PRINCETON, N. J. h^^n/i^A /2-. ^L^u^ ^- /yj'-^- Shelf. A%i»!^er 1 7 1 7 S E R TO YOUNG PEOPLE; PREACHED xl. D. 1803, 1804. ON rHE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS: Faith and Praftice. Enquiry concerning Eternal Life. Religion our own Choice. Indecision in Religion. The Principle of Virtue. God's Glory Man's End and Happinefs. Encouragement to Early Seeking. Self-Dedication. Prayer. Observation of the Lord's Day. The Excellence of Religion. Tlie Happiness of Life. The Standard of Honour. Good Company recomn;iended. Caution against bad Company. Caution against bad Books, Frugality. Dissipation. The Instability of Life. Procrastinatibn. Redemption of Time. Reflections on Death. Judgment. The Person and Character of the Judge. The state of those who die in sin. The future Blessedness of the Riehtcous. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, FOR YOUNG FAMILIES. ALSO SERMONS I. 0J4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. II. ANSWER TO THE OBJECTION, THAT EDUCATION IN RELIGION SHACKLES THE MIND. III. REFLECTIONS OF THE AGED ON THE EARLY CHOICE OF RELIGION. ~~ BY~JAMES DANA, D. D. Gather instruction frona thy youth up; so shalt thou find wisdom till tliine old age. My son, if thou come to serve the Lord, prepare thy soul for temptation— constantly en- dure, and make not haste in time of trouble. Miss not the discourse of the elders ; for they also learned of their fathers, and of them thou shalt learn understanding. SON GF SlR.iCcf, FOR INCREASE COOKE & CO- BOOK-SELLERS, NEW-HAVEN. 1806. B. DiJirtSl of ConneBicuty to ivit. fE it remembered, that on the thirteenth day of June, in the thirtieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, INCREASE COOKE & Co. of the faid DiftrIA have depofited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following, to wit. " Sermons to young people; preached A. D. 1803, 1804, on the following " fubjedls : Faith and pradtice. Enquiry concerning eternal life- Religion our " own choice. Indecifion in religion. The principle of virtue. God's glory " man's end and happinefs. Encouragement to early feeking- Self-dedication. " Prayer, Obfervation of the Lord's day. The excellence of religion. The •' happinefs of life. The ftandard of honour. Good company recommended. " Caution againft bad company. Caution againft bad books. Frugality. Dif- " fipation. The inftability of life. Procraftination. Redemption of time Re- ** flctSlions on death- Judgment. The perfon and charaAer of the Judge. The " ftatc of thofe who die in fin. The future bleffednefs of the righteous. " To which are added Prayers for young families. Alfo Sermons, I. On reli- ** gious education- 11- Anfwcr to the objed:ion, that education in Religion " fliackles the mind. III. Refleilions of the aged on the early choice of reli- « gion. By JAMES DANA, D. D." In conformity to the ad; of the Congrefs of the United States, entitled, An A61 for the encouragement of learning by fecuring the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of fuch copies, during the times there- in mentioned. HENRY W. EDWARDS, Cierk of the Difria of Conhemcuf. CONTENTS. SERMON L Page Faith and Pradice. I. TIMOTHY vi. 3. The do^rine which is according to godlinefs. 9 SERMON 11. Enquiry concerning eternal life. MARK X. 17. And' when he was gone forih into the way^ there came one runnings and kneeling to him^ and ajk- ed him^ Good Mafier^ what Jhall I do that I may inherit eternal life ? 23 SERMON III. Religion our own choice. JOSHUA XXIV. 15, Choofe you this day whom ye will ferve. 41 SERMON IV. Indeciiion in religion. I. KINGS xtIH, ai How long halt ye between two opinions ? If the Lord be God^ follow him ; but if Baaly then follow hinu 35 SERMON V. The true principle of virtue. COLOSSIANS iil. 23. And whatfoevcr ye do^ do it heartily^ as to the L^^ and not to men, 71 4 CONTENTS. SERMON VI. Pa^e God's glory man's fupreme end and happinefs. I. CORINTHIANS x. 31. Whether therefore ye eat or drink^ or whatfoever ye do^ do all to the glory of God. 87 SERMON VII. Special encouragement to early feeking. PROVERBS vlli. 17. Thofe that feek me early fhall find me, 101 SERMON VIII. Self-Dedication. ROMANS vi. 13, Tield yourfelves unto God, as thofe that are alive from the dead. 117 SERMON IX. Prayer. EPHESIANS vi. 18. Fraying always with all prayer, — 131 SERMON X. The obfervation of the Lord's day. REVELATION I. lo. / was in the Spirit on the Lord's day. — 1 45 SERMON XI. The excellence of religion. PROVERBS xli. 26. The 7'ighteous man is more excellent than his neigh- bour ; but the way of the wicked feduceth them. 161 SERMON XII. The happinefs of life. PSALM xxxiv, 8. 0 tajle and fee that the Lord is good : Blejfed is the man that trufieth in hinu 17 S CONTENTS. 5 SERMON XIII. Page The ftandard of honour. PROVERBS in. ss- The wife Jhall inherit glory, — 193 SERMON XIV. Good company recommenced. PSALM cxix. di. lam a companion of all them that fear thee^ and of them that keep thy precepts, 209 SERMON XV. Caution againft bad company. PSALM i. I. Bleffed is the man that walketh not in the counfel of the ungodly^ nor fiandeth in the way offinners^ nor fitteth in the feat of the fcornfuL 223 SERMON XVI. Caution againft bad books. PROVERBS xlx. 27. Ceafe^ iny fo7i, to hear the infiruaion which caufeth to err from the words of knowledge. 239 SERMON XVII. Frugality. JOHN vl. 12. When they were filled, he f aid unto his difciples. Gath- er up the fragments that remain, that nothing be ¥• 255 6 CONTENTS. SERMON XVIII. Page Diflipation. a. TIMOTHY iH.4. Lovers of pleafures more than lovers of God» 269 SERMON XIX. The inftability of life. JAMES iv. 13, 14, 15. Go to now^ ye that fay^ To-day^ or to-morrow^ we will go into fuch a city^ and continue there a year^ and huy^ and fell^ and get gain : Whereas ye know not what Jhall be on the morrow : For what is your life ? It is even a nyapour that appear eth for a Ut- ile time^ and then vanifheth away. For that ye ought to fay^ If the Lord will^ we Jhall live^ and do this or that. 285 SERMON XX. Procraftination. LUKE xlv. 18. — I pray thee have me excufed. 299 SERMON XXI. The redemption of time. COLOSSIANS iv. V. — Redeeming the time, 315 SERMON XXII. Reflections on death. GENESIS iii. 19. — For duji thou art^ and unto duji Jhalt thou return, 333 CONTENTS. 7 SERMON XXIII. Faee Judgment, ECCLESIASTES xi. 9. — But know thou J that for all thefe things God will bring thee into judgment, 351 SERMON XXIV. The perfon and charader of the Judge. JOHN V. 27. And hath given him authority to execute judgment al- fo^ becaufe he is the Son of man, S65 SERMON XXV. The ftate of thofe who die in their fins, JOHN viii. 24. I faid therefore unto you^ that ye fhall die in your fins : For if ye believe not that I am he^ ye fhall die in your fins, 381 SERMON XXVI. The future bleffednefs of the righteous. I. THESSALONIANS, iv. 14. For if we believe that Jefus died and rofe again, even ' fo them alfo wbojleep in Jefus will God bring with him, 395 8 CONTENTS* PRAYERS FOR YOUNG FAMILIES. 411 SERMONS. 1. On religious education. DEUTERONOMY, vi. 7. And thou Jhalt teach them diligently unto thy children^ and Jhalt talk of them when thou fittefi in thy houfe^ and when thou walkeji by the way^ and when thou lieji down^ and when thou rifeji up, 431 il. Anfwer to the objedion, that education in re- ligion fliackles the mind. PROVERBS xxii. 6. Train up a child in the way he jhould go ; and when he is oldy he will not depart from it. 44? III. Reflexions of the aged on the early choice of religion. P^ALM Ixxi. 1 6, 17, 1 8, / will go in the Jtrength of the Lord God : I will make mention of thy right eoufnefs^ even of thine only, 0 Gody thou haft taught me from my youth ; and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now alfo when I am old and gray -headed^ 0 Gody forfake me not ; until I have Jhewed thy ftrength unto this generation^ and thy power to every one that is to come, 463 Page 95. line 23 for Balaam ^ read Balak, T4«7il7/Avr4^/A\^it7ift\/^/4\7