m m iWi «w tihxavy of Che t:heolo0(cal ^tminaxy PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY Mrs. V/inthrop \f. Aldrioh 3usan , ,.^0i Of m QUESTIONS Acts of the Apostles. 1882— 1883. BIBLE QUESTIONS. Lr^:ssoN I. PHILLIPI— CONVERSION OF LYDl A.— .U/s xvi. 10-15. Where was the Gospel first preached in Europe ? Who founded this city ? Who were the companions ot Paul ? Unto whom was the first sermon preached in Phillipi ? — Verse 13. Compare also F/ii/. iv. 3. What woman is especially mentioned? Where is Thyatira, and for what was it famous ? — See also J^ev. ii. 24. What probably brought Lydia to Phillipi ? What is said of her? — Verse 14, What is meant by her "heart being opened" by the Lord? — Compare i'?:^'. iii, 20; Luke xxiv. 45; Prov. xvi. i. Bible Questio7is. What is the condition of the natural heart with reference to the Gospel? — Matt. xiii. 13-15; I Cor. iii. 6-7. Are external means of grace such as the Bible and preaching of the Gospel sufficient of themselves to overcome this obstacle ? — Ps. cxix. 18. What part did^Lydia do in this great work of her life ? — Verse 14; Ps. cxix. 9-10; Phil. ii. 12-13 ; Prov. x. 17. How did Lydia and her household confess their faith in Christ? — Verse 15. Mention other Christian families mentioned by Paul ? — I Co7-. i. 11-16 ; I Cor. xvi. 15; Rom. xvi. 5 ; Philemon ii. What covenant did God make with Abraham? — Gen. xvii. i, 5, 6, 7 ; II Sam, vii, 12-16. How did Lydia show her appreciation of the blessing brought to her by the Apostles? — Verse 15. Compare Malt. x. 11-13, 40, 41, 42. Bible Questions. LESSON II. PERSECUTION OF THE APOSTLES AT PHILLIP!.— .^^/r/j- xvi. 16-27. How was the Christian Church first established in Phillipi ? What letter of the Apostle tells us of its success and growth ? In one of the meetings for prayer and religious teaching what startling event occurred ? What is here meant by a "spirit of divination ? " For what purpose was the poor creature used by her masters ? What demand in the human heart made such business profitable in this heathen city ? What does the Bible teach on this subject ? — Dent, xviii. 9-14 ; Is. viii. ig, 20; 19-3. What involuntary testimony did this demoniac bear to the Apos- Bible Questions. ties?— Verse 17. Compare Mark i. 8 ; Mark v. 7 ; Luke iv. 34; viii. 28. How did Paul imitate his Master in spirit, and in his power. — Verse 18. Compare Mark i. 25-34; Mai-k n\. 11-12. How did the owners of the girl revenge themselves upon the Apostles ? What false accusation did they bring ? Was the appeal to Roman prejudice successful? — 20-24. What is said of the cruelty with which the Apostles were treated ? What circumstances made their condition seem perfectly hope- less ? Did these outward circumstances seem to depress Paul and Silas? — Verse 25. Compare Actsv. 41; Rom. v. 3. Why not? — Col. i. ii; I Pet. iv. 13. What promises sustained them? — Ps. xxxiv. 15-22; Ps.l. 15; Ps. cxlv. 18-20; Matt. V. 44, 45; Phil. iv. 4-7. What Psalms were appropriate for their praises? — Ps. cxlii.; Ps. ii. 19, 20; cxlvi. 7. Wonderful answer to their prayer? — Verses 26, 35. Bible Questions. LESSON III. CONVERSION OF THE PHILLIPIAN JAILOR.— /^r/j xvi. 27-34- What was the effect of the Apostle's miraculous deliverance upon the sleeping jailor? What kept him from suicide ? What was his earnest cry ? From what did he desire to be delivered ? — Compare Acts ii. 37; ix. 6. How were the terms of salvation simply expressed by the Apostles? See also /«^. vi. 47; IJno.v. 10; Acts'iv. 12. What did our Lord say to the moral Nicodemus ? — Jno. iii. 14, 15. How is it that so simple an act as faith can deliver from sin and save a soul? — Rom.nx. 19-26; H Cor.w. 21; Gal. iii. 10- 13 ; Eph. i. 6, 7 ; I Pet. ii. 24. Bible Questions. What further instruction was given by the Apostles that same night? — Verse 32. What blessings came to the household of the jailor? — Verses 32, 34. How did the change of heart at once show itself? — Verse 33 ; Matt. XXV. 40. His joy? — Rom. v. ii. What is the only way of salvation for sinners revealed in God's word? — Is. xlv. 22-25. Bible Questions. LESSON IV. THE EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. Where did we leave Paul in the last lesson ? Why did he refuse to be released from prison in a perfectly in- formal way ? What were the privileges and protection of a Roman citizen ? To whose home did the Apostles go? What was their last act before leaving Phillipi ? Who remained behind to care for the infant Church at Phillipi? — Compare Acts xvi. 13; Acts xvii. i. What allusion did Paul afterward make to his ill-treatment at Phillipi ?— I Thess. ii. 2. In spite of all this, what was his feeling to the Church at Phil- lipi ? — Phil. iv. I. lO Bible Questions. How long after was the letter to them written ?— ID years. From what place ? Paul was then a prisoner. — Phil. i. 12-14, Who joins with him in his greeting to them ?- -Phil. i. I. What does he say of his prayer for them? — Phil. i. 3-11. What women are especially mentioned and associated with Phil- lipi ? — Phil. iv. 2; Acts xvi. 14. How did the Church at Phillipi show its devotion to Paul? — Phil. iv. 10, 14, 16, 18. Were they a wealthy church ? What is the last assurances that Paul makes to them in his letter to them ? When and where was the first Christrian Church established in Europe?— A. D. 54. What in the civil condition of Phillipi gave the Church protec- tion? Bible Questions.' ii LESSON V. THESSALONICA.— ^^/jxvii. i. What route did Paul next take ? Who was his companion ? What proof is there that Luke remained at Phillipi? — Acts xvi. id; XX. 5-6. How far was Thessalonica from Phillipi? How is it described ? What made it a growing and populous place ? (See Bible Diet.) What had drawn a large population of Jews to this place ? What is the modern name? Solonica; it has now a population of 70,000, half of whom are Jews. How long did Paul and Silas remain here? — Verse 2. How employed ? — Verse 2. Compare I. Thcss. ii. 1-5. Bible Questions. Subject of their teaching to the Jews ? — Acts y^vW. 3 ; Luke xxiv. 46; I. Cor. XV. 17. How did he prove these truths ? — Verse 2, Compare Is. lii. ; Ps. xvi. What does the Apostle afterward say of his labors here ? — Thess. i. 5; I Thess. ii. 9; II Thess. iii. 8. How did he support himself while here ?— I Thess. iii. 8; II Thess. iii. 9-1 1. What was the result of the teaching to the Jews of Thessalonica ? Acts xvii. 5-9. Compare Acts xiii. 45-50. How did they show their enmity ? — Ps. v. What was their accusation? — Verse 7. Compare Jno. xix. 15. With whom did the Apostles lodge ? How did the dissatisfaction terminate ? Where in Berea ? How are the Bereans favorably contrasted with the Thessalo- nians ? What was the result of this daily searching of the Scriptures ?— Verse 12. Jno. v. 12. Bible (Jiwstions. 13 LESSON VI. LETTERS TO THE THESSALONIANS. What was the result of Paul's preaching among the Jews at Thessalonica ? How long did they stay in that city ? Was there any brighter side to his labors there? Where do we find an account of these labors and their fruit ? — Acts yi\n. 4; I Thess. i. 5-9; ii. 1-14. What was the purpose of Paul's letters to these Christians ? Paul had twice intended to visit them. — I Thess. ii. 17-18. Sends the letter instead. Who did Paul send to visit and care for them ? — I Thess. iii. 1-2. What report did Timothy bring of them? — I Thess. iii. 6, Bible Questions. What persecutions had they endured ? — I Thess. ii. 14; iii, 2-4. What truths had Paul taught them with peculiar emphasis ? — I Thess. i. 10; iv. 16; I Thess. v. 2-4. What practical duties grew out of these truths ? — I Thess. v. 6-8. What great perplexity arose among the Thessalonians and how answered in the letter? — I Thess. iv. 13-17. What was to be done with these letters ? — I Thess. v. 27. With what satisfaction and joy does Paul speak of these Chris- tians ? — I Thess. ii. 19; I Thess. iii. 7-9. His prayers for them ? — I Thess. iii. 9-12. Bible Questions. v 15 LESSON VII. ATHENS.— ^r/j xvii. 15. Situation of Athens? Cause of Paul's coming? How did he make the journey? In what did the glory and boast of Athens consist? — See Kitto or Smith's diet. For what magnificent buildings was the city famous ? In what way did the Athenians seek to propitiate the gods? — See also Rom. i. 22-23. When Paul first landed in Athens, what did he do? What was the characteristic of the people of Athens in the time of Paul and what was their great aim in life ? What classes of philosophers are mentioned? — Verse 18. Who were the Stoics ? 1 6 Bible Questions. Who were the Epicureans? — See also II Titn. iii. 4. Did Paul intend at first to stay at Athens to preach?— Verse 15, 16. As he walked through the magnificent city, what is said of him ? — Verse 16. What did he do about it? — Verse 17. How did Paul meet the objections and the ignorance of these wise Philosophers ? What idols are there besides those of wood and stone ? — Ezek. xiv. 3-5. What three kinds of idolatry are mentioned ? — Phil. iii. ig; II Tim. iii. 4; Ps. Iii. 7. Bible Questions. 17 LESSON VIII. SERMON TO THE ATHENIANS.— /5?r/j xvii. 22. How did Paul at first approach the Athenians? — Acts xvii. 17-18. Where did they then take Paul ?— 19, 20. Describe Mar's Hill or the Acropolis ? — See Kitto. What was the Areopagus ? In what spirit did these people come to inquire of Paul? — 21. What among their own monuments furnished a text for a ser- mon ? — Verse 23. Meaning of Superstitions in Verse 22. What three great truths does he teach them of God ? Had God been unmindful of their carelessness of Him ? Bible Questions. What motive does he present to them for repentance ? — 31. What proof has God given that he will judge the world ? — Verse 31. Who is to be the judge on that day ? — Acts x, 42; Ro7n, ii. 16; II Cor. V, 10; II Ti. iv. i, 2; Eccl. xi. g. How was the gospel message interrupted ? — Verse 32. Com- pare Acts 24, 25. Is there any fruit mentioned from Paul's labors in Athens ? — Verse 34. Is there any epistle to the people ? What great lesson do we learn ? — I Cor. i. 26-27, 18. Bible Questions. 19 LESSON IX. CORINTH.— ^rz-.c xviii. 1-3. Situation of Corinth ? What in its political position made it a favorable place for the work of Paul ? Contrast to Athens ? Reasons why Paul probably came to Corinth? ist. Its con- nection with Rome and ihe cities of the Mediterranean Sea. The number of Jews in Corinth. — See Conybear and Hovvson. Among the Jews here what noted ones are mentioned i What brought them to Corinth ? — Verse 2. What was their connection with Paul ? — Verse 3. Why did Paul work at tent making here? — II Cor. xi. 9. Were they people of means ? 20 Bible Questions. How long did Paul stay in Corinth ? — Verse xi. When he left Corinth what is said of Aquila and Priscilla ? — Acts xviii. i8. How is their superiority shown in Christian knowledge ? — 26-28. What do we afterwards hear of them ? — Ro?n. xvi. 3, 4. What is the next scene of Paul's labors in Corinth ? — Verse 4. Compare Acts xvii. 1-3. What does Paul say of his physical and mental depression at this time? — I Cor. ii. 1-4; H Cor. vii. 5. What may have been the cause of his discouragement? Who arrived about this time? — Verse 5. Effect of their coming upon Paul ? — Verse 5. Compare Luke xii. 50 ; n Cor, vii. 6 ; H Cor. v. 14, 15. What was the result of this earnest teaching in the Synagogue? — Verse 6. Paul's conduct? — Matt. x. 14 ; Zizck. iii. 18, 19 ; Acts. xiii. 46. What lesson does this bring to all who labor for souls ? — I Cor. iii. 7, 8 ; Ecc/. xi. i, 26. Bible Questions. 21 LESSON X. CORINTH.— .-/./.r xviii. 7-17. What was the subject of Paul's teaching in Thessalonica ? Christ as king. What in Athens ? The Living God, What in Corinth? — I Cor. xv. 1-3. How was his teaching received by the Jews ? Where did he then go ? — Verse 7. Who were the first family who believed ? Who was Chrispus? — Compare I Cor. i, 26-28 ; I Cor. vi. 9-11. What political opposition did the Jews try to stir up, and with what motive ? Who was Gallio, and how did he receive the complaints of the Jews at this time? — Verses 14-16. 22 Bible Questions. On whom did the Jews vent their fury ? In what place of honor do we afterwards find this man, Sos- thenes? — I Cor. i. i. Was the work of Paul injured ? What comforting assurance came to him ? — Verse 9. Compare Acts yixni. ii ; Eph. vi. 19, 20; Is. liv. 17; Jer. i. 19; Matt. xxviii. 20 ; Rom. viii. 31. In spite of all appearances to the contrary, what does the Lord say of Corinth ? — x. Compare I Kings xix. 18 ; Rom. xi. 4. How was it that so many of these heathens believed in si Cruci- j Jied Savi(n{r? — I Cor. ii. 4, 10 ; iii, 6 ; xii. 3. What two Epistles were written from Corinth ? Bible Questions. 23 LESSON XL CLOSE OF PAUL'S SECOND MISSIONARY JOURNEY. — Acts xviii. What places are embraced in the second missionary journey of Paul's just ended ? — Actsxv. 36, 40, 41 ; Chap, xvi, i, 6, 7, 8, g ; Chap. xvii. i, 10, 15 ; Chap, xviii. i, 18-23. How long had this taken ? What four great centers had been established in Europe ? With what simple proposal had this great work been begun ? — Acts XV. 36. To what place did Paul now come ? What was probably the vow spoken of in Verse 18 ? To what port on the Other side did he come ? Where did he part with Aquila and Priscilla ? — Verses 19-21. 24 Bible Q^iestions. Where did he next go ? — Verses 21-23. What promise did he make to Aquilaand Priscillaand the people at Ephesus? — Verse 21 ; Rom. i. 10. Why had Paul a great desire to reach Jerusalem by the Pente- cost? What great events in this history are associated with Cesearea? In what way, may we imagine, did he salute the Church ? — Acts xiv. 21, 22. Compare Rom. xv. 25-27; I C^rxvi. i ; II Cor. viii. I. For what was Antioch famous ? Did it from this time on continue to be important in the Church's history ? * In what direction was all the growth and advance of the Church ? Did Paul ever come to Antioch again ? After leaving Antioch What did Paul do on his journey back to Ephesus? — Verse 23. Bible Questions. 25 LESSON XII. THIRD MISSIONARY JOURNEY, A. D. 54.— EPHESUS. Acts xviii. 24. Who did Paul leave behind at Ephesus when he went to Jerusa lem? What new character now appears before us ? — Verse 24. When was Apollos born ? How is Alexandria connected with the history of Hebrew sacred literature ? What was its character as a literary place? (See Smith's Bible Diet) Were there many Jews settled there ? What was the character of Apollos ? What were his special gifts ? — Verse 24, 25. 26 Bible Questions, How far did his knowledge of the Christian faith go ? Did he live up to his knowledge and give light to others ? — Col. iii. i6 ; Tit. \. 9 ; Jno. v. 39. What promises were fulfilled to Apollos ? — Jno. vii. 17; Hosea Ti. 3. With wJiat Christian friends did he meet at Ephesus ? — Verse 26. Of what great advantage were these humble rent makers to the great orator ? What are we to understand by " the way of the Lord," in verse 26 ? When Paul returned to Ephesus, what class of disciples did he find there ? — Acts xix. i. How far had these disciples gone in their knowledge of Divine things ? From whom had they probably had their instruction ? — Chap- ters 18, 24, 25. What was the difference between the baptism of John and Chris- tian baptism, as spoken of? — Verses 3, 4, Compare Matt. iii. 11. What additional instruction was given to them by Paul? — Verses 5-6. Bible Questions. 27 What outward extraordinary gifts were given 1—Acts xix. 5-6. Compare Acts ii. 4. What spiritual light carne upon them ?— Compare John xiv. 26 ; Eph. i. 17-18. 28 Bible Questions. LESSON XIII. PAUL AT EPHESUS.— y^f/j xix. 8, Situation and history of Ephesus ? Had Paul intended to begin a ministry in Asia before ? — Acts xvi. 6 ; xviii. 19-21 ; Acts xix. i. How did he find the people in this great and beautiful city ? — Eph. V. 8 ; ii. 12. What was the form of idolatry at Ephesus ? Where did Paul begin to preach and teach, and what was his purpose? — Acts yiy.. 17-18. How is his preaching described (verse 8), and how long did it continue? — Verse 10. What was the effect upon the Jewish audience ?— Verse 9. Bible Questions. 29 What hinders the same Divine truth from having a saving power in every case?— II Cor. iv. 4 ; Jno. iii. iq. What is meant by the hardening spoken of in verse 9 ? — Com- pare Ps. xcv. 7, 8 ; Heb. iii. 12, 13. Did these hardened ones have any effect upon others I— Verse 9. When turned from the synagogue where does Paul continue to teach and preach? What was, probiibly, the " School of Tyr- anus ? " How far-reaching were the effects of these three years' labors in Ephesus ? — Verse 10. What did Paul afterwards say of his work here? — Acts 20, 31 ; I Cor. xvi. 8. How did Peter write long after to these Christians of Asia ? — I Pet. i. I ; ii. 9. What churches were now founded ? — Rev. i. 11. What epistles were written here ? See I Cor. xvi. iq ; I Cor. xvi. 8. 30 Bible Questions. LESSON XIV. PAUL'S CONFLICT AND VICTORIES OVER THE SUPER- STITIONS OF THE EPHESIANS?— .4r/j^ xix. 11-41. In what form had Satan obtained great power at Ephesus ? — Verse 13. What is the secret of men's desire after these false guides ? What other examples have we of the same spirit? — I Sam. xxviii. 6-7 ; Acts xvi. 16. What special miraculous power is given to Paul to meet these emergencies? — Verses 11, 12. Compare Acts y. 15; II Kings iv. 29. How was the faith of the people rewarded ? What were the miracles intended to teach them ? — Ps. cxv. 2-9 ; Ex. viii. 19. Bible Questions. 3» What other miracles were done by Paul ? — Acts xvi. i8. How was he imitated ? In what remarkable way was this audacious effort frustrated ? — Verses 15-16. What do we from this learn as to the irreverent use of sacred things ? What was the effect of these wonders on all the city ? — 17-20. What, no doubt, w^ould be the teaching of Paul to these wonder- stricken people ? — Acts iii. 12-16. How did the converted magicians show their earnestness and zeal? — Verse 18-19. Compare Prov. xxviii. 13 ; I Jno. i, g. What was their pecuniary loss ? What great lesson have we had as to the nature and thorough- ness of true repentance and a renunciation of all that is evil ? — See also Goi. XXXV. 1-4, Speech of Paul, Phil. iii. 7. 32 Bible Questions. LESSON XV. A CONFLICT WITH SELFISHNESS.— .^^/j~ xix. 24. What was the great goddess of the Ephesians ? What form did their superstitious worship take ? — Verse 24. What was done with these charms ? What effect had the preaching of the Gospel upon the manufac- ture and sale of these charms ? How did the workmen show their indignation? What did the chairmen of the meeting say ? — Verses 25-27. What effect was produced by the speech of Demetrius upon the populace ? How did the angry mob vent their fury ? How was Paul delivered ? How is their spirit described ? Bible Questions. 33 What cry did the rioters raise as soon as Alexander arose to ad- dress them ? How was the riot at last quelled ? What wise arguments were used which satisfied the multitude ? What was the conduct of Paul through all this confusion ? How does he afterward speak of these troubles ? — H Cor. i. 8-10; I Cor. XV. 32 ; Acts xx. 17-19. What hopes and assurances supported the Apostle in prospect of death? — H Cor. i. 9. What three verses cover the history of the next ten months of the Apostle's life ? — Acts xx. 1-3. Few allusions to any bodily sufferings in the book of Acts, but are the sufferings of this time described ? — H Cor. xi. 23-28. How did he leave Ephesus ? — Acts xx. i. 34 Bible Questions. LESSON XVI. PAUL'S CARE OF ALL THE CHURCHES.— HISTORY OF PAUL'S LETTER TO THE CORINTHIANS.— ^r/j- xx. ] How long a period is embraced in the three first verses of this chapter ? About i year. While at Ephesus what news came from Corinth of the Corin- thian Church? — I Cor. i. ii. What messengers also came bringing questions of importance to the Apostles? — I Co7\ xvi. 17. What letter was the result of these communications ? — See I Cor. i. After the letter had gone to them who did Paul send? — II Cor. xii. 18. Titus delays to return with an answer. Where did Paul go to meet him ? — Acts xx,; H Cor. ii. 12, 13. Bible Questions. * 35 What does he say of this visit to Troas ? — II Cor. ii. 13. Why was Paul most anxious for the coming of Titus from Corinth? — II Cor. ii. 13 ; II Cor. vii. 5. Not finding him at Troas where did Paul go? — II Cor. ii. 12-13; Acts XX. I. How did he spend ..he summer and autumn of this year? — Acts XX. 2; Rom. XV. ig. Although among so many delightful friends as at Phillipi, what one absorbing thought filled his mind ? — II Cor. vii. 5. At last Titus arrived ; what news did he brin^ of the Chuich at Corinth? — II Cor. vii. 6. How had they received Paul's letters of admonition? — II Cor. vii. 7-16. What second letter was now written ? Did Paul after visit Corinth? What do we owe to these letters to the Corinthians? What other epistle was written from Corinth about this time? The Epistle to the Romans. — Rom. xv. 25, 27. 2,6 • Bible Questions. LESSON XVII. THE LORD'S DAY AT TROAS.— Acts xx. 4-12. On what journey was Paul now about to set out ? — Acts xx. i. What was the direct purpose of his mission ? — Roj?i. xv. 25-26. What request had been made of Paul by Peter and John ? — Gal. ii. 9-10. What were the causes of the poverty of the Christians at Jerusalem? What churches were now making collections for their relief? — Rom. XV. 26. What simple rules does the Apostle give them, and to us too, as to giving ? — I Cor. xvi ; 2; II C^r. ix. 7. What motive does he bring ? — II Cor. viii. 9. Who went up with Paul to deliver the gifts of the Macedonian Bible Questions. 37 Churches to the Saints at Jerusalem ? — I Cor, xvi. 3; II Cor. viii. 18--23. Which route did Paul take to Jerusalem, and why t—Acts XX. 3. (See the map.) • Who is Paul's own companion ? — Verses 5-6. Where did they spend the Passover ?— Verse 6 What is said of Paul's visit to Troas ? Associations wiih this place ? Upon what day did the Early Church assemble for their weekly religious worship? — Verse 7. Compare Mark xvi. 9 ; Jno. xx. 19-26 ; I Cor. i. 10. xvi. 2 ; Rev. What is referred to "by the breaking of bread " in 1 verse 7 ?— Luke xxii. 19-20. Had Paul a special revelation as to the observance of the Lord's Supper?— I Cor. 11-23. What made this evening meeting at Troas an occasion of special interest ? What showed the appreciation of the truth ? — Verse 7- What wonderful miracle made the season Ion g to be re- membered ? 1 38 Bible Questions. LESSON XVIIT. PAUL'S FAREWELL TO THE CHURCH OF EPHESUS. Acts XX. 13. Where did we leave Paul in our last lesson ? The companions of Paul taking ship, how did Paul make the journey to Assos ? He needed the quiet hours after all that had happened and in view of the scenes before him. — Compare, Mark. i. 35 ; Matt. xiv. 23- Where did he join the ship ? (See map.) When he arrived at Meletus for who did he send ? What was the object of this wonderful and pathetic farewell ? What retrospect did he make of his work among them ? What are his anticipations concerning himself ? Bible Questions. 39 What are his anticipations concerning the Church at Ephesus ? What Christ-like counsel and comfort does he give to these sorrowful Christians ? What beautiful words of our Lord Jesus does he quote that are not found in the gospels ? BS2625.8.A37 Questions on the Acts of the Apostles, Princeton Theological Seminary-Speer Libra 1 1012 00070 3308