Manasijuan^ N. J- Flrs-t P resbyierta n Cliurch &o-f Jen jubi'Cee IT" 9 ■ BX ■ 9211 5 ■ .N58736 F506 ^1 1898 1 1^1 i HLBAILEt 0F>lAMASQUAN NEW JERSEY /Iborsc IRowcll. .^jL JUL 9 191.0 Souvenir |prot3ramine of tbc services attenMmj lEbe jfittietb Hnniversar^ of the ovt3ani3atton of the jfiret H^rcsb^tcrian Cburcb of flDanasquan, flew Jersey, Hpiil 10 -- 13, 1808. Ipastors. Morse Rowell. -------- 1850 — 1856 * Henry K. A\ery. ------- 1857 — 1858 Samuel Alden Freeman, ----- 1864 — 1868 Charles F. Worrell. - - - - - - - 1872—1880 Frederick T. Brown, - - - - - - 1881 — 1893 Nathan Dushane Hynson. - - - - 1893 — Elbcrs. Thomas J. Brannin, ordained 1848 Lewis E. Bearce, " 1856 Daniel Cook, " if^57 The.idore 1). Conover, ■■ 1857 Stephen 1). Conover, ■■ 1866 James \V. Wight, " 1866 Thomas I'.ell, ■■ 1866 (iilbert X, Marcellns, irdai ned 1871 Jacob Holmes Morris, 1872 Abram 0. Curtis, 1874 Forman (). Bailey, 1874 Cieorijc Bailey. 1885 Verdinand S. Stines, 1889 John W. Borden, 1889 S)cacon8. tieors^e M. Uaviscui, ordained 1896 Edgar Pea rce, " i8g6 William Bowen, ordained 1896 Theodore W. Brewer, ■' i^Q? * Mr. .\viT.v's pi.-tui-f lia< lieeu nmitteil froui this iiro<;valump. becaune of our inalnlit.v to «ecur photoyi-aph. «* licic'.iiiH wprc I'lertfil (lin-hiK the pastorate of Or. Worrell, hut no reeordB of such apjjear. Samuel al^cn freeman, 3. '£>. Mistodcal Sketch. IHatban ©ushanc Wwnson. What changes hath time wroii'jht ! Fifty years ago the site of our pleasant town by the sea, was occupied, for the most part, by the Curtis and Pearce farms. There were a little cluster of buildings about what is now the centre of the town, a few detached farm houses, two country roads, which have since become two of our principal thoroughfares and been dignified by the names Main street and South street, and a stream, flowing through the centre of the tract, adding to its beauty and fertility, doubtless, but also to the annoyance of pedestrians who would sink ankle deep in the mud. This is somethmg of the picture which the old residents can see as their minds go back to the period of beginnings. Our congregation was never disturbed and startled, in those old davs, bv the whistle of the engine and the rush of the railroad train carrying Sunday excursionists to the shore, and for the two very good reasons that we had neither railroad or church. .A. trip to Philadelphia necessitated a stage ride to Freehold, the then terminus of the railroad; and the favoiite route to New York was by stage to Red Bank and thence by boat. What would our fathers have thought of our fast Philadelphia e.xpresses and our eighty trains a day to and from New York, of the present I Up to fift) -five years ago the only church in the neighborhood of the tow n was the P'riends' Meeting House nearly a mile to the west. The nearest Presbyterian Churches were those at Tennent, about twenty miles distance, at that time about one hundred and fifty years old, at Shrewsbury and at Freehold, but recently organized. The people of the community were thus dependent, for the privileges of public worship, upon visiting ministers and distant churches. This condition of affairs could not last, and, consequently in 1843. a Union Church was built on the hill overlooking the village. The building still stands and is used as a cemetery chapel. It is only justice to say that Presbyterians were the most active promoters of this project and the largest contributors. Here four denominations worshiped — the M. P.. . M. P., Baptist and Presbyterian, an agreement being entered into concerning the times . invocation. JAmnn 640. Scripture IRCa^intJ. (Responsive) Minister. — Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be unto our God for ever and ever. People. — Amen ! MiN. — Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and He shall dwell with them. Peo. — And they shall be His people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Mix. — Lord, who shall sojourn in Thy tabernacle ? Peo.— Who shall dwell in Thy holy hill ? Ml.N. — He that walketh uprightly and worketh :i.,'hteousness. Peg. — -And speaketh the truth in his heart. Mix. — Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? Peo. — And who shall stand in the holy place ? MiN. — He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, Peo. — Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, and hath not sworn deceitfully, MiN. — He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, Peg. — And righteousness from the God of his salvation. MiN. — Lift up your heads, O ye gates; yea, life them eve:-lasting doors, Peo. — .And the King of Glory shall come in. Mix. — Who is the King of Glory ? Peg. — The Lord of hosts — He is the King of Glory. Mix. — But will God in very deed dwell on the earth ? Behold heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee; how much less this house which we have builded. Peo. — Yet have respect, O Lord, unto the prayer which Thy servants pray before Thee this day, that Thine eyes may be open towards this house night and day. Mix. — Let the beauty of the Lord om- God be upon us, Peo.— -.And establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it. HUtbem, "Xle IDeUni XaU&amU5," (Hymnal \o. moo) - - - By the Chcir. Scripture Xesson. lPra\?er. IRotices. ©ffcrinos. ©tfcrtor^ praver. M\?mn 964. ^Historical Sermon, - ----- ----- ----- By the Pastor. Wsmn 441. Hnniversarp prater, (in unison) HlniiObtV OOC), our Heavenly Father, whose throne is in the heavens; yet who dust condescend to dwell with thy people, and to make the Sanctuaries which we build, thy Home. Ever blessed Lord Jesus, who didst break the bars of death and ascend CTloriously on high; yet who, by thy Holy Spirit, art ever with us. Thou Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we bless and laud and magnify thy name. We praise thee that this House, which our fathers built, has been, in name not only, but in very truth, a Lord's House. As we have listened to the precious F.vangel, many of us ha\e been born anew, and we all ha\e been inspired to holier living. We praise thee for our sainted dead, for those who in this place, out of their love to thee and for thy Blessed Kingdom, have borne the heat and burden of the day. They rest from their labors and their works do follow them. Send down upon the Pastors of this Church, who still live to serve thee on earth, upon their families, and upon the families of thy faithful servants, w ho ha\e ministered here and whom thou hast taken to their great reward, plenteous showers of thy grace, and grant that thy truth, proclaimed here, may become to each one of us the power of God to salvation. Hitherto, O Lord, thou hast blest us; firmly though tenderly thou hast led us, and brought us to a large place. Grant, we beseech thee, that our fathers' God may be our God; that we may prove worthy to be much used by thee in the establishment of thy Kingdom, and that, by faith in Jesus Christ, we may all be brought to the House of the Lord above. And to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, be glory and praise, world without end. StTlCU. IResponse, (Hy the choir) Lord, have merc)' upon us, and hear all these the prayers of our hearts, we beseech thee. Bene5iction. ©rgan lPostlu5e. JfrcCcrich C. JSrown, 3. 5>. ©rber of Service, Sun^av^ Hpril lOtb, 1898, 7.30 p. fID. ©rtian lPreluC>e. IHVlllU 578. (Rise and Si n.i,' without Announcement) Xlbc XorD'9 praver. dni-nison) Scripture lRea5ing. (Responsive) I'salm i.xxxi\-; Page 4. " Kesponsix e Readings." MiNlSTKK. — How amiable are th\ tabernacles, O Lord of hosts '. People. — My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: Mix. — My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. Peo. — Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for her- self, where she may lay her young, MiN. — Even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and mv ( lod ! Peo. — Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. MiN. — Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them, Peo. — Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools. Ml.N. — They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion ap- peareth before God. Peo. — O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: gi\ e ear, O God of Jacob. Ml.\. — Behold, O God our Shield ! and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Peo. — For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. .Mix. — I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my (;od, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Peo. — For the Lord (}od is a Sun and Shield; the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. MiN — '-^ Lord of hosts ! blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. HUtbem, " Gloria in ]E.rCelS15," (Hymnal No. 973) - . - . By the choir Scripture Xesson. pvavcv. IHsmn 856. XEbe apostles' (Iree&. I belie\e iii (lod, the Father Almight), maker of heaven and earth: and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy (Ihost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amkx. (Bloria patri. C;iory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now , and c\cr shall be, world without end. Amen. THotices. ©fferiugs. ©ffcrtory iPraver. Sermon, *'Ube (Ibaraeteristic H)octrines ot tbe iPresbPterian CbUrCb," - - liythe Rev. Kdward B. Hodge, U. U., I'hiladelphi iHv?mu 922. Iprager. Beue&iction. ©rgau postluDe. IHatban ©uebanc Mvinson. flI>on^a\>, Hpiil ntb, 7.30 p. /ID. (5rcctino6 from at Momc anb Bbroab. a^^rc05C5. Cbc IRcv. Mciuv Cross, IRcrrcscntiiii! tbc local iPaetor^. Cbc IRcv. (IhaC>J>cu6 tUilson, D. H)., 1Rcrrc£icntiiui the iprcsbvtcrv; of flftonmoutb. Cbc IRcv. Cbas. iHcrr, 3. 3.. Jcrecv Citv, 1R. 3., IRcprCijcntnui tbc Svno^ of IRcw Scrscv. ;Iuc5^av^ BprU I2tb, 7.30 p. m. a^^rc55. TLbc Cburcb ot tbc Xlwcutictb Ccnturv?," Cbc IRcv. lUllton /liberie Smitb, 5). 5>., IRcw IJorft. Mc^nc6^av^ april I3tb, 7.30 p. /II5. Conoveoattoiial IRcccption, 1 1012 01055 0269 DATE DUE ,A^ ) ;iii«- *l^'"*" ' 1 HIGHSMITH #. 45230 Prtnl«J 4^