'•fc,. W. ^ . IfL . ^y ^^ PRINCETON, N. J. ^, '*4fe Dhnsion Sfction -^r ^CC^ I BOOK OF WORSHIP WITH TUNES, PUBLISHED BY THE GENERAL SYNOD OF THE LUTHEKA^^ CHURCH IX THE UNITED STATES. SIXTH THOUSA^'D. *t=^i^ - I. CHRISTMAS. 11. GOOD FRIDAY. III. EASTER. IV. ASCENSION DAY. V. WHIT-SUNDAY. 8 ^OKDGR OF msm ajoK^f)ip.^ -gsssg- suborning jSpptirF. ^ 7%e Minister shall begin the Service by reading one or more of the following sentences. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen. The Lord is in His Holy Temple ; let all the earth keep silence before Him. From the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, my Name shall be great among the Gentiles ; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my Name, and a pure offering : for my Name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of Hosts. O Lord, open Thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Thy praise. For Thou desirest not sacrifice, else would I give it ; Thou delightest not in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. ORDER OF rUBLIC WORSHIP. 2%< Congregation ariose and remain standing till the end of the (.'reed. \ Then shall be said or sung the y mm 'S -e»- Gloria Patri. c. norris. ^S^iiisiiiiiiiil Glory be to the Father, and to the 8011, And to the Ho - ly Ghost ; ZJSl -12--^- m ^ii-3:izzziz=ir — ^-zmz: il:;5~'^^~ig: pill As it was in the beginning, is now, and ev- er sliallbeAVorldv. ithoutend. A - men. :fe 1 J2. ^iEt-^^^E^Ell * TJtcn shall the Minister s iij The Confession of Sin. Dearly Beloved : the Holy Scrijjturcs declare, that when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. The sacrifices of God are a broken and a contrite heart. To the Lord belong mercies and forgivenesses, though wc have rebelled against Him. Let us therefore confess our sins UAto our Father, with sincere, humble, and obedient hearts, that we may obtain remis- sion of the same by His infinite goodness and mercy. LET US PRAY. Almi(;iity and most uurciful Father, unto whom all hearts arc open, and all desires arc known, all whose commandments arc just, necessary, and good ; we confess unto Thee, that we have erred and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep. AVe have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have ofl^(>nded against Thy holy laws. Wc have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and wc have d(me those things which wc ouglit not to have done. But enter not, we beseech Thee, into 10 MORNING SERVICE. judgment with us ; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. As Thou desirest not the death of a sinner, hut that he may turn from his wickedness and live — have mercy, O Lord, upon us, miserable offenders. Spare Thou those, O God, who confess their faults. Restore Thou those who are truly penitent, according to Thy gracious promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, to the glory of Thy holy name, through Thy blessed Son, our Mediator and Redeemer. ^ Then shall he said or siuig the Kyrie. 0 God,theFather in heaven,have mer-cy up-on us ! O God, the Son, Re- deemer of the world, have mer-cy up-on us ! O God, the Holy Ghost, have mer-cy up-on us,and grant usThvpeacel Amen. . ^ ^ ' -^ r - -^. \ \ \ Then may the Minister say this prayer, or it may he omitted. 0 Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who of Thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto Thee ; have mercy upon us, pardon and deliver us from all our sins, confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and bring us to ever- lasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. •[ Then shall the Apostles" Creed he said by the Minister and the Congregation. Apostles' Creed. 1 BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord ; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary ; Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried ; He descended into the place of departed spirits ; 11 ORDER OF PUBLIC W01i8HlP. The third day He rose from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Ahuighty ; From thence He shall come U) judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost ; The Holy Christian Church ; The communion of saint-;; The forgiveness of sins; The resurrection of the body; And the life everlasting. Amen. ^ Then shall he suinj the Tc Deum iMudamus, or the Gloria in Excelsis, as here followeth. Gloria in Excelsis PART I. iipg^^E^fa^tSiiplj 1 Glory be to G.d on hi^h, and on earth peace,goodwill towards men. 2 We praiseThee,wc blessThce,we worship Thee, we glorifyThee,we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glcry. -A-i m J: :fcfe :g=p-- .te=:ta a ;e.:a p^^iMi PART II. 3 0 Lord God, heavenly Kin?, God the ... . Fa - (her, Al- . . iiiighty ! 4 0 Lord,the only begotten Son, Jo - sus Christ; 0 Lord Gd, Lamb of God, Son cf the Father. 9:: PART III. 3;^^ m^ 5 That takcst away the ... . sins of the world, have mercy up - en us. 6 Thou that iakest away the . • . sins of the world, have mercy up - en us. 7 Thou (hat takest away (he . . . sins of the world, re- . . . ceive our prayer. 8 Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the . Father, have mercy up - en us. J2- .^ ^ .^^ -"2. jSL ' RETURN TO IWRT T. 9 For fhou I only • • art | holy : 1] thou I only | art the | Lord : 10 Thou only, 0 Christ, with the | Holy [ Ghost, |1 art most high in (he | glory • • of | God (he | Father. || A- | men. 12 MORNING SERVICE. *i Then sluill folloio the Reading of the Scriptures. Hymn. Prayer. Hymn. Collection. Sermon. ^ Then shall the 3Iinister offer a brief prayer, which may close with the Lord^s Prayer, in which the people may join ; and it is Jilting they should do so whenever it occurs in public worship. The Lord's Prayer. Our Father, who art in heaven ; Hallowed be Thy Name ; Thy kingdom come ; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; Give us this day our daily bread ; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil ; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. ][ Then shall follow a Hymn, and the Benediction. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen. Or, The Lord bless thee and keep thee ; The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Amen. If After the Benediction, the Congregation, still standing, shotdd offer silent prayer. 13 ^tpning jSprtiirp. f The Service shall begin with one of the followiufj Invitatories. The Invitatory nuiy be said respouitivcli/ by the Minister and Congregation. The Introit. 1. DEUS MISEEEATUR. Ps. Ixvii. God be merciful unto us, and bless us : And cause His face to shine u])on us. That Thy ^vay may be known upon earth ; Thy saving health ainoni; all nations. Let the people praise Thee, O God : Let all the people praise Thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase : And God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us: And all the ends of the earth shall fear Him. 2. JUBILATE DEO. Ps. c. Make a joyful noise unto the l^ord, all ye lands: Serve the Lord with gladness ; come before His i)resence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God ; It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves: We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgivinir, and into His courts with praise : Be thankful unto Him, and bless His Kame. For the Lord is goohs, Mcs - si -all isKi -#-:-»—# r 1 Zi - on tlio inar-vcl - oiis -^^ :> Tell howHe coiu-othjironi ( ,1 Mor-tals, your homage bo -r * r— g-- -J— ^ P {5=H^=45=:s: sto - ly he tcll-ing, The Son of the high-<>st, how low - ly His hirtli.The na - lion to na-tion,The heart-cheering news, let the eartliech - oroun(l;How grate -lul-ly bringing, And sweet let the gladsome ho - san - na a - rise; Ye mm -C- -0- -^ -i- ' .-^-1^-t- jLzZ t=r: ■L-J,-,r: 22 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. SHOUT THE GLAD TIDINGS. Concluded. M '^: -^- ight - est arch - an ge in glo - ry free to the laith - ful He of fers an - gels the full hal - le - lu - jah S -ji # ^^ m fs- --H ex - eel - ling, He sal - va - tion,HowHis be sing - ing; One -P — P — ^^5 — ;^—gj^ — I -J 1^ -#——*—* — 9 — 9 — ^ H Stoops to re- deem thee, He reigns up - on earth. ] peo-ple with joj ev - er - last - ing are crowned. [ Shout the giad tid-ings, ex- clio - rus resound thro' the earth and the skies. j \ -0- ■#- -0- ' -^ ^ -^ . h. ^--t: 1 1 y U F ! ^— ^• .0—0. -» — 0- — i^— y- ^1 1st d- 2d verses. \ ^3=::>:r^=::=ij ult-ing-ly sing Je-ru - saleiu triumphs, Mes-si - ah is King! N "" J I J i . N — tr+i y — I- Ending for 3d verse si - ah is King ! Me - si - ah is King ! Mes - si - ah is King ! -«■ ^ ■#- ■#- -^ 9^ 1 — r— r 23 i ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. CHRISTMAS CHANT. From Psalms xiv. Ixxxix. ex. Thy seat, O God^ en- 1 dureth " for | ever : || the sceptre of Thy kingdom | is " a | right •■ — I sceptre. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hatrd in- | i-qui- | ty : || wherefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with tlie oil of glad/ifss | a-" — | bove " thy | fellows. My song shall be alway of the loving-kind/iess | of" the 1 Lord: || with my moutli •will I ever be showing Thy truth from one genera/io/i | to " an- | o-" — | ther. For I have said, Mercy shall be set up \ for 8tab-lish I in " the | heavens. I ever: || Thy truth shalt ihou \ The Lord is | our " de- | fence : || the Holy Cue \ chos en ] out " of the | people. Thou spakest sometime in visions unto Thy saints, \ and " — \ saidst : || I have laid help upon One that is mighty ; I have exalted One \ chos-en | out " of the | people. I will set His dominion | in " the | sea : || and His right " hand | in " the | floods. And I will make Him \ my " First- | born: || higher \ than " the | Kings " of the | earth. The Lord said un- | to " my | Lord: i| Sit Thou on my right-hand, until I make Thine | enemies | Thy " — | footstool. The Lord shall send the rod of Thy power \ out " of | Sion : || be Thou ruler even in the midst a- | mong " Thine | en-e - | mies. In the day of Thy power shall the people offer Thee free-will offenw.v"' with an | ho-ly I worship: | the dew of Thy hirth is | of" the | womb " of the | morning. The Lord sioare, and will | not " re- | pent: li Thou art a Priest forever, after the order | of " Mel- ] chi-ze- | dek. Glory be to the Father, \ and " to the | Son, \ and \ to the 1 Ho-ly I Ghast; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er | shall be, || world \ with-out | end. A- | men. 24 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. BENEDICTUS DOMINUS. 1 Blessed be the Lord God of | Is-ra- | el ; | ibr He hath visited | and " re- | deemed " His I people ; 3 As He spake by the mouth of His | ho-ly | Prophets : || which have been \ since " the | world •• be- \ gan ; 5 Glory be to the Yadher, \ and " to the | Son, || and \ to the | Ho-ly | Ghost ; 9J2-. i^^^yi ■i5>- =^ -t&- m 914 2fe #3^ -/5>- 0—i ■■'-f=r- mi 2 And hath raised up a mighty salva/to;i | for •" — ; us || in the house \ of " His | ser- vant I David; 4 That we should be saved /rowi our | en-e- | mies | and from the hand of | all "' that | hate " — I us. 6 As it was in the beginning, is now^ and [ ev-er j shall be, || world \ with-out \ end. A- I men. BONUM EST CONFITERI Psalm xcii, DR. RANDALL. 5— g±zii=t m P: *^ I 1 It is a good thing to give thanks [ unto ' • the ] Lord ; 1| and to sing praises unto thy | name, — | O most | Highest. 3 Upon an instrument of ten strings, and up- | on the | lute ; || upon a loud instru- ment, I and up- I on the | harp. 5 Glor.y be to the Father, and | to the | Son, || and | to the | Holy | Ghost ; 2 To tell of thy loving kindness | early • • in the ] morning ; \ and of thy | truth * * in the 1 nisht — | season. 4 For thou. Lord, hast made me glad | through thy | works; || and I will rejoice in giv- ing praise for the ope- | ration | of thy | hands. 6 As it was in the beginning, is now, and j ever ' ' shall be, I[ world without I end. A- I men, A- | men. 25 AJSTHEMS AND LHA^Tss. ynlm ^unhnij. -Ssss:®- i THE WHOLE MULTITUDE. WM. B. BRADBURY. * -JZ And \\licii lie was come ui«rh, even to tlie de- scent of the Mount of ■^ I 1- L ij r u ^ u* '^ ^ 01 i!^ P P Dpi' Thewbole nml-ti-tudc of the dis - ci - pies be- J!^-.V *■ m ^^^^.=J 1 b ^ ■#-- •■ rejoice, And to praise God with a loud voice, And to md==^ f~f ^? ^^ :J-___-i_?-L-f-,-:r f— r-4-- li D^--:: 26 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. THE WHOLE MULTITUDE. Continued, " -^, a p praise God ^vith a loud voice, For all the mighty works that they had :^ i -0- ^ :^ S:^. J ^^^ ^^E^^ hfe :^=^. ^8^-*: ^--fc-:^ N N N ^ I > I U' I seen, Say-ing, Bless - ed be the King that com-eth in the name of the :-8-^- S5EE t? m M—'y.—^ V — u-^- nH^ H-^.- [-" — i — "*'i r=-^ N H ' -n » i 0 » .1 ^ — g^: #-^ Lord. —0~ 0 » — Peace on earth, and ■*- * ■•- "#- [ 0— 0 0 ^-% 1^=^ glo - ry in ■0- ■0- -0- r * * ^ the high - est. ■»■ • *•• J :A V — _--^ t-^-^J : L ' ' 1,- ' / — 1 X — ' — _'^,_ h^^ Peace on earth, Blessed t)e the King, Bless -ed be the King, Blessed be the 9^ S -?=p-^^==^ — ^ *_. — «_i — Bless- ed be the King, ^=1 S N S, -• — 0 — a- r- Blessed be the King.Bless - ed, Kini whocometh in the name of the Lord. Bless - ed be the Kinj n^ •0- ' -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- *- #■ •0- g^^ — ^ , -#■ -0- -0-4^ -0- : -0- P^S i&zzznfe: Srl=P: J^E^gj 27 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. THE WHOLE MULTITUDE. Continued. s ^-^ Avlioi'ometli in the name oltlie Lord, |S ,S IS N |S ,N ^ Glo I . ry, v-^-tf=^: m T- glo - ry, glo - ry in the :pcz:f.- E I N J ; U ALTO SOLO. S^ high - e«t, Peace in heav'n, and glo - ry in theliigh - est. W^: W~' -^^iJ —I — ^ Bless - ed he the 5:r3r#z:^i;«=:c=Tii=:eq :1 f^ f^ ^-^ 5 * • * • ^=it7 rn^- ^ I I I ! I king - doni ol' our ia-ther, Da - vid,thatconl - eth, thatcom-otli in llio i5--3^ m^^=^^^^^ :tl:? :i^ name of the Lord. Ho- san ■III na, ho-san - na, ho-Siin - na in the f t^-^:^. liigl» ■-Tn-- I est. Ho - san - na, ho - san - na in the high- J_^ ^—f- — r r-^=^^ " I '+ — ' — 28 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. THE WHOLE MULTITUDE, Concluded hish est. Peace ^rt=t:T^ in lieav'u, and glo - tv in EE§i the high est. Inoit 1[riha^, -Ssssr^g"- VIRUM DOLORUM. REV. W. FELTON. Isaiah liii. He is despised and re- | jected of | men ; |j a man of sorrows and ac- j quainted | •with — I grief. And we hid as it were our ] faces | from him ; || he was despised, and | we es- | teemed him | not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and | carried our ] sorrows : jj yet we did esteem him stricken, ; smitten of | God, * ' and af- | flicted. But he was woundpd for | our trans- | gressions, || he was bruised for | our in- | iqui- I ties; The chastisement of our peace ] was up- | on him, || and with his | stripes — | we are | healed. All we like sheep have | gone a- | stray; jj we have turned every | one to | his own | way; And the Lord hath i laid on j him || the in- j iquity I of us j all. When thou shalt make his soul an j offering * ' for | sin, || he shall see his seed, he | shall pro- | long his | days. And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper | in his j hand. | Pie shall see of the travail of his soul, and ', shall be 1 satis- j fied. 29 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. -SiSS« - THE LOVE OF CHRIST, l. o. emerson. 5 1 1 Love, Love, on earth appears! The wretched tliroiig His way; EEE^ 'W iHI \i, 1 (lie for thee. He said : — Behold the 3 Now ill tlie grave He's laid, In death's fu cross a - rise! ne - real gloom ; aft -<> — ^ ^ ^=^- [§| m, He heareth all their griefs. And And lo! He bows His head, — He Stern watchman in the shade, A c-g — g- wipes their tears a - way; l)ows His head and dies! seal up - on the tomb; 1^ /S'o/V and slow. m S :;3£ Soft und sweet the strains should be, Sa - viour, wlicn I ^^^lEi 8oft, my harp, thy brcalliings be. Let me wcej) on Hush'd, my harp, thy mur-murs be, Christ is sleep - ing i^i '^^ V— ^ — P ♦^-H- m 80 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. THE LOVE OF CHRIST. Continued pp '•'^- to thee, Sa viour, when sing to thee. Cal - va - ly, Let me weep on there for thee! Christ is sleep - ing Cal - va - ry. there for thee I iii'?;! w -k5- "^mm iEEE 4 The angel came at da^vn, The stone is rolled a - way ; The living dead is gone, And -I \ P ^. "^ #=f: 5 He lives! again He lives ! I hear the voice of Love, He comes to soothe my fears. And iiifei m- ':^i:^3r. i?-^ -i& — bursts ter ISH =1: .^_«_ nal day; Loud, loud the strain should be, draw i^ my soul — I- a - bove; Joy - ful now the strain should be, ^=P3r 1 -N h A ♦ ^=^;itz=ir=i; — / — — ~~^ 81 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. THE LOVE OF CHRIST. Concluded, M ■2-^: EEEt m^m^^^ Je - sus conquers death for me, Je - sus conquers deiith for me. -^ # 0 0 r "] P I H 1 -L| K 1 uf-^ iT=i:,i:d, t— ^ I ^ r • r I '^ \ When I sing of Cal - va - ry,When I sing of Cal - va - ry ^a 35^3 ^—» •-r^.Z^f^t fc>: V — r ^^i^^^m^ AD RESURRECTIONEM. TRAVERS. ^j^^^ii 31 giS a -f9—- si^te= tt pg j2. ^ 4S2. ^— J2. 11 1^1 Clirist, our Passover, is sacrificed | for * " — | us : || there/ore | let " " us | keep ' ' the | Not with the old leaven, neither with the leaven of mah'er and | wick-ed- ] ness; || but witli the unleavened hread of sin- | cer-i- | ty " " and | truth. 1 Cor. v. 7. Christ being raised from the dcad^ \ dicth * " no | more: || death hatli no more do- | min-ion | o-ver ] Him. For in that He died, Ho died unto | sin " — | once: || but in that He Xweih., He | liv-etli I un-to | God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead inderd \ un-to | sin : || but alive unto God, through | Je-sus | Christ •• our ] Lord. Horn. vi. 9. Christ is ?iV?i | from "the [ dead: || and become the first -/r»t7s | of" — | them ••that | slept. For since by man \ came '• — | death: 1| by man came also the resur- | rec-tion | of •' the I dead. For as in Adam | all • • — | die : || even so in Christ shall ] all ' ' be | made • * a- | live, 1 Cor. XV. 20. 32 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. %st[mmn. -(^SSS© THE EARTH IS THE LORD'S. t- ■fe ^^ -^ .^2. V ' f Psalm xxiv, 1 The earth is the Lord's, and the | fulness •' there- | of ; || the world, and | they that I dwell there- | in. 2 For he hath founded it up- | on the | seas; || and established | it up- | on the | floods. 4 He that hath clean hands, and a | pure — | heart ; || who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor | sworn de- | ceitful- | ly. 5 He shall receive the | blessing from the | Lord ; || and righteousness from the | God of I his sal- I vation. 6 This is the generation of | them that | seek him; |I that ] seek thy | face, O | Jacob. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye ever- | lasting j doors; || and the King of | glory | shall come | in. -^B3Ei m -(9- £ :^- EE «— ^ us: 3 Who shall ascend unto the hill of the Lord ; and who shall stand in his ho - ly place ' t^ -0—-G^- -JzM^ ^' it .11 rrs r:\ ($> ^-J — 1— ^-#-r-U=-i 1-, n -0-^-;^-r r,r--^-fi^- %-~ r=2z2: T^ I ^^ -^-^'-.-^i^i^F^z^tiTtFfirgz: itz--!^ 8 Who is this King of glo-ry? the Lord of hosts: he is the King of glo-ry, 3 33 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. I^^nlijtaaf -gsss:^- COME, HOLY SPIRIT. SOLO. SOrRAXO. L. o. EMEKSON m -t- s »- :?^ zsr. * Come, Ho - ly Spir - it, heaven - ly Dove, With Kniijz_-4- — H— « — I — I— « — A-\ — , — I — I — I — I — I— ^ — I- I I I I I I ■1^ l_J_J_j_J_J_ ZI^ -^-9-^-0- ^ -\r. ^^ ._^_' izztz: -«^*- :,15_:!.. ^-^ ji^,&SE^3 ■-••-• — ^-^ ?^ ^^Sii all tliy quick' - niiif^, quick' - ninij; i)()wers, J •L-i;=i S^=l ^ •_ r I J^l 34 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. COME, HOLY SPIRIT. Continued, '^^=^E=~£ -i — \ Kin-die a ±1=1:: ni^ flame of sa - CTcd love In these cold I I I I ■JO^'-^--^-vf:It^K ^-,-H:-^--.-*-^-^-,- J-^—i--A^-.^, 0^ DUET. WB- ^ ^-# — a* — ^ '! I mm hearts, In these cold hearts of ours. Look, how we grov - el Look, how we grov el -^t' ^&i: ^e^ f^ b:^ ^^^ If^i^-aeiil^^^^^s^ here be - low, here be - low, Fond of these earth - ly, earth - ly toys! -^ — 0. •F — -0^ ;^^E^ Fond of these earth - ly, earth- ly toys! —H- -^ !-« — 1-»^ \ H-= 1 1 1 h- i^^gSP ^^ 35 f ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. COME, HOLY SPIRIT. Continued :^ -#— f- Our souls can neitli - er fly nor go To reach, to :ti?: Our souls can ncitli - er fly nor go To rcacli, to --J- t-s<— .- -<5!- • - __g^rz^::izJ=iH [::=L-r— ¥^^m -4 — ^ 1 reach e - tcr - nal joys. reach e - ter - nal iov; 1^!:^= BASS SOLO. ^ ^ ■-ZX 1 u vain we tune our feg^ 3t 36 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. COME, HOLY SPIRIT. Continued. §iS^^ t==f: -# — t- -^— #- ■^ Wil for - mal songs; In vain we strive, we strive to -^^n^^^.^=-H- piS-Ef£EEEEE3=.gE; .2; 4-*'-V. liEEE=^i!^^d g^^-EZ'EJEElEEfeESEgE^jg^EgpgEgg^^^EEEJ Ho - san - nas Ian guish on our tongues, And §iife^i ^— ^- tis: i!*Si iS^S^^— — :fi :^i=i#:^ ■^-y- : [S ^|- ;*^^-:3 — i«. :^=^ ^- our de - vo - tion dies, And our de - vo - tion dies. -^ S^ES 3=2=E* t=C tjg--^- :S=^-f ^^g ■^T VP-'jtf * m^^^=*- 3±fczS -f^r^ <> r^— i^- i i^z^t :i^: !e£? 37 A.NTHliMS AND CHANTS. COME, HOLY SPIRIT. Concluded. -' ■ J 1 me, Ho - 1 y Sp ■0 0 0—r-^- Coine,Ho-ly Spir - it, he^veii-ly Dove, AVilli all thy quick'niug, eig!£ I r I ^£3: 6— Vt — j — -^-S-, s -r-l 1 — j- d — h-l~» r — p-i •— quick'niug po\vers,Coiiie, shed a -broad a Saviour's love, And that shall ^ m-r^^- 1 . I I ' I •IF- -' 1- ^ kin - die, kin - die, kin- die ours, Come, shed ^ ^ ^ broad 3: 4t. ^'tV9^^ :#Tzr#: V — ^ u^ :(fi- ^^^.^EZj Eit l?i^|3l Sa - viour's love. Andthatshallkin - die oui-s. £-E — *- -»^ g#E3EEfe=-^?£^ B^^iBiSgg^^g^l^ And tliat shall kiu - die, kin - die ours. ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. l|HriJ^$l nnh l^ank$!5bing. -Ssssg- i^i-. ^ ^: m BENEDIC ANIMA MEA L. MASON. ^;f- _U2- ■S* 57 SSEi^ s^ :^ n 1 Praise the Lord, | O mj | soul ; j| And all that is within me, [ praise His | holy ] name. 3 Who forgiveth | all Thy | sin, !| And healeth * ' all | thine in- | firmities. 5 O praise the Lord, ye angels of His, ye that ex- | eel in | strength ; || Ye that fulfil His commandment, and hearken unto the | voice of | His — | word. 7 O speak | good of the ) Lord, 1| all ye works of His, in all | places of [ His do- | minion. I fc :5=^ ^ — ^- -J ^^_ :^:=zs -y^ ilH JZ. ^^t ^ '■^- ^=*4=fea 2 Praise the Lord, | O my ] soul ; || And for- | get not | all His | benefits. 4 Who saveth thy — life * • from de- | struction ; !| And cro^vneth thee with | mercj' ' and I lo:\'ing- | kindness. C O praise the Lord, [ all • • ye His | hosts ; !| Ye servants of | His that [ do His | pleasure. 8 Praise 1 thou the [ Lord. || Praise | thou the ] Lord, my [ soul. ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. THOU VISITEST THE EARTH, W. L. REMSBERG. il^ -^=^ -_ ^-•. I I The eyes of all wait ujj-o/i Thee, O Lord, our God, ^ ^ ^ ^^31.^5 f — 1^^- r u I I I 1 1 I; , 7 /o-^-i 1 gL W /9 '^i • ' 1 '^ -^- %t^ ' ^7 fP a ^ ^ f'' r>' 1 ^n^ — Aud Thou givest them their — % meat iu due sea - son. - -<> — 1 liisJz^ |*~ 1 \^^\ '^ S ^^ Thou (»iK'iiest Thy Aa;jrf, and satisfiest the de- - sire of ev'rv lliinLi: liv - in^. £E^E$2£E^^; DUET. Alto and Tenor. Tliou visittjst theeartli and blessest it, Thou crow nest Iheyearwilh Thy goodness. w Jl^-.-xa.^^J ;^-^ ^ ^^Mi 40 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. THOU VISITEST THE EARTH. Concluded. 1^1 JS-^-i—i -^-i-d- -s^ Thou crowu-cst the year Avith Thy good -9 — :f- Thou -^ >/ P P^ crown - est -t::?! the -■fi^ — Z?" year Avith thy good ^I F^H-1 1 — 2 9 =^ • r—ff— — ^- -^ — ^ 1 ^9 \- mouth shall 1 speak of the praise 3= of — r * Thee, Lord, ^ r— 1 i: i*^ i?j7. ]My mouth shall speak of the praise m^^^^ -s^ ^ of Thee, Lord. I 41 m ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. BLESS THE LORD, I Bless the Lore rd, WM. B. BKADBURY. S-P— # T(g— ^ y — I Bless the Lord, m^. *-»■ i-t±i=i -i=t my £ i^'^^ X ^lizziiiipiizz^: _^_ ^ > 1^ I • -1-rH ^-^ J-r*2 fc -...J^' <^-. — ^- soul, And all that is within me, bless his ho - ly name I -x-^ ^-9 V — ■ h- J S^- -^ * . J ^ 1^.^ -r^h =t: rJ^g^r-^— :: N ^- ■" ,!5- ^ !> •> e» — I 1 H *« — \ 1 — — -^-" — 5if Bless the Lord, 1 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And lor- Lfczt 1^^^ 1^ i wM get not all liis ben - e-fits, And for - t^et not all his ^- ^ -^ #. - J :t=t -L/ ^-h 42 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. BLESS THE LORD. Continued -J — ^s— ^— J- l—-J-'-i i - qui-ties, Who heal - eth m ~t=F-t:: rt: t— r all til}' (lis - eas It i^^it Who Ml 0 ^ -f^ ^—w 1 ' -J 1 __s ^_ — PS ^- . — ^-1 /J. ^ 1 -«=g= — ^^^— =it= 1 — ~^~3~ — 1 « ^ j- -:J=: (■f^ ^ -■ s ^ ^ T ,^ - ^ 1 ^ 1 '^ 't^ ';/ '/ p 1 .' 1 1 ■ 1 " 1 43 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. BLESS THE LORD. Concluded, kind m^ :i*=Z2- nciis aud ten der nicr - cies. -^ K ^ — _^ 0 0 0 0 ^_ 5- -•■-#■ -#• •♦ -0- •0- "\Vho re - dt'cni - cth thy life from des - true tion, AVho ^ — ^ — r 1 7- — fr^-f ' r^ r A 1 1 1 V 5 N ^ N 1 1 J - ' JL J J " ' 1 *■ 1 fm * ^ ^ * d » -' - 1 vy- « # • 'W f 9 » » 1 .7 crown - eth tliee M. ^ ^ with lov ■ ing kind ness, - - « Who ^ f):-S— L ^ 1 ^ ^ ^~ — [^ F p 1 ,"■ r I ■ 1 ■— J W u* J — 1 1 — ! 1 h ^ ^ :*=:*=ii^: -^ 4 fe^i -# — #■ -* — 5*- (Towneth thee witli lov - in, ' EIN FESTE BURG. M. LUTHER. ■0—W — ^>- ?^ -^ ^IS &:s=:r^:= I^^J ^^M^^i^i^Si^i^^^^ sz.=.=ti -fZ. ^ ^ ^ -^ ^^^s^ A mirit ; For he is with us on the plain. By his good gifts and Si)irit : Destroy they our life. Goods, fnne. child and wife? Let all i)iiss amain, Tliey still no c(m(|uest gain, For ours is still the kingdom. 46 ^lA i ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. LAUDATE. i ±;^ — ^J— J. BATTISHILL m as Pf^E Psalm cv. Oh, give thanks unto the Lord ; call up- | on his | name. I^Iake known his | deeds a- | mong the | people. Sing unto him, sing | psalms ' " unto | him. Talk ye of | all his | wondrous | works. Glory ye in his | holy | name : Let the heart of them re- | joice that | seek the 1 Lord. Seek the Lord | and his | strength ; Seek his | face, ' " seek his | face ■ * ever- | more. DOXOLOGY. ^-^ ^-^ '<5^ ~^ " •#- r r i I , , Praise God, from whom all bless - ings flow ; Praise Him, all Praise God from whom all bless - ings flow ; -^— P P » 9- I I I I tures here crea - tures here be - low ; Praise him all Praise him all creatures here be - low ; m^. tures s=l 47 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. DOXOLOGY. Continued ■^=i p— r^ -g^-° — ^^ here be - low ; I'raise Him above. Praise Him above, I I i rraise Him above, Praise Him ii- I I 12- id==,id=y-s r — [-— P ^i -J -^ r-\ =*r--=-*=3-5 1 \^= 1 1 » 0 — I'raise bove, r^'^ — — Him a-1 1 1 —0- ^ )0ve, raise 1 — — a i -. ... ^ i^L 1 -?-L^ # £> 0- III 1 ye licav'n - ly Him a-bove, yc heav'n-ly host ; 1 host ; ^raise p(S2 — a a — Him a- 5M_^_ -^_ -*:— ?4*— T r-ir^^ -1 — 0 f~~ r 1 1 1 , , 'i, \^t f 1 I 1 . 1 1 t \ |:i-i=^ — 1 _,*_ Z-t_ - <7 -4— -:d- -^^ bove, ] r- Praise Him 1 a - ••- bov(^, 1 Praise 1 ' Him a bove, 1 yc J-- i -^^ — 1= — ' — < —4- h t=- 5^^!^^ lieuv'n - ly 2^- G — -:^_ — r ^^^^m^^ A ^ r * .5—:^. host Praise Fa tlier, Ron, and Praise Fa-tlur, Son, ^i J. I I I =±ig-zrr=r .| N. =j:^^^^ r — r 48 ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. DOXOLOGY. Continued =^ Ho - _ ^ I I f= Pl=? - ly Ghost, Praise Fa - tlier, Son, I I and Ho and Ho - ly Ghost, r ^E@g r I L ^ • ^-, ;£t^-f- --^ :^: -I Ghost, Praise Fa - ther, Son, -z^- and Ho :t #-ML :rs: -^-^ -r^-r^ '^ ■ztznii ly Gliost. M Chorus, ad lib. V^J- ^ ^ ^-.-^^ i^ ^— ^^— ^-^T-^^ * =f=* -^^ -N— S -^.V -I ]. :^: Hal-le - lu - jah, Halle - lu-jah,Halle - lu-jah. Amen. Amen. Halle - hi - jah. I ^ ,^, , 2ZC 1: Cj n, — pg,H-s5^ — c ] Solo. ___^ ^ 1 1 y V_^ 1 ^-_,N ^.^ : ^ ^iEElE^ "-t- Hal-le - lu - jah,Hal-le - lu - jah, Hal-le - lu - jah,Hal-le - lu - jah. ^ -^^-^- =1 49 -t!^=^ ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. DOXOLOGY. Concluded. -N ^-j- ^^ llal-lc - 111 - jah, Hal-lo - lu - jali, Hal - lc3 - lu - jali, A - mcu, A- ^ ^-0- ^-0- §SS ■''-n? rr :«r:r=^;: ^=f^:: ^ ^ ^ ^1^^^ ^ — J — I -^ — #-^ — «-4-« 1 ^ -0—^ <—, P^- -?^- ill men, Hal - le - lu - jah, A -men, Hal - le - lu - jah, A - men. l3?EiE*^J h-^ V ■ 1, u ^:)' t=£=ii: 30 Kn)is£b bg ©rber of tl)e (General Smob. -Ssss@- PUBLIC WORSHIP. -@sss^ —-4 — «--« OLD HUNDRED. L. M, ±=t- * V ^fcSiizr*: ==± I 1 iri Hi^rtS: G. FRANCK. 5^ ^ « c i f-^: }=i:i ^ — ^ — ^ — ^— ^ — 9 — ^- r-j- ^^iS jj^i=f3 1 rizt:: n ^*— ^ --*— r— "— r-r-" — .—^- f==^=F=F Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred jov; Know that the Lord is God alone': He can create, and He destroy. His sov'reign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and forin'd us men. And, when like wand'ring sheep we stray' He brought us to His fold again. We are His people, we His care, Our souls and all our mortal frame: I >' What lasting honors shall we rear Almighty Maker, to Thy name! 4 We'll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues. Shall hllThycourts with sounding praise. 5 Wide as the world is Thy command ; Vast as eternity Tliy love; Firm as a rock Thy truth must stand, Wiien rolliiiiT vears sliall cease to move. 51 M^:s PUBLIC WORSHIP. FONT HILL L. O. EMERSON. *;^ ii^i^iii^iiiil^ 2 Oh, bless tlie Lord, my soul ! Let all within nie join, And aid my tongue to bless His name Whose favors are divine. Oh. bless tlie Lord, my soul ! Nor let his mereies lie Forgotten in unthankfulness, And witlKJUt praises die. 'Tis lie forgives thy sins; 'Tis lie relieves thy pain ; 'Tis He that heals Thy sicknesses, And gives thee strength again. HEMINGFORD, -0- -0- -0- -6^ -0- •#- , 4 He crowns thy life with love, When rescued from the grave, He, that redeem'd our souls from death, Hath boundless power to save. 5 He fills the poor with good ; He gives the sulf 'rers rest. The Lord hath justice for the proud, And mercy for the oi)pre^s'd. 6 His wondrous works and ways He made by Moses known ; But sent the world His truth and grace Bv His beloved Son. L. O. EMERSON. S. IVI .^i:E*=Ei= 8 1 My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are so great; Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. 2 Ood will not always chide; And, wlien His wrath is felt, His strokes are fewer than our crimes. And lighter than our guilt. 3 High as the heavens are raised Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of His grace, Our highest thoughts exceed 4 His grace suhdu<'s our sins, And His forgiving love Far as the east is from the west Doth all our guilt remove. 5 The pity of the Lord, To those who fear His name. Is sucJi as tender parents feel ; He knows our feeble frame. 6 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower! If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, ' It withers in an hour. 7 But Thy comi)assions, I>owcrs. T) Stand up, and bless tlie Lord; The Lord your (Ji^l adore; Stand lip, and l)less His glorious name, Henceforth, for evermore' 64 PRAISE AND ADORATION. CLAREMONT. H. M 31 0ZZ\Z^0-i. 0 E 0—i—c, L — *— L r-'-t- -y » \J- ^^? P3 ^ii^^^i^ig^i^^il] tf T7. rr Li V — ^ — 1/- V—V — \/- 1 To 3^our Creator God, Your great Preserver, raise, Ye creatures of His liand, Your liigliest notes of praise. Let ev'ry voice Proclaim His power, His name adore, And loud rejoice. 2 Let all the creatures join To celebrate Llis name, And all their various powers Assist th' exalted theme. Let nature raise From every tongue A general song Of grateful praise. But oh ! from human tongues Should nobler praises flow ; And ev'ry thankful heart With warm devotion glow. Your voices raise, Ye highly blest Above tlie rest ; Declare His praise. 55 PUBLIC WORSHIP. DUKE STREET. L. HATTON. — I ^M1 '^^^mw^'^m From all who dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise: Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through ev'ry land, by ev'ry tongue. Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord ; Paternal truth attends Thy word ; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore. Till suns shall rise and set no more. Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring; In songs of i)raise divinely sing; The great salvation loud proclaim, And shout for joy the Saviour's name. In ev'ry land begin the song; To ev'ry land the strains belong; In cheerful sounds all voices raise, And fill the world with loudest praise. FREDERICK, lis. G. KINGSI.EY. ■#• -^ ■•- H* -♦^ ikz3j±iplg^^^^^E^pES|^:'E lo ^' ' ^ 1 Oh, join ye tlie anthems of triumph that From His throne in the clouds tluOigbt- rise nings arc hurl'd, From the throng of the })lcst, from the And lie rulcth the factions that rage hosts of the skies; ' through the world. Allchiia, they sing, in rapturous strains, '^ Rejoice, yethat love Ilim ; His power can- Alleluia, the Lord (iod omnipotent reigns! j-j^^^ f,^jl . [vail; 2 He gave to the light its benefK^ent wings ; His omnipotent goo(hioss shall surely pre- Jle controllcth the councils of senates and The triumph of evil will shortly be passed, kings; The omnipotent King shall cont^uer at last. 66 PRAISE AND ADORATION. MANDOR. 8s, 7s. L. O. EMERSON. '^m :^: mmm] 3.x 1 Praise the Lord! ye lieavens, adore Him,i Praise Him, angels in the height ; | Sun and moon, rejoice before Ilim ; ! Praise Him, all ye stars of light ! 2 Praise the Lord — for He hath spoken ; t Worlds His mighty voice obey'd ; ; Laws which never shall be broken, j For their guidance He hath made. i Praise the Lord— for He is glorious ; Never shall His promise fail ; God hath made His saints victorious, Sin and death shall not prevail. Praise the God of our salvation, Hosts on high His power proclaim ; Heaven and earth, and all creation, Laud and magnify His name. DOVER. S. M 12 1 Awake, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb : Wake, ev'ry heart, and ev'ry tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of His dying love ; Sing of His rising power ; Sing how He intercedes above, For us whose sin He bore. 3 Sing, till we feel our heart Ascending with our tongue ; Sing, till the love of sin depart, And grace inspire our song. Sing on your heavenly way. Ye ransom'd sinners, sing ; Sing on, rejoicing ev'ry day In Christ, th' eternal King. Soon shall we hear Him say, " Ye blessed children, come !" Soon will He call us hence away To our eternal home. There shall our raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim. And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. 67 rUBLIC ^VORSHlP. ADMAH. L. M. A. WILLIAMS. i pE^ f ; I 1 -»~^j •»• -e- •► g^ I ^^ iSI^ _I — ^^=!^_ i — ^ — ;;3^ g ^v j-fl — I — -fcS; (^- JT^rg=^^"t^->*-X Hi 13 1 r.]css, O my soul ! the livinj; CIckI ; [ 3 'Tis TTe, my soul, that sent Tlis Son ('nil home thy thonpht.sthat rove ahroad :' To die for crimes which thou hast done ; Let all the juIwerH within me join I lie owns the ransom, and forgives n Wf)rk and worship so divine. The iiourly follies of our lives. 2 Bless, O my soul ! the God of Grace : j 4 Let every land His power confess ; His favors (-laiin thv liiirhest i)raisc ; I Let all tJie earth adore Tlis grace : Why slioiddtlie wonders lie hath wrouglit My heart and tongue with rapture join, Be lost in silence, and forgot? In work and worship so divine. 68 PRAISE AND ADORATION. AGAWAM. C. M. WM. E. BRADBURY. ._ ^ # ^ T'J T h > ,s ,^-H^-H^ m.\ N .^ ,S =^*3] 1^ N •? ^ •/ i^ rygjt — ^ — ^-»-r~^i{:::g:;:i=i xs Let every creature join To bless Jehovah's name, And every power nnito To swell th' exalted theme ; T>et nature raise, From every tongue, A general song Of grateful jjraise. But oil, from liuman tongues Sliould nobler praises flow, And every thankful heart With warni devtttion glow : Your voices raise, Ye highly blest ; Above the rest Declare llis praise. Assist me, gracious Hod ; My heart, my voice inspire; Then shall I hunddy join The universal choir ; Thy grace can raise My lienrt and tongue, And tum> my song To lively i)raise. glil 60 PRAISE AND ADORATION. NETTLETON. 8s, 7s. a. nettleton. Fine, m t=t §- Jtlii -ih^ ■-ai ! H N-, 1 t Come, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me some melodious measure. Sung by flaming tongues above ; Fill my soul with sacred pleasure, While I sing redeeming love. 2 Here I raise mine Ebenezer, Ilitlier by Thy help I've come, And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; He, to save my soul from danger. Interposed His precious blood. 3 Oh ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrain'd to be ! Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee ! Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it ; Prone to leave the God I love — Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. 61 PUBLIC WORSHIP. NEWCOURT. L. P. M HUGH BOND. 1^—1 — -r^-^ — J — \- -"^ 4 — J — -g;-^^v, zurz=#=zSE3z=;;-g-^JL ^ # — igJ^a-y -r i f=zz:zl i^-M^pig^epPl^^iJ I ^ j^zx^ ^ — , ^ ?: — I_ZT — j: , 1 ^- ri.ri ^ 9=5^^^ t; 1 ril })raise my Maker wliilst I've breatli ; Aixl, when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler ])ow'rs ; My (lays of ])raise shall ne'er l)e past Whilst life and thou^rht and being last, Or immortality endnres. 2 ITanpy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's (iod, who made the sky, And earth, and seas with all their train. His (rnth forever stands secnre ; He saves th' opi.rcss'd. lie fcfds the poor ; And none shall lind His ]»romise vain. tz—t=^.=: f=lEA] 3 The T.ord ponrs eyesi.dit on the blind ; The T.ord sn])ports the faintinu; mind ; He sends the lab'rinjj: e(»ns(i('nee jieaee ; He helps the stranper in distress, The widow and the fatherless, And grants tSe i)ris'iuT sweet release. 4 I'll praise Him while He lends me breath. And, when my voice is lost in death. I'raise shall employ my nobler pow'rs ; ^fv davs of ]>rais(> shall ne'er be past. Whilst life and thonght and being last, Or immortalitv endures. 62 PRAISE AND ADORATION. BOYNTON. C. M. REV. C. MALAN. Holy and revTend is the name Of our eternal King ; Thrice holy, Lord ! the angels cry : Thrice holy let us sing. Holy is He in all His works, And saints are His delight ; But sinners and their wicked ways Are hateful in His sight. OLNEY The deepest rev'rence, homage, love, Pray, 0 my soul, to God ; Lift with Thy hands a holy heart To His sublime abode. Thou, righteous God ! i^reserve my mind From all pollution free ; Thine image form within my breast, That I Thy face may see. MASON. 19 To God the only wise. Our Saviour and our King, Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring. 'Tis His almighty love, His counsel and His care, Preserves us safe from sin and death And ev'ry hurtful snare. He will present our souls Unblemish'd and complete, Before the glory of His face, With joys divinely great. Then all His faithful sons Shall meet around the throne, Shall bless the conduct of His grace, And make His wonders known. To our Redeemer, God, Wisdom and i)ow'r belongs. Immortal crowns of majesty, And everlasting songs. 63 PUBLIC WORSHIP. NUREMBURG. 7s. J. R. AHLE. 20 Thank and praise Jehovah's name! VoT His mercies, firm and sure, From eternity tlie same, To eternity endure. Let the ransom' d thus rejoice, Gather'd out of every land, As the people of His choice, Pluck'd from the destroyer's liand. To a i)leasant land He l>rings, Where the vine and olive grow, ^Vhere, from flow'iy hills, the springs Through luxuriant valleys flow. Oh, that men would praise the Lord For His goodness to their race ; For the wonders of His word, And the riches of His grace ! , HALLE. 7s. 6 lines. F. J. HAYDN. 4— t|^:-« — • — ^ — d — -«—#—• — -^-* — ^ — tf — # *— I — -^- — 0 — ^ — ^^.-f I M- .C2^ ^ j2. .^ .(2. m JL JSL V^ r- i j2. ^2Z '^ m — S^f — * — *:j-1Pr -<> — *— g--f-jg * -^ — -H-F- J ^. -» ^ JM I ir-J 21 f (lod of mercy, (lod of grace! Show tlie l)rightness ()f Thy face; Shine uj)on us, Savi<»nr! shine; J'ill Thy chur(;l» with light divine; And Thy saviiig iiealth extend To the earth's rem<»te.st end. l/ct the f)eo])le ]»raise Thee, Lord ! He l.y all that live adored: Let the nations shout und sing, Glory to their Saviour King ; At Thy feet their trihute pay, And Thy holy will obey. Let the people j^raise Thee. Lord I Larth shall then her fruits afford; (!od to man liis blessings give; Man to (lod devoted live; All below, and all above. One in joy, and light, and h)ve. 64 PRAISE AND ADORATION. LUTON. L. M. G. BURDER. mm^mmmm^^mi 22 My (jrod, my King, Thy various praise Shall fill the remnant of my days ; Thy grace employ my humble tongue, Till death and glory raise the song. The wings of ev'ry hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear ; And every setting sun shall see New works of dutv done for Thee. Let distant times and nations raise The long succession of Thy praise ; And unborn ages make my song The joy and triumph of their tongue. But who can speak Thy wondrous deeds? Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds; Vast and unsearchable Thy ways ! Vast and immortal be thy praise ! UXBRIDGE. L. M. L. MASON. g^^^mmmM ms^ ■t>--^-- mm m\ 23 Where two or three, with sweet accord. Obedient to their sov'reign Lord, Meet to recount His acts of grace, And offer solemn prayer and praise — " There," says the Saviour, " will I be. Amid this little company ; To them unveil my smiling face. And shed my glories round the place." We meet at Thy command, dear Lord, Relying on Thy faithful word ; Now send Thy Spirit from above, Now fill our hearts with heavenlv love. 24 Away from ev'ry mortal care. Away from earth, our souls retreat ; We leave this worthless world afar, And wait and worship near Thy seat. 2 Lord, in the temples of Thy grace, We bow before Thee and adore ; We view the glories of Thy face. And learn the wonders of Thy power. 3 Whilst here our various wants we mourn, United prayers ascend on high ; And faith expects a sure return From Him who hears our feeble cry. 4 Father I my soul would here abide ; Or, if my feet must hence depart, Still kee]) me. Father, near Thy side, Still keep Thv dwelling in my heart, 66 PUBLIC WORSHIP. HOWARD. C. M S. HOWARD. -•■■•- -(^*- iit -j:-J^ 4^- -^ I I ^ i -t- — I 1 1 -I 1^- t|^fis^i=l l^^#s^ii£fSiii 25 The Lord in Zion ;)laced I lis name, His ark was settlod there; To Zion tlie whole nation came To worshi}) thrice a year. But we have no such lengths to go, Nor wander far abroad ; "Where'er Thy saints assemble now There is a house of God. Here niifxhty God ! accept our vows ; Here let Thy praise be s>pread : Bless the i>rovisions of Thy house, And lill Thy poor with bread. Here let the Son of David reign, Let (Jod's Anointed shine; Justice and truth His court mair.tain With love and jjower divine. HENDON. 7s. -af—s^-^^0—(p — z:f—s^ .^_^_L^ — ^-'s^ ^ C. MALAX. m^M^Mm^mM^m 3'_^SP_ ^^^ -"^-^ la^ig J- S^^§^f^^^^|E; HEg e ■^ ^2. ?-^: 3: Mr .a..a. .a. I I 26 Lord, we come before Tlicc now, At Tiiy feet we humbly bow ; Oh, d(j not our suit disdain ; Sliall we seek Thee, Lord, in vain? In thine own appointed way, Now wo sock Thoo, lioro we stay ; Lord, wo cannot h-t Tlioe go Till a I)Iessing Thou bestow. Send some message from Thy word That may joy and i)eace afford; T>ct Tliy s]>irit now imnart I-'ull salvation \(^ each lieart. Comfort tlioso who weep and mourn Let the time of joy return ; Those who are cast down, lift \\y ; >hike them strong in faith and ho[»e. Grant that all may seek and hud Thoo a God su])romoly kind; Heal tho sick, the captive free, Let us all rejoice in Thee. QQ PRAISE AND ADORATION. ALVAN. 8s, 7s, 4s. l- mason. -#■ -.^ •♦ -6^ o • ^ a. ■l — \ Siz^zi^zz^azEE: —-. -f2 «- a- H- r ''^ w-r $* n f^^- r In Thy name, 0 Lord, assembling, We, Thy people, now draw near : Teach us to rejoice with trembling; Speak, and let Thy servants hear ; Hear with meekness — Hear Thy word with godly fear. While our days on earth are lengthen 'd, May we give them, Lord, to Thee ; Cheer'd by hope, and daily stxengthen'd. May we run, nor weary be, Till Thy glory Witliout cloud in heaven we see. 3 There, in worship purer, sweeter, . All Th}^ people shall adore ; Tasting of enjoyment greater Than they could conceive before; Full enjoyment, Full and piire forevermore. PETERBOROUGH ^ » * • • R. HARRISON. -J -^- so In Thy great name, 0 Lord, we come. To worship at Th)'- feet ; Oh, pour Thy Holy Spirit down On all that now shall meet. We come to hear Jehovah speak. To hear the Saviour's voice : Thy face and favor. Lord, we seek, Xow make our hearts rejoice. Teach us to pray and praise, and hear And understand Thy word ; To feel Thy blissful presence near, And trust our living Lord. Here let Thy power and grace he felt • Thy love and mercy known ; Our icy hearts, dear Jesus, melt, And break this flinty stone. Let sinners. Lord, Thy goodness })rove, And saints rejoice in Thee ; Let rebels be subdued by love. And to the Saviour flee. This house with grace and glory fdl. This congregation bless ; Thy great salvation now reveal, Thy glorious righteousuess. 67 PUBLIC WOKSHIP. YOAKLEY. L. M. W. YOAKLEY. ^^=?tg^ ^^S-- ^ .-#-r-(2 * . :S37n_:^ T^-^ r(2- soffit— Jni^izjzc^ :±q: I 20 Thy presence, gracious God afford, Trepare iis to receive Thy word ; Now let Thy voice engage our ear, And faith be mix'd with what we liear. Distracting tlioughts and cares remove. And fix our hearts and liopes above : With food divine may we be fed, And satisfied with livintj bread. To us the sacred word api^ly. With sov'reign power and energy ; And may we, in Thy faith and fear, Reduce to practice what we hear. Father, in us Thy Son reveal ; Teacli us to know and do Thy will : Thy saving ])0wcr and love display, And guide us to the realms of day. C. M W. B. BRADBURY I I I ■^^=%-- U-^=\ SS33 ^mm ao .ord, •Ic^us, Tliou dear redocjning Thy blessing we implore; Open the door to j)reach Thy word, The great, cfTectual door. Gather the outcasts in, and save From sin and Satan's power; And let them now a(;ce])tance have, And know tlieir gracious hour. Lover of souls ! T1k)u know'st to prize What thou hast bought so dear ; Come, then, and in Thy people's eyes With all Thy wounds apjjcar 1 Appear, as when of old confest The suff'ring Son of God ; And let us see Thee in Thv vest IJut newly dipt in blood. The hardness of our hearts remove, Thou who for sin hast died ; Show us the tokens of Thy love, Thv feet, Thy hands, Thy side 68 ??r# m-^¥^- '-^ ^ ^ ^ m-'^m — 1 — PRAISE AND ADORATION. MERLO. 8s, 7s, 4s. l. o. emerson. I I J , n XL 4ZL f=t:: m uj- f-QHrk 1 1— h— ^ 1— r J — U— 1-+-^-^ 1 •'-J J— I— *- 3X Dearest Saviour, help Thy servant To proclaim Thy wondrous love ! Pour Thy grace upon this people, That they may Thy love approve : Bless, oh. bless them, From Thy shining courts above. Now Thy gracious word invites them To partake the gospel-feast; Let Thy Spirit sweetly draw them ; l']v'ry soul be .Tesus' guest! Oh, receive us. Let us find Thy promised rest. 69 PUBLIC WORSHIP. ADDISON. S. M. L. O. EMERSON. 32 Our heavenly Fatlier, liear The prayer we oiler now ; Thy name be hallow'd far and near, To Thee all nations bow. Thy kingdom come ; Thy will On earth be done in love, As saints and seraphim fulfil Thy i)erfcct law above. Our daily bread supi)ly While' by Thy word we live ; The guilt of our iniquity Forgive as we forgive. From dark temptation's power. From Satan's wiles, defend ; Deliver in the evil hour, And guide us to the end. Thine shall forever be Glory and ])ower divine ; The sceptre, throne, and majesty Of heaven and earth are Thine, -^-S -^ -0—0- PARK STREET. L. M. -.^-^^^^ ^- F. VENUA. <^—0 ipliipSig^iis igiiStosi#feia *^. n». 33 Thee we adore, eternal Lord I We praise thy name with one accord ; Thy saints, who here Thy goodness see, Tiirough all the world do worship Thee. To Thee aloud all angels cry, And ceaseless raise tlicir songs on high, IJoth cheru])im and seraphim. The heavcna and all the i»owcrs therein. 3 The apostles join the glorious throng ; The prophets swi-ll the immortal song The martyrs' noble army raise Internal antliems to Thy praise. 4 Thee holy I'ropliet, Priest, and King! Thee, Saviour of mankind they sing : Thus earth below, and heaven above. Resound Thy glory and Thy love. 70 THE LORD'S DAY. 1^3 Ji0rit'$ J)31|. -Ssssg)- LISBON. S. M. DANIEL REED. m ISZZC ^ — 3EE^ 1 ^ i^^] i^^_^ ^^y S4 Wclcomo, sweet day of rest That saw the Lord arise ; Welcome to this reviving breast And these rejoicing eyco. 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts His saints to-day ; Here we may sit and see Him liere, And love and praise and pray. One day, amid the place Where Christ, my Lord, has been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasure and of sin. My willing soul would stay in such a frame as this, Till call'd to rir^c and soar away To everlasting bliss. 71 PUBLIC WORSHIP. LISCHER. H.M F. SCHNF.IDER. !f^e; 5?^ ?=R 1; -^ — #- c ., f=^^ p :in:= ^ -*-r— »- —,-» — pg^-H » r-» — « — . — r*-t 4 ^-\ f:: iL .^2. :-_t: mmm r_^-^_^-. Pl= ^ t=9 -* — # — ^ — U— I ]— ::g: -tf — #— i-i# U.| , ^ -* — ft — #. t=t::=t=p: a ^ *- ^ ^: i=ts=i=i ^ -1^ — l^ '^- -t^ :?: ^^ 05 1 Welcomo. dclitrlitful morn, Tlioti (lay of sacred rest ! I bail Thy kind return ; — Lord, make tlies(r moments Idcst: l>om tlio low train of mrtrtal toys, I soar to rearli immortal joys. 2 Now n)av the Kiiif? dc^eend And fill His tlirono of j^racc ; Thy sceptre, Lord, extend, 72 "While saints address Thy face : Let sinners feel Thy qiiiekening word, And learn to know* and fear the Lord. i Descend, celestial Dove, With all Thy fiuiekening ]towers ; Disclose a Saviour's love, ,\nd bless the sacred hours : Then shall my soul new life obtain. Nor Sabbaths be enjoyed in vain. THE LORD'S DAY. SABBATH. 7s. 6 lines \ N — 2 — ^ L. MASON. g^^ipgE^^^^sp ■0L ^ ■iSL -#-*- fc:^ :r— f— g-n : N, h N. Jig^-ggSli — N- 5=J 4L -^ 9'"^ >---v-c-^ -• — # — *- -V — ^ — t^ -# — ^ — ^ V — i^ r— "-t 36 Safely through another week God has brought us on our war ; Let us now a blessing seek, "Waiting in his courts to-day : Day of ail the week the best ; Emblem of eternal rest ! AVhile we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Ivcdcemer's name, Show Tliy reconcihng face — Take away our sins and shame : From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in Thee. 73 Here we're come, Thy name to praise ; Let us feel Thy presence near ; May Thy glory meet our eyes, While we in Thy house appear : Here afford us. Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints ; Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief for all complaints : Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the Church above. =_eJi^ PUBLIC WORSHIP. LISCHER. H.M. f. Schneider ^_, _U-._^_ J \ \ c ^_ -9 ^ •-5? m I J I — c i gi^^=p:^^-^=^=^i^^^«=^=-^ t=^=:t f p •- 42. 1:4 m\ ■y- ^-F^ -*-*-^l.-g- Jt J2. f^-^ i|=?^=gi§^i=g«3i^s^E3 1 ^ — C-l 1 1 — L-r-L f—f^-^ 1 1— « wmmw i^^^E t=i=i=:i rl=ii-=ii: %^=t>=,^i.: -^- isE^Jl 1 Awake, yo saints, awake! And hail this sacred day ; In loftiest sdiij^s (tf ])raise Your linnil)l(! Iioniaj^e jm' : f'onic, l)l('ss tlic day that (Jod hath hlest, The type of heaven's eternal rest. 2 On this anspicions morn The Lord of life anjse ; lie burst the bars of death, 74 And vanquish'd all our foes ; And now he pleads our cause alxive, And reaps the fruit of all Ilia love. All hail, triuniphatit Lord ! Heaven with hosannas rint^s. And earth in humbler strains. Thy praise responsive sinjjs : Worthy the Lamb, that onci^ was slain. Through endless years to live and reign ! THE LORD'S DAY. EL PARAN. L. M. L. MASON. I- J7^ ^ 4L-^. ^ A -r- l-^ -= ^^^^ ^— I 1 c 1 c, — I 1 E^^ 3e 1 Another six days' work is done, Another Sabbath is begun : Return my soul, enjoy thy rest. Improve the day thy God has blest. 2 Come, bless the Lord, whose love assigns So sweet a rest to wearied minds ; Provides an antepast of heav'n, And gives this day the food of sev'n. 3 Oh. tliat our thoughts and thanks may rise As grateful incense to the skies ; And draw from heaven that sweet repose "Which none, but he who feels it, knows. With joy, great God I Thy works we view In various scenes, but old and new ; With praise we think of mercies past. With hope we future pleasures taste. In holy duties let the day, In holy pleasures pass away : How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend. In hope of one that ne'er shall end. ARLINGTON. C. M. THOS. A. ARXE. 39 1 This is the day the Lord hath made , He calls the hours His own : Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. 2 To-dav arose our glorious Head, And death's dread empire fell : To-dav the saints His triumph spread And all its wonders tell. 3 Hosanna I the anointed King Ascends His destined throne; To God our grateful homage bring, And His Messiah own. Blest be the Lord, who came to men ^^'ith messages of grace ; Who came in God His Father s name To save our sinful race. Hosanna in the highest strains The rimrch on earth can raise I The highest heavens in which He reigns. Shall give Him nobler praise, 75 PUBLIC WORSHIP. THATCHER. S. M G. F. HANDEL. 40 Lord, in this sacred lu3ur 3 Thy temple is the arch Witiiin Thy courts we bend, Of yon unmeasured sky ; And bless Tliy love, and own Thy power, Thy Sabbath, the stupendous march Our Father "and our F'riend. j Of Thine eternity. But Thou art not alone | 4 Lord, may that holier day In courts by mortals trod ; j Dawn on Tliy servants' sight ; Nor only is the day Tliine own And ])urer worship may we pay Wlien man draws near to (rod. 1 In heaven's unclouded light. MENDEBRAS. 7s, 6s. D, L. MASON. ^ :p--fl-r-g^^-«-r*---^ * * I #—4--, iiiiiii^iiii O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O luUm of care and sadness. Most b(^autiful, most bright On thee, the bigli and lowly, Ik'ndiiig before the throne, Sing. Holy, Holy, Holy, To the (treat Three in One. To-day on weary nations The heavenly manna falls; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls. Where gospel light is glowing With ]nire and radiant beams And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams. New graces ever gaining I'^rom this our day (»f rest, We reach the rest remaining To snirits of the blest : To Holy ("fhost be praises. To Father and to Son ; The Church her voic-e ui)raiscs To The(>. blest Three in One. 76 THE LORD'S DAY. LOWELL. L. M. U:^^_ I.-- ^J-.-..- ■i& ^m^m 42- ^ •--tf?- ^^ ?E1 S=3 42 1 Lord of the Sabbath ! hear our vows On this Thy day, in this Thy house; And own as grateful sacrifice The songs which from Thy Church arise. 2 Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord, we love ; But there's a nobler rest above : Thy servants to that rest aspire With ardent hope and strong desire. 3 There languor shall no more oppress ; The heart shall feel no more distress ; No groans shall mingle with the songs That dwell upon immortal tongues. Xo gloomy cares shall there annoy, No conscious guilt disturb our joy; But ev'ry doubt and fear shall cease, And perfect love give x>erfect peace. When shall that glorious day begin. Beyond the reach of death or sin ; Whose sun shall never more decline But with unfading lustre shine I •^ I r STONEFIELD. L. M I 1 I S. STANLEY. :d: T^*- *- -^^ tPEi^^gipiJ "mm^^^m -^3 Sweet is the work, my God, my King ! To praise Thy name, give thanks and sing ; To show Thv love bv morning lisht. And talk of'all Thytruth at night. ' ' Sweet is the day of sacred rest : No mortal care shall fill my breast ; My heart shall triumph in "the Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word. 3 And I shall share a glorious part, When grace has well refined my heart, When doubts and fears no more remain To break my inward peace again. 4 Then shall I see, and hear and know All I desired or wish'd below ; And ev'ry power find s^-eet employ In that eternal world of joy. 77 PUBLIC WORSHIP. MORNINGTON. S. M. earl mornington. ^ I ^ I <> — I — / -5^ =g=: ^S^^^ r-^- f n ii^l :y«=: ^ ^ ^ • ^. -2^. ^ .^ ^S^13 ^^'i 1 Sweet is the work, O Lord, Thy glorious acts to sing;, To i)raise Thy name, and hear Thy word. And gratei'ul ollerings bring. 2 Sweet, at the dawning light. Thy boundless love to tell ; And, wlien api)roach the shades of night, Still on the theme to dwell. ^ziir.bf . 3 Sweet, on this day of rest, To join in heart and voice With those who love and serve Thee best, And in Thy name rejoico, 4 To songs of praise and joy Be every Sabl)ath given, That such may be our blest employ Eternallv in heaven. PETERBOROUGH. C. M R. HARRISON. i=i: -/y- ■? -i!>- Ed3^£^: m w-t^. -i— L— »- t— f- :^-n^3rrg 1^ -ts. iS .5__-I_^_H , 1 P-, — I 1-, — ^-r I , I v--^ — J_^_-J H-, — -^^ 42. ^ ^-1 — I— 4S 3; :2?: -& r F^ ■Sr_ 1 Frc'jucnt Die day of Cod returns, To shed its (jiiick'ning beams; And yet how slow devotion burns, How languid are its flames. 2 Accept onr faint attempts to love; Our frailties, liord, forgive: We would be like 'I'liy saints above, And praise Thee wliile we live. 3 Increase, O Lord, oUr faith and hope, And lit us to ascend Where the assembly ne'er breaks up. The Sabbath ne'er shall end ; 4 Where we shall lireatbe in heavenly air, \\'ith beavi'uly lustre shine; Before the throne of (>od appear. And feast on love divine. 78 in l|t!r$I]tp. -Ssssg- ROLLAND. L. M •WM. n. BRADBURY. •0.6 How pleasant, how divinely fair, O Lord of Hosts. Thy dwellings are 1 With long desire my spirit faints To meet tli' assemblies of Thy saints. My flesh would rest in Thine abode; My panting heart cries out for God : My God ! my King ! why should I be So far from all my joy and Thee ! Blest are the saints, who sit on high, Around Thy throne above the sky : LANESBORO'. C. M Thy brightest glories shine above, And all their work is praise and love. Blest are the souls, who find a place Within the temple of Thy grace; There they behold Thy gentler raj's. And seek Thy face, and learn Thy i)raise. Blest are the men whose hearts are set To find the way to Zion's gate : God is their strength ; and through the road They lean upon their helper, God. W. DIXON. $^^^mm^^^^^ ^ ^^ *^ u ^■ i^ii; SC=:2:i3: 1 Early, my God, without delay, I haste to seek Thy face ; My thirsty spirit faints away. Without Thy cheering grace. 2 I've seen Thy glory and Thy power Through all Thy temple shine: My God, repeat that heavenly hour. That vision so divine. Not all the blessings of a feast Can please my soul so well, As when Thy richer grace I taste. And in ThV presence dwell. Not life itself, with all its joys. Can my l)est jnissions move. Or raise so high my cheerful voice. As Thy forgiving love. 79 PUBLIC WORSHIP. — l- ,— 1— ZE N ... BU LON. H. M. 1 L. MASON. fcl ^:t= |:^- f #-.- r s u - — 1 — -4--*= — f= =i- -r"^ ^ =?= :=r= -«■ ^ — ^L_ 1 — ^ — »-_ «_ _ f — f — ;• — — « — ' — ($> — > ^ L±= — ^ Libz: --*_ ^—\ ^^ =^:=lf=l ^^ ^ r a^-i-rj: -«• ■•- 5: Ee£H ip H^iisfifi^l^i^-iB ^- f^ iili g^ig f 48 1 Lord of the worlds above, How ]>lea.«iant and how fair Tlie dwolling.s of Thy love. Thine earthlv temples are! To Thine abode My heart as])irc.s. With warm de.'^ires To see my God, 2 Oh, happy souls that pray Where God ap])()ints to hear! Oh, hapi>y men tliat pay Their e(in.>^tant .service there! They ])raisc Thee still ! And liappy they, Who love the way To Zion's hill. 3 They go from strength to strength, Thnmgh this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven ajipears : () glorious seat. When (Mtd our King Shall thither bring Om- willing feet' 80 DELIGHT IN WORSHIP. GRATITUDE. L. M. A. BOST. ••- -<$^ 40 How lovely, how divineh' sweet, O Lord, Thy sacred courts appear ! P^ain would my longing passions meet The glories of Thy presence there. Oh, blest the men, blest their emplo\'. Whom Thine indulgent favors raise To dwell in those abodes of joy, And sing Thy never-ceasing praise. One day within Thy sacred gate Affords more real joy to me Than thousands in the tents of state; The meanest place is bliss with Thee. 4 God is a sun : our brightest day From His reviving presence flows ; God is a shield through all the way, To guard us from surrounding foes. 5 O Lord of hosts. Thou God of grace, How blest, divinely blest, is he Who trusts Thy love and seeks Thy face, And fixes all his hopes on Thee ! HEBER. CM G. KINGSLEY. SO 1 Fain would my soul with wonder trace 3 Form'd bv Thv hand and form'd for Thee. Thy mercies, O my God ; And tell the riches of Thv grace — The merits of Thy blood. 2 With Israel's king, my heart would cry, While I reviewThy ways. Tell me, mv Saviour,' who am I, That I should see Thy face? I would be ever Thine: My Saviour, make my spirit free, With beams of mercy shine. Fain would my soul with rapture dwell On Thy redeeming grace; Oh, for a thousand tongues to tell My dear Redeemer's praise. 81 PUBLIC WORSHIP. BRATTLE STREET. C. M. D. :it^ I. PLEYEL. m^^mmii^^^^^m^ w J- ^ -^ ?^ ^^1 - • ,-5?- m ^=t M\ gfji 5X While Tlieo I seek, proteotinii; power! Itc my vain wishes still'd; And iiiiiy this oonsecratod hour With l)etter hopes he lill'd. 4 In ev'ry joy that crowns my days, In ev'ry pain I hear. My lieart shall find delitrht in ])raise. Or seek relief in prayer. 2 Thy love the powers of tliouj;ht bestow'd; 5 When gladness winjrs my favor'd lionr, To Thee my tlioughts would soar: i Thy love my thoujjhts shall fill : Thy mercy o'er my life lias Ihjw'd ; Kesifjcn'd, when storms of sorrow lower. That mcrey I adore. My soul shall meet Thy will. 3 In each event of life. h<»w elear Thy ruling hand I see ! Each hlessin-; to my soid more dear, Because bestow'd by Thee. G My lifted eye, without a tear, The lowering storm shall see; My steadfast heart shall know no fear; That; heart will rest on Thee! 82 DELIGHT IN WORSHIP. UXBRIDGE, *A L. M. L- MASON. — .-!-• — « — ^ — I- J ^ — h<>H b:|=.--fe=f Piipp^^iiipiii iie 1 Far from my thouglits, vain world, begone Let- my religious hours alone: Fain would my eyes my Saviour see ; I wait a visit, Lord, from Thee. 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure desire : Come, my dear Jesus, from above. And feed my soul with heavenly love. Bless'd Jesus, what delicious fare ! How sweet Thine entertainments are! Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace and dying love. Hail, great Immanuel, all divine! In Thee Thy Father's glories shine; Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest One That eyes have seen, or angels known. IONIA. 7s. J. W. BELCHER. I I I §1^1=52: H^2-J^ -«S^ • H»- :pz: ifzzzS^ 1 \—^—i—\ — (^~ — & — —(Jf *—\ — ?rJ — (^ m—i 1— ^ — (^^ ^ m — li ^^=m\ 03 1 Sweet the time, exceeding sweet! When the saints togetlier meet, When the Saviour is the theme. When they joy to sing of Him. 2 Sing we then eternal love, Such as did tlie Father move : He beheld the world undone. Loved the world, and gave His Son. 3 Sing the Son's amazing love; How He left the realms above, Took our nature and our place, Lived and died to save our race. 4 Sing we, too, the Spirit's love; With our stubborn licarts He strove. Filled our minds with grief and fear. Brought the i)recions Saviour near. 5 Sweet tlie place, exceeding sweet. Where the saints in glory meet ; Where the Saviour's still the theme. Where they see and sing of Him. S3 PUBLIC WORSHIP. GALENA. CM, ^^0^- ■_j g^-jz ^ ^-r^- mmm u 54 1 How did my heart rejoice to hear My friends devoutly say, " In Zion let us all appear, And keep the polcnin day ! " I love her gates, I love the road; The Church, adorn'd with grace, Stands like a i)alace huilt for God, To show His uiilder face. 3 Peace 1)e within this sacred place And joy a ci>nstant guest; With holy gifts and heavenly grace Be her attendants blest. 4 My soul shall i)ray for Zion still, Wliil(^ life or hreath remains; Here my best friends, my kindred dwell, Here (Jod, my Saviour, reigns. 84 GOD ^ang anb Jtllrlkies o\ inh. -@SS3:S- DUNDEE. CM. G. FRANC. rilEiE^^S^^liE -^=^-- 1 k-d :^: -^- ;^eS 1 Great God, how infinite art Thou! How frail and weak are we I Let tlie whole race of creatures bow And pay their praise to Thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere earth or heaven was made ; Thou art the ever-livine: God, Were all the nations dead. 3 Nature and time all open lie To Thine immense survey, From the formation of the sky To the last awful dav. 4 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present to Thy view ; To Thee there's nothing old appears, To Thee there's nothing new. 5 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vex'd with trifling cares; Wliile Thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturb'd affairs. 6 Great God. how infinite art Thon ! How frail and weak are we I Let tlie whole race of creatures bow And pay their praise to Thee. 85 (;oi). PiLESGROVE. L. M N. MITCHELL. isi^^,pipii^*^p^jij ■«-#- f^ — ^ g3r^ng=p: ^^^gg.] ;:«^,-^-«-- SEl— F4| ^-|-^^t-|;i=r:rt4g.-|::t:E|:p: .^L_-.s^^^^_^_ 56 1 All-powcn-ful, self-existent God, Who all creation dost sustain I Thou wast, and art, and art to cora4, And everlasting is Thv reign. 2 Fix'd and eternal as Thy days, Each f^lorious attribute divine, Through aires infinite, shall still With undiininish'd lustre shine. 3 Fountain of being ! Source of gooil I Immutable dost Thou remain ; Nor can the shadow of a change Obscure the glories of Thy reign. 4 Earth may witii all her powers dissolve, If such the great Creator's will ; But Thou for ever art the same ; " I am " is Thv memorial still. ROMBERG. C. M T. HASTINGS. — ^- — ' — L_^ — — r — , — m_L _^ — ^ r _^_L_^. ^ —0 — L -,^<— ■ S^iEfai^fel^-1-^i^i-li pppi^^i^liitoig S"7 -Ct*- *J_fL :^ IPsiilS! 1 Lord, all I am is known to 'Hiec; In vain my soul would try To shun 'i'hy ]»r('sence, or to llee The nf)ti<:e of Thine eye. 2 Thine all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest. My pni)lic walks, my private ways, And secrets of my breast. 3 My thoughts lie of)en to Thee, Lord, Before they're form'd within ; And ere my lips pronounce the wonl Thou know'st the sense 1 niean. 4 Oil. wondrous knowledge, deepand high; Where can a creature hid(^? Within Thy circling arms I lie. Beset on ev'ry sicle. 5 So let Thy grace surround me still. And like a bulwark i)rove. To guard my soul from ev'ry ill, Secured bv sov'reigndovc. 86 BEING AND ATTKIBUTES. TRURO. L. M. C. BURNEY. I I -I s^^f^'i 1^ I . #■ -^ I ^. ^ J tegiiiliiipiiiipi8 58 Lord, Thou hast searched and seen me through, Thine eye commands with piercing view My rising and my resting liours, My heart and flesh, with all their powers. Could I so false, so faithless prove, To quit Thy service and Thy love ; Where, Lord, could I Thy presence shun. Or from Tliy dreadful glory run ? 3 The veil of night is no disguise. No screen from Thine all-searching eyes; Thy hand can seize Thy foes as soon Through midnight shades as blazing noon. 4 Oh, may these thoughts possess my breast, Where'er I rove, where'er I rest ! Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin, for God is there. STONEFIELD. L. I I I M, I S. STANLEY. il^iz^iii ^ ^ .^ isg^gr^iiiii^iiigii^i H- ji— ^ — f-H — I — i -I — * — I — ^^H — i-f — ^-hH #-S-«- J — hhvd — ^ ^-*-^ — ' — n — \-\—0-\~a- - --*fl#-'-^ — * — ^t f-tf-g-'-gg-^-g-'- ^ n-^r ^A ill ■•- -^- -9- -(2. 59 1 The Lord is King ! lift up thy voice. O earth, and all ve heavens rejoice From world to world the joy shall ring: " The Lord omnipotent is King! " The Lord is King! who then shall dare Resist His will, distrust His care? Holy and true are all His ways : Let every creature speak His praise. Tlie Lord is King ! exalt your strains : Ye saints, your God, your Father reigns; One Lord one empire all secures : Lie reigns, and life and death are yours. Oh, when His wisdom can mistake, His might decay, His love forsake, Then may His children cease to sing, " The Lord omnipotent is King ! " 87 '^m A ?=E^ .^=Ea 1=^ :^: -t5^ :i^ 11 *- ^ g^isi^^i^liii^^^iljl i 1 1 1 My Tiod, how wonderful Thou art, Tliy majesty how bri.^lit! IIow glorious is Thy mercy -scat, lu depths of burning light ! 2 Yet I may love Thee too, O Lord, Almighty as Thou art ; For Thou iiast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. 3 No (>;irtlilv father loves like Tliee, No mother half so mild, Hears and forbears, as Thou hast done With me, Thy sinful child. 4 My Ttod, how wonderful Thou art, Thou everla.«ting l'>iend! On Thee I stay my trusting heart, Till faith in vision end. m 88 BEING AND ATTRIBUTES. ARIEL. C. P. M. L. MASON. ==^==L,=J3=±=^: lIMil u y 1^ ' r 6X 1 My GofI, Thy boundless love I praise, How bright on higli its glories blaze, How sweetly bloom below ! It streams froni Thine eternal throne; Through heaven its joys forever run, And o'er the earth they flow. 2 It robes in cheerful green the ground, And pours its llowery beauties round. Whose sweets perfume the gale: Its bounties riclily sj^read the plain. The ])lushing fruit, the golden grain, And smile on every vale. 3 But in Thy Gospel see it shine. With grace and glories more divine, Proclaiming sins forgiven. There faith, bright cherub, points the way To realms of everlasting day, And opens all her heaven. 4 Tlien let the love that makes me blest. With cheerful praise inspire my breast. And ardent gratitude ; And all my thoughts and passions tend To Thee, my Father and my Friend, My soul's eternal good. 89 (iOD. STOCKWELL. 8s, 7s. D. E. JONES. ^m^^^m^mm^m ^^. 62 1 God is love; His mercy briglitens All the i)atli in wliich we rove; Bliss lie wakes and woe lie lightens; (lod is wisdom, (Jod is love. 2 Cluinee and change are busy ever; Man decays, and ages move; But His mercy waneth never; God is wisdom, God is love. Even the hour that darkest seemeth, Will His changeless goodness ])rove; From the gloom His brightness streameth, God is wisdom, Cod is h)ve. He with earthly cares entwineth Hojie and comfort from above: Everywhere His glory shineth ; God is wisdom, God is love. ■Ssssg- Iriuilii uFj ioir. -5SSSS- IOSCO. L. M J. HUSS. -N ^ 1 ^ ->, H*^— J— . — I— r-* -s — ^ — ^ — ^-^s *— •- I'athcr of heaven, wliose lf)ve ]>rofound [ A ransom for otir souls has found, j Before Tliy tlironc; we sinners Ix'ud ; j To us Thy i>arn(>! Before Thy tlirone we sinners bend; (irace, jiardon, life to us extend. < TRINITY. SEIR. S. M, I I -A-, -i-- ll I I I- — -#• -/$*- -#• -(^-' *-^_._-t_-r-. 64 1 Father, in Whom we live, In Whom we are and move, All glory, power and praise receive For Thy creating love. 2 0 Thou incarnate Word, Let all Thy ransomed race Unite in thanks, with one accord, For Thy redeeming grace. 3 Spirit of holiness. Let all Th}' saints adore Thy sacred gifts, and join to bless Thy heart-renewing power. 4 The grace on man bestow'd. Ye heavenly choirs, proclaim, And cry, " Salvation to our Lord ! Salvation to the Lamb ! " A ^r- DEDHAM. CM W. GARDINER. ~^. ^ ' t^tz ^=p=- m I ^- ^^^^^"^ -■^==S. I -^ -(2. ziqii:q==!=pzrqiziq; OS 1 Father of glory ! to Thy name Immortal praise we give; Who dost an act of grace proclaim. And bid us rebels live. 2 Immortal honor to the Son Who makes Thine anger cease; Our lives lie ransom'd with His own, And died to make our peace. 3 To thine almighty Spirit be Immortal glory given, m^^ 91 Whose influence brings us near to Thee, And trains us up for heaven. Let men, with their united voice, Adore tli' eternal God, And spread his honors and their joys Through nations far abroad. Let faith, and love, and duty join. One general song to raise ; Let saints in eartli and heaven combine In harmony and ijraise. GOD. ITALIAN HYMN. 6s, 4s. F. CIARDINI. I^pippp-iigilsyiiisl x^^wm^^^^^m\ ^' ♦ Qf |Zi_ ,u_--Lg--^i:giiM;U^-^-r-ti-— pizjtri: jdaz^ir ji,-z:ji=^=f iF^pzj^-iziiii Come, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy luime to sing, Help us to praise ! Fiither iiU-glorious, Ocr all victorious, Come and reign over us. Ancient of days. Jesus, our Lord, descend ; From all our foes defend. Nor let us fall ; Let Thine almighty aid Our sure defence he made, Our souls on Thee he stay'd Lord, hear our call ! Come, lioly Comforter Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour: Thou, Who almighty art Now rule in every heart And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power. • To Thee, great One in Three, The highest praises be. Hence evermore! Thy sov'reign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore ! HENDON 7s. ^-^ C. MALAN. m^^mSMm] ^2-f£. .^2.42. -P^ "T^n^i !=• .#=- 42. -^ 0°7 1 To the name of Cod on high. Go 1 of might and m:ije-;ty, Crod of heaven, atid (>arth, and sea, Bles-*ing. praise and glory he. 2 To the name of (^hrist the I>ord, Son of Go<1, incarnate Won!, Christ, by WIkmti ail things were made, Be an endless honor i)aid. To the Holy S]>irit be K(|ual i)raise oternallv, With the l*\ather and (he Son, One in name, in glory one. (tlorious is our God the Ty«ird, T*rais(>s. then, with one accord To His holy naiH(> be given, 15v the sons of earth and heaven. 92 CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. -<5sss©- CREATION. L. M F. J. HAYDN. z:tzE:pE?EEtEEEpp*prE^izpFH?[:=Et^ ^&^ C5t p^3=- i^itj:^ jgi^gg^g^! i^^^^^ii I I I 60 1 The spacious firmament on high, I With all the bkie ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, ' Their great Original proclaim. 2 Th' unwearied sun, from day to day, Does liis Creator's power display, And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. 3 Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the list'ning earth Repeats th3 story of her birth : Whilst all the stars that round her burn And all tlie jilanets in their turn, Confirm the tidings, as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark terrestrial ball — What tliough no real voice nor sound Amidst their radiant orbs be found — In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, Forever singing as they shine — The hand that 'made us is divine. 93 CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. STEARNDALE. CM. O. EMERSON. -0- -o- -0- -e- ' -0- •»- -e- m ■ ^:=^ H; r-i H— ' 1 H- ^ ^ ' 1 — L— !-; H K L_(_ ■^tf — -^^ P^ tf — « « — h— ^-;; 1 ^■ \t- ^ tf 0 L_^_! ^ 0 0. ^ ^ V mwA f=p:Srf=,- -^m^^ -\z4sL ^-•- 1 We sinir tlT almighty pow'r of God Who hade the mountains rise, Who spread the flowing seas ahroad, And huilt the lofty skies. 2 We sing tlie wisdom tliat ordain'd The sun to rule the day; The moon sliines full at His command, And all the stars ohcy. 3 Wc sing the goodness of the Lord, Wlio tills the earth with food ; Who form'd His creatures by a word, And then pronounced them good. 4 Lord, how Thy wonders arc display'd. Where'er we turn our eyes. Whether we view the ground we tread. Or gaze ui)on the skies ! 5 There's not a plant nor flower below. But makes Thy glories known : And clouds arise, and tempests blow, By order from Thy throne. G On Thee each moment we depend ; If Thou withdraw, wc die. Oh, may we ne'er that Ciod offend. Who is forever nigh I ROCKINGHAM. L. M H A^A 1 _._^. ■70 1 T^p tf) the liills I lift mine eyes, The oterrud hills beyond the skies; Thence all her help my soul derives, There my almighty Refuge lives. 2 Tie lives — the everlasting Ood That built the world, that spreafy steadfast heart shall fear no ill. V^^x Thoti. () Lord, art with nie ^tijl ; Thy friendly erook shall give me aid, And guide ine through the dreadful shade. 96 PROVIDENCE. SHEPHERD. S. M. W. L. REMSBERG. PiipS :|^fa^ is^isgiili -2?-^ — t:^- -<9-^ .-<2. izz m\ •74: I 1 The Lord my Shepherd is : I shall be well supplied : Since He is mine, and I am His, What can I want beside? He leads me to the place Where heavenly pasture grows, Where living waters gently pass. And full salvation flows'. 3 If e'er I go astray. He doth my soul reclaim, And guides me. in His own right way For His most holy name. 7 4 While He affords His aid, I cannot yield to fear ; Tho" I should walk thro'death's dark shade, My Shepherd's with me there. 5 In sight of all my foes, Thou dost my table spread ; My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts ray head. 6 The bounties of Thy love Shall crown my future days ; Xor from Thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak Thy praise. 97 CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. GENEVA. CM. I^ =^- J. COLE. 43- ill :;t=a-j=Jt^:J:q=l=;"-=i=j=q:j=--J-=lq:JT=j=l=E| ^^^3: -»^ -:!5^ 1 r»T-p>-fgi=:fg: f^ tT- "ZS 1 Wlion all Thy mercies, O my God, My rising sotil surveys, Traiisi)()rted with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 TTnnuniber'd comforts on my sonl 'I'hy tender care bestow'd, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flow'd. 3 Wlien in the 8lip])cry natlis of youth With liccdless steps I ran, Thitu? arm. unseen, convey'd me safe, And led me up to man. 4 Ten thousand thou.sand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; Noris the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with ji.y. 5 Through ev'ry ])eriod of my life Thy goodness I'll ])ursue; And after death, in distant worlds, The glorious theme renew. n Through all ofernity. to Thee A grateful song I'll raise ; But oh, eternity's too short To utter all Thy praise. 98 PKOVIDENCE. HERMON. CM L. MASON. -^- -«■ -S- -#• ■«• • $'-7 [=1 ^— 4-p=::^--::< TE=^1 I I I I I I I I I _r_fi.^ ^ J 9->^^ _I2 -^—\ 1 -j^ ?d-h^ -d — t— « * — I <^-^0 a g^ — ^^L « « (f -•- -* tf « ■ "^^ — i — ^=-e%» — V-^=g^ — » — ^ #-ri^- [ill — ^' ■ze 1 God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to ])erform ; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs. And works His sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints ! fresh courage take: The clouds ye so much dread Are full of mercy, and will break In blessings on your head. BOYNTON Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace ; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding ev'ry hour; The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the flower. Blind unbelief is sure to err. And scan His work in vain, God is His own interpreter. And lie will make it plain. C. MALAN. \17ZZ=SL ^i=i^:- J__-^-nir~r-J- \-^. , (g— r P^ 0 — s-r*^ TT-r^ <>>-r^—-r-a—r'^ V7 1 Thy way, 0 God, is in the sea, Thy paths I cannot trace, Nor comprehend the mystery Of Thine unbounded grace. 2 Here the dark veils of flesh and sense My captive soul surround ; Mysterious deeps of providence My wandering thoughts confound. 3 As through a glass, I dimly see The wonders of Thy love, 99 How little do I know of Thee, Or of the joys above ! 'Tis but in part I know Thy will, I bless Thee for the sight ; Wlicn will Thy love the rest reveal In glory's clearer light? With raptures shall I then survey Thy j)rovidencc and grace ; And spend an everlasting day In wonder, love and praise- CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. WELTON. L. M. C. MALAN. ^^^ % ■^- -J=— I T y^SsE^isjl^; ^ J^J J- ^I^:^ p^EEEE^^ ^ _r_l2 ». ^•-r-: r=^r^ lN--^^r^ •-J ^ N--^r|.:r-4-N^l £ 1^^ J_L.^«! <5U-5,_U ^F-F— q^=q-e— ._Jr !L_L J*_:i- -1 1 U- --«.- M ■78 Thy ways, D T.ord ! with wiso design, Arc frainod upon Thy tlirone ahove, And ov'ry dark and hon(hng Unc Meets in the centre of Thv love. 2 Witli fooltle light, and half ohscurc, I'oor mortals Thino arrangements view; Not knowing that the least arc sure, | And the mysterious just and true. I ^ 3 Thy floek, Tliino own ))Oenliar rare, Though now they .seem to roam \inoyed, 100 Are led or driven only where Thev best and safest mav abide. They neither ktiow nor trace the way: Biit while they trust Thy guardian eye, Their feet shall iie'er to ruin stray, Nor shall the weakest fail or die. Mv favor'd soul .shall meekly leiirn ^o lay her reason at Thv throiu'; Too weak Thy secrets to discern. I'll trust Thee for my guide alone. 1 PROVIDENCE. INGRAHAM. CM. 6 lines, g. w. foster. •> • ' ^y ' ' -0- ' \ c^ m I # .^^, ^^ .^c^ I -.■ h;.* fetfs^ .; — *-• S±g: ra7±» — »-, ^ -kJ- ;=s ' i*e=* a ♦- -Jr'^ 9 ^ -(S* §•£; ir'^^'^JP^sF^'^ f "^ ^^^^ W ■70 1 Father, I know that all my life Is portion'd out by Thee ; The changes that will surely come I do not fear to see : I ask Thee for a present mind, Intent on pleasing Thee. 2 I ask Thee for a thoughtful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, And wipe the weeping eyes ; A heart at leisure from itself. To soothe and sympathize. 3 I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro. That seeks for some great thing to do, Or secret thing to know : I would be treated as a child, And guided where I go. 4 TVherever in the world I am, In whatsoe'er estate, I have a fellowship with hearts. To keep and cultivate ; A work of lowly love to do For Him on whon\ I wait. 5 I ask Thee for the daily strength. To none that ask denied, A mind to blend with outward life, While keeping at Thy side ; Content to fill a little space, If Tliou be glorified. 6 And if some things I do not ask, Among my blessings be, I'd have mv spirit fill'd the more With grateful love to Thee ; More careful, not to serve Thee much, But please Thee perfectly. 101 CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. WARD. L. M. 80 God is the refuj^e of His saints, Wlicn storms of deep distress invade, Ere we can oiier our complaints, Behold llim present with His aid. Let mountains from their seats be hurl'd Down to the deep, and buried there ; Convulsions shake the solid world : Our faith shall never vield to fear. T.oud may the troubled ocean roar, In sacred i)eace our souls abide; While every nation, every shore Trembles and dreads the swelling 'Midststorms and tempests, Lord,Tiiy word Does every rising fear control ; Sweet i)eace Thy promises alfonl, And well sustain the fainting soul. tide SWANWICK, C. M. plpfeiSiiig^ililiai ^ fl i^=ti 81 1 How are Thy servants blest, O Lord How sure is their defence ! Eternal Wisdom is their guide, Their help Omnipotence. 2 In foreign realms and lands remote, Supported by Thy care, riicy pass unhurt through b)irning climes, And breathe in tainted air. .'^ TlH)Ugli by the dreadful temi)est toss'd High on flic brokcJi wave, Tliey know Thou art not slow U) liear. Nor impotent to save. 4 The .storm is laid, the winds retire, Obedient to Thy will; The sea, tl)at roars at Tliy command. At Thy command is still. 5 In midst of dangers, fears and deaths, 1 Thy goodness I'll adore; And "praise Thee for Thy mercies past, And humbly hope for njore. G My life, while Thou i^rescrv'st my life. Thy sacrilice shall be; And oh ! may death, when ilcath shall come, Unite my soul to Thee. 102 PROVIDENCE. GREENWOOD. S. M. J. E. SWEETSER. ppi^sia MM e2 1 Give to the winds thy fears ; H(tpe, and be undismay'd : God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, And shall lift up thy head. 2 Through waves, and clouds, and storms, He gently clears thy way ; Wait Thou His time, so shall this night Soon end in joyous day. 3 What though thou rulest not? Yet heaven, and earth, and hell Proclaim, God sitteth on the throne, And ruleth all things well. Thine everlasting truth. Father, Thy ceaseless love Sees all Thy children's wants, and knows What best for each will prove. Let us in life, in death. Thy steadfast truth declare ; And publish, with our latest breath, Thv love and jruardian care. HUMMEL. CM. C. ZEUXER. :^i S^^^^PP ^:r^g-g:cg^p:thp^'^^r-^^:zrg i^ mm fet -^^ \ I I 83 1 Ye trembling souls ! dismiss your fears ; Be mercy all your theme; Mercy, which like a river flows In one continued stream. 2 Fear not the powers of earth and hell, God will these powers restrain ; His mighty arm their rage repel, And make their efforts vain. 3 Fear not the want of outward good : He still for His provides, 103 Grants them supplies of daily food, And gives them heaven besides. Fear not that He will e'er forsake. Or leave His work undone; He's faitiiful to His promises. And faithful to His Son. Fear not the terrors of the grave, Xor death's tremendous sting: He will from endless wrath preserve, To endless glory bring. CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. HADDAM. H. M. L. MASON. -o- I I 1- l:=:q^ Si —I «»— T- i^g g:^: ^=qz:5=qq:zii. J ♦ ■* ^ii f Ii5?ii^: ./iL :^=?^- piS^ii! jG^ S2. SL. I :f^: i ■!>' # ^1 lj^is^ai=^^^| B -(2. -J- :?2: pii I To nod I lift mine eyes From Him is all mine aid; The (Jr Thee each lleeting hour improved, Since each by Thee is lent. 5 Thus cheer us througli this toilsome road Till all our lal)ors cease; And thus prepare oiir weary souls For everlasting peace. 106 THE FALL AND SIN OF MAN -SsssS- =&=i--T- TYNDAL. C. M, pgg^i^^^igg^i lt»3r' n p. (3 «. *4 ^yi=^Et^i^ii ■^. -(=2. ±1=^ -^- ii -^"■=^ ;=^-q: ~^— ^=f-^l=gizEzg=uijzzig-F-^- -J^=q^?^^ p^=r §^fl PEi:i ^5=H^^.l^^^^^=il^^j| 1 Lord, I would spread n\j sore distress And guilt before Thine eyes ; Against Thy laws, against Thy grace, How high luy crimes arise ! 2 I from the stock of Adam came, Unholy and unclean ; All my original is shame, And all my nature sin. 3 Cleanse me, 0 Lord, and cheer my soul With Thy forgiving love ; Oh, make my broken spirit whole, And bid mj^ pains remove. 4 Let not Thy Spirit e'er depart, Nor drive me from Thj'- face; Create anew my sinful heart, And fill it with Thy grace. 107 fcrt i 2^-^- THE FALL AND SIN OF MAN. FOREST. L. M. A. CHAPIN. 1=J -js-=j^ I y- 1 I I I M 1 1 # m — r-J-«5»-J-# # (i* ^ iTi^ J=J^ gg^g 1^=11 1 Deep ill the dust before Tliy throne, Our guilt and our disgrace we own ; Great God I we own th' unliappy name Whence s|)rung our nature and our shame. 2 But svliilst our s])irits, tilled with awe, Hehold the terrors of Thy law, We sing the honors of Thy grace, That sent to save our ruined race. 3 We sing Thine everlasting Son ; Who join'd our nature to His own The second Adam, from the dust, Raises the ruins of the first. 4 Where sin did reign, and death abound, ThiTc have tlic so!is of Adam found Aht)unding life; there glorious grace Reigns through the Lord, our righteousness. 108 THE FALL AND SIN OF MAN. WELTON. L. M. C. MALAN. m -<3.- -f m 11^: 90 1 Buried in shadows of the night, We lie till Christ restores the light : Wisdom descends to heal the blind, And chase the darKness of the mind. 2 Our very frame is mix'd with sin ; His Spirit makes our nature clean ; Such virtues from His suff' rings flow At once to cleanse and pardon too. 3 Jesus beholds where Satan reigns, Binding his slaves in heavy chains ; He sets the prisoners free, and breaks The iron bondage from our necks. 4 Poor, helpless worms in Thee possess I Grace, wisdom, power and righteousness; ! Thou art our mighty all, and" we I Give our whole selves, 0 Lord, to TliQe. 109 THE FALL AND SIN OF MAN. PETERBOROUGH. C. M. r harrison. ^—^—\ ^. -^ . .-^ \ l-r--]- ii^^P^^t I I Bil|gS 1 m^^^^^w Sin lias a tlioiisand treacherous arts To i)ractisc on tlie mind; With llatt'ring looks she tcini)ts our hearts, But leaves a sting behind. With names of virtue she deceives The aged and the young; And while the heedless wretcli believes, She makes his fetters strong. I 3 She i)lcads for all the joys she brinj i And gives a fair pretence; But cheats the soul of heavenly things, And chains it down to scntsc. So on a tree divinely fair Cirew the forbidden food ; Our mother took the poison there, And tainted all her blood. ROCKINGHAM --] — ^- L. M L. MASON*. -Jr 3r m 02 1 Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was T, To mourn, and murmur, and repine To sec the wicked plac(>d on high. In pride and robes of honor shine! 2 But, oh, tlinir end. tlioir dreadfnl end I Tliv sanctuary taught nic; so: On slipp'ry rocks I see them stand, . And lierv billows roll below. Their fancied joys, Ixnv fast they i\cv\ Like dreams, as fleeting and as vain. Their songs of softest harmony Are but a i)reludc to their pain. Now I esteem their mirth and wine Too dear to purchase with my blood; Tyord, 't is enough that Thou art mine, My life, my portion and my God. 110 GRACE AND REDEMPTION |1$ ^tim*ta-inb'$ Jitius. --^sssg- :^- AZMON. CM \-r-A 1 3CZI*: ' i (S* (^ Arr. L. MASON. -fi — ^ ,& — :s^ -F=F is^il! 03 1 Amazing grace ! — how sweet the sound — That saved a soul like me ! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. 3 Full many a danger, toil, and snare My soul has overcome; 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear. 'Twas grace my fears relieved ; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed I And when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease. I shall possess within the veil A life of joy and peace. Ill GRACE AND REDEMPTION. LUTHER. S. M. T. HASTINGS. --« 94 1 Grace ! 'tis a charming sound, Harmonious to tlie ear ; Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. 2 Grace first contrived the way To save rehellious man ; And all the steps that grace display Which drew the wondrous plan. 3 Grace led my roving feet To tread the heavenlv road ; Hai THATCHER 4-1— a— And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to God. Grace taught my soul to pray, And made n)y eyes o'erflow : 'T was grace whidi kept me to this day, And will not let me go. Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. . S. M. G. F. HANDEL. ■^ ^ ^gipg t:::^ r: ^ S U-4 :ti '~i — ^Si^il ':±^ m i=r-^z ^ I I mmm 9S ^ 1 Raise your triumphant songs To an immortal tunc; Let the wide earth resound tlie deeds Celr^tial gra(^e hjis done. 2 Sing how eternal love Its chief Beloved (;hosc, Anom their ahyss of woes. j 5 His hand no thunder l)cars, I No terror clothes His hrow ; ' 112 :Ff=f?= No bolt,** to drive our guilty souls To fiercer fiames below. 'T was mercy fillM the throne, No wrath stood frowning by, When Christ was sent with pardon down To rebels doom'd to die. Now, sinners, dry your tears; bet boneless sorrow cease; Bow to tne sceptre of His love And take the offer'd i)eace. ITS SOURCE-GOD'S LOVE. ATONEMENT. 8s, 7s, 4s 5^"E^ 5=S- -N- =:imcir^i2_ 33^ ^^Ei , L. O. EMERSON. ^-V -H — \— -0 — •— ■-^-^=- -I H — P- -* # i— L -,5^^^ -r — '—I — t:ilz_^_ I -y » »— f— |i> *^ J A- A A #■ -r- -r- T— -T— T— -y ■»- 0 0 -wr- -w ^— 1~-« — n — ^— H — ^— ^-1 — "r- — ^ — I — I — i — i-H — ^-^ — 1 ==^—9 — »-•—»— |-iig »— J- » »- L^ ^ r r ~t D" r-^- ip^^i^i^l] 96 1 Every fallen soul, by sinning, Merits everlasting pain ; But Thy love, without beginning, Has redeem" d the world again : Countless millions Shall in life, tlirough Jesus reign. 2 Pause, my soul, adore and wonder: Ask, "Oh, why such love to me?' Grace hath j)at mc in the number Of the Saviour's family : Hallelujah ! Thanks, eternal thanks to Thee ! 3 Since that love had no beginning. And shall never, never cease ; Keep, oh. keep me, Lord; from sinning; 8 113 Guide me in the waj'^ of ])eacc : Make me walk in All the paths of holiness. When I quit this feeble mansion, And my soul returns to Thee, Let the power of Thy ascension Manifest itself in me; Through Thy Spirit Give the final victory. When the angel sounds the trumpet ; When my soul aiid body join ; W^hcn my Saviour comes to judgment. Bright in majesty divine. Let me triumph In Thy righteousness as mine. GRACE AND KEDEMPTIOX. DELIGHT, lis, 8s. L. O. EMERSON. •#- •#- -ys)- -0- -0- -»■ B^lfg^ -t---'-. agggs «2— r- ^*n£ iigi 1 In song.s of sublime adoration and praise, 4 Wliat was there in man that could merit Ye pilgrims for Zion who press, [Days, esteem. Break forth and extol the great Ancient of His rich and unmerited grace. 2 Ilis love, from eternity, burn'd for our race, Broke forth and discover'd its llame; Anil now witli the cords of His kindness He draws, And brings us to love His great name. 3 Oh, had he not pitied the state w° were in, Our bosoms His love bad ne'er felt: We all would have lived, would have died too in sin, And sunk with the load of our guilt. Or give the Creator delight? [sing, 'Twas "even so, P'ather," we ever must Because it seems good in Thy sight. [pear, 5 Urged on by His grace, did the Saviour ap- The bearer of heli) from above: [near Now all who are thirsting may freely draw And drink in the streams of His love. G Then give all tbe glory to His holy name, To Him all tlie glory belongs; Be ours the high joys still to soimd forth His fame. And crown Him in each of our songs. .1^4 YOAKLEY. L. M, W. YOAKLEY. — I r5 1^ *iS^ A-X ,zr ^_^_I_ «i^— ^-L— -0 1 f -r-*- ~ Lj^—- # ^^ — *^^_ J. — L .^-J I 1 — t 1 O love! beyond conception great, ' Tliat form'd the vast, stupendous plan! Wiierc all divine perfections meet 'I'o reconcile rel)ellions tnnn ? i 2 There wisdom sbincs in fullost blaze, Atwl justice all her rights maintains : Astonish'd angels stoop to gaze, Wliile mercv o'er the gin'lty reigns. 3 Yes. iTicrcy reigns, and jiisticc too I;) rhrisf baniiMniouslv thev meet : K r^Ei: ^ N ::t= mw$m He paid to justice all her due, .\nd now He fdls the mercy-seat. 4 Such are the wonders of our (!od, And snch t IT amazing depths of grace. To save from wratb's vindictive rod The sons of Adam's fallen race. 5 With grateful songs then let our souls Surround onrgrncious Father's tbrone; And all between tbe distant poles His truth and mercy ever own. 114 ITS SOURCE— GOD'S LOVE. LEBANON. S. M.D. J. ZUNDEL. gigi^SES^=J=SHEg^Ef^fel ^ -#•♦• ■#-•#- ■•-■•- ■»- ■0- -^ -#- -^ -0- H — r--i 1 1 — ■ 1 ' 1 1 r-' 1 — I 1 r- di: ■t?- giii: 1^ s^ ::srp=l3s:]=cr=r:iir=r:>5==--=j5rr:d^siz:3 --H K 1 K-| ^ ^* 1—1 f^-| ^ ;r i I I =^=^-''-t-^-| r-| ^- && 1 I was a wand' ring sheep, 1 did not love the fold, I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controll'd : 1 was a wayward child, I did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice I loved afar to roam. 2 The Shepherd sought His sheep. The Father sought His child, He follow'd me o'er vale and hill. O'er deserts waste and wild ; He found me nigh to death, Famish'd, and faint, and lone ; He bound me with the bands of lo', He saved the wand'ring one. 3 Jesus my Shepherd is, 'Twas'^He that loved my soul, 'Twas He that wash'd me in His blood, 'Twas He that made me whole ; 'Twas He that sought the lost, That found the wand'ring sheep, 'Twas He that brought me to the fold — 'Tis He that still doth keep. 4 No more a wand'ring sheep, I love to be controll'd, I love my tender Shepherd's voice, I love the peaceful fold : No more a wayward child, I seek no more to roam, I love my Heavenly Father's voice — I love, I love His hon)e. 115 GRACE AND REDEMPTION. MONSON. CM. S. R. BROWN- 1 i -^ ^- '.^ l=U=i- 1=q=I-=Fr:t I I ^ U.' i m^ lOO 1 All that I was, my sin, my guilt, ' My death, was all my own : All that I am I owe to Thee, My gracious God, alone. 2 The evil of my former state Was mine, and only mine: The good in which I now rejoice Is Thine, and only Thine. 3 The darkness of my former state. The bondage — all was mine: The liglit of life in which 1 walk, The lihertv— is Thine. 4 Thy grace first made me feel my sin, And taught me to believe : Then, in believing, peace I found, And now. I live, I live! 5 All that I am e'en here on earth, All that I hope to be When Jesus comes and glory dawns- I owe it, L(jrd, to Thee. 116 ITS SOURCE— GODS LOVE. ST. MARTIN'S. C. M W. TANSUR. s %^. 9 E^: Hi r^ _. *_ ^-,-, -0- -^ -«- ^ l5^ •-^- -5* -^2. PB iia 102. 1 Father, how wide Thy glory shines ! How high Thy wonders rise ! Known thro' the earth by thousand signs, By thousands through'the skies. 2 Those mighty orbs prodaini Thv power. Their motions speak Thy skill, And on the wings of ev'rv hour We read Thy patience still. 3 When sinners break the Father': Thy dying Son atones ; law, Oh, the dear mysteries of His cross! The triumph of His groans! Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenlv plains: Sweet cherubs learn Immanuel's name. And trv their choicest strains. Oh, may I bear some humble part In that immortal song! Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. 117 GRACE AND REDEMPTION. AZMON. CM. Arr. L. MASON. m ::tT= 1^=^ -r^- 3^ ^ — • — m 1- 102 1 Salvation, oh, tlie joyful sound! 'Tis music to our ears ; A so v' reign balm for ev'ry wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 liuried in sorrow and in sin. At hell's dark door we lay : But we arise by grace divine, To see a heavenlv dav. 3 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 4 Salvation ! O Thon bleeding Lamb, To Thee the praise belongs: Our hearts shall kindle at Thy name. Thy name inspire our songs. 118 i^n$i --g^ssss- HIS PERSON AND CHARACTER. WARE. L. M G. KINGSLEY. ^mm ■■F=i=-T=^ -0- -0- -i9- fag=F=s--fz:Jzi|=ii=zi: I I I — t * ^ir—9- ^- •b-— ^- ^=-d=^ :t=t a e; ^2- rll 103 1 Ere the blue heavens were stretch'd abroad, P>oni everlasting was the Word ; With God He was ; the Word was God, And must divinelvbe adored. 2 By His own power were all things made : By Him supported all things stand: He is the whole creation's Head, And angels flv at His command. 3 But lo ! He leaves those heavenlv forms. The Word descends and dwells in clay That He may converse hold with worms. Drest in such feeble flesh as tliey. Mortals with joy beheld His face, Th' eternal Father's onlv Son ; How full of truth ! how full of grace! When thro' His form the Godhead shone. Archangels leave their high abode. To learn new mysteries here, and tell The love of our descending God, The glories of Immanuel. 119 CHRIST. WOODSTOCK C. M, D. DUTTON. mm^^mmm^^^mw mm X04: 1 llo.saniia to tlie royal Son Of David's ancient line, His natures t\v<\ His person one, Mysterious and divine. 2 The root of David, here we find, And olfsprin^ is the same; Eternity and time are join'd In our Immanuel's name. Blest He tliat comes to wretched men With jieaceful news from heaven; Hosannas of the liij^hest strain To Christ the Lord be j;iven. Let mortals ne'er refuse to take Th' hosanna on their tonjrues, Lestrocksandstonesshould rise, and break Their silence into songs. CHRISTMAS. C. M G. F. HANDEL. -T^-J §is^e^fE--^Et= Eili?=^ mmmm^\] xos 1 He who on earth as man was known, AikI bi.re otir sins and ]niins. Now seated on th' eternal throne, The (lod of glory reipns. 2 His hands the wheels of nature guide With an unerring skill. And countless worlds, extendtNl wide, Obey His sovereign will. 3 While Iiarps uiniumber'd sound Ilisprai In yonder world above. His saints on earth admire His ways And glory in !Ii< lov<-. r-r 1 This land, through which His i»ilgrimsgo, Is desolate ami dry ; But streams <»f grace from Him o'erMow, Their thirst to satisfv. T) When troubles, like a l)urning sun. Beat beavv (»n their lu\id. To this almighty Hock (hev run, .Vnd lind a pl(>asing shade. (> How glorious He! how happy they In sucli a glorious I'ViencI! Wiiose love s(HMires them all the way, .\nd crowns them at the end. 120 HIS PERSON AND ("HAKACTEK. AGAWAM. C. M. wm. b. bradbury. 106 Thou art the way ; to Thee alone From sin and death we flee : And he who would the Father seek, Must seek him. Lord, through Thee. Thou art the truth ; Thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou only canst instruct the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the life; the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conqu'ring arm ; And those who put their trust in Thee, Xor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the way, the truth, the life; Grant us to know that way, That truth to keep, that life to win, Which leads to endless dav. BEATRICE. C. M L. O. EMERSON. •—9 -^ =« ill 11 rs: r— r 1 I've found the pearl of greatest price; My heart doth sing for joy; And sing I must, for Christ is mine — Clirist shall my song employ. 2 Christ i« mv Prophet, Priest, and King: My Propiiet full of light ; My great High Priest hefore the throne My King of heavenly might. 3 For He indeed is Lord of lords, And He the King of kings; He is the Sun of Righteousness, With healing in His wings. Christ is my Peace : He died for me, For me He gave Llis blood ; And, as mv wondrous sacrifice, Offered Himself to God. Christ Jesus is my All in All, My comfort and my love; My life below, and He shall be Mj' joy and crown above. 121 CHRIST. TALMER. 8s, 7s. B. WOODBURY ^GJ=rE! +-* *~f~* — *~F"* — * — ~" --^^- ^ — ^- i III 108 1 One there is above all others Well deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's, Costly, free, and knows no end. 2 Which of all our friends, to save us. Could or would have slied his blood? But this Saviour died to have us Reconciled in Him to God. When He lived on earth abased, Friend of sinners was His name; Now, above all glory raised. He rejoices in the same. Oh, for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us. Lord, at length to love; We, alas I forget too often What a Friend we have above. GRACE. C. M. E. K. PKOU'l Y ^^^^mmm^^m\ 3£ ^: * ^ . — ^mm^^^mm^m^i 1 With joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above: His heart is made of tenderness — It melts with pitving love. Touch'd with a symf)athy within. He knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temjytations jnet For He hath fc^lt the .same. He in the days of feeble Hesh, Pour'd out His cries and tears ; 122 And, in His measure, feels afresh Wiiat every member bears. He'll never (|uench the smoking flax, lint raise it to a flame ; The bruised reed He nevt^r breaks, Nor scorns tiie meanest name. 5 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and His power; We shall obtain delivciing grace In the distressing hour. HIS MISSION. s ANTIOCH. CM. ^i^Sp^ G. F. HANDEL. '^f^ m^ S3_^^ 3t ^ • ♦ 1/ u^ u* V-L^ f=f Joy to the world \ the Lord has come ! Let earth receive her King : Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth ! the Saviour reigns ! Let men their songs employ ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, Repeat the sounding joy. 3 Nor more let sins and sorrows grow. Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make His blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world witli truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. 123 N S N CHRIST. STEARNDALE. CM. O. EMERSON. *■■»■■»■ ■»■' ■»■■»■■»■ lO: - 3—^ — ^— ■g.qi-^-. _| ,^,-=s^X=--\X — 1-:::^ ■ i — H h h^^^H h ^ ^ — ' I l._|_ — (^ ^ / / «< V ^ V i^ £ :S: :ztfz,^S=?^J V i ^^i^i'^^^l 111 1 Hark, the glad sound, tlic Saviour conies, The Saviour promised long ! Let ev'ry heart prepare a throne, And ev'ry voice a song, 2 On Him the Spirit, largely pour'd. Exerts His sacred fire ; Wisdom, and might, and zeal, and love, His holy breast inspire. 3 He comes the prisoners to release. In Satan's bondage held: The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. 4 He comes, from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray ; And on the eyes, op])ress'd with night. To pour celestial day. He comes, the broken heart to bind. The bleeding soul to cure. And witii the treasures of His grace T' enrich the humble poor. (i Dur glad liosannas. Prince of peace! Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And l)cavcn's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved name. 124 MISSION OF CHRIST. ZERAH. C. M. L. MASON. f?^-4~#— F^-i — I — f \/- ^ — 0—A~^-i 0—0. -0- ••- . ^ ssmmi ^m \—' wm 3; • I Mm ^ ^ ^ -0- ■J-. i#- ♦■ ^ j2. ^ lis 1 High let us swell our tuneful notes And join tli' angelic throng ; For angels no such love have known T' awake a cheerful song. 2 Good will to guihv men is shown, And peace on earth is given ; For lo ! the incarnate Saviour comes, A messenger from heaven. 3 Justice and grace, with sweet accord. His rising beams adorn : Let heaven and earth in concert join, Now such a Child is born. 4 Glory to God, in highest strains, In highest worlds be paid ! His^lory by our lips proclaim'd, I And by our lives display'd. 5 When shall we reach those blissful reahns Where Christ exalted reigns, And learn of yon celestial choir Their own immortal strains? 125 CHRIST. SUTHERLAND, H. M. wm r. RKADBURY. ^ipa^N^^3#ini^^Pf^pgi f*u_5»: --M=^r=^f- 1X3 1 Give tluinks to God most nigh, The universal Ivord, The sov'reign King of kings; And he His grace adored. His ]>o\vcr and grace Arc still the same ; And let His name Have endless praise. 2 He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin, And pi(i('(l the sad state Tiic ruin'd world was in. Tliy mercy. Lord, Shall still endure, AikI ever sure Abides TJjy word. 3 He sent His only Son To save ns from our woe, From Satan, sin, and death. And every hurtful foe. His ]i(>wer and grace Are still the same. And let His name Have endless ]iraise. 4 Give tlianks aloud to God, To (Jod the Heavenly Kinf And let the j^jjacious earth His works and glories sing Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still en(hire ; And ever sure Abides Thy word. 126 MISSION OF CHRIST. HANTS. S. M ENGLISH TUNE. S^iip^iilfel m^m PH — "1 — I — I — Hr-r^ ' ^-r-d-i—"- — 1 -t* 114 1 Ye saints, proclaim abroad The honors of your King ; To Jesus, your incarnate God, Your songs of praises sing. 2 Not angels round the throne Of majesty above, Are half so much obliged as we To our Immanuel's love. 3 They never sunk so low. They are not raised so high ; They never knew such depths of woe. Such heights of majesty. 4 The Saviour did not join Their nature to His own ; For them He shed no blood divine, Nor breath'd a single groan. 5 May we with angels vie The Saviour to adore ; Our debts are greater far than theirs Oh, be our praises more ! HIS TEACHING. WARNER. L. M. 1 V. C. TAYLOR. '^■^ t: ^ ^ ^ ♦ ^ jO. ^ ^^^ ^ ^^g^i^j^PPPJi PS u i±^j^^ r- I — f — »-p-{g- 115 1 How sweetly flow'd the gospel sound 3 Froni lips of gentleness and grace. When list'ning thousands gather'd round, | And joy and gladness fill'd the place ! | 2 From heaven He came, of heaven He spoke, 4 To heaven He led His foll'wers' way ; Dark clouds of gloomy night He broke, j Unveiling an immortal day. ' 127 "Come, wand'rers, to my Fatlier's home; Come, all ye weary ones, and rest." Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey Thee, love Thee, and be blest. Decay, then, tenements of dust; Pillars of earthly pride, decay; A nobler mansion waits the just, And Jesus has prepared the way. HIS EXAMPLE. ROCKINGHAM L. M L. MAsON. -ptfe^^.'..^ lie 1 My dear Redeemer, and my Lord ! I read my duty in Thy wt)rd : ]Jut in Tiiy life the law appears | Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was Thy truth, and such Thy zeal Such def'rence to Thy Fatlier's will, Thy love and meekness so divine, j I would transcribe and make them mine.' ^ -r— (2_ t=r- 3 Cold mountains and the midnight air Witriess'd the fervor of Thy prayer; The desert Thy temi)tations knew. Thy conflict and Thy vict'ry too! 4 Be Thou my j)attern ; let me bear More of Thy gracious image here; Then God the Judge siiall own my name Among the followers of the Lamb. WILTSHIRE. CM. ^^=^- i^ w= ^ ,-=»-#- A XHM. Ill-Ill z>— ]] ll-Z 1 Hehohl, where in a mortal form .\p]>ears each grace divine; The virtues, all in .lesus niet. With mildest radiance shine. 2 To spread the rays of lieavenly light. To give the mourner jny; To ])reach glad tit keen reproach and cruel scorn, I'atient and niecU He stood ; His foes, (ingrateful. sought His life; He lai)or'd for their good. 128 To God He left His righteous cause, And still His ta.sk pursued; While hunihle prayer and holy faith His fainting strength renew'd. In the last hours of deep distress, Ileforc His father's throne, With soul rcsigiiM He howd, and said, " Thy will, not mine, he done." Be (^hrist our jiattern and our guide. His image may we bear! Oh, may we trca 2 Oh, who like Thee so calm, so bright, So pure, so made to live in light? Oh, who like Thee did ever go So patient through a world of woe ? 9 3 E'en death, which sets the prisoner free. Was pang, and scoff, and scorn to Thee ; Yet love through all Thy torture glow'd. And mercy with Thy life-blood flow'd. 4 Oh, in Thy light be mine to go. Illuming all my way of woe ! I And give me ever on the road To trace Thy footsteps, Son of God ! 129 CHRIST. GETHSEMANE. 7s. 6 lines, r. redhead. B^ -# 0 0- I I' ^^FE5^33^ f^^rii t^F-^-F-f i -0- -^ ^g- p !rq:itzzz^z=:^=iizip=pi=p-:=zg=f:-r— l=f=:^ ^•.1*^ 0 ^ ^-, 0 1 1 ,-? 1 1 0 a ' • * m^^^m^ T W 0 »— f a=ti: XQO Go to dark Cntlisoniano, Ye tliat feel the tein|)tor's power, Your II(>(lo('incr'M conflict sec, Waf';l» with Iliin one bitter hour; Turn not. from His ;rriefs away, Ixiarn of Jesus (.'hrist to pray. 2 Follr^KW to the judirnioTit liall, View tlie Tiord of life arrait;nM ; Oh. tlie wormwood and tlie trail ! Oh, the y)ar)'rs His srnil sustain'd ! Slum not HufP'ritiL', sliame, or loss ; Learn of Him to bear tlic cross. 130 3 Calv'ry's mournful mountain rlimh; Tlicrc. ndorinir at Ilis feet, Mark tliat miracle of time, (lod's own .sacrifice complete: " It is rmished," iiear Ilim cry: Learn of Jesus Christ to die. 4 Earlv hasten to the tomb Wliere thev laid llis breathless rla; All is solitude and rloom — Who bath t;\ken TTim away? Christ is risen ; He meets our eyes I Saviour, teach us so to rise. EXAMPLE OF CHRIST. AVON. C. M. H. WILSON. ^- — «-l-^ 5-1-^5, 0 -• ^l_^___ _1 ^_-L_^__L_^ ♦-a-' 1 a-^£i>- — * SlEDSsi^i^SS^ »i^J[iif^aii[ppg A pilgrim through this lonely world, The blcjscd Saviour passed ; A inournsr all His life was He, A dying Lamb at last! That tender heart, which felt for all, For us its life-])lood gave; It found on eartli no resting-place. Save only in the grave ! Such was our Lord; and shall we fear The cross with all its scorn ? Or love a faithless, evil world, That wreath'd His brow witli thorn ? No : facing all its frowns or smiles, Like Him, obedient still. We homeward press, thro' storm or calm, To Zion's blessed hill. Dead to the world, with Ilim wdio died To win our hearts, our love, We, risen with our risen Head, In sj)irit dwell above. b. bradbury. Fine. X22 1 0 Lord, when we the path retrace Which Thou on earth hast trod; To man Thy wondrous love and grace. Thy faithfulness to God : Thy love, by man so sorely tried. Proves stronger than the grave; The very spear that pierced Thy side Drew forth the blood to s^ve. 2 Fait'.iful amid iin faith fulness, '^lid darkness only light, Thou didst Thy Father's name confess, And in His will delight ; 131 Unmoved by Satan's subtle wiles, Or suiF'ring, shame, and loss: Thy path, uncheer'd by earthly smiles, Led only to the cross. 3 O Lord ! with sorrow and with shame, Before Thee wo confess How little we, who bear Thy name, Thy mind, Thy ways express. Give us Thy meek, Thy lowly mind; Wc would obedient be; And all our rest and pleasure find In learning, Lord, of Thee. HIS MIRACLES. BACA. L, M WM. B. BRADBURY. f^^^m^^^^^^mm :Lh= w^^^s^^^^^m^m 4—1—^^— a;t ^.._^t ^ ^ m^^s ■4S- =f'' J — \ — I i =tr-.z^- — I \ l-:r-j- :t=t # — p — ^- -#- ill I I I I'll 1S3 I lU'lioId, the blind tlirir si^'lil receive! Helir.ld, the (lead awake and live! Tlic duiid) speak wonders, and the lame Leap like the hart, and bleas Jlis name. 2 Thus doth th' eternal Sinrit own And seal the niission or the Son . The I"'ather vindicates Ills eatise, Wiiilc Jlc hangs bleeding on the cross. T? Tlodics; the heavens in tnourningstood Ho rises, atid a])jiears a et joyful hosannas unceasing arise, And join the full chorus that gladdens the skies. LOUVAN. L. M. 3 0 .1 0 0 0-i ^ 4 fcl=i V. C. TAVLOK S iisl^tfgii 1 ^ ^"V f: (2- ^mi§^^^mimmBm& 1 I 0J 0 — 0 ' ^J ^_^ ^L-L 1 S=*— F— ' *-' ifi- — #^ ^ — ■• J.:tJ^ ^^ zz feig^i^fg^iiiiipi^glii lav 1 AVhen I survey the wondrous cross On which the I'riiuc of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And jmur contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it. Lord, that I shouhl boast. Save in the death of Christ niy (Jrxl ; All the vain things that charnj me n>ost. 1 sacrifice them to His blood. 3 See from His liead. His liands. His feet. Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet? Or thorns compose ho rich a crown? 4 Were the whole realm of nature niine, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my .soul, my life, my all. 134 HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. ^-^^ J_J — I -^ #- CHINA. CM, I T. SWAN. tr ^=^§i^^i^^iEE^g:J * ^ tJ J:g.zzzf= ICZ^^ Hi^ ■#• M ■^- ♦• -'«^ ^ ■^=: r :^^^liifei|g^=|i^^j ^ g-^^— f= Ui — *: I T i^^i X28 X29 1 Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed, And did my Sov'reign die? Would He devote that sacred head For sucli a worm as I ? 2 Was it for crimes tiiat I had done He groand upon the tree? Amazing pitv ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And sliut liis glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin ! 4 TIjus might I hide my blushing face, While ilis dear cross appeai-s ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, • And melt my eyes to tears. 6 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord. I give mvself awav, 'Tis all that I can do. I saw One hanging on a tree. In agony and blood ; Who fixed His languid eyes on me. As near the cross I stood. Sure, never, till my latest breath, Can I forget that look : It seem'd to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke. Alas, I knew not wliat 1 did — But now my tears are vain ; Where shall my trembling soul be hid, For I the Lord have slain ! A second look He gave, that said, " I freely all forgive : This blood is for thy ransom paid ; I die that thou may'st live." Thus while His deatli my sin displays In all its blackest hue. Such is the mvsterv of crrace. It seals my pardon too ! H. WILSON. r^vT-r- — ^\ g-r^ »-v^ * r ^ m \P^ \ f \ ^ *-w- Si^i^ 135 CHRIST. O SACRED HEAD. 7s, 6s. KOLB. ^ ^ — L- ^- . —-^—0 m—*—0 S • - -g—L.—^ S I 1- , — L , J Instrument. m^ I I I I ; mmmm\ r"4^ — ^^ <^ 9 9- =^^— ^ ^ —\—9— » » 0 n-rJ^,. ^-.-^ U' I m ■-# # 0 r^m a I I ^•— #— ^-.-#-^- i ep^^^pp^TPfiipsifisj -jt— *_^:=fc i=»^»=3: 3Si >< I I .-<--:-^ f r.^ i^i^^iig^: :t T f- ^^,-^ # — # — • — # ^1 136 I HIS PERSON AND CHARACTER. O SACRED HEAD. Concluded, \^=^ ,-J^.h i._ EE:3::i^^i^=^=E:g3^:rrrrd:^Eq?zzzzgz > g^E3 F Yet, though despised and go ii^ 1 T , . ry, I joy to call thee mine, ^-i-f- m j^ §E^I f=i J-.-4 ' call thee mine, to call thee mine. X30 1 O sacred Head, now wounded, With grief and shame weigh'd down Now scornfully surrounded With thorns. Thine only crown ! O sacred Head, what glory. What bliss, till now, was Thine! Yet, though despised and gory, I joy to call Thee mine. 2 How art Thou pale with anguish, With sore abuse and scorn ! How does that visage languish Which once was bright, as morn ! Thy grief and Thy compassion Were all for sinners' gain ; Mine, mine was the transgression. But Thine the deadly pain. What language shall I borrow To thank Thee, dearest Friend, For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end ! Lord, make me Thine for ever, Nor let me faithless prove ; Oh, let me never, never Abuse such dying love ! Forbid that I should leave Thee ; O .Jesus, leave not me ; By faith I would receive Thee; Thy blood can make me free : When strength and comfort languish, And I must hence depart, Release me then from anguish, By Thine own wounded heart. 137 :n2 9^ i CHRIST. ADDISON. S-M L. O. EMERSON, g-t--«=r s^. 22: tEifi sig g^: ^ I :3:^-ii:dB:^:^ Eiisi^iigpi^^pi] -,,^^-.^L 13X 1 Behold th' amazing sip^ht, The Saviour lifted high! Behold the Son of God's delight Expire in agony I 2 For whom, for whom, my heart, Were all these sorrows borne? Why did He feel that piercing smart, And meet that various scorn? 3 For love of us He bled. And all in torture died ; ^ m 'Twas love that bow'd His fainting head, And oped His gushing side. 4 In sympathy of love Let all the earth combine; And, drawn by cords so gentle, prove The energy divine. 5 In Him our hearts unite. Nor share His griefs alone, But from His cross pursue their flight To His triumphant throne. P MIDDLETON. 8s, 7s. D. engushmeiody , Fine. j-^-::^iq^q=:3irr.zq=z.-zi?!L:j-::7=--^-7 z^^f^-zniji 3- ^~ -n — »> I ^ — h — ^-^— 1^ — I- 1 . — |- ^.-0-^-f:-r:^^ p # ^ 0 ^ifirgiiiig^^n 1 — Y—\ DC. ! i»t — — I— I — i^i— ■^B»-H ^— I — I T'-'i '— r~ ''—j" ~'_3 — :]~~il ±z:t=c: -I 1 — I 1 — "-I r 138 i HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. AUTUMN. 8s, 7s. D. Spanish melody. A 1 mmmB r-^ • f J-4- I^ ii[^iig=^i S. 2^: ^iT^ — *^ A h -($'—- :• — » ^^ n'—w-' ^ _i- -#-r<5* -^^ ^^ ^,=r=P-r :|^^P^ itt t=J: SU D.S. 132 "Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, See Him dying on the tree ! '•Tis the Clirist by man rejected; Yes, my soul, 'tis lie. 'lis He I 'Tis the long-expected Prophet, David's Son, vet Davids Lord ; Proofs I see sufficient of it : 'Tis a true and faithful word. 2 Tell me, ye who hear Him groaning, i Was there ever grief like this? 1 Friends thro' fear His cause disowning, | Foes insulting His distress: 1 Many hands were raised to wound Him, | None would interpose to save; But the deepest stroke that pierced Him Was the stroke that Justice gave. 3 Ye who think of sin but lightly, Nor suppose the evil great ; Here may view its nature rightly, Here its guilt may estimate. Mark the sacrifice appointed ! Sec Who bears the awful load ; 'Tis the Word, the Lord's Anointed, Son of man, and Son of God. 4 Here we have a firm foundation ; Here's the refuge of the lost; Christ's the Rock of our salvation : His the i^amo of which we boast: Lamb of God for sinners wounded! Sacrifice to cancel guilt ! None shall ever be confounded Who on Him their hope have built. 139 CHKIST. WILMOT. 8s, 7s. CA^vL MARIA VON WEBER. I ^1-^ 1 — ^ — r is tf-^- mm^. ,_H- ^Hii=- 9^-3; ^~r-»- M IeL^es^ ;3J X33 111 the cross of Ciirist I sl<^ry, Tow'rini:; o'er tlie wrecks of time; All llie liglit of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o'ertaUe uie, Hopes deceive and fears annoy, Never shall the c:-oss forsake me : Lo I it j^lows with i)eace and joy. Wiien the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way. From the cross the radiance streaming AiUls new lustre to the day. Bane and blessing, pain ami pleasure, r>y the cross are sanctilieil; I'eace is there that kn(»ws no measure, Joys t'.iat tlirough all time abide. In the cross of Christ I glory, Towrin:; o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. MANOAH. CM G. KOSSINI ^mmmf -A. -■^^ ^-o 1 ^Biiii^^i 134 1 How condescending and how kind Was (Jod's eternal Son ! Our mis'ry rcach'd His heavenly mind, And i>ity brought Ilim down. I This was compassion like a (iod, That when the Savionr ktiew The price r)f pardon was His blood. His pity ne'er withdrew. 3 Now. though lie reigns exalted high, IIJK love is still as great : 140 "Well He remembers ralvar>'. Nor should His saints forget. 4 Here we receive repeated seals ( >f .Ic--ns' dying love : Hard is the heart that never feels One soft allection move. 5 Here let our hearts begin to melt, While we His death record. And, with our Joy for i)ardonM guilt, Mourn that we pierced the Lord. HIS WORK OF ATONEMENT. CLYMER. S. M. G. F. ROOT. ^i^^ '9 ^ ^.^:^\ -s- V ^m fi>—r-f-; msi iJ #. ^ i^^ ;r^r- -r ^ 135 1 Xot all the blood of beasts, On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nobler name. And richer blood than they 3 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of Thine, While as a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burden Thou didst bear, When hanging on the cursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 5 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove ; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, And sing His bleeding love. 141 COWPER. CM. L.MASON. cz:zZ2 „<_, — 136 1 1 There is a fountain fiH'd with blood Drawn from Iminanuers veins; And siniurs plunged beneath that flood Lo:?e all their guilty stain.s. 2 The dyin;; tliief rejoiced to see Tiiat fountain in his day; .Oh, ther^ niav I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away ! 3 Dear dving T^amb, Thy precious blood Sliall never lose it pf)wer, Till all the ransoni'd church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er ."^incc, by faith, T saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been niv theme. And shall be till 1 die. 5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save ; When this poor lisping, stanint'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave. G Lord, I believe Thou liast prei)arelacc, O Lord ! In Thee I put my trust, Encourafred liy Thy holy word — A feeble child of dust. I have no arpument beside, I urge no other plea ; And 'tis enough the Saviour died. The Saviour died for me ! 3 When storms of fierce temptation beat, And furious foes assail, My refuge is the mercy-seat, My hope within the vail. 4 AtkIwIiou Thine awful voice commands This body to decay, And life, in its la^st lingering sands, la ebbing fast away ; — 5 Then, tliough it be in accents weak. My voice shall call on Thee And ask for strength in death lo speak, " My Saviour died for me." 146 HIS INTERCESSION. LENOX. H.M. J. EDSON. !E=±z:g£^=*-gd:giJ:g-E:;:zM=*=gg=Eig-E->->--#--iLtg:d *-f-r Bmiiiiiis^iiiii^^ej :4 d ^^^M^^^ ::l=i ^ ♦^' ^^^— M= ^ — -| — ^-Fj'g-^-F-jPTFh-i — I w ^ A =!=:?:=[: =P ^ 1 \ #— J ' ^—^ J^ :pi W — '*=:t:: i ~ears us on His heart. Great Advocate, Almighty Friend- On Him our humble hopes depend; Our c.'uise can never, never fail, For Jusus pleads, and must [)revaiL 148 HIS INTERCESSION. HARWICH. H.M. L. MASON. ,_j_4-,_j_,_^ _i — , — I -4-r-^— r— ^- r - — \ — ' — i r —r-r n 1 -j^-ii-, -n 1 it ?-^ :tFi=r-=w^Fi==i :g=rrzq:::zz:r:=z •♦- -f9- r_. — , — i=i-:==c^ — uj — I — I — I ^1 J^-p^i 1 ^ 1^1 ^ T—f -Irte: a [g^^^a X^'i Jesus, mv great High Priest, OfFer'd His blood and died; My guilty conscience seeks No sacrifice beside. His powerful blood did once atone. And now it pleads before the throne. To this dear Surety's hand Will I commit my cause; He answers and fulfils His Father's broken laws. Behold my soul at freedom set; My Surety paid the dreadful debt. My Advocate appears For my defence on high ; The Father bows His ears, And lays His thunder by. Not all that hell or sin can say, Shall turn His heart, His love away. Should all the hosts of death, And powers of hell unknown. Put tiieir most dreadful forms Of rage and mischief on, I shall be safe, for Christ displays Superior power and guardian grace. 14S 1 Th' atoning work is done. Tlie Victim's blood is shed, And Jesus now is gone His people's cause to plead : He stands in heaven their great High Priest. And bears their names upon His breast. 2 No temple made with hands His place of service is ; In heaven itself He stands, A heavenly priesthood His : In him the shadows of the law Are all fulfiU'd. and now withdraw. 3 And though awhile He be Hid from the eyes of men, His people look to see Their great High Priest again : In brightest glory He will come, And take His waiting people home. GOPSAL. H. M. 149 I* CHRIST. THE SINNER'S FRIEND. L. O. EMERSON. ^i ♦ ^ ¥L A A jS. l^^is^ sr=i«: to-V U- 1^. N _i f^x^- ^ §?^=i 2:^^:17=; S|^_ 1-^6 1 O Thou, the contrite sinner's I'>ien(} ! Wlio, h)vinlace, And, Hiinting, I mistrust Thy grace, Tlicn, .Saviour, plead forme. 3 When I liave err'd and gone astray. Afar from Thine and wisdom's way, And see no glimmering, guiding ray, Still, Saviour, plead for me. When Satan, by my sins made bold, Strives from Thy cross to loose my hold, Then with Thy pitying arms enfold, Anil plead, oh, plead for me I And when my dying hour draws near, Darken'd with anguisli, guilt and fear. Then to my fainting sight apj)ear, Pleading in heaven for me. When the full light of heavenly day Reveals my sins in dread array, Say Thou hast wasli'd them ail away; Oh, say Thou plcad'st for me! MISSIONARY CHANT. L. M. c. zelner .^^ 1 f U \ , 1 — h-— r— I— r-^ 1 -1 '-r b—l 1 } ms ■'9- -^ -^ ^ -f^ -f-^f- '^- -^' "• — ■•— fei^^^W^ m^^^ ^W—f—r-0. 1 .Ffsii«. my .Xdvocatc above. My I'riend before the throne of love, If now for me prevails Thy ]>rayer. If now I find Thee plrading there, - 2 If 'i'liou the secret wish coTivey, And swe(?tly prompt my heart to pray, — Hear, and my weak petitions join. Almighty Advocate, to Thine. .fesus, my heart's desire olitain ; My eame.'^t suit present, and gain : My fulness of corruptioii show ; Ihe knowledge of n»yself bestow. Save nie from death : from hell set (nsi Death, hell, are l)Ut the want of Thee: My life, my only heaven TIjou art;^ Oh, might I feel Thee in my heart! 150 HIS INTERCESSION. RAKEM. L. M. 6 lines, i. b. woodbury. =s- — # 0 #-' ^^ — a # — %-^-t&- :-*--# # #- ffl^EEiaig Sij ^ « «_ Sii^^ife; _# m #-T--(2- -*_^. I I 1 I m tP^ ■^~'- 5- D.C. 9^e ^H^f ^! ^ *_-J ^— T- r- ±:i 148 Weary of wand'ring from my God, And now made willing to return, I hear, and bow beneath the rod; For Thee, not without hope, I mourn I have an Advocate above, Friend before the throne of love. 2 0 Jesus ! full of truth and grace, More full of grace than 1 of sin ; Yet once again I seek Thy face; Open Thine arms and take me in ; And freely my backslidings heal. And love the faithless sinner still. 3 Thou know'st the way to bring me back. My fallen spirit to restore ; Oh, for Thy truth and mercy's sake. Forgive, and bid me sin no morel The ruins of my soul repair. And make my heart a house of prayer. 151 PRAISE TO CHRIST. CORONATION. CM O. HOLDEN. ifZEt f lEiii g^i^^l^ P iiz:?z:^ifrt:=rr^- X40 1 All hail the jxjwor of Josus' name! liCt anj^ols prostrate fall ; Tiring' forth the royal diadem. And crown Ilim Lord of all, 2 Crown Ilitn, ye martyrs of our fJod. Who from His altar rail ; Kxtol the stem of Jesse's R)d. And ('rf)wn Him T>ord of all ! 3 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, A n-mnant weak and small. Hail Ilim wlio saves you hy His grace. And crown Him Lord of all! •1 Ye nentile sinners, ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; fJo, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lonl of all ! T) Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry trihe, On this terrestrial hall. To Him all majesty ascrihe, And crown Him Lord of all ! n (^h. that with yonder sacred throng, We a( His feet may fall ! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown IHm Lord of all 1 I ^ 152 i PRAISE TO HIM. BAVARIA. ■4- 1 Hail ! Thou once despised Jesus ! Hail! Thou Galilean King! Thou didst suffer to release us ; Thou didst free salvation bring : Hail ! Thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame ! By Thy merits we find favor; Life is given through Thy name. 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on Thee were laid; By almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made : All Thy people are forgiven Through the virtue of Thy blood ; Open'd is the gate of heaven ; Peace is made 'twixt man and God. Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glory, There forever to abide ! All the heavenly host adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side; There for sinners Thou art pleading; There Thou dost our place prepare ; Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. Worship, honor, power, and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive; Loudest praises, without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give : Help, ye bright, angelic spirits ! Bring your sweetest, noblest lays! Help to sing our Saviour's merits ; Help to chant Immanuel's praise. Arr L. MASON. 1 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing i My dear Redeemer's praise ; j The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of "His grace ! i 2 My gracious jNI aster and my God, I Assist me to proclaim, | To spread through all the earth abroad i The honors of Thv name. 3 Jesus, the name that calms our fears. That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears ; 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of reigning sin, He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean His blood avail'd for me. 153 ^3 CHRIST. MANOAH. G. ROSSINI. ♦A If: #. .^ Bgi^g^aBi ._; 1. T--^ -\~ ISQi II,. 1 Jesu.-^, our Head, oncecrown'd with thorns. Is crown'd with glory now ; Heaven'.s royal diadem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. 2 Delight of all who dwell above, The joy of saints below ; To us still manifest Thy love, That we its depths may know. j 3 To us Thy cross, with all its shame, 1 With ail its grace, be given ; | CRUCIFIX Though earth disowns Thy lowly name. All worshiji it in heaven.' ■i Who suH'er with Thee, Lord, below, Will reign with Thee above; Then let it be our joy to know This way of peace and love. 5 To us Thy cross is life and health, Thougii shame and death to Thee; On earth, it is our joy and wealth, In heaven, our crown shall be. 7s, 6s. GKEEK MELODY *^ 1^ -^ -^ -^ -^ -W- ■§■ ist* ^^^ .-4^A^ :i=tz— 3=: 0-^—0-fJ -K- Si -^—p- 150 1 Hail to the Lord's Anointed, (Jrcat David's greater Son ! Hail, in the tim(> appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break <)pj)ression, To set the captive free. To take away transgression, And rtile in efpiity. 2 He comes with snccor speedy. To those who sulVcr wrong; To help th(' poor and needy, And l)id the weak Ix; strong; To give them songs for sighing. Their uls, eoiidemii'd and ; His name shnli stand forever; That name to us is love. 154 PRAISE TO HIM. RIPLEY :« piii GREGORIAN. Fine. T ' 3i|l« XS4: 1 Hail ! ray ever blessed Jesus, i Only Thee I wish to sing ; | To my soul Thy name is precious, ! Tliou my Prophet, Priest, and King. Oh, what mercy flows from heaven, 2 Oh, what joy and happiness I : Love I much? I've much forgiven ; ] I'm a miracle of grace. | 2 Once with Adam's race in ruin, ' Unconcern'd in sin I lay ; Swift destruction still pursuing, Till my Saviour pass'd this way. i HERMON. ■»••»-■»• -^ Witness, all ye hosts of heaven. My Redeemer's tenderness; Love I much? I've much forgiven ; I'm a miracle of grace. Sing, ye bright angelic choir. Praise the Lamb enthroned above ; Whilst astonish'd, I admire God's free grace and boundless love. That blest moment I received Him, Fill'd my soul with joy and peace ; Love I much ? I've much forgiven ; I'm a miracle of grace. CM. MASON. 1^ 3t -^ E * 0-^ -9 # « -L I I t^^ 1 15S Plunged in a gulf of dark despair We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimm'ring day. With pitying eyes the Prince of Grace Beheld our helpless grief He saw, and (oh. amazing love I) He ran to our relief. Down from the sinning seats above With joyful haste He fled. Enter d the grave in mortal flesh. And dwelt among the dead. He spoil'd the powers of darkness thus, And brake our iron chains ; Jesus has freed our captive souls From everlasting pains. Oh, for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break. And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour's praises speak. Angels, assist our mighty joys. Strike all your harps of gold ; But when you raise your highest notes. His love can ne'er be told. 155 CHRIST. BRADFORD. CM ^^^ C. F. HANDEL. S 1 i^iis^^^liil^^^i 156 To our Redeemer's glorious name Awake tlie sacred song! Oh, may His love, immortal flame, Tune ev'ry heart and tongue! His love what mortal thought can reach! What mortal tongue display ! Imagination's utmost stretch In wonder dies away. He left His radiant throne on high. Left the briglit realms of bliss, f — ' ] ORTONVILLE. CM And came to earth to bleed and die! Was ever love like this? 4 Dear Lord, while we adoring pay Our humble thanks to Thee, May every heart witl» rapture say, "The Saviour died for me." I 5 Oh, may the sweet, the blissful theme Fill ev'ry heart and tongue : Till strangers love Thy charming name, And join the sacred song. T. HASTINGS. -h^ r-l ^— ^ i-rJ '^^n rn ^-^ s^ 1 r-^ *^-J N ill I >2 4 0*^ f * &g^«^ ?EE= XS-T" I . If 1 ^Lajestic sweetness sits enthroned rpon tlie Saviour's brow ; His head with radiant glories crown'd, His lips witli grace o'erflow. 2 Nf. mortal can witli Him ct»mi)are Among the so!)s of men ; Fairer is H(? tlian all the fair Who fill the lioavenly train. 3 He saw me plunged in deep distress, And flew to my relief; Forme He bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. 4 To Him I owe my life and breath, .\nd all the joys I have; He makes me triumph over death, And saves n>e from the grave. T) To heaven, the ]»lace of His abode, He brings my weary feet, Shows me the glories of my (lod, .\nd nuikes my joys complete. (■) Si!ice from His l)ounty 1 receive Such proofs of love divine. Had 1 a thousand hearts to give. Lord, thev should all be Thine. 1 156 PRAISE TO HIM. DORT. 6s, 4s. L. MASON. m^Ei 3=33 rt- :t=:t ZM- :?z:r=fc: = 4-._pz.=:gzz=:»=:.| %^E^^^^^i=^^^^-EM^^i^ ^^i ^ ^ -^ ^ , ^- r- _ J _. _..J__L ^ J 1 ! ""1 " J 1 • . T "« «1 ; ' f M .. ■■- ~/«— ^ 0 _^_-_;_^ — 4 — j- >■" »■ a > ~<&-^- ^\\ X5S Glory to God on high ! Let heaven and earth reply " Praise ye His name I " His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore, Sing loud forevermore, " Worthy the Lamb ! " While they around the throne Cheerfully join in one, Praising His name, — Ye who have felt His blood Sealing your peace with God, Sound His dear name abroad, " Worthy the Lamb ! " 167 3 Join, all ye ransom'd race, Our Lord and God to bless : Praise ye His name ! In Him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise. Shouting with heart and voice, " Worthy the Lamb ! " 4 Soon must we change our place, Yet will we never cease Praising His name : To Him our songs we bring; Hail Him our gracious King; And through all aues sing, " Worthy of the Lamb ! " CHRIST. ARIEL. C. P. M. L. MASON. S^^ I ■•-#- 4 PP^^ 1^^ ;j I ■N— «'^, H-—^^ -*~ i • — »-!-» — * ^-tM — *-^ — ^ sir*: ^ ^ * ^ it t: ti\±ti I h ^ ^ ^ 150 1 Oh, could T pppak the matchless worth. Oh, conM I sound the glories forth Which ill my Saviour shine. I'd soar and touch the heavenly strings, And vie with Oahriel, while he sings. In notes almost divine 2 I'd sing the precious hlood He spilt, My ransom from the dreaflful guilt Of sin and wrath divine; I'd sijig Ilis glorious rightef)nsness. In which all perfect hcivenly dress Mv soul shall ever shine I'd sing the characters lie bears. And all the forms of love He wears, Exalted on His throne: In loftiest sojigs of sweetest praise, 1 would to everlasting ring me home, And I shall see Ilis face; Then with mv Savionr. brother, friend, A blest eternitv I'll spend Triumphant in His grace. 158 d PRAISE TO HIM. MELODY. CM A. CHAPIN. =^gEg=l=i=lf.Eg]j leo 1 Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 " Worthy the Lamb that died."' they cry. " To be exalted thus ; " " Worthy the Lamb,"' our lips reply, " For He was slain for us." 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine; And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever Thine. ■i Let all that dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift Thy glories high. And speak Thine endless praise ! ;^.S LOWELL. L. M ENGLISH TUNE. --^^: ilippi^Sgiii-i^^sllig J— -^ #- m ill wmmm 1 Now let us raise our cheerful strains, : 3 And join the blissful choir above; ! There our exalted Saviour reigns. And there they sing His wondrous love.; 2 Jesus, who once upon the tree 4 In agonizing pains expired. To save us rebels — yes, 'tis He ! How bright, how lovely, how admired! 159 Jesus, who died that we might live, Died in the wretched traitor's place; Oh, what returns can mortals give For such immeasurable grace! Yet," though for bounty so divine We ne'er can equal honors raise, Jesus, may all our hearts be Thine, And all "our tongues proclaim Thy praise. CHRIST. HARWELL. 8s, 7s. , tf , 1 T f*i 1— ( -1 f — H -N —I -f-O-; f-H -->« — H~' -I— J— •-- -#- f #-7 L. MASON. •i=^«" il-S j^ I r s ^ . • f^ ^ ^ M. . 5i-t; And lay their highest honors down. Submissive at His feet. While angels sliout and jtraise their King, Let mortals learn their strains; T>ct all the earth His honors sing ; O'er all the earth He reigns. Now to the Lamb, that once was slain, lie endless blessings paid ; Salvation, gh^rv, joy, remain I'orever on Thy head ! 'IMjou bast redeem'd our souls with blood. Hast set the pris'ncrs fre(>, Hast made us kings and i)riests to (lod, And wc shall reign with Thee. 162 PRAISE TO HIM. DEDHAM. CM, W. GARDINER. 166 Jesus, in Thy transporting name What glories meet our eyes I Thou art the seraph's lofty theme, The wonder of the skies. Well might the heavens with wonder vi( A love so strapge as Thine ; No thought of angels ever knew Compassion so divine. And didst Thou, Saviour, leave the sky. To sink beneath our woes? Didst Thou descend to bleed and die For Thy rebellious foes? Oh, may our willing hearts confess Thy sweet, Thy gentle sway ; Glad captives of Thy matchless grace, Thv righteous rule obev. iU^i ±zz± ^^^ -•-' "-r- ALFRETON. L. M. r W. BEASTALL. \^-r(=^' —^.si Lh 1 -,„^—\ j ^ Lj L| 1 Lj 1 — . — Li: 1 L^ J I 16'7' 1 Great God I to what a glorious height Hast Thou advanced the Lord, Thy Son Angels, in all their robes of light. Are made the servants of His throne. 2 Before His feet their armies wait, And swift as flames of fire they move, To manage His affairs of state, In works of vengeance, or of love. Now they are sent to guide our feet. Up to the gates of Thine abode, Through all tlie dangers that we meet, In trav'ling o'er the heavenly road. Lord ! when we leave this mortal ground. And Thou shalt bid us rise and come — Send Thy beloved angels down, Safe to conduct our spirits home. 163 CHRIST. PLEYEL'S HYMN. 7s. J. PLEYKL. ^- A J H N .-A 1 r— , 5t^=^= •o-i- )* — t ^_ j_^ ;z._ J 4^ ES^EjEgji^^l *. ti ^^ I "5-^+— ^— '-^-r — r 7^— f=T=" 100 1 Now begin the heavenly theme, Sing alond in Jesus' name! Ye, who Hi;* salvation prove. Triuini)h in rcdccining love. 2 Ye who see the Fatlicr's grace, IJcaining in the Saviour's face, As to lieaven ye onward move, Triniiiph in redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Ilanish all your guilty fears; See your guilt and care remove, ("anceU'd l)y redeeming love. 4 Ye, alas ! who hing have heen Willing slaves of death and sin, Now from hliss no longer rove; Stop, and taste redeeming love. 164 PRAISE TO HIM. LOVING-KINDNESS. L. M. WESTERN MELODY. ^m * — ^ — p^ — I ' T7B=f=Pi — r— ^^-^^^it m\ pri- .*-^- ^ JL ^^ J2. X. f==F--i S ^ — # — S — • — i— ]-*-*H — H-^ — ^ — * ^ m. ^ ill 169 1 Awake, my soul, in joyful lays, t And sing thy great Redeemer's praise ; He justly claims a song from me, His loving-kindness, oh, how free! 2 He saw me ruin'd in the fall, Yet loved me, notwithstanding all ; He saved me from my lost estate, His loving-kindness, *oh. how great! 3 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose. He safely leads my soul along. His loving-kindness, oh, how strong! 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gather'd thick and thunder'd loud, 165 He near my soul has always stood. His loving kindness, oh, how good! Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Jesus to depart; But though I have Him oft forgot. His loving-kindness changes not. Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale. Soon all my mortal powers must fail; Oh, may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death. Then let me mount and soar away To the briglit world of endless day ; And sing, with rapture and surprise. His loving-kindness in the skies. M m ^--, ^M?M CHRIST. ERASMUS. 11, lO, 11, lO. :^=--^-^ :^i=^c: T. F. SEWARD. I g=g^ii3a^i i^=^=:^:=^ -A ^— Tr i ^-\ — ^--^^^ — ^ Rl- ^=T^»^ ^•-■t,* fl — ;± y — g-tt tzrrjj-tte 1 I >- — pit ^^^_, I ■•- ^2. jgfe^^JBssai^iBEgasia 1*70 1 lirightest and best of tlie sons of the morning! Dawn on our darkness, and lend lis 'I'liine aid ; .Star of the East, tlie liorizon adorninp. Guide where our infant Redeemer is hiid. 2 ('old on ITis cradle the de\v(lroT)s are shin- ing; I^ow lies Ilis head with the beasts of the stall : Antjels adore Him in slumber reclininj;. Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all I 3 Say, shall we yield Him, in costly «levotion, Odors of Edom, and off'rings divine? 166 :?^Sp^j Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean. ■Myrrh from the forest, or j;old from the mine? •1 Vainly we offer each ample oblation ; V^aiiily with gifts would His favor secure: Richer l)y far is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God arc the ])rayersof thcpoor. .f th .f Oie Rrightost and best niorning! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid ; Star of tl)e Kast, the hori/on adorninfr. Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. PRAISE TO HIM. FOLSOM. 11,10,11,10. MOZART. l51=|=IS:=^l::lz^ -Tl*— «— • — *— #-r# — »-» 1 0 0—0 -r 0^^0-w-0 0~0-r0 1 — '■— r I f— F-p,5> , i^ p iifegfeM^Sapgs: s; ^ I k P ■y— fc^- ±: i ^ P NUNDA. L. M. D. L. MASON. iip^^giliiiSiiti I ^ -^^ I ©sn tr^ra: U 1 '^j$^-*^ ^l 1 I I fefe-zri^^ I I I r^iP 1 When, marshall'd on the nightly plain. The glitt'ring hosts bestud the sky, One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner's wand'ring eye. 2 Hark ! hark ! to God the chorus breaks, From ev'r\'- host, from ev'ry gem; But one alone the Saviour speaks, It is the Star of Bethlehem. 3 Once on the raging seas I rode, The storm was loud — the night was dark, The ocean yawn'd— and rudely blow'd The wind that toss' d my found'ring bark . 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze. Death -struck. I ceased the tide to stem ; When suddenly a star arose — It was the star of Bethlehem. 5 It was my guide, my light, my all ; It bade my dark foretjodings cease ; And througii the storm and danger's thrall, It led me to the port of peace. 6 Now safel}'' moor'd — my perils o'er, I'll sing, first in night's diadem, Forever, and forevermore, The Star— the Star of Bethlehem ! 167 CHRIST. BAVARIA. 8s, 7s. D. GERMAN. FlXH ^^Piiii ^ L.. ^r=L 1^— '-^ ^ y U— "--p *■■ I ^ s , D.c. jggsj- jf_*__r 1 Lamb of God, we fallbcfore Tliee, Humbly trusting in Thy cross; That alone be all our glory, All things else are only dross. Thee we own a ])erfect 8a>viour, Only source of alltbat's good. Ev'ry grace and ev'ry favor Comes to us through Jesus' blood. 2 Jesus gives us true repentance, By 11 is Spirit sent froTU lieaven ; "Whispers this trai>sporting sentence, " Son, thy sins are all forgiven." Faith He grants us to believe it, (irateful hearts His love to prize: Want we wisdom? lie must give it ; Hearing ears, and seeing eyes. 3 Jesus gives us jmre alfections. Wills to do what he recjuires; Makes us follow His directions, And what He commands — inspires. All our j)rayers, and all our ])raises, Kightly oller'd in His name: Jle that dictates them is Jesus; He that answers is the same HALLE. 7s. 6 lines. f j haydn. J-4- ±'73 1 Jc^us, Sun of Kiphter»usness. Brightest beam (if l<»ve divine, With tJM' early morning rays ])i) 'I'hou (i]\ our darkness sliine, And disp(!l. with jturest light. All our long and gloomy night! 2 IJkf the sun's reviving ray, May Thy love, with tender glow, All our coldness molt twav, 168 Warm, and cheer us f^th to go, Cla Ky+*"»-*— *- ^- F^ iS^=l .i?- -#-r*-^-^— I ■• — I ^-r ^>^-i— — ri — ri — I 1 1 — pspiil =^=F i:^ l-ZS 0 love divine, how sweet thou art ! When shall I find my willing heart All taken up by thee? 1 long, and tliirst, and faint to prove The greatness of redeeming love, The love of Christ to me. 2 Stronger His love than death or hell ; Its riches are unsearchable ; The first-born sons of liglit Desire, in vain, its depth to see; They cannot reach the mystery. The length, and breadth, and height. Oh, that I could forever sit, With Mary, at the Master's feet ! Be this my happy choice; My only care, delight, and bliss, My joy, my heaven on earth be this, To hear the Bridegroom's voice. Oh, that I could, with favor'd John, Recline my weary head iipon The dear Redeemer's breast ! From care, and sin, and sorrow free, Give me, O Lord, to find in Thee My everlasting rest. 171 '^a}i| spirit* -3sss€- HIS EFFUSION AND MISSION. COVENTRY. CM. encush. £zf^=^ ?lE^ippi :^d^ H ki:|^-4 iiiliiii gt^ ::^ ^^ -.* I I L: -t= Tr:rrx?z= iiB 1"Z9 1 Let songs of praises fill the sky ! Christ, our ascended Lord, Sends down His Spirit, from on high, According to His word. 2 The Spirit, by His heavenly breath, New life creates within ; He (piickens sinners from the death Of trespasses and sin. 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes. And to our iieart reveals ; Our bcidies lie His temple makes, And our redemption seals. 4 Come. Holv Spirit, from above, With Thy celestial lire; Come, and, witli flames of zeal and love, Our hearts and tonirues inspire. 172 HIS WORK. WINCHESTER. DR. CKOFT. Sig=^^^:);p^i ' M ' 1— Lj [— • f^^F^ 180 Eternal Spirit! we confess And sing the wonders of Thy grace : Thy power conveys our blessings down From God the Father and tlie Son. Enlighten'd by Thy heavenly ray, Our shades and darkness turn to day : Thine inward teachings make us know Our danger and our refuge too. 3 Thy glorious power works within, And breaks the chains of reigning sin, Doth our imperious lusts subdue. And forms our wretched hearts anew. 4 The troubled conscience knows Thy voice, Thy cheering words awake our joys ; Thy words allay the stormy wind, And calm the surges of the mind. HARTEL. L. M. L. MASON. 3—a—^.0-'—0 — 0 — 5__^__«_i 1_^ 0 — ^__i_-^.__^ 0 — 0-^-0 s — I (>1 ^^^-l:U=h^-v ^ ^ ^ — tti — tA=:l^-Lj -V — ^ — ^t — 1 :i^::>;=^A=:vR tT=^^p^^^^t^t -N N- JL-0—^=\ mi 1 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above ; Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide; O'er ev'ry thought and step preside. 2 Conduct us safe, conduct us far From ev'ry sin and hurtful snare: Lead to Thy word, that rules must give, And teach us lessons how to live. The light of truth to us display. That we may know and love Thy way Plant holy fear in ev'ry heart, That we from Thee may ne'er depart. Lead us to righteousness, the road That we must take, to dwell with God Lead us to heaven, the seat of bliss, Where pleasure in perfection is. 173 HOLY SPIRIT. ORTONVILLE. CM HASTINGS. ^ ^^lSi^3g|ai^Mi^*iii liin X82 1 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quick'niu.^ powers, Kindle a Hamo of sacred love III these cold hearts of ours. 2 See, how we grovel here below, Fond of these earthly toys; Our souls, how heavily they go To reacli eternal joys ! r^ 3 Dear Lord ! and shall we always live At this poor, dying rate? Our love so cold, so faint to Thee, And Thine to us so great? 4 Come, Hf^ly Spirit, heavenly Dove, Witli all Thy (juirk'ning powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love. And that shall kindle ours. ZEPHYR. L. M W. B. BRADBURY tf -^ _■#■ ■#- "^»- -^ -♦_ I I ' :g^_^&U-^- M. ja. .(2- 9= — p — I — t"^ 1- Ep:T:3=-t=i H c„p I 1. - 'I L — I J 183 1 C'oiiie, Holy Spirit, calm my mind, | Oh, kindle now the sarrod flame, And lit me to approach my (Jod; [ And make me burn with j)ur»' desire. Remove each vain, each worMly thought,^ 3 a brighter faith and hope impart. An- ♦ 915 I 1-^ I I i:^r^ CT-z* i^ei^i^^g^ 191 1 See what a living stone The builders did refuse! Yet God hath built His Church thereon, In spite of envious Jews. 2 The work, 0 Lord, is Thine, And wondrous in our eyes; This day declares it all divine, This dav did Jesus rise. 3 Hosanna to the King Of David's roval blood ! 170 Bless Him, ye saints, He conies to bring Salvation from our God. Oh, come the happy hour When all the world shall own Thy Son, 0 God, declared with power, And worship at Thy throne ! We bless Thy holy word Which all this grace displays ; And offer on Thine altar. Lord, Our sacrifice of praise. THE CHURCH. HARVEY'S CHANT. C. M. w. b. bradbury. Oi.V.-J---^ -^ H- . — -^4-4- - 4 -j ^_J =1 V^ »— '-^ J J— — # ■■-• — «— J—^^^—\ . _ * —^-'^=^-i=f----f — -f- M ■=i- PE^ f- --i * # ■*!— cri: — »^- -^;*?- pp mm 102 I BehoUl tlir Sdfc foilndation-sfofie Which (Jod ill Zioii hiys, To build our heavenly hope?! upon, And iDv eteroal jiraisc, 2 Chosrii (»f (Jod, to sinners dear, Let saintf' adore the name ; They trust their whole salvation here, N(jr shall they autrer uliante. 3 The foolish huilders, scribe and priest, Reject it with disdain ; Yet on this Rock the riiurch nhall rest, And envy ra^ie in vain. 4 What thou^'h the trates of hell withstood Vet must this buildinfi rise: I 'Tis Thine own work, Alniij^hty Ood, ! And wondrous in our eyes. 180 lar l^rimleg^s aitb ilcr^* -3SSS:g- RIPLEY. 8s, 7s. GREGORIAN. Fine. iiSl^^^ fl ti t: -1^ ■O- :^ b ^— ;-n-^-:-r- 193 1 Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; He, whose word cannot be broken, Forni'd thee for His own abode: On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake Thy sure repose? With salvation's walls surrounded. Thou may'st smile at all thy foes. 2 See, the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove : Wlio can faint while such a river Ever flows thy thirst t' assuage? Grace which, like the Lord, the Giver, Never fails from age to age. Round each habitation hov'ring, See the cloud and tire appear! For a glory and a cov'ring. Showing that the Lord is near : Thus deriving from their banner Light by night and shade by day ; Safe they feed upon the manna Which He gives them when they pray. ST. ANN CM. W. CROFT. 19-^ yet, Oh, where are kings and empires now Of old that went and carae?. But, Lord. Thy Church is prayin; A thousand years the same. We mark her goodly battlemciit? And her foundations strong; We hear within the solemn voice Of her unendin'T son^r. For not like kingdoms of the world Thy holy Church, O God ! Tho' earthquake shocks are threat' ning her. And tempests are abroad ; Unshaken as eternal hills, Immovable she stands, A mountain that shall fill the earth, A house not made bv hands. 181 ^dv ll]iiu$tri|. -SSSS:^- ORDINATION AND INSTALLATION. STIRLING. L. M. R. HAKRISON. sfe :iC=«=«: -4 — I-4t-I U iU m^^MMmm^mmf^^m^i II F m^ I I »^:^^^ LlL-L: ^ 1?^^=^: i^ 4^ g^ i 105 1 With heavfnly i)ower, O Lonl, defoiid Him whom wo i»<>w to Thee commend; Tliy faitlifiil messenger secure. And make 1dm to the end endure. 1 2 Gird h)m witli all-sunicient j;race, Direct his feet in patlis of i)eace; Thy truth and faithfulness fulfd, An(i arm idm to ohey Thy will. 182 HER MINISTRY— ORDINATION. DORT, 6s, 4s. L. MASON ^^^^^^.^f^^\ 1—1 r- £=B=^^% :p=p: ir I :f=-T4: i — I— j — I— ^^=i -#— ^ ^=<= s #■ ♦ ^^^E^ESEp :griz -• P- f^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -fh T- Nr- H-R- ^A-. ^ \- f-v — 1- — — ^Hl R^ —izz ••• — H — 1 . _ji — j_ 4— ■»- * -fit- r rr ti =M^ =f?=- -^ 1--^— f+- -^ -t4^-H O Holy Lord, our God, By heavenly hosts adored, Hear us, we pray ; To Thee the cherubim. Angels and seraphim. Unceasing praises hymn — Their homage pay. 2 Here give Thy word success, And this Thy servant bless, His labors own ; And while the sinner's Friend His life and words commend. Thy Holy Spirit send. And make Him known. 3 May ev'ry passing year More happy still appear Than this glad day ; With numbers till the place. Adorn Thy saints with grace, Thy truth may we embrace, O Lord, we pray. 183 THE CHURCH. MARLOW. CM, J. CHETHAM. ^^i^^^^^m l=^=|-i^=f:J=:|= mm iHi :l&'7 Let Zion's watc^hmen all awake, An'— # # 1 /TS 1301 1 From Culv'ry's sac-rod nioniitain Whore hui)^ the Son of God, Wliil.st from I lis heart's deep fountain (Jnsli'd fortli the crimson Hood, The voicM', of mercy ]»liKlited, IJids us in Jesus' name, Proch'iim to the l)onij- :1= ^^ I — p. 0. •0- -^- I- il3l 203 1 In one fraternal bond of love, One fellowship of mind, The saints I)elow and saints above Tlieir bliss and glory find. 2 Here, in their house of pilgrimage, Thy statutes are their song ; There, through one bright, eternal age, Thy })raises they ])rolong. Lord, may our union form a part Of that thrice hapjjy whole, Derive its pulse from Thee, the heart, Its life from Thee, the soul. W. TANSUR. e-SH^^ t^j-^^ a*. -tJ i ^- l^^-^-r"P— r*Lr^2 #-S-,-"^- ^^mmmMm^m^ -mm^^m^mM^m #-T- F s^gA*^^ ±i?: 204 1 Hai)py the soul to Jesus join'd. And saved by grace aloniv. Walking in all His ways, they find Thoir li(?av(*n on parth begun. 2 The rhurch triuniphanl in Thy love, 'i"h«'ir mighty joys we know : Th<'y sing the Lamb in liymns above, And we in hvnins below. s^Ul r Thee in Thy glorious realm they praise, And bow before Thy tiirone; We in the kingdom of Thy grace: The kingdoms arc but one. The holy to the holiest leads; l>om thence onr spirits rise; nfive! God himself will loose thy bands. 2 lias thy night been long and mournful? Have thy friends unfaithful proved? Have thy foes been proud and scornful, I'.y thy sighs and tears unmoved? Cease thy mourning; Zion still is well beloved. ?iiS^ 190 II''" • I God, thy God, will now restore thee; He Himself appears thy Friend; All thy foes shall flee before thee; Here their boasts and triumphs end : (ircat dcliv'rance Zion's Kitig vouchsafes to send. Enemies no more sliall troublo; All thy wrongs shall be redrcss'd; For thy shame thou shalt have double. In thv Maker's favor blest : AHthy conllirts End in everlasting rest I inuErmiiiiatt^ mh %hm^mn la ^ntnrmattlnl lammuniait. -5SSS®- WARNER. L. M. V. C. TAYLOK. ■l-'-s'- 209 1 Lord, I am Thine, entirely Thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine ; With full consent Thine I would be, And own Thy sovereign right in nie. 2 Here, Lord, my life, my soul, my all, I yield to Thee beyond recall ; Accept Thine own, so long withheld, Accept what 1 so freely yield ! 3 Grant one poor sinner more a place Among the children of Thv grace ; A wretched sinner, lost to God. But ransom'd by Immanuel's blood. Thine would I live. Thine would I die, Be Thine through all eternity ; The vow is past beyond repeal ; Xow will I set the solemn seal. Do Thou assist a feeble worm ; The great engagement to perform ; Thy grace assistance can extend. And on that grace I will depend. HEBRON. L. M L. MASON. m^ ^=^^ i ^^ tzJit -22- 1 Now I resolve, with all my heart. With all my power to serve the Lord Nor from His ways will I depart. Whose service is a rich reward. 2 Oh, be this service all my joy I Around let my example shine. Till others love the blest employ. And join in labors so divine. ' :t:=f=±t f 191 Be this the purpose of my soul. My solemn, my determined choice, To yield to His supreme control. And in His kind commands rejoice. Oh, may I never faint nor tire. Nor, wand'ring, leave His sacred ways; Great God ! accept my soul's desire. And give me strength to live Thy praise. THE CHURCH. TRURO. L. M C. BURNEY. ^=^.^. ^ 1 r ¥=^3=f I#p3 §i!.-^i^.^^gi|i^y 1 Oh, happy day that fix'd my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. 2 Oh, happy bond that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love! I'll praise Him in His sacred house, And gladly to His altar move. 3 Now witli His saints I choose my part; With them 1 come a welcome guest ; Here rest, my once divided heart ; In Him, thy blissful portion, rest. 4 'Tis done, the great transaction 's done : I am my Lord's, and He is mine: He drew me, and I follow'd on, Charm'd to confess tlic voice divine. 5 High heaven, that heard the solemn vow. That vow renewd shall daily liear. Till, call'd at last from all below, 1 bless in death a bond so dear. ALETTA. 7s. W.M. D. UKADBURY — T \ 1— I ' 1 *^ ii:t3 t±. ^^^kXA, U r — r ^ rl f- '^^m 1-r 212 1 People (if the living Ood, I have sought tln^ world around, I'aths of sin and sorrow trod. I*eace an wind, the wave; Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave. •1 Mine the (rod whom you adore; Your liedeemer shall be mine; I'^arth can fill my soul no more, Kv'rv idol I resign. 192 ®i$$btt$t ^ttb ^fnnh nl ^t %n^d. -:ssss^ PARK STREET. L. M F. VENUA. * ir-V £^ o..# jio »-»-fV^-— »'-rH^^-r^— ,-g-#-'^1g— .g-#'-r>g iJ-^^^r-f-ra— »i 213 1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 People and realms of ev'ry tongue Dwell on His love with grateful song And with united hearts proclaim That grace and truth by Jesus came. 13 3 Blessings abound where'er He reigns; The pris'ner leaps to loose his chains, The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 4 Where He displays His healing power, The sting of death is known no more : In Him the sons of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost. 193 Tin: ciirRCH. NUREMBURG AHLE. 214 Wake tiie song of jubilee I Let it echo o'er the yea : Now is come the promised hour; Jesus reigns with sov'reign' power. All ye nations, join and sing. " Christ, of lords and kings, is King Let it sound from shore to ehore, " Jesus reigns for evermore ! " Now the desert lands rejoice, And the islands join their voice; Joy I the wliole creation sings, " Jesus is the King of kings ! " ELTHAM XT WT~^r-> -&—4—m-^^ '-i( — T 1^—' #— »— ^-''c — c^—- ■ III ' ' w 1^1 1 . m . m m ' I 'm -\-^' F^ ^-^^ ifegr^^-rr^^^i S2XS 1 Hark! the song of j\ibilee, Loud as migiity thunders roar. Or the fulness of tlie sea When it breaks upon the shore: Hallchijah ! for the Lord (iod ()rrini{)otcrif shall reign; IL'illelujah ! let the word Iv-lio rrtund the earth and main! 2 Hallelujah I hark! the sound, I>om the depth unto the skies, Wakes above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonics: I See Jehovah's banner furled, [done; I iSheathed His sword ; He sj>eaks — 'tis And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of His iSon. 3 He shall reitrn tnuu pole to pole With illimital»le sway ; He shall reign when, like a scroll. Yonder heavens have pa.ss'd away : Then the end — beneath His rotl I ^[an's last enemv shall fall ; I Hallelujah! Christ is (Jod. (Jod in Christ is all in all. 194 fri MISSIONS. LA MIRA, CM WM. B. BRADBURY. k. ' J^^f^ ^ u y ]^_ N ^^^m ^ — 9 — ^—''?z>- S 5 ,N ^ h4v^ — ^ — ^ ^ » »• ■ ^LZL^ ^ ^ l; ^ ;? y ^^--"-^ ini Q16 1 Lord, send Thy word, and let it fly, Arm'd with Thy Spirit's power; Ten thousand sliall confess its sway, And bless tlie saving hour. 2 Beneath the influence of Thy grace, The barren wastes sliall rise, With verdure and with fruits array' d, A blooming paradise. 3 True holiness shall strike its root In each regen'rate heart; Shall in a growth divine arise, And heavenly fruits impart. 4 Peace, with her olives crown'd, shall stretch Her wings from shore to shore; No trump shall rouse the rage of war. Nor murd'rous cannon roar. 5 Lord, for those days we wait — those days Are in Thy word foretold ; Fly swifter, sun and stars, and bring This promised age of gold! 195 THE CHURCH. MORNING STAR. 7s. D. L. MASON. 1^ ^^^m^m^^ ^^^i :| if=^ --s h i^ifl V=^ j2. -^ A y— 5^ :t_.jz«zr:;^=ri:: l-g ir->- ilifl n'^-vf-fsl-l -#-•-#- ^-rTr-:-r i^i se 1/— ?- ^-y- -(t-^ t 3EES Mr? SpB 1 Wak^hmcn ! toll us of tlio night, What its si^^ns of promise arc. Trav'h'r! o'er yon iiu)mitain«* hright Son the Klorv-heaniiii^; star ! Watchmen! does its hcautcous my Aught of joy or hope foretell ? 4 Trav'lcr ! yc^ : it hriiips tho «l.iy, Promised day of Israel. 2 Wfttohmati I tell us of the night: Higher vet that star a;^rend?^, 'I'rav'Icrl ))lesse(lnoss and light, I'eucc and truth ita cour.se portends. 196 MISSIONS. Watchman ! will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? Trav'ler ! ages are its own ; See ! it bursts o'er all the earth ! 3 Watchman ! tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn. Trav'ler! darkness takes its flight Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman ! let thy wand' rings cease; Hie thee to thy quiet home. Trav'ler! lo! the Prince of Peace, Loi the Son of God is come! HOLBROOK. 7s. D. J. p. HOLBROOK. ^^1 ^ '■ C ^ ^ I rjv f=F=^ ■y-t =1 ^ I ^' p ^ ^^^E^^^^m^^^m '^=^^=^- -^^^z^^ikPr=i^-<^-Z^i r-(tc-iZ^-^-r-r-rT'r-m-t^ m^ ■-N =i^^ .=^. 5=? it=^-5^ u r ^^^=f=^^,£^ f- ^=i=Scz=&^»^3t=;l3 =F=^--CF 197 b Si THE CHIKCH. MORNINGTON. S. M EARL MORNINGTON. gmmi^^mmsm^m i^^^rts^ -f==f^ t44 -I* i^J ^= l^j^^tS^^ dE E3: =13 i d ^-^^l^^^i^- I I ?:iJ* 'ii ^=^~^ ^ I ^ji .S'^ » (2- e :J. inj 210 O Lord our Ciod ! arise ; Tlie cause of trutli niaiiitain ; And wide all o'er the peoj^lcd world Extend her blessed reign. Tliou Prince of life! arise, Nor let Thy glory cease ; Far sj)read the concpiests of Thy grace, And bless the earth with peace. O Holy Spirit ! rise, Expand Thy heavenly wing. And o'er a dark and ruin'd world Let light and order spring. Oh, all ye nations! rise. To (Jod the Saviour sing; From shore to shore, from earth to heaven. Let echoing anthems ring. SPARTA. C. M ^'^=:^ \J \J 'J i^~i=t- ir:::^ 3^^^^ t^ ^ \j 'J I T \J \; J • F •♦ * • • ^ ti tl ^ T 219 1 Pity the nations, O our fJod! Constrain the earth to come; Send Thy victorious word al>roa May. with one voice and heart and soul Sing Thy redeeming grace. 198 MISSIONS. HENDON. 7s. C. MALAN. fegmiiigis £3 s: ^^_Jj^^ ^^^ -^^-^ i-f tf 1-!-^ — «--h^ — ^i^— I 1 ■ §!; ■ Si H2-42. .^. .^ ^^ i^ -h-h -1=^ :=:-.l £ &r^:: pNPil S20 1 Hasten, Lord, the glorious time, When, beneath Messiah's sway, Ev'ry nation, ev'ry clime, Shall the gospelcall obey. 2 Mightiest kings His power shall own. Heathen tribes His name adore ; Satan and his host, o'erthrown, Bound in chains, shall hurt no more. 3 Then shall war and tumult cease. Then be banish'd grief and pain Righteousness and joy and peace IJndisturb'd shall ever reign. 4 Bless we, then, our gracious Lord, Ever praise His glorious Name ; All His miglity acts record, All His wondrous love proclaim. 199 THE CHURCH. MISSIONARY HYMN. 7s, 6s. D. l. mason. P ^'^ sifeiii^ 3~*=S=itt^>-— ^^4qiZiEJ->-#— f-j tei^B33;5E^E^5gg^Mig^ i^i^pg^igii^gii^^p ^ g ^: ?^ t=t S: t: s. ^ ^ 1?- ?=S |s^ig^3^iii^g|iii^ii Ki3=« ■•- -*9- e; ■-t-i l^il Q2X 1 From Grocn land's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand — From many an ancient river, t>oni many a palmy j)lain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What thoupli the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle; Thouj^h cv'ry j)rospect pleases, And only man is vile ; In vain with lavish kindness The ^'ifls of (Jod arc strown ; The heathen, in his hlindness, Bows down to wood and stone! 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high — Shall we, to men benighted, The lamp of life deny! Salvation, oh, salvation ! The joyful sound ])roclaim, Till earth's remotest nation J las learn'd Messiah's name. Waft, waft, ye winds. His story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole; Till o'er our ransom'd nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign ! 200 MISSIONS. TRINITY COLLEGE. S. M. D. j.w.willcox. J ^ , ^_,_^^ ^^^A ^-r-J^-4-r-^_,-|- 1^1 II ^l=^===a=^zzipgzi j__f=!?=ji: t=t= :^rv^ i :t— ^— ^ l^i^i^i^iiipiiii^iiiili^ ^fe;=^ h2- r >=t=8: g^E^gjili^ g » g ^ 8^ r g^^iii pIEE 1-^ I I ^-0 :p==3t r — r ■♦-^ -#-•#- -^ -ir==!i: -«-r1^ ga 222; 1 Lord of the harvest ! hear The needy servants' cry : Answer our faith's etFectual prayer, And all our wants supply. On Thee we humbly wait ; Our wants are in Thy view : The harvest truly. Lord ! is great, The laborers are few. 2 Convert and send forth more Into Thy Church abroad ; And let them speak Thy word of po^ As workers with their God. Give the pure gospel-word, The word of general grace ; Thee let them preach, the common Lord, The Saviour of our race. Oh, let them spread Thy name ; Their mission fully prove; Thy universal grace proclaim, Thy all-redeeming love. On ail mankind, forgiven, Empower them slill to call. And tell each creature under heaven, That Thou hast died for all. 201 THE CHURCH. WEBB. 7s, 6s. D. o. j. webb. s J^ . I . . . . I I . Fine. ^J^--J=p=^: ~4 ■is: D. S. £223 1 Oil, tluit tlic Lord's salvation Wore out of Zioii c;omk', To lieul ilis ancient nation, To lead His outca.sts home! 2 How lon^; the holy rity Shall heathen feet profane? Ileturu. () Lord, in {>ity ; Kcbuild iier wall.s ai'ain. 3 T>('t fall Thy nul of terror, I'hy saving; ^'raco impart ; Roll ha^'k the veil of error, Release the fetter'd heart. Let Israel, home returning, Her lost Messiah see; (live oil of joy for niourning, And bind Thy t'hurch to Thee. 202 1[tnnl lirmmp^- -3SSS® ANVERN. L. M, L. MASON. ^ -•■ -0- -0- -#••■♦■ -#•• -0- -0- U* L^ ^ ^ -# — 0- •«- A ♦■ -#- -0 — 0 — 0-^ H 1 r— ^ 1^ ^ / ;it:iz3:zS^ ,^ N 9^ £t t-^ r r I ^ [; u 1 Triumphant Zion ! lift tiiy head From dust and darkness and the dead ; Thougli humbled long, awake at length, And gird tliee with thy Saviour's strength. 2 Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy various charms he known : Then, deck'd in robes of rigliteousness, The world thy glories shall confess. ^ V No more shall foes unclean invade. And fill thy hallow'd walls with dread; No more shall hell's insulting host Their vict'ry and thy sorrows boast. God, from on high, "thy groans will hear; His hand thy ruins shall repair; Nor will thy watchful Monarch cease To guard thee in eternal peace. #^ fM^*=^ ROSE HILL. L. M, J. E. SWEETSER. 0—9—0-^ Sitte-I ■^w-^- III I l-J-J-4 t: U t^ 0—0 — #-r= d^d^ iissp^^^^p^ipii ■P- -iZ, ^ ^ .(Z- JL M. A^^ QQe 1 O Zion, iilllioted with wave upon wave. Whom no man can comfort, whom no man can save With darkness surrounded, hy terrors dismay'd. In toiling and rowing, thy strength is decay'd. 2 Tx)ud roaring, the l)illow3 now nigh overwhelm, Hut skilfuls the Pilot who sits at the helm ; His wisdom conducts thee, His power defends; In safety and tjuiet thy warfare He ends. 3 " O fearful ! 0 faithless I " in mercy He cries ; " -My promise, my truth, are they light in thine eyes? Still, still I am with thee, my promise sliall stand ; Through tempest and tossing I'll hring thee to land." 204 FINAL TRIUMPH. HENRY. CM. ^ [ ^rr^X^-j ^--^ ^- S. B. POND. f-!^- — f — r^ §i ¥=^ 4)-—^- I^EEt-^EE^ :^: ^^ nm SZQT 1 Behold, the mountain of the Lord In latter days shall rise Above the mountains and the hills, And draw the wond'ring eyea, 2 To this, the joyful nations round. All tribes and tongues, shall flow; " Up to the hill of God," they say, " And to His house We'll go." 3 The beam that shines on Zion's hill Shall lighten ev'ry land ; The King who reigns in Zion's towers Shall all the world command. 4 No strife shall vex Messiah's reign, Or mar the peaceflil years ; [swords, To ploughshares men shall beat their To pruning-hooks their spears. 6 Come, then, oh, come from ev'ry land, To worship at His shrine ; And, walking in the light of God, With holy beauty shine. 205 THE CHURCH. DAUGHTER OF ZION. lis- i^mm^mmt^mm ^ ^' 4^ ^ ^ 4L %^^^^ -i — r -0 • 0- i ^ -^- •#- -^ -^ ^ #. * ^ig^g^ Chorus. ^ il!^S^^^^^.fes=^^^ESr^ §ig5 #. #- -^ #-l 1== Dangliter of Zi - on, awake from thy sadness ; Awake I for tliy Last Verse. foes wliall oppress tliee no more, Shall oppress thee no more, no more, no more. ^ .^ S.-^ M. ^ M- .^ .1 . ^. -I — t- I r- 228 1 I)anp;hter of Zion, awake from tliy sad- They fled like the cliafT from tlic sconrpre ness; that pursued them, Awake! for thy foes shall oppress thee Vain were tlieir. steeds, and their ehariots no niore; of war. Bright oer the hills dawns the day-starof ^ p.,,,^,,,^^.^ of Zion. the l>ower that hath P'*''^"^'"^' saved thee Rise! forthenightofthysorrow is ., er. KxtoilM with the harp and the timhrel should he; 2 Stronpr were thv foes; hut the arm that Phout ! for the foe is destroy'd that en- s\il»duod them, slaved thee, And scatter'd their legions, was mi;;htier Th' op))ressor is vampiisird, and Zion is far ; free ! 206 ij^urxl^ 'i[i^$ltual$. -sssse- CHRISTMAS. WILMOT. 8s, 7s. C. M. V. WEBER. :d=i=fei f—i—^-»-^-Jr-r gigtt t=F .__! ^ ^~r-* — { — ^ — •— r-# — -"T— fis^ ::^z=='==zi'=:ti=F-^ziz^zz:t==t==E='-=r^ f=f 220 1 Hark ! what mean those holy voices, Sweetly sounding through the skies? Lo ! the angelic liost rejoices ; Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Hear them tell the wondrous story, Hear them chant, in hymns of joy, " Glory in the highest— glory I Glory be to God moat high ! 3 " Peace on earth, good will from heaven. Reaching far as man is found ; 207 Souls redeem'd, and sins forgiven ! Loud our golden harps shall sound. " Christ is born, the great Anointed ; Heaven and earth His praises sing! Oh, receive whom God appointed^ ^ » For your Prophet, Priest, and King! " Haste, ye mortals, to adore Him ; Learn His name, and taste His joy : Till in heaven ye sing before Him, " Glory be to' God most high I " THE CHUKCU. MOZART. 7s J. C. W. A. MOZART. :*-5^- ^^^^m^ ^^4 9-4-- *— r P :5s: 4 1 t:^Z= m --^r^ ^ji , . 0 0 ^-i — # -r^ — 0 » , ■ 4— U— ;=gr £=t: ^^1! S200 1 IFnrk ! tho horald angels sing, "(ilory to tlio new-born King! I*eace on earth, and mercy tnild (jod and dinners rc(;oncileil." Joyful, all ye nations, rise; .loin the trinrnpliH of tiie skies; With th' angeli" liosts proclaim, "CJhrisi is born in licthlt-iicm." :j Mild lie lays 11 is glory by; Born that man no more mav die Born to raise the sons of earth ; Born to give tbcm second birth. ■i Hail, the heaven-horn Prince of Peace! Hail, the Sun of Kighteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, RiMun with healing in His wings. A Let ns then with angels sing, " (llory to the new-horn King I— Peace on earlli. and mercy mild; (Jod and "dinners reconciled!" 208 FESTIVALS— CHRISTMAS. WARSAW, H.M. T. CLARK. tA ±zS=$i=S: ^=^ -<5^ m^^^^^^^m t -^^«- ^=f m -iSh ^i& F=±fzH-'^^-^ ■^ I, eJ=S?«rr:^=:4 d 511 ff^g-i^ J^^ isz: -•Srt J4 f H S23X I Hark ! hark ! the notes of joy Roll o'er the heavenly plains, And seraphs find employ For their sublimest strains : Some new delight in heaven is known ; Loud sound the harps around the throne, Hark ! hark ! the sounds draw nigh ; The joyful liosts descend; The Lord forsakes the sky ; To earth His footsteps bend ; He comes to bless our fallen race ; He cornea with messages of grace. U W» 209 3 Bear, bear the tidings round , Let ev'ry mortal know What love in God is found, What pity He can show : Ye winds that blow, ye waves tliat roll, Convey the news from pole to pole. 4 Strike, strike the harps again, To great Immanuel's name; Arise, ye sons of men, And all His grace proclaim : Angels and men, wake ev'ry string; 'Tis God the Saviour's praise we sing. THE CHURCH. NEWBOLD. CM, G. KINGSLEY tel ^ ,^d 5^: ?i Uv,.J I A— 4 ^ B^s^z^gj^g^g^ ^^j^ V.-t^^ (*- ±3t 3: fI3 .^^ I ^ 232 1 Caltn on tlic lisfninj; oar of nip;ht Coino licavcn's inolodioiis strains, Wlipro wild .Tudca stretclies far Her silvcr-mantlcd plains. 2 Celestial choirs, from courts above, Sliod sacred glories tlierc. And angel.s, with their sparkling lyres, Make music on the air. .3 The joyons hills of Palestine Send back the glad reply, And greet, from all their holy heights, The day-spring from on high. 4 O'er the blue dei>ths of CJalilcc There comes a holier calm, And Sharon waves, in solemn prai.se. Her silent grovca of palm. 5 " Glory to Ood ! " the sounding skies Aloud with anthems ring: " Peace to the earth, good will to men, From lieaven's eternal King! " 210 FESTIVALS— CHRISTMAS. PORTUGUESE HYMN. lis. J. READING. ^ l^ 1 r\ n* F^fc -St." 1 rV-p — P 1- N I I — N — Kr-5 N — >-r-^ *^ Vr -i ifciS 233 1 Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly' S Hark! hark to the angels, all singiii sing:^ [King Corae see in the manger the angels' dread To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord ; Oh, come ve, come hither, to worship the' Lord ! ' heaven, " To Godin the highest all glory be given ! '' To Bethlehem hasten with joyful acCord; Oh, come ve, come hither, to worship the Lord!' 1 True Son of the Father, He comes from the skies ; ; 4 To Thee then , O Jesus, this day of Thy birth . To be born of a virgin He does not despise;: Be glory and honor thro' heaven and earth. To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord ; \ True "Godhead incarnate, omnipotent Oh, come ye, come hither, to'worship the| Word! Lord! Oh, come, let us hasten to Worship the Lord I ^X 211 THE CHURCH. :^ ^^^t^=g MERLO. 8s, 7s, 4s. l. o. emerson. & ^fesi^^feE^l janl^Mi^^^^^M^J I I I I I i ^=^^. 54=^-^F L^^ — f-J^ ^i-^<9 — #— <^ »-^-^--.-Tn-^ \ I I r^ 2z-.SJ_-J: ^f=rf ^^?-5 V-^ — ! 9-' 9- -«^-*-^ "I — r 284 1 Anpols ! from tho realms of {jjlory, Wirif^ your (lif^lit o>r all the earth ; Ye, who saii^x creation's utorv. Now j)roclaitn .Me?«siah'M hirth : Come aiul worship — Worahip Chrint, the new-born King. 2 Siiepherds! in tlie field abiding?, Watching o'er your flocks by nijrht, fJorl with man is now residinj;. Yonder shines the heavenly linht : Come and worship - Worahip Christ, the new-born King. 3 Sages ! leave your contemplations ; Brighter visions beam afar: Seek the great TVsire of nations. Ye have seen His natal star: Come and AVorship — Worship Christ, the new-horn King, 4 Saints! before the altar bending, Watchin.i; long in hope and fear, Suddenly the T.ord, descending, In Ili.s temolc shall apjiear : Come nn(i worshi|) — Worship Christ, tiie new-born King. 212 'I GOOD FRIDAY. NAOMI. CM L. MASON. zN— ::N- t=i =^t3= $±^s=i^ -0 J -rjH- "S-i^A B -# # 9—r-m- H 1 1 l-f- — I +- — s- 1^: J^ :^=:s= g^: 2=^^--&--^ 1=^ ^^ • )*: SI S35 Behold the Saviour of mankind Nail'd to the shameful tree ! How vast the love tliat Him inclined To bleed and die for thee J 2 Hark! howHegroans! wliile nature sliakes, And earth's strong pillars bend 1 The temple's veil in sunder breaks, The solid marbles rend. 3 'Tis done! the precious ransom's paid " Receive my soul ! "' He cries : See where He bows His sacred head ! He bows His head and dies 1 But soon He'll break death's envious chain. And in. full glory shine; 0 Lamb of God! was ever pain, Was ever love like Thine ! 213 THE CHURCH. ORIEL. L. M. W. B. BRADBL'RY. mms: -\r-A- 'fe'^=|^fe^^ ^g^^^ — I- — I — #-i ^, . -V— ^— »-r-g — I — -^ — !»_^_^.'_*; 4 1- I » ^ » I (g—— ! •-T<5^ — 11 gs== 236 From Calvary a cry was heard, ' 3 A bitter and heart-rendint? cry ; My Saviour! ev'ry mournful word Bespeaks Thy souTs deep agony. Thescourge, the thorns, the deep disgrace — 4 TheseThoucouldstbear, nor once repine; But when Jehovah veil'd His face, Unutterable pangs were Thine. i Let tlie dumb world its silence break ; Let pealing antliei.is rend the sky ; Awake, my sluggish soul, awake! He died, that we might never die. Lord ! on Thy cross 1 tix mine eye: If e'er I lose its strong control, Oh, let that dying, piercing cry Melt and reclaim my Avand'ring soul. LITANY. 7s. D, il^ i=i ^arm=^—^!==^-^—^ ._r=, — -I — J^=i ^i^^^T^ SPANISH MELODY. FlXE.^ QS-Z 1 Saviour, when in dust, to Thee Low we bow th' adoring knee; When, repentant, to the skie.s Seance we lift our streaming eyes : Oh, by all Thy pain and woe, Sutler'd once for man below, liending from Tby throne on high, Hear Tiiy people wbile tbey cry. '2 I{y Tliy i>irtli and early years, liy Tliy human griefs and fears, IJy Thy fasting and distress In the lonely wilderness: By Tby vict'ry in the hour Of the*sul)tle teujptcr's power; Jesus, look with pitying eye; Hear Thy pcoi)le while they cry. 214 By Thine hour of dark despair. By Thine agony of prayer, By the purple robe of scorn, Ily Thy wounds — Thy crown of thorn By Thy cross— Thy ])angs and cries; By Thy jKTfect sacrifice; Jesus, look with i>itying eye; Hear Thy people while tbey cry. By Tby de(>p expiring groan, By the seal'd sepulchral stone, By Thy triunn)h o'er the gnive. By Tl|y ])ower from death to save; .Mighty (Jod. a.scende, e.xaltcd high, Hear Thy peen'd Paradise. 4 Lives again oi:r glorious King: Where, () dvath, is now thy sting? Dying once. lie all doth .save: Where thy victory, O grave? 216 i-T^- ^~\ ^ e:z= FESTIVALS— EASTER. LISCHER. H. M. f. schneider. -# — #- 5? .(^_L. -^-' — 0- ri mE\ i=zziA^: =._.jL. i=i; _Jl fej :f=F 240 1 All hail the glorious mom That saw our Saviour rise, AVith vict'n- bright adorn'd, And triumph in His eyes ! Ye saints, extol your risen Lord. And sing His praise with sweet accord. 2 Behold the Lamb of God, The atoning Sacrifice, Sustains the dreadful load Of man's iniquities; Death, sin, and hell, our cruel foes, All vanquish'd fell when Jesus rose. 3 The Conqueror ascends In triumph to the skies: Celestial hosts attend, To crown His victories ; Hark I they proclaim His glorious name ; And heaven resounds Immanuel's fame. 4 Now to the throne above Let ev'ry saint draw near; There dwells incarnate love ; Grace sits triumpliant there; See mercy smile, e'en on that throne ^A'here once did wrath and justice frown. 217 THE CHURCH. HASTINGS. C. L. M T. HASTINGS. '^f—ty-^i+izr—t—t^i sj 1 ggg ^ g: ^^^F^=r^ g — i*-l-g£ P -••1 I -••I ll"#--«^"#--«»--#- 1^ ^-^ -^ l^-g» -J-r:r^ :-• -fi-' tp^i^liipll 241 1 How calm and beautiful the morn That ^ilds the sacred tomb. Where once tlie ('nicilicfl was borne, .\nd veil'd in niidnif^ht gloom. Oh, weep no more the Saviour slain, ihe Lord is risen, He lives again. 2 Ye mourning saints, dry ov'ry te:ir For your dc'partod Lord : '' iJehohi the place. He is not lierc, ' The tomb is all unbarr'd ; The gates (»f -^ ^ ^^m^^^m j^t m -'^=^m bzi 51^^ rizs!: 1 — r « g *- ? 12- -t=t -«^ J=£ lA -<5^ ^=3 ^ I I ^ — «$>- ;^EiEE^ ^ ■ gy '—J & ^- g I I ^^^^^^ ^^^: ? -tg fg IJ 2^0=2 Yes, the Redeemer rose, The Saviour left tlie dead, And o'er our hellish foes High raised His conq'ring head. In wild dismay, The guards around Fall to the ground And sink away. Lo ! the angelic bands In full assembly meet, To wait His high commands, And worship at His feet. Joyful they come. And wing their way From realms of day To Jesus' tomb. 3 Then back to heaven they fly. The joyful news to bear. Hark ! as they soar on high, What music fills the air ! Their anthems say : " Jesus, who bled. Hath left the dead ; He rose to-day." Ye mortals, catcli the sound, Redeem'd by Him from hell ; And send the echo round The globe on which you dwell. With Christ we rise. With Christ we reign. And empires gain Beyond the skies. 219 ASCENSION DAY. ONIDO. 7s. D. L. MASON. fl-^-> f-jf-*?^^ — ^ #^^— ^ . Tf^ .1 — -\ — -iF— S— — *-* — • — # ^ ^ I ' i1 ^S-i > -= • 0 a A — ^ -* — «- ^ :& .f> Strt « • 12- p_f^ a=I=; n * — ^ — ^— ; — €-- i m •—^ 0- $=3;: rl^^ppi r:-d- :te=f^ f=Ff ^P -(2- -<>- :3t: ■^2- t:=X ;i iItT^ I !zEI-| — r :^__T^^.-<>_ mm\ 240 1 Hjiil the --— i \-.-X- ^fi^^Siiii :^:t :itzit=Ji::ie ^ -ex. r 1 •»• •&- -9- -^ -a- ■&- Ht3 iprrs^a: ^^-rrig^ii * ^ * *^. I I I I 245 1 Our Lord has risen from the dead ; Our Jesus has gone up on high ! The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 3 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold the radiant scene; He claims those mansions as His right; Receive the King of Glory in. 2 There His triumphal chariot waits, 4 Who is the King of Glory, who? And angels chant the solemn lay : The Lord that all His foes o'ercame, " Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates' j The world, sin, death, and hell o'erthrew Ye everlasting doors, give way ! i And Jeaus is the Conq'ror's name. 221 PENTECOST. MORRIS CHANT. CM. w b bradbury. 3E=S= :^=:4--^ i^lsP'- -#-•#-•#- T^ -f- "f- -fl =^- -^ '-k— I — 1^ t=t: :^— ^ A .a-' X ^ ^ -^ f"Ff^-PF^ :22: ^i^iB £340 Spirit of truth, on tliis Thy day, To Tliee for help we cry, To guide us through the weary way Of dark mortality. We ask not, Lord, the cloven flame, Or tongues of various tone ; But long Thy praises to proclaim, With fervor in our own. 3 We mourn not that prophetic skill Is found on eartli no more: Enough for us to trace Thy will In Scripture's sacred lore. 4 When tongues shall cease, and power decay, And knowledge empty prove, Do Thou Thy trembling servants stay With faith, and hope, and love. HARTEL. L. M. L. MASON. ^iii^^Siii^^.^llil ^^Hfengigg^fe^^e Q4V 1 Spirit of mcTcy, triith. and love, ()h, shed Thine infhicnce from above; And still from ago to age convey The wonders of this sacred day. 2 Tn cv'rv clime, by ev'ry tong\io, Bo Ciod's surpassing glory sung; Tvf't all the li'^t'ning earth be taught The wonders l.y fiurS:\vi"ur wrought. 222 3 Unfailing comfort, lieavenly Guide. Still o'er Thy holy Church preside; Still let mankind Thv blessings prove; Spirit of mercy, truth, and love. 4 O TToly Father, Holy Son, And Holy Spirit. Three in One; Thy grace devoutly we implore. Thy name be praised for cvcnnore. FESTIVALS— PENTECOST. HAYDN. S. M. F. ;. HAVDN. I ^- ^St-^l i ir^-y- ^ -0 • 1-«> ES3^ -t5^ -J — ^ «=ii: -ord. 2 With cheerful feet may they go on And run the Christian race; 228 And in the troubles of the way Find all-fluHlcient j^race. 3 And when the awful message cornea To call their souls aw.iy. May they be found prepared to live In realms of endless tlay. J BAPTISM. SOLITUDE. 7s. L. T. DOWNES. asv 1 Pardon'd through redeeming grace, In Thy blessed Son reveal'd ; Worshipping before Thy face, Lord, to Tliee ourselves we yield, 2 Thou the sacrifice receive, Humbly olfer'd through Thy Son Quicken us in Him to live ; Lord, in us Thv will be done. By the hallow' d outward sign. By the cleansing grace within, Seal, and make us wholly Thine; Wash, and keep us pure from sin. Call'd to bear the Christian name, May our vows and life accord, And our cv'ry deed proclaim *' Holiness unto the Lord." TALMER. 8s, 7s. I. E. WOODBUKY SS8 1 Saviour, who Thy flock art feeding With the Shepherd's kindest care, All the feeble gently leading, While the lambs Thy bosom share; 2 Now, these little ones receiving. Fold them in Thy gracious arm ; There, we know. Thy word believing, Only there, secure from harm. Never, from Thy pasture roving, Let them be the lion's prey ; Let Thy tenderness, so loving, Keep them through life's dang'rous w£ Then within Thy fold eternal Let them find a resting-place; Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of Thy grace. 229 THE MEANS OF GRACE. SEASONS. L. M. I. PLEYEL. &BB fe?3E ■J \-r- ^^^=^ ft--s; 3TsiEi£^ -»-l^*s=»— # ;t* :1--^:rqs4s-_|: — SE^EESiSEEl^^X^: ^_„_,J_fV-?: ^^jjJv^- :^ iiJ fc^-^^^^^=±E^-^ iS?^s^ J— +rH^-<-J-rJ— , SiPiggtSii kl >r: I I is§ 0 ^ -^ V^J J.:*-J-^ ^# \-rf^ ^— rt — ^- gP— *^ — — i — r|- 259 1 Come, Holy Ghost! come from on high, Baptizer of our spirits Thou ! Tlie sacramental seal apply, And witness with the water now. 2 Exert Thy {gracious power divine. And sprinkle Thou th' atoning blood: May Father, vSon, and Spirit join To seal this child a child of God. 260 1 Confiding in Thy trutli alone. Here, on the steps of Jesus' throne. We lay the treasure Thou hast given. To be received and rear'd for heaven. 2 Lent to us for a season, we Lend him forever. Lord, to Thee, Assured that if to Thee he live, We gain in what we seem to give. 3 Large and abundant blessings shed, Warm as these prayers, upon his head And on his soul tlie dews of grace, Fr^sh as these drops upon his face. 4 Makehim andkeephiniThineown child. Meek follower of the ITndcliled ; I'ossessor here of grace and love, Inheritor of heaven above. 230 1^1 Ji0rh'$ ^npp0r. -Ssss£- NAOMI. CM, L. MASON. -«^-^- J^—'fS- J=J=J=:*=;=S=tJJ=S=fJ^^ -P # 0 0 0- V — ^ — I h 0 -0--f-0--f-\ i 1 -^ ^-s=i m m -^F=^-- Tzzji: ■s>- ;]| 261 1 According to Thy gracious word, In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember Thee. 2 Thy body, broken for my sake. My bread from heaven shall be ; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember Thee. 3 Gethsemane can I forget? Or there Thy conflict see. Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember Thee? 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes. And rest on Calvary, 0 Lamb of God, my Sacrifice! I must remember Thee : — 5 Remember Thee and all Thy pains, And all Thy love to me; Yea. while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember Thee. 6 And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind and niein'ry flee, i When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom come, Jesus, remember me. 231 THE MEANS OF GRACE. WARD. L. M. ^^mi\ 202 1 'Twas on that dreadful, doleful nipht, 1 1 When the whole power of darkness rose! Against the Son of God's delight, And friends betray 'd Ilim to His foes ; 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took the bread, and bless'd, and brake; What love through all His actions ran ! | What wondrous words of grace He spake! 3 " This is my body, broke for sin ; Receive and eat the living food : " Then took the cup and bless'd the wine: " 'Tis the new cov'nant in my blood." 4 " Do this," He cried, " till time shall end, In mem'ry of your dying Friend; Meet at my table, and record The love of your departed Lord." 263 '* Eat, drink, in mem'ry of your Friend," Such was our Master's last rccjuest ; Who all the i)ang3 of death endured. That we miglit live forever blest. Yes, we'll record Thy matcliles? grace, Thou dearest, tcnd'rest, best of friends! Thy dying love the noblest praise Of long eternity transcends. 'Tis pleasure mf)re than earth can give, Thy goodness through these veils to see: Thy tai)le food celestial yields; And happy they who sit with Thee. But oh, what vast, transporting joys Shall fill our breasts, our tongues inspire, When, join'd with yon celestial train. Our grateful souls Thv love admire. L. MASON. MALVERN. L. M. igjg^-pPipl^Majfej^^^ I I '&^iE.^:^ESL^:^ ^ M. A. 1?±T::|:::pt=i#rq=t ii^ 232 THE LORD'S SUPPER. AVON. CM. H. WILSON. iS^^^sillife^ -^ \ \ \ \ ^ I I ' I W -A -<5>- il^ t=t=: -iS* r-# r-^ »— r--^ — 1 1 1 Here at Thy table, Lord, we meet To feed en food divine : Thy body is the bread we eat, Thy precious blood the wine. 2 He that prepares this rich repast, Himself comes down and dies; And then invites ns thus to feast Upon the sacrifice. 3 Sure, there was never love so free, Dear Saviour, so divine ! Well Thou may'st claim that heart of me, Which owes so much to Thine. 4 Yes, Thou shalt surely have my heart. My soul, mv strength, mv all ; With life itseff I'll freely part, My Jesus, at Thy call. 233 THE MEANS OF GRACE. CONFIDENCE. 7s, 6s. T. HASTINGS. I^^d^l:^r3g=g?^^i:^^ 11 g »- — «?- t F — h- H»— iit^-^-.^^ f=f=T ^B^ f==F 265 1 Jesus, Muster of the Feast, The feast itself Thou art: Now receive Thy ev'ry guest, And <'>rnfort every heart, (five MS living; Hread lo eat, Manna that from heaven comes down ; Sec us waiting; at Tliy feet, And make Thy favor known. 2 In this earthly wilderness Thou liast a tahle spread. Richly tillM with ev'ry grace Our tainting souls can need : Still sustain us hy Thy love, Still 'IMiy servants' strength repair Till we reach Thy courts ahov And leaat forever there. 234 i I THE LORD'S SUPPER. COMMUNION C. L. M HASTINGS. ^m^^^ 1 Lord, when before Thy throne we meet Thy goodness to adore, From heaven, th' eternal mercy-seat, On us Thy blessing pour, nd make our inmost souls to be An habitation meet for Thee. 2 The body for our ransom given. The blood in mercy shed — With this immortal food from heaven, Lord, let our souls be fed ; And as we at Thy board appear Grant us Thy quick' ning grace to share. Be Thou, 0 Holy Spirit, nigh ! Accept the humble prayer, The contrite soul's repentant sigh, The sinner's heartfelt tear ; And let our adoration rise As fragrant incense to the skies. ZEPHYR. L. M W. B. BRADBURY. QQ"7 Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts! Thou Fount of Life, Thou Light of men ! From the best bliss that earth imparts We turn unfill'd to Thee again. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood ; Thou savest those that on Thee call ; To them that seek Tliee Thou art pood, To them that find Thee. All in All! We taste Thee, 0 Thou living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still ; We drink of Thee, the Fountain Head, And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. Our restless spirits yearn for Thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast ; Glad, when Thy gracious smile we see. Blest, when our faith can hold Thee fast. O Jesus, ever with us stay ! Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o'er the world Thy holy light! 235 THE MEANS OF GRACE. MIRIAM. 7s, 6s. D. j p holbrook. i^^^Tiii^^^^i Fine. mm^=mM^^m^i '^=mM: ^T ' -^ I I ^e\ m "T^ ^.T* *^ I 'II' :^= Mm^^^^mmBi 208 1 O bread to pilj^rims ppven, Hiclior than aiifrds cat, () Manna sent from heaven, l-'or heaven-born nature^^ meet! (Jive us, for Thee lonpj pinin;;. To eat fill rirlily lill'd; Till, earth's (Jeli^rlifs resifxning, Our evrv wish is still'd ! 2 () I'onntain ! lifc-be-stowinp;, IVoni out the Saviour's heart. A fountain purely flowing;, A Fount of Love Thou art I Oh, let us, freely tastint^, Our burning thirst assuage! Thy sweetness, never wasting, Avails from age to age. .'J .losus, this feast receiving, Wc Thee \inseen adore; Thy faithful word l>clieving, \Vc take, and doubt no more Give us, Thou true and loving. On earth to live in Thee; Then, death the veil removing, Thy glorious face to sec! 236 -^~-d t=1: r=j^3^ THE LOKD'S SUPPEK. HAMDEN. 8s, 7s, 4s A A l—+r-J 1 1 ^, d— 4 ■g±^ m — g r.. MASON. ^^A .m — ^- ^=PF -^— ^ Fi=^ ^ V i=t S ^t^^^^Efek^. r— r^t P -i^ ^ ^^ i^il ■#- -!$^ -»^ 1 Now, in parting, Father, bless us ; Saviour, still Thy peace bestow ; Gracious Comforter, be with us, As we from Thy table go ! Bless us, bless us, Father, Son, and Spirit, now 2 Blfiss us here, while still as strangers, Onward to our home we move ; Bless us with eternal blessings, In our Father's house above. Ever, ever Dwelling in the light of love. 237 ORDER OF SALVATION inspl daH -•assss- MORRIS CHANT. CM. w r rradbury. •#-•#-•#- -*5>-* A ^ ^ j2. -^ -5J-' -0- ^ ^ J ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^^:m$:^^^^mm^W _3?"' -f- ••- ■»■ -r^_l ■«- -^t- -*- -^* ^ A A .^. iir^^p^Hizpl^f^Epi^Ep^p^^ 1?-Tf: f: ( a-zo 1 The Saviour rails; let ev'n' ear Attc'id the heavenly somid. Ye (loubtint: souls, dismiss your fear; IIoj>e siiiilcfi reviving round. 2 For ev'ry thirsty, longinp heart, Here stn.'anis of hounty How ; And life, and health, and bliss impart To banish mortal woe. 3 Here sprinps of sarrcd pleasure rise Te ease your cv'rv pain ; pan Immortal fonntp.in ! full supplies! Nor shall vou thirst in vain. 4 Ye sinners! come, 'tis mercy's voice; The gracious call obey ; Mercy invites to heavenly joys— And can you yet delay? 5 Dear fiaviour, draw reluctant hearts! To Thee let ^inner^< fly. Atid take the bliss Thy love iiuj a-ts And drink und never cliel 23d i GOSPEL CALL. GERAR. S. M L. MASON. £^^ \ \ \ 'f^ -0- - cs^- m^^Mi :3d:^ 1 :1] -^4- '— h- ^11 ^P^ ;1 1 Let ev'ry ear attend, And cv'ry heart rejoice; The trumpet of the gospel sounds With an inviting voice. 2 Ho ! all ye starving souls That feed upon the wind. And vainly strive with earthh' toys To fill an empty mind : 3 Here wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast, And hids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. 4 Ho ! ye that pant for streams. And pine, away and die, Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. 5 Rivers of mercy here In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine, 6 The gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day : Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. 239 ORDER OF SALVATION. COWPER. CM. L. MASON. -&-r?-^|— 1 — ^(-i — >—^. n J^-^^- --&=^^M (^-."T-'-i :sd_p t=tt: •^iti^i^^ -^-^N-4 ^^ipapf^pi a"za 1 Oh. what amazing words of grace Are in the gospel found ! Suited to cv'ry sinner's case Wlio hears tlie joyful sound. 2 Poor, sinful, thirsty, fainting souls Are freely welcome here; Salvation like a river rolls Ahundant, free, and clear. 3 Come, then, with all your wants and wounds, Your ev'ry hurden hring ; Here love, unchanging l',;riof, r.urden'd witli our sinful load, l^urden'd with this unbelief, iJurden'd with the wrath of God Lo ! we come to Thee for ease. True and frracious as Thoii ar( ; Now our weary souls release, Write forgiveness on our heart. i GOSPEL CALL. DESIRE sii^ 1. R. WOODBURY. a'Z'z 1 Why will ye lavish out your years Amidst a thousand trifling cares, While, in the various range of thought, Tlie one thing needful is forgot ? 2 Why will ye chase the fleeting wind And famish an immortal mind, While angels with regret look down To see you spurn a heavenly crown ? 3 Th" eternal God calls from above, And Jesus pleads His dying love; Awaken' d conscience gives you pain : And shall they join their pleas in vain' Not so your dying eyes shall view Tliose objects which ye now pursue ; Not so shall heaven and hell appear When the decisive hour is near. Almighty God I Thine aid impart, To fix conviction on the heart ; Thy power can clear the darkest eyes. And make the haughtiest scorner wise. ZION. 8s, 7s, 4s. T. HASTINGS. See, from Zion's sacred mountain Streams of living water flow: God has open'd there a fountain ; This supplies the plains below: They are blessed Who its sovereign virtues know. Through ten thousand channels flowing, Streams of mercy find their way ; Life, and health, and joy bestowing, Making all around look gay : Oh. ye nations. Hail the long-expected day ! Gladden'd by the flowing treasure. All enriching as it goes, Lo, the desert smiles with pleasure, Buds and blossoms as the rose; Ev'ry object Sings for joy where'er it flows. Trees of life, the banks adorning. Yield their fruit to all around ; Those who eat are saved from mournin: Pleasure comes and hopes abound : Fair their portion ! Endless life with glorv crowu'd. 245 ORDER OF SALVATION. HORTON. 7s. X. S. V. WARTENSEE. -e-vt>i, j — fy- — ffi, ,^H r*~J~fT'^ — J — r ^ri~Ti * **± :^ 2: J1 3>_5: S 1 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice, Come, and make my j)atli3 your choice; I will guide you to your Jiome; Weary pilgrim, liithercome. 2 Thou who, liouseless, sole, forlorn. Long hast home the proud world's scorn, Long hast roam'd the barren waste: "Weary pilgrim, hither haste. 0- > ' 3 Ye, bj' fiercer anguish torn. Guilt, in strong remorse, who mourn, Here repose your heavy care : Conscience W(junded who can bear? 4 Sinner, come, for here is found lialm that Hows from ev'ry wound; Peace that ever shall endure ; llciit eternal, sacred, sure. ALL SAINTS. L. M. W. KNAPP. ^2- -€ — I — I ^ iHi^^^l :^^=2 n :z: ^="^:^J--iL ^ '"■^. J—* E i5 ^^a- w ^ iEg 1 I iK'ar a voire (hat comes from far, I'Vom Calvary it soumls ahroatl ; It soothes my soul, and i-alius my f<'ar; It sfK'aks <»f j)ardon bought with blood 2 And is it true that iiuiiiy (ly 'I'lio sound tliat hi h iny soul rejoice, Aii'l ratlxr choose in sin to die, Than turn an car {o mercy's voice? a — 3 Alas f)r those! the day i.s near When nuMcy will be heard no more; Theri will they ask, in vain, io hear The voice they would not hear hefore. 4 Wi'.h such, I own, I once npiHvir'd, iJut now I know how great their loss; For sweeter soiiiitls wtre never heard Tiian mercy utters from the cross. 246 GOSPEL CALL. THE VOICE OF FREE GRACE. 12s. J. CLARK. !giiiiil I- I ^ L4=^^-.=d^.J^_-^ I I -9—9- ^ Piftfes a/— ^ •^ ■»- •#- p » — p-« *- ?^ 1 The voice of free grace cries, " Escape to the mountain For Adam's lost race Christ hath open'd a fountain ; For sin and uncleanness, and cv'ry transgression. His blood flows most freely in streams of salvation. Chorus. — Hallelujah to the Lamb ! He hath purchased our pardon, We'll praise Hira again when we pass over Jordan. 2 Ye souls that are wounded ! oh, flee to the Saviour ! He calls you in mercy — 'tis infinite favor ; Your sins are increasing — escape to the mountain — His blood can remove them, it flows from the fountain. 3 0 Jesus ! ride onward, triumphantly glorious, O'er sin, death, and hell, Thou art more than victorious ; Thy name is the theme of the great congregation. While angels and saints raise the shout of salvation. 4 With joy shall we stand, when escaped to the shore; With harps in our hands, we'll praise Him the more; We'll range the sweet plains on the bank of the river, And sing of salvation forever and ever! 247 drdrd=: OKDEU OF SALVATION'. LENOX. H.M. J. EDsoN. PT^-,d ^^i^ii^^^ii^^^^ -- X ^-S^^^^ — I 1 1 — ^ — — • — tf — « -— ::2^ 2=1 i^ji k inzEzzf: -# 0- ^^- ■^t ;=:■«- ^ li^^i^Jl ( T asa 1 Blow ye the trumpet, blow Tlic KliiJly solemn sound ! Let all tlic nations know, To earth's remotest Ixtund. The year of Juhilee is come : lieturn, ye ransom'd sinners, home. Kxalt the r^nml) of (lod. The pinatoninp T,nmb: T{<'(lem|t(ion hy His hlood Throiifrh all the hnids |)ro(laim : The year of Juhilee is come; Hctii'ni \c i-.'insiiiird siiiiHT>. home. 3 The pospel trumpet hear, The news of pard'nin'j: praee ; Ye hai»pv souls, draw near, Ik'hold your Saviour's face: The year of Jubilee is eonie ; Kcturn, ve ransom'd sinners, liomc. Jesus, our trreat M\\zh Priest. Has full atonement nuide ; Ye weary s])irits, rest; Ye mournful soids, be plad ! The year of .hihilee is eome ; Iveturn, ve rans-.m'd sinners, home. 248 GOSPEL CALL. BACA. L. M. W. B. BRADBURY. :iJ. t=t: r-?^-'-^ d-T -■§•—#- -^^^ — }t-'*— ! — — I : ' — h-^—^-H*' — * lEEigri :2zzt: 283 1 Behold a stranger at the door ; He gently knocks, lias knock'd before: Hath waited long, is waiting still : You treat no other friend so ill. 2 Oh, lovely attitude I He stands Witli melting heart and loaded hands : Oh, matchless kindness I and He sliows This matchless kindness to His foes ! 3 But will He prove a friend indeed? He will ; the very friend you need ; The friend of sinners— yes, 'tis He. With garments dyed on Calvary. Rise, touch'd with gratitude divine; Turn out His enemy and thine, That soul-destroying monster sin, And let the heavenly Stranger in. 5 Admit Him, ere His anger burn, His feet departed ne'er return ; Admit Him, or the hour's at hand You'll at His door rejected stand. 249 ORDER OF SALVATION. ON. L. M. W. B. BRADBURY. I 1 1 1^^ 1 ^m '^=^j^i \^v W ■^—0- ._|=v_K-^ 284 Return, O wanderer, return, And seek an injured Father's face; Those warm desires that in thee burn Were kindled by rechxiniing grace. Return, O wanderer, return, And seek a Father's melting heart; His pitying eyes thy grief discern. His hand shall heal thy inward smart. 3 Return, O wanderer, return, Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live; Go to His bleeding feet, and learn How freely .lesus can forgive. 4 Return, () wanderer, return, And wipe away the falling tear: 'Tis God who says, " No longer mourn, 'Tia mercy's voice invites thee near. HAMBURG L. M L. MASON. •w- "— -t— -r»^ -i-r- #^ ■'^^ 1 ] lastcii, () sinner, to lie wise, An- -0-'*- -^^ -^ T«. --V -i^ il:i Say, sinner, hath a voice within C)ft wliispcr'ti to thy secret soul, Urged thee to leave the ways of sin. And yield thy heart to God's control? Sinner, it was a heavenly voice — It was the Spirit's gracious call ; It bade thee make the better choice. And haste to seek in Christ thine all. Spurn not the call to life and light ; Regard in time the warning kiml ; That call thou may'st not always sligh And yet the gate of mercy find. God's Spirit will not always strive With liarden'd self-destroying man ; Ye, who persist His love to grieve, May never hear his voice again. HORTON. 7s. X. S. V. WWRTENSEE. , "1 N JS- 230 1 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die? God, your MaUrr, asks you why - r,()d. who did your being give. Made you with Himself fo live. 2 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die? God. your Saviour, asks you wliy — He wlio died your souls retrieve, Tic wlio di('(l. that ye might live. 3 Will yo\i let llim die in vain? ("rucifv vour Lord aLrain? Why. ye ransom'd siiuiers, whv Will yo slight 1 1 is grace, and die? Sinners, turn ; why will ye die? ve dying siniuTs. whv Will ve LMiove vour CJod. and die! 262 GOSPEL CALL. GOSHEN, lis. GERMAN MELODY. _ ^ 1 s, i-i-..\-l ^$=^ r X^A-^-^ ^ wC .(2. 290 1 Delay not, delay not, 0 sinner, draw near; The waters of life are now flowing for thee ! K'o price is demanded, the Saviour is here, Redemption is purchased, salvation is free, 2 Delay not, delay not ; why longer ahuse The love and compassion of Jesus, thy God? A fountain is open'd, how canst thou refuse To wash and be cleansed in His pardoning blood? 3 Delay not, delay not, 0 sinner, to come, For mercy still lingers, and calls thee to-day ; Her voice is not heard in the shades of the tomb ; Her message, unheeded, will soon pass away. 4 Delay not, delay not ; the Spirit of grace, Long grieved'and resisted, may take His sad flight. And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, To sink in the gloom of eternity's night. 253 eBfTER OF SALTATION. ARLINGTON. CM. T. A. ARNE. ^ -i^= 1 N ! M-n . I . — i-r-^ J \ g:: ^Eg r J2. il^fe^^^=ll f^ 201 1 Religion is the chief concern Of mortals here below ; May I its great importance learn, Its sovereign virtue know ! 2 More needful this, than glitt'ring wealth, Or aught the world bestows ; Nor reputation, food or health. Can give us such repose. 3 Religion should our thoughts engage, Amidst our youthful bloom ; 'Twill fit us for declining age, And for the awful tomb. 4 Oh, may my heart, by grace rencw'd, Be my Redeemer's throne; And be my stul>born will subdued. His government to own. 5 Let deep repentance, faith, and lovo Be join'd with godly fear; And all my conversation prove My heart to be sincere. WINDHAM. L. M, D. READ. v 2202 1 Broad is the road that leads to deatli, And thousands walk together there; But wisdom slu)ws a narrow patli, With hero and there a traveller. 2 " Deny thyself, and take thy cross," Is the Iiedeemcr's great command ; Nafure must count her gold but dross, If she would gain tliis heavenly lund. 254 The fearful soul that tires and faints, And walks the ways of God no more. Is but esteem'd ahnost a saint, And makes his own destruction sure. Lord, h't not all my hopes be vain ; Create my heart entirely new ; Whirh hyjiocrltc^s could nrVr attain, And unbelievers never knew. ±z:: ^■rT!»- e fi- GOSPEL CALL. TYNDAL. C. M. S -^^i^ (S — g — ^-r-S ;^=:1 ^— if^^ :^==i=^==i p— u—ia ^-r-i? el r~" !==:=t: .(2 , ■i^ ^ssm aeo 1 Oh, how divine, how sweet the joy When but one sinner turns. And with an humble, broken lieart, His Bins and errors mourns. S Well pleased the Father sees and hears The conscious sinner's moan ; Jesus receives him in His arms, And claims him for His own. 2 Pleased with the news, the saints below In songs their tongues employ ; Beyond the skies the tidings go. And heaven is fiU'd with joy, 4 Nor angels can their joys contain. But kindle with new fire: " The sinner lost is found," they sing, And strike the sounding lyre. 253 ORDER OF SALVATION. ADDISON. S. M. L, o. emerson S&4. 1 And am I born to die? To lay tliis body down ? And must my trembling spirit fly Into a world unknown? 2 Soon as froni earth I go, What will become of me? Eternal happiness or woe Must then my portion be! 3 Waked by the trumpet's sound, I from my grave must rise. And see the Judge with glory crown'd, And see the flaming skies. How shall I leave my tomb? With triumj)h or regret? A fearful or a joyful doom, A curse or blessing meet? O Thou that wouldst not have One wretched sinner die. Who diedst Thyself, my soul to save From endless misery, Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe, That when Thou comest on Thy throne, I may with joy appear. MEAR. C. M. 5#z=!-:^ ± g^=ii A. CHAPIN. JO. ^ T ■ I 1 — ^ ^ ^-^^?^^f=FF 295 1 There is a time, we know not when, A point, we know not where, That marks the destiny of men To glory or despair. 2 There is a line, by us unseen. That crosses every path ; The hi^ — ^ ^-•---2- "1-^ H=^ 0. 1 -;- -H *-- 1 — \—^-.^ ^F=f 1 h I And am I only born to die? And must I suddenly comply With nature's stern decree? What after death for me remains ' Celestial joys, or hellish pains, To all eternitv. 2 How then ought I on earth to live, While God prolongs the kind reprieve, And props the house of clay ; My sole concern, my single care. To watch, and tremble, and prepare ' Against that fatal day ! 3 No room for mirth or trifling here. For worldly hope, or worldly fear. If life so soon is gone ; 17 267 If now the Judge is at the door, And all mankind must stand before The inexorable throne! Nothing is worth a thought beneath, But how I may escape the death That never, never dies ! How make mine own election sure ; And when I fail on earth, secure A mansion in the skies. Jesus, vouchsafe a pitying ray. Be Thou my guide, be Thou my way To glorious happiness. Ah ! write the pardon on my heart: And whensoe'er I hence depart, Let me depart in peace. OKDEK OF SALVATION. WELLS. L. M. i. -*—^ g> -^— I— ^ rH 1— SF^gS^*; A. WILLIAMS. ^—^ — ia: ^^¥p a\ _ o _2ri — ^ — «_M , 45zzr^.. :f=^^ f -I !^- _<2. r^^^ -^EE^, ■i^ rf ?^ i f4^p^^^^=l] ^S^ - i -? » * r- H^-^ 9^W W- P~A- 1 Show pity. Lord! 0 Lord, forgive! Let a repenting sinner live : Are not Thy mercies large and free? Mav not the contrite trust in Thee? I 4 My sins, though great, do not surpass I The riches of eternal grace ; Great God, Thy nature hath no bound, So let Thy pard'ning love be found. 2 With shame my num'rous sins I trace Against Thy law, against Thy grace; 5 Oh. wash my f^oul from ev'ry stain, And. though my prayer Thou shouldst not Xor let the guilt I mourn remain ; hear, Give me to hear Thy pard'ning voice, My doom is just and Thou art clear. And bid my bleeding heart rejoice. 3 Yet save a penitent. 0 Lord! Whose hope, still hovering round Thy 6 Then shall Thy love inspire my tongue. word. " Salvation shall be all my song; Seeks for some precious promise there, And cv'rv power shall join to bless Some sure support against despair. The Lord, my strength and righteousness. 269 OKDEK OF SALVATION. ELIZABETHTOWN. CM v.. KINGSLEY. *-,«s*^ ^t^-^Hsi^n 25^ U r- r-fi? i^- i^^m^^i 300 .lesus, save my dying sotil. Make the broken spirit whole; Ilumlded in tiie dust I lie; Saviour. leav(! mo not to die. Jesus, full of ev'ry grace. Now reveal Thy smiling face; fjranf the joy of sin forgiven. Foretaste of the bliss of heaven. 3 All my guilt to Thee is known— Thou art righteous, Thou alone; All my lielp is from Thy cross; All besides I count but loss. 4 Lord, in Thee I now believe; Wilt Thou— wilt Thou not forgive? Helpless at Thy feet I lie: Saviour, leave me not to die. 260 REPENTANCE. PENITENT. L. M. H 1 Is— J v-i^,: -N-^-4 'J 301 1 0 Thou that hear'st when sinners cry; Though all my crimes before Thee lie, Behold them not with angry look ; But blot their meni'ry from Thy book. 2 Oeate my nature pure within, And form my soul averse to sin : Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide Thy presence from my heart. 3 I cannot live without Thy light, Cast out and banish'd from Thy sight ; Thy holy joys, 0 God, restore, And guard me that I fall no more. 4 A broken heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring : The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 5 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns Thy dreadful sentence just : Look down, 0 Lord, with pitying eye. And save the soul condera'd to die. HAMBURG L. MASON. -A'- t= ti: P 30S -($'- 1 0 turn, great Ruler of the skies. Turn from my sin Thy searching eyes. Nor let th' offences of my hand Within Thy l)ook recorded stand. 2 Give me a will to Thine subdued, A conscience pure, a soul renew'd ; Nor let me, wrapt in endless gloom, An outcast from Thy presence roam. m^^^^m 3 Oh, let Thy Spirit to my heart Once more His qviick'ning aid impart, My mind from ev'ry fear release. And soothe my troublc(i thoughts to peace. 4 So shall the souls whom error's sway Has urged from Thee, blest Lord, to stray, From me Thy heavenly precepts learn, And humbled to their God return. 261 i m^ ORDER OF SALVATION. PENITENCE. 7s, 6s, 8s, w. h. oakley. il— =rj: 53= imm^mmmi -^rs-^^. -rs FiNi: f=f=^f iSii #— T-* ^— ,--# 0—r^ 1 — • • D.S. ^F f-:^p 303 Lanil) of God, for dinners slain, 'I'o 'I'lu'C I luiiubly i>ray : Heal 1110 of my ^rief and pain, Oh, lake my sins away. From this honchige, Lord, release N«) longer let me be opprest: Jesus, Master, seal my oeaee, iiie to Thv breas And take ist 2 Wilt Tlio cast a sinner ont Who humbly comes to 'riiec? No, my (Jod, I caniKjt doubt : Thy merry is for me: Let me then obtain the grace. And be of paradise possest: Jesus, Master, seal my peace, And take me to Tiiy breast! 3 Worldly good I do not want, He that to others given ; Only for Thy love I pant. My all in earth or heaven; This the crown I fain would seize. The good wherewith I would be blest Jesus, Master, seal my peace. And take me to Thy breast I 4 This delight I fain would prove, And then resign my breath: Join the happy few whose love Was mightier than death. Let it not my Lord displease. That I would die to be 11 is guest: Jesus, Master, seal my And take me to 'J ny peace by breas 262 REPENTANCE. :.-± BONAR. S. M -<^i — f — ^ -2? *— Z5>- is^=zi?z:^z=it L. MASON. jz. ^ .a. jL. s^:rious industry and fear Internal bliss t' insure: Thine utmost counsel to fuKil, And stiller all Thy ri^^hteous wijl, \nd to the end endure. •1 Then. Saviour, tlien, my soul receive, Transj)orted from this vale to live .\n(i reiirn with Thee above. Where faith is sweetly lost in sitrht, And hope in full supreme delight And everlasting love. 264 REPENTANCE. MALVERN. L. M L. MASON. ^^SilSi^e^^^^^^^^Ppi m s; wm m\ 006 1 Thou tliat didst hang upon the tree, Our curse and suffering to remove, Pity tlie souls that look to Thee, And save us by Thy dying love. 2 Canst Thou reject our dying prayer, Or cast us out when come to Thee? Our sins, ah ! wherefore didst Thou bear? Jesus, remember Calvary ! For us wast Thou not lifted up? For us a bleeding victim made, That we, vile sinners, we tnight hope Thou hast for all a ransom paid? Oh, might we, with believing eyes. Thee in Thy bloody vesture see ! And cast us on Thy sacrifice : Jesus, mv Lord, remember me I GOODWELL. 8s, 7s. L. O. EMERSON. ■P-r<^ if-r^- I I I I i ^ I ■ i I ■ 1 Jesus, full of all compassion. Hear Thy humble suppliant's crj' Let me know Thy great salvation ; See! I languish, faint, and die. 2 Guilty, but with heart relenting, Overwhelnrd with helpless grief, Prostrate at Thy feet repenting, Send, oh, send me quick relief! Whither should a wretch be flying. But to Him who comfort gives? Whither, from tlie dread of dying. But to Ilim who ever lives? Wliilo I view Thee, wounded, grieving, Breathless, on the cursed tree, Fain I'd feel my heart believing, Thou did'st suffer thus for me. 265 ORDER OF SALVATION. BOYLSTON. S. M. L. MASON 1 ^^l^=^^p^^^=j r 1 I I •^ *- ♦ 300 Hark ! through the courts of heaven Angelic voices sound : He that was dead now lives again ; He that was h)s!t is found. God of unfailing grace. Send down Thy Spirit now ; Oh. raise the lowly soul to hope, And make the lofty bow. In countries f;ir from home, On earthly liusks wlio feed, Back to their Father's house, 0 Lord, Their wandering footsteps lead. Then at each soul's return, The heavenly liarp shall sound; He that is dead now lives again ; He that was lost is found. -SSSS®- lail^. ■$SSS:g-- HARMONY GROVE. L. M. o. k. oliver. .^si 0 — o-i ^ tH"* pH'' 1-| 1 Just as I am, without one plea. But that Thy Blood was shed for me. And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, 0 Lamb of God, 1 come ! 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose Blood can cleanse each spot, 0 Lamb of God. I come! 3 Just as 1 am, though toss'd about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within,* without, 0 Lamb of God, I come! Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the minrd, Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come! Just as I am; Thou wilt receive. Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because Thy promise I believe ; O Lamb of God, I come! Just as I am ; Thy Love unknown Has broken every barrier down ; Xow to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, 0 Lamb of God, I come 1 267 OKDER OF SALVATION. MERIBAH. C. P. M. =1 L. MASON. 3X2 1 O Thou that l)ear'st the prayer of faitli, Wilt thou not save a soul from death, That casts itself on Thee? I have no refui^e of my own, But Hy to what my Lord hath done And suff'red once for me. ? Slain in the p;uilty sinner's stead, His si)otless Riom the accursed load: I bring my guilt to Jesus, To w.'ish my crimson stains White in His blood niost pre(;ious, Till not a s])()t remains. 2 I lay my wants on Jesus; All fuln"ss dwells in Him ; Wo heals ;ili my diseases. He doth mv soul redeem : 288 I lay my griefs on Jesus, My biirdens and my cares He from them all releases, He all my sorrow shares. I l'.ng to be like Jesiis, Meek, lovine. lowly, mild. I long to be like Jesus, The Father's holy child: I long to be with Jesus. Amid the heavenly throng. To sing with saints ilis praises, To learn the angels' song. i FAITH. PENITENCE. 7s, 6s, 8s. -— — 5^— N W. H. OAKLEV. -,-- 1 ~Xr- r u t:: -I :^-E^-J li: Fine. ^^iP^pl ^iiigisii I 314 1 God of my salvation, hear, And help me to believe ; Simply do I now draw near, Thy blessing to receive : Full of guilt, alas! I am. But to Thy wounds for refuge flee: Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 2 Nothing have I, Lord, to pay, Nor can Thy grace procure . Empty send me not away, For I, Thou know'st, am poor : Dust and ashes is my name, My all is sin and misery : Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 269 ORDER OF SALVATION. MORRIS CHANT. CM. w n bradbury. ' I il3 ^* ^-:t tq-^^t^^ ^z:^ J^r:-f^€^^:t-t:rt nr|r=t i^ip^liSp 315 1 There is a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word: " Ho, yc des))airiiig sinners, come, And trust upon the Lord." 2 My soul obeys th' almighty call, And runs to thi.s relief; I would believe Thy promise, Lord, Oh, help my unbelief I 3 To the dear foutitain of Thy blood, Licarnate (Jod, I tly ; Here let me wash my s]»otted soul From crimes of deepest dye. 4 A gniltv, weak, and helpless worm, On Thy kind arms I fall ; Be Thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus, and my All. 270 |u$iiHrHlian. -Ssssg- WELTON. L. M. ifc¥= -4>- C. MAf.AN. w^mi ?— ^-— ^ 1 — r- -(S- 1^ -gg :§: -^L 3X6 1 Blest is the man, for ever blest, Whose guilt is pardon'd by his God, Whose sins with sorrow are confess' d, And cover'd with his Saviour's blood. Blest is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not his iniquities ; He pleads no merit of reward, And not on works, but grace relies. [ 3 From guile his heart and lips are free, His liumble joy, his holy fear, With deep repentance well agree. And join to prove his faith sincere. 4 How glorious is that righteousness That hides and cancels all his sins ! While a bright evidence of grace ! Thro' his whole life appears and shines. 271 OKDER OF SALVATION. ROSEFIELD. 7s. 6 lines. C. MALAN. ^ ^ i^^^^^^m r=t -r-t-^ ^ —£^ •n~r~" # (- • — •- :! I g-e— b 1 1— r— I 1^ J ,-n ^** ^- -J ^ 1-1 # « • fi—r-0- ^=^ — T — ^ ^ ^— ^-^ 9= -^ R ZM g: P ._! -_^ 1 — ri^^ — I — J-. ! E^^U QX-Z 1 Wcnrv sinner, keep tliinc eyes On tir atoninji: Sacrilice; View Iliin bleeding on the tree. ]*ourinj^ out II is lile for thee; There the (Ireadfnl eurse lie hon* Wcei)ing soul, lament no more. 2 Cast thy p;uiUy soul on Him ; Find Jlim mighty to redeem; At His feet thy burden lay; Look thy doubts and i-are away : Now by failli lli(> Son embrace, riead ills promise-, trust His grace 272 JUSTIFICATION. RETURN. CM, d^^ T. HASTINGS. ^^Jzi^j^-gd^pB^S^iigi-i^'^^ "c±:gjz:j liSiiin » 3X8 318 1 Lord, we confess our numerous faults, How great our guilt has been : Foolish and vain were all our thought? And all our lives were sin. 1 Jesus, Thou art my Righteousness, For all my sins were Thine : Thy death hath bought of God my peace, Thv life hath made Him mine. 2 But, 0 my soul, forever praise, Forever love His Name, Who turns thy feet from dangerous ways Of folly, sin, and shame. 2 Now justified in Thee I am ; My sins are all forgiven : I taste salvation in Thy Name, And antedate my heaven. 'Tis not by works of righteousness Which our own haiids have done ; But we are saved by sovereign grace Abounding through His Son. Believing on my Lord, I find A sure and present aid . On Thee alone my constant mind Be every moment stay'd. 'Tis through the purchase of His death Who hung upon the tree, The Spirit is sent down to breathe On such drv bones as we. Whatever in me seems wise, or good, Or strong, I here disclaim : I wash my garments in the blood Of the atoning Lamb. Raised from the dead, we live anew ; And justified by grace We shall appear in glory too, And see our Father's face. 18 Jesus, my Strength, my Life, my Rest. On Thee will 1 depend. Till summoned to the marriage-feast, Where faith in sisrht shall end. 273 ORDER OF SALVATION. ATHENS. CM. D. ^ ^^^^ P^-— — ^— r— # » ^ •— r-» » w — r-S^r-^ J^..:^ s zzji: ii^ _L^ 1 m- Ui ii^] 3QO 1 I heard the voice of .Tcsna say, ■' Conic unto Mo and rest ; Lay flown, thou woary one, lay down Thy head upon My l)reast ! " I came to Jesus as I was, Weary, and worn, and sad ; I found in Ilini a restinj;-|)lace, And lie lias made me glad. I hf'.'ird the voice of Jesus sav, •• IJclK.id, I freely ^ive Tin- living water; thirsty one, btoop down, and drink, and live! "' I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-p:ivinp^ stream ; !My tliirst was (luench'd, my soul revived, And now 1 live in lliin. I lieard the voice of Jesus sav, "I am this dark world's Li^j^lit; Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be hrij^dit ! " I looked to Jesus. an r# — 0 — 1 =p:i^ -•^^ iiil ill 325 1 Prayer was appointed to convey The blessings God designs to give; Long as they live, should Christians pray, For ouh' while they pray, they live. 2 The Christian's heart his prayer indites, He speaks as prompted from within ; The Spirit his petition writes, And Christ receives, and gives it in. 3 And shall we in dead silence lie ! When Christ stands waiting for our prayer" My soul, thou hast a Friend on "high Arise, and trv thine interest there. If pains afflict, or wrongs oppress — If cares distract, or fears dismay- If guilt deject — if sin distress, Tlie remedy's before thee — pray. 'Tis prayer supports the soul that's weak Though thought be broken — languagi lame. Pray, if thou canst, or canst not speak, But pray with faith in Jesus' name. 277 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. BYEFIELD. C. M. -A- -6>— :>-2-^-r4^ r r g=— #-i± T. HASTINGS. :8=^ ^^ m E^fe^ i^^^idB •^ -«i^ §i:5^ra= 1 — &— F— r— ^ — f^- J._^ :=W=# ^ ^ §3 326 1 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, T'tter'd or uncxpress'd, The inotioii of a hidden lire That trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear ; Tlie upward glancing of an eye When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Prayer the sublimest strains that reach The Majciity on high. Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air, Ills watchword at the gate of death — He enters heaven with i)raycr. Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice Returning from his ways, While angels in their songs rejoice, And say, " Behold, he prays." i^l^^ -Ml r-" b I IB osa-z AN'haf v:iri to fight; Prayer makes the ('liristian's armor bright; And Satan trembles when he sees 1 The weakest saint upon his knees. 278 PRAYER. RETREAT. L. M, T. HASTINGS. P^S^^ J^^ ^ -*-•- ^^^^.--^ ;2^ ^izM^ir ^ :t=^ :?rz^_ -f-l^ =^=^: 1 1 I =E[zz=t=E 3?: ^ '^ T=?2i :p=:^=*-: ^ ^iS ^ ^ 328 1 From ev'ry stormj^ wind that blows, From ev'ry swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat, •Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place where .Jesus sheds Tlie oil of gladness on our heads, A place than all besides more sweet ; It is the blood -bought mercy-seat. 3 There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend, Though sunder' d far, by faith they meet Around one common mercy-seat. 4 Ah I whither could we flee for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismay'd ; Or how the host of hell defeat, Had suif' ring saints no mercy-seat? 5 There, there, on eagle wing we soar, And sin and sense seem all no more. And heaven comes down our souls to greet, And glory crowns the mercy -seat! 6 Oh, let my hand forget lier skill, My tongue be silent, cold and still, This bounding heart forget to beat, If I forget the mercy-seat. 279 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. COME, YE DISCONSOLATE. Us, 10s. S. WEBBE. Solo. Duel, or Trio. n -i^-l — ±t -*=^^-i r 1 m^ -^ 0 m- 0-'—0-0—^ -i^-l- -f-^ =1^ EEMgJ 1st time Duet ; 2d time Chorus. =H=>^H=r-" { I N-(:zzt==ryiJ J l~r~] -n — -:\ -1— r ^— 1 -^ ^A~- 1 ^ — 1^ 1 S 0 ■ ^--, \—. '• -I |ii?i=:i^pl gi -«•- A -^ — t- ^g *-.-^i=i 32=r: -E'-'-l =-" 329 1 Coiuc, ye (lisconsolato, whoro'or ye laiitzriiisb, Cotiie, at the iiu'rcy-soat Irrvently kneol : Hero hriiij; your woiiiulcd Iieart:<, Jiore tt'U your aiij^ui?^ lOartli has no sorrows that IleavcMi cannot heal. 2 Joy of tho tlosolato, Lijrlit of tlic strayitiLr, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and i»ure, Here speaks the ('oinforter. in mercy sayinj;, Earth has no sorrows that Heaven cannot cure. 3 Here sec the Br(>ad of Life; sec waters flowinj^ Fortli from the throne of (!od, boundless in lovi" Come (o the feast preparecl ; come, ever knowini; Earth has its sorrows, hut Heaven can remove. 230 PKAYER. NAOMI. CM L. MASON. X i n m S -iS^ m\ 330 1 Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat, Where Jesus answers prayer ; There humbly fall before His feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea; With this I venture nigh ; Thou callest burden'd souls to Thee, And such, O Lord, am T. 3 Bow'd down beneath a load of sin. By Satan sorely press'd. I P I I ' By war without, and fear within, I come to Thee for rest. Be Thou my shield and hiding-place; That, shelter d near Thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him, " Thou hast died." Oh, wondrous love, to bleed and die, To bear the cross and shame. That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead Thy gracious name. FERGUSON S. M. G. KINGSLEY. ±=.i^zi^i^i=i=b-I:^»=i=£-_§~ii-L^ 1^^ rJ- ^ p-zzz^i £=f ^ ^ -0- -(^ #— *- \=t^- ? lip ipy 33X 1 The Lord, who truly knows The heart of ev'ry saint. Invites us by His holy word To pray and never faint. 2 He bows His gracious ear; We never plead in vain ; Yet we must wait till He appear, And pray, and pray again. 3 Though unbelief suggest, Why should we longer wait? He bids us never give Him rest, But be importunate. 281 4 'Twas thus a widow poor, Without support or friend, Beset the unjust judge's door, And gain'd at last her end. 5 And shall not Jesus hear His children when they cry? Yes, though He may awhile forbear, He'll not their suit deny. 6 Then let us earnest be, And never faint in prayer; He loves our importunity. And makes our cause His care. irntea n\ 11^^ Splnl» -,?SSS£- LOVE. PHUVAH. CM. -4- M. VULPIUS. m^mmmw^m^^ I -# ^ ^ #- ■f=p m^m^m I •=*=jq: .=^,^± 832 1 Mv (Jod. I lovo Tlioo; not because *! hope for heaven thereby ; Nor yet beeans(! if I love not I must forever die. 2 Thou. O my Jesus, Thou didst me Upon tlic ('ross embrace; F'or me didst bear tlie nails and s])car, And manifold disgrace. 4 Then why, O lilesscd Jesus Christ! Should 1 not love Thee well? Not for the sake of winning heav'n, Or of escaping hell. 5 Not witli the hope of gaining auglit Not seeking a reward ; But as Thyself hast loved me, () ever-loving Lord ! 3 And griefs and torments numberless, And s>veat of agony ; Even death itself— and all for one Who was Thine enemy. 0 E'en so I love Tliee, :itid will love. And in Thy i>raise will sing; SohMy because Thou .-irt my God, And my eternal King. 282 LOVE, PEACE AND JOY. WILTSHIRE. CM. m p H=J=F^ -ri ^m §= V r=3=tg=t^ =* — »- ^ PI --] 333 1 Happy the heart where graces reign, Where love inspires the breast : Love is the brightest of the train, And strengthens all the rest. 2 Knowledge, alas! 'tis all in vain. And all in vain our fear : Our stubborn sins will light and reign, If love be absent there. 'Tis love that makes our cheerful feet In swift obedience move : The devils know, and tremble too ; But devils do not love. This is the grace that lives and sings "When faith and hope shall cease; 'Tis this shall strike our joyful strings In the sweet realms of bliss. PEACE AND JOY. MASON. ^H^=:q ^ 4-§ ••- — p- ^ Lf — — l. — 1 h- -^ *_ 1 ! — W 1 Come, ye that love the Lord, And let your joy be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord. Whilst ye surround tlie throne. 2 Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God : But servants of tlie Heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. 3 The God who rules on high. Who all the earth surveys, Who rides upon the stormy sky, And calms the roaring seas : I 4 This awful God is ours, Our Father and our love ; I He will send down His heavenly powers i To carry us above. : 5 There shall we see his face, j And never, never sin ! j There, from the rivers of His grace, ; Drink endless pleasures in. [ 6 Then let our songs abound, [ And every tear be dry : We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground To fairer worlds on high. 283 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. PENIEL. CM. T. HASTINGS. 335 1 ]\Iy (iod, the Spring of all my joys, The Life of my delights. The Glory of my hrightest days, And Comfort of my nights: 2 In darkest shades, if He appear, My dawning is begun : He is my soul's sweet Morning Star, And he my rising Sun. 3 The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, When Jesus shows Ilis heart is mine, And wliispers, I am His. 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay At that transporting word, Run up with joy the shining way, T' embrace my dearest Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and gluvstly death, I'd break through every foe; The wings of love and arms of faith Should bear me conqueror through. HUMILITY AND MEEKNESS. M. M. WELLS. Fixe. GUIDE. 7s. 6 lines. I .^.^- m^^M JL -^V ^ 42.' .^ jl m^i^^f^i i^^i.^^-4 i D.C. 336 1 lOvcr patient, gentle, meek, nf)ly S;ivi(tnr! was Thy mind; Vainly in myself I seek. Likeness to my Lord to rinMvs of toil, 'miortion sweet, Though now wc wander far from home. In Zion soon we all shall meet. 287 L. MASON. I CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. DALMATIA. C. M. D. B^lSii ^ 'J ^m i^ '• ^ u u ^ ^ f=F -A — ps — ^^ — .^^ 1^ It -^ r "*• r ■*■ -25^ r* IS— J- -_ 1 — «_ « — # — *- ==- if 1 \-^ 1 1— t!=tj:J 3^ I >- i«^ • - ,1-:^ feg^il?^-ll§ii^^^i 342 1 And let this fooblc body fail, And let it faint or die ; My Hon! sliall (juit llic mournful vale And soar to worlds on hipli : Shall join the discnihodied saints, And find its lon^c-^oiifrht rest, That only l)liss for which it i>ants. In the Kcdcctncr's breast. 2 In liope of that immortal crown I no-w the cross sustain, ATifl pfadly wander up and down. And smile at toil and pain : 1 suffe-r on mv threescore years Till my Deliverer come. And wip(! away His servant's tears. And take Jlis exile !u)mo. 288 3 Oh, what liath .Tesus bouglit for me I lU'fore my ravish'd eyes Kivers of life divine 1 see, And trees of j)aradise I I see a world or spirits bright Who taste the pleasures there! They all are robed in spotless white, And con(j"rinjjj pahns they bear. 4 Oh, what arc all my sufT'rincrs here If, Lord, rhf)ti count me meet. With that enra))tured host t' appear, .\nd Worship at Thy feet! (live joy or ^;rief. ;rive ease or l")ain, Take life or friends away ; l?uf let me find them all aj^ain In that eternal day. HOPE. VARINA. CM. D, C. H. RINK. 1^ b ^ ft'^-^ ^ , ^^. ^^ES^ ^ 3^3 1 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and liappy land, Where my possessions lie. 2 Oh, the transporting, rapt'rous scene, That rises to my sight ! Sweet fields array'd in living green, And rivers of delight. 3 There generous fruits, t?iat never fail. On trees immortal grow; There rocks and hills, and brooks and vales With milk and honey flow. 4 All o'er those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal dav ; There God the Son for ever reigns, And scatters night away. No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath Can reach that healthful shore; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and fear'd no more. When shall I reach that happy place, And be for ever blest? When shall I see my Father's face. And in His bosom rest? Fill'd with delight, my raptured soul Would here no longer stay: Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless Fd launch awav. BEATRICE. C. M L. O. EMERSON. I ■f-r-S I I I m^m ! i I I I > I ^ r ^ ,..J2^J^j_^.i^O J^.lX^_^ -f=^ -f^- ^ =f=^ 3e m 19 PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. NAOMI. CM. L. MASON. rv> . # ^ — » — # #- -F- I ^-1 ^i fi^ f=F: tr 1 Father! wliato'er of eartlily l^liss Thy Hovcrc'i^ii hand denies, Accepted at Thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise : 2 Give me a cahn, a tliankful heart, Fron^ every murmur free ; r p I I ii The blessings of Thy grace impart, And let mc live to Thee. 3 Let the sweet lu^pe that Thou art mine ;My life and death attend ; Thy presenc'C througli my journey shine, And crown my journey's end. CROSS AND CROWN. C. M, on mien I- m^^ a^^-j. <2- E33-?E3=?.^ 1 — r— r ^35 #-.--(2^='- P-^9- ^S^ ■^-^-f-^ 34S 1 Mu^t .lesus ])ear the cross alone, And all the world go freeT Nf), tliere's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. 2 Ifow happy are the saints above, Wlio once wont sorrowing here; But now tlicy taste unniinglcd love, And joy without u tear. The consecrated cross Til bear, Till death shall set me free, And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. Upon tlio crystal iiavemcnt, down At .Tosus' ])ierced feet, .loyfnl ril cast my golden crown, And His dear name repeat. 290 PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. JEWETT. 6s. D. J. p. HOLBROOK. -^— # — 0 ' ^«— #—- L-i 1 — p-# 1 0-J m^t^^^^^^mm^ ri r ^ — ^- :t=t: r— ti^ P :& -«-.«- ::s- £ :^T ^j^^s; ^A ^^^^ •-.— ^- S^E^ -^-^- ^- .^_#_ -^— *- r:^ :*: *^^g-^ ^1 135; S'^e My Jesus, as Tliou wilt ! Oh, may Thy will be mine! Into thy hand of love I would my all resign. Through sorrow or through joy Conduct me as Thine own. And hell) me still to sav, My Lord, Thy will be done! My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! Though seen through many a tear, Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear : Since Thou on earth hast wept And sorrow'd oft alone, If I must Aveep with Thee, Mv Lord, Thv will be done ! My Jesus, as Thou wilt I All shall be well for me : Each changinc: future scene T gladly trust with Thee : Thus to my home above I travel calmly on. And sing, in life or death. My Lord, Thy will be done ! 291 CHK18TIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. EMANCIPATION. 6s. D. C. G. ALLAN. -^■^^^mm f-^^-rt^ .f^l4^-1^1:^ -r r J ^ y I • ^ j^ p^E^i^Niii^^i^ *^^: mm] — K N K| — . — I — I— r-^ P ^^' -0- -0- -^ iSt- ^^ ^" "^^ ■»" '-F ^ 1^— ;^:=fe: ^^ 1^^ -«- ■«■ Ei:^ 34*7 1 Thy way, not miiio. 0 Lord, IlfjWovcr (lark it bo ! Lead nic by 'I'hiiic own Imnd ; CI1008C f»ut tlic path for mc, 2 Smooth let it bp, or ron^h, It still will bp the best; Winding or Ptrai^hf, it loads Iii},dit onward to Thy tchI. 3 I daro not (•lioo5P my lot: I would not, if I niljiht ; Choose Thou for luo, my God, 80 shall I walk aright. 292 4 The kinrrdoni that I seek Is Thine: so lot the way That loads to it bo Tiiinc, Else I must surely stray. 5 Choose Tbou for me my friends, My siekness or my lieolth ; Choose Thou my cares for me, My poverty of wealth, G Not mine, not mine the ohoieo, In tbinj^H or iireat or small ; iJe Thou my (Juide, my Strength, My Wisdom, and my All. PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. ORTONVILLE. C. M T. HASTINGS. 34L3 O Lord, my best desire fulfil, And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to Thy will, And make Thy pleasure mine. "Why should I shrink at Thy command, Whose love forbids my fears? Or tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears ? 3 No, rather let me freely yield What most I prize to Thee, Who never hast a good withheld, Or wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favor all my journey through Thou art engaged to grant : Wliat else I want, or think I do, 'Tis better still to want. HURSLEY. L. M F. J. HAYDX. iS-:^ ,4^ n -i-|~^'— 1 'l| 1 1- ' -^ '+-^— ^+Al— + ' "1 # V?-A 1 i — i^^ — ^ -z: — 9—:^ ■ ^ -^ ^ -^ f ^ \ ^^ 1 ■0- -0- -0- -^- ■0' -^9- •#--^. — «— H -* :^—\:^— 1 ^ ^4 — -r — ^ *--! I ^ ^ — •—Its--* * 1 i 1 1 Si ^ — « — J A-fL^ ^V1^ ^^^ ^ ^^:^ -«-4 :azi 349 1 0 Lord, how full of sweet content I 3 Our years of pilgrimage are spent ! I Where'er we dwell, we dwell with Thee, In heaven, in earth, or on the sea. 2 To us remains nor place nor time; i 4 Our country is in every clime ! ! We can be calm and free from care On any shore, since God is there. 293 r While place we seek, or place we shun, The soul finds happiness in none , But with our God to guide our way, 'Tis equal joy to go or sta\' Could we be cast where Thou art not, That were indeed a dreadful lot ; But regions none remote we call, Secure of finding God in all. 1oHn0$$. K^SSS:©- ?^=^- BAYLEY. 8s, 7s. D. j p. holbrook. I I -ft — •- b^ rr I -^- — I — -=Fr — ^ — \ — h=i^ ' ^ — b— f-g — ^^ r -x-j — 4 — •— — • — • #H -*-^— » — # #— I t- '- r—\ *^ I . I s_ n_r^ r*^ Fine. I I I I I SS^^lfc?^^ 2?::^= 5: -#- :^=ti: hz fe-^f=^ n 1 1] I) s. ^J-li_«__g-^^: ii^H^^l 3SO 1 Love divine, all love oxcolliiipj, Joy of heaven, to earth eonu; down ' Fix in lis Thy hninhU; (hvellin;,', All Thy faithfnl mercies erown Jesns, Thou art all eonipassion, Pure, unl)onnde(l love Thou art , Visit us with Thy salvation, Knter every trendtlini; heart ' 3 Breathe, oh, hreathc Thy lovrly spirit Into every tnuihh-d hreast ! I^et us all in Thee inherit, L<'t us find 'I'hy promised rest. Take away tiie love of sinning:, Alpha and Omcfxa he; End of faith, as its hef^inninj;, Set our licarts at liberty. 294 Come, almifxhty to dcdiver. Let us all Thy life receive; Graciously return, and never, Never more Thy temples leave! Thee we would he always hlessinjr, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above , l*ray, and praise Thei' without ceasing, (ilory in Thy precious love. Finish then Thy new creation, Pure, unspotteil may we be; Let us see Thy f^^reat salvation Perfectly ri'stored in The(>! Chanjxe from \i\ovy into f^lory. Till in lieaven we take our i>lacc, Till we east our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. HOLINESS. LOUVAN. L. M, V. TAYLOR. 2jZ 3^ — # f-i — 0 — 0-^<& #-«-^ ' '-_^_J_^ 0-i-0 \--p-i-^ #-'-^*-J I ^ i-J ^ ^ 1 I Itfpg^ifeigiigiiii^ QSl 1 So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine! 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God, When the salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. Our flesh and sense must be denied, Passion and envy, lust and pride; While justice, temperance, truth and love Our inward piety approve. Religion bears our spirits up. Whilst we expect that blessed hope, The bright appearance of the Lord, And faith stands leaning on His word. ORIEL. L. M W. B. BRADBURY. lig!t:l^5=« ^wmmmi «• J SI*. i?Zi ' 5^ -LI* r 0-r^- ssa r 1 Oh, that my load of sin were gone! Oh, tliat i could at last submit At Jesus' feet to lay it down. To lay my soul at Jesus' feet! 2 Rest for my soul I long to find : Saviour, if mine indeed Thou art. Give me Thy meek and lowly mind, And stamp Thine image on my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free ; 295 I cannot rest till pure within. Till I am wholly lost in Thee. Fain would I learn of Thee, my God, Thy light and easv bnrden prove. The cross all stain'd with hallow'd blood, The labor of Thy dying love. I would ; but Thou must give the power; My heart from every sin release; Bring near, bring near the jovful liour, And fill me with Thy perfect peace. CHK1ST1A^' LIFE AND EXPEKIENCE. FURTH. S. M. D. HAYDN. r- V rYm f # YtTS — i-^H f^^^^: --rf=i^- ^4t f **^-#r^4 11 I ^f^-Jl-zJ^- wm'k ■0 # #- K ^- P-F?-==F^ S53 1 Jesus, my stronp:tli, my hope, On Thee I cast my care, With huiiihh' coufideiicc look up, And know I'hou liear'st my prayer. Give me on Thco to wait, Till I can ail tliinjxs do ; On Tlioc, alniimpter fly : A spirit still pr(>par('d. And arin'd with jealons care. For ever standing' on its fxnard. And watching:; unto jirayer. 3 I want a heart to pray. To i)ray and never cease, Never to murmur at Thy stay, Or wish my suff'rinps less. This hlessiufj:, above all, Always to pray, I want. Out of the deep on Tliee to call, And never, never faint. 4 I rest upon Thy Word: Thy promise is for me : My suc(>or and salvation. Lord. Shall surely comc^ from Thee. But let me still ahide, Nor from my hop(> remove. Till Thou my patient sj)irit guide Into Thy perfect love. 296 HOLINESS. DOWNS. CM L. MASON. ^v^^zjzz^ ^-r^--- -^ — 1f2~ §^^1^ ^^=f ^i ^ -^ •-- 1, ±r.z=t=t& 3S4 . Oh, that the Lord would <]^uide my ways To keep His statutes still ! Oh. that my God would grant me grace To know and do His will ! ! Order my footsteps by Thy word, ; And make my heart sincere; | Let sin have no dominion. Lord, But keep my conscience clear. ' r :a Assist my soul, too apt to stray, A stricter watch to keep ; And, should I e'er forget Thy way, Restore Thy wand'ring sheep. Make me to walk in Thy commands; 'Tis a delightful road : Nor let my lips, or heart, or hands Offend against mv God. ST. THOMAS. S. M W. TAX5UR. 3SS 1 And shall we still be slaves. And in our fetters lie. When summon'd by a voice divine T' assert our liberty? 2 Did the great Saviour 1)leed, Our freedom to obtain? And shall we trample on His blood, And glory in our chain ? 3 Shall wo go on to sin, Because Thy grace abounds ; Or crucify the Lord again. And open all His wounds? 4 Forbid it, mighty God ! Nor let it e'er be said. That those for whom Thy Son has died In vice are lost and dead. 5 The man that durst despise The law that Moses brought, Behold ! how terribly he dies For his presumptuous fault. 6 But sorer vengeance falls On that rebellious race. Who hate to hear when Jesus calls, And dare resist His grace. 297 lru$f nv %nii\. I -Ssss:^- ST ATE STREET. S. M. j. c. woodman. I I I ^ \ \- gp 131 3SO Our times arc in Thy liand : O Ciod, we wi-sh them there; Our life, our friends, our souls we leave Enlirelv to Thy cure. 2 Our lime.s are in Thy hand, Whatever they may l)v, Pleasinj; or painful, dark or l)right, A.S best may seem to Thee. 3 Our times are in Thy Iiand : Why should we doiibt lain Beneath the chast'ning rod, But, in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God ; — 8 A faith that shines more bright and clear When tempests rage without ; That when in danger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt ; — 4 That bears unmoved the world's dread frown, Nor heeds its scornful smile ; That seas of trouble cannot drown. Nor Satan's arts beguile; — 5 A faith that keeps the narrow way Till life's last hour is fled, And with a pure and heavenly ray Lights up a dying bed. 6 Lord, give us sucli a faith as this, • And then, whate'er may come. We'll taste, e'en here, the hallow'd bliss Of an eternal home. 299 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIEXCK. HOLBROOK. 7s. D. j p holbuook m-:^ mm -0-r 0- m A -»—' ^2=1 n' P r^ 1-^ V-k H^] 2i-^^?^ jzz ;f^ EE3; :-* t-rw- ~^-r-J- ii=r_»— .tF.»--^:;=*=J3. r J , ' ' ^" ' A^ b ^ 1 '^^^m^m^mwm grzg^-rfc^^V; :t£: S|iiiN^fzEL^pfE:E:^^E^3ii-.i 850 Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let ino to 'IMiy bosom fly, Wliilo tlu' iioaror waters roll. While (lio tempest still is high J fide me. O mv Saviour. Iiide. Till the storm of life is past; Safe into (he haven f^uide; Oh, receive my soul at last I 300 2 Other refuge have 1 none; Hangs my helpless soul on lliee: Leave, ah, leavi* me not alone, Still support and comfort me: All my trust on Thee is stayM, All "my help from Thee I bring; Cover mv defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. TRUST OR FAITH. Thou, 0 Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee 1 lincl : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name ; I am all unrighteousness: False and full of sin I am ; Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound. Make and keej) me pure within. Thou of life the I'\)untain art, Freely let me take of Thee: Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. ^iEiEEi=^ zg~^~zi/p: MARTYN. 7s. D ] — I -:l—^-^> S. B. MARSH. E^^SzSissaEii] I I -«^ •#- -f5»- -«- -«>-. itzzt— td f r-T T=q=: ^O^^^iElES^E^S ^^m^m\] 1 I lS>' ■#• ■iz^:=^^^f$::^t= -^ 4- §^^mmsi r— r- 301 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. CADDO. CM. WM. n. BRADBURY. I 1 -.u^ 1 Faith adds now charms to earthly bliss, And saves iiic from its snares; Its aid in ev'ry duty brings, And softens all my cares. 2 Extinguishes the tliirst of sin, And lights the sacred fire Of love to (xod and heavenly things, Atid feeds the pure desire. 3 The wounded conscience knows its power ' The healing balm to give; That bahn the saddest heart can cheer, And make the dying live. — •— I-V5- - 1 -» 1 ^ * r*=^ 1-1 —f- n 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign ; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain. 5 Shows me the precious i)romise seard With my Redeemer's blood; And helps my feeble hope to rest irpon a faithful God. 5 There, there unshaken would I rest, Till this vile body dies. And then on faitli's triumphant wings At once to glory rise. >-f= DUKE STREET. L. M I J. IIATTON, iJ=i^ ..4_ j I ' J_J_^___^ ^_J_,-_J 1— ,-H 1 ^— *-. « — •J- SSiiliiils -«-r.J— g-T^:^ r^^ 'Tis by the faith of joys to come Wewalk through" deserts dark as night; Till we arrive at heaven our home, I*\'iith is r»ur guide, and faith our light. The want of sight she well supplies ; She makes the pearly gales ai>pear; Far into distant worlds she pries, And brings eternal glories near. 3 Cheerful we tread the desert throjigh, I While faith inspires a heavenly ray, I Though lions roar, and tempests blow, And rock and dangers till the way, 4 So Ahra'm, by divine com tu and, I Left ids own house to walk with God; Ilis faith beheld the promised land, And chcer'd him on his toilsome road. 302 TRUST OR FAITH. BLENDON. L. M, F. GTARDINI. 1 ^ ^-♦- • PI mw 36X 1 Sing to tlie Lord, who loud proclaims His various and His saving names : Oh, may they not be heard alone, But by our sure exi~)erience known. 2 Awake, our noblest powers, to bless The God of Abra'm, God of peace; Now by a dearer title known, Father and God of Christ His Son. 3 Through ev'ry age His gracious ear Is open to His servants' prayer ; GREENVILLE. 8s, 7s Nor can one humble soul complain That it hath sought its God in vain. What unbelieving heart shall dare In whispers to suggest a fear, While still He owns His ancient name, The same His power, His love the same ! To Thee our souls in faith arise, To Thee we lift expecting eyes. And boldly through the desert tread ; For God will guard, where God shall lead. ROUSSEAU. Fixe. 302 1 Holy Father, Thou hast taught me I should live to Thee alone ; Year by year, Thy hand hath brought mc On t!i rough dangers oft unknown. When I wander'd, Thou hast found me When I doubted, sent me light; Still Thine arm has been around me. All my paths were in Thy sight. 2 In the world will foes assail me. Craftier, stronger far than I ; And the strife may never fail me, Well I know, before I die. 303 Therefore, Lord, I come, believing Thou canst give the power I need ; Through the prayer of faith receiving Strength — the Spirit's strength, indeed. I would trust in Thy protecting. Wholly rest upon Thine arm ; Follow wholly Thy directing, Thou, mine only guard from harm ! Keep me from my own undoing, Help me turn to Thee when tried; Still my footsteps. Father, viewing, Keep me ever at Thy side. CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. PORTUGUESE HYMN. lis. j. reading. ^^r^^:^%^^^^^^^^^^\ :i^ ^^J ^^*^^v *— id:* — *— yj •i-#-^- izi mm^^mmsi^m^^m ^2 o — 0 1 — ^-L-s^r^ 1 ,_2^:x^ — ^ — *-^# ^ . I lh— — JJ :^— 7- * • — ^-v* m—, — P-\ *~ — n 833 1 IIow firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faitli in His excellent word I Wliat more can Ilet^ay tlian to you he has fcnid. Who unto the Saviour for rofnge have fled? 2 " In cv'ry condition — in sickness, in lioalth, In i)overty's vale, or ah oundini^ in wealth, At honic and ahroad, on the land^on tiie sea, [shall he. As thv davs niav demand, so thv succor U I For I will l>o with thee, thy troubles to bloss, And sanctify to thee tliy deei>est distress. 5 " When throutj^h llerv trials thv pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall he thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee; I ojdy design Thy dro.ss to ccjnsume, and thy gold to re- fine. G " E'en down to old age, all My jicoplc shall prove ]\ry sov'reign, eternal, unchangeable love; 3 " Fear not, I am with thcc; oh, be not dis- And then, when gray hairs shall their niay'd ; temples adorn, For I am thy God, and will still give thee Like lambs they shall still in My bosom aid ; j he borne. I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause i thee to stand, !; "The soul that on Jesus hath Ican'd for Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand. rr|>ose, I I will not. I cannot desert to his foes: 4 " When through the dcej) waters I call thee ' Tliat soul, though all hell should endeavor to go, I to shake, The rivers cf sorrow whall not overflow ; 111 never— no, never— no, never forsake!" 304 TRUST OR FAITH. OLIVET. 6s, 4. L. MARON. 36-^ 1 My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine ! Kow hear rue while I pray ; Take all ray guilt away ; Oh, let me from this day Be wholly Thine! 2 May thy ricli grace impart Strength to my fainting licart, My zeal inspire ! As Thou hast died for me. Oh, may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A livins? fire ! 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread. Be Thou my Guide ; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears awa}-, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient drean- When death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll ; Blest Saviour, then, in love. Fear and distrust remove ; Oh, bear me safe above, A ransom'd soul ^^^ 1 — 1 — LEIGH TON c a v.. 0 a 1 ;. M. 0 • H. W. GREATOREX. -1 — _ji — , — «_ • 1 « r^n ^: -1 \ -^p-IlM-^ — I ^=^— ^ — I — ^ -^ 1 V-^ — J 1 I ^^^ m. 0^- -- I '^ ' 0 ! - , I < — 2 -=4- ^ :^ >^^ jzd^-^n-^^ I 3^ i ^ =1^ ±3S: 360 1 My spirit on Thy care. Blest Saviour, I recline; Thou wilt not leave me to despair, For Thou art Love divine. 2 In Thee I place my trust, On Thee I calmly rest: I know Thee good, I know Thee just, And count Thv choice the best. 20 ' 305 3 Whate'er events betide, Thy will they all perform ; Safe in Thy breast my head I hide. Nor fear the coming storm. 4 Let good or ill befall. It must be good for me ; Secure of having Thee in all, Of l)a\ing all in Thee. CHKISTIAN LIFE AND EXPEKIENCE. OLA, L. M. trj^: l^i* W. MASON. g^^^— »: i/ I I =-^nzit ^J— ?— S- ^^ ^=S It ^=:s: r' • ' " 366 1 Tliou only Sov'reign of my licart, My refuge, my almiglity Friend ! And can my sonl from Tliee depart, On whom alone my hopes depend? 2 Wliither, ah. whither .shall I go, A wretched wand'rer from my Lord? Can this dark world of sin and'woe One glimpse of happiness afford? 3 Eternal life Thy words impart; On these my fainting spirit lives; Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart Than all the round that nature gives, 4 T.ow at Thy feet my soul would lie; Here safety dwells, and peace (livinc; Still let me live beneath Thine eye. For life, eternal life, is Thine. i^i^ii GEER. CM I H, W, GREATOKEX. 367 1 l)f;ir Kcfugc f)f my weary soul, On Thee, when sorrows rise. On Thee, when waves of trouble roll, i\Iy fainting hope relies. 2 To Thee T tell each rising gri(!f, T'\)r 'ihou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For cv'ry pain 1 feel. 3 l?ut, oh. when glooii? Tliou art my only trust; And still my sotil would cleave to Thee, Though prostrate in the dust. 306 TRUST OR FAITH. CASKEY. 7s, 6s. D. T. E. PERKINS. Jd=J: i^=" 060 1 Sometimes a light surprises The Christian while he sings It is the Lord, Wlio rises With healing in His wings; When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again A season of clear shining, To cheer it after rain. 2 In holy contemplation, We sweetly then pursue The theme of God's salvation, And find it ever new : Set free from present sorrow, We cheerfully can saj'^, Let an unknown to-morrow Bring with it what it mav. CHIMES. It can bring with it nothing But He will bear us through; Who gives the lilies clothing, \yill clothe His people too : Beneath the spreading heavens Xo creature but is fed ; And He who feeds the ravens Vv'ill give His children bread. Though neither vine nor tig-tree Its wonted fruit shall bear, Though all the fields should wither, Nor flocks nor herds be there; Yet God the same abiding. His praise shall tune my voice ; For while in Ilim confiding, I cannot but rejoice. CM. L. MASON. 3§siifE§Si 369 1 Give me the wincrs of faith to rise Within the veil, and see The saints above, how great their joys, How bright their glories be. 2 Once thev were mourning here below, And bathed their couch with tears; Thev wrestled hard, as we do now. With sins, and doubts, and fears. ■ 3 I ask them whence their vict'ry came; They, with united breath, ' 307 Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to His death. They mark'd the footsteps that He trod; His zeal inspired their breast ; And, following their incarnate God, Possess the promised rest. Our glorious Leader claims our praise, For His own pattern given ; While the long cloud of witnesses Shows the same path to heaven. CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. BOYNTON. CM. REV. C. MALAN. k^^ m^^^m J. ii^t=p^ (^19- 3VO 1 Happy the man whose wishes cliiub To nianbions in the skies! He looks on all the joys of time With undesiring eyes. 2 In vain soft i)lcasure spreads her charms, And throws her silken chain; And wealth and fame invite his arms, And tempt his ear in vain. 3 He knows that all these glitt'ring things Must yield to sure decay ; F And sees on time's extended wings How swift they flee away. To things unseen by mortal eyes, A beam of sacred light Directs his view ; his ]>rospects rise All permanent and bright. His hopes are fix'd on joys to come: Tluise blissful scenes on high Shall nourish in immortal bloom When time and nature die. DUKE STREET. L. HATTON. I b^Hii^iiijii^lga -iT It I ^ ^^is^^ssii^^^i Q-ZX 1 Conrajro. my soul I while dod is near. What enemy hast thou to fear? How canst thou want a sure defence Whose refuge is Omnipotence? 2 Tliough thickest dangers crowd my way My God can chase my fears away ; My steadfast lieart on him relies, And all those dangers still defies. 3 Though billows after billows roll To overwhelm my sinking soul, Firm as a r.ck my faith shall stand, Upheld by God's abnighty liand. 4 In life, His presence is my aid ; In death, 'twill guide me thro' the shade. Chase all my rising fears away, And turn my darkness into day. 808 TRUST OR FAITH. ORIEL. L. M. W. B. BRADBURY. '^=^ '—^—^^ m 3"7a 1 I look to Jesus, and the face Of God is turn'd on me in love, I feel a father's fond embrace, And all my doubts and fears remove. 2 I look to Jesus, and beliold! My heart is iighten'd of its cares. My love for earthly things grows cold, And pleasure vainly spreads her snares. 3 I look to Jesus, and the sight Of all that He endured for me. Makes e'en my greatest sufferings light, Compared with His deep agony. 4 I look to Jesus when my zea^ And faith and love grow dead and cold; Then doth He Calvary reveal. And make me in His service bold. 5 Thus let me. Lord, while life doth last, In faith look ever up to Thee, And when life's sinful days are past I shall Thv face in glorv see. 309 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. LOOKING TO JESUS, lis. L. O. EMERSON 1 fc&-tJ-^i■-< 1-^ — j \ — 4 — 1- -1 1-^ ■ 1 1 —l-^^—\ p^^ i ^ ^ 1 — f «_ 1 ^ J 1 1 r, r ^4- h --LI - 1 k- ZLjl^ -r ^ -^3^H I I I t t r r « ^-' — « U^ — p p. — ^ 0 r_ i t=J: f— r ^ — ^ ^ ^ I ^^ §^^E«3 :f=t J J ! J -* — # — ^ — *- -^ — P — ^ t=^ -^ — g^^ t—- Chorus. •^ # # • •^-S^' J$i.-#. -t^'.,^ My Lord, my Lord, I l()<>k to Tlicc, I look to Tboe. My Saviour, I look to t1 373 1 O eyes that are weary, and liearts that are sore! Look oir unto Jesus, now sorrow no more! The light of His countenance shineth so bright, That here, as in heaven, there need be no night. 2 While looking to Jesus, my heart cannot fear; I tremble no more when I see Jesus near; I know tliat His i)rcsenre my safeguard will be. For, " Why are ye troubled? " He saith unto me. 3 Still looking to Jesus, oh, may I be found, When Jordan's dark waters encompass me round They bear me away in His presence to l)c: I see Him still nearer whom always I see. 4 Then, then almll I know the full beauty and grace Of Jesus, my I^ord, when I stand face to face; I'll know how His love went before me each day, And wonder that ever mine eyes turn'd away. 310 TRUST OR FAITH. ARCADIA. C. M i=^=^ T. HASTINGS. ^mm^m feE^^^^Hi =-^^HEi iilK S; -a- lai m UzSEr^ *■ •#- 4=t: J- S^E^ is: 3"74: 1 Lord, it belongs not to my care Wliethcr I die or live ; To love and serve Thee is my share, And this Tliy grace must give. 2 If life be long, I will be glad That I may long obey ; If short, yet why should I be sad To soar to endless day ? 3 Christ leads me through no darker rooms Than lie went through before ; No one into His kingdom comes. But through His open'd door. 4 Come, Lord, when grace has made me meet Thy blessed face to see ; For if Thv work on earth be sweet. What will Thy glory be ! 5 Then shall I end my sad complaints, And weary, sinful days, And join with all triumpliant saints Who sing Jehovah's jjraise. My knowledge of that life is small ; The eye of faith is dim ; But 'tis enough that Christ knows all. And I shall be with Iiim. 311 CHRISTIAN" LIKE AND EXI'EIJIEXCE. ROMBERG. CM. t. Hastings. E=isdife=?_:^=taE s-zs And art Thou with us, gracious Lord, i To dissipate our fear? I Dost Thou prochiini Thyself our God, Our God for ever near? [earth, l>oth Tliy right hand, which forni'd the And bears up all the skies, Stretch from on higli its friendly aid, When dangers round us rise? /i.nd wilt Thou lead our weary souls ! To that delightful scene. : FOREST Where rivers of salvation flow Through pastures ever green? On Thy supp»)rt our souls shall lean, And banish evry care; The gloomy vale of deatli shall smile. If (iod be witli us there. While we His gracious succor prove, '.Midst all our various ways. The darkest shades through which wepaSvS Shall echo with His praise. L. M. A. CHAPIN. a-ze 1 God of my life, whose gracious power Thro' various deaths mv soul hath led Or turn'd aside the fatal lionr. Or lifted up mv sinking lie;id ! 2 In all my ways TIiv hand I own, Thy ruling providence I see* Assist me still my c()urso to n:n. And sfill direct mv f)atlis to Thee. 3 Whither, oh, whither should T fly. HmI 1i» my Iftving Saviotir's breast; Secure within Thine arms to lie. And .safe beneath Thy wings to rest? 4 T have no skill the snare to shun. But Thou, O Christ! my Wisdom art: T ever into ruin run. Hilt Thou art greater thnti my heart. 5 Foolish, and impotent, aiid blind. Lead me a way I have not known ; Bring me where I my heaven may lind, The heaven of loving Thee alone. 6 Enlarge my heart to make Thee room ; Enter, and iji me ever stay ; Tiie crooked then shall straight become, The darkness shall be lost in day. 312 TRURT OR FAITH. ADDISON. S. M L. O. EMERSON. 1^^=^=^-^ '^> i h -e=\ ■^ .a. -» — » — gi*- i§ =ti; iEiii 1 Commit thou all tliv griefs And ways into His hands, To His sure truth and tender care, Who earth and heaven commands — 2 "Who points the clouds their course, Whom winds and seas obej' ; He shall direct thy wand'ring feet ; He shall prepare thy way. 3 Put thou thy trust in God ; In duty's path go on ; Fix on His word thy steadfast eye ; So shall thy work be done. 4 No profit canst thou gain By self-consuming care ; To Him commend tliy cause; His ear Attends thy softest prayer. 5 Leave to his sovereign sway To choose and to command ; So shalt thou wondering own, His sway How wise, how strong His hand. MANOAH C. M G. ROSSINI. -^B»-rS2- ^ £Pf^Pl=% 3VO 0 Thou, from whom all goodness flows, I lift my soul to Thee ; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, O Lord, remember me ! When on my aching, burdcn'd heart My sins lie heavily. Thy pardon grant, new peace impart; Then, liOrd, remember me! When trials sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee, Oh, let my strength be as my day — Dear Lord, remember me I When in the solemn hour of death I wait Thy just decree ; Be this the j)rayer of my last breath : Now, Lord, remember me ! And when before Thy throne I stand, And lift my soul to Thee, Then with the saints at Thy right hand, O Lord, remember me ! 313 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPEKIENCE. VALENTIA. CM. EBERWEIN. m^m^^^^^ma mmfm —4^ ^^£11:5^. Ei i^ — IT -# ^— I— gy4-* ^ "^ fe2=j -r5»- •#- -tf»- II .^s*, , eEg^lB ^P t^ -a fi. y r- I I I f=f- 1^1 3V» 1 I love the Lord ; He heard my cries, And pitied ev'ry {^roaii ; Lonj; as I live, when trouhles rise, I'll hasten to His tlirone. 2 I love the Lord ; He how'd His ear, And chased my griefs away : Oh, let my heart no more desi)air, While i have breath to pray. 3 Among the saints that fill Tliy honse. My off'ring shall he paid ; There shall my zeal j)erf()rm the vows Mv sonl in anguisli made. 4 The TiOrd heheld mo soro distrest: He hade my pains remove: lieturn. my s<»mI, t(» (iod. thy rest, For thou hast known His love. 314 TRUST OR FAITH MIRIAM. 7s, 6s. J. P. HOLBROOK. • « #3; •-«-i-<5- « 51 fxgirrg^ ^^ IT — r — t 1 — J ^^4 f:=* -tf s^ Fine. ^r"^- ^=^p^ — ^ r — ^ r — r J^r-^^=zr^=fz=^-e=^ T— |- i=r-i J ^ J J . D.S. 9-^ 1 1 380 1 A pilgrim and a stranger, I journey here below : Far distant is my country, The home to which 1 go. Here I must toil and travail, Oft weary and opprest, But there my God shall lead me To everlasting rest. 2 There still my thoughts are dwelling 'Tis there I long to be ; Come, Lord, and call thy servant To blessedness with Thee ! Come, bid my toils be ended, Let all my wanderings cease ; Call from the wayside lodging To the sweet home of peace ! There I shall dwell forever. No more a stranger guest, With all thy blood-bought children, In everlasting rest : The pilgrim toils forgotten. The pilgrim conflicts o'er. All earthly griefs behind us, Eternal joys before ! 315 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. GOLDEN HILL. S. M. .^ A. CHAPIN. •^\ IS^ *-g; ^l^^Epgi^^plJ) 38X 1 In weariness and pain, By sins and fears opj)rest, I turn me to my Rest again, Mv soul's eternal Rest. 2 The Lan)b that died for me, And still my load doth bear, — To Jesus' streaming wounds I flee, And find my (juiet there. 3 Jesus, was ever grief, Was ever love like Thine? Thy sorrow, Lord, is my relief Thv life iiath ransom'd mine. 4 Oh, may I rise with Thee, And soar to tilings above, And spend a blest eternity In praise of dying Love. die TRUST OR FAITH. WEBB. 7s, 6s. D. G. J. WEBB. — J— J- §i?4=t iL -=:t: ^— r-« ^ /» ^—r-^- f=^ -»— • h Hiis^i^iii^ w' I -I \ 1 — r Fixe. gg^g^i^rS3^^i:sig^^^-^ 332 1 I need Thee, precious Jcsu3, For I am full of sin ; My soul is dark and guilty, My heart is dead within : I need the cleansing fountain Where I can always flee. The blood of Christ most precious, The sinner's perfect plea, 2 I need Thee, blessed Jesus, For I am very poor ; A. stranger and a pilgrim, 1 have no earthly store ; 317 I need the love of Jesus To cheer me on my way, To guide my doubting footsteps To be my strength and stay. I need Thee, blessed Jesus, And hope to see Thee soon, Encircled with the rainbow, And seated on Thy throne! There, with Thy blood-bought children, My joy shall ever be. To sing Thy praise, Lord Jesus, To gaze, my Lord, on Thee 1 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. BROWN. CM. W.B.BRADBURY N I N— l-r— -,— 4- i=^: ^^^^ 383 1 When I can road my title clear To mansions in the skies, I bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. 2 Should eartli ajrainst my soul engage, And lielliseaceful breast. 3l8 TRUST OR FAITH. LYDIA. CM C. L — rj 1 1 0 I C ]^ — I- ■ — -A — tr-r-c — U -l-^-l^- -.^^^-1 — L , r/^ 1 1 s i^i^ itit 384L 1 I'm not asliamed to own my Lord, Or to defend His cause, Maintain the lionor of His word, The glory of His cros&. 2 Jesus, my God ! — I know His name — His name is all my trust; Nor will He put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm as His throne His promise stands, And He can well secure What I've committed to his hands, Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will He own my worthless name Before His Fatlier's face, And in the new .Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place. 819 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. AUTUMN. 8s, 7s. D. Spanish melodv. i2:^i%z:i!i:izrei2^i: , ^r^' m — -; ^- (S'— ^! # *— — %-^^ 3p— #— ^ — ^-^ • — m-.—^-^ -■ "■»-: ■*■•#-. j'^-. ^i^siggiiiF^^^p^j 385 1 Ciently, Lord, oh, gently lead us Tlirougli this lonely vale of tears; Throuf^h the changes Thou'st decreed us, Till our la^>t great change ajipears: When temptation's darts assail us. When in devious paths we stray, Let Thy goodness never fail us; Lead us in Thy perfect way. 2 Li the hour of jxiin and anguish, Li the hour when death draws near. Suffer not our hearts to languish, Suffer not our souls to fear. And when mortal life is ended, Lid us on Thy hosom rest ; Till hy angel-hands attended We awake among the hlest ! 320 TRUST OR FAITH. iif^§ I '^-^^^ LOUVAN. L. M. V, C TAYLOK. i^iMiiiSsiir^ ^ ^-^.i::^. K > •*^4 t2'"i±i=M: I I (s:: (^ ip^^^iiiiii^ii^i^^ 1 ^ ■#. -<2- g^^ I I ■#■ ^ ^ "fz 4^r * «■- 386 1 Oh, deem not they are blest alone, Wliose lives a peaceful tenor keep ; For God, who pities man, hath shown A blessing for the eyes that weep. 2 The light of smiles shall fill again The lids that overflow with tears; And weary hours of woe and ])ain Are promises of happier years. 3 There is a day of sunny rest For every dark and troubled night; And grief may bide an evening guest, But joy shall come with early light. 4 Nor let the good man's trust depart, Though life its common gifts deny ; Though with a pierced and broken heart And spurn'd of men he goes to die. 21 5 For God has mark'd each sorrowing day, And number'd every secret tear. And heaveii's long age of bliss shall pay For all His children suffer here. 321 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. GUIDANCE. 8s, 7s, 4s. D. FI.OTOW. 4-r-j h -':^r^fj'^ ^^^ -«J> — # 35f: Si I I '-Bzs:l J -..-«. ll*.:*: !;«-:£: Si^l =J*ciJ_..vfb^ gPl^^l^^^ ■^— — I — ^- ^ h^ ;^^^ =1^2: [^ zr^ W~z~ J^^ V^J ^f: ^ a-H^^FE 38*7 1 CJiiidc mo, O Thoii groat Joliovah ! rilj^rim tlirouj^h this harroii land ; I am woak. but Thou art mighty, Jlohl me with Tl»y poworful hand; Mrond of hoavon. P'eed me till I want no moro. 322 TRUST OR FAITH. 2 Open Thou the crystal fountain Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the tiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through : Strong Deliv'rer, Be Thou still mv Strength and Shield. 3 When I tread tlie verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears suhside? Death of death ! and hell's Destruction ! Land me safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises 1 will ever give to Thee. OLIPHANT. 8s, 7s, 4s. L. MASON. i^t>:^=1= =r?=r 1 H-^ ^_ ^-1— J ^- . ■^-■ ry^^ 4 ^ ^ JL EZ<±r_ F- F F H — ^F F F E^— ^ -- — f^J :«=d-d: ¥-^ ii^^ ji # 0 ^ m^. :*=«=«; -# » »- =F=F=F=F=t=t::=F=F t=t:: -# 0 »- =pi i 2: ± ^ ♦ it=t r; m- ^f^ :-»=ii: -=[: r 1T -I h :nz=z=t: Si^tt— » » '» » f i>~ » :& tznb a i 1 1 h -A — , — *- 823 J* ^ CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. WARSAW. H.M. T.CLARK. W ' 1 ' fete rJ ^ 1^% -^■ :^=q: ^=^ ( -/5^-: m^^i^^^^mM^s^m^kmi ffisfiii I I ^^^^m^s^mm^M ses 1 Jehovah is onr strength. And He sliall be our song; We sliall o'ercoine at length, Although onr foes he strong; In vain doth Satan then opjxjse, The Lord is stronger than liis foes. 2 The Lord our refuge is, And <;ver will remain ; Sinee Tie hath made us lUs, lie will our cause maintain : In vain our enemies opi)ose, For God is stronger than His foes. 3 The Lord our portion is, What can we wish for more? Aa long as we are His, We never can he poor : In vain do earth and hell oppose, For God is stronger than His foes. The Lord our Shepherd is. He knows our ev'ry need ; And since we now are His, His care our souls will feed : In vain do sin and death oppo.se, F\)r God is stronger than His foes. Our (Jod our Father i.s, Our names are on His lieart; We ever shall he His, He ne'(>r from us will part : In vain the world and llesh oj^pose, For God is stronger than Ili.s foes. 324 fe^Si^dE* m^^^^ TRUST OK FAITH. CHRISTMAS. CM. ii=d— d; G. F. HANDEL. , ^ rs =1=q: -^'^ — *: I U.' -^ — # — # — #- 122.- -t»- lg=i ^ r7 M — P— »-»-h ^ — 1^ — ^ — It 1 Our God, our help in ages past. Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. 2 Under the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dw<^lt secure: SuflScient is Thine arm alone. And our defence is sure, 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. 4 A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night Before tlie rising sun. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. 6 Our God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come. Be Thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home ! 325 ^[sHattislpp uiilf|> iah nnh ibrist -®SSS:@- VALENTIA. C. M. EBERWEIN. S^^^p^i^i^^ptiJ « • »-^ -ffl_ feTi t!:^. ^ • &- ^ h^^^=P: i=-si- * — *' ^ -P '0^i^ a ^=g: m i I f li§j 300 1 Walk in tlie Yv^htl so shalt thou know That fellowsliip of love His Spirit only can bestow, Who reigns in light above. 2 Walk in the light! and thou shalt own Thy darkness pass'd away. Because that light on thee hath shone In which is perfect day. 3 Walk in the light ! and e'en the tomb No fearful shade shall wear: Glorv shall chase away its gloom. For Christ hath coiuiuer'd there! 4 Walk in the liglit ! and thine shall be A path, though thorny, bright; For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee And God Himself is light. 326 FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD. GREENWOOD. S. M a&± Not with our mortal eyes Have we beheld the Lord ; Yet wo rejoice to hear His name, And love Him in His word. On earth we want the sight Of our Redeemer's face ; Yet. Lord, our inmost thoughts delight To dwell upon Thy grace. 3 And when we taste Thy love, Our joys divinely grow Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven beirins below. HERMON. CM. L. MASON. W^: -0- ■%■ -0- -0- ' s—^ ^^. I I i I I -It^ l-r-l 1 . l-r-J 1 l-r-n 1 r -^ 1 JJ iLfe-==^ fqiJ=' tn ^ 392 1 Oh for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame; A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and His word? 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoy'd ! How sweet their memory still I But they have left an aching void The world can never fill. 4 Return, 0 Holy Dove! return. Sweet messenger of rest ! I hate the sins that made Thee mourn, And drove Thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be. Help me to tear it from Thy throne. And worship only Thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. 327 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXrERIEXCE. BETHANY. 6s, 4s. L. MASON. ^:s.^ — ,-^ ^^M0^f r-TT p.-^^ 1^=^- — 303 -I h f^- 1 Nearer, my God. to Thee, Nearer to Tliee ! E'en ihovij^h it be a cross Tliat raiseth me; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my (iod, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! 2 Thougii like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Tliee ! 3 There let tlie way appear Steps unto lieaven ; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my (Jod, to Tliee, Nearer to Thee ! Then witli my waking thoujj Bright with Thy praise, Out of mv stonv griefs Bethel i'll rai'se; So by my woes to be Nearer, my (iod, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Or if on joyful wing Cleaving the sky. Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upwards I fly. Still all my soiig shall be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! rhts SICILY. 8s, 7s, 4s. skilian melody. ^k, (3- feffri:^!!^ t£&? gif^spo ^. -?_._! ^z=r F-=P M^ ^■wcci i\nt moments, rich in blc.-^sing, Which before the Cross I Hpend ; Life, aJid health, and i)eace possessing From the sinner's dying Friend . 5 Lf)ve and grief mv heart dividing, ' With my tears Ills feet Fll bathe; Constant still, in faith abiding. Life deriving from his death. 328 r3 ^ dm ■n.^ i=i.f^ um 3 Truly blcs.sed is this station— l.o\v before His Cross I'll lie; "While I see divine compassion Beaming in His gracious eye; 4 Here I'll sit forever viewing Mercy streaming in His blood: T'recious drojis, my soul bedewing. Plead and claim" my peace with God. II FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD. i BROWN. CM, W. B. BRADBURY. I I , — 4 ^mn^ ±- ^^^ 39S 1 I love to steal awhile away From cv'ry cumb'ring care, And spend the hours of setting day In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love in solitude to shed The penitential tear, And all His promises to yjlead. Where none but God can hear. 3 I love to think on mercies past, And future good implore, And all my cares and sorrows cast On Him whom I adore. I love by faith to take a view Of brighter scenes in heaven ; The prospect doth my strength renew, While here by tempests driven. Thus, when life's toilsome day is o'er, May its departing ray Be calm as this impressive hour, And lead to endless da v. STOCKWELL. 8s, 7s. D. E. JONES. b3=: t^ *^ +— I \ P \ ^^ P=F^ J j- :J U^ •T-* — ^ »-r-°- — I — ^ — ^-=5±p'.=i •2=:^: jztj: ^. -x=xx ^A^^t^^-. i r^_kL.L.'^_l7 g J t 1 Always with us, alwavs with us — Words of cheer and words of love Thus the risen Saviour whispers, From His dwelling-place above. 2 With us when we toil in sadness, Sowing much and reaping none ; Telling us that in the future Golden harvests shall be won. 3 With us when the storm Is sweeping O'er our pathway dark and drear; Waking hope within our bosoms. Stilling every anxious fear. 4 With us in the lonely valley, When we cross the chilling stream Lighting up the steps to glory With salvation's radiant beam. 329 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. ENON'S I. B. WOODBURY I Fine. 1 Thou Shepherd of Israel divine, Tlie joy and desire of my heart, For clo.>er coninmniou I pine, I h:)n!^ t;) reside wliere Thou art : The pasture 1 languish to find Wliere all. who their Shepherd obey, Are fed, on Thy bosom reelined, And sereen'd from the heat of the day. 2 Ah ! sliow me that hapi)icst place. The place of Thy peoples abode, "Where saints in an ecstasy gaze, And hang on a crucified God ! Thy love f(jr a sinner declare, Thy passion and death on the tree ; My spirit to Calvary bear. To suffer and triumith Avith Thee. 'Tis there with the lambs of Thy flock, There only I covet to rest. To lie at the foot of t!ie Rock, Or rise to be hid in Thy breast ; 'Tis there I would always abide. And never a moment dei)art; Conceal'd in the cleft of Thy side Eternally held in Thy heart, EVAN. C. M. AIT. H. HAVERGAL. ^ — j — t — I M ^ -<5^ -6^ ^-^ 12^ ff I I I ^»_Jt— J-r-J 1 1 l-r-l i 1 -, ■■ 1— -W n m^^^^^ I » — >g- ■I — --+ Er:EfE^^gEEg^ f=^ m 30Q 1 Oh, could I find, from day to day, A nearness to my (Jc^d! Then should my hours glide sweet away And loan upon His word. 2 Lord, 1 desire with Thee to live Anew from day to day, In joys Iho world can never give. Nor ever take away. 330 3 O Jesus, come and rule my heart, And make me wholly Thine, That I may never more depart. Nor grieve Thy love divine : 4 Thus till my last expiring breath, Thy goodness I'll adore; And when my fl(>sh dissolves in death, My soul sliall love Thee more. FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD. WIMBORNE. L. M. J. WHITAKER. 399 1 Oh. that I could forever dwell. Delighted at the Saviour's feet; Behold the form I love so well, And all His tender words repeat! 2 The world shut out from all my soul. And heaven brought in with all its bliss? : Oh I is there aught, from pole to pole. One moment to compare with tliLs? 3 Tins is the hidden life I prize— A life of penitential love ; When most my ftdlies I despise. And raise my higliest thoughts above; When all I am I clearly see. And freely own with deepest shame; When the Redeemers love to me Kindles within a deathless flame. Thus would I live till nature fail. And all my former sins forsake ; Then rise to God within the veil, And of eternal joys partake. =^=frF^ ^ DE FLEURY. 8s. D. L. ED50N. Fixe. ^^^ 4:00 How tedious and tasteless the hours. 3 When Jesus no longer I see ; [flowers Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet Have lost all tlieir sweetness with me; The midsummer's sun shines but dim, i The tields strive in vain to look gay ; But when I am happy in Him. ! Decembers as pleasant as May. His name yields the richest perfume, 4 And sweeter than music His voice; His presence disperses my gloom. And makes all within me rejoice ; I should, were He always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to fear ; No mortal so happy as I. My summer would last all the year. 331 Content with beholding His face. My all to His jdeasure resigned; No changes of season or pilace Would make any change in my mind. While bless'd with a sense of his love, A palace a toy wf»uld appear; And prisons would palaces prove. If Jesus would dwell with me there. Dear Lord, if indeed I am thine. If Thou art my sun and my song. Say. why do I languish and pine. And why are my winters so long? Oh, drive tliese dark clouds from my sky, Thy soul-clieering presence restore; Or take me unto Thee on liigh. Where winter and clouds are no more. CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. MENDON. L. M. AIT. 1.. MASON. ^^^"g '^Ol 1 Jesus, Thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare ; Oh, knit my tliankful heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there. 2 Oh, grant that nothing in my soul May dwell, hut Thy pure love alone ! Oh, may Thy love possess me whole! My joy, my treasure, and my crown, 3 Unwearied, may I this pursue. Dauntless to this high prize aspire; Hourly within my soul renew This holy flame, this heavenly fire. 4 Still let Thy love point out my way ; How wondrous things Thy love hath wrought! Still lead me. lest I go astray: Direct my word, inspire my thought. 6 In sufT'ring be Thy love my peace, In weakness be Thy love my power, And when t])e storms of life sliall cease. Receive me in the trying hour. 1 As pants the heart for cooling springs. So longs my soul, O King of kings, Thy face in near approa'.-li to see?. So thirsts, great Source of life, for Thee, 3 God of my strength, attend my cry, Say why, 'my great Preserver, Why Excluded from Thy sight I go. And bend beneath a weight of woe? 4 Why thus, my soul, with care opprcst? And whence tlie woes that fill my breast? In all Thy cares, in all Thy woes. On God thy steadfast hojie repose. 5 To Him my tlianks sliall still be paid, My sure defence, my constant aid; His name my zeal shall ever raise. And dictate to my lips His jjraise. 403 1 My (}od ! permit me not \o be A stranger to myself and Theo; Amidst a thousand thoughts 1 rove, Forgetful of my highest love. 2 Why should my passions mix with earth And thus debase my heavenly birth ? Why should 1 cleave to things below. And let my God, my Father, go? 3 Tall me away from flesh and sense; Thy gracious word can draw me thence; I would obey the voice divine. And all inferior joys resign. 2 With ardent zeal, with strong desires, To Thee, to Tliee mv soul as])ires; When shall I n-arli Tliy l)lest abode? When meet the presence of niy God? 332 4 I'e earth, with all her cares, withdrawn Let noise and vanity be gone; In secret silence of the mind, My heaven, and there my God, I find. FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD. ARMENIA. CM. T. HASTINGS. HiSii s^ ,_ -f-> r^i w I HJL.^ I I i L I I r iss 404: 1 Do not I love Thee. 0 my Lord? Behold my lieart, and see; And turn each hateful idol out That dares to rival Thee. 2 Do not I love Thee from my soul ? Then let me nothing love: Dead be my heart to ev'ry joy Which Thou dost not approve. 3 Is not Thy name melodious still To mine attentive ear? Doth not each pulse with pleasure beat My Saviour's voice to hear ? 4 Hast Thou a lamb in all Thy flock I would disdain to feed? Hast Thou a foe before whose face I fear Thy cause to plead ? 5 Thou know'st I love Thee, dearest Lord ; But oh ! I long to soar Far from the sphere of mortal joys, That I mav love Thee more. 40S 1 Blest Jesus! when my soaring thoughts O'er all Thy graces rove, How is my soul in transport lost — In wonder, joy, and love ! 2 Xot softest strains can charm mine ears, Like Thy beloved name ; Nor aught beneath the skies inspire My heart with equal flame. 3 Where'er I look, my wond'ring eyes Unnumber'd blessings see; But what is life, with all its bliss. If once compared to Thee? 4 When nature faints, around my bed Let Thy bright glories shine ; And death shall all his terrors lose In raptures so divine. 1 God, my supporter and my hope, My help for ever near. Thine arm of mercy holds me up. And saves me from despair. 2 Thy counsels. Lord, shall guide my feet Through this dark wilderness ; Thy hand conduct me near Thy seat, To dwell before Thy face. 3 Were I in heaven without my God, 'Twould be no joy to me, And while this earth is my abode, I long for none but Thee. 4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint? God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of ev'ry saint. 333 i- ¥r ^? iffl? CHHISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. AMSTERDAM. 7s, 6s. D. 1 I P J. NARES. -In—- ^^SbMl _«5?:_fL t=]p. ■«■-<- * -#1 4. J^ A Fg^r^giir — ^ — f »i ^ $- j^t ^^^fefe^^il'iiSl _^_4__^iL* :i fifip pi^ 40V 1 Rise, my scjul ! and stretch th\' wlnfrs, Thy Ijcttcr portion trace; Rise from transitory ttiitig.s Toward heaven, thy native place : Sun and moon, and stars decay, Time sliali soon this earth remove; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepared ahove. 2 Rivers to tlie ocean run, Nor stay in all their course ; Fire a.scendinj? seekjs the sun,— liotl) sj)ce(l them to tlieir source: So .1 sonl that's hori\ of Ood, Pants to view His glorious face. Ul)ward tends to His nhode, To rest in His embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims! cense t r> #-L«s? #-L^ 1.^ — ^ — ^_j ^ 1^^^ ^ — 1 _^__Li .-^O^^ill -il-Z f=-T ^^^m^m 1 What thousands never knew the road ! What thousands hate it when 'tis known ! None but the uj)right and sincere Will seek or choose it for their own, 2 A thousand ways in ruin end, One only leads to joys on high ; By that my willing steps ascend, ricuscd with a journey to tho sky. 3 No more I ask, or hope to find Delight or happiness below ; Sorrow may well i)()s»ess the mind rPTow. That feeds wiierc throns and thistles ■i The joy that fades is not for me, I seek immortal joys above; There glory, w'tliout" end. shall be The bright reward of faith and love. 340 a^aiirnmg mm |m. -3sss€- ESHTEMOA. 7s. T. B. MASON. J. God of mercy! God of grace! Hear our penitential songs; Oh. restore Thy suppliant race. Thou to whom our praise belongs I 'I Deep regret for follies past, Talents wasted, time misspent; Hearts debased by worldly cares. Thankless for the blessinsrs lent: Foolish fears and fond desires; Vain regrets for things as vain ; Lips too seldom taught to praise, Oft to murmur and complain ; These, and ev'ry secret fault. Fiird with grief and shame, we own Humbled at Thy feet we lie, Seeking pardon from Thy throne. FARRANT. C. M. W. H. HAVERGAL. pHEJ^ES^EFg 4=±& 1 With tears of anguish I lament, Here at Thy feet, my God, My passion, pride, and discontent, And vile ingratitude. 2 Sure there was ne''er a heart so base. So false as mine lias been : So faithless to its promises, So prone to every sin ! How long, dear Saviour, shall I feel These stragglings in my breast? When wilt Thou i3ow my stubborn will, And give my conscience rest ? [charm. Break, sovereign Grace, oh, break the And set the captive free : Reveal, Almighty God, Thine arm, And haste to rescue me. 341 CHKISTIAN LlKt; AM) KXl'liKIKNCE. BINGHAM. CM W. B. BRADBURY 4L20 ll(j\v oft, alas! tliis wretched heart lias wander' d from the Lord ! How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of His word ! Yet sovereign mercy calls, "Return:" Dear Lord, and may I come? My vile ingratitude 1 mourn ; Oh. take the wanderer home. And canst Thou, wilt Thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove? And shall a pardon'd rel)el live To speak Thy wi)ndr(>us love? Almighty grace, Thy healing i>ower How glorious, how divine! That can to bliss and life restore So vile a heart as mine. Thy pard'ning love, so free, so sweet Dear Saviour, I adore; Oh, keep me at Thy sacreci feet, And let me rove no more. STATE STREET. S. M. J. C. WOODMAN. -1 1 4ax 1 Thou Lord of all above. And all below the skv, Before Thy feet I prostrate fall, And for Thy mercy cry. 2 Forgiv(; my follies past, ' 'i'hc crimes which I liavedone- ()\\, bid a contrit(; sinner live, Throngh 'i'hin<* incarnate Son ! 3 (Juilt. like a heavy load. ri>on my conscience lies; To Thee I make my sorrows known, And lift my W(H^i)ing eyes. The burden which I fi-el. Thou oidy canst rtMuove ; Display, () Lord, Thy nardMiing grace. And Thine unbounded love. ()n(> gracious look of Thino Will case my troubled breast; Oil, let me know my sins forgiven. And I shall then be blest. 342 MOURNING OVER SIN. HURSLEY. L. M. F. J. HAVDN. 422 1 Poor, weak, and worthless thougli I am, I have a rich alniiglitv friend ; Jesus, the Saviour, is His name, He freely loves, and without end. 2 He ransom'd me from hell with hlood, And, by His power, my foes controll'd ; He found me wand'ring far from God, And brought me to His chosen fold. 3 But, ah ! my inmost spirit mourns ; And well my eyes with tears may swim, To think of my perverse returns ; I've been a faithless friend to Him. 4 Often ni}^ gracious Friend I grieve, Neglect, distrust, and disobey; And often Satan's lies believe Rather than all my Friend can say. 5 Sure, were I not most vile and base,' I could not thus my Friend requite! And were not He the God of grace. He'd frown and spurn me from His sight. SWANWICK. c. M. I n r.. Bgli^liiii^i 423 1 My hope, my portion, and my God, How little art Thou known By all the judgments of Thy rod, And blessings of Thy throne! 2 How cold and feeble is my love ! How negligent my fear! How low my hojie of joys above! How few affections there ! Great God ! Thy gracious aid impart To give Thy word success ; "Write Thy salvation in my lieart, That I may learn Thy grace. Show my forgetful feet the way That leads to joys on high : There knowledge grows without decay And love shall never die. 343 Jlallauiing anb '^mliniing 6^ri${. -Ssss^- ELLESDIE. 8s, 7s. D. j. c. w. a. mozart. N ,^ I itf^^.^-— ^ — i^.^ — ^ I -^=— r-. I ; I— :== -A— I- gSN :fe:^3EE •»- -0- •0- ^ ^ S3^SEi--ii 1 r -•--* * 1 r H 1 I ^ i 5^<* — *- ^ -=x^ mm 5^t; -#-s — m—i -3 « J-^d-^— ' ^_^yrj= A-J'^L^- #-- — « — #- ^ — ^ -iC I J ■#-••#• ^ ■#. ^ • ^ -^V Fixe. ^ I V=-^» •- ^t=t :«=*=n r— ^ i^s3=M ^ssiiii^si^i^^l pi,^^^^^^ .^ L f t:=4: igE^gg^EggEg^gj 424 1 Jesus. I my cross have taken, All to leave ami follow Thee ; Naked, poor, despiserl, forsaken. Thou, from hence. n)y all shalt he: Perish every fond ainhition. All I've soui^ht, or hoped, or known Yet how rich is my condition I God and heaven are still niv own. 3 Man may trouhle and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast; Life with trials hard may press me. Heaven will brinpr me sweeter rest. Oh ! 'tis not in grief to harm me, While Thy love is lefl to me; Oil ! 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmix'd with Thee. 2 Let the world d«»spise and leave me, Thcv have left my Saviour, too ; Human hearts and loolcs deceive me; Thou art not, like them, untrue: And while Thou shalt snnlc upf>n me, (i(ni of wisdom, love, anr" mii^ht, Ff)es may hate. an o'er sill, and fear, and care; Joy to find, in every station. Something still to do or bear: Think what Spirit dwells within thee! What a Father's smile is thine ! What a Saviour died to win thee! Child of heaven, shouldst thou repined 344 FOLLOWING CHRIST. DARLEY. L. M. N N s -g^zH^zrf-i: \V. H. W. DAKLEY. -,^=f^^^^r^L^\^^-^± l=EEEEfil^^3^lEE^ H M-d-\-^ 1 ! *~\ — ' —' 1 ' 1- #+* * ^-1-1 * % ^-^« # »— 1^-'=* ^1 ^ ^-^- *-^# J^ 425 1 Jesns. rny all, to heaven is gone, He whom I hx my hopes upon ; His track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow wav, till Him I view, 2 The way the holy prophets went. The road that leads from banishment The King's higliway of holiness, I'll go ; for all His paths are peace. 3 This is the way I long have sousht. And mourn'd because I found it not; ^ly grief and burden long has been, That I was not released from sin. 4 The more I strove against its power. I sinn'd and stumbled but the more; Till late I heard my Saviour say, "Come hither, soul ; I am the way." Lo, glad I come, and Thou, dear Lamb, Shalt take me to Thee as I am : Nothing out sin T Thee can give, Nothing but love do I receive. 345 UIKISTIAN Llli; AND EXl'EltlENCE. MONSON. CM. S. R. BROWK. wM^^ ^-f^yiy-i I I ii it I J I J 11 I ^ _. ! ' L I I mMM^k^m^^mM I I •^26 1 Our country is Imnianuers ground, We seek that pnnnised soil : The songs of Zion cheer our liearts, While strantiers here we toil. 2 Oft do our eyes with joy o'erflow, And oft are hathed in tears; Yet nought but heaven our ho])es can raise, And nouyrht but sin our fears. 3 We tread the path our Master trod ; We bear the cross lie bore ; And ev'ry thorn that wounds our feet, His tenjj)les pierced before. 4 Our powers are oft dissolved away In ecstasies of love; And while our bodies wander here Our souls are lix'd above. 346 FOLLOWING CHRIST. DARLEY. L. M. W. H. W. DARLEY. ^m^ -V — V --;^— i^ ^-5— F pz=rc:zrif:i=r-: y ^ I 3EE^* .^^^ _^_ ■.d=.i-tzi: m^^. eee; -'> — i^- ^n rcrt:: r^ -I ^_j_L^ 1 1 — m — ^_ — J— I — L| — I — L. — ' — j-k# --\ — \ — ^-H ^ JJICS a ^—^'^^ i^^l *^-^| ^L ,_t:^ 33 p^^^^ ■^—*f-^- - i \ — , I— gsi 1 When Jesiis dwelt in mortal clay, What were His works from day to da}'', But miracles of power and grace, Which spread salvation through our race? 2 Teach us, 0 Lord, to keep in view Thy pattern, and Thy steps pursuer Let alms bestow'd, let kindness done, Be witness'd bv each rolling sun. 3 That man may last, but never lives. Who much receives, but nothing gives; Whom none can love, whom none can thank, Creation's blot, creation's blank. 4 But he who marks from day to day hi gpu'rotis acts his radiant way. Treads the same path the Saviour trod, The path to glory and to God. 347 O^rislimi ^tlimii|. -Ssssg- BOYLSTON. S. M, J- L. MASON. pjiii^ I2g: -^- 2-3P- ^ ^ 3E IZ^- ^E^E^EE '^28 1 A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify ; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. 2 To serve the present age. My calling to fulfil ; Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live ; And oh ! Thy servant. Lord, prepare, A strict account to give. 4 Help nic to watch and pray, Anil on Thyself rely. Assured, if I my trust hetray, I shall for ever die. SPARTA. C. M, \j \j V \ -fs — A- =zcz:ti~H^=^: V — \J- -Xr- %E$ ■«■ #. 4L ^ 3E ^ I r— [=::f^ H#— f^^ ^^29 1 My drowsy powers, wl»y sleep ye so? Awake my sluggish soul! Nothing has li:df thy work to do. Yet nothing's half so dull. 2 We, for whose sake all nature stands, And stars their cf)urses move; We, for whose guard the angel bands Come flying from above; r We, for whom dod the Son came down, And hihor'd for our good. How careless to secure that crown lie ])urchased with His blood. Lord, shall we lie so sluggish still. And never act our parts? Come, holy Dove, from th' heavenly hill, Renew and warm our hearts. 348 CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY. CADDO. C. M. W. B. BRADBURY. Ut. =g:|2::±:^iiicp-.=rp:^=jcbU U=±p---.bp=bp [J | p^^^i ^* J^^'=fcJ=p@L4^ g^^ ?EB il^^il 1 Fountain of good, to own Thy love Our thankful hearts incline; What can we render, Lord, to Thee, "When all the worlds are Thine? 2 But Thou hast needy hrethren here, Partakers of Thy grace, Whose names Thou wilt Thyself confess Before the Father's face. 3 And in their accents of distress Thy j)leading voice is heard ; In them Thou may'st be clothed, and fed. And visited, and cheer'd. 4 Thy face with reverence and with love We in Thy poor would see ; Oh, may we minister to them. And in them, Lord, to Thee, 349 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. DARLEY. L. M. w. h w darlev I I \^ ^ I v^y- 1 ai-#-~^ 1 1 — ^~\ — I — ^1 — |-i ^— f — h — - — #--* — I — '^^ H W ^ f^nr« — ^ — ^— ^-^* p-i "^ -^1 *-^ *^* -*-* ^^ ■*— ^-V X ^ ^ -«- 1 f ^.e t=t ^S 43X 1 Go, labor on ; your liands arc weak. Your knees are faint, your soul cast down Yet falter not ; the prize you seek Is near, — a kinjjjdoni and a crown ! 2 Go. labor on. while it is day ; The world's dark nitrht is hastening on: Speed, speed rhy work,— cast sloth away ! For thus it is that souls are won. 3 Men die in darkness at your side. Without a hope to cheer the tomb : Take uj) the torch and wave it wide— The torch that light's time's thickest gloom. 4 Toil on.— faint not.— keej) watch and pray lie wise the erring soul to win ; (io forth itito the world's highway ; Compel the wanderer to come in. 350 CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY. LISBON. S. M. D. READ. A 1- i=d=fc=-j mm^tm -] \r 4—^ =&=!=£ =t=t: iii -^32 1 Sow in the morn thy seed ; At eve hold not thy hand ; To doubt and fear give thou no heed ; Broadcast it* o'er the land ! 2 Beside all waters sow, The highway furrows stock, Drop it where thorns and thistles grow, Scatter it on the rock. 3 The good, the fruitful ground Expect not here nor there ; O'er hill and dale alike 'tis found ; Go forth, then, everywhere. 4 And duly shall appear, In verdure, beauty, strength, The tender blade, the stalk, the ear, And the full corn at length. 6 Thou canst not toil in vain ; Cold, heat, the moist and dry, Shall foster and mature the grain For garners in the sky. 6 Then, when the glorious end, The day of God shall come, The angel-reapers shall descend. And heaven sins, '* Harvest home ! CUVIER, 8s, 7s. u -^33 1 He that goeth forth with weeping, Bearing precious seed in love, Never tiring, never sleeping, Findeth mercy from above. 2 Soft descend the dews of heaven, Bright therrays celestial shine; Precious fruits will thus be given, Throuiih an influence all divine. 3 Sow thj^ seed, be never weary, Let no fears thy soul annoy ; Be the prospect ne'er so dreary, Thou shalt reap the fruits of joy. 4 Lo, the scene of verdure bright'ning! See the rising grain appear; Look again I the fields are whit'ning. For the harvest-time is near. 351 Sammuiuaii xi| ^mnl$. -SSSS:&- DENNIS. S. M. H. C. NAECELI. 9_± "T^ §m^ EE^sgilJ nl ^ I- ^P-^ r i -•— » 434 1 IJU'st be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian h)ve: The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent i)rayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear ; f=^ m]\ BOARDMAN. CM. And often for each other flows The sympathizinj; tear. 4 When we asunder part. It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be join'd in heart, And h(jpe to meet again. 5 From sorrow, toil, and pain. And sin, we shall l)e free ; And perfect love and friendship reigii Through all eternity. DEVERErX. J — tS E I .1 .1 mm] 43S 1 Let saints below in concert sin<» With those to glory gone: For all the servants of our King, In earth, and heaven, are one. 2 One family — we dwell in liim — One church alxive, beneath. Though now divided by the stream — The narrow stream of death. : 3 One army of the living (iod. To His command we bow ; Tart of the host have cross'd the flood. And part are crossing now. 352 E'en now to their eternal homo Home hai)py spirits fly; And we arc to the margin come. And soon expect to die. E'en now. by faith, we join our bands ^Vith those that went beftire, And greet the ransom'd blessed bamls rj>on tir eternal shore. Lord .Tesns ! be our constant gtiide ; And when tlie word is jiiven, r>id deatlTs cold flood its waves divide. And land us safe in heaven. COMMUNION OF SAINTS. WATCHMAN. S. M. J. LEACH. =,.±qz4^1 -J- ^Pg^LiiliSil -2^ H«— *- 42. ^ m^^-^^. — E-p^-=P^3;p^Szl=p_;_ r?-|; i|S: .^- i j:!5-^. §^. 2:^ i-^Ep^^ I ♦ I f= S 1 For all Thy saints, 0 Lord, Who strove in Thee to live. Who follow'd Thee, obey'd, adored, Our grateful hymn receive. 2 For all Thy saints, 0 Lord, Accept our thankful cry, Who counted Thee their great reward, And strove in Thee to die. 3 They all, in life or death, With Thee, their Lord, in view. Learn 'd from Thy Holy Spirit's breath To suffer and to do. 4 For this. Thy Name we bless, And humbly pray that we May follow them in holiness, And live and die in Thee. ESHTEMOA. T. B. MASON. 43*7 For us a season call'd to part, Let us now ourselves commend To the gracious eye and heart Of our ever-present Friend. 2 Jesus, hear our humble prayer ! Tender Shepherd of Tliy sheep, Let Thy mercy and Thy care All our souls in safety keep. 23 3 In Thy strength may we be strong, Sweeten ev'ry cross and pain ; Give us, if we live, ere long In Thy peace to meet again. 4 Then, if Thou Thy help afford, Ebenezers shall be rear'd ; And our souls shall praise the Lord Who our poor petitions heard. 353 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. SEIR. S. M. ■A-: ^E^ Ji-J f *:_*• II Mill' — I m pts^-8V^^^M3>^ -r :i-_l L. -.tziMi 1^ I I I ^ . -(^ • 1 — ^ --•■ 488 1 Lo, what a pleasing sight Are brethren that agree ! How blest are all whose hearts unite In bonds of piety. 2 From those celestial springs. Such streams of comfort flow, As no increase of riches brings, Nor honors can bestow. 3 All in their stations move, And each })erforms his part, In all the cares of life and love. With sympathizing heart, 4 Form'd for the purest joys. By one desire possest, One aim the zeal of all employs. To make each other blest. 5 No bliss can equal theirs, Whore such afToctions meet; While praise devout, and mingled prayers Make their communion sweet. 6 'Tis the same pleasure fills The breast in worlds above. Where joy, like morning-dew, distils, And all the air is love. 354 pa$$0bns$$ of Up \xt^\{mm. -$sss©- ii ^— ffi HENRY. CM. S. B. POND. -» « «rxz^ 430 1 Blest are the undefiled in heart. Whose ways are riglit and clean, Who never from Thy law depart, But fly from ev'ry sin. 2 Blest are the men that keep Thy word, And practise Thy commands ; With their whole heart they seek the Lord And serve Thee with their hands. 3 Great is their peace who love Thy law How firm their souls abide ! Nor can a bold temptation draw Their steady feet aside. 4 Then shall my heart have inward joy And keep my face from shan\e, When all Thy statutes I obey, And honor all Thy name/ 355 CHKISTIAK LIFE AXD EXPEKIEXCE. TUCKER. S. M, -^U — ^ 0^ ?^#- % -f-^^^ -S -#=Lg — 5iL«_#_zT^5_n5 — L#=,.5 ii^l^i^^iipsgipria 440 The man is ever blest. Who shuns the sinners' ways, Amongst their councils never stands, Nor takes the ."^corner's j»lace : But makes the hiw of God His study and deli};;ht, Amidst the hibors of the day And \vatcl)es of tlie nij^lit. He like a tree shall thrive With waters near the root; Fresh as the leaf, his name .shall live, His works are heavenly fruit. ' LAKE ENON Xot so th' ungodly race, They no such hiessin}:.s find ; Their hopes shall tlee like empty chafT Before the driving wind. How will they bear to stand Before the judgment-seat, Where all the saints at Christ's right hand In full assembly meet? He knows and He ai)i>rovcs The way the righteous go : But sinners and their works shall meet A dreadful overthrow. S. M. 1. B. WOODBURY. §=i m^mi ^^m^^^ f=f 1 What cheering words are these? Their swe<'tness who can tell? In time and to eternity, 'Tis with the righteous well. 2 In ev'ry state secure. Kept by .lehovali's eye, I 'Tis well "with them while life endures, ' And well when rall'd to die. I 3 'Tis well wlien joys arise, ( 'Tis well when s«)rrows flow ; 'Tis well when darkness veils the skies. And strong temptations blow. 350 'Tis well when on the mount They fejist on dying love; And 'tis as well, in (tod's account. When they tlie furnace prove. 'Tis well when at His tliroiu' They wrestle, weep, and pray : 'Tis well when at His feet they groan, Yet bring their wants away. 'Tis well wlien .Jesus calls : " l'>om earth and siti, arise, .loin with the hosts of virgin souls. Made to salvation wise ! '' i 4-^ BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS. COVENTRY. CM. English melody. -z^ 1 Oh, happy soul that lives on high, While men lie grov'ling here. His hopes are fix'd above the skj^ And faith forbids his fear. 2 His conscience knows no secret stings, Wlule grace and joy combine To form a life whose holy springs Are hidden and divine. 3 He waits in secret on his God: His God in secret sees : Let earth be all in arms abroad. He dwells in heavenly peace. His pleasures rise from things unseen, Beyond this world and time. Where neither eyes nor ears liave been, Xor thoughts of mortals climb. He looks to heaven's eternal hill. To meet that glorious day When Christ His i)romise shall fulfil And call his soul awav. GREENWOOD. S. M. J. E. SWEETSER. Beloved, '" It is well I " God's ways are always right ; And perfect love is o'er them all, Though far above our sight. Beloved, " It is well ! " Though deep and sore the smart, The hand that wounds knows how to bind And heal the broken heart. Beloved, " It is well ! " Though sorrow clouds our way. 'Twill only make the joy more dear That ushers in the day. Beloved, '' It is well! " The path that Jesus trod. Though rough and strait and dark it be. Leads horue to heaven and God. 357 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. IONIA. 7s. J. W. BELCHER. e^^i T-' r- ! ^ I J I ' r-- -I hH^g I 4.^^ 1 Children of the lieavenly King^, As ye journey, sweetly sing; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in His works and ways. 2 Ye are travling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 3 O ye banish'd seed, be glad ! Christ our advocate is made : BRADEN Us to save, our flesh assumes — Brother to our souls becomes. 4 Shout, ye little flock, and blest; You on Jesus' throne shall rest:— There your seat is now prej)ared ; There your kingdom and reward. 5 Lord, submissive make us go, (Jladly leaving all bek)W ; Only Thou our leader be. And we still will follow Thee. W. B. BRADBURY. 1 My Father! cheering name I Oh, may I call Tliee mine! Give me with humble hope to claim A portion so divine. 2 This can my fears control. And bid my sfirrows fly; What real harm can rend) my sonl Iit»neath my I-'atlicr's eye? 3 Whaf«''er Thy will denies, I calmly would resign ; For Thou art just, and good, and Wi Oh, bend my will to Thine! 4 Whate'crThy will ordains, ( )h. give me strength to bear ; Still let me know a Father reigns, And trust a Father's care. 5 Tliy ways arc little known To my weak, erring sight ; Yet shall my soul, believing, own That all Thy ways are right. 358 i BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS. STATE STREET. S. M. J. C. WOODMAN. ^- — s of the skies .loin in my glorious Leader's i)raise. 364 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. DURING. CM. E^ S — ^ — ' n m^^m p I 456 1 Am I a soldier of the cross, A foU'wer of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flow'ry beds of ease? While others fought to win the prize, And sail'd through bloody seas. 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain. Supported by Thy word. 6 Thy saints, in all this glorious war, Shall conquer, though they die ; They see the triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise. And all Thine armies shine In robes of vict'ry througli the skies, The glory shall be Thine. ARLINGTON ^ 1: C. M T. A. ARXE. ji3::-l=I^S§ 133; Pl^ IJrl ^ i ^2. W fc_td -cd ^ — ^ — i^-vA-. — ^-j-r-i I ! -I— < 1- M. jS^ 5EREE &:=:t=t=-: F f=F 366 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. LABAN. S. M. L. MASON. 4S"7 1 My soul, be on thy guard ; Ten thousand foes arise ; The liosts of sin are pressing hard To draw Thee from the skies. 2 Oh, watcli, and fight, and pray; The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly ev'ry day, And help divine implore. Ne'er think the vict'ry won, Nor lay thine armor down ; Thine arduous work will not be done Till thou obtain thy crown. Fight on, my soul, till death iShall bring thee to thy God ; He'll take thee, at thy parting breath, To His divine abode. 0- ■^ ST. THOMAS. S. M "^ 1—1-.- -^m^f^^m W. TANSUR. Pi?3=T=^p ^^=^ rr s 9iJ3 23 l^^i^ P ^=rh=4 ^^ ■zJ- fe4:d^ P^grii^:^^ip3 iS: g^s -^ -^ 4^t^ j^ 1 — r ?=p .tzzriH-Tifz:: r i^ 458 1 E(jnip me for the war. And teacli my hands to fight; My simj)]e, ui)right heart prepare, And guide my words aright. 2 Control my ev'ry thought; And all my sins remove; Let all my works in Thee bo wrought. Let all \ic wrought in love. 3 Oh, arm me with the mind. Meek Lamb, that was in Thee! f- And let cnlighten'd zeal be jom'd With i)erfect charity. Oh, may I love like Thee ! In all Thy footsteps tread ; Thou hatcs't all inicjuity, But nothing Thou hast made. Oh, may I learn the art, With meekness to reprove ! And hate the sin with all my lieart, But still the sinner love. 366 JpiriluHl |)0^l0n$ian. ■5sss«:- LYDIA. C. M, .>=^-=H I I I #-#-r5— r 1 — h— I V 1 rT-t-#-^-H-,-^ f-S-r* — ^ PH-r-p — T-T II ^=:^-l^^^AlL^:-^i _# ^ -^- ^^ ■♦J ^ 'iSO 1 Sweet was the time when first I felt The Saviour's pard'ning blood Applied to cleanse my soul from guilt, And bring me home to God. 2 Soon as the morn the light reveal'd, His praises tuned my tongue ; And, w^hen the evening shades prevail'd, His love was all my song. 3 In prayer, my soul drew near the Lord, And saw His glory shine ; And, when I read His holy word, I call'd each promise mine. 4 Now when the evening shade prevails, My soul in darkness mourns ; And when the morn the light reveals. No light to me returns. 5 Now Satan threatens to prevail. And make my soul his prey ; « Yet, Lord, Thy mercies cannot fail, Oh, come without delav I 367 CHKISTIAX LIFE AND EXPEPJENCE. WARNER. L. M. o. kincsi.ey. J 1_--^ 1 ^-^-. ^^ i-r-H U.-l^ EiSP^ii^^g p V n -£^ ^ 45u ♦ ^^1^ ^ -«2. A ♦.-.^ ♦ g^P:g=33 400 1 Stay, Tlnm insulted Spirit, stay, ^Though 1 have done Tliee 5>uch despite; Nor cast the sinner (luite away, Nor take Thine everlasting Hight. 2 Though I have steel'd my stuhhorn heart. Oft shaken oft' my guilty fears. And vex'd and urged Thee to depart, For many long rehellious years ; 3 Though 1 have most unfaithful heen Of all who e'er Thy grace received, Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved ; 4 Yet, oh, the chief of sinners spare In honor of my great High-Priest; Nor in Thy righteous anger swear T' exclude me from Thy people's rest. 6 This only woe I deprecate, This only })lague I pray remove, Nor leave me in my lost estate, Nor curse me with this want of love. 6 E'en now my weary soul release, Ui">raise mc with Thy gracious hand, And guide into Thy perfect peace. And hring me to the promised land. GERMANY. L. M L. BEETHOVEN, I- I ill -^9 — f-- ^■?^^ ~^Mm: 1 O Lord, and shall our fainting souls Thy just displeasure ever mourn? Thy Spirit grieved, and long withdrawn, Will He no more to us retiirn? 2 Great Sf»urre of light and peace, return. Nor let ub nxourn and sigli in vain ; Come, repossess our longing hearts With all the graces of Thy train. 3 This temple, hallow'd hy Thy hand. Once more he with Thy presence hlest Here he Thy grace anew ook sot down ; Sweet to look forward and behold Eternal joys my own. 370 4 Sweet to reflect how grace divine My sins on Josns laid ; Sweet to remember that His blood My debt of suir'ring \\\n\. 5 Sweet in His righteousness to stand, Which saves from swond death ; Sweet to experience, day by day, His Spirit's qnick'ning breath. G If such the sweetness of the streams, What must the fountain be. Whore saints and angels draw their bli Immediately from Thee! J^nlicipnliait of |)^^1^* -@sss:e- TAPPAN. C. M. G. KINGSLEY. rg-^t:^^ 1 j — ^ — 1 ■■ 1 "TT" — n i- ^^ 1*" 0—^ 1 1 # -0- -J-L-i: 1 r "T~ ^^f*-^ =^ Ff=^ — 0 — — 0—r-^- — 1 \ — 3^r= -»- — r. L-z^zizz:: — p— ■H^ =qiH:7^ ^ L_ 1 ^¥-1 ^m^^i^m iifit^- u ^^i -(a- t5== =fel^^^ J:=t^ * r m "J: i^l 465 There is a house not made with hands, Eternal and on high ; And here niv spirit waiting stands, Till God shall bid it flv. 2 Shortly this prison of my clay Must be dissolved and "fall, ' Then, 0 my soul, with joy obey Thy Heavenly Father's call. ' 'Tis He, by His almighty grace, That forms thee fit for heaven, And as an earnest of the place, Has His own Spirit given. We walk by faith of joys to come, Faith lives upon His word ; But while the body is our home, We're absent from the Lord. 371 CHUISTIAN LIKE AND EXPERIENCE. GREENWOOD. S. M. s- e sweetser. | i5B=b^&: g gzzzjt; il^zl -# # »— r-^ #'— r-^ it # g i==iiEl n^^m\ W "f" M-r-^ m-r-^ ' — -ig I ^-p"^ #-rV- :=: JL ^. ii^^lg«l^p|li^l^^l 460 1 It is not death to die, — To leave this weary road, And 'mid the brotiierliood on high, To be at home with God. 2 It is not death to close The eye long dimm'd by tears, And wake in glorious repose To spend eternal years. 3 It is not death to bear Tlie wrench that sets us free From dungeon chain, to breathe the air Of boundless liberty. 4 It is not death to fling Aside the sinful dust, And rise, on strong, exulting wing, To live among tl>e just. 5 Jesus, thou Prince of life! Thy chosen (;annot die; Like Thee, they con(]uer in the strife, To reign with Thee on high. 372 ANTICIPATION OF DEATH. POMEROY. 7s, 6s. Peculiar, ganzbach ^^^^^mm 1 No, no, it is not (iyinp;, To go unto our God ; This gloomy earth forsaking, Our journey homeward taking Along the starry road. 2 No, no, it is not dying, Heaven's citizen to be; A crown immortal wearing, And rest unbroken sharing, From care and conflict free. 3 No, no, it is not dying. The Shepherd's Voice to know ; HOME His sheep He ever leadeth, His peaceful flock He feedeth, Where living pastures grow. No, no, it is not dying To wear a heavenly crown ; Among God's people dwelling, The glorious triumph swelling Of Him whose sway we own. Oh, no, this is not dying. Thou Saviour of mankind ! There streams of love are flowing, No hindrance ever knowing; Here only drops we find. L. O. EMERSON. S. M I ^r g^l g ■^ ^ ^i«: i ^EEiEEi^Ei^l i^i.- tEEs^ :^ * £: ± * * * L pi -^68 1 One sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er: I'm nearer to my home to-day Than e'er I've been before: 2 Nearer my Father's house. Where many mansions be. Nearer the throne where Jesus reigns, Nearer the crystal sea. Nearer the bound of life Where burdens are laid down, Nearer leaving the cross of grief, Nearer gaining the crown. 4 But lying dark between, And winding through the night. Flows on the deep and unknown stream, That leads me to the light. 5 Jesus, perfect my trust. Strengthen my hand of faith. And be Thou near me when I stand Upon the shore of death. 373 CUKISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. TAPPAN. C. M. G. KINGSLEY. ^=i -±- I ) |— fg^* • 0 # — r --- — f »" #" ^- T -f i i3-??-' — »- ^ #-€-^ - I-' — ==' --i i ^Ngi=^ -J r-j ,-,i- iS^^^iij^rtizg^^iii Pr=F 1 'Tis sweet to rest in lively hope, That when my cliange shall come, Anf^els will liovcr round my hed. And waft my spirit home! 2 There shall my disimprison'd soul Behold Ilim and adore; Be with his likeness satisfied. And grieve and sin no more : 3 Shall see Ilim wear that very flesh On which my guilt was laiti ; Ilis love intense. His merit fresh, As though hut newly slain. 4 Soon, too, my slumh'ring dust shall hear The trumpet's quick'ning sound ; And, hy my Saviour's power rehuilt, At Ilia right hand he found. 5 These eyes shall see Him in that day, The (Jod that died for me! And all my rising hones shall say, Lord, who is like to Thee ! If such the views which grace unfolds, Weak as it is helow, What raptures must the church ahove. In Jesus' presence know. 374 ANTICIPATION OF DEATH. BERKLEY. 8s. W. G. LUCAS. 1 I I 1^ ' i ' :t3^=^y^^. ^^J^ ■«5r^ ^^^^^3;p:p^^ ^^^*p :^-: -«>- ^ ^if^p -i-zo 1 To Jesus, the crown of my hope, My soul is in haste to be gone ; Oh, bear me, ye cherubim, up, And waft me away to His throne. 2 My Saviour, whom absent I love; Whom not having seen, I adore: Whose name is exalted above All glory, dominion, and power — 3 Dissolve Thou tliese bands that detain My soul from her portion in Thee, Ah ! strike off this adamant chain. And make me eternally free. 4 When that happy era begins. When array' d in Thy glories I shine. Nor grieve any more, by my sins. The bosom on which I recline — 5 Oh, then shall the veil be removed ! And round me Thy brightness be pour'd I shall meet Him whom absent I loved, I shall see Whom unseen I adored. 6 And then, never more shall the fears, The trials, temptations, and woes, Which darken this valley of tears, Intrude on my blissful repose. 376 ^^^: CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. FREDERICK, lis. g. kingsle^. U~U I r ^Ea=zit=i-f; :^ — -J^^^ i 9=9^ :] — r= a=)i: -'i feE5^z± J— j^^ :=z^-^^ ^^^_^,.g tL y_^ jfL p ^— f--, t t -tte ^ fefe-:^k^EM ^Sg »-F-tir-:— » .1- »=3 :=^=^:>^ -J rz=zi}iiti*z J^ ,— I — t—g ^ # — L_^_ fisEIESE* i-^ p— p 4VX 1 I would not live alway : I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o'er tlie way ; The few lurid morniii}j;s that dawn on us here Are (uiough for life's woes, full enough for its cheer. 2 I would tiot live alway, thus fotter'd hy sin ; 'r('m|)tation without and corruption within : E'en the rapture of pardon is mingled witli fears, And the cup of thanksgiving with penitent tears. .S T would not live alway; no — welcome the tomb; aince Jesus Imth lain there, I dread not its gloom: 376 ANTICIPATION OF DEATH. There sweet be my rest, till He bid me arise To hail Him in triuiupli descending the skies. 4 Who, who would live alway, away from his God ; Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode. Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains, And the noontide of glory eternally reigns ? 5 Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet Their Saviour and brethren, transported to greet; While anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. I WOULD NOT LIVE ALWAY. lis. L. O. EMERSON 4 ^ ^ ' ^ ♦ #-^ «- -^- ^- ^ j_j — &_i 1 gi^^^il^^^-g ^-» ^zitziziz: m It V ±^ r^^-* ^^ ^ rv ^ . ^ J- :^ ^ t -V-- r f^^^s=k=f^h^ f :^ i?^ 5s- ^: -» •-# 2^^-^f ^P 3tzzi=:: :tci=8=F=fc==»= ^-r-4 --^-- -l^P # 0 # 0 «#-#- ilp^:^ ♦ AV :i^i f=T-i=^ >— ^ :ti=t ^-41 ^^r=^:^=f w .• =^^::^ f-=^^F^^^ 377 r CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. ZEPHYR. L. M. W R. BRADBURY. m^^^sm'^^^^m^^^ ^^^^^^^m^^w ^ ^5JL' 4L 42. ,(2. jSL -^- -0- -6^' -F- -H^ -f-*- -6*- -i9- -m- -»*- _ I 4"7a I They come, God's mcssenj^crs of love, They come from realms of jieacc above, From homes of iiever-fadiiig lijijht, From blissful mansions ever bright. They come to watch around us here, To soothe our sorrow, calm our fear; And whisper to tlie willing; heart, "O Christian soul, in peace depart." 3 Blest .Tesus, Thou whose groans and tears Have sanctified frail nature's fears, To earth in l)iiter sorrow weigh'd, Thou didst not scorn Thine angels' aid : 4 An angel guard to us supjdy. When on the bed of death we lie: And by Tiiine own almighty power, Oh, shield us in the last dread hour. 378 ANTICIPATION OF DEATH. TYNDAL. CM ^^m^^^^mm^m :t=E=r^^^^ ^ -t.^=-^^_: :«=t J=-^^- ^^ it=:1=pq=P-5s: l.^EJ^i; ga^^ t 1- ^ t=i=\ IT^ ^=W=''- m -i9- E^ ==i=«^ ■^ sa ^■zs 1 There is an hour when I must part From all I hold most dear; And life, with its best hopes, will then As nothingness appear. 2 There is an hour when I must sink Beneath the stroke of death ; And yield to Him who gave it first, My struggling vital breath. 3 There is an hour when I must stand Before the judgment-seat ; And all my sins, and all my foes, In awful vision meet. There is an hour when I must look On one Eternity ; And nameless woe, or blissful life, My endless portion be. 0 Saviour, then in all my need Be near, be near to me ! And let my soul, by steadfast faith, Find life and heaven in Thee. 379 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. SHINING SHORE. P. M. G. F. ROOT. <-F-#-. — «-_'i_r'~E=tz\ 9?J- tr =l=tj=?U-J^t i^^E 4L #. fc :p= pi 1 My days .ire gliding swiftly by, Aii(i I, a pilprim straiifier, Would not detain tlioin as they fly, Tliose hours of toil and danger; For now we stand on Jordan's strand ; Our friends are passinu' over; And, just before, the shininjj: shore We may almost discover. 2 Our absent Kinp the watchword pave, " Let every lamp he l>urning; " We look afar across the wave. Our flistant home discerning. For now, etc. I 8 Should coniinp days be dark and cold, We will not yield to sorrow, For ho])e will sini; with courage bold, I " There's glory on the morrow." For now, etc. 4 Let storms of woe in whirlwinds rise, Each cord on earth to sever, There--bright and joyous in the skies, There — is our home forever : For now, etc. 380 |*pi ANTICIPATION OF DEATH. MEAR. CM. A. WILLIAMS. m^wm^m^m mmmm^^^ii^S^ ^ ^-p:^ m ^- Fi=ii- "IS — — T , — k- ^3E^i^ ^i:^ ^^- -— fT^ll -*- ..&^ ^ 1 .^2. 2-K zbd =f=^ L-U— -f- T -^^P?^f. 1 1 ^ =M^ 4="7S 1 Thee we adore, Eternal Name ! And humbly own to Thee How feeble is our mortal frame, What dying worms are we! 2 Our wasting lives are short'ning still, As months and days increase; And ev'ry beating pulse we tell Leaves but the number less. 3 Great God ! on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things I Th' eternal state of all the dead Upon life's feeble strings. Infinite joy, or endless woe Attends on every breath ; And yet how unconcern 'd we go Upon the brink of death ! Waken, 0 Lord, our drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road! And if our souls are hurried hence, Mav thev be found with God. KENTUCKY J. INGALLS. m^msB 4*7© 1 And must this body die? This mortal frame decay? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mould' ring in the clay? 2 God, my Redeemer, lives, And often, from the skies, Looks down and watches all mv dust, Till He shall bid it rise. 3 Array'd in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine, 381 And ev'ry shape, and ev'ry face. Look heavenly and divine. These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love; We would adore His grace below, And sing His power above. Dear Lord, accept the praise Of these our humble songs. Till tunes of nobler sounds we raise With our immortal tongues. CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE. ZEPHYR. L. M. W. B. BRADBURY. ^^m^0^^^^4^^ ^ ^1^ J-L/s. — JJ ^--^ zzT^zzpir^ i ^^fe f=^ 1 Why should we start and fear to die? What tiiu'rous worms we mortals are! Death is tiic gate of eiuUess joy. And yet we dread to enter there. 2 The pains, the groans, and dying strife, Fright our approaching souls away : Still we shrink l)ack again to life, Fond of our prison and our clay. 3 Oh, if my Lord would come and meet. My soul should stretch lier wings in haste, Fly fearless through death's iron gate, Nor feel the terrors as she pass'd. 4 Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are, While on his hreast I lean my head, And breathe my life out sweetlv there. CORINTH. CM L. MASON. ■5'— ^E£^E^^^Et^^=^^P^J .^ ^ ♦ .<2. ^ m^^^^^mmmMim ^m^^^mm^^^ r- 1 I'.eneatl) our fort and o'er our head Is o(iual warning given ; Beneath us lie the countless dead. And far above is heaven. 2 Death rides on ev'ry passing breeze, And lurks in ev'ry flower; Each season has its own disease, Its peril ev'ry hour. 3 Turn, sinner, turn : thy danger know : Where'er thy foot can trend, The earth rings hollow from helow, And warns thee of iier dead. 4 Turn, Christian, turn; thy soul apply To truths wliich hourly tell That tliev who underneath theo lie Shall live in heaven— or bell. 382 ANTICIPATION OF DEATH. HOWARD. CM. ^.'■i^-^ Mrs. CUTHBERT. "When, rising from the bed of death O'erwhelni'd with guilt and fear, I see my ^laker face to face, Oh, liow shall I appear! If yet, while pardon may be found, j 5 And mercy niay be sought, i My heart with inward horror shrinks, ! And trembles at the thought: — When Thou, 0 Lord I shalt stand disclosed 6 In majesty severe. And sit in judgment on my soul, i Oh, how shall I ai)pear ! ' SHAWMUT. 4 But there's forgiveness. Lord, with Thee; Thy nature is benign : Thy pard'ning mercy 1 implore. For mercy, Lord, is Thine. 5 Oh, let Thy boundless mercy shine On my benighted soul I Correct my passions, mend my heart, And all my fears control. And may I taste Thy richer grace, In that decisive hour. When Christ to judgment shall descend And time shall be no more. S. M. L. MASON. ^QO Oh. where shall rest be found, Rest for the weary soul ? 'Twere vain the ocean's depths to sound. Or pierce 1o either pole. The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh : 'Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. Beyond this vale of tears There is a life above. Unmeasured by the flight of years — And all that life is love. 383 4 There is a death whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath : Oh, what eternal horrors hang Around the second death ! 5 Lord God of truth and grace! Teach us that death to shun : Lest we be driven from Thy face, And evermore undone. 6 Here would we end our quest; Alone are found in Thee The life of f)erfect love, the rest Of immortality. J$nu 0r ^riumpl^ in Jl^nil^. -Sssss- 1 ST. EDMONDS. L. M F. J. HAVDX, ^N*n ko-msmm^mmi I ±1 ^ m--^ m ^-- t=t=t ^=t iJ.. mi ^ — ^ Jl.-. i ^^m 4B1 1 How blest the rip^liteons when he dies! When sinks a weary soul to rest! How ujiUily beam the elosing eyes! How gently heaves. th' expiring breast! 2 So f^des a summer cloud away ; So sinks the pale when storms are o'er; So gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies a wave along the shore. 3 A holy quiet reigns around, A calm which life nor death destroys ; And nonght disturbs that peace profound Which his unfettor'd soul enjoys. 4 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears, Where lights and shades alternate dwell ; How liright th' unchanging morn a]>|)earsl Farewell, inconstant world, farewell ! 5 Life's labor done, as sinks the clay, Light from its load the spirit flics, "While heaven and earth combine to say, " How blesst therightcous wlien hedies!' 384 PEACE OK TRIUMPH IN DEATH. WAKEMAN. 7s. M. C. THAYER. ^ m iig^^i .1^ 4es 1 Palms of glory, rairaent bright, Crowns that never fade away, Gird and deck the saints in light; Priests, and kings, and conquerors, they. 2 Yet the conquerors bring their palms To the Lamb amid the tlirone, And proclaim in joyful psalms, Victory through JEIis cross alone. 3 Kings for harps their crowns resign, Crying, as they strike the chords — " Take the kingdom ; it is Thine, King of kings, and Lord of lords." 4 Round the altar, priests confess, If their robes are white as snow, 'Twas their Saviour's righteousness. And Kis blood that made them so. 25 385 SPECIAL OCCASIONS, ll^a "l^r^rannnliDtt* -SSSS©- LUTHER. S. M, T. HASTINGS. 3^^S: ^ fe^ I ♦ II I I I y,r r r l^^p^^^Si^^i^^ii ••• s>- iteS3 ^-^- |gS ^f^\ 483 1 Great is the Lord our Ood, And let His praise be great; He niake.s the church His own abode, His most delightful seat. 2 In Zion Ood is known, A rcfiif^o in distress : How brigiit has His salvation shone Through all her palaces I 3 When kings against lier join'd. And Buw the Lord was there, In wild confusion of (ho mind, They fled with hasty fear. Oft have our fathers told. Our eyes have often seen, How well our God secures the fold Where His own sheep have been. In ev'ry new distress We'll to His house repair; We'll call to mind His wondrous grace And seek deliverance there. 386 lIlEiiiiii^ ■^-U F THE REFORMATION. ZION. 8s, 7s, 4s. T. HASTINGS. izirzs; ;^p| -^_ • — 0. -^- -#-^ #— ^^S^H -*--■ F=^: :^ :^ d=--i ^ P IS zt -i9- ;^- :t:; ^g=^= -.5^ i y •4=e4 1 Zion stands with hills surrounded — Zion, kept by power divine; All her foes shall be confounded, Though the world in arms combine : Happy Zion, What a favored lot is thine ! 2 In the furnace God may prove thee, Thence to bring thee forth more l^right, But can never cease to love thee ; Thou art precious in His sight : God is with thee — God, thine everlasting light. 387 Sttrn^r-^lDiia Jiai|ing. -(5sss«- FEDERAL STREET. L. IVI H. K. OLIVER. mmtM ■^ ^i^ ^5^?^^^ Se: •i9>- -0- -0- -^ -0- 9-9 EESE £: P^ :!=t: ^Sl^l^^^B -^— #- ^^=^-^=^q=f ^g^g^^j^^^ii 1 Here, in Thy name, eternal God, We build tliis earthly house for Tliee; Oh, choose it for Thy iix'd abode. And guard it from all error free. 2 Here, wlien Thy people seek Thy face, And dying sinners pray to live, Hear Thou in heaven. Thy dwelling-place, And when Thou hearest, Lord, forgive. 3 Here, when Thy messengers proclaim The blessed gospel of Tiiy Son, Still by the i)ower of His great name Be mightv signs and wonders t in (Jod ; Convitu'ed it is a Father smites, And love that guides t!ie rod. Peace be within these sacred walls. Prosperity l)e liere, Still smile upon Thy people, Tjord, And evermore be near. 392 CHURCH DEDICATION. FARLAND. 8s, 7s, 4s. T. HASTINGS. mm^ -» — >5> 0-\ rr-r (2?- a f^ }2=i ^=:it: iT 25H i ti±^=i. nA Mizt ?E£ 12^ -^ ^ i -^ ^ ^- #^=^ -^.-^\ A. §5^i^ l$> # »5? #■ 1^^ ::e ±:: l^t=p: i^^^^^,^^^fe^pi IS; f =t: i^i^ 'a^ox Come Thou now, and be among ns, Lord and Maker, while we i)ray; Let Thy presence fill the temple ' Which we dedicate to-day: And, Thyself its Consecrator, Dwell within its walls alwav. 2 Grant that all Thy faithful people May Thy truer temple be ; Neither flesh, nor soul, nor spirit Know another Lord than Thee; But, to Thee once dexlicated. Serve Thee everlastingly. 3 Here our souls, as Thy true altars, Deign to hallow and to bless, O Thou future Judge of all men. With thy grace and holiness: That Thy gifts, sent down from heaven, We may evermore possess. Praise and honor to the Father Praise and honor to the Son ; Praise and honor to the Spirit, Ever Three and ever One; Consubstantial, coeternal, While unending ages run. 893 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. REGENT SQUARE. 8s, 7s. 6 lines, h. smart. i^S^3^ Irv^- ^^^^ ^^^^^^^S^ 4: -p I ^ J — I- 1 492 1 Christ, Thou art the Snre Foundation, Thou the Head and Corner-stone- Chosen of the Lord, an to reign. Praise and honor to the Father, Praise and honor to thn Son, Praise and honor to the Spirit, Ever Three and ever One; One in might, and one in glory, While eternal ages run. 394 nrnnga. -5::ss:S- DUKE STREET. L. M -^-r4 J. HATTON. ^ — -, — ^- 2_,^l J— fljlilll^ZI^ZC^ ^^""r- ^=5tzit I ^* 1 s^if^^i 1 With grateful hearts and tuneful lays, We bow before th' eternal throne, And offer up our humble praise To Him whose name is God alone. 2 On this auspicious hour draw near. And shed Thy richest blessings down ; Fill ev'ry heart with love sincere. And all Thy faithful mercies crown. 3 Grant now Thy presence, gracious Lord, And hearken to our fervent jirayer ; The nuptial vow in heaven record, And bless the newly married pair. 4 Oh, guide them safe this desert through, 'Mid all the cares of life and love, At length, witli joy. Thy face to view, In fairer, better worlds above. 395 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. WIRTH. CM. W. B. BRADBURY ^ 3_^^_^ 0 0 0 ^ J_L_^_I_^_L_^ 0 0 0 I ^ ^_3 t. ^ mm^ « — T — 0 — 0 — - — #— J— j-?___^ — ^.. ^ ^^94 1 We join to pray, with wishes kind, A blessing;. Lord, from Thee, On those wlio now the hands have twined Which ne'er may broken be. 2 We know that scenes not always briglit Must unto them be given ; But over all ji;ive Thou tlie light Of love, and truth, and heaven. 3 Still hand in hand, their journey through .Joint pilgrims may they go; Mingling tluMrjoys as helpers truo, And sharing everv woe. 4 May each in each still feed the flame (if ])ure and holy love ; In faith and trust and heart the same, The same their home above. 396 lamprnn:^. -Ssss©- LEIGHTON. S. M H. W. GREATOREX. ^11^5!^^ -1r__VL :^ d=^ -i U ^=t l§gE- I I 1^ Itid.- lizdzi^ tE=^ 1 Mourn for the thousands slain, The youtliful and the strong ; Mourn for the wine-cup's fearful reign, And the deluded throng. 2 Mourn for the tarnish'd gem — For reason's light divine, Quench'd from the soul's bright diadem, Where God had bid it shine. 3 Mourn for the lost— but call, Call to the strong, the free; Rouse them to slum that dreadful fall And to the Refuge flee. 4 Mourn for the lost— but pray, Pray to our God above. To break the fell destroyer's sway, And show His saving love. 307 l|i|mn$ hv i^t 'Jtrung- -SSSSS- CHILDREN IN HEAVEN. CM oil . _Jk -K _^ _x W. B. BRADBURY. ^ ^ ,^ r k^-i-r-:^-- — n — n -N — r i — i - —:.- —r -^— *^1— *^-5 :4=^^i IO.JJuft:2- m ! , \j -f- ^ P F ^ r-# # • #— — 1 1 1 1 — L_l J y=s=±4 ^ !• - l^ ^V u^— ^ -— ^ ^ ^ ^ -J — ^_| V ' ^ ^ — y ti IS ^ — ^j— ^M t=t=i.-S=f=.tL -W—i — m 1- r '^ §: =E^-. ^1 r^#T ^ :ii}z: — N— J ^ t^-" V- i • =P — ^ — *— f i=^-H — t- il 7 ' It •? -I 0- p 1* 7 _P . -1;- --*- 1 -^ ft ^- :iJ ...1 . y 7 ±^ — -^ 7 W f i^ — v-^ ::t— |-~ =i ^ 496 1 Around the throne of God in heaven, Tlionsands of children stand, Children who.se sins arc all forgiven, A holy, happy band. Singing glory, glory. (jlory be to (iod on high. 2 In flowing robes of spotless white iSee every one array'd ; Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade, Singing, etc. 3 What brought them to that world above, That heaven ho bri^^iit and fair, Wliere all is peace, and joy, and love;— J low came those children there? Singing, &c. Because the Saviour shed His blood, To wash away their sin ; Bathed in that pure and j)recious flood, ]k'hold them white and clean 1 Singing, Ac. On eartli thev sought the Saviour's grace. On earth tfiey loved Tlis nntne; So now they see His blessed face, And stand before the Lamb, Singing, &c. 398 HYMNS FOR THE YOUNG. DEVIZES. C. M. I. TUCKER. m.^: _-_H 1 J .(S^ -&e. -f^ • I 1 How happy are the young who hear Instruction's warning voice; And who celestial wisdom iiiake Their early, only choice. 2 For she has treasures greater far Than east or west unfold ; And her rewards more precious are Than all their stores of gold. 3 She guides the young with innocence In pleasure's path to tread ; A crown of glory she bestows Upon the aged head. 4 According as her labors rise, So her rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all lier paths are peace. 809 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. SAVIOUR, LIKE A SHEPHERD. 8s, 7s, 4s. ,^??¥y^=3 ■HKr4^, W. 13. BRADBURY. I \ ^ i> ^ u ^m^^^^^^^^mm g|agis=SHg| t — r — H -V — 1^- m^^^: *=fe: ^ ^ £ £: 498 1 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us, Much we need Thy tend'rest care; In Thy j)leasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds j)repare ; BUnssed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we arc. 2 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful thouj^h we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to free; Blessed Jesus, Let us earlv turn to Thee. Karlv let us seek Thy favor, lOa'rly let us do Thy will; IJlcssed Lord and only Saviour, With Thy love our bosoms lill : lilessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. 400 HYMNS FOR THE YOUNG. SWEET STORY, lis, 9s, 12s, 9s. mi ±=i ^— ft-*' ^ — ^— ^ [v -^7-F-^^-T• .-^ — N- -0 0 0 0 0- V — ^ — h ^'rPA -^M-f^^-^f^ -^—^—i^~^-^^-T-^^ •J ^*#i.l- « tf m m \ m a m » ^' t^ y 1 '--y f— ^ 1 -^-=r-^ * . E^ -13 ■^&& 1 I think, when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesi>v^was liere among men, How He caird little children as lambs to His fold, I should like to have been with them then. 2 I wish that His hands had been placed on my head. That His arms had been thrown around me, And that I might liave seen His kind look when He said. " Let the little ones come unto me." 3 Yet still to His footstool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share in His love ; And if I tlius earnestly seek Him below, I shall see Him and'hear Him above, — 4 In that beautiful place He is gone to prepare For all who are wash'd and forgiven ; And many dear children are gathering there, " For of such is the kingdom of heaven." iG 5 I long for the joys of that glorious time, The sweetest, and brightest, and best. When the dear little children of every clime Shall crowd to His arms and be blessed. 401 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. TRUSTING. W. G. FISCHER. ^T=~i^^^^ ^ ^=E soo 1 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild Look upon a little child ; Pity my simplicity, Sutfer me to come to Thee. 2 Hide me, from all evil hide, Self, and stuhliornness, and pride; Let me live witiiout offence; Guard niy heli)less innocence. II 3 Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb, In Thy gracious hamls I am; Make me, Saviour, what Thou art; Live Thyself within my heart. 4 I shall then show forth Thy praise Serve Thee all my happy days; Then the world shall always see Christ the holy Child in me. GOLDEN HILL -^ ^iiii Sel^^ii^S!^!!! -•■ -»- '^3P- SOI 1 With luimble heart and tongue, Our God, to Thee wc; pray. Oil, make us learn while we are young, How we may cleanse our way. 2 Make iis. unguarded youth, The objects of Thy care. Help lis to choose the way of truth, And fly from every snare. 3 Our hearts, to folly prone, Renew bv power (livine. Unite tliPin to Thyself alone. And make us wholb- Thine. 4 Oh. let Thy word of grace Our warnu'st thoughts (Mnj^loy, Be this through all our foU'wing dayi Our treasure and oui- joy. 5 To what Thy laws impart. Be oiir whole soul inclined ; Oh, let them dwell within our heart, And sanctify our mind. 6 May Thy young servants learn By these to cleanse their way; Anti may we here the |>:ith discern That leads to endless dav. 402 HYMNS FOR THE YOUNG. JESUS EVER NEAR, C. M. D. ■0- '0- •0' -0- ^ I ^ ■#- • ■•- »- -#- -^ ^ I ^ -0- ' -0- soa 1 Dear Jesus, ever at my side, How loving must Tiiou be, To leave Thy home in heaven to guard A little child like me. 2 I cannot feel Thee touch my hand, With pressure light and mild, To check me as my mother did, When I was buf a child : 3 But I have felt Thee in my thoughts, Rebuking sin for me ; And when my heart loves God, I know The sweetness is from Thee. 4 And when, dear Saviour, I kneel down, Morning and night, to prayer, Something there is within my heart Wliich tells me Thou art there. 5 Yes! when I pray. Thou prayest too— Thy prayer is all for me ; But when I sleep, Thou sleepest not, But watchest patiently. 6 To God the Father glory be. And to His onlv Son ; The same, O Holy Ghost, to Thee, While ceaseless ages run ! 403 SPECIAL OCC>ai?K>:n'S. WHEN HIS SALVATION BRINGING. 7s, 6s. D. MOZAKJ-. 'iSi^^i=i=m^3^^mmm^n l3S|a -^ — r -0 0 "^ \ u' I u -p — r ^ I ^^^Pi _j_^r|_;=t:.^_^^ :?^ 1^ J^-l ^!=iA ='^-=r=^^-*-^~^ ;:«=:-ri i^l^^^S^ -♦ — * — 0- 1^=1 :t=- SOS 1 When, His salvation bringing, To Zion Jt'sus came, Tlic rliildrt'i) all .stood singing Ilosanna to His name. Nor did their zeal offend Him, lint as He rode along, He let them still attend Him, And smiled to hear their song, 2 And Hi nee tlie Lord retain eth His love for rhildren still. Thongh now as King He reignetl Un Zion s heavenlv hill: We'll flock around His banne Who sits upon the throne, And cry aloud •' Hosanna To David's roval Son." 3 For should we fail j)roclaiming Our (ireat Redeemer's praise, The stones, our silence shaming. Might \V(>11 hosanna raise. Rut shall we only render The tribute of onr words? No! while our hearts are tender, They, too, shall be the Lord's. 404 J^^r^b mh iI|Hhr^tt. HEBRON. L. M, L. MASON. G— f m i-6 PS ■^2-^ ^^ ■•_•— (2- :=d: ^ESES^Eh^feEl^ESS^sEi -# — <9 <9- ■ri — r- -ft ^ -<22. ^ 1^^^^ :J ^^^ ^^=1= I — r ±3 .* — ^ a- -,_ii 1 504 1 Dear Saviour, if these lambs should stray From Thy secure enclosure's bound, And, lured by worldly joys away. Among the thoughtless crowd be found ; 2 Remember still that they are Thine. That Thy dear sacred name they bear, Think that the seal of love divine, The sign of cov'nant grace they wear. 3 In all their erring, sinful years. Oh, let them ne'er forgotten be Remember all the prayers and tears Which made them consecrate to Thee. 4 And when these lips no more can pray, These eyes can weep for them no more, Turn Thou their feet from folly's way, The wand'rcrs to Thy fold restore." 405' SPECIAL OCCASIONS. ERNAN. L. M. MASON. |^|pp^^lsi^.g fifefeS i=2 ,'i PPF=f ^-r-<2L_#_^ ^ ^-r?l^^^_ I 1 E^=J -T r 1 ^-r - ^=^=r-TfT ^ii^l^sJ f PP SOS Tliat they, directed by Thy truth, May never from Tliy pret;epts slide. 1 Great Saviour, who didst condescend ] Youiif^cliildrcn in Tlunearnis t'enilirace, Still i>rove Thyself tlic infants' friend, Baptize them with Thv cleansing grace. 3 To love Thy word their liearts incline, To understand it, light imi)art; 2 Whilst in the slippery paths of youth, 0 Saviour, consecrate them Thine, Be Thou their Guardian and their Guide, Take full possession of their heart. WANSTED. 7s. '^ a^ ^^'Ci — ~ — ^ — -ai>- ^ — L — ^ _ 371^ — #^€_i: g^ — r — in ^^m -^-^-n -^ nm :a- pj-f^ m^m^^^^^M ^m soe 1 God of mercy, hear our prayer. For tlie children Thou hast given. Let them all Thy blessings share, (iratre on earth and bliss in heaven. 2 ('leanse their souls from ev'ry stain, 'IMirough the Savicnir's prcHjious blood ; t—t- Let them all be born again. And be reconciled to God. 3 For this njercy. TiOrd, we cry ; r.cnd Thine ever-gracious ear; While on Tht>e our souls rely, Hear our prayer, in mercy liear. 4oe PARENTS AND CHILDREN. SI LOAM. CM. I. B. WOODBl KY ^M^^^i^0Ww^w^m 3t^ .(S. M. 15? #- s?i^g^ g=-T ■«=^s.- w^^ SS: A ^2. #. J — T' —I ' 1 { U -p '^ ^ sov 1 By cool Siloam's shady rill How sweet tlie lily grows : How sweet the breath beneath the hill Of Sharon's dewy rose; And such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod. Whose secret heart with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. 2 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay ; The rose that blooms beneath the liill Must shortly fade away ; And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man's maturer age May shake the soul with sorrow's power, And stormy passion's rage. 3 O Thou, whose infancy was found With heavenly rays to shine. Whose years, with changeless virtue crown'd. Were all alike divine- Dependent on Thy bounteous breath, We seek Thy grace alone; In childhood, 'manhood, and in death, To keep us still Thine own. 407 l[nnnli| l^arslpp -Sssxg-- MORNING HYMNS. BRADFORD. CM. G. F. HANDEL. ::?:$: I I #_(£_^_^^^h^ — *- • ^ ^-^ 500 1 Lord of my life! oli. may Thy praise Employ my noblest powers, Whose fondness lengthens out my days, And fills the circling hours ! 2 Preserved by Thine Almighty arm, I pass the shades of night, Serene and safe from ev'ry harm, And see returning light. 3 Oh. let the same Almighty care My waking hours attend ; From (!v'ry trespass, ev'ry snare, My heedless steps defend. 4 Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days; And let Thy goodness (111 my soul With gratitude and praise. 408 MORNING HYMNS. WARWICK. C. M. C. STANLEY. ~^mk ^^^mmm 509 1 Lord, in the morning Thon shalt hear My voice ascending high; To Thee will I direct my prayer, To Thee lift up mine eye; — 2 Up to the hills, where Christ is gone To plead for all His saints, Presenting at His Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God, before whose sight The wicked shall not stand ; r Sinners shall ne'er be Thy delight, Nor dwell at Thy right hand. 4 But to Thy house will I resort, To taste Thy mercies there ; I will frequent Tliy holy court. And worship in Thy fear. 5 Oh, may Thy Spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness ; Make ev'ry path of duty straight And plain before my face. SElR. S. M. SIO See how the rising sun Pursues his shining way. And wide proclaims his Maker's praise, With ev'ry bright'ning ray. Thus ivould my rising soul Its heavenly parent sing, And to its great Original The humble tribute bring 439 3 Serene I laid me down Beneath His guardian care ; I slept, and I awoke, and found My kind Preserver near ! 4 Mv life I would anew Devote, O Lord, to Thee, And in Thy blessed presence spend A long eternity. SPECIAL OCCASIONS. HEMINGFORD. S. M, L. O. EMERSON. 511 Wo lift our hearts to Thee, 0 Day-star from on high ! The sun itself is hut Thy shade, Yet cheers hoth earth and sky. Oh. let Thy rising beams The night of sin disperse, The mists of error and t)f vice Which shade the universe I How beauteous nature now I How dark and sad before ! With joy we view the pleasing change. And nature's God adore. Oh. may no gloomy crime Pollute the rising day ; May Jesus' blood, like morning dew, Wash all our stains away. To God, the Fatlier, Son, And .Spirit, One in Three, Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall for ever be. GRATITUDE. L. M A. BOST. ■•- -f9- ^:r.B=a±'s!r ■kfE^ ■•- -iO- 1-^ s 512 1 My God, how endless is Thy hn-e! Thy gifts are ev'ry ev'ning new, And morning mercies from above CJently descend like early dew. 2 Thou spread'st the curtain of the night Great (Juardian of my sle(!|)ing hours Thy sov'reign word restores the light, And (piickens all my drowsy powers. 3 I yield myself to Thy command. To Thee ams of mercy, sliine. When each day's scenes and labors close, And wearied nature seeks T-e]>osc, With itard'ning mercy richly blest, G\iard me, my Savicmr. while T rest. And. at \\\\ life's last setting siwi, My conflicts o'er, my labors done, Jesus, Thy heavenly radianee shed To cheer and bless ray dying-bed. 410 MORNING HYMNS. WOODLAND. CM. N. GOULD. mm\ 514 1 Hosanna with a cheerful sound To God's upholding hand! Ten thousand snares our path surround, And yet secure we stand. 2 How wondrous is that mighty power Which form'd us with a word ! And ev'ry day and ev'ry liour We lean upon the Lord. The rising morn cannot assure That we shall end the day ; For death stands ready at the door To take our lives away. God is our Sun. whose daily light Our joy and safety brings; Our feeble frame lies safe at night Beneath His sheltering wings. -=^^^i=^^ MIGDOL. L. M. L. MA.SON. I 1 — —^ «-'-^ #-^*'v_# 4l5— *--•-- f-i^ I i , ^ T II 'ill I a +^^^-d- ^-^t^%±^ 515 1 Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 By influence of the light divine. Let thy own light to others shine ; Reflect all heaven's propitious rays In ardent love and cheerful praise. 8 Lord ! I my vows to Thee renew : Disperse ray sins as morning dew ; Guard ray first springs of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit till. Direct, control, suggest, this day. All I design to do or say ; That all my powers, with all their might. In Thy sole glory may unite. All praise to Thee, who safe hast kept, And hast refresh'd me, while I slept! Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless light partake. 411 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. HALLE. 7s. 6 lines. F. J. HAYDN. m :=!: ?E!£E!ES3EE^ -«•-•- ~*' ?j: r — r m ^ 42. 4^ jO. 17- li^gii -»5^ ^g «-!- SE^ ^ ill 516 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ the true, the only light, Sun of Righteousness, arise, Triunipli o'er the shades of niglit! Day-Sprinu:, from on high, he near! Day-Star, in my heart ap{)ear! Dark and cheerless is the morn Unaccompanied by Thee; Joyless is the day's return. Till Thy mercy's beams I see; Till they inward light impa.t, Cheer my eyes and warm n.y heart. 3 Visit, then, this soul of mine. Pierce the gloom of sin and grief! Fill me. Radiancy Divine, iScattcr all my nnbelicf I More and more Thyself display, Shining to the i)erfect day. FEDERAL STREET. L. M H. K. OLIVER. A— A i^^lS^s^ d=i:^^ 63=^: 2Ee?iEEiESE -|g- ■#- •#- -g- J^J ■#- ■•- -f9-' ■#- -^ -<2. -^ ig^^S^^ SIV 1 Forth in Thy name, O Lord, wc go, Our daily labor to pursue; Thee, only Thoe. resolved to know. In all we think, or sj)cak, or do. 2 Still would we bear Thy easy yoke, And ev'ry moment watch and pray Would still to things eternal look, And hasten to Thy glorious day. 3 For Thee alone we would employ [given; Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath Would tread our course with even joy, And closely walk witli Thee to heaven. 412 EVENING HYMNS. HENDON. 7s. f-f- w^^^ C. MALAN. ^-1^^. 42-^2. F-T= ^2. 42- -^ h-r- ^rezz&zgc, ;ipliis 1 Now the shades of night are gone, Now the morning light is come ; Lord, may we be Thine to-day, Drive the sliades of sin awav. 2 Fill our souls with heavenly light, Banish doubt and cleanse our sight; In thy service, Lord, to day. Help us labor, help us pray. 3 Keep our haughty passions bound : Save us from our foes around ; Going out and coming in. Keep us safe from ev'ry sin. 4 When our work of life is past. Oh, receive us all at last ! Night of sin will be no more, When we reach the heavenly shore. 413 EVENING HYMNS. EVENING HYMN. L. M T. TALUS. ^ y #-*^-r-^;J^ — ^ — « ^-^ w •»— J h 3 r-r*-*^-J U— ! r* 1 --— ill 519 1 Glory to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light; Keep me, oh, keep me. King of kings. Under Thine own almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ills that I this day have done; That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere 1 sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; r— r=F— r — ^1 — I — ^^ Teach me to die, that so I may With joy behold the judgment-day. 4 I^ord, let my soul for ever shnre The bliss of Thy paternal care; 'Tis heaven on earth, 'tis heaven above. To see Thy face and sing Thy love. 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise h'athcr, Son, and Holy Ghost. MIDDLETON 8s, 7s. D. -: >! — I H — — -< — [ — p^ — I — — I— - ENGLISH MELODY. ; FiXK. '.'r ^^-^^i^^ _j_,__r-_^__. D. C. ^-^^^^^^ ■I — V 3^ fei^j^^ ;i ti^ Si20 1 Saviour, breathe an cv'ning blessing, lOre repose our spirits seal ; Sin and want we come confessing, Thou canst save, and Thou cnnst heal Thougli dcsfrucfion walk around us, 'Hiougli the arrow near us fly, Angel-guards from Thee surround us. We are safe if Thou art nigh. 2 Though the night be dark and dreary. Darkness cannot hide from Tliee; Thou art He who, never weary, Watchest where Thy people be; Should swift death this night o'ertake us, And our couch become our tomb, Mav tlie morn in heaven awake us, CMad in light and deathless bloom. 414 EVENING HYMNS. HEBRON. L. M, L. MASON. :J=br.=i m^^=$^m^^^^^^^=\ pm^ 521 1 Thus far the Lord has led me on ; ' Tlius far His power prolongs my days ; And ev'ry ev'ning shall make known Some fresh memorial of His grace. 2 Much of my time has run to waste, ' And I, perhaps, am near my home; j But He forgives my follies past, And strength supplies for days to come. I 3 I lay ray body down to sleep ; Peace is the pillow of my head : His ever-watchful eye will keep Its constant guard around my bed. 4 Faith in His name forbids my fear; Oh, may Thy presence ne'er depart! And in the morning may I bear Thy loving-kindness on my heart! BRADEN. W. B. BRADBURY. -^ — 1— • — u — 522 1 The day is pa?t and gone, The ev'ning shades appear, Oh, may I ever keep in mind The night of death draws near. 2 Lord, keep me safe this night. Secure from all my fears ; May angels guard me while I sleep. Till morning light appears. 3 And when I early rise. To view th' unwearied sun. May I set out to win the prize, And after glory run. 4 That when my days are past, And I from time remove, Lord, I may in Thy bosom rest. The bosom of Thy love. 415 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. KOZELUCH. 7s. kozeluch. ! l-^V— I i-r • ^— ="'— I — < — I 1 n -"i ^ l-i H — ^— =v-. — I 523 1 l-'or the mercies of tlie day, VoT this rest upon our way, Tliauks to Tliee alone he given, Lord of eartli and King of heaven ! 2 Cold our services have heen, Mingled every prayer with sin ; But Thou canst and wilt foryrive; 3 While this thorny path we tread, May Thy love our footsteps lead ; When our journey here is past, ^fay we rest with Thee at last. 4 Let tliese earthly Sabbaths prove Foretastes of our joys above; While their steps Thy children bend To the rest which knows no end. SWANWICK. C. M. J. LUCAS. ^r &" ^r I M "V^^ ^^ -^-r:d— * rf^— r t"' — *■ ' ' III 111 I I I I r ! J J ! ■#-.7*-, '^mi^^mM^mmm'^m^ 1 Now. from the altar of our hearts Let incense-flames arise; Assist us. Lord, to offer up Our ev'ning sacrifice. 2 Awake, our love, awake our joy ; Awake, our hearts and tongue: Sleep not when mercies loudly call, Break forth into a song. 3 ^^inutes and mercies multiplied Have made up all this day ; Minutes came quick, but mercies were More fleet and free than they. 4 New time, new favors, and new joys, Do a new song recpiire; Till we shall praise Thee as we would. Accept our heart's deaire. 416 EVENING HYMNS. VERNON. 8s. D. :b \P. german air. — ^ Fine. mm — N- -tt- £ -^ ^ -ffl. I r JL - JL ^ J2. I I I I p_L.|P_» 0 0^^ a j ' *- '— 1- 1 '-^^ * ^— M -" I j^ ^ ^ ^ '^11 I ' D.S.^f? 525 27 1 Inspirer and Hearer of prayer, Thou Shepherd and Guardian of Thine My all to Thy covenant care i, sleeping or waking, resign. 2 If Thou art my Shield and my Sun, The night is no darkness to me ; And fast as my minutes roll on. They bring me but nearer to Thee. 3 A sovereign Protector I have, Unseen, yet forever at hand ; Unchangeabh' faithful to save, Almighty to rule and command. 4 His smiles and His comforts abound. His grace, as the dew, shall descend; And walls of salvation surround The soul He delights to defend. 417 3E3i SPECIAL OCCASIONS. EVENING HYMN. L. M --1— I — ^— T. TAI.I.iS. I I ^ jp it^-V^^ — ^ — • — *-'--# — • — #-J f— — p- t-f-^ t*; ".:^' *A* :S^^r~^ 526 1 Great (Jod 1 to Thee my evening song With huinhle gratitude I raise : Oh, let Thy mercy tune my tongue. And nil my heart with lively i)raise. 2 My days, unclouded as they pass, And ev'ry onward rolling hour, Are monuments of wondrous grace, And witness to Thy love and power. 3 And yet this thoughtless, wretched heart, Too oft regardless of Thy love, Ungrateful, can from Thee depart, And from the j)ath of duty rove. 4 Seal my forgiveness in the blood Of Christ, my Lord ; His name alone I plead for pardon, gracious Cn^d, And kind acceptance at Thy throne. 5 With hope in Ilim mine eyelids close. With sleep refresh my feeble frame; Safe in Tliy care may I repose. And wake with praises to Thy name. MANOAH. CM G. ROSSINI. ^^^mmmi^^^^mm ^fm^§^^ I I S2V 1 (Jreat Sov'reign, let nn'no evening sonj Like holy incense rise I Assist the off 'rings of my tongue To reach the lofty .skies. 2 Througli all tlio daneors of the day Thy liand was still my guard. Ami still to drive mv wants away Thy mercies stood prepared. ."> Perpetual blessings from aI)ove Encompii.ss"d me around, But. oh I how few returns of love Ilath my Creator found. What have T done for TTim (hat died To save my wretched smil? llow are my follies multifilied, Fast as my minutes roll ! T>ord, with this guiltv heart of mine To Thv dear cross T flee. And to Thy grace mv soul resign. To be renew'd by Thee. 418 EVENING HYMNS. W. n. BRADBURY. 520 1 The day, 0 Lord, is spent; Abide with us, and rest; Our hearts' desires arc fully bent On making Thee our guest. 2 We have not reach 'd that land, That happy land, as yet, Where holy angels round Thee stand, Whose sun can never set. Our sun is sinking now ; Our day is almost o'er; O Sun of Righteousness, do Thou Shine on us evermore. GOODWELL. 8s, 7s. I.. O. EMERSON. m y* J- ->SZ SS9 1 Hear my prayer, 0 Heavenly Father, Ere I lay me down to sleep ; Bid Thy angels, pure and holy. Round my bed tbeir vigil keep. 2 Great my sins are, but Thy mercy Far outweighs them ev'ry one; Down before Thy cross I cast them. Trusting in Thy help alone. 3 Keep me, through this night of peril. Underneath its boundless shade: Take me to Thy rest, I pray Thee, When my pilgrimage is made! None shall measure out Thy patience By the span of human thought; None shall bound the tender mercies Which Thy Holy Son hath wrought. Pardon all my past transgressions; Give me strength for days to come; Guide and guard me with Thy blessing, Till Thine angels bid me home 1 419 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. HURSLEY. L. M. F. J. HAYDN. ♦ -^ -0- sao 1 Sun ol" my f*ov.], Tiioii Saviour dear, It is not niglit if 'iliou be near; Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise, To hide Thee from Thy f^ervant's eyes. 2 When soft the dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyeiiiis gently steep, Be n>y last thoujrht— how sweet to rest Forever on my Saviour's breast. 3 Abide witli me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live; Abide witl' me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. 4 Be near to bless me when I wake, Ere through the world my way I take; Abide with me till in Thy love I lose myself in heaven above. HOLLEY. 7s. G. HEWS. S31 1 S<.rtly now tlio light of day I'^ailcH upon my sight away ; I'^rt'c from care, from labor free. I,or"tE -[-— p-r :fc=t i=:prTi|i: I — ^^-^- #-#^ -P-- *^»-' ^ -(55. j.,-M-4-U--faJ=3ciE^T^-^l3=::^|J;r'=3--il *--0-%^vi-0-r\^0-\-i-^i ^ ^ #^s-:-H-^ I ^f — Izi^^-Jj S3B My country, 'tis of thcc, Sweet land of libertv, Of thee I sing; I^and where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From ev'ry mountain side Let freedom ring. >ry native country, thee — Land of the noble, free— Thy name I love. I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills ^ly lieart with rapture thrills Like that above. 3 Let music swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal tongues awake; TiCt all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break- Tlie sound prolong. 4 Our fathers' Ood. to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright. With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by Thy miglit, Great God, our King. 539 G(^d ble.'^s our native land I Firm may she ever stand. Through storm and night; When the wild tempests rave, Kuler of wind and wave. Do Thou our country save By Thy great nnght. 2 For her our prayer shall rise To God, above the skies; On Him we wait : Thou who art ever nigh, Guarding with watchful eye, To Thee aloud we cry. God save the State I 426 NATIONAL. BARTIMEUS. 8s, 7s. 1— ^^-J^-^ S. JENKS. I" ^ |EEy2jH:i:p:i:=i;i=p^^£===[^=fr-r:z:tip^ ^- r^^ 540 1 Dread Jehovah ! God of nations ! From Thy temple in the skies Hear Thy people's supplications ; Now for tlieir deliv'rance rise. 2 Though our sins, our hearts confounding Long and loud for vengeance call, Thou hast mercy more abounding; Jesus' blood can cleanse them all. 3 Let that love veil our transgression. Let that blood our guilt efface; Save Thy people from oppression, Save from spoil Thy holy place. 4 Lo ! with deep contrition turning. Humbly at T.hy feet we bend ; Hear us, ifasting, praying, mourning, Hear us, spare us, and defend. ROTHWELL. :z^zdip5: L. M, g^^gipppSilig^lll W. TANSUR. al^^i||i^iipp^ *«l *J^F^ ^l^pilifsppifeip:#i 54X 1 Lord, let Thy goodness lead our land, Still saved by Thine almighty hand. The tribute of its love to bring To Thee, our Saviour, and our King. 2 Let ev'ry sacred temple raise Triumphant songs of holy praise ; Let ev'ry peaceful, private home A temple, Lord, to Thee become 3 Still be it our supreme delight To walk as in Thy glorious sight; Still in Thy precepts and Thy fear, Till life's last hour, to persevere. 427 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. HARWICH. H.M J. CRUGER. J: ei^ ^m^^M SI- ■0- 3^3 si^Si^^iiiii^e^^gl m pg^ppgplli^ t^-^i- g±tl&bt=E=^ ;^r.fii:i 542 1 Sinj; liallcliijah ! sing Glory to (iod alone; Brinjj; your oblations, brinj» Tlianlv-ofTerinj^s to the throne; Take words of joy, of comfort take, Awake to love, to life awake. 2 The Lord ])ut forth His hand, He touch'd us. and we died ; Venj^eance went throutrh the land, But Miercj' walk'd heside ; He heard our ]»rayers. He saw our tears. And stay'd the j)lague,and (luell'd our fears. 3 What sliall we give to Tliee? () Thou, whose purer eyes Behold iniijuity In man's hest sacrifice? Ourselves we f^ive, hut rest our claim On Christ, and know none other name. 428 m y/fjtn -Sssse- ^-i t;i: NUREMBURG. 7s. J. R. AHLE. ^^^m^M^^^B -P P » ti S:. ^ fi 4=rt: si^iJ 543 1 For Thy mercy and Thy grace, Constant througli anotlier year, Hear our song of thankfuhicss; Jesus, our Redeemer, hear. In our weakness and distress. Rock of strengtli, be Thou our stay In the pathless wilderness Be our true and living way. 3 Who of us death's awful road In the coming year shall tread, With Thy rod and staff, 0 God, Comfort Thou his dying bed. 4 Make us faithful, make us pure. Keep us evermore Thine own ; Help Thy servants to endure, Fit us for Thy promised crown. 6 So within Thy palace gate We shall praise, on golden strings, Thee the only Potentate, Lord of lords, and King of kings. 429 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. BENEVENTO. 7s. D. J. R. AHLE. ^=:r=, Fine. _^_^L_^a-^_f ^^5Eii£l^tizzip:^l^i^Ej D.S. i!=:i^^ ,..-^. -q— ^ ■*• 75^ p 13 544 Wliilo with ooa55elcss course the sun Ha^^te(^ thron<^h the former year, Many souls their race have run, Nev(!r more to meet as here; FixM in an eternal state. Thev have done with all heloW, We a little longer wait. But how little none can know. 2 As the winded arrow flics Hpecdily thr nuirk to find; As the li^rhtnin;: fmm tho skies Darts and Icavos n(» trace hehind Swiftly thus our fleetinpj days Hear us down life's rapid stream T'pward, T.ord, our siurits raise; All helow is but a dream. 3 Thanks for mercies past receive, I'ardon of our sins renew ; Teach nr^ henceforth h(»w to live. With eternity in view : Bles!^ Thy word to youni; and old; Fill tis'wirh a Saviour's love; And when life's short t;ile is told, May we dwell with Thee ahove. 430 NEW YEAR. PILESGROVE. L. M N. MITCHELL. fe^-^-i -^>-h^^ — r --J- ?=:5: 3=4:^^^ i=ffiSi^ "(C! — *-^s' 1> 1 v -H^- t: t: lSg^J=^- :g=li^rt=^-zrgz-^-^-«-^^^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ iL;^ :tz: ^t=PP=F^ fg; 1 Great God ! we sing that mighty hand, By wliich supported still we stand, The op'ning year Thy mercy shows — Let mercy crown it till it close. 2 By day, at night, at home, ahroad, Still we are guarded by our God ; By His incessant bounty fed. By his unerring counsei led. 3 With grateful hearts the past we own ; The future, all to us unknown, We to Thy guardian care commit, And, peaceful, leave before Thy feet. 4 In scenes exalted or depress'd. Be Thou our joy, and Thou our rest ; Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Adored th.rough all our changing davs. When death shall interrupt our songs, And seal in silence mortal tongues, Our Helper, God, in whom we trust, In better worlds our souls shall boast. S46 1 God of our lives ! Thy constant care With blessings crowns each 0])'ning year; These lives, so frail, dost Thou prolong, And wake anew our annual song. 2 How many precious souls are fled To the dark regions of the dead. Since, from this day, the changing sun Through his last yearly course has run ! 3 We yet survive, but who can saj'', Or through the year, or month, or day I shall retain my vital breath. Thus far, at least, in league with death 4 That breath is Thine, eternal God I 'Tis Thine to fix the soul's abode : We hold our lives from Thee alone, On earth, or in the world unknown. 5 To Thee we all our powers resign ; Make us and own us still as Thine: Then shall we smile, secure from fear. Though death should blast the rising year. 431 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. NEW YEAR'S HYMN, lis, 5s. s. webbe. I ^ ^ 4L ^ JZ. •— — t- m^mmm r s hrx=i. 1E£H^ ?=^ rr- C ^^^^s^^Em rrrrf '^^ -«-j»i grrld ••- -^ C A -fl. V— k*- sliij iSf^iit^^^iirEliilipl -5^— y- S^-T" Tbc arrow is flown— Tlu' inoiiicnt is jjono — The inillemiiiil year and eternity's licre. 1 (^onio, let us anew Our journey pursue. Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the blaster appear; Rushes on to our view His adorable will i Let us ;^ladlv fulfil, I „ ^, .1 ^ 1 1 ^i 3 And „ur talents improve 3 ^'>' ^''f^t earl, in the day Hy the patience of hope, and the labor of love 2 Our life is a dream ; Our time, as a stream, <;iides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay: Of Hi;* cominf? nuin say— " I iinve foutiht n)y way throurji — I have finishM the work which" Thou pav'st nie to do ! '" Oh, that each, from his Lord, Mav receive tlie plad word — "Well and faitl)fully done! Enter into mv jov. and sit down on my throne I " 432 I 1^^ ^iH$nn$. -Sssse- GROSTETE, L. M, h. w. greatorex. ^^E§^ii=S ::=^-z=:3Z=^. g=ii^eF-*#Jf^#,^%f -^Pi^-^f ■^ T- T -r^ -^ » — #-rl — i:*£eEE=BE:5 -^- ^ ^-A ::^^z=$i—9: -h — r-r- ^ I I 1 I I :1=1 :^: PSeE 1 1 1 1 --H UZ^ :^-r~^^ 5? — s^- B^ ^2i=P=p: I I I -T e=^ -^— ^: r — r ^E:z{^ -^^ — •- -f2. ^-- "-t ?^ §§1 1 Eternal Source of every joy !• Well may Thy praise our lips employ, While in Thy temple we appear To hail Thee Sov'reign of the year. 2 Wide as the wheels- of nature roll, Thy hand supports and guides the whole! The sun is taught by Thee to rise, And darkness when to veil the skies. 3 The flow'ry spring, at Thy command, Perfumes the air and paints the land ; The summer rays with vigor shine, To raise the corn and cheer the vine. 4 Seasons, and months, aud weeks, and days Demand successive songs of praise ; And be the grateful homage paid, With morning light and ev'ning shade. 5 Here in Thy house let incense rise, And circling sabbaths bless our eyes, Till to those lofty heights we soar, Where days and years revolve no more. 28 433 SPECIAL OCCASIONS. VIOLA. bradbury. Fine. S40 1 Praise to God, immortal praise. For the love that crowns our days , Bounteous Source of ev'ry joy, Let Thy praise our tongues employ ; All to Thee, our God, we owe, Source whence all our blessings flow 2 All the blessing's of the- fields. All the stores the garden yields, Flocks that whiten all the plain. Yellow sheaves of ripen'd grain — Lord, for Thee our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. Clouds that drop their fatt'ning dews, Suns that genial warmth dilfuse. All the plenty summer pours. Autumn's rich o'ertlowing stores; All to Thee, our God, we owe. Source whence all our blessings flow. Peace, i)rosperity, and health, Private bliss and public wealth. Knowledge, with its gladd'ning streams, Pure religion's holier beams — Lord, for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. CAMBRIDGE. C. RANDALL. I 1 sso 1 Foiint.iin of mercy, God of love, How rich Thy bouTitics are; The changing seasons, as they move, Proclaim Thy constant care. 2 When in the bosom of the earth, The sower hid the grain, Thy goodness mark'd its secret birtli. And sent the early rain. [Thine, 3 The spring's sweet influence, Lord, was The plants in beauty grew; Thou gav'st refulgent suns to shine. And soft refreshing dew. 4 These varied niercies, from above. Matured the swelling grain : A kindly harv(>st crowns Thy love, And plenty fills the plain. 5 We own and bless Thy gracious sway Thy hand all nature hails: Seed-time nor harvest, night nor day, Summer «or winter fails. 434 Ei 4— J- THE SEASONS. HENRY. CM i S. B. POND. -6^ ^ :^ o I 32: q^ ^ . N A. £ 9z=^^^r:^! 5-T-^ :f^ 1 <^ f: -«^ # — •^. — S^3 551 I 1 When brighter suns and milder skies Proclaim the op'ning year, What various sounds of joy arise! What prospects bright appear ! 2 Earth and her thousand voices give Their thousand notes of praise* And all that by His mercy live, To God their offering raise. Thus, like the morning, calm and clear, That saw the Saviour rise. The spring of heaven's eternal year Shall dawn on earth and skies. 4 No winter there, no shades of night, Obscure those mansions blest. Where, in the happy fields of light, The wearv are at rest. 435 *|aru0$l. ■^sssse- 1 115— ±^5^i— V-* ELTHAM. 7s. L. MASON. g=^ =1= J-, — 0- d^=: Fixe. Ell Pltl^ i=l=fc =i^^ D.C. SP:l^^i&^j *— #^ T=t d-±i j^l '=tf: ?=^ SSQ 1 Come, ye thankful people, come. Raise the song of Harvest Honje! All is safely gathcr'd in, Ere the winter storms hegin : (lod our Maker doth ])rovide For our wants to be suj)i)lie(l : Come to Cod's own temple, come, Raise the song of Harvest Home ! We ourselves are Cod's own field, Fruit unto His j^raise to yield : Wheat and tares together sown, Tin to joy or sorrow grown : First the blade, and then the ear, Tlien the full corn shall appear; Grant, O Harvest-Lord, that we Wholesome grain and pure may be 3 For the Lord our God shall come, And shall take His harvest home From His field shall in that day All olfences j>nr-xo away : Give II is angels charge at last IiA the lire the tares to cast; But the fruitful ears to store In His garner evermore. 4 Then, thou Church Triumphant, come, Raise the song of Harvest Home! All are safely gather'd in. Free from sorrow, free from sin : There forever purified. In God's garner to abide : Come, ten thousand angels, come. Raise the glorious Harvest Home I 436 iannisit. -(sssse- GLASGOW. C. M G. F. ROOT. T 1 ^ i^ u u' ^ i ^"^ ^^ 1/ r 553 1 We come, 0 Lord, before Thy throne, And, with united plea, We meet and pray for those who roam Far off upon the sea. 2 Oh, may the Holy Spirit bow The sailor's heart to Thee, Till tears of deep repentance flow Like rain-drops on the sea. 3 Then may a Saviour's dying love Pour peace into his breast, And waft him to the port above, Of everlasting rest. 437 |)aail| nnh ^iirinL -Sssse- SCOTLAND. lis. J. CLARKE. ^|p^3g3E^ll^ppim-l -^-.^. w^m 'J ^ J i ^K r -S ' ( -•— ^-— ^-^' — ^ K ^a S— Sr-^ K-^ — l-n PI,«HSE^^ 1 Thou art fj;()iic to tlie grave, but we will not deplore tliee, Thougli sorrows and darkness encompass the tonil»; The Saviour has pass'd tlirough its portals before thee. And the lamp of His love is thy guide through the gloom. 2 Thou art gone to the grave; we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough |>aths of the world by thy side; But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may hope since the Saviour hath died. 3 Thou art gone to the grave; and, its man.sion forsaking. Perchance thy weak spirit in doubt linger'd long; But the sunshine of heaven beam'd bright on thy waking, And the sound thou didst hear was the seraphim's song. 4 Thou art gone to the grave; hut we will not deplore thee, Since (Jod was thy Ransom, thy Guardian, thy duide; He gave thee, He look thee, and He will restore thee; And death has no sting since the Saviour hath ilied. 438 DEATH AND BURIAL. PEACEFULLY SLEEP. L. M W. B. BRADBURY I I I I I I I I I ^ M. .f2~ \^^-^ ?^*=P= s I I Chorus. ^^^ ^ E^^ Peacefully sleep, peacefully sleep, Sleep till the morning, peaceful-lv sleep. 1 ' 1 1^ 3:i:p=PE -trt E :^ gi^gp *-0-»-^—t 5S5 1 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb, Take this new treasure to thy trust. And give these sacred relics room, To slumber in the silent dust. 2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear Invades thy bounds— no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here. While angels watch his soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept, God's dying Son Pass'd tlirough the grave, and bless'd tlie bed Rest here, blest saint, till from His throne The morning break, and pierce the shade. 4 Break from His throne, illustrious morn, Attend, O earth. His sovereign word; Restore thy trust— a glorious form Shall then arise to meet the Lord. 439 DEATH AND BURIAL. MOUNT VERNON. 8s, 7s. tr-^f^t-t-^- ^_^_^izzz:^_ :^^ ^=^=^z 3 r l~|-: m i t^^ —\—A. I j__j — J. — j-_t_L — t — , — r-'=M — s=^-v-#— I-— u 556 1 Jesus, wliile our hearts are bleeding O'er the spoils that death has won, We would at this solemn meeting, Calmly say — Thy will be done. 2 Though cast down, we're not forsaken, Though afflicted, not alone; Thou didst give, and Thou hast taken ; Blessed Lord— Thy will be done. 3 Though to-day we're fUled with mourning, Mcnry still is on the throne; With Thy smiles of love returning. We can sing— Thy will be done. 4 By Tliy hands the boon was given, Thou hast taken but Thine own : Lord of earth, and (Jod of licaven, Evermore — Thy will be done. 440 DEATH AND BURIAL. RESIGNATION, lis. W. MASON. mi^^- -^ — ^- h22- :^=Jf=ji: f- ?=r J— 4 fck ±=±=Ezt t=C=: --.-^—^H^ SP f=P=^ I P^- t=^ ^- :fc t^ s ^^EE-^d I^ ^s^^^ii] t=t:: :T: T ^ ^ ^— r 4^1 It h t=t r I 1 The things of the earth in the earth let us lay, The ashes with ashes, the dust with the clay ; But lift up the heart, and the eye, and the love, Oh, lift up the soul to the regions above. 2 Since He, the Immortal, hath entered the gate, So, too, shall we mortals, or sooner or late; Then stand we on Christ; let us mark Him ascend, For His is the glory and life without end. 3 On earth with His own ones, the Giver of good, Bestowing His blessing, a little while stood : Now nothing can part us, nor distance, nor foes. For lo ! He is with us, and who can oppose? 4 So, Lord, we commit this our brother to Thee, Whose body is dead, but whose spirit is free ; We know that through grace, when our life here is done. We live still in Thee, and forever in one. 5 All glory to Thee, Father, Spirit, and Son. Who three art in person, in substance but one. In whom we have victory over the grave, Who lovest Thy people to pardon and save. 441 DEATH AND BURIAL. CHINA. CM. T. SWAN. is^gi^^pppg-^:*! 5SO 1 Why do we mourn departing friends? Or shake at death's alarms? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to His arms. 2 Are we not tending upward too, As fast as time can move? Nor would we wish tlie hours more slow To keej) us from our love. 3 Why should we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb? There the dear flesh of Jesus lay, Ilia light dispell'd its gloom. 4 The graves of all His saints He blest, And soften'd ev'ry bed ; Where should the dying members rest, But with the dying Head? 5 Thence He an>se, ascending high, And show'd our feet the way ; Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly At the great rising-day. 6 Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise; Awake, ye nations under ground; Ye saints, ascend the skies. ORIEL. L. M W. B. BKADBURV S50 1 Why should wo weep for those who die, Tliose blessed ones who weep no more Jesus hath call'd them to the sky, And gladly have they gone before. 2 A few sliort days they linger'd here, Th' api)oin»ed span of trial knew ; DroppM — early dropp'd the parting tear, And early now liave j)arted too. 3 Up, up, in {nvift ascent, they rise, Star after Btur of living light ! 442 Why should we mourn that midnight skies J5ecome with added glories bright? Far in the distant heavens they sliine. But still with borrow'd lustre glow ; . Saviour, the beams are only Thine, | Of saints above, or saints below. ^ For them no bitter tear we shed — Their night of ]>ain an:s^i;- MISSIONARY ZEUNER. |l^l^ f—f- Ci.'^L-.t-^ ->»- -^ 1^ ^^^g|^^E=^^_„ -r^gj^lT^^^ ^■?-=^ A-, <^ • * — 9 — i-^^-T^-^ — * — *-^ • — * — »— What sinners value, I resign : T^ord ! 'tis enough tliat Thou art mine I shall hehold Thy blissful face, And stand comi)lete in righteousness. This life's a dreani. an empty show ; But the bright world to which I go Ilath joys substantial and sincere; When siiall I wake and find me there? 0 glorious hour! O blest abode! 1 shall be near and like my God ; And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. MORAVIAN. L. O. KMEKSON. mi^^mm :q==t m =5 u' I I r 1 Through sorrow's night and danger's patl Amid tlie deep'ning gloom, We sf)ldiers of an injured King Are marching 1o tlie tomb. 2 There, when fhe turmoil is no more, And all our powers decay, Our cold remains in solitude Shall sleen the years away. 3 Our labors done, securely laid In this f)ur last retreat, Unhecfled o'er our silent dust The storms of life shall beat. 4 Yet not (bus lif(»less. thus inane, The vital spark shall lie, For o'er life's w^clc that spark shall rise To seek its kindred skv. 5 These ashes, too, this litile dust. Our Father's care shall keep. Till the last angel rise, and break The long and dreary sleep. G Then love's soft dew o'er every eye Shall shed its mildest rays, And the long silent dust shall burst I With shouts of endless praise. 446 ^ubgm$nl> -SiSS©- JUDGMENT. 8s, 7s, 4s CONCONE. -<^— 5^-'- <&—^-^<5^\ _^_<2-,-^ Sg^iiliii^i :y«-=; Mf-q-^rpiz::; <&—&- '^S^z^^ I I ^J m\ ^^^smMmim^^mm ij^ pgiSig^^l^lSiig^il ^^IpH^P^ii^i I 566 1 Lo! He comes with clouds descending, Once for favor'd sinners slain ; Thousand, thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of His train : Hallelujah, Jesus now shall ever reign ! 2 Ev'ry e^'^e shall now hehold Him Robed in dreadful majesty ; Those who set at nought arid sold Him, Pierced and nail'd Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the great Messiah see! 3 Ev'ry island, sea, and mountain. Heaven and earth shall flee away ; 447 All who hate Him must, confounded. Hear the trump proclaim the day : Com e to judgment! Come to judgment ! come away ! Now redemption, long expected See in solemn pomp appear! All His saints by man rejected, Now shall meet Him in the air! Hallelujah ! See the day of God appear ! Yea ! amen ! let all adore Thee, Pligh on Thine exalted throne; Saviour ! take t!ie power and glor>' ; Claim the kingdoms for Thine own ! Oh. come quickly ! Hallelujah I come, Lord, come! JUDGMENT. HAMBURG. L. M. L. MASON. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^§S ;_2^_{=; ■»■ -^ -^ . -^ -*- =r# ^&^ *i'£^a - u LIZIJ 111' •^ IS'" I Se?; 3?^ #--— # #- i y — I \ m #_•_• ft c gi=pES3 svx 1 Day of jndfj^nient — day of wonders, Hark ! the trumpet's awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders, Shake's the vast creation round ! How the summons Will the sinners heart confound! 2 See tlie Judpje our nature wearing, Clothed in innjesty divine! Ye who lon^ for His appearing, Then shall say, "This (lod is mine (Jraeious Savir)ur ' Own me in that day for Tlnne! At His call the dead awaken. Rise to life from earth aiul sea; All the i)owerM of nature, shaken By His looks, jjrepare to flee: (^ireU^s sinner! Wliat will then become of thee? But to tho?(e who have confessed, Loved, and served the liord helow. He will say, " Come near, ye hlessed ! See the kinjjdom I bestow ! You forever Shall my love and glory know." 460 ^l0rml^-l|airam -Sssss- VARINA, C. M. D. \-r- S S ^=^- 0 ' 0 0-^-0-^-0-^-0— m — g ' gy * C. H. RINK. gilig?Ei 9in2ziL-ct:s:3:E3=i :;r2i lifer? C*. §is - -^— i-*-r^-^^ % '^ "" I T^^ f" I »'-rl: t"-^— ^-#-r;^ — n s-za 1 There i3 a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign ; Infinite day excludes the night, A.nd pleasure"! banish pain. 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-witii'ring flowers : Death, like a narrow sea, divides Tins heavenly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dress' d in living green : So to the .Tews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolPd between. 4 But tirn'rous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea ; And linger, shiv'ring. on the brink, And fear to launch awav. Oh, could we make oTir doubts remove. Those glooniv doubts that rise, And view the Canaan that we love With unbeclouded eves I 6 Could we but climb where ^^osGS stood. And view the landscape o'er, NotJordan's stream, nor deatli's cold flood, Should frii>estuons shoals, Where stornjs arise and ocean rolls, And all is drear — but heaven. 3 There faith lifts up her cheerful eye. To brighter jirospeets given ; And views the tempest |»assing by, The ev'niug shadows (juickly tiy. And all serene — in heaven. 4 There fragrant flowers immortal bloom. And joys suj)remc' are given ; There joys divine disperse the gloom ; Beyond the eonlines of the t(»mb Ai)peai-s the dawn of heaven. MERTON. C. IVI H. K. OLIVER. Ye golden lamps of heaven ! farewell With all your feeble light; Farewell, thou ever-changing moon, I'ale emi)ress of the niglit I And thou, refulgent f.rb of day, In brighter fhnnes nrrayM ! My soul, which springs beyond thy sphere, No more demands thine aid. Ye stars .-inr but the shining dust Of my divine abode. TIm' pavejn(!nt of those heavenly courts Wlieic I shall reign with God. 454 4 The Father of eterna] light Shall there His beams display; Nor shall one moment's darkness mix With that unvaried day. 5 No more the drops of j)ierci!ig grief Shall swell into mine eyes; Nor the meridian sun ilecline Amidst those brighter skies. G There all the millions of His saints Shall in one song unite, And each the bliss of all shall share With iulinite delight. ETERNITY— HEAVEN. ZERAH. C. M. L. MASON. 4«-^— I- =^= 1 r -:i;=^- :_^ , p=l— -^— ^[— r1 f3=j^ " 0 • 1 1 -^ 1 — *^- l^ 1 -i N N ^ 1 ^ • ~'0 tf -^ __^ — h= — 1 — ¥^ —jr^J ^ • -- ? 1 - K * «! — 1 — ~^ K- 1 — ^ ^ -r-E"3 9-- •#- * =^ =r-^ -5^ 1 '. m •- \ — 1 _^_J!_:z^: t > ^ .^L-_J i Z3: ISII] 1^1] P^ S=i:FJ=i T^.3Ep. s-z-z I 1 Xot to the terrors of the Lord, Tlie tempest, fire, and smoke, Nor to the thunder of that word, Which God on Sinai spoke : 2 But we are come to Zion's hill, The city of our God, Where milder words declare His will. And spread His love abroad. 3 Behold th" innumerable host Of ansels, clotlied in lijrht ! Behold the spirits of the just. Whose faith is turn'd to si^ht I 4 Behohl the blest assembly there. Whose names are writ in heaven ! And God, the .Tudge of all. declare Their num'rous sins forgiven. I 5 In such society as this j My wearv soul would rest I The'man that dwells where Jesus is. Must be forever blest. 455 Zbr-^ZZ^^—J -^-4 -^ i& a- ETEKNITY— HEAVEN. BEMERTON. CM. h. w. greatorex. — #- :^*^: r^^^T^^r~rnrr^ at ^-■^■^ik xst^ pSJcl ^ la. ■0 0 — -- -<» f=f tf»- r- H 1 Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart, Inspire each lifeless tongue; And let the joys of heaven impart Their inlhieiice to our song. 2 Sorrow, and j>ain, and ev'ry care, And discord there shall cease; And perfect joy and love sincere Adorn the realms of peace. 3 Tlie .soul, from sin forever free, Shall mourn its power no more; lint, clothed in spotless piirity, Redeeming love adore. 4 Tiiore on a throne, how (Lizzling bright Th' exalted Saviour shines. And heams inelVahle delight On all the heavenly minds. 5 There shall tlie foH'wers of the Lan.h .Join in inimortal songs, An from the tomb. With glori(ie(l millions to i>raise Thee ut home. Home, etc. 458 ETERNITY-HEAVEN. BEULAH. 7s. D. E. IVES. 4^ S. 0 — ^ ^^^^ P^==tr- ^ 1* f — r SEi Fine, I I :=^: n ^ _ii ^_ :p 9 =^ — r- # ,' -^ pi W ^ — It L ^. :^^=:^=r — r r=i=^ ^-^'~.- :i S=-EI^M- .^--fl- g^ ^=^=r^r^ -.aj- D.S fczt-=St-^F^IS: F 53X I 1 Who are these in bright array, This innumerable throng, Round the altar night and day, Tuning their triunipliant song? "Worthy is the Lamb, once slain, Blessing, honor, glory, power, Wisdom, riches, to obtain New dominion ev'ry hour." 2 These through fiery trials trod; These from great afflictions came: Now, before the throne of God, Seal'd with His eternal name, Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor palms in every hand. Through their great Redeemer's might, More than conquerors they stand. Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed: Them the Lamb amidst the throne Shall to living fountains lead. Joy and gladness banish siglis ; Perfect love dispels their fears; And forever from tlieir eyes God shall wipe away their tears. 459 ETERNITY— HEAVEN. BENEDICT. L. IVI L. O. EMERSON. lA-Trrr ^ds;*i: mmmmm^ I -M. r=^ -^ :*— *_ ■0 ^^gi!^|g=^^ii 582 1 Kx.iltod lii-h at Cod's rif^lit liand, Nearer the throne than ('h('rul)s stand ; With gh)ry crown'd, in wldte array, My woiid'ring soul says, " Who aretbey' 2 Those are the saints, beloved of Cfod — Wash'd are their robes in .lesns' blood; More spotless than the purest white, Tijey sliine in uncreatea light. 3 Brighter than angels, lo ! they shine; 'i'lieir glories great, and all divine; Tell nie their origin, and say Their order wliat, and whenr^came thev 4 Through tribulation great they eame. They bore the cross and seorn'd the shame Within the living tein{)lc blest, 111 God they dwell, and on Him rest. 5 TTnknown to mortal cars they sing The saered glories of their King; Tell nie the subject of their lays. And whence their loud exalted praise? 0 .Tesus, the Saviour, is their theTue ; 'I'hey sing the wonders of His name: To Him jiscribing power and grace, I)ominion ami eternal j^raise. 460 :?5=^ ETERNITY— HEAVEN, KELLER. 6,6,8,6,8,8. w. b. bradbury. ->--*— N—;ri -1 -I- ♦ «T I r gr|riJ5r=z:'z:fzr?_qrJzr-iLC=:*=iEr^ 583 Friend after friend departs ; Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts, That finds not here an end : Were this frail world our final rest, Living or dying, none were blest. Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of deatli, There surely is some blessed clime Where life is not a breath, Nor life's affections, transient fire, Whose sparks fly upward and expire. 3 There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A long eternity of love Form'd for the good alone: And faith beholds the dying here Translated to that glorious sphere. 4 Thus star by star declines, Till all are pass'd away ; As morning high and higher shines To pure and perfect day ; Nor sink those stars in empty night. But hide themselves in heaven's own light. 461 ETERNITY— HEAVEN. UNITY. 6s, 5s. L. MASON. ^— 5— r— H t^ ^ Si^i^^ f: i: zg — >: U' 1^ :t?==i?: ::!2:-c SI l-=r^!=i-=i-=±=r^ pi3^i^ 584 Wlion shall wc meet again?— Meet ne'er to sever? When will peace wreathe her chain Round us forever? Our hearts will ne'er repose Safe from each hlast that hlowa, In this (lark vale of woes — Never — no, never ! 2 When shall love freely flow I'nre as lifi-'s river? When shall sweet friendship plow ('haiif^eless forever? Where ioys celestial thrill, Where bliss each heart shall fill, And fears (»f parting chill Never— no, never I 3 Up to that world of light, Take us. dear Saviour; May we all there unite, Happy forever: Where kindred spirits dwell, There may our music swell. And time our joys dispel Never — no, never! 4 Soon shall we nieet again— Meet ne'er to sever; Soon will i)eucc wreathe her chain Round us forever; Our hearts will then repose Secure from worldly woes; Our songs of praise shall close Never — no, never! 462 ETERNITY— HEAVEN. HOPE. 8s. W. L. REMSBEKG - — ' ♦ • - — -i ^^ i:^ --]— j_j- i^ZZUtZJL T5— i^-?T-^3-^ I rS-^-^-Fg— }-:-iii-Fe=f^ U —I ^^i^iil^iSSi^lSgia ses 1 We speak of the realms of the blest, That country so bright and so fair, And oft are its glories confess'd ; But what must it be to be there ! 2 We speak of its pathways of gold, Its walls deck'd With jewels so rare, Its wonders and pleasures untold ; But what must it be to be there ! 3 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care, From trials without and within ; But what must it be to be there ! 4 We speak of its service of love. The robes which the glorified wear. The Church of the First-born above; But what must it be to be there I Do Thou, Lord, 'mid sorrow and woe, Still for heaven my spirit prepare, And shortly I also sliall know, And feel what it is to be there. 463 ETEKNITY-HEAVEN. BONAR. S. M. D |^:.r.:trj^-=-ri L. MASON. J — I — ^- 42. #. 42. 4L o> s. -Ettlffe^^ 2^ Fine. zi • — -o -^ '— - i=^ J L ^ g g~~: -i^ -25^. ' 1 — ; — L_^ j — ^ ^ ?=:i=F^fcrS=£S-=££ @ ^ ^■•^ ^^^mmm ^r:i=4=^p=:±fd=^ D.S. -«i^- ^M\ ■jr: ^ .^ £: .^ A few more years shall roll, A few more seasons come; And we shall he with those that rest, Asleep witiiiii the tomb: Then, O my Lord, prepare My Hoiil for that j^rcat day ; Oh, wash me in Thy i)recious blood, And take my sins away ! A few more storms shall boat On this wild, ro(;ky shore; And we shall he where ((Mnpests cease, And surges swell no more: Tlien, <) my Lord, i)rei)are My soul r.»r that calm day ; Oh, wash \uv. in Thy i)reciou.s blood, And take mv sins uwav ! 3 A few more strutrtrles here, A few m(»re parting's o'er, A f(!W more tods, a few more tears. And we shall wecj) no more; Then, 0 my Lord, prepare My soul for that blest day : Oh, wa*h me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away ! A few more Sabbaths here Shall cheer us on our way ; And we shall reach the endless rest, Th' eternal Sabbath-day : Then, O my Lord, preparer My soul for tiiat sweet day ; Ob, wash me in thy precious blood, And take my sins away ! 'Tis but a little while And lie shall come ajijain. Who died that we uu'^hx live, who lives That we with llim may reign : Then, O mv Lord, i>repare My soul for that glad day; Oh. wash me in Thv precious blotul, And take my sins away I 464 ETERNITY— HEAVEN. SOON AND FOREVER • -;.— ^ -^-i^— *-i^-*-*-^-' iFi— ^-^-*- J-*=^*-*- J-iJ--^ J=r= J -y— t^ I — t^-t^- — 30 1 Soon and forever tlie breaking of day Shall chase all the night-clouds of sorrow away ; Soon and forever we'll see as we're seen, And know the deep meaning of things that have been— Where fightings without, and where conflicts within Shall weary no more in the warfare with sin — Where tears, and where fears, and where death shall be never, Christians with Christ shall be soon and forever 2 Soon and forever — such promise our trust — Though ashes to ashes and dust be to dust, Soon and forever our union shall be Made perfect, our glorious Redeemer, in Thee; When the cares and the sorrows of time shall be o'er Its pangs and its partings remember'd no more. Where life cannot fail and where death cannot sever, Christians with Christ shall be soon and forever. S Soon and forever the work shall be done. The warfare accomplish'd. the victory won ; Soon and forever the soldier lay down The sword for a harp, the cross for a crown : Then droop not in sorrow, despond not in fear, A glorious to-morrow is brightening and near. When — blessed reward for each faithful endeavor — Christians with Christ shall be soon and forever. 465 ETERNITY— HEAVEN. FOREVER WITH THE LORD. S. M. D. I. B. WOODBURY V,^— -t I ' L--^^- -! -Ft— ?^:?-»— * - -! — '^£± 3:^: I I .\J-t.-t- v-i — t — ' ',^2. ^_^ -#-s — •- r- ggikfe-^^ffei -^ ^ > W- 1 — I — r ■^^m^m r- & ft ft! ft i> F —I 1^^ # # # # ■^ 1- ■S 1 1 — ■— 1 »: Pi Choeus. i — ' — r Nearer homo, nearer home, A day's march Dciirerhojuc. 466 ETERNITY— HEAVEN. 508 Forever with the Lord ! Amen ! so let it be; Life from the dead is in tliat word, 'Tis immortality. 2 Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 3 My Father's house on high, Home of my soul ! how near At times to faith's foreseeing eye The golden gates appear ! 4 Ah, then my spirit faints To reach the land I love. The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above ! 5 Forever with the Lord ! Father, it is Thy will, The promise of that faithful word E'en here to me fulfil. 6 Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word And oft repeat before the throne * * Forever with the Lord ! ' ' GREENWOOD. S. M J. E. SWEETS ER. I I ^1^?; t'-:1: :^ s; :»=:.»=[: ;-:=^ •=fS-- sl 467 ETERNITY— HEAVEN . HOME. S. M. L. (). EMERSON. -■i=i^i: P-F=t ^^- -.-i— T— <-— -^— -N- ^ &=r if==f.- n f yi^F^Ei^^^=^^fe 589 1 I have a lionie above, From sin and sorrow free; A mansion which eternal love Desi^ii'd and forni'd for me. 2 My Saviour's precious blood Has made my title sure; lie pass'd throufjh death's dark raging flood To make niv rest secure. 3 The Comforter is come, The earnest has been given , He leads jne onward to the home Reserved for me in heaven. 4 Loved ones are gone before. Whose pilgrim days are done; I soon shall greet them on that shore Where partings arc unknown. 468 ETERNITY— HEAVEN. CHOPIN. CM. I. B. WOODBURY .^—3 — « — f hoavon dosoond, And shcMi its influence round. 2 I>et not the foo of Thrist and man This Ijoly seed remove; May it tako root in cv'ry heart, And pr-AV in faith and love! 3 T.ct not this life's deceitful cares, Nor worldly wealth and j(jy, Nor scorching: heatn. nor ^>torniy blast, The rising i)lant destroy. 4 Where'er the word of life is sown, A lari;e increase bestow, Tliat all who hoar Thy mes.sacre, Lord, Its saving power may know. 472 ^z±^ ^ DISMISSIONS. SESSIONS. L. M L. O. EMERSON. m^^mm. 3=^: N I .-^U-&^- ^=5^^ ?23i=rp=ji= zie -^ 5: i=:c ^i=i- It^. t=t:=: X^=^-=^r. isz: ^ — g^" i=q :^ 1 (5-- g^!^ r— t— 1 I*- -<9- f=F — h- ^^i^i 593 1 Ere to the world again we go, Its pleasures, cares, and idle show, Thy grace, once more. 0 God, we crave. From folly and from sin to save. 2 May the great truths we here have heard, The lessons of Thy holy word — Dwell in our inmost bosoms deep, And all our souls from error keep. 3 Oh. may the influence of this day, Long as our memory with us stay, And as a constant guardian jirove, To guide us to our home above. 473 DISMISSIONS. GREENVILLE. 8s, 7s. D. j. j. rousseau. -^-^=F=F > I 1 1^ I '^ I I f- ^ r ^;--^ :p=i?L I — r :^ I I II I u I I • ^j^r -¥=P=^F= t:zJit:=3Z=_l Lz: ?^ ^-5-J -i ^T^ ■J^ 4 4 p _Fl:l p ^ r r^ — u,-j— j— 4— , ^ * rJ -"-^ =J=A:=::zv ^=^^r :£ 4^- I I ^, . r*3 r*- I ^ 1^ 1 — \ f -I I ^11 504 Lord, (lisniiss us with thy bk'ssing— Kill our hearts with joy au K-^ ^=^ LjT U ^ .# tf-^ tL -t« SK 1 1 %:X=^\=X=^ :tr r I 11 1 i :i=P= fcir^zz 599 1 Now may lie, who from the dead, Brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our King and Head, All our souls in safety keep ! 2 May He teach ns to fulfil What is pleasing in His sight; Perfect us in all His will. And i)re3erve us day and night ! 3 Great Redeemer! Thee we praise. Who the cov'nant seal'd with hlood While our hearts and voices raise Loud thanksgivings unto God, 478 :^=^fc3 ^ti: DISMISSIONS. MERLO. 8s, 7s, 4s. l. o. emf.rson. :^=L_^z=^ i #- a—t.^^- «» #- £ *=^*- .=a -(2^ * i^=t=f==^ ^_.- * * iSl^^p^^ :g ^-•l ^^-^^ *— -^ i-^^-v- JZt^^ pz=rz±^,z=:>±^=:fe-| r^^^^^^-J I III ^^m^g^m^^m s^^i -I — r ^^8 ©OO 1 While we lowly bow before The^, Wilt Thou, gracious Saviour, hear? We are poor and needy sinners, Full of doubt and full of fear ; Gracious Saviour, Make us humble and sincere. 2 Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit ; Sanctify us by Thy "grace ; Oh, incline us more to love Thee, And in dust our souls abase. Hear us, Saviour, And unveil Tliy glorious face. 3 None in vain did ever ask Thee For the Spirit of Thy love : Hear us then, dear Saviour, hear us, Grant and answer from above ; Blessed Saviour, Hear, and answer from above. 47^ DISMISSIONS. DENNIS. S. M, H. C. NAGELI. ^-0- ^-0- -0- -»• -0- * •§' "•• 5 "•■ -*• -m /o -~ « -* 1— l^E ri . rv .^ V- ^^^^^Sf=^i:Mi^^^^^^^ 601 1 Lord, at this closing hour, Estahlish every lieart Upon Thy word of truth and power, To keep us when we part. 2 Peace to oub brethren give ; Fill all our hearts with love; In faith and patience may we live, And seek our rest above. 3 Through clianges, bright or drear, We would thy will pursue ; And toil to spread Thy kingdom here, Till we its glory view. 4 To God, the only wise, In every age adored. Let glory from the church arise, Througli Jesus Christ our Lord 480 xm. -^SSS^' L. M, To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honor, praise, and glory given, By all on earth and all in heaven. a. L. M Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 3 C. M. Now let the Father and the Son And Spirit be adored. Where there are works to make Him known, Or saints to love the Lord. C. M 1 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, i One God, whom we adore. Be glory as it was, is now. And shall be evermore ! S. M Ye angels round the throne. And saints that dwell below, Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. S. M, To God the Father, Son, And Spirit, One in Three, Be glory as it was, is now. And shall forever be. 31 °Z L. p. M. Now to the great and sacred Three, The Father, Son, and Spirit, be Eternal praise and glory given — Through all the worlds where God is known. By all the angels near the throne, And all the saints in earth and heaven. O C. M.D, The God of mercy be adored, W^ho calls our souls from death, W^ho saves by His redeeming word And new-creating breath : To praise the Father and the Son And Spirit all divine— The One in Three and Three in One, Let saints and angels join. & C. p. M To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Be praise amid the heavenly host, And in the church below : From whom all creatures draw their breath. By whom redemption bless'd the earth, From whom all comforts flow. lO To God the Father's throne, Your higliest honors raise; Glory to God the Son — To God, the Spirit, praise: With all our powers. Eternal King! Thy name we sing, While faith adores. H. M 481 11 Sing we to our God above, Praise eternal as His love ; Praise Him, all ye heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. DOXOLOGIES. 7s. 14 12 8s&7s. Praise the God of all creation; Praise the Father's boundless love; Praise the Lamb, our expiation, Priest and King enthroned above: Praise the Fountain of salvation, Him by whom our spirits live ; Undivided adoration To the one Jehovah give. 13 Ss, 7s&4s. Great Jehovah ! we adore Thee, God the Father — God the Son — God the Spirit — ^joined in glory. On the same eternal throne ; Endless praises To Jehovah, Three in One. 7s&6s All ye who grace inherit, The God of grace adore I To Father, Son, and Spirit, Give praise for evermore ! Of mercies here, the treasure Demands our ])raise and love; And praise shall be our i)leasure Before His throne above. IS 7s & 6s. To Father, Son, and Spirit, From earth let praise arise ! Ye angels, as ye hear it. Prolong it through the skies ! ±G 6s&4s. To God— the Father, Son, And Spirit— Three in One, I All praise be given ! ! Crown Him in ev'ry song ; I To Him your hearts belong; j Let all His praise prolong. On earth, in heaven. 482 ^ IHDGX OF ^UBJG(JT$.i^ -Ssssg- (The figures indicate the number of the Hymns ) Ahiding of Christ icith believers, 528, 530, 532. Activity, Christian, 428-433, 450, Adoption, 445. Advent of Christ, 110-114, 229-234. Affliction, 462-464, 363, 365, 385, 386, 389, 441, 443. Angels, 167, 472, Ascension of Christy 243-245. Ashamed of Christ, 174, 384, Assurance, 380, 383, 589, Atonement, 125-141, Backsliding, 420-423, 459-461. Baptism, of Children, 258-260, 505. of Adults, 256, 257. Benevolence, 427, 430. Bereavement, 583. See ''Affliction'' and "Death." Bible, 249-255. 483 indp:x of subjects. Blessedness, of Christ's kingdom, 193, 21:], 214, 21(j. of obedience, 439, 440. of piety, 204, 338, 389, 39G-400, 441- 1 IG. future, anticipated, 380, 447, 448, 468-470, 474, 47(>. Brevity of Life, 285, 287, 290, 297. Bui-ial, 554-563- Can, Gospel, 270-297. Care, 320, 347-349, 374, 375, 377, 378, 381, 382. Change of heart, 323, 324, 350-354. Charity, 333, 427, 430. Children, 496-507. Choice, of the Christian, 209-212, 408-417. Christ, advent of, 110-114, 229-234. divine and human, 103-105. teaching of, 115. miracles of, 123, 124. sufferings and death, 125-134, 235-238. resurrection of, 239-242, 140. ascension of, 243-245. exalted in heaven and on earth, 105. 119, 150, 152, 1(50-1(52, 165, 167. Mediator, 111, 134, 135, 139, 142-148. intercession of, 142-148. his offices, 107. High Priest, 109, 144, 145. Kedeemerof mankind, 114, 127-132, 134-141. Light of the worid, 17:1, 516, 372. the Way, tlio Truth, and the Life, 10(5. our Kighteousness, 319, 321. Hiding place, 141, 322. the Sun of Kighteousness, 173, 51(5. sympathizing, 109. a Friend, 108. a Pattern, 116-122. our Rest, 381. Christ precious, 404, 405, 175-178. love to, 175-178, 404, 405. unseen but loved. 391. 484 k INDEX OF SUB.rECTS. Christ, praise to, 149-178. 95, 97, 112-114. needed, 382. abiding with us, 528, 530, 532. Christians, their life and experience, 325-480. Church, her foundation, 191, 192. her privileges and glory, 193. her unity and peace, 203, 204. her ministry, 195-201. love for. 202. enduring, 194. afflicted. 226. revival of, prayer for, 205-207. prayer for laborers in, 222. final triumph of, 224, 225, 227, 228. Comforter, 188, 189. See Holy Spirit. Communion, with God, 390-395. 398, 402, 403. 406, 407. with Christ, 396. 397, 399-401. of saints, 434-438. at the Lord's table, 261-269. Compassion of Christ, 134, 166, 169. Condescension of Christ, 134. Conferences and Synods, 201, 202. Confession of Sin, 318, 418-423. Confidence, in God, 360-371, 375, 377, 380. in Christ, 358, 372-374, 378, 383, 384. in Providence, 356, 357. 374. 379. Confirmation, 209-212. Conflicts of the Christian Life. 454-458. Conscience, 442. Consecration, of churches. See Dedication. Self-consecration, 79, 408-417. Consolation, 367. 368, 371-373, 375-382. Constancy, 453, 463. Contrition, 298-308. Conversion, 99. 301, 305, 323, 335, 350, 352-354. Conviction, 298-308. Courage of Christians, 79-85, 361, 362, 363, 369, 371, 375, 376, 377, 383, 388, 389. Creation, 68-70. 485 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Crosa, of Christ, 1-27, ISA. taking up, or bearing the, 345, 424. Ci-ucijU'ion, of Christ, 127-132. of Christians to the world, 401, 415-417, 424. Day of Grace, 280, 285, 288, 290, 295-297. Death, 554-5G3. of a child, 561. of a minister, 563. of a friend, 554, 558. anticipation of, 465-480. Deceitful ness of Sin, 91. Declension, Spiritual, 459-461. Dedication of Churches, 488-492. Delay of Repentance, 283, 285, 287, 290, 291, 295, 297. Delight in Worship, 46-54. Dependence, 358, 364, 376, 377, 382. Depravity, 88-92. Despondency, 367, 371, 373. J)ouht, 367, 372, 377. Early Piety, 291, 497, 498, 501, 507. Education, 497. Election, of Pastors or Church Officers, 202. Eternity, 572-587. Eu diarist. See Lord^s Supper. Evening Hymns, in general, 519-522, 524-532. of I ord's Day, 523, 533. Exaltation of Christ, 105, 149, 150, 152, 160, KJl, 162, 165, 167. Example, of Christ, 116-121, 336. of Christian, 351, 369. Expostulations, 288, 289. 7vf/7/t, justification ])y, 309-322. in God, 356, 361, 362, 366-36H, 371, 375, 376, 377, 379, 383, 387, 388, .389. in Clirist, 309-315, 317, 31J)-322, 358, 364, 3(55, 372, 373, 378, ,381, 3R2, 384. in I'rovidcnci^, 356, 357, 374, 377. 486 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Faiths in the promises, 363. power of, 359, 360, 372. overcoming the world, 359, 370. blessedness of, 316, 319, 320, 360, 368, 370, 372, 374, 375, 383. prayer for, 357. Faithfulness, 351, 390, 428, 429. Family, 504-506. Fasting, 418, 540. Fellowship. See Communion. Following Christ, 424-427, 116-121. Forbearance, 336, 337, 118, 119. Forgiveness, of sin, 298-304, 306, 310,-322, 418, 420, 421, 422. of offences, 118, 119. Fortitude, 455-457. Fountain, opened for sin, 136, 273, 278, 281, 290. FraUty of man, 287, 294, 296, 475, 476. Freedom, in Christ, 137, 335. Friend, Christ a, 108. Friendship, Christian, 434-438. Fruits of the Spirit, love, 332, 333. joy and peace, 334, 335. meekness and humility, 116-119, 336-338. hope, 339-343. patience and resignation, 344-349, 356, 364, 365, 372, 373, 374, 381. Funeral. See Burial. Future Punishment, 566-571. Gentleness, 336-338, 116-119. Gethsemane, 120, 125. Glorying in the Cross, 127, 133. God, as Creator and Preser%^er, praise to, 1, 6, 8, 68-74. eternal and unchangeable, 55, 56. triune, 63-67. omniscient, 57, 58. omnipresent, 58. almighty, 59, 60, 69. holy and just, 18 King, 59. 487 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. God, is love, 61, 6'2. a Father, 32, 445. Benefactor, 2, 3, 16, 17, 19, 47, 75. Redeemer, 12, 13, 14, 95, 113, 114. long-suflering, 3. wonderful in providence, 76-87. praise to, 1-22, 33. Goodness of God, riches of, 4, 14, 69. in the mission of Christ, 93-101, 113, 114, 128. a ground of trust, 71-87, 356-389. praise for, 1-22. Gospel, the call of, 270-297. the blessedness of, 193, 198, 204, 213, 214, 215, 216. spread of, 213-228. Grace, redeeming, 94-98. quickening, 93, 94, 99, 100. reigning, 89, 90. day of, 280, 285, 288, 290, 295-297. free, 270-275, 281, 282. inexhaustible, 271, 272. in praise of, 93-102, 113, 114. Graces, Christian, prayed for, 350-353. Gratitude, for the atonement, 150-178, 89, 90, 95-98. for mercies, 1-17, 19-22, 50, 51, 69, 74, 75. Grave, 554-557, 570, 561. Growth in Grace, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354. 355, 357, 364, 382, 383, 392, 393, 397, 398. Guardianship and Guidance of God, blessedness of, 356, 361, 362, 363, 374, 375, 377, 383, 388. prayer for, 86, 185, 347, 348, 358, 376, 385, 387. Happiness, of pardon and justification, 316, 319, 320, 334, 335. \ of love and trust, 333, 334, 335, 359, 360, 368, 370, 372, 383. of meekness, 338. of hope, 339-343, 370. 488 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Happiness, of fellowship with God and Christ, 390, 397, 398-401. 405, 406, 407, 413. of life in Christ, 410, 414-417. Harvest, 552, 548-550. Head of Ihe Church, 105, 149, 150, 152, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167, 213, 214, 244. Heart, depraved, 88-92. renewal of, 305, 323, 324, 350-354. purity of, 323. Heaven, bliss of, 573, 590, 581, 582, 585. glory of, 576. anticipation of, 465, 468, 470, 564, 578, 586, 588. viewed as the heavenly Canaan, 572. as rest, 574, 575, 580. as a reaping, 574. as the general assembly, 577. as a heavenly home, 589, 590. as the heavenly Jerusalem, 590, 591. reunion in, 583, 584. satisfying, 579. mansions in, 46.5, 579, 588, 589. soon and forever, 587. HeJl. See Future Punishment. Hiding Place, Christ a, 141, 322. Holiness, 350-355, 323. * Holy Spirit, 179-190, 246-248. Divine, 248. Spirit of Truth, 246, 247. inviting, 275. enlightening. 180, 185-187. striving, 288. renewing, 179, 180. quickening, 182, 183, 184. grieved, 288, 290. guidance of, 185. as Comforter, 188, 189. as the earnest of heaven, 189. prayer for His descent, 182, 190. 489 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Happiness, fruits of, 3:^2-348. Home, heaveu as. 580, 589, 590. Ho2)e, 339-343. in afflictions, 462, 464. in troubles, 368, 386. in anticipation of death, 469, 470, 476. God of our hope, 389. Humanity of Christ, 103, 104, 109, 233. Humiliation, for a day of public, 418, 540. Humility, 336, 337, 338. Imitation, of Christ, 116-121, 424-427. of the saints, 436. Immortality of the Soul, 564, 565. See also Heaven. Incarnation. See Humanity of Christ. Indwelling, of Christ, 350. of the Holy Hpirit, 189. Intercession, of Christ, 142-148. of Christians, 328, 331. Invitations, of the gospel, 271-274, 281, 282, 284, 286. of Christ, 270, 276, 279, 280. of the Holy Spirit, 275. of the Church, 275. Jews, prayer for, 223. Joy, in the mission of Christ, 110. for salvation, 102. source of, 335. begun on earth, 334. Jubilee, Song of, 214, 215. Year of, 282. Judgmen t , 566-57 1 . Justification In/ Faith, 3ir>-32,2, 309-315. Kcdrov, 126. Kingdom of Chrint, })lessingH of, 213, 216, 220. extension of, 213, 214, 220, 221, 224, 225, 22-; prayer for, 218, 219, 220. 490 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Lamb of God, 135, 136, 137, 172, 303. Law, broken, 88, 89. loved and kept, 439, 440. Liberality, 427, 430. Life, brevity of, 285, 287, 296, 297. object of, 291, 296, 297, 410, 428, 429. solemnity of, 294-297, 287. Light, Christ the Light of the world, 516, 173, 372. given by the Holy Spirit, 180, 181, 183-187. walking in the, 390, 392. Likeness to God and Christ, 116-122, 336, 392, 393, 500. Long-sufftring of God, 3, 75, 283, 284, 287, 289, 290. Looking unto Jesus, 372, 373. Lord's Day, 34-45, 523. Lord's Prayer, 32. Lord's Supper, 261-269, 127-134, 533. Love, of God, 60, 61, 62, 93-98. of Christ, 108, 112, 114, 127-131, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 340, 350, 401. to God, 334, 335, 393, 398. to Christ, 175, 178, 267, 332, 335, 397, 399, 400, 401, 404, 405, 413. to Christian brethren, 434—438, to the Church, 202. Lukeirarmness, 182, 459-461, 418. 3faje8ty of God, 1, 5, 10, 11, 55-61. 3fan, depravity of, 88-92. frailty of, 285, 287, 294, 296, 475, 476. Mansions in Heaven, 465, 579, 588, 589. 3Iarriage, 493, 494. 3Ieans of Grace, 249-269. Mediatorship of Christ, 114, 134, 135, 139, 142-148. Meditation, 51, 52, 395, 403. Sleekness, 336-338. Merey of God, 2, 3, 9, 14-16, 20, 62, 65. Miracles of Christ, 123, 124. 3Iillennium, 152, 213-216, 220, 221, 225, 227, 228. Ministers, blessed calling of, 198. 491 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. MiJiisters, solemnity of their work, 197. prayer for, 199, 200. prayer for more, 222. ordination and installation of, 195-197. Missions, 213-228. Morning, 508-518. National Hymns, 536-542. thanksgiving, 536-539. humiliation, 418, 539, 540. Natin-c of man, corrupt, 88-92. NeiP Heart, 323, 324, 350-354. Nnc Year, 543-547. Obedience, prompted by faith, 351-355. 361. made easy by love, 333, 374. blessings of, 408, 439, 440. Omnipotence of God, 59, 60, 69, 371. Omnipresence of God, 58. Omniscience of God, 57, 58. Ordination, 195-197. Original Sin, 88-92. Pardon, 298-304, 306, 307, 310-322, 418, 420-422. Parting Hymns, 437, 592-601. Passion of Christ, 125-134, 235-238. Patience, 119, 336, 344-349. Pattern, Christ our, 116-122. Peace, personal, :UJ3, 319, 320, :534, 335, 439, 442. national, 537, 541. among T)rethren, 434, 43M. Pentecost, 179-190, 246- >4H. Perseverance, 19, 3M3, 111. 412, 451, 453, 455. Pestilence, after, 542. Pilgrimage of Life, 340, 474. Portion. (;o(l the believer's, 3H8, 39H, 402, 403. 406-40H. Praise, hymns of general praise, 1-27, X\, :M-5:>. r)!)-(!l, 95, 97, 9H. to Chri.st, 149-178. 492 I I INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Praise, to the Trinity, 64-67. to the Holy Spirit, 180. Prayer, 325-331. Preciousness of Christ, 175-178, 397, 399-401, 404, 405. Presence of Christ, 396, 397, 399, 400. Presence of God, 335, 371, 392, 393, 398, 402, 403, 406. Pride. See Humility. Private Devotion, 534, 535. Procrastination, 238, 285, 287, 291, 295, 297, 390. Progress of Christians. See Growth in Grace. Promises, precious, 363, 375, 377, 396, 441. Providence, 71-87. Purity, 323, 350-355. Race, emblem of the Christian life, 85, 450. Reconciliation. See Atonement. Redeemer, 114, 127-132, 134-141. Redemption, 125-141. Reformation Festival, 483, 484. Regeneration, 323. 324, 350-354. Religion, 291, 446. Renewal. See Regeneration. Repentance, 298-308. Resignation, 76-83, 341-349, 362-389, 462-464. Resolutions, 210, 286. Rest, 480, 276, 575. Resurrection, of Christ, 239-242. of men, 476, 557, 558, 564, 565. Revival, 205-208. Righteousness, Christ our, 315, 319, 321, 322. blessings of, 439-442, 445-448, 481. Rock of Ages, 310. Sabbath, 34-45, 523. Sabbath-School, hymns for, 496-503. Sacraments. See Baptism and Lord^s Supper. Salvation, of grace, 93-102. through Christ. 95, 97, 98, 127-139. 493 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Salvation, by faith, 309-322. offered to all, 270-275, 281, 282. ^ joy for, 102. J Sanctijication, 323, 324. See also Holiness. Scrijytures, 249-255. Seamen, 72, 81, 553. Seasons, 548-551. spring, 551. summer, 548. autumn, 549, 550. Second Coming of Clirisf, 566-571. Security of Christians, 411, 440-448. Self-consecration, 408-417. Self-denial, 292, 345, 456. Self-examination, 451, 452, 456, 459, 460. Shepherd, God a, 73, 74. Christ a, 99, 498. Sickness. See Affliction. Sin, orignal, 88-92. ' overcome by grace, 89, 90. deceitfulness of, 91, 92. i conviction of. See Repentance. r Sincerity, 354, 404, 412. r Soldier, the Cliristian a, 454-458. * Sons of God, Christians, 444, 445. \ Soul, importance of its salvation, 287, 291, 294, 296. ' I Sowing, spiritual, 432, 433, 574. Spiritual Declension, 459-461. Spiritual-mindedness. See Communion with God and Christ. Spring, 551. Stability, Christian, 411, 453. Star of Bethlehem, 171. Strength, 85, 357, 371, 387, 388, 454. Striving of the Holy Spirit, 288. Suhmission. See Resignation. Summer, 548. Sun of Righteousness, 173, 516. Sympathy, of Christ, 109, 535. 494 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Sympathy, of Christians, 222, 430, 434, 438. Synods and Conferences, 201, 202. Teaching of Christ, 115. Temperance, 495. Temptation, 91, 109, 121, 453-458. Thanksgiving, for redemption, 12, 13, 95-98, 149-178 for Providential mercies, 1-11, 14-22. for national blessings, 536, 537, 541. for the example of departed saints, 436. Time. See Brevity of Life. Trials. See Afflictions and Care. Trinity, the, 63-67. Trust. See Confidence. Unbelief, 270, 274, 277, 280, 292, 295. Union, of Christians with Christ, 310, 365. with each other, 434, 438. in heaven and on earth, 435. Unity of the Church, 203, 204, 434-436. Vanity, of life, 287, 291. of earthly things, 277, 296, 414-417. Victory, 454-457, 481, 482, 581. Vows, 209-212. Walking with God, 390, 392, 398. War, in times of, 540, 539. Warfare, the Christian, 454-458. Watchfulness, 449, 450, 457. Way, the AVay, Truth and Life, 106. the narrow, 292-417. Whit-Sunday, 246-248, 179-190. Wicked, call to. See Call. danger of the, 295, 478. wretchedness of, 440. doom of, 440, 566-571. Wisdom of God, 19, 55, 76-78, 98. 495 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Witness of the Spirit, 180, 186-189. H'ord of God. See Scriptures. Works of Cod, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, (38, 69. World, 414-416. Worship, liymns of opening, 1-45. delight in, 46-o I. closing of, 593-601. family, 508-533. Youth. 496-507. Zeal. See Activity. Zion. See Church. 490 ^inDGX OF FIH^T LIOG^.i^ -Ssss^- HTMN A charge to keep I have C. Wesley 428 A few more years shall roll Bonar 586 A glory gilds the sacred p'age Cowper 251 A pilgrim and a stranger Gerhardt — Borthwick 380 A pilgrim throngh this lonely world Bonar 121 Abide with me; fast falls the eventide E. F. Lyte 532 According to Thy gracious word Montgomery 261 Affliction is a stormy deep Cotton 462 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? Watts 128 All hail the glorious morn .. Peacock 240 All hail the power of Jesus' name Peronnet 149 All that I was, my sin, my guilt Bonar 100 All-powerful, self-existent God 56 Almighty God, Thy word is cast From John Cawood 592 Almighty Sov'reign of the skies 536 Always with us, always with us Nevin 396 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound Newton 93 Amidst a world of hopes and fears H. 3Ioore 185 Am I a soldier of the Cross? Watts 456 And am I born to die? C. Wesley 294 And am I only born to die? C. Wesley 296 And art Thou with us, gracious Lord? Doddridge 375 And didst Thou, Jesus, condescend? 124 And let this feeble body fail C. Wesley 342 And must this body die? Watts 476 And shall we still be slaves? 355 32 497 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HTMN Ami will the Judge descend? Doddridge 570 Angels from the realms of glory Montgomcrij 234 Another six days' work is done Stcnntt 38 Approach, my soul, the morcy-seat Xcuion 330 Arise, my soul, arise C Weslci/ 14'i Around the throne of God in heaven 49() As pants the hart for cooling springs Tate and Brady 402 Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep Margaret 3Iackag 560 Awake, and sing the song Hammond .... 12 Awake, my soul, and with the sun Bishop Ken ... . 515 Awake, my soul, in jo^^ful lays Medley 169 Awake, my soul, stretch everj^ nerv'e Doddridge 450 Awake, our souls, away, our fears! Watts 85 Awake, ye saints, awake! Cotterill 37 Away from ov'ry mortal care Watts 24 Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth Montgomery 4 Before Jehovah's awful throne Watts 1 Before the Lord we bow F. C. Key 537 Behold a stranger at the door Oregg 283 Behold the amazing sight Doddridge 131 Behold, the blind their sight receive Watts 123 Behold thc» mountain of the Lord Michael Bruce 227 Behold the Saviour of mankind Sam. Wesley, Sen 235 Behold the sure foundation stone Watts 192 Behold th' expected time draw near Vokc 225 Behold, Avhere in a mortal form Kniiehl 117 Beloved, it is well 443 Beneath our feet, and o'er our head Heher 478 Bless, O my soul! the living God Watts 13 Blest arc the undefiled in heart Watts 4*^) Blest be the tic that binds Fawcet 434 Blest is the man, forever l)lest Watts 316 Blest Jesus, come thou gently down Watts 207 Blest Jesus, when my soaring thoughts Heginhotham 405 Blow ye the trumjut, blow C- Wesley 282 Bright<'st and best of the sons of the morning lidier 170 Broad is the road that leads to death Watts 292 Buried in shadows of llic ni.LOit M'atts 90 By cool Siloam's shady rill Jlebcr 507 498 I INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Calm on the listening ear of night Sears 232 Uliildren of the Heavenly King Cennick 444 Christ is our cornerstone Chandler 487 Christ, the Lord, has risen to-day Cudworth 239 Christ, Thou art the sure foundation Nealc 492 Christ, whos3 glory fills the sky Toplady ol6 Christians and brethren, ere we part //. K. White 597 Come, gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove Browne 181 Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing Ckiswell 233 Come, Holy Ghost, come from on high Heed 259 Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mind Burdcr 183 Come, Holy Spirit^ come Hart 324 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove Watts 182 Come, humble sinner, in whose breast, E. Jones' 286 Com?, let us anew our journey pursue C WesJe^j 547 Corns, let us join our cheerful songs Watts 160 Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart Steele 578 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice Barhauld 279 Corns, Saviour Jesus, from above Bi/rom 413 Come, sound His praise abroad Watts 6 Come, Thou Almighty King Madan 66 Come, Thou fount of every blessing Rohinson 16 Come Thou now, and be among us Nealc 491 Come to Calvary "s holy mountain J. Montgomery 273 Coms, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish T. Moore 329 Come, ye sinners, jioor and wretched Hart 274 Come, ye thankful people, come Alford 552 Come, ye that love the Lord Watts 334 Come, ye weary sinners, come C. Wesley 276 Commit thou all thy griefs P. Gerhard^ trans. J. Wesley 377 Confiding in Thy truth alone 260 Courage, my soul, while God is near 371 Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness 228 Day of judgment, day of wonders Kewton 571 Dear Jesus, ever at my side Fabcr 502 Dear Refuge of my weary soul Steele 367 Dear Saviour, if these lambs should stray Hyde 504 Dear Shepherd of Thy. people Kewton 489 Dearest of all the names above Waits 139 499 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Dearest Saviour, help Thy st^rvaut 31 Deep iu the dust before Thy throne 89 Dehiy not, delay not, O sinner, draw near Hastings 290 Do not 1 love Thee, O my Lord Doddridge 404 Dread Jehovah, (Jod of nations C— i'— , 1804 540 Early, my God! without delay \Vatin 47 Eat, drink, in memory of your friend 263 Enslaved by sin and ]>ouud Steele 137 E Happy the heart wliA'e graces reign Watts 333 Happy the man whose wishes climb 370 Happy the meek, whose gentle breast J. Scott 338 Hai)py the souls to Jesus joined C. lV(sl(i/ 204 Hark! a voice divides the sky C. Wcslcij 562 Hark! hark! the notes of joy 231 Hark! my soul! it is the Lord Cotcpcr 451 Hark! ten thousand harps and voices Kelly 162 Hajk ! the glad sound! the Saviour comes Doddridge Ill Hark,' the herald angels sing C. Wctflci/ 230 Hark! the song of jubilee Montgomcnj 215 Hark! the voice of love and mercy J. Evans 138 Hark! through the courts of heaven Alford 308 Hark! what mean those holy voices? Catcoad 22J) Hasten, Lord, the glorious time Harriet Aiibcr 220 Hasten, O sinner, to l)e wise T. Scott 285 He dies, the Friend of sinners dies Watts 140 He lives, the great Redeemer lives Steele 143 He that goeth forth with weeping Hastings 433 He who on earth as man was known Xenion 105 Hear my prayer, O Heavenly Father Harriet Parr 520 Here, at Thy table, Lonl, we meet Stenmtt 264 Here, in Thy name, Etenial God Montgomery 1S5 High in yonder realms of light Rajfles 573 High let us swell onr tuneful notes Doddridge 112 Holy and reverend is the name Xeedham 18 Holy Father, Thou hast taught me ^562 Holy (ihost, witli light divine AVvr/ 1H7 Hosanna to the royal Son Watts 104 Hosanna with a <;heerful sound Watts 514 How are Thy servants l)Iest, O Lord Addison 81 How beauteous are their feet Watts 108 502 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. ^ HYMN How beauteous were the marks A. C. Coxc 119 How blest the righteous when he dies Barhaald 481 How calm and beautiful the morn Hasiimjs 241 How condescending and how kind Watts 134 How did my heart rejoice to hear Watts 54 How do Thy mercies close me round C. Wesley 448 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord Keith 363 How happy are the young who hear Logan 497 How lovely, how divinely sweet Steele 49 How oft, alas! this wretched heart Steele 420 How pleasant, how divinely fair Watts 46 How precious is the Book divine Faivcctt 253 How shall the young secure their hearts Watts 252 How short and hasty is our life W^atts 287 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds Newton 175 How sweetly flowed the gospel sound....- Bowring 115 How tedious and tasteless the hours Newton 400 How vain are all things here below Watts 414 I have a home above 589 I hear a voice that comes from afar Kelly 280 I heard the voice of Jesus say Bonar 320 I lay my sins on Jesus Bonar 313 I'll praise my Maker whilst I've breath. Watts 17 I look to Jesus, and the face 372 I love the Lord; Ho heard my cries Watts 379 I love the volume cf Thy word Watts 250 I love Thy Zion, Lord Dr. Divight 202 I love to steal awhile away Phwbe II. Brown 395 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord- Watts 384 I need Thee, precious Jesus F. Whitfield 382 I saw one hanging on a tree Neicton 129 I send the joys of earth away Watts 416 I think v/hen I read that sweet story of old 499 I've found the pearl of greatest price 107 I was a Avandering sheep Bonar 99 I would not live alway ; I ask not to stay Mulilenhcrg 471 In one fraternal bond of love 203 In songs of sublime adoration 97 In the cross of Christ I glory Bowring 133 603 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN In Thy ^reat name, O Lord, we come Hoskins 28 In Thy name, O Lord, assembling Kelly 27 In vain would boasting reason find Steele 309 In weariness and pain ('. Wesley 381 Insi)irer and hearer of prayer Toplady 525 It is not death to me Bethune 466 Jehovah is our strength 388 Jerusalem, my happy home Fr. old Latin Hymn 590 Jerusiilem on high Crossman 591 Jesus, and shall it ever be Gregg 174 Jesus, cast a look on me Berridge 337 Jesus, full of all compassion Turner 307 Jesus, I my cross have taken H. F. Lyte 424 Jesus, in Thy transporting name Mrs. Steele 166 Jesus, Lover of my soul C. Wesley 358 Jesus, Master of the feast C. Wesley 265 Jesus, my Advocate above C. Wesley 147 Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone Cenniek 425 Jesus, my great High-priest Wati.i 144 Jesus, my Saviour and my God Stennett 453 Jesus, my strength, my hope C. Wesley 353 Jesus, our Head, once crown'd with tliorns 152 Jesus, our triumphant Head Hart 244 Jesus, save my dying soul Hastings 300 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun M'atfs 213 Jesus, Sun of Righteousness 173 Jesus, the very thought of Thee St. Bernard 176 Jesus, Thou art my righteousness (\ Weslcar the cross alone G. X. Allen 345 My country, 'tis of thee F. t). iiinith 538 My days are gliding swiltly Ijy Nclaon 474 My dear Kedeemer, and my Lord Watts 110 My drowsy powers, why sleej) ye so? U'ati.s 429 My faith looks up to Thee Jtai/ Palmer 364 My Father, cheering name 445 My God, accept my heart this day J/. Uridyis 412 My God, how endless is Thy love Watts 512 My God, how wonderful Thou ait Fahcr 60 My God, I love Thee Fr. Xavkr 332 My God, my King, Thy various praise Watts 22 My God, permit me not to be Watts 403 My God, the spring of all my joys Watts 335 My God, Tliy boundless love //. Moore 61 My hope, my portion, and my God- 423 My Jesus, as Thou wilt ScJimolke 346 My soul, be on thy guard Jleatli 457 My soul, repeat His praise Waits 3 My spirit, on Thy care Li/te 365 Nearer, my God, to Thee Sarah F. Adams 393 No, no, it is not djing Malan 407 Not all the blood of beasts Watts 135 Not to the terrors of the Lord Watts 577 Not with our mortal eyes Watts 391 Now begin the hcavcnlj^ theme v Lanaford 168 Now from the altar of our hearts ./. Mason 524 Now I resolve with all my heart Steele 210 Now in parting, Father, bless us. 209 Now let us raise our cheerful strains Steele 101 Now may He who from the dead Xeicton 599 Now the shades of night are gone 51^ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul! Walts 2 O Bread, to pilgrims given 77/. A(juinas, tr. Palmer 208 Oh, could I find from day to day '^98 Oh, could I speak the matchless worth Medlei/ 159 O day of rest and gladness li'isliop Wordsuort/i 41 Oh, S'^ Bernard 177 O Jesus, Saviour of the lost E. H. Bickcrsfcih 322 Oh, join ye the anthems of triumj^h 10 O Lord, and shall our fainting souls T. Scott 461 O Lord, how full of sweet content Guyoii 349 O Lord, my best desire fulfil Coicpcr 343 O Lord of Hosts, whose glory fills J. JI. Xcale 436 O Lord, our God, arise Wardlaic 218 O Lord, Thy heavenly grace impart Ohcrlin 411 O Lord, Thy work revive Hastings 205 O Lord, when we the path retrace 122 O love, beyond conception great 98 O love divine, how sweet thou art C Wesley 178 Oh, mean may seem this house of clay Gill 535 O Sacred Head, now wounded I Gerhard, tr. Alexander 130 O Shepherd of the sheep 563 O Spirit of the living God Jlonigomery 190 Oh, that my load of sin were gone C. Wesley 352 Oh, that I could forever dwell Eeed 399 Oh, that the Lord would guide my ways Wafts 354 Oh, that the Lord's salvation Lyte 223 Oh, the delights, the heavenly joys... Watts 165 O Thou from wham all goodness flows Haireis 378 O Thou, that hear'.st the prayer of faith 312 O Thou, that hear'st when sinners cry Waits 3^^! O Thou, the contrite sinner's friend Charlotte Elliott 146 O Thou, who would'st not have C. Wesley 304 O Thou, whose tender mercy hears Steele 299 Oh, turn, great Kuler of the skies 3Ierrick 302 607 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN Oh, what amazing words of grace Medley 272 Oh, where are kings and empires now A. C. Coxe 194 Oh, where shall rest be found Montgomery 480 Oh, worship the King all-glorious above (irant 5 O Zion, afflicted with wave upon wave Grant 226 O Zion, when I think of thee Kelly 341 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand Stennetf 343 On the mountain's top apj^earing Klly 208 Once more, before we part 596 One sweetly solemn thought Phcrbe Carey 468 One there is, above all others Xerrton 108 Our country is Immanuel's ground Mrn. Barhauhl 426 Our God, our help in ages past Watts 389 Our Heavenly Father, hear Montgomery 32 Our Lord has risen from the dead C. Weslei/ 24') Our times are in Thy hand Bonar 356 Palms of glors', raiment bright Montgomery 482 Pardon'd through redeeming grace Osier 257 People of the living God Monfgomerij 212 Pity the nations, O our God Watts 219 Plunged in a gulf of dark despair Watts 155 Poor, weak, and worthless though I am Neicton 422 Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him 11 Praise to God, immortal praise Jfrs. Barhauhl 549 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire Montgoma-y 326 Prayer wius apiminted to convey Jfart 325 Raise your triumphant songs Watts 95 Religion is the chief concern Faueett 291 Return, O wanderer, return Collyer 284 Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings Seagrave 407 R20 F. Giardini 17G0 ?,G, 274 L. O. Fmcrson 18G9 W. D. Rccdcl 1872 132, 385 Spanish Melody Avignon. L. >I. 137, 321, 340 Zinciti Avon. C. M. 121, 121, 120, 2G1 //. Wilson 17G8 Azmon. C. M. 93, 102, 151 L. Mason 514 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. Baca. L, M, 123, 283 W. B. Bradbimj Balcrma. C. M. 207 II. Wilson Barby. C. M. 204, 233 W. Taimn- Bartimcus. 8s, 7s, o40 I), lUad Bavaria. 8s, 7s. 8 lines, 150, 172 German Jfchdy 83, 7s, 8 lines, 350 J, P- Holhrook C. M. 107, 343 L. 0. Emerson 83, 73. 8 lines. 274 J. Inf/clls C. M. 189, 489, 57S //. U\ Grecicvex L. M. 579, 582 ,... L. O. Emerson 7s, D. 544 S. WtUc Ss. 470 ir. O, Luctis Baylcy. Beatrice. Belmont, Bementon. Benedict. Bencvento. Berkley. Bernard. Bethany, Beulah, Binghani, Blendon, Boardman, Bonar CM. 535 S. Webbe 174C- Gs, 4s. 393 i, JZason 7s. D. 581 E. Ives C M, 420 W. B. Bradbxmj L. :M. 245, 3G1 , F, Giardini C. M. 252, 435 Dcvcreux S. M. D, 304, oS^ L. Mason Bond. C M. 4G4 G. F, Foot Boynton. C, M, 18, 77, 370 Z, Mason Boylston. S. M, 308, 428, 5G3 Z. Mason Bradford. C. M, 156,508 G. F. Handd Braden. S. M, 445, 522, 523 IF. B, Bradbury Bratllo Street, C. M. D. 51 L Pleycl Bremen. C, P. M. 305 T. Hastings Brest. 7s, 8s «S: 43, 571 L. Mason Brown. C, M. 383, 305 W. B. Bradbury Bycfield. C. IL 32G T- Hastings 17C8 1:25 lfcC4 18C9 1630 1849 n69 1770 -1816 1859 1840 17G0 1868 183^ 1741" 1844 1770 1830 1840 1840 Caddo. C. M. 359, 430 TT: B. Bradbury 1853 Calvar}-. 8s, 73 & 4s. 133 „ S. Stanley : Cambridge. C. M, 550 J. Fandall 1790 Cariiarthus. C. P. M. 173 L. Mason Caskcy. 7s, Gs. SG8 ,„ T.B.Perkins 1870 Children in Heaven. 83, C.^ Cc 73. 490 V,'. B. Bradbury ChimcG. C. M. 249, 3G3 L, 31ason IMO Cliijia. C. M. 128, 558 T. S'lcaa 1800 Chopin. C. M. 590 J. B. Woodbury Christmas. C. M. 105, CS9 450 G. F. Handel 16^.5-1759 515 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. Church. CM. 534 J. P. Holbrook Chureudon. C. M. 251 /. rachcr 1800 Cluremont. H, M. b, 15 Clymer. S. M. 135, 5G3 G'. F. Root 1868 Come, ye disconsolate. 32U S. Wcbbe 1800 Comfort. 7s. I), 573 English Air Communion. C. L. M. 266 T. Hasiings 1850 i^ODfidence. 7s & 6s. 265 T. llatitiiujti Corinth. C. M. 60, 478 L. Mason Coronation. C. M. 141) O. Uohlen 1793 Coventr}'. C. M. 179, 442 English Melody Cowper. C. M. 136, 272 L. Mason 1830 Creation. L. M. 8 lines. 68 F.J.Haydn 1798 Gross and Crown. C. M. 34.> 6\ .V. Allen 1820 Crucifix. 7s, 6s. 153, 201, 313 Creek Melody Guvier. Ss & 7s. 43:i Dallas. 7s. 337 Cherubim 1760-1842 Dalmatia. C. M. D. 342 L. Mason Darley. L. M. 425, 427, 431 W. H. W. Darley 1801-1872 Daughter of Zion. lis & 10s. 228 Dedhaiu. C. M. 65, 166 W. Gardiner 1830 De Ileury. 8». D. 400 /. Edson 1782 Delight. lis- & 8s. 4, 97 L. 0. Emerson 1869 Dennis. S. M. 434, 601 //. Xagcli 1832 Desire. L. M. 277 /. B. Koodhury Devizes. C. M. 497 /. Tucker 1800 Dort. 6s & 4s. 158, 196 /.. yiason 1832 Dover. S. M. 12, 454 English Melody Downs. C. M. 354, 408 /,. Mason 1S:'>2 Duke Street. L. M. 9, 360, 371, 493 /. Hatlon 1790 Dundee. C. M. 55, 238 (1. France 1545 During. C. M. 203, 456 W. B. Bradbury 1850 East^jn. L. M. 254, 417 W. A. Mozart El I aran. L. M. 38 L.Mason Elizahcthtown. C. M. 299 ('. Kingsley 1838 Ellsdic. 8s ^ 7s. 8 linos. 424 /. C. If. A. Mozart Eltham. 7s. D. 215, 552 L. Mason 1840 Emancipation. 6h. H lines. 347 C. C. Allen 616 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. Enon's Isle. 8s. 397 /. B. Woodbury Erasmus. lis & 10s. 170 T. F. Setcard , Eman. L. M. 505 L. Mason 1850 Eshtemoa. 7s. 418, 437, 451 T. B. JIason , Evan. C. M. 86, 398 W. Havergal 184i) Evening Hymn. L. M. 519, 526 T. Talli.s 15G7 Eventide. 10s. 532 JV. H. Monk It^Gl Farland. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. 491 T, Hastings , Farrant. €. M. 419 jr. H. Havergal Federal Street L. M. 413, 485, 517 H Oliver 183'^ Ferguson. S. M. 331 G. Kingslerj 1843 Folsom. lis & 10s. 170 3Iozart 1756-1793 Font Hill. S. M. 2 L. O. Emerson 1869 Forest- L. M. 89, 376 A. Chapin 1822 Forever with the Lord. 8. M. 8 lines. 588 /. B. Woodbury , Fountain. C. M. 136 Western Melody j Frederick. lis. 10, 471 G. Kingsley 183H Fulton. 7s. 186 .' W. B. Bradbury Furth. S. M. D. 353 F. J. Haydn Galena. C M. 54 ; Geer. C. M. 367 H W. Greatorex 1851 Geneva. C. M. 75 .7. Cole 180,^ Gerar. S. M. 271. 334 L. Mason .....; Germany. L. M. 200, 338, 461 L. Beethoven Gethsemane. 7s. 6 lines. 120 .• R. Bedhead 1853 Glasgow. C. M. 553 G. F. Boot 1849 Golden HHl. S. M. 205, 381, 501 A. Chapin 1823 GoodweU. 8s & 7s. 307, 529 L. O. Emerson 1869 Gopsal. H. M. 144, 145 G. F. Handel Goshen. lis. 226, 290 German Air Grace. C. M. 109 E. B. Froutz Gratitude. L. M. 49, 512, 513 Arr. T. Hastings 1837 Greenville. 8s & 7s. D, 362, 594, 595 J. J. Boiisseau 1750 Greenwood. S. M. 82, 391, 443, 466, 588 J. E. Siceetser 1849 Grostette K M. 548 H. W. Greatorex 1851 Groton. C. M. 17^, 412 C Zeuner Guide. 7s. 6 lines. 336 M. M. Wells Guidance. 8s & 7s. D. 387 From Flotoir 517 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. ' Haddam. H. M. 84, 487, 591 Arr. L. Mason 182*2 Hallo. 7s. G lines. 21, 173, 51G F. J. Uaydn 1798 Hamburg. L. M. 28o, 288, 302, 537 L. 21ason 16-25 Hamdcn. 8s, 7s & 4s. 269 L. Mason Hants. S. M. 114 English Tunc Harmony Grove. L. M. 309 O. K. Oliver Hartel. L. M. 181, 247 Z. Mason Harvey's Chant. C. M. 192 W. B. Bradbury Harwell. 8s & 7s. D. 102 L. Mason 1840-^ Harwich. H. M. 144, 145, 542 L. Mason 1822 Hastings. C. L. M. 241 T. Uastinga 1832 Haven. C. M. 255 T. Hastings 183G Haydn. S. M. 248, 324 F. J. Haydn 1800 Heber. C. M. 50, 175 G. Kingshij 1838 Hebron. L. M. 210, 416, 504, 521 L. Mason 1830 Helena. C. M. 30 M\ B. Bradbury Hemingford. S. M. 3, 511 L. 0. Emerson. 1869 Hendon. 73. 26, 67, 220, 518 C. Jlalan 1830 Henry. C. M. 227, 439, 551 '. S. B. Fond 1835 Hcrnion. CM. 76,155,392 L.Mason 1839- Holbrook. 7s. D. 217, 358 J. P. Holbrook Holley. 7s. 531 G. Ilcins 1835 Home. S. M. 468, 589 L. 0. Emerson 1869 Hope. 8s, 585 IF. L. Bcmsbcrg 1879 Horton. 7s. 276, 279, 289 X *S\ T. Wartenscc 1786 Howard C. M. 25, 141, 479 Mrs. Cuihbcrt Hummel. C. M. 83 , C. Zcuner 1832 Hursley. L. M. 349, 422, 530 F. J. Haydn 1798 Ingrahara. C. M. 6 lines. 79 G. W. Foster Ionia. 7s. 53, 444 /. W. Belcher Iosco. Jj. M. 63 J. Huss Italian Hymn. 6s & 4s. 66 F. Giardini 1760 I would not live alway. lis. 471 L. 0. Er.ierson 1872 Jewett. 6s. D. 346 J. P. Holbrook Jesus ever near. {). M. D. 502 W. B. Bradbim/ Judgment. as, 78 & 48. 566 Conconc Kcdron. lis. 126 L B. Woodbury 618 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. Keller. 63 & 8s. 583 W. B. Bradbury Kentucky. S. M. 47G A. Chapin 182*2 Kozeluck. 7s. 523 Kozcluclc Laban. S. M. 7, 457 L. Mason Lake Enon. S. M. 441 /. B. Woodbury La Mira. C. M. 216 W. B. Bradbury Lancsboro. C. M. 47 W. Dixon Lebanon. S. M. D. 99 J. Zundcl Leighton. S. M. 365, 495 H. W. Greatorcx Lenox. H. M. 142, 163, 282 J. Edson Life. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. 273 T. Hastings 1830 - Lisbon. S. M. Lischer, H. M. Litany. 7s. D. Litchfield. C. M. Longing. C. M. Looking to Jesus. Louvan. L. M. Ivoving Kindness. Lowell. L. M. Luther. Luton. Lydia, Lyons. S. M. L. M. C. M. 34, 432 D. Bead 35, 37, 240 L. Mason 237 Spanish Melody 339 A. Law 322 W. L. Kcmsbcrg lis. 373 L. 0. Emerson 127, 351, 386 C. V. Taylor L. M. 169 Western Melody 42, 161 English BIclody 94, 198, 483 T. Hastings 22, 448 G. Burder 384, 459 1790 1855 1849 1782 1831 1785 1840 1879 1870 1847 1830 10s & lis. 5 F. J. Haydn 262, 263, 306 L. Mason 11 L. 0. Emerson 134, 152, 378, 527 G. Bossini 72, 197, 256 Malvern. L. M. Mandoi. 8s & 7s. Manoah. C. M. Marlow. C. M. 72, 197, 256 English Blelody Martyn. 7s. D. 358 S. B. 3Iarsh Mear. C. M. 295, 475 A. Chapin Melody. C. M. 160 A. Chapin Mendebras. 7s & 63. 8 lines. 41 L. 3fason Mendon. L. M. 401, 402, 403, 453 Arr. L. Mason L. M. 325 7s. 187, 300 Gottschalh C. P. M. 199, 312, 569 L. Mason 8s, 7s & 4s. 31, 234, 600 L. 0. Emeroov. Mercer. Mercy. Meribah. Merlo. Meroe. 1869 1832 1836 1760 1823 1839 1832 1839 1872 L. M. 174 W. B. Bradbury 1849 519 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. Merton. C. M. 57G H. K. Oliver Middk'ton. 8s cS: 7s. D; 132, 520 English Melody Migclol. L. M. 85, 515 L. JIason 1840 Milton. L. P. xM. 73 F. J. Haydn Miriaia. 7s & Gs. 268, 380 J. P. llolbrouk Missionary Chant. L. M. 147, 5G4 ('. Zcuncr 1832 Missionary Hymn. 7s «& 6s. 221 L. JIasun ^i Molucca. 8s, 7s & 4s. 206 /. B. Woodbury 1849 Monsou. C. M. 100, 426 ^•. IL Brown 1836 Moravian C. M. 176, 287, 565 A. O. Emrrson 1869 Morning Star. 7s. D. 217 /.. JIason 1830 Mornington. S. M. 44, 191, 218 Earl of Mornington Arr. L. Mason 1822 Morris Chart. C. M. 246, 270, 315 M\ B. Bradbury Mount Vernon. 8s & 7s. 556 Arr. L. 3Iason Mozart. 7s. 230 J- <-'. If. A. Mozart 1756-1791 Naomi. C. M. 235, 261, 330, 344 Arr. L. Mason 1836 Nashville. L. P. M. 250 Arr. L. Mason 1832 Naumann. C. M. 574 Kaumann Nettleton. 8s & 7s. 8 lines. 16 A. Ncttlcton 1825 Newbold. C. M. 232, 592 G. Kingsley Newcourt. L. P. M. 17 //. Bond 1790 Newman. H. M. 591 New Year's Hymn. lis & 5s. 547 S. IVebhe Noel. C. M. 118 L. 3fason Nunda. L. M. D. 171 L. Mason Nureraburg. 7s. 20, 214, 543 /. li. Ahlc 1664 Ola. L. M. 327, :J66 W. Mason Old Hundred. L. M. 1, 486, 536, 597 G. Franc 1543 Oliphant. 8s, 7s & 4s. 387, 594, 595 L. Mason 1832 Olive's Brow. L. M. 125 11'. B. Bradbury 1853 Olivet. 6s & 4s. .364 L. Mason 1831 Olmutz. S. M. 570, 596 Arr. L. Mason 1832 Olney. S. M. 19. 275 L. Mason 1830 On. L. M. 284 H'. H. liradburi/ Onido. 7s. 1). 213,244 L.Mason 1840 Oriel. L. M. 236, 352, 372, 5.-)9 11'. B. Bradbury Orloiivillc. ('. M. 157, 182. 34H T. Hastings 1837 O Sacred Hcaii. 7s .Vt 6s. 130 Kolb 620 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. Park Street. L. M. 33, 213, 447 F. V. Venua 1810 Peacefully Sleep. L. M. 555 W. B. Bradbury Peuiel. C. M. 335 T. Hastings Penitent. L. M. 298,301,463 Penitence. 7s, 6s & 8s. 303, 314, 415 W. H. Oakley 1835 Peterboro. C. M. 28, 45, 91, 414 li. Harrison 1786 Phuvab. C. M. 332 M. Vulpius 1609 Pilesgrove. L. M. 56, 545, 546 N. 3Iitchell 1812 Plej-el's Hymn. 7s. 168, 488, 562 I. Pleyel 1800 Portuguese Hymn. lis. 233, 363 J. Reading 1760 Pomeroy. 7s & 6s. 467 Ganzbach Rakem. L. P. M. 148, 184 /. B. Woodbury 1849 Regent Square. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. 492 H. Smart 1852 Repose. 7s & 8s. 561 L. 3Iason Resignation. lis. 557 IF. 3fason Rest. L. M. 560 TV. B. Bradbury 1844 Retreat. L. M. 328 T. Hastings 1822 Return. C. M. 318, 319 T. Hastings 1831 Ripley. 8s & 7s. 8 lines. 154, 193 L. 3Iason 1839 Rockingbam. L. M. 70, 92, 116 L. 3Iason 1830 Rolland. L. M. 46 W. B. Bradbury 1844 Romberg. C. M. 57, 375 T. Hastings Rosefield. 7s. 6 lines. 317 C. 3Ialan 1830 Rose Hill. L. M. 225, 411 J. E. Sweetser Rotbwell. L. M. 143, 541 W. Tansur 1743 Sabbatb. 7s. 6 lines. 36 L. 3fason 1834 Saviour, like a Sbepberd. 8s, 7s & 4s. 498 TV. B. Bradbury 1862 Scotland. 12s. 554 J. Clarke 1800 Seasons. L. M. 259, 260 I. Pleyel Seir. S. M. 64, 438, 510 L. Mason Sessions. L. M. 593 L. 0. Emerson 1847 Seymour. 7s. 533 From C. 31. V. TVeber 1825 Sbawmut L. M. 480 L. 3fason 1833 Sbepberd. S. M. 74 ir. L. Bcmsbcrg 1879 Sbining Sbore. P. M. 474 G. F. Root 1856 Sicily. 8s & 7s. 394 Sicilian 3Ielody Siloam. C. M. 507 I. B. TVoodbury Silver Street. S. M. 6 I. Smith 1770 Solitude. 7s. 257, 599 L. T. Downes 521 GENERAL INDEX OF TUNES. Soon and forever. 10s, lis & 12s. 587 Sparla. C. M. 219, 429 St. Ann's. C. M. 71, 194 ]V. Croft 1712 State Street. S. M. 356, 421, 44G J. C. Woodman 1844 Stearndale. C. M. G9, 111 L. 0. Emerson Stephens. C. M. 357, 490 W. Jones St. Edmunds. L. M. 481 F. J. Haydn Stirling. L. M. 195, 410 I!. Harrison 1786 St. Martin's. C. M. 87, 101 ]V. Tansur Stockwell. 8s & 7s. 62, 39G D. Jones 1851 Stonefield. L. M. 43, 59 Z>. Statiley 1810 Stow. H. M. 242 Enf/lisJi Melody St. Thomas. S. M. 202, 355, 458 W. Tansur Sutherland. H. M. 113 W. B. Bradbury 1S44 Swanwick. C. M. 81, 423, 524 J. Lucas 17— Sweet Home. lis. 580 Sweet Story. lis, 9s, 12s & 9s. 499 Talmcr. 8s & 7s. 108, 258 /. B. Woodbury Tappan. C. M. 465, 469, 575 G. Kingsley 18S8 Thatcher. S. M. 40, 95 G. F. Handel The Sinner's Friend. 146 L. 0. Emerson The Voice of Free Grace. 12s. 281 J. Clarke Toplady. 7s. 6 lines. 310 T. Hastings Trcavcs. C. P. M. 296 German Choral Trinity College. S. M. D. 222 J. W. Wilcox Truro. L. M. 58, 211 C. Burney Trusting. 7s. 500 W. G. Fischer Tucker. S. M. 440 Tyndale. C. M. 88, 293, 473 Unam. 8s, 7s & 4s. 208 Unity. 6s & 5s. 584 L. Mason Uxbridgc. L. M. 23, 24, 52 /.. Mason 1830 Valontia. C. M. 379, 390 Ehenrein 1853 Varina. C. M. D. 343, 572 C. H. Jiink Vernon. 8s. D. 525 Viola. 7s. 6 linos. 549 W. B. Bradbury 1849 Vi'nl S M 449 German Air " 522 GENEKAL INDEX OF TUNES. 7s. ^Wakeman Wansted. 7s. Ward. L. M. Ware. L. M. Warner. \j. M Warsaw. Warmck. 239, 482 3L C. Thayer 50G 80, 185, 262, 263 Scotch Melody. Arr. L. 3Iason 103, 164 G. Kuujslcy 115, 209, 460 From Eassini. Arr. G Kinfjalcy H. M. 231, 383, 537 T. Clark C. M. 509 S. Stanley Watchman. S. M. 436 J. Leach Webb. 7s & 6s. 8 lines. 223, 382 O. J. Webb Wells. L. M. 297, 409 A. Williams Weltou. L. M. 78, 90, 316 C. 3Ialan When His Salvation. 7s & 6s. 503 3Iozavt Willow Dale. C. M. D. 122 W. B. Bradbury 133, 229 Carl Maria von Weber 117, 333 G. Smart 399, 455 J. Whitaker 180 Croft 292 D. Bead 494 W. B. Bradbury 286, 514 N. Gould 323 L. 0. Emerson 104 .' Z>. Button, Jr. 311 W. B. Braelbury 593 J. C. P. Schutz 1747 1830 1838 1853 1804 1786 1789 1837 1740 1830 Wilmot. 8s & 7s. Wiltshire. C. M. Wimbome. L. M. Winchester. L. M. Windham. L. M. Wirth. C . M. 4 Woodland. C. M. Woodside. C. M. Woodstock. C. M. Wood worth. L. M, Worthing. 8s & 7s 1790 1785 1832 1867 1829 1849 -1800 Yoakley. L. M. 29, 98, 140 W. Toaklcy Zebulon. H. M. 48 L. 3Iason 1830 Zephyr. L. M. 183, 188, 267, 472, 477 W. B. Bradbury 1844 Zerah. C. M. 112, 577 L. Mason 1837 Zion. 8s, 7s & 4s. 278, 484 T. Hastinys 1830 523 ^meiRKjAL inDGx of TUD£$.» -Ssssg- (The fif^ures indicate tlie number of the Hymns.) L.. M. Admah. 13. Alfreton. 167. All Saints. 190, 280. Ames. 119. Anvern. 224. Augustus. 341. Avignon. 137, 321, 340. Baca. 123, 2H3. Henediet. 579, 582. Bkndon. 245, 361. Oreation. I). 68. Darlcy. 425, 427, 431. De-sire. 277. Duke Stmt. 9, 360. 371, 493. Elusion. 254, 417. Kl l»aran. 3M. I'>naii. 505. Kvcniiig Ilvinn. 519. 526. Federal Street. 413. 4Hr>^ 517. ?\.rcst. 89, 37(). j Germany. 200, 338, 461. I Gratitude. 49, 512, 513. Grostette. 548. Hamburg. 285, 288, 302, 567. Hartel. 181, 247. Harmony Grove. 309. Hebron. 210, 416, 504. 521. Hursley. 349, 422, 530. Iosco. . 63. Loving Kindness. 169. Lou van. 127, 351, 386 Lowell. 42, 161. Luton. 22, 448. Malvern. 2(i2, 263, 306. Mendon. 401, 402. 403, 453. Mercer. 325. Meroe. 174. Migdol. 85, 515. Missionary Chant. 147. 564. Nund: ' Ola. 624 1). 171. 327, 3(>(). Old Hundred. 1, 486, 5:^(5, 597. Olive's Brow. 125. On. 284. Oriel. 236, 352, 372, 559. Park Street. 33, 213, 447. Peacefully Sleep. 555. Penitent. 298, 301, 463. Pilesgrove. 56, 545, 546. Rest. 560. Retreat. 328. Rockingham. 7u, 92, 116. Rolland. 46. Rose Hill. 225, 411. Rothwell. 143, 541. Seasons. 259, 260. Sessions. 593. St. Edmunds. 481. Stirling. 195, 410. Stonefield. 43, 59. Truro. 58, 211. Uxbridge. 23, 24, 52. Ward. 80, 185, 262, 263. Ware. 103, 164. Warner. 115, 209, 460. Wells. 297, 409. Welton. 78, 90, 316. Wimborne. 399, 455. Winchester. 180. Windham. 292. Woodworth. 311. Yoakley. 29, 98, 140. Zephyr. 183, 188, 267, 472, 477. METRICAL INDEX OF TUNES. I.. P. M. Milton. 73. Nashville. 250. Newcourt. 17. Rakem. 148, 184. C. M. Abby. 139. Agavram. 14, 106, 462. Antioch. 110. Arcadia. 374. Arlington 39, 291, 456. Armenia. 404, 405, 406. Arundel. 165. Athens. 320. h Avon. 121, 124, 129, 264. Azmon. 93, 102, 151. Balerma. 207. Barby. 204, 253. Beatrice. 107, 343. Bementon. 189, 489, 578. Bernard. 535. Bingham. 420. Boardman. 252, 435. Bond. 464. Boynton. 18, 77, 370. Bradford. 156, 508. Brattle Street. I). 51. Brown. 383, 395. Byefield. 326. Caddo. 359, 430 Cambridge. 550. Children in Heaven. 496. ' Chimes. 249, 369. 525 METRICAL INDEX OF TUNES. Cliina. 128, 558. Chopin. 590. Christmas. 105, 389, 450. Church. 534. Clarendon. 251. Corinth. GO, 478. Coronation. 149. Coventry. 179, 442. Cowper. 136, 272. Cross and Crown. 345. Dalmatia. D. 342. Dedham. 65, 166. Devizes. 497. Downs. 354, 408. Dundee. 55, 238. During. 203, 456. Elizabeth town. 299. Evan. 86, 398. Farrant. 419. Fountain 136. Galena. 54. Geer. 367. Geneva. 75. Glasgow. 553. Grace. 109. Grot^n. 177, 412. Harvey's Chant. 192. Haven. 255. Hebcr. 50, 175. Helena. 30. Henry. 227, 439, 551. Hcrmon. 76, l.''>5, .392. Howard. 25, 141, 479. Hummel. 83. Ingraham. G lines. 79. Jesus, ever near. 502. La Mira. 216. Lanesboro. 47. Litchfield. 3,39. Longing. 322. Lydia. 384, 459. Manoah. 134, 152, 378, 527. Marlow. 72, 197, 256. Mear. 295, 475. Melody. 160. Merton. 576. Monson. 100, 426. Moravian. 176, 287, 565. Naomi. 235, 2G1, 330, 344. Naumann 574. Newbold. 232, 592. Noel. 118. Ortonville. 157, 182, 34a Pcniel. 335. Peterboro. 28, 45, 91, 414. Phuvah, 332, Return. 318, 319. Romberg. 57, 375. Siloani. 507. Sparta, 219, 420. St. Ann\s. 71, 194. Stcarndale. 69, 111. Steven.s. 357, 490. St. Martin's. 87, 101. Swanwick. 81, 423, 524. 526 Tappan. 465, 469, 575. Tyndalc. 88, 293, 473. Valentia. 379, 390. Varina. D. 343, 572. Warwick. 509. WilloAvdalc. D. 122. Wiltshire. 117, 333. Wirth. 494. Woodland. 280, 514. Woodside. 323. W^oodstock. 104. Zerah. 112, 577. C. li. M. Communion. 26G. Hastings. 241. C. p. M. Ariel. Gl, r53- Bremen. COS. Carparthus. 178. Merlbah. 199, 312, 5G9. . Treves. 293. S. M. Addison. 32, 131, 294, 377. Boylston. COS, 428, 568. Bradcii. 445, 522, 528. Bonar. D. 304, 5SG. METRICAL INDEX OF TUNES. I Clymer. 135, 5G3. Dennis. 434, GO 1. Dover. 12, 454. Fero^uson. 331. Font Hill 2. Forever w itli the Lord. Furth. D. 3 33. D. 588. Gerar. 271, 334. Golden Hill. 205, 381, 501. Greenwood. 82, 391, 443, 466, 588. Hants. 114. Haydn. 248, 324. Hemingford. 3, 511. Home. 4C8, 589. Kentucky. 47G. Laban. 7, 457. Lake Enon. 441. Lebanon. D. 99. Leighton. C65, 495. Lisbon. C4, 432. Luther. £4, 198, 483. Mornington. 44, 191, 218. Olmuts. 570, 59G. OInoy. 19, 275. Ssir. 04, 438, 510. Ghawmut. 480. Shepherd. 74. Gilver Street. 6. State Street. 35G, 421, 44a St. Thomas. 202, 355, 45R 527 ThaUhcr. 40, 95. Trinity College. D. 222 Tucker. 440. Vigil. 449. Watchman. 436. H. 31. Claremont. 8, 15, Gopsal. 144, 145. Haddam. 84, 487, 591. Harwich. 144, 145, 542. - Lenox. 142, in:}, 282. Lischer. 35, 37, 240. Newman. 591. Stow. 242. Sutherland. 113. Warsaw. 231, 388, 537. Zcbulon. 48. 68 & 4s. America. 538, 539. Bethany. 393. Dort. 158, 19(5. Italian irynin. GO. Olivet. 304. METWCAL INDEX OF TUNES. Os & 5s. Unity. 584. Os. D. Emancipation. 347. Jewett. 340. 6s & 8s. Keller. 583. 7s. Aletta. 212, 452. Dallas. 337. Eshtemoa. 418, 437, 451. Fulton. 180. Hcndon. 20, 07, 220, 513. Holley. 531. Horton. 270, 279, 289. Ionia. 53, 414. Kozeluck. 523. Mercy. 187, 300. Mozart. 230. Nuronibur-j;. 20, 214. 543. Onido. 243, 244. ' Ploycl's Hymn. 168, 488, 562. 628 Seymour. 533. Solitude. 257, 599. Trusting. 500. Wakeman. 239, 482. Wansted. 506. 7s. D, Benevento. 544. Beulah. 581. Comfort. 573. Eltham. 215, 552. Holbrook. 217, 358. Litany. 237. Martyn. 358. Morning Star. 217. 7s. 6 lines. Gethsemane. 120. Guide. 336. Halle. 21, 173, 516. Kosefield. 317. Sabbath. 36. Toplady. 310. Viola. 549. 34 METKICAL INDEX OF TUNES. 7s & 6s. Trochaic. Amsterdam. 407. Confidence. 265. 7s. 6 Iambic. Caskey. 368. Crucifix- 153, 201, 313. Mendebras. 41. Miriam. 268, 380. Mis.sionary HymiL 221. O, Sacred Head. 130. Webb. 223, 382. When His Salvation bringing. 503 7, 6, 7, 7, 6. Pomeroy. 467, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 6. Penitence- 303, 314, 415. 7s & 8s. Repose, 561, 8s. Berkley. 470. De Fleury. D. 400. Enon's Isle. D. 397. 629 Mope 585. Vernon. D. 525. 8s & 6s. The Sinner's Friend. 146. 8s & 7s. Bartimeus. 540. Cuvier. 433- Goodwell. 307, 529. Mandor. 11. Middleton. 132, 520. Mt. Vernon. 556. Sicily. 394- Stockwell. 62, 396. Talmer. 108 258. Wilmot. 133, 229. Worthing- 598. 8s & 7s. D. Aiitunir 132, 3H5. liavaria. 150, 172. liaylcy. 350. Ell.sdic. 424. (irccnville. 362. METRICAL INDEX OF TUNES. Harwell. 102. Nettlcton. 16. Ripley. 154, 193. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. Regent Square. 492. 8s, 7s & 4s. Alvan. 27. Atonement. 96, 274. Belmont. 274. Brest. 571. Calvary. 138. Guidance. 387. Greenville. 594, 595. llamdcn. 209. Judgment. 566. Merlo. 31, 234, 600. Molucca. 206. Oliplumt. 387, 594, VJ'7. Saviour, like a Shepherd. 498. Unanj. 208. Zion. 278, 484. 5^0 METRICAL INDEX OF TUXES. 8, 7) 8, 7 p if 7« Life. 273. lOs. Eventide. . 532. lOs & lis. Lvons. lOs, lis & 12s. Soon and Forever. 587. lis. Frederick. 10, -471. Crosheii. 226, 290. I would not Live Alway. 471. Kedron. 126. Looking to Jesiis. 373. Portuguese Hymn. 233, 363. Resignation. ii3'^. o, 5, 5, 11, 5, 5, 5, 11. New Years Hymn. 547. 11, 11, 11, 11, 5, llo Sweet Home. 580. lis & 8s. Delight 4, 97. lis, 9s & 12. Sweet Story- 499. lis & 10s. Come, ye DLseonsolate. 329. Erasmua 170. Folsom. 170. 11, 11, 11, 10. Daughter of Zion. 228. 12s. Scotland. 554. The Voice of Free Grace. 281 63, «FAmiLY PRAYGR^.^ -3SSS©— ^ntbll^ IQaipmig, O God, our Father in heaven, we come before Thee in the name of Jes;is. to offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Thou art clothed with honor and majesty, and we approach Thee with reverence and holy fear; liut Thou art also our Father in Christ Jesus, and wc would come with fihal C(mfidence and love. We thank Thee for the healthful repose of the night, and for the light of this day of the Hon of Man. This is the day which Thou hast made ; wc will rejoice and he glad in it. We thank Thee for this day, so rich with th« memories of Tliy love, so joyful with the light and hoj)es of the resurrection and of the life innnortal. Oh, may Thy love beam upon us with the fresh- ness and ins})iration of the morning light ! Grant us grace, to consecrate this day to Thy special service and glory, and to our ])ersonal sanctification. May wc he freed from all the cares and anxieties of the world. May our aspira- tions he heavenward, and our hearts he opened to all the sacnnl suggestions and influences of this duv. May they be sweetly drawn by Thy Spirit int ) heavenly communion, and rise to meet Thy fatherly benediction. O Lord, grant us grace to unite with the great congregation in acceptable worshij), so that we may see Thy glorv in the saiu'tuarv this day. May Thy ministers be clothed with salvation, and the p'ople shout for joy. May the 632 SABBATH MOKMNG. word be preached in the demonstration of the Spirit and with power. May the gospel be so preached, in simplicity, and affectionate earnestness, that Jesus may draw all hearts to himself; that, as of old, the blind, and lame, and halt may come to Jesus in the temple, and be healed : that tlie ignorant may be enlightened, the wandering reclaimed, the weak estal)- lished, the mourner comforted, and the weary and heavy-laden may find rest in Jesus. Father of mercies, remember in compassion those who are this day kept in homes of sickness and sorrow. May private affliction subserve the designs of public instructions, and Thine own presence and spirit make the chamber of sickness, and the home of sorroAv, the house of God and the gate of heaven- Have mercy, O Lord, upon a world that lieth in wickedness. Send out Thy light and truth, that all nations, whom Thou hast made, may come and worship before Thee, and glorify Thy name. We thank Thee for all the agencies and instrumentalities at work for the salvation of this lost world. We bless Thee for the ministers, who are preaching the gospel at home and abroad. May their number be increased a thousand-fold. ]May the pious young men of our land bo moved by Thy Spirit, and the love of Jesus, to consecrate themselves to the Christlike work of preaching the gospel. Oh, grant this prayer, and multiply the heralds of the cross, and extend the boundaries of Christendom, until the light of this holy day shall fall on every nation, and the name of Jesus shall be heard to earth's remotest bo und. And now, O Lord, what wait we for but Thy blessing? God be merciful unto us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that parents and children, and all the members of this household, may be united in love, and dwell together in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace. ^lay we all this day receive a Father's blessing, and enjoy such a sweet sense of Thy forgiving love, such a conscious peace, sucli joyous hopes through Jesus Christ, as shall give us a foretaste and an earnest of heaven, and enable uj* to rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Hear us, O Thou eternal Son, to whom, with Thee the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, world wHithout end. Amen. 533 ^nbtnlli '^u^ning. We adore Thee, O Lord, as the Khvr otoriud, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God. We bless Thee, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to Thine abundant mercy hast beirotten us again unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ tVom tlie dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undetiled, and that fa(U'lli not away, reserved in heaven for us. We thank Thee, that the lines have fallen lo us in pleasant j)hices, and that we have a goodly heritage; that ue have enjoyed thi< day the blessings of our risen Lord, and that our heart- have be(^n lifted in holy asjiiration for our heavenly home. We bless Thee f )r the means of gracv- and the hope of glory. AVe bless Thee for the opp;)rtunities we have enjoyed this day of waiting upon Thee in the public worship of the sanctuary, and in private meditation and prayer, and for every good impression made ujkju our minds by the ordinances of Thine appointment. Oh, m;iy the lesson^ of Thy word guide and mouhl our life, and its ho])es animate us in every work of faith and labor of love. May the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wi-dom, that we may teach and admonish one another in i)salms and hynni< and spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts to tlu^ Lord, ^^'h:lls<>ever we do, may it be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to (iod th(> Father by Him. May the divine impulses and aspirations ol* this day inlluenee us during th(; week, so that in nur daily business, in the social cirel(\ and in our hom(;-Iife, we may aord, Tliou hast not left thyself without witness, in that Thou hast been doing us good, and giving u- rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with fxvl nnd gladness. As we are about to enter upon th(> duties and conflicts of tliis new day, we look devoutly and trustingly to tlie hills from whence cometh our helj), 640 TUESDAY MORNING. Our help cometh from the Lord who made heaveu and earth. Let Thy grace be sufficient for the duties and events of this day. As liusbands or wives, parents or children, sisters or brothers, may we so conduct ourselves in our several relations and callings, that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking be put away from us, with all malice, and may we be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us. And oh, grant us grace to be followers of him who was meek and lowly in heart, who pleased not Himself, who went about doing good, who said. My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work. O Father, bless us as a family. May every one of our household be found in Christ, and members of the household of faith, and heirs of the heavenly kingdom. Oh, let none of those perish whom we love as our own souls. Keep them as the apple of Thine eye; hide them under the shadow of Thy wing. Let grace and peace be multiplied to all who have obtained like precious faith with us; and if Thou art pleased to try that faith, may the trial be found unto praise, and glory, and honor, at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Remember in great mercy the poor and neglected, and those who cast off Thy fear, and live in sin, without Christ and without hope in the world. Oh, teach transgressors Thy ways, and let sinners be converted unto Thee. Destroy the works of the Devil. Let Thy kingdom come. May princes come out of Egypt. May Ethiopia stretch forth her hands unto God. And may all nations whom Thou hast made come and worship before Thee. For Thine, O God, is the power ; and Thine shall be the glory, through our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 541 •U0$bni| ^uaning. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth, who hast set Thy glory above the heavens. Our grateful hearts would surround Thy throne, to offer up our evening incense of praise and thanksgiving. We c:)nie with our children, before Thee, our common Father, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift. We bless Thee for all thy kindness and love to us this day: for our life, and health, food and raiment, home and friends. We thank Thee for the sweet assurance that as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. Above all other gifts do \\e praise Thee, that Thou hast called us to be Thy children in Christ Jesus. Oh, remember us with the favor Thou hast to Thy people. Let our Father's blessing come upon us this ev^ening, upoft parents and children, and upon all wlio dwell under this roof O Father, forgive us the sins of the past day — sins of temper, of worldliness, of unbelief in departing from tJie living God. Oh, hide Thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities, through Jesus Christ, whose blood elean>eth from all sin. Cast us not away from Thy ])resenee, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from us. Restore unto us the joys of Thy salvation, and uphold us with Thy free Spirit. Then will we teach trans- gressors Thy way, and sinners shall be converted unto Thcc. O thou that dwellcst in the heavens, look down upon us as a I'amily, and give us at the close of the day a father's forgiveness, and a father's blessing. May the ties of blood and of mutual dependence, which unite us in our home, be sweetened and hallowed by the bonds of grace, that we may all be foUov/crs of Thee as dear children, and members of the household of fiith, and may at length reach our r'athcr's house in lieavtii. G.'ant u- grace, that as we have opijortunity we may do good unto all 542 TUESDAY EVENING. men; and having tasted that tlie Lord is gracious, may we ever, by personal effort, as well as by a holy and joyous Christian life, be saying to those around us. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good ; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. And let our endeavors be successful in winning souls to Christ, that they may be saved from the second death. Especially, O Lord, do we pray for our friends, that they may all become the friends of Jesus, fellow-heirs with us of the grace of life, and fellow-laborers with us in the Lord's vineyard. Let the rising generation be a seed to serve Thee. Excite them by the command, Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth ; and encourage them by the promise, I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me. O Thou, Father of all mercies, and God of all comfort, have pity upon all men. Smile upon our country, and fill our churches with Thy glory. Be a father to the fatherless; plead the cause of the widow; comfort and relieve the sick ; be near the dying, and prepare them for the eternal future, through Jesus Christ our Lord. O Jesus, Thou Son of God, and Saviour of the world, have mercy upon the millions who are yet sitting in darkness, and in the region and shadow of death; and to every section of our globe, say, through Thy preached gospel, and the descending Spirit, Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Raise up and send forth many more laborers; for the harvest truly is great. May all who profess Thy name, pray, and give, and work for the coming of Thy kingdom. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things! Blessed be His glorious name forever, and let the whole earth be filled with His glory ! And now, O Jesus, abide with us, for it is evening, and the day is far spent. May we sleep in peace, and wake in the morning to sing of Thy mercy. Be with us through all the changing scenes of life ; and when heart and flesh fail, be Thou the strength of our hearts and our portion forever. And through eternal ages may it be our privilege to unite with those who are singing, unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sics in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, and to His Father — to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 543 1 l|0bn0$bnt| ^crniit^* Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, through whose kindness we ha ve been preserved from the perils of another night, vouchsafe unto us tliis day Thy blessing. Strengthen us* for the performance of the duties now before us. And since Thou hast ordained labor to be the lot of man, and knowest the wants ^nd necessities of all TLy creatures, bless, from time to time, our several endeavors and em})loymLnt3. Give us this day our daily bread. Feed us with food convenient for us. If it be Thy pleasure to caus.^ us to abound in tlie good things of this life, give us a compassionate spirit, tliat we may be ready to relieve the wants if others; but let neither riclics nor poverty estrange our hearts from Thee, nor cause us to become indifferent to those treasures in heaven, which can never be taVen from us. And, into whatever circumstances of life we may l)e brought, teaeli us to he cheerful and content. In our affliction, let us remember how often we have been succored ; and in our prosperity, may we acknowledge from whose hand our blessings are received. And do Thou dispose us all, most merciful God, so to remember our sins, 544 WEDNESDAY MORNING. that we may be brought to true repentance, and unfeigmd sorrow, and con- trition of souL Strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord; and giant, that through the gracious help of Thy Holy Spirit, we may obtain that peace which the world cannot give or take away : and may we be enabled to pass the residue of our liyes in humble resignation and willing obedience. We acknowlec^ge, O God, that eyery day is Thy gift, and ought to be used according to Thy command. O Thou, in whose hand? are life and death, and by whose mercy we are spared, help us so to improve the time, that we may every day become more holy in Thy sight: and when it shall please Thee to call us from this mortal state, may we resign our souls into Thy hands v.ith confidence and hope : and may we finally find mercy, and obtain a joyful resurrection to CLC^-nal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. We commend to Thy fatherly goodness all our relatives and friends, espe^ cially those who are the most closely united to us. We beseech Thee to look mercifully upon them: and grant them wliatever may most promote theii present and eternal joy. Bless the President of the United States, and all in authority over us. Extend Thy goodness to our whole land. Pity the sorrows, and relieve the necessities of all mankind. And let Thy kingdom come, and Thy will bo done on earth, as it is in heaven. O Lord, hear our prayei-s, for Jesus Clirist's sake, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory , world without end. Amen. 35 545 ^hnt$bai| ^ummig. Almighty and everlasting God, wc would adore and praise Thee this night, as the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: and we would draw near to Thee by faith, and hold communion with Thee, as our reconciled Father in Ilim. We have, indeed, offended Thee times and ways without number, and are by nature children of wrath, even as others ; but behold, wliat manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. We give Thee, O God, all i)niir^e and glory for this assurance of Thy love : we bless Thee, that when we were without hope, and without help. Thine own Eternal and well-beloved Son gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God our Father : and we rejoice to know, that Thou hast raised Him from the dead, made Him head over all things to His Church, and exalted Him a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. May we, indeed, be children of God, by faith in Jesus Christ: may we be called by His grace, and se])arated by His S])irit for His service. INIay we know the trutli as it is in Jesus, and may tlie trutli make us free. May we enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God. May we hold fast the 646 WEDNESDAY EVENING. form of sound words, which we have heard in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. Be pleased, O God, to reveal Thy Son in us, and give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ : forbid that any of us should come short through unbelief. Lord, help our unbelief: increase our faith, and bring us more under its influence, that our lives may be spent to Thy glory, to the honor of our Christian profession, and to our own peace and comfort. Forbid, O Lord, that any of us should deceive ourselves, by a form of godliness, without the power of it ; but may we all, assisted by Thy grace, press forward to the blessed experience and full enjoyment of Thy service. Be pleased, O God, to hear our prayers in behalf of the sick, the afflicted, and the dying : be a present help in every time of need. For our friends and brethren, we w^ould also put up our supplications before Thee, O Father of mercies ! May grace and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, be extended to all men. May all people be blessed in Jesus, and may all call Him blessed. AVith grateful hearts for all Thy goodness to us in- dividually, and as a family, we would this evening commend ourselves to the protection of Him, who neither slumbers nor sleeps. May we be raised ap in the morning in health, and in soundness of mind, ready and willing to devote our lives anew to the service and glory of our God. Accept oiir humble worship, and forgive all our sins for Christ's sake — to whom, w^ith Thee, O Father, and the Holy Ghost, be all glory forever and ever. Amen. 547 (Ibur$ki| ||ttrnm5. Our FiiLiier rvho art in iicaveii, we, Thine unworthy creatures. wouUl how before Tliee, this UKjrninj^, to thank and to bless Thy holy nan:e, lor all Thy goodness and mercy towards us. Thou art the Father of our spirits, the former of our bodies, and the giver of every good and perfect gift. Thou liast bestowed upon us many temporal and spiritual blessings. Thou liast liberally supplied our daily returning wa^nts. Thou hast preserved us from danger. Thou hast delivered us out of temptation, and guided us in difficulty, and comforted us in sorrow. And when we look back on the way by which Thou hast led us, we may truly say that goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives. But, O Lord, we must confess, with shame and sorrow, that thougli Tliou lia^t nourished and brouglit us up a.s children, yet we have rebelled against Thee. We have sinned against heaven and in Thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called Thy children. Do Thou awaken us all to a just sense of our guilt. Give unto each of us that godly sorrow f >r sin wlii<'ii w(/.'k(tli repciitaiice unto salvation, and lead us to that fountain which has been opened for sin and uncleanness, so that we may bo waslied. and sanci-fied, and justiiied in tiie name of the Lord Jesus, and by tlic Spirit of our God. O God, be merciful unto us, and bless us. Cause liiy face to &hino upon us, anu wu shaii be saved. May we be cleansed from 548 THURSDAY MORNING. all our sius in the atoning blood of Christ. May ^vc be clothed with His perfect righteousness, so that Ave may be accepted in the Beloved, and may enjoy the peace of God which passeth understanding. Deliver us from a spirit of bondage, causing us again to fear, and grant us a spirit of adoption, whereby we shall cry Abba, Father. ]May the love of God be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, and may our souls be filled with His saving grace and sanctifying influences, so that henceforth we may live as obedient children, and may walk steadfastly in the way that leadeth to everlasting life. Enable us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live as pilgrims and strangers upon the earth, and to prepare, by patient continuance in well- doing, for that better country which the Saviour is preparing for them that love Him. O Lord, let Thy kingdom come. Let Thy will be done by us, and by all our fellow-creatures throughout the earth, even as it is done in heaven. Build up the waste places in Zion. Increase the number of faithful ministers, and grant them an abundant supply of the spii'it of wisdom and love. Hasten tiie time when the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in, and all Israel shall be saved. Eegard the prayer of the destitute, and prepare of Thy goodness for the poor. Hear the cry of the distressed, and send help from above. May the dying die in the Lord, that death may be to them the entrance into everlasting life. Be very gracious, O Lord, to our friends and relatives. Our heart's desive suid prayer for tlieir Jr, that they may be saved. Dwell in this family. Be TLoii the God or each member of it, and make us all Thy people. Accept of our hearty thanks for the mercies of the past night. Take us into Thy holy protection this day ; and be with us, to bless us and to do us good, both now and forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen., 549 ll^ursba^ ^uDuing, O Lord our God, to whom can we go but unto Thee? Thou hast the words of eternal life. Thou art the God of our salvation. Thou art good, and Thy tender mercies are over all Thy works : we are the living monuments of Thy sparing mercy ; for inicjuities, we confess, abound amongst lis. Do Thou blot out all our transgressions. Hide Thy face from our sins, and teach lis to know the blessedness of the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee. We bless Thee, that Thou hast no ])leasure in the death of him that dieth, but rather thyt all should turn unto Thee and live. Turn us, O Lord, and Ave shall be turned; draw us, and we shall run after Thee ; heal us, and we shall be healed ; save Thou us, and we shall be saved. For the sake of Thy dear Son, who died for our sins, do Thou heal all our })ackslidings, receive us graciously, and love us freely. We rejoice that He died, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us unto God. We bless Thee for the hopes and })roirises of the gospel. Oh, teach us, and enable us to improve diligently the means of grace, with which we are so highly favored, ever remembering that to whom much is given, of them much shall be r('(juii'('(l. ^^av we walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called; mav we adorn the doctrine of (rod our Saviour in all things, and so conduct 660 THURSDAY EVENING. ourselves, at all times and in all circumstances, that we may not grieve Thy Holy Spirit. Gracious God; our Heavenly Father, do Thou shed abroad Thy love in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, and inspire us with a hatred of everything that is displeasing to Thee. To this end, bless to us those religious services in which as a family we engage. May we wait upon Thee in them with pre- pared hearts, that we may be acceptable worshippers in Thy sight. Enable us to hear Thy word with due attention, open our minds to all its instructions, and bow our hearts to humble obedience. Help us by Thy grace, to show mercy and speak truth, to do righteousness and to follow peace. Fill us with kind and charitable dispositions towards each other, and let the peace of God rule in our hearts. May we ever keep our tongue from evil and our lips from speaking guile. And may the very God of peace himself sanctify us wholly ; and we pray God that our whole spirit, and soul, and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus. Be pleased, O Lord, to clothe Thy priests with righteousness, and hasten the time when every knee shall bow to Jesus, and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. And, O God of love and mercy, do Thou spread among Christians of every profession, a spirit of for- bearance, and candor, and love, that all may endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Be fiivorable to our beloved laijd. Bless cur friends, and give them an interest in the salvation of Christ. Look in mercy upon the sick, and sanctify their afflictions to them. Visit the dying with salvation, and teach us to remember the shortness of time and the never- ending importance of eternity. Bless tho young with teachable minds and sanctified hearts, that they may remember Thee their Creator. Watch over us this night. May we lie down impressed with a sense of Thy goodness ; may we awake in Thy fear, enjoying Thy favor, and rise with renewed strength to discharge the duties of life and run the way of Thy command- ments. Hear our prayer, forgive our sins, sanctify our natures, and save our souls for Christ's sake, to Whom, w4th Thee, O Father, and the Holy Ghost, be all glory, forever and ever. Amen. 551 1[nbnij fflcrniiiig. Great God, to whom the darkness and the light are both :alike, we draw nigh to Thee v.ith confidence, in the name of Jesus Christ, our adorable Redeemer. We thank Thee, that Thou hast not left us to the darkness of nature, but hast given us Tliy holy Word ijs a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Help us, O Lord, ever to walk in Thy ways. We thank Thee for Thy care through the nightj and for all the blessings with which Thou art crowning our lives on this day. We confess to Tliee, the heart-searching God, all our manifold sins. We mourn our unfaithfulness, and the evil of our hearts. Create within us clean hearts, O God, ::nd renew within us right spirits. Give us Thy promised Comforter, to enlighten, to guide, to restrain, to quicken, to comfort, and strengthen us this day as Thou seest we need. Oh, make plain the path of duty for our feet, and uphold us that we fall not. So fdl us witli Thy good Spirit that we may be delivered from all ]u*ide and passion, from all envy and ill-will, from evil thinking and evil speaking; and give us that fervent charity which covers a nniltitude of sins. Make our home ha})py, and our lives useful. We would not live unto ourselves, but 552 FRIDAY MORNING. unto Him who loved us, and gave Himself for us. Help us in all our domestic duties, that we may glorify Thee. Let our life and health be precious in Thy sight. Bless our beloved friends, wherever they are, with the rich blessings of Thy providence and grace. Remember the poor, the suffering, the distressed of every class, and be to them a very present help in trouble. Pour out Thy Spirit richly upon Thy Church. Bless all her agencies for good. Give Thy word success everywhere. Revive pure and undefiled religion. Increase the number of laborers in Thy vineyard, and f 11 us all more and more with the mind that was in Him, who went about doing good. Cause our land to rejoice in the salvation of the gospel. Give wisdom and grace to our rulers, that they may rule in Thy fear; and incline all the people to walk in the paths of truth and uprightness, that this may be Immanuel's land. Extend the knowledge of Thy truth to the nations of the earth, and bless all the means employed to enlighten and evangelize the world ; that our adorable Redeemer may soon be acknowledged everywhere as King of kings and Lord of lords. These mercies we ask for His name's sake. Amen. 663 %nhn\i Juaning. Our Father in heaven, we reverently draw nigh to Thee at the close of another day, in the name of Jesus, our adorable Redeemer. As the shades of evening gather around us, we gather at the mercy seat, and look up with confidence. Goodness and mercy have followed us all this day. Thou hast defended, and kept, and blest us. In Thee we live, and move, and have our being. Oh, help us to live to the honor and glory of Thy name ; to show forth Thy praise, not only with our lips, but by living obediently, humbly, prayerfully before Thee, filled with the same mind which was in our blessed Redeemer. We confess our sins. Thou, O Lord, knowest us altogether — our inner and our outer life; and we rejoice that Thou dost know us. Pardon and deliver us from all our sins. We trust the merit of Thy blood, blessed Saviour ! ''Nothing in our hands we Imng; Simply to Tliy cross we cling." Bless the labor of the day, that through our feeble instrumentality the cause of truth and righteousness, the kingdom of our Redeemer may daily be pro- moted. Teach us so to number our days that wc may apply our hearts unto 554 FRIDAY EVENING. wisdom. Take us into Thy huly keeping during the dark watches of the night. We ^vill lay us down in peace and sleep, because Thou, L(jrd, makest us to dwell in safety. Bless our beloved friends. Make them all Thy friends. Prosper them, and grant them Thy peace. If any of them are out of Christ, work in them repentance, and lead them to the dear Saviour. Have mercy upon the homes that have no family altar, no God and Saviour, where parents and children walk together in tLe broad road that leads to death. Teach us to lead souls to the Fountain that cleanses from sin. Remember the poor and friendless, the sick and dying, the sorrowing and disconsolate. Give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mo^jruing, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Bless the Church, with her ministry, and ill her agencies for good. Revive pure and undefiled religion. Cause our whole land to rejoice in Thy salvation, and lead all nations to acknowledge that blessed Saviour whom we adore, and to Him, with the Father and the ever-blessed Spirit, be all honor and oflorv, world without end. Amen. 6B& ^alurbaii 0[|arniiig< Unto Thee lift we up our eyes, O Thou that dwellest in the heavens. Our voices shalt Thou hear in the morning ; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto Thee, and will look up. We laid us down and slept, and we awoke, for Thou, Lord, didst sustain us. The pestilence, that walketh in the darkness, has not visited us. We gather with devout and thankful hearts around our domestic altar, and bring to Thee, our Heavenly Father, our morning sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Oh, grant us Thy Holy Spirit, that ours may be the sacrifice of a broken and contrit? heart. We confess our sins, but Thou art the God of mercy, and, blessed be Thy holy name, the blood of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, cleanseth from all sin. " To the dear fountain of Thy blood, Incarnate (iod, -sve fly." Lamb of God, tliat takest away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us, and take away our sin. In our going out and coming in, in all our duties at home and abroad, may Tliy fear this day be before our eyes, and Thy love be in our hearts, that our ways may please Thee. Prosper us in our lawful and laudal)l(' undertakings. Thy blessing maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow. Make us a blessing, our Father, to all with whom we associate this day. 556 SATURDAY MORNING. Bless our neighbors and friends, all connected with us by ties of blood and of love. Make our friends Thy friends, by giving them Thy Holy Sj^irit, and adopting them into Thy family. Remember the friendless and the op- pressed, the poor and the needy, the destitute and the afflicted, the sick and the dying. Grant unto them all according to their needs, and give them to see that Thou dost make all things to work togethei for good to them that love Thee. We pray that Thy Spirit may be poured upon our schools, and colleges, and seminaries of learning — upon those Avho teach, and upon all who are taught, that these may be fountains of blessing to the land and to the worid. Bless our land ^\ith wise and righteous rulers, with just and salutary laws, with an obedient and God-fearing people. Cause us to be the light and the joy of the whole earth, that the nations may walk in our light , because Christ is our King. Revive pure religion in all Thy churches. Deliver Thy people from all unbelief and worldliness, from ail untruth and uncharitableness. Bless all who labor to spread the gospel and lead sinners to the Saviour. Encourage them, and suffer not their faith to fail. Remember, especially, those who labor amid heathen darkness ; and may Christ ever be the light and joy of their souls. Grant us, O Lord, these mercies, with all else that Thou seest we need, for the sake of Jesus Chiist, who hath taught us to pray, Our Father, who art in heaven ; Hallowed be Thv Xarae ; Thy kingdom come ; Thy will be dono on earth, as it is in heaven ; Give us this day our daily bread ; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil ; Foi Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 557 ^alurbni| ^u^mng. By Thy mercy, O Lord, we are spared to the close of another day, and of another week. And, as our days on earth are rapidly passing away, we i)ray that we may be diligent in the work of life, doing well whatsoever we do, honoring God in our dail}* life, and furthering the interests of our blessed Redeemer's kingdom. Forgive, we humbly pray Thee, the sins of this day, and of this week. Deliver us from ingratitude, and from foro;etfulness of our Heavenly Father, the Giver of every good gift. Thou art slow to anger, and of great mercy. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to Thy loving- kindness ; and, according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, blot out all our transgressions. Give us more and more of Thy Holy S])irit, that amid the bounties of Thy providence, and ths richer blessings of Thy grace, our hearts may ascend to Thee in gratitude, and our lives show forth Thy praise. Dear Jesus, abide witli us in our home, and may Thy love fill our hearts. In times of darkness be our Light. In our sorrow cheer us; when we are tempted, succor us. Be our Rock and Refuge, Hid may Tliy ju'ace ever keep our liearts and minds. Prepare us all, we 658 SATURDAY EVENING. pray Thee, and all Thy people, for the solemn responsibilities and blessed privileges of the coming Sabbath ; that we may be in the Spirit on the Lord's day. Bless the instruction of the fjimily, and of the Sabbath-school, and assist all who teach and preach in the name of Jesus, that they may do it in the demonstration of the Spirit, and with power. On all Thy flocks Thy Spirit pour. Deliver Thy people from ignorance and error and prejudice, and unbelief, and world liness. Lead sinners to the Saviour. Have mercy upon all who have a name to live but are dead, and quicken them. Re- member, in Thy tender mercy, the needy, the suffering, and the disconsolate. Make us like our Saviour in all the tenderness of His soul as we mingle with the sons and daughters of sorrow\ Deliver our land from all the evils that threaten. Make our rulers to fear Thee, and cause the people to turn from their sins to the living God. We commend us into Thy holy keej^ing. Angel of the Covenant, watch over us. Refresh us, that we may, with thankful and joyous hearts, enter upon the service of God on the holy Sabbath, and be fitted for greater usefulness on earth, and for all the blessedness of the everlasting Sabbath. This we beg for Jesus' sake. Our Father, who art in heaven ; Hallowed be Thy Name ; Thy kingdom come ; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; Give us this day our daily bread ; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil ; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. .^, ik'l^ » ^ ^;^ h> t t ^.Jv*\^? .