List of Unitarian Ministers and of Unitarian Churches Heorinted from Unitarian Year Book for 1908 MAY '^ -* A^^ BK9ai -U5"g3 h3 LIST OF UNITARIAN MINISTERS * DEC 10 1908 ^'%^e/crLstu-# AND OF UNITARIAN CHURCHES Reprinted from the Unitarian Year Book for 1908 BOSTON AMERICAN UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION 25 Beacon Street LIST OF MINISTERS. WITH THEIR ADDRESSES. This list gives the names of all ministers in the Unitarian Fellowship who are or have been settled as pastors of Unitarian churches. The list contains 558 names. The insertion of names in the list, as well as the withdrawal of any, is wholly in charge of the Executive Committee of the National Conference Committee on Fellowship. For the statistics given with the names and the form of their publication the editor of the Year Book is alone responsible. Under the heading "Settled" are given for convenience the dates at which a few who were not duly installed began their present service, and also the dates at which a few whose work is closely akin to pastoral service began their work. Those ministers for whom no date stands under " Settled " were without settlement at the date of the preparation of this list (June, 1908). Name. Address. Orda Abbott, Andrew Jackson Ashland, Abbott, Edgar Cummins Boston, Mass Abbott, Mrs. Eliza M. Hickok . . . Stowe, Vt Adams, William Cushing 826 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Aitken, Mrs. Martha Chapman . . . West Upton, Mass Allen, Charles Adams Waverley, Mass Allen, Joseph Cady Walpole, Mass Ames, Charles Gordon, D.D. Anderson, George Sheed Applebee, John Henry . . Armington, George FitzGerald 12 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. (Ch. Disciples), 26 Dale Avenue, Gloucester, Mass 7 Second Street, Attleboro, Mass. (Pilgrim Church) Beloit, Kan Babcock, William Gustavus .... 75 Clarkson Street, Dorchester, Mass. Backus, Wilson Marvin 175 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. . (Secretary Western Unitarian Conference.) Bacon, Theodore Davenport . . . . 128 Federal Street, Salem, Mass. Badger, George Henry 104 East 20th Street, New York, N.Y. (Secretary of the Middle States Conference and Editor the U7titaria7i.) Bailey, Alvin Freeman Barre, Mass Bailey, Benjamin Holloway Westford, Mass ined. Settled. 867 874 893 1903 897 894 865 I9OI 895 849 1889 895 1904 894 1905 898 1905 846 886 1904 1908 1903 1879 1903 Name. A diiress. Ordained. Baker, Franklin Box 756, Colorado Springs, Col 1902 Baker, Harry Spencer 324 55th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y 1892 Ball, Clarence Leon Athol, Mass. (Second Unitarian Society) . . 1894 Baltzly, John ■ ■ • Hudson, Mass 1881 Bandy, Paul Stathem Salem, Ore 1903 Barber, Henry Hervey Meadville, Pa i86t (Professor Emeritus Meadville Theological School.) Barker, John William Lebanon, N.H 1898 Barnard, Miss Margaret Bowers . . . Rowe, Mass 1897 Barnes, William Sullivan 14 Lome Avenue, Montreal, Can 1864 Barrett, Edward Hughes Buda, 111 1900 Barrow, Reuben Shaw 508 Fourth Street, Jackson, Mich 1904 Barrows, Samuel June, D.D 135 E. isth Street, New York, N.Y. . . . 1876 (Corresponding Secretary of Prison Association of New York since 1900.) Batchelor, George 272 Congress Street, Boston, Mass 1866 (Editor Christian Register.) Beach, Seth Curtis, D.D Wayland, Mass 1873 Beals, Oliver Brainard Cedarville, N.Y 1879 Beane, Samuel Collins, D.D 43 East Haverhill Street, Lawrence, Mass. . 1862 Beane, Samuel Collins, Jr North Andover, Mass 1900 Beers, Wayland Lewis 1218 Wick Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio . . 1896 Bellows, John Adams 1 1 5 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass 1878 Bellows, Russell Nevins 247 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. . . . 1872 Bennett, Frederick Marsh 1209 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, Kan. . . . 1895 Bidwell, John Belden 235 College Avenue, Elgin, 111 1874 Billings, Charles Towne 73 Mansur Street, Lowell, Mass 1890 Billington, Frank Herbert Carlisle, Mass 1902 Birks, Alfred William 156 Hawthorne Avenue, Derby, Conn. . . 1902 Birks, Richard Elliott Deerfield, Mass 1872 Bixby, James Thompson, Ph.D. . . . 150 Woodworth Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y. . . 1870 Blackwell, Mrs. Antoinette Brown . . 348 Bay Way, Elizabeth, N.J 1853 Blake, James Vila 37 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 111. (Society in Evanston) 1867 Bodge, George Madison 11 Meredith Street, W. Roxbury, Mass. (So- ciety in Naples, Me.) 1878 Boivin, Bertram D East Bridgewater, Mass 1898 Boughter, James Grant Forestville, Cal 1891 Bowen, Clayton Raymond 671 Alden Street, Meadville, Pa 1903 (Assistant Professor Meadville Theological School.) Bowser, Alexander Thomas .... St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada . . . 1881 Boyd, Nicholas Emery 2823 Garber Street, Berkeley, Cal. . . . 1895 Boynton, Richard Wilson 83 Ashland Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. (First Unitarian Congregational Society) . . 1895 Name. rSrandow, Melvin . . ' . , Branigan, William Henry Hrenan, Edward Henton Brockway, Thomas Clinton Brooks, Arthur Anderson Brown, Alfred Hodgdon Brown, Carleton Fairchild Brown, Edwin G. . . . , Brown, Frederic Curtis . Brown, Howard Nicholson Brown, Thomas William Brown, William Brown, William Channing (Field Secretary of the American U Brown, William Thurston (Field Secretary of the American U Department.) Brundage, William Milton Buck, Charles Wentworth Buck, Miss Florence Buckingham, Merritt Scott Buckley, George Wright Buckshorn, Louis Henry Bulkeley, Benjamin Reynolds .... Butler, Ellery Channing Buzzell, Herbert Leslie 1872 1852 1863 Bygrave, Hilary . . . Byrnes, Thomas Patrick Address. Ordained. 152 Court Street, Plymouth, Mass 1905 Peterboro, N.H 1885 Danvers, Mass 1898 Greeley, Col 1896 53 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. . . . 1885 Newton Centre, Mass 1894 Bryn Mawr, Pa 1893 Presque Isle, Me. (Societies in Presque Isle and Fort Fairfield) 1907 22 Oak Ridge Avenue, Summit, N.J. . . . 1896 29s Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. (King's Chapel) 150 Trenton Street, Melrose, Mass Tyngsboro, Mass 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass 1895 nitarian Association for New England.) 138 Second East Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1888 nitarian Association for the Rocky Mountain 778 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. (Third Society) 8 Mason Street, Cambridge, Mass 427 Congress Street, Kenosha, Wis. . . . Bernardston, Mass Battle Creek, Mich •]■;>, North Spring Street, Concord, N.H. . . 25 Hale Street, Beverly, Mass 38 Russell Park, Quincy, Mass Windsor, Vt. (Societies in Windsor, Vt., and Cornish, N.H.) .' . 20 Oakley Road, Belmont, Mass 714 West Ninth Street, Erie, Pa Calthrop, Samuel Robert, L.H.D. . . 182 1 S. Salina Street, Syracuse, N.Y. Canfield, Charles Taylor 29A Everett Street, Cambridge, Mass. Cantrell, Edward Adams Carpenter, Carlos Clement 402 Williams Street, Owasso, Mich. Casson, Charles Wesley 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. (Secretary of the Publicity Department.) Catlin, Hasket Derby Northumberland, Pa Chaffin, William Ladd North Easton, Chaney, George Leonard Salem, Mass Chase, Ernest Abbott Brewster, Mass 1900 1908 1906 1907 1907 189s 1905 1906 1884 1905 1862 1893 I90I 1892 1908 1892 1896 1900 1882 1897 1869 1894 1893 1908 1872 1888 1905 i860 1868 i860 1893 I86I 1898 1867 1862 1868 1862 1885 1908 Natne. Address. Ordained. Settled. Chase, Joseph Aubrey 636 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. . . . 1882 Child, Dudley Richards Charlestown, N.H 1906 Claflin, Mrs. Adelaide Avery .... 59 Sacramento Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . 1897 Clark, Albert Willard 609 Union Street, Schenectady, N.Y. . . . 1902 1906 Clark, Charles Clifton Fallston, Md 1894 Clark, Hobart Clinton Avenue, New Brighton, S.I., N.Y. (Church of the Redeemer) iS8c 1897 Clarke, Ward Robinson 211 Central Avenue, Dover, N.H 1900 1900 Clayton, Thomas 1886 Clayton Avenue, Allegheny, Pa. (North- side Unitarian Church) (Societies in Allegheny, Pa., and Wheeling, W. Va.) . 18S5 1905 Coar, Arthur Herbert 6 Magnolia Avenue, Holyoke, Mass. (Socie- ties in Holyoke and Amherst) .... 1899 1907 Cochrane, Mrs. Cora Sexton .... Bolton, Mass 1890 Cochrane, Lorenzo Darwin Bolton, Mass 1S89 Coil, E. Alfred Marietta, Ohio 1882 1895 Cole, William Roswell P.O. Box 555, Cohasset, Mass 1S91 1896 Coleman, Albert John Jacksonville, Fla 1897 1906 Collyer, Robert, Lit.D 201 West 55th Street, New York, N.Y. (Church of the Messiah) 1859 1879 Cooke, George Willis 49 Park Avenue, Wakefield, Mass 1872 Cornish, Louis Craig Hingham, Mass. (First Parish) 1899 1900 Cowan, WiUiam Edward Burgaw, N.C. (Circuit Work) 1904 Coyle, Francis Langing Covington, La Cram, William Augustine Hampton Falls, N.H 1868 Crane, Mrs. Caroline Bartlett .... Kalamazoo, Mich 1889 Cressey, George Croswell, Ph.D., D.D., (In Europe) 1885 Cressey, Pemberton Hale Groton, Mass 1899 1903 Cronyn, David Bernardston, Mass 1868 Crooker, Joseph rfenry, D.D 820 South Street, Roslindale, Mass. . . . 1873 1905 Cross, Alfred Scotland, Mass 1884 Crothers, Samuel McChord, D.D. . . 20 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . 1877 1894 Cruzan, John Alexander 160 North Third Street, San Jose, Cal. . . 187 1 1906 Culp, Adam Joshua Brooklyn, Conn 1881 1904 Cummings, Edward 104 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. (South Congregational Church, Boston) . . . 1900 1900 Cutter, George Webber, M.D. . . . Watertown, Mass. (Society in Neponset, Mass.) 1870 1901 Danforth, James Tyngsboro, Mass 1884 Daniels, Francis Potter Columbia, Mo 1898 Daniels, Leverett Richmond .... Houlton, Me 1S85 1903 Davidson, John Mitchell Xenia, Ohio 1901 Name. Address. Ordained. Settled. Davis, Earl Clement 14 Stoddard Avenue, Pittsfield, Mass. . . . 1905 1905 Day, Edward Wichita, Kan 1886 1908 Day, John Boynton Wilson 318 Lincoln Avenue, Fall River, Mass. . . 1900 1906 Day, John William 320 North Newstead Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. (Church of the Messiah) 1886 1899 Dellgren, August 767 Sheffield Avenue, Chicago, 111. (First Swedish Unitarian Church) .... 1886 1904 De Long, Henry Clay 141 High Street, Medford, Mass 1863 1869 De Normandie, Courtland Yardley . . Kingston, Mass 1852 1872 De Normandie, James, D.D 45 Lambert Avenue, Roxbury, Mass. (First Religious Society) 1862 1883 Dethlefs, Louis Claus Walpole, Mass 1907 1907 Dillingham, Pitt 178 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. . 1876 (Principal Calhoun School, Calhoun, Lowndes Co., Ala.) Dodson, George Rowland, Ph.D. ... 48 Nicholson Place, St. Louis, Mo. (Church of the Unity) Dole, Charles Fletcher, D.D 14 Roanoke Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Doremus, Robert Proudfit Barnstable, Mass Douthit, Jasper Lewis Shelbyville, 111 Douthit, Robert Collyer Castine, Me Drummond, Chester Arthur .... Littleton, Mass Duncan, James Cameron 168 Walnut Street, Clinton, Mass. . . . Duncan, Lewis Johnston 301 West Granite Street, Butte, Mont. Dutton, Caleb Samuel Simeon . . . 119 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. (Sec- ond Society) 1902 1907 Eddowes, Timothy Harold .... Geneva, 111 1865 Eddy, Frank Fay 4 Progress Flats, S. Third East Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 1896 Elberfeld, Samuel Louis Charlestown, N.H 1897 1908 Elder, Charles Brown, D.D 55 Cedar Street, Worcester, Mass. (Church of the Unity) 1880 1905 Eliot, Christopher Rhodes 2 West Cedar Street, Boston, Mass. (Bul- finch Place Church) 1882 1894 Eliot, Samuel Atkins, D.D 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass 1889 1900 (President American Unitarian Association.) Eliot, Thomas Lamb, D.D 227 West Park Street, Portland, Ore. . . . 1865 1867 Eliot, William Greenleaf, Jr 346 Yamhill Street, Portland, Ore 1894 1906 Elliott, Charles Florian 1426 Vermont Street, Quincy, 111 1870 1906 Ellis. Arthur Blake Burley, Wash 1899 Ennis, William Edwin Norwell, Mass 1904 1908 Estabrook, Frank Philip Westwood, Mass 1893 1906 Evans, Kenneth Edward 48 Fairview Avenue, Chicopee, Mass. . . . 1897 1902 1886 1903 1874 1876 1908 1908 1862 1868 1894 1907 1906 1908 1886 1886 1889 1902 Name. Address. Ordained. Fairfield, Oliver Jay 24 Cottage St., Ware, Mass 1892 Fairley, James A 12 Waldorf Court, Brooklyn, N.Y. (Society in Hackensack, N.J.) 1S94 Farwell, Herbert Cunningham .... Salem, Mass 1899 (Plummer Farm School.) Fenn, William Wallace, D.D 25 Quincy Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . 1890 (Dean of Harvard Divinity School and Bussey Professor of Theology.) Ferguson, Charles 3425 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. . 1887 Ferrell, Dudley Hays 20 Oakland Avenue, Brockton, Mass. . . . 1902 Fish, William Henry 953 South Main Street, Meadville, Pa. . . . 1871 Fisk, Richmond, D.D Middletown, Conn. (Universalist Society) . . 1861 Foote, Henry Wilder Ann Arbor, Mich 1902 Forbes, John Perkins 98 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N.Y. (First Society) 1878 Forbes, Roger Sawyer 60 Virginia Street, Upham's Corner, Boston, Mass. (First Parish in Dorchester) . . 1903 Forkell, William Aurora, 111 1880 Free, Alfred, Ph.D 60 North Maple Street, Florence, Mass. . . 1871 Free, Samuel R Willimantic, Conn 1870 Freeman, Daniel Roy 300 Ashmont Street, Dorchester Centre, Mass. (Third Religious Society) 1907 Frothingham, Paul Revere 294 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. (Arlington Street Church) 18S9 Fuller, George Washington .... The Espanola, Oak Street and 2d Avenue, Spokane, Wash 1902 Furman, William Franklin ..... Westfield, N.Y 1886 Gale, Frank Randall Berlin, Mass 1899 Gannett, William Channing, D.D. . . 15 Sibley Place, Rochester, N.Y 1879 Garver, Austin Samuel 41 Lancaster Street, Worcester, Mass. (Sec- ond Parish) 1872 Gauld, Frederic John ....'... Leominster, Mass 1894 Gebauer, George Rudolph 1209 East Third Street, Duluth, Minn. . . 1895 Geoghegan, William Bernard .... 47 South Sixth Street, New Bedford, Mass. . 1892 Gibb, Mrs. Sophie 147 Avenue 32, Los Angeles, Cal 1876 Gibson, Jonathan Christopher .... Greensboro, Fla. (Societies in Edwards and Bristol, Fla., and Faceville, Ga.) . . . 1870 Gifford, Elisha 34 Williams St., Worcester, Mass 1867 Gifford, Franklin Kent Laconia, N.H 1893 Gilbert, William McFaul Vineland, N.J 1875 Gilchrist, Harry Elmer 6039 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La. . . 1887 Gile, Fred Henry 15 Avon Street, Cliftondale, Mass 1890 Gill, Frederic 29 Academy Street, Arlington, Mass. . . . 1892 Name. Address. Ordaitted. Settled. Gillilan, Charles Wallace Swansboro, N.C. (Societies at Bear Creek Chapel, Hubert, N.C, and White Oak Chapel, Peletier, N.C.) 1902 1907 Oilman, Bradley Canton Corner, Mass 1884 1905 Oilman, Nicholas Paine Meadville, Pa 1872 1895 (Professor Meadville Theological School.) Oilmore. Frank Albert 117 West Gorham Street, Madison, Wis. . . 1892 1900 Oilmour, Oeorge Y. M. C. A. Building, Buffalo, N.Y. (Parkside Unitarian Society) 1905 1908 Oilpin, Victor James 327 St. James Street, London, Ont., Can. . 1900 1904 Ooldsmith, Peter Hair, D.D 4 Oardner Street, Salem, Mass. (First Church, Salem, and Society in Marblehead) . . 1887 1903 Oooding, Alfred 10 Middle Street, Portsmouth, N.H. . . . 1882 1884 Ooodridge, Benjamin Asbury .... Santa Barbara, Cal 1892 1901 Gordon, Miss Eleanor Elizabeth . . . Roadside Settlement, Des Moines, la. . . . i88g 1906 (Secretary Iowa Association of Unitarian and Other Independent Churches and Editor of Old and New.) Gorton, James 536 Cuyler Avenue, Chicago, 111 1858 Grant, Arthur Hastings 356 Bay Way, Elizabeth, N.J 1890 1904 Graves, Charles . . • 22 Franklin Avenue, Passaic, N.J. (Societies at Passaic and Ridgewood) 1894 1907 Graves, Miss Mary Hannah .... 58 Temple Street, Boston, Mass 187 1 Gray, Clifton Merritt 4 Archdale Street, Charleston, S.C. . . . 1899 1901 Greeley, Clarence De Vere Lake View Station, Chicago, 111 1891 Green, Edward Exeter, N.H 1881 1897 Green, Walter Cox Meadville, Pa 1892 1904 (Librarian and Secretary of the Faculty of the Meadville Theological School.) Greene, Lovinzo Leroy Chelmsford, Mass 1880 1908 Greenman, Lyman Manchester • • • 55 High Street, Yonkers, N.Y i8g6 1904 Greenman, Walter Folger i Dana Terrace, Watertown, Mass. . . . 1890 1900 Orififin, Frederick Robertson .... 156 River Street, Braintree, Mass 1901 1901 Griffin, Richard Andrew Bedford, Mass 1866 Hahn, Andrew Duxbury, Mass 1897 1905 Haight, Miss Sarah Louisa Perry, la 1S99 1907 Hale, Edward Chestnut Hill, Mass 1SS6 1897 Hale, Edward Everett, D.D., LL.D. . 39 Highland Street, Roxbury, Mass. (South Congregational Church, Boston) . . . 1846 1856 Hall, Edward Henry, D.D. ..... 14 Craigie Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . 1859 Hall, Hedley 1898 Ham, Marion Franklin 21 8th Street, Oak Cliff, Dallas, Tex. . . . 1897 1905 Hamlet, Samuel 75 Hancock Street, Boston, Mass 1885 Harrington, Miss Emeline 143 Grotto Street, St. Paul, Minn 1895 Name. Address, Ordained. Settled. Harvey, Leon Addison 798 Elmore Place, Brooklyn, N.Y 1890 1906 Hathaway, George Adalbert .... Egypt, Mass 1904 1904 Hathaway, George Edgar 295 Pearl Street, Manchester, N.H. . . . 1904 1905 Hawes, Oscar Brown 5224 Greene Street, Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa 1897 1901 Hawley, Fred Vermillia 2429 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, 111. (Unity Church) . . 1891 1904 Hayden, Charles Adalbert, D.D. . . . Oakland, Me. (Universalist Society) . . . 1866 1908 Hayes, John Alexander 15 Kingsbury Avenue, Bradford, Mass. (Society in Haverhill) 1890 1903 Hayward, Edward Farwell 41 Pleasant Street, Marlboro, Mass 1874 1890 Hayward, Laurence 12 Essex Street, Newburyport, Mass. . . . 1905 1905 Headle, Edwin Charles R. F. D. 62, Bolton, Mass 188 1 Heddaeus, Johannes 342 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N.Y 1882 Heizer, Cyrus Whittlesay Ithaca, N.Y 1878 1901 Henderson, Cicero Adolphus .... 211 West 19th Street, Wilmington, Del. . . 1902 1908 Hills, Burton Alfred Luverne, Minn. (Societies at Luverne and Adrian, Minn., and Rock Rapids, la.) . 1905 1906 Hinckley, Frederic Allen 201 1 Green Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (Spring Garden Church) 1878 1896 Hoagland, Napoleon Stage Tyngsboro, Mass 1885 1908 Hodgin, Edwin McMasters Stanton . . 803 Mary Place, Minneapolis, Minn. . . . 1898 1906 Hodgins, James Cobourg 684 Astor Street, Milwaukee, Wis 1890 Holden, Francis Wilder Milford, N.H 1893 1906 Holmes, John Haynes i Van Sice Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y. (Church of the Messiah, New York) 1904 1907 Horner, Thomas Jay 15 Oakland Street, Melrose, Mass. (Societies in Melrose and Sharon) 1890 1899 Horst, Carl Georg West Upton, Mass 1891 1900 Horton, Edward Augustus 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass 1868 1892 (President Unitarian Sunday-School Society.) Hoskin, Albert Alphonso Montfort, Wis 1870 Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, D.D. . . 2427 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal. . . . 1869 Howard, Burt Estes 2677 EUendale Place, Los Angeles, Cal. . . 1886 1905 Howard, Thomas Dwight Peterboro, N.H , 1852 Howe, Mrs. Marie Jenney 1844 E. 86th Street, Cleveland, Ohio . . . 1898 Hubbard, Horace Richmond .... Green Harbor, Mass 1897 Hudson, Adelbert Lathrop Newton, Mass 1895 Hudson, Jay William 345 Main Street, Stoneham, Mass 1895 Hudson, John William Peabody, Mass 1863 Hultin, Miss Ida C Sudbury, Mass 1886 Humphreys, Charles Alfred .... 3 Monadnock Street, Dorchester, Mass. . . 1863 Hunt, Ernest Walter 60 Grand View Avenue, Wollaston, Mass. . 1892 Name. Address. Ordained. Settled, Hunt, Walter Reid 82 Hillside Avenue, Orange, N.J 1894 1898 Hunter, Stanley Mercer ... . . . . 593 E. California Street, Pasadena, Cal. . . 1896 Hussey, Alfred Rodman i W. Hamilton Street, Baltimore, Md. . . 1895 1902 Hutcheon, Robert James 3 Edgedale Road, Toronto, Can 1895 1906 Hutchins, William Tucker Santa Rosa, Cal 1876 1906 Huxtable, James 568 E. Fifth Street, South Boston, Mass. . . 1874 1890 Innes, Alexander Irvine 181 Garfield Avenue, Salem, Ohio .... 1901 1907 Ives, Henry Goodson Andover, N.H 1904 1904 Ives, Howard Colby 114 Hempstead Street, New London, Conn. 1905 1906 Jackson, Abraham Willard, D.D. . . 98 West Emerson Street, Melrose, Mass. . . 1873 Jaynes, Julian Clifford 76 Prince Street, West Newton, Mass. . . . 1885 1885 Jenks, Henry Fitch Canton Corner, Mass 1867 1885 Jennings, Allen Gary *. . 2236 Fulton Street, Toledo, Ohio (in charge of Old Adams Street City Mission) . . . 1870 Johonnot, Rodney Fuller, D.D. . . . 234 So. Kenilworth Avenue, Oak Park, 111. (Independent Society) 1886 1892 Jones, Charles Joshua Ketcham . . . Public Library, Los Angeles, Cal 1872 Jones, Jenkin Lloyd 3939 Langley Avenue, Chicago, 111. (All (Editor of Unity.) Souls' Church) 1870 1882 Jones, Joseph Henry Topeka, Kan 1898 1906 Jones, William Marion Oakland, Cal 1877 Jones, William Safford 29 Kay Street, Newport, R.I 1897 1905 Judy, Arthur Markley Montpelier, la 1882 Kampmeier, August 930 East Washington Street, Iowa City, la. 1879 Kennedy, Albert Joseph South End House, 20 Union Park, Boston, Mass. (Society in Revere) 1904 1908 Kent, Frederic Houston 16 Columbus Avenue, Northampton, Mass., 1899 1902 Kent, George William 125 Adelaide Avenue, Providence, R.I. (West- minster Congregational Society) . . . 1878 1900 Kent, Josiah Coleman ...... Northboro, Mass 1896 1895 Kerr, Milton Royce Sandwich, Mass 1889 1901 Key, William Simpson Thornton Park, Winthrop, Mass 1878 Kimball, John C Greenfield, Mass 1859 Kirkpatrick, David M Geneseo, 111 1889 1905 Knapp, Arthur May 67 Bluff, Yokohama, Japan 1868 • Lane, Walter Eustace Rockville, Conn 1892 Latham, Horatio Edward Eastport, Me 1894 1907 Lathrop, John Howland 2247 College Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. . . . 1905 1905 Name. A ddress. Ordained. Latimer, George Dimmick (In Europe) 1890 Lauer, Solon Willoughby, Ohio 1889 Lawrance, William Irvin 475 Main Street, Winchester, Mass. . . . 1875 Lazenby, Albert 57 Breed Street, Lynn, Mass 1876 Leavens, Robert French Fitchburg, Mass 1907 Leavitt, Bradford 251 1 Octavia Street, San Francisco, Cal. (First Unitarian Society) 1893 Leggett, Miss Mary Lydia Ord, Neb 1888 Leiby, Israel Steigerwolt Tamaqua, Pa 1900 Leonard, WilUam James 30 Rockland Street, Boston, Mass 1865 Lewis, Fred Rinaldo Kennebunk, Me 1898 Lilliefors, Manfred St. Cloud, Minn 1896 Limbaugh, Daniel Christian .... Fort Worth, Tex 1900 Litchfield, William Cummings ... 82 Hermon Street, Winthrop, Mass. . . . 1879 Littlefield, Arthur Warner 1410 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. (Second Unitarian Society) 1891 Littlefield, George Elmer Westwood, Mass 1891 Lloyd, Hal Horace Station A, Chattanooga, Tenn Locke, Calvin Stoughton Westwood, Mass 1854 Locke, James Ellis 32 Union Park, Boston, Mass 1885 Locke, John Francis 3 Elmont Street, Dorchester Center, Mass. . 1870 Locke, William Ware Wellesley Hills, Mass 1886 (Preacher at Rock Ridge Hall.) Lombard, Charles Parker 236 A Street, Boston, Mass 1878 Lord, Augustus Mendon, D.D. ... 34 Gushing Street, Providence, R.I. (First Church) 1887 Lord, William Rogers Needham, Mass 1878 Loring, Robert Sprague Iowa City, la 1897 Lusk, James Thompson 124 Chandler Street, Boston, Mass 1870 Lutz, Harry Billerica, Mass 1900 Lyon, William Henry, D.D 353 Walnut Street, Brookline, Mass. (First Parish) 1873 MacCarthy, Joseph P., Ph.D 429 W. Lovell Street, Kalamazoo, Mich. . . 1895 MacCauley, Clay 2 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass 1866 MacDonald, Howard Austin .... East Lexington, Mass 1906 Macdonald, Loren Benjamin .... Concord, Mass 1882 Mac II wain, George Edward Middleboro, Mass 1894 Maglathlin, Edward Bartlett .... Central Square, West Bridgewater, Mass. . 1881 Malick, John Great Falls, Mont * 1904 Manchester, Alfred 15 Forrester Street, Salem, Mass. (Second Church) 1873 Mann, Newton 421 N. 17th Street, Omaha, Neb 1865 Name. Address. Ordained. Settled. Marsh, John Lewis 1210 D Street, Lincoln, Neb 1875 Marshall, Perry New Salem, Mass 1875 1893 Mason, George Lincoln 32 Pine Street, Rochester, N.H 1894 1906 Mason, L. Walter, D.D 5024 Cypress Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ... 1886 1900 Maxwell, Samuel Raymond Walpole, N.H 1906 1906 May, Joseph, LL.D 2220 DeLancey Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (First Unitarian Church) 1865 1876 McDaniel, Benjamin Franklin . . . . 2i Edson Street, Dorchester Center, Mass. (Norfolk Unitarian Church and Barnard Memorial) 1869 1899 McDougall, Henry Clay 40 Highland Avenue, Franklin, N.H. . . . 1886 1899 Meaker, William Lathrop 57 Meacham Road, West Somerville, Mass. . Meredith, Ernest Sidney West Roxbury, Mass Metcalf, Joel Hastings 54 Summer Street, Taunton, Mass Meyer, John Frederick South Natick, Mass Miller, Kerby Sinclair Central Point, Ore Miller, Milton Jennings Geneseo, 111 Mills, Benjamin Fay Station M., Los Angeles, Cal (Minister of the Los Angeles Fellowship.) Mills, Thornton Anthony Rockford, 111. (Church of the Christian Union) Mitchell, Harry Sumner 75 Washington Street, Keene, N.H. . . . Mitchell, John Cyrus 1610 Franklin Street, Boise, Ida 1881 Morgan, William Sacheus, Ph.D. . . . 150 South Knox Street, Albany, N.Y. Morison, Robert Swain 17 Farrar Street, Cambridge, Mass 1874 (Librarian Emeritus Harvard Divinity School.) Morse, M. Rowena, Ph.D 704 Grand Avenue, Keokuk, la 1906 1906 Morton, James Ferdinand Andover, N.H 1869 Mott, Herbert Henry 9 Mount Pleasant Street, Nashua, N.H. . . 1886 1900 Moulton, Joseph Sidney Stow, Mass 1878 1885 Mueller, John Henry 506 E. Chestnut Street, Bloomington, 111. . 1889 1892 MuUett, Alfred Edgar 89 Pearl Street, Charlestown, Mass 1874 Murdoch, Miss Marion 427 Congress Street, Kenosha, Wis. . . . 1885 Myers, Charles Norman i Arlington Street, Boston, Mass 1902 Nelson, Oscar Jamison 1903 Newbert, Elmer Ellsworth Augusta, Me 1892 Newman, Bernard Joseph 483 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. . . • 1901 1902 Nichols, William Ichabod 280 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N.Y 1882 (General Secretary of Bureau of Charities.) Nichols, William Stanley 2128 N. Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, Col. (Societies in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Col.) 1899 1906 1907 1908 189s I90S 1890 1904 1898 1903 1896 1863 1868 1878 1905 1902 1907 1896 1906 I88I 1906 1890 1907 Nicholson, Charles Frederick Nickerson, Alfred Chase Niles, Charles Fremont . . Norman, Amandus Halvdon Noyes, Charles Ordained. Settled. . 1861 . 187I 1897 396 Tremont Street, Taunton, Mass. 768 Kensington Avenue, Plainfield, N.J. Menomonie, Wis 1891 Hanska, Minn 1893 Carroll Avenue, Norwich, Conn. (Pastor Emeritus, North Andover, Mass.) . . . i860 Olmstead, Mrs. Margaret Titus . . . 308 West Broadway, Decorah, la 1894 Olmstead, Rett Elmer 308 West Broadway, Decorah, la. (Brook- ings, S.D.) 1894 Ordway, Clyde Elbert 42 Holbrook Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass. . 1897 Osgood, Edmund Quincy Sewall ... 39 High Street, Brattleboro, Vt 1878 Owen, Thomas Grafton Whitehall, Wis 1856 Padgham, Elizabeth 91 Home Avenue, Rutherford, N.J. . . . 1901 Palmer, John Henry Monroe, Wis. (United Liberal Church) . . 187 1 Pardee, Joseph Nelson Bolton, Mass 1872 Park, Charles Edwards 405 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass. (First Church) 1899 Parker, Henry Carlton 546 Main Street, Woburn, Mass 1878 Parker, William Henry Reading, Mass 1905 Patten, George Wilber 48 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . 1871 Payne, Edward Byron Glen Ellen, Cal 1874 Peabody, Francis Greenwood, D.D.,LL.D. 13 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . 1874 (Plummer Professor of Christian Morals in Harvard University.) Peck, William Willett Murdock Parsonage, Winchendon, Mass. . 1897 Peebles, Stephen New Castle, Col 1892 Peirce, Walter Catlin Tiverton, R.I 1888 Pendleton, Aubrey M Milford, N.H Perkins, Charles Edwin Keosauqua, la. (Congregational Society) . . 1886 Perkins, John Carroll, D.D 108 High Street, Portland, Me. (First Parish), 1891 Peterson, Abbot Lancaster, Mass 1907 Pettengill, Arthur Gooding Portland, Me. (Preble Chapel) 1889 Petursson, Rognvaldur 533 Agnes Street, Winnipeg, Man 1903 Phalen, Frank Lowe Fairhaven, Mass 1886 Phalen, Paul Stephens Hingham, Mass. (Second Parish and Third Society) 1908 Phelan, William Tail 48 Alder Street, Portland, Me. (Preble Chapel) 1863 Pierce, Granville Box 62, Warwick, Mass 1873 Pierce, Ulysses Grant Baker .... 1616 Riggs Place, Washington, D.C. . . . 1891 Pierson, William Henry, D.D. ... 29 Central Street, Somerville, Mass. . . . 1868 Piper, George Fisk Bedford, Mass 1864 Place. Charles Alpheus 90 Church Street, Waltham, Mass 1897 Name. Address. Ordained. Settled. Porter, Isaac Francis Sherbom, Mass 1868 1903 Potter, William Frank Beach Street, Revere, Mass 1868 Powell, Frank Abram Box 165, Helena, Mont 1889 1906 Powers, Jesse Daniel Orlando . . . . 910 E. Mercer Street, Seattle, Wash. . . . 1897 1908 Pratt, Frank Wright Hopedale, Mass 1891 1905 Pratt, George Franklin 43 Mill Street, Dorchester, Mass. (Christ Church) 1881 1904 Pratt, William Austin Cedar Rapids, la. (Universalist Society) . . 1879 1902 Prescott, Elvin James Rockland, Mass 1890 1908 Pressey, Edward Pearson Montague, Mass 1896 Preston, Frederick R. F. D. i. South Framingham, Mass. . . . 1891 Puffer, Joseph Adams Needham, Mass 1906 1908 Pulsford, William Hanson 115 23d Street, Chicago, 111 1883 1901 Quimby, Israel Paul Vineyard Haven, Mass 1879 1907 Quinby, John William East Bridgewater, Mass 187 1 Ramsay, Robert Ewart 2104 Grand Avenue, Davenport, la. ... Ramsay, William Henry 509 West Ormsby Avenue, Louisville, Ky. Reccord, Augustus Phineas .... 207 State Street, Springfield, Mass Reeby, William Henry Milford, Mass Reed, Clarence 1255 St. Charles Street, Alameda, Cal. . . Reed, George Hale 76 Common Street, Belmont, Mass Reed, Willard 26 Walker Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . Reid, John Dumont St. Paul, Minn Rice, George Damon Camp Columbia, Cuba (Chaplain United States Army.) Rice, George Heber Pomona, Cal Rich, Adoniram Judson Dighton, Mass. (Segreganset) Rihbany, Abraham Mitrie 4 Ashland Place, Toledo, Ohio Roberts, Abram Adams 213 Birch Street, Baraboo, Wis Robinson, Alson Haven 96 Montgomery Street, Newburgh, N.Y. Robinson, John Lunsford 1017 Park Avenue, Richmond, Va Robinson, Perley Joseph Littleton, N.H Ross, Hope Fleming MacKenzie . . . 297 Redwood Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Rossbach, Adolph 7 Church Street, Belfast, Me Roys, Cyrus Austin Uxbridge, Mass Rumball, Edwin Alfred 268 Alexander Street, Rochester, N.Y. . . Russell, Charles Frank Weston, Mass Saether, Hans Albricht 2520 Cedar Avenue, S., Minneapolis, Minn. . 1893 Safford, Miss Mary Augusta .... 696 19th Street, Des Moines, la 1880 1903 1907 1886 1902 1895 1905 1878 1897 1907 1902 1902 1898 1888 1908 1899 I90I 1887 1905 1864 1899 1900 1902 1866 1905 1905 1883 1904 1882 1907 I89I I90I 1907 1879 1893 1903 1908 1882 1882 Name. Address. Ordained. Settled. St. John, Charles Elliott 32 South 21st Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . . 1883 1908 (First Unitarian Society.) Sallaway, James Bedford. Mass 1863 Sanders, George Dana 50 Pleasant Street, Waterville, Me 1885 1905 Saunderson, Henry Hallam 47 Lee Street, Cambridge, Mass 1898 1903 Savage, John Arthur R. D. i, Plainfield, N.J. (Society in Medfield, Mass.) 1870 1892 Savage, Maxwell Redlands, Cal 1903 1903 Savage, Minot Judson, D.D Billerica, Mass 1864 Savage, Robert Wellesley Highland Springs, Va 1881 Schermerhorn, Martin Kellogg ... 14 Garfield Ridge, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. . . 1867 Schneider, Otto Emanuel Pepperell, Mass 1906 1906 Scott, Alva Roy 128 Cumberland Street, Bangor, Me. . . . 1891 1905 Scott, John Milton New York, N.Y 188 1 Seaton, Joseph Marion Hubbardston, Mass 1895 1899 Seaver, Nathanael Scituate, Mass 1865 Secrist, Henry Thomas 3 Abbotsford Street, Roxbury, Mass. (All Souls) 1891 1896 Seward, Josiah Lafayette, D.D. ... 47 Emerald Street, Keene, N.H. (Society in Dublin) 1874 1902 Shaw, George Stetson Ashby, Mass 1862 1868 Sheafe, Joseph Pease Harvard, Mass 1874 1895 Shippen, Eugene Rodman Lancaster, Pa 1892 1908 Shippen, Rush Rhees 295 Ash Street, Brockton, Mass 1849 Shurtleff, Alfred Dewey Keegan . . . 422 Meridian Street, East Boston, Mass. . . 1898 1907 Simonds, WilHam Day 14th and Castro Streets, Oakland, Cal. . . 1885 1908 Simons, Minot Osgood 1916 E. 82d Street, Cleveland, Ohio . . . 1895 '90° Singsen, Antone Gerhardt 12 Tobey Street, Providence, R.I. (Bell Street Chapel) 1887 1906 Skerrye, William Frederick Templeton, Mass 1896 1907 Slicer, Thomas Roberts 156 E. 38th Street, New York, N.Y. (Church of All Souls) 187 1 1897 Slocombe, Edwin Mitchell 49 Western Avenue, Augusta, Me 1907 1907 Smith, Augustus Daniel 148 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N.Y 1886 Smith, Ernest Charles 805 South Jackson Street, Green Bay, Wis. (Union Congregational Church) . . . 1888 1907 Smith, Frederic William Peterboro, N.H 1900 Smith, Henry Goodwin 26 Lewis Street, Ottawa, Can 1886 1907 Smith, John Stilman 42 Wren Street, West Roxbury, Mass. . . 1861 Smith, Walter Delos 167 East Main Street, Hamilton, Canada . 1905 1906 Smoot, C. Calvert Los Gatos, Cal 1899 Snapp, Leroy Fletcher 194 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N.Y 1892 Snow, Sydney Bruce . .* 1020 Bryant Street, Palo Alto, Cal. . . . 1906 1906 Name. Address. Ordained. Settled. Snyder, John Wellesley Hills, Mass 1870 1899 Solmundsson, Johann Pjetur .... Gimli, Manitoba, Can 1903 1903 Somers, Amos Newton Montague, Mass 1886 1908 Southworth, Franklin Chester .... Mead villa, Pa 1892 1902 (President Meadville Theological School.) Spalding, Samuel Charles 220 Eighth Street, Troy, N.Y 1903 Spaulding, Henry George 1470 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. . . . 1868 Spence, Albert Hague, Jr Medfield, Mass 1900 1908 Spence, Joseph M. A Hinsdale, III 1892 1908 Spencer, Edward Glenfaun Woodland, Cal 1893 1907 Spencer, William Henry 135 East t5th Street, New York, N.Y. . . 1869 Sprague, George L Dunkirk, N.Y. (Societies in Dunkirk, N.Y. and Conneaut, Ohio) 1902 1905 Spurr, George Browning Petersham, Mass 1907 1907 Staples, Charles Jason 21 Williams Street, Burlington, Vt. ... 1882 1904 Stebbins, Calvin Framingham, Mass 1865 1900 Stebbins, Roderick 96 Morton Road, Milton, Mass 1886 1886 Stevens, Henry Davis Sterling, Mass 1889 1905 Stewart, James Monroe Box 343, Grand Junction, Col 1898 Stewart, Samuel Barrett Ballston Spa, N.Y. (pastor emeritus. Society in Lynn, Mass.) 1863 1865 Stone, George Whitefield Santa Cruz, Cal 1898 1908 Stowell, George Leverett Lexington, Mass 1877 Stuart, Reed 76 Stimson Place, Detroit, Mich 1872 1886 Sturtevant, Francis Raymond . . . . 12 Willis Street, Dorchester, Mass. (Channing Church) 1906 1906 Sunderland, Jabez Thomas 65 Oxford Street, Hartford, Conn 1870 1906 Sutton, Silas Wright Ellsworth, Me 1875 Taylor, Walter Alexander 513 Spring Street, Jamestown, N.Y. . . . 1895 1900 Thacher, Francis Storer 19 Brewster Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . 1875 Thacher, Philip Slaney Jamacha, San Diego Co., Cal 1877 Thayer, George Augustine, D.D. . . . 304 Oak Street, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1869 '882 Thompson, Clarence Bertrand .... Peabody, Mass 1906 1906 Tiffany, Francis 11 Hilliard Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . 1852 Todd, William Gage East Bridgewater, Mass 1869 Towle, Edward David Hillsboro, N.H 1876 Towne, Edward C Watertown, Mass i860 Townsend, James Graham, D.D. , . . Jamestown, N.Y. (Society in Warren, Pa.) . 1867 1907 Townsend, Manley Bacon Sioux City, la 1892 1908 Trask, Jabez Nelson Orange, Mass 1873 Treworgy, Everett Somes Gouverneur, N.Y 1905 1907 Tupper, Nathan Wells 40 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111 1907 Name. Address, Ordained. Settled. Udell, Howard L Brooklyn, Mich 1896 Utter, David, D.D 329 Broadway, Denver, Col 187 1 1896 Vail, Albert Ross Urbana, 111 1907 1907 Van Ness, Thomas 1878 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. (Second Church, Boston) 1884 1893 Van Ommeren, Hendrik 217 Washington Street, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 1886 1905 Van Sluyters, Bernard Antony . . . . R. F. D. 9, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Holland Unitarian Church) 1894 1900 Walbridge, William Henry Milford, N.H 1874 Walker, Alfred Marshall Sheffield. Ill 1903 1906 Walkley, Albert Marblehead, Mass 1875 Walsh, William Lorison Brookfield, Mass 1893 Ward, Duren James Henderson, Ph.D., 130 West Laurel Street, Fort Collins, Col. . 1879 Watry, Francis Santa Ana, Cal 1880 Watson, Elijah Roberts 3504 A Street, San Diego, Cal 1883 Weatherly, Arthur L Lincoln, Neb 1893 Weatherly, Samuel C Barneveld, N.Y 1907 Weeks, Joseph Hatton Provincetown, Mass 1873 Weil, Fred Alban Box 465, Bellingham, Wash 1904 Weld, Charles Richmond, LL.D. . . . 119 West Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. . 1873 Wellman, Charles Phelps Humboldt, la 1903 Wells, Andrew Jackson 621 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, Cal. . 1869 Wells, John Doane 27 Everett Street, Cambridge, Mass. . . . i860 Wendte, Charles William 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass 1869 (Secretary of International Council.) West, James Harcourt 93 Milton Avenue, Dorchester (Boston), Mass 1883 Westall, Henry Addison 7 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. . . . 1881 Weston, Harry Augustus 709 Grande Avenue, Keokuk, la 1906 White, Albert Corydon 247 W. Third Avenue, Columbus, Ohio . . 1880 White, Harry 49 East Central Street, Natick, Mass. . . . 1897 White, William Orne 222 High Street, Brookline, Mass 1848 Whitman, Henry Arthur 1524 Plain Street, Columbia, S.C 1878 Whitmore, James Herman Stoneham, Mass 1869 Whitney, Arthur Bryant Saco, Me 1902 Whitney, Herbert Rochester, Vt. (Independent Church, Rob- inson, Vt.) 1873 Whitney, Mrs. Mary Traffam .... Rochester, Vt. (Universalist Society) . . . 1887 Wicks, Frank Scott Corey 17 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Ind. . 1894 Wiers, Edgar Swan 105 Orange Road, Montclair, N.J 1900 Name. Address. Ordained. Settled. Wilbur, Earl Morse . 2417 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal 1892 1904 (Dean of Pacific Unitarian School for the Ministry.) Wilkes, Mrs. Eliza Tupper 619 Avenue 66, Los Angeles, Cal 1871 Wilkie, William Daniel 48 Linden Street, East Whitman, Mass. . . 1894 1902 Willard, William Augustus Putnam . . 2277 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. . 1869 Williams, Francis Charles 218 Walnut Street, Brookline, Mass. . . . 1850 Williams, Theodore Chickering ... 99 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. . . . 1882 (Head Master, Roxbury Latin School.) Wilson, Daniel Munro Northfield, Mass 1872 1904 Wilson, John Mills Lexington, Mass 1891 1905 Wilson, Lewis Gilbert 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass 1883 1907 (Secretary American Unitarian Association.) Winkley, Jonathan Wingate .... 331 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. . 1876 Winkley, Samuel Hobart 11 Louis burg Square, Boston, Mass. (Bulfinch Place Church) 1846 Winn, Arthur Harmon ' 150 Eighth Street, Troy, N.Y 1897 Withington, George Gardner .... North Easton, Mass Wood, William Augustus Wilton, N.H Woolley, Mrs. CeUa Parker 3032 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. . . . Woude, Henry H Poughkeepsie, N.Y Wright, George Charles 33 Fairview St., Lowell, Mass. (Free Church), Wright, James Edward, D.D Montpelier, Vt Wright, Merie St. Croix 215 West 126th Street, New York, N.Y. (Lenox Avenue Church) Wyman, Abram North Easton, Mass Young, George Henry Guild Row, Dedham, Mass 1866 1846 1846 1897 1902 1855 1896 1906 1894 1880 1884 1886 1866 1869 1887 1887 1894 1 90s LIST OF UNITARIAN CHURCHES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. This list contains 483 societies, an increase of 5 over the last report. * These churches have discontinued services, but have some hope of resuming work. t These churches have ceased to exist save for the fact that corporations under these names continue to hold a certain amount of property. Abington, North Mass. Adrian, Minn. . Alameda, Cal. . Albany, N.Y. . , Allegheny, Pa. . Alton, 111. . . Amherst, Mass. Andover, N.H. . Ann Arbor, Mich. Arcadia, Wis. . Arlington, Mass. Ashby, Mass. Athol, Mass. Athol, Mass. Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Me. . Corporate Name. *First Unitarian Society People's Church First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society (See Pittsburgh) First Unitarian Church Unity Church Congregational Unita- rian Society First Unitarian Society People's Church First Congregational Parish First Parish ♦First Congregational Unitarian Society Second Unitarian So- ciety The Unitarian Church of Atlanta Unitarian Society Or- gan- ized. 1895 1854 1898 1879 1865 1884 1767 1750 1877 1883 1826 Minister. Burton A. Hills (Luverne, Minn.) Clarence Reed William S. Morgan, Ph.D. Arthur H. Coar (Holyoke, Mass.) Henry G. Ives Henry Wilder Foote Frederic Gill George S. Shaw Clarence L. Ball Edwin M. Slocombe Chairman or Clerk. J. L. Greenwood C. W. Kilpatrick Major Cullen Bryant Peter R. Robson, 468 Hudson Ave. D. R. Sparks Prof. Wm. P. Brooks Henry A. Weymouth, M.D. W. D. Harriman N. Schirbach John L. Taylor Miss Ida F. Damon Samuel Lee Frank E. Wing, 246 School St. J. C. Peck Norman L. Bassett, Esq. Place. Corporate Name. Or- gan- ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. Aurora, 111. . . • People's Church 1906 William M. Forkell Frank H. Hall Ayer, Mass. . . . Baltimore, Md. . . Bangor, Me. . . Baraboo, Wis. . . First Unitarian Parish of Ayer First Independent Christ's Church Independent Congre- gational Society tFree Congregational Society Liberal Christian Church (See Trenton, N.Y.) 1855 1817 1818 1 861 i Chas. R. Weld, LL.D., < Pastor Emeritus ( Alfred R. Hussey Alva R. Scott Arthur Fenner Thomas J. Morris, 708 Park Ave. Frederick H. Appleton Mrs. E. A. Runge Bar Harbor, Me. . Bameveld, N.Y. . 1889 (Summer preaching) B. C. Reynolds Barnstable, Mass. . Barre, Mass. . . Cong. Ch. and Soc. of the East Precinct First Parish 1639 1753 Robert P. Doremus Alvin F. Bailey David Crocker, Esq. Harding Jenkins Bath, N.H. . . . Beachmont, Mass. Independent Christian Society (See Revere) 1886 — Charles W. Jackman Bear Creek, N.C. . (See Hubert, N.C.) Beatrice, Neb. . . * Unity Church 1883 - L. M. Pemberton Bedford, Mass. . . Belfast, Me. . . . First Congregational Society First Parish 1730 ^796 Loren B. Macdonald (Concord) Adolph Rossbach Charles W. Jenks George A. Quimby Bellingham, Wash. First Unitarian Society 1905 Fred A. Weil A. J. Craven Belmont, Mass. Congregational Society 1856 George H. Reed Edwin F. Atkins Beloit, Kan. . . . First Unitarian Society 1905 George F. Arniington Frank Slack Berkeley, Cal. . . First Unitarian Church 1891 John H. Lathrop Prof. J. Henry Senger Berlin, Mass. . . First Unitarian Society 1872 Frank R. Gale Waldo L. Wheeler Bemardston, Mass. Beverly, Mass. . . First Congregational Unitarian Society First Parish 1740 1667 Merritt S. Buckingham Benjamin R. Bulkeley Charles R. Hills Rodney C. Larcom Billerica, Mass. . . First Parish 1663 Harry Lutz John A. Richardson Bloomington, 111. . First Unitarian Society 1859 John H. Mueller Prof. H. N. Pearce Place. Corporate Name. Or- gan- ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. Boise, Ida. . . . Unity Church 1901 John C. Mitchell C. F. Pike, Esq. Bolton, Mass. . . First Parish and Re- ligious Society 1738 Joseph N. Pardee Lorenzo D. Cochrane Boston, Mass. : (Meeting - house First Parish of Dor- 1630 Roger S. Forbes W. P. Stone Hill, Dorchester) chester (Berkeley and First Church in Boston 1630 Charles E. Park Delano Wight. Marlboro St=.) (Eliot Sq., Rox- First Religious Society 1631 James De Normandie, Henry W. Putnam, bury) in Roxbury D.D. Esq. (Copley Sq.) . . Second Church in Bos- ton King's Chapel 1649 Thomas Van Ness Stephen M. Crosby (Tremont and 1686 Howard N. Brown Arthur T. Lyman School Sts.) (West Roxbury) . First Parish, West Roxbury 1712 Ernest S. Meredith Ephraim Harrington, Mt. Vernon St. *New South Church 1719 — Henry C. Whitcomb (Arlington and Arlington Street 1730 Paul Revere Froth- John Mason Little Boylston Sts.) Church ingham (Brighton) . . . First Parish of Brigh- ton 1730 ~ Dr. J. Henry Woods, Salisbury Road, Brookline (Jamaica Plain) . First Congregational So- ciety of Jamaica Plain 1770 Charles F. Dole, D.D. Hon. Harvey H. Baker, Devonshire Bldg., Boston (Richmond St., Third Religious Soci- 1813 Daniel R. Freeman Dr. M. Ordway Daly, Dorchester) ety in Dorchester 29 Hollis St., Boston (South Boston) . Hawes Unitarian Con- gregational Church 1822 James Huxtable i Samuel H. Winkley, ] Pastor Emeritus ( Christopher R. Eliot Walter Jenney, 55 G St. Walter J. Young, (Bulfinch PI.) . Bulfinch Place Church 1826 82 Hillside Ave., Melrose (Exeter and New- South Congregational 1827 I Edward E. Hale, D.D., \ Pastor Emeritus ( Edward Cummings Augustus P. Loring, bury Sts.) Society 22 Congress St. (Warrenton St.) . Barnard Memorial 1836 Benjamin F. McDaniel Thomas Hills, 323 K St., So. Boston (Jersey and Church of the Disciples 1841 Charles G. Ames, D.D. Edward A. Church. Peterborough Sts.) (Warren St. & All Souls' Unitarian 1846 Henry T. Secrist F. N. Nay, Elm Hill Ave., Church 9 Maple St. Roxbury) (East Boston) . Church of Our Father 1847 Alfred D. K. Shurtleff Thomas B. Grimfes, 24 Marion St. (Dix St., Dor- Christ Church of Dor- 1848 George F. Pratt L. K. Hull, chester) chester 29 Tileston PI. Place. Boston, Mass. : (2oParmenterSt.) (Neponset) . . (Norfolk St., Dor- chester) (Roslindale) . . (Berkeley and Appleton Sts.) (East Cottage St., Dorchester) Braintree, Mass. . Brattleboro, Vt. . Brewster, Mass. Bridgewater, Mass. Bridgewater, East, Mass. Bridgewater, West, Mass. Brighton, Mass. Bristol, Fla. . . Brockton, Mass. Brookfield, Mass. Brookings, S.D. Brookline, Mass. Brookline, Mass. Brooklyn, Conn. Brooklyn, Mich. Brooklyn, N.Y. Brunswick, Me. Buda. 111. . . . Corporate Name. North End Union Church of the Unity Norfolk Unitarian Church Roslindale Unitarian Church Theodore Parker Me- morial Channing Church All Souls' Church of Braintree Unitarian Congrega- tional Society First Parish First Congregational Society First Parish First Congregational Society (See Boston) Unitarian Church of Bristol Unity Church First Congregational (Unitarian) Society First Unitarian Society First Parish Second Unitarian So- ciety First Ecclesiastical So- ciety People's Church (See New York) *Unitarian Society in Brunswick Union Christian Society gan- ized. 1853 1859 1893 1900 1900 1831 1700 1716 1724 1651 1900 1881 1717 1907 1717 1896 1732 1893 1873 Minister. Samuel F. Hubbard, Superintendent. George W. Cutter, M.D (Watertown, Mass.) Benjamin F. McDaniel Joseph H. Crooker, D.D. Francis R. Sturtevant Frederick R. Griffin • Edmund Q. S. Osgood Ernest A. Chase. Bertram D. Boivin Edward B. Maglathlin Jonathan C. Gibson (Greensboro, Fla.) Dudley H. Ferrell William L. Walsh Rett E. Olmstead (Decorah, la.) William H. Lyon, D.D. Arthur W. Littlefield Adam J. Gulp Edward H. Barrett Chairman or Clerk. Rev. Edw. A. Horton H. P. Oakman Horace S. Fowle Henry Fisher George C. Irwin John W. West Dr. S. E. Lawton Tully Crosby, South Brewster A. H. Hobart Elbridge W. White George S. Drake M. V. Baker Frank E. Shaw R. G. Livermore Mrs. Anna Lawshee Henry Ware, I Perrin Road Charies W. Sawtelle Joseph B. Stetson, Esq. I. Hoeg F. C. Webb O. W. Mason Place. Buffalo, N.Y. Buffalo, N.Y. Burgaw, N.C. Burlington, la. Burlington, Vt Butte, Mont. Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Canon City, Col. Canton, Mass. . Cape Rozier, Me. Carlisle, Mass. . Castine, Me. . . Champaign, 111. Charleston, S.C. Charlestown, N.H. Chattanooga, Tenn Chelmsford, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. . Cherokee, la. . Chestnut Hill, Mass Chicago, 111. : (Michigan Ave. and 23d St.) (Woodlawn Ave. and 57th St.) Corporate Name. First Unitarian Con- gregational Society Parkside Unitarian So- ciety Shelter Neck Unitarian Church People's Church First Congregational Society First Unitarian Society First Parish Third Congregational Society *First Unitarian Church First Congregational Parish The Union Church of Cape Rozier First Religious Society First Congregational Society (See Urbana) Unitarian Church South Parish First Unitarian Society First Congregational Society First Unitarian Society Unity Church Chestnut Hill Society First Unitarian Society of Chicago (Church of the Messiah) Memorial Chapel Or- gan- ized. 1832 1896 1900 1895 1810 1903 1636 1808 1894 1717 1906 1780 1798 1817 1754 1889 165s 1838 1894 1862 Minister. Richard W. Boynton George Gilmour Charles J. Staples Lewis J. Duncan Samuel M. Crothers, D.D. Henry H. Saunderson i Henry F. Jenks, < Pastor Emeritus ( Bradley Oilman Robert C. Douthit (Castine, Me.) Frank H. Billington Robert C. Douthit Clifton M. Gray Samuel L. Elberfeld Hal H. Lloyd L. Leroy Greene Edward Hale W. Hanson Pulsford W. Hanson Pulsford Chairman or Clerk. E. M. Husted, 292 North St. J. R. Porter, Russell St. M. B. Hanchey Mrs. Antrobus C. W. Richardson, 346 South Union St. William F. Davis Patrick T. Jackson, 25 Follen St. L. M. Hannum, 333 Harvard St. Mrs. C. W. Barrage Joseph W. Wattles Arthur W. Howard S. J. Anthony Charles H. Hooper B. H. Brown George T. Putnam George T. White Joseph E. Warren George M. Steams, 125 Shurtleff St. J. N. Snidecor Charles H. Burrage Frederick A. Delano, 200 Adams St. Clarence W. Moore, 5741 Monroe Ave. Place. Corporate Name. Or- gan- ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. Chicago, 111.: (Barry Ave. near Unity Church 1858 Fred V. Hawley Edward H. Griggs, Evanston Ave.) W. 107th St. (Monroe St. and Third Unitarian Church 1868 — Francis S. Russell, Kedzie Ave.) 1268 Jackson Boul. (3939 Langley All Souls' Church (In- 1882 Jenkin Lloyd Jones France Anderson, Ave.) dependent) 330 Oakwood Boul. (Wells Hall, 1629 First Swedish Unita- 1904 August Dellgren Benjamin Pehrson, N. Clark St.) rian Church of Chi- 5819 Aberdeen St. Chicopee, Mass. . cago First Unitarian Society 1841 Kenneth E. Evans Nelson B. Carter Cincinnati, Ohio . First Congregational Church 1830 George A. Thayer, D.D. Gerrit S. Sykes, 3007 Vernon PI. Cleveland, Ohio . The Church of the Unity 1867 Minot Osgood Simons Dr. John F. Stephan Clinton, Mass. . . First Unitarian Society 1850 James C. Duncan Jonathan Smith Cohasset, Mass. . First Congregational Society 1721 William R. Cole Edward Nichols Colorado Springs, All Souls' Unitarian 1891 William S. Nichols Simeon J. Dunbar Col. Church Concord, Mass. . . First Parish 1636 Loren B. Macdonald Prescott Keyes Concord, N.H. . . Second Congregational- Unitarian Society 1827 Louis H. Buckshorn R. E. Walker Cornish, N.H. . . Independent Parish of 1905 Herbert L. Buzzell Miss Emma L. Diggins, Cornish, N.H. (Windsor, Vt.) Cornish Centre, N.H. Dallas, Tex. . . . First Unitarian Church 1899 Marion F. Ham C. R. Buddy Danvers, Mass. . . Unitarian Congrega- tional Society 1867 Edward H. Brenan Andrew Nichols, Hathorne, Mass. Davenport, la. . . First Unitarian Society 1868 Robert E. Ramsay R. K. Beatty, 214 Kirkwood Boul. Decorah, la. . . Unity Church 1890 Margaret T. Olmstead Frank Sayre Dedham, Mass. . . First Parish 1636 - W. Harris Fisher Deerfield, Mass. . First Congregational Unitarian Church 1686 Richard E. Birks Harry A. Wells Denver, Col. . . First Unitarian Society 187 1 David Utter, D.D. William H. Wadley Derby, Conn. . . Unitarian Church 1 901 Alfred W. Birks Alfred C. Baldwin Des Moines, la. First Unitarian Society 1877 Mary A. Safford MissFlorence E.Harsh, 1805 High St. Detroit, Mich. . . First Congregational Unitarian Society 1850 Reed Stuart Hiram Marks Place. Dighton, Mass. . Dorchester, Mass. Dover, Mass. Dover, N.H. Dublin, N.H. Duhith, Minn. Dunkirk, N.Y. Duxbury, Mass. Easton, Mass. : (Eastondale) . (North Easton) Eastport, Me. . Elizabeth, N.J. . Ellsworth, Me. . Erie, Pa. . . . Eureka, Cal. Evanston, 111. . Everett, Wash. . Exeter, N.H. . Faceville, Ga. . Fairhaven, Mass. Fall River, Mass. Fargo, N.D. . . Farmington, Me. Corporate Name. Pedobaptist Congrega- tional Society (See Boston) First Parish First Unitarian Society of Christians First Congregational Society First Unitarian Church Independent Congre- gation First Parish Congregational Parish Unity Church First Congregational Society All Souls' Church First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society The Unity Church Church of All Souls First Unitarian Church First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Church Unitarian Society of Fairhaven Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society of Fargo First Unitarian Society Or- gan- ized. 1797 1749 1827 1772 1887 1880 1632 1713 1855 1902 1865 1898 1906 1891 1904 1854 1901 1832 1832 1890 1829 A. Judson Rich Ward R. Clarke Josiah L. Seward, D.D. George R. Gebauer George L. Sprague Andrew Hahn I Wilham L. Chafifin I Abram Wyman H. Edward Latham Mrs. Antoinette Brown Blackwell, Pastor Emeritus Arthur H. Grant Thomas P. Byrnes James Vila Blake Edward Green Jonathan C. Gibson (Greensboro, Fla.) Frank L. Phalen John B. W. Day Chairman or Clerk. F. W. Talbot John H. Faulk G. Fisher Piper Henry D. Allison H. J. Grannis D. W. Abell Elisha Peterson Henry G. Poole, So. Easton, Mass. John S. Ames C. H. Cummings Robert A. Shirrefs, 312 So. Broad St. Frank Call Ernest Gordon, 227 W. nth St. W. P. Ward, 1303 Harris St. John R. Guilliams, 2423 Harrison St. Mrs. Thomas H. Heath Albion Burbank , I. B. Trafford Edward G. Tallman William C. Gray Mrs. Harriet P. Salter J. C. Metcalf Place. Fitchburg, Mass. Fitzwilliam, N.H. Florence, Mass. Flushing, N.Y. Fort Collins, Col. Fort Fairfield, Me Framingham, Mass, Francestown, N.H Franklin, N.H. . Franklin, Pa. Fresno, Cal. . . Gardner, Mass. Geneseo, 111. Geneva, 111. . . Gimli, Man. . . (Canada) Gloucester, Mass. Gouldsboro,W., Me Gouvemeur, N.Y. Grafton, Mass. . Grand Haven, Mich Grand Rapids, Mich Grand Rapids, Mich Great Falls, Mont. Greeley, Col. . . Greenfield, Mass. . Corporate Name. First Parish First Congregational Society (See Northampton) First Unitarian Church Unity Church Unitarian Church of Fort Fairfield, Me. First Parish Union Congregational Society First Unitarian Con- gregational Society The First Unitarian Church of Franklin Unitarian Society of Fresno First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Church First Parish Eliot Unitarian Church First Unitarian Society Congregational Society First Unitarian Society All Souls' Liberal Church Holland Unitarian Church First Unitarian Church First Unitarian Society Third Congregational Society (All Souls') Or- gan- ized. 1768 1833 1907 1897 1902 1701 1823 1879 1906 1903 1884 1868 1842 1642 1896 1896 1731 1875 1884 1885 1894 1880 1825 Minister. Robert F. Leavens (Summer preaching) James H. Ecob, D. D. Duren J. H. Ward Edwin G. Brown (Presque Isle) Calvin Stebbins Henry C. McDougall r Milton J. Miller \ David M. Kirkpatrick Timothy H. Eddowes Pastor Emeritus Johann P. Solmundsson George S. Anderson (Summer preaching) Everett S. Treworgy H. H. Bard (Univer- salist) B. A. Van Sluyters John Malick T. Clinton Brockway Chairman or Clerk. Ira G. Wilkins, 17 Arlington St. Mrs. Stephen Batch- eller Leslie F. Paull E. L. Guild Sidney A. Phillips D. W. Dunklee Edward G. Leach M. A. Drake A. J. Patterson Lewis A. Wright, 249 High St. Hon. J. P. Fox B. W. Dodson Einar S. Jonasson Finlay A. Docherty James Hill G. S. Conger F. M. McGarry J. B. Barlow Herman P. Hugen- holtz, 208 Clinton St. F. A. Bishop H. D. Parker Franklin Allen Place. Corporate Name. ga?i- ized. Chairman or Clerk. Green Harbor, Mass Groton, Mass. . Hackensack, N.J. Hamilton, Ont. (Canada) Hampton Falls.N.H. Hanska, Minn. . Harrietta, Mich. Harrisburg, Pa. Hartford, Conn. Harvard, Mass. Haverhill, Mass. Helena, Mont. . Highland Springs Va. Hingham, Mass. Hingham, So., Mass Hingham, Mass. Hinsdale, 111. . Hobart, Ind. . . .Holyoke, Mass. Hood River, Ore Hopedale, Mass. Houlton, Me. . Hubbardston, Mass, Hubert, N.C. . . (See Marshfield) First Church of Christ Unitarian Congrega- tional Church First Unitarian Church First Congregational Society Nora Free Christian Church People's Church *The First Unitarian Church of Harrisburg First Unitarian Con- gregational Society First Congregational Parish First Parish First Unitarian Society Highland Springs Uni- tarian Society First Parish Second Parish Third Congregational Society Unity Church First Unitarian Church Liberal Christian Con- gregational Society First Unitarian Society of Hood River Hopedale Unitarian Parish Unitarian Society First Congregational Society Bear Creek Unitarian Church 1655 1897 1889 1819 1881 1907 1902 1844 1733 1645 1891 1899 1635 1745 1807 1886 1875 1874 1902 1867 1811 1773 1906 Pemberton H. Cressey James A. Fairley Walter D. Smith Amandus H. Norman Jabez T. Sunderland Joseph P. Sheafe John A. Hayes Frank A. Powell John L. Robinson (Richmond, Va.) Louis C. Cornish Paul S. Phalen Paul S. Phalen Joseph M. A. Spence Arthur H. Coar Frank W. Pratt Leverett R. Daniels Joseph M. Seaton Charles W. Gillilan (Swansboro) James T. Bennett Leverett H. Sage, River St. Peter Bertram, 39 West Ave., S. Lester B. Sanborn Ole Jorgenson Mrs. George Curtis Alfred L. Searle, 10 Park Ave. James L. Whitney Fred S. Mills A. K. Prescott E. S. Read Ebed L. Ripley W. C. Shute Walter L. Bouve Charies. C. Warren George Peterson M. M. S. Moriarty Mrs. W. M. Stewart Miss Anna M. Ban- croft Dr. Harry L. Putnam Elwin C. Wheeler James M. Maccausley Place. Hudson, Mass. . . Hudson, Wis. . . Humboldt, la. . . Hyde Park, Mass. Ida Grove, la. . . Indianapolis, Ind. . Iowa City, la. . . Iowa Falls, la. . . Isles of Shoals, N.H. Ithaca, N.Y. . . Jackson, Mich. . . Jacksonville, Fla. . Jamaica Plain, Mass Jamestown, N.Y. . Kalamazoo, Mich. Kansas City, Mo. . Keene, N.H. . . Kennebunk, Me. . Kenosha, Wis. . . Keokuk, la. . . . Kingston, Mass. Laconia, N.H. . . Lake Manitoba, Man. (Canada) Lamoine, East, Me. Corpo7'ate Name. First Unitarian Society The Scandinavian Uni- tarian Society of Hudson, Wis. Unity Church First Unitarian Society Unity Church All Souls' Unitarian Church First Unitarian Society of Iowa City People's Church Gosport Meeting-house (Stone Chapel) First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Con- gregational Society (See Boston) Independent Congre- gational Church Soc. People's Church All Souls' Unitarian Church Keene Congregational Society First Congregational Parish First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Congregational Parish First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society (Icelandic) First Unitarian Society gan- ized. i860 1892 1875 1867 1895 1903 1879 1865 1875 1906 1885 1858 1868 1824 1750 1865 1853 1717 :886 Minister. John Baltzly A. E. Norman Charles P. Wellman Frank S. C. Wicks Robert S. Loring (Summer preaching) Cyrus W. Heizer Reuben S. Barrow Albert J. Coleman Walter A. Taylor Joseph P. MacCarthy, Ph.D. Charles Ferguson H. Sumner Mitchell Fred R. Lewis Florence Buck M. Rowena Morse, Ph.D. Courtland Y. De Nor- mandie Franklin K. Gifford Rognvaldur Petursson (Summer preaching) Chairman or Clerk. Ellsworth S. Locke Niels J. Jensson G. S. Garfield D. G. Thompson Charles Macomber William R. N. Silvester Prof. Karl E. Guthe Fayette Holmes Fred Robinson J. C. Richardson Hon. D. U. Fletcher M. L. Fen ton G. A. Dimoc D. J. Haff, N.Y. Life Ins. Bldg George H. Fames A. W. Meserve Harry Skinkle, 221 Ashland Ave. J. M. Shaffer, M.D. I2i Fourth St. Joseph A. Holmes William F. Knight, 458 Main St. Paul Reykdal Oak Point, Man. Samuel Des Isles Place. Lancaster, Mass. Lancaster, N.H. Lancaster, Pa. . La Porte, Ind. . Lawrence, Kan. Lawrence, Mass. Lebanon, N.H. Leicester, Mass. Leominster, Mass. Lewiston, Ida. . Lexington, Mass. Lexington, East Mass. Lincoln, Mass. . Lincoln, Neb. . Littleton, Mass. Littleton, N.H. London, Can. . Los Angeles, Cal. Louisville, Ky. . Lowell, Mass. . Luverne, Minn. Lynn, Mass. Madison, Wis. . Maiden, Mass. . Corporate Name. First Congregational Society First Unitarian Society Church of Our Father *First Unitarian Society The Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Congregational Unitarian Society Second Congregational Society First Congregational Society First Unitarian Society First Congregational Society Follen Church Unitarian Congrega- tional Society All Souls' Church First Congregational Society First Unitarian Church The Unitarian Church of London First Unitarian Church Church of the Messiah Highland Sunday- School Society First Unitarian Society Unity Church Second Congregational Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Con- gregational Society Or- gan- ized. 1653 1854 1902 1875 1856 1847 1865 1834 1743 1906 1692 1845 1717 1884 1904 1877 1830 1903 1829 1887 1822 1879 1875 Minister. Abbot Peterson Eugene R. Shippen Frederick M. Bennett Samuel C. Beane, D.D. John W. Barker Frederic J. Gauld John M. Wilson Howard A. Mac Donald (Summer preaching) Arthur L. Weatherly Chester A. Drummond Perley J. Robinson Victor J. Gilpin Burt Estes Howard William H. Ramsay Charles T. Billings Burton A. Hills Samuel B. Stewart, Pastor Emeritus Albert Lazenby Frank A. Gilmore Ckairmati or Clerk. John C. L. Clark Frank Smith Warren S. Rehm, 125 E. James St. Prof. W. C. Stevens Royal H. Call, 35 Summer St. George B. Clough Henry O. Smith Robert L. Carter C. A. Foresman Alonzo E. Locke C. H. Spaulding John H. Pierce. F. B. Priest H. D. Wilkins C. H. Froggett Mrs. Calvert Wilson Mr. Alfred Pirtle D. Dana Bartlett Miss Nina Canfield William H. Frazier, 7 Anoka PI., West Lynn Frank Hinrichs W. D. Serrat, 45 Crescent Ave. Place. Manchester, Mass. Manchester, N.H. . Manistee, Mich. Marblehead, Mass. Marietta, Ohio . . Marlborough, Mass. Marshfield, Mass. : (Marshfield Hills) (Green Harbor) Mattoon, 111. McKeesport, Pa. Meadville, Pa. . Medfield, Mass. Medford, Mass. Melrose, Mass. . Memphis, Tenn. Mendon, Mass. . Menomonie, Wis. Middleboro, Mass. Middlesex, Vt. . Midland, Mich. . Milford, N.H. . Millbury, Mass. Milton, Mass. . Corporate Name. First Unitarian Church First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Church Second Congregational Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society Second Parish Second Congregational Society Grace Chapel t Unity Church First Unitarian Society Independent Congre- gational Church First Congregational Parish First Parish Congregational Unita- rian Society *First Unitarian Society First Parish First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society First Congregational Parish Or- gan- ized. 1895 1842 1886 1715 185s 1806 1738 1882 1867 1906 1825 1651 1712 1867 1893 1669 1885 1870 1884 1678 Minister. (Summer preaching) George E. Hathaway Peter H. Goldsmith, D.D. (Salem) E. Alfred Coil Edward F. Hay ward (Supplies) Horace R. Hubbard William H. Fish i John A. Savage, < Pastor Emeritus { Albert H. Spence, Jr Henry C. De Long Thomas J. Horner (Supplies) Charies F. Niles George E. Macllwain (Supplies) (Supplies) Francis W. Holden (Supplies) Roderick Stebbins Chairman or Clerk. George Peirce, 713 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. Frank C. Livingston T. J. Ramsdell Joseph S. Wormstead Charles Sturgis Edward E. Allen George H. Wetherbee Mrs. Adelaide New- dick Mrs. Susan C. Bennett Miss J. Cronemeyer Mrs. Ernest A. Hemp- stead, 654 N. Main St. Granville C. Mitchell Edw. W. Hayes George E. Munroe, 34 High St. Julius A. George P. B. Clark Amos H. Eaton, 25 E. Grove St. Gilbert T. Miles F. A. Towsley I. H. Carlton Nathan H. Sears Philip P. Chase Place. Milwaukee, Wis. . Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Moline, 111. . . . Monroe Bridge, Mass. Montague, Mass. . Montague, Mass. . (Turner's Falls) Montclair, N.J. Montpelier, Vt. Montreal, Can. . . Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Nantucket, Mass. . Naples, Me. . . . Nashua, N.H. . . Natick, Mass. . . Natick, So., Mass. Needham, Mass. . Neillsville, Wis. . Neponset, Mass. . New Bedford, Mass. New Brighton, N.Y. Newburgh, N.Y. . Newburyport, Mass. Corporate Name. First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Society Free Christian Church First Unitarian Society Union Church First Unitarian Society of Montague First Unitarian Society Unity Church Church of the Messiah Church of the Messiah First Congregational Society (Unity Church) Second Congregational Meeting-house First Congregational Parish First Unitarian Con- gregational Society Unity Church First Unitarian Parish First Congregational Society People's Church (See Boston) First Congregational Society Unity Home (See New York) Church of Our Father First Religious Society gan- ized. 1842 1881 1882 1886 1904 1825 1880 1897 1864 1842 1881 i8c8 1839 1826 1897 1828 1711 [708 [725 Minister. Edwin S. Hodgin Margaret B. Barnard (Rowe) Amos N. Somers Edgar S. Wiers J.Edward Wright, D.D William S. Barnes Hendrik Van Ommeren George M. Bodge (summer preaching) Herbert H. Mott Harry White John F. Meyer Joseph A. Puffer William B. Geoghegan Alson H. Robinson Laurence Hayward Chairman or Clerk. Horace A. J. Upham, cor. Jefferson and Martin Sts. W. H. Bennett, 1227 Fourth St., S.E. John C. Huseby I. A. White Lawson Ram age George A. Cooke, M.D. M. B. Allen Charles D. Barry. Fred B. Thomas J. S. N. Dougall, 30 St. John St. W. E. Preston Alfred E. Smith Enoch Gammon Albert J. McKean F. D. Muzzey George W. Ingalls F. De M. Dunn L. B. Ring George H. H. Allen T. W. Morrison O. P. Foote Place. Corporate Name. Or. gan- tzed. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. Newcastle, Pa. . . First Unitarian Church 1905 - J. W. Hays, 254 Croton Ave. Newington, N.H. . Unitarian Congrega- tional Society 1899 Alfred Gooding (Portsmouth, N.H.) Valentine M. Coleman New London, Ct. . The Unitarian Society of New London 1898 Howard C. Ives E. B. Lawrence, 84 Waller St. New Orleans, La. . First Unitarian Church 1833 Harry E. Gilchrist Albert L. Soule Newport, R.I. . . Channing Memorial Church 1835 William S. Jones Frank M. Greenlaw, 29 Mann Ave. New Salem, Mass. The Congregational Society 1742 Perry Marshall (summer preaching) Charles Merriam Newton, Mass. . . Channing Religious So- ciety 1851 Adelbert L. Hudson Mitchell Wing, 115 Hunnewell Ave. Newton C en., Mass. The Newton Centre Unitarian Society 1878 — James Kingman Newton, W., Mass. First Unitarian Society 1848 Julian C. Jaynes George P. Bullard New York, N.Y.: (4th Ave. and First Congregational 1819 Thomas R. Sheer J. L. McKeens 20th St., Man- Church (All Souls') hattan) (Park Ave. and Second Congregational 1825 ( Robert Collyer, Lit. D. \ John Haynes Holmes Dr. J. H. Parker, 34th St., Man- Unitarian Church 18 East 69th St. hattan) (Church of the Messiah) (Pierrepont St. 'First Unitarian Con- 1842 John P. Forbes George C. Brackett, and Monroe PI., Brooklyn) (Willow PL, gregational Society 50 Remsen St. 1 Willow Place Chapel 1865 Bernard J. Newman Albert L. Mason, Brooklyn) L 26 Orange St. (Clinton and Con- Second Unitarian Con- 1851 Caleb S. S. Button Henry A. Farnell, gress Sts., Brook- lyn) (Clinton Ave. gregational Society 96 Garfield PI. Church of the Re- 1852 Hobart Clark Russell E. Joy, and 2d St., New deemer 50 Davis Ave., Brighton, Rich- West New Brighton mond) (Gates Ave., Irv- Third Unitarian Con- 1867 William M. Brundage H. D. Donnelly, ing PI., Brook- lyn) (Lenox Ave. and gregational Society 429 Clinton Ave. Unity Congregational 1869 Merle St. Croix Wright AHred H. Goodson, I2ist St., Man- Society (Lenox Ave- 241 W. 135th St. hattan) nue Unitarian Church) (Beverly Rd. and Fourth Unitarian Con- 1900 Leon A. Harvey G. Derby White, East 19th St., gregational Church 220 E. 19th St. Flatbush, Brook- lyn) (South Brooklyn) Unitarian Society 1907 Harry S. Baker Samuel Hortilius Or- Place. Corporate Name. ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. No.Andover, Mass, First Unitarian Church and Society 1645 I Charies Noyes, ] Pastor Emeritus ( Samuel C. Beane, Jr. M. T. Stevens Northampton, Mass. Second Congregational Society 1825 Frederic H. Kent Frank I. Washburn Northampton, Mass. Free Congregational 1863 Alfred Free, Ph.D. H. P. Otis (Florence) Society Northboro, Mass. . First Congregational Church and Society 1746 Josiah C. Kent AUyn D. Phelps North Easton, Mass. (See Easton) Northfield, Mass. . First Parish 1716 Daniel M. Wilson H. C. Holton Northumberland, tUnitarian Church and 1794 _ Pa. Society Norton, Mass. . . Congregational Parish 1714 — Alden G. Walker Norwell, Mass. . . First Parish 1642 William E. Ennis A. J. Litchfield Oakland, Cal. . . First Unitarian Church 1887 William D. Simonds John W. Stetson Ogden, Utah . . First Unitarian Church 1907 William T. Brown E. A. Littlefield Oklahoma, Okla. . All Souls' Unitarian Church 1906 - Dr. G. Ellison, 628 W. 9th St. Omaha, Neb. . . First Unitarian Church 1869 Newton Mann Charles W. Russell Onsted, Mich. . . People's Church 1895 - George Killbury Orange, N.J. . . First Unitarian Church of Essex County 1890 Walter R. Hunt William H. Aborn, 563 Park Ave., East Orange Ord, Neb. . . . People's Unitarian As - sociarion 1899 Mary L. Leggett W. A. Anderson Ottawa, Canada . Church of Our Father 1898 Henry G. Smith Albert Horton, 126 Lewis St. Palo Alto, Cal. . Unitarian Church 1905 Sydney B. Snow Prof. Ewald Fliigel 1 1 53 Cowper St. Passaic, N.J. . . Unitarian Society of Passaic 1893 Charles Graves Wm. F. Catterfield, 216 High St. Peabody, Mass. . First Unitarian Church 1825 ( John W. Hudson, < Pastor Emeritus ( C.Bertrand Thompson J. J. Thorndike, 119 Main St. Peletier, N.C. . . White Oak Unitarian Church ,90, Charles W. Gillilan (Swansboro) Samuel Weeks Pembroke, Mass. . First Parish 1712 — Francis Collamore, M.D. Pepperell, Mass. . First Parish 1747 Otto E. Schneider Mrs. Clara Reed Place. Corporate Name. Or- gan- ized. Minister. Chairvian or Clerk. Perry, la Unity Church 1892 S. Louisa Haight Miss Katheryne Hardy Peterboro, N.H. . The Congregational Society First Unitarian Con- 1799 William H. Branigan Mardn E. Field Petersham, Mass. . 1738 George B. Spurr Mrs. E. 0. Coolidge gregational Parish Philadelphia, Pa. : (Chestnut St., First Unitarian Church 1796 (-Joseph May, LL.D., John P. Croasdale, above 21st) ■< Pastor Emeritus [Charies E. St. John ion Chestnut St. (Germantown) Unitarian Society of Germantown 1865 Oscar B. Hawes Herbert L. Clark. 321 Chestnut St. (1520 Girard Spring Garden Unita- 1880 Frederic A. Hinckley Paschal H. Coggins, Ave.) rian Church » 4547 McKean Ave. Germantown, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. . . First Unitarian Church 1889 L. Walter Mason, D.D. H. B. Lupton, 5432 Northumber- land Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. . . Northside Unitarian 1906 Thomas Clayton Ole W. Burroughs, (Allegheny) Church 16 Troy Hill Road Pittsfield, Mass. . Unity Church 1887 Eari C. Davis Henry M. Seaver Plainfield, N.J. . . First Unitarian Society 1889 Alfred C. Nickerson Warren B. Travell, 816 Third PI. Plymouth, Mass. . First Parish (founded at'Scrooby, England, 1606) 162c Melvin Brandow William W. Brewster, Pomona, Cal. . . First Unitarian Society 1888 George H. Rice John Wasson Portland, Me. . . First Parish 1718 John C. Perkins, D.D. i William T. Phelan, Richard Webb W. G. Chapman Portland, Me. . . Ministry-at-large, Preble Chapel 1850 < Pastor Emeritus ( Arthur G. Pettengill i T. L. Eliot, D.D., \ Pastor Emeritus ( William G. Eliot, Jr. William F. Wood- Portland, Ore. . . First Unitarian Society 1866 ward, 4th & Wash- ington Sts. Portsmouth, N.H. . South Parish 1638 Alfred Gooding George T. Vaughan Presque Isle, Me. . Independent Congre- gational Society 1886 Edwin G. Brown Mrs. M. L. T. White Providence, R.I. : (Benefit St., cor. First Congregational 1728 Augustus M. Lord, D.D. Robert P. Brown Benevolent St.) Church (Adelaide Ave.) Westminster Congre- gational Society 1828 George W. Kent Marcus M. Burdick (68 Olney St.) Olney St. Congrega- tional Society Unity Church 1878 — — Pueblo, Col . . . 1898 William S. Nichols W. D. Keen Place. Quincy, 111. . . Quincy, Mass. : (Quincy) (Wollaston) Randolph, Mass. Raynham, Mass. Reading, Mass. . Redlands, Cal. . Revere, Mass. : (Beachmont) (Revere) . Richmond, Va. . Ridgewood, N.J. Rochester, N.H. Rochester, N.Y. Rockland, Mass. Rock Rapids, la. Roslindale, Mass. Rowe, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Rutherford, N.J. Saco, Me. . . Sacramento, Cal. St. Cloud, Minn. St. Joseph, Mo. Corporate Name. Second Congregational Society First Congregational Society Wollaston Unitarian Society The Church of the . Unity *Second Congregational Society Christian Union Soci- ety Unity Church *Unity Church First Unitarian Society First Unitarian Church Unitarian Society Church of the Unity First Unitarian Con- gregational Society Unitarian Society People's Church (See Boston) First Congregational Church (See Boston) Unitarian Society Second Parish First Unitarian Society Unity Church Unity Church Or- gan- ized. 1840 1639 1888 1889 1828 1869 1892 1885 1715 1903 1896 1891 1841 1884 1899 1780 1827 1887 1888 1868 Minister. Charles F. Elliott Ellery C. Butler William H. Parker Maxwell Savage Albert J. Kennedy John L. Robinson Charles Graves (Passaic, N.J.) George L. Mason Wm.C.Gannett,D.D., Pastor Emeritus Edward A. Rumball Elvin J. Prescott Burton A. Hills (Luverne, Minn.) Margaret B. Barnard Elizabeth Padgham Arthur B. Whitney Manfred Lilliefors, Ph.D. Chairman or Clerk. George Wells Henry M. Faxon Charles T, Baker Henry A. Belcher A. W. Shaw, No. Raynham, Mass. Wilfred A. Bancroft A. G. Simonds Charles F. Perry, Bradstreet Ave. William J. Stanton, 170 Reservoir Ave. D. R. Wilson F. F. Knothe Wilder B. Neal Eugene T. Curtis, 95 So. Fitzhugh St. George W. Kelley Dr. J. E. North B. T. Henry F. I. Armstrong Frank C. Deering,Esq. Judge L. W. Collins Theo. P. Brown Place. Corporate Name. Or- gan- ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. i Church of the Messiah ( Mission Free School 1834 John W. Day John Lawrence Mauran, St. Louis, Mo. . . Chemical Building 1840 — Mrs. Otto U. Von Schrader, ^ Equitable Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. . . Church of the Unity 1868 George R. Dodson, Ph.D. J. M. Wulfing, 3448 LongfellowBoul. St. Paul, Minn. . . Unity Church 1872 John D. Reid Benjamin Sommers, 18 Summit Court. St. Paul, Minn. . . Church of Our Father 1888 (Supplies) Walter L. Chapin, (St. Anthony Pk.) 215 N.Y. Life Bldg., St. Paul Salem, Mass. . . First Congregational Society 1629 Peter H. Goldsmith, D.D. Andrew Fitz Salem, Mass. . . Second Church 1717 Alfred Manchester Frank S. Perkins Salem, Mass. . . North Meeting-house 1772 Theodore D. Bacon Walter H. Trumbull, 313 Essex St. Salem, Ohio . . . Unity Church 1901 A. Irvine Innes Mrs. L B. Cooper 41 E. Green St. Salem, Ore. . . . First Unitarian Society 1890 Paul S. Bandy Hon. J. H. Ackerman Salt Lake City,Utah First Unitarian Society 1890 William T. Brown A. A. Moulton, Atlas Building San Antonio, Tex. *First Unitarian Society 1893 — I. B. Henyan San Diego, Cal. . Unity Society 1877 Elijah R. Watson Judge M. A. Luce Sandwich, Mass. . First Parish 1638 Milton R. Ken- B. G. Bartley San Francisco, Cal. First Unitarian Society 1850 Bradford Leavitt Arthur A. Smith San Francisco, Cal. Second Unitarian So- ciety 1891 - R. T. Butts, 1309 Guerrero St. San Jose, Cal. . . First Unitarian Church 1888 John A. Cruzan Col. Philo Hersey, 650 S. Second St. Santa Ana, Cal. . Unity Church 1891 Francis Watry M. S. McKinney Santa Barbara, Cal. Unitarian Society 1877 Benjamin A. Goodridge L. Richardson Santa Cruz, Cal. . All Souls' Unitarian Church 1902 George W. Stone Henry Willey Santa Rosa, Cal. . People's Church of Santa Rosa 1898 William T. Hutchins A. M. Johnson Schenectady, N.Y. First Unitarian Society 1901 Albert W. Clark E. G. Conde, nil Union St. • Scituate, Mass. First Parish 1634 George A. Hathaway George O. Allen Seattle, Wash. . . First Unitarian Society 1878 J. D. 0. Powers Mrs. Harry Stuff riac Corporate Naine. gan- I ized. I Chairman or Clerk. Serena, 111. . . Sharon, Mass. . Sheffield, 111. . Shelbyville, 111. Shelbyville, 111. Shelter Neck, N.C Sherborn, Mass. Sherwood. Mich. . Shirley, Mass. . Sioux City, la. . Sioux Falls, S.D. Somerville, Mass. Somerville, West Mass. Spokane, Wash. Springfield, Mass. Standish, Me. . Staten Id., /.£■„ New- Brighton, N.Y. Sterling, Mass. . Stoneham, Mass. Stow, Mass. . . Stovve, Vt. . . Streator, 111. . . Sturbridge, Mass. .Sudbury, Mass. . Sullivan, Me. Pleasant Hill Union Church First Congregational Parish First Unitarian Church First Congregational Unitarian Church Jordan U n i t arian Church (See Burgaw, N.C.) First Congregational Church Unity Church First Congregational Society First Unitarian Society tAll Souls' Church First Congregational Society Second Unitarian So- ciety First Unitarian Society Third Congregational Society First Parish (See New York, Rich- mond) First Congregational Society First Unitarian Church First Parish Unity Church Church of Good Will to Men Unitarian Congrega- tional Society First Congregational Society Liberal Christian Soci- ety 1896 1740 1868 1 868 1882 1685 1878 ■753 1S85 1886 1846 1890 1886 1819 1768 1742 1866 1700 1864 1892 1864 i6:!6 Celia Parker Woolley Miss Emma A. Muttit (supply) Thomas J. Horner Fred D. Stanley (Melrose) Alfred M. Walker C. H. Townsend Jasper L. Douthit Robert E. Guilford Jasper L. Douthit W. F. Douthit Isaac F. Porter (Supplies) Manley B. Townsend William H. Pierson, D.D. W. Lathrop Meakei George W. Fuller Augustus P. Reccord (.Summer preaching) Henry D. Stevens Jay W. Hudson J. Sidney Moulton Eli/a M. H. Abbott M. C. Ward (SoutM)ndL'r) Ida C. Ilultm (Summer preaching and lay meetings) A. F. Carter W. B. Chiesman E. H. Bucknam Walter S. Sawyer Louis E. Merry, 41 Dover St. C. B. Dunning, Mohawk Bldg. Oscar B. Ireland C. S. Phinney Edward P. Bartlett Winfred Dike, 48 Pleasant St. John A. Reilly P. D. Pike David Huggans Alvin B. Chamberlain p:ilen O. Clark Or- Place. Corporate Name. gan- ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. Summit, N.J. Tiie Unitarian Church in Summit 1907 Frederic C. Brown Russell Hinman, 189 Summit Ave. Swansboro, N.C. . First Unitarian Church 1902 Charies W. (iillilan C. B. Frazelle Syracuse, N.Y. . . The Unitarian Con- 1838 Samuel R. Calthrop, Amos Padgham, gregational Society L.HD. 120 Shonnard St. (May Memorial Church) Taunton, Mass. First Congregational Society 1637 Joel H. Metcalf Albert Fuller Templeton, Mass. . First Parish 1755 William F. Skerrye F. P. Stone Tiverton, R.I. . . *Bowen Memorial Chapel 1876 - Fannie D. Manchester Toledo, Ohio . . The First Unitarian Church 1S87 Abraham M. Rihbany Charies A. Seiders Topeka, Kan. . . First Unitarian Society .871 Joseph H. Jones Frank H. Foster, 105 Greenwood Ave. Toronto, Canada . First Unitarian Congre- gation 1845 Robert J. Hutcheon Daniel Lamb Townsend, West, Liberal Christian Soci- 1884 George S. Shaw Mass. ety (Ashby) Tremont, 111. . . *I,iberal C hris tian Church 1866 — — Trenton, N.Y. . Reformed Christian 1803 Samuel C. Weatherly Lester G. Wauful, (Barneveld P.O.) Church Barneveld Troy, N.Y. . . . First Unitarian Society 1845 Arthur H. Winn William D. Yetts, Oakwood Ave. Turner's Falls, Mass. (See Montague) Tyngsboro, Mass. . First Parish 1755 Napoleon S. Hoagland Charies P. Littlehale Underwood, Minn. Free Christian Church 1890 - Hans Peter Bjorge Union City, Pa. t Unity Society 1886 - Charies W. Hayes Union Springs, N.Y. Church of Good Sa- maritan 1895 - Harriet L. Farley Upton, West, Mass. First Unitarian Society r847 Cari G. Horst Harold Knowlton Urbana, 111. . . . Unitarian Church of Urbana, 111. 1906 Albert R. Vail Prof. Thos. E. Oliver, 912 W. California Ave. Samuel F. Scott Uxbridge, Mass. . First Congregational 1731 Cyrus A. Roys Society Valparaiso, Ind. . Unity Church 1871 (Occasional supply) A. W. Vincent Vineland, N.J. . . First Congregational Unitarian Society t865 William M. Gilbert Oliver W. Vernal Vineyard Haven, Unitarian Society 1898 Israel P. Quimby Capt. Gilbert L. Smith Mass. Place. Corporate Name. Or- gan- ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. Waitsfield, Vt. . . *Unity Society 1888 — Walpole, Mass. . . First Parish 1725 Louis C. Dethlefs Horace Metcalf Walpole, N.H. . . Town Congregational Society First Parish First Unitarian Society 1761 Samuel R. Ma.xwell Thomas B. Peck Waltham, Mass. . Ware, Mass. . . . 1696 1846 Charles A. Place Oliver J. Fairfield F. A. Stearns, 36 Harris St. Charles E. Stevens Warren, Pa. . . . Warren, Vt. . . . First Unitarian Church First Unitarian Society 1905 1888 J. G. Townsend, D.D. (Jamestown, N.Y.) (Summer preaching) Dr. Hilles M. Baker Miss Vaun Bragg Warwick, Mass. . Washington, D.C. . Washta, la. . . . First Congregational Parish All Souls' Church Unity Society 1763 1821 1894 Granville Pierce Ulysses G. B. Pierce Miss Clara A. Jones Archibald King, 1611 28th St. W. B. Chapman Watertown, Mass. . First Parish 1630 Walter F. Greenman G. Fred Robinson Waterville, Me. . Waverley, Mass. . First Unitarian Society Unitarian Society 1863 1885 George D. Sanders Charles A. Allen H. D. Bates, Silver St. Thomas A. Upham Wayland, Mass. . First Parish 1638 Seth C. Beach, D.D. A. W. Cutting Wellesley Hills, Mass. Unitarian Society 1871 John Snyder Sumner W. Shepherd VVestboro, Mass. . First Congregational Society Church of Our Father First Congregational Parish (See Gouldsboro, Me.) 1717 - Harry W. Kimball Westerly, R.I. . . Westford, Mass. . West Gouldsboro . 1896 1727 Howard C. Ives (New London) Benjamin H. Bailey F. W. Dewey Abiel J. Abbot Weston, Mass. . . First Parish 1698 Charles F. Russell Charles H. Fiske West Superior, Wis. Unitarian Society 1890 — A. D. Agatin Westwood, Mass. . First Parish 1735 Frank P. Estabrook CD. Place Weymouth, E., Mass. First Unitarian Society 1873 - - Wheeling, W Va. . White Oak, N.C. . First Unitarian Church (See Peletier, N.C.) 1907 Thomas Clayton (Allegheny, Pa.) Charles J. Schuck Place. Corporate Name. Or- gan- ized. Minister. Chairman or Clerk. Whitman, Mass. . First Unitarian Society 1886 W. D. Wilkie J. C. Gilbert Wichita, Kan. . . First Unitarian Society 1887 Edward Day Theodore L. Bergen Willimantic, Ct. . First Unitarian Church 1895 Adam J. Culp (Brooklyn) Cicero A. Henderson William A. Wood William A. Wood (Wilton) William W. Peck H. F. Royce Wilmington, Del. . Wilton, N.H. . . Wilton Centre, N.H. Winchendon, Mass. First Unitarian Society Liberal Christian Church First Unitarian Con- gregational Society Church of the Unity 1866 1869 1763 1S66 A. D. Warner, 1202 Delaware Ave. David Whiting Henry H. Livermore Dr. J. G. Henry Winchester, Mass. . Windsor, Vt. . . Winchester Unitarian Society All Souls' Unitarian Society First Icelandic Unita- rian Church All Souls' Church First Unitarian Society 1865 1876 William I. Lawrance Herbert L. Buzzell Lewis Parkhurst (Oak Knoll) H. S. Paul Winnipeg, Man. . (Canada) Winnipeg, Man. . (Canada) Winona, Minn. . . 1890 1904 1889 Rognvaldur Petursson J. B. Skaptason Hon. A. W. Puttee Judge H. L. Buck Winter Harbor, Me. Channing Chapel Soci- 1889 (Summer preaching) Bedford Tracy Winthrop, Mass. . ety First Unitarian Church 1887 William C. Litchfield George H. Oakes Woburn, Mass. . . Wolfeboro, N.H. . First Unitarian Parish First Unitarian Church 1847 1886 Henry C. Parker Herbert B. Dow, 46 Warren Ave. F. W. Prindle Wollaston, Mass. . (See Quincy, Mass.) Woodland, Cal. . The Unitarian Church 1907 Edward G. Spencer W. F. Mixon Worcester, Mass. . Second Parish 1785 Austin S. Garver Frances H. Dewey Worcester, Mass. . Church of the Unity 1846 Charles B. Elder, D.D. Dr. George A. Slocomb Worcester, Mass. . Yarmouth, Me. . . South Unitarian Mem- orial Church Central Parish 1889 1866 — A. H. Silvester, 14 Montague St. Hon. Howard Davies Yonkers, N.Y. . . York, Me. ... Youngstown, Ohio First Unitarian Con- gregational Church The York Unitarian Church First Unitarian Church 1857 1903 1904 Lyman M. Greenman (Summer services) Wayland L. Beers Fisher A. Baker, 440 North Broadway George F. Richardson, Lowell, Mass. F. A. Douglass, 1520 Elm St. PHOTOMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER ' I eAY«.ORD BROS. In*. , SyMuia, N. Y. Skeekton, CM. BX9811.U583 List of Unitarian ministers and of Princeton Theological Seminary-Speer Library 1 1012 00043 5414 „^, -*^