) j AN ACCOUNT OF MEMORIALS PRESENTED TO CONGRESS BY NUMEROUS FRIENDS OF THEIR COUNTRY AND ITS INSTITUTIONS , PRAYING THAT THE MAILS MAY NOT BE TRANSPORTED, NOR POST-OFFICES KEPT OPEN, ON- THE SABBATH. JIcUj JJovraintree. New Rowley, Nkwbukvi'okt, Newton, (Senate,) Northampton, North Brooklicid, Peru. Pitlsfield, Plainfield, Randolph, Richmond, Salj'.m, Sandwich, ShelHeld, South Reading, Springfield, Slockbridge, Sturbridge, Topsfield, Ware, Wenham, (Senate,) Westminster, West Springfield, West Stock bridge, Williamstown. Petitions from the Slate of CONNECTICUT ; viz. From the towns of Rozrahville, Canton, Chester, Colchester, Coventrv, Sou Oris wold, HAriTKlti'.u, Lisbon, IMeriden, (Sen.) Par. IMiddlebmv. Do. N. Par. (Sen.) IMiddlctown, Derby, Nkw Havkn, Farniinglon, From inhabitants of the Counties of Faiilield, and Middlesex, (two petitions.) New London. Norfolk, Nortliingion, (Sen. NOKWK'H. Poqnetanuck, Rocky Hill, Sharon, Tolland, (Sen.) I'Arringlon, West Hartford, Wethersficid, Winchester, W ind-sor, Wolcott, (Sen.) Petitions from the State of NEW YORK ; viz. From the cities and towns of Canajoharie and Palatine, Champion, Chesier, Clarl Gouverneur, Hartland, Hornellsville, Ithaca, Jackson, Jamaica, Johnstovvji, Lansingburgh, Le Roy, Ley den, Lima, From inhabitants of the Counties of Gr Montgomery, Schoharie, Tompkins. Adams, Albant, Albion, Akien and Clarence, Alexander, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Areadia, Augusta, Aurelius, Aurora, Bainbridge, Bath, Bedford, Benton, Bergen, Bethlehem, Bloomfield, Bridgchampton, Brighton, lirooklyn, Byron, Caiedoniaj Cambria, Camden, Livingston, (2 pet.) Lockport, (2 pet.) Lyons, Mamakating and Walkill, (in the Counties of Orange and Sul- livan,) Manheim, Mead's Creek, Wendon, Murray, New Rochelle, NEW YORK CITY, Niagara, Ogden, Palatine, Parma, Pittsford, Potlsdam, Prattshurgh, Reading and Colton, Riga, Rochester, Ro^'allon, Sanford, eene, Renssalaer, St. Law Sackell's Harbor, Salem, Schenectady, Smithfield & Fenner, Smithtowu, L. L Sodus, Stafford, Stillwater, Sweden, Syracuse, Tappan, Tompkins, Trenton, Troy, Victor, Virgil, Waterford, Watertown, Western & Kirkland, Westmoreland, Wheatland, Williamson, Ulysses, Youngslown, rence, Schenectady and Petitions from the State of NEW JERSEY ; viz. From the towns of Belleville, Burlington, Chester, Cumberland, Elizaeethtown, Hopewell, Mendham, Newark, New Brunswick, Perth Amhoy, Pitlsgrove, Plainticid, Princeton, Rahway and Woodbridge, Salem, Trenton. Petitions from the Slate of PENNSYLVANIA ; viz. From the cities and towns of Agnew's Mills, Columbia and vi- cinity, Frankfort, Greersburgh, (Bea- ver Count}',) Harrisbuiigh, Rlonlgomery, PHILADELPHIA, Potlslown, Shippenshurg & vie. Souiinvark, Springfield, Slrasburg, (Lancas- ter County,) Wyalusing, From inhabitants of the Counties of Lancaster, Luzerne, Mercer, (Sen.) Northampton, Somerset, Venango and Butler, (Sen.) Washingrlon, Adams, Alleghany, (Sen.) Bedford, Bradford, Chester, (Sen.) Do. H. R. From inhabitants of the State wiliiout a more particular designation, (four petitions.) Petitions from the State of DELAWARE ; viz. From the towns of Lewis, Smyrna and vicinity. Cumberland, Do. and Perry, Dau]ihin, Franklin, Huntingdon, Noithumberland,(2pt.) Westmoreland, Petitions from the State of MARYLAND ; viz. From the city of BALTIMORE. From the towns oflJnonsboro', Greensboro', and Kent Island. From inhabitants of the Counties of Ann Arundel, and Washington. From the District of COLUMBIA; viz. From inhabitants of the city of Alexandria. Petitions from the State of VIRGINIA ; viz. From the towns of Fairfield, Fredericks- BURGii, Iroiich Creek, Greenville, Middleburg, Otterbridge, Petersburgh. From inhabitants of the Counties of Accomac, (2 pet.) Albemarle, Augusta, P>ernor of Counccliout. 14 ever have (lie constitutional power of ir.teifering in matters of religion. All that we request is, lliiit the powers of the government, given for good and legitimate ob- jects, should not he used to weaken the iniluence of religion, and thus deprive us of the valuable privileges, transmitted to us by our ancestors. Petition of Inhabitants of the city of Boston. The leizal obligations, which bind us to the discharge of what we regard as merely .secular offices on the Sabbath are, in our view, an infringement of that religious freedom and equality of privilege, which, by the federal constitution, are secured to all good citizens. Petition of Inhabitants of Hudson, Portage county, Ohio. BTotivc of Gratitude. We would futhermore suggest, that these United States have long enjoyed the pe- culiar smiles of Heaven ; that they have been blessed in an extraordinary degree ; and that, therefore, gratitude to the Source, whence all these blessings flow, should induce all to keep holy the day, which is especially set apart for worshipping the God of our salvation. Petition of Inhabitants of Telfair county, Georgia. When we reflect on the many blessings, with which our country has been crown- ed ; — that wholesome laws have been enacted ; that the arts of peace have been suc- cessfully cultivated ; and that the happiness of the people of our nation is so greatly promoted ; — we acknowledge ilie gratitude we owe to the Great Arbiter of Na- tions. Petition of Inhabitants of Rowan county, North Carolina. We humbly conceive these things ought not so to be, and trust that, while we as a nation feel ourselves so highly indebted to the Giver of all good, you, in your wis- dom, will say, ' Henceforward there shall be, in the mail department, no infringe- ment of the sacred claims of the day of God.' Petition of Inhabitants of Bedford county, Tennessee. We, as a part of the civilized world, and as beings responsible to God, view, with much concern, the violation of one of his commandments, and conciu- with our fellow petitioners, that the practice is as unnecessary, as it is sinful ; — that it is an infringe- ment of our religious rights, with which an all-bountiful Creator has blessed us. Let «s, therefore, in some measure repay the .Author of all Good, for the innumerable favors, that he has supplied us with. Petition of Inhabitants of Morgan county, Virginia. The undersigned humbly, but earnest!}', supplicate your legislative interference to prevent the future commission of this crying sin, and thus, as the representatives of this republic, testify your ^ra