OF THE , wm ^fecnlSs^ 3X^507 1 %^ M:^]Nrxj^L OF THE iformA Irotetant §\\k\ C|mx| IN NOETH AMERICA. BY EDWARD TANJORE CORWIN, PASTOR AT PARAMUS. NEW YORK: BOARD OF PUBLICATION OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH, 61 FRANKLIN STREET. 1859. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by Rev. THOMAS C. STRONG, On behalf of the Board of Publication of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. HosFOUD & Co., Stationers and Printers, 67 and 59 William Street, N. Y. PRE F^ C E. Having been requested by a committee, wliich had been appointed to issue the Tri- ennial Catalogue of the Alumni of our Seminary, to revise and correct that Catalogue for them, I thought it would be an improvement to add in some way the names of those ministers who had been educated under Livingston and his associates before the removal of the Seminary to New Brunswick. And upon executing this task, it ap- peared improper, among so many names respected and beloved, to omit those who had gone from our own shores to Europe, to be educated, or those who, with a missionary zeal, had left their fatherland to come to the inhospitable sliores of the New World. And when all these names were collected, it would have seemed unjust to omit those faithful servants who have entered our ranks from other denominations. But to give interest to the names, it Avas necessary to give the respective settle- ments of each— a task whicli, if it had been fully realii^ed at the beginning, would hardly have been undertaken. Thus the Triennial Catalogue grew into this Manual, which, therefore, presents a complete list of all the ministers of our Church, with their respective settlements, and the dates of reception to and dismission from each. To give completeness to the work, it was deemed necessary to add a list of the Synods, Classes, and Churches, with their respective dates of organization. That there should be no errors in a work of this kind, could not be expected. Every precaution, however, has been taken to ensure accuracy. The sources whence 4 PREFACE. information has been derived, were the Minutes of the General and Particular Synods, the Documentary History of New York, Church Records, Local Histories. Biogra- phies, and Tradition. By a simple tabular system, the respective settlements of every minister, as contained in the Classical Reports, were brought before the eye at a glance. In the list of Churches, references are also given to all the pastors of each indi- vidual church. The names of several who have spent all their ministry in our Church, but who did not graduate at our Seminary, will be found in the list of those who have entered from other denominations. CONTENTS. Ministers Educated for tliG Duteli Church 9 Ministers who have entered from other Denominations 75 Organization of Ecclesiastical Bodies 105 of Synods 105 of Classes 106 " of Churches 107 Note on the Secession 134 " General Synod 138 " Domestic Missions 141 " Foreign Missions 143 " Education 147 Organization of Boards 155 Tabular View of Accesjions to the Ministry 156 Board of Sabbath School Union 158 Index 1^^ EXPL^NA-TIONS * Educated in Holland. t Settled in other Churches. X Coetus. II "Without pastoral charge. § Emeriti. 1 Member of Convention in 1771. ft Missionaries to the Heathen. " Enumerated in Livingston's list of churches in 1784. Note. — Two persons are sometimes at the same place at the same time as colleagues. THE NAMES OF THE MINISTEES OF THE REFORMED PRUT. DUTCH CHURCH NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. PIED. Jonas Micliaelius,* 1628 New Amsterdam 163- Returned to Holland. . . . 163- Everardus Bogardus,* 1633 New Amsterdam 1647 Returned to Holland. ' . . . 1647 1647 Johannes Megapolensis, D.D. * 1642 Rensselaerw3^ck 1649 New Amsterdam ...1648 ...1669 1669 Johannes Backerus,^ * : 1648 New Amsterdam jj 1649 Returned to Holland. ...1649 WiHielmus Grassmere,* 1 1650 Rensselaer wvck.' 1652 Returned to Holland. ...1652 Samuel Drisius,* * 1652 New Amsterdam 1652 Rensselaerwyck j ...1681 . . 1694 1681 Gideon Schaats,* ' 1694 > Shipwrecked. 3 From Curacoa. 3 Not regularly appointed; was suspended iu Holland before sailiujz;. r- -^u lor, 4 Preached also occasionally, (every two months,) to the WaldensL-s on Staten Island, in the trench lan- guage. Could also preach in English. 1 10 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Johannes T. Polhemus, ' * . Everardus Welius*. Henricus Selyiis,^ Hermanus Blom,^ * Samuel Megapoleusis, M.D.,= * Warnerus Hadson,* * Laurentius Van Gasbeek,* .... Williclmus Van Nieuwenhuysen* Casparus A^an Zuuren,* Johannes Weeksteen * . James Clark," * LABORED. 1654 1660 1657 1660 1664 1682 1660 1664 1664 1668 1664 1667 1671 ^677 Breuckelyn, Midwont, and Amersfort 1660 Midwont and Amersfort. . 1676 New Amstel, on Delaware River 1659 Breuckelyn, Midwout, and at Stuyvesant's Bouwerie 1664 Returned to Holland 1682 New Amsterdam 1701 Esopus Returned to Holland. 1664 New York and Brook- lyn 1668 Returned to Holland. Kingston 1680 New York 1681 Kings County, L.I., (Mid- wout.) ...'. 1694 1681 Kingston 168- IC.SO Midwout 1695 1695 Returned to Holland. 1 Had previously Itwii stalionod at Itaniarca. in ]5razil. a His salary was all j)ayal)l(' in wheat. 3 Son of liev. .John M.; hegan his .studies at Cainljridge, N. E., and completed iheni at Utrecht. 4 Ordained for New .Vnislel, liut died on his passage out. s Thompson says I'rom I(i(i7-l(i77. From Thompson's History of Long Island. MANUAL OF THE REF. FROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 11 NAMES. Godfreidus Dellius/ Petrus Tasseliemaclier.* . Rudolplius Van Varick.* Laurentius Yandcnboscli,* Guilliam Bortholf.* Wilhelmus Lupardus.* Johannes P. Nncella * . Van Bosen * Gualterus Du Bois,-':}: . . Bernardus Freeman,-^. Petrus Van Driesen * . Johannes Lvdius.* . . . . Vicentins Antonides.* . 1693- LABORED. 1683 1699 16— 1684 1685 Albany Returned to Holland. New Amstel. Schenectady. Kiup-s County, L. I. (Midwout.) 1687 Kingston 1694 Aquackononck and Hack- ensack 1690 1695 '1699 169- 1699 1700 1705 Kings County, L. I. (Mid^yout.) Albany, and down the Riycr to King-ston. . . . Kingston . . New York. 1700 1703 1705 Schenectady Kings County, L. I. (Midwout.) Albany. Albany. 1699 1684 1690 1694 1691 1724 1702 1702 169- 1751 1705 I 1741 1741 1724 1702 1702 Kings County, L. I. (Midwout.) 1738 1709 1744 1738 1710 1 Murdered by the Indians. Doc. History, vol. i.. p. .305. 2 Born in this country; went to Holhind to be educated. 3 1696, according to Magazine of Reformed Dutch Church. 12 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT, DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Henricus Beys * . . Joseph Morgan * Petrus Vas * Hendrick Hager * Thomas Brouwer * Henricus Boel * Theodorus J. Frelinghuysen *| John Jacob Ehle * Gideon Du Bois; * . . . . Reinhart Erickson *:{: , Cornelius Van Santvoord *| 1720 LABORED. 1706 Kingston 1710 1709 Freehold and Middle- town 1731 1711 Kingston 1732 1711 East and West Camp, (Ul- ster and Columbia Cos. and in Schoharie.) . . . 1712 Schenectady 1723 1713 New York 1754 '1719 Three Mile Run^ Rari- tan, and North Branch. 1 747 1720 Schoharie and Valley of the Mohawk 17 — 1724 Aquackononck 17 — 1725 Hackensack, Paramus, and Schraalenbergh. . 1728 1728 Schenectady 1736 1736 Freehold and Middle- town 1764 1726 Staten Island 1730 1730 Belleville 1732 1732 Staten Island? 1740 1740 Schenectady 1752 1 According: to Messlor, 1728. 2 Aftenvaids dividi'd into the Churches of New Brunswick and Six Mile Run. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 13 NAMES. Henricus Coens* Frederick Mutzelius * .... Johannes Van Driessen/ * Antonius Curtenius *| Inl755,U George W. Mancius* Cornelius Van Schie * Gerardus Haughhoort ,*:}: In 1755,U George Michael Weiss * . . . J. Bohm *t 1727 LABORED. 1726 Aqnackononck, Second River, and Pompton or Ponds 1730 173011 1735 1726 Tappan.§ 1750 1727 Livingston Manor and Ronsselaerwyck 1735 1735 Aquackononck 1748 1730 Hackensack 1737 1737 Hackensack and Schraal- enbergh 1755 2 1755 Kings Co., Long Island. 1756 (Midwout.) 1731 Schraalenbergh and Pa- ramus 1732 1732 Kingston 1756 1731 Ponghkeepsie and Fish- kill 1738 1738 Albany 1744 1731 Freehold and Middle- town 1735 1735 Second River 1776 1732 Schoharie 1737 173- Philadelphia German Re- formed Church 1745 1735 1748 1756 1756 1744 1 " Licensed and ordained in Yale as a preacher in Livingston Manor and Rensselaerwyck, now Kindcrhook and Claverack." — Aquackoiionck Church Rec. 2 Thompson says from 1730-1750. 14 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. Johannes Schuvler, ^*X 1738 Schoharie 1755 Hackensack 2nd, and Schraalenbero'h 2nd . . 173- N. and S. Hampton 1740 Jamaica and Newtown, (Queens Co., L. I.) . . . 1744 II 1748 Hackensack and Schraal- enbergh 1742 Kings Co., Long Island. (Midwout.) 1754 Removed to New Jersey. 1744 New York 1784 § 1744 Minisink and "VYalpeck, Smithfiehl and Mahak- kcmack 1756 Kinderhook, Claverack, and East Camp 1745 Albany 1760 Returned to Holland. 1745 Poughkeepsie and Fish- kill 1746 Kings Co., (Midwout.) . 1784 § 1755 1759 1740 17443 1748 1774 1754^ 1784 1756 1772 1760 1758 1784 1796 In 1755.^1: Johannes H. Goetschius,-:}:1[. . . Johannes Arondeus,* Johannes Ritzeraa * Xt^ Johannes C. Freyenmoet * tt ^• 1796 Tlieodonis Frelinffhuysen * .... Benjamin Menema,* Ulpianus Yan Sinderin,* Xt ^ ■ 1796 1 Dom. Schuyler appears to have been at Schoharie in 1772, according to the Minutes. 2 Studied at Zurich, and ordained by Dorsius. (Ger. Ref.) 3 Thompson says 17;")! ; Success and Oyster Bay, m ith Jamaica and Newtown, were collegiate. 4 " " 1747. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 15 NAMES. John Frelinghuysen,* Johannes Leydt, ' 1 1[ Benjamin Vanderlinde * Xt ^ Samuel Verbrjck,^:}: 1 David Marinus * | TF . Lambertius De Ronde,"-^ :|:t M . Thomas Romeyn, '- Johannes Schuuemau * 1 , Barent Vrooman." 1747 1748 1748 1784 a750 1750 1773 1780 1780 1751 1784 1754 1761 1771 1753 1754 LABORED. Raritan, Sourland, Three Mile Run, Shanuick, and North Branch. . . . 1754 New Brunswick 1783 Paramus, and Ponds .... 1784 Paramus, Ponds, and Sad- \ die River 1788 | 17 Tappan 1779 Aquackononck, Totowa, and Pompton Plains. . 1773 li Suspended. Deposed. New York 1784 Schaghticoke.§ Ovster Bay and Jamaica, 'L. 1 1760 Minisink, Walpack, and Deerpark 1771 Caughnawaga 1794 Catskill and Coxsackie. 1794 Schenectady 1784 1754 1795 1794 1794 1784 1 studied under T. Frelinghuysen. 2 174:8, according to Doc. Hist. 3 Studied under T. Frelinghuysen and J. H. Goetschius. 4 Thompson says he was here for twenty years. P. 393. s 17.56, according to Doc. Hist. 6 Studied under J. H. Goetschius. 16 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Johannes Casparus Rubell,^ Xt ^ E. T. Van Hovenbergli * Hcnricus Frelingliuyseu," William Jackson, ='*! Jacob R. Hardenbergh,^!* Jacobus Van Nist, 1758 Eilardus Westerlo/*^" Johannes Mauritius Goetschius* LABORED. 1751 Philadelphia (Ger. Ref.) 1755 1755 Red Hook.' '. 1759 1759 Kings Co., (Midwout.) . 1783 1784 Deposed. 1756 Rhinebeck Flatts 1769 1756 Warwarsing and Roches- ter 1757 1757 Bergen and Staten Is- land 1789 1789 § 1758 Raritan, Bedminster, N. Brancli, Nechanic, and Harlingen 1761 1761 Visited Holland 1763 1763 Raritan, Bedminster, and North Branch 1781 1781 Marbletown and Roches- ter 1786 1786 New Brunswick. Jllso, President of Rutgers College. ' 1790 1758 Poudikeepsie and Fish- kill 1761 1760 Albany 1790 1760 Shawangunck and New Paltz 1771 1 Kliincbeck, according to Doc. History. 2 Studied under Dorsius, in Ponuisylvania. 3 Began under T. Frelinghuyseu and Goetscbius. 4 Studied at Groningen. 6 Educated in Gormuny. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 17 NAjVIES. Johannes Martinus Van Harlin- gen * H Cornelius Blauw* Gerhard Daniel Cock,^*t|. Hermanns Meyer, D.D.,- X ^ Henricus Sehoonmaker4 If . Isaac Rysdyck * tX^ John Michael Kern * Xt Archibald Laidlie,* ^ . . A. Rosenkrantz, Benjamin Dubois * 1 L^yiORED. 17— 1762 1762 New Shannick and Sour- land 1795 1768 Hackeusack 2nd, and Schraalenbergh 2nd . . 1771 1763 Rhinebeckand Camp... 1783 1763 Kingston 1772 31772 Totowa, Horseneck, and Pompton Plains 1791 1763 Poughkeepsie, Hopewell, Fishkill, and New Hackensack 1774 1774 Aquackononck and To- towa 1816 1763 Fishkill, Poughkeepsie, Hopewell, and New Hackensack 1772 1772 Fishkill and Po'keepsie 1763 German Ref. Church, N.Y 1771 1764 New York 1779 1764 Cauajoharie and German Flatts, (same as Great Flatts,) 1794 1764 Freehold and Middle- town 1827 I See Doc. History, vol. iii., p. 991. s Studied in a German University. 3 The first call approved by the United American Synod- 4 Studied in Scotland. 1795 1791 1816 1789 1771 1779 1794 1827 18 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAilES. Martinus Schoonmaker,! . Dirck Romeyn, D.D.,'1 Hermanus L. Boelen, Warmoldus Kujpers * Xt ^ ■ Garret Lydekker, ' || 1 . John H. Livingston,^! 1765 1770 LABORED. 1765 Harlem and Gravesend. 1784 1784 Kings County, L. I., (Midwout.) 1824 1766 Marbletown, Rochester, and Warwarsing 1774 1775 Hackensack 2nd, and Schraalenbergh 2nd . . 1784 1785 Schenectady 1804 1766 Jamaica, Queens County, L.I 1772 1772 Returned to Holland. 1769 Rhinebeck Flatts 1771 1771 Hackensack 2nd, and Schraalenbergh 2d,2 . 1797 1797 § 1770 English Neighborhood. . 1776 1776 li 1770 New York 1784 1781 (Poughkeepsie) 1783 During the War. 1784 New York, and Profes- sor of Theology 1810 1810 President of Rutgers College, and Prof, of Theology.* 1825 1824 1804 1797 1825 1 studied under Goetschius. Sec also Doc. Hist., vol. iii., p. 993. a In 1790 the two Clnirclics in both Ilackonsack and Schaaleubergh wore united— the two miiUBters, Froeligh and Kuypers, officiating alternalely; but in 1795 the union was again destroyed. 3 Studied the liberal branches at Yale, and Theology at the University of Utrecht. ♦ See Note C. MANUAL OF THE KEF. PHOT. DUTCH CHURCH. 19 NAMES. John Gabriel Gebhard,' Christian F. Fuhring,^. John Daniel Gross, . . . . Stephen Van Y oorhis, , Elias Van Bunschooten, ' George J. L. Doll,. Rynier Van Nest, , 1770 1770 1772= 1773 1773 LABORED. 1771 In Pennsylvania 1774 1774 N. Y. German Reform- ed ChuiTh 1776 17^ Claverack and Hillsdale. 1826 1773 New York (Ger.) 1773 Kingston. 1784 Ger. Reformed Church, N. Y. 1773 Poughkeepsie 1776 1776 Rhinebeck Flatts 1784 1784 Philipsburgh. 1773 Schaghticoke 1785 1785 Minisink, Mahakemack, and Walpeck 1792 1792 Clove, Minisink, Wal- peck, Westtown, and Mahakemack 1799 1799 Clove and Mahakemack. 1812 1812 II 1813 1773 Albany. 1776 Kingston 1809 1774 Shawangmick,New'Paltz 2d, and Schoharie ? . . 1785 Queens Countv,-* L. I. . . 1804 1804 II " 1 Studied at Heidlebergh. 2 The first one examined and licensed by the independent American Synod. 3 Studied under H. Meyer. 4 Queens County included the Churches of Jamaica, Newtown, Oyster Bay, and Success. 1826 1813 1810 20 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAilES. Solomon Froeligh, D.D.,' . . . John Mauritius Goetschius, Stephen Goetschius, ^ Matthew Leydt, Nicholas Lansing, Simeon Van Arsdale, Isaac Blauvelt, 1774 1775 1778 1780 1782 1780 LABORED. 1775 Jamaica, Queens County, L.I 1776 1776 II Supplied Fishkill and Poughkeepsie 1779 1779 Millstone and Nechanic. 1786 1786 Hackensack 1st, and Schraalenbergh 1st. . . 1822 1822 Seceded. 1823 Suspended. 1775 New Paltz and New Hur- ley 1796 1796 Marbletown 1815 1815 Saddle River and Pas- gack 1835 1778 Belleville and Gansegat. 1780 1780 N. and S. Hampton. 1781 Livin2:stonMan'r.(Green- busii and Taghkanic.) 1786 1786 Tappan and Clarkstown. 1835 1783 North Branch 1787 1783 Fishkill, Hopewell, and New Hackensack 1789 1790 Paramus and Saddle River 1791 1791 Suspended 1824 1824 Restored.^ 1835 1835 1787 18— 1 Studiod the liberal brancbos undei- Rev. Dirck Romcyn and Dr. Poter Wilson. Studied Theology under Rev. J. H. Goetfcbiiis, and wa« licensed and ordained by the Convention, in 1774. In 1791 made a lector in Theology. St* Note A. 2 In 1784 was called to Minisink, and the call wa.s approved by Synod, but it appears he was never settled there. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 21 NAMES. Cornelius Cozine, . . . Thomas F. Romeyn, John Duryee, . . . Timothy Blauvelt, John M. Van Harlingen, , Gerardus A. Kuypers, Peter Lowe, Peter Studdiford, Peter De Witt, . . . John Bassett. D-D. 1783 1784 1784 1786 1787 1787 1787 1778 1787 LABORED. 1784 Conewago, Pa 1788 1784 Raritan and Bedminster. 1785 1786 R ntan 1799 1800 Scclminster and Potters- dr.m 1801 1801 Fairfield,' 1836 1787 Millstone and Six Mile Run 1794 1794 li 18— 1787 Paramus 1788 1788 New York (Collegiate).. 1833 1787 Kings Countv, L. I., (Midwout, &c.) 1808 1808 1787 Readington and Bedmin- ster 179- 179- Readington 1826 1787 RhinebeckandtheFlatts 1798 1799 Ponds and Wyckoff. . . . 1809 1787 Albany 1804 1805 Boght (Bushwiek) and Gravesend 1814 1814 Bushwiek 1824 1786 1836 1813 1833 1818 1826 1809 1824 In 1811 he seems to have been without charge. 22 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED 1787 1787 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 LABORED. DIED. James Y . C. Romeyn, Moses Froeligh, 1788 Schodack and Greenbush 1794 Greenbush and Wy nants- kill 1799 Hackensack 2nd, and Schraalenbergh 2nd . , 1788 Shawangunck, Wallkill, or Montgomery 17 — Shawangunck and Mont- gomery 1814 Montgomery 1788 Lansingburgh and Wa- terford 1788 Upper and Lower Red Hook, and Linlithgow 1807 Harlem 1788 N. and S. Hampton. Pa. 1790 Staten Island 1794 Belleville 1794 1799 1834 17— 181- 1818 179- 1807 1790 1794 1809 1810 1812 1800 1803 1815 1822 1827 1837 1793 IS- IS- 1840 Brandt Schuyler Lupton, Jeremiah Rome}Ti, 1818 179- Peter Stryker, 1809 t 1810 Belleville Isaac Labagh, . 1812 il 1789 Kinderhook 1800 Canajoharie, Stone Ara- bia, and Sharon 1803 New Rhinebeck and Sha- ron 1815 German Church, N. Y.. 1823 New Rhinebeck 1827 II 1789 Conewago, Pa 1793 Kakeat and Ramapo. . . 1 8 — Owasco 1847 George G. Brinkerhoff, 1837 18— MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 23 NAMES. Jacob Jennings, 1T89 Peter Leydt, Samuel Smith, Abraham Van Horn, John Demarest,^ Andrew Gray, Nicholas Van Vranken,. John F. Jackson, 1788 1789 1788 1789 1790 1790 1790 LABORED. 1789 Missionary to Virginia, (Hardf Co.) n89 Ponds, Kakeat, Ramapo. 1793 1789 Saratoga 179- 1789 Warwarsing, Marble- town, and Rochester. . 1795 1796 Caghnawaga 1833 1833 II 1790 Niskayuna and Boght. . 1803 Minisink and Mahake- mack 1807 II 1812 Ponds 1822 Seceded. 1790 Poughkeepsie 1793 II Missionary to the Sus- queliannah, &c. 1804 Danville, Angelica, and Sharon 1810 Missionary to Tuscarora. 1803 1807 1812 1822 1793 1810 1791 Fishkill, Hopewell, and New Hackensack 1791 Harlem, Philipsburgh, and Fordham 1805 Tarrytown 1806 II 181- Fordham 1804 1805 1806 181- 1835 1793 1840 1819 1804 1835 I See Note A. .24 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. John Cornelison, 1791 1792 1792 1793 Bergen and Eng. Neigh- borhood 1806 1806 Bergen 1828 1793 Paramus 1796 1796 Suspended 1801 1801 Restwed. Boonton 1805 1805 t 18— 18 — Missionary to Southwest. 18 — 18— II William Provost Kuypers, .... 1828 1851 David S. Bogert,' 1793 Oyster Bay and Success. 1824 1824 Oyster Bay and New Hempstead 1825 1825 II 1793 Helderbergh, Salem, and Jerusalem 1825 1825 II 1794 N. and S. Hampton. . . . 1796 1796 t 1793 t 1795 1795 New York 1812 1794 Poughkeepsie and Stout- enbergh 1807 1807 II 1812 1812 Suspended. Harmanus Van Huysen, 1839 John C. Brush, 1793 1793 1793 1833 John N, Abeel, Cornelius Brower, 1812 » In 1796 he appears to ha^c been settled in the Pi'esbyterian Church at South Hampton, but I cannot har- moBize the dates. Thompson's Histoi-y of L. I., p. 214. MANUAL OF THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 25 NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. Stephen Ostrander, 1793 1793 1794 1795 1793 Pomp ton Plains and Par- sippany 1809 1810 Schagticoke and Tyas- hoke 182- 182- II 1827 1827 Oakhill 1829 " 1829 il 1832 ■ 1832 Blooming Grove 1839 1839 II 1845 Zecariah H. Kiiypers, Elijah Rosegrant, John B. Johnson, Henry V. Wyckoff, 1794 Jamaica, L. I,, Newtown, Success, and Oyster Bay 1823 1823 Success 1824 1824 Ponds, Wyckoflf, and Preakness 1841 1841 II 1848 1848 § 1796 Albany 1802 1802 Brooklyn 1803 179- Charleston 2nd 1820 1820 Suspended. 1822 Seceded. 179- Owasco 1808 1808 Oyid 1822 1822 Suspended. Seceded. 179- Raritan 1822 179- Waterford and Middle- town ...... 1804 1804 1850 1803 Abraham Brokaw, John S Vredenburgh, .... 1822 John Close . . . 1815 26 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHUECH. NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. Jacob Sickles, D.D., 1796 Coxsackie and Coey- mans 1801 Kinderhook 1835 II 1800 1835 1796 1796 1796 1845 James S. Cannon, D.D., Peter Labagh, D.D., Jacob Larzalere, 1796 Six Mile Run and Mill- stone 1807 Six Mile Run 1826 Prof. Ecc. Hist., Church Government, &c 1796 Missionary to Salt River, Kentucky 1798 Catskilland Oakhill... 1809 Harlingen and Shannick 1821 Harlingen 1844 II 1797 N. and S. Hampton 1828 II 1807 1826 1852 1797 1809 1821 1844 1828 1852 1858 1830 Conrad Ten Eyck, 1797 Amsterdam, New Har- lem, and Mayfield. . . . 181- Aurelius and Owasco. . . 18 — Owasco and Sand Beach 1826 Owasco 182- II 1797 Rochester and Warwar- sing 1802 Caroline 1797 t 1830 II 1839 t 181- 18— 18— 182- 183- 1802 18— 1830 1839 Garret Mandeville, Jacob J. Janeway, D.D., 1797 1858 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 27 NAMES. Christian Bork, D.D., Henry Polhemus, John H. Meyer, John Brocihead Romeyn, Wilhehnus Eltinge, , Thomas Romeyn, ' Heniy Ostrander^ . George Barcoloo, 1799 1800 1800 LABORED. 1798 Schodack and Bethlehem 1803 1803 Union, Union Village, ^ and Schodack 1808 1808 North West, (Franklin Street, N.Y.) 1823 1798 Harlingen and Shannick 1808 1808 English Xeighborhood. . 1813 1813 Shawangunck 1816 1799 New Paltz and New Hur- ley 1801 1801 Schenectady 1803 1799 Rhinebeck Flatts 1803 1803 New York 1804 1804 t 1799 Paramus and Saddle River 1811 1811 Paramus 1816 1816 Paramus and Totowa 1st. 1833 1833 Paramus. 1850 1850 II 1800 Florida 1806 1806 Niskayuna and Amity . . 1827 1827 II 1803 Coxsackie 181- 181- Caatsban 181- 181- Saugerties 1840 1840 Caatsban 1806 Hopewell and N. Hack- ensack 1810 1810 !l 1823 1816 1803 1852 1857 1 studied under Dii-ck Romeyn. 28 MANUAL OF THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. John Schureman, D.D., P. I. Van Pelt Hermanus Vedder, . . . Peter D. Froeligh, ' . . . J. V. Dorn, Philip H. Duryee, John L. Zabriskie, . . . . Ralph Westervelt, 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 LABORED. 1801 Bedminster 1807 1807 Hillsborough 1809 1809 New York". 1811 1811 New Brunswick 1815 1815 Prof, of Eccl. Hist, at New Brunswick 1818 1801 Staten Island 1836 1837 Fordham 1847 1847 II 1803 Greenbush and Taghka- nick 1850 1850 Greenbush 1802 Pittstowii, Tioshock, and Sincock 1808 1808 New Paltz and New Hurley 1817 1818 Aquackononck 1825 1825 Seceded. 1825 Suspended. 1802 Saratoga and Easton. . . 1828 English Neighborhood. . 1848 1802 Greenbush and Wynants- kill.... 1810 1810 Hillsborough 1850 1802 Rochester and Warwar- sing 1810 1810 Bethlehem and Coey- mans 1816 1816 Wynantskill 1822 1822 Seceded 1 See Note A. 1818 1849 1850 1823 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 29 NAMES. Jacob Schoonmaker, J. I. Christie, Cornelius Schermerhorn, . John C. Toll, ' Henry Vedder, Andrew Yates, , John W. Aymes,. . . Andrew Whitbeck,. Samuel Bogert, . . . . P. A. Overbagh, . . . 1801 1801 1803 1803 1803 18— 1803 18— 1803 1803 J. D. Demarest, 1803 LABORED. 1802 Jamaica and Newtown . 1849 1849 Jamaica 1850 1§'03 Warwick 1835 1835 II 1803 Schoharie Kill 1830 1803 Canajoharie, Middletown and Bowman's Kill.^ . 181- 1815 Middletown and Wes- terlo 1822 1822 Suspended. Seceded. 1828 1844 1805 Bethlehem and Coey- mans 1806 1806 Woodstock and Flat- bush, (Ulster) 1818 1818 Flatbush " 1840 180T Caatsban 1810 1810 Kakiat and Ramapo 1824 1824 Seceded. 1851 1844 1830 1844 1841 1 See Note A. 2 Perhaps at Mapletown also. 80 MANUAL OP THE KEF. PKOT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAilES. C. Hardenbergh, 1803 Sylvanus Palmer, Jacob Brodhead, D.D.,, Cornelius D. Westbrook,' P. Van Beuren, , Stephen H. Brower, . Stephen N. Rowan, . 1803 1803 1804 1804 1806 1807 LABORED. 1804 Warwick 1807 Bedmiuster 1820 Greenwich, N. Y 1821 1803 II Engaged by JVorthern Miss. Society 18 — •18 — Union and Chenango... 181- 181- Middletown and Fonda's Bush 1820 1820 Suspended. 1822 Seceded. 1804 Ehinebeck Flatts 1809 1809 New York, (Collegiate). 1813 1813 Philadelphia 1826 1826 Broome Street, N. Y. . . 1837 1837 Flatbush, (Ulster Co.).. 1841 1841 Brooklyn, Central 1846 1846 II 1804 Fishkill 1830 1830 Ed. of Christian Intell... 1833 1833 II Rector of the Gr. School. 1837 1837 Cortlandtown and Peek- skill 1850 1850 II 1805 Charlestown 1st 18— 1816 Union Village and Scho- dack 1819 1806 Greenwich 1807 Greenwich 1819 1819 t 1821 1855 1858 J Studied Theology under John B. Romeyn. MANUAL OF THE KEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 31 NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. Cornelius T. Demarest, ' 1807 1807 1807 1807 1808 1808 1809 1809 1808 White House Cornelius Bogardus, 1813 English Neighborhood. . 1824 1824 Seceded. Suspended. 1808 Schenectady 1811 1807 Red Hook and St. Johns 1817 1817 Red Hook, St. Johns and Linlithgow 1827 1827 Red Hook 1833 1833 II 1808 Beaver Dam and Middle- burgh 182- 182- Oppenheim 18— 1836 Columbia and Warren . 183- 183- 1811 Thomas Haliday, Andrew N. Kittle, David De Voe, 1843 Cor. C. Cuyler, D.D., 1808 Poughkeepsie 1833 1833 t 1850 Ab. Hoffman, 1810 Cortlandtown 1830 1830 Cato 1844 1844 II 1810 New Utrecht 1834 1834 II 1842 1842 Owasco 1844 1844 II 1854 1854 Fordham 1855 1855 II John Beatty, 1856 1 See Note A. 32 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAJIES. J. R. H. Hasbrouck, . . John Hendricks, G. R. Livingston, J. F. Schermerliorn, . . . Thomas De Witt, D.D., John S. Mahon, Robert Bronk, 1809 1810 1810 18— 1812 1812 1813 LABORED. 1809 Klein Esopus, and Bloom- ingdale, (Ulster Coun- ty.) 1816 1816 II 1820 1820 Charleston 1st, and Can- ajoharie 1826 1826 Currytown 1828 1828 Root 1830 1831 II 1844 1812 Coxsackie 1825 1826 Philadelphia 1834 1818 Middleburgh 1832 1832 II Secretary of Mis., &c 1812 Hopewell and N. Hack- ensack 1825 1825 Hopewell 1828 1828 Collegiate Church, N.Y. 1829 II 1849 1814 Washington and Boght. 1816 1816 Washington, Boght and Gibbonsvillc 1823 1823 Washington and Gib- bonsville 1834 1834 II 1834 1850 1849 1835 MANUAL OP THE EEi-'. I'KOT. DUTCH CHURCH. 33 NAMES. Peter S. Wynkoop, . . . Jacob Van Vechten, 1813 Cornelius C. Vermeule, Staats Van Santvoord, . James Murphy, 1814 1814 1814 1814 LABORED. 181- Catskill 1817 lbl7 Hyde Park and Staats- burgli 1820 3«20 Hyde Park and Pleas- ant Plain 1822 1822 Ghent 1840 1840 Ghent and Claveraek 2nd 1843 1843 Ghent 1844 1844 Blooming- Grove 1848 181- Harlem 1837 1837 II : 1814 Belleville 1828 1828 II 1829 1829 Schodack 1834 1834 II 1841 1841 Onisquethaw 181- Rochester, Warwarsing, and Clove 1825 1825 II 1826 1826 Glenville 2nd 1833 1833 St. Johnsville 1838 1838 Herkimer and German Flatts 1839 1839 Herkimer and Frankfort 184U 1840 Mohawk 1842 1842 Herkimer and Mohawk. 1843 1843 Herkimer 1850 1850 II 1854 (1853 Columbia S. S 1854) 1854 Frankfort 1856 1815 Schenectady 1848 1848 11 1848 1856 1 Studied under Mason. 34 MANUAL OF THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. Kichard Sluy ter 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1816 1816 1816 Claverack and Hillsdale 1825 1825 Claverack 1842 1842 Claverack 1st and 2nd.. 1843 1843 Claverack 1st 1843 1816 Greenbush and Blooming Grove 1822 1823 Greenwiclu (Bleecker Street, N.Y.) 1858 1858 II 1816 Shawangunck and New Prospect 1829 1829 II 1832 Nicholas J. Marselus, Abraham D. Wilson, 1843 Nicholas Jones,' 1832 North Branch 1838 1838 II 1841 1841 Fair view, Illinois 1856 1856 II 1816 Sharon and Rhinebeck . 1820 1820 Suspended. 1822 Seceded. 1816 Union Village 1819 1817 Argyle and Fort Miller 181- New Paltz and New Hur- ley 1828 1828 New Paltz 1831 1831 Aquackononck 1856 1856 II James Christie, * Isaiah Y. Johnson, 1825 William R. Bogardus, 1 Sludicd uiulir Manon. MANUAL OF THE EEF. PEOT. DUTCH CHURCH. 35 NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. t Ava Neal, 1816 1818 Pompton Plains and Fairfield 18 2- 1^2- Pompton Plains 1828 1828 II 1839 1839 Cornelius C. Eltinge, 1816 1817 Minisink and Mahake- mack 1837 1837 Mahakemack or Deer- park 1843 1843 II 1852 1852 Fallsburgh 1853 1853 II 1856 1856 Raritan, Illinois Jacob I. Sclmltz, 1816 1817 Rockaway and Lebanon. 1834 1834 Middlebush 1839 1839 II 1853 1853 Albert Aininernian, 1816 181- Johnsto^vTi and Mayfield. 1820 1820 Suspended,'' Matthias Bruen, 1816 1820 II Samuel A. Van Vrankeu, D.D., 1817 1817 Middletown and Free- hold 1826 1826 II 1827 1827 Freehold 1834 1834 Poughkeepsie 1837 1837 Broome Street, N. Y. . . 1841 ' 1841 Prof, of Did. Theology at New Brunswick.* . '• Isaac N. Wyckoflf, D.D., 1817 1818 Catskill 1836 1836 Albany 2nd John Alburtis, 1817 1829 II 1 See Note A. 2 See Note E. 36 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED 1817 LABORED. DIED. Peter Van Zandt, M.D., 1818 Schenectady 2nd and 1st Church Fourth i Ward 1823 1823 t? 1829 1829 11 1841 Wm. W. Phillips, D.D 1817 t Samuel Kissam, 1817 1818 Bethlehem and Coeymans 1828 Bethlehem and Jerusa- lem 1841 y 1 843 Coeymans 1846 Suspended. 1 85- Restored. II 1828 1841 1843 1846 John Ludlow, D.D., 1817 1817 New Brunswick, and Prof, of Hebrew, &c. . 1820 Prof, of Hebrew, &c.i . . 1823 Albany 1st 1834 Provost of the Pennsyl- vania University 1852 Prof. Eccl. History and Church Government at 1820 1823 1834 1852 * New Brunswick ^ . . . . 1857 Cornelius Bogardus^ •. 1818 1818 1820 II 182- 1826 1832 182- Beaver Dam 1826 Wynantskill 1832 II 1834 1834 Boght 1839 Giiboa and Conesville. . 1843 II 1839 1843 1854 Walter Monteith, 1818 1819 Flatlands and Flatbush . 1820 t m 1820 1 Sec Note E. MANUAL OF THE EEP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 3T NAJMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. David R. De Fraest, 1818 ti 182- Cato 182- 182- Cato and Stirling fB — Declared Independent. 182- Brogun Hoff, 1818 1818 1st Church in Dist. of Spring Garden, Phil- adelphia 1824 t 1824 1835 1835 Leeds and Kiskatom . . 1842 1842 Rhinebeck 1851 1851 Germantown 1856 Jacob D. Fonda, 1819 1820 Easton and Union Vil- lage . . 1828 Union Village 1835 Caughnawaga 1841 Linlithgow and Green- 1828 1835 1841 port 1847 Schaghticoke 1847 1855 1855 James RomeyD, . 1819 1820 Nassau 1827 Six Mile Run 1827 1832 1832 II 1833 1833 Hackensack 1836 1836 Catskill 1840 1840 II 1842 1844 " 1842 Leeds 1844 Bergen Neck 1850 1850 II 1852 § John Henry Smaltz, 1819 1820 t 38 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Joliii C. Vandervoort, Isaac A. Van Hook, John Rawls, James G. Brinkerhoff, ' Stephen Z. Goetchius, ' George Du Bois,^ Eli Baldwin, D.D.,. Jared Dewing, . . . , Isaac M. Fisher, . . . Gabriel Ludlow, . . John Van Liew, . . , 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 LABORED. 1834 Totowalst 1837 1837 Kinderhook 1842 1842 Mellenville, or Clav cr- ack 2nd 1844 1844 NewPaltz 1848 1848 Ghent 2nd 1851 182- Fort Miller 182- 1829 II 183- 183- 1822 Columbia 182- 1820 II 1821 Montville 1824 1824 Seceded. Suspended. 1823 Seceded. 1820 Northwest, (Franklin St. N. Y.) 1837 1837 Tarrytown 1844 1824 Houston St., N. Y 1822 t 182- Bedminster 1821 New Shannock 1828 North Branch, at Read- ington 1851 1844 1839 184- 1839 1 studied under 2 Studied under S. Froeligh; see Note A. S. Froeligh. MANUAL OP THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 39 NAMES. Abraham J. Switz, , Paul Weidman, Isaac Ferris, D.D.,. 1820 1820 Maui'ice W. Dwight, D.D., . . Jacob Bruyn Ten Byck, Isaac S. Ketchum, Peter P. Rouse, 1820 1821 1821 1821 1821 LABORED. 182- Tyashoke and Schagliti- coke 1829 1829 Warwarsinff 1835 1835 II 1838 1838 Glenville2nd 1841 1841 II ; 182- Schoharie 1836 1836 li 1838 1838 Manheim 1841 1841 II 1852 1852 Manheim 1821 New Brunswick 1824 1824 Albany 2nd 1836 1836 Market Street, X. Y. . . 1852 1852 II Chancellor of N. Y. University 1822 Waterford 1826 1826 New Hackensack 1832 1832 Brooklyn 1855 1855 II 1822 Berea 1822 Manheim 182- 182- Manheim and Stone Ara- bia 1831 1831 Stone Arabia 1832 1832 Stone Arabia and Ephra- ta 1835 1835 II 1822 Florida 182- 182- Brooklyn 1831 1845 1831 40 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. Joseph Wilson, 1821 1821 1821 1822 1822 1822 1822 t 1832 1832 Wcsterlo 1834 1834 Athens 1835 1835 il 1838 1838 Fairfield and Little Falls 1844 1844 Tarry town 1849 1849 Fairfield 1823 t 1825 1825 II Seymoui' P. Vonck, ' 1828 Abraham Fort,^ 1822 Basick, or Westerlo. . . 1829 1829 II 1830 1830 Union, Salem, Coey- mans, and Westerlo. . 1831 1831 Salem and Union 1836 1836 Esopus 1851 1851 II John McClure, 1823 Spottswood 1823 Fairfield 1826 1828 Union Chm'ch in Amster- dam 1833 1833 II 1835 1825 Herman B. Stryker, 1835 Glenville 2nd 1838 1838 II Benjamin C. Taylor, D.D., .... John Vanderveer, 1822 Greenbush and Bloom- ing Grove 1825 1825 Aquackononck 1828 1828 Bergen 1 His name sometimes appears as Funck, and even French. It is believed the above orthography is con-ect a Studied under S. FroeUgh. MANUAL OF THE KEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 41 NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. 1 DIED. Samuel Van Vechten, Robert J. Blair, 1822 1823 1823 1823 1824 1824 1824 1825 Bloomingburgh 1826 Bloomingburgh and Rome 1829 Bloomingburgh 1840 11 1842 Fort Plain 1844 II 1828 Helderberdi 1830 11 ". 1826 1829 1840 1842 1844 1830 1857 William Center, 182- Herkimer and German Flatts 1826 t 1824 HvdePark 1829 New Hurley 1839 Newburgh.". 1842 Warwick 1824 English Neighborhood . 1828 Belleville 1833 II 1834 Geneva 1849 Newark 2nd 1826 1829 1839 1842 1828 1833 1834 1849 1827 1828 1840 1844 1846 Ferdinand H. Vanderveer, .... Gustavus Abeel, Asa Bennett, 1825 Schodack 1827 II 1828 Ovid, (Lodi,) N.Y 1840 II 1844 Constantine, (Mich.) 1846 II 18— William Cruikshank, 1824 Flatlands and New Lotts 1834 II 1835 Newburgh 1836 II 1834 1835 1836 1853 42 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT, DUTCH CHURCH. NAiVIES. James B. Hardenberg, Benjamin Van Keuren, Stephen H. Meeker, . . . Abraham H. Messier, . Jonathan F. Morris, . . . Duow Van Olinda .... Jacob C. Sears, 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 LABORED. 1824 Princetown and Helder- berffh 1826 1826 New Brunswick 1830 1830 Rhinebeck 1836 1836 Philadelphia 1st 1841 1841 North West, (Franklin St.,N.Y.,now23dSt.) 1856 1856 II 1824 Esopus 1826 1826 Esopus, Hurley, and Bloomingdale 1831 1831 Esopus and Bloomingdale 1835 1835 Warwick 1837 1837 t 1856 1856 II 1824 Bushwick 1826 Ovid 1828 1828 II 1829 1829 Pompton Plains and Montville 1832 1832 Raritan, (Somerville 1st) 182- II 1830 1830 Nassau 1831 1831 II 1824 Palatine 18— 18— MapletoAvn 1831 1831 New Pal tz 1843 1843 11 1845 1845 Caughnawaga 1825 Sprino- Garden 1st, (or Pl.iladelphia2nd).... 1834 1834 Six Mile Run MANUAL OP THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 43 NAMES. LICENSED LABORED. DIED. Elbert Slingerland, 1824 1825 Glenville 2nd 1826 II 1^28 Glenville 1st 1833 II 1826 1828 1833 1834 1836 1837 1840 1843 1846 1853 1855 1856 1857 1834 Westerlo 1836 Waterford 1837 Wynautskill 1840 II 1844 Madison and Sun Prairie 1846 New Hurley 1853 II 1855 Mohawk 1856 II 1857 Glenville 2nd Jefferson Wynkoop, 1824 1825 West New Hempstead and Ramapo 1836 il 1838 Athens 1840 t? 1855 II 1836 1838 1840 1855 John A. Yates, 1824 1825 II 1826 Middletown, N. J 1836 II 1848 1836 1847 1849 Jacob T. B. Beekman, George H. Fisher, 1825 1825 North Branch 1830 1835 1841 1841 1854 1830 Fishkill 1835 Hudson 1838 Also S. S. at Mt. Pleas- ant 1841 N. Y., Broome Street.. . 1854 Utica 44 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. 1 LICENSED LABORED. DIED. John G. Tarbell, 1825 1825 1826 1827 Stone-house Plains 1829 11 1831 Sand Beach 1829 1831 1832 1834 1840 1831 1835 1836 1843 1828 1832 11 1834 Caroline 1840 11 Richard D. Yan Kleek, 1825 Raritan 1831 11 1835 Canajoharie 1836 Berne 1st 1843 1! David Abeel, D.D., 1826 Athens, as an Evancrelist. 1829 tt To China, Sfc' / 1846 Ira Condict Boice, 1826 1826 Salem 1829 Bergen Neck 1842 11 1844 Claverack 1829 1842 1844 A. Henry Dumont 1826 1826 Missionary at Union and Salem 1827 Greenbush and Bloom- ins^ Grove 1828 11 ...' 1832 General Agent of the Missionary Society. , . 183- t 1827 1828 1832 1833 Jolin Garretson, D.D.. 1826 1827 Middleburgh 1833 Schraalenbergh 1836 11 1837 Belleville 1849 II Cor. Sec. Board Dom. Miss., 61 Franklin St. N.Y 1833 1836 1837 1849 I See Note D. MANUAL OF THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 45 NAMES. LICENSED 1 I LABORED. DIED. Henrv Heermance, 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 Missionary at Oyster Bay and North Hempstead 1827 1^27 11 1828 1828 Sand Beach 1830 1830 11 1832 1832 Blawenburgh 1835 1835 Kinderhook 1837 1837 II 1846 Abraham I. Labagh, 1829 Island of St. Thomas, West Indies 1842 1842 Gravesend Isaac P. Labagh, li 1832 1833 Gravesend 1842 1842 li 1845 Christian Z. Paulison,* Cornelius Van Cleef, 1845 Suspended. 1829 Aquackonouck 1831 1831 Seceded. Suspended. 1832 DedaTed Independent. Colleague with Van i Olinda, near Palatine. 1827 1827 Athens 1833 1834 New Hackensack , 1827 Beaver Dam 1832 1832 Niskavmia 1836 1836 Linlithgow 1840 1840 Linlithgow and Mount Pleasant, (or Green- port) 1842 1842 Kingston 1844 John H. Van Wagener, 1844 1 See Note A. 46 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED 1826 1826 1827 1827 1827 1828 1828 LABORED. DIED. Benjamin B. Westfall, 1826 Miss, at Sand Beach.. . . 1828 Rochester and Clove. . . 1834 Rochester 1828 1834 1837 1843 1835 1838 1843 1848 1850 1853 1854 1831 1853 1854 1834 1840 1842 1851 1853 1834 1836 1845 Charles Whitehead, 1837 Stone Arabia 1828 Hopewell 1835 Somerville 2nd 1838 II 1843 Walden 1848 II 1850 Pouglikeepsie 2nd 1853 II 1854 Washington Heights. . . 1827 Niskayuna and Amity . 1827 Florida, (Minaville,) . . . 1853 11 1854 Wynantskill 1827 Linlithgow 1835 Albany 3rd 1841 Athens 1842 Nassau 1851 II 1853 Chatham 1829 Montgomery 1831 Dashville Falls 1834 Breakabin, Cobleskill, and Schoharie Mt. . . . 1836 II 1844 John McKelvey, James B. Stevenson, D.D., Edwin Holmes, Robert P. Lee, D.D., James E. Quaw, 1858 1845 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 47 NAMES. Henry A. Raymond, , Isaac D. Cole, James Demarest, Henry Mandeville, D.D., .... James R. Talmage, Cornelius L. Van Dyck,, 1828 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 LABORED. 1828 Sharon, New Rhinebeck, and Cobleskill 1832 1332 Fairfield 1835 1835 Niskayuna 1850 1850 Owasco 1853 1853 Amity 1856 1856 Lawyersville , 1829 Tappan 1832' 1832 Totowa 2nd 1833 1833 Tappan 1830 Williamsbm-gh 1839 1839 II 1841 1841 Warwarsing 1848 1848 II Sup. Leake and Watts Orphan House 1853 1853 North Hempstead, L. I. . 1829 Shawangunck 1831 1831 Geneva 1834 1834 Utica 1840 1840 1849 1849 1830 Jersey City 1832 1832 Pompton Plains 1836 1836 Blawenburgh 1848 1848 II 1849 1849 Athens 1850 1850 Brooklyn (Middle,) .... 1852 1852 Greenbush 1829 Marbletown 1853 1853 II 1856 1856 North Esopus Also labored every other Sabbath at Schraalenbergh during this period. 1858 48 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Charles P. Wack, Thomas A. Ammerman, . Christopher Hunt,. Francis M. Kipp, John A. Liddell, Alexander M. Mann, D.D., 1829 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 LABORED. 1831 Caroline 1834 1834 II 1835 1835 Lebanon 1840 1840 II 1841 1841 Trenton 1st 1844 1844 t 1852 1852 II 1830 II 1831 1831 Coeymans 1832 1832 II 1834 1834 Ashokan 1837 1837 II 1839 1839 Jamesville 1840 1840 II 1849 81:^0 Clarkstowu 1832 1832 Nassau 1837 1837 Northwest, (Franklin St., N. Y.) 1839 1830 Bloomingdale, N. Y 1831 1831 II 1832 1832 Ninth Street, N. Y 1836 1836 Fishkill 1830 Greenbush 1834 1834 Totowa 2nd 1838 1840 Lodi 1848 1848 II 1849 1849 Stone-house Plains 1830 Ithaca 1837 1837 West Troy 1838 1838 Poughkeepsie 1858 1858 Hoboken 1839 1850 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. i9 NAMES. Aaron A. Marcellus, Abraham H. Myers, , John H. Pitcher, Hansford Wells, D.D., , John H. Bevier, 1830 1830 1830 1830 LABORED. 1831 1830 Lysander 1831 1831 Schaghticoke 1834 1*35 II 1840 1840 Freehold 1850 1850 II 1856 185G Greenville 1830 St. Johnsville 1831 1831 Beaver Dam 1835 1835 Belleville 1837 1837 St. Johnsville 1844 1844 II 1848 1848 Manheim 1851 1851 II 1852 1852 Glenville 1st 1854 1854 North Esopus 1856 1856 Germantown 1831 Herkimer and German Flatts 1833 1833 Tyashoke 1843 1843 II 1844 1844 Jackson 1851 1851 Claverack 2nd 1830 Canajoharie 1833 1834 II 1835 1835 Newark 1842 1842 II Secretary of Board of Missions, &c 1844 1844 Schoharie 1857 1857 Fultonville 1831 Shawang-mick 1843 1843 11 1851 1851 Fordham 1853 1853 Glenham 50 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. David Gushing, Oscar H. Gregory, , John Manley, John Abeel Baldwin, , Leonard Rogers, Garret C. Schenck, Garret I. Garretson, , Richard L. Schoonmaker, . 1831 1831 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 LABORED. 1834 Kinderhook 1835 1835 t 1831 Farmersville 1838 1838 Gibbonsville 1840 1840 West Troy 1831 Manheim 1834 1834 Saddle River and Pas- gack 1853 1853 Saddle River t 1836 1836 Flatlands 1841 1841 Flatlands and New Lots. 1852 1832 Catlin 1833 1833 Sand Beach 1834 1834 II 1838 1833 Walpack r . 1834 1834 II 1835 1835 Clover Hill, Pa 1836 1836 II 1837 1837 Pompton Plains 1852 1852 II 1832 Stuyvesant 1834 1834 Newtown and Jamaica,. 1849 1849 Lodi 1853 1832 Wuterfonl 1836 1836 II 1837 1837 riarlem 1847 1847 North Hempstead 1852 1852 AVatcribrd 1856 1856 Amitv MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 51 NAMES. John C. Yan Liew, . . . Alexander H. Warner, Benjamin Bassler, Matthias Lusk, Jacob R. Van Arsdale, Robert A. Quinn, William Brush, . 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 LABORED. 1832 Leeds and Kiskatom. . . 1834 1834 Spottswood 1841 4-841 II 1850 1850 Ephrata and Stone Ara- bia 1856 1856 Berne and Beaver Dam 1832 ClarkstowTi 1837 1837 Hackensack 1833 New Rhinebeck and Sha- ron 1837 1837 New Rhinebeck . 1838 1838 II 1840 1840 Farmersville 1833 Jersey City 1848 1848 II 1834 Berne 2nd 1835 1835 Mt. Pleasant 1850 1850 Tyre 1833 Caucrhuawaara 1834 1835 Oyster Bav': 1840 1840 II .' 1842 1842 Manaymik and Roxbor- ouirh 1847 1847 Stone-house Plains 1849 1849 II 1852 1852 Chaplain of Sailors' Snug Harbor, S. I 1834 Guilford 1851 1851 II 1852 1852 Bedminster 52 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Elbert Nevius, Frederick B. Thompson, Peter S. Williamson,. Edward P. Stimpson, Simon Y. E. Westfall, Robert 0. Currie, D.D.,... Abraham Polhemus, D.D,,. Jacob Ennis, John Lillie, 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 William Youngblood, 1835 LABORED. 1838 tt Missionary to Borneo. 1845 1847 Stuyvesant 1834 Red Hook 1836 1836 tt Missionary to Java. . 1840 1840 " to Borneo 1834 Rockaway 1839 1839 II 1841 1841 Brooklyn 4th. 1834 Greenbush 1851 1851 II 1852 1852 Castleton 1834 Hyde Park 1836 1836 Union and Salem 1841 1841 Union 1845 1845 II 1848 1848 Pekin, Illinois 1855 1855 II 1834 New Utrecht 1835 Hopewell 1856 1856 Newark, (North,) 1836 ttJava. 1841 Suspended. 1836 Kingston 1841 1841 II 1842 1842 New York, Broadway, (after, Stanton St.) . . 1848 1848 t 1836 tt Borneo. 1848 1857 1857 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 53 NAMES. Alex. C. Hillman, Peter J. Quick, Daniel Michael, .... William Reiley, .... John M. Scribner, . . Hart E. Waring, . . Elihu Doty, Peter Allen, John C. Cruikshank, 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 LABORED. 1837 Stone-house Plains 1840 1840 II 1842 U.42 Vanderveer 1843 1843 Roxbury and Moresville. 1844 1844 Roxburv 1845 1845 II ". 1846 1846 Wurtsboro' 1849 1849 II 1851 1851 Blue Mountains 1858 1858 II 1836 Clarkstown II 1847 1836 Hurley 1838 1838 II 1839 1839 Middletown 1836 Schoharie 1839 1839 Walden 1840 1840 II .... •••• 1846 1846 Schoharie Mt 1847 1847 II II Supplied Berne 2d. 1836 it Missionary to Java . . 1840 1840 it " to Borneo 1844 1844 tt " to Amoy, Cliina 1837 Hempstead and Ramapo. 1853 1853 Hempstead 1837 Hvde Park 1844 1844 Hurley 1850 1850 Little Falls 54 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. John H. Duryea, John T. Demarest, D.D., William Demarest, Wm. R. Gordon, D.D. Harrison Heermance, John P. Knox. 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 LABORED. 1837 1837 Warwarsing 1838 1838 Totowa 2nd 1837 New Prospect 1849 1849 Minisink 1852 1852 II 1854 1854 Pasgack 1837 Clover Hill 1839 1840 New Hnrley 1845 1845 Berne 1st, and Beaver Dam 1850 1850 Westerlo 1854 1854 Boundbrook 1857 1857 t 1858 1858 Ramapo 1837 1841 1843 1849 1858 1838 1840 1846 1850 1851 1857 1837 1841 1844 1847 1854 North Hempstead II S. S. at N. Hempstead. Flnshing N. y., Houston Street, {now Seventh Jl venue.) Schraalenbergh Curry town Medina, Michigan Jefferson, Michigan, . . Macon and Ridgeway Nassau Utica. . St. Thomas, W. I. 1841 1843 1849 1858 1840 1846 1850 1851 1857 1841 1844 1847 1854 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 55 NAMES. John F. Mesick, D.D., William J. Pohlman, , Ebenezer Wiggins, D.D., Philip M. Brett, D.D., Robert C. Clark,.. Orlando Harriman , John A. Van Doren, Cornelius Wyckoff, . John H. Ackerson, . John B. Crawford, . . Anthony Elmendorf, 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 LABORED. 1837 Rochester 1840 1840 t 1854 1854 Raritan 2nd 1838 ft Borneo 1844 1844 ttAmoy, (China,) 1837 Totowa 1st 1856 1856 li 1857 1857 N. Y., Manhattan 1838 Nyack 1842 1842 li Supplied St. Thomas, W.I 1844 1844 II 1846 1846 N. Y., Mt. Pleasant. . . . 1851 1851 Tompkinsville 1839 Hurley 1840 1840 t 1838 Middlebush 1888 Northumberland 1841 1841 Rochester 1841 Columbia 1842 1842 Schaghticoke 1844 1844 II 1846 1839 Middletown Yillaffe . 1840 1840 Hui-ley 1842 1842 li 1843 1843 Hyde Park 1848 1848 Brooklyn. (Bedford.) . . . 1850 1851 North Brooklyn.. . 1849 1840 MANtJAL OF TitE REF. PEOT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. John G. Johnson, . , William S. Moore, Daniel McL. Quackenbush, John J. Quick, John B. Alliger, Jacob Bookstaver, David D, Dcmarest, D.D.,. LABORED. 1839 1839 I 1840 Glenham 1845 1845 Upper Red Hook, 1839 I 1839 Unionville 1850 1850 New Prospect 1856 1856 Unionville 1848 II 1849 1849 Warwarsinff 1851 1851 Fishkill Landing 1855 1855 II Officiating in the Chapel on Brooklyn Heights. . 1839 ! 1840 Jackson. 1843 1843 II 1845 1845 Fairfield 1848 1848 Wynantskill 1854 1854 II 1855 1855 Currytown 1856 1856 Mapletown & Currytown 1840 Clove 1843 1843 Shawangunck 1850 1851 Jamaica 1841 Minisink 1847 1847 II 1841 Flatbush, (Ulster Co.). . 1843 1843 New Brunswick 2nd . . . 1852 1852 Hudson 1840 1840 1840 MANUAL OF THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 57 NAMES. Ephraim De Puy, John L. Janeway, Robert Pitts, George Schenck, . John H. Sheffield , , John A. Staats, Wm. H. Steele, Isaac P. Stryker, Robert Van Amburgh, LABORED. 1840 1840 1840 1840 Martin L. Schenck, 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 18,41 1840 1847 1853 1854 1856 1856 1843 1850 Prattsville 1846 II 1847 Clove 1853 Mott Haven 1854 II 1856 Middleport 1856 t Montville 1850 t 1840 S. S. at Walpack 1840 Bedminster 1852 1840 1853 1857 1843 1846 1847 1840 1843 1851 1840 Plattekill 1853 Fort Plain 1857 Rocky Hill North Hempstead 1846 II Missionarv to the West 1847 Clintonville 1841 Preakness tt Borneo 1851 tt Borneo Lebanon . . 1852 1842 58 MANUAL OF THE REF. TROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Wm. Theodore Van Doren, . John Whitbeck, 1840 Francis T. Drake, Gardner Jones, Joseph Knicskern,, Alex. C. Millspaugh,. Gilbert McP. Myer, . Peter G. Randall, . . 1840 James A. H. Cornell, D.D., . . . 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 LABORED. 1842 Woodstock 1845 1845 II 1852 1852 Mott Haven 1853 1853 Ramapo 1857 1857 South Bend • 1841 Waterford 1848 1848 II 1849 1849 Arcadia 1852 1852 Caroline 1841 Westerlo 1843 1843 New Baltimore 1845 1 845 New Baltimore and Coey- mans 1848 1848 Syracuse 1851 1851 Raritan 3rd 1856 1856 II Secretary of Board of Education 1842 Wurtsboro' 1844 1844 II 1845 1845 Canastota 1853 t 1841 Berne 1842 1842 Berne and Knox 1843 1843 Berne 2nd and Knox. . . 1844 1844 II 1845 1845 St. Johnsville 1841 Middlctowu Village 1841 Cohoes 1846 1846 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 59 NAMES. Will, J. Thompson, Will. E. Turner, John Watson, S. M. Woodbridg-c, D.D., . . Cornelius J. Blauvelt, , Barnabas V. Collins, Cornelius E. Crispell, John De Witt, 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 LABORED. 1842 Ponds and Wyekoff. . 1846 1846 II Rector of Gram. School atN. B 1842 Arcadia 1848 1848 II :;; 1849 1849 Roxbury 1841 Athens 184,3 1843 II ; : : ; 1844 1844 Flatbush, (Ulster Co.).. 1845 1845 t 1841 South Brooklyn 1850 1850 Coxsackic 2nd 1852 1852 New Brunswick 2nd. . . 1857 1857 II Prof, of Eccl. Hist, and Church Government . 1842 Schraalenberdi 1858 1858 II T 1842 West Farms 1844 1844 II 1845 1845 Ponds 1842 Picrmont 1848 1848 Linlithgow 1857 1857 Schoharie 1843 Ridgcwav 1844 1844 Ghent 1st 1848 1848 Canajoharie 1849 1849 II 1850 1851 Hillsborough (Millstone) ■ 60 MANUAL OF THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. John DuBois, Eben S. Hammond, Wm. W. Hallowaj, John S. Himrod, Victor M. Hulbert, Samuel W. Mills, 1842 Elbert S. Porter, D.D. 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 LABORED. 1843 Manheim 1845 1845 Gansevoort 1850 1850 Cicero 1854 1854 Boght ■ 1842 Stone-house Plains 1844 1844 GalliipYille 1851 1851 Prattsville 1854 1854 Canajoharie 1856 1856 Columbia 1858 1858 Seceded. 1843 Amity 1849 1849 Albany 3rd 1852 1852 il 1853 1853 II Missionary at North Brooklyn; after, 1855 1855 Lee Avenue, Brooklyn . . 1842 Hillsdale 1843 1843 II 1844 1844 Claverack 2nd 1851 1851 IIS. S. South Bushwick . 1853 1853 South Bushwick 1842 Greenville 1845 1845 Yonkers 1847 1847 II 1848 1848 Flatbush, (Ulster Co.). . 1852 1852 Yonkers 1843 Bloomingburgh 1858 1858 Decrparic 1842 Chatham 1849 1849 Williamsburo-h MANUAL OF THE REF. PROf. DUTCH CHURCH. 61 NAMES. LICEXSKD ' LABORED. 1 DIED. Ab. G. Ryerson, 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 Gorham 1845 Wvckoff 1845 1849 1847 1848 1851 1853 1855 1856 1849 1850 1851 1853 1854 1851 1844 1850 1856 1844 1854 ' 1848 1 Martin Y. Schoonmaker, 1842 East New York 1849 Walden John Newton Schultz, 1843 Yanderveer 1847 II 1848 Washington, Illinois . . . 1851 II 1853 Centreville 1855 Battle Creek 1856 II Andrew B. Taylor, Ralph Willis, 1843 Grand Rapids 1849 Macon 1850 Ridgeway 1851 Macon and Ridgeway . . 1853 II ^.. ..'... 1854 English Neighborhood . . 1842 Bethlehem 1851 Freehold 1st Aaron B. Winfield, t 1844 Sand Beach 1850 Paramus,§ 1843 Ghent 2nd 1844 Southwest, Troy 1842 Wynantskill 1848 II Theodore F. Wyckoff, Jacob A. Lansing, 1856 1854 1855 Harvey D. Ganse, 1843 Freehold 2nd 1856 Northwest, N. Y., West 23rd Street 1856 62 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT, DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. George P. Van Wyck, George R. Williamson, N. DuBois Williamson, William A. Cornell, . . John Gardiner, William V. V. Mabon, David McNeisli Peter D. Oakey, C. R. Von Romondt, . . 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 LABORED. 1843 Deerpark 1852 1844 Ghent 2nd 1848 1848 Newark 2nd 1849 1849 Amity 1843 Pekiu, Illinois 1848 1848 II 1850 1850 Chatham 1851 1851 Glenville 2nd 1855 1855 Warwarsing 1844 Athens 1848 1848 Blooming Grove 1851 1851 II 1844 Harlingen 1844 II Miss, to Buffalo, N. Y. 1846 1846 New Durham 1844 Centreville, Michigan . . 1845 1845 Centreville and Constan- tino, Michigan 1846 1846 Constantino '. 1850 1850 South Bend, Indiana 1853 1853 Constantino, Michigan. . 1854 1844 Ovstor Bav 1846 1846 Brooklyn (Middle) 1850 1850 ■\ II Prof, of Modern Lan- guages in Rutgers Col- lege 1852 1854 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 63 NAMES. William J. R. Taylor, . William Thomson, . . . , Edwin y odder, A. G. Vermilye, John L. See, William Bailey, James H. Mason Knox John A. Lansing, . . . . 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 1845 1845 LABORED. 1844 New Dm-ham 1846 1846 Van Vorst 1st 1849 4849 Scheneotadv 1852 1852 Jersey Citv 3rd 1854 1854 Philadelphia 3rd 1845 Stone-house Plains 1846 1844 Little Falls 1849 1849 II S. S. at Glenville 2nd . 1850 1850 Berne 1st and Beaver Dam 1852 1852 Berne 1st 1854 1854 Middleburgh t 1847 Kiskatom 1850 1850 Uniouville 1853 1853 Unionville and Green- buro-h 1854 1854 II Missionary to Buffalo. . 1855 1855 Buffalo 1st 1847 Schodack 1855 1855 Constantino, Michigan . . 1856 1856 Constantino and Mott- ville 1851 Easton, Pennsylvania . . 1853 1853 t 1846 S. S. at Day 1847 1847 II 1848 1848 Bethlehem 2nd u MANtTAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Aaron Lloyd, William A. Miller, jTohn Minor, John Simonson, Thomas C. Strong, Goyn Talmage, , John V. N. Talmage, 1845 1845 1845 1845 Nicholas E. Smith, 1845 1845 1845 1845 LABORED. 1851 1853 1855 1856 1846 1849 1856 1845 1849 1850 1851 1857 1845 1851 1847 1852 1845 1849 1845 1851 1855 Livingston Church, N.Y. II Missionary at Hudson. White House Pekin, Illinois Glenham II Prof, of Languages, Al- bany Academy Khinebeck Ridgeway, Michigan . . . Centreviile, " Leeds West Farms . . Bethlehem 1st. Oyster Bay . . . . Brooklyn (Middle) Bloomingdale, County) . . . . Newtown . . . . , (Ulster Rockaway . . Niskayuna . . Green Point 1853 1855 1856 1849 1856 1849 1850 1851 1857 1851 1847 1852 1849 1851 1855 +t Amoy, China, MANUAL OF THE KEF. PEOT. DUTCH CHURCH. 65 NAjMES. Jacob N. Voorhees, . Jacob West, Abram Y. Wyckoff, Nathan F. Chapman, . Jacob C. Dutcher, Safrenus Seeber, Abel T. Stewart, James M. Compton, 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 LABORED. 1848 S. S. at Dav . . . . . . 1849 1849 Shokan . . .^ 1851 IMl Greenport 1855 1855 II 1857 1857 Clove 1845 Middleburgh 1852 1852 Piermont 1st 1855 1855 II 1856 1856 East Brooklyn 1846 Prattsville 1851 1851 Greenburgh 1852 1848 Missionary to Keyport . 1849 1849 Canajohafie " 1853 1853 Plattekill 1846 Owasco 1850 1850 Bergen Neck 1854 1854 Bergen Point 1857 1857 Coxsackie 1st 1846 Centreville, Michigan . . 1849 1849 Mottville 1850 1846 Greenville 1851 1851 Greenville and Bronx- ville 1852 1852 Tarrytown 1st 1847 Tvre 1849 1849 Piflfardinia 1850 1850 Kiskatom 1854 1854 Union and Jerusalem. . . 1852 1850 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DtJTCH CHITRCH. NAMES. Benjamin F. Murden, Cyril Spaulding, Paul D. Yan Cleef, George J. Yan Neste, 1846 Jerome A. Davenport,, Daniel Lord,, John H. Manning, Richard H. Steele,, Abram R. Yan Nest, C. DuBois Eltinge, . , 1846 1846 1846 Nathaniel Conklin, 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1848 LABORED. 1847 Taghanick 1850 1850 Union 1854 1854 II 1856 1846 New Rhinebeck and Co- bleskill 1849 1849 New Rhinebeck 1852 1852 Blooming Grove 1856 1856 Rotterdam 2nd 1846 Coxsackie 2nd 1849 1849 Yan Yorst 1st 1847 Boundbrook 1853 1853 Lodi II 1851 1851 Montville 1854 II Miss, to Wisconsin .... 1847 Piermont 1850 1850 Jersey City 1st 1851 1851 Warren, (or Henderson) 1856 1856 Nyack 1847 Spotts wood !... 1854 1854 South Brooklyn 1852 Nassau 1848 Twenty-first St., N. Y. 1851 Fallsburgh 1852 1852 II 1856 1856 Raritan, Illinois MANUAL OP THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. m NAMES. John W. Hammond, Philip Peltz, Samuel T. Searle, .... John Steele, Charles H. Stitt, Peter Stryker, William H. Ten Eyck John Adams Todd, . . Rutgers Van Brunt, . . Polhemus Van Wyck, 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 LABORED. 1848 Shokan ? 1849 1849 II 1850 1850 Grahamville 1852 1852 Shokan 1856 f856 Mohawk 1848 Coeymans and New Bal- timore 1851 1851 Coxsaekie 1857 1857 Totowa 1st 1848 Tiossiock 1850 1850 Saratoga 1857 1857 Leeds 1848 Lebanon 1852 1852 Coxsaekie 2nd 1848 New Paltz 1848 Raritan 3rd 1851 1851 Rhinebeck 1856 1856 Broome Street, N. Y. . . 1848 Hyde Park 1853 1853 Astoria 1848 Griggstown 1854 1854 Tarrytown 2nd II 1857 1857 Waterford 1848 Greenport 1851 1851 II 1854 1854 Northumberland 1«56 1856 West Farms 68 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. LICENSED 1849 LABORED. DIED. William A. Anderson, 1849 Peapack 1856 Fairview, Illinois 1856 Henry Eckel, 1849 1849 Sharon 1850 1853 1854 1850 Rosendale 1853 Moresville 1854 Kiskatom 1855 John Mason Ferris, 1849 1849 Tarry town 2nd 1854 Chicago 2nd 1854 Philip Phelps, Jr., 1849 1850 Greenbush and Hast- ings 1851 Hastings 1851 Theodore B. Ronieyn 1849 1849 Blawenberg II John W. Schenck, 1849 1851 1852 1855 1851 Chatham 1852 Bedford, Brooklyn, East Brooklyn 1855 Ithaca . B. F. Snyder, 1849 1850 Bloomingdale 1852 II 1855 Arcadia 1856 Schodack 1852 1855 1856 Jacob H. Van Woert, 1849 1850 1849 Breakabin 1851 North Blenheim 1852 Ghent 2nd 1851 1852 1857 J. Romeyn Berry, 1851 Syracuse 1857 Kindcrhook ' ' Henry Dater, 1850 1850 Branchville .1853 Hyde Park 1853 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 69 NAMES. Anson DuBois, James R. Lente, , Benjamin C. Lippencott, . Samuel Lockwood, J. Paschal Strong, Wesley Taylor, James E. Bernart, 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 Henry V. Voorhees, I 1850 1851 LABORED. 1851 Thousand Isles 1853 1854 Kingston 2nd t851 Warwarsing 1854 1854 II 1855 1855 Rosendale and Bloom- ingdale 1850 Hurley 1852 1852 Hurley, and S. S. North Marbletown 1850 Courtlandtown 1852 1852 Gilboa 1854 1854 Keyport 1850 East New York 1854 1854 Jersey City 3rd 1856 1856 Aquackononck, ■ 1851 Samsonville 1852 1852 North Esopus 1854 1854 II 1858 Suspended. 1851 Geneva 1854 1855 Broome Street, N. Y. . . 1856 1856 II 1857 1857 Boundbrook 1851 S. S. Upper Neversink and Brown Settlement 1854 1854 Upper Neversink 1855 1855 II 1856 1856 Miss, to Boardville 70 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. William D. Buckelew, Calvin Case, Lawrence L. Comfort, George Furbeck, .... John N. Jansen, G. H. Mandeville, . , . George Rockwell, . . . Charles Scott, Joseph Scudder, M.D., A. H. Van Vranken, . James B. Wilson, . . . . Joseph A, Collier, . . . John Gaston, Robert,D. Julien, . . . 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1852 1852 1852 LABORED. 1851 Currystown and Maple- town 1855 1855 Athens 1852 Grahamville 1853 1853 II 1855 1855 Day 1857 1857 Kiskatom 1851 Rockaway 1854 1854 New Hurley 1852 Guilford 1851 Flushing 1851 Waterloo 1854 1854 Thousand Isles 1851 Shawangunck 1851 ft Connoor, India 1851 Glen 1851 Long Branch 1852 Greenville and Bronx- ville 1855 1855 Geneva 1852 Pompton 1852 Sharon 1853 1853 II - — 1851 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT, DUTCH CHURCH, 71 NAMES. Isaac M. See, A. P. Van Gieson,. Joachim Elmendorf, , Nathan W. Jones, Joseph H. Kershow, 1853 John L. McNair, Stephen Searle, . , . . William G. E. See, Charles J. Shepherd, 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 Ezra W. Collier 1854 LABORED. 1852 Middlebiirgh 1854 1854 Mount Vemon 1^52 Catskill 1855 1855 Brooklyn 1853 Ithaca 1855 1855 Saugerties 1853 Cleveland 1854 1854 S. S. Sharon 1855 1855 II 1857 1857 Middleport 1853 Ridgeway, Michigan . . . 1855 1855 Centreviile, " ... 1853 Oyster Bay 1854 1854 Marbletown 1853 Mamakating 1853 S. S. Breakabin 1855 1855 North Blenheim, and S. S .Breakabin, and Emi- nence 1856 1856 North Blenheim. Emi- nence, and S. S. Break- abin 1853 Pompton Plains 1858 1858 Linlithgow 1854 New York, Manhattan Church 1856 1856 Freehold 2nd 72 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Gilbert Lane , William W. Letson, John Mnller, Aaron L. Stillwell, . Edward P. Terliune, John A. De Baun, . . J. Samsom Joralemon, , Edward P. Livingston . Franz M. Schneeweiss, H. F. F. Schnellendrnesder, . . Franz R. Schwedes, Ezekiel C. Scudder, , Jared W. Shudder,. , John Van Vleck,. . . 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 LABORED. 1854 Laboring in South Caro- lina, in German Re- formed Church 1857 1857 Gallupville 1855 Ghent 1st 1854 Wolcott 1856 1856 II 1854 Bergen Neck t 1855 Oyster Bay 1858 1858 Amity and Lisha's Kill. 1855 ft Amoy, China 1855 Griggstown 1858 1858 Bushnell 1855 New Brunswick 3rd, (German) 1858 1858 11 1855 Albany, (German) 1855 New York, (German) . . 1855 1855 Deposed. 1855 tt Chittoor, India. 1855 tt Arnee, India. 1855 Principal of Holland Academy, Michigan . . MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 7'3; NAMES. Cornelius L. Wells, . . Francis N. Zabriskie, E. Tanjore Corwin, . . James Demarest, Jr.,. P. M. Doolittle, J. Ferguson Harris, . . Anson F. Munn, John Henry Oerter, . . T. De Witt Talmage, . Giles Vandewall John Martin Wagner, Jacob S. WyckoflF, . . . Henry E. Decker, . . . John McC. Holmes, . , James Le Fevre, Josiah Markle, 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1857 LABORED. 1855 Niskayuna and Lisha's Kill 1858 1858 Jersey City 3rd 1856 N.Y., Livingston Church 1857 Paramus 1856 Hackensack 2nd 1856 North Branch 1856 Cold Spring 1857 1858 Pompton Plains 1856 East New York 1856 Warren, (German) 1858 1858 Seventh Av. (Ger.) N.Y. 1856 Belleville 1856 East Millstone 1858 1858 Missionary in West, &c. 1856 Silver Creek, Illinois. . . 1856 Colt's Neck 1857 New Concord 1857 East Williamsburgh . . . 1857 Raritan 3rd 1857 t 1858 1858 Samsonville 10 74 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. J. Howard Suydam,. Henry P. Thompson Wm. T. Enyard, . . . John S. Lott, John C. Lowe,. ... Joseph Mayou, .... Alex. McKelvey, . . , Jacob F. Neef, Alvin Ostrom, .... Daniel Rapalje, .... F. W. A. Riedel, . . Jeremiah Searle, . . . Robert G. Strong, . John B. Thompson, Aug. F. Todd, .... 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 LABORED. 1857 Fishkill Landing 1857 Peapack 1858 Mott Haven tt India 1858 Irvington 1858 Plainfield and Warren, (German.) 1858 ft Cliina 1858 ft China 1858 Bloomiugburgh 1858 Athens, Pennsylvania . MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 75 MINISTERS WHO HAVE ENTERED FROM OTHER DENOMINATIONS. NAMES. ENTERED. LABORED. DIED. William Linn, D.D 1784 1792 1792 1793 1793 1794 1796 1784 New York 1804 Albany 1806 II 1804 1806 1808 Peter Van Vlierden, 1792 Caatsban 179- Saiigerties 1802 Suspended 1793 Schaghticoke and Still- water 1807 Florida 182- Broome, Blenheim, and Windham 1827 Broome 179- 1802 1807 182- 1827 1836 1837 1800 1811 1817 Winslow Paige, 1804 D. C. A. Peck, 1836 Gilboa 1793 Stone Arabia 1800 Suspended 1793 New Brunswick 1794 New Shannock and Har- lingen 1817 II ...' Ira Condict, D.D., William R. Smith, 1802 1811 1820 Thomas Kirby, 1796 Staten Island 1800 Te MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. William Manley, Robert McDowell, Thomas G. Smith, Peter Will, Thomas Kyle, JolmM. Bradford, Selah S. Woodhull, D.D., Alexander Gunn, J. G. Force, I. H. Dreyer, 17— 1798 1799 1802 1804 1805 1806 1809 1810 1812 LABORED. 17 — Susquehannah River ... 1797 1797 Courtlandtown and Peekskill 1805 1798 Bay of Caute, (Canada) 18— 18 — Adolpliustown, Ernest- town, and Fredericks- burgh, (Canada) 1820 1799 Kleyn Esopus, Bloom- ingdale, and Hurley . 1808 1808 Tarry town 1822 1822 Tarry town and Union- ville 1827 1827 Tarrytown 1802 German Ref., N. Y 1802 1802 Returned to Europe. 1804 Salt River, Kentucky. 1805 Albany 1820 1820 Suspended 1822 1822 RestoredW 1806 Brooklyn 1825 1825 Prof. Eccl. History 1809 Bloomingdale, N. Y.. . , 1830 1810 Walpeck 1812 1812 Hard wick and Walpeck 1826 1826 11 1812 German Ref., N. Y 1814 1814 11 1822 1805 1836 1827 1826 1830 MANUAL OF THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 77 NAMES. William McMurray, Philip Milledollar, , John J. Wall, . John Gosman, Jesse Fonda, John P, Spinner, ' J. M. Matthews, D.D., . . . John De Witt, 1812 1813 1803 1808 1809 1813 1813 LABORED. 1812 1820 1822 1813 1825 1841 Rhinebeck Flatts II Market Street, N. Y.. .. New York New Brunswick. Also Prof, of Theology . . . 1820 1822 1835 1825 1841 1803 Stone Arabia, (German). 1808 1811 1835 1836 1838 1841 1853 1809 1815 1815 1812 1835 1813 1835 1840 1813 1815 1823 Kingston and Hurley . . Kingston Philadelphia t Hudson Flatbush, (Ulster Co.) Nassau and Schodack New Brunswick Montgomery German Flatts and Her- kimer German Flatts Garden Street, N. Y. . . University Place, N. Y. Albany Albany 2nd Prof. 'EccI. Hist., New Brunswick 1811 1835 1836 1838 1841 1853 1815 1815 1826 1835 1848 1835 1840 1815 1823 1852 1827 1848 1831 1 Came from Church of Rome. 78 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. John H. Carle, Jacob T. Field, John J. Wack, , Paschal N. Strong, D.D. John Knox, D.D., David Parker, T. M. Strong, D.D., Robert McLean, . . . , William S. Heyer,. Mark Jordan, (colored) JohnScudder, D.D.,' . John *Ev Miller, 1814 IS- IS— 1816 1816 1818 1822 1822 1823 1823 1823 1824 LABORED. 1814 1824 1825 1848 1814 1828 1814 Marblctown, Hurley, and Ashokau Marbleto wn and Ashokan t Mapletown and Currys- town Pompton Totowa 2nd Fort Plain and Stone Arabia 1824 1825 1848 1851 1827 1832 1818 1816 New York 1816 Collegiate Church, New York 1818 1822 Philadelphia 2nd . Rhinebeck Flatts, 1822 Flatbush 1824 1826 1823 1852 1823 1829 1823 18— Broome Street, N. Y. Returned to Scotland. Fishkill Landing . . . . 1821 1826 1826 1852 African Church, N. Y. . 1829 Withdi'ew. India, (Cevlon) 18— India, (Arcot) 1855 1826 1858 1824 Tompkinsville 1847 1855 ij 1847 1 Went out as a Missionary ia 1819. Returaecl, aad was liciusjd aad ordained iu 1823. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 79 NAMES. ENTERED. LABORED. DIED. Garret Mandeville, 182i 1824 Beach Woods 1826 Berkshire Valley 1828 Six Mile Creek 1831 18a.l II 1850 1825 1850 § 1853 J. B. Steele, 1825 Boffht 1883 Middlebura-h 1833 1838 1839 Helderburgh 1845 II 1845 1851 1851 Courtlandtown 1858 1858 11 Jeremiah Searle, 1825 1825 Rotterdam 1st and 2ud. 1827 Coxsackie 1827 1852 1852 II Missionary to Keyport 1853 Fallsburgh 1853 H. Van Keuren, 1825 1825 1825 Salem and Jerusalem. 1825 Spottswood 1833 Henry L. Rice, William C. Brownlee, D.D 1826 1826 Collegiate Church, N.Y. 1848 § 1848 Ebenezer Mason, 1826 1826 Brooklyn 1827 J. G. Oo-ilvie 1827 1827 Montville 1828 II 1828 1829 1829 Fairfield 1832 James Otterson, 1827 1827 Oyster Bay and Xorth Hempstead 1835 Freehold 1835 1838 1838 II 1840 1840 Rockaway 1845 80 MANUAL OP THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NA]\IES. Samuel B. How, D.D., R. C. Shimeall, James H. Teller, Alexander Denham, . . Isaac S. De Mund, . . . George W. Bethune, D.D., , Joshua Boyd, . William Boyce, John Cornell,' 1828 1828 1826 1828 1828 1828 1828 1829 1829 LABORED. 1828 il Miss, at New York. 1833 New Brunswick 1st. 1828 II 1829 New Prospect 1826 Ludlow Street, (after. , 1828 Orchard Street,) N. Y, 1828 II 1828 Walpeck 1829 II 1830 Pompton 1839 Houston Street, N. Y. 1848 Yonkers 1849 Belleville 1855 t 1828 Rhinebeck 1831 Utica 1834 Philadelphia 1st 1836 Philadelphia 3rd 1849 II 1851 Brooklyn Heights . . . . 1828 Rotterdam 1st and 2nd. 1836 Rotterdam 2nd 1840 Middlcburgh 1842 Germantown 1850 II 1829 II 1831 Woodstock 1836 II 1829 1829 1831 1828 1830 1830 1829 1830 1839 1848 1849 1855 1830 1834 1836 1849 1851 1836 1840 1842 1850 1831 1836 1853 1835 1830 1853 1835 1 Studied under Livingston. MANUAL OF THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 8i NAMES. John Mulligan, . , A. New Horn . , . John W. Ames, , H. Mair, Charles Knouse, , A. 0. Halsey,. . . W. Cahoon, Jr., E. Roosa, H. P. Stirapson, H. M. Boyd,... R. Y. Dey, 1829 1829 1829 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 LABORED. 1829 II 1829 Caughnawaga 1830 1829 II 1829 Northumberland. 1830 1833 1830 Manhattan Church, New- York City 1833 1830 1833 1834 1846 1830 1830 1833 1830 1833 1835 1841 1830 1831 North and South Hamp- ton Hyde Park Coxsackie 2nd Fordham Ashokan . Windham Saratoga . . . . II _ . . . . Schafchticoke Vandewater Street, New York Citv 1833 1834 1846 1848 1833 1833 1845 1833 1835 1841 1846 1831 1841 1848 1850 1846 11 h MANUAL OF THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAJNIES. ENTERED. LABORED. ■ DIED. N. Bogardus, 1 1830 1831 1831 1 1831 1831 1830 Helderbergh 1833 Fort Plain 1834 1! 1833 1834 1837 1841 1846 1848 1849 1850 1852 1856 1841 1843 1849 1853 1856 1833 1839 1840 1841 1845 1852 1832 1833 1836 1838 1840 1837 Woodstock 1841 II 1846 Sharon 1848 II 1849 Westerlo 1850 II . 1852 Gallupville 1856 II S. A. Bumstead, 1831 Manayuuk, Pa 1841 II 1843 t 1849 Roxborough 1853 II 1856 Spring Lake 1831 Glen 1833 Amity 1839 Westerlo 1840 II 1841 Sharon 1845 II 1 A. B. Chittenden, 1 1852 J. W. Honger, 1831 Warren 1832 Mapletown 1833 Mapletown and Currys town 1836 Mount Pleasant, N. Y. . 1838 Red Hook 1831 New Church, Herkimer. Henry Snyder, MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 83 NAMES. J. Hammond, Robert Kirkwood, Alex. McClellaud, D.D.,.. William Salisbury, John Gray, Isaac Garvin, William H. Campbell, D.D 1831 J. Laing, , 1829 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 LA130KE u. DIED 1831 Owasco 1839 II 1839 1842 1845 1847 1850 1836 1838 , 1851 1 842 Mount Morris . 1845 II 1847 Gorham 1850 II 1856 § 1833 Courtlandtown 1837 Sand Beach . . . 1838 II 1832 Prof, of Orien New Brunswi ]851 II tal Lit. ck 1832 Blenheim 1834 1832 II 1834 1834 Fallsburo-h 1835 1835 Schodack 1846 1847 Cohoes 1849 1849 Ghent 1st 1855 1856 Cicero 1857 1857 II II 1832 Chittcnanffo 1833 1833 II Prin. Erasmus Hall. . . 1839 1839 East Ncav York 1841 1841 Albany 3rd 1848 1848 II Prin.' Albany Academy 1851 1851 Prof. Oriental Lit. at Ne^v Bruns^vick 1832 Argyle 1833 84 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. George Bourne, . . James B. Ambler, D. R. Thompson, . L. R. Lockwood, . John W. Ward, . . Thos. B. Gregory, F. F. Cornell,. .. R. Kirkland, .... Thomas Edwards, E. Van Aken,. . . 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 LABORED. 1833 11 1845 1833 II 1845 1833 Fort Miller 1833 1833 Princetown 1833 1833 II 1833 New Prospect 1836 1836 II 1839 1839 Warwarsing 1841 1841 Red Hook 1845 1845 II 1849 1849 Green Point 1853 1853 II 1834 S. S. Canastota 1836 1836 Prattsville 1841 1841 Oyster Bay 1844 1844 Grahamville 1848 1848 II 1850 1850 Hoboken, (Miss.) 1854 1854 II 1855 1855 Huguenots, S. I 1833 Montville 1836 1836 Manhattan Cliurch, New York City 1856 1856 -t II 1833 S. S. Wurtsboro 1834 1834 Coeymans 1834 1834 Kinderhook 1835 1835 Bloomino-dale 1845 MANUAL or THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 85 NAMES. ENTERED. LABORED. DIED. Joseph Parry, 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1834 Fort Miller 1837 1837 II Asahel Bronson, 18-34 Wvnantskill 1836 1836 Fairfield 1838 1838 Easton, N. Y 1839 1840 Amity 1842 1834 Jackson 1836 1836 II 1837 J. W. Stewart, Cornelius Brower, Mancius S. Hutton, D.D., .... Amzi Babbit, 1837 Warwick 1842 1834 II 1835 South Church, New York City 1837 1837 Washington Square, New York 1835 Philadelphia 2nd 1836 1836 II 1845 1835 Northumberland 1836 1836 Northumberland and Schuylerville, (now Saratoga) 1839 1839 Twenty-first Street, New York 1848 1848 II Sec. Seamen's Friend Society 1858 1835 S. S. at Columbia and Warren 1835 1845 E. H. May, 1845 Hugh. Hawthorne, 1858 D. D. Noe, 86 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. ENTERED. LABORED. DIED. Thomas Frazer, 1835 1835 1835 1835 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 : 1836 t 1836 1835 II . .. . 1836 William Familton, 1836 Helderbergh 1838 II 1840 Cm-rystown 1835 II , 1835 Gibbonsville 1836 II 1840 Fort Miller 1835 Lysander 1836 Staten Island 1838 1840 1843 1836 1836 .... 1840 1845 .... 183- John Wood, M. B. Williams, 1845 James Brownlee, John Robb, 1836 North Hempstead. 1837 il 1836 Albany 1st 1839 Collegiate Cluirch, York 1837 .... 1845 .... 1839 New Thomas E. Vermilye, D.D., . . . . J. C. F. Hoes, D.D., Ambrose Eggleston, 1836 Chitteuango 1837 Ithaca 1845 II 1847 Kingston 1836 Fallsbm-gh 1837 II 1843 Breakabin 1845 II 1836 Walpack 1839 II 1836 Jamesville, N. Y. .... 1837 .... 1845 .... 1847 .... 1837 .... 1843 .... 1845 .... 1839 .... 1841 J. B. Hyndshaw, E. Evans, MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 8T NAMES. William Pitcher, Benj. Van Zandt, . Samuel Robertson, John P. Pepper,, S. Bunnell, . John Moule, John M. Macauly, Michael Osborne,. J. Woods, . John Nott, 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 LABORED. 1837 Jackson 1830 1839 Boght 1854 1854 Branchville 1837 Union Village 1842 1842 Kinderhook 1852 1852 Nyack 1855 1855 II Rockland Institute 1858 1858 t 1837 Canajoharie 1838 1838 II 1839 1839 Schoharie 1843 1843 S. S. Westerlo 1844 1844 Westerlo 1848 1837 Fort Plain 1840 1840 II 1841 1841 Warren, N. Y 1845 1845 II 1837 Glenvillelst 1838 1838 Unionville 1839 1839 II 1841 1838 South Dutch, N. Y 1838 Schraalenbergli 1841 1841 t 1838 Montville 1838 1838 II 1841 1841 Rotterdam 2nd 1854 1838 88 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. EXTERED. R. W. Kniglit, , Wm. Evans, J. S. Ebaugh, J. Rudy, James K. Campbell Wm. Lochcad, . . . . Charles Jukes, S. Harlow, 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 LABORED. DIED. 1838 Clove 1838 1838 Roxbury, N. Y 1841 1841 II 1845 1845 Cato 1846 1846 Cato and Lysander .... 1847 1847 Cato 1851 1851 Woolcot 1852 1852 1838 II 1839 II 1839 Owasco 1846 1846 II 1848 1839 1844 II 1844 Ger. Reformed Church, N. Y 1851 1 1851 11 1855 1 1855 Ger. Reformed Church, N. Y., (4th.) II 1841 1841 1839 North Branch 1854 1839 Cohoes and Waterford . 1840 1840 New Rhinebeck and Co- bleskill 1843 1843 Cobleskill 1844 1839 Glen 1840 ; 1840 Glen and Auriesvillc. . . 1844 1844 Stone Arabia 1850 1850 1839 Rotterdam 1st 1848 Shokan 1848 1852 II 1852 1858 Sampsonville 1858 § MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 89 NAMES. ENTERED. 1839 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 LABORED. DIED. S. B. Avres, 1839 Minisink 1840 II 1841 Ellenville ljS53 Vanderveer 1840 1841 1853 1849 1852 1853 1841 1848 1852 1854 J ' W. H. Van Doren, 1840 WilliamsLurgh 1849 II 1852 Piermont 2nd 1853 II C. C. Van Arsdale, 1840 11 1841 Philadelphia 1st 1848 II 1852 Greenwich, (Bleecker St.)N. Y 1854 11 1856 Horace Doolittle, 1840 Pompton 1851 Mount Pleasant, (now Stanton) 1840 Montville 1843 Griggstown 1847 II ■ 1851 1843 1847 1848 1855 1851 1853 1843 1848 1854 1855 . 1856 Jeremiah S. Lord, Reuben Porter, William Ino'alls 1848 Harlem 1840 II 1840 Glenville 1st 1851 II 1853 Owasco J. Middlenias, 1840 Blooming Grove 1843 II 1848 S. S. at Salem and Berne 2nd 1854 Salem 1855 II 12 90 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Jared L. Starks, , William Gray, James Abell, . . J. Morse, ' . . . John Beattie, C. Brown,- David A. Jones,, 1840 LABORED. TaltDot tV. Chambers, D.D.,. . 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 Bowman's Creek, (now Buel,) 1842 S. S. at Columbia and Mohawk 1843 Mohawk and German Flatts, and S. S. at Frankfort 1844 Mohawk and Frankfort. 1846 Mohawk 1852 Fort Herkimer 1857 II 1840 Tyre * 1840 Cliittenango 1854 II 1856 Waterloo . . 1857 II 1840 S. S. at Sand Beach , 1840 Supply at Buffalo 1842 Buffalo 1844 II 1840 Saratoga 1843 II 1844 Easton ;. 1847 Union 1850 Constantino 1853 Minisiuk 1858 Grahainville and Upper Ncversink 1840 Somerville 2nd ' 1849 Colleiriate Church, New York Citv 1842 1843 1844 1846 1852 1857 1845 1854 1856 1857 1840 1842 1844 1843 1844 1847 1850 1853 1858 1849 1 Not in our Cominuuion, but employed as S. S. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. n NAMES. Cornelius Van Santvoord, James Buckham, Alexander H. Bishop, .... David Dyer, . Wm. Knight, J. G. Moule. . J. Birkby, . . . John M. Van Beuren, Cornelius Gates, George G. Sill, . . , Duncan Kennedy, 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 LABORED. 1840 Saugerties 1854 II 1855 Union Village Iii58 11 .. 1854 .. 1855 .. 1858 II .. 1853 1841 Astoria , 1852 II .. 1852 . . 1853 1841 S. S. Fultonville 1842 Fultonville .. 1842 .. 1843 1841 S. S. Moresville .. 1842 1842 1841 1843 1841 1842 1843 1852 1841 1842 1850 1857 1842 1849 1842 1855 Gansevoort Cohoes II Fultonville .« New Lotts Wyuantskill Caroline II Woolcott Copperas, (Brunswick, Illinois,) Albanv t 1847 1843 1842 1843 1852 1842 1850 1857 1849 1855 1853 92 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. ENTERED. LABORED. DIED. Wm. P. Davies, 1842 1842 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1842 II 1843 Princeton, N. Y 1847 Hclderbergh 1851 Coeymans and New Bal- timore 1855 II 1843 1847 1851 1855 1857 1849 1856 1845 1850 1852 1853 1855 1856 1854 1851 1852 1858 1852 1858 1 A. B. Van Zandt, 1857 Helderbergh 1842 Newburgh 1849 t 1856 Central, 9th St., N. Y.. 1843 Ger. Evan. M. Church, New York 1843 Spottswood ■ 1845 Leeds 1850 II 1852 Athens 1853 II J. C. Guldin, Wm. R. S. Betts John Proudfit, D.D., I. G. Duryee, , , 1855 Grahamvillo 1856 Shokan and Shandaken. 1843 II Professor of Latin and Greek Literature in Rutgers College 1854 Prof. Greek Literature. 1843 Fallsburgh 1851 Glenham 1852 Schenectady 2nd 1858 II S. C. Hagaraan, 1843 Nyack 1852 Poughkecpsie 2nd 1843 Newark 1st James Scott, D.D., 1858 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 93 NAMES. John L. Chapman, A. B. Crocker, . . . E. 0. Dunning,. . . Wm. Clark, David Murdock, D.D., A. W. Seely, A.W. Rand, James Donald, James McFarlane, Henry M. Scudder, D.D., Wm. Lyall, L. H. Van Dyck, 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 J. V. Vandervolgen, 1844 1844 1844 1844 LABORED. 1843 Clintonville lS49 1849 llPrin. Home Institute. . 1^3 Glenville 2nd 1847 1843 Canajoharie 1844 1844 II 1849 1843 S. S. Buel 1844 1843 Catskill...., 1851 1843 Cicero 1844 1843 Canastota 1844 1844 Mariaville 1850 1850 II 1853 1844 Blooming-dale and Ro- sendale 1845 1845 Canajoharie 1848 1848 English Neighborhood . 1854 1854 Esopus 1844 tt Vcllore, India ...... 1844 Kiskatom 1847 1847 II 1851 1851 Taghkauic 1844 Gilboa 1852 1852 Helderbergh 1856 1856 Blooming Grove 1844 II 1850 1850 M MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Henry Morris, . . E. Newton, H. Slawson, C. G-. McLean, . . , . George Kerr, .... D. B. Hall, C. H. Chester, . . . B. R. Hall, C. S. Mead, J. V.Henry, , C. Wiley, J. Neander, 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 LABORED. 1844 Union Village . , 1847 1847 II 1851 1851 II S. S. Easton, N. Y 1852 1852 Easton 1855 1855 II 1856 1856 Cuddebackville 1844 S. S. Easton, N. Y. 1844 Northumberland 1852 1852 Deerpark 1857 1857 II 1844 Fort Plain 1851 1845 Conesville 1846 1846 II 1851 1845 II S. S. Columbia 1850 1850 Cleveland 1853 1853 IIS. S. New Rhinebeck and Cobleskill 1855 1855 II 1845 Saratoga 1849 1846 II 1846 Rotterdam 1st 1849 1849 Herkimer 1846 Ithaca 1849 1849 II 1854 1854 t 1846 Utica 1854 1847 Missionary to the Jews. 1848 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 95 NAMES. M. N. McLaren, Garret L. Roof, Alex. R. Thompson, A. B. Van Thuysen, Uriah Marvin, Stebbins, A. Gulick, , J. Rosencrants, C. A. Evans,. . . Frederick Steins,, Alex. Dickson, . . . 1847 1847 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1849 LABORED. 1847 Brooklvn, Central 1850 1850 Newburgh 1^47 Auriesville 1850 1850 Port Jackson . » 1854 1854 Southwest Troy 1848 Tompkinsville 1851 1851 Stapleton 1848 Union Village 1855 1855 II 1856 1856 Greenwich, (Amos St., N. Y.) 1858 1858 il 1848 S. S. Fort Miller. 1848 Woodstock 1853 1853 West Hurley 1849 S. S. Princetown 1850 1849 Moresville and Roxbury 1850 1850 Moresville 1853 1853 Clove 1856 1856 South Bend 1857 1857 Jeiferson 1849 Missionarv 2nd German Church^ X. Y. City. 1849 Waterford 1851 1851 II 1853 1853 Albany 3rd 96 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. John Smith, Francis M. Serenbets, E. G. Little, Elijah R. Craven, J. M. Bruen, F. A. Lehlback, . . A. A. Willets, . . . H. G. Livingston, W. L. James, . , . . C. N. Waldron, . Geo. McCartney, 1849 1849 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 LABORED. H. W. Smuller, 1850 W. J. Bradford, 1850 D.M.Seward,.- 1851 1850 1850 1849 II 1849 Newark 3rd 1850 1850 II .... . 1851 1851 New Brunswick 3rd ... 1854 1854 II 1849 Manayunk 1850 1850 Somerville 2nd 1854 1854 t 1850 Clintonville 1852 1852 11 1850 Newark 3rd 1850 Philadelphia' 1st 1850 Philadelphia 3M 1854 1850 Day 1852 1852 II 1854 1854 Columbia 1855 185G Woodstock 1850 Kingston 2nd 1853 1850 Lvsander 1855 1855 IL 1850 Cohoes 1850 Rensselaer 1857 1857 Northumberland and Gansevoort 1851 Yonkers 1852 MANUAL OF THE EEP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. n NAMES. J. A. Cary, John Wiseman, . . N. P. Pierce, C. H. A. Bnlkley, W. W. Scudder,. . C. M. Jameson, . . J. B. Shaw, J. A. M. La Tourette, Charles D. Buck, 185^ Joseph McKee, J. F. Berg, P. H. Bnrghardt, W. P. Doe, Samuel R. Brown, 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1852 1852 1852 A. K. Kasse,*, 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 LABORED. 1851 West R. D.,N.Y. City. 1851 1851 S. S. Stone-house Plains. 1852 1851 North Gowanus 1851 Ithaca 1862 1851 ft Chittoor, India 1852 Mount Pleasant, (New York City,) 1852 Tiossiock 1852 Westfield, S. I., (now Huguenots) 1854 1854 t 1852 Peekskill 1852 West R. D., N. Y. City, (6th Avenue,) 1858 1858 II 1852 Philadelphia 2nd 1852 West Farms 1855 1855 Glenville 1st 1852 S. S. Gansevoort 1853 1852 Sand Beach, now Owasco Outlet 1852 Pultneyville 13 98 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. R. Smit*... M. A. Ypma * . . . . C. Vandermeulen * A. C. Van Raalte * S. Bolks * H. G. Kleyn * .... Alex. W. McClure, D.D., . Hollis Read, J. T. M. Davie, J. M. Rowland, J. B. Madoulet, J. N. Zurclier,* 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 LABORED. 1852 Drenthe. 1852 Vriesland 1853 Graafschap 1854 High and Low Prairie. 1852 Zeeland 1853 1854 1852 Holland, 1852 Overvssel . . . . 1853 Grand Haven. 1855 Milwaukie. . . . 1852 Milwaukie, Franklin, and Milwaukie 1853 Milwaukie 1854 Grand Rapids 1856 II 1857 Kalamazoo 1852 Jersey City 1855 II Cor. Sec. Am. and For. Church Union 1853 Flatlands 1853 South Brooklyn . . . 1853 Burlington, Hlinois 1853 S. S. Silver Creek . 1853 1855 1853 1854 1856 1857 1855 i 1855 1853 1855 1853 1853 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 99 NAMES. W. Wolff, J. W. Dunne wald,. F. P. Beidlcr, E. R. Atwater, A. Birkey, . . . . , Theodore L. Cuyler, C. Dickhaut, C. H. Edgar, 1854 J. Hones, L. Molm, J. P. Pfister, 1853 1853 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 T. R. G. Peck, 1854 1854 1854 1854 LABORED. 1853 II S. S. Jeffersonville . . . . 1854 1854 II 1856 1856 Naumbergh and New ■^' Bremen 1853 Clymer 1854 South Bend 1855 1855 Ridgeway 1856 1856 Macon 1854 II 1854 2nd German Ref. Dutch Church, N. Y. City.. 1854 Market Street, N.Y... . 1854 3rd German Ref. Dutch Church, N. Y. City.. 1854 1854 Ger., New Brooklyn.. . . 1856 1856 Ger., New Brooklyn, and Newtown 2nd 1854 Easton, Pennsylvania .. . 1854 Jeffersonville 1858 1858 Missionary New Bruns- wick 3rd 1854 German, North Bergen. 1856 1856 German, Hoboken 1854 II 1856 1856 S. S. Ellcnville 2nd .... Ih57 1857 Ellenville 2nd 1854 Richmond, S. I. 100 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. J. H. Seelye, P. S. Talmage, E. E. McGregor, H. Bielfield, Charles Parker, Ernst Schroepfer, A. Vandewater, . , J. H. Pettingill, . Z. Weissgotten, . , R. B. Welsh,. ... E. W. Bentley, "Wm, Johns, . . . W. C.Wust,.., W. Gardeneir, 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 LABORED. 1854 Schenectady 1858 1858 II 1854 Stone-house Plains, and 1857 S. S. also at Franklin . . 1855 Livingston Church, New York City 1855 1855 t Since Deposed. j 1855 German Pef., Harlem, N. Y. City 1855 1855 II 1855 Hoboken 1857 1857 Bergen Point 1855 Melrose (German) 1855 Spottswood II 1856 II 1855 Gilboa 1856 1856 11 1857 1857 Catskill 1855 Ellenville 1855 Prattsville 1855 Buffalo (Hoi.) 1856 1856 Rochester 1855 Kalamazoo 1855 i 1855 MANUAL OF THE REF. PEOT. DUTCH CHURCH. IQl NAMES. R. Vander Schuiir * C. Kuss, 0. Bronson, C. Yates, Frederick L. King, , Wm. Fulton, James Bolton, H. B. Gardiner, . . . John Clancy, W. F. Schwilk, . . . . S. P. M. Hastings,. C. Doeppenschmidt, N.J. Oggel, Wm. A. Benedict, . John Boehrer, .... J. Lansinsr Pearce, . 1855 1855 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 LABORED. 1855 Holland 1856, 1856 Oostburgh t8-55 Sandusky City 1856 1856 11 1855 Kinderhook 1857 1857 II 1855 Port Jackson 1856 1856 Hudson City, N. J 1857 1857 II 1856 Manayunk 1856 Fordham 1856 Coeymans and New Bal- timore 1856 Florida 1856 Schenectady 3rd 1856 Chittenango 1856 Jersey City 4th, (Ger.) . 1856 Grand Haven, Michigan 1856 Gilboa 1858 1858 II 1856 West Leyden 1856 Hagaman's Mills 102 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. E. P. Rogers, D.D...... Samuel Dyer, H. A. Friedel, W. G. Hasleborth, W. "Van Lieuwen, ...... A. G. Morse, A. D. Lawrence Jewett, De Rooy, David H. Riddle, D.D.,. Calvin Selden, Oliver J. Cobb, Smith Sturges, W. Hamilton, Washington Roosevelt, . Alex. Watson, H. W. Finch, Elisha W. Bates, Charles Becker, 1856 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 LABORED. 1856 Albany 1st 1856 Westerlo 1856 Ger. Ref. Dutch Church 3rd, N. Y. City II 1857 Holland 1857 IIS. S. Cato 1857 Piermout 1857 Paterson (Hoi.) 1857 Jersey City 1857 Jersey City 3rd 1857 1857 il 1857 Hopewell 1857 White House 1857 New Prospect 1857 Bronxville 1857 S. S. Greenport 1857 Gilboa 1857 North Hobokcu and Hackensack 3rd (Ger.) MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 103 NAMES. H. J. Brown, Charles E. Conrad, 1857 1858 Hugh N. Wilson, 1858 George M. McEkron, F. Zastera, ' A. G. Lansing, G. J. Xykerk,** .... A. Zweemer,** H. Stobbelaar,** . . . , C. Collins, Jr., David Cole, 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 R. B. Campfield, ! 1858 LABORED. 1858 Battle Creek 1858 Quincey 1858 New Brunswick 2nd . . . . 1858 Poughkeepsie 1st 1858 Salem and Clarksville. . 1858 Overyssel 1858 Yriesland 1858 Alto II 1858 East Millstone 11 Sec. Sun. School Union. 1 From the Church of Rome. 104 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS SENIORS. MIDDLES. JUNIORS. J. Chamberlain, Jr., Jacob Baay, T. Romeyn Beck, Hasbrouck Du Bois, Jas. H. Ballagh, Aug. Blauvelt, Philip Furbeck, Philip Berry, Peres B. Bonney, Maurice G. Hansen, Isaac Collier, Henry Anson Buttz, James Huyssoon, Albert V. Gulick, John B. Drury, Josiah Jansen, H. W. F. Jones, C. B. Durand, A. W. Knowlton, Leonard W. Kip, Jr., Isaac L. Kip, Henry Ray Lott, M.D., Edward Miller, Josephus D. Krum, Charles D. Nott, George H. Peek, William H. Millar, M. B. Riddle, Robert R. Proudfit, R. Pieters, William A. Shaw, L. Courtland Rogers, Alex. Proudfit, C. G. Vanderveer, John Scudder, R. M. Stanbrough, Edward M. Weiss, Thos. A. Talmage, M. Swick, Henry Schiebe. ' John E. Watkins, Abraliam Thompson, Dennis Wortman, Jr. Jacob Van Der Meulen, Chris. Van Der Veen, F. V. Van Vranken, • Henry Vehslage, Jr., Thomas G. Watson, P. Q. Wilson, William A. Wurts. 1 Deceased. ORGANIZATION OP ECCLESIASTICAL BODIES, &c. aE:NrBRA.L da.tes. The Dutch Church planted at New Amsterdam 1619 ' First Convention in America of Ministers in favor of Independent Organ- ization, = 1737 Formal Organization of the Coetus 1747 Formal Organization of the Conferentie, 1755 Articles of Union between the two, 1771 Organization of General Synod, ^ 1771 Organization of the Five Original Classes, viz., New York, Kingston, Albany, New Brunswick, and Hackensack, 1772 First English Preaching, l'^64 English adopted as the Language of the Church, ■^I^^ Theological Seminary organized 1 < 84 First Board of Superintendents, 1807 Removal of the Seminary to New Brunswick, 1810 Articles of Correspondence between the Presbyterian, Associate Reformed, and Dutch Churches 1^85 Constitution of the Dutch Church in North America, 1792 Organization of a Particular Synod (for the whole Church,)* 1794 " of New York, 1800 " of Albanv, 1800 " of Chicago, 1856 1 The Confession of Faith drawn up by Guido de Bros, a Belgian, and hence called the Belgic Confession, in 15.59. The Heidleberg Catechism composed (mostly by Dr. Ursinus) 1563. 2 Their names were— G. Du Bois, B. Freeman, C. Van Santvoord. J. T. Frelinghuysen, R. Enckson, A. Curtenius, J. Bohm, G. Haeghoort, P. Strvker. — See Ccettis Minutes, p. 2. 3 See Note B. The names Synods aii'd Classes were not used till sometime after this, although the Gen- eral and Particular bodies, as they were called, exercised the same powers. ♦ The General Synod, after the organization of this Partioular Synod, met only once in three years. 14 106 MANUAL OP THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. ORGANIZATION OF CLASSES. Albany 1772 Arcot, (India,) 1854 Bergen 1800 Cayuga 1826 Geneva 1852 Green 1834 Hackensack^ 1772 Holland 1851 Hudson 1845 Illiuois 1841 Kingston' 1772 Kingston 1856 Long Island * 1813 Michigan 1841 Monmouth 1854 Montgomery 1800 New Brunswick 1772 New York 1772 North Classis of Long Island. . . 1843 Orange 1832 Paramus 1800 Passaic 1839 Philadelphia 1814 Poughkeepsie 1800 Rensselaer 1800 Saratoga ^ 1857 Schenectady 1826 Schoharie 1826 South Classis of Long Island. . . 1843 " New York .... 1828 Ulster 1800 Washington 1818 Watervliet 1845 Westchester 1852 Wisconsin 1855 1 The extinct in italic. 2 Became extinct in 1800, by the formation from it of the Classes of Bergen and Paramus. 3 Became extinct in 1800, by the formation from it of the Glaj^ses of PouKhkeepsie and Ulster. 4 Became extinct in 1843, by the formation from it of the North and South Classes of Long Island. 6 Formed by the union of the Classes ol' Washington and Watervliet, which thereby became extiuct in 1857. MANUAL OF THE EEP, PROT. DUTCH CHUECH. 107 ORGANIZATION OF CHURCHES. NAMES. Albany, "" see Rensselaerwyck and Beverioyck , Albany, {Ger.)'^ . Albany 2ud, . . . . Albany 3rd, . . . . Albany, ^( Hoi.). . Albany, ( Ger. ) . . Allegan, Alton, Amersfort, ™ now Flatlands, . . . . Amity, see Clifton Park, . Amsterdum, now Hagamans, . . . Angelica, . Aquackononck,"" Arcadia, -^^gyh Ashokan, now Shokan, Astoria, Asquach '. . Athens. N. Y., .. Athens, Pa., .... Aurelius, 17— 1804 1694 1835 1809 17— 1839 18— 1826 1858 1813 Auriesville, | 1839 17— 1815 1834 1855 1855 1843 1854 1654 1806 DATE. RgFERENCES TO THE RESPECTIVE PASTORS. a 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 25, 36, 75, 76, 77, 86, 91, 102. > ' - » 35, 39, 77. 46, 60, 83, 95. 103. 27, 46, 47, 50, 60, 62, 72, 82, 85. 26,40. t 23. 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 28, 34, 40, 45, 69. 58, 59, 68. 34, 83. 67, 91. 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 59, 62, 70, 92. 74. 26. 88, 95. 1 The extinct Churches (or names) in italic. Where the name of a Church hae changed, the date of the organizatioa will be found opposite the origmal name, while the references to its Pastors will be aflSied to the modern one. from'th'^^^ references are not in chronological ordar, but the list of Paston of each Church can be gathered 108 MANUAL OP THE I5EF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NA3IES. Baisic, now Westerlo, Battle Creek, Beach Woods, Beaver Dam, Bedminster,™ Belleville,"' see Second River, Bellona, Benton, Berea, Bergen,"" Bergen Neck, Bergen Point, Berkshire Valley, Berne, Berne 2nd, Bethlehem, Bethlehem 2nd, Bethlehem, (Wisconsin,) Beverwyck, see Albany, Blawenbcrgh, Bknhehn, now North Blenheim, Bloomingburgh, Bloomingdale, see New York. Bloomingdale, {Classis of Ulster.) . . . . Blooming Grove, Blue Mountains, Boardville, Boght, now Bushwick, Boght, Boonton, now Montville, DATE. 17— 1855 1823 16— 1758 1831 1817 1822 1660 1829 1854 1826 182- 1829 17— 1848 1850 1642 1830 18— 1823 17— 1815 1851 1854 16— 17— 180- REFERENCES, &c. 61. 102. 79. 31, 36,45.49.51. 54.63. 16, 21, 28. 30. 38. 51. 57. 12, 13, 20, 22, 33, 41, 44, 49, 73, 80. 39. U, 24, 40. 37, 44, 65, 72. 65, 100. 79. 44, 51, 54, 58, 63. 51, (53,) 58, 89. 27, 28, 29, 36, 61, 64. 63. 45, 47, 68. 41, 60, 74. 32, 42, 64, 68. 69, 76, 93. 25, 33, 34, 40, 44, 62, 66, 89, 93. 53. 69. 23, 32, 36, 60, 79, 87. MANUAL OP THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH, 109 NAMES. Borneo, embracing Pontianak and KarangaJi, Bound Brook, Bovjman's Kill, no'^^r Buel, Breakabin, Branchville, Bronxville, Brooklyn," see Midwout, In Brooklyn: Bedford, now East, 2nd or Central, now on the Heights, Chapel on the Heights, . Fourth, Lee Avenue, Middle, New, (German,) North, North Gowanus, South, South Bushwick, Williamsburgh, Broome, Brown Settlement, Brunswick, 111., see Copperas, Buckbrook, Buel, see Bowman^ s Kill, Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo, (Hoi.) Burlington, Illinois, Bushnell, DATE. REFERENCES, &c. 18— 1846 1837 1829 1850 1850 1660 1847 1837 1855 1841 1855 1846 1851 1851 1850 1840 1852 1829 1823 1851 1858 1839 1855 1853 1853 1856 52, 53, 55, 57. 54, 66, 69. 29. 46, 68, 71, 86. 68, 87. 65, 70, 102. 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 39, 71, 76, 79. 55, 65, 68. 30, 80, 95. 56. 52. 60. 47, 62, 64. 99. 55. 97. 59, 66, 98. 60. 47, 60, 89. 75. 69- 91. 90,93. 62,90. 63. 100. 98. 72. 110 MANUJLL OF THE REP. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Bushwyck, see Boght and Midwout, . . . Caatsban," In Canada:^ ^dolphustown, . . Jindriestown, . . . Av^senhurgh, . . . Bay of Cante, . . Coenradstown, . . Elizabethtown, . . Ernesttown, .... Fredericksburgh, Hallowell, Markham, Matilda, Osnaburgh. Sophiasburgh. Sydney. WiUiamsburgh, . York, Caledonia, Canajoliarie,"" Canastota, Caroline, Castleton, Catlin, Cato, Catskill," Caughnawaga ™ see Fonda's Bush? . . . . Centreville, Centreville, Charlestown, Charkstown 2nd, .... DATE. 16— 1804 IT— 1806 1799 17— 17— 1804 1804 1816 1806 1806 1806 1810 1843 1764 1833 1831 1852 1831 1819 1753 1771 1843 1856 17— 1803 REFERENCES, &c. 21, 42. 27, 29, 75. 76. 76. 76. 76. 17, 22, 29, 32, 44, 49, 59, 60, 65, 87, 93. 58, 84, 93. 26, 44, 48, 58, 91. 52. 50. 31, 37, 88, 102. 15, 26, 33, 35, 37, 71, 93, 100. 15, 23, 30, 37, 42, 51, 81. 61, 64, 65, 71. 62. 30, 32. 25. Seceded. 1 See Note D. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. Ill NAMES. Chatham, Chenango, in Binghampton, . Chester, see Westerlo. Chicago, (Hoi.) . Chicago 2nd, . . . , China, embracing Amoj, Chioh-be, . . . , Pechui-ian, . , Ma-peng, . . . , Chittenango, . . . . , Chukonot, Cicero, , Clarkstown, see . JYew Hempstead. Clarksville, Claverack," .... Claverack 2nd, or Mellenville, . . , Cleveland, Clifton Park, now Amity, Clintonville, now Irvington, . . . . , Clove,'"' Clover Hill, Pa., . . CIvmer Cobleskill, Coeymans, Cohoes, Cold Spring, Colt's Neck, Columbia, Conesville, ConewagOjPa.,"" DATE. 184^ 17- 1853 1854 IS- IS— IS- IS— 1828 17— 1837 17— 1854 1716 1838 1850 17— 1840 1787 1834 1853 1825 1795 1838 1855 1856 1823 183- 17— REFERENCES, &o. 46, 60, 62, 68. 30. 68. 53, 55, 64, 72, 74. 83, 86, 90, 101. 60, 83, 93. 20, 48, 51, 53. 103. 14, 19, 34, 44. 33, 34, 38, 49, 60. 71, 94. 19, 33, 46, 56. 57, 65, 88, 95. 50, 54. 99. 46,' 47, 66, 88, 94. 26, 28, 29, 36, 40, 48, 58, 67, 84, 92, 101. 58, S3, 88, 91, 96. 73. 73. 31, 33, 38, 55, 60, 85, 90, 94, 96. 36, 94. 21, 22. 112 MANUAL OP THE REP. FROT. DUTCH CHUBCH. NAMES. Constantine, Copperas, uow Brunswick, Courtlandtown,"' Coshingfon, Coxsackie,'" Coxsackie 2nd, Ciiddebackville, Currystown, called also Root, Danube, Danville, Dashville Falls, .. Day, Deer Park, see Mahackemack, . . Dorlach, Dover, "^ Drentlie Duaneshorough, see Princetown, . . . Dyse^s Manor, .... East Camp^ now Gerniantown, .... Eastern, East Millstone, East New York, .... Easton, N. Y., Easton, Pa., East Williamsburgh, EUenville,' Ellenville, (Ger.)... Eminence, now Summit, DATE. 1843 1840 1773 1793 1732 1833 18— 17— 18— 1804 1831 1842 REFERENCES, &c. 17— 17— 1851 17— 1813 1710 1838 1855 1839 1815 1851 1855 1840 1855 1824 41, 62, 63, 90. 30, 31, 69, 76, 79, 83. 15, 26, 27, 32, 67, 79. 59, 66, 67, 81. 94. 32, 54, 56, 70, 78, 82, 86, 23. 46. 63, 65, 70, 96. 14, 15, 19, 23, 35, 60, 62, 94. 98. 12, 14. 73, 103. 61, 69, 73, 83. 28, 37, 85, 94. 63, 90, 99. 73. 16, 89, 100. 99. This is the original Church of Warwarsing. The present Church, called Warwarsing, is an offshoot, MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT, DUTCH CHURCH, 113 NAMES. English Neighborhood, Ephrata, Esopus, see Kleyn Esopus, Fairfield, see Horseiieck and Gansegat, Fairview, Fairville. Fallsburgh Farmersville Fayette Fishkill,-" Fishkill Landing, Flatbush, see Midwout Flatbush, (Ulster Co.) Flatlands, see Amersfort and Midicout. Florida, see Minavilk, Flushing Fonda^s Busk, no^\^ Caughnawaga? . . . . , Fordham, Fort Herkimer, Fort Miller, see Union Village Fort Plain, . .^ Frankfort, Franklin, (Wis.) Franklin, N. J., Freeliold,"' Freehold 2nd, Fultonville, DATE. REFERENCES, &c. 1768 1831 1837 1828 1830 1822 1716 1822 1807 1842 17— 17— 1852 1817 1812 1839 1851 1856 1708 1842 1838 18, 24. 27, 28, 31, 41, 61, 93. 39, 51. 1#; 32, 40, 42, 76, 93. 17, 20. 21. 35. 40, 47, 56. 79. 85. 34, 68. 35, 66, 79, 83, 86, 92. 50, 51. 13. 14. 16, 17, 20, 23, 30, 43, 48. 56, 74. 78. 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 36, 78. 29, 30, 56, 59, 60, 77. 10, 11. 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 36. 41, 50, 98. 27, 39. 46, 75, 101. 54, 70. 30. 23, 28, 31, 49, 81, 101. \A). 38. 84, 85, 86, 95. 41,57, 78, 82, 87,94. 33, 90. 98. 100. 12, 13. 17, 35, 49, 61, 79. 61, 71. 49, 91. 15 114 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. DATE. Gallupville, Gansegat, now Fairfield. Gansevoort, Geneva, German Flatts, see Great Flatts, Germantown, see East Camp and Mount Pleasant Ghent, Ghent 2nd, Gibbonsville, now West Troy, Gibbsville, Gilboa, Glen, Glenham, Glenville, see Schenectady 1st, of Fourth Ward, Glenville 2nd, Gorham, Grahamville, Grand Haven, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, (Hoi.) Graafschap, Gravesend, see Midwout Great Flatts,"" now German Flatts, Greenburgh, Greenbush, see Livingstones Manor, Greenbush, (Ren.) Green Point, 1844 1839 1831 1764 1822 1843 17— 1856 1836 1839 1837 REFERENCES, &c. 1833 1843 1844 1851 1843 1851 1851 1655 17— 1850 1790 17— 1849 60,72,82. 60, 91, 96, 97. 41, 47, 69, 70. 17, 33, 41, 49, 77, 90. 17, 37, 43, 48, 80, 82. ? 33, 59, 72, 83. 38, 61, 62, 68. 36, 69,75, 100, 101, 103. 70, 82, 88, 93. 49, 56, 64, 92. 36, 43, 49, 87, 89, 97. 33, 39, 40, 43, 62, 63, 93. 61, 83. 67, 70, 84, 90, 92. 98, 101. 61. 98. 98. 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18,21. 63, 65, 68. 20, 28. 22, 28, 34, 40, 44, 47, 48, 52. 64, 84. MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 115 NAMES. Greenport, see Mount Pleasant, Greenville, Griggstown, Cruilderland, now Helderbergh. Guilford, Hackensack,'^ Hackensack (2nd,)"' Hackensack 2nd, . . . . Hackensack (Ger.,) . . Hagamen's, see Amsterdam, Hanover, Pa., Ha^ Moon, now W aterford, Hardwick, Harlem, see New York, Harlem, (Ger.) see New York. Harlingen, see Sourland, Hastings, Helderbergh, w Guilderland. Henderson, see Warren, Herkimer, Herkimer 2nd, High Prairie, see Hooge Prairie, Hillsborough, in Millstone, .... . . . . DATE. 1844 1842 1833 1686 1756 1855 1857 1855 17— 17— 1812 1660 1851 17— 17— 1830 REFERENCES, &c. 1727 37, 45, 65, 67, 103. 49, 60, 65, 70. 6T; 72, 89. 51, 70. 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 20. Seceded. 14, 17, 18, 22, 37, 51. 73. 103. 101. 76. 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 62, 75. 68. 24, 41, 42, 79, 82, 86, 92, 93. 31, 66, 82, 85, 87. 33, 41, 49, 77, 94. 82. 98. 20, 21, 26, 28, 59. » These two Churches used oue edifice, and though distinct Church organizations, were one corporate body. After the division of the Classis of Hackensack, the former was assigned to Bergen Classis, and the latter to Paramus. The (2nd) is added for distinction's sake. 116 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Hillsdale, Hohoken, (Ulster Co.) HobokcM, , Hobokcn, ( (ier. ) . . . . Holland, (Miclii,2:an,) . Holland, (Wisconsin,) Honey Creek, now Raritan, Hooge Prairie, now High Prairie, Hopewell," Horseneck,^ now Fairfield, Hudson, X. Y., Hudson, N. J., Hurley, Husruenots, S. I., see Westfield, Hyde Park, see Staatshurgh, India,' embracing Arcot, Arnee, Chittoor, . . . . Connoor, . . . Vellore, Indian Castle, .... Ithaca, Irvington, see Clintonvillc Jackson, . . Jamaica,™ . Jamesville, . JanesviUc, . . Java, E. I., DATE. 1808 1828 1850 1855 1851 1854 1856 1852 1756 17— 1836 1846 1814 1846 18— 18— IS- IS— 17— 1830 REFERENCES, &c. 1833 1702 18— 1834 1836 19, 34, 60. 48, 84. 100. 99. 98. 101, 102. 17, 20, 23, 27, 32, 46, 52, 102. 43, 56. 77. 64, 101. 42. 53, 55, 69, 76, 77, 78. 84, 97. 33, 41, 52, 53, 55, 67, 68, 81. 74. 78. 72, 78, 102. 72, 97. 70. 93. 48, 68, 71, 86, 94, 97. 57, 74, 93, 96. 49. 56, 85. 87. 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 50, 56. 48, 86. 52, 53. I Dr. Scudder also labored for many years in Ceylon, before going to Arcot. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 117 NAMES. Jefferson, Jeffersonville, Jersey City Jersey City Jersey City 2nd, see Van Vorst. Jersey City 3rd, . . . . Jersey City (Ger.,) . Jerusalem, Johnshor-ough, Johnstown, Kakiat^ now- West New Hempstead, . Kalamazoo, Keokuk, Keyport, Kinderliook,™ Kinderhook 2nd, Kingston,"^ Kingston 2nd, . Kiskatom, Kleyn Esopus, now Esopus Knox, Lansinghurgh, Lawyersville, see JYew Rhinebeck, . . . Lebanon, Leeds, see Madison, Leroy, Linlithgow, see Livingstones Manor, Lisha's Kill, DATE. 1851 1852 1807 1830 1852 1856 17— 1819 1818 1774 1851 1858 1847 1700 1834 1660 1848 REFERENCES, &c. 54, 95. 99. 4?;- 51, 66, 98, 102. 63, 69, 73, 102. 101. 24, 36, 65, 79. 35. 98, 100. 65, 69, 79. 14. 22. 26, 38, 44, 50, 68, 84, 87, 101. t 10. 11. 12, 13, 17, 19, 45, 52, 77, 86. 69. 96. 1832 ' 37, 51, 63, 65, 68, 70, 93. 1660 1842 17— 1813 1822 1852 58. 22. 22. 47, 51, 66, 88, 94. 35, 48, 57, 67. 37, 43, 51, 64, 67, 92. 13, 22, 31, 37, 45, 46, 59. 72, 73. 1 See Documentary History, Vol. III., p. 894. 118 MANUAL OP THE EEF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Little Falls, •. Livingstones Manor, now embracing Linlithgow, .... Taghkanick, and Greenbush, {Classis of Po'k.) Lodi Long Branch, Low Prairie, Lower Canajoharie, iMwer Red Hook, or St. Johns, Jjywer Schoharie!^ Lyons Lysander, Macon, Madison, now Leeds, Mahakemack^ now Deer Park, Mamakating, in Wurtsboro,"" Manayunk, in Philadelphia, Manheim, Mapletown, Marbletown,""^ Mariavillc, Marshallville, Martinshurgh, Mayjield, Medina, Mellenville, see Claverack 2nd. Melrose, (Ger.) Metuchin, DATE. 1836 1720 1 1828 1851 1855 1773 17— 17— 1833 1828 1849 1822 1744 1815 1828 182- 1829 1746 1843 1831 1827 17— 1846 1854 1858 REFERENCES. &c. 40, 53, 63. 71. 41, 66. 70. 98. 22, 31. 49, 86, 88, 96. 54, 61, 99. 53, 58, 71, 84. 51, 82, 91, (Gates,) 96, 101. 39, 49, 50, 60. 29, 42, 56, 70, 78, 82. 18, 20, 23, 47, 71, 78. 93. 26, 35. 54. 100. 1 See Documentary History, Vol. III., p. 714. 2 See Documentai-y History, Vol. HI., p. 993. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 110 NAMES. Middleburgh, Middlebush, Middleport, Middletown, N. Y., Middletown, N. J.,-" . . . Middletown Village, . . . Midwout,^ now Flatbusli, &c., Milesville, Millstone, see Hillsborough. Milwaukie, Mina Corners, . Minaville, now Florida, Minisink,'" Mohawk,"' Montgomery, see WaUkill, ." Montville, see Persippany and Boonton, Moresville, Mott Haven, Mottville, Mount Morris, Mount Pleasant, now Germantown: see also East Camp. Mount Pleasant, now Stanton, Mount Pleasant, now Greenport. Mount Pleasant, see New York. Mount Vernon, DATE. 1732 1833 1852 17— 1708 17— 1654 1858 1851 1855 1812 1744 1838 REFERENCES, &c. 1818 1836 1851 1849 1839 1833 31, 32, 44, 63, 65, 77, 79, 80. 35, 55. 57, 71. 25, 29, 30. 12, 13. 17, 35, 43, 53. 55, 58. 98. 14, 15, 19, 23, 35, 54, 56, 89, 90. 33, 43, 67, 90. 22, 46, 77. 24, 25, 38, 42, 57, 66, 79, 84, 87, 89. 53, 68, 91, 95. 57, 58, 74. 63, 65. 83. 1853 71. 1 This name also included sometimes the Churches of Brooklyn, Flatlands, Bush\nck, and Gravesend. 120 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Jfapojiock, now Warwarsing, Nassau, see Union Village, Nauniberg, (Ger.) J\''echanic, see Shmmick, now New Shaunock, .... JVestegauna,"" now Niskayuna, JVeversink, Jfew Amstel, ' Newcastle J\rew ./Amsterdam, now New York, Newark, Newark 2nd, Newark 3rd, Newark (North,) New Baltimore, New Brunswick, see Three Mile Run, New Brunswick 2nd,. . New Brunswick (Ger..) Newburgh, New Bremen (Ger.,) . . New Concord New Durham, JYeicfoundland, New Hackensack,'" . . . . New Harlem JVew He/npstcad,'" now Clarkstown, NcAV Hurley ,'" New Lots, New Paltz, DATE. 1745 1804 1855 1758 17— 1657 1657 1857 1619 1833 1848 1848 1856 1836 17— 1842 1851 1834 1855 1855 1843 1815 1757 17— 17— 1768 1824 1683 REFERENCES, &c. 27,30, 37,42.46, 48,54, 66, 77. 99. 10. 13. 49. 92. 41, 62. 96. 52. 58,67, 91, lUl. 12, 15, 16, 28, 36, 39. 42, 75, 77 . 80. 56, 59. 102. 72, 96, 99. 41, 91, 95. 99. 73. 62, 63. 17, 20, 23. 27, 32, 39, 45. 26. 20,27,28, 34, 41, 43,54, 70. 41, 50, 91. 19, 20, 27, 28, 34, 38, 42, 67, 1 lu Delaware, at the mouth of Dehuvare River. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. m NAMES. New Prospect, JVew Rhinebeck, now Lawyersville, New Rochelle, (Ger.) New Shannock, see JVechanic, JVew Stissing, Newtown,"' Newtown, (Ger.) Jfewtovon, {Classis of Ren.) . . . . New Utrecht, New York,"" (Collegiate,) see JYeio Amsterdam, consisting of South Church, ' Middle,^ North,' Twenty-ninth Street, . . . In JVew York: African, Blooraingdale, Broadway, after Stanton Street, Broome Street, Central, (9th St.) German Reformed,™ Ger. Evang. Mission, 2nd, 3rd, 1816 34, 54, 56, 80, 84, 102. REFERENCES, &c. 15, 16, 17, 20, 26, 27, 38, 75. 17— 1731 ' 14, 19, 25, 29, 50, 64. 1855 I 99. 1803 I 1677 31, 52. 1619 1727 1767 1854 1823 1806 1842 1824 1854 1763 1839 1852 1852 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 24, 28, 30, r32, 75, 77,78,79,86,90. 78. 48, 76, 84. 30, 35, 43, 67, 69, 78. 92. 17, 19, 22, 76, 88. 92. 95, 99. 99, 102. 1 Situated first at Old Slip; then in the Battery till 1693; after which, in Garden Street, till 1813, when withdrew from the Collegiate connection. Sec South Dutch. 3 Situated in Nassau Street till 184-1, when the building was leased for the Post Office. In 1836 the Mid- dle Church also began to worship in an edifice in Ninth Street, (formerly the building of the Ninth Street Church, then extinct,) which was used by them till 1851, when it was disposed of, and is now known as the Central Church. In 1839 an edifice was built in La Fayette Place, which is now known aa the Middle Church. 3 Situated corner of Fulton and William Streets. 16 122 MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. 4th, DATE. In J^ew York: Ger. Evang Greenwich,' Harlem, Harlem, (Ger.) Houston Street,^ now Seventh Avenue, Livingston,* Manhattan,^ Market Street, Mount Pleasant,^ Mnth Street,'' JYorth Street, .... Northwest, ^ Orchard Street, Sanctity Church, (Ger.) . . Seventh Avenue, see Houston Street Seventh Avenue, (Ger.) . . South Dutch, 9 Stanton Street, see Broadway, Stuyvesanf s Bouwerie, . . . Twenty-first Street, Vandewater Street, Washington Heights, Washington Square, see South Dutch, West Ref. Dutch Church,*" 1854 1804 1660^ 1853 1824 1851 1829 1819 1846 1833 1833 1807 1825 17— REFERENCES, &c. 72. 88. 30, 34, 89, 95. 18,22,23, 33, 50, 89. 100. 64, 73, 100. 55, 71, 81, 84. 39, 77, 99. 55, 82, 97. 48. 27, 38, 42, 48, 61. 80. 38, 54, 65, {Butcher) 80. 1857 ! 73. 1813 ! 77, 85, 87. 1660 1836 1831 1843 1850 52. 10. 66, 85. 81. 46. 77, 85. 97. 1 Bleeckcr Street, corner of Amos. a Not prior to this; the precise date not a.'^ciirtaiued. 3 Since 1853 in Seventh Avenue. 4 In Eighth Avenue. 6 In Avenue B. 8 In Fiftieth Street. 7 See Note 2 on preceding page. 8 In Franklin Street till 185-t, since when in 23rd Street. In Garden Street till 1835, when divided into Murray Street (now Fifth Avenue.) and Washington Square. See Collegiate South. 10 In Sixth Avenue. MANUAL OF THE REF. PROT. DUTCH CHURCH. 123 NAMES. Niskayuna, see JYestegauna, Jfominack, Noordelors, JVoord Holland, JVorman's Kill,"" North Bergen, (Ger.) North Blenheim, see Blenheim, JVorth Branch,"^ now Readington, North Branch, North Esopus, North Gowanus, see Brooklyn. N. and S. Hampton,"". Mort/i Hampton, North Hempstead, see Success, North Hoboken North Marbletown, . . Northumberland . . . . . Nyack, Oak Hill, Old Stissiyig,'^ Olive, same as Shokan, Onisquethaw, Oostburgh, Oppen/ieim, Oppenlieim 2nd, . . . Overyssel, Omd, Owasco, Owasco Outlet, see Sand Beach, . . . . . DATE. 17— 1855 1852 17— 1853 1851 1719 1825 1851 17- 1- REFERENCES, &c. 18— 1851 18— 1838 17— 17— 1839 1839 1854 1822 1822 1851 1808 17— 23, 27, 45, 46, 47, 64, 73. 99. 68, 71, 75, 83. 34, 43, 73, 88. 47, 49, 69. 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 81. 14, 19, 24, 25, 45, 47, 50, 54, 57, 79, 86. 103. 69. 55, 67, 81, 85, 94, 96. 55, 66, 87, 92. 25, 26. 33. 101. 31. 98, 103. 25. Seceded. 22, 25, 26, 31, 42, 47, 48, 50, 65, 82, 88, 89. 26, 44, 45, 46, 50, 61, 83, 90, 97. 124 MANUAL OP THE REF. PROT, DUTCH CHURCH. NAMES. Oyster Bay, {formerly Wolver- Hollow.) Paghkafghkan, .... Palatine, Panna,^ now Ponds, Paramus,™ Pasaick, JV. Y., .... Pasgack, Pater son, see Totowa. Paterson, (Hoi.) . . . . Peapack, Pekin, Peekskill, Peerpack, Persippeny, after Boonton, now Montville, Philadelphia, {Ger.) . Philadelphia, ' Philadelphia 2nd,'' . . Philadelphia 2nd, see Spring Garden, . . Philadelphia 2nd,^ . Philadelphia Srd,"* . Philipshurgh, now Tarrytown, Piermont, Piermont 2nd, PifFardinia, Pittstown, DATE. 1725 REFERENCES, &c. 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, 44, 51, 62, 64, 71, 72, 79, 84. 17— 1825 42. 1710 1725 17— 1812 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 24, 27, 61, 73 20, 50, 54. 1856 1848 1842 17— 1761 102. 68, 74. 52, 62, 64. 30, 76, 97. 17— 1730 1813 1818 13, 16. 30, 32, 42, 80, 89, 96. 78. t 1828 1852 1837 37, 42. 77, 85. 97. 63, 80, 96. 1697 1838 1851 1847 1700 59, 65, 66, 102. 89. 65. 28. 1 Formerly in Crown Street, now corner Spring Garden and Seventh. 2 Now Seventh Presbyterian. 3 Since extinct; but its funds made over to the members of the German Reformed, who were organized m 1852 under the name of the Second Dutch. 4 In Seventh Street. MANUAL OF THE KEF. PEOT. DUTCH CHUECH. 1^5 NAMES. Plainfield, (Ger.) Plattekill, Pleasant Plains, Polkton, Pompton, Pompton Plains,"" ' . , . . Ponds, see Panna, Port Jackson, Pottersdam, P otter stown, now Rockaway, Pottsvilk, , Poughkeepsie," Poughkeepsie 2nd, . . . . Prairieville, Prattsville, , Preakness, Princetown, N. Y., see Dicanesborough, . . . . Pultneyville, Queens Village, L. I. Quincy, Ramapo, Raritan,"" in Somerville, Raritan 2nd, in Somerville, Raritan 3rd, Raritan, (Illinois,) see Honey Creek, Readington, see JVorth Branch, Redford DATE. 1858 1834 1816 1834 1814 1770 1850 179- 17— 1 1716 1848 1842 1833 1801 1824 1851 1858 1858 17— 1700 1833 1848 1858 REFERENCES. ^ O T E H. BOARD OF SABBATH SCHOOL UNION. The Board of Sabbath School Union is beginning to wear a healthy appearance again, after a long and sickly existence. For many years it was almost disowned, Synod having passed a resolution that its funds should be paid over to the American Sunday School Union. Recently, this resolution was rescinded, and the Board reviv- ed. The Church is now listening to its claims, and schools are eagerly flocking to its standard. There are connected with the Dutch Church about 600 Sunday Schools, and 50,000 teacliers and scholars. Nearly half of these schools are now in connec- tion with the Sabbath School Board of their own Church, and before long, it is hoped, all will be in one Union. This Board was under the supervision of the Secretary of the Board of Missions, Education, &c., for a long time, but now each of these are flour- ishing under independent secretaries, and the Sabbath School Board, peculiarly favor- ed in secui'ing the services of Rev. R. B. Campfield, Jr., a gentleman of great expe- rience in the Sabbath School cause, is looking forward with large expectations of increasing usefulness and success. It will provide a literature for our schools, both original and borrowed, and carry forward missionary operations in the West, and thus, by planting schools, lay the foundations for many future Churches. INDEX. A. Abeel, D 44 Abeel, G 41 Abeel, J. N 24 Abell 90 Ackerson 55 Alburtis 35 Allen 53 AUiger 56 Ambler 84 Ammerman, A 35 Ammerman, T. A 48 Ames 81 Anderson 68 Antonides 11 Arondeus 14 Atwater 99 Aymes 29 Ayres 89 B. Babbit 85 Backerus 9 Bailey 63 Baldwin, E 38 Baldwin, J. A 50 Barcoloo 27 Bassett 21 Bassler 51 Bates 102 Beattie, J 90 Beattie, J. 31 Becker 102 Beekman 43 Beidler 99 Benedict 101 Bennett 41 Bently 100 Berg 97 Beruart 69 Berry 68 Bertiiolf 11 Bethune 80 Betts 92 Bevier 49 Beys 12 Bielfield 100 Birkby 91 Birkey 99 Bishop 91 Blair 41 Blauvelt, C. J 59 Blauvelt, 1 20 Blauvelt, T 21 Blauw IT Blom 10 Boehi-er 101 Boel 12 Boelen 18 Bohm 13 Bogardus, C 31 Bogardus, C 36 Bogardus, E 9 Bogardus, N 82 Bogardus, W. R 34 Bogart, D. S 24 Bogert, S 29 Boice, I. C 44 Bolks 98 Bolton 101 Bookstaver 56 Bork 27 Bourne 84 Boyce, TV 80 Bojd, H. M 81 Boyd, J 80 Bradford, J. M 76 Bradford, W. J 96 Brett 55 Brinkerboflf, G. G 22 Brinkerhoff, J. G 38 Broadhead 30 Brokaw 25 Bronk 32 Bronson, A 85 Bronson, 101 Brouwer, T 12 Browcr, C 24 Brower, C 85 Brower, S. H 30 Brown, C 90 Brown, S. R 97 Brown, H. 1 103 Brownlee, J 86 Brownlee,W. C 79 Bruen, J. M 96 Bruen, M 35 Brush, J. C 24 Brush, W 51 Buck 97 Buckelew 70 Buckham 91 160 INDEX. Bulkley 97 Bumstead 82 Bunnell Si Burghardt 97 C. Gaboon, 81 Campbell, J. K 88 Campbell, W. H 83 Campfield 103 Cannon 26 Carle 78 Cary 97 Case 70 Center 41 Chambers 90 Chapman, I. L 93 Chapman, N. F 65 Chester 94 Chittenden 82 Christie, Jas 34 Christie, J.I 29 Clancy 101 Clark, J 10 Clark, R 55 Clark, W 93 Close 25 Cobb 102 Cock, 17 Coens 13 Cole, 1 47 Cole, D 103 Collier, E. W 71 Collier, J. A 70 Collins, B. Y 59 Collins, C 103 Comfort 70 Compton 65 Condict 75 Conklin 66 Conrad 103 Cornelison 24 Cornell, F. F 84 Cornell J 80 Cornell, J. A. H 58 Cornell, W. A 62 Corwm 73 Cozine 21 Craven 96 Crawford 55 Crispell 59 Crocker 93 Cruikshank, J. C 53 Cruikshank, W 41 Currie 52 Curtenius 13 Cashing 50 Cuyler, C. C 31 Cuyler, T. L 99 D. Dater 68 Davenport 66 Davie 98 Davis 92 De Baim 72 Decker 73 De Freest, 37 Dellius 11 Demarest, C. T 31 Demarest, Jas 47 Demarest, Jas., Jr 73 Demarest, D. D 56 Demarest John 23 Demarest, J. D 29 Demarest, J. T 54 Demarest, W 54 De Mund 80 Denham 80 De Fuy 57 De Ronde 15 De Rooy 102 Devoe 31 Dewing 38 De Witt, J 59 De Witt, J 77 De Witt, P 21 De Witt, T 32 Dey 81 Dickhaut 99 Dickson 95 Doe 97 Doeppenschmidt 101 Doolittle, H 89 Doolittle, P. M 73 Doll 19 Donald 93 Dorn 28 Doty 53 Drake 58 Drisius 9 Drever 76 Du Bois, A 69 Du Bois, Ben 17 DuBois, Gualt 11 DuBois, G 12 DuBois, G 38 DuBois, John 60 Du Mont 44 Dunnewald 99 Dunning 93 Duryee, J 21 Duryee, J. G 92 Duryee, J. H 54 Duryee, P. H 28 Dutcher 65 Dwiaht 39 Dyer, D 91 Dyer, S 102 E. Ebaugh 88 Eckel 68 Edgar 99 Edwards 84 Eggleston 86 Ehle 12 Elmendorf, A 55 Elmendorf, J 71 INDEX. 161 Eltinge, C. C 35 Eltinge, CD 66 Eltinge, W 27 Ennis 52 Enyard 74 Ericksou 12 Evans, C. A 95 Evans, E 86 Evans, W 88 F. Familton 86 Ferris, J. M 68 Ferris, 1 39 Field 78 Finch 102 Fisher, G. H 43 Fisher, I. M 38 Fonda, J. D 37 Fonda, J 77 Force 76 Fort 40 Frazer 86 Freeman 11 Frelinghuysen, H 16 Frelinghuysen, J 15 Frelinghuysen, T. J 12 Frelinghuysen, T 14 Freyenmoet, 14 Friedel 102 Froehgh, M 22 Froeligh, P. D 28 Froeligh, Sol 20 Fuhriug 19 Fulton 101 Furbeck 70 O. Ganse 61 Gardeneir, W. 100 Gardiner, H. B 101 Gardner, J 62 Garretson, G. 1 50 21 Garretson, J 44 Garvin 83 Gaston 70 Gates 91 Gebhard 19 Goetschius, J. H 14 Goetschius, d. M 16 Goetschius, J. M 20 Goetschius, S 20 Goetschius, S. Z 38 Gordon 54, Gosmau 77 Grassmere 9 Gray, J 83 Gi-ay, W 90 Gregory, O. H 50 Gregory, T. B 84 Grey, A 23 Gross 19 Guldin 92 Gulick 95 Guuu 76 H. Hadson 10 Hagaman 92 Hager 12 Haliday 31 Hall, D. B 94 Hall, B. R 94 Halloway 60 Halsey /. 81 Hamilton, W 102 Hammond, E. S 60 Hammond, J 83 Hammond, J. W 67 Hardenbergh, C 30 Hardenbergh, J. B 42 Hardenbergh, J. II 16 Harlow 88 Harriman 55 Harris 73 Hasbrouck 32 Hasleborth 102 Hastings loi Haughoort, 13 Hawthorne 85 Heermauce, Har 54 Heermance, Her 45 Hendricks 32 Henry 94 Heyer 73 Hillman 53 Himrod 60 Hoes 86 Hoff 37 Hoffman 31 Holmes, E 46 Holmes, J. McC 73 Hongen 82 Hones 99 Howe 80 Hulbert 60 Hunt 48 Hutton 85 Hyndshaw 86 r. Ingalls 89 J. Jackson, J. F 23 Jackson, W 16 James 96 Jameson 97 Janeway, J. J 26 Jaueway, J. L 57 Jansen 70 Jennings 23 Jewett 102 Johns 100 Johnson, I. Y 34 Johnson, J. B 25 Johnson, J. G 66 Jones, D. A 90 162 INDEX. Jones, G 58 Jones, N 34 Jones, N. W 11 Joralemon 72 Jordan, (Col.) T8 Jukes 88 Jiilien 10 K. Kasse 97 Kennedy 91 Kern 17 Kerr 94 Kershow 71 Ketchum 39 King 101 Kipp 48 Kirby 75 Kirkland 84 Kirkwood 83 Kissam 36 Kittle 31 Kleyn 98 Knieskern 58 Knight, R. W 88 Knight, W 91 Knouse 81 Knox, J 78 Knox, J. H. M 63 Knox, J. P 54 Kuss 101 Kuypers, G. A 21 Kuypers, W 18 Kuypers, W. P 24 Kuypers, Z. H 25 Kyle 76 1.. Labagh, A. J 45 Labagh, 1 22 Labagh, I. P 45 Labagh, P 26 Laidlie 17 Laing 83 Lane 72 Lansing, A. G 103 Lansing, Jac. A 61 Lansing, John. A 63 Lansing, N 20 La Tonrette 97 Larzalere 26 Lee 46 Le Fevre 73 Lehlback 96 Lente 69 Letson 72 Leydt, J 15 Leydt, M 20 Leydt, P 23 Liddell 48 Lillie 52 Linn 75 Lippencott 69 Little 96 Livingston, E. P 72 Livingston, G. R 32 Livingston, H. G 96 Livingston, J. H 18 Lloyd 64 Lochead 88 Lockwood, L. R 84 Lockwood, S 69 Lord, B 66 Lord, J. S 89 Lott 74 Lowe, J. C 74 Lowe, P 21 Ludlow, G 38 Ludlow, J 36 Lupardus 11 Lupton 22 Lusk 51 Lyall 93 Lydekker 18 Lydius » 11 Mabon, J. S 33 Mabon, W. Y. Y 62 Macauley 87 Madoulet 98 Mair 81 Mancius 13 Mandeville, G 26 Mandeville, G 71 Mandeville, G. H 70 Mandeville, H 47 Manley, J 50 Manley, W 76 Mann 48 Manning 66 Marcellus 49 Marinus 15 Markle 73 Marselus 34 Marvin 95 Mason 79 Matthews 77 May 85 Mayou 74 McCartney 96 McCleUand 83 McClure, A. W 98 McClure, J 40 McDowell 76 McEckron 103 McFarlane 93 McGregor 100 McKee 97 McKelvey, A 74 McKelvey, J 46 McLaren 95 McLean, C. G 94 McLean, R 78 McMurray 77 McNair 71 McNeish 62 Mead 94 Meeker 42 INDEX. 163 Megapolensis, J 9 Megapolensis, S 10 Menema 14 Mesick 55 Messier 42 Meyer, H 17 Meyer, J. H 27 Michael 53 Michaelius 9 Middlemas 89 Milledollar 77 MiUer, J. E 78 Miller, S. W Miller, W. A 64 Miller, H. X Mills, 60 Millspaugh 58 Minor 64 Mohn 99 Monteith 36 Moore 56 Morgan 12 Morris, H 94 Morris, J. F 42 Morse 102 Morse, J 90 Moule, J 87 Moule, J. G 91 Mtiller 72 Mulligan 81 Munn 73 Murden 66 Murdock 93 Murphy 33 MutzeUus 13 Myer 58 Myers, A. H , . 49 m. Neal 35 Neander 94 Xeef 74 Nevius 52 New Horn 81 Xewton 94 Noe 85 Xott 87 Nucella 11 Nykerk 103 O. Oakey 62 Overbagh 29 Oerter 73 Oggel 101 Ogilvie 79 Osborne 87 Ostrander, H 27 Ostrander, S 25 Ostrom 74 Otterson 79 P. Paige 75 Palmer 30 Parker, C 100 Parker, D 78 Parry 85 Paullson 45 Pearce 101 Peck, D. C. A 75 Peck, T. R. G 99 Peltz 67 Pepper . 87 Pettingil 100 Pfister 99 Phelps 68 Philips 36 Pierce 97 Pitcher, J. H 49 Pitcher, W 87 Pitts 57 Pohhnau 55 Polhemus, A 52 Polhemus, H 27 Polhemus, J. T 10 Porter, E. S 60 Porter, R 89 Proudtit 92 Quackeubush 56 Quaw 46 Quick, J. J 56 Quick, P. J 53 Quinn 51 R. Rand 93 Randall 58 Rapalye 74 Rawls 38 Raymond 47 Read 98 ReUy 53 Rice 79 Riddle 102 Riedell 74 Ritzema 14 Robb 86 Robertson 87 Rockwell 70 Rogers, E. P 102 Rogers, L 50 Romeyn, D. 18 Romeyn, Jas 37 Romeyn, Jer 22 Romeyn, J. B 27 Romeyn, J.Y.C 22 Romeyn, T 15 Romevn, T 27 Romeyn, T. B 68 Romeyn, T. F 21 Roof 95 Roosa 81 Roosevelt 102 Rosegrant 25 Rosencrantz, A 17 Roseucrantz, J 95 164 INDEX. Rouse 39 Rowan 30 Rowland 98 Ruboll 16 Rudy 88 Ryerson 61 Rysdyck 11 S. Salisbury 83 Sawyer 102 Schaats 9 Scbnellendreussler 72 Schenck, G 57 Schenck, G. C 50 Schenck, J. W 68 Schenck, M. L 57 Schermerhorn, C 29 Schermerhorn, J. F 32 Schneeweiss 72 Schoonniaker, C. P Schooninaker, H 17 Schoonniaker, J 29 Schoonniaker, M 18 Schoonniaker, M. Y 61 Schoonniaker, R. L 50 Scliroepfer 100 Schultz,J. 1 35 Schultz, J. N 61 Schurcman, 1 15 Schurenian, J 28 Schuyler 14 Schwedes 72 Schvvilk 101 Scott, C 70 Scott, J 92 Scribner 53 Scudder, H. M 93 Scudder, .Tared 72 Scudder, John 78 Scudder, Jo.s 70 Scudder, E. C 72 Scudder, W. W 97 Searle, J 79 Searle, J 74 Searle, S 71 Searle, S. T 67 Sears 42 See, J. L 63 See, I. M 71 See, W. G. E 71 Seeber 65 Seely, A. W 93 Seelye, J. H 100 Selden 102 Selyus 10 Sereubetts 96 Seward 96 Shaw 97 Sheffield 57 Shepherd 71 Shhiieall 80 Sickles 26 Sill 91 Simonson 64 Slauson 94 Slingerland 43 Sluyter 34 Sraaltz 37 Sniit 98 Smith, J 96 Smitli, N. E 64 Smith, S 23 Smith, T. G 76 Smith, W. R 75 Smuller 9fi Snyder, H 82 Snyder, B. F 68 Sj>auldiii.[>' 66 Spinner 77 Staats 57 Starks 90 Stebljins 95 Steele, John 67 Steele, J. JJ 79 Steele, R. H 66 Steele, W. H 57 Steins 95 Stevenson 46 Stewart, A. T 65 Stewart, J. W 85 Stillwell 72 Stinipson, B. P 52 Stimpson, H. P 81 Stitt 67 Stobbelaar 103 Strong, J. P 69 Strong, P. N 78 Strong, R. G 74 Strono-, T. C 64 Strong, T. M 78 Stryker, H. B 40 Stryker, LP 57 Stryker, P 22 Stryker, P 67 Studdiford 21 Sturges 102 Suydam 74 Switz 39 T. Talmage, G 64 Talmage, J. Y. X 64 Talmage, J. R 47 Talmage, P. S 100 Talmage, T. D 73 Tarbeil 44 Tasschemacher 11 Taylor, A. B 61 Tavlor, B. C 40 Tavlo)', W 69 Tavlor, W. J. R 63 Teller 80 Ten Evck, C 26 Ten Evck, J. B 39 Ten Eyck, W. H 67 Terhune 72 Thompson, A. R 95 Thomj)son, D. R 84 INDEX. 165 Thompson, F. B 52 Thompson, H. P U Thompson, J. B 14 Thompson, W. 1 59 Thomson 63 Todd, J. A 67 Todd, A. F U Toll 29 Turner 59 V. Van Aken 84 Van Amliurgh 57 Van Arsdale, C. C 89 Van Arsdale, J. R 51 Van Arsdale, S 20 Van Beuren, C Van Beuren, J. M 91 Van Beuren, P 30 Van Bosen 11 Van Brunt, R 67 Van Buuschooteu, 19 Van Cleef, C 45 Van Cleef, P. D 66 Vander Bosch 11 Vander Linde 15 Vander Meulen 98 Vander Schuur 101 Vander Veer, F. H 41 Vander Veer, J 40 Vander Voort 38 Vander Volger 93 VaudeWall 73 Vande Water 100 Van Doren, J. A 55 Van Doren, W. H 89 Van Doren, W. T 58 Van Driessen, J 15 Van Driessen, P. ...... . 11 VanDyck, C. L 47 Van Dyek, L. H 93 Van Gasbeek 10 Van Giesen 71 Van Harlingen, J. M 17 Van Harlingen, J. M 21 Van Hoevenbergh 16 Van Hook " 38 Van Home 23 Van Huyseo?* 24 Van Keuren, B 42 Van Keuren, H 79 Van Kleek 44 Van Liew,. J 38 Van Liew, J C 51 Van Lieweu 102 Van Nest, A. R 66 Van Nest, G. J 66 Van Nest, R 19 Van Niewenhuyseu 10 Van Nist, J 16 Van O. Linda 42 Van Pelt 28 Van Raalte 98 Van Santvoord, C 12 Van Santvoord, C 91 Van Santvoord, S 33 Van Schie 13 Van Sinderin 14 A'anthuysen 95 Van Varick 11 Van Vechten, J 33 Van Vechten, S 41 VanVleck 72 Van Vlieden 75 Van Voorhis 19 Van Vranken, A. H 70 Van Vranken, N 23 Van Vranken, S. A 35 Van Wagener 45 Van Woert 68 Van Wyck, G. P 62 Van Wyck, P 67 Van Zaudt, A. B 92 VanZandt, B 87 Van Zandt, P 36 Van Zeureu 10 Vas 12 Vedder, E 63 Vedder, Herman 28 Vedder, Henry 29 Verbryck 15 Vermcule 33 Vermilye, A. G 63 Vermilye, T. E 86 Vonck 40 Von Romoudt 62 Vooi'hees, J.N 65 Voorhees, H. V 69 Vredenbergh 25 Vrooman 15 W. Wack, C. P 48 Wack, J. J 78 Wagner 73 Walden Waldron 96 Wall 77 Ward 84 Waring 53 Warner 51 Watson, A 102 Watson, J 59 Weekstein 10 Weidman 39 Weiss 13 Weissgotten 100 Welius 10 Wells, C.L 73 Wells, R 49 Welsh 100 West 65 Westbrook 30 Westfall, B. B 46 WestfaU, S. V. E 52 Westerlo 16 Westervelt, R 28 Whitbeck, A 29 Whitbeck, J 58 166 INDEX. Whitehead 46 Wiggins 55 Will 16 Willetts 96 WiUiams 86 Williamson, G. R 62 Williamson, N. D 62 Williamson, P. S 52 Willis 61 Wilson, A. D 34 Wilson, H. M 103 Wilson, J 40 Wilson, J. B 70 Wiufield 61 Wiley 94 Wiseman 97 Wood 86 Woodbridge 59 WoodhuU 76 Woods 87 Wolflf 99 Wust 100 Wyckoff, A. V 65 Wyckoff, C 55 Wyckofif, H. Y 25 Wyckoff, I. N 35 Wvekoff, J. S 73 Wyckoff, T. F 61 Wynkoop, J 43 Wynkoop, P. S 33 Y. Yates, A 29 Yates, J A 43 Yates, C 101 Youngblood 52 Ypma 98 Z. Zabriskie, F. N 73 Zabriskie, J. L 28 Zurcher, 98 Zastera 103 Zweemer 103 ERRATA ET ADDENDA. Page 13, 2nd and 3rd lines, read Pompton Plains and Ponds ? " 15, Sth line, after Tappan, add, and New Hempstead, 1784. Died 1784. " 15, nth line, add Kakiat, 1777. " 18, 6th and 7th lines, for 2nd, read 1st. " 20, 8th and 9th lines, for 1786, read 1784. " 24, nth line, for New Hempstead, read North Hempstead, (same as Success.) " 25, 2nd line, for 1809, read 1800, and add 1800 Pompton Plains, 1809. " 32, 6th name, read Mabon. " 41, 5th name, add D.D. " 68, 9th line, for Greenbush, read Greenburgh. " 77, nth line, for Philadelphia, read Philadelphia 2nd. " 82, 4th name, read Hongen. " 91, 7th line from bottom, insert 1851 Manayunk 1852. " 97, Sth name from bottom, add D.D.