VAN D ! M JR B I L. T ORIENTAL, SERIES VOLUMU VII. CUNEIFORM SUPPLEMENT TOLMAN AMERICAN ROOK COMPANY Division PK6I2I ■T653 Section Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 CUNEIFORM SUPPLEMENT y t VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY STUDIES FOUNDED BY AUGUSTUS H. ROBINSON American Agent Lesicke and Buechner. New York City Foreign Agent Otto Harrassowitz, Querstrasse, 14 . Leipzig A copy of this number will be forwarded on receipt of a Postal Order for the price anywhere within the limits of the Universal Postal Union upon application to the agents or to Vanderbilt University. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE PUBLISHED BY VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY 1910 THE VANDERBILT ORIENTAL SERIES EDITED BY Herbert Cushing Tolman and James Henry Stevenson f (autographed) TO THE AUTHOR'S ANCIENT PERSIAN LEXICON AND TEXTS, WITH BRIEF HIS- TORICAL SYNOPSIS OF THE LANGUAGE BY HERBERT CUSHING TOLMAN PROFESSOR OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1910 BY Herbert Cushing Tolman PREFACE This autographed Cuneiform Script is intended to supplement the author's Ancient Persian Lexicon and Texts , 1908. Since proposed readings are there given in foot-notes under the trans- literation and treated more fully in the Lexicon, I deem it neces- sary to discuss only some new material which has been made ac- cessible and some critical suggestions which have appeared since the date above mentioned. Professor F. H. Weissbach has been working on some very satisfactory photographs, recently come into his possession, of the Grave of Darius at Naks-i-Rustam. He has been enabled to correct many readings in the upper inscription (NRa), as well as to discover quite a number of somewhat isolated words occur- ring in the mutilated lower inscription (NRb). In addition to this he reads with certainty several superscriptions over the heads of the National Types of the Empire. All this material Professor Weissbach has kindly placed at my disposal. In a personal letter he has given me the list of his NRb readings, and has forwarded in ReindrucTcen , Correct urabzug, 'and Fah- nendbzug advance pages of his excellent work, Keilinschriften der Achiimeniden , which furnishes a synoptic trilingual text, and includes also all the purely Babylonian inscriptions of this dynasty. The volume will be issued within the next few months, probably long before the undersigned has corrected the final proof of the present book. Professor Weissbach's contributions from examination of pho- tographs serve to illustrate the possibilities which a careful re- examination of the rock itself might furnish. Would that my cuneiform text had been autographed in situ! Stolze’s Perse - 'polls has been beside me in my work and I have studied the photographs again and again with powerful magnifying glass. Signs which appear so mutilated as to lose their identity, or are thus described in the partial re-examination by Jackson and the collation of the Behistan text by King-Thompson, I have indi- cated by shading, while I have used skeleton wedges to supply lacunae. iii IV PREFACE My cuneiform text of Naks-i-Rustam follows mainly the re- sults of V eissback’s investigation, yet my examination of Stolze’s inadequate photograph has led me in one or two cases to differ from the Leipzig professor; e. g. NRa. maniya[ha]-39)y (maniy[ahay t]ya, Weissbach); 46, durayapiy [hac]a (duray[ ! hacja, Weissbach). Weissbacli’s Readings. NRa. 1.7. framataram (Phot.). 1.25. Haumavarga (Phot.). 1.27. Arm[ina]. 1.38. yadipad'y maniy[ahay t]ya. 1.39. ciyakaram a]va. 1.41. patikara (Phot.). tyai[y] g-42)a0um. xsnasah'y 43. 1.46. duray[ 1 hac]a. 1.47. partaram (Phot.) for hamaram. 1.52. haca ga[sta]. NRb. 1.1. baga vazarka Auramazda hya ... 1.2. si-3)yatim martiyanya. 1.3. ut-4)a aruvasatam upariy. [Darayajvaum xsa-5)ya0iyam 6a tiy Darayavaus xsaya-6)#iya vasna Auramazd[ah]a. 1.7. amiy. 1.8. dausta amiy (1 would compare Strabo, 15. 3. 8, r/v rots <£iAotsp tya. 1.12. kama. 1.14. darsam da[ra]yamiy. 1.15. dar- sam. U 6. martiya hya hamataxsataiy. 1.20. vina^ayaisa (which I would read vinaflayais, regarding the form as 2 sg. opt. caus- ative to na 6 } destroy , Av. nas). 1.22. tya 0atiy. 1.24. kunau-25)tiy. 1.26. uta mam vas-27)iy kama uta. 1.28. [fjramana. 1.29. kartam vainah'y. 1.33. [arjuvasatam. 1.36. va[i]namiy hami# r iya. . 1.36. vaina-37)m[i]y uta usaibi[y]a (I would read usibi[y]a) uta framanaya. 1.39. vainamiy [ha !m[i]# r iyam ya0a. 1.40. amiy. 1.41. dastaibiya u[ta] padaibiya. 1.42. amiy. 1.43. amiy uta pasVis 3 u[ta]. 1.44. asabar . . . . amiy. 1.45. pas a t a is a u[t]a asabar*. 1.46. tya Auramazda. 1.4 1 . vasna Auramazdah-48)a tyamaiy kartam. 1.49. tya mam Auramazdamaiy. 1.50. ka darsam. 1.51. ciyakaram (sic). 1.53. iyam tyataiy gausaya(?). 1.54. hya. NRc. 1.2. + Pstibara. NRd. 1.2. isuvam (Phot.) darayat*. Inscriptions above the National Types of the Empire: I. iyam Parsa. II. iyam [Mada]. III. iyam Uvaja. IV. iyam Par0ava. X\ . iyam Saka Tigraxa[uda]. X\ I. [iyam Bajbirus. X\ II. iyam A0uriya. XXIX. iyam Maciya. Professor Weissbach expects soon to publish the originals (tells in Lichtdruck , tells in Autograpliie ) in Abhandlungen der K. Sticks. Gesellschaft der 1 Yissensch often . It seems that Haumavarga (not Haumavarka) is certain, partaram, foe (cf. Skt. prt, PREFACE v fight) removes hamaram from the Persian vocabulary, patikara (acc. pi., not patikaram) is certain. The first seven lines of the cuneiform text in NRb contain my own supplement, but Weiss- back’s confinnation of aruvasatam upariy (1. 3) makes my former conjecture arstam upariy very doubtful. Of supreme importance in this new material are the isolated words in 11. 36-39. Here, I believe, Darius is using phraseology in close agreement with that of the Avesta. The second word of 1. 37, which I would transliterate usibi[y]a, I connect with Av. us, eat ’, Middle Pers. us, New Pers. hos. What does the king mean when he says: vainam[i]y uta usibi[y]a uta framanaya? Ill a recent note (AJP. 31) I ventured to compare such an Avestan theologic phrase as Y. 62. 4. daya me urune usi, grant to my soul ears (i. e. the capacity to understand divine wisdom). In this case Darius is really using scriptural terms; I see both with the capacity to perceive (usibi[y]a, lit. with two ears) and (with understanding) of the divine precept (framanaya). The mooted question as to the religion of the Achaemenidan kings I regard as now settled, for Darius bears testimony on his own sepulchre to the Zoroastrian faith. In the Behistan inscription the Cuneiform Supplement con- tains several suggested emendations in addition to those already recorded in my transliterated texts. As examples I would men- tion the following: Iving-Thompson's avaflasta, Bh. 1. 72 I would change to ava0a -f- word-divider + ta (acc. pi.); cf. possible simi- lar confusion in ucasma, Bh. 2. 89, for word-divider -f- casma (see Lex. p. 75). Hoffmann-Kutschke’s ava0a sta (Die altpersischen Kell inschriften des Grosskonigs Darajaivausch hei Behistun , 2 Nos.). offers no explanation for character of the sibilant, haca yadaya, Bh. 3. 26, (confirmed by KT) excludes all former attempts at emendation. I cannot explain, therefore, Hoffmann-Kutschke’s introduction into his text of haca Y(a)utiya (his earlier conjecture, Or. Lit. Ztg. 1905), nor do I understand how he would justify such a case-form. Excellent is Gray’s emendation [utjamaiy (Review of author’s Lexicon , AJP. 30. 457) for IvT*s [apjimaiy, Bh. 4. 46, (cf. Bartholomae, Altiran. 11W, 386). In Lexicon , p. 75, s. v. uta I had remarked it seems improbable, since the two English schol- ars do not speak of the sign for i as doubtful on the rock. The preceding lacuna , however, which may contain the first perpen- dicular wedge of the sign a, makes confusion very possible. VI PREFA CE With reluctance I make the bold supplement [duvi]tiy[am 0arda]m- c[a] ^'[itiyam] 6*ardam[ca], during both the second year and the third year , Bh. 5. 2, 3. It involves in one or two cases the desperate expedient of interpreting the obliquely meeting wedges of word- divider (recorded by IvT) as traces of a superimposed hori- zontal above the perpendicular. Such drastic treatment can only be justified by the fact of the weathered condition of this portion of the rock. Weissbach’s attractive [pajtiy t[uriya]mca p[a”camam] 0ardam (ZDMG. 62. 611) shows an impossible position of the enclitic conjunction. Hotfmann-Kutschke’s [0 r itiyam] (first proposed by Weissbach, ZDMG. 61. 730) should be [0 r itiyam]. These proposed supplements are based, of course, on the assump- tion that 0ard corresponds to Bab. MU-AN-NA, year, Bh. 1.99; (Weissbach, ZDMG. 61. 721; ibid. 62. 629 ff.; Or. Lit. Ztg. Kov. 1908, 186 ff. ; Review of author’s Lexicon, ZDMG. 63. 828* For opposite view, cf. Gray, Review of author’s Lexicon , AJP. 30. 156.) Professor Meillet in a review of author’s Lexicon in the Jour- nal Asiatique expresses the wish that it had contained complete numerical references to all occurrences of each word and form. Such an index verborum is certainly a desideratum , and it has now been prepared for the present volume by my pupil, Mr. E. L. Johnson. Mr. Johnson’s work is entirely independent and he will explain in his preface its scope and plan. H. C. Tolman. Vanderbilt University, Feb. 12, 1910. • ANCIENT PERSIAN LANGUAGE BRIEF HISTORICAL SYNOPSIS PHONOLOGY a 1. a < At. a < I. E. a, e. g. apa, YAv. apa, Skt. apa, Gr. a-rro. 2. a < Ar. a < I. E. e, e. g. ca, Av. ca, Skt. ca, Gr. re, I. E. *qe. 3. a < Ar. a < I. E. o, e. g. bara n tiy, Skt. bharanti, Gr. Dor. epo vrt, I. E. *bheronti. 4. a, an < Ar. a, an < I. E. n, nn, e. g. basta, Skt. baddha, I. E. *bhndh-to-; a-, an-, neg. pref. (Middle Pers. a-, an- ), Av. a-, an-, Skt. a-, an-, Gr. a-, av-, I. E. vr n-, *nn-. 7 ' 77 C 7 O 5. a, am < Ar. a, am < 1. E. m, mm, e. g. 0ata- (New Pers. sad), A Av. sata, Skt. (Jata, Gr. e-Karov, I. E. vr kmto-m; jamiya, Skt. gamyat, I. E. "gmm-ie-t. 6. ar < Ar. r < I. E. r, e. g. aparsam (Turfan MSS. pursid, New Pers. pursaS), Av. psrasami, Skt. prcbami, I. E. "prkskho. 7. ar < 1. E. li, e. g. paru (Aliddle Pers. pur), YAv. pouru, Skt. puru, I. E. "pllu. a 8. a epe, I. E. *e-bher-e-t. 58. b < Ar. bhu paTO)p. 1) e. High grade: an (< I. E. en), e. g. -man-is < I. E. rt. *men, cf. Gr. /xAos. Low grade: a (< I. E. n), e. g. basta < I. E. *bhndh-to-; a ( < I. E. n), e. g. a-da-na (New Pers. danaS) < I. E. *gn-na-. Lengthened grade: an (I. E. on), e. g. asman-am beside \ Av. asman-sm, Gl'. a.Kpov-a. 1 \f. Low grade: a (epov. With the initial vowel of the root the augment contracts into . long vowel or heavy diphthong: e. g. aham (< I. E. ^es-m, i. e. *e-es-m), Skt. asam, Gr. Horn, r/a; nij-ayam (< I. E. *ei-m), Skt. ayam, Gr. ija for (< 571 -a). 121. Verb-Classes (showing present system) A. Unthematic; Indo-Iranian characteristics shown in Anc. Per- sian are: 1) strong stem in sg., weak in pi.; 2) opt. sign -ya- for act. sg. 1) Root-class (strong rt. = high grade; weak rt. = low grade): personal endings added directly to root; e. g. aitiy, aja", jadiy, cf. I. E.* ei-mi, *i-mes, Skt. e-mi, i-mas, Gl’. el-pi, Z-pev, Lat. is < *eis. 2) Reduplicating class (strong rt. = high grade; weak rt. = low grade): da-da-tuv, cf. I. E. *di-do-ti, YAv. daSaiti, Skt. dadati; ANCIENT PERSIAN LANGUAGE xxi aistata (with thematic vowel) < *a-si-st-a-ta, cf. Av. histaiti, Skt. tisthati. 3) nu- class: low grade of rt. -f- nau-, strong form, sg., (< I. E. -neu-: -nu-: -nu-: nu-); e. g. aku-nav-am fr. l‘t. kar-, cf. Skt. a-kr-nav-am. O • 4) na- class: low grade of rt. -f- na-, strong form, sg., (< I. E. -na-:-na-); e. g. a-da-na (< I. E. *gn-na-), cf. Skt. ja-na-mi; a-di-na-m (thematic), a-dl-na, cf. Skt. mr-na-mi, Gl’. fx.ap-va-fj.aL. 5) s- class (cf. s- aor.): I. E. *peik -f- s > Anc. Pers. pis, e. g. niy- apisam, cf. Skt. bhasati, Gl'. /Adco < *kA.ck7w < *klso. 6) Intensive: heavy reduplication -f- strong stem, (rt. = high grade), e. g. niy-a-# r a-ray-am, YAv. nisraraya (thematic), cf. Skt. carkarmi. B. Thematic; Indo-lranian characteristics which occur are: 1) constant stem; 2) opt. in -I-; 3) long vowel in subjunctive; 4) assumption of -miy of the un thematic class in 1 sg., e. g. bar-a-miy (< I. E. *bhero, cf. Gr. <£ejo<«>). 7) Unaccented a- class: high grade of rt. -j- a-; e. g. a-nay-a fr. rt. ni-, cf. Skt. nay-a-ti. 8) Accented a- class: low-grade of rt. -f- a-; e. g. av[a?]har[da] (augmentless? cf. Tolman, Lex., 70), Skt. Yed. ava srjat. 9) Reduplicating class: reduplication -f- low grade of rt. -j- the- matic vowel; e. g. a-i-st-a-ta < ' v a-si-st-a-ta, cf. Skt. ti-sth-a-ti, Av. hi-st-a-iti, Lat. si-st-o. 10) I- class: rt. + I-, e. g. a-garb-i-ta (pass. part. nom. m., cf. Bartholomae, WZKM. 22. 65; Tolman, Lex., 88), Skt. agrbhlta; biya < I. E. *bhu-I-ie-t), cf. Skt. abravit, YAv. vya- mrvlta. 11) Nasal class: low grade of rt. with “infixed” nasal -f- the- matic vowel; e. g. vi n da(t) act. pres, part., in vi n da-farnah, cf. Skt. vindati. 12) nav-a- class: weak rt. -j- nav-a- (< I. E. neu-o-); e. g. aku-nav- a-”ta, ku-nav-a-hy (subj.) fr. l’t. kar-, cf. Skt. kr-nav-a-t. 13) Inchoative class: rt. -f- sa- (< I. E. skh-o-); e. g. aparsam, Skt. prchati, Av. psrasaiti. 14) Unaccented ya- class: high grade of rt. + ya- (*gher-io- type); e. g. jadiyamiy (< I. E. *ghedh-io), cf. Skt. har-ya-ti, Gr. 6eppo) *6ep-iw. xxii ax ci ext Persia: n laxguage 15) Accented ya- class: a ) low grade of rt. + ya- (*ghr-io- type); e. g. adurujiya, Skt. druh-ya-ti, cf. Gl’. /3dA-A.o> < *(3a\-iu> < *gl-io. b ) passive; low grade of rt. -f- ya -f- middle endings; e. g. akariya n ta (Tolman, Lex., 81), cf. Skt. kr-iya-te; 0ah- ya-mahy (with active ending); a#ahya (with active ending, if thus read, cf. Tolman, Lex., 96). 16) ay 4- a- class: low grade of rt. -f- ay -|- thematic vowel; e. g. a-garb-aya-m, cf. Skt. grbhayati. 1 1 ) aya- class: low grade of rt. -f- aya-; e. g. 6adaya, YAv. saSayeiti; viyatarayama, cf. Skt. turayati. 18) v- class: rt. -f- v -f- thematic vowel; e. g. jiva, cf. Av. jivaiti, Skt. jivati. 19) Causative and Iterative: lengthened grade of rt. : high grade of 1’t. : -f" aya-; e. g. dar-aya-miy, YAv. darayeiti, Skt. dharayati. 20) nav-aya- class: low grade of rt. -f- nav -f- aya-; e. g. a-ku-nav- aya- n ta fr. rt. kar-. 21) Denominative: noun-stem -(- ya-; e. g. patiyavahyaiy, Skt. avas-ya-. 125. S-Aorist Augment -j- rt. -f- s: e. g. a-dar-s-iy (or adarsaiy with thematic VOWel), Skt. a-dhar-s-am, GAv. dare-s-t. 126. Root Aorist Augment + rt. : e. g. ada, Skt. adhat. 127. ‘Passive’ Aorist Augment -f lengthened grade of rt. -f iy (3 sg.): e. g. adariy, Skt. adhari. 128. Reduplicated Perfect Reduplication -f low grade of rt. in weak stem: e. g. ca-xr-iya (opt. 3 sg.) fr. rt. kar-, cf. Skt. ca-kr-iya-s. For consonant of reduplication, see §121. 2: for x < Ar. k, see §31. 129. Infinitive Rt. + suffix -tanaiy (cf. Bartholomae, Grundr. 258, c): e. g. car- tanaiy fr. rt. kar-; 0astanaiy fr. l't. #ah-. ANCIENT PERSIAN LANGE AGE xxiii 130 . Passive Participle Suffix -ta(< I. E. -to): e. g. kar-ta, Skt. kr-ta. SUFFIXES 131 . Primary (root generally = high grade) -a- (< I. E. -e-: -o-), e. g. gausa (New Pers. gos), YAv. gaosa, Skt. ghosa. -an- (< I. E. -en-), e. g. *arsan, YAv. arsan, Gr. tpvrjv. -ana- (< I. E. -eno-: -ono-), e. g. hamarana, Av. hamarona, Skt. sam- arana. -ah- (< I. E. -es-: -os-), e. g. raucah (Turfan MSS. roj), Av. raocah. -i- (< I. E. -i-), e. g. baji (New Pers. baz). -is- (<[ I. E. -o-s-), e. g. hadis. -u- (< I. E, -u-), e. g. paru (Middle Pers. pur), YAv. pouru, Skt. puru; a-u-ra, Av. ah-u-ra, Skt. as-u-ra. -ka- (< I. E. -qo-), e. g. uska, YAv. huska (New Pei’S, xusk). -ta- (< I. E. -to-), e. g. dasta (New Pers. dast), Av. zasta, Skt. hasta. -tar- (< I. E. -ter-), e. g. pitar (Turfan MSS. pidar), Av. pitar, Skt. pitar; jatar or ja n tar (Middle Pers. zatar), YAv. jantar, Skt. hantar. -tah- (< I. E. -t-es-), e. g. rautah (New Pers. rod), Skt. srotas. -ti- (< 1. E. -ti-), e. g. siyati (Turfan MSS. sad), YAv. sati. -tu- becoming -On- through influence of -On (< I. E. -tu-), e. g. gaOn (Turfan MSS. gah), Av. gatu, Skt. gatu. -6 r a- (< I. E. -tro-), e. g. xsa# r a (New Pers. sahr), Av. xsa^ra, Skt. ksatra. -na- (< I. E. -no-), e. g. kamna (New Pers. kam), YAv. kamna; haina (Middle Pers. hen), YAv. haena, Skt. sena. -nah- ( r "7~ Ideograms. 77 K fP, l/M l < =7:7 r<- < -r^/J?^<7fr <] 77: <7: 777^7:7 7-7 7: /j) 77: <=< <77:77 - 7:7 < «77 « 77: rr f < , 77r TTr < frA r7r < f- T =AFAFAA 77 r<- < Tfr -fe Trr -r< p< 77 r<- Trr < tfk- < < r Trr < 777 fr( < -m<^< u ^ < TTr^rrrr-< T KrTr -TrA < [<- 77 rr rT Trr < Trr -f 7^ < 77 TrrTFFr < <7r-FrK< < 'FrF Trr Tr ( Trr fr y Trr < *7 Trr Tr 77 * < 7?TT7 U*Tr U < <* / < Trr <1 (Fr T (Tr << < <7 < Trr ^ 7? Trr < /' IT rs/rr '[Tr^TilTr! (TrrT^TKTr! < Tfr Tfrfrf < rfrlrf' Tri < (rf ft Tr Tr Tfrfrfrf ( Trr T< ( (Ti rfrf Trr * ( Tf' njTT Tr rfrf «!! ' frf Trf < Trr (frf Tf rf Trr rf' < Trr rf rf' < Trr rf TTrf < rfrf Trr Trf < 77 Tir rfz rf Tf rrf ( Tir Tr rfrf < <7? rfrf Trr < y?j Trr (rfrfrf < (Tr rfrf fir < < frf (Tr rf Tr < f« Tf Trr rf( rf rfrf ( (Tr rfrf Trr rf TTrrf/Sff Tf" rf ' frf ( Tfr rfz rf( rfrf ( a < 77/ -/ ?7/f 7 ?< -f/7 7// 7== 7 / -7/7 < 7-7 7r 77/ < MTr Trr Jr [ <-< r<- < rrr -r< (TrtrTT K- < r7Trf < T Tf (rr ( < Tr frf ( T (rr K< ( TrfrrrTr < (f frf Tf ffrf ( Tr (f (Tr < -fie < Tr /’ < 77r <7 T < K rrr -7r7 Trr < [Tr _$=< r 7? < Trr PF TF rF < (Tf (Tr Z( (Tr iT 77 r7frTftftr7 < Trr <7 777T7 hfTrTfr r frf TF r 7 ^ 77 r<" < rrr "7:= 77 K" < "7r7 7rr< 77 <7r 7< =7r7 rrr . < f-7 TFrirjWr < * f < -fe 77 K Trr K r fe 'frf < Tr [fe rrr ^ < Hi in Hy < iff" ifr\ HHi: < TrrJXK P frf7rr& X^XrrTrf rrr X T^T'r Tt= XT K’" rrwT//////T 7 f< fT/^/////7rX rrr 42 THE BEHISTAN I^JSCR! PTION < T TT T" < rrr K- /’ Trr < «ff << Trr K- Kf TF r rrr ^ Kf rfr < Trr Kf 77 Kr Trr 'frf [\ -rrfl TTr \ Tr Tf <7r ifT \ Trr 77 'frf \ Trr TT-frf \ zj) rt Trr '('frf \ -K Tff 77 r< - Tr r<7 77 r <- \ Trr T< rrrf \ Tr T\ rf j j Trr *=frf rF r<- \ «ff T< r<-7rr Tf« TFr \ Kf< \ -fT KTf pi] T \ -fT TK Trr \ TFr f< \ f< «ff p/j Trr -frf F Tr <7 TF rf \ 3. t$) Kf Trr -7177 rf \ «ff pwj << rf rrr^f T Trr \ «f7 << rrr rf Kf 77 rf \ pn -fc it) M -f f \ F^T F Trr \ Trr Tr frF tp Tr \ «ff 7 rf Tr^f 7 Trr \ «ff 7 Trr rf Kf 7 P rf \ t ] Y7r \ ^ rrr << 7rr r frr \ -< Trr "W \ Tr r Trl 7 Trl hr r<-<7 K- Trr \ <7 - yr, 77 » .-y r/ /~ ? r\ I- vr <( \ l\ jy [ Trr -fe \ Fr <7 Tr \ Trr Tr Trr \ f< rf \ Trr "If Trf \ Trr -/rfrTr ^ K Trf \ Trr Tr Tr \ \ f«^TTrf Tr -Trf Tr TfTrf Trr Tr Trf\ # Tr Tr Tf rf T^ Tr rf Kf 77 r<7 \ T f< rf \ "frf £f -fr F 77 r «[[<< Tr r Tr \ Tr Tr Trf \ -< 77 jjy rT T< "frf Trr r<- "frf \ 77 "frf Trr "frf \ ^ff 77 t? 77"frf \ A 77 Tr ^ 77<< Trf "< 77 rT \ [Trf Trr TT \ Tr <7rTr \ 7 rrr Kr7£ 7 <7 Hr Trr \ Trr^fTrf «f7 T( KfTf ^ <7 r 7r Trr K \ 7^ Wz «tnr< K- rrr r<< [Trr^' Art. Vases \ Trr Tr «ff TT << TrpJ \ KK\ 'fe H tT T b 7? r sr -r f r«rr 5 f r m \k k vr? h r* C TnfcbM«UZ< Tr Trr \ «II ^ nr K' KrT7 rtr nt^bh!«!![ZtXos r/v rots <£i'Aots', Strabo 15. 3. 8). data, ‘law’: datam Dar. NRa. 21. data Bh. 1. 23. INDEX VERBOKUM 27 d a t a s a ? doubtful reading of King-Thompson Bh. 4. 71-72, for which Tolman proposes amata (ahy), Hoffmann-Kutschke utava (ahy). datuhya, pr. n.: datuhyahya Bh. 4. 85 + + + + hyahya. dadarsi, pr. n.: 1) a Persian satrap: dadarsis Bh. 3. 13, 15. 2) an Armenian subject: dadarsis Bh. 2. 29, 31-32, 48. dadarsim Bh. 2. 33, 38 + + + rsim, 44. dan, ‘know’: adana Bh. 1. 51. dan, ‘flow’: danuvatiy (danutaiy Bartholomae) Dar. Sz. c. 9 danu- + + + +. (See Tolman Lex. p. 99.) dar, ‘hold’: darayamiy Bh. 1. 26; Dar. NRb. 14 da + yamiy. ada- raya Bh. 1. 85; Bh. 2. 9; Bh. 3. 23; Dar. NRa. 41. adarsiy (see Tolman Lex. p. 99) Dar. Pers. e. 8. adariy Bh. 2. 75, 90; Dar. NRa. 22 (see Tolman Lex. p. 99). with prefix ham: hamadarayaiy Bh. 1. 26 ha + dfirayai + . daraya”ta (darayata Weissbach Phot.), see Tolman Lex. p. 99: Dar. NRd. 2. darayavau, 1) ‘Darius I’: darayavaus Bh. 1. 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 17- 18, 20-21 + + + yavaus, 24, 27, 35, 44, 48, 61, 71, 73, 81, 83, 90; Bh. 2. 1, 5 + arayavaus, 8, 11 darayavau + , 13-14, 18, 29, 37 da + + vau + , 42-43, 49, 57, 64, 70, 78, 91 daray- ava + s, 92; Bh. 3. 1, 9, 10-11, 19-20, 21, 29, 40, 49, 53, 54, 64, 69, 75, 76, 83 da + + + u + ; Bh. 4. 1 daraya + + + , 2-3, 31, 33 daraya + + + , 36, 40 da + + va + + , 43, 45, 50, 53, 57, 59, 61-62, 67, 69-70, 72, 76, 80 da + yavaus, 86, 88; Bh. 5. 1 + arayava + + , 14 + + rayavaus, 18 + + + vau + , 20, 30, [34]; Bh. a. 1, 4-5, 9, 14; Dar. Pers. a. 1; Dar. Pers. b; Dar. Pers. d. 4-5, 5, 12; Dar. Pers. e. 1, 5-6, 19; Xerx. Pers. ca. 11; cb. 18; Art. Pers. aa. 17*, 18; ac. 17*, 18; ad. 17*, 18; Art. Pers. b. 22-23*, 24; Dar. NRa. 8, 15, 30- 31, 40 daraya + us, 47-48; Dar. NRb. 5; Dar. Sus. a. [1], 3; Dar. Sus. b. [1-2]; Xerx. Sus. 2 + arayavaus (see Tol- man Lex. p. 1); Art. Sus. a. 3; Dar. Sz. a. d + ra + vau + ; Dar. Sz. b. 1 + + + yavaus; Dar. Sz. c. 4, 7 dara + vaus; 28 INDEX VERBORUM Dar. Kr. 1; Dar. Elv. 12; Xerx. Van. 17; Dar. Seal; Dar. Weight Inscr. 2-3. darayavaum Dar. Pers. d. 2; Dar. NRa. 5; Dar. NRb. 4 + + + + vaum; Dar. Sz. c. 3; Dar. Elv. 7. darayavahaus Bh. 3. 58-59; Dar. Pers. c; Dar. Pers. d. 10; Xerx. Pers. aa. 9-10; ab. 9-10; ac. 9-10; ad. 9-10; Xerx. Pers. b. 19; Xerx. Pers. ca. 8-9, 14; cb. 14, 23; Xerx. Pers. da. 13; db. 19; Xerx. Pers. ea. 3; eb. 3; Dar. NRc. 1-2; Dar. NRd. 1; Dar. Sz. c. 3 d + rayavahaus; Xerx. Elv. 19; Xerx. Van. 14-15. darayavausahya Art. Sus. a. 2-3, 3f. darayavasahya Art. Ham. 4, [4] f . 2) ‘Darius H’: darayavaus Art. Pers. aa. 13-14*, 14; ac. 13-14*, 14; ad. 13-14*, 14; Art. Pers. b. 18*, 19; Art. Sus. b*. darayavausahya Art. Sus. a. 1, l-2f. darayavasahya Art. Ham. 2, [2]f. *Nom. as gen. fGen. as nom. dargam, ‘long’: Bh. 4. 56, 75. dars, ‘dare’: adarsnaus Bh. 1. 53. darsam, ‘mightily’: Bh. 4. 37; Dar. NRb. 7 bis*, 14, 15, 50. *Word uncertain from mutilated text. darsman, ‘boldness’: darsma" (Bartholomae; darsam Weissbach; see Tolman Lex. p. 100) Bh. 1. 50. dasta, ‘hand’: dastaya (post-pos. a) Bh. 4. 35; Bh. 5. [16]. das- taibiya (Weissbach Phot.; instr. du.) Dar. NRb. 41 (Tol- man compares . . ava zasti . . . darayaSwam . .’ . hvarstanam syao^nanam varazai, ‘ apply the hands to perform right ac- tions ’, Vr. 15. 1). dahyu, ‘province’: dahyaus Bh. 1. 59; Bh. 2. 28, 53, 59, 72; Bh. 3. 9, 11, 20, 23, 66, 75, 79-80 + hyaus; Bh. 4. 39; Bh. 5. 4 + hyaus, 13-14, 29-30 dah + + + + ; Dar. Pers. d. 6. da- hyaum Dar. Pers. d. 15, 18; Dar. NRa. 53. DAHyum Art. Pers. aa. 26; ac. 26; ad. 26; Art. Pers. b. 34. dahyauva (post-pos. a) Bh. 1. 34 (dahyuva V eissbach). dahyava (nom.) Bh. 1. 13, 17, 18, 23, 41; Bh. 2. [6]; Bh. 4. 33; Dar. Pers. e. 7, 14; Dar. NRa. 17, 39. dahyava (acc.) Bh. 1. 21, 47, INDEX VERBORUM 29 67; Bh. 4. 92 dahya + . dahyunam Bh. 1. 2 dah + + + + + ; Bh. a. 3; Dar. Pers. a. 4; Dar. Pers. e. 3; Xerx. Pers. aa. 7-8; ab. 7-8; ac. 7-8; ad. 7-8; Xerx. Pers. b. 15; Xerx. Pers. ca. 7; cb. 11; Xerx. Pers. da. 10-11; db. 15; Dar. NRa. 10; Dar. Sus. a. [2]; Dar. Sus. b. 6-7 dahyuna+; Art. Sus. c. 3-4 + + + + + am; Dar. Sz. b. [2-3]; Dar. Sz. c. 5; Dar. Kr. 5; Dar. Elv. 15; Xerx. Elv. 15; Xerx. Van. 11-12. DAHyunam Art. Pers. aa. 11; ac. 11; ad. 11; Art. Pers. b. 14; Art. Sus. a. 1; Art. Ham. [1]. dahyusu- va Bh. 1. 35. di, ‘it dim Dar. NRa. 33. dis Bh. 1. 65; Bh. 4. 34 di + , 35 di + , 36 di + , 73, 74, 77, 78; Bh. 5. 17, 33 + + s; Dar. NRa. 21 di + , [42]. (Enclitic in all places except Bh. 4. 34, 35, 36.) di, ‘see’: didiy (see Tolman Lex. p. 101) Dar. NRa. 41. di, ‘injure’: adlnam Bh. 1. 59. adina Bh. 1. 44-45, 46, 66. dltam Bh. 1. 50. dida, ‘stronghold’: dida Bh. 1. 58; Bh. 2. 39, 44; Bh. 3. 61, 72. didam Bh. 2. 78. dipi, ‘inscription’: dipim Bh. 4. 42 dipi + , 48, 70, 73 cli + + + , 77; Xerx. Van. 22, 24. dipiya (post-pos. a) Bh. 4. 47 d 1 + p + + a. Uncertain mutilated forms: dipi- Bh. 4. 89, 91-92; -ipi- Bh. 4. 90. dubala, pr. n. : dubaia Bh. 3. 79. duraiy, ‘far’: Xerx. Pers. aa. 9; ab. 9; ac. 9; ad. 9; Xerx. Pers. b. 18; Xerx. Pers. ca. 8; cb. 13; Xerx. Pers. da. 13; db. 18; Dar. NRa. 44; Dar. Sz. c. 6; Dar. Elv. 18;- Xerx. Elv. 18; Xerx. Van. 14. (With apiy in all places except Dar. NRa. 44.) diiraiapiy (see Tolman Lex. p. 101) Dar. NRa. 12. durayapiy (duray alone, Weissbach; see Tolman Lex. p. 101) Dar. NRa. 46. duruj, ‘lie’: adurujiya Bh. 1. 39 + durujiya, 78; Bh. 3. 80; Bh. 4. 8 + + urujiya, 10-11, 13, 16 + + u + + + iya, 18, 21 + + + ruji- 30 IXDEX VERBORUM ya, 24 a + u + ujiya, 26-27, 29; Bh. b. 2-3; Bh. c. 2-3; Bh. d. 2; Bh. e. 3-4; Bh. f, 1-2; Bh. g. 2-3; Bh. h. 2-3; Bh. i. 2-3; Bh. j. 2-3. adurujiyasa 11 Bh. 4. 34-35. duruxtam (nom.) Bh. 4. 44-45. duruxtam (acc.) Bh. 4. 49-50. duruva, ‘secure’: duruva Bh. 4. 39. duvaistam, ‘very long’: Dar. Pers. e. 23 duvais + m. duvara, ‘door’: duvaraya (post-pos. a) Bh. 2. 75, 89. duvarfli, ‘portico’: duvartfim Xerx. Pers. aa. 12; ab. 12; ac. 12; ad. 12. duvitaparanam (Tolman; duvitaparnam Weissbach; for full discus- sion see Tolman Lex. p. 102): Bh. 1. 10; Bh. a. 17. duvitlya, ‘second’: duvitiyam Bh. 2. 37-3S, 57; Bh. 3. 77. duvitl- yama (duvitlya-ma Bartholomae; see Tolman Lex. p. 102) Bh. 3. 24. duvitiyam Bh. 5. 2 (Tolman) + + + + tlyam ( ++ - + + tiya a King-Thompson). dusiyara, ‘bad harvest’: dusiyaram Dar. Pers. d. 19-20. dusiyara Dar. Pers. d. 17. drauga, ‘the Lie’: drauga Bh. 1. 34; Bh. 4. 34; Dar. Pers. d. 20. drauga Bh. 4. 3<; Dar. Pers. d. li-18. draujana, ‘deceiving’: draujana Bh. 4. 38 + + + jana, 63, 68. draujiya, ‘regard as a lie’: draujlyaiiy (Bartholomae; see Tolman Lex. p. 104) Bh. 4. 43 + + + + Iyahy. drayah, ‘sea’: draya Bh. 5. 23; Dar. Sz. c. 10. drayahya (post- pos. a; daryahya Hoffmann-Kutschke wrongly) Bh. 1. 15; Dar. Pers. e. 14. N naiba, ‘ beautiful’: naiba Dar. Pers. d. 8. naibam Xerx. Pers. aa. 13, 16; ab. 13, 16; ac. 13-14, 16; ad. 13-14, 16; Xerx. Van. 20. IXDEX VERBORUM 31 naiy (nai-), ‘not’: naiy Bh. 1. [32], 48, 49 ter, 52, 53, 71, [91]; Bh. 2. 21, 24, 31, 51, 84; Bh. 3. 15, 86; Bh. 4. 44, 47 bis, 51, 55, 58, 63 bis , 63-64, [64], 65, [65], 73, 78 + + y; Bh. 5. 31; Dar. Pers. d. 11; Xerx. Van. 22. nai- Bh. 4. 49, 64 + i. nadi D tabaira, ‘Mdintu-Bel nadi"tabaira Bh. 1. 77, 92-93 + di n ta- baira; Bh. 2. 1; Bh. 4. 12 + di n tabaira; Bh. d. 1. nadfl'ta- bairam Bh. 1. SO, 84; Bh. 2. 4 nadi n taba + + + , 5. nadi“ta- bairahya Bh. 1. 85, 89, 95. napat, ‘grandson’: napa Bh. 1. 3; Bh. a. 4. nabukudracara, ‘ Nebuchadrezar ’: nabukudracara Bh. 3. 80-81, 89 + + + + ^dracara; Bh. 4. 14 nabukudra + +, 29-30; Bh. d. 3-4; Bh. i. 5-6 (written on the stone nabukuracara). nabuk"- dracara Bh. 1. 78-79, 84, 93. nabunaita, ‘Nabonidus’: nabunaitahya Bh. 1. 79. nabunaitahya Bh. 3. 81; Bh. 4. 14, 30 + + + naitahya; Bh. d. 5-6; Bh. i. 7-8. naman, ‘name’: nama Bh. 1. 28, 30, 36, 37, 74, 77, 92; Bh. 2. 8- 9, 9 na + , [14], 19, 22, 29, 33, 49, 65, 79, 82, 95; Bh. 3. 5, 12, 13, 22 bis , 31, 34, 44, 51, 56, 78, 84; Bh. 4. 8, 10, 12-13, 15-16, 18, 20, 23, 26, 29, 83 na +, 83 + ama, 84 bis , 85, [86]; Bh. 5. 5, 8, 27; Art. Pers. aa. 19, 20; ac. 19, 20; ad. 19, 20; Art. Pers. b. 25, 26; Dar. Sz. c. 9; Seal Inscr. a. 2-3. nama (see Tolman Lex. p. 105) Bh. 1. 58, 58-59; Bh. 2. 27-28, 39, 44 na + a, 53, 59, 72; Bh. 3. 11, 23, 61, 66, 72, 79; Bh. 5. [4]. [nav, ‘ship’: nava (Tolman) Dar. Sz. c. [11].] navama, ‘ninth’: navama Bh. 1. 10; Bh. a. 16-17. naviya (see Tolman Lex. p. 105), ‘ fleet’: naviya Bh. 1. 86. nas or na$, 4 injure ’. with prefix vi: viyanasaya (viyana^aya Foy) Bh. 4. 66 viyan- a + ya. vina^ayais Dar. NRb. 20 (so Tolman, who interprets as 2 pers. opt. instead of vina#ayaisa Weissbach Phot.). nah, ‘nose’: naham Bh. 2. 74, 88-89. 32 IXDEX VERBORUM niy, vbl. prefix, ‘ down with ar, kan, 0 T i, pis, sta, had. ni, ‘lead’: anaya Bh. 2. 88; Bh. 3. [88] (Tolman); Bh. 5. 12. anayata Bh. 1. 82; Bh. 2. 73; Bh. 5. [26]. with prefix fra (see Tolman Lex. p. 106): franayam Bh. 1. 87. nij, vbl. prefix, ‘away’, with i. nipadiy, ‘in pursuit of* (Bartholomae; see Tolman Lex. p. 106): Bh. 2. 73; Bh. 3. 73 nipadi + . nisaya, pr. n. : nisaya Bh. 1. 58. nuram, ‘now': Bh. 4. 53. nyaka, ‘grandfather’: nyakam Art. Sus. a. 4 + + + kam. P pa, ‘protect’: padiy Dar. Pers. e. 21-22. patuv Dar. Pers. d. 16; Xerx. Pers. aa. 18, 20; ab. 18, 20; ac. 18, 20; ad. 18, 20; Xerx. Pers. b. 28; Xerx. Pers. ca. 12, 15; cb. 20-21, 25; Xerx. Pers. da. 18; db. 26; Art. Pers. aa. 25; ac. 25; ad. 25; Art. Pers. b. 33-34; Dar. NRa. 52; Xerx. Van. 25-26 + atu + . pata Dar. Pers. e. 22. with prefix patiy: patipayauva Bh. 4. 38. pa n cama (Weissbach), ‘fifth': pa n camam Bh. 5. 3 pa n + + + + . paisiyauvada, pr. n. : paisiyauvadam Bh. 3. 42. paisiyauvadaya Bh. 1. 36-37 paisi + + uvadaya. pat, ‘ fly with prefix ud: udapatata Bh. 1. 36, 38, 74 udapata + + , 78; Bh. 2. 10, 14-15; Bh. 3. 24, 79. patiy, 1) prep, post-pos., ‘at’:' (a) With acc. : patiy Bh. 2. 62; Bh. 5. 2 (Weissbach; but preceding the noun) +tiy. pati- Bh. 1. 20. (b) With instr. : Bh. 2. [16]; Bh. 3. 26. (c) With loc.: Bh. 2. 76. 91 pati + ; Bh. 3. 52, 91. 2) vbl. prefix, ‘at’, with avahya, i, xsi, jan, pa, fras, bar (with a). INDEX VERBORUM 33 patiy, ‘again’: Bh. 2. 37, 43, 57; Bh. 3. 64, 77; Xerx. Pers. (encl.)aa. 15; ab. 15; ac. 15; ad. 15; Dar. NRa. 38 (end.). patikara, ‘picture’: patikara Bh. 4. 71, 73, 77; Dar. NRa. 41. patigrabana, pr. n. : patigrabana Bh. 3. 4-5. patipada, ‘in its own place’: patipadam Bh. 1. 62. patis, ‘against’: Bh. 1. 93; Bh. 2. 38 + tis, 43-44, 52-53, 58, 67; Bh. 3. 36, 43, 65. patisuvari, ‘Patischorian’: patisuvaris Dar. NRc. 1. pad, ‘path’: padm Dar. NRa. 58. pada, ‘foot’: padaibiya (Weissbach Phot.; instr. du.) Dar. NRb. 41 (Tolman compares ava pa So ava zasta ava usi darayaSwam . . . hvarstanam syao^nanam varazai, ‘ apply the feet, the hands, the ears to perform right deeds ’, Vr. 15. 1). paya: Seal Inscr. d (Weissbach-Bang); see vahyav'sdapaya. para, 1) prep, post-pos., ‘along’, in avapara. 2) vbl. prefix, ‘ forth’, with ar, i, gam, bar. para, ‘after’, in compound hyaparam, q. v. paranam, ‘formerly’ (see Tolman Lex. p. 109): Bh. 1. 51. pariy 1) prep., ‘about’: Bh. 1. 54. 2) vbl. prefix, ‘about’, with bar. paru, ‘many’: paruv Bh. 4. 49. parunam Dar. Pers. e. 4; Xerx. Pers. aa. 5 Ms; ab. 5 Ms; ac. 5 Ms; ad. 5 Ms; Xerx. Pers. b. 9, 10; Xerx. Pers. ca. 4-5, 5; cb. 7, 8; Xerx. Pers. da. 6-7, 7-8; db. 9, 10; Dar. Elv. 9, 10; Xerx. Elv. 9-10, 11; Xerx. Van. 7, 8. p a r u uv a n a am a Art. Pers. aa. 6, 7; ac. 6, 7; ad. 6, 7; Art. Pers. b. 8-9, 10; Dar. NRa. 6, 7. See also S. V. paruzana. paruva, 1) ‘former’: paruva Bh. 4. 51. 2) 6 eastern’: paruvaiy Dar. Pers. e. 15 p a r a u + iy\ 3 34 INDEX VERBORUM paruvam, ‘formerly’: Bh. 1. 9 + ruvam, 63, 67, 69 + + uvam; Bh. a. 15-16. paruviyata, ‘ from long ago’ (with haca): Bh. 1. 7 p.aruv + ++ , 8, 15; Bh. a. 11, 12. paruzana, ‘containing many kinds of people’: paruzananam Dar. Elv. 15-16; Xerx. Elv, 15-16. paruvzananam Xerx. Pers. b. 15-16; Xerx. Pers. da. 11; db. 15-16. paruv zananam Xerx. Pers. aa. 8; ab. 8; ac. 8; ad. 8; Xerx. Pers. ca. 7; cb. 11-12; Xerx. Van. 12. parga, pr. n. : parga Bh. 3. 44. partara, ‘ foe’: partaram (Weissbach Phot.) Dar. NRa. 47. partfava 1) ‘ Parthia ’: partfava Bh. 1. 16; Bh. 2. 7 + + 0ava, 92; Dar. Pers. e. 15; Dar. NRa. 22. parflavaiy Bh. 2. [94], [96]; Bh. 3. 5, 10. 2) ‘ Parthian ’: partfava Dar. XRiv. parflavaibis Bh. 2. 96 par 0a- vaibi + . < parsa, 1) ‘Persia’: parsa Bh. 1. 14, 41; Bh. 2. 7; Dar. Pers. d. 6-7. parsam Bh. 1. 46, 66; Bh. 3. 33, 34; Bh. 4. 9, 28 ++ - + sam; Dar. Sz. c. 12 par + in. parsa (instr. ) Dar. Pers. e. 8; Xerx. Pers. aa. 14; ab. 14; ac. 14; ad. 14. parsa (abl.) Dar. NRa. 18, 46-47; Dar. Sz. c. 7-8 pa + + a, 10. parsaiy Bh. 1. 2, 34; Bh. 2. [9]; Bh. 3. 23, 24, 28, 34, 52, 53, 77 parsai + ; Bh. a. 2. 2) ‘ Persian’: parsa Bh. 1. 49; Bh. 2. 18, 19, 49; Bh. 3. 13, 26, 31, 32, 56, 84 pa ++ ; Bh. 4. 16, 26, 83 par + , 84, 84 + arsa, 85 bis , 86; Bh. 5. [8]; Dar. Pers. e. 22; Dar. NRa. 13, 46; Dar. NRi; Dar. Sz. c. 7 + arsa. parsam Bh. 2. 81; Bh. 3. 2, 29-30; Dar. Pers. e. 21. parsahya Dar. NRa. 13-14, 43 par + h + + . pasa, ‘after’: Bh. 3. 32. pasava, ‘afterwards’: Bh. 1. 27, 30, 32, 33, [34], 35-36 pa + + + , 40, 43, 46, 54, 72, 73-74, 75 pa + + + , 79, 82, 83, 86, 91, 94; Bh. 2. 1 + + + va, 3, 4, 12, 16, 19, 21, 27, 31, 32, 47, 51, 52, 62, 64, 67, 71, 72, 76, 81, 84-85, 88, 90, 94; Bh. 3. 1, 4, 9, 12-13, 15, 20, 25, 29, 33, 36-37, 41, 50, 59, 70, 73, 75, 81, t INDEX VERBORUM 84, 86, 90-91 + sava (Weissbach); Bh. 4. 5, 35, 91; Bh. 5. [3], 6, 9 pa + + + , 10-11, 13, 29; Dar. NRa. 33; Dar. Sz. c. 10 pa + + + (see Tolman Lex. p. 110); Xerx. Van. 23. p a s a t‘'is a , read by Weissbach pastis, ‘Fussg&nger’: Dar. NRb. 43, 45. pitar, ‘father’: pita Bh. 1. 4, 4 + + + ii, 5, 5 pit + , 6; Bh. 2. 93; Bh. a. 5, 6, 6-7, 7, 8; Xerx. Pers. aa. 15; ab. 15; ac. 15; ad. 15; Xerx. Pers. ca. 12; cb. 19-20; Xerx. Sus. 2 pit + (see Tolman Lex. p. 1); Xerx. Van. 18. pi# r a Xerx. Pers. aa. 20; ab. 20; ac. 20; ad. 20; Xerx. Pers. ca. 14; cb. 23. pirava, ‘Nile’: pirava Dar. Sz. c. 9. (On constr. see Tolman Lex. p. 111.) pisa, for meaning see Tolman Lex. p. Ill: Bh. 5. 24. pis, ‘write’ (for discussion of meaning see Tolman Lex. p. 111). with prefix niy: niyapisam Bh. 4. 71 niyapi + m, 90 + + + + - isam. nipistanaiy Xerx. Van. 24-25. nipistam Bh. 4. 47, 47-48. nipistam Xerx. Van. 22-23. pu"tiya, pr. n.: pu n tiya Dar. NRa. 29-30 pu n t + ya. pu0 r a, ‘son’: pu0 r a Bh. 1. 3, 28, 39, 53, 74, 78, 79; Bh. 2. 9; Bh. 3. 25, 79, 81; Bh. 4. 9, 14, 28, 30, 83, [84 Ins], 85 + u0 r a, 85, 86 + u0 r a; Bh. a. 3; Bh. b. 6; Bh. d. 6; Bh. h. 7; Bh. i. 8-9; Dar. Pers. a. 5; Dar. Pers. b; Dar. Pers. e. 5; Xerx. Pers. aa. 10; ab. 10; ac. 10; ad. 10; Xerx. Pers. b. 20; Xerx. Pers. ca. 9; cb. 15; Xerx. Pers. da. 14; db. 20; Xerx. Pers. ea. 4; eb. 4; Art. Pers. aa. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20; ac. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20; ad. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20^; Art. Pers. b. 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26; Dar. NRa. 13, 14; Dar. Sus. a. 2; Dar. Sus. b. 10; Dar. Sus. c; Art. Sus. a. 1, 2 bis, 3 bis\ Art. Sus. b; Dar. Sz. b. 5-6 pu + ; Dar. Sz. c. 6 + u0 r a; Dar. Kr. 8; Dar. Elv. 20; Xerx. Elv. 20; Xerx. Van. 15; Art. Ham. [2], 3, [3], 4 pu + , [4]; Seal Inscr. a. [8]; Dar. Weight Inscr. 7. . F fra, vbl. prefix, ‘forth’, with is, jan, tar, ni, bar, ha n j. 36 IXDEX VERBORUM fratama, ‘foremost': fratama Bh. 1. 57; Bh. 2. 77; Bh. 3. 1S-19, 51, 71, [90] (Weissbach), 91 + rata + a. frada, pr. n. : frada Bh. 3. 12; Bh. 1. 23; Bh. j. 1. framatar, ‘lord’: framataram Xerx. Pers. aa. 5-6; ab. 5-6; ac. 5-6; ad. 5-6; Xerx. Pers. b. 11; Xerx. Pers. ca. 5; cb. 8-9; Xerx. Pers. da. 8; db. 11; Dar. NRa. 7-8 (Weissbach Phot.); Dar. Elv. 11; Xerx. Elv. 11; Xerx. Van. 9. framataram Art. Pers. aa. 8; ac. 8; ad. 8; Art. Pers. b. 10. framana, ‘command’: framana Dar. NRa. 57; Dar. XRb. 28 + ra- mana. framanaya Dar. NRb. 37. fravarti, ‘Phraortes’: fravartis Bh. 2. 11 fra 4 _ + + ++ , 66, 71, 73; Bh. 1. 18 fravar + + s; Bh. e. 1-2. fravartim Bh. 2. 17. fravartais Bh. 2. 69, 93 fravar + + +• fras, ‘ examine’: aparsam Bh. 1. 22; Bh. 1. 67. parsa Bh. 1. 38, 69. with prefix patiy: patiparsahy Bh. 1. 12. patiparsatiy Bh. 1. 18. frasta or frasam (Tolman): Dar. Sus. a. 5. fraharavam (fraharvam Hoffmann-Kutsckke, phonetically wrong; see Tolman Lex. p. 112), ‘all together’: Bh. 1. 17. B baxtrl, ‘Bactria’: baxtris Bh. 1. 16; Dar. Pers. e. 16. Dar. NRa. 23. baxtriya Bh. 3. 13-11, 21. baga, ‘god’: baga Xerx. Pers. aa. 1; ab. 1; ac. 1; ad. 1; Xerx. Pers. b. 1; Xerx. Pers. ca. 1; cb. 1; Xerx. Pers. da. 1; db. 1; Art. Pers. aa. 1, 25; ac. 1, 25; ad. 1, 25; Art. Pers. b. 1, 33; Dar. NRa. 1; Dar. NRb. 1; Dar. Sz. c. [1]; Dar. Elv. 1; Xerx. Elv. 1; Xerx. Van. 1 . bagaha Bh. 1 . 61 + - gaha, 63. baganam Dar. Pers. d. 1-2; Xerx. Elv. 2; Xerx, Van. 2. bagaibis Dar. Pers. d. 11-15, 22, 21; Xerx. Pers. b. 28-29; Xerx. Pers. ca. 12-13, 15; cb. 21, 25; Xerx. Pers. da. 18; db. 26-27; Xerx. Van. [26]. INDEX VERBORUM 37 bagabigna, pr. n. : bagabignahya Bh. 4. 84-85 bag + bignah + + . bagabuxsa, ‘Megabyzos’: bagabuxsa Bh. 4. 85 ba + + uxsa. bagayadi, name of a month: bagayadais Bh. 1. 55. baji, ‘tribute’: bajim Bh. 1. 19; Dar. Pers. e. 9-10; Dar. NRa. 19. ba n d, ‘bind’: basta Bh. 1. 82; Bh. 2. 75, 90; Bh. 5. 26 + sta. basta Bh. 3. [88] (Tolman). ba”daka, ‘subject’: ba n daka Bh. 2. 20, 30, 49-50, 82; Bh. 3. 13, 31, 56, 85; Bh. 5. 8. ba n daka Bh. 1. 19. babiru, ‘Babylon’: babirus Bh. 1. 14 + abirus, 80; Dar. Pers. e. 10-11; Dar. NRa. 26 babiru + ; Dar. NRxvi + + birus. ba- birum Bh. 1. 83-84, 91, 91 babiru + ; Bh. 2. 2 + + + irum, 3, 3-4; Bh. 3. 82, 84, 87; Bh. 4. 15, 30. babiraus Bh. 2. 65. babirauv Bh. 1. 78, 81; Bh. 2. 5, 6; Bh. 3. 79, 83, 91 babi- ra + v; Bh. 4. 2 + + + + + + v; Bh. d. 7-8; Bh. i. 11 (written on the stone babrauv). babiruviya, ‘Babylonian’: babiruviya Bh. 1. 77, 79; Bh. 3. 81; Bh. 4. 13. babiruviyam Bh. 3. 86 babiruvi + m. babiruviya (nom.) Bh. 3. 78. babiruviya (acc.) Bh. 3. 88 babiruvi + a. bar, ‘bear’: b a r a t a y a (bara n t'y Foy; see Tolman Lex. p. 114, s. v. barataya) Bh. 5. 22-23. bara"tiy Dar. NRa. 42. abaram Bh. 1. 22; Bh. 4. 66 a + rain, abara Bh. 1. 25, 55, 88, 94; Bh. 2. 25, 34-35, 40, 45, 54, 60, 68, 86, [97]; Bh. 3. 6, 17, 37, 45, 62, 67 (written on the stone ar a r a ), 87 a + + ; Bh. 4. 61, 62; Dar. NRa. 50-51. abara" Dar. Pers. e. 10; Dar. NRa. 19 aba + . baratuv Dar. Pers. d. 14. abara n ta Bh. 1. 19. with prefix patiy-a: patiyabaram Bh. 1. 68. with prefix para: parabara Bh. 1. 71, 96. parabartam Bh. 1. 62, 67-68 paraba + + m. with prefix party: paribara Bh. 4. 72 pari + ra, 88 par + + + a. paribarahy Bh. 4. 78. paribarah(i)- Bh. 4. 74. with prefix fra: frabara Bh. 1. 12 + + abara, 25, 60-61; Dar. Pers. d. 3-4, 7-8; Dar. NRa. 33; Dar. Sz. c. 4. 38 INDEX VERBORUM b&rataya (bara n ty Foy; see Tolman Lex. p. 114): Bh. 5. 22-23. bardiya, ‘Smerdis’: bardiya Bh. 1. 30 + + + + ya, 32, 39, 52-53; Bh. 3. 25, 35, 54; Bh. 4. 9, 27, 82; Bh. b. 4-5; Bh. h. 5. bardiyam Bh. 1. 31 bis, 51. bu, “ be ’: abavam Bh. 1. 28, 60, 72; Bh. 4. 5; Bh. 5. [4]. abava Bh. 1. 32, 33, 34, 40, 48, 77, 80; Bh. 2. 16-17, 17, 80, 94; Bh. 3. 10, 11, 20, 27, 28, 76, 82, 83; Bh. 5. 5, [14], 30 + + va. abava 11 Bh. 1. 76; Bh. 2. 7, 93 + + va n ; Bh. 3. 78; Bh. 4. 34. bavatiy Dar. NRa. 43 bava + iy, 45-46. biya (2 s g. opt., Tolman, Weissbach, Bartholomae) Bh. 4. 69 + +- + a. biya (3 sg. opt.) Bh. 4. 56 bis, 58, 59, 74-75, 75 bl + a, 78-79, [79]. buml, ‘earth’: bumim Xerx. Pers. aa. 1; ab. 1; ac. 1; ad. 1; Xerx. Pers. b. 2; Xerx. Pers. ca. 1; cb. 2; Xerx. Pers. da. 2; db. 2; Dar. NRa. 2. 32; Dar. Sz. c. 1-2; Dar. Elv. 2; Xerx. Elv. 3; Xerx. Van. 2-3. bumam Art. Pers. aa. 2; ac. 2; ad. 2; Art. Pers. b. 2. bumiya Xerx. Pers. aa. 9; ab. 9; ac. 9; ad. 9; Xerx. Pers. b. 17; Xerx. Pers. ca. 7-8; cb. 12-13; Xerx. Pers. da. 12; db. 17; Dar. NRa. 11- 12; Dar. Sus. b. 9 ++ + + + a; Art. Sus. c. [4]; Dar. Sz. b. [4]; Dar. Sz. c. 6; Dar. Kr. 7; Dar. Elv. 17-18; Xerx. Elv. 17; Xerx. Van. 13. BUMiya Art. Pers. aa. 11; ac. 11; ad. 11; Art. Pers. b. 16; Art. Sus. a. 1; Art. Ham. 2. bratar, ‘brother’: brata Bh. 1. 29-30 brat + , 39-40 br + ta. M m a , ‘seal’? (Justi): Seal Inscr. e. 1. ma, prohib. particle, ‘not’: 1) With opt.: Bh. 4. 59, 69, [79]; Dar. Pers. d. 18, 19 bis , 20 + a. 2) With inj.: Bh. 4. 54; Dar. Pers. e. 21; Dar. NRa. 58, 59, 60. ma + +, see akuna, s. v. kar; also Tolman Lex. p. 81, s. v. kar: Art. Ham. 7. ma, ‘measure’. with prefix a: amata (adata Andreas-Hiising; see Tolman INDEX VERBORUM 39 Lex. p. 115; also p. 3, n. 3) Bh. 1. 7 + mata; Bh. a. 11 a + ata. maka, pr. n. : maka Bh. 1. 17; Dar. Pers. e. 18. magu, ‘Magian’: magus Bh. 1. 36, 44, 46, 64, 66, 70-71; Bh. 4. 8; Bh. b. 2. magum Bh. 1. 50, 54, 57, 73; Bh. 4. 81. maciya, pr. n. : maciya Dar. NRa. 30; Dar. NRxxix. matya, ‘that not’: Bh. 1. 52; Bh. 4. 43, 48 mat + , 71. matfista, ‘greatest’: maflista Bh. 2. 13, 24; Bh. 3. 70 ma0 + + +; Dar. Pers. d. 1; Xerx. Elv. 2; Xerx. Van. 1-2. maflistam Bh. 2. 20, 83; Bh. 3. 12, 31, 57, 85; Bh. 5. 6 + + ista+, 8, 12 uia 0 + + + + , 28-29 ma0is + + . mada, 1) ‘Media’: mada Bh. 1. [15], 41; Bh. 2. 7; Dar. Pers. e. 10; Dar. NRa. 22. madam Bh. 1. 47, 66; Bh. 2. 22, 28-29, 48-49, 63, 65 bis-, Bh. 3. 32-33; Bh. 4. 20. madaiy Bh. 1. 34, 59; Bh. 2. 15, 17, 22-23, 28, 66 bis, 72, 92 ma + iy; Bh. 3. 77; Bh. e. 10-11. 2) ‘ Median’: mada Bh. 1. 49; Bh. 2. [14], 16, 18 + ada, 82; Bh. 4. 18; Dar. NR[n]. madam Bh. 2. 21, 82; Bh. 3. 30. ma- daibis Bh. 2. 23 mada + + + s. madaisuva Bh. 2. 23. man, ‘think’: maniyahay (see Tolman Lex. p. 116) Bh. 4. 39 man- + + + + + ; Dar. Pers. e. 20; Dar. NRa. 38-39 maniya + y (maniy[ahay t]ya Weissbach). maniyataiy (see Tolman Lex. p. 116) Bh. 4. 50 maniya + + + . man, ‘await’: amanaya Bh. 2. 48, 63. amaniya Bh. 2. 28. maniya, for proposed meanings see Tolman Lex. p. 116: mani- yam Bh. 1. 65. nfn"uv a t a m“ (Jackson; see Tolman Lex. p. 117, also p. 119 s. v. sakaurifm]) Bh. 4. 65. (Cf. + + t u n u uv a t a m a .) + + + + mamaita?, fragment of a name: Bh. 5. 5. mar, ‘die’: amariyata Bh. 1. 43. 40 INDEX VERBORUM m a + + + , for maru, pr. n. : marus Bh. 2. 22 m + + + s. margava, ‘Margian’: margava Bh. 3. 12; Bh. 4. 24. margavaibis Bh. 3. 16. margu, ‘Margiana’: margus Bh. 2. 7; Bh. 3. 11. margum Bh. 4. 25. margauv Bh. 4. 25 + + gauv; Bh. j. 5-6. martiya, ‘ man ’ : - martiya Bh. 1. 21, 36, 48, 74, 77; Bh. 2. 8 + + + - + ya, 14, 79 mar + iya; Bh. 3. 12, 22, 70 mart + +, 78; Bh. 4. 38 mart + + , 65, 68 marti + ; Bh. 5. [5], [7] (Weissbach omits); Dar. NRa. 46; Dar. NRb. 16. martiyam Bh. 3. 57; Xerx. Pers. aa. 2; ab. 2; ac. 2; ad. 2; Xerx. Pers. b. 4-5; Xerx. Pers. ca. 2-3; cb. 4; Xerx. Pers. da. 3-4; db. 4-5; Art. Pers. aa. 3-4; ac. 3-4; ad. 3-4; Art. Pers. b. 4; Dar. NRa. 3; Dar. Sz. c. 2 + + tiyam; Dar. Elv. 4-5; Xerx. Elv. 5; Xerx. Van. 4. martiyahya Xerx. Pers. aa. 3; ab. 3; ac. 3; ad. 3; Xerx. Pers. b. 6; Xerx. Pers. ca. 3; cb. 5; Xerx. Pers. da. 4-5; db. 6; Dar. NRa. 4, 44; Dar. NRb. 3; Dar. Sz. c. 2-3; Dar. Elv. 6; Xerx. Elv. 7; Xerx. Van. 5. martihya Art. Pers. aa. 4-5; ac. 4-5; ad. 4-5; Art. Pers. b. 6. martiya (voc. s.) Dar. NRa. 56. martiya (nom. pi.) Bh. 1. 57-58; Bh. 4. 80, 82. martiya (acc. pi.) Bh. 2. 77 ma + tiya; Bh. 3. 48, 50, 74, 90, 91 + + + iya. martiya- nam Bh. 4. 87 (Weissbach; see Tolman Lex. p. 74, s. v. ima) martiya + ?. martiyaibis Bh. 1. 56-57. martiya, pr. n.: martiya Bh. 2. 8; Bh. 4. 15; Bh. f. 1. martiyam Bh. 2. 12-13. marda, see Tolman Lex. p. 117: Bh. 5. 11. marduniya, ‘Mardonius’: marduniyahya Bh. 4. 84 marduniyahy + . mazdah, see auramazdah: mazdaha (with aurahya) Xerx. Pers. ca. 10; cb. 17. maska, ‘skin’ (for discussion of meaning see Tolman Lex. p. 118): maskauva Bh. 1. 86. mah, ‘month’: mahya (post-pos. a) Bh. 1. 37-38 mtlh + + , 42, 56, INDEX VERBORUM 41 89, 96; Bh. 2. 26 mah + a, 36 mfih + + , 41, 47, 56, 61-62, 69, 98 m + hya; Bh. 3. 8, 18, 39, 46-47, 63, 68, 88. m'6ra, pr. n.: m'dra Art. Pers. aa. 25; ac. 25; ad. 25; Art. Pers. b. 33; Art. Sus. a. 5 + #ra. m’tra Art. Ham. 6. m'0rahya Art. Sus. a. 4 + 0ra + + +. m'trahya Art. Ham. [5]. mu 0, ‘flee’ (see Tolman Lex. p. 119): amu0a Bh. 2. 2 (Htising) a + + + , 71; Bh. 3. 41-42, 71 am\ + . mudraya, ‘Egypt’: mudraya Bh. 1. 15; Bh. 2. [7]. mudrayam Bh. 1. 32, 33; Dar. Sz. 8. mudraya (abl. s.) Dar. Sz. c. 11-12 . , . , . yii. mudrayaiy Dar. Sz. C. 9. mudraya (nom. pi.) Dar. Pers. e. 11-12; Dar. NRa. 27. Y yautiya, pr. n. : yautiya Bh. 3. 23. y a u + + + + (yaudinim Weissbach’s conjecture; see Tolman Lex. p. 119): Dar. NRa. 32. yauna, ‘Ionia’: yauna Dar. NRa. 28. yauna Bh. 1. 15 yaun + ; Dar. Pers. e. 12-13; Dar. NRa. 29. yata, ‘while’: Bh. 1. 25, 54, 69; Bh. 2. 6, 28, 48 + ata, 63; Bh. 3. 77; Bh. 4. 51 + ata, 81; Dar. NRa. 51. ya0a, ‘when’: Bh. 1. 23, 27, 31, 33, 63, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, [91]; Bh. 2. 22, 32, 52, 65; Bh. 3. 3, 34; Bh. 4. 5, 35, 44, 52, 63 + + a; Bh. 5. 3 + 0a, [17], 29 ya + +, [33], Dar. NRa. 31- 32 + 0a, 37 ya + + ; Dar. NRb. 39; Dar. Sz. c. 11 + On (see Tolman Lex. p. 119), 12. yad, ‘worship’: y(?)adayamaiy (Tolman; 0adayamaiy Weissbach) Dar. Sus. a. 5. yadataiy Bh. 5. 19 (Tolman) ya + + + + + , 34-35 yadatai + . ayadaiy (see Tolman Lex. p. 120) Bh. 5. 16, 32 (Tolman) + yadaiy. yadaya, abl. with haca; for discussion see Tolman Lex. p. 120 (y(a)utiya (sic) Hoffmann-Kutschke): Bh. 3. 26. 42 INDEX VERBORUM yadiy, ‘if’: Bh. 1 . 38; Bh. 4. 38-39, 54, 57, 72-73 ya + + + , 77; Dar. Pers. e. 19, 22. yadipatiy (yadipadfijy Weissbach) Dar. XRa. 38 (cf. patiy, ‘again’). yana (see Tolman Lex. p. 120), ‘favor’: yanam Dar. Pers. d. 21. yanaiy, ‘whereon’: Xerx. Van. 22. yam, ‘ reach ’. with prefix a: ayasata Bh. 1 . 47; Bh. 3. 4, 42-43. yava, ‘as long as': Bh. 4. 71, 74, 78; Bh. 5. 19 ya + + , [35]. yuviya, ‘canal’: yuviya Dar. Sz. c. 10. yuviyam Dar. Sz. c. 8-9 TY1 1 ^ + -f + + + 4- - 1 --* R raucah, ‘day’: rauca (nom.) Bh. 3. 8. rauca (acc.) Bh. 1. 20. raucabis Bh. 1. 38, 42, 56, 89-90, 96; Bh. 2. 26, 36 + + + ++ s, 42, 47, 56, 69-70, [98]; Bh. 3. 18-19, 39, 47, 63, 68, 88-89. rautah, ‘river’: rauta (see Tolman Lex. p. Ill, s. v. pirava) Dar. Sz. c. 9. V raxa, pr. n.: raxa Bh. 3. 34. raga, pr. n.: raga Bh. 2. 71-72. ragaya Bh. 3. 2-3. rad, ‘leave’: with prefix ava: avarada Dar. XRa. 60. rasta, ‘true’: rastam Dar. XRa. 59. + + + + rtaiyiy a : upavartaiy a iy a (‘dittogi’aphv for upavartaiy’ Tol- man; [va]rtiyaiy Bartholomae; see Tolman Lex. p. 122) Bh. 4. 44. V va (end.), ‘or’: Bh. 1. 20 Iris', Bh. 4. 68, 71, 73, 77. INDEX VERBORUM 43 vaina- (pres, stem), ‘see’, mid. ‘seem’: vainamiy Dar. NRb. 36, 36-37, 39. avaina Bh. 2. 76, 90 a + i+; Dar. NRa. 32. vainahy Bh. 4. 70, 73 vaina + + , 77; Dar. NRb. 29. vaina- taiy Xerx. Pers. aa. 16; ab. 16; ac. 16; ad. 16. vaumisa, pr. n.: vaumis^ Bh. 2. 49, 51, 62. vaumisam Bh. 2. 53, 58. va# r abara, for proposed meanings see Tolman Lex. p. 123: Dar. NRd. 1. vayaspara, pr. n. : vayasparahya Bh. 4. 83 va + sp + + hya. var, ‘choose’, mid. ‘convince’: varnavataiy Bh. 4. 49. vamavatam Bh. 4. 42, 53. varkana, ‘Hyrcania’: varkana Bh. 2. 92-93. [vart, ‘turn’. with pretix upa - a; see s. V. + + + + rtaiyiya.] vardana, ‘town’: vardanam Bh. 1. 92; Bh. 2. [9], 22, 66, 95-96 varda + + ; Bh. 3. 5, 22, 34, 51-52. vasiy (see Tolman Lex. p. 123), ‘much’: Bh. 1. 34, 51, 89, 95; Bh. 2. 26, 36, 41 vas + + , 46, 55, 61, 69, [98]; Bh. 3. 7, 18, 39, 46, 63, 68; Bh. 4. 46, 56, 75; Xerx. Pers. aa. 13; ab. 13; ac. 13; ad. 13; Dar. NRb. 26-27; Xerx. Van. 19. vasdasaka, uncertain word: Seal Inscr. c. wasna, ‘favor’: vasna Bh. 1. 11 va + + + , 13-14, 18, 22 vasn + , 26, 59-60, 68, 70, 88, [94]; Bh. 2. [3], 25, 35, 40, 45, 54, 60, 68, 86, 97; Bh. 3. 6, 17, 37-38, 45, 62, 67, 87; Bh. 4. 4, 6 vasn + , 41, 46, 52 va + + + , 60 + + + a, 88; Bh. 5. 16, 32; Dar. Pers. d. 4, 9; Dar. Pers. e. 6; Xerx. Pers. aa. 11, 16; ab. 11, 16; ac. 11, 16; ad. 11, 16; Xerx. Pers. b. 26; Xerx. Pers. ca. 10; cb. 17; Xerx. Pers. da. 16; db. 23; Dar. NRa. 16, 35, 49; Dar. NRb. 6, 47; Xerx. Sus. 1; Xerx. Van. 18-19; Art. Ham. 5 vasn + . vazarka (see Tolman Lex. p. 124), ‘great’: vazarka Bh. 1. 1; Bh. a. 1; Dar. Pers. a. 2; Dar. Pers. b; Dar. Pers. d. 1; Dar. 44 INDEX VERBORVM Pers. e. 1-2; Xerx. Pers. aa. 1, 6; ab. 1, 6; ac. 1, 6; ad. 1, 6; Xerx. Pers. b. 1, 13, 22-23; Xerx. Pers. ca. 1, 6, 10; cb. 1, 10, 16-17 ; Xerx. Pers. da. 1, 9, 15-16; db. 1, 13, 23; Xerx. Pers. ea. 1-2; eb. 1-2; Art. Pers. aa. 1, 9; ac. 1, 9; ad. 1, 9; Art. Pers. b. 1, 12; Dar. NRa. 1, 8-9; Dar. NRb. 1; Dar. Sus. a. [1]; Dar. Sus. b. [3]; Art. Sus. a. 1; Art. Sus. b; Art. Sus. c. 2 va + + + ; Dar. Sz. b. 1; Dar. Sz. c. 1, 5; Dar. Kr. 2; Dar. Elv. 1, 13; Xerx. Elv. 1, 13; Xerx. Van. 1, 10; Art. Ham. 1; Dar. "Weight Inscr. 1-5; Xerx. Vases; Art. Vases, vazarkam Bh. 1. 76 (Oppert) + + + + ui; Dar. Sz. c. 1. vazarkaya Xerx. Pers. aa. 9; ab. 9; ac. 9; ad. 9; Xerx. Pers. b. 17-18; Xerx. Pers. ca. 8; cb. 13; Xerx. Pers. da. 12; db. 17-18; Dar. NRa. 12; Dar. Sz. b. 1 + + + + + ya; Dar. Sz. c. 6; Dar. Elv. 18; Xerx. Elv. 17-18; Xerx. Van. 13-14. vahauka, pr. n. : vahaukahya Bh. 4. 86 vahau + + v + . vahyav'sdapaya, uncertain word: Seal Inscr. d. vahyazdata, pr. n. : vahyazdata Bh. 3. 22, 35, 41, 54, 60, 70-71; Bh. 4. 26 + + + zdata; Bh. h. 1-2. vahyazdatam Bh. 3. 27- 28, 48, 50. vahyazdatahya Bh. 3. 38-39, 46. viy, vbl. prefix, ‘away’, with kan, tar, nas or na0, san?. vi0, ‘royal court’: vi0am Dar. Pers. e. 24; Dar. NRa. 53. v'0am Bh. 1. 69, 71. v'#a Bh. 2. [16]; Bh. 3. 26. vi0iya (post- pos. a) Dar. Pers. c. v'diya. (post-pos. a) Bh. 4. 66 v‘0i + + . v ; i0 a ib a is a , for discussion of meaning see Tolman Lex. p. 125: vi0 a ibis Dai. Pers. d. 14, 22, 24 + + 0 a + bis. v'0 a b a is a c a a, see discussion Tolman Lex. p. 125: Bh. 1. 65. vi n dafarnah, ‘ Intaphernes ’ : vi n dafama (see Tolman Lex. p. 126) Bh. 3. 84 vi n dafar + + , 86 + i n da + + + a, 88 vi“da + + na; Bh. 4. 83. vidarna, ‘Hydarnes’: vidama Bh. 2. 19 + + darna, 21; Bh. 4. 84 + + darna. INDEX VERBORUM 45 viyaxna, name of a month: viyaxnahya Bh. 1. 37; Bk. 2. 98 + iy- axnahya; Bh. 3. 68 viya + nahya. vivana, pr. n.: vivana Bh. 3. 55, 73. vivanam Bh. 3. 58, 60, 65, 71. visa, ‘all’: visam Xerx. Pers. aa. 16; ab. 16; ac. 16; ad. 16; Xerx. Pei’s, b. 25-26; Dar. NRa. 49. visadahyu, 4 containing all lands’: visadahyum Xerx. Pers. aa. 12; ab. 12; ac. 12-13; ad. 12-13. vispazana, ‘containing all kinds of people’: vispazananam Dar. XRa. 10-11; Dar. Sz. c. 5 v + + + + + anam. vistaspa, ‘Hystaspes’: v’staspa Bh. 1. 4; Bh. 2. 93, 94, 97 + + ta- + + ; Bh. 3. 4, 7; Bh. a. 5. v'staspam Bh. 3. 2, 3. v’staspahya Bh. 1. 2-3, 4 v’staspa + + +; Bh. a. 3, 5-6; Art. Pers. aa. 18-19, 19*; ac. 18-19, 19*; ad. 18-19, 19*; Art. Pers. b. 24-25, 25-26*; Dar. Sus. b. 9-10 v i + + a + + + + a. vistas- pahya Dar. Pers. a. 4-5; Dar. Pers. b; Dar. Pers. e. 4; Dar. XRa. 12-13; Dar. Sus. a. 2 + + + taspahya; Art. Sus. a. 3; Dar. Sz. b. [5]; Dar. Sz. c. 6 vistas + + + + ; Dar. Kr. 7-8; Dar. Elv. 19-20; Art. Ham. [4]; Dar. Weight Inscr. 5-6. *Gen. as nom. vispauzati, pr. n. : vispauzatis Bh. 2. 95 vis + uz + tis. S saka 1) ‘Scythia’: saka Bh. 1. 16-17; Bh. 2. 8. 2) ‘Scythian’: saka Bh. k. 2. saka (nom.) Dar. Pers. e. 18; Dar. XRa. 25, 25-26 + ka, 28; Dar. XRxv. saka (acc.) Bh. 5. 25 sak + . saka, ‘Scythia’: sakam Bh. 5. 21 sa + + + , 21-22. [san (with prefix viy), better read kan; see Tolman Lex. p. 80, S. V. kan.] (ga[sta] Weissbach; see Tolman Lex. p. 127): Dar. XRa. 52. 46 INDEX VERBORUM [sar: asariyata, better read akariya n ta; see Tolman Lex. p. 81, s. v. kar.] sikayauvati, pr. n. : sikayauvatis Bh. 1. 58 sika + uvatis. suguda, ‘ Sogdiana ’ : suguda Bh. 1. 16 + + + uda; Dar. Pers. e. 16 sug u + ?da; Dar. NRa. 23. sku"xa, pr. n.: sku n xa Bh. 5. 27 s + + xa; Bh. k. 1-2. skudra, pr. n. : skudra Dar. NRa. 29. sta, ‘stand’: aistata Bh. 1. 85. with prefix ava: avastayam Bh. 1. 63, 66, 69. with prefix my: niyastayam Bh. 3. 91 (Weissbach) + ++ - stayam; Dar. Sz. c. 8 ni + + tayam, 11; Xerx. Van. 23-24. iiiyastaya Xerx. Van. 21. stana, ‘place 1 : stanam Xerx. Van. 20-21. star, ‘sin’: starava Dar. NRa. 60. sparda, pr. n. : sparda Bh. 1. 15; Dar. Pers. e. 12; Dar. NRa. 28. § sa (encl.), in haca avadasa: Bh. 1. 37; Bh. 3. 42, 80. saiy (encl.), ‘to him 1 , ‘to it 1 : Bh. 1. 57; Bh. 2. [30], 50, 74 sai + , 74-75, 77, 88, 89, [95]; Bh. 3. 14, 48, 51, 74, [90] (Weiss- bach), [91]; Dar. Pers. d. 3. sakaurim, for meaning see Tolman Lex. p. 129: Bh. 4. 65 sa- kauri + . sam (encl.), ‘of them’: Bh. 1. 14, 19, 23; Bh. 2. 13, 20, 20 s + + , 27, 37, 42, 47 + am, 56, 62, 83 bis, 9S; Bh. 3. 8, 19, 31, 40, 47, 57 bis, 64, 69, 85 bis\ Bh. 5. [8], [12], 15 + am; Dar. NRa. 18 sa + , 20, 36-37. sim (encl.), ‘him 1 , ‘it 1 : Bh. 1. 50, 59 bis, 62, 83, 96 (apisim for apis-sim); Bh. 2. [13], 75, 76, 90 bis\ Bh. 3. 74; Bh. 4. 6 (sis Weissbach), 49 (Tolman) s + + ; Bh. 5. 13 + + m, 27 s + + ; Dar. NRa. 36. INDEX VERBORUM 47 siyati, ‘welfare’: siyatis Dar. Pers. e. 23. siyatim Xerx. Pers. aa. 3; ab. 3; ac. 3; ad. 3; Xerx. Pers. b. 5-6; Xerx. Pers. ca. 3; cb. -1-5; Xerx. Pers. da. 4; db. 5-6; Dar. NRa. 4; Dar. NRb. 2-3; Dar. Sz. c. 2 + iyatim; Dar. Elv. 5-6; Xerx. Elv. 6; Xerx. Van. 5. sayatam Art. Pers. aa. 4; ac. 4; ad. 4; Art. Pers. b. 5. siyu, ‘go’: asiyavam Bh. 1. 84, 91; Bh. 2. 3, 65; Bh. 5. 21 ++ - iyavam. asiyava Bh. 1. 33 + + + + va, 33, 41 + siyava, 80; Bh. 2. 2-3, IT, 22, 32, 51-52, 72, 85 + siyava, [95]; Bh. 3. 4, 16, 28, 32, 33, 42, 59-60, 72, 73-74, 82, 87; Bh. 5. 9. asiyava' 1 Bh. 1. 76. sis (encl.), ‘them’: Bh. 3. 52; Bh. 4. 6 (Weissbach); Bh. 5. 11 (Tolman; daiy King-Thompson). Z zazana, pr. n. : zazana Bh. 1. 92. zurakara, ‘doing wrong’: zurakara Bh. 4. 64, 68 + + rakara. zurah, ‘deceit’: ziira Bh. 4. 65. + + + + y?, pr. n., Elam, zuzza, Bab. zu-u-zu: Bh. 2. 33. zra n ka (zara n ka Weissbach), ‘Drangiana’: zra n ka Bh. 1. 16; Dar. Pers. e. 15-16; Dar. NRa. 24. H haina, ‘army’: haina Dar. Pers. d. 19ha + na. hainaya Dar. Pers. d. 16-17. hauv, ‘he’, ‘it’: hau- Dar. Pers. d. 3. hauv (m.) Bh. 1. 36, 38, 41, 47, 47-48, 74, 76, 78, 81, 82, [92]; Bh. 2. 10, 14, [16] (Weissbach), 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 66, 71, 79, 93-94; Bh. 3. 3, 11, 23-24, 26-27, 28, 35, 41, 54, 55, 59, 70, 71, 79, 80, 82, 83, [91]; Bh. 4. [8], 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28 ha + + , [29], 30; Bh. 5. [9] (Weiss- bach omits); Dar. Pers. d. 2; Xerx. Van. 18, 21. hauv (f.) Bh. 5. 4-5; Dar. Pers. e. 23; Dar. NRa. 57. hauv a m a (see Tolman Lex. p. 131) Bh. 1. 29. 48 INDEX VERBORUM haumavarga (Weissbach Phot. ; see Tolman Lex. p. 131, s. v. haumavarka): haumavarga Dar. NRa. 25. haxamanis, ‘Achaemenes’: haxamanis Bh. 1. 6; Bh. a. 8. haxamanisiya, ‘Achaemenidan haxamanisiya Bh. 1. 3 haxama- nis + + ; Bh. a. 1; Dar. Pers. a. 5; Dar. Pers. b; Dar. Pers. e. 5; Xerx. Pers. b. 20-21; Xerx. Pers. ca. 9; cb. 15; Xerx. Pers. da. 11; db. 20-21; Xerx. Pers. ea. 1; eb. 1; Art. Pers. aa. 20-21; ac. 20-21; ad. 20-21; Art. Pers. b. 26-27; Dar. NRa. 13; Dar. Sus. a. 2-3 ha + + + + + + ++ ; Dar. Sus. b. 11 + + + + nisiya; Art. Sus. c. 1 + + amanisi + ; Dar. Sz. b. 6 haxa + + + + + ya; Dar. Sz. c. 6-7; Dar. Kr. 8-9; Dar. Elv. 20; Xerx. Elv. 20; Xerx. Van. 15-16; Art. Ham. 5; Murghab 2; Dar. Weight Inscr. 7-8. haxamanis- iya Xerx. Pers. aa. 10-11; ab. 10-11; ac. 10-11; ad. 10-11. haxamanisiya Al’t. Sus. a. 3 haxaman + siya. haxamanisiya Bh. 1. 7; Bh. a. 10. hagmatana, ‘ Ecbatana hagmatanaiy Bh. 2. 76, 77-78 hagmata- + + +• haca, ‘from’: Bh. 1. 19, 23, 36, 10, 50, 61; Bh. 2. 6, 12, 16, 61, [93]; Bh. 3. 2, 26, 27, 78, 81; Bh. 1. 37; Bh. 5. 5 ha + + (ha[mi0 r iya] Weissbach); Dar. Pers. d. 11, 16, 17 bis; Dar. Pers. e. 9, 20; Dar. NRa. 18, 20, 16 + + a, 52; Dar. Sz. c. 7 + + a, 9 (see Tolman Lex. p. Ill, s. v. pirava), 10, 11. haca avadasa Bh. 1. 37; Bh. 3. 12, SO. haca paruviyata Bh. 1. 7, 8, 15; Bh. a. 11, 12. ha"j, a verb designating some form of capital punishment; see Tolman Lex. p. 132. with prefix fra: fraha”jam Bh. 2. 78. had, ‘ sit’. with prefix niy: niyasadayam Dar. NRa. 36. hada, ‘with’: Bh. 1. 56, 93; Bh. 2. 1-2, 21-22, 23, 67 had + , 71, 85, 85-86, [95], 96; Bh. 3. 5, 15, 16, 33, 36, 11, 71 + da, 73, 86; Bh. 5. [9], [10], [21]; Dar. Pers. d. 11, 22, [21]; Dar. Pers. e. 8; Xerx. Pers. b. 28; Xerx. Pers. ca. 12, 15; cb. 21, 25; Xerx. Pers. da. 18; db. 26; Xerx. Van. [26]. INDEX VERBORUM 49 hadaxaya, uncertain word: Seal Inscr. b. 1. hadis, ‘dwelling-place’: hadis Xerx. Pers. ca. 11; cb. 18; Xerx. Pers. da. 16-17; db. 24; Xerx. Sus. 2 hadi + (see Tolman Lex. p. 1); Art. Sus. c. 5. ha’’duga, ‘record’: ha n dugam (hadugam 'Weissbach) Bh. 4. 55, 57. hapariya- (Bartholomae; see Tolman Lex. p. 132), ‘reverence': apariyaya" (upariyaya Weissbach) Bh. 1. 23. ham, vbl. prefix, ‘ together ’, with gam, taxs, dar. hama, see Tolman Lex. p. 96, s. v. <9ard: hama Bh. 4. 92. hama- hyaya Bh. 4. 4, 41 + ma + yaya, 45 + + hyaya, 52, 60. hamatar, ‘having a common mother’: hamata Bh. 1. 30. hamapitar, ‘having a common father’: hamapita Bh. 1. 30. hamarana, ‘battle’: hamaranam (nom.) Bh. 2. 27, 37, 42, 47, 56, 62, 98; Bh. 3. 8, 19, 40, 47, 64, 69. hamaranam (acc.) Bh. 1. 90, 93 + + + + m, 94 hama + + m, 96 hama + + + ; Bh. 2. 23, 33, 34, 38, 39, 44, 45, 53, 54, 58, 59, 67, 67-68, 70, 85, 96; Bh. 3. 5, 16, 36, 37, 43, 44, 60, 61, 65, 66; Bh. 5. [10]. hamarana Bh. 4. 5-6, 32. hami# r iya, ‘rebellious’: hamiflbya Bh. 1. 40, 80; Bh. 2. 16, 31, 51, 79, 94 + + i0 r i+; Bh. 3. 27, 81-82; Dar. NRb. 36*. ham- 10 iya (f. Sg.) Bh. 3. 11; Bh. 5. [5]. hami0 r iyam Bh. 2. 26, 35, 41, 46 ham I + ^ r i + + , 55, 61, 84, 87, 97-98 + m i + 0 r iyam; Bh. 3. 7, 18, 63, 68; Bh. 4. 9-10, 12ha + + + + + m, 15 + + - + 0 r iyam, 17-18, [20], 23 hami0 r i + + , 25-26, 28, 30-31; Dar. NRb. 39 + m i + 0 r iyam. hami^ r iya (nom. du.) Bh. 2. 93 ++ - i + + iya. hami^iya (nom. pi. m.) Bh. 1. 76; Bh. 2. 32 ++ - + + iya, 38, 43 ha + i^ r + + +? hami + + + :l, 57-58; Bh. 3. 65, 78. hami^bya (nom. pi. f.) Bh. 2. 6-7; Bh. 4. 33-34. hami^bya (acc. pi.) Bh. 4. 34 + + + + + + a. hamiflbyaibis Bh. 3. 6. *Case not evident from mutilated text. 4 50 IXDEX VERBORUM [har, ‘ flee’: aharata (Oppert; see Tolman Lex. p. 72, s. v. ah, ‘throw’), Bh. 1. 95 + + + + a. with prefix ava: avaharta (Weissbach; of. s. v. hard) Bh. 2. 94 avaha + + .] haraiva, ‘Aria': haraiva Bh. 1. 16; Dar. Pers. e. 16; Dar. Alla. 22-23 hara + va. harauvati, ‘Arachosia’: harauvatis Bh. 1. 17 ha + uvatis; Dar. Pers. e. 1<; Dar. NRa. 24. harauvatim Bh. 3. 55. harau- vatiya Bh. 3. 56, 72 + rauvatiya, 76. haruva, ‘whole’: haruva Bh. 1. 40, 80; Bh. 2. 75, 90. [hard, ‘leave’. with prefix ava: avaharda (Tolman; ef. s. V. har with pre- fix ava; avaha[r + ] Kiug-Thompson) Bh. 2. 94.] hV'bana (uzbana Weissbach; see Tolrnan Lex. p. 134), ‘tongue': h‘‘r a banam Bh. 2. 74. haldita, pr. n.: halditahya Bh. 3. 79. hasiya, ‘true’: hasiyam Bh. 4. 44. hi n du, ‘India’: hi"dus Dar. Pers. e. 17-18; Dar. NRa. 25. hya, 1) Relative, ‘who’: hya Bh. 1. 21, 22, 49, 51, 84, 93; Bh. 2. 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 31, 51, 66, 84, 95 h + ; Bh. 3. 15, 30, 35, 54, 58, 70, 86, [89]; Bh. 4. 37 + ya, [38], 41, [48], 65 (restored by Tolman), 66, 68 Ms, [68], 70, 82, 87; Bh. 5. 18, [34]; Dar. Pers. a. 5-6; Xerx. Pers. aa. 1 , 2 Ms, 3 Ms; ab. 1 , 2 Ms, 3 Ms; ac. 1, 2 Ms, 3 bis; ad. 1, 2 Ms, 3 bis; Xerx. Pers. b. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7; Xerx. Pers. ca. 1 , 2 bis, 3, 4; cb. 1 , 2, 3, 4, 6; Xerx. Pers. da. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; db. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7; Art. Pers. aa. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; ac. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; ad. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Art. Pers. b. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Dar. NRa. 1, 2, 3, 3-4, 5; Dar. NRb. 1, 16, 54; Dar. Sz. c. 1 bis, 2, 2 h + , 3 bis; Dar. Elv. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7; Xerx. Elv. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Xerx. Van. 2, 3, 4 bis, 6. hya Dar. Pers. d. 8. 2) Article, ‘the’: hya Bh. 1. 39, 44, 46, 53, 64, 65 h + , 70, 79 INDEX VERBORUM 51 Us, 85; Bh. 2. [25], 27, 35, 40, 46, 55, 60, 87; Bh. 3. 17, 25, 26, 32, 38, 45, 62, 67, 81; Bh. 4. [9], 14, 27, [30]; Bh. b. 2, 5; Bh. d. 5; Bh. h. 6; Bh. i. 7; Bh. k. 2; Dar. Pers. d. 1; Xerx. Pers. ca. 11; cb. 19; Xerx. Sus. 2; Xerx. Elv. 2; Xerx. Van. 1, 18. hya Bh. 1. 8; Bh. a. 12; Dar. Pers. e. 22; Dar. NRa. 56. [hya, ‘ whence ’(?) (Bartholomae; see Tolman Lex. p. 134): Dar. Pers. e. 22.] hyaparam, ‘thereafter’: Bh. 3. 43, 64-65. Numerals I. Bh. 1. 36, 74, 77; Bh. 2. [8], 14, 79; Bh. 3. 8, 12, 22, 57, 78; Bh. 4. 7, [10], [12], 15, 18, 20, 23, [26], 28; Bh. 5. [5], [7] (Weissbach omits). II. Bh. 1. 96; Dar. Weight Inscr. 1. V. Bh. 3. 47. VII. Bh. 3. 68. VIII. Bh. 1. 9; Bh. 2. 36 vi + + ; Bh. a. 14. IX. Bh. 1. 10 (with navama), 42; Bh. 2. 47; Bh. 4. 7, 32; Bh. a. 17 (with navama). X. Bh. 1. 56. XII. Bh. 3. 39. XIII. Bh. 3. 63. XIV. Bh. 1. 38. XV. Bh. 2. 56. XVIII. Bh. 2. 41. XIX. Bh. 4. 5. XXII. Bh. 2. [98]; Bh. 3. 88. XXIII. Bh. 1. 17; Bh. 3. 18. XXV. Bh. 2. 69. XXVI. Bh. 1. 89. XXVII. Bh. 2. 26. THE VANDERBILT ORIENTAL SERIES EDITED BY PROFESSORS Herbert Cushing Tolman, Pii.D., D.D. AND James Henry Stevenson, Pii.D. “The Vanderbilt Oriental Series deserves a word of welcome as an American unde id a h i n g.” — Th e Ratio n . Vol. I. Herodotus and the Empires of the East. Based on Nikel’s Herodot und die Keilschriftforschung. By the editors. Price, $1. “A careful assembling of the valuable references in Herodotus, and a comparison of the native sources.” — Prof. Rogers, in History of Babylonia and Assyria , Vol. 1., p. 264. Vol. II. Index to the Chandogya Upanishad. 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