( 46.302 IT3S4- *"* /lectio, 2 > < CO z k. z i III h hi >- m 2 u. w DC < X i DC j >• > u ffl < ■ < 2 J a a a q U u M 2 o X e> I 3 s H N < u J 2 h H i H DC Ll D a H Z U. (0 bl m U 5 u z E a. > * hi : :- •' a*\ - ■ ■ -r - i " "JUN 16 1936 JOSEPH THOMAS, THE PILGRIM: TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A COMPEND OF THE LIFE, HUVELS AND GOSPEL LABOURS OF THE AUTHOR. LEBANON, OHIO: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE WESTERN STAS, 1829, LIFE, TRAVELS, &t. JOSEPH THOMAS. I Joseph Thomas, was born in North Caro- lina, Orange county, March the 7th, 1791. My parents were natives of Pennsylvania, who 3 in an early period of their lives, soon after be- ing wedded together, emigrated to the place where I was born. Being among the first of the qettlers who penetrated the uncultivated wilds of that part of the country, they soon found that frugality and industry were indispensibie to their subsistence ; consequently became m=> nured to the common hardships of a laboring life, by which they shortly obtained a comfort- able competency. Not many years rolled a- way, till they found themselves possessed of a. :onsiderable share of honest wealth, surround- 2d with several children — sons and daughters, The Revolutionary war came on, which spread levastation and death over that section orT country . The British, commanded by Lord Sundered and devoured the remains of my father's property, excepting hi: land. After this war, my parents, by their industry, i repaired their wasted fortune, and obtained the:; second time, a sufficient living. But alas! the' day of prosperity soon passed away, and wat succeeded by the storms of adversity, affliction and distress. The property they had accumu- ( Iated, by a change of times, with a course oh intemperance, on my father's part, was spent.) scattered and entirely wasted! By this time, they had nine living children, seven sons and) two daughters, the most of whom were grown men and women, but myself, being the young- est child. The first seven years of my life, I had the guardian care of a dear father and the affec- tionate attention of a fond mother, in which time I was taught to read, write and cypher. In the year 1798, hard necessity compelled that I should be separated from my parents, and from my once peaceful home ! My abode was now appointed me in a strange, inhospitable and cruel family ! It was stipulated, that, while here, I should go to school ; but my ungenerous host evaded this, and engrossed my time en- owd purposes. At this unfriendly place, I dwelt almost two years, and every leis- ure hour, I employed myself in reading the books my father had given me, among which, my favorites were the Economy of Human Life i and the New Testament. At this place I was cruelly treated, suffering the extremes of hunger and cold, r mere y. On the last Sunday in May, I met with J, >'Kelly, at Apple's meeting house, near the [igh Rock of Haw river, in Guilford county, 'he congregation was large and deeply affect* 3. We had the communion, in which many f the Presbyterians, and some of the Metho- ists joined with us. From this place I went on westwardly, thro* ruilford, Stokes, Iredel and Surry counties, reaching almost every day, sometimes twice i the day. In Iredel, I could not do many lighty works, because of the Presbyterians 2 ^heir religion seemed to consist in keeping the 44 Sabbath, and in withstanding every thing that not Calvinism! I went on through Grayson an Wythe counties, in Va, and preached fiftee times in ten days, among ray old acquaintance in which time some professed religion, and som mourning under a sense of their sins, promised t geek the Saviour, until they should find him, pr< cious to their souls. I then returned toN. Carolina, tarried two day with my relations and went on to the lower pai of the state, in the regions about Edenton. M profession was strange here, and ray access to th people wa9 difficult Some of the Methodists liking my doctrine, took me in till their circui rider* came round and alarmed them, that I wa 'an O'Kfll.i ite, and charged them to keep me ou of their houses, and forthwith they obeyed them! Here I found the mqschetos and the gnats to bi exceedingly troublesome, the sectarians \ cry bit ter,andthe water extremely bad and insalubri ous. In my travel, not far from Tarborough, called at ai inn, late in the evening and asked th landlord to stay all night, telling him 1 had n money. He bfgan to interrogate me very impel tinently. I answered him. He swore be though I was some runaway apprentice boy, and that th bor>c I was on was a stolen one. and he had great nnnd to take me up as «uch. I told him h wag welcome to do so, and ia thi* way I should ge 45 night's lodging with him. However he cursed je to begone as he would not be troubled a- tout it I started, and in going a short distance, \y the light of the moon, I discovered a path that eat I through a thick woods, which I followed. Af- er going about two m:les through a dry lonesome wamp, I came to a rural mansion, where I was eccived and hospitably entertained. This night, Vhile lying in the bed my mind was led into an .niple contemplation of the goodness of God, and lis various dealings with me, which filled my soul ith inexpressible consolations Here many ^onesome scenes and joyful hours, which I had een, rose into review. The many dangers 1 had V«is«ed, and the deliverances 1 had found. The Occasion produced the following: O may I always find thy grace so sweet, As now I lay me down at Jesus' feet; O may transporting joys bear me above, All earthly objects, or a creature's love. rhe nexf morning, my host having discovered that I was a preacher, invite^ me to stay and preach, which I did at candlelight, to an attentive and se- rious audience. On the next morning, when I was about to start my host gave me one dollar, commended me to the protection of Almighty grace and bid me God speed in the heavenly road. 46 I now directed my course for the old route d circuit, which I had before travelled , with brotha er T Reeves. About the 15th of July I arrived there, at a place called Holy Keck. I now wen i on preaching nearly every day, in the counties o Southampton, Nancemond, Currituck, J\ 7 orfolk Isle of Wight and Surry. About the 1st of August, I held meeting at Leb anon meeting house, in Surry county, when a re- vival commenced. Old professors were animated many of the wicked were convicted, and some were converted. The cries and prayers of the congregation increased during the day. At night 1 we repaired to brother Judkin's to worship, and' the meeting did not close till Tuesday; in which time thirteen souls professed to be brought from darkness to light, and loudly praised their Saviour* Thence 1 preached at Baitley's, Holaway's, Chapelt's, and at brother B. Barrett's. At his house the work of the Lord revived. His son Mills was convicted of his sins, while I was preaching of the return of the prodigal son Two of his daughters obtained the forgiveness of sins and several others. On the second Sunday in August, I returned and held meeting at Lebanon, where perhaps 2000 people collected. Brother Barrett, the preacher, niet with me, and brought his son who was yet -seeking the Saviour. At this meeting he profess- 47 I «d to have the love of God shed abroad in his ■ heart. At candlelight, while mourners were I praying, and a general noise was in the congrega* [ lion, a man came to me with a stick concealed un- t tier his coat, and asked me to come out to the , yard, and pray for a mourner who was there cry- ing for mercy. I started out with him. but be- fore I came to the door, another man pulled me j back, and as I was returning to the pulpit, the ; man with his stick came and struck at me, but the \ blow was warded. He then caught hold on me i and was about to beat me with his club, but was pre i vented by others and put out of the house. I tar- ried three days in the neighborhood, and held meeting from house to house, almost all night and day. la this time seven gave evidence of being born again, and were added to the church. On Wednesday I went on and preached at bro« ther Holaway's. On Thursday morning, I started to my appointment several miles distant, accom- panied by two of brother Holaway's daughters and one of their cousins. In our way we "had to cross a stream of water, over which a new budge was erected, and was in an unfinished state, having no banisters, and the plank loose on the sleepers, I went foremost on the bridge. When I was nearly over, brother Hs. youngest daughter's horse became frightened at the shaking of the bridge, and instantly ran back on the end of the planks, 48 and threw him«eif and his screaming rider into the stream! The water was. about 15 feet deep, and of considerable width, i jumped from my hor9e and ran without pulling off my hat, coat or boots, and leaped into the stream to save the drow- ning damsel. Before I reached her, she was sinking the third time. When I came to her she caught me round the neck, and with much exertion I broke her hold. I took her by the arm with one hand, and with great difficulty, and at the haz- ard ol ray own life, conveyed her to the shore. Where I brought her to the bank, the water was deep; but by the assistance of the other two wo- men, who had been screaming almost to distrac- tion, we raised her on the bank, but to all ap. pearance dead! A large portion of water pour- ed out of her mouth, and we presently obsei symptoms of life. In the space of half an ho she recoved life and strength to speak In brol accents she began to express her thanks to m that I had saved her life, and said if it had n been forme, by this time she would have been i hell. I told her that her thanks belonged to God who had preserved her life that she might take warning to repent. For the space of two hours, she wa* uuable to ride. We then helped her on her horse, an I by the assistance of her sister hold- ing her on. she was enabled to return homeward, 49 but for want of strength, bad to tarry with an acquaintance by the way for the night. This circumstance brought conviction to her soul — she sought the Saviour by earnest prayer, and shortly found him in the forgiveness of sins. This was also the means of awakening two of her brothers to a sense of their sins, both of whom shortly professed faith in Jesus; and one of them Zachariah Holaway, shortly commenced preach* ing. and remains steadfast and useful to this day. I went in my wet clothes to my appointment* where the people were waiting for me. They thought strange to see me so very wet, on so clear a day, and some had it soon reported , that I was drunk, and had fallen into the mill pond, &c,! Thence I went to brother Barrett's, where the little revival that had started, was yet spreading, and taking many both old and young, out of Sa_ tan's kingdom, into the liberty of the children of God! From this place 1 went on my circuit, preaching tb people in some places, apparently hard as stones, and at some places I saw appearances of good, till I came again to Lebanon, where the work of the Lord was yet spreading. The last Sunday in September, I spoke to a large congregation, and several professed religion. When in . .ag closed , I started out to ray horse. When I came to him, two men were standing by, one with a. G 50 terge pocket knife open in his hand, the other held a large stirk. One of them observed, I ought to have a d d beating, and that they intended to give it to me. — They said because I had be- witched the people — set them crazy, &c. The one raised his stick to strike me. I looked him in the face, and said Lcrd have mercy on your poor wicked soul; at which his stick fell out of his hand and his face turned pale. The other shut up his knife and looking frightened said, we cant hurt him. By this time, some others drew up and threatened to prosecute them for the assault, and they withdrew. A few weeks after this, we had a communion at brother B. Barretts, where VVm. Guiry met with us. At this meeting several professed to be born again, and many were brought to their knees in tears and prayers When we were about commu- ning, a wicked mob collected and came to disturb us. Some of them were repulsed, and some re mained in the house, and by way of mocking having furnished themselves, they ate bread and drank wine in commemoration of their Lord — and this they did, being intoxicated!! Shortly after this, one of them felt convicted for his crime, and became a sincere praying man. About this time, brother Mills Barrett, who professed to be my son in the gospel, being under eicrcises to preach the gospel, started out travel- £1 ling with rae, and continued mostly with me dur> ing my stay on that circuit In which time, he made a rapid improvement and seemed to bid lair to be a useful man. December 24th, I travelled all day facing; an in- tense cold wind. Being thinly clad and having no great coat, about dark I felt myself numb and sleepy. I became alarmed, believing I would freeze. 1 alighted to walk, but was scarcely able to get along. Sleepiness had almost overcome me. In walking a little distance, I came to fire by the road side, which perhaps had been left by wag- goners. I kindled it, and warmed myself until I felt my strength return and my drowsiness leave me. I deemed this a providential deliverance from death, which I believe had already began to work on me!! Having warmed myself, I went on about three miles, and came to old brother George's almost frozen again. Here 1 was soon made comfortable by the kind- ness of the family, and felt thankful that I had a merciful God, who was always mindful of me. Shortly after this, being in the neighborhood of Lebanon, the brethren .hearing of my sufferings, bought rae a great coat. During the winter I followed up my appoint- ments with unremitted zeal, often suffering hun- ger, cojd, persecutions, oppositions and threats of violence. In several places the work of the 52 Lord revived , and I felt consoled and fully com- pensated in seemg souls converted to God. In the month of March 1810, two Christian preachers, R. Dooly and R Clark, from the west, came into my route. I introduced and recom- mended them among the brethren We travelled together some days They were highly esteemed and seemed to be useful. In April I felt my mind strongly inclined to leave those regions, and sound the gospel in places far distant I fait the more clear in doing so. as those men intended to stay in my circuit, till the Union meeting, which was to be held at Lebanon io May About the last of <\pnl, I gave my farewell dis- course to the people, an r ' to the young converts at Lebanon This was a solemn though joyful time. Though we gave the parting hand, perhaps to see each other's faces no more in the flesh, we had a strong hope that we should meet in a better coun- try, where we shall part no more. Thence I went on from place to place, till I came again to brother Barrett s Here I preached, and parted from the many happy young converts and faithful old sol- diers of the cross, with whom I had enjoyed many happy hours in the worship of God. By looking over my memorandum, I discover- ed that within t'ip last nine months, when I start- ed to come to this route, I had held about there 63 hundred meetings, and seventy-three souls had professed a happy change from darkness to light, through the instrumentality of my labor, and ma- ny brought to a knowledge of their sins, who I hoped would have cause to thank God that he had ever sent me to proclaim liberty to their captive souls. By loud and frequent speaking — with the many devotional exercises that devohedon me, I was now afflicted with a distressing cough and spitting of blood. I bid farewell to brother Barrett and his affec- tionate family , and dire< ted my course for my na- tive place in N. Carolina. In ten days, having preached several times by the way, and suffered some distresses among strangers, I arrived on Haw River at my mother's. JSext day I attended an appointment previously made for me. But with so much bodily weakness I could scarcely perlorm service. I attempted to hold several meet'ngs in the neighborhood, but could not extend my voice to be heard by a large audience. It was nowr thought that I had the consumption, and 1 wa* ad- vised by friends to leave off speaking, and relax my studies, that I nnght recover On the 29th of May, I bade fare swell to my mo- ther and brother, and started, weak in body and much reduced in flesh, for the western and fron» tier countries, My contemplations during the 64 day, were serious and mournful. The journey before me, the dangers and distresses I might meet, revolved in my mind. After riding for- ty miles, I called at an inn, in Stokes county, so weak and faint, that I could not get into the house without assistance. I felt, during the night, my complaint to increase. The land- lord was previously acquainted with me. He seemed deeply interested for me, and wished to call for a physician, but I objected. Next morning 1 was unable to ride. I tarried till the next day. I had gained a little strength, and thought I could ride. I started on my journey again, and in only going a few miles, was convinced I was too weak to get along. I turned back, and in two days arrived at my mother's. I was there confined several days- Coughing and spitting blood harrassed me day and night. In about four weeks, I recovered a little strength, so that I could ride slowly, and speak so as to be heard by a congregation. June 29th, I started and travelled in various parts of N. and S. Carolina, frequently preach- ing to large congregations. In some instances the power of God attended the words of my mission, and several persons professed to be converted under my ministry. In these regions 5-5 i found several companies of believers, who had collected themselves together, under the name "Christian," taking the Scriptures only for their rule. My coming to them, seemed like the coming of Titus. The weather was excessively warm here, and the people unhealthy and pale, but 1 felt my- self recovering and my strength increase. The land is very poor, except on some of the rivers? Pedee, Santee, &c. interspersed with pine and scrubby oak, sandy, level and swampy. Thence 1 turned my course, and about Fay- etteville, Newbern and Raleigh, in N. Caroli- na, I preached frequently. I went on through Wake, into Warren county, on Roanoke ri- ver, where I had some happy meetings. At Liberty meeting houses two souls professed to be brought to the knowledge of their sins for- given. Here I met with J.O'Kelly. We went over the river into Virginia, and travelled sev- eral days together, and preached to large and attentive congregations. I returned to Caro- lina and held meeting at brother Gill% where brother Mills Barrett met me. We travelled together through Warren, Granville, Orange and Casewell counties — crossed Dan river and went into Halifax county, Va. Thence re^ 5G turned into Carolina — went through Case- well, Rockingham, Guilford and into Orange county, and came to my mother's, having preached almost every day, and frequently at candlelight ; in which time, I saw thirteen souls delivered from the power of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of the Son of God. it hers were brought to a deep sense of their sins, and signalized themselves as mourn- ers i.i Zioh. We held a few meetings in the neighborhood. Brother Barrett and I then parted, and he returned, I suppose, to Virginia. By this time (September) I had almost reco- vered from my complaint. My spitting of blood had almost ceased, and my cough trou- bled me but little. October 14th, 1810, 1 started for the western country. I went 16 miles and came to a com- munion occasion, held at Apple's meeting house in Guilford county. Here I met with brother R. Dooly. This was a happy time to many of our souls. Monday 15th, I and brother Dooly went on our journey, and tarried all night in Salem, a Moravian town. These people live as one fa- mily. The town is elegant, the streets are neat, and the people are sober, quiet ami 57 peaceable. Thence we crossed Yadkin river and put up at T. Anderson's, in Rowan coun- ty. In this neighborhood we held a five day's meeting, and administered the Lord's Supper. Here fifty-five Presbyterians forsook their con- fession of faith, and declared themselves the Lord's free children. From this meeting I di- rected my course westwardly, and travelled twelve days, and arrived at a great meeting, held by the people called Christians, at Hope- well meeting house, on Bledsoe creek, West Tennessee. In this journey I preached three- times — passed through J onesborough, Leesburg and Greentown, in East Tennessee. — Crossed Nolechucky, Walaga, Clinch, Holstein, Big Emera, and Cumberland rivers. In the wilder- ness, 1 suffered hunger and cold, being exposed to an incessant rain one whole day, and did not arrive at the stand where I had to put up, till late in the night. At this meeting, preachers and people were all strange to me, only one preacher whom I had seen before. I was kindly received and admitted to preach on Sunday to the congre- gation, which was large and attentive. I found the Christian preachers and the brethren here, to be much like those in the South, dift C 2 otf fering from them mostly on the subject of bap- tism. Thence I directed my course for Duck river. November 9th, I attended at Bethleham meet- ing house, with several other preachers, on a communion occasion, which continued four days. During this time there was much exer- cise (as it is called) among the people. Thia exercise consists chiefly in shouting, dancing, jumping, hollowing, laughing, &c. From this meeting I travelled one hundred and four miles, in three days, and held three meetings. People are but thinly settled here. Their houses consist of small cabins, and some who have lately arrived in the country , dwell in tents. The face of the country is exceedingly fertile and beautiful, and when cultivated and improved, will certainly yield those adventur- ers an ample remuneration for their present sufferings. I preached in Columbia, a county town, lately laid out on Duck river, to an at- tentive audience. I visited and preached to the settlers on Bigby and Elk rivers, and Rich- land creek. My audiences were small, but at- tentive, and individuals seemed to be deeply interested in the salvation of their souls. 59 November 23d and 24th, I rode through a largo extent of uninhabited country. It was mostly covered with cane. The fertility of the soil, and the grandeur of the timber, far exceeded any thing I had seen before. In yonder deep, lonely grove I roam'd unseen, 'Midst tow'ring oaks and herbage ever green ; Where beasts of prey & prowling vultures haunt, And the dread savage made my heart to pant. I returned to Columbia again, held meetings there, and in the region round about. Thence turned my course for Cumberland again, and preached at the fishing ford of Duck river. November 29th, I rode twelve miles to my appointment in the rain. No person met me at the appointed place. In the evening I put up at a preacher's house. I found him to be singu- lar in his sentiments. Among many other nov- elties, he entirely rejected family prayer, as a burden laid on us by priest craft ! December 1st and 2d, I held a two days' meet* ing on Stone's river. The brethren appeared to be happy, and we thought the Lord was with us. Here I was met by brother Adams, a Christian preacher, a man of learning and 66 information. From this place I went home with him, and preached at his house. Thence I preached aboutevery day, till I came again to Hopewell, Thence to the barrens of Ken- tucky. December 15th and 16th, I held a two days 1 meeting at brother Mulky's. Here brother Dooly met me. The people felt the weight and power of truth. A sister gave a discourse, which discovered a strong mind, and a zealous soul and, that went with energy to the hearts of the congregation.. I preached in the regions round about, till December 29th. In which I had some happy seasons with the people of God, and met with some trials and distresses. December 27th, I started for the old settle- ments of Kentucky. In the night I put up at Col. Cacy's, in Adair county. I preached at his house, and several times in the neighboF- hood. There is no church of the Christian name here ; but I conversed with some Meth- odists and Baptists, who appeared to be tired of their creeds, and of that spirit of bigotry, which has too long kept the children of God from fellowship and union. Thence I went three days through a poor -and thinly inhabited part of the country — suf^ ol fering a day's rain, crossing Green river,- and many other rapid streams ; some of which were full, and dangerous to be crossed. I came to brother I. Reed's, a Christian preacher, from Va. who lived near Kentucky river. With him I was refreshed. He introduced me among the christian brethren. I preached almo-.t eve- ry day, and sometimes twice in a day, in those regions, and frequently to large congregations, where I saw many happy brethren, and many weeping mourners, and some who professed to be born again. Thence I went to Lexington, and held meeting at brother tides'. January 13th, 181 1, 1 held meeting at Mount Tabor and Bethel meeting houses. At Tabor the people were dull and lifeless. I preached at brother I. Elmore's, a Christian preacher, with whom I had been acquainted in Va. and with whom, in his own house, 1 had often ta ken sweet counsel. I continued to preach in Lexington and in the regions round, until March 22d. Daring this time, I saw the work of the Lord revive in several places, and a num- ber of souls professed to be born of God, thro' the instrumentality of my feeble labors. March 22d, I bade farewell to my friends in Lexington, and started for Cane Ridge. At 62 Cane Ridge meeting house, and about there, I held several meetings to large and deeply affected audiences. This place is sacred and memorable, in my estimation, because the peo- ple who now are called "Christians" for the first, in the west, here discarded all human catechisms, confessions of faith, doctrines and disciplines of men, and publicly declared them- selves, henceforth, to be known, as a relidous body, by no other name than that of Chris- tian, and to take the Scriptures only, for their rule of faith and practice. From this place I went on and preached a few times in and about Concord meeting house. Here I saw some remarkable instan- ces of the jerks. Thence I started for Fleming county, and travelled all day in an incessant rain. When 1 came to Licking river, it was very full and rapid. While crossing in a boat,, she struck a stump, which stroke split a olank of the boat, and the water becran to run into her, but we narrowly escaped sinking, by ar- riving at the shore just before she filled. I put up at one of the brethren's near Flemingburgh. 'Next day I preached in the neighborhood, where we had a happy and memorable time. Thence on Cabin creek. On the Ohio river, I tio preached several times. Here the spirit of the Lord was marvellously among the people. Some were convicted of their sins, and two professed to have the love of God shed abroad in their hearts. I crossed the Ohio river and preached on Eagle creek, and at West Union. Thence I made for Clear creek. My road was uninhab- ited till I came to New Market. Soon after passing that place night overtook me. My road was muddy, the night was dark, and I found no house to stop at, till late in the night. I came into Hillsborough and put up with a Quaker, who used me kindly. Next morning I went to brother G. Wilson's on Clear creek. I preached in his house, and in the neighbor- hood. I preached in Hillsborough. The au- dience was deeply affected, some of the Meth- odists shouted, and sinners wept. Thence I preached at brother Gibson's. April 19th, I started to return to the Ohio ri- ver again, by the way of West Union. This day I travelled a sollitary road, and a concur- rence of circumstances turned my meditations on the subject of the origin of the Devil. I in- quired how he came? I thought on the popu- lar opinion — that he was once an angel of light. * 04 nd probably one of the highest order. To this I answered, if he once were an angel of light, ] the highest created, celestial being was peccable, and of course not in a secure state. Again, I could not account how temotation could be introduced to, or sin be committed by a pure, perfect and glorified spirit! I also thought, that if sin affected the breast of this angel, or angels, while in heaven, it must have had a similar effect in the heavenly world, to that which it produced on our earth when in- troduced in Eden. This would make a hell of heaven. I thought of the passages that fa- vored this doctrine. Jude 6, Isaiah 14, 12, 13, 14. From the context of these passages, I con- cluded the one in Isaiah alluded to the king of Babylon, and the one in Jude, to the man of gin, or those who spake great swelling words. Again, where there is no law there is no trans- gression ; and sin is a transgression of the law. How a pure spirit, the immediate ema nation of God, could have a law, or what kind of a law could be given them, was utterly be} r ond my reach to understand. My thoughts trans- ported me beyond myself, and for the moment I sunk into a maze of scepticism. I asked what is the Almighty ? What am I ? Is my existence e6 real or imaginary ? I stopped my horse. I was on the regions of despair! I felt miserable ! Lamenting my condition, in full confidence that there is a God, I cried Lord save me. My hope returned, and my doubts fled away. Coming to myself I be- came afraid I might destroy myself. Having no weapon but a penknife, I took it from my pocket and threw it into the woods ! I thought of these words, "Thy God whom thou servest continually, is able to deliver thee;" which gave me great comfort. Temptations and gloomy prospects continued to depress my mind during the day. In the evening, I held meeting in West Union, but I felt embarrassed >and confused. I slept but litte during the night. I rose at the dawn of day and walked to the woods. I viewed the spacious firma- ment, which was clear and tranquil, richly decked with her thousand stupendous orbs of light. I saw the orient beams of day, suild the eastern hoizon, and with inimitable beauty irradiate the western sky. The scene struck me with amazing conviction, Here is the Mighty God exhibited throughout his bound- less empire ! The birds awoke from their slum- bers, and with varied notes tuned their ear- 06 iy anthems to the coming day. Innoeenci| and joy seemed to sound through all the sur«| rounding woods. My mind emerged from her] gloom. My soul was overwhelmed with gratis tude and love. With inexpressible raptures I> mingled my song with the warblers of the grove, and sang "When we are raised from deep distress, Our God deserves a song, We take the pattern of our praise From Hn Eagle creek. Then went on and preach- d at West Union. From th^re to Brush creek nd preached several times — and on Sunfish. .^eonle are but thinly settled here, and have )ut little preaching. I did not see much sign >f my being profitable to them. I returned to ulear creek, and held meeting at I. Kirkpat- ick's (a Christian preacher) and on Sunday it the meeting house near by. We had a hap- )y time. Thence I started for the Scioto country. The second day, I preached at the house of a Methodist, near a place called Oldtown. Thence I came to brother Wilson's. I preach- ed at his house to a few people. Several miles rom this place, I attended a meeting, in con- unction with a young Methodist preacher by -he name of Bascomb, now thQ orattr. H^s 68 sermon contained some gross inconsistence, and some cutting reflections against the nrci fession to which I belonged. I endeavored tj rectify his mistakes — a controversy ensuee Wc ended about where all such fruitless cor tentions end — where we be an ! Thence preached at the widow W oil's, on North Piini where the exercise of the people was marvel lous in my eyes. May 2d. From this place I directed for m; appointment on Deer creek, near where Van kee town is now known. In this day's trav* I was delighted with the face of the countr; called the barrens. The extensive plains clo thed with living verdure, variasrated with wil< flowersof every tint and hue, while the r;cl perfume of the blooming roses, is wafted en th; wingsof ev*rv passio zephyr, prompted in m* an enthusiasm of plea-ure, but rarely felt. A[ nhrhtl preached to a few peonle. Next day! preached lower down the creek. After meet lag T went to brother Alkier-, a Christian prea cher. Near his house I held a two day's meei; in? in an unfinished meeting house, on th< bank of Deer creek. May 6th. In the mornincr I prepared ant started on my way for Philadelphia, In goinj 69 I few miles, I lost my way and wandered in ic barrens for some hours, but falling in at a abin, I was directed towards the Pickaway 'lains. I presently came to the Scioto, and rossed it at West-fall, and went through the lains — a delightful prospect. I put up and tar- ed all night in New Lancaster. The next vening I tarried in Zanesville, on Muskingum ver, and held meeting in the Court house. On \ie next day at 10 o'clock I held meeting in le same place. Thence I went on several ays. One evening a man followed me some iistance with a gun. By his manner I appre- ended he designed mischief against me. He >ft the road and took the woods ; but as far as could see him he partly kept the direction of fie road. Shortly after he was out of my sight icaine to a creek, it was then a little dark. fc T hile my horse was drinking, I thought I leard a gun snap. I whipped up my horse, 'ent over the creek and ascended a small hill, then saw the man coming through the woods ■wards me. I then dismounted my horse, ave him a stroke with my whip, and sent him nin a trot. I then went towards the man and ailed him as a friend. I told him I was a readier, a stranger, &c. and, as I was almost 7U wn out of money, I wished him to tell me where I could find a religious man's house to stay during the night. He pretended to tell me. I then bid him adieu and went on. He came into the road and went back towards his home. Getting out of his sight, 1 ran to over- take my horse; for I was yet afraid that he might take a nigh turn and overtake me again. I came up to my horse, mounted and rode him with speed for some distance. I found my road kept a pretty straight direction, and presently thought myself out of danger. I travelled, I thought, ten miles and came to a house, where I tarried for the night. May 11. I started in the rain, and the rain fell incessantly during the day, and I became wet and cold. In the afternoon, 1 put up at an inn, and called for something warm to eat. The two women of the house, soon fell into conversation with me. 1 found they had beer brought up Presbyterians. While dinner v/m preparing for me, the young woman asked me if 1 were a professor of religion ] 1 answered yes. She asked me of what denomination. | did not tell her, but told her to guess. Sht tried but did not guess right. She then sak uhe did not believe 1 had religion, but 1 wil 71 xow, said she, when dinner comes on; for if ou are a religious man, you will surely say ;race. Dinner came on, 1 sat down and began o eat, without saying grace, as they could iear, In a short time,l asked her if she thought could preach ? Preach ! said she, you can Leach about as much as 1 can. Said 1, if you can get the liberty of this house for me, 1 will try what 1 can do at it. She asked the land- lord for the house — he seemed to be as fond of ;he joke, as they thought, as she was, and gran- ted the house, and immediately sent off a boy r.otell the people to come to preaching, to-mor- *ow at 12 o'clock. After the boy was gone, ;he said to me, are you not sorry r Not much said 1 . Before 1 repaired to bed, 1 asked leave Lo pray. In prayer the young woman was brought under conviction, and constrained to weep After prayer, 1 exhorted her, and poin- ted out her salvation in the great Redeemer. Next day the people gathered, and I preach- ed to them. When 1 started from the place, the young woman promised to seek the Sav- iour till she found him. Thence 1 went on, crossed the Ohio river, and preached in Cannonsburg, Thence thro r 72 Pittsburgh — 1 preached in Bedford Court house, Pennsylvania. May 24th, 1 arrived in Philadelphia. 1 put up with John Hunter, Esq. deacon in the Christian society. An appointment was made for me, at their meeting house, that evening, at candlelight. Before meeting ccme on, Elias Smith and John Gray, from N. England, arriv- ed. 1 preached to an attentive audience. On the next evening 1 heard E. Smith preach. 1 preached during several days in different pla- ces in the city. Two souls professed religion and werejoinedto the church. Thence 1 went into the great Valley, (so- called; in Chester county, Penn. 1 held seve- ral meetings there, and met much opposition from Sectarians. Here 1 became acquainted with R. Pucheon, a Christian preacher. Thence 1 went into Delaware above New- port. 1 preached with success — souls were a- wakened, and some forsook their creeds and disciplines, and promised to take the Scrip- tures for their rule. From this place 1 went on and preached in Newark, Christiana, Elton, Charleston, at Susqaphannah river, Haver- degrace, and in Port Penn. Thence 1 return- ed to Newport — held several meetings, and V3 the work of the Lord continued to revive* I then went on to Philadelphia by the way of Wilmington and Old Chester. In the city, I found the work of the Lord prospering, among the christian people, and members were add- ing to them. I now became acquainted with a young man by the name of R. F. Ferguson, who related to me his experience, and the manner in which the Lord was calling him to preach the gospel. [ heard him in exhortation. I thought he might be useful. I informed him, if he would turn out to the work of an Evangelist, I would sell my saddle, &c. and purchase a gig, in which 1 would give him a seat, and take him with me through the country. He promised to do so, When his apprenticeship would expire. IhiS would be about the following Christmas. 1 travelled and preached in different places n Pennsylvania and Delaware, and in Phila ilelphia, to average more than once a day, un- til September. During which time, I suiiered omch persecution, and many lonesome and dis- consolate feelings, because I was sometime! destitute and in want. In this time I was bap- tised by immersion in the river Schuylkill, and o 14 ordained an elder of the Church of Chiiet ill the city of Philadelphia. Having purchased a double seated gig, I made ready to start towards the South. My farewell sermon was appointed to be in out meeting house, in the city. We had a weep- ing time T yet many of us rejoiced in spirit, in hope that we should meet again, where part* ing is not known. September 20th : In the morning* brother R. Ferguson and I concluded, that he should meet me in Alexandria, (D. C.) about the ensuing New Year, in order to travel with me to preach the gospel. I left the city in the company of £. S. to attend a union meeting in Va. We preached in Newport, Delaware* at night After we crossed Susquehannah river, my horse tired. E. S. was riding in my gig with me. He left me with my tired horse on the road, and took a passage in a hack to Baltimore, With difficulty, I passed on to Alexandria, Thence I went into Fairfax county, Va» about Fall's church, and held meeting. Here I had two dollars given me. This took me to Fred- ericksburg, where I held meeting. Thence tc. Dickinson ? s Chapel, where we held our unior. snecting. Here I saw, among many othe 75 preachers Z. Hollow ay, and M. Barrett, my gospel children. From this meeting I returned td Alexandria and to Fairfax, where, especially, about Fall's church, I had some precious and soul reviv- ing meetings. About the 1 6th of October, I went forward to Shenandoah county. On the 19th I arrived at Wm . Smith's, on Cedar creek. My road was exceeding muddy ; my horse was poor and small. Twice I had to prize my gig out of the mire. My money gave out, and I had to beg: a night's lodging at an inn. 1 preached at Smith's, Beohm's, and in Stoverstown, to large audiences. At Beohm's I held a communion,, and introduced washing of feet among the brethren. The work of the Lord prospered* Near Stoverstown I baptised eight persons in the presence of a weeping multitude. Thence I went to Winchester, and preached .n the Presbyterian meeting house. From this olace I v/ent on and preached on the 3d Sun- day in Nov. at Mr. Rittenour's, to a few peo~ ole, not much softer than stones. Here, for >he first time, I saw her, who afterwards be* tame my wife. Thence 1 preached in Shenan- ioah. indifferent place?, till the first of Detf* TO I then returned to Fairfax county. I held meetings in different places till the 23d. I then went to Alexandria. I left word with a friend, that when R. F. Ferguson came on, he should be directed to find me at brother Gun- nel's, in Fairfax. December 26th, brother F. came to me. We tarried in the neighborhood eight days, and preached at several places, and saw some ap- pearancesthat good was done in the name of the Lord. Brother F. is now only an exho&- ter. Thence we returned for Shenandoah. The third day we suffered extremely by the cold winds, ice and snow. After travelling 30 milos, sometime in the night, we came to M, Rittenour's, in Frederick county, hungry, weary and almost frozen. The family was very kind, and the affectionate attention paid me by Christiana, created in me a fond attach- ment. I preached in Shenandoah and Frederick counties in a number of places. At M. Ritte- nour's, after preaching a few times, the work of the Lord revived. In the space of two months, about sixty-five persons had professed to be converted, and about seventy-two 1 bao- tised in the neighborhood. During this time. 77 in other places the work of the Lorn* revived * r several came to the knowledge of the truth, and I baptised them. On the third Sunday of February, I attended at the Round hill, with a large audience. A. Mr. M. Pry (a Methodist preacher) had put in an anpointment at the same time and place. He told me he intended to preach, and then hold class meeting. I saw he was for an on po- sition. I told the people that all who wished to hear me, should follow me to brother Carter's. The people all followed me, but a few, with whom he neither preached, nor held class meet- ing, as I was told. March 21st 1812, I proposed, for the first time, the subject of marriage to Christiana Rittenour. I told her that if she was not pre- pared to srive me a decisive answer, she mieht consider on the subject one week. Her an- swer was deferred. In our next interview, our marriage was decided on. It was agreeable to her parents. April 5th 1812. On Sunday evening at can- dlelight, in the house of Michael Rittenour, I was married to his daughter Christiana. About this time,it was reported -hat I had a wife in (te state of Ohio, and many other things prej- 78 odicial to ray character. I continued to preach in the regions round, until April 30th, with un- wearied dilligence ; suffering much persecution and opposition ; and the Lord abundantly blessed my feeble labors, to the comfort and to the salvation of many souls. April 30th, 1812, I left my father-in-law's— my wife with me, and started for N. Carolina. I and brother Ferguson now parted. He was to stay in the regions round here, to attend to the work of the ministry. The first Sunday in May, I preached in Fall's church, in Fairfax county, and then at different places in the neighborhood, to attentive and some seriously affected audiences. Thence in Alexandria* Ocquecon, Dumfrees, Stafford Court house, and Fredericksburg. In this last place I put Up with my kind friend, C. Clark, a Christian preacher. Thence to Wm. Guiry's. He is a man of great natural and acquired abilities — has been of great popularity and usefulness. But I am afraid he is indulging too much in the vanities of this world. Here I was detained three days, by a great fall of rain. After leav- ing this place, in going a few miles, I came to a creek that was yet full and very rapid. Fear- ing to venture ia the water with the gig, I ta loosed the hor?e, and took my wife behind me., and ventured in. The horse was directly borne down by the current, below the fording place, and my wife fell off the horse into the stream! With much difficulty I saved her from drowning, and brought her to the shore, I then hitched my horse into the gig and drove in ; but about the middle of the stream, one wheel hitched against a rock, and the horse, in drawing, broke the harness, went on, and left the gig and its contents in the stream. It was with hazard and difficulty that I finally extricated all from the water! Leaving this place, we presently came to another stream, more large and dangerous than the other. On the bank, we came out of the gig, and immedi- ately the horse became frightened, and took to the stream ; a number of books and some other articles were tossed out of the gig, and lost in the water, and we were left behind! I then waded and swam the stream— overtook my horse, and with much trouble I brou-ht all over safely. I then went on, and tarried two days at old brother Gwatkin's* Here I preached to a weening audience, and felt much better than I did six years ago, when I was here, soon after I began to try to preach. Then I was despised 80 and rejected. Here I was offered fifty acres of land, with a good house on it, &c. ill would settle myself and take charge of the church in that place. Thence I went on and preached in Rich- mond ; and at brother Gill's a Christian prea- cher, near Petersburg. Here I met brother Z. Rolloway, my son in the gospel, who had made great improvement. From this place, 1 went up the country, preaching almost every day. Crossed Roan- oke river and came into N. Carolina, and call- ed at brother Moss's. I preached at Liberty meeting house, to an attentive and serious congregation, and was publicly opposed by brother T. Morris, a Christian preacher. As he was an aged man, I made no rer>ly. Thence to the White plains, and at several other pla- ces to Hillsborough. From this place I went on to my mother's. I felt thankful to my hea- venly Father, that I had been spared during an absence of eighteen months. In this time, I travelled abou- seven thousand miles, preached four hundred and sixty times, and saw about ninety-two souls delivered from the power of darkless, professedly through my iDstrume^ fetlity ! S tfl Here I left my wife, and travelled through IhiilfoH, Stokes, Iredcl and Surry counties, in P iroiina ; and Grayson and Wythe coun- ties, in Virginia. In this route, I saw and felt some precious seasons of spiritual joy and -^as- perity. In Grayson, I was rejoiced to see that a -reat reformation had taken place amongst the people, since I first visited them with the gospel. Thence I returned on the same route, and arrived safely at my mother's, where my wife was, having been absent about four weeks, travelled about four hundred miles, and preach- ed thirty times. Here I bought fifty acres of land, and began to improve on it. So soon as I became locat- ed, meeting house doors were shut, and a furi- ous opposition, by the Methodists, Presbyteri ans and Baptists, raged against me! I had sev- eral places erected in the woods to preach at, but some of the public speakers of the sects, fearing, as they thought, I would lead the peo- ple astray, frequently met me at those places, and opposed me, to the creat disturbance of the congregation. It was not an uncommon thinr now, for a preacher to say, while in his pulpit, of me, that T ouejht to be put into pri~ (sou — should be closed in a dungeon — should D 2 not be suffered to preach, and one, that I, with all ray books ought to be burnt!! J now had reason to believe, that if the laws of our coun- try favored the blood -spilling spirit of Anti- Christ, the former times of strife and venge- ance would soon roll on again, when one pro- fessed christian, could triumphantly cut off the head of another, and rejoice to see a brother dissenter, expire in the flames, if he should not subscribe to his human-made creed, and re- ceive all his unscriptural dogmas!! When I would go to the meetings of those people, I could hear them pray for christian union — tell us to love one another — could hear them shout and praise God, kc. How inconsistent! What disparity between example and precept ! "What hypocrisy! How degrading to the cau^e of Christ About the first of January, 1813, 1 commenc ed teaching school, for the term of three months. We were then living in a new house unfinished, the chimney up only as high as the nrst story. About the 10th, a furious storm came up in the night. The wind came down the chimney with great force, and blew the fire over the floor, and under the house, among the pine shavings. The wind blowing in a whir «3 ■burst the doors open, and while the lightnings were flashing, thundeis roaring, trees crashing, and our hearts failing, the fire was rapidly kindling in and under the floor! Tha house withstood the fury of the wind, and by hard exertion, we extinguished the fire without suffering serious loss. About the first of February, I was taken with the white Swelling in my right shoulder. I was soon unable to move my arm, or hand, without the aid of the other ; and the pain was incessant and inexpressibly severe, for the space of seven weeks. About this time, there was a report in circulation, and believed by some, that I was not married, but had ran away with Mr. Rittenour's daughter, without his knowledge or consent; and it was thought that my affliction was a judgment sent on me, to punish my wickedness. This was the reli- gious effusion of Sectarian zeal. O! how h> tolerant ! On the 10th of May, I and my wife started for her father's, in Virginia. I preached seve- ral times on the way, and arrived there in ten days; having passed Casewell Court house, Danville, Pittsylvania, Major Ward's, Lynch- burg, Amherst Court house, Rockfisl* Gap^ 84 feesletown, New Market, Woodstock, and -town. I r reached at my father-in-law's to a people, with whom I had formerly seen and felt glorious times, in the work of the Lord* Thence I j reached at Crooked Run, Newtown, Stoverstown, Round Hill, Timber Ridge, &c. During this time, I was solicited to take my residence in Frederick county, Va., to which I consented. I then borrowed money from the Bank of Winchester, to settle my business in Carolina, whither I started from my father-in- law's, on the 10th; leaving my wife with her parents. I settled all my concerns in Carolina, only ■with my brother Jacob, to whom lowed one hundred dollars ; and that I should be under no censure by him, 1 °:ave him possession, and a deed of my land, till 1 should pay him; with the exr.res* understanding, that he should not charge interest on my obligation, nor I claim any rent for my premises; and that, when I should pay him, thisbarrain was to be null. On the 10th of July, I started for Virginia, and ■ reached in several places on my way. On th I arrived at my father-in-law's, and £ my wife well. An forth a daughter, k we najned her Sophrenia, i shortly purchased a lot in Kernstown, neas Winchester, and situated there in October fol- lowing. In the intermediate time, I continued to preach, in various places in Frederick, Hampshire and Shenandoah counties. I bap- tised some young converts, and met with some opposition. In September I went to Carolina. Brother I. Ellis of Frederick county went with me. On the way, at Major Ward's I met with a man who said he was a Believing Jew. He wears no hat — has no name, neither personal nor professional. Never rides. Dresses in a plain robe. Preaches repentance. Remembers Ma- ry in every discourse. Holds no controversy Takes no money, neither does he use any. Cuts neither hair nor beard. Professes to fol- low Christ in the regeneration ; nor will hf own any thing in the world. He is an aged man ; a great scholar, versed in several languages: the Assyrian, Hebrew, Creek, Latin, French, Ger- man, English, &c. Profound in reason; ex- pert in the Scriptures; plain and sublime in his language. Decent, modest, and humble in his manners. Solid and convincing- in his dis- courses. Familiar and naturally fascinating in private conversation. 86 October 14th, 1813, 1 moved and settled my- self and family, in Kernstown, Frederick coun-. ty, Va. At this place I commenced teaching school. My gospel labors were now circum- scribed, chiefly, to Sabbath days. The space of a few months, I enjoyed the sweets of domes- tic and rural life. I experienced a calm, which has since seemed to be a prelude to a longer and a more violent storm of life, than I had ever before experienced. About the first of June, 1814, I was led into a more serious, honest, deliberate and general consideration of religion, and its various du- ties, than had ever before revolved in my mind. I now contemplated religion to be entirely spir- itual and pure. I was rationally convinced, that the surrounding sects were deluded, and, that I was a better imitator of them, than of the precept and example of the meek and low- ly Jesus ! It was shown to me, that I had grea- ter things to do, than I yet had done, and a heavier cross to bear. I would have to bear a full and faithful testimony against Anti-Christ, and against the pride and fashion of this world ; both by precept and example. The article, . and the manner of dress, came into view, and was considered no small thin*. A white dress. 87 i bo frequently mentioned in the Scripture, indi- \ cative of the bride having made herself ready for the marriage ; and of the innocency and i purity which should characterize every minis- ter of Christ, was the one evidently dictated i for me. My mind was seriously exercised, and ! daily oppressed with what I took to be the "burden of the Lord." My soul became like the troubled ocean. — My hours of sleep were disturbed, and the business of the day, often interrupted by the agitation of my feelings. My flesh grew lean, and my appetite failed. I was impressed with the duty of preaching, af- ter the example found in Mark 6th, and Luke 10th ; and that I should deny the present fash- ion of dress, both as relates to cut and color, and, particularly to refuse black. I was im- pressed to wear white, to represent my travel- ling in great tribulation, to meet with those who are clothed in white around the throne of God. October 29th, 1814, 1 removed my family to Shenandoah county, near Woodstock, and commenced a school there, the term of six months. About the first of December, I receive ed a letter from Carolina, stating that my brother had sold my possessions there, and re* 88 tained my note ! O ! the treachery and decen* tion of man! Finally, after many hard struggles of mind, I gave up to obey the duties made plain to me. I promised my Saviour if he would be with me, and prepare my way before me, that I would follow him in the mortifying path which he had manifested to me, though it should draw on me the scorn, derision and contempt of all the world. I sold my possessions in Kernstown,my horse, &c. and prepared to travel on foot to preach the gospel. Before my school expired, I trav- elled a short route in my new mode and man- ner, and on my return, my feet were very sore and blistered. An old professor said, "well Thomas, won't this beat you out of your fool- ish notion of following Christ. 2 " I told him I thought not. July 6th, 1815, 1 gave my family to God and to the word of his grace, and started, as a stranger, and yet well known, as a deceiver* and yet true, to preach the everlasting gospel to them that dwell on the earth. I went on through Frederick and Hampshire counties^ and returned a hungry, wet and faint, I called in at a cabin and tarried during the night. But alas! I found nothing to satisfy my hunger but cucunv VI jera without salt. Here nature represents a MCturesque and retired scene, well calculated to inspire the poet's muse, and the contempla- tion of the philosopher. Next morning I went on my way, and in going a few miles, I came to New river. 1 had some difficulty in crossing it. 1 travelled some distance up the river. Here nature is clothed, not in garlands and roses, smiling in perenial and never fading ver- iure, but stands frowning in the most sublime md majestic attire. Here Walker's mountain (as it is called) to all appearance, by some tre- nendous catastrophe, has been cleft asunder^ rom base to summit, exhibiting towery ro^ks, lonesome and far projected pinacles, while pile ipon pile, add wonder to the romantic figure! Through this mighty chasm, runs the roaring river, while foam, wave and tumultuous fury, perfects one of the grandest and most majestic Pictures of nature. My path led along the ri- rer's brink, over and between the dangerous ocks, that pile the rugged way. Passing this Dlace, 1 was introduced into a large and fertile oottom, where 1 appeased my hungry appetite on May apples, as they are called, having ate lothing for nearly forty-eirfit hours, and hav- ng walked about fifty mile?. Late in the evening, tired and hungry I name to J. Toolings er%, where I was refreshed and comforted Nem daj (Sabbath) I met with a Mr Morris, a Metho- dist oreacher, at Page's meeting house. The preacher objected to my preaching in the house. By the request of the people, I preached to them in the woods Thence in Newbern on Pea creek, fee passing through Montgomery, Wythe and Grayson couq- ties. pr*>arhing more than once a day generally to large congregations. From Grayson county I went into N Carolina: preached at the bouse of Gov Henderson. Thence onward to the Mora vian towns, where I was kindly received and ad- mitted to preach in their meetinghouses Thence in different places on the Yadkin river, and near to Salisbury. Thence I turned my course, and retraced on my journey, till I came to Newbern in Montgomery county, Va. Thence 1 went to Montgomery Court house; and while I was passing the street, a man hailed me — said he had heard of me and wished me to stop and preach for them. I did so. Thence on Roanoke, I preached to an audience who had gathered to raise a house. Walking a log over this stream. J fell into the water, and was under Che necessity of swimming out. In Salem. Bote- tou-t count} T was kindly received, and I preach- ed twice in the Methodist meeting house. It was 93 •'eportecl here and believed by some, that I wa8 'idij . and had ran away from my family. A man iold me that he was then immediately from New- own, near my father-in law'?, and he was there old by a Methodist, that my father-in-law, belier- ng 1 never would return . weil with his waggon nd moved my family to his house , to take care of hem! This gave me some uneasiness. Thence I >reached near Amsterdam and in Fincastle. Here rom the post office, I lifted a letter fiom m) wife, vhich gave me great consolation, as it unwittingly contradicted the above report. Thence I went on to Cops, Pattonsburg and t different places in Rockbridge. Here I travel- ed one whole day in the rain, and ate nothing, kbout dark 1 was admitted to take shelter in the ouse of a Presbyterian; but he gave me nothing d eat. Next morning he charged me thirty -three ent>, and a stranger who was present iri time of eckoning. paid it for me. I went nine miles to rother Menga's in Augusta county . and was a- ain provided with a breakfast, having walked 40 lile* and fasted thirty six hours I preached in liddlebrook and in Staunton, where I found some lethorlists had turned again?t me. Thence I reached on North river. Harrisonburg, New Mar- et. Mount Pleasant; and on the 2G t h of October preached at brother S. Hickle's in Shenandoah, 'here my family met me, 84 On the 28th, T arrived at my own dwelling', at preached to a Urge audience. I felt great consi lation in my soul, and very thankful to God on tl occasion-— that I had been preserved through m ny trials and dangers , and was permitted to see ir family and friends again in health, in this land changes. In this journey I was absent ninety-two daj preached ninety-seven times, and walked upwan of eleven hundred miles — endured many hard ti als and difficulties— delivered from some immi ent dangers — endured much persecution — sa that some professors were convinced of their e rors — some sinners convinced of their sins, ai brought to the knowledge of the truth. I preached a few times in my neighborhoo Thence into Frederick county , at and about n father-in-law's, where I was yet known by tl name of *craz\ Thomas !. r ' Some said it was adi honor to the gospel, for a preacher to wear su< a garb as I' did ; though it wa« white and general cleans Some said it was scriptural and the mo suitable. Lo! I found again, what 1 had loi known, that people would differ in their opinion 'Thence into Hampshire, and from there I retur ed home. I was absent four weeks, preache twenty-nine time*, and walked upwards ofan hu dred miles, the most of the distance in fnow af f now commenced teaching school a term of hree months. During- which time, I preached vequently in the neighborhood — at Hottel's chool house. Squire Hottel tried to prevent me rom preaching there, and disturbed the congre- nation; but did not accomplish his purpose. About the la§t of February my school expired, nd my family was received, for a time, at my fa* iherin-law's. I preached frequently in the nefgb- k)rhood , and baptised some, and a few professed ieligkm April 14th, 1816, 1 went on my way, directing ny course to Maryland In Martinsburg and ia ►hepherdstown, in Virginia. For Sharpsburg, tone meeting house, Funkstown, Hagerstown in Id. I preached to large congregations. Thence (returned to my father inlaw's on the same route, [nd found my family well. i In this journey I was absent thirteen days, had reached sixteen times and walked upwards of me hundred miles. I felt joyful in spreading the gospel, while many seemed to feel its power. And [aough I endured some difficulties, my soul tri- umphed in the God of my salvation. \ April 23th, I directed my course towards the Northern hills. I preached at the Round hill?, at irother Hawkin's on North river. Parks' Valley, >orks of Capon, at Sandy ridge, brother Hulls, rotber T. jfresmith's , three times in Jarrsttstown 96 Sfcdin Burklestown: where a Methodic nreacher, in nisseroi n. ridiculed rue. and though I wa* pre- sent, he told the people I was ignorant, supersti- tion* . enthusiastic, &c. and thatthev ought n t to hear me preach ! The people did not take this for gospel Thence I returned to mv family. I had been absent fifteen days, preached seventeen times)] suffered some necessity and persecution, and saw. some j jj'fbl prospects of the work of the Lord. May Mth I directed my course up the country. I was absent 24 days, preached 32 times, baptised three young converts who professed religion un. der my ministry, and walked about one hundred* and sixty miles, Thence I preached in a number of places in Frederick and Shenandoah counties, and baptised five who had lately professed religion, near my fa- ther-in-law's. On the 10th of July I purchased a horse, as I had found it impracticable to convey my books*-, which I had printed, on foot. July 13th. I directed my course for Philadel- phia On my way I preached at JarrettstowBJ Bunkershill, Bucklestown, Martinsbvrg and Shep- # herdstown, Va. fa Sharpsburg, Stone meeting: hou-e, Funk-town, and at other places in .Md. Thence in several places to Philadelphia. In the : city I preached several times. The C brethren now have a spacious and decent bjicft ; 97 fneeting house on Christian street. Thence to the Great Valley, and from there to Delaware, near Wilmington, where I met with two of my gospel children, not known to me before. They were born of God five years ago aud are yet iaithful and zealous in the cause. Thence near Newport, Christiana, Newark, fee. and returned to Philadelphia. I preach- .'d several times and administered the Lord's Supper to the brethren, in Mount Zion meeting louse. Thence I returned, and arrived where my amily dwelt, on the 6th of September; found ay children in health, but my wife was in a ickly state. In this journey, I was absent about seven feeks had travelled about 700 miles, and reached 51 times. 1 saw some good attend y labors — met with some severe trials — suf- red persecution and distress, and w r as ena- led to glory in tribulation. About this time, having a notion of remov- Kg my family to the state of Ohio, my broth- r-in-law, Jacob Little*, having thesame inten- on, we made a 'sale of our property. I then ent into Maryland, by special request, and reached at Antitem Iron works, and at E 95 Keedy-s meeting house, &c. and returned xu five days, having preached eleven times. About the 15th of September, Jacob Little started for the West, taking my things, which I had reserved for house -keeping, with him. I intended to follow him, with my family,! when I should return from another journey. September 29th, 1816, 1 started with my fa- 1 mily, in a little carriage, for the Western parts of Virginia. I preached in Stoverstown, Wood-j stock, Mount Pleasant, New Market, Harri- sonburgh, Staunton, brother Menga's Pattons- burg, Cop's, Pincastle, Salem, Montgomery Court house, Newbern, Pea creek, and . at Wythe Court house, where some of the rabble stole my carriage, run it half a mile out of town and left it standing in a man's yard. I; then went into Grayson county and preached in different places. Almost five years before this time, I had T while living in N. Carolina, endorsed a note of seventy-five dollars, for my brother Jacob, which 1 thought, and had understood, had ; been paid long since, having passed several transfers, was here presented to me for pay-) ment. I immediately paid it! Thi> hard stroke. 99 Thence I returned nearly on the same route, until I arrived at my father-in-law's. In this journey I was absent about seven weeks, .prea- ched forty times, met with some hard trials, and traveled about seven hundred miles. I now was informed that my brother Jacob had been here and had sold my note, which I he held against me, to D. Faucett, and that ' the man expected immediate payment ! Alas I I thought I, this is surely the climax of infidelity land of injustice. Now all my calculations and arrangements f were frustrated. I went to see the owner of 1 the note, and found that it was transferred to Col. J. Gilkeson, who was kind to me, in tins case, by waiting- six months for payment. 1 now could not go on to the West, as I intend- ed, in consequence of this debt. I had sold out, and sent to the West, my household pro- perty, and had nothing wherewith to keep house. Previous to this, D. Hess, of Maryland, had invited me to bring m} r family to his ••• thatl rai^ht preach the more in his region; but at that time I thought it would not suit my ar ranger' K - to comply witii his request. 100 Was the only opening: that I could see Provi* dcnce had made tor me. December 2d, I arrived with my family at jny friend D. fless's in Washington county, Md. We were received with aifection, and treated with great hospitality and kindness. For which, I hope to feel ever grateful to him and his family; and pray that they may be amply rewarded in the great day of retribu- tion. I left my family at D. Hess's, and continued to preach in different parts of Maryland — into Baltimore several times; and several times in different places in Virginia, until the 27th of March 1817. Within this time I preached 74 times, and travelled about 700 miles. I met with many oppositions and persecutions from the Sectarians, whose interest it was to put me down. During this time I sold a great many Hymn books, sermons, and the "Pilgrim's Muse," which I had printed. March 17th 1817, My wife brought forth a son, and we named him Lorenzo. .March 27th 1817, 1 went on my way, direct- ing my course for the Western country. I preached at my father-in-law's in Frederick countv, Va.. 101 Thence in Stoverstown, Woodstock, Mount (feasant, New Market, l.L;rnsonburr, Staun- ton, Menga's. Thence I travelled all day in the rain. After night, I put up in a disagree- able cabin, where I found no bed, had nothing to eat, tied my horse to a bu?h, where he re- mained till morning. At Pattonsburg,Cop's, Fin* ca*tlc, ^alein, Montgomery Court house, New* bern, Saunder'son New river, in different pla- ces in Grayson county, Wythe Court house, where a man passed a twenty dollar counter- feit note on me, which I had afterwards crossn* cd in the bank of Philadelphia. Thence at different places to Abington, and on to Bean's Station in Tenn. Large confer gations generally attended, and in some places I saw the work of the Lord prosper, & thought the Lord was with me. . Thence I took the Kentucky road ; crossed Clinch mountain and Clinch river, and lay all night on the bank. Here commences a lone^ some and extensive wilderness, with here and there acibia, to take the traveller's money. — Passed Tazewell Court house, Powel's river, Cumberland Gap — a dreary, rugged and des- olate part of the world. A suitable residence^ anly, for the venturous hawk, or the more lofv i02 ty soaring eagle. O ! the sublimity of nature's ' works. What tremendous confusion seems to spread along the distant wild. A thundergust came up. 0!what majestic rumbling in the mountain forest. I called at a little hut, on Yellow creek. A mighty hail came on. I came on to Lexington in Kentucky, where I hoped to meet with friends and brethren ; but . by the influence of brother R. Dooly, my way was straightened and my former friends treated me coolly. Thence 1 went on to Cane ridge, and attended a meeting of the Christian breth- ren, a£J0>?i&ord, where I wished to have the. difficulties settled, but charges not being prov- able, the matter remained where it had been, F^mthe conduct of the brethren, with many om I had formerly enjoyed many happy seasons and had parted from them in Christian fellowship, I was left astonished at the insta- bility and uncertainty of mortal's friendship. I was rejected on the ground of vile and found* less slander ! ! I found a friend in Dr. Mitchell and in a few Others. May 8th, as I was making my way to Mayij ville,in a large forest, the top of a dead tree^ broke and fell so 6udden, that my creature I iOJ being much frightened, sudd .nly wheeled round and threw me, but a little distance from the ponderous limbs, which otherwise would have crushed me to death! I was somewhat hurt by the fall, but felt unspeakably thankful that my life was preserved. I crossed the Ohio river at Maysville. 1 preached in different place- in Ohio, and came and held meeting at my brother Griffith's, and at my brother-in- law's, Jacob Little's, in Green county. Thence 1 preached in different places in the state of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maryland, till I arri- ved where my family dwelt, which was on the 29th of May, 1817. In this journey, I was absent about sixty . travelled upwards' of 1,400 miles, preach- ' ed 47 times, expended forty-seven dollars, and had two dollars and seventy-five cents given me. I met with necessities, hard trials, and i much persecution, and was sometimes greatly dejected in my mind, and disgusted at the de- ception and treachery of many professors of re- ligion. June 9th, I and my family took our leave of our dear and kind friends in Maryland, and on the 1 2th, I arrived at my father-in-law's, in Frederick county s Va. I left my family here. 104 and in a few days directed my course for Ma* ryland. I preached in Battletown, Charlestpwn and at Harper's ferry in Virginia. In Pleasant Valley, Middletown, Fredericktown, New Market, Poplar Springs, New Lisbon, Hietts* town, Clarksburg and Baltimore, in Mary- land. I returned on the same route, and arri- red at my father-in-law's on the 17th of July. In this journey I was absent twenty-eight days, travelled about three hundred miles, and preached twenty-nine times. Congregation* were generally so lar.re, that we frequently had to sit in the woods. I saw great success^ in some places, attend my labors, and felt glad that priest craft was weakening, and that creeds and confessions were loosing their inilu* ence. 1 preached several times in the neighborhood, and thence on Back creek, at Gonotown, Nes- with"s, gull's, C's. L's. Forks of Capon, Sandy Rid^e meeting house, Parks valley ; at Sandy Ri ;! re a^ain, where I organized a church. Thence I returned to my father-in-law's and found my family well. In this journey I wasabsent seven days, tra- velled about one hundred miles, and preached 10£ thirteen times; suffered some necessity, and saw and felt some joyful seasons of the lore of God. It was not uncommon when the people knew where I put up, for them to come in at night, and fill th© , house, expecting- to hear something from me! July 30th, I started for the Western country* accompanied by D. Hess, of Maryland. I went through different parts of the state of Ohio, as far back as Mad-river, and the Great Miami. I pur- chased eighty acres of improved, land, of James Love, on-Rush creek, a few miles from the , town ©f Rushville. in Fairfield county, for which 1 was to pay eight hundred dollars 1 paid him four hundred dollars in hand. Thebalance was to be paid, one hundred dollars annnally; commencing in twelve months after the ensuing April. I re- turned to my father-in law's the 27th of August, having been absent four weeks— travelled about 900 miles, and preached seventeen times — many incidents I omit. September 4th, I directed my course up the country, f preached in Stoverstown, S. Hickle's j Narrow Passage, Riddle's, Hickie's school house. Mount Pleasant, New Market, and on Smith's creek, in Rockingham county. Here I organized a church. Thence I returned on the same route, and arrived at my father-in-law's. I was absent sixteen days, travelled 140 miles, and preached eighteen times, I met with some persecul E 2 100 saw some melting effects of the word prra^hed a* mong the people —bad some trial* and temptations, and had g^pre given to console and deliver me. I must, for the present, brine- this compend of niy travels to a close ; necessarily leaving out several years of iny life. Though in this space of time, I have passed through some of the most severe and important trials, and remarkable circumstances that have occurred during my days. A series of trials and persecutions were com- menced against me, in May, 1821, by preach- ers and others, who 1, 1 formerly professed much christian fellowship and attachment for me, living in the lower regions of Virginia. In November following, in a conferrence (as they called it) held at the Republican Chapel, in Isle of Wight county, Va. they levelled their artillery of abuse against me. They publish- ed me as then having excommunicated me, (though I can prove by documents now in my possession, that I, at and before that time, no more belonged to their ecclesiastical jurisdic- tion, than I did to the jurisdiction of the Pope of Rome, or to the Hierarchy of the Church of England.) Their publication contained the most daring and nefarious LIBEL that I ever 107 knew men venture to publish to the world. When it reached the part of country where I lived and was known, it enraged the public mind, broke the common peace, and for awhile the authors were, by many, threatened with violence, if they should show their faces in those regions. Those authors, though some of them had ne- ver seen me, and none of them had seen me but one short space, during eleven years, presumed to develope the general and minute parts of my character; in which they were bold to say that I was a "common liar," "extremely un- stable, hypocritical, deceiver," &c &c. with many other things equally libellous and un- true ' ! During 1822 and 1823, R F Fergusoa, in sup- port of whose character I was principally bro't into this scene of distress, made use of this pub- lication as an engine with which (many of the brethren thought) he might have me put back out of the De< ifpheses way. Of course I wac brought to trial to answer to the accusations alleged in the publication. 1 was considered clear of moral turpitude. I was brought to tri- al ngain. I was again considered in the same light. By some kind of testification, I way 108 brought to trial again to answer to tfees&mc lication! I was again considered in the same, light. I then obtained a certificate, signed by Elder R. F. Ferguson, Elder E Harvey, and Elder C. Sine, stating that the accusations in the above publication^ there were none other) had been investigated, and that they and the churches retained rue in my standing, as before the publi- cation, andin full fellowship. During this time I proceeded to get the affida- vits, certificates and signatures of hundreds of the respectable citizens of Rockingham, Shen- andoah, Frederick, Hampshire, Loudon and Fauquer counties, who, during a number of years, had been familiarly acquainted with my public and private character, to testify what they knew concerning it. The following ^re a small part of what I obtained. The much larger balance I retain in my possession : 109 CERTIFICATES- This will certify that wc the undersigned, have known the public character of Mr Joseph Thomas, and have also been personally ac- quainted with him many years, and we can truly and safely say, that he is well known, and taken to be an innocent, pious, good and faithful christian and preacher of the gospel. lie is esteemed for the punctuality and candor of his word and conversation, We have ne- ver, known any charge or accusation of any kind alleged against his moral character ; so 'far from it, that as far as we know, or can learn, he has, since his first coming into this country? stood fair and irreproachable in the estimation of all who know him. Given under our hands, in Mount Pleasant, Shenandoah county, Va. April 14th, 1822. J. Morgan, R. Winfield, M. D., W. R. New- ham, M. Goodrich, S. Walton, esq. J. New- ham, E. Clark, R. Allen, A. Rhodes, M Moore, D. Peters, I. Lutz, J. Osborn, J. Moon, M. Sigler, J.Wilson, M. D., H. Higgins, J. Par- ker, J. Bedinger, J. Bvumfield, J. Harris, J. 210 I his will testify that we the undersigned' have been personally acquainted with Mr* Joseph Thomas, nine or ten years last past. We have always known him to be a man of truth and candor, piety and virtue, against whom we have never known any accusation, nor species of immorality of any kind, at any time substantiated. His character therefore, as far as we can ascertain, remains unimpeach- able, and worthy to be relied on as a christian and faithful and useful preacher of the gospel. Given under our hands in Hampshire county Va. April 20. 1822. J. Zidwell, J. Hiett, A. Cooper, J. Dela- plain, J. Hawkins, J. Kidwell, Jer. Hiett, D. Little, John Kidwell, H. Kidwell, A. Kidwell, J. Higgins, J. Hawkins, D. Hawkins, J. High- ett,S. Ward, J. Ellis, W. Demington,T. M'-^ Kirker, J. Pennington, E. Pennington, T. Long, T. Pennington, J. M'Vicker, J. Albin, Wm. Dunlap, Wm. Jenning, Wm. La Follet, F, Good, J. Long, I. Pennington, B. Gulder, D. Anderson, J. Hiett, J. Wilson. This is to certify that I have been personal- ly acquainted with the Rev . Joseph Thomas, for nine or ten years. — In this time, I have had Ill oattsiderable de'allings and intercourse with him. I have always found him to be a man o* punctuality, honesty and. truih. I have always known him to be very correct in all his trans- actions in business, and can pronounce him to the best of my knowledge, worthy the esteem and confidence of the public. His public cha- racter, as.far as I know ©r can learn, stands fair and unimpeachable. Given under my hand at Woodstock, Va« this 2ist day of Feb. 1822. J. RINKER,Jun. Esq, Shenandoah county, to wit: This day personally appeared before me, John W. Rice, one of the justices of the peace for the county of Shenandoah, Wm. E. Clark and James Severs, and made oath to the fol- lowing statements respecting Joseph Thomas, Given under my hand this 20th day of Feb. 1822. .JOHN W. RICE. , Wm. E. Clark, have been intimately ac- quainted with the public and 'private charac- ter of Elder Joseph Thomas about five years. During this time I -have been much in his com- pany, and often at his house. I have ever found him strictly upright,, humble and pious. I have 112 always found him to be of a gentle, meek and of mind — a man of the strict- est truth, probity and veracity. I know of no man who has more iron is more worthy of the general esteem and con- fidence of all his neighbor-?, and people who know him, than the said Joseph Thomas. \* far as I know, his character in private is amia* ble, virtuous and useful ; and in public, is en- viable and unimpeachable.. WILLIAM E. CLARK. Having been acquainted with the above na- med J. Thomas for a number of year-, I fully concur in the sentiments of the above affidavit and know him to be a man who maintains the best of character as a harmless citizen, a pi- ous christian, a man of truth, and as a useful and eminent preacher of the gospel ; and to the farthest ot my knowledge, irreproachable in all his demeanor. JAMES SEVE I I have known Elder Joseph Thomas for up*' wards of ten years last oast. During this time he has been a frequent and welcome visiter at my house, so that I have become very familiar, and intimate with him. I have alwiv in served him to be very pious and humble, and [strictly correct in all his conversation. I have I never known him to deviate in word or deed from truth and virtue. Therefore from ten lyears' acquaintance with him, I must pro- inounce him, in my esteem, a man of truth, a (pious christian, and an example of gojod mor- jals to his fellow creatures, and worthy the con- fidence of the public. As far as 1 have become acquainted with his public character, it stands high and unspotted in the estimation of the people. HENRY SPITZER. Shenandoah county, to icit: This day personally appeared before me, k John W. Rice, one of the justices of the peace for the county of Shenandoah, Henry Spitzer, and made oath to the above statement respect- ing Joseph Thomas. Given under my hand this 20th day of Febru- ary 1822. .JOHN W. RICE. Nevj Market, Shenandoah co. Feb. 20, 1 822. This is to certify, that so far as I am acquain- ted with Henry Spitzer, James Severs, and W. E. Clark, I believe them to be men of truth and respectability, JOHN W. RICE, > 114 This may certify to all whom it may con- 1 cern, that I have been personally acquainted | v. Joseph Thomas, forthela^t nine years, -upwards of a year of which time, I re- sided with him. The sentiments held by him as a professor of religion, are well known. I believe him to be a man of integrity and virtue; who endeavors to practice the doctn promulgates — to live honestly, deal justly, anp do good to mankind. • I Given under my hand, this 25th day of Apri* at Big Capon, in the county of Hardy,. Virginia. JOHN KERN, Jr. Hard}/ county, to wit : Personally came before me, John Littler, a • of the peace for the county aforesaicU Kern Jr. thi 3 day, and made oath that ha . d the Rev. Joseph Thomas to merit the! cter given him in the above certificateJ I do hereby certify that the testimy of the said John Kern Jr. may be relied on. Given under my hand and seal at Big Ca- pon, in said county, this 25th day of April, A. D. 1822. JOHN LITTLER. Personally appeared before me, John Ship- man a justice of the peace in and for Rocking 11 5 am county, Va. Daniel Pickering, Daniel . s, Martin Mart.; and Julia Coweri, and to the following: have been acquainted with the charac- ter of Joseph Thomas upward years. During which time we .have been much in his iy, and have; become intimately ac- ruainted with his common conversation and :onduct. We have always observed in Li;n the strictest piety, probity and virtue, and fave never known him to be guilty of the least riminal or immoral act of any kind, but has been remarkable, in our esteem, for his v ty, humility, and the exercise of all the christ- ian principles. In a word, his character is that of a harmless, useful and irreproachable christ- ian; which character he also eminei.tiy main- tains in public estimation, as far as we have ever heard or known from personal acquaint- ance. Given under our hands, this .3th day of Feb. 182-2. JOHN COWKN, MARTIN MARTZ, DANL. MATHE DANL. PICKERING. Thi* will certify that the bearer Elder Jo- seph Thomas, is a mimsterof the gospel, whoso I 116 apiritual labors have been remarkably Wes in our country. His moral and religion! cha racter has stood the storms of persecution anc the envyings of many false brethren ; and re« mains pure and untarnished. No trans- res- sion nor sin can be charged upon him by hie most invidious enemies. He stands respected 3 and applauded, by the mass of has acquaintan- ces ; and as being very useful and eminent, by his brethren. We therefore recommend him to all where he may £0, as a brother whose praise if in all the churches ; and pray that he may be as ac- ceptable to them as he is to us. Given under our hands this 24th day of Sep*'- tember, A. D. 1825, Shenandoah county, Va. Elders — James Dickinson, Thomas Cotrell. Joseoh Wattson, Clerk of the Christian church in Strasbunr, signed in behalf of the church. Adam Kern, Frederick county, Walter A. Smith, Fauquer county, Va. Matthias Mill*' yard, Deacon, in behalf of the church of Rock- ingham county, Amos Hilliad, James O'Kane. We the undersigned do certify that Elder Joseph Thomas has been well known by us, above seven years, above four years of whicljk Ill line he has lived a neighbor amongst us. Hi? ublic and private walks, have been closely /atched and critically examined ; his spiritual ibors and worldly transactions ; his deport- lent at home and in the region round about, uring this time, has been such as to gain not ply our approbation, but our highest esteem — ,ur lasting respect and constant prayer. We lave always found him to be a man of truth ml candor; a man of piety and patience; a mn of persevering zeal in the cause of reli- ion ; a man of exemplary \iic in all godliness nd honesty. He has always stood as a very seful and eminent preacher of the gospel a- longst us — always highly respected; his con- regations generally large and attentive; and Is house sufficiently resorted to by private om panics, to convince him of the high seat e occupies in our affections. He first came mongst us under persecutions and aspersions, hich caused us to watch him the closer; but ow being well acquainted with him, we be- eve every accusation that would injure his haracter, to be false ; as we think we fully now the man, we cordially recommend him o our fellow citizens, as a faithful, useful and Diinent preacher of the gospel, and a man a- 118 gainst whom no evil thing can be alleged -t$ our knowledge, in our regions. Given under our hands in Rockingham co; Virginia, May 10th, 1826. J Martz,jun S Martz, J Martz, sen A Martz, J R Miller, J Byrd. A Twarz A B Lincoln, J Magee, M Martz, J Martz, F Martz,A Phillip^ S K Fuller, M Lore, P Koontz, Sen. H Billery J O'Kane, J Dunlap, R Ellison, H O'Kane, G Barr, S Matthews, J Phillips, H Martz, O Lore, A Hilyard, D Martz, M Martz, Cfc Beaver,S Lowman, J Beaver, T Beaver, D Low man, G Rodes, M Bazzel, J Walton, D Pick*! cring, E Henton. I will promise my readers, that if a second edi^j tion of this publication be called for during my] life, I will enlarge this compend and fully devel ] cpe all those important circumstances and occur-l rences, which singularly chequer the last teal years of my life. On the 18th of May, 1826, I and my family, leftJ Rockingham county, Va. in the presence of u numerous and weeping assembly, who had comej to give us their last and endearing farewell, and- started on a remove to the state of Ohio. Having^ a prosperous and-^agreeable journey, on the 22d ofl June, we made a stop in Green county. OhioJ Y n a few days I made a mircbaie of 127 acre? m 119 and of Mr. James Kent, ons of the most honora- ble and confidential men, thus far, that I have had ^ny worldly dealings with, in Madison county — a Diane called "Grassy Point." I and my family are well satisfied with the place and with the country. Since I have resided here, I have labored on fny farm — travelled and preached indi/Ierent parts )f the state, as circumstances have admitted. I im pleased with the general prospect of religton among my christian brethren with whom I have jeen made acquainted in this state. May the Lord prosper them and add to his :hurch daily; and may I meet my Father's chil- dren iu yet a better country than this. PREFACE TO TH2 POSivSS. What I am, as a poet, must be left to a scm« nizing public. If these poems should come lefore the Literati, the Re viewer, or the self* peated Critic* whose business and whose de- ght it is, to find faults and to declaim Coium- ta's Muse; and within whose falcon clavys any useful and as »iring geniuses have suffer- 9 a painful and lingering death ; they should member who I am, and whence I came. By lading the preceding sketch, they may learn at I was born in obscurity, and have strugg- led into their notice only by nature's force. I have read no language but my own, and ive travelled no land but the land of Free- en. Their country has a long sea-side strand, dented with noble rivers, bays and harbors, here ride a thousand gallant vessels, ladened th the riches of the c;lobe, interspersed with wns and cities, whose lofty spires and mag- [icent structures, bespeak an enterprizine d patriotic nation. Their country hag ift F 122 mountains too, stretching from one boundary to the other, where nature has play e J her wildest freaks, and exhibited her most gigan* tic wonders. Their country has its Western forest?, where awful solitude reigns — its beauti- ous diins, where variegated flowers and rose9 blooinasfar as eye explores — its copious rir- ers pouring from unknown lands to the ocean, Here, beauty, variety and sublimity, unite and constitute the most propitious land on the face of nature! This is the country I have travel- led — the only field which has furnished my im- agery and inspired my muse. I have been constrained, for years past, to court the muses with assiduity and treat de- li- It : but date not say that one of them has deigned to smile on me ! I have courted them, not so much in Libraries, as in the lonesome mountains, and the diversified fields of nature. Not within the walls of Colleges; but among the grass-grown graves of the dead, and the si- lent tomb stones. Not so much in the cities and the world's ?r\y bustle, as along the moss- grown banks of the meadow streams, or on the roar ;in of the bablinc brooks, that play along the sequestered wilds. There have I seen ■ hem lave their snow-white limbs in the lucid 123 wave ; but coy of my approach have frequent- Jy retired beyond my ascent the towering steeps of great Parnassus. Oft have I pursued their flight till clouds and frowning shades have hid them from my view. Oft have 1 searched in their frequented and solitary baunts, their fairy traces, and bowry seats, among the ivies, the Cyprus shades, and green woods, till I, as oft, have became bewildered, exhausted and hope- less! And were it not for the infinite pleasure I feel in gaining a distant and transient glimpse of the soul transporting form of famed Urania. I would, long since, have ceased my overtures in utter despair. But she has fascinated me. By some magic spell she has wooed me to her haunts, where, at distance I sit in silent but pleasing melancholy, and listen to the inimi- table notes that fill her varied song. The melt- ing music that warbles in her airs, has thrilled through my veins and inspired in me a rude imitation of her soul-entrancing carols. I have not mused in silent halls, without the* cares and wants of life to interrupt my medi- tations, nor have I written these poems where ease and books and literary friends have sur- rttuded me; bat in the midst oX opressive* 124 trials, cares and wants — on the side o fthe road, when weary and hungr) — on the banks of ri- vers, or on the mountain's top; or when I could retire a moment from the clamors of a strange family, or steal a welcome hour from, hard manual labor, the most of them have >een brought forth-. POETttS. ON MY NEW PEN. YOU now are new, you look quite fan\ But you are formed for toil and care ; You soon must plunge within that ocean, Wnrre you must swim in vast commotion I Your fate's unknown, but I will say, You'll meet with tempests in the way, Unless you sail with every tide, And make each veering wind your guide* Surrounding hosts of furious foes, Will from afar, your course oppose; And all combine to sink and drown you, And in the deep with vengeance frown yott.. One thing that augurs ill, I think, — You'rg ,dQom'd to dabble in the ink! ' The task that seems laid out for you, Is c;uite unpleasant — painful too. If you intetod to be correct, The faults ctanen you must detect, And tell themW their sins and blunders* In melting strains and loud as thunders. Like niadden'd bees they'll then arise, £nd sting you deep, your words despise. 126 For your advice they'll loudly blame you-* Misrepresent and much defame you. My dear young friend, now let me say y You'd better tread the beaten way ; And never fail all men to flatter, If ri^ht, or wrong, that makes no matter; Look o'er their faults, and let them be, What others do is naught to thee. Go join yourself to some big creed, And that will license every deed; Your friends will then in swarms surround yotij And priestly ease and wealth abound you ; The world will then admire the feather, Caress and praise you altogether ! When you behold the priests' corruptions, And all their craft and interruptions, Say not a word against their plan, But join the most applauded clan ; Be oriest yourself that interest take, And then be mute for conscience' sake; You'll find it will your store increase, To shear the flock and take the fleece, Pen up your fold within their bounds, IS or let them tread forbidden grounds 1 Go feed them on old Popish stuff, On men's inventions, hu'^e and rough, And swell them up with pride and fashion* 127 And cive them John's or Martin's ration! They'll scarcely then suspect you wrong, But loudly praise you in the throne:, They'll Jove, and fear, and strict obey yo;a> And for your service richly pay you. Now take my word while you are young, Lest you be beaten, bruis'd and stung. And if you will be wayward led, You may too late think what I've said, To this the pen in warmth replied^ Thou hypocrite and worse beside, To try to lead me from the truth, And make me Devil in my youth. Your sage advice I must despise, And deem it fruitless and unwise; I heard it with surprise and horror, It 111 I'd my soul with grief and sorrow,. I see mankind by priests ire blinded, But few sincere and honest minded ; They've made religion cloak to hide, The works of larkness sin and pride, I will not crowd their beaten way, But tell them they are gone astray. I'll take the word of God in hand, And on that rock by faith I'll stand, And loud on nose the Diiests' inventions, Their numerous creeds and bud intention? 128 And though I should be quite alone^ And re resented sad, forlorn ; Though priests should rise in hosts around me, They shall not daunt nor once confound me. I'll try to teach the truth and say, Beware of priests their craft and way, Their orthodox is now astray! I care not what they say of me, I was a quill, and quill I'll be, I'll mark their faults — their faults Pll scribble, Though they may rage and loudly quibble; I will not seek my future fame, Nor sink at censure on my name; I'll speak in prole and various measure, "Without regard to earthly treasure. AN ELEGY, On the death of Rice Haggard, an eminent preacher of the gospel-*- well known, ana high* ly esteemed, in the South and West by the Christian brethren. He died at an advanced age in Champaign county, Ohio, when on a journey to preach the gospel. O ! Haggard ! thou hast left thy house of clay, And win^'d thy passage to immortal day ! Kiivl Angels haird thee to their bright abode, And shouted welcome, valiant son of God.- 129 Imagination points me now thy throne, Among the saints and highest seraphs knowfi, There dwells thy spirit, and forever reigns, Triumphant in high heaven's supernal plains No storms distress thee in thy sweet repose ? But heavenly peace on thee thy God bestows, Thy toils are ended, and thy fortune's fou'id, Where golden treasures and rich spoils abound ; Eternal honors crown thy worthy brow, And scenes celestial open to thee now! I hail thee gladly in thy robes of white f On streets of gold — in mansions of delight. Np howling winds, nor tempests beat thee there ^ Nor earthly wants to generate thy care, Thou bast escap'd thy native land below, To ever live where trees ambrosial grow ; Thou hast behind thee, left a name reverM, That once consol'd the saints, & sinners fear'dt In youth thy God commanded thee away, From fond pursuits and objepts of the day — To leave the phon^n, & all thy friends around. To seek a Saviour and the gospel sound. Thy parents poor, had never taught thee then^ To read the Eible, nor to use the pen ; But in the smooth sand thou didst learn to wri£c ft And taught thyself to read "by faggot light! F 2 130 Not long till science shone upon thy mind, Thy sins forsaken and thy soul refin'd, The Saviour- s call to sound the Jubilee, Was loudly heard and then obeyM by thee. In melting strains thy youthful voice was heard, And weeping eyes among the crowds appeared ; Thy son'rous voice, like silver trumpet's sound, Awak'd the sinner from his sleep profound ; Convinc'd him he was in the downward way, Constraint him to repent, to weep and pray. Thy friends — a num'rous train, now left in tears, To mourn thee absent for some tedious } r cars, Do fondly hope to meet thee once again, Where death is foil'd in heav-ns extended plain. _____ V^TNV ON WINTER. FAREWELL, ye pleasant shades and bloom- ing flow 1 rs, Ye passing zephyrs and refreshing showers, Farewell, ye plumy birds in mellow lay, And all ye pleasures of the summer's day- Cold winter comes and nips with frost th£ bloom, And shrouds the forests with a sullen eloom * 131 He binds the mellow earth in icy chains, And shakes his hoary locks and griritfy reigns,. He comes in howling tempests, frosts and snow, And swells his chilly blasts on all below ; He drives his northern storms alone; the sky. And growls loud terror as he passes by. Dark clouds presage his giant presence near, And forests loose the foilage of the year; He binds the waters — flings his snows amain, And drifts the mountain and the distant plain. Beneath his steps a thousand insects die, And skulking beasts unite a frighted cry, His chilling breath makes nature's beautiei fade, Despoils the umbrage of the bow'ry shade. Thp songs are hush'd that thrill'd along the plain, And flocks and herds lie down with sullen pain ; The summer birds have fled his chilling sway. To chaunt their notes along in milder day ; The plains and forests mourn his frosty hand, The feeble sun scarce peeps upon the land. >o shall the days of youthful sports be sped, And wintry age shall whiten on the head, No revel scenes to cheer the old man's pow'rs, But-dull and cheerless drag his tedious hours; 132 The charm? of earth now fading in his cjty Bid him farewell and far forever fly! THE RURAL CHRISTIAN. THERE lives a man remote frompride> From ostentation free, The holy spirit ishis guide — But few so kind as he. No gorgeous pillars prop his dome, Nor pompous art display 'd ; But there remains his humble home, Immersed in willow shade- Around this antique dwelling grows, The sweet perennial flowers, That scent the zephyr as it blows Along the leafy bowers. The waving blue grass makes the green., And woos the passing eyes; While flowing shrub'ry deck the scene a And Lombard poplars rise. A fruitful garden then extends Along the passing way; And with surrounding beauty blends^ Aad erowjas the toils of May 1S| But all this outward rural bloom, Can faintly paint to thee, The bliss that decks the cottage room, When strangers come to see. The wants of nature are supplied,. By mercy's tender hand; With this the man is satisfied, And would no more demand. His humble wife and children sweet, In harmony unite ; And round the throne of mercy meet — Enjoy supreme delight. There meekness, peace and friendship dwell, Upon that hallow'd ground ; And from each breast sweet praises swell, For blessings they have found. His wealth is more than shining dust, Or more than kings bestow — A hope of crowns that cannot rust*. Rcleas'd from earth below. RETIREMENT. LET me retire from noisy life, ' From cares of wealth and scenes of strife. And build my cottage wucFe i34 Kind nature gives a cooling spring, And merry birds wild anthems sing, And flowers spontaneous there. From sordid cares my mind would soar, And trace the ways of God the more. And swell his praises high ; My wants bui few would be supplied, Pd seek no more on earth beside, But look beyond the sky. Should winter blow his Bor'al storm, I'd make my little cottage warm, And gather round the fire ; My babes would smile and prattle sweet, My wife, myself, and all would meet* In one harmonic choir. I'd teach the infant mind to pray, And point it to a brigher day, Than transient suns can give; IM join myself in holy song, The praise of God I would prolong, And thus I'd wish to hxc. Should vernal suns expand the green. And blooming beauties deck the scene, I'd take the pleasant share ; To cultivate a little soil, And ?ce my labors and my to;J, A welcome harvest bear. 135 The world might pass me by with scorn^ .Esteem me wretched and forlorn, Not worthy of her train ; She might not know I had a name, Unless it were contempt and shame, Erratic in the brain. But why should I regard the world ? With all her glories wide unfurPd, And all her golden store? She proffers more than she contains, Her pleasures turn to grief and pains # And satisfy no more. Her noisy sons w r ho dash the street, And scorn their equals when they meet, Know not their danger nigh ; But soon alas ! their race will end, • And then without a heavenly friend, How wretched must they die ! But me, the giddy world knows not, Obscurd within mj rural cot, I have what nature ^ives; For me the sun shines bright and clear. For me refreshing rains appear, For me the harvest lives. I envy not the rich man's store, I have his share and ten times morq A heavenly peace within ; 13G My God in all his works I praise^ To him my raptured soul 1 raise, Above the world and sin. THE POLAR STAR. ALL hail ! thou midnight constant guide, Thou steady polar star ; The sailor on the stormy tide, Salutes thee from afar. When winds and billows lone: prevail. And clouds of darkness rise, Then sailors 1 art and courage fail, Beneath inclement skies. On boist'rous seas unfriendly tost, The vessel runs astray ; The oilot has his compass lost, Nor knows the dang'rous way. But when the clouds disperse and fly, And heav^ grows calm and clear, lie sees the? shining in the sky, And bids farewell to fear. His course direct, by thee he learns, And seeks the destin'd strand ; 137 The dangers of the deep discern^ And finds his native land. The lonely pilgrim as he strays, Nor devious path can see, May boldly tread the sylvan maze,. And safely trust in thee. But should the sky thick clouds resume^ And hide thee from his si^ht, He's lost ! and wanders in the gloom, And wanders from the right. Ah ! could we always see thee plain, Nor clouds to interpose, "We then could ride th N stormy maity Nor fear the wind that blows. But yonder shines a brighter bearn^ Amid the throne of heav'n; His blest illuminating: gleam, Lights up the darkest eve'n* While sailing on the tide of life, The boisfrous billows roll, The stormy winds of an cry strife, Alarm the Hunting soul. Sometimes how dark the hemisphere^. How roll the seas below**- 138 Hownuh the rocks of death appear* How strong the tides of wo I My vessel tost on distant seas, Her sails are rip'd and torn ; •fine reels before the stormy breeze, And makes me pensive mourn.. But all the dangers that arise, Can't make me yet despair; I see my pilot in the skies, Who smiling, points me there. This steady stur I keep in sight, As on the wives I'm driv'n ; The veering breeze may blow me righ^ And land me safe in heav'n. Then let me not so much complain, A nd let me weep no more ; This star directs across the main, Towards a peaceful shore. Prorations star' forever shine, And oe'er withdraw from me; Direct this devious course of mine, O'er this tempestuous sea. # ! lead me on to those bright plains, Where my rich treasure lies ; 139 Where saints immortal fbel no^pains^. Nor tears bedew their eyes. TH£ ROSE. Within the garden there expands, A blooming fragrant flower; That captivates me, as it stands, With its enchanting power. Its modest grace and sweet perfume^. So harmonize together, Old Eden can't its tints nssume, In lovely vernal weather! Its sweet companions smile around, And wave their proudest ui But such a beauty can't be found, In all the flow'iy borders. Its dress is rich beyond compare, Plain, humble, uuussumin/, More beauteous than its kindred fair, Mope od'rous, sweet and biooiuinj. Kind nature hath on it imprest, A rich perfume to lave it, We long; remember it is blest, Though winds annoy and waveil 140 But O ! this sweet enchanting ros^ Hdvv thick with thorns surrounded-* I've tried to pluck it, as it grows, But often have been wounded, Jts thorns have pierced me to the sense. Before I thought of danger, And frequently inflict offence, To the incautious stranger. The full blown rose will fade away, Its glory soon be blighted, Its beauty wither and decay r Not worthy to be plighted. There is a rose of s weeter grace, And ever more inviting, It is the lovely female's face, With all her charms delighting. This lovely, cantivatin ; form, The raptur'd soul surprises; The stoic heart, her features warm^ While strange attachment rises. Here virtue,' beauty, grace conjoin'd 5 In ev'ry blooming f ature, How tender, sweet and well refin'd, Infatuating creature! po jewel half io '>riz'd 1 s«e, The best and richest treasure. 141 A faithful friend she's prov'd to me; I'he meed of human pleasure. But O !* that bloom may soon decay, With clouds be overshaded, I would lament the ruthless day, That saw her scaith'd and faded. But should the bloom in virtue shine, I always will remember, ' That tender friend — I call her mine, In frosts of bleak December. *Tis virtue that will never fade > Let virtue's robes adorn her, ] then will love her in the shade, And will not, cannot scorn her, A DIRGE. LORD what am I ? Ah who can say? A man ! a worm ! a cldd of clay 1 Ingenious form, of wond'rous birth, Of high degree, a child of earth. Corrupted matter, low confin'd, Possess'd of spirit closely join'd, Jmpoverish'd reptile, drown'd in woes, Without a friend — pursued by foes. My life how like the gliding stream, Or like the nightly vanish'd dream ; My tansient day is nothing more 5 Than bubbles bursting on the shore, The ocean's towry billows rise, And seem to climb amid the skies, But soon they sink and roll away, Not coexistent with the day. So would I vainly place my seat, That man should move beneath my feet y But soon aias ! I must descend, Where dust enfolds our earthly end. But tho' I have short time to stay, In this imprisoned tent of clay, I have a mind — that mind can trace Beyond the grave, a boundless space. This reasoning sense, a part divine, Death can't destroy, nor grave confine, That speaks a God, proclaims an hour, "When d'eath shall loose his tyrant pow 5 r< I feel within, a lucid ray, Thit opes to me eternal day, An ardent sense to grasp a prize, Not found where earthly treasure lies, I will forsake those swarms that play, Like floating gnats on summer's day. That skim along like butterflies, And fall unfledg'd with sad surprise 143 i claim no kin to their gay race, I count their pride my low disgrace, Their wealth their pleasure and their fame, Are flitting shades — an empty name. I claim my kindred, not with earth, And none but those of heavenly birth ; No hoards I seek of golden oar, But look for treasures valued more. This earth can't long confine me here, I'll bid farewell without a tear To all her cares, and mouut the skies, And sieze my lov'd immortal prize. A THOUGHT ON WAR. LIKE mighty storms of winter's sky, Descending from the hills, That rake destruction as they fly, And sweep the tremblingrrills. So war with his attendant host Aproximates the field, There champion chiefs their courage boast 3 Nor will the contest yield. They c,-ive command and rush amain, The soldiers bleed around, And countless numbers lick the plain : And bleed upon the ground- 144 When foaming streams together meet. And toss their surges high. When on the rocky shallows beat, The rooted forests die. So chief with chief, and man with man ? In battle's dread affright, Commix and rage, and kill who can, And heap the bloody sight. From wing to wing the carnage runs, No hiding place is near, Wide wasting death, in cannon gun9, In sword, in dart and spear. A thousand thunders shake the sky, The frighted clouds look pale, A thousand heroes gasp and die, And blanch upon the vale. Promiscuous slaughter raves along, And thins the rank and file, How soon alas! he wastes the throng, And heaps the reeking soil. Relations, friends and brothers dear, In murd'rous conflict meet, And stain with blood the polish'd spear ; And die at other's feet. Let ocean break divine decrees, And whelm the guilty shore:. 145 Let pestilence the cities siege, And slay a thousand more. Let earthquakes shake the distant strand, And wide dispart the earth ; Alarm the nations as they stand, And stop their guilty mirth . Let famine rage along the plain, And waste our wicked race, Let glutton'd monarchs feel the pain, And wear a haggard face. And should our crimes yet more inflame, O Lord thy dreadful ire, Then teach us all our guilt and shame, By mildews, blasts and fire. These are thy scourges Lord we know, To humble human pride, But stay thy hand, nor strike the blow, And better things provide. But war, with his attendant woes, Is not from thee, divine, From hellish passions he arose, And no descent of thine. Let nations know the gospel strain And hear the Saviour's lore ; G i4tf Let them the christian cause maintain. And war shall be no more. Let swords be made to plough the field. And spears to sickles turn ; O may the world to Jesus yield, And his example learn. THE VERNAL SEASON. FAREWELL thou stormy rig'rous blast./ Your gloomy horrors now are past, And all ycur frowns seren'd at last, By smiles of lovely spring. From orient realms the vernal sun, Appears again — the prize is won, His cheerful beams reviving run, And make creation sing. The torpid insects move again, Forget the gripe of winter's chain. And scatter o'er the smiling plain. And tell their modes of joy ; A thousand notes of music sweet, Resound aloud from each retreat,. With one accord the songsters meet, And all their tongues employ. 147 The savage beasts of fiercer flame. The herds and flocks of ev'ry namc 5 Their vanousjoys aloud proclaim, While sounding anthem? swell ; The far sequestered forests join, The heaths and meadows all combine, And sound aloud the hymn divine, The God of nature tell. Unnumbered charms attract the sight, The purple, blue and spotless white, That dress all nature with delight ; Inflame my ravish'd soul ; The umbrage of the distant trees, The pinks awaken'd by the breeze, The blushing rose well form'd to please. My senses sweet control. The Orchards smile in fragrant bloom, The desert wastes their ilowers assume, And wanton zephyrs waft perfume, Along the passing air; The'lofty mountains ope their green, The low sunk vales that lie between. Put on the beauty of the scene, And wave enchantment there- Let stoic hearts conjoin to sing, The parent of returning spring. 14^ A.nd mount on soft celestial wing. Above tiiis earthly clod ; Let nature teach their souls to rai Unceasing thanks and songs of praise And mingle in harmonic lays, To their Creator God. This scene how like the vernal years. When youth in every face appears, And nought to start the trickling tears. Nor cause the rising sigh ; The rapt'rous prospects wide extend, While hope and joy each other blend. The flatter'd youth descries no end, And thinks no blasts are nigh. Remember that the rose will fade, And all the beauty of the glade, With all the foilage of the shade, Shall droop and die again; So may the fondest blooming face. The object of an am'rous race, Soon wither into cold disgrace, And leave the heart in pain. Temptations hnunt the female's way, By chance the fondest passions may* Allure to danger, quite astray, outh be well aware : 149 Be modest, virtuous — ever try, Trust not the fancy of your eye, Lest from your heart your comfort fly, And leave a sorrow there. Behold the time is drawing near, When transient charms shall disappear, Again all nature shall be drear, And chaunt no more to 3-ou ; Endure a chaste and virtuous toil, Enjoy the season with a smile, \nd take a large immortal spoil, For that shall be your due. AN EVENING THOUGHT THE vernal season bloom'd around, The sky was clear and mild, I mus'd upon the scene profound, Without a thought defil'd. The fainting sun declin'd my view. Low sunken in the west, His golden beams through ether flew, And charmed my thinking breast. Calm may my moments roll away, And not a crime be seen. 150 rfor darkening; clouds conclude my day. Nor tempests intervene. And when this life on earth shall end. And day shall close in night; Then may my soul to heaven ascend, To hail supernal light. Then can my friends in raptures say, The pilgrim's gone to rest, He's winged along his airj- way. To be forever blest. THOUGHTS ON RETIREMENT could I find some distant spot, t Amid wild nature's bowers, 'Tisthere I'd build my humble cot. And spend remaining hours. 1 need not then forget to sleep, Nor should my soul repine. For cruel wrongs I need not weep. Nor blush for deeds not mine. The richest man I'd envy not, . With all his silken pride, I'd pitiy his unhappy lot, With servants at his side. 15* His gold, his purple and his lace, And all his pompous store, Will run him through an airy race, And leave him wretched, poor. I want my portion, not of dross, Nor outward gaudy show, What this proud world esteems but loss- And melancholy, wo. A golden treasure safe in heaven, A crown of glory there, The crimes committed be forgiven, My Saviour's image bear. AN APOSTROPHE TO THE EVENING STAR LET me admire yon evening star, Bright beaming in the west, He rides on his etherial car, To light the world to rest. The murmurs of the distant stream. Come rolling on the ear, While glances of his silv'ry beam. Around the groves appear. Alas ! how short, though blest his 6£ay. ; With this our drearv world. 1 5- His welcome hours roll fast aw^j > How soon in darkness furl'd. Farewell, if thou must hasty go, And leave me here alone, Cease not to shine on trav'lers low, And cheer them when they groan. Transcendant light ! thou heavenly beam- Now on my soul arise, And wake me from my fairy dream, And brighten round my skies. O never roll thyself away, But shine forever clear. That I may walk in cloudless day, And loose my nightly fear. THE WONDERS OF CREATION. I'LL sing aloud creation's wonders, And praise my G od in every lay, And speak of lightnings, roaring thunders- That fill the heart with dread disnuyy. O stop ye vain, and look around you, Behold the blackness of the sky, The terrorsofa God confound you, As raving whirlwinds pass you by 153 All nature quakes at death so nigh her And tremble- at the steps of God; Electric matter dashes tire, And mountains shudder at his nod. Great hail storms from the clouds descending, Fall rapid on the trembling ground, Strong trees before the tempest bending, Groan sadly with the dismal sound. Now let me trace the starry regions. When sable clouds are roll'd awa\ . Astonished see the shining legions, Irradiate the close of day. I see the orbs of lucid glory, Roll swift along the realms of ni i But who can tell their mystic sua'; Or trace their far etherial flight. Imagination's highest flying, Can neVer bound the ample place, Where those revolving globes are v In tracts of wide eternal space. The moon in lunar blaze advances, And climbs the firmament on In While every star in glory dances, Far round the vast extended sk}\ The sun appears in brighter blazes. pours his floods of light arou G 2 154 He rolls along his louder praise^ Nor once forgets the song profound. His presence cheers the earth with gladness And all the nations hail him near ; Before him flics chaotic sadness, And sable spectres disappear. I now will view the earth around mc , And see th' extended scene below ; Here wonders rising still astound me. Where rivers, seas and fountains flow. There lies the great expansive ocean, Old mother of the distant spring, Xlais'd into high tremendous motion, 13;. Neptune's wide encircling wing The river's far sequestered sources, Unceasing search the distant main, Thro' rugged mountains burst their courses. Nor once attempt to start in vain ; Through fertile vales they often wander, In lonely deserts push their way ; ' 'Tis on their banks I often ponder, Upon life's swift descending day. raron the lofty mountain's bower. I have beheld the distant scene. rhe marks of a creative power, The far projected rocks ascending-. Sublimely fill the roving eye ; The ruder steeps around extending, Seem lost amidst the azure sky. Far off I see the rural village, And wide surrounding meadows there The fertile vallies smile with tillage, And waving harvests richly bear ; Methinks I see the rustic smiling, While ruddy milk maids pass along . O would they in their daily toiling, Ascribe to God their constant soner. A PRAYER IiN TROUBLE I LONG to rise and soar away, And leave distress behind ; O would those clouds that make me stray Forsake this troubled mind. O would the sun once more arise, And shine forever bright, That I might wipe my weeping ey And bid farewell to night. Iod long alas! I've been eppr With sorrow. grief and siD^ 15t) And none but Christ can make m< Or give me peace within. "Tis fur his sake Vd leave all tilings. Upon this earthly sphere, O had I but celestial wing-.-, I'd soon with him appear, ODE ON THE PRIMEVAL MY riutTing fancy flies along, O'er all the wide creation,' The ard'ous flight she would pre' See each and ev'ry nation ; View golden day- sung, When harmony abounded, And man and Eden were but young. And vocal praise resounded. She there would pause and look around. To see the plains extended, And hark to hear the song profound. Of ev'ry creature blended. Along the margin of the glade, Were copious rivers gliding, Promiscuous flocks beneath the shade, In mutual bliss abiding;. 167 The elements of nature slept, Nor heard were storms and thur, No man had ever sigh-d or wept, Nor caus'd to quake and wonder. . Young zephyrs gently fan'd the rose, And played along the bow'rs, Transporting joys unmixed with woes, R-efreshed the cheerful hours. She there beholds all men unite, No rumors heard among them, The law of love was law of right, Nor conscious guilt had stung them Propitious nature gave them bread, She gave them milk and honey, With liberal hand each one was fed, Without the aid of money. No blood had stain'd their harmless hands Unknown were wars and plunder, . No foe had found their peaceful lands, To cut. their cords asunder ; Shepherds and swains in conceit meet, To tune the Edenian lyre, ins and pnaids each other greet, And join the gleeful choir. Their festivals were crown'd with joy, Ail ]• id ai 153 a cnousand tongues the song employ, Far distant from commotion ; No changing clime had yet been seen, Nor elevated mountains, The vocal plains were ever green, Refresh'd.by cooling fountains. Long liv'd those sons in Eden born, No foul disease annoyed them,. No hapless child was found forlorn, Nor pestilence destroyed them ; A thousand years were as a day — A day of purest pleasure, The sky serene — it roll'd away, And crown'd their earthly treasure. THE ALLUREMENTS OF THE WORLD FORSAKEN. KIND heaven command my soul away, From all sublunar things, Nor let me make a moment's stay, Beneath a seraph's wings. I've seen the world unfold her arms, And spread her smiles around, Rut anguish broods beneath her charms- And hidden tears abound. 159 ahe bears a cup of fancied joy?. And dances as she goes ; The sons of folly she decoys, And leaves them drown'd in woes let me fly from her below, And seek my constant rest, Where tranquil joys serenely flow? In heav'rlly grace possess'd. Let me arise above the fame, Of riches and renown, Above an earthly monarches name, To an immortal crown. Mj soul from all pollution clean. Shall soar above the world,, Tho' at me all her arrows lean, With all her rage unfurl'd. Let me from all her haunts retreat, Her dazzling charms forbear, Nor may the wandrings of my fact. Be found familiar there. 1 sing farewell to friendship here, To all the world's delight; Her proudest glories disappear, And close in endless niffht. ODE TO SPRING, HAIL thou lovely vernal season. Welcome to this cheerless earth, Welcome to our sense and reason, Parent of reviving birth. Earth is full of music sounding, Nature smiles in blushing grace, U thy presence swarms abounding, Singing in their new born race. Now the groves and distant mountains, Ope their umbrage to the day, On the meads along the fountains, Bleating lambkins frisk and play. Wint'ry storms have ceas-d their blowing Gentle breezes fan the sky, Birds are singing, herds are lowing, Hungry beasts forget to sigh. Morning zephyrs wake the roses, Sweet flow'rs dress the vales below, On the lawn the swain reposes, Hears the brooks in murmurs flow ; Larks awake our morning slumbers, With an early song of praise, Vocal groves with various numbers Fill the eartb with tuneful k\x?. 161 Come on ye mild refreshing showers, Swell the bosom of the earth, Wake up the vegitative ppwers, Let them have a fruitful birth ; O let me see the orchards blooming, Rustics healthy plough the green, The milk maid unassuming, Pensive moving o'er the scene. Wake up the heart and tune the lyre, Sing an anthem to the sky, Let male and female form the choir, Raise seraphic music hi:;h ; Join the song ye pensive, fearful, Sound it up to God in heaven, Let the soul be always cheerful, Always tranquil, smooth and even. \»/\«^ AN APOSTROPHE TO THE MOON O MOON! arise fair nymph of heav'n. Unveil thy lovely face, Shine o'er the hills, light up the eve'n, Nor stay thy welcome race. Thou comest forth a blushing maid, All mantled o'er with gold, Before thee flies the misty shade, And clouds are from thee roll'd 162 Thy golden beams are hail'd with joy, Among the woodmen here, The lonely shepherd and his boy, With new strung harps appear". The smiling hills and mountains e;low, With glancing dew-drops bright, The babbling brooks with pleasure flow, Along the silent night, I've seen thy twinkling beams, Along the darksome shade, Then rais'd alone, a solemn song, And nightly fears were laid. But in one night of solemn toll, Thy face shall blush in blood, And from thy orbit thou shalt roll, Far through a fiery flood! Thy deep blue shall then be lost, Thy disk no more shall glow, Thyself in wrecks of matter tost, Shall to that ruin go I But now thou dost in splendor ride. In thy etherial car, Expand thy smiles of gladness wide. And send thy glories far. Disperse your clouds ye winds that blow, And 1st this maid of night, 163 In full effulgence blaze below, And give the shades her light. So may my clouds of error fly, Aud light within arise, That I may fetr no danger nigh, Beneath my cloudless skies. THE WOPXD TURNED PEACOCK. AMONG domestic fowls I see, What e'er his name or nature be, He is a fop, I answer thee, And loves to show his feathers ; When vernal suns serene the skies, He struts about and proudly trie?, To shew his graces to our eyes, And looks disdain on others. 1 grant 'tis beauty there we find, In that long train he drags behind, He looks quite gay and well refin'd. No other half so gaudy ; He wide expands his plumage round, Where azure, gold and blue abound, He vainly treads along the ground, Craves praise from every body ! But this vain fowl of which we boast,. Qf all the fowls the public toast. 164 Is not often used to Vroil or roast. Nor ever worth his feeding ; His plumage lasts not half the year, When that may chance to disappear. He looks quite shabby full of fear, And indicates low breeding. He makes no music when he sings, He cannot fly with mifledg'd wings. No profit to the public brings, His pageantry has faded ; He's nothing left our note to gain, We all rejoin and now disdain, The fowl so proud and once so vain, And now so just degraded. Thus the vain world with all her beaux, Whendress'd in ribbons and fine clothes. Her beauty and her grandeur shoM s, Disdaining all below her; ' Too much engaged to look ahead, She turns and struts where she may tread. Her trimmings all to public spread, She wishes all to know her. Her sweet perfume and curled hair, Her silks, and bows, and ribbons there. Behold the sight ! who can forbear, To love and run and take her ! 166 Mic dazzles in her plumage gftjj She turns her beauties to the da} , Ynd struts along the public way, Ah ! who could well forsake her. She now assumes a sword in hand, Turns gen'ral giving loud command, Stands head of the surrounding band, While thousands round adore her; Herepauletts and buttons blaze, She now achieves in martial ways. The universal public gaze, That flashes far before her. She oft turns merchant and declares, Superior worth in all her wares, The giddy youth turns round and stares, And sees them all so pretty ; 'Tis there she flatters — often lies, Deceives the vain, offends the wise, And hides the faults from him that buys, Talk3 pleasantly and witty. She's a coquette in every art, She shows at first the better part, And charms the vain deluded hear i And brings him on to love her ; I sec each sex and every age, hi warm attachment all engage, Run after her with equal rage 3 Determin'd all to prove her. She courted me with luring charms, I fell within her closing arms, My thirst allay'd— I felt alarms, I wanted then to leave her ; Again she clasp'd me to her breast, And said she'd make me further blest. Remove my fears, and give me rest, But I would not believe her. I broke her gold ensnaring chain. And turn'd from her with strong disdain. Resolve'd to love her not again, Nor hear her voice enchanting- ; I set my heart above her name, Despis'd her with contempt and shame. And now for high immortal fame. My soul is ardent panting'. BIGOTRY REPROVED. A horrid thing pervades the land, The priests and prophets in a band, (CaiPd by the name of preacher* Direct the superstitious mind, What man shall do his God to find. T T^ must obev hi« teachers 167 otiose leaders cliff 1 ring in their mode— - Each traveling in a different road, Create a sad division ; Each one believes he must be right, And vents at others all his spite, Contemns them with derision. Their prosolytes around them wait, To hear them preach, and pray and prate, And tell their growing numbers ; They love to hear their preachers tell, The adverse sects will go to hell, All laid in guilt and slumbers. Each party has its special rules, BorrowVi from Bishops Popes and schools* And thinks them best of any ; And yet they change to suit the time?. And differ in the different climes, To catch the passing penny. They are directed to obey, And never tread another way, All others are deceivers ; All those who do dissent from this, Are not within the road to bliss. Nor can be true believers. Some thousands thus are dup'd and led, By prejudice and priestcraft fed. Who love to hold contention ; 168 Their old confessions they defend, • For human rules do strong contend. The ground of much dissention. Is this religion? God forbid, The light within this cloud is hid, My soul be not deceived ; The Great Redeemer never told The priests to separate his Fold, ' And this I've long believed. I love religion — do declare, That peace and love are ever there. And universal kindness; The Bible is my rule for this, It points me to eternal bliss, Dispels Sectarian blindness. Let christians now unite and say, We'll throw all human rules away, And take God's word to rule us ; King Jesus shall our leader be, And jn his name w.e will agree, The priests no more shall fool us. V/ \', WOMAN. THE richest blessing man can find. On all the earth below, Is woman, faithful, true and kind Blest soother of our w." 169 When elements of nature rise, An 1 threaten to devour, She, like an angel of the skies, Bespeaks a niilder hour. When fortune frowns and we're distfess'd, And thousand sorrow? swell, Hkr mild caresses make us blest, We think that all is well. In distant lands where strangers are Unkind, and cruel too, She shows the same affection there, A tender heart and true. She feels the weight of all our sighs, And all our groans she hear?, ies oft with weeping eves, IS or spares her streaming te»rs. When sickness makes our spirits faint, We languish and deplore, Her fondling smiles ease all -complaint} And we repine no more. When melancholy fills the heart, And darkens all the day, She has the pleasing sov'reign art, To drive it all away. H pure gold without her is but dro$ For gold has never bless'd, She is the crown of every loss. The richest crown pos=ess*d*- AN ELEGY, On the death of Mrs. Diana Gowdy, ofXenu Ohio, daughter of John and Elizabeth Mor gan, of Shenandoah county, Va. ivho depart ed this life \Qth October, 1827, in hope of i happy immortality. Aged about 27 years. O ! HELP me muse, to sing that worthy name. And give her virtues to immortal fame, That generations yet unborn may read : The female graces all in her agreed. In infant years she was her parents' pride, No child so comely, nor so lov-d beside, Her form, her beauty., and her nat'ral grace, Were mostly perfect of the female race. Kind nature dresther for her fairest child, Beheld her kindling charms and fondly smil'd ; She stored the "virtues in her youthful breast, And seemM content that she was thus possess'd-; She was accomplished with politest mien. In all her movements ciegance was seen. 1?1 Her modest worth and cultivated mind, Bespoke her plainly, polish'd and refin'do As flowing lillies, and the opening rose, Expand their blushes when the zephyr blows, And pour their charming beauties on the sight, And give the raptur'd soul supreme delight, ; So were a thousand charms upon her plac'd, None were so beauteous — so supremely grae'd ; She was the pride and toast of all the fair, And all delighted in her presence there. She was not careless of that better part, That lifts the soul and purifies the heart, She learn'd her Saviour, and his laws obey'd^ And safe in heaven her future hope she laid; Her soul was pious, innocent and mild, To heaven related, nor by earth beguiled. In her full bloom arriv'd her bridal day, Her consort hVd in regions far away, Few days were passM, she left her native land^ A And took her distant home where Xenia stands. She grae'd the station of a virtuous wife, And hVd remote from vanity and strife ; With gen'roushand she often blest the poor, Who sought a pittance at her parlor door, Her name was honored, and her name was dear, A+A eaunded sweet to every list'ning ear, 172 She was too good on earth to be contm'ti^ Her soul was fit with angels to be join'd. Her bridal years were few — they roll'd away. And brought distress, a mournful weeping day ; Stern death anproach'd, & in his arms she slept. Her husband, friends, & distant stranrerswept ; She left a husband drown 1 d in flowing; tears, And solemn gloom 'mong num'rous friends ap- j pears ; No time nor place, can wipe away the grief, That bursted from their hearts without relief. O! dreadful day! that saw her buried deep In silent dust! how did spectators weep ; And while their streaming tears fell from their eyes, Her soul ascended to the upper skies. What anguish wrung her tender parents' breasts, When first they heard, "m dust Diana rests ;" Their house was fill'd with mourning and with gloom, Far from Diana's sacred honor'd tomb! Could they have wept around her dying bed. Could they have seen her lying pale and dead, Could they have walk'd the solemn fun'ral step, And seen the spot where their Diana slept! They could have borne their grief with less dis- pair, 175 io bid farewell to dear Diana there! She calmly died, her eyes were clos'd in peace, And all her sorrows in one moment cease; The angels met her at death's iron door, And safeconvey'd her to the heavenly shore! Methinks she mounted on celestial wines, And there with christians & with seraphs sings! Why weep, ye parents? Your Diana stands, EnroiiM in dory in celestial lands ; Your child has left a painful world below, And found a land where living pleasures flow. No fell disease to fade her beauty there, No parting pains, nor world's distrcssinc: care, She dwells in peace — o'er tyrant death she reigns, And wears her crown in heaven's supernal plains. DESCRIPTION OF NIGHT. HOW dull, how dark, how sable is the night, She's hid creation from my raptur'd sight, Horrific clouds come rolling round the sky, And on the hills in tow'rinjj columns lie! The listant vale i- wra i] "d in silent gloom, W 7 here darkling birds their boding notes resume, 174 ISo twinkling star thro' opening clouds appears, Nor brighter moon to banish nightly fears,' But winds loud howling in the mountain far, Pcush on amain in their ether'al car; A sullen breeze drives wide the cottage door, And warns the owner to prepare for more. The valley stream slow murmuc&to the ear, But murmursinournful as the breezes veer. From yon lone tree,not distant from the grave, "Where lie the wise, the coward and the brave, I hear the owl long hooting o'er the dead, Along the place where ghostly shadows sped ! Far distant, where the lonely cottage stands, Beside the gurgling brook, in wilder'd lands, The howling dog is heard — the echoes mourn. And on the quivering breeze are distant borne. The stag lies snuffing on the mountain side, The timid hind, his faithful, bouncing bride, Becomes alar-m'd but hears the breezes pass His spiry horns — then nips the mossy grass. The bounding roe is in the rocky cleft, In nightly slumbers he is lonely left; The heath cock's head is hid beneath his wing, The woody warblers have forgot to sing. The fearless beast9 and all the merry birds, Haye sought retreat, and the domestic herds. 11 s •So sounds concordant in the passing arr, The owl's loud hoots, are only wafted there ; Or yelling wolf along the cottage way, Or barking fox who seeks his nightly prey. The lonely stranger in the desert wide, Has lost his way, and knows not where to guide ; Thro' shrubs and thorns, a devious course he bends, In miry bogs, in winding rills descends ; He fears to tread, he fears the ghosts of night, He trembling goes, but wanders from the right. The old trees groan along the silent ground. And passing goblins whisper in the sound ! Alas I he tries, but tries in vain to know, Where he should find a safer path to go ; He finds no friend to lend him timely aid, But sinks in death amid the gloomy shade! So would the prodigal with flowing eyes, With lifted hands and penitential cries, Deplore his wayward course so eager run, But now so wretched — nought but mis'ry won. My friends receive the pilgrim for the night, Solace his sorrows till the morning light, And when his journey and his days shall close, Q /ray no fears disturb his last repose.. 176 A REFLECTION ON READING HISTORY THE biasing sun in rapid haste, Conveys the time away, And so the ancient ages waste, And splendid works decay. I've read of ancient cruel war, That wakens up my soul, I see the tide of blood afar, And seas of crimson roll. What nave my ancient fathers done* How have the sages fled ! The} fell m battles lost or won, All mingled with the dead. The lofty spires and towers they made, The grandeur of a day, Ar c -ong a^o in rubbish laid, Like shadow's fled away. The r.rou 'est kings who nations sway'd a Have fallc i from the FEIGN. FAR in a grove alone I stray Hi, And sought a silent bower, I sat me down beneath the shade, To muse the happy hour. The scene was charming to my sight The wild birds sweetly • The vocal woods gave me delight. And far around me ra rheptace was paradise to me, _My thoughts rov'd on amain, I'd found the ^ ot I long l d to see, And bliss without a pain. The sweetest feelings of the soul, In one celestial stream, Bore me away with sweet control, In a seraphic dream. Tvlethought I saw a damsel fair, And tears were in her eyes, Her head, her breast and arms were barc 4 I heard her bursting sighs. I heard her call, and call aloud, To those who passed her by, But few among the busy crowd, Gave her the least reply. I stopped and look'-d her in the face — • *Twas then she sweetly smil'd, Her features shone with heavenly grace, Far more than nature's child. I stepp'd toward her and I cried,. O tell to me thy name, And tell me where thou dost abide, And whence thy sorrows came. With diuidence and down cast eye. okc, 184 iped a tear and gave a And thus her silence broke. ' {t My name is Charity or Love, Descended from the skies, My native home is heaven above. Where no distresses ri=e. I left the happy millions there, To visit all mankind, I would their restless souls prepare, A better world to find. I long have called to every class*, 1 o take me by the ham I , But some would mock and deaily pass And let me weeping stand. Some years agol passed along-, Where multitudes reside, And several of the gazing throng, Engaged me for their bride. The merchants took me in their store v And learned of me to smile, Cut this they done to sell the more. id gain the peasant's toil. .Mechanics too, of every kind. Entreated me full v 185 While flatt'ry and deceit could find, A bitter way to Bell, But now the times severe have grown. And labor gives no gain, Their hearts arc hard as hardest stone> And me they all disdain. Theyfve turned me from their parlor doors, And stonM me in the street, I find no place upon their floors, Nor aught of them to eat! I then besought the priestly clan, To gain a shelter there, Some took me in and soon began 3 To celebrate the fair. Thev'd drew me im on Sabbath day, And lead me. to the place, Where hundreds meet to sing and pray, And wait for heavenly grace. But all the week their acts nroclaim'd, Their negligence to me, They seldom loved to hear me nam'd, And would my presence flee. Their love to me was not unfeigned. But few I found were true, I8u When they their worldly objects gain fc ck They bade me long adieu. They've led me up the pulpit stair* To preach abroad my fame, But oft have scandalized me there. And pushed me down with shame. They often rave and drive me far, From where they stand to preach, And in the zeal of pulpit war, Their prejudices teach. They all agree and have combin'c}, . To kill me if they can, They've hunted up and down to find, And drive me from their clan. This is the cause, young man I tell, Why 1 must wander here, And why so high my sorrows swell.. And I so sad appear. I now must seek the wilderness. Nor find a cottage nigh, I there must wail my deep distress,^ And vent for man my sigh." I'll go with thee, I loudly said, And give theemy embrace, 137 With thee, for man my tears 111 shed In the sequestered place. These words addressed, I then awoke, And pondered well the theme, And O ! how charm d by her that spoke,, The substance of my dream. ON THOUGHT. AMAZING thought! how rapid dost thou fly I O er all the world and round the ample sky, Thou dost the meads and flowry plains survey, Where nature wantons in delightful play. From shade to shade thy golden wings have flown, From pole to pole, and thro' the burning zone. The towring hill where human never trod, Where lofty cedars to the whirlwinds nod, Thou dost ascend and fearless travel there, And stretch thy soaring pinions in the air. Stupendous mounts, projected in the cloud, W r here forked lightnings play, and tempests shroud, Where rocky walls sublimely fdl the sight, Thou dost unwearied speed thy wondrous flight. Thou canst delight in beauties of the ,;lade, And play along the wild sequcster'd shade^ 188 And trace the rivers as their courses lead^ Along the mountains and the grassy mead. Where rising towns in beauteous order stand, And superb cities deck the sea-side strand ; Where smoky hamlets thro' the country rise, • And rural landscapes bloom beneath the skies; There thou dost fly and revel on the scene, And widely wing creation's vernal green. Where /Etna struggles and emits her sm;jke, Or Hekla s mouth with burning cinders choke, Thy vent rous wings have borne the in thy race, To view the wonders of the dreadfil place. The gloomy caverns underneath the ground, Thou dost survey and wing the dread profound ; In martial fields where death and fury fly, And roaring canons shake the smoul I'ririgsky, Along the place in trembling thou hast fled, And sadly saw the dying an'' the dead. When sable night is muffled round the spheres. And gloom and sadness fill the world with fears. Then thou art fearless, ever on the flight The darkest abyss naked to thy sight ! When fierce tornadoes travel o'er the world, And sumptuous cities are in ruin hurlci, In dread confusion thou dost hover there, Or trace the whirling storm along the air. 189 Thy wakeful nature never knows to sleepy Thou brav'st the billows of the flowing deep, Thou climb'st the tow'ring waves in midnight hours, And smoothly glid'st above their frightful pow'rs The earth too narrow for thy ample bounds, Thou dost ascend and try the heavenly grounds^ In floating ether thou hast found the way, To trace the planets round the source of day . In thy adventures thou hast found the land, Where trees ambrosial and a Saviour stand. The blooming lilly and the vernal spring, There saints immortal and the angels sing. O dwell- forever in that happy place, There grow and flourish on a Saviour's grace, Rove o'er the plains and rise th' eternal height, And stay thyself in uncreated light. A WORD TO THE FAIR. YE beauteous fair, if you'd prepare, To live a happy life, You must discern and fully learn, The pleasures of a wife. While you are youn T , your path is hung, With snares on every side. You look for bliss, but you mi=£ f Till you become a bride. Then if you can select a man, And give him all your heart, When this you do be ever true, Nor act the coquette's part. But first remind, be sure to find ? A man of sober name. Let him be found, of morals sounds «• £nd long of virtuous fame. ' "Know him to be, from vices" free, A man of generous mind, And one that feels, another's ills, Affectionate and kind. A handsome face, in am'rous race, Too often does decoy, And riches are sometimes a snare, And may your bliss destroy. Now ask your heart, if he's the part* You only do admire 1 Or is it gold? which you behold. That kindles your desire? As men deceive, don't you believe, . Your ev'ry lover's tale, If love should pain, you must Nor let it soon Drerail 19! fee not in haste, but always chaste* Be modest and refin'd, And when you can, obtain the man, To whom you would be join'd. Let him be sure your heart is pure, And wait lor hymen's tic, To bless the day, when females may, With their fond wish comply. DIALOGUE Between Missouri, the Eastern States, the South* cm States, and Middle States, during the ses- sion of Congress of 1821, on the Missouri Question. Missouri to the eastern states DEAR sisters why are you so bold, That you reject my motion, Last year I was in Union roll'd, To have a legal portion; But now your wit and language strain, And in the Congress thunder, You strive to turn me off again, And cut our bands asunder. You wish me not to hold a slave, My black and stolen treasure. Borne motive else you seem to have* 111 tell you at my leisure; I think you wish to raise ajar, And sound the nation's feeling, To light the match of civil war, And set us all to reeling. You can but know what you have done 5 Is very bold and daring, Thro' all the South loud clamors run, A fearful omen wearing ; My sister states who hold their blacksj Are all with me united, We will retain those precious snacks, And not by you be flighted. You now pretend to say 'tis wrong, That bondage be admitted, I cannot hold the sable throng, And be in Congress seated; You err in this politic strife, Now give the subject over, And lefme owrf what's dear aslifej Your spleen no more discover. Eastern states to Missouri* You call us sifters, very well, •But if we're true relation* 293 You can no longer buy and fell, The freedom of creation; We'll never give our vole again, That slavery be extei We'll save >ou of the mora] stain, Tho 1 you be much offended. Our motive's pure, our cause is good, We^ve nothing kept concealed, On freedom s side we long have stoodj And nothing; el-e revealed ; The Constitution is our guide, In all our long- debating, By it 3 ou must be hud aside, Though all your angry prating. At this you i;rin and wildly stare, And blame the true heart Yankee, You raise the strife you cannot bear, And then you call us pranky ; No other cause we have in view, No scheme for war we're laying, But that you may not hold a slave, We wish in e\ r1 ry saying. Southern states to the eastern states Dear sisters we must tell you plain, In this dispute we blame you, 1 194 Because this point you long maintain,- It surely wilJ defame you ; Ourproperty we will defend, In spile of all your brav'r} r , We cannot think to condescend, To loose the pelf of slavery. Let us alone who love the trade 9 Qfbart'ring human nature, Let this young nymph* be sister made* And now no longer hate her; You boast of freedom, so do we, Then let us cease our jarring, Lest we may live to see the day, "When sisters may be warring. Middle states to the southern states, Injustice we no more forbear, But loudly speak for freedom, To hold your slaves it is not fair, To whip and starve and bleed 'em; And if the cold and stony heart, Will hold those sons of sorrow, Missouri shall not have a part, IS'o bondage from you borrow. We have no wish to raise a fight, But on this ground wc settle, -Missouri. 195 We will defend lair freedom's right, With all our might and mettle; •Let this young nymph wash out her shame, And then we will receive her, Until she does, we'll spurn her name, And keep her out forever. The Poet to all. Restrain your tongues upon. this theme* And let no more be spoken, Or else, it is no idle dream, Our hands will soon be broken ; I am no friend to human sale?, Nor to such loud contention?, O'er all the states great tear prevail:, That you will make dissections. I would advise to give, and take, And not be over rigid, Wind up disputes for friendship's sake. Nor longer be so frigid ; 'Let all unite before you rise, And be no more divided, And strengthen all (lie nation's ties, On this be all decided. AJN[ ATOSTROPHETO GEN. BRADDOCK. T>RADDOCK! the pride of Britain'- h Commander of her (rain.' 190: "v\ ho drove, in war the Gallic bai. Or slew them on the plain. Thy steed was like the bounding roe, Thy sword a blaze of fire, Thy charge upon th' invading foe. Like winter whirlwinds dire. Thy wrath was like the gathering storm. That darkens round the day, When trembling trees in sad deform, Would gladly flee away. Like lightning gleams across the sky, And wings destruction far, The terrors of thy sword did fly, Along the field of war. Thy voice was like the rolling floods, That tumbles from the hills, That sweeps the cottage of the woods, And floats away the rills. Or'like loud thunder to thy foes, Were words of thy command, Thy conq'ringarm with death bestow?, The reeking trembling land ! Like a tall oak that lifts its head, And braves the winter's sky ; So Braddock stood — nor did he dread. The hosts that pass d him by. 197 Thv arm rcclaim'd the bloody field, From Gallia's strongest host, The vanquish' d foes th? contest yield— The arduous contest lost. To save thy brethren from the grave, And peace to them restore, Thou sail'dst across th' Atlantic wave, And hail'd Columbia's shore. Thy march was thro' a desert wide, To meet the bloody si^ht, George Washington was at thy side — Advised thee how to fight. ButO! thy heart disdain'd the thought, Of learning arts of war, Or by a WntdukinV to be taught, From Britain's Island far. But soon alas ! the savage yell, Resounded thro 1 the vale ; Like blighted figs thy soldiers fell, And the sad day bewail. Twas far in mountains of the west> That Braddock bravely bled, J Tis there thy bones are now at rest, Among the silent dead. Tho' once so vali mt and so brave, That Gallia dreaded thee, m But now thy dwelling is the grave. Beneath a mournful .tree. How low thy mansion and thy head. In silence thou dost dwell, A grave of earth is now thy bed, . A loathsome wormy cell. Calm as the lake thy peaceful breast. When winds distress no more, When stormy winds are lulld to rest, Nor beat upon the shore. Two mossy stones that stand for thee, Are only left to saj r : < ; Braddock the great, behold and see, Has moulder' d here in clay." No mother left to mourn thee slain. Nor wife to call thy name, The hooting owls o'er thee complain. Thy lonely grave proclaim. The trees that grow around the spot* The waving thistles there, This hero's name have ne'er forgot, But waft it on the air. ' The stranger when he passes by Thy grave o'er grown with moss Shall say u Great Braddock here doth Iie a His nation's dearest loss," 199 M AN— A COMPLICATED ANIMAL. MAN'S nature is so mix'd and wrought, So various in his act and thought, That all the beasts which stalk the earth, And insects of degraded birth, Are seen in him — in him they move, In him the} r hate, devour and love. The Lion in man's anger growls, In man's ambition there he scowls^ JIc treats his weaker fellows low, And boasts his courage and the woe , The warrior walks the martial field, And thousands to his prowess yield, He stalks the conqueror of the plains, And like the Lion lives and reigns; He moves in majesty and splendor, And to this Lion all surrender. In man's revenge the Tiger Turks, He's fierce and cruel in his works ; In scenes of blood he takes delight, And seeks his prey in silent night, When none suspect their danger near^ He plunges deep his fatal spear, And sates in gore, his cursed passion, Much like the Tiger's dreaded fashion^ 200 In man's deceit the Wolf behold, II- seeks his living from the fold, He sometimes feigns to be a friend, But that's his plan to tear and rend, He is ferocious, and will try, To kill and day, but always sly, Kf sneaks along the midnight path, And meditates his meal of death. 'Tis by deceit, the ground is gain'd, Wh^re he is ^or^,d and you arepairi'd, He slays your peace— fills you with sorrow. And like the vVolfhe's gone to-morrow. The Horse runs fearless in the fields, •Mid cannons, guns and swords and shields, And man, the hero, like him goes, Und ;unted in the midst of foes, His courage leads him in the way, Where hosts around in an^er rlaj* ; He lovos the conquest — -pushes on, And gains the goal, or dies forlorn; He feels no rein, but onward dashes, And, like the horse cares not for lashes'. The Ass is stupid — stubborn too, He wili not drive, nor follow you, He takes his own directed way, IS ox cares if he should go astray. 201 ^o man is stupid — often found, To tread forbidden, desert ground; His real good, he slow discerns, And from his danger seldom turns; His stubborn will forbids to bend, Nor can be turnM by foe or friend, His own direction he will take, That, right or wrong, he'll not forsake, Tho' he be scourged and badly b.ruis'd, Reproved aloud, and long abus'd! His life's a load he cannot bear it, nd, like the ass his brays declare it The Ox that labors in the fields, And patient to his m aster yields; He draws his burden all the day — Consents to give his toil away. Poor man, like him the yoke must bear, And in his labor take a share ; Innur'd to toil — short rest he know?, He bears a load of ills and woes, Strong fate has bound him to his task, And why? He need not murm'ring ask, He toils in patience— hopes for gain, His cares increase — his hopes are vain, What he acquires some others get, *nd wanton on his labor" d sweat, I 2 • t he finds bis fruits are squam And like the Ox— northisheponder'd. The crafty Fox strays far away. And secl:3 by wiles his nightly prey, lie sucks the blood of harmless nam<\ And gallops off in guilt and shame : And when pursued he's bard to find, Among the woods so long inclined. His cunning art can soon prepare, A scheme to 'scape pursuers there. So man on gain and fortune bent. Leaves native soil and home's con' He forms his plans with artful guise, To snatch the prey with sad surpr He takes by stealth the peasant's t And sates his thirst on night!} 1 " spoil— Secretes his crime from public view, And seeks the place where none pursue. He veils himself in dark designs, Unknown to most discerning mind- He's not mistrusted in his deeds, Till by his craft his booty bleeds ; He then withdraws to distant pla< And saves himself in swiftest r Behold the nature of the Bear. In saddest mode he travels where 203 Dark solitude and silence brood, Along the desert mountain wood ; He growls along the gloomy night, His aspect surly in the light, He is no friend to creatures round. But always sad and surly found.. So man in melancholy strays, A murky solitary maze ; He finds the earth a barren wild, Himself akin tomorrow's child ; His heart grows hard as days roll on, His aspect sad, his soul forlorn, He groans his sorrows to the day, And in his desert loves to stray ; He thinks he has no friend below, And lurks desponding to and fro ; He is a friend to none around him, Much like a bear I've always found him. The Monkey ranges o'er the woods. And on his neighbors oft intrudes; He's 'most a fool, but full of play, He's apt to steal and run away, He's quite diverting in his turn, He'll imitate, pretend to learn, He's full of motions, full of fun, He laughs at mischief he has done.; 204 Me i3 a pest where e'er he be, He is despised — you laugh to see. And what is man, but monkey grown % He lives on labors not his own ; He cheats, defrauds and pilfers too, And if he can, takes more than fc s due; He plagues his neighbors where he goe?, And then complains they are his foes; He makes pretensions to be wise, He woulr* sometimes in science rise;. Bur soon alas! you plainly see, He imitates what others be ; His words and manners, and his mien. Are borrowed — this is plainly ?een ; He thinks he's wise, he thinks he's great. But empty sculls you can but hate, If you could see how nature made him, Ah ! monkey like, she did degrade him. The Sheep, a harmless creature made,- Jn innocence has trod the glade ; His nature mild, be thinks no ill", To strokes of death resigns his will; He gives his fleece without complaint, Nor murmurs when he s almost faint ; He seems defenceless, often slain, By bloody prowlers of the plain-; 206 Forgetting home, he's apt to stray. And in the mountains loose his way. So man, that's born of heavenly mind, To peace and virtue stong inclined, The ills of life in patience bears, Norvex'd beneath a crowd of cares; The gross insults and every wrong, Receiv'd from the surrounding throng, He suffers long, nor once complains, In all his sorrows* grief and pains ; He thinks no ill — treats all as friend?;, Nor his own life by war defends; Defenceless in himself he goes, Sometimes abus'd by cruel foes. He strays sometimes too far from home, Too long in wilds he learns to roam, Perhaps by w r olves is torn asunder, Much like the sheep that loves to wander. The Dog remarked for sense and thought, By instinct, and by practice taught, Will long defend his owner's cause, Urg'd on by nature's ri^id laws ; He'll trace his game though out of sight, Nor loose the track by day or night. His u?^ is known — his friendship greai, But dreadful to incur his hate, 20G So man is taught, on nature's base. To run his game, a tedious race, His object always out of sight, He still pursues with arduous riight ; And if he once should seize the prize, He hunts again, away he tries; His life's a race that often leads O'er mountains, hills and miry meads i lie may be useful to the throng, Not to himself his spoils belong, He'll bite and snarl in time of danger, And scarce befriend you w T hen a stranger. The Serpent crawls and licks the du st, By heaven's sentence true and just; He takes his food by -thousand wiles. And thoughtless innocence beguiles ; He lies secreted in the grass, And slily watches all that pass, And waits a chance, his poison slingc, And each unwary victim stings ; He's curs'd and hated where he's known, On him there's no compassion shown ! So man iscurs'd and low debas'd, And by his foes is often chas'd ; He hunts the desert for his bread, And throws all nature into dread :. Not easy seen by n p hidden, there he waits his prey, Flings rleath and terror o c er the way ; His tongue is poison, and his breath Gives hydrophobia — dreadful death! He ; lures the harmless, bites them then, And hides in grass, or murky den ; Kis name is hated — none pretend, To love, respect, or call him friend ; His poison's seen in every feature, He's like the snake, a dreadful creature, The Lizzard of contempt'ous name, That lowly crawls the dust in shame, nats fojr food, or lives on air, And starves almost on empty fare. nan is seen in low disgrace. And meanly crawls his shameful race ; .olden gems that round him play, lie tries to catch along the way ; Hut fast they fly, nor can he find, Enough to satisfy his mind ; V'vclsin the dust and lives, On empty things and seldom thrives; I'e pants for something — tries to get it, But, like the Lizzard cannot t 208 The common Toad that jumps along, And fills the ear with sadden'd song, Would swiftly bound his wantonM road. But slow he moves — himself a load ; He swells with wind his little ^ize, And puffs mean greatness to your eyes ; But watch him when his wind is gone, He sinks beneath indignant scorn! So man pretends to rise and run, His course is full of noise and fun; He tries too fast to leap and climh, What he pursues is not in time. Himself a load he cannot bear, He faints, and falls beneath it there ; With hauty pride his bosom swells, His windy feats he often tells, He looks quite big — not well refin'd— A pompous show — but little mind. He puffs with greatness, not his own, With empty wind he's stuff'd and blown ; For, in himself he's lank and leaner, Than any Toad he's poor and meaner. The swarms of Gnats that move along; In wide, promiscuous, giddy throng, Sport on awhile in vernal day, But soon from earth are swept away ! 209 ^u man in long and endless train, Is seen to dance the flow^y lam. He mixes in the countless host, On frolic wing tumultuous tost; He airy sports on fortune's boon, And spends in play his vernal noon ; But sable winds drive him from sijht And close his dance in endless bight ; His hUi is short — uncertain vapor, Like floating gnats in evening caper. The Hornet builds ingenious ne-t, And there presumes to make his rest — A bold, a wild, a restless thing, And fights with sharp envenom'd sting. in with -kill, almost divine, Constructs the palace — makes it shine, He calls it home — a resting place, But often wings a desert ch a He roves a stranger thro c the wood, fn search cf foreign, empty good ! His nature wild — not easy tam'd, And fiercely bold — not often shamed ; Disturb him not, for if you do, //e ; ll fight, and deeply sting you too ; He loves to pierce us. you would scorn it^ But marvel not for he s a hornet. 210 The Buzzard cleaves his trackless way. And scents afar his putrid prey ; Jle leaves the richer good behind, And lives on carrion, if he find. So man in flight, on mischief bent, Pursues his course with eager scent, Talks none of good, but scandal brays, And stir* corruption as he strays; He never tastes the meat that's sweeter.. But Buzzard- like is carrion eater \ v The Eagle, lofty bird of flight, ^Soars oft away from vulgar sight, ^He buids his nest on mountains high 3 Where seldom seen by human eye, He owns the forest's wide domains, And there majestic lives and reigns. So man, in science rises high, He climbs, and soars, and wings the sky ; He measures globes and blazing suns, And thro' etherial regions runs ; He knows the north, the burning zone, O'er every clime his wings have flown ; By daring thought, he leaves below, (His meaner fellows plung'd in woe) Sublimely soars, and ardent, gains The heav'ns high hills and her broad plain? 'Tis there he builds his down 3 In that high region takes his rest* -lis there he reigns forever king, Ami undisturbed by meaner wing; lie loves the region, lives adoring, And, like the Eagle high is soaring. The Geese are noted for their noise, They gabble loud, unmeaning jo ys, They dabble. in the muddy ground, And mean and filthy they are found ; They don't aspire, nor leave the place, But live in folly and disgrace. So man, a noisy being is, "When drunken, sordid joys, are hisj He gabbles nonsense and abuse, He talks no good — of little use, He fills the ear with jargon sound, And bills his filth and mischief round. He deals in slander — dirty stuff, And drains the puddle — not enough ; His walks are low, and seldom rise, He's base and filthy and unwise; He grovels low and squalls his slander, And paddles much like goose and gander. The Swine that lives on husks and corn* J^ooks sullen, sad, and grunts forlorn, 2<2 With his long snout he roots the soil, An. i fattens on the poor man's toil; Ile^s always greedy fend untaught, In mud he wallows— low m thought 1 So man on meanest treasures feeds, And runs where love- of money leads; His soul grows sordi'i and'.debased, He grunts for more arid looks uis^rac'd; He snouts the poor man out of door, Takes all he can and soeks fcr more. .His manners rou^h and quite uncouth, And cares for none but self in truth ; When fat and full, he'll tu?k you deep, /Ze'll make you fiy or make you weep. JFTegrunts and eats, and greedy swallows, i/e's like the hog, in mud, that wallows. The crawling Worm that moves along, D^s; is'd and trodden by the throng"; He cannot turn, nor fly tin way, But often crushM an v&?\ prey ; He's soft and frai] — eoionos'd of shame, Dirt and corn lion i- his name. So man of dust, in -,ust remains, Pursu 'd for prey and waathes in nains, His thoughts so sordid, seldom rise, Death stares him where he crawls or lies ; 213 Danger? race him round the earth, rush him in the birth. He cannot run, nor fly his doom, But soon liiust find the lonesome tomb ; He loves the dust, the dust he's sweeping An< . uiie the worm, corruption creeping. ife' s like a Bug, he'll pinch and bite, And like a Cat he'll scratch and fight : Jfe's like a crooked tender Snail, That's easy crush'd along his trail. He's like the Mole that digs his way, From public view, from open day ; He's Yellow jacket, quick and fierce, And with a sting will deeply pierce. And like a wasp along the fences, Will deeply goad you- to the senses. The Mushroom grows & spreads out soon. Turns black, and dies before 'tis noon ; Some men are so, they'll quickly shoot, They rise and flourish without root; But soon al is! such fade away, And leave black marks of their decay. Man's like an Eel — a slip'ry fish, iie'll twist and flounce, elude your wish : You scarce can hold him — often find uim gone, and left the scurf behind 214 lie's like the monstrous Crockadile, Pretends to weep his conquer'd spoil; He's like a bat that's blind in da}-- And in sad darkness loves to stray. I think he's like the possom too, He grins hi- anguish when untrue ; Or likp the cricket, should I say 1 That idly chirps his hours away ! He's like the owl that hates the light^ But pours his sorrows on the night. The lust and rage of every beast, Down from the greatest to the leat ; The fiercest passions of their race, And fearful natures that disgrace, Are plainly seen in human life, The scene of ev'ry pain and strife ! O man! why hast thou fallen so? Created, first the lord below — Intelligent, and harmless, mild, Heav'n s holy image in the child ; Exalted once, without a foe, Without the plague of vice and woe. But O ! thy state, how badly changed I Thy glory tied, thy mind derang'd ! "More savage now than beasts of blood. Than monger; of the raging fl £15 .cited than the snakes in grass, Than all the reptile tribes that pass; More cross d, distress d and full of pain, Than all that moves on earth s broad plain*. Reform thy manners, Ml remind thee, Of better nature let me find thee. AN ADDRESS TO THE AMERICAN FAIR. M Y muse advent'rous, shall attempt to sing, The pleasing prospect of the op'ning spring, Shall dare to tempt Alcinda's feet abroad, To tread wide nature in her flow'ry road. "When cooling zephyrs fan the flow'ry way, And twittering birds their vernal gambols play, When meads are green and fields afre decked Mi flow'rs, Then spend the transports of some cooling hours. Regale your eyes o'er all the landscape wide, And count the brooks that round her inargia glide- Go view the rills that gently play along, What rising glories to the grass belong ! Ascend the mound «£: seek the cooling shade, Vnd view the wenders which your Go.l rnade ; 216 l Tis henec you see the mountain's lofty brow. And hills far distant interspers'd below ; Disorder seems to spread itself around, But skill divine in matchless beauty's found. The rising poplar in the expanding green, And humble glories deck the opening scene. Behind yon vista see the village there, Where swains are toiling for their worldly care See rural mansions rising round the grove, And harmless herds in wanton pleasure rove ; The drifted smoke descends along the vale, And seems to mourn where absent lovers fail! Thine eye beholds the distant river roll, Thou hear'st her murm'ring o ; er the rocky shoal — Her winding channel bends along the land, And opens where the smoky hamlets stand ; Perhaps she pours a copious tide away, Amid the vale, she makes a long delay, And forms those banks where wand ; ring lover? To vent their sorrow, and to weep their woe. The distant bells sound faintly to the ear, Or you the lowing herds at distance hear ; The milk-maid wanders o'er the passing way. Hies home her cattle in their roving play. 217 rustics now lay down their tools awhile, An«l homewar 1 walk to cease from dusty toil, They whittle forth their note? of comic glee, And seek the cot the loving wife to see. The babes and wife with Vhat grades subservient crawl the earth below ; The Hon yonder roars his anger round, While distant herds stand trembling at the sound ; There burden'd camels rovo the (V?ert sand, • 2 1 1 aid here,the horse submissive ploughs the land, 'he scaly nations swimming in the sea, 'he plumy birds, and the industrious bee, nd insects too, that meanly crawl the earth, *»f honor less, and less of real worth, hould serve for thee in conversation's strain, .nd thus is man a complicated train. ?er daylight's gone return, and near the door 'onverse more freely than thou didst before — • [ear to the house when summer's ^rassis . reen, V'hi m shining stars and brighter moon are seen here sit a'while thy social moments spend, aid round the skies thy copious thoughts ex- tend. Vhile sprinkling dews revive the drooping ruse, nd murm'ring zephyrs wake their short re- Bpse, nd waft nerfame along the passing air, ,ct pleasure pass in conversation there, 'hy rosy'cheeks with modest grace shall shine, s virtue, knowledge, & good sense are thine; V r ith mind inforrn'd let rapt'rous visions fly, nd trace the -wonders of the boundless sky. Com oare those orbs that rove expansive space y o youthful lover- in their wonted rice; 'ome dow with %ht, and shine effulgence near, i But soon withdraw — their glories disapp They soon perform their rapid (light in air ? And leave the horizon in dark dispair ; The vulgar eye, once dazzled with the train, Now meets the dark and looks for light in vain ! Some far remote with less resplendence glow. But constant honors from their orhits flow ;. As they advance their far ether'al race, They shine in glory and increase in grace ; Their midnight lustre swells upon the sight, And cheersthe horrors of the sable night: They move in grandeur o'eF 'our beggar** world, While blazing, comets are in ether hurPd. So men, and manners, differ in degree, They show their parts, butin their parts,we see ? Some shine in grace & grandeur not their own, For grace & grandeur they have never known; Their hows are borrow'd, Si their language too, They glow and dazzle only while they're new. Tho' gaudy plumes bedeck the coxcomb race, A short acquaintance' brings them to disgraced The men of virtue shine in virtue's dress, They glory not in dross — in tinsel less; Their minds a store house, only known to i'ew y Tfef ir worth intrinsic^ and their friendship true - h - Behold them in their native lustre bright, Reflect resplendence and increase in light , Their hearts are warm, their faithful hearts de,-. clare, Their pure intentions to solace the fair. Such men can bless the charmer of their heart?. Their fix'd affection never once departs; Their tlame of virtue ever shall remain, While fops and beaux may show their parts in vain. A man of manners, and a man of worth, Has estimated all the things of earth ; With balance justly, he has weighed them all, And down, like trifles, he has seen them fall ; He's not content with mere external things, From deeper mines he knows true pleasure springs. A mind serene, an upright soul he knows, Can only triumph over human woes; His soul pacific, like a tranquil bay, He liv'd last year as he would live to-day ; The path of riot, he has seldom trod, He learns his duty in the book of God — The happy nymph who weds a man like this, Shall find her days replete with purest bliss. A theme untouched must yet belong to you, !h strains sublime, I would the theme pursue-. 224 Ne'er let those hearts that round thy heart en- twine, Presume you never learn'd a thought divine; Extend your thou r hts let holy rap run, And catch new fire ironi the eternal throne. Now trace all nature to the great first cause. And tell the use of his immortal laws — His potent word produced the spacious seas, His power controls ill nature as he please ; His wond l rous skill brought forth the race of man, And bound in golden chains the social plan : The bond of union both thp sexes join'd, And Hymen's mystic ties link'd mind to mind! God feed*, supports, preserves the human racc 3 And condescends to visit them with erace; With lib ral hand compassionates the poor, A Saviour comes, the sinner to restore ; His boundless love pervades his yast domain, Would woo the soul when joys eternal reign^ We read in words, by inspiration giv'n, Our never fading crown laid up in heav'n. Extend your thoughts, & let your thoughts arise, And meditate the bounty of the skies; Behold yourself a creature of a day, Perhaps an angel now dcbas'd in clay; And O ! that clay so wonderfully "wrought, By God created and by Jesus bought! That handsome form, that animateil frame. The pow'r .md wisdom of your God proclaim; Remains dependent on hi^ bounteous hand, For all the Wessings which you now command. His jreat compassion and preserving care, Should woo thy soul to penitential pray 1*. Think not 'a prayer, an exercise too low, Nor blush when silent tears repentant flow ; The ground of prayer is sacred to the good, There Ab'ram, Moses and the Prophets stood, . Immortal women on that holy ground, ObtainM a blessing an^ 1 a Saviour found ; That is the place where mortal worms receive • The stamp of fame, with 'their Creator live ; The soul exalts, becomes unfeigned, upright, Prepares to tread the golden walks of light, Alcinda, try to make your tomb the skies, And write your Epitaph that never dies! Make one -your friend who never will betray, Nor leave you sad in the distressing day — Give him your hand, and not your heart with- hold, Who decks the bridal day with crowns of gold*. Traverse with him, wherever lie may go r K2 lie*]] dress you o'er in garments white &; clean Nor spot, nor wrinkle, nor a fault be seen ; Ja pious virtues, and ir _-;lcc. Thy life shall shine amidst thy kindred race ; No pious soul but would rejoice to see, Those blissful gracescentre all in thee. IVo loss of honor — these thy life sustain, For now thy glory and thy wealth rem;! jSo disappointments can distress thy mint:. For grace commands thee here to be resigned The weaker vessel now shall pass along, Triumphant sail amid a pirate throng; ."No boist'rous surge shall plunge herin the deep, ]Sgt dangerous quicksands give her cause to weep — He? sails expanded, and her port in view — Tier acclamations, and her hopes renew ; ■cighs her anchor, and her perils c: She gains the shores of everlasting peace ; re troubles end in lands of sweet repose, BehoMswith pleasure how she.'scap'cl her -• cs her treasure, as she gains the prize, And 'sings her blissful fortune in the skies. Is this Aleinda ? Will she hear mj. .r the strains of IV 221 " The gifts of nature and of grace combine, To make her virtue and her beauty shine ; While thus adorn'd, I'll sing her worthy name. } And hope high heaven. will record her fame. A VISION, Representing a view of the different parties of religion, and their conduct towards each other. ASCENDING on a mountain high, I saw the distant scene, Extending onward to the sky, Nor clouds to intervene. Around" the place I wond'ring stood, Arose a cooling spring, Which ran along the shady wood, Where birds wild anthems sing., I tasted of the waters there, And to my great surprise, An instant banish'd all my care, And quick'nd both my eyes! I felt my inward strength increase, And heal'd was ev'ry wound ; 1 felt a cure from all disease, > T y sense was strong and souncL 220 1 then beheld far off before^ A field extensive there ; I saw a thousand sheep, or more^ Along the brooks repair. 1 went toward that pleasant plai% And on the margin stood ; I yet had felt no inward pain, Nor thought of aught but good, But here a thousand thoughts arose. To make new pains arise ; I saw the cause of many woes— The cause of weeping eyc2. I saw the cots and houses stand, Thick crowded on the place, • There men abode, and gave command, To all the sheep-fold race. A wall enclosed this pleasant ground y But broken look d the wall — -Twas first intended as the bound, Of sheep and shepherds alL I look'd within, and did behold, An unsuspected scene : Innumerous fences new and old, Cross to and fro the green. In ev'ry field I saw some sheep, And there a shepherd too ; I ...wn he'd watch and try to kt And only this h.eM do. But most of all what pained ray heart. I heard the lambkins mourn, In ev'ry fold there seem'd a smart, A countenance forlorn. rh^j were one fold, all in one plain, But were asunder driv'n ; And now they vent their grief and pain, And mourn from morn till eve'n. Tho' separated by a fence, They lov'd their likeness still, They told their love by instinct sense, And moirrn'd their broken will. 1 saw the sheep would often try, To push the fences down, That they might all together lie, And all their sorrows drown . But shepherds, constant watching there, Would fright them soon away ; And strong their fences would repair, Lest they should go astray. Another cause of grief I sawj The shepherds disagreed ; Each had a rule and sep'rate law, His flock along to lead. 230 Tiic shepherds clamor' d — often faugh U Alarm'd their flocks so tame, The cause of this I serious sought, And found it to their shame. When lambs were yean'd inthis one's fold. He'd sing the shepherds lay, But that one then would be so bold, . He'd steal the lambs away. A sharp dispute would then ensue, Sometimes a bloody fight, The strongest would the theft pursue, And boast his conq'ring might. This one proclaims the wicked deed. And shouts aloud his joy, When 'he beholds his brother bleed, Or can his peace destroy. That one,tho'.vanquish c d, threats his foe, Returns him all the pain ; From fold to fold each one would go, To pilfer o'er the plain. . Each shepherd mark'd his tender lambs, And taught them what to do ; The folds were known by diff'rent names, And sep'rate pastures knew. J saw some pastures eaten bare, The sheep were poor and lean; Briers and burrs were plenty there. They then would try to leave their bounds For better pastures try. But shepherds guarding well their grounds^ Would chase them hack to die. Long time I look.d — I sought to find, If I could learn the c a Why shepherds did such burdens bind, And urge such rigid laws.- I understood the shepherds were, Engag d for wages high, Theygain'd their bread and raiment there, And did their wants supply. They'd shear their flocks & keep the fleece, And sell it out for gain, And thus their store they did increase — Grew pompous, proud and vain. No wonder then, thought I, for true, The shepherds were so mean, Why the}' should keep their flocks in two, And why their flocks so lean. For o'er the plain 1 heard a sound, The shepherds were amazM — A gen'ral clamor went around, A nd I astonisl i 238 Some men had entered on. the pl;<.,. Tlieir words around me run; They sounded loud the melting strain : " We've come to make you one." • These men a^pear^d in shepherd's dress. They bore the shepherd's rod ; They wore the 2-arb of righteousness, And look'd like men of God. Some had a torch of burning flame, To burn each fence away, The fire confusM and put to shame, The hirelings all the day. Some took the sword and soon began To make the hirelings bleed — The hirelings musterM all their clan, For once they all agreed ! They chose to fight against a few, Bat soon they fled away; They were unarrn'd and cowards too, And trembled with dismay. Those valiant men, like men of God, Triumphant march d along; They burnt the fences far abroad, Nor fear'd the threading throng. They sounded loud the message sweet? 235 ••That cvVy fold should quickly nicety And dwell in peace and love. 1 ' The sheep from different folds begun To gather round the place, Where they wepe taught to be but one, And feed on richer grace. A fold soon gatherM and was large, At first the sheep were bare ; Those men, as shepherds, took the charge, To nurse and feed them there. The shepherds left their houses, lands, And all on earth beside, To tend. uv, on this flocks demands, And for its w r ants provide. They led the sheep thro' frosts and snow, 0\v hill and dale they went, Refresh'd them where sweet waters flow, And thus their time they spent. The c e men were often hungry, cold, Grew weary, poor and faint ; They took no fleece from off the fold, Were silent in complaint. This fold incre ased — spread o'er the green, The sheep were fat and strong ; 234 Then I beheld another scene, Of something cruel, wrong. The men who fed them shortly pin'd, In poverty and pain, They saw the sheep were not inclin'dy To give them of their gain. The faithful shepherds were but few, The sheep would not obey ; They wanton'd on the shepherd's due, And thus they went astray. Ah !' cruel sheep, responded I, Ungrateful and unkind, To see your worthy shepherds die, For them no raiment find. They spent their time and money too. To save you from your grief, But now they find no love from you, To give them blest relief. Now give your shepherds what you owe,. And then they'll lead you on ; Qr else you'll soon return to woe, Be destitute — forlorn. EPISODE, To the memory of Elder JoscjiJl JVcsmith o/Va> LE r the proud muse delight herself to raise, The names of heroes to immortal pr Let her record the wonders (hey have done, "What feats achieved