A MAY 27 1921 ««vt' "> 1 <;cB t / \ THE METHODIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL HTMX-BOOK. A COLLECTION OF hymns and SPIRITUALS FOR TSE IN SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. COMPILED BY DIRECTION OF THE WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. Wesleyan-Methodist Sunday-School Union, 2, Ludgate Circus Buildings, : 2, Castle Street, City Road, LONDON, E.C. 1S90. FLETCHER &. SON, PRINTERS, NORWICH: PREFACE The need of a new Hymn-Bock for our Sunday-Schools has heen felt for some time, and the preparation of one was committed to the Connexional Sunday-School Union by the Conference. Through several causes, it was not possible to issue the book earlier. It has been the aim of the Compilers to insert a larcre number of hymns of adoration and praise suitable for use in acts of worship. They Lave also included many spiritual songs, which, though not directly addressed to the Most High, amwell fitted to express various religious emotions. The former class they would strongly recommend for the opening and closing of the school. Many hymns appropriate for Anniversaries will be found in ail parts of the book ; and it is hoped that this will render it unnecessary to continue the practice of seeking new hymns for such occasions from very many different sources. Scholars are likely to profit most by thoroughly learning and frequently using their own hymn-book. The Compilers hare great pleasurein acknowledging the extreme courtesy of writers and publishers with reference to the insertion of hymns in this collection." In several instances, the authors of some of the choicest verses hold opinions widely different from those of Methodists, yet In no case have they failed to respond to the request of the Compilers for permission to use their hymns, and always in the most kind and generous way. It is possible that, in a very f ew Instances, the authors may not have been traced, and unwittingly use may have been made of hymns without consent ; if that is so, the Compilers beg the writers to accord to them their forbearance, and to give in answer to this request the permission for use that would have been asked in private correspondence, had that been possible. Especial thanks and acknowledgments are presented to the following authors and publishers for permission courteously given to insert the hvmns of which thev have the copyright. The Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, for Ncs. 350, 477; the Right Rev. the Bishop of Bedford (Dr. W. Yvalskam How), for Nos. 104, 170, 519. 524, 532- 533, 567 ', the Rev. E. H. Bickersteth, for Nos. 22, 75; the Rev. Dr. Bonar, for Nos. 1, 4, 7, 14. 85, 272, 319, 326, 328, 376, 395, 401, 429; Mr. W. H. Broom, for No. 89, by the late F. Whitfield; Mr. G. T. Con- greve, for Nos. 209, 412, from Gems of Sacred Song ; the Rev. John Curwen, for Nos. 231, 589, from the Child's oicn Hymn-Book, by special permission ; the Rev. John Ellerton, for Nos. 59, 4*6, 50-5 ; the Rev. C. W. Furse, for Nos. 109, 338, 410, 521, 527, 529. by the late Dr. Monsell : Mr. Josiah Gilbert, for Nos. 220, 2*0, 359, 430, 517, bv the late Mrs. Gilbert; Mr. J. T. Hayes, for Nos, 176, 295, 352, 492, from Dr. Neale's Hymns of the Eastern Church, ' : and for No. 432; Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton, for No. 76, by Mr. E. Hodder ; the Rev. E. Paxton Hood, for Nos. 106, 140. 325; the Proprietors of Ht/mns Ancient and Modern, N" s. 21, 103, 154, 204, 213, 526: Messrs. Isbister and Co., for Nos. 144, 530, from the late Dean Alford s Year of Praise ; the Rev. Dr. Littledale, for No. 192; the Right Rev. the Bishop of Lincoln, for Nos. 3^7, 502, from the Ht . Masters and Co., for No. 180, from Dr. I al Hymns and Sequences ; Messrs. Morgan and Scott, : 7. 285, by Dr. Bonar, from Sacred Songs and Solos ; the Rev. G. Moultrie, for No. 531; Cardinal Newman, and Messrs. Rivingtons and Co., for No. 336 : and Co., for Nos. 20, 83, by Dr. Neale, from the Hymnal Noted ; Messrs. Oliphant and Co., Pickering and Co.. and the late Rev. E. Caswall's Executors, for Nos. 94, 347, 428 ; the Rev. T. B. Pollock, f : the Religious Tract Societv. for Nos. 316, 3*4, by Miss Charlotte Elliott, and 57. 313, bv Mr. John Burton ; Messrs. Richardson and Co., for Nos. 27. 112, 356, 490, by the late Dr. Faber ; the Rev. Dr. W. p. Stevenson, for No. 230; the Sunday-School Union, for Nos. 190, 220, 322, by the Rev. W. P. Balfern, from Songs of Gla Also to Mr. Edward Bailey, t Rev. Julius Brigg, for Nos. 66, 422; Mr. W. Aver Duncan, for No. J. Finne- more, for I . E. E. Jenkins, for No. 23; the Rev. Dr. L 607 : the Rev. T. McCullagh, for No. 12 : I . t B 'v. , for Nos. 131, 145, 409, 537; t! Smith, foi i:. v. T. B. Stephenson. B.A., fox Nos. 314. M ; Vanner, for Nos. 475. 476; the Rev. S. Wray, for " The Compilers ar- ind< 1 t> d to ti ■■ late Miss Frances Ridley Havergal for tl i, ill. The letl ;. 12th, 1879, and any hymns they wish of min •'■•'. T. Brooki , of Hackney, for most valuable help In asci rtaining the authorship and copyright of hymns in this collection ; and I I for the insertion of the following hymns:— N and 164, by Mrs. Alexander, and No. 41 I 127, 172. by Mi>s Winkworth, from J .-, by Mrs. Shepherd, from Mr. G. Morrish; Nos. 1 Mr. W. C. Dix. CONTENTS. SUBJECTS. HYMNS GOD .... . 1- -205 The Holy Trinity .... 1 The Father ..... . 24 The Lord Jesus Christ , 74 (Incarnation, 119; Life, 140; Crucifixion, 160 Eesurrection, 171 j Ascension, 177; Exalta tion, 182.) The Holy Spirit .... 193 THE SCRIPTURES . 208- -227 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 228- -425 Early Piety .... . 228 Prayer ..... 258 Repentance .... 273 Faith ..... 300 Confidence and Joy . . 323 Conduct .... 359 Service ..... 394 THE LIFE TO COME . 428- -465 TIMES AND SEASONS . * . 466- -544 Morning .... m Evening .... 476 The Lord's Day and Sanctuary . 499 The New Year and the Seasons 513 Anniversaries 534 VARIOUS 545- -589 Missions .... . 545 National .... 564 Grace* ...... 571 Benedictions .... 582 INDEXES. Hymns — First Lines and Authors Page 125 Hymns for Infants ..... ,, 131 Hymns for Teachers' Meetings . „ 132 Texts Prefixed to the Hymns ,, 133 Subjects.— Alphabetical Index . *' 136 SrXDAY-SCHOOL HYMX-BOOK. GOD. THE HOLY TRINITY. IGive unto the Lord the glory due unto His name.— Psalm xevi. 8. 7 7.7 7. 1 rpo the name of God on high, _L God of might and maj- - God of heaven and earth and "sea, Blessing, praise, and glory be. 2 To the name of Christ the Lord, Son of God, incarnate Word, Christ, by whom all things were made, Be all honour ever paid. 3 To the Holy Spirit be Equal praise eternally, With the father and the Son, One in name, in glory one. 4 This the song of ages past, Song that shall for ever last; Let the ages yet to be Join the cheerful melody. 5 Glorious is our God, the Lord! Praises, then, with one accord To His holy name be {riven, By the sons of earth and heaven. 2 Holy, holy, holu, is the Lord of hosts. Isaiah vi. 3. CM. 1 TTAIL! holy, holy, holy Lord! H Whom One in Three we know : By all thy h. avenly host adored By all Thy Church below. 2 One undivided Trinity With triumph we proclaim ; Tin- onivc ree is fall of Thee, And speaks Thy glorious name. 3 Thee, holy Father, we confess, Thee, holy Son, adore, Thee, Spirit of truth and hi U We worship evermore. 4 Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord! (Our heavenly bom Bhall be) Supreme, essential One, adored In co-eternal ! 1 TTOLY. holy, holy, Lord God Almighty I JJL Early in the morning our BOOg shall rise t Holy, holy, lie ly merciful and mighty ! Ood in ] . Irinity ! 2 Holy, holy, holy ! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea ; Cherubim and seraphim falling down be- fore Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. 3 Holy, holy, holy ! though the darkness hide Thee, jnay not see, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory Onlv Thou art holv : there is none beside Thee Perfect in power, in love, and purity ! 4 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty ! All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea, Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! God" in Three Persons, blessed Trinity! A For He spake, and it iras + Psahn xxxiii. 9. 6 6.G6.88. 1 rpo Him who spread the skies, JL Who formed the sea and earth, Creating all so good, To Him who gave us birth, To Him be glory, honour given From sons of earth and hosts of heaven. 2 To God on liigh be praise, The everlasting One, Glorious in power and love, Who spake, and it was done : Who with His gifts our world did fill; Who giveth all things freely still. 3 In Him for evermore, Ye sons of men, be glad ; In God. your cii d. reioiee, He lifteth up your head; He toneheth, andthc sickness flies; He Bpeakefh, and the dead arise. 4 Him praise and magnify, Sun, moon, and every star; His name exalt on high, Creation near and far ! To Him, the God of earth and heaven, All blessing and all praise be given. o Unto the Father sing Unto the Sun the praise Eternally prolong ; Unto the Holy Spirit miiu': The lidc Jehovah, Lord and K. THE HOLY TRINITY. 14 Thou that duellest between the cherubims, shine forth.— Psalm lxxx. 1. 7 6.7 6.7 7 1 TTOLY Father, mighty God, XI Fountain of all blessing, Hear us when on Thee we call, Thy great name confessing ! WeUspring of all peace and grace, Grant us to behold Thy face. 2 Holy Saviour, Son of God, Fulness of all blessing, Save us when to Thee we come, Thy great name confessing ! Grant us heavenly joy and rest ; Bless us, and we shall be blest. 3 Holy Spirit, Light and Love, Giver of all blessing, Shine on us when thus we come, Thy great name confessing. Mighty Comforter, impart Comfort to the troubled heart. 1ET He will beautify the meek with salva- O tion.— Psalm cxlix. 4. 11 10.11 10. 1 T)RAISE ye Jehovah, praise the Lord X most holy, [strength the weak ; Who cheers the contrite, girds with Praise Him who will with glory crown the lowly, And with salvation beautify the meek. 2 Praise ye the Lord for all His lovingkind- ness, And all the tender mercy He hath shown ; Praise Him who pardons all our sin and blindness, [own. And calls us sons, and marks us for His 3 Praise ye Jehovah, source of all our bless- ing, [dim ; Before His gifts earth's richest boons are Resting in Him, His peace and joy possess- ing, " [Him. All things are ours, for we have all in 4 Praise ye the Fati. er, God the Lord, who gave us, "With full and perfect love, His only Son; Praise ye the Son, who died Himself to save us ; [One. Praise ye the Spirit : praise the Three in 1C* Praise ye the Lord. O Psalm cl. 1. G 7.6 7.6 6.6 6. 1 T ET all men praise the Lord, JU In worship lowly bending; On His most holy word, Redeemed from woe, depending. He gracious is and just ; From childhood us doth lead-" On Him we place our trust And hope in time of need. 2 Glory and praise to God — To Father, Son, be given, And to the Holy Ghost, On high enthroned in heaven ! Praise to the triune God ; With powerful arm and strong, He changeth night to day : Praise Him with grateful song ! And for Thy pleasure they are and vere 1-7 created.— Revelation iv. 11. I 11.11.11. 1 A LL things praise Thee— Lord most High, xi Heaven and earth, and sea and sky, All were for Thy glory made, That Thy greatness, thus displayed, Should all worship bring to Thee ; All things praise Thee Lord, may we. 2 All things praise Thee— night to Eight Sings in silent hymns of light ; All things praise Thee— day to day Chants Thy power in burning ray ; Time and space are praising Thee, All things praise Thee : Lord, may we. 3 All things praise Thee— high and low, Rain, and dew, and seven-hued bow, Crimson sunset, fleecy cloud, Rippling stream, and tempest loud, Summer, winter,— all to Thee Glory render : Lord, may we. 4 All things praise Thee— heaven's high Rings with melody divine ; [shrine Lowly bending at Thy feet, Seraph and archangel meet ; This their highest bliss— to be Ever praising : Lord, may we. 5 All things praise Thee— gracious Lord, Great Creator, powerful Word, Omnipresent Spirit, now At Thy feet we humbly bow ; Lift our hearts in praise to Thee ; All things praise Thee : Lord, may we. lam Thy shield, and thy exceeding IO great reward.— Genesis xv. 1. O GG.8 4.6 6.8 4. 1 rpHE God of Abraham praise, JL Who reigns enthroned above, Ancient of everlasting days, And God of love ; Jehovah, Great I AM, By earth and heaven confessed ; I bow and bless the sacred name, For ever blest. 2 The God of Abraham praise, Whose all-sufficient grace Shall guide me all my happy days, In all my ways. He calls a worm His friend, He calls Himself my God; And He shall save me to the end, Through Jesus blood. 3 The whole triumphant host Give thanks to God on high : ' Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! ' They ever cry ; Hail, Abraham's God and mine ! (I join the heavenly lays) All might and majesty are Thine, And endless praise. I dwell in tlie high and holy place, 1f\ with him also, etc. C/ Isaiah lvii. 15. 5 5.8 8.5 5. 1 "HATHER, throned on high; JL Thou to us art nigh ; THE HOLY TRINITY. With the heavenly hosts before Thee, We in spirit would adore Thee, And with rapture raise Hymns of love and praise. 2 O eternal Word, Our incarnate Lord, We to Thee thanksgiving render— Thee Thy people's strong Defender, And as Sovereign own None but Thee alone. 3 Spirit of all grace, Source of holin Who the Saviour's sceptre wieldest, And from Satan's vengeance shieldest , 'lis by Thee we live: Praise to Thee we give ! 4 Had we angel tongues, With seraph lc Bowing hearts and knees before Thee, Triune God, we would adore Thee, In the highest strain. For the Lamb once slain. To God. who all ere | ation made, The frequent hymn be | duly paid : AUe | luia, Alle | luia. Tliis is the strain, the eternal strain, the Lord Al mighty loves : Alle j luia. This is the song" the heavenly song, that Christ the | King approves : Alle . luia. Wherefore we sing, both heart and voice a waking, Alle luia. And children's voices echo, answer | making, Alle . luia. Now from all men | be out-poured Alleluia : to the Lord ; With Alleluia | evermore The Son and Spirit | we adore. Praise be done to the | Three in One, Alle , luia ! Alle . luia '. Alle , lnia ! Amen. 20 THE strain upraise of jov and praise, Alle ; luia. To the glory of their Kincr Shall the ransomed | people sin-' Alle | luia, Alle | luia. And the choirs that dwell on lngh Shall re-echo j through the Bky, luia, Alle | luia. They in the re>t of Paradise who dwell, I ones, with Joy the I chorus swell. AUe luia, Alle | luia. The planets beaming on their heavenly way. The shining constellations join, and say Alie , luia, Alio luia. Ye clouds that onward sweep, Ye winds on | pinions light, Ye thunders, echoing loud and deep, Ye lightnings | wildly bright, n j sent unite your Alle | luia. Ye floods and ocean billows, Ye storms and winter snow, Ye days of cloudless beauty. Hoar frost and , summer glow, Ye groves that wave in spring, And glori- Ing, Alle , luia. the birds with painted ' plumage Exalt their great Creator's ' praise, and say. Alle luia. Alle lnia. Then h t the beasts of earth, with , varying Join in creation's hvmn, and cry again Alle luia*. AUe luia. Here let the mountains thunder forth so- ! norous Alle | luia. Thou jubilant ah; - vAlle luia. f earth and contf . nents. replv All..- . lnia. O -J Intercession for those at sea. A I Psalm cvii. 23-31. 8 8.88.88. 1 17 TERN AL Father! strong to save. li Whose arm hath bound the restless Who bidd st the mighty ocean deep [wave. Its own appointed limits keep : O hear us, when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea ! 2 O Saviour, whose almighty word The winds and waves submissive heard, Who walkedst on the foaming deep, And calm amid its rage didst sleep : O hear us. when we cry to Thee For these in peril on the sea ! '3 O Sacred Spirit ! who didst brood Upon the chaos elark and rude, Who bael'stits angry tumult cease, And gavest light and life and peace : O hear us, when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea ! 1 O Trinity of love and power ! Our brethren shield in danger's hour* From rock and tempest, fire and foe, Protect the-m wheresoe'er they go: And ever let there rise to '! I Glad hymns of praise from land and sea Then He arose, and rebuked the irinds (*") O "■'"' the •*'"' ! '""* there teas a jLZ. great calm.— Matt. viii. 26. L.M. 1 A LMIGHTY Father, hear our cry, • Jeep we "roam ; Le Thou our haven always nigh, Onhon: I honour home. 96 voice The I And cleanse and calm the troubled breast. 8 O Holy Ghost, beneath whose power The I '■• and light, Comma:.: in this hour /might. Thy fostering warmth, Thy quickening 1 Great God, Triune .T.hovah, Thee \\Y love, we worship, we ad On: joy on heaven's eternal THE FATHER. 23 My presence shall go with Mice, and I uiii give thee rest. Exodus xxxiii. 14. CM. 1 TT7HILE lone upon the furious waves, \ V Where danger fiercely rides, There is a Hand, unseen, that saves, And through the ocean guides. 2 Almighty Lord of land and sea, Beneath Thine eye we sail j And if our hope he fixed on Thee, Our hearts can never quail. 3 Though tempests shake the angry deep, And thunder's voice appal, Serene we wake, and calmly sleep ; Our Father governs all. 4 Still prove Thyself through all the way The guardian and the friend ; Cheer with Thy presence every day, And every night defend. THE FATHER. Our Father, which art in heaven. Matthew vi. 9. L.M. 24 1 AUR Father, God, who art in heaven, U To Thy great name he reverence given Thy peaceful kingdom wide extend, And reign, O Lord, till time shall end. 2 Thy sacred will on earth he done, As by the angels round the throne ; And let us every day he fed With earthly and with heavenly bread. S Our sins forgive, and teach us thus To pardon those who injure us ; Our shield in all temptations prove, And every evil far remove. 4 Thine is the kingdom to control, And Thine the power to save the soul; Great be the glory of Thy reign : Let every creature say— Amen. enmc, let us sing unto tlie Lord.— Psalm xcv. 1. 55 8.G 6 8. 25 In joyous accord, Ye dwellers on earth and in heaven ; The God of creation, The God of salvation, To Him all the glory be given ! 2 Earth, ocean, and air Unite to declare The unspeakable worth of His name ; Creation He founded In wisdom unbounded, Such wonders His glory proclaim. 3 But O ! the rich grace To our perishing race, Salvation, the purchase of blood ; Lost sinners believing, Free pardon receiving, Become the blessed children of God. 4 What wonders untold "Will redemption unfold When heaven its myriads shall bring, In body and spirit Bright crowns to inherit With Christ, the victorious King ! , Thou art clothed irith honour and majesty.— Psalm civ. 1. 10 10.11 11. 26 1 A WORSHIP the King, All glorious \J above ; O gratefully sing His power and His love : Our Shield and Defender, The Ancient of days, Pavilioned in splendour, And girded with praise. 2 O tell of His might, O sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light, Whose canopy space ; [clouds form" ; Whose chariots of wrath Deep thunder- And dark is His path On the wings of the storm. 3 The earth with its store Of wonders untold, Almighty ! Thy power Hath founded of old ; Hath stablished it fast By a changeless decree, [the sea. And round it hath cast, Like a mantle, 4 Thy bomitif ul care What tongue can recite ? It breathes in the air, It shines in the light, It streams from the hills, It descends to the plain, [rain. And sweetly distils In the dew and the Frail children of dust, And feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, Nor find Thee to fail; Thy mercies how tender, How firm to the end, [Friend! Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and G O measureless Might ! Ineffable Love ! While angels delight To hymn Thee above, The humbler creation, Though feeble their lays, With true adoration Shall lisp to Thy praise. Glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing uonders. Exodus xv. 11. CM. 27 1 TV.TY God, how wonderful Thou art! 1V1 Thy majesty, how bright ! How radiant Thy mercy-scat, In depths of burning light ! 2 How dread are Thine eternal years, everlasting Lord ! By prostrate spirits, day and night, Incessantly adored! 3 How glorious, how beautiful The sight of Thee must be : Thine endless wisdom, boundless power, And awful purity ! 4 Oh ! how I fear Thee, living God, With deepest, tenderest fears, And worship Thee with humble hope And penitential tears ! 5 Yet may I love Thee too, Lord, Almightv as Thou art ; For Thou hast stooped to ask of mc The love of my poor heart. G No earthly father loves like Thee, No mother, e'er so mild, Bears and forbears as Thou hast done With me, Thy sinful child. THE FATHER. The heavens declare tlie glory of God.— Psalm xix. 1. B 7 28 1 T_)B.AISE the Lord ! ye heavens adore Him. IT Praise Him, angels, in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice before Him ; Praise Him, all ye stars and light : Praise the Lord ! for He hath spoken ; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; Laws, that never shall be broken, For their guidance He hath made. 2 Praise the Lord ! for He is glorious ; Never shall His promise fail ; God hath made His saints victorious ; Sin and death shall not prevail. Praise the God of our salvation ! Hosts on high His powers proclaim ; Heaven and earth, and all creation, Laud and magnify His name ! 29 O Lord our Lord, horn tseeOeM is Thy name in all Die earth .' Psalm viii. 1. CM In heaven and earth the same ! TheTe angels at Thy footstool bow, Here babes Thy grace proclaim. 2 When glorious in the nightly sky Thy moon and stars I see, O what is man, I wondering cry, To be so loved by Thee ! 3 To him Thou hourly deign'st to give New mercies from on high ; Didst quit Thy throne with him to live, For him in pain to die ; •i Close to Thine own bright seraphim His favoured path is trod : And all l i him, That he may serve his God. 5 O Lord, how good, how great art Thou, In heaven and earth the same ! There angels at Thy footstool how, Here babes Thy grace proclaim. 30 I tcill praise Hire, O Loup, trith my tcholc heart. — l'>c. ix. 1. 1 1 0. 1 i G. MfY God. my King, ill Thy pnu My heart is all Thine own: My highest p iwers, My cii I ykld to Thee alone. raise, awake, join ; Till all around i the sound. And Lknd their hymns with mine. • man Ifl W< uk 'i';,\ pi • .-■ Your I . The glories of o a 31 4 His truth and grace Fill time and space ; As large His honours be, Till all that live Their homage give, And praise my God with me. When the morning star* t and all the son* of (iod shouted for joy.— Job xxxviii. 7. 7 7-7 7. Heaven with alleluias rang, When Jehovah's work begun. When He spake, and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn When the Prince of peace was born ; Songs of praise arose when He Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away : Songs of praise shall crown that day ; God will make new heavens and eafth : Songs of praise shall hail their birth. 4 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faithful love, Songs of praise tb sing above : 5 Borne upon their latest breath. Songa of praise shall conquer death; Then amidst eternal joy Songs of praise their powers employ. 32 Sinn ye to the Lord, for lie hath triump hed glorioudy. Ex. xv. 21. 10 11.11 11.12 11.10 11. 1 QOUND the loud timbrel o'er Egypfl O dark sea! "free! Jehovah hath triumphed ! His people are Sing ! for the pride of the tyrant \a broken ; His chariots, his horsemen, all splendid and brave : How vain was their boasting! the Lord hatii but spoken, And chariots and horsemen are sunk in the wave ! Sound the loud timbrel Jehovah hath triumphed! His people are free! 2 Praise to the Conqueror! praise to tlie Lord! His word was our arrow, His breath was Who shall r.turn. to tell Egypt I Of those she sent forth in the hour of her pride? of glory, The Lord hath looked out from His pillar And all her brave thousands an dashed in the tide, Sound the loud timbr. 1 Jehovah hath triumphe-i 33 J)«l V.Ot //," >} t .' suth J< r. xxiii. •_•!. l TTTHETI o'er earth Is breaking >t IUsy light, and fair, M> rn afar procialmeth THE FATHER. 2 "When the spring is wreathing Flowers rich and rare, On each leaf is written,— Nature's God is there. 3 When the storm is howling Through the midnight air, Fearfully its thunder Tells us,— God is there. 34 The goodness of God cndureth continually.— Psalm lii. 1. 6 5.6 5. On the flowers strewed, Proving, as they sparkle, God is ever good. 2 See the morning sunbeams Lighting up the wood, Silently proclaiming God is ever good. 3 Hear the mountain streamlet In its solitude, With its ripple saying God is ever good. 4 In the leafy tree-tops, Where no fears intrude, Merry birds are singing God is ever good. 5 Bring, my heart, thy tribute, Songs of gratitude : All things join to tell us God is ever good. Stand still, and consider the wondrous O CZ works of God.— Job xxxvii. 14. O O CM. 1 T SING the almighty power of God, JL That made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. 2 I sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day ; The moon shines full at His command, And all the stars obey. 3 I sing the goodness of the Lord, That filled the earth with food; He formed the creatures with His word And then pronounced them good. 4 Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed Where'er I turn mine eye : If I survey the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky ! 5 There's not a plant or flower below But makes Thy glories known ; And clouds arise and tempests blow By order from Thy throne. G God's hand is my perpetual guard, He guides me with His eye ; Why should I then forget the Lord, Who is for ever nigh ? 36 1 n LORY, glory to God in the highest ! VJ Angels in chorus joyfully cry ; Glory, glory to God in the highest ! Trembling and weak our voices reply, Fain would we echo their anthem above, Fain would we sing to the Fountain of love Glory to God in the highest ! What though but feebly our accents arise, Deigning to hearken, He bends from the Glory to God in the highest ! [skies: 2 Glory, glory to God in the highest ! Bright beaming stars of midnight pro- Glory, glory to God in the highest ! [claim; Nature peals forth in praise to His name ; Warbles the woodland, and whispers the breeze, Roar out the torrents and tempest-tossed Glory to God in the highest ! [seas, Loud His creation still ceaseless prolongs Praise to her Maker in all her glad songs : Glory to God in the highest ! 3 Glory, glory to God in the highest ! Joining the choir, our tribute we bring; Glory, glory to God in the highest ! Mortals, break silence, gratefully sing; Reigning in majesty throned above, Yours is the royalest gift of His love: Glory to God in the highest ! Spread through creation, His grandeur we Only in man He revealeth His grace : [trace, Glory to God in the highest ! Q "7 God is light ; . . . God is love. Of 1 John i. 5, iv. 10. 8 7.8 7. 1 H OD is love ! His mercy brightens VJ All the path in which we rove : Joy He gives, and woe He lightens : God is light, and God is love ! 2 Time and change are busy ever, Man decays, and ages move ; But His wisdom wanetli never: God is light, and God is love ! 3 E'en the hour that darkest seemeth Will His changeless goodness prove; From the mist His brightness streameth, God is light, and God is love ! 4 He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above ; Everywhere His glory shineth : God is light, and God is love! 38 The earth is full of the goodness of the Lori>.— Psalm xxxiii. 5. 7 7-7 7.7 7- 1 17 ARTH with her ten thousand flowers, JLl Air with all its beams and showers, Ocean's infinite expanse, Heaven's resplendent countenance : All around and all above Bear the record, ' God is love.' 2 Sounds among the vales and hills, In the woods, and by the rills, Of the breeze, and of the bird, By the gentle summer stirred : All these sounds, beneath, above, Have one burden, ' God is love.' 8 All the hopes and fears that start From the fountain of the heart ; THE FATHER. All the quiet bliss that lies In our human sympathies : These are voices from above, Sweetly whispering, 'God is love.' 4 But the great Redeemer's birth, All He did and said on earth, All His agonies and woes, All the gifts His hand bestows, All His pleadings now above, Loudly publish, ' God is love.' 39 All things rrere made by Him. John i. 3. 7G.7C 1 A LL things bright and beautiful, Ix. All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful. The Lord God made them all. 2 Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings. 3 The rich man in his castle, The poor man at the gate, God made them, high or lowly, And ordered their estate. 4 The purple-headed mountain, The river running by, The sunset, and the morning That brightens up the sky, 5 The cold wind in the winter, The pleasant summer sun, The ripe fruits in the garden, He made them every one. G He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell How great is God almighty, "Who has made all things well. A C\ r " r ^"' world is Mine, and the ^f U fulness thereof.- Psalm 1. IS. CM. 1 m HERE'S not a tint that paints the rose, JL Or decks the lily fair, the humbh -t flower that blows But God has placed it there. 2 There's not oi grass a single blade, Or ]• si of 1 >veliest . Where h< avenly skill Is m t displayed, And heavenly wisdom seen. not a star whose twinkling light ■ i arth, And cheers the Bilent gloom « f night, But God has given it birth. •1 There's not a place on earth's - in d> ■< ]>, or air, t found • For God i-^ everywl L Around, within, below, above, Hi • • . \ ■. ., .. , plays His] ve, And pi t 41 A God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful. — Nehemiah ix. 17. 7 6,7 6.77.7 C 1 rTHOU, my God, art good and wise, JL And infinite in power, Thee let all in earth and skies Continually adore ! Give me Thy converting grace, That I may obedient prove, Serve my Maker all my days, And my Redeemer love. 2 Gracious God, my sins forgive, And Thy good Spirit im] art ; Then I shall in Thee believe With all my loving heart ; Always unto Jesus look, Him in heavenly glory see, "Who my cause hath undertook, And ever prays for me. 42 Then hear Thou their prayer a)td suppli- ~ cation iu heaven Thy duelling place. 1 Kings viii. 4'J. 7 7 7 7'. 1 f\ OD of pity, God of grace, VJ When we humbly seek Thy face, Bend from heaven, Thy dwelling place: Hear, forgive, and save. 2 When we in Thy temple meet. Spread our wants before Thy feet, Pleading at Thy men-; Look from heave;;*, and save. 3 When Thy love our hearts shall till, And we long to do Thy will, Turning to Thy holy hill : Lord, accept, arid save. 4 Should we wander from Thy fold, And our love to Thee grow cold, With a pitying Lord, forgive", and save. 5 Should the hand of sorrow press, Earthly care and want distl May our Bonis Thy peace pi Jesus, hear, and save. 6 And whate'er our cry may be, When we lift our hearts to Thee From our burden set us fn e : Hear, forgive, and save. To the praise of the glory of His grace— Epht Bians i. G. L.M. 43 1 T< ivy. to our God immortal praise. \ I Ml ley and truth are all His ways; Wonders of grace to God belong, Bepeat His mercies in your - • i the Lord of lords renown ; The King of kings wit b i shall endure. When lords and kings are known no more. :< He built the earth, He spree..! r And lixi d tin high : Wondi w of grace t'» <■■ d b I . ; He Alls the sun with i He bids the nn Ight: THE FATHER. His mercies ever shall endure, When sun and moon shall shine no more. 5 He sent His Son with power to save From guilt and darkness and the grave : Wonders of grace to God belong, Eepeat His mercies in your song. Blessed are the pure in heart : for they ' shall see God.- Matthew v. 8. D.L.M. 44 The glittering sky, the silver sea ; For all their beauty, all their worth, Their light and glory, come from Thee. Thanks for the flowers that clothe the ground, The trees that wave their amis above, The hills that gird our dwellings round, As Thou dost gird Thine own with love. 2 Yet teach us still how far more fair, More glorious, Father, in Thy sight Is one pure deed, one holy prayer, One heart that owns Thy Spirit's might ! So, while we gaze with thoughtful eye On all the gifts Thy love has given, Help us in Thee to live and die, By Thee to rise from earth to heaven 3 When by the dreadful tempest borne High on the broken wave, They know Thou art not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. 4 The storm is laid, the winds retire. Obedient to Thy will ; The sea that roars at Thy command, At Thy command is still. 5 In midst of dangers, fears, and deaths, Thy goodness we 11 adore ; We'll praise Thee for Thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. G Our life, while Thou preserv'st that life, Thy sacrifice shall be ; And death, when death shall be our lot, Shall join our souls to Thee. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.—Tsalm c. 1. L.M. 45 Wlw crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies.— Psalm ciii. 4. 7 7.7 7. For the love that crowns our days ; Bounteous Source of every joy, Let Thy praise our tongues employ ! 2 For the blessings of the field, For the stores the gardens yield, For the joys the harvests bring, Grateful praises now we sing. 3 Flocks that whiten all the plain, Yellow sheaves of ripened grain, Clouds that drop refreshing dews, Suns that genial heat diffuse ; 4 All that spring with bounteous hand Scatters o'er the smiling land, All that liberal autumn pour3 From her rich, o'erflowing stores : 5 These to Thee, our God, we owe. Source whence all our blessings flow; And for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. 46 The Lord shall preserve thy going out ~ and thy coming in.— Psalm exxi. R CM. THE TRAVELLER'S HYMN. 1 TTOW are Thy servants blest, O Lord ! XI How sure is their defence ! Eternal Wisdom is thei - guide, Their help Omnipotence. 2 In foreign realms, in lands remote, Supported by Thv care. Through burning elimea they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. 47 Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice, Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. 2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed ; AVithout our aid He did us make ; We are His flock, He doth us feed ; And for His sheep He doth us take. 3 O enter then His gates with praise ; Approach with joy His courts unto ; Praise, laud, and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why ? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age" endure. By Him all things coiisist. Colossians 1. 17. 'L.M. 48 1 T OltD of all being ! throned afar, JJ Thy glory flames from sun and star ; Centre and soul of every sphere, Yet to each loving heart how near I. 2 Sun of our life, Thy quickening ray? Sheds on our path the glow of day ; ^ Star of our hope, Thy softened lighfc\ Cheers the long watches of the night. ^ 3 Our midnight is Thy smile withdrawn ; Our noontide is Thy gracious dawn ; . Our rainbow arch Thy mercies' sign ; All, save the clouds of sin, are Thine ! 4 Lord of all life, below, above, Whose light is truth, whose warmth is love, Before Thy ever-blazing throne We have no glory of our own. 5 Grant us Thy truth, to make us free, And kindling hearts that burn for Thee; Till all Thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame I Both young men. and maidens; old men, ernd children: let them praise the . . . Lor.r>. A r\ Psaim cxlviii. 12. 13. 4-y 7G.7G.7C.10.8 7.8 1 rpHE valleys and the mountains. J. The woodland and the plain, THE FATHER. The rivers and the fountains, The sunshine and the rain, The stars that shine above me, The flowers that deck the sod. Proclaim aloud the glory of my God. Praises, holy adoration, Praises to our God above ; Praises through the wide creation, Sound aloud His greatness and His love. 2 And shall the voice of nature Thus glorify its King, And man, the noblest creature, No grateful tribute bring ? Shall mercy strew his pathway, And all his senses please, And man withhold the sacrifice of praise ? Praise Him, ye that live for ever ; Praise Him, every heart and voice ; Praise Him, He s the glorious Giver ; [ joys Praise Him in your sorrows and your second PAr.r. 3 The Word of life He gave U3 To guide ns to the sky ; That He might justly save ua He gave His Son to die, To die in shame and anguish, To die a sacrifice, To save us from the death that never dies. Praise Him, praise Him for salvation; Praise Him, praise Him for His Son; Praise Him, every tribe and nation, Praise Him for'the battle He has won. 4 Then train vonr youthful voices To hymn His p'raise above ; For he who here rej In Jesivs dying love Around His throne of glory Shall all His love proclaim, And sing the song of Moses and the Lamb. Him, praise the eternal Father; Praise Him, praise the eternal Son; Praise Him, let ns praise together, Father, Son, and Spirit, Three in One. 4 Angels in the height, adore Him ! Ye behold Him face to face ; Saints triumphant, bow before Him J Gathered in from every race : Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Praise with us the God of grace. girethanhs unto the Lord: . . .for pr-| ' His mercy endureth for ever. vJ I rmJIm fimfl 77.77. 1 T ET us with a gladsome mind JLi Praise the Lord, for He is kind: For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 2 He, with all-commanding might. Filled the new-made world with light : For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 3 All things living He doth feed, His full hand supplies their need : For His merries shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 4 All our wants He doth supply, Loves to hear our humble cry : For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 5 He hath, with a piteous eye, Looked upon our misery : For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. G His own Son He sent to die, Us to raise to joys on high : For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 7 Let ns then with gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for He is kind : For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. I will si»g of the m,rei--.< of the Lord for ever. - Ps. lxxxix. 1. CM 52 Tiles* Vic Lord, m>j snvl, ami forget not \ ET f\ all His benvi ts. - Psalm eiii. 2. JU 8 7.fi 7.8 7. ! 1 T)RAI5E, my soul, the King of heaven ; 1 To His feet thy tribute bring ; Ransomed, heal, d, n ston d. forgiven, Evermore His praises sing: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the everlasting King. Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in disl Him. still the same us ever, Sluw to chide and swift to 1 '. Alleluia! Alleluia! Glorious in His faithfulness. 8 Father-like. He tends and tpai Well our feeble frame He knowi ; • ly bears ns, • - us from all oi Alb luia! Alb Lnlal Widely yet II: Father divine, to Thee ; (river of every perfect gift, Pure let onrpcaia May Thine own Spirit, gracious Lord, Inspire our filial song, Lest selfish thought or empty word Should do Thy greatness wrong. S We thank Thee for the constant care That every want BappUeg The go< dn< bs that prevents our prayer, The wisdom that d». ojfc i ; i For helping hand and guiding eye, Pillar of fit:- and ( 1 The angel i f Thy pre* nee nigh When Btorma grow dark and loud. ;" ir the Ib.wers that blow Around the path wa tn ad, beauty of tbe earth below, . - Min-diine overhead; Thy name, For all things pure and clean. Each noble de< d, each upward aim, l . i aught where Christ la - THE FATHER. 7 We thank Thee, Lord, for clearer joys, For hearts more strong and true, For love that feeds, and never cloys. On mercy ever new ; 8 For hope that lives on words divine, Nor fails with mortal breath ; Of life immortal, one with Thine, Through Kim who conquered death. 9 Then, to whom all hearts arc known, Our hearts inspire and raise To love Thee for Thyself alone, And live hut for Thy praise. Who daily loadeth us icith benefits, even the God of our salvation. Psalm Ixviii. lit. CM, 53 1 T ORD, I would own Thy tender care, JJ And all Thy love to me ; The food I eat, the cloth.es I wear, Are all bestowed by Thee. 2 'Tis Thou prescrvest me from death And dangers every hour ; I cannot draw another breath Unless Thou give me power. 3 My health and friends and parents dear To me by God are given ; I have not any blessing here But what is* sent from heaven. 4 Such goodness, Lord, and constant care A child can ne'er repay ; But may it be my daily prayer To love Thee, and obey. Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever. ET A for wisdom and might are His. O *f Daniel ii. 20. 8 5.8 5.8 4 3, 1 A NGEL voices, ever singing J\ Round Thy throne of light, Angel harps for ever ringing, Rest not clay nor night ; Thousands only live to bless Thee, And confess Thee, Lord of might ! 2 Thou, who art beyond the farthest Mortal eye can scan, Can it be that Thou regardest Songs of sinful man ? Can we feel that Thou art near us And wilt hear us ? Yea, we can. 3 Yea, we know Thy love rejoices O'er each work of Thine ; Thou didst ears and hands and voices For Thy praise combine ; Craftsman s art and music's measure For Thy pleasure Didst design. 55 The whole disponing thereof is of the. Losd.— Proverbs xvi. 38. CM. Which on my birth have smiled, And made me, in these Christian days, A happy English child. And taught to pray a useless prayer To blocks of wood and stone. .1 I was not bom a little slave, To labour in the sun ; Wishing I were but in the grave, And all my labour done. -1 I was not born without a home, Nor in some broken she d ; Like some poor children taught to roam, And beg their daily bread." 5 My Gcd, I thank Thee, who hast planned A better lot for me ; And placed me in this happy land, Where I can hear of Thee. Xoic unto the King eternal . . . be honour pro and glory for ever and ever. Amen. \J O l' Timothy i. 17. 10 10.11 11. 1 A HEAVENLY Ring, Look down from U above ! Assist us to sing Thy mercy and love : So sweetly o erflowing, So plenteous the store. Thou still art bestowing, And giving us more. 2 O God of our life, We hallow Thy name ! Our business and strife Is Thee to proclaim ; Accept our thanksgiving For creating grace; [Thy praise. The living, the living Shall show forth 3 Our Father and Lord, Almighty art Thou; Preserved by Thy word, We worship Thee The bountiful donor Of all we enjoy, [now ; Our tongues to Thine honour, And lives we employ. But ! above all, Thy kindness we praise, From sin and from thrall Which saves the lost race ; [redeem, Thy Son Thou hast given The world to And bring us to heaven Whose trust is in Him. 5 Wherefore of Thy love We sing and rejoice, With angels above We lift up our voice : Thy love each believer Shall gladly adore, For ever and ever, When time is no more. pr "~7 The Lonn Re is Gad; there ts none. vJ ( else beside Him.— Deut. iv. 35. CM. 1 "NT ONE is like God, who reigns above, IN So great, so pure, so high : None is like God, whose name is love And who is always nigh. 2 In all the earth there is no spot Excluded from His care ; Wo cannot go where God is not, For He is everywhere. 3 He sees us when we are alone, Though no one else can see ; A\ d all our thoughts to Him are known, Wherever we may be. 4 He is om best and kindest Friend, And guards us night and day: To all our wants He will attend, And answer when we pray. THE FATHER. 5 if we love Him as we ought, And on His grace rely, We shall be joyful at the thought That God is always nigh. 60 58 The voice of a great multitude . . . ' saying. Alleluia. -Rev. xix. 6. 6G.GGAAH. In heaven s bright abode The angel host on high Sing praises to their God: Alleluia! They love to sing To God their King Alleluia ! 2 But God from infant tongues On earth receiveth praise ; We then our cheerful songs In sweet accord will raise : Alleluia I We t To God our King Alleluia ! 3 O blessed Lord, Thy truth . Thy 1 abes, impart, And teach us in cur youth To know Thee ai Thou art. Alleluia ! Then shall we sing . To God our King Alleluia ! 4 O may Thy holy word Spread all the world around; All then with one accord Shall lift the joyful sound, Alleluia ! " All then shall sing To God their King Alleluia ! 59 magnify the Lord icith me. Paalm xxxiv. 3. 8 7.8 7. Vhen our hymns in school we raise ; Daily work begun and ended With the daily voice of praise. 2 Day by day we magnify Thee, when, as each new day i^ hum. On our knees at borne we l>h Bfl Thee For the mercies of the morn. I hear them, watching I b dear lambs all night to kc i p. •1 Day by day we ma jnify Thcc, Not in words i i prai te alone ; Truthful lips, and m< < k obedience, Show Thy glory in Thine own. B Day h\ day we magnify when ! ith patience, m t ■ mortifj . g Day by day we magnify Th. e, 'fill our days on < arth Bhall 1 1 our labours, Waiting for Thy day In] The God of love and peace shall be icith you.— 2 Corinthians xiii. 11. 8 3.8 3.8 8 8 3. 1 /'10ME, let us all unite and sing, \J God is love ! While heaven and earth their praises Gcd is love ! .bring : Let even- soul from sin awake, Each in his heart sweet music make, And sweetly ake : "God is love ! 2 tell to earth's remotest bound God is love! In Christ is f idl redemption found : God is love! His blood can cleanse our eons away; His Spirit turns our n And leads our soul w it) Gcd is love ! 3 How happy is our portion here: Gcd Lb His promises our spirits cheer : God is He is our Sim and Shield by day. By night He near our tents will stay, He will he with us ail the way : Gcd is love ! i What though our heart and flesh should God is love! _fail Through Christ we shall o'er death pre God is love! 'vail: Through Jordan's BweU we will not fear, - will be with d Our soul above the waves to bear : Gcd is love ! o In Zion we shall sine again, God is Yes : this shall he our highest strain, God is love ! Whilst endless ages roll along, In concert with the heavenly throng, This shall be still our sweetest song, God i- . O "I With favour wilt Thou compau Jtim, O I as icith a shield,— Psalm v. 12. 7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7. 1 TTAPPY child whom God doth aid! Jj. God our Boula and bodies made; Blest rs; I bands, r us In their hands; - £ri< ads, 'twas God bestowed, Life, and all, descend from G< d. 2 H. this flowery carpet spread, Made the earth on which we tread; i>, d refresh* a in the air, n with the clothes we wear, 1". . d- us with the food we eat, ■ n OS by His light and h< at, Makes His sun All our blessings arc divine ! • Hfan, then, ai Thanks for all that w« l Man we fur his kindn- How much i THE FATHER. Worthy Thou, ; - .. enly Lord, To be honour d ■.-. ■[ adored; God of all-ereato: nee, Take the everlasting praise ! One God and Father of all, nho is 60 above all. — Ephesians iv. 6. Z 774,774.77. vJt ITTLE beam of rosy light, y JJ Who has made you shine so bright ? "Tis our Father.' Little bird with golden wing, "Who has taught you how to sing ? ' Tis our Father.' ' 'Tis our Father, God above ; He has made us, He is love,' 2 Little blossom, sweet and rare, "Who has made you bloom so fair ? ' Tis our Father.' Little streamlet in the dell, "Who has made you, can you tell? ' Tis our Father.' ' 'Tis our Father, God above ; He has made lis, He is love.' 3 Little child, with face so blight, "Who has made your heart so light ? 'Tis our Father.' "Who has taught you how to sing Like the merry bird of spring ? "Tis our Father.' ' Tis our Father, God above ; He has made us, He is love.' 63 Though the Lord he high, yet Jutih He respect unto the lowly. Psalm exxxviii. 6. CM. 1 ~D ROM His high throne al>ove the sky, Jl The Lord can all things see : I cannot see Kim, but His eye Looks kindly down on me. 2 He cared for me before I knew That I had such a Friend; "When my first feeble breath I drew, He did my life defend. 3 He keeps me still by His great power, From danger, night and day : I could not live a single hour" If He were far away. 4 But He is always near and kind, And loves to hear my prayer: May I His tender mercy hud, And trust His love and care. 64 For He ea rein for you. 1 Peter v. 7. 5 ( 1 fi OD, who made the earth, VJ The air. the sky, the s t -a, "Who gave the light its birth, Careth for me. 2 God. who made the grass, The flower, the fruit, the tree, The day *] (I ni .lit to paso, Careth for me. 3 God. who mad'' the sun, on, and stars, is He "Who, when life's clouds come on, Careth for me. 4 God, who made all things On earth, in air, in sea. "Who chan in,' seasons brings; Careth for me. 5 God, who gave me breath. Be this my prayer to Thee, That when I sink in death Thou care for me. G God, who sent His Son To die on Calvary, He, if I leas on Him, "Will care for me. 7 "When in heaven's bright land I all His loved cn^s see, I'll sing with that blest band, God cared for me. Thou shalf quide me with TJui counsel— Vs. lxxiii. 24. 8 7 .9 7.4 7. 65 1 n HIDE me, O Thou great Jehovah, UT Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but Thou art mighty, Hold me with Thy powerful hand; Bread of heaven ! Feed me now and evermore. 2 Open Thou the crystal fountain, Whence the healing waters flow : Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through : Strong Deliverer ! Be Thou still my help and shield. 3 "When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside : Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. 66 Salvation belovqeth nnfo the Lord.— Psalm iiL 8. 8 7-8 7.8 7.8 7 1 T ORD of angels pure and holy, JU "Who in heaven Thy will obey - . Meek Thou art to those, and lowly,. "Who in earthly temples pray- Listen to our supplication, Thou, who art the children's Friend, Bless us with Thy great salvation "While we at Thy footstool bend. Give us now Thy Holy Spirit, Raise our thoughts to things on. high, Where the glorified inherit Pleasures that can never die. We would pass the pearly portals. Gain the many mansions there, And with all the bright immortals Heaven's unfading glory share. 3 From the guilt of sin deliver, From the power of sin set free ; Thou of life the Lord and Giver, Make, O make us all like Thee. Then, Thy blessed will obeying, We shall gain that blissful shore, Where, for ever safe from straying, We will praise Thee evermore. THE FATHER. 67 Tl'.e plaee where God spf1:e irith him. Bethel.— Gen. xxxv. 15. CM. Chy people still are fed; "Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led : 2 Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before Thy throne of grace : God of our fathers, be the God Of their succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life Our wandering Footsteps stride ; Give us each dav our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. 4 O spread Thy covering wings around, Till all our wanderings cea^e, And at our Father's loved abode Our souls arrive in peace ! 5 Such blessings from Thy gracious hand Our humble prayers implore ; And Thou shalt be our chosen God, And portion evermore. 70 68 For He hath mid, I rrill never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews xiii. -5. 7 7.7 7-7 7. Gud Almighty cares for m< ; Gives me clothing, shelter, food, Gives me all I have of good. Poor and needy though I lie, God Almighty "cares for me. 2 Ho will hear mo when I pray ; He is with me night and day ; When I sleep and when I wake, For the Lord my Saviour's Bake, Poor and needy though I be, God Almighty "cares for me. 2 He who reigns above the sky Once became as poor as I ; He whose blood for me was shed Had not where to lay His head. Poor and needy though I be, God Almighty cares for me. 4 Though I labour here awhile, He will bless me with 1 1 And when this short Uf< I shall rest with Him at last. Poor and needy though I l>c, Gud Almighty cares for me. TJwu nrt my father, my Cod, and the i Hon, Psalm lxxxix. 26. L.AI 1 C\ PEAT God, and wilt Thou condescend VJ To be my Father and my Friend 2 I a poor child, an I I The Lord of earth and air and 2 Art Thou my Father ? Canst Thou bear To hear my poor, imperfect prayer ? Or wilt Thou listen to the praise That such a feeble one can raise ? 9 Art Thou my Father ? Let me be A meek, obedient child to Thee ; And try in word and deed and thought To serve and please Thee as I ought. 1 Art Thou my Father ? Ill depend Upon the care of such a Friend, And only wish to do and be "Whatever seemeth good to Thee. 5 Art Thou my Father ? Then, at last, When all my days on earth arc past, Send down and "take me. in Thy love, To be Thy better child above. " 69 TliOU. O Lour), nrt nttr Father. Isaiah .xiii. 16. Cat Amidst the I as throughout the world alone— Igas the G-'d i :' . 2 He knew us when we knew Him not, Was with us. though m .me to us onsOUght, His love h:i> wondro u while we dwell below, oar Father a < To Him in meek submission bow, And in His love rejd 4 That we may hear Him saj ' Ye blessed children. The days of toil and And heaven is now your home' All ice like sheep hare none oafaqr. Isaiah iiii. 6. 1111.1111. 71 1 AUE Father in heaven, Thou madest the U earth; [their birth: The sun, moon, and stars to Thy word owe .re they formed, 1 >y Thy connser*. they stand, ;hand.. And we are Thy children, the work of Thy 2 Thou gavest our life; to Thy goodness we owe ' pathway beh m ; All the blessings that bloom round our In thousand endearments Thy love we may read, Declaring that Thou art our Father indeed.. 8 Put we have all wanden <1. as idjnrw from Thy fold ; have grown cold; The hearts of Thy children through >in Though young, we have erred, and would humbly implore more. TIil- mercy are need, that we wander no 1 We own we are guilty, but J< jus has died: Nor shall we, when pleading Hie denied; [wilt heed, For hast Thou not promisr .1 thatpb a Thou And through Thy free grace make us chil- dren indeed 1 72 Out of the mnulft 'lings ttrcngth. Psalm viii. -i. ' CSl. 1 pOMF. let us join the hostfl above, \J Nov.- in our young< And Bias our Father l | THE LORD JESUS CHEIST. 2 His majesty will not despise The clay of feeble things, Grateful the songs of children rise, And please the King of kings. 8 He loves to he remembered thus, And honoured for His grace ; Out of the mouths of babes like us His wisdom perfects praise. 4 Glory to God. and praise, and power, Honour and thanks be given ; Children and cherubim adore The Lord of earth and heaven. 73 The Lord is good.— Nahum i. 7. L.M. 1 A LMIGHTY God, Thy works around A. In beauteous order speak Thy praise, And years, with smiling mercy crowned, To Thee successive honours raise ; 2 Each changing season on our souls Its sweetest, kindest influence sheds : And every period, as it rolls, [heads. Showers countless blessings on our 3 Yes ; God is good : in earth and sky, From ocean depths and spreading wood, Ten thousand voices seem to cry, Gcd made us all, and God is good ! 4 The sun that keeps his trackless way. And downward pours his golden flood, Night's sparkling hosts, all seem to say, In accents clear, that God is good. 5 The merry birds prolong the strain, Their song with every spring renewed ; And balmy air and falling rain, Each softly whispers, God is good ; 6 We hear it in the rushing breeze ; The hills, that have for ages stood, The echoing sky, and roaring seas, All swell the chorus, God is good. 7 Yes; God is good., all nature says, By God's own hand with speech endued : And we, in louder notes of praise, Will sing for joy that God is good. 8 For all Thy gifts we bless Thee, Lord, But chiefly for our heavenly food ; [ Word, Thy pardoning grace, Thy quickening These prompt our song that God is good ! THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 74 A name uh'uh is above every name.— Philippians ii. ( J. CM. 1 A FOR a thousand tongues to sing U My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace ! 2 My gracious Master and my God, As>i^t me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honours of Thy name. 3 Jesus ! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 75 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me. 5 He speaks, and listening to His voice, New Jife the dead receive, The mournful, broken hearts rejoice, The humble poor believe. G Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come, And leap, ye lame, for joy. 7 Look unto Him. ye nations, own Your God, ye fallen race ; Look, and be saved through faith alone, Be justified by grace. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace . . . because lie trustcth in Thee. Isaiah xxvi. 3. 10.10. 1 pEACE, perfect peace, in this dark world JT of sin ? — The blood of Jesus whispers peace within. 2 Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed ?— To do the will of Jesus, this is rest. 3 Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round ?— On Jesus' bosom nought but calm is found. 4 Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away ?— In Jesus' keeping wc are safe and they. 5 Peace, perfect peace, our future all un- known ? — Jesus we know, and He is on the throne. G Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours ?— [powers. Jesus has vanquished death and all its 7 It is enough : earth's struggles soon shall cease, And Jesus call us to heaven's perfect peace. ~7 £5 And all thy children shall be taiujht / O of the Lord .— Isa. liv. 13. 8 7.8 7- 1 TESUS, Saviour, wilt Thou hear us, V Now we come to sing to Thee ? Wilt Thou in Thy love draw near us. "While our praise we bring to Thee ? 2 Thou dost hear the angels' praises Offered at Thy glorious throne; But the cry an infant raises Thou, dear Lord, wilt not disown. 8 We would thank Thee we are living, Thank Thee for Thy ceaseless love ; Thou art daily, hourly giving Some new blessing from above. 4 All we have by Thee is given ; Food to eat and clothes to wear: Friends, to make our home like heaven: Lord, we thank Thee for Thy care. 5 Now that Thou to-day hast brought us Here to meet and read and pray, Bless, Lord, the lessons taught us. Keep us near Thee all the day. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 6 Teach ns all to know and fear Thee, Lead lis to the Rate of heaven: May we all this day, Lord, hear Thee Sky, ; Thy sins are all forgiven.' The Word teas made flesh, and dicelt among us.— John i. 14. CM. 77 1 A WISDOM, whose unfading power \J Beside the Eternal stood, To frame in nature's earliest hour The land, the sky, the flood: 2 Yet didst Thou not disdain awhile An infant's form to wear; To bless Thy mother with a smile, And lisp Thy faltering prayer. 3 But in Thy Father's own abode, With Israel's elders round. Conversing high with Israel - Thy greatest joy was found. 4 So may our youth adore Thy name ! And. Savi.mr, deign : With fostering grace the tinud flame Of early holiness ! 78 And let all the angels of God icorship Htm.— Hebrews i. 6. C 6 4.6 G 4. 1 piUISE God, ye seraphs bright, X Praise Him, ye sons cf light, What earthly choirs can swell, What mortal tongue can tell Thy 1 -vc, Immanuel ? God evermore ! 2 Come, saints, in God i Lift up a mighti Bing to the Lamb! For us His blood was For us He left the dead, tuft ted: Every good gift a -id every perfect gift '. above.— James i. 17. 7 7.7 7.7 7. 79 1 "17 OR th< " :ith. I }'■ r the beauty of the • love which from our birth Over and around ns Chrisi Thee we raise This our Bacriflce of i 2 For the beauty r.f each hour day and of the night, Hill ; and flower, Christ, our G< .1. to Thee f This our sacrifice of l 3 For the Joy of human Brothi r, Bi&fc r, par< nt, child. Is on < arth and friend - For all gi nth- thoughts and mild : Chi Thii our Bacriflce i f praise. 4 For each perfect sift of Thine To our race so freely given, Graces, human and divine. Flowers of earth and buds cf heaven: Christ, our God, to Thee we raise This our sacrifice of | - 5 For Thy Church, that evermore Lifteth holy hands above, Offering up on every - Its pure sacrifice of '. Christ, our < • raise This our sacrifice of praise. Hosanna : Blessed is the King of f\ J> name O U of the Lord,— John xii. 13. CM. 1 TTOSANNA ! be the children's song H To Christ, the children's Kinu: His praise to whom their souls belong Let all the children 2 Hosanna ! sound from hill to bill, And spread from plain to plain ; Whil. I c Still, Woods echo to the strain. 3 Hosanna! on the wings of 11 O'er earth and ocean fly ; Till morq to eve, and noon to night, And heaven to earth reply. mna ! then, our song shall be, Tl sanna ! I Thi> is the children's jubilee, Let all the children sing. Q 1 Who bring the brightness of His I - 1 Tl /TIGHTY GckI, while a Jl May an infant lisp Thy name ? - angels. Every en ature speaks Thy fame. Alleluia, Amen ! 2 Lord of every land and nation, Sounded through the wide creation i>s Thy 1 : praise. Thy just and rig] Alleluia. 3 For the providor.ee that governs b Thine empire's wide domain, I of earth and heaven, Alleluia, Amen! Shall Thy ] Slum, n nee; Alleluia, .'.nun ! come, and reign f r i Alleluia, Amen I Ipotcr, QO Ulito J Inn lit O jL throne.-: J j 1 THE LORD JESUS CHEIST. 2 He Lath made \is by His power, He hath kept us to~this hour, He redeems us from the grave, He who died now lives to save. S "What He bids us let us do ; "Where He leads us let us go ; As He loves us let us love All below and all above. 4 Angels praise Him, so will we, Sinful children though we be ; Poor and weak, we'll sing the more, Jesus helps the weak and poor. 5 Dear to Him is childhood's prayer ; Children's hearts to Him are dear ; Hearts and voices let us raise, He is worthy whom we praise. 83 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power* Revelation iv. 11. 7 0.7 6. 1 H, LORY and praise and honour VJ To Thee, Redeemer, King ! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosamias ring ! 2 Thou art the King of Israel ; Thou David's royal Son; Who in the Lord's name earnest, The King and blessed One. 3 The company of angels Are praising Thee on high ; And mortal men, and all things Created, make reply. 4 The people of the Hebrews With psalms before Thee went ; Our praise and prayer and anthems To Thee we now present. 5 Thou didst accept their praises ; Accept the prayers \vc bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. 84 i Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Romans ix. 5. L.M. 1 AUR Saviour is the sovereign Lord, \J Who rules all nature by His word, Supreme in power, in love supreme, And heaven and earth depend on Him. 2 He is the true, eternal Word, By all heaven's glorious hosts adored ; And He, the Son of man, made known In a frail body, like our own. 3 He is the hope of all mankind, A balm for every wounded mind ; The only name to sinners given, Their title and their way to heaven. 4 The Sen of God, the Son of man, Who was before the world began, Who is, and evermore shall be, Our God to all eternity. o To Him be honour and renown Who bore the cross, and wears the crown, " The King Immortal, (;<>d supreme, Let heaven and earth bow down to Him. But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, Q F> O God, is for ever and ever. KJ Hebrews i. 8. 8 8 7.8 8 7. 1 T ORD Jesus Christ, our God and King ! JJ This sacrifice of song we bring ; And Thy name we magnify ! Son of the Blessed, Thee we praise, Ancient of everlasting days, Thee, O Christ, we glorify ! 2 Blessed and only Potentate, Thee in our hymns we celebrate ; Son of God and Son of man ; True speaker of the gracious words, Yet King of kings and Lord of lords, Faithful and unchanging One '. 3 Great First and Last, the Christ of God, Of Jesse's stem the regal Rod, Prince of life, and Prince of peace ! Great King of saints and King of kings, Still night and day Thy Church Thee sings, Never shall Thy glories cease. 4 Thee, Thee we hail, now seen afar, Herald of day, fair Morning Star, Light of life, creation's Sun, Bright Dayspring of our clouded sky, Rising in gladness from on high, Glorious and unsetting Sun. o Heir of all things, creation's Head, And first-begotten of the dead ; Thou whose dying now is o'er : We praise Thee, with the Spirit one, The Father's co-eternal Son, Praise we give Thee evermore ! 86 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thuu hnst perfected praise. Matthew xxi. 10. 6 5.6 5. 1 TESUS, high in glory, v Lend a listening ear ; When we bow before Thee, Children's praises hear. 2 Though Thou art so holy, Heaven's almighty King, Thou wilt stoop to listen When Thy praise we sing. 3 We are little children, Weak and apt to stray ; Saviour, guide and ku p us In the heavenly way. 4 Save us, Lord, from sinning ; Watch us day by day : Help us nov; to love Thee ; Take our sins away. 5 Then, when Jesus calls us To our heavenly home, We would gladly "answer, Saviour, Lord, we come. For His mercy endmttk for etefj— Psalm cvi. 1. 8 7.8 7.4 7 87 1 T)RAISE the Lord ! for still He reigneth JL High o'er kingdoms, thrones, and powers ; THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. He the whole world's course ordaineth ; We are His, vet He is ours. Alleluia ! For His mercy aye endures. 2 He of old creation founded, Earth below and lit aven above, Built in truth, and well surrounded "With His boundless, changeless love. Alleluia ! For His mercy aye endures. 3 Bow we low in adoration : Us from endless wee to save, He, the Lord of all creation, Chose the manger, cross, and grave. Alleluia ! For His mercy aye endures. 4 Lord of life, He lives for ever : Free to all His love extends ; Us He shows His choicest favour, Calls us children, calls us friends. Alleluia ! For His mercy aye endures. 5 Wrath of man or rage of devil Shall not cause His work to fail ; God is love, and o'er all evil He shall in the end prevail. Alleluia ! For His mercy aye endures. Yield we Him our hearts' devotion ; Be His name alone adored ; Sun and stars and earth and ocean, Men and angels, praise the Lord ! Alleluia ! For His mercy aye endures. 88 For His great lore wherewith He loved U$.— Ephesians ii. 4. 8 7.8 7.7 7.3. 1 Q AYIOUR, for Thy love we praise Thee, O Love that brought Thee down to earth; Like the angels we would praise Thee, Singing welcome at Thy birth ; Let Thy star, through all our gloom, Guide us to Thy manger home. Braise the Lord I 2 Saviour, for Thy life we praise Thee, Life that brings us from the dead : Like the children we would praise Thee, Lay Thine hands upon our head. Call us, as Thou didst of old, Little lambs into Thy fold. Braise the Lord ! 3 Saviour, for Thy death we ©raise Thee, Death that is our hope of life ; Like the ransomi d We would praise The- Who have passi d beyond the strife. Wash us In Thy cleansing blood, oi kings and priests to God. Braise the L 1 Saviour, tot Thy love we praise Thee, that Lifts us up to Thee : With the angels let as praim Thee, Joining In their mini trels\ : All our love f. >r cvi r t< lung, And the mighty chorus -welling. Pral 89 I will confess to Thee, . . . and sing unto Thy w ame. — Bomaafl xv. y. CM. 1 rpHERE is a name I love to hear, JL I love to speak its worth ; It sounds like music in my ear, The sweetest name on earth. 2 It tells me of a Saviour's love, Who died to set m< free ! It tells me of I Mood, The sinner's perfect plea. 3 It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel ray deepest woe ; "Who in my sorrow bears a part That none can b^ar below. 4 It bids my trembling heart rejoice, It dries each rising tear ; It tells me in a ' still small voice ' To trust and never fear. 5 Jesus, the name I love so well, The name I love to hear ! No saint em earth its worth can tell, No heart conceive how dear ! And they sung a new song, say i>'(/, Thou art icorthy. Revelation v. 9. 6 6.G C.8 8. 90 1 QHALL hymns t f grateful love O Through hea rcn's high arches ring, And all the hosts above Their songs of triumph sing ; And shall not we take np the strain, And send the echo back again 2 2 Shall every ransomed tribe Of Adam's scattered race, To Christ all power ascribe, Who saved tin m by His grace ; And shall not we take up the strain, Antl send the echo back again I 3 Shall they adore the Lord, Who booght them with His blood, And all the Lov< i That led them home t And shall not we take np the strain, And send the echo back ■ ■1 O spread the Joyful Bound, The Saviour s love proclaim, And publish all Salvation through His name, Till the whole world take up the strain, i the echo tack I A multitude of (he heart .■ praising God.— Lake. ii. 18. G i;.7 7-7 7 0. 91 There was Joy In hi aven ! I ■ frame God In might and mi rcy < ; on high, : from the sky— • (ilory to ci'd m heaven !' j in hi aven ! There was ]■•;. in hi When the billows, hi aving dark-, Sank mud tie stranded ark, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. And the rainbow s watery span Spake of mercy, hope to "man, And peace with Cud in heaven ! 3 There was joy in heaven ! There was joy in heaven ! When of love the midnight beam Shone on towers of Bethlehem ; And along the echoing hill Angels sang—' On earth goodwill, And glory in the heaven ! ' For unto you is born . . . a Saviour, which (~\ (~) is Christ tiic Lord.— Luke ii. 11. fZ 7 6.7 0.76.76. 1 T LOVE to hear the story J- Which angel-voices tell, How once the King of glory Came down on earth to dwell. I am both weak and sinful, But this I surely know, The Lord come down to save me Because He loved me so. 2 I'm glad my blessed Saviour Was once a cliild like me, To show how pure and holy His little ones might he ; And if I try to follow His footsteps here below, He never will forget me, Because He loves me so. 3 To sing His love and mercy, My sweetest songs I'll raise ; And though I cannot see Him, I know He hears my praise : For He has kindly promised That even I may go To sing among His angels, Because He loves me so. J love tiicm that lore Me ; and those that seek Me early shall find Me. Proverbs viii. 17. 7 7.7 7-7 7. 93 3-ently speaking from above : 'Tis the great Redeemer's word, 'Tis the message of His love. Hear the call to you addressed, Ye who would be truly blessed. 2 ' Those who with devoted mind Seek in early life My face, Shall My lasii'ng favour find, And enjoy My richest grace. Early, then, while yet I wait, Seek Me, ere it be £oo late.' 3 Lord, we come, without delay ; We would love and seek Thee thus: Jesus, now Thy love display, Saving, guiding, blessing us ! May we dwell with Thee above, Ever happy in Thy love ! J ir ill pmise Thee for ever . . . and I will f\ A -trait ait 77/ v w( »<<•.— Psalm lii. 9. y4 G G 6.G 6 0. 1 TT7HEX morning gilds the skies, VI My heart awaking cries, May Jeans Christ be praised. Alike at work and prayer To Jesus I repair : May Jesus Christ be praised. 2 To Thee, O God above, I cry with glowing love, May Jesus Christ be praised. This song of sacred joy, It never seems tn cloy: May Jesus Christ be j 3 When sleep her balm denies. My silent spirit sighs. May Jesus Christ be praised. When evil thoughts molest. With this I shield my breast. May Jesus Christ be praised. 4 Does sadness fill my mind ? A solace here I find, May Jesus Christ be praised. Or fades my earthly bliss ? My comfort still is "this, May Jesus Christ be praised. 5 Be this, when dav is past, Of all my thoughts the last, May Jesus Christ be praised. The night becomes as day, When from the heart we say, May Jesus Christ be praised. 6 The powers of darkness fear, When this sweet chant they hear, May Jesus Christ be praised. Let earth and sea and sky From depth to height reply, May Jesus Christ be" praised. 7 Be this, while life is mine, My canticle divine, May Jesus Christ be praised. Be this the eternal song Through all the ages long, May Jesus Christ be praised. 95 The praises of Him irho hath called you.—l Peter ii. 9. G5.G5.6 5.65. IVIOUR, blessed Saviour! O Listen while we sing. Hearts and voices raising Praises to our King. All we have to offer, All we hope to be. Bod}', soul, and spirit, May we yield to Thee. 2 Nearer, ever nearer, Christ, we draw to Thee Deep in adoration Bending low the knee. Thou, for our redemption, Cam'st on earth to die : Thou, that we might follow, Hast gone up on high. 3 Great and ever greater Are Thy mercies here ; True and everlasting Are the glories there. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 96 Where no pain or sorrow, Toil or care is known, Where the angel legions Circle round Thy throne. SECOXD PART. 4 Clearer still, and clearer, Dawns the light from heaven, In our sadness bringing News of sin forgiven ; Life has lost its shadows, Pure the light within ; Thou hast shed Thy racUance On a world of sin. 5 Onward, ever onward, Journeying o'er the road Worn by saints before us, Journeying on to God ; Leaving all behind us, May we hasten on, Backward never looking Till the prize is won. 6 Higher, then, and higher Bear the ransomed soul, Earthly toils forgotten, Saviour, to its goal; Where, in joys unthought of, Saints with angels sing, Never weary, raising Praises to' their King. The children of God by faith in Christ Jews.— Gal. iii. 2G. 7 7 7.3 1 /HOME, ye children, sweetly sing \J Praises to your Saviour" King ; Hearts and voices gladly bring ; Praise His name. 2 Jesus is the children's Friend, Loving, faithful to the end; Richest gifts from Him descend, Joy and peace. 3 Once from heaven to earth He came, Suffered death, contempt, and blame, Died upon a cross of shame Crowned with thorns. i 'Twas our sinful souls to save Thus His precious blood He gave ; Ransomed now from sin's dark grave, We may sing. 5 O, what boundless grace and love, All our highest thoughts above ! Fear and unbelief remove At the cross. G Blessed Jesus, loving, kind. We would early seek and hud : And our souls in covenant bind, Thine to be. 7 For our sins we deeply grieve, But Thy promise we » ' Him that eometh I receive : ' Lord, we come. Ye are Mp friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.— John w. u. CM 1 fPHOU Guardian of our earliest days, J- To Thee our prayers ascend ; 97 To Thee we'll tune our songs of praise, Jesus, the children's Friend. 2 From Thee our daily mercies flow, Our life and health descend ; O save our souls from sin and woe ! Thou art the children's Friend. 3 Teach us to prize Thy holy Word, And to its truths attend : Thus shall we learn to fear the Lord, And love the children's Friend. 4 O ! may we feel a Saviour's love, To Him our souls commend, Who left His glorious throne above To be the children's Friend. 5 Lord, draw our youthful hearts to Thee ; And when this life shall end, Raise us to live above the sky With Thee, the children's Friend. 98 And to hnoic the love of Christ, ichich ■ : ! knowledge. Ephesians iii. 19. 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7. Joy of heaven, to earth come down ! Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful* mercies crown ; Jcsu, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art ; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart. i Come, almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy grace receive : Suddenly return, and never, Never more. Thy temples leave ; Thee we would be alwa#* blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray, and praise Thee, without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. 3 Finish then Thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be ; Let us see Thy great salvation, Perfectly restored in Thee ; Changed from glory into glory. Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Theo, Lost in wonder, love, and praise ! And tcorshipped Him : and . . . lyresented O O wUo Him gifts, etc. yy Matthewii.il. 7t<-7 1 Y\ T E bring no glittering tret > t No gems from earth's deep mkie ; We come, with simple measures* To chant Thy love divine. Children, Thy "favours sharing, Their voice* of thanks would raise ; Father, accept our offering. Our song of grateful praise. 2 The dearest Rift of Heaven, written word of truth, To us is t ally given, To guide our steps in youth. We hi sr the wondrous story, The tab- of Calvary, We read of homes in glory. From sin ami sorrow free. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 3 Redeemer, grant Thy blessing ; teach us how to pray ! That each, Thy fear possessing", May tread life's onward way. Then where the pure are dwelling, We hope to meet again ; And, sweeter numbers swelling, For ever praise Thy name. Hearest Thou what these say ? And 1f\(^\ Jesus saith unto them, Yea. U U Matthew xxi. 16 8 7.8 7.8 7- 1 TESUS, Lord of life and glory, v Friend of children, hear our lays ; Humbly would our souls adore Thee, Sing Thy name in hymns of praise. Jesus, Lord of life and glory, Friend of children, hear our lays. 2 Lo, what debtors to Thy kindness Are we, God of boundless love ! Thousands wander on in blindness, Strangers to the light above. Jesus, Lord of life and glory, Friend of children, hear our lays. 8 Jesus, on Thine arm relying, We would tread this earthly vale ; Be our life when we are dying, Be our strength when strength shall fail. Jesus, Lord of life and glory, Friend of children, hear our lays, i Let us climb the hills of glory, Far from sins and woes and pains, There in perfect songs adore Thee, And in everlasting strains. Jesus, Lord of life and glory, Friend of chiklren, hear our lays. Tiiat at the name of Jesus every 7;nee should 1r\ "1 low, etc.— Philippians ii. 10. U J G5.G5.G5.6 5. 1 IT the name of Jesas A Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess £B|3 King of glory now. 'Tis the Father's pleasure We should call Him Lord, Who from the beginning Was the mighty Word, a At His voice creation Sprang at once to sight, All the angel faces, All the hosts of light, Thrones and dominations, Stars upon their way, All the heavenly orders In their great array. 3 Humbled for a season, To receive a name From the lips of sinners Unto whom He came; Faithfully He bore it, Spotless to the last, Brought it back victorious When from death He passed. SECOND I'AT-.T. 4 Name Him, brothers, name Hun, With love strong as death, But with awe and wonder, And with bated breath ; He is God the Saviour, He is Christ the Lord, Ever to be worshipped, Trusted and adored. 5 In your hearts enthrone Kim ; There let Him subdue All that is not holy, All that is not true : Crown Him as your Captain In temptation's hour ; Let His will enfold you In its light and power. G Brothers, this Lord Jesus Shall return again, With His Father's glory, With His angel train. For all wreaths of empire- Meet upon His brow, And our hearts confess Him King of glory now. The man Christ Jesus; who gave 1f\r\ Himself a ransom for all. U A 1 Timothy ii. 5, G. 5 5.5 5.6 5.G 5. 1 T ET children proclaim JJ Their Saviour and King ; To Jesu's great name Hosannas we sing : Our best adoration To Jesus we give, Who purchased salvation For us to receive. 2 The meek Lamb of God From heaven came down, To ransom with blood, And make us His own : And Him without ceasing We all shall proclaim, And ever be blessing Our Jesu's great name. 3 To Him will we give Our earliest days, And thankfully live To publish His praise : Our lives shall confess Him Who came from above : Our tongues ever bless Him, And tell of His love. Alleluia : for the Lord God omnipotent 1r\ o reigneth.— Revelation xix. 6. (JO 1 nOME, sing with holy gladness! \J Hi^h alleluias sing, Uplift your loud hosannas To Jesus, Lord and King >' Sing, boys, in joyful chorus your hymn of praise to-day, And sing, ye gentle maidens, Your sweet responsive lay. 2 'Tis good for boys and maidens Sweel hymns to Christ to sing, "Us meet that children's voices Should praise the children's King : THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. For Jesus is salvation, And glory, grace, and rest; To babe and boy and maiden The one Redeemer blest. 3 O boys, be strong in Jesus ! To'toil for Him is gain, And Jesus wrought v.ith Joseph, Y\ T ith chisel, saw, and plane ; O maidens, live for Jesus ! "Who was a maiden's Son ; Be patient, pure, and gentle, And perfect grace begun. He took them up in His arms, put His hands them, and blessed them. 104* upon 1 pOME, praise your Lord and Saviour \J In strains of holy mirth : Give thanks to Him, O children, Who lived a Child on earth. He loved the little children, And called them to His side, His loving anus embraced them, And for their sake Ke died. ( Boy s only.) 2 J' ,u, we would praise Thee With songs of holy joy. For Thou on earth didst sojourn, A pure and spotless boy. Hake us, like Thee, obedient, Like Thee, from sin-stains free, Like Thee, In God's own t : In lowly home like Thee. (Girls only.) 8 Jesu. we too praise Thee, The lowly maiden's Son : In Thee all gentlest g i Are gathered into one ; O ! give that best adornment That Christian maid can wear, The meek and quiet spirit Which shone in Thee so fair. (All.) 4 Lord, with voices blended We si.. Of all our childhood's days : And! ward, below, v like Thee, O J ice and wisdom grow. Tor Thou, Lord-, hast mad,' l ...7c ill triwn 1r\jz i r ±h, \ ii. 4. [JO 8 0.8 6.8 0.8 6.0 6 6.8 8. - r.iour's praise, \ V To i Of Hi':! is all our days, And leasts t > heavi n :ood, With songs and anthems Bounding The Lord Jehovah | "While the rocks and the rills, "While the vales and the hills, A glorious anthem raise, Let all prolong their grateful song, And the God of our fathers praise. 2 We love to sing of mercies given Through every passing year ; We love to sing to Him in heaven With voices loud and clear : For He is good ; the Lord is good, etc. 3 We love to think of Sabbath days, While in this sacred place Our youthful hearts, in songs of praise, Have magnified God's grace : For He is good ; the Lord is good, etc. Suffer the Utile children to come 1r\ p> unto lie.— Mark x. 14. UU 7 6.7 6.76.76. 1 n OD who hath made the daisies, VJ And every lovely thing, He will accept our pra And hearken while we sine. He are simple. Though ignorant v. Suffer the little children. And let them, come to He. 2 Though we are young and simple,. In praise we may be bold, The children in the temple He heard in days of old. And if our he arts' be humble. He says of you and me, Suffer the little children. And let them come to Me. 3 He sees the bird that ¥ Its way o'er earth and He hears the lark tha Up in the heaven so I Y< t sees the heart's low breathing, s, well pleased to see,, Suffer the little children, And let them come to Me. 4 Therefore we will come near Him,. And solemnly we 11 sine:, No cause to shrink or fear Him, We'll make our voices ring : For in His temple speaking, He says of you and me, Suffer the little children. And let them come t And to hnoic the love of Christ, which passeth 1/*"\~7 knowledge. — Ephesians iii. 19. U I 84.84.8884. 1 ANE there is above all others: \J O, how H- I : 1 a broth* r's : O, how 'lb | Earthly fri« ads may f ■ Q O.oe day ' day grieve us. But this f'ri- :• l will ne'er deceive us: O, how He 1 : nal lifo to know Him : O, how Be lorn - ! Think, O think how much wc owe Him: O, how He 1 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. With His precious blood He bought us, In the wilderness He sought us, To His fold He safely brought us : O, how He loves ! 3 We have found a friend in Jesus : O, how He loves ! 'Tis His great delight to bless us : O, how He loves ! How our hearts delight t© hear Him Bid us dwell in safety near Him ! Why should we distrust or fear Him ? O, how He loves I 4 Through His name we are forgiven : O, how He loves ! Backward shall our foes be driven : O, how He loves ! Best of blessings He'll provide us, Nought but good shall e'er betide us, Safe to glory He will guide us : O, how He loves ! I have loved thee with an everlasting 1f\ Q love.— Jeremiah xxxi. 3. UO 8 7.8 7.7 7. 1 ANE there is above all others U Well deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's, Costly, free, and knows no end : They who will His kindness prove Find it everlasting love. 2 Which of all our friends to save us Coidd or would have shed His blood ? Christ, the Saviour, died to have us Reconciled in Him to God : This was boundless love, indeed ! Jesus is a Friend in need. 3 When He lived on earth abased, Friend of sinners was His name ; Now above all glory raised, He rejoices in the same. Still He calls them brethren, friends, And to all their wants attends. 4 for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to love; We, alas ! forget too often -What a Friend we have above ; \ But when home our souls are brought, • We will love Thee as we ought. My Refuge, my Saviour; . . . worthy to be ■j AQ praised. — 2 Samuel xxii. 3, 4. 1 "D EST of the weary, joy of the sad ; XL Hope of the dreary, light of the glad Home of the stranger, strength to the end Refuge from danger, Saviour and Friend. 2 Pillow where lying, love rests its head ; Peace of the dying, life of the dead ; Path of the lowly, prize at the end ; Bliss of the holy, Saviour and Friend. 3 When my feet stumble, to Thee I'll crv, Crown of the humble, cross of the high ; Wheal my steps wander, over me bend, Truer and fonder, Saviour and Friend. 4 Thee still confessing, ever I'll raise Unto Thee blessing, glory, and praise; All my endeavour, world without end, Thine to be ever, Saviour and Friend. He sliall feed His flock like a 1-1 r\ shepherd.— Isaiah xl. 11. I U 8 7.8 7.4 7. 1 QATIOUR, like a shepherd, lead us; O Much we need Thy tenderest care ; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy fold prepare : Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are ! 2 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be : Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to free : Blessed Jesus, Eaily let us turn to Thee ! 3 Early let us seek Thy favour, Early let us do Thy will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, With Thy joy our bosoms fill : Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us ; love us still ! He shall gather the laynbs with His arm, and car r if them in His bosom. Isaiah xl. 11. CM. 111 -*ith all-engaging charms : Hark ! how He calls the tender lambs ! And folds them in His arms. 2 ' Permit them to approach,' He cries, ' Nor scorn their humble name : ' For 'twas to bless such souls as these The Lord of angels came. 3 He'll lead us to the heavenly streams, Where living waters flow ; And guide us to the fruitful fields, Where trees of knowledge grow. 4 The feeblest lamb amidst the flock Shall be its Shepherd's care ; While folded in the Saviour's arms We're safe from every snare. I am the good Shepherd : the good Shepherd 11 O git-'rth J lis life for the sheep. I Z. John x". 11. 8 7.8 7. 1 Y\/AS there ever kindest shepherd VY Half so gentle, half so Bweet As the Saviour, who would have us Come and gather round His feet? 2 There is welcome for the sinner ; There are graces for the good ; There is mercy with the Saviour ; There is healing in His blood ; 3 There is plentiful redemption In the blood that has been shed; There is joy for all the members In the sorrows of the Head. 4 For the love of God is broader Than the measures of man's mind, And the heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 5 H our love were but more simple, We should take Him at His word, And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. 1-1 Q He makefh me to lie doicn in green I O pasture*.— Psalm xxiii. 2. 8 7.8 7. 1 QAVIOUR, who Thy flock art feeding O With the Shepherd's kindest care, All the feeble gently leading, While the lambs Thy bosom share, 2 Now these little ones receiving, Fold them in Thy gracious arm, There we know, Thy word believir^f, They are all secure from harm ! 3 Never from Thy pasture roving:, Let them be the lion's prey ; Lot Thy tenderness so loving Keep them all life's dangerous way. 4 Then within Thy fold eternal Let them find a resting-place, Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of Thy grace ! He . . . shall lend them, even by the springs 1-J A of water shall He i/uide them. I M- Isaiah xlix. 10. CM. 1 QHEPHERD of Israel, from above U Thy feeble flock behold ; And let us never lose Thy love, Nor wander from Thy "fold. 2 Thou wilt not cast Thy lambs away ; Thy hand is ever near, Ide them lest they go astray, And keep them safe from fear. 3 Thy tender care supports the weak, And will not let them fall ; Then teach us. Lord. Thy praise to speak, And on Thy name to call ! 4 We want Thy help, for we are frail ; Thy light, for we are blind ; Let grace o'er all our doubts prevail, To prove that Thou art kind. 5 Teach us the things we ought to know ; And may we find them true ; And still in stature as we grow . wisdom too. 6 Guide us through life ; and when at last We entex Int Thy tend* r arms around ne And fold us to Thy htt 1-J JT The Lortn is vvi Shepherd. I vJ Psalm xxiii. 1. 8 7.8 7.8 7. 1 n RACIOUS Saviour, gentle Shepherd, ■ ;ir to Thee : ■ I with Thine arms, and carried In Thy bosom may we be : fondly, Bafely tended, m all want and danger free. 2 Tender Shepherd, never leave us, Thy fold to go astrav; By Thy look of love (ii. May we walk the narrow way; Tims direct us, and protect as, PTC fall an u-v prey. 3 Let Thy holy word instruct its ; Fill our minds with heavenly light ; Let Thy love and grace constrain us To approve whate er is right ; Let us feel Thy yoke is easy ; Let us prove Thy burden light. 4 Taught to lisp the holy praises Which on earth Thy children sing, Both with lips and hearts unfeigned Glad thank-offerings may we bring ; Then with all the saints in glory Join to praise our Lord aud King. 1-1 O He restoreth my soul. I D Psalm xxiii. 3. 7 1 TTAPPY soul that free from harms -Li Rests within his Shepherd s arms I Who his quiet shall molest ? Who shall violate hi- I Jesus doth his spirit bear, Jesus takes his every care ; He who found the wandering sheep, Jesus still delights to keep. 2 O that I might so believe, Steadfastly to Jesus cleave, On His only love rely, Smile at the destroyer nigh ; Free from sin and servile fear, Have my Jesus ever near. All His care rejoice to prove, All His paradise of love ! 3 Jesus, seek Thy wandering sheep, Bring me back, and lead, and keep; Take on Thee my every care, Bear me, on Thy bosom bear : Let me know my Shepherd's voice, More and more in Thee rejoice, More and more of Thee receive, Ever in Thy Spirit live : 4 Live till all Thy life I know, Perfect through my Lord below, Gladly then from earth remove, Gathered to the fold above. O that I at last may stand With the sheep at Thy right hand, Take the crown so freely given, Enter in by Thee to heaven I 1-1 ~7 And rejoice in Christ Jesus. I I P'hilippians iii. 3. 11 11.13 13. 1 T)EJOICE and be glad! the Redeemer .It ha Go look on His cradle, His cross, and His t'linh ! Sound His praises, tell the story of Him who was slain : Sound His praises, tell with gladness He liveth a 2 Rejoice and he glad litis ninabinc ;it last, The clouds have depart d, the shadows are 3 Rejoice and be glad! for the blood hath Redemption i> finished, the price hath i Rejoice and be glad! now the pardon is free : The Just for tif anjusthasdiedonthe tree. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST 5 Rejoice and be glad! for the Lamb that was slain O'er death is triumphant, and liveth again. Sound His praises, etc. 6 Rejoice and be glad ! for our King is on high, He pleadeth for us on His throne in the sky. Sound His praises, etc. 7 Rejoice and be glad ! for He cometh again : He cometh in glory, the Lamb that was Sound His praises, etc. [slain. For unto you is bom this day in the 11 O city of David a Saviour. I O " Luke ii. 11. CM. 1 TTARK the glad sound! the Saviour JJL The Saviour promised long : [comes ! Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 He comes the prisoners to release In Satan's bondage held; The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters 3-ield. 3 He comes the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure, And with the treasures of His grace To enrich the humble poor. 4 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim, And heaven's eternal arches ring iVith Thy beloved name. INCARNATION. Behold, I bring you good tidings of great 1"1 Ci Joy.— Luke ii. 10. | \j 1010.1010.1010. 1 /CHRISTIANS, awake, salute the happy \J mom Whereon the Saviour of mankind was Rise to adore the mystery of love, [born ; "Which hosts of angels chanted from above ; With them the joy fid tidings first begun Of God incarnate and the virgin's Son. 2 Then to the watcliful shepherds it was told. "Who heard the angelic herald's voice : ' Be- hold, I bring good tidings of a Saviour's birth To you and all the nations upon earth ; This day hath God fulfilled His promised word," This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord.' 3 He spake; and straightway the celestial choir In hymns of joy, unknown before, conspire ; The praises of redeeming love they sang, And heaven's whole orb with alleluias rang ; God's highest glory was their anthem still, Peace upon earth, and unto men goodwill. 4 To Bethlehem straight the enlightened shepherds ian, [man: To see the wonders God had wrought for Then to their docks, still praising God, return, And their glad hearts with holy rapture burn: Amazed, the wondrous tidings they pro- claim, The first apostles of His infant fame. 5 O ! may we keep and ponder in our mind God's wondrous love in saving lost man- kind ; Trace we the Babe, who hath retrieved our loss, From the poor manger to the bitter cross ; Tread in Kis st^ps, "assisted by His grace, Till man's first heavenly state again takes place. 6 Then may we hope, the angelic hosts among, To join, redeemed, a glad, triumphant throng ; He that was bom upon this joyful day Around us all His glory shall display ; Saved by His love, incessant we shall sing Eternal praise to heaven's almighty King. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth IO /~\ peace, goodwill toward men. Z, U Luke ii. 14. 7 7.7 7. 1 TTARK ! the herald angels sing, ±1 ' Glory to the new-bom King ! Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled ! ' 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold Hun come, Offspring of a virgin's womb ! 3 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ; Hail the incarnate Deity ! Pleased as man with men to appear, Jesus our Immanuel here. 4 Hail the heaven-bom Prince of peace ! Kail the Sun of righteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. 5 Mild Ke lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Bom to give them second birth. 6 Come, Desire of nations, come, Fix in us Thy humble home ; Rise, the woman's conquering Seed, Bruise in us the serpent's head. 7 Adam's likeness now efface, Stamp Thine image in its place : Second Adam from above, Reinstate us in Thy love. There were . . . shepherds . . . keeping 1r\-\ watch over tlieir flock by night. Z I Luke ii. 8. D.C.M. 1 "U r HILE shepherds watched their flocks \ \ All seated on the ground, [by night, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. ., ' Fear not ! ' said he, for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind; ' Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. 2 ' To you, in David's town, this day Is born, of David's line. The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ; And this shall be the sign : INCARNATION, The heavenly Babe you there shall find To human view displayed. All meanly wrapped in swaddling bands, And in a manger laid.' 3 Thus spake the seraph ; and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God, and thus Addressed their joyful song: ' All Klory be to God"on high, And to the earth be | Goodwill henceforth from heaven to men Begin and never cease.' 1C\C\A Saviour, ichich is Clirist the Z. Z. Lord.— Luke ii. 11. D.C.U. 1 IT ARK, hark ! the merry Chn - J_L Are cliiming sweet and clear ; O welcome, welcome, festive day, The brightest of the year. Chime on, for Christ the Lord has come Ring cut o'er hills and dells ; Chime on a glad and grateful peal, Ye men 2 Let every living creature wake, And hail His glorious birth, "Who came from heaven, the Prince of To brin? glad news to earth. Ipeaee, Chime 3 All fjlory be to God on " Let every soul proclaim ; Goodwill and peace to man below, h Christ our Saviour's name ! Chime on, etc. And nd "jf)Q multitude of tlic Jieatenl 1 Z.O Luke 1 IT ark: what lading through the skies ? j aces: Heavenly alleluias rise. Which th( y chant in hymns of joy ; Glory, in the 1 Glory be to God mc-: 3 Chri-t is bom, the preat Anointed; a sing ; Him receive whom God appointed . I King! . to adore Him, Leam His name and I Till i:: I Hi'ii, * 'Glory horn, unto us IDA ix - a - jL^T D.C.M. with oioecs. '.bells, ' ". >tc. And the angels sang a Christmas lay 3 To their bewildered sight appeared A vision wondrous fair, a hymning loud Till their music filled the air. [etc. And the angels sang a Christmas lay 4 ' In manger rude, His form enwrapped In miise of lowliest I i You 11 find Messiah, Chi Lo! 'tis foretold in prophet- word; ^.ce on earth.' And the angels sang a Christmas lay M intfo BefkL I ZO i iss.— Luke ii. 15. i. 1 A COME, all ye faithful, \J Joyful and trim:. O com- • Come, and behold Him Bom, the Ki come. I t the Lord. Light of light : womb ; O come, 1 . the Lord. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 3 Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above, ' Glory to God In the highest : ' O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. 4 Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Bom this happy morning ; Jesu, to Thee he glory given : Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing ; O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. And she brought forth her firstborn If) "7 Son . . . and laid Him in a /Li manger.— Luke ii. 7. 8 6 6.8 6 6. 1 A LL my heart this night rejoices JUL As I hear, far and near, Sweetest angel voices ; c Christ is born! ' their choirs are singing, Till the air, everywhere, Now with joy is ringing. 2 Hark ! a voice from yonder manger, Soft and sweet, doth entreat : ' Flee from woe and danger ; Brethren, come : from all doth grieve you You are freed ; all you need I will surely give you.' 3 Come, then, let us hasten yonder; Here let all, great and small, Kneel in awe and wonder. Love Him who with love is yearning ; Hail the Star that from far Bright with hope is burning. 4 Ye who pine in weary sadness, Weep no more, for the door Nov/ is found of gladness. Cling to Him, for He will guide you Where no cross, pain, or loss Can again betide you. 5 Thee, O Lord, with heed I'll cherish, Live to Thee, and with Thee Dying, shall not perish, But shall dwell with Thee for ever, Far on high, in the joy That can alter never. And let all the angels of God icorship If) O Him. — Hebrews i. 6. ZO 8 7.8 7.4 7. 1 A NGELS from the realms of glory, JUL Wing your flight o'er all the earth ; Ye who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth : Come, and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 2 Shepherds in the fields abiding, Watching o'er your flock by night, God with man is now residing ; Yonder shines the infant Light : Come, and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 3 Children, now your praises bringing, Lift your gladsome voices high ; Bound the manger join in singing, ' Christ was born for us to die : ' Come, and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. For unto you is bom this day a Saviour, If) O which is Christ the Lord. Z.yJ Luke ii. 11. 7 7 5.7 7 7 5.7 7.8 5. 1 T3LOW, ye golden trumpets, blow ! JD Let the sleeping nations know Christ the Lord is born. Yonder see the Bethlehem star, Guiding mortals from afar ; Peace shall reign for evermore, Christ the Lord is born. Alleluia ! praise the Lord ! 'Tis the blessed Christmas morn ; Alleluia! alleluia! Christ the Lord is born ! 2 King, ring, ye silvery bells ! Far and near your cadence swells, Christ the Lord is born. Bing, and banish doubt and fear, Ring, till all with joy shall hear Sin is vanquished, victory's near, Christ the Lord is bom. Alleluia! etc. And, lo, the star, which they saic in IO f\ tlie East, went before them. O U Matthew ii. 9. 11 10.11 10. 1 "DRIGHTEST and best of the sons of the jD morning, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine Star of the East, the horizon adorning, [aid : Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid! Cold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining ; [stall ; Low lies His head with the beasts of the Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, Maker and Monarch and Saviour of all. 3 Say, shcdl we yield Him in costly devotion Odours of Edom and offerings divine, Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, or gold from the mine ? i Vainly we offer each ample oblation, [cure. ; Vainly with gifts would His favour se< Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, [aid: Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! And they . . . found . . . the Babe IO "1 lyiuq in a manger. O I Luke ii. 16. 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7. 1 /HRADLED in a manger, meanly \J Laid the Son of man His head ; Sleeping His first earthly slumber Where the oxen had been fed. Happy were those shepherds listening To the holy angel's word! Hapj-y they, within that stahle, worshipping their infant Lord ! 2 Happy all who hear the message Of His coming from above J Happier still who hail His coming, And with praises greet His love ! INCARNATION. Blessed Saviour, Christ most holy ! In a manger Thou didst rest : Canst Thou stoop again, yet lower, And abide within my breast ? 8 Evil things are there before Thee : In the heart, where they have fed, "Wilt Thou pitifully enter, Son of man, and lay Thy head? Enter then, O Christ most holy ; Make a Christmas in my heart ; Make a heaven of my manger : It is heaven where Thou art. 4 And to those who never listened To the message of Thy birth, Who have winter, but no Christmas Bringing them Thy 'peace on earth,' Send to these the joyful tidings : By all people, in each home, Be there heard the Christmas anthem, ' Praise to God, the Christ has come ! ' For ice hare seen His star in the East, and IO O a " : <■'"'"'' to worship Him. O Z. Matthew ii. 2. 5.6 5.6 5.6 5, 1 TN the wintry- heaven JL Shines a wondrous star ; In the East the wise men Watched it from afar ; Asking, ' What this lustre, So unearthly bright ? ' Answering, ' Christ in glory Comes to earth to-night \ ' 2 O'er the dusty highway, O'er the rtes. rts drear, From the East, the wise men Watch it Bhininf Asking, • Shall we follow In this starlit way > ' Answering, 'Yes; 'twill lead us To the perfect day.' 8 In a lowly manger 1 Infant weak ; Is it He whom wi>. 1 Come so far to seek ? Asking, ' Where the Monarch ? Jodsea'a Kin;,'?' Saying. 'Gifts and v. 1 To llis throne we bri 4 In our hearts we children Not as v.i-.j men saw it, In the Asking, • May we bring Him Childhood s love to-day ? Answering, -Come, dear children; Jesus says we may.' And laid Him in a wumger; beeamm there 1Q Q * room for them in the inn. OO Luke ii. 7. -7.-7.77. 1 ANCE in r.»val David s citv \J Stood a lowly cat;! Where a mother laid her Baby, In a manger for His bed fcfarj wrae that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little Child. B 2 He came down to earth from heaven, Who is God and Lord of all, And His shelter was a stable, And His cradle was a stall: With the poor and mean and lowly Lived on earth our Saviour holy. 3 And through all His wondrous childhood He would honour, and obey, Love, and watch the lowly maiden In whose gentle arms He lay. Christian children all must be Mild, obedient, good as He. 4 For He is our childhood's pattern ; Day by day like us He grew ; He was little, weak, and neb I Tears and smik s like us He knew : And He feeletn for cur sadness, And He shareth in our gladness. 5 And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love, For that Child, so dear and gentle, Is our Lord in heaven above ; And He leads His children on To the place where He is gone. They made hnoicn abroad the saying which ■1 Q^ icas toldjhcm concerning this Child. Luke ii. 17. iRKEGULAK. 1 THERE came a little Child to earth J. Long a And the angels of God proclaimed His birth High and low. 2 Out in the night, so calm and still, Their si : For they knew that the ( hild on Bethlehem's Was Christ the Lord. [.hill 3 Far away in a goodly land, Fair and 1 - .- Children with crowns of glory stand, Robed in white. 4 They sing, the Lord of heaven so fair A Child was born ; and that they mhj . of glory Wore crown of thorn. 5 In mortal weakness, want, and jjain, He ... That the children of earth might With Him on hi 6 And evermore in robes so fair And on Those ransomed children His praise declare Who was a Child. Then look he Jlim up In hi? arms, and 10 c: saed Gw/.-Lu.. OO DXJt 11 - 1 n-. I) Ii the raging win* r wild, II And< osand voices sing As if t . Child, Whom to the t. mple 1 The flow And spread thi : Qa waj ; The birds pour forth th--ir rapti I The gentle wL: THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 2 Still lingering at the temple gates, With patient hope that cannot die, The hoary Simeon daily waits,— He to the lowly group draws nigh. "With awe he finds the infant Lord, With trembling joy folds to his heart : ' Be it according to Thy word, And now in peace let me depart.' 3 Help us, Lord, that we may seek, And to Thy temple Thou wilt come ; The heart made lowly, pure, and meek Is that which Thou wilt make Thy home For arms that brought us to the Lord For ever let our thanks be given ; But most for Him, the holy Child, Through whom we enter into heaven. When they saw the star, they rejoUed 1Q CZ. Uita exceeding great joy. O \J Matthew ii. 10. 7 7.7 7-7 7 IAS with gladness men of old ii. Did the guiding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright : So, most gracious God, may we Evermore' be led to Thee. 2 As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed, There to bend the knee before Him whom heaven and earth adore : So may we, with willing feet, Ever seek Thy mercy-seat. S As they offered gifts most rare At that manger, rude and bare, So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasvu-es bring, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King. 4 Holy Jesus, every clay Keep us in the narrow way, And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. Tlmj saw the young Child, . . . and fell 1Q "7 down and worshipped Him. Ol Matthew ii. 11. 8 6.8 6.8 8, 1 A'ER Bethlehem's hill, in time of old, VJ Came wise men from afar, Bringing their costly gifts of gold, For they had seen His star. In princely pomp, with presents meet, They came to worship at His feet. 2 The silvery lamp through all the night Led on their eager way, Until upon His lowly home Was shed its gentle ray ; And there they found the 'infant King, And on the ground fell worshipping. 3 So, gracious Spirit, by Thy light SI line Thou upon our way, To guide our feet to Christ the Lord, Wo would our homage pay ; For He who is the children's King Will not disdain what children bring. 4 Not as wise mcci, in princely robes, With offerings rich and rare : We come with empty hands, O Lord, Burdened with sin and care, With hands that wrought Thy misery : And yet Thou bidd'st us come to Thee. 5 For gifts : we give ourselves to Thee, Our hearts shall be Thy throne ; For gold : we give Thee all our love, Oh, make it all Thine own ! As incense sweet Thy praise we sing, And bless Thy name, our Saviour -king. He took the young Child and His mother by IO O night, "•'''• departed into Egypt. O O Matthew ii. 14. D.L.M. 1 fJlHE fierce wind howls about the hills, J. Most angrily, most drearily ; The stars shine out with brilliant light, All tremblingly, all frostily ; The bird lies sheltered in its nest, The fox creeps to his crafty rest, And angels watch by children blest, All tenderly, all tenderly. 2 But who are these that through the night Move wearily, all drearily ? 'Tis Joseph, forth from Bethlehem, All hastily, all eagerly ; For Herod seeks the Child to slay, And death will come if they delay, And forth ere ever break of day They thus must flee, to Egypt flee. 3 The mother screens Him at her breast, All carefully, all prayerfully ; She feels Him shivering in the blast, All fearfully, all tearf idly ; And so along their way they go, Now numbed by night winds as they blow Now starting, fearful of the foe, All helplessly, all homelessly. 4 Had we been there, O gracious Lord, Most tenderly, most lovingly, Our hands, our home, our all were given, To comfort Thee, to shelter Thee. And we may still : for Thou hast said When hungry little ones arc fed, And outcast ones find home and bed, 'Tis done to Thee, as unto Thee. And the Desire of all nations shall 10 C\ come.— Haggai ii. 7- 0\j 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7. 1 pOME, Thou long-expected Jesus, \J Barn to set Thy people free, From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in Thee. Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art : Dear Desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. 2 Born Thy people to deliver; Born a child and yet a king, Born to reign in us for ever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring: By Thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone ; By Thine all-sufficient merit Raise us to Thy glorious throne. LIFE. And He iccnt doicn with them, and conic 1A f\ to Nazareth, and iras subject unto *+■ U Hum.— I«nke ii. 51. CM. 1 T LOVE to think, though I am young, * J. Mv Saviour was a child ; That Jesus walked this earth along With feet all undenled. 2 He kept His Father's word of truth. As I am taught to do ; And while He walked the paths of youth He walked in wisdom too. 3 I love to think that He who spake, And made the blind to see, And called the sleeping dead to wake, - Was once a child like me ; 4 That He who wore the thorny crown, And tasted death s di Had a kind mother like my own, And knew her love and cart . X> I know 'twas all for love of me That He became a child, And left the heavens, so fair to see, And trod earth's pathway wild. C Then, Saviour, who wast once a child, A child may come to Thee : And O ! in all Thy mercy mild, Dear Saviour, come to me. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in fa V our with God M\ Luke ii. 52. 65.65, 1.41 1 n ENTLE, holy J« VJ Saviour mod; and mild, Thou who once wast fashioned Like a little child; 2 And in grace a Up to ) Sharing hui;. Human sorrow too: 3 In Thy word so holy, Saviour, we can That of \\< Thou -;.. 'Let them come t > 4 Glad we come ! and render Allwi While our hearts are i- nder, Help 08, Lord, to live Phv young di» I That the WOrld l:;a . ■ And have learned of Thee. Him w< Till '• l't rfeeted above. i it, put HisJiands 1A q upon '■■■ m, and 1 U m <+£ Mark x. 16. c.M. Lord the children's hymn, n His gentle love d< Who bends amid the Beraphim To heal the children - 2 He held us to His mi . The children of the earth : He lifted up His hands, and blessed The babes of human birth. 3 So shall He be to us our God, Our gracious Saviour too ; The ways we tread His footsteps trod, The paths of youth He knew. 4 Lo! from the stars His face will turn On us with glances mild, The angels of His presence vcam To bless the little child. 5 Keep us, Jesu Lord, for Thee, That so by Thy great grace, We children of Thy Church may see Our heavenly Father's face. Of man hath not idtc 1A Q ilia food,— Matthew viii. 20. ^fO 7 77 7. 1 pHRIST is merciful and mild ; Vj He was once a little child ; He whom heavenly hosts adore juived on earth among the poor. 2 Thus He laid His g\ When for us He stooped to die ; How I wonder when I see His unbounded love to me ! 3 He the sick to health restored, To the poor He preached the word ; Even children had a share Of His love and tender care. 4 Every bird can build its Foxes have their place of rest ; He by whom the world was made Had not where to lay His ! o He who is the Lord most high Then was poorer far than I, That I might hereafter be Rich to all eternity. Be i:ig Jo and in ft i s,h ion as a m an. ! 1 1A A H ime obedient unto *+ *+ death- Philipnians ii. 8. C . Bf . 1 A S to His earthly parents' home xl Went down the holy Child, And found His Fatlu r's'busm Subjection meek and mild ; las obedience all those j In lowly Nazareth : Him not, ) v.: bore Him on, Obedient unto i ■ ach us, Lord, Our sacrifice to bring, Our fcn and life, and love, ton our King. 1 Thy pr- 1« nee is our guiding star, . Thy holy bill; . 1/ £T lie first locedus.— Uol i \yin THE LOUD JESUS CHRIST. He would not have them sent away, But took them to His breast, And -with such love looked on them, That every tender child, Having no fear of that sweet face, Held out its arms and smiled. 2 For Jesus loved the children, And said they were to come, And in His love find happiness, And in His arms a home : And then He, looking heavenwards, Prayed for each little one, That each the Father's grace might know In answer to the Son. 3 Still Jesus loves the children, And kindly calls them still To Him, who suffered that He might Redeem them from all ill. And into His bright kingdom He would the children bring, To serve Him in the kingdom's work, The kingdom's joy to sing. 1 4 Then surely all the children Should bring their blithest songs, And warmest love, their Lord to praise, To whom all praise belongs. For, see, the hands He stretches To take the- children in Were nailed upon the dreadful cross, The children's life to win. 5 Come, let us sing our worship To Him who loves us thus, And let us give our hearts to Him Who gave Himself for us : And then, if we are faithful, His love, when death is past, Will suffer us to come to Him, And share His heaven at last. Suffer lit'lc children, and forbid thevi 1A JO not. to come unto Me. *+ D Matthew xix. 14. 7 7-7 5 1 TESUS, when He left the sky U And for siimers came to die, In His mercy passed not by Little ones like me. 2 Mothers then the Saviour sought In the places where He taught, And to Him their children brought : Little ones like me. 8 Did the Saviour say them nay ? No, He kindly bade them stay ; Suffered none to turn away Little ones like me. 4 Children then should love Him too, Strive His holy will to do. Pray to Him, and praise Him too : Little ones like me. And Jesus e&lled a little child unto Him. 1A "7 Matthew xviii. 2. H- I 1 T THINK, when I read that sweet story of •- When Jesus was hero among men, [old, v He callfd little children, as lambs to Wmnot u e to havc k° en with thom then - I wish that His hands had been placed on my head, [me ; That His aim had been thrown around And that I might havc seen His kind look when He said, 'Let the little ones come unto Me.' Yet still to His footstool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share in His love ; And if I now earnestly seek Him below, I shall see Him and hear Him above, In that beautiful place He is gone to pre- pare For all that are washed and forgiven : And many dear children are gathering there, For of such is the kingdom of heaven. 3 But thousands and thousands, who wander and fall, Never heard of that heavenly home ; I should like them to know there is room for them all, And that Jesus has bid them to come. I long for the joy of that glorious time, The sweetest, the brightest, and best, When the dear little children of every clime Shall crowd to Plis arms and be blest. 1A Q W r}l ° ucilt alj0ut doing good. H"0 Acts x. 38. >.M. Sat Jesus long ago ; The water-bearer heard Him tell Where living waters flow. 2 The beggar day by day Sat in a hopeless night, Until the Master passed that way, And said, ' Receive thy sight.' 3 The Gentile mother craved A crumb of healing power ; The child for whom she prayed was saved And healed that selfsame hour. 4 Beside Bethesda's pool He to the palsied said, Before he prayed to be made whole, ' Rise, and take up thy lied.' 5 ' O Lord, remember mo,' The dying robber cries ; ' This day,' saith Jesus, ' thou shalt be With Me in paradise.' And then brought young children to Him, 1A r\ thai-He should touch them. ^f y Mark x. 13. G 7.8 6.8 8 11.* 1 YUHEN mothers of Salem \ V Their children brought to Jesus, The. stern disciples drove them back, And bade them to depart ; But Jesus saw them ere they fled, And sweetly smiled and kindly said, ' Suffer little children to come unto Me. 2 ' For I will receive them, And fold them in My bosom ; I'll bo a shepherd to these lambs, O drive them not away ; For if their hearts to Me they give, They shall with Me In glory live : Suffor littlo children to come unto Me.' 3 How kind was our Saviour To bid those children welcome ! But there are many thousands who Have never heard His name ; The Bible they have never read, They know not that the Saviour said, ' Suffer little children to come unto Me. 4 O soon may the heathen Of every tribe and nation Fulfil Thy Messed word, and cast Their idols all away ; O shine upon them from above, And show Thyself a God of love, [Thee. Teach the little children to come unto 1C f\ Even the winds and the sea oleu O U Him. -Matthew viii. 27. CM. 1 A LITTLE ship was on the sea, ii. It was a pretty sight : It sailed along so pleasantly, And all was calm and bright. 2 When, Jo ! a storm began to ri-e, The wind grew loud and strong; It Mew the clouds across the skies, It blew the waves along. 3 And all but One were sore afraid Of sinking in the d< * p : His head was on a pillow laid, And He was fast asleep. 4 ' Master, we perish ! Master, save ! ' They cried. Their Master heard; He rose, rebuked the wind and wave, And stilled them with a word. 5 He to the storm says, ' Peace, be still ! ' The raging billows < The mighty winds obey His will, And all are hushed to peace. 6 O ! well we know it was the Lord, Our Saviour and our Friend ; Whose care <>f those who trust His word "Will never, never end. 1C -\ Hosanna to the Son of D U I Matthew xxi.9. ' 7 1 TJOSANNA! loud hosanna! lL The little children Bang ; Through pillared court and temple The glorious antlu m 1 To Jesus wlio had l.l* -s>< d them, Close folded to His breast, The children sang their prah The simplest and the best. 2 From Olivet they followed, '.Midst an exultant crowd, "Waring the victor palm branch, And shouting ell ar and loud; lit angels joined the chorus • 1 the cloudless Bky, inna In the hi hest .'" Glory to God on high ! ' 3 Fair leaves of silvery olive Th< round, Whilst - iing mountains Echoed the joyful sound ; The Lord of men and angels Rode on in lowly state, Nor scorned that little children Should on His bidding wait. 4 ' Hosanna in the highest ! ' That ancient song ire sing : For Christ is our Redeemer, The Lord of heaven our King. O ! may we ever praise Him With heart and life and voice, And in His blissful presence Eternally rejoice ! Ipr f) Hosanna in the highest ! O A Matthew xxi. 9. 7G.7 6.76.fcfc 1 TT7HEN, His salvation bringing, > V To Zion Jesus came, The children all stood singing Hosanna to His name. Nor did their zeal offend Him, Bat, as He rode along, He let them still attend Him, Well pleased to hear their song. 2 And since the Lord retaincth His love for children Though now as King He reigneth On Zion s heavenly hill, We'll prostrate fall before Him Who sits upon the throne, And joyfully adore Him, David s triumphant Son. 3 For should we fail proclaiming Our great Redi The stones, our silence shami Would their hosannas 1 Nor will we only render The tribute of our v But while our hesj ts 1 They, too, shall be the Lord s. Out aftlw mouth of l>abes and sucklings IfT Q hast Then ordained stn sJO dmviii.2. 7 7.7 7.7?. 1 pHTLDREN of Jerusalem 1 tng the praise of Jesus' name; Children, too, of hit< r da] I Join to sing the Sat iour s pj Hark ! while youthful voices sing Loud hosannas to our King. 1 often heard and read What the royal Psalmist said, 3 and sucklings' artless lays Shall proclaim the Bai Lour's praise* Hark! while youth 1" . Loud hosannas to our King. 8 We are taught to love the Lord : i His word ; We are tun. 'it the way to heaven : given I Hark ! while youthful voices sing Loud he--. .nnas to our King. '. and young, All unit ; higher rise, innas n ach thi • while youthful voices sing b -saunas to our King. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. give thanks unto the Lord, for He 1ET A is good. — Psalm cxviii. 1. 04- nii.iii dear, In the olden days when the Lord lived here ; He blessed little children, and smiled on them, While they chanted His praise in Jerusalem. 2 Alleluia Ave sing, like the children bright, ■ "With their harps of gold and their raiment white, As they follow their Shepherd with loving eyes* Through the beautiful valleys of paradise. 3 Hosanna we sing : for He bends His ear, And rejoices the hymns of His own to hear : "We know that His heart will never wax cold To the lambs that He feeds in His earthly fold. 4 Alleluia wc sing in the Church we love, Alleluia resounds in the Church above ; To Thy little ones, Lord, may such grace be given, That we lose not our part in the song of heaven. And Jesus increased in wisdom and r with God CM, -J p* pr stature, and in favour id i vJ kJ and man,— Luke ii. 52. 1 WHEN Jesus left the throne of God, > \ He chose a humble birth ; A man of grief, like us He trod A lowly path on earth. 2 Like Him, may we bo found below In wisdom's paths of peace ; Like Him, in grace and knowledge grov/ As years and strength increase. 3 When Jesus into Salem rode, The children sang around, For joy they plucked the palm3, and strewed Their garments on the ground. 4 Hosanna ! our glad voices raise, Hosanna to cur King! Could we forget our Saviour's praise, The stones themselves would sing. 5 For we have learned to love His name, That name, divinely sweet, May every pulse through life proclaim, And our last breath repeat. The Son of man came not to be ministered ITT r\ unto, but to minister, and to (jive O O Ms life, etc.— Matt. xx. 28. L.M, 1 TESUS, who lived above the sky, U Came down to be a man and die : And in the Bible we may see How very good He used to be. 2 He went about— He was so kind— To cure poor people who were blind; And many who were sick and lame, He pitied them, and did the same. 8 And more than that, He told them, too, The things tha t God would have them do ; And was so gentle and BO mild. He would have listened to a child 4 But such a cruel death He died; By wicked men was eracified ! And those kind hands that did such good, They nailed them to a cross of wood ! 5 And so He died : and this is why He came to be a man and die ; The Bible says He came from heaven, That we might have our sins forgiven. 6 He knew how wicked men had been, He knew that God must punish sin ; So out of pity Jesus said He'd bear the punishment instead. 1ET "7 Jesus wept.— John xi. 35. O I 8 7.87.77. 1 TESUS wept ! Those tears are over, v But His heart is still the same : Kinsman, Friend, and elder Brother, Is His everlasting name. Saviour, who can love like Thee, Gracious One of Bethany ! 2 When the pangs of trial seize us, When the waves of sorrow roll, We will cast our griefs on Jesus, Helper of the troubled soul. Surely none can mourn like Tkee„ Weeping One of Bethany. 3 Jesus wept ! And now, in glory, He still marks each mourner's tear; Loving to retrace the story Of the hearts He strengthened here. Jesus! while Thoucallest me, Let me think of Bethany. 4 Jesus wept ! That tear of sorrow Is a legacy of love ; Yesterday, to-day, tomorrow He the same doth ever prove. Thou art all in all to me, Loving One of Bethany. Christ also suffered for us, leaving n$ 1TZ O «» example.— i Peter ii. 21. Ob 11 11.11 1L 1 TJ 0W kkwJ is the Saviour! how great is 11 His love ! To 1 >lesa little children He came from above; He left holy angels and their bright abode, To live here with children, and teach them the road. 2 He wept in the garden, and died on the tree, To open a fountain for sinners like me ; His blood is that fountain, which pardon bestows, And cleanses the foulest wherever it flows. 8 He went back to glory, but left us His word, Which oft from our teachers and pastors we've heard; He sends forth His Spirit our hearts to in- flame [name. With joy in His service and love to His. 1 O, help us, blest Jesus, more sweetly to praise, And walk in Thy footsteps the rest of our davs ; Then raise us, dear Saviour, to taste of Thy Jove, And praise Thee for ever with children above. CRUCIFIXION. Hear vie xchen I call, O God of my ■1 CQ righteousness.— Psalm iv. 1. 1 JESUS, from Thy throne on high, fj Far above the blight blue sky, Look on us with loving eye : Hear us, holy Jesus, 2 Little children need not fear When thev know that Thou art near ; Thou dost love us, Saviour dear : Hear, etc. 3 Little lambs may come to Thee, Thou wilt fold as tenderly, And our careful Shepherd be : Hear, etc. 4 Little hearts may love Thee well, Little lips Thy love may tell, Little hymns thy praise's swell : Hear, etc. 5 Little lives may be- divine. Little deeds of love mar shine, Little sues be wholly Thine : Hear, etc. SECOXD PAKT. 6 Jesus, once an infant small, Cradled in the oxen's stall, Though the God and Lord of all : Hear.etc. 7 Once a child, so good and fair, Feeling want and toil and care, All that we may have to bear : Hear. etc. S Jesus. Thou dost love us still, And it is Thy holy wfll That we should be safe from ill : Hear, etc. 9 Be Thou with us every day, In our work and in oar play, "When we learn and what we pray : Hear, etc. 10 When we lie asleep at night, Ever may Thy angels bright Keep us safe till morning light : Hear, etc. 11 Make us brave without a fear, Make us happy, full of cheer, Sure that Thou art always near : Hear.etc. THIP.D FART. 12 May we prize our Christian name, May we guard it free from blame. shame: Hear.etc. IB May we grow from day to day, Glad to learn each holy way, Ever ready t Hoar, etc. 11 May we ever tl I] sinful tempi Pure and gentl.,L;id, like Thee: Hear.etc. 1" May or.. | defiled. May oar words be true and mild, Make us each a holy child : : high, Who didst In a manger li--. Who oponl Hear, etc. from Thy heavenly throne Watching o er i a Till our life on earl (.'ailing us in heavi n r< with Thee : 160 CRUCIFIXION. 1 "DEHOLD the Saviour of mankind Jj Nailed to the shameful tree ! How vast the love that Him inclined To bleed and die for thee ! 2 Hark, how He groans ! while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend; The temple's veil in Bonder breaks, The solid marbles rend. 3 'Tis done ! the precious ransom's paid, ' Receive My soul,' He cries ! See where He" bows His sacred head! He bows His head, and dies : 4 But soon He'll break death's envious chain, And in frdl glory sliine ; Lamb of God ! was ever pain, Was ever love, like Thine ? Ye xc ho . . . were far off are mode nigh IOI by the Mood oj Christ. O I Ephesians'ii. 13. 7 7 7 7.7 7. 1 T ! at noon 'tis sudden night ; JJ Darkness covers all the sky : Rocks are rending at the Big Children, can you tell me why ? What can all these wonders be i - Jesus dies on Calvary ! 2 Nailed upon the cross, behold How His tender limbs are torn ; For a royal crown of gold Thev have made Him one of thorn ! Cruel hands that dar- I Thorns upon a brow so kind ! 3 See, the blocd is faOh - From His f< r side! Hark ! He now lias breathed His last ; With a mighty cry He died ! Children, shall I tell you why Jesus condescends to i Yon were wretched, weak, and vile, You deserved His holy frown ; But He saw you with a"smile. And to save yon hastened down. Listen, children : this is why Jesu- | j die. ' 'ibid that I shmdd glory, &?r<* in 1£> Q the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. U Z. Galatians vi. U. L.M. 1 WHEN I survey the wondrr • - » > On which the Prince of g] My richest gain I count hot I And pour contempt on all my pride. It, Lad. thai I Save In I All the vain things that charm m blocd. Or thorns compose so rich a . 1 Were the wh< le r- aim of nature mine, Car too small ; : i'. ine. . . life, mv all. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 163 Truly this iras the Son of God. Matthew xxvii. 54. 7 7.7 7.7 7-7 7. 1 "HOUND upon the accursed tree, X) Faint and bleeding, who is He ? By the eyes so pale and dim, Streaming blocd and writhing limb, By the flesh with scourges torn, By the crown of twisted thorn, By the drooping, death-dewed brow ; Son of man, 'tis Thou ! 'tis Thou ! 2 Bound upon the accursed tree, Dread and awful, who is He ? By the sun at noonday pale, Shivering rocks and rending veil. By Eden promised, ere He died, To the felon at His side : Crucified, we know Thee now ; Son of God, 'tis Thou! 'tis Thouj 3 Bound upon the accursed tree, Sad and dying, who is He ? By the spoiled and empty grave, By the souls He died to save. By the conquest He hath won, By the saints before His throne, By the rainbow round His brow: Son of God, 'tis Thou! 'tis Thoul 1^ A His great love who eicith He loved D ^f ks.— Ephesians ii. 4. CM. 1 mHERE is a green hill far away, X Without a city wall, "Where the dear Lord was crucified, "Who died to save us all. 2 "We may not know, we cannot tell "What pains He had to bear, But we believe it was for us He hung and suffered there. 3 He died that wc might be forgiven, He died to make us good, That we might go at last to heaven, Saved by His precious blood. 4 There was no other good enough To pay the price of sin, He only could unlock the gatev Of heaven and let us in. 5 0, dearly, dearly has He loved ; And we must love Him too, And trust in His redeeming blood, And try liis works to do. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died lOO 1 Thessa'loniaiis v. 9. 10. CM. 1 T LOVE to sing of that great Power JL That made the earth and sea; But better still I love the song Of ' Jesus died for me.' 2 I love to sing of shrub and flower, Of field and'plant and tree ; My sweetest note for ever is, That ' Jesus died for me.' 8 I love to think of angels' songs, From sin and sorrow free ; But angels cannot strike their notes To ' Jesus died for me. ' 4 I love to speak of God, of heaven, And all its purity ; God is my Father, heaven my home, For ' Jesus died for me.' 5 And when I reach that happy place, From all temptation free, I'll tune my ever rapturous notes "With ' Jesus died for me.' 6 There shall I, at His sacred feet, Adoring, bow the knee, And swell the everlasting song, "With ' Jesus died for me.' 1 R R Christ, the Rock of c Isaiah xxvi. 4. 7 77 7.7 7. 1 " Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make mc pure. 2 Could my tears for ever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, These for sin could not atone ; Thou must save and Thou alone ; In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. 3 "While I draw this fleeting breath, "When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to "worlds unknown, And behold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee- Worthy is the Lamb that icas slain! 1 R "7 Revelation v. 12. J D I 664.6664 1 n LORY to God on high ! VJ Let earth to heaven reply; Praise ye His name : His love and grace adore. Who all our sorrows bore, And praise Him evermore ; Worthy the Lamb ! 2 Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin's tremendous load; Praise ye His name : Tell what His arm hath dono. What spoils from death He won: Sing His great name alone ; Worthy the Lamb ! 3 Join, all the ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless ; Praise ye His name : In Him we will rejoice. Making a joyful noise Shouting with heart and voice, Worthy the Lamb ! 4 Now let the hosts above, In realms of endless love, Praise His great name : To Him ascribed be Honour and majesty, Through all eternity : Worthy the Lamb ! RESURRECTION. And I heard the voice of many angels 1r* Q round about the throne. D O Revelation v. 11. CM. 1 pOME, let us join our cheerful songs \J With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 ' Worthy the Lamh that died,' thev crv, ' To be exalted thus ! ' ' Worthy the Lamb ! ' our hearts reply, 1 For He was slain for us.' 3 Jesus is worth}- to receive Honour and power divine ; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever Thine ! 4 The whole creation join in one To bless the sacred name Of Him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. And Herod irith his men of war . , Him.— Luke xxiii. 11. 169 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 \ Hail. Thou Galilean King! Thou didst suffer to release us ; Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, Thou agonising Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame ! By Thy merits we find favour ; Life is given through Thy name. 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on Thee were laid ; By almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made ; All Thy people are forgiven Through the virtue of Thy blood; Opened is the gate of heaven, Peace is made twixt man and God. For God so loved the world, that He gave 1"T r\ His onhi begotten Son. I U John iil . Id. L.M. 1 TT is a thing most wonderful, JL Almost too wonderful to be, That God's own Son should come from And die to save a child like me. [heaven 2 And yet I know that it is true : He came to this poor world below. And wept, and toiled, and mourned, and Onlj because He loved us so. [died, 3 I cannot tell how He could love A child so weak and full of sin ; His love must be most wonderful, If He could die my love to win. times think about the ■ and shut my ey< ■, and trj I The cruel nail's, ii;id crown of thorns, And Jeans crucified for me ; r, Put even could I see Him die, I could bat see a little part Of that great love, which, like a fire, Is always burning in His heart. G It is most wonderful to know His love for me so free and sure ; But 'tis more wonderful to see My love for Him so faint and poor. 7 And yet I want to live Thee, Lord : O, light the flame within my heart, And I will love Thee more and more, Until I see Thee as Thou art. RESURRECTION. He is not here: for He is risen, as 1"7"1 H e said.— Matthew xxviii. 6. I \ 7 7.7 7 1 ' pHRIST, the Lord, is risen to-day,' \J Sons of men and angels say ! Raise your joys and triumphs high : Sing, ye heavens ; thou earth, reply. 2 Love's redeeming work is done ; Fought the fight, the battle won : Lo ! the sun's eclipse is o'er ; Lo ! he sets in blood no more ! 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ hath burst the gates of hell; Death in vain forbids His rise, Christ hath opened paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious King ! Where, O death, is now thy sting ? Once he died our souls to save ; Where's thy victory, boasting grave ? 5 Soar we now where Christ hath led, Following our exalted Head : Made like Him, like Him we rise, Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. G King of glory ! Soul of bliss ! Everlasting life is this, Thee to know, Thy power to prove, Thus to sing, and thus to love. When therefore He was risen from the dead, 1~7 O His disciples remembered. I Z John iL 92. 7 7.7 7 4. 1 T1HRIST the Lord is risen again ! \J Christ hath broken every chain ; Hark ! angelic voices crv, Singing evermore on high, Alleluia ! •2 He who gave for us His life. Who for us endured the strife, Is our paschal Lamb to-day ; Now we sing our joyous lay, Alleluia! 3 He who bore all pain and loss, Comfortless upon the I - Lives in glory now on high. Pleads for us, and hears our cry : Alleluia! 1 He who slumbered in the grave Now through all the world it i He, the Lamb, is King of kings ! Alleluia ! .") Now He bids us tell abroad How the lorvt may be r. >tor< d, How the penitent forgiven. How we, too, may enter heaven: Alleluia! ! Thou, our paschal Lamb Indeed, Christ, Thy ransomed peopli feed: Take our una and guilt away, ling by night and day, Alb luia ! THE LORD JESUS CHIMST. Tlie Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared 1-7 O to StmoH.— Luke xxiv. 34. I O 7 5.8 8.6 6. 1 pHBJST, the Lord, is risen to-day ! 1 Vj He is risen indeed! He captive led captivity, He robbed the grave of victory, He broke the bars of death. Alleluia ! Amen. 2 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day ! He is risen indeed ! Let every mourning soul rejoice, All sing with one united voice ; The Saviour rose to-day. Alleluia ! Amen. 3 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day! He is risen indeed ! The great and glorious work is done : Free grace to all through Christ, the Son; Hosanna to His name ! Alleluia ! Amen. 4 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day ! He is risen indeed ! Let all that fill the earth and sea Break forth in tuneful melody, And swell the mighty song. Alleluia ! Amen. Why seek ye the living^ among the dead} 1"7 A Luke xxiv. 5. f *f 6 5.6 4.79M111.G7. 1 T OW in the grave He lay : JU Jesus, my Saviour ; Waiting the coming day : Jesus, my Lord. Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o'er His foes He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives for ever with His saints to [reign ; isei 2 Vainly they watch His bed : Jesus, my Saviour ; Vainly they seal the dead : Jesus, my Lord. Up from the grave, etc. 3 Death cannot keep his prey : Jesus, my Saviour ; He tore the bars away : Jesus, my Lord. Up from the grave, etc. Whom God Mth raised up, having loosed 1-7 CZ the pains of death, etc. / O Acts ii. 24. 8 8 8.4. 1 rpHE strife is o'er, the battle done ; J. The victory of life is won ; The song of triumph has begun. Alleluia! 2 The powers of death have done their worst, And Christ their legions hath dispersed : Let shout of holy joy outburst. Alleluia ! 3 The three sad days have quickly sped He rises glorious from the dead; All glory to our risen Head ! Alleluia 4 Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death's dread sting Thy servants free, That we may live and sing to Thee. Alleluia! 176 Jesus met them, saying, All hail ! Matthew xxviii. 9. 7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6. 1 FT1HE day of resurrection ! JL Earth, tell it out abroad ; The passover of gladness, The passover of God ! From death to life eternal, From earth unto the sky, Our Christ hath brought us over, With hymns of victory. 2 Our hearts be pure from evil, That we may see aright The Lord in rays eternal Of resurrection light : And, listening to His accents, May hear so calm and plain His own ' All hail ! ' and hearing, May raise the victor strain. 3 Now let the heavens be joyful ; Let earth her song begin ; Let the round world keep triumph, And all that is therein ; Invisible and visible, Their notes let all things blend : For Christ the Lord hath risen, Our joy that hath no end. ASCENSION. While they heheld, He teas taken up; and 1*7 "V a cloud received Him. f ( Acts i. 9. 7 7.7 7. 1 TJAIL the day that sees Him rise, ±1 Ravished from our wishful eyes ! Christ, awhile to mortals given, Re-ascends His native heaven. 2 There the pompous triumph waits : ' Lift your heads, eternal gates ; Wide unfold the radiant scene ; Take the King of glory in ! ' 3 Circled round with angel powers, Their triumphant Lord, and ours, Conqueror over death and sin ; ' Take the King of glory in ! ' 4 Him though highest heaven receives, Still He loves the earth He leaves ; Though returning to His throne, Still He calls mankind His own. 5 See, He lifts His hands above ! See, He shows the prints of love ! Hark, His gracious lips bestow Blessings on His Church below ! 6 Still for us His death He pleads; Prevalent He intercedes ; Near Himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. SECOXD PAUT. 7 Master, (will we ever say) Taken from our head to-day : See Thy faithful servants, sec, Ever gazing up to Thee. 8 Grant, though parted from our sight. High above yon azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rise, Following Thee beyond the ski . ASCENSION. $ Ever upward let us more, Waited on the wings cf love : Looking when our Lord shall come, Longing, gasping arfter home. 10 There we shall with Thee remain, Partners of Thy endless reign ; There Thy face unclouded see, Tind our heaven cf heavens in Thee. I unto My Father, and your 1"7 O Father.— John xx. 17. /O 7.7G.76.7 6. 1 AUR God to heaven ascendeth, W Let heaven and earth, rejoice, With victor anthems hlendeth The trumpet's pealing voice! Je bo, our hearts and - Uplift hi praise shall be, Thy holy Church rejoices, It is well with 3 2 See yonder, shining f The m The city of the saintly Is breaking on our - Lift, lift, each radiant Eternal doors give way ; The glorious King immortal In triumph comes to-day. 3 Hark, hark ! the hosts victc - Of angels make reply, * Who is this King so glorious, Ascending through th< O shout the wondrous Thro v. He is the King cf glory "Who is the Lord of fa SECOND PACT. i Uplift, uplift, each portal ; aortal, The King of glory waits ! He, Jndah's mighty Li >n, I In triumph comes to ffion, In joy returns to-day. - fall low before Him, Our own Pu A ■ngels all ador< I Each throne, each dominati princedom bends the knee, In faun. Thy Witt True God foi 1"70 • 12 - I v7 10 11.1011.- 11.89. . d with a trumpet . :he earth The veil of the temple is rent in twain, Through Christ our Redeemer who liveth King of clory, Hail, mighty Kin Thou art exalted for ever, evermore. King of glory, Hail, mighty E Thou our Deliverer, Thee we adore. 2 O praise ye the Lord, for the work is done ; Now tlie" battle is fought, and ; won ; Tlie legions of hell and tt Are trophies of Him who is mighty to sav... King of glory, etc. 3 O lift up your heads, all ye portals fair, For the King everlasting to enter there; He comes with a shout to His throne on high, And loud alleluias now burst from the sky. King of glory, etc. i All honour to Him. our exalted Ki Unto Him all the praise let His children His truth and His mercy shall l>e our light, A pillar to lead us by day and by night. King of glory, etc. Who is this King of glory .' The Lost) 1QA of hosts, at is '«<• King of O VJ glory— Psalm xxi v. id. ' SLSL 1 mO-DAY above the sky He soared. J- The King of glorv, Chrj th at the Father's hand, Alleluia! And rules the skv and sea and land. Alleluia! 3 Now all things have their end : . Alfa luia! In holy David's song of old. Alleluia! 4 My Lord is seated with the Loir). Alleluia ! Upon the throne of God adored. Alleluia! ■j In this gixat triumph of our King, Alleluia ! To God on high all prai G To Him all thanks and praise gi Alleluia ! The ever blessed Trinity. Alleluia I 1Q-I Thou at My rig O I Psalm ex. 1. 6 1 1 f\ OD is gone up on I IT With a triumphant ] The clarions Join all I v.-, know Our J< THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 4 High on His holy seat He bears the righteous sway ; His foes beneath His feet Shall sink and die away : Join, etc. 5 Till all the earth, renewed In righteousness divine, With all the hosts of God In one great chorus join. Join, etc. EXALTATION. 1Q O Thy throne is established of old. O Z. Psalm xciii. 2. 8 7.8 7.7 7.6. 1 TTARK ! ten thousand harps and voices XI Sound the notes of praise above : Jesus reigns and heaven rejoices ; Jesus reigns, the God of love. See ! He sits on yonder throne ; Jesus rules the world alone. Alleluia, Amen ! 2 Jesus, hail ! whose glory brightens All above, and gives it worth ; Lord of life, Thy smile enlightens, Cheers, and charms Thy saints on earth : When we think of love like Thine, Lord, we own it love divine ! Alleluia, Amen ! 3 King of glory, reign triumphant On Thine everlasting throne ! Nothing from Thy love can sever Those who trust in Thee alone, [grace, More than conquerors through Thy They with joy shall see Thy face. Alleluia, Amen ! 4 Saviour, hasten Thine appearing ; Bring, O bring the glorious day, When, the awful summons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pass away : Then with golden harps Ave'll sing, Glory to our God and King. Alleluia, Amen ! 1Q Q T\\C I^oni) reiquelh. O O Psahn xciii. 1. G G.G G.8 8. 1 p EJOICE, the Lord is King ! 11 Your Lord and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks, and sing, And triumph evermore : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 2 Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love ; When He had purged our stains, He took His seat above : Lift up, etc. 3 His kingdom cannot fail ; He rides o'er earth and heaven ; The keys of deatli and hell Are to our Jesus given : Lift up, etc. 4 He sits at Clod's right hand Till all His foes submit, And bow to His command, And fall beneath His feet : Lift up, etc. 5 He all His foes shall quell, Shall all our sins destroy, And every bosom swell With pure seraphic joy : Lift up, etc. G Rejoice in glorious hope, Jesus the Judge shall come, And take His servants up To their eternal home : We soon shall hear the archangel's voice, The trump of God shall sound, Rejoice ! 184 On His head were many crowns. Revelation xix. 12. C. Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring fortln>the royal diadem To crown Him Lord of all. 2 Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, Who launched this floating ball ; .Now hail the Strength of Israel's might, And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from His altar call ; Of Jesse's stem extol the Rod, And crown Him Lord of all. 4 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. 5 Let every tribe and every tongue Before Him prostrate fall, And shout in universal song The crowned Lord of all. G O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall, Join in the everlasting sc»:ig, And crown Him Lord of all ! Thou art worthy, Lord, to receive IO f^. Qlorii and honour and power. O O Revelation iv. 11. 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7. 1 TESUS, hail ! enthroned in glory, v There for ever to abide : All the heavenly host adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side ; There for sinners Thou art pleading, There Thou dost our place prepare, Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 2 Worship, honour, power, and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. Help, ye bright, angelic spirits ! Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ; Help to siii'4 our Saviour's merits ; Help to chant Immanuels praise. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings 1Q d 'I'hou hast perfected prais<\ O O Matthew xxi. 1G. 8 7-8 7.4 7. 1 T ITTLE children, praise the Saviour; Jj He regards you from abo\ e : Praise Him for His great salvation, Praise Him for His precious love ! Sweet hosannas To the name of Jesus sing. 2 When He left His throne in glory, When He lived with mortals here, EXALTATION. Little children sang His praises, 2 Every kindred, tongue, and nation : And it pleased His gracious ear. Worthy the Lamb ! Sweet hosannas Join to sing the great salvation : To the name of Jesus sing. Worthy the Lamb ! 3 When the anxious mothers round Him, Loud as mighty thunder roaring, With their tender infants, pressed, Floods of mighty waters pouring, He with open arms received them, Prostrate at His feet adoring : And the little ones He blessed. Worthy the Lamb ! Sweet hosannas 3 Harps and songs for ever sounding To the name of Jesus sing. Worthy the Lamb ! 4 Up in yonder happy regions Mighty grace o'er sin abounding: Angels sound the chorus high ; Worthy the Lamb ! Twice ten thousand times ten thousand By His blood He dearly bought us, Wandering from the fold He sought us, Sound His praises through the sky. Sweet hosannas And to glory safely brought us : To the name of Jesus sing. Worthy the Lamb ! 5 Little children, praise the Saviour, 4 Sing with blest anticipation, Praise Him, your undying Friend; Worthy the Lamb ! Praise Him till in heaven you meet Him, Through the vale of tribulation, There to praise Him without end. Worthy the Lamb ! Sweet hosannas Sweetest notes, all notes excelling, To the name of Jesus sing. On the theme for ever dwelling, Still untold, though ever telling, The Offerings of Christ, and the glory that Worthy the Lamb ! 1Q7 should foliate— 1 Peter i. 11. 1 O I GG8.6G8. ■IQfJ Hosanna to the Son of David ! lot/ Matthew xxi. 9. CM. 1 1 TY heart and voice I raise, ill To spread Messiah's praise; Messiah's praise let all repeat ; 1 TJOSANNA ! raise the pealing hymn JJL To David's Son and Lord ! The universal Lord, With cherubim and seraphim By whose almighty word Exalt the incarnate Word. Creation rose in form complete. 2 A servant's form He wore, 2 Hosanna ! Lord, our feeble tongue No Lofty strains can raise ; And in His body bore Our dreadful cu<«e on Calvary: He like a victim stood, But Thou wilt not despise the young, Who meekly chant Thy praise. And poured His sacred blocd, 3 Hosanna! Sovereign, Prophet, Priest, To set the guilty captives free. 3 13ut soon the Victor rose Triumphant o'er His foes, How vast Thy gifts ! how i Thy death, our life ; Thy word, our feast; Thy name, our only plea. And led the vanquished host in chains ; 1 Hosanna! Master, lo! we bring He threw their empire down, Our offerings to Thy throne ; His foes compelled to own, Not gold nor myrrh nor i arthly thing, O'er all the great Messiah reigns. But hearts to be Thine own. 4 With mercy's mildest grace, 5 Hosanna! once Thy gracious ear He governs all our race Approved a lisping throng ; In wisdom, righteousness, and love : Be gracious still, and deign to hear Who to Messiah fly Our poor but grateful Shall find redemption nigh, G Saviour! if, redeemed by Thee, And all His great salvation prove. Thy temple we \x hold, • r ) Hail, Saviour, Prince of peace ! Hosannas through et< rnity Thy kingdom shall ln< 1 We 11 sing to harps of gold. Till all the world Thy glory see ; And righteousness abound, -lAA Behold the Lamb of God. 1 v?U Johni. 29. 7G.7G. As the gw at deep profound, And fill the earth with purity ! 1 A LAMB el God most holy, \ ) All free from spot and -tain! U help us now to seek 'I'll. . , And sing Tliy praise again. Ten thousand times ti-n thousand, and 1 QQ thousands <>f tliousands. 1 OO Bev. v. 11. 12. 84.84.8884. 1 TriS the Church triumphant singing, JL Worthy the Lamb! Heaven throughout with praises ringing: Worthy the Lamb! 2 Lamb of G< d moat lowly, So great ami 3 et so mi 1 k : May we when pride allures us Thy lowly spirit Seek, Thrones and powers before Him bending, 3 Lamb of God most gentle, Odours sweet with voice ascending, And yet BO good and tnw ! Swell the chorus never ending, May we when passion tempts oi Worthy the Lamb ! Thy gentleness pursue. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 4 O Lamb of God most lovely ! To Thee our faith would flee ; Reveal to us Thy beauty, And •win our hearts to Thee. 1("\ -i Lord, save me.— Matthew xiv. 30. & I 7775, 1 T ORD of mercy and of might, JU Of mankind the life and light, Maker, Teacher infinite, Jesus, hear, and save ! 2 Strong Creator, Saviour mild, Humbled to a mortal child. Captive, beaten, bound, reviled; Jesus, hear, and save ! 3 Throned above celestial things, Borne aloft on angels' whips, Lord of lords, and King of kings ; Jesus, hear, and save ! 4 Soon to come to earth again, Judge of angels and of men ; Hear us now, and hear us then, Jesus, hear, and save ! lam with you alway. Matthew xxviii. 20. 7 7-7 6. 192 Holy Ghost the Comforter, Ever blessed Three in One : Spare us, holy Trinity. 2 Christ, whose mercy guideth still Sinners from the paths of ill, Rule our hearts, our spirits fill: Hear us, holy Jesus. 3 Thou who, at Thy prophet's prayer, Didst the stiff-necked Hebrews spare, Let us too Thy mercy share : Hear, etc. 4 Thou whose word, to David sent, When his steps to evil bent, Blade the sinner penitent : Hear, etc, 5 Thou, who bowedst down Thine ear Nineveh in prayer to hear, Faint with fasting, grief, and fear : Hear, etc. G Thou who, leaving crown and throne, Camest here, an outcast lone, That Thou mightest save Thine own : Hear, etc. SECOND PART. 7 Thou with sinners wont to cat, "Who with loving words didst greet Mary weeping at Thy feet : Hear, etc. B Thou whose saddened look did chide Peter, when lie thrice denied, Till in grief he wept and sighed : Hear, etc, 9 Thou, despised, denied, refused, And for man's transgressions braised, ShuVss, yet of sin accused : Hear, etc, 10 Thou who, hanging on the tree, To the thief saidst, ' Thou shalt be To-day in paradise with Me : ' Hear, etc. 11 Thou who on the cross didst reign, Dying there in bitter pain, Cleansing with Thy blood our stain : Hear, etc. 12 Thou whose will it is that we Should from death return to Thee, And should live eternally ; Hear, etc. 13 Shepherd of the straying sheep, Comforter of them that weep. Hear us crying from the deep : Hear, etc. THIRD PART, 14 In cur poverty and wealth, In our sickness and in health, Ever from the tempter's stealth. Save us, holy Jesus. 15 From all lack of love and faith, From a sudden evil death, Thou whose arm delivereth,. Save us, holy Jesus. 1G When our dying draweth near,. On the last great day of fear, Master, King, Redeemer dear, Save us, holy Jesus. 17 That with lowly penitence We may mourn o'er each offence, Trembling, yet with confidence, We beseech Thee, Jesus. IS That the blood for sinners shed May be sprinkled on our head, In Thy death our sins be dead, We beseech Thee, Jesus. 10 That we give to sin no place, That we never quench Thy grace, That we ever seek Thy faee r We beseech Thee, Jesus. 20 That, denying evil lust, Living godly, meek, and just, In Thee only we may trust, We beseech Thee, Jesus. 21 That, to sin for ever dead,. We may live to Thee instead,. And the narrow pathway tread, Wc beseech Thee, Jesus. THE HOLY SPIRIT. -J AQ He shall give you another Com- I \3 Q fortcr— John xiv. 1G. 8 6.84. 1 Al'E blest Redeemer, ere He breathed \J His tender, last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter bequeathed With us to dwell. 2 He came sweet influence to impart, A gracious, willing Guest, While He can find one humble heart Wherein to rest. 3 And His that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even. That checks each thought, that calms each And speaks of heaven. [fear, •1 And every virtue we ]>-•- And every conquest won, And every thought of holiness, Are His alone. ". Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness, pitying, see : O make our hearts Thy dwelling-place, And worthier Thee. THE HOLY SPIRIT. C O praise the Father : praise the Son ; Ble^t Spirit, praise to Thee ; All praise to God, the Three in One, The One in Three. 1C\ A I w'fl powr out of My Spirit upon C/^J- all fash— Acts 'ii. 17. C.M. 1 Q PIRIT divine ! attend onr prayers, O And make this house Thy home ; Descend with all Thy gracious powers; O come, great Spirit, come ! 2 Come as the light ! to ns reveal Our emptiness and woe ; . ad ns in those paths of life "Where all the righteous go. - the fire ! and purge our hearts Like sacrificial flame ; or whole soul an offering he To our Redeemer's name, d Come as the dew ! and sweetly bless * This consecrated hour; - rejoice to own Thy fertilising power. - the dove ! and spread Thy wings, The wings of peaceful love ; i'hy Church on earth become - as the Church above. C Come as the wind, with rushing sound And Pentecostal grace ! That all of woman born may see The glory of Thy face. 7 Spirit divine ! attend our prayer?, I lost world Thy home; tend with all Thy gracious powers, O come, great Spirit, come 1 Open Thou wine eye*, that Imt 1r\ cr wondrtme things out of thy law. \j O Psalm cxix. 1*. ' ' CM. ; 1 pOME, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, VJ Let us Thine influence prove, Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of liylit and love. 2 Come, Holy Ghost (for moved by Thee Tin and spoke); . the truth. Thyself Uu ■-•ok. lestiLal Dore, Brood > i night ; On our di Dow bellght. ugh Himself, we then shall know, If TIk.u within u* shine, :enign, WC Alleluia I ■ 1 place Sing we Alleluia '. 3 To Thee, whose faithful voice doth win The wandering from the ways of sin, Sing we Alleluia ! 4 To Thee, whose faithful power doth heal, Enlighten, sanctify, and seal, Sing we Alleluia ! 5 To Thee, whose faithful truth is shown By every promise made our own, Sing we Alleluia ! G To Thee, our Teacher and our Friend, Our faithful Leaeler to the end, Sing we Alleluia ! 7 To Thee, by Jesus Christ sent down, Of all His gifts the sum and crown, Sing we Alleluia ! S To Thee, who art with God the Son And God the Father ever One, Sing we Alleluia ! I uill receive you, and icill be a Father 1f\ ~7 unto you.— 2 Corinthians vi. 17. 18. y / cm. 1 QOYEREIGN of all the worlds on high, Allow my humble claim ; Nor, while unworthy I draw nigh, Disdain a Fathers name. 2 ' My Father God ! ' that gracious sound my guilty fear; Not all the harmony of heaven Could so delight my car. 3 Come, Holy Spirit, seal the grace On my expanding heart ; And show that in the Father's love I share a filial part. 4 Cheered by a witness so divine, Unwavering I believe ; And ' Abba. Father ' humbly cry ; Nor can the sign deceive." An many an are led by the Spirit of IO Q Ood, then are the sons of God. \j O Romans viii. 14. L.M. 1 pOME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, \j Witfa light and comfort from" above ; Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, O'er every thought and step preside. a The light of truth to us display. And make us know and ehoose Thy way: Plant holy fear In every heart. That we from God may ne'er depart. 8 Lead us to holiness, the road That we most take to dwell with t>. 1 L- ad Living Way, Hoi let us from His pastures »tray. I i In ;iven, that we may share Fulness of Joy f<»r 01 ex there. 1Q Q Refitted with the Sj.irit. t/ t/ Bpbeassna v. 1-. 7 7 7 r .. 1 / IOME tO onr poor nature's night V v. ith Thj bli jsed inward light, Holy Ghost, the Infinite Com! THE HOLY SPIRIT. 2 We are sinful, cleanse us, Lord; Sick and faint, Thy strength afford; Lost, until hy Thee restored, Comforter divine ! 3 Friendless are our souls and poor; 4 Like the dew Thy peace distil ; Guide, subdue our wayward will, Things of Christ unfolding still, Comforter divine ! 5 Gentle, awful, holy Guest, Make Thy temple in each hreast, There supreme to reign and rest, Comforter divine ! G In us, for us intercede, And with voiceless groanings plead Our unutterable need, Comforter divine ! 7 In us 'Abba, Father,' cry, Earnest of our bliss on high, Seal of immortality, Comforter divine ! 8 Search for us the depths of God, Bear us up the starry road To the height of Thine abode, Comforter divine ! The Comforter, . . . whom I will send , unto you from the Father. John xv. 26. CM. 200 1 pOME, Holy Ghost, the Comforter, \J Whom Jesus sends from heaven, O comfort us, Thy children, here, And show our sins forgiven. 2 O come, and in our hearts reside ; Let them Thy temples prove ; Nor let our sinfulness and pride Provoke Thee to remove : 3 But with Thy gracious power descend, And all our sins subdue ; bid us to Thy sceptre bend, And form our souls anew. 4 Where God the Spirit is a guest, All graces there abound ; Love, joy, and peace make calm the breast And thanks and praise resound. r\ r\ 1 I pray for them.— John x vii. 9. ZU I, 1 T1 ATHER of our dying Lord, J. Remember us for good ; O fulfil His faithful word. And hear His speaking blood ! Give us that for which He prays; Father, glorify Thy Son ! Show His truth and power and grace, And send the Promise down. 2 True and faithful Witness, Thou, O Christ, Thy Spirit give ! Hast Thou not received Him now, That we might now receive ? Art Thou not our living Head? Life to all Thy limbs impart ; Shed Thy love, Thy Spirit shed da every waiting heart. 3 Holy Ghost, the Comforter, The gift of Jesus, come ; Glows our heart to find Thee near, And swells to make Thee room ; Present with us Thee we feel, Come, O come, and in us be ! With us, in us, live and dwell, To all eternity. How much more sJiall your heavenly Father OnO il u ' c ihc Holy Spirit .' ZUZ Luke xi. 13. S.M. 1 pOME, Holy Spirit, come, \J Let Thy bright beams arise, Dispel all sorrow from our minds, All darkness from our eyes. 2 Cheer our desponding hearts, Thou heavenly Paraclete ; Give us to lie, with humble hope, At our Redeemer's feet. 3 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never dying love. 4 Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesus blood, And to our wondering view reveal The secret love of God. 5 Dwell therefore in our hearts, Our minds from bondage free ; Then we shall know, and praise, and love The Father, Son, and Thee ! 203 God\ zcho hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians iv. 8. 7 7.7 7.7 7. 1 n RACIOUS Spirit, dwell with me! \J I myself would gracious be, And with words that help and heal Would Thy life in mine reveal ; And with actions bold and meek Would for Christ my Saviour speak. 2 Truthful Spirit, dwell with me! I myself would truthful be, And with wisdom kind and clear Let Thy life in mine appear ; And with actions brotherly Speak my Lord's sincerity. 3 Tender Spirit, dwell with mc ! I myself would tender be ; Shut my heart up like a flower At temptation's darksome hour, Open it when shines the Sun, And His love by fragrance own. 4 Mighty Spirit, dwell with me ! I myself would mighty be, Mighty so as to prevail Where unaided man must fail, Ever by a mighty hope Pressing on and bearing up. 5 Holy Spirit, dwell with me ! I myself would holy be, Separate from sin, I would Choose, and cherish all things good; And whatever I can be Give to Him who gave me Thee. THE SCRIPTURES. 204 Ye iccrc sealed Kith tlmt Holy Spirit ' of promise. — Epheatwut i. 13. OHOLY Ghost, Thy people bless, "Who long to feel Thy might, And fain would grow La holiness As children of the light. 2 To Thee we bring, who art the Lord, Ourselves to be Thy throne ; Let every thought and deed and word Thy pure dominion own. 3 Life-giving Spirit, o'er us move, As on the formless deep ; Give life and order, light and love, "Where now is death or sleep. 4 Great Gift of our ascended King, His saving truth reveal; Our tongues inspire His praise to sing, Our hearts His love to feel. 5 TrueWind of heaven, from south or north. For joy or chastening, blow ; The garden spices shall spring forth If Thou wilt bid them Mow. <3 O Holy Ghost,' of sevenfold might, All graces come from Thee ; Grant us to know and serve aright One God in Persons three. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, f\ r\ cr whereby ye are st died. ZL\JO Ephesians iv. :(u. 7 7.7 6. 1 QPIRIT blest, who art adored O With the Father and the Word, One eternal God and Lord : Hear us, Holy Spirit. 2 Source of strength and knowledge clear, Wisdom, godliness sincere, Understanding, counsel, fear: Hear, etc. 3 Thou, by whose indwelling taught, Holy men of old have brought Thingsof God to human thought: Hear.ctc. 4 Thou by whom the virgin bore Him whom heaven and earth adore, Sent our nature to restore : Hear, etc. -5 Thou who earnest like a dove From the opened skk'S above, With the Father's power and love : H. ar, t tc. <> Thou whom Jesus, from His throne, (j;ive to cheer and help His own. Tnat they might not be alone : Hear, etc. SECOND PART. 7 Thou whose power inspiring came, Falling down like tongues of flame, "Where they met in Jesus name: Hear, etc. 8 Thou who yet the Church dost fill, Making Jesua present still. Showing us God' ■ perfect will- Hear.ctc. 9 Now Thy sevenfold eifts bestow; (iifts of grace, OUT God to know. Gifts ofstrength to quell our foe: Hear,etc. 10 Come to raise up those that fall, Loading back with gentle eall, Those, whose souls their sins enthrall : Hear, etc 11 Come to rescue us from ill, Bend aright our stubborn will, Though we grieve Thee, patient still : Hear, etc. 12 Come to show us all Thy way, "Warn us when we go astray :* Plead within us when we pray : Hear, etc. THIRD PART. 13 Come to bid our terrors cease ; Come to bid us go in peace : Come to give our souls release : Hear, etc. 14 Come to help the hearts that yearn More of truth divine to learn, And with deeper love to burn : Hear,*ttc. 15 Come to strengthen all the weak, Give Thy courage to the meek ; Teach our faltering tongues to speak : Hear, etc. 16 Come, Thou Fount of love and joy, Bringing peace without alloy, Hope that nothing can destroy : Hear, etc. 17 Holy, loving, as Thou art, Come and dwell within our heart ; Never more from thence depart: Hear, etc. 18 May we soon, from sin set free, Rise our Father s face t i - <■. "Where Thy work shall perfect be : Hear, etc. THE SCRIPTURES. Thy uord is very pure: therefore OHft Thy servant loceth it. ZUD Psalm cxix. 1 10. 7 7.7 7. 1 TJOLY Bible, book divine, XI Precious treasure, thou art mine! Mine, to tell me whence I came; Mine, to teach me what I am ; 2 Mine, to chide me when I rove; Mine, to show a Saviour's love ; Mine art thou, to guide my feet; Mine, to judge, condemn, acquit; 3 Mine, to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless; Mine, to show, by li\ in^r faith, Man can triumph over death ; 1 Mine, to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner s doom : Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine! Thou s1ui1t guide me irith Thy Q f\~J couusi /. — Psalm lxxiii. 21. ZX) I 8 7.8 74 7. 1 LEATHER, in my life's young morning J. May Thy word direct my v.av ; Let me heed each gracious warning, Lest my feet should go astray ; And in Borrow Let Thy promise be my stay. 9 Father, gentle is Thy teaching; ^ I'., a docile spirit ml Fervently Thy grace beseeching, L< t Thy loving-kindness shine On my pathwav. And my heart be wittily Thine. THE SCKXPTT&ES. 3 Father, let me never covet Things of vanity and pride ; Teach me truth, and may I love it More than all the world beside ; Blessed Bible ! May it be my heavenward guide. The icord of God, which effectually uorUcth. 1 Thessalonians ii. 13, CM. 208 1 T7 ATHER of mercies, in Thy word J. What endless glory shines! For ever be Thy name adored • For these celestial lines. 2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find; Riches, above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind. 3 Here the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a free repast; Sublimer sweets than nature knows Invite the longing taste. 4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around ; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 5 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be Thou for ever near ; Teach me to love Thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. How precious also are Thy thoughts unto r\Cl vie, God /— Psalm exxxix. 17. ZUy 118.128. 1 TT OW holy the Bible ! how pure is the light 11 That streams from its pages divine ! 'Tis a star that shines clear through the gloom of the night, Of jewels a wonderful mine. 2 'Tis bread for the hungry, 'tis food for the A balm for the wounded and sad ; [poor, 'Tis the gift of a Father ; His likeness is there, And the hearts of His children are glad. 3 'Tis the voice of the Saviour; how sweet in tli e storm It speaks to the sinner distressed ! The tempest is hushed, and the sea becomes The troubled and weary find rest, [cahn, 4 'Tis a friend's loving counsel, the voice of a guide, How gentle and faithful and true ! No harm can the dear little pilgrim betide Whose feet its directions pursue. 5 No words like the words of the Saviour, nor can Their sweetness or value be told ; They are words ' fitly spoken ' to sorrowful Like beautiful ' apples of gold.' [man, 6 O teach me, blest Jesus, to seek for Thy To me let Thy welcome be given; [face, Now speak to my heart some kind message of grace, Some words that shall guide me to heaven. C)-\ f\ Hi s ddight is in the laic of (lie Z. I U Lord— Psalm i. 2. ' CM. 1 /I BEAT God, with wonder and with VJ On all Thy works I look ! Tpraise But still Thy wisdom, power, and grace Shine brightest in Thy book. 2 The stars that in their courses roll Have much instruction given ; But Thy good word informs my soul How I may rise to heaven. 3 The fields provide me food, and show The goodness of the Lord ; But fruits of life and glory grow In Thy most holy word, - Here are my choicest treasures hid, Here my best comfort lies ; Here my desires are satisfied, And hence my hopes arise. 5 Lord, make me understand Thy law, Show what my faults have been ; And from Thy gospel let me draw Pardon for all my sin. G Here would I learn how Christ hath died, To save my soul from hell ; Not all the books on earth beside Such heavenly wonders tell. 7 Then may I love my Bible more, And take a fresh delight By day to read these wonders o'er* And meditate by night L The late of the Lord is perfect* 0"1"1 converting the souL Z. I I Psalm'xix. 7. L.1VT. 1 mHE heavens declare Thy glory, Lord,. 1 In every star Thy wisdom shines ; But when our eyes behold Thy word,. "We read Thy name in fairer lines. 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And night and day Thy power confess,. But the blest volume Thou hast writ Reveals Thy justice and Thy grace 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey Thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand:. So when Thy truth began its race,. It touched and glanced on every land_ 4 Nor shall Thy spreading gospel rest, Till through the world Thy truth has run, Till Christ has all the nations blest That see the light or feel the sun. 5 Great Sun of Righteousness, arise,. Bless the dark world with heavenly right; Thy gospel makes the simple wise ; Thy laws are pure, Thy judgments- right. O "t O Thy word is a lamp uulo my feet. A\jL Psalm cxix. 105. QM HOW precious is the book divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines slune, To guide our souls to heaven. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts In this dark vale of I Life, light, and' joy it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. THE SCRIPTURES. 3 O'er all the strait and narrow way Its radia it b< ams arc cast : A light wl ; - e ever-cheering ray Grows brightest at the last. 4 This lamp through all the tedious night Of life shall prude our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. f)"f O Tltr entrance of Tluj irords aiveth Z. I O light— Psalm'cxix. 130. GG.G6. 1 T ORD, Thy word abideth, JU A?ul our footsteps guideth ; Who its truth believeth Light and joy rcceiveth. 2 When our foes are near us, Then Thy word doth cheer us, Word of consolation, ge of salvation. 3 When the storms are o'er us-, And dark clouds before us, Then its light direeteth, And our way protecteth. 4 Who can tell the pleasure, Who recount the treasure, By Thy word imparted To the simple-hearted ? 5 "Word of mercy, giving Succour to the living ; Word of life, supplying Comfort to the dying. G O ! that we discerning Its most holy learning, Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee 1 The Lori> called Samuel : and he "1 A tnsirercd, Here am I. Z I ^f 1 Samuel iii. 4. GG.GG.8* 1 TTUSHED was the evening hymn, .El The temple courts were dark, The lamp was burning dim Before the sacrt d ark ; When suddenly ■ voice divine Pang through "the silence of the shrine. 2 The old man meek and mild, His watch the temple-child, The little Levite, kept ; And will d to Hannah's son revealed. 3 O ! give me Samuel's ear, i > Lord, Alive and quick to hear of Thy word ; ver at Thy call, And to i tof all. 4 O! give me Samuel's heart, !v heart that i\ . hou art, Or watches at Thy pates it still •it the breathing of Thy will. 5 O \ give me Samuel's mind : A sweet, unmurmuring faith, Obedient and resigned To Thee in life and death ; That I may read with childlike eyes Truths that are hidden from the 'wise. Speak, Lord ; for Tluj servant heareth. 1 Samuel iii. 9. 6G.GG.8 215 1 TT T HEX little Samuel woke, > * And heard his Maker's voice, At every word He spoke How much did he rejoice ! blessed, happy child, to find The God of heaven so near and kind! 2 If Gcd would speak to me, And say He is my Friend, How happy should I he ! O how would I attend ! The smallest sin I then should fear r If God Almighty were so near. S And docs He never speak ? yes ; for m His word He bids me come and seek The God that Samuel heard. In almost every page I see The God of Samuel calls to me. 4 And I beneath His care May safely rc-^t my head '.. I know that God isthi To guard my humble bed. And every sin I well may fear, Since God Almighty is so near, 5 Like Samuel let me Bay, Whene'er I read Thy word, ' Speak, Lord : i would obey The voice that I have heard,' And when I in Thy house appear,, 1 Speak, for Thy servant waits io hear.' Both hearing them, a, id asking them "I d questions. — Luke ii. 4G. Z I D CM. 1 TTTHAT blest examples do I find >V Writ in the word of truth Of children who began to mind Ion in their youth 1 Samuel the child was weaned, and brought To wait upon thi Lord : timothy b< times was taught To know His* holy word. B Jeans, who reigns above the And keeps the world in awe, * Was once a child as you,. And kept His Father's law. i years old He talked with men, Jews :'ll wondering stand; Yet He oh t then, And came at her command. S Then why should I 1 ' What oth< is learned so soon ? I would not pa-s another day Without tldd Work begun. THE SCRIPTURES. And that from, a child thou hast f) -t "T knoun the holy Scriptures. Z. I / 2 Timothy iii. 15. 7 7-7 7-7 7. 1 A THAT I, like Timothy, \J Might the holy Scriptures know From mine earliest infancy, Till for God mature I grow ; Made unto salvation wise, Ready for the glorious prize ! 2 Jesus, all-redeeming Lord, Full of truth and full of grace, Make me understand Thy word ; Teach me, in my youthful days, Wonders in Thy word to see, "Wise through faith which is in Thee. 3 Open now mine eyes of faith ; Open now the book of God ; Show me here the secret path Leading to Thy blessed abode : Wisdom from above impart, Speak the meaning to my heart. Let the rrord of Christ dwell in you Q1 Q richly in all wisdom. Z\ I O Colossians iii. 16. S.M. 1 npHE praises of my tongue J. I offer to the Lord, That I was taught, and learned so young, To read His holy word. 2 Dear Lord, this book of Thine Informs me where to go Eor grace to pardon all my sin, And make me holy too. 3 O may Thy Spirit teach, And make my heart receive, Those truths which all Thy servants preach, And all Thy saints believe. 4 Then shall I praise the Lord In a more cheerful strain, That I was taught to read His word, And have not learned in vain. The sword of the Spirit, which is the "1 O word of God. — Ephesians vi. 17. Z. I \J 10 8.10 9.10 9.10 9. 1 n UABD the Bible well. All its foes repel, VJ The sweet story tell Of the Lord ; Guard what God revealed, As our sun and shield; Never, never yield His holy word. Rouse then, Christians! Rally for the Bible! Work on, pray on, Spread the truth abroad ; Stand then like men, In the cause triumph- Eor the Bible is the word of God. [ant, 2 Book of love divine, Precious word of Thine, Let it ever shine All abroad ! In the Spirit's might We must win the fight For this gospel light, The truth of God. Rouse then, Christians! etc. 3 Shout the Bible song, Swell the mighty throng] In the cause be strong Of the right; Look to God in prayer, When the foe yon dare, And for ever wear His armour bright. Rouse then, Christians ! etc. 4 O ye Christian band, For this Bible stand! By the Lord's command, Ne'er give o'er; Lead the army on, Till the strife is done, And the cause is won For evermore ! Rouse then, Christians ! etc. And when He had opened the book, etc.— Luke iv. 17. CM. 220 Our hearts with knowledge feed, Thou wilt not quench the smoking liax, Nor break the bruised reed. 2 Though now Thou art exalted high, Our frailty Thou hast known ; O teach us in Thy tender love, Thy wisdom make us own. 3 O stoop and take us in Thy arms, And bear us as of old ; So shall our faitli its zeal maintain, Nor will our love grow cold. 4 O write Thy laws upon our hearts In lines of truth and love ; And we at last shall see Thy face, And hymn Thy praise above ! O 1 This is a faithful sailing. ZZ I 1 Tim. i, 15. 76.76.7 0.7 0.7 6. 1 ITIELL me the old, old story X Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love. Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, Fen- 1 am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. Tell me the old, old story Of Jesus and His love. 2 Tell me the story slowly, That I may take it in, That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin. Tell me the story often, For I forget so soon ! The early dew of morning Has passed away at noon. Tell me, etc. 3 Tell me the story softly, With earnest tones and grave : Remember! I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save. Tell me the story always, If you would really be, In any time of trouble, A comforter to me. Tell me, etc. 4 Tell me the same old story, When you have cause to fear That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul, Tell me the old, old story, ' Christ Jesus makes thee whole.' Tell me, etc r\ f\ f\ Girc me note wisdom and know- Z.AA ledge.- 2 Chronicles i. 10. L.T>I. 1 T ASK not wealth, nor pomp, nor power, 1 Nor the vain pleasures of an hour; My soul aspires to nobler things Than all the pride and state of kings. THE SCRIPTURES. 223 2 One thing I ask, O ! wilt Tliou hear, And grant my soul a gift so dear ; Wisdom descending from above, The choicest token of Thy love : 3 Wisdom, betimes to know the Lord, To fear His name and keep His word ; To lead my feet in paths of truth, And guide and guard my wandering youth. 4 Then, should'st Thou grant me length of days, My life shall still proclaim Thy praise ; Or early death, I'll soar away To realms of everlasting day. Better unto me than thousands of gold ' and jifper.— Psalm cxix. 72. 118.12 9.GG.12 9. 1 fTIHANK God for the Bible, 'tis there that JL we find The story of Christ and His love ; How He came down to earth from His beautiful home In the mansions of glory above : Thanks to Him wc will bring, Praise to Him wc will Bing; For He came down to earth from His beau- tiful home In the mansions of glory above. 2 While He lived on this earth, to the sick and the blind. And to mourners, His blessings were given ; And He said, ' Let the little ones come unto Me. For of such is the kingdom of heaven.' Jesna calls us to come, He's prepared us a home ; And He said, ' Let the little ones come unto Me, For of such is the kingdom of heaven.' 3 In the Bible we read of a beautiful land, Where sorrow and pain never come: For J< sus is there with a heavenly band, And there He prepares us a home. Jesus calls, shall we stay ? No | we will gladly obey; For Jesnsis there with a heavenly band, And 'tis there He prepares us ahome. 4 Thank God for the Bible; Itstrnthso'erthc We'll scatter with bonntifnl hand : earth But we never can tell what a Bible is worth Till we go to that beautiful land. There our thanks we will bring, with angels we'U sing. And Its worth we can tell, when With Jesus we dwell, In heaven, that beautiful land. Holding fast the faithful word. Titus 1. 2 We won't give up the Bible For pleasure or for pain : We'll buy the truth, and sell it not For all that we might gain. Though man should try to take our prize By guile or cruel might, We'd suffer all that man could do; God would defend the right. 3 We won't give up the Bible, But spread it far and wide. Until its saving words be heard Beyond the rolling tide ; Till all shall know its gracious power, And with one voice and heart Resolve, that from God's sacred word They'll never, never part. Thou hast the words of eternal li/e.- John vi. 68. 8 7.8 7. 225 224 God s holy book of truth; The Messed staff of hoai The guide of early youth: The ma that sheds a glorioua light ■ r every dr< ary road ; The voire that s]»< ak's a Bavioi I And calls us home to clod. 'hce draw near, Promises so sweet and precious From Thy gracious lips to hear ! 2 Be with us this day to bless us, That wc may not hoar in vain, With the saving truths impress us Which the words of life contain. 3 Sec us eager for salvation Bit, great Master, at Thy feet, And with breathless expectation Hang upon Thine accents sweet. 4 Open Thou our minds, and lead us Safely on our heavenward way; With the lamp of truth precede us, That we may not go astray. 5 Make us gentle, meek, and humble, And yet bold in doing right ; Scatter darkness, le.^t wc stumble; Men walk safely in the light. G Lord, endue Thy word from heaven With such light and love and power, That In us its silent leaven May work on from hour to hour. 7 Give us grace to bear our witness To the truths we have embr And lit others both their swt And their quickening virtue I Take heed therefore hots ye he w.— Luke \iii. 18. S.M. 1 T ORD, help us as we hear, J J To treasure np Thy word; And not to-morrow to appear As if it were unheard. 2 Lord, help na as we sing, in the words we use : And not to mock our heav. nly King, And all His lo- . help 118 as we pray. To <• one with heai tsii And aa we run in wisdom's way, • k Thy blessing here. ■i Lord, help us while we live, Thy servants to abide : Our f iod and raiment kindly give. And all we need provide. 226 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. •5 Lord, help us when we die, To reach yon heavenly shore ; And, with Thy holy ones on high, To praise Thee evermore. f)07^ ?n ^ instruct thee and teach Z.Z. I i/wc -Psalm xxxii. 8. L.M. 1 n BEAT Saviour, who didst condescend U" Young children in Thine arms to take. Still prove Thyself the children's Friend, And save us for Thy mercy's sake. 2 'Tis by the guidance of Thy hand That we within Thy house appear ; Now in Thine awful presence stand To hear Thy word and join in prayer. 3 Like precious seed in fruitful ground Let the instruction we receive With fruits of righteousness abound, And make us to Thy glory live. 4 Then, through the slippery paths of youth Be Thou our Guardian and our Guide, That we, directed by Thy truth, May never from Thy precepts slide. 5 To read Thy word our hearts incline ; To understand it, light impart; Great Saviour, may we all be Thine, Take full possession of each heart. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. EARLY PIETY. I thy servant fear the LoRo/row my youth.— 1 Kings xviii. 12. CM. 1 TTAPPY the child whose youngest years XI Receive instruction well, Who hates the sinner's path, and fears The road that leads to hell. 2 When we devote our youth to God, 'Tis pleasing in His eyes ; A flower, when offered in the bud, Is no vain sacrifice. 3 'Twill save us from a thousand snares To mind religion young: Grace will preserve our following years, And make our virtues strong. 4 To Thee, Almighty God, to Thee Our childhood we resign ; 'Twill please us to look back and see That our whole lives were Thine. 5 Let the sweet work of prayer and praise Employ my youngest breath : Thus I'm prepared for longer days, Or fit for early death. 228 229 Suffer the little children to come unto Me. Mark x. 14. 8 6.8 G.8 l'TET little children come to Me,' JU So said our blessed Lord ; And I, a little child, must be Obedient to His word; On all my days must sing His praise, And bow' before Him, for He said, 'Let little children come to Me, Let little children come.' 2 ' Let little children come to Me,' It is my Saviour's call ; He spake it not to two or three, But to the children all. And so when they His law obey, It is as if they heard Him say, 'Let little children come to Me, Let little children come.' 3 ' Let little children come to Me : ' O Saviour, Lord, I come ; Through life and cWth 1 11 go with Thee, Thine arms shad be my home : I cannot fear when Thou art near, And Thy sweet words I seem to hear, ' Let little children come to Me, Let little children come.' The Lord is mn Shepherd. Psalm xxiii. 1. 7 7-8 8.7 7. 230 1 T AM Jesus' little lamb, X Ever glad at heart I am ; Jesus loves me, Jesus knows me. All things fair and good He shows me, Even calls me by my name : Every day He is the same. 2 Safely in and out I go, Jesus loves and keeps me so. When I hunger, Jesus feeds me : When I thirst, my Shepherd leads me Where the waters softly flow, Where the sweetest pastures grow. 3 Should I not be always glad ? Jesiis would not have me sad ; And when this short life is ended, Those whom the Good Shepherd tended Will be taken to the skies, There to dwell in paradise. But note they desire a belter country.— Heb. xi. 16. G5.6 5. 231 1 T'M a little pilgrim, X And a stranger here ; Though this world is pleasant, Sin is always near. 2 Mine's a better country, Where there is no sin ; Where the tones of sorrow Never enter in. 3 But a little pilgrim Must have garments clean, If he'd wear the white robes, And with Christ be seen. 4 Jeans, cleanse and save me ; Teach me to obey ; Holy Spirit, guide me On my heavenly way. o I'm a little pilgrim. And a stranger here, But my home in heaven Cometh ever near. in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and tin r ion r Jesus Christ.--! Peter iii. 18. 7 7.7 7. 232 1 "171 VERY little step I take X.J Forward in my heavenly way, Every little effort make To grow Christ-like day by day, EARLY PIETY. 5 Little sighs and little prayers, Even little tears which "fall, Little hopes and fears and cares, Saviour, Thou dost know them all. 3 Thus my greatest joy is this, That my Saviour, loving, mild, Knows the children's weakr. And Himself was once a child. Him tluit coineih to He I icitl in no icise O O O cast cut - ZUO John vL 37. 7 7.7 7. 1 G AYIOUR, Ideas a little child. O Teach my heart the way to Thee : Make it gentle, meek, and mild ; Loving Saviour, care for me. 2 I am young, hut Thou hast said All who will may come to Thee ; Feed my soul with living bread; Loving Saviour, care for me. -3 Jesus, help me, I am weak ; Let me put my trust in Thee ; Teach me how and what to speak ; Loving Saviour, care for me. 4 I would never go astray. Never turn a.side from Thee ; Keep me in the heavenlv way ; Loving Saviour-, care for me. 234 Lord, teach us to pray. Luke xi. 1. 236 My soul trusteth in Hire. Psalm lvii. 1. 1U 4.10 4.10 10. 1 TESUS, who caUedst little ones to Thee, »J To Thee I come ; take my hand in Thine, and speak to me, And lead me home ; Lest from the path of life my feet should And Satan prowling make Thy lamb his prey. 2 I love to think that Thou with holy feet My path hast trod, Along life's common lane and da Hast walked with God, On Mary s besorn drawn a baby's breath. And served Thy parents dear a"t Nazareth. 3 gentle Jesus, make this heart of mine (So full of sin) As holy, harmless, undefiled, as Thine, And dwell therein : .km v.-. Then, God my Father, I like Thee shall And grow in wisdom as in strength I grow. 4 To Thee, mv Saviour, then, with morning Glad songs I'll raise, [light My saddest hours and darkest shall be With silent praise ; And should my work or play my thoughts c-mplov, Thy will shall be my lav.-, Thy love my joy. CM. 1 T ORD, teach a little child to pray, JJ Thy grace betimes impart, And grant Thy Holy Spirit may Renew my youthful heart. 2 A sinful creature I was born, And from my birth have strayed; I must be wretched and forlorn Without Thy mercy's aid. 3 But Christ can all my sins forgive, And wash away their stain ; Can fit my boo] with Him to live, And in His kingdom reign. 4 To Him let little children come, For He has said they may ; His bosom then shall be their home, Their tears He'll wipe away. 5 All those who early seek His face Shall rarely taste Hi- . Bhall guide them by His grace, To dwell with Him above. O O F\ God he merciful to me a I /OO Luke xviii. 18. L.M. 1 T ORB, look upon a little child, JU By nature sinful, rude, and wild ; O, lay Thy gracious hand on me, And make me all I ought to be ! 1 Make me Thy child, a child I d In my Saviour's precious bk> d And my whole heart, from sin set free, A little vessel full of . 3 O Jesus, take me to Thy bn And bless in. ,- thi n 1 shall I Thy little lamb in sail And they followed Jesus. John i. 37. L.M. 237 1 T WOULD a youthful pilgrim be, 1 Resolved "alone to follow Thee, Thou Lamb of God. who now art gone Up to Thine everlasting throne. 2 I would my heart to Thee r t O come, and make it wholly Thine ! Set up Thy kingdom, Lord, within, And cast out every thought of Bin. 3 Be it my chief desire to prove How much I owe, how much I love ; Contentedly my cross to take. And meekly bear it for Thy sake. 4 Then, when my pilgrimage is o'er, And I can serve Thee here no more, Within Thy temple. God of I I'll serve Thee day and night above. Thou art mv tnut from viy you'.h. PsalmlxxL 5*. 238 I m i to die; I'm not too little tol I faith and joy. as, I love Thy name; And ever keep TL-. :• Who puts his a / r I am meek and lately AOkJ Matthew I 1 p KITTLE T ! mild, U i It upon a little child; v simplicity, Buffer me to come to Thee. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 Fain I would to Thee be brought ; Gracious God, forbid it not ; Give me, O my God ! a place Iu the kingdom of Thy grace. 3 Fain I would be as Thou art ; Give me Thy obedient heart : Thou art pitiful and kind ; Let me have Thy loving mind. 4 Meek and lowly may I be ; Thou art all humility : Let me to my betters bow ; Subject to Thy parents Thou. 5 Let me above all fulfil God my heavenly Father's will ; Never His yood Spirit grieve, Only to His glory live. 240 1 T3LEST Saviour, let mo be a child, D A little child of Thine ; Thou hast on infant spirits smiled, O kindly smile on mine. 2 Make mc a child In simple ways, In heart more simple still ; Believing all the Father says, And doing all His will. 3 Give mc a nature pure and true^ My evil heart control ; And day by day may grace renew The childhood of my soul. 4 May this sweet spirit ne'er depart, Midst all my joys and cares; And may I be a child in heart, Through all my following years. 241 These little ones that believe in Ate.— Mark ix. 42. 8 8 6.8 8 6, cue are lambs within the fold Of Gcd's beloved Son ? That Jesus Christ, with tender care, "Will in His arms most gently bear The helpless little one ? 2 And T, a little straying lamb, May come to Jesus as I am, Though goc dness I have none ; May now be folded on His breast, As birds within the parent-nest, And be His little one ? 3 Others there are who love me too; But wlio, with all their love, could do "What Jesus Christ has done ? Then if He teaches me to pray, I'll surely go to Him, and say" ' Lord, keep Thy little one.' 4 Then by this gracious Shepherd fed, And by His mercy gently led Where living waters run. My greatest pleasure will be this : That I'm a little lamb of His, His own dear little one. 242 While the evil days come not. Ecclesiastes xii. 1. 7 G.7 6. 1 pOME, while from joy's bright fountain \J The streams of pleasure flow ; Come, ere thy buoyant spirits Have felt the blight of woe 2 Remember thy Creator Now, in thy youthful days, And He will guide thy footsteps Through life's uncertain ways. 3 Remember thy Creator, He calls in tones of love ; And offers endless blessing In brighter worlds above. 4 And in the hour of sadness, "When earthly joys depart, His love shall be thy solace, And cheer thy drooping heart. 5 And when life's storms are over, And thou from earth art free, Thy God will be thy portion Throughout eternity. Remember noic thy Creator in the days of n/l O thy youth. Z.^tO Ecclesiastes xii. 1. CM. 1 "DEMEMEER thy Creator now, XL In these thy youthful days ; He will accept thine early vow, And listen to thy praise. 2 Remember thy Creator now, And seek Him while He's near,' For evil days will come, when thou Shalt find no comfort near. 3 Remember thy Creator now ; His willing servant be ; Then, when thy head in death shall bow. He will remember thee. 4 Almighty God ! our hearts incline Thv heavenly voice to hear ; Let all our future days be Thine, Devoted to Thy fear. Whoso irustcth in the Lord, happy is he. Proverbs xvi. 20. L.M. 244 1 TXOW sweet it is in early youth XI To tread the sacred paths of truth, From sin's deceitful snares to run, And find a heaven on earth begun ! 2 How happy is the soul that knows "What perfect peace and calm repose A gracious Father deigns to give To them who by His precepts live ! 3 Forbid it, Lord, that wc should stray Far distant from Thy holy way, Or so deceived and thoughtless bo As to love pleasure more than Thee. 4 Though fools may make a mock of sin, O teach us wisely to begin To seek the safe and narrow road That leads to happiness and God. EARLY PIETY. 245 Tfiosc that seek Me early shall find ~ Me. — Proverbs via. 17. 1 T'HEY arc blest, and blest for ever, X Who in childhood s early day Seek the care of Him -who never Turns the seeking soul away. their feet should slide, Condescends to be their Guide. 2 "Who the world's temptations scorning, p in view the great reward. And in youth's delightful morning Yield themselves unto the Lord ; - v. ill their portion be Nov,- and through eternity. 3 He. their Shepherd and their Saviour, Will with eyes of love behold, And regard with kindest favour, lamb within His fold. ill guide them by His love To His 1 lessed fold above. 246 -Matthew iv. 19. 1 /CHILDHOOD S years are passing o'er us : thiol days will soon be gone ; Cares and sorrows lie before us, Hidden dangers, snares unknown. 2 O may He who. meek and lowly, Trod Himself this vale of woe, Make us His, and make us holy, Guard and guide us while we go. 3 Hark ! it is the Saviour calling. 4 Children, come, and follow Me ! ' keep our feet from falling; Teach us ail to follow Thee. 4 Soon we part ; it may be never, crown of life to gain! ess, and O A -J all her ftaths an ZH-/ Proverbs iii. 17. 686.88C. 1 TTAPI'Y ±1 Who in th< .tion he Lovi B from his youth to* run : And all its paths are joy and And Ik ••-gun. 2 If thl mine, with jnst and holy >eorn: :i and blithe my way pursue, i land in view, Singing to God return. Q A Q - v ' v " «i the """.v. tehu ' JL'-TKJ tthewvii. 14. CM. JL Ail ..tin ra lead astray; San 2 It leads straight through this world of sin, And dangers mnst be ; But those who boldly walk therein Will come to heaven at la.-t. 3 How shall a little pilgrim dare This dangerous path to tread? For on the way is many a snare, For youthful travellers spread. 4 "While the broad road, where thousands go, Lies near, and opens fair; And many tnrn as I And walk with sinners there. 5 Put lest my feeble steps should slide, Or wander from Thy way. Lord, condescend to be my Guide, And I shall never stray. G Thus I may safely venture through, Beneath my Shepherd - And keep the* gate of heaven in view Till I shall enter there. 249 Jesus beholding him loved him. Mark x. SO. CM. sweet the lily _. How sweet the breath beneath the hill Of Sharon's dewy rose! 2 Lo! such the child whose caiiy feet The paths of p Whose secret heart with influence sweet Is upward drawn to God. 3 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily mnst . : the hill ;ly fade away. 4 And soon, too soon, the wintry Of man's mat; i - power And stormy pa O Thou, whose infant feet were found Within Thy father's shrine! Were all alike divine : .crowned, 6 Dependent on T In childhood, manhood, age, and death, To keep us still Thine own ! 250 The fear of the Lord, that is Job xxviii. 9B. 886.880. With 1 • By shunning every evil wav, And walking . 2 O may I A wise and n Jesus, to me l • And let me tin Spirit know To glorify my £\ v ' as i° st - ZJJ Matthew xviii. 11. 8 7.S 7.4 7. 1 y OUTHFUL, weak, and unprotected, X Prone in folly's path to stray ; By no friendly hand directed, We shall surely lose our way. Who sha'll guide us To the realms of endless day ? 2 Christian teachers may instruct us, Friends their generous aid bestow ; Will no powerful arm conduct us Safely all the journey through ? Who shall keep us, Tenderers in a world of woe ? 3 Christ, our Shepherd, waits to gather Every wanderer to His fold ; And with love our heavenly Father Will each humble child behold. Lord, receive us ; 'Tis Thy kindness makes us bold. A Thankful for the love that bought us, Now our feeble songs we raise ; Hither hath Thy mercy brought us, Here with joy we sound Thy praise. To Thine honour We would yield our future days. O come, Jet us worship and bote down. — Psalm xcv. G. 8 7.8 7. 1 T ORD, a little band and lowly, JU "We are come to worship Thee : Thou art great and high and holy, Meek and humble let us be ! 2 Fill our hearts with thoughts of Jesus, And of heaven, where He is gone; And let nothing ever please us He would grieve to look upon. 3 For we know the Lord cf glory Alwaya sees what children do, And is writing now the story Of our thoughts and actions too. 4 Lr-t our sins be all forgiven ; Make us fear whate'er is wrong ; Lead us on our way to heaven, There to sing a nobler song. r\ rr -7 Create in me a clean heart, O Z.0 I God.— Psalm li. 10. CM. 1 A FOR a heart to praise my God, U A heart from sin set free ! A heart that always feels Thy blood, So freely spilt for me ! 256 2 A heart resumed, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne, Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone ; 3 A hnmhle, lowly, contrite heart, .nv, time, and clean ; Which neither life nor death can part From Him that dwells within : 4 A heart in every thought renewed, And full of 1 ive divine ; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of Thine ! 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart ! Come quickly from ahove, Write Thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of love. 258 Pray without ceasiva. ilonians v. 17. CM. lettered or unexpressed; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling cf a tear ; The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Prayer the Bublrmest drains that reach The Maj 4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air, His watchword at the pates of death; He enters heaven with pr;.; 5 O Thou by whom we come to God, The Life, the Trnth. the Way ! The path of prayer Thyself hast trcd: Lord : teach us how to pray. f) CT r\ " 7 7Z receive. Z-OiJ Julmxvi. 21. 7 7.7 7. 1 rtOME, my soul, thy suit prepare, Vj .t swer prayer; Be Himself has hid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petition-, with thee bring; .-; grace and power ait None c much. 3 With my harden I ' this load uf sin! Let Thy blood for sinn iencc free from guilt. 4 Loud, I come I Take i» .ssev-.i, n <>f niv br< a^t : ht right maintain, And without a rival I ra the behold . Thus unto my heart Print Thine own resemblance there. G While I am a pilgrim here, Let Thy love my spirit cheer ; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Load' me to my journey's end. Afv voice stolt Thou hear in the morning, Cl C±f\ O LOKD. ZDU Psalm v. 3. 7C.7G.7G.7G. 1 n O when the morning shineth. VJ Go when the noon is bright, Go when the eve declineth, Go in the hush of night ; Go with pure mind and feeling, Cast every fear away, And in thy chamber kneeling, Do thou in secret pray. 2 Eemember ail who love thee, All who are loved by thee ; Pray, too, for those who hate thee, If" any such there be. Then, for thyself, in meekness, A blessing humbly claim, And link with each*] • I Thy great Redeemer's name. 3 Or if 'tis e'er denied thee In solitude to pray, Should holy thoughts come o'er thee, When friends are round thy way ; E'en then thy silent breathing Of spirit raised above Kay reach His throne of glory. Of mercy, truth, and love. 4 Whene'er thou pinest in sadness, Before His footstool fall ; Remember, in thy gladness, tee who gave thee all : O, not a joy or I With this can we compare, The power that He has Liven us To pour our souls in prayer. Lei v.s draw near Kith a true heart Hebrews x. 22. 7 77 7.7 7 261 1 TTOLY Lord, our hearts prepare IX For the solemn hour of prayer ; Grant that while we bend the knee, All our thoughts may torn t I and, thing peace and joy around. 2 L rd. when we approach Thy throne, Make Tliv power and glory known; As Thy rifihh'e!i. may we call On our Failu r, Lord' of all. And with holy love and f. ar At Thy footst to! now appear. 3 Teach us, while we breathe our woes, On Tl All Thy tender love to trace In the "Saviour's work of grace ; - all in faith d ; On our gracious God and Friend. Warship at Hi$ footstool. Psahn xdx. 6. 262 l QAVIOTJB round Thj I Uthful band appear; THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Let Thy Spirit, now descending, Our petitions deign to hear : Thou art willing, For Thy grace is always near. 2 Once on earth, to share Thy blessing Children sought to meet Thine eye, "While the anxious parents, pressing, Drought their helpless infants nigh; For Thy favour All their wants could well supply. 3 No harsh word of indignation Drove those tender lambs from Thee, Gentle was the invitation, ' Suffer them to come to Me : Holy children Shall My heavenly kingdom see.' 4 Gracious Saviour, Thou hast taught us That Thy words unchanged remain ; To Thy feet our friends have brought us, Heavenly blessings to obtain ; O receive us, Thou wilt not our prayer disdain. 5 Take us, then, Thou kind Protector, Fold us 'neath Thy watchful care, De our Shepherd, Friend, Director, In Thine arms of mercy bear : Guide to glory, We shall dwell in safety there. 263 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss. James iv. 3. S.M, But do I ever pray' - ? And do the wishes of my heart Go with the words I say ? 2 I may as well kneel down And worship Rods of stone, As offer to the living God A prayer of words alone. 3 For words without the heart The Lord will never hear ; Nor will He to those lips attend "Whose prayers are not sincere. 4 Lord, teach me what I want, And teach me how to pray ; Nor let me ask Thee for Thy grace, Not feeling what I say. 264 If we ask anything according to His will, He hearcth us. 1 John v. 11. CM. 1 fTIHE Lord attends when children pray. JL A whisper He can hear ; He knows, not only what we say, But what we wish or U ar. 2 He sees us when we are alone, Thongh no one else can see ; And all our thoughts to Him are known, Wherever we may be. 3 'Tis not enough to bend the knee, And words of prayer to say : The heart must with the lips agree, Or else we do not pray. 4 Teach us, O Lord, to pray aright, Thy grace to us impart ; That we in prayer may take delight, And serve Thee with the heart. 5 Then, heavenly Father, at Thy throne, Thy praise we will proclaim", And daily our requests make known In our 'Redeemer's name. 265 Lord, . . . remember mc. and visit me. — Jeremiah xv. 15. CM. : feeble prayer to Thee, let my heart Thy favour seek ; Good "Lord, remember me. 2 In childhood's following years, my tongue Tuned to Thy praise shall be, And this the heartfelt, humble song, Good Lord, remember me. 3 From every sin that wounds the heart May I be taught to flee ; O bid' them all from me depart, Good Lord, remember me. A When, with life's heavy load oppressed, I bend the trembling" knee. Then give my suffering spirit rest, Good Lord, remember me. 5 O let me, on the bed of death, Thy great salvation see : And cry with my expiring breath, Good" Lord, remember me. He shall call upon Me, and I will OC2.CZ. answer him. ZOO Psalm xci. 15. CM. 1 rjlHERE is an eye that never sleeps X Beneath the wing of night ; There is an ear that never shuts When sink the beams of light. •2 There is an arm that never tires When human strength give s way ; There is a love that never fails "When earthly loves decay. 3 That eye is fixed on seraph throngs; That arm upholds the sky ; That ear is filled with angel songs ; That love is throned un high. 1 But there's a power which man can wield, When mortal aid is vain, That eye, that arm. that love to reach, That listening car to gain. 5 That power is prayer ; which soars on high Through Jesus to the throne, And moves the hand which moves the To bring salvation down. [world, That ire may obtain mercy, and find (trace to help. Hebrews iv. 16. CM. 267 And need Thy constant care; And therefore we have come to speak To Thee in humble, prayer. 2 Now teach us Thy most holy will, And lead us in Thy way ; " Protect our soids from every ill, And cleanse our hearts, we pray. 3 Preserve our childhood from the snares That Satan lays for youth ; In mercy hear our simple prayers, And guard us by Thy truth. 4 And as we grow in years, bestow Yet more and more of grace ; And ever to Thy children show A loving Father's face. 5 Be Thou our Guide through all our days ; Conduct us to the end : And then a heavenlv song we'll raise To Thee, the children's Friend. And I icill commune irith thee from above f) o o V"' mercy-teat.— Exodus xxv. 22. ZOO L.M. 1 ~r7BOM every stormy wind that blows, X From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a safe retr« at : 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads, A place than all beside more sweet ; It is the blood-stained mercy-seat. 3 There is a spot where spirits blend, And friend lie Ids fellowship with friend; Though sundered far, by faith they meet Around one common mercy-seat. ■1 There, there on eagles' wings we soar, And time and sense appear no more : There h< Bvcnly joys our spirits greet, And glory crowns the mercy --eat. 269 CM. 1 \ LMIGHTY God! in humble prayer jcx To '1 hi e our Bonis we lift : Do Thou oar waiting minds prepare For Thy most needful gift. - urns of wealth along our path to flow ; health, Nor I ii;. tli of yi an below ; 3 We ask not honours, which an hour May bring and take away : p mp, and power. Lest we should go astray. 4 We ask for wisdom : Lord, impart The knowledge how to live : A wise ami understanding heart To all before The« .' i do Thy ictll. Imexliii. 10. 7 7.77 <-. Son of God, ') v.). , f, rme life's pathway brad, Who for mc 1" came a child, me humble, meek, and mild. 2 I Thy little lamb w. old be, I would follow '1 In e ; v child of old, . too, within Thy fold. 270 I Teach me how to pray to Thee, Make me holy, heavenly; Let me love what Thou dost love, Let me live with Thee above. 271 He iciU guide von into all truth. Johnxvi. 13. 7 7.77-77- Phen the path is fair and bright, When from care and sorrow free, Help us, Lord, to cling to Thee; Be our Comforter and Friend, Guide and keep us to the end. 2 "When the way is dark and drear, "When no loving friend is near ; When we suffer pain or loss, "When we bow beneath the cross, Be our Comforter anel Friend, Guide and keep us to the end. 3 When we strive to do the right, When we follow, serve, or fight, When we seek to do Thy will, When we hear Thee say, ' Stand still,' Be our Comforter and Friend, Guide and keep us to the end. 4 When we near our endless home, When the closing hour shall come, When we cro^s death's chilling tide, Lead us to the other side ; Be our Comforter and Friend, Guide and keep us to the end. Z When we reach that other land. When before the Judge we stand, When the books shall opened be, Saviour, we would cling to Thee. Living, dying, be our Friend; Bless us, keep us to the end. I fray Thou from heaven Thy dtceUing-pUue, 070 and forgive.— 2 Chrome! Z I Z. 75.75.88. 1 IVHEN the weary, seeking rest, \\ To Thy go<_ due- s flee; "When the heavy-laden cast All their load on Thee; When the troubled, m eking peace, On Thy name shall call : When the sinner, seeking life, At Thy feet shall fall: Hear, then, in love. O Lord, the cry In heaven, Thy dwelling-place on high. 2 When the worldling, sick at heart, Lilts his soul When the prodigal looks back 1 at lit r's love ; "When the proud man from his pride stoops to seek Thy r. When the burdened Drings bis guilt To Thy throne of grace : Hear, then, cte. 8 When the stranger aakl I * All his toils to end : "When the hungry eraveth food, And the poor a friend; When the sailor on the wave Lifts his heart to Thee : Bear, then, sic. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 4 When the man of toil and care In the city crowd, "When the shepherd on the moor Names the name of God ; When the learned and the high, Tired cf earthly fame, Upon nobler joys intent, Name the blessed name : Hear, then, etc, REPENTANCE. God be merciful to vie a sinner. Luke xviii. 13. CM 273 ght and word and deed; But Jesus sits at Thy right hand For such to intercede. 2 Thou, Lord, canst change this evil heart, Canst give a holy mind, And Thine own heavenly grace impart, Which those who seek shall find. 3 To heaven can reach the softest word, A child's repentant prayer; For tears are seen, and sighs are heard, And thoughts regarded there. 4 Then let me all my sins confess, And pardoning grace implore, That I may love my follies less, And love my Saviour more. "7 A Let the wiehed forsake his icav. Z. I H- Isaiah lv. 7. " L.lvl. 1 "DESET with snares on every hand, X) In life's uncertain path I stand ; Saviour divine, diffuse Thy light, To guide my youthful steps aright. 2 Incline this roving, treacherous heart, Great God ! to choose the better part, To scorn the trifles of a day For joys that none can take away. 3 Then let the wildest storms arise, Let tempests rage through earth and skies : No fatal shipwreck shall I fear, But all my treasures with me bear. 4 If Thou, my Saviour, still be nigh, Cheerful I live, and joyful die; Secure, when mortal comforts flee, To find ten thousand worlds in Thee. Come unto Me, . . . and T uill give you C\'~I UZ rest.— Matthew xi. 28. 2.(0 7 6.7C.76.7C, 1 ' nOME unto Me, ye weary, VJ And I will give you rest.' O blessed voice of J< sua, Which comes to hearts oppressed! It tells of benediction, Of pardon, grace, and peace, Of Joy that hath no i nding, Of love which cannot c< asc. 2 ' Come unto Mo, dear children, And I will give you light.' O loving voice of Ji Which com< - to (Ik er the night I Our hearts w< re ftll< d with Badness, we had lost OUT way ; bl ingB rs gladm 58, And songs the break of day. - \ ' Come unto Me, ye fainting, And I will give yen life.' O peaceful voice of Jesus, Which comes to end our strife ! The foe is stem and eager, The fight is fierce and long; But Thou hast made us mighty, And stronger than the strong. I ' And whosoever cometh I will not east him out.' O patient love cf Jesus, Which drives away our doubt ; Which calls us, very sinners, Unworthy though we be Of love so free and boundless, To come, Lord, to Thee ! 276 And malce you a neic heart and a new spirit. Ezekiel xviii. 31. 7 7.7 7. 1 /I OB of mercy, God of love ! vJ Hear me from Thy throne above ; Teach me how in truth to pray : Take my sinful heart away. 2 Oft I disobedient grow, And unlovely tempers show ; Evil things I do and say : Take my wicked heart away. 3 Mould my nature all afresh, Give to me the heart of llesh ; For I know that grace divine Changes even hearts like mine. 277 Haste thee, escape thither 1 . Genesis xix. 22. 88.88.4. 1 TTASTE, traveller, haste! the night XI comes on, And many a shining hour is gone; The storm is gathering in the west, And thou art far from home and rest: Haste, traveller, haste ! 2 0, far from home thy footsteps stray ; Christ is the life, and Christ the way, And Christ the light : thy sotting sun Sinks ere the morn is scarce begun : Haste, traveller, haste ! 3 Then linger not in all the plain ; Flee for thy life, the mountain gain ; Look not behind, make no delay ; 0, speed thee : speed thee on thy way ! Haste, traveller, haste ! 4 Poor, lost, benighted soul! art thou Willing to find salvation new ? There yet is hope; hear mercy's call; Truth, life, light, way,— in Christ is all! Haste to'Hrm, haste ! 278 My Pace. . . . Thy face, Lord, " * will I seek. Psalm xxvii. 8. 7 7.7 7-7 7- 1 I ESUS bids me seek His face; •) Lord, I come to ask Thy grace ; Send Thy Spirit from above, Teach me to obey and love. Unto Thee l fain would go; All I want Thou canst b REPENTANCE. 2 Wilt Them. Lord, a child receive ? "Wilt Thou all my sins forgive ? O, dissolve this lie-art of at I Make me Thine, and Thine alone. Sin is present with me still ; Disobedient is my will. 3 Sinful thoughts too oft prevail, Vain desires my heart assail: O my Saviour, make me whole, Farm anew my lame - 1 ' Kindly guide me every day ; Be my everlasting stay. 279 That ice may rejoice and be nlad all ~ our days. — Psalm xc. 14. 5 5 1LS 5 11. 1 HOME, let n? embrace, \J In our earliest The offers of life and salvation by grace ; Let us gladly believe, And the pardon receive, [doth give. Which the Father of mercies through Jesus 2 His kingdom below He hath called us to know, And in stature and heavenly wisdom to grow : In His work to remain, Till His image we gain, And the fulness of Christ in perfection attain. 3 Then let us begin Ly renouncing all sin. r clean And by faith in the blood that - With endeavour sincere To Jesus draw near, [appear. And be instant in prayer till our Saviour 4 If now Thou art nigh, - cry. Thy love to reveal, and Thy blood to apply Thy little ones own, And perfect in our, And admit os at last t J a share of Thy tin-one, IVumghi on my Kays, and turned my ■ tics. lVah.i S.M 280 -in, book] at once 1 -2 Tis net enough toi Yet still go on from daj I Just h ave Th. that we in earn ao more. 4 Lord ::icorc, To watch as well a~ praj ; •mall, however d< ar, Take all our sins away. . trill draw all men nnt<> gently calh tli I I 281 He waiteth to I Salvation, peace, and love, True joy on earth below, A home in heaven above. Come, come, come. 2 Come to the Saviour now ! Gaze on that mystic tide, "Water and blood that flow Forth from His wounded side. Hark to that suffering One ! 1 Tis finished ! ' now He cries ; Redemption's work is done. Then bows His head and dies. Come, come, come. 3 Come to the Saviour now ! He suffered all for thee, And in His merits thou Hast an unfailing plea. No vain excuses frame, For feelings do not - 2s one who to Jesus came" "Were ever sent away. Come, come, come. 4 Come to the Saviour now ! Ye who have wandered far, w your solemn vow, For His by right you are. Come, like poor, wandering sheep Returning to His fold. His arm will safely h Eis love will ne'er grow cold. Come, come, come, o Come to the Saviour, ail ! Whaie'er your bnrdens be ; Hear now His loving call, ' Cast all your care on Me.' Come, and for every grief In Jesus you will find A loving Friend and kind. Come, come, come. rW he showers of Messina. Ezekiel xxxi. 282 1 T ORD, I hear of showers of I J 1 Th - full and free, Showers, the thirsty land refi • Let some drops now fall on mc. me not. God, my Father, Sinful though my heart m.r Thou might st leave me, but the rather Let Thy mercy light on me. Even mc. me not, O gracious Saviour, Let me live and cling I I am longing for Thy favour : Whilst Thou rt calling, O call mc! not, O mighty S Thou i Mind to see: Witnea* r at J< -u s merit ! ?>ome word of power to mo. o Love of dod so pure and ehan Strong and l> I ■ THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 283 Strive to enter in at the strait gate. Luke xiii. 24. 11 11.11 11.11 11. paths of sin ; Hasten to the strait gate, strive to enter in : None can knock unheeded, none can strive in vain, For the Saviour's welcome, all that seek ohtain. Onward, children ! onward ! is the call to-day ; Come with ready footsteps, and that call obey. 2 Onward, children ! onward ! in the narrow way, Christ your Lord shall lead you safely day by day, And with such a Leader what have you to fear ? Satan may oppose yon, but your King is Onward, children ! etc. [near. 3 Onward, children ! onward ! seek no cross to shun ; Mind when night approaches, that your work is done : That you may with gladness, as life closes here, Enter death's dark valley, having nought Onward, children ! etc. [to fear. 4 Onward, children ! onward ! guardian angels sing : Hasten to the palace of your God and King ; Clad in heavenly armour, to the end endure ; You with Christ shall triumph, victory is Onward, children ! etc. [sure. 5 Onward, ever onward! till you join the throng Who in dazzling raiment sing the triumph- song ; And to heavenly music cry with one accord, 'Holy ! holy ! holy ! is our sovereign Lord.' Onward, children ! etc. 284 The Holy GJiosi saith, To-day, if ye will hear His voice. Hebrews iii. 7. S.M. 1 mHERE is a precious day, X In youth that day is ours, When we should dedicate" to God Our life with all its powers. 2 There is a gracious day, When conscience speaks within ; 'Tis now, for now the Spirit strives, Convincing us of sin. 8 There is a holy day, Of fnith and hope and love : It reaches through our Christian Iifo On earth to heaven above. 4 There \a a solemn day, When we must yield our breath ; And live to die no more, or die An everlasting death. 5 There is an awful day Of judgment and decree : Lord ! bo we all through Christ prepared That last of days to sec. , G There is a glorious day Of sweet Sabbatic rest : O, may we its eternal length Enjoy with all the blest ! 285 Yet there is room. Luke xiv. 22. 10 10.4 6. 1 YTET there is room! the Lamb's bright I. hall of song, With its fair glory, beckons thee along. Room, room, still room ! O, enter, enter now ! 2 Day is declining, and the sun is low ; The shadows lengthen, light makes haste Room, room, etc. [to go. 3 The bridal hall is filling for the feast, Pass in, pass in, and be the Bridegroom's Room, room, etc. [guest. 4 It fills, it fills, that hall of jubilee ! Make haste, make haste: 'tis not too full Room, room, etc. [for thee. 5 Yet there is room ! Still open stands the gate, The gate of love : it is not yet too late. Room, room, etc. 6 Pass in, pass in ! That banquet is for thee; That cup of everlasting love is free. Room, room, etc. 7 All heaven is thsre : all joy ! Go in, go in ; The angels beckon thee the prize to win. Room, room, etc. 8 Louder and sweeter sounds the loving call ; Come, lingerer, come; enter that festal Room, room, etc. [hall. 9 Ere night that gate may close, and seal thy doom : Then the last low long cry : ' No room, no No room, no room ! [room '. ' O, woeful cry, ' No room ! ' 286' 1 WE (1 ° not love Thcc as we ou ght \ V For blessings we receive : We sin in word, in deed, and thought : Our sins, O Lord, forgive. 2 Oft to bad tempers wc give way, And ill designs conceive ; And often we neglect to pray : These youthful sins forgive. 3 The Saviour died our guilt to bear. That we to Him might live ; Hence wc with hope present this prayer, Our youthful sins forgive. All ice like sheep hare pone astray. -Isaiah liii. G. CM. 1 \ LMIGHTY Father, God of grace, A We all, like sheep astray, In folly from Thy paths have turned Each to bis sinful way. 2 Sins of omission and of act Through all our lives abound ; Akis ! In thought and word and deed tto health In us is found. 287 - REPENTANCE. 3 O spare us. Lord, in mercy spare; Our contrite Bonis restore; Through Him -who suffered on the cross, And man's transgression bore. 4 And grant, O Father, for His sake, That we through all our days A just and godly life may lead, To Thine eternal praise. 288 Behold. I stand at the door, and knock. Revelation hi. 20. 7 7.8 7.8 1 Vaiting, waiting, 6, how fair! "lis a Pilgrim, strange and kingly, Never such was seen before. Ah ! my soul, for such a wonder Wilt thou not undo the door ? 2 Knocking, knocking, still He's there, Waiting, waiting, wondrous fair; But the door is hard to open, For the weeds and ivy- vine, With their dark and clinging tendrils, Ever round the hinges twine. 3 Knocking, knocking— what, still there ! Waiting, waiting, grand and fair; Yes, the pierced hand still knocketh, And beneath the crowned hair Beam the patient eyes, so tender, Of thy Saviour, waiting there. 289 If any man . . . open the door, I icill a Id him, etc. Revelation lii. 20. L.T\I. 1 pEHOLD ! a Stranger at the door; .1) Heg< ntly knocks, has knocked* before, Has waited long, is waiting still : You use no other friend so ill. 2 But will He prove a friend indeed ? He will, the very friend yon need; f Nazareth, tia He, With garments dyed at Calvary. 3 O. wondrous attitude! He stands With living heart and ontstrctched hands; O, matchless kindness! and He shows This matehle88 kind!:. 4 Admit Him. for the human breast ■ ntertained so kind a g No mortal tongue their Joys can tell With whom He condescends to dwell. I Yet know— nor of the terms complain — Where Jesus eoi to reign, To reign with universal sway : E'en thoughts must die that disobey. n of souls! Thou Prince of peace: O may Thy gentle n Ign incri Throw wide the door, each willing mind; And be His empire all mankind ! 290 He ralhth thee. Murk x. 10. 1 pOME to Jeans, little one, ' Come to Jesus now ; Humbly at His gracious throne In submission bow. C 2 At His feet confess your sin ; Seek forgiveness there ; For His blood can make yon clean: He will hear your prayer. 3 Seek His face without delay ; Give Him now your heart ; Tarry not., bnt while you may, Choose the better part. 4 Come to Jesus, little one, Come to Jesus now ; Humbly at His gracious throne In submission bow. Hn. every one that ihirsteth, come ve to the 001 tenters! AkJI Isaiah lv. 1. 7 7.* 7.7 7.- 7. •y one that V. •Jesus invitation : O come, and welcome all to take The waters of salvation ! All ye that have no money, Come to the flowing river, For milk and wine and bread divine, And cat and live for ever. 2 Come to your loving Saviour, Who gives this gracious token, To contrite hearts His love imparts, And gently heals the broken! Abundant pardon waits thee, Heaven's bliss lies straight before thee. Good angels yearn for thy return, To strike their harps in glory. 3 O seek for pardoning mercy, While mercy still is proffered*. While God is near, in humble fear Accept the pardon offered ! cry for true repentance. The Spirit's mighty working. And turn to God through Jesus blood, Thy every sin forsaking. 4 Come then, O trembling sinner, H< ar Jesn b Invitatl Accept His love, and sweetly prove His promise of salvation ! Rid d mbt and sorrow vanish, From sin and Satan bi In Jean's strength cry out at length, 'I am the Lord s for ever.' To-day t 1/ ye uill hear His voice. 6 4.64. 1 rr O-DAY the Saviour calls ; JL Ye wanderers, come. O ye mis Why longer] I To dav the Saviour calls; n now ; Within Hi se saen d walls BavionrcaRs; For r. f The storm of \-< ngcance falls, Ruin is nigh. ■ Yield to E 1 rim not awaj , hour. 292 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. O O Q J csus °f Nazareth passeth by. JL.&0 Luke xviii. 37. CM. 1 TESU, if still Thou art to-day v As yesterday the same. Present to heal, in me display The virtue of Thy name. 2 If still Thou goest ahout to do Thy needy creatures good, On me, that I Thy praise may show, Be all Thy wonders showed. 3 Blind from my birth to guilt and Thee, And dark I am within ; The love of God I cannot see, The sinfulness of sin. 4 But Thou, they say, art passing by; O let me find Thee near ! Jesu, in mercy hear my cry, Thou Son of David, hear ! 5 Behold me waiting in the way For Thee, the heavenly light ; Command me to be brought, and say, ' Sinner, receive Thy sight ! ' Lord, ichat icilt Thou have me to do I— Actsix. 6. CM. 294 That feels with guilt oppressed . There's evil that I never knew Before, within my breast. •2 My thoughts are vain ; my heart is hard, My temper quick to rise ; And when I seem upon my guard Sin takes me by surprise. 3 Ashamed, to Thy commands I turn, For I have broken them ; And in Thy holy Scriptures learn The laws that sin condemn. 4 With pity to my prayer attend, My humble voice regard ; And Thine own Holy Spirit send, To melt a heart so hard. 5 I feel there is no strength in me To love my God alone ; But, Lord. I come and look to Thee .To break this heart of stone. Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, etc. Matthew xi. 28. 8 5.8 3. 295 Art thou sore distressed :> ■' Come to Me,' saith One, ' and coming Be at rest ! ' 2 Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my guide ? In His feet and hands are wound-prints, And His side. 3 Hath He diadem as monarch That His brow adorns ? Yea, a crown, in very surety, But of thorns ! 4 If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here ? Many a sorrow, many a labour, Many a tear. 296 5 If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last f Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past. C If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay ? Not till earth, and not till heaven Pass away. Ye ivi'd not come to He, that ye might have life. John v. -10. 9 10.9 G. 9 9 9.G. 1 riOME to the Saviour, make no delay; U Here in His word He has shown us the Here in our midst He stande th to-day ,i way; Tenderly saying, * Come ! ' Joyful, joyful will the meeting be, When from sin our hearts are pure and free, And we shall gather. Saviour, with Thee, In our eternal home. 2 ' Suffer the children ! O, hear His voice ! Let every heart leap forth and rejoice ! And let us freely make Him our choice ! Do not delay, but come. Joyful, joyful w'ill the meeting be, etc. 3 Think once again, He's with us today ; Heed now His blessed command, and obey ; Hear now His accents tenderly say, ' Will you, My children, come ? ' Joyful, joyful will the meeting be, etc. Our Father which art in heaven. Matthew vi. 9. CM. 1 fT!0 God, who reigns above the sky, X Our Father and our Friend, To Him let all our vows be paid, And all our prayers ascend. 2 'Tis He who claims our youthful hearts, He loves to hear us pray : By night we'll think upon His love, And praise Him eveiy day. 3 When we offend against our God, We'll ask His pardoning love ; 'Twas for our sins the Saviour died, And pleads for us above. 4 With all the love a father feels, He pities and forgives ; And though our earthly parents die, Our heavenly Father lives. The darkness and the light are both alike to Thee. Psalm exxxix. 12. CM. 1 A LMIGHTY God, Thy piercing eye J\. Strikes through the shades of night, And our most secret actions lie All open to Thy sight. 2 There s not a sin that we commit, Nor wicked word we say, But in Thy dreadful book tis writ, Against the Judgment day. 3 And must the crimes that I have done Be read and published there, Be all exposed before the sun. While men and angels hear ? 297 298 4 Lord, at Thy foot ashamed I lie, Upward I dare not look ; Pardon my sins before I die, And blot them from Thy book. 5 Remember all the dying pains That my Redeemer felt; And let His blood wash ont my stains, And answer for my guilt. C may I now for ever fear To indulge a sinful thought; Since the great God can sec and hear, And writes down every fault. Able also to save them to the O f\ r\ uttermost. Z.yJ<3 Hebrews vii. 25. 8 7.8 7.4 7 2 pOME, ye sinners, poor and wretched, \J "Weak and wounded, sick and sore : Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity joined with power; He is able, He is willing; doubt-no more. 2 Come, ye needy, come, and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief, and true repentance. Every grace that brings us nigh, Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requircth la to feel your need of Him : This He gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit s rising beam. 4 Come, yc weary, heavy laden, Bruised and raangh d by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You will never c<>me at all: Not the righteous, Sinners Jesus came to call. Z> Lo! the incarnate God ascended, • Pleads the merit of His blood : Venture on Him, venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude ; None hut J- sus Can do helpless sinners good. Seeing He ever Uveth to make intercession Qr\iT\ for them. O VJ U Hebrews vii. 95. G CO G.8 8. 1 A RISE, my soul, arise, ^A Shake off thy guilty fears; Tin hit i ding Sacrifice 1 In my behalf apjx Before the throne my Surety stands; My name is written on His hands. above, ne to lnterc< de, d« erhing love, Hi- precious blo< i With the shadow of u : . THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 3 Thou, Christ, art all I want, More than all in Thee I find! Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the sick, and lead the blind; Just and holy is Thy name, I am all unrighteousness ; False and full of sin I am, . Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to toxev all my sin. Let the healing streams abound : Make and keep me pure within: Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee, Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. 303 Once, uhen He offered up Himself. Hebrews vii. 27. 6 5.G5. He is kind to me ; Once He died to save me, Nailed upon the tree. 2 If I go to Jesus,- He will hear mc pray, Make me good and holy. Take my sins away. 8 Let me think of Jesus.: He is full of love, Looking down upon me From His throne above. 4 It I trust in Jesus, If I do His will, Then I shall he happy, Safe, from every ill. 5 O how Rood is Jesus ! May He hold my hand, And at last receive me To a better land. 304 Thou Lamb of Calvary: Saviour divine I Now hoar me while I pray, Take all my guilt away ; O, let mc from this clay Re wholly Thine. " 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire: As Thou hast died for me, O, may my love to Thee Pure. "warm, and changeless be, A living fire. B When life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide. Bid darkm ss turn to day, Wjpe sorrow's tears away, Nor let mc ever stray From Thee aside". 4 When ends life's transient dream, When death s cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll; Rlest Saviour! then in love, Fear and distrust remove, O, bear me safe above, A ransomed soul. Having made peace through the blood of Q r\ C His cross. 0\JO Colossians i. 20. CM. 1 A JESUS, to Thy cross we fly, \J For shelter from distress ; Through Thee for pardon we apply, For peace and holiness. 2 Thou art the true, eternal Rock, On winch our faith is built : Thou art the Shepherd of the flock, Whose blood for us was spilt. 3 From Thee the streams of blessing flow ; Ry Thee the grace is given : Thy blood can wash us white as snow, And make us meet for heaven. 4 Thou hast atoned for all our race, Thy sacrifice we plead; Since Thou, before Thy Father's face, For us dost intercede. 5 Lamb of God, for sinners slain ! Look from Thy lofty throne ; Wash Thou away our guilty stain, And claim us for Thine own. Shew us Thy mercy, Lord, and grant tis C^r\d ' Tim' salvation. QUO Psalm lxxxv. 7- 8 7.8 7.4 7. 1 QHOWERS of blessings fall on many, U May not we receive them too ? Lord, we need as much as any, And may love as others do ; May Thy Spirit Fall on us like' morning dew. 2 Though we arc but life beginning, We have hearts with sin defiled, Yet we may, like others sinning, Like them, too, be reconciled ; God of mercy, Save and bless each little child. 3 Save us through our Saviour's merit, Making us on Him depend ; Save us by Thy Holy Spirit, And preserve us to the end; Trusting, loving Thee, our best and truest Friend. A ir.an shall be at an hiding-place, . . , Q f\-J covert, . . . the shadow of a >/n £j\J I rock.— Isaiahxxxli.2. IbJJGJJt 1 mO the haven of Thy breast, JL O Son of man, 1 fly ! Be my refuge and my rest, For () the storm is high I Save me from the furious blast; A covert from the tempest be ! Hide me. Jesus, till o 'i-rpast The storm of sin I see. 2 Welcome as the water-spring To a dry, barren place, O descend on me, and bring Thy sweet refreshing grace ; O'er a parched and wean- land r< at rock extends its'shade, Hide me, Saviour, with Thine hand, And screen my naked bead. 308 For by grace are ye saved through ~ faith.— Ephesia 1 YTEEPIXG will not save me ! M Though my face were bathed in That could not allay my fears, Itears, Could not wash the sin of years ; Weeping will not save me. wept and lied for me ; -uffered on th< :nake me free ; He alo:. 2 Working will not save-me : iat I can do, Holiest thoughts and feelings too, Cannot form m Working will not save me. Jesus wept, etc. 3 Waiting will not save me : - is mercy's cry, If I wait I can but "die ; " Waiting will not save me. Jesus wept, etc. 4 Faith in Christ xrill save me : Let me b Tr;;-t the work that He has dune, To His arms help me to run ; faith in Christ icill save me. Jeans 310 John xii. 2L 109.109. '■: also to save them . . . Vuit Hebrc ;.:.6 5.Go. 309 ■•ill make me glad ; He • When my heai I If I come t Hapjiy I shi tiling Littl- me to Jesus, ill hear my pn dearly, 3 If I come t«j J He will take my hand, lit will kindly I To a better land. If I eon with happy children •• d in mi .w j v . .-ht. If I cunit to J< 1 T EAB me to Jesus, lead me I -Li Teach me to love Him, tea pray : He is ray Saviour. I would believe Him, I would be like Him, show me the way. 2 Lead me to Jesus, He will protect me, He is so loving, gentle, and mild ; Calling the children, bidding them wel- Surdy He calls me— I am a child. ;comc; am coming! Jesus, my Saviour, Pity my weak:. 1 by child : I would receive Thee, trust, and belie-, e Thee. I would be like Thee, gentle and mild, i Tlwu slialt guide me iclth Thy counsel, 3 "1 "1 flMd afterward receive i J I I glory:— Psalm lxxiii. 2L D.S.il. 1 TESUS. we come to Thee, •J That we mav be £ - . O ! let us all Thy children be, And make us fit for heaven. O ! be our Guide, we pray, While thru.- . ream. And lead us so that every day May find us nearer ilome. 2 Though we are taught the road, We cannot go alone ; us, O our Gcd, We ne'er shall reach Thy throne. O ! be our Guide, v 3 Give us from Thy rich Of wisdom from ai That we may love and serve Thee more, And better learn Thj O ! be our Guide, we pray 4 Then shall we walk ■ While k tan tempts hav< And make thi A little pilgrim-hand, While through tins world we roam, O ! guide us with Thy loving hand, Till Thou shal: I . . Pi shall i Bamnel x\ii. l 312' ' L>ra . bee ; Thou hast paid my r. . - name ; my Ark of satiety, Let B 2 O in Grant i 1 will trust Thy holy Thou : THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. S O my Saviour, love me ! Make me all Thine own : Leave me not to wander In this world alone : Bless my way with light divine, Let Thy glory round me shine ; Thou", my Rock, my Refuge, Make me all Thine own. 4 my Savionr, guard me ! Keep me evermore ; Bless me, love me, guide me, Till my work is o'er : May I then, with glad surprise, Chant Thy praise beyond the skies J There with Thee, my Saviour, Dwell for evermore. 313 r am Tliine, save me. Psalm cxix. 94. 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 1 . I would yield that heart to Thee ; All my powers to Thee surrender, Tliine, and only Thine, to he. Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me ; Let my youthful heart he Thine ; Thy devoted servant make me ; Fill my soul with love divine. 2 Send me, Lord, where Thou wilt send me Only do Thou guide my way ; May Thy grace through life attend me,. Gladly then shall I obe}'. Let me do Thy will, or hear it, I would know no will hut Thine ; Shouldst Thou take ray life, or spare it, I that life to Thee resign. 3 May this solemn consecration Never once forgotten he ; Let it know no revocation, Registered, confirmed by Thee. Thine I am, O Lord, for ever To Thy service set apart : Suffer me to leave Thee, never ; Stamp Thine image on my heart. He shall save His people from their 01 A sins— Matthew i. 21. I *f 8C.8 5.5 5.85. 1 rTIHIS is the glorious Gospel word JL Our God His heavens doth how, And cry to each believing heart, Jesus saves thee now ! Jesus saves thee now ! Jesus saves thee now ! Yc 8, Jesus saves thee all the time, Jesus saves thee now ! 2 God speaks, who cannot lie ; why then One doubt should I allow ? I douht Him not, hut take His word, Jesus saves me now ! Jesus saves, etc. 3 I trust not self, 'twould throw me back Into desponds deep slough ; From self I look to Christ, and find ,'ous saves me now ! Jesus saves, etc. 4 Whate'er my future may require, His.grace will sure allow ; I live a moment at a time, Jesus saves me now! Jesus saves,. etc. 5 Why douht Him ? He who died now lives, The crown is on His brow ; The Son of man hath power on earth, Jesus saves me now! Jesus saves, etc, The blood 'of Jesus Christ His Son Q1 C clean seth us from all sin. O I kJ 1 John i. 7. S.M. with ciiobtts, 1 T HEAR Thy welcome voice 1 That calls me, Lord, to Thee, For cleansing in Thy precious hlood That flowed on Calvary. [Theo I I am coming, Lord! Coming now tc> Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood That flowed on Calvary. 2 Though coming weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure ; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse, Till spotless all and pure. I am coming, Lord ! etc. 3 'Tis Jesus calls me on To perfect faith and love, To perfect hope and peace and frust; For earth and heaven above. I am coming, Lord ! etc. 4 'Tis Jesus who confirms The blessed work within. By adding grace to welcomed grace. Where reigned the power of shu I am coming, Lord ! etc. 6 And He the witness gives To loyal hearts and free, That every promise is fulfilled, If faith but bring the plea. I am coming, Lord ! etc. O 1 d. My blood, which is shed for yon. I D Luke xxii. 20. B8&6. 1 TUST as I am, without one plea, V But that Thy hlood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee. O Lamb of God, I come ! 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot. Lamb of God, I come ! Just as I am, though tossed about With many a coniiict. many a doubt, Fighting and fears, within, without,. O Lamb of God, I come ! 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind ; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come ! 5 Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve I Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come ! 6 Just as I am (Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down) Now to be Thine, yea. Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come ! 7 Just as I am, of that free love The breadth, length, depth, and height to Here for a season, then above, [prove v O Lamb of God, I come ! Q-j 7 Buffer the Utile children to come Q I / unto Me.— Mark x. : I 1 rr HOU who art so high and holy, X Dwelling in eternity, Once an infant meek and-fowly, Suffer us to come to Thee. 2 Saviour, who in accents tender Saidst, ' Let children ccme to Me.' We our hearts would now .surrender; Suffer us to come to Thee. 3 In the hour of dark temptation, "When we can no succour see. Be our strength and our salvation, Suffer us to come to Thee. 4 When our spirit^, worn and weary, Toil on life's tumultuous sea. _;. and dreary, Suffer us to come to Thee. 5 When we pass thronch death's cold river Let Thy love our solace be ; From all fear onr souls deliver, Suffer us to come ;o Thee. The Lorp hath laid on Him the iniquity O "1 Q °f us flW.— Isaiah liii. 6. OlO ' 7G.7G.76.76. 1 T LAY my sins or, J JL The spotless Lamb of God ; He bears them all, and frees us From the accurst d load: I bring my guilt to - T To wash my crimson stains White in His' blood most precious, Till not a spot remains ! 2 I lay my wants on Jesos, All fnl Him ; He heals all my diseases, He doth my soul redeem : my griefs on 3 My burdens and my cares ; He from them all reb si He all my sorrows shares. 3 I rest my soul on J . ary soul of mine ; it hand me embraces, sst recline : I love the name of .1 Immanuel, Christ, the Lord; Like fragrance on the ! i:ne abroad is poured. 4 I long to be like J< 1< ring, lowly, mild; 1 1< ng to b<- lik- holy Child! | to be with J i I the heavenly throng. To learn the angels - \ed . . . for sin mid for Q 1 O O I \3 iii. 1. CM. mtain filled with blood JL 1». Death that flood, I •2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though "vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply. nine love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sins Thy power to save : When this poor lisping, stammering tongtte- Lies silent in the grave. I count all tilings but loss . . . that I may q f) r\ uin Christ. O Z\J Philippians iii. B. 7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7. 1 T AM coming to the cross ; J. I am poor and weak and blind ; I am counting all but I shall fidl salvation find. I am trusting, Lord, in Thee, d Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at Thy cross I bow ; Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee, Long has evil reigned within ' r sweetly speak to me, 'I will cleanse thee from all sin.' I am trusting, Lord, in Thee, ete^ 3 Here I give my all to Thee. Friends and time and earthly store,. Soul and body, Thine to be, Wholly Thine i^x evermore. I am trusting, Lord, hi Thee, etc. QH1 Save me, and I shall be saved. OZ I Jeremiah xvii. 15. CM. 1 TESUS, before Thy feet I fall. v Since Thou dost bid rrr? pray ; To Thee, in guilt and fear, I call, Save me this very day. 2 To Thee my humble prayer I lift, - f r( e : Salvation is Thy son reign gift, O ! give it then to me ! 3 All who love Thee Thy kindness prove,. All who believe Thee live : And I can both believe and love, If Thou Thy Spiiit give. 4 With gladness may I do Thy will ; May praise nay tongne < mploy i And may Thy Holy Spirit fill My hi a id joy. I wish t>> love Thee all my days, I wish to love Thee now. 322 Come m I >-rs.) C -l 1 ' pOMF. onto Me : The Saviour speaks \J II cbi: -ice, And : THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. {Children.) 2 We hear the voice of truth and love When Jesus bids us come ; And in His tender heart would find Our everlasting home. (Teachers.) 3 ' Come unto Me ! ' Again Christ calls ; hear His gentle voice ; O children, give your hearts to Him, And make His love your choice. (Children.) 4 We hear the voice of truth and love When Jesus bids us come ; And in His tender heart would find Our everlasting home. (Teachers.) 5 ' Come unto Me ! ' Dear children, hear The loving, gentle call ; For Him who gave His life for you Will you not give up all ? (Children.) 6 We hear the voice of truth and love When Jesus bids us come ; And in His tender heart would find Our everlasting home. CONFIDENCE AND JOY. QOQ Ye are not your own. OZ.O 1 Cor. vi. 19. 6 5.G 5.0 5.C 5 1 T BELONG to Jesus J 1 'Twas a happy day When His blood most precious Washed my sins away ; When His Holy Spirit Changed my heart of stone, Set His mark upon me, Sealed me for His own. 2 I belong to Jesus ; So I'll try to spend All my life in pleasing My almighty Friend. Since He is so holy, I must watch and pray, That I may grow like Him More and more each day. 8 I belong to Jesus ; Therefore I can sing, For I'm safe and happy Underneath His wing ; But so many round me Are all dark and cold, I must try to bring them Into Jean's fold. 4 I belong to Jesus ; Soon He will be here ; If I love and trust Him, What have I to fear ? Round about Him gathered 324 Will remember me. I have set the Lord alicaya before me.— Psalm xvi. 8. 7 7.bh.7 7 1 T AM Jesu's little friend; 1 On His mercy I depend ; If I try to please Him ev er, If I grieve His Spirit never, how very good to me Will my Saviour always be ! 2 Very young and weak am I, Yet He guides me with His eye ; In a pleasant path He leads me, With a gentle hand He feeds me, Chides me when I'm doing wrong, Listens to my happy song. 3 He is with me all the day, With me in my busy play ; O'er my waking and my sleeping Jesus still a watch is keeping ; 1 can lay me down and rest, Sweetly pillowed on His breast. 4 I am Jesu's little friend ; On His mercy I depend ; Jesus will forsake me never ; He will keep me safe for ever ; How I wish my heart could be, Loving Saviour, more like Thee ! Fear not, for I am icith thee. Genesis xxvi. 24. 8 3.8 3.8 88 3. 325 1 T HEAR a sweet voice ringing clear, 1 All is well! It is my Father's voice I hear ; All is well ! Where'er I walk that voice is heard : It is my God, my Father's word, ' Fear not, but trust : I am the Lord : ' All is well ! 2 Clouds cannot long obscure my sight ; All is well ! I know there is a land of light ; All is well ! From strength to strength, from day to day, I tread along the world's highway ; Or often stop to sing or say, All is well ! 3 In morning hours, serene and bright, All is well ! In evening hours or darkening night All is well ! And when to Jordan's side I come, 'Midst chilling waves and raging foam, O I let me sing as I go home, All is well ! QOC Come unto Me: . . . I will aire OZD you rest.— -Matt. xi. 28. D'.c.M. 1 T HEARD the voice of Jesus say, X ' Come unto Me, and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast : ' I came to Jesus as I was, Weary and worn and sad ; I found in Him a resting-place. And He has made me glad. 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, 'Behold I freely give The living water ; thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live : ' I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream ; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived And now I live in Him. CONFIDENCE AND JOY. 3 I heard the voice cf Jesus say, ' I am this dark world's Light ; Look unto Me. thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright : ' I looked to Jesus, and I found In Him mv Star, my Sun '. And in that Light of life 111 walk Till travelling days are done. 327 My foot hath held His steps. His icay — iuive I kept— Job xxiii. 11. 76.80^6.76.104. 1 T ENOW not what awaits me, X God kindly veils my eyes, And o'er each step of my onward way He makes new scenes to rise ; And every joy He sends me comes A -.weet and glad surprise. "Where He may lead I'll follow, ify trust in Him repose ; And every hour in perfect peace I'll sing, He* knows, He knows. 2 One step I see l>efore me, "lis all I need to see, The light of heaven more brightly shines When earth's illusions flee ; And sweetly through the silence comes, His loving, ' Follow Me ! Where, etc. 3 O, blissful lack of wisdom ! 'lis blessed not to know; He holds me with His own right hand, And will not let me go, And lulls my troubled soul to rest In Him who loves me so. Where, etc. 4 So on I go, not knowing ; I would not if I might ; Id rather walk in the dark with God Than go alone In the light, I'd rather walk by faith with Him Than go alone by sight. Where, etc. 4 I was a wandering sheep, I would not be controlled : Eut now I love my Shepherd s voice, I love, I love the fold. I was a wayward child, I once preferred to roam ; But now I love my Father's voice, I love, I love His home. The veni hairs of your head are all numbered.— Matt. x. 30. L.M. 329 1 "A [ Y Father, who in heaven reigns, jSL Though King of c.ll the angels, deigns To watch o'er me by day and night, And ever keep my footsteps right. 2 The sparrow on the roof He feeds, And gives the raven all it needs ; He early calls the birds to raise, In sweetest notes, their songs of praise. 3 My name stood written on His hand, Long ere I learned to understand ; And I to Jesus, am so dear, And He is God ! what need I fear ? 1 When from my head doth fall a hair, He knows it, knows my every care ; From Him I nothing may conce T al, My very thoughts He can reveal. " My Father God, how good Thou art J Let me in evil ne'er take part, Make me as angels are above, And lead me to the realms of love. 328 T was blind, noic I see. John ix. 25. D.S.M. 1 T WAS a wandering sheep, JL I did not love the fold, I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controlled. wayward child, 1 did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice, I afar to roam. I The Shepherd sought His .- child; He followed me o i r vakvand hill, 0"er di i wild ; md ni<- nigh to death, Famished and faint and Lone : He bound me with the bands of love, i d the wandering oik-. is my Shepherd is ; if. that loved my soul; 1 that washed me In His blood ; [( that made me whole ; Twss He that sought the lost, That found the wandering >h« i p, 'Twa> He that brought me to the fold ; a that still doth keep. 330 The Lor.n is wi Shephenl. Psalm xxiii. 1. G5.G5.G5.65. 1 "T ESUS is our Shepherd, ') Wiping every U ar ; What have we to fear? Onlv let us follow Whither He doth lead, To the thirsty desert Or the dewy mead. - lur Shepherd : W< U we know His voice ; gentle whisper Makes our heart n j whi n !!•• chideth, Tench t la His tone : rat He shall guide us, We are His alone. oar Shepherd ; For the sli. ep He bl< .1; Every lamb is sprinkled With the blood He shed. Then on i ach He m tteth Hi-, own secret sign, 'They that have My Spirit, Tie N ,' salth H. ,' an inr Shepherd; 1 by Hu arm, the wolves may raven. in do u> harm ; When we tread d< ati. Dark with fearful gloom, We will f^-ar no e\il. Victors o'tr the tomb. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 331 1 TN Let us, run with patience the race that is set before us.—Heb. xii. 1. 10 the march of life, through the toil and strife Of the winding path before us, We have nought to fear with a Saviour near, And His banner waving o'er us. If the tempest rise in the darkening skies, We will yield to no repining ; Though the storm roar loud, through the rifted cloud There's a golden sunbeam shining. 2 In the Christian race, if we take our place, We may run and weary never ; Daily pressing on till the goal be won, Unto Jesus looking ever. Casting all our care on the Lord by prayer, He will keep our feet from falling ; We'll the crown obtain, nor have run in vain For the prize of God's high calling. Unto God my exceeding joy. Psalm xliii. 4. CM. 332 The life of my delight: , The glory of my brightest days, ** And comfort of my nights ! 2 In darkest shades, if Thou appear, My dawning is begun : Thou art my soul's bright morning star, • • And ThOu my rising sun. •3 The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, If Jesus shows His mercy mine, And whispers I am His. 'i My soul would leave this heavy clay At that transporting word ; Run up with joy the shining way, To see and praise my Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe, The wings of love and arms of faith Would bear me conqueror through. Unto you therefore which believe He - is precious.— 1 Peter ii. 7. 333 9 9.9 9.9 9. 1 TESTS, I love Thee ! Thou art to me t) Dearer than ever mortal can be ; Jesus, I trust Thee, Saviour divine; Sinning I sorrow, mercy is Thine ! Graciously pardoned, safe on Thy breast, There be my refuge, there let me rest ! -2 Full of compassion, plenteous in grace, Give me Thy blessing, show me Tliy face ; Give me Thy Spirit, rid me of sin, Make my life godly, cleanse me within : Blessed Redeemer, precious to me, Draw me still closer, closer to Thee ! 3 Jesus, I trust Thee ! reign in my heart ; Thence let Thv Spirit never depart. Jesus, I love Thee ! Thou wilt be mine, Living or dying, I would be Thine : Tenderly folded safe on Thy breast, There be my refuge, there be my rest ! Let the children of Zion be joy fid in their King.' Psalm cxlix. 2. CM. 334 Vith pitying love on me ; And bless my hours of lonely toil, And raise my heart to Thee. 2 Then, happy in my lowly state, I never can repine ; I envy not the rich or great, If Thou confess me Thine. 3 Let others mourn their humble lot, But I will work and sing ; For, though the world regard me not, My Father is a King. 4 From His bright palace in the skies He sees me where I roam ; And soon He'll call me to arise, And bid me welcome home. Yea^happy is that people, uhose God is the Lord. Psalm cxliv. 15. L.M. 335 1 A HAPPY day that fixed my choice U On Thee, my Saviour and my Gcd ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. 2 happy bond that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love ! Let cheerful anthems fill His house, While to that sacred shrine I move. 3 'Tis done, the great transaction's done, I am my Lord's, and He is mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart ; Fixed on this blissful centre, rest : Nor ever from Thy Lord depart, AVith Him of every good possest. 5 High heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. lam the Light of the world. John \-iii. 12. 1,0 4.10 4.1010. 336 1 T EAD, kindly Light ! amid the encircling Jj Lead Thou me on ; [gloom, The night is dark, and I am far from home: Lead Thou mc on. Keep Thou my feet ; I do not ask to see The distant scene, one step enough for me. 2 I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on. I loved to choose and sec my path ; but now Lead Thou me on. I loved the garish d:iy, and, spite of fears. Pride ruled my will: remember not past yc a is. 3 So long Thy power hath blessed me, sure Will lead me on lit still O'er moor and ten, o'er crag and torrent. The night is ■ til' And witli the morn those angel faces smile Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile. CONFIDENCE AND JOY. 337 He callcth His oicn sheep by name, and ■'a tfeem out. a >:. 3. CM. 1 QEE ! the kind Shepherd, Jesus, stands, O And calls His sheep by name ; Gathers the feeble In His arms, And feeds the tender lambs. 2 He'll lead us to the heavenly Whei - flow, fruitful fields Where trees of knowledge grow. 5 If, wandering from the fold, we leave trait and narrow way, Our faithful Shepherd still is near, To guide us wfc : flock Shall be its Shepherd s care ; folded in our Saviour's arm3 "We're safe from every snare. 338 in hope. Romans xii. 12. 6 5.G 5.6 5.6 5. 1 AN our way rejoicing we homeward move, . .ur way r - afety, Can onr hope destroy ? On our, etc. Father ing; .-a vi our Th&nkful hoaits we bring; - I adore, On onr way r Ever, evermore. On our, etc. ,39 *, and lam His. Canticles ii. 16. 6^ NOW I have found a Friend, i ■ mine ; His love -1 is mine, crease, -hips cea ace, ii mine. . 1 old, - Jesus is mine. He shall my wants supply, His precious blood i- . : can my hoped* Jesus is mine. 3 Wher. 1 me, i ^ mine ; Welcome eternity, is mine. He my redemption is, :.i and nghteooj light, and boh' :- mine. i When earth shall pass away, . - mine ; In the great judgment day - mine; O what a glorious thing :o behold my 8 . tuneful harp" : 5 Father, Thy name I bless, . - mine ; Thine v- ...grace, Praise shall be Thine. Spirit of barb ther's grace, By Thee I still em; Je=us as mine. lam Thine, sate me. Psalm csix. 91. 1 nTHINE for ever ! God of love, X Hear iu f r jia Thy throne above ; Thine for ever may we be, Here and in e: ! Lord of life, ngh our earth: Thou: Guide us to the realms of day. 3 Thine for ever ! O, ho- v. ho find in Thee thei: I Saviour, Guardian, heavenly Friend, O defend us to the end. i Thine I i r, keep ;. frail and trembling sheep; Safe alone T>eneath Thy care, Let us all Thy goodness Ehare. onr Guide, - All oui heaven. Let us uulk in Oie ligiu of the Lord. Isaiah ii. 5. 340 341 Children of lieht beaming so bright can tiie i 5US our I':. What I I b ar ? ppy are THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 Never repine in sorrow ; Think of the care others may bear; Tell them a golden morrow, Smiling, their path will cheer; Comfort the sad and lonely ; Walk in the light beaming so bright ; Trusting in Jesus only, He will be always near. Yes, happy arc we, etc. O A O They are more than can he O'tZ numbered— Psalm xl. 5. CM. 1 WHEN all Thy mercies, O my God, \ V My rising sonl surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 To all my weak complaints and cries Thy mercy lent an car, Ere yet my 'feeble thoughts had learned To* -form themselves in prayer. 3 Unnumbered comforts on my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. 4 Through every period of my life, Thy goodness I'll pursue ; And after death, in distant worlds, The pleasing theme renew. 5 Through all eternity, to Thee A grateful song I'll raise : But O eternity's too short To utter alfThy praise ! Underneath are the everlasting arms. A O Deuteronomy xxxiii. 27. O^fO 7G.7G.76.7 6. 1 QAFE in the arms of Jesus, O Safe on His gentle breast, There, by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. Hark'! 'tis the voice of angels, Borne in a song to me, Over the fields of glory, Over the jasper sea. Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There, by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world's temptations, Sin cannot harm me there. Free from the blight of sorrow. Free from my doubts and fears ; Only a few moire trials, Only a few more tears ! Safe in, etc. 3 Jesus, my heart's dear refuge, Jesiu lias died for mc ; Firm on the Hock of ages Ever my trust shall be. Hore let me wait with patience, Wait till the night is o'er; Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore. Safe in, etc. I Kill follow Thee whithersoever Thou aocst. O A A Matthew viii. 19. O^fn- 1 mHE world looks very beautiful, JL And full of joy to me ; The sun shines out in glory On everything I see ; I know I shall be happy While in the world I stay, For I will follow Jesus All the way. 2 I'm but a youthful pilgrim ; My Journey's just begun : They say I shall meet sorrow Before my journey's done. The world is full of trouble, And trials too, they say ; But I will follow Jesus All the way. 3 Then like a youthful pilgrim, Whatever! may meet, I'll take it— joy or sorrow— Aud lay it at His feet. He 11 comfort me in trouble, He'll wipe my tears away : With joy I'll follow Jesus All the way. 4 Then trials shall not vex me, And pain I need not fear, For when I'm close to Jesus, Grief will not come too near. Not oven death can harm me, When death I meet one day ; To heaven I'll follow Jesus All the way. And thou sJtalt call His name Jesus.— Matthew i, 21, CM. 1 TTOYV sweet the name of Jesus sounds XI In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Dear name ! the Bock on which I build. My shield, and hiding-place, My never-failing treasury, filled With boundless stores of grace ! 4 Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King; My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, pt the praise I bring. 5 Weak is the effort of my hear;. And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see Thee as Thou art 1 11 praise Thee as I ought. G Till then I would Thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath : And mav the music of Th\ name Refresh my soul in death ! I press toward the mark for the prize of O A d the hitjh calling.— ■Phil. iii. 1-1. O^+D 6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 6.6 «. 1 T^ORWARD! be our watchword ; 1 Steps and voices joined ; 345 CONFIDENCE AND JOY. Seek the thine* hefore us, Not a look behind; Burns the fiery pillar At our army s head ; Who shall dream of shrinking, By our Captain led ? Forward, through the desert, Through the toil and fight ; Canaan lies before us, Sion beams with light. 2 Forward, flock of - T Salt of all the earth, Till each yearning purpose Spring to glorious birth ; Sick, they a*k for healing. Blind, they grope for day, Pour upon the nations Wisdom's loving ray : Forward, out of error, Leave behind the night : Forward, through the darkness, Forward into light SECOND PAST. 3 Glories upon g Hath our God prepared, By the souls that love Him One day to be shared : Eye hath" not beheld them, "Ear hath never heard ; Not of these hath ottered Thought or speech a word. Forward, ever forward. Clad in armour bright, Till the veil be lifted, Till our faith I i Far o'er yon horizon Bi^e the ck;. I Where our G*d abid< tb, That fair home i> our.-: Fla.-h the gates with j Shine the streets with gold; Ldening river, Shedding Joys untold. Thither, onward thither, In the Spirit's might : Pilgrims t<> your country, Rid into light ! 347 1 "1 ESTT, the v< ry thought of Thee ') With sweetni s& fills mj I i But sw. eter far Tlr And in Thy | I ■ can -in_'. nor h< art can frame • in the memory And :tl than Tliy bl< Saviour of mankind ! 3 1: : trite heart, I all the nit • k, fall how kind Tl find? All! . i-« n can show ; us, what it is it His ln\(.il on< ■ know. thii 5 Jesu, our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize wilt be ; Jesu, be Thou our glory now, And through eternity. 348 J people near unto Him. P^alm cxiviii. 14. u 4.6 4.C 6 4. E'en though it be a a That ; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my G< d, to The- ! Nearer to Thee ! 2 Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, }Iy i Ytt In my dn anis I'd 1 e Nearer, my 1 1 Nearer to Th 3 There let the way appear Steps unto 1. All that Thou send st to me Iii mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to 3 Nearer to Thee ! £ Then, with my waking thor.ghts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel 111 ra So by | Nearer, "my God, to Thee! ret to Thee ! 5 Or if on joj tul wing Cleaving tb- -ky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my <> 1 to Thee '. Nearer to Thee! For my si ratii th is made \ ess. 2 Corinthians xii. 9. 7:'7C.70.7G. 349 1 T COULD not do without Thee, 1 O Saviour of tin . .• d me Thj . 1 Io< d must l»e 3I\ nh I peai d I cam I have no strength or goodness, No • I . ; But Thou, b« 1- ;\ ( d Saviour, Ait all in all : "ill 1 e power If 1- aning hard i n B And l And THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. How could I do without Thee ? I do not know the way ; Thou knowest, and Thou lcadest, And wilt not let me stray. second iwivr. 4 I could not do without Thee, Jesus, Saviour dear ; E'en when my eyes are h olden, 1 know that Thou art near ; How dreary and how lonely This changeful life would be Without the sweet communion, The secret rest with Thee I 5 I could not do without Thee ; No other friend can read The spirit's strange, deep longings, Interpreting its need ; No human heart could enter Each dim recess of mine, And soothe, and hush, and calm it, O blessed Lord, but Thine. 6 I could not do without Thee, For years are fleeting fast, And soon in solemn loneliness The river must be passed ; But Thou wilt never leave me, And though the waves roll high, I know Thou wilt be near me, And whisper, ' It is I.' Be strong in the Lord, and in the power 3K r\ of H' s WM0/tf.-*Ephesians vi. 10. OU G5.G5.G5.G5. Going on before : Christ, the royal Master, Leads against the foe ; Forward, into battle, See His banners go I Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war; With the cross of Jesus Going on before. 2 At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee ; On then, Christian soldiers, On to victory ! Hell's foundations quiver At the shout of praise ; Brothers, lift your voices, Loud your anthems raise ! Onward, etc. Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod: Wc arc not divided, All one body wc, One in hope and doctrine, One in charity. Onward, etc. 4 Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain ; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that Church prevail; We have Christ's own promise, Which can never fail. Onward, etc. 5 Onward, then, ye people, Join our happy throng, Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song ; Glory, laud, and honour Unto Christ the King ; This through countless ages Saints and angels sing. Onward, etc. Hold fast till I come. llev. ii. 25. 8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5. 351 1 TJO. m y comrades! see the signal JjL Waving In the sky ! Reinforcements now appearing, Victory is nigh ! ' Hold tlie fort, for I am coming/ Jesus signals still; Wave the answer back to heaven, • By Thy grace we will.' 2 See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on : Mighty men around us falling-, Courage almost gene ! ' Hold,' etc*. 8 See the glorious banner waving ! Hear the trumpet blow ! In our Leader's name we'll triumph Over every foe ! ' Hold,' etc. 4 Fierce and long the battle rages, But our help is near : Onward comes our great Commander; Ckeer. my comrades, cheer ! 'Hold,' etc. 352 Strangers and pilgrims on the ea rth .—Hebrews xi. 18. 7 6.7 1 A HAPPY band of pilgrims, U If onward ye will tread. With Jesus as your Leader, To Jesus as your Head 1 2 happy, if ye labour As Jesus did for men :. O happy if ye hunger As Jesus hungered then !' 3 The faith by which ye sec Him, The hope'in which ye yearn, The love that through all troubles To Him alone will turn, 4 The trials that beset you, The sorrows ye endure, The manifold temptations That death alone can euro, 5 What are they but His jewels, Of right celestial worth ! What are they but the ladder Set up to heaven on earth ! G O happy band of pilgrims, Look upward to the Bkies, Where such a light affliction Shall win you such a prize. CONFIDENCE AND JOY. 354 Let the children of Zion le joyful in Q JT Q their King. O yJ O Psalm exlix. 2. 7 7.7 7. 1 pHILDREN of the heavenly King, Vj As we journey, sweetly sing : Sing our Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in His works and ways '. 2 We are travelling home to God In the way our fathers trcd ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. 3 Fear not, then, but joyful stand On the borders of our land ; Jesus Christ, our Father's Son, Bids us undismayed go on. 4 Lord, obediently we go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only Thou our leader be, And wc still will follow Thee. 5 Hymns of glory and of praise, Father, unto Thee we raise : Praise to Thee, O Christ our King - , And the Holy Ghost, we sing. It is a good thing to give thanlis iinio the Lord. Psalm xcii. 1. D.S.M. 1 /HOME, ye that love the Lord, \J And let your joys be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord While ye surround His throne : Let those refuse to sing "Who never knew our God ; Cut servants of the heavenly King May Bpeak their joys abroad. 2 The God that rules on high, That all the earth surveys, That rides upon the stormy sk)-. And calma the roaring seas ; This awful God is ours, Our Father and our love ; He will send down His heavenly powers, To carry us above. 3 There we shall see His face, And never, never sin ; There, from the rivers of His grace, Drink endless pleasures in ; Yea, and before we rise To that Immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bCss Should constant joys create. 4 The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; al fruit on eartldy ground i faith and hope may grow: Tin n let our songs abound, j tear be dry ; rnarcliing through Iinmanuel's To fairer worlds on high. Now they desire " better country, that is, QRK an heavenly. OOO h< '.I! rr.Y fleams our banner, I > Pointing to the sky. Waving wanderers onwarfl To tin a : Journeying o'er the desert Gladly thus wc pray, And with hearts united Take our heavenward way. Brightly gleams our banner, Pointing to the sky, Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. 2 Jesu, Lord and Master, At Thy sacred ft et, Here, with hearts rejoicing, See Thy children meet. Often have we leit Thee, Often gone astray ; Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the narrow way. Brightly, etc. SECOND TAKT. 3 Pattern of our childhood, Once Thyself a child. Make our childhood holy, Pure, and meek, and mild. In the hour of danger Whither can we fl< o But to Thee. O Saviour? Only unto Thee. Brightly, etc. 4 All our days direct us In the way we go; Lead us on victorious Over every foe ; Bid Thine angels shield us "When the storm clouds lour, Pardon, Lord, and save us In the last dread hour. Brightly, etc. Lo, T am with you oluay. Matthew xxviii. 20. CM. 356 1 TvEAB Jesus, ever at my side, U How loving must Thou be, To leave Thy home in heaven to guard A little child like me ! 2 Thy beautiful and shining face I sec not, thongli so near; The sweetness oi Thy soft, low voice,. I am too deaf to hear ; 3 I cannot feel Thee touch my hand, With pressure light and mild, To cheek me. as my mother did When I was but a child : 4 But I have felt Thee in my thought, Fighting with sin for And when my heart loves God, I know is from Thee. G And when, dear Saviour, T kneel down, Morning and night, to pray, r, Something there la within my heart Which tells me Thou art tf. hen T pray Thou prayest too, >rayer is all for me; But when r Kit But watchest patiently. C "7 HIj eon are "/"'" »'' M their 001 pran< l / l oh Urnlght? heareth ever vJ Win ;i His little children pray. !.t and wear] i. And lb' tumeth none THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 More than wc deserve He sends us, More than wc can ask bestows ; Every moment He befriends us, And supports us in our woes. 3 Let us then, in Him confiding, Tell Him all wc think and feel, Never one dark secret hiding, Seeking nothing to conceal. I Through His Son, our precious Saviour, God will pardon all our sin, Will forgive our past behaviour, Open heaven and take us in. 358 The JLord is my Shepherd ; I shall not want.— Psalm x\iii. 1. 1010.1111.1011 1 rpHOUGH troubles assail And dangers 1 affright, Though friends should all fail, And foes all unite, Yet one thing secures us Whatever betide. The Scripture assures us The Lord will provide. So happy am I ; yes, happy am I The Lord is my Shepherd, and He will provide. 2 The birds without barn Or storehouse are fed; From them let us learn To trust for ou bread ; His saints what is fitting Shall ne'er be denk d, So long as 'tis written, The Lord will pro So happy am I, etc. [vide 3 His call we obey Like Abram of old, [bold ; Not knowing our way. But faith makes us For though wc are strangers "We have a sure Guide, And trust in all dangers The Lord will pro- So happy am I, etc. [vide. 4 No strength of our own Or goodness we claim; Yet since we have known The Saviour's great name, In this our strong tower For safety we hide Almighty His power: The Lord will provide, So happy am I, etc. 4 God is in heaven ! Does He care, Or is He good to me ? Yes ; all I have to cat or wear, 'Tis God that gives it me. 5 God is in heaven ! May I pray To go there when I die ? Yes ; love Him, seek Him, and one day He'll call me to the sky. 360 CONDUCT. 359 IT A little prayer like mine ? Yes, that He can ; I need not fear : He'll listen unto mine. 2 God is in heaven ! Can He see When I am doing wrong ? Yes, that He can ; He looks at me , All day and all night long. 3 God is in heaven ! Would He know If I Bhould tell a lie ? Yea : though I said it very low, He'd hear it in the sky. And be ye hind one to another. Eph. iv. 82. 6 4.6 4.G GO 4.64. 1 T/IND words can never die, 1\. Cherished and blest, God knows how deep they lie, Stored in the breast : Like childhood's simple rhymes, Said o'er a thousand times, Ay, in all years and climes Distant and near. Kind words can never die, No, never die. 2 Sweet thoughts can never die, Though, like the flowers. Their brightest hues may fly In wintry hours. But when the gentle dew Gives them their charms anew, With many an added hue They bloom again. Sweet thoughts can never die, No, never die. 3 Onr souls can never die.. Though in the tomb We may all have to lie, Wrapped in its gloom. What though the flesh decay, Soids pass in peace away, Live through eternal day With Christ above. Our souls can never die, No, never die. The servant of Vie Lord must . . . be gentle Q £% 1 uuio a M vu ' H -~ 2 Timothy ii. 24. O I D.C.M. WITH CHORUS. 1 rjIHE sun may raise the grass to life, _L The dew the drooping flower ; And eyes grow bright, and watch the light Of autumn's opening hour ; But words that breathe of tenderness And smiles we know are true, Are warmer than the summer-time And brighter than the dew. Gentle words ! Loving smiles ! How beautiful are gentle words and loving smiles ! •1 It is not much the world can give, With all its subtle art ; And gold and gems are not the things To satisfy the heal t j But O ! if those who cluster round The altar and the hearth Have gentle words and loving smiles, How beautiful is earth ! Gentle words ! Loving smiles ! How beautiful are gentle words and loving smiles ! Lord, icho shall abide . . .1 He that QO O • • • speakeih the truth in his OOZ hca rr.— Psalm xv. 1, 2. L.M 1 TTAPPY the well-instructed youth, JlL Who. in his earliest infancy, Loves from his heart to speak the truth, And, like his God, abhors a lie. 2 He that hath practised no deceit With false, equivocating tongue ; Nor ever durst o'errcacfa or Or slanderously his neighbour wrong: 3 He in the house of God shall dwell, He on His holy hill shall rest, The comforts of religion feel, And then be numbered with the blest : 4 Br.t who or guile or falsehood use, Or take God's name in vain, or swear, Or ever lie. t use, They shall their dreadful sentence bear. : .1. the true and faithful Lord, Himself hath said that every liar Shall surely meet his just reward Assigned him in eternal fire. 363 THIS is My commandment, That ye love one ano'tli: r, That ye love one another, As I have loved words of Jesus we have heard today, by Thy Spirit, help us to obey : May Thy tore unite ib to the living Vine ! May our hearts, enlightened, glow with love divine ! -:rife and envy flee; Bv our love to others prove our love to Evermore as brethren in sweet union live: v ish forgiveness, may we each 3 Grant us Thy salvation, fill us with Thy love ; Give us each a foretaste of the joys above : Ever meek and lowly, ever kind and true, Ever pure and b 364 put aicay 7 7. 1 TEsrs. L id. we 1 • kto Thee; ') Meek and humble may we be ; and ang< r put away, tter day by day. 2 May we hate a lying ( leek anothi r a wrong ; ill paths of sin abstain, Paths that had to e ndlcss pain. 3 Teach us for our friends to pray, And our parents to oh' > ; • blessings from 'above them -for tin ir tender love. 4 May we find the times of pravcr Sweeter than our pastimes are ; Love the Sabbath and the place "Where we learn to seek Thy face. 5 Thou didst once our nature take, Born a child for sinners' sake ; May we, while we live below, In Thy holy likeness grow ! Honour th>i father and mother. Ephesians vi. 2. 8 7.8 7. 366 365 1 rpo thy father and thy mother JL Honour, love, anel reverence pay: This command, before all other, Must a Christian child obey. 2 Help me, Lord, In this sweet duty ; Guiele me in Thv steps divine ; Show me all the joy and beauty Of obedience such as Thine. 3 Teach me how to please and gladden Those who toil and care for me ; Many a grief their heart must sadden, Let me still their comfort be ! 4 Then when years are gathering o'erthem, "When they're sleeping in the grave, Sweet will seem the love I bore them, Right the reverence I gave. Learn of Me ; for lam mceli and lowly in heart. Matthew xi. 29. 7 7.7 7. 1 T AMB of God, I look to Thee, JJ Thou shalt my example be ; Thou art gentle, meek, and mild: Thou wast once a little child. 2 Fain I would be as Thou art, Give me Thy obedient heart ; Thou art pitiful and kind : Let me have Thy loving mind. 3 Let me above all fulfil my heavenly Father's will; I lis good Spirit grieve, Only to His glory live. 4 Lovi: Lamb, In Thy gracious hands I am : Make me. Saviour, what Thou art; Live Thyself within my heart. 5 I shall then show forth Thy praise, all my happv d D the world shall alwn\ Christ, the holy child, in inc. ifrh, Lord, before my mouth : rxc^T ! ' c< 'i' tl "' (l "" r '"'' m, j i'i' s - OU I Psalm cxli. ;'.. 7 7 7 7 7 7. 1 TTTOBD8 are things of lit:.. >> Quickly spoken, quick! We forg< t tli. in, but tin v stand .: hand, And a testimony bear For us. ur against us, there. •2 ( » how often oars ha • Idle words and words of sin : Words of anger, scorn, ox pride, u. our faults to hide ; Envious tales, or strife unkind. . Ing bitter thoughts behind I THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 3 Grant us, Lord, from day to day Strength to watch and grace to pray ; May our lips, from sin set free, Love to speak and sing of Thee ; Tiil in heaven we learn to raise Hymns of everlasting praise. Because thou 7iast been faithful in a very QOQ little, have thou authority. QUO Luke xix. 17. 6 5.6 5. 1 T ITTLE drops of water, JU Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the beauteous land. 2 And the little moments, Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity. 3 And our little errors Lead the soul away From the paths of virtue, Far in sin to stray. 4 Little deeds of mercy Sown by youthful hands Grow to bless the nations, Far in heathen lands. 5 Little deeds of kindness*, Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden, Like the heaven above. I will put My la^.cs into their mind, and Ofjn write them in their hearts. UOy Hebrews viii. 10. CM. 1 A THAT the Lord would guide my ways U To keep His statutes still ! O that my God would grant me grace To know and do His will ! 2 O send Thy Spirit down to write Thy law upon my heart ; Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act the liar's part. 3 Oidor my footsteps by Thy word, And make my heart sincere ; Let sin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my conscience clear. Q"7-j Even a child is knoicn by his ( I doings.— Proverbs xx. 11. L.M. 1 WE are but little children weak, ♦ > Nor horn in any high estate ; What can we do for Jesus sake, Who is so high and good and great ? 2 O, day by day, each Christian child Has much to do, without, within ; A death to die for Jesus sake. A weary war to wage with sin. 3 When deep within our swelling hearts The thoughts of pride and anger rise, When bitter woids are on our tongues, And tears of passion in our eyes ; 4 Then we may stay the angry blow, Then we may check the hasty word, ive gentle answers back again, And fight a battle for our Lord. 5 With smiles of peace and looks of love Light in our dwellings we may make, Bid kind pood humour brighten there, And still do all for Jesu s sake. 6 There's not a child so small and weak But lias his little cross to take, His little work of love and praise That he may do for Jesu s sake. Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, 07Q saying, This is the way. I jL Isaiah xxx. 21. CM. 1 mHERE is a still, small, holy voice, X The voice of God most high, That whispers always in our heart, And says that He is nigh. This voice will blame us when we're wrong And praise us when we're right ; We hear it in the light of day, And in the quiet night. S And even they whose ears are deaf To every other sound, When they have listened, in their hearts The still small voice have found. i And they have felt that God is good, And thanked Him for the voice That told them what was right and true, And made their hearts rejoice. 370 Tlicni shalt not steal. Exodus xx. 15. 1 Y\ T HY should I deprive my neighbour \ *■ Of his Roods against his will ? Hands were made for honest labour, Not to plunder or to steal. 2 'Tis ft foolish self deceiving By such tricks to hope for gain : All that's ever got by thieving Turns to sorrow, shame, and pain. 3 Theft will not be always hidden ! Though we fancy none can spy, When we take a thing forbidden, God beholds it with His eye. 4 Guard my heart, O God of heaven ! Lest I covet what's not mine ; Lest I steal what is not given, Guard my heart and hands from sin. 373 J In all thti ways acknowledge Him, and ~ lie shall direct thy paths. Proverbs iii. 6. L.M. 1 T ET children to their God draw near, J J With reverence and holy fear ; Let every knee before Him bend, Our Judge, our Saviour, and our Friend. 2 Lord, may Thy mercies, great and free, Fill us with gratitude to Thee ; And still as through the world we go, More of these mercies may we know. 3 Far from our hearts, O Lord, remove The evil thoughts that sinners love ; And «ivc us wisdom, day by day, To choose the strait and narrow way. 4 In times of sickness or of health, In times of poverty or wealth, And in our Inst and dying hour, Save us by Thine almighty power. 374 5 Then may we join the happy band. That in Thy heavenly temple stand ; And as Thy goodness we adore, Sing glory, glory, evermore. Let this mind bo in you. which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians ii. 5. 76.8 6. I WANT to be like Jesus, So lowly and so meek ; For no one marked an angry word That ever heard Him speak. 2 I want to be like Jesus, So frequently in prayer : Alone upon the mountain top, He met His Father there. 3 I want to bo like Jesus ; I never, never find That He, though persecuted, was To any one unkind. 4 I want to be like Jesus, ■ ' She hath done what the could.' 5 Alas! I'm not like Jesus, v one may see: O gentle Saviour, send Thy grace And make me like to Tl 375 But one thinq is needful. \. 42. 1 T ORD, grant us at Thy feet to sit, Jj Like Mary, day by day : And teach us t > choose Which none shall take away : 2 In quietness and lowliness v voice. To know that all Thy will is love, To have no selfish choice. 3 We cannot do great things f< r Thee ; Thou dost not such n , To walk in wisdom's holy •• Be this cur chief u- 4 The one thing needful is to have Our Bonis prepared for heaven : n little ones may crave, Such grace to 08 be given. Thau desirest truth in the inward Old parts. O I D Fwim li. 6. B.M 1 TJELP me. my God. to speak XI True words to Thee each day, I my heart be when I | And truthful when I pray. •voids are trui I Let mine to Thee U true. The words of my whole heart and soul, However low and few : for sin, 01 longing to Of groaning for d< liverance, And likeness, Lord, t 4 .True words of faith and hi Of godly joy and grief, i. I believe, O hear my cry, Help Thou mine unbelief." 377 And all thy children shall be taught of the Lokd. Isaiah liv. 13. 6 4.6 4.6 6 4. 1 T 31 but a little child, JL Foolish and frail. Yet with the Saviour mild My j)i avers avail : He deigns to hear me speak, And though my words be weak, They will prevail. 2 Thou benignant Lord, Loving and trtu ! "Write on my heart Thy word, Help i All Thou ordainest me. While Thou sustaincst me, All my life through. 3 Jesus, Thy Spirit pave, In me to dwell : That I to Thee may live Wisely and well; As the wars gather, still Working Thy pontic will, r rebel. 1 If to maturer ape I should e'er prow. 'Mid all life's pilgrim Help me to show Still the child-spirit, free, True. pure, and pood Hk When here below. 5 So. as Thine own dear child, When years shall end, Whore saints dwell undefined, I shall ascend: There near Thy throne to be. There Thy loved face to sec, Saviour and Friend ! 378 But let ns watch and be sooer. aloniansv. 6. U.C.M. 1 T WANT a principle within JL Of jealous, godly fear, A pain to feel it near: I want the first approach to feel Of pride or fond d< To catch the wandering <>f my will. And quench the kindling fire. 2 That I from Thee r.o more ma T!u- filial awe, the fleshly heart, The t ta the apple of i my eortscieix • i Awake my soul when sin is nigh, And keep it still a v. 8 If to the right or left I That ra And let me weep my life away, For having gnevi d Thy love: may the l< a>t omitel My wvll instructed SOUL, And drive me to the blood again Which makes the wound, d THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. O "7 O I Kill guide thee with Mine eye. O/ v7 Psalm xxxii. 8. 7 7-7 7. 1 TN our work and in our play, 1 Jesus, be Thou ever near, Guarding, guiding all the day, Keeping in Thy holy fear. 2 Thou didst toil, a lowly child, In the far-off Holy Land, Blessing labour undefiled, Pure and honest, of the hand.' 3 Thou wilt bless our playtime too, If we ask Thy succour strong; Watch o'er all we say and do, Hold us back from guilt and wrong. 4 ! how happy thus to spend • Work and playtime in His sight, Till the rest which shall not end, Till the day which knows not night I 380 We love Him, because lie first loved us.—l John iv. 19. 7 7.7 7. 1 QAVIOUR ! teach me, day bv day, D Love's sweet lesson to obey ; Sweeter lesson cannot be, Loving Him who first loved me. 2 With a childlike heart of love, At Thy bidding may I move ; Prompt to serve and follow Thee, Loving Him who first loved me. 3 Teach me all Thy steps to trace, Strong to follow in Thy grace ; Learning how to love from Thee, Loving Him who first loved me. 4 Love in loving finds employ, In obedience all her joy ; Ever new that joy will be, Loving Him who first loved me. 5 Thus may I rejoice to show That I feel the love I owe ; Singing, till Thy face I see, Of His love who first loved me. 381 Thou . . . art acquainted xcith all my ways.— Ps. exxxix. 3. S.M, 1 HTILL with Thee, my God, I would desire to be, By day, by night, at home, abroad, 1 wouid be still with Thee : 2 "With Thee when dawn comes in, And calls me back to care, Each day returning, to begin With Thee, my God, In prayer: 3 "With Thee amid the croAvd That throngs the busy mart ; To hear Thy voice mid clamour loud Speak softly to my heart : 4 With Tk«c when day is done, And evening calms the mind, The setting as the rising sun. With Thee my heart would find : 8 With Thee when darkness brings The signal of repose: Calm, In the shadow of Thy wings, Mine eyelids I would close : 6 With Thee, in Thee, by faith Abiding I would be : By day, by night, in life, in death, I would be still with Thee. 382 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.— Romans i. 16. L.M. 1 TESUS ! and shall it ever be, v A mortal man ashamed of Thee ? Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days ! 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star : He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon Let midnight be ashamed of noon : 'Tis midnight with my soul, till He, Bright Morning Star f bid darkness flee. 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ; No ; when I blush be this my shame, That I no more revere His name. 5 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away, No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. G Till then— nor is my boasting vain, Till then I boast a Saviour slain ! And O, may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Thine, Q O O be done. OOU Luke xxii. 42. 6 6.0 G.4 G. 1 TN sorrow, care, and strife JL I would not, Lord, repine ; But say, through all my life, Not my will, Lord, hut Thine. Not mine, but Thine, Not my will, Lord, but Thine. 2 My life I would this day To Thee alone resign, And with my heart would say, Not my will, Lord, but Thine. Not, etc. 3 Choose Thou my lot, I pray, And give my heart the sign, And teach me now to sav, Not my will, Lord, hut Thine. Not, etc. 4 And choose my place for me, Where light for Thee may shine, My word still ever be, Not my will, Lord, but Thine. Not, etc. 5 31 v times are in Thy hand, Let life or death he mine ! 1 11 say, if Thou command. Not my will, Lord, but Thine. Not, etc. G Thy way is always best, () h t that way be mine ! In this my soul shall rest, Not my will, Lord, but Thine. Not, etc. 384 Thij trill be done. Matthew vi. 10. 88 84. 1 iy I"Y God, and Father ! while I stray 1VL Tar from my home, in life's rough teach me from my heart to sav, [way, Thy will be done ! 2 Though dark my path, and sad my lot, Let me be still and murmur not, Or breathe the prayer divinely taught, Thy will be done. 8 If Thou shouldst call me to resign "What most I prize— it ne'er was mine; 1 only yield Thee what was Thine; * Thy will be done. 4 Should pining sickness waste away My life in premature decay, My Father, still I strive to say, Thy will be done. 5 If but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Spirit for its ^uest, My God. to Thee I leave the rest ; Thy will be done. 6 Renew my will from day to day, Blend it with Thine, and take away All that now makes it hard to say, Thy will be done. 7 Then when on earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mixed with tears before, 1 11 sing upon a happier shore, Thy will be done. My Father, lliou art the guide of my youth. — Jer. iii. i. 7 7" 385 1 /^1 OD of mercy, throned on high, VJ Listen from Thy lofty scat ; Hear. O hear our feeble cry ; Guide, O guide our wandering feet. 2 Young and erring travellers, we All our dangers do not know ; Scarcely fear the stormy sea, Hardly feel the tempest blow. 3 Jesu, Lover of the young, Chause us with Thy blood divine ;. Ere the tide of sin grow Btrong, Save us, Lord, and keep us Thine. 4 When perplexed In danger a snare, Thou alone our Guide can-- When oppn saed with woe and care. Whom have we to trust but Thee ? L Let us ever hear Thy voice, Ask Thy c tunsel ev< ry day ; Saints and angels will I If we walk in wisdom's way. C Saviour, give us faith, and pour on every soul ! . till time shall be no i Love, while en . Wlto through faith . . . wrought *** rfqhteoutness. Hew : 7 " 7 7 7 1 pHILDUEN of the pious dead, Vj Who for conscience nobly bled, By the blood those mart} i i Guard their holy ca . 386 Theirs the cause of truth and right, Theirs the fight of faith to fight. Theirs the souls of earnest might, And the great applause. 2 Thorny was their path below. Path o"f torture, fire, and foe ; Sighs of grief and tears of woe Were their common lot : Yet undaunted on they went, Up to heaven their prayer was sent, They, on crowns of glory bent, All their pains forgot. 3 Shall the fathers stand alone ? Is their noble spirit gone ? Is their mantle fallen on none ? Are such men no more ? No : the truth shall yet prevail, Strong in souls that never quail: Sons, arise ! you will not fail In the trying hour. 4 From the lofty courts above Sires arc bending eyes of love, They your fight of faith approve, And on you look down. See the martyrs, prophets there, There apostles, angels are, See the King of kings prepare Your immortal crown. lie shall gather the Jambs icith His arm, QQ7 and carru tlnnn in Jits bosom. OOl Isaiah >.l. U. 1 TTE AYENLY Father, send Thy blessing ±1 On Thy children gathered here ; May they ail, Thy name con! Be to Thee for ever dear; May they be, like Joseph, I Dutiful, and chaste, an I And their faith, like David, proving, Stedfast unto death endure. 2 Holy Saviour, who in meekness Didst vouchsafe a child to be, Guide their steps, and help their weak- ness, and make them like to Thee ; Bear Thy lambs, when they are w< ary, In Thine arms and at Thy bi Through life s desert, dry and dreary, Bring then to Tky heavenh I 3 Spread Thy golden pinions o er them, Holy Spirit, from above; Guide* them, lead them, go before them, Give them peace and joy and love : Thy true temples, Holy spirit. they with Thy glory shine, And immortal hliss Inherit, And for evermore be Thine. If any man serve Me. let h Me.— John \ii. . 1 ACCEPTING. Lord, Thy gracious call, I •. at Thy feet I humbly fall; • me free from Satan s thrall, and let me follow Thee. •2 My T, aehl r, Ruler, Pattern. Guide, Ne er lei me wander from Thy si.le. Nor from the narrow pathway slide, But closely follow Thee. * 388 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 3 By meekness, patience, kindness, prayer, By works of love and friendly care, By holy conduct everywhere, Help me to follow Thee. i When fears and foes beset my way. When darkest clouds obscure* my day, And easier paths tempt me to stray," Help me to follow Thee. And to godliness brotherly kindness, and QQn (0 brother!'/ kindness chanty. 00\J 2 Peter i. 7. 70.8 6.7 6.8 6. 1 BE kind to one another : X) This is a world of care. And there's enough of needful woe For every one to bear ; But if you ease the burden That weighs another down, That work of Christian chanty "Will lighten half your own. 2 Be kind to one another : Scatter the seeds of love Wide o'er the field of hearts, and rich The harvest wealth will prove : A wealth more truly precious Than aught beneath the sun, Which India's diamonds could not buy; A.nd yet how lightly won ! 3 Be kind to one another : Not to the good alone ; E'en to the cold and selfish heart Let deeds of love be shown ; So shall ye be His children Who rains His gifts on all, And even on the thankless ones Bids His bright sunbeams fall. Children, obey your parents in the vy U Ephesians vi. 1. L.M 1 pHILDREN, your parents' will obey ; \J The Lord commands it to be done ; And those that from the precept stray To misery and ruin run. •£ Your parents honour and revere, Be tender, generous, and kind ; Let filial love wipe every tear, And chase the sorrows from their mind. 3 The disobedient children meet The vengeance of the Lord most high ; His curse pursues their wandering feet ; Oft ere they reach their prime they die. 4 But those who pay the honour due, Serve with respect and filial fear, In all their doings just and true, And in obedience persevere : 5 With length of days and mercies crowned, Their peaceful hours shall ^lide away ; In blessings multiplied abound, Which never wither nor decay ! Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another. Colossians Hi. 13. 7 3.7 3.7 7 7 3, 1 BE not swift to take offence, ±J Let it pass ! Anger is a foe to sense, Let it pass ! Brood not darkly o'er a wrong, Which will disappear ere long; Bather sing this cheery song, Let it pass! 2 Echo not an angry word, Let it pass! Think how often you have erred, Let it pass ! Since our joys must pass away, Like the dewdrops on the spray, "Wherefore should our sorrow stay ? Let it pass ! 3 If for good you suffer ill, Let it pass! O, be kind and gentle still, Let it pass! Time at last makes all things straight ; Let us not resent but wait, And our triumph shall be great : Let it pass ! 392 Lead me in the icay everlasting. Psalm exxxix. 24. 77.7 7. 391 rer in Thine own sweet way ; Teach me to be pure and true, Show me what I ought to do. 2 When in danger, make me brave ; Make me know that Thou canst save ; Keep me safe by Thy dear side ; Let me in Thy love abide. 3 When I'm tempted to do wrong, Make me stedfast, wise, and strong; And when all alone I stand Shield me with Thy mighty hand. 4 When my heart is full of glee, Help me to remember Thee, Happy most of all to know That my Father loves me so. 5 When my work seems hard and dry, May I press on cheerily ; • Help me patiently to bear Pain and hardship, toil and care. G May I see the good and bright When they pass before my sight ; May I hear the heavenly voice When the pure and wise rejoice. 7 May I do the good I know, Be Thy loving child below, Then at last go home to Thee, Evermore Thy child to be. 393 Beloved, if God so loved its, xrc ought ~ also to love one another. 1 John iv. H. D.C.M. DEAR Saviour, to Thy little lambs A lamb like temper give, And daily, hourly grace bestow, In Joy and peace to live. It was Thine own command that we Should one another love, And ever give Thee thanks, aa do Thine holy ones above. 2 Our hearts, by nature full of sin, Do Thou, O Lord, renew ; And take each evil thought away, And all self-will subdue : Thine own meek, lowly mind impart, The spirit like a dove ; And daily may we learn of Thee To love as Thou dost love. 3 As Thou forgivest all our sins, So teach us to forgive ; As freely we receive from Thee, So may we freely give. O teach us to forbear like Thee, Not answering again, Bememhering how our Saviour bore The scoffs of wicked men. 4 When we are for our faults reproved May we the fault con And humbly sock Thy grace, that wc May net again transgi Make us affectionate and kind, Gentle and meek and good, Mindful how dearly we were bought With Thy most precious blood. SERVICE. Go ye into all Vie world, and preach the O 9 4 Mark xvi.' 15. 6 5.G 5.G 5.6 1 1 T IFT the Gospel banner, Jj Wave it far and wide, Through the crowded city, Over ocean's tide : Sound the proclamation, Peace to all mankind, :md salvation All the world may find. 2 Let us raise the fallen. Lend the oppressed a hand, Teach the Cnristly 1 All may understand; Go, where hardening vices Have their strongest hold, Like a sweet dove, gentle, Like a lion, bold. ■S Lift the Gospel standard, L< t the bii m d radiance Flume o'er heathen night ; own sunshine, Such a- Conqucr men by Kindness, God Himself'is love. 4 Let us rise to aetion. Work with one design, Work witli Christ, and triumph In the work divine ; . v's palm await-, us, then work on Till we hear the welcome, • Faithful ones, well done ! ' Go ye nUn Into the vineyard. Matthew XX. 1. " L.M. 395 1 pO labour on ; spend, and be Bpcnt, IT Thy Joy to do the Katie r's will; It i.-, the wav the Mast r m nt, Should not the servant tr« ad it still ? 2 Go labour on ; 'tis not for nought : Thy earthly loss is heavenly gain ; Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not; The Master praises ; what are men ? S Go labour on while it is day, The world's dark night is hastening on ; Speed, speed thy work, cast sloth away ; It is not thus "that souls are won. 1 Men die in darkness at your side Without a hope to cheer the tomb ; Take up the torch, and wave it wide, The torch that lights times thickest) gloom. Toil on, faint not, keep watch, and pray ; ' Be wise the erring soul to win : Go forth into the world's highway, Compel the wanderer to come' in. G Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice ; For toil comes rest, for exile home ; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal, Behold, I come. And unto one he gave five talents, to another Q O O faro, and to another one. OaU Matthew xxv. 15. 5 G 5 G.5 6.5 G. inOD entrusts to all U Talents few or many ; None so young or small " That they have not any. Though the great and wise Have a greater number, Yet my one I prize. And it must not slumber. 2 Little drops of rain Bring the springing flowers; And I may attain Mnch by little powers. Every little mite, Every little measure Helps to spread the light, Helps to swell the treasure. 3 G<»d will surely ask. Ere I enter heaven, Have I done the task Which to me was given. God entrusts to all Talents few or many ; None so young or small That they liave not any. eep that which is eorni . trust.— 1 Tim. vi. 20. S.M. 1 A CHARGE to keep I have, A A God to glorify, A never-dying son! to And lit it fur t! - age, My calling to fulfil: O may it all my i> Tot. v. ill: 2 Arm me with 1 1 ' e ; And O Thy at r are a strict ae< ount to ■ I H< ip me to watch niel And on Thyw if rely, if I my trust betray, I skill f.'f e\< . 397 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 398 Speak, Lord ; for Thy servant heareth. 1 Samuel iii. 9. 8 7.8 7.7 7 1 "\ [ASTER, speak! Thy servant heareth, 1VJL Waiting for Thy gracious word, Longing for Thy voice that cheereth; Master ! let it now he heard. I am listening, Lord, for Thee; "What hast Thou to say to me ? 2 Speak to me by name, O Master, Let me know i t i s to me ; Speak, that I may follow faster, With a step more firm and free, "Where the Shepherd leads the flock, In the shadow of the Rock. 3 Master, speak ! though least and lowest, Let me not unheard depart ; Master, speak! for C\, Thou knowest All the yearning of my heart ; Knowest all its truest need ; Speak ! and make me hlest indeed. 4 Master, speak ! and make me ready, When Thy voice is truly heard, "With obedience glad and steady Still to follow every word. I am listening, Lord, for Thee ; Master, speak, 0, speak to me ! 399 Present your bodies a Jiving sacri- fice.— Romans xii. 1. 7 7-7 7. 1 mAKE my life, and let it be J- Consecrated. Lord, to Thee ; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2 Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love ; Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. 3 Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only for my King ; Take my lip's, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. 4 Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will, and make it Thine ; It shall "be no longer mine : Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne. 6 Take my love ; my Lord, I potur At Thy feet its treasure-store : Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. 400 My times are in Thy hand. Psalm xxxi. 15. Irregular. THE LIFE OF LOVE. 1 "PATHEIt. I know that all my life 1 Is portioned out for me, And the changes that arc sure to come I do not fear I • But I ask Thee for a present mind, Intent on pleasing Thee. 2 I ask Thee for a thoughtful love. Through constant watching wise, To meet the s;lad with joyful smiles, And wipe the weeping eyes ; And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathise. 3 I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro. Seeking for some great thing to do Or secret thing to know ; I would be treated as a child, And guided where I go. 4 "Wherever in the world I am, In whatsoe'er estate, I have a fellowship with hearts To keep and cultivate ; And a work of lowly love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. SECOXD PART. 5 So I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied, And a mind to blend with outward life, Still keeping at Thy side ; Content to fill a little space If Thou be glorified. G And if some things I do not ask In my cup of blessing be ; I would have my spirit filled the more "With grateful love to Thee, And careful less to serve Thee much Than to please Thee perfectly. 7 There are briars besetting every path, That call for patient care ; There is a cross in everv lot, And a constant need for prayer : Yet a lowly heart, that leans on Thee, Is happy anywhere. 8 In a service which Thy will appoints There are no bonds for me ; For my inmost soul is taught the truth That makes Thy children free; And a life of self-renouncing love Is a life of liberty. All Tint work* shall jtraise Thee, O Lord.— Psalm cxlv. 10. S.M. 401 Let me not be forgot ; A broken vessel <-ast aside, One whom Thou needest not. 2 Thou usest all Thy works. The weakest things that be ; Each has a service of its own, For all things wait on Thee. 3 Thou usest the high stars, The tiny drops of dew, The giant peak, the little hill ; My God, O use me too. 4 All things do servr Thee here ; All creatures, great and Bmaii; Make use si me, of me, my Odd, The weakest of them all. 402 SliC hath done trltat she could. Markxiv. m. 8 7. F you cannot on the ocean Sail among the swiftest fleet, Booking on the highest billows, fc Laughing at the storms yon meet : You can stand among the sailors, ' Anchored yet within the bay, You can lend a hand to help them, As they launch their boats away. 2 If yon are too weak to journey * Up the mountain steep and high, You can stand within the valley, * "While the multitudes gc by ; You can chant in happy measure, * As they slowly pass along ; Though they may forget the singer, They will not forget the song. 3 If you cannot in the conflict * Prove yourself a soldier true, If where fire and smoke are thickest » There s no work for yon to do ; When the battle-field is silent, • - You can go with careful tread, You can bear away the wounded, You can cover up the dead. 4 Do not, then, stand idly waiting * For some greater work to do ; O ! improve each passing moment, For these moments may be few. Go, and toil in any vineyard, * Do not fear to do or dare ; If you want a field of labour, You can find it anywhere. ' 403 We love Him, because He first loved us.- Uohn iv. 19 = 7 6.7 6.7 0.7 0. 1 T LOVE my precious Saviour JL Because He died for me ; And if I did net serve Him, I !>e : He makes me happy, And hears me when I pi ay : 1 11 keep my hold on Jesus, The Bible says I may. m I can do but little, Yet I will always try To tell some huh; children . How Jesus came to die. God help mi I In all I mean to v. The Bible says I may. 8 And while I'm loving Jesus, That making W1H make me happ j When ' -Inghig, I'll ID I You t<>o can be as ha] The Bihle -:i; 4 And since I've found n ::ain, 1 11 trust in Him fox • Till l. : gain, untry away; • . Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings A (~\ A Thou hast perfected preuee. T- U *T Matthew xxi. 10. 7 6.8 8 6. 1 A ! WHAT can little hands do U To please the King of heaven? The little hands some work may try That will some simple want supply ; Such grace to mine be given! 2 O ! what can little lips do To please the Km;,' of heaven ? The little lips can praise and pray, And gentle words of kindm ss Such grace to mine be given I 3 O ! what can little eyes do To please the King of heaven ? The little eyes can upward look, Can learn to read God s holy Book : Such grace to mine be given ! 4 O ! what can little hearts do To please the King of heaven ? Young hearts if He His Spirit send, Can love their Maker, Saviour, Friend: Such grace to mine be given ! Go, . . . tell how or cat thinas the Lord hath /i AC dome for thee.— Mark v. 19. *f UvJ 1 T LOVE to tell the story X Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love. I > tell the story. Because I know it s true; ;isfies my longings As nothing else could do. I love to tell the storv, 'Twill be my theme in glory U the old, old si Of Jesus and His love. 2 Hove to teil tl. More wonderful it seems Than all the gulden fancies Of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the story, It did so much • And that is just the reason I tell it now: I love to tell tlie story, etc 3 Hove to tell tl. More wonderfully m The message of sal a n holy word. J : to tell 1 For those who tenon ar ir. like th. i I sin. Twill That I I loi • THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 406 The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. Matthew ix. 37. 5 6.G 5 9 1 mHE fields are all white, J. And the reapers are few; "We children arc willing, But what can we do To work for our Lord in His harvest ? 2 Oivr hands arc so small, And our words are so weak, "We cannot teach others ; How then shall we seek To work for our Lord in His harvest ? 3 We'll work hy our prayers, By the pennies we bring, Bv small self-denials ; "The least little thing May work for our Lord in His harvest. 4 Until, by-and-hy, As the years pass at length, "We too may be reapers, And go forth in strength To work for our Lord in His harvest. In the name of our God ice will set up our A f\'7 banners.— Psalm, xx. 5. 4U/ 108.10 9.10 9.10 9 2 QOTTND the battle-cry! See! the foe is k) nigh; Raise the standard high for the Lord; Gird your armour on ; Stand firm, every one; Best your cause upon His holy word. Bouse, then, soldiers ! rally round the banner ! Beady ! steady ! pass the word along ; Onward! forward! shout a loud hosanna ! Christ is Captain of the mighty throng. 2 Strong to meet the foe, Marching on we go, Wliiie onr cause, we know, must prevail ; Shield and banner bright Gleaming hi the light ; Battling for the right, we ne'er can fail, Bouse, then, soldiers ! etc. 3 O Thou God of all ! Hear us when we call ; Help ns, one and all, by Thy grace ; [won, When the hattle's done, And the victory May we wear the crown before Thy face ' Bouse, then, soldiers! etc. Fear not : for they that be with us are more a r\ q man they that be with them. M-UO 2 Kings vi. 16. 7 7 75.77 75 1 T OBD, before Thy throne we bow, _IJ And with one united vow To Thy sacred service now All our lives resign. Only, to each youthful heart, Courage, patience, help impart; Then, if Thou our Leader art, Glory shall 1)6 Thine. 2 But can such a feeble band Satan's gathered host withstand, And resist with dauntless hand All their mighty powers 1 Saviour, in Thy name we go, Thou hast conquered every foe *, And if Thou Thy strength bestow, Saving help is ours. 3 Far above our mortal sight, Near Thy throne in shining light, Happy spirits clothed in white Strike their harps and cry : Jesus triumphed when He rose, Jesus conquered all our foes ; Now His faithful hand bestows Palms of victory. 4 Saviour, if Thy cross we bear, "We are sure Thy joy to share, And with ransomed hosts to wear Crowns of light on high: Hear us, then, we humbly pray, Take ns In our early day ; Let us by Thy banner stay Faithful till we die. 409 If God be for us, who ean be a. " -Romans viii. 31. 7 7.8 7-7 7.8 7- 1 "DEHOLD Thy youthful army ; AJ At Thy command we gather, And thankful stand, a sacred band, To serve our heavenly Father. Our lives and powers are hallowed, To Thy high service given : We bear* that sign, and seal of Thine, Devoting us to heaven. 2 There stand arrayed against us The world, the flesh, the devil ; Great foes and strong to do us wrong, And drive us to all evil. But though our foes be mighty, If Thou, O Lord, be o'er us. Strong in Thy might, we'll boldly fight, And evil drive before us. 3 Out of the mouth of sucklings And babes, Thou strength ordainest : In us, O Lord, f ulfil this word, Thou who all victory gainest. "When the good fight is finished,. "Where sin can reach us never, Crowned shall we stand, palms in our To sing Thy love for ever. [hand, A ~\ C\ Go ye also into the vinet/ard. ^f I U Matthew xx. 4. 7G.7G.7 6.7G-_ 1 T OBD of the living harvest, Jj That whitens o'er the plain, Where angels soon shall gather Their sheaves of golden grain: Accept these hands to labour, These hearts to trust and love, And deign with them to hasten Thy kingdom from above. 2 As labourers in Thy vineyard, Send us out, Christ, to be Content to bear the burden Of weary days for Thee ; We ask no other wages. When Thou shaH call us home, But to have shared the travail Which makes Thy kingdom come. 3 Come down, O Hoi 5- Spirit. And fill our souls with light ; Clothe us in spotless raiment, In linen clean and white ; Within Thy sacred temple Be with us where we stand, And sanctify Thy people Throughout this happy land. 4 Be with us, God the Father ! Be with us. God the Son ! And God the Holy Spirit! blessed Three in One ! Make us a royal priesthood, Thee rightly to adore. And fill us with Thy fulness, Now and for evermore. TJliat shall I render unto the Lord for A ~\ -\ all His benefits toward me? *f | I Psalm cxvi. 12. GG.G G.GO. 1 IT HY life was given for me, J. Thy Mood, O Lord, was shed, That I might ransomed be. And quickened from the dead ; Thy life was given for me ; "What have I given for Thee ? 2 Long years were spent for me Iu weariness and woe, That through eternity Thy glory I might know ; Long years were spent for me ; Have I spent one for Thee ? 3 The Father's home of light, Thy rainbow-circled throne, Were left for earthly night, For wanderings sad and lone ; Yea, all was left for me ; Have I left aught for Thee ? 4 Thou, Lord, hast borne for me More than my tongue can tell Of bitterest B To rescue me from hell ; Thou snfferedst all for me ; What have 1 borne for Thee ? 5 And Thou hast brought to me Down from Thy home above Salvation full and free, Thy pardon and Thy love; : its Thou brougl What have 1 brought to Thee J 6 O let my life be given. My years f<.r Thee be spent ; World-fetters all be riven. And joy with suffering blent ; Thou gav'st Thyself for me, 1 give myself to Thee. .- the Lonn (Jnj God trith all (Jnj /I Q heart and u ith all th>i s<>t 1 'Who gave Himself for me ? am 1 show my love to Him Who died on Calvan. J My* If 1 give t Who gave Himself forme: Tims will I show my love to Him Who died on Calvarv. 2 I give my mind to Jesus, To think upon His word : That I may learn His holy will, And truly love the Lord. This will I give to Jesus, etc. 3 I give my heart to Jesus, To love Him ever best ; And trusting in His dying love r Hope to be ever blest. This will I give to Jesus, etc. 4 I give my life to Jesus. My strength and health and all ; Assured He'll be my constant Friend* Whatever may befall. This will I give to Jesus, etc; •> Thy Spirit give, Lord Jesus, To strengthen me for this; That I may have Thy loving smite,. And share Thine endless bliss. Then shall I give to Jesus A song more sweet, more free I And ever show my love to Him Who ched on Calvary. And children : let them praise the name A 1 Q of the Lord.— Psalm cxlviii. 12, 18. *+ I O 1413.1212.1413. 1 IT and fro. to and fro, hear the tread of JL little children, As they go, as they go; busy march of busy feet : Here and there, everywhere, joyous song we're singing ; Loud and clear, full of cheer, happy tones^ are ringing. To and fro, to and fro, etc. 2 To and fro. to and fro, hear the tread of little children, As they go, as they go; busy march of busy feet ! We will" tell, we will tell of the wondrous story, While we raise songs of praise to our Lord in glory. To and fro, to and fro, etc. 3 To and fro, to and fro, hear the tread of little children, As they go. as they go; busy march of busy fe. t ! Through the world, through the world,. doing angels' dnty, Bright and fair, bright and fair, clothed In angel beauty. To and fro, to arid fro, etc. Son. go WOT* to-dai/ iu m:/ vineyard. AAA Matthew xxi. 28, H- I H- il 11.11 11.11 1L 1 no work in My vineyard, the Master W saith, Gol The fruitage is ripening with rich, ruddy glow ; The sun of the morning Is now In I anting for With holy compassion ami hearts allaglow, (;<> work In M\ vineyard, the Mat THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. ■2 O, heed now the calling ; up. while it is day ; Perhaps in life's dawning thy strength may decay ; Then give unto Jesus the dew of thy youth. And seek through His mercy the sunlight of truth; With holy compassion, and hearts all aglow, Go work in My vineyard, the Master saith, Go! 3 O, haste to the vineyard ; the Master's own voice Has called you to duty; He'll bid you rejoice When, safe in His kingdom, on heaven's bright shore, The fruitage is gathered, and labour is o'er . "With holy compassion, and hearts all aglow, O, haste to the vineyard, the Master saith. Go! 4 For ever in glory the faithful shall sing, ' Our day's work was given to Jesus our King ; And, through the rich fulness of faith in His love, The vintage is gathered, and garnered above ; We entered the vineyard with hearts all aglow, And toiled for our Master, when Jesus said, Go!' In the morn in o sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand. A -I tr Ecclesiastes xi. 6. *T | O 9 9.9 9.7 7.1010.9 8. 1 Q OWING the seed by the daylight fair, O Sowing the seed by the noonday glare. Sowing the seed by the fading light, Sowing the seed in the solemn night : O, what shall the harvest be ? O, what shall' the harvest be ? Sown in the darkness or jgswn in the light, Sown in our weakness ortiwii in our might, Gathered in time or eternity, Sure, ah, sure will the harvest be ! 2 Sowing the seed by the wayside high, Sowing the seed on the rocks to die, Sowing the need where the thorns will spoil, Sowing the seed in the fertile soil : O, what shall the harvest be ? [etc. Sown in the darkness or sown in the light, 3 Sowing the seed with an aching heart, Sowing the seed while the tear-drops start, Sowing the seed till the reapers come, Gladly to gather the harvest home : O, what shall the harvest be ? [etc. Sown in the darkness or sown in the light, 416 The night cometh, when no man can work. Johnix. 4. 7 0.7 5.7 0.7 5. 1 YTTGRK, for the night is coming ! W Work through the morning hours; Work while the dew is sparkling, Work 'mid springing flowers ; Work when the day grows brighter. Work in the glowing snn ; Work, for the night is coming, When man's work is done. 2 Work, for the night is coming ; Work through the snnny noon ; Fill brightest hours with labour, Rest comes sure and soon ; Give every flying minute Something to keep in store ; Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more. 3 Work, for the night is coining, Under the sunset skies ; While their bright tints are glowing, Work, for daylight flies. Work, till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth, to shine no more ; Work, while the night is darkening, When man's work is o'er. He that overcomeih shall inherit all A ~\ ~7 things. *-t I ( Revelation xxi. 7 7 1 QTAND up ! stand up for Jesus ! O Ye soldiers of the cross ; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss : From victory unto victory His army shall He lead, Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus ! The trumpet-call obey ; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day : Ye that are men now serve Him Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. 3 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus ! Stand in His strength alone ; The arm of flesh will fail you ; Ye dare not trust your own : Put on the Christian's armour, And watching unto prayer, Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. 4 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus ! The strife will not be long ; This day the noise of battle. The next the victor's song: To him that overcometh A crown of life shall be ; He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally. And take Vie helmet of sal ration, and sword of the ^1'irit. Ephesians vi. 17. 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7. TO ! the day of God is breaking ; J See it gleaming from afar ! Sons of earth, from slumber waking, Hail the bright and morning Star! Hear the call ! Gird on your armour, Grasp the Spirit's mighty sword, Take the helmet of salvation, Battling bravely for the Lord! A -J Q the swonl of the Spirit. 2 Tmst in Him who is your Captain ; Let no heart in terror qnail ; Jesus leads the gathering legions, In His name we shall prevail. Hear the call ! etc. 3 Onward marching, firm and steady, Faint not, fear not Satan's frown ; For the Lord is with you alway, Till you wear the victor s crown. Hear the call ! etc. 4 Conquering hosts with banners waving, Sweeping on o'er hill and plain. Ne'er shall halt till swells the anthem, Christ o'er all the world doth reign '. Hear the call ! etc. Above all, taking the ihield of faith. /Ifj Ephesians vi. 16. *+ | C7 1111.1111.8 8.8 8. 1 QTRIKE ! strike for victory, Soldiers of D the Lord, Hoping in Hi.-, mercy, Trusting in His word Lift the Go>pel banner High above the world : Let its folds of beauty Ever be unfurled. Strike ! strike for victory, heroes bold; Strike! till the victory you behold, Strike ! strike for victory, ne'er give o'er; Rest then in glory evermore ! 2 "What, though raging lions Meet us on the way, [gates of day; Zionward we're marching, Toward the Ever pressing onward. Onward to the light. Till we reach the Jordan With our home in Bight. Strike ! strike for victory, etc. 3 Strike ! O strike for victory, Heroes of the Sacrificing pleasure, Glorying in loss; Bind the helmet Btronger, Tighter grasp the sword; Conquering and to conquer. Cattle for the Lord. Strike! strike for victory, etc. 4 Hand tohand unit. d. Heart to heart as one, Let usstillkecpmarchingTiliour journey s done, Till we see the angels Come in glory down. With the shining I the victor's crown. Strike ! strike for victory, etc. 420 1111117.1111117, ANT) CHORUS. banner bright We will work for God and battle for the • riqht; might; We will praise Hi- name, rejoicing in Hi- And we 11 work till JestU rails. In the Snnda) -school our arm} w • As we rally round oiu there, Ajid the Ba . learn to "While we work till Jesus twill-. Then awake, then av Happ} song, happy song; Shout (or Joy, shoot for joy c gladly march along. We are marching onward, singing as we go, [flow ; To the promised land where living waters. Come and join our ranks as pilgrims, here below. Come and work till Jesus calls. 2 We are marching on; our Captain, ever near, [we hear : Will protect us still; His cheering voice Let the foe advance, we'll never, never fear, For we'll work till Jesus calls. Then awake, awake, our happy, happy song ; "along : We will shout for joy, and gladly marcii In the Lord of hosts let every heart be strong, While we work till Jesus calls. Then, etc. 3 We are marching on the strait and narrow wav. That" will lead to life and everlasting day. To the smiling fields that never will decay ; Lut we'll work till J< sus calls. We are marching on and pressing toward the prize, To a glorious crown beyond the glowing skies ; To the radiant fields where pleasure never And we 11 work till Jesus calls. Then, etc. Wherefore take unto vou the whole armour A O 1 °f ^ od - *T Z I Ephesians vL 18. D.S.rvT. 1 QOLDJERS of Christ, arise, O And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplies Through His eternal S Strong in the Lord of 1 And in His mighty power, Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror. 2 Stand then in His great might, With all His strength endued ; Rut take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God: Leave no nnguardi d place, No weakness of the soul. Take every virtue, even And fortify the whole. 3 To keep your armour bright. Attend with constant Still walking in your Captain B Bight, And watching onto prayer, ■'. ant In Instant prayer display : Pray always; pray, and nover faint; Pray, without ceasing pray : 4 Fran strength to strength go on, Wrestle and ti^ht and pray, Tread all tbe powers of darkii. u And win the well-fought day ; stid let the spirit cry In all His soldiers. ' c Till Christ the Lord descend from high. And take the conqu. : THE LIFE TO COME. 422 hey that sow in Hears sliall reap in joy. Psalm cxxvi. 5. 8 7.8 7-8 7-8 7. .Vhere Thou reign's* the God of love ; See us worshipping before Thee, Now our reverent act approve : Joined in bonds of holy union, Knit by living faith to Thee, Sanctify our sweet communion, Ever-blessed Trinity. 2 By Thy hallowing inspiration Every teacher s heart illume ; By Thy brightest revelation Scatter all our mental gloom : Give to each the signs attesting Work accepted of the Lord ; •Give the faith of spirits resting On Thine own eternal word. 3 Often have we gone forth weeping, Bearing precious gospel seed ; Hasten, Lord, the time of reaping, Days of plenteous gathering speed, "When, the fruits of labour sharing, Joyfully again we come, Sheaves of souls immortal bearing, Sweetly singing, ' Harvest home ! ' For by one Spirit are ue all baptized i)ito one body. 1 Corinthians xii. 13. L.M TOS, TEACHERS. 423 Love be the theme of saints below; Love is of God, for God is love ; With love let every bosom glow : 2 Love, stronger than the grasp of death;; Love that rejoices o er the grave ; Love to the Author of onr breath ; Love to the Son, who came to save; 3 Love to the Spirit of all grace ; Love to the Scriptures of all truth ; "Love to onr whole apostate race, Love to tbe aged, love to youth ; 4 Love to each other : soul and mind, And heart and hand, with full accord, In one sweet covenant combined To live and die unto the Lord. 5 Christ's little flock we then shall feed; The lambs we in our arms shall bear, Reclaim the lost, tbe feeble lead, And watch o'er all in faith and prayer. 6 Thus through our isle, on all our bands, The beauty of the Lord shall be ; And Britain, glory of all lands, Plant Sabbath-schools from sea to sea. 424' 27tf fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never