FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY DMsIcb ^tf-jR/V^ HYMNS, ORIGINAL AND TRANSLATED. HYMNS ORIGINAL AND TRANSLATED. JOHN ELLERTON, RECTOR OF WHITE RODING. Hantaan : SKEFFINGTON & SON, 163, PICCADILLY. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD CREWE, IN REMEMBRANCE OF NEARLY THIRTY YEARS OF UNBROKEN FRIENDSHIP AND CONTINUAL KINDNESSES. White Roding, April, 1SS8. Jftonung. ANOTHER day begun ! Lord, grant us grace that we, Before the setting of the sun, Redeem the time for Thee. Another day of toil ! To Thee we yield our powers ; Keep Thou our souls from guilty soil Through all the passing hours. Another day of fear ! For watchful is our foe ; And sin is strong, and death is near, And short our time below. Another day of hope ! For Thou art with us still ; And Thine almighty strength can cope With all who seek our ill. Another day of grace To help us on our way ! One step towards the Resting-place The eternal Sabbath-day. February 13, 1871. MIDDA Y. ftlfttoas. [For a City Church.] BEHOLD us, Lord, a little space From daily tasks set free, And met within Thy holy place To rest awhile with Thee. Around us rolls the ceaseless tide Of business, toil, and care ; And scarcely can we turn aside For one brief hour of prayer. Yet these are not the only walls Wherein Thou mayst be sought ; On homeliest work Thy blessing falls, In truth and patience wrought. Thine is the loom, the forge, the mart, The wealth of land and sea ; The worlds of science and of art, Revealed and ruled by Thee. Then let us prove our heavenly birth In all we do and know ; And claim the Kingdom of the earth For Thee, and not Thy foe. Work shall be prayer, if all be wrought As Thou wouldst have it done ; And prayer by Thee inspired and taught, Itself with work be one. 1870. iSbenmg. THE day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended ; A.< //*« ti The darkness falls at Thy behest ; To Thee our morning hymns ascended, Thy praise shall sanctify our rest. /A /- 1 We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping, While earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watch is keeping, And rests not now by day or night. As o'er each continent and island The Dawn leads on another day, The voice of prayer is never silent, Nor dies the strain of praise away. The sun that bids us rest is waking Our brethren 'neath the Western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high. So be it, Lord ; Thy Throne shall never Like earth's proud empires, pass away ; Thy Kingdom stands, and grows for ever, Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway. 1870. EVENING. Cbemng. [After Service, Sundays or Festivals.] BEFORE the day draws near its ending, And evening steals o'er earth and sky, Once more to Thee our hymns ascending Shall speak Thy praises, Lord Most High. Thy Name is blessed by countless numbers In vaster worlds, unseen, unknown, Whose duteous service never slumbers, In perfect love, and faultless tone. Yet Thou wilt not despise the weakest Who here in spirit bend the knee ; Thy Christ hath said, Thou Father seekest For such as these to worship Thee. And through the swell of chanting voices, The blended notes of age and youth, Thine ear discerns, Thy Love rejoices When hearts rise up to Thee in truth. O Light all clear ! O Truth all holy ! O boundless Mercy pardoning all ! Before Thy Feet, abashed and lowly, With one last prayer Thy children fall : — When we no more on earth adore Thee, And others worship here in turn, Oh may we sing that song before Thee Which none but Thy redeemed can learn ! April 22, 1SS0. EVENING. iBbemng. FATHER, in Thy glorious dwelling, All Thy works Thy praise are telling, Resting neither day nor night ; With the hymns of Thy creation Let our evening adoration Rise accepted in Thy sight. Oh forgive the day now ended ! Sin with all its work is blended, Marring praise, restraining prayer : Yet for every past transgression One prevailing Intercession Pleads, to succour and to spare. Trustful then, though all unworthy, May we rest this night before Thee, Compassed by Thine angel-host ; God Who madest and providest ; God Who savest, God Who guidest ; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! 1867. SUXDA Y MORXIXG. irtintum Morning. THIS is the day of Light : Let there be light to-day ! O Dayspring, rise upon our night, And chase its gloom away. This is the day of Rest : Our failing strength renew ; On weary brain and troubled breast Shed Thou Thy freshening dew. This is the day of Peace : Thy Peace our spirits fill ! Bid Thou the blasts of discord cease, The waves of strife be still. This is the day of Prayer : Let earth to heaven draw near ! Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there ; Come down to meet us here. This is the day of Bread — The Bread which Thou wilt give : To-day for us Thy Feast isspread, That hungering souls may live. This is the First of days : Send forth Thy quickening breath, And wake dead souls to love and praise, O Vanquisher of Death ! Chester Cathedral, 1S67. SUNDAY AFTERNOON. g>tttttrag. Afternoon. [Close of Service.] THE Lord be with us as we bend His blessing to receive ; His gift of Peace on us descend, Before His courts we leave. The Lord be with us as we walk Along our homeward road ; In silent thought or friendly talk Our hearts be near to God. The Lord be with us till the night Enfold our day of rest ; Be He of every heart the Light, Of every home the Guest. The Lord be with us through the hours Of slumber calm and deep ; Protect our homes, renew our powers, And guard His people's sleep. 1870. SUXDAY EVENING. Evening. [Close of Service.] OUR day of praise is done ; The evening shadows fall ; But pass not from us with the sun, True Light that lightenest all. Around the throne on high, Where night can never be, The white-robed harpers of the sky Bring ceaseless hymns to Thee. Too faint our anthems here ; Too soon of praise we tire ; But oh, the strains how full and clear Of that eternal choir ! Yet, Lord, to Thy dear will If Thou attune the heart, We in Thine angels' music still May bear our lower part. 'Tis Thine each soul to calm, Each wayward thought reclaim, And make our life a daily psalm Of glory to Thy name. A little while, and then Shall come the glorious end ; And songs of angels and of men In perfect praise shall blend. SUNDAY EVENING. Evening. [After Service, Sundays or Festivals.] SAVIOUR, again to Thy dear name we raise With one accord our parting hymn of praise : We stand to bless Thee ere our worship cease ; Then lowly kneeling wait Thy word of peace. Grant us Thy peace through this approaching night ; Turn Thou for us its darkness into light ; From harm and danger keep Thy children free, For dark and light are both alike to Thee. Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way ; With Thee began, with Thee shall end the day : Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, That in this house have called upon Thy name. Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life, Our balm in sorrow, and our stay in strife ; Then, when Thy voice shall bid our conflict cease, Call us, O Lord, to Thine eternal peace. Amen. [Revised 1868.] SUNDAY EVENING. Evening. [Original form of the last hymn.] SAVIOUR, again to Thy dear Name we raise With one accord our parting hymn of praise ; We stand to bless Thee ere our worship cease, Then lowly kneeling wait Thy word of peace. Grant us Thy peace, Lord, through the coming night ; Turn Thou for us its darkness into light ; From harm and danger keep Thy children free, For dark and light are both alike to Thee. Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way ; With Thee begun, with Thee shall end the day ; Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, That in this house have called upon Thy name. Grant us Thy peace — the peace Thou didst bestow On Thine Apostles in Thine hour of woe ; The peace Thou broughtest when at eventide They saw Thy pierced Hands, Thy wounded Side. Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life ; Peace to Thy Church from error and from strife ; Peace to our land, the fruit of truth and love, Peace in each heart, Thy Spirit from above ; Thy peace in life, the balm of every pain ; Thy peace in death, the hope to rise again j In that dread hour speak Thou the soul's release, And call it, Lord, to Thine eternal peace. Nantwich Church, 1886. HYMN FOR WEDNESDAY. J&gmn (or fflaJetmestras. THOU in whose name the two or three Are met to-day to meet with Thee, Fulfil to us Thine own sure word, And be Thou here Thyself, O Lord ! To-day our week, but now begun, Already half its course hath run ; To Thee are known its toils and cares, To Thee its trials and its snares. Thou by whose grace alone we live, Our oft-repeated sins forgive ; Be Thou our counsel, help, and stay, Through all the perils of our way. Give thankful hearts Thy gifts to share ; Give steadfast wills Thy cross to bear ; And when life's working days are past, Give rest with all Thy saints at last. 1871. CIRCU.\fCISlON OF CHRIST. ©irnunrision of (ffijust. KING Messiah, long expected, Thou art come unto Thine own ! Promised Seed of the elected, Heir foretold of David's throne ! Long for Thee they watched and hearkened— King and Patriarch, Priest and Seer ; Faith waxed cold, and hope was darkened ; When men looked not — Thou wert here. In the time and place appointed, When the ordered years had sped, Came the Prince, the true Anointed, To His Throne, the manger-bed : There the Infant King fulfilling All things for His people's sake, Learned to-day obedience willing, Deigned the covenant-seal to take. Surely in that hour of wonder Faithful Abraham, in his rest, Saw the shadows part asunder, Saw Thy dawning, and was blest : Surely then the gracious vision Through Thine unseen Kingdoms thrilled, And in Jesu's Circumcision Ages knew their hope fulfilled. CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST. Father of the new creation ! Prophet of the latter time ! Leader of the ransomed nation To the better Canaan's clime ! Though from Gentile stock arising Alien branches once were we, Thou hast said, in our baptizing We are circumcised in Thee. So this day with new thanksgiving Shall Thy faithful seed draw near ; So, 'mid prayers for holier living, Praise shall deck our opening year : Praise, because our feast-day sees us Built on Thee the Corner-Stone ; And the mighty name of Jesus Binds to-day the world in one ! January, 1871. 14 PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. presentation of Christ in tije JETemple. HAIL to the Lord who comes, Comes to His Temple gate ! Not with His angel-host, Not in His kingly state; No shouts proclaim Him nigh, No crowds His coming wait. But borne upon the throne Of Mary's gentle breast, Watched by her duteous love, In her fond arms at rest ; — Thus to His Father's house He comes, the heavenly Guest. There Joseph at her side In revefent wonder stands, And, filled with holy joy, Old Simeon in his hands Takes up the promised Child, The Glory of all lands. Hail to the Great First-born Whose ransom-price they pay ! The Son before all worlds ; The Child of Man to-day ; That He might ransom us Who still in bondage lay. PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. 15 O Light of all the earth, Thy children wait for Thee ! Come to Thy temples here, That we, from sin set free, Before Thy Father's face May all presented be ! October 6, 1880. SBPTUAGESIMA. $eptuage0ima. OH how fair that morning broke, When in Eden man awoke ! Beast and bird and insect bright Revelled in the gladsome light ; God looked down from Heaven above, All was life and joy and love. Ah, the doleful change, when sin Darkly, subtly, entered in ! War and pestilence and dearth Mar and sadden God's fair earth ; Human sorrow fills the air ; Death is reigning everywhere. Yet rejoice ; for God on high Hath not left His world to die; God's dear Son with dying breath Broke the power of Sin and Death : Christ the Tempter overthrew ; Christ is making all things new. Lord, in me be sin subdued ; So may I with heart renewed, Fight the fight, and run the race, Work in my appointed place ; Waiting for the glad new birth Of Thy perfect Heaven and earth. March 13, 18 i875- GOOD FRIDAY.