;, or that city, ^ Ihikeoffthe duft of your j 37 * » He that loueth father or mother more feete. j then me, is not woithie of me. And he that loueth 1 J Truely I fay vnto y o'u , it ilialbe eafier for fonne or daughter more then me.is not wortbie of them of the land of Sodora and Gomorrah in the me. day of iudgement, then for that city. 38 ^ And hetbat taketh nothiscrofle.aisdfol 16 ^ ζ 6 Behold, I fend you as flheepe in the lowethafterme,is not worthy of me. mids of the wolues: bey ee therefore wife as fer- 39 ^ He that will hnd ρ hisJife , iliall loofe it : and he that loofeth bis life for my fake , Ihall hade it. 40 '° He that raceiueth you, receineth mee and he that receiueth me , receiueth him that fent me. 41 •.• " Hee that receiueth a Prophet in q the name of a Prophet.lhall receiue a Prophets reward: But wnen they deliuer yon vp , take no andhe that receiueth a righteous man.in the name pents, and g innocent as doues. 17 Butbewireof i» men , for they will deliuer you vp to the Councils , and will fcourge you in their Sinagcgues. 18 And ye Ihall be brought te the goucrnours and kings for ray fake, in witnefle to thcra,and to the Gentiles. 19 thought bow or what ye fl'allfpaake: for it llialbe \ of a righteous man, fliall receiue the lewatd of a giuen youinthathuure,whatyeilii!lfay. ■ righteous man. 20 For it is not ye that fp? ake , but the fpitit of . 42» And whofoeuer ihall giue vnto one of thefe your Father which fpeakcth in you. 1 r little ones to drinke a cuppe of cold water onely, 21 And the X brother Ihall betray the brother | in the name of a difciple.rerely I fay vntoyou,he to death , and the father the fonne. and the cbil- [ {[^W not loofe his reward. drenfl:all rife againft t/i»/r pacenrs, and ihall cjufe : • ■■ ^ C Η A P. X a lohn fendeth his iiftiples tt Chriil. η Chrifii teftimtn^ ■ cflohn. I) The Zatvandthe. Prophets, ij Chriftam Ithn. 11 Chorefi^H, Bethfaida. i; The Cofpel reuealti It children. aS They that are weary and lad A NJ > it canse to pafle that when Icfus had them to die. 22 And ye ihall be hated cf all men for my niu:l behΛμe them• feluet Tnjer the ■ croCTe. frcuJhMe ingredt daniers. I Xtu Ijialaot fo vntuh as rcuehge an iniury : and by the tKixing of thefe beans natures to. | Na"De : A but he that endureth to the end, he Ihali gether.hervtiinot hefiued ha»e crtv, fedome Detaued. . ,. .. tote malicious , nerf ^3 And When they petlecnte you in this citie, tHrfimpiicityntid, ' flieinto anothe'r ; fotverelie 1 fn• vnto vou.yee tut aciriaine forme. ίΛ,.\\~^.; ;i-i .-..•— .fr- •' -■• • tf good nature as rxifu,fi:tlj framed I >f both thim. as in*• ie. h For in the caufe »f religion men are,^ wellies cne r• ane- Iher. ■ •.• Marke 13,11. Χ.•;<:<•ΐί,ιι. 'l-ZHkcii.,e. 'k Marke 1^,13, ! Bring to an end, t\at chcdintbeA. Ihall not ' goeouer alithe cities of Ifrael ,' tilhbo i •^ir;ade an end of » commanding his twelue dif- Sonne ofman be come. - : ciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach 24 "■ The difciple is not aboue his mjfter, i in b their cities, nor the fernant aboue his Lord. | ζ ^ -k And when lohn heard in the prifon the 2 y It is enough for the difciple to be as his ma- | workcs of Chtift, he fent two of his difciples, and Aer«. andthefiruanrasbi^I-ord-jj^If_they haue ! fajd vnto hitr, called the roafter of the hoiiie* Beelzebub, now ι ' ^ " "^t thou hee that fliouU come, or fliall we much more them of bis houlhold? i looke for^iiptl''" ? ! 4 And lei^ anfwering , faid vnto them, Goc, ( is,y.uibaiiHo,l.a,uto,e tkorow all the c.t.es of Ifrael. \ «"'^ i^^^w loht^^vwhat thing^e heare and fee. # iui(e 6,40 lohn t\,t6. and . r.ao. + cbal. L>a. ί The blind^rcceiue light, andthe haltdoe s the iitlt of the Acnnttts , which we tall the godof pies. •f• Chap. ii,J4, \vaikc:che lepers a^e clcanfed,and the dcafi heare, Zuk. 1.^,16, 9 Nothing without exception ii to be preferred before our diiety to Gjd. •J" Chap. 16, n, M.tr.8,34. /«/i.j;»3, /t»J 14,17; •f lohn ι f, if, < ρ They are fkiih " d their lift,whic6 deliuer it out of danger; and this is fpokctt after the opi- nion of the people which thinke them cleaueUft that die, becaufi they thinke 01 of the life t$ come. 10 God is bothau• tbouf and reueuger of bit holy minifte- , ν XoJteio.ii. John 13,20. Oialllore nothjog that w» b»- ftowvpon Chriil. As a Prophet, 5i Mar. 9,4.1. r Which in the fight efthewtrliarevUi itti»hta. ύ I Chriftfliijwth I^y. bii woiki, that be 11' thepieinifedMef. ftat. Of inftrulUng them with pretepts. hThe-iifciples cities, thatistofay,i)%C*' lite, where many of them were borne, Aas 1,7. •kLHkeytli, 1 UAii VY l&V,UUllik, XU1I,U1\.U^ 'i:i-'l«_ ^UX«lia V ^JΛ\t,■L•^Λ\,ί^y fii^^j.-^^. Χμ*.γ«.ι| a Wbitajrcnocat, | ■ad whatdiffeiraie; in mC I betwixt cbe Utxj of ttie Γι pb« »iw Λλ" tftheChnuUv>b:r< (btnith : tbe frrfiX- Ugtther, tui the kmtiti tfitiiunti, theprtathmi •/ ithn with the Lew «Ml tht Fttfhei AHdngeiat.thetntft tttart fuMhtti, of ■iukeii.i*• d Tht J frefhetiii afthuni to iime, e/bifbtrc no» fit ftni ani eleertlj I fUindjftmt. « MiHit.n,j. tffi»*#.7.3'' f Tbera aic oone ■lorcUoat «Ddiii-b katBt tnimiei ottoe Cofpel, then thej »> YfLom It cughi lO lacceptible. e He Humect tit {ιοχοΛίΛο'β' ofthti Ste,t1 * fiiMtibe,tH tS«t they couli be Vtoouci ntiiker with roMt,h. nor Jtnii 4 Tbai Mbicb ibe ;be dead are raifed vp.4. and the poore recciue tb« JGcfpel. 6 And bleffed is be that fhtW not be offended paiL efufc , I be •Iceaod ihof'Dcra- kiace / Wtfew- tth, that he eenttn- himfelfe ,n kis fathers iounfell, i Cods will li the tneh note of rightt• '^"fnefe. 6 Tbtie IS DO true kWieJge of God rquietuefleof mind, butcaeljia . Ctaiiilalooe, 7 » And as they departed, lefus beganne to fpeake vnto the rsoltitude of loho , What went ye out into the wildeinellc to feci a reede Ihaken with the wind ? 8 But what went >e out to fee? A tnancloathed in foft f airoent ? Behold they that «leare foft clol•• thing, are in kings houfes 9 But what went >e out to fee ? A Prophet ? Yea, I fay vnto you, and more then a Prophet. 10 FlI this is he of whom it is written, ^Behold, I fend roy iretTengcr before thy fade, which ihill prepare thy way Uforethee. 1 1 Verely I fay vnto you , Among them which are begotten of woaceu . arofe there not a greater then lo\ η Bap:ift, noiwithlianding, he that is the leaft in f '- kingdome of heaueo.isgreater then he. 11 And f'Otn "•' tlw tiiae of lohn Baptift hi- therto, the kingdome of God fuffetcth violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 For all the Prof^ets ar^ the Law <• pto- phetied vnto lohn. 14 And if ye will receiue it , this is » that E• lias.which «as to come . 15 f Hethithathearestohearelethimheare. 16 A- ί But wherevnto ihall I liken this gene- ration ; «Icislike vnto little children which (it in the ojarkets, and call vnto their fellowes, 17 And fay, Wehaue piped vnto you, and ye haue notdauDced,\ve haue icoHtned vnto you.and ye haue not lamsnted. 18 For lohn came neither eating nor drinking^ and they lay. He hath a deuilU 19 The Son of tren carre eating and drinking, and they fay . Behold a glutton and a diinket ut wine, a fiienJ vnto Public jnes and finners; 4 but wifedoroeis iuttified cf hachiUren. 20 f ί * Then begcn he to vpbraid the cities, ι herein noft uf his great woikes were done, be- caiife they lepinted not. 2 1 Woe be to tbet C^orszin : Woe be to ihec Berl .fai^.'a, for if the great wo: ks which weredone in vou, hadbeaiedonein Tyrus ind Sidon.tbey liad repented long agone in fac.kcloath and allies. 11 But I f.y Co you, It Aulbe eafiet for Tyrus and Sidon at thedav of iudgcrnent ,ihen for yon. 23 And thou Cipiinaum.which art lifted vp vnto beaHen.ll•lalt be b. ought downe to hell : for if the great workes, whicn baue beene done in thee, had• beene done among them of Sodome, they had re- mained vnto this day. 24 But I fay vnto you , that it ihalbe eaGer for them of the land of Sodome in the day of Judge- ment, then for thee. ly φ At that time lefus anfwered and faid, I giuc thee thankes , Ο Father, Lord of heauen and earth , becaufe thou haft hid thefe things froni the wife, and men of vndetftandiag.aod b& i opened them vnto babes. 16 It is >> fo . Ο Father . becaufe tby < good- pleafurewasfucn. 27 J « Alltnings are giuen vnto me of my Fa- ther : and ■•' no naan knowetb the Sonne . but the Father ; neither knowcth any man the Father.but- the Sonne , and hee to whom the Sonne will re- ueale him. 28 Coosevntomee, all ye tbft ate we»ry «# WaiiiiBdlwitteafcfoe, ■ " ' " 19 Take nDyyokeonyou,andleameofa)ee''J; ^"•«.>*• ' that I am meakeand lowly in heait : and ye ihall ^ΜΛί"φ,Ί» finde Λ. reft vnto your foules. :*.rjii.i--.r/inM«• 30 JFor my yoke is k calie, and my burden ligbt.l '«'«'■ J-»"»» «r^ not ineatmi for »t CHAP XII. ithAt li htrntti ΟοΛ I The difeiples pU.h the «,/ί ofe.m '.6^ej.f e not read in the Liw,how that on ^"^' */•» '*' the Sabbath dayes the Pritftes in the Temple Ι^Ι^,^,^.,^-,'ίί;;"' •f !> bteake the Sabbath, and ate blamelefle ? 6 Bot 1 fly vnto you, that here is one greater then the Temple. 7 Wherefore if ye knew what this is , ^ I will haue mercy and not factitke , yee would not haue condeojned the innocents. 8 For the fonne of man is Lord , eutn of the Sabbath. 9 " ' And he departed thence , and went into theii Synagogue. 10 And behold, there was a man which had his hand dried vp. And they aiked him, faying, Is it l.wfull to heate vpon a Sabbath day > that they might accufehira. 1 1 And he faid vnto them.Wbat man fhall there be among you.y bath a ibeep 5i if it fall on ^ Sab- bath day into a pit.doth not tik: it 5c hit it out i 1 2 How much more then is a roan better then a flieep; ? therefoie , it is lawfull to doc well on a Sabbath day. 1 3 Then laid he to the inan.Stretch foorth thine han J. And he (tretched it fvotth, and it was made whole as the other, 14 3 Then the Pharifes went OIK, and confulted againlt him, how ihey might dtftroy hiin. ly But whenlefLS-knewit.he departed thence,8c great muliitudesfjliuwed him,8c heliealed the all. 1 6 And charged them in threatning wife.tbat they 111 luld not make him knowen. 17 That it might be fulHlIed which was fpoken by Efaias the Prophet, laying, 1 8 -f Behold my feruant whom I haue chofen, my bcloued in whom my foule delighteth : I will put my Spirit on him , and he lliall lliew c Judge- ment to the Gentiles.,• J 5 He Ihill not ftriue,nor CTy.neitber fliall any man heare his voyce in the ftreets. 20 A bruifed reede fliall henotbieake, and fmuking flaxe Ihall he not oueoch, till hee «^ bring focrth iudgemf nt vnto vitttory. 2 1 And in his Name ihall the Gentiles tntli. 22 ^ A" 4 Then was brought to biro one pof- fefled with a dcoilL both blind and dumbe, and he healed him.fo that htifbidi a»u bliod «id dumbr botlifpakcandfaw, 3dumbr,ii:ot>i kusu tbttferuue, £«(|(.14,6. £xg.ae,33. XtN.*ni 14,9. t Whtn the Vriefii doe Codi feruiee iifon the Sabbath da],}etthej break* tm:nuoA Ιιβο doth the Lord of the Sabbath breake the StbbUki * H./.«.r. map > 13. "Markes^l. Lnke 6,6. t The cetnnooiej ' ofihe Law areoot gaiaii ibt lout of ur oeigbbouti. Haw fane and ie what lefptS we ygiue place to vcbtidlrd rage of the Wicked. B; md^ementiS »Btafetledpaie, bt(aufiCbii!iltas ■ fHbhjbiruereU' • pen amotii the CtHm '^ dio caB out- fitferftiiun. vohieh - thint tf hen foeuiT done, the Lord ii f*Utoiri!,nea>i4 ludie *>.>■> e, that ti Isfaj, (»jcie ; and be that g3thered not wid) me, fcatiereth, 31 ^ VVhetcforel fay vnto you, Euery finne and blafphemy Ibalbs forgiuen vnto tnen : but the bUfphfmy agai'^ the holy Ghoft fliallnot be for- giuen vnto men. 3 1 And whofoeiiet fliili fpeake a word againft the fonneof man, it (hall be forgiuen liira : « but whofoeuer iliall fpeike againa t.le holy Goft , it ihall nor be forgiuen him , neither in this world ', nor in the world to come. 33 Either make the tree good , and bis ftuite good : or els make the tree euill , and his fruit e- uiil : for the itse isknowen by the fruit. 34 7 Ο geneiadonsgfvipetSjhow can you fpeake good tiiings.vvhen ye arc euill ? For of the ν abun- dance of the heart the mouth fpeaketh. 3 f A good man out of the good tfeafure of his heart bringeth footth good things: 8c an euill raan out of an euill treafure.biirgcthfooith euill ti ir.gs, ^6 But I fay vnto you, that of cuer)/ ' I'L• wotd Agiinitfrowaid that men il-.ail fpe^ks , they iball giue account ofmiiicici. thereof at the day of iudgetuen'.. 37 For by thy words tticu llult be tu&ified,and by thy words thou ilialt be condemned. 38 f s xxnen anlwe edcertaineoftheSctibes and of the Fhariks, fayiiig. Matter, we wold fee a ligne of thee. 39 But he anfwered and faid vnto them,An eoill and f adulterous geoerari,>n feeketh a figne, but no (igneflialbe giuen vnr.u it, laue that ligne of the Prophet lonas. 40 i: For as lonas was three daies and three nights in the whales belly : fo iliall the fonne of man be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41 9 The men of Niniue fliall rife in judgement with this genetation, and condenne it : for they * repented at the preaching of Ionas:and behold, ^uZlT/sZ: « greater then lonas is here. ' ' ,42-5• Τΐι,βΟπ,-εηε of the 8 South; iliall rife in iudgeixcnr with t, is generation , and ihall con- detcne it : for flie came f;om the ^ v.-moft parts of the earth to heare the wifdortic ofSslumon :and behold, a greater then Sslon,un ir here. 43 ^ i" Nowwhen thtvnckanefpifit isgone out of a man , he walk-nh throiigliout dry places, feeking reft, and findethnone. 44 T^en hee faith , I will returne into mine ^^lllc fr.,m whence I c»me;and when he is come, be .^Qdeth it empty, fwept and gaaiilhed. / 10,1$. I Pet 1. to. 10 Chiiflteachetb ο woe exam- ple, how cbac all ■ iiDgtOJght to be ;t «part in refpt* f Gods glory. j-JMirfcfJi•»!»»• Luke 11,10. I Uhn s,ie. e Ofblifiihemy agaialt the hoiy Ghoft. 7 Hypocritef at the length bewrsy thrmfelut» eueoby tkeit oMvae mouth. ji V»i>ie aiti vnpro- IfitabU trifles which .the moflparltfmen .aend their Uuei in. Κ Chap. i6,i, iuke 11,19. 1 Cor I, It- fBxflard which fell frcm Abrchami fa.th. orforfookc the true iverplif if cu. 5V lonm 1,17. 9 Chiill teacbethby the foiioAfull exirrplc of the lewes.thatthtre are none moie inifciatle then thty which put ou: thclight of the Gofpel which Wii kindled in tisetn. ^ a Kingi 10,1. 1 Chrtn.9,1. e mcaneth the rttte (f Siha ; rohife cCHHIrr} li South !K rf/Cffl of thelnrUif Ifiitfl. • A'iwtiio. h For'Sahnisfitiiai. inthevtinsCt cc.tft ofhittpy Arittit •vpponthe mouth of the Ar^htitnfc ^ Luke 11,14. CHAP. X I r I. I The paraile if the Si.^vtt. ii a«d 34 Why lefui fpakt ttt parabtei. i%Theeicf>fuion cfthe p.tt.tbie it^ The parable of the tares, jt Ufilkmujiarifeeil. 3} Of the leauen. 44. OfthehtiiLenireaftire 4; Of the peirle. 47 Ofihedrxrvnetcailintcthefe* S3 Cirtflisnit recemei ofhiiconntreymsn the SR%a iies. Τ He («az '•■ Jay went icfus out of the houfe,and fate by the fea fide. 2 ι And great roultirndesrefiirted vnto lum.fo that he weiit into a (hip, and fate downe : and the whole muhitude flood on the Ihore. 3 Then he fpake many things to them in para• bles, laying, Benold, a fower went forth to low. 4 And as he fowed , feme fell by the way fide, and t.ie faules came and deuoured them vp. y And forae fell vpon ftony groand.where they had not much eartti, and anonttiey fprungvp,be- caule they had no depth of eaith. 6 And when thefunne was vp , they werepar- ched.and for lacks of rooting whithered away. 7 Ac;d fome fell among thornes , and the thornes Iprung vp, and choaked them. i And fame agiioe fell in good ground , and brought forth fuit , one for«« an huudreth fold , fomt, lixty fdlJ, and another thirthy fold. 9 He tr.at hath eares to heaiclet liim heare. 10 f Tnen the duci^iles came.and faid to hitn, Why fpeakeft thou to tiiem in parables f ir ' AndheanfweredanJfaidvntothem.Becaufe it is giueH vnto you to kp.ow the fecretsofche kingdome of heauen.but to them it is not giuen. 1 2 X For wiiofoeucr hath, to iiira Ihilbe giuen, and he lh»ll hau-j abundance : but whofoeuer hath Dot. from him fnalbe take away euen that he hath. 13 Therefore fpeake I to them ia pjiablcs. be- caufethey ieeing, doe not fee : and hearing, they heare nor, neichei- vnderU-ind. 14 So in them is fj.filled the prophecy of Efaias• \v\)\cb prophecy faith. Λ' By hearing ye fliill heare, and ill ill no; vnderiiand , and feeing > ec ihall Γβί, and Ihall no: peiceiue- ly For this peoples heart is w.^xidfit, and their eares are dull of heatii;g, and w'.rh their eyes they haue winked, leafT they Ih uU fee with their eyes ,and heare with their eires.and ihould vudef- ftand with their heatts, an J ihould returne, that I might heale them. 16 J But bleflfed ait yo'M eyes , for they fee : and y ouf eares, for they i>c-.:;e. 17 * Fc! TTfrily I fay vnto you, rha: many Pro- phetcs , an.i rigbicous n:t;3 \\;i\xt defiredtolee Mary.e^,i. 'tkeS.^.;. Chrilt (hevvethie lUttiQg foorih til ribleoftbeS wrt, a. the feed of life hich ii foyven in he world, coiHnetl 1 fo well in linaiother, hereafon it, for a-D fot the noft part either doc 1^ receiue it, el ffer It OOt to ■ipen- thoft ■angs ye i>"",-Sc haue not feen» them » The giftofviiJer• Unding ani of aiih isptopir te the left, :>D.l all the tftaiebliuded hioughiheiult uigemem of God. < Chap tSiif- •f^Sfai.6.9- Mtrkt^.ii. l.t,ket.i.oIohMt:eChMft, it bett-r ib-.nii waiia the time of ihe Fa- thertvjde'- 'hi Law• ani to h .are u-.o'^s things, which yee heare, and baue aot heard '^fw. .9 r 4• Jl/«r.4i;. « Theugh thitt be ■n>(K< <■»""■•'< »/. thfhtift.jttthis fmt»l is »if«»r'tth,f»Wtht» $bthtert. 4 Cbrift ibewtth in another ptrable of thceuillfecd inixt with the gooJ, that the Church Ihilloeuetbtfree aadquit fiomof" feacet ,boihiD do- fttiDeaDdmaDcri, vmillthe day ap- pointed for the re- horing of all thiogl to come. and tbeie- fore the faithftill baue to arme tbemfelueiwitb patience and ceottaqcy. ij i ^ Heare ye therefore tbe pirabie of the Sower. 19 Whenfoeuer any roan hea^eth the svord ot that kingtlome.aotl vnderftandtth it not.that euill one coroeih , and caicheth away that which was fawen in his « heart : and this is hee which hath xeceiued the feed by the way fide. 20 And hee that re ceiued feede in the ftony ground , is he which heareth the word , and in- continently with ioy receiueth it. 2 1 Yet hath he no toote in I ioifelfe , and du- reth but a feafon : for aflbone as tribulation or perfecutioii cometh becaufe of the word , by and by he is offended. 22 And he that receiued the feed among thornee, is hee that heareth the word : but the care of this wofld , and the deceitfulnede of riches choke the word, and he is made vnfrnitfuU. 13 But he that receiued the feed in the good f round , is he that heareth the word , and vuder- andethit , which alfo bearethftuit.andbringeih forth.fome an hundred fold.foroe fixtie folde, and foroethiitiefold. 24 ί 4 Another parable put hee forth vnto them.faying .Thekingdoroe ofheauen is like vn- to a man which fowed good feed in his field. 2y But while men nept.there came his enemy and fowed tares among the wheate , and went his Xju*>.tc^d fei .i.aiid the tares ari ^ way, 2d And when the blade was fprung vp , and | brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares alfo. 27 Then came the feruants of the houiholder, and fay de vnto him. Mafter.fowedft thou not good feede in thy field 5 from whence then hath it tares? 28 And he fayd vnto them.Some enuious roan hath «Jone this . Then the fetujnts fayd vnto him. Wilt thou then that we go and gather them vp? 29 But he fayd.Nay.leaa wbile ye goe about to gather the ures , ye plucke vp alfo with them the wheate. 30 Let both grow together vntill the haruett, ; and in timeofharutft I will fay tothereapers^Ga- j tberye firft the tares,and bind them in (heaoes to j bu'«etbem:butgathetthc wheat into my barne 38 Andth,^- aretrechiUren' the ehil irencfiii.i. v., 39 And the enemy that foweth tbero.is the de-j B4il..{.andtheharueftis t.heendofihewoilJ.and U tttlj ,3 the reapers be the Angels. 40 As then the tares are gathered and burned in the fire.fo ihall it be in the end of this world. 4 1 The Sonne of man iball fend forth bis An- gels.and they fliall gather out of his kin:dome all things that offend , and them which doe iniquity, 41 And fl^.atl caft them into a fornace ofhte. There flialbe wailiog and gnafVjing of teeth. 43 J Then fliail the iuft tuen fl^ne as the funne in the kingdorae cf their father. Hee that badi earesto heare,let him heare. 44 Τ 7 Againe . the kingderoe of beaueo is |; like vnto a tteafure hid in the field , which when a man hath found.hc hideth it.and for ioy thereof depatteth . and I'cllcth all that be hath.and buycth that field. 4j ^ Againe, the KingJome ofheauen IS hke to a merchant man that feekcth good pearles, 46 Who hauing found a pearle of great price, went and fold all that he had and bought it. _ 47 f 8 Againe.the kingdome ofheauen is like vnto a draw net caft into the fea , that gathereth ofallkindese/r'jm^/. . 48 Wnich. when it is full . men draw to land. h};';«f°;;*^, 'j;»'" and fit and gather the good into velltls . and caft the bad away \Rtutl, 14, If, J D«ii.it.3 7 Fe-.v mea vadtf [f.taiioK gicat he richeiof the [ingdomeof heaoea are, and no 1111Q can be pariakot ^r them, bus be :bat itdeemeth theniWiA the Idle of all hi> guodi. 8 There are many inibeChuicb, which notAtib- jr the Church, § JM-»r»»4.S•, X»kei3.,9. 5 God beginneth Ilia fciogdome with very fmall begin. lithe full and rftft cieaofiog 49 So IhaUit be at the end of the world. The "'j'"™;•^'''"'. Angels ftall goe foorth.andfeoer the bad from '"i^^^^<>^y among the iuft, JO And fliail ciftthem intoafernaceofnre there flulbe wsiiing and gnalliing of teeth. Ϊ I f 9 lefus fayd vnto them. Vnderftand yee all thefe things » They fayd vnto him , Yca.I^rd. 52 Then fayd hee vnto them.Thereforeeuery Scribe which is taught vnto the kiiigcOme of hea- uen , is like vntoanhouiliolder, which bii.-igeth foorth out of histreafure things both new and old. J3 f And it came to palle , that when lefus bad ended thefe parablts.he departed thence. j4 ■■• Ό And came into his ownecountrey.and 9 They ought to be diligent, whick nnt oBtly to be wife for iheni- fcluei,bui lodif- penfeihewife- •. of God t• oih•». Mmktf.J 3 , ^* Another parable he put foorth vnto taught themjn tneir f V"^g^B"^•'" "' ^ ^ V — Γο Men doe not them.fayL.ThekingdomeofheVuenislikevn. 1 afion.ed.and i^^Y^^ • W'^'^"" ^f^-^Jf "^ '^'* *''= l•'^ '"^^^^^^ ' .^ 6». „ ,V_ 1- ...u.-.i „b....V, 1 Hnmp and oreatworkes vnto this roan? korance , bJt alfo Ui.t.Pgly. I taketh ng on of it, beA i ιοΛ«ά tehiAdtd. 13 Jf/»s iep»ruih. iS Of the furl.AUcs.&t. i} Chr,Ppr*)nh. ,^The^f>ni.s »./'Uwil* the ir«»i5. j7 F•""*• 3° ^"'• '" '"/«'"'"• i6ThthtmnepfChitftig»rmnt. AT * 1 that time Herod the Tettatch beard of theAmecflefos, » j^ttktft* Luke 9 τ Mei IAe• fGodi word iO;'low:inHeiod, conra e. whithallfaitbrullMinif: , 0 «xiiiiplelfty annoiiivaoiiie,pr:de andciut.ty.anii .' ,c. ce,.n^ o'theit Buf'f.ble Q>u.tie . -Λ bub hau- . , pleifu.-'i : irHer'r::«ard i.ei daugh .».',»» «Λ«>' Ut ,ι-Βί; .>c4i.A)ilil!eciucl;ie. a- And- ί Biptift,- ifofCgrlctii * By verks he Λκ'ιΐ "ptwir*'Jhnehj . 3 "i" ^°^ He.'od hicTtaken lohti , and boend worK! are wr>»iki hiai > and put him in prilbn for Herodias fake, his tiHi nit the wuKi, brother Philips wife, '^•^fetartft'•— - '^ - fne. "f Merke «.17. Xuke}.i9. <$• Xe«.f..8,i«, oni 10, It. V Chap. It. 16, h There iverf the Hercii : the first of them was Antifa- ters foKne, whs is MlfctaUeiAfctU. »itts,i» whofe reigne Clirtfi was ttrne,aniheeit vas that eaufei th children to beftaint , The feccHi Tves c*l ■lei Ar.tipKs Magnm his ftuKe, Whcfe mothers name tv as Maltha ea ir Martaca, ata this was caSedTe• trareh.by reafaa of anlarginghis dom ttioa,when Arche- Uhs rvasiantjbedt •Vieitn/i in France. The thirixvas Λ- gripta. Magnns hi ttephem by Anile- iulus.irheeitvra tiatfiew lames. » Marke 9,}i. X«*i9, le. a Chriftrefreiheih ■ great multitude with fill; loaurs »ad two little fifljes ihtwing thereby, that they (lull v/ant nothiog, which layaii ihing. afide & feekf the kiagdonie of keauen. :ir Market. 3!, •Ζ«*ί9.«Λ• 4 For lohn fayd vnto him. It is not § lawfull for thee to baue her. i is that lohn | »7 But Attighmiy lefus fpake tntothem, 'Γ•^ i ad,and there- fay'ng . Be of good comfort , It is I : be noi Ki. afraid. 284 Then Peter anfwered him .and fayd.Mi- ftei , if it be thou, bid njee come ταιο thee on tne water. 25 And he faid \ Come. And when Peter was come downe outoftheihip.hee walisedon the y And when he would baue put bim to death, water to goe to lefus. he feared the mahitude.becaufe they counted hira j ^o But when he faw a mightie winde , he was as a V Prophet. | afraid : and as he began to finke. be cried, faying. 6 But when Herods birthday was kept, the j Matter, faue me. daughter of Herodias danced bsfore them, and { 31 So immediatly lefuS ftretched foorth bis pleafcd b Herod. hand.and caught hitn.andfaydto him . Ο thou of! 7 Wherefore bee proroifed with an oathitha" ^'—^-i^--^ - — <- .•..«. . . be would giue her whatfoeuer fl:e would aske. 8 And llie being before inSruifted of her mo- ther , fayd, Giue mee here lohn Baptids head in a platter. 9 And theking was fory jneuertheles.becaufe of the oath, and them that fate with him a: the table, hecomraanded.it to begiuen her. 10 And fent , and beheaded lohn in the pri- fon. _ 1 1 And his head was brought in a platter.and giuen to the mayd , and fliee brought it vnto her mother. 1 2 And his difciplcs came . and tooke vp the body.and buried ir,jnd went and tolJlefus. 13 κ And when lefus heard it, hee departed thence by iliip into a dcferc place apart. And when the multitude had heard it , they followed him on foot out of the cities. _ 14 * And leiiis went forth and fiw a great tnul- titude , and was mooued with compaffiun toward tbem.and he healed their ficke. If f And when euen was come, -k his dilci• pies came to him , faying, This is a defert place, and the time is already pait : let the multitude de- part , that they may goe into the townes, and buy them vitailes. 16 But lefus fayd to them.Thcy bane no need to go awayrgiue ye them to eat. 17 Then fayd they vnto him, Wee bane here but fiue loaues.and two filhes. 18 And he fayd, Bring them hither to me. 19 And hee commaunded the multitude to fit downe on thcgrafl'e.aDd tooks the fiue loaues.and the two fiihes. and looked vp to heauen, and blef- iittlc faith, wherefore diddeftihou doubr 3 2 And aCfoone as they were come into the fl:iip, the winde csafed. i^ Then they that were in the rhip.came and worlhipped him , faying . Of a ttueth tnou art the Sonne of God 34 ί «J. And when they were come ouer.they came into the land of ' Gennezaret. 35Γ /And when the meti of that place knew him, they Gnt out into all that countrey round a- bout.and brought vnto him all that were ficke. %6 And befought him , that they mighr touch the hemmc of iiis garment onely : and as many as totiched it were made whole, ♦ Byfaith wetrtji vnder our feete yei uyibe vettueof j Cariit, which heU hatvertue, which he of hi« mercy b^thgiueo• MArKeo. s^. This Cent;^reth was a take nipt t» 'aptr»aum,irhich alfocauei theft* of G*ulc,AnA Tiitt• na>,fothMthe ioumre) ttjelfe irew to l>e called by that name, S lQih4C[hat Ciin..aeaie;hthe i Th, CHAP. XV. commandemeitts and Iraittitns of κ liclte. : giuea uderltaad chas muit ferk: le- y fotlpintuaU diCciCei achii u: aoa that aie bjucj nos lyturuaout felucbut air» «» bring other» c• him. ixOffeit' --■■ >.t I he plant Tvhtch IS routed vp. i^Blindeiea• dtag the iliK.i. iS The heart, ii The τνοκιαη of Can.tne. 16 The cJiildrenf brend.-nhelpes. li Faith. }t 4000 mmfedde. 36 Thanktfg'umg. ΤΓ Hen « came to lefus the Scribes and Phatifes, , No,ecom«».- •* which were of lerufjlem.fayi ig, ly are moreboid , 2 § Whydoethy dircipleetranlg-efrethetra-f"""""»"» ofGoil, dition of the Elders ι for they « waUi not their fe^ '^;'Zut^ hands when they ea:e bread. Le;.er. of hi. lavr. 3 But he anfwered and fayd vnto them, Why ίί <^*rke 7. i. doe yee alfo tranfgrelTe the commaundement of " »^*"* '*'/ >■«■• God by your tradition? 4 ■■■ For God hath commanded.faying. ^ Ho- nour thy father and mother : κ and hee that cur. feth father or mother.lethim die the death. y Bjt ye fay , = Whofoeuer (hall fay to father or mother , By the gift that \%afftrcd by me, thou mayeft haue profit. 6 Though he honour nothisfather.or hisjGod'Ii <e they diuiiei ghtintefoHtt v>atehes,inTx>hieh theyfcouted. Λ Afpirit.asitis here tak<:a, is that tfhieh a man ima• ^ineth t» himfelfe vainel) in h»s mind, ferfwading himfelfe that he feeth [mr thini^anifeeth ■H>tht»if tr; ied.and brake.and gaue the loaues to his difciples, | mother, fh.ilbefree : thus haue ye made the com• flh ceflers from hand to hand, or their eU ders allow ed,Tivhich xrete the gQuernon fthe Church. ; Their Wicked loldiielTe, in cor< lipiing the coot• mandeinf QH of [ that νραα and the difciples to the muhitude- ao And they did all eat.and were fufficad.and they tooke vp of th: fragmems that remained, twelue baskets full. 2 1 And they that had eaten , were about fiue .tboufand men , befide women and little children. iz^ And ftraightway lefus compelled his dif- ciples to enter into a fliip, and to goeouer before bim, while be fent the multitude away . 23 And affoone as he had fent the multitude * i<4r.e,4f.4i,47, ithH6.\6• 17. 18. 3 We maR fails (Men thorowe mighty tempeflf, and Chrilt will ee tier forfake vs, fo that we gee wbi- ther he hath com• J vs. Bl thefoHUh 'atth is meant the time neere to day - , breaking ; for in old *way , be went ?p itxo a moontaine alone to pray <;».. ifciv j,uu,d land* when the euening was come,hee was there alone. • 24 3 And theibip was now in the mids of the iea, and was tofled with waues : for it was a con- trary wind 25 And in tlie c fourth watch of the night,Ic. fus went vnto them walking on the fca, roandement of God of no '' aucboiitie by your tradition. pretence of godii< nefle.and vfurpieg authoriiietoHiake lawei.ii here te- 7 3 Ο hypocrites , Efaias prophecied well o^ ρ'°°''<"^• you, faying, 8 ■k This people draweth neere vnto me with their mouth . and hoiwureth roe with the lippes, > but their heart is (arte off I rom me. 9 But in vaine they worihip me , teaching for doitce,ir thefeecfS)rix. f Of the Ihcke of the Cannnites, nhich dnellii tn Fheniitn. S In that tfaat Cbiill doil» fcms- tiinttiiit Wiie lioppebii«itrs «gainll 1 be prayer» ot'bis Siin s. h>e doeib ir f r bis glory aud.ut prcfie. 5i Chap. io,• ke»lt in thii wife , ihatfucb ptembets as mre V>eake,he retlcred theilih,ar.d)c~ heeculdeajilyif hehAan»»lJ,knue ■jth.mh.ud-s And feett andiiher tmbtri nhieh wanted thfni. , •J. MxtKe 3. 1 . 7 Bydciniaj.ioe ■ miracle. Ctriit (heweih [bit he will neaer be waa• liag to tbrm that follow tiin, r.o sot iatbewildtr- r Cif Bit fum my tie. «. istbJcb goettrlnto tfp^outh.iit't:'- leth not the mm, but chat which commech outvf the raouth.that defiletb the man. 12 f Then came his diiciples , and fayd vnto hicD.Perceiueft thoa not.thac the Phaiifes are of- fended in heating thu fij ing? 13 But he anfwereJ and fayd , ■! Euery plant which mine hcaneDly Father hath cot planted, ftalbe rooted vp. 14 Let them alone , they be the '•' blin Je lea- ders of the blind ; and if the blind Itade the blind, both fliall fall into the ditch. 1 y f •ί• Than enfwered Peter.and faid to him, Diclare vnto vs this par.ible. i5 Then fayd lefus, Are je yet without vnder- HandiDg ί ,17 Ferceiue yee not yet , that whatfoeuer en- tretii into the mouth , goeth into the bdly, and is caft out into the draught ? 18 But thofe things which prcceede out of the mouib , coice from the heait , and they defile the man. 19 For out ofthe hearth come euill thoughts, mufders, adulteries, fornications, thefis.falfe tcfti- monits, flinders. 20 Thefeare thethiDgi\vhichd»fiU;y'man:but , to eat with vr.waihen hands, detileth cot the man. '• And Itfus went thence, and departed into | the cCOjiiSofTyrusandSidor. | And behoUie , a womm a f Cananite came j outcf the facre coaftcs. 5c cried, fayirg vrto biro, Haue roe.'cy on me , Ο Lord , the loune of Dauid: my daughter is miferably vfsedvvith a deuil. 23 / But he anfwered hetnot a word. Then catue to him his difcipks , and'befcught him, fay- ing , Send her away , for fte ctyeth ifter vs. 24 But he anfwered, and fayd.I am not fent.but vnto the -i• loft Iheepeoftheghoufe iflftael. 2 )- Yet Ihe came, and worlhipped hiro.fay ing, Lord.helpe mc. 26 And he anfwereJ.and fai J, It is not good to take the chilJrens bread, and to caft it to whelpts. 27 Butfliifjyd, Trueth.Lord : yetindeedethe whelgs ea:e cf the crumoies, which fall from their mafters table. 28 Then lefus anfwereJ.and fayd vnto her.O woman.great is thy f^ith: be it to thee.asthou de- fjreft. And her dagghtet was made whole at that houre. 2 9 f β So lefus J went aw; y from thence,and came reere veto the fea of GdUle.and wentvp into a roounraioc and fatcdowne there. _ 30 And gr 7 1 hen lefus cjlled his difcipks vnto him, ai^dUf d, I baue cca-.paiEon on this multiruJe.be- cjafe they haue' coi tinucJ with tre already tl rf e dayes,andrajenutbiDg toeste-.and I \vilff;ot let them depart fa(ting,leatt they feint in the way. 33 And his ilifciple? Gyd vnto hira, Whence fliould" wee getlo nuch bread in the wiMei nolle, as Ihauld fiifiice fu great a tcultiiude ! 34 And Icfus fail ^nto tbcm.Fow many baues haue ye: And they faid,S«uin,& » f^w li«Ie fiaxs. Γ' iJt.- J^£lll'i«L^ -^■\■-ίί^J^'ΛW J diVl nhen inrttcm^ thej drawe thti tnus It tbrm. ' A kindi ,f It;. i ) Then bee romtEanded tb e ault?^ "JJ l'.ci i/h.j r.t tfinesfelff, ««J the αφ. i; To /./e the h'e. Τ Hen ' + came the Phatifes and Sadduces, and did» tempt ^ww.dtfjtirgbim to ibewthema figne from htaeeo. 2 But he aniwtred.Sc faid vnto tbem.Wheo it is eucning,yefay,Faireweather,ior tbeikie is red. 3 J And in the tnoroirg yt/^jr , To Jay/^e// ^«atempeft.fcrthetkieisredand lowiing.O by. poctites.yecan difcerne the b ficecf the iKie.and can ye not difcime the Ggnts cf the times ? 4 ■•■ The wicked genwation , and adulterous feeketh a ligne.butttjerelhilinofignebe giuen it ,butc thit figne of the Prophet •{• ignasilo he Ic ft them , and departed. y f » And when bis di'ciples were come to the Other fiJe.they had A io\ gotten to take bread wi:h thtm. 6 Then lefjs fayd vnto them.Take beede and ^ beware of the leauen of the Pnatifes&Saddi:ces. 7 And they reafoneJ amorg thenLUlues .fay- ing. It ii becaufe we baue brought no btead, 8 But leliis ό krowirg it , fayd veto them , Ο ye cf litle faith, why reaion yee r/^M/ among your |/ fclues , becaufe you baue brought no bread ? 9 Dje ye not yet perceiue.neithet remember the «^ hue Icaues, when theie were* hue thoi;find mtn, and how many baskets tccke ye vp ? 10 Neither the feuen loaues when there were .5. foure thoufand tf.en, inti how many bifkets tocke ye vp ? n Why fperceiiieyerottbatl ? fayd not 'za- toyou conceinirg bread, that yee iliould beware of iheleauencfthe Phatifes.and Sadduces ? 1 2 Then vndeiftcod they that be had not fayd that they ihould bewaie of the leacen cf bread.but of thedodrinecfthePhatifes ,and Sadc'iiccs. '3 f § ■* Now when leiDSrame into the ccaltis cf '' Cefarea Philippi , hee af keti his difci ples,fa) irg, Whom doe men fay that I, the fonne of man,«ro ί i"4 And they fayd.Sotte/oj-, ' lohn Baptifi: and forae, Elias : and others, lertmias , or dne of the Piophets. 1 5 He fayd vnto ibem. But whom fay yee that I am ? 16 Then Sinron Peter arf.vereJ&;faid,-.Thou i^'f att that Chtift . the fonne of the iiuir.g God. ,^^^^ 17 V» Ai:J lefus at fwered. and fayd tobIm.L•c6..^.f.34. '^ IfjidemM.rd.r queflicn hynedtvilhadrKimi)»- | SaiJ.ft' ecmoieuttitl, f M*r.^ a; ...•'• 9,18 3 Thtrtare Jiutrs iuJgtnitnis snl opi-io7» of Ciirift,aotwithli.'Cii;!uj , bee i» kacwneofhli alooe. * Ti.ire were iw, Cif.ireai.the tnecAted Str^tma ittoa Ike rt.i Mcdiiirrame.which Her^dhu.tt [..mfiutHfi] in the biHcnr tfOi. lavt'ii', Isr/ii.tt. the mhit WAS C«fi(i'-vi»«.«9iF»ithi»ofo,»(e,noio»eatii.«.| Bbb Bleffed "i gree w.ll together agaioti CbiilCbut Jo what ihey t»c, Chiiubearerba- wayibeviaii::•, Λ iriumphitb ifJtbnu. Chap.ii.jS. a'ki 3,11. Tt I r > vchethtr etu.'d iit that nhiih tKi] diftrtd, nr ftnpuft he J ihttghti» ■ ;de f.tns thirty ιβ 7» by that ne^tit hen^ftn they itht h'tue :u;i i.- ft>Htc,efr,h then thnii the w nmi•• thii wt< Η κ lanivnir'findin β-vcd itthetfr»» h-aten. S Thiii trui! Jii b, whi;h cM- L-r.tb C Hi ft. the \ertuewi?teof Sililkn ,4». the SyUn tingne, uni ihercfere v\ei. n>l th.^ defcAnti-,g bety» XI Petrof, iv'iich ft; nifieth 1 ^eltr.ani Peir», hichftoiliethit 1 i.-ke. hit I» both flxcfi-vfedthii Viri Cephxs : but his minic tdts thM wrotf inGretk.e,b) thfiiuentetmiai tien torn the λ Hif- ftnnce between! reter,v>hc is « fieeecfthe huH Aini.xniCh ' J-eira.thaHf.tht nek• *ni f.unU- tim: or els hegii< his η ime Peter , he- 's emfecfiht-tinfef. tfi^n of his faith, \ lohiehistkeChHr• I! eift II well as his l^ttnes: F.. f. f.t i/.jfi iK>Sr»><'.« '*.«//»"■''•. ;''''^*f- (7? tfci ^oic.' V ire thou , Simon ", ιίις ΐοηπί of ionas : for kflirWiJ bind ba-hroTiiursledufatotbce, bjt my Fither \v'iic!-i ii in heaien. 1% > And I fdy a!fo vnto thee , tl'at thou art 4 ' Peter . an.l νρ,ίη tiis rock'; will I buili tcy C'iurc''i:5:''ien'gar« oinelfl-ullaot oaercofti'iit. 19 « A vJ I ^ wiilgiue vntotbie the " keyesof tlie Kinglome of heauen.and w^atfoeufrthou ihilt ο bind vpon ejnh .(lullbe bound in beia^n: a id w'la fjeuer thoa llult loof; on eatth , ihtW be lojfeJ In hei !2ti. Tnen he charged hisdifdples.thar they ill )ulJ tell no tnan that he wis lefus t at Cbtift. n f 3 Fro-nihattimefjorthlcfiiS began 10 ili.w vnto hi? dif-i|'les that he muft go vnto Hie- rural-ro .a.id fuflVr traiy thirgsof thcPEiders, and of;hehi:P.iefts,andScnbcs, andbefliine andberaiftfd agiine the third diy. 21 Thin 1' iter qtnc'kr him afiJc, and began to rebuke him. fiyiog.NI^fier.pif-ie thy (dfs : this Avail tioi be vnto thee. 23 s> Then he turned backe , and fjyd vnto Pe- ter. Get thee behinde me. ' Sucan •. thou art an of- ffjnce vnto me, l?:cJufi thc-i fvnderfijndeftnoc the tilings that ate of God , bu: :he things that are of men. 24 «ο lefusthenfayd tohisdifcipl-S ,v Ifiny nsan win fallow ice , let him fjrfike hiajltlfj and take vp his crofTe , and follow rae. 2 jT For Κ whofueuet will fiue his life.fiull lufs it : and wholaeucr llull lofs bislifi for my fike, Ωΐί!Ι'6η]εΐΓ. 26 X F jr what Q^all it profite a inin though he (liDuld winne the whole wotld.tf he lofc his owne ioulif or what ihall a man giuefor recoctpence of bis foul e ? 27 For the fjnneof tnan {hu\ corre »io the glory of his F'cher with his Ang-lsSc *then iba'i he giue to eiiery fr.•»,- > I oThef ,g,.ffi..ih:i-.P''iyira.ifAning.iiChi7fi'^'*t '' ^^^^ ιοΤΊί» igfffi„ih:i:?"tyira.ifAnini.ixChi^ Urhh: rjfi-H. 14. He pa)ith tribute A Nd 4• • > if if fixi Jayes.icfus tooke Peter 5c lamfS.anJ lobn his brother, & brought them |. Mtrke j, ,, vp into an hie motintaine apart. ■' ' X, And was b tr.insfiguted b:forc them.-snd his face did iliine as the Suime, and bis cloa'hci w;re aswbiteasthel'g't 3 And behold , there appeared vnto them Mo- tl'l^''"'.'' °f °" fes, and Eiia? , talking with him. 4 Then anfwer^tJ Peter, and fai J to lefus.Ma- fter.tt is good fjr rs to be here: if thou wilt,Iet vs \^""Vi trake here three tabeinadfs.one for thee.andon?'"" ' for Mof s , and one fur Elias. -"ke 9 23. "ihutiible in he 3oe feafcn he i •t VVniJe be yet fp*ke , behold , a bright clotid i"" «/ th^m that Luke reiKoKetk "I't dtjci, cun. in that the I-' } «"d lit tait..ni Wuthtnfieakeih ihadowed them : and behold .there ctmc a voyce put of the daud.faying,;^ This is 'that my beloucd Sonne, in ννΊοΒ I α•η well pleafed : beare hiiD. j " 6 And when the difcipies haird that, they ^ f,;ll j on their f^ces , and were fore aftiid. 7 Then kfjs ca tie and touched tbem,& f^yd, Arife.andbenotafaid 8 And when they lifted vp their eyes.they faw no iran , Hue leLs onely . 9 f And as they catne downe from the moun- taine.lefus charged theai.fi ving.Shew the fvili «1 to no man , ν uiil the Sonoe of tran tifc agiine from the dead. 10 •.• And his difciples asked hiTJ.Gyi-g, Why then fly the Scibiis that κ Elias muft Hrft come? «" 11 And lefus anfweredSc Ctyd v.-.to th-w.Cer- tainly Elias roiift firft come, and reft jre all things, 1 2 Bit I fay vnto you.tbat Elias is conDs alrea- dy , and they knew hira not , but haue done vnto bim what(o?uer they would : likewife ihall alio the Sonne of man fuffir of them- 13 Then the difciples pctceiuedthathe fpake vnto them ofloho Biptift. 4 f :A• i And when they were come to the 28 <« V.rely'l fay vnto you.there be f.me cf ff;}'f'• ^^^" ^ame to bim a cettaine a:an. and them thai ftand here, which fl^il not tatte of death, till they hanf: fcetis the Sonne of man come in his xkingJomc. 1 ff). y i Μ Th'e» arts of tie Church xre e-m-!tr'i t« Λ βηην kin^d'm^.etJ therefcrt I fy G ties, are mexK '•'■'• ^ vkich ire tnide ii rong VHh emitf'nHe atid fortreffes ati ihts ;s ttfihe min.rtcrs of ih^ vocii,ai Efa,. i *a ix.aaithAt po-iv.'r iseonnsints ^U tntmHers^asCha i%,iii.3ndtherefere the tiers t'thc Cofpelmxy rightly be tilled the k*l cfihe km^i^me efbeti4en. aThejart bnuni-mhafe ftanei nre rtfyned.beAwnis [bnt agntnfl ihem,t,e.-.i,fe the) te'eiH' mt Ch'td by failh:cK the other f:d;h„tf; h/ippie «re they,te nhm bc:;inis tprn. tohith tmbrace Chrifl^tttd areithueredbi him.anabticme jet• S'.v: h : ires nit hhmi. 7 Men null fi^il leainf and ti;e8 tiach S Thpmi'idc» nf m-n ir; in time tobiprc^arfd & marlt reaciy agaioft ibc ftuin'D'iagblocht• cif r!rfcu-ion. ί It WIS a nxme tf di^ nine ^ att »f aie, and , t is put for them, rehtch were the Iitd%es.w'^te'^ the Hfhrer^es tailed Sanktdrim. q Tetkehim H the hand and lei him ^fidt, as they -vfe to do», which mitKe ic tatke f*txHiarlj V':thiine. 9 Agaioft a prtpofterousziafe^ r The Htbrerves taB htm Sjtan, thit is ttfty.an aiiier[arie,whom :he Grecians ca'i itakohs.lhiit •'. tefay.fian. iner.nrtempter.-btHilisf^ohn iftkem.theteHhirofmxlice.af ludis.Ithn a, jo.orcflifhlnefieaniMi:refH^ev>i3ofC'>d. / Sy thiswrd ne are t utght tk.it Ptterfinn:d,tkrMih a ^atfe perfvajion ofhimfelfe. ίο No mfn ptouidi waife for thitn''tla?r, tbe^ they that lou»tbimfclu-a raor; thtn God, V Ch:p.'c,,3i.markeS,34 ΙκΗ.• 9 «3 and.^,i7. « Cbap io,39.mar,8,3r luk.». I >> if.iS aiH 17.33 tSliaHlatne himfelfe.Anitht: r< his mcaH-r.i,thiy that 1 f .tie Chr.H to fane trcmfei»7• x By his k-.ngiumt is vnder- η md the glory of his «fcenpiK , and wh it fMoweth thereof, £ (he ψ, 10, »r tkt DeAchint of the dfpt!. Mar 9,1 . [ C Η A P. X V I I. U Tletran^Hlttration ofCl^rifl.iC"r-ftoa^ht to he hearl. Γ; 1 f.a.Mj IfU rS.^/ift lyThe inleieeft4f the A^tii- ί fell downe at his feetc, I J And fay d, Maft:r , haue pittie on my fonDc: for bee is S lunatike.Sc is lore v:xed:f jr oft times hee filieth into the fire.and eft times into the wa- ter. 1 6 And I brought him to thy difciples, 8c they could not heale him 1 7 Then lefus anfwcred.and (ayd.O gcnersti jd faithleffe , and crooked , how long new ihall t be with you ! how long now ihiU I iufler you .'bring bim hither to me. 1 8 And lefus reb.ik?d the deuiil, and he went out ef niro.Sc the cnilde was healed at that honre. ip 3 Then catie the difciples to lefus apart.and fay J, Why could not we caft him out ? 20 And Icfjefayd vnto them, Becaufeof your vnbeleefe : f jr* verely 1 fay vnto you ifyeehaae faich as tnmh 35 is a g-ain? of muftard feede , yee lliall fay vnro this mountaine, Remooue hence to yonder place , and it (hill reraooue ; and nothing Ihallbe vnpoiTiole vnto ycu . 2 1 4 Howbeit this kinde goeth tjot out,but by ^pra erandf.fting, 22 V ! And they ^ being in Galile, lefus fayd vnto the.m , The Sonne of Man ihallbe deliuercd into the handes of men. 23 And they Π-.all kill hioi , but the thi'd day .iLailhe rifjagaine: and they were very fory i,ia>. b' preparf J moie 1 Η mite agaiofttbe οίΊοο€θ{ cbeciol : 1,44. Md-j,t^. betWixt them, "ged into ■rhue. ί• Coap 3• .7. TJt.i.n. TheaH.eUn the word. Thnt.fe- u^reth Christ S-.m rchiU.tn.FcT »' Godi naturaS ne.Wtebyad»;. >,tl,erifoieheii idihefirSbc. %'tttn amcit;^, the 'hicn, biean^e I although hee flight the onelj. "le. yet is he •fe atain^ taany 'hat h, "is the i'ntaneanihtai oft>'e .ji-f-uH . Κ Ouihthenttf i Chej thAt were ftcmtWintypttts halft ajicu of the SaniluAry , Exoi. 31,1 J. Thiiw^i Alt AHuKi-drichme Vhieh the R^mAites exAcl.d.^t•" •>>} hxdjuiiueU India. m Bj chtUnn we muil not vniet- finHifiibniliifhul feytnbutt, but na- tural! chtiirc». η The Willi here ffed, is ftxtet.-ahieh is in value 4 iti• drachmes, euerf irtteliine is aieiH fine ftnc(. litKe 9,1-6. Humb'( Wijr to pietcii- oeaie. Ichilde Μ jeete: •^ Ch.if.X9,'4. ki• dV,(ffeeck lak mutt :•- foi COII>.OKf, not to reuet'gi Jf't,i.fr,4teie thai ihstt CMetf f.'l Ihj Ixt. tiers >ff.i;cc. Ϋ D.ut.19.,!. ι<*λ8,.7• I tl'.; binde on eardi , Ihall be bound in heauen : and X wbatfoeuer yee lov fe on eattb,iliili bz locfed in heauen. 19 Againe.verely 1 fay vnto yon .that if two of jrou ihall ι agree in earth vpon aoy thing , wba.lo . euer they Ihall defi.e, it (hallbegiuen them cf my Father which is in beauen. 10 For where two or three are gathered toge- ther in my Nzme.there am I in the mids cf them. 21 7 Then came Peter to hiaj.and iaid, Mailer, how oft Ihall my brother finoe agaiiift mee.and I Hull furgiue bim ί -k vnto fcittn times ? 2 i It.fus fiid vnto him, I fay not to thee, Vnto icuen times, bjt, Vnto feuentis times feaeii times 23 Therefore is the kirgdome of heauen l:ke. tied vnto a ceitaine King.wnich would take an ac- •ccunt of his fetuants 24 And when he had begun to reckon,cne was brought τη:ο him.wbich ought him ™tencc thou fand talents. 2) And becaufe hea had nothing ro pay , h is lord commanded Lira to be folde,ind fcis wife.and his childtcn, and nil that be had, and :he dtk to be payed. z6 The fert ant therefore fell downe.ind " wcr- fliipped bim, faying, Lord ,0 leftaine thine anger toward me , and I will pay tbee all. 27 Theι^ that fetuants lord bad coir.paffion, and loofed him.and forgaue him the delr. j 28 Butwhentheferuaot was departed, he found I•"-'"" ihtitbAn one of his fellow I'cruants which ought him an fj*"^'^*^*"'', huudreth pence.and hee layed hands on biro, anJi Λη7ΐ/•..< ca/iing thratledhim, fayirg,r.iy me thatthonowcft. i"•' «i i*< ?;»■»- 29 Then his fcllowe feruant felldowne at hisjf^'^"' '"*J*j[',^ feete.md befuught hiro.iayirg.Refraine thine an- ger toward me, and I will pay thee ail. 30 Vet he woi;ld not.but went and caft him in- to prdon, ti'lhe Ihoi^ld pay the debt. 3 1 And when his othtr f-ljow ilrnants fiw what was done, they were very fo; y, and c; me, and des "' — I vnto tbeir loriall that was done. asthtjdJihe 32 Then his lo'd called him vnto him, and fiid to him. Ο cuill feruant,! forgaue thee all that debt becaufethou prayec'ft me. 33 Ojgh teft not thou alfo to haiie had }4ttie on thy fellow feruanr.euen as I had piitie oii thee ? 34 So his lord was wroth.and deliuered him to the tormentours, till he ihould pay all that was due to himi 3 y So like wife lliall icice heauenly Faiiiei dee !*.««./,„/.„/,- meiak^HfKsbe ο ri i.r:iceih, y-,«.i3.,6.a»i UUfera fiillVfit' »'/', f wil,»*«« h. matter ip,<,k.etli ef.. He, as he. ^ neath, cf-.np n.iC. I Smecnicti. lAine. 6 He ibdt con. trmoeib the iLdgr• cicQt of tbe Church, ccuieai. Beib Cod, h IVcdfcrvcii, diHit'.cuihfafr i ft heare , >i m.tk» siAoughbedld III '.e.tre. He ft. aketh «ft fnK) i.-l.iif •//'C- ^ue.lut.farE,. el.f.»f,uaH *l].m. 7 , f„ kefpea. Kith HftiTWArdof ■ f.TPir 'fliifinf it.i-.i^ri , nkith ,i>t,JtPthe Church , and he heih retard 10 lie ».:rvfcd,nil.,ji ' nhat Eli-.s had the it.iir.ntut f Chuuh m. tAiiiS, Λ Piifhane, tni pi.l.cl.,un: fhih miu , tie le-xei culled Gen» tiles : yvhcfe f.m-. I Th„ -Hitiis trmjaitd fr-.mtU bed) It the mind', firitie:,ngith frHerlyuf.nft. Tbryibalitode Gcdfiuere aod uct to te pleated. whiibdoe Dot for• thtir brtihteo, although they haue beere diuerfly and gTiraoDfly iuiured ty them. A• LuKe 17.4; mHtre isfetdewneaverjgreatfumme of tkreeff re hundred ihtuf.nd iiennt:, and a fmallfmmme oftinnecrtwnes , thtt the difference may betielrcater, fn tkere unotnforinn befwetni thim. η This Was actntttreutrence rvhichnat very vfttall in the Ε.τί?. I Teeidc not tinmucb tt thine aKg, r againil me : ft it Ctdcalledinthe Scripture, flswe to anger, that is t»ljy,genilr,ar.d tne that r{«| fmnuh tht nnmmg «/i's mmde, pfaimt te,}. faiieni audof^re^t «rifif, Β b b 2 VDto I -rfo .,_Ji"^l'it\^i!: *':rirfo jv:uo yoo.cxceptye fS^Je ffoas ycut beatts.eacd one to bis brjthcr their trefpaffes. CHAP. XIX. £«»LfcfS. 13 Ch.iiri» bright u Chr.fl. t; Ga,nely c.U. ThtCcMmt^Ji.memfmufihfkrrt. xxAprJcct ».i». 13 A rich mm. loSaluXtitnc^mmithefGci 17 Tt leant aU a>idt Jim Ch'iii. r l ic AN.] -f it cane to paffi , that when lelas had h- nilh^tiitf^f»yings.he»Jepittedfcuir.Gi}il3, and Ci'fls into the co'.fts of ludea beyond lotJan. I thou ilialt i;au3 usiicti in heaaen , and come, and '-"imf'adukefi" : Thoo (halt not fteale : Thou d>ilt ι not beare falfe witnefl'e. 2 And g^eat tnul-itudes followed hini , and he healtd tbera there. ^ 3 f ' Then catce vnto bira the Phanfes terrp- ' " iiia),atid fiying to hicn.Is it lawful! f jr a iiia,a to ^ pjt away bis wife vpon euery cccafijB ? 4 And he a iftvered and fdid vnto them . Haue ye not 4. M'f.to.t. » pj^idiuer the r,Jr mt.iGMe. into the borders I Tbebiniof lelTi it bi for for- nication. b To (tni her Λ biokeifdiito'te- nt'-nt, aftrt.cAli.i. »9• ί G?».r,i7 VGtw 2,54.. i.fjr. ί,.β £ffcf.j-,3i. ^if Gi-ff/te ipji-il minted 10 be en>eivnto,ifSeri liffilKifiedthat reit klat , rvhich is tem^enerntn wife, Λ! though the] mere gteviii ttiether. d Vhcy rohich were tw,beei>me /is if wert one : αηΛ this tetri flejh h bj Λ fiiurelakenforthc ^htlemAH.or tae hod] after the ϊΠΛ- mer oftheHebraes. e Hdth mnie them jtke ff«ws.fs.'*f ; commit aduherie. 9 Honour thy father.and rr.other: and.Thoa ihAt loue thy neighbour as thy felCe. 20 The yong man fiid vnto hitn , I haue obfer- ued all thsfe things from my youth. What lacke I )'et ? 21 Iefusfiid^rntohiro,lf"thouwi!tbeperhte, β J*i>i«i goe, felihat thou haft.andgiueit to the pooie.and ' '' '"" f jUow me 21 And w'len the yong man heard that faying, hee went away forowfuU.for hee had great politf- fions. 2 3 β Then Tefus fai J vnto his difciples, V.rely 1 fiy vnto you , that a rich man Hull hardly enter into the ki'igdomc of beauen. oinniog , made them male and female, i 24 And againe 1 fay vnto you.Tt is ο eafier for a " y And fdide, •• For this cai.fi.flull a ma••; leau« ^ r camel to goe throi'gh the eye of a needle . then father and mother, and <^ cleaiie vnto his wife, and 1 for a rich man to enter into the kiiig'ome of GDd tead, * that be which made them ai the be- they which were d two. (liallbe one flifh ? 2 y And when his difciples hear J it , th?y were 6 VVnerefore they are DO more iwaine^but one j exceeditigty airafed.fay ing.Who then can bee fa• flifh.Let not man thci fore put afunder thit.which 1 ued ? God hath « coupled together, And lefus beheld them, and faidynto them, 7" >~They'failtohim, Why dLi then « Mofes | \vi;h men this is vnpoflible , but with Gjdall . r„ r.i: ^^Λ . things are poiTible. 27 f •?• Then arif^ered Peter.and faid to him, Behold . we haue f jtftken all .and followed thee what theref:)re Hull we haue ioroived k'lH ech cAllei 4 fc command to giue a bill of diuorcement,and to put ber away ? 8 He faydvato them, Mofes ''beciufe of the hardnefle of yoar heart.g fuffered you to put away your wlues : but f o33the beginning it was no: fo. 9 I fay therefore v.ito you. -.V that whofjeuer j ihall pat aw iy his wife, except «tie'' for whore- | doroe.8c marry ano'.her.committethaduUetie.and whofoeuer marrieth her which is dinorced , doetb mit aduherie. 0 Thin faid his difciples to Bfn, If the ' matter be fo betv»een ma i & wife.i: is not good to marty. 1 3 But he faid vnto them.All men cannot k re- ceiue this thing.faue they to whom it is giuen. 1 2 For there are fowe ' eunuches, which were fo borne of their raothei s belly rand there be fome eunuches.which bee gelded by men : and there be f jme eunuches , which haue ■" gelded thetufrlues for the king.iome of iieauen. He that is able to re- ceiae r<»»/,let him receiue it. 13 f * * Then were brought vnto him litde children, that he fnould om hii hands on them.and Spray : and the difciples rebuked them. i 14 But lefus faid, Suffer little children.and for- bid them not tocometomee: foroffucbisthe ' w '/ « i'^""»" kingdome of heanen. th^othfrbownh \ 1 J And when he had put his bawds on tbem.he \*ndbe>ideth as the I departed tbence. I rarpeniers liquet, j \6 ^ ! ^ And bcholdcorle Came and faid vnto * chap.i,}i.rntt j ^j^^ ^^^ Mi&tt, what good thing a^all I do.that 28 7 Andlefasfiidvnothem, Verely Ifay to|4•//. ^ou , that when the Sjnne of man fliall fit in the d,d>iotaHfwere uelj infixing that ke hid k'ft All the ctmmandimcHis; nd therefore he layeth iUl an ex. ample of true ch.x^ rity before him.t» the difeafe 'tb.U lay lurking 6 Rich Biin blue neej of a fingulir gift of God , to fcape lu ofilis nareiof Saran. 1 Word for w -Ad, t tsifhficlebtufi f Theephylail no.• teth , that b) tfiis wuri /! meant a cable rofe , but €λ- nmius alleageth ομ( tf the ThalmHdifts^ thit » ,s Λ niuerb, nni the Word Ca- i*ie:,fi-iii,fietkthe ■ fUtfeife. Luke iS.JS. 7 It ill cffpe » BcciH''e poli- te LayViS are conlrained to beare with foine ihings. it folio ΛΓ- eth «ot by aod by " >t G>d aibwetb th!.n. « D;«t,»4.i. / Beinioreafiitied tyreafet of the i7ardneβe ofyiur hearts. %By« poHtike /aw , nit by the - rail lam: forth. luKe I may baue etemall life ? 17 Acdhefaidvntohim.Why calleft thoume good ? there is none good but one, euen God : hut if thou wilt enter i no life,keepe the Commande- (Dents. % 18 He did vatobim, Which? And !cfus faid, § Thefe, Thou Ihalt not kill: Thou ihilt not com. <> Tnereforet* thefe i^yes the l,aweuhM foe jBide againfi adul- ' ttrers roere net re- garded : for they (bmld haue needed Hodiuoreement , if n:»ri.i%e h.ti bene tut φηΐ/r ivith pinifbemint by death, i If the matter flandfobetrseene rhie. 3 The gift ofconMDtncie is peculiar, and therefoicuu j ihmifeWiofperpeawllcont'neacie. k Rfceiite and admit. I tj,that Λ firatt iS aarrow place 11 «at able to receiue m.tny \ thinp. i The mord Eunuch is a itnrall word, and bath ituers kinds -vnder it, \ fs teldei men and bnrfien men. m Wi ch aiifeinefrom miriage,and Hue conn- I nently throiti'' the gift of God. 4 Infznti and litle cbild.eo are contained 1 1 the f't'icouenaatofGod. * Λ/ (r.,o, n. ί:«ίΐί•ι3,• ; . <'/ffion la Zebedeui fonnes liTh cup. i-i ChriU IS o«r mttiiiier- 30 Two blinUe r, For the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a cer laine iboulbolder, which went out at the daw ningcftheday to hire labourers into his vineyard ho 2 And he " agreed with the labourers for a pe- '"^ nk a day, and fent them into his vineyard. 3 And he went out aboa: the third honre.and faw other (landing idle in the maiket place. 4 And faid vnto them , Goe yee elfo into my vineyard, and whatfoeuer is right,l will giue you: andthey went their way. y Againe he wait out about the fixt and ninth houre. and didlikewife. 6 And hee went about the beleuemb houre, and f jund other ftanding idle.and faid vQto them, Why ftand ye here all the day idle ? 7 They i'^iid v: to him , Bf caufe no roan hath hired vs. Hse fiid to them , Goe yee alfo into m) vinecard.and svhatibeuet is tight.ihat fliall yee te- ceiue. . α d 8 f And when euen was coroe.the ttjafter ci the vineyard faid vnto hi* ftewarJ , C- 11 the laHou rc! S.& giue them their hire, begi.iniiig at the US tilltfcettcewitothefifft. 5> And they vhitb ff*rt /«Vi^ about ibe elenetvtV ' "^ ~ torn . Ε loft, ■rea-d. for Gofis fake The \reitnerititn> tahn fir that dar , wherein the eua^al/bepnt» • ^ a new life. that tofty, when they fbtU tnioy the hea- nly inhiritance, both in body and f^„le. ^Lukeii.J9. he eoi ,^o^th not oaely not pre•. luke 13.30. Τ I (hi it bouBel I itmh . ttsd foretecal- ieth whomfieuer and whtnfoeuer eib. Thrt cne!y eucry man takeheei' of , an! berevp^n beltowbis whole endeuoui , ibai be goe forward and come to the raarhe- without all fiop. ' ping or ftageerLog, Scnotcuiioiifly to examine other loingi , or Igementsof God. a Word for word^ fell in time : it is ι k'n.ioflj>eackta. ken frtmfonji,, b rkelafil.ourt: fir ire diy mas tyctliie houreslon^ and the fitfi hturt beg'.nat theSHH»* ^^TZwptHie/ *\;tiec ambition. Chap. jhourc.came and receiii;d euery man a penle. 10 Now when the tirft came, they fuppofed that they fliould rccclue ttore , buc tbey hkewifs rectiucd f usry man a peny. 1 1 And when they had receiued it.thcy ajur- mured againS the mafter of the houfe. 1 Saying, Thcfi laft haue wrought but one houre.etid thou haft made them equall vntovs, which haue borne the burden & heat of the day. 13 And hee anfwered one of ihem, faying, Fricnd.I doe ihec no wrong .• didft thou not agree with roe for a penyi 14 Take tiiat which is thine owne.and goethy way : I will glue vnto this laft, as mach as to thee, I y I s it not lawfull for me to do as I will with mineowne?I$ thine q^e <= euil.bic.ufe I atr good? 16 ψ So thelaft ihall bi fitft.and ihefira^^.• for many are called, but few chofsn. 17 § 2 Andlefuswent vptoHiefufikm, and tooke the tv;elue difciphs apart in the way , and fayd Tnto them, 18 3 Bebold.we go rp to Hietufalero. and the Sonne of man ihall be dtliuered vnto the chitfe Piitfts , and vnto the Saibes, and they fliall con- dcmne him to death, J 9 4 And •.• Q-iill deliuer him to the Gentilrt.to mocke. and to fcourge,and to ctucifie him.bm tiic third day he ihall tiic againe. 20 κ ' Then came to him the mother of Zebe- deus children with her fonnes , wotiliippii;g l.im, and defiting a certaine thirg ofhire. 2 1 And be faid vnto heriWbat wouldeft thoui Shee fayd to bim. Grant that thefe my two fonnes may fit.the one at thy right hand.and the other at thy left hand in thy king Jome. 32 And Iijirs2cfwered.and fayd.Ye know not what ye aske^^Jwe ye able to ^ dtinke of the cup that I ΠυΙΙ drinke of, and to be baptized with the Is «( y;»**»** ofcaptifme that I fliill be baptized with } they fayd u^"n'r Ihuwhu *" bitr.We are able. "^ !!liiiudiMthe\ 23 Andhefaydvntothem.Yeflialldrinkein- deede of my cup, and Chall be batized wi:h the baptifoae ,that I am baptized with.but to Htat my right hand , and at my left hand , is ^ not mine to giue:but it fhdhe giutn tp them for whom it is prepared of my Father. 24 Λ- And when the othtr ten heard this, they difJained it the two brethren. 2y Therefo-e lefus called them vnto hiro.and fayd , Ye know that the lords of the Gentiles haue t domination ouer them , and they that are great, exercife auiboritieouet them. ^6 But it fliall not be fo among you:but who- y'Th'e'aim'.ih'ti'nilji (ov.KT will be great among you, let him be your efChrifi *i! Sfcvm>H,e,ufMem.iiHttxpeth ,ut thef-.Hers. l^The hofife tf fr^ur. ,9 The xcihned f,,. IreetsUhtis Upiifme.iiWhc'di) thewll »f God.joPu. tlicAnes,H*rltt'.33 Ccdt vineyard.The lewis. 58 The I ftttne kilted tfihe husiAndmin. 4a The icrntriltHe. I ^ Nd 4• I when they drew neere to Hietnfaleaj, ^ j,y^,j, „^; and were cooie to Bethphage.vnto the mount [zef-e i, i» of the 0;iues, then fent lefus two difciples, 2 Saying to them.Goe into the lowne that is ODet againtt you , and anon yee fliall finde an aCfe boi'/• . ' ' . • _ '* The eitietf Suit. 1 Hettev kind f Sptaih.etmmtn '-•he lammiAiimt that the Lord hatr-need of them .and fttaightway • he will let them gx 4 All this was done t.ot it might be fulfilled, which was fpckeo by the Propr^t .faying, thy King commeth vnto thee, meekew,,] fating ' vpon an alTe , and a colt, thefoale of an abc .G-j ^ to the yoke. So the difciples went , and did as lefos had '/Th'e'7^ft,..,(i commanded them. l»rments. mrnts. Bit vp tfie Alii tie etil. ■ This rvAian λλγι^ fB» kimttfcty-Mi Tvhich they vfei in the feiiil tfT»- birnacies , when 7 And brought the affe and the colt , and put ' '^/'"» '*">i«•'- on them their c cloathes.and let mm ° thereon. 8 And a great multitu Je fpred their garments in the way : and other cut downe branches from the trees, and Srawed them in the way. 9 ' Moreouer, the people that went before.and tbey alfo that followed,cri;d,fa> ing, ^ Hcfanra to i''"r '"•'* i««i*«» the Sonne of DiuiJ, f Blefled he he that commeth '",',",»'! "ii x^lft. in the Name of the Lord.HoCuina th»H a>h'tehart £3.^0. Anithe inthehlgheft Α*ΛΜ<;ϋ. ^cr^ υ tirrw/r/y j I ο ■•• And when he was come into Hierofalem, ^;^7^;|"['j,(i[,•• g allthecltie was raooued.faying, Who is this» an^nJ, whuh n m I I And the people (ay d. This is lefiis that Pro- «»£* '» Λ.τ. «s phetcf Nazareth in Galile. Saue 1 pTAy thee. and caft out all them » that fold and bought in the ike Nime 1/ tbt Temple , and oucrthtew the tables of tbe money Ttrt.thAns »•/■«;» changers, and tbe feats of them that fold doues, \ht,Timen "t ftr 13 And faid to them.It is written, -k My houfejoer King. i ib.all be called tbe houfe of prayci: but * ye baue'" Mat-it \i. /«w i made it a denne of theeues. a 19,4;. iihit II}. f Thai II, Ai the 14 Then the blind, and the bait came to him, w» tf Htemfntiq in the Temple, and be healed them. 7v,rf«««rHt.i4.ty. i^EfaSi,6. *lrt 7,'X.Mar.ttt .7, Z*^ei»,4«. a SuchaslhouU be mailers of god• ) lines, are tbey tbaC 1 doe inolt eouie tb« | glo yof CbiiO; I but 10 viiue. % Λν 1 Λ Bt j 19 And feeing a I f Howg forct oft: chAf.n filtttfieth Λ flicking «r xoauertng ,f mind , /i »Αλ/ tv* €*ntut tell which Jf Chap.T.y.ieh.is. 7. i.idhn s.i/^. V ^/ac.ii.i7.iS. /«/iiiJO 1.1. C Agaioflihem which ouerflip- ing tfce doctrinr, binde the calling figgs tree in the way, he came to it.anJ found nothing thereon.but Icaues onely, and fayd to ic.Niuer fruit grow on thee hericcfur- jwird. And anon the figcree withered. ! zo And when his diiciples law it.they matuei- jleJ.fajing.How foone iithetigtree withered ! j zi s And lefas anfweredand fay.i vnto thetu , U• Verely I fay vnto you.if ye haue faith,& ' doubt The"GteekexQori Hot.ye Iball not oneiy do that, nhich I haue dine to the figtree , bat alio if yce fay vnto this moun- taine , Take thy felfe away , aad caft th*y felfe into the fea.it (hall be done. _ 22 J And whatfoeuer ye ihall asks in pnyet, if ye beleeue.ye (Lall receiue it. 23 f ■•' 6 And when be was come into the Tetn- ple.thechiefePfiefls, and the Elders cf the people came vnto him, as hee was teaching.and fayd, By what': authority doeft thou thefetbings-and who gaue thee this authority ? 24 Then lefus anfwercd, and faid νη>'>^^<'-Ρ°> » alfo will aske of you 1 a certaine thi^'W'-ch if ye tell me.I likewile willtell you hr *hat authority I doe thefe things. 2y The ■" baptifm^onohn , whence was it .' from a heauen. or -^ "^^" ? Then they ° reafoned among themfp)^" • '^.ν>"8 • if W'S Ihallfay, From heauen, M: will fay vnto vs. Wliy did ye not the'.i bei-^ue bJm ? 26 And if we fay.Of men.we feare the multi- tude, « for ail hold lohn as a Prophet. 27 Then theyanfwered Iefu?,ar,d fayd.Wecan not tell And hee fayd vnto them, Neither teHI you by what authority I doe thefe things. 28 f '/ But what tbinke ye? A ctrtaine tnan had two fonnes and came to the elder, and faid.Sonne, goe and worke to day in m-/ vineyard. 29 But heanfwered,andfayd,lwillnot:yetaf. terwjrd he repented himfeife , and went, 30 Then came he to the fiCund,and fayd like- Wife. And be anfvvired.and fayd, I will. Sir jyet he went not , . 3 1 Whether of them twaine did the will of tF,e father? They faydvntohiai,Thefirft f cius fayd vnto them, Verely I fay vnto yo». that thepubli- canes and the ba:lotsrgoeb'i.fore you into the kingdoraeof God. , 32 For lobn came vnto you in the 1 way of rigbteoufnefle.and yee beleeued him not : but the Pablicanes and the harlots beleeued him , and ye, though ye faw it , wete not mooued with repen- tance aftetwaid, that ye might beleeue bim. 33 f 8 Hears auother parable. There was a certaine houfholder, "k which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and made a wineprefie there in.and' built a tower,& k: it out to huffband- t»en,and went into a iir«ngecountrey. 3 4 And when the tiaje of the fruit drew neere, he fent his feruams to the husbandmen to tecsiiie thefcuictkreof., 3 f And the husbandmen tooke his fetuants.and beat one, and killed anoihcr.an j ftaned another. 36 Againe he fent other feruanis.moe then the firlt : and they did the like vnto them. 3 7 But lift of all hea feot vnto them his owne fonne, faying, They willreuerence my foiine. 38 Bjt when the husbandmen faw the fonne, tbjy fayd among themfelues , * This is the heire ; come.let vs kill him,6c let vsf take his inheritance. i^ -cjtioa to ail erdjnavie fucccllion, ZoiugaboBi by th»t falfe prettit, «oftopyeChult» moutb. k Or ,ty tvh» fnvtr, I Ont rviri, that is to fay, I willaskt fm I» ant rvtrd, m lohn his prea• thing ii called h .J,f,^jfe he fteachci the baftifmc ofte- ftHianct,u-c. η Fnm Cci, «ud fo it is plainlj fcen *«w thefe are fet me againtt ancthtr » "Beat their heads fiioutti ii mil fid, tr Ujd their heads teieiher. 4t Chap, i^s, m.\rh 6.^0. 7 at is no newe tbiog 10 fee tbem tobsitewotftof all meo, which engbc to ihe>v the w«7 ofgodliiwlfe toothers. ρ The) make hail e tothekingdtme of Gii.anipu flake: ft ihat at teafiwife ytHfbiuJdhave fhereas no man foliiveeih. H Limng-jpiif^hlly. leini of ί ^nd and honefi conuerfaiion. iortheHehrnves ■vfethi'. word Way-, forl.feani matters. 3 Thofemenof^ea «imrsaie tbe ciu- f llelt enemies o( toe Church, to vv bf ft fiieliiy it ft ccmaiitttd: Bat the vocition of G"a , iintiihtf tied to tinie.pUcf, i!0( peifoo. Vl.• JEfa s.i.iirem. iiit rntrkfiit. , , . , Luke 10 » r M.tde theplaee firing : Fir a tower is the fircngefl plaie of a nail. * Chai.xi.i^i, »Hi »7, lUhn 11. i} . f Wtrif't wtrdM is hilAttfafi, 39 So they tooke him,and call hi» out of the vineyard , and flew him. 40 When therefore the Lord of the vineyard ihali come , what will hee doe to thofe husband- men i 41 They faid vnto hiffi , He will r cruelly de- ftroy thof; wicked men , asd wilUet out his vine- yard vnto other husbandmen , which fliall deliuer him the fruits in their feafons. 42 lefus fayd vnto them, Read ye neaer in the Sci iptures, ^ The ftone which tbe u builders refu- fed , the fame is χ made the y head of the corner zThis was tbe Lords doing, and it is marueiious in our eyes. 43 Therefore I fay vnto you, The kingdome cf God fliill be taken from you.and fliiU be giuen to a p«:ion , which fliall bring foorth the » fruits «ereof. 44 ^ And whofoeuet ilia'l fall on this ftone, fie Ihall be broken : but on whorofoeuerit Λ.ΐί fall, it will ^ daih him in pieces. 45: And when tbechiefe PrieftsandPharifs had heard his parablts, they pet ceiued that hee ipakeot'them. 46 s Andthey fsekingtolayhandeson him, feared the people , becaule they tooke him as a Prophet. thefi kin^di^me of Cod, tihich bring forth thefuitsofthe ffa.t.audnotof . theftejb.Cal.r. y i'/i.S,i4 * ■^■' ch^ffcvfeth tibe fcatlerednitkihetrin i, fir he vfeih ατοοχΛ which fi^Hip'eth frsperly, to fefaraie the ctfjf' from the cof»f wirh ninnoivsKg, andtefcatler ttai/rtaU. % Tbe wicked c«u doe nocbng , bucv\h»i Gudviili, C fl-A P. XXII. 2The parahie of the rKari.T^i.^The calling of the Gf tittles -- TheneJiingiaym,fAilh. i« tfCef t A kind of pre. what end the Wic- ked areworthy of . ^ Ρ fill. Ill, XI. 9 }}• » Mafler imlderst wh:ch are thiefe m/dersofthe »ufe,thatis,of the Church. X Began to he. } The chiefea flout in thecortteriical, led the headof lie- corner , rvhifh betl» reth vp the etu• pl.Hgs „ Hints of the whcle biuldinr. 7 This matter {,» thU the flone which wa> exit away , «j made ihe head) is the Lords dung, which roe behold and.ireaily mai- Kitte at. d The) bring forth ■ruitsofthe 1} They qiie/lion with Chrtii t ■efiirrertm, 7.f,l Goi IS of ihe lining. 36 The greateil etu 37 To loue C id. J9 To tout tur neighhour. reafonethwith the Pharifcstouckutg the M'jji Τ Hen•.• ' lefus anfwerei, attdifake vnto them againe in parables, faying, 2 The king Jome of heauen is like vnto a cer- . tiine king which married his fonne, 3 And fent foorth his fir uant s , to call them that Were biJde to the wedding , but they would not come. 4 Againe he fent foorth oihei feruants.faying. Tell them which are bidden , Behold , 1 hau" pre. p.iteJ my dinner : minecxen and my fatlings are "killed, and all things are ready ; come vnto the mariage. J B;!t they made light ofit, andwentthei wayes , one to bis fatme , and another about bis merchandife 6 And the remnant tooke bis f2ruants,and in- treated them iliarply, and flew them. 7 • zBjc when the king heard it, he w«s wroth, and fent foorth his v/arriours, and defttoyed tboie murtherers, and burnt vp their citie, 8 Then fayd heeto hisferuants,Trui!y the ^ wedding is prepared : but they which were bid- den, were not worthy. 9 3 Goe yee therefore out into the hie waye», and as many as ye find.bid them to the marrisge. 10 So thofe f;ruants went out into the /jj^r^K" wayes, and gathered together all that euer they •.• tiikf H.lff. rewf/. 19,1). Kotjiltbe whol- ccnipiny hrtn tbat are ;all;d by the voyce >ftheGofpel,ate e trtit Cauich fur: God . for em-jftpaupf cm bad raihir ollowthf cam• ■ lorfiiies ofthis f= ; «udfoinedoe noil cruelly per. Vcuie thofe tb»t .iU them .-but hey areibe tiae Caurcb, Which >biy wbea they are lied , fuch as for ihemolt paitihey wcrl^idefpifeth. dbere tiffd IS commonly vfed infacrifces, and IS by ir-nfftti' ifid'for ether h alfo-: for feaftsandban- ketiWerewoHtti begHHHewith acrifices Adreadfullde. Irudion pf tbelTi that found , both good and c bad : fotbe wedding wasf""'"^"' dxid. --.-..''- ° \b The mariiagt furnilliedwithghefls 1 1 + Then the king came in,i I fee the gheftsJ 3 God Hoib firft cillvs , when we thiake nothing of ic c The generall callmi iff^reth the Gcfpel to all men : but their life is examined that enter in. 4 In tbe finallnumbet which come at tha callin;; , ι heie ue (Qmt MftaW'T'* whicb doc QOt confitine their Etith sf/'uh tifa* ntUeodife. •. ax4 L>KUUU\ V.9 L utti.that ij Uj,ht held his t, asthoHih he hadhAiabiidle tt h.iller abtut kii ntckf. e Tt them th»t fimed iht fheilts. «{< Chap.i I», ani ^3,i 3Q. j» Chaf.i MntKe n.i%. luke 10.10, f Snare him in his rvtrds or teike. The Creekt tvnd is deriutd cf fnates which humeri lay. I Theytvhichrviih Hettie mjde a new religicn , faithei Jflfcfr cf the hen• ihenifb and tf iht Jtnifb ,t,ig,.r, h True/} Andfm• terely. i Thou ΛΠ ntt mil' nedrvithanjaf- fear\nceandmt. tvurdij.ie. 3 TbeChtiftiins muft obey tbeir Maj;iAtatei, al- though they be wickid aud extor- tioners , but fj farre fooith a» the . •uthoritie that God bath ouer vs jiiay leiiniBe fafe veto him, atd bis bonourbenot di- niioilbed. kThevrtrithnt vfedheretfig, fieih Λ velHtMi f.tti nsfi ' rating if mens fn!> slunce , acecrimg ?i the frtpcrtim nherecflhey fayed tribute tn thtfe'ftc Minres,nhieh reete fubtea to trihite, eni it is here taker far the Iribnte It i%efcri Chap.i 7. 2 4 there is men- mnie of Λ di- drtdme , and here, Λ peny , nherea. adidraehme is mere iy thefeuenth f^rt then a ptny: fithM there ftemeih to be nthefetr^i f!.ues:but thty w.v tafily it acccrdid tkfis .-The pcny ν>Λ tniitothe Ritn.-'.HS Y,r,r.i«,e,aeeor. dmgtothe propti- ticn they wire j a»3nr{:i and fiw thTte a man which bai'a garment ffagit- 1 2 And he fiid vnto him. Friend, ieaft a thou in hither, and haft not on a wt ment ? And he was <* fpecchleffe. 13 Then fai J the king to the " feruants, Bind him hand and feote : take him away .and caft hitn into vtter dafkenefle ; •{• there fhali be weeping and gnafliing of teeth. 14 [j^ For many are called.but few chofen. I y f ■•■ Then went the Pharifes and tooke counfell bow they luight ' tangle bim in talke- 16 And they fent \ nto bim their difciples with the g Herodians , faying . Maftcr , we knowe that thou art trtje.and teachelt the way of God h trpe- ly .neither careft for any maoifor thou confidereft not the ' perfon (;f men. 17 ; Tell vs therefore, how thinkeft thou? Is it lawful! to giuei-• tribute vnto Cefar , or not ? 1 8 But I efus pttceiued their wickednefle, and faid , Why tempt ye me , ye hypocrites? 19 Shewe roee the tribute money. And they brought him a 1 peny. 20 And he faide vnto them , Whofe is this image and fuperfcrip:ion ? 21 They faide vnto hitD.Cefars. Then faid he vnto theiD, « Giue therefore to Ccfar, the things which are Cefars.and giue vnto God.thofe things which are Gods. 22 And when they heard it , they marneiled , end left him , and went their way. 23 ^6'Sr The fame day the Sadduces came to hiro, (which fay that there is no tefurredtion}and asked him, 24 Saying, Mifter,* Mofes faid.If a mandie, hauing no"» chiliiren, his brother fl-jali raatrie his wife liy the right of aliiaixe , and raife vp feede vnto his brother. » jy Nowe there were with vs feuen brethren, ncionaWiSe j'^y^lJ^^^^the Sadduces to filenceT^ey^iftSi J go*^? '9'/ , And ο onet-f them, a>hich taas an expoun- and the ht it married a wife, and deceafjd: and ha• uing np ilTue , left his wifs vnto his brother. 26 Likewife alfo the fecond.inJ the tbird.vnto the feuentb. 27 And laft of all the woman died alfo. 28 Therefore in the rtfurredion , whofe wife fliall Ihe be of the feuen ? for all had her. 29 Then lefus inrwered,and faide vnto them, Ye are deceiued , not knowing the Scriptutes.nor the power of God. 30 For in the refurredtion they neither roarrie wiues.nor wlues are beftowed in marriage, but are as the" Angels of God in heau;n. 31 And concerning the ttfurreftion of the dead.haue ye not read what is fpoken vnto you of God , fjying, 32 •ϊ• I am the God of Abraharo.and the God of ifaac , and the God of lacob ? God is not the God of the dead , but of she liuirg. 33 And when t.he multitude heard it , they were aftonied at his doAr ine. 34 f § 7 But when the Pharifes had heard, that dr.icl.me waspnid ofeucry one to the Temfle.xphiih alfo the Rimaris tteke to thtmftlHei tviethey hKAfubduiihludea. Κ M:r. a. 17. luke- lo.is.rcm.'i 7 6 Cbijft voucteih therefurreaionofiheflelhagiinn tte SadJuces. r jMaik.l z.iS. /ukeio. 27. ails.ij.t. *'Deut. a;.;. mVuderwhuh name nrid.iughttTS alfo (em'prchen- ded , but yet as touching the familie ani^fue of ,t mxn . becaafe he that left dilttghters rvas in no better cafr,ihem ifinild i'f: "a thiiire» at «//."(for ihiy trrre not tickcnrd tn the fanulit) ty theaamufchi.'dre» are Suiits 'viUd- flctd. η Hefaiih n. fir ihm they fbould ntt be fftnaifitnore ,but ikey fbaibeas A>if,e:i. {crtht/jbAn tuitiermnirie ntrbt i. ' ■^ Exod-i 6. Ktrk' l<.i7. i M-xrke :i li. 7The GofptUetth iliilt ibe prcctpit of (be Law , but doecb ra^ei ccaliuiK ibcm. der of the Lawe . asked him a queftion , tempting Γ""* μ. him . and I 'y>ng. ^fcrihe^f »i>ri> rvhat afcn: I'tke Chap.i j6 Maftsr, which is the great commandement in the Law ? . 37 lefus faide to him , ^ Thou ibalt loue the m^'h;/,/' Lord thy God withalltnine heart .with all thy readnh.D Ρ foiile , and with all tl.y minde. ^iththmekea, 38 This is the firft and the great com«Mnde.Ci';^\'if;',7 •Oent. and Luke, 0.,, i9 And the fecond is like vnto this , * Then ."''''' "'"'• '«"'* ?•■ fliilt loue thy s neigiibour as thy felfe. ίίΖ'Ί'Γ"^''' "* 40 On thefc two commandemeotshangeth ί jw'4r.ti.3r, the wnole Law and the Prophets. .'"''■>i 9gai.s.^, 41 f ' ••• While the Pharifes were gathered to-"""' ''• gethcr , lefus asked them, 42 Saying.What thinke ye of Chtift fonne is he? Tney laid vnto him , Diui is. 43 He faiJ vnto them. How then doethDiukl in fpitit , call him Lord , faying, _ 44 * The Lord faide to my Lord , Sic a my right bande , till I make thine enemies thy foote- ftoole ? V 45: If then Diuid call him Lqrd,how is he his fonne f 46 And none could anfwere hfra a word, tiei• ther durft any firom that day foortb aske bim any owe quettioDs. CHAP. XXIIl f whole ; teitibiiu^he petfle the Let) of Alifts, Thbr Phyl.ii}eries,attd Fung Pfni.uf.t, τ We ought» btaic whatfoeuit ii-y wicked tea- s teach vs purely out of ibe word of God,yet Co tbatweefcbeTvc belt enill inaoers. app^inttdthe trio , fete Ihe Ltfi Wiutdl.aue i word tt be ardeue» (not the miuth of hyps' anih:r:iiU!^^ b Prtuidedal- wayestthat ihlj r/ Another man. t Chriit ptooueth inanifeltly that he Dauidi fonne iccordiog 10 the Helh.batotber- fe.DauidiLci: ά very God- Mar.i..3s. /«if 13,41. Of ^vhife fluke fjmilie : firthi Heirewes call 4 poFteritie, X Borv the S. behaue ihrmftlHi 7 Greet, ngs. % IVe arebtelhren. 9 The Father. 10 The ftruant. t3Tofi\utthekins.dtmeofheanen. 1+ Γ• deuoure -widoTves hcufis. ij v4 Ptofelyte liTofneare by ihe Temple. 13 Tt tythe myut. isl'teleanfe Ihe out- pie if the cup. 17 Paimtdfepitlthxes, a Serpent lifers. 37 Thetienne. Τ Ken fpake lefus to the multitude, and to bis ciifciplei, 2 ' Sayirg.The-^ir Scribes and ihePharifes» fit in Mofes feate. 3 b All therefore whatfoener they bid you ob fetae.tbatobferue and doe:but after their wotkes doe not ; for they fay , and 8oe not. 4 * » For they binde heauie burdens, and grie- uous to be borne.and lay them on mens iliouldets-.. ,, , but they thea.f:lu:s will not mooue them with cnt * iec.Tfe^cVi of their firg.TS. 5• 3 AiitheitwcrkeetheyOTefortobefeene of men : for they make their ^ phyladlerits broad, and make long ti the -i• fringes of their gar- ments, 6 i And loue the chiefe place at feattes , and to haue the chiefe feates in the * affembhes, 1 7 And greetings in the mafkets,and to be Qt\-n''"" ^f\'>'f led of men , Rabbi . f R abbi. 1^ S',v *,v* ^^ fhore of thefeatejhtweth.nhicb they tccufiei as teacherS,f/,ufci hit lear'nir-' *Luke ιι.ί,ί. aties ι,.,ο. 2 Hypocrites for the moft pat, ,,^ „!».( feucN exaaeisofibofe thitgs which iheychemfelueschiefly oeglca. 3 Hyijocrires j ambiiiouj. r It was λ ihrcadjor ribeiii ,< i:e\vefilKe in the frinie tfa corn. > , the behitdini rrherttfmaie them tt tememier Ihe larvei and iriiuancestfC^ anitherefote was it catlei λ Phytalierie,as yet would fey, a keeper, Nurni. , 38 deut.e.t.tvhich irder the Jeroe, ajiervo.trd abufd.as they dte notv β day, s, which h.ini S.Ithns Gcfpils abcui their tuckts: a thingeondemnei m.\H•' ye> > < . «l 43 And 10^6 e^WheHeflfm^linJUd C.unnlii are g.ttheredlsgtther. f Γ' is tDtid JRnb.fi^nifieth one that ,s ab^ne bn {• .'.«Bf!, j 1 • and IS as good as a niimbir of them :κι,άη! nr.yfee ij the repraimgcfit. hi,w\ j proud a litle tt lr«. Ntro they tvere'catled Λ it»», «'iir* by /*;ιλ'£ ti tj handi] ' vert vtttted And dedartd to the w»U it it wife «<". £bb4 SitBot ί^ ,5 '"^8^4 Kur bs not ye g called RabtJi : to'. .**f - '"'•'••'^iQ « i_ ίΛίίΐί! J, t, is you, do<3:our.ia β»/, Chtift.and all yee i»7>vffie J Modcltle i> » ,l'„ •. * 1 fio...Utoraamtnt '"'«Π. -ηείν, ofGodsminiiUr•. ρ And ^ Call Π0 ΓΕίΠ your 'father vpon ihtf . J s,.*e»»ffl»i4i- earth: for ihcte is biuone.your father which is in tieml) Λ{ιη It- for jjjjyj^_ j 'fVrM"ti u liul* I Ο Be not callid i« dcxitouts : for one Is your Jif M-^liilrate and dolour ««e« Chritt. tllifJrfhZ' Liue ' Ϊ ^"' "^^ '^""^ ^^ greatcft iJBong you, let hiiu t'VCm . Augu• be your feruaiit. f.xHsatfermme j I j v ρς,, ,(,horocuer ' wiUexalt hiirfilie, iliall '^nl•, Dow-.ne ex j|,2 brought lowj : and whofocuct will buQibie h Hf "clmcl'h t, ibirofdfo. llii!l be exalted. eiiuietoapUceof \ ij f ί VVoe tbsrefote έ« vntoyou. Scribes ck.d- i'iMi/af. 1,6. I t fie [bcteth at Λ iAf^ exiled the Rab timtur fathers and'Pharife?, " hypocrites, becauis ye ll.ut vp the kingJome of heauen before n.en : for yee your ieluis goe not in . neither fuffer yee them that would n enter, to come in. 14 X ,n>'>i>n ly V/je ie vnto youScribes and Pharifes, hy- ■vetf.iO.hecnUeih poctitcs ; for yecon^pilT fca and Ρ land to make iiiHdemiieu^^ j^Pgof ^.q^, pypf^gj^n; ^^j ^yl,gn jje is made.yee 'i»d'^s il^ '' * 'nal^'i bim two fold cDoto the cbilie of hell . then / ilee feemtth to \yo\l your felueS. ^''"^'"yy "7"^ ' i^ ^Vo3 bt vnto you bliode guides.which fay. 'itb'f^niji'el'hinl iAVoofueuer fw.-areth by theTcrople.it is nothing: jh.u IS «/oft. |;but whoioeuei fwsareth by the gold of the Tem- , Hypocritii can !plg ^ |,g i>/e> (ev>xske meth in the Nao^e cf the Lord. f'f' T'J"ii'/"''' u-rihi ϋϋϊΐν. :faeii do they \>1 the iuit iuJg«- mcsi; of God, ihiire thtmfe'nei, I» Λ piouevke vf'ci of the lewis, vh:chhithth:s mi.iiung. Gat y ti el fa i3 /οΐίαν )itir ancelhn, that at lem^th yeHrrdic• kcduefem.•} ctmt fa ihe full. κ Locke Chaf.}. ver/e 2t. Hypucrites 1» i-ll. The end of •IB wbi.;h per• uie the Gofpel, y Of lotadJfXvh» Ifo called 2!Λ' Uh, that is, htefiedif the Lord. j. ».C4r««. »4,II. Where ihe nerty of God was ffpatelt, th(H was jreatcft wicked- Ts and «ebi:lit!n, aniat length the molt (harpe hiJg*• nifuts of God. ■•■ Luketi, 34. l^Hel.e.,Uihef wird mini* iierie, and as he CHAP. XXIV. .Thefii» theprt fvirs made it AiiiahaHt, X The ienruaion of the Ttmfle. « Thefigties efChrif!es eetnmmg.i 2li.i,jiiitie. jj jb'alfe Chiifts, i^The fnnes tf the end of :he wotld itTkeAngels.j. The fiittte ijThe dayts of Noe. 4» We mufi witch. 4,• Thefeiuant. ANJ « lefus went out TeiDple, andhisciifciplescatv.e to him , to iudgemcnt.and naercy and ' fidelitie. 1 befe ought {hUwo?d%^" 'i r^ '"^ ^*"= don<(Kd not , ο h^ue left the other. 24 Ye blinde guides , which ftraine out a gnat, and IwiUow a caxell. 2y f s Woe be to you ij Scribes and Pharifes, hypocrites : for yee make cleane the vtter fide of the cup,aod of the platter: but within they arefulJ of briberie and exceCfe. 26 Thou blinde Phatife, cleanfe fitft the iniidd of the cuppe^nd platter , that the ouifids of them iray be cleane alio. 27 Woe bi to vou,Sctibesand Phaiifes.hypo- crites : for ye ere like veto whited tombes, which appeare beautifull outward , but are within full of dead mens boDes,and all hlthineC'e. nueth a double aaujjitintffe ia theni,: the «ne,that they deamred tpj'- ilnvesgiods : Ihe tther.that they did it vnUtf a alonr tf XUinefie. fThe ifiepart: Ktrv that part of thai earth is cal.ed drie,ivhich the Xirdhath ji»i» •vs le drvell zptn. The dediuftioe fibeciiie,>od fpe^iallyofibe fijte- 1 departed from the at M-t>ke ij 5S catv.e to him , to IX»ke it. /.« ftiewhimtt-.e bcilJirgof the Tensple. 2 ' And lefus faid vnto them , Seeyeenotall thcfe ihingsi Vtrely I fay vnto you, -k there fliall cot be here left a ftone vpon a ftone.that iball not be caft downe, 3 And asheeiate vponthemoi5ctofOliues,^Me. hisdifciples came vnto him apartjaying, Tell "/^C TkeCba,tt' when tbefe things ilisll be, and what dgnefiallln I^Ji hjur > 'contl- of thy comming.and of the end of the vvotld.. ^ujII conRia with 4 1 And lefus anfwered , and faid vnto them, ["''/''= '"''^!"" . a. J" , , , . 1 • hod offccc-s, and * Takeheede that no man deceiue you. Cijj, n„,e is.wiii» y For many ll-iall corbie in ay NatEe,faying,l|faife propbei's.yn• am Chrift , and Ihall dcceiue many. IF'.'I ' 6 Andyefball heareofwatres.and rumours Pp^'^^ra day of t:d tri- al ttk. in the Syria i.i4e,Debls,a>iditis terlai/te that Chtifl fjiake in the Syrian tongue. r Caufetk the glide to be tounttdholy^-which is dedicate to an holy vfe. i^ .l.Kint_sS 13. 2.chroH.6,i. * Chap.s.sjy. f If,heaaen be Gids throne , then is he ho dmbt ahoue all this rootld. 7 Hypociittsaiecaretuluotriflci, and ceglttt the gnateft things of furpofe. * X«<:f 11,41. t Faithf»lnege,n k'ep.itg cfprtmtfe•. 3 Hy- ,„^„,. focntftaretoo touch cavefullofw.vyaid thin£5 1 »«4 the inyyarii they ytieily \ 'Owes. - nae, ^ itiKfUt 33, ofwarres: fee that yee be not troubled : for all thefe things muft come topaffe, but the » end is k^**/." > "*<» •* * ttftcft thtJttS art not yet. . „ . L•'f:ιted,yet ihetnd 7 For nation ihall nfe againft nation , andybaii not corae. realme againft tealme , and theie lliallbe fa- ρ ^"V .'''"'"' mine, and peailence, and earthquakes in b diuersL^;/;//;,^;^;;^ places» Utie vnto ινι,Μ'.η 8 All thefe are but the begint:ing of = for J<» "'^^^^''• 9' "^ ¥!}!5 >"!ll !^^Γ acHHCt you vp to be at- ,^,^,, „ιλ n, at f^^ 3 TheGofrel ilulb: fpiejd a- deuillneuer Co snucb: iad iney wiii'.h dot coQ• iUctlir btlirae, nialbe. -t'Ailsi,!!. b It ΠΡΛΙ net law- full tt lake Λ itut- ney «)» the Sabbnth da), lofeph.book•^} i Thafe things which befell the yetfleofthelewes in the j^.yeeres, when as the yvhtl* land rvas wa/led, «niat length the titie tfHieritfaUm taken,aiidlitihit and their Temple deflrejed , are mixen totth thole which fitU come to fafe before the Un ttrnmingef tuf j Lord. k The whole nation \fiiiitid vtterl)be defireyed : and thi i roori Flt[b is bj Λ keue it not. 27 For as the lightening coratnsth out of the Eaft . and is feene into the Weft . fo Ihail alfo the com' «ing of the Sonne of man be. 28 * ■>' For wherefoeuer a deaJe m carkeife is, thither will the Eghs be githcred together, 29 Μ β And itncuediatly after the ttibiilations of thofe dayes.llull the funne be darkened .and the moone iliall not giae her light.and the ftaries ii ftora the I kaucs.yeknow that locoraeriineere. [•■.lucuaieitaiD» 33 So likewifc ,e, whe., ye fee all thefe thir.g5.Ph mo"rfca"h Knuw that tht ki^idome ofCodis neete. ««c* ath '=-"' f» "i»'• the dotes. fcieiD.iiliudie- 34 Vercly I fay vnto yon.thii- generation iliall notpaffe. till ill thefe things be done. 3? •ί• s Heautn and caiih iliall pafle away ; but Ey wotJes ihail not paife away. 36 9 But of that day & houre knoweth to no no: the Argels of heauen.but my father onely . 37_ But as thedayesofNoetiiir«,fulikewile fiuil the coininii gof the Sonne of man be. 38 ^ Fur as in the dayes befor* the flood . they did u catc aud drinke, tratrieianc* giae in mahai-e. ludge- IIS , but the ked vodiiltaud ot , ut rather :c« mecJseit luttht! godly doe miikeit,ao4 for ii. f Wn» his tender, ne/ejbtrviihihat the f^ifpe which it e life of the tree, cime frim the It iiitothe tarke. This age .■ this Wctdgeneratun Age , beting f^fii tH tfttilt t»UhMIH»,\ * Zafe 17.37. ;The onciy remedieigiioft | ... v^ be gathered «nd ioyned to Cinlt '" Chuff, ■ I his prefence will be wiik a mAU/I.e to Tvhon alt iar I). i^.la.ii,z;.eft.i}.io.t7e,}i.7.i'ei 1,31. k atioQ ihil.-e iheendofibefeuiriiituf.hevviclted, Γ >of thegodlf. » Theexcutdinggitr) and . ■, that Qhrifi the Ltrd of heauen and earth | Alt natjls-.ani he aUudeth lothedifperfion ; oihediiiidint of the people, flftael.pThey ' fluke thimfclnci.-irit is transferred to the ^ 1 manage, vnto the day that Noetntrcd inio the Arke^ 39 And knew nothinj; till the flood came, and tooke them all away . fo Iball alfo the comming of ''" ' the Sonne of n.an be. Tk.,k.t3,i S The Lorddoeth noA beg dgement , wbicb- he will make ao lolinihelat• day. [t ii fufficient forvs 10 know bat Gcd batbap- f for the teltiji gofnilib hui when it Qiall be , it is biddea from vs ill. for onr pioli'-.tbat we may- be Γο much the mote watctafull, that We be not lakeaat ibey were old lime ia the floo.H. . ■J. Liihe.i7,»(f. Gen 7 I ptt 3,10. Thr word ιτ>ί»ί • Eioingelifl v- feth,e.xfrifiethlie tntre fuBy thin ours dmh: {it dwkich is proper lo bruite ie!t(ls. and bis mea- ng IS, that in thofedayes men IbM oiitiniotheit . tellies hketfnt»- ,, mitebeaili.- ftf thermfe aloe. 41 Thecurfed. 40 "> ■•' Th^ two fliallbe in the fields, the one Ihallbe receiued. and the other iliall be refufcd. 4 1 X Two women ihalbe grinding at J roilhthe one ilialbe receiued.and the other ihalbe rcfufed. 42 " « Watch therefore : fur yee knowe not what houtc your mailer will come 43 -k Ofthisbefure.thatifthegoodinanof the hoiilc knewe at wlatwaichthethitfe wjuide come . bee would furely watch , and not fuffer bis houfe to be digged through. 44 Therefore be ye alio ready -.for in the houre that ye thinke not.will the Sonneof man come. 45: * Who then is a faitbfull feruant and wife, whom his roaftet hath made ruler ouet bis houfe• hold , to giue them meat in feilbn ? 46 Blelled « that ieruant, whom his osailcr when he comcocib, ihail fand fo doing, 47 Verely I Ciy vnto you , hce Iliall make him ruler ouer all his goods. 48 Bur if that euill feruant /liall fay in his heart, My maSer doth defetre his commirg, 49 And begin to fraite his feilowes.and co eat, anci to driiikt with the dror.ken, yo Th at feruantes roiiter will come in a day, when he looketh not for hirr.and in an houre that he is t^ot ware of, 5- 1 And will r cut htm off.and giue him his por- tion with hypocrites; .J. there Hiall oe weeping and gnafliing of teeth. mourning '•^Reioel.t ^.dan.TJti q Sitlingvponthe clouds, as he was take» i.Cn,ts,^i,i,tiff^.,ii, , ifrtm thtfomt iiimtjx 'iibt mm np Heti 'tbekingdomeof heauin ihalbe likened '* vnto ten virgines , which tooke theitlampeS and» went forth to meet the bridegroome. ζ Aodfiue of them were wif;,and fiue foolifH. ι vs loour defired I Wimuft lie fire rcngib at God• biod . v.'t.ich may ferue vs ai a torch: hile wee waHie . I through chii j de : o-berwife if wee hecorae DeuthfuM I tiaikeneiTe ,to ■r.d negligeac ai wraiie of out paines and tiauell , wee (hall be fiiut out dorei. a The pim/e of bride-ales rvattftil» fir tht nufl frt »• be k'i> nijfitfeaftn , «ni Ibnthi^mfels* ■ 3 The ,hc I df^^^t^ ΒίΛΒ&, -ΙΤίΤΐ- S2U- ^3S?K_ beAuieViithflieit, f^C'/tf.i'^ 4», ttiar/tf ij 3f- * iufee 19.ii.13, •■^Cbvillwimtf. fsibtbattbercfiiaU long tiros bt- ene hisdepir- to his father, Uis comming .ae to Vi , buc ?yot notwitbii-an- Vjiiig that, he will Ktt tlutday take ai lacroanc not onely «if the tebelliou» iand obftinate , haw , Ihry liaue beftow i, sd that which ib.ey feceiued of riini,butalft.ofhis houilioldfetuants, which hsne not i.gh Oothful- aelfeimployed hofe gifts which le beitowed νροα them. c Accttiing to ■.he wifilome eni ■jfhich wxi g'uen Ikem. ά Ctme , xnd re- ceirte the fruit ef ^iidneffe,ncwthi J-uris icy ii iton- hi.-i, Ithtt i;,ir. thttmy ioym/iy retnaine in uu, am ymrUj/bej'ulfil• eTahltmxtes ■ahich have theif ',( abrtad , the) let 6ut ■■ 19 v/»rie. 3 The foof^-Tj^Otheir lanjpiS , '^"t j>^^ came ■ 1 no oyle with them. ^ifenely, j 4 Bat the wife tooke oyte in their veffels vC-.^u-yfyr. tbeir laropes. y Now while the bridegrometaried long , ail Qumbred and ilept. 6 And at midnight there was a ctie made.Be- hold, the bridegrome commeth : goc out to meet him. 7 Then all thofe virgines arofi and triojmed their lampes. And the foolifli faid to the wifi , Giue vs of yoaroyle , for our iaiipesareout. 9 Bat the wile aofwered , faying.'I^i^rf* . lead there will not be ynough for vs and you : butgoe ye rather to them that feli.and buy for your felues. 10 And while they went to buy.the bridegrom came:and they that Wire readie.went in with bim to the wedding, and the gate was ihut. Afterwards came alfo the otbst virgins.fay- ing, Lord, Lord, open to vs. But he anfvvered. and faid, Verely I fay vn« to you, I know you not. 13 ♦ Watch therefore;for ye know neither the day , nor the houre'.when the fon of man will cotce. 14 ^ i For th* kingdomt ofheauen is as anun that going into a ftrangc countrey, called his Isr. uants, and deliuered to them his goods. 1 5: And vnto one be gaue fiae talems.Sc to an- other two.and to anothir one , to euery tria;i after his ow.ie <= ability ,Sc ftraightway went Itom home. ! i» Then hce that had receiucd thcfine talents, wint and occupied with them , and gained other • hue talents. 1 7 Likewife alfo he that rtceiutd two.hee alfo gained other two. I S But hee that teceiued that one.went and dig- ged it in the earth , and hid his maiters money. 19 But after along f;afon,the mafter ol'thois feruants came, and reckoned with them. 20 Then came hee that had receiued fiue ta- lents,and brought other Hue talents, faying.Mafter, thou deliueredS rnto mee fiue talents : behold , I haue gained with them other iiae talents. 2 1 Then his raafttr faide vnto him , It is well done good fetuant and faithfull , Thou haft beene fdithfull in little, I will rcake thee ruler ouer much; d enter into thy maftcrs ioy . 11 Alio he that hid reciiued two talents, catce, and faide , Mafter , thou deliu^redft vnto mee two talents : beholde , I haue gained two otr.cr talents more. 23 His Mailer faide vnto him ,It is well done good feruant, and faitbfull. Thou haft beene f-ith- full in little, I will make thee ruler ouer muca : en- ter into thy roafteis ioy. 24 Then hee that had receiuedtheone talent, came , and faid, Mafter, I kncwe that thou waft an hard .man , which leapeft where thou fowedft nor, and gatbereft where thou ft' awedft not: 25• I was therefore afraid.asid went.and hid thy talent in the earth : behold, thou haft thine owne. 26 And his mafter anfA^ereJ.a'.'d faid vnto him, Thou enill fsruant, and Qothfulhthou knewett that I reape where I fowed not , and gather where 1 ftrawed not. 27 Thou ougliteft therefore to haue pm ray mony to the « cxchangers.Sc then at my comn'ing lliould I haue receiued mine owne with vantage. , 28 Take tbctefare the «alen: from him , and ■nto blm"\^ich bath ten talents. • For vnto euery man that faath,it ihall be , ' .Q ^- ImW haue abundaoce.aod from him laf ίτ.,.ΐι ^jt.euen that he hath flialbe taken away. 30 Cm therefore that mprofitable feruant in- to vtter J datkenede : there Ihall be weeping and gnafiiing ofteeth. 31 f 3 AndwhentheSonneofmancomroeth in "bis glorie.and all the holy Angels with bim.then fliallhe fit vpon the throne of his glorie, 32 And before him ihall be gathered allnati- ons.and hee fliall fep.irate them one from another as a fliepheatde feparateth the iheepe from the goates. 33 And he fnall fet the Iheepe on bis tight hand, and the goats on the left. 34 Tnen ihall the king fay to them on his right hand.Come ye fblefl'cd of my father : take the in- heritance of the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 3 J• ■•■ For I was an hungred.Sc ye gaue me meat : I tbirfted,and ye gauemedrinke:! was a flranger, and ye tooke me in vnro you. 36 / iftJ nakid, and yee cloathed mee- : I was κ i]cke,and yee vifued me:I was in piifon,and yee came vnto me. ^7 Then lliallthe righteous anfwere him.fay- ing, Lord, when faw wee thee an hurgred.and fed theef or athirft, and gaue thee drit:kc ? 3 8 And when faw we thee a fltanger,and tooke thee in vnto vs? or naked, and cloathed thee ? 39 Or when faw we thee fieke,ot in prifon.and came vnto thee ? 40 And the king Ihall anfwere , and fay vnto them.Verely I fay vnto > ou.in as much as ye haue done it vnto one ofiheleali of theferoy brethren, ye haue done it to me. ■ 41 Then Hiall he fay to them on the left hand, •k Depart from meyecutfcd, into euerlaftingfire, which i% prepared for the deuil! and his angels. 4z For I was an hungred,and ye gaue mee no meat : I thitfted,and ye gaue me no dtinke : 43 I was a ftranger.and ye tooke me not in vn- to ybu;I wti naked,and ye cloathed me not:ficke, and in prilbn, and ye vifited me not. 44 Then Ihall they alfo aniwere him , faying, Lord, when faw we thee an bupgred.or athirft.or a firanger , or naked i or ficke , or in prifon, and did not minifter vnto thee ? 4r Then ihall he anfwere them,and fay .Verely I fay vnto you, in as much as yee did it not to one of the leaft of thef:, ye did it not to me. 46 * And thefe ihall goe into euerlafting paine. and c.he righteous into life eternall. CHAP. XXVI. iTheciKfuttMiMtftherTiePiiiiainUChrift. 6 Hi! feet nr'• anoint, ά. >; JmUift'Uech kim. i6 The inftitutim cfthe (afpct. 3^ ani i& Peten ienixll. Chriii ii h.auif. 47 Heiibitrxytdwilh αΚψ S7 HeislidttC^iaphas. 64 He ctHfeJJelh hmjelfe Ube CIniB. 67 Theyfpit at him. ANci •;« ' it came to pafle , when lefus had fini- fhcd all theie fayings , bee faide vnto his dif- ciplcs, _ 2 Ϊ Ye know that after two day es is the Paffe- ouer.and the Sonne ofmanuiallbedeliuered to be: crucihtid 3 § Then afletcbled t- gether thechiefe Priefts, and the Scribes , .nd the bidets of the people into ti;r hall cf tiie higli Piictt called eaiapbas : f SUffeiandhap. e , vftn ivhmi mj ather hath moil iboundtntlybc- flewei kibetiefitcs, \ech,i'i,7. X ScclnS.T,}!, piimcd lbs lime thai Chiiu'ihouU be ctucitied i 4 Ami •f Ch4p.,3,i,, marke j^.is, /»>*<• 8, IS. and 19,16, i• Chap.t,it, and 11,13. 3 Aliuflyfetting forth of the euttla. giudgement which ii to come» Chap.j.ij. lehn,s,i9. /uh.iz.i. ChiiilwitneC fet» hy his volun- taiic going to death, that be will m)(iefulliati.fa- d:iuu far the lionc of Ad;><:«/ offiluer 16 And from that time.he fought opportunity to betray lim. 17 ί « δ Nowgonthefiift : the Pafliouer at thine hcufe with my ('ifciples. 19 Ar ' the difcipLs did :t lefus ha J giuen them charge, a.ui loaJv ready the Pafieoiur. 20 >λ• So when the euen was come,hee "^ fate down•:: with the twelue 2 1 And as they did eare.he fayd,* Verely.l fay vnto you, that one of you lliaii betray vr.e 22 And they witecxc.edingrorowful! , and begin euety one of them to fay vnto him , Is it I, MaUer? 23 Ant! he anfwered and fayde ,4• Heethac > dippeth his hand with mee in the dilh , bee Ihall beirey me t Vnpr^Me ^4 Surely the Sonne of man goetb his way, ■ rotrifljly to conjemne ihi-t wVich is , ChiiS ,/wfao wasonce acoiottd inbis . .^ . ^ aaOintedintbi poo/f. / ir. that [bf fowredth•! ciatm.Ht ~jp»imyb(!d),p>e liid it nbufieme.'-' ΛίΛν.ι^,ιο. « JI/λ»•. ιψ. i>, /n/tf u.y. 6 ChrM vnely purpo- Γιηξ to biingvs into out CQUiurey out ofhani , aod fo to abiogaieibc figure ot the Law , fuIfiUcth the Lawe .neg'tcting ihecontiary tiadiiioii andcuilomeofilie liTvts. aad tbtresviihiH fliewtib that al! tUiagt (hall fo come lo pjlieby ibe iiti- niftirieofmtn, ibaitte Ucrei counfrllofGcd Ihall gourrae thrm. g This wes ihe fourtnntif ixy tf the fir ft mcnetk.-anithffirHdaytfvitlfnutncdbreail jbsuldhatte becnetht fiflremh, b»t becaafe th:i dAjei euening (^^viieh ajter the maner »f the Rfet«er,tHt of the Suffer,ivhiih w.ti ccleHAted after that the PApoHer was fJemnelr done* Mark' i+.iS.wtn 13.11, •{•J'/'λ 41. 9-' i ThAt IS to fif , whom I -joiichfafel ttetme tot») table , aHudini to the ^!ate, Pfal. 41, 10. which is not ft to be vndcrjloed.as ihoughAt the felfe fame intlant thtttthe Lord fpakt thefe wards, ludas had had hit hand in ihe dijk(fn that hAi inntH»vn4()Hitt4 to**») >«f it if «M»t if Hi UbUng «ni tMtng »«4 *"»» Sjthii wtfi feasi , is meant the whole fe»βc(vn. teauened bread : the Hrdandeiihtda) whereof were fo hol},'lhat they i^ht do no maner efwirke therein, • H^h the whole fAKjofthe Sxnheaiin deter• \inedotherWife i Anijetitctmi to ρφ throHf,b CodsproitideHte, that Chriit fiffred that iirxe , to the rnie that all the <{leofIfrael night be wiinrffes of his euerlajhn^ 'aerifite. .}< MarKe.iJiti, II,». a By this fuddcn eotalinfLill an,Cuiillgi- ueih the gbelts to itanJ of bji .aDdbuiiill which was nigh : tbcCiuour wher:- f ihall biiog life to alltinoen W3icb flecvuto kini. but ludas tx• h an occafion itby toiccom- plilh bis wicked putpofe and counfcll, b For thefe things were dent before Chrijl tame It Bieriif•'-'•^») uni ytfomt ihtr.kt that iti Eti.t'ige- liHs rrcitt itv» hineries. t Thefeboxeswert tfah.iajief, which Ideiimer m-iJe'heSow fill in otntyn: for ferae writ , lh.it atabafler keepeth eintmin: wiihcHl tptiott , Ρ Unit bookexi. Chap. I. d.Thi.sisafiiHre tailed S\mu the . foritisr^idbutcf I»iu that he was taooued there.ttf Uhnxx,^. ' —_'' ^ --, --^ -di I'S CrotTe. • ^_^„ ^ e„ ,^ ..,.. ,M;i'nf'me ercp., whc>.dv,'iitherif;^itot^isbetrayed:ithadbeenejfjf;;;,•^; lyeut- :oid:ilj do : j.ctfoD,niwllal'.vayt(bje good for that roan!ij'fie had neuer beene borne 25- Tnenluiiasit which bctiayed him, anfwe- red, andfaiJ. Is i\ I, Maftet ί Hee faid vnto.hiω,^"'^"^'° f^'•"" Thou haft faid it. |.h.rton,.f,s oi 26 f 7 ^ And as they did eate.Iefustooke the bread, and when he had i blelVed. he brake it. and gju-j k to his difcJiilcs, and faid.Take.eate : «• this is my body. 27 Alfo he tooke the cup.and when he had gi- uen thaokes, he gaue it to them.taying.Diivike je "allcfit. 28 ο For this is my blood of the ρ ncwe Ttfta- ment that is flied for many , for theremimon of finnes 29 I fay vnto yon.that I will not drinke hencc- foith of this fruit of the vine vntill that day, when 1 fhall drinke it new with you in my Fathers kirg- dooje. 30 And when they had fimg i a Pfdlme.tbey went out into the mount of Oliues. 3 1 f s J Then faid Itfus vnto them. All ye fca be offended by me this night : fot it is written , I '•■ will froitethe ftepheard.and the iheepeofthe fiocke Iballbe fcattered. 32 But κ after I atn rifen againe, I will goe be fore you into Galile. 33 But Peter anfwered, and faid vnto him Though that allraen Ihouldbeofliiidedby thee, yet will I neuer be offended. 34 'k lefus laide vnto him , Verely I fay vntol»' f ί<"ί"'χ »f »'•«■ thee, that this nieht.bcfore the ccckc crowe. thou »""'/" «n•••*" n.ahdenieme;hrife. ί'-ΓΛ'*/.*";'''' 3 f Peter (aide vnto hira.Thoiigh I ihculd dii thifigne andfAeta- with thee, I will in no cafe deny thee. Likewife aU "'"' 'f*'• *"'■* •" ' " -- - ' ■'''-' -iiiTitAyi/iii« iut to betray him_ 1 Cbrilli ^wfignfs. ■■.C.r...;i4. MArk Then went lefas with them into a place which iscjlled GethfetEage, Sc fai J vnto liis dii'ciples.Sit ye here.wr ile I goe.and prav voi;d..-r. 37 And he tooke vote bim Peter.and ihetwo d,r.i,,t IS [0 Λ p%H- r.uiMC and chAngtd^ kind offfetih , that the faithfitU dee ti. ciiiie Chnf} indtei iiftn fonnes of Zebedeus , and began to waxe fortow- ('*'•/'ί* *; «A full. and f grieiioU'.iytroubliJ. 38 "^ Then laid lelus vntotlHera , My fcule is yeric heauie,i««>« voto thedeathitaryyeherfl, and Witch with rae. 39: Sohe wentalittleftirther.'and ftllonhis face.andprayed.faying.O ray-Fathtr.ifit bepoili- ble .'let this t cup palle from me : t;eaertheleile, not as I will . but as thou wilt. 40 >' After,. hee carae vnto the difciples.and found them allecpe.and (aid to Btter,\Vfi»if C(juld|f_ ye not watch with me one hoUre ί for in mahni of le.truii , they '„feJ.fiyviin%tfTxine η JVhui tbey.had mid'e nn o-d ifthefrfelminefinj^ini , fixe Pfalmts , hf^himnn al the 1 1 i.I» the 1.7. s' Cbrill- rif one with r There fere I- which take - \fecpie , aii»i»:nfl fi hjs inUttH- 't < To wi! , this euf ' : my bltu' jrrtimer.tAliy i as ~ Or.eokcn»m,thAl iy to ft) , wheieh tew Uaj.ue λκλ toiKiUKt IS maie, HipjtJdiniofbUof 'le'i fimnmnKew,' . . . . . „ '■■•''" f taisdifciplts, iheq of biiuftlfe, fcrcwariiiih -.htinof ttfir flicht, aoJ u ttilj thee, in better Comfort, ψ Matke 14 J7.ieb» i« ji.and .S,3 "2Ach.i}.-. ϋ Jita/ki Ι4.13.Λ«(< i«,7. ϊί :thHi},}% m.irket.t.i:>. * Luke ix.^^. ρ Coi-llhiuin^ regard to the weakincaV oibi» difciplrs, leaning all ibe reft ir. fatttie , r«^.e^b .with bim but three to be W'iioefl'esofais nigiiilh , and geeth of purpofe into the pUceippuin;ed \r> b<:;tay bim in. r Thewoid wkieh he.ifeth , pgnifeth irn' fettw , AtldmarMii'ous and deadly %ri'fe•. which, ikinf , as it HnktneiS ll. truelh ofnranrnMiire , which fhiinneth death as a thiHf ihattntrid m A^-unfl niture fo itjbnveth Ihatthough Chriftwtre.void of finni, yet he f*iiii)!td th'ts hMrtbte punifbmeni.betdufe he fill thejittih cf Gtd kindled Λ^αικιΙ jis ftrftf- nes, which he rciten^^ed.iKd puaijled inhis perfea. iq CbiiDauue Hi^n. goles about to fuiTrr the pmifbiueot whii h was due vnto vs , Tor forfaking r.i< «1 h.\nd,andis efftrrd and frefaredfermre: a kinde cffpeech which the Hehiev ι vfe, for the wrath of Cod, and the pHKi^tment he fendith : aitue, Chaf-i: n It AauuDiilcoftbecu^lefEtOspfmuu. . . . 4i:Watcb^. U Chrmofftetb fcimfelfe willingly to be tJken , th« in fe ef-' ■'-> j l -ii • l keihim, why heM P'*/ Ό ^Y Father, and bee willgiue memoe then ■»«» in this. hiipe»ii^ twclueicgionsof Angels ? 'Tr'7aliuihFl i 5^4 "■ ""^ '^^" *^"'°"•'^ '^^ '■' Sctiptures be fuU Saying. Prophecie to vs, Ο Cbrift, Who istf"c°L•^df"ίfh^ά~' ΙΛΙΙ e Sittini '"''* Oti in iike And equall hoaoHrat the tight hand if ht! power, thMt IS, ingreateil fowet.-fortheriiht heHdfiiD,fieth, mmg the Heirt that thatismiihtte andoftreet) bee that fraote thse ί 69 f ■■• Ϊ7 Peter ^ fate without in the hall, and a maide came to him, faying, Thou alfo waft with lefus of Galile 70 But bee denied before them all , faying , I Wote not what thou fayeft. 71 And when bee went out into the porch another m^idi fawe him, and faide vnto them that j were there, This man waβalfo\vithieΓusofNa- ί zaretb. j 72 And againe he deny ed with an oathe.fay ing, j I know not the man. \ 73 So after a while, catne vnto him they that I ftood by , and faide vnto Peter, Surely thou art al- io one of them : for euen thy fpeech bewrayeth thee. 74 Tb:n began hee to ' curfe himftlftflna to \ fweare, faying,! know not the man. And immedi- I aily the cocke crew. ! 7y Then Peter reroembred the words of lefus, ! which had faid vnto him.Btffore the cocke crows thou Ihalt denie mee th; ife. So bee went out, and wept bitterly. * Thit «i . withtut the flace vhere the Bificp fate, but nh without the htufe ther for tilde. • but ta ί f J The fame houre fayd lefus to the multi- I tude , Yee be come out as it iterc againS a thiefc, ■ *vith fwords anditaues to take mee : I fate dayly ' teaching in the Temple among you.and yee tooke me not. j6 Biit all this was done , that the Scriptures ofthe Prophets might be fulfilled. » Then all the dLiciples fotlooke him, and fled. 57 ^ A• "* And they tooke lefus.and led him to » Caiaphas the hie Prieft.wherethe Scribes and the HIders were aflembled. J 8 And Peter followed him afarre off vnto the bie Priefts t> hall , and went in and fate with the fervants to fee the end. 59 Nowe'•' the cbiefe Priefts and the Elders, ^ftd^ p{nifi'et'hprei "f d all the whole Councill fought falfe wiineffe a- this he anfrveteth by a que η ion. ■■' Ifhl.'". , «Verfc.i. fL;"A,-Mirfe.ik.e afore. Chip, 2^^jO. g This was an fual/ mtitter emt»z the J ewes: for β were they bound to doe , when they heard any Jfraeliie to blaffheme God, 'nditwas atra- cn of their T«t. d in the bcke if the Magiflratesi η the title, oftht ' 'oure kinds sef tealh. ••• £fai.iO,f. Κ Jltrke.n.ee. ke xi,fs- »'hn lenceof Godap- leiniedtobta ' " esofallthefe [hicgs , is prepatej ο the example oC lingular conltan- :ie , by the expeu« ; rnce of his owue Κ Mar,ts,^>^»k.t ii.i6. ithn_Ai,i%. the horiibleiudg ment of God, at e!l agaiaO tbem hichfellCbrilt. gairftthem Out tfmens f'S.''ts. ^ Aits.t.tS. b The treafare tf he Tempie. .'\ blood. And they tooke counfcll .and bought with §*/XV; J/j them a potters field .for the boriali of ^ ftraogcrs. 8 Wherefore that field is calied, * The field of bleod, vntill this day 9 (Then VMS fuitilied that which was fppken by d Straniers and itht abidetehe ioyned vttto , «« not aften they were iiad. tall. t Seeing th,i»*\ fheiieiutiii» jircmiainame treptinioth.text, Priwifri /■"»"• β' [,Λ• othni .£»»- thititoimtoit: if fc» oflheabirc e,f ait Bi«('' •-« i,fce.6«t >'"'"• ^r riinrrxtifceP iit '' f PtcphetiWitdi. tut h,s inenn-n , vhich itelbew'thitie bli peicewbenhe may not b^ac.u td fiuiUiati,«n< '*>"'• ball his eWQt innocency. jC-vi'lisfirll qi,i,Kd of tht fame li,dgf,b''• the wft died for tooke thirty fihier/xici/.thep-icc ofhimtha'was valui J,whora rfeiv of thecwM en of Ifriel ?iiued. 10 And they gaue thcoi for the potters hild .as the Lor J appointeJ roe) 1 1 r ί A And icfus ftood before t^ie gouernour. and the gouernour asked hiα).fayIng,^ri thou that King of the lewcsilefus i^yd vnio him . Tnou '7i ^AnJ when hee w.s accufed of the chiefe P.iefts, and EUeis. heanfwered noihing. 13 Then fayd Pilat :vnto him. H.-areft thou not how many things ihey lay agantt thee ?_ 1 4 Bu: he mifwc-red hioo net to o;ie wo'd, mfo- tnuch that the goJ rnour rcaruEiled greaily. I c 3 Now at the f.aft ihi goueroo η was woont to ueliuer viito thepeopleapiifjnet «aomthey "^^6 ■ And they had then a notable p.iibnsr called "\ When they were then gatliered together .Pi- late fad vnto tl,em.Wheth« wil ye thr 1 Utloole vnto you Barabb«s,or Ufus which is called Chriu {For he knew w;ll,th4t for enuie they bad deliuered him. . , _,„,Ufl 19 Alfo when hee was fet .'^owiie vpon the Jgem.n; f.a:. bis wif.fent to ^ΐ-^'^^^ν'-^δ' "^"; thou nothing CO doe uich thai luft man : for 1 1 ue differed many things this day in a dtca ue by rea- 'To''i"Butthechieferriett.andtheel'e.shad perfwded the people that they Ihould askc Barab- bas, and QwulJ dettroy lefus. 21 The.n the goue-nour anivv:red.anu fayd vn- to them . Whctner of the.wair.ew. lyethati let 3fe vnto you ? And the) layd. B^rabbas. 22 Pila e fiy-i vnto them. Woa: Q^a,! 1 do then W'h lius. w.nct. iscalled ChriU: Tney alifayd to hathlelne , Then they cried the more . faying. '-^if^nvSS-ernvthatheauailednothing buuhar moretu.T.uK w.s made . hee tooke water Λ ,Z!(h,a his ban Js b Jore the mulutu ie . fay - ^tlaίϊ-S-ofthe>'bloodofthisiuftman: .". JV..M'"iS^*eredallthepeopk^^^^ L£ ifut intothecommonbaU.andgathered *nfTS?Sedbit..and.putaboat "^^'SjiSS-acrowneoft-oroes^ndputU „n η hC heid and a re. d in his iig" it hand, and naiBed S:i«i*oi«t fc%*«*«./">UK"- tobsareniscrofie. 33 St « And wi I• they came vnto the place called Golgotha (y is to f.iy.the pUceof ii^a.^wenjfculs) 34 7 They gauehira vineger to litinke.miogled «vitiigall : and w.icn bee had taftidihtiiof , bee woal 1 not dtiiike. 3 ^ f s And when they had crucified him, they parted his girroei>ts.and did caaiots.tbai it might be fulfilled . whic>i was fpoken by theProphetJ ^ They diaiJcd my garment» aaaong them , and vpon my v-fture did caftlots. ^6 And they fate and w.atched hira there. 3& Ληα tney lace anuw.ivi-i't^^ """ "•>-•-• -■ 3759 They fet vp alfo ouer his head his caufe '^^^ burilenftme crejic, rvlierib/ it apfea• rrth thm lefus w«S fnftirtbAndltdx. ftri, that befainlei ij the m4j,iJ wts ~l Able ttbexrthii . >β( litre» : far Iihi wrileth that ee iii beat t the .ttjir. te wit, at the bciiHiiiHg. ..,'7• 6 He is ltd put of the v.,iait. Jioofe vnto you ? And the) layd. Barabbas ttas.3,\i ^ tfhrift being quit by ibc teti- mooy oi the lu !g l,i:nfelfe , is not- withftaodinicoD «Umnedby tbe fame , to 41111/» Ibtfore God. ' ],noUettme.-«h hOfthemurihir, «ti Hebrew *;<»«'« cf .leach. , Jflhertbeinj tfirnci ci>T>>'»'lt<<> ,» fi.iyiH ''"»i' '" •ί•ί ληΧ tur f »"«'«- fy/mtrtfirit. «'iWarfefii.'i• «etw fiunei . οοε^' naeiiDgiathe ίπ•.«»η« t''"o And there were two tbieues crucified biro,one on the tight hand . & ano-.ber on the 1< 39 u And ihey that palled by .rcuiled biro. wag eine their heaJs, ^ , _ 40 And Gying."Thoo that deftroyeft iheTein^ ple.and buildeft it in three daycs.laue thy felfe : it ihGU be y Son ofGod.come down from the ctoffe. 41 pKewifeaifj the high P.icfts mocking bim wiih the Sciibes.an ! Elders.and Pnanfes.layd. 4z He faued ο hers . but hee cannot faue him- f-ltl : if he be tht kv g of Ifrael.let him now come downef omthe crofl-'.a-.d we wil bleeue in bitn^ Λ? 4. i\ct u ufted in God . let bim dtliuer him now . if i ei will r.aue bim : for he fayd , I am the 44 The f-.lfe ra:i)e thing alfo the " thleues which wire trucihedwiih him. ciil in his teeth. 4. .. Now from the fix•, houre was there daiK- neUe ouer all the land.vnto tbe ninih houre. _ 46 And about the ninthhcurelefasc, led with a iL voycc,f<.yi.^g.vEli.Eii.lam-nbachthanH that s My Go .n y Go ..why hall thuu " forfaken me? '47 And 'foL of -hem that ftocd there, «nen they heaid ic. fayd. Ti is man calLth !' blus 48 And ft-aightway one of them ran.and tooke V a (pange and hliid it with vineger.and put iton areed.andgaiiehim codtioke. 49 b:i er fiyd . Let be : let vs fee if thas will come and fauelim. .... JO < 3 Then Icfus ciied againe wuhaioud voyce and yceided vp the ghoft. ι,„τ».^,,ϋ c ; .4 And behold . ^ the q vale of the Temple was rent in tw.ine.from the t.pps-to the bottomd ind th. ea-tV, did qaake.&the tt.nes were cloucn^ c ζ And .he ' graues did open themfeiues . and „,any bodiesof tneSaints.wbichn'pt.arofe. sl And came out oftbegraacs after bis rcfjr^ ηίϊίη. and went into the holy citie.and appeared v.i?h hi ..watching Icfus. Aw the "^•^I'^f,^•?"^ Φ, ihiogs that we. e done.tbey feared gceatly.fay. ire Truely mis was the Sonne cf God. ^c c r And many women were therc.behoiding 5>," ^ ur'ul., !f„11^a.,i1 IriusftOmGa- e ciiie.thai wee nuy bi brought into ikc heauculy ■•^ " into ikc heautoly kin;i.,ne. ed\vl7 C-.i.lfjaadDo ■"^'•Itbit in kirn «te Wag-migh-bffi:lel wiiiiall coinfort. 8 H:ois mads a curfe . that inbioi may be bUir»i : ii Ipoilcdut bii gitm-nri . ikat wtS m^gb: be inriched by his aaltrdacfle. 9 Hse iipronooB• ibetiueMtflTi- eum of chemof whim h« 11 reieftei• Cbrift beganoe π to iud^c the iild , wheni'ter ludgementhee tuagbeiwixitwo ihreuei To mall• ra1 f«- afticnrorvs, Chri.l fulfrteihtncf• oiie.commeth , not oaly tbe torments f the boly . bu: »!• othe moll hoiri• ble torments of e miude. Ichii a,i9• Th.iiifock'nij efi}HreS>titcii• the , /er ihcitrvai fnt cBf eftfc.i»ifc«r iii ri-uile tim. ,. li-au.uitfeire ίι datktoed for vf rf haioji ,«nd Itfu» ci>'ibout from the ari.bo'hrll. MdiB tht is.-ane while bt is m«:ked. Te TPi» , 1» l*«» \:fine : and tkil ■um ««r is proftv iotn 19 J. bowid tneirMiccs i^.»"'>- • — • -- «■ And many woiuci. τ»ν•ν.•">- .--- . ..f(,.l.ltvil(>/f4l•- rf,«r was VfJe »f Pn,lui,etfdttht xvrKth ef Goivthitk' IS due tt »ir finnes. T, Thii alluie te E»- /..(«.'me.BMfar ,f vnieiflen»- ^-;'''?-*;r,t,Mr*il-*x 4»e •.T,i;iiftf in" vnto hira. ,, ,i,ngthetiHlue, ;rAmo4v.h.mwasMaricMagdalcae.andl£.,,,.,. .e.efe,A.d^e.re^>fbe,..d.,et^'nd^^^^ v.h^n h. ;. dead . ibevv.th b.rtifeHe u, b. Go J ™>; 'ϊ. ,^„ .^.., , JM '°' t'/x>. * jA^e::f:ir 'J:tX.e. d,d .,.» <**«γ./«5. .. ί^- ,s U lA] . 'he fi>r.ei lUut ,r. ,«.-i4.i , """ '■- V";7 ,,,^•,.,, ,. ,;,, ini fclhrM. Urvtai. k I » -BW, ^TT • "If Coriftis buri- ed , n.tpriuilf o» by llc-ihb , but by ihcg jUfiiioui-s pli:r Qcifarredi. itaac , ill a ntw fe- pucr.rr.fo chatic Cionot oe <Ιοιώ• tedofhiiie.ih. •{■ «ir* i/. + i. ,I« The keepfag Of the 'epulcbre lilco.TKnitted to jCSiiiteio-Afne jmjrdereri , that 'there Tnigit be jnadoubc of his uUneStloa, fTI,er,:.litm.f thegitij}»,v>htch Vete afpcnteit» kttfe the lem/le. I C^ii^t bauicg put death to flight in the fepulchie, liTetb by hijowne powrr, «I (irti^bt. W y the Ajgel wi oeO'cili. » At thigiing mi »{the SAbb-tth, th.tl is y aheut i:iy breaks *jter the JRimanes (tuai, -akich rechl the nmitrall dty, fran the funning $» the nrxt fun nfil tueniHi. * If'• tkti i (ii teio fc/.-e it. ther of Zibedeus foooes* Τ7 f / ♦ And when theeuen vcascomcchcre came a rich man of Arioiachea . named lofeph, who had alfo hirofelfs beene lefus difciple. fS He went to Pilate,& *fted the body of lefus. Then gilite comoianded the body to be deliuereJ. jp So lofepb tooke the body , and w.appcd it in a cleane lianen cloaih, ίο And put it in hi» new torabe, which he ha J bewen out in a rocke.and rolled a greit ftoneto thedooreofthefepu'chfe , auddepiitsd. 6i And there was MuieM^glalena , and the other Marie, fitting ouer agiinlt the fepulchre. 6i f '* Now the next day that follojviJ the Preparation oftht Sabkath , the hig i PiiiSs a id Pharifes aJetubled to Pilate, 63 An j fayd.Sir.we reiaerabir that that decei. uetliij, wale bee was yet alius. Within three dayes I will rife, 64 Coojimnd ther; fore , that the fepulchre be made fare vntiil the third day , leaft his D^fciples come by night, and fteale hi.n away .and fay vr.to the people, tie is rifen from the dead; fo ihaJl the laft crrour be worfe then the firft. tri(Xef is fus which was crucified: Vf*. ».;/,/»«,. 6 He? is not here , for he is tifen , is he fayd; comtdi-e tne place where the Lord was layd, 7 And go qaickly , and tell his difcipks that he is rilen from the dead : and bchold.hec goeih be- fore you into Galile : there ye lliall fee him : loe, I h?u .• tolde you. 8 So they departed qoickiiy from the fepul- chre, with f are and grea ioy , and did runne to ba'-g his v'iiLifh sword. 9 * Ana as they Went to tiUliis difciple», be- hold, lef'is airoiiietthero,fa;ii'g, GoJf^ue)OU. And they caiie, and tooke him Dy the f^ete, and Wo"• iliippsd him. 10 Then fayd lefus vnto tbem.B: not afriyed. G '.andKtW my brethrcn,that tbey go iato Galile, andihete ilull they fee toe. 1 1 f 3 Now when they were gone , behold, fome of the watch came into the cuy,and lliewed vnto the high Ptiifts al the things that were done. 1 2 And ihiy gat.jeted them together with the Elders, and tooke counnU, and gaue large mone) j vr.to the fouUi^rs, ! 13 Saying.Say.Hisdifciplescamebj nighf,and I ftuie bim iway while we flept, • I 14 And if this matter e come bifore the go- uernourro be beard, wee wiilpeilwade him, and . ^„.. 1 fo vfe the matter that you ihallnot need to care, jtheefhcjiie 1 5- So tbey tooke the money, and did as they i^''"''' ''''"S• ^^'^' were taugi^t ; and this faying is noifed acnorg the lewes vnto this day. \6^ iThen the eleuen dilciples went into Galil?, into a raountaine.whereJefus had appointed then?. 1 7 And when they faw him , they worihipped him : but fome doubted. 1 8 And lefus carre.and fpik; vnto them.faying, •J-All power is gi.c vnto mc.inheauen.dc in eartn. _ 1 9 ^5 ; G je thercfore.and teach ail i^a ionsibap- tizing ihetu fin the Name ofdic Fatner, and the Sonne , and ύ e holy Ghq0^ 'o Te:c ir.g them to ®bferueallthipg?,wbat- (beuer I h.-ue comirandedyouiard lo,"l ar•: with you g aiwayj vniill the end of the world. Amen. tf.rme ihewimta, » that tht fiu!- iitn were afra)i, a Chriftappeaie h himfelfi after bis refiirre ftioD , ic fciA g ibe »Vomea bit difciplci, (heweih ihx; bes 3 The more the Ihiaetfa , the more ate the wic« kedblio'ed, Fcr irrrjs to it ^r-i , that it tvMli be brought ginetntun eare; 4 ChitiVappearetli alfo to bii ilifci-. whom he ma* ieih Apolllr5. •tHib.i.i.if-ap, ±M»rkt .ί.ι'ί, Thcfum of the • ApoitUfliip ii jt'ae publill'ingofibe doclriae teetiucd i»f Chiillihorrw. lut ail the world, ndtbemiGiltiU.g f the S-icraicenii : b Qot olthe iltrii , but odhs Lor.l. '■ CaUiniT/ptnthe lame tfthe Father, ani tht. hily Ghcsl. lih» 14,15. I Fcr luer : ani this place ii meant if the mancr of the frefeHceofh,,f}i. rit.b) means whert' f het m, keth vi ar-.akers both nf hmfelfe ani of all ai-fni hi My. I 'VI ta THE HOLY GOSPEL OF lESVS CHRIST, ACCORIplNG TO λΙΑΚΚΕ. CHAP. r. I»»» i«f t,\'t*.S His apparell ani meat. 9 lefus is bap. «>^fi<. tiHe tsltmpiei. 14 Hte preacheih the Gofttl, ii inii^heteachcth in tht 5_ «ι^ο^,,ίΐ. 13 Hehealeih 0)2? thit had .1 ieuil 19 Peters mother in law.jiMany 40 Thi leper. ' He beginning of the Gofpel of Icfus Chtift.tne Sonne of God: 2 ■ As i; is writrc in y^Prophets, •i'Behold,''! fend my metlenger 'before rhy fjce. which Ihall prepare thy wiy bt fore thee. 3 .1^ The vo:c2 of hiTi that ctieth in the wilderneife , it , Prepare the way of the Lord: make his paths ttraig(-c. ■■ lohn did baptize in tne wilJemeCfe.anJ preach the Ί bapiifme of ameridtiisnt of life , for toiin 2°eiti be- forrCbrid.ai it W41 forefpokeoby Prophets. • This IS the figure JHetiH^'mia.rrhcreliJ ! meant the bonh ftheProphrts, M:ilae'-i aniEfiy. MiUc.} I. i Vfe Prophet vfith the prcfint tenfe, ■cinnhefpeaket of Λ thing to com ^ungaffuretf ii t A metaphor tikenfrom ike vfage of kings, which -vV ;« hau th m i> //".1,4ο 3. '<<; 3,4.(5^.1,1;. J The fumine of loh Cniil•, isiTm:(ri-:i.irrmi&amendmen-.oflire. '•• jMjrj.i. i The Jew, i.n r y K-nis 0', •■'i'fiiit«s:bnt here is f^skm of a peculiar k'ndofwalbtni, wh:c> '•.itn .Mhke p.irii of iriie bapiifme, ameoimeHt of life, aniftrginentsof fmnes ;i--rs I» before ine.orrai^» rercifsic-n of finncs. y And all th; contrey of luJea ,5cihey ofBie- lufalera went out vnro him , and were all baptiztd of lim in the riutrloti'e coufcfsing iheir (innes. 6 4• Now lohn was cloaked with camels haire, and with a girdle of a f ki.i about his loincs : and he did eat ^ locufts and wilde hony, 7 ■-• i And preached, faying. Aftronger then I commcth after me , whofe fiioes latchet i am not worthy to ' ttoupe downe.and v.^loofet 8 Trueth it is , I haue fbaptized ycu wiih wa- ter; but he will baptize you with the holy Ghoft. 9 f » 4 And itcametopalfeintht-fedayes, that fefiis came from N..zireth , a dtii of Galile, and was baptized of lohn in lordan. 10 ' And alToone as g hee was come out of the water, f β*» fawtheheauensdouenin twainc.and the holy Ghoft dfrfceoding v^xin him like a dcue. "f Matih 3,4. f I-""'• •, a», Lord £fi^nge.'i,7 his meani^ii if .is t9 expreffe the ccni•. flheb..feβ f UeLwethlhat Uth.f.rceofbap. 'fme frc,cn.teib rom Chrifl, nit bapt'x^th Within. X Af..f.3,,3 /«Jte 3,jt iohn 1,3,. _. . ,_ . 4 C a tilt doth COB- u_Tbea / ;i.Iu!:e ae.aa» and 11, Iterate our bapiif.Tie i ifelfe. :Priftty Tyi^lU' % Ictki Mat i^i « Cnint btm J ;mpiei oofi- i Hcrt IS »t violent .ihrctblt iriuivi _)[ meant ; iwtiie i-.tunt fiwtt elii- dethCh'ift (wAc tUi time as » fri- DAte Μλη) wiiA * wperffn,»>'d frfftrtth him i• the etmbate ttiAt tPrtS 4/ A«nii. anU to hi<. m.nisteri'. j. Λ/λ;. 4."• -ί»^ 4,14 ιβΑη 4. <3' 7 Af er Lb>t I^bQ if take^ Chriit ih(V7eik biinfclfc fuUy *•■ Matt. ^,ii, S rUt calling »f Siaion »r<) Andrew 9 Thccaliiig of lam i and Ιυίια. ,. Mtt 4,13. k Fitm thtdltl :K ΛίΛ»». 7. »«• 13 Hit pieacstta th.tdoftri.ie.br which »!ooi: S-uo i* driaen cu; of the world, which alfo be coDfirm::ti by a mitjcle. Uyotif^rwtrd.it fpirit, that .. .. 'f.j.p.fi-fiir^ith tutU^int. m Hie ν>α!ΐ»χη( . Beth-!thim,but thrmih the etituf tftkcprtpli.he ^4, called Λ N'\»- rtan , b'caufe hee tees trmzl>* ""P »» Hea/.adethI» ihalHim.thAt JP^s lemnthtitt dm flttevhith tbe bilhP.trllTVcte, Zx,d.,l3(' , t L^ekt beneath, €hxf.9 iO. • Annenifm-fti- J By kist/vineaH• thtritit, »r 4S » ind. Cihle,liu*''f"''" the tounlriii ter- dnin-t vftn it. * Mitt «, 14• Z„ke 4.ί8• , Β, htalirf cf iijtrid.ft»lc«>h« Hitwetfc til" h« h,tb bought ttuf lift icto tac woiW• fYtmh the Ctffit, 1 Γ Then there wis a voycS fromheίoe^ι^/3r>- ing , Thou art my belooed Sonne, in whom I am b wellpleafiU. . . • , • • . • II -J. 6 AndinmeJiiatly the Spirit 'driuetbtim I iito the wildcnefi'e• 13 And hee was there in the wllJernefle toar- tie dayss ,ind w ts tempted of Satan : he was Δίο with the wilJe beaftes . aid tbe Angels tciniftred vnto him. . , 11^*7 Ν iw after that lohn was commutcU fe ρ;/.Λ . ieius cauie intoGalile, preaching the Gjfpelofiheki'igdomeofGoJ. 1 ,- And faying . Tbe time is fuMcd , and the king 'orae cf GoJ is at hand : rep.n: and bcle.ui tbeGoCpel, , , . . _ ,. 16 ί •■ s And as he walked by the fea of Gril- le be faw Simon an ) Aadiew his brother, Cifti'^g a'netiniothefia (ft)t they were fillers.) 1 7 Then lefus faid vnto them. Fallow me, and IwillfcakeyoutobeHlh.isofmeQ- , 18 And liraightway they fotfjuki their oets, and f jllowed hira. I J 9 A id w len hee had gine a Iwle hrthet thence, be faw lam^J thef.n.t of Z^beJeus . and loiin his ItotUtr , as they wers in tbe ihip. men- ding their nets. . , u 1 f 20 And *r»on hee called tV-m : and they kf their father Zebcd;us in the rr,ipwi:bhis hiied fsruants, and went their way afier him. 11 Γ So X they enttcd into v. Capcrnaurc: and ftraighiw.y on the Sabbaih day hee entiid into the Synagogue, and ta.'glit, . . . λ •,- 21 And they weie ,flonied athisdoainr. ^ for he taught them as one that hadautaontie. andnotastheSciibes. ... - „,„. J 3 r 10 A -d there was in theu Synagog le a man ' in whom was an vnclcane fpiat . ana hct (fanflciedout, , . . ..„ 2,1 spying. Ah.whatbaue we to doe with thee. Ο -"lefus of Nazneth? Art thou come to deftroy vf ?I knpw thee what thouart.«Hf» that » holy one ''^2^°^Άηά lefus rebuked him. dying . Hold thy pece and come ou: of hint). . •■ * 26 And the vrckane fpirii ° tare bitr.^d cued with a loud voyce . and came o"•- of f'"^• 27 And they w.te all am»fed . lo that the; de- matKled Ρ one of another . (ayi-g, What tmng is thisiwhat new doftrine is thiii for he^ comman- deth eaen the f^ule fpiiits with aathotitie.and they "^28 ''"'αΪ^ imrtiediatly his fame fpread abroad throughout all the region ' bordering on Gahl?. 20 c * '• And as f-.one as they were come out of the Synagogue . they ertred into the houfe of Simon and And.f w . w.th latces and lohn. . lii'V^ ^^^ iefus arofe and went oat iaio a fulitary pUce.and there prayed. .... 36 And Sition . «nd they that were with him, fo'bwed caitf .lly after him. 3 7 Aud when they ha J found him , they laiJ vnto hiro , All men fee k? for thee. , 3 8 Then be faid vnio them, Let vs goe into thtf » v.iia^ff i,huk t r.ext townes.that I may preach there alfo : for I w.r. -i «i,«. . ca&e out for that pa pyf;• 39 And hee peached in their Synagogues, throughout all GalUe. and caft the deuils out. 40 f + ' » And there came a leper to bi™. be- feec-iing him.and kneeled dow.ie vnto him.oc laid to him, If thou wili.thou carft mak; me cUane. 41 And Iefus had coixpafsion , and pm fcNjrth his ^and.and touched hisD.and faid to him. I will: be thou cleane. . j• i 42 And alToonc as hee had fpoken.immedutly the leprofie departed fiooi hiiD.md bee wis made clean e. „ . . 43 AnJafcrhehadg-ueabm aft a^ghtcom. mandemert, be f^nthiiu away forthwith. _ 44 >i And fayd vnto hira . S;e thouUy no- thi/ g to an V roan . but get thee hence , and fctw thy f Iffi to the " J Ptiell. and cffit for thj- clean- lir-g ihofe things which Mo) fes commaDded,for « tellimoniall v;uotbem. 4 i But when he was departed. ••' he beganne to tell many thirgs.and to publiiLtheroaitei:fo mat Ir.fus could nomoreoptnly enter into the C17. but was without in defcri pUces : and tbey came to himfrcmeutiry quarter. C Η A P. I I. U,m,.> htlri. .4 MMih.w.icaUei , , FA/li>ip Ani /.«,:1,.HS«.<(«>fr'Jr jj The Difelp.ti f'Uike tkf riVfs ,/-»r»f. it Th' p!nvi,e.'.i AFtet X ■ af€0> dayc$,he cntred into Capstna- urn againe . and i: wi$noif:d that bee was in tbe « houfe . - 2 And anon many gathered together , mio- Mmi. % t. ^K'i.ll. Byhr.Ihgthe roui.heflic*• thit be cinie for this caufe , to wipeou the li at• he world wi'Jt hi• cfKiio•- Tj Hte witniCTttk, hic be wai 001 nooued with tm- Di loo, but wiih ibe sncly iehtt of hit Fjihtri gloiy.ir.i oiKtovM.d{iaoie riQDtri, » AlthtftPuit} tf ΛΛπηψηι^Ηχ iiidit »f * liftf. J£«.t.i4 4. . CbriillheAeib by inlicg ihi» BUB» wb'ch " «>oe- ....:.. L. ,nM h^^ nriached tbe word ly . .lUhnr ftrmj rnutn. toil iiic "(»">->.» o'--'-^ ."- — receiue any mute : and hee preached tbe word veto them. 3 And the'e catre veto him. that brocght one fickccf the paliii.boroecffoure men. 4 And becaufe they could net coti^c neere vn- to hiro for the muliitude.they vncoueied the roote of the houfe where hee was : and wren tney had broken it optn.they c let dowae the <» bed, whete- in the ficke cf the palfie Uv• . , . ^ ^ . . 5 Now when I- fus j^thetr faith, hee l\",^''k t bv" and lifxd her vp . and the feuer forfooke her by and by . and ibe miniRred v.uo them. 3 X And waen euen was come.at what ntre *e Sunnettteth. they b-oug^.o-.tm aU^at w^ direaf:d.and them that wvre P-i^<^l^ed w uh dtuas. 3 3 And the wboli citie W4S gatbctcd together '' 'ii'tThe healed rnany that werefickeofdi. ue. s difealts : a.id bee caft out many deuils . and f fuffe d not tbe deuiU tu lay that they t^ew bim. 3, Aodintbe nwrDingvcryearcljbifcreday. ly . allihnr flrecgtk vvhictuhcy baut te!t. a I» thtkiufe ■a/hire hie ζ fed tf umeine , ftr hit thife C;ifer>iAMm ittiH iti.nni left b Ν Kher the hinft ter ihttnitti iviS ibltft-ili '''""■ ■vpper ful 'f tf" hiufe.rvh.i'vr^f fU[»:.atil'ti^V!f themir: ifcrti w•"» fi^l^r.flke filf", ,ni> the livrer p^rt vhere Chujl ρΠΛ- ,hed, fc the} ttHld ΙΦΙ ttherVife (•«« .nithispiht- - d The tf»d ί^»'ί- eth the vrfi *<** tfbei.-tvhtrrvp^ men ift it /<■; Jn»* thetnfiiuii «tH<-Hlt- >i WHO (.ail luigius. n•!••^- γ— / g And iromediatly . when lelus perceiued 10 his fpirit.that thus they teafoned with t .en klues. he fayd vnto them, Why realbn ye thefe things m your hearts} , , ,- , c.u^ ο Whether it it eafier to fay to the ficki oF the ,^^„. ,„„ palfie . Thy fi-nes ate forgiuen thee ? or to layj„i,.<«i«eene bf Usvei which GudmidecoDcet- .iog the fame hipgs , and laWis that are madj of gs which aie ly vijawfull. t6i Srtii/ailij, r(is, mthehtlj d.i)is. ^ i.Ssnt xt,«, .SAm ai.i.Hi .ilkd Achimc• ) Ar.AhiiitKne ^iixihar, hut iy if " iiife? I. C/.i'i i7'«J«i. jj. t.XiXi.a.ie. •■>.i<.,-..s. . 8.31. ΛΗ^ί4 9. Jk H.>>€ S.i. b.iih α.ί; i« hii lultmbimhjtah. //,fm bed , and went foorthi>efore tbeoi ill , in (0 truch that they were all f amaled.and gloriHed God.fay- isgi We neuer faw fuch a thing. 13 f » Then he went forth againe toward the fca, atxl all the people reforted vnio him, and hee taught them. 14 jt. And aslefopiffedbyihefaw? Leuiriii /hnr,€ of Alpheus (it at the receit cfcuftoroe , and fiyd vnto ratB.Fullow me. And he aroi'e and fol- lowed hitB. I y f And it came to patfe.as lefus fate at ubie in his houfe, many Publicanes and (inneis fa-eat table alfj with lefus . and hisdifcipks : for theie Wire Doany tbat followed him, 16 All J when the Scribes and Phsrif;s faw hita eate with the I'uhl'cines and finoers, they faidvn- to his Jil-iples, How is it, tbat he eateth and diin- kech with Pubfcanes and linnetsf 17 Now when lefus heard it , hee fade vnto them , The whole bane no neede ot the Pi yfician, but, the llvke.^I came not to call the righteous, but the finneis toreucn-ance. 18 ■•■ J And tJiedifciflescfrobn.andthePha- rifts d'd faft, and came and faid vnto hira.Why do the difciples of loho, and of thePfcaiifesfaU, and thy d.fciples faft no;» 1 9 And lefus faid vato them , Can the children ofihe mariige chambei fait.whiles the bridegcom is with tbemias long as thoy haue the bridegrome with the.t), they cannot faft. 20 Bjt the i.l«yes will come , when the btiJc- grome (iwlbe taken from thcm.and then Ihill they i'aftin thofedayes. 2 1 Alfo no mm foweth a piece of new cloath ία aa olde garment : for eife the new piece t! at tilled it vp,tik^thaway/«w*f/>he,and they that were with him» 26 How he went into the houfe of God, in the djyssof i Abiatlar the hie Prieft , andt'id eate the Shewbread.which wire not lawfull to eate, but for the* Piieftss, and g.!ueaifo to them wlitb were withhim? 27 And he faid to them.The Sabbath w=s trade for man.and not man for the Sabba-.h. 28 VVhertLre the Sonne of man is Lord,eiien eftbekSabL-ath, CHAP. 1 1 r. The withrnik.MiiiiheiUi.iTh( Ph^iifes ccnfuh with ihe H.rUiir,^. lo JiUKI me hcAleihy icKdirg Chiiit. 1 r At .'.'i fi-iht the d, «/.i f.u! io-xne tcf.te hr.,i. -. + TKe ■iveine A^OiV.es.nThe kisiJ.tniiJtidaiatnfl xljilf'. -' - ■ y.:e Agiinfi tie hi!) Gho'l pChriJli f.5r>. » Chri(lhadt.iK.enti be of his frame aui, e -.vith him, heme to his houfe , to bettiih him JlTvayes after• Noaca.eworfe TOirSif:heG3- Ip.l, ihtnthey thai Italt cught. » ll^.tUforWni, hey ihiit were if f'lm ,that is , hii k.inl',oiks:fortht] tkatwi rtrrtaddr, n.Fruiihito- cir Κίι,^'η• M-i'i. 9,5^. ani ■■ 24. /'iA:-ii,i;. S.^cu« l.ioha s,'6• 5 Tixyo.iely ire do loiliciouay ep- pHgDe Chrilt,' wSen taej know. fTh;fenretke Vifii cfiHe Z' ± Mit.i»,4«. lulceS, (9. qVntlerihiHtime 'Stotbtr.the H" aa that art o/t»e fame fleck' *ni hnfi. . 6 Tbe fpiritnail kinred ii fatre otherA'if» 12,40 ΛίΙα i at,a«,r«»i,iijt< 27 No taan can entsr into a ftrong mans hoiiW, anJ tike away hii goods , ex•: -pi ne H-itfciaJ tbas ftrong min.and then fpoylc his houf.. a8 f "f i Verely I fay vnto yoa , all fmnes ihill bs forgiiKn vn:o the chil.^ren of Jien ( anJ blaf- ph;mies wheriwiih they blafphame : 29 Bjc hee that blalp'ismeth agilnft the holy Ο'Λ-Λ , Unll nea;r baue forgiuineile. but is culpa- ble of iternatl Jamnation. 3 ο Ρ Becaufe they fayd , Hee had an VQcleane Ipirit. 31^4 Then cime his τ brethren and ooothct and ftood without , and fend veto him, and called him, 3 ζ And the people fate about him , and they fayd vnro him . Behold , thy mother, and thy bie. thf en fiike for thee wi-iout. 33 Bat hee anfwereJ tbem.fjying.Who is my ffiotber'and my brethren» 34 < And hee looked round about on them, which fate in ccmpalTe about him., and fayd , Be- boi J iny mochet and ray brethren. 3 ,- For whofjnusr doth the will of God , be is iny brother.my fifter.and my mother. CHAP. IV. 4 The pArible tfthefoair. 14 Andthe mteulHtthereef. /3 rhxnei.iiThecaaile nOt him th*tf!.v>ed,iJ then ftft.il ThegreiHe cfmuftArdfeei.iiChriftfleefeth .» ANd ■•• he began agiine to teach by y » fea fide, Sc there gatiieted vnto him a great multitude, fotbathecDifed into a iliipjandiatebiothefia, and all the people was by the fea fide on the land. 1 And hee taught them many things in para* bles.and favd vnto them in bisdaiStine, 3 I Hearken :Bshold.thcre went cm a fower to fow. 4 And it came to paffe as he fowed, that fome fell by the way fide . and the foule? oi the heauea came.and deuoured at vp. y And fome fell on ftony ground, where it had not much earth, and by and by fptang vp, be- caufe it had not depth of earth. 6 But ailoone as tbe Sunne was vp.it was burnt w• • " bi» when they bene heard it, Satan commeth ira me^lirfuy ,ίν tp.keth away tbi: Wotd that was lowea in their hearts, 1(5 And hkewlfe they th«t recciue the feede in flony gruQod , are they , which when they baue heard y word, ftraiglnwayes rec-.iue it with "'--* neife. 17 yethauetheynofcoteinthetcfehies.and endure but a time :fer when trouble and perfecu. tion arifeth foi the word , icmediaily they be of fended. 18 Alio tbey that receiue the feeds among the tbornes.are fucb as heare the word 1 9 But the cares f of this world , and the 4. de- ceiifi.lneffe of riches.and the lufts of other thir 1 enter in.and ctioke the word.and it is vnftuiifull. 20 But they that banc receiued feede in gcoJ ground, ate they that beare the word, and tcciiue it,& bring foorth fruit: onecarm thirtie, an cthei fixtie.and lome an hundreth II f > Alfo he fay d vnto them. ^ Comrceih tbe candle in , to be put vnder a biilhell, or vnder ibe bed.and not to be put on a cantileftii.kef 21 ■•■ For tiers is nothing bi.'.that Ihill not be opened , neither is there a fecret , but that it fliali come to light, 23 If any man haue cares to heare.ietbim heare. 24 } And be fayd vnto them, Take heed what ye heare. « With what meafura you mete, it fl-.all he lEeafured vnto yoa: and vnto you that heare, il:all(iiorebegiQeD, 25 Λ- For vntohimthatbath.fliallitbegioen, and from bim that hath not , iLallbe taken away euen that hee hjth. „ . ^ ^. , J»;;|*f,».ifc.»j. 26 ^ * Alfo be favd , So is tbe kmgdome of „«^ . tut ihti th* God^as if a man ihould caft feed in the ground, ' ' ■■'— fttifnnt'iiftu'H 27 And g Sopld flsepe . and rife vp'Oight and Ζ%:ΙψΖ'ίφ,. he pnrt if thcmimftets , ttU hiunhc grtuni With all Ji/i|f»tfi, *ni tcmnmii :be fHcc.i;e t,Cti:ft\ ■ ' ,hu cJay . and the feed ihould fpring and grow vp, hee h •> not knowing how. 18 For the earth bringeth foorth fruitei of it felfe . firft the blade . then the eares. after that fall corne in the eares. And aiToone as the fruite fliewetb it fdfe, 29 And ailoone as tne iruuc inewein u iciic, ji.;;,, ;;^\;;;, j^, vp,and becaufe it had not roote.it wiihered away. I anone he puttetbin the fickle , becaufe the harueaj/,,^, ,^„^,,it, „ 7 And fome fell among the thoines , and the I is come. thornes grew vp, and cboked it, fo that it gaue no fruit. 8 Some againe fell in good ground , and did yeeld fruit that Iprang vp, 8c it grew.Sc it broDght footth . fome ti.ir.ie folds , fome fixtie folde, and fome an bundrt-tb f>^i J, 9 Then he fay J voio >hem , He that hath eares, to heare,let bim hca-e. 10 And when .le WJSc alone . tSey that were d about bim with the tsvelue, asked him of the parable. 1 1 And bee fiyd vnro them.To yon it is giuea toknow the royftery of the kir.gdorae of God;but ■ vnto them that are e wiihout, all things be done io parables. 12 Η That they feeing, may fee.and not dif- ceme : and they heating, may hea.e, and not vn- deiftjnd , It a Ί ac an y time they ihould turns, and their fmnf s ftijuld be forgiuen them 13 Againe he fayd vnto them.Perceiue ye not this parable ? bow then Ihould yec vodetftand all •fA*r parables? 14 The fower fowetb the word, ly And t'lefe ate they im\uctmnh»^uit by tbe wayei fide .in whomtbe word» foweo; 30 f " ^ He fayd moreoner, Wherevnto Π11Ι weelikenthe kingdomeof God } oi with what compatifon (lull we compare it? 31 It IS like a graine of rouflard feede, which when it is fowen in the earth , is the leaS of all feeds that be in the earth : 3 2 But after that it is fowen, it groweth vp.and is greateft of all hetbes . and bearetb g.-eat bran- ches , fo that tbe foulesuf the htauen may build ynderthefludowofit. 33 And 4. with many fucb parables he preached the word vnto the, ^ as they were .ible to lieare it 34 And without parables fpike he nothing vn. to them: but hee' expounded all things tolas difciples apart. 3 f f ^ Now the fame day when enen was come , he fayd vnio tbem , Let vs paffe ouer vnto the other fide. 36 And they left the multitude, and tooke him as hee was in tbe ihippe, and there were alio with bim other little ihips- 3 7 « And there arofe a great ftotme of winde . ■nd the wanes daihed into the fliip , fo that it was \l^^l^^^;l DOW full• ^ ., of him in ti...^ \l And he w«s io the fterpc afleepc on ^ pil- conueoient , biinj fWhUh pettAiitt tjih.shfe. *> T.m6,t7. 2 Ai-.^augh he ' IJSbtcfrbfGofiiel benuSfdofthe vvcrlJ.yttitoughi 3bfli^h:ed,ifit viitfor»uriher •ufc thrn ihis,tba< iitwickcJr.rUief fcewoildimcbc be rradf minifeft. ;. i«...«ii..3j. . .■ Mat. 10 i«./>lji. 1. 17. "id /a.i• Th; moie libe• liUy ibjtv«c com- ic fuchgiftt. ft God batbgiuca tbe more boUDlifult WiU«^ cowird V». Mal.j.i, lake «it. A -Μλ' iJ.tJ. am! 1; t9lMkrth . ftcr aanoocr να• kooA'eiilo icto. g ThAti,,rchtnke ■ thiontiiViHi, ■.u:df,^ethe iUilt end eAre.ii ft• crel , 411^ cnilj kuiXfin ty the fruit I B) ncntame fewer rvhtih mt»t mth it felfe. * M*t.r}.3T. '"ke 13.19. ^^ S God farre ct^/ff• wifebeBiDer.vfe, bcginoeih with ibe l»ft , aod ea- ceifa'Attfathc gicattlt. + M.ttit)3*. k Aif.ri.ngt, Uc.,f.n:,.e,ftkt n\rifrwcri, rvjriH r.ij , Ttdde btri ± Meti.Mj. rbcy.baifaile with Chiiil.al- tbcu^b befceiie tuUecpereirerfo f.undlywhen jbef ,yet fferuej mTisrv cemwdh tt rn ραί[ί- that ynu ^npn 4.M»tt.S,i5. I iV.ajy h-ue:he irertui:olCbriit ίο .•.dmir.uio.'.ind yet ibty will .lot redeem» II wi;h the USc Μ ihe Icalt ihi.Tg th^r inanviideaneffi- rit : BOW lAi)! ΛΤ» faid^ f be ht iht {}i- rit,btca>tfe theffi- titkolitll) them fefiio(kivp,iini Λί (/ were biuni. iTAat is,«/r«te thiiiyfiU *» vexe iThatieuittlAt flajei the ,i)<,'JV»i<» for hit fsSisa. t Tkisrt'iiele cci»»• Preyii fmr the let- ter ΡΛ1! tfti -til hdi^yf'-.r the miun- Uinei ofG/iUtAi runnt tknt'gh it. IfStrahointhefix- \tecitlh tooh filth ithereHa/lanini ■^sf:ery ^htie water, Vhzchifbe^if^ tAfle af, the•• faexi ihe» haiye^mi.ti, g hues, is htmes. low : and they zifiokt Mm , and fayd to bim , Ma- ficr.careli thou not that we psriih? 39 And hee arofe vp . and isbukei the winde, ana fayd vnto the fea , Peace , and bs ftiil. Su the winJe cialed.apd it was a gtcst Cilme. 40 Tlier, he la>-J vnto them, «» Why are yee ίο feirefulli how is ic that yc baue no fait'-f 4 1 An.l they fsared exceedingly ,*fnl fayd one t;» ifio'.hfcV.Who is this.ttac botb the wind and fea obey him ί C Η A P. V. %One t'feJJ.d i! heatd 7 The dcuiB achmvledgethChia. 9 A i-pm :,fd t,ih 13 (ninth tnto wiBf. « iw'»s il»ug!>ter.zs A wmu» ;S ntnled tftiioodj 4»e.i6 Γη]- fieims. i4 ^^tth. 39 Sletpe. AN J•^ ■ t^xfy came ouer to the other fide of the feaiDto itiecounrrey of chsaGa.~'ait:ns._ ζ Antl when nee was cjfue ou; .: f the fl .ippe, there met itn iuconrini-jti.lir out of ttie giaume into the fl:ip.hee riiat iaJ bene pitfftiY. d wita she der.ill.p ayed him that h: mig' t bj wi λ hiai 'cocnpaffion on tbeci ao So hee departed , and began to pnbliih fii Decapolis , what g« eat things Itf js had done vnto htm ; and all cacu did marueile. 21 f And wi.cii lefas wiS come ouer againe by ifiip vnto the other fide , a great muUitudc ga- thered tug:tbet .0 binj,aiid hsc vvis neetc vnto the (ei. 22 •!• And g beholde .there Came one cf the rnlets cf the Synjgcgue ,whofe nsmc was iaifus: end w'len he I'^w him , be f.ll dowMat bii f •;ηε. 23 And b' f jught bim i.iftandy .Cinng, My li - tie diugt.ttr litsri at point ofoeath: / frayr n]^'/^ <. Mat.i, ig. <»Αί• 8.4.1, g The tvhiie cmtk f") "ffemiltint .ii 'irdrrly, but i)t « -mh ehgi. Hcmedihefe$fl«t ghi k^ , dott tuat thou wouldetl cutue and lay thine u4tjids on her,rbat fne may be ne«ilec!.aod liue. 24 Tocn ne went witu him , .^nd a great inuiti» tac<; toUowud him a;jd tbrorged biro. ij (- And there w-s a ceitaine won-an .which was aif .ileil «it i an illite of blood twelue yeetes, 26 And hid fuflf ctl m -aiy tUingS Of «iiny p-y- fici-i.s, and had fpeut ali t a ihee liacl, anJ it auai- Icd i er nothi':g,but (he became KLch woife, 27 w'hen Ibei ra i hcanl of Icfus.lhce caaie lo the p^. alll' btt.ind.and touched his gaiment. 28 f or Ih' fayd.if ί imy but toucb his cioathes, liliilibewholc. 29 And ftiaJghiway the couife of her blood was dry ed vp , and ihcc felt in her body, that Ihee was healed of ihat plague 30 And imtoediatly when lefus dH.i know in himfrft; the v; rtue that went out of him , be tut. ned hi.u round about in the ptcafe, and Uyd, Who bath to ched my cloati.ts? 5 1 And his ;irci|ilt;s fayd vnto bim.Thon feeft the multiiude tbtoog ihee, and fayett thou , Who did touch mi:? 3 ί Aad he looked round about, to fee her that had done that. 33 ir.d thi iioraan feared and trembled : for ihdt kaew what was done in her , aid Ibee cauje and telldowne otfjre him . Sc told bLn the whule irueth. 34 And be fayd to her , Daughter . thy f^ith batT made thee w. ole : g )t In pcace.aad be wtete of til V frfagae.) 3 5 W'luc ties yi-cfpjke .there caroe from the fum lulr oi hi i;Vi)ag jgo-s huuf.- ctrttht w.ich fi^d.Tny daughtet is dead : why dilcalv^ ihou the PMfteran^fjrtheJ? * 36 J AHbone as 1 1 fus beard that word fpcken, bei £yd vnto :^e m .-i of the Synagt;gue , Be iioc afraid ; ooeiy bcleeue . 3/ And bee iufJereJ no txun to f How hi.i3 faue Peter and lames.and iobn the brot'cr of lames. 38 So hee csme νη•ο ιΊ c houk of the ruler of the Synagogus ,and fi,v tbetou'ulc.and them that V/spt anJ Wiilcd grcady. 39 And hee went in, and fayd vn-o them. Why tnaKe ye this ttoubk. and w^cpe ϊ the ciiud is not dea'.otJiiletpeti). 40 ■» And they Uught him to fcoroe : but bee put (hem ώ o\v,in\ to- 'ke the fiiber.and the mo- ther of the child, and them ^ '-Hat Wiire with him, (be andentredinwheet-^ecSilielay. 'Trhl^^Aiff 41 And tooke t"e cfciUie by the hand, an^' i.yd ;^,νί. vnto her.Talitha cumi,w''ici isby interpretaiiun. S Fa(beM spoM. 'byfaibtlie pronnfe» of life- for tteit 4'Sacbaimoclte a-idfcoine Chiilt, .by, ο esofWe .9 Hcwbeit.itfus wouldnoif ff;rhi"(i.biit | Mayden.i f'y voto tiee.aiife. fiyd vnto him,Goc;ih> way home ro thy frit-n.'s. j 42 And ftraigncway ths mavden aroft- , & wal• and ibews tliem wnat great ti-.ii.gs the Lord ί kedrfot iliewasof the ag-ottwrlue yeetes, and i»(h dopa^oto thse , daahw ti:& bath ba4 f tbey wetealloaied oatcfoKafuie, ' •' " ' " 43 4^ Curift conteinnecf. 0 maa j 2 Tbetaibltfle world doeth do vvbitatalidiiiii- ilhtbevertLieof Cerilt , but vwit- «iiigly «ad wil- ' a^ly dcjriutth itfcHeulibeef- icacie ol it, bfing oStted voto ■ been R r». wtrdfigni- fieth f oners , cr virtues , whereby are meant ihsfe WtnderfaB wcrkes that Chnf} dii, t^hich fl>e-»ei fet fourth the vertue anifowei if bis Godhead to nil ihe worli , Mat themt- HtroftheHe- hevtes.vhob) bre- thren andfiHers, yni^riianditS their kinsjolkes. j• Mit.iiSI- tukc^.H. iohn 4,4+• t Not one!) that haththxt hcMiur tvhichofr:thtis tuetohimtr.kett from him ,hmalf» titillffokenofand fretttted. i That is , he iot.forwe eiesbxue faitb, if rvte wU re. teitte the mrkes of Cod V JK4i 4 »J• luke '3 i2. Κ Chap.j.i^t jM.tt.io.i. lKk'9••-. , » The difcirli» ate prepared to that geoeiail A- p^'.elhip . by » eecuiiat feodioj foortli. 3 Faiihfr.ll Pi- ftours ought oat to baue their inindesfet .njnot on things tiiae are ne eHary fot thi<;llfe,i"hey may beaohm- deraocrv'.o.hem. I 43 AndheechargeilthemftraMythitno jiliould kouwe of i( I aaJ cuansanJed to giue her t meacti. CHAP. Vr. » ChriftpreaihiHg m his eonnireyhis owne eonterr.ne him. 9 The ■vnbe'.nfe of the N-<7Ariies. y The AfoUits are fent. 13 Tie) ciltoKti.ut.s-.thry nno)ftithejick!V!':tlt tjte. ii^Hercdes ofiaanof Chitft 18 Thecnufe oi IchKS emprifonnnKi. ti D.iuncmi.iy Ishnbeh'adei.isburui. SoThe Apofties returne fri preaciing.j^Chrilt lead ith in the iefan-n Het feeieih 'he Ittp'CWilh fine loaues. 4S The Afotties are troubled on iht [ea.jiThe (ieke that touch Chritles jaruif nt, rtie heaieii. A Nj 4. , he departed thence, and came iato his ■'* ownecountrcy ,8c his difciplesfoiloweJ hire. 2 And when the Sabbath wis come , he beg jn to teacti in the Synagogue .aij^mani that lieard hiro, were aftonicd , and faidc , Froaj whence bath tnis man thcfe things » and what wilifdomc is this that is giut:n vnto him.tra: eusn fuch»grcat woiks aredone by his hands? 3 Is not th\s : a• carpenter Maries fonnc , the brother of laaiei & loies.aod uf fuJa and Sitnoni and are not Ws b liuers here with vs i And they were offended in hiai. 4 And lef.s faide tmto thetn.A $ Prophet is twt without t honour, but in t.is uv^ne cuuntrcy, and among his owne kinrcd , and in bis owne bode. f And be <* could there doe no great works», faue that he laid bis hands vpon a few Ikkc folke, and healed them, 6 And hee marueiled at their vnb^liffe , " and went about by the townes on eueiy fide.teacliing. 7 f a ^ And hee called vnto hicn the twelne, and b-gao to fend them toorth two and two , and gaue them power oucr vncleane fpirii", 8 3 And commaunded thena that they llwald take not^ ing for thtir ioarney , faue a Sifft onel• : neither fcrip.ncitbct btead.netther money in «heir girdles: 9 But that they (honid be ibod with "k « fan- dals^and that thei• iLouiJ not pur on f two coates. 10 And hee^iJvntuthem iVVhertfoeuer yec fhall enter into aa hotfc , 8 there abuc till y ec de- part thence. 11 * 4 And whofoeaer iball nor receiue yoii, nor heare ν oti, w)-.? η ye depart thence, •$• lliake off the duft hat is vndtr youi fecte.for a wiinelfe vn- to them. V>irely I fay vnto yoa.It iliaiib ■ eafi-i for Sodorae , or Gomoirba at the day or ludgitneut, then for that citie. II f And they went oat , and preached , that tPtn (liould'amend their hues. 13 And thev Cift om many deuus : and they J •> anoynted many that Were licki.with oyle.and healed them. 14 f ■•■ /Then King Herod heard o/At»»>(fjr his Nane was mide manifift) and faid, Iohn ftap- tift ii rifen againe from the dead , and therefore great i woikt s ire wroug^'t by him. I ^ Other £ai,l, It is Elias : and IbiKe faid, It is a Prophet.or as one of l^ thofe Prophets. hy± The Jnconuenience of daunclnf fiould : ^'ABeT^Vs" ''The Word fiin.fietl. properly wsn,enslb,.rs. f That is.the, kenoch'tue of /avm.nis with them .that ihetmtght he lighiir for 'hts an-j WJ^ h rnato)tew,s a c"a«d afi-n '^ his m uuetUus v^tt»e : andfieing iha, th, g.fi of kral.ng ,Γ^Λλ eo'.irphile finer , the cntmnit rvhich is ]ti reti inid off^me , <( t» ;.« ih ■ Mntn.i^t Lukeg.j f The G.fpd conSrmtih ibe go/»!/ , and VibeVickcd i Thi> -aiirdfiinia.th roWiri,whttibj nmcAnt ike fiWtt HfHg OT.r«f'"• h 0/ »Bc tM £toihets. r\\ 16 4• So w'nen Herod heard it.ht' fiii.It is loLn whonn ' J beneadea ; he is rifen fiom the dead, 17 For Heroil r.imftrlfs had fint f.-rt;; , and had taken loi.n. and bound him in prii.>n for tl• r;jd'a; fake, which was bis brother Philips wifr.bccii.fe h< had married hee 18 For Iohn faide vnto Hero;! .J^ It is not law- full for thee to baue thy broibers wfe. 19 Therefore Herodi?s"< liiJ^ait againfthiin, and would baue killed hiro.bui llv. coul : not: 20 Fur Hcroti feared I0..0 , krcwirg that het WAS » iuU man , and an holy , and reueret crd him and when he beard him, hee did many things, and heard bim " glaily. 21 Bat ti-^e time being conuenient, when Hr« rod on lis birrh-day ma.ic a banket to his uriiiceslf ""'"*''■' •J/•^'"/* and Cinraincs.and chiefs cliatcs of Galile: 22 And the dacgter " of tne (ame Herodias came in, and danced, and pleafod Hcrod.and th.-ra that fate at tablf together , the Ki ig faide vntci the lEaide , Aske of me wuat tbca wilt , and I will giue it the«, 23 And hee fware vnto her , Whaifjcuer thou ibilt aske of race , 1 will giue it thee , #m»« vnto the haife oft*) kir,gd*me. 24 ■•■ So F Ih.• wer.c fjrth.8c faid to her mother What (hall I aske» And ibe faid.Io'rm Eiotifts head 2 J Tlien ihc came in ft-aigl.tway witn b»tte vn. to the Ki g , and asked, fiytng . I would that thou ihoaldctt giue me eucn now in a charger the head i ofiohnB..pnft. I 26 Then the King was very fory :^« for h« oathes fake , and fot tiicir lakes whicii late at tabic with bim. be would not rtfulc her, 27 And iromediatly the King fent the <5 hang * l-hii.ts i tJ 21. S ...ji: lil The fifiBf tt>« trj rvril eonint I henre fet.tence il! veonliony -'■-I'ch the f.:me Ml.•• h.tinot k) Heroiti AiitU p.-i*.o»tbrPhi:ip, i hfrfhittea*»- leih her Salome. Mttn.i. f iirivom-n vfeA HottofimttttiU q Theviirift:nu. man , and gaue charge that bis head ftioiild be ^;,'* "»■ j*•^'^ brought in. So hee went and beheaded him in the prilou. 28 And brought his head in a charger , and gaue it to the maide , and the maide gaue it to hct mother. 29 And when his difciplf s heard u , ths> cime and tooke vp his body. and pt it in a tombe. 30 f ♦ And the Apoftl^s gathered then:f;iues together to Icfus.anJ loUe hia, all tkirgs .both what they had done.and what tney had taoght. 3 1 « And bee faide vnto them , Cotne y e apart into the wilJerneH- Sc reft a while ; for there were many commers & goers , that they had not Icaiure to eate, 3 1 -k So they went by ihip out of the way into a de fart place. 33 But the people fawe them when they depar- ted, and u iiny knew hiro, and rannc ifuote thither Gu; of all cities. and came thither bt fore ti)em,aDd adC'Tibled vnto him. ' 34 + Then lelts Wfnt out,and faw a great mul- titude , and had co^paiTion ou them, becaiife they were like llieepe waich had .0 ihepheaid -i-aaJ he began to teach them many things 3y ^ Ami when the div w.ist:ow farrefpent, his difcipk-s came vnto him.fayirg.This Isa tiel^t place.and new the day is farre piii.-d. 36 Let them dtpai t, thai thv-y may goe into the com itrey and townes about , and buy tbcm bi cail: for they haue nothing to caie 37 But hee a ;fw;red.and faid vnto thcro.Giue ye them to eate. And ibey iaiil vnto hiir,' Sri^ii wc goe ,aod buy ftwo hundteib pciiy worth of bread, aadeiuetbcffliucate? Ccc ζ 38<-Tbcn f gaiJi ivxift iall,d.iieta»fttin dtibcarfdarli. *{■ Illkt3.l9. 6 Such ai follovw Ct.,i«lha!l«aac Dotbiog. no ut>cia IJfrneire, !ui (hail haue f. Aod how A ;L.>ifda hi-ig ji it, oott» loohe tor this irinu.ireli'eae bis binj/t , wba jiutthtufrlaftiug ■ fe? A ^/,ir.t4.i3. luke ».io. Vrd ,4,4. ke i- 1 Γ. ^ - akKietf lieTiiaund nirvtn- 1;, llil Wll/lMt y, pr.H.e mck^; ■whir:' men d.eem- i.j vfe, Wji» nn:nf tolr la 4 If Iteidiu; I» .ni thing, f Wh'ch IS akout nveni e iro'tvnei, ' nkKiisfiioeftHlUo S.N.#K< Ot^men^ tradition^; 4 Mi 38 -f Then he faiJ vnto them.How trany loaues l:aui ye ? goe and looke.And when they knew it, they fiid, Fiue, anj two tillics. 59 So he coroaianded them to make them all fit downe b/ t cotcpanics vpon the greene graffe. 43 Then they fate downs by " lowes , by hun- dreds.an by fifj'es. 41 And hca tookethefiaeloaues.and thetwo fiiliis , and looked rp to beauen, and gaue thankes, and brake the loaues , and gaue them to his difci- ples.to fe; before them , and ibe two fillie$ he diui- ded acEong them all. 41 So they diJ all eate.and Wife fatisfied, 43 And they tooke vp twelue baskets full of the fragements.and of the filhes. 44 And they that had eaten , were about fiue ihouiind men. 4f f 7 And firaigHtway bee caufed his difciples to goe into the iWppe , and to goe before vnto theji other fide vnto Betbl'aida 1 Wuile bee fent away the people. 46 Then aflbone as he had fent χ thea away , he departed into a mountaine to pray. 47 ^ And when eusn was come, the ihippe was in the mids of the fea, and tee alone on the land. And hee, faw them troubled in rcwing, (for the winde was contrary vnto them) and about the fourth watch of the night ,hee came vnto them, walking vpon the fea.and would haue paffed by them. 49 And when they fawe him walking vpon the fca , they fuppofed it had beene a Ipitic, and cried out. 5:0 For thej" all fawe bim.and were fore afraide: but anon be talked with them, and (aid vnto them. Be ye of good comfort: it is I.be not afraid. yi Then hee went vp vnto them into the fliip, and the winde ceafed.and they were y much more aroafed in thetrfelues.and marueiled. ji For they hadnot2confiJeredi/;i»ejiifthe ftten , bankets. u TheVKi.iftiiti• feih tbl hcii) i» Λ garden Λπά it is rU for word, by tedi xnibeii, ntianing thereby thxt ihey fate dewie I» rowes one iy anather , as btis in a gatdn. The fai:hfull feruicts of Goi atterihiit lit'.U ,>refi*bifft to gre^tttinpea, which Chtiit ; they kii'\v that it ofpirii , that they IV tie much more afitn-fbid CHcrjhey ivere before , ivhen they faro the XDiKik and the feas obey his temmarJ.ement. 7 Either they fer• ^ <4ea not , er had t well confined that miracle of the fue lonaes, info- much that thet 'vertueDfChrift oleffefirange hainetbctne }\ fen! at that intratl• which was done tut a little before. ^ -.• MMke i4'3t. S Chrill being reiefteJ in hii OJTO; couotrey, «nj aniuing vpon efadienamougftthemof whom he Wisaot looked for , is teceiued to tiieir pro- 'ite. Λ Or, tite hemrfe tf the garment• CHAP. vri. i Tht Apttfiles «re found faultwith, for eating with vn• wafbeu htnds.^ThePharifes traditions about w^ingi, Hiptcrites. i Mens traditions more fet by then Gods, 10 Parents mufi be honoured. i^-Tke things that doe in- detdedifile arnnn. li The wornAn of Canine. 31 The deafe dumme man is healed. Τ Hen » ' gathered vnto him the Pharifes , and certaine of the Scribes which came fromHifr• rufalem• « 7'!-ttthA;.i. » ViiOt doe more refift thewifdorae oMJod, tbenth'y th»t ftiea'.d be wife•! »nJ tint vpoa a2?al< of their owne traditions : for men doe not p!«fe rbtmUl'V niMe io «ay tbii^g then in fufpei Itition 4 vh»s il teiiy, in a }!;efft»P otGod fondly dcuifcdof thea^ielBts. 2 And when they fawe fome of his difciples » cate meate with >» common hands, (that is to fay , vnwaihen) they cotEplained. 3 (For ihe Pharifes, and all the lewes.fxcept tbey waili their handes oft, eate not , c holding the tradiiions of the Elders. 4 And vchtn they come from the ^ market , ex- cept they waili , the/ eate not ; and njany other things there be , which they bauet.iken vpon them to obierue, as the waiting of cups , and « pois, and of brafen veffels, and of beds) y Then asked him the Pharifes and Scribes, Why f walke not thy difciplesaccordingto the tradition of the Elders , but cate meate with vn- waflien hands? 6 ' Then hee anf\?ired and faide vntothero, Surely -f. Efay bath propbecied well of you ,hy. pxiites , as it is written , This people honoureth tnee with lippes , but their heart is farre away from me. 7 3 But they woiiliipmeinvaine,teaching/ir dodlf ines the commandements of men, 8 4 For ye lay the Commandements of God aparr.and obierue the tradition of men, at ;y wait- ings of pots and of caps , atid many other iuch like things ye doe. 9 f Aiad be faid vnto them , Will ye reied he commandement of God,tbat yc may obfetua your owne tradition. 10 For Mofes faid.iJHonour thy father and thy mother : and • Wbolotuer ihall fpeake euill of fa- ther or mother.let him g die the death. 1 1 But ye fay ,If a man fay to father or mother, Co! ban , that is , By ibs gift that is offered by mee, thou mayeS haue ^cke,h$fhallbefree. I ζ So y ee fuSer him no more to doe any thing for his father or bis mother. 13 Miking the word of God of none authori- tie,by your tradition,wbich ye baus otdeined:aDd ye do many fuch like things. 14 4 Tlien he called the whole multitude vnto him, and faid vnto them. Hearken yee all vnto me, and vnderfland. 1 5: There is nothing without a man.that can de- file him , when it entreth into him : but the things which proceed out of him, ate they which dehie the man. 16 If an y baue eares to bearc , let hitn beare. 1 7 And when he came into an houfe,4B'<»y from the p:ople,his difciples asked him concerning the parable. 18 And he faid vnto them, What ? are ye with- out vnderftanding alfoJDoe yee not knowc that whatfoeuer thing from without entreth into* man.cmnot defiie him, 19 Becaufe it entreth not into his heart.but in. to the belly, and goeth out into the draught which is the t parging of all meatesi 20 Then he faide, That which commeth out of inan.thatdefilethman. 21 ^ For from within,f«e» out of the heart men proceed euill thoughts , adulteries, fomicati onSjmurthers, 2 ζ Th2fts , ' coDetoufneffe.wickednefre.deceit, vncleanneffe , a k wicked eye, backebiting , pride, fooliihneffi. 23 AJi tbefe mill things cose from witbin,and defiie a tran. e^yordftrvfcrd, ■ ate ir,aiife(ih which the Hrireives-vfe, t^hng tread for' all hide ofjeeU. t i'or tht Phari. wohU net eate ir meate wtth vafli nh.inds, btcr.ujc they thought that their hand: Were defiled wito c mmm hani.mg if thingi. Matt. IS, II, It. OhfetHingitli. tently. ' That is ttfay. rtre ciuiO e-ffjtrei nd world/},, hey if nn to meate, 'ηίφ ,h,y wafi h;m[>iues fitii. £y thefe woids an iinderiiood all Kindes cfvejfels, hich are afotina ■djorourdiyl, -, iVIty Hue they ot? akindeef ffeech takeafrtm tie Hehrewes:{tT amingft them, the wayistAkenftT tr.^de of life. Hypocrifie is Iwaye• ioyned tKrithfupeiflitioQ. XXfj.iy,.4. 3 The more ear- lellibefupeiltiii. )U. a.e.themore hey are mid, io pioroiliiig them- feluei Gods fa- ( by theii de- ferti. 4Tbedeuifeiof fupeiliiticus men doe Dot cnely not fjieiitfaeLaWof God(asth AndthePhariftsocaraefootih.and begin to difpure with hi(D,(eiking of him a figoe from heauen.and tempting birp. 1 2 Then hee ' figned deepeiy in his fpirit.and f-iyd.Why doeth tbisgeneraiiuiifeekea figne? Verely I fay vnto you, d a figne iball not be giuen vnto this generation, 13 f Soheleftthero,and wentintotbefliip agjine, and depjrted to the other fide. 14 f ■•■ Andthey had fo gotten to take bread, neither had they in the fhip with them , but one loift, I J » And he charged them,faying,Take heede and bewite of the Icauen of the Pnatifes, and of the Icauea of Herod. 16 3 And they reafoned aeong themfelues, fay ing,/i ii bccaufe we haue no bread. 17 And when lefus kn;w it, he fayd vnto the». Why reafon you t/jiix.bccaufe yeebaue no bread» perceiue y e not yet.neither vndetftand ί haue yee your hearts yet hardened} 1 8 Haue ye eyes , and fee not ? and baue yee eares.and heare not ) and doe ye not remember? 1 9 a When I brake the fiue loaues among fiua 'J"^ij "',"/' *' '^"r thoufand. how many baskets full of broken meatd ,ake„/o,aT,'ar^ tooke ye vp ? They iaid vnto him, Tweiue. ] fimefuch like. AnA 20 And when /tr4i^«feuen among foure thoB- ^'"'* they f^eakt fand. bow many baskets full of leauings of brckeij }%ΙτΙΤΆ.\'^ meat tooke > e vp ? And they fay d,Senen. 2 1 Then hee fayd vnto tbem , e How w it that ye vndeiQandnot? 22 4 And hee came toBethfaida, andthey brought a blind man vnto him, and dctixed him to touch him. 23 Then bee tooke the blind by the hand, and led him out of thetowne,andfpat in his eyes,and put his hands vpon him , and asked bim , iif he faw ought. 24 And he locked vp,and faid.I f fee men: for I fee them walkirglike trees i ing Neither goe into the towne.nor tell it to any in ibej fnieriiand ^ ' thife things whiek .,,,--. ,,. .... , are f. plaine βηΛ 27 f :*r " And lelus went out,and hi» dilciplesi into the townes of Cefarea Fhilippi. And by the way he asked bis difciplet.fayiog vnto the, Whom doe men fay that I am? 28 And they anfwered.iSOTO»/dioai lime , lea t fuddea hifte (Suald laikat' hisdci ibeo furihei the myfteiie of his commiug. Cce i ji *rbca iT^aiijTFT^TUiujL^cjJCttiXie Then bee began to te: ch tbem thit the but farekuowing it.and williacly. 9 None arsiiutu mtJ thenihfy that «rswift befidc the wnrd of Go I. * This li Kut goily, but Wittdij rvtfe- aomf. 10 Thedifciple» of Chrill mil t beare Ibutly whst bjideo foeuer ibt! Lord laytih vpon thsm,a-.l fubJue the atfeiiionj of the iJtlh. ψ Mat. 12,3s laj Ιβ,ΐ4 luke9,23. iBd. + ,i7, Ι>. 3) Who is ^reMeil amm^ t>>e ApoHles.3iChrtii t«ketb athiUein his trmes. 4s To offnii. ;o Sali,PiAcc. A NJ » heefijid vnto them , Verely I fay vnto *• you , that there be foaje of them that itand here , which ίΐκΐΐ not tifte of death till they haue feene the » kingdome of God coaje with pow.!r. ζ A- ' And (ixe dayes after. ΙβΛ» takitb vnto hira P.;ter, and lames, and lohn.and caiieth tbem vp into an hi: raountaine out of the way alone, & his ihape wis cbangid b;f jre them. 3 And his raiment did ^ (Line . *nd w*t very white as fnowe, fo white ss nofuilcr can make vp- on the earth. 4 And there app;ared vnto there Elias with Moies^nd they were talking with'lefus. J Then Perer anfweied.and fayd to lefus.Ma- fier , it is g^od for vs to be here ; let vs make aifo three tabirnacles , one for tbce, and one for Mo- fes.andoneforEiias, 6 Sfet bee kaew not what they {*γΑ: for they wete<= afraid. 7 And there was a doud that Qiadowed them, and a roice came ovu of the clcude.fa y ing, * rhis is ray belojed Sonne : feare.him. 8 And ίΰ Idenly they louked ronnd aboat, and faw no more any man faoe lelus onaly with ihem. <)».$• And as they came downe from the moiio- taine , hee chargtd thera , that they ihoald tell no man what they iiad ieene, fane when the Sonne of man Ww're rifen from the dead agiine. 10 So they d kept ttiai ooaweno theoirelues, and « demanded one of another , what the tiiitig from the dead a^^aine lliould meaoe. .11 i Alio they asked hiaa.fiying. Why ίίγ the Sc(ib3S«tbat ^ Elias mud btk coise? theie»erMlttfn.neai:,n-n^ichfiMe in^ Utlti i.ty, ij»f W'nathe meant by that which hee [fake cfhii cvpn' pccts- iitireilr «3 Thf fuoiifil opiaioD of th? RtbbinM is here tiftlled touc'ding I.i.a?coai;. ^ ii»\:tyi. «Wit.s.iS. luke p,27• tiW"eitheftiillI befin his kin^iome ■ihrmt.h the prea- -thia{tf theCofpel: that IS to fefy, after the refurreiUm. ^- M»t.i7,t. luke 9,1*. J The hejjsiily gloty of Chfilt, which ihould evichio aihirt ipace be abafed vp• OD ibeci'otfe, is auiuchrd by vill* ble ligoe»,by the ptefeoce aoj talke of Eliai «nd Mo- fej.and by ihe voice of the Fi- tter himfclfe, be< for: three ol his difciplej.whi h ere witneOci a- gainit whom lieth noexrrpion. t Did (parkle m it wet!•. tThn yvere hefidt ihemfJaesfir * M*t..s .n,»ni 17 )-•'*-«?■•.■'• Β Toe Lord hith oppoioted his time for the puS- iifhing of the Go- fp.l. <.Λίιί•ΐ7.9. d Enen vet] hard• Ij Hi It were. e TheyqiieOionrd not tof^nhef tottthi they k/iidtrtloode η ♦■BArj:*. I i And be «ifweretJ.and faid vnto tbeoo.Elia» verely ihall fitft come, and refioie aU tt.icgs : and * as it is written ofthe Sonne of man, bee tDKU fufFir many ihing^.and be fct at nought. 13 But ί fay v^ito you.that Elias is come, (and they bauedone vntohim wbatfoeuer ibey would) as it is written of him. 14 f J 4 And when hecimeco hit difciples, he faw a great multitude about tbem, and the Scribes difputmg with them. I f And flraightway all the people , when they beheld him , were amafed , and ranne to him, and faluted hira. 16 Then he asked the Scribes, What difpute jOa among your filuesi 17 And one of thecompanieanfw.red.aHd fayd , Matter , I haue broiigbt my ibnne vnto thee, w.iich hatha dumbe fpifit : 18 And Ahirsfoeuer he t;ki th him , be f tea. teth him , and be fometh, and gnaibeth bis teeth, end pineth away: and 1 fpike to thy dia-ipl.-s.tba! they ihould caU him out, and they could not, 19 Then be anfwered bim.and iaid.O f.ithleffe ..jgeneration.how long now Ihsll I be with youiuow ■'long now &aU I fuffer yoa ! Hring him vnto me. 20 Sotbsy brought him vnto hi.n: andalToone es the fpidt 8 faw him , he tare bim , aad hee fell down• on the gtounxi wallowing andforijing. t r Then he asked his fathei.ycw long time is itiince it hath beene thas?.1nd he faid.Of a child. II A^d ofr times hee cafteth hitu into the fire, and into the Witet so deftroy him:batif;hoa caift doe a.iy thing.helpj vs.and haae compafsioa vpon vs. 23 And lerftisfayti vnto hira.tf thoucarjftfee- Ieeucit.balthiigs are potsible to him ,i"ayd,Lordjl beleaue: help my vn- bclicfe. 2) W'isn lefus fa we that the people came rnn- nipg togither.he rebuked the vnclean fpirjt.faying vnto Ιήτ) , Thou dumbe and deafi fpiri» . I c'carge thse corae out of him, 8c enter no more into him, z6 -f Then iiid faid vnto tber meanes come forth, but by prayer 5c fafting. 30 f ■•■ And they departed thence.sQdi went tog nher through Galile, and bee would not that K"*' ° - • - - " - tHeaKditis iiJUm flu lof ether. 7 Cbiiil forewwN them , The Sonne of own Ihsllbe deiiueted into the bands of men, and they ihall kill him.bjt after that he is killed , he Chall rife againe the third day. 3 1 But they voderftood not th«t faying , and were afraid to aske him. 33 » * Aft.ir,be came to Capefnaamraod when he w*s in the i^ houfe, be asked them. What was it that ye difputed aawng yoa b)- the way ? 34 Aiid they held their peaceifor by the way they reafoned amangtbemiilues ,who/*ii b« h>l^. the // 'the 9.}». 4 Cbriit IheTntii by a lairtcle eu«a to heifDWortby, thi• he IS cnmsM bridlttfte rigtaf Satao. ^ f Vexed iirt in. TH>ifdiy,nsthttili^ ^feik f dee. Si foont as lefiu hniUtked vpc» the boy that w«> l>roH{hi vnto him, deuill legaH u rige tfter thm tn,;ncT, h Thne !s WithiM hut Chnl ίΛ» And Will doe it, for the» belteut 1» him, t The eef ler thst venue of Ciiift 'fly doth Sate• ffjih,.n liter», fore of ptaye: taa out of hit ©14 poflefsion. th viwiihgfew ligetice,to Λΐ de we ihould no•. beippielTrd wiihfuddencjl*. i,be; the (lo-ithfuinrBeof miB is wondf rfi^t M.n.,S,i. ifkc 9,4«• > Ooeiy huaiuty «alt. k Where heetpin akttUe- I ^^t ι It' iti ntttrely tie tne, hit! itif* thtiftni me. f God who IS the autbour oi au or• ;e vocitiao, worknh ilfo ex- iiiuarilyfpoft w icpletrcth him. B«; an eitrao di- 1*1 ie rtica-.ion is' tied by tt« do• Artne aud tbe $ I Cot.u.J. 4. Matth η.<. lake .7,•• , 10 God i» fo fe- a reue g^'of cff acts, that it ii ;r to (iilfef any toSe.thiatobeaa occauuu of of• fence laio vnf. iSr M»t«b ί,ϊ». *Ef»i.66,i7• m r/;iiir w«riii« vobuhjjmtll he t43 iautbatfUmt, 1 1 vCc mad be fcafoneBd «Ifo that we being tcgiihet.niiy feafoDOBesooihft. Ihatts.p) 'the tcnfecrati !<■ Gtd, being feafened with the ineortuptiHe ivo'i. Ji• Leuit a,i}. luk' «♦d+• OTdiuof^ement. 20 V M*tth I9.t. Λ That ,s ufny, depmt-d.tnA jvent f„mtherci:f.tiH the Heirew toKtue fttiKiaKiivellitil 0ire all ene.xnUfe faDDc iliill be laftof all, and fenwnt vnto all. 36 And (ic tooki «little ciiHJs , and fetbrtn in riic tuiddts cf ihera , and tooke him in hie arKes, andf-fid vito t(fm, 37 Whofo :ii(.r ihill receiae one of fuch little childrer. inaiy Name, rectiuttii roe . and whcfb- euer r -, ceiueth roec, teceiUKth no; ' mce , bu: him tbas feni me. 38 f * » Then loliD anfw*red hhr.layirg.Ma- ft•,•» , w-t lawc one Cifrirg out deuus by thy Name, W'icii followetti not vs. and Wi forbade t'.ini , be• caufc be folio With vs not. 59 $ But letus laid FotbiJ hita not : for there is no man that can doe a or.iridc by tny Naraettbit car» lightl) ipeaki cuili of toe. 40 For whofoi;uet is not againS vs , is on our pa.t. 41 ••• And wbofoeuer iVwill giue yon a cup of w*ter fodriiike for oay Names fake . becaufe yee btlong fo Chritl , v^erely I lay vnto yoa , heclhall not lolc his reward. 4a ψ >eAadwhofoeaerfl:alloffendeoneof thcle little ones that beleeac in me, it w«e better fbt hiijj lather, that a milAone were hanged about bis necke,and that he weic cati into the lea. 43 'k Wheiχ finicatt », ' Ifus.how hetnuy ptfelie eternalHife i5 Tht JiftfiUi ftv^oski alt thihgi for Chrtihi fake 33 Chriil• {«•ikiWiJ his death. 3; Zebfieui hisltnne> ttqueH. \i Bl.»4. BMt.meUi t-eMcd A Nd V he a »rofe from thence , and went into X GeHr.lj. MAtth.is.^. j» Cen Ϊ.14. .«.β, tfbel. ί 31. .C»r.7.«•. « Mat til. s Ji. Λϋί ij.j.iede f put- leib *wjy ,f»r4* 4* ndulttftrhf efiH^cimpanf A AUiih 19.15. *'>j.if. Goj u|"e• irndeih ip ib.e •.»• ~a/D act ouely be f4:be;«, butih* ibtld.eo a!fo : asl a« blti- 'e:h tbem. J We D-.uft ie mnlfce L.ce^iae Ubildveo, if wee jvvillt4!tf into tb» iSogdome l ibeai wbicbeamealy jcutoBUIile: is to fay , aa :>pHiioo of tbeir mstitesoi d« fer- tile coaftts of ί udta by y farre fide of (ordan, aiu) tre people rtforted vnto 1 ii» againe.and as he was wotit , he taught them agiine, α Then the Pha: lie» cair.e and asked him jf it 'lifnganiilltn Were lawfull for a man to put away his wife , and ftertb. \ tempted i:itE. 3 And hee anfwsred , and faide vnto tbetOb «t j)eut,i^,t. wnat did » M' fcs command youf 4 And thi-y laid . Mofes fuffered to write a bill of Jioorcemcnt,and to put her away. J » Then Icfusanfwered.andfaid vnto them, For the bardoctfc of your heart hee wrote this b precept vnto you. 1 God did neuer allow ibofedi- Horces, which the la/vdid lolrraie. \ H,tkt IdAtt >9. in M'fei i'Ht \htmni cimm.in- their rri«n , tut tAther iBxde Λ 1»ί ttinifc f»I ^kt WilM 6 Bm at the biglnnicg of the cteaiion κ God niidi them male and female : 7 ^ For this caufe il^I man leaoe bis father and raoi.her,and clcau;: vnto his wife. 8 And thty twaioe lliall bj one ft.;lh : fo that incy ale no more twiine.hK ore flelli. 9 ■•■ Therefore, w'rst God hath coupled toge- ther, let 00 man Isparate. 10 And It the hoafe his difciples KkeJ him agsi'j; of that matter. 1 1 And he faid vnto tbcro, •^ Wbofoeoct fl^all put aw4y his wife and marry anoilur, comtiiitieth aJultene ' fgaicS her. 1 1 And if a woman pat away her hufband, and be married to anctber, ilie comfcittcib aduiteiie. 13 f A• 'Then they broug'.t utile cbiltircn to him , tl-at hi ihoolJ tcuca them . and his difc'ples rebuked t lofc that brougnt them 14 Bat when Itfas lawe it, hee was difplesTd, & fiide to them. Suffei the little chiUlren to ooa-.e veto roc.and forbid them not : for of fuch is the kif.g.lomc of God. 1 Ϊ Vete!;.' I fay vnto rou, Whofornr r flull not •eceiue the'kingdomeo'f Godsasali-.tlechildc, he iliall not enter therein. 1 6 And he tooke thtin vp in his armes.and pm iff batids vpon them, atid biell'ed them 17 Τ ♦ And when he was gone out on the way, there came one * lunnirg.and kneeled to him.and asked him , Good M-fter . what iball I doe , that I may poffefle etsmall life ? 1 2 Icfus faide to him , Why callcft thou eee gOod?tberc Is none gocjiJbut one.eueu God. 19 Thou knowcft the commanderoents..i.ThoiJ Hialt not commit aduUriic. Thou (halt not kill. Thoi (lull not fleale. Thou il-.alt notbeare falfc witneffe. Thou ihalt'd hurt mrMn. Hono«itbf fathei and mother. 20 Then he ar fwered. and faid to hiir.Maficr, all thcfe things baue I obfcrned f:om my ) ot«b αϊ And lefas looked vpon him , and loucd him, and faide vnto him, One thing is lackitg vnto thee , Goe »nd fell all that thon haft . arid giue to the poors, andthoulhahbaue tre* lure in heauen , and come , foUowe me , and take vp the erode iz But he was fad at that fay ing.and went away fotowfuU: for he had great puflclfions 23 And lefuskoked round about , andfaidc vnto his difciples . How hardly doe th:y that hauc riches,enter into the kingdome of God ! 24 And his difciples were afraid at his wordj. But lefus acfweifd agaioe , and faide vtuo iberp. Children , how baid it is for thetn that truft ia lichei.to enter into tht kiogJome cf God.» 2 J Itiseafisrfora ca^ue'U to goe through the eye of a ceedle . then for a rich man to entct into the kingdome of God. • ,r • 26 And they were much more aienicd.riying with thcmfducs.Wbo then can be lauedi 27 Bm lelus looked vpon them . and f»Je, With men ir it impc flibl•. but not with God ; for with God all things are pcffi.ile. ^ ■ r δ 28 C * ί Then Petei began to f;iy ynto hiro, *"•=' "«' -W' ""« Lo , we haue forfaken all. and baue folic w«l thee. »"""-'"" 't 29 lefus anfwered , and faid. Veiely 1 fay vnro /-, you , there is no man that hath foifakcn houfc, or btethren.ot fifters.oi father.or mother, or wiferf)r Childten.or lands for my fake and the Gofpels MVit thtfittHurnt hn^tiefft »/ lAtir bmiA^is, uuigi , wbich it n• QBeijr vndtiltead, but woodciDQedby the due torhjeia- Uon of ibeLaw: and the Icueof ri>.be9, which tar> .hde oiaoy fion tkacrace ritb > ςood cou> age. y M'lth.ii.it• luke ,S.lS. xU .o.,3. d N,,ih,rbj fcrc* miivte vrhit^ fithtr. ^ JUtth 19 *f, S TontgUftall iiiigs lu coiDpa- ;l,l5ufClllilt,i• fute way vnto eteioailLiie. fo ib«| we fill uo »Λ•»ϊ byibew.y. e ^n hu>.d,'il{tli stniith, >f KtUikA ao Bw hee fball tv^txac an • handled fold,now ' — Sec -I 2^ ^ l,fe.ftth*tvi>»n itisiicrrtiAni appointtd. 4: Matt. 10,1 J. lukeiS.n- 9 Chiiftouely. bring called vpoO Vyfiitb,beal;th our bliadocirc. at this prefent.houfis.and brethrcn,aod fifters^nd mothers , and children , andlandes f with perfecu- tions.aad in the world to come.eternall life. 31 ψ Bat many th»t Art fiifl.ihill be Ufi.and tbe lafi.iita. 31 ί ^ tf And they were in the way going vp to Hietnfalem , and lefui went before them , and they were troubled , and as chcy foUowid , they were afraid, and leius tooke thetwelue agiinc, and began to tell them what things iLould come mco him, 33 Saying , Bsholde, we goe rp to lerufalem, and the Sonne of man lliall be deliuered vnto the bie Piiefts, and to tbe Sciibss, and they fliall con- demne him to death , and Hull deliuer him to the Gentiles, 34 And they fliall mocke him.and fcourge hioj, and fpit vpon him, and kill him : bat tbe third day beihallrifeagsine. 35• f •■ 7 Tnen lames Sc lohn the fonnes of Ze- bedeo5 came vnto him.laying, Maftcr, g we would that thou iLouldea doe for vs that we defire. 36 And he faid vnto tbcm.VVhat would yee I jibjulddoefor you? j 3 7 And they faiJ vnto him. Graunt vnto vs.that iWi mav fit, one at thy tight hand.and the other at |thy left hand in thy glory. i 38 But Icfus fii Je vnto them . Yee knowe not [what ye aske.Cao ye drinks of the cup that I ihall drinke of , and be baprizsd with the baptifme that ! I fliall bf baptized with? 39 And they faid vnto him, We can. But lefus laid vnto them, Ye lliaU drkksindeedeofthe cup that I ihiW dtinke of, ^ be baptized with the baptifme wherewith I iliall be baptized: /\Q But to fit at rny rigi t hand and at my left, is not mine to giue.but it fballhe giutu to them for whom it isprepaicd, 41 And wiian the ten heard that , they began to difdaineat lames and lohn 41 8 B'jt lefus called them vnto him, and faid to them,» Ye know that ^ they which ate princes among the Gentiles, haue domination ouer them , and tbey that be great among them , cxcrcifeaa- thoritie ouet tbem. 43 But it iliaU not be ίο among you:but who- faeuet will be great ainong you , ihall be your fer- nant. 44 And whofoeuet will be chiefe of yon.iball be the isruant of all. 45: ForeuenthtsSonneofmancacoenottobe I ferued.but to ferue.and to giae bis life for tbe ran- jfomeofroany. 46 f * 9 Then they came to lericho : and as be went out of lericho with bis difcipies , and a great multitude , Bartimeus the fonne ot Tiojeus a blinde man.fate by the way fide begging. 47 And when he heard that it wjs lefus of Na- zaretb.he began to cry.snd to fay.lelus tbe Sonne of Diuid.bau^mercie on me. 48 And many rebuked him, becaufe he fliould hold his peace:but hecryed much more.O Sonne of Dauid.iiaue mercie on me. 49 Then iefus ftood fliH.and commanded hitn »ot)e called rand they called tiie blinJ.faying vnto Ihirn.Beof good comfort : arife.he c-Uetb tbee 50 So he tiirewe away bis cloake.and rofe.and tiios. to lefus. f ι And lefus anfwered,& faid vnto him.What lit (bou that I doe vnto thee } And the blinde 4 Matt. 1 Luke 1 3. J A tiuely inugt fatct vnto him.Lord, that I may receiue figbt. f ζ Then lefus faid vnto faiicGo thy way :thy faith bath faued thee. And by and by -be rcceiued his ngbt.and followed lefus in tbe way. CHAP. XI. I Chtifl tntieth intt Hitrufalem rtding on an eJfe.ijThl fruittige fi^e tree «s cHiftd, 1 s Selltrs And buyers are cuflcut oftheTimple.i} The force of faith. 1^ Faith ia payit.ii The brothers offincesmitfl be farianti.ijThe triers askt bywhatxtttkoyiite hte wiettgkt thofe thingi that he did. 30 XVhiHce lohns baptifme was. ANd -i• I when they came neere to Hieruialf tCi to Bithphige and Bethania vnto the mount of Oliues.he fent fjorth two of his difcipies, r ,. r • ,> . jr-i 1 ^ ' . oltbefpirnuall 2 And iaid vnto them , Goe your waye» into tingdome of cbrift that towne that is ouer againfi you , and ailoone;nn caitb, as ye ihall enter into it , yee ftiall fjode a colt tied, whereon neuer man fate : loofe him , and biing bim. y? 3 And if any man fay vnto yon, Wby doe ye th is ? Say that tbe Lord hath neede of Lim , and ftraightway he will fend him hither. 4 And they went their way, and found a cdr, tied by the doore without, in a place where two wayes roet.and they loofed bim, y Then cerraine oftbem, tbatftoodetberp, faid vnto tbero,What doe ye loofing the colt? 6 And they faid vnto them, as lefus had con> l manded ihemrSo they let them goe. I 7 f § And they brought the colt to lefus.andk lohn I», 14V j οββ their garments on hicn,and he fate vpon him• 1 '■ 8 And many fpread their garments in the way: other cut downe branches οδ the trets, δί ftrawed them in tbe way. 9 And they that went before , and they that followed, cried, fa; irg.Hofanna : «blelTedi* be that commeth in the Name of the Lord. 10 b Bkfled i« the kingJome that commeth in the Name of the Lord ofour father D/«« if hee night finde any thing tftereon -but when became vnto it. bee found nothing but leaues :«ft*thveiime of hgges was not vet. 14 Tbtfn lefus anfwered and faid to it, Nsuei man eate fruite of thee bercsftet while the work ftandeth ;_and his difcipies h°ard^i«•. 1 J ^'i And they came to leitiiT^m , and leJj chrift flitweii fuj went into tbe Temple , and began tocaftout them that f/lde and bought in the Teaple , and ouerthrewe the tables of the money changers, and the feates of them that folde doues. 16: Neither would hee fufff» that any man ihould cary a "^ veiTel! t'lrough the Ten-pie 17 And he taught.fayir.gvnto them.isit ηοφ« W;itttn,ii,-Mine houfe fliallbe ^ called the houfe of 'frohich thofe fei. prasei vnto all nations ? * but you haue made it a 'ΐζ^,Ι^^ 1,"ίΓι\ι denne of theeues. uiirt ofthe rmpi»: 18 At d the Scribes and hi^ Priefts heard it.and •« '"«rket place. fought how to defiroy him : ferti'ey feared Hm, ] ^/ν,'^'Γ;.^ bicauie the whole multitude was aitonied at lis ', accatntei-^nds dodlriae. -!*<». 1 9 Butwhea eaeo was cotue , Itfiu wentoia ^ •'"«•7. '-«» of the citie,. Λ We/! if it to *;« that commtth to ν gom Cod, Of that fent of Gc.i. i iiapfie ani frofperous. : Mat. a J, to. ukei9,4f. , An eiample of hat vengeance , which haDZicth he/h^s of bjrpucritci. deeJe, that be i» e true King and bigh Trielt, and fore tbe le- rrofibedi• tiint feruiceoftfa» Temple. ThatiSy/tHy f ve- il' ■ tii ,^ 4 Toe forte of fcith iicxctedin^ jre»t,»nd ch»riui IS eatt ioyoed with i(, eTTiefeithtfCii tithataffurii fatth ani ιγκβ v/hich wf hHut in km. fWrdfor word, that )cu teceiite ffenk'tg III the tune th»t now is tt ftexe the ceiu tie tfthe thing itn \$he perfermAnce inieid. V M4t.e.i4. gW»en)oup>.tll «fftere befcrt the MMitt.ai.i}. 20 4 ♦ And in the naoroing as they ionrneyed herltance (b-, togethei.tbe; Aw the figge tree dried vp from the roots. 1 1 Then Peter remembred.and did vnto hioa , Mafler, behold, the figge tree which thou cuifcdft, is withered. ceniallbeoars. ~" -|-J 8 So they tooki him. and killed him , and c»fl him om of the vineyard. 9 What fiiall then the Lord of the vineyard doc? Hee willcomeanddeflroy tl.efehulband- S Tile Go^SH batbbcne aOaitl- ted loog lime ftnce vnd«i the ptecence of aa or* •iouifrwceftioai β Arewardofta li conl'ciencf to be afraid of tbofe, of whomr they Should and might baiM bccBc fcatcd. 2z And lefiji anfwered , and faide vnto them, ' Hanee the faith of God. I 23 For vereiy 1 fay vnto you, that whofoencr ihallfay vnto thistnountaine.Bc thou taken away, and caft into the fea, andiball notwauerinhis heart, hot (liall beleeue that thofi things which he faith, (hall come to pafle, whatfueucr he faith.lLall betiini tohim. 24 ^ Therefore I fay vnto you, Whatfoeuer yee deiire when yee pray , beleeue that 'yee iliall baue it , and it Ihall be dont vr.to > ου. ly ■•■ But wi^eπ g yee Hull rtanJ, and pray, for- giue , if yee haue any thing againft any roan , that your Father alfu wiicli is in heauen , may forginc you your ttelpafits. ^ 26 For if you wil not forgiue.your Faihjr which is in heauen , will not pardon you your trefpades, 17 f « f Then they came agaiue to Hierufa- men.aid gioe the vineyard tootliers. 10 Haue ye not read fo much as this Scripmre} •I• The ftonc which the builJs.s did refufc.is made «he head of the corner. 1 1 This was done oftbeLotd.aod it is maroei.,.,f... ,... lousiu our eyes. \eTht]mettgT*f 1 1 Then they c went about to take him , bpt | ^" ""'' ^"" '''^ they feared the people; for they perceiued that he """' (pake that parable agjinttthem: thertfure they left him.ard went their way. 1 3 f J a And they fent vnto him certaine of the Pharifrs , and of the Hetodians .that they might taken him in hit talke. 14 And when they carae.they faide vnto him, Mitter , we know that thou art true , and careB for no man : for thou d confi.iereft not the perfon of men . but teache ft the ' way of God trudy , Is it lawful] to giue tribute to Ct far.or η . t? , , , „ ,. . ^ -. . . 'f Souldwegiu;it.or ihauUwenotgiueit? lem: and as he walked m the Temple, tacri came 1 but he knew theirhypuaifie.and faide vnto them, tobimthehieFriefts.&theSaihes.& the Elder s. Wny tempt yee mei Bringmeapenie.that Imay f!,^*' z8 And faid vnto him.By what auth^ritiedoei» fceir. /Ipi" *ΓΓ.Ι.ι8.„. ifai.iS.ie. # Mat.ii. If, luke 20,10. a ThcGofpell iuyreihthe autho• r tie of the Magi^ (irate withtbe fe.uiceofGod. d Thcu daeil ntt fo tuJge b) tuirvari *ffearance,lh»t hereby dArktned ΛΚ} whit ' sl/- Tht wty -.vhere- liG4dt » The calling of God is Bot tyed cither to (ilace, perfon, or time. Without excep- tion. a This Vttd Puri- ne, vthicu the E- (,eiifts vfe,ioih ,nehfii,,ifi, 4 ctmpiYiH^ tf things fgeiher.iitt alfo dtrkf fftecjies and ttllrgcriei. (crr,a,a. iuke 20,9, A ii'Ae» the frriti 9f the grcund 'jfe ■t4-h I'UitTtd^ thouthcfithingsiand w*iogtuetheetbi$autboil• tie, that thoullwuUeft doe thefe tfcirgs j 29 Then lefusanfwered.Sc faid vnto tbem,I wil alfoalks yon a certain thing £c acfwete ye mcanJ I wil tell you by what aiithotitie I do thefe things. 50 Thebp:ifmeofIoan,wiS it from heauen, or of men? anfwcre me. 3 1 And they thought wiώ themfeluts.raying. If we diall fay.From hcauen,he will Cay.Why then did ye not beleeue him t • 3 2 « Bjt if wee fay. Of m.n.we faare the peo• pie : for all ακη counted John that he was a Pro- phet indeecU 33 Thrt they anfweied, and faide vnto lefus. We cannot tell. And lefus anfwered.and (aid vnto them , Neither will I tell you by wha: authotitte I doe theie things. CHAP. XII. 1 Of theltinejard. 10 Chtiil the jitne lefu fed tf the le- V>is. ifOf tribute tc be iiuttt to Cefar. i% The SaMu. tes denjingiberefuri-ificn. iS The prfi ctmmttnde• mnt. 31 Tclcue Gtd ani ihenri^hhmriibnter then facrifices. iH ChrijlTlaiiiis fime. ^S To beware if the Scribes ακΛ Pharifrs. 4» TnepoorewiiiW. ANJ,' hee-began to (ptike vnto them |n ' para- bles iV A ί ertaine man planted a vine ya d, Sc COmpaded it with anbe-'g: .andcigged'apit for the wineprelfcitid built a tower in it.andtet it out to liufbandmen.and went into a fttargt countrey . 2 b And at the lime, hee fent to the huf band• men a feruent , that hee migbt receiue of thehul- bandirenof thefrnitof the vi;>evard. 3 Bat they tooke him , and beat hia.aniycDt him away enrpye- 4 And againe hefent vnto them another ftr- naiu,and at hira they caft ftones, and brake his head , and fine nim away il-^mefitil handled, y And ag line hes fe.it anoiher, and him the y flew, & many other,be.Ltinglorn-,Sc killing forac. 6 Yet had hee one fonre , his d-are beloued : hiin alfoheefen:. the lift v^nto them, faying They will 'iaeTencemy fonne.. 7 But ihahaibaniiraen riitiatrong.themftlwe?, 3bi}i&(.h3beii&: comciefTS kill iiiaii«Qd th^lii- - I id So they brought it.and hee faid vnto them,i Wbofe ii this image and fupctfcriptioni and they faid vnto Ditn,Ct.far$. 17 Then lefus anfwered , and fa'd vnto them, ■•' Giue to Cefar the thing! that are Ccfars.and to! God , thole that ar^oos ; and they marneiled aii him. I 18 f 3 » Then came the Sadduces vnto him, (which fay.thete is no refurredion) & they asked him, faying, 19 Maa^r, •*: Moil-s wrote vnto vs.If any mans brother die , and leaue his wife, and leaue no chit- dren.that his broiher lliould take his wifc.Sctaife vp feed vnto his brother. 20 There were feuen bethren,andthefirft tot-ke a wife, and when be died Jeft no ilTue. 2 1 Then the f;cond tookc her.Sc he died,nei- thcr did he yet l?aije itlue , and the third likewife: 2Z. So thofe feuen hadbcr,andkftnoiirue: laftofall the w.ftf died allb.. 23 In the r-.iurrrdion then, when they (hall rift againe.whufe wife il ail Λβ be of them? lot feuen Iwdher to wife. 24 Then Itfus anfwered and faide vnto tbero. Are ye not therefore deceiued,becau!c yee know* not the Saiptures.neither the power of God? 2y For when they ihali ι ife agaiue from the dead, neither men marrie , not wiues are married, but «re as the Angels which ate in heauen ._ i6 And as touching the dead , ihar they fbal] rife againe ,haue yenot read in the bcokc of Mu- fci, how in the bulli God fpake vnto him, fayirg, I * am the God of .fb:abam.5c.the God of ifiac, and theGodofiakobi 27 Gtid is not the God of the dcad,but the God of the liuiiig.Ye ate tnerefore greatly deceioed. i8 ί ♦ + Then came one ofthe Scribes that had beard tiiemdifputirgtognher.aniiperceiuing that hee had arfweied them well, hee a-kcd bim, Wnichis the litft command s ct offilii 29 lelus anfwered biro.Thefirfi of all thecom- mani'ementsi/,^ HevclfracUliCtoftl out God le-tbceaelyLoK}». Γ j^ Ibo» 3 Tberefuireaioe ofthe b^die a auoucbed agaialt thefooluhigno- larcpjaod milice of the Sadduces. » Mat 21. a|. Lakr 20,27. •f-: Dtu-2f,f» maic.2aT2/y. >4(.aa,j4. f Satrifites 3t:dl .<«ard w.^tlhip,!' eiKr plealrd iod, inlfU'cfiKtli , eceffiiif ii'*-riea i we owe to Gocl and out Deijh. ' rc.afo/« ■-i: v^iirnts cup and bajytiime UUUl 4. Leuit.if-ii. tameix.S. j• J»i.i».i».4r. 5 Cbritl proousth bis G^db<:iJ euea OHCof Diuid bim- felfe , of whom be umg accurdiag tochcHdli. / Wort frvnord, tn the hi>!y Ghttf, αηΛ thcrt: is» jri.i [fetch., wtitnbj meain tuntttWA Hot ft m ica D Μ MI ihehtl) C ο/ί thtit[tAlit, whoiti iuam.tntttr p»f. V Pf*l.iio.i. κ Mxrkt 13.6, «K an ex> ample. them. k The wcrd is X fiiie , ybuh ftj,>t,jie the, lr„ gei xurm nt men- luntU'.n Diutcrt 30 Thoa flialt therefore loue the Lord thy God vitti all tHoe heart, and witii ill ttiy fouie , & with all thy minde ,anJ with all thy iitength : tijis istne hrft cotcroandeaiant 3 1 And tne fecond is like, that is, ^ Thcu ihilc loue thy ndg.'^bonr zs thy fdfe. There is none 0- thet cooomandcment greater then thefe- 3 1 Then thatSaibs fiid vnto him, Wei!, Ma- fter.thou haft fiid the ttusth.tbai there is one God, and that there is none but be, 35 And to loue him with all the lieart.ap J with all the vnderftandii^g , «id wuh a'l the foule , and with all the ftrength , and to loise ht? neighbour as himf Ife.is mere ebcn ali whole biuni odsriDgs and idctiScfS. 34 Tfien when lefjs faw that he aofwsreJ dii- crc-f rly, he f,iid vnto him. Thou ί rt not firre t';ono the ki igJotBC of God. And no laau after thatdutS J afke r.ifD an* q'teSiLiu. 3 J ^ J > And (ciliS f.nfwer!d ?t faide tejchi^g the Temple. How fay the Sctilxs that Chrilt ω the fonns oi Dauid ? 36 Fof Dauid himfi!f ^ faid by f the hoir GhoS, ■•■ Tiie Lord fiid to ray Lord,Sit at my right hand, till I make thine eneitiei thy fooiftjoic 37 I'hcB D(ui I himfilfe c^ileth hiai Lord : by what meanes ii he then his fonne ? and Hiuch pro-• pie heard biro ghdly. 38 « * Moficuei he faid vnto them in ϊ his do- fttioe,Bewareof th; SciibiS wnicb lou: to goe ία ' long robes, and loue filutatioris. in the markets, 39 And the cbicfe feats in the Synagogues, aad the hffi roaaies t: (z*{ts, 40 Which 5%- deuourc widowes boufes.etjen rn- dcr a cotouf of long praycts. Tbeie Ihall reesiue the greater daninatijn. 41 7 * And as lefus fate ouer againft the trea- furit, bee beheld how the p:ople catl » ttioney into the treafurie, and many rich mencaft in much. 4 X And there came a cert^ine poore widow.and flie threw in two mites.whicn rrjks aquadtin 43 Then hec ceiled vnto bira his difciplrs.and faid vnto them . Vciely I fay vnto you .that this pool-e widowe hath call more in , then all they which hauecuft into tee treafjrie. 44 For they all did call in of their fnperfluitie : but ihe of hei pouenie did call iu all that Ibe bed, 9ut/t ail her liuiiig. άΜΜ? '<"- End/ir€ to the end^l Η 5!: ΜλΙ.,}.ι+, iukt ιο.ί,Τ. 7 The dmu. o£ _ cm Hueiic(,A'ticl> Cud alluwetb, it notetitfmed ■ccoirling to the cu'-wai.-' vaiue, but to ihe mwaid «fF ill of tbe hcirr. * Luke ill. • J'l»»ey'f'.'')h»difmettHll, asthiS. as hee went out of the Temple, one of his difcipifs faide vnto iiim , Mafter , fee what tDifiJi aooes.and what maner buildings arehtr*. ζ $ Then I' (as anfwered, and faids vnte him, Seeft then ihti.' great tiuildings? there iliall not be lalt one ftoce vpon a ftuoc , that lliill not ba thorowen downe. 3 AndashefiteoothemoiratofOIiues.oaer igjinft the Teinple,Peter,aDd lames.and lohn.and Andtevj af kcd him fecretlv. 4. Mtt.t^.i. luk'L.i. t The ''ertfualno ef ibe Temjle , ci- *ie, ani whulen» «i>n is afauTo d, •lid thrtrupblfs crf^sb' Cburcb . but ye• tbrrcaiean• Drxcd ma. J coio- foti, , and li:; of all, heen.H nfthe fvoili is defcrl• bed. V Ef-he.j 6, 4 Tell vs . when Uiall thcfe things bee » and what fhMlkt the Ague when all (beie things iLall be fuihlkd } <) And lefus anfwered them, and began to fay, V Take heed leaft any man deceiae you. 6 For uany dtall coboz ia toy Nu^, idling, I am €^frifi,ini (l-.all deceiue many. 7 F.irthet .iiure w:.en vc ihall heare of wafres, and rumors i.f war' cs.bt: yc not itoubKd; ί .tfuch tioings rautt needs be : but the end [iaStnoxbcs et. 8 FJt-naiion Ihailriic igtirft \m\. n.ai'ii king- dotiie againlt ki. g ioae , aud theit iLail be eanh- qu^k^s in diucis q 'antrs.and t^:er<• (lull be fanzine and troubles: tntK- art .Itc b gruni.-gs c.f i'orcwss, 9 But tike ; ee htede to your kia^s : for they fluii deliiier y; u vp to the Councils, and iv. the Syn-igogues ; yctlhali be beatin.anJ bro^g' t be- fure ruieit & kii g. fot my fJse.fut a » teaiajoniaU vnto theo!. 10 And the G:.fpellmuil be pubiiflied among allns'.i'.iiis. 11 ^ But wh«n tiiey lead yon, ιχ\Λ dcliuer you /»' vp , b be not cmefaii before hand, ueuher ' Uaui; 'V""'^ "i^.rancef whatyaihailla7:butwhati3giu;.n yoaatiiicfsme ^uke '*''*" time, that ipiike . for it is not you toat fpeake.but the holy GnoU. 12 Yea. and the brother ihill deliues the bro- thee to dcjth.and the lather tne fonne, and the |/ί<Μ cliilatcn iliili iiieag«iuttilieirpa.tfiis,audibili w'w*; »<• » rf.,kifii»f a'tipctiui andcutlM i»l k-.Ki i{ talt 'h., ,ofp,ake. d Fctmt. Ae ?i JO. X).i« 9 J7. Ρ Wh,nthehe/l. then and prtfhane ptefiali Kcl ιΜλ nu, .nuthe Timple . tni defile "«"b «i anithi fitj, \nt »tfo cleane ie.• troy n. _ Thii is a kifd ef 'f ech ■B»o• filth, thai the day fthe L.rdfbaU bedxtkoi'fie. t >3• li'ke .7 tj. andtt.t. Ifa.ii i: loei a. 10. 4MJ.7A ^P." * J(/xt.i4$ft The d^yo^nteLord Β TVe letter dif it not curiouly to k< fcK^fard lor, which the Ftthtf bcc letv$r«:ba _ Uke he;H , thr.it tool aai rpoo rl &fef a»• !«>. wroe to paiTs, knows thtt iht k^nj^mmt^Gti U neere , tntn at the duof es^ 30 Vif elf 1 Uy vnuj you, ibat this gmentioQ flulloo: pad;, till all thcle thing.? be done. 3 1 H^-iuea and earthlhall pitle away, Imt ey wocu's iluli not paffeawa^. 3 ζ «But of that dayandhoorefcnowethno own, no, nst the Ang»ls w.'iidi ate in hcaeec.nei- ther the Sonne hiinfelfi , but the Fitfaet. 33 «i• Tike hee Jc : watch , and pra;^ : for yee k:!ow not when ttie time is. 34 F»r tht Stnnt of mm is as a man going into a fiangi comitrey, and Uaaeth his houle, and gi- «etb authority to his fernants , and to euery man his works, and comtnandeth the pnrter to watch. 3 f Watch ye theiefore,(f.ir ye know not when the maft:! of the hoafe will com; , at enen , of at eiidnight, at the cocke ctowing.or In ;y dawoingj 36 LeaS if ae; come luddenly^ise ibould 6nac you ίΐκί ping. 37 And thofe things thai I iky tiuo }-ou, I iay into all men, Watch. C Η ΑΡ. XI III. < The Priepi conffirxeie agtinf} Cliri^l. 3 The woatx» ftwrKgeyle cnCkrijis head. 1» The frefitingtf the P^fieiKer.ixThe inflitutttn tftht Suffer 41 Chriil ie- iiuered into the hanii cf men. ^j 1»Λλι 6ttrA)ethhim Vith Λ kJT'- S3 CfirJft is befittCitafl,ni.66ri:ten itHiiU, ANd§'two dayes after followed rAr/iifl u/ the PaflTeotjer, and of Tnliauened bread ; and thi hie Piiefts, and Sc-ibes focg^.t how tbey CDight taki hii-n by craft, and pat hkn to death. But ihiy I'aydjNot in the f<;aft<*eot ofSpiksrard, very oftly, and ihi brake the boss, and powi ;d i: on his head. 4 » Thfreforcfome difJainedatixjngr^ern^ fjlues, and fayd.To «bat end is this Wifts of omt-• ment i f For it might haae bsene fold for more then a t^ree hundfeili penc:", and beer.c gio;n vnte the poo'e. and thsy rturnjiirf d againft her. 6 Bj: Jcfm fjyd, Lit her alone : \f7ny tfonbie ^e hetJ fl-.c bath wrougit a good wj- ke on me. J i For yehaaet.lepujre with you alwiye», ind when ye will ye may doc th«n good , bat me ye ihall not haue alvrayes. 8 4 She hath done that (hee cooid ; fhs caiae afoishend to anoint my bo'y to the burying. 9 Vereifl (ii vnto yeu.wherefofcer tins Gofpcl iliail 02 p.eacliid throiighon: thi; whole u-of Id . this alio that ^he hath done, ^jllbe fpoksn of in renKfEbranceof htr. 10 5" « ί Tnen lodis Ifcariat, one of the twelue , warn away voto the hie PfielJs , to betray him roto item, Μ And -when t'ley beard it , they w;re glai. and promifed that tbey would giue him money : therefo-e he fought bow be might canu;n:ent!y betray hirrj. IX f A• * Njw the firftJay ofvrJaueneJ brsad, t> when c they facrihccd the d Pafleoue;, i-r iccoiding to the Xav? : aci ihfrewiihall Iry a minicls ifltrwiih rb«t aotvvi-.buaniiiag h«c in (ht flrlb ftiill Itrai^hiwiy (oifM , jit that %t it Gid. i Thet ■! , -i/pm Vftiili 4.1} , »ni it the euimnji, of ihf f*me Λα•,, -SffiitbTa.islhtbepnKntr tfthtftfltenih, X«tke Miithii.iT. λ Tke) -jfed f //♦.-ri/ice. J Thttis ffahtitht>;^i>)ihef,gVTf /sieteHjm:* . »*«ft %i v/i»#i t» Cfiap^ xiii]« The Lords Supper. Ia," of OH'.a'ainllthe cojuf^ll ofmei, it cam! 10 paSe that Cttiit ihouia bt pai to drath vpoD the fc»!fmne dij of the PiITio- u^r , tlyii ia alt le- fptfti the :ratth might agree te the figut* V M.J I. IS. S, Ubuxi.i. J Bj(h ia'gine-iM •teirartia.e before Cod Pxfn«iiF.u,:fk. 3 (ilinfufeiTd fciiu.rlfetobeao- eintfd ja:e or f.vifc- fut ertain* coDli-lt.atijin : bui bis wU is to fce iaily an.iioied iu "lepocre. 4 T-is wim»- by the ffcrrt ioOioft oftke S ''ΐν.. aa- ointi• gCbiiii,, fet- teth befoiemins tyet , his death ani buriailwaKih vveit »b.^oi. »ς M'tih.te.z^. tukf .«.4• claaki-d with a ieeie ofch xWk, iitc occalionto heauf a-dcru; fie ■Cl-.rlit ^ ^M.ittk.iS.lj. iui«i.iS. 'f Cfctifl being ■macie fubi that tboa tcayeft eate the Paflcouer } 1 3 Then he fert forth two of his ditipks.and 6yd vnto theta , Goe ye in:o :he cine , end thtrc Iball a ipan m^cte yea bearing a pitciict uf water : i^llow him. 14 And whithetlb'oer he gc-cth in , fay ye to the good man of the Ιυα(ί , The ^!aft;r faieib, W'lece is the lod^^irg where 1 Uiall eate the PaifeoiKt with my <. ifcipks » ly And be willihrwyouaneTpprrchatrbrr w>hicli is large, ti imued and prepared : there rcake it reaJicfjrvs. i6 So bis difciples went foortli. and cioje »o the citie, and found as he bad faid vi^to tbeiD> and made ready the Pallecuer. 17 f Andateuenbecane widithetwelue. 18 4• 7 And as tltey fate at table at il did eate, lefus faid , Verely I fay vnto you , that one of you Iball betray me, which eateth wid-. me. J 9 Tiien they began to be forowfull and to fay to hJiB one by one , Is if I ? And another. Is i 1 1 ? 20 Andheai-fwin-ed and (aid vnto there, itis one of ibc iw:lue that ^ dtppeth with mee in th e platter. 21 Truely the Sonne of man §οβώ bis way, as itiswfi;ten ofi-im : ^ bet woe fc* to that man, by whom the Sonne of man is betrayed; it had bcrene g xxl for that laan , if hee had ncoer beene borne. 22 *-' And as they did eate.Iefus tooke the bread, and when hee fa I giaen thai krs, hee brake i and gaue it ioibem.and laiJ,Tjike,eitjthis is icy bodiei 23 Alf J hee tocke the cop, and when hee hadi g!u:-n thanks, gaue it to them : and ti.ey all dranKs tfit. 24 And he faid vnto them.Tbi» is my blood of that new Ttftatcf nt which is Jheo iv,.• many 1 J Verely Hay vnto you.l will drinke no more of the fruit of the vine VI till tha day, that Idtinke it i^ewiB the kingdome uf Gad, ^6 fend Avben they b^d fung a Pfalme , they went ou• to t>ie mcunt of Oliuts 27 ί * s xiicn lefus Oid veto them.AU v; ilull be offer ded by me this rigi-t: for it i« wrrten.A- 1 will ("oiite the fl-sepjiearde , and the iLc. pc β-ail be Icatrered. 28 But after that I am rifen.I wiil^o into * Ga lilt before you. 29 9 And Peter faide vnto him .Although aH iren (hot'ld lecfFc ndei! at thee, yrt woclJ not I 30 Then lefui faii vrto hixi;,Vitely I fay vnto tbf e , tl is day , tutn In this night before the cocke crow t wife, diou (l-ahdenietic tb-ife. 3 1 Bat he faid ε more e^mefily ,lf I Qiculd die with thee.l will not dcnie thee : iikewile alio fayd they iW. 32 f * Ό After.they came into « place named Ι^^^'ί^ Getb femane : then hee (aid to bis uifcipits. Sit yee here, tilll baue praved. 33 And hee tooki with bin Pfter.andlatres, and lohn , and he bc^anne to be troubled , atulin great be.iuinrCre, 3 4 >nd faid vnto thetn , My foule is vetie bea• .uie, ttttn vnto the dcaih ; tatie here, and watch. 3 J So be went fctward a little , and fell downe en ihc;gtound.andpfavedithat if it were polfible, c yet thdt be v^il oeuei tojtlie ikun. ■; Zath.is r. * <.»4(, ,6 7. 9 Htieii !ei torCh ID ac jiig ? Wat ij the matter that thefe bcare wiu (ht^crdwjts-jfei poflibie vnto thee: lake awiy ibis cup from me: I Defle*giinft thee ί , .. , »"d*t»,''«4iV'^/" neuer iheliffc Dot that I will, but that tboH wilt ,bi \ 6 1 But he held his peace.aod anfwered nothing. fomixeUltgellier : fn thit vrtrd , Ah ta, is Λ Sjria» II An horrible cz• ample of the (lug- gilliaeae ofmeD, caeaiD the difci- ple$ whom Cfariit bad ckeien• 4< if«»t,2«,47. lukt 21.47. («A» iS.J. i> Ai tneadij wiUiogly rpoile GoA their Crea- tor of hit praife ID fotCafci op and betrayiog him , fo Chiift willingly goiug about I makeiatistaftioi forthiiiuine , it foffaken of hit owns , and becrif- edbroneothii familiars as a thiefc.tbat the pu• niihmeDt might be agreeable to tbe linae , and we who are very ttai- tourt , forrikeri, ■ad iacrilegers j luightbedeliue- rej out of the de- t fnai \dont. 37 " Then hecime.and found them flicping, and fayd to Peter. SJTon. Qeepeft thou ? couldett not thon watch one houre ί 3ϋ ί Witch yee, and pray, that yee enter not into tentation : the ipirit iadeede is iteady.but the eeih is weake. 3 9 And agiine he went away, and prayed.and fpake the fame words. 40 And he returned , and found them ifleepe againe :for their eyes were heauie: neithet kncwe they what they fliouldanfwerehim. •' 41 And he came the third time, and faid vnto them,Skeps hencefootth.anJ take your reft : it ii ynough : the houre is come : behold.the Sonne of man is deliuered into the hands of finners. 41 Rils vp : let vs goe : loe, he that betray eth ice, is at hand. 43 ♦ I » And iramediitly while hee yet fpake, came ludasthat wasoneof thetwelue , and with him a great multitude with fwofJs and ftauesfrom jthe hie Pfiefts, and Scribes, and Elders. 44 And he that betrayed him, had giuen them ; a token.faying,Whomfoeuei I iball kitle.he ic is : j take him and leade him away i fafely . Againe the hie Prieft aiked bim.Sc fayd vnto him, Art thou that Chrift ihc fonne of the ° BleCfed ? 6^ And lefus fayd.l za he,^ and vee il^all fte the Sonne of naau (it at ^ tight han.l j. the power efGod, and come in the cLudes of heauen. 6^ Then the hie Pt iift rent his cliathes , and faid, What haue we any more reede of witneilcs ϊ 64 Ve haue heard the bUipbenii<; : what thinke • OfGci.vhtit mcii rvotthit tf f Chtift fufferlDj ye? And they all condemned bimtobe woithieLiikindofreproaoh of death. 6') •/ And foroe began to fpit'at him , and to couer his fice , and to beate him with hQs , and to fay vato hicu, Ptophecie And the i;rge*iKS imote him with t/jfir rods. 66 J '« And asPeter was beneath in the hall, there came one of the maides of the hie Pi ieft. 6y An! when ibe faw Peter warming bimfelfe, ihee lorked on him, and f» yd.Thou watt alfj with lelos of Nazjreth. 68 But he denied it, faying , I know him not. neither wot 1 what thou fayt ft Then he went out into the porch, and the cocke crew. 69 ■•■ Then ρ a tnaiJ faw him againe.and began to fay to them thatftaod by. This is on* of them. But hee denied it againe : and anon after, , 70 4J And aflbone as hee was come , hee went they that ftoode by ,faide againe to Peter, Sately S'»'';r''i*»*f ftraightway to him , and iayd, Haile MaSet , and j thou arteni oftbein;fot thouartofGaiile,and thy p',JZa"k.l ■ ■ ■ fpeach is like. Ikiffedhim. j 46 Then they layd their bandes on him , and tookehim. ' j 47 And k one of them that ftoode by , drewe ! out afword , and fmote a feruant of the hie Pi ieft. SoiihtiHti]. th»( and cut offhiseare. ht fence yomhanii. k Thtu is , Piff r. lAllhisiifciflts 13 yndet pre- teace of godlioei, «U things are law- tnU CO fuch ai doe vioVnc: tgainlt Chrirt. m Which he cait Of the things that ChriS fiiffeseivniet Pilate. iiSn^ rabbas is preferred before Chrii]. i; FiiAie deliuertib Chriii tibe cructfisi. 17 He is crewnei with theme. 19 They fpit o« htm, and mtcke him. 21 Simen tf Cjrcne tarnethChrifles crojje. 27 Chrifl is erucifieU bmvetue two theeues. 3» Hee «s rJiJedat, 37 Hepuelh vpthe ghofl. 43 Itfeph bnrieth him. 48 And lefus anfwered, and fayd to them,Yee be come out as againtt a thiefe , with fwords and withftaues, to take me. 49 r was dayly with you.teaching in the Tem- ple, and ye tooke me not : bix this iidemtbu the Scriptures fliould be fulfilled. JO Then they 1 all forfooke him, and fled. 5-1 '3 And there followed him a certaine yong about him, when be\ man, cloathed in '" linnen vpon his bare body, and bearing '*^tyi«rre | the yong men caught him. Λ Nd iSr » anon in the dawning , the hie Pn'eftiL ,,., „ , . TtKi,%"Tef.orth .\ S I But he left bis linnen cloath, and Hsd from j Λ ^^.ι^^ ^ councill with the Elders.aQd the Scti-j?»*;, 22 Vs. ' tdherebyvtemx} i them naked. j bes, and the whole Councill, and bound Iefu!,and t>nierftandrv.th \ ^3 J So they led Icfus away to thehiePrJeft, j led bimaway,and» deliucred him toPllitc. bonnd before fte "2 Then Pilate afked him , Art thou the King ludotment feat of of the lewesiAnd he anfwered and fayd vato him, Thoufayeftit. lukeii.s^. \-"~ "" „.-.--— _, . 3 And the hie Prieftesaccufedbimofmany iohn i8,'24. j feruants,and warmed himfttfi at the fire. η The'hi^hea ctuni cy 14 And the'• hie Pttefis.and all the Coun- 71 And hee began to cutfe.and Cv/eite.faying, the maidens reptrt .• I know not this man of whom yee fpeake. 7i « Then the fecond time the cocke crews, and Peter remembred the word that Icfus kad (aid vnto him , Before the cocke crow twifs, thou ibalt denie me thriie , and weighing that with himfelfe, be wept. CHAP. XV. for our fakes , get. teiheuerlalHog -- glory to th-m that jeleeue in him. f Mai. 16.63, luke 22. ji. ihn 18.2;. 6 An heauie ex• ample of the frail» nelVe of inan , toge« ihei wiih a moit comfoiiable ex- ample of ihe ratr- cie of God , wh• giiiech the fpiric of repentance and faith to his eUft. Matn6.7i, Irike ti.st• ρ Ifme compare theEuangelifis dili^ ■ fi•, »i that Known fma») through fea, and in Luke, whin the fecond denixll isffoKe» cf^ there is a manfcf.. uant mer.tioned^ and not a maid, a Mat.i6.Tit iohn ij.jS. ''φφ'^ιΙ,1}Γνίΐ- i *°'* '" ^^^ came 1 together all the hie Priefts , and aine! viiieniiyfet ] the Eldets , andSciibcs. 'vponhim. I 5-4 And Petet followed biffl a farre off , cnen j. ;M«tt.26 i7. I into the hall of the hie Pi ieft, and fate with the ticmfe Chriiiwas. , , r r j Hccufed as a btaf. [ death, but found none. fhemer and a faife [ j6 For many bare falfe witneffe againft ham, frofhet : for as for }^f ^^if ^.itQeffe agreed not together. Ir'eatn', uZs for. 57 Then there arofe certaine .and bare falfe " • witneffe sgjiuft Wm, faying, J 8 Wee heard him fay , « I will deftroy this Temple made with hands, and within three dayes I will build another, made without hands. 5:9 But their witnes yet agreed not together. 60 Then the hie Piieft ftoode vp amongft them, and asked lefus .faying, Anfwcreft thou ged agaiHii him bj the Priefts . t» et, force Pilate b} th meanes to eon• demne him «4 Chrift ,wbo was fo innocent that he could not be opptefleH . no nor by falfe elfei, is at the ■ leugch, foriOBfefTio Pnelt ;tf — " I fore God, things. j 4 * wherefore Pilate afked him againe, fay- I ing , Anfwereft thou nothing ? behold now many j things they witneffe againft thee. I <; But iefus anfwered no more at all . fo that riUte marueiled I 6 Now at the feaft , Pilate ^ did deliuer a pri- ! foner vnto them , whomfoeuer they would deiire I 7 Then there was one naaied Barabbas.which was bound with bis fellowes , that had made infur- reaion , who in the infurreftion had committed tDutther. 8 And the people cry ed aloude , and began to before the hie denied Cod and were iiideede wiskid » mighl be ^«it bc« Matlypi.ss. a lehnz.i), full for them totuL•^ ΛΒΥ man to death, "^ for all caufes tftife, and death wen take» away from thim, fir η by Η erode tht great, and af'terwarde by thtRttnaneSyahout fourtie yeeres |.3, M»l%.iS, k VfedPilMettdtltHtr, defir; an earthly indge, in open aOembly i( condemned at juiStievutoibe death ofthe crofle, not for hit owne Ances, (aiappea• re th by the ludgeS owne wordes) buifor allourt, that we mod guiU tie crca:ure$ being deliuered from the guiicinelTeof out fines, might be quitted before the judgement feateoC God , euenin the openalTembly ef the Ang'Is. a Ii was not law» ^IthBftcondfc — — Η- mried and crucified. defirc that ht mtuld dot as he had ecer done tnto 'ifc.njip.xvj, I ChrilV going »- , bout to take «wiy thefitnet oftncD, Whow.-atibou to vfuipe thethfoDe of Godbimfilfe.i» coadeiTnei as one that hu!2td after tbekirigdome,»nd mocked with a falfeihew of a kingaome.ilinwe ou the other fide, whofliill indeed beeteicallkiugs, migbi receiuethe ciowoe of glury »t ^ Godiowaeband. i|. M*tt 17 31. aTber.geof.be wickeJ batb no meafare . but io the meane feafoQ, euen the Wf akeneHe of Chiilf, being in paioe Vide.• the beauie burden of the croOe , doeth BianifeHly Ihewe that a lambe i? led «o be faerificed. ^ M*tt.iT.3i• 1917. 4 Cbilft is led out ofibewalsofthe eittbly leiufalem, into a foule place of dead mem cat- cafe» ■ a» a man DioftVDcleine , not touching himfelfei buttouohingour finaes, which were layd vponhitn , to the end that wee being made cleane by hii blood, might ^' brought into the heiuenly Sanftuaty. f Chrift haogeth Baked vpon the ciofle , and ai the wicked Κ catife that euer was , moft vilely reptooued : that we being cloa- tbedwithhiitigh- teoufnei.Sc blcfftd »trithhi»CBife«, and ianftifitd by hi• onely oblation, may be taken vp iutoheauen. « £T«'.f3•»»• ^ Iiihni.19^ « How angrie God wa» agiioft oui ftaie.whivh he pmiited in our furetie , bit fonne, it appe«re-h by thishotiibledarke- Btffe. , Bythiiwrd, lani,he mtoneth $heflr»ngtnifittf tht wtnitr , IS I» muchthemnefet fnih in that . that itt the feoll if tht r«lfemn,«ni 1» thervarldandatm them. 9 Then Pilate anfweted thetn.Sc fayd.Will yc thatl let loolc vnto you the Kiig ti the lewes 1 ο For he knew tb;t ;fct his Ftitftj bad dehue- redhiro ofennie. 1 1 But the b igh PruQs had mooued the people to defirt that he woulJ ratbef deliuei Barabbas vu- to thim, II And Pilate anfwered, and fayd jgaine vnto theto.What will ye then that I doifith htm,vihoia ye call tlie K.irg cif the lewes ? 13 And ttaey cried againe, Crncifii him. 14 Tncn Pilate fayd vmo them , But what euill hath he done? And they cried the more feruently, Cruclhe him. 1 f So Pilite willing to content the people.loo- fed them Birabbas , and dtliue red lef^s, when he had fcourged hira, that he tnighftie crucified. 16 Tiien the fouldiets led him away into the hall , which is the commoQ hall , and called toge- ther the whole band, 17 a Andclaihimwith purple, and platted a crowne ofthornes, and put it about his htad, 18 And began to lalute bim ,/λ^ιβ^, Haile, King of the Icwes. . 1 9 And they fmote him on the head with a reed, and fpa•. vpon him , and bowed the kneet, and did him reuerence, , , , , . 20 And when they had mocked him.ibey tooke the purple off him , and put his ownc cloathes on him. and led him out to crncifie him. 21 * And they 3 compelled one that paffed by, eeUtd Simon ofSyrene (which came out of the conntrey.and was father of Alexander and Rufu^) tobearebiscroOe. 22*4 And they brought him to a place named Golgotha, which is by interpretation, the pUce of dtadmftu fculles. • , 23 And they gaue him to dimke wme mingled withmyrtbe:buthereceiueditnot. 24 V i And when they had crucified him , they parted his garments , cafting lots for them , what euety man Ihould haue. . , , , 2 J And it was the third heure.wben they cruci- fied him. „ . Γ • L 26 And the title of his caufe ^fas written aboue, THAT KING OF THE lEWES. 27 They crucified alfo with him two thecaes, the one on the right hand, and the other on bis 18 Thus the fcriptore was fulfilled.which faytb, « And he was counted annorgthe wicked. 29 And they thai went by .railed on him.wag^ fiine their beads, and faying, -k Hey. thou that de- ttroyeS the Tcmple.and buildeft it in three dayes, • 30 Sauc thy felfe, and come downe from the 3 1 Like wife alfo euen the hie Priefls mocking, fayd among themfclues with tlie Scribes, He faued other men. himfclfe he cannot faue. 3i Let Chritt the king of Ifraelnowcome dowoe from the croffe , that we may fee , and be- leeui;. They alfu that were crucified with him, te- uilcdhim. , , 3 2 f Now when the fixi houre was come.« da.k. ties arofe ouer c all the land vntiU the ninth bourc. ■ 54 And attfie 7 hirthhonre lefuf cried with a loud voice , fajirg , ψ Eloi , Eloi.UnJtra-Ubiith• thani » which is by iotetptetaiion , My Gcd , my GoJ, svhy haft chou foif.ken me ? 3 J And fome of them tha: ftood by .when they he4td it, fayd, Beholde, he calleth Eiiis. 36 Ana οηέ Γ;:::γ.;-;ι• f:•"^^ a * fpunge full of vinegsr,and put It on a teed.& gaue him to di irke, = faying.Let hira alone: let vs fee if Elias will come, and rake him clowne. 37 And lefus cried with a loud voice, and gaue vp the ghoa. 38 And the vaile of the Temple was rent in twiine , from the top to the bottome. 39 Now when the Centurion , wMch ftood ouer againft him, faw that he thus crying gaue vp the ghoft.he fayd.Tiuely this man was mc Sonne of God. 40 f s There were alfo women which beheld afarre off, among whom was Mat ie, Magdalene, and Marie the mother of lames the leile, and of lofes, and Salome, 41 Which alfo when he was in Galile , " fol- lowed him, and miniftred vnto him, andraatiy other women which came vp with him vnto Hie- rufiJem. 41 «And now when the night vyas come (be- caufe it was the day of the preparation that is be fore the Sabbath) 43 A• lofeph of Arimathea , an • faw that th« Qone was rolled away (for it was a vf r y great one) y 4 So they went into the l'fi:fuicore, and faw a yong man fittirg at the righifiJe.cloatheJ in a lor*' vThitc robe : and they were fore troubled. 6 But he fayd vnto them , Benot fj tioublcd : ye feeke lefus of Nazareth.whicb hath beene cru- cified : he is rifin.he is not Jisic; behold the place «vheretbevpmhia. . -' 7^5 oe«b,all armed wi:h hihoriioltcurfe f Godigutujufly >tintn;ei io bodf tnoinjj vpon the olic.aaaiafouU lunged iu the cpih sfhel;,yet ;ridde-.hb ielti, ciyingA-iih » gbty :-Λ■tb:l,nd.ngφ t w.unri which c le^eiufd of i:h inthatibat dird ,yrtbv fmi• ijboih uue.udinrigt beneath , by rent> g of the vaileof eXenvMe by theielunionie rang out ofti hich mardcred IU, hee (be lidently ftofh^ hich are iclceat hjm, that flullbekoowrn t of hand 10 D(]utiOur and Lord of all, + i'/4/. ii.i. «Mr, 17. 4* SCiiiltioibe Ihaiue o( vhich for• foo!;e the Lord, Ie w onieo fot icbbrrcld'all tbi> Abaleaftioa. Luke X JUilt.lJ S7 Lukf ii «.9-38 ecuncell tfthe heiviHytrelil'k'» >/ea*; F, ■ If we ccnfidtr νΙιΛί dengcr Itfefh ιλΓι himfilfe tntt , fljif fiiAH-ferttrnt ht» hide kt was. When iheij f»ii tlir < tes lamatd thefifHtchre. M.tu air, » ao. 1 1. h Intt thettmt Khfrem itr(/r;^• ibtevfttiinlni!. ^' 7^3Τ :rrii?es7elarreaion. sXuWJ ψ' _?y?^.^_l^^.?i^oflj ■i• CAni.ri.iS. ?n^ri6.1||32. innjartrh toMa- tif Magrlalcneto vybiaid tii difci• plesincvtiluliiie. •J> Uhnio.i6. iukeS.i. ζ Cariitapp*!- dikiplei I oibe cle- «tin ιβ.19. e T-Mi Eu-tn^elHl• fiujUertinolthe ♦rrfir if (*' t!i«f . A,s Aj/f irie , wAiift lAr»"*• parts : The )irsi Ibeweth heir he appeared ttthe v»m3n,ihe[ecsHi f his DifcifUs , th tbtri , to his Afc- filts, ΛπΛ ihcrefere a&.fa}th , .ΡιιΐΛΐΙ}, "' 7 "Bift goc yoor wiyi and telhWs dHciples.and j Peter.that he will go before you into Galile: there ilwll-ye fee him ^ as be f*yd vnto you 8 AnJ they want out quickly , and flfd from 1 )he will gouttnebii Chuicb.voio the worldiend. -^Btb.i.^. f Ti,vi>n,tht ieilnne: thtttfoKettitrtnetminu beine.anifi'^nesmitfifnUtw after. * GOSPEL OF lESVS CHRIST. ACCOR- DING TO LVKE tA.ke coratneOiieth «he wituetfes that f«VVthi»hi;tory. Λ Man) ucke it iani, bin ad not fcrfcrme .• L„k.e wrote his Gtfpel hejore MitthcTV ani Alatke. InKe w^s ntt eyewitnefie , a»i fire It νκΛί ml ieetushtmihe Xsriafttarfd Cieifxs fan him : and he Vf as t.iught nat onely hy FnM , iut b) iihen tfthe Apoflles alfn. t It ismtiimtgh- tie, mtdtherefne J'heofbuuswus* •very htiuurabit man , ani in place efg\:aiaiiHtty. d Luke began his Cofpci a a real deali fa'thir lif.thenth ther dtii. CHAP, I. τ Lukes Prefaci. s Zzcharia.s and Elifaiet. i? ΙΓΑΛί Λ» e»e Ichnpiiddbe. 10 Zachartas flrikendumbe.for hps inc7ei^Utte.i6The Angel f.tlulethM.Jry, ani forettUeth Chriflesnxtiuiiie.39 Mary viftietb Elifabtl.^iMaries fong' «8 Tbefctti tf Zacb.uias . fhening that the ft»• mi ed Chriit is come, γβ The iffice of UhH. Ofafmiich as " many haue s taken in hand to fet fooctb the fiorie of thofe ij things , whereof we are fully per- ' iwaJed, 2 tr As the/ haac deliaered them vnto vs.which from the beginning faw them their felues.and were minifiersofshe word, 3 It («rned good alfo to mee (^mofl noble Thl.•op^iius)aflbon- ,-.s 1 had fearched ou; per fttil ly all ihiiigs''frotnt'^ebfginnir;g, to write vnto thee thereof from point to point, 4 That t'.ioo mighteft "^ acknowledga the cer- tamtift of thofe things whereof thou halt beene iti- ftiuded. J j Ν » the ftime of? Herod king of ludea, 1 there WAT a crjttaine Prieft t ame" 'Z.^ha- rias, of tee ψ ~ comieof Abia ; and his wife u^at of the dai'gh ets of AaroH , and her tiatie mas Eli- faber. 6 Both were i inft before God , and 1^ wulked in il] tbeJ ccjmmandercents aud ordinance* of the Lord , "" without reproofe. eH.i<»f ful.'er know icd^ftf thofe thiti^i Tclich before the» kntvee'^ but taeaneiy. ι TohnTOko waianothir Elias, » d jpFointedtobeherauId ofCbrift, eimmjai oftbt (iocke of .*a.on , and ol iwo faiivius an4 blamelcfle parens hath fliewedm bii coticrpiioo , which was againir the comic of nature adouo.emi- ra:lf , to tUe end thattner, ihcaM be niun iea:r thy prayer is heard.and thy wife tllfa- bet ihall beare thee a fonne, and tbou flult call his nanve lohn. 14 And thou fba't haue ioy and gUdneffe.and many fliall r.- i yce at his birth I J Fi^t b:i;/hillbegrf^at in the ° figbtofthff Lord, and Ihali neiti'c-t Ltiinkr wine , tOiPitrong drirke : and he ihailbf tillcii with the holy Ghoil, enen frum his moiricrs w^obe. 16 «And Qiany of the children of ifrael fliall he ί turnr tu their Lor.i Go J, 17 -k For he (bail goe ' brfi.rebim fin the fpi- tit an ip.)Wrr uftiias : to tninct'-e' hearts of the fathers to tk^ children, and the tiifobedient to th " wif jomj of the iuft π en, to make tf ady a people pr parec' fo( t'-t Li-r .' . 1 8 Thei) Zaci ari..s fiid vnto the An gel.Wbete. wruld far.lbe eaul f ΣΧ0Ι/.3Ο.7, The Timp/ev» ■ , and the Court nh.r. ferZuchU• s went oHt of tb» Ciurt or ouiwetd ■me ,wi trt all ^feoptewfre,. d thrrefore are r^ydio be without, intoihfTonple, JL Hit. 6-, J. t Sofieakethe Hebretves , when it fi:»ififdarare kiai oj ex^e.ency : foii itf^yd of Nimiod, Gen. 2.0 g. HcwaS iialinni hunter iefore God. f An• drinke that I ni..ke arunk.en, MaUc 4 y. 2 Sha.be ameatui . brini m.tny t» > refrntunce , and He thtmfeliKS te the Lord from . whom they fell. Match. 1,,,^. . Γ As thiy f/fe t« i•• before kin^(, ndtrhen yor*fee h,tn ,yoH know th* K:ni.snotf«,reoff. fTkisis.'pck-nbj the figure M'tony- m:r,-„k.i'i the fp.,., f,r,begifc,i ihefpintjAsycn • ι ,Bythtjif_i,reSynrc- ^v. CuXvUAXAAa J a Κ Th*t »fftere, f$r fctht HetrWfS finna) mtAttini tt)*t thtj .irf m*y i§itt his cmantt- diment. 3 The Angel fer- Vvhl.b AiouH be ion e , iifenf-O in whom be Sunae of oe molt high ptomifei toD.ui! i•"»- tt.mcd by 'hi «t- ihe tuiy Cboii . 4. 3/ΛΙ».!.'*• flocltf, no"*''/'"'"'! y,„d, lu'l ,) {»>' ttni gyate , "«a " jbiveth iir«,%ht After , UjiH w» \f hat that fAuour I,I___— 77" JV ,^ / 4 Afld MatlcarofetntVofedayes.a by fl«U 1 know this ? fct I am att eWe ean . ana 39 /^ ^^^^ „ ^-.^ ^^^^tuj wiih bift: to a" •,9 Andtbe Aigcll anfw.red . and Gydvnto «i=yj;j'^^„edi„toti,ebouf=of Zicb*tus.and him . 1 am Gabriel ^t. a. It.t ^ in e'^eAngelGa- btielw's fentfrom God v^toa citie ot Gahi. na- o^edNa^^th, ^^^^j ^ .tnanwhofe ,aam'e«tXh of^e,l^aicofD..id.andt.c uLCtuii, ty m» -iipiraiion otlb* ' inty Gne't.Ji'e njyit cent l»t 43 MiJ wher Co cwr^tfc this to mr e . d>at the 44 F, τ lc4.ac-..r,e a. the vo- ce.f -hy f^o'^-'-'-fc:*"»".;".^ on lunndc.i iotn»aeti^e5,thebabelptangitin>yL,^,j,„.„,.,*r ^^ '^i;^'Ai?;;i^ai.(>,^e.b.tb«e^^:for.jofJ|i7:;^^ , Ji Ibalb. petfortD»:. w' icli wci* tola -» ίι^Λ^;;^,^ ,.^,^,^^,^,^ "* 46" ί Then Matie f.id .'My foule .ΜβπιΑοώ tbd ^r '^'^^ "J ^' J^^ Ltitd. , ,_ ^..j _, 5,, rf.""•.» "■' --/"*« jfcfi. « O/G.-i. , b Mtwi'tthe Uraui^nefittfthl Viuttr. t S,l>>e»kttbe Htbrttvrs,fe;iu! that mcnhautlmi] j. rP'7'4. V Ch»f «.»Ii 47' A.id ω> fi^im reioyceth inGotl my Sa- '"^48 For hce bath <^ lo.kedonthejpooredeJ ^ greeof hisfcrount : fot bcbolde.f.om hcDCcfoortl- ^ nwll ill aee* &»ll roe bldicd, r . „. ' 49 »ccaufe he tn.t is a)ighty hath done for a:e S-eat tMngs. aiid holy « !-.is Same. _ ^50 And his mete. .; from generation to gene- ration on them f that tearel.im. . . l:., ..^^ri-nt.h'.xhibiita. c , A He natb Ih^wed ftter.gth with b;.t ' arme _^^t ^ J he hitn u ,c«te.cd uSe proud in the - ia^S>n*" ,J^;^l'j.f^'2^':^ onofthcithtarts. . . .• f„„liV9rif«>w«".^ I rir f.ats.and exaltal them cf ^ low de^r.e. J ».""^;fv:; ^^V ^1 T, »;H« Uthhlkdtl«ahung.tcwubgoo^.^... . Γ. - * Lhnp i> H'fitd. n.iniiif. J Caiili thf "- n.UeJ, andirJUl- je, ..{iUl>rifi"n,uili- iafi'Ut J"' Wis »if f jh i" '"> ''"" 4; D.I» 7 '4''7- t The s.r(*IHffe I nai that P>• ii ""- I «„(,.>«. α.;.»•ί cfibem'ner I Ifcar . r ηο u:e in thy iNamel^fS .„„__... .'netU: after. (bfrctinn«i 10 ri=r >7v.ncu«-.^• ,-•, ΐϊ c N.«tl.Ctb.«.itnewaaolhlid.tn,riW „,, IaLlfote«.r.an.ofbi»M.gao,.cil..llbe.one ^^5» ^^^ ^^^^ ,^. u.v..dusgt«ua.eruexTonl;. ,^,,,„,^ -%enfaid Mari. vnto tbeAt.8d.eHow fl>all hcr.at.d^they.*^^^^^^^^^^^ this be.fseing * 1 koow i.ot man } ...^.^\ .jl ,^ drcanxiCc the baV , and called him Za-l,,,, ^, allf. CO. 'Ceiued a fonne in ner clJ^ age • ai-a '««^ , j , him.called. ί , 1 li^r moneth.wmch «^" '^'^^'";^%:. ,, ''^s So h. aiked fo: wrltiog «bUs . and wrote ,7 For with God Iball "Ο'^^'δ ^/^'P^^^Sh. &V. S• His oau.e is loho.and they ma^.u; .Ir. all. II TnenMarie faid . B-^.t^^lJ^ '^"^ * „3'ί ^^ \\.ά nismoinh was opened .^.-re. Lo: d : be it vnto me accofdmg to toy wotd.So the | t.4 , , . r_ ..,. ,.m n, a.fid G A• gvldtpiried from her ... /,.|I*/'Mlli- .-iib>m,-U!dtbt .M.*r:>: Why * h,c<.-'h -tf ,.•ρ.ι:. A»4ifC- 11 inrtr V7i(- tKif ,r>nt • j,„,nhei V r i:. His nau.e is lo^o.anu trey .u-.u ...^ -... j ^64^X.d nismotHhwasopened .^..re .uay.and J , bisttgue 0 ->^efPt a7 himS-^itneere*• ^ iricuiiuiii..w. ■ /i, T,,rnt'i'ecaneooal...neimiwi.u |.f.i.-^ow/b \tht Lrir, f»r m.^'""« " """,', ^„, ,,,ο^μγ tie XfHitti had n. /■A.m|'..j, „ G.J. X PA•'» «4 ."' '^tlT J,\„ cUaJ.ali U..-'. Vf X;'•' fc»lfl. » f : 1;'•• ,, r 10 » G'X 17 ■«•«»*»'• 7 tt%*-\ I rvete . pnnttdihi I »« ttiiir hejrti. fThai is.thept \frnt favour cfG:'J I and Λ fif,^uLf fu ted-mptiin. I ι Tnis Witi Home, ; i« the Hebrewe j ttitiue p^ntfitth ' Vtiht , ininii Λ \ Mitiphore , («A,,» i f'rcm beafli , that ifghi -xtth iheir kirna : AHi by tAtfing vp the ytntitnoflfr^el, is mevit , that the ; ktngd:me'>flfrael 67 thei ίΟί?ίΛ i\My that .ocifj them, e K-J ^-,/η vp , i:.f hs.r:s. flying, Waai mitisr c.^e ihill cais ba ί anJ the f hanJ of the LorJ was wj^ hioj. 7 7 Γή;η hisfithir Zicharias was Hllojwiti, holy GhoS, and prophecied, fa> ing, ' *' 68 BieffedAitbe LordGodof Ifrael.becafe be hath g vilitsd * and i» redeemed his people, dp i And hath raifed^p the i home of iaiuai. on vnto vs, iti thehoufe of hisfernanc Dfuid, ^ 70 ■•■ As he fpaks by the mouth of his holy Pro- phets , wiich were fince the world began , fap'%t 71 That he tvautdfead vs deliuerauce ffi^ o\xt enemies, and from the hands of all cbi' ^lace vs. 71 That be might lL;w merrr towards out fa- thers : and k remembei his ^^f couenant, ^ 75 « -^nd the oatb»iWbich he fware so our fa- ther Abraham- 7^ !f'iich WAS , that hee would grant vnto vs, fwt wee beingdeliueredoinof the hands of our enemies, iliould (etue him without feare, _ 75 All the'daics of our life, in ή" holiaefle and righteoufnefle ' beiore him, 76 And tboi!, m babe, (halt be called the Pro- pjet of the moft High : foi thou Unit goe before- the face of the Lord to prepare his waies. .-77 sAndioa giue knowledge of faluation vnto CIS people, by the « remiirion ot tiitir fmnes, 78 Through the tender mercy of our God.wher- by * the ρ day fpring froan an high bath viiited vs, 79 To giu» light to them that fi- ia darkeneffe, and in the ihaJow of death, and to guide our feece into the way of ι peace. And the childe grew , and waxsd ftrong ii ,'utih: l 11 f * And tfiere Were in the fam* oountrey fhspheards , d abiding in theii:lJe,andkeepbg watch by night ouer their ffocke. 9 And (oe , the Ang't! of the Lord e came vp- on thetn.and thegloty of the LofJilioneabout them, and they were fore afraid. I ο Tbei: the Angol f it came to piffe in thofe dayes.that there ♦•came a decree from Auguftus Ceiar, that all - world Qwuld be b t^xcd. So they Mary andlofcph an^.thehabeTaydinthecra^cK^ 1 7 And when they bad fe-ne it. they publillied childe '""^ '''* ''^ "''''= ^^^'^ °^ "~'" .x,j {5. ^"'^ '" il"" ''"'■'^ if. wondrcd at the things which were toldettiem of t(^ fliephcarJ^. tl,::, in Kli;: '^^ *" ^boicfayin8s.and pot^drcd » Cbriil the fonne of tjod , tiki'ng v^- coUiiiTi the foime cf« feruant , »cd nukiag biinfeKe of uo lepuii.ion, ii pqprdy hotHf in a iia&U : and by the rataneiof All- juilus the niigbti. «It prfoLeia tae evoiid (ihioking nothing Itire)h3th iilcia;(epiepi- jreAin Beth l«rm, «the Propaeti iorewatiied. Λ So fam Λί the Empire of the Ro- ».i4i»ts iidjheick. b Th-ttii , the in• hatitM-.i of euei) titieftulihAue their.^mestek.en, aiiiiht\ o;tds m- :..l:tXc\!-<->f utlue , t:\i the ,ht νιιΛαβίκί , ho-a rich the 2 (This fita taxing was made when Cyrenins wasgouernour of Syria ) ^ Therefore went all to be taxed , euery man tobisowne ciie. 4 And fofrph alfo went vp from Galile ont of a citie called Nazareth , into ludea, vnto the c ciiie of -f Diuid, wnicb is called Beth- leem (becaufe he was of the boufe and linage of Dauid,) J To be ijxed with Mary that was giuen bitn to wife, which \^as with childe. 6 S And fo it was, that while they were there, the djyes were accompliilisd that Ihee flwiild be dfliuered. ' 7 And ilue brought foorth hei firft begotten fonne. and wrapped him in fwadling cloithes. and laid bias in a cratch , becaufe there was no roome for them ill taelnne. *\6 DmiU whs tofHe, mi htuiht vf ,4. ^ Uhn z.^i. ' 20 And the niepheards retimed gloiifying and pra.bog God for aU that they baChetrd and leene. as κ was lp,kec vnto them. ^ ^*.-i * ^^"^ when tfie eight iayes were ac- complIil•ed,tbatthey Ibould circuircifs the child, his name was then called J lefos , «i ich was na- nied ot the Angel . before be was conceiued in the wombe. 22 ••• 4 And when the dayes of i> her purificati- on , after the Law of Moyfes . were accomplilhed. the i ,d"^''' bim to Hierufalem.to pteient him to 23 (As it is v^itten in the Law of the Lord. l^rj T^ i^'.'^' '^u^"^ •:P'^"«h the wombe. lliillbe calkd bcly to the Lord ) 24 And to giue an oblation.-A- as it is coruu^ri, ded in the Law of the Lord.a paire of turtle doues', or two yong pigeons. 25• ί Andbsholde.there wasamanin Hierofa. lem.whofe name was Simeon : this man »λ i» ft, and feared God, and waited for the confolation'^oV,^ Ifrael. and the i t.oly Ghcft was vpon bim. .1^ Lhii.\ t s z6 And it was decUred to Lim from God by p simeoildoetii th e holy Ghott . that he &odd not fee death . be- fe'"''T *? '*"= fote he had (::ene that Anointed of the Lord. rF'-P'^^"""" 27 And he cance by the matim of tbe fpirit in- to the Temple, and when tbe k patents brought in the babe lefus , to doe for bim after the coftome of tbe Law, 28 Then be tooke him in bis armes,and praifcd God, and lay d, ^ 29 Lord, now lletteftthoH thy feruant depart m peace, according to thy m word, 3 ο For 1 mine eyes haue feene thy <> faluatfon, ^""f.ia.j. ieh» 7.2,, 3 Chdftiheheai ottheCliurch, madeiubitftio the Liw, to deli. uerviiromthe curfeo'thsLaw, (as the Name of leius doth well Je. dare^ being cir- cumcifed.aorih ritiSeaadfcaUio i" owoe fleta , tJie crfcum;i(ioa of e/athyi. ί Chap. ι. 3,, "t^tth.i.tx, Lemt.ii.e, 4 Chrift , νροα who«allour(iaf were lajd, being offeied tc God. according to the Law, dorh puiifie Mai y and V» all m hiinfelfe, * This is meant, ' rthefHlfillingif '^l^:forot;.er. 'tdefiieX'a:^.^' cUxiie^hj the birth I 'fihh childe. i / Letteilmeaept \ifedii me. η That i fpeaknh, Λί it was conimtnlj taken loyncd to my fathers, m A\ then prci my very eyes .• for he faro before in mmie , as ,t is fid '■fAbrihan' 'πΤίαΖ'^ ioh Mi uiojced, . Tm, wkeretn fhyfaiuat./n is clnte,net ' ' ^ 3» Which hedeife,ofthe commirgofMef- as widow aboii: fourcfcore , and foure yeercs, and went not out of the Temple.but ferweJ , God with fiflings Sc prayers night & day. 38 She then comoiing at the fame inftant vpon them, confcfled likewife the Lord.& fpake of biiq to all that looked for redemption in Hietufalem. 39 And when they had pertorroed all thirgs.ac- cording to theLi'.v cf the Lord.they retucned into Gahle to their ovvne ci;ie Nazireth. j 40 And rhs child grew , and waxed flrong In ! Spiri'iUand was filled with wifedome.and the grace ! 0! God was with him. | 41 f 7 Now his parents went to Hierafalem, | euiry yeere , J at the feaft of the Piffeoaer. j 4 1 And when hee was twelue yeere olde , and thf y were coiae vp to Hierufalcm, after y cutiome of the fsaS, 43 . And had finifhed the dayes thireof.as they returnad , the child lefus retnaioed in Htirufalero, ' and lofeph knew not , nor his Diother, 44 Bjt they fuppcifjng that he had beene in the 1 coiEpany , went a dayes iourney , and fought him among f^iir kinsfoike , anJ ecquaintance. 45• And when they faund him no:, they turned | backe to Hierufslsco , and fjoght hioa. , 1 45 And it cacce to pafl'ettirce dayes after, that j they found him in the Tetrple, fitting in the irads j ef the doiiloirs , both heai ing them , and asking tiiem q'jeftions : 47 And all that heard him, were aftonied at his vnderftandirgand anfwetes. 4? s Sc wbrn they faw hicn.they were annafed, & his CDothei fayd vnto him.Sonne.why baft the» thus dealt with vs ? behold , thy father and I baue fought tliee with very heauie hearts. 49 Then fayd he vnio thera.How is it that ye fought lue ? knew yee rot that I muft goe about try Fathets buiincs ? ' yo Bat they vndei ftaod not the word that hee fpake to them. 5 1 J Then hee went downe with them , and came to Nizireth , and was fubieft to them : and his mothet kept all thcfe fay iogs in her heart. 5• 2 And Irfjs iccreafed in wifedotne , and fia- ture , and in fauour with God and men. CHAP. Ill, ij/.A» exietteth (o ttfintance.i; His itHtmtny tfChtift. io Herti fittittk him in prsftH. ii Cl!rt,U tsbafiifed. itohntommtih |»- q^, , in"the fif:eenth yeere cf the reigne of oMVof"'« r ίό^ ' *^ Tiberius Caefar , Poniius Pilate being gouer- iouad.tion ofrht Gnfpel wUich i jexiibiied vmu vi.f.iting forth the ttu. oMfr- DgofyLiW,Scfi:tmetfyiaChritt,whi;h cpmmeitaf.tr brn νΓ.ρςί!(ΐ> bip- »ίίιην'ί"*'ί^"*Η l>iM toih of regeBti«tioB »od »lfo ol forgixrentttt of tin 1". f As β fine fit vp !»«« hte fiait ,fei ^11 men tt Uskf'^ tsilfft!nte4AHii m*rkf• ^Efai.t,\4-riim. ,.32. i.» J. . , of Efaias the Propbet.which faith.'•' The voy ce of i , : . him chat crieih in the wildcrnes ii. Prepare 76ώί way of the Lord : roske his paths ftraignt. I y Enety valley fliallbe hiled.and cuery moun- \ tainc and hill iliall be brought low , andcroo'&cii things fhallbe iDade ftraight,and the rough wa;, e» fhnllbe mtde fmooth. 6 And all fliihihallfiecbe faluationofGod. 7 Then fayd he to the people that were cokk outtobebap:iz;dofhirD, κ Ο generations of ν" p:rs,who hath forewarned ycu to See from the wrath to come? 8 Brit^g fooith therefore fru-tes worthy aacn- dement ot i'fe, and beginre not to fay with your fdaeSjWe haue Abrahsrr; to our Father ; for I i»y vr.to you , that God is able cf thcfe (tones to tiif.; vp children vino AbtaHani. S) Now alio is the axe layde vnto the roote cf the trees: therefore euery tree which btingethroc foorth good ft uit , fliallbe hewen downe , and caft into the fire. 10 f Then the people asked bira.faying.What il:all wedothcnf K,W.if.-.i. I Jthn 1, !■> i Hi^u.re κ ihenthM fm, invcuu lutiir inentfiat jmnif.' I And he anfwered.and fayd νι^^ιΒβϋΐ,Α" He ihntis appoit t hath two coa:es , let hira part with him that i'*,V-"*i'' "'" rmcthe cd I that hath two coa:es , let bira part , ^ ^^^ hath none : And he that hath meate, let him dee ,^^,,^"'' pj,,, ' likewife, 12 Then came there Pubucanes aifo robe baptized , and fayd vnto fcim , Maftcr , wbatfi-all we tioe ί 13 And he fayd vnto thero. Ret^utre no mcire then that which is b appointed vnto you. 14 Tiie fouliicts likewi'c demanded of him, faying. And what fliall \\ e doe ? And he fayd vnto them. Dd violence to no man , neither accijc any faifely , and be content with your ' wJgss. I y' ί As the people waited , and all men mufed in their hearts ofTohn.if hee were not that Chrift, 16 lohn aofwered,,".nd fayd to them al!,* In- deed I baptizi you whh water , but one ftronger then I , commeth . whofe fiioces Utcbet I am not w jrthy to vnloofe : he will baptize you with the hcl? Ghoft .and with hre. 17 3 Whofe fanne w in his hand.and hee will rtiiki clcanc his fioore, and will gather the wheatc into his garner , but the cKafle will hee buine vp v-ith fire that neuer Ihallbe quenched. 18 Thus then exhotting with many other thit^gs, he preached vnto the people, 19 .i. ♦ But when Herod the Tetrarch was re- buked ef him ,for Hero.iiis his brother Philips wif2 .and for all the euils which H:rod ha J done, 20 He added yet this aboue ali.that he ihut vp lobninptifon. 21 ^ > Now it ca-re to piiTe, as all the people wcrebaptized.and that Itfus was baptized and did pray , that the heauen was opened : 22 And the holy Ghoft came downe it) a bo- ςϋΐν fli:p' like a doue vpon him , and there wrs a ^ ^' PJd • vc)C'J nth Mi (Λ, i., ■uiOumU. :f we will right• ly.SDd fiu'tfB)?v s tbe fjcta- meoti, we trult neither re:t in the (iir.es, neither iaf him that mioi• (tretb the fi^jnei, bur lift vp oi,r (loCorilt, wfcoi he fuihiurof tbe f«cra "ea'S. aod of that repiffeo- teJ by the {acta- tnenti. ^i.'tr3.ri. M.ttk.>,s I'ly ■ i6.yin.i,; &>.'^■ ΛHi,,,.S (3 19. +, 3 The Gofi'el is th' finoe of the world. Mirk 6 n- 4 I. .bos I'reacbin; ii tonfiirned \v;itt hij death. it were out of the world, into the deferi) after the faftotfourtie dayesisodihe ouercomtiiiog of Saian tbiirc.com• iDiog at it were fuddeoly from h(aueo> begioueth hit offioe• «f Matt 4, 1. Marke i, la. aCbiiftbeingftir. led vp of Satan, firft todilirnit ia God, fecoddly to the Hetire of ricbci 9Mi honour^aod laitt '■» tktweideiCcd * " / voyce fcoin heaoen, faying, Tboa art my biloued ί Sonne : in thee I am well pleafed. 13 f < And lefiis himfelfe began to be about thiitie yeeres of age , being as men fuppofed the fonne cf iofeph , which mat th*fen»i of Eli, 24 T/)f /««««ofMatthat. thtfonn»o{Ltai,tht fonnt ofMelchi ,ii#/«»««of lama ,th$ fount oi Iofeph, ay Tht ftnnt of Meuathias , tA»/oK«# of A- mos.the fenne ofliiaai,thifonnt oiEQi,iht fonnt ofNagge, 26 The fttine oi Math, tht fount of MiKtitbu at , tht fonnt of Semei , tht fonnt of Iofeph , tht fonni of luda, 27 Tht fount of loanna , tht fonnt of Rhefa, iA«y<)nw«of Zorobabel, the fonnt of Salathiel, tht ftnnt oit^en, iS Tht fonnt of Mclcbi, tht fonnt of Addi, the fonnt of Cofsm ,li)«/«B»#of Elmodam, tht fonne of Er, 29 ψ The /e«»«of lofe, tht fonne of Eliezer, tht fonnt of I orim. tht fonnt of Matcbat.r /;(/onn« ofLeui, 30 Thtf'nntoiSioiCoa, tht foant oiluai,tJ}t fonne of Icfepb , the foant of lonan , tht fonnt oi £liacim. 3 I Tht fonnt of Melea , the fonne of Maid an, tht fonnt of titUith», tht fonnt of tiuhiO, tht ftnnt of Dauid, 32 Tht fonnt of lefft,the fonnt o(Ohed,thefen οίΟοοζ,ΐ hi fonnt oiSa.loaiop,tht fonnt oiKaaffon, • 33 The fonne of Ktalazdzbithe fonnt of Aram, tht fonnt of Efrom, tht fonnt of Phaies, tht fonnt oflnda, 34 Tht fonnt of Izzohttht fonnt of IfiiCthe ftnnt of Abraham, tAi /en»» of Thata , tht fonnt ofNachor, 3 J Τ ht fonnt of Suuch.tht fonnt of Rtgzn.tht fonnt of?hi\ec,the fonnt ofEbet,thefonne of Sala, 36 Γ^ί/βΛΜ of Cainan, ?i,ind faft,Hg.,6 Met teaeheth in N»x«reth (0 the jrf/tt ndmiralioM of alt. 14 A Fruphet thai teaeheth toiiis crvne country is eentemned jjObs foffijfed sf the ieutU ,i [ured }S Meters mother inlant ii heeled, 40 *ndd,He,ifickeperf,Hsatereft,tedlo health. 41 The deuiU aekucivledie Chrtft. ANd 'lefusfuUof y holy Ghoft returned from lordan , and was led by that Spirit into the wjldetneife, 2 ♦ And was tAfrifourtiedayes tempted of the deuil,& in thofe daycs he did eat nothing.but when they were ended, he afterward was hungry. 3 2 Thenthedeuilfaydvntohim.lfthoube the fonne of God , command this Sone , that ί( be made bread. 4 Bat lefus anfwered him .faying , It is wric- ten. J That man (hill not Hue by biead onely.but by cuery word of God. f Then the deuil tooke him vp into an high Donntatne , and ihewed him all the kingdomet of the world , in the twinckllngof an eye. to a vaine coafidence af biatTelfe, ouetcomnttb him tfaiifc η 6 And the deuill iayd vnto him, All this « power will I giue thee , and the glory of thofa JfjugJomes : for that is *> deliuered tome : and'o whumfoeusr I will . I giue ir. 7 If thou therefore wilt worflbipmee, they fliallbe all <= thine. a S-i»er,areiheiitni. dime; tnemfeU m^int.xvhichhdue 8 But lefus anfwered him , and fay de , Hence »i ffokeHt'tlefi." from me, Satan: for it i$ written .4 Tfaou I halt 2'"i.-i'^ff'^»;»«. worihip the Lordiby God, and him alone thou /r,,^,^'//^^|^'^°• ihalt ferue. the world ,"αή!ί 9 Then be broBght him to Hierufalem , andF*/"'»"^';• •• and at fet him on a pinacleof the Temple, and fayd vnto^, /^^^'"'j"' '"» him , If thou be theSonoeof God,caa£by felfe r4'e«, Λ^ »λ^ ,/ downe from hence, fntreiuicani there• 10 For it is written, 4 That hee will giue his Γ" '". ^"'f* "»» > I I L , , " \(""ιΙ»Λί he e,iH Angels charge ouer thee to kecpe thee : pue,t ; . wttn 11 And with r/ieirhandesthev ilull lift tbeei«f "".'/. Out ef an high face, which had* fayd 13 vp , leaQ at any time thou ihouldeft daih thy foote againftaftone. v^diy chantp.o. And leius aniwered.and Uyd vnto him.it is cmnttey vndn- , '•' Thou lb all not tempt the Lord thy God. And when the deoill had ended ail the ten- tation , he departed from him for a little feafon. 14 f And lefus returned by the power of the fpirii into Galile : and there went afame of him throughout all the region roundabout: I y For hee taught in theii Synagogues , and was honoured of all men. 16 % i And hee came to Nazareth where hee had beene brought vp , and (as his cuftomc was] Wint into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day,and Qoode vp to tcade. 17 And there was deliuered vnto bim the booke of the Prophet Efaias : and when hee had Ί opened the booke , he found the place , where it was written. 'aih st,he fbexni htnithe fitHAtun 'fall countrejes, * i)f»/. 6,13. and 10. JO. YPfal. 91.1». Dmt. 6.1s. M,t. ij, i4. MmKei.i. l)h» 3 Who Cbrift is, and wherefore hee came, he ihewcth out of the Prophet Efay. d Their beek'i in ihefe dayes were >t!i d 1/p as fcrtln •pen a ruler: and β Chriil vnrslltd, felded pened. ^EfM 611. Familiiritie ufethCbtilt.t, im:s goeth to Itraogerj. Afpraoued thafe ungs, ■wbtch hee lp*K', Witheonmn ifeat and voyce: th.nt 1 8 -k The fpirit of the Lord it vpon mee, be- j^*«* " here c*i caufe he hath aooy nted mee , that I Ibould preach the Gofpel to the poore : be hath fent mee, that I ihould heale the broken hearted , that I ihould preich deliuerance to the captiues.and recouering ['bj"fo°"'c'^'?°'* of fight to the blinde : that I fliould fet at libettie [""'"' '° '"*•■ them that are biuifed : 19 And that I ilionld preach the acceptable yeere of the Lord. 20 And hee clofed the booke , and gaue it againe to the minifter,& fate downe:and the eyesj)'»'"«' land : 26 But vnto none of them was Elias fent. faue into Satepta , a dtie of Sidoa , vnto a certaiae widowe. 27 Alfo many lepett were io Ifrasl. in the tine thylipfei. »Ithn^,oaouri,butalf, un people fent at this ccnferciice of tht Scriptures : and bt^ fides that their t»*- ther ttnque was vfed , faretshivt could the people haue wondred * Taul appointed fit fame order in tho Church at Conntb, iCor. 14. g Words full oflbt mightie power of God,which appte• red, η all hii dotUfi as well, and ailutii men marueiltufly VHlohim.PfalAS.» grace is pcwrei inti ..andoflftAti,t»)i» The more urpely the «voiU ilfi.aat.s,!^. lof 4- Elifeo* the Prophet: yet none of thab|iai wftaiuwns.inurc»^ midedeine.fauingNaiman the Syrian. ^a-,i;,,i-f,o^»h,». ^ 28 ! Then all that »*r* in the Syoagogue.when i» rebukedi' At"'' ihey heard it, were filled with wrath, mote it tageth jp And rofe vp.and thruft him out of the citie, Τϊ'^ίίΓ'^''"'* *«nd icii him voto the edge of the hill, wbereon ot the gedly „ not ^^^^ ^.^.^ ^^ ^^^.j^ ^ ^^ ^^^ j^j^ ^^^ bcadlOHg. 30 Bat be pafiEsd through the loids of them.and fipiply fubica 10 the plearure of the wicked. - iMat,H>3. Κ NUifct t,ij. t Chtift «ftoniO»• eib not onelf men, be they neuer fo blockito, but eaen the deuili «Ifo, whethH therW'" Of.BO. 4< Mats, 14• Burke 1,30. 7 la [bat. that Chtift healetb the difeaftsofthebo- dy wi h hi• wotd onely, hte ptoouetb thacheisGodAl- Blighty, fent for ountUluaitoa. * Matte t.Jf. ;» Satan, whouS» coDCiDuall ^emic to the tfueibi it not to be hratd.no not then, benke fpeakach etiaeth. 9. 'No colour of Male ought to hia(ier vt in the t.a:eoruDf vo- went bis w^, 3 1 f J Ahd came dowoe into Capcroauni a ci- tis of Gallic , and there uught them on the Sab- bath dayes. 32 ■'• And they wereaftooiedathis doSrine: for bis word was with autboritie. 33 » And in the Synagogue there wai a man «bicb bad a fpirit of an vncleane deuili . which cried with a loud voyce, 34 « Saying,Oh,wbat haue we to doe with thee, thou lefus of Nazareth i art thou come to deftroy vs ? I knoA e who thou att , *utn the Holy one of God. 3 y And lefus rebuked him , faying , Hold thy peace,8c come out of him.Then the deuil throw- ! ing himinthemiddes»/f*ife,cameoutofbim, 1 and hurt him nothing at all. \ 36 So fiare came on ihem all.and they fpake among themfelues.faying. What thing is this i for with authoritie and power bee commaaodctb the foule fpitits, and they come out » 37 And thefame of bim fpreaJ abroad throngb- out all the places of the countrey round about. 38 ί ^ 7 And he rofe vp.and came out of the Synagogue.and entred intoSiffions boufe. And Si- mons wiues mother was taken with a great feuer, and they required him for her. . l r 39 Then be ftooJ ouer her,and rebuked the te- ncr. and it left her.tnd iromediatly ihee arofe,and miniftredvnto them. 40 Now at ihe Sunne fetiirg.all they that had ficke/».'^^»/ of diuers difeafes , brought them vmo jhim.antl he Uyd his bandts on euery one of thena, and healed them. 41 X- ''And deuiis alio came out of many, cry^ ing.and faying.Tliou art thai Chtift that Sonne of God :but he rebuked them.and fuffered them not to fay that they knew him to be that Chrift. i 41 9 Andwhenitwasday.hedepatted.&went foorth into a defartplace. and the people fought him. and came to bitp. & kept him that he fcould not depart from theiD. „ . , „ ,<- 43 But hee faid vnto them. Surely I muft alio preach the kingdomeofGod to other cities : for therefore am Ifcnt. 44 And hee preached in the Synagogues of Galile. C Η A P. V• Chriil teathnh tut >ftht jbij>. 6 (jfthtirttuiht cffij). ,2Tht Lfier.^6Ckr,fi pr»uth inthe itfert.J^OnefcKt off a Ihtlc from tbe'land : and he Gite downe, and i taught the people out of the Hiip. 4 f Now when hee had left fpeaking.hefaide vnto Simon , Lanch out iato the decpe , and Isi dowoe your nets to make a draught. y Then Siiooo anfwered, and faide vnto himi ^ MaSer, we bane trauailed fore all nighr.and haue taken nothing : aeuettbelcffe at thy word I will let downe the not. 6 And when they had fo done.they enclofed « great multitude of fiflies . fo that their net brake. 7 And they beckened to their parteners .which , were in the other ihip.that they lliould come and heipe them , who came then , and filled both the fliips , that they did finke. 8 Now when Simon Peter faw it, be fell downe at lefus knees,faying.Le)rd,goefroinine-.forI ao • finfbllmao, ... , „ . 9 For hee was vtterly ailonied , and all that were with him, for the draught of filbe» which theytooke. , I ο And fo was alfo lames and lohn the fonnet ofZebedeus.which were companions withSimon, Then lefus faide vCto Simon , Feare not : from henceforth thou ihalt catch men I I And when they had brought the ftiips to land , they forfooke all , and followed bim 12^4•» Now it came to pail'e, as hee was in « certaioe citie, bebolde, th$r* b»4/ a tran full ofle- profie, and when hee faw lefus, he fell on bis face, and befonght bim, faying, Lord, if thou wilt.tbou canftmakemecleane. 13 So be ftreichcd forth his hand.and touched him.fayicg,I will.be thouclcane.And immediatly the leptofie depated from him . 14 And be commanded him that he ilwold tell u] no man; but.G0e.r4uA ^«.and Ihcw thy fclfe to :o h The reerifiitii- itth bimth*tk4tt tutt tutr any Mat.4.,<3. Bwrke i,i« Λ £);ΛΛ5 «I «)«i tbtrifnt bt t Ltuitbe'Puhlirant. 34 TkefaJliKH And afil/a.om ,f the Apt/lies «[•'rCh,,fles»fienfir 3«.37. 3S Fxtnt htarttd &wt»Kt iifciftts tiitmi:! end vrorne garments. ,lih Τ Hen ' ψ it came to paffc.as the peoplc'preal- fed vpon him to hearc the word of God.that heftoodbythelakeofGennefaret, 2 And fawe two iTiips ftand by the lakes fide, but the filhcrmen were gone out of ihem.and weie WJtV'ing their nets. , , λ.• \.• u 3 And hee entred into one of the ihips.wbich ,,m, ft defirtHS the} wtrt fftt bim,»»i btatt him. liivfinl niihttb: oe . accordiog it no man; but.tjoe./4UA A»,and Ihcw thy Idle to ίο the L.we, by the Prieft.and offer for thy cleanfing, as J Mofes ^^^,'^™;;.,, hath commanded .for a witneffe vnto them. „ooouDced to be 1 Γ jBut fo much more went there a fame abroad pure md deane. of him. and great multitiides came together to *^j;;[, '.tk*;,- beare.and to b= healed of bim of their irhrmines. |^^^ ,^ ^e famou. 16 Bjt he kept himfilfe apart in the wildetnes, by hi. doanoe. , , * iheoby mitaclei, and prayed. . ,od therefore be 17 f 4ABditcametopaae,onacertaineday. j,p„„,t,fvom as bee was teaching.ihat the Pbarifes 8c dottours -,^,,^ th.t f«ke of tbeLawfate by . which were cot^out of cue- ^^■-^-j";^;-" ry towne of Galile. and luica, and Hiernfaletn, ^',;",. .te'LuU.out and the power of the Lord ' was in him . to healc ρ f.ia.tion. ' I4 Cbdit, in healiDgi ' TS'••• Then beholde.men brought a man l>-ing|^_i™;^\»;^'^-|f^,,i,^ in a bed . which was taken with a paUie . and tbey .jhevveih the ca^fe fought meaoes to briog him iD,and to lay bim be- !°f;;|^'/^;f" • "^ fore him• ^ ,, > ^tThemightie 1 Q And when they could not find by what way ^„„ ,f ch„/lts tbey might bring bim in . becaufe of the preaffe, \Gf''d f,nv.i Ti wfnt vp on thehoufe.andletbimdo«^ek^'/--*-.« through the tyling.bcdand all.in the mtdsbctoie ... jw^t.j.a. lefus \merKti,}• 10* And when he faw their faith.hee faid vnto! him . Man .thy finnes are forginen thee. 1 1 Then the Scribes and the Pbatifes began to, reafon, faying. Who is this that fp«ketb blafpbe^ mies } Who can forgiue finnes , but God onely .' 2 2 But when lefus perceiued their reafonmg^ hee anfwered.and faid vnto them. What leafon ye uH*ur hearts? . . „ r . iTwhether is eaGer to fay .Thy finnes are for eiuen ibee . or to lay , Rife and walke » .^r^-^^^.-^^^-m^ } The Cburch 11 scompaayofiia. r;is ihiough (he grace of Chtill iiai!t, which |uct with him, e grtat of- fence of rh« proud and enuioui Worldlingi. V Malt. 9 14, Markix. 1 3. 6U it chepoiac of birpocriiri and ignoitnt men to put an boliDeU'e in falling, 2αλ ia thingi indifferent. 7 LaΛ•es generally madewitbout anr conlideiition of circujnltancei, fnt falling an;! other thing• of lihe fort, ate not occ- ly tytann^ri» , bjt very burtfull ia thi Ccurcta. t Mut 11.1. ilitKe t , »ί- Ciiri; Ihe^- ;«ialt ι ::elui.e ifle.:bat hsch iuthcriiie tofo^giue lianes ia car:h,(Ke i,U v.-ito the ficke of the [allie) I lay to thee . Λ- rife : taks vp thy bed , and j^oe into thine bouf;. 15 And icDineJiitly hee roie vp before thcra, and tookc vp I'ii bid wlureon he lay , and depar- ted to bis υ\νπί houf;, iira'fisg GoJ. i6 And they were αΊ atDaled,& praifcd God, aid were filled withf;are, fawng.Djubtlsil'e wce baue feene ftrange thiogi to day. 27 f κ ί And after ihat.hi went fjfth and f:.» a Publicjne niaaed Len'.,fic::ng a: the ricei: cf ca- ftoma , and fdid vnto hicu , Follow roe. 28 And he left all, rofe vp, and bllowad him. ip Then Leui made him a great feaft in his owna houle, wherethere was a or<;>u company of Publicans, and cf other that lite at tabliwitb them. 30 Biit they that were Scribes and Pharifes among them , murmured agniiit his difcipk's.fay- ir.g , Why cate ye and driiike y ee wi:h Publicans andfinners? 3 1 Then lefus anfwered.and faiJe vnto tbcro, They that ire whole.needc not the Phyfician.buc they that are ficke. 3 i ^ I came not to call the righteous, but fin- Ders to repent^^nce. 33 f •.• < Then they faiJ vato him.Why do the d'lcipks of iohn ίαϋ of en .and pray .and the dff i- fles of the Pcaiifts alfo, but thine eate Sc drinkei 34 rAndhcef.idvntothera.Canye mike the children of the wedding chaoaber to f^ft , as long as the bridt grome is wuh thec:? 3 $■ But the day ts will come , euen when the bridegrome lliallbe taken away fiom thtm ; then n^zll they faft in thofe dayes. 16 Ag«ne hee fpake alfo vnto them a parable. Να man puttetb a piece of a newe garment into an o!de veflure : f )r then the newi rentcth it , and the piece tal^n out of the newe , «gteeth not with the olde. 37 Alfo no man powreth new wine into olde v^li'cls, for then the new wine will breaks the vef- jils,ind it will run out.and the veffcls will periln: 38 But new wine tDuft be powred into new vcf- fils : ίο both are preferued. 39 Alfo no man that d.inketh old wini,ftraight- way defjreth new : for hee faith, The olde is mote ' profitable. C Η A P. V I. i t Thedifciplei pitS the fires ofccrne an the Snbinth 60 f him that hid λ withered heinii i}The eleciuH eftheA' ftfllei.io The bi'ifings aiiUctrfes.2jWte nmfi loue cm tt.fniei. 46 With whit frutt the rvirdcj God litcte heard. ANd « 1 it came to paCTe on afecond folcmne Sabbith, that he went through y cornefitlds, and his difciples » plucked the eares of come, and did eate , a nd rub them in their hands. vtrj Sabbitb.wa» r j: giuio tube '.rpt without trx- <•-ρ:ίοιι : much IitiTe that the fal- u uion of nao lbi>utJcocrill in t6e oUfA'ord ke:• pinjofir. - iiEpiphantm Kotei* ■well Dihii trtatife.-i 'here hee 7:ncked the rani »/" r.e cf jtookkjhd ate tV il«wbread,and gjue alfo to their 'whicfl were wish him , which was not liwfuii ta ea-e. but for the •*• Priefls onely ? y And hee faid vnto them , Tbs Soaae cf ma: isLcrJ alfo of the Sibbatb day. 6' τ § •» It carae to pafie alfo on another Sab bati', that b;e entted into theSynagogue , anc tavght.and there was a mm.whcfe rijj.n hand was du'ed vp. 7 And the Scribes and Phariftrs watched him, whether bee would heale on the Sabbctb d*y, th&t they iri^ht finds an accufa'.ion agai^fi b\m 8 But he knewa their thoughts , and faideto the lean which had the witliered hand ..Vifc.anei ftande vp in the middes. And hee arofe.and floods vp 9 Then faide lefus vnto them, I will ask; you 2 i^jtftion , Whether is it lawfcll on the Sibbath day es to do good, or to do euill » to fiue lifi.or to •> deftroy ? 10 And hee behelde them all in compafle, and faid vnto the mm. Stretch footth ihiae hsnd. And hee did ib . and his hande was rcftored againe , as whole as ibe other. 11 Then they were filled full of madneife, and communed one with aaothcr.wbat they might do to lefus. 11 f 3 Anditcametopi£feint'aofedaye$,that hee went iLt ο a mountaioe tu pray , and fpent the night in prayer to God. ] 3 And wh:n it was day,'•' hee called his difci- plis, and of them heechols twelue.v/hich alfo hee called Apoftlts: 1 4 (Simon whom hee named alfo Peter, and Andrew bis brother , lames and Iohn , Philip and Batilemew, I ,- Matthew and Thomas , lames thefonne of Alpheus , and Sirton called Ztlous, 16 ludas lames ^roiwer, and ludaslfcariot, wliich aU'o was the traitocr) 1 7 Then he came downe with them, and QooJ in a plaine place with the company cf his difci- ples, and a great multitude of people out cf all lu- dca.and Hierufalem.and from ihs'^fea cosii cfTy- lus and Sidon,which came to heare biii,and to be healed of their difcifcs: 1 8 And they thai were vexed with foulc fpirits, and they were healed. 19 And the whole muliitndefocght to touch him : for there went virtue out of bim.and healed theni all. 10 ί κ + And he lifisd vphis eyes vpon his dif- cipIcs,andfaid,BleiTed bt jeepoore : for yours is tbekingdomecfGod, 2 1 -k RIeffed 7 f ■» ί But Sabbath dayes 3 Then lefjs anfwereJ tbem.and faiJ.iir Haue yee not read thii,that Dauid did when he hirt felfe was an hungrcd , and they which were with bim, 4 Haw bee went into the houfe of God, and leth Xhisu.thnt the time , when the difciflti If re»n tfvnleancnedbtead.-Ninv^Takerees hifefea/festthith wetehpi >nan} dajes toiether . as thefeaiicfT-iler- uifl , »*d the Pafiei'ter, their firfl Λλ) aad their ΙλΠ vpere of like folemnitie, -.if.aj• ii^f dijailteth thelxft diy the fictr.d Sabbath, thtitgh TlieefhtUit .UfiiAtiitih if ^; »Άΐ hUu efihtm.ih it fiiUv/td thefi'/i. ^ i.S^m.xi.i, d Caftytit tut of h'ir Syna^tgUiS, IS UhitexpcunJeit 1,16.2 which is ke fi.rpefi ρ,Ηφ- Vint the Church hith,,ffclethe . XElders lud^e ri^ht» _ nXb'y the 'word tf God, « Leaps (is eattell , whieh are l>ri• uenitr f ticked^ f»t exceeding i»;. ♦ Amts~6,i, fThatis,y»regpt tio-iv of your riches, αΰ thecniniiditie andbltifimsyiits ere euerlike to ^\ haue, an d tbeuftll Icoke fi reveard: •.•£/Λΐ,<ί.ΐ3 l«f »«»(«. it ^or««v.»ft»-Kas ^^L^^ri? ί 4• ί Bat I fay vnto you which heare, Loue ^nap / Phic' age u.o enen [,r, gtieuoui ,., and thai Faihci• , which is in iUen:to fane i( ..from fteking it >woep>ofi[ ia lojag well. :• , Corin.tf.r• «Mat 7, '2. ^ Mat. J. 4*• r What IS then i» thtsjcurwe^e, 'hat ist» ie accim»- tctk'tihAue om- mtiiiie i} i«ei»?i \teh thtft i.mmo- iities , which ate tommiitiiei in- ieide .■ Uite yur tii/mtfi , enifoyiit ^aQpiwtttke tvonU ihal)ott [coJfee fer thtfi f em- ncdities , which comt fftm Goi. * Mat.^.4a. deut.rf,8. hWhmjtuvill lend.dit »< oHelJtt benefit ana pica- furervithnll.ani net fer hepe te re• teiue the frincifnll egvrte. * Mat ;,4i. ^M*t7.>• 6 Brotherly re• prehenfioD muft not proceed of ctt• riofitie.oor chut- liiboefre,Qor ma- lice, but they muft be iult,niodcratei and louiog. i Hr fpetketh ttet here of cimtl indge. mentSy is therefere bythevreiie , {t'- giue, nmeunt ihxt geednaiHre, which the ChriflUm tfe in(uffniH»iii ftrdtning wrings. V Mil 7.». tnatke4,a4. k Thefearebc- rewfd kifde of fftachti tA'ffr» them wkichvie le netfure lirt lAie^s, aictjtie anifuch lih.who-vfeA franke k ni >f i"- (ir.g therein, and thruft itdowne ant fbike It te%fth. etutfreS^ 1 hen frit. • 7 VoiltilfuU oue j U. 1 11. J ne uentuujyi, taltn. 5y : and yout enemies: doc well to them which bate you, 28 Blefi'e them that curfe you , and pray for themv\hich hurt you 29 J Ar.d vnto hiir. that foaiteih thee on the ene ehceke,offer aifo the ottHer : • and him that tzketh away thy ςIoake, forbid not i# tal^ thy coate alfo. 30 Giue to eaery man that asketb of thee : and of iiim that caketh away the thingi th'at bt thine, aske them not againe. 3 1 jt And as ye would that men fliould doe to you, fo doe ye to theiD likewifj. 3 2 A• For if > ee loue them which loue yon, % what thanke Hull y ee haue ? for euen the finaets loue thofi: that loue tbem. 3 3 And if y ee doe good for thetn which doe good fw>r yon, w'^at thanke fliail ye haue J for eacn the finneis doe the fame. 34 * Andifyciendroifc#>wofwhomyc hope eorccciue, what tbar.ke Itall ye raue? fureuxn the finner» lerJ to fir.ners , to receiue the like. 3 f Whetefoie lous yee your enemiet.and doe gjod, and lend, *> loukirg for nothing againe, and youf rewar-l ilijilbegreat.and ye ihail be the chil- dren of -afure ofhisheattbrirgeth foo-th euilhfor of theatjoundance of the beatt bis mouth fpeak-.th. 46 f « But why call ye me Lofd,Lord,and doe not the thii^gs that I fpcake ? 47 «β Whofoeugr cotrmeth to mee, and hea- reth my wotds.and doth the iame,l will fliew yooi° >rfl fti>i to whom he is hke: 'ή'»: !;:?ίο'ΐί;.. 4» He is like a man which built an fcoufe.and rem falfe ι digged deepe.and layd the foundatioo ot5 a Jccke: ^''ntd. & when the waters arofe, the flood beat vpon that houfe.and could not lliake it : for it was gtounded vpon a rct-ke. 49 But hee that heareth and doeth not , is like a man that built an houfe vpon the earth without foundation , againft which the flood did beate, and it fell by and by : and the fall of that hcufe was great. CHAP. VII. 1 OftheCentariemftriitnt. 9 The Cenluriens f»ith. iirheWidcTvei fmntraifti \icmiiaih aiNaini^Ieh» [enieth hii diftiflei tt Chiilt. 33 Hn ficHUtr kmdef Imtng. 37 The fiitfiiU woman rcjlbeihltfui fete. t- Mat.S.f. Cbriliadmtci• he ih the Icwrt, >f the CentutiuD, hat for theirob- tioacicand lefeeU ioD,be will got» be Geoiilei , WHen -f ' he had ended all his fayii gs in the audience of the people , hee entreJ into Ca- pernaum. l r . <• ζ And a ceruine Centurions fertiant was fi.ke ['b^.^.x.mpk and ready co die , which was deare vnto him. 3 And wnen beheatdoflefus , be fentroto him the Eldcis of the Ie%vei , beieccbing him that he would come, and beale his feiuant, 4 So they came to lefus , and befought him ir.ftantly.iaying that he was worthy that be Ibould doe this for him : y For he loueth, fayd they, oat nationrand he hath built vs a Synsgugue. 6 Then lefus went with them : but when hee was now not farre from the houfe . the Centurion fent friends to him . faying vnto him, Lord, trou- ble not thy felfe : for I am not worthy that thou ibouldeft enter vnder my roofe: 7 Wherefore I thought not my felfe worthy to come vnto thee : but fay the >;jid, and my fer• uantfhail be whole: j 8 For I lik. wife am a man fet vnder aathotity, | and haue vndet mee fouldiers,and I fay vnto one, j Goe , and hee goeth : and to another , Come, an J ι he commetb; and to my feruant.Dje tbis.and liee | " leth it. .1 j 9 When lefus heard tbefe things,he maweiled at bim,and turned him,and fayd to the people that followed him, I fay vnto you, I baoe not found fo great faith , no not in hiael. 10 And when they that were fent.tUined backs to tl^e houle,tbey found the femant tbat was ficke, *vhole. f c u ^- -~• 1 1 » And it came to paffe the day after,thit he >peoiy bis powtr went into a citie called» Nain.and many.of hii ciif- Ι^'^^.^;*')"^ ^^^ cipleswentwith him, and a great multitude. Γ, _ "«^ 1 2 Now when hee came neete to the gate of the citie, behold,thete was a deaS man caried out ! Cbrift ikouclich \f» lewne in Ca- tle,whichw»i fi- nite en the ether botbthcmfeiuei ud other : foi fuch ■s the mailer is, fuel uibeivholle-. ίί Mat.ij.H. <■ Mat 10.14 lohnia.ii ani if ,ao. * Mat. 7,3. 8 Hypocrite• , which aie v.er» ftueie lepreheatier» ofo;her, «te ve:y quicke of fight to fpie other men» fajlti.biu veiy bliod .0 fte ihtir owue. ψ Mat.?. '7• 9 He ii a goo^ maa,noi that it -Itilfull 10 tepiebentl oLher.but bee that prooueth hisvpiigbicDriTeiBWotdaaddecae, ± Mai.i»,jj. ν Mai. 7,16. ^ Mat, ,at, 4i'theonelybegottcflfunneofc.is mother, ?^/,,7<,^»ίο'»ί.Γ/<4 which was a widow , anj mucb people of the cxw^fCiltU. was with her. 13 And when the Lord f jw hcr.hee had cooi- paffion on her, and fayJ vnto her, Weepe not. 14 And hee went and touched the coffin ("and they that bate him. itood ftill) and he fayd .Yoog man , I fay vnto thee , Arife. I y And he that was dead , fate vp.and began lo ipeake , and he delioered him to his mother. 10 Then there came a feare on them all .and they gloiified God.faying.A great Prophet istifce among v»,and God bath vilited his people. 17 And this rumour of hie wet» fo'"'"' '" ψ^fmmmιψui ΐϋΐιπτπτ ^Λ^ UKCi w uixian waiaicii^ rowa-Jt a.i ;uJea,and thorowoat all :he region rouad about . 18 3 Andthedifciplesoflohnilvjwedbiaaof tliifi things. iq Si ionn called vnto him two certaine men of hi; Jifciples. and fent thsmto lefns, fa ing.Art that Ihoul I coma , or ihill wee wau for : ro!.ws d,f. Chyij}. d To their owne ^ Vat.n, eth in cffti jicncu nwmf•;! 5-1 η ■rvvith'.P.n, f!s thy fiCe, \νί".ίώΠ:ι«11 prepare thy way before tiiee. ' 2? For I fat vnto yoa. there is ro greater Pro- p-set t lei Jo^in, among tnera that ire l>egotten cf woran : neu"ithele •<:, he t!"a is.tbe kitt in ibe kr"'gdott)e of Γ >d.ij gtcater ihtn he. 19 Then all the people that heard, and the Vublicahcs ' iu'iihcd God , being baptized wiitl thebip-ifTncof .ϋηπ._ 3 ■> Bar t^e Pnatif s and the expounders of the Luv difp.fcd the con d-u of G jd i agiiiift tbem- fcl.itS.ancJ a^tre ηο< bip iz^dofidtn ^i ^ ! And the Lord (a d.Whsrevnto fiu!! I liken the men ofthisgtuietation ί aadw&ii •■hirig aitt'ney lite vnto•? 3:λ "iliey are like pnro litde chHdreri ii!t;iig ίο themy'Ker place , ai'.n crying one to anotner, and fayijgVvVe raiepiiied vntu yo:i.ind yee haue not c'a>?ced : we haaec^curned no yoa ■ and yee haue u wepti 33 Tor fohn Bjptifi came neither eating briad, nor diinki'g vwpe : and ye iay.Ss hath the Uecill. 34 The Sonne of (!;a'i is con:'e,andea:eth,and dfti'keth ; and yee fiy , Bjhold , a rran which ύ a glutton, and adfinker of wine , a friend of Fubli- Cin»s and lir-neTs: 3i Bat wifiomeis ii>ftifi;dof «Uher chudren. 36 f « And one of tnePharifesdelired Ijira that hr^ woiild'eate whr him:and he went into the itjatifes hoiife.and fatedowne at tabl-, 37 And beheld ,a wotnsn in the ciiie . which was ζ fnnes , wWen flife knewthat kfi-'sfatc at t»Me in thffyfcarift'.s houfe. Hies brought a box: cf oimmtiin, 38 ■-■ And Πιεε Soo J at his feete behind him wcepjcg, and began to vyaili nis f.-ete with tetres, IDj and kiffeJ his fccte , and anoieted tbetn With the^ettCl ointment. 39 7 Now whet» the Pharife wlich ba ie. hiir, faw ii,he fpike within hia.fjlfe ,fay ing,! f this rr,an were a Piophst . bee would furely haue knowen who, and w.iat raaner of woman tbis is which io«- cheth him : « fo; ihc is a finner. =* A'^'''.'*'^ 40 8 And Ttf:sanfweredandfaydvntobiro. j*^ Simon, I haue foctiewbat to fay vato thee. And hee faid.Mdfter, fay on. 4 1 There was a certsine lender which had two debters : the one ought fine hundieth pence .-and the otiicr fifty: 42. When they had nothing to pay.heforgiiie them both : Which ofihc.Kuhcrcfoie.telirot.wui lout hini tuoft » ^3 SimOii aufAtcred.and f;id,l fuppofe that he, to whotB h» fogaue tBoG. And hefaij vnto him. Thou baft truely in Iged. " 44 Then he tu.ned to the woman, and fjid^n- to Simon , S;eft thou this woman ? I entred into thiue hcuie , and thoa gaut-ft me no wa^er to my fitte : but fhec hath wain;;d tuy feete uit'o tea/cs, and wipsdthem with the haires of her head, 4i ThougaueS tne no kiiTa : but Ihe.fiuc• the tifne I ciroe iD,ba;b ncrccifed to kiffemy fecte 46 Mint head with oyle thou άϋδ not anuim: but Ih• hath anointed nsy feet with ointmept. 47 Wnerefore I fiy v;ito thee, many finnes are f:ir(',iuen her: 'for lh;loued much. Towhooia little is forgiuen.hedcrh Ivjue a little, 48 And he fayd vnto her .Thy (iLincs are fot- giucn the 49 And they that fate at table with hiiii,bf'gaa to Uy within theaife{:ies,Wno is this that cue for. gi^ieth (iimesf y ο And he fayd to the waKiaD,Th) f.iih hath faued thee: % goe io peace, ft/He .• for Chififu)t'n η .f as tl.i Phaiifes diijh.U ^>ew* < ef-htr Itfepaji a,r firgwett hi. "j Ht cm^.ymeib ■flotvei -Wit*: ainjpng Ch.fifa)lhn, >ΐφ ΐΙΐΛί t'.i JIUH-' fit jphuh ht haiht C Η A leofthe'Uwer. 10 nhrrn. ii He nbi Ji'U.l, witncBiV tir.iffionof liiH,\ iT<,»t,i,f>,th "■■,eoph)//ic} , [be ith «bundattiy.• tUM cf Β tfttjme iith. Hi ttat 1vc,hi,'.Kch,hith ii^cn foritutii him, hat ht m ■]/ iaue nuchm.t. : ΛηΛ thtrrfcre Cb:i/ts (A}t»i\n [0 μ^.-.Μ ty the fiir.tlittiie, thet II IS a vrendef i*f thi enm^es at .ht tru'ih draw «driteKc ih.ifUce >^ fou., u ,it.ii:,fi ν.ΓΑίί : /cr the %ie.\trr[nmm; Λ haih firgtuen themreht Ihh.m.hit hA-.h iroiifnnaa. l>,m. yt'iU thi.wjra.y, !iuw. Harcg't/ti the ■;Tf:ibi}i ihetnTtHf. 19 C^ιr: hii.eth the Winds. 26 C .i Chnfr. 41 -.rr , .UUueted [nm -.he ifr, iTht 57 T'ie CJdareites r ΙϋΛί'ά. 43 Tbf vDcr.i'ii dtlmeted (t-.m -.he φ<( of nUU Si W'tpini fiithcde.ii. Λ Nd it amc lo paili afterward.that he hiirfciri ** went tiirougb tnet y citit 8c towr.e ρ cachirig aod puibiiiliing the kii'gdciac of Go^ , and the twslue α•/η with hiin, 2 And ceriaine wori>en , wlii^H were healed of eiiii! fpirits , and ictifraiiies , *j 4• Mary which was called Mig;!alcne , out of whom went fcaen deuils, 3 And loanna thewifeofCiuzi Herodsee- wafii.andSalanna.Sc miny otner wuich iBiiMBred vioto him of their fubftaifCe. 4 J ' New when much peophVere gathered togethejf.and were cosne v.)to him oiu of sil cities, hei'pakeby aparabh. y A towsr wen: cut to few-; his f:ede .and as be (bwed,fo(ne fell by the way fide, βηβ it was troden vndet feete , and the foulcs of heauin ck• noured it vp. 6 And fome-.fcli on t!ie Denes, atad when it W3S fprimg vp, it withered awaVibccauie it lacked nnoJilneflV, 7 And lomj fell atcorg thorneSjand ihe ibornes ip'argiypwithit.aRdchOiitedJt. ' % Md ibsMfdl on^ood £icoiid j soij ψ Eng f MiiitiK^j, t> Tame fowto bi-rbrongh tiED tbxca.th»i< ;1? •i^ rriius te^l^r> "f^u?.*fan hunJretb fol Je. kni as he I che wind.s and mter anU rtcy obey Lim "/ *-iiiS^Cr ;: „.^ _ .• ^,.. , „,, ,,.,. b,,h earcs to z6 f * So they t.ikJ vnco the vcgi I <1^ί/V fftitiji rtr* may Bvl 4i T/'ifXii tifit.ti -IS ffirtrb as fee JAj i» mr Ungue, to hM Λ ntiOi feati. <$< Efai.S, 9. nuit. itfti 2S,2lS, J Mit.iJ.t- Kithi) h.'»t htxn C The) C, •»<."-' r.'/r lyuttkntiifi fArlfc indeed: fj tint IhtS ■χ,ο,ά, Hitteil.refp' ticihthettiirfara life, xnAthe T.tri, itUnrefer.edt, thei^viiifacf the mi'de. t W't'' »>*<■'' '"'•'•' ftr the deaiU ani the Ιΐ€β, Plh» αΐ»,ΛΛ me fftrtt •, OcdyVhtihts* nnv ^heii. vCh.p.ii.iJ. niii.y, '!■ m^ike 4 >i. a Tbii thtt utary nao bjitb ie<.eiu>:i IDi'tiuve. he oujbt to beilo^ v^o itie vie »n.-i pro• ft-sofillm-n. Mit 10, li. m«ike4 1». chip.. 1.2. «re loil witb ci• g»rdiic«ir-;«oΐβ\. i^'G crUJ, Hee «liac hath earcs to I.^Mx hicD r.care, 9 Tbiti his tiifcipksaslieJhini.deaandirg wi'.atpariblethatwaj. 10 AnJ he fai .'.Vino you κ is g-uan re knows the * fcacts of tt.e kingdorae ot Goi , but to cthet in pirablet.ihat wher.^ they fee.thKy ihould not fee, and whenihcy heatc.thcy ibouU not vd- π § The parable isthis.The fee Je is the woiu oi GoJ : . ^ , , 1 1 And they that «re befi-le the way .are trey th»: heare : afterward ccipmeth the ucuill.and ta- kcih iWi| the wotJ out of iheii hea:is, liait they ItoulJ baituc.and be iaaed. 1 2 But thev that are on the Booes . art they wVi.i» whtn tboy hme hea-d.rectiue f word vuH iov : but th2y hsueno rootes : w.Mcfi for a wbils btle'ue.bm in the tixe of t£n:a:ioD goc away. 14 And that W'ichfcll araong tho.-ocf .are they whiclibaui heard .a:idafcer b th-.ir depa.ure arc chokiJ with cares and wish >icnes.aad voiuptuous !iuing.a^J' bring foorth no fra-.t. I ,- Bar thit uhUh fiU in good g'ound.are they which wi h aTi tioncft and §ooa heart hfare the word . « aoa keepe it. and bring foor:h f.uii: with ^"iTi "'••■ ' No tBan when he hath Tghted a can- dle . coutreih it vn-Jer a veHcll . niitr.cr puatth it vaJer the bed. but fetteth it on a caodlclticke.that tbey ikat enter in.may f;e the l.g^r. 17 » Foi oothin}', is iecet.tha. iha.l t^o be euu dent: neither any thirg hidde . that Iball not be kiiowen.and cotsse to lignt. 1 g 3 Talte ^ neede thei:cfjre bow ye hea'c : for •Λ- whofoeu;r hath.tobim foallbi g'uen: and who- ibetici hitl» not . frotn Utn HallDc t.kiu eu:n that g which it feeiueth that be hatb._ 10 r * 4 Then: ca oe to biffl his mother and bis brethren, and could Bo: come liiete co him fji '^ αΓ aS it was told him by certainty>\^\cz faid. Thy mother and thy brethtsn ftand wr.bsat . ana would ίί Λ thee. ,^,, , ,, B.K he aufweted , and faid vntot^em , My Caf,(l by bit V poiowd, to^ JuU mrnficmiKr \^. '"='>•"''*■«< \ bat foulilli ?, .«. will not fjr ib tr''*o nioi [uiirtilfei?"• 21 he &my brethren are tbefe which hearc the word of God . and do; it. 11 r .{. f And itcametopiffeonacertame dav.that he went into a A^ip with his rf'f>^'Pl«;»">^ he fail vnto them , Let vs goe oaervnto the other fide of the laki. And they lanched forth. 23 And as they failed . hee f.ll » aileepe . and thcue came downeaftotraeofwmdeootnelake. and i they were filled Wth water . and were in 'ΤΓ Then they wentTohiro. and awoke hiir, favi e . Matter .MaRer. we periib. And he arole. and rebuked the wi,ide .and the wauis if water: andthevceafcd.anditwascilrae. _ 2c Then he fai Jevnto them. Where IS yotir f.ith'and thev f.ared.^nd wondered »»^o['g^hf ^J f .lu;s. fayii'^g. Who is this that cotomaodeth bot» i6 ♦ * So they kilidvn:o the region cf the ^^^^ Gidarcnes . wr.ich is ouer againtl Galilj. 17 6 And as hii w;nt oii: to laud , there roet hln a certainc man our of the ciiic , which bad deuiisbng time, and he ware no garoient.neithcr aboade in houfe.but in the grants. z% And When he faw I dus, hee cried our.and f-.ll downe before him . 5c witb a loud voyce faid, What haue I to doe wi:h th'ee.lefus the fonneoi God the moS High? 1 bifescb thee toimeni mc 29 For he conMnanJeJ the foule fpirit to coroe om of the man: (for ofc times hee had cacgnt liiu : therifjte hee was bound with chaines.and kept in fntert : but he braks the banJi .i* aod was cisied of ihe deuill into wilJcrncffes) ?o Then Icfos asked hiro.fay ing. Wbw is thy name? and he"faiJ, Legion . btcaufo iMuy deuils were enrred iiKo hino. 3 1 And they befijught him.that bt; would ncl co^ccand ihem to goe out into the dec pe • 3 1 And there was there by an neard of man fwme f:eding on an i^ill : and toe JtuUs bcLcg• 1 hi.D , trat bee would fa£f;r them to cntei ii.to them. So he fuifered them. 33 Then went the deuils om of the can ,ard enired into the fwinc : and the he«d was ciiicn! with violence from aftjepedowue piace ituo φ< lake, and was ctoiked. 3 4 When the heardroen fawc w.ut was Jone^ they fled: and when chey were depatted.they iM itioihecitieandinthecountrey. 2 Γ Then they came cut to f;e what was docp. and cams to lefjs. Sc found the tran.otit of whort the deails were d-parted .frting a: the l;ete ot Irfas.cioaih<;d.& in bis right mind:ind l.iey were * '36 They alfo which faw it, tolJethsmby what luean.. s be that was poilcfled v.l± the deuill . was healed; , . . /- , i7 Then t'-.e whole tEuUmide otthecooo- tre/abour the GaJarenes . tefoi'ghtl.i.n that hee wiuli d.p.rt from them: for thev were rikeii with a great feare : artd be went into the Γι-.ii..and ^''^rThen the tran,ont of whotn the cfeuils were departed ,btfϋu^ht him that he e rcighi be W«b hire : but Itfus f^nr him awa;• .fayirg. 30 Rstutnc iniotl.ine cwne b->t:le.andfliiWc wha? creat thiiigs God hadi done to thee. So hee went his way.andprcacheditHroug'.oatalirhe cicie . whit great things lof.s had done vnto hi«: . 40 r And it ca-nc to pnli . when cfus w.s come againe, that the people ■" recemedhim ; tot thev all Wiiteil foi hlni. ;, r .t »And bihoUe. there ciraearran named lairus . and hee was f•^ -uler of the Synico«je,who fell downe atlefusfette.and b^fn.gh'i fcita that hee woulJc come into his houf m The nrilti'.i For he• had but a daughter onely . abom rvMti: (.:>----:=« 8 And of fome . that Elias had ipp^ared : atC agluS.' • """ ''"' °^ '''^ °^^^ ^'""^^^'^ "« "i"™ 9 Then Herod faid . lohn haue I beheaded• who then .$ tbi; of wnom I heare fuch thiogs?and nee defired to lee him. ° ^J° Tj t•^ ^"'^ '"^^° theApoQies retarned, they tolde htm what great things they had done. S iftenheetookituemtonim. and went afide Bahikida"*"^ ^'*" • "**'"' '0'^«citie called 11 But when the people knewe it , tbey fnl- them of the kingdome of God . and bcfbd them that had neede to be healed. 12 •.• And when the day b^gan to wfareaway, «be twilue came.and faid vnto bim . Send the peo- pie away .that they may goe into the tow.-us and villages round about . and loJge . and gee mcate• forweatehereinadefertpUcl 13 But he fiid vnto them . Giue yee them to eate. And they faue . Wee haue no more but fiue loaues and two hihes, d excepc we ihould goe and buy mcate for all this people, 14 For they were about fiue thoufand men. Then hee fatde to his difciples . Caufe tncm to lit downe by hints in a compM) 4• Markee.ji, \ 3 TotTlhalllacfce O'biDgthitfol- Λ Corilt,no not ' tfaiWilJeraeOi. itke 6,31. ΓΑ. wcriffgn,. fieth a tiefert.Hote this was rtji ,n iht tdTvne Sethfaida, but part )f the fields lit longing t» it. 14- If hisisvnpetfec}- } fpcken, and there, fore we mufl t/»- derftandinKit things " this, n>, CAMMot •I'-JfrvDe gteani ' il'gtueCti f"-»kes f^r ihefe oaues-anafifnes, 'd -mithal! pTRjei "J '"'li-i iii«\_ULupiay, ai» Wtthai: priijei And they did fa, and caufed all to fit *"»'«/«''"*" Γ» downs, 6 Then he tooke the fiue ioaues.and the two ■tvithfefmalla tt'itiitfr^andtt !bm. that this di-k J Γ L J "^ ""•= ioaues,and tde twt . hlhcs.and looked vp to lieausn.and e bkued them *'>'^•"• and br.ke. and gauc to the difc.plcs, to fet before Γ/Ζμ*""*^' ""'«*' ^Ye Cent t9 jjreach •? «wJ .- τ'ζ. 'L^^.'.-'- " Oy^t"'' '"i»es aau Ι-Μοβ,χ. Thecwjlue A- Jci aiifeac :h at the otie- imina:dtmei;t i h.ift.ani Isiltciwiththe ', ofihe boly „,i- boh that S-.-.i^thelfraelite ! > pieteod jgiio• , f• and ali'o that 7he>t-y.ii it. r,outifnn,ei. .depart from t nee where yoH , ill too^e vpyoHr /idling .• fo that IK feveivordi,the Lord Jorbiiieth them to K-l, f Hta 4• 'called hee bis twilue difciples toge. ouerSV Ί gf^^hempow^r and autho.Le ouer all Ueuils. and to heale di!i.af.s. i i And hce fent taeaifou.tj to preach the kingdome of God . and to care r.e (ick--. 3 And bee faid to them . •• T-.ke nothing to your youroey. neitherftaues. nor fcipp.. neither bread.norf.luer. neither h.u. two coates a piece. . ah.^. «;h«Ocuer houf. ye enter i.uo . there 'abide , and thence depart. J And now many foe*:r will not r-ceiue you, vvhenyegoeoutofthatcicie. « (hike cff tb- ve- Ibem "''°>°'' ^"'«f^^ at-eftimonieagainft 6 And they went out.anJ went through euery '^^;^^P-'«'^*^'"8'h=Gorp,i. and healing euery .II i ^ "^A ^^* "«foJ the Tetrarch heard of a hat was done by him : and he b doubted . be- caufe that tt was fa.d of lorn;, that lohn was rifen ΐ ehsnietheirUd,.,.^ paPie.thatnoneof that Chrifi η>Λΐ com "' Mat.i4,i. mi 'eV.i: isdiuide „. ί ''.McKt At It wettfail 14. ■*lb(mjte ) foootrai ihc world he, •Ό» 1 »α J the tyf ith tid oftlia 'r«":*fi*id. the people 17 So they did ^11 eate.ind were fatisfied : and there was taken vp of that tsmained to them twelue baskits full of broken meate. 18 f X 4 And it came to paffi.as hee wis f a. lone prayK.g.his difcipl« w^e witi> him ; aod he as^Ked iheta .faying .Woom fay the people that 1 9 They anfwered.and fiid.iohn Bapiift ; and others f4y.Elias : and fome fay.that one of tae old Fropbeis is rif:n ag fine, 20 And he .ai,; v:uo them, But whom&v vee that! am i Peter anfwered, anu fiidc. Tnat Ciir ft ofGod. ,ν ^ 'And he warned and commanded thetn. that in«y ib jiiid tsll cnat to no man. 22 ί Saying, ^ The S.-nne of Tan muft fjff-r many things, and be .-tprcouid of the El.Jeis.and ot the hie Priefls and Scriots , and beflaine . and the third i^ay nf. a^aine, 23 f ' And he laid to them all.ff any man will come after mee . let him denie himfelfd. and take I vp his croie g dayiy . and follow me 24 -f. For whofoeuer will faue his life, ihall lofe κ -and whcWr lliail lois his life for my fjki.tbefiiiieiliillfaueit. _2y * F^r what aduantageth itaman.ifhe wi.ne tfie whole .voild . anddeftroy biujfdfi. or loishimlelfi ? ' 26 ■■■ For whofoeuer (hjllbe aihimed of mee. and ot my words . of ium Ih ill the Sonne of man be afhamed . when hee ihall coae in hJ! glorie, and tn the glone ofihe Father .and of the boly Angels. ' ■' 27 κ Andrtellyouofafuretie.therebefjm» «anding here, wliicn ihdluot t.ik of death .till loey haue f«ne the kingdooje of God. " zg^sAa ' the glory ef Gcd y. Mat f6 13. aikcS.27, Although the urldbeurecJ Vf. aiid downt.be- itditierier- yiit we auaht ο carjtrmrfe ru..fa butbe 10 iTiiuh rbf more kaow - --nfcUcit. f Alone from tht fei'p.'e. Chtift-kinifellfe t'ain.-dtothe -aienjyjlo.yby i^c.-oir<:a:;dia. iiiacible patieDSe, '■-Mat.. 7.21. nai S.ii. 'Cjap.14 17. n.t 10.3i.aod iS. 4in.r.S,34. g£:,en asenedty tottrv.th another, IfU.thoneerofre 1onan,thtr,an the crofe is by the figure MetoK'imie ^ken for the' m,fe esofth-sUfe.-fot he haaitd, xvai er„eir.%t,icrit. 'Iftft.ntlhyocHt that voas anongfi 4 Chap '733. 16 39 and IS. * v.a,',i!;si" a'k.Sji. Cbap ii.o.mit. > η mar 3,33. ■ΛΜη ,'ί,ιί, iiurke 9.,!, v(|.Mat.l7.»• e Lealt the dilci- pUtofCliiiil , . etthedef-'V'g fl " he ie.ch«h .oemih.titn.vo. lunurie, ftieW'Qg therewithal! fot » fpace thebrigbt- neffeofbisglone. h What death hte JhmliiutnHic• Mm, ^ ι r«tet 1,17• i Vattit Chrift v>, ttftn agAinef'"" ■J Cbtiit ii offen- ded iWiih nothing fe much as with though he beate with it fot atime« • M3 17. -4• Marke 9•'7• tbt {»Uini ftckne£ t We h!U« Ββ caufe to , tomife our felues tert and «uietuefle io thi» World,f«iti6 '»>»' they thenjrlues whi.h feened to fr.V-evi)oaChtilt dor ihonly »ttei crecihe hiiB. / Gi«. d-l'i'nt Uai-i vnttthem, tan' whittjtuhxut l»ίiί^.earlJ them, [fee thai y>H ktt/t ]thim. X Mat.i7,"« , ^Mat !«,'. ^ The ta\' of ambiiioa isigao- t; bat the «nd of mo 'elt obe- ■■.ce isgloiy. via ke 9.3!. Exttioidinjrie things areneirhsf alh'ytobealiow «d, Qoicoaieu- Ota, J ,ί 4 « Αη<ί it came to p. ^,^^ 'Γί"' Uayes after thofe wordes , that heflJC»*^ *iw 1 loan . and lames. anJ went vp ioto a moantaine to ^'20 And as he prayed, the faihion of his cenn- tenance was changed, and his gaiment «r<« white andeUaereJ. „ , . . . . " 30 Aud beholde. two men talked with him. wLichwereMofesandElias: 3 1 Which appeared in {jlotie, and tolde ot r.is h departing , which hee ihould accomphihat Hie- rnfilem. . , , . 3 1 Bjt Peter and thev that were with hiro.were heaniewlthatepe.and when they awoke.tbey faw his glorie. and the two men ftantling with bira. « And it catne to pafl'e.as they depatted (torn hioi. Petet fud vnto letiu. Maftet.it is good fot vs 10 be here: let vs therefore make three taberni- rks , one for thee, and one tor Mofcs, and one for Elias, and will not what he faid. 34 Whiles hee thus fpake.there came a cloude «nd ouerlbJowed tnera . and they fsareu when they whtrsentting into the clouJ. 3 f A And there can» a voice out of the cloud. fay:ng. This is that roy belousJ Sonae.he.u-: huo. 36 And waen the voyce wa'p.ft, Idus wiS found alone : and they k^pi it dole . αλ<( totJe uo tnan in i thofe dayes any of thuleihu-.gswmea they bad feeoe. ^ ^ j . 37 r 7 And it came to paffo on the next day. as they came downe frotji t.ie ojouniiine.tt.uc.^ peo- ple met iiira. . J 8 ••• And behold, a roan of the coropanie c'y- cd out ,f^j ing . Mait^r. I t>er';ecn thee, behold my fo;K-.e . for .v« is all that I hauf. , , , , , 39 Απα Ιο.-, alpviie takeib buu. and fuddenly be cn.th , and be tca.etn him. that he fora.tn a;.d barily depattcth froto bira . when hee hath " biui- ^""^^o^Nowe I haue btfjught thy difciples to caft 1 him out, but thev could not . 4, Tnen Itfus anfwered a.^ faid. Ο generation fatmlefl'e.anJ crook-d .how bngnowihall I be with you.andf ffer yout bing tny t^^nne ^^her. 4^ And whilts .-.ee was yet como.r^g. the d.uill rem h.u-.and tare him : and lefus rebuked the vn- cleane fplrite. and healeJ the ci.iUc.and ddiucred ^'"r'i'i'iijthcyvvere.llamaftdatthemigh- tie iowcr ofGod :andwinlethevallwonde,cda. al things w^ic lefas Jid.h. 1 ad vmo his d.fuple 44 S M-t^'^ ^ί^^ί"^ wordes o,l.gtntly : « fo.' it ffiXcome ΓΟ paife . that the fonnc of man fluil be ddiueteJintothehjnJsofmen: A< But they vndetftood not that worde : for u „« bid from them./•» that they co^d not petceiue • and thev feared to a;kc him of that word. ^ \(i ^■k9 Then there atoleadifputationaraong | them . w-.ich of them Ih.uld be the g^^^ft- ' 47Vrhen le^us faw the thoughts ot their hearts, he tooke a little child, and fa h.m by him. - I Ar.d faiJc vnto thero.Wholocuer teceuieth this little cbiU'- i 1 my Nime . t€C=iueth mee : and So ue iLl teem. me. receiueth h im that k»t S for be that is leaft amorg you all.hee iWl be 8'"'• ^ * .0 And lohn anfwired and fayd . Ma- ft.r wee fiwe one calling out deuils in thy Name. and':efo.baahim.te"ufe befoUow«hi*« wi with V3. ; hrh*,i!Hti\ face, loiit t\l,3i it• fclHcdrtith araie /,//,,.i....Nr.of therefcre vft^. not : fot he that is not againa «. is with vs. CI f iiAnditcametopalfe.when thed^ were accomphihed. that he flxjuld be receiued -. ; , he Ό fetled himfelfe fully to goe to Hierufalem, ji Andfent meflergets before bim : and they went and ea-rcd into a lowoe of the Samaritanes to prepare bim io^^itg. _ . ',h'ereUre ve^. 10. χ „ off'ketht \\ Hcir-> trjrit tc th^m, e wh.chfTKtdtf .'*. ihercjtkeiffi'iU as the /•ριτυ »,' t»"' U'tcufntu >ffrt,' AKdniAdKife. j ,i•' Ciiriit, mill» ,αι».- |,afe «htmlelut•. ■'•* 10 fufterajUJi- tommodiiie». <•/• ' Maic 8, 19• ;■- , TK. «IlnP of GoJoueht to be preferrel ..without all cooifouei fit belorti'. d.euertbat «e ov.e <° '«;^/ ' ' ,^. „^/„^, „~hUh .5 ewrM.^i ^na „^ Sniji "Ti/ch u fiuow Chui.. ma;i at ooc .cuouac. aU w.rUl, ca.er .< - . _ I'J UK ui;uc3 u» "•». ..— -— - S)un.^:a of man liath not whereon to Uy pis Head ca Η But hee faid vnto another. FoUuWs mec And t;-.e f- me faid. Loii . fuft<--r ms hf Λ to got and butie in- father. . ,. • 60 Aud If fus faid vnto him. Let the deal bune ο ttiAf dead: but goe thou.and pt. a^h tnc kingdom ^ ό!* '! Then another iaide. I will followe thee. Lo d : hut ki me. hril go bid them faiewdl . which a-e at raise h'.'ufe. , 61 ^^^i lcfu>fai !e vnto him.No men that put teth his ί and to the pieugh , and lookcih backc, is apt 10 the kingJume of God CHAP. X. ο The vnihmkfulUilies cht>ied til'fiplei rrIM mnihtmt.au rvi— ' ^ttihinr. 38 0/-Ma The feuenHc di'ciples W'thtmfieti' ijTht , neii»^thHmh:e.i:>Wh<.UM'i ,h..ni.erfifl,rM.u.e. ^ ^^^ _^ __ I Thefcueoii» „eie.ta.thtft- onjtotewjrnet»-'' ..fthe commias ofCirilt. „ Λ<«ι 9.37. ^ Mit 10, t*. . ζ TDefa>'i:.''"vv, mi'-U'tiof iUtj ' vs^.-dareiu .In. ■A-oildeaslamb- lamong woloes i butift^ti-^e ;•,■ j,eiit to doe tb :J I'.iKiie . heetL;,': feot them, wi'y alfo pfeietut thiin. * ». JCo»?•».»•. a This li fftker. e|rne fped,:j ■m.thiut delay, 4S » X.«ί.♦,l3.^.•' Λ Fer ••• > thefe things.the Lord appointed other Λ feaentie alfo . and fent tWem. two and tWo be- fore him into eueiie citie and place . whither hee himfelfe ibould come- r And hee fa^de vnto them . χ Theharueft u great, but the Uboarers*r»fcwe -praythetefore The Lprd of the hatueft to lent foit labourers m- '"3'V''TGoeyour.waves:bebo!cfc.Ifendeyou forth as lambesaroongwoluts. 4 B-a.e no bagge. nei^er fcrippe , nor iboes and * falute » no man b> the w^y . ' 5 4. Arid into whaiforuer houfe y ee enter, fitft fa•'. Peace i•* to this houle. 6 And if ^ the fonne of peace be there . your peace Ihall teftvponbim.if not.itlbaUtmneie you igsine itwne mcie i y 'C,.-.. iri.//^A;fAw4J vnfo yoil. if tL A ^• ' '"'° '^r'^''^"- f "tie Yceihul eater. 9 And hsili the fickethataretfiire. and Γ,ν I SiXio. they wiilnot receme y^u.a evour,» „ ' the flree:s of '" '^'"^ '"«^ dav f f tii f '.'' ^.'"•''^'^ " '^^-•'" ''^ ^^fi"i" that fliy t-T :her;) of SoJouje. then for that cri- Biib- U-.da: for if the miracles had beencdore '-n 14 Tiiercfore it Hull be eifier f ., Χν^,κ ,,v4 Std-.n . « tbetudo^enr. t.^sn foi you ^ * ^ besaen. ibzl: b: thn.li downs to bdl ni. n»tdiipifc(h you.difpireu iue .• and iiethatd• ii ifith rre .d. fpifc.h tli th« i.nt o^e. ^' 1 7 « + And the feaentie tutnsd ssune with ϊ,λ» S-?-n,i*;ntefawei.ii »nd raid vato wfn τ V ^'"ί' -^"^ '" '"'■^<''*• nor Cire tba: my fift-r I uih Lfr 1 i'^"^'* '' °•' ' many ,ί^,^/.. " "^^^^'^α^ art troubled about f-nL^a °T '^"'S '' "«^f'^" ' M"5c bath c>o CHAP. X] k Thai h . I, ^.,,^5 I '■jbeae, thA, he •i of ail ftuiti : thev!,dt tfiHfiifi. loi to be cnttr. l;lipeD,l» ,ifc,ti•». . Ιΐί-Γρ£. ■«•''7 lequirtth. drixen < Γ- -. • "■'' -7 Tbediireiencsof tbf oldTe- 'Wconliftc 8 FaichdohuottX.r κ ^^"l'^ . η Λ Ί"*^ '"^ ^^"^ ^'"^ '^'«ra• V7beN ye nrav fa ν f/ '''""Ί""Ι'τ•ν, 4 Sd£i!!!:^!?--A^-''^^^y: P"-v.;^:-_ ΚΊ ril, a itumhfr giui cueric nirto that is iiidebed to « • * η '"7 vsnotintotemp:atio„:but^;rvri;r;?'' VVeniufi pra» HAV^i*•»'•^"- ■.fi>^k> mi uttum vhich ofhtre. ttftfGci,f'the impcrtuni'it ^M.it.7,7 aHii, . «n.^ i< JJ.l .•.• Mut.l.i you ilijH baueaMinJ.and ihiH goetohits,. iniJnight.ind fay vrwo hiaj.F-iinJ.ii^^J mee three loaves ? . , 6 F jr i f 'tend of mine is c jre out of the way to m:. inJ I r.»« nothing to let b.-f ^-e Im : 7 AaJ bee within ihouil anl^A■e.'e , and Uy, Trouble me not : tUe Joa-e is n.,w ΰχη. atvl tny chil J'en arc with me ia hca-.l cm.iot life and giae ibtsni to c.iee. , , , , ., 8 I fay vrtoy 0-1, Though he would not ai lie and g'u2 birr. bica-^fe he Ts ais fricndy .t doubtki becauls of hiibimiJommitis .liecwvulJ tiliitid * 9 ^ And/ily v.to you . A.ki. ani u ft»»^ be giues ,01. : f;ck.. an J y t (hall hade : isaocks, and liih^Ubeopiued vnio>ou. 10 * For eu°rv one that iskr.h , receiunh: and bee that feckstb .hndeili : and to lii-Jiibat Jsnocketb.iinalli^eopenrd. . , ^ . U •••■ If a I'jnne fir.il iske bread of any of you tV,a: is a farher . will he giui him a ftone > or lihet a:ke a fifn. will be for a rtih gii^e Him a firpant » 1 τ Or if he iski an egge , wiii bee giae bim a ""[i^ If ve then wi.ich ate eujll . can giue good « Jli<» 9 3»• •nJ II, •»• J Ao example of hoirirltbU'dpfS. Λ.1 i fa;li ascaenot bibe.!ei,wh=ci5 >aaaii fpbemed. ,i« Mir/C.e,»»• 4 TheirueWiy ta k.iow ite true Ciriit , f:om ice faie.ii'-is.tbit the tius Cbr-t .>. id or twi-.b Sliia: AnJ itte- ,m:h that afisr • kaowSjioij.ve loowltdge bim. Μλι. 2,1!. Tnatke 3 i4• ί £'tkis)iAmeend J Ticit is , hy the t.rve,cfG.d:fcit t Tie ifoiifiiai• Petk frtferh an tffH and 'j'Aie rtem- bifiit an h>uf »Hdfciy llrnKjIutcr. :suhn Tfc «ct'f m-KS S Aciiurt ;i:d;ffe " iucb *S 1 lae le h.u; ,v.b..h -aoi-. to aod Sa:iE'ic;e• f Hi tk»: docth VBOt con-iniie ii ir VOtfecaf^.'beoi skat Qeuei.bcguu. ^ Hftt.( ». ChfiR rc-keih „ nt I'taif- in bin• litlfe . bJcijB en« w.-n.b: that'bari thee. and tlieyj^. Wllk«.UJJ^ ,S Bvit hefaidr.Vea, rather bi:il--ddrii.ie7, Z3 But hefaidr , V" , rather bhil--d tluc tieare rhe wo-d cf God. ani kecpe it. , ao r ^s And wreathe people weye gathered thicki togeibei . he b-gin to l^y . This li a wi.^ed genericion :ney f :ck. a Ugn-. . and thcte huu bo figne bfgiucn iheoj . battbefi^niofi lonasthe ίΓ?ϋΓ as lonas was 1 fig le to the Nincuite$ : d ilnll alfo theS^-necf ma^i be tatbisgeniraHon. ai ••• Ttie Qu ene. of the.Sjucb iballnlei.i iu 'gement , witb toe men of tnis genet awn, and lb*ll condemie the-n : t-r ih; came f'otn the v;- rooft pirt:s of the earth to h-.are the wiledome oi SaloxLii . and beliold . a g e^ter then Saloaoa ts Ti The mta of Nt-.eui (baU rifain ijJgitnint ?i Tte ni;n 01 ^>f.^u- """'"-^ ■"-»--- λ.ι; wiln this gmeration , md flnli condetcne it : f->r ledg sinew's vnto" your c ϋ !:en ,bow much nutc Ib^ll yoat heauenl•/ F«ncr glue the bcly Gi:on to them that defire hini ? " , . Id C κ Thenheeciftouta lemllw ichwas JuTnoeraRd w;.en ti.e dcdU wa3g.:uom . tbe •duubefp^ke.ar,dthipe--'P>iWonJ''«'^• „ . ij 3 Butfomeofthe^.f.yd,^;K.;c.ftethf.ut diuils through Bcclz-bub the chiure of the de- "'\'k Acid othits tempted hioi . f-cW^g of hioi a "17 4 Bac he kacw their thoughts, and f*yd vn- to thetB. *Buery ki:glon.| «^f^/' "f f " .ac Ποιώ. f-illi-h. .. ., . • Λ L:„,f ir. 18 Sj if Satan ilfo be ciuJec agiir.ft hmUlfi. how lhUlhiski>gdo:n.ft.r-,Jb^ca.ft,e&y that I Cift our deuils - ;hr -ig•; IV; .zjbuo ' ,9 If l,r,Tou^r.B:.lz--3ncaaou-.demls by v;^L• doi Tcur cbil i• en cii tbem oui i 1 nerefote eii;, doabtl-.ae tnc king iooie of Goi is come va- '° i^Wh-n aftior-c T.an armed keepah bis ' pa- lace, the cr.ings ti^at ..e podcfieth.atc in peace. 2^ But laenaftro 8-' ^^. ^•";'°;T ζ t^VH:iSl"o:.ltbtt,e^.^S-^i— <> ,4 .i. VV .enibe v:deinenvu» gone out of a ti/n. he vva k.rn tSrovg^ dry pi Kes i.cking reft: tnd w ,en be Hndeth none . he iirt.. . I wilueai.ne »y And wh.D b : coma^th. hi findsth κ fwept 'If ¥hei goeth bee . anitaketh to bim feuen ot;?r f.Sits NV^rf. then bixf-rf. , a^d ^hry enter n^'dUthere:§i-othehn&ateofc..atn.an isw^tfethentbthrlL ^γ),1,γ„ \y. f 7 Andit cametcpaSeashsSudtyc '■ L - r^rtiioe w^man ci tr.ecitrpjny lii:ed they « repented at the p.eac^mg ofionas:aod behold , a greitet then Linis »; neic. 3 2 f •;?9 Ν J πΐϊη when be hath hghteJ a can dl..pmtth ic ina pri.ueoaUci.na:berva.Iera biilvikbat on a Cir.dl.-.tticki . that they which Cjiii. i^.tijay f^eth^lig ■ + JM4(. 11,38 j«, f Ttey t^atue foujd dtlitiii of :!e< iD.irad riLlei fhall u: f uoilh• ί /..•.i'l.•.. •; I. igns;.io,i, 2. C/iro» 9.1• Μ /.•»4ί 3.ί- C*4f S,ii, (Ι.ί,ι;. - 9 Ourmindfsar• therefore li^htinJ hf kaow- ,fGxl,i 'ihculdg ..gbt va^ocihttl, lod tbwefoieopt hiefelt iabuar ought to We t• ptai for that ligbt. »■ M:ttt a». Tb• feruice gf 54 ' T.ei;g'toftheWieistb*eTe:rt,ere.^.a^c^^^^^^^^^^^^ f.>V..hint^i.erye i* G.gL.then is thy whole uo- ,,„„,;,,^,. die l<> It : but it trilne eye be euill , tbeo thy bodie dcu-ftd tite• . ■ J Ρ - ceiemosies .J>Jtl ' 3 ΓγΑ. hee W theref >re. t:ut the li^ht w4ch ; J^j{-ii^^;; ■ ijinthce.b:notdArken.lfe, b.a t,..:dcc,arittrf, i If therefore thy w uJe bodie fhaU 6t light. * .iia,..3 «i ha^.g no put d-rk.• . then iha'.l a.ib. lig'u . euen as when a candle ujtniighiihoe wua tccbtigh:- ncO" f Thitii.kcctrjil^ iur λ{ί/ιιιΜ>'»« 57 ^ ■oAnJashefpke.ace..ainePha'if.be---.,f*•;;,*;- i'.t hiJD to dine wlcb hioJ ; and be went 10 . atiu „., ^ „„ „„ , 3 loug -. „ f«: downe at the tabic. ^ ^ . , -, . 23 Ana wnen me Phatif^ favv it . be naruiiled thi: be had no; h ft walhed hifore dinner. :,,. A And the Lord faid to bim . Indee-e vec Poaiifes aiaki cleane iheoutfiie of >n all mar.nt. bttU. an- palTc o«it i iu.'geti^ent and tiie lojc of Cod : tht fi ought ye to haae doni.aaJ Dottobiuelcfiihe ,ot!,e; V it one.^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^__.^^ , ^._^ ^.^ ,^^, the vpp-^rfnoft fsatcs in tiie Synig.>gu:s , and gffie- tiaiisi.ithemark^is. . ,„, ν u Γ4 . 3 Woe 6* to you. Scnb;» and Phartf-s bv- pocvtes :••■ for ye a-e ts guaes w- ich aypeare n^t ind the tBcn that wiike o^er thca., percciue nut. ί iV Then a. f^cred one L-trhe Lawyers. f4te , and 4«•ΓίΛ /■|.-»f_»t»,tei»«^3 tf'freri ,««iij Ib^B thAt ,l*ai» , 1'; nf()r fl*itef£ , f/juer it -^^T^ i 1 uiseiwe ■rtif ot bYP»- i.tito It and rutly f'l liitl» i'.t, , ani lei{ fit rraa:teti; r••. ^'ίΐ<ί« *) ' «f.iari S Of ail kind of ■ ric^ftrxr,. ,•} , fXOH» L »•,ι Enhii-^^ ana iVid vntohi'D .Miftcr.lhus Citing thou futttft ^;^,;„,„;;,°'|^ ss to r:buke ."lib. ΐΛ",!.'-';^''• 46 An J. bee ί^Η • Wo ht to you a Tj. yee Law- I'j;';;*:;^,..* ^, y.:rs : «for ycciadioien with buip=nsg.-ieuotiS ^,,,^,;-',„„j u.i..,„rmiud,afut>tfih*rrtinJt/:t.',aniih: .r,m fAu:d rebt^. 'ferit ' 'toe. i:,.iT/Tl'luefG.d. ,«:.,« ifce,-irf, CA-...χο a« maraj,* m.rk^ ■o ,1 H,p.xufiejodambii-'n..«<.t«nmenyioynedio.Jf t = .. »,,"?-' ii r,;, moviihiO ouiA-ardlhe*. ;.»/ai.:3..7 i* b-p^' i.uei" .iii.aii otht.- aea , be; tiiokc Ali Μ-^» f»wil.ll.to ttemielv .y.^. «iri «■■">• ,^ aj^ri? [fo 5« ^wTttJyee yonr fefnes touchnot the bufdenj with one ciyoui fingers. 47 = '^oj* to j-ou : 4 for yon build the fepul- cores oi thcPfcphets.aod ronr farhers killed tUm. 48 Tfody i! j-e beare witneCe . and allow the deedes of your fathers : for tbey killed them .and ye baild their itpulchres. 49 Therefore fayd the wlfedome ofGod.I will Tt η ^ M^^'l' ^"^ Apoaies,and of them th*y ilialliliyandl pel fecate away. ' JO That the blood of all the Prophets . " fted if Hy|>ii£>teri),ngUry *m ttiu-.nph tfit i *<-.Vf thetst and trmileihtm.that ettfniththeyjb. dilperfed among the Grecian», and teach the Grecians? 3(i What faying is this that hee fayd.Yee (ball feek: me.and null not find wie/and.Wbere I am, can ye not comet My do ^j.^i\«uaemus?oimieil. 41 _Γ Md t"ri4fl "cf'calile ,at,da taypenttn βηηι , rvhm n> '"«"'»'*"*""*"' »f:bHt marh tkematur.t felfe weU.and ludie the tree hj thefruite. ,o Many doe marueile th«v the enJeuou.s of theentmiMof Oodhaue no iucteff. : vet m oe marueile thiv the m:iat feafon they ,ioe not acknowledge the It Men are veiy wife to procarertopi anl ftayeitot of Chrift doetk oothan» vi-oh ihe iudgementof me doe what they lift, bu: wha: God hath a.'pjinted.^ iotreafeih , fo incieaftth be rage of his ^•erofGod. bemfe"l«.. "" Tbe t,«th a. ,3 The wicK-d( ,4 Aiibtking-Homec ar length they Goi ne feeke eieot *Chaf. .11 33. * nr„dfcrr^»d(„ihed,[pe,f„ncf.he Ceut.laor (^'"'^"'Ι''^^"^.^ the name >f the Grecians hei>Hitrfia,uittbtUUwciWbni>rflu4>ft"i'* ^mmgfl the Gtntitett i.Fet,i,i, fer.hofe blciUngiabfenr.wbich they difpiftd when they . 37 » J Now in the i laft and * great day of thq 'i Th, featl, lefus flood and ctyed. fay ir,g, if any man [',""T thitft.let him come vnto me, and dtinke. *uitio 58 He that belcrueth in mse , J is fayth thi k Scriptare.outof his belly fliall flow tiuers of wa• terofiife. 39 ( •■ This fpake hee of the Spirit which they that beieeaed in bim,(houlJreceine: for the 1 holy Gboa wasnot yet^i«»r>,becaufe that lefus was noi ri^,b°°a?aa''e"of yet •" glorilied. ) ill good things . 40 '«So many of the p:opIe, when they heard «' ^bt un d.ij of this fayingiayd. « Of a irueth this κ that Prophet. '^'J.'^f '.f ^"i"•^' 41 Other layd , This is that Chrift : and fome vji.' d. fayd.But ihall that Chiift come oat of Galilef 42 A-Saitb not the Scripture that that Chrift fiiall come of the fecde of Dauid , and out of the 5"^',... ..,..,. tewne of Beth-lchera. where Dauid was ? k η» js β.'/ read 43 So was there didenfion among the people "^^"^{'/J^^^f !,"[■, for hira- . atyP ace, Ht< /( 44 And fome of tbem would baue taken bim bat no man Iiyd hands on liiai. 4 ) ' 7 Then came the officers of the hie Prieftj and Pbarifes, and they fayd vnto them, Why ban« ye not brcught him? 46 The officers acfwered , Ncnet man fpake like this tccn. 47 Then anfwcted tbem the Pbarifcs.Are yt alfo decei jed . 48 '8 Djitbany of theruleis,oi of the Pbatifci beleeae in him ? 49 Bnt this people .which know not tbe LaWi are curfed. yo Nicod?mas fayd vnto them,{* be that came to lefus by night.and was one of them.) 5- 1 Doth our Law iudga a man before it heare bim, 4• and know ° what he bath donef y ι They anfwered.and faid vnto him.Att thon ;*'»«'"'.";»" J^ . alfp of Galile? Search and looke : for out of Galucr-""""' ''""-""' ari'ferh no Prophet. , ^ J3 «9 And emry man went vnto hts own bouie. li There ϊί coitMtion euen in the Cbaich it felfe about ligioa : neither hath Cbrilt any morecrueil eiu feate of irueih: yet can they not doe what they ■ - . ■ .^ , * M.ch s 2 mat x.f 17 God from heauen (coroeth fuch as "e h.._(gg|M» «enJl;; ' 3 F^'fe Vaftcut. Ire fo found & foolilh that they eftee.=e the^ of GaJ according to the muhltnde and outward (heW. * ^^.'"f'^l JLI^''*! Τ i. and, 9. is >iWhat be batb committed, wh, rt accufti. 1 9 Tfcsie is w couafeli agaiolt the lord. CHAP. VIII.^^ ^ ^ , The rccmaniikeninaMterie, 11 hath her ftunts ftj. he one 1» to be thtonebly to«.he.lvvith\ trur fceliug of ojr extreme pouertie: theother.ofeeke inChrift orcly (whom we catch Leu Lentt.ii.ts» • Againft ty^o» ri'js which are ■cij Uaiie iudgft odflaiwt thenx• felut» io their oeiiaeei. Deittitj.ri TL !>i.iit5 wltqeiie is_^crue, -^ 3 Cbrift would • take vpon him cijill Magi- flia ft offi.e : he KDtei bim- ftlCe to bring fii- to filth and srpeBMDCe. which ijbtiadia uiilfe , canoot come tohau! any light but ia Cbriit oaeiy. 4, C/;4i>.j.i.«S^9 ί J Ciiiift it wiTh- Outalldceptioa tbebeJI viki.eUt of ikt.tioetb , for be VVJJ feat by hii Fa thM for that pur- ροΓί , end wat by feim approourd to the worM by in- KnitcmiiaclfS. aXhm tearefe ivitnijfe ifihyfeife which thini ly ΛΙΙ faatufiaim , ii }i»ught: end fur a ret» tocotnmeni Unipilfe is v Ye arefrom be- neath.f am from abone : ye ate ofibis WoilJ,l atn net of this world. 4 I iiyd therefore vnto yoD.Tbat ye fball die in your finnes for except ye beleeue.that I ate he, yeiiall die in youf finnes. ly 9 Then fayd they vnto hitn.Who art thou? Arvi. iefus fayd vn:athem , Euen f the fame thing that I fayd vnto you from the beginning, ^^ %6 '" I biiic many thiogs to fay, and to Judge cf you ; bat he that fent me, is true.and the things that I haue beard of him , tbofe fpeake i to the WOtid. . ly '■ They vndeiftocdnotibatbeefpaketo them of tbe Father. 28 Then fiyd iefus vnto them, When yee baue lift vp the Sonne of man , then Iball ye know that I am he.and tljat I doe nothing of my felfe, but as &«««- rr v<«nt«< " dtKid nfcre , Chxp j:,3i.w«ri f>f take» k)A:mnir cfg-.fiK tmi , for in thai fUx hee ftamei him^el{e ftmnv'ixt ft the humsur of hisJieavi-ih vhtcb r.cktttvletigcd «»- ί:^iai.iίtCht,ftl•ι^t hii huntin:iie, f.ni thnftrt he wxs con teul they Ibiuldfet li^t hy hii o:vnt 7Pi^nfβe , vnlefe it jpcre ofhtrrvtfe ciu- f,/liid.S»tinthi! p!iueht jlaudetk fit the miiniitt.vici JSoiheai, ani, r'raifeth his Fxt^e • ■ ■ • ■ ie: «H.i st'Tielh with him. e I dic new cndy tench you , I cm- dcmne »i»jjk ." iktietif llu^ so Aft it. ImghtliVD- f»Syd(i.it,-f<,r 1/11» mtahKe, iiumy :Pxlhet is rviih mt. V Oiut \η β ani >9 r; r/).ii..8 li. nr.ya.i.dti.iO.aS AThtGiiihexiii p7i fviiii t»e m (i e-.iid, elfe there Vffte f ii• arAt"k.e fir Λ i ji'iK^.iNimaT can know Gii.but io Chrift oneiy.f Th ■SV''.ffii-r,c fUce .'^ppoJii'tii.for tie gilhering of the rffenn^s. 7 We liue and di l5ifpl.-afure -i Got and Pot.of men : Therefore tbij one ihijigiemoiaetb that wee 5oe f^-yvard cuaftjntly io our vocation. S Brc^ufe that men doe_na_;uraWy«'^ a>y Father hatb taught tat.fo I fpeak thefe thirgs. 29 For he tbatfent me.is with metthe Vn\hzr hath not left me alcne,becaufe I do alwtyestbofc things that plsafe him. 30 f As be fpake tbefe thiags,Biany beleeue J in bid. 31 "Then fayd Iefus to the lewis which be- leeued in him. If ye continue in my wotd,yee are verely mv difciples, 32 And H^ll know the trneth, and the ttuetb fljall ε make you free. 33 '"They anfwered him , We be ' Abrahams feede , and were neuer bond to any maa : why fay eft thou then, Ye ihallbe made free ? 34 lefas atifwered them, Vetcly, verely I fay vnto you, that whofoeiRt committetb iinne.is the 4. feruant of Γιαη?. Γ J. And the feraant abidetb not in thehoufe for euer : but the Sonne abideth for euer. 36 If that Sonne therefore iliall make ^oa free, yc ihallbe free indeed. 37 '3 ί know that you are Abrahams feede, bat yee feeke to kill mee , becanfe my word hath do place in ycu. 38 1 fpeake.that which I haue feene with ray Father:and ye doe that which yee haue feene with your Father 39 They anfwered.and fayd vnto him, Abra- ham is our father. Iefus fayd vnto them,lf ye were Abrahatss children, ye would doe the wotkes of Abraham 40 Bat nowe ye goe about to kill mee, a man that haue tolde you the truetb.which I haue beaird of God : this did not Abraham 4 1 Ye doe the worhs of your father. Then iaid they to him.We ate not borne of fornication : we baue one Father, which is God. 42 Therefore Iefus fayd vnto them , If God v;ire your Fatljer , then would yee loue roe : for I proceeded foorth , and come from God , neither cams t of roy felfe, but be fent me. 43 Why doe ye not vndetftand my ^' talke?be caufe ye cannot hea^e my word. 44 ■! Yeareofyom'fatherthedeuill.andthe iftes of your father yee will doe ; he hath bene a mi'ihii'P.r frrm thf» i hf Pinninp.and ^ aboade not f Cbrift , VBleffe the ipirit of Dg > the woild mudof neoef- horte heauenly thiogi , 00 man caa be jfitrfifcjp God &J''ie.him : io the TieanefeafonDotwitJilU fitie-'e^;!h,aec4ufe itre/u'iththelifethaiisoffied voto it. 9 He Oiall at kngta ii'vow rt"l>o'Chtift is.whichwill diligently heaie,wbat be faith. / That i', 1 Λ;;» Chrifl/andlhe fauimttfar fo I tuldyou fttm thebitinning that I was to God is i\¥ «ueDjTof Cbriftei dcStine difpifed,• "Euen the contempt of Cbjift mnlieth ■Mf bis g!9)y ; whjil» lliipg his.wemies AJlfeeie atispg Λ te laeir pea; im«i, The true difciM plei of Chrift con« in bis do- ftiiot, that profiu ■ ig mote & mote 1 the knowledge fthetiueth , they ί maybe deliueied \ from the nioft I grieuous buiden ' of (ione , into the true libeitie of ghteoufnell'e and life. £ Frci}} tbefiauC' He cf ftnne. h Some of the muU titKdfy not they that. beleeued-.for this is tbefpeacb of ι that csttfeKt vntt him , iut tf me» that art a^ainft him, ' Borne avdbem gotten ofAlirX- hsm. •i• Rom.S.xo. t.fet.i.t9. 13 Our wicked injneri declare, that weateplainelf . borne-ofa deui- diih nature. But we are cbsngej, and made of thehoufe• hold of God , ac cording to the co• uinant which be made with Abra- ham by Chrift one•• ly , apprehended layd hold on by faith : wliich faith i» knowen by a godly aad bonelt life. k Or,languaie , as though he [ayi,yiii - doc nemovevKiST' fland what I fty, then iflfpakein»- muttherer from the ' bigioning,and m aboade not ia the " truetb , becaufe there is no truetb ia biro. ^^^ ^ When he fpeakeihelie.thetjfpeakethhecof hisj^.„(,„^(„/ done vratohim intheperfonof his fonne. if That is , that iviB reueniebttb your difpiftngofme, attiefhimt 16 The oaely do&rinaef the Gofpelappve• , bended by faith , ii a fure remedy againft death, r That is,he fiiit Hit fuU ύζ fixt»itii»th( mm (f AcMh, thtfnuhfttUfee lift. Ji *7Thct> iJ. i.Uhn 3.8. / From the icgitf ng tftbe xeorld: for as [tone as nun it?ii m^ie,1he dtuiS cufi him heaitoH^ death, m That is , (c»»«- nuei not confictnt» ly , or rtmainein»U HThat is , in faith' fulnejrr,i^pright- •Mfe , that is, kept n>this creation. c Euen of hii owne bead, i^ofhisovpHe brain or dtfpoftHt», ρ The authoHr thereof. 14. CBrift did Cnnftthel ϊ7 Ajiinftihtm VVfcicbabufe tbe glorie of tbe Siioci.to ditkta Chtifte» glory. 18 There ii no- thing farther alf from all ambitioD then Chriu , but bit Fatter bath Tee hiiBaboueall thingt• fTtiiisffoKenby mxncr tf λ graunt: as if he badf»)i, "Si itfo , let this tt• fertvbtch 1 gi:*e tfmiftift , beef no f)Ke:yet there is antthet that glcri- jieihme , that is, tbetbcuatreth myNime. 19 There is no right kaowledge ofOod , vrithojt Cfariit , neither any »4ght knowledge efChrift witaoiit his ^ord. »o Thevettueof Chiift OuiVtd It felfe ihrougb »U foimsr ages ia Fatheu , for they iaw in tbe μΓοηιίΓί wiibaliatly fa; gbt of tbe worM< fz >7 Then faid the Icwss to hid ".Now know W4etb« thou haft a dentil. Abraham is dead, and the Prophets : and thou fayeft, If a man kespi m/ word.hednlhieusr tafts of death. f3 Art thougreatcr then oar father Abraham, which is dead iand the Prophets are dead : whom makeft thou thy felfe f ^4 '« Iefu$ ij^nfwered , If I honour my felfe, laine honour ii'i'notbicg worth :k is my Father tbir bonouretb wee, whom ye fay , thai he is your God. f jT «9 Yet yee bane not knowen him : but I know him , and if I Oiould fay 1 know him not , I Ihould be a liar like vutoyou:butlknow bim, and keepe his word. JO *<^ Your father Abraham ' reioyced to fee By " day,and he » faw it.and was glad. J7 Then fayde the lew^s vuto him , Thou art t3ot yet fifiia yeere olde , and haft thou feene A- braham { J 8 lefus fiid voto them , Verely , verely I fay vnto yoB , befjre Abraham was.I y am. <;9 *' Theotooke they vp ftones tocaft at him, but lefus hid himfelfe.andwentoutofthe Temple: And hee paffed through tbemiddcjof them, and fo went bis way. , that hie Qjould come , «addij very ioyfully lay holde on I. t IVis very it firms, u Ai^y is Λ fp.uethit armn itetb »Hy nttMe «ae , erfuffireih anyf^teat thing, χ With the tjesef faith, Hebr. It,!}, j chuft as hee was Giit.WAs befcre Abraham : ani be nas the Lamieflaine frimthebe^innin^ ef tbe w^rU. n Zeile without kaowIedge,breaketh out at Jength'iato a molt open madneOe: and yet the Atckei doewiiwthejjiitt. CHAP. IK. t ChriH giueth fight en the Satbatbday , η him thatrvas berne blind. ijiVriem.afier he haihni reafenei ugainfl the Phanfes, ai,3j• anirviscaii em of the Synagcgue, }6 C brill eniitethieith tbe Kttitfleii^e efihe eutria/ting light. AN D ' as lefus paffed by. he &w a man which was blindefrom bis birth. 2 Arjd bis difciplet asked him , faying, Mafrer, jwbo did fmne.this man. or bii pareatSi tbat be was borne blindei ? lefji anfwered , » Niither bath thii man flaned, nor his parents.but that the workes of God ihould be (hewed on him. ' 4 2 1 mqft woike the wotkii of him that fent me.while it is ^ da; : the night commetb when no man can w oike. ;: Ai long as I am in tbe world . •ί• I am tbe light of the world. 6 i Ailbone as be had thns fpoken , he fpat on the ground . and made clay of chefpsitle , and an- oyoted the eyes of the biinie with the clay, 7 And faid vnto him , Goe wafli in the pooIe of Siloamiwbicbisby imerpretation, Sent.) He wsn( his way therefore and wafhcd , and came againe feeing. 8 4 Now the neighbours and they that bad feene him before , when he was blinde,faid,Is not this he that fate and begged? 9 Some faid , This is ne : and other faid , He ii iit:e him : but he bicfclfefaid, I am be. Therefore they faid rotobim , How were Cba; V \ \ Sinneis thebe" ^inoiDgeaeo of all iodily difeafes, anJyetdoethit not follow, that God • Iway lefpeaeth their finoej , whom he mod (Uarpely piinifheth. « Οιηβ reafontth here , 4s bis iifcipli thtught , -nhich pre- fttpfof' that there no difeafes tut fer fiHues enelj: trhtrevpen he an- frver'th th.u there tves anetbetcaufe »f this mans blini- UeJJe, ani that was. that God his Werke milht be feene, a The workes of Cbrift are as it light. liRbieBthe darkeaefle of the woild. b By (i^yys meant tbe light, that ts, thi light feme del} rint tf the heaitrntj truetb : and by (nigbt) IS meant thi dtik'neffe which ttmmethbytl• ' 10 tfcuitie ef the famediclrint. * Cbap.i,9. aHdS,ti. and •.,„. ,CbriltbeUine tbe man borne bliode, by taking theingae of clay, and afterward the ligne of luefouticaioeofSiloam (which figeifirth Sent! Iheweth «hat as heattbebegiooiogmademaa ,fodoe-.h he againe reftoreboth hisbedy ft foule: 3c yetfo,that hee himfelfecomroeihfiril of hiiowD» accord to heale VI. ?. A ttue imigeof all men , whoas they ate of nature blinde , doe neither (hem- eluei receiue tbe light that it o^eredvnto tbem j D0( fuffci it ία Other, and y«( mtke a gttit »do« aooDJ «henteluej, IX. Whom God heart c Tkis IS an Ht- brtntKinieef fpcch , fax thiy cat rvKtntkcyeaanut rt trine nny Mi^bt.• And shirt fete they Ityefaydithaut rteireyesepined, nhnh efbl.nde t^tonrtmeditefrt. air^ul.eibyaoy ^aaei more then by pretence uf R-'igioo.buttbe re if is prefled doA'fie , the more iicth vp. thine eyes « openedi 1 1 Hee anfwered , and faid .The man that is called lefus , made clay, and anovnted mir.e eyes and fiiJ vnto mee, Gje to tbe poole of Silcam and waQ). Ho ι went and waQied . and recciucd fight. It Then tbey faid vnto bim.Whereis heef He faid.i cantjot tell. 13 ί They brought to the Pbarif:} him that was o.ice bJinde. 14 And it was the Sabbath r/zy , when I cfw made the clay, and opened his eyes. - ly Then againe the Phariici alio asked himi bow he bad receiuei) (ighr. And ha faid vnto them. He laid clay vpon mine eyes , and I wailsed , and doe fee. 16 >'Then faid fomeofthePharifes, This man is not of God,becaufsheekefpethi:ottheSab. bath day. Others fiiJ,How can a man that is a fm- ner, doe fuch miracles ? and there w^s a dillscfion among them. 17 Then fpake they vnto the blinde againe, Wi 'at fayeft tDou of him , becaufe he hathopincd thine eyes?And he laid, He ii a Iropbet. 18 Then the lewes did not beleenebim (that he had beene blinde, and recei'ied his fight) vntill tbey had called the patents of him that nad recei- ued fight. 19 And they askrd them , faying , Is this yon» fonnc, whom ye Cty was borne blinde? How doeth be now fe «ben? ao Hii parents anfwered them .and faid , Wee know that this it out fonne, and that be was borne blinde: 21 Bat by wbatmeanfshenowfcetb, weknow not ; or who bath opened bis eycs.can we not tell: he is olde ynoDgh : aske him : he Ihall anfwtre for bimfclfe. 22 Thefe wordes fpake his parents , becaufe they feared the lewestfor the lewes bad ordeined already, that if any man did cocftlle tba: hee was Chtilt ,hee ihotild be exccmmunic4tt oat of tbe Synagogue. 23 Therefore fayde bis paretits, Bee is olde ynougb:askehim. 24 Then againe called tbey the man that bad bieoe biinde.andfaiJ vnto hitn,'^ Giue glory vnto Go J: weknow that ibis man is a efinner. 2 5: Then he anfweted.aod faid. Whether he be '^c'.i^i!n^,tu a finner or no, lean cot tell: one thing I know. that I was blinde, and now I fee. 26 Then faid they to bim againe, What did he to thee ? bow opened be thine eyes? 27 Hee anfwered them.I bane tolde ycu alrea- dii.and ye baue not heard it ': wherefotewould ye heare it agjint? will ye alfo be bis difciples 1 28 * Then reoiled they him, and laid, Be thou bis difciple : we be Moles difdple's, 29 We know that God fpake with Mofes : bat this man we know not from whence he is. 30 The man anfwered , and Viyd vnto them. Djubtlelfe , thi« is a maraeilous thing , that yee know not wfaecce bee is . and yet be batb opened mine eyes. 3 1 Now wee know that God heateth not fin- nets: buiifany man be aworll.ipperof God,and doeth bi: will, him heateth he. 32 Since the worldc began , was it not heard that any maa opeqed the eyes of one tbatw» boiae bliode. ' Pff» 3? U eareth d A fcliniHe irdff, tvhetebymen ivert /iratnidin e'.d.i tfir fault itfore Ced, as 1/ art Old , svbt thtlicwbele Mailer , ani iheria fee iheu reiee» rente hismtitilift and dee him (Alt hcneier .raiberit ftgelhewht'e Iter apen^y , tbt» lebefeie htm, - im.6.s. ■ is tailed Λ er in the He• vtengue , rtbiil rvi^kidman, and m-iktihas it jPirf an artetf finHing. 6 rt.u^wickeJ. uelTi! mud needef at length breake t*oor;h, which ia vainelitihbid cnder a ze^le of godliatfle. ψν.ο fee.or ar« blinde• S.lom jJTTf his nssn WiW tv>t of God, he could haue done nothing. 34 They mfwered and fayd vnto him , ^ Thou art alcogather borne in iiones.aad doeft tboa teach fo tbey Cifi iiim our. 3 Ϊ 7 iefoj heard that they had caft bitn out: and whso bee had found hicn , be faydc vnto him, leathoub.heueiatheSonnaofGod ? 36 He anfwcred.and fayd.Who is be.Lotd.that I might belecu: in himi 37 And lefuj fayde vnto him , Bjtb thou haS feene him, and he it is thattilkith with ihee. 38 Then beeiiid , Lord ,ΐ beleeue , and wor- fliippsd him . 39 8 And leius fay J , I am come vnto 8 iudg?- ment into this world.thattfaeyb which fee not, raigh: fee : aad that they « which ice , might bs made bliudo. 40 And fome ofthePhanfas which ware wish him, heard thefe things.and faid vnto biaj,Af e we bjinde alfo? 41 lefusfayd vnto tbem.lfyec were blinde, ye ihould not bau: linne : but now ye fay , Wee fee: therefore your fiane tetaainetb. 2 IVith great piTx>er«niautho tfbefaii , Tr,efe mm lAkcvptnihem t it, u dee gtutrne Sr or} Its ineepe near inisypycg^ f Thou «tt naught uiafioin the cia . dli. and as we vfe to fay, theie ii ns- thinjiQ thee bat 7 Moil bappy !» jLeir (tale , which ;a«.fufthe!t or {he Cburch cf the wicked ι: fn blmie me» , them Will I lighten , andfuc:! «i take themfelucs tt tt Vtife'll . thim xDili 1 drmnsinmailgrtpe diikenrfe cfiimrAtice. h J η theft tntrJi {offceiHi attinttfecn.) t-tre is efe φί : for the} thouglff aU men bunie tut thmfelti C HAP. X,. I Chriil• prtmeth thtt the Pkarifesare^ euitt jbepheirds, S aniby mAKjreafiiKSyihii hintfclfe ii, 14 tsthtgcti Ib-.phe.irit.isAnd thereof digetifien ari[eth,ziThey tik.e ■vp (Unes,3<) anigoe aHut te tike him, but he efcaptth. a S'eing thatby (Cfcrillontly we JiaDJSixcffc to the ffatcefi th-re ire other ttue iUephrardi th?a ahofe which come Ghvilt then-, fi^Hca, anab?e]:e,that Chifi wasthe dtore } One•-' Chrii is the tru-e Piftor.ani that oaeiy is the true Chu:ch,which ackoowle-'ce'him to be properly their ooely Taftor : Toh.inare oppofite theeue» w'hiih feeds oo( the it«eue but hill them ; aodhireliogs alfp, which for fake the iocbt ■□ time of Ja^g•ί 1 becaufe they tiede it ouelv for their owne ptofite «ad jai.ue.." e Th-tt ii. jb-Ul i""J''J'y : ff.'"X'.i*'^5»tc:'"/?"''»*»'"^W.»!iff 10 The ibeefe commetb not, but fo: to fteale, and to kill , and to deftroy : I ao) come, that tbey might haue life, and haue it in abundance, 11 * I am that good fliepheatd : that good ibepheard giucth bis life for bis Hirepe. I X Bat an hireling , and hee which Is not the fliepbeard, neither the iheepe ate his owne , feetb the wolfe comming. anaheeleaueth tbelheepc, and fleeth, aad the wolfccatcheth them, and feat- f ^-outih me , al« , , η loweihme. terethtbeflieepe. ;_ + xhecaiiicgof ezek.34,t3. 1 3 So the hireling Seeth , becaufe he is an hire- the Gem ling.and careth not fur the Aieepe. 14 lamthatgoodfliepheard.andknow niiae, matkeof'iheC» f Tnec and am knowen of mine. iholike Church jy As the Father '^knowethme.fo know I the :hrou|houtaUthe worlii , which hath one head , tbatiJ. Chtilithe oaely »; i-checketothePhA- •i• Chap. 3^1-;. and ii.i^jj. \7 Erely ,• Vetely I fay voto you,He that entreth not in bythedoore into tbefliesptfcild,but cli'neth vp another way , he is a theefe δί a robber. ζ Bat be that goeth in by thedoore.isthe ihepaeard of the fheeps 3 To him the » potter openeth, and the iheepe heare his ν oyce.and he calletis his owac flieepe by natne.and Icadedi thtm out. 4 And when hee hath fent foor^h bis owne (h;eps, he goeth before tl'ero, and the frijepe foU low hina : for they know his voyce. 5 And tbey v/ill not follow a ftranger , bnt they fl je from aim : for they kaow not the voycs cfftfangers. 6 This " parable fpake lefus vnto them ; bus ihey vndetftood not what things tbey were which be fp^ke vnto them. 7 Tnen fayd lefus voto them againe , Verely, verely I fay vnto you, I am that dooie of toe ih?epe. 8 Ϊ All that <= euer came before tae.aie theenes and robb;t3 : but the fiieepe did not heare thcu.- 9 3 1 am tnatdciorfriby me if any roan enter in, he (hall be faueil , and lhall.iw«iW.«i»' Pf'ptecieth that one nut ft iie for the fecfle. ji, jj The} cinmuni it feeke Chriil out, ana tt take him. Λ NJ' acettiinenjar! wasficke.«4w»nh 44 T-^en he t'at wiS diad.canw foonh. bound hana aid fjote with ban les, and his face was bound with a n-,k'i Llus fiyd vnto theia, Loofe him.aadlahimgoe. Λί r TlienBUtnyoftVelewes.whicncamete ** ' Fff3___ w«yi r Chrift tooke ;j. him together " ihourfl-lh jH ff.rAi.ni of mao liune '.urlyex- epted)all^ •πιοηη1 hem rfjccial'y ind com• >artioo. Tie^e are ttk'V* lUhp tvai ite->tlj tcued , iiitjit ihef IVfi-i yrnhtat jinnei iii thefe .ifftcheui are ptcpetitm^i nature. V c*4^ί,5. Jghecteth* S.Iofln, The Gi^ekes defire t6 feeuBnU.' ^,^ } Then much people of the lewes knew tSati he was there: and tiicy- caoie, not for iefus fake Κ-''^/^^'(ρ^,}8"• oni-ly.but tbat they might fee LiZJrus alfo, whiSfei ihewtcb iddfe, be had raifcd ftom the dead. fomea.t fouod to 10 The higiiPfitlii therefore; coofulted, «hitloth, tbey might put Lszacas to death alfo. I.! , Bicanfe that for his fake many of the IcWes went away , and Lieleeued in Icfus. 12 ί^Οϋ the morow a great mulsitade tbat were come to thefeaft , when they heaid that le- (lis ihould come to Hietiiiklero, 13. Tooks branches of palme trees, and went foorth to meet him, and cried, Hofinnt, Blcffeci w the king of Ifrael thatcoffiffletbintheN^meoi the Lord. 14 And lefus found a yong affe.aad fate tbcre- on,as it is written, 1 y •^ Feare not.daoghter of Sion : behold, tby King conameth fitting on an affes colt. 16 But his difciples vndetftoode not thefe things at the fiiQ : but when lelus was glorified, then remembred they, that thefe things were writ, tea of hiiD.and that tbey had dotie thefe things vn to bim, 17 The people therefore tbat was withhiro, bare witneffe tbat hee called Lazarus out of the graae, and raifed him from the dead. 1 8 Therefore met him the people alfo, bicaufe they heard that he had done this roirjcle. 19 4 And the Pharifes fiid among themfelue», Petceiue ye how yepetnail! nothing » Behold.the world goetb after him, ao f Now there were certaine Greekts among them that » came vp to worihip at the feaS. 21 And they came to Philip . which was of Betbfaida in Galile,and dcfuedhim,faying,Sir,wc woTilJ fee that le(us. 2 2 Philip came and told Andrew laadagaine Andrew and Philip told lefas. 2? And lefus anfwared iheta, faying. The houre is come, that the Sonne of taanmuftbe glori6ed, 24 f Verelv, verely I fay veto you.Except the wheat cotne fall into the ground and ^ die , it abi- deih alone : but if it die , it briogeth foorth much fiuic. 2y ■•■ He that louesh his life , fliall lofe it , and he that hateth his life in this world , Hwll kcepe it vnto lifs eternall. 26 «if any man ferae nseJet him followe mc: for where I am. there Ibal! my feruant be : and if any man feme me, bim will my Father honour. 27 6 Now is my foule trocbled : and what flijli I fay? Father.fiue me from this ' boure:bnt there- fore came I vnto this houre. 28 Fattier, Ί glorifie thy Name. Then came there a voyce ffomheanin,/a^<«^,Ihauebotb glorified it , and will glotifte if agjrne. 29 Then fayd the people that ftood by , and beard , that it was a thunder ; other faiJ,An Augel fpaketobim. 9 0 7 lefus anfwered aiKjl fayd.This voyce came BOt becaufe of me.faut for your fakes. 31 Now is the iudgement of tbji world : now iball the prince x)f (bis world be cafi out. Withliuidli * pif ferreth the will and glory of his Father before all thingi , whofe obfdi'ence the Father alloweth euen tiom heaaea. c To wit , of itath that ii M^rv eth^r.i. ά St then the FMhen j.'on •! Chiift his(,ltry. 7 Cbrift foretelleth to the deafe , the maner of his deaih, Ue ouercemmiog of thedtuili and-tbe wotid.ma in coociuliaa hiii Kiu.Tipfa. 32 <*•Αη4- β The laft point of baid aadyron like ftabi,urr.ne!re itihii , to piotlame open warreagaiolt Ood.aod yetcea. fetb-DOt tamike» •pretence both of godliuffle , and of piofitecf the Cominoii wealib. J Th- • wes cailei the coan/til SAtl•- hiitin : and the »cri that Ubn wfcth ts Syaedri. a, That,i,,^ke *)fnmv>bi pue:f„atthat time , thouth the tie Prieftsiu.hc ritietsrAS^teettf lifienei and decay- ed , yet ikite was ftme kindt cf ge- Meintment left nmcKgihe lewts. 17 The raging aud wad conipiny of thefalfe Church, petfwade them- ielue».tbat they caouot be i u fafe- tie , VDiefTt be be tikeo aevay 1 v^ho onelyvpholdeih the Church : Acd folikewifeiudgeth ths wiftdome of the flefli in world- ly atfjirei , wbichis Mary , and had feeoe the things which lefus did bekeued in bim. 46 « Bat fome of them w?nt their way to the Pharifas, & tol J them what thii-gs lefus had done. 47 Then gatbered the hie Pr jefts ,8c the Phari- fes a g councill, and fiyd , Wnat ftiall vie doe i For this man dueth many miracles. 48 If we let him thus alone , all men will be- leeue in him, and the Romanes will come and b takeaway both our p^ace.an J the nation. ^97 Then one af t;jem named Ciiaphas , which was the hie rritfi that fame yeere, laid votoihem, Ye petceiue notning at all, JO *Nor y et doe you confidet that it is expe- dient fjr vs , that one man die for the people , and that the wUole nation pealh not. y I 8 This fpake be not of himfelfe : but being hie Prica th«tlame yeere . he prophecied that le- fus (bouid dio for tbat nation: 52 And not for that nation onely, but that he fl^uld gitbei together in one ;y children of God, which ' were fcattered. J 3 Then from that day foorth they confultcd tcg'^tner to put him to death. 54 9 lefus therefore walked no more openly among the lewes , but went thence vnfo a coun- trey neete to the wilderneffcinto a citie called E- phraim ,3nd there continued with bis difciples. 5 f ί And the lewes Paffeooer was at band.and many went outofthecountrey vptoHictuUleaa before the Pi tleouer. to purihe thea.felucs. 5:6 Then fjught they fof lefus.and fpake among themfelues as they ftoodeinthe Temple, What tninke ye. that he cousmeth not to the feaft? f 7 Now both the high Pri^as and the Pharifcs had giuen a comtEandement.that if any man knew where he were, helbould ihew it, that chey might take him. ipiruoiri3diue)fe or madcejr•. a Cbiiftdoeib Ibmrtime fotutne i'^-tonguei, euen of i|he wicfeed, that in cnrfing , they b!efl>. i ιοί they vue %athered tcieiher in cue countra ,ai the lend ivfrf, but to beiathtred frtm fuarlers, frm the E,ifl iclhiU'^li- 9 Wee may giue place to the rage of wicked, when it is expedient fo to doe, but yet in ftitb fori, that wee fwarue Gpdt vocation CHAP. XII s As Chrift is at fuppeririih Ζ/ι:^ί«ί,3Λίίηί atsoiatith kii feete. j ludAifiitieth fau.t with her. 7 CktiB de- fenieth her. loThe Priefls Would put L»%ann tt it nth. ixAiChrtfl commeth tt Hierufa!em,i3 The peaflemcet him: iz The Crectami' fire ta fee htm. i,\,Thechie{e tuienthf.t ielftuein him , bm jo: feare dte mt cenft^t him, n^ hte f.thorteth ti faitb. ^ Chup.tS.xj. 1- Ab horrible ei- aeiplein ludai of ajninde blindfd with c>>uetcufnes, and yet pretending SodUDeife. a Thiiextnordi• atrie aootnting which was [or a fifoe , ii fo alloWet ef God , that tee witnelTe.th how he will not be wor- fkipped with out- ward pompe, or «oQlyff mice, but T" Hen «I lefus, fixe daves before the Pafleouer, ■* came to Bithania .w'.erc Lsziruswas, who died, whom he hatl raifed from the dead. 2 Tiiere they made iiim a ftippsr , and Martha feruedibot L«z;rus was one of them that iate at the table with him. 3 Then tooke Matie a pound of ointment of Spikenarl very coftly ,aod anoiaiei leftis feete, and wiped bis feete with bet hsire , and thehoafe was filled with the fauonr of t'le oiiimenr. 4 Then fayd one ofhijdifciplss.ixenTudas Ifcariot,Symons/s»»«,wbich ihould betray him: y ' Why wiS not this ointment fold for three hondreth pence and giuen to the poore? 6 Now he fayd this, not that he cared for the poore , but becaufe he was a thiefc , aud • had the bagge , and bare that which was giuen. 7 - Then fayd lefiis.Lit btt alone : againft the dav of my burying fli? kept it, 8 For the poore a5wayeiyechauewithyoa< bm tncye flialiaot iHu ea/es. ( which Isaft ought} to be npea enenies : others iu a rage honour bin) , whom they will (liiightway fall ftiom ; and ve• ry few d:e fore- utrently receiue hey ought: Notwithftanding Chriii begioneth hi, fpirituall king• dome in the raid! , of bii enemiei. * Mat.i,,t, mttke ii.t. iuke .9.3,-. 4. Euen they which goe abiut to 0?- prelTeChrilljaie made lonruments of hii glory; a Apter the folemHi t*iieme ; the Gre- cians were fir ft β exiled, i) the name fthe cmntreytf Greece , where thtj dwelt: tut after- w.trd, all thatwete net of the lewes religion , but wr- Ih.ppedfalfegod,, and were alfo called. Heatbens,were caU led by this name. S The death of Chrift is as it were a fowing , which feemetb to be a dying to the corne,' but indeed il the eaufe of a fair grea« terhaiueft:and fuch a< it the coa- ditiep ofthebfad, fo (hall it be of the members. b A wheat come ditth when it is changed by tjertue f the irct4ttd, aniy bicimmeth Λ roote >fa fruitfullltade., : Λ/λι. 10,39. ΛΜ<< .6.iS.mark.e 8,31, luke 9.ζ4..αη<ί >7.3ί- Χ CV;i/»1^.3|io. ΛίΙοι tS,i6. torn ΓΙ 8. 10 -Such «s be- Iceue , are 00c only fewein numbev. if they becomp». red with the vnbe- leeutri , but alfo themoftotthofe feweCyeiand th« efpicirlly the •chiefcft) doe fetre •nee more then Cod. * Chap.;, 44. I The fumme of tfaeGofpel.and ' theiefore of falaa- tion. which Chiift Vi'itxeffrth iuthe middett of Hieru- falem , by hii dy- ing out, isifaii: to re;t vpon -Ch rill th cough faith, as ihe orrly Sauioui jppoiti^ed 31 •{• And I , if I were e lift Vp from the eaf th , will draw ''all men voto me. 33 N^wthisfaid he .Ggnifying what death he uiuuld die. 5 4 The people anfwered him , We haue heard out of the <^ Law . that that Cbrift biJeth for euer: and how faieft thoa , that that Sonne of man muft be lift vp? Wbo ii that Sonne of man? 3j 3 Then ijfus f,yg vnto them , Yet a little while is " the light with yoo: walke while ye haue that light.leaft thedarkenefife come vpon you: for he tbat waiketh in the darke , kooweth not whi- ther hegoetb. § 36 VVrtile yee haue thatligJit.beleeue in that Ug>t . that ye may be the « children of tbe light. TSefe things fpake lefas.and departed , and hid bimfelfefrom them Chap^XII. Cbrift waflieth the difcfptes fee^Tj^ ; 3 7 f » And though he had done fo ojany mi. racles before them , jet belseoed they not on him, 38 Tbat the faying of Efaias the Prophet might be fulfilled.tbat he faid. « Lord, who belee- ued our report» and to whom is the •> armeof the Lord reaeaied? 39 Tbersfore could they not belecue.becadfe that Elaias laith againe, 40 ■k He bath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart .that they ihoalJ not ice with thiir eyes , nor vndetftan J with their heart , and itould be coDKeiied,and I ihculd heale them 4 1 Thefe things faid Efaias when be fawe bis gloiy.and fpake of hico. 4x ■° Neuerthelefle.eutn among the chiefe ru- Isrs , many beleeucd in him : but bscauf: of the Phaiifes they did not confefife him , leaft they £hould becrt/ioutoftheSynagogue. 43 * For chry louad ihep.aiic of men .more then tne praifeof God. 44 " And lelus died, and faid , Hstbat belee- neth in me , bcleeueth i not in me, biu in him tbat fent me. 4^ And he tbat feetb mee . feeth him that feat mee. 46 I •{• am come a light into the world , tbat whofocuer belecueth in me.ihouldnotabidein daikernefle. 47 <|^ And if any roan heare roy wordes , and bdeeae not , ( iudge him not : for ί caiae not to iudge the woilJ.but to faue tbe world. . 48 He thatfefttfethme.andreceiaednotmy woidcs , hath one that iudgeto him : '■' tbe word tbat I haue fpoken.itihaUindgehim in the iafi day. 49 For I haiie not fpoken of my felfe : but the Fatiicr which fent mee , he gaue me. acomman- dement what I Ihonld fay , and wbat I Ihould fpeake. $0 And I knowe tbat his commandement is life: euetUiting.: tbe thingcs therefore that I fpeake , I fpetiizthim foas tbe Father (aide να i^ath'et'. « This Vfori Wi doth not «-*• aHj whit of this fnm Cbrift vhitb is herefpcken of, hut is in wej efcorreilicn rather , as ifhefaia He thaibeleeuethin m'r , dothnot fcmuchbi. ietue in mt , at i« him that/tni me. So is it in Marke 9,37. <• Cbaf.i.tg. **<'iiJ9• i CbM.3,n. V jMar*fie.ie ' C Η A P. i 1 1 Γ. 4 Chriβ rifing from [upper, i ;Γ« ccmmtndhurHHitie to tii uipiinies,tfafb th iheir feeir, 21 He noieih the treifiur Μ Owe* I before the feaB of tbePafleouer •*■ ^ when Jfilus knewe tbat his houre was come that he illStfid depart out of this woil J vnto tht Father , forafmuch «s be loued his » owne whicb were in the world, vnto tbe end he loued them, 2 And when fupp-i was done (and that the deuill had now putin theheartof luJasIfcariot, Simoas fonne, to betray him.) 3 Idus knowing that the Father bad giiien all things into his b hand», 8c that be was cooje forth from God, and went to God, 4 He <: rifitb from Supper, and liieth sfi Je bis ■vfper garments , and tooke a towell , audgirded himfelfe. y After that, bee {lowred water into a bafen, and beganne to wailithedifciplesfeete ,anJ to wipe them wiib tbe towell. wtierewith bee was girded. 6 Then came he to Simon Pete» , who faid to him. Lord, doili thou walh my feete ? 7 lifts anlw ;red , and fai J vnto him, What I doe thou kooweft not now : bat thou link know it hereafter. 8 Peter f.id vnto him, Thou Ih ilt neuer wafh my feete. lefusaufw^tedhioi. If I waih thee not, thou lliait haue ^ no part v.ith me. 9 Si.TJon Peter fai'd-tnto iiim , Lord , not my feete onely, bat affa tbe bsnds inS tbe bea J. 10 leiiis fai J to him, Hie that is waibsd.nee- deth not.faueto wall his fe^te, but is cleane eae• ry whit : and ye are «^ clsane, but nut all. 11 For hee knew; who iliouU buiay bim : therefori faid he, Yt are notallch^nc. II f SoifcirbehadiViihed tneirfe;t.andhad taken his gatments.&wis fe; downe again, be faid vnto them. Know ye wiiac I haue done to you ί 1 3 Ye call mre Milt :r , and Lord , and ye faj^ Will : for fo am I. 14 If I then your Lord , and Mailer , haue wallied your feete , ye alio ought to vvalh one an others feete. I y For I ban• giuen yon an example . tbat ye (hoold doe.eaen as i haue done to yon, 16 Verely.verely I fay vnto you." Theferaant is not greater then his ra ifter.nehner tbe U ambaf- faJour greater then he that fent him 17 if ye know thefethings.blcffedareyeif ye doe them, 18 f i I fpeake not of you all : I know whom I haue chofen : but it is that the Sctipture migiit be fulfilled , κ He that eateth bread wiih me. hath life vp his heele againS me. 19 From hsncetorth tell I you before it come, that vvben itiscometopalle.yeemightbclecue that lam bee- "zu A• Vercly.verely I fay vnto you. Ifl fend any, he that receiueth him, teceiucih ro;, and hee tbat receiueth me, teceiu»th biro that fent me. II When lefoshadfaiJthtfetbings.heewas troubled in tbe Spirit, and e teftified, ant) laiJ.Ve- rely , verely I fay vnto yon . tbat one of you Uiall betray me. zz "^ Tnen the difciples looked one on eno- tber.doubting of w'iom be fpake. j 13 N.)Wt.e'e was one of his difciples, which I ^leaned on Ictus bofome, wlfom lefm loued. Uuketo.ii. f Iohnhisleaniniwasfuct',thatfiti,niic\x\i> •f• Mat.i6.i, marke 14.1. luktii.,. I ChiiltnoIeOTe certaiae of the vidorie , theo ef tbe combit which wat at band, vfiog thefigneofwalh- iog tbe feete, dgili pii:ly thersby ! ao exaiDple uguiar mode• i'td his great laietowairt bit Apollletinibii actable afte , b;iog fif very (hottly » depart f.om b=!ii-aLd|..itIy fiineffcth vnto }en , ifaat nil he rrly which wafti- eiha.vay the frith of his people , atij that by in tie and " le, in their time d ieafoB. a Them of his hmfbtti , tb*tis, his Saints, h Inn his povn. e Jit that be is faii tfe , St argueib ' there was » fpAce belw^ent lit cenmoHies of the P..ffteitrr,aniiiiii wafbini of frete, at what time ilfee- meth thut tbe Sup- per was inftituled, dVr.!rfie tb,u fuf. fer me to wafh thee, thiufbxlt haue Μ part lit the fciBJ- ■eofheauta, ChAp.iS4• •.• Chtp.tf.», mat.i» a4, tuke « .^o• I The worifigni. tieth a» AyoftU. wHth isnny orit that IS fent from another. ^_^ beirayTag of Ctarili wiiDOC laiuall , 01 a thicC hi: happened tty hance , but the 'ither foordiioei he tjufeof out nfeife io hia SoQoe I and the SoDoe did griU liogly and v3lua« ly ooey the Fa• her. Pia!.^i.9. •i-: Mit lo.^t. tuk' Ό Ιβ. He; ajprmed opintj ,andfo» .ed IS. Mat-i^xi. marke 4.1». his hedybis beei Judas i« w„b an euidem token. 34 He e»mrntii4ab \vas toward iefushis head .foihai .iwasaneifi, meiter for bimiotoMhiefiot si«rilit.}j,}iHi forettllttb imr β/ hts denUHl. \ bis bofome: fn it is cenatnt that in ,ld( time tne» vfed not to pt Μ l*« tmt» iut It Ue dtvni on the one fide. I F f f 4 24X0 ^ ^any dwell m^^laces. ■g ,^e li»ti« to id ifiilet tbe g!o• /.ryMi|ofCa(i.l infaisigaairiaie J Thii verfe »nJi tht next fttldwing, 1 mcii fUiue ttnieuiim: ttfti• mmie of the iiui- •ofChr:^. 4 TheexterniU lory /hall flow J little and little from ths h«d into the numbers. But ία the tr.iint time, we mult take good iieedt tba: wee palT: οα•Γ tie uce eftfaii life in bro- therly large, * CAi;>.7.|4. J ifWit.ij.iS, «» i9. y An hrauleei . oippleof radi trull lai cojfi-lence. •' 3i4t.z6.23. vn.nke 14.19. S He-beJeeaith - ίαΟ^Λ ths; b^'ee- tn«:h ία Cbiii^.aad S.IO 24 To him bscfceneJ tli«refofe Simon Peter, ;hat he fliouU «sks wbo it wiS of whom be fpake. 2f He then as he leaned on lefus breafc , faid Vnto hira.Lord who is It} 26 lefus anfwered.He it is, to whom I ihall giue fapp?,when I haue dipt it : and We wet a fop, and jaueiito I aiislkmot, Simons Jfinne. 27 An j aGsr the foppr, Si:an eatred into hirn. Then fjyd leiits vato hiai ,TiMt thou doefr, doe guickl•/. But none of them that were at table , kaeWi fjr what Ciufe he fp^ke it vw ο bim. 29 Fjr fau; jf (Him thought becaufslaiss had the bigge, that iefu» had fiid vnto hiaj.Buy shofe things rbit we haue necde of againft y feaft: or that he Ih jul i giiis fome thicg £0 ihe poore. 30 Allaone then as be had receiaed the fopps, lie went imme'Jii-Iy out, and it was night, 31^3 Wbeti hec wss f>ons oat, lefus faide, g Ν J* is the SoJQe of maa glorineJ ,anJ God is 'orihed in him• 32 If God be glorified in him , God fliall alfo glotifii faia in himfeife.aQd ihiW ftraigbtway gb- rifie him, Si -l• Litle children , yet a litle while am I with you ; yee ibdi feeke mee , bnt as I faid vnto the Φ f ewes. Whither I goccan ye not come : alfo ίο you fay I now. 34 J A new commandeaent giac I vnto yon, that yee ioue one another: as I haue loued you, that ye alfo lone one another. 3 5f By this ih«ll all men knowe , that ye aye my difciples,if ye haue loua one to another. 3$ s Simon Peter fai j vnto him. Lord, wbitber goelt thoni lefus anfwettdhim. Whi-her Igoc, tdou canft not follow me dow ; but thon ilialtfol-• low me afterward. 3 7 Peter faid vnto him . Lord , why can I not fallow thee cow i •: I will laj downe my life for th> fake. 38 lefus cnfwered bJm , Wilt tbon lay downe thy lifi for ciy fake? Verely, merely Ifayv.ito thee, The cocks ihail not ctowe,tiil thoubaoe deoied me thriie. CHAP. XIV. I Hf ccmfeiteth ha ii prepare a placr f >r you. 3 » An J if I goc to prepare a place for you , I will = coTje againe.arjd recdue you vnto my felfe, that where I am, tber^ may ye be alfo. 4 } And Wbitber I goe , ye ^now, and tbe way ye know. 5 Tnonjas faid vnto him , Lord , we know not v/hitber thou gQeS;bow cat) wathen know f way? f^ The W avTmetih .an^fTife^- «M β r.s r un 7 it.wil, 11».' yTf theft isire place )nc»ih uHtJoryiitAiji, ύη mtFM'eti bonfe ,1 ci-.l^ntt thus decciue -.on •H/ith Λ -Jain'' hipe, lutlwonUh^iie itUe ym β pU:tttly\ > Λ Ί th: faef.th ii iy way tf ακ ΛUfgc1ie,v>h!rtl•y the Lord tttmfurtrth hii avne , d. daring vKnibemhn dsparsme inHhenHtn, which «s. »«/ te retgne there «/«a^.iar to gee Hfirr.eui prepare .1 place far th'm aChtift went not away fro η vn : to the end to forfake vs , but r»tber that bee might st Jenjrh take vi vpv;iih himiotoh'awn. c Thefewnies art tt be re; erred to the tfJiole Chutci.,ttnl thertftrl the Angeli fiydtfihr dtfcipleiwlien theyweie »fly to true aoi '■ — - — : 1^— lefus faid vntobim , I am "^ that Way , and that TiUith. and that Life. No man commeth vnto the Father.but by trre. • 7 «If ys had knowenroee iyeeilioulibaae knowen my Father alfj ; and from henceforth ye know him, and haue feene him. 8 Fnilip fiid vnto him , Lord , fliew vs thy Fa- ther.anditfufEccth vs. 9 lefus faid vota biaj,! haue beene fo iorg time with you , and baS tboa not koowen mee , P.,ilip5 hee that hirhfeene tazi , ha::i feene my Father; how, then fay eft tbou.Shev/ vs r^_y Father} 10 4 Beleeufft thou not «that I am in tbe Fa- ther , and the Father is in tie } The wordss^bat I YfJ^_^f fp:ake vnto you , I fpeake not ofay felt'i ; but the Fatbertbat iiiwelleth in me.he doeth the workes. 1 1 Bslecue rae,tbat I «na in tbe Father,and ύαΐψοη and eafiefeu Father is in mee : at the leaS .beleeue me for tbe very work:s fake. 12 s Verely , verdy 1 fay vnto yoa ,hethatbe- 1 jeueth in roe , the workes that I doe.he Ihall doe alfo , and '' greater then tbefe iball bee doe : for I goe vato my Father. 13 4• And whatfoeuer yee aske in roy Name, tbat will I doe , that the Father may be gloti6ed in the Sonne. 14 If yee ihall sstte any thing in my Name , I will doe it. I J 6 If ye lone me.keep; my commandementi, 16 And I will pray the 'Father,and he Ihall giue you another Comibrter, that be may abide with you for euer, 17 Etitn the ε Spirit of truetb , whom the ^ world cannot receiue , becaufe it feeth biro not, neither knov/3th him : but ye knowe him ; for be dwelleth with yca.and ihall be in you. 18 I will not leane you fathetkffe : but I wil come to you. 1 9 Yet a little while , and the woild ihall fee tne no more , but yee ihsU fee me : becaufe I Hue, ye iliali Hue alfo v.) Ac that day ihsll ye know that I am ' in my Fatber.and you in me,and I in yon. 1 1 He tbat bath ray CQmmandements,and kee peth them , is he that 1οη•ίΙ me : and hee tbat lo- uetb me , ihallbe loued of my Father : and I will Ioue biro, and wiil ^- fli? w nine owne felfe to him, 22 7 ladas faid vnto tim . (not Ifcatiot) Lord, what is tbe caufe tbat thou wilt ih:w thy felfe veto vs, anJ not vnto the world? 23 lefas anfwered , and faid vnto him. If any tfttueth, ofthetf= man Ioue mee . be will keep- wy word , and my W^ »*"* V ^"■ Father v?ill leue him , and he will come vnto him, and will dwell with liim 24 He that louetb mee net .Iteepethnotroy ■B'oids, i,nd the word which ye hcare , is not mine, bat the Fathers which fent me. ly s Thefe things haue I fpoken vnto yoa, being prefent with you. 26 <^ But the Comforter , which is the holy GhoS.whom the Father will fend in my Name.he ihall teacfa you all things , and h. it^g all things to your remembrance, wl'icb I baus told you. i Thii fapnifbtw h vnto Vi bith the tuture , the will i (ffct of Chrilt. ll IS pUine by thii pUc , ihat I' KitiTff CU,iS/tofeeCid. Ncwe whereas h? faid be' fere , thai no mi» faweCod at any it vnderfiotd thus. Without Chriii : «r were it mt tht ουφ Chrifl , HO man rfee,nir at any for asCirjfi^ fiome faith, the Sonne is a very eafief ting foorth cftbe fathers natHrt vnto Vi. 4 The maiefti» oi " hit ftlf- moil eui- im'si,f. 6 He louetb Cbrit^ aright, which obeyeih bis com- mandementi : and becaufe tbe fsme-ii . accompanied with i ao iaiiuite fort of mlferies, although . he beabfen; is bo- dy : yet doeth he comforihbi• with tbepiefentvertue oftheholy Gboft, whnm ihe world dtfpifeth, becaufe it knowetb him not ί The holy Ghofl "' ailed the Spi; ' " hih,he:aufe heiiK' fpireth the truetb into Vi , whereat etberwife he hath trueth m himfelft, b Worldly men. i The Stnnt if >M ihe Father afttt fuch fort, that btii Ofon>felMamt fubfiime with tht ~ Father , hut ht is in his difeiples in e scrtaine rifpell as Anaydsrandhelftr tfthem. k I wilip>etx> my felfe to htm, end be ktnnvfKofhim , as ifhefaw tet with hii eyes : hut this fhewing ofhimfelfe is nut bodily, but fpirttually ,)e»/i plaint MS none can be more. 7 Wee tnuft notaake why the Gofpelis seuealed tofoni* ratbei then toother, but We mutt rather take heede, that we embrace Cbrift w ho i( offered vnto vJ , and that we truely lone bim , that is to fay, that we giue our felue» whollytobiaobediesce. % It ii the office of the holy Gboft to imprint in the minda ofche eUd io their tiaeuDdreafoai, tbat which Cbaa obc« tfAit- Chrimstbe Vine* Oiap.^T^Xvj, 27 » Peace I leane with yoa: tny peice I g(|K ^nto ]rou:aot ae tiie wcK^ giaetli.ginc I vqco you. Let Dut your heart be troi'blf-ii.pot feafc. i '= Ye baue beard hov» I i'airl vnto you, I goe away. and will coff;e voto you. nought in mee, 31 Bat it is that the worl Je may koowe that I loue my Father : and as the Father bath ded mcifo I doe> Atifclet vs goe hence. 9 All true felicity EOiumctb 10 vi by Cbriit abne jj Sofarre ii it, that we Ihoall be fory for the depu- ting of Cbriltjfrom Vseccordia{ to »hefl^lh,th»twe filouU rather re- iojctfoi it.feeiog rtitaUthebUflaag cfthe mimbers dipeadtth vpon the glorifying of the head. i Thii iifffktn in that, that he is Me- dittiur.f^rft the rgther is greater then be,i» as much US the perfon to Vhern rejuefi is mkie , is ptxttr thin het th»t m»keth the requefi. 1 1 Chiii^ Koeth to death nolvnwiiUagly , but willingly, not ai yeeldjag to thedeuill, but obeying bis Fathers decree, m Ai who rveuidfay, S.tten will b] and b] fet -upi» me with ill the mi%ht he tan, tut he hMb no fewer cutt me,Heitbet fb*H be fini (fH}f»ib tbiits, inmejts he thmketh be Jbill. CHAP. XV. 1 Sj the faraile tfthe vine, ζ axd the hrauches, f,e htt ieclmeth how the difnplcimiy keAre fruit, ii 17 H» ttrnm'Kieth mutuall loue.i^He exhcrteih ihcmttbeare ejfiiilions fatieKtl], ao by his owne (xtmfie. I' Aia that tm« vine , and my Father is that bnf> bandman, 2 ψ Euery brauncb that beareth not frnitc in mee.beetakethaway : and euery one that bearetb frmt.hee pargeth it,thas it may bring foortb more frnit. 3 fl Now are ye cleans through the word.whicb I baue fpaken vnto you. 4 Abide in me.and I iti ypa:as tbe branch can not beate fruit of it filfe.excepuc abide in the vioe,no more can )*e, escept ye abide in me. f I ara that vine: ye are the braunches: he that abideth in mee , and I in bun , the fame biingeth foorth much fruit : for v/ithout me can ye doe no- thing. 6 ■•■ If a man abide not in me, he is «ft forth as a branchxnd witberethund men gaher them.and Cift thim into the 6re , and they burne. 7 « » If ye abide in m;,and my wordee abide in you, aske svhat ye wiil.aod it fbail be done to ycu. ' Herein is my Father glorified.rhat ye bcarc much fruit, and be ma-ie my oifciples. ^ 3 As the Fithet hatb Icued me , fo baue I lo- ned you : ^ continoe in that try loue. 10 If ye ihall kcepe try commaBd;ments,yce ihall abide in my lone , as I haue kept my Fathers commandemcnts.and abidtf in bis loue. 1 1 Thefc things haoe I fpckeo vnio you , that my ioy might tetmine in yea, and that your ioy might be fiul. II "k Tbis is my comroaodement, tbat ye lo«e one another, as I bane loued y on. 13 Greater loiie then this hath no man , when vay man beftowcth his life for bis friends. 14 Yec are my fsleods, if ye doe wbatroeuer I commaund you. 15 4 Henceforth call ί yotsnot feruants : for the The comfbrterpfomlled, 4 j) i Weireofoi* turedrieandfit ibraothingbut thtite: Therefore that we may Hue ■od be ftuitfull, wcmuft fitftbe gi-affed into Chrift, «lit were into a vine by the Fathert hand: aodthea be daily bred vcith cootinuill tneditatioDoftbe word and the crofle ; otherwife it fliall Dot auaile any mar. at all to hiue beene %iiSci, valeffe he cleaue fait vato the vice, and fo draw iuice out of it. 4.9. 7 Toe hatied that the world beantb againn Chiift.proe ccedith ofthe blotkiihntfleof tbe a-.ind .which DoiwithDaodiBg luotaiie blinJ.fothttthe • woildcan preieoi! ft to coue« , their fault. Κ Chif. iS,^, i As who would 1% « If tbe world hate you.ye know that it ha- 1*"* '^^ f' :ed me before you. .mmethfL,kt jp If ye were ofthe wotlde . the world would >nei, 'fauIuTanl lOBe bis owr.e:but becaufe ye are not of ihe world, ?""'»i »•"'»?/?* but I haue chofen you out ofthe world, therefore %a,Z\''ff'"h^ the world batetb you. 'fnothml^bat'^ 20 Remember the word tbat I ftid vnto yon, '," " ""> i'h>*t. i Tbe fetaant is not greater then his mafter. • If |" f^o^u-J^ not they haue petfccuted me , they will perfecme yon onely not to feare, alfo:if they haue kept my worde, they will aifo '"""''"'■'onfiro.e keepe yours. Kbefaitblullmini- 21 7 But s all tbefe things will they doe vnto you for my Names faki.bccaufe diey baue not knowen bim that fern me. 22 % 1 earae tt t iem, aed thej tieaat refufe me , they cats haue u: elo-iKe for thrir wickfd'iife. t Sitnetime b) this Word, LiW, are meant thrfiueboikesof Mifei.kut in ihii Mate.tkewf.e Scrip• tureifer the fUce alied;ed tstn the Pfant's. A Ρ/λ',Τ f , ■ » t Ajii^lithj rage of the wicked , we fliall (laud furelyby the inward leitioiooie or iheholj Ghofl: ; But the holy Gboli fpcaheth ao o:hetwiie , thea he fpike by the ls«uiS> 9i tbeApollUi. * C*e;p. 14.26 , ^/.^e 14,4». CHAP. XVI. 1 Bee fotetelleth the difuples efferfecution. 7 He frf riiiftth the Comforter, and decltreib hti ojpce. ai Hee ccmtareth the ΛίβιΠιι» of his, ttawcmauiha! leih With child. THefe ' things haue I faide vnto yon ,»b«yee ihould not be offended. 2 They lliall e xcomrruDicate 'yon : yea tbe time iliill come , that whofjeuer kiUcth jou, will thir.ke tba: he doth God fcroice. 3 And tbefe things will they doe vnto you.be» caufe they banc not knowen the Father .nor me. 4 * But thife things haue I told you, that when the houre Qiall come , ye might reisember, tbat I tolde you them. And tbefe thirg» faide J not vnto yon fiom the beginning, becinltf I was with yoa J But now I goe my way to bim that fent me, and none ofyuu asketh me , Whiiher goeft thou ί 6 But becaufe I haue faide tbefe things voto jou.your beans aiefuil of forrow. 7 * Yet I^tcll you the trueih, It is eapedient for you that F goe iway : for if I goe not away , tbat Comforter will not come vnto you; but if I de- part, 1 will feud hip vmo you, - -- |5An4 bfmi'-.ifierj oftfar Gofpel mufi.' looke for all tna- ' ner of rep.oacbe», . or.ely of them jcbaie open mifi: bat edeo of them alio Which feerae to be ofthe fame bou&oH. dtb.veriep.i- I iif ibe Cnutcfcer *Chap.i;,»J, a The ibCetice of :' Chri it. according efleOl.i» ^ prcfijb.'etothe " ch,tba! w? • may who-ly dc•** peDd vpoo hi• ■ Aske and ye ihallreceiiiei 5 ρ I God woiStih lo mightily by the pfejching of the WJrd , tbit be coQ- ftraineth thevvorld 8 3 And wh-n he is cotHft, heewlll «repl-ooae thi b world of finne.and of tighreoufaeffe, and of iudgensent- 9 Of finne . becaufe they belf sued not in me: 10 Of c rightioufneffe , becaufe I goe to «y Father, and ye ftail fee me no more. . II Ofdiuigement, «becaufe the ptincc of thie world isiudgeJ. Ϊ i 4 1 baue yet mny things to fay vnto you, but ye cannot beate them now. 13 Howbeit.when he is come which is the fpi- rit of trueth.hc will lead jjou into all truech: for he ihall not fpsike ofbitnlelfe , bnt whatfoeuer bee (hall heare, Itall ha fpeake , and he will &ewe yoa the things to corns. 14 ί He iluU g-'oriSe ma : for hee flball receiae of mine, and fhdl ihew it vnto you. I sr All things that the Father hath . are mine: therefore faiJ l.ihat hee flijll take of mine, and ihew it vnto you. I δ <5 A f little ivhile, and ye flball not fee mee: and agtine a little n'/)<7«, and ye lliall fee me : g foi I goe to the Father. _ 1 7 Then faiJ fo?m of bis difciples among tbem- felues, VVhat is this that hee faith vnto vi , A little iphi.ie, and ye (hall not fee mee.and againe, A little o>htle , and ye fhali fee me , and , For I goe to the Father. 18 They faide therefore , VVhat is this that bes faith , A little while i we know not what he faieth. 19 Now lefus knew that they woald ask; hita, u*r'"2"'Aa«fVoitj)-fJand fdid voto thena . Doe yee enquire among your S aonn« le oG'l fay mceiiiCDfla.tiie co-fslliitoA-ce vnrigbteouf.eire, and Ciitiits righte- 0ϋΓη?ϋί and al- mighiinelTe. Λ HtwiUfore- faotne the wurld, that the morUUnp fiii beailetc pre- tindna excuff. b 'Herefpennh the time thu fnHoweti fnf afcerfinn , whet as αίί g»,nf^y. ■KK re mint fe Illy rt- frecned throt4yh the powting ant of tie holy Ch,/l vpon t*>e Church : Sc tha the very emrni of Chrtfl were iftinusd offmne , i« t^nttbsy -weie can- flrainUte ah'fclfe ih.it they toere cte- ceiued , iuthxtihe) teleeini not , and therefore theyfaii toTtter , Aflsx. Men^iHi btethreti. Jf^iat IhtB Txedoci t Of Ctrift him- felfe : For When the U IbaUfee, the holy Gbcfl. theylbttlbecon- fliatned loctnfeffe that ItvasiKft, ar.i Wis nit condtmntd ofmf Father , when I went tut of this vmrld. d Of ihntauthtrlty *nd power , which I'haue both in hen• fien and earth. e That is , becaufe they βαίΙ then vn• •der/land and know indeed , that I hxue tHercomethedeuil, «nsidoe%iiKrne the tetrtiteheH ai men fbali fre , that they fet therafeiuei Kgainfiyoif in fitine , for I rvilt arme you With that heattinty ptwer, Vtiereliy jeu rnny deflroy euerr high u. /,,ιι thingwhich tst.f- , ''^""' teivp agaittll the knev.'edge tfCtd, XiCor ιο,ιι. t, The dodiine of the Apoflles proceeded from the felues, of that I faid, A little whiltfim ye iliill not fee me:and againe.alitde while.Scye (hall fee me? 20 Verely.verely I fay vnto you , that yee fliall ^yeepe and lament, and the world (hill teioyce.and ye (hall forowe.but yoM forow (liall be turued to ioy. ii A wotcan when fii! trauaileth jbathforowa becaufe her hoore is come :hat as foone as (hee is deliuered of the child , (hee remembreth no more the angoifh < for ioy that a, man is home into the world. zz And yee now therefore are in forow : bat I will fee you againe, and your hearts (hall teioy ce, and your ioy Ihall no man take from yon. 23 And in that day (hall yee a^ ke roe nothing. 4. Verely , verely , ί fay vnto you, wnatfoeuer yee (hall aike the Father in my Name 1 hee will giae-it yoB. 24 Hitherto baue yee asked nothing in my Name:aske,and ye (hall receiue,tbat your ioy any 25 7 Thefe things hane I fpoken vnto yon in parables : but the time v;ill come .when I (hall no more fpeake to you in parables ; but I (hall (licwe yeu plainely of the Father. 16 3 At that day (hall yee aske in my Name• bolyGiioll , zod ii »οβ petfite. ; Ttfc holy Ghoft btingeth no newedoftrine , batteacheth th« whiih via» vtteied by Chrifte$own»moiith , and imprinieth it in ourmindti. ■6 The grace of the holy Gholt ii a molt liuely glaUe, wherein ChrilHi truely beholden with the inoli: iharpc fighted eyes of faith , and doi vvith the bleared .eyes of the flcfll ; whertby we feele a continuall ioy euen in the middeltof forrowt». / }Vifna little time is once pa!i. g For I fajje to eternxU glerte, ft that 1 fbullbe muh-more prefent ivith yeuytbe» I was befire : for then ym fbiS ftileinifeie-ahat 2 am,*ndrvhat 1 am able todoe. ^ Chap.i^.\},miit.7 y. and Z'.it. marke 11,14 iuke 11.9. 1'»>fS i.;. 7 The holy Ghoft which svat.powred vpan the Apoftlei after the Afcenfion of Chrift , iolhufted both ihem in all the chirfeft myfteries aud fecreti of our faluation . and alfo by them ttljrChiicch, and will alfoinfttuft it to the endof the world. S Thefummeof ihe woilhip of God , is theinaocatiooofthe Father in the Name of the Sonne the Meiiatout.who is alresdie hei£ 'Thefe thinje baue I fpoken vntoyoa,that ^ in mc ye roigot h'ane peace, in the world ye (hall baae afaiftioo , bnt be of good comfort : I hauc ouerccme the worhJ. C HAP. XVI Γ. I Chriil• frxyethlhat bis glorie toieiher with his Fathers r».iyntetr.jdeK>}nifesi. 9 He fi syeth for his A follies, n> -RfidfcraU beleeuers. THefe ■ things fpakeleihs , and lift vp his eyes to heaoea ,and faide ,» Father, that houre is come :.giotifie thy Sonne.that thy Sonne alfo may giorifie thee, 2 ■•■ As thou ha9 giuen him power ««er «all fleSi.tfaac he (hould giue eteroall life to all them that thou haft gii^en him. 3 And this is life eternall, that they know thee to bethu fc> onely very Goa, andwhomc thou haft fent.Iefus Citifl• 4 I haue glorified thee on the earth ; I haue fi niU'jed the wotke which thou gautii me to doe. y And now giorifie me thou Fithii.with thine owne felfe , with tbe glotie which I bad with usee before tbe wo; Id was. 6 3 liiaue declared thy Name vnto the men which thou gauift mee out of tee worIde:c thine they were , and tooud gauc-ft thtm mee , and they haoe kept th , word ' 7 w Now thev knov^thai all tbirgs whatfoe- Ufi thounaftgmen inc. arcoftbee. 8 For I tiaue g'ue-^^ vnto them the words w^ich thou gaueii uoc» «ndtbev ^aue rec iueo them,i^a hau^ knowen furely that I caiTi; oat froi» thee,aoil haue beleeued that thou L; ft fcnt ωο- 9 I pray for them : I pr» rot for the worlde, °f '^ but foi them which thou haft giuen me : for they '''*' are thine. ^ Ί-ΟΙίίρ.ι?,». 'I'aithaad foO' tti feeuritie duf« very much, # Mat. j«,3i. mark» 14,27. JO Neither the WickedntlTeof the world «either the weakneffe of owne can di* mioilli any thing ef the venue of Cbrilt. Tbe fiiretie ac^ y of the Churcli dependeih onely vpoothe vidorie Cbrilt. That (nmeyeit ight be throughlfi aieted. For by {piac,)ts meant i» this piace, that 3««ft flate tfminit which ts cleHnecon- trarie to difijuieintS and heaιφineJfe. I Teful ChrifttSe euerlafting high Prieft being rea- lie Ihaightwayet ooffiirp him- felfe>doth by fa.l prayera confecrate him» felfe to God the Father ai a facri- fi^e ; and vstoge- i himfelfe. Theitforethii prayer WM from gioniogiit, and Ihall be to the endof the world, the foundation an J ground of the Churchof God. a He hrft decla- rtth , thai a» he cam intothe world t^ the end that the Fa-her migh. iiewin him, being appre• bended by faith, bit glorie in fauiog hiseleft.fo beap• plyd himfelfe to that ouely : and beiefoie defttetk he Father, Id blell'e the wotke which he bath fiailhed. Mat. It. 1%. a Ouer ellmtn. iReealleth the Fatht the onely verie Cti, I» fet htm agmnft ail ίαΐβ gUs , and not to fb-tt out hemfelfe .ind the holy Ghoii. For ftratghnvaye^ hee io)n'thi^'eknav>leai,e oi the Father andtke knowledge tf himfelfe together , and occordmi tohn aceuftomed manner , ftttet^• forth the whole Godhead in the perf.n oftheFtihet .• So is the Father altnefatdtt be Kint, immirml.', wife , and dwelling in light wkich no mj» ίΛΚ attaint vntut inmfibie . RomΛ1. 16.17. i.ttm.t.iy. 3 Fiift ofall he pr«»fth for thcfehii difciplei , by srhome hs w.3ald haue the veil to be garhfred together , and cm• menrfeth tbcnivnto tbe Father , (hauiug oncereivfttd the whole eompanie efthe reptobatt) reciuft hee recciutd thtmofhim iotoois cuftodie , and or that thef embracing his daftiine, ihii| hauc fo many and f) miahtie enemir»,>hat there i« no way fotihem to bein fafetie , but by hi» helpeo. ely. c Hie fh^wah herebf that eιterlΛί^ιn^ eleilicn an.i choile , which ipjs h ddenitt tkt ^oodwil! " '' fleafure of Goi.whuh is thegrtttni worke of our faluation, d Hepeweth how that eutrlaftint. and hidden purpose of God is declared in CiriR ,bfwhcmwte are iufiifird andfan/lified , if we lay holde en him b/ faith , tkitt »t Itttjfk mt m*3(mtttt>itginieofth*tU5HtM, -^ Chap. 16,17. . ISL-Aai taittituii. enap.x^Pj. iQ Anil all rbinftate tbincaod tbine are tmne* _ r^itb bis difciplcsi • tteprajethtbAt hts ftcfte mil titutablj acree ληΛ ie lojnrd tcgethtr u , that as the Giem in thy Nitnciwe» them (vhoui tnoa h«ft giucn oie, that tucy in»y be ° one as we «re. 12 Woile I wiS with them in the worlde , I tept tticm in tn•, Njoie: tbofc tbat thou gaueft jXiaoe ' kept, and none of ihem is loft, bi». tbe chilJe of perdition, that tbe -f• Scripciue tuig'M bo fuihiied.. 13 And now come I to thce.and thefe things fpe^ke I in the world , that tbey might bane toy toy fulfilled jo ehemfclaes. 14 I haue giaea tbecn thy word, and the world hath bated them.becaufe they are not of :^ world, as I am not of the world. I y + 1 pray not that thou ilwnldeft take them out of tbe world , bnt that thou keepe tbem from enill. 16 They are not of the woil J , as I am not of tbe world. 17 'Saoikifie them with tbyttneth: thy word is truetb. 18 / As thou diddeft fent tDeeiofQ the world, fo baae I fent them into the world. 19 And for their fakes fandlifie I my ftlfe.tbat tbey alfo may be fanftltiid through the % trueth. 10 β I pray not for thefe alone . but for them alfo whicb ihall b:leeue in mee , through their word, 2 1 That they all may h: one.as thou , Ο Fa- ther .«rf in mee.and I iu thee : tuen that tbey niay be alfo one in vs. that the world may belceue that thouhaftfentme. 22 And tbe glory that thou gaueft mee, I baue giuen tbem.tbat they may be one.as we arc one, 23 I in them.and thou in me.tbat they may ba made peifeol in one.and that tbe world may know that (boa haft fent me.iDd bad loued tbem as thon baft loued me- 24 i Father . I will that they which thou baft giuen mee, be with me eusn where I ara,that they may behold that my glory . which thou haft giaeo me ; for thou louedft me before the foundation of the world. ^ ay Ο righteous Father , the worff alio bath not knowen thee , but I baue knowen thee , and tl)eis baue ktio wen, that thottbiftlent me 26 7 And 1 haue decUtcd vnto them thy Naffle, and will declare it , that tbe loae wherewith thou baA loued me ,1 may be ip tbem.< and 1 in them. with him, and there fore that they mult be holdeo vp ky the felfe fame CfariHgoeib of liisowne accord in- to a garden which his betrayer knew, to• bt taken : that by disobedience be •night take away the (ions that en tred into the world 5>yonemanire lioyfruei lading glory. <§■ Chap. it. & litlt,the knowledge of the Father, bsym'v hiru be belouedof 'cUe fame loue wherewith he loueih tse Sonne. G Η A Ρ xvin. i Bj Chti!ltsf(ivrer:,whtm Juias betray th, β tht ftulditri are can dtwnete the {rownJ.ij ChrtH tsM r» Annas, ΛΗ<Ι {ram him to Caiiphas ix i} Hn anfrvere fthe cOitfrlhatfmite htm With ami. as SeiHiUtliueridti Pilate, js bi declare :h h,s km^dtme. }Xn Hen ' lefos had fpoken thefe thingi.hee went "^ foortb with his difciple» ouer the brooke " Cedron, where was a garden, ioto tbe which be cntrcd,and his difcipl'S, 2 And luJas which betrayed bim kncwe alfo tbe place : for lefus oft times refoited thither garden, ν M«t.te }6.η>Λΐ.ι^.}ΐ, h)u α•}9. 3 * » ludas then, after he bad receiuf da bandi of men and oftice.s of the hig .Priefts.andof * ;^^''|-»« +7 the Pnaiifes, came t^.iibir with Uniernes and tor- ^'i^'f tz*^^.*' ches, and v/eapons. "' ' ' " 4 3 Tneo lelus.knowing all things that ihould ("^"""Dt , w" ι come into him , went foortb and faid vntc tbem, ''" "*'^" ' Whf m fceke ye i y Tney anlwered biro, lefus of Nazareth. lefus faid vnto tbem, I am be. N>.>wludas alfo which betrayed him, ftood with them. 6 Affoone then as be had faid vnto them.I am he , they went away backwatdesj and fell to the ground. 7 Then be asked them againe , Whom ieeke ye ? And they faid, lefus of Nazuetb. 8 '^ lefus anfwered, I faid vnto you, that I am be:tberefore if ye feeke me.let thefe go their way. 9 Thii mas that the word might befultiiled which be fpake,•}• Of them which tbou gaueft me, haue 1 loft none. 10 Γ Then Simon Peter haning a fword, drew it, and fmo'.e the hie Pritfts fetuant,and cut off his right eare. Now the fernants name was Malchus. 11 Then faide lefus veto Peter .Put vp thy fworde into theiheath : iball I cot drinkeof the cap which my Father hath giuen me ? 1 2 Then the band and the captaine, and the of. ficers of the lewts tot ke lefus and bound him, 13 « And led him away to "•' Annas fi.ft (for hee was father in lawe to Caiapbat.wbich was the bie Piieft that fame ye;te.) 14 « And Caiapaas was bee.that gaue counfcll to the Iswes .that it was expedient that one man fljould die for tbe people. 1 5: f 7 -A-Now Simon Peter followed lefos.and another djfciple , and that difciple was knowen of the bis Ptieft;therefore he went in with lelus into thehallofthehiePriefi. 16 Bat Peter ftood at the doore without. Then went out the ether difciple which was knowen vn- to the high Priefts , and fpakc to her that kept the doord, and brought in Peter. 1 7 Then faid the maid that kept tbe doore, vn- to Peter , Λ tt not tbou alio one of this mans difci• plei: He faid. i am not. 18 And the feruants and officers fiood there, which had made a hie cf coales ; for it was colde, and they warmed thrmfelursand Peter alfo flood acqong them.and warmed himfelfs, ly f ( s The t\ie Piieft then asKedlefui of bis diiciplcs.and of his dcftrinc. 20 lefps ai-'fS£r£cJ his. I fpik? cpenly to tbe WOflc' : I cuer taught in the Sv nagcgae and in tbe Temple.whither the lewes refori contmoally, and in fecret haue I faid nothing. ■21 Why askeft thou mee ? aske them wbich L• heard mte what I faide vnto them : beboUe,they [* know what I faid. 22 When hee had fpoken thefe thi r g$ , one of tbe officers which ftood by . fmote lefus with hts |i»tf 1; f nianeuen in he belt , when hty be once lefi to tbeir.feluts. Mat-ii ;3. ηΐΛΓ Ι4ί4• S CbriftdefcD' leih bis ciufe bue Vndeiiy , not thai le would with• it'jw himfelfe .m drath , bot (hew that be II condemned an louoceni:. M.u.ii J7. ■i• Mat.i6.6f, marKe tAi9. 9 After :bat meu baue oi.ce fallen, fcry cainot onely/ notli't vp'them- ftluetby rbtir owne Itrengih , bof alfo they fall more »rd YciOtr into, woife.vntill thtj, be raifed vp»- gams . byanrfv, vertaeofOo4« tg^ttTmony ot LHritt. z6 Oie of tha feruints of the hie Prieft b. I^htli A^nnit is cmcified. The Sonne of God is brought bifore tbe ludgt• mint (eate of an e'.rihlyand pro• ph. who there 15 fouad much IfCfi wickeinelli , thca in tbe princes of ite people of Gad : A liuely image of the wrath of GoJ agaiaft liaoe , iaa there withallof aaj Jaftofall, of loft feuere iudgemeDtagaiail tbe liubburae coa- iemasrs «f his grace ivhsn it is cffridvnto them. Λ F/im Ceiiph4S kilpfe. ^ Acli lO.iS. ani 1 1.3. t Furiuiigemeitii ofufe tni rfMfi. rsire taken {rem them fiitrtts yeeres htfere thtiefiru• ilion oftheTimple, M.it.io.iy. Fir Chriii hai firetM that hte piuli be crucified. « M4t.i7,u. mtr i;.2./«^f 13.5. II Cbriftaiioa- ahethfait fpiriiuall kiiigdomi , bu: re- iefteth a worUly. 1» It ^^asrequi- f'tethatChrift ihould be pro- nounced ioaocent, butootwithliai- ding (in that that heetooki νροα iiin ourperfon) was to be con- demaed «s a moH: wicked man. d He fpeaketh this tlifJ*inefttlly atii fciffmgty , aui mt iy waj/of askiai * queffi,». -k M»t.%i.is. mtr.ti-e.lukij. 17 * viffcs 3.14, « Vl^»i for wird, f*itlt vme. tvi&euilstbeleaft: but God curfeth couiia whoVe c«e Petit fuiote off , fayd , Did not I fis thee in the gOden with bim ? 27 Peter tbeti denied igaiae, and imaaediitly tbe cocke crew. zS Τ "i"» Then led they lefus from » Caiaphas into the coajtnon hu\. Now it was momiog, and thcj? themfelues went not iota tbe common hall, leafl; they ilioold be § defiled , but that they mighs eate the PaflTcouar. 29 Pilire then went out vnto them , and fayd, What acAfauon bring ye" agalsifii this man ϊ 30 They anfwerci.and faid vnto him.If he were not an eaill doer , wee would not haue dcliuered bitn viito thee. 3 1 Then fayd Pilate vntq chem.Takeye bitn, and iu jge him after your owne Lawe. Then tbe lewes fayd 7nto him , >> It is not iawfull for v$,to patany man to death. 32 I[ wm that the word of lefui " might be falHlled which he fpake , <= figaifying what death belhoiilddie. 33 « So PiUte entred into the common hall againe , and cslied lefus , and fayd ?nto iiim 1 Art thou the kiug of the lewcs ! 34 lefas anfwered hiro.SayeS thou that of thy felfe, or did other tell it thee of me ? 3 J Pilate anfwered, Atn Ϊ a lew? Thine owne tiation , and tbe high Ptidfis haue deliuered thee vnto me, What haft thou done ? 36 '■ lefus anfwered, My kingdome is not of this world : if my king b-ne were of ibis world, my feruants would furely hg'it , that I iliouldnot be deliuered to the lewes ; but now is my king- dome not from hence. 3 7 Pilars then faid 7nto him. Art thon a King then » lefus anfwered , Thoa fayeft that lama King : for this caufe I am borne,and for this caufe came I into the worSd.that I ihould beare witneffe voto the traetb •. euery one that is of the tmetb. beareih my voice. 38 " Pilatefaydvntohim, d wbatistfuethi And when be had fayd that , hee went out againe vnto th e lewes, and fayd TOto them.l finde in him GO caufe at all. 39 -k Bat you haueacuftome tbatlihonld deliuer you one loofe at the Pafl'eoaer : will yet then that I loofe vnto you the King of the lewes ? 40 * Then e cryed they all againe.fay ing.Not him. but Barabbas : nowe this Batabbis was a muitberer. CHAP, XIX. t'piUte, vhenChfiil wAsfcoitrged, * and crcwrtedwith thirnes,^ nm iefircus tt let him Utfe: J but iei»j luey- ftme with the outrage if the lexves, ιί he dtitutreth htm to be crucified. i5 lefus cemmitteth his mother tt the difeiple, 30 HauiHitnHei-uineger ,he iieth : 34 and being dead, his fide is pienedvith affe»re, 4.0 He is buried. Τ Hen * Pilate tooke Ierus,and • fcourgsd himi α And the fouldiers platted a crowne of * Miith.r7.1j, ■WJffee i;,i6. I ThewifdoTieof , . . , . , - , the «efh . chufeth ofj thorncs , and pat it on his head , and they put on him a purple garment, 3 And faid. Haile King of the leWes.And they that fame wifdom. » Chrift is againe quitted by tbe ftnie mouth where- with he ii after- •ward condwaed. fmote hirn with i<7«(Vrods. 4 » Then Pilate went foortb againe , and faid vnto them , Behold, I bring him fo.-th to you, that ye o^ay know, that I gad no fault in hios at all. ^ y Then came lefus footth wearing a crowne dWwrnesHind a purple garment. And P»/4f e faid vnto tbea:, BahclJ tbe D:-an. _ 6 Then when the hie Pn'eSs and officers fawe him , they cryed . faying,* Cracifie, crucifie him. Pilite faid vnto them , Take ye him , and crucifie htnt : for I find no fault in him. 7 The lewes anfwered him , We haije a law, and by our law be ought to die , becaafe he made himfdfs the Sonne of God. 8 f 3 Whsn Pilate then heard that word , he was the more afraid, 9 And went againe into the commoahall, and faid vnto lefas , Whence art thou i But lefoi gaue him noneanfwere. 10 Then fayd Pilate vnto him , Speakeft thoa not vnto me ; Knowcft thou not that I haue power to crucifie thee,and haue power to loofe thee ί 1 1 lefus anfwered , Thou coaldeft haue no power at all againft me, except it were giaen thee from aboue : therefore he that deliuered me vnto thee, hath tbe greater finne* 12 From tbencefoorth Pilate fought to loefe bim, but the lewes cryed, faying, !f thoudelioe» him , thon art not Cefars friend :fer whofoeoci tnaketb himfdfe a King, fpeaksth againft Ccfar 13 f 4 When Pilate heard this words , hee brought lefus foorth.and fate downe in the iudge. merit feate in a place called the pauement , and in Hebrew, b Gabbatha. 14 And it was the Preparation of the PaflTeo- uer , and about the fixt boure : and hee faid vnto the lewes, Behold your Kirg. ί 5 B'Jt they cryed, Away with him, away with him , cincifiibim. Pilate faiJc vito them,' Shall I crucifie your King ? The hie Priefts anfwered.We baue no King but Cefar. 16 -f Then deliuered hee him vnto them, to be crucified. ^ And they tooke lefus , and led him away. 1 7 And he bare his owne cofle.and came into a place named of dead mem fkuUcs , which is cal- led in Hebrew. Gulgotha : 18 Where they crucified him, and two «Act with him.on either (lie one.andl'ifus in the aiids. 19 ^ « And Fllsre wrote aifo a title, and put it on the croCTcand it was wiitten. I Ε S V S OF NAZAR^THTHE KING OFTHE I EWES. 20 This title then 'eaJ many of the lewes : for the place where lefus wa» crucified . was oetre to the ciiie : and it was writien in Hebrewe.Greeke, and Latine. 2 1 Tnen faid the high Priiftes of the lewes to ^Pilate, Write nor. The King of the lewes.but that he faid, I am the King of the lewes. 22 Pilate anfwsred , What I haue written,! faaue written - 25 f 7 Then the $ foul Jiours, when they had crucified lefus, tooke hi» garments (aod made foure parts , to euery foulJiet a part) and his coat and thecoate was wi:hout feame wouen from the top thotowo'Jt 24 ^ Therefore they faide one to another. Let vs not Jjui Je it , but caft lots for it , wbofs it ih^ll be. This ΌπΛί that the Scrip'ure might be fulfi.led which faith ,'•■ They p.trteJmy ^a nen's aTonj^ them.and ou my coa' did caft los.Sj thefou'dier» did tuefe things indeed. »5 i" 8 Taeaftoodebythecr&ireofIefushisjceaduw«r Bgotfafii Λ They wii bttut him crucified ytvbcM. h "« f'd cuflomt if theirs, they [boui* haue ftmed and hanged vp as ccH' uici of blaffhemit ί but they dtfire t» haice him crucified after the mtntt of the Romans. } rilaticonfci• cncetighttthfof Chrift , but ftraighe- v.-iy it yeeldeth, becaufeit is not vpholden with ihe lingular vet- tueofOed, 4 Pilate conJeUi• oeth himfelfe bifi: wiih the fame mouth wherewith be afterward coodeniDeth Chrift^' b G^bbathafigni- fifth an kiih place, ttd^emtntfiartf 5 Chrift faftenetli 5at«n , done and death to the erolle, <ί• .W4f.i7.3i.m4i',• /«*e«3,ii, 6 Chrift lilting νροα the throne ofthecroU'e.i» oly Writteo rlaftingkingof «11 people . with ' i» owne hand, Wiiofe mouth con* demaed him foe furpioi a king•• dome. 7 Chrift iignifieth by the diullioD of his garments >nglt tbeblooe bntchers (hi»,' t except , that had DO feame) thM itfhallcometo |«Λ, that he will ftlortly diuide hit eeefiiei , and ea* rich hit viiyt throughout vorld : but f» ing hitandiaz that tbe treafu ofbiiChtiichflval! rerajin? whole, j• Mai.ij-ii^ mar.ij.x^. •.• PrUai IS. S Chrift it a per-. frd example of all lightsoufusfli.nas onely iothekee» pingof ihrfirft, butalfo of the is- CHrlfts fide pearced 9 Chtid I when he hwhukenthe vi- neger, yteldeih vp theGholl , diin• tingvp indeed that molt bitter aod ^trpe cap of hi» Father• wrath iaour oams• <5. Pfat.f9.i2. t CtUUnui wit' tttStth tut cfthe l„Kte»UtiS»H' bedriH , th»l the leva wtre vftnt ttgiue them thai Sfere exeeuted , vi• Keger mixei with frAKkincenie to drink<,tc,n»k* their braiites feme V>h*t tttubled : ft eharitxily the Jtwes prmiiei fct the pttrt metis ttnfeirnees xobicb tvere exeeuted. 10 Thebodieof ©btift which was dead foi a feafon (Ijecaufe it Γπ plea• fed'him) ii wouq• ded.buttheleaft bone of it is not tjtoken : and fuch it the Ilateof hif myllicall body. 11 Chrillbemg dead νροα the CroOe , wItaeOeth bya double figne, that he onely it the true fatisfaai- oa , and the true walbing for the beleeusrt. dThisweundwas a moii mxnifeR Witnege of the ae*th of Chriil : ftr the v*ter th/tt• fined cat 1} this miund, ^»ue zis flainelj re vnirt- fiand.thMtherve»' p»» pexrced the ' sk'ittc that tcmpefleth the heart , rrhich is the •oeff'e! that cent ei. nrththatWAter, and that being ante wounded , that eieatme which is ft feareed i^ firickm, sannit choife but die. ± Exid.tt.^S, Chap imother , and his mothers fifter . Mjrje tht mfe of j Cleopbas, and Mitie Magclalsiie. ! 26 And when lefesiiwe his mother, and the j difciple fttoding by.whcxn he loued.he fayd vnto bis mother, V/oman, behokl thy fonne. 17 Thenfayvlhetotheuifciple.Beholdethy mother : and from that boar e , the difciple tooke I her hoBQC vnto him. ' 28 f 9 After.wbeo lefas knewe that all things were perfotmed , that the ^Scripture might be faiSlled.hefaid.Itbir». 29 And there was feta <= v!ffelifuIlof vine- ger , and they filled a fponge with vincger , and put it abom an Hy^ptfialke , and put it co bis mouth. 50 Now when lefus bad receiued of the vine- ger , hee fayd, It is finiihed, and bowed bis head, and gaue vp the ghoft. 31 '° The lewes then (becaufe it was the Pre- paration , that the bodies ihould not remaine vp- on tlie aoffe on the Sabbath day: fat «bat Sab- bath Wis an high day) befonght Pilate that their legs might be broken , and that they might be ta• ken downe. 32 Thee came the fouldiers and brake the legges of the iirft , and of the other . which wai ancifiedwithjfi/»/, 33 But when they came to Iefus,and faw that he was dead already, they brake not bis legs. 34 " But one of the fouldiers whb a fpeare ^ pearced bis fide, and foonhwith came ibere out blood and water. 3 y And be that faw it, bare record , and bis re- cord is true : and bee knoweth that be faith tru3. that ye might belcene it, 36 For thefe things were done, that the Scrip- ture ilioui J be fulfiiled , ^ Mot .1 bene of him fliall be broken. 3 7 And agjine another Scripture faith," They Hull fee him whom they haus thtufi thorow. 3? X '» And after thefe things. lofeph of Ari- roathea (who was a diciple of lefus , but fecretly for fcare of the lewes) befought PHate that bee HisrefarfeS^^ ■emrirection. d^ Migdalene.earely when it was yet darke, vnto the fepulchie , and faw the ftone taken away from the tombe. 2 Then fli: ranne, and came to Simon Feter, 5ΓΧ. NOvf 4- ' the firft day of the weeke came Marie ^ M^rre 16, i. I MirisMigda. lens , Peier and lohaaietbe firft wiioelTejof the and to the other difciple whom lefusloued .3η(ίΓ,«ΐ','.11η°οί"* Ayd vnto them , They haue uken away the Lord '"'"y be fufpe. oiitof thefepakhre ,and we know not where thev ^'^'/?' «''"''"y hanelaidhim. r!::,?^^^;.?." 3 Peter therefore went foorth , and the other iwaJedofit.fo dilciple, and they came vnto the fepnlchre. ["«" ft" if- ' '"^ _ 4 So they ranne both together , but the other Vj/nf „ of f„ p"j., difciple did oottonne Peter , and came firft to thelpoie. fepulchre. ' %y And he ftouped downe, and faw the linnen cloathes lying : yet went he not in. 6 Then cam; Simon Peter following him,-u"r*er,V, wifiow and went into the fepulcbre , and faw the linnen j'*"•""' ,ivh:chtbe cloathes lie, fefuuhre was tot 7 And the kerchiefe that was vpon his hcade, ""~^' not lying with the linnen cloathes , but wrapped together in a place by it felfe. 8 Then went in alfo the other difciple , which # Maiih. 2»,i mArkeiS,!. Μ Two AD7tIs are made witoef. fei of the Lord» refuneftion. * In white ζΐΜ* came hrfi to the fepukhre , and he faw it , and be• thing. leeued. « Matijffe*ktKs 9 For as yet they knewe not the Sciiptuie. %"?,Τ,Ά• That be muft rife agatne from the dead. fer they ffeake «/ 10 And the diiciples went away asaine vnto *, 'iead carkafe , es tbeif owne home. f„]'/J" 'f" »*''« 1 1 f $ But Marie Ciooi * without it the fe• pulcbre weeping : and as fhs wept , Ihe bowed her felfe into the fepulchre, 12» And fawe two Angels in "» white , (litingr the one at the head, and the other at tbefeete, where the body of lefus batblaien. 13 Aod they faid vnto her. Woman, why wee p:ft 'thoa ? She fii J vnto them , They haue taken auay t njy Lord, and I know not where they bane hid him, 14 3 when Hiee bad thus fjid • fiiee turned her feife backe , and faw lefus landing , and knew not that it was lefus 1 5: lefus faith vnto her .Woman, why weepeS rofghttake downe the body of lefus. And Pilate j thou ? whom fcekeft thou ? She fuppofing that hee '''i"pi's 3 U(ai witoeiTetb by his prefence, that he u ttuely rifcD. 4 Chrift which!» lifen , Dot to be fouijht io tbi» world accordiDf to the flelh , but ia beaueo by faiib, whither he iigoae before vj. •2/ iis brethren he Kieanetb hn dtf- pies .• ft, in tht rxt virfe fellow g,it iifaid,tk*t Mitie toli his gaue him iiceace. Hee came then and tooke lefus body. 59 And there came ir alfo Nkodemti$(which fi:tt came tolefos by night) and brought of myrrhe and aloes mingled tc/gether about an hundretb pound. 40 Then tooke they the body of Icfus , and wrapped it in linnen cloathes with the odours , a* the maner of the lewes is to buric. 41 And in the place where lefus was crucifi- ed , was a garden , and in the garden a new fepul- chre, v/herein was « neuer roan yet layd. 42 There then layd they lefus.bccaDfe cfthe lewes Preparation day , for the fepnlcbre was nsere. « iUtth. 1 7 sj. marke i f .4»• '»*' J J-iO. 11 Chrift it openly bmied , and ία a famous place, Pilate witting aod fuffering it,aod that by men which did fanour Cbfift, in fuch'wife,that yet before that day, they oeiier opeDly followed him : fo thatbyhitbuiiall , no man can iuftly doubt either of hit death , or refurrearon. 'j(Ch»r 3 I t That ni mtn might cauiH at his tefurrtniott, ASlhtuibftmt ttitf tiiit ΪλΛ hmti»ni hii Fjtiber na• urallj in tht Cod- bead . and he faith r Tather , be. ife he is ou, Tm- thtr by grace, through the adtp- ionefthefonnes f Cod: that is. by taking 'jf efhis free grace to be bit lonnes , .^pifbe. Marke li.iif, luket^,3*, 4 Chrirtinthat b«: he piefenttd limfrlfc before his difciplesfud- denly through hi» ' power, When the gatet were fhut , rfoitK fully affuteihem baihof hisrefiT• uion ,ar.ii, if IT thou Vfouldeft ■Not that Petet fuff^red ought h, truethofCei aiii»fth,si,iU:ftf we read that he tame With icy and gUdnts when he etuimd from the Council! where he was whipped : but becaufe this will eemmeth not from the f.fo , but from hr fbiweth there the gift of that Sp, fliould he a ctrtame firming {/ conflili or repugntHcte,wh,ch alfo n m ^s,in ai i-4t fafferaneesjis touehsng the fUfb. f Tnat is, that Peter ^ouU die bj It violent death. 4 Weemuftiakeheede.thatwhilet wee caft jour eye, vpoo other, wee negleft not that which it ioioyoed »i. +,CAi»/.ii «j. s Thehiftotiecl Chrift 1» true and warily Wfitten.-rsot f»t the cutlofitieof men, betforthi' faluMion of the godly. ^ Ch»t,to,39, : ILJLJ ghrifteTarc;«niiOD; Έ. n^..y Matthiasistefao! en» THE ACTES OF THE HOLlV ffomthehilloiie of the Gofpe!,tl3»r jj.fromchehillo• lieofthefiying» end doings of Chriftivotothe «ftts-oftheApo• βΐίβ. MThi »lit5 tf It' fHSAretbemir*- tlts eni doiH' rphuhfoeweihii Ctihtai, ani hii mtitptrptbcliH'Je 4ini exAmflt of"'^ itiltme. a Cbriftdii not fltaightwayetaf- teod iato heauea aftei- hi• tefurte- ftieatbecaufehe «could thiGUghW proone hi» «furre- ftien: and with Lis piefeace confirme hiiAponlesioihe doftiiacwbich they had heaiH. inf cnUtth tbtfe iufaUibli tekens, tPhith are otktr- Vife temed ntcef- f«rit : »»w i» Ibft thAt Cbrifl (p'ikf, mttiv»IKei,i3 »tt. exivasfelttfy»*• in,tbefe arrfure fines and tikem that he truel) nfe «i«iiie, € Tbej nert dift«r• fed htre tind tbete, Sutbegathereih Ihem together that theymigktuline- ther be wttnefes ef kL• refartiOnn. «flohD14.2,•. vM«tth.3,ii. inirke i,S.' chap 1,2. asd ii|i(. snd 19.4. d Eitbei tfthe Tatber,er of me : ft that either f if lathfr 51 Ckrijil isfetketeagainn JchH.asihehtly Ctefl is «lainft tbe inoft fight bffore tkiogt, wbkh God bitb is, the fitte tccaft f tinted tt btiti^ ' APOSTLES, \^RITTEN BY LVKE THE EVAIIGELIST. C Β A F. t. » Zitkt tieth this hiiicrie ta his Ccffell. i> Chrifl teiKf takeiiintthexmn, lo tbe Apoftles 11 being re arm Λ b) the Angeh, ixttremrne, n anigiuetbemfeluistt ■prajer, i; By Peters motier, iS intt ind*s lie traittuts fleet 16 JUatlbiaiiithife», Haue made tbe ' former treatife, Ο Thiophilus , of all that Icfns bf gm to 3 doe and teach. 2 Votill tbe day that hee was taken vp, after that hee through tbe holy Ghoft 1 had giuefi com- mauadeoencs vQto tbe ApoQles, whom hee had cbofeti: 3 i To whom alfo hee prefented himfelfe aliue afiei that hee had fuffeted.by many t» infallible tokens, being feene of them by the [fact of four- tie dayes , and fpeaking of thole things which <»/- btrtaint to the kingdome of God. 4 * And when he had « gathered them toge- ther , he commanded them that they ihoald not depart from Hierufalem , bnt to waite for the pto- mife of the Father, J wbicbp»i he, ye bane beard of me. y ~ For lohn indeed baptized with water , biu ye Ihalbe bapiizeddwitb the holy Ghoft within tbefe few dayes. 6 3 When they therefore were come together, they askeJ of him .faying , Lord, wilt thcuat this time « reft ore the kingdome to Ifrael? 7 And hs fiyd vnto them , It is not for you to know tbe times, or the^^fiafocs, which tbe Father hath put in bis owne power. , 8 « Bat yeeihallrecciue power of the holy 1 Ghofi, when he Jliall come on you : and ye ihalbe witneSes vnto mee both in Hiernfalem and in all ludea, and in S^maria^and vnto tbe vttermoii patt of the earth. 9 ή^ 4 And whet) hee had fpoken tbefe things, while they beheld , he was taken vp : fqr a cloudc tooke him vp out of theit fight. 10 And while they looked ftedfaflly toward heausn , as he went , behold , two mfin ftoode by them in white apparell, 1 1 Which alio fayd , Yee men of Galile, why ftind ye gafing into heauen ί This lefus which is taken vp g from yon into heauen , fliall (o come, as ye baae feene him go#into heauen. ΪΧ f Then returned they vnto Hiernfalem from the mouni that is called f^jiwd^nr of Oliues, which is net ti to Hierufalcm, being from it a Sab- bath ^ dayei iouroey. 13 s And wheo they were ' come in.they went rxxter, as thinis anfrptrabte tiiumph : ac^ weicu^ht nettthetther. j We ny iof«archafttt tbofe aleJ. e Tc''the tide and ancient fiate. f That that ferue to dtimaif matters whub the itrdliAth ap. s itpajfc in. Κ CSaf 2, J. Λ L»Ke 1+ f i. 4 After italiCbrift bad proTDifed the full vertue of the holy Ghoft , v/b«reA-itb he would •• Coutch.alihoashhee .hbilld be abfentio body, hf ioc« vp biiboiiy ο the heiueoly tabetnarles , there to continue vn;iil the latter day of iudgemeot.as tbe Angel• witaeOi. iThat is,)ut efytitr ft'.ht.li jihcue in-» miles. J EccleOafticall affembliet to bearetbe worde, «rd toniike common pnyer,were Sift inftituted and Iteot io priuate houfei by tbe Af oltlM. iTbey rrent inti ibt*tt>fe,it,bi(l, tifChHTtli *«<* cb'ftnM tb»t timt »♦ tf Λ rrf»»/? fti tbt whtit vpinto an vppif chamber ', were aboade both Ts• ter and lamts, and lohn, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartlemew.Sc Matthewe.Iamcs tht fonne of Aipheus , and Simon Zelotes , and Inda» lamei hotiitr. 14 Tbefe all ^ continued withi one accord la m prayer and fppplication with the » women; and Matie tbe mother of lefus , and with his 0 brethren. If f β And in tbofe dayes Peter fioodc vp in the midde» of the difciplcs , and fayd (now the number of Ρ names that were in one place were about au hnndreth and twentie,) 1 5 7 Yee men Λκί^ brethren, tbit fcripture moS needes bane beene fulfilled , which the ♦ boly Ghoft by tbe mouth of Diuidfpake before of In- das,which was J guide to them that tooke leius 1 7 For hee was nnmbred with v$, and bad ob- teinedfcIlowAnp in this miniftration. 18 Hi therefore hath ipnrchafed a fii He with tbe reward of iniquity : and when " he bad ' thro- wen dowoe himfelfe headlong , be braft afunder in the middes.and all his bowels gufiied out,, ■ 19 And his knowen vnto all the inhabitants of Hiernfalem , in fo much , that that field is called in their owae language • Aceldama, that ii, Tbe field of blood. 20 For it is written in the booke of Pfalmes, «Let his habitation bevoyd,and let no man dwcl therein; A• alfo, Let another rake la f charge. 21 I Wherefore of thcf: men which haue cercpanied with vs .all the time, that the Lord le- fus was <■ conuerfant among vs, 21 Beginning from tbe bapiifme of lohn vn• to the day that ne was tskenvp" from vs, muft one of them be made a witneffe with vs of bii re furreftion. 23 9 And they "prefented two, lofeph called Baiubas, whofe furnaroc was fuftus, and Matthias. 24 And they prayed, faying, Thou Lotd.which knoweft the hearts of all mm , {hew whether of ihefe two thou baft chofin, 2 y That he may take the y roome of this mi ciflraiion and Apoftieil-ip, from which ludas bath Ϊ goneaftrav'ito go to his ow:ic place. 16 Then they gaue forth their lots:and the lot fell on Matthias , and he was by a common con fent counted witb tbe eleuen Apoftles. k The Gieeke »ιγί fiinifed an tnuin- iiHt conilatitj , ani fleaiinife. tJtisttitidfur* ftfe, that this teH- rdis mtnlttntdi . r thift prayers are y»tii aecepiabit CodtWhfcti are made with airtei'i^ mmdes andrvillts. ' The dift, fits pia-ieifcrtiefettm diKieftbehUj Chtfi.aKdalftt» deliueridfrtm present dangers Tpbertrvitb tbej reere tefet. η Fir it was be* kiueaHe tthaue thewiueseenfir• mei.wbt were af• ward icbepa'r. inkers ef the dan* ι veilh their bands. e Wilh his kittU folkei. _ 6 I'etei is made the mouth agd ϊα• reteiofihe ^oote company the Apoltles, eHberby fecret li- uditiouof the ho• ly Cholt.orbyet- prdft lodgement of g.etatioD. ρ Bitaufe men art tiirmtkl} billei nnBed bj «hrirnarus. ■/ Teter pieueo. teih the offence thtt might beis' ben cftbe falliog bcturer.OiewiDg thjta.lthiDg, vTh;cb'ciifrevn;e him, wei'iieic- ■loiat U qbl. * rfaim'.4i,9.' •f lohn 13,17. , 5 Luke cor.iidertore,but that that tollcwedofit, auj fo wee vfe to f,y, that a inin hath piocuied himfelfe birm* not that hit will aaj purpcfr wa< fo , bur 10 refpeft of that which followed, ν Matih a/.), r The' Grerlii wo-dei figoihe thui rau.h . that ludai fell dowce nat, aDd^v»ιreot iu' funderintbemiddct, withamiui-iJou.buieooyfe. X rfalme9.i<5• ^^frfalin• 10. .7. [ His tffiee and miHiiterie. Di«ii ivrtie thejertcrdsafamfi Dcegthr Κ,η,ι heardman: And ibqe vnries.Shepheard.Sheipe and FUcke.are put iner tcth^e C<,ituh t'pce «,iiminitierie,fttbitthe Churchanithe tf^iestheretf are- tailed by tbefe names. S The Apoftlel deliberate vponnoihiog, but fitft tbry- confult and tike aduifemen: by GoJs word : and againethrydoe noibiog thit coiceineth and it behoue,ble for tbe whole body of theCocgregation , wittouc mating the Cooeregatioapriuie vnto it. tW^rifurvtiiyViM in andtro.vhijb hnde tffftach betthnnk ai m:,ch m the Htb/e-lv ttngue, as the txerafni if Λ fubliqJ a»d painfull tffiee , n•*.» they fpeake cffucb as are in anj Μ'""7»£ .//iff, D.'»fer.3i,,. iCbrtnic-.j.i. u rnmtur itn^pany. j, Apoltlei muft• bechefsD immejiatly fiomGod , and therefoie after prayers, Miltthiaiiscl by lotte, which is ai it were, GODS owne vo/ce. χ Openly , ani t] the ■v<»cts tf aU tbe vbtle c.mpany. y That he may be felitm andpurlakeyf this mittifierie. t "D.piritifttm . ir-iatten frim . And it is * Metapbtre taken (i»m tht Vajifn (Ullrnis ert PlHiiiedby tbr^ime tfyfajt!,mth$lt^' "'*"""• CHAP. ;^UWt,T(iiJlJgUe5. Trncrtcies. [ The Apoftle» )eiog githtred to- [ethtr on a mod 'ol'mue fcift d>j u ooe place, that t might eiiidently ppeiittoallthe worU,that they iidafloDe office, Spirit, one '■atebyadoii- )lffigaefiOrnhe»- uen authorifstJ.and "atedwithtU ;fce moil excelleut g^ftesef the holy • Gboft , and efpeci. Ilyw-iihanex'tra- •idinarieEaJ ne- cefljiy gilt of tongc:». ts fulfMei: th»t Lukei,ti, Ftrthe Hebriti>esf4y,thxt edajtcrayeereii when the fmn-r iiyes eryeeres Hie CHAP. ir. I The Apiflles 4 filled with the htly Ghtil•, S ffe»ki witb aiutritini»ei. ti They .treihciigbttt iedrunKe, 1 s im Peter difsrotueth that. 34 He teacheth thatfihxia is the Miffi-xs .• S7 Anifeetaz 'he hearen a/iimed, 38 he exkcrteth them tt reftntance. Λ Nd ' when the day of Pentecoft was » come, "*^ they ware ^ ail wich ons iccord in one place. 2 And luddsaly there came a Ibirid from hea- uen , as of a tuihing and migbdc wicQs , and it fil. led all the hcufe wiiere they fate, 5 And there appeared vnro tbeoi cloaen tongaes, like fire.aQd it fata vpon eacbe of theaj, 4 And they were all filled with the holy Ghoft, and began to fpeake with <^ other tongue» , as the d Spirit gaue them vtteraiice. f And thgie were dwelling at Hierufalem lewes.men that feared God.ofcuery nitioa vnder hesaen. 6 tiow when this was noifed ', the muliitude came togsthtr and were aSomed , becaufe that e- uery man heard them fpeake his owne Ungaage. 7 And they wondered all, and marueiled, fay- ing among themfelues, Behold , ate not all tbefe which fpeake. of Gallic i 5 e How then heare we cuery (nan our owne language.whetein we were borne ? 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elimites, and the inhabitants of Mefopotamia . and of ludea, and of -.Cappadccia.of Pcntus, and Ada, 10 Andof Phrygia, and Pampbylia, of Egypt, and of the parts of Libya, which is befide Cytene, and ftrangers of Rome. Sc * lewes.and Profdytcs, 11 Crct£S,and Arabians: we heard them fpeake in our owne tcngaes the wondctfuU fverk^es of God. 12 ί They were all then amafed, and doubted, fay iog one to another, What amy this be ? 13 And others ε luocked , and fayd , They are full of new wine. 14 f But Peter ftanding with the eleuen, >> lift ; id eKiid,xndthee• ther begunnejere, l>.K,.Anditpill temettpefiejhat whttifeuentie feeres xre fulfilled, Jlvillvifite,^c. rcr the Lord ^id KH iring home his people After the feuef-.iiethyeere yeas cKiled.but »» thefeitemiethyeere, Mov the day of fenteecii was the Iftieth day after 'thefeaiioftbe JPaficuer. Tie trvetue A- t'fi!es,whi(b nwre U be the Patnarkts as it Tvere if the Church. c Ke calleth them 'tigaes, which Were not the fame which she ApeHlcs vfed MaZ'iaufth thti ' w^" Poweout of my Spirit vpon 1 all - fieih,and \ 7te»to>iiHere borncip. other places-.and the/ were Profelytfs.'which were Gentiles borne, and embraced the lewijb religion, χ Gods woide pierceth fome fo , that it driueth them to fetkeout the tiutih .audit doeth fochohe other , tbatit ferceth them to bev/itneOe of their ovvje impudencie. g The worde which he ■vjelh fttre.fignifieth fuch a kindeofmockin^which is reproachful! , mi cinticmtlicus : jini by this reproaehfuU mochng we fee . thatthere is no miracle fo great and excellent , which the wicKeines of man dareth not fpeake euill of. h Peter his boldttepe is to be marked, wherein the grace oftheholy Chifi is to he feene , euen iiraight after the beginning, i After the funne rifing, which may be about feuen cr eight of the clecke with -vs. k There >i nothing that can d'folue queflitn.s and doubts, but te/limonies taken cut of the Prophets : for mens reafons may be ouerturned , but Gods voyte cAn net he tuerturned. ^.iof/j.jg. efai. «4.3. 3 Peter fettiog the trueth of God againft the falfeaccufation, ofmcn, tteweth ia himfelfe and in his fellowei , iha; that is fulfilled which loel fpake before concerning the full giuing of the holy Ghoft in the latter da^ej: which Kiace alfo it offered to the whoieChuich , to theii certaineandyndoubted ' iliuaion, which doe contemnei • - . - OfiiCtntita, m ThAtiumtn. , I All witbmt fK(e'ptioH,ttth vftn tht lewes face faith . A- The Lord laid to my Lord, Sit at my tight hand. 3; Vntill I nuke thine enemies tbyfoote• Soole. 36 Therefore , let all the houfe of Ifrael know for a furetie , that God hath « made him both Lord, and Cbri&,tbis Icfus, Ifaj, whom yee baue cruciged. . ,, v^J Dauid! foretolde^did not ely 1 ife againe, ; Ifo was in the 5rsu.• v._ideOf all "ptioo. f The death that forowe both o, body and minde : therefore when death jppe». red coDqueiuurantJ hofe forowes,Chrifti» ghtlyfaydtohatte ■JEiconie thofe fo• rowes of death, whea a, being dead,faeouercaaie deith, to Hue for euer with hit Fa- ther. *Pfal.i(!•.^, ί Thou wilt not fuffei me to re- maineiDgraue. Μ Thou haltoptaeil' ing. 2.14. chap I3,3fc. ν rfalm 131,11. . 10. chap. «3, 3>. 7 Peter witntlfcth m«e the way to the true life. ^ i.King. .v Had fworne folemnly. Κ Pfal. 11$. that lefu» Cbrill ia the appointed euerlalting King, \ by the gifte» of the holy Ghoft , and the teltimooii power ofGod. A rfal:iio,i. ;^ Chrilt ii fayd to bemade , becauf/he wjil aduaoced to that dignitie ; (od iberefote it is not Ipokei ' ' ' Ukte SDd disaitie, 37 Now. h heprooueth manifeftlyl of Dauid. y Might anj en of hitnttute , bULefbU j The comcience pricked. Chap. in: IV. Chrift the Lord oflifc, iTc^ft.^e t^• J •? *?•' hear•, «d f*yd «to ^ter «nd theothw ' »' 'h*• «-κ.νκ ...;. i.r_ "uaic^ priocpli! o>the ! Apo£Hes,M .n *»d bretnrcn, what (lull we doe t 6ofpel, «nd thete- jg « Tlico Peter fjyi vniotheiD , Amend yoof Iias3,and be bapniiJ eoery one of yoainthe N»aie of lefos ChriS for thereniiffijDofiinne$: aad ye (biUreceiae the gift of the holy Gboi. 39 For the* prooiifc ii m*dt vnto yon, and to your cbiUien , and to all that are aftrre off, lUin as many as the Lord our God Qwll call. 40 9 An J witi) many other wjrdi he befoagbt and exhorted thtm , faving . Sane yoor feiues froin this frowatd generuion• 41 «o Then they that gladly recefoed his word, were baptiied , and the fame day there were ad- ded t« tkt Church about three thoufand foulca. 42 " And they continued in the Apoftles do- έΐ ine , and b fellowihip , and c breaking of bread, and praycn. 43 f ' » And feare came »pon cuery foule : and njany wonder» 8cfigoes were done by y Apoftlcs. 1 «^and the fjith whichisby tiim. hath giuen tohitn 44 3 And all that beleeued.where in one place, ' *""■ '^ ' '" and nad all things common. 4y And they fold their poffeffions , and goods, and parted them to all men.as eu^ry one bad need• 4δ 't And they continu;d dayly with one ac- cord in the Temple , and breaking bread at home, did eate ^heir meat together with gladnetTc and finglenetfe of heart. 47 Praiflng God , and had fauonr with all the people: and the Lord added to the Cbarcb from da; to diy.fuch as (hould be faued. fore of our Mat tioo , aad tbcy Ufl obtaidtdbytbe prQinifmppK- heoded bT »iill, and ireriiifiedia »• by Bjpiifme, whtrcvviih i» icy- Dei .be venue uf the holy Gaoft. a Thevarithntit t/ftd ierr, giuetl• ν Uv«ittll*nith»t it η Λί* free gift. t Heeinru'ly ioyaeorJ)ng at oecefluie reqa reth. 14 The faiibfu'l came togeiber aiiDe begtB' •iBg With great ft ui : , not oneiy to the heai iag of the woid, bu. aKo co meat. C Η ΑΡ. III. t Perrr^tetft in» tne Temfle rvith Ithn, 1 teiileth the treeple. 9 Tq the petele (fathered ttgethet f fee the mi. racle, la he exttttHJeth the myfierle tfiur falHJtitn threuxhChriJf. n ^ccKfingiheir miraiiiude, ij and re• i^Htringth'ir refinance. NOw ' Peter and tohn went vp together into the Templi.atthe ninth honre of prayer. 1 And a certain? tnan which was acreeple from his mothers w jrob; wucittied, wom they layde dayly at th- gate of the Temple called Beauiifull, to aske aVncs of thp.-n that entred into the Tercplr. 3 WHo feci' g Peter an J iohn, that t'ley would enter into y reirple, definng to receiue an alme». 4 And Peter earneftly beholding him with loho/ayd, Looke on vs. f A; id he » gaae heede vnto them , troSing to reciine ibme thing of them. 6 Then faiJ Peter . Silusr 5c gold hane I none, but fuch as I haue , that gi'ie I thee : In the Name { of lefus Chrift of Nrfzireth.rife vp and walke. 7 And hee tooke hin by the right band.and lift him vp , and immeJiatly his fcete and ankle bonci r«c'*l•* h.m ■ „ vnto them in tOe porch which is called Saloiioni *Γ""•(' *'/"•"<ί 12 » So when Peter fawe it , bee anfwered vnw ihZl.Vu'Z'll the people , Ye men of Ifrael , why roameilc ye at Ai*' , h, fb^'d it Mil or why looke ye fo ftidfaftly on vs.ai though '■"""t]•'*'- by oui own power or godlineflc.we had made this L*::1\l'"' 'f man goer 1 3 The God of Abraham.and Ifaac, and lacub, the 4. God of our fathers hath glorified hii Sonnt lefos.whom ye betraied.aod denied in the prefcnce of Pilite.when be bad inc'ged him to be deliuerid, 14 But yee denied the Holy one and the •nd defired a tEurtherei to be giusn you, ly And killed the Lord c of life, whom God liatb raifedfromthe dead,wherof we are witnefles. 16 And his Name bath made this man found, whom ye ff e 8c know , through faith in his Name: ed to «iact the vabelee- W'.aiti :bfrefo;t ibf y Jae wicked- ly atufe them.vkiM lHodiDgam.red It the I itpltife, »ruineatt ne»*hiil» leafeibGod 19 a. on.oeiiabliQiido. I« ie and fuperfti- noo ry ibat . wti.fc God ba hproui- ded for the koew. ledge of his true worfliip, rhatii, Cb + Ch • hath life I» Ϊ Chrirt in hea- ling 1 man ibat wai b line lame, an j weU-knoAtB teall men , both in place and time ve- ry fatnou» . by the haaJ• of hi• Apo- filei.doethpaitly CoaSrmetbem whicb bcletued, J aai partly alfocil• • leih other tebeleeee» « Bothtvithhtdrt »Md ejes. this perfite health of bis whole bod> in the pre fence of you all. 173 And now brethren , I know that through ignorance ye did it, as did alii your gouemours. 18 But tbofe things which God before had ' flicwed * by the mouth of aH his Prophets , that j Chria (hould fuffcr. be hath thus fulhiled. I 19 Amend your Hues therefore, and turne.that your finnes may be put away .when the time of re- frelhing ihall come from the prefence of the Lord. 3 20 And hee fliill fend lefus Chrift , whicb be- fore was preached vnto ) ou, 21 f Whom the heauen muft containe vntill the time that all things be reftored,which God had "<*e-ctt e eonfint and agieem: ni if the beanev. f Drut. ,t.i!. thap 7.37. dfiafularProphtt. h At wh.ii t,.rtf the 4- The I?vpes that beleene are the fiiiibe. For rvhom the Prophefs wrefp'ciaUfat. lifed from the dttdt ' None» niOD'y moredi. gect ort-older (lemiel of iheChurch , then futh ai prcfcfle thrmfc-fuei to iW iieaJ buiHers : bat the more they iige, the more coiitaoily ihe faithfull lertuntjofGod do conijuue. a The lewes hadceriaiiie%a-oftHifirtheiMrdeandfafetietftheTrm/lei holj things , Mat. 16. if. Theft ^anfons had a Caftatne ,futhas EUiia ,. Ananias the hie Prtejles ftn»rivis,in t'le time ofihetrtrrrthat jraj n jjtJt, iiingnver} imfHitnt dnifttai tonj m.snjt{ejh.l,b j. ofiht υΚιη^ of Ι,Μ Ggg aod "'Ν 1 but ία Chnft, n'hile thfj •euiht to itmitti^ the number , they creafed them. Thefe voeie they thai y/inii the San• hUrin , tvhich wer the tithe of luda , 'vvfill HerU fed th.ti crueltie imnfl DAittds Λ Ofrohcrathi High Puefti were thechtfea »de , the exe- eution oftheyeere- ly oficf being »iW ch-ing^d- X AgiitilT: fuch a» bragge of fu^cef- liouofperfpui, without 1 luccel- fion ofdoftine, eud by thit m:inei bejte do'.n'ne -he tiue mioi(iei»of the woid , ίο f«ire footth as they are •b!e. e S] what autht- rttie. 3 Wol^e» which fa:«tdett«Pa-_ ftoars , pleade thiir ne cai.fe , aod Gonsneitbef iht Churchti. sisindetdsa Ihfephtaid, that teacheth hii flBeepetjhaagvp- Ch-iit-arly ,al vpon one that is dead, but hath γ^t■.'.i fittih, «nd bi:hall:uleia his uwn^aad. /Jl.i3,l6.»>.U.2I• H.war.ij.io. U/Cf xi.iy.-'i'». There is nt ather niiH Μ ff wo ether ■otrei• a• ituthtrily vh-xtfcttter : which liiiie cffpeech he- he lewei, rtfe-Opj his , that rvhcarve and the Sid Juces came vpon tiiem," 2 Taking it grisuoufly that chey taught the peopie.and priaciied in lefus Namt the refurrcdi- OD from the dead, 3 And they iayd hands on them , and put them in bold, vDtill the ntxt day : for it was now epen- tide. XhcAdtes. incAjppcsptJiya that which was cfofte. 21 For the csaa was aboue fourtic yeeres olf the Name ofhinc holy Sonne lefus 3 1 " And when as they bad pray ed.tbe place was ihiken where they were affembled tog' ther . and they were all hlled wicii the holy Ghoft , and tbey fp*ke the word of God boldly. 31 '-And the multitude of them that belee- neC, were of" one beatt, and of one foule : neither any of them faid , that any thing of that which l.e though theyihmkt pollcfled.was his owoe , btit they had all things i§ common. 33 And with great power gaae the Apoftles wiincfle of the refmredion of tne Lord Icfus : and great grace was vpon them all• 34 '3 Neither was theieany among them, that 15• Then the\• commaunded them to goe afiJe j lacked; for *s many as were poiltfljurs of lands or out of the Councill,and ^ conferrid among them feluei. Ιό * Saying , What (ball we doe to thefe men? for farely a roanifoll ligne is done by therp , and it is openly kncwen to all them that dwell in Hieru- falem : and we cannot denie It. 17 But that it be noifed no farther among the people, let V$ threaten and cbargr them , that tbey fpeake henceforth to no man in this Nam?. i8 So they called them.and commanded them, that in no wife tbey Hiould fpeakc or teach in the Nameoflifus, 19 7 Ba: Piter and lohn anfA-ered vnto them, and layd , Whether it be right in the (igUt of God, to obey yju rather then God.iudge y-. 10 For we cannot but fpeake the things which we haue feene and beard . 21 3 So they tfcrcatned them, and let them goe , and foundnoshir.g how to puniih them , be- caufe of the people : for all men praif:d God far ;a!l vpon them at w^^hxndi-me ■ooh f>r httpe. Any Tshtre: and is [eiteth firth •.u'jstheUiie. (SeofChuftes TbegooiUibJr- ; andboHnell'i pfthef-ruiTSof God ioihyrt thai Rvah good ibit f ticb sj lay hi ! να• drr a vlfatd J ,;.le .doe at length r°eQ° '"/rhewnlvfei here.is liiotM'ct' heinifpohn in comparifon hadto λ %U-il!rate.hetokrn te and btin^ie fare the Srnedi Piiefl'f.jS through Gamiliili counfell they are k' ft which mtde Λ peo• ple.asforthegreet multitude of them, ■ts thottth many ηΛ» ^ tiinshadaffimblei themfelues tege• ther,asludi f.14. m Th: wnkidext. te Gads counfeB. ng ofit, but hey are not there• fore without fattlt, κ Thou haddesl it- termini d of thint atftlute aitthnitit and power. II God witneDeth tobisChnrcbby* vifule ligne , tbac it ijhc tuat will eOsbliih I't by Ola- king ihe power» both of hrauca and eanh. i> An example of thetiueChuich,, Wbeifin ibeiei» onfent ai well Γα ineai in cha• They g/orige Go: BVc « a ceitaire man named Ananias , with Sap» phitahis wif; (old a pofftffion, 2 And a ktpt iv/ay p4rf of the pace , his wife alfu being of counftU, and brought a ceruine patt, a.idiaidit downe at the Apofdes feet. 3 Then fayd Peter , Ananias , why hath Sarai wauUr«emen> fltioe and be cbiefe ta the Chnrcb. « b^iC I lokeihevVfthbj =on-,.ai7rxjmplei, howgtijii linne hvt>"Ciifh: is , efpe• cully in .hein wkichvuderafalft pif'cnce and cloike ofieale, rifiiiyotkeAtfaj^ LTJPg '^ tbe holy Ghofti jy^^l ' ^ To obey God rather tb zHiikn, b eiled thine heart , that thou fhonUell « lye vnto the holy Ghoft .and keeps awayi"«ri of the price of this potl'cfsion ? 4 Whiles it remained • appetteined it not vnto thee?and after it was fold,was it not in thine owne power i how is it that thou hatt J conceiued this thing in thine heart } thou haft not lied vnto men, but vnto God. y Now when Ananias heaVd thefe wordes , be fell downe.and gaae vp the ghoft.Then great feare came on alt thscr that beard ihcfe things. 6 And the yong men rofe vp , and tooke him vp. and caried him cat, and buried him. 7 And it came to paile about the fpace of three furpofed ieitit. houres after.that bis wife came in.ignorant of that AttI the fault tftb\ wbich was done. 8 And Peter faid vnto her. Tell me.fold ye the land for fo much» And ihe faid, Yea.fot fo much. 9 Then Peter faid vnto her , Why haue yee agreed together, to «^ tempt the Spirit of the Lordf bebold.the feete of them wbich haae buried thine husband, *r# at the''doore. and Iball cat ie thee out. 10 Then (he fell downeflraightway at his feet, ;i and y eelded vp the ghoft: and the yong men came in.and found her dead.an J caried her out, and bu- ried her by her husband. 11 Ϊ And great feare came on all the Church, and on as many as beard thefe things. 1 1 Thus by the handes of the Apoflles were many fignes and wonders ibewed amocg the peo- ple (and they were all with one accord in Salo- mons porch. 13 And of the other durft no man ioyne him. felfa to them : neacttbele£re,the people e magni- fied them. 14 Alfo the nnmberofthemthatbeleeuedin the Lord,botb of men and women.grew more and more.) I y In fo much that they brought the ficke into the ftreetes.and laid them on beds and couches, increafe'tb the r.ge f»hat at the leaft Way the ihadow of Peter , when if Satad . "^^t^^='e- i fae Came by, might ibadow feme of them. "' * 16 There cime alfo a rouUitade out of the ci- ties round about vnto Hierufilem , b ingiog ficke fo!kes,and them which were vexed with vncleane fpirits, who were all healed. 17 f 3 Then the chiefe Prieft rofe vp. and all they that were with him (which was the i> ktk of the SaJduces) and were full of indignation, j 18 ^ And laid handes on the Apoftles , and put [hem ia the common prifon. 19 4 Bus the Angel of the Lord by night ope- ned the prifon doores , and brought them fooith, and ftid. 10 ! Goe your way .and fland in the Temple, and fpeake to the people , all the ' wotdes of this life. II ^ So when they heard it , they entred into the Temple catly in the morning.and taught. And the chiife Prieft cjme , and they that were with him , and ciUed the Coimcill together, and a.'l the Elders of the children of If-ael.and fentto the fti- fon, to caufs them to be brought. IX But when the officers came, and found ua not in tbe prifon , they tetntned and told it. i'Puly ffiefiei. t^tmhtH they hai nfpintei ihet fariue «r ραβφιη for the Church, the) fiucKt not at tt t, keefe away a part tf tbe price, as thtngh theyh^d tadtoite with men, and not with Csi, andthnejtre he faith after'arari that they tetttftti Cod. dHereiyisdecla- rtiaii Adutfedani 104» iM aimittiug the deuili fttggt• fiitni. e Zooki how oft men it things with AH tHtU ctnjctcnce, ft «/f they pro- nounce ftnlence egainU themfelues, «ni as much as in them lieth, prouok' Cod to artger , as fit purpofe ,mind- ing to trie whe- ther he he iufl and nJmightie crno. f Are at hand. • The Lord by hit loui venue brideletb fame, that they may not hart the Ctyjrcb: other fome bee keepetb in hi• Bwe and feare; - other fome he allureth vnto bin. I High!) fray fed them. I The more th«t Ghiircb io- ereafeth, the fore they proceed fromthreaioiugi, to prifoning. ' Thewordwhich is vfed here , is Η tefie, which fi>»ifi. tth achoyfe, and ft is taken for a right ftrme of learning, faClitn , ,r fi^die end eturfe of iife. Which the Lalines call a fe a. -at the fril thtswordwas iniifferenrty vfed, length , tt tame to be taken ely in euitl part, teherevpcn came tie name of Here• tike, which is tak'n for one thMi^oeth Affray fr^m found ■ whole fime do• Urine after fuch fort , that hefetteth light by the iudge• toentofGodani his Church , and €oniinueth in his tfin-.on , and hrea- L• ktti the peace tf the Church 6 Anjeliare raadefeioantiof the feruantsof God. J Goddoevh thcteiore deliver h,<,tb« they may more Itoutly prouoke bti enemies, i Worits , iy tkt way for* lift isp>ewU, 6 Cod meckeib bu CDcmiei tttempts froi»> •bgue. 23 Saylng.Certainely we fouAd the prifon Αωΐ as iute as was poiTible, and the keepers ftandiog without , before the doorts:bm when wee had opened, we found no man within. 24 Tiien when the chitfe Priefis and thf cap- taine of theTea5pl?,and the hie PtisSs heard thefe things , they doubted of them , vvherevnto this would growe. z$ 7 Then came one and ihewedthero.faying. Behold, the men that ye pat in prifon.are ftanding in the Timple. and teach the people. z6 8 Then went the captaine with the officers, and brought them without violence {fot they fea- red the people.leaft they fbould haue bene ftoced.) ιγ And wbeo they ha i brought them.they ftt them before tbe Counciil, and tbe chiefe Piicft asked them, 28 9 Siying.Did not we ftraightly comand you, that ye ihoulJ not teach in this name! and behold, ye haue filled Hietufalem with your dcdirine , and ye would ^ bring this mans blood vpon vs. 29 '<> Theta Peter and tbe Apoislesanfwered, and faid.We ought rather to obey God then men. 30 " The 4• God of oar fathers bath raifed vp leius whom ye flew, and hanged on a tree. 3 I Him hath God litt vp with bis right hand, te be a Prince and a Sauiour.to giue repentance to Ifrael, and forgiueneffe of finoes. 32'» And we are his witneffes concerniog thefe things which wee fay : yea , and the holy Ghoft, whom God hath g'.uea to them that obey him, 3 3 Now when they heard it.they ' brafi for an- 5°^^" ger, and confulted to flay them. 34 '3 Then ftood there vp in the Counciil a cer- taine Pharlfe named Gamaliel , a dodtour of the Law, honoured of all the people, and commanded to pat the Apoftles foorth a litle fpace, 35f And f»id vnto them. Men of Ifrael, take \^"J^l beede to your felues , what ye intend to doe tou- end , but wemuft alfo according to our vocitioD goe 5^ 7 The more open- y thatCbriftri_ .-eitae ihewcih ic felfe.the moie in- creafetb ihe mad- s oikLisecemies bicbconfpiie igaiait him. Tyfaui. wbich feare not God, ate conflraiaed to tare bit fevuactt. I the pro- ps: tie oi'iyrioi• fe: cut their Dwne commaode- [nrn:{ as right and ttafon , be they ne- fo wicked. k M.'ke^SgaUti' f murdering , that im-ivhoin yet rfrfj» viU not voHchfafc 0 name, 10 U'e ought to obey no man , but fo'farte foorth at ying 1 obey God. Chnlt isap- • ted and in- Paace and prefer* .erofb.sChutcb a defp-e of hit eaemies. .J. Chap.i-it. 11 U imoc fufli- light ard till we come vnto it. Tkis tetoktielh bat they wire 1» arxoil vehftntnt rage, and toaruei» ■fil difi^uietei ching thefe men 36 '4 For before thefe times,rofe vp Theudas m boaftiog himfelfe , to whom refotteJ a number of men , about f jure hundreth , who was flaine : and they all which obeyed him.were fcattered.and brought to nought. 37 After this man, arofevpludas of Galile. in the dayes of the tribnte.and drew away much peo- i>''»'nde fo_ ffpeuh taken from jhem which re harripily tut ifunitrwitb fawe J Cbvilt firdeth defenders of bii caufe euen in ihe veiy voHie of hi» eDciT.ici, fo ottaa be thi keth it Bte ί So they departed from the Counciil, re- ioycing , that they were counted wottby to fnffer rebuke for his Name. 42 And dayly in the Ρ Tcnsple.and from houfe to houfe they ccafed not to tcacb,and prcachlefus Chrift. I Tote offer η He diffwadeth his fdUwes from murdering ihe Apoftles , neither ioeth he think» it foci ttreferre the matter f theR>m«He M»giftrate , for the lewes could Mde n.th.iif, Wcrfc , ihen to kiue the tyrannie of tht Romanes confirmed 0 If tt hr counierfen aaizn^duii/a. i; The Apo.".lei accuftorned to fuffct «odbeaie wordf» .areat lenilb luarcdtc» bsare llripe» yet fo.lbatby tbatmeanes they become iirocgtt. f Sttk J«i''roin «QotJtr, and not r»(hly to bt iJT'iei toceiQcr , ai he Ap^iiix. doc Dcre ute ■ Aqjthe Apoi'lfSdot n>t , eWA.- (o much ai thcDet uDt viih- Falie w tneiies againft bteuen^ CHAP VI. • The AfoflUs j tpfieyHt ihetffiee tfOtttMfltip fttfeutH thefen mtn.s υ/ whom SttiKtt full tf faith. n tne-.tz He iiUkea, ij &■ acc^ifUasairAttfgufimrtfMifesLaw. AN D ' in thofi Jayes.as tb? Dumber of the dif- cii'iia gr w .there «rofei murmuring of the ι G C'.ais tuwa' '"s tht Hcbrewes , bccaufe their wi J'jW .> w^ic n. g Ά d in the t» dayly minittring. r.ien the twcme called the multiiude of ths uifcfples tognner , and fiide , It is not c mecie that wc ihoul4 leaue tne word of God to feme the 3 } W J-foT- brethren . louke you ont t- tTiong ;. ou feutn men of boneft report .and full of tij- ti j1)• Groft , aid of wifedome , whtch we inay app I ^1•• CO titis buQnetfe• 4 AqJ wee will giue our Γ 'ues continually to priyif .!oft, oid* Philip, and Ptochorus, and Nk\i.:. .r, .<ηά litnon, and Paimenas, and Nicolas a Piuklyieo Anii-jcriia, 6 ♦ WnicT they fct before the Apoftles : and tbcy prayeJ.and e laved their hands on tnem 7 s And the wutde of God increafed , and the number of the ailcipls was muliiplied , io Hisru- \ file η gieatly.arid a g eat company of tbc Piiefts | Wireobedi.Mi tottieffai^h ^ < Now Sieuen full uf faith & s power ι did ' great ^ooJets and a;ira;les anoong t:ie people. j 9 7 Then there arofe cettaine of tue^Syna- , gogie.w'hicliarocilled Libertines.andCyrenians, I and >{ AI xandria , and of them of Cilicia , and of j Aii*,ind difputc3 with Steuen. 10 ^ But they were not able to relift the wife• ! domi . and the Spiric by the which be fpake. 1 1 Then they fuborned men , which fayd. We \ hau: heard him fpeake bliiphemous words againA MXs.andGoi. II iTnus ney mooued the people and the Elders, and the Scribes : and running «pon him, caught hiro.and brojght bim to the Couicill. 1 3 '° And fct foorth filfe witnelles , which faid. This man ceafeth not to ipeake btafphemoDS Words agaioft this holy pliCcaoJ the Law. 14 For we haue beard bin) Uy , that this lefus of Nazareth (hall defttoy this piace.and ibal change the otdinaices which Mofes gaue vs. 1 5 And as all tbit face in the Councill looked ftedfaftiy on bim. they > faw his face as << badbmt %h« w«e '■ '>«f«« of an Angel. lawfully elcfted. tThii ceiemmie cfUjint m I'hxniei cam' from the lewff.vht vfei this trder heth in fuhltke aifttiti'ani off. in; off.unfices. An! alfc m priujie frtjtrs nui bli^ngi,ai afpetteth Ccne.it.nni theChunh obferuei ihtiteieme»ie,i.TuH, S,ii- «Λί-ι 8 ly hnt here ii nc mention >mJe either of tre^ni' , tr jhtmng , cr τββng,tre)ι^^n■, iJc. } An bappit end of temj>ation. f Thu isihe fiiurr Me• toHsmi* , ra'anmi it faith, the doilriHe tf the GoffeS w'uch tngeni.eth fnith. t God riercifeth h • Church firil witheuill vwoidc» aDdn»undeii,th»n with im- pnioDinsa» af'C' vv>rd with fcouiglugi^aDd by ihefe mean» prcpareib itiu fuch ion. ibat >i leng b .:ce caufeth it to cocouDt^ r with Satan and (he w:>ild, eueo to bUodUiea) and deitb , and rhat vwiib good fucceBe. e ExreltiHi Andfiiifit'lMr jif'i» 7 Scboolts aed VuHieifititi woe ofoUetime a^difted to falfepaftours, • ad gveie 'heini1οΝΚ'β abroad an jde'rnd falfedo^ruiel. I) O; th. temp Ή) is Coll edge a It r^ere 3 Kalfet«acheis,bei.aufe thrjr will uot be oucrcome , flee from difpii-atioB» to niinifeit and open (lajndeiing and falfe •icuf.tini 9 The fir t bloo,!y pcrfecut'ion of the Church of Chrili begBnot and fpraog fr. iri a Coanollof Prieft» by ih< fuggeftionof the Vo u;vfitied(iaouri. JO λη i^xam^ile of ciutUersor falfe «ccufcts , which oatherfalfe cond fiani of Ihingi that art well vttercd «nd fpoke. « Htrei} it Afpeattth thxt Steuen hii i *u execlient ani looily toHmeninte yhaui»^ a i^mtt and fetlei mini» ., λ q_ooi ; I ttn''tieHce , ani fure ftrfvufion that bis taitfewii mfi : fir feeing he whs to fpeake beftre the fetfU , Cod itMUtified hi! coHHtenance ,t« the end that vtitb 2ft vet} btbtlii»i *fbim , tbt Uwu mt»in miibt i*ftat(ii«niMuift4, Aaes. ne aniweretn loroiroicitc• of the C^ut^h. cl..^fuccamu- ter, as tvr m ij in Hi fe Accept, f„. d St'ijuets theitgh i) the Him' jfta- iUs . other 4ces Are alfe meant, which are annexed to It fuch a^ per• taint It the care »l the ptcre. 3 (uchuliiigof Deacon• (a .d aiuch BipteofMliii eti) there milt b era- mi -.atio^both of their learning aol ma -ice! $ of life. «{■ Chap.ii ». 4 The lucient Church did with layiagooof ban Hi. aiit ■xttt coofecrate CHAP. VI i. t tttutn fltadiHg his caufe , fbeveth that Cod theft tbtl Fithtrs, 10 before Mofes was htiHt, «j andbefcte ttt\ Temple wxitui't: ^^ And that all tuttrard ceremonitsl were trdnned according to th• heautnl) Pateini. i4 Tbt\ letves gnafbin^ ihett teell), S9 it tne htm. Τ Η Ε Ν I fayd y cbiefe Ptieft, Are theie things ί Steuen i• •«. fof fciited le pUaife I » And he faid,Ye men.brethten.and Fathers. 5'ils"„"jVud"aT. hearken.* That God of » glory appeared TDtoL.fe, tii%uaar our father Abraham , while he was in t- Melopota- S» c-o'ke, and c•. mia. before he dwelt in Charran, L'^bi"'^.^ 3 And faid voto bim, Come om of thy cotin.y,'4u'ed. *""* trey, and from thy kinted , and come into the land I' Sceueo wit. which I ihall Ihew thee. ""•''' ^'i™ ί« 4 Then came he ont of thelaad(ftheChal-p.'| feede ihould If-aw.and there. be a foiournet in «firange lend: and that they ΐί:;^^',^"^ iboald keepe it in bondage «and emreaie it euillldarioo of tmeic- c fonrc hnndreth yeeres. 'is'*»" . 'i»•' »» «• t 7 But the nation to whom tbey Iballbe iu bon- n*. m'thalGod""*' dage , will I iudge . faith God : and after that, tbey Imade w i:h °he f»« ihall come fotth and ftrue me in this place. jtbera. 8 " He gaue him alfo the couenantofcircom- * ThlTmi^tit cilion : and lo Abraham begate * Ifaac , and cir- \cafuii tfgi!^ cumcifed bim the eight day rand Ifaac kirnti f»d mate pie. ^ lactjb.and lacob the twelue * Patriarkes. Vurwardvlri 9 3 And the Patriarkes mooued with enuie, fold llat^tlaham *' i• lofeph into Egypt : b^t God was f with him, mamt out tfcheU 10 And delioered him out of all his affliiiJons. ff" -^ '/ "*"^''* and $ gaue him g fauour and wifdomc in the fight tcome>„ua^^ of Pbarao king of Egypt, who made him gooernor irvhich nas «^ ere oaer Egypt,and ouer his wbolehoufe. i*"" " < ""<' I»"''• II f Tbeo came there a famine ouer all the y^i"^^;'/," p;,^^,^ knd of Egypt and Ci^anaan , and great tiBi&ioa, bteke β. chap n. that our fathers found no fufteoance. ' ^" i» """>> I a Bat when » iacob heard that there ^*ifh!s''l'.ttT"f!n* come in Egypt.he fent out fathers fit ft: \d The p,,m,fe »/ 1 3 « And at the fecond time iofeph was know- i;»*'' ffie^-n wat en of bis brethren , and lofepbs kindred was made f}'/^"''', ''"'' *'" knowen vnto Pharao. {hamjhiugh his 14 Then fent lofeph and caofed his father toj ?»«"<(<> emoyedit be broaghi, and all bis kinred, enen thresfcore andii ^ «'"' f*'" 'J'" biceene fooles. is the figme Sj. I y So A• Iacob wetK dewne into Egypt.aud he, ttecdnhe. * died,.nd our fathers, t TheT.lnreckt. 16 And were •> remoooed into Sychem, and ί,^,^^^^'/^"^"^* were pui; in the fepulcbre , that Abraham had bought .{• for money of the ioaaa of EtBor, ftnnt of Sychem. 17 But when the time of tbepromifedrewe neere, which God had fworne to Abraham , the people $ grew «id nudtitHied io Egypt, bjP»mi,G'alat.i frmi tht time that Airab»m atU his father dtfartedtogetbtr tut tfVr tftbt Chaldef.m. t Genefisij.f. « Getie.ti,}. i- Gene.i;.!^. * Cttu. ig-Ji- and}» s. andjftj. 3 Steuen reckoBCih ypdiligeoily the horrible BthObiefet offorae of the Pachers,to teach the lewei tbat tbey ought not raOiJy to reft is the auihoritie or etamplei ofthe Father• 4• Gen.jj.tt f "ϊ/ this Kindt tffpeech, is meant the pecttUar faxaur that Cod ^exveth men: ftr bet fetmeih tt bt aysaj from them, whotHhet htJptth not , And on tht ithtrpde, be is with them whet bee J /liuereth tuff whatftemer great trfbitt, γ Gewr.41.37. | Gau* bim faiomriKPhara,hsfiihtforhiiWiftdsme. * Geut^t.i. Κ GeHe.4T,^ Λ- Gene 4*; * G^»> 49.}}. * The PatrisrKes tbe^nnts tf lactb, th„i,ghtherebtnien4S itrnr ihrtHgh Gtii mtrcifuSgocinefie MHifauour, ttietf «gctily and [aire tinnttHAtut, } Sxtd.t,tt' ¥ Ziftd.*''l• 1 3 Till anotfaer King arofe i «hicb knew not lofeph. ig The fame i dealt fubtilly with our kiored, and euiil tntreated our fathers, and made tbtra to caft out ιΗείΓγοοβ children , that they Ihcmldnot remainealiue. 20 •{• The faoje time was Mofes borne.and wai ^ acceptable rnto God : which was nouriihed vp in his fathers boufe three monetbs. 2 1 And when be wjs cafi cot, Pharaobs daogh. ter tooke bim vp , and noutillied him for hei owne fjnne. zz And Mofes was learned in all the wifedome of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deedes 13 Now when hee was full fourtie yeere old, it cacce into his heatt to vilit bis brethren , the chil- dtenof Ifrael. J4!^ And when hefawone »/ r^? fuffcr wrocg, he defended hiro,andauerigedbis quarel that had the hartoe done to him , and fmote the Egyptian, 2 y Foi hee fuppofed his brethren would baue vndetfloode , that God by his hand ihould giue there deliuerance : but they vnderftood it not. 26 ■•■ Andtbenextday.heihewedhitcfdievn- : to them as they ftroue , and would haue fet them at one agaiiie, faying, Sirs, yee are brethren : wby doe ye wtorg one to another» 27 But he that did his neighbour wrong , thruft him away,fa):ing, Who made thee a ptince , and a iudge ouervs? 28 Wilt thoakiilme.astbondidfttheEgypv tian yf fterday? 29 Then fled Mofes at that faying, and was a firanger in the land of Midian , where bee begate two ionnes. 30 And when fonrtieyeeres wereexpired.there appeared to him in the « wiUernes of mount Sina, 1 Angel of the Lord in a flame of fire,in a bulli 3 1 Andwhen Mofes faw it . he wondred at the and as he drewe neeretoconfiderit.the Chap. v'j. God dvvelletTi not in Tempies. yi ^ 40 Siying v»to Aaron , -f Make vs go.Is that may goe before vs : for ws kJow not what is be- come of this Mofcs tbat brought vs oat of the land of Egypt. 41 And they made a " calfe in thofe dayes, and offered fac.'ifice vnto theiJole ,& reioyccdin the Wotks of their owne hands. 42 Then God turned himf-lf: awiy,and " gaue them vp to ferae the ρ hoaft of heauen.as it is w. it. ten in the booke cf the Prophets , J Ο houfe of If- rael, haae yeofl>ed to me flaine beafts cc facf ihcesi' by the fpacc of fortie yeeresin the wilJerDeffe? 43 And ye q tooke vp the Tabernacle of Mo- locii, and the ftarre of your god Rsrophaa, figurt s which ye made to worfliip them : therefore I wil cary you away beyond Bab> Ion. 44 ί Our fathers had the Tabernacle of' wit- nefle in the wil Jeroeife.as he had appointed/p.-a- king vnto " Mofcs , tbat he IhoulJ mske it accor• ding CO the falhion that he bad fsene. 4^ « Which labtTitacle alfo our fathers frccei- ned,and brought in with lefus into the ^ p^lTtlfioa of the Gintiles , which God dt»ue out " before our fathers, vnto the dayes of Diuid : 4(S A• Who found fauour before God , and de- fired that be might hod a tabeinacls foi the God oflacob. 47 * <5 But Saiomon built him an honfe. 48 Howbeit the moft High * dwclleth not in temples made with hands, as faith the Prophet, 49 i H-auen i/ my throne,' and earth»/ my foocftoole : what houfe will y e boiU for me, faith the Lord ι or what place is it that I iliould reft in? >i/.«. ''ff& » Thn was ike fu- Pcr/hi„n if the E- VP'"'»'i ceiaed the liuely oracles to giue vnto vs. 39 To wbo-n our fathers would not obey , but refufed ,aad ia that beat» turned backs againe into Egypt, in Br ihe pmtf. ft Mxod.j.i.io. If. 14 chtfteri, * Exod.,6.i. 3 He acknoTvie J- geth Mofes for the Uwgiuer, but ίο tbac be proouetb by bit owne witneBi, that the LiJvhal refpefl: to « more perfefi thing , that iJ to fay , to the propheiicall of- fice which tended ta Chiift , the heai «falkPropbets. * Λ(»..8.ΐΓ. th*p fix. ^ ife SiHenecked and cf* vncircumcifedj i hearts and eares , ye haue alwaycs re fitted the holy I Ghoft : as your fathers dU, fo doe you. : y2 Which of the Prophets haue not your fa- Ithersperfecutedrandthey haucfl3ineth2m,which fliswed before of the comroing of that luft ,of whom ye are now the betrayers and murtherers, y3 X Which baue receiued the law by the y or- j dinance of Angels, and haue not kept it. 54 s Bat when they heard thcie things, their hearts brail for anger , and they gnafl:isdatbim with rfeiir teeth. y y s» Bat be being full of the holy Ghoft , loo I ked Sedfaftly into heauen , and faw the glory of God,and lefus ^ ftanding at the tight hand of God, 56 And faid , Behold , I fee the beauei:s open, and the Sonne of man Sanding at the right hand of God. 57 Ό Then they gaue a fhout with a loud voyce.and ftopped their eares , and» rannevpon him violently allatofice, y8 And caft him outofthecitie,andftoned him -.and the '> witnefTeslaid downe their cloathes at a yong mans feet, named Saul. 59 And they fioned Stcuen , who called on i1>'f'^creifrtm h'Bdtchani. ^y Ihe figure Λί*4 «e;«,t,/o,tAe yo Hath not mine band made all thefe thingsiJG''n,'7" "/?"*'*' « Gaiirauethim oi*t, thiiikeylbsuli iKinof ihcfeciun. •"fitotitrtaiheri, rcheniheyentrei into the Uni. A" a. S.^m.J J, *<.C*re.i7.ii. ^ ^lιngi6.x. 6 Siloicou builn TcmpJe, according to Goili ccmjniDde- aotwith an/ fuchcoaditioD^ ■. hfMjieUyof Gcriih>.uldbein. fed therein. '^"> = 7i+. S" Σ[ιι.β6.ι. ''■9.2<:.i^<-.44,,J 7 itecea mooaed with the Eta ie of God , at Jeogth iudgethhisowoe Jges. hey are of -UK- circuonifea hearts, which lie drowned ft:ll inthefinne^tf nature, andftctit fad in them: for \cihtrwife all the lewes vaere circumcifei a; touching the (Ιφ, and thtrfore th're mere two k.'f'ich the g.d'y ■vfe, there tiftliM!! mm.ie.f!b... «iV?cful,keS. 3 Tbi; difperiioa fonerioj abroad eftbefaiibfu.l, is the icjy ing toge• Jher of Churchei. 4 Philip, who wa• before a D-acoa Hie ufale,T),i» jnaJeofGodex. ,r„rair„r,ly,a EiPtis'lift. f C.Triii oa-rcora- ittbSa aafooft >helii»e>h .and sarieih him about 3( itwie infi^ht of them .whom he dweiiietJ and bewitched. k The Tverd whieh Μ vfcd in f/»! i.'.ifi tvts^tthefhfi'tt. ke" inptifart, MKiiiftrrrc-mei out •/■ lie F'tfi-ml.Jii- tua'e , isto iifl «Apirn-A»-'..!, ihAt η ime , bui af- trrriftriit -mis ta- iien -n euill fztt. c He hid βαΙΙιιηύ tie Samaritans ■svithhistvitci. er^lti. this Λ•, t':» i^mU h.itfl!va:nt they were wholly Aai'cleif, h,m. β Tbewi.lt^daol ibevrry reprobate aaeconltrjined of- ttnt'mes to rate ef theg lodgi/iof - • buttbrycaft 'pagaiae fottb- i b. TeterBotchiefe, «od sutasa ilTi- Cad, and fiyd, Loi J lefus.receiae tU}; foirlt. 6o ' « And he kneeled dow.ia.ind cried with a loud voyce , Lord, «=1»/ not this finne to their cbargi. And when hi had thus fpokcn.he d flept. i«( fuch * kind cfimfuliHi trlayiitg t» ones chxrge , as re• 'edjfer euer, neuerto beremuttd. d iscfce ι.ΓΑί/..^. .j. CHAP. VIII. The goUy mike lameiiiat!) for Sieuin 3 Saul m^kelhh». utetieofthtChuich.sPhtUf freichtthChr.ii aiSam.iria. 9 ϊ<ι»9«Λίίζ*ί i%hiicoueto»fKcj[i reprnued. liPiiiltlnj cctrtoieih to the EthitpUn Eunuch.i% anJ. bafti^^th him. ANd ' Saul confented to his death. 'And at that ticDs.thcre was a g'-eac pstfecution ag.inft the Churca which was at tiierufalem, ξζ, they were ail fcatcerel abroad thorow the regions of ludea and Samaiia, except the ApoftleS• 2 * Then ctrtnint men fearing God .«ca'ied Steuen among thena , to bs buritd , and made great lamentation for bia. 3 J But Saul made hauocke of the Church , and entred into euery houfe , an J drew out both men and woraen , and put theco into p. ifon. 4 Therefore they that were fcattcrcd abroad, Wint to and fro preac'iing the word. f f -f Then ca»el bilip into the ci;ie of Satna- ria.and preached Chiiftvnto them, 6 And the people giue hee.1 vnto thole thing» which Philip fpaki , witii one accoid , hearing and feeing the miracles which he did. 7 For vncl.;ane fpitits crying with a loude voyce, came out of tnanv that v/.re poffcfled of thtm : and many taken with palGes , and that hal- ted, wercheakd. 8 And there was great ioy io that citie. 9 ; And there vns before in thecitie , acer- taine man called Siinon , wrich vfed b witchcraft, and « bewitched the people of SatDaria.fayiog that heiiioafufc wiS force great tran. 10 To wb.in they gaueheed from the leaft to th? g eateft, fi_ ing, fnisman is that grsat puwef of God , 1 1 And they gaue heed vnto him . becaufe that of long ticne hee had bewitched them with fjr- cerics. I ζ Β Jt affoone as they beleeaed Philip , which prrachei the things that concerned the king Jotce of God•, andtheN^.-neoflefisChrift , they were baptized both men and women. 1 3 « Then Swion himfrlfe brleeue J alfj , and was baptized, and continued wi h Philip, and won- dted.wheii he faw the fignes and great mitacles which were done. 14. f 7 Now when the ApoOles , which were at Ierufale;n,heard iiy.ihat SaiiaiiahaJ receiued the worJof GoJ, they.fent v.itothem Peter and lohn. 15 Which when they were come down,p-ayed for thefii,that they might trceiiie the? holy Ghoft. 16 ("For as yet he was fiiien dowiie on none of thsm , hot they w^re bap.ized onel/ io tiie N^me of the Lord i-.fus ) 17 Then lay 4 they their haniJs ot5 tbeia , and they recriued the ho 7 Ghoft. Vi 3 And when Simonfaw, that throogh lay- ing on of the Apoftlts bands the holy Gboft was giuiQ.heofired them mot5ey, 19 Saying , Giue me aifo this power , that ott ; whoasfoener I lay t!« hands , hee may receiue ths j holy Ghoft. ' 20 9 Then faid Peter vnto him , Thy money periih with thee , becaufe thou thinkeft that the gift of God may be obtained ks ith ironey . ζ I Thou baft neither part nor fcllowiliip in this e bufineffe: for thine btart is not <■ tight in the fig'itofGod. 22 «^Repent therefore of this thy wickcJnes, and pray God, thai if it be poffitle , the thought of thine heart may be forgiuen thee. 9 Τ bey are the fuccefliarsot Si- Magus, $tii f Simoc Pe- ter , which either buyotfellholf thuig,. his doBriHt which I Preach di.i 23 For I fee that thou art in the g eall cf bitter- «''/■'««■«χ -Λ β ΙΟ VIV mt, •t vpHjJ,, "tdwiih in. TVlihoHt «wholecompanyof «he Apart les, anj• lobn hi» companion .accoidiag to the aatboiiiie which wat commitred vnto them , confirtne and build vp the Cbttcchtiof Simaria , wh.>refou.-id; beme layd afore by Philip, d Tl'tfe fxcellent itfis.whieh are Heeejfary, efpt- tiiHy fir thtm ihxt were to ie afptittsedruieis andgouernturs cfthtCtvrch 9 Ambitisa.aad cMtteufsnTe doe at lciig(h {lusketiieiiirfoccttctoutgfittsif 10 Ue niu t hope Well eueo of ih» li liaDcr» , fo g and ίο favre tb as we mar, g Hec^iudthe tnrvari ratlice of the heart, and that •u'liimcHS 1ΠΛ uiDi, i'fiirvukeinifie tVKtrewith thit Magician was whol/j, refl,n:lbe4, tkeiatlofiiite,. »'f':a«dttiifc,Ul to be in the gall ^ai thoHgk hte Will wholly eutiwiel. med With gall, and buriidtnil. h Int angle dtnih» bends 0/ t»,quilit. ir Ch. ill who «I. fetbfrtely who» ' he lufteih : doeiil now vfe Philip ■"Vho thought CO 10 futh niitter, to Duruft and bap. -e the Eunuch at «awarei, a„d by tbi, mtantt rxi«a• rfetb the) hiikin-d iof neflc, ami in the t bond of initjoitif, 24 Then arf*eted Simon and ftid. Pray ye to the Lord for rae , that none of thefe things which ye haae fpoken come vpon me. 25r f So they, when they hadteftifiedand prea- cbed the word of the Lord , returned to Hicrufa- letn , and p'e ached the Gcfptl in many lownes of theSamatiranes 26 " Then the Argel of the Lord fpaki vnto Philip, faying, Ariie.anJ goe toward the South vn- ί to the way tiu. goah downe from Hisrufaleir ; vnto Giza, which i'• wafte. \ 27 And ne arofe and went on : and behclde , a i certaine Bonuch of Ethiopia , Candaces the i; Q.ueeDe of the EL^iiupians > chiefi Goueroour, Who had theiule of all tier tieafure , and came to Hiimfilem to worfhip. 2 Η And u he returned fitting in bis charet, hee I read Efaias the Prop:->et. j 2^ Then the Spirit faid vnto Philip, Goe ncere and ioj ne thy felfe to yonder chatet. 30 And Philip ranne thither . and heard him < reaJr, the Prop'iet Efaiss , and fayd , Bat vodtrftan- den tbou what thou reaJcft f 31 And hee fay d , Hu w can I , except I had ^ a guide ? And he defired Phiiip.tbai the w juld come j vp and ill with him, I 32 '> Nowe the place of the Scripture which he read , was this , -J• He was led as a flieepe to the fl.iughter: and like a lambe dumbe before his llieartr.fuopfned he not bis mcuth 33 In his 1 humihue his ill 'gercent hath beene fXilted;but who ihJldedaie bis m generation? ibr his lifj is taken Irom the ea. tb 34 Then the Eunucn a' fwered Ehii'p,and fsidj I pay thee, of w^oro fpcaketh the Prophet ihisj of timfelfe.or of foiJeouier man? 3 y Tncn Philip opened t^is mouth , and begati at the fame Scriptuie,and preached vnto liim letus, 36 And as uty went on their way , they came vnto a certaine water , and the Eunuch fayd . See, bete is water.wV at doeth let π e to be baptized f. 37 '3; And P.-.ilipfayd vnto him.) f thou belee- U'ttwitb all thine heart, thou mayeft.l hen he sn- fwered , and fayd, ° I belceuc that that lefus Chrift is that Sonne cf God. 38 Then hee commaodcd the charet to ftand fiill : and they went downe both into the water, both Philip and the Eunuch, and he bap ized him I 39 And afTjone as they were coroe vp out of the water , the Spirit of the Lord caugiit awuy ViV• I lip . thatfhe Eunuch faw him no moie : fo be weni I onhiswayreioycing. \ fir our fnkesju bearing his TtthfTi wrath, η Wetolittg. 1 Chnil haungonterifea f">» thede.'dfdieth tti mtre, B< Ϊ of faith ii.reqaifite in bai liiiogofttfrn which aieof yce I fui.iroi that wearenotiben li'ft ii gialfe•? ioioCbriii , when wee are baptii'di, ; b-it being a!ieai!y ir-.gr>fFed,atethen ceairmed. » Tbefumne tf tkt imfelkiM 1 w4»tA (J n:(e$ar] fw iaftijiat, ^ "^ I -^ man „f greet wealth and iuthl. ritie With Canda- ces : New this ivtti Candac sisacom. If η n.-metoall iht 'tkf k To jbtw v^yh.wi,T/H. Tbofrtbicgs whiih ffeme aioft ο come I y cbaoce 01 foraae(3siaeB ;aiego- utineJl.y ihefe. deuce ofGjd, •l• £i^t.,i 7. / The Heir tw text readethnthus, 0»t) fa narrew flraitt tnd cut if tudge- ntntwashtiakitK where by the nar- t^w (trait , he mea- thihegraueani. e-viry bands of den ih, and by iuJfcra,nt , the pu» mem which waslayd -vpon him, and the miferaUt ftate which ChtiH tookevpo» him IS age Jbt.l lafi .• fet •3 Profrifio nd iherefoie it ft iihrift] srXecoted. Saul CJiap. k• conuerted, preachetli CliriiFr~52 t Sin! (who Ii alf< r«ul) peifecu;ing Cbrilt molt ciuel- ly,whodidai it were fleebtfore bim.falleibinto bii hauds,aD'< ii ouercouit: and with t fiBiular example of tbe goodoeire of Coi , io Head of Buniihmrnt which he iultly defenied fsrhii ctueltie.it Dotoaely leceioed «o faucut , but is •Ifo euen by tbe inoutb of God ap• inted an Apo- icandiaconfir- poll ftle of Aaaniai. •I-R.om.9,3. Calat. 1,13. This Ii a II that Saitis iemif* ioylti *Ki c*tl c«l grent ihreatHinfi tt marier tht itf• tipUs. 6 Any ttaie cflift hicb a mm txKtth Hmfetfe VHte, tht Jewes call arvaj, «.Car.i;,». t Thti is Λ peutrht which is fpoktn «/ them that through thti* ow.it liubbm- nejfe hurt them• Ifelues. ! d Stitti Hill »ni ttulinotgM ene Step fttrvari.but aitaie amifid as 1 they hai beene very iimes fae came ω Cciarea CHAP. IX. 3 SautguHi tev>*i Js Oamifcus,^ is fltik'n irmne it the gtiMnitftht Lori: 10 Ananias is feat iSm bapiixthim. i) Thelajing await cfthe lewts, if htt efcapith, being ietdmnttthr»ugh the wait. 33 Peter cureth Aeneas tf the fa/fie, js ani by him Taoitba being dtai, 4011 reUitei ii/ift. A ^»J ' ^-Saul yet a breathingout ihteatnings and 40 But Philip wai fount! at Azoms.aDd hee So wis Saal certaine dayes with the difcipla Walked to and fro preaching in all the citiej , till which were at Dtmafcus. 10 » And ftraighiwa)^ bee preached Chrift in tbe Sy aagogues.that he was that Sonne of God. ζ I So that ail that heard him were amafed , and faid.Isnotthis hee , that made hauockeoftbtm which called on this Name in Hietufalem , 8ccame hicher for that intent , that be Q:i0Dld bring them bound voto the hie Priefts? 22 I Bat Saul encreafed the more in ftrengtb, fljughteragainft the difcipies cfthe Lord.weni j and confounded the lewes which dwelt at Da- 1 Paul begiDDeth ftuigbtAaytsto exrcuteiheoliice which vvai eoioy* Ded him , oeuer confuiring wicb flelhaDd blood. 3 !■< voto the hie Piieft, ζ And deHred of him letters to Damafcos to the Synagogues , that if he fonnd any that were ο f that b way , (either men or women) hee might bring them bound vnto Hierafalem. 3 Now as be ionrneyed . it came to pafle that as tiee was come neere to Damafcos , J fnddenly there (Lined rounde aboai bim a light from heauen. 4 And be fell to the earth, and heard a voycc faying to him , Saul , Siul , why perfccuteft thou mee? y And he laid , Who art thou , Lord ? And the Lord faid , I am lefus whom thou perfecuteft : it is e hard for thee to kicke againft p.ickes. 6 He then both trembling and aftooied , faid, Lord , what wilt thon that 1 doe } And the Lord faid vnto him , Arife .and goe into the citie, and it fliallbe tolde thee what thou ihalt doe. 7 The men affo which iourne) ed with him, d flood amafed, bearing hit * voycc , but feeing no man. 8 And Saul arofs from the ground , and ope- ned his eyes, i«f fawe no trati. Then led they him by the hand, and brought him into Damafcai, 9 Where bee was three dayes without fight, and neither ate nor dranke. 10 V^nd there was a certaine difciple at Da- mafcos,^ conhrming that this was that ChriS. 13 ♦ And after that many dayes were fulfilled, tbe lewes tooke counfcU together , to kill him. 24 But their lav ing awaite was knowen of Saul : now they ♦ wjtched the gates day and night, that they might kill him. ay s Then the difciples tooke bim by night, and pat him thioagh the wall , and let bim downe by a rope in a basket. 16 «And when Saul was come to Bierufalem, hes aflayed to ioynehimfelfe with tbe difciples; but they w;re all afraid of bim . and beleeu:d not that he was a difciple, 27 Bnt Batnahas tocka bim , and brought him to tbe Apoftlcs, end declared to them , how he had f;ene the Lord in the way .and that he had fpoken vnto bim , and how hee had fpcken boldly at Da iDaicus in tbe Name of lefus. 28 7 And hee was conusrfant ' with them at Hietufalem. 29 And fpake boldly in the Name of the Lord lefui , and fpake and difpeted againft the '^ Greci- ans : but they went about to flay him. 30 8 But when tbe brethren knewe it , they brought bim to Cefarea.and feni bimfoorthto Tarfts e:h bu: with tbetelti- ofthe Prophets. k Bj (inferring places tf the Scrip- tcgether, as tunning craftefmcit when they make iif any thing, they Ίί,ί tigaiher parts ttgrihtr, < tn make thtm agree fitly enewi'.h aita 4 Paal whowa» before a perfcca- tcr.hath dow fer- fecutiou hid oe- for: himftlfe , buc yet a fine off. •f• i.Cir.ii.ji. 5 We are cot {λ- bidden to auoide iodefi-hewihe dangertaDdcon• fpiracieitbac ihs enemie, of God lay for vs, fo that wee iwatue not from our vocation 4 tiφe no m that houfe , and put his handes on bim , and faid , Brother Saul , tbe Lord hath fent mee ftittn lefus that appeared vnto thee in the way as thou caroefi) that thou mighteft receiue thy fight , and be filled with the holy Ghoft, i lis And iaimediatly there fell from his eyes as j it had biene fcales, and fuddenly be receiued fight, j and atofe. an.d was baptieed, 19 A[uiieceiued(Qcate,Jwdvvasftrcng^eaed, { toAnthiala , rebut two cities Sardana• palHS is faid tobaut iuilt in iKt day, f Tf heart my name in. b I will fiiw him fUinelj. « Int» ludii his throughout all quarters . be came alfo to the faints which dwelt at Lydda. 33 And there be found a certaine man named Aeneas , which had kept bis conch eight yecres and was ficke of the pallie. 34 Then faid Peter vnto bim , Aeneas, lefus Chrift makech thee whole : arife and trutfe thy conch together. And he arofe imraediatly. 3 y And all that dwelt at " Lydda and Saron, faw bim, and turned to the Lord. 36 " There was alfo at loppz a certaine ife- ptan , a diiciple named Tabitfaa (which by inter, pretation is called Djrcas) Aiee was full of good woikes and aimes which llie did 37 And it came to paSe in thofe dayes, that ibe was ficke and died : and when they had wa^ Ihed her, they laid her in an vpper chamber. 38 Now foraftnuch as Lydda was neere to lop- pa , and the difcipks had beard that Peter was there , they fent vnto him two men . deurirg that be would not delay to come vnto them. uieepe of Chrift, much letTe to be apaftcur. 7 Thecooftant feruanuofGod mult looke for daager afterdaaa get: yet God wauheth for them. / With Peter 4»d lames, for heefaiift thathefiwmne ' The dead rlifed. recers ν iUon: The ^Sctu HeisfenttdC<»heIiuif 39 Then Piter arofe and citne with thctciand w'len he was csase, tbey brought hioj into the vp- per chaoQbtr. wnere all the widow;s ftood by him weeping 1 arid lliswing the coares and garments, which D jrcas trade, while flie wis. with them. 40 But Peter put them ail fooith , and kneeled duwna.and prayed, and turned him to the bodie, endfiid.Tabicha.atife. And fhe opened her eyes, end when Hie fiw Peter, fate vp- 41 Then he gauaher the hand.and lift her vp, end called the Saints and wiJiwes , and reftored fasr alius. 41 And it was knowen throughout all loppa, and many beleeued in the Lord. 4 j And it came to palfe , that he taried many daycs in loppa with ons Sioaon a Tanner. CHAP. X. » Cornelius ^.et the Angeli c^mmandcmentj finietk ftr Peter: 1 1 ΑίΆ» alfoiy Λ vifitn i;.>o is ta»ght net 10 de• ffife the Gemiles. 3+ He freachethihe Cifpel tt Csr- Miliui and hts htu-jbaUns VViiQ hAuing reeeiued the holj Ghoii, 47 ate bafti^d. FVrtherraore > there wis a certaine man in Ce- farea called Cornelius.acaptaine of the band called the Italian band, X A a deuuu! man , and one that feared God with '' all his houlluld , which giue much almes to the paopie.and prayed God continually. 5 He la* in a vifjon euidcntly (about ihe ninth boure of the day) an Angelof Godcomoiingin to him, and faying vnto hicn, Cornelius. 4 But when he 1 jok:d on him , be was affaiJ, and faid, « Winat is it, Lord? and he faid vi>to him. Thy prayers and thine altnes are d come vp into * β remembrance before God. y Now therefore fend men to loppa , and call leurei Vi*«««•»* forSiojon, whofe furnameis Peter. iam.u!'r'fr.eHL•ni^ & He lo Jesth with one Simon a erorf»eM.. ktniofffee.h. ^hich the Heirewi [every much . ΙΛ- *e» fromfaititiees, Λαί applied to Τ'"; eri ■■ f>r it ii βιΛ ,'f ■!gii,oU burnt fAcyt- ficti, that the fmtke teeth vf DUiGids %3;iTe!s:foi'f<"*f which the Lcri tiketf- £«Λ» fie«- fitreitt. , t That ii y >n f' much ih.ii the, wil nctfufferGtiant fere to fotiet thtt firfodteihthe Stripiutes vfe of- Untimes u prattle ■S^thvunnmiei int with litte tlt^hnrZ'iuJslfP'''^'- f ^'rthouih Pnerflaninct am.fei Y~tyrSZXIU w.-A Gel, a J.. i>,firua.ii»h. «//!,n., ,je.hU IJiyjL• farrf othetrvife thenit rvis yx>o«t to be . bui flio.t!] returned to the Z'jflT ^ TsothZtfeernid to be a foure f^uarre IbeAe. ' b Hrrc ,5 thi, Tord\m whik.e Leuit.i I . » t>st/t pinfiteth l•' cJ, the H^rnrti ^fjj worketh righteoufneife. is acceptsd witb h tinier It *nd Xvhsle [entice •/ Coi : whereby trt fercetneihatCtr• neUus waitiitveii Can any man forbiddetvater, that thefe : fliould not be baptized , which haue receiued the | God.didrife ^^joly Ghoft, as well as we? j "«'".'fwhofoe. 4^ ^^ ^^ commanded them to be baptized in | «er beieeurtb in * the Name of the Lord. Then prayed they binj to ! him (hotiid be faued tatie cettaioe dayes. through the remif•• iioDof finDes. ^ Lnke^.i^ f This (tile ii t*ken frm an olde eu/lomt tfthe lewts, tvho •ufed to anoint their Kings and Priefies ,-aiheret/pon ti grew , to call them jh• tinted , vpon whim Godieftowethgiftes «ndi/irtuei. r Th:Schufingtfthe ^p4tlts IS proper Ir ginen to Gcd: for though Godre preftdenc in the lawfaH tlecti'^n of minitlen ,yet there is in this place aficret opptfition andfetling of Cods chufingAtd mens voices the one againfi the other, for ihe Afoilles are im• mediitly apfeintidof God, and the Church Mimftersb) meanes. * 7frf.51.34.. mica 7.18. chap. tU9 "" S The Spiiite of God fealeth that in the heart of the hnuers, which the mioilier of the word fpealtttb by thecoranundement of God, «» it appeaieth by iheeffeas. 9 Baptifme doth oot fauftifie ormake them holy receiue it, but fealeth vp and eoafiimeth their finaihcaiion, CHAP. xr. » Peter ieing tecu fed forgoing tt the Gentiles, fdefcndeth himfflfe. "ai Barnabas isfent to Antiechix, j6 where thedifcifles arefirfl exiled Cbrtilinns: 1% and there A- ^abus foretelletk a famine to come. I Pitfr being whiihout caufere. prehenHedof tHe vnsk^lfullandig- D0T3-it , doth not obied: that bee ought not to be Judged of auy , but •peoly giueth an account of hit . tcine eyes, I confidered, & faw foure footed beads of ths earth , and wild bealis , and creeping things, and foules of the heauen. 7 Alio I beard a voice , laying vnto me, A rife, Peter: fliy andeate. 8 And I faid , God forbid , Lord : for nothing polluted or vncleanc hath at any time entred intu my mouth. 9 But the voice anfviered me the feconJ time from heauen ,The things that God hath puiifi;d, pollute thou not. 10 And this was done three times , aod all were taken vp againe into heauen. | 11 Then beholde, immediatly there were three | men alrcadie come vnto the hoofe where I was J fent from Cefarea vnto roe. I ζ And the Spirit faid vnto me, that I ihouldi go with them, without doubting : moreouer, theie | lixe brethren caaae with me , and wee entred into \ the mans boufe. i 13 Andhelbewedveibowhehidfeedeao An» | gell in his hoafi.which ftood and fai J to him.Send j men to loppa , and call for Simcn , whofc futnamei is Peter. . i 14 He ihall fpeake wordesvnto thee , whereby I both tboa and thine houfa Hiall be laucd. I ly And as I began to fpeake, the holy Ghoft L rit* fell on them , -i• euen as vpon vs at the beginning. •/•»•<« 16 Ttien I remembred the word of the Lord,] how heefaid, § lohn baptized with water, butyeei^ 5''"'^•*'^* Ihalbe bapiized with the holy Ghoft. jm/f^'tt" _ 17 For as much then as God gaue thzmzVkt'mirke i.%, gift , as hi did vnto vs , when wee beleeued in the '"^^ ' •*• Lord lefus Chtift, who was I , that I could let Gcdf . ' 18 * When they beard thefe thiogs.they helde their peace, and glorified God, laying. Then hath God alfo to the Gentiles graunted repentance vnto life: L.. 19 Τ 3 And they which were " fcattered abroad *« <)"'«'y r becaufe of the afflidion that arofe about Steucn, went throughout till they came vnto Fhenice. and Cyprus, and ' A0tiochia, preaching the word to no man. bat vnto the lewes onely. 10 4 Now fome of them were tren of Cyprus and of Cy rene , which when they v^ere come into Antiochia, fpake vnto the Grecians , and preached the Lord lefus. lohn 1 » Siich as'ajlie•» ,', queftion'oftlie ' ' trueth which tbej' know not , oughr CO be qjieily ift;rfi Id.t^ NOw ' the ApotUes and the brethren that were in ludea , heard that the Gentiles had alfo te- ceiued the word of God. 2 And when Peter was come vp to Hierula- lem , they of the circnmciHon contended againft him. 3 Saying, Thou wenteft in to men vJicircamci- fed, and bait eaten with them. 4 Then Peter began.and expounded tht thing in order to them. fa\ ing, ^ y I was in the citie of loppa.pfaying.and in s Waoce I fiwe ieixvifion , Acettaine veifellcom- nitig downe as it had tttni a great il^eete , let downe from heauen by the iboiecorDeiSf and it eametoine* .v ..■■...■.."..,., , 3 Tee fcsttering ibroadof:he Church of H/eru-' falem iithe caafe of the gaiheriog >gether cf many iber Cburchef. . Chap.%.i. \a HefpeiK'thif Ζ I And the hand of the Lord was with them,M«"<"*'* ""*"*■ fo that a great numberbeleeuedand turned vnto if ''i'"?^''""'^'' the Lord. ^hMvfcnC.^ 2Z ί Then tidings of thofe thingfcimevotoU TheChurAcf the eareS of the Church.which was in Hicrufjlero,•*?''",''• '''=°'^ and they fent foottb Barnabas , that he flwuld god Ge"t"i;ci wa^exS vnto Aotiochia. . Itraord'ina.ilycal-; 23 Who when hee was come and had feene; '■'i• the grace of God. was glad , and exhorted all. that doiHTmy* with purpofe of heart they would coniioue in the condemne la ex- Lord, craordinirie vo«• 24 For he was a good man , and full of the ho- 'hlyTndoel/b» ly Ghoft, and faitb.and much people ioyced them J the ege&t. felucs vnto the Lord. « ^h-re was ae 2 r f β Then ' departed Barnabas to Tatfus td "Γ'1* h"" '* fcekeSaul: "j mong - J (ties either of»- Ughe furping.or of po -.ar i <^'°i place» «A ■ J dcaieM,. ^'■4» Heroil•; tyrannic. Peter deliiiered TfceAaes. 27 7 Γη thofs dayes airocimePiopbeisfioLu Hiernfalem vnto ABtiochia. ■ z8 And there ftood vp one of them named A- | gibns, and fignified by the Spirit, that there ihould be grsat famine throughout all the world , which alfo came to paffs vnier Claudius Cefar. 29 s Then the difdples euery roan according to bis abilitie , parpofed to iendc b fuccour vnto the brethren which dwelt in ludea. 30 Which thing they alfo did , and fent it to the Eldeis by the hand of Barnabas and Saul. put οΓρΓΪίοη.ΐ.Ιγτη^φ ^ Ow ' about that time , • Herod the king ftret- ■1•^ ched foorth hit hand to vexs certains of the :the great fo i^ftjiiiulus , and father te this Λ- kf.^jafietWiyi. t Vi,!e>itly,hii sa.tfi beiag ntt mnct heari. Λ U It an oM fa- ihionoftyi»Qti to ipYociirethi; faucur cf the wicked, With th.- blood oi »he gojl^ ^ The tyraiti •nd wkked anke β jalou» for th-m- ielue» euen thca when they doe Βιοβ accoediog t9 their owne wiU aad faiitjfu. 4 Thi pftyersof the gsdiy ouer- «utnf the couafell of ty;aut»,obtuae Aagelsof God, breaicetheprifoii Vcloofschaiaes, put Sicao to flight, •ad prefctue the Charch. <* Chipi.ti• € Ih the irtftit, f Hoiy mectingt in the uighi as well of men a• «oraea (Wiien thiy caa notbefufferedio thi day ti^e) are ■Ibwablebyihe txamplc of the Apo ■ 7 GoJdorh fo V, rap vp bis Caciich wiihtb• v.ickfd, ia hi» icQ.jrgei aod plijues which he feDcieth vpon the eartb , ibat DOt- withfticdiog he protiiJftb for it coDueniently. 5 AllC^ngreg». tioiis orChurcliei mikioae boiie. b Thafis , thtt thtretfthe Dcacond miih: fucciur the poire.• far »> bchtouti tchaue aB thefe thiHp itne nitttj and deieut!y,»nU thetettre it is feid, thit they [tnt thefe things t» the £litrs,that is, t) thi i»i*ett4i»rs «/ »*< Church. CHAP. XI a Herod kiOeth Limes tvilh the fiend, ^ And impriftHetb Peter, S whem the AngeS deiiiterejh. lo Herd being effrtiied with them nfTyrus, ai is pac.fitd: it And | takinithe honiur dite to CodJth'imCelfe, Z3 he is teten _ w.i* w.r«.i, andfc dyeth a GoJ giueth bis Church a truce , bu( ..TA,w,l,«"Hm4 Chutch. v^iowmonfait \ Ζ And be b killed lames the brother of lonn thev, that c«me >f with the fwotd. AffJl^yeiwZ'fe 3 • And when he faw that it pleafed the lewes. |/«r>i.jMffTOJi7i4£- bee proceeJed further, to take Peter alfo (then [»»!.• iHthee that ,i\ yyejg ,[,5 jjyej of vnleauencd bread.) ^ph^r^t.Hef\d*'l . 4 3 And when he had caught him , hee par bim in priibn , and deliuered him to foure quaternions of foul Jiouts to be kept , intending after the Piflc- oaer to bring him forth to the people. y ♦ So Peter was kept in prifon , bat earnefl prayer w« made of the Church vntoGod for bim. 6 And when Herod would haue brought him out vnto thepiople , the fame night flept Peter be- tweene two fouldioars , bound withtwochaine», and the keepers before the doore , kept the ptifon. 7 * And behold , the Angdl of the Lord came | vpon them , and a light Ihined in the <= honffi , and l be fmote Peter on the fide, and raifed him vp. fay- j ing , Arife quickely. And bis cbaines fell offfrom ! i^w hands. ; ; 8 And the Angel faid vnto him.Gird thy felfe, and bind on thy fandales. And fo be did.Then hee , faide vntabim , Caft thy garment about thee, and i ; follow roe. 9 So Ptttr came out and followed him , and | knewe not that it was true , which was done by the < Angel, but thought be bad feene a vifion. > 10 Now wben they were paft the firft and the j fecond watch , they came vnto the yron gate that j leaJeth vnto the citie , which opened to them : by it owne accord , and they went oat, and paflcd through one ftreet.and by and by the Angel depar- ted from bim. 1 1 f And when Peter wis come to himfelfe, ■ he faid.Now I know far a truth, that the Lord bath ; fent his Aogei , and hath deliuered me cut of the ί band of Herod , and from all the waiting for of the ] people of the I ewes. I 11 f AndasheconriJeredi6«t-<>>»^,hcecaire | 6 weobtaiB» ! to the boufc of Mary .the mother oflohn , wbofe j we"a°t vFeii'bo^e ' iuf name was Matke , where many were gathered j for. together, and prayed. | d Out >f the pUee jj 6 And when Peter knocked at the entrie ; ^eem!>kdjut'n*ti ^0°' =• 3 ""de d Came footth to hearken , named i lufithtbiuft, Rhode. 14 Bat when ίΐα: knew Peters voice , fliee ope- ned not the entrie (ieer< for gUdnefie, but tanne lOfifad ;oU bow Pct^r ftood before the eottie* meigiue place > the rage of the nicked, but yet ' hat our diJi- jence which ougfct to be vfed in God• bulinelTe, be Dot a whitflackeoed. Euillcounfell fallethoutintbe endro the!haitot thedcnifcriofit. 9 A miferabfe •nd rbamefuliex- pie ofthe end of theeneraietof the Church. The ffatterie ofthe people 1 ) Bat they laid vnto her , Thou art mad. Yei ilie affirmed it conftanily, that it was fo. Then faid they. It is his Angel, i6 But Peter continued knocking , and when they had opened it , and faw bim , they were atto-i tried. ; 1 7 7 And he bcckened vnto them with the band, U \ve may fomw to bold their peace , and told them how the Lord V had brought him out ofthe ptifon. Aud heefaidt Goe iliewe thefe things vnto lames and to the bre- thren : and hee departed and went into an other place, 18 ^ 8 fjow afibone as it was day , there was no f.!jaii trouble among the fouldiouts . what was become of Peter 19 And when Herod had fought for him , and found him not.hee examined the keepers, & com- macaded them to be led to be puniihed. And bee went downe from ludea to Ccfarea , and thirt ».• boade. 13 s Then Herod was angtie with them of Ty. ros and Sidon , but they came all with one accorde vnto bim, and perfwaded Blaftus the Kings Ch^ berlaine, & the» defired peace, becaufe their coun» trey was nourillied by the Kings /"ii- fafted , the holy Gbott ikid . Separate me BarnabasLVntoTib^holi" and Saul , for the worke wherevnto I bane e called! Ghoii. them. j" The fame νία 3 a Then faacd they and prayed,and laid their \fZ'Ztl, i,^*';* bands on them, and let them goe. '.to death. 4 3 And they after they were fentfortb of the'|*''^*«'"<*iamin , by tke fpact of «nfouitieyettfs. 21 And after he had taken him away , fceraifsd vpJDiuid to be their King, of whom hee wit- nelied ,-faying,I baue found Dauid ffcr /onn» of letfe, a man after mine owne heart, whica v\ ill doe all things that I will. 23 9 Of this mans feede bath God " according to his promife raifed vpto Ifrael.tbcSauiour lelu's: 24 When κ lohn had firft preacned =» before put anirtfcngin \ tni miuth : Pfal 40 i. 8 G^d beHowed many peculiar tenefiiesvpon his chofin irraet, but'hi«?rpfcially,iha< hepri'mifedtbeiu the euerl.uiog ledeeiuer. i ^el~ Maitred anUtrtught te htmur. •{• Exii 1 9. f and to i. m I^thii fpace cffsuriiejeirfs mu:i the time tf Samttel he ttcktned with the diyeiof Saul ; fer the km^deme iA us ifiV'refif*Birp-jt hiSitue^ttement. k i-i- l>*k' ji• η lchnΛSΛ>% titrttHtt , did KH ]bev> Chrifi tmmmgA [tutc tffki tbt «ilur Sfofhtti ati,bht 4 ThtJcuill ma- kith the conquell ofCoiiftmore glorious , in that tfaa> he feitech hira- felfeagaioft h'"». 5 Toe forcerer which Wii ittiltea of Paul with a cor• porall pnaiihinint Cilthougii ex raot- diparilj) ttleweih «neximpietolaw- tull m.giftiaies. bow th-y oughrt ti puoifli them «bich wickedly and 00• fli'iaiely binder the coutfe of the Oofpel ( He KDieth eat fuch Λ fAult , Λ5 tthe fchuh it. run- neth heedhm and ViihgtentJ fire to «a kind of wukti- neffewith theltitl ntttun a» the world. f His power rvhi(b b>fawe:hiHfir,. ki»l md beating dorvne his enemies. t Ao ezaiiple io ene and ib; felfe fame c. mpany bsihof fiogular cooUaccie.aad «Ifo of great WrikeoelTe. J T'lS fulieth Λ iifffrenee telwixt it , ι•ηΛ Aatiochi* Vrhich mas in Sjria J Io the Synagogue ef the lews (ac- cotdjngtoihepat- terne «hereof Chnftia;. Cngrs- {a.ioni were ialH- tuted) Arlt the Scrip urei wrre »ead , thenfdjhai were leataed Wetelictnced by the tu'etsofthe Synagogue to ίρΐί.ι-.β acd ex- pound. i> fV.rdftrteord, J f there beany Word iitjiw .• and this is Λ k'nie of ffeaehttken fnin tieHebrerves. yoherebiis meant, that the t'ft'Sof Cods graeeare in t/s , 45 itwtriin treafme hou(es, 4tniihat they are not curs.but Gods : Ulikerort^if, Danid.ThoH ha!i icrmon at Aniiocnia .11 .L. I •f Mat.i tt.mdu 1.7 I'hn i.ao. 1» Cbrilt wai pre• mifed Jc Cri t pro- perly i ο the iewes, Allttiufj, his comming the bapufme of repentance to all the I pcopleof Iftael. 2 y And when fobn had fulfilled Ht courfe , he faid , ^. whom yc thinke that I am , 1 am t;ot be: but behold , there commeth one after tnee, whofc Ibooe oihh feite I am not worthy to Itwfe, 20 Ό Yee men and bietbrcn, children of the „^ generation of Abr.ham , and whofoeucr anjorg topaiictoChiittj you f:aretb God , to you istbc wctdoftl.isfi]-!^^''"V"'','f' , «'ionf^nt. ^^-^^^ 27 ■■ For the inhabitants of HierufaUro, and jbcrtby.ifoiiap- their rulers , becaife they knewe him not , rot yet jf '"*" ''■»' *« '» the wordesofthcPiopbets , which atereaileuety jsj'Jom'acdv'et' Sabbath day , they baue fulhljcd them in condem. Dcf.-.ithiia^dmg ningbim iyet defireJ they Pilate to kill him, 29 And when they had fulfilled all things that jP»"'""'""' fc""" were w. itten of him , they tocke him dowue fiom !,"ou/h"be'wa» the tree,and put him in a fepulchre. linuo«nt. 30 '»But God'•" taifed himvp ftomthe dead. !* Λ 31 AnJhe was frene mar y datstf thrm, which came vpwith hirn from Ga'.ileto Hieiuialim, which are bis WKntffts vnto the people. 31 And we declare vmojou.that touchirgihe proaif; made vnto the fatheis, li God bath fulfilled it vnto vs their children, in tcatheoraifsd vpiefus.'^cuenasitis written in the fcccnd Pfalmcx Thouart my Sonne ; this day bane i begotten thee, 34 Now as concerning that hee raifed him vp ^7- >».»«*. r;.ii.luke23.ii» tohn /9.e. I a WemuKfet thegioiyofthp i giinft tte Hum• of tb« ctoii«,aod giaue.. And the lefurrc- diou isprooued <• wellby wiineffei wci.b fa wit, «iby 'the teftimoniesof , the rtopheii. from the dead , no icore to rerurne to corrup:ion,i,'f ,^ Tuke'ii!{^*'' bee hat.*! faide thus , A• I will giue y ou the holy le*» jo.19. things of Dauid^ which are faihfull. " -?"'*'» *' "f- 3,- .♦ Wierefore hee faictb aifo in «notberpol/,/;^;"!»"* place ,* Thou wilt not fufer thioe holy one to fee on.iy Smmtf Ci/,. cotruption, ^*- " "* *ί•^•ι'' 'ff _ 36 Howbeit.Diuid after hee had ferued hi^™;^^;^'^;"'»* timebythecounfellofGod ,hee««- laid with his fatbers.and faw corruption, 3 7 But hee whom God raifed vp , f»we bo cor- n)p:ion 38 'J Be it knowen vnto you therefore, men *nd brethren .that through this manispteached vnto yoo the forgiuenefle of linnes; ~ 3^ AnJ from Η all things, from which ye could not be iuftified by the Law of Mofes, by tun cue- tie one that beleeusth, is iuftiftsd. 40 '* Beware therefore leaS that comevpon you.which is fpcken of in the Prophets, 4 1 § B:holde , yee defpilers . and wonder , and vanitliaway: for I woikea woike in ycurdaycs.a woike which yee fnall not beleeue, if a man would declare it you. 42 f '7 And wben they were con» out of ihc Synagogue of the lewe's , the Gertiles befcughr, that they wi ijld preach tbefe-WctJes to them the nexi Sabbath day. 43 Now when the cong-egation was diiTolued, rairiv of the lewes and • P;of;li:es that feared God/ 'lioweJ Paul and Barnabas,which fpake vnto them , acd exhorted them to coDtinue iti the grace cfGod. yiiW.jiraii. i.iufe CodbtM- flowed ihtm νροΛ Dauid : Moreciett' they. are te,i,T.r4 jiiiihfsll,altertkf «.t«, .(fre.cl, ivoich t^:t Heirrt»- teartae- lhifethi»isfiitli>• fuil.whiih are fltM»- dit and fzire [utbjU• utr alter nn thangt. 14 The tord wafo in grjBe , that hi Teft no torrup'ion. # Pfal. is 11. ckuff 231. + I King.i 10. chaf. I. 29. Ij Chrift \λ as /tut to f ite ihem freeii^ miiU'D of fiooes , which were Louiemned by the LaAf. 5 Whereas Ihe cert»- moiifi of ihe LawcouJd not atfilue )ou from -jour fiunts , ti.-.v man doth aif„hni ''OU, if )ou lny ho'd on rtrn'-y faith, ιβ The beDefit»of Gi>H tarne to th« yticrvs^ doioj of ihcrn that cotiremoe ibem. ^ Uab-k >■!. -.7 TheGen ile» goe betbl»•. the Ir AT-» .oto iSekiugdoine of beauro. r Whieh had foifaktUthitrktaUttliM itiix't» , ami tmittutd th* iiiiii^[n ftilb tjiMcfts. 44-.AQJ•. ρφ. falvatiooi TheAaes; luptteiWfieftj^ 44 And the next Sabbath dty came sltnoft the whole cicie togtther, to he^re the word of God. 4T 'S B-jt when the lewes faw the pjople . they were full of enaie randfpikiagainftthoft: things, which were fpoken of Paul.conttary ing thtnt, and railiugont<;cw, 46 '9 Then Paul and Barnabas fpake boldly, and fayd , It was neceffuty that the word of God ihculd firft baue beene fpoken vnto you : but fee. itig yee put it from you , and f iudge your felues vn worthy of euei iaftiog life , loe , we tutne to the j GeQtiles. j 47 For fo hath the Lord commanded vs ,fay. f ifgi-i-l baue made thee a light of the Gentiles,' that thcu fliouldeft be the faluation vuto the end I of the world. j 48 And when the Gentiles beard it , they were j glad.Sc gloriHcd the word of the Lord : and as nsi- 1 ny as were ' ordained vnto tterniU life.beleeued. ! 49 Thus the word of theLord WJspubliQied j thorowout the whole coumrsy. fo »• But the lewes ftirred ctrtaint " deuoute and honourable women , and the chiefe men of the citie.and ratfed perfecutionagainft Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of theii coafts. yi i> Bm they j Ihooke off the duft of their feeteagainft them, and came vnto Iconinra. y 1 And the difciples wsre filled with ioy , and kwith the holy Ghoft. ij The faupurof one fflfefanie Gofptlii vnto the rrpiobste anrf vq- b:lef ueis , d«th, andtorh;eIcft I fiichasbe- Jceuc .life. The Gofpel is jiiihf d to the Dti>t:>b)-tbe exprrffecommiQ. to(God. f By thii ;o«r do- 4fig)eudoe as it ? prononnce fenttHct α^ΛΐηΙΙ ysur felues, ani iai.t your felues. t Therefore either enst append ted »o enertufting lifcerehaUihcult bcUeuei : but tecanfe ih• fi , it folhrveth thitl fome cfriein^'ivere tied, is there• fire God did not eiiely ftrekuciv , bu\ '» forroriniiie, that neither (mtb Htr the (ff, lis of fatihjbiuldhetht Hfesfhhtrdei- tf.Hi or appoimmit. his trieiniHj,the eaufe of fftith. 10 Such is the craft and fubtUiie of the «nemitsofthe Gofpel, that they abufe the fimplicitieoffome which arc not alto- gether euill men, to exrcutethcircriieliy. « Such as embraced Mtfei bt<, Luw• »i The wickednefle of the worlde cinnot let G d to gather bis Ctiurcb to- gether, and to fofterand cherrlli it, when it i» gathered together, J Μλ1.ιο,ιιΙ. ■,ί,ιι, iude^.}. jch^p.iS.e, CHAP. XI 1 1 1. I Paul aHitttuabts f are ferfeeuledat Itmium :6 At Lyftra Paul 10 healelh λ cieepie : 13 They an about to doefacrificevntothim. ij but they forbid it: 19 Paul iy theperfwafion ofcertainelt-tves, is funcd .■ 13 From thence p.-ffiig thtrow diuers Churches, 16 they returtte to Antiechta, A Nd ' it came to pafTe in » Iconiuro , that they went both together into the Synagogue of the lewes. and fo fp.ike, that a great multitude both of the Iew thea the penicrfnes of I'icked \t ob- Itioatsin peifecu- tingof it. «jtie of LicaoniA. t Which ohnrd jlot the diU'ine. lue our placet gi ;e pUceto toop?nv>ge, but when ihere i> no other remedie, «ni that not for r ownequietnes fake, bu! that the Cofpel ofChrift may be fpread fur- ther abroad. // IS laivfuU fomr ime to Hee dangers η timezfttuenient 1 It is an olde 'iib-il:ieofibf <'e till.'ithertocaufe hefalti'fullfer. , unti "f O^d to le.biDimc:nting them no to thero. ik-ndofreligich. _ 19 «Then there catne certaine lewes from An- l'yf^;|,'=„"'i,\7j'" 3 tiocfiie and Iconium , which when they bad per- the Uit cait , ac fwaded the people , •• ftoned Paul , and drewe bim |1^"«'Ί '^?."^ <". out ofthe citie,fιφpo(iπg he had beene deid , iueu the^a wheT°'* _ 10 Howbeit.dS the Uifciples Hood round about he feemeth to bim.hee arofe vp , and came into t'le citie.and the Ρ»"β f^« ^PP" aext day be departed with B^rnab^ to Derbe. Γ."^ c», , , ,, 1Ϊ 7 And after they had preached the glad ti- U we mult go» dings of the Gofpell to that citie , and had taught BOrward i η our v»• many .they returned to Lyftia.and to Iconiufri,and Ihoufand'de!,''»? toAniioChia. JS l"i"he Office* 21 5 Confirming the difciples hearts,andexhor-bf-brniini(te.f, ting them to continue in the faith , affirming that ϊ'""'"'^^""*^^' η , , /•^•c\• • , put alio to con- wee mua through many afflictions enter into the £,„, c^^m that kingdome f if God. kre langht, and pre• 23 9 And when they bad ordeined them Elders P*" ''^"" '° ''ϊ* by elettion in euerie Church , and prayed , and fa- ^"χ *, ApoiHet fted , they commended them to the Lord in whom they beleeued. 24 ' 0 Thus they went throughout Pifidia , and came to PitEphyjia. 2 y And when they had preached the worde in Perga, they came downe to ^ Attalia. 26 And thence failed to i Antiochia , χ from whence they had bene commended vniothe grace of God, to the worke, which they bad fulfilled. 27 And when they were come and bad ga thered the Church together . they rehearfed all the things that God had done by them , and how bee had opened the doore of faith vnto the Gen^ tiies. 28 So there they aboade a long time with the difciples, being returnej to Antiochia , do lender an account t( Church. A Attalia w*s a fea city of Famphyiia,ttiert t cf Syria. » Chap. 13.3. CHAP. XV. 1 Certaine gte about to bring in circumcifion at Alt• tiochia: # About -which itatter the Apiftlesconfult : If «ndrvhatnufl be done 1} they declare by /etters, i* ϊληΙ aniSarnabAS $9 are at great variance. XbcH ed.be Churches which thty had planted, to proper and pe• cutiar Taltouii, which they made Botraihly.bit with prayers and faftingt joijg be- fore : neither did they ihi-urtthem vpon Churches through briberie or lordly fuperio• ritie, butchofeanj placed them by the voyceoftbe • «ongregation. 10 Paulasd Bar- nabas bauing made anendofihrir peiegrinaiion, and toe Cougregatiooo» Ι•}»Λ. « Amitcbie. The CoJPCJIU ΓΓΗβο • ctme cbwoe • cettaine from Indea, * and taug'vt the brethren, fnymg, Except ye be circurecifeJ after the mmtt οίΜύΓΐΐ Chapt^, yee caonot befaue-1 α » And w^en there was great diffeneion , and difputation by F'.iul auj Birnibas agaiafttbetD, they otJiitied cbai Ρ uitijby ihiChincb, thev paiTeJ tftruugn Ph nice and Samaiia, decla- ring tl»e conuitfioti of the Gentiles , and they brought gteitiov vnto all thebretbren. 4 And when th'y w re cometoHietafalem, they Wsre recciUed of iiic Cnu ch , and of the A- poftles and Bidets . and tticy declared what ibingt God had done by them. y But /4»icy det. 11 «Then all the maltuudekepcfilence.and beard Barnabas and Paul, which tol J what fig les aad wonders God had done among the Geuiilcs by tbem. 13 And when they held their peace , ε lames anfweredi fayiig, Men, <(»<< brethren, beaiken va- to me- 7 Simeon hath declared , how God firS did mfite' the Gentiles, to uk.iofth$mi people vato his Name. I ; Acid to this ^ree the wordes of the Pro- phets, as it is W'itten, 16 Ί• After this I will returne , and will buiUe againe the Tabernacle of D uid, which is fallen idowne .and the ruines thcteot will I build againe. endlwillfetitvp, 17 That the refiJne of men migbt feeke after the Lord , and all the Gentiles vpon whom my Name is caHed , fayetb tbe Lord which doetb ail thefe things. ig From tbe beginning oftbewodde, God h kooweth all hit wotkcs. ) The Church ti ■t leagtfa troub.cd whh dillf oiioD «vitbia ic felfe , lai the vrouble lir.th of ihe prouwi lad ftubburne t^itiei Dfcctiaineeuill BRQ : The lint ttife ■jvit coacej. Bing :be <^βϊοΐ of Chiift, wHtthervwi belauei ly hi» one• ly lighteaufeeSe •pprebeadeJ by bith , or we baut l< alfo te ob. ferueche Laiv. * £fifh*ni»s is tf epinuntbai this ItiS Certnthus, • Meetings of Coagregationt •rereiBtticiited to liippiefle beiefiei. «vfaereuato cec- tiiae \Kert fenc. by commoa coq-^ feat ta the Dame ofall. i C$urtecuflf and imingly brougit tH thtir ν>Λ) by the Church , thit is , h) €trt*t»e Apftntti b] the Ghurth. 3 The matte» ii fiiit handled , both parti beiag beard ' the alTetiiblje of the ApolUei after is comtnuot• ctced witb the people. •J. Chap. io. 19. »ad 1 1. 1]. 4 God binWelfe in calling of the eeatiles which ucircuinci- led, did tca<.h that our faluiiion doth coalilt in faith Withjut the wor- Ihip appoiated by the Law. β Word f,r word, *feUtime,ibetis. frmtk.firft tim* that we tnu t%HiUf f reach the Gef^et, «ni firaightwayes after that the htij Chc~t lime dtWHt •ypMt vs. Λ HtpHtntdffe. teiuebttweiuevi them, tsiHt• «bint tbe benefit 4fh„frtefamm. •f C*«/.f04J. t.ttr.i.i. t ChriSi frtncuH• ttth thim 1 eP'd, tfhifb are yure tf heart: and here wt _ e pttiitel) taught, that mn 4re •ι We /"«<*»» f4itfc. • ,j . - /■ λ ν ι law it felfe in geneiiU, A=wAb thai none could be faoid , it Ui fouohr for by the Law . «nd not by gt«e onely in lefu. Cbiilt , becauie that man cnld euet fulfill the Law.Dnthet Pa narch , oorApoftle. / Whj tempt yteCti.astheughhteeeuii not fAueo^foi'-l ': Matth.,i.i. 6 A true patterneofalawru:iCouncai,wheie6od» truech onely reigDeth. g The f,m»e ef jllpheus.vhotseaUeAtht Lordtsbrtlh-r. 7 lamci conftrroeth «he eaJliog «f the Geacilei.out of the v»ord« of God . therein agieeiag to Peter. 9c ^«.«,.11. b Anitbtttfntnttbmi cmmtibt$ta^ttjit,$Hne,hnb} §^titatfiwmint^ The Apofties letter» 5^ 19 ' Wbaefore toyfeotence is,that we troi]bl4 not tbem of tbe Gentiles that art turned to God, 10 But that we fcod vnto them , that they ab- fteioe themfelues fromifiltbincfleofidoles .and fornication , and that that is Wrangled , and fiom blood. 21 For Mofes of olde time bath in enery citie them that preach him, feeing he is readia the Sy- nagogties eocry SabbatD day. ^^ 9 Then it fceoaed good to the Apoftles and Elders with the whole Cnurch to fende chofcn men ef tbeit owne compaoie to Anciochia with Paul and Baraabas ttetptt, Indas whoft furname wa• Barfabas. and SU«, which were chiefe men a- mong the brethren, 13 And wrote letters by them after this maner, THE A Ρ Ο S Τ L Ε S,8c the Eldets,& tne btc- threo , Vnto tbe brethren which are of the Gen- tiles ia Amiechia,aodiaSytia,andin Cilicia,feud greeting. »4 ' β Forafmuch at we baue head , that cer- taine which k went out from vs. batte troubled y oa with words.and ' combied your roindcs.faying.Ye iDuft be circumdfcd and kt^epe the Law ; to whom we gaue no foch comcbanUcment, If It feemed therefore good to vs , wheniWee were come together with one accord, to fend cho• fen men vnto you , witb ou bcloued Barnabas and Paul. 26 Men that baue "> giuen vp tbeit Hues for the Name cf our Lord lefus Cbtift. 17 We baa; therefore lent luJas and Silas, which Ihall alio tel you the fame things by mouth. a8 ' ' For it foemed good to the " holy Gaoft, and ο to vs to la y no more burden vpon you , then thefe ρ Drceilarie things, Z9 '» Thai is , t! ,ii ye abfietne fiom things of- fered to i lolee , and blood , and that that is liang- led,anii from fornication : from w ich it ye keepe you' fdoes, ye {t.4l doe well. Fare ye will. 30 '3 Njw wneo they were departed, they came to Antiochia , and after that they ha J aflem- bled the multiiuds they deliuered the Epiftle. 3 1 And when they had read it , they reioyced for the confjUtion. 3 ζ And luJas and Silas being Prophets , ex- horted the brethren with many words, and ftrcng- thened them. 33 And after they had taried there a fpace,they were let goc in q peace ofthe brethren vnto the Apoftlcs. 34 Notwithfianding Siljs thoaght good to a- bid; there «ill. 3 ) Paul alf) and Barnabas continued in Anti- ochia , tcacbii g and preaching witb many other the w .jrd of the Lord. 36 f '4 But after certaine dayei, Pari fayd vn. to Barnabas, Ln vs teturne and vifjte our brethren in euery citie , where we baue preached the word of tbe Lord, anaftt bow they doe. te fie Β In mat:er»ia.' difercBi we may υ f.iire heart with he we^lieDcaeaf lur bfeihteu , «t :bcji ma) baue imt to bi ialtru- ^ed. Promftcnfiies, t' {'<"»!' aiiti Kh.cc »,„ kept r» titiei Ttotpteu 9 Iii a Uwfull Sy- node , Drither tuey which .reappoiii. ludges , appoint thr,g <",".«.*" ufl)i 01 vpoo a Lor^Uiac» , neither thecomaijD multitude fai ihcm• ielut» tumuitu- ouOragainllthera, h fit at lud^el by the Λ-oidc of Gid 11 tlie like i.deralfoisliol- leo ia puhlidiiog ad ratifying thofe hiagt wnicD bauc led and agreed poa. ο The Councill of Hieiulalem coa• leih , that they ble meui cou- fc;eneej , wh;i.h ea.hvitof.tke faluation in any ther meicei ihea a Chritt onely, apptehendeJ by from whenc* tbcy cunic, and wbomfoeuet they pret oJ to be authuiir dt their k F,lm,ur ».»- irfj.ifu». ' banwed binie efipeacK fakf ^uartU. la Ctaaatie u requilite euenin thingt inliffrient. ij Itii i«|uilit« for all people 1 1 koowecettjiutly what to hoidt in matret jof faichaarf reliiioo, aod not th« the C-urchby igaoiaoce an.-, knowing naibiug , fljeuld depen.•' vpoe the plea^nre of a few. q Thu ,s .-.ii Htbreve hunt tf fptxcb, which ,s a^ mutb to Γιν , as the brethren nifiedlhim iU piefperms 'uccefft . and tbt Church diC. η,β d them wnh g.od /e-.»e i+ Congrega.ion. or Chnr, he• do. eafily de. genei -e , vnleife tbty be diligently Iti. <: vuto, acd theteice went thefe Apoftie» 10 ourrfee fuch at sbcy bad plaaced.aDd fei tbticao£c alfo Syaudai weit ϊβΙΙϊμιμΙ «Dd apfoiated. * •- 37 ί£ And pAuVanJlBarnabas ftriue. Yhe prifonef s fi ig i; Alamcatibls exaavie of dif- cord DetwetQC (X- cellcot men and very great fiiendl, yet not for pta- phaaeor their priuate aff jues, neither yet foe do^rine. t$ Godvfeth the faultei of his fer- U»ntito the pro- breand building of his Church , yet wre haue to take heed , euea in ihe bertnutteis '.hat voce pallenot meafuie iaour he»te 37 »- And Bwq^bis coanfelled to take with theaj lohn, called Mjrke. 3 8 But Piul thought it not tnsete to take him vato thiircompmie , whicb dep*rted from them bom Famphylia , aad weoc not with them to the wofke. 39 '« Then werethe7 fo f ftirred.tbattbey de- parted afunder one frotn the other , fa that Barna- bas tooke Marks, aad failed vnto Cyprus. 40 And Paul coofe Syias and departed, being commended of the brethren vnto the grace of God. 41 And bee went through Syria and Cilicia, fiablilLing the Churches, r Thty wtre in grent heate : but he-rein rve hnitt to tiufiier the force ofGodi counfeU : fori) thu meanesiteametofiijfe , thut iheiiclriHt tfthc CiJ}el wm txaeifei in man) f laces. CHAP. XVI. I PiuihititinieircitmeifeiTimtihem, it being at Phi- ίι(>ρί, ninjfrulteii L)diatn the faith. 16 The fpirit of diitination tiis by htmcaii out : la aui for thai ciufe lithe) are ishipped, 14 and imprifoned. 16 Threugh an enrthiiitake 17 the prtfond)erei are opened. jt.jiThe Gadn receiueth the faith. Τ Hen ' came be to D;rbe and to Lyftra : and beholde.a cettaine difciple was there, named 4> Timotbeus.a womans fonne.which was a a lew- effs, and beleeued, but bis father was a Grecian. I Of whom the brethren which were at Ly ftra and Iconium, ^ reported well. 3 » Therefore Paul would that hee (liould goe forth with him , and tooke and circumcifed him, becaufe of thelewes.which were in thofe quarters: for they knew all ibat bis father was a Grecian. 4 s And as they went through the cities, they deliuerod them c the decrees to keepe.ordeined of the Apoftles 8c Elders which were at Hictufjlem. 5: And fo were the Churches ftabliilied in the faith, and increifsd in number day ly. 6 ^ -^ Now when they had gone throngh- o inqure. _ f Tbeyirethe nu» nille.softhe Gofpel , by whom hee helpeih fucb ai viere like yifnn. 7 Oo i beglnneih I iwoman .and fo iheweih that tbeie is no accep t Whtre they where wooki to f.fiemble themfetttes, (be heart te bears the wor<] which i< prcjichML• fdler^of pwple i of the citie of the Thyatirians wbich worlhipped God , heard t/j ; whofe bean the Lord opened , that fliee attended vnto the things, which Paul fpakc 1 5• ρ And when Ihee was baptized , and het houlhold, ihe bt;fought vs, faying, If ye haae Jud- ged me to be faitiifull to the Lord, come into mine huufe,8c abide t<;ire:and Ihe conSraiued vs, 16 1° And it came to paue that as w- went to prayer , a cettaine rtiaid bauing a fpitit f of diuina- iight , tion , rnet vs , whicn gate her matters tuucb van-' te h to enter by tage with diuining p;>'u"o'eni^iet^.'" 17 Shec followed Paul aad vs , and cried, fay- ' ^^^β h?m ."a'nd"». ing.Tiiefd mcnatetheferuantsof themoft high fteth him out. God, which £hew vnto ycu the way of faluation. ^^^'V^" ^7''" 1 8 And this did (hee g many dayes : but Paul! "4U w/sVcb» t» being grieued, turned about, and faid to the fpititjiiwe anfi I commaund thee in the Name of lefusCbrift, '* that thou come out of her. And he came out tbe , 9 An example of a godly houfwife• Satan tracf- tormeih bimfelfe into an Angel of ihemthatasKeA IP hafi cle, for he did ail nis, s he wai iidb)the fpirit. II Couttoufnefle of lucieand gaine is an occilion of perfecuting the trueth. In the i^eane feafon,Go({ fame houre 19 " No w when her roafters faw that the hope of tiieir gaine was gone, they caught Paul and Si- las, and drew them into the market place vnto the Magiflrates 20 " And brought them to the gouernours, fayingiTbefe men which are lewes trouble out citie, • f • T• h• 2 1 η And preach ordinances , which are noti cati'e't'h Pau^aLd"* lawfull for vs to rccciue, neithec to obferue.feeind suas as the flrea- wc are Romanes. %" - '<> '"""'''• 21 '4 The people alforofevp together againft!^^^^^_2?h a de. them , and the gouernotn» rent their cloaihes. andj ii„ of commoa commanded thtm to be beaten with tods. ' peace sad god- 23 And when they had beaten them (bte,they| ^J"^^ ^^ ^ caft thtm into prifon, commanding the Gaolor ta mtai of the deuill, keepe them furely . '? ^rge the auiho- 24 Who hauing receiued fuch commana;mentJ '^^^^^^^ calt them into the inner piilon, and made theinftjon feet h faft in the ftockS. 14 An Example of 25• 'i Now at midnight Paul and SiUs prayed, «"i" Magnhate» and fung pfalmes vnto God : and thepiifonetsr°°|^J/j^^^'* heard them. people. 26 And fuddenly there was a great earthquake, * ^'/"«/f *« , fo that the foundation of the prifon was ihakea : ] ^lZ^\ TJ'flXm and by and by all tbe doores opened , and euery | /„« ,„ < 'heficckes. mans bands were loofcd. V Tbe ?'^y"t ?f 27 •« Then the keeper of the prifon waked out of his fleepe , and when bee faw tiie prifon doores open, hee drew out his fword and would haue kil- led bimfelfe , fuppofing the prifoners had bio fledJ ^°^^^' '^ °';f;^* 28 '7 But Pdulctied with a loaJevoyce, fay- ing , Poe thy ftlfe no harme : for we all are here. 29 Then he calbd for a light , and leaped in, and came trecBhlirg , and f;ll dcwne before Paul and Silas. 30 And brought thtanout.and fay d.Syrs.wliat i mufi I doe to be laued .' 31 And they fayde.Bsleeue in the Lord kfus ! Chrift.& tbou ihalt W iiueci.and thine bonlliolde. I 32 Aodtheypteac^ieo v'iohiintbewordcof ', the Lord.andtoailti-iaiw-reiuthehoufe. 33 18 Afterwarde i c tr.Ae them the fame boure of the night . and w.'flied thtvr ftrlpes , and was baptized with all that belonged vnto bim firaig^itway . 34 And when bee had brought them into bis houfnbe fet mcatc before them, and leioyxed that he with all his houliiold beleeued in God. 3 J >» And when it was cia> , the gouetnoUiS fent the fetgeants,fayitig,L« thofe men gee. iu Then the godly do Ihake bothheauen aad men to life , euen through tbe tnidlt of death, and whcrei» iullly they df fettled great punifhrnecra be Iheweth them great itiercie. 17 Inmeines whuh aieefpeci* ally extraordina- ie , uve ought not 10 mooue oui foo» forward , vnlefle that God goebe- iS God with one feifefame hand uuodeth and healtrtb. vvhen it pleafetbbiro. • 6 Shame and coniufi I" IS ia fleor'time» twa.^of wi k-d and voiuft MatiftiaMt, Chap. ^\] To fearcli the Scriptures. 36 Then the k5eper of the prifon tolde thefe wordes vnto ?iyu,{aywg,Tiie gouernoursbauc lint to loofc you : now iheitfote get you hence, and goe in pcice. 37 »°Then fiyd Paul vnto them, After that they baue beatenvsopenlyvacondemned, which are Romanes , they bauc catt v» into pt ifon , and now would they put vs out prinily } cay ver ely : but let thrtn come «nd bat g« out. 38 >■ And the icige^uts :ol!e thefe wordes vnto the gouer nouts, w^io fi.aicd when they beard that they were Romanes. 39 Then came they and prayed them, and btojght them oat , and difit.d them to depait out of thecitie. 40 ii Aiidthey went oh! of tv; prifon, and en- tred i".u) rht (wufeef).^^ *r,c. wen they had ftene ibs brethren «they cocnt'uitcdtncm • and de- parted. 10 vVemult not rendi! iniuiiefot iiiiuiie , md yet BotWithftanding .itisUvvfullfoiv» to vTe Tucb helpti Μ God giuctta VI, ta bridU- the out- Mgiou.LcUtof ibe WickeJ , that they othei in likefo». ai The wicked ate not uuoued ^Ith th« r'««fe oi Cod, bu. wi:h the f«»i« of tnto : »cd by that meaoes li- fe Gild ptouideth forhii,wheniti• needeinll ji Wemiyel- chew diiigais > f° cuer nej- kft^oniduetie, CHAP. XVII. I J>Mu! at TheSauHicu 3 iriM..^, Chrifi,S.7is Olttttai- nediflafon: jo Hee n fnt id Ben*, ts fnmthenee tmrn-.ttit- Athtns, .9 i»- MxysjUeeU xiheefrt-chetb the ΙΐΗ,η^ GaU tothfm vukinwt» , 3'l• "'"'/<' """'l "" ttnueiui Tjntt ChiiH. X The ctniag out ef Silas and PjuI, was the uuiog of jnaoy other. » Chfilt it there- fore the Medta- eva» crucified and lofeajjaine : much lelTeishttobere- ieftid , becaufe the ctolTe il ig- nomiaioui. 3 AUb JUgb the leofthevn- iaiihfullfeeme neucr fo goodly, yet »t length it ts_ found to haue ^ei- ther trueih uor equine : But yet the wiiked ^aonot doewlnit:ey ift, for eufn among themfelu«»God ftitteth vp fome, vvbofehelpche vfeib to the dtli- Berinceef hit. * CerKine ciw?* nitni which doe η . .^ butWilkethi fireehiwuked men, to be htreifcteite ty mini mcnej, f< dee xnj mifchiefe, ,and , where NOw I astbey piffed through Arop^ipolis Apollonia , they cams 10 Ihefialonica , ν was a Synogcgue of the tcwcs. 2 And Faul , as his manei was , went in vnto them, and three Sabbath dajts dilputcd with them bytheSciptures, 3 I Opening and alledging that Chrift rouft baue ύ'.&Λ cd , and rifen igaine from the dsad, and thisislefus dn&.v/hooa fajdht.i preach to you. 4 Add foroj ofthembeleeucd.andioynedin compjpy witi. P^ul and Silas : alio of the Greci- ans mat f<:ar€d God a great multitude, and of the chi«fe viomen not a few. y 3 Bus the iewes which beleeued not , moo- ued with snuie.tooka vnto them ceitaine »va- gaboiides 4K ff-φ a• it ίί,νηΐ€βο(>) fomt art It haue gotten feme fbipevfon it. IS Theo\ine«toi theeirourdoftii txcufe them thit effc , but it tiiodcihind fettetb forth the pitieace of Qua : who notwithltia- diag willbi: a iult iudge'toluct ai 'coatefnae bim. r B}detitring Chrifitobetud^lt the rvorld througi the refttrredio» from theieai. I« Mea , to (hew forth their vaaitie, I Tke trtie mini- fteis arefofarre from fetking their owne pt(~fite, that tiiey do williagly depart from their right , rather then tie ccuife of the GofpeU ΩιοαΜ be biadcred in the lealt wife that might be• * Rom.ti. " netiHttts rtetv. de'l> that Rome la• tiijbri the lewes, letaufi• they were mlvaits at iifi^ttit ani that i] Chiiiie\ tneancs, a Tbetrueth ought alwayei to be freely vttered , yet aot'.vithnaa• ^ingtbedcftrine may be fo mode- rated , ai rccafion of theppSte that the people take theieby, (ball re• quire I Exk nedfothtt he firfwdei . iS ξι the Vfori /J:nifieih. t Wawrr mach gri^uti tnmtnie : tvhereij is ft^ntfie' , the f r<«t earRcft "" 17 That they ihonU feeke the Lore! , if A be they might haue Ρ groped after hitn , and fouad htm, though doubtietie he be not fatre from (οβ* ry one of v». z8 For in hitn we h'ue , and mooae, and baue our being.isalfo ccrtaine of yotjr ownePoet» base fiiJ : For we are alio hi» generation. ζ 9 4 Forafmuch then, as we are the generati- on of God , we o:'ght not to thioke that the God- head it h'ke vnco gold, or hiaer, or fione 4 graaen by arte and the inuention of man. 30 ' f And the time of this ignorance God re• girded not : bat now headmoniihetb all men o• uery where to repent, 3 1 Beciufe hee bath appointed a day in the which he will iudge the world in righteouiiieffe, by that man whom he hatb appointed, rfhtnef he hatb giaen an ' aflarance to all men , in that bee baih taifcd him from the dead. 31 '« Now when they had heard of the refur• reS:ioQ from the dead , fome mocked , and other fald . We will heare thee againe of this thing. 53 And fo Paul departed from among them. 34 Howbeii ceiiaine men claue vnto Paul.and belceued : among whom was alfo Dsnys Areopa- gita.and a womaa named Damaiis.and other witb (Oem. aae diuerQy aiFeftedanJ meouej with one feife fame Gofpel, which ootwicfaitaDdi >£ ceaiett aoi to bectfeftuaJU id the eled. CHAP. XVI ir. I As Paul at Corinth 6 tauiht the Gentilt't 9 the Lord tomfertethhim ι He ts aceui'd before 0.ι£ι<>ΐ6 but i» t/ame. li From th-nce he failtth to S^tU, manifof Sphefns. t) At Galatta and Phtygia he jiriHitheneth theiifciples. «4 ApoSoi being more yerfeitlj mfirutted b) Afioila, 1% frtathtih Chritt with ireat tfficatie, A Fter ' thefe thing^.Paul departed from AthcnSa and came to Corintnos, ι And found a certaine (ew named § Aquila, borne in Pontus, latelv come from Italie, and his wife Prifcilla (becaufc that » Clandius had com- manded all lewes to depart from Rome) and hee came vnto them. 3 And becaufe he wa of the fame craft , hee «bode with them and wrought (for tbeir craft was to make tents.) 4 » AndhedifpmedintheSynsgogtieeHery Sabbath day , atw b exhorted the lewss , and the Grepansi J Now when Silas and Ttmotheos were come from Macedonia , Paulc forced in Spiiit , teftified to the lewes that lefus was the Chrift. 6 3 And when they refifteJ and blafphemed, he ■' Ibooke bis raiment, ami faid vntothem.Your <* blood bt vpon your owne bead : I am clcane : from henceforth will I goe vnto the Gentiles. 7 So hee departed thence , and entred into a certaine roans houfe , named Itjftas, a worlhipper of God , wbofe fionfe ioyned bard to the Syn». gagtie. 8 And » Crifpue the chtefe rnler of the Syna- gogue bcleeued in the Lord with all bis houfe- hold : and maay of the Coriatbians hearirjg it.bc, leeaed and were baptized , 9 4 Then fald the Lord to Paul in the night !^; ^ g^j ^^^^ ^^ a Yifion , Feare not, but fpeake, and holde not iby | uouch «nd maia^ peace• 1 taine the coottaa• 10 For I am with thee . and no man IhaR lay! "^^ "^^^ ί««Μ«ϋ, i *4Λ<ώ on tnce to butt riiee j for I ^a^κ much peo« [ pleinthiscitie. j II So he e continued there a yeere & fixe no. neths, and taugh: the word of God amuug ti^em. 11 f y Nowwhen GuUiowasdeputieoffA- I chaia , the lewes arofe with one iccuni againft I Paul, and brought him to the io 'gcmen C-nt:, ij 13 Sayiag,Thisfcllowp.;tfwadethrofntowot-j ;; fliip God othetwife then the Law sppoiiiteth. j \ 14 And as Paul was about to op^n his roonth,'''//M/f*«/e)i'^f'/ii' i Galliofayd vofor?iclewes, Ifii werea maitetot " "' I wrong, or an euHl deedc, Ο ye lewes, I would ae»-! j coriUng to s reafcn maititaine you. i I I y But if it be a queftion of '' wordes and j ' names , and of youi Law.lockeyeeto ityour i felues ; for Twill be no incge of tbofe things. 16 And hee drawe them from the iudgemetat feate. 1 7 Then tooke all the Grecians Softhenes the ciiicfe ruler of the Synagogue , and beate him be- fore the iudgement feate : but Gallio cared no- ! thing for tbofe things. 18 * Bat when Paul had tar Jed there yet a good '*-"«, hcaVji tht \ while, he tooke leaue of the breth/en , and failed ■'?''"^'»".*"«'«** into Syria, (and with him Piifcillaand Aquila) ^i'%\^h\mTyZ' \ ter that ^ he had rhorne bis head in 'Cencbtea: for:! ^(«4/4»^ , i,hieh he had made a 4• vowe. '" '*"/' ''"J"' »"'« ; 1 9 Then hee came to Ephefts . and left them j al'p'^ft^^l^H^' l| there : but he entred into the Synagogue and dif- Urie/*. puted with the lewes. ψΛίηπΛβίΜ lo 7 Who defired him to tarrie a longer time 'a^^'/,/ ""«i» * Worif^rttti, /«if. rvberevfm "■'l'nformUlt,i,i\. j with them : hut he would not confenr^ ί II Bat bidle them farewell, faying, I moft !'«i'*'<''|i^»/;i>«»r ; neeties keepe this fraft that commeth , io Hieru- VF^lZifrt'hane \ filem : but I will returne agane unto you , J cb if ^„^^ th'nkelhtlat God will. So be failed from EpnefuS. the centrouerfie of τχ f And when hee came downs to Cf farea. ^'^J^/^^^ '"*"* he Wint vp f» HitrufMim : and w^en he i a ' ialu- and' fern ted the Church, hewijft Own.; vnto A. ticcbia. Μ fubftance. 13 Now wher he had tatieJ (h$re a w.iile.'^e de- j*_^ ']|'y' "-«"Je »11 parted, and went horow the amntfev of Galatia '° -'■ '""*'"""»» 8c Phrygiaby order.ftreogtbening all ^ difciples. i 24 'And a certaiwe iewe named "•' Apollos. I borne at Alexandria, came to Epheltis.an eloquent i man, and "> mighty in the Scriptures, I 2 e into A• I cbaia,the brethren exhorting hin,, w.oteto the i difciples to receiue him: and after hr: wis come I thither, he boipe them much whicu had beleiued I through Ρ grace• 28 For mightily hee confined pubHkrl)' the lewes , with great veheracncie . (hewing by the Scriptureiftbat lefus was that CbriS. toCh * Thai;s,PamU I Cenchrta teat an haiitnoftht Corinthians. * Num xi.it. chap.it a4. 7 TheApoft/ef were car jed about not by the will of man. but by the leading of ifaebol• Ghoit. i» i.C«r.4.i9. tames j.is, m So-tvtfkouli fromn'e nothing Without this claotfff fit w know not what t he day f elm lowing Will btittg forth. t Apoiloi, « god- ly tc learned niaOf rcfuftrb BOt to profit ia the fchola ofa baTeand abieft' handicraf» man, aad alfo ofa womaa : and fo becommeth an excellent liiuifter of ihf Cburch. V I Car.i.ia. η Ver) well lajlructed in the Kniwltift of ihr Sc % Rtm.it i. 0 The way that lead' th to Goi. ρ Through Cods gratiun fmtHT , »r i) thtft txceUtnt gifts Vfhicb Cut hath ItiUwedvfon htm, CHAP. I T>iul being no- cbioguffendtd «t' the rudCDtfle of theEpheliinj, pltauth a Cbuich anoDgtbem. Λ ΤΙιψ txciBent gifn tf the holy. Ckoil ,v>htchwiit thofi itjti »'» tie Chunk. lohn did onely begin to inftfu* the diTciplei wUcm Chridlhouid mike pet lite. * In whAt itihine then atejutt ttught should coiDe afcci btm , tbat is, m Cbrvft Icfus firuaedi t To he b»fUl^i into lohnt bap- . tifmt, ii tt pTofefie I tie deiirme rehish I Ithn preached ληΛ feeled with bfi baf tifme, 4. Cb*p.i.f.i3.*.t ΛηΛ ii.i6.m«t 3. 1 1. mtr.t.S. InKeSiiS• iohn i.itf. 3 For a man to fepavatehinifelfe and ocberi fiotn iofidelf whicb are vuetly defpe- race , it it not to de- uide the Church, |but)rathetto vaite )it and mike Γ C HA P, XIX. s Cetteint difcipUi at Ephefus , j hauingotttlyrneiutd Iihnibafttfme, a *Md k»'vi> not the vifiile lifte s of tie 1 io/j GhoB, whetewtth God h»i heaulified hn Sonnes ; kinidoaie, s *re bxpti-^U in the Nitnt of Itfia . 13 Tie { leveijb e.-iorci/ls i6are ieittn of the dtuiU.tfConiunng < botkesxre burnt. 14 Venntrius 19 i»ifeth feditit» \ MgMinfi Paul. i ANJ' it eaine to pafle.wbiltApoIlos was at Co- j rintbus . tbac ?*a\ when be paffed tborow cbe j vpper coa&s, came to Ephe((is,aad found cectaiae difciples, ζ And fay J vnto them, Haae ye receiued the • holy Ghoft fincc yee belceued t And they fayd vnto him, We bane not fo much as heard whe- ther there ije an hdy GhoS. 3 » And he fayd vnto them , Vnto b what were ye then bapuzsd f And they fayd , Vhrdflohns baptifme. 4 Then favd Paul,* John verely baptized | with the baptifaie of repentance, faying vnto the people, that they flioulJ belieusinhi'o, which i %i f «Nowwhenthefetbingswereaccom- «plun.neuer Τ pHihed, Paul purpofed by the k Spirit to pilfe ^"■''"■ throagh Macedonia and Acnaia , and to eoe to r^J '*'""*'•" 'f Hierufiiem, faying.After I Uue bene there.! awft^^f^'/;;;:; «//^i alfo fee Rome. j that Paut ,Λη hJn4 21 So fcnt hee into Macedonia two of them| *»'?<"/ s ''"'*> that roinifired-vnto him .Timotheuj. and EraftusJ Godiedbtm."'^ ' ^«t he remained in Afia for a feafon. ] 23 7 And the fame time there arofe no fmalB 7 Gaine cloked j trouble about that way. 1 ,Υ'.''' * "'«w of «. 14 Fora certaine man named Dimetriusa Gl.jc:'aufe"wh'*refme"' nerfmiih , which made filuer ' teraples of Diana, j 'd-iatne i» ftuuiiy brought great gaines vnto the ctaftefmeo, deftud 'ί"""'* ay Wbooa be cjlled togethsr, with the work-L T»"yi ,;,„ ,,^. «en of like things , and fayd , Sirs.yeknowe thit!»"""• couKtrrfeit by this craft we haue our good i6 Moreouer ye fee aoJ heafc, thar cot alone at EphefuSibut alraoft throughout all Afia this Paul hath psrfwaded , and turned away much peo- ple.faying.Tbatthcy be not Gods which are made with hands 27 So that 001 onely this thing is dangerous f And when they beard it,they were baptized I ^"'o ?s,that this out m portion llijUbe reproo• tn the Name of the Lord I«fu$ 6 So Paul layd his handes vpotl them , and the boly Gholt came on them , and they (pake the tongues, and ptopbecied. 7 And allthe men wereabonttwilue. 8 f Moreouer he went into the Synagogaei and fpake boldly for the fpace of three oionetbs, difputing and exhorting to the things that «ff$r• taint to thekingdocne of God. 9 3 But when certaine v^ere hardened , and difobeyed , fpeakingcuillof the'^ way ofGtd be- fore the multitude .hee departed fiom tbem , and feparated the difciples ,and difpntcd day ly in the fchoole of one « Ty tannui. } I ο And this was done by the fpace of two yeere», dBftiiswori fo tb.:t al they which dWih in Aria,heard the word ^deSS"' r^'^* ^°"^ ^*''''*• ^'^ '="'" *"'* Grecians, . Ikmdeftife.ani II And Godwtought DO fmall mitacles by ibfl ! '.here it IS taken for jbandsof Paul, j leThf/nJlam^Ki ' U So that from bis body Wire brought vnto the ! Ipropernome. ' lficke,kerchefs,or bandkerchefs.Sc tbedifeafes de- j 4 Sma iiconnrai- tearted from them.Sc y euil fpirits went out of tte. j baedtogiuewitoe» i? + Then ccrtaine of the vagabond lewes.f cx- i Qsoweretiejc*!• orcitti tooke iQ hand to name ouer them which i Stdwhich c»!} out haJeuillfpirits,tbenameoftbeLordIefus,fiying, I Ideuiishfcniunng vVeadiure youby Iefas,whomPaulpreaci-eth. 'them in the N*me 1 , . ', , ■ r ro efccd.-ani,ntht\ Μ (And there wcreciTtaini fonnes of Sceua 1 heginnini of the β lew. the PricS, about feuen which did this J temfhswitk-Dut. «'iyiilureinthrm whiththeybouobt that Woyfiiff44 ■^sifbefeii,if Paul go ontbui as ned , but ilfo that the temple of thi grejt goddefl I Di.tna ihould be nothing efteeiced , and that it I would coma to palTe that her magnificence.w.'ich I ail Afiaandthe wolidwor^l^^ppeth,ίl■l^oUbede- j -ftroycd 28 Now when they heard it, they were full of wr. " he would not prefect himfelfe Intbe Cotmnon t,f,*u7,sbea Plice. fon,,, wbich";t- 31 Some thertfore cried one th!ng,androme 2^'':!itt5id;ngmuit another : for the affembly was out of order , and fc^" " ^f^^ '°°" the more pirt knew not whetefore they were Kd feVwiftjom"' come together. b Jo "^•«ΐί of iea« 33 Aadfime of the company drew foonh A- r° • '^' iJol»tet» ,ith 111/1 nr^^nne t« confute the opmioK h men haue of 'as <»i4jr , eg thti ourgame wiH comefKHiiht, i.cir.r.i^. t Cclcf^ie, " There ought to iaallChrjfiiaBe i efpeciaHy ia theMiuillti,, ja ibleconllaa. loD , tbe iJa lexander.the lewes thnifting him forwards, Alex- poutemew Γ ' ander then beckened with his hand , and-would ii^'i" owae mad- haueexcofed the matter to the people. ^'1'^"ί °"'"''^'» 34 9 But when they knew that he was^ lewe, ",a'„Ii de*f"cic« there arofe a fliaute almoft for the fpace of two that they haue. ly And the euill fpirit aofwered.and fayd.Iefus i boares, of all men , crying, GteatwDjaoa of the ^'°ρ„*";"/;;;[^'*ί ■Tv^re alfo fooUtd. g, Hepreuailed ^agamft thtm.thoHgb they ftvoue neuer ifomuth. If Coniuring and ;forcerieiicoa- tdemoedby edeer-.eth eace andcjutctDefl yiih lid , whicfc 'iul wjoldoteec • The £:>hefiani ele.uedfuperfti. ^Mftff; , thtt tie h , t*<; ivhichi *'4l«*i4;ii;&Iicknowlcdge,andPaulIknow:butwha^^^ ^ ^ , . ^^ Uyitheiriandionl i6 And the man in wcom the euill fpirit was, 15 '"^ Then the towneckaike when hee bad thtm that yvere K-jtanne on them, and ouercame them, and g preuai- ^^y^^ '''« people, fayd. Ve men of Ephefus, what fepu n>,thd,„.is, ,gj ^g^j^^^ ^^^ ^ j-^ ^^^^ ^jj.y g^^j^ ^^^ ^^ ^j^^^ j nj,„ {3 j^ j^jt knoweth not how that the ciii-.• of , houfe, naked and wounded. I «be Epbefians is a worfhippir of thegreat.god. , 17 And this waiknowne toallthe lewesand ! defftDiana.and oitht ra4^e,v/hich "-came duwne Grecians alfo which dwelt at Ephci]is. and fiiare , from lupiter ? im^ieofDianx came OH them all, and the NitDc of the Lord Ie- j 3^ Seeing then tbat no man can fpeake agatoft t We ί,»„^/,.« fas was magnified, ^'belc things , ye ought to be appcafcd, and to doe ί^'«""> »• them. Tnlby! 18 f And many that beleeued. cams and t. con- ! «ot^'i"8 "%• ^ ^ u i-• ., u r K'-v't'^*^. the authorise of feffed. and Qifwed their woikJ. .P For yee baue brought hither thefe men. β^,,^^,^Λ,, ' the Apostle. j 19 Many alfo of them which vfeJ curious arte», which bane neither committed facriledge,neitbcr ustame da,e, of. 'i^r'oflllet'Xd (bfo"8^f their bookes.and burned them before doe blafphcme your goddeife. ^ V^urnlnVZ'L• 'ΙΖ;:η,ί:ί:ίΐ:ί alim^.-andtbeycoumedtbepriceofthem.and S» Wherefore. if Demetrius and the craftes W^^^^^'^^;^ found it ififtiethoufandp(#cti of filuer. I men which are with bim , haue a "matter againft tie υ,^βιίίί^ί. 2o So thewordofGodgtewemightly.ina I anyman.tbeFlawi$op;n,andthetear«napu.li ;E^;*^^iDw Serrified with the feareoftheiudge- meut of God: and vhat ii tiii to («reipreaailed. fitift i i Tbey that m^k* tht Itaft mint tfit , r**kin it tt h titwt «jil 4«»• ^tti i/mndi^tiittib. ties : let them acCnfe one another. [Seputies Subfti 39 Bwif yc Jnguirc any thing coticcrniDg otbet ««res , that i'ufui Hh-b \flK«te»J «'-''•^yi» /•"*««. tnttj icexc'Pt It- lainilthciifoiif'. tea kurlj huilj cf the people , hut *lfo ^j(»f ailmietinf ^ud {.mmingt^lt- therrvhsihwas net ij trdtf .• fcx there »ere eertane ijyes ttfptiu'ei to call the f ttfle together i»' from E| hefu! by iheconlentof ♦« Cn-MCh, not to be idle ora-.icll, but t^ takepaincsinau- oihc» (il«ce. itForafierjOirett Itcuble the:ervAS need! of Λ Icnl^ tfihi^tetson. 2 A frowi'dzeale rne Aciesvr iqft! Μ s : and 1 not debarred by Ifci wife-Ome of God io pwaest ^hi endeuours of wick-d men 3 AO'embliei in the uigiit time can mot be iulily con: detp'jBl. , ntithtr ought , when the laiife it good. imrdfcrwcri,. t f,rfl iij of the SMMh, that IS, t)po» ihe Lijis d-ty : fi that b) this plAcr, aitdbjt.Ctr.t^.z. 0th nttemifiegct- tiered, tbat.nthofe matters.it may be determined in a 'lawful tSB-Hy. 40 For we are f uen in isopardy to be acc>£ J of tbii daycsfedition.forastnuchasthereisno caufi, whereby W£ may giuc a reafon of this con- coorfe of psople. 41 And when be had thus fpoken.bee let she affembly dipart. G Η A P. X.X. iPiutttpfiynteitcf^oetoMMidtuie: 7 InTnas pre»• shiHf, vnul. mittihi, 9 Eut;chui fell dtvcne dead cut ef'a WttiUowe. 10 he yaifeih him tt hftusAt Milaum, 17- A^«i«j c»t ei tie E-deraf Ephefui togtther, 13 he declareth what thiit^i Jb.ill come vpen himjelfe, aS ακΛ ethers. NOw ' aficr the tumult was appeafed , Paul callid the difciples vnto him , and eabiaced thsai, and depirted to got into Macedonia. " 1 And when he hid gone througlithofepartf, & had exhorted tbem witlj » «fiany wotdi,he came into Grecia, 3 » And bauing taried thtri three tnonsths, bccaufe the lewes la;, d wai:e fgr him , as hee was about to fails into Syria, be putpofed to retmne tbtougb Macedonia. i 4 And there accotppaniedhitn into Afia.So- pater of Berca , snd of them of Thcflalonica , A.- rifiirchbs, and Sfcundus, and G^ius of Dirbe.and Timothciis „ and of them of Afia , Tychicus , and Ttop.birrjiai. J Tbefs went before.and tailed vs at Tross. 6 And wc failed forth from Poilippi, after the dayes cf vnleauened bread, and ciCDe vnto them to Troa» iofiuc day es, where W2eaboadefeuen dayes. 7 3 Aid the b firfi diy cf the wseki.tbe difci- ples biiog c >me togethf t to bteske brea i , Paul pr«cbed vnto thc.-n , ready to depart on the tno- towjind Continued the preaching^ vnto midnight. 8 * And there were roany lights in an vppsr chamber, wbcri they were gathered tog^-tber. 9 And there fate in a windows a cetuine yong Ephafus and called the Elder» of the Church. 1 8 « Who when they were come to bim , bee | ^f ^ 1""Χ^^ξ^ fiyd vnto them , Ye know from the firft day th<•■'';'. nmhn with you-ar all fe.fons, d.fumrlei.n any 19 Serui'g the Lord with all modgfiie . and ;:(Cy.Ti'«(;7/''• with many tearcs, and tenta i/iis, which came vn ' to me by tbe layings aw'i: of the lewes, 20 And how 1 K.'ptd batke nothing that was profitable , but haus ihewed you , and taught you openly and throughout enery boufe, 21 Witneffing bath to the lewes, and to the Grecians the repentance toward God, & faith tO' ward our Lord kfus Chrift, 21 7 AndDowibAoUe.Igoeebonodinthe Spii-it.JBnto Hierufalim.and know not what things ihall cofte vnto me there. 23 Saue that the holy Gboft w'tneSeth in eaery :itie, " " lucres fake 7 He teiufieth, tbathe goeth to- kisboBdi by the coranunjement of God. e Ht culleth that m Attn of the holf Cho/f, which inftf ted him te tak' his tiarnej tt Hierufn/• lim , the bend of 'the Sftnt , xshom he follewed rgitb all his heart. f IfP' doperijb. fbillben*. fault in me , Litht . chap.iS 6. S The doftrine of citle,fi)ing, that bonds and afSiftions abide tnc 24 But I pafTe not at all.neltber is my life deaie vnto my fslfe, fo that I may fulfill my courfe with ioy.and the miniftration which I haue receiued ofji ,he Apon lei is ι the Lord lefus, to teftifie the Gofpell of the grace! moft peiSte lai of God. "bWate. ay And now beholde,! know tbat hencefoorih ^,,^"^7,'^/^'J;/* . yre all , through whom I haue gone preaching the ' kingdoroe of God, fliall fee my face no more. 26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, thac ί am f pure ftotn the blood of all men. 27 s Fur I haue kept nothing backe , but hane fhewed yon all the counfcU cf God. 28 Take heede therefore vnto your feiues. and to all the flacke .whereof the hoi/ Ghoft hath made you Oucrleers^to % feeda theChurcb of God which b bee bath nutcbafcd with > that bis owoe blood. 29 9 For I know this, that afier my departing flTiU gricuous wolucs eater in among you , not fparingthefiocke, 30 Mareouet ofyoarowne fcluss fliall men ' '■ r- . - _. -- "-dfavv difciples dtyes the chri/iiansitxiin ..named Euty cous , filljn into a dead flii pi-; g-ifc fp^akiog pctastfj things , to '' d f,miiri°h"m°etes l•"^ ** P*"' ^''" long preaching he oucrcome w:tb after them. fiiemneiytdinher fliepe, f-H downe from the thjtd lott, and wista- ■ 31 Thtrefure witch , and femei diuiictfouble 2he Cautch with a great offence, gi- ueth pjula li.Tgu- la. 0t:ca(ioQ to ffftnfiilnsthe Gofpell. J. Paul an eafreft UHigfJtfoi- verot Chrift, making halt to bouls ■.'vithout cijfmg Of Aoppirtg in his laci.dr.ihiStftof ell a»- !t Wire mike Siisftftamsnt, wherein hegiueth ap ac:oaDcofbi4 form-flife.defea- deth rherfonrioe whjchbetausbt, aji exhorteth ibe Vifiojts of- the Cba'ch to pevfe-, nJ poe fot- ithc: ken vp dead JO. But Paul went downe, and lay d bitnf;!f- vpon hiiri, and atnbracad him, fayipg.Trooblenct. your filues : fjr his life is in him. II Then when Pju/ WAS come vpagiine.and hid broken bread , and eaten , hautng rp;k:n a io'-g while till the dawning of the day . bee fo de- parted. And they brought the boy alia?, and rbey Vare not a li:tk comforted. 13 f Then we wjnt before to fliippe.and fai- led vnto the citie Aflfos , that wee might receius Paul there ; for fo bad hce appointed , and wjnld bimfdfegae a foote. 14 Now w':en be wiScomevmovstoAfifoi, and we hi,J rec;iued bim , svz cattje to Mity lenes. And we f .iled thence , and came the nexi d,ty ouer againft' Chios, and the next day ws arri- uid at Samos , and taried at TrogyUuim : the next, day ws came to Muaium. 16 f For Piul had determirf d to faile by E- phtfiis , becauf? hee woul ! not fpend the titrie in Afia : for he haft ol to be , if hee could poiHble, at Hierufiilfm attheday of PintrcoS. »7 f Wherefpte.iTom<^ Miletat», hee fent to h A HitaHefeH- teuceforChrilf$ Godhead : whici Jbeiveth pUitiely ia his perfitt , how that by re fiippo-t the weake , and V>'?^^fd. butgrea• b ' J it r'i w j.r il ur tt hamTviluti to remeinber the wordes of the Lord lelis , howe that he fayd , It is a bleffed thi.ng to giue , ratoet then toreceitie. 35 And when he bad thus fpoken , he krveekd downe, and prayed with them all- 37 • «» Then they wf.pt all abundantly » and fell on Pauls necke, and kiCfed him, 38 Being chiefly for Je for the WDrds which he fpsli», That tb-iy fhouU fee his fice no more. And tbey accoirpanisd bim vnto the ihipp;. iThis wtrd,Th»te ^(■sviik t^e excel- h-icecfhisbUoi... 9 A prophecieof paftoritbatlbould iliaightway v^ege• ceiai" into wolues aga'ioft fuch as fcsaft and bragge one'y of fucjef» . fion ofpetioEs. k This is great mi' want the pcjtnce effuch a s yiforaiM? ifffr/Vr.'Ji-S fo^ih ,i'tat αρχηΛ itt'.ve' S-phefy-s^mA Miktun» mi nbwi ijoo fntU»i5, enter in. 10 The povi'er of GoJ . and his free promifei reuealed word, avs the propi atjd vpbol- ders ut'tbeiiiini- fteii• of the Gbfpel. / Aschtldnn.and . therefore ef fret htt* «niitcd tt•.•;/. It Panouii muft' before all thiagibe» ware ofcoatMOut neffe. ^ i.Cir.^.iJ. 1 .thef.*.^. t.ihef.i.g\mAs Uw\lcby.tcachi'ig.oiUtht hand, to them, which ctkirwife are about toflippe and faUawty, ctttifi Hffai thtiK- t» The. Gofpell do:ii not w!M.»w»y.n»(ui;allaff£aioni , butruleihaod biicltethihciB iagocdoider. is ^otiSaftdei Chaj>'. Paurtakcu ΐη'Λβ Temple. 5 5" » Vet enely M«a ' ftnpljl. but eu.n, »ir fricadi , and «s «re endued > theSpirii of God , doe Tome- go about to biodrr the coatfe of our vocation : ; it iiouf pare to go*iorwatd (Vitbout all ftop•' ping ot ftigge- riog,»rter that Wee art iureef our ealtta^ from Ooi, tirtugh the Spirit gti met Pituli btM , Atiitbis they Hi IS Prophets : but they freiei htm frtm %<>ittg I• Hit* ufalem. 4 Clrep.6,f. I Hefpetkethtf Shefeuen Demeans tvhich bementio. ntiibtfne , Chap:< e TheyhAdAfent- liaT%i(tofferetti• liniihtngitttmt % The will of Goa brideleihailitfe- trMWa «aruelHy iteke the glory oFGo:!. ) SoUitobe praifH , vvhoii the Autnoi of all goi^Hl ^tyrngt aod Icejet.: 4^ tothingi IB• diCFercrtt (ef which fort were' Dottbe «ad'ti DJofthe ■ rhariffs , but the iinoniri of the Law , vnitl (iich '. as Cbriltiao libertie was mote fully reu?j'ed to the I "se ) charjtie willcth V» to con- forms Of apvly ft 1,.^ willing- ly fij f«re at we nMy, to ourbve- thrrn which ■^oe tftubbufoly . ant nxiicloufly ,reltlt the ttaeth , but are ■ t'-roughly in- i£terf efptcially If «if i|U!ltion be efibe :rfwaded , wee cealcd, faying. The wulof the Lardbs done. I ί And jfterthofe dayes wc truff>;d vp our firi dels, and went-vp to Hiernialem. ^ 16 Tneie went with vs alfo ctrtaint of the dif. ciples of Ccfatea,8c brought with them one Moa- fon of Cyprus , an olde difciph: , with whom wee IhouidloJgs. 1 7 A nd when we were come to Hietnfilem,thc brethren teceiaed vs g'adly. 18 Atidtbencx: Jay Pjulwentio with vs veto lames: and alt the EL'ers wera there ailEmbled. 19 } And wr,enhehad embraced thero.he tcU by ord^i all things, tbat Go^l bad wrought among the Geniiiei by nis minifiraiicn. io * So when they heard i .they glorifi;d God, ^nd faiJ vnto him , Thou Heft, brother.bow many tboufandlswei there arc whicii bsleeue , and tbey «re allzialoiis of the Law : XI Now they are iaformed of thee «that tbco d Ttat i!,etfift' . ,e,h,r.lfe:f^ IpeAktth net here ftie xncliane ,tut .([ucha>,v.refulr nil tithe T/tw «/ ht Nj^atiies, Tbut it miy tt kncwttt , that thltt was net enily fiKt at the oe,h«tatfe -M chuff rrt»n ' Paul dfclartd the dayeseffur.fi: ien : fir aithei t «q'7 teacheft all the lewes, which are aaong the Gen tiles , to fotfake Mofes, and fayeft that they ought not to circottcif: their fonnes , neither to Hue 4/, ttr the cuftuUDCs» 22 What is then to t, and what be bad done. 34 \a\ one cried this.anothet tl-at,among the peopl.•. So whfn hee could not knew the certain• tie for the lunjult , hee Comaanded him to be led into the caftle. 3 y And when he came vnto the g-irc?s , it wae fo th:it he ψ,.% borne of the fouldieis , fot the v:o< letKe of the people. 36 For thf ojBltitude of the people followed af• tCTgCi y log. Away with him. 3 7 And as Paul Ihould baue beene led into the catlcll , bee fii Je vn ο the chi.-fe cap.aine , May I fpciks v.nto iface ί Wno f«iJ . Cacft tbouj'l/'eiii Gretke? 3 8 Art noi thou the % Egyptian, who before thefe dayes taiiiJ a feditioa,audled cut iu:o the wildsr nefle foiiic thcafand nren that were njuttheieisi 39 Then ί «ul fai !e , Djubdeffe , I am a man wLlchtq a leWiwdcidz^nof Tatias,aiaczous tihb ι ciiU he ehtiriesfert Natarttrs<.fftii!i VPereapfeint.dyjH theymi%i.t ailde (irn.wi'Af i.nii thtm, Niitn 6;iii nmib e, iS. f ThtPrie/lsVm toll ate-.t.ftdef irpi jh• ,itiTiafeS ^ tf the perifcaiicte beeaufe tiere rvef» f*cΗΛκ to death if 3ioat.aDd llubM me piide will thericfelfeem• ce the trueth» oeiiherfulfer - otbet to leceiueit» c The defcriftiia tf a feiititus hurls hurl}. and tf an harebrained ani 5ηε vmo me,Saul.Siul w'ny perfecuteft thou mei 30 On the nest day . bccauU bee wonionauer^ ]^;•;;>««βί. '"VSeriTnf;eted!vJfoartthoa.Lord,And^-w-^^^^ and drew duft into the aire, 24 3 Tne chitfe captainc commanded biro to be led into the ciftie . and bade that bee ihould be fcourgcd.&exanined.that he migot know woere• fore they ciicd fo on him. 25 4 And as they bound him with thongs. Paul faid vnto the Centurion that ftood by , is it lawfi;ll for you to fcourge one that is a Romane , and not condemned ? 26 Now when the Centurion heard it, he went.(: ^Vh'^ wif^dome j and tolde the chiefe captaine , faying, Take heedeUf the Heih doeih , what thou doeft ; for this man is a R;mane. if ot caafider wh»t 27 Then the chiefe captaine came.and faide ίο^';,;"^'^•^^;;-''^^/^ him.Toll me,art thou a Romane? And he laid.Yea.withaiimeafute 28 And the chiefe captaine aofwered , With a the pri fit accor. I great fumme obtained I this freedome. Then Paul! f,°^",'[['/J'y j faid,But I was fo borne. 4 There \ 29 Then ftraightway they departed from him, which Ihould ham esuuined him : and the chiefe captaine alio was afraid.af er hee knew that he was S:rf^l.ntotheea,tb.8che.rdavoyce^y. \ » \^^T::l!lit'±''t'Z:i'^Z, On the nest day , bccaufs hee would hauei ^' caufe why wenia.y ^ not vfetbofe law- full m-anti whicll Cod oiueth 71 , to or put away of the I ewes, hee loofed him from hii bonds , and commanded the hie Piieftes and all their Council! to come togtthtY : and hee brought Paul , and ies him before them. * CHAP. ΣΧΙΙΙ. , I jisPdutpleadeihhiscauft, ζ Ananias ctmmauniUb them to fnUte him. η Viffentsm aminghnaceufers. II Codenccnrai,ethh,m. li^Tbe Itweitaytngwaitfc} I Paul, ia iidecUt.'i-vnto the chiefe captaint. »7 Htt feniith him to Felix the CtueiaoKr. A' Nd ' Paul behclde carneftly the ConndlUnd faid.Men »ttd brethren.l haoe in al good con• ii fciencfc ferued God vntill this day r 2 * Then the hie Prieft Anaoia» commaunded i them thatftcod by, to fmitehim on the month. [ 3 aTben fiide Paul tohim.Gedawillfmite : thee, thoo '' whithed wall : for thou Grttft to in:!ge ' me according to the Lawe.and « ttanfgtciSog tbs \ i.aw.commaodeft thou me to be fttitteti? j 4 And they thatftoodby , faide , Rcnilefidion Gods iiie Prieft ί J 4 Then faid Paul , I knew not brethren , that I be was the hie P.ieft: for it is written,* Thon Ihilt \ tiot fpeake euill of the ruler of thy people, ! 5 ^ Bm when Paul perceiued that Ae one I part «ere of the Saddaces .asnd the other of the be faid to raee. I am lefns of Mizaretb, whomthoa perfccutefi.. r • ' 9 Moreoner rheythat were with mee .law JO , deede a light and were afraide: but they heard not j ahe voyce of him that fpake vnto me. 10 Then I faide . What ihalll doe Lord f And tthe Lord laid vnto me.Arife, end goe vnto Damai- cus ; and there it iball be tolde thee of all things, , which are appointed for thee to doe. ''. ■ II So when I coulde not fee for the glory of | that light,! was led by the band of them that were with ine.and came into Damafcns. IS And one Ananias a godly man.as parteining ao the Lawe «hauiog good report of all the lewes which dwdt there, 13 Came vnto mee , and ftood , and faide vnto me, Brother, Saul.teceiue thy fight : and that fame boarc I looked vpon him, 14 And he faide, The God of oor fathers hath appointed thee , that thou (houldeSkoow his will, and ihouUefi fee that luiione.and fliouldeftbcate. the voyce of his month. 1 5 For thou ihaltbihis witoeSe vnto all maOo of the things wh\ch tbeu baft feene and heard. 16 Now therefore why tat it ft thou? Arile,ap.i be baptised , and wa(h away thy fianes , in calling on the Name of the Lord. \t cAnd ic caiie to piCfe.that when I was , ■,.-.., „ „ ^ — . , '/ ■ . ,,• . ΓΙ „ ,.,4 —^ :« rK« »i avehemeniiSfiarptfpitich.butfeinttrrfroachfua.-Forifiiijntajffpeakt come againe to Hierufalsm , and prayed 10 tbe , ^^,^^,^,^ι ,,| hev.yde.f the hater affui.m of a fi>a,t, ακάαηρύ^,ηΛ*. leoEth to betray ihemfeluei by tlutC intfropfrancie, Ir is liwrull for Vf to complaine of iniurieij and to fqni^ moo the wicked to the iudgemict irate of God, ib that we do it with- out ha-red , ζαλ with quiet 4 peaceable relode. Λ Itappeareth pUineh hy iht Ctitke pirafe , that Paul d-i net curfe the hie Prieft , but tnelj prtncance the punijimeiit cf CdA^a-nft hi^i. i Thit cftheittit. I Paulanainftlhtf falfe accufationi of hii eoejpie», fettetb a goo4 confcience, for proote whereof» be repeatetb (be whole coutfe of bi> life. a Hypociitejere conltiained at Temple.I was in a ttaunce» 38 Andfaw him , faying vnto mee, Makehafts» and get thee quickely out of Hierufilem j for tbey 9nU t)ot receiHg thy witacfic conccipiog ge•.- For the L*w ctmmtnA'th the luige l« btare the >er/ew f"oi KAettcfafeii. 9 God will not fo"»• •^- eni- jc, Suthifaieca- rieiiA'ay witha foolilhzeale, think that they may lie aad murthet , and doewbatfctojr mifcbiefeihey lift. fThti) eurftng »nd if'mng themftluts frcmi;td. g ret »ni the St' tteterfquttiHithe fame tooe i%»f,lt»lt that the Tjtbune PlouUthinkethxt it tP.i! iimaniei tf bimAtftmi pn- tt»ie mens fuiie. II The wifedoire of the Spirit inuft beioyoedwith finplicitie. la There -.1 ae eennfell againlt the Lord tod hi: feruanti• ΐ Greek', tbet thti, hail jaewei theft Phaiifes , he cticiJ in the Council! , Men And brc- tbten ,4. I am a Phatife , ibe fonoe of a Phar ife : I am accufedofthcbopeandieiaireGioncfthe dead, 7 6 And «ben hee had fayde this, there was a diflenSon betwsene the Pnaiifes 8c the Sadduces, fothat the mnliiiaJc was diuided. g 7 J Foi the Saddnces fay that there is no re- forr>:diod , neither ^ Aogd , nor fpirit : but the Pharife» confefle both 9 s Then there was a great ctie : and the «Scitfaesofthe Phaiifes part rofe vp. and ftroue, faying. Wee finds none niiihn this maa: but if a ftiiit or ao Angel bath fpjken to him, let vs not fight againft God. 10 » And when there was a great diflenfion, the cbiefecaptiincfearingkft Paul Qionld haue bene pulled in pieces of tticm.commanded the fouldiers to go downe, and tike him from among them, 8c to bring him into the cafttll. .« . 1 1 Now the night foHowing , the Lord fiood .. , , by bim. and faid. Be of good courage, Paul, for as L'ithou haft teaifiedofmeeiDHierufiicm.fomaa thou bearewItr.<.nr..iro St Rome. / , , - And when the day was come.certaine of the f ewes made an affcmbly , and bound tbem- feluesfwith a cuife.faying.that they would neither eate nor dricke till they had killed Paul. 1 3 And they were moe then fouttie.which bad made this confpiracie. 14 And they came to thecbiefe Pritfis and Elders.and faid, Wee baue bound our f«!nes wich a iblemne curfe.tbat we will eate noibing.vntill wee baue flains Paul. . I y No w therefore, ye and the g Coaccill.iignj. fie voto the chiefe capuin.that he bring him forth vnto you to morow , asthough yon would knowe fomething more perfeotly of biro, and we, or euer be come neere will be ready to kill him. 16 But when Pauls fifters fonne heard of their laying await, he went, aodenttcd into ibe caftell, and told Paul. 17 1 < And Paul called one of the Centurions vnto him.aod fiid.Take this yong man hence vnto the chiefe captaine:for be hath a cettaine thing to fliew bio. 18 So he toofce him, and brought him to the chiefe captaine . and fayd. Paul the prifonet called me vnto iiim , an J p.-ay ed tnee to bring this yong man vnto thee , which bath fomething to fay vnto thee. ., L- . u 19 Then the chiefe captaine tooke bim by the band . and went apart with him alone , and asked bim. What hatt thou to fti:w me ί JO And he fayd. The iewf s haae confpired to defite thee , that thou wouldett bring foortbPauI to morow into the Councili.as thougn they would inquire fomewhatcf him morepirfcdly : 11 But let them not pstfwads thee .-for there lie in wait for him of them.raore then four^ men, which ha«e bound themfelueswithacorfe.that they will neither eate nor di inke.iill they haue kil- led him: aad^ow are they ready, and wait for thy promife. iz «> The chiefe captain then let the yong man depart, af:er hee had charged himtovtttriito no man.that hee bad u fniweil him thtfcthingSc ^5 And he called vnto him two cettaine Cen- twioni . faying , Mske ready two hundred fonl• dieis, that they may goc to C«Cuea,and beifeiaeo } trfixilfai* rfeolyraadeby he Lord Panli >iltroE. threefcore and ten, and two hundred with daits.ai ihc i.iird houre of the night : 14 And 1st them make ready an horfe, that Paul being fet on, may me brought fafe vnto Felix the gouemout. 2 f And he wrote an Epiftle in this maner : 20 '3 Claudius Lyfias viito toe mofi noble go- Hernour Felix fendeth greeiing. 27 As thisman wastiktnofthelewes, and fiiould bane beene killed of them , I came vpon tbem wi .h a ga: ifon , and tcfcued bim,peTceiuing ibat hee was a Rumaine. 28 And when I would haue knowen the caufe wherefore they accafed bim.I bought bim foorth into their Councill. 29 Thert I. pjrceiued that hee was accufed of queQioDS of their Lawe, but had no ciimtwottby ef death, or of bonds. 30 And when it was fnewed mee.how that the lewes layd wait for ;/ man. 1 fent him ftraightway to tbce.andcoa roan Jed bisaccuieistofpcke be- fore thee the things that they had agait ft him* Farewell. 31 .Then the fouldiers as it was ccmtnaundecJ them , tooke Paul , and bought bim by night to Antipatris, 3 2 And the next day.tbey left the hotfemeo to goe with him , and returned into the Csftell ^ 33 Now when they came to Ctfaiea.tney deli- neted the Epiftle to the goueroour, and prefentcd Paul alfo vnto him. 34 So when the Gouerncur bed read it, heafe keti of what prouince he was: and when he vndet» Aood that he was of Cilicia, 3 y I will heare tbecfayd bee,\\'ben thice accai fets alfo are come .andcommaundedbimiobe kept in Herods iudgemem hall. CHAP. XX rv. I TeHuUui acdfeih Paul: 10 He anfweteth (ω himfelft; a I He preathethChriRitthegcuerniurDndhis-aife. »7 Fi/ix hspeth,buiin vaine tc reieiue a hrtbe, xS who gtittz, fnmhis office, leAneth ΡληΙ m pnfen. Ν Owe ' after fiae dayes, Ananias the hiePtieft came down with the Elders.and mth Tertul- lus a certaine oratour , wbicb appeared before the gouernoar againfc Paul . . 2 And when he was^called foorth , Tertnlltts fj began to accufe Aim.faying, Seeing that wee haue obtcined great quietneffi ^through tbee, and that p many b worthy things are done voto this nation ' through thy prouiJence. 3 We acknowledgs it wholly,aadia allplaces, l• moft noble Ftlix, wito all thankcs. L, ^^-j j «.„. 4 But that 1 be not tedious vnto thee , I pray „„,i,y ,*,„,, ,4 thee , that thoo wouldeft heare vs of thy cut tefie a i*"» *« tcckesi, few words. 5 Certalnely we haae found this man z^ pefci- lent fellow.anda moouerof fediiion among althe lewes thorowout the wot Id, and a ■* chiefe main- tainer of the f, dt of the « Ν izarires : 6 And hath gone about to pollute the Temple : therefore we tck-; him, and would haue iudgcd hioq according to our Law : 7 But the chiefe captaine Lyfias came vpon ^s , and with great violence tooke bim out of our hands, 8 Comiranding his accafers to come to thee : of whom thcu roayeft fif thou wih inquire) know all thefe things whereof we accufe him. tf the tiwnes name where the] thought that ChuHv» tame thet lutinn tbt Apifttte called him CiU$lt*n. -Hhb 3 9 Ab4 12. Hypoctitei , <ηϊη^ beycaooot doe what they wouM loe by force aad at length hey goe about to ompaC'e it by a bewe of Law. Felix ruledthAt ittuince with greM ueity andecue- •ffnejp , aniyet >fepkHi recnieih Ele*» r thectftmne ef taincut-thtcnttf d put thitdice»' U'tt% wretch the S.» lyptLta to flight, tpfnchciufed great lioHbles in luiea, h Hevfetb a word which the Stoikes defittedti be a perm uni be•' hauicHT. Word f,r word, : pU^ue, dA^joH wtuti ia),ArmgUader,n ex figne bearer, t Si they exiled Hit Chriflians iciffivgtf :fauU defeoce; : TBfeifeies 9 And the lewiS likewlfe f affirmed .raying | that it was fo. j 10 » Then Paul, afcef ibat the go'^ernonr bad | bickencd vnto hitn that hee ih:iuH fpiakc , an- fwirerd njeq. 1 7 4 Now after many yeerf s.I came 8c bropght almes to my nadon and offcrii gs, 1 3- Atk w;-at iim: .ccttiine Itw.-s cf ' Afia faund i»ee purified in the Temple , neittxr Wiih multitude, nor wita tumglc 19 \V 10 ought to haue bfene prefent bef re the^iand accufcwe, if they had ougit jgaintt trie. 10. Or let til. fi themfelues fay , If rliey haue found any vniutt thing in mee.wbils I ftouJ in the " Coiuicil, II Except ir b for this one voy c?,that I ct ted ftinding aiBong them , Of the lefuric^ioo of the dead am 1 accufed of you this day. xt s Now when Felix heatd tbefe thingi.hee defeitid them.sadfayd.When I iL•;!! more " pe?- f iu[Ut» , tfl^ttm iuktffrnK'th afufTPjra . a -jery birlot ani f Ctn§imtd Tfi- tuSus his (*yt»%. 3. Tcrtulluf by ihe deuils rhetoricke fcigiontth With flatterie , makiih xa end with lies : but ΤιΛ vlieg beaueti- hf (loqueoce , ^oi but J Jnipit be- ginning calteih off from himfclfe the crime of Teditio.', wherewith he wa> bui^ened , with a fiuiple deoijll. J P.iui pleAi d his enitfe twcycrrs hi fere Felix depxru vttfthe fro'tr.ce ΐΛ^-»7 but he ban ^oisemta Titiho- niU t »niB.ititnei endCMaunite , be fore that Cltuitui tnjit.him\tHer' . rour.tfluMa: Ic- fepbus in »he H ' »fthplcwei TV. iib.t.-af Ju b-Thej cxnnet i^y fcmb before thee «sUpintutbyieci sre.jfm<. 3 pjul goeth in the cafe of religion /ronaaftateconie- auriiltoaftatiof ^■Oi'itie , Doton:Iy sot denying that ieli^ion which was vbicdrd against Tlim, bu; alfo pvoo uing it tu be true, to be ceaaeoly <ηί trim God , aad to bathe oi'eii of a!i r^'igicEj. I Here this v»ri, Herefie, erff/i, is 3»ke» Μζθί4 p.ttt, 1 in coacla• dieute^litb the 3bing I 5atjniMiirift#r»" are fubiul and dilia g.n iDieeki.pall- oc^afi iDi : but God w'lo wauherb for• b.s bu.dretbaU ■ uihadbe- foifrfineri ways» . in the man, let lanu accuie nim. d Τ * Nowe whiii he had tarieu amo; g ti, ippa and Bernice came downc to Ctlat e» to f 1 luit Fcftus. 14 And when they hid remained there ocany da/cs. Fsfius deckred Piuis caufe vnto thr king, fayiig .There isacertaiiie man Uft in piifon by Fthx, ly Of whom when I came to Hit-rnfalem , the hie Priefis and Elders of the lewi» enfotmedme. and defred to haue iudgement agaiift him 16 To whom 1 anfwired.that it is not the ma: nei of cheR mints for fauour tc' deliuei any mao to the deatn, b fjre thathe wSic 1 is^cciifcdihaue the accuferi biiore him.-and uuc pUcetodcf;cid himfrlfe, concerning the ciime. 17 Therefore wlien they Were come biiher, without delay the day following 1 fate on 'he iudgement fjate , and commanded ibt man 10 be il».itrelf-,ai;bough,foi»e.ie«iiie.ebi!lomiinev».Dteijuit» yctbya. atjy KWiu . » κ /■ •»»■»«'-«-"»""•■"'- u^auwww *<.ritiot,uHhcd;bw_ia ttkcmciat ic»f»nweS>aw ee»deefp*u«»«e, and thai • oroDgltioOttr). soiiimuU,! V Igv Againft, whom wn?BtbeaCCufviJ&3od?pi ^_ " jfaey 3 God doet'a not oaely turne^way he Cauofell of the wicked, but alfo turneth it vp?B thei!.' owes ^tiisi. Itt ntitusnoman.' «Hib.ini, th, r>i;e '■f Α7^:ς^-ι^Κ'η( of ih ai>M'Viif<.d, ilpartrd frem hm , endtotm ta Felix the b. V'^i rvΛsfmftJaι^ST.i Apiita hit f,H»e , who ft death '- kefpak .f*e. e. aodB'-n•:», W-S h,i(il}er. tTheRm ns vfi IttttoitliueraUJ tain tobr »<(Kijbf9 befm , iff,. . Ifaulsifl CTiap.xxvj, jramconnrea maa, '■f Ttepreplmie and wkked ake mnoccafiontoioB• dcnme ihe tnie doaiine by reifoa of priiKte cootro- utrfiei and eonwa- tioBi of tata be- - I but the ttucth ne- nertheles abiHeth lintheoKioefej- fan f»fe "d f>"«• i( This prtthiHt ptxnci'lltihthe lexaesrtligiitii» eriitiicnttnd «6* •thrtkiniArtf- t»,but »>mii»Mf fntUtulti%tf frtuincfi bi ΠΛΙ"* eftktmM'Siiitf the tmjiire of Ri'^f vfti to ireierrt thm:tiuii befirc 6 -rtatilfjifilliil ϊπΓιιιΙι which tb ioid before bai toUece Auanial ofh.m.Chip.9.'i « Prince. fTtAufl^f'• JC«i Pr.Mcf S r(- tifterwari ikq M• tniitti ii , «« w* ihey brooght gecHaae of fuch tbiogs as I foppo- • Γ9 f Bui hid cettaine queftions agairli him of their owns d fupsrftitions, and oi one IcfuJ whicb was dead, whom PaalaftMmedtobealiuc. 20 And bicaufc I douDted of I'uch manner ot quittion.I asked bio) whether he would goe to HKrufalem.and there be iuJgeJ of thefe ir ings. XI But becaafe he appealed tobereletueJ to the eXiiniaadoD of Aogutlui , I corotnanded ttiai to be kept, till I migot fend him to Cs(ar. 11 « Then Agiippaiayd vnto Fcftus, I vvould aKo heare the man tuy felfe. To motiow , iald be, thou Ihilt heare bim^ x3 And on the morrowe when Agrippa wa» come , and Berr.ice with gteat «^ potcpc . ^i-d w;te eoued into the CooJmon ball witnthe chicfc cap- taines and chiefs men of tos: citie , ai Fcftus cotn- macdememPaclwas brougnt foorth. , Z4 And Fetlus fiid. King Agrippa. and all men 1 which are prefect with vs , y e lee tbis man , about I wi'om all toe multitude ofthelewcsbauc called vpon mc.boib at Hietufalem.and hete.crying, that he opg*it not to liae any longer. ly Yet bane I found notoing woitliy of deaib, that he bath committed : neuirtt-eleQeXeeii-g «rat he hath appealed to Auguftus, I baue tletcm-incd to fend tiiD. i6 Of whom Ihaae do certaine thing to «rite vnto my fiord ; wherefore 1 hauc brought tiim footth vnto you , and efpecially vnto thee . Kiog "Agrippa. that after examiQatlon had, I oi'g 't h»oc •fotDewfiattowr.tc. 17 For mee thirketh it vnreafotiabie to fcnd a prifoner.aad not to &tw the caufes which arc laid «gaiufthiol• CHAP. XXVI. ^■PtuliH thefrtftncff AinftaM'cl*^'*f> >>•< 'jf' f'"", his chi.'ibtti, 1 6 and bii ct.'liag, ai yeiibfucixuicacit cf tvtris, tSthal almtfl he perftVAiei him lo Chriit •'*""■ JO -J;.» it ami bis tm^*ny itf»n itmg mxhtni »» * Cbaf.i,}, Kame of lefos ofNizaretb. -10 * Which thing I aifo did in Hierufalem: for many of the Saints I Qiut vpin pafon .hauipg rcceiuid authoritie of the high Piitils , add wbeii they were put to death, I giuc my <^ fenterce. • 1 1 And I punithed tbctn thorowout all the Sy• nigogues , and « Cutrpelled them to blafpbeme and being more maddeagainft them , I pciiecaied tbem.eoso vnto Biangc cities. I ζ At wt.icb time , eaen as I went to J Oatxial• cus with auihoiitie, and commifiioa ftosa the hJgbj * c**i•» PdeSs. 1 3 At midday . Ο king.l faw in the way a ligh from bcaucn padingtnefcxighiDrfleof the funne ihine round about i2:c , and them wi.ich wenf with me 14 So when wee were all fjllen to the earth, heatd a voyce loeaking vnto me , and fayirg in tb Hebrewe longue. Saal.Sanl. why petfecutcft thoul brought to tte me? It is hard for tfie.. to kick= ig.inft pricks, l''-'^_"^g' m^ A I eittCfflcHt, Λΐ,Α ^ilcvtiitfthti •icini : fur he Wis e Bjex'rtmttu- / TbetBioftlie Guffel is to Taue httT! which are ChrifriaDc} arc io« alledgeth iGoJiobeiuthoue fcf iheoflice-ol his »»-poiiltihip , acd ■■ - jrace at » wit•• -.■ Chap.9.}i,Ut aTidij 4. ί Cief.ai.jo, Cttiftisthe [ eod of the Law and the T:i>p1ict{{ f That Chrift [bculdr.ct itfuA ak.ngastkelnvis iream«i ffi but oflS appitnteiitttere ciir miferies, Mi s Te*aut a skil- fuU iadge , ii • great and fragrtlat gift of God. 3 Pauldiuidethibe hifiorieof bis life into two times : for the firit the calleih bit «duetfariei ^^yiineirei ; for the latter , the fathers •□ί1 propbeti. a Whatltvis, an Whire,»)ti htw Jliuei. b Thai myfurents ■jvere Pharifts. c The [en tf the thAriftswai the ηοβ exqififit; I Αη»ι>η•ιμ tij^ the feci: I tf the lines .fcrit VeM better then ail the reft. 3 Tb! re are three chiefs ao.H prioci- pall witotiTes of truet^oftrine, God, the true Father», IDd th• C'-DfiOt ofiheCaurch. 4 He prooneih the Kfurreftioo of the dead, fill» by the power o-'^God, thea [byihe tffoiieftioa of Chilli : whereof Ibe ii a ruSuicDt iioeiTe. •Τ* Hen Agtjppa laid vnto Paul , Thou artjer- #¥" initted to fpeake for thy felfe. So Paul ftret coed forth the hand, and acfwrted for birofrlfe. ζ I I thinke my felfe happy,King Agrippa.be- catiHe ITiiall anfwere tfeis day before thee of aK the things whcreo/I am accnfed ofne lewes: 3 Chiefely ,bicaufe tfou baa knowledge of all ceftomes .'and qui-ftions which are among the lewes ; whei efote I tseleecb tQee to hcaic mee pa- tently. 4 > As touching my life from wy cbiide- ^ hood , and what it wis from the b-'ginring among ] mine owne nation at Hiernfalem , kncrwe all the | lewes, I y Which» kiewe roe heretofore, «aenfrota I my b EUers (it they would teltifie) that after the • «moft araigit fe thai<5od Itould taife againe the dead» 9 1 aho verely tboeght iti ^ly felfe , that I XHJght to doe aiatiy contrary things agaipft^tbc Tficn i faid , Who art tbou , Lord ί And bcjiutjed andfai,«i- faid.'l im lefus whom thou petLcutefi. ^'^il^T^!^hi 1 6 Bur life and fiand vp on thy feet : for I haue appeared voio tbee for ihii pu?pofe,to appoint tt ec a loinilter and a witncile .both of tr.e tt ings Which thou haft feeoe , and of the things in the wtjicb" £ will appearevotoihee, 1 7 D iiuetipg^hee from tt κ people, and ftom theGeniilfS,vnioW(iomnovv I fend thee, i8 ί To open tbeit eye» .that they tcay turne from daikeocfle to light , and from the power erf Satin vnto God ,th4i they may receiueforgiuc neffi of Gnnes, & inheritance among tbem.wbich a;elanttihedbyfiithinme. 19 < Wherefore, King Agtippa ,1 was net difo- bedient vnto the heauenly vilion, to ■•■ But ibewedfirft vnto them of DamafcDS, and at Hicrufiili'm, and thorowout all the coaftsofi ladea . and then to the Gentiles . that they i>ouid . ♦*;^;~/^"»«'i »/ repent and tame to God , and doe wotkei worthy ^ The firft «/ ihem amendment of life. , . »*'*«« «.yirf a I Fot this caufe the lewes caught ise fa the /•"^^*'^;';_''/;^.,j^ it Temple.and went about to kill me. , _ , U nofl'hieffri life 12 7 Neuertbelelle , I obtained helpe of God,| T^uk]h.,iibe end- at,d continue vnto this day .witnefltng b.thto|/.i>..-»^^^.*.jg»• f fmall and to great, faymg none other things.l^j.^^ ^^^^ ,„ ^,^ then thcfe wbich the Prophets and Mofes did lay j„^j,,^y;j«,jf,rfr fiiouldcoroe, ^ _^ . u Ia 2 3 To xvit. Ihat Chtift n^culd i foffer, and thatV be Ihodd be the »> hrft that OioulJ rife from the] , dead , and Q^ould lli:w to the Gentiles. r ir c 14 s And as he thus anfwered for himleltc.fe ftus layd with a loud voyce . Paul ,tbou ait belides U.oucb the tmerfi. tby fclucrouch learning doeih make thee mad. * *".""? ' '"* zrti anitili-rr.iitt. Thevi-ifedcaieef : vnto this people.aodlGud f» madneire ito fookj , yttaot» jwith.'tand.Bg νΛ 3ltbol>'ly t 1 «a it were but I fp;»kethe words of irueth.and foberneffe. jfoigeitinghin.fcifc 26 For tbektofek ow.thoft^efetbiogs. beJ.ha. hefteod^^^^^^^^ fore whom srffo I Ipcake boUly : for I am perhva- 1 ^^^^ f^jetteti» ded that none of thefe things are hiddenftom n„t .heoifi.eof him: for this thing was η« done in a ^ corner ^'''^P^^-j^i^'P•^ 27 9 G king igr!ppa.belee«efttho«tbePro-|,j^,„,, ,„,^,,, phfits} I know that tbou bdecjeft. U,,? , *«t »fcirwr* 28 Then Agrippa frid vnto Paul . Almoft *-» -!;»:;«'* petfviadeftmetobecomeaCbriltian. heAre me th.sdaj, 20 Then Paul faid,U would to God that not onely thon, but alio all tbat heate me to day, were both ilmoft.and ahogetbet fnchatl am.escept thefe bonds. Ϊ0 ioAodwlKn bebadniu$fpofeeaiWeRi3jg .Hhb4 «0"* mi%kt hrmaie ai I am , wj ieni< t'ltg except. 10 raufii'folema• ly quit , «sd }•*«•% diimilfed. mm SiS jr PiuJwithiBany etbei prifoneii , and ahiciugo iheniid;t nuny dejjhs , is fcroughi :oR''ine, bu; yet by Gods ewD> band as it weic, and let fonb aod commended ymo the world Witt» mjay fingu- S^r teflimoDies. ^h htii ,f Caniit a GodsprouidcQce aaknb not away «hecaufes which Cod vfcth as •taeines, bj; rathtr Didiieth aiid dii- e»oi=ib their lijht fit ;ueti tbea <ΨϋΛΐα heopeneih eDexiraordinatie VJ'i/ili meant ef iht liTves ta/?, . ένΑκ\ the) ketpe i: ^iufsaitofexfui. tio)t . aitve re ie X?«jt 23,, J nhitb fflha the fusatb iW^Wi // rvhtcb r»e awf.M/.., naui. iaum ,ernil,ng. eUMcacail ibrm- rfe.'gt» w II ngly into at] iKhuite, . •i'u/rot diagect, wrm .hey cbufe . »o fulioA• tbe r ffiwoe^'ifedum•, 3a}bci- men God ipe^ing by the - too»,-hQfhi,,„. «saata., ith the tempeft,it^, anU fuffr Jb.fw,git before Cefar : and loe . God hath giueo vnto thee f.eelv.sll tbat faile with thee. 25• *Wiierefore,Siis.be of good courage : for I btieeue God , that it IhsU be ία as it hatd becne iolJeme. ^6 Howbeit.wee muft be caft iato a certains liand. 27 7 And when the fourreenth night was come, as wee were car. ied to aad fro in the ' Adriaiicall fee aSout ciunignt, tbe ihip oeo deemed that fomecoontrey f approached vnto them. ;,„,,„ , „ 2» And. jundeJ.andfiund It twenty fathoms: md death it ftlfe. and v/iien they had gone a little furtiier.they fuuo- ' ^" P'o'ewe wV». ded ig^ine . and f mna fifieene fathoms '"* ' '*,'" '*"■ ^'''■'=" 29 Then f;arii gj.aft they lliould haue fallen [^^β',Γΐ',Α'/ίί,β S Tbe promife h . nade elfcarujli ibrougbfaitb. We attaine tna oine to ibepio- f-landf rem- atioD ihr. ugh the into foroe ro:ig.: p.aces , theycaft fuure ar.cres out of the ileriie . and u ilhed that the day were come 30 s Niiw as t;e rLariiiets were about ro flee out of tbe n^ip.and had let xlowne the• boat inro the fea vnJei a c ilour as hoi.gh they would haue cafianknrs our cf the fortibip. 3 1 9 I'aii faide vnto itm Centurion and the fouliicrs Except thefc abide in the ihip,) e cannot be fafe. 32 Toen the iouldie'scutoffthe ropes of the boat,and let it fill away. ji 'o At] J when it began ro be day .Paul ezhor- ted them all ro take meat.fayirg, Tnis isthefour- fS.c.lr f That Ihei iriw neere tc feme ttUH» trey. S There it nooe fo foulejnaa, evpo'. iliftruft sndaiiciiillcoD. TcieDcedoenot force men. Airhougb ths ifourmingof Go'.s ptomifcs mply depeiid vpon fe- cauies , yet they make ttf in- teeoth day that ye haue taricd , and continued fan- f 'J "" ^°^o> thy i»g. receiuing nothing: 34 Wieretore 1 cx lort you to rake meat : for this is for your fifegard; for there iball no: an g haire fall from the bead of any of you. 3y And wr.en he bad lous Ipoken , hee tooke bread , and gaue thankes to God in preferce of them all anJbrakeit.and b gaatocate. 36 Tnen w;re they all of good courage , and they alfo tooke meat. 3 7 No w we were in the fiiip in all two bundrsd Ija^.'* *''' threefcorcandfixceenefoulcs. l*T''.• 38 And when they bad eaten enough, they iigb- tened the ihip.and caft out the wheat ii,to thj i^-a. g T-is im pfutrH iPhtchthe Hettuti yfe . tpfeercir «s 39 " And when it was day, they knew not tbel^'""'' ''*""* conntrey .but thev fpiedaccr!aine''cte''J;ewtth a banks, into the which they were minded (if it wetepoffibk) to thruil in the llrp, 40 So when thev had taken vp the ankers, they committed tUtfhipfe vnto the fia . and loofed the rudder bonds, «nd hoifed vp the maiue faile to the winde , and Jitvi to tbe Ihore. 41 And when they fell into a pUce.where i two ^M^'n^ufea, ustd fias mette.tbev tbruSin tbe ihipps : ai^d the fore» [''s!'7/'ifl'hmts cab part ft.icke fift , aod conld not be mooned, bur tbe led. blcAufe the fetg binderpatt was btokeawicb the violence of tbe "«*«»* i» « M* f Gotls bouDii fuluelT;, which )i , d! the lufter i^v^racke FublJus• 'buhiu i.csiad vD- ihauk u t» ibeo m vubcictue.s jeazinoag ' ail coeaiies ibem VVtaufe hdije be vfctli t9 piefeire bii. j^TbegoednelTe of God outic jio• BctbnuuiauUce, X The godly are latt 10 baue dio^ ger νροα dangei'y but loey aaue «1- «vayet a glorisu•- ieUc. a Although ad' ueilitie be the pu- oilhmeot of Ιιααε» (&ad '•□ puoiuiiDg ea :οίΛ not elvcaTe» ftrpefi; Cone ,ihey iuige inihl» , which ei- ibei i-e not wait foi ihe tai , oi doi judge auJe :>etme of mcD ac.ording profpetitie or idiurficie. (> Rif^ht and It a: a» The G-eeke te,n(umU,crl» fmtU : ntDitiuer 73iiifttuies •>» nii tfiiHrJfelh , tnat tht Hiinf'^a viftr taitpthafwelitng tfthe '■:d,t,snai> fan» Nicinie-, η tie II oo:hiog vncoDliam ίιΚΓγ way , ihea ihey wbicb are iguoiam of iiue religion. 4 I'oeutryei fe- peotrd aiy inaa, ihatreceiueH the fetuiot of God, he uAiei fo mrerable aad poure. 5 Although Paul were a captiue , yet the vc'iue of Gud 42. •> TH€n the fjul Jiers coonfell tVffitoktll she prifiners.! aft any of tneui.wiien oe oad fwoiiiuie OH", (houl 1 fl;e aw»y. 43 -i But thr C<*ntUMon willirg tofaue Pad, ftaycd them from thit counfeil , aiiil con.oijun ied that thfy that Coul.• Iwirnroe , ihoulJ caft hem- felues fi.ft into the Ui , an J goe out to la•; J; 44 ")■ iind the oirier, fotne oti boafds.anJ fotne on c :rtainc; fiun of the Ihip : and fj ii came to padctbac they came all fafe to land. C Η A Ρ XXV Π I. iThe Siriatians eurtefie tcxexris Paul and his ccmtanie, 3 A viper m Pauls ham: 6 He fiaketh it iffwithcut harmt; tPuilius 9 a»i o.fcfrs are Sj him healed 1 iThrJ deftrt frcmMelua, iS AHtttim: tc Rime. .7 ΡλλΙ cfeneih tc ihrlewes, io the cauft i,f his atiimmg. iiHt freachtth lejus 30 twojeerei. ANJ when thev w?re coroe fafe , tJien they knew that the Ifl : was called » Melita. ζ And tne Barbadaus Ihewed vs no title kind- neffe,f..'rthcy kin^ letla hre, aiidreceiutJ vs cue- ry one, becaufiof tue piefent itiowie, and becaufe qft.iecold. 3 1 And wnen Paul had gathered a niunberof ftiLki.at)d iiiJ them on the hie.tbere came a viper out of the heat.ano leapt on his band. 4 » Now when the BarbaiiatJS Owe the worms hang on his hand , they faid among tfieaifciues, Tnis tcan furcly is a iMuttherer.whoai, tnongti he hath efcaped the fea , yet b Vsngtance hatn not fnffered to liuc. f But bee llwoke offtbeworme into the fire, and felt DO harme 6 Ho Λ biit they waited when bee ihoulJ baue «^fwolne.or filiendownc dead faddeoly : 3 bu af- ter they had looked a great whikiand fawe no in- cooneoit-ncc come to him , tney changed their miodtSjind faid, fhat he was a God, 7 ♦ In the fame q«rter$,thc cbif fe rran of the Ifl•. (whofe name was Pabiius) had polltiS -ns: tfcs fame receiaed vs> and loi'ged vs three da) es cour- teoufly, 8 And fo it was , that the fathir of Publius lay ficke cif t'le feuer, and ut a t>loo die flixe : to whora Paul emrcJ in.and wh^n hee praycd.Qce layde hit bands 00 luro.and hi;aled hiai. 9 ί W len tois then wis done . other alfo in the IQc , wtiicQ Ciai diiealck . ca.-neio bim , and were healed. ^ 10 * Which alfo did vs great honour : and when wee departcd,they ladcU vs with things ne- ccifarij. 11 f Now after three moneth» wee deputed io 3 ihipoiA! xtndrii.w ichtaad wintted in the Ifl*. whole t* hajgt. w.^s Caftcr, and Pollnx. 1 1 And when we arriued at Syractife, we taried rA#f« three day es 13 And from thence wee fet a compaffe , and came to Rbegiatn : and after one day , the Sotith wind blcwe , and wet came the fec&nd day to Pu- teoii: 14 ^ Where wee found brethren, and were de- iLunD^tMviij. ill J am ui u^^iwgWCTf! oe Dot dcRIe the S^ tf pteaittb luia to faaour hi», G^ddoetb wellt 3ts , which Λυ I ftraagers for bis chiUreni fake. 7 Wole» -- wife confeat vnto thtm. d Sutktf dtcke the fripart 0; their fb^pfes , rvhnevson ibe fbtffeiWete caVed Htmes 8 Godbowtthaadb«adeth{beheaitf cucBofprofas«meo,u ii ed to taty with them fcuen daics.aud fo we went towaid Rotne, 1 y S| 9 And from thence wSeo the brethren heard of vs ,tbey caieto mette vs at the ^ Mar• k« of Appius , and at the three tauetnes , wcom when Paul fawe , fate thanked Ood , and wjxcd bdJe, \6 So when wee came to Romf,theC''nturion dcliueicd the p.ifunersto thegeficrall Cspaine; but Paul was fiiffaed to dwell by ^bicufcife with a fouUier that k>-pc him. ιγ ' ο And the t^ird day after , Paul called the chiefeof the lewcs togwbei.anJ w. en they weie come , hee faiJe vnto them . M.-n a>:d brethren, inougb I haue commi'ted nothing ag.inft the peo. pie, or Liwesufthr fiihers.^if .sasi delmered ptifone• from Hierufalem into thehandcsof the Romanes. 1 8 Who when they had examined me.would baui let me go , beciufe there wasnocaufeof death in tne. J 9 "Bat when the lewes fpake coDtratie, I was conftramed to appeale vn;o Cefar.not becaufe I had ought to accufe my nation of. 20 For this caufe therefore haue I called for you to fee ^e« .and tofpeakewitb^a» : for that hope of Ifraels fake ,1 am bound with tcjs chaine. 21 Then they faid vnto Lim.Wc neither recei. ned letters out of iudea concerning thee , neithe» canje any of the brethren that ihev^ed or fpake any cnillofthee. 21 Bat wee will hcareof tbee what thonthin- keft;for as concerning this left we know that cue- \ rie where it is fpukco againft. j 23 '» And w-erj tiney had appointed bio a da) , there came many vnto bim into hit lodging, » God treuer fof. lereib . IS CO be »ifl dert aboue re.'gth. e ji-.-iu, way,wa% faiirmcni mtie by Affius the bl,H* th the hi.fe tf f'ttiitrrinlmg dhreaii, and rum ne^houtt^wati the fea , anHhere ivere thret lastttHli in It. f 2i»< in a ccn. frtfon , but i» ihcufevukichbt 'I'idftrhiafetft,. ο Tau! in euerj jice remerabieth ' limielfe to bean Apoiile. I We tnij vfe Jbe mranec whicb >iiiethv« but: ' twrtfreke < theglotieol GoJ, - and not ouf'iihttx' ί Tie/awaadf leGofpel agree i'ell cogeiher. Ifitil prctued thati to wbome hee expounded , ε teftifyicg tbc King- ue h"id'm'eeY' dome of God . and perfA-ading tbem thofe things jf^"* '."taetdthem that concerne lefus . both out of the Lawe of Mofes , and out of the P.opbets, from morning to night. 24 13 And fome were perfwaded with the tbinps Wiiich were fpoki^i, and iowc beleeued not. 2y Tberifore when thcv agreed not among the«felues,they departed, after that Paul had Ipo. ken one word , to mt. Well fpake the holy Ghoft by Efaijsthe Pfop*-.et vnto our fahers, 26 '♦ Saying + Goe vnto this people.and fay, By hearing ye iliall heare,and ihall not vnderftind, aad feeing ye fhalj fee. and rot perceiue. 27 For the heart of this people is was"d fatie, and their eares are dull of ncarirg and wi;h tneir eyes haue they " witk^d.leaft .hey Ihould fee with their cn es, and heat' with ibtsr eares, and vnder- fiaod with thztr hearts , and ihould teturue that 1 mig^t heale them. 28 '•! Be it knowen therefore vnto von.tha: this faluation of God ulcnt to tbe.Gentiles , and they Ihallheareir, 29 iff And when hee had faid tbefe thirgs , the lewes departed, and bad great reafoning atnong tbemfelucs, ^ 30 '7 And Paul remained two yeeres full vniti(i houfe hired for bimfclfe, Sc recciued all that came in vnto hira. 3 1 PreiChing the kingdome of God.and teach. Ing tboie thiigs w!ich concerne the Lord It. fus CbiiSt with lA bokkelSE Qf ff eecbiwitbout let. Ϊ8 S r h the Protbetii, fasctme. 3 TheGoipflt I a fauoiir of iSi 40 tbemtbitbelecji•, & afaioarofdeaii :o thtr.i that be • Jifobediect. 1+ Tbevnbelee- wiHiogI| ■efiit the trueth.» n::iyet cot by :ha'jce. *• -E/«.«,3. wet. 13,/ 4, matke 14. ra»' luk'i 10. hn it,4a, h The) made r.i itcHgh they farp ' not thatnthtchtiey farv againn ihtif niBes ! yea they ' did fee, iuttbey rveuldnotfee. 3 The vnbeliefs oftberepfoba'i • eaftawayej ' cat:c,!tcaijfethe '' tractbof Got* to bKotaoaeeffeft. 'is Not the Goi• peil , but the caD< tempt of tbc uaf« pel ij the cauf? - ofuiifeadddi- Xhe worie c/ Go.-i cauiiot for bound. TSbtUiGodiincLinaQj lotaeis^omancs. wnattneyiO^ciiJiSe ΓΗΕ EPISTLE OF THE Thelirftpiit of «he Epillle contai=iog a moft profitjbls pref«ce ζ He looouiag tbs Roitiiaei lo gme diligeatearevato ία that hec fiievveth that hee cotninetb oat in his owoe name, but»i Godsmef" feng«t iFDto-tlie Gemilei.iotrea- tetlwNiih thea•. of w«ightieft matter , that is pro- wifed loag liaca of God, by maof fit witaeffej , ani DOW at the leDgib petfoimcd ia• deede. « Λ mMSIer , fcr thii rvsricfetuant, isniffakeniatb APOSTLE PAVLTOTHE ROMiS.NES. CHAP. I. tV^efirfi fbtwetb ert whiit XHthcritie his Apt^tifbip βαη• tieth. If Then hee cmmtnieih the Guff ell, iS by which ■ Gtifltteth eat tis power to thofe that are faued, 1 7 by faith, iibutvrereiuittietftvtckedvnihanliefulneffe to God; 26 Fcr Vfhich hiivpraihwai wartktty forvrrd t» tbemtltfo thAt they ranne heiilong to all kmie offfne. AVL>a' aferuintoflESVS Chrift caHed re he anbApoftle, i-c put apart to preach the Goipel of God. ζ (Which hec had promifed afore by his Prophets in the holy Saipiurei) 3 3 Coocerning his ^ Sonoe lefas Chtiftour Lord {which was « made of the feed t>f Dauid f ac• : iCordit}g to the flefli, 4 And g declared ^ tEightuy ta be the fonne of God , touching the Spirit of (aQditicauoii by the refurrcotion from the dea J) . y 'By whome wee hiue recsiued ^ grace and ApoSleihip (that ' obedience tuigot be giuen vnto the faith) for his name ■" among ^11 the Gentiles, ■6 Among whome ye be alio the "called of Ie« fus-Chrift: 7 To all ym that be at Rome beloaed of God, Cilled to be Saints : ° Grace be with yoa.and peace ρ/Λ« .as [et aiaind frooo. God oui Father , and from the Lord lefus word, Ftetm*a\ Chriii. "^n't^leanalf. '« + ^'"^ ^ «^»^*^= "^V ^O'^ through lefus Chrift "^ for you all , becaufe your faith is Ρ publilhed tho- rowoat the 4 whole world. 9 For God it my witnefle Cwhom I ferue in my f fpitit in thef Gdfpell of his Sonne) that with- out cealing I make mention of you. ■io Alwiyes in my prayers , befeeching that by fome meanes , one time or other I might haue a piofperous iourney by the will of God, to come vnto you. ri I 'For I long to fee yow , that I might beftowi among you fome fpiiitnall gift, that you might be ftrengihened: 11 That is, that * I might be con forted toge- ther with you .through cur isucuall faith , both youts and mine. 13 Now my brethren , I would that yee Qiould not be igooant , how that I haue oftenximes pur- t JPVjtrMs hce f»ni bffoxe in a ge. ,-f,ei.-Mttmme ,thM he wdi Λ mmiiitr, tmv he ctmmetb tonmtrefftciulL nnme , and faith fte » an Afofilt, itRjlhat.hetoike net vptn him this , iffiit^fhis tivne I (itai , but iemttxl iedofOid.ani I therefore in thi! \ bisrvritirt^ to the I Rsma>ies , dtetb i, Htthing iiit bis duette. -«i Aas-i-i,i. e Atfoieud-of ■Csd' Iff reach $he Cofpet. 3 ijiy declaring the fumme of tbedoftriueof the Gofpel , hee (Hrretb vptheRo- itlincs to good confikrarioaof the inaaer wheieof bee cDtieaieth: So tbeo hec -iheweth that Chrift (vjvbois iheveiy fubftance aod fummeoftbe Gofpel) ) is the oaely fonoe of God the Faiher, who ai touching oii bumanitie , is made of the feed of Dauid , but touching hii diuiae and fpirituall oature . whertby hee fau- aifisJ himfeife, i$ begotten of the Father from eueilatticg , psrties. c Which tockr-flejb of the virgin, Dauidbiidauthiei: f As ketsmtn : fcr this word JFUPi , (■} the iff are Sytiechdoche , is taken for man. j Shewed and mtde ma- niftfl•, -b The Jii4ineandmightiepcwirisfetaf.*in!ltheweake»effeoflhe flefli , fir that ouercame death. iOfwhim. kTI/ismeruaiUus liherall nni frettoMS lift , rvhich.is giuenmee , the leail of ell the Saints , to preach , iSc. £phef.j;i..iTh«t men through (aithmiiht obey God. m Fcr his Humes fnke. Η Wluchthrtugh G ods goodn; jf , ate Chniles. e Gods{teegooiwiO: bypeace, the Hebrewesm^ane a profperous fuccelle in altthings. 4 fie procuteth their fattOMtable patieoce , in ihit he reckoncih vp their true commtndatioa , aud his Sfue.fcpoftolike good will toward them , confrrmed b? taking; God hiirfelfe to ,witaeec. ■ ρ rBecaufe your f4iih is fuch , that it is commended in all Churches• ,Λ InallChurxhes, t Very vpillmgly andwtth all^ny heart, f In preaching ibis Svtint. t Though B£iii.-i^jt neuerft tKcttitw,ytt lyuathing the Church, Ji^iltsitiltiirHnciiijit, pofed to come vnto yon (but haue bene let hftbere W H' miMnh all to) that I tcight haue fome fruit alfo among you, '*"" ""Ί ^"1''* '" as I hcitsc among the other Gentiles. ^''"■' """i'f"^^ 14 I am debter both to ths Grecians , and to the Barbarians, both to the wife men and'to the vnwife. I f Therefore, ai rcncb^s in me is. I am readic to preach the Gofpell to you alfo y are at " Rome. ϊ6 For I am not aihatned of the Gofptll of Chrift;/ for it is the '^ power of God veto faluati- on to euery one that beleeueth , to the lew firft, and alfo to the y Grecian. l.y « For by it the righteoofneffeof Godis re- uealed from ^ faith to faub;? as it is vfritteo,<.Tbe iuft /ball lioe by faith. 18 8 For the wrath of God is reuealed from beaacn againft « allvngouiineffa ,and vuiigiue• onfaiife of men .which witbholde the t" trueth in -vorjghteoufnefle. 19 9 Forafmuch as that, which may be know£n of God, is manifeft in £ them : for God hatuihew edit vnto them, 20 For the inuifibie things of him , that is . his eteroail power & Godhead, ate feenc by the crea• lion of the worl;i, being ^contidsied io hit woiks, tc the intent that they Ihould be without excufe; 21 Becaufe that when -they koe we God, they * glorified hiranotasGod, neiihtr were tbanke- full, but became f vaine in their thougbts.and thti foolifli heart was fall of datkenefle. 22 When they g profcffed themfelaes to be wife, they became fooles. xj For they turned the^lotie of the l> incor rnptible God to the fiailitudeofihe image of a cotruptibie man , and of blrdes , and fourc footed beafts, and of creeping things. 24 Ό Wherefore ' alfo God ^ gaue them vp to their hearts luQs, votovncleannetli.to defile their owne bodies betwcene themfelues: 2f Vy^ich turtied the trueth of God vnto a lyCi and worihipped and ferued the creature, forfafeiiig the Creator., whici) is bleCTed fjr euer, Amen. i.6 For tbiicaufe God gaue them vp to vile af. ftftions far euen their women did charge the na» tur uui one way to attaiae \ra• to faiuation {whicfe i« fe: forth vnte vt of God in the Gofpel , without «cydiffmeace of nations) and that it lefiif Chrift appre- hended by faith. X Gid his mightie anifffeaualltn. firument tc faue m.n by. » Wnen this word Grecian , is fit afjiiast this word J '.tor , thenistb it fignifie a Gentile. 6 The cccfirm». ticn of the fovmec piopoiition : we are taught in the G. fpel that we tre iuuified before Gsdbyfaiibuihicb eniieafe;h daily: and thtrefoie alfo faued. I^Fnm faith wbiei irticrrafeth daily. 7 The proof* a» well of the firft κ the frcond propa. litioti.outofA- tiakuli , whoattri» buteihand giueth varo faith botlj iuftice aud life before God, 4• Ahak.t.i. 3 Anoibei confirm mitionofthat principall quell iaa." All men beieg confidered in tbem« felues or K'iiboat Chrilt ,.are guiltie both oi.godli- nelTe, anil alfo vn• a-ifihteoufnelTe, and , . , therefore arc fubieft coademnatiiD : Therefore muft they needs feetterightioifoei in fome other « Aiaiml ./: kind of νη^,Μ.ηφ . b S, „ueth , Paultaeaneih all the /.«λί tAii ») It ft m mafiice his fjll.mt as t hough they being ltd, then In were able tt ccm Λ Ai Λ mittudge. I Ameet revarifortJien deferts. ■ ■''■'* — si "J?Ot I'Uei ingratiruaee v>uayr^j• Ίι Heprooseth th* voiighteouf- ScSt oimin by a large tehtarfall of jUauy kioits of Wickedufirt.ftom Whicb^ifuut from ■ll. yetitihe lea't ir»em injay uftbem 10 man ii altoge- ther tree. furviri m./iJf, ίοροβι , tda. «*< tnce fMt out , and almof} ru> mrfiof finite , mnrunnt held tng tnioaS kminfmii'ckiffe. η ViimnctHU tf tbttr ccutmnti and i.ir'niKrs, theShiUfofhenciUidihe Law thi Law of niticKS. f At- ftlt. F-jf is they rfgi''3edn(jt(!Bacic!iowledge GkI ,tutn fo GaadaxiX'.ttai.xcxxi^ jotoanire- probite rain Je , to doe thcfe t lings wUicb are not conuicient, 29 Λ :.,o (Λ). 1 7 Hee vi^eth ih^ iewes WHh the written iitt», i) .» witc* th-y boifleii, η Andfo mAk'th both lew and Gentile alike. THrfdfore ' thou art incxcufible.Onijo.wbo- foiuer thoa a't that candemntft : for in that thou condemiitit another , ihoo cundemneft thy f;lfe . for toon that condemneft.dotft the lame things X But we » know that the iudgementof God is according to ^^ trueth.^gamft tbam which com- mit ticb things 3 nnd tsiiik ft thon this , Ο thou ιπίπ , thit condemncft thetu wticb do fucb tbings,and doeft ttie famei jtbat thou llialt efcifc the lu. gioient cf God? 4 » Ordefp'fefithoatbe ricViesofhisbcimti- fulncdti . and pitienct: , and locg fuffcrance , not knowing that the bouiitifulncde of God ieadeta thes to repentance ? 5 But thou Ϊ after thine HarJoeffe•, and heart that cannot repsnt* e he,p ft vp as a treafare vn- to thy fclfe wtathagMoft the day of vVrath . and of' the declaration of ihc iuft iuagitnent of Go \, 6 i i Who wiU tew«d eucty man according tohiswi;rkes : 7 That itfo them which through pnisnce ia Wf II doing, let k? d glory .and banour.aod immor» talitie, euerlaUiiglife: 8 - But Vino tti.rj that arecontfntious.and dif. obey the e iruetD.atid obey voiigtiteouftieire.pjeii bt f iDdigiiidjn and wrath. 9 1 1 iijulition and angnilli fualibe vpon the fjule of fuery man that doetii cuill : of tbe lewa firft. and alfe of tue Grecian, 10 Bur to euery roan that doeth good .fhaH bt gbrj ,and honour. and psace : to the kw b.ft.and- Λ(/ί to rce Grecian. 1 1 For tbete is g no refped of perfons vj God.. i 4 For as many aibrJennned without tbe Lawe.ihall peiilh alfo without the Lawe: and as many as baue finned io the Law.ihalbciuL'gid by tbe Law, 1 3 >■ (For the hearcif of the Law art not righ- teous before God : bat tbe doen of tbe Law (l^all be h iultihed. 14 « For when tbe Gentiles which baue • not• the Lawe , doe by ^ nature tbe things centeinkd in the L -w, tb-^y bauing not the Law, are a Law ve- to tberorelucs, I J Waich Ihew-theeffcft of the Liw ' written ία thcii hearts.thcir confciece alfo braiing wi nes 8c tbeir thoughts accufii^g one anoti.er, or txcufint;) 16 7 At the day w.ien God Ih.tl iudgt: tne fe- crets of meo by lefus Ciitifi , according to "> my Gofpei. J17 ί 8 BebolJ, thou art called alcw^mdrcfieft ία the Law, an.) glorieft in God, 18 Aiid knoweft his will. and ° 11 tryeft the things toat diileoi ffooi it , in that thou ait inittu- ftfjo t>y the Law ; 19 And p^.fwadeft thy felfethat thouai't a gui Je of the bliocle , a light ofthem wuicb are ία darkeneiTci 10 An iniirudef of them which lack difcretion, ateacncr of ifie vulearnea, which bif. ttie " foiiae of k!lι,wl•c'ge, and of the trueth in the P.law. 11 Tooutaerefoire, which te^chtitanother.tca chtfr ihou not thy f;lfeithou that preacbcft.A iman fliould not ftcale .dotft tt ouftcalc ? 11 Thou ihatfiitift.A man fliould not comtoit aduUerie, du-.ft thou corcmit adulictie f thon tnat ablOrrtft idoks ccraoaitteftthcuficriledge ? 23 T^.oa thar gloat ft io the Liw.througb brea- king the LiW. diliwnoureft thou God ? 24 For the Name of God is bUfphemed among theGeniiles^through you, •!• as it is wtiuen. 1 J 9 For circuitcifion verel/ is prohtable.if then doc tne Law : but iF thon be a trinfgreiroiir oftfce Law.thy circumciiion is made^rxircucDcifion 16 Therefore q if the vncircucr.cifion keepe the ordinances of the Law , fliiil not his'vncir. cumcifion be counted for circumcifion ? 27 And ihall not i"vnci(CuaiCirion which i% by naiure (ifit keeperhe Law)condtm ;e tiiee wi icn by the ' letter and circumciiion an a tranfgreffaw of the Law i 28 For hee is not a lewe.wt kh is one « oUr- 4 He applieththat generallacctifatioB of imiikiod par- ticularly both CO the Geutiles , and to the ItKti. 5 Hcjireuentetb ■ in ..bieftion w.bica might be mad•: Ky he Lawe doeth 0• fxcufe , bite condcmne , be- thei eaiiag of the Law , bus the keee g of cot Lawe doeih luftifte. (if frtneuK' eed luU before GtL d^tment feate : which IS true in• aeedr-tif ani fuch la br found IhAi had fwji-iUi the lave : but feeiKg^A' braham was nd in- fiifienijthe tut), but bf faith, It fel- levelh that norar.% an be tftjiijiiiby raork'i 6 He prett-ateiis D obieftton which might b»! nsdebyibe-Gfo- ilcs, whc althcugtt hey haitesotihe LaweofMofru.yiS hey haue no jea- OD whereby they nsypscufejheil wickedues in taat they haue fotBe- tibat «ritten in tbeii- heat's ia (lead of a Law , asmea thatfarbid , and puni ill ferae things ji wicked , and commtrd and come meod other (ome Nil fimtly , iui I JVji jimpiy (« eompar'foi B./ k CcBDtunihtmB «"imiTN , anifniiit «I•/*» f }■ I V/-"lcfii!'eu ^i^iell• thj felfetifUalures.lhmhnttoincrea'ethy i IS Vftu. 3 Tbe gruuDd ef.be former dif'utatina, iiile»h»ue aUogetbetoeedof iighteoulQtJi fjtil, «ai «.ro«'.,s 17. rewe.ai • 2. d GLr)wi:hfoiltivet>>i^iiiwoik5,W'tchhe ia^eth HO! tut bejttevs nxthou^itmitwei: tny that couidaitaine tofalu-ttion if hi! twy>*-ftr*ngth , tMC hj laying thisctndidtin tffaluathn before vs, wUch ?uman mb t.rf.raj». lebringmeino Chtifi , who alone tu/iifieiihe belt eir;, ttshehimfilffcfnciudiih. chxc.i.n . n-f-U'Wint. e Sytrueth , hewnttlt ibai iniWied^twktch weha.e «t mtute. f G^ds indignation a^amll ftuners, Wbiii fhall tjuttkh be kmdt.d g Gsideethnoi^meafmem » tiihtr bjtkuf ^M> w h] tktir t*Hmf*y, miMi iwtteiht thon, HUfAfi ttitm mvf}. ι This kntvledte is*, natuiali k»(m' I' die. ■ 7 Goddeferrtti» tnany it7dgementr> wbiob οοΐΛΪΗ- Itauding be wiil_"' execute at tneir conneoietit time byItf«sChrift,w:th a moft ftraight CTamiMtioL• . DOC onely of wo^d-i .nd deedes, Ijut of tboughiiaifo, be tbry neaet ίο htddenoc fecret. n) >4> ttiiS m• docinUe m:nefiit» , which 1 am afio:»i!dto fre»eh, S Hee ptooLeth Ly ( he teftimtmie of Diuid, and the other Propbeti,that God be» ito^*ej 2ieaieil uenefusvpon tbe lewes ,i'i gimng them alio the Lawe, bat tbaS tbeyareihtmoli vnthiDkefuilandvnkicdeftofalliTicn, » Canftine iS d'fcerni Wist tciMi< fwarne tr'om Gads wi'l. jj Or alloweli tbe ibing! that ett exLellent. • ' 0 The triT to teach and frame oih.r'in the knowni^e of tne t-ttet». f As thtuia he (aid thaithe lewrsiinderasolmrof ano-uwardferuin,-,; G.ivchaUenieii ailti themfeues , Wen as indeed, th'y d-d noi'ing lefle then obferue tb* Lave,' ^ Bfai jZ S- 'V-k-i^iio ■ 9 Hee piecifelypteueuteih tueir obieftion, whicb.fei'. an boliielTrio circumciiion, a: d tbe outWJrdobfe-uationof the LaW;So that ke ' ftewe b tuat the outward citcuitii ilion if it befcparated ftum the i.)Wavd,doeih^ not onely not luuiSe , but alio con lemiie tbcm that are ind-ei cixumcifed . of _ ovht.iiier-qui«B;bthac , whi..h ij ligr-.ificih , that is ofay, cleii-dtOeol thr heai^ ' and the wooie lite , according to tbecommJundem-Dt>.tibeLjw, i.jfat.tf ttiers" be am η vjcircumciledaccoidingtothe nefti, who is c.icu.n^iird in beiti, he j fa, re benct ard more to be accounted of . then any lewe that lu.cirturatiftd a-<" cuding to -he flelu onely a This 15 fie fifKre Mi «(iiwiif ; μν, «f ιΛί τ/!»;/' tumctl'ed r Ife itate and condition of the vncirc:imcif-4. f He tahtil) is VK» c„ci,mctrei.oy nature ina bJoid.t PAul vfeth oftiniimLHo f^t ,1,el,tt..r astixfl••• thjeS^iui ;bit inthii fiace, thetircurrcifun which is McordiH^ iolht letter, tS tbecuttim off it thrforrski». tut the cir turn -β^η ,f tie Spirit, is theiircimtj* f„liofthehexrt.thettslof>ut'>effir>titalle>dofil,eceremottie,ntriithohitejfi- and nihtecafuffje whereij tie ftofle of God is kneViH fninftlfiae*•!»- * Imhtnifimin, η »jtli<«i*lwnriftrmmtMel}. jiii m , tiWltfefoytt is , inrfAiitAnii» the vat A : neither h thii circamGilion • which is oat- ivird in th? flslh : ap But ha Is a iewe which is ons within.and the circamcifion ixof the heart.io the 't fpirit, not in the letter, whofe p.-aife i» not of mta, bat of GoJ. C Η ΑΡ. III. iBt giueth the liwesfeme i trefernfKi .for the ctuenxnit fake,^. but }etfucli,ai nhtUy iepenieth 'en Cods mereir. ^Th^tboth [times iS Ge>itileiirefinneri,ti heprf-teth ty Scripturei: 19 xni pewtRi t>ie-ufeiifthtLA\o,xi he conctuieth that wt are tujhfiei bj faith. WHit I is then the preferment of the lew ί or what is the profit of clrcumcifion ? Mach euery miner of way :fut ^ chiefly ,be« caufa vnto them were of credit committed the oracles of God. ,3 For what , thon»h iome did not <= beleeue ϊ fliall their vubtleefe make the <* faith of God witb. out efff β \ 4 God forbid : yea, let God be true, and eos- ry rain a liar .as it is written , That thou mighteft be e iuftified in thy wotdi , and ouercome, f when thou art iudgerd. f » Now if our 8 vntighteoufnes commend the righteoufnes of'God.what fball v/e fayfss God un- righteous which puniflieih? (I Tpeaki as ^ a man.) 6 God forbid : (els how Ihall Godiudgetbe world Ϊ ) 7 3 For if the '■ veritie of God bath more a- boanded through my lie veto bis giory , why am I yet condehaned as a finner ? j 8 And (»s we are blamed.and as fome affirms, that wc fay) why doe we not euill , that good may come thereof} whofe damnation is iuft. 9 4 What then ? are we mote excellent ? No, in no wife: for we haue already prooued, that all, both lewiS and Gentiles arc '^ vnder finne, 10 As it is written, ♦ There is none righteous, noe not one. 1 1 There is notie that vodetftandeth : there is none that feeketh God. 12 They haueallgoneout ofthe way :they baue becne made aliogethcr vriprofitablei tbereis none thatdoethgood, nonotone. 13 ^ Their throat is an open fepuichre : they bane vied their tongues to deceit ; the po) fon of afpesfj vnder their lips. 14 Η Whofe mouth is full of cmling and bit- terDcffe. ly 'k Their feete are fwifc to filed blood. Ι•6 Diftrudion and Cilamity »re in their waies: 17 And the I way of peace t.iey hane not knowen. i% * The feare cf Gqd is no; before their eyes, 19 s Now Wie knowi that w'latfoeuer tite m law fayeth, it faieth it to them wbich are vnder the iawe > that « euery mouth may be ftopped. I Thefirll mseting with, or preu:ntiag kD obiefirioo ofthe lesvf» : what then, blue th? li.ves no Bioieprefetmcat thcQ the Geatilfs? y?s, thu haue they, ijyth the ApofUf , onGradtbebalfe: for be committed the tab'ei of the coiicnint to tbera, fo that the vnbe- liefe of a few , can not caufethe whole nation v.'iihout ex- eeption to he caft •wsy of Go J , who is tiiie.aod who alfo wfeth thsir vnwor- thices to coramcna and tet f«jrth his gooineife. a The Jerves iidte «»J tts-.iitien was ^ fen. i Wtries. e Srnke the ceer. nxnt. d The faith thxt Cai gaiie. t That thj iuftUe tcti^bt teplainely feene. f JPcrel*a-4ch as thiu.fbnviiil forth dent ioiei» of thy rifhteoufnts, ccKftaneie & faith. hj freferuinz htm Vho had broken tis coueatnt. a Another preuen- tioa , iffjingout of the former anfwer thitthe iufticeof light :for by thd /"'-"««d ki>i[orman, as i» nrnnj other plates f aidfurihttmore haih h>reagreattf force :f or, t.sprtt ti JOiTv the ctniro* rittte beiwixt Gc4 eiidm.w;as if you ■Vfmlifay , Man ■tvhoisnt.hinielfe but a piece of ficOs defiled y,ith finne, threugh the redemp.ion that is in Cbrift lefus". ^'^J ^J^,"^*'^ „,^ per fit in himfelfe. q Aifo!nedb,. fore the euJgtmmt featetfCod r Afcr.tfet. li«l of the righte' OHfa'ge rckic-i is btfortnun, belief neusrfo infl, a^aiKft the lujliee tehichcanfiand before God : now there is nori^hte' oufnejfe can ftani before God, but the ighteoufntjfe ow exbibite thar, bich he promifedl ofold, ■ • fay , a way where fcy fied and fa• ued befoie him without the Law, S The matter.aiii f tbij righte* cufnell'e, ii Cbnft lefus apprehendid by faith, and for this end oitered to «ll people , ai without him all people are inut out from thekingdome of God. f iVhichTvee giue te I ejus Chrifi, or which reftith vpenhim. t Έ, the Glory of Cod, is meant that tH'.rke which wee aU fbtote at, that is, euerlxfim? life , which ftandetb in that Wte are made pxrt.ikeri ofthe^ioryofGod. 9"'Tberefote this righteoiifnefie touching vt, is altogether freely giuen , for it fta^idethvpon ihofe things whitfa we haue Dot done our felues , butfuchas CarilVhaib futfered for our fakes , to deliner vs from linn,e. u Of fiis free gift , ana meere liberalise. 10 Godthea is the authourof [batireei»(ti6ca-.ion,be£.aufc itplejfed him: and Chrift is he«, which (uiT!(ed puailhmtnt far our finnes . ard in wboin wee haue remiffion of them : and tb« nicane wheieby wee aporehend Cbnit , it faith. To be ihorr, the end it thefrrtiog foorth ofthe goodnciTe of God . that by tbis meaaes it may «ppeare, that bee is mercifull in eede , and cooftant ichit proniife» , at hee thae freely, and of meere grace i.iitifieih the beleeuers. χ This nume of JS!ec4. caOeih -vs bacKe tothefig»reoftheoldefacrifices,thetruetha>.dfubjlaHceof which facnficts is in Chrift. y Of tho^e fiiHeswhtchwee cmimittidwheM we W're his enemies. ^ Through his patience, aud faff• ring nature, a To ivif, when Paul wrote this, b That be might be touni t.xceiding tiue iS fanhfult. c Mxkit% htmirt,'!, and without blame 6' imputing Chrifii right 'ou fneffe vrt.t* him. d Of the number ofthemwich by faith lay hold vpon Chrifl .• cMirarie to whome, are they wiich Iteke tob.• fan•! bj circumeificn, that i<, br ihe Lxw. II .4n argumentto p,-oouethit cocclufuu , that we are iuftifi?d by faith without works», taken from the end of luftification. The end ofluftifi^atisnis theglorie of God alone . therefore we are iuftified by faith without wotkes : foi iPwee were iaftified either by our owne woikei onely, orpartly by faith, and partly by woiket , theglorie efthit iuHification fhoull not be whollygioen to Gcd. e'Sj what^doOri»e>ntrvthe doclnm of workn hath his cottd^ri^n loyned with it. If thou de'/l.ani the dtthiue of faith hxih this csnditica , If thou beleeueft 12 Another argument of anabfurditie: if iuftificatioo depended rpon the Law of Mo/es, thei (hould God be a Siui'^Or to the I-wes onely. Againe : if beelhouldc faue the lewts after one foit and the Gentues after ano. her , hee Ihould not be one an) like bimfelfe. Therefore hee will iuftifie both of them after one felfe fani? manner, that is to fiy.bjr faith. Motejuer, this argument ir.uft .be ioyned to that which followeth nest , that this conclufion ituy be firms and euidcnt f Gid is (a dtob' their God, after the manner of the Scripture .wh.mckee louPthanitenJereth. f Thedrcumcifid. 13 The taking away ofinobieftioE: yet it not the Law taken away thercfore,but is rather eftabliihed.as it (halb- de- clared in hs proper place. * VAtne,VQiie,ti) no furpofe,ani of neft^ce iWef mukeiteffeaimaMiiJItufi. c ha;p. Law commeth the knowledge of fi:ine 21 7 Bat now is the rigtteoufncs of God roadi icanffett without the Law , hauing wiioeSe of ti Law, and of the Prophets, 22 * Toofit , the righteoufneffe of God by tht faith of f lefus Chrift , vnto all . and νροα all thai beiecue. 23 For there is no differenceibr all haue finned, and are depiiued of the» glory of God; 24 9 And are iuftifuJ u freeiy by bis grace the redempiion that is in Chrift lefus, 25: 10 Whom God hath fee forth te bt a recon- ciliation through fiith in hiSxblooJ.to declare his righteoufneffe , by the forgiucneffe ofthe finnes that y arepaUed, 16 Through the ^ patience cf God ,to ihew at * this time bis liglteoufneiie, that hee might be '' iuft.aod a ^ iuftihci oihim which is ofthe'' faith of Itfus. 27" Where is then the reioycingfit is excluded. By what « Law ? of workes? Nay ; but by theXaw offaiih, 28 Therefore wee conclude , that a. man is iefiified by faith , without the wotkes of the Lawe. 29 1» Ged,\% hee the God ofthe f lewes onely, and not of the Gentiles alfo ,' Yes , euen of the Gentiles alfo. 30 For it is one God , who fliall iuftifie % cir- cumcifion of fiith , and vncircumcifion through faith. 31 '3 Doe wee then make the Lavw of ■" none efff (ft through faith ? God forbid : y ea.wce > efta- bliili tht-Law. fon C.d. 0 By that Ihatebt Law can by vs bt ^ ef gceii weigb' , w keo from the t χ ,leofAbr*i>»m tht f«'b""« *''.''«- leeuers : And ibii i, the prop ilittoc: if Abtih»mbecoQ• fi ieted 10 hmrelte by bis WJ.k» . fee- hithdcfeiuel no- thing wherein to teioyce With God. A B, w»iki . *> "P fearab in tht n.x ■verfe. . > A preuentiDg ot brabam ι vcell reioyce »ud cxioH bimfelfe amongft me 0, DW not witn God. 3 A coofiimaion efthe propolui- oa : Abraham wa» iuftified by impu• tttion of faith, therefore fieily without ai'y 16" fpeft othi» work». 4. The fit» proofs of theconfitmaii• on , taken ef con- that deferueth an? thing by his labor, the wages i> not counted of fauiur, but by debt: but s that bath noibiog: but beleeueth in him h promifeib freely . faith is im- puted- t To him thai hAtb ieftrntd an) tbini Jjr bis werfcf . t li »•< recktftd ntrgittn ' c Η A F. hit; n* ptmtth th*t w«rf* hef»]d before tffdilh , tj tht tXAttlple ef AhfAhum, 3 « ani tht teftimttin of the ScY.fuyi: »ai Un ittn^s m the Cbtfter bebfaleib •Ufa» thif vtri ImputxtioK. nr; H»• ' llai w^ fiy then, tbit Abraham our fa« Vv thcf baib fouoil concerning ihe « flflbf a Fof if Abraham, were iuttffied by work• , be hacii wherein to reioyce.bat not with God. 3 3 For what fiith the Scripture ? Abiaham xle^ued God.and it was conoted to him for righ- tcuufnftie. 4 + Now to him that ^ worketb , the wages i» not <: counted by fiuour.but by debt: J But to him tut woikeib not , but bclecneth htm that Oiks,fayi>ig, 7 BleiTed are they wnofe iniquities are forgl» (leo, and wbofe Gnnes are couered. 8 BleiT d it the man to whom the Loid impn« tetb not finne. 9 < Camtthis « blefledneffe then τροη tbe cir- cumcifion ontly , or vpon the vacircumciiion alfo? For we fay , that faith was imputed voco Abraham for rightcoufoeffe. 10 7 Ho 97 was it then imputed } when bee was circumciftfd.or vocircumcifed » not when bee wa circumcifsd.but when he was vncircumcifed. 1 1 8 Afeer , bee receiued the f figne of circum. οίβοη,Λί tbe s fealeof tbe righteonfoes of the faith which he bad, when he was vncircumcifed , 9 that bee ihould be tbe fadicr of all taem that beleeuc, not being circumcifed , that righteoufoefle migb* be imputed to them alfo. 1 2 • ο And the father of ci'^cutccifion , not vnto them onely wbici are of ths ci. cnmcifion, but vn- to them alfo that walke in tne fteps of the faith of our father Abraham mhith he had when be was vncircumcifed. 13 !■ For the promlfe that bee fiionld be the *" heire of the world.was aoigiuen to Abraham , or i"Th*tmak.'ih binito his feed .through tbe i Law , bat through the which is Tvick'i «» righteournefiTe of faith. cflli' '""*'" * 4 " 'P^' ^f ^"cy which are of tbe k Uw , t* , Another proofe beires.faith ii made void,and the promife is made »f the fame conftt. , of none cffid. bleflednes i«i free pardon of finnei, therefore iiiftiScation alfo. β A new btopolitloa : that this inanet of iultification belougetb both to thevocitcum• cifed and alfo to the circumcifed ; as is declared in the perfon of Abiahim. « This fxiinl ofDiuid , whtr'ia be i/rcnounceth them blifffd. 7 He proourth that it bilonge.h to the vnciroumcifel (for there was no doubt of the circum- tifed) infais f«i : Abraham wi» ialtifieJ la vociicamchon , iherefoie this lo'ti- Scatioo belonjeihalfototbevjcircumcif-d. Hay eircumciied in refpeft of the circumcilion doth ΊΟΙ appettaine to the uchleQe are vncircumcifed fllut for their vDcitcumcifioD. 8 A preuentingofan obitfiionrwhy then was A- i.m circumcifed , if be were already iuftified? ThaitSe gift o. rigbteoufnet leconfimediobim. f Circumcificn , which is Λ finite : »s wt ntof Si ftiime,fcrBxfu(tn» reffea of tbe eutmaiA ctiinnnj ; new ([faith be) mig f*1 , tht Saa ■ φ >iui tbmith the force anifuhSlnnce of th^iftne ,th*t\s,ur>hat eniit Μ 0 wii , not onel; to Ciin.fie, but »:fotofc*l, vf ihe r,ihtet»Me of f"'j f "•■" Τ}"^'ΛΊ vMljinieedMuh the S.uram^nts kemg io,Hid π .rfc the word doe repefn i AD applying of the example of Abraham to tbe vncrcumc.ftd beleeuer., who «her alfohe maketh Abraham. .0 And applying of the f.mee«mple,tothe c umcifedbeleeue s.wbofefatbe. AbrabamiVbu. yetby f.uh. .. A'^''>."7' be feed of Abraham is to beeft-emed by f.irh , becaufethat Abran.mbimfe hroueh faith was made partaker of twt promife.wbeteby he was made the fatl :,af.lIn»t.oac. -b T-^Mt «fl the nations of the voni^euiibe ^'^'f'.^"'"'" the o.r:dm*j be vnderfloodlhfUnd of CA»»An. ,ForT,orks that he hxidone, 1 -vion fin condu^on that be /b»»'d lulfii the L*w .» A doubleconfi.mat.oD of tkatreafon : the one is , «hat the p.omi> ca=not bj apprehended bj, .'b' Law. tend therefore it Ihonld be fruftrate : the >.hei , that .be coniuion of fa.tb Ihould be ioyned in vaine to that promife whicb Qieuld beapgt«!wa4edbj WOlkcl, A // th^bthMtivkKbbnittiHlftatitbtJ.»v> . I ? 'J For the Law catjfctii wrath: for where noi.j Law is, there π no trapfgreffljo. (fir 16 >*TtiCitiote It $j by (iiih.ihgt it mi ζhr ctmt ^t"/ ■b=rr.mife by gtace.and the f rotcife might be lu f to all che ' fied . •! not to that ooely wi.ich isof the Law : but alfo to that which is of (be f'im of Abraham who is the father of vs all. 17 (Asitiswriiten.l bauemade thee a '«fa- ther of many nation») «»«« before "God whom be beleeueJ.who ° qu'ckncth tbe dead.Sc ocalleth thofs things which bt POt , as thong*! they wsre 18 '7 Which ^briham iboue nopf, b;leiued vnder hope , (htt he iLouKl be the ftiher of many nations : according to that which was fpoken to him. Sd Ihall thy feed be. 19 And he Ρ not weake in the faitb, conGdered ^^'^= not nis owns body, wiich was now 1 dead, being almofi an hundred yeaeold, neither f deadneO'e of Saras wombe, 20 Neither did he dotibt of the promife of God through vnbilicfe , but was ftrecgtheucd in the faitb , and gaoe ^ glory to God, 2 1 Betpg f fully affuted that he which bad pro- mifed, was jICo able to do it. 12 And therefore it was imputetl Eo him for righteoufaeffe. 23 «8 Njw is it not written for bim oneSy,that it was imputed to bim for righteouloeire 24 ButaIfoforv5,to whom it Iball be imputed f<)rr<^Ar«ou/rt'j(/e,whicbbeIeeue in bim thatiaifed vp lefus our Lord from the dead, 2y Who was deliuered to death for our ' finnesi and is tifen agaiae foi Vur iulliHcation. ifon of tbe lot ce appte» if ^y 'he ■- : b.cibfe tnc Law 'oth 'econ-.ile QjA n, bjcta:hei: deoounceth his g-i agaiailM, foiioinucb as 00 man canob'^erueit. Tbecouclufi• of ibisavju Qt Thf faluati• 00 and iur.ificati- llibepofte• f Abraham Church which i« githetej togetbef of all people) pro» ceedeih offaich, whicb liyethhold made vnto Abra=. him , and which promife Abraham bimielfefirftofall' layeJ hold OD. ' ITo/iUthcbeUt' the children of Abraham. i; That is to fay,- nor oQelyofibem which beleeue auj are alfo circumc!• fed according to the Lawe , but of them alfo which_ without circumci- έοη , and iniefpeft- offa'ih onely i am counted amoogft Ii This fatherhood is fpiritnall , depending ontly f«4// j^ierr if , which hath ptact before Cti , and mtketh -us acceptable to Cli, η Who reftcred to lift. 0 With Tvhom thefe things are already , which asyel are not in deed, as he that can withawordmakewhat htwiltofnothinf,. 17 A de« fcriptioQ of true faith , wholly telting in the power of God , and hi» good will, fet foorth in the example^f Abraham, ρ Very firon^ and ccnfiant. q Voidtf f:ren%th, and vnmset togetehildrtn. r AcKnowteiied andfraifed God,ai «soft gracious and true, f A defcripti<.»oftruef*ith 18 Tbe rule ofiuftlfieatjon ii alwaypf one, both io Abiabam and in all thefaithfuU : that ii to fay , faith la God , who af er that ibtre was made a full fatislaftioa for out firmis in Chiift our mediatout , raifed bim from tne de«d , that we alfo beii^ iuftified , might be faaed in him. t To pay the ranfme fir out fmnes. ■ C Η ΑΡ. V. I He amplifieth i Ckrifis tiihiecHinefie , whicb is lajed bold on by faitb, j wio was giuen for the weake, S «nd finfuu. /^He cmp are tb Chrifi with Adam, \τ Death With Life, 10 and tht Law With Grace. Τ Hen being i iiifiified by faith , we bane peace toward God through our Lord lefus Chrift. 2 * * By whom alfo through faith wee haue a bad this acceffe into this grace b wherein wee c fiand, 3 and d reioyce vodet the hope of tbe glo- ry of God. 3 4 Neither thtt onely .but alfo we ^ reioyce in tribulations . f knovying that tiibnlation biingeib forth patience, are iuftified, in J not by the taw. «j• ^phef.x-tt. 1 fcience ii attributed 10 faith , it is tobereferied to faith it felfe, anf in whom faitb it felfe is i-ffcauall. J Anothif «rgei ' raent taken of the tfefts : we ate iiw^' ftitied with that, ' which truelyap- peafeth our confcia' ' ecce before God : but faiih in Chrift * lioth appeafe our ' confcieuce , andBOt tbe Law, a; it Wi» ■ befcie fayd , there*' fore by faith wee eai quiernefleofcoa• Chiiil , wbois tbegiuerof We mufi here Knf», that wee baueyttjiili thisfimeef^d of faith, b By which g^ace , thai «s .iy which iracous U:oe a„d ,ocd wM. or to that flate wherevnto weearejracicufly taken.• c We fani fieifan. 3 A pieuen'iagofan obieftion againit their), brbolding the dayly miferies ani calamuies of the Church , tbinkethat the ftiai dieame,wheo they btagge of tbeii felicitie : to whom the Apoftlean* fwtreih, that their feucitie Is layed vp vnder hope in another place.: w-hich hojie ii fo certaine and frarc , that they doe no lefle reioyce for that happinefle .then if tb:y did ptefently enioy it. d Our mindes are nit onely ^uitt and fetled.bai Alfe Af. marueilo«ay glad and conceiue great ioy for that heaufHpinheritantf ■■ • uteihforiJS. 4 Tribulation itfelfe giutth vsdiueis andfundjy Way«|^ tjspeiienci cenfirmtih , andieaereih our hope —- m which w but that vcbicli we c»ll faith: whtr of it fjlloweth. ibi ikl^uga faith out oofcicDcetarc iui«ed. ^f (K*'■- iA4f/i.Iea.sChrift. * iSwcetV'• 18 >7 Likewifathen,a$bytbeofienceGfone,iChtiifbeing!n°- the fa'Mt cumt on all men to condemnation.fo by Ip''"'^ """o " by the iuftifywg of one.rA* **«,>f4t.««ri«i toward «"^',; ;'„^^f^^^^ all toen to tbe χ iuaificatioti of life. life , then .be If, ' 19 '8 Forai by one inaos y difobedience^ oa- ftnce^f Adam i« nywere madefinners.fo by that obedience of rt!ti1oL'',h ''°"•' tbatone. ib,U many alfo be made righteous. \uBepar"X„,f to "^Moreoner.theLaw » emiedtherevpon J»'*' «»"''»«/«• th.r-. the offence fnould abound : neocrtheleile/"''|''^'v wheehancjtbounded. thtrt grace b abounded^ i^Uo,V.«broM laach more-: masi cftcce .'the II Thatas finne hid refgned vnto death, fd «"""■"" °° ' tnigbt grace alfo reigne by rJghteonfneffe VEtdiii^'fubi^To^' cternall life through lefu» Chtift out Lord. lueaib : fo on the • c r -y,. „ ,. contrary fide, the righteo ufnet or Ccrilt, which by Gotis mercie ii imputed to all beleeuers, iufti. heth ihem.tbE: thiy nu.y become partakers of euerlafting life. * JST.t ,n,l,be^ cxule ourJttii-..i are forpuen vs, but alfo becaufe the iithtecuf»eet efCtriO it imfHtei-vnt.^n. .S The gtound of .hi, whole comparifoa is this .that, hefe two m.n ar: fe;ai two !tocki or roo.ei.fo that outof theone .(iine by nature oftbeoihef,rign:ioiiro?ffebyg:acedoe.hlp,iogtaptthvpoDo-.heM. j Sotkt» eX' ''-''-•J-''«,'-''S''»''>*rM«H'.«5>6' (teffn of ou, forefatb/rt.but ne takecorrripti^i σ; him ij inheritance, r Th,s woj. Maty, is f,t α,αίηΛ this ivotd.Aftn. .9 Λ prcueoting of an obieaion. why then did the-Lawof Mofe» Godm Ch. . t( lefus be fo much the more glunoui . a Sefrie that Ufeafe »*,>* all mm were .n'tiled w:tb.:!l Ij ie.isj deβίed with one ntAns finne , the Z«» i»rr<^. L• Crac. r.as f.wred fo tIent.fuUy fr.m heaven, th» ,( d,i m «rrt touKteruaile finne. kit aίt.,tmtafιirepιιβei,t •™.»'»"^ C Κ A P. lUe ctmmethto fauclijicaiiin^-ci futieih on C'-.n/les riz^ie<,ni ariument taken of Bitmpne , i> and then .,..^ .„-. ■borteth to holme j}e <,f life ,16 ίιιφ) making mentit» ffthe Law tranfgrtfita VI. htut wh:ch,that no man ί[ί•, heprooucth ^ bj an rw Hat ■ ftiali wee fay. thin i Sbal! we continue •^ fiili in a fjnoe, taat g.-ace may abound} God forbid. 1 » How ftall we, that are •> dead to finnc,l;Be yet therein ? ' 3 3 Know ye not .that ^ all w.-e which haue beenebipt;2:J into « Iclus Ciiiift , haue becne baptizidi^^to his death? , 4 ί We are hi>ti<:rithenwKh Hfflby'bap-ifire into nisdcath, t^jt 1 keasC r ft v/^e rtif-dvp froca the dead d to the glory uf tii•. Fatl-ir-r . lo * weealfj ilioulJ "•■ wa.ks in niwot^rfe cf I fi. 5: * » For ifwectv planted With bi-titothe nipiffetbnoW another benefit ofChriit.whiihie ca led fjnaifit«ti, rejenera. tioa. a In tbitt ttrrup- •'cn ,fcrt-heu!htht uiHunege ,j fi„„e 'e nitimpHuit» IS, jet tbrtorrupti- nremjin thtHilin ■5 : the whiib Sen. iii/irfldi» thatfeU '-'■'hlufi.ficAi. knlHh hj title anJ l„le. S:r 1^.., are alw.yei ioy,,td together infeparal ly , ad boti ii.Cjri. Λϊ th« gr-ce <■> Go.l.Now fa,.a,fic.tiou is the abo- us, of our unot4ll corruption, into whcfe place fi cf was the caufe ofden as hee wittingly and wiU.nel} finned. ., Now :i>iat ftilt Adam mfwereth thelatter , who iiCbrilt , as it is afterward deUireJ 14 Adam and Chu;t are eompaied together in this refpeft , ibat both of them do :|.ut an.i yetU totheirs.tbat which 1$ ttteir owne: but herein firlt they difl-er,.'hat Adam by nature hath fpread his fault to the delfi uftiun of mauy.but Chiiils obe- Oieace hath by grace ouerfiowed many. fT.atis.Adam. 1; An other ini^ ^uaaK.econhlteih lu tbii, tb,t by Adami one offence men are made guiliy.h,,, ,h, .rigiteouineire of Chrrll imputed vnto V» fieelv .h OeUfor euer , And.we, which are hit this enie , that betn^ m^dc partakers cf the felfe fame vertue ίο Ι,,ί, , new hfe,as though wejvite already in heaueK. P>':eai-/or at be f».yd oefote, the ί»Λ/ ii notiubuetteJ. but cttablilhhMcM\ 6 Knowing this, «bat Ο iriO.JO«n»Sf'"c "- - • eJwhhihimrthauhctK,dy--finn).j;htbcJe- atoyed . tb« hcncifortb «vclmuldnot • fcrueha. 4 ί For he ihi» ?• t^ "^ • " ^''^'^ f'O"' ''"'^«• g vvhirifp^ , if wee be dead with Chrift, wee Saued W' beleeqetWW^- (lull line alfo with bitn, Kbcwing tbit Chrift Dcing raifeJ from the dead,dictb no raote ; death bath no more dotLini- an ouer bitn. 10 Pot in thiiht dicd.he died m once to unne: "'«ΊΓΛηίΰιη\ but ID that he lioeth, he liueih to ° God. inu this wcrii wH4( j i LlkevOife thinks ye alfo.that.ye ate dead to ρ,ηι ,whuh>sj*>- Q^ ^ jjuj jjg j^ijyj jQ Qqj j„ iffjjs Cbrift our Lord. 11 «Let not finne ο rtigne therefore ia yoiK mortal boiy.y ye ibouU obey it in y lofts thereoO 13 NtiitberPgiueyeyoarq members,^ ' wea- pons of vnrighteoiif les vnto fime : but giue your felues vnto God, as they that are aliue from the dead, and^w» your members as weapons of righ- teoufnes τηιο God. 14 7 For frane (hall not haue dominion ous» youifor ye are not vcdei the Law.but vnder grjce. I y s What then? ihall we fnne, becaufe we are DO» vndsr the Law. but vndcr grace? God forbid. 16 4• Knowe yee not , that to whorofoeue» ye glae your felues as feruants to obey , biifcruantj yc are to whom ye obey , whether it be of finne veto death , or of obedience vatoiighteoufnefle? 17 9 Bat God be thanked.that ye bauebeene the feruaots of finne, but ye hane obeyed from the bean vnto the f forme of the do^finc , wherevnto yc weredeliuered. 18 Being then made free from finne, yee are made the ftruants of righteoufneCe• 1 9 I fpeake after the maser of man, becanie of the iD6rmitie of your ilefii : for as ye haue giaen yo«r members feruanii to vncleannes and to ini- qjitie.to ciwwJt iniqaitie.fonow giue your mem» beis Ciniants vnto ligbteoufneffcin holineffe. 20 For w'len y c Wire the fetaants of imne.yee were ' feed from t ighteoufoefife. ij •ο What ffuiti bad ye then in thofetbings, whereof ye are now alhamed ? For the " cnde of thofetbings «death. 21 Bu: now being freedfrom finne.and made feruants veto God.ye haoe your fruit in holineffe, and the end. euetlaiiing life. 13 « ' For the wag :s of finne is death : but the gift of God ii ctetaall life, through lefusCfarift our Lord. Ud tlie , filth *l tmparini ';»*| «'* jiiam jrifft ChuH, Λ»<1 partly alf» in ftffeCl tfthedrfor- nuttoncf cur cor^ jwp» nature , whieb rmhaitge wiib a new. i Our ccrrupt tm• tmeisattiihi*tti to Chriii , not in iteit , tut b] im• tutatim. kThat na»%htinis Which fiickith [Λβ invs. IThe tnitffunm fication which ive fieoteat ,ai>df}ill tit lenitb ceme to, ttrfit,wht»Gci (hall it αΙΙιηχίί. f Heprooneth it by the tlftai of death, vlingacom paiifon of Cbrift the b«ad with hi) laembert. Μ Once for all, η With God. g An exhortation to coateijd >ni ftriue with cer- iraptionaDd all the tfftfti thereof. tS}rei^n,ng,Siint Paul msetf'th that tkiefetie and high rule , which no mxu firiueih aiainit , ύ if any do, yet itisi: . "jaine. f To finne, AS to a Ind or tyrant rxir liani ,tha „ . ., t iivtterly extioGi'but hf promiW viftovir to ifiiliy , becaufe we haue the grace of God giuen vi which Lawe iinot tiow invs the power «nd in Ii rut nil the powirsofit. r'jis ittflrumrnts It cenanit wicked• tiefiewithaU. 7 Haegranteihihat fmne ii oot yet fo dead ihem that contend inao worketh fo.tb.t the Lawe ii not now in v! the power „,„>.;,^ STobevndertbe Law ardvDder fmne, fignihealiofe.io.efpeft of them which ■re not fanibfiea , ai on th» con.ra.y ή 1e . to be voder gr.ce and ngh;«oufneire> igree to them tiar arer.gen.ra.e, N.We tbe'ea.e contraM« , fa thatone cannot neree wish the oiher : Therefore let ti«liteoufue,ex(.e! finne. « 7o*»3.i4. l^et. a. ■ 9. <, By nature we a, e flarte. to fmne , and f,ee f,om r.ghteoufne, but Vy the grace of G.d we are made feu.anti to ngh-.eoufneae , and .herefote free ftcniinL. fThis kind' ,t fpecchha.h af.rce ,» '« = ^" (" «"""''^ ' ''' | that the d^V.-netflhe Ccfpe! .s like vnto a crrt^inemoud which wee are , Mi int. to he fram-a nnif^ioncd like vnto ,t ,. B.j*f..<»^ had no rule ouer ■*,« 10 An exheit.tioD ίο the ftuJdieof righteournei and hat:ed of Imne.tbe con. ?«% endes of both being fe, downe b.fore vs. » ^he reward or payment ti Death i, the puntihttjeat due to f.nne . but »fe*.t fandified freely , vuto life ««likliiuf.. C Η A Pv VII. He dtelartth wh^iit is , to be no mm vnder the Law, , iy an example t^ken of the Lawe of mirriaie. 7. i»• jiHileii theLtwebiuUfeeme faulrit.i^hfe prooueth, that eurftt'ie ,s the c^ufe , i, that the fame is an uta- fi,n,fdcuh, η which vi>a:siiHeKVSV»to life. »i Hi feimb. m tbebetttU tttwtttk l*< ί'φ and ihtflutt, ruvrej'thattbe JLJW bath Jomi-i mirnajeThecon,. nion oner a m^n ii long as he liusth ? pateth liie rtaie of 2 + For the wotran wHich is in fubieSioo toj ""^ ^°^*^ ^'^°" a man , is bound by the Law to the man, while heel•" ^ Jeg,',h?rThV liuetrt . but if the man be dead , ihie is ii«liaeted Uw ot nutrii liuetrt . but if from the Law of the roan. 3 Sothen, if while the Ι^Λ' Qi niitrimoBy faith be, ii thu,tb&t liaeth.fneetakethiy°°F".l'''u":i; r all r, ^ Marth.s-ii. 2 AoampliHcatici of the iimilitude thus: So.fjiih bi, doeth it faic with ;:fori iv we ari another man.lhse flislbi » called an J aduhereffe; but if the man be dead.ihe is free from the Lawe, fo that file is not an aduketeffe, though ili:e take another man. 4 « So ye.my brethren.are dead alio to the Law by the ^ body of Chrift , that j e (honld be to an. other, euen mvo biro y is taifid vp from the dead, that we flwuld bring forth ^ fruit vnto d God, y 3 For when wc wereinthe^flefliithefafTe- aions of llns, w'.iicb were by the g Uw.bad *> force in our membeis.to bring forth fruit vnto death έ But now vii arc deliasred from the Law, h< i bsing dead k in whom Wi w-'te i holden , that wt ftiouU ferue in '" newueffe of Spitit,and not in th< oldneffecf the "letter. y 4 What rtmll we fay then t h the Law finne i God foibid. Nay.l.koew not Gnno , bat by the Law : for I haJ not koowen <> luft , except the Law had fayd , •.• Thou ibalt not luS. 8 But finne tooke an occafion by the com- roandemcnt, arid wrought in me all maner of coo• capifcence : for without the Law fiane b very deadly Sccntredxbild.enlia.nowl.tceth^h^^ r.nd i. dead , and confequeot'.y be.ng deliueted f.on, y force of thai killing law we h ue p.U- d into the souern.irce of the Ipitit, fo that we br.ng fo:.h now, na t^^ftTo. ten and dead , bat.liuely children. . ^"/"J^^^'J^ 'VA'l^^'.V^ fl i'Tm^riaie . which he calleth in the next -verfefolUwi»i, the oldnes of ,kc frit -m^riage ,w• ^ ^ ^ _ ..fi^ne , which jbiw the,r force etitx in oaf bana>,utih, iheM- i.tgc abidcikjo orce , but if he be dead , the Woman may marry againe, •i• i.Cor.7 }g. That ii , [bit IbiS tenn aduiteriOe, if i&yned to the f[iiritj ai it Were to tb- " fecond husb? by whosn vy ' ..it bring foortb φ ' children : wea/i dead in tefpeftof thefirit husband, • but in refpcft o{ ' the latter,we are ; ai it were riifed j from the dead. i That is, ia the it' dy of Chriii , tofmt vs to zndtiftaiia htwftraifht am! ^^ «eye that fei.owfiiip is betwixt Chriii and his members , c He calUih the cbiUten, tshieirtk^ ■wife hath t} her huibani, fruit. d iVhich are ac ' ceplahie to Giit 3 A dccUfliioo of ■ thf former faying; for tbecOcuvifcents f The mitnm that ei:gedv dwetletb that the amy , in f much. isiHefMihnotMuelawMt^ tbelawMc'tufetbeyffri«io^,n^hi,^ r ■ w h,-Sinne i. reD-'/oueJand corderaned by ibe law. B^itbecajfe finue- c.nnorabidetobeten ".ed r&X- ft rred v7by be lav,;, itt,ke.h occafion thetebytobe ^^'=^^"^^^J^^ itirtecvf » \.s,ihewerd Luir.iinhiS place he mexrieth net fHtll t->ps no fault of the Uw. « ^-' '*'f ^'*;•^1,ή;„, ,j,A fiWBJ .■ fir ihe very «rf ««W themf.iues , but tbe ^'•''^"'J'ei-J^Ti^^a/JuoulifLtwhitt Hrklj ,-^ιΙΤ ^'f^hi:f^^:^^^^^r^^^ th^yidtof^h^r^^^^^^^^Ua.^^^ kniWn. t He fetietb him elfe nsfbre sj homallmeon,ayb=hoMe, firft, what they are of natinebt " /.at. p Though finne be in vs,y rage, as it rai.ethafitr that the la fur an ex.impli Es5S;ssS;i^:5-:;'^s;i^^ir''• ofcience i» reprooued by j That the lal'rof it frlfe i- holy . but all the fault ,. in vs which »l.uit tfeete«4 » i.Tiin•!». tTmliini »«t mttint' myeonjc SJ TW-iH Μ e»ih,but our cor »uptniiure theiewithnoc one- ly difcoHcred , but «Ifo ftirred vp , iqJ looks occifioa theieby to «bell, ai wbicli, the moa th»t tbingnref• bid.Jeii it . lae m it df-iftth them, end from hence guilti- seiTu, and ocoliot: ofdetih. tlemeofmjdtath} X TbAt finae might - f^lftube. finirf, ani btv>ri] it fttfe tt ie thati which it is iu ieid. f As euill as it could, fliewing AS the vtHtme ft could. S The ciufe of thii matter , is chit: Bic«ufe that the liwrequiretha heauenl; pureneSj but E ceudemnetloHtukem ^liL'l'P*!"^ "* ^'"'^ through bis Sf,xit,ihow>foeue\ tk,L• L .1 *c' '"'rdtntth With finnest 9 Pet they lim Ν '"['""■ l^ ""{""-uah Jr p,ef.n!j,fhed hi• Son with fleQi like vnto our finftiU fiifll.wh.teia he vtttrlyabolilhei our corruption. that being accouutedthorowlw pure and with ^ui fault iu him ap:)reheoded & laydholdon by faith, we might be found to haue fully that l-nguUrpcrfeaion which the Law rsquifetb.&tiierefore that there mjgbt be no condemcetioa in vi. f Which is net proper to the Znw '< hut cimrn: th by our finite f^lnm.n not born «new, whife difeafe the iaw couSi ! pttnt out,init ttconiinot htaleit.h Of man " fiK,vnt:Shefanaitiedit. i Toaboiifbfu no right in vs. I The very fubftanei of the fame which the Uw rrtjuireth , that (ftification there be ioxKei thit ^*ni}ifit*lictiwhtch is imputed verieil forme which ,ke Lordrtqi/iretti. f He ie« I . that rhefanftification which i» begun• in VI it a .f our ingnfiing intoChrilt : which rj^a ,>,oft plentifull fruit'of* godly & hontit life. « A reafoa.why to walke afttr the fieili.agteeih not to then 1 which aregrafred io CbHll . fef to w»lke afrer the fpirit a=reeh and ii meet for' ;b he , that they which are sfirrthe fleil•, Tfauour the rhingj of thataveafterthcfpirit, the thin?» of tbe fpirit. m 1 bey that 7 He pr-oueth the confcqueot; becanfe that what• .: .^ .L i . and whitfoeuer the fpirit fa- , ,» .<,r/,>.;?). k Shewed that fin hati f Uw ofCodmi.^hlbefulfi/iet!, or that e m.ty be found iufl before God .• for if are iufi, accordingto that letb to that which he fail ; teftin .tUem : becaufe.fai tbeflenijburtht, U»e as the flcfb leniet^ them foeiier theflelh ftuiureth , tb: uorjreih.thartendcthtoieyandlifeeusrlalliDg, 7 A reaf-n and proofe.wby ibe wifedome of the flelh is death :brcau'^e., faith he, iri» the en -ry ofGod 9 A reafon why the wifdome of tbe H-fli it er.-my toGoJ , brcjufe imaither will neitheir can be fubitft to him. And by flrlh he meaneth a man not regenfrate.•. 10 The conclufion ; theteforerhey that walke afterthe flelh, cannot pleafe God:! whertby it foUoweth that they ate not ingraffcd into Chriit ,1 He commeiil tQih»othcri, to wit, to them which walk•• after thefpltjc , of whom We hauetof vnderifaod contrary ihiogs to the former .'and firft of all he de/ineth what it is to be in the fpirit, or to be fanftified; to wit, to haue liie fpirit of God d welliog in tr» ; then hedeclareih , that fanSifiiatirn is roioyoedaodknitteourgrafEilPi»' ';i[>uiit} that it-cvt b; nooxau» be fspatiited. •to " $u4 UTbc Spirit ritpf adoption th] 10 "And if Chap. VI Π, and fiQoe ,gr»otiDg th*t ihey »re yet (uappeaiethby the corruption «v-bicb iiioihem) •ou«hiDg oae of Itheirpaiufwbich be calletb the bo- dy , cbat ittaf«y , i liunpe) whicb i• Boc jti purgeti from his earthly fikhicei , io death: but therewithal! wiliiog ihem to doubt aothiag of the bappy rnccefTe of fait combate, betauf; thateoeo the title fparke of the Spiat . (tbatii ofthe grace of re- generation) which appeareth to be ία them by the froiu of rigbteoufueCTe, it the feeile of life, Μ Tie fUlb, trill ^ύΚ*Λ ίΛβ in the tleftf effinne , »ni 4e*tb. a} A. confiiUMti• on of the former l«aieace : You hiue the felfrTaiue Spi- whitb Cbritl kaih- Therefore at leDgia it ihaU doe the fanie iu you, it did ia Chvilt, to wit, wbfs all iuHrtaitiei being rtterly jayti alide, ami dead ouer- !, itfliJllcloaihi Ch»ift be in yon , the ^ body 1$ righ^eoufneflc fake. π 13 But if the Spirit of him that raifed \fp ler- fei ffom the dctd , dwdl in yon , be that rjifed \-p ChriS from the detd.fhall alio qnicken your rnc-r- tail bodies.by bis Spirit that ° dwelleth in yon. II «4 Therf fore bretbren , wee are debters not to the ft.fh,toiice after thciteih: 13 «i Forifyeliueafterthe6:ih, yeeitalldie: ί bat if yc tnottifia the dcedes of die body by the Sjrfrif.ye iliitl line. 14 •« For as osatjy as a? e led by the Spirit of God, thej? are ώβ fooces of God. 15; <7 For y ee hane cot lecelued the Ρ Spirit of Sauedbyhope, tfj bondiga.to ^ f'sare againe : but ye baue αΧΛ:ίοεϋ f Spirit of ■• sJoption,wb5reby we cry.Abbi.Bather. 16 Tbe UBoe Spirit bsarethwitfiefl'-'with-our ipirit, that we are tbe cbiidrctjof God. 17 «s If ve tt children ,»t art a!fj fheires, euen theheltes of God , and heires annexed with Chrift : >» if Γο be tbat wee foffer withbim , that we (nay alio be glorified with him. i8 io For I 'count that the afflliaiors of this prefeot time *r# not woriby of the glory , which iballbe lliewed Vnto vs. 19 2' For ttie feruent d^fireof the π creature waiteth when thcfonnesoiGodih»lib«rencaled, ao Bccajfe the creature is fubied to » vanitie, not of it y c-wne will, but by reaftMi ^ of bim.whicb i hatb fobdijed it vnder > hope, 21 Bicaufethc creature alfo iliall be delidereJ ftoiD thc^bondagi of corrt;ption into the glorious libertie of tbe foPBesofGod. 2Z For wee know that eucry creature groneth with vs alfo, and c trauaileth io paine together vn> to this preftint, 23 »» And not onely the ertature , but wc alfo which haoc the firft fraftiS of the Spiru.cnen wee doe figb in our a fdues , waiting for tbe adoption , requttt for V$ wicb fighs , which cannot be expreffed. χγ Bat hec that fearcbeth tbe htutrs .io^oweth w'nati»!he ' noeaning of tbe Spirit ; for he njaketb"^'''"''' requeft for f Saints ,1» according to thi arill o/God '^^'"^ le frti * iukei, Tt. t TnetUfliefis- tini , nhtih (bAlie the accimtliJhmeKt fear udopiicn. \j Sixtiy , hope <» ecelfaiily ioyi rd with faith : frtir-J tlitn tbat we be- thofe thiiigi. p,-ft, thing itat i• pee- ftildAf!jwcrk*th in humembirt. 14 Ao «xhoitJtioo ioop,)iefle tbe flrih dayly m)re «udiiu)reby tbe vcrtue of the Spirit of regeneraiioD .bfciufe (faiih he) you are detters vnto God, for fo much a» you baue receiued fo many bene- fitesofl)im. ij• Another reafonof the proSt thatenfueih : for fucb at Itiiue an J £gbivaliau!ly. Aiall baue eaerlalticgli.'e. 16 Acotitirmition ofihicreafau : for tbey be the :bil.^ren of Qod.whicharegouerDed by bis Spit it,therefore Ihal! they hauelife euerltniog. 17 HedeclareihinJ expoutideth by tbe w^y, in ihefe two veifrs , by wbatrifht thi» uiiiie , to beciUedthe children of God, ngiutn to the beleeiier»,: bei;aufe faiib bee. they haae receiued the grace of the Giipel,wheteiQ God iheweth bimfelfe , not (at befrire in thepubliihiugof the Law) terrible, and learefull.but a moftbenigne Si louing Fathei in Cbrilt.fo tbat with great bojdnes eve call him Father , the holy Ghoil fsalirg ibtir adoption in cur hearts by feith. f By the Sfirit ismeanr the hch Gctfi , Tvhtm rvearefiidtcrccttue, when he Vftrk'ti I» turmi^ds. q Which feart ii βιηίί•υρ ι» our minds,lry the preaching if the Law. r }Vbichfe.ile0 eur udepiim iu our mitidi , and therefore tMneth tur miuthes. iS Aproofeof iheconfequentof tbcconfirmation : becaufe that he which fj the Sonje ofGod.doetheniey Rod wi-h Chrilf. f Partahrsifsur fathers foods , and that freeif, hcaufe we «re ck'ldyen hy adotrion. tstiow Viul teacheth by what way ih-fonrciaf God doe come to.hat filicitie, to wit , by the crolTe , ai Chrift himftlfedid randlheiewithall o(ieneth vato themrouutuitiej ef comfort ;»s ftrft.that we haue C^rilt acompauion Sr fellow of out affliaions: fecondly.that we (hallbe alfo his f-Uowes in tbateu-riafting glory, ao Thirdly, that this gloiy which we lookefor doetha thoufand pans rurmountthemifery ofour affliaioat t A!^ icin^sveli icnfiderei, J father, ai Fouvihly.he plainely leacbeth vs that wee fhall ceruinely be renued fromtbit confnnon aud horrible deformation of the whole world, which car.not be continuall.at it mis not at the beginning; But as it bad a begioaingby the finiieof man , for whom it was made by the ordinance of God , folhall itat length be reiioied with the e'cA. » /I. I this wtr.'d. X Isjuhieli fo λ ■vamfbing iS jlittiHgfl.'tte. y Nil kj t'-.eir naturall iHcliUftitn. ^ That they (biuU obey the Creatours ctmmandemettt , sohcm it f leafed tt fb^nby their ftkle efitte , hitp greatly hercas difplealedwith nun. a God v»»'de not make themrldfuiteO toeuerlafiinicurfe , for the fiitne of , inl gaue it ho/tetiit it β-uUbereilorcd. b Fmmihe corru}ti<,n -ahich they are now fubieli to. they βι tt,l/e iclixered and changed into that bleβcd fiate tftHcorruptioM, which fi.illbereueaUd when thefcnnes ofOodp>tlltejdua>tced It'^ltry.tSjlhis word is oieant,noi meiyexceedini, forow, tut alfo the fitiit that ftt'oreeth cf it• 11 Fiftly, if the left of the world looke for a reftorinj.grot.ing Η it weie for it, and that not in Taine, let it not grieue vs alfo to fi"h, yea, Ut ta be more certainely perfwaded of eut redcroption to tomt , i^iafmncb at wc biee j ikl bk IsMM ttf liktSpiu^ j 28 '>■ Alfo w: know that 'all things woike to- gether for the bt£t vnto them tbat loue God.cueu to theiD that are called cf few '"purptfe. 29 F'jf thofe which hee knew before , he alfo preaeftinate to bee made like ro the iirage of bis Sonne , tbat bee might be tbe biQ borne antorg ' many btetbren. 30 M'jrebaer.whom he" predeftinate.them al- fo be called. 6c whom he called, tbes) alfu be iulli- fied, and whom he iuttified.tbctn he alfo glorified. 3 1 i« What iliall wee then fay to thtfe things ? If God be on our fide, who tan ti agaicftvs? 31 Who fpared not hisowne Sonne, but gaoe hitD for vs all to death , how ihall be not with hin: ο giuevs ail things alfu? . vnto vs . mof. f. 33 »7 Who Ihall lay any tbirgtothechargejbeipe.whichcaii of Goiiscbofeniif »/P God that iui^u'ieth. jnotbefiuUiate. 34 Wbo ihall condeione ? it is Chrift which ^^^^Ι'^^ξΙ^^.^ dead : yea, or rather, which is rifen agnne , who isj nVo( q^'^ .'wb?ci alio at the right hand of God, and oiakeih requtft dwtiieih in «. alfo for vs. '6 '^"""' "" ^t^ .^.-.1. Λ II /- t t_ 1 Jidc», ant were that 3 J• Who iliall leparate vs from the loue of „, fa,ni not vn- 5 Chrift ? ihall tribulation, or angiiiili, or petlecu-j dt t it. tion. or famine, or nakfdneOe. or perill.ot fwordfi * J'roucknh vs tt ..... , _ . rL I -It i\ prayers, and lelletb 30 As It is wtitten.J Fur thy lake are vn e killedi ί,^ „, it were wnh- al day longiwe are conted as llisi ρ for f fljughterJ m, what ^.e/i .« f Ncuerthel-.ff.• , in all tbele thines wee ateii"? • "'"' *•" ^ 17 igs wee ate] more then conquerers through him that loued vs '38 For I ajj petiWaded tbat neither death, nor lifj.nor Argds.nor principalities , noi powers, nor things prefent.nor things to come, 39 Not height , nor depth , nor any other crea- ture , iliall be ablo to feparate vs from the loue of God.whicb is in Cbiift lefus our Lord fn.ul iull : and therefore much lelfe oeede wee to feare damnation, feeing thatwerelt vpon the deith and refurieaioa , the almightie power and defince of lefus Chrilt, Therefore what can there be foweighiie in this life , or of fo great forceJc powet.tbat might fearevi.as though wc might fall from tbe lone of Gc J, wherewith he lou-th vs in Chiill: Surely uotbiog. Seeing y it is in it fclfe mult ccn'UDt& fute,3c alfo in vs being confirmed by lledfalt faith, f Who fronouKeith v'.,K>t onely f,»tltlei[e, but alfip.rf.tly »«/? m his Satite. q Wherewith Chtift Im'th-us. j« P/"ut' pofed 13 fpeake bufche cailiag ifiheliAe», be vfecbao inlinuaii- douMe Of tiiple r.aalbywit- ndfi.ig of bis great dsliv; to/vard» [heir u!ui;ion , his A g lUr loue to- wi(di tbcaiaad tbeie .vitball gr m- tioji; vnto ibtm all thiit pi-er..gatiaei. β Γ*? Aftftle lo- ued bn brethren fo eniirely , ihnt if it had line fusible, hi Wm-i hjiir beeue teadj Is hnuert- deim-dthfci^iui axBU) cftht Jfrae• li!e!,w,tl, ihclclfe tfhimwne fettle ftreaer -.for this inrd fcpArnte , be- tokcnah AS much: tb.ifUce. l• Ettn^iTtthnn ί r /"ά/έ , 4S of one HAt:tH itnicoun- htf niR, to eutH ds the pslttr dith. 14.30 He p;ecueth nfvttU thr.calling cfthe Gettii!es,ji»s *ifo theriiedini oflhelewes, »!.2; A; the tefliminie tf the Prtphiti. ISay > the tiucth in Chrift . I lie not , ray con- fcience beating me witntlfe in the hoiy Ghoft, ζ TJiat 1 hiue great heauineili , and continu- alliforow in tnine heart. 3 For I woulJ wiilim/ fsIfetobe»feparate fcotn Chrift , for my brethren that are my kiiife- men accordirig to the t> fl;ih, 4 W.-iich are the Ifraelites , towhom/>«ff». ntth the adoption, aod the c glory, and the ♦ ^ Co- uena'its , and the giuing of the « Liwe .and the feruice ofQoi, and the ? promifes. y Of whom art the fathers , and of whom concerning the fliili , Chrift ctme , who is » God ouei ill, blelled for euer, Ατπεη. 6 ^ 3 Njiwithaanding it cannot be that the word of God ihould uke none tffcCi ; for all they are no '^ ifrael, which are of liraei : 7 Niither are they all children , becaufe they are the feeJe of Abraham , ■•' + but, In ' ifaac ihiU thy feeJe be called : ί That is , they which are the children of thelt flsil% are not the children of God : but the « children of the ' promife , ate counted for the fcede. « For this is a word of proraife .i•; In this fame time will I come.and Sara Ihall baue a fonne. 10 7 Niither he onely/Vic this , but alfo * Re- bicca , when iliee had conceiued by one, tiun by our father Ifaac. t For yer the children were borne.and when they had ndther done good , nor eui'Kthat the parpofe of God tnight s remaine according to eleilioa, not by works but by hi.» that calleth.) 1 1 9 It was fjyd vnto hei , ψ The Elder ihall fsruetbeyoiiger. ( The nrke of the (lueutnt, which Ti'.js a token tfCids frefrn 4 CAiy i.tT.ifhe.t.%%. Λ The tables ef the emenaKt: \the fi'jtre Metitiimi/i. eOftheiuiicmllLftve. f Th *| fyiich were mtie to Airxham imd ts hii foflemie. inonieof iht GodbeadtoddiuinitieofChiiit. |J> Chnf. jthe biadting of pre -iltioatien by aldaJ of pieueatingan obiei*ioo:Howin.-y ic jb: , thit Iftaelii caftofF, but that thtiewithall weemjll ilfo make tbe couen .nt bi b Ooi madewiib Abrabam and hisftrede.fruRrace andvoyJ^H ni this A molt I 3 Η sffekenhy Difcit tefti- efote,:h»tGodi word is true.althougb iharl be cart otf : for rbeeleftioQ of the people of Ifiael ii Ogsnerall andg-iniiniQ, that ootwitbllanJmgtbi; faiie, GoJchufeth byhU fecrttcounfell. inch as it pl-afeth biro. So ;te this is tbe pro- p>li;ioa and Hate ofthis Trratife'; The grace of faluation is oifcied generally in filch furt.:hatni)twlth!tandiog ir,th; efficacie thereof ptrteinetb ocly to the cieit. h Ifrtel in the firfi place. ts take fs' lAikob. and tn the fectni,fiir tue ifraelitrs, V Gtr..r>. II. htbr.n iS.• 4 The fird proofcistakenftom tbe rximple of Abra- hams owae houfe , wherein Ifaac onely was accounted tbe fonne .and that by Godi ni-.1ioince : although tiiat Ifmae! alfo w.isbirne of Abraham, Hi ciicuma'Vd before Ifaac. < If.iac flialbe thy tru^ & miural! ftnae.iS thrrefore heire of try hlijUim. ; A grDerallapplicaiiooofthe formerpvoofeor example, k Wk'ch -if f «i-ttf ~ifAbr.th.im by the courfe nf nature. « GtUat.^.il. I Winch are icue l•} vrrtue of she fromife. 6 A r*afon of that application: Be:aufe that Ifaa; wi» borne by y vertue of tbetiromire.ic therefore Dee 'A^as nocchofen.nay bee w a> nut at all l>iit by the free will of God : whereby it followeih that tbe promife i J the fountjine of pieielHnarlou , and not tbe fteibfrom whi^h proraifr the parricuUt tlrfti n;' ociedethrtbat is, that the cleft be btirneeiea and not Jiat thty be titll bornf xcil then af er ward eleSed, in refpecl ofGod whodoeih predeltinate. ΐίτ Gin.ii. 10. 7 Another foroible proofs. taheo from the example of Er»u and lacob, which weie both borneof the fame Ifaic, which waj the fooneof the pro- Blue, o^'oiie mother, & a: one birth, and not at diueis as Ifmael & Ifaac were yetno withftandiog,E'^au being caft ofr'.onely lacob waschofen : and that before th'ir bifrh. that nfiiher any goodnefle of larobs might be thoughttobethefaufe of hi selefh.in, neither any wickedoes of Efaut of hi» caltingawjy.*Gfef jj m Gods itcree, nhtci• proccedith of his meere ftcd rvill.whereliy it plejftd htm tt ehufe on', anirefufe the tthi-t. S Tau' fiith not.mijfet be mxie.hnt icni m.xtle, 'might remaine. Therefore thty are deceiued which make foiefeeae lairhibe caufe ofeleflion , and foii?lrnowen iufi.'elitie, thecaufe ofteprobation. 9 He ptooueth the caling awiy of Ε fan by that , that bee was nvadeferuaniio hiibrotber : prooLierh rhe cbniii-g of Ii^cob by rhatthat bee was made Lord of h.s br>rbfr, al- though bis brother were the firft begotten. And lealttb at any man mieht take this facing ofGod,8cteferreit toexternall things, the Aportlefneweth out of Malachi, who I* a good inttvpteter of Mofei, tha, the fcruitude of Efiuwas ioyned with I riiebaucilef God,&tbeI.oi'dihip of lafobwiclitbc loueof Cod. ^Qtn,h$,iy 10 The firA obie• aioo .-IlGoddotk. luueoi hate v^Hja cooltderaiioa o^ 13 As it is written , * I baaelouccJIacob ,«Qdj* -w«Mrt.i.».< bau: bated Efau.* 14 "> What iluU we fay then > Is theie " vn- righteoufnetle with God ; GoS forbid. If ■ » For he faid to Mufes, J ί will ° baae mercie otvhim.to whom I will ibcw mercy : and will baue ρ cSp.ffion on hiro.on whom I wil haue cojiiffion. 16 ' * So thenii « no; in hiuo tbat -3 willetb,nor in bimthatrunnetii.bu; in God y llitwetb mercy. 1 7 '3 For the ' Scripture fiiih vr.:o Pharao,"• For tl is fame putpofe haue f I ftirred thee vp , that I rnigSt '4 ihcwi oif power in tfcee , and that my Na j3e asight be declared throughout all the earth. 18 'J Therefore hee haih mercy on whoaa face ' will, and whom he will he bardcncth. 19 '« Thou wJl; fay then vnto me , Why deeth he yet complaine? fjr who haib r eiift;d his will ? 20 . '7 Bui.Oman.who art thou which pleadtft agaicft God J '8 Ihali the » thi,':g « fotined fay to VQichaievnyvor- ] by, and hate them that aie woriby.The Apoltieoeicheto tbis biafpheoiie , aotl afttrwaidaiifwe- t feueraliy, if pomt. » Mxns xoit knots* ■th no other c*i*fei f loue or hatreaf 'ut taofe thit are η the pe, fens , tni herevfonthis tit• itclioH rifeth. n Heaalwereth e dcnieth ou, them firft touching thftn which areehofentofaloation.-inchufiug that God mjy fscme vniult, a'tboughhe chufeand ptedellios [e thatate nuL- yet borne , without any refpeit ofworihihefl*c becaufe he biiugeta ii3t thechofrn to the appointed end , bui by the meatjei ofh s mercie, wbich 11 a caufe uext vjder predeirinatiwn. Now mercy piefu|'pofcth miferie.aud agai»e mi» feiie ptefuppofethfiaue or voluntairie coiruption of mankind, and corruption pre- iuppofeth a pure anf perfcd creation. MJieoacr mercy islhewedby hef degiees: tovtit.by oiling, by fai h.lyiu. iKc-aiton and faLftificaiion.fo that at length we come to glotificaiion,ai the Apoftlc wrlJ fnew afterward. Nowe all thefeiomg•» order'y ioUowing the purpofe of Go-i , doe cleaiely ptooje that be can by 00 meanesfeeiuei'i.iuit in louiug aid-fauiiig bif, J Exoi.3j.19• ' I Wtii tie mcr-' cifitil is fauonr»iile to vnuom I lil tobefaMMiiibie. ρ I will hautcompajftinaii ■Pfhomfaturr JiiHto haucciinp-.Jfi,». la The conclulion oftheanfweie : fbere- f»ie God is not iniulfin cbufingSc faui'gof bis free goodnes , fuch »j it pleafeth him, as healfoanfwere.t Mofes.whe.i he pr.nycd for all ibe people. 3 '2; »«./,** mcAnth the thought i3 cHietoitr of hvxrt.iiS l-y rn>.ning,goei worKs: to neither of tvh-.ch hegiHiththe frs-jfe, but onrly tothc m.rcy e/Gni.iaNaW heeaofwer• e;b concerning y tenr ba e or tkc Ahom G.d hiteih berog not yetb.noe, 3c bach appointed to dcitrcaou.wiihu t . ny ic-f-.td of v-Worthi..es. And fii It of all hee piooueth this to bi true.ty a le^rlgi:!^ y teltunoiiie u; God himfclfe touching Tha- rao.waom he (tiircdv;' loihis purpufe.tbat he migbt begiuriliedin his haidning and mil punilhmg. r GUf„ fpiakah vnto Ph^ruo in the Scrtpture.or.the Serif turebrinielhin CtUf, fprAkmit» Vharxo, E.iid.9. 16 . f Sioaght thee into tttii World. 14 Secondly , be biiugeth tbe end of Gods counfell, to fllewe y there i» no vorighteouf'ies in him. Ν ^wtbii cbicfell end, ii 1 ot properly 3c limply the den ru» Sion of the wicked, bucGoJsgljty which appeaieih id their lighifulpunilumir, 1; A conclufiOLi of the full acfwere to tbe'litft obieftioa : thetefotefeeiug God doth not faue them whom he freely chofe accoidicg lu his good will & pleafure, but by iuftiiyiugSc fauftifyi.-.gthe.n by i-is grace, his counfellinfaBiog themcan• not fteme vniult. And agaiue, there is uo voiuliice iu the euerlailiag counlell of honi helilterh to deltvoy.for thathe har- theih.pdauf were tot the maintenance of unfel uf reprobatioDjCor.fifteth in this woid Hae« jaeeaied in the former ve'fe, becaufe the Hi• tbeforcecfthe word is greatrfjr Hardoiog, God louching thedeftrtftion of them deaeih before be de.ftroyeLli ; Tbeiefoi Gods iu Mce i 1 the eucrUfiing dei;ing- which notwiibilanding be 1 Itory oi" I'bar.io was wcl knowe.Bu Wiica is fet again* Mercy.prefuppofeth the fame things that raetcy voliutary coitu^i-tion.vs herein the repr.-baitire hardened ; ajdagainecortuptioa prefupp fcih a peifit Hate of creation. Moreouer, tbii bardniogilio isvoluntary, for G jd fo tirdoeth being cffendej with cotruption,tbat he vfe.h tneir owne Ail whom beh^rdeaeth.tothe exccuti g of that iu .'gemeqt.Tbej follow tbe &uits of Hardening, to wit. vnbeliefe and liLue, Λ-hith are the true & proper caufe» of the condeinnaiion oftbe reprobate. V/hy doetb h• then appoi Jt to dcitroaion ? be• caufe he will.why doeih hee har 'cn?t>ecaufe tbcyare co. tnpt.wby doeth he con• demne Pbecaufe ttiey aie limie.s. Where is then v.jvitbieuufneire ' Nay , ifhte Ihould deitroy all aftei this fame fort.to whom lliuuld he doc iniuric ? « Wtom it oleafed h.m :o .tppcint , toβew nisfauour ■u}cn. ι6 An oher obieftioo but ouely for the reprobate , riling vpon the former i\f,veie. If God uoe appoint to euerlaltiugdeltrjai3D,fuchasheelilleth, and if that cannot be bindred uotwith» Itanded that he haJi once lecteed bow djih lie :u tiy couiem-e iheiU.wbl.h pe- liih by his wiU ? 17 The Apoflle doeih mit aniw.re tbat it is not God» will.ot that God doth not either leieft ot eleft according to h:s pleifuie/Ahich ihing the wicked callb!afphemie,but he laiher graoreth bis aJueilatu: both y antecedent», to wit,that it iiGod»wi:i,aoH ihatit aiuft ofnectflitie fo faliout yeicedenitth that God is therefore to be ihonght an voititt reueng'r otthe wicked : for iecing it appeaiethby mani^eft pra (e that this ii the will cf j.-d and Lis Joi,-.g , what iinpudencie ii it for mau.whiLh is but duit and a.hes to difpute •/. i a Gud it were to call him into iudgeineniiNoJV i'any .man f.y itai tte ),^uot iiaot f• diffjlued and anfweted , lanfweie , that -bereunv rurerJeiuoiiltr;•.! π in aoy matter , becaufe it i> groun led vnto thripvinciple, Taatthe .vill ul God i• the rule of righteoufnefli!. (3 Aa ampllft^'tioo of the fvr,.n-r acfwer-, tikcofv acomfarifon, wheiebyajfoitappeare.h that Gjds detfimimtecc- nlili is lee of Paul the hiellofall cauf« , fj that it de|.=ndetb not v,iutia..y '^fpccl ^f fecona caufej.but doth rather frame and dirtdthftn. "• Ejans 9, <* I an fimttillli» »eee(h verjftl] M^hefiiSi muitn ofmnnKinie. bin rne calling ot the Oentiles^ 4^ Xer.tt.e. 9 Alludug to lecre»cioaofA. dam, lie cooipa- b ma'Jkiade not yet raids (but in ili< Ceiioc• miBde} ΙΛ a lumpe of cUf : whsreof afceiwird (rod made aad doeih dayly aia>:i acot- dijg a» lie purpo- fed irom eoer- laltiag, botb fach a^ Ihojld be eled ,and!udias filbiild be ie,>ti>- bace , as alfo cHU word , making, decUreth. »o Wliereas ia the obieAioa pr»* psuaded , oieaaoa waioQelyiiiade efveOeUtodilho• Boar : yet be fpea- keih ot ihe otter aUbin cbit aa- iifen , tor that he proouetb theCte- ■cor to be iult ia cither of cbem , as the rule of coatra- lie» doeth require. * Tt huneit vfes. Seciog then, t ia toe name ofdithunjur.cbe igoomiaieof euer- laAinj death is iigailitd, ihey fptakewith Paul, which fay , that fonie are made of God to moa iu t dellruaion : and ibey that are offen- ded with this kind him that fotaied ic.Wby haft tTioD ffla^emee thus; ζ I •!• Γ9 Hath not the potter power of the day to tnak; of tbc raaielutnpeone»o veffelito'^bo- noo', and another voto Ί diihaooari 21 " Wh4t aai if GoJ would , to fh;we his writh, aid tomaki his power knowcn,fdfi;f with loHg patience theyvstids of wrath , prepared to »3 deft.adion ? 23 An I thit hee migln declare the '^ riches of bis glory vpja y viffbls of noeicie, which be hath prepared vato giory} 24 »4 Ε Jen is whofB he bad called , not of the » lewes onely , bwt alfo of the Gintihs, 2 J »i As he faith alfo in Ofee.J I will call them, lAj paopl;. which wifaoutmy people; aad her, Bsloued.whtch wis not beloaed. 26 And it iliall be in the place where it wai faide vnto them , •* Yea are not my p;ople , that there they ihallbe called , The children of the li• uing God. 27 *« Alfo Efaias cryeth concirniog Ifraei, κ Ttlough the number of the children of Ifriel were as toe faad af the {i»,j*t Hi ill but a remnant befiUid. 2% For hee will make his account, and gather it into a b Ihort fumme with righteoufneffe : for the Lord will make a (hort count in the earth. 19 -k And as Efaias faid befjre,Exc:pr the Lord of c hoafti» bad left vs a t• feede.we had bene made as Sodome , and had beene like to Gotnottha. 30 *7 What ihall wee fay then } That the Gen- tiles whici followed e Dot righteoufneffe.baue at- tained vnto rig>iteouiaeiIs,eueD the righteoufueiTe «nichis offaidj. 3 1 »* But Ifiael which followed the Lawe of righieouihefle , could not attaine voto the Law of tigiiteoufneffe. 3 2 Wherefore ? Becaufe they fought it not by faith , bnt as ('; i^^rt bytbefworkesuftbcLawe: Ch#.*; Anignoraptzeale. 6-S tbit , that God , moreooer an I belidei that be doec ^ree , vfetb that moderation in executing of offpeechbewtay their ovvne folly. li The feconi aniWere EulKy deiree wharfoeuei- be bisiecteesjasdeulaictbhisfiagular lenitieeuen in the reprobire , in that, ihat he fuffreth them a long timj.aud permireth them toe lioy many and fiigulai be- oefitt «vatill at lengihhee iuftlycondemne them . anJ that to good end andpur- pefe, to wit, to IheAfe himfelle to be an eoemie and reuenyer of wickedSclTe. that iny appeare what power hee is of by thcfs fe.iere iudgements , and rt daily by convarifoQ o. coatiaiie,to fct foavth indeede , bow great his mercie is toward» Ihe eleft. ] Bj -vejfeli ^fhe Hebrewef mifr/landel! kiniestf infjrnme>its. 13 Therefore agiiue , wee may fay with Paul, tb« fome men are male of Goi the Creator to dcltniaioa. χ The vnne.ifurahU aKdmirMei >:<> greattiefie. «4 Hauiageftiblilbed thedofttlae ofiheeteroall predeftiaation ofGod onbotb farts : that is. as well of the leorooate.as ofthe eleft : bee commeth now to filewe 'ibe vfe of it jiejching vs thit wee ought not to fetke the ceftimonieofit in the ftcretcounfell of God, bu: by the cocatian which is tnademmiCet and fetfoortb Chuich , propouiJiag vnrovs the example of the lewes & Gentiles , that «be doftrine may be be er psrcelued. Λ Heefiyth nttthat nli anieatrj tHt if thelevti are ctUed, hut feme ef the lewes . ^niOime of the Gentiles. Xf Oar vocation oi• calling i, freea:id ofgrace, eueaas eu- predeftination is : and there- fore there is 00 caufe why either our owoe vnworrhinelTe , or the vDWortbinftfe f our ancelle'.s ihoul.1 cmfevs to thiake that wee are not the eleft and chofea ef God , if wee be called of him .aid fo embrace through faith tbe filuation that isoffjtedvs. j« «of.,,, J. i.peiera. 10 •.• Hsfi.to. a« C'-ntraryΛ•ife, Neitherany ouiwatdeginerall callinj .neither any worthineffe of our ancefters, futficieat witnelTe of eleitloa , vnleflfi by faih and beliefe weeanfwere God» «ailing , which thiog came to paffc iu ibe lewes , ai the Lord had forewarned. « Ifai.io.zt.b C'd fuTptfeth to trine the vHKinie .mi vnthAnkefuH peeple to an extreme f'wne^t. -^ ιβί, , . , . eArm;euby rvhich word r*f thief eii fever that iuis riven it Goi i Euen /t vert fewe. 17 The declaiationand mani- feitatijaofojr eleftiao, is our cil ing apprehended by faith, aiitcajn; topafle in the Gentiles . eStthen.th; Genlitish/ii HiVfo'KfSttfrefurt iS pmcure Ccds • bcforrhini- , anias for ihu , t*«» t^-e Gmtiles attain'd tothit whici thei foitght Hit for , t*< mfrcj of GU is re be thanked (or it ; end in that Ihe Jeves attaineif nm tothnw'-c'r they ffijht after,they cfHthattke nen' for it 6m themfetues, hicmfe they fiu^ht , andfsmeemWace. 4 Chnil^nni t, ttie etUtf the Lxrv. I ; Hee jb^meih that M.fes foteto.'de the ctllint of thi Geniiles, la And £fn,.,s the hArdennig efiheliwes. D Rethren,'mine hearts defire and prayer to God ■•-' for Ifrael is, that tbey might be fatted. ^ For I beare them record , that they haue tbe 2:ale of Go J, but not according to knowledge, 3 * For they.» being ignorant ofthe rig^iteoafs neif: of God , and goirg about to ^ ft ,bliih their owne righteoufjeils . haae not fabmiited feiues to tiie righteoufneffe ofGod. 4 ij jFor drift «the <= end ofthe Lawe for rigHteoufnefle vnto in the heart nf ii>m , wherecfalfo wi; giuf tefiiminie, by our outward life, and which tendeth toCsrillai to out alone 4 onely Sauionr.eueo asbeefetieih forth himfelfe iu his word, g If tho.* prolefe fUinely ,fince'ely. andopinfy, that thou taKeii le'us ^n-h toke thy Lord aniSittiour. Λ The Father .wht is faide to haueraifei 'he Ssntefrcm the dexd:»nithis is nit fpoken ti> fb'4t out tbe dimnitie of the Sit:n',btit tofet fosrth the Fathers ccanCeli tonchin• our redcm:>tion intherefn reciitn if thr Sonne, i Faith is iaiie'toiastifir , and furthermore ferine th' conf jjiin of the month is an effrtl offtith , aul e-.n• fc^in if t>-e jpa; to cmie ta 'atuatioa , it folowili thit faith is alfo fjHett faue 7 Nowe hreprooueLhtheother part wbich hee propotindfd afore ia tbe fourth vrife, 10 wit, that Chiilt called whomfreuer bee lii;eih without any diffe- re ice, and this hetoolirmetbby a double teftim Die.* I(ai.t%,i6. k. To brlteue ,nGod,stoyreldeanic:nfntt.C:ih,s py.mifeofourlaluation -y Chri',ani Ihat notontl) in general! : iitt when wee ktowtht-t the frtmiffs per aire icvs Whertvponrifeit a Ture Iruit. "i• Itel.i.^S. S Trui calling vpon rbe Na-ne oT God is lb• tellimonie of true faith , and true faith of true vocation or tallicg,aod' trne caliiDgjOf tiu: cleftlou. I ii Ζ 14 But * ereof ΐί ich commeth• Tb«t I faith , which fee- fc«ih Sodm bit ward , aod that pteached , iccoi- dtui as Gnd ha-.li iu»d ill tse Chiitch. ί lfa.si.7. »»hiim. 1,1!- Whereforaet faith is, thtreiitl- fa the word , kai HOC contrary Aiife. Whtrf foeuer the Wordij, there i» fcitha'0:f»r mdny rcfufe and reiedt cbewurd. i Hr Ifeekcih Ihii iecaufe of the ieweS. «»»« 11.38- J I Aconclufijn 6f the former gri- dacion : we mnlt •fcend fr jin faith tociirvocatioo, ■I by out vocation lotheKomanes• *j ooprc icruetn m$^ 14" Batlhoweihin they call on him , in whom ώεγ hau2 not bsieeaid? 9 And bow (hafl «hey be- leeue in I .im , of whom they haue not bcaid ; and how Ihall the/ heirewithom a preacher? J And how 111 iH they presc'a .except they ha fint? as it is written,^ How beautifull arc the feeta of them which bring glacltiJirtj^ofptice.and bring glaJ riJings of good things! \6 "> Bet they haae not 1 all obeyed the Go- fpel : for Efai« fiitb , J Lord , who hath bcleeued our report} 17 " Then faithir by bcarii'g.aod healing by the "> word of God. 18 " But ί demaund, Haae they not beardf V No doubt tbeir found went om through ail the earth , and tbsii wordss int• the enJes of the world. 19 >3 But I deaaannd. Did not Iffa;l koow Qed? Fiiil Mofes faith.» I will prouoks you to enma by a ° nation that is not mj caiioo , and by a fooliih netion I will anget you, 20 i^And Efiias is <> bolde . and (aith , I vJ^s found of them tbat fought mee not, and baue beeoe made tnanifeft to tbem that asked not afteί Bκc■ 1 1 And mto Ifracl bee faith . * All the day long hauc I ftietched footth tnioe band vnto a dilobe- dient,and gaincCryiog piople. and they feeke ey life » 4 Bat what faith die anfNTere of God to hSmi <• I baue *> refeued vnto my fetie feaen thou- fanda naa , which Haue not bowed the knee to :!!ei?why flicoMI oot t which bath I «Itirmonie of out deftit*. I» Bj G«is Cc»t- Ptanilimtnt. ji AQokieftion: , , „_, . , If calling be a ttUi^ony ofeitaion.were not the lewei i gmuoc -.hit, faith the ApMHe. feeing th.t there .t non.ti «iUed?iinichleirecanI(ay,thjttJreIt God which called them. Elay (faith the Apoftle) dcuiah and witoclTath that the Gofpel was traunated fiom then, co theOeatiles , be- oaufc the leA-es bezlefted it. And iherevv-ithallthe ApolHe teacheth , that that .vavd aadvDiuerlall calliag .which it fet foorth by thecieation of tht world, iufficethnot Co the knowledge of God : ye.,and that th. panic '-■ -"- -''--'' ■• by the cr layd holdeon by fai.h , by thegift of God : otherwifeby vobrleete ic wproStable anitbit by the outly taultofman, who caa ptectnd no ignotatice. « T>euter. u.it. η He cal.ith αΐί profane fccpit, a nttian that u nc natinH, tljij are noifxide tthuei/ut to iit, whith are afpotntfd frr ruerlaflmg '»«■ jlatalfo which i jfit felfefmitlor eSicaie , vn^-lTe i chcnded lade (it«»«»i». i^ ifi * VewtbeApo- j»!eIhtweihhow thif doftriaeisto fcesppliel to •Jkets, abiding 9iU in bis propounded caufe- Therefoie heeteacflcth vs that ill the lewes ic particular aie SDtoft awjy .and thertfor» weOBght β/,κ e Sp> Jf*.6i.i. XI. kflh w: C Η Λ I Zeeil the (%Hi»li>ff »fthe lewes jbordihe limittcist. etrdtn^ti the intivarti appear-iHce, + hit jbe-ni'th that f.'iw was !« titles ΡΛβ ieciiuiil: 16 afra f+Λ», Γ««»2 tbtyhiuean^if'vroote, ij mtny if ihonikeTvife fial^re huh. 18, n He exhfrterhtxeCmiiUstabeh-Kmtle, )iC' cneth CHS. that Gnli ixi^imtnn are vnfe.mheelile, IDeroamd then , • Hath God caft away bis peo• p!e? God forbid ; for - I aJfo am ao Ifraelife,of the feed of Abraham, of the tribe of Beniamin, 2 3 God tiath not oR away bis people which be » knew before, ■» Know yoe not what tbe Scrip- ture faith of Eiijs.hcw hei coajmuneth with God againA Ifracl, iayiDg, 3 .A Lor J, they baue kiiJ:d thy Prophets, and digged downe thine Altars ; aod I am iefc alone, ihly of priune perfms, whether they be of ihe cunibef of tke ckSt or not. 1 Toe fiiU proof;, I ziu a I;w, »nd yet tUtiea, theref re wee «ay aad ought fully refoluevponour eleiiion . as kuhberue before faid : but of ano- ther man» we taanot be fo certai.nely refoluej , and yjt out» miy caufe vi to hopt well of others. 3 Tbefrcoud proo'e,• Becaufe that God ijfaichfull in his league «H Coueaaoc.altfaough mcu bevitfaichful': Sjtbeaiieinscbac Cod hath (aid, chat fc«e will»! thrCodof hisvrto a tboufafld gruiratioQS, wee mult uke hfe.le, that wee tfaicke not that the wholirace Sc offpriog is ca k off , by teafoncfthe vabe- jitfc of affwe , but rather , that wee hope Will of euery intniber of tbe Ctiaicb, biecaufe ofGbds league ini Coiienant. a Wnich helmc (tndentfe fttm tuerln- /Ji>ig. 4 Tb; ch:iJ pr.)ofe .caiien fiPin the anfw'ie that was made tuEliis.• «uei then alfo, wr.»a there appeared op:tiIy co the face of the world ttoeUii, yjt ©odkiewe hi 1 deft aidchof'D. and ol tbein alfo goOd Itoreani number. Where• vpoD this alfo i» «oncluitd , that we ought not laihly to pio louace of aay maa at cf a reprob Jtt , feeing that the Cbureh is oftentimes brought to that (iate , that caea thK tno.'l w.i:chfull \•αΧ Ihaipe figliced p^IleufS tbioji: it bc vicAOe cstioft riches of the Gentiles , bow much c ore ll^ll thcii ' abonadance bei 13 s For w thdt I fpeake «o you GeiMiIes. in as much as I aiii the Apottle of the Gentiks.l «> mag- nJhe mine office, 14 Te try if by any meancs I might pronoke them of my flslh to follow them , and might faae foiJie of them. Ij For if the cafting away of them fc* tbe re- conciling of the wotlJ,what/"/»duifcereceiniDg fri, " but lifi from the dead j 16 » For if the ο heft fruitet ht holy , fo#j the whole Lmjie : and if the Ρ rooie be holy , fo mt the branches. f Εική fo then . at this prefect time is i6ere a remnant according to the ^ cleolion of grace. 6 i And if it bt of grace, it is β no morecf VM05kes: or els v.ere grjce no more grace : but if it bs of works, it is no iscie grace, or cis wete wcike DO more wcrke. 7 Whit then ? Ifraelhath not obteined that be fought : but the ekiSion hath obteined it , and the reft bauf beene f haideocd. 8 * Accordirg as it is wriuen , $ God bath gi.| ieeaufe tht} wer» ucn them the fpisu ofsO'iteber : eyes that they j''"'^'*f"''" "'^• fa fliQidd cot fic.and eaicsttatthcy fl:c«idDoti^j;r,fS;;'' bcare vnto this day . \f»ii»ne,ottne, 9 And Dioid faith , '•' ' Let their table be madei »'*''/' /«w*r <» a foare, and a net, and a ftambling blocke.euen for a recotEpcifc vnto them, 10 Let tbeir eyes tie darkened that they fee not, and bow downe their bacfce aJwaycs. 1 1 7 1 deiraund then, Haue they fiumbled, that they Ihonid fail iGod forbid : bat ώroogh their fall , faluation conmttb vnto the Gentiles , to pto- ucke them to follow ibem. 11 Wherefore if the fall of them b* the k ri- ches of the world.and the cutEiniihing of them the(ii"'"««^£"i } That although tkK all be not tied and cbofen let thiin that are eiedtd , tsmera- ber that they ai frtely cholen: aod let tbemibi' l\ul>. burnly relufethe grtce and free metcy of God, impute it vnto laeuifelue•. Ttisfay.nite». th dtviit f/at ti ikeirdftna atllkt dtCirnetjAll ktird^sttU mxHcr tf. IViiJtfs , wdirii/- f tkemfeluei ist teeth , ihtt wttkes «le ei-.htr reheh) ctfanij ιϋκ (itofe cfeitt iujli^faiioH. f Zuh MJrke }.}. 6 Ard yet this baidoefle of heart feiuiifeifU, rvhiell veteehojcn (ri.m eutrUfting,a>iitii Of ηη/ΐΛοα thM βΐΗίά »e (bofett ifietvard: for hej ere hh cht. [en , ktamf: they yvtre net idiUttrf, tut thcreftte ibtj p^ere not idciain!. 1 ts^rvbtth name tht idolxtert at ttis dtjiiui their tdoles,»»' mitigthempatrtntS ti»dfat,tHel[ei «r Leatci. d The eieiiion tf gr'ce,ts not were» f)} men theft grace, tut vhereby Goi ehcfe vs »; tjs •fe of ex , . cooimeth not but by Gods iu.f decree & iudgement, aod yet without iauit, WDea »J bee fo puuilhe h the vatbaokefiill ty isUDg ftom chrm all feofe acd prtceiue- ia3*e,& by dcublug tbeir darkcceUi, chat the benefi.ei of God wbicb ate oifeied voiotbem , doc redound to their iuR deftruttioo. ^ lf*.6,i,ft,d tf,\o,m.Uih, i),t^.John 11,40, Λίί.»3.ι«. t A ver) dtaUjIeepe ivhuh tnkith λτρ »k fenfe, h That is,rjes -vvfit to fee.:• FfxLSj,i3. iAs vnhtffj bttdes are intijii to dtntb tj thatvohiehii ihetrfufienance ,fodid thatenel) thing Hunt to the if roe•, di• fituilioit.eut tfrfbtehthey feught life,torvit,theLav! ofCed,fcr the frtftflerous , ^aletvkereef they refitfed the Coffel. 7 God appointed this cafiiug ι ut of the lewei , tb£t it might be aa occifiou co caU tbe Gentile» : and againe might turae this calling of tbe Gentilei, to be an occaiion to reJtcre tbelswes, to wit , that they beiugiafftraed aod ptoucktd by emulatioQ of tbe Geuiiles, might tbeinft'ue» «length erabrice tbe Gofpel And hereby we may leaine.that tht feueritieof Cod (eruecb afwellto the fettiog foorth of bis glory as hi» merciedoeth.and alfo thit God prepare himfeifea way to >a;rcy.by tijfeuetitie;fothat we ought oot tsflj• ly to defpaiie of any uian , not proudiy triumph ouer other men , but rather pre- Bokethtnito an holy emulation, that God may begloiificd inihe alfo. kBj rtcket be meaneih ihekntTsledge of tbe QifpoJ to eutrlaiilDg life : and bj thewmid.all nitions difperfti tkornvmt ibt whtle wn.'d.l Of tht leves, when the rvhtte πα. f»«B teithmt except hn fb.tli come to ChrtSi. Si Hee witntifrth by bis owoe exam, pie , that bee geeth before allotber io tbii bebalfe. m J mukt nebte tni fammi, U It fbatlcometo pafe tnAtwhtn the lines ecme to tbe Cofpel . lie -.virldflialt. asit were jHtehn ngMne , and rife vpjrtmdeathte life. 9 The lewti. being ccnijjeiedin tbeir Itoikeiod roote, that is , itJ Abrabara, is holy, although that inicy of the branches be cut ctf. Therefore in iudgiogof r.u» btethien , wee mut not ftitke io their Tnworibincffe , to thinke that they aie ooi.» all caitiff, but we ooghtto corfijertfaerooteof the couenaut , and rather gcie batke to their «ncefter» which were faithful!, that wee bltffiugof y Coujaant refteth in fome oft heir polieritie,M wee alfo fiqde proofe beieofm oui fekiS. g Hee aUudethti the fir ft {mitts of thtfe tonues ,b)tkeef' fritig whtreef alithewkoie ciiffe of corns was f»nilt§ed , and the} miikt Tift tbtttlit{$B to nature i 1 a « right OlJae tree , howe Duch more fliiU they that are by nature, be gtaf- fed in their owne Oiiue tree? 2f '3 For I wjuid not,br«hren,that ye lliould be igcorant of it is ftcret (leaSyee iliouldbear. rogict m yotirbiciu $) that partly obiiinacie is corae to Iftae! , vniill the fJaelie of the Gentiles be ε come in. 16 And fo all Ifraei iball be fauid , as it is written , J The deliuertr Ihill coice out of Sion , and Uiiil turne away the vngodlincile from lacob. 27 And this is my couenaotto thena , '•' When Uliilltake awa» their fiiines. 28 ■♦As coocmiing the «^ Goiptl.thty art ene- mies for your iak s : butastouciiirgtbc^ele^i- on.thev are heioued for t^e farbers f^k^s. 29 > ί Fo' the gifts and callirg cf Godaie with- out repentance. ,{. Irrem.11,6. id Thtre ii oa caufc «fcj ibe iGeo.ilnwhicb meicy.tuould tii- un[ith the imce if the loU tree. fWe miy r'hyce heLoU,butft that wedeffife rut the lenes.xchom ire ought ratier to prciioke lo th»t i^eoU iiiiutngTvith See that the» flitti in Λτνι of Ccilm'Jtftl} »ii taitfutly. u Hecaiieth them tftturall.netbictufe they had anyhelinrJPe tfniture,iat le• caufe they rvere tcme tf ihcm-ah.mthr Lttijtt «fart fir himfelfe, ftom ether nattonsiiy his-ie^gt* ■"»'< amnant which he frreh m-d< rvith ihim. ι . Seeing ibematier it felfe dec'arcth thuelfdio t comuieth no; by inheritance (although the fault be ία m'U , and noi lo Go , why the blcffiag ef Gcd I• not pcrpetuaii) W«e mult trke good bee cthat ibat Be i-ut found in out feluei,.\hich weetbioke eworihy in others , Icr ibc ecftiou i• 'n e ut tbey that aiettuelyelrftand «DgtatTe ■ aie Dui pro din tbemfelue» iviih coi\tenipi ut other, but wiih due re- lietL'Dce to Gud , d ii5 bc'tntttcinifehith eiuatif ά thee vnto .• and wee mufl niirke here,thnt hee ffenkeih wm of the eieiltiH n tmry frtuate manrah-.chrttnaineth fleifuli for ^buiof the eltiHon of the whole natitn ti Many ire now.forj feafou cut olF, ihai ii ,a'e Wtthoutthi roote, whicb io their time ihiUbe graiFed in ; and agaioe theiijareagicacfori, «ihich after a lort, 8c t-.uchiug iheomwardihe'Are, fitme to be ingraffed . which not«ithitalniiDg through their owne faultafter- ward ire cut off a .iclcanecall awjy: which thing is elpeiiil^y to becoi.fidered in nation rand peopes as io the Geniileiand lewe». ^ Vndrrliomd nature, r.ct as e feop^e ofthe Jewes which Ctdhaifaniltftti of his mrere grace :.xHi he ft 'ak.eih of ■hervhole nation.not of euerj one part. .3 The blindenflTe of the I-'wei i« neither fo vuiuerfall thai the Lord hath no eleft in Bition, Drithtr Ihrdlitbecontinuall : forthete fllalloeaiime wherein they elio(iSihe Propbet» haue forewarned) (hall etfeftually iuibnte that which they lowfoftuboutoly for the molt part reicftancj te'ufc. t Ί -at let be net froudwithinnw feluef. c Jn:othe Church. ^ Sfaifg lo. ■: Efai.jT 9. Againe, that he r jy leyne the le'wci and Gentilei togethei at it were iaone body , andrfpeciallyinay leach what dufty the GeutileiOAe to the lewes . hee beateth tl^ii into tbeir bea.is , that the nation ofthe lewes ϊ• uotvttctly calt ofF ithoui hope of tecoiKiy . d Forafmnch as they recnued it not. e Inthat.that Cod rifi eiltth not vh.n ihey de(erue,but vohat he pr6mi[ed to jibraham 1 ; The reafoo or prcofe: becaufe the coucDUit made niib that ujtiiou o( life cueiUlting 0: be fiuttiacc and \3.iSK, Exhc rtations. 6y 30 '«For euen as yeeio times paRbaue not beleeasd God , yet haue nowe obteioed mercy through their vnbeliefe: 3 1 Euen f > DOW baas they not beleeued by tile loevcy fbta>tdvcKo you.that tbey alio may ob- tainetttity. 3 1 For Giid hath fbat vp fall In vDbeiiefe.that he luig'it Haue inercy on all• ^i '7 0thetieep?neffe cf the riches, both of] "j' the wifedome , and knowledge of God .' how νπ• fea-chible are his 8 ijdgemeots , asd Lis ^ wayes p«ftfindirgotii/ 34 -l• >s Fjrwhohithknowinthctnindofthc Lordf or wiio was his counfellei? 3 f Or who nath giuen vnio hitn ' hrft.aoJ hee ibalbe recotcpenfed ? 3^ For of bim.aad tbrotigh bim.aod for '' him are all things: to him bt glory for cuer. Amen i« Anpr.Sfrea- loo LcCuufc tbac although .Oil tbey wuicbaie harde- ned, ate worrnily pumihed, yet hath nottbii (lubjom- nelfcofihe lewe» fo come to p»Ue pioperiy for an dioibatua>i but that an enirie might as it weie be opened to bung in the Geotilei, and af- terward the lewet being uiflaiaed WithemuUtioa of thai meicie which IS (hewe4 to thcOentileSa might themfe'ue» alfo bepaitaket• of thefame benefit, «id fo ir might appiaiethii both lewei and Geotilei are faued, otely by the fies mercy and S'ace of Go! , which could not haue bcene fo aunifelt , if at'the be- ginning , God had brought all together ioto the Church , or it he bad faued the isacioa of the lewei without this ioteiruptioo. f Soth lewn *nd Centi!es. J> The Apoliie ciieib out a» altoniflied with tbi»wondetfull wifedome of God» which heetfacheth vs. ou^ht to be religiouily teueiecced, and noicunoufly and prupbaaely (o be feaicbed beyond the coDipalli: of ibat that God faatb reuealeil Vuto vs. g The courfe that hee ho'.dtth i» louerning »U things both generallf »fiiparti'it!-^r!y h The crier of his ctunfets and dsinp. φ•, tie altar, iiui row the altar is eueryvshere. c Tour fetues : tn times faft,other bedtes ihti our rtcne, noxo our owne >η»β he offered, d In time pa/i,deaa facrifice• ivrri iiffered,bi4t now voemuft offer [itch as haue the ffirtt of it(e m them, e Sum tuall, χ Toe fecood precept ii thii,Thjtwe take not other nieotnpinioos o; nianrrs for a ruleof life.but that we wbollyreaouucing hii worH.fei Befoiev tiour marke.tbe willofGod,tiit ii nianifeited aoJ ope.ied i nco vs in hn Word fWhy then there it no place left for reafon,which the heath u Pntltfiphers flace I as a Sueene 1» a CaiieU,nur for mans frecTviU , Tvh.clt the Ρορφ fcboottmr» dream^i.if tks minde muft be renuid. JLooke Eihefi-ns i.iS. i»ia,j and ^. n.andColiJp.^m ,,χ,.^ Ephtftans f.17. i.th {! ^,3. 3 Thir.I y heea'.moni ftleih Vi very eJineltly , that euery man kecpe himfelfe within the b u'^dso! faia vocatioo,andtb4teuery manbe Wife accordiog to the meature of giace ihai God hath giuen him. g I charge, h That he flet(e not himfelfe toomtO ,as thti dee,Tvhich ^erfrvadethimfeliit; they knoro more '.hen inde it they doe.iW• fbJi te fiber, tf we take not that '■jptnvs,VDhich-s<;r haue not, j? if we bra^e not of thatwehaue.:• i.Corili,ti,f. eph.,^,j. kSy faith he atranith the knoviiei^e »fGti iHCbi'tft,mitbt lifts vhtcb mhtl) Gholi pcrvrtth v/tn thcfauhjui:. Eyiortatio^s» 4 There i» » dott- bJe reifoo of the precept going afore ■ the one it, becjufe God hath bo: committed y thing to be dane of eaery mm : and tliete- foie.he lofth backA-ar^diy. ani oaeiy vnpro- 3ly, butafo hegicatdif. profit oi othets, thhim- felfcandoheri, which pair• th the bouaHi of hit vo- cation: ihearher β. for thjt this diuerfiiieaad inequalineof voc» redoundrili to our comiioJi y: ieeing tbac the f«me is thersfjte inlliuieH ar'dap• poinrei.that we flioullbe boimd •ne to another, Whererpon it followetb thic DO mia oDghi to begrieued there- at, feeing ihit the vfe of eucrypri- uate ^ifc i» cora- Bion. ^ I Pet.4,10. / That which he fpak! before ni gecerall.he an- plieib particular- ly ti the holy fun ei.)n5, wherein men offsad with greater dai And he d them into two fort», to wit, into Propbeti, and Deacons : and egjine he dijideth ■ ~ phets into doa.Hivi , «'.d Taitours. And of Deacoqs hee ma- WhtKree forts : t lo ileih 4 4 Foras Wee-hane noany members in one bo- dj, and ail members baue not one ofrice, y So we being many , are one body in Chrifii anileuery one.oneanothers members 6 ψ / Seeing then that wcs haue gifts that are diueri , iccording to the grace that is giuen vnto Vj.w.iether a>c haut proph°cie,/ii -vsprophcch ac- cording to the ' portion of f .ith, 7 Of an office. Ite vt waire on the office : or be that m reachcth,on tjjching: 8 Of tie that " ex^o. teth.on exportation : hee that ο dillrtb'iteth,/«f him dei tt § with finipiciiis: he that Ρ ruletn, with diligence ; he ibat s Ihevveth mercy.with cheerefulneUc. 9 6 Z.ff loue be wic'iout diiSmulation ," Ab- b rie tnat whicQ is cuill.and cleaue v.ito that which is g)od, 10 κ Hi afFrdioned to loue one another with brotherly luue. In giuing honour, goeone before aaother, 1 1 Not noufhful! to do feruice , feruent in fpi- li^i ' feruing the Lord. 12 7 Riiajcing in hopcpaientin tribulation, A• continuing inpraver. 13 ♦ Diltabjring vnro the ' rec:ffi'J'S of the Sii.ics : ψ giuing your feiucs tohoipitali'ie. 14 A BliU'ithem wliiehpafecute you: bicfife. //a^.and cu.fe not. I y Reioyce with them that reioyce.and wecpe with theoi that wtepe. 16 Be of like affcftioncd one towaids another : " be not hie ttiinJcd : bat oak-• your lelues ec^uall to them of the u lower Lrt : be not '^ wife in your felues. 17 a Recompenfe to no man euillforeuill : prccare things howft in tht figiu of all racn. 18 -k If it be pofiibL.as C!,ucli as in youis.haus peace with all men. 19 Dearely beloiiel,* aoenge not your fdues, but giiie placi νίκα wradi: fcr it is w-ittin.^; Vtn. geai'.ce is mine : ! will f tpa) .fiith the Loii. 10 § T~.eiefore if thine encmifiharget.ftede him: if ti»e thirtt giue i.iiD c'.rinke : for in iu diirg thou Q-sa't h ape τ cca'esof fire on his i^e»d. 21 B; not oustcomc of tuiil.butuHeiCome euill with goodnelfe. tne_t Komanes. CHAP. XI ir. Hee Vfilleth that ree futmit mrfelueiU Mipfltates ; 8 Tt loite our Hughbiun ; 13 To liuivfrightly,i^aHi to put ill Christ. coery ^ foule be fubi•. 6t vnto the higher ut J^utratcf. l_j » powers: i for there is no power but of God: and the powers that be, are b ordaineJ of God. " 2 Wbofoeujr therefore rtfifteth the power, refitteth the ordinance ofGud , and tbey tnat re- fili, fliall receiue to themfTlues condemnation. 3 4 For migiftrates are not to be feared /or good work 'S , bu: for euill, f Wilt thou then be without feare of the powetidoe well: iu U^alt thou baue ptaife of the fa-ae: 4 For he is the iiiiaiaer of God i.ir thy wealth: g,ft, * buiifthoadoeeuill,ffare:for hebcatethnottbe fword for nought : for he is the ininifter of God to « taki verigeance on him that doetb i.'uiil. J 7 VVncrefore Wij mult he fubi-tS.not b.'cai.fa of wraiHonely.bot ^ ΔΪί f.n confcicnce Ukc. 6 8 For .for mis caufe ye pa/ alf» tribute: fjr they are Gods minincft , apply ingthcrofelu;» for f»ii the fatne thing. 7 J Giuetoallmen therefore their duety. tri- bute, tow on^ioiritribute: caftoroe, to whom cuftomf : feare.to w lom « feare: hooour.to whom I ye e!t>t ' honour, [ 8 9 Ο iie nothing to any min .but to loue one I another ; 'o for hee that loueth another , hatii Ll- I filled the g Law. 1 9 For this,• Thob ihalt not commit aJaltery Thou ihalt not kill .Thou (h;lt not fteale, Thou { ihalt not ba'e falle witnes , Tiiou iliilt not couet ; and if there be any other coalman Jtmsnr , it is *• hn'.B omprehended in this fa ing , «Mm in this, «Thou flialt loue thy neig'ibour aithy fslfe 10 Loos do:b not euill to nis neigi-.bour:thcrs. fore isloae tne -k fulliiiing of the Law. It " And that , cotifidciin" the f^ifon, that /r is now tim=: 'hat wc fliould atilc f.fm il.cpe : fa: now is our fa uaiiou necrir, then wten wee beiec- ued ir. 12 The night i> p^ft, and ihe day is • at har:d, let vs thertfr. cah a^v^y thcworkst kofdake neife, and let vs pjt on tnearroom of Hght, 13 So t« at w. wilke boneitl • , at i.> rhe ihy: not in * ghttor.i; , and d,unkini)i.(.ic .neither in 4• Titui 3, r, I. Pit. a 13. w he Ihevr- ethfe tialJy.what icjitdts owe to .MagutratM, 'rt ibat oei) due i^ell Ma• imre.f•. he jafeit, «which ha:h a. y office ..er mm. Tea, tht»ih an ;.oji:e,theHgh an Ertangtiiit, though Prophet . Chiy- rMfurersr.fihe cob.• the g.-uer- b! fuch as pru- anyofwiljwcJ ■:ΑΙ<Λ vnl • rr pieces >h,m. (tii-r. fiilu'lJe i.-j// lor.d Table, Dfihem.ai. r'-lluiie of I wir, the one robe fuch as are (as it \Λ hom beecilleih piiipcfly Drato.is ; ibe r.oursof dif-ipliae.wboarecilW Seniotsoi EI:lois:tbet perly ferued ii» the hetpe of tht poore , of wi-i.'ut liUJ'tig on the fiof<,m,.ii doe it w• thefaddiforow to fOrcw 6 N<>A'b«e ce-.i-.e th to the oeeries of rh' »s'hicb he derjueth froiBchariiie , λ I tchis as it were thf fou iBdhfedefiiethChri.'.incharicy 'ιγ liiL^r^-ie, haired of euill, tar or' ^oodth'n;• , gooj etftaion to btlpe -.ui neigh>^.>ur, aod wbofe fiiull end ii.the glotyoiCod. •: uimos ;,ii. y. Ε ■■' .^ 1 1 Pr.-.a 17 r Tin piece nxvell put ih.faritmik.'thd'ff-rentebe:tv^.n!Ch,ii,niurt>i iSPhiltfothu.iu duiiiis. . ^Heerjckoocthvi' dijers other vc'ttues tog-ihft wih th-ireiTefti.to wit, hope. pirren e iu tribuU.ion,equtni:mtie, coe^inuan.;e in |'rayer,li^erali:ie toward» y iainti. h"fpira(i tit-, moderation of miiid-.euei i i hcl. i gour enemits,» (elfefame fstling With other» as Well in a.^iicifi.ie as pi I'peiiiie .nioJeky , endeuour to cuiotaioe h.::a»lt concoid fo nigh as «'emay w.tb all mifn , which caaoot be tx- »io»uiihef by ary mans miuries. •/.• i (ift.;,S * Luke i«,i. i.rir.KJ.i. fA tru'rule of chAniie, 11Ά?» 1»; areno leffe touched tviih other meHitviats.thm W>i(li ourowne.and hium^ that feeling.helpe them as much as mee can. t Nut 'Upon pie a fur es and n-edle^e dueties but t/pon nece/jary vfes. -J• H-bf.ii.i, X.pet,4,ij ψ.νΐ«.;,44. ■•' P'««J,7e'ai f,ii. »• There is mtl'im that doth fo m-'ch breaKe cixcord Js amhitioii.vehen aseuery mnalerheth a h-ife eliatt.ir feek-th amnihufly to be a'oft. W -Je Kct puffed -jp rvilh finitu ofrmr eiviie taiMtme. κ Prou.i() 11 mat ; 3». a. cm J-; 1 1. 1. pet 3.9. >.- Htbr.i2,i4. » Bctlef.i.lS. mat.i.39 ψ DeutJS 41.hejr.ta j•© ^ Pr.usrb. »f,a2 1 Afut tits fort dithSulouhitfimt mttht nii*th •/ aU iJiai h»nieih tatr <• «^1». /. ih:y w? ide, tlu.bi firat. Ume Thtr •;ore nyoi Vofe out r alt kifl' A.meimujt dfwne t- the ground. ζ A reaf η taken of tLe oa:uic of the ihiog it felfe : Fi.rfowb.tiur. pole «re toey j>U. ccJ m higher de- giee,but cbdl the infeiiuu. Ihould be fubied VO.0 - them? 3 Auorher argn• th.it fu^h at are rcbeii, oiijbr to know , ih..i tbejr inisew.T.e with Goii himfelte; whe.eiore they : and i:aoi y. i Bt defir-bmei: j.r fi.me are gyett.» itr. fern [mailer. 4 The ih.rdaigu- toe/f.ik.nhomihe fot.rb.i G.d by ihi» -iii-.b words ibc Ma- '.-.ey jwe to tht j! i'ub- t:ivUt g; ici>.,OU"t ί\ΐ(θ jec• witharmen^ing f i;iia:fi ihfr.ifeai.'S ate put lu mjiide of thjt dutnc / hi..t' i.fti ; An tx,;e.lint Wsv to bejieth'S y.ike η t cne.y Λ with great profir. 6 God hatha'nie.H the Majji rait 1 fvs'orie. c Bi Tm^'mGoi reutnie'h I'le ■.fickft. 7 The tbi^thrMagiitrnie not only fcr feare of pimi(hm «lotberiby the pcipctuali Uv» ofchari y. , 10 He tominfDdetb chari le.as an abricig^ineQi ofthe whole Lav». gHehath not one ly done tne e mmandrra ni^ut pujormed gru rsU\ ihativl.ict the Law Cimmand':th. •: Exidio 1^ d.i:t.;,i3 . h Eoithewhile Larv cim• maadeihttothini elf,but that Tve loue Gcd.and cur nn'ihteur But feiitt•^ Pjhi fpraKtthhere oftheduelies w owe t-ni to uuoiber wr mufi rcfirame r-:'i -vet J. Lawto the feand Table, κ LeQ. 19,11 nut at 39. in«ih >>..!'. gal ,- 4. Jjm i.« iJfiTimi,!. II A ' «pplicaioo takenof theci cuniiancei.fiheiuis; which 3^fj it f^ife pu'retb vs in m nd (jfpur tiuette , feeing iha; this rctinaioetb after that th? rfatkecefl"- of isnoran.e and wickt-d aflf- as'itwi wilirht. k Ttmskl'UttiUjtfltkich they leide , that lUtthtufl, flMktil.itf <^#ff"S so h'litf f^if Ληίί vi in The weak^ brethren. Chap. cumbering and wantonnefff, noi in fttife and en- i-Galit. J,i6. ! uying. i.p" •■"• ί J4 * Bull put vee on th^Lord lESVS u, fu..n^chr,fl CHRIST, a id take no thougtit for the flcih. to fulfill tt»e lutt of u. CHAP. XIV. s He wUlttI, th»t wu'"""*'' w""f*' rveakt in fMh, ,o that thrcMih Qur (auli i*rjr be not φιΛιά. ι, Ani tn the titer [tic he amm^nietn thitn hoi refi.j t. ludge efihejirtnicr: .9 That Wtihin iht houuUi 0; . Uiftcimn JO AHd i'.^tiKf, »» CkrtjiiaH hien] ma) canfui. Him ' tnat is we«ke in tlje faub , » rcceiue vn- (0 joa, bnt not for b contiouerfits of difpu- tition» , . „ ι i One ' beleeueth that hee may eate of all things: and anotner.which ii weakc.eatetb herbs. 2 3 Lit not bim that e4tet^:, defpife hitn that eatetli nut : and let not bi.i. which catecb not, conJetnncbiaj ibateateth : for 4 God bath lecci- ucdr.im. 4 * f Who art tbou that condemneR anothef Diiis Ltuant ί be ftandah or fitkth to bit owne naft.-.r : yea, he ibailbs eftablilhcd : fur God is able to rtike bim ftand. c tf ihiscMQ eft eetnetb one daj'iboue ano- ther day , and aootbct n-an countcih ciiery day ilike : ^ lei<» euery own be fully perfwaded in bu 6 s He that « obferaeth the day , obferuetb it to the Lord : and bectbat obfi.uetbnoithc day, cbii'ueib it not to the f Lord. Hee that g eatttb, :l catctb to ihc Lord : » for be g.ueib God tbackci: xuij; Λϋ jjiau De magea ιρΌοατΤί Now he fhiW- eth liow we ought to btbaue cur fel'iet tow»i.1 out b>-ecbceo i mat- ters ad ihiog» iu- «lirt"ere..t, uffcu- diog in the vie of them, uotofuui• licet. or dRu.aable fu^crili i.in.but for lackt o' know- ledge ο b.-beoe- fic o> Chi.lt. Aod aiti»',{b' hit ccmpanj, oti i-fe' ' t*tne i-.fsui ifKi J» treub!td{(itt[c»>ice a which f< ' w'o'delt^Nr h^'fir^'p oplhtiirisde" ated in the Hath verfe .o.low.ng. * Γ«Τ 2 iAothe. ,.af,o Which haog.tt. vpon .beb,me,:«hy the r.,der t *\ .,„.\< u.bt not to e condemned of .he more .k.Itu 1, a• men wich- * T" IVX lion Becau < faich ,h. ApoUIe.he that i. igncant to day , .ray be out hope ot f»l'»""'"'»"»7 "''° " ,jj, Co b,i h, ,|lo ma, .land fu.e.There- jnduedtomorowwu^fu.teh- '^^^^^^ ^I^.t':^^":jr^;;i^:o?:;e..ffere.eA,e.a<«..u^ d^ff/'^^of daVTand mei't» W...ppointe.^ b, God.how could they .wb.ch .. ;« Xtl/: " aC gatin, of^ie Law , ",ence n.gleft thn wb. h tkey knew wa. commanded of God? *nd on 'l•'/'"'!»'» ''-'V,''''Vf''"''HTe.t /^.e^te. Chrift in tMs behalte/id wito good lo Men.e Deithet e&fe.ued-yei nor meate.. Therefore fatth the Aps'.le.verfe to Let not the Itrongi cndemoetbe weaisc for thefetbiaei f-ei R.hat '.b-- weake brethren »re brethren notwitbltandii:g Now if an. manA'.uUdrav7thi.doa:inetoth'feoutnniei8cage..lefhemk.owe & ApoiTle"!.::;.:. ot iach .hbas. i-,diiFe,ent , as ,hey which ,h..«gb,tbe» bei d.tf.ieot , htdagroaadin the Law, .n1 were deceiued ty linnpU ig- •era ce:.Ld not o^malice (,o. lo f .thrhe Apoltle. yeelded not , ) nor fulpition.eu". ol'ateligioyi fear f Gcd fluS I'idje whtlhethe doe weH «r «» arii,e*b:utthii.htViumn-of)>Mmf>jl>' »n ctht, m-tii dcnti.t He that m k^'h »• df- yence of me*,e! 9 S> the Apo- ftUfeXh that hf fpi»ke.h of .be faithmll.borh Ir r-ng •■>^.«'»''- .B";'^\« '' we b.ueto doe with infidels? Tbea mu t we he,et,ke h.d of two .h.og..as alfo U declare-* m ihe E,ittle ro the Cor. .;h..a.. -^be one .s.that we count not cbeit iu?erfti,ioni among hings in itfereot a. tWey d-.t which fate downe to mea.e m Idols Temples.-.he o^het is that then alfo jvhen y aa :er 11 .ndrffei^en. ( •» to buy • ifalng otferei to iJoles in the bu.chet» Oumble., & to e.te .t at home la a pii- MU banquet) wt wuttud notihecgnitituee of out w«>kebioitM, b To mtk' bM bj jmrdmbiftiB andvneer- ■,nd(juiiiih thi vay , thtfemxlicicH^ lui^in if cth. ri ,vhi(b otcufit Ikeir heads abtytnoihiug. but to finde jaio/fwiih then breihrins life, wherfHS thiy fbvuid rather briioKe thni wiis ζ f on tin , that the) doe aotivithtteiv didJintfulmfft either (ail their brethren cleans dcwne , or giue ihim romt cffince, .3 The pfeuentiog of an obicftion : I• is true that the fchoolew maOetOlip cf ihe Law is 'akeo away by the benrh e of Cbr.it.TL f. ch at know it, but yet noiwiihiiind.tg vArc h ue i. conrtuei in the vfe of tbrsi.beriie, wha•. it ntpt.'ient , tbat wee may baue regard of out weake rroibe. . fetieg tbit t ut li- ber.ieiinotlolt .hereby » Sf the Sfirit of the L• d Itfui . or b) Ihe Lot* JilHS.mhc I om/«r« b.-k' diwi 'he wmiet kiUomming.oSj nature. -ii. Cor. 8,11.' I* Iiit the part otactuellminde to make more account of -iiea'e , then o» our broibert fa'.uatiun. Λ hich th.ne -bey doe , th.t pref. ine to eaie with the cfteoceofaty brother , a<-d fo giue himocc^fun to goebaike ficra .be Gof-, pel. I ,- Another argument : We π u t f.llowe Cbr.ltei exatnvle : w> ο wa» fo far e from delttoying the wake with n-eare , tk Jt bet g,ue hi l.fe for ibem. i« Another atjun.eDt for that by ibi» ...eanis the tibertie of.teGofpell euil fpeken of,a» though i- ope.-reth the wa» to a'tempt a„y thinit whatftitBerand boldenetb vi to ail things. 17 A ger>rra'l .eafou , and the ground of all ih• othei «rcuments : The hingdome of heauen co.^liltetb n.jt i;i ihefeoa ward» tbinzri butinthedgdieefrish-eo'jfieirr , am pea>e , ^od comfort of the holy Gboft. ρ He that W'l^ pei.cral\f.,idd.'U, r-e*f<.p-,1, ihrcih lie h>h Ghott. iS A geierall cf vlufion : T.e vfr oi this libertie yea a-d cur whole life ought to be referred to the ed.fy.oE .f«oe another . in fo nu.h that wee efteetne thu thing v-ilawfuU by teaion of the cfffeace of uu. brother, which i» of u ftlfi pstt lii 4 10 De&roj le. The lotipsc^otnaDesi lienf PIS cauea^ 4.TitiS I, I J•. ± i.Cor.e.U. Hegiuclii double waioiD] thef. m.-.tns.u 20 Djftroy ootthewotfeeof Godforraeates fake -J• all thi-gs iadeede «re pure : but it is cuill for the Hiio w ich eateth wi;h offence. I ^Itti ^00 J neither to eate fleili , nor to drinke wine , no•' any thing wheteby thy brother ftumiiletii.ot is ofiinde i.or made wiake. ι '9 Hitt thou q faith ? haue it with thy feifs befure Goi Dlofle-l w bee that coudcmneth not cb hi/ulcif 2} Fi)rh«thi •'., bic^ufc <>» α risiutotia'tD.i ibjcgv t which he 'alloweth. )ubteth .iscoDdemncdifhs not of iaith : and whatibc• ne. buio.i thit he which bath uij- .1 a Cms knowledge utthu iiberiie.keepe ihjfr e faid : the of^, by ctheiine-.s e»am withuui rtciiuc , ^b( keth , and a) pio^uc fa $uitffcicH$, r Embtnceih, J Rrjfcneti) wiih htmi'cife. thr e"c) he may vie it wifely and profi-aMy ii htth rrf|.. Se.b theftea-.e, thai rhey .foe η jthiag raihly a ννΛα»•!! .g -O'lfciene , t r chat cannot bedoae are iwr |.e.fwadti. ,iy ihe word of God, tbai Be li- f Ht jb'tVeli hrftre iirf. l + . χνΐ-ΛΙ lie m^ aae η t-j abe teii'.iti oni "»i efdiiti• η m tittri and ih:»gi Now the A- |iu,,le real', ^eth generally of tole- iauDgoi be.iiug Wihchr Λ cake by ali ttic.nct. {- t'atte forth as my be for thtit profit. etheri. h Έ<.ι hit pr«fite ai^i iJj/'f.iriiW. a A coofirniatioa . «ken of the ex- ample .,f Chtilt, who fufferedall thiogi to iiri' g oat oi^ely the Weake, butalfo hii muftcruell roemies, ouer• comm^ng them «vith patience, to bit Father. V rf»l.«9, 10. 3 The preneritiog ef an obiecti .n: S:ioh ihingi ai .ire cited out ot the examples of the OnciiBu.aie pio- pounJed vaioVi to tbi< ead »ci piirpcfe , that ac- «oi ding to the ex- a-nple of cur Fa- ther», Wfe ftiould i pa':ence «i^H h.pe bene 'i.ie with BO 'thcr. t B. Mv'S tni tht Piofheti, Λ Tht Scriptures Are f'id to teach ttni '■'«fort. becAH(} Goi CHAP XV. I The^roH^rr mstfi .mi:'.iij th-ir lirtn^th to ItreKgthttt the JUfeJti , ■jSi Cn tH.i xaatple, η wkoreeeiU(d, Snot tn.ti ine lewei, lo κι a ft theCeHlites- if Thet*ufe 7vh) he a, St th.s E;iiiie. νγ,7 Ε ' which are firong, oug^t lo bears the ^ infi aiitics ofthc we*iie > and tiot to a pleafe our felues, ι Thtrffort kt euiry man p!:af; his nti;^h. boat in uiit that is t> good to edification. 3 » For C -itiil alio would not ρ1;ιί; himfelfe, but .IS ii is Wiiten , " The rebukes of them which rebukid thee , fell on me. 4 3 Έο• whatfoeucr things are written "= afore- time, are written for our leaΓning,tl•at weihrough pitience.and comfort ofined icripmrestnignt hauu hop*•. y ♦ Now the Gia of pirisnce and confolatioa giue you that•, te be « i'k; iiiiiKled one towards another .according to C^rilt lelus, ■ 6 That yee witn one tninds , and wiih one ιηο^Ί «nav p-iiie Gjd ,εακπ the Father of out Lordlcf sChria. 7 Wieief jre r.-ci• c ye me another , as Chtift alfo « r^Cf ued vi co f e gl y. '■ of &> I. 8 f Ν )W I lay , ttiat itf i' Cnitk was amini- fter of tht f circumc.tion , for the i trueth of Go J, to confirms the proojifas rtAii* vnsothe fathe;!. 9 « And let the Gsntil-i p'aife God , for hii roercie.a» it i$w ia-n, -k Έο: this caufeiwill *> c.iiif -lie thee aiDong tlie Gentiles.and liog vato tny Naoie- 10 And agaiaehe; fiith ,* Riioyce, ye Gin- tiles . wit'i his piuple. II Andagiine, •$< ft a'lfe the Lord, all ye Gen- tiles.and la jJ yti him all ρ :opIe together- IX A;id againe Efaias faith , J Ihsre Iballbe ru<> exain|ileofpati< itch mi cum'Ort his petite ivithtS. ofGji : thit both the \iveakeaad the g frruiog G J '. Wuhi lOUt Jill confcnt , may irmg on•, ano.ber i) God . al Chrill: t r:ci-iucii v• of Λιι onte -tccord, U mik- vi pi'tnki-rsofGcd; g:o'r. f An a^jplyiig of the example of Chrill to the I." Wet who.Ti ae voachrifeJ (hiJ hoao it for rhe (jromil'es vwliich hi made vnto thiit fathers, althiagbthey were oeuet fovnworthie, vha. beeiecu el the office of 1 ijii liti a n.i igiltoeui Aiith imrueilout pati■ tieirqmrtert. g Thit Gidmiy/phf-eoiT» be tr• all ioy, and peace In bel;jeuiig , that yee η ay abonod in hope. through the powei cf the noly Ghoft. 14 δ And 1 my fcifcalfj am perfwaded cf yoo my brethren , that ' ye alfo are full of gooduefle, and filled with a!J knowledge, and are able to a J- moriih one anothe i. 1 5 Neuetthelcffe , brethren , I haue fomewbat boldly after a f jtt writien vnto you , as one that puttcth you in remembrance , through the grace that is giueo me of God, 16 That I ihould be the luinifter of iefus Chrift toward the Gjntiles , miniftring the Goipel of God , that the "Offering vp of tne Gentiles mig'it be acceptable, being fandified by the holy Giioft. 17 » I haue therefore whereof I iDay reioyce in Chiift Iefus in tbofe things which pertAtnt to God. 1 8 For I dare not fpeake of any thing, which ° Chrift bath not wrought by mce , re mai^e the Gentiles obejient in word and deede, 19 With the "power of fignes and wonders, by the power of the fpii it of God :fo that frcta Hicrufalem , and round about vnto Ulyricum ,1 haue caiifed to abound the Golpel of Chrift. 10 Yea , (b I enforced my felfe to preach the Gofpel.not where Chrift was named. leafi I ihould haue built on another mans foundation, 2 1 But as it is written, •}• To whom he was not fpoken of, they ihall fee him, and c-.cy thathea'd not.flijll vndetftind him. 21 j^ Ό Thettfure alfo I haue beene oft let to come vnto you : 2^ But nowe feeing 1 haue no more place in thefecjjarfers.and alfo haue" beene defirous many yeercs agone to corte vnto you, 24 Wnen I Ihall t^ke cny iournev into Spaine, I will come to you : f )• ( truft to fee you in my ioutrey , and to bebr< jg it op my way thi'her- ward by > ou.after that I oaue bcens fomeWiiat fil- led with your e$r»piyy. 2 y Biu now goe I to Hierufalem, to Ρ miniftir vnto the Siiots. 26 For it hath pleafedthem of Macedonia and Acbaia , 10 make a certaine diilribuiion vnto thi poote Saints which are at Hi^rufalero, 27 " For it hath pleafedthem . and tVeh dettersatefi ty : κ for if the Gentilts be roaJe partakers of their fpirituall things , their du tie is alfo to Η luiiiifter vnto tnem in cainaii things. 28 When I haue therefore performed :^is, and hauei fealed them this f ftuite, I will paUc by you into Spaine. 29 1 » And I know when I come, that I flb.l! τ He fealeth vp aiic t^eieall the forn-er treatife with ptiyert, wilhi .g allinacde4 fhomtae k'Ah„Hd^nil}aH4: ph_yt. that nioreouei• wii bffideS leak'th all lely he giiieth all the glorf to God as the enelv a he. ; tat ■nib- lefle f-.bedo- etiinr vvhich he h:m. lir vrista with .nc i ail js.audby alt -■ei.tbatifl would oeuer fo :aDaot -hatk :^*: f-y,wh do• e Sy mero bring I he Gentile* to. bey theGjfpeL ο I . ibefilt p'ac* th I A. rd Powei, fig' ifie b the f.rce, and w -rking bftbe |wond-r* iipieiciri^ taen» inindei : and in the Utter, it fignifitib Godi migh ie power whith *a» the worker of tbofe «iondeti -J• Ifai.ji, ι f. ^ Cha^-i.ii. .o He «'riteb If. large to the Koiranes, aid that familiarly, bis ft guljt good will rowirdsthem, and the Itate of hisaffairce , but fo , that he fwai ethuor aio;efioni the end of Apoltolicall doftiioe.-for he declareih nothing but chit which api>n;«ineth to hij offict, anMs gorfly and coinnjending ty a littled cirfli > a« it were the li- beraliie of the Ctuicbei of Macedonia , bee prouoketh bein mo 'e"iy to f> lloi» their godly deede. •.• i Tfarff 1,17. ρ D li'.g , hn dueti- for theSji-.t» , to carie tbemtbit money which waigathtre ' for their vfei. t ■ Almej art vfiluntarie, butyrt fdcb a» we owe by tbelawe of cbaritie St iC^t « n. q Tuferaetbeir tutnei. t rerfvtmed it 'faithful. y.and f• ale.' it ai it w-ti with my rirg. t Tb'tt money which wai gi'bered ffr thevfcof thepoore , whici .'mes It vry fitly called fruit. ra He promife h the" ihrough the bl• Si 'SoiGoi, t:nt to come eiiiptievnto tb»m , aid requi'ingolthem the duety of ptayeii , heiheWellk what ihicg we ought chiefly 10 itft vpobiD «U difficuliiet aod^duerfitiH, cone He rcqalW Ehthcir prayers. t Fof thit niDtualt coniunftion. wBetl vvithibt b >ly Gbeit hatncyt»! our heaiisand mads together. Ϊ Hauiixg raaie aneodoftue whole dirpu:a:i- OQ , he commeth row tofamiliit conimeod iiioas ■ad fi utations, and chat to good cobfi leiacioo anl puipof; , to wit, tha: the Romaii might Ι:ηοΛ/ . who sre molt t ' be hoooured n'.d made accouDi cf amiugit them , a:.d .110 whom hty ought to fet refoie them to follow : and tbeieforrhse aiiributeth vn.o entry ot ih:m ρβ• ceiiii and fi.igulal tenimo'Jies. « Fji Cnrillet fake vvkitMs pro- ptr to th Cn>i 'i• ant, foi tach-Jthea Pbilofoi'beii haur refem.lincetofthe fan» vtrue btvf-ire tfihtm ivhuh ere the canfei \ ' Coromende vnto you Phcebe our fitter, w'.icii is a fituant of cbc Cauicb of Cco- cbrea : I That yee receiae her ία the ^ Lord, cs it becommeth Saintes.and that yee afiia her in whatfoeuetbutiiietfilliie needeth ofyouiayJc; foi ili'^e hath gitieu hofpiteliao vnto maoy, and to me aifo. 3 Greete 4 Prifciila , and Aqnila. my fellowe helpers in Chrifc Itrfus, 4 (W Lb h»ae for my lifi iayde downe their ow:ie reck". Vnto wiom not I anely giue thai kes. but al'o all the C u.ctics of the Gen- tiles ; y Liki-wife^T/ff» .Ήκ^ C urch that is in their hcufi S ilute my beloucJ Epenetus . which is the ' fir t f uitcs of Acnaia in Cnrift. 6 Greete Mar^e which bittowed much labot» on vs. 7 Salute Andfontcus and fuiia mycoufins and ieliow prif>nfis, wnich are notaWe among toe ApoQl-s.iiid were in ■* Chiitt btforeme. 8 Gxcre Aoiplias my hcloued in tbe Lord. 9 . Saluti- V. ba: us our fcilowc helper in Cbrift, anj SiiC ys my b-ioued. 10 Salur; Ap :lies approoued in Cbrift. Salute theui which are of Atiltjbulusjri nd). I I Sa!u;: H^ro.iion my ki:)ia)an.Greete them w icT ate of \htfriinii cf Njicillus which are in the Lord. 11 Salute Ti^^phena and Trvpbofa. which xinmtn labi.'Ut in the Lotd. Salute the beloued PerΓlS.w^ich uoman hatblabouredtEuci iu the Lord. 13 Salute Rufusc^ofeniotbe Lord .and bis motner and ijjinc. 14 Greete Af^nc iius.PhlegoD.Hircias.Patro• has , Mcrcuiius . and the btcturen wSicbarc wiih them. I y Salute Philologns and lulias . Nereas . and lis fift^r . aod Oly mpas. aad Ά tbe Saiotes wbicb ate with ιίιβΓπί 1 6 Salute one another with an a holy e kiffe The Churcht s of Chrift falute yon. 17 c i Nuwe I bti tichyou brethren, froatke them diligestiy whic cawi'e diuifion and offences, contrary :o thedo puhliilied among ail nations by t;ie Sdiptures of tt^e Prophets .at tbe comn'aundemtnt of the eu;rlafiiDg God for tbeobedie' ce of faith.) 17 To God,//ay.oncly wife.be prayfe through lefus Chrift tor eucr. AtLen. HeiaMcthihst holy kilfe, which proceedetb fiom an heait that i• full of that holy loue : now this is to be ferred to the roa• ;rvfedio thoie dayes Ai by narrely riefciibing theta which wei« wot. ati n, hefuifiu- ntly declaied ?hom they ought" > bene and foU lowe , fo doetii he now paint ο I hem who>a hey ought tikebetdof, yet he niraetb eoiBot , for that wai not need- f Waiilyaoddili•• ly , aithcujll ili.ald fcoute out for your tne• rcics io a watch• •J• a.Iohti 1». g Τ ie word whicit hevvth , fignifierh a piimifing whuh :h no- thing , «n.H if thou he.fftatylurH. tbou mave ilTure by {A\e that fas' ;iu;pi,mi.eih bee IS moie tare* full of Lhy mac. ters .then of hi* inj'licitie niuft be luyced wi.h wifdome. b Furnifhed w^ h thekii"wle i.a!ii. g . '•* with all that <^ cb.ut:o procure the good llof hf Cjria- tbiins la-NiiAi bisi . yeiaotwi b• iUndi ig fo , that alwayes heletietb hem'-o wit , tbat be i> tbe fciuaac of God, aad aoc of mto. a I; he be an A- Itle . then i.ee rnuft b- hsaid , aU hougb h«< feme tituet rcpteBend them (harpely, his owaeC'ufcia haoH , but isantcf- leager ihatbtin- gctb ihecom- raaajeraecti of Chiii|. 3 He ioyneth So.thinei with felfe, ihit this dodriue BiT^bt be coDfir- Blid by two wit- DCU'S. , 4, I: is a Church of God , aitb ,urvUdf,e and take him fsr very God. 6 The foundaiiou and the life of the Church, is Chrilt lefus giueoofthe Fi her 7 Goiug about to condemue many vice• , hrebegioaetb with a truetoniinruHatioo of 'hnf vecuei. lead hfemightfeetneafter todefcend to chiding, btiug mooued wi h niaiice or :yft 10, ibai hee teferreth all to Godat ibe auibour ot them , and tbat in Cbiirt. That the Coiiotbianj might be moie alhamcd 10 f^rcphjiie and abuiethe holy gifts ot God. 8 He toucheth thai by D«me, which thsy molt «bnied. d Seeing that whiles wee iiue here , wee knowe tut in part ahcl prcpheci' in part , this 1 yvorde (Αΰ) mufi be reflrained to the frefeni /fate oftiepiithtuU.-kHthj fpeach hee meanetbntt avaine k'nde 0' babbling. hnl 'he gift ofholyelfqwHci, which the Corinthiam ahufJ. 9 H- ihiA-eth .hat h? true vfe of ihtfe giftes confiileth ber-in, that the mighie power of Ciiill might tbercL>y be fet forth it them , ih«t hereafter it might euidenilyappeate hnw witke ly ihey abuled rhem to glory and ambition, e By t'.ofe ixcdlent pfti tfththtiy C>>o>: ■ χ Γιιβί t II. philips 20. 10 He fayetb Jy itie ^ay , that there is no taufe why they ihoulfi pleafe tbemfeluej fo much in ti'ofc giitcs which thry hadrecriued . let-ing that cbofe were nitbirg in compaiifoa of tbei» wbich are tu bee lookei for f Hee fpeaketh of the iA9 For C Η R I S Γ fenr me not to baptiz", bmt to pttich the Gufpel , -° not with • ' wiie- dome cf NvorLls, It-aft the n aofleof CLiitt Ihoulu be made tf none tSi&. ue toge, : arm», Irparate tben.lt.ut' one omauothei. li-nii 'o^e.her ,et bodi, thai ct.fi. liethofau.is fortes fit/} knit oj.'ther. 4 He begiaceili I» lep.eiealion tid carding by lak.Dg away ufaa obie&ion ; (or that he vfi'detltuo.-! by ueffes, tha» e tD^uy them And therewirball he openeth the ciufeof diSeniioj J, becau>c;h.itfoaie Hid bans; ou oBe d.ft-x , f.me or, a.otbet , and rmewe.efo adtiifted lo theia- fclues , iha 'bey ceg iiitr.iall doft ji'ts an • leacheis . caliitg ihcwfeluts tbe di» fciplts of Ci.iiit ο cly ii:iu ng iuno -.tiei. .eacher'. k Th, m^.ttet to.it J wouli fay iii)o-i,ii ha. ^ ^^ fjiS.i-i. t; Tn- fitit resloo why fcbifrats ought to be ef. hewe; : bf^jufe Chtii• fecmetb by :hu m-anes , tobe deuidedand toroe in piece•, who ca. noi he tr.c head of [W ■ di eis a. d difagrteiug bodiiS.beeiog cim- feiie nor, ,i Anoiher re-ίo...B-•l•au e they cannoi «Mthoui gieatiniuiie lu God, fobang ot men as<' Gjiili : wbi^h thi g ,.o d^ubi they doe, which jllo.v what• foeu-r fome ma.i fpejkeih . euen for njj ..crC/os fake:asihefe meu pU wed one 3 Tte Grft part UbisE;i„lt, isricin hii pur- p.fe :s 10 call back Cuiiaihiaui-ie Λ . and Lo take jyahoccjlioQ dilcorj. So then fe fe fame Gofpell eredolouemiD aud di.t loatbe it being rneied of •notner mjn. Sj ttat hele tadions were CiileJ by the namesoi Beit teachers. Now Paui fetiefh downe hi^ owne name ■ ot ooely to grieue no man, but aifote iheAe that he pNadeth not his owne c.ufc 17 The tbiid reii.;r riken of the forme ail : end ..f Ba;ni(me, wheiein we makeapromif* to Chrilt, cjllmg onalf» the Name of the Faber ,ηο th>• holy Gboi* Theiefurealtbougb aman doe not fall irom ihedoftiirre ο Cbiilt yet if hee hangv^Mu fome certain» teachers, and def(.ife other» . he f r lai.'tH Chri.t : (or if cee beUChnit hi. oueiy maner, hee Wou:dhe.-te him,te»chii g by whomfoeuer. 18 Heeprote'leth ihjt hee fpeakeili fo niu-h tbe more boldly oi thr'e things , becaufe ihat through Gods urouidence hee isv.j» oi ail fufpitioo of cha i*eiim> l>reer tnUtiitl h>s eltlt, ffhich would nit f, .uii.Kil] »t- , je*ie , '/ «t bitiiei vftn any hclft «f mihtAttraHie that to himfrlfe, yfhuh a proper tntl] tothtcrojje tfCnn-t. 1» TheApiltle proouecb that :bi> not to ieeme (lr»ngt, iceiiig th«t il WiS faltiO'd fo loag before . but d«.laictb furtber, thai Gad is wont to puQilb tbe (iiide of the world ill fucbi^ii , which fo plcifcihitlel'e io Jt owne vvifiiiomi andthrrfoietb«t thitis vjiic , yta ί thiag of nethi g, and fucbai G;d i jtfteihai vnprofi tabJe, which they To caielully lab u- redftii , aod iii4de fo gieat accouac » Where ertshr Vtb»»ieatr,eif itrv , and thou fpenie» ihy diy tit lumtni th] tr,ks .' f IhoK thmfpiiidenalUlitiimut ΛΗί t'l exfmniini λΙΙ haH'd , in ne moU c.caif i8 For that "" preaching of the croffe is to them that periQi , foolilhneffi : bu: vnta v», whic!i •re fiued , it is the -f• ° p.iv/tr of GoJ. 19 «» For i: is w.itcio.J 1 will Jeftroy the wife- dpmsofthewife.aii wil <-aS iWiy the viiJeiftin- dlngufthepiuJent. 20 WOcf e is ;hi wif^ 1 w'lere is the ° Scribe ? whete ii thePdipater of tbis wjrl 1 ϊ ban not God made the vvifeaomc o" tbis worl.i foolifli- neffei ζ I >i For feeing thelwjrlde by wikJome knew not G ji in tns ' wirsJotnc of G Ο D , '* it iileafed GjJ by thef foolillueue of pfcaciiii.g to iue theaicha.brlecue: Seeing aifo that the lewe» require a figie. and the Grecltns fe.ke after wifaJoaie. 23 Bat Wde preach Chrift crucibjd : ?nto the Iew;:s,^jen a ftu'uoling block:. and vnto die Gte- ciiiis. foolilhnefle : 14 Bjt v"no them wMch are cdieJ , Korh of the iewes and Gr aan-, .w^ prtAc Oiiift, the power of God. and ti.e wil ^ ;ome J God. 25 For the f joinhiJtlii of G >i is vvifcr then roeii , aod the vvsakensffc of G^d is ft; ouger tbea men. 26 >< For brethren , you f.e your ' cil- iing , hew .oat not many "svif: πκη " jfier the ,-Πλ , not many migbtie , not aauy cobJe tn 27 But Go) 1^ ath chcfen the faoliili tKings of the woild to c.':fctt:vj the wife: . and God nath chokn thf weak -. tbiiog» of the wurld.io confound I .e o-igbiy tSing;, " A-.-id vjle thir.gs < f the wodJ , and things w iciT ire Jefpifed . la I) Go.! e' ofcn, an J tl.irgi Wiiic.i X ace not, 50 bntig to y nought tilings thai aret ip^ii 9 That no^flifli fhoulJ reio>-ceiahispre-i;^r.f/i. fei fc/«; οχ•- the feeiet things of this World, ί : Avdthui iri^mfkeiii bte a-^ainii Altthe it one of:''rm f«al conid fo much β- drtame ie. 15 H- lllrW.nh ihit the pi He of men !cajft: tb-y .vouiijjoi bsh 4i G jd,JS mc«e lalliof th: wifecoine oi ihe worlde «vbivh is the wo.k.maulhp of ibe worlde. j B; the,f,rldhet mi^iiifn ihe^tvcreprti tcrut. r In the w>rkemaK^:p of this world , whrmeofG>d,nj,ri:uedin'i!,fo\h>tenerymjnmaykebc,deil. »+ Thsgood- sefTe ef GoJ is Wood:rfuU . for while hr-g-.tti about c, pu.. ih.be pride of the world , he i» very prouilent »od carefu'»,; r the falu.ti η if it^ »ni tcicBeih mea to becom. foo ■« . that ih^-y may be λίΓ« lo God. f S» f.K.c/i thefr<:^c»,Hi *f th: Ge'fel dS the en-mte>ittf\ifiif- : cut inlht meaHefenfc» he taumnh then» vtr/lb.rpely.vho hiid rAtherca^rgt G^xtrvnh ici:y . iken ackn.wl^ii their owne Λ,ά craue pxri-.ttfor i:. :■ M^nh.iz.-ii. ij Are:Uraaonof that which be fiid hattbe preiching of the Gof.'el, i« i^joljih. It it fjoijlh.lajih he, to ihrm .vbom GjJ had not in Ju:d '.iib new 1 g'lt, that ii to fiy t•, all men, beio• confidered in tbeefelue» : for tte leWM leqlure niiiacles . »nd the Gre- cians' arguments , which tbey may cnmpteheo I by lOeii wi «nd wifcdoa»^ : tad therefore they doe not β ely not bflreue the Gjipel , bu ilfo tbey m-xk at it. Μ )tAii'.bftao-li.i-i i,i ihij fooliih iteachiaa, there is ibc great vertue & wiiedo^oe cf God, but fuch as thofe onely whico are callei , d le perceiue God ihewing molt plaint ly. that euen tbeo when madi'e m?a ibinkebim molt fooliih, he i« fatre wii'er ihin tbey are: aod tbjt be furmou .tc:b ill tkeit might and f■OΛtr, when he vfeth luoft v:le aod abieft ihi gi ai it bath appjarcd iti ihe ffiite of the ptei'-hine of tbeGolpdl. 16 A co fi.inaiion ektnof ttof- ibi-gi waii-hcarae to pafleaiCoiith . where tht Cburco efixrcially ,o: fi ied of the bsfeit and c.tn- mon people . tafo'titi:b ba. tb piii.^fo^aers of GreiCe vverediiueato Ihamc, wheotbeyfiwetha^th.yco-illd'enohinswiththeirvviredrmi and eloquence, iocompatifoiiof lie Ap.iilt», wbora uj:-vi biian-u.-ig thcycalie:! IJiotiand vii- learneJ- And herewubalS roetu hf: btaie do.vur rheir p;i 'e for God did not preferre them before tb.^fe noble ai;a wifi -v.eu Seca-fsthey fhouldoepvoud, fcmthatth ymifhtoe con'iraloedeuT:. whe.her •'.cy «ould ornot.'o rtioyce in the Lord . oy wV-f^tDTci- a'thou '■'ft : wi ciecaurr the} Are cam^lt ^kjiovn-ifpirituativiifiiime. x. iVrich inm.\us iitdverernt artatmo-i iUfA.itj;. r To ^n thM th'l tVtf 1>A>«K (£vH2f^UblttHniinuh4>:& I fence. 30 But yea-e» of him in Chrift lefus, »? who of God i« raaie vnto vs wdedome and lighte- oufnetfe, and fa'idtfication, and rederopiion. 3 1 That , accotding a» it is written , •$• ^He that reioyceth, let him rcio/ce in tbe Lord, a W'r.om '■ee t , ihr Gofpel lUjht not tobecontem lej , feeing ί if I as fc,„K'Hforhe whole nua : nnd he ■vfeththiiword fiffii , very t>ily , t» fee the wtaKe ani miferable cmdttion f m»n xnd the m«• eflie of Cod , one »1»ιαϋ ιηβ other, r thin iti men .-yet Itemftlues.that is, fpfcidily and about feeing it conteiiieih y chieieft t Hi 'igs that are Ό be d-lircd, to wit,rrue wifed^me,the tiue Waytoobtaiae ligh- leouinefl'; , the irue A'ay to liue honettly «nd god.y .ihetiue de!iuer;nc« from all mile-ictijiJcalimiur» ■$• lere.g. 14 a.Ci.r 10 17. b Let h.myeeid all loGii is liie him thaak's : ani fi by this jiact « mans fteewiUbeaten i%wne,whttk tht P.tpiiisfc dreame of. CHAP. ir. I Hefetlelb downe a plat forme of his preaching, 4 which was baft in refpeil• ofm-.ns mfeicmi, 7 tj tut noble in refpeil of tbi ffitt'Htll p.wer xndcfficacte, 14 Andft concudeth thai flejhi3lo-d cannot tightly lui^e thereof. ANd • I , brethren , when 1 came to you, came not witb^ txcillcncie of wordes.or of wifedome , Ih-wlug vnto you the » teftiojonie tf God. ζ For I ^ efteemed not to-knowe any thing among you .iiue lefus Chrift, aad him c.uci- hed. 3 '■• And I wjs among you in = weakenefle, and in feate, and in iduci trembiiog. 4 NM-.ber βο7(1 my worde , and my preach- iiiJ in the « e^itiling (psich ofmans wifidome, » but in plain» ^ euidence of the Spirice and of pjwcr, 5• 3 That your faith (hould not hz in the wif- Jjms of iD;nvbut in t^e power of God, 6 4 A^id wee fpsake wifedome atnong them that ara « psrfeil : not the wifedome of this world, neither uf the fpriDces of ibis world, which come tonetig'it. 7 > Bjt wa fpeake the wifedome of God in a § rD)tt;ri;,#«(n the hid »»/«*»«»«,« wuch Gud hid determiasd before the worlds . v.ito oar glory. 8 7 Wnich oone ofthe princes of this world hath knowin : for had they knowen it.they would not haue crucihed the ^ Loid of glory. : He returnctb to h«.7.verreuf,ht foimei Caap:er, that is to dy . to fail ΟΛΓας example ; confcffirig that he vftd not «mongll thern either excel- lencie of word» ,01 eat.liig fpeechot maut wiidome, ΛΊ h gieat limplicitie uf f|'eacb,bo h k'.ew and preached lefu» Ciiitt crucified, hiimbit and ab- tft, ai thoiiching he flelh # ChiH>-<-'7. * Th' Gofpel. i I r»rpopd net t» profejf. Any olhef ige, but the know edge cfCktiH d him cruti- fitd. Aclesii.x. I He fetteth weak• " agxinil eticel- le»eieif'wirdes, nd therefore ity- :eth wiihit'feare end irembliKg, icb are the paniens of true maieflie, n^tfuch feare and trembling ai ^rrifie the cmfcienct, but inch as areeontrar) to vaKiiic and pnie. Κ Chap, i ~ tuttieth that now lo thee mneoiation of hit miailtery , which be bad granted t» hisaduetfaiies : for hisv? rue aad power which they knewe Well enough, waf fa mu.h the more exce;!en',irc«u.''e it had do woaldly beipe loyoeci with it. «' £f fUfrt eud Hce Ke miannh fuch a proofe , as is mude by cename ant «eiefiatf reafoni. j And b«telleta the C-viothiatii , that he did itfor their great profile, becaafe they might thfrebykiowe manifeilly, that the Gofpell wa» fiombeaueo. Therefore bee piiuily rebuketh thenj, becaufe that infeelsiog vaineoltencaticB. thty willinjly rfepriued theoifelue» of tbe gteateH hcipe of tOeir faith. 4 Aa other ai^umtotttkenofiht nature of tht thing . that is. ofthe G ifpell.whithii true wiifdottie , butkuowea to them ooely woich aie delirousuf perfcftioo : aod i, vnfa-eiie-to th;m wnich oibitwif' excrll iJ the world , but yet vainely antt frailly, e Xiofe a\e c-iUci perfect here,n>t wtich bad-goiiei! perfection alrcaaie, h'ttfiehas tend 10 it, as Phil 3 i; ftthatperftil, t> ferafa:nitweake. f Thtf thit are wifer, richer, or might tir the» other »>< » 4re. { Hee flleweth the cstife why ibis wifedome cantoi be percf iuedof thefe excellegi woiljly witiei :_t<» w.t.bicaule iodeedit il fodeepe, than oey cannot Jitaine vnto it. g Which men tdidnotfomnch asdr.:ame «f. 6 H- takethaway an cbi ftijo: if it be fo harde, when aud how it itknowriit himfflfe.'l'au.anfwereth: becaufe tbeykiie'i* nor Cbriit furh as bee W(,i. h ihi< mightie God, full of true maitflie iS^lfier N.jWth:s flacf haih in it a mod emdi'm proofe of the iiitinitte ef Chri'l, ardtf his tfjnir.iof theiwo nai-ircs i» one , which hath this .mi ,th*t thai which is proper to ikentanhooie aUne litoitchedefthcGodh:, dmyneawith thtmankKif which ki»:t ct-fffcsch, .f /jtteAof tie old fathers, a 7n.ik:ng cimmnti »/ »//j*ii-*«r /*a^j»^te/«»i wr», wtUt Uktr u Wb«w t*fi <*« »« *' • »"£• leoaturallman. S| Another ob;t- dioo . But how could ii be that ibufi wittie mea ceuldv&t pe;ceiue thif wiidoine ? Pa aufA'cieth : BeCiulV v.npteucu ihoie thiogs wiiich pjfli: ati nuns vndti- ftjodiiig. * Ef.u6i. 4. ni'ich «J thiBk.e of them , much Ufie tonceiuethemwiih tnf,ufn. S A (jucltion : it it fiitrj3UQt ihecap»- titicof mtn , how I.ISHptnians. ader- odofa 9 2 But as it is written ,4 The thJrgs w^.ich eye "-.ash not iicne , neither care bath heard , ntt- tber came into ' cna;.s heart . <»ri, which God hith prepared for chetu that loue biaa 10 9 B.it GoJ ha;tire'.icileJi«ew» vntovsby his Spi;i: : fur the fpirit ^ fcarcbeth ilithiogs.ysa", the Jccpj thirgs of God. Η '" For what man kncweth the things of a man , fane the ' fpiiit of a mao .which is ία r.icn » cuen ij the thiiigs of Gjd knoweth no man , but the Spirit cfGoa. 1 1 Now wi haue tectiued not the ™ fpirit of the wsd J, but the Spirit, which is of Gad, i ' that wee mi^hc " kaow the things thataie giuen to v$ of God. 13 'i Woich things alfo we fpcikc.not in the § wordcs which inans wifidorae teachein , but which the holy GhoS teadieth ." compating fpi- li'.uall things with fpiritual! things. 14 'J Bui the Ρ naiur:!! mau perceiueth not the things of the Spirit ot Gu'4 ; for they ar•^ fco- lillintlie vnto him .ntithet can hecknuw fAiW, becaufi they are 1 fpititually difcerned. J Η But he tnat is fpiritiull , • difcerneth ail things : yet ')' he hittfirlfs isiuJgtdcf ι no «nan. 16 '•' '« For who nath knowen ttie cinde of tbs Lord , that he tcight ' ioaruot him ί But wse haas the "J aJade of Chriil. or bu Clare by a peculiar lij at.'g by Gads ff rit, wbetewith sv'hofoeuir is in ipired , he can eater euea to thevciy ttcrets of God. M. There ii nmhitig /i /i-frer and hti- dinitt Goi, but the SjirttofGsaiiAr- ttth tntj it 10 He fetteth that fci'th by a fimili- tade , wbich Iseefpa^eof the iBfpirjtion of the Spiut. Aithe force of mam wit fcnchnh out thiugs pei tayor,g to man , fo dueih our tuiBd Ly it«c power of the holy Ghoft , vadetliand hMUroly things. / 2>e minie if man , which (S tniiici ■CDtth ΛΗι,Λφ tt vnderjtand *ni lua^e. at The Spirit vihich we haue re. tnned, isth mc teach vs thmp cfinn rvtr/d, But ttfuth'vi vftc Gid, 4»i this Jilaee ttacheth vs xgunH the Paftfti ,Tshat fxith <5 , lUra whrnc• it comoieth, «niwhat firce It Ii of. ,< Thit which brfpike geceraliy.be ieltui:teth now to thoft thing! which God hath op.nc j vmo vs ofour faluation 1,1 Cu.ilt. leall that any .nan ihould fcparaie the Spun t'.oin the pttacbin^ of tae word 4r.d Cbiilt ■ or Ihculd tbiike thjt tboft fa italticall men are goucuiedby the Spirit ofGodj which wacdiiog bclides theworde, ihruit vpunvi their vaine imaginations for tiefecrctsolGui. » Th,. iv^,d(K>un),iiaHi here iH his proper i,nfe,f„, irue Cbrift the roanaanoiB, λ NJi IcouIJnotfpeakevmoyoD, brsthren.s ζ Haumg deci,re< ** vnto fpirituill men, bu: as vnto» carnall,#M<> ihewMtbineiTof aS vnto baiKSin Chrilt. 2 ί gi'!; you miIkctod)inke,indnot''tDeace; ror yc Wrrcnot yet «abiere Aiir«ii , ntithei yeij '™'^ now are ye able 3 Fur ye ite yet carnjU : for whereas thtr» i. ;uy ing. and βι f;, artd diuifio.-.s , ar heauenly wiido:ni ficcGoIpeJ, ^■ng gej eia..> fuch, ./G.i , cb bee began veri, be matter muu >t (V ;his wiiedomc i tod It i thm: the ih words Hz not of knmied'j^e.vshtch the Spi purpoie, acd conclndeth fear^umcot >λ I «words mjll beappiyeil to the i.ianer and which are met'eanticouu;.iicntf,i it .■ n, Vfii, and therefore it inu:t be dcliujyej b by enilin; woidei of mands tloqiiea.c , thmaie^ ftie of the holy Ghullm.y therein appeare ^Chai,^^ 17.1. pet i.iS. <, Λ: pnint the7VerdiV»ti>thematCir,tow,l.ihr.tas Wee teach f,-.,rituHli ihmp.[i,mu,t our kind, sfteachmx bejfintntU. , 3 Agiir.s be preaenteth au offence or llumbliue blccke : bow commeth it to paOe that fo fe we allow ihefe ihingt ? Thit i» not to keiBjrueik'd at, faieih the ApoUle , feeiog iba men in .heir natuiall ptjwei» (as they termed them) arc . otin.fued wtih th« acultie . whereby fpiijiualt t.tingj• are tfifcerned ( which facoltie comincth another way) and tbeiefjre ibry accomp: fpirituallwiiedomeaifullyanditisasifheihouldfay.li is no maruiiiey alinde mea cannot ludge ol coloats.feeing y they lacke the light of their eyes.acd theie- fore light it to them as darkenelTe. ;. The min thit h^th no furiher light tt t/u. Aer^MidiKi '"^» ""»' »*»> A he brought wiih htm,ttitu jrcm bii methen wrnile asluiedefinethit,Iude\9 q By the -vertiielf the hotj Choit. i4Heamp:ifi' etb the m»"" by coot^ancs. r Vndi'rtixndrth and difcetneth. i;The wile jome ef the fltlll.faito Paul.determinetb noifaiog certainely.no rot ia it owne aiiaiiet much lellican it difcernc Hrioge. that is.rpirituall thing•. But ti>e Spirit of God! wherewith fpirituali men are indued, can be deceiued by no meaoes , and thtie. foi-ehereptaouedofBoiniD. f Of nimin-.fnwh,» the Pro^heti are luditi <,f thePii,phe,i,iti<. the Spirit that iiedieth,^ net the man.-.-Efa.^o.ii.rom.l J 16 A reafoaofthe former f.ying ■ foi he is called fpiiituail : which hath learncti that by the vertue of th^ Spirit, which Chriil haih taughtvi. Now ifthat which we haue learned ofthat Mailer .could be r prooued ofa.y mjn , heemuft n^edel ke wifer then God: wbercvpon it foUoWetb , tba; they aie cut onely fouliih buialfo wicked, whichtbinke that they c.h deuifefome ilji-ng that is either mot* pf rfea.or that they can teach the wifedome of Goci abetter way then they kaewe or taught ..whi.h vndcubtidly were indued with GoJ( Spirit, t Lay h,s head to I'f • ""^ "."'' *"".''<"" hefimld dtc. u We are tnditti with the Spirit of " " ' ■ ifxifefHrtts, Which bj all other mtanes art VK- t/ct aionj^yo ye not cimall, and wiike as i men 4 For when one fiith, i ara Fails.inJ another, I am Apollos , are ye not catnall ? y \ \V.^o is Paul then? and who'is Apoilos.but the tninia-rs by worn yecbeletusd , and as the Lord gaue to euery aan 6 i I hiue planted, Apollos watted, but God gaue the increaie 7 So then , neither is h-e thatplantcth. any thing.ntither he that w.atrsth, but God that giueih the iiicreafe 8 And he that planteth.an J hee that watreth, arc one, •{• and eucry scan thai! icceiue i is wages, accordi-g to his laboar, 9 Fur we together are Gods ' labourers : yec are Guds husbandr\ ,ΛΛίί Gods buildin 10 Acco'ding to the g ace of God giuen to mee , as a ik;lfu!l rc«itet buiUer , I haue layd the foamiaiion , ano another buiideih therton ; 4 j^u let euery rcaa take heedchoweheebuiidtthvp. on it. 11 ^ For other foundation can do επϊπ lay, then that which islaid.w;.ich islelus Chrift. 12 «And if an, man buildeon thisfoundaJ^;/;/^;^;";;,"^^;^*^ it theoeter , he ' b SHbflaHiiaHmeate, ,r ftront rae,ue. c Tote fed bj i«.«„tr./...rA.«_, a B,the%uare .m. γ A(tet,n=.rtcehathfuir,cientlr Dtrs , au 1 their fooiifli elleeir.ers , now face iheweth beeiteemed. that wee a..tjt,«te not να.,, them more oe. Thetetorehteieachethvs tba they are they by ■" " of God, nesol maos minj, cowa leogih he appiie.hitparticu- lariytotheCu.ia.. tflian» , calling tbna can. all, thaiis.iucii in vvhomsi yet the flelliptcojilttha- gamft y fpirit. And he briuge.n a dou- ble teltimonyof it • firft , foi (hat he had procued them to be , in fo much he dealt with 1 no oihei wile with igoorant , ao.J luchasari It babes in she doJtiin* ofgcdli- nes : and fecondly, fe they (hew- ed indeed by thefe diifeifio s , which og vp by rea• of the igno•. eofiheeer- ofihcSpirir, heauenly wif. dome , thatthjy profited eery e or notLJDg. 'ecaueih t;,e)» I whith are tcarmeth th,m babes me With ftihiiiiHtiall Apoftte no ' Wh:ch d,ff: and citrtyT^ repieheodcc how the 1 1 He miui or lefle then wee wborae we are b •fbed thim iy leachmg . ice was Liiclybut <« r <. ofm.ins wii and Hidden I fuch a .d fall. but tftlthel g ot themfelt.er out Go : lo walking by -Leni a. i, pleaie.h ,-,h . „ „ . 'i- ." *'^u ■ ^""'i»" f «l»^"' "" >o tna.ke or conlid.r what mtnilier u ii that Ceaseib.but what ij-lpoken : a d wee mt-ltcirpeud one,'» vpon hitn which fpeakeih by h $ feruauts. 3 He be»jtihe h .he form^i feo enc/ with two linulitudes . fillt conipaiiog the companie at the faittfuU . to a fielde which God inakc.h fruitfuU, when it is fowed and WJtiicd tfciou9h the la'^our ef hii feruant.next.by cmparingit lo au hcufe, which ia i-.ede ihelord buildetb. butbyihehaod.ofhii;w..i!t;-m-n ,fomeol ^ho.i. bee vie.h ,u avi. ρ -he founl dation . other, in bull ,.g .,', it vp N. .r. b .h theie .,n,ii,.,i s eil^ tVhl.pur: pt.fe , to ihe we that alt thi, g» are wht^lly icccinp!i;h: by G.. s oo, .y ju horiiie yh.ueaney tohim M^,e ul-i, a ho oh that - f the woike , we mu•• o. tcer:f.,e c... «π,ηι .('» Chriil, who efeneth fiarfh»i{( , and alfe aU trueth -whatfteuer. CHAP. Ill, tHeyeeliethaftcif.n why hetptead.ea fi» til matters tiKtt th.m 4 He fbraieth how they cu^ht to e/letme of Mi- Kilters. 6 The iHinljIers office. to A trite forme cf tdifyin;,. ti He w.trnetk the Cirini/i,a»s, that they be «it Wr^ivf»» aw4> »,. trrD^/iaike (kiuis, ,t tkmih the trmd mftdtme »ftht fttlk. »nd might , fo iha G jd vfeth foniein the better pa other, in lefpeii of them , andm .ch elfe any ,veed uide thefe faftioui men di.1) feting that all f tfccin .abonr ?n Godi fucb fort, tba they (eiie to finilh one leliefam; worke , alih., o,i οί «dke'-i nianne, of wotking,, („mucht..a. .bey ...ede one a,.o,be,s he pe. + ΡΛ,/'βί li, gulat 6 f e S lutng vniir htm : N.We ihey whiih feine -vnd'r another doe n.th.ng of their vwne llr,>,,th , bii> as il is ■ιι.,η t,m by grace , rf th ,\ace mahth then, /.< toiha: feruue. Look, eha,., .o..»d {L•..^ aniaTtte increafe that cMimeth Ai (A. ir .abour , d 'h fo p, ,ce d trcm God ,hat no part of the praife cf.t m„y be n ,«, « the vnde, feuian- 4 Now rei fpeak-th to the teachei» themelues, which fu;ceeae ■ him 1.. the Chutfti of Cjunth and in theit peifun. to .11 that were -ifie. or fllall he raiou.jci Congtrgaticni", feeing that they fucceed into the labour of the Apclhcf , wh.cb were ,.^a te ri a .d cbiefe builJeii. Therefore bee warneib tnem fi'if . tha: tbtypeifwa'. notthem''tIue« ! la.i-ahe, that is.iha theyrvi.iy prcpcund and either in ma ter or io kioJe otteicbi, g dif- e,rtbech:etebui• e.j ; Mrreouer he« wit Cbii leiut, fi'm which they may noe polhisbuilHi f 6 Tnirdly . he ihewtth •per pan of the Ouilding be anfwerable to the >,exhoriJtioi s ad wha'foeuer periaineth 19 A'craMeto bedcftrineofChrilt, aiwellie matrr at m fotme : wci h drftti, e u comiared -o golde liliier , and piecioul ftoues : of which mat er Efaia» alfo aud lohn i . ifceRenelatioo build the hea- uenly ciiie. And tothefeaic pp..lite, wbod, tay, lluLble, that is .0 fay.curio»! an- v..inequefiionsordecrfti -.and befides to belhorr . all that klnJeol tea. hin» which ferueth to oltentation For falfe d' arinei. whereof be f) eakeih not here, are not faii piopetly to b« btlilivpon thi» foundaiion, VDleffepiiiidueBWreia ibewooely, tioo, that they ma/ b fet foorth any th ferent from the iheweth what 1 lild after ihc.r 0 trg.intheChu Apj. les Wbl- bis foundati.jD 11 turneawiyone that they iiiu.t foundation, tha Ihe edifyiDg of oeiothebuiid akeheed thun i• ihatadm. D the fl,..kr be [yOdsmiDiffCfsj. ■ ν°*Ρ• ^ * ^ ^• ik)t].golik,Glae}'«^ec!cmsftofiu,tu&l>er,bty.er ' Bubble. , j 13 7 Enerf isans worke Hiillbe trade roarifcfi: for tbe day Iheil dccUie it.btcaufa it fliilbe rtuei- Icd by the fire ; «nd the fire ΛμΙΙ trie eucry roins { worke of whit fort it i$ . iviansiua| cuitiii- /* ' 7 Rc;teftiOeth , u iadeeii the naeih h , that all are not good builders , bo sot (ome ofthcm V*hichlt«nd»pon tbii one and ocely fouodaiiC: but bcvT< foeoer thit wotke •feuiU builders. £iyth be , flacd for a feaioD , yei Quil k not alwiyet lie- eeiue.becajfe thac the light of tbe tiueth api'earing tt IcDgtb , as day Ihall diOoltu tbil difpofers.that eoery «Ban be (ccni faitl full. 3 3 Asiouchingme.lpafieiicry Utiletobe iodgfdof yoo, 4 or cf irans ^ iudgtment : no, f I iuog; not mine cwne iflfe. 4 For 1 know roihing by roy ftlfe , yet am 1 14 Ifauy'uMtMwoike.thatbehathbciltvpon, j thee Lord i nat theicby iift.fi:d:butfteib4tiuag<:tbii;e,is f='^» F'e°"ii^i. abide, he ibiJl teceiae wages. 1 5 If any mans wotke bume, be (hill lofs.btjt » be ibalbe (aaed hiatfelfc ; ceaertbelede yet as it were by the foe. 16 * » Know yce not that yee are the TetEple of God ♦and dut the Spirit of Goddwelletb io yoH } 1 7 If any man 5 deflroy ihe Tetople of God, ■ him fliall God deftroy : fof the Tensple of God α jtoij.acd Ihew holy, which ye aie iwbat it '.t, Aad at ItlutttufFci» tried [by (be fire , wbe- cher it be good Drboc,ro Will God in his time t% tbe roticb of bis Spirit ■ word , trie all building• .andfo ■" it come to paOTe , that Tush Μ be fouDd pure aai round , Ihall ftill continue fa , to e prayfe of the woikemao; but they tbat are e- tkerwife . ihallbe ccDfuiaeH , and raniih awty . and j fo fliiU the workita beftuftrateof the He taketh 18 " Let no man deceiuebimfelfe•. If anynian aowng you feeaic to be wife in this world,let bica be a foole, tbat be »ay be wife. 19 For the wifedome of tfcii woild is fooliflv neffe with God: for it is wriuen.J He i catchcih the wife iu tbeir owne ciafiinefle. 10 •■ Aod agiine. The Lotd knoweth that the thoughts of tht wife be viine. 11 " Tbeieforeletnoman'>reioyceinm«i: for all things are i yours. 12 Whether it be Paul, or ApoUos, 01 CcpiMS. ot tbe >» world, or life, or djath. whether they be things piefeot , or things to come , euta all are yours, 13 AndyeChiifts.andCh»iftGuds. • pre.'cmiBg ab obicttioo, aad v'liug tnf gra- ufiji Ajitritle, te \aiWsib tbat be (cr ihi coJitary ludge- cts '.&.i[t::iy us ot bin , ία !t :aey elcecmtd• bini 41 a VI c pcr- .bccJHiebc did' of bit labout.which pleafed himfelfr iu a thing of oought. iti.>u Γιβκι the vnlkiliull and ( jviy hop: of fal»itiJu fiem tbe vn«lsiliu:l and foolilh builderf , erhich ho'de fall thi foan.lttioD, jf which fort were thofe RethormaDSiaihet then paftouis of Corinth: but headdeth an exception , that they muitnotwuh- ftandioa fuffer thii trial! of their «orke , and alfo abidi the Idle of cbiir viine labt^.rr +CW-6.r ».r«.6.i6 , Contiuuing mli mtbe metaphore ofa- btti:dioe,he:eachetb « that this ambition ii notonil, vaiue.bital(ofa«ilegioui. ~ o'r he favtb that the Cbutcbi» as It weit tbeTimjle ofOo>i, which Ood fcaib as : were confeerred veto bimfelfe fay bis Spirit. Then nuning bimfelfe to thefe imbuiou» men. he toeweth tbat thry piofenr yTeaiple -f God,b«caufe thole viioe svhfein they r-leafe tbtmfelues fo much, are at hf icachetb.fo nnny poliii- of the holy doatme ofCi^, .ei the purine of the Chf,«M!innfeeiA It T/«c'«-»' ■*"«'i itli-AnifMrtl) they doieftlttt^k) Ρ i«, kn tittlirntmt,whiih ij ppii] eUqueKce defile tit fHritie o'r the αφΐ/. lo Hes toa.Iuieib bythecontiaty.ihaichcypto- fcffe pure wifidomt io ttsCherch cf Gjd.whicb lefofi• & caft a w^y all ibofe va- Bitietofmeii.aDd ifiSeyb? mocked ot the world it iif.jfhc-ent foi iheuitbit tUey be wife «ccoidiog tothe w.fdamecf God, and as he willhaue :btrato be wife. ♦ S^S n. t'Se the) neutr fo rttfttt. yt the Lc-zd-mtUtakt ιΗ,ιητν^.ΐ be fbaS i,<-eiuert!,iiytreAcherie. ν ΓβΙ ^^.,μ. ι ι Heretu-nr:b to the ptopoliiiau of fe.firll warning theheaieri, thit henceferwaidtbryefteerae not asljidi, tbofe whom God bob appointed to be mir\iltert,and not lord» of their fjluaucn, Which thitig they doe, tha. depend vpon men.and notvpoa God.thatfpeakethby thtan. h PUafe himftlft. i Hcjpi,aff tinted ftrtmi t.ii^ft. .« He paOetb Ircin the peffoDiro thetbiugt themfeluet,tha;h:«argunisctmiy be nwte forcib.e.yna, beeafoe-ideth fiomChtiit to th: fatber.,to ihew v« that wee rell our feluti no not iBChfiftbielelfe, in th«t thatht ijnian, bjt bccaufehecariethvs vpeiieato tha Father, at Chtilt wicoeOTetb of bimfelfeeurry whne, that bee was ientof his Fa- tbe(, tbuby thisbicd wc may be all knit with God bimfcli'e. C Η A F. IIII. „,y,. I Siir-iinf in the definititn cf Λ true Afoflte, η ke j fider h fh'Tteth that hnmilttie tught rither ti be an hmtxr then Λ fbxme vnte him. 9 Hee irtn^eth in frtofr, Whetetj tt mty eaideniljapfeare, jo thit hee ntiiher hai cau ef qlcry, 11 ntref his belUt. enittb Timctr 17 He ccmmenitth Timotkit. 1 Kecoacladeth theduciieoftbe bearers toward* tbeir minilteis, that tbey elteem* tUrm Q3t a» lords : an I y»' riotwitbHanding, that they giue eare yrto tbenj, tfeem that lie fent fronChtift , feot I fjy 10 this end aad purpo'^e , that thry iiuy ■ haods.thetriafureof faluatioo wnicb is drawfn out of tbe ftcvcttofeod. Λ Tueri mtn. a Laft of all , be warneth tbe inioiltrrs, thjt abey aifo behauetheaifeioet n6t at lords . but ai faithful! fuuaoti , bcctuie ibey «MstticDckioDacccaat βί ihtir ttcwiirdlbip vuwOod. ίΤ Et > a » nian fo tbinke of vs, as of tbe tniniftirs 'i^of Cfarift, and difpofers of the ftcrets of God : And as for the tefi , it is req-ircd of the f « Therefbre 4 iuigi norbipg befor: the time.vniLl tbe Lotd con;e,wtO will lighten things that aie li tin da>keneffe , aod teaks thscounitis of tbe hearts tnanifeft : and tlien il-.i!! eaer >■ man haue d ptaife of God. 6 ' Now tbrffi things, brethren, I haue fgu- ratiuely applied τηιο mine owiie fdfi aad Apal- bs , for yoor fakes . tbat y e irigbt leasnc e by vs. that no man p:efaiue aboue tlnet which is wi'utcn. that one fwel) not againft aco-.het fur any mans ciuTe. 7 3 for who feparateth thee? and whit haft thou , that thou bail not teciiued ? if thou btS re ceined it , why reioyceft ttiou , as tboagh ■ tboa badfi not rccciuedit r 8 9 Ν jw ye are fall : now yee are made rich yc reigne as kings w'uhout vs , and would lo God yc dii reigoe.that we alio aight reigoe wiih you 9 For I tbi::k5 -hat Goi bith in foorui vs the laft Apoftlis , as tn;:n appointed to death , f jr we are roade a g gafing ftocke vnto the wcrlj , and to the Angels, an J to men. 10 We trt fooles for Chtiftes fake, and ye art wifs in Cntift : we art wcake . and ye. are ftroug ye art honourable, and we art defpifsd. ri Vnro this houre we both bunger.and thj-ft and are naked, and are baflttjd, and b.a«c no car. teine dwelling place, 1 1 ^ And labour , working with onr owne hand» ; we are reoiled , and^yw we bldle : we ae petfecuied, dnbt.b of the world .thicffilcw ting of all things, vnto chis time. J4 f ο I wriw not thsfs things to ihanic yoa,bui} '^''ν as roy bcbued children I admonilb yoti. "J^ _ ^^ I y For though ye haee tenoe dvjufaijd inftroJ wirhftlLdi'Dg cha- ic.igi liiyihui» to my felfr? for I know that lam not vnblameable, all [hisntj lelfc thcrefoie (hoiild Ipleafe my feifeasyju doe. iords iHii%(ment 6 A third rtafoo iicctediiig outof the former reafon». It ii Godt t-ftce , lo eiteecuie euery iauiacu)tilii>g :o his value , becaufebee knowetbtbe feiieis o; tbi h;i(t , whiCQ men tur ihc laoit partareignoiautof. Tbeiefere this iudgeinent ptiie'ii-ih ajt loyoo. ψ .^Uet. 7.1. i One ctulinci be fraifei nbMt i'oe tttt , hut the utiiii jumUie hi- nd: i3 bt nansiiiuth friifs rathir thilt difirjife , frrlhti thtit-inr.tnguf hi; ni/t VtJii thiiythat iheyfMui mieett ftmtmrn ih^a »iie!»9us.7H.uiug rsita-d their iaJjtiuint, hefett-thfoouhbimrelfs agaioe as afio^jjiar examn.'eof irc..j.t:f,as one which conctaJiogio thisEpulle ihofe'a&ioui teacher, oaale», deuUfd u it to put dowac bis owoe name and Apulios iniheirpUce , aoi tool^c vponbifti, as it werej tbeir Uiamc ; fp (ni* was heefrore prefei ring hi-tfeife to aay . e Bj turtx^mpU, rektth chtft'titthn totakt rtketmenifAviti'vfenvi.thexiiirarft 1»ame. 8 Hee(heWethageodm;an««tobri.l!epi;J« : fitll , if thcj cen- bow righ:)y ibou exempiei thy f=lfe uu;of tr.e uumbei ofoihcis , i'ee in;» ( thou art a fun; ihy ieife ; agiiat , if tho» oonli^er tha: aiib ugtiboii baut (omt I ( thing mote 'hen other men taue , yet thotr half it not tu. oy Gods tcuiitiful- j I neiit. iiii w-.a: wife ιηη.τ is he that willoiagge ot .looihrs goojnelfe , aud that • gainll GoJ•' / Thetea notbttt^ ihen ih iis e/H.i(4<>e, i.^ai-i» tvttil} cfc>,r-:tr.t}i- iatun : ru: ai' tiaf rve h*ue,we hetteit cftrue.whUhthe Pe/«jiaiss ^haift Pr/j^nus tmU net ctnfej!e. 9 Heedefcrtidein tOJ mi:ft g^ajc uwike . totaufe tbe-fe anujiiioos men to blulheuen agaiuliuicif wille». ΐ He• thsivilliaKt a tight view hew like Pan/ xni the Fife /iie.rvhs ly.nflj tcuflith ihpt: heeitliis fMedjIcitr , let him ccmp.ue the delie^tes tfthe Vcfip etrtrtTvith S»im Piuls P»re, ai wee fee ii heere- J .^f?fs lo.}^ i.thcjfi.g. i.tht^.i.i. '.• JUai.f.^^, liikiii-ii^. iclesy ,fo. h Suchaib^ fweepin^Htathtrtiscgethtr. 10. Mode- rating the flUTreucffe of bismotke , hee pu:«ii thelo inininJe toieiraiabetvf wb η they were bcgot-en ir Christ , -nd tbartbey ihould not doubt ro follow» bill f ir an cxiiiiple , although be: freme vie attoidipg to theoutWArd ihc/y, m icf,Hd of others, yet migbti» ty thi eftitwie of Cods Spivii.aj tbey bad bad «ί».Ί (bcieof in lbciufi4titl> ^0W3 B."caufe in te- thtading oiheri, "nple'lhe'v. fttlcasthtydid. Aud bee o:itt|«tb good reafoQi why hee was noihisg lujouM'j with tbe :iii«cts which- the/ bad o; ti.m. Firlt , EecauiV hi; ma: which iiin iadge io thefe dcBi;. b »-;rdfar wotJ, D-iy , .!/i<« :,:( mt- n^r or Qitii ■,; int C//:.-.•.:»'. f Seconf»;y , (ajfih fcs , bo-v «a-j yju luigt hiv much CI how !itue I an»• to beaccoua:ed cf , fseiag Lhn I niyfelftAbich. knows my fe fe' i>="tiri tbeoyju d^re profeu'etbat Iniae wa'kr.l in 611 with gool couf«.>eiice, dan ibitandicg 1 fte kingdorae of God. I. Corinthians; Of go|rt§ to tavTi iWhat way xttd title 1 {tlinv eurry Vhire in teaching the Churches. II Laflofallhe- Apoftfliite tlireit- Oiugi , butyeichi- diogihe/nai » f»- ther, Itiit by iheir difardur be becoa- ftrjined to come to puaiAi foine a- iZiQu^ them »«»»f<4.ii-. * B;/ yvcY^es , hee ntiiUtththeitftiH• ted and colcurei Aindif iloijuenc α^Λΐηβ rvbichhi [tUeiii the ti?nue if the Spiri piiile, wherein he repieheo vie ofccddiaiticaUcoirca: d jurs in Chfift.yet hiutiytt not mihy fathefS:for in Cbria lefus I haae begotten yombtougn^ha 1 6 Wherefore,! pray yoa.be followers of rnee. 17 For this caufihauelfent vnto you Timo- theus, w.-ich is my beioued fonne.aodfaitbfulliti the Lor J, which ih ill put y ?a in remetnbrance of my • wayes ihChritt.as 1 teach eacry where in cue-' ry Church. y^ 1 8 <' Some are puffed vp a» thoagh I would not come vnto you. 19 -Bat I will come to you fbortly , ^ if the Lord will.and ί will know.not the ^ words of them which are puff.d vp. but the power. 20 For the king loma of God is not in word, but in powir. II " What will ye?ilull I come vnto yon with a rod, or in loue.aod ia the ^fpirit of meekncd'e } . 12 ApaffiogoiK lore ihsrply a veiy ha / Metkel) affeitei I ) another part ofifau E- ui olfcQfe, Ihewinjtlie CHAP. V. 1 That the] haue winck'i at kitmvho ctntmittei incefl• mrh his mother lu ΐΛΐα, ι. β hee fbeweih fli)ulilt.iufe fftkemrnihertobe ajbimed.then tornoyce.ia Such kmde efwickeinefe ts lo ec iunifh d Viritb exummanicMitn, li tetii ether be ttifeclei rvith it. IT' 15 heard certeinly that thtn it furnicatioti a• mong you : and fuch foruication as is not once named among the Gentiles , that one Qiould baue bis fathers wife. • 1 » And ye are pu£fid vp,and haus not rather furowed.thjtt be which bath done this deed, might be pa: from^among yoa. 3 3 For I verely as abfent in boiie , but pre- fent in 3 fpirit, baue determined already , as though I were prefent , that hee (hat hadi thus dcine this thing, 4 When yee are gathered together , and my fpirSt.in the b Name of-ouf Lord lefps Chtift.that fjch one ; I fay, ♦ by the powsr of out Lord lefus »Be <■ deliuered vnto Satan , for the * de• I of the flj'h , that the fpiric vaty bs faued in the day of the Lord lefus. 6 7 Your reioycing Ί is not good .know ye not that a litle leauen leaueneth the whole lutupsr 7 ' Purge out therefore the olde leauen, that ye may be a new "= lurape.as ye are vnleauened:for Chriftonr f Padeouer isfactilicedfor vs. 8 Therefore Ist vs keepe the ζ feift, not with I olde leauen,nei:het in the leauen of malicioufnetre. ofsftao.ioth i ffcey are great- ly to be lepiehea- ded which by fu5- feiiog of wicked- oeuV, fee forth the Church of God to be iDJcked and fcornedof thiin• fiJeU. a Thireareooae t proud then they thatlealt • faoow theraCtliiis. Excoirma!.ici. tioa ought not to ht coinmited to ore ioaD»po«-ei•, but melt be done by theauthoritie of>he wholt Coa• gtega'.ion , afi^r that the matter is dilijenily exaini- Bei. Λ In mittj,tbcught ami retil. t CMIiiig vfo» CI rifl «is Ktme, 4 Ttere ii ao doubt but thit ludgeraeatiita- rififJ in heausn, wherein Cirift bimfeljfe.iittethai lu^ge. i;TherxcommuiicateisdeUiiered to the p.jwer of SSao, in that, that he it cait ouiof the hcufe at God. c H^hut il is te hi iciHirei f » SAtan , the Lord kkHfelfeJfcUrith whtH he erii<^ofthec^ti»i^^vihtckistheCh«reh,T:i!' anX mitQer 6 Taeendof exc.iniinanic» ίοτ isnot tocadaway the txcommu- nicate.hi- hsfliould vtirly perifll,bat that heemsy be faued.tp wit.ihu by -hii «tiea les his ftslh ra,iy be tamed, that he may l^aln«^) liue liihiiSpirit. 7 l.n )tbet eid of e>::.>iii.TM»oicatiOo i» , thatothjt be yot i'lfeft^d , and therifcre itm ilt of X\t\% b• letiineJ in ,tb? Church , that the one be mt ia'eftid fay toe other. d Ii i»4/>i/)f , and not^rtu»iiiivp)ni>ii»itfaf»n, as ihiujh rc^ rverc excellent, if'tiher' is Cvckviitk• ini jle fmn i amtrgtt y». 8 By alluding to the cere- m nieofthe ViiT<:itb, beeexborteth them t) caloat thatv icltaoe perfon fro:n Zfi ibsm. In ■iniJi.ptft, fayetj he• , it was not l«/vfull r'or them whiih did cvlel»U'ethi P.irsjuii.rueate icjuered bread : infomuch that hee was holdenas ncleiae oC yii.voorthie to eat the Pjlfe Uir , whofo-uer h»1 bu' tailed of leiueo. iijA-e our whjie li:'c mint brjs it were the feift of vilemeoet bread , whetcio alj iDty that »ie i>artabcri.ofch«t intnamlifeLainJe which isfliine.mud cait "ut >f tbe-afe αΐΐ, a:ul alfo out of their touresaod Cunjrrgaii>DS,All impuritie. * Br I'um.e :/i««. / The Limbe tf nitr Pafemer. ξ Let vi itnietut while itfe , ai it iveie Λ eiint;«i*ai ft.^ii, htHtfiij end vfriihtlj . d put jiui tf the ηφΐ 4t nhtch Satdislnd and wick-doegerbut with the Vnleaaenedbtiad of fiocaltie and truitb. 9 9 I wrote vnto you in an Epiftle , that yee ih juld no[ coTipany together with fomicacouts, „ 10 And not i» altogciaer with the fotnicaiouts of this world, or with tbe couetous.or vith txror- tioners.or with idolaters:f.)t then yc muft goe out of toe wjrld. ? 1 1 But now I haus written vnto yoa. that yee company not together: if any that is called a bro- ther, be a fornicatonr, or couetous, or ao idolaier, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with fuch one eat not. ♦ ♦ I ζ '° For what haue I to doe to iodge them alfo which are without} doe ye not iudge them that are within ί 15 But God fudgeth them that are without. Put away therefore from among your felues that wicked man. « Nowhefpe»• keth more gene* rally ; aai that which bee fpike be!ore ufiheia- celtuou» perfon, be (lieweththatit th-r» which are kaowea to be wicked .and fuch as throDgh theit Baughneiifeare a uaoder to the Caurcfa » which oujhtalfo bylaw» fuii Older be caft mu .itie ofthT' Church. And m«• king meotion of «a.ing ufme.u,el. ther he raeaneth ■ thofe fealts of loue . coininjo vfageaod whereat the Supper of the Lord wat receiaej , or els th nwceroflife which il rightly to betaken, lea.tany maa (houldthioke matumonie we-e broken by exommauication |Or fu-h ttueties hindered and cut offthereby, as wee owe one to anoihec: children to iheir pareoti, (u'jiefts to their ruieri, feiuants to their tna-fteu, and neighoour ts neighbour, to win^one another to God. h If )eifp>n.ivtieil} abiiitne from fi4ch melts ciimf4a),yoitjb)uid goe nut of iht wor d: therefore Ifpeake of then which arein the ver) iofome ef the Church, which muH be called home hj difcifUne , and not of them Vfnich aretpithout, rvnh whomyoismitB la'-Our iy aimeanes ptjjtj.c , to bring them tt Chriff, 10 Such as are falfe brethren, ought to be calt out of tbe Cougreg»Hoa: «i far (hem which ate without, they muit be kb to ike iudgemeut of CocL CHAP. VI. I Ki initei^heth a^ainll their conteutiin in UremMteii, i rohertvith they ■ue.yed one another ■jndertudi were infidels, tothe reproach of the Ctfpei,. 9 and the» fbirpeij threatneth fotnicatoun T\ Are 'a any of you.bauing bufinefle againfi an- other , be iudged » vnder the vniuft , » and not wider the Saints ? i 3 Doe yee not know that the Saints (liall iudge the world? If the world then fluUbe iudged by you . are yee vnworthie toiudg; thefooalleft mattets ? 3 Know ye not that we iliall iudge the Argels? how much more things that psrteine to this life } 4 + If then yee hiua ' iu.'gements of things perteining to this lifc.fit them vp which ate d leaft cflcemed in the Church. •y 5 1 (peake it to Tour ihame. Is it fo that there is not a wife man amoDg you? no.not ooe,tbatcan iudge betweene his brethren f 6 But a brother goeth to law with a brother, and that vnder the iiihdels. 7 * No we therefore there is altognher *,*^^' <,j I Tbeihirdqnfr• Uoniiofciuili udgementi : whe• her it be lawful! or one faitbfull to draw anothee ■aithfuU before dgeraeat feat of an iulidell» ie anfwereth that wfull, for offence f^ke, for it is not euiU fit felfe. ^ As if hee fayi, 4re jetecome β tnpudcnt, th.it n» re ΗΛ ajbAmedtt I ike the Gifpet Λ fihini^ficcke tt . profane men ? !fAfl )a Headdetbthat bee doeth not fo:bidthit rneneighbourmay goe tblaw wi h ano'her.ifneedf» require , but yet vudet holyiuJges. 3 Heega.herrcn by a cotr.paiifodthat tbe faithfuUcau not feeketo infilelsto be iuiiged ,wi;hou: gieat ioiurie done ti Saioii,fe'ing that God himfelfc will m^ke ihe Saints iujgrs of the world.and of thedeuili, wiih bis fontic Chtill : mu h moreougbt they to iudge tliefe light and fmallcaufes : whi^b niay be by eq.iiii-, and good co'5fcience,deter'nired. 4 The eooclufton.wht-reiu beprefcribetQ a rcmrdie f'lr tbismifchtele: to wit.ifthey end their priuare affa.res berwMxt rne ■.f-• u » '^^y cio^in aibiteti out of the Cburch.for which ma ter 3c puvpofe.the lead of ν iu,rayth he, is fiifticient. Therefore he con- demofthnoi iu igcin^u! fejts, butfllev.eth vvhai is expedient for theciicumftance of the time, an! that wi.hi ui any imnilli-ng ■ f the right ofihe mngiitrate for beefpraketh nst of iudg-menrs which aie p-aftif•- itetweene the laitbfuU it the iifiiels , neither of publitjueiu^geioect , but otconnouerfies w.'iich may be aedeJ by priuale arbiters, e Courts ant pi lets oftudi^ment. d Euen the mtfi ahieil amsa: yo'j. $ He applieth th-ge oeril' oropofitirn to a pitiicnlar.ilwa calliig them baiketotbis.torake »wiy frnrnf-e that fal'i opinion of their owoe excflleseie . ficm whence all thrff n.if, triefs fi-rar.g . 6 Now hee gu.:iii 'urthcr alf) , and altSough by grjnti'g li.trn priuuear'ittr: cut ofthe C^°?"patioao{ y fjithfull.h; .loi:h nor liiiply coudnnnejbilt lathr» "ilW.'h B'iuate.iu.:,;einrau, fo thi: they brexetcifedwit>icut utferce , yet he tit weifa ;Oit i; they were fucb as tbry rught to be, »adit it wsrecobewiih'd, they Ihould Loiaeedto vie that ■ her, . *infifa3itie Dffofnicafy)», infifmltie In you , that ye? goe to Jaw one with another : 7 4. why rather fuffet yc not wroHg'wby rather foftjioe ye not hatmc? 8 ^ Niy , ye yonr filacs doe wrong , and doe barrocand that to γοΗΓ^εώΓεο. 9 Know ye not that the vnrigbteous ihall not inherite the kirgicnc ofGoJ? s baootdccei- ueJ ; oeithei forcicatours.nor ^JoUte<$, nor adul- terers, nar wjntors.nof biggereiS, 10 Nor thcetws , nor c?uetous ,nof dfonkards, nor rai!..-rs. oot exxif.ioneis Ihili inherit the king, dome of God. 1 1 An! fijch wcrr "^ fame of you : bai yee are wafbed.but yc i't fanditied . but yec ate iuft fied. in the iN^tne of the Lord Icfus , and by the Spirit of our Gi>d , II f « 9 ? AU things are las;f oil voto me , but all f nings are not prLhuble . I c;ay doe all things but I willnotbebioi^g"uvndertbei»pow£rote- ny thing, 13 10 Meates are erdtined for the belhe , and the bcliie for the oieaies : but God Lball deitroy both it , and them. Now the body » rot for f jtni- cation.but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14 And God hath alfo raifed f ρ the Lord , and 'i( fliall raifi vs vp by his power. 15 i' Know yee not .that yonrbodifs are the members of Chriii ί Ihall I then take the mem- bers of Chrift , and inakethem the members of an harlot f God forbid. 16 1» Doeyee not know , that he which con- pleth himfdfe with a harlot , is one body ? * for i two, uith he. flialbe one fltlb, ;7 Bat he ibat is ioyned vato the Lord , is one fpirit. cijap.vij^ UiM ifriaeeTT* I A rvrekmiffe »f mind whiih nfeti nthtm ikat fuffnn,mfc...st. be uterctme of then tu^i,*»i it is mftmt ttiat [n•**- rtthinat'.JirM UmfitAnctc AM mitUralten.fj ί'πΛΙ it mfftih ih η vhiihcoHidajt fut vf»a iniaiie ' ne vnit ihtm. 7 This pxuioecll chUfly to ibe ether pirt of liie icpte- heali lO.toWJt, that >hcy Λ/eut to bjv eueavadcl in&itli.w'hereu they Ihould ratbei kaue iaictci any loOc.tbej ioh>Ke giuea tbac olf je- |ierally tiur.ttiat we ougbi rather depart t'lom our right.ibcD tneibe vtiermolt ofihe LaMV baftily, aod vpoo ao aflcdiaa to reueuge an in. iiirie. But tbe Co• linihiaDi cared for nettae:,aud tbi^re• fore he fii. hi bar «hey muit repeat, volelie h-ywill belhutoucof the inbeiitance ef eoijk--v 4 Mii^h.;,3e. luke 6,29.1001. I»,i9- f 1. Their. 4, 6. 5 ΝοΛί he ptepatethi .,,,... •λι l• i. ν bimleife to pafle ouer to the fourth treatife of this Epiftle. which conceraeth maiteis ina.rtetent : debating th.» matt» firtt , bowmen may well vie womt» ernofvvhicQqueslioohaibth.etbvaQ.he.. forDicatioD.ma^rimome.aiida (i«gle life. A« (or foroicatioo , he vtterly coudemoeth it Aod maruage be com- roanditb to fome , a.a good ^α-Λ neceilary r.medy for ihem , to other bee leaueth it free : And other fome he diffAadetb fiom η ,ηοζ asval.wtul , but asd.fcon»-. Biodioui, and ibac not without exception As for ungleneife of lite Cvi.det Wbich alfo I con>p.ebendv:rginitie) be inioyneib icio no man : ye: he i.M-.vad- «b men vuto it , bat not for it lelfe , but lor anoihrr Γ.ή«β , nei.he. all men, nor without exception. And being about to O-e-ke aga-nU foinKatica , be be- I gtn,«ll .HurebcElion of thole vives , wbtrewi einoeth with a zenerall leptebcEli riotous citie moit abounded : warning and teachetb them eaixe.tly , ihit repen- taoce is vDfepaiab'y ioyned with fofgiueneffe of li^ne» , and fana.hiaiiou wnh Mifica.ion •.• r.r.i.3. / i»/ej«j « CW-o»J• ' ^econ^^ly bee flleweih that the Cor.ntbiam doe fimply offend in maiteti in .itteieat i-irlt, be- caufe the, abufed tbMn : next,be^^u!•e they vfed .nj.ferem thing, witnout any difcretioD.feein? the vfe of them ought to bebioughtto the rule of cbaut^e : and that he doeih not vfe ihem a right , which immo:^r«iely abufeth th :in,aDd fe be- comraeth a Oaue vnto them, χ Wh^.fuuer , i»ViA,s«e».r.// w.,d n,ut. i. ,e. ftra,»fd tc tl,.»i, that are ini^fun, h Hee ,i,n(»b.ia,innthmis ,h>,t are is a UueuH, kini cfflmer) vn.lfr a ccUur „t iict.Ue. ■wh,ch[r,Uih vp,tt,u,h m,n 10 Se'condarily , beoufe thtycounti.1 m-oy tbiugi for md.ife.eni whuh wereoftbemfeluei vnUwfull.as foiniciiioo, wbich they uumbtedainangllmeere naturall a^id lawfull d. fires . us w.ll as m:..e and drnke : Therefore toe Apol.le Ihewetb.tbat thty are vtte.ly vnlike : (or me.te. laub bee. were made (or the iie- ceir;ry vfe of man. life . wb.ch i. oot perpetual. Fo. boibmrates . a.d al! ibis mane, of nouriili.ng are q'li ke y abolilhed. Bat we mult Let fo tbinke oitbe vu- cleanneffe of forni. aion, for which tbe body ii il ordeined to rBreneSt ,a» appeareth b> rb eueo as Chri t alfo is giucu vs ofhisFa-bf vertuewherewiib hee alfo rofeagaiae former argument by argument: A harlot jni_pb L made.tu- on the contiaiyfue that it isconfectattd t^ Chtiit, ο k|U. ken our bodies wiih that 6,i. II AdeJa-aiiou oftbe inJ tbeapplying "*it. 1 1 A proofe oi'the fa^ jreclttueconirary foare iheB Ihar.d hrSyirie ZiiTZ^; ) Ap.otttrar- !u.-neac way for. iicarioo ii to be fclewed , becaafe : defileth the bo- Jy W:tha peculiar ndeof rt thines. thJrefoie hee that i. one with jn harlot (whub is .'one oy catna 1 comi " _^^•;>.η ο. tbeir bo.U..) cannot be one with Chrilt.whicb vnuie is pure an 1 Ιρηκι,.ΐ C.» m*rriage,a>ii both ofth.m «rc b good for a man not to touch a woman. α Niuerthelefle , to auoyd fornication, let eus- k' ry mm haue his wife , and let euery v/cman bane Ρ ''°«'' ''''« barb ,•' L 1 1 " nis commoditiei her owne husband. 3 " » Let the husband giue vnto the wife <= da bcneuolence.and likewife alfo the wife vnto tbe husband. 4 3 The wife bath not the power of her owne body.but the hnsbaiid:8c likewiie alfo tbe husband bath not the power of his owne body.but the wife, y D;fraud not one another, + except it bt with confentfor a time.tbat yee may ^ giue yonr felu: to fjfting and prayer, and againe come tcgsther that Satin tempt yon not for your iucontlnencic. 6 f But I fpeake this by pcrmuSjn.Dot by commandeaicnt. 7 For I « would that ail men were eu^n as I my felfe λ»: but euery man hath his p.-oper gift of God, one afttr this cnaner, another af;er teat, 8 «Therefore I fay vnto the fvnmaried, and vnto the widowes , It is good for them if they a bide euen as I die. 9 Bat if they can not abftaioe , let theta^ rie for it is better to n>af tie then to ι burne. 10 X7 And vnto the mated I command.coilibtji the Lo.'d.Let not tbe v/ife depart from her huibaJ 1 1 But and if ibe depart , let her remaioe vnoia- ried , or be reconciled vnto her hasband , and let notthehiBbanJ put away his wife. J 2 s Bat to tbe remnant 1 fpe.ke , And not the Lord , If any brother haue a wife that bileeueth tiot.if ihs be content to dw ill with him , lit him notforfakiber. 13 And tbe woman which harh an huib that bsleeueth not , if he be content to dwelt with her, let her not for.'aki him. hougb which be wil! de- ■kreafe wards, ^T that marriage il ctecfQaiy f,^rj|^ nioi'iiajoffor^B a:catioQ:botfothirt tnay haue r S H'e aldeth aa exieption , enofrnt , that 'hey in^y tbt b( ft>iiding,hre ψ'βιηίίίκϊιίιί') c r.fr ai it .vere'fio.-n marriage, t S F ftly.he traccuh-.tatroair wbith hjue not the j;it>of con t I W:jb. 6 .S»xtly , be gi apurriige', to wit , that afing rleCfetbeooi abftsinefion er j.i.'e theitif-laes to pray nq|ar.y -, jsbiids. •>Z rio/e vhtreof,^ Si me. I> Ctmra.il:tu<',a»i• :^sivcfa\)exp,U4. fit Firm^rrtete JriBjer* vvtnj ffwithit,a!td• that ij reafen tf ' I• corrupt HH tf• "rJSrfi e/lau. tPfl-3.7. S'Condiy,hee flleweth that the rtres married. lirt'yluieone the other. r Thl• wnd (due) f-'mmtAeUk.ini thcntfthttthen that that fol. Inveth. Tbiidly.be war• a ttem that ttey e:ch ia others '.Vi ,a. tri'icaiug the body, folhat tht-y may nor de- fraoi oneaaotber, the other by roaioall r jwheieiiuotroiih- by ibis long tveakiog eybe ttirred vp.oiiicoQ.ijcocie.diij itothiitg elf, age I. ootlimi'ly ce.ej'ity for all mi, but for tfciia iucucy.aad .hi. gitt is by a ,eculiii .:ra.eofGod, ^bfaeietfefame adinoaiion touching :berci.9acl : Ii e li to 9« aliowcd, iut for fuch islLue the gift fcpaiinencie cthet.vtfe ihry cuehttoajavtie againe. that their coiijence may be at peace. fTiuSwht-.e thte nf- fif-tn/i ihem mhtih'-ttud^nitcfectnima- rM^fs.cSo riii';» ιϊρίΛΙα,ι,η nil Tfc canmtcailvcoGod with a j.-ri f.n/ci<»f^.X^.tt /.ja.i? i»,s mar, o.ji. z.iuke iS.iS. 7 SeiieothJy.he fjtbid-ieth οο.Ί entiuKS! & puoliibiiijofdiuot-es (foi ne fpeaktto so: hecre of rhe faul•. at Λ/hit-djine, which was rhcu dearh euen by rhe law af toe Roiiiialafo) whsreby hee iffi.in«>h that the ha.-• ofmiriuge if do; iiObijeJ.aad thatftoni Clriitt s niout»!. SEigCtlyihe a'nriiieth,tbit-hof« Bar sit,; s which .re aliea.^y eootraae.: betA.-ene > futiifiiil , an-l an»!:riittfijl •( i«fi4eU,»te kiat,fo that th» faiihiuil am not f-rfake tf e vnfaubtiJl. ^ i^ i^M OFeiccam :i{ion and vndrcttmdiioa« J»^ >r|fltWans« Of marriage anjvifginitic. 9 He anf^erith ■n obted:iOD : Bjc the Cii:bfull it de- filibl by the fjcie• of tSe va''2iib- full. Tof Apptle ptoojetli chit tae faithful! man v^icb d cunfcitace /vlsthevflTcl ofbisvafaiibtuii wife , by ihit ibic tfceir children Wbicb »re borne eiibem , are ac- ted boly (ihaci(.sou:eiB<■ husband . elfc were your cbil« dten vncleiac : but now are they ' holy. If 'o Bat ifthevnbelsiuingdiparciethitn depart : a brother or a (iftii is not in fubieiftion in ■" liicb things:" but GoJ harh caUJth vs in peace. 16 For what kQowjft thou , Ο wife , whether thou ihjlt faas thine husband » O; what knowcft thou, Ο tuan, wiethet thou Ihdt faue thy wife ? 17 '» B>it a» Goi hath dillribmed to euery man , as the Lord ■' bath CJlled euery 00c , Co lit him waike : an J fo o:daiQe I in all Cnurches. 18 'J Is any maT calhd being cirnifncif;d } let hiai not ο gither his vncircHm:tfitft : is any Clued vncircumcifed > let htoi not be circus• cifed. 1 9 Circumcliioti is nothing, and vncircumci- fion is nothing , but the keeping bf the commati• dements of God. 20 δ Now concerning virgins, I baue no commviderEent of the Lord : but I giue coine ί aduife , as t one that bath obtained me.-cie of tbe L:3rdtobi faithful!.' 26 I fuppofi then " this ro be good for the * pfcfent neciffitic : / m«(t»(, that it u good fos a rEanfotobe. chilheH nfthe faitlYuSare half , iy vtttue »fthe ccMtmut , tntH iefire Bxp• tifrm^aml bafti^'me ,> Aiiei n'thefeaie efthii holintjie. lo Ho anfwereth to aqa!!Woo:Ah.i liibevufaithfull fovfake the faithful! ? then ii thefaiihfiil! free, fayti hi , becaufj be is forfitea of Uk vtifiiithtull. m IVhin any furh ihiKl fiiiith aut. 1 1 Leift «ry manrpon prtceoce of this libertie Ihould giu; ocajfion to the vnfaithfuU lo/Iepait , hte giu?th tovnderftani , that marriage coairafted W:ih to inSdel , o'Ji;hi ptacejbly to be kept , that if it be polIiUle the infidel may be woone to tbefaiib. ii TikiDgaccaSonl ythat whicbhefaydof theboa- «Jjge »ni h'beitie ol'inati/monie , beiigt-ireth to a grr.eiaI'doaiineconceruiDg the oatward rta:( and cooditionofinani lif^ , is CircuracifieQaadvac-rcumci- ll on , feruitule icd lioettie : warnit g euery mai geDetilly toliue with a con. tented minHe ia ihi Lord , wb?i fta-.e ex coniitioa (oeuer bee be io, beoaufe that thofe oifiwarclihiiios.istobe ciicumcifed or vnoitcumciied , lo beboad or free, ere netAfthefabftjnte (aitheyterme it) of:beltinidomeof heaue-3. » Hnth itHHi him tc .1 ctrt.iKt htnie o/.'i V. 13 NotTvith landing bee giueb rs to \Ίι• devRaod.ihst ia thcfeeiamples allate not of like foit:oecaufe that circuincilioo i> not fimply of it feifetobedtftied , but facha^aveb'iundmaydelire to be frre. IheiTfere herein ooe!y they ar; eciuall , «bat toe kingdr.ine of God couhftetb not iotbig fty CkriB, q Hee thai 1» :n fl^ie of Kferuitni,aniiien!teitiibe iChiiflu•». f Chif.e.io. 1 pet.\. iS.t9• •♦He |b««reih tbe reafonofchevnlifunefle . faecaufe ttat hethatdefitethtobecircu'n. cit'eil.meketh hinife.'fe fubiecl to manstradiiina.aj J not toGod.Aod thii may be ■lach mori vaderftood of fupeiftitiooi . which fomedoefoolilX^accompi for «biags iudiierenr. ly A repetition oi tbs generalidofttine. rstfurfly and frj-.n the keait,that your itin^s nay be Appncited beftreGtd. 16 Heeenioyneih vir^initie to ποηΜο , yet hse perfwatleth and praifeth it for another refpeft , to wit, boih for the naceffi.ieof the preftnt time b-caafe the tji-bfull couJJftarce «bid» in my piice, andrfethe coitiraoditioof thijpref-Dtlifii.jnd therefore fuch «I were 110: troubled with ramil-'ei . mi^iit bethe reviier : anH alfofor thecar;» cfthisl/fe, which mJnisfedrawetn wiihitof oecellitie.fotbit -.h-y canoct but }iaue their minde.-cially. / Tht firctmHeucescoKjiierid. thuIetxnfeliyiH. t It is Ithatfptak.' ihiitpbiih I amnit^dtd tofptak' .'and ihtttHtthis I *m * mm.tuiyri rpcrthy creditt,f or I tKu^thf-nedofihtLytdttiefuchnnont. tt To remnitie a virfiue. χ For the m-ceffie yvhich tbe Sjims arr i*)iy fubieii v»tt,v>hc are coHtinaOily tifiri nip »ni dttVHe .fothat thiiiti{.iin»iyfeememefsvlt^tftrmattiilge,WilH it »i$ Ik» (be wettlienefit tfiitf-p (»[tutith*m («it, 17 Art thoobonndvntoawife? feekinotto be lioita : an tbou loofed fron a wifti fcftce no^ a wife. ' »8 Bat if thou takeft < wife.thou finneft not ; < and if a virgine owrrie.lhe finneth not : neacrthe-'y Sy the{fi,f,y letfe , fuch ihall baucaoablc ία the τ flelh : bati /^ vnxerjtunaeth «fpareyou. *^*Γ '*«"*,'/"'"* 29 A ad this I fay ,bf ctbreo.becaafe the rime b /inuife !fl! mt^t. > ihoit.hereafcer that bo^ they wbich baae wiues, Ή* ^rtn^eth vpitb be as thcugii they had none : 'LZuUit'^cl^hat 30 ^ad they that ^ wcep:,as though they wept ^^ i,'„\,;{ „„g not : and they that rtioyce, as though tbey reioy- f λ μ. uft, ntt bv ced not : and' they that buy.as though Λβ\' poilcf-i ""''^ '"* * ["*"* Γ Λ ' ' m ' ί \mtre atreeablt to i^no«•• God then m.riagt 3 1 And they that vfe thi$i world , as thongh υ , tut for thofe nf, they vfed it not;for tbe d faihion cf this world go- ''»>'η-'ί''<>5 ■ »*«* «baway. i'j^ZdV.fTil^ 3 ζ And I would baae you without care, las me» n ce ■vnd of, VDtnarried careth for thetbirgsofthe Lord, how ;'*'"'*'>'"'£** hetnaypfeafetheLord. J^c!; ^,^"" " 33 But bee that « mirtied , « careth for the! - χ wouUyonr tbiugs of the woride , howc bee may pleafe hit'. »««*"»('' »*' VDtothe Lor d Without It piraaon. wterthy ht jb'-tv- 3d '7 But If any man ibinke that it is vncomely ethw, that there for his virgine, if Ihee piffe tbe flowre of /> he fpeaketb now of a widow, to wit, i hat ihee may matrieagaine, fo that {he do; it in thefeare of God : aodyethedilfembletli not, but faith, that ifttieeremainellill awidow.Qie Iballbevoid of many caret' m Bj the I arv of marriage, ^f Bmi.j.x, nRtliiimfly^AndiHtbeftAtt*l Cod. f i.Tkeff^.t, CHAP, VIII. I Trtmthis place -unto the eai of the tenth Chxftir , hee •wilieth tbem not to be at the Ctntiles trofane innkets. e Hereflraineih tbe abufe of Chri/ftau tiierlie,,, am fbtwcth thet k»*wltdge mufi he ttmftiti with tharitie 0 mar• ttlb;wtktm CfeHftianlbertie. Cbap.^ Ix, Net to offend tho weake 7 j ANJ IS ^ioBcbiflgthtngt Ticriiiced vnto idols, wse knowe that wee « all baue kaowlcdge: knowledge b puffcth vp.but loue '^ edifiecb. 2 Nowe , if any man thiakc that bee knoweth acy thJDg.be kooweth DetbiDg,y ct as he ought to ^ know. 5 But if any manlou»Gqd,the rameisknovvea ofbim. 4 » CoDcerniog therefore the eating of tblngj faaificed vnto jcb hurt, becjule^itis the my ftrefle of pride; nay pdoethnot (o mucii u deierue yiutae of godly knowledge if it befeparate from the loueof God, 4 ibereforefrom y ioueof A This gtHeraS wrie n f be ebridied as AfftarHh ■veriey.ftr thireiid kinitif taunt in it,tsweemiy fetceiue t} tht nextverfe. h Miniilrah etc*- fim cf vaatlie "ttdftide : becAufeit iiv$)iff cbetiiie. e InfltuCleimr neighbtur. i Th- applicatioa of that aufwere to thingi offered to idolei : I grauct, fayeth hee.thacis idol; ;t io deedea vaiae imagiDatioD,aBd that there is but uoe God aod LorH , therefore tbat roeite cannot be made holy or prophioe by the iHoU : but it followeih not ttaerelore that a man may without refprd vie thife meaiet ai any other, i This wcrde (Hole) tn this place is tnkinfcr a» tmoge tvUci is nude torefreffntfitaeioibeti .that \rerjbip >K$t,hlbegiuen vntt tt:-mbetevfin eame the tcude (id>l»tiit) that is tc fjj , Image feruue. e It it Λ -jAiite lifeame. f Wien the father υ dtSlingui^'ifrem tke Stnne, Hee is namid the beginning cfallibtngs-g PVee hatte our being in him. ψ lohn ij.if.ebafterii,} . * 'Bm as the J'atherti called Lcrd, fats the Scnne, God: therefcre this werde {One}d>eth «« lefpeii the ferfens.bul the nature», i This rvnie (B;) dteth not figaifit the inffrumental! caufe , but the e§cient : Sir the Father and the Finne werke together , which is Hat ft to be take», that wee make two caufes , fee. .',j liey haue btth hut tne nature , though thej be difitnCl perfcas. 3 The reafon why that followethoot, if this : becaafe there are ma- ny men which doe mtkoowe that which you koawe. Nowe the iudgemeut» of outwarde thiog» depeude not onely vpon your coafcience , but vpon the con- icience of ibem thitbeboldeyou , aod ih:refotcyjur a&ioai wuil be applied not ontly to yout knowltdge , butalfo totheignrrsnce ofyourbretbren. 4 An applying of tie rc«fjn , Tjere are many which cjnoot eate of thiegej offered to ido'ei , but with a wiueriog confcieDce , becaufe they thinke rhem to be va- clejne : there 'ore if by thy example they enterprife to doe thai which inwardly they ihinktrddifpleafeth God, their confcience is defiled wi-h this eaiiog,& thou had beene tbeoccalion ofthis mifchiefe. k By confcience of the idtle, heetnea• neth the feeret iui^emet that they had within thtmfelues, whireh) they theught all tliingi vncleane , that were offered 10 idetes, Λπί thtrtfort they eould not vfe them will gcti confcience. For this force hath confciince , that if it be gotd, it Mtketh ihmis iniiff^reat goii , a»d if it be euil ,it ns^keth them euiH. f A preufoting of an obieaion: Why then , (hail we therefotebe deprined of oar liberti;?N;y CiichtbtApoftlf.you (hall lof-no part of Chriftianiiie although ye-j abfteiae frr yourbre-.hreat fak» , t$ alfo if you receiue ihe meate , it inakrtfa you no wait tb? more holy , for our comneod-tiou before God cooliiteihaot in meateirbm t? vfe our libcttie with otTeuC^ ofour bretbien , ii aa ibufe ef liberiie . the true vfe whereofii cleaoecortraiy , to wit , foto » e i-, as in^fiog ef tc Wre hjue c-nli 'eretioT of our v.'sake brethren. 6 Aaothei pUioer ex- pluatioo of :he fi ie reifoi , p'opouoJing the example of the fitting downe at the t'Mle ii the idoles femp'e , which thing theCorinthia-s di) euiil ac- compt ofamiug tbiagt in Jiffetenc , becaufe it is fimply forbidden for the cir• Uace «f ilK i>Uce , «libough oicace doe ccefe , a it OuXl be decUteji inrbi* II 7 And through thy knowlidg? il-.all the 4. weake brother peiiili , for whom Chiift died I ζ * Nowe wiieo yee fione h agaiiift the bit- tbren,& wound their weake confcictice.yee finne agaiciQ Chrift. 1 3 § 9 Wberefure if tneate offsnde rcy bro• iber, I will eate no fliih while the world SaBdcth, that I may not offend iny brother. 7 An artplifica- tion uf thtrjtga» nicDt taken both ofiomf r fou and contraiies : Then Wretched man, faitb he.plcaliiigtby ftlfe with thy keowiodge which indeede is ocoe (for ifthcuhadJell tnowledge.ihou *ouldeft Dotli;te downe to meate injin idoles ttmple)wilt tnou dellroy thy brother, hardniag bit weake confciecce by this example todoeeuill.foi whofe faluaiiun Cbiill himfelfe bath dyed? •{•Roin.14,1;. S Aa other amply fication: Such offending of our wea.ke tretbie redourdeib vnioChrift, & theretcie let not thefe men thinke tbattht7 haue to doe onely w th their ore- thren. «f Jiim.i^.ti. 9 Toe conclufioa , whi.h Paul conceiuethin his owoe perfon, that be might not feeine to exafttbit of other, which hee will not be firll iubieft vnto bimfelfe. I bad rarher (faith hee) abllcine for eiicr from all kinde of flelh , then giue occalion of liune to any of my brethren , muthlefle would Ire- fufe in any ceriaine place cr lirae for my brotUeisiake net t9 eate uefcai*!*•* to idole», CHAP. IX I He declareth, that fritn the liber tie which the Xeri gaue him, IS he willingly abfieincd.iS.iileaft in things in• different bee famldcffihi any. 14 ffe fiieweth that tit¥ life is like into a race, AM ' I not an ApoSle ? am I not free ? * haue I not iecae lefus Chirift our Lord ? are ye not my wotke » in the Lord ? 2 If I be not an Apoftle vnto other ,yet doubt- leffe I am vnto you: for ye are the ^ feak of mine ,'i'"«' f"'^ 'Λ . αϊ n.• • u r J Udoles.he weuld Aponlelhip in the Lord. 3 3 My defcBce to them that <= examine mee, is ans, 4 4 Haue we not powe» to d eate and to drink? ^ Or haue we cot power to lead about a wife being a ' lifter . as well as (he reft of the ApcQles, and as the brethren of the Lord , and Ciphas } 5 Or I onely and Barnabas, haue not we pow• «r^Dottoworke ? 7 s Who igoeth a warfare any time at bis owne coft ? who planteth a vlneyarde, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedcth a flocke, and eateth not of the milke of the Bocke ? 8 * Say I thefctbingsb according to man? faith not the Law the facne alfo ? 9 For it is wtitten in the Lawe of Mofes, Thcu iball not muflell the mouth of the oxe that treadeib out the corne : docth God take care for j oxen ? 10 Either fayeth hee it not altogether for ou" fakes ? For our lakes no doubt it is written,rhat he which earetb, ihould eate in bops.&tbat hee that tbreihetL• in hope, ihould be paruka of bis hope. I Before^hiprei ceedeth any fur- ther in hi» propcW fed matter of fliew the caufe of mifctiefe, and alfo take it»• waye: tawit,th« the Corinthian• thought ihem- ielues not bound depart from» :e of their libere frr any mans plrafurs. Therefore poundeth bimfeue for aaesj• iple and that in« alter almolt ne- Ifirie. And yet be fjxrakeib feuetaliy cf both , but fititeS bis owne perfon. If (faith he) youaU leadge for your felues that you are fiee.ani therefore will rfe your iiben Cllfo ' his y iat4hac asappointedof Chiiii bimfrl.'e ,aijd the autboiitie of bis fu .ftion was fjfficiemly confirmed le him amoDgli ttem by iheitConueilion.Ana al thefe ibrngs Le fetteth bcf re theic eye», to make them alhamed for that they wcu!d oot in the le.lt wife .ha: might be ,deb.fetbemfeiue> for tbeweakei like , w beieai the Apoltic himftlic di.lall that bee coulJ to wicne them toGod,wheth(y weievtteily reprobate 3c witboac God. a B) the Lord, b .As λ [tale whereby it apf'earcb jnfticieml) thai Cod ii the aut'^mrcfm- ApoHi'fhiii. 3 Hee addeth ^hil by tke wa),«• if be would fay, 3) far it is off, thjt you m^y doubt ofmy Aiiilll'lki;' , ih».i I vfe 10 tefuetbsnii which call it into contiui.trfie , by oppuhng tbufetLiugi ^bich the Lord bath done by me among i you e- W-'ch lik' Ι.^Μη ix >m ;•.: mte afii ray deiHgs, 4 Kowiouchjpg the mittcr i feKe, be faitb. Seeing ibatl ,m fveeand luelyan Apoftle ,whfn> y not I (1 fay ..ot eate of all things cifcre'l to ilole») but be maintained by my labour» .yea an^kcepe u.y wi'ealfo , as thenlidue of the A- poltles lawfully doe ,asby name .1 bo andlimrs, the Loids tcu.'ios ,atu1 Petee himfeVfe? d yfoi the exieaft of ihe C^urc f 1 Onetkai is a Chritha» and» irw b.leeu'ii f iir. 1» liue h• thi ji,.>i.e c• cur haad,> j That hee may not freme to burden the Ajwille» . hte i. > \e..'- .bat it 15 iulftba: they .-ioe by an«r- gumeot of compatifon, feeing y foiiliuti liueby their Aagri.and huibandmen by the fruites of their libuurs, anliliep -aids by thai tba'-commcrb of tbeir fiockex- j! Vfeth to foe a warfare f 6 Secoi-d'y bet brirgt:b fooith the authoii.ie of Gods ioltitu^iou by aa «gUBient rf c nparifun. <• Η -ue I no betitr grtujidt'iett | tht ctmmin cuiUme of mth> ■: Dtu:, J,*, i .irti.i 1!. t V^is it Cois fiopetl 4rift tofrcuHefor oxen.wbtH he m.jdt ir.is law f Jcrothcrrvifi thti(iiiut4l»' ' - ~ ■ ■ ■ - >■ • CUhaik n(/iretfit. JnnBtfithti^ in the vtrli., bit l• ι fueiBiai ^ 4• Κ!» rf-»7. 2 Analfuinption cftlitargiimfn$ evith anainplifi.a- £10 0, for neitber in fo doiag wei Γ6- tiuitea leward fot ourdc• fcitl. 8 AaotbtrarjB. ment of great force: other are Ihed amongft ither'-foie it vvii lawfiill for rather for tne tbcD uiy other : ■nd I r_fu eJ it . an I hiJ rather IlilKuiferanydif- cointnoditie . iheo the Gofi'tl of Chiiftitii.uidbe k Thev»rdfn»i- feth» right «nd imereft ^whirth) f. ^iuete vi to l•»! ■•» fiiniihmth• mt- titdentnh: w ri m^il effitft ΛηΑ the Chmc'<. 9 tali of all , bet briuieth lonh te iXji.eQe L.jv cot- cer >i-? tV-. apu- liihiiiJoitbi Le- f57 j»\-uiiuuuan5»_ V^^.^J2KH££ESt: ϊ6 I tbsrefore fo fentte ', ftot fi ?Bce«alne3y: fufigbt I, Dotasonetbatbeatetbtheayre. Z7 ik(^ion le< A b^ any me«nes afcer that I haue preached to other^l isy felfe ibould be" reproued. _ 4. Tifweehane fowsnvmoyoa fpiilraall inings , is it a great tbiog if «ee reaps your cainall things; Xi « If others with you be partakets otths ^- pe raoe. lo ■•* And Viit J the lewiS . I become as a lewe, that I mig It winne the Iewa5;to thcro that ite vn- der the ν Liw, ast/jeK^fcipere vadertbeLawCo that i may wi^ne tbeojt• at atevnderthe Lawe: 2 1 To them that are without Lawe , as though I wepe without LiWS , (wnen I am not witnoat Laws as piruiniag to God, but λ«9 iii tiie Lawe ihruiigh C'Siiti) ifiat I may winnc theni that are wiinout Laws: 21 To tie w-iki I beajme as wcake ,that I rosy winne the w.-aks; I am mad? all thing? to 9 all meo.thit I nigbi by all meanes iaus Ibms. 23 And thii 1 doe for the Gofp.ls Lke , that I might be pauker thereuf-with ' you, 24 ." Knoweyanot .thittbey which rtinne jo a.-ace.nwne all, yet onsiece»uethtbeptice?fo runpi that ye eta/ obraine. »5 And euary ojan tbat prooueth mafteties/ab- ftaineth fron) sU things: & they dee it to obtaine a corrupiibie crowne : bm wcfor an vnCortDpabk. as tiKttJrj to thtword {_Et'B)iu* λ< tmtr^ry fee tnt kj exferitnce ttoi. nbe (uth »n une Λί he ought CHAP. X I If Cid fi»iei not the J.rvis, neither will he fpxre ihoft »ii Are tf ItK' ciniiittn, 3,4 touchtni the e»-rv*ril funes ofhisirAce. 14 That κ ts aifuri.ihAi fuci finuld te fartakers cf the t*l>ie cf ieutls . νΊο tre partakers tf the Lords Su!>per. i^ Toh^ue einfiitrattMol Kei^hbiur tn riin^s itiJiffer^nt. \Λ Oreoaer , ' brethren , ί would not that yce t Thieldemilt (f */f« liriuetb 44 3in!l tke Spirit. ■4 Thi\ rveri (Κ<•« d) IS not fit the rnri(Uffrmta)wbWiet» ; ' He fettett out « fathers that wh.cb hefaiij- g before tbem aa euinple of the horrible fianJing bee will noi»le / Toiiii-.^k.nbj- tht^put M'tanj- SMii. for , oj thDj'e thin^i thM ure of• frcdinihe tem-.le. tn Arep*itak} liii fUce, *h»t Paul gate r.o Jiuin^, nei- ther Woulihiue, anjtth r'HAyifi-, of m'a,T«-V W Shtrfi"»^: iitus trumve ic' ^'e tsketl» »9i?JT oi::ir"]oq ^.Γίίι'.Γ tlorf by the way , tbtt !t might not be thought that he wrote . hi» KSibooJilbectiille.ioed hi» wages that wai Dot paytd him Niy fayth bee, 1 bad ^stCd^«,.heonot.o,,iue,nch,.pu,pof.tor,«cbt!«G>.fpafteelyF,rla,n fcoen iVc pies;h the iofpti, feeio.? tuj: tbe Lord hi'h loioyned mf thu oincerout νο•;β"= I ii-.e it ATidmily and \A tbe loue of Gad, i.otbi:ig is to be allowed .bat I dos. (f i ijad ra-het that .h= Gofpel ihau d b.i euiUfpok-u of, toeti that I (bould mot rsq'iire ir.y -JVagei , tb-'i WJirid it appesre, that I tooke tbife pamti not fo mi c'oVor the G>Q>el. faltc.ii f .r iny ?3in-s & iduamages.Dat I fay.thu ,vere njt ίο «is, b't-aVife my .ightani lije.cIe.Tbtrcforenjt ojely 11 tris thiog.ouc alio 5" alloiBi. (at ua.h ill coil• d) I .111 ;na '.e all th:n;sto «li ir.in, ih.t I tnigtt V, 'b'iti to Cnri t , ao ■ :n ;ht lOg her with thrmbe wonne 10 Catift- c By t^hn allhi'i^ 0- iVw to w .« itrcu^ 11. "All•^ ,i,3.f.4/«.».j 4 Tie rvird ίϊ,4ΐϊ>) ^« ί*"' ''«<■ mt/f he reliriined !(>''>>• cerrmjnta:! Larv. 1} InmuS'rS thJt »r.• tKiff^f.nt.whtc'i rmy h- dene r KiU'oe with a go»< eon^cii nee ; ni ,f ht-rtii ι e^in-_fimrretfe into xaOfb K- -ly all mexttts I niiStfaue lime, tT^xt both .i^'he, to rvhom I preac*• y Go' l,mfi meiuc frun h; the Cufpel. 3< ile^tingeibrnsnoiiier caufepf tbisinifcfeie^e.to wit, ihat they Wffe giuenio xliittoaie. *o' theieweri folotoDe banket» of l-..iifice•, and tne lii.teof the Prieitt W>.i ?lv7e»t03 much celebrated & ktpt.Thercfci^it wa? bar-, for them which weit acciiit- med 10 riotOBiiieire ifpecially wbatksy pretcni*d thelbeliieof «he Gofi c! , t > be leftraioed f om i()f fe bankets : bB&ontiavi.Tife . «he Apoftle «BUie^ib'.'m Ίγ » iil«iOu> (tir.ilitud: ^ aoi a!fo by hi^tae exisii'le, to fol?iirtie αηί .-α<,*>δ<;*"οηΐ:ί the fleln. feeding ihttiiiey ciaoefcBefit to raiiue or wtelUe ζί3 theii5-»e f,iiae£of mbmies were) wbicb pampej v^SReirbodiej.aod therefuie UKrEiiug 't^i. the? canitiut nara?/atd70l baptized VQto c Mofes , injiudgemeat of God that cloade,and in that fee, againii tbem whicb 3 ν And did .11 eate thcd {,mt fprntuall « meat, ^etamfptg,. 4 » And did all drinkc the Uiue fpitituall <• ■^ ' ■ * drinke (tor they dranke of tbe fpitituall Rock tbat f followed ihem : and the Rocke was 2 Chrift) y Bat with many of them God was not pleafed: for they wereA-ouertbrowen in the wilderneffe. 6 »NiJW thefs things are our b cnfaroples, to the intent that we fliould not luft after euilJ things * as they alfo luftcd 7 N-itherbce yee idolaters as ?»f re fojue of them, as it 's written , ♦ Tbe people (ate downe to eate and drinke.and rofe vp to play 8 N,;itbet let vs commit fornication , as fome of them comtuitted fornication , and fell in one J day threeand twentie thoufind 9 Neither letvs tempt ' CbriS.as fome 0! "ΐί" ^*T"?;'* them alfo tempted him , and ' were deftr oyed ol ferpiots. 10 Neither ratumureye.asfome of them « alfc «fethuimiDded, f the f».i iona:id faluatioa hat wehaue; an4 yetnotwi.hft^, diagwbeathey . gauethemfeljei to idoletfcaltet. petilhediothe wilderaeife .being horribly and lua- Difoldly puDiihrd. ΝοΛ-e , moieouec and befides that, thefethiogs are fifty fpoken agaieSr thcni whi-h fte. ' quentea idoles feaftes , the fame end and parpofe, bfcaufe many men shatthofetbii offuch muiiuured, and wcredefttoyed of the deSif oyer __ ^ ^^^ 11 Now all thefe tbingrcamevntothemfoi great"weig'ht",Thae enfamplis, and ware written to admoDtlb vs,7poB G*d win be angrj^ whom the k endes of the world are come. i^e'tbemTfo'tuV^ 12 4 Wherefore.let him tbat thlnketh be San. t'h;y frequent deih.takeheede leaft he faH. Churtian affim- ,3 There hath no tentation taken yc^ .ba, ['/--f,^^^^^^^^^^^ lach as app:rtaiaetb to ' man: and God is tatmitiU the CommuaioB, and confeff: ChrJft,^ a Paul fpeak'tbthes iifefpecl eftheeouenant.iS not» refpeil of the perfons, faitini in%entrzil. ^ %Ελ:ι<< 13.ii.»• mh.jiS j• Βχιάψ tAiz. » In effefi: EheSacriinits-ofthe old faiheii were-all ooe wiih ouit.for they rcfpeiled Cbrifb onely who offered bjmfelfe vuto tbem in diurrt ftiadowe». t All of the. kapti^^i ifitd the o-'twird li^ne , hut not in dreie , wherewith Cod cannot te chariei , tut they themfelues. c Mufeihein; their guide. •.• Sxodus 16 ig Λ The fame th»t IV e doe. e Mtnnx ,which rvas a fsirititnixteate to theke• leeners , w-iich inftith lay hotdt ipon Chrifi who is ttf true meate.' X Exod, n,e Humi.ia TO and ii.'i6. f Oflheriutr & running R"skt,ri>hichfolcwed the people, g D^ificrnnunui!} fi!.Kifie Chri]i,ft thit'loinh'r with thi pint, lher£ TV IS the thia^^ fii»ified , nni the trsteth itfcife , for Goddceih aot iffer Λ tare ft m, hut the thin^fumfied h) the fine, tiieibet with it,VBUch ii tobtren letued with faith, i'.- Nimi.if.e!, j'Ao amplifying of the «sample agaioft them w^ich are caried sway wt b their lultes beyond y boundi which God hatb meafured out. ?ot th's is the brgioning of all euill , as of idolatry (which hath gluttonie a compa :ion vnto it) fo.nication, rebelling againlt Chiift.muvmuring, and fuch Ιι.^ε which God puniftied ir^jll (har,elyinchat olde people,tc> the end that we which ftioceed- them,Scbauean]ore full declaration ef the will o'Gadg might by that raeaaes uke better heed: . h Seme read' fiiitres-.whiih fignifiid cur faeramnts : fo' circumnfun WM tothe leWis afeatetfrighteoiifnfffe, (Tto vi Λ liuely paterne of Qjiptifme.and fe in I'je effcei• Sacraments.* Ifami 1 1 ^.αηά Si «4 Pfaime ϊο6.Ί\. * Exod.ji.s. ^ Nunth.i(.f. i Toteinpt Chrifl.ist» frouok.e him to a ctnihite as it were , which thefe men ioe,wht aiiife the knovi» {edit that he hatb iiuen them, and make it to ferue for a (tcake for their lufiei j and wick'dnefr. ν Nurmi.C.pf»l.ia6.\-^ Alburn. \/i.iy.iuii.i,ZA. kTbiS tur ai,e is. ctiJed the end, for it is the fbuttmivp of aU age:. & in conclufioc. bedefcecdeth tothe C '(iathiani tbemfelue: , waruiog them that tbey pleafenoi thetnfelues ) but lather that theypteiieDt the fubiilijes ofSatan. ifet hew'eth «a inlraiMtios i.asd comfortetbiheci, tbathemay Dot feeme to nuke tbem alicgethei like to thofe wicked idoUtert £ad couteismeri «f Cblift , ^fbicbfeiiPiSiUBthi une orei^one DOiiy.__ cnap.^xj. ment neidf ; gine the iiKie with tbe tcDutfon , that ye may be ible ^tieted. 7^_ IH Be th«t wmli bene ftH temftei for four fmlitis jCaK'.viligiuijM »H i/«e t• efctpe eut »f thtitntn- tifH. S Nowrtiureint to thofe idolel fealtei , tbat be si»y not fecme to dally at all, firllhe promifeth chat hee WillvfeDooihtt reafonsthen fuch ai theyktiewrefy wtllthemfclues. Andhevfethaa induftionborovv- ed of the agree- loent that i» in the thing; thseifelnei. The h'ly baoketj oftheChriuians are pledgei , fiift of all , ofthetom- inuDitie that they taue with Carii', aod next , o-if witi anotbcr.The Ifie- elitcsairo do ca• tifieio their facii- ficet theii mutuill cociun^ion ia felfc fame re- ligion : therefore fo doe the idrli- ters al(o ioyae themfelueswitl» their idolet or deuih tathet (for idoles are no• ihiBg) in thofe fo- leiDDe banketi> wherevpon it fol- loweth , that thu cable it a table of deuili, and therefore you muliefchewit: For you can boc be partaker• of the Lofd and of Xdoles togeitaer, inuchlcire may inch tauketibe accounted for thing• inditferent. Will ye<- »heK and trofhane petple wer' ΤΟΜΙ t» fbut "Up »ni m-'k' "n enie if their fe.ii'hs which they k.tft to the hiHiur if their ged^ , ia cfftnng ntmtr iff, rio^j an^ir nk' 'βίηηριο them, xeith tan. ket! andftAliiiit,s. •{• Chape.ix- 6 Comraing to another kinde of ihingi of- fered to idolet, bee repta:e'h that geoptall lule.ihat inthtvf» ofthiegs ioditf-iet vre ought to haueconfidcration not of our felu?i ontrly, but of cut neighbour», & therefore «htve are mi-.y thiags which of tbemfclaetare law'ull .which maybe lldonrnfvi.becaufeofctFinreto our neigbboar.t Lioi^f nfere.Cbapier 6.i}. ■J Ad applying of tbe rulr to ihe pif ff ot raatirt: vvhaifoeuet it folde iij the Onm- bles you rnay irHift.itmiy buy κ as it were at the Lor.'• hand, & eate iteiiber at with y fai hi'uM er being callrd heme to the vafairhfull.towit.ina priuate banket rbityet with thit exception, vnlefTc arjy man ^t piefcnt which is wtaie, fecocfcience iniy br olfec^ed.by fening iiiea-es otfrred to iJolej before the ; for ;bfD yon ought 111 oatieconfi^era iiouf tbeii wetkrticffe aVhe fUfli in.it w»S facnficed^wm -vf-dio b-Codttnihe fbitibtiijiS the p» cr returned to the (rirjti. ± ΡίΛηι 14.1. -X All thofe ih•»•: tP• frio/;t id:and I woulJ not that ye iliould haue ' fellow» Ihip with the deuils. n Yte cannot drinke tbe cup of the Lot d.and the fcup of the dcuils. Vs cannot be parrakers of the Lords table, and of tbe table of the deuils. 12 Dj wi prcnokc ttie Lord to anger } are we ftrongeitben he? 23 .*• « t All things are hwfull for icee , bat all things are not expedient: all tiiiogs arc Uwfuli for me. t>uc all things edihe not. 24 Lit o:> man fe^kc bis owne.but euery man ahot!;ers wealth. 2 J 7 Wbiifoeuer is folde in the " feambles, eate ye, and aske no q.^ftion for cot>(ciencc f ^ke. 2έ $ For the eattb is tut Lotds, and * all that therein is. 27 If any of them which beleeue nottall you to 4/iii/?.and if ye wil go.waatfoeacr is Γ;; before you, eate, asking ηυ tjueUion for CuL.fcience fake. 28 But if a jy man i^y vnio yoa , Tcis is facrih- c-d vnto idoles, eaten not, b«caufe of him thai fliewed it, and for the coiifcier.ee (for the earth is tbe Lords , and ail that therein L.} 19 And the confcience, I fa , , not thine, but of tbat other ; ^ for why il^ould my iibertie be con• 30 For if I through Gods y benefit be partaker, why am I enill fpokcQ of.for tbat wherefore I gine thankd » 3 i * 9 Whether therefore ye eate. or dritike, or wbatfoeuer ye doe,do ail to the glory of God. 3 2 Gioe none offence, neither to the Icwes.nor to tbe Grecians, nor to the Cfaarch of God : 33 Euen as I pleafe all men in all things , noL feekirg mine owne profite.but thtprifit of many, that toe V might befaued yJfJt*»yihriuik God! ienefite eate this tnexte , or tbat ('•rough my fault, eaufethRtbtnefite of God to ttiint tt myblf.me! Cclcf.3.,7, iheconcljii• 00 : We muft or* der our liu»f in fteke not our fe!uti_, but Gorlj 'gioiy.and fo the filuation ohrmanyas w"e miy: propound himfelfe - ' '- • ■ • ' the Apodle f.ickjthnoti ;ne fiocke) aSanexai 1 he himfelfe hath tfgit. iheCo tbians (euen C HAP. XI. I Heblamith '.hi CorinMam for that in their hoi] αξιτα. blies, 4 nifn doe fray kivingiheii hejd< couered, 6 ani V>"»in!>^reheAdfd,ar.i:,ieafift Ihiir meetings tindtdto tuiu, t.wh.mn^iedi„cph.ine b.wk.ets with tbeholy ^Ufperoftbr Lota, ij which hete^iiirttb to be '>'ai'daccirdi»xi^C>'<„l, wjsiDade'.thar by profefjio.. oib^r obilie- v.e,fru- might nore buDOui ttr tusSind X GfHe. i,,(t. and !.i. Hid f.S.ccUf 3..0. 7 He prcouftt tbe i-ecniali ie,.fibe womin , by y thjt the fn»n is thema:ierwheito- WOiv.ii ws• fiili rrride. ^ dnef % S!coodly, by tbat. thai rbe woman was nadefcr hun. injnof rhe Uiao tut the woman• fak-•. 9 Theconclufion : VVoincnmuft becouered, to Ihewby ternall ftgne their fub.caion. e A touenni which is a ttkntofMttflim, 10 Whatthil meweth , I doe notyet vadetftaBj, >I AdigrtfUod which the Apoftle Vfecb,lealt that which be {pake of *he fuperioritieof men , aodlower degren of women ία cjulideratioo ofihf policieof the Church, Ihould be fo taken as thodgh there were ejf..euf.hit. ile^jj itie. Theie- forefce teacbeth that mea baue m Such fjrt the pier !Uoe,ihat. GoH aiaiie ih;in Dor . Womemni ?aas couercd; .bjt jnenalfo :aDd wo- gnas wai Γυ mn'.e of man , tbat mea aJfoarebDineby liemeanesof wo- , aad thit _ tto pac them ifKQV.Je toob- fcrue the degiee of euery.ftxe, ia iash fou, that mil• lualicoDiuDftion mi>.bt cberilhcu, ASy the Lcri 3Λ Hevrgettitiie argiiins ,t :3kea ffOinthe cjiamco feafeofnaiuie. Tt be Λ csufrivg f«i fur , andfuch • st¥fri»g 45 pi 'Uld frtiure 'inn her. Agiinft fjch ,te ItivHurcly, e to op;> fe ihii, ihatihe,, CbiucEes ofeoA lOtCOMSOtt• It HeepalTtib n.jWio the next ttiiiC -O Krl- Hi •Η r'^hi ad- t L'.ii, fjpper. __n' ih.'.V-.iile Vitti thii Liijfpel prefat-e , tin. f be C' io- uns might V&'-I'raiad,, ύμι Wh.r«vKif^ ftr...,Jgise»«#. a hi λ•,- y He s coin LC 1 1 ' 1 NcuertbeliflTe, ns ither ίβ the man withont the woman , neither the wotnanwuliouttbcman din the Lord. For as the woman is of the tian , (o is the man alio by the wotnanibat all chiogs are of GoJ, 3 " ludg* in vour felaes. Is it comely that a wotoan prav vnto GoJ v.ic.iinied ί 14 Djctb not nature it ftflfe teach you, that if a man haue long biire. it it d Ihane vnro him 1 J• Butifa w^man'aaaeio,^ cai'^.itisapraife TOto ber : foi 'Κΐ h*irc is g^usn er ίο: * « Cuue- liog, 6 '3 Bat if io 7 njin luft-to tw contentious.we haue no iiich cuLlome , nfitb-;» the Ci urciies of God. 7 f MNowii this that I declare. I pii>ir.jf»M not. ihatyee co u« together, no wu' pufitc, but with i:utt. ί 'iFotfi'ftofil.,whenveeccraetogeiher in the Chuich. inesrctnati-.tt• i etlilfentions mnoiig you: an J I bciicus it ta be fr»« iufoma part. 19 'i For there rooft-be here fiest'uen among you, that the . wnich art; f ipprooued am jng you, roightbekii iwin. 20 When yc come together therefore into one pitcs, thit i: 6 not to eatethe Lor.is Supper. 21 Fu; ■ uiry cnan when they fhoui:. eate , ta- keth his uiViH f.ippet '° afore, an J one is hungry, anJanct'vr! is Jrurken 22 '7 'iw: ft not noufes to eate and to drinke in^de(piΓ<- 5 .. the Church of God,and iliame tbein thit hju; nut?wiit iliall \ fay to you? llialii ptaife you in tiiis > 1 p; aif,• you uot. 2Ϊ .s Vo: I hanti receiaed of the Lord that Wiiich : illo h ;u; deliaereJ vutO you, to wit, Thai the Lord l?f. s in u%i night when ue was bstrayed, tookeliital: 24 -i• Atid w'len be had giuan tbar.kes, he brake it, afid fail , T.ke, eate : tbis is my body.wbich is ί brokin for you ; tiiis dos yee in remembrance of me. 2f After the fitse nuner alfo he toe^ the cup, when he had iupi>sd, fayi-g, Ibis cup is ibc Newe Τ ibiment in my blooJ.tbss do as oft as ye diinke it, ill remembrance of roe. io.E'Jt as oiten as yee fliall este this bread.and dtiiik; t^is cupg;,y ee lliew the Lords death till he Clime, The fccpR Stfppegi) Slippei alight , i: ;« oCaft'tftir'iis , tKat refi.-.s ; cuCM.^ fnbD.t tauCe , -i.i I fcii/j i^ught ttht ■■; if (fiich , tvifrff; t ε (.•»»'■ ^is mt.v.' jooj to t.;k; jatj-, I'n-ac. jnd A/iib r .1 SUieil by the Apo Supret , oul ef cl ; .r»liou.s. -oawA/e ;.- eateli impotrante. i f To cetebrate the to'di 1 1 here be not onely corfcnt of Joftiine , but alio it b>! r.'U p:ophjoed. j6 a1 hough that fchiimts and he- lae (•>.ϋΙ , a.e «jill , and yet tliey come not by chance, nor thty uire to the ptofiieof -.he elrS. { yVaom rxcenenee fca-ui Rt.:iii>« tnUioiHirnfle. g 'jTiis is Λα vfutll k'Hie the ^ ijfl. e dvHieih tuat fatly , Txhtch m^nr did not well. -!jJ : . Ί r:• till ttthtrcomj^. 17 The Apoltlethinketh it Γ ibeir aSufe.althoiigh ibty baJ bene a long Cbuichrs. aai wcie sppoioiedaiid infti. : L„keatru3 forme oi keeping the Lotdes 1 . .,,- ,.:;, !he pjrts whereof are ibefe , touching the i, .1. ic. Lu.Sjdeaih.by preaching his worde; to blefle the bread andcbf w ntby Cillingvp. nihe Sam: of God , an-i together with prayer» to cteclare tie ijltv u ion t'isre.^f , aidfi 'ally to rleliuer thcbread broken to be iiten . aid ihecuppe rcceued t be driioke with [hrnkrfgiuing. And touching• the fljcktt , that ^iieiy nun Xim ne himklfe. ihat is to fiy , to prooue both his kwAladge. "iJ a.fo fauh in-' r-pen-ance : to ihewefjonh the Lords death, that i» , i.i tme fa.'th to yetl 1 ν .to Li' word andinititution : snd lalt of all , to take tbebre 'd a the Miiiiteis hard , ai ' to eate it, aad to drink- the wioe , and giue OQ.i tha-.kes : Tbi» was PjuIi eth,ngi,UJfe. 29 For .if.e that eateth and drinketh vnwotthily.Jtbat ii , of Cnrift, eateth and driiik-jth his owne damnation, becaitfti*°'^ iha;ifaf grie- he Ή .;ifc«rneth not the Lords body. ^^fl ?""">"* 3 J ί For this caufe many 4feweake,andfickjUor*frwi/>/*i» an.ong you, and many lliepe. ' 31 For if wse would " iu Jg« our felaes , wee ihotd 1 net be iudged. 3.2 &jt when wee are iudged.we are chafiened of the Lotd.becaufi we flrauld not-be condemned with the world. 3 J » ' Wnerefore.tcy brethren.wben yee come together to eate, tary one for another. 34 »3 And if any man be hungry , let hitn eate at home, that y e come not tog ether vnto cond em- Dation. »t Other things willl fct in order whcol corns. ]nieettiiCiicJimj.f- fler.isjbiHUit handled. •f• 1 Cn. ij.f. 10 Tie examina* tioii of a mans feife.ii of neceffi• quiiediB tb» Supper, and there- fore they ought to be admitted vote it , which can them- feluei : ai childreO| furioui and midde Ifo fucbas knowledge of Chrift.or not fufficient.alihouga they proftH Chriliian Rtligton: " others fush like. / Thi•. fleet l/eaieth d^wue the faith cflrtiit, cr vnwraffed failhjTviich the Pipijis mxiiitaine.m Hee isfatit» difctrncthe Loriihid},lhat hatb eonfideratitn of the worthinefie of it, and iherffcr» lemmeth to eate of ihii mean with griAt rrueteKO. 11 The propbaning cf the body & blood of y Loid in hi» myHeriei, is fliarpely puoidied of him, and therefore fuch a mifchiefe ousht diligentiy to be preuentedby iudging and corteftingof a matrs felfe, » Tr) ana txumiHi our fei»es,b} ftitb iS rtpenltnce, fepxratiKg yourftlues from f n>ic*i<<. :t The Sapper of the Lord is a common aftion of the whole Chnrch , and iheti- fore thfre is no place for pi iuatt fuppers. 23 The Sufp" of the Lord wasin- nituted not tc feed the belly , bu: to fecde the fouls wim f commuDioo of Chrilt, and therefore it ought to be fcparate from ccramon banquets. 14 Such things _35 perteine to order,»! place, tiiiie, forme ofprayers, and other fuch like, the Apollle tQoke order for in Cuogff gwioas , asceiding to thiLCcinQierafioE of tinei , pl'Se^ and perfom. CHAP, XII. I To drarve atvij the Corinthians from contention orktnt,s of^CcUs might} fower. Which paffe and excell anstttgfl Us mtrecUi , AS the dtliuine of bis fe*flelf,Ml «J, tht band of Mo fes: that tehich bee did O) EUas ataiit.i the Friefts ef Baal, in fen• imt downrfire from keauen to ' (tvfume hii ,acti- fi' God is the fitne wWcb wotketh alt in a!! 7 Biu the aiaoifoSatbn of (SS'Spicit is ^gtacn to eaery man, to g ptcHc withal!. 8 >■ Foj ro oae is ginen by the Spirit the woid of» wifedome : atid to acothei the word cf know* ledge by the fame Spirit: 9 And to. aoother it ^lutn faith by the fame Spirit : and to auothet the gifis of bealirg , by the fame Spirit: 10 And to another the ' operations ofgreat workes: and to another . ^ prcphecie : and to ano• thei.the ' difceining of fpifiis : aud to another, diaerfities of tongues : and to another , the inter- pretation of totjgaes. 1 1 «i• And all thcfe tbii'gs worketb one and the felfe faice Spirit, diftribsting to eaery man fcue- rally «as be will. I i 7 For as the bodie is one , and hath maoy members, and all iba members of the bodie, which is one, though they be many , jet are but one body : s eiien fo is " Chrifi. I ί For by one Spirit are weeall bapt'z^iBto ° ont body , wbesber »«fr« lewes, or Grecians, whether tr* i'< bond, or free , and haue beeoe all maJe to <» drinke into one Spirit, 14 9 For the body aU'o is not one member^but ffiany, I J Ό If the foote wonld iay. Becatife I am cot the band, I am not cf the bod/, is it tbetcfote not of the body? 16 And if the care would fay , Becaafe I am not the ey e , I am not of the body , is it therefcre not of the body? 17 "If the whole body «"«rian eye, where teert the hearing } If the whole u>fr$ heating, white ivere the ftBcl'ing ί i% But nowe hatii God difpafed the mem- bers euery one of tbeminthcoody athisowne pioaiure• 19 For if they were all one member , where 0>er« ff.e bodie? ΪΟ Bill now are there many membets , yet bat one body. C!iap. ^l 1 1, members of the hodk.Lmc, f\ II" And the eye cannot fay vnto th e hand , I baue no neede of thee : nor the head agaioe to the 1» Nowe feete, I base no needeof yoi:. 21 Yea , much rather ihofcTuembets of the bodie , which leeme to be ρ mors feeble , are ne- ceflary. 23 And vpon thofe memUrs cf the bodie, which wee tbinke moft vnhontft , put wee asore ■5 honeftie "on , and o«r vncomcly ^arU baue mere comclinefTe on. 24 For our comely i^irtt neede it not ; bet God hath tempered the body together , and bath giuen the more honour to that tart which lacked, 45 teaS there ίl•.olild be any diaifion in the bo- ihatihe wAiO hte did hy •Peier in iht mH• tetcf Anitn: ,s au^S.iri'.tt. k FtretellingofihiHgiloeeme, l pyhereh) falfe ■prophets arr kmnen t'•""^"' .wherein Peter j-Jifi'iPhilif indifcoiteriniSi. mon Mj.as . ^{lesS.to. 4f Rom.ti.s- efhef ^,y, e Hee addeth moreoii aec foinrih.' g elfe . to wit, that akhoiigb.tbe(e gif» ate vcequall , yetibey are moft wirdy diuided . -ecaufe the will of the Spirit of God it the ruk f this diftribu ion. 7 He fetntk fooith hi» forme'i faying by a liitJiluujetakeD from the body . This fayetb bee , it manilelilv feene in the bodie ,w.hcfe uiembeis ate dy,if it did not ccofilt of many , aaj tb^fe wrre di• uert meinbert 10 Howi hee buiidetb hit dn&ri'.e vpon the fouadatiom which hee bad layed : andit.lt ofall beei^oo.iQUeih iu bis pnrpofed limllitude, ondafieiward bee 0(,eth t:> ihe maiwr bite'yaid fimply. Ao- fiiltof allhee fpeak;th vato toem whivh would .laue fcparated ihemieluei from 'bofewhome they eouied , be^aufe they had sot fucb excellent gifts as tbey : 110 We this is, fayeth bee , as if the fuote 'Jiould fay it were not of :he body , b.'Canfe it ii out the hand - or the eare , be.auf: it it not the eye. Tueiebre iH pines ought ra• tbei to defenl the vnitie of the bo ly being coupled togeihet to frtiie oae the other. II Agsine . fpeaking to ifcen , hee Ihewethibeoithit if ihit (hjuld «ome to paffe which they deiire to wi;, tha' all Ihjul be equ«llo e to «notber, there would follo.ve a deltruttiju of the whole btdy , yta . and af themfeluei : for it Could no• be a body,vnleIie ii were ituJeof many .nemberi knit toge- ther, aoi ditteis ose from theother. And that no man in:gbtende fault with «hii diinii .aai vieqn II, bee addeth that God.himfelfe hath coupled all thefe to• ..^ether. Tliei£rere«Umiillt;iiHiaccouplc«l to£eibei,(b»(tiieb«dyiBei lemaioe ^«j fiif«ty. die: bat that the meiobe^siliould haue the fame ' care one for another, 16 '3 Therefcre if one member fuScr/allftif• fer with it : if one member be bad in honour, all the membars teioyce with it. 27 Now ye are the bodie of Chrift, and bets for_;eMr f part. 28 ♦ And Gcd bath ordained Tome in the Church : oi firft Apcilks, fecotuJIy Prophets, thirdly ccachets , then tfcem that doe miracles : af? te» that , the gifts of healing , t helpeis , " gouei- neuts, diueifitis cf tongues, 29 Are all Apt files ? are all I'roplictj j are all teacheis 30 Are all doers cfαliΓacIes?^aπe all thtgifn of healing I doe all ipeske with tongues ; doe all interpret? 3 1 J4 Bat defirs you the beft gifrs , and I will yet iiew you a more excelknt way. iney tulue a com munltieboth ia ccmmoditiesand difccminoditiej. ρ Of the fmklfelt nndiiltS offices, am .herejcr' [mill/ acctunitd ot,oj the reft, q Wee rHorefarttully cinet thtm. r Shsuid bepow their cptraticns *ni ejcei to roe prtfit.^preftr.iaiiea of the whole body. 13 lluwe hee applietb tb: fame dodriae to the Corinthians' without any allegoric , vvatniug tbetn that feeing cbeieare diuett tixcliocsancf diuers gifts , it is their dne'ie, not 10 offend one againir another , eiihet by eoa uie or ambition , but rather that thtybeing i'yned tog5tberin loueacd cbatitie one with aooibet , eueiy one of them be liowto thepii,tit ofall , that whtcb tee hath leceiued , according as hiimiiii!lety doeihiequire. f For alt Chmches voherefoeuer they are difpcrfti ttorow the whole worli.are iiuers mtmters oftn^ tody, ψ Ephejiam ^.u. t The twites of Deacons, it Hi feitethfoortbthttr» air of Elders, which wire the mnietainers of the Churches kifcifline. 14 HeeteM cheth them thai are amuitioui and SDuiaut , a cetiaiue holy aobition anu tnuie, to wit , if they giue themfeluei to the bell gifrt.and Inch as are moft profitable to the Church , and fo if they contend tg ezceil ode aaoibeiin loue, whicb i*iie piffeih all other gifts. CH A P. km. I He fbeweth that there are no %iftsfo excellent, nhich i» Gods fight are «el ecrrUTi , tfCtiAntie be away: 4 therefore he iigrtβeth vnto the ctmmtttiation of it theother Cde, hee fpeaketh vit. to iheni which Weie itduid with more ex- celleet "ifis, willing them net to deipife the inferiuuisai vb- proHtab.'e , and aa though they fetued to DO vre:• fat God , fayeiii hee.hatb ία fuch fort tempetetl . hit iniqualitie. cellent and beatt' tifuJl membets no wife Ucke the mote J t^ace and cott- rord ; that al- though if each part ' e conAdered part.they are of<^ uers degrees and cocditioce , yec' lecauf: ;hey are oyjje^getber, bey h4ue Τ Hough ' I fpeike with the tongues of and a Argels.atid haue no loue .ittaas foun. 2 And though I baiUhf gift of Prophecie , and knew all feaciS snd all kntwlec'ge . yea , if I had all <= faith, fo that IcGuldrencsjUc Jmour.iiinfs, and hath Dot loas, I w;:rc toothing. J And ihuDgh I feede the pocre with all ; »By g-)ods,and though I giue my bady ,thit I be bumed , and haue not loue , ic ptohteth ice •aothing, thofe sifts a ) wbarpiifpcie arethcfe gi(; 1 Kee realoneth fiiftoiCha.itie, theexcelleucie wbtrcifhenilt b by ihiSa tibouiit, all other gifts «re ',- oicmg lie- God . wfaicb > bepronueih y by an in- du&ion ,ajd parw ly alfo by an ar- gument taken of tht 'nd , Wuer-fore , but to Gcd» glory. and the profiteofthe ChJich.ai is be'oie ptouedffo iba• thofe gifil wiihom Gha- •Ti'ie , haue no right vfe. a A vrry earn,f\ kind if .tmfl,',)in% .* mailer, «» «f hee fayi. If there were any tmiuts cf An els, and 1 had them, and did no; vfe 'thim to the Hlfifit of my neighbour , ii Win mll-int. els but a -UAlKt 5theotherma], ±^i*t.ij.io. Kkk .3 • 4 »toae Loue.Topg aes.Ffophecying l.l^Ol 4 » Lou! ^ fafiereth long : it is bouritifuU : loue enuieth uot : lou: doth not boaft itfclfe : it i$ not puffed vp: y It doth « ne^ncomely thing : it feeketh not her owne things: it is not ptouoked to anger ; it tbinketh oo euill: 6 It reioyceth not in iniqiiitie , but f reioyceth in the trneth: 7 It fuffereth ail things: it beleeuetb all things: it hopjtb all things : it endnreth all things. 8 3 Luue doetti neuer fill awjy . though that prop'iecying bs aboli hed . or the tongues ceafe, or i k^owle jge vinifl-i away. 9 4 For we know io i» patt , and wee prophecie inpirt. IP Bat when that which is perfeol . is come, then that which is in patt ^^llbe aboliihed. 1 1 ί When I was a cbilJe , I fpake as a childe: I vndetftoode as a childe, I thoug.it as achilde: but when I became a man , I pat away childilli things. II « For ' nowe Wi fee ^orow a glaffs dzrkc- ly : but then ftiAli wtt /««'face to face. Nowel know in paii : but then ftall 1 koowe euen as i am taowen. 13 7 And DOW abidetli filth , hope and lone, iK»»tbefe three : but the chicfeft of thefc i; loue. « Het difcrlbitli force ando»- hit« of cbirity, partly by i com• pa ifoaof coa- traries , and partly by thetlfeasof it felfe ; whereby thcCoriathiani niay vnderltaaj, both how profi- table it is ia -he . Church , and how ITjry.• anialfo itdw fii-h ferue now but for.them which are imptrlit , and gaeby de- oree» t3 peifeSion Γ h W^ letr»' »ηριιί•£1ί]. S H; fetieih fooith thst thathe faydiby an excellent Snxilitude, cjmparrBg this life to our infancieorchildsoode, wheieia- We (tagjer and itatnmer rather tbeu fjeslte . and thiiilteand vadetftand bm childiih things , and therefore faaueneeie of fuch ihin|i as nuy forme and framsour tongue and minde : But whea we become men, to whii purpofe Ihould wee dei^.re that (lam Bering , thofe childiih toyet , and fucblilte things, whereby cut'<:iiiWhood is framed by little and little ? 6 The applying of the limilitude of out cSil lehoode. to this prefent life , wherein wee darksly behold heauealy ahings, according to the fmiU meafure of light which i> giuen vs, through the va- deritaodirfg of tongues , «ad hearing the taaeheuaod minilters of the Cauicli: ef out imajageand Itrengtb.to that heautEly and eteraaU life:whereia when we behold God hiiufeife prefent ,aDd are lightaed with hii full and per re ft lighi, to WhK purpcfe ihould we defite the voice of m:n, and thofe worUly things which Sfeiiioft.ii2ptrf aad ma:knece3»ry for the Cbtirch)»tid nit tbo.'e woich for a liiew feerue t> bentirueiloJSasthe gifts of toug ei , when a tnao was fjddei-ly indued Wi:h the it towleige of m\ny tongjei , which ma fe men greatly amazed, and yet of.tt fel 'e was net greatly to a ly vfe 1 vnlefle there wete «u ioieipreter, Λ WhM fftfhitit »* I 4' fiiewttl) in tbt tbiri i/trfe. ^insi i_nterpretatioyRceilaty* X * For See that fpeaketh a firan^e b tongue, fpeaketh not vnto men , but vnto God : for no man hearetb hifi : howbeit in the « fpint he fpea- keth fecret things. 3 Bat he j;iiat prophecieth , fpeaketh vnto men to Ί edifying, and to exhortation , and to coco» ibrt. 4 Hee that fpeaketh iiran^e language , ediSeth bimfeife : but bee that prop.ccictb , ciiifietb the «Church. y I would that ye all fpake grange languages, but rather that yecprophecicd :fo^ g eater is nee that proph-cieta , then hee thai jpe.ketb diners ungues , except hee expound it , tha: the Criufcb may recciueeJification. 6 Aiid now , brethren , if I come vnto yun fpeaking d:utrt tongues , wnat (liall Ϊ prohi _. oa, except A Ipeaks to > ou.ei.her by reucUnoo , or by kaowltidge, or by prophecy ing.or by dodriaef 7 3 Moreoue. things without life which giue α fomd , whether it he a pipe or an harpe , except they make adiftinition in the found , how ilull it be knowen what is piped or baiped} 8 And alfo if toe tiuiopit giue an vncertajne found, who ilull prepare himfelfc to batttil? 9 Solikfwifeyou.by tnetorgues , except yee Vtter words that haue ffignificai ion , how ihallit be vnderftood whatisfpokeni foryeihalliptike in the ay re. 10 4 There are fo many kinds of voyces (js it commetb to paue) in the world, and none of tbem is dumbe. 1 1 Except I know then the powir of the voice, I ihalbe vnto hire» tliat fpeaketn a Birbanjn , and he that g fpeaketh, ihalbe a Barbarian vntotne. I ζ s Euen fo , forafcnuch'as yee couet fj)irhua!l j;i/'-/,fetks that ye may excell vnto the edifying of tbcChu'Ch. 13 Wherefore , let biro that fpeaketh aflran^e tongue.b pray that he may interpret. 14 « For 'if I pray In ζ ftrangt tongue• my k fpirit prayetb : bat mine vndei ftaading i» i with- out fiuit. J y What is it then? ! will prav with the fpirit, but I will pray w;th ibe ™ vaJerltanding alio : I will fiag wild the (plrit , but I will fwg witb the vnderfianding alfo.. 16 •' Elfe , when thou blefifeft withthe " fpirit, how ihall h;e that "occupieth the toume of the vnlearnsd.fay ρ Amen , at thy giaingof toankeSj X He-repreben- deth iheit peiuerfil udgemeottou• bicg the gift of touguts. For whV' was it giuec? to .it, to the intent 3at the myfterie» f God might be the better ktiowen- fort. Thei^bj it ii eui« dect toai prophe• wherevuto the gift of toogueg ought iO fcrue , Μ ftter they thii:' d therefore the oiiutbiansdid dge amifTe.ia lat tbty made ore account of legifiofiongutj,' lea ofpropbe- eying: becaufe foiioughr the gift of tooguei wai« re to be bragged of. And herfvpoD followed oihei abufeof e gilt of tongues, that the Cotin• Ian» vfed tongues the Congregation,,' terpreter. which ' Dg although it might be done to fo.Tic piffi. of him, f^ake them, yei he cnrrupied -^ right vfe of tgift, becaufe re came thereby pre fit to the beaten: aodcom* affemolief were ioRituted d appoiuted ηοϊ for any ptiuate mans commodity, but fc^r ihepiofc the whole mpany. * A i:riKie Un* i»age, -ithicbn» mun i.m vsder• flani vnitheHt m tnietfrettt. e By that mffit»- ritn'rehich he hufh received tf the Sptrit, litrieirchich «me if -flui-.e Xi^ilirepe. V'>ich Httvithflaitiinghe ebufeth, Vfhen he ffeaket the cotmany caav.i'' βΛκά,ά Wtict mxy ji^t hv nie t The cvmpany. 3 He feiteth foorth that whiLh befaid, by a fimilitude.w beboroweth and talteth from inltrumeutjuf niulicke which a'thcagh they fpeike Dot pcrfedly.yet they are dillingmllieci > y their founis.ibat they may be tbebet- lervfed./ Taxt doe'fitl) vtter fie m'ncr tt ff:^e . 4 He prooueth ihit interpre- tation is neceflarily to be ioyncd with toe gift of tongues, by the roaoitold variet7 eflangujoesjiufoniuch that if one fpealte to aaotfaer witDoutaninterpreier.it is a if help«kenot.5t j4i the Patios ih «4 ihe.r Idmms.ir they that nm'Htiiiufly pt- tore cut /c.-nf Kebret} η Creeke rvord m the Pulpit ieftre the vnlearnedfen pie, thereby tc let them a n^me cf'-jtine le/tr>::a^. f Theconclufioa : iftbey will txccliin thof^fpirituall gifts, a» it is meet, they mui't freke the profit of ihe Church , aad therefore they mult no: vff the glfiof tetigue.» , voltiTs there be aa interpreter to expound the itrange >od yaliuowen tongoe, whethtr i: be biniftlfe that fpeaketh , or another intstpreter * Pmyitrthef.-j e• iKtrrfretiiioii. € A leafc π ■ Becaufe it ii net fufticieai for v$ tofpeakefi intheC ngtegatroa, that wee out felues doe wotihipGod i:i fpirit. that ii.iccoid.'ng to the uift ih»: we hiue receiued, but we mull alfo be vnderftood of thecompjny.lfit that bevnpro•. fita'ole to other which vyehiiiefps ken. < 1/ J pray, wh η the Chtiyeh is «tiiu» bled together , 1» a/iraifif lon^ue, k. Tbt gift «ni mffnation -tvhich the fpirit liieth me.detb hispArt, iin eah to my felfe. ' I Nc jrint c:nmeth to the Cburck 6f my prayers, m Soth.it I may te inierftecd cf other , andma'trtfiruil other. 7 An ether teafon : Seeing thatthewiole Congregation moft agree so himtba* fpeaketh , and alfo witn«De thi< agreeme.!» , how (hall itey giue their aifent or agteement which know nor wha: iifpoken? η Onely tvithoul ailcmfidtr* ttiHoftkehexrert, ο He th.tt fiiieth λ^λ priuntemtn. f So tht/unt VtH' rti the tr»)tii, «niellthtcmi«nj anfwmi, Amtn, feeing hefenowech not wbat »Ijou fiyeSf 1 7 For tbou veiely giueft tbiokes well , bnt tbe other !s do( editieJ. i8 « I tbankemy God .Ifpeake languages more then ye all. 19 Yet bad I ratber In the Church to fpfake qfiae words with mine vnderSandicg.that I might alioicdfudotbers, tbeo ten tboaiaiid words ia a firmgt tongae- lo 9 Brctbreti ,be not * children in vnderfiao- dsng, but as concerning tnaliciuufnei.bc children, but in vnderflanding be of a ripe «g;. J 1 In tbe ' Law It is wf itten, J by men of otber tongues, and by other languages will I fpeake vnto tbfs people : yet fo £h»il tbey not beare mce, faith the Lord. 21 '0 Whereforejiran^i tongnesareforafigne, dot to them that beleeue , bat to tbem that be- leeae not ; but prophecying ftrueth not forihem that bcleene not.but for them which beleewe. 23 "If therefore .when the whole Chntch is come together in one , and ail fpeake firm^t tongues , there come in they that are f voleatned, or they which beleeued not, will they noifay.tbat ye are oat of your wiis? 14 But if all propbecie , and there come in one that beleeaetb not , or one vnleained.be is rebuked of all men, and is lodged of all, ^y And fo are th« fscrets of his heart trade msni- feu,& (o he will fill downe on his f.ice & svorftip God, and fay plainely that God is in you io deeds. 26 " What IS to be dene theo.bretbren? when ye come together , according ai cmiy oceofyou bath aPfalm.erhatbdodine, erhaib a tongue, or batb reueUtioo , or hath interpretation , let all ihiogsbe dene vnto edifying. 27 '3 If any man fpeake a /f4»^« tongne,/*/ it de by two , or at the αιοβ , by tbiee , and that by conrfe, and let one interpret. 28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keepe filence in iho€,hmr\\ , which fftakit^i languages, «nd let hi«3 fpeake to himfelfe.and to God, 29 «♦Let tbe Prophets fpeake , two or three, and let the other iadge. 30 And if any thir^ be reutaled to another ;uut fitteth by, let the f\A hold bis peace 3 1 For ye may all prophecifiiane by one.tbat all may learncand all may haufcoDtfott. 3 2 And the ' fpitits of tbe Propbets.are fubiedl to tbe prophets. 33 For God is not r^« 4ut^«(ir of confunoo, but of peace , as tpt ftt in all tbe Cborches of the Saints. 34 -i'-'Let ^oor women keepe filence in the wtiltotbrmaf : Churcbes : for it is not piimitied vnto tbem to «0 the vD^aitbMi jfpejke : but thty ought to be fobied , as alfo « the Lawfaitb. 4 Hi piotwwBiith himfilfeforaoei- emple , botb cbzc rhcy may b: alhi ined of cbtir foo- lilh xmbiiion ,acd Alfo thai be may cfchew all Cufpt• tioo of eauie. H Avtryftw ronii. 5 Now he reproo. uetb them freely for tbeirchildilh folly , 'Which fee not how ihugi't of coDguet iwakii wat giuen to the proRteofthe Church . ii turned by their ambi.ioo idtoan inftrumenc of curfing , fee log that thit fame al- fo is coDteined amoDgtt the pu- niihmeiHS w'oere» with God puai- ttiei theilubbara• oes of the people, that he difperfed them atnongll ftrangeti.whofe language they τη• (ierltood aot. * Mat.ii.i. t Bf tht lewbe vniet(lanitth all the robctt Scri^ tute. f Ifaj.xt.ti. jr• The coucluQ- on : Theiefote the gift of tongues ferueth to puailh the vofaithfuU vobeleeuert, valeSe it be refer• red CO prophecie ' tthat is to fay , to the iotetpretation of Scripture) «ad that that wliich fpokeo, be by that meanes vd• derliood of tbe bearer*. II Another argu• meat ; The gift of tongure with• oat prophtcie it ly ropto- ficabletu the faith- fell : bur alfo dcth Teiy uvchhurtas x^^ And if tbey wiB learne any thing , let therai ; aifce their husoanJs at home : for it is a IhaoK ijt women to Γρ .-ake io the Cburch. 36 '« Came the worJeof God out from yoiji either came it vnto you onclyf j^, 37 Ifany man thinks hiaifelfe to be a Prophet, or " fpitituall.lethim acknowlcKlge.that ttie things that I write vnto you, ate the commandemeQti of tbe Lord. 38 '7 And if any man be ignorant , let him be ignorant. 39 .s Wherefore , brethren , cjuct to propnc- cie , and forbid not to fptakc lacg.iagis. 43 Let all things be done honettly , and by ortier. ' fiiituali jiifi! > afl-. , bi.e», «itii Oiarpt rejjrehea• o• . Ifalt tbe Co. n:h„oi might . which Oiojldbe wonne ia tbepub< like aCfcmblitt. For by thit mcane^ it oommeth to pa0e , that thefaithfullfeeme to other Blldde, much lelfe can the vofaithfull be inltrufted thereby f Lecke yiciei 4.1J. II Theconclufijo : The ediCyiog of theCoogiegiiion isa ruleandfqmreofthe tight vfe ofailfpirituall gifte. 13 Tee maoet how to vfe the gift uf tongues. it may be lawPa Ufor cne or t wu, or at the moft for tbree,to vfs rhe gift of tongues, one after another in an ,0>mbty , fo tbatthere be foine to exponn.i the fime : bat if tberebe none to expound, led bimcha; b;ith that gtfi, fpeake to hioifelfe alone. 14 The manner ofprophecying : Let two or three propouod , and let the other judge of that that it prop.^unded, whether ii be agreeable to the word of God or 00 : If in thiirximina.ioD the Lordgiue any man ought to fpeake , let them giue Iiim leaue tu fpeike I.et euery tnaobeaHmitted topfopbecie, feneially and in hit order ,fb fane foortfa as it k retjuilitit for ibeediFyiug oftbe Cbuicb. Let ihem be contcDC to sbefubicft echtoethert fudgement. t Tht iiiiiinevhtth $he Pfphtti ίτΜίζ'ίν'• ich aά\ Sunt, i; Wemen arecommao- ' " to 'be ftlent in pisblikeaffrmblies , and ihey are comBieoded is ukt ef theix V t,Tim.i,it. » Ctnt.j.tt, ttemfeUui to be <*i'»g ''ptrituttl th-.nts, Th'Churcli forfuchai be (lubburaely ignorant, and will not aWde tobetiivjh-.but to go fer ward ootwithltanding in thofe things wnicbare tight.. i8 Prjpbecie ought lim- ply to be retained and kept iy Congregations , the gtftof tongud if u^ttebe fas-» biddin,biit all things muft be done oidetiy, CHAP. xV 1 The Gifptt that Paul frtaihrd. iTkedeMlhUndrefur- reCiion cfChriU ? Paul fawe Chrifl. 9 He h^d perfe ciiteth that Chunh , vheieifaflirrmri ei leti mnie » miniflii. . ζ Chiiji βτβ rcfe againe, & tve «// fitH rife tj htm 26The Lali tatmie,de.uh. S9 I'te ta^ti^nd for tietd. jz At Ep'iefus Paul ftuihtwth ieafls }s'h»w the dead »re r*tfed. 4,- The fint AUm.The Ufi Ad^m, 47 The firff and fecund rutin. aW' ibili ell be chan^. d, vejbtllmtallfliefe. f; Ί) ' ath s βικί, }7 V:a»xie, i% Ccnflxncte andfteifaflntfii. MOreooer , ' ψ brethren , I declare vnto yoB the Gofpel , which I preached vmo you, which yee baue alfo teceiued , and wherein yee •continue, y, 2 And whereby yee are faced , if yee keepe in mtmory, afcer what maner I preached it vnto you, b except ye haue beleeued in vaine. 3 For fitft of all . I deliuered vnto yon that which I receiued , how that Chrift died for our finBes, according to the ^ Scriptures, 4 And that he wis buried.and that be aroTe die ι third day accotding to the " Scripmfes, y w And that be was feene of Cephas , then of tbe c twelue. 6 After that , be was feene of more then (iue liundreth brethren at d once : whereof many te- mainevnto this prefent. and fome alfo are ail-epe. 7 After that, be was feene of lames ; tbeti of all the Apoiles. 8 ^ » And l»a of «11, he was fsene alfo of ms, as of one borne out of due time. Q "■ For I em the kaft of the Apoftles , which I The fi«th hriafc tiftoftJbifEpilltt. concerning the re» ι.•ΓΓββίοη.• and he ftd a tradition, r palBagouer rom OL-e matter ο another , filew• og ftrit that be igetb no nevtr g I to the eB4 hat the Corin- ightvt^ itftandethat bey bad began ο fwaroe from he right coutfc: indnezi that be ;ceth not about euireateof» iog matter, ofatioiher ;bitfe. point of G f.el, whi'cb am not iseete to be called an Apoftle , becaoie I peifecated ihe Cbcr<:b of God 10 «f But by the grace of God.Iam that I am: and hi^ grace which is in me.was not in vaine : but I laboured more aboun Jantly then they all;y et not Ijbut the grace of God which is with me. 1 1 Wherefore.wbether it were I,or tbey,(b we preacb.and fo baue ye beleeued. I ζ f 3 Now if it be preacbed,tfaat Chriit is rifsi iway, their faith Butt needet came ught. And "o at ihelergtb he beginneth thit teatChtiItt cftion, which IS the g^u touoJaiion of s , and coufir• h it firlt by the imooieof the fitures , and by the witncfle f the Apoftlts, land of mere the• fiu• hundretli bretbrcB , anj lalt ofallby bit owne. ^ G4/.t.ii. alntheprt• fifftsH ivhere$fytu tfnttnite jet. b Which is very aofurd, and (unnet ie , bia th.li they that teleeue , muft reape the fruitecffttlb. «j. Ifat.n.f. i.pet.j. '• IcHMi.i. a Jthnto 19. t Of thofe twelne picked andcktfeH Afcitlei, vh ch were corarHtnl} cutltd twelue , tkough Judas waspitt oer tf thenumier, dM't at fuer all times, bnt together a»dat ene mftant. A" Acles ».f. » Hee maioteineib by tbe way, the authoritieo''hit Apoftlefhip, which was requlfite t• fce in gaod credit among the Corinthians, that this Epiftle might be of force weight among them. Ia the meare feafon he comfureth himfelfe in fuchfort after a certaioe dinine ait, with certaiae other, tbat he maketh btmfrlfe infer tothemaJl. * Ephefi.^. ^ Efbef.j.y. J The firft aigumsnt to prooue tbat there i< a refurrtfiioa {iam tbe dead.Chrilt Ii lifeDagaiBe.tbciefoie the dead Γ life afaiue, Kkk 4 iiom 1 ne maffeaion i>yoyp tnians. ffom the dead , how fay feme amoDg you there is no tefarredion of the dead? 3 4 Fof if there be no reiurredion of the dead, ihen is CbrittcMb rifen: 14 ί And ifOitia be not riicn.tben is opr prea- ching viine, aad you» faith is alfo vaine ly And Wie are foanJ alfofalfewitnefftsof God : for wee bane teftified of God , that he butb taifed vp GSrift :wbotnheuatb notiaifedvp.if fo be tbe dead be not raifed. 16 " For if the dead be not raifed.tbea is Cbrifl not riifid. 7 And if Cbrift be not raifed, yowrfaiih is vaiiie:? ye'are « yet in four dories, 18 sAndfo tlicy wticb ate .flsepe in Chnft. arepiiiilied. 19 9 If in this life onely we bane hope in Chlift, we are of alitncn tie ωοβ mifeiable. zo '-But now is Ouift rifjn from tbe dead, " and was made ihe* f firftfiuites of them that flepr. 21 'i For fince by man came deaa , by man sinsi ilfo the refatreftion of ti:e dead. 21 Fo? as in Adaeo.all die , cueiifoin Cbrift fhall all be i ojade tliuc, 23 '3 Bm cmty man in b's i^ owne order : tbe fi; ft frciies if Cbrift , afterwarde , they that are of Oif ift,et his coinming f hall rife a^mr.t. 24 Μ Then ftjollhe toe '' end , when he bath ddiactsd vp the kingdome to God , enen the Fa. Aer.wben be hath pui dowae ' all rals , and ail a«• thoritia and power. 2 J For he iBuft reigne •.• till he haib pat all ot tne POOig^iaiyi •thai ί Thi feconi by * bfutditie.lt re be no refur- «ftion ofthe dead, tbea is not Ctxili riCea againe, TliepiOofeef hat abfurditieby Dibtr ι.•η\•.Λ\ύι>•. IfCir,ab<-Dot rifen jjaine , the preacning ef tbe Gjfp'-I isin viiae, and the cr.dite thatyoj gi-eva- vaiue,and li«i. •e St repeatetii the laui; avgu^ taksnofan abfurditie, puipo- fiDgtoihtAhow faitaii invaineif the lefaiveaioB of Cbrift be taktQ away, 7 Firft , feeicg ieithis toe pu- (hjnentoinane, in vaiae IhouM we JbeUfUe ih«tout, )65v-es were for- ^uen vs , if they .»emai-i:e: fiuttbey maine , if Cfciift r>iie ooi ffomdearb, ϊΆί; aie)etin t/ieir fiitnei , -ivhick ate ηοίΓΛπΙΙφ• titi»ei irmi'^M of their fMiei. 8 Secoad'y, vnleffe that this be certai Cbrift lote agaiae,all they which died in Chcilt areperilhed. So then what pioitt commeth of fiiih? 9 The third atguineot whicii if alfo taken fiom •n abfurditie : for vnltffe thne be anothei life, wheieio (uch as tmlt and beieeue in Chrift fcalbebl'rted , th.y Mvtit the raoli mifetableof allcreaiasei .becauie 5n tais life they, ai•;: 4he ineii mifeiable. 10 A ctmcbfion o£ the forme/ «rgu. roe«t : Therefore Chrift i» rifeQagiiee, u Hee tmtteth ths U!t conclufioa. tor ihe ShW propofition ofthe i.-gunnet that foUjWstb.-Chvift 15 rifen againe: There- fofe ftlill wee the faithfiill (for of them hs fptaketh) tife againe: Then tol- loweth the firS rcafon ofthis cojfeiueut : fet Chtift i» (et foorth vato vs , f he «onliilered oi , not at a ptiuate ;njn apart anH by bimfcife , but as the fiift fiuites: And he tsketh that which Wu k .owen, to all torn, to Wit, that the whole btape «ifinftified in the firft ftuitei . •£• Ci/of'. i,i8 xeatl tt.i,',. f Hee aUudtth tc thiyitn fr-iiis ofcorn-jh-• φτια•ι \v^e,eo-[An[i.fieii:ln rcfl cf the fruiti. ιιΛα- ethei coifi imtionef the fiiii: foaltquea. ; for Chritt is to be coiifideieii as oppa- a-.ef} Adam , that ai fio;» ons man Aiair. , fiune ca-nt oner all, fo from one inja CSiift, liftCJmmctOvBto ill : that is lofiy.thatall thefaitbfull.aj thry die, be- «aufe by nature they were borue of A.lam, fa becaufu in Chtift the? arejnade the eaildien of Goi bygtace,thiy are qaickeiiej and rehored to life by-him. ^ Sh-illr^feiiythi-v-ri^i afC'yi/i '3 Hee doetb two things together : tor he fllewethihatiherefurrtftioo ij in fu^h fort cyin^non to C:irilt with alibis ins-n- ■feers.ihatnKwiibi^atxling hefa-r.• t.-sireib them, both in t;mt (for he was tbe iitlt that rof: agnnekom hrdead) a"c!al:OM hia.jjr , becjufe that ivoiu hini an-A in hiiD is ail uu- life and gioiie. Then t>y .his oc jali-H! bte pafl'e:b tn the ni^it argument• ^ i.Thef^,}. j-;. The fcurtb argument, whercwiibaifo hee confirinetli ttie other , hath a r.tolt fuie ground , to wit , bscaafe that God traft e. Andth'S it tbe tnanuroi'ais reijne , that the Faihei will be Ihewcd 10 be King in his S»oae,who was made σι;η,Λο whom all taiugs avs made fubieft (ihe prpmifet oneiy except) to tbe eod that the Faiher may ..f.etwardes tiiumph in 1\;^-S'inne the conquerour. And be mikefh two parts of tqis leigtie and domiai- on of tbe So.ine , therein tbe Fathers gloiie confiflctb : to wit , the ouncom- ning of bisenvi>;i's(v;bi!teo( iome iiiiitbe deptiijed of all power , as Sa'saaod all tbe wiiJieJ , be ihty ceuer fo protii.and inightie , and other mift he vtietly. aboliOis.! , ,i -vesib) and a p:aine and ffcUdcliuery of the godly froa all enimiji, tba:t)y this areaiiei God may iully ft• footth the body otwie Ciinrcb,c!ca,iirg fait vnto ibeir h»ad Cnrift , bis kingdoroe and gbvy. as aking iu his f-jbitftt.Mcre- Otter,heaiu-rj, h ThelbWitiff'iiaftnifbingcfaUthinii. » ΛΙΙ hii entmin ■xhici IbMe fUiUii cf all Shi pmulih itm, ν Ppfl,iiQ,i._ Ai]es », a-f. It Chut. i-rei hi. jfX'Tii" Itlexrti.nthe iaul ,tn Wbith: cffeli bt ritlttb ht Cnurch , as Had , Λ>ί4 :h»t be- *H[e tris ,,,τκΐτ toes gtuea him if his Faii'T' I The fiutting vp f Ihe atgunnMt tvhirhii t»k.en the whtli to the part. -fcr if all hk entmies bonrei 31 By oor ρ reioycing which I baue in Chrift ί',"Χ'„φ p] ^^ his eneeies ^ vaier his (ottc, 16 The 1 lifi enemie that lliall be deftroy ed , it death. 27 ΨΡατ he bath pat downe all thing* TOdea- his-feeie. (And when he faicW tMat all things ate fubJiied to him , it is roar 'f-f' tn?t he h rxc-pted, which did pat d^jwoe ill things raderhitr) 28 An a When «iJ tVi- gs ihaii be fubdued vnto bira , Ό then ihall the Sonne alfo nurafelie be fnb- iedt vnito ni.-n.tbat d'la fjbiue all things vnderbira, that Q God niay be all in all. 29 '^ Els what ihall 2 let vs ^ catc and drinke ; for to morow we Iball die. 33 1» BsQotdeceined: eailifpsakiogs corrupt good isanars. __ 34 Awake to /j«t rjghteouilf.and f)nnenot:fQr ioxaz baue not the koowledgsofGod .ifptake this to your ihatne. 3 J• "B.:« fome man will fay ,Howe are the dead raifodypiand with what body come they foorth? 36 » Ό fooie , that v/hich thou ibweS , is net qoickened, except it die, 37 And that which thoti fo weft «thou foweft not that body thatfnill bee ,bcn bate come as it falleth, of wheat.or of fome other. 38 »'But Godgiutttbitsbodyathispleafare, 7Mheiha\h , but no- he is friefifiee isfuiiedto his fatiu; ttiethei with 'VSi Ayiuft.httXei.chap.t. f theTiinitie. η "Bjihis high kii'-ie effpeech , is f«l fa rthAainctrnprehe»• ftUt gUry which ftiimeth from Gti, and β> ill fill all of vs asve are ioyneitoi Itther with our hexi ,titt}ielfo , thtt onrpfdii fitli ahvajfs refirue his precml• nence. i; Toe fifthargii.Tuntnltenof theend of Bhich Imtyirutl} boafi ef, tbul haue fuff'-'red amsHgii fsa.iy The taking away of an obieaion : but thou Pattl didft ambitioufiy , as coOmonly men are woont to doe , when thoj diddslt fight with beaftsat Epbefus. That is.very like.fji'-h Paul, for what could tbatad- tafe inee , were it not for the glory of »tern»Il life which I hope for ? q Not )n!enygodty mitien , atr en/linsmtttf eyesvpin Gii, but c-r:ed avfay with •vttneitmr, cr a anaine headmefi'. ^ If*i 11.73.. 18 The feuenth argu- ment which dtpeudeth vpon tbe Utt: If there be no refutteftioo of the deid, why ~Φ (uiaKiivniet him. 'i- rfal.S.e. Heb.iS. Not bteaufe thefonne was ntt fitbieil to his Fa^ ther before , tut ^^ becaitfe his bedy, that is to fay, the Church which rt hereindiftrefie, and net yet rvhilty partaker cf his •tcry , is not yet fully perftd , and , Ift becaufe the bodtes ef the Sainis which bee the grants, fl\ati not begUrifiei iin- U the refurrectiin,• but Christ as he is Cod , hath is fiti^ ΊίΙ to him as his do we giue our felues to any thing elt . fane toeating aoddrinking? ■ r Thi f/CMhes th.it Epicures vfe, 19 Tbe conclufion with a fliavpe exhortation} that they tabe heede of tbe naugbtie oonpa-ie ofoertsine: fvum whence hee flle» weihthat this mifehiefefpraog : warning them to' be ,wife with fpbrietie vnto ti^bteoufneiri »o ΝοΛ-e thathe i;a.h pr louei the itfiirreaion, hi difcoueteth their ciohiiiineflejin tnat >h!y fcuffingly dimaoded, bow it could be ihat the dead ftjou'd life agaioe, and ii they did die againeitbeyaskelmoclii'sgly, what maanet ot,bodies they (hjuid baue. Theie'bre he fendethihefefollowes which feemed to themfelttes to bt mavueilous wife and wittie , to be inft-, utted of poore rude buibjndmen; it Thou mif;h'e.1 baue learned either of ibefe , faith Paul , by daily experience: for feedcs are fuwrn , an! rotte .anJyer norwithftiudicg fo farre it is elf, that they prrifli,tbac contvaii wife they growe vp faire more beau- tifull : and wheieis ibey are fowe.n nakedasd c'lie , tbey fpn^g vpgvcene frotti death by tbe veitueof God.: and doth it f«enie incredible to thee thstt-urbtdiet ihduld rife fvom oonuptieD.and that indued With afarre more excellent (jualitiei »2 We lee β diuerfuie both ia ace and the felfe fame tbinj whitb br.tb now one foitae & iheu another , and yet keepetb it ownekinde, at it is euiJeni ina giaine which is fowcn bare , but fpringeth vp fane afteranothev fort : and alio in^iueri kmdtt of one Iclfefiinsfort , at amongft hearts : and alloamoog things of diuet» for.es,»» the beauei:!y bodiet »nd the earthly bodies ; which altodiffti- very ir.ucb onefroniauothsr.. Therefore there is no caufe why we Ihoiild reicft dthet the refurreiiiua ofthe bodies, 0£ she cba^ging of them into »b«Uei Hate, ai ϋίοζ uof oriibie, or Ilrenge, ihjeBI brct \;π55ϊχνρ Η "Su when Ail' corfCptlHe Ι11Λ put on 'leb.i.: '""'^'Sl^:riSa.. bat.hereh \co^Z,.^ :Ϊ;^• ΐίή.««^.ίΐ b«* 5^. ώ i^or- Γ^^^ tS Heemikeili jualitie» of ΐ"6_ jod lit being tai- fed : Insorruption, to wi< » bttauie they fliallbe feuod, »nd »ltogeth«r of iioitut» that can notbiconup: Clory . becaafe »hey ihilibe aioc jied\)»itbb«»uue hoDout : PoW• becaeftthey 11 continue e- verUftiegwi«'»0'". meat , dtinke , and bU otUtr help>• ieattfutbalteiA' ticn mti change, ibat it cantitt fntimaine it f'tfe ytilkcut meat «»« llrinke, end fu(h ethnliki helfei. 34 «e QltTfetb yeifi.lyinont iwofd , this change of thequilitie ot sbebodifby the «furreftioa, whe he faith, that of a Bitutallbodie .it Jhall become a fft- litaall body, which iWo qualities be jDg cleape difr!*- »ent , rhe one the other ι hee «raighiway ex pouode-.h & feti faorth diligently a; Tbatii called a .n.Jr.ictr>..ii.motbcaft».anil | uiitir . ii«n fli.U be broagbt to pjffe the faying, p" L„ rh^rf hilr fi .ή4ηο,ι * Π- '' - ■ Ι that is wrtttco , * Distb IS fwallovved vp into vi- IjodicsTtat tl«. giori-^ u( tbe ^evBonly ii one,and fcfc»r/erjioft.ree*it4il; «'«>otr,fr. 41 There is «notbtr glotie of the lunne . atid inotbcf gkxric of the moone. and another gluHe of tbefterree : fot one ftarte diffeietb fironj an». ifefrftwreinglorie. r . , j -r-, 41 »3 So alio ii the tefarfcaion of the dead.T/je W« is f foweo in cortnption , And is raifcd in in- 42 It is fowen in t iiiliononr,4n^ is raifed in glorie : it is fowen io wcieneffe , and is raifed in 44 »+'lt is fowen a natuvall bodie, and is raifed a fpicitnall bodie;there is a naturall body.ani there is a fpitiiuill bodie, 4y i> As it is alfo wtitten.The ^ firSfflao * A- dim was made a liulog foid»: and the laft Adam !»4/ made a y quickening fpiiit 46 «« Howbcit that wai not fit δ which is Ipui- tuall : hot tiiat irhich is naiurall. and afterward that Ri/yjcfeirfpiritujll. 47 The firfl man « of the eaitb, τ earthly : (he fecond man h the Lord from » heauen. 48 27 As » the oatthly.fach λ« they that are earthly : and as is the heatjenly. fuch ars they alio that ate heauenly. 49 And as wee baae borne the 1^ image of the canbly. fo iball we be«e the image of ^ biauenly. CO »s This fay I.brctbren.ihai ' flefli and blood cannot inherit the kicgdome of God.nenher doto corruption iobetite incotrupibn. fi >? Behold, I Qiewyoa a dfeciet thing, wee IQii» not all (kepe, but wa ihallall be chapged, 5 ζ In e a moment, in the twinkling o-f an eye at the laft $ tn.imP£t; fotthennmpetfl.a'i'iDlowe, and the dead Qialfbs raifsd vp hicorrnptible , and welhallbechacged. Fo» this corruptible mnft put on mcorrop- anfftUsmottall mufi poccakBaotcailtie* ;raBe.i yy Odeatb.wherewthySi is thy viftorie ? . f6 The fling of death ufinQe:and the ftreogth of finne is the Law.' 57 J But tbwikes be vnto God , which bathgj- oen vs vidotie tbrongh our Lord lefps Cfaiift. 58 30 Therefore my beloued brtrhren , be yee ftedfoft , vamooueable , abonndant alwaycs in the wotke of theLord.forafiiiKAi as ye knov.' that youi labom is notinvainein the^'Lord, CHAP. XVI. I He exktrteth them to helpe the fcote tretkuu tf Hierw fiUm: 10 Thenhe ccmmenieth Ttmethfus, 13 andfo vriih a friendly txhivtatstth «9 a>>iLcmmtHiaUtns,e>t• detb the Eiiflle. Concerning « the gathering for the Saints , as I haue ordained in the Cbmches of Galatiai fodoeyeilfu. Ό An exhotiattea ken of the piofic ihiieofueth, tha: fteingihey vnder- ΪΛοι1 that the glo» ieof the other fe is laid vp foe "iithfuUwoike- nen.tbey coniinue ind ftand fait in the uih of the do- line of the refar- iSicn of the tad. fThtmgh the Lords helf iS gf'A, tesvectkingtn'Vi, made by the Apea Hies appeioiment Eaery a fitft day of the wetke, let euery one the mft day of the of ycu put afide by bimfelf?.Sc lay vp as Cod hath b profpered him , that then there be no gatherings when I come. 3 And when I atn come , whoiafoeuer ye ihail allow by ' letters , them will I fsnd to bring yoar liberalitie vnto Hieru&lem. 4 a And if it bs meet that I goe alfo, they ihall goe with me. J. Nowel will come vnto you.afierlhaBe gone through Macedonia (for I will paflc through Macedpnia.' 6 And it may be that I will abide, yea, or «.via- j The fef.due of da/toe nuoer wae then to aifemble- ' thsmfelues. Which I» tiMti pan wai celled Sit* iay .hit wow is cat», led tie Lirdid*}. b That euery m.\n tefltvr , «.'fcidiMi tothe akiliticthat CcdhathbUfiei him with. , €r/bi^hj(UJ!o*!l . giitethtmiocarif. tkeEpiftleiifpent in Wilting offami.' V. ana i from jwelh ■ I- ^^ rttetb pon ; .1,/ I ter with yon. that yee may bring mseon sny way, ^hitherfoetKrlgpe. . ^ irrtLl.yet, 7 For I will not fee you now in my pafiFigs.but thitaiitbiogtbe I uuft to abide a while with yon, if the Lord ref^tei lohiipur. ilpofed nurks, thae Pernilt. ^^^ ...„„_.. η >« to fay, to tiie gloiit of Go J and ■ 8 And I will tine at Ephsius vntilt Pentecoft. 9 For a great doote and Ί eff-dnalj is opened nd maintained by a liuin g foule onely, fueh a," Adam"w« , of wbcime all wee are borne natnrally : aod thst it faid to be a iii,ttuin which togethef w.ih f foule ί• suickened with a farte ino.e exce.let.: is tue "0 ^t With^h. Spiru J God.which defcendeth fron, Chrtu the fecond Ad m in-o V. .V Adam ii called tvefirfl man,becaf,fe hct ,s tbcro.:e as .r TP«e ^tmMe wet >•,»? : and Chr.U is the Imtr n,a» .iecaufe hee ,5 thebeg.n. tZ Jaltthtm h -.t trt ffiriualt. iS in t,m wee ar^