e ‘ i a —— teh earn tehgeaAbrrNrAAattnanny, a ols b ‘ : e 4 a ‘ mhis { 4 Ae : | i by fe : ‘ { | iat | oS oa H Fade 4, Wot 4 pee Bat ea] F Boas fee RS | t s SN hak : Sy ia : ks tk WTO ee ‘ » \ A a: R : 33 WAN & A XN ® LAY \\ AY \ we SONA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding trom Princeton Theological Seminary Library httos://archive.org/details/greekpapyriinbri03brit_0 GREER. PAP re IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM CATAL O COTE EL ee aL EDITEDEBY Fe Grek EY ONES Vi Aree lea ASSISTANT KEEPER OF MANUSCRIPTS AND Pie eS Pe eviews ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS VOLT PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM AND BY LONGMANS AND Co., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW B. QUARITCH, I§ PICCADILLY ; ASHER AND Co., 13 BEDFORD STREET, AND HENRY FROWDE, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, LONDON COVENT GARDEN AMEN CORNER 1907 [All rights reserved] OXFORD: HORACE HART PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PREPAGCE HE present volume of the Catalogue of Papyri deals with the acquisitions made by the Department between the middle of 1895 and the end of 1903. During the greater part of this period, however, nearly all the documents acquired had been previously published— Papp. 482-603 in Prof. Mahaffy’s /unders Petrie Papyri, Papp. 605-650, 654-680, and 688-731 by Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt in their Greek Papyrz, parts i and ii, and Papp. 739-834 by the same editors in their Oxyrhynchus Papyri, parts i and ii, and Fayum Towns and their Papyrt. It was not until the purchase of some large collections in 1901 and 1903 that sufficient materials were in hand for the preparation of a third volume of the Catalogue. A portion of these collections, consisting of documents belonging to the eighth century after Christ, discovered at Kom Ishgau (the ancient Aphrodito), is reserved for a separate volume, which it is hoped may be published before very long. The volume of texts is accompanied, as before, by an atlas of facsimiles, containing 100 plates. Of these, twelve represent the Ptolemaic period, fifty-two the Roman, sixteen the Early Byzantine, fifteen the Late Byzantine, and five the Aphrodito papyri of the eighth century. CONTENTS ER EEAGE 6504) ces ee oa ie a gn e SOL em ENT RODUGTION =. ts Bake ec ie i mn ne ara ee BDDENDA GET CORRIGENDA.) 4) te St eg ee a PARLE (OF PAPYRI) <3) lz ky dy gee. ace Ly Meee Lee ee TEXTS:— A. Prorematc Periop . . : : : ; : : f ’ : : L ; : ; , I B. Roman PeErrop:— 1. Tue Census . : : : : : pi é . ‘ : : : . . : . 23 2. TAXATION : 4 : ; ‘ . ; ; ; ‘ ; ; ‘ : : . 2 3. RectsTeRs anD MiscELLaNngous OrrictaL Documents. ‘ : . ; : : . 70 4. PETITIONS : : : A ; : 6 ; : : : : : . : ; | 120 5. SALEs AND LEASES . ‘ , : : : f : : ; : ; ; : 4 5 aR 6. REcEIPTS ‘ : : ; ‘ : : : : : : : ; : : : LOZ 4. Loans . : ‘ : : ‘ : : ; : F : : - : : ; a tgp 8. Accounts : : : : + : F ; ; : ; : 5 : + iy g. LETTERS. : ‘ - : : : , : : : : : ; : : : » 208 10. MiIscELLANEOUS ; : : : ; é ; ; : ; : : . 3 ‘ 5 eh C. Earty Byzantine Periop:— 1, Orriciat Documents . ; : ; , ; : : : : : : : : 5. Az 2. ConTRACTS . : é - : : ; : : : : : 3 : 6 : 230 3. Accounts , : : : : : : : : ; : : : : , 5 » PRG 4. LETTERS. ‘ ; : : 5 ; ’ i ; : : : : : : ; 24 T D. Late ByzantinE PErtop:— 1. OrrictaL Documents. : ; : , ; : : : ; c ; 4 é 5 FCNR 2. CONTRACTS . : : : : : é ‘ é : P : ; ; ‘ . a RS 3. REcEIPTS : : ° . : é : : ; c c 5 : : . : y DAP 4. Private Documents anp Letters . , : ; ‘ : : : : : : : 9 ie: 5. Hymns . ; : : : é : 9 : : F ; : ; : : : . 284 INDICES :— 1. InpEx or SupjEcts : : : ; : : C : : : : ¢ A : 287 2. InpEx or Proper Names ; : ; ; é : ; : 5 : : ; A . 288 3- Inpex or Kincs anp Emperors. : : : : : 5 5 2 : : : ; 320 4. InpEx oF OFFICIALS : ; : : . > : J ‘ : 5 3 F : 4 SRY! 5. Inpex oF Praces . : : ; : : - : : : : : : : : ess 7 6. InpEx or Montus . ‘ : ; : : : ; . : ‘ : : : : wrg4s 7. InpEx oF TaxEs . ; : ; : : 5 5 ; : é 5 : : : rues 4g 8. InpEx oF SymBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS . : : : A : ‘ : : A : a eye 9. Inpex or Worps . , 5 ; 2: i : ( : 5 : : ‘ - : Pa APPENDIX. CORRIGENDA TO VOL. II . é : : ; : : ‘ 5 : : E 5 Sn —— ee — --— iT” INTRODUCTION HE plan of the present volume is on the same lines as that of its predecessor. The reasons for it were explained in the introduction to that volume; but in one respect a further explanation is necessary. It is undoubtedly an inconvenience that the texts do not follow one another in numerical sequence; and although practically the time taken in looking first at the numerical table and then turning at once to the precise page is not much greater than that taken in finding the required text among a numbered series of documents of very unequal length, a numerical arrangement would certainly be preferable. A more serious objec- tion arises with regard to the indices, in which it would be much more convenient to be able to give references to the lines of the papyrus than to the pages of the volume. The difficulty has hitherto been that before the appearance of each volume of the Catalogue the inventory of the papyri contained in it has appeared in the periodical catalogues of accessions to the Department of Manuscripts, and the papyri having been known and quoted by those numbers it would produce confusion if they were then republished under other numbers. This difficulty has not arisen in the case of other collections, since no other Museum has published its inventory, so that their papyri are known only by their numbers in the publications in which they are given to the world. It would appear, however, that the advantage of the publication of the inventory is more than counterbalanced by the disadvantages which it entails in the volumes of the Catalogue of Papyri, and it has been decided to make a change in future. In the new volume of the Catalogue of Accessions to the Department of Manuscripts (1907), the inventory of papyri is given in a much abbreviated form, without descriptions of individual documents. On the other hand, the next volume of the Catalogue of Papyri will take up the numeration where the present volume leaves it, and the texts will be printed in numerical order, as in the similar publications of other collections. The texts printed in the present volume, 248 in number, are of the usual miscellaneous character. As in the preceding volume, they are classified first by periods and then by sub- jects. The Ptolemaic papyri include a considerable series of contracts from Pathyris (Gebelén), akin to those which have been published already. Among the documents of the Roman period, the most noticeable are the registers relating to customs-receipts (pp. 40-47), the two long land- registers of A.D. 47 (pp. 70-87), the list of persons assigned to the duty of furnishing various supplies for an impending visit of the Prefect (p. 112), the group of texts from Antinodpolis which give information as to the organization of that town in tribes and demes (pp. 154-167), the accounts of the commissioners of waterworks (pp. 180-190), the accounts of Heroninus (pp. 193-205), the short letter describing a voyage up the Nile (p. 205), and (the most novel of all) the diploma of membership in a famous athletic club, conferred at the great games at vi INTRODUCTION Naples and confirmed at Sardis (pp. 214-219). The Byzantine documents have no very special or unusual feature, but are of some legal and economic interest. ; With regard to the provenance of the various documents, internal evidence is the only guide. With the exception of a few papyri from Oxyrhynchus (presented by the Egypt Exploration Fund, but not printed in Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt's volumes), all came through the hands of dealers, and documents from the Fayum and Upper Egypt were indiscriminately mixed together. A large proportion comes from Hermopolis, including a considerable group of well-preserved papyri relating to a single family (see p. 29). The pressure of other official work has made it impossible to attempt to give any detailed commentary ; but this is perhaps not wholly a disadvantage. With the great increase of documents and of special knowledge it is becoming increasingly evident that each group of texts must be studied by the appro- priate specialists—the jurists, the economists, the linguists, and so on; and that the duty of the first editor of a miscellaneous collection is to provide texts as sound as his skill and time allow him to make them, with such a minimum of commentary as may facilitate a first appreciation of them and call attention to their chief points of interest. The preparation of the present volume has been shared between Mr. Bell and myself. The sheets of it have been seen by Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt, who made many valuable suggestions and corrections, most of which (at their own request) are not separately acknow- ledged. In addition, Dr. Grenfell re-examined several of the papyri relating to taxation (in connexion with his forthcoming volume of Tebtunis papyri), and contributed some amended readings, which appear (with the initial G) among the ‘Addenda et Corrigenda.’ Further help on certain points has been received from Mr. F. LI. Griffith and Mr. W. E. Crum. For this assistance the thanks of the editors and the readers of these texts is due to the gentlemen named. eens ik Geek: i ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA Page xxxiii, Pap. 774. For 11 Sept. vead 11 Oct., and for a month vead two months. Page xlvi, Pap. 925. The text of this papyrus is printed on p. 55. Page 4, Pap. 1201, 1. 2. For 2os read os. wines ‘ ; Pages 5-6, Pap. 879, introd. The Leipzig Papp. 1, 2, and 7 (ed. Mitteis, 1906) also belong to this series. Page 6,24. For Pelaeus vead Pelaeas. Mr. F. LI. Griffith points out that the form is established by Amherst Pap. 51 and Paris Pap. 5 (col. 10, 1. 3). The same correction should be made in the descriptions of Papp. 880, 1203, 1207, 1208. Page 8, Pap. 880, zoe on |. 5. _Gerhard’s article, here cited, quotes some evidence for the use of wos in the sense of a young priest or priestess, which gives some support to this interpretation of iepds maXos, but does not explain the non-translation of it in demotic. Gerhard attributes the priesthood, on demotic evidence, to Cleopatra III. Page 9, 20., note on 1. 31. Frorl. 5 read |. 55. f Pare ze Pap. 1234, ee It is uate tated aredol*] (or avedall) dn cv! ... we[ra] xepoypa) (G). In the note dnpdo.ov should be read rather than 76 dnuooio. Page 34, Pap. 8454, 1.6. or wed. read paydo (G). The same word (naySadogudakia) occurs also on p. 35, Pap. 1235, 1. 12 (not the place Magdola). ‘ : Page 35, Pap. 1235, 1. 11. For popov read Sape[vw6], and delete Bwpay in |. 12 (G). » 1.12. Hor adke read adtk, sc. aduxns (G). ‘3 1.13. For MeooP read Meo° € (G). ‘ ’ : / ; Page 38, Pap. 1266 a, note on 1. 7. omdO.ov, in the sense of a measure of wine, is not recognized in the lexicons, but it occurs in several of the papyri in vol. II, and in BGU. 21, ii. 18, iii. 7, 21, and Oxy. Pap. 155, 3. In BGU. 21, ii. 18, AvE should presumably be read, to make the arithmetic right. It is difficult to connect this sense of the word with any of those previously known, which refer to something broad and flat, not to a vessel for liquids ; and it may therefore be convenient to give it the regular accentuation of a tribrach diminutive (omd6cov), in place of the paroxytone accentuation assigned to the word in its other senses. Page 42, Pap. 929, note on 1. 23. The term cyouiows oeBevivos recurs in Pap. 1164, |. 10 (p. 164) as part of the tackle of a boat. It presumably means ropes of palm-fibre. Page 47, Pap. 1107, 1. 2. For ro xatampaxrop[evder] read probably to xara mpaxrop{etay], cf. Pap. 1170, |. 9 (p. 93). Page 50, Pap. 851, 1. 30. For..5 read perhaps env, sc. ei Néyou (G). Page 51, Pap. 913, |. 3. For Upo® read Upod), z. e. Hpdd.(kos) (G). » 1.4,7. For Eoraod read probably Newiovro’, though the letters are extremely cursive and ill-formed (G). i 1.7. The symbol before apraBas is doubtful, and rather resembles v’ (G). Page 54, Pap. 844, zo¢e on 1. 3. For 6 obols read 6 chalchi. It may be noted that it is to this tax, and not the poll-tax (unless the ovvrdftpov be some variant of the Aaoypadia) that the account printed by Preisigke in Archiv, iv. 95 ff. (from Fayum Pap. 153) no doubt relates. Page 55, 20.,1.5. Above afy’ the scribe has inserted o’ (G). Pe ll. 6, 8. For ets read ©, sc. éryseptopod (G). 6 1.7. Lor f aropas read © ar’® 6S (G). Page 56, Pap. 919@,1.5. Read probably rad KepBaonet, sc. rediwv KepBacneas. Page 61, Pap. 12174,1.6. For B° 48 read Bond (G). In 1. 3 y@ is doubtful, and 76 may perhaps be read. Page 72, Pap. 604 A, 1. 35. For KoNar[Jou read Konar[O]ov. Page 75, 70., 1.138. For Apudirov read Apuvrtov. Page 76, 20.,1.199. For Hpevax[ read Hpevax{[ros]. Page 91, Pap. 856, 1.1. Restore [n]\txtas, and so also in 1. 13 (G). » 1.2 After caOnxovrwr insert » 2.é@. I obol (G). Page 92, 70.,1. 7. After pooxov, aS has been added above the line (G). 12. Bovkadov is also possible. For \eatrouvra read amarovyrat (G). 36 1.19. For o d¢ Anprwp read o eyAnurap (G). op 1. 30. For od[k]ov read or\[ pov, of Hibeh Pap. 27, 1. 26 (G). on 1. 31. For e& perhaps read ep (G). 5 1. 33. Before . ‘ ; : ; ? Pap. 504. Petition from Athenodorus, a land surveyor, to an official whose name and description are lost (probably the [éxupeAn |rys) for redress of injuries and release from imprisonment. Late 3rd cent. B.c. 11% in. x5 in. Imperfect, the left-hand portion of the papyrus being lost; in a large semi-uncial hand. [P.P. u. 1 = mt. 36 Fay bed, : ; ‘ Pap. 505. Petition addressed to Diophanes, the strategus, by Onetor, Asclepiades, and Musaeus, complaining of the violent conduct of Lysander, of whose land near Euhemeria, in the division of Themistus in the nome of Arsinoé, they were tenants. Cvzrc. B.c. 261-260. [Ps Px thee 2453 =I. 28 (a); now missing]. . ‘ é : ; - - . Pap. 506. Official letter from Moschion to Diophanes [cf Pap. 508], reporting his action with regard to a petition submitted by Dorimachus. Dated the sth Pharmouthi in the twenty-fifth year [probably of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = B.c, 261-2 60]; with endorsement dated the roth Apellaeus, = 6th Pharmouthi. [P.P. u. 2 (2) = m1. 28 (4); now missing] . : : : : i : Pap. 507. Letter from Dioscurides to his father Diophanes, introducing Asclepiades to him. Crre. B.c. 260. 11 in.x33in. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather large semi-uncial hand. [2.P.n. 2 (3) = ut 28 (¢)] i ; : ‘ ; ; ; ‘ Pap. 508. Letter to Diophanes, apparently from some member of his family, of a similar character to the preceding. Crzrc. B.c..260. 5%in.x5 in. Written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather large and irregular semi-uncial hand. [P.P.u. 2 (4) =m. 28(¢)|_. : F ; : Pap. 509. Miscellaneous fragments, resembling the preceding documents in quality of papyrus and in writing. One contains a date in the twenty-fifth year. [P.P. u. 3; now missing] . 3 . Pap. 510. Petition addressed to Cleon, chief commissioner of works (dpyxiréxtwv), by the head men (Sexdrapyor) of the quarrymen, complaining that they are overworked by their taskmaster (épyo- Susxrns) Apollonius. Dated the 24th Phaophi in the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = B.C. 256-255). [P.P.u. 4 (1) = ur. 42 c (3); now missing]. é : ‘ : ; F Pap. 511. (a) Letter to Cleon from Apollonius, the taskmaster, with reference to the complaint of the quarrymen contained in the preceding document, recommending that they be supplied with wedges to lighten their work. [B.c. 256-255.] Imperfect, the conclusion being lost. [P.P. 1m. 4 (2) =I. 42 c (4); now missing] ‘ : F ‘ : ‘ , : i ; ; (2) Fragment, perhaps from the conclusion of the same document, mentioning the wedges. 24in. x 54 in. Written in a small semi-cursive hand. [P.P. u. 4 (2 4)] : ‘ Pap. 512. Letter, apparently relating to the supply of tools to the quarry ating | ymen. [B.c. 256-255. Imperfect, the left-hand portion ‘being lost. [P.P. u. 4 (3) =. 42 c (5); now Ucn ‘ ape Pap. 513. Letter from [Clea]rchus to Cleon, enclosing a copy of a letter from a sub-commissioner of works. ‘Two fragments, one containing the greater part of the covering letter, the other part of the enclosure. Czrc. B.c. 256-255. 3 in. x8 in., and 33 in. x 8$ in. Written across the papyrus- fibres in a well-formed, broad, semi-cursive hand. [P.P.u. 4 (4) =. 42 (6)]. Pap. 514. Fragment of a letter, presumably to Cleon, asking that money and tool i ) , ( s may be supplied f the quarrymen. Only the end of the letter is preserved. Cire. Se 256-255. es ese iat tie Written in a very broad column across the i i i U j papyrus-fibres in a rathe ecul: 3 cursive hand. [P.P.u. 4 (5) =u. 42 G (1)] ie pte So on aaron ts Pap. 515. Letter to Cleon from Demetrius, complaini om : plaining that he has been assaulted by th k uy ee he went down to distribute bread to them. Dated the 1st Choiach in the thirtieth year | fof olemy Philadelphus, = B.c, 256-255]. [P.P. 1. 4 (6) = mt. 42 c (11); now missing | b 2 Texr, Xi PLATE. Xil TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 516. Letter to Cleon from Demetrius (presumably the same as the writer of the preceding document), complaining that, in addition to being persecuted on the works, he has now been put in prison, and begging that he may be released. [B.c. 256-255.) 4 in.x 113 in, Nearly perfect ; an across the papyrus-fibres in a large irregular semi-uncial hand. [de Pattea iy) =I. 42 G6 (2)]. : ; 5 . : 4 ; : ; : : : ' , . Pap. 517. (a) Letter from Philoxenus (perhaps to Cleon), reporting that 140 quarrymen are idle, owing to their not having received some necessary supply. Perhaps part of a letter-book, since a small portion of a preceding column is visible, containing a date of the 2nd Thouth in the thirtieth year [= B.C. 256-255]. 63in.x6Lin. Imperfect, the right-hand portion being lost; in a rather small cursive hand. [P.P. 1. 4 (8) = 1m. 42 ¢ (1)] : : : : ‘ : (6 and c) Small fragments of accounts. 3rd cent. p.c. 24 in. x 42 in., and 24 in.x13in. Written in small cursive hands ‘ 4 : ; ; Pap. 518. (a) Letter to Cleon from the quarrymen in Pastoutis, with regard to their work. Dated the 9th Thouth in the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = z.c. 256-255]. 54 in.x8 in. Nearly perfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a very rough cursive hand. Rote ener yey = ul. 42 (2)]. ‘ : (2) Small fragment, in a different hand, apparently the conclusion of a similar letter, 23 in. x 62 in. Written ae the fibres in a rather broad semi-cursive hand. [P.P., 1.; for P. P. 1. 4 (10), see Pap 532i. : : : é ; : : : , é : Pap. 519. Letter to Cleon from Olmous (?), on business matters. Cvrc. B.c. 256-255. 7 in. x 32 in. Nearly perfect, but much defaced by plaster; written across the papyrus-fibres in a thick and very cursive hand. [P.P. 1. 4 (12) = 1. 42 G (3)] : : ; : : A : ; Pap. 520. Letter, probably to Cleon, on business matters. Dated the 7th Tubi in the thirty-first year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = s.c. 255-254]. 52 in.xg in. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost, and somewhat mutilated; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather small cursive hand. (22eP.ciLeg (13) = 10 4a br) ees : : : 4 : , “ Pap. 521. Fragments of an official letter, from a superior to his subordinate, giving instructions; but the details are lost through mutilation. Dated in Athur of the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = B.C. 256-255]. Four unconnected fragments, written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather peculiar semi-cursive hand of medium size. [P.P. 1. g a and 4, with two additional fragments = mt. 42 B (5); for P.P. u. 5 ¢, see Pap. 532] : : F : Pap. 522. Letter from Dionysius to Dorus, enclosing copy of a minute received from Petechonsis, sub-commissioner of works, with regard to measures for the safety of the embankments. Dated the 4th Athur in the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = s.c. 256-255]. iin. x 132 in. Imperfect, wanting the lower left-hand quarter; written across the papyrus-fibres in a thin cursive hand of medium size. [P.P. 1.6 =m. 42 ¢ (7)] ; i : : Pap. 523. Official correspondence, containing the end of one letter and the beginning of another from Theodorus [chief commissioner of works, cf Pap. 526] to Diotimus, instructing him to require Androsthenes and the nomarchs to furnish the regular supply of beasts of burden for the strengthening of the embankments. Circ. B.c. 240. 6in. x 12 in. Written across the papyrus- fibres in a broad, straggling, cursive hand, considerably faded. [P.P.. 9 (1) = ut. 43 (8) } Pap. 524. Letter from Hermogenes to Theodorus, enclosing copy of a letter from Harmachorus [see Pap. 525] embodying the complaints of certain workmen in the copper-mines at Philoteris. Dated the 9th Pauni in the seventh year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = n.c. 241-240], with endorsement on the 11th. 5% in. x 123 in. Nearly perfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather broad, even, cursive hand. [P.P. 1. 9 (2) = 11. 43 (3)] : : : : : Pap. 525. Copy of letter [from Harmachorus to Hermogenes], reporting that the workmen under his charge are grumbling at being kept for ten months consecutively at their work. Dated the gth Pauni in the seventh year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 241-240]. This is the letter referred to in Pap. 524, and originally formed part of the same sheet of papyrus, being written in the same hand. 6% in. x 1 ft. 13in. Nearly perfect. [P.P. 1. 9 (3) = m1. 43 (3)] . Pap. 526. Official letter to Theodorus, chief commissioner of works, from Hermaphilus, enclosing a copy of a minute received from Teos with regard to irrigation works, and instructing him to carry out the works therein recommended. Dated the 3rd Epeiph in the seventh year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.C. 241-240]. 4 in. x 14 in. Imperfect, only a small part of the copy of Teos’ letter being preserved ; written across the papyrus-fibres in a large semi-uncial hand. [P.P. 1. 9 (4) = ut. 43 (5)] - TEXT. PLATE, CL nn eee =e, CU : TABLE OF PAPYRI i i i issi f works) . 527. Memorial from Petubastis and Petechon to Theodorus (the chief commissioner 0 f Ape ne ane to write to Theodorus the oeconomus on their behalf; the precise favour to be asked is lost through the mutilation of the papyrus. Dated in the eighth year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.C. 240-239]. 4 in. x 64 in. Written across the papyrus-fibres in a large straggling hand. EMA arr Gh : 7 , : . 7 - : , ‘ - , Pap. 528. Letter to Phaies, the oeconomus, from Ammonius, secretary of Phaues, a resident near Oxyrhynchus, complaining that he has been arrested while at his official work and put in prison. 3rd cent. B.c. 7 in. x 64in. Perfect; in a large, well-formed, semi-uncial hand, [P.P. ul. 10 (2) = m1. 32 (4)] : . : 2 ; 7 - ' Pap. 529. (a) Petition, addressed to the strategus Aphthonetus, from a woman whose name is mutilated, begging for a hearing of a case in which she is concerned. Circ. B.c. 242 (cf. Pap. 502). 5 in, x 34 in. Nearly perfect; in a rather thick cursive hand. [P. P. u. 12 (2) = ut. 29 (4)] (5) Similar petition to Aphthonetus from Philippus and Ptolemaeus, likewise asking for prompt justice. Circ. B.c. 242. 52in. x 3 in. Nearly perfect; written in a thick cursive hand on bad papyrus. (2. Pe wera (3) = 229 (6) | ee ee ee ; (c) Beginning of petition to Aphthonetus from Menes; the purport of it is not preserved. Circ. B.c. 242. 2in. x 44in. Written in a medium-sized cursive hand. [P.P. u. p. [32] = ut. 29 (@)] Pap. 530. Petition to Cleon [cf Papp. 510-520] from the foremen of the quarrymen, complaining that in spite of the promises of Apollonius the d:ovcnryjs, they have not received certain supplies of which they have immediate need. Dated the rgth Pachon in the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Phila- delphus, = B.c. 256-255]. 52 in. x 7} in. Perfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a large, rough, semi-cursive hand, in faded ink. [P.P. u. 13 (1) = mL 42 c (12)| ; 3 : , Pap. 531. Letter to Cleon from a person whose name is mutilated, with regard to the repair of three sluice-gates. Dated the 23rd Pauni in the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = B.c. 256-255 |. g3 in. x 3 in. Nearly perfect; in a thick cursive hand, closely resembling that of Pap. 519, but the writer's name, though similar in termination, is shorter. [P.?. 1. 13 (2) = 1 42 c (10) | Pap. 532. Letter to Cleon from Niceratus, reporting that the wall of a prison is unsafe, and that the prisoners had better be removed pending repairs. Dated the 16th Athur in the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = B.c. 256-255]. 5 in. x gi in. Perfect; written across the papyrus- fibres in an even, medium-sized, cursive hand. [P.P. u. 13 (3) = m1. 42 c(8)] . : , : Pap. 533. Letter, probably to Cleon, enclosing a copy of a letter from Niceratus, on the same~ subject as Pap. 532. Dated the 27th Pauni in the thirtieth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = B.C. 256-255]. 84in. x 64 in. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a thin, wide, even, cursive hand. [P.P. u. 13 (4) =m. 42c(9)] . : ; ' Pap. 534. Letter to Cleon from Panakestor, urging him to come and inspect a certain portion of the irrigation works. Dated the 21st Mesoré in the twenty-ninth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = B.C. 257-256]. 5 in. x 12 in. Nearly perfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather thick cursive hand. [P.P. u. 13 (5) = um. 42 B (2)] . : ; : ‘ : . Pap. 535. Letter to Cleon from Archestratus with regard to some quarry work. Circ. B.c. 256. ro in. X 54 in. Imperfect, the right-hand portion being lost; in a thick semi-cursive hand. [P. P. 1. 13 (6) = 1m, 42 @ (4)). ‘ : : Pap. 536, Fragment of a letter to Zopyrus with reference to the payment of a sum of money due from Horus the tzorpujpapxos to Isidoté, daughter of Theodorus. 3rd cent. g.c. 122in. x 6 in. Written in a rather large cursive hand. [P.P. u. 13 (7) = un 64 (4)] . Pap. 537. Portion of a letter, probably to Cleon, with reference to the opening or closing of the sluices. Dated the 5th Epeiph in the twenty-ninth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = n.c. 257-256]. 34. 1n. x 74 in. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost; in a rather thick cursive hand, in faded ink. [P.P. 1. 13 (8) = m. 42 B (1)] : ; Pap. 538. (a) Letter to Cleon, from an official whose name is lost, with reference to a request that he had received for the opening of a sluice. Circ. B.c. 256. 3in. x 34 in. Imperfect, both beginning and end being lost; in a medium-sized cursive hand, in a narrow column, [P.P. I. 13 (9) = mr. 42 B (3)] : : (4) Letter to Cleon, from an official whose name is lost, giving a list of names followed by figures, the exact purport of which is not clear. Allusion is also made to the opening of the sluices. Cvrrc, B.C. 256. 33 in. x 6Zin. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather thick cursive hand. [P. P. m. 13 (10) =u. 428 (4)] : : TErxt, xili PLATE. X1V TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 539. Letter to Cleon from Zenon, reporting the state of the inundation in some quarter, and applying for the opening of certain sluices. Dated the 23rd Mesoré in the twenty-eighth year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = s.c. 258-257]. 3 in. x re in. Mutilated; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather small cursive hand. [P.P. u. 13 (11) =m. 42 ANE : : : Pap. 540. (a and 2) Fragments of letters from Cleon to Theudorus [z. e. Theodorus, sub-commissioner of works]. Only the beginnings are preserved. Crrc. B.c. 257. 22in. x 6 in. Written (frag. @ across the papyrus-fibres) in cursive hands. [P.P. 1. 13 (12) =m1..42¢(5)] . F (c) Letter to Cleon from Philiscus, enclosing copy of a petition addressed to the King ; but only the first line of the petition is preserved. Circ. B.c. 256. 3%in x 5 in. Written across the papyrus- fibres in a rather rough semi-cursive hand. (2ePo.137(43)'= nr 42-6 (6)) 10 ; ; : . Pap. 541. (a) Letter to Cleon from Harmais (?) with reference to some building operations. Dated in the month Pharmouthi in the thirty-second year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = z.c. 254-253). 33in. x tof in. Mutilated; written across the papyrus-fibres in a medium-sized cursive hand, in faded ink. [P.P. mm. 13 (14) =m. 42 £ (3)] ; ‘ : : : : (2) Fragment of letter, probably to Cleon, with regard to the letting out of water. Dated the 26th Pauni in the thirty-second year [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = p.c. 254-253]. 3 in. x 7 in. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost; written across the papyrus-fibres in a medium-sized cursive hand. [P.P. . 13 (15) = 1. 42 £ (yin : : : : : Pap. 542. Letter, probably from Dionysius to Cleon, enclosing copy of a letter from Philippus to Dionysius, with regard to the distribution of the irrigation-water. Cure. B.c. 256. 7 in. x 52 in. Imperfect, wanting the beginning of the covering letter, and the right-hand portion throughout ; written ‘ol the papyrus-fibres in a rather small cursive hand, in faded ink. [P. P. 1. 13 (16) =I. 44 (1 5 ; 5 : : ; ° . ¢ : ‘ : : 2 : . Pap. 543. Memorandum from Cleon to Diotimus with regard to certain charges made upon him by the tax-collector. Cure. B.c. 255-254 (the thirty-first year being mentioned). 9 in. x 82 in. Imperfect ; in a good semi-cursive hand, well spaced out. [P.P. 1. 13 (17) = 111. 42 D (3)] . ~ Pap. 544. Recto. Draft of letter, perhaps from Cleon, with regard to the execution of certain works at the sluice-gates, in preparation for a visit from the King. Circ. 3.c. 266. 9 in, xX 6 in. Imperfect ; in a rather small cursive hand, with many erasures and corrections. [P.P. 1. 13 (18 a) = Il. 42 G (7 a)] , ‘ A : é . ; ‘ : : : : . F Verso. Draft of letter to Archestratus (?), inclosing memorandum from Cleon with regard to inviting tenders for the contract for some public work. Cvrc. B.c. 256. Imperfect; in the same hand as the recéo. [P.P. u. 13 (18 6) =10. 42 6 (4 e\ |e : : ‘ 5 Pap. 545. Letter [from Philonides to his father Cleon, as appears from other letters in the same hand].- Circ. B.C. 256. gd in. x 13 in. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a large, thick, semi- uncial hand, [P.P?. 1. 13 (19) = 1m. 42 H(5)] . ‘ ; 4 : , é : : ; Pap. 546. Letter to Cleon from Alexander, with reference to some payments that are to be made. Circ. B.c. 256. 523 in. x 73 in. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather large cursive hand. [P.P. 1. 13 (20) = m1. 42 G (8)]. A : ‘ : . Pap. 547. Official letter (the names of the parties are lost), reiterating a request that certain payments may be made from the royal treasury to some sailors, to prevent their dispersing. 3rd cent. B.c. 53 in. x 63 in. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand, in faded ink. (P72 P.\0r'15/(7) = nt. 48 (3)]> | ‘ Pap. 548. Letter from Asclepiades to Hephaestion, requiring him to supply Theodorus, chief com- missioner of works in the nome [¢/ Papp. 523-527], with the due amounts of corn and wine for the tenth year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 238-237]. 5%in. x 6in. Imperfect (an enclosed letter from Eutyches the dcovuxnnrys to Theodorus being absent, with the exception of a small fragment which may belong to it); written across the papyrus-fibres in a medium-sized cursive hand. (PoPainas (2) 9143 (7) I : ; é ‘ , : ‘ : ' ‘ . : ‘ Pap. 549. Official letter (the names of the parties are lost), asking for the engagement of a certain individual as workman. 3rd cent. Bc. 5 in. x 63 in. Imperfect, wanting the beginning ; in a rather thick and irregular cursive hand. [P. P. 1m. 15 (3) =m. 43 (4)]_ . 2 3 ’ ; Pap. 550. Letter on private affairs, perhaps from Cleon. The names of Philonides and Polycrates [the sons of Cleon, ¢% Pap. 545 and P. P. u. 11 (1)] are mentioned. 3rd cent. B.c. 6 in. x 113 in, Much mutilated ; written across the papyrus-fibres in a clear semi-uncial hand, RAY Ae ee Ott 4 2-43)] 3 : : ; ; i : ‘ : Pap. 551. Petition addressed to the King by a person whose name is lost, for an inquiry by the strategus Aristomachus into a charge of assault brought against him by a woman named Lamisca. 3rd cent. B.C. 73in. x 44 in. Very imperfect; in a thick semi-cursive hand. [P.P. u. 17 (1) =m. 22 (a) | 5 : ; , : ; : ; i ExT. PLATE. a i i el ee TABLE OF PAPYRI document or series of documents, con- Pap. 552 (a-c). Three fragments, probably from the same docume ates Fe evidence of witnesses, one being named Nephthichis, in a case relating oo Lamines CZ preceding papyrus], in the town of Crocodilopolis. 3rd cent. B.c. 3% in. X § in., 24 In. X 63 in., and 33 in. x 74 in. Written across the papyrus-fibres in rather small cursive hands. [P.P. 0. 17 (2)-(4) =m. 22 (6-d)]_ : - : : . , = ? P . Pap. 553. Petition addressed to Dionysodorus, otxovépos of the division of Heracleides [in the Arsinoite nome], by Apollonius, son of Theon, of Ptolemais Nova, complaining of an assault committed upon him by Cotys, son of Evenus, on the 21st Mesoré in the second year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 246-245]. Sin. x 44in. Imperfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. [P.P. u. 18 (1) ==, 32(c)] . ; , : : ‘ - ; : i : ; ; - ‘ - Pap. 554. Evidence of a witness in a case of assault committed by Apollodorus on Serambus ; many of the details are lost through the mutilation of the papyrus. 3rd cent. B.c. Three fragments, 43 in. x 5 in., 3 in. x 73 in., and 23 in. x 63 in. Written across the papyrus-fibres in a medium- sized semi-cursive hand. [P.P. u. 18 (2) = 1 23] . ; - i : ‘ - Pap. 555. Letter to Cleonymus from Dionysius, who is in prison, begging him to bear witness in his favour before a magistrate (apparently named Mezacus). 3rd cent. B.c. 34 in. x 53 in., with a detached fragment, 13 in. x 34in. Imperfect; in a thick cursive hand, with very black ink. [P, Ponto (1) =e 35.44) |e ‘ A : : : : - : ; . : : Pap. 556. Letter (the names of the parties are lost) in which the writer asks his correspondent to use his influence that he may not be imprisoned for failing to fulfil a contract. grdcent.B.c. 4 in. x 71 in. Imperfect, all the upper part being lost; in a rough semi-cursive hand, in much faded ink. [Po Pott. 19 (2) = ore 3e 0) les : A . : ; : : : é ‘ : ‘ Pap. 557. Record of a dispute at law between Sotaerus and Sosus, with regard to a loan from the former to the latter ; with the deposition of a witness, named Diogenes, in favour of Sotaerus. The loan was made at Theogonis, in the Arsinoite nome, in the month Loius of the fifteenth year [probably of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 233-232]. Portions of at least two columns are preserved. Two fragments, ro in. x 8 in., and 44 in. x 24 in. Imperfect; in a rather small cursive hand, in fadediinkos |. fa t1.2 f= tie 4 [aes ; : Pap. 558. Receipt from Cephalon, a livery-stable keeper, to Charmus for payment of the hire of horses engaged for the use of Asclepiades the oixovduos, in accordance with the order of Artemon the éxuoratys in Ptolemais; dated the 24th Tubi in the twenty-first year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = 8. c. 227-226]. 52in. by 64in. Perfect; in a small cursive hand. [P.P.u. 25 (2)=m_61 (a)] . Pap. 559. Similar receipt from Cephalon to Charmus, dated the 3rd Mecheir in the same year. 7% in. x 64 in. Imperfect at the bottom; written across the papyrus-fibres in the same hand as the preceding document. [P.P. 11. 25 (6) = 11. 61 (4).] With a small scrap of another receipt of the same nature ‘ . > é : ‘ ; P : ; : ; : 3 Pap. 560. (2) Receipt from Cephalon to Charmus for hay and other necessaries according to agree- ment. [B.c. 227-226.] 2%in. by 6h in. Perfect; in a thick semi-cursive hand. [P.P. um. p. [74], with no. 25 (c)] . ‘ : ; ; : : : : - : : : ; ‘ . (2) Receipt ee Cephalon to Charmus] for horse-hire, similar to Papp. 558 and 559 and in the same hand. [.c. 227-226.] 54 in. x 6 in. Imperfect at the beginning ; written across the papyrus-fibres. At the bottom is another receipt similar to Pap. 560 a, but somewhat mutilated and in faded ink. (P27. 125 \(¢) ==, O11(c)) aes : : - : Pap. 561. (a) Receipt from Horus, a donkey-driver, to Charmus for necessaries for his beasts. [B.c. 224-226.] 13in. x 4in. Imperfect at the bottom; written in a rough cursive hand. [P.P. u. 25 (¢@)= ut 61 (d)] . ‘ : : : ; : ; ‘ : ‘ : : (4) Portion of receipt [probably from Horus to Charmus for donkey-hire], followed by a receipt similar to that ina. [B.c. 227-226.] 34 in. x 6% in. Written across the papyrus-fibres in a small cursive hand. [Jd7d.] . F ; ; : : : Pap. 562. Receipt for horse-hire, similar to the preceding, but the names of the parties are lost. [B.c. 227-226.] 64in. x 4 in. Imperfect at the beginning; written across the rus-fibres i a small cursive hand. [P. P. u. 25 (¢) = 1m. 61 (e)] -f * Bren a - Pap. 563. Fragment of a similar receipt from Horus to Charmus, dated the 24th Tubi in the twenty- first year [= B.c. 2247-226]. 3 in. x 4 in. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a small cursive hand, [P.P.1.25(f)=ur 6r(/)]_ . ; . . F : Pap. 564. Receipt from Apollonius [to Charmus ?] for food and fodder. [B.c. 227-226 Zi Aj eee - [B.C.227—-226.] si in. x 42in. Imperfect at the beginning; in a small cursive hand. (PoP oa () = es 61 oy ce : ~~ Text. XV PLATE. Xvi TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap.565. Receipt from Apollonius, son of Menelaus, a Libyan rijs émvyovyjs, for hay and other neces- saries for horses and mules, dated the 2nd Athur in the twenty-first year [= B.c. 227-226]. 22 in, x 4in. An abridged copy of Pap. 564, imperfect at the end; in a small cursive hand. [P.?. u. 25 (A) = m1. 61 (A)] . ° : : es aa . ‘ . : : ; : , Pap. 566. Contract between eleven donkey-drivers [probably of Ptolemais], in the division of Polemon in the Arsinoite nome, and Asclepiades the oixovojos, for the hire of twenty-four donkeys. Dated in the reign of Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy [Philadelphus, 7. e. Euergetes, probably in the twenty-first year = B.C. 227-226]. 52% in. x 52 in. Imperfect, wanting the end and the right-hand side; in a rather small cursive hand. [P.P. u. 25 (¢) =m. 62(a)]_. ° ; : Pap. 567. (a—/) Six fragments of receipts similar to those given in Papp. 558-565 and belonging to the same series. In one the donkey-driver Horus is mentioned. [s.c. 227-226.] 3} in. x 24 in, 23 in. x 23 in, 2 in. x 2h in., 7 in. x 2d in, 53 in. x 13 in., and 6in. x 3 in. Frag. ¢ is written across the papyrus-fibres. Written in small cursive hands. [Part of e is printed in P. P. 1. 61 ()| Pap. 568. (a) Register of amounts of money (in drachmas) received, presumably as taxes, on succes- sive days (seventh to twenty-first) of an unnamed month from various individuals in different villages of the Arsinoite nome. Portions of eleven columns are preserved. 3rd cent. B.c. 124 in. x 3 ft. gin, Written in a clear semi-cursive hand of good size. [P.P. u. 28 = 1. 66 (a)] . (4) Continuation of the above account, including the twenty-third and twenty-fourth days, in a different hand and on papyrus of different size. Three fragments, containing fourcolumns. 63 in. x 5in., 62 in. x 1 ft. 34 in., and 13 in. x 6 in. Written ina rather thick cursive hand. [P./. m1. 66 (6)} (Pap. 569. Petition addressed to Dorotheus the émednrys by Petosiris, a tanner, who complains that a certain tax-collector, Dionysius, has unjustly carried off property belonging to him of the value of 2,600 drachmas. The text is continued on the verso, in reverse direction. Dated the 17th Mesoré in the tenth year [of Epiphanes or Philometor, = B.c. 196-195 or 172-171]. 13 in, X 63 in. Nearly perfect ; in a semi-cursive hand of good size. [P. P. . 32(1) = ur. 36 (¢)] | : Pap. 570. Recto. Twoletters, (1) from an official whose name is lost, to his superior, complaining that a watchman who had been set to guard a yvypds has been assaulted by a certain Ptolemy and his friends; somewhat mutilated, and written in a rather rough uncial hand; (2) from Ptolemy, son of Protarchus, to Posidonius the oixovéos, complaining of a trespass by some cattle on a crop of croton ; in a cursive hand, partially obliterated. In the second document mention is made of the filth year ye ee of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 243-242]. 134 in. x ghin. [PP u. 32 (2)= ml. 32 (g) 5 : : 7 : : - ; : , ; ; ; Verso. Drafts or copies of correspondence, including letters from Bacchius to Alexander, and Harmais to Bacchius. One letter is dated in Athur of the sixth year [presumably = B.c. 242-241]. Written in a thin cursive hand, in faded ink. [7 P. u. 32 (3) = ur. 32 (g)] . ‘ - : Pap. 571. Account of household expenses, mainly for the months of Athur and Choiach, One column is preserved, and part of another. 3rd cent. B.c. 13 in. X 83 in. Imperfect ; in a rather thick cursive hand, in faded ink. [P. P. 11. 33 (a) =. 143] - ; Pap. 572. Account for unguents of various kinds, with sums in both silver and copper. Portions of two columns are preserved. 3rd cent. B.c. 13% in. X 7 in. Imperfect; in a rather neat uncial hand, approaching the literary type. [P.P. u. 34 (6) = 1. 1271: ; F : d : : On the verso is a document relating to the land tax, written in a cursive hand in faded ink, which has suffered much from being covered with plaster . 5 ° - Pap. 573. Register of cavalry horses, with their owners and description (colour, &c.). Dated in the sixth year [presumably of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 242-241]. Very imperfect, consisting of six irregularly-shaped fragments ; in a rather large semi-uncial hand. (Pera 35 = i542) |i On the verso are traces of an account in a similar hand. : : : 2 ; : : Pap. 574. (a) Estimate of work done in excavating a canal in the neighbourhood of Hephaestias, in the Arsinoite nome. The calculations give the amount of earth excavated, and the measurements of length are given in cxouwéa, those of depth and width probably in double cubits, and the product in dwida, i.e. probably cubic double cubits [cf Smyly, P.P. m1. pp. 339-347]. Dated the 16th Phamenoth in the sixth year [presumably of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 242—24T }. 134 in. x 8% in. Nearly perfect; in a rather small cursive hand. [P. P.11. 36 (1) = 451(3)] c ‘ (6) Fragment of a similar estimate, showing the number of dwiAva excavated in a month, and giving the rate of pay as four drachmas per sixty dwidia. 3rd cent. B.C. 54 in. x 5 in. Written ina small cursive hand. [P. P. u. 36 (2) =u. 45 (2)] : : : Pap. 575. Official correspondence with regard to the opening of sluices in the irrigation-canals [cf Papp. 537-542]. The writing is continued on the verso, and portions of four columns are preserved on each side. 3rd cent. s.c. 1 ft, rin. x 1 ft. 5 in. Imperfect; in a rather small cursive hand. [P. P, u. 37 = m1. 44 (2)] - TEXT, PLATE, TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 576. Copy of a legal decision sent to Aphthonetus [cf Papp. 502, 529] by Argaeus, dated the 25th Hyperberetaeus in the nineteenth year [presumably of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 229-228 |. The text is continued on the verso. 123 in. x 4in. Nearly perfect, but much defaced on the reco; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. [|P.P. u. 38 (c) =m. 25] ; : Pap. 577. Account rendered by an official named Theodotus of receipts from passengers and freight carried by boats on the canal by Ptolemais, stating the amount (generally a half) accruing thence to the royal treasury (@acwAixdv). The account (so far as preserved) is for the first twelve days of Thouth in the twenty-second year [probably of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 226-225]; and there are traces of a second column. 11 in. x 5 in. Imperfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand, well preserved. [P.P. u. 39 (¢) = ut. 107 (@)]. . : ‘ : Pap. 578. Tax-register, including entries for pvrakitiKdv, XWPaATLKOV, oixovopikov, Aevtroupytkdv, K.T.A., apparently paid by orphans, Reference is made to the second year [presumably of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 246-245, or Philopator, = B.c. 221-220]. Four fragments, the principal one measuring 102 in. x 52 in. Imperfect; in a small cursive hand. [P.P. u. 39 (¢) = 1. 110 (@)). On the verso is a portion of another account, and some demotic writing. : . - é Pap. 579. Register of tax-payments for the thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh, and thirty-eighth years [of Ptolemy Philadelphus, = 3.c. 250-247], principally in respect of the xopatixov, pudaxurixdv, and Géduxy}. Three principal fragments, containing portions of fifteen columns. 1 ft. 5 in. x 1 ft. 1 ft. 24 in. x 6Lin.,and 1 ft. 23 in. x 6Zin,; with a small additional fragment 13 in. x 42 in. Written in a thin and rather small cursive hand. [One column partly published in P. P. 1. 39 Cf }= thie remainder subsequently reconstructed by Prof. Smyly and republished as P. P. ur. 109g (a) ie 2 7 Pap. 580. Copies of official correspondence with regard to wheat stored in the granaries. ard cent. B.C. 72 in. x 7 in, Imperfect; in a rather small cursive hand. [P.P. u. 39 (g) = Ul. 53 Cal ¥ Pap. 581. Fragments of an account of wood, &c., furnished to certain persons. 3rd cent. B.c. Eight fragments of various sizes, the height of the papyrus being 123 inches; in a small cursive hand, in much faded ink. [P.P.u. 39 (2) =u 49] ‘ : : Pap. 582. Letter from Manres to a party of men, apparently on a distant station, encouraging them to hold on, and saying that relief is being sent to them. Reference is made to the hunting of elephants at Berenicé, and to the sinking of an elephant-transport. Dated the 14th Phaophi in the twenty- fourth year [of Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.c. 224-223]. 132 in. x 42 in, Mutilated; in a medium- sized cursive hand. [P.P. u. 40(2)= 1. 53 (g)]_ - : ; a Pap. 5838. Portion of a lease or sale of a house (?) and courtyard, containing a detailed description of its dimensions. 3rd cent. B.c. 84in. x 34 in. Imperfect at the beginning ; in a rather thick semi- cursive hand. [P.P. u. 41 = 1. 60] : , : ; ; = : Pap. 584, (a) Notification from Cleandrus to the otkovdpou, vowdpxat, and other officials, that he has appointed Theodorus, the sub-commissioner of works [ci Papp. 523-527], to the charge of the dykes andsluices. [Between B.c. 254 and 246.] 5 in. x 6in. Imperfect at the end; in a medium- sized semi-cursive hand. [P.P. 1. 42 (2) = m1. 43 (1)| : (6) Letter from Cleon re Pap. 510, &c.] to Paeon, asking for an ass to be sent to him. [Between oy 254 sitet 24 in. x 54 in. Mutilated; ina small, rough, cursive hand. [P.P. u. 42 = 11.42 1); : - ; é ; : ; : Pap. 585. Letter, apparently from Philonides (the hand being the same as in Pap. 503 a), to his father [Cleon]; too much mutilated for its subject to be ascertained. [Cvrc. B.c. 256.) gin. x 4% in. Very imperfect ; in a broad semi-cursive hand. [P.P. u. 42 (c) =m. 42 H (6)] . ‘ ; - Pap. 586. Lease from Dionysius, Diodorus, and another, to Metrodorus and Epicurus of a pumpkin- garden and_ other ground. 3rd cent. B.c. Two fragments, 9 in. x 2} in., and 8 in. x 3} in. Very imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a small cursive hand. [P.P. u. 44 = 10. 74 (4)] Pap. 587. Acknowledgement by Donomazys, son of Taotius, of the receipt from Histiaeus, a mercenary soldier in the regiment of Maraeus, of the sum of 330 drachmas. Dated in Crocodilopolis, the 15th Pauni in the thirteenth year of [Ptolemy] Philopator = B.c. 210-209. 11 in. x 5 in. Imperfect ; in a small cursive hand, in much faded ink. [P.P. 1. 47 = ut. 55 (4)] ; Pap. 588. Acknowledgements by ship-owners of amounts of corn received from the ovtodoyos Dorion for transport down the river. Portions of three receipts are preserved, dated in Choiach and Tubi of the eighteenth year of Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy Philopator [7.e. Ptolemy Epiphanes, = z.c. 188- 187]. 73 in. x 32 in. Imperfect; in a small cursive hand. [cee Ue 4 i= 1. 26] III. c . TEXT. XVil PLATE. XVIiil TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 589. Fragment of an elegiac poem, containing portions of twenty-four lines, 3rd cent. B.c. 53 In. X 34 in., with a detached fragment 4 in. x 1% in. Much mutilated; in a rather small and thick uncial hand. [P.P. 1. 49 (a)] . et STH ee RG ad corte Ml NR aay Pap. 590. Fragment of a drama, containing portions of twenty lines (a complete column). 3rd cent. B.c. 7% in. x 3 in. Mutilated; in a medium-sized uncial hand, rather irregular, and with a peculiar form of w. [P.P. 1. 49 (c)] : 5 : 4 . . ; . . Pap. 591. (a) Fragment of a drama, containing the ends of twenty-one lines and the beginnings of the same number; only a few letters are preserved in each case. 3rd cent. B.c. 5 in. X 1d in. Written in a medium-sized uncial hand. Pleratied (a )] ae : : : : : (2) Fragment of a prose philosophical treatise on the subject of Humanity, containing portions of four columns. 3rd cent. p.c. 42 in. x 83 in. Written ina rather large and square uncial hand. bree u. 49 (e).] On the verso are small remains of three columns of a literary work, in a similar but less well-written hand c : ; : . : 7 : : : : . : : Pap. 592. Fragments of a prose narrative of the adventures of Heracles. 3rd cent. B.c. Fourteen small fragments, of irregular sizé, in a small, firm, uncial hand of early appearance. [P.P. 11. 49 (/)] Pap. 593. Letter from Philonides to Cleon [of Papp. 503 a, 585], apparently on private affairs. [ Circ. B.c. 256.) 6 in. x 11 in. Very imperfect ; in a large, broad, semi-cursive hand, with very black ink. [Not printedinP.P.] 4 ; Pa 3 ; : Pap. 594. Fragment of a letter relating to a misapplication of public funds; the names of the parties are lost. 3rd cent. B.c. 9g in. x 6 in. Imperfect, the left-hand side being lost; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. [P.P.m.125] . AE thea 5 oe a hee : ° . . Pap. 595. Fragment of a letter, perhaps official. 3rd cent. s.c. 3 in. x 33 in. Imperfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. [ Not printed in P. Pan : 3 : . : Pap. 596. Register of wills; two fragments, apparently from the same document, each containing portions of two wills, dated in the twelfth year of Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy [Philadelphus, 7. e. Ptolemy Euergetes, = .c. 236-235]. To the second will in frag. 6 is prefixed the number 13 [14 |. Apparently part of the same register as Pap. 492. 7 in. x 3 in. and 5$ in. xX 44in. Written in a very regular cursive hand. [P.P. 11. 16] 5 ; : ' : ; : 5 ‘ Pap. 597. Official letter from Heracleides to S —— instructing him to advance a certain quantity of corn to the cultivators, through the medium of the kopapxar and the kwuoypappareis, with (apparently) ~ a schedule of the several advances. Dated the 1st Athur in the twenty-fifth year [either of Philadel- phus, = B.c, 261-260, or more probably of Euergetes, = B.c. 223-222]. 8 in. x 84 in. Imperfect ; in a medium-sized cursive hand, much defaced by plaster. [P.P. 11.89] . 2 : ‘ Pap. 598. Fragments of a letter (?) ; but not enough is left to indicate the subject. 3rd cent.z.c. Two fragments, 32 in. x 33 in. and 5a in. X 5 in. Written in a rough cursive hand. [Not printed in P.P.; formerly attached to Pap. 89 (f. Mahaffy on P. P. 11. 49 (@)), though having nothing to do with it]. ; , 5 5 ; 5 . . 5 : ; : : : ; Pap. 599. (a-g) Seven fragments of miscellaneous Ptolemaic documents. 3rd cent. B.c. 52 in. x 3 in., 23 in. x 2d in., 43 in. x 13 in, 2% in. X 13 in, 52 in. x 3 in, 33 in. x 33 in., and 23 in. x 3g in. Frag. a (an account) is written across the papyrus-fibres. [Pag f= P.P. qn. 84] Pap. 600. (a-e) Five fragments of miscellaneous Ptolemaic documents. 3rd cent. B.c. 42 in. x 3 in., 4; in. X 23 in., 33 in. x TZ in. 4 in. x 23 in, and 22 in. x 4 in. Frag. a (a receipt) is written in an uncial hand approaching the literary type. [Not printed in P. VAP 3 : 5 : Pap. 601. Fragment of a Ptolemaic document, too much mutilated for its subject to be discovered. 3rd cent. B.c. 73 in. x 5 in. On the verso is some writing dated the 26th Pharmouthi in the seventh year [either of Euergetes, = B.c. 241-240, or Philopator, = B.c. 216-215]. [Not printed iney.7 |. 5 J , : ‘ ; : ; ; 5 : ‘ : ; ; 5 Pap. 602. (a) Fragment of an account. 3rd cent. B.c. 33in. xX 4in. Written in a rather small cursive hand. On the verso is a little obscure writing. [?.P. m., introd., p. 32 = m.. 136). + (2) Portions of two receipts, perhaps from a pawnbroker, the first referring to a hoe, a shirt, and a basket, the values of which are given. Dated in Athur of the twenty-fourth year iy Ptolemy Euergetes, = B.C. 224-223]. 2% in. x 3 in. Imperfect; in a small cursive hand. [P.P. Ie pINtLOd ps3 3) — gy 2c) | 1 : ; ‘ ; ; : : : ‘ Pap. 603. Fragment of a petition asking for justice on some offenders: but the names of the parties and much of the substance of the petition are lost. 3rd cent. B.c. 64 in. x 33 in. Written in a medium-sized cursive hand, much defaced by plaster. [Not printed in P. Fata : ; : Abb an, PLATE, ee TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 604. Roll of papyrus, formed by the conjunction of two distinct documents, the texts of which run in opposite directions :— A. Return compiled by Besas, also named Soterichus, xwpoypapparets of Crocodilopolis and the associated villages, of arable land irrigated by the inundation in the seventh year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [ = a.p. 46-47], giving the names of the owners (or occupiers) and the amount of land held by each of them. Portions of nine columns are preserved, four being perfect ; the end is wanting. 1 ft. 2 in. x 4 ft. Written in a medium-sized cursive hand B. Return of land, apparently giving the results ofa revision of the register of land liable to the corn-tax, arranged under various headings. Twelve columns are preserved, but both the beginning and end of the return are wanting, Middle of the rst cent. 1 ft. 2 in. x 4 ft.6in. Written in a hand similar to that of A, perhaps identical, but rather more compact . ; On the verso is an Egyptian romance, in demotic. Cf. F. LI. Griffith, Stories of the High Priesis of Memphis (Oxford, 1900). It was evidently for the purpose of receiving this text that the two documents forming the rvecfo were fastened together : : : - : - a ; : [Papp. 605-650 were acquired from Dr. B. P. Grenfell, who purchased them in Egypt in the winter of 1894-1895. The texts of most of them have been published by him in a volume entitled, Greek Papyri I: An Alexandrian Erotic Fragment and other Papyrt (Oxford, University Press, 1896); and the numbers there attached to them have been appended in brackets to the following descriptions. | Pap. 605. ecto. Record of a loan of a hundred (or more) artabas of wheat from Sosistratus, a soldier, to Druton, in the Pathyrite nome (probably at Crocodilopolis). Dated the 5th Thoth in the eighth year of Ptolemy Philometor (= B.c. 174-173), with a full list of the priests and priestesses of the dynastic cults in Alexandria and Thebes. 64 in. x 7 in. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost ; in a small semi-cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 10] ; : : Verso. Fragment of an erotic composition, in rhythmical prose, or irregular verse, divided into stanzas or paragraphs by the use of the paragraphus. It contains the lament of a woman for her faithless lover. One column is complete, and the first letters of a second column are also preserved. Written in a small cursive hand, nd cent. B.c., later than B.c. 174. [G.P.1 1] Pap. 606. Record of a dispute at law between Panas and Thotortaeus, concerning the boundaries of some land in the Pathyrite nome; with the judgement of the officials before whom the case was decided. One of the documents quoted in it is dated the 25th Epeiph in the twenty-fourth year [probably of Philometor, = B.c. 158-157]. In two columns, the first being imperfect. 12 in. x 15g in. Written in a fine semi-uncial hand. [G.P.1. 11] . has Pap. 607. Will of Druton, son of Pamphilus, of Crocodilopolis in the Thebaid. Dated in the reign of Philometor, the exact year being lost ; but the inclusion of a priest of Eupator in the list of priests of the dynastic cults probably shows that it belongs to the later years of the reign, c7rc. B.C. 150-146. About 12 in. x 5 in, Much mutilated; in a small cursive hand. GPs rer 2 | Pap. 608. Letter from an official to a subordinate, concerning a petition from the Baowdixol yewpyoé. Dated the 15th Mecheir in the twenty-ninth year, which may be either of Piolemy Philometor oe B.C. 153-152] or of Euergetes II [ = s.c. 142-141]. 33in. x 44 in. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost ; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. (GP. EES! he : Pap. 609. Inventory of articles deposited in a temple with the priest Patous, dated the 23rd Phaophi - ut the thirty-second year [either of Philometor, = B.c. 150-149, or Euergetes II, = B.c. 139-138]. mitten across the fibres on the reco of the papyrus; the verso contains remains of obliterated writing. 11} in. x 3¢in. The inventory is complete, and is followed by an account of wheat, the end of which is lost; in a medium-sized irregular cursive hand. [G. P. 1-04] Pap. 610. Record of a dispute between the priests of Hermonthis and Pathyris with regard to the possession of some land ; apparently in the form of a petition from the former to Ptolemy Philometor and his queen Cleopatra, recapitulating the progress of the quarrel and quoting documents and official correspondence in connexion with it. The main petition is dated in Athur of the thirty- third year of Ptolemy Philometor [=a BuGs 149-148]. Several columns are partially preserved, but none perfectly. Written in a good-sized cursive hand. [Unpublished ; cf note on G. P. 1. 0, l 4] Pap. 611. (a) Fragment of a petition, wantin (earlier than the document which follows) 11g]. : f g the beginning and the left-hand portion. 2nd cent. s.c. . Written in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. Lae 2: C2 Text 7oO 76 xix PLATE. 24 XX TABLE OF PAPYRI (2) Account of Druton, relating to corn, dated in Mesoré of the thirty-fifth year [either of Philometor, = B.C. 147-146, or Euergetes II = s.c, 136-135]. Perfect; written across the bottom of the same sheet of papyrus as the preceding, in a small cursive hand, much abbreviated. [G.P. 1. 16) e: : The papyrus measures 6 in. x 4} in. On the verso is a corn-account of Senmonthis, similar to é above, and with the same date. Complete, but defaced by rubbing. Pap. 612. Petition from two women named Semminis and Senapathis (also named Heracleia), dwelling in Pathyris, for the restitution of some property inherited by them from their father, but unjustly seized by one Callimedes, The name of the official addressed is lost, together with all the left-hand portion of the papyrus, and the conclusion of it, The thirty-fourth year is mentioned [either of Philometor, = B.c. 148-144, or of Euergetes II, = B.c. 137-136]. 6 in. x 54 in. Written in a rather rough cursive hand. [G.P.1. 17] . ; : . : : ; : Pap. 613. Loan of thirty-five artabas of wheat from Apollonia, wife of Druton, to Apollonius, also named Psennesis, and his wife Herais, also named Tisris. Dated at Pathyris the r2th Choiach in the thirty- ninth year [of Euergetes II, = s.c. 132-131]; the loan to be repaid without interest in Pauni of the Same year. r1Zin. x 44 in. Nearly perfect; in a small, regular cursive hand. [G.P.1. 18] Pap. 614. Loan from Apollonia, wife of Druton, to Nechutes, of 1 talent 5030 drachmas. Dated at Pathyris, the 23rd Pharmouthi in the forty-first year [of Euergetes II, = p.c. 130-129]. 32in. x 33 in. Imperfect, wanting the lower part; written across the papyrus-fibres in a clear semi-cursive hand. [G.P.1.19] . 5 : : 5 : : ; é Pap. 615. Fragment ofa receipt dated in the Thebaid (probably at Pathyris), in the month Mecheir in the forty-second year [of Euergetes II, = z.c. 129-128]. The names of the parties are mutilated. 6 in. x 3 in. Imperfect at both sides ; in a thick semi-cursive hand : ; Pap. 616. Loan from Apollonia, wife of Druton, to Solon, also named Seéis, son of Horus, and Harmais, his brother, with their mother, Persians THS exvyovns, Of 1 talent 4000 drachmas. Dated at Pathyris the 15th Phaophi in the forty-fourth year [of Euergetes II, = z.c. 127-126]; the loan to be repaid at the end of Mecheir of the same year, 63 in. x 42 in. Imperfect, wanting the left- hand portion and a line or two in the middle; in a small semi-cursive hand, [G.P.1. 20] : Pap. 617. Will of Druton, son of Pamphilus,-executed at Pathyris on the 9th Pauni in the forty-fourth year [of Euergetes II, = .c. 127-1 26]. Reference is made to a former will of the sixth year [= 8.c. 165-164], which can hardly be the same as that preserved in Pap. 607. There is no mention of witnesses or counter-signature by the agoranomus, hence it is probably a draft or copy of the actual will. The names of the testator’s daughters, mentioned here, recur in Pap. 4or. 9% in. x 142 in. Mutilated at the left-hand side ; in a rough cursive hand. pe isal| Pap. 618. Report from Moschion to Petearsentheus, that he has received ten talents in respect of the ToToypapypateia, the same in respect of the kwopoypaypareia, and thirty talents as the price of 150 artabas of wheat at 1200 drachmas each. Dated the rst Athur in the fifty-third year [of Euergetes II, = s.c. 118-117]. 74in.x4 in. Perfect; in a neat uncial hand. [Giraie2s| Pap. 619. Loan from Caies, son of Pates, to Harpaésis, son of Portis (both being Persians rijs émvyovijs), of twenty-five artabas of wheat. Dated at Pathyris, the 15th Choiach in the fifty-third year [of Euergetes II, = .c. 118-117]; the loan to be repaid in Pachon of the same year. 8 in. x 33 in. Perfect ; in a clear semi-cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 23] . : : : : Pap. 620. Fragment of a will, dated at Crocodilopolis in the Pathyrite nome, the 25th Choiach in Some year (ihe exact number is lost) of Euergetes II. The list of priests of the dynastic cults indicates the latter part of his reign, after the death of Philometor [B.c. 146-117]. 6 in.x 43 in. Only the date and the opening words of the will are preserved, the former in a small cursive hand, the latter in a large uncial. [G.P.1. 24] . : . . . Pap. 621. Record of sale by Naomsesis, daughter of Onnophris, a priestess, and her husband Stotoétis, priest of Suchus and Aphrodite, to Sensuchus, son of Nechutes, of four wnxeis orepeotd of waste land for 4000 drachmas. Dated at Pathyris, the 24th Pharmouthi in the third year of Cleopatra and Ptolemy Soter II [= B.c. 115-114]. The date contains a complete list of the Ptolemies (including Eupator and Philopator Neos) down to that time. 6 in. x 14 in. Imperfect, the third column, containing most of the actual record of sale, being lost; the body of the document is in a clear semi-uncial hand of good size, and is preceded by a summary of the contents in a small, very cursive hand. [G.P.1. 25] 4 ; : : ‘ ‘ : : : : Pap. 622. Record of the repayment by Psenenupis, son of Onnophris, to Erianupis, son of Pathotes, of a loan of fifty-six artabas of wheat borrowed two years previously ; with Erianupis’s acknowledge- ment of the receipt. Dated at Pathyris, the 16th Athur in the fifth year [of Cleopatra and Ptolemy Soter I, = 3B.c. 113-112]. 63in.x6 in. Nearly perfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a thick cursive hand, [G.P.1.26] . : : : ae : : : : : ; ¢ ExT: PLATE, 7 — oo oT Ma pre => ; | Z , . TABLE OF PAPYRI ‘ A nt by Sebtitis, daughter of Harsiesis, a Persian, to her daughter Naamsesis, of half an re pita of feeds Dated at Crocodilonells in the Pathyrite nome, the 11th Mecheir in the eighth year of Cleopatra and Ptolemy Soter II [= ..c. 110-109]; the formula of the date includes a complete list of the Ptolemies, as in Pap. 621. 5% in.x2 ft. 6 in. Nearly perfect; written in three columns (the first being a summary of the contents), in a rather small cursive hand. [G.P, 1.27] Pap. 624. Fragment of a loan of ten artabas of wheat by a person whose name is lost to Phalois. Dated the 6th Phaophi in the tenth year [probably of Cleopatra and Soter II, = B.c. 108-107 ]. 72 in.x 34 in. Imperfect; wanting the beginning and the right-hand portion; in a rough, small cursive hand, followed by five lines of demotic. [G. Pi 28 | } - : : ; Pap. 625. Loan from Sennesis, daughter of Patseous, a Persian, to Phagonis, son of Panobchunis, a Persian rijs émvyovijs, of six artabas of salt, without interest. Dated at Pathyris, the 30th Mesoré of the twelfth year [of Cleopatra] and gth [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c. 106-105]. 7 in. x5 In. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized, rough, semi-cursive hand, followed by three lines of demotic. [G. Por 26] : , ; : : : : Pap. 626. Fragment of a letter, dated the 15th Pauni in the fourteenth year [of Cleopatra] and r1th [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c. 104-103]. 63 in.x6 in. Imperfect, the upper part of the papyrus being in the collection of Lord Amherst (Amh. Pap. 39); in a thin, very cursive hand. (G.Pi30\ : : : : : : : - - : : : : , Pap. 627. Loan from Erianupis and his cvvOuctra. to Nechutes of 7% artabas of barley. The exact date is lost, but it was executed at Pathyris in the fourteenth year [probably of Cleopatra, = B.C. 104-103]. 9 in.x4 in. Imperfect, the beginning being lost; in the same hand as Pap. 625, but rather less rough. [G. P. 1. 31] : - : : ; Pap. 628. Portion of an order from some military authorities to send two men to a certain place. Dated the 2nd Pharmouthi in the fifteenth year [of Cleopatra] and twelfth [of Ptolemy Alexander, =p.c. 103-102]. 64in.x13 in. Imperfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a medium-sized cursive hand. ve. Pets32) ' - : : : : Pap. 629. Record of purchases of land made by Paésis, son of Peteuris, in the lower toparchy of the Latopolite nome. The latest date mentioned is in Phaophi of the fifteenth year [of Cleopatra] and twelfth [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c, 103-102}. gi in.x6 in. Imperfect; written on both sides of the papyrus in a very rough cursive hand, [G.P.1 33] - : - - - Pap. 630. Fragment of a sale of land in Pathyris. The names of the parties are lost. Dated in the sixteenth year of Cleopatra and thirteenth of Ptolemy Alexander [= B.c. 102-101]. 6 in. x 3 in. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion; in a fairly regular cursive hand. [G.P.1. 34] Pap. 631. Fragment of a letter, with reference to the delivery of some wheat. Dated at Ptolemais, the 8th Thoth in the sixteenth year [either of Cleopatra, =.c. 102-101, or Ptolemy Alexander, =B.c. 99-98]. 4 in.x 44 in. Imperfect, wanting the upper portion; in a very cursive hand. [Goole se eee : 5 : : : : : . ‘ : : Pap. 632. Sale by Petosiris, son of Paos, a Persian rijs émvyovijs, to Pakoibis, son of Patous, of land in Pathyris. Dated in the month Mecheir in the reign of Ptolemy Alexander [between s.c. ror and 88, the name of the queen-mother Cleopatra being omitted]. The name of Berenice is also absent, as in BGU. 998 and Tebt. Papp. 104, 109. About 63 in. x 11 in. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion, and much mutilated throughout; written on thin papyrus, in a rough, cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 36] : ; Pap. 633. Fragment of a petition, dated the 27th Pharmouthi in the ninth year [probably of Soter II, = B.C. 109-108]. The names of the parties are lost. At the foot of the papyrus, and continued on the verso, is the official docket. 5%in.x5 in. Imperfect, only part of the lower half of the papyrus being preserved; in a small, very cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 37] . Pap. 634. Petition to Numenis, strategus [of the Thebaid, or of the Pathyrite nome], from Pokas, son of Onos, an unpaid policeman, complaining of an assault committed on him by Peadias, a priest of the temple of Suchus at Crocodilopolis in the Pathyrite nome, on the first of the intercalated days in the eleventh year of an unnamed sovereign [either Cleopatra, = B.c. 107-106, or Ptolemy Auletes, =B.c. 71-70], 12tin.x5%in. Nearly perfect; in an uneducated uncial hand. [G.P.1. 38] Pap. 635. Recto. Account of waggon-loads of barley, wheat, and seeds, conveyed to Pathyris. 2nd cent. B.c. One column nearly perfect, with the first letters of another; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand : f : Verso. List of names, with account of money expended on wine, &c, 2nd cent, s.c. Apparently perfect, in a slightly cursive uncial hand . : ; : F The papyrus measures 54 in.x6in. [G.P.1. 39.] TEXT. xxi PLATE. Xxii TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 636. Fragments of a letter from Didymus, cicaywyevs, to Antipater and the (other?) ypyatirrai at Ptolemais. 2nd cent.s.c. About 73 in.X1o in, Imperfect; in a large, slightly cursive uncial hand. [G.P.1. 40] . cule once oseeer - : eh Ses ieeee 8 Pap. 637. Declaration by Peteuris that he will pay fifteen talents of copper in respect of orédhavos. 2nd cent. 4 in.x33in. Perfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a rough semi-uncial hand. USB yg : : : 4 ; : ; : Pap. 638. Petition from cavalry soldiers at Diospolis Parva and Ptolemais to the strategus, asking to receive as much pay and allowances as certain troops elsewhere. 2nd cent. B.c. {probably in the first half of the century]. 7 in.x 4% in. Imperfect, wanting the left-hand portion and the conclusion; in a rather small semi-cursive hand, [Ger ie42)| Pap. 639. Letter from Menon to Hermocrates and his brother, with reference to a mare which should have been sent to him, but had been detained by a Jew named Daniel. 2nd cent. z.c. 4in.X4$in. Slightly mutilated; in a regular semi-cursive hand. LG. 24 ies Pap. 640. Fragment of a contract of sale, with the attestations of witnesses, who are priests and mpwroorodicrat of the temple (apparently of Suchus and Aphrodite) in Pathyris. 2nd cent. B.c. 34 in.x 52 in. Imperfect, containing remains of two columns ;- the contract in a large, slightly cursive uncial hand, the attestations in a thick, semi-cursive hand, [G.P. 1. 44] : Pap. 641. Fragment of an account (?). 2nd cent. B.c. 125 in. xX 52 in. Roughly written on the verso of the papyrus, the rec/o being nearly blank . : : : ; : - ‘ Pap. 642. Fragments from a mummy-case, in a very neat hand of literary type. 2nd cent. B.c. (?). Attached to one of them is a document in a different hand, bearing a mutilated date apparently in the reign of [Ptolemy Alexander] and Cleopatra [= B.c. 89-88; possibly of Philometor, = before BROS Ee MNE 4 : 3 ° : : : : : : : : : . : Pap. 643. Fragment of a letter from Epaenetus to his son, from the same mummy-case as the preced- ing. 2nd cent. B.c. (?). 32 in. x 62 in. Imperfect, only the first six lines being preserved ; in a rather large, thin, semi-uncial hand : ‘ A : : : Pap. 644. Fragments of a business document of uncertain nature, from the same mummy-case as the preceding. zndcent.s.c. Written across the papyrus-fibres in a rather large semi-cursive hand Pap. 645. Miscellaneous fragments from the same mummy-case as the preceding. 2nd cent. B.c.- Pap. 646. Census-return by Pnepheros, son of Phanemieus, a Syydcros yewpyés, for the eleventh year of Caesar; addressed to Apollonius, xwpoypapparevs of Theadelphia [in the nome of Arsinoe ]. Dated the 3rd Mecheir in the eleventh year of Caesar [= 28 Jan., B.c. 19], with official docket dated the 2nd Pachon[= 27 April] inthe same year. 6in. x 23 in. Nearly perfect ; in a small cursive hand, with abbreviations. [G.P.1.45] . : A ; ; ; : A Pap. 647. Similar census-return by the same Pnepheros, for the succeeding year. The official to whom it was sent is not stated. Dated the 8th Pachon in the twelfth year of Caesar [3 May; B.c.18)), 43 in. x 28 in. Nearly perfect; in an irregular cursive hand, with abbreviations. [Gs 1. 40 oe Pap. 648. ec/o. Fragment of a land-register, mentioning dates in the twentieth and twenty-fifth years [of Commodus, = a.p. 179-180 and 184-185]. About 12 in. x 82 in. Imperfect, including portions of seven entries, none being complete ; in a small, thin, cursive hand P : ; ; : Verso. List of names, followed by the ages of each person ; perhaps a census-list, but figures are prefixed to each name, the explanation of which is not clear. 3rd cent. Imperfect, parts of two columns being preserved; in a rough cursive hand é : : : : Pap. 649. Receipt from Didymus Argentis (szc), a cavalry soldier of the etAn T'adAuxy}, to Stotoétis, son of Apunchis, and the other rpeoBvrepor of the village of Socnopaei Nesus, for barley bought by him at the usual price from the tax-collectors. Dated the 28th Pauni in the thirty-first year lof Com- modus, = 22 June, a.p. 191]. 6 in. x 2% in. Perfect; in a rough uncial hand, with many mistakes. [G.P.1.48] . 4 3 : 4 ‘ Pap. 650. Tax-receipt, given by Aurelius Harpocration, «Ajpou (?) ééyyyris, to Philoxas, Yupvaciapxos, for the sum of seventy-six drachmas paid by him through the xwpdpyys (or K@poypapwarevs) of Phila- delphia and another village. Dated the 27th Phaophi in the first year of Macrianus and Quietus [= 24 Oct., a.p. 260]. 84 in. x 3 in., most being blank. Slightly rubbed; in a thin, very cursive hand, with many abbreviations. [G.P.1. 50] : j : : , Pap. 651. Portion of a lease of land, dated in Phaophi in the consulship of Flavius Ursus and Flavius Polemius [= October, a.p. 338]. 82 in. x 3 in. Imperfect on both sides; in a rather irregular cursive hand, Presented by Col. T. L. Fraser ; : : ; TEXT. PLATE. TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 652. Copy of a deed of sale of house-property. Early 4th cent.; the date is mutilated, but the mention in it of Maximianus without Diocletian makes it probable that it belongs to the period A.D. 307-310. 64in. x 24in. Imperfect at both sides and at the bottom; in a rather small, clear, cursive hand. Presented by Col. T. L. Fraser : : z : : : : : : ; Pap. 653. Letter from Heracleius to his ‘brothers’, Paulus and Papirius, with reference to some memoranda (éropvijpara) concerning the zrepiode, or official circuits, of the fourteenth and fifteenth years [perhaps of Diocletian, = A. D. 297-299]. Late 3rd or early 4th cent. 8 in. x 4 In. Imperfect ; in a rather large cursive hand. Presented by Col. T. L. Fraser : i , [Papp. 654-666 were presented by E. R. Bevan, Esq., these, together with Papp. 667-681, having been acquired by D. G. Hogarth, Esq., in Egypt in the winter of 1895-1896. The texts of most of them, together with those of Papp. 688-731, have been edited by Messrs. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt in Greek Papyrt II (Oxford, University Press, 1897); and_the numbers there attached to them have been appended in brackets to the following descriptions. | Pap. 654. Sale by Patous, son of Patous, and his sister Tacmois to Zmenous, son of Psemmonthes, of a sycamore tree, for 1 talent 4000 drachmas. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Dioscorus, the 11th Phaophi in the thirty-fifth (corrected from thirty-fourth) year [of Ptolemy Euergetes II, = p.c. 136-135]. 53in. x 4gin. Nearly perfect ; in a small cursive hand. [G. P. 1. 16] : : : 2 : : : : ; : é : P : : Pap. 655. Loan from Thoteus, son of Colluthus, to Totoés and his wife Tacmeis, daughter of Patous (all the parties being of Persian descent), of 5600 drachmas of copper, for three months without interest, but with interest at twenty-four per cent., as well as an increase of fifty per cent. in the principal, in case of default of repayment. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Asclepiades, the 28th Thouth in the forty-fourth year [of Euergetes II, =3.c. 127-126]. 112 in, x 5 in. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. [G. P. mu. 18]. : : Pap. 656. Letter from Hermias [? strategus of the Latopolite nome] to Demetrius [? manager of the royal bank at Pathyris], instructing him to pay the crews of boats engaged in the transport of corn, and enclosing copies of instructions to this effect. Dated the 16th Pachon in the ninth year [pre- sumably of Ptolemy Soter II, = .c. rog-108], the enclosed letters being dated respectively the fe Choiach and the sth Pharmouthi. 121 in, x 8 in. Nearly perfect; in a thin cursive hand. GP asl.. 29 | eee F : 4 : : ‘ ; 5 ; : : [Papp. 657-663, 674, 675, 680 relate to the affairs of a single family, consisting of the four sons of Panobchunis. Papp. 659-663, 673-677, 679 are all written in the same hand, that of Hermias, the representative at Pathyris of the agoranomus Paniscus. For other documents of the same group, see Papp. 879-881, 883, 1203-1209, ] Pap. 657. Sale by Taous, daughter of Harpos, her sister Sennesis (also named Tatous), and her half- sister Siephmous, daughter of Pachnumis, to Petearsemtheus, Petesuchus, Phagonis, and Psennesis, sons of Panobchunis, of land in the plain of Pathyris. Dated at Crocodilopolis, in the office of Paniscus, agoranomus of the upper toparchy of the Pathyrite nome, the 28th Phaophi in the eleventh year of Cleopatra and the eighth of Ptolemy Alexander [= B.c. 107-106]. 6in. x 2ft.3in. Perfect; ina medium-sized cursive hand, rather thick. [G.P. 1. 23 a] : : : ; : : : Pap. 658. Loan from Petearsemtheus, son of Panobchunis, to Psemmenches, son of Nechuthes, a Persian ris érvyovis, of six xepapua of wine, without interest. Dated at Crocodilopolis, in the office of Paniscus, the 16th Tubi in the twelfth year [of Cleopatra] and the ninth [of Ptolemy ae = B.C. 106-105]. 12 in. x 42 in. Perfect; in a rather thick cursive hand. [G.P. II. 24 : : ; ‘ : , : : : : ~ . . Pap. 659. Grant by Nechthanupis, son of Patseous, a Persian, to Petearsemtheus and his brothers of land in the plain of Pathyris. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the representative of the agoranomus Paniscus, the 29th Mesoré in the fourteenth year [of Cleopatra] and the eleventh [of [oP ee = B.C. 104-103]. 113 in. x 6 in. Perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. eel 25 3 : : ; : : ‘ : : Pap. 660. Acknowledgement by Horus, son of Paous, a Persian tis éxvyovijs, to Petearsemtheus and his brothers, of the repayment by the latter of a sum of money paid by the former to certain money- lenders on behalf of Tareésis, grandmother of Horus. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias the 24th Athur in the fifteenth year [of Cleopatra] and the twelfth [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.C. 103-102]. 12in, xX 6in. Perfect; in the same hand as the preceding document. [G.P. 1. 26] Pap. 661. Loan from Petearsemtheus, son of Nechutes, a Persian, to Petearsemtheus and Petesuchus, sons of Panobchunis, of 5100 drachmas of copper, without interest. Dated at the same place and time as the preceding document. 121 in. x 52 in. Perfect; i i A : 2 in, in the same hand h document. [G. P.1. 27] tis : _ ‘ Bieon sim TEXT. 241 Xxiil PLATE. XX1V TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 662. Sale by Sennesis, daughter of Psenthotes, a Persian, to Petearsemtheus, son of Panobchunis, of part of a vineyard and of some corn-land in the territory of Pathyris, which she had purchased from him two years before. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the 2sth Athur in the fifteenth year [of Cleopatra] and the twelfth [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c. 103-102]. 121 in. x 63 in. Nearly perfect; in the same hand as the preceding document. [G. P. ne 28] ‘ : Pap. 663. Certificate of the repayment by Petearsemtheus and his brothers to Petearsemtheus, son of Almapheus, of a sum of two talents of copper lent to them in the previous year, Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the 4th Choiach in the sixteenth year [of Cleopatra] and the thirteenth [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c. ro2-r1or]. rodin. x 44 in. Perfect; in the same hand as the preceding document. [G.P. 1. 30] ; : ; ; Wits Pap. 664. Subscription to a document (the body of the document being lost) by Timogenes, 6 pds rij avaypadpy. Dated the roth Mecheir in the sixteenth year [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c. 99-98]. 7 1m. X II in., most being blank. There is a little demotic writing on the verso, - : 6 Pap. 665. Private letter from a father to his son. rst cent. B.c. (?). 52 in. x 62 in. Imperfect, the lower part of the papyrus being lost, and the right-hand portion nearly obliterated; written in a rather large semi-cursive hand. The verso is occupied by demotic writing, and there is also a little on the margins of the reco . : , . Pap. 666, Official letter from Hermias [? the strategus] to the émurrdrys of Pathyris and the other royal officials, notifying the appointment of Patseous, son of Pates, as oixovdjos of the village. Late 2nd or early 1st cent. B.c. 52 in. x gd in. Imperfect, only the beginning being preserved; in a good and rather large semi-cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 37] ; ; ; ; : 5 : 5 : Pap. 667. Sale by Tagos, daughter of Achilles, a Persian ris émvyovns, and Ammonius her brother, to Psenthotes, son of Celes, one of the ibis-buriers of Pathyris, of § of an aroura of island land in the lower toparchy of the Latopolite nome, for 23 talents of copper. Dated at Latopolis, in the office of the agoranomus Apollonius, the 25th Thoth in the thirty-second year of Ptolemy Euergetes II [ = B.c. 139-138]; with a long list of eponymous priesthoods at the beginning. The docket of the bank at Latopolis, certifying the payment of the tax on sales, is appended. 6 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. The first and last columns slightly mutilated. Written in a very neat and regular cursive hand of medium size. [G.P. 1. 15] : : : : 5 Pap. 668. _ Acknowledgement by Patous, son of Patous, that he has received an iron cone in pledge from his sister Tacmeis [c/ Papp. 654, 655], to be returned on demand, with a penalty of 1 talent 2000 drachmae (the value of the cone) in case of failure. Written by Druton, son of Pamphilus [cf Papp. 401, 607, 617], and dated the 9th Tubi in the thirty-fourth year [of Euergetes II, = 3.c. 137-136]. 6in. x 54 in. Perfect; in a thin cursive hand. [G.P. m. a : : . - Pap. 669. Acknowledgement of the repayment by Pmois, Psenthotes, and Psenenupis, sons of Psenthotes, to Petesuchus, son of Pasas, a Persian ris émvyovijs, of a loan of 120 artabas of barley, with interest. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Heliodorus, the 1st Pauni in the fifty-second year [of Euergetes II, = 3.c. 119-118]. 54 in. x 3 in. Imperfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand, rather faded. [G.P. u. ro ; : Pap. 670. Sale by Ones, son of Catusis, a Persian rijs éavyovyjs, to Ision (?), son of Pates, of 14 arouras of land in the plain of Crocodilopolis, Dated at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Heliodorus, the 21st Thouth in the fourth year of Cleopatra and Ptolemy Soter II [= 8.c. 114-113]. 6 in. x 14 in. Imperfect, wanting the third column, containing most of the body of the deed; in a medium- sized semi-cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 20] : ; ; ; ; Pap. 671. Loan by Psenimuthis, a priest of Monous, to Psenenuphis and Panobchunis, sons of Portis, Persians rijs érvyovijs, of two talents 2300 drachmas of copper, on the same terms as in Pap. 655. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Heliodorus, the 11th Choiach in the fifth year [ of Ptolemy Soter II, = 8.c. 113-112]. 94 in. x 42 in. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion throughout ; in a large semi-cursive hand. [G.P. u. 21] : ; 5 : : ; 5 Pap. 672. Acknowledgement of the repayment by Psenthotes, son of Nechutes, to Peadias, son of Phibis, of the share due from him of two loans of wheat incurred by his father Nechutes. - Dated at Pathyris in the office of the agoranomus Sosus, the 29th (or 24th?) of Epeiph in the seventh (?) year [of Ptolemy Soter IJ, = p.c. 111-110]. 6 in. x 42 in, Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand a?)\G. fut, 22 ks : ; : ; ; 5 : , ; Pap. 673. Acknowledgement by Chaeremon, son of Paniscus, a soldier in the mercenary cavalry quartered at Crocodilopolis, of the repayment to him by Paous, son of Horus, of his share of a loan contracted by his maternal grandfather, Patous, with interest. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the representative of the agoranomus Paniscus, the 5th Pharmouthi in the thirteenth year [of Cleopatra] and the tenth [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c. 105-104]. 1o2in. x 4 in. Perfect; in the same hand as Papp. 657-663. [G.P.1.31] . . : : : : : : : es PLATE. Ae "i ’ Me is TABLE OF PAPYRI éri i i Papp. 657-663 |, . 674. Loan from Paéris, son of Pasemis, to Petearsemtheus and his brothers [see Papp 57- ar frie. artabas of wheat and thirteen of barley for six months, without interest. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the 12th Athur in the sixteenth year {of Cleopatra] and the thirteenth [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.c. 102-101]. 124 in. x 3% in. Perfect; in the same hand as the preceding document. [G.P.u. 29] - A ; ; , F - ; - , Pap. 675. Sale by Petearsemtheus, son of Panobchunis, to Etpesuchus, son of Nechthanupis, and his brothers, of one aroura of corn-land in the territory of Pathyris, for two talents of copper. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the 17th Pharmouthi in the sixteenth year of Cleopatra and the thirteenth of Ptolemy Alexander [ = B.c. 102-101]; with a docket by Paniscus, royal banker at Crocodilopolis, certifying the payment, on the 30th Mesoré following, of the tax of 10 per cent. on sales, 6 in. x 13 in. Perfect; in the same hand as the preceding document, the docket in a thicker hand, much abbreviated. [G.P. m. 32] : Pap. 676. Sales by Nechutes, a Persian rijs érvyovjs, to Harsiésis, son of Schotus, priest of Suchus and Aphrodite, of some corn-land. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the 16th Phaophi in the fifteenth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice his sister [ = B.c. 100-99]. 9 in. x 54 in. Much mutilated; in the same hand as the preceding document : ; : ; . : - - Pap. 677. Grant by Psenenupis, son of Portis, a Persian, to Harsiésis, son of Schotus, a priest of Suchus and Aphrodite [cf preceding pap.], of the remaining four years of a ten years’ lease of corn-land held from the priests, for 2 talents 3300 drachmas of copper. Dated [at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias], the 19th Phaophi in the fifteenth year [of Ptolemy Alexander, = B.C. 100-99]. 5%in. x roZin. Nearly perfect ; in the same hand as the preceding document. [G25 0.33 |e 3 ; ; . : ‘ : é s : : : , Pap. 678. Sale by Petesuchus, son of Schotus, a priest of Suchus and Aphrodite, of corn-land, apparently in the neighbourhood of Crocodilopolis. The purchaser, Harsiésis (cf. Papp. 676, 677), ‘s another of the sons of Schotus, and a priest of the same gods. Dated at Crocodilopolis, in the office of the agoranomus for the upper toparchy of the Pathyrite nome, in the month Choiach in the sixteenth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice his sister [= .c. 99-98]. 63% in. x 5% in. Much mutilated; in a small cursive hand ; : : : : : : : Pap. 679. Sale by Nechutes, son of Schotus, a priest of Suchus and Aphrodite, and his brothers, to Pacoibis, son of Patous, of their share of a racroddptov within the precincts of the temple at Pathyris, for 3000 drachmas of copper. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, the 18th Tubi in the sixteenth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice his sister | = B.c. 99-98]; with docket by Pancrates, royal banker at Crocodilopolis, certifying the payment on the 30th Tubi of the tax of 10 per cent. on sales. Perfect; in the same hand as Pap. 677, the docket in a similar hand. [G.P. Il. 35] Pap. 680. Letter from Petesuchus, son of Panobchunis, to his brothers Petearsemtheus and Paganis [z.e. Phagonis] and others, on private affairs. Dated the 8th Pachon in the nineteenth year [of (oP Alexander, = B.c. 96-95]. 82 in. x 43 in. Perfect; in a straggling semi-cursive hand. G. Pu. 36| ; ‘ : : i : : : : : ; ; Pap. 681. Miscellaneous small fragments. Late znd cent. B.c. [Papp. 682-687 were presented by Dr. B. P. Grenfell, being fragments belonging to the same collection as Papp. 605-650. | Pap. 682. Fragmentof sale or lease of property in the Pathyrite nome. Dated at Pathyris [in the office of Hermias?] the representative of the agoranomus Paniscus, in the reign of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice [between B.c. ror and 98]. 44in. x 23in. Parts only of eight lines are preserved, in a rather small cursive hand . : : : : f : ‘ : Pap. 683. Fragments of a petition (?) from Paous, son of Nec[pheros?], apparently described as an orphan with a guardian (poordrys), to [Dio|nysius, érucraryns of the Pathyrite nome. Late 2nd cent. B.c. 42 in. X 23 in. and 24 in. x 24in. Portions of the beginning of the document and of the left-hand side are preserved. Written in a rather large cursive hand Pap. 684. Fragment of a deed of transfer of property, dated in Pha{ophi], Pha(menoth], or Pha[rmouthi J, in the thirty-fourth year [of Ptolemy Euergetes II, = B.c. 137-136]. 5 in. x 12 in., showing portions of upper and lower margins. Written in a small cursive hand : : 4 Papp. 685-687. Miscellaneous fragments of Ptolemaic papyri . Pap. 688. Fragments in tragic iambic verse, containing portions of twenty lines, probably from the Oeneus of Euripides (see Hibeh Papyrt, p. 21). Early 3rd cent. 8.c. Three fragments, the largest measuring 3 in. X 14 in. Written in small, neat uncials, ofa very early type. [G.P. u. 1 a, 4] III. d TEXT. 14 18 18 XXV PLATE, XXVi TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 689 (a). Homer’s Iliad, book viii, portions of ll. 249-253, with two additional lines between ll. 252 and 253, and ends of four lines in a preceding column, which cannot be identified with any extant passage. 3rd cent. B.c. 2in. x 4 in. Written in small, rather sloping uncials of very early type. [G. A. mia] : PAT eit Oey tee gk.” ante ae. (3) Homer’s Iliad, book iv, portions of Il. rog-113, without variation from the vulgate. 3rd cent. B.c. 13 in. x 25 in. Written in a medium-sized uncial hand. [G.P. 11. 3] : . Pap. 690. Fragments in tragic iambic verse, containing portions of fifty-three lines. 3rd cent.p.c. Six fragments, the largest measuring about 32 in. x 3in. Written in medium-sized uncials, rather thick. [G. P. u. 6 a and c] . : 5 s : : : ay SO lee . - : Pap. 691 (a). Fragment in tragic iambic verse, containing portions of twenty lines. 3rd cent. B.c. 5 in. X 1} in. Written in rather large and thick uncials. [G.P.1.64] . ; é (4) Fragment of a prose treatise. 3rd cent. B.c. 23 in. X 2in. Written in small, slightly cursive uncials - : . . Pap. 692. Fragment of a philosophical treatise. 3rd cent. p.c. 23 in. x 42 in. Written in very small uncials, and very faint. [G.P.u.7a@] . : : 5 : : : : Pap. 693. Fragments in lyric verse, containing portions of seven and nine lines respectively. 3rd cent. B.C. (?). 23in. x 3 in. and 32 in. x 21 in. Written in large uncials, with a somewhat cursive tendency. [G.P. u. 8 a] : ; : . : 5 : : 5 ; 5 ; Pap, 694. Fragments in comic iambic verse, containing portions of twelve and six lines respectively, 3rd cent. .c (?), 23 in. x 63 in, and 2 in. x gin. Written in large and rather cursive uncials. [G.P. u. 8 3] : : : 5 : : : . 5 . ; : : Pap. 695. (a) Fragment of a drama, probably a comedy, and possibly (cf Crusius in Iélanges Weil, pp. 81-go) the Geryfades of Aristophanes; with marginal scholia. Probably 3rd cent. 4% in. x 3% in., including a large lower margin. Written in sloping uncials of fair size, with one or two accents; the scholia in a small cursive hand of the middle or end of the 3rd cent. [Gs 72.ca1, xe] ee : ; : : : : : : (6) Xenophon, Memorabilia, bk. i, ch. 3, § 15, ch. 4, §§ 1-3; imperfect, only the ends of lines in one column and the beginnings of those in another being preserved. 3rd-4th cent. 47 in. X 34 in. Written in sloping uncials of fair size, similar to those of the preceding fragment. In the margin at the top is some alien writing in a semi-cursive hand of the 4th cent. [G.P.u.13] . Pap. 696. Fragments of an account, consisting of proper names followed by sums of money, but with nothing to indicate their purport. 2nd cent. B.c. Four fragments, measuring about 93 in. x 123 in., 9 in. X ro in., 9 in. x 7 in., and g in.x 64 in. Written in a small cursive hand : 5 ; Pap. 697. Private letter from Pasion to his father Nicon, with a request for the purchase of writing implements. Dated the 13th Pharmouthi in the ‘second and first year’ [perhaps of Berenice IV and Archelaus, = B.c. 56, cf Tebt. Pap. 202]. 9 in.x33 in. Slightly mutilated; written in a medium-sized cursive hand, much faded. [G.P. 1.38] . 5 3 : : 5 Pap. 698. A series of receipts from Psammetichus to Pasion and Semtheus, brewers (fvromowo/), for the tax due each month of the second year of an unnamed king [perhaps Ptolemy Auletes, = 8.c. 80-79]. The tax amounts in each case to five talents of copper. 9 in.x1 ft. 5% in. Considerably mutilated ; written in a rather small cursive hand. [G.P. u. 39] : Pap. 699. Description of two persons, apparently inhabitants of Socnopaei Nesus. There is no indication of the purpose of the document, which seems to be complete. Dated the 18th Peritius [= 18th Choiach] in the thirty-ninth year of the rule of Caesar (rfjs Kaicapos xparnoews Oeod viod) [= 14 December, a.p. 9]. The document has been cancelled by lines drawn across it. 4% in.X5 in. Slightly defaced; in a medium-sized cursive hand. [G.P.1. 40] . Pap. 700. Order from Pyrrhus, the official in charge of the distribution of land to xdrovxor, to the ovvraxtixds (or Official in charge of the distribution in a nome, or division of a nome), whose name is lost, with reference to apportionments to certain individuals. Dated the 17th Neos Sebastus [= Athur] in the sixth year of the emperor Domitianus Augustus Germanicus [= 13 Nov., a.p. 86]. 53 in.x 7 in. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand side to a considerable extent; written in a large, irregular, cursive hand. [G.P. m. 42]. Pap. 701. Copy of certificate of the payment by Tesenuphis, dpyépodos and yyovpevos yepdiwv for the village of Socnopaei Nesus, to Hatres, son of Isas, a P¥Aaé of Arsinoe, of his wages for the months of Pachon and Pauni [= May and June], to the amount of eighty drachmas of silver. Dated the 15th Sotereius [= Pauni] in the eleventh year of the emperor Domitianus Augustus Germanicus [= 9 June, a.p. 92]. roin.x3}in. Perfect; in a thin cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 43] . . TEXT. PLATE. TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 702. Fragment of an account, with amounts in drachmas. On the verso, in the same hand, is a portion of a diary, recording the movements of various persons, perhaps labourers. 2nd cent. 4% in. x 3} in. Written in a small square uncial hand . ; ; : ; - , Pap. 703. Application by Didymus, son of Heron, and his wife Isis, residents in Arsinoe, for the érixpuots of their son Anubas, he having reached the age of fourteen ; with references to the various kat’ oikiay droypadai in which their names have appeared. The application is signed, as approved, by Apollonius, formerly ééyyyrjs and gymnasiarch, with date the 24th Hadrianus [= Choiach } in the fifth year of Antoninus Caesar [= 20 Dec. a.p. 141]. 63 in. x 53in. Imperfect, a few lines being lost at the top; written in a rather strongly marked cursive hand. te. FP, 151 40): ‘ - Pap. 704. Certificate of the payment to Theon(?) and Demetrius, contractors for the tax on shearing and xe.pwvagia, by Polion, son of Paouetis (?), a weaver of Socnopaei Nesus, of twenty drachmas in respect of the tax for the current year. Dated the gth Choiach in the second year of Gaius Pescennius Niger Justus Augustus [= 5 Dec. a.p. 193]. 2in. x 34 in. Imperfect, a second entry having apparently followed; in a very small cursive hand. [G.P. u. 60] - Pap. 705. Affidavit addressed to Crenoleius Quintilianus, centurion, by Demetrius, son of Satyrus, a resident in Arsinoe, by which the latter becomes surety for the appearance, when required, of Pasis, son of Apollonius. Dated in Pharmouthi of the nineteenth year of Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and Publius Septimius Geta, Britannici Maximi Pii Augusti [=April, a.p. 211]. gin. x 5 in. Perfect; written in a very careful semi-cursive hand of good size, the date in a small cursive hand. /V.2.—At this date Severus had been dead for two months. [G.P. u. 62] : z : Pap. 706. Order, addressed to the dpyépodos of the village of Philadelphia, to send up two zpdxropes ouruév against whom complaint had been made. znd—g3rd cent. 2din. x 84in. Perfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 66] E : : ‘ Pap. 707. Contract for the hire by Aurelius Asclas, son of Philadelphus, president of the village council of Bacchias, from Aurelius Theon, keeper of singing girls (xpovoynris aiAntpidwy ?), of two dancing girls, at the rate of thirty-six drachmas per day, three artabas of wheat, and fifteen pair of youa. Dated in Epeiph of the third year of the emperor Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus Pius Felix Augustus Germanicus Maximus Dacicus Maximus Sarmaticus Maximus and Gaius Julius Verus Maximus Germanicus Maximus Dacicus Maximus Sarmaticus Maximus Sanctissimus Caesar, filius Augusti [= July, a.p. 237]. 82in. x 34in. Nearly perfect ; in a rough cursive hand. [Gaia tr67 |mere ; : : : : é ; : d : : : ; ; Pap. 708. Grant by Aurelius Petosiris, son of Petosiris, undertaker (vexporddos) of the city of Hibis, to Aurelius Petechon, son of Tmarsis, of the village of Cusis, of one-fourth of his business as undertaker. Dated the 25th Choiach in the fifth year of the emperors Marci Julii Philippi Pii Felices Augusti [= 21 Dec. a.p. 247]. 73 in. x 63 in. Perfect; in a rather rough semi-cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 68] . : F ; ; : Pap. 709. Receipt, given by Petechon, son of Polydeuces, a freedman of Cusis, to Aurelia Senosiris, daughter of Isidora, also of Cusis, for the repayment of a loan of rooo drachmas, with interest, which had been borrowed from his late father. Dated the roth Phaophi in the thirteenth year of Valerianus and Gallienus, Augusti [= 7 Oct. a.p. 265]. Sin. x 42 in. Nearly perfect; written in a small, rather thick, cursive hand. [G. P. n. 69] . : : 5 : ‘ : : Pap. 710. Re-affirmation of the contract contained in Pap. 708, dated in Mesoré of the third year of the emperor ee Valerius | Diocletianus] and the second year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius [Maximianus], Pii Felices Augusti [= August, a.p. 287]. 6Lin. x 6}in. Nearly perfect; in a small cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 70] ; ‘ : : i : ; : : rw £ Pap. 711. Notification by Petosiris, son of Petechon, and Petechon’s half-brother, vexporddox of Hibis, that they have authorized Aurelius Marianus of Cusis to deposit publicly with the dpyiSixacrs at Alexandria a grant (xdpus, apparently equivalent to a will) made to them by their father of all his property, with provisions in favour of their sisters and other persons. Dated in the reign of the emperors [Marci Julii Philippi [ Pii Felices Augusti]; the year is lost, but the original grant which is the subject of the notification is dated the 12th Thoth in the second year [oth Sept. a.p. 244] and the notification itself must be between 244 and 249. yin. x 15 in. Two columns, of which the first is considerably mutilated; in a small cursive hand. [Goes 1s 75 ae Pap. 712. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Souris, son of Petechon, of the village of Cusis in the Hibite nome, of a loan of two talents, received from Aurelius Psentphthous, eEwrvdirns, of Diospolis. Dated the 13th February in a consulship (the figure is lost) of the emperors Diocletianus, safer eerie and Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus |= a.p. 308, cf Mommsen Hermes XXXL. 544]. ro in. X 53 in. Nearl ei ive: ba : : ree. 54 vies 58 u oe Bore ; a a oy fengh cursive hand on dark papyrus. d2 TEXT. XXVii PLATE. XXVIil TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 713. Letter from Psenosiris, zpecBvrepos, to Apollo, mpexBirepos (both being Christians), informing him of the arrival of a certain woman, whom he had committed to the charge of the undertakers until her son should arrive. Cf A. Deissmann, Zhe Epistle of Psenosiris (London, 1902). Late 3rd or early 4th cent. 81 in. x 33 in. Nearly perfect; in a rather rough semi- cursive hand. [G.P. u. 73] : j : : . ; Pap. 714. Sale by Aurelius Heron, son of Castor, a cavalry soldier of the promoft secundt in the legion 1 Trajana, quartered at Tentyra, to Aurelius Apianus, son of Catus (?), é£wavdirys, of the village of Cusis in the Hibite nome, of a female camel for nine talents of silver. Dated the 30th Pharmouthi in the eighteenth year of Diocletianus, the seventeenth of Maximianus, Augusti, and the tenth of Constantius and Maximianus, Caesares [= 27 April, a.p. 302]. 84 in. x 63 in. Somewhat mutilated; in a rather small cursive hand. [G.P. u. 74] : Pap. 715. Receipt from Tapaous, daughter of Piaous, vexpordy of Motheitopolis, to Casianus, son of Casianus, vexpordpos of the rorapyia of Cusis, for twenty talents of silver as remuneration for her services as nurse. Dated the 6th January in the tenth consulship of Diocletianus, ‘ paser Augustorum, and Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus [= a.p. 308, o£ Mommsen, Hermes, xxxii. 544]. rodin. x 5 in. Somewhat mutilated; in a rather rough cursive hand. [G.P. u. 75] Pap. 716. Contract of divorce by mutual consent between Soul and Senpsais, daughter of Psais, vexpotdgo. from the romapxfa of Cusis, with acknowledgement of mutual restoration of gifts and dowry. Dated in the fourteenth year of Constantius and Maximianus, Augusti, and the second [of Maximinus and Severus, Caesares, = a.D. 305-306]. 6 in. x 43in. Imperfect at the end; in a rather rough cursive hand, [G.P. u. 76] ; 5 5 ; Pap. 717. Letter from Melas to Sarapion and Silvanus, brothers, complaining that he has paid them for removing his brother’s body, and that they have only removed his effects; he consequently demands repayment of the amounts paid to them, of which a schedule is appended. Early 4th cent. g in. x 42 in. Nearly perfect; in a small cursive hand. [G.P.u. 77] ; : A Pap. 718. Petition addressed to Satrius Arrianus, prefect of Egypt, by Syrus, son of Petechon, ééwrvdérns, of the toparchy of Cusis, complaining of the abduction of his wife and children, on a false assertion that they were slaves, by Tates, daughter of Ammonius, and her husband. Dated in Phamenoth of the fifteenth year of Maximianus Augustus, the third of Severus Augustus and Maximinus Caesar, and the second of Constantius Caesar [= March, a.p. 307]. 10 in. x 5 in. Considerably mutilated; in a rather small cursive hand. [G.P. u. 78] : : . : Pap. 719. Receipt from Aurelius Victor, son of Severus, and Aurelius Colluthus, son of Mesoueris, of Antinoopolis, members of the crew of the prefect’s galley commanded by Apion, apxixvBepvirys, to Aurelius Senuthes, son of Victor, of Hermopolis, resident in Panopolis, rower in the said galley, for the wages of a substitute during the past indiction-year. Dated the 2rst Mesoré in the year after the consulship of Flavius Vincentius and Flavius Fravitta [= 14 August, a.p. 402], ro#in. x 61in. Perfect; in a large cursive hand, on much stained papyrus. [G.P. u. 80] Pap. 720. Similar receipt, between the same parties, for the following year (the first indiction-year, then just past). Dated the 1st Pauni in the year after the consulship of the emperors Arcadius and Honorius [26 May, a.p. 403]. 10g in. x 63 in. Mutilated; in a large cursive hand, on much stained papyrus. [G. P. u. 81] 5 5 Pap. 721. Similar receipt, from Aurelius Apion, son of Paésius, of Antinoopolis, pilot of the prefect’s galley, to Aurelius Senuthes, for the following year (the second indiction-year, then current). Dated the 29th Phaophi.in the consulship of the emperor Theodosius and Rumoridus [= 26 Oct., A.D. 403]. ridin. x 7} in. Nearly perfect; in a large cursive hand, considerably faded, upon stained papyrus. [G.P. u. 81 (2)] 5 : : : : Pap. 722. Letter from Victor, son of Colluthus, serving in the prefect’s galley, to Victor, Maximus, another Victor, and Theonas, complaining that they have compelled Senuthes [see three preceding papyri] to serve a Aeroupyia to which he is not liable, in place of serving in the galley, to which he is liable, like his father and grandfather; and threatening unpleasant consequences if they do not release him. Curc. a-D. 400, probably earlier than the preceding documents. 10% in. x 7% in. Nearly perfect; in a large cursive hand upon stained papyrus. [G.P. u. 82] ‘ Pap. 723. Fragment of a receipt. Early 5th cent. 10 in. x 31 in. Much damaged; written in a large cursive hand upon stained papyrus 3 : 3 ; ; : ; : : Pap. 724, Fragment of a contract or receipt, given by Aurelia Mannous, daughter of Pousi, of Arsinoe ; dated at Arsinoe the 27th Pauni in the year after the consulship of Flavius Belisarius [== 218) ane, A.D. 535] 23 in. x 44 in. Only the beginning is preserved, the date in a rather rough cursive, the document in a neat, upright cursive hand. [G.P. u. 85] TEXT. PLATE. So TABLE OF PAPYRI wledgement from Aurelius Phoebammon son of John, a labourer in the hamlet of Bobi ao ae i the Paths nome, to Cyrus, son of Victor, an elder and hempdealer of Hermo- polis, of a loan of 64 artabas of wheat. Dated the 19th Choiach in the fourteenth year of the emperor Flavius Mauricius Tiberius [= 15 Dec., a.p. 595]. 5 in.x 44 in. Imperfect, the end being lost ; in a small, sloping cursive hand. [G.P. m. 86]. Z ; ; . : ; ? . Pap. 726. Acknowledgement from Aurelius John, son of Paul, of the village of Philoxenus in the Arsinoite nome, to John, the keeper of a storehouse, of a loan, the details of which are lost through a the mutilation of the papyrus. Dated at Arsinoe, the 24th Choiach in the twenty-first year of the ; emperor Flavius Mauricius Tiberius [= 20 Dec., A.p. 602]. 5 in. x 3% in. Imperfect, the end ‘¢ being lost; in a sloping cursive hand. [G.P.u. 88] . - ; : ; 3 - - - Pap. 727. Account of various payments of wheat, made in the second indiction by Phoebammon, son of Abraham, apparently from land belonging to the village of Macron (in the Fayum). 7th cent. (?) gin. x gin. Perfect; in a small, much abbreviated hand. [G.P. 1. 104] . ; : - 4 Pap. 728. Receipt from Aurelius Cosmas (apparently an elder), son of John, of Arsinoe, to Victor, deputy of the dux Joseph, for a payment, the details of which are lost. Dated at Arsinoe, the 2nd Mesoré in the 399th year of the era of Diocletian [= 26 July, a.p. 682]. 134 in. x 4 in. Mutilated ; in a small, sloping, cursive hand. [G.P. m. 100] , : ; : A ‘ Pap. 729. Festal letter from a patriarch of Alexandria to his clergy, fixing the date of Easter for the current year as April 25. The only years, within the limits required by the palaeography of the MS., in which Easter fell on this day are a.p. 577 and 672; and as there was no orthodox patriarch of Alexandria at the latter date, the former is most probable. 82 in. x 13 in. Imperfect, only the conclusion (twenty-two lines) being preserved ; in a large, handsome, uncial hand. [G. P. m. 112.] Facsimile in ew Palacographical Society, part 3, pl. 48 - . : - : Pap. 730. Fragment of a letter, in Za#n; the subject is uncertain. Dated at Fulvini, on the nones of October in the consulship of the emperor Verus (for the third time) and Umidius Quadratus [= 7 Oct. a.p. 167], 81 in. x gi in. Only the conclusion is preserved, written with many errors in a rather large, thin, cursive hand. [G.P. 1. 108] . Pap. 731. Fragment of a receipt, in Zatim, for certain expenses connected with some eguzfes promott ; dated in the fifth consulship of Diocletianus and the fourth of Maximianus [= a.p. 293]. 43 in. x 5% in. Imperfect, wanting the beginning and the left-hand portion; written in a small cursive hand, rather faded. [G.P.u. 110] . : ; : A : : : : ete Pap. 732. Homer’s Iliad, books xiii and xiv. The following lines are preserved, either in whole or in part: xiii. 1-10, 38-50, 73-87, 149-437, 456-053, 658-674, 740-747; xiv. 120-293, 322-394, 397-522. Late rst cent. (?). The MS. originally consisted of thirty-six columns, measuring about five inches in width (including margin), of which thirty are represented in its present state. The original length of the roll must have been about fifteen feet, and its height 83 inches. It is carefully written in a square, firm, uncial hand of medium size. Edited by A. S. Hunt, Journal of Philology, xxvi. 25-59 (1898). Specimen facsimile in Kenyon, Palaeography of Greek Papyri, pl. xix , : ; : : : : : : : ; : : : : : : Pap. 733. The Odes of Bacchylides ; the unique MS. Twenty odes are represented, of which seven (containing 583 lines) are perfect or admit of approximately certain restoration ; of eight substantial portions are preserved; and five are-mere fragments. Fourteen odes are epinikian, three of them relating to victories also celebrated by Pindar; six are Hymns, Paeans, or Dithyrambs. The MS. contains thirty-nine columns, complete or imperfect, the number of lines in each varying from thirty- two to thirty-six, besides detached fragments; and it is written in a good-sized uncial hand, clear and handsome. Probably rst cent. .c., with corrections and titles added in a small cursive hand of the end of the Ist or the 2nd cent. In three portions, 9 ft., 2 ft. 3 in., and 3 ft. 6 in., with a greatest height of 93 in. Edited by F. G. Kenyon (1897), with facsimile of the whole MS, in a separate atlas ; subsequent editions by Blass, Jurenka, Festa, Jebb, &c. 2 : ; : : : Pap. 734. Recio. Small fragments of a land-register. 2nd cent. Written in a very small cursive hand, with abbreviations and symbols . . Verso. Literary fragments, apparently of a philosophical treatise. 2nd cent. Written in a small, semi- cursive hand : : : : Pap. 735. Small fragments of miscellaneous document i pee ure ; | s. 3 ie Six fragments, the largest TEXT. XXiX PLATE. XXX TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 736. Homer's Iliad, book viii; fragments of four columns, containing portions of lines 1-22 (line 6 being omitted), 49-52, 63-65, 95, 98-109, 111-120, 128-135, 139-144, 150-163, 173-192 (line 183 being omitted). The four columns originally contained respectively ll. 1-48, 49-94, 95- 144, 145-192. Written on the verso of the papyrus, the recto containing scanty remains of accounts and other writing. 2nd or 3rd cent. The original height of the papyrus was 12 or 124 inches, Written in a rather rough semi-cursive hand : : ; , : 4 5; Pap. 737. Table of addition, endorsed with names of Hermias, Anubas, Sarapion, and (in another hand) Maximianus. rd cent. (?) 51 in. x 6% in. Imperfect ; in a rather rough uncial hand Pap. 738. Fragments in a large, thin, uncial hand, of uncertain character. 1st or 2nd cent. Sixteen fragments, all small : . ; ; [Papp. 739-834 were presented by the Egypt Exploration Fund in 1900. Papp. 739-814 were discovered at Oxyrhynchus by Messrs. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, and are published or described by them in Zhe Oxyrhynchus Papyrt, parts I and II (Egypt Exploration Fund, Graeco- Roman Branch, 1898, 1899). Papp. 815-834 were discovered in the Fayfim by the same gentlemen, with Mr. D. G. Hogarth, and are published or described in Faydm Towns and their Papyrt (ib., 1900). The numbers attached to the several papyri in these publications are appended to the following descriptions. ] : 3 : : : : . 5 : ; 5 : Pap. 739. Sappho, portion of an ode, evidently addressed to her brother Charaxus. One column, containing five Sapphic stanzas, is preserved, but the beginning of every line (about three syllables) is lost, and the last two stanzas are much mutilated. 3rd cent.; in a sloping uncial hand of medium size. A digamma is written in 1. 6, and there are some accents, marks of quantity and elision, and punctuation. 8 in. x 33 in., with wide margin at bottom. [O. P. 7, with facsimile and restoration by Professor Blass] . ; 5 : , ; Pap. 740. Fragment of a New Comedy; two columns of twenty-five lines each, mutilated, the beginnings of lines being lost from the first column, and the ends from the second. 1st cent.; in a thin, square uncial hand of fair size. Changes of speakers are marked by a colon; marks of elision and punctuation are employed. 7 in. x 7 in. [Orn Pap. 741. Herodotus, book i, cc. 105 (év Kérpw)—106 (ind re UBpws), imperfect; part of a single column (2 in. wide). 2nd cent.(?); in a firm, square, and rather thick uncial hand. The paragraphus is employed to indicate the ends of sentences, with punctuation in the text. 73 in. X 3% in., with a very wide margin at the bottom. [OeFs18)) Pap. 742. Homer, J/ad, book ii, portions of Il. 739-736, 745-754, 769-810, 815-828, with an additional line after 1. 798. 2nd cent.; in a fine, large, uncial hand, similar to that of the Hawara papyrus of the same book and the Ambrosian Jad. Twelve fragments. [O.P. 20, with partial facsimile | . ; ; : . 5 : ; ; A ; ; ; ; : On the verso are accounts, in a cursive hand of the late 2nd or early 3rd cent. Pap. 748. Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, ll. 375-385, 429-441, imperfect; the upper portion of a leaf of a papyrus codex, the text on the verso preceding that on the recto. Each page, when complete, must have contained fifty-four lines, and have measured about 12 in. by 5 in. (about the same dimensions as Pap. 126 of the Ziad and Pap. 46 of magical formulae). 4th cent. (?); written with reddish-brown ink in a small uncial hand, with accents, breathings, and marks of elision, quantity, and punctuation. Changes of speaker are indicated by paragrapht. Some corrections have been made by a second hand. The first page bears the number pi[.], in a later hand. If this is a leaf- numeration, it implies a volume large enough to hold the seven extant plays of Sophocles, with the Oed. Tyr. last, which is improbable; if it is a page-numeration, the four non-Theban plays may have preceded the three Theban plays. 34 in. x 4 in. (OP 72’) ; A 5 5 : Pap. 744. Demosthenes, Mpootpyia Anunyopixd, §§ 26-29, imperfect ; the upper halves of seven columns ofaroll. rst cent.(?); in a rather small and somewhat sloping hand, apparently descended from that found in Pap. 733 of Bacchylides, with modifications in several of the characteristic letters. On the verso are accounts, of the 2nd cent. 42 in. x 1 ft. 83 in., with an additional piece, containing accounts only, 23 in. x 8 in. [O.P. 26, with partial facsimile] . : ; Pap. 745. Fragment of a Lavin historical work, on vellum, containing portions of ten lines on each side. The names Antiochus (or Antiochia), Philippus, and Phrygia occur in it. 4th cent. (?); in a medium-sized rustic half-uncial. Accents are placed over the long syllables by a second hand. 3g in. x 2in. [O.P. 30, with facsimile of recto] ete ie oe ory 6 ct TEXT. PLATE. TABLE OF PAPYRI i i i hild, copied be . Record of a law-suit between Pesouris and Saraeus for the possession of a child, es rhe: the “official journal (émopvynpaticpot) of the strategus, Tiberius Claudius Pasion, whose judgement was for the defendant, on the ground that the child resembled her. Dated the 3rd Pharmouthi in the ninth year of the emperor Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= 29 March, a.p. 49]- Nearly perfect ; written in two columns in a fine semi-cursive hand of good size. 1 ft.x 1 ft.4in. [0.P. 37] - ° - , : 4 m . Proclamation by Dioscurides, Aoywrrys of the Oxyrhynchite nome, that the gymnastic OSes of the youths vil take place anal following day. Dated the 23rd Tubi in the sixth consulship of the emperor Licinius Augustus and the second of Licinius Caesar, rots azrodetxOnoopevors imdrows [presumably the Caesars Crispus and Constantinus] 76 7 [= 18 Jan., a.p. 323]. Nearly perfect; in a large, thin cursive hand, the date smaller and more cursive than the body of the document. At the foot are three lines of tachygraphic characters. 11in. x 8in. [O.P. 42] Pap. 748, Recto. Accounts of supplies of bran, &c., issued as fodder for the troops; with copies of the receipts of the officers to whom they were issued. Dated the 22nd Mecheir in the eleventh and tenth year of the emperors Diocletianus and Maximianus, Augusti, and the second year of Constantius and Maximianus, Illustrissimi Caesares Augusti [= 16 Feb., a.p. a Imperfect at the beginning, and somewhat mutilated ; in a rather large, sloping, cursive hand. [0O. P. 43] Verso. List of police stationed in the various streets and buildings of Oxyrhynchus. Early 4th cent. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. 93 in. x 2 ft. 113 in. [O.P. 43 verso] Pap. 749. Letter from Paniscus, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, to Asclepiades, Bacidtxos ypapparevs of the same, with regard to the difficulty of finding persons to undertake the farming of taxes, and reporting the instructions of the Prefect on the subject. Late 1st cent. Imperfect, the end being lost; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 63 in. x 53 in. [O.P. 44] J : Pap. 750. Notification from Achilleus, agent of Pyrrhus, the superintendent of xaraAoyurpoé in Egypt, to the dyopavéuo1, of the transfer of part of a xAjpos from Didymus, also named Amoetas, son of Chaereis, to Teos, son of Petarbebis, priest of Thoéris, Isis, Serapis, and the gods who share their temple. Late rst cent. Imperfect, the end being lost; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 5g in. x 2gin. [O.P. 47] : . : : ; : : : é ; 2 - Pap. 751. Report, addressed to Valerius Ammonianus, also named Gerontius, Aoywrjs of the Oxyrhynchite nome, by Aurelius Irenaeus, son of Apelles, president of the guild of carpenters in the city of Oxyrhynchus, on the condition of a persea tree, on which the guild had been instructed to report, and which he states to be quite dead. Dated the 30th Mecheir in the consulship of Caecinius Sabinus and Vettius [Rufinus, = 24 Feb., a.p. 316]. Nearly perfect; in a rather large and thin cursive hand. g$in. x 1oin. [0.P. 53] : : : : : F : Pap. 752. Letter from [SJervaeus Africanus, [epistrategus], to the strategi of the Heptanomis, condemning the number of officials employed in connexion with the Treasury estates. Dated the 16th Thoth in the fifth year [of Diocletianus] and the fourth [of Maximianus, = 13 Sept., a. p. 288]. Perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 83in. x gin. [O.P. 58]. : : : ; : Pap. 753. Notification from the Council of Oxyrhynchus, through their president Aurelius Apollo, also named Dionysius, to the strategus of the nome, Aurelius Apollonius, through his deputy Aurelius Asclepiades, that they have appointed a substitute to attend the Prefect’s court, in place of Theodorus, who has claimed exemption on the ground that he is a victor in the games. Dated the 16th Mecheir in the eighth year of Diocletianus and the seventh of Maximianus, Augusti [= 10 Feb., a.p. 292]. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 9 in. x 6 in. [O. Peso] : ; 3 Pap. 754. (a) Letter from Aurelius Ptolemaeus, son of Horion, of Oxyrhynchus, to Aurelius Aétius, ex-magistrate of the same city, informing him that he had petitioned the Prefect to appoint him (Aétius) judge in an action for illegal encroachment which the writer is bringing against Pataésis and Panechotes, of the village of Lilé; and enclosing copies of (1) the order of the Prefect, Flavius Antonius Theodorus, to examine the case, and (2) the writer's original petition to the Prefect. Dated the 2nd Pharmouthi in the consulship of Flavius Ursus and Flavius Polemius [= 28 March, A.D. 338]. At the bottom is a note by the defendants that they have seen this document on the Cent Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 10 in. x) 2. ft. ad ‘in. bt (Al é : é j : (2) Duplicate of the same, without the note by the defendants. The right-hand portion much mutilated. g% in. x 1 ft. 4 in. , : : : : : : : : ‘ é : : Pap. 755. Recto. Two petitions (with small fragments of a third) addressed to Clodius Culcianus, Prefect of Egypt: the first by Aurelius Demetrius, son of Neilus, ex-high-priest of Arsinoe, asking for help to recover a sum of money lent by him to Aurelius Sotas; and the second from Aurelia Gl » 4 widow, complaining that she has been defrauded by her stewards, Secundus and TExtT. XxXxi PLATE. XXX TABLE OF PAPYRI Tyrannus. The first petition is dated the 4th Phamenoth in the nineteenth year [of Diocletianus] and the eighteenth [of Maximianus] and the eleventh [of Constantius and Galerius, = 28 Feb., a.p. 303 |: The first petition is perfect, the second somewhat mutilated; both are written in cursive hands, the first squarer and firmer than the second. g3in. x 1 ft.roin. [0.P. WTB Verso. List of buildings, with a statement of the number of columns (orddor) standing (éordres) or fallen (yal xe(yevor), giving their dimensions and mentioning their capitals (xepadédes) and bases (oxipat), and whether they are of local or imported stone. Some of the columns are described as fluted (gverpwroé). Three columns are preserved, with a small portion of another; but neither the beginning nor the end of the document remains. 4th cent. Written in a cursive hand, much abbreviated ° Pap. 756. Recto. Notification addressed to Julius, kwpoypappareds of the village of Sesphtha, by Cephalas, son of Leontas, of the death of his son Panechotes, in the month Athur of the current year. The writer makes oath of the truth of his statement by the emperor Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus, A.D. 181-192. The concluding line or lines are lost ; written in a small cursive hand. 52 in. x 2Zin. [0.P. 79] Verso. Exhortation to noble living, apparently put into the mouth of Alexander on the eve of a battle. 2nd-3rd cent. Complete but somewhat rubbed; written in a rough cursive hand, with several corrections. [O.P.2.] . . : ; : 4 ; Pap. 757. Oath of office taken by Aurelius Apion, son of Dionysius, of Oxyrhynchus, to Aurelius Dius, also called Pertinax, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, on entering on the office of secretary to the apdxropes dpyupixav for the second year of Marcus Julius Philippus Caesar [a. D. 244-245 |. Imperfect, the end being lost ; in a small cursive hand. 31in. x agin. [O.P. 81 3 : On the verso is a short money-account for part of the month Epeiph, in a rough semi-uncial hand. 3rd cent. Pap. 758. Oath of office taken by a strategus that he will do his duty without fear or favour, and appointing a surety for his good behaviour. grd cent. Imperfect, both beginning and end being lost; in a small cursive hand. 24 in. x 28in. [0.P. 82] . : Pap. 759. Acknowledgement addressed to Valerius Ammonianus, also named Gerontius, Aoywerys of the Oxyrhynchite nome, by the guild of iron-workers of Oxyrhynchus, through their monthly president, Aurelius Severus, of the receipt through the state bank of six talents in payment for roo pounds of iron supplied for the, public service. Dated the sth Athur in the consulship of Caecinius Sabinus and Vettius Rufinus [= 1 Nov., a.p. 316]. Nearly perfect; in a rough cursive hand, with rougher subscription. 10 in. X 5 in. VOS P84] 2 : Pap. 760. Declarations addressed to Flavius Eusebius, Xoywor7s of the Oxyrhynchite nome, from the guilds of (1) copper-solderers, (2) bakers, (3) beer-sellers, (4) oil-sellers, (5) bee-keepers, stating upon oath the quantity of their goods in stock at the end of the month. Each declaration is subscribed by the president or representative of the guild. Slight remains of another declaration, preceding these five, are preserved. Dated the 30th Athur in the consulship of Ursus and Polemius [26 Nov., a.p. 338]. Imperfect, the terminations of the fourth and fifth declarations being lost ; the declarations in a small cursive hand, the subscriptions in various hands. ‘Two fragments, gi in. x 82 in, and 4 in. x 4g in. [O.P. 85] : Pap. 761. Certificate of payment by Clarus, son of Didymus, of eight artabas and four choenices of corn into the public storehouse on account of the harvest of the past nineteenth year of the Aurelii, Antoninus and Commodus, Caesares [= a.p. 178-179], in a particular locality. [a.p. 179-180. | Nearly perfect ; in a small cursive hand, with many abbreviations. 42 in. x 3$in. [O.P. go| Pap. 762. Order from Eutrygius to Dioscorus, his assistant, to pay two artabas of corn to Gorgonius, player on the hydraulic organ. Dated the 21st Tubi in the thirty-eighth and seventh years [sc. of two eras, beginning with 1 Thoth, a.p. 324 and 355 respectively, found in use at Oxyrhynchus, = 16 Jan., a.p. 362]. Perfect ; in a very rough cursive hand. 2iin. x 64in. [O.P. 93]. Pap. 763. Agreement whereby Marcus Antonius Ptolemaeus, son of Sergias Ptolemaeus, appoints Dionysius the elder, son of Theon, of Oxyrhynchus, as his agent for the sale of two slaves. Dated at Oxyrhynchus, the 28th Phaophi in the third year of the emperor Domitianus Augustus [= 25 Oct., A.D. 83]. Perfect; written in a small, very neat, semi-uncial hand. 1 ft. 24 in. x 4% in., the greater part being blank. [0.P. 94]. ‘ : P 4 Pap. 764. Acknowledgement by Chaeremon, son of Theon, of Oxyrhynchus, that he has received from Archias, son of Amoetas, a freedman, the sum of 168 drachmas, completing the repayment of a loan of 700 drachmas lent four years before. Written in a.p. 141-142, reference being made to the year just past as the fourth of Antoninus Caesar. Imperfect, the end being lost ; in a rather thick and small semi-cursive hand. 42% in. x 3Zin. [O.P. 98] . : : TEXT. . 2e2l PLATE. 65 = pn TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 765. Deed of sale of half a house in Oxyrhynchus, purchased by Tryphon, son of Dionysius, from his mother’s cousin Pnepheros, son of Papontos, for thirty-two talents of copper ; with certificate of the payment of the tax on sales (rd éy«vxAwv). Dated the 6th Audnaeus or Sebastus [= Thoth] in the second year of the emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus | = 3 Sept., a.p. 55]: Perfect except for a few letters at the right-hand end; written in a large and strongly-marked cursive hand. 1 ft.52in.x otin. [O.P.99] . ; : : : 7 . ; : . Pap. 766. Lease by Aurelius Dioscorus of Oxyrhynchus from Aurelia Antiochia, also named Dionysia, daughter of Aurelius Antiochus, also named Dionysius, ex-archon of Alexandria, of nine arouras of land for the current year, at a rent of 1 talent 3500 drachmas per aroura. Dated the 16th Phaophi in the sixth consulship of the emperors Constantius and Maximianus, and the fifteenth year of Constantius and Maximianus, Augusti, and the third of Severus and Maximinus, Caesares [= 13 Oct., a.p. 306; in reality nearly three months after the death of Constantius in Gaul]. Perfect; in a small and well-written cursive hand. 1oin. x 54 in. [O.P. 102] . Pap. 767. Lease by Aurelius Leonidas, son of Theon, and Aurelius Dioscorus, son of Ammonius, both of Oxyrhynchus, from Aurelius Themistocles, also named Dioscurides, gymnasiarch and presiding councillor of Oxyrhynchus, of an aroura of land for the current year, for the cultivation of flax; the produce to be equally divided between landlord and tenants. Dated the 16th Phaophi in the consulship of Caecinius Sabinus and Vettius Rufinus [= 13 Oct. a.p. 316]. Nearly perfect; in a fair-sized cursive hand, 1ojZin. x 6Zin. [O.P.103] . . - - - . P 2 Pap. 768. Letter from Gaianus to his ‘brother’ Agenor, a prefect (érapyxos), apologizing for not having been able as yet to catch the wild beasts for which he had asked, for want of more soldiers for the purpose. 4th cent. Somewhat mutilated; in a large, thin, cursive hand of Roman type. (oz in. x 7 inn |... Patz | : é : Pap. 769. Acknowledgement by Asclas, a boatman, of the receipt from Pamuthius, steward of Leon, of 1485% artabas of wheat, pérpov xayxeAXov, on account of the éuodx for the thirteenth indiction- year, and 11 solidi 3 carats of the Alexandrian standard for carriage to Alexandria. Dated the rgth Athur in the 211th and 180th year [= 15 Nov., a.p. 534; o& Pap. 762]. Perfect; badly written in a large, rough, cursive hand, 113 in, x ghin. [O.P. 142 | é - : : : Pap. 770. Three receipts, written on one sheet of papyrus, for sums of money paid by Pamuthius, steward of Leon, on account of money taxes paid in the months of Tubi, Phamenoth, and Mesore; signed by the banker Philoxenus. Dated respectively the 15th Tubi, the 16th Phamenoth, and the roth Mesoré, in the 211th and 18oth year [= 10 Jan., 12 March, and 3 Aug,, a.p. 535 |- Perfect ; in a rather small cursive hand. 122 in. x og in. [O.?.'143) Bi - : Pap. 771. Anonymous letter to Apollonius, son of Zoilus, reporting the progress made in the settle- ment of some affair, and asking for instructions. rst-2nd cent. Perfect; in a very neat semi-cursive hand. 3 in. x 63 in. [O.P. 164]. Pap. 772. Letter, without address or name of writer, asking for the performance of some matter previously discussed. rst-2nd cent. Perfect; eight short lines of a medium-sized semi-uncial hand, written across the papyrus-fibres. 34 in. x 34 in. [O.P. 179]. Pap. 773. Letter from Theonilla to her steward Horion, ordering him to give some wine to Silvanus, on condition of his paying the éx@eou.s due from him. Dated the 29th Tubi [= 24 Jan.] in the second year of an unnamed emperor. 2nd-3rd cent. Perfect; written across the papyrus-fibres in a medium-sized cursive hand. 43 in. x 5 in. [O. P. 189 | ‘ : Pap. 774. Letter from Aurelius Johannes, of a locality in the Oxyrhynchite nome, to the heirs of Apion, through Menas their steward, acknowledging the receipt of two large windlasses (épydrac), for which he had applied. Dated the 14th Phaophi in the eighth year and fourth consulship of the emperor Flavius Tiberius Constantinus [his regnal years dating from his creation as Augustus by Justin, Dec., a. p. 574, and his consulships from his accession as sole emperor, Oct., a.D. 578], and in the first indiction-year [= 11 Sept. a.p. 582, at which date Tiberius had been dead nearly a month]. Imperfect, the lower part being lost; in a rather small cursive hand. 74 in.x 8in. [O. P. 193] 14 93 ’ ° c . Pap. 775, Letter (or business document) from Aurelius Epimachus to Flavius Apion; the introductory formulas are the same as in the preceding no., but the purport of the document is lost by mutilation. Dated at Oxyrhynchus the 14th Thoth in the second year and consulship of the emperor Flavius Justinus, and in the first indiction-year [= 11 Sept., a.p. 567]. Imperfect, OP ae ae part being preserved; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 6 in. x 62 in. WKS ; ; , 3 ¢ ; III, (S) TERT, LS) XXXiil PLATE. 67 XXXIV TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 776. Acknowledgement, addressed to Flavius Apion, through his steward Menas, by Aurelius Sourous, son of Pebes, of the receipt of a xvAAj KuxAds, for which he had applied. Dated the 16th Thoth in the 229th and ro8th year [= 13 Sept., a.p. 552]. Nearly perfect; in a fair-sized upright hand, with sloping subscription. 9 in. x 84in. [0.P.197] . 5 - : : ; Pap. 777. Document addressed to the heirs of Apion, through their steward Menas, by Aurelius Macaris (szc), son of Elias; the opening formulas are the same as in the preceding papyri, but the purport of the document is lost. Dated the 14th Phaophi in the eighth year and fourth consulship of the emperor Flavius Tiberius Constantinus, and the first indiction [= 11 Oct., a.p. 582, nearly two months after the death of Tiberius]. Imperfect, only the beginning being preserved; in a rather small, upright, cursive hand. 43 in. x 63in. [O.P. 198] ’ , : Pap. 778. Undertaking, addressed to Flavius Apion by Georgius, a deacon, son of Apa Horus, that Aurelius Onnophris will remain upon his holding. Dated the 4th Mesore in the third year and consulship of the emperor Flavius Justinus, at the beginning of the second indiction [= 28 July, a.p. 568|. Imperfect, the end being lost; ina rather thick cursive hand. 63 in. x 84 in. [O. P. 199] Oy ; 5 Pap. 779. Document addressed to Flavius Gaius (?) Apion (presumably the son of the Flavius Apion mentioned in Papp. 775, 776, 778), dated the 30th Thoth in the twelfth year and eleventh consulship of the emperor Flavius Mauricius Novus Tiberius, and in the twelfth indiction-year [= 27 Sept. a.p. 593]. Imperfect, only the beginning being preserved ; in a rather small cursive hand, 22 in. x 83in. [O.P. 201] . : ; 5 : 5 Pap. 780. Receipt given by Philoxenus, a banker, for money taxes to the amount of 315 vopioparie, less 19052 xepdria, and less 1574 xepdria for pom, paid by Pamuthius, zpovonrys IHvAéas, for the current thirteenth indiction-year. Dated the 24th Mecheir in the 211th and 180th year (=a18 feb, A.D. 535]. Perfect; in a thin cursive hand. 1 ft. x 73 in. [O. P. 205] : ‘ : : Pap. 781. Note of the payment by Phoebammon, a wineseller (?), to Alexander of 44 xvidia of wine for nine days’ work from the 22nd to the 30th Phaophi in the 267th and 236th year, and the ninth indiction-year [= 19-27 Oct. a.p. 590]. Nearly perfect; written across the fibres in a medium-sized cursive hand. 2 in. x 1 ft.1in. [O.P. 207] Pap. 782. St. John’s Gospel, portions of i. 23-31, 33-41; XX. 11-17, 19-25; the inner part of two Jeaves (forming one sheet) of a papyrus codex. ‘The first and fourth pages of the sheet are written on the verso, the second and third on the recfo. If the codex originally contained the whole of St. John’s Gospel, this must have been the third sheet in a quire composed of twenty-five sheets. 3rd cent. Written in a fairly large and regular semi-uncial hand: the words Iycods, eds, Tyedpua (and apparently Xpuords and Kvpuos) are abbreviated. Pauses in the sense are indicated by blank spaces. 81 in. x 3 in.; the original size of each leaf must have been about ro in. x 4% in. Traces remain of the holes through which the strings passed to bind the sheets together. [O.P. 208] : ; : : ‘ ‘ Pap. 783. Euripides, Phoenrssae, parts of ll. 1017-1043, 1064-10715 one mutilated column, with a small portion of the next. The choric passages (in which the divisions of the lines are the same as in the later MSS.) are indented to the extent of about one inch, or five letters. 3rd cent. (?). Written in a large, thick uncial hand, with broad margins. A column contains twenty-nine lines, and measures (including margins) about 93 in. x 63 in., which gives a total length of about 34 ft. for a roll containing the whole play. Punctuation and a few accents are inserted by a second hand, together with the name of the new speaker at l. 1067. goiin. x 8gin. [O.P. 224 | Pap. 784. Thucydides, parts of bk. ii, cc. 90. 5-91. 25 portions of two columns, containing two to three letters from the ends of lines in the first, and rather more than half the width of the second. The lower part of both columns (about ten lines) is lost. Late rst cent. Written in a good semi-uncial hand of fair size, with narrow margin between the columns. 5% in. x 2% in. [O. P. 225] Pap. 785. Xenophon, Oeconomicus, viii. 17-ix. 2, imperfect ; portions of five narrow columns, measuring about two inches in width without margins, and leaning slightly to the right. 1st cent. Written in a neat and graceful uncial of fair size. Pauses in the sense are marked by the paragraphus and punctuation, but not systematically. rod in. x 1 ft. 13in, [O0.P. 227] Pap. 786. Plato, Phaedo, parts of p. 109 c, D; ends of lines from the greater part of a column. ist-2nd cent. Written in a small, regular uncial hand, with punctuation and occasional instances of breathings (twice), accents (once), and marks of quantity (once). 63 in. x 2 in. [0.P. 229] EXT, PLATE. 278 go 281 94 279 245 85 TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 787. Demosthenes, Con/ra Timocratem, parts of §§ 53, 54, 56-58; the it age sia consecutive columns, measuring about three inches in width without margins. 3r cent. - fp e a rather small, sloping semi-uncial hand. The paragraphus is used. 5 in. x 5¢in. [O. P. 232.] On the verso are much defaced remains of cursive writing of the 3rd cent. 4 , ; . inni iti = iach) in a year between the . 788. (a) Beginning of document dated the 22nd Peritius (= Choiac oP aoa bad the twentieth of Ptolemy Novus Dionysius Philopator Philadelphus [?.¢. Ptolemy Auletes, = B.C. 69-62; perhaps B.c. 64, if, as is possible, this document is a duplicate of 4]. Written in a good-sized semi-cursive hand. 13 in. x 2}in. [O.P. 236 (a)| ‘ 7 A ; inni imi i i itius (= Choiach) 5) Beginning of similar document (perhaps a duplicate), dated at Oxyrhynchus in Peritius (=| ”) ihe ans year of the same king [=B.c. 64]. Written in a rather thin semi-cursive hand. [2 ins x 31m (OO. Po 2.0 (0). 3 : (c) Beginning of similar document, dated in the reign of [ Ptolemy Philopator ] Philadelphus [2: e. Auletes |. Since Cleopatra Tryphaena was associated with him in dates from B.c. 79 to 69, and the king was in banishment from 58 to 55, the document must belong to B.c. 69-58 or 55-51. Written in a medium-sized cursive hand, 2tin. x 13 in. [O.P. 236 (c)] “ Pap. 789. Affidavit by a xwyoypapparevs, whose name is lost, that he has had no complicity with a soldier who has been committing violence in certain villages. Dated the 17th Mecheir in the twenty-third year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [=12 Feb., a.p. 37]. Nearly perfect; written in a good-sized cursive hand, 5 in. x 4h in. [O.P. 240] 2 3 : : Pap. 790. Notification, addressed to the agoranomus by Chaeremon, son of Chaeremon, agent for Claudius Antoninus, instructing him to register a mortgage of a portion of a house near the Serapeum in Oxyrhynchus by Dionysius, also called Amois, son of Phanias, to Didymus, son of Sarapion, who lends Dionysius 1300 drachmas of silver, with interest at 12 per cent. The relation of value between silver and copper is stated as 4 to 1800. The bankers’ receipt for the éyxvxuov, Or tax on sales and mortgages, is appended, the amount being 2 per cent. of the loan, paid by the mortgagee. Dated in Phamenoth of the eleventh year of the emperor Vespasianus Augustus [ = March, a.p. 79]. Perfect; in a very small cursive hand. 9; in. x 48 in. [0.P. 243] . On the verso is some almost effaced scribbling, similar to some in the margins of the recfo . Pap. 791. Notification addressed to Chaereas, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, by Cerinthus, slave of Antonia, daughter of Drusus, that he is about to transfer the sheep and goats registered in his name for the current year to the Cynopolite nome, and requesting that an official notification to this effect may be sent to the strategus of that nome. Cerinthus’ signature, in La“, is appended, and at the bottom is the beginning of a draft of a letter from Chaereas to Hermias, the strategus of the Cynopolite nome. Dated the 8th Mecheir in the ninth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [ = 3 Feb., A. D. 23]. Mutilated; in a rather thin cursive hand. 11Zin. x 5zin. [O. P. 244] ; Pap. 792. Appointment by Demetria, daughter of Chaeremon, a citizen of Oxyrhynchus, of her grandson Chaeremon as her representative in a case pending against one Epimachus. Dated at Oxyrhynchus in the month Neos Sebastos of the second year of the emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= November, a.p. 55]. Nearly perfect; in a good medium-sized cursive hand. 9% in. xX 65 in. [O. P. 261] : : : : : : Pap. 793. Agreement whereby Lucia, also named Thaisas, daughter of Lucius, guarantees Sarapion, also named Clarus, son of Sarapion, against loss through his having become surety for her for the repayment of a debt of 3500 drachmas, with interest at 12 per cent., which she had contracted to Heracleides, son of Apollonius. Dated at Oxyrhynchus, in Mecheir of the thirteenth year of the emperor Domitianus Augustus Germanicus [=Feb., a.p. 94]. Nearly perfect ; in a clear, medium- sized semi-uncial hand. 1 ft. 34 in. x 6 in. [O. P. archi, Pap. 794. Contract of apprenticeship (darKadtx»), whereby Tryphon, son of Dionysius, apprentices his son ThoGnis to Ptolemaeus, son of Pausirion, a weaver, for a year, to learn the art of weaving, Dated the 21st Sebastus in the thirteenth year of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus 6 ts ae A.D. 66]. Perfect; in a regular semi-cursive hand of medium size. 1 ft.2Zin. x 32 in. , 2.278 ‘ é . s ‘ Pap. 795. Lease of a mill (or mill-stone, the object being certainly moveable) by Isidorus, son of Isidorus, to Heracleius, son of Soterichus, a Persian THs émvyovns, for seven months at 124 drachmas of silver a month; at the expiration of the time the lessee is to return it or its value, too drachmas of silver. Dated the rst Mecheir in the third year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [ = 26 Jan., a.p. 17]. Mutilated; in a rather large, thin, compressed cursive hand. 1 ft. rh in. x 48 in, [O. P. 278] Pap. 796. Petition addressed to Tiberius Claudius Pasion, strate Sarapion, son of Theon, a weaver, asking for redress against upon weaving, who seized a linen tunic and four drachmas fro gus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, by Apollophanes, ex-collector of the tax m him in the first year of the emperor e€2 TEXT, XXXV PLATE. XXXV1 TABLE OF PAPYRI Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= Jan.—Aug., a.p. 41], and extorted two drachmas a month from November to April in the ninth year [a.p. 49]. Cvre. a.p. 49. Perfect; in a large, strongly marked cursive hand. 93 in. x 38 in. [O. P. 285.] Some rough, meaningless uncials have been written subsequently on both sides of the papyrus . é ; ; : Pap. 797. Petition from a woman whose name is lost to a high official, asking him to instruct the Eevixdv mpdxtwp (? collector of debts due to non-residents) of the Oxyrhynchite nome to require Zenarion and (her husband?) Heron to repay, in accordance with a contract made in the ninth year of Vespasian [a.p. 76-77], a sum of 2000 drachmas which Philumene had then lent to the petitioner and her mother Thaésis. Dated the 22nd Germaniceius in the first year of the emperor Domitianus Augustus [=17 May, a.p. 82]. Imperfect, the beginning being lost; in a small, thin, neat semi- cursive hand. 68 in. x 52 in. [O. P. 286] Pap. 798. Copy of receipts for taxes paid by Tryphon, son of Dionysius (cf Pap. 794], on various dates from the eighth to the eleventh years of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [=a.p. 22-25]. The taxes are the tax om weaving (yepdvaxdv) apparently at 36 drachmas per annum, the poll-tax (ém- xepdAaov) at 12 dr., the pig-tax (tix) at 2 dr. 14 obols, and the embankment tax (xwparcxor) at 6 dr. 4 obols. Circ. A.D. 25. Nearly perfect; in a rather irregular cursive hand. 1 ft. 22 in. X 7 In. [O. P. 288] : : : : Pap. 799. Copy of receipts for taxes paid by Thoénis, son of Thodnis, on various dates from the twelfth year of Nero to the second year of Domitian [=a.p. 66-83]. The taxes are the poll-tax (Aaoypadéa) at 12 drachmas per annum, the pig-tax (six) usually at 1 dr. 43 obols, the embankment tax (ywparixdy) at 6 dr. 4 obols, and one or two taxes of uncertain nature. Cure. A.D. 83. Two columns, nearly complete ; another column may have followed. Written in a thin, irregular cursive hand. 8iin.x1ft. gin. [O0.P. 289] . : , : : ; " 3 ; i ‘ Pap. 800. Letter from Chaereas [strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, ¢/ Pap. 791} to Tyrannus, dvocxntys, requesting him to prepare at once the list of taxes (or arrears, éxyOeors), in money and in corn, due for the twelfth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [ = a. D. 25-26]. Somewhat mutilated ; in a large semi-cursive hand. gin. x 6in. [O. P. 291 | ; ; Pap. 801. Title-slip (ciAAvBos), such as was attached to papyrus rolls to show their contents, bearing the title Sédpovos Miwor Tvvaxetou. Late ist or and cent. Written in rather large uncials. Toon, x4 esin. of OF2301|| Pap. 802. Loan of 160 drachmas of silver from Antiphanes, son of Heraclas, to Tryphon, son of Dionysius [cf Pap. 798]. Dated at Oxyrhynchus in Pauni [cf O. P. 306] of the fifth year of the emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= June, a.v. 59]. Cancelled ; the repayment of the loan is recorded in O. P. 306, now at Gizeh. Much mutilated; in a rather large, well-formed semi-cursive hand. 12 in, x 7i in. [O. P. 318] 5 : : Pap. 803. Notification, addressed to the agoranomus by Phanias, agent for Phanias, son of Sarapion, instructing him to register a mortgage of part of a house. The mortgagee is Thodnis, son of Thodnis; the mortgagor is a woman, whose name is lost. Dated in the reign of the emperor Domitianus [Augustus Germanicus, = a.p. 81-96]. Imperfect, the end being lost and the rest somewhat damaged ; in a small cursive hand. 53 in. X 4 in. LOP330) : Pap. 804. Return, addressed to Theon, the rordpyys, by Heraclides, son of Heraclides, of the sheep in his possession for the current first (?) year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [= a.p. 14-15; but perhaps later, since a Theon appears as rordpyys in a similar return in A.D. 40-41, O. P. 355}: Much mutilated; in a well-marked cursive hand. 5 in. X 3 m, OP -354]| : ‘ Pap. 805. Portion of a document in which Sarapion, son of Petosiris, makes affidavit with regard to a weaver’s loom which had been given to him by his father in his life-time. Dated the 6th Pachon in the fourteenth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [= 1 May, a.p. 28]. Imperfect; in a large and clear cursive hand. 6 in. x 3Zin. [O.P. 367] . ‘ ; : ; : 4 ; Pap. 806. Part of a contract for the payment of a sum of 3320 drachmas; the names of the parties are lost. Late 1st cent. Imperfect, both beginning and end being Jost; in a rather irregular cursive hand. 42 in. x gin. [O0.P. 370] . Pap. 807. Fragment of a lease of land, dated the 13th Phaophi in the thirty-sixth year of Caesar [= 10 Oct., a.p. 6]. Imperfect, only the end of the document being preserved; in a medium-sized cursive hand, rather irregular. 22in. x 5 in. [O.P. 374). é : : Pap. 808. Fragment of a contract between Themistocles, son of Ptolemaeus, and Apollonarion, a freedwoman, dated in Caesareius of the first year of the emperor Lucius Livius Su[Ipicius Galba, = Aug., a.p. 68]. Much mutilated ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. Attached to it is a fragment of a different document, in a minute cursive hand. 7% in. x 4@ in. [O. P. 377] TEXT. PLATE. TABLE OF PAPYRI : i i iti Augustus ...]nus Pap. 809. Small fragment of a contract, dated in the reign of the emperor Domitianus [ Poermreness! = . p. 81-96]; in a small, neat, semi-cursive hand. Probably from a composite roll containing a number of contracts joined together, a small piece of another contract, in a different hand, being attached to it. 23in. x 3h in. [0.P. 378] Pap. 810. Strip of papyrus, with the words 6 (érovs) Oveoraciavot prypovikav _pav(os) Neot S F : Pap. 851. Receipts granted by Aurelius Hermias, also called Apollonius, strategus of Alexandria, through various agents to Apcuis, a shepherd, for various payments out of the proceeds of the depos zpoBdrwv, from the 25th Pauni in the twenty-fourth year [of Caracalla] to the 5th Epeiph in the second year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus [z.e. Elagabalus, = 20 June, A.D. 216-30 June, a.p. 219]. Six short columns, nearly perfect; in various cursive hands. 4 in. x 2 ft. 64 in. : ° Pap. 852. Private letter from Eutychides to his brother Heliodorus. 2nd cent. Perfect, consisting of only seven lines; in a small, very cursive hand, with address in large rough uncials on the back. -3j 3 yj 53 in. x 42 in. Pap. 853. (a) Letter from ———- to his brother Heliodorus, on private affairs, 2nd cent. Imperfect, the left-hand portion and the end being lost ; in a small semi-cursive hand. 43 in. x 3 in. (2) Tax-receipt, for taxes paid at some place in the division of Heracleides in the Arsinoite nome, in the eleventh year of the emperors [Lucius Septimius] Severus Pius [Pertinax, Marcus] Aurelius Antoninus [Pius], Augusti, and Pub[lius Septimius] Geta Caesar Augustus [= a.p. 202-203]. Imperfect, the right-hand portion being lost; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 34 in. x 1@ in. Pap. 854. Fragment of letter from Nearchus to Heliodorus, describing a voyage up the Nile. 1st-2nd cent. One imperfect column; in a thin, rather straggling, cursive hand. 4% in. x 4$ in. Pap. 855. (a) Certificate, extracted from the BiBrwOjxy 8y(pootwv) Ady(wv), of payments in corn- by Apcuis, a shepherd, to the zpdxropes ovrixav of the village of Apias, Circ. a.p. 216 [cf Pap. 851 |. Nearly perfect ; written with red ink in a rather large cursive hand. 44 in. x 23 in. : (6) Letter from a woman to her mother, Selené, on private affairs. 2nd cent. Imperfect ; in a small cursive hand. 5in.x 2$in.. : Pap. 856. List of excise duties on various articles, including cattle, potted fish, boats, &c. Late rst cent. Imperfect, portions of three columns being preserved; in a good cursive hand of medium size : On the verso is a short money-account, roughly written in a small cursive hand. 2nd cent. 6% in. x 1 ft. 63 in. : : Pap. 857. List of names, for what purpose is not stated. Portions of twelve columns are preserved. The names are divided into groups, and the total number in each group is stated after it. 2nd—3rd cent. Imperfect ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 1 ft. x 1 ft. 6 in. . 5 : Pap. 858 (a). Application to Sarapion (?), son of Sarapion, by Tesenuphis, son of Turbon, of Hermopolis, for a lease of land for two years. Dated in the fourteenth year of Antoninus Caesar [= a.p. 150-151]. Imperfect ; in a small, neat, cursive hand. 2% in. x 44 in. (5) Fragment of a lease. Late rst cent. Only the ends of eight lines are preserved ; in a good cursive hand of medium size. 23 in. xX 3 in. . Pap. 859. Portion of a petition or official return, relating apparently to the inheritance of some property. 2nd cent. Imperfect; in a very cursive hand. g in. x 7} in., with a small detached fragment 2 : : : Pap. 860. (a) Recfo. Fragment of a return, by the zpdxropes dpyvpixdv for Socnopaei Nesus, of money received by them during the month Mecheir [= February]; dated the 12th Phamenoth in some year of the emperors [Lucius Septimius Seve ]rus Pius [Pertinax, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus [ Pius, Augusti, and Publius Sep]timius Geta [Caesar Augustus, = 8 March, a.p. 201-2 10]. Only the right-hand portion is preserved ; in a medium-sized cursive hand . : : 5 : F EXT: PLATE. 209 60 48 51 205 28 51 gI 144 apt ' TABLE OF PAPYRI 2 of i = isti i followed ‘ -account (ép/0unots) for the month Epeiph [= July], consisting of a list of names follo ai ee of ale in multiples of four drachmas. Early 3rd cent. Perfect ; in a medium- sized cursive hand, 83 in. X 2in. . ( a j ’ (2) Conclusion of an account, probably for taxes. 2nd cent, In an irregular cursive hand. 64 in. x 3 in., most being blank. F - : ; - - 2 Z a Pap. 861. Acknowledgement, addressed to Eudaemon, son of Idisalion, by Phibis (?), son of Phatres, of a lease of land. Reference is made to the twelfth year [of Marcus Aurelius, = a.D. 171-172, or Septimius Severus, a.D. 203-204]. Mutilated; in a small, very cursive hand, 8}in. x 51m. . Pap. 862. Receipt for taxes of uncertain character paid at various dates from the month Hadrianus in the eighteenth year of the emperor Traianus Hadrianus Augustus to Thoth in the nineteenth year [ = Dec. a.p. 133-Sept. 134]. Somewhat mutilated ; written across the fibres on the verso of the papyrus, in a very cursive hand. 63 in. x 4% in. Pap. 863 (a). Portion of a lease of land for a year; dated in the tenth year of an emperor whose name is lost, probably Hadrian [= a.p. 125-126] or Antoninus [= A.D. 146-147]. Imperfect, only the upper left-hand portion being preserved ; in a clear semi-cursive hand. 32in. x 23 in. (4) Portion of a lease of land; the names of the parties are lost through mutilation, together with the date. 2nd—3rd cent. Imperfect, wanting the end and being mutilated elsewhere ; in a very cursive hand. 52 in. x 6 in. Pap. 864. Receipt given by Flavius Aelianus, son of Cyril, for the repayment of two solid? of gold, less twelve carats, lent to Enoch, a labourer. 6th-7th cent. Perfect; written across the fibres, in a straggling cursive hand. 64 in. x 124 in. ; . 5 - Pap. 865. (a) Portion of a private letter from Athanasius to , demanding immediate attention. 6th-7th cent. Imperfect, only the beginning being preserved; written across the fibres, in a rapid, sloping cursive hand. 34 in. x 7 in. , P - - : (6) Portion of a private letter. Late 6th cent. Imperfect, only the beginnings of lines being preserved ; written across the fibres in a sloping cursive hand. 4 in. x 54 in. - - ; Pap. 866. (a) Signatures from the end of a large document. 6th-7th cent. Imperfect; in four hands, rather roughly written. 44 in. x 63 in. : 2 . F . ; (4) Letter, apparently on official business. 7th cent. Nearly perfect; written across the fibres, in a sloping cursive hand. 34 in. x 62 in. é : z : : : Pap. 867. Contract relating to land, between a woman named Maria and Flavius Daniel, trav yevvato- tatwv Mavpwv, dated the 24th Phamenoth in the consulship of [Sabinianus and] Theodorus [= 20 March, a.p. 505]; with attestations of the parties and witnesses. Only the right-hand side is preserved ; in a large, firm cursive hand. 1 ft. 1 in. x 5% in. : P F ; : Pap. 868. Letter on private affairs, to the brother of the writer, whose name is not given. 7th cent. Perfect ; written across the fibres, in a very straggling cursive hand. g in. x 73 in. - Pap. 869. Lease of part of a house to an official of Hermopolis, whose name is lost, from a Jew named Samuel; dated the 17th Thoth in the twelfth indiction-year. 6th cent. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost ; in a large cursive hand. 113 in. x 83 in. ‘ E ‘ : Pap. 870. Acknowledgement made by Aurelius Cot— of Panopolis, to Aurelia Apollonia, of the same town, of the receipt of a loan of five xpvowo., on the security of a mortgage on a house. 4th cent. Mutilated; in a medium-sized cursive hand. On the verso are fragments of an account of the 4th cent. 8 in. x 7 in. Pap. 871, Acknowledgement by Menas, son of Zenobius, a trumpeter of Arsinoe, that he has taken a lease from Flavius Sergius, comes, son of Peter, of a ¢riclinium in the street of Apollonius. Dated at Arsinoe the 25th Pharmouthi in the first year of the emperor Phocas and the sixth indiction-year = 20 April, a.p. 603]. Imperfect, wanting the end, and somewhat mutilated ; in a sloping cursive hand. 7% in. x 3% in. ‘ : : ‘ : - Pap. 872. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Apollos, @upwpds, of the receipt from Theodota of a lease of a house (?). 6th-7th cent. Considerably mutilated; in a medium-sized cursive hand, slightly sloping. 12}in. x 34 in. . c ; - 3 P ; Pap. 873. Theological fragment, of uncertain character. 6th cent, (?). Imperfect on all sides. 9 in. X 3 in. . : : : : : ‘ : : : : : III. f Text. 235 269 xli PLATE. 82 xlii TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 874. Contract between two brothers, whose names are mutilated, of a town in the Hermopolite nome, and Victor, a zpovonryjs, with attestations of the parties and witnesses. The details are obscured by mutilations. Dated the 23rd Choiach in the [thirteenth] year after the consulship of Flavius Basilius, and the third indiction-year [= 19 Dec., a.p. 554]. Mutilated and defaced; in a large cursive hand, slightly sloping. 12 in. x 123 in, “ . ° - : 5 . : Pap. 875. (cz) Portion of an acknowledgement, by a person whose name is lost, of a loan of 150 artabas of barley from Agellius(?). Reference is made to the fifteenth indiction-year. 4th cent. Imperfect and mutilated; in a rather thin cursive hand of medium size. 23 in. X 12 in. : . (2) Portion of a private letter (?), in a large, very rough cursive hand. 6th-7th cent. The left-hand portion is lost. 5 in. x 11d in. . : ‘ , : : : : : : : : : Pap. 876. (a) Portion of a letter, with reference to fugitive workmen. 7th cent. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost; written across the fibres in a thin, sloping, cursive hand. 43 in. X yin.” . : : 5 : ; ; : : (4) Portion of a letter, perhaps on private affairs. 7th cent. Imperfect, only the upper left-hand portion being preserved; in a thin, sloping, cursive hand. 6 in. x 4d in. . , : ; : ; é Pap. 877. Short-money account. 6th cent. Perfect; written across the fibres, in a large, thick cursive hand. 5 in. x 62 in. : , : : : Pap. 878. ecfo. Petition or official document addressed [rots] Seomdrais abroxpdropct K[aicapor]. The purport is lost through mutilation. Near the end occur the words ddp[ov] maduwyevecias. 3rd—4th cent. Much mutilated; carefully written in a tall, thin, cursive hand : : ‘ : Verso. Literary fragment, perhaps of an oration. It appears to contain a reference to rijs Bpirrdvors [sic] . . . . Oaddrrys. 4th cent. Imperfect; in a rather small cursive hand. g3 in. X 6S in.. , : é : 2 ; Pap. 879. Sale by Patous, son of Phagonis, a Persian trav mpocypapwyr, to Panobchunis, son of Totoés, and Kobaétesis his wife, similarly Persians, of a quarter of an aroura of land within Pathyris for 4000 drachmas of copper. Dated (with a full list of the priesthoods of the Ptolemies at Alexandria and Ptolemais) at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Heliodorus, the 12th Phaophi in the forty-eighth year of Ptolemy Euergetes [II] and queen Cleopatra his wife [= 8.c..123=122]. | In two broad columns, to which is prefixed a docket, dated the 28th Phaophi. Perfect; in a firm and fairly large cursive hand. 53in.x 2ft.1in. . 4 5 : : : Pap. 880. Deed executed by Totoés, son of Pelaeus, a Persian rijs éxvyovijs, dividing his lands in the plain of Pathyris between his children. Dated (with a full list of the priesthoods of the Ptolemies at Alexandria) at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Heliodorus, the 27th Mecheir in the fourth year of the queen [z.e. Cleopatra} and king Ptolemy, Philometores Soteres [= B.c. 114-113 |. Two broad columns, nearly perfect, but without docket; in a rather thick cursive hand. 6 in. X's it. 4 sine fr. : - ’ : : : ; : : Pap. 881. Sale by Pmois, son of Thotortaeus, a Persian trav mpooypdduv, to Kobaétesis [wife of Panobchunis, cf Pap. 879] and Petearsemtheus, Petesuchus, Phagonis, and Psennesis, sons of Panobchunis [cf Papp. 657-663, 674, 675, 680, 1203-1 209], of 14 arouras of land in the plain of Pathyris for three talents of copper. Dated (with a full list of the priesthoods of the Ptolemies at Alexandria) at Pathyris in the office of the agoranomus Sosus, the 23rd Mecheir in the ninth year of Cleopatra and Ptolemy, Philometores Soteres [B.c. 109-108]. Perfect, in two broad columns, preceded by a docket, and followed by six lines in demofic; in a thick, even, cursive hand. 62 in. et. Sins ‘ : ; : 2 : : ; 4 . s . : ; Pap. 882. Sale by Thamunis, daughter of Patous, of Diospolis Parva, to Petearsemtheus, son of Nechutes, of Pathyris, of two parcels of land, amounting together to 34 arouras, for a talent of copper. Dated at Diospolis Parva in the office of the agoranomus Heracleides, the 12th Phamenoth in the sixteenth year of Cleopatra Euergetis and the thirteenth of Ptolemy Alexander Philometor = B,C. 102-101]. The contract occupies one broad column, and is preceded by a docket, and followed by the certificate of the banker Paniscus that the tax on sales was duly paid on the 1st Pharmouthi. Perfect; the main document in a thin cursive hand, the certificate in a thick cursive hand and very black ink. 52 in. x 1 ft. g in. é 4 Pap. 883. Sale by Petearsemtheus, son of Almaphis, a priest (zactodpdpos) of Aphrodite, to Petear- semtheus, son of Panobchunis, of a parcel of land in the plain north of Pathyris. The area and price are not mentioned. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Hermias, the 21st Choiach in the twenty-sixth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Cleopatra his sister, Philometores Soteres [= B.c. 89-88]. In one broad column, preceded by a docket, in a different hand. Perfect, except for a few lines of the docket; in a thick cursive hand and black ink. 7 in. x 1 ft, 83 in.. TEXT. 21 PLATE, 12 TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 884. Fragment from the end of an otherwise unknown oration, with title trép [r]od pi rapayw| ple “AALe|édvdp[y] rhs ALye|vo[vias]. Probably a rhetorical exercise. The last five lines are preserved, slightly defaced, and thirteen lines of the preceding column, much mutilated. 2nd cent, Written in a medium-sized semi-uncial hand, rather thick and plain. 6 in. x 4% in. ; Pap. 885. Fragments of a literary work of uncertain character, apparently containing references to [Euripides] év Bdxyas, to Homer, and to another writer ev TO a. 2nd cent. Five irregular fragments, three of which contain portions of two columns each; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. 3 in x 33 in., 43 in. x 23 in., 2 in. X 18 in., 54 in. x 5 in. and 4} in. x 3% in. : Pap. 886. Homer, Ziad, bk. ii, portions of Il. 836-852, 864-877 and of the title. Some accents, breathings, and marks of elision are employed. 2nd—-3rd cent. Five small fragments of the last column of the book ; in a large, thick, uncial hand. 7 in. x 4% in. : é ‘ : Pap. 887. Petition addressed to an official for redress of injuries against a person who has expelled the petitioner forcibly from his own house. The names of the parties are lost. 3rd cent. B.c. The beginning lost, the rest perfect; written across the fibres in a widely-spaced, irregular cursive hand. 5% in. x 122 in. : . : : : . . : : : : . . Pap. 888. (a) Fragment of certificate of payment (kataBor) of eight talents of copper made by Pan[obchunis?], a Persian rijs émvyovijs, to Phmofis]. Executed at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Paniscus, the 20th Choiach in the tenth year [of Ptolemy Soter I, = B.c. 108-107 ; cf. Papp. 657-659, 881]. A strip from the middle of the papyrus, from top to bottom ; ina medium- sized cursive hand. 124 in. x 2Zin. .« - : 3 , . A 2 . : : (4) Fragment of a contract, executed at Diospolis [Parva]. A sum of twenty-six talents of copper is mentioned. Reference is perhaps made to the thirty-second year [of Ptolemy Euergetes Il; = Bc: 139-138]. Only the right-hand portion is preserved ; in a neat cursive hand. 9g in. x 13 in. Pap. 889. (a) Receipt given by Zois, also named Onchasis, daughter of Isidorus, to Patous, a priest of the temples in Crocodilopolis and Pathyris, for a sum of twelve talents 3000 drachmas on behalf of Esthladas, son of Druton [cf Papp. 607, 617]. Late 2nd cent. B.c. Apparently nearly perfect, but wanting the end; written on the verso of the papyrus, in a firm and clear cursive hand. On the recéo is a line of demotic. 4 in. X 4% in. : : : . . . . . (2) A scrap of Ptolemaic writing. ‘Late 2nd cent. B.c. The sign for ‘artaba’ (usually —) appears to be written a, which may suggest an origin for the symbol. 34 in. x 2} in. . ; : ’ Pap. 890. Notification of payment by Apollonius, son of Hermias, to Heracles, son of Zenon, through the private bank of Hermaeus, of sixty drachmas of silver to complete the purchase of five oxen. Dated the 25th Tubi in the twenty-fourth year of Caesar [= 20 Jan., B.c. 6]. Perfect; in an irregular, angular cursive hand, with the receipt of Heracles in rough uncials. 93 in. x 63 in. Pap. 891. Application from Chaeremon to an official whose name and title are lost, apparently for the registration of the sale of certain land occupied by him. Dated in the reign of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [= a.p. 14-37]. Imperfect, the right-hand portion being lost; in a very cursive hand of medium size. gin. X 23in. . : : : : : : : : : : : Pap. 892. Acknowledgement by —ophis (?), son of Fau[stus], of the receipt of some hay from some persons whose names are lost. Dated in the month Sebastus in the third year of Tiberius Caesar [ Augustus, = Sept., a.p. 16]. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion; in an irregular cursive hand. 84 in. x 3 in. : : : ‘ : : : : : Pap. 893. Letter from Ammonius (?) to Aphrodisius, on private affairs. Dated in the fourth year [probably of Tiberius, = a.p. 17-18]. Mutilated; in a rather small cursive hand. 54 in. x 3% in. Pap. 894. Application, addressed to Gaius Julius , eriatatns, by Chaeremon ; the exact nature of it is obscure through the mutilation of the papyrus. Dated the 21st Tubi in a year, the number of which is lost, in the reign of Gaius Caesar [Augustus] Germanicus [=16 Jan., a.p. 38-41]. Imperfect, only the left-hand portion being preserved ; in a thin cursive hand. 114 in. x 23 in. Pap. 895. Complaint, addressed to Sarapion, chief of the police (érurrarns duAakirGv), by Protarchus son of Protarchus, with regard to an injury done to him by Harpaésis, son of Naaraus, of Euhemeria, in the division of Themistes. Early rst cent. Imperfect, the end being lost; in a strongly-marked cursive hand. 53 in. x 22 in. : : : : : ‘ Pap 896. Receipt, given by , son of Peteorsis, and his wife Heraclous, to Satabous, son of Hermias, for the payment of forty drachmas, the price of two artabas of wheat (?). Dated in the reign of the emperor Vespasianus Augustus [= a.D. 69-79]. Much mutilated; in a small cursive hand. 4 in. x 3 in. : 5 : - : : : : fe2 TEXT. 22 167 168 xliii PLATE. 16 xliv TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 897. Letter on private affairs; written in two columns on the rec/o and concluded on the verso. Dated the 3rd Pharmouthi in the third year of the emperor Domitianus Augustus Germanicus [= 29 March, a.p. 84]. Imperfect, nearly the whole of the first column being lost; in a rather square cursive hand of medium size. 73 in. x 7% in. . : Pap. 898. Document apparently relative to a disputed will (‘Pwpaixy diabyxn). At the top is the name of Petronius Secundus [Prefect of Egypt, a.p. 95]. Very imperfect; in a very good semi-uncial hand of medium size. 3% in. x 4 in. ; : : : : : : Pap. 899. Letter from Hermaeus to his son Areius, on private affairs. 2ndcent. Nearly perfect ; in a clear, rather thin, cursive hand. 6 in. xX 5 in. . : : ; : : : ; é Pap. 900. Portion of a register of agricultural produce received by the village officials and trans- ferred to the ovroAdyo.; three columns, somewhat mutilated. Late rst cent. Written in a medium-sized cursive hand. 9% in. x 1 ft. 54 in. Pap. 901. Fragment of a census or poll-tax roll. 4rst-2znd cent. Only one column is preserved, imperfect ; in a small, neat semi-cursive hand. 9 in. x 5 in. Pap. 902. Fragment of a letter or contract, containing mention apparently of rod attoxparopos *Aptiotov (?) Katcapos tod xvupiov [z.e. Trajan, = a.p. g8—117]. Imperfect and mutilated; in a small, very cursive hand. 62 in. x 29 in. A : : : : Pap. 908. Notification from Thatres, daughter of Inaros, of Hermopolis, to the BuBAvopvAakes eyxTHTEwy of the nome, of the sale of some land in the neighbourhood of that town. Dated in the reign of the emperor Nerva Traianus Augustus [Germanicus Dacicus, = a.p. 103-117]. Mutilated; in a medium-sized cursive hand, 1od in. x 5§ in. : : ; : : ; E : Pap. 904. Acknowledgement by Julius Eutyches of the receipt from Claudius Erastus, strategus of the division of Themistes in the Arsinoite nome, of twenty-four ichneumons, of which one was dead. Dated the 24th Epeiph in the seventh year of Trajan [18 July, a.p. 104]. Followed by a letter from Areius to Claudius Erastus, referring to these ichneumons and to other matters, dated the 14th Mesoré [= 7 Aug.] in the same year. A second column follows containing a mutilated rescript from the Prefect of Egypt, C. Vibius Maximus, requiring absentees to return to their own homes in view of the coming census. There are traces of a preceding column. Much mutilated ; in a clear, square, semi-uncial hand. 84 in. xX 124 in. : : : - Pap. 905. Draft of a deed by Demetrous, daughter of Charius, relating to land in the region of Philoteris and Dionysias. 2nd cent. Perfect; in a large semi-cursive hand, with many misspellihgs. On the same side of the papyrus, but written in the reverse direction, are two tax-receipts, dated in Epeiph of the third year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [= July, A.D. 11g], mutilated, in a small cursive hand. 83 in. X 5 in. : : : ; . ° . Pap. 906. Application from C. Longinus Priscus, a soldier, and others, for a lease of the gold-smithing industry in Euhemeria, at a rent of from 264 drachmas a year. Dated at the beginning of the thirteenth (?) year of Hadrianus Caesar [= a.p. 128-129]. Imperfect at beginning and end; in a small cursive hand. 3 in. x 3 in. 3 5 5 , ; é : Pap. 907. Receipt given by Thasia, daughter of Lucius, to Ptolemaeus, son of Mysthes, for the repayment of a loan. Dated the 23rd Tubi in the eighteenth year of the emperor Traianus Hadrianus Augustus [= 18 Jan., a.p. 134]. Mutilated, the end being lost; in a thin, neat semi- cursive hand. 4% in. x 33 in. . ; ° . : Pap. 908. Petition, probably from Eudaemonis, daughter of Marcus Ulpius Sarapion, to the Prefect of Egypt, quoting a petition to Avillius Longus, strategus of the Hermopolite nome, and other documents. The two columns preserved, which appear to be the last, are numbered 14 and 15. Dated the 6th Pachon in the second year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [= 1 July, a.p. 139]. The first column much mutilated, the second perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 10} in. x 1 ft. 33 in. : ‘ Pap. 909 (a). Acknowledgement by Anchorimphis of the sale to Ptolemaeus (?) of a camel for 600 drachmas, with receipt for the purchase-money. Dated the 7th Epeiph in the twentieth year of Traianus Hadrianus Caesar [=1 July, a.p. 136]. Somewhat mutilated and defaced; in an irregular semi-cursive hand, with many misspellings. 5 in. X 5 in. : (2) Certificate of payment of twenty drachmas as poll-tax (with a supplementary charge of ten obols) by Areius, son of Onnophris, to Eubulus, tax-collector for the street Phremei {in Arsinoe ]. Dated in the seventh year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus [= a.p. 143-144]. Somewhat defaced ; in a rather small cursive hand. 4 in, x 3 in. 4 ; ; F ‘ TEXT, 206 208 88 23 116 219 107 132 170 32 PLATE. 29 30 TABLE OF PAPYRI xlv TEXT. PLATE. i i ; i d Eudaemon occur in it. Pap. 910. Portion of a contract relating to corn; the names of Herminus an eiyatke in the seventh or seventeenth year of the emperor [Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus [Pius, = a-D. 143-144 OT 153-154]. Wery imperfect; in a thin cursive hand. 8% in. x 22 in. ¢ : ; ; 2 2 ; : ; ; ; - : Pap. 911. Copy of an entry of the name of Petesorapis on the register of paupers (dopo); dated the 12th Mesoré in the twelfth year of Antoninus Caesar [= 5 Aug., A.D. 148-149]. Somewhat mutilated; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 7% in. xX 3in.. , ; 126 i i i he twelfth year Pap. 912 (a). Receipt, apparently for poll-tax paid by Harpalus, son of Onesimus, for the ts y of re geaceae Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius Augustus. Dated the 29th Epeiph of tha year [= 23 July, a.p. 149]. Perfect; ina small and very cursive hand. 3% in. x 4gin. . . 33 38 (8) Similar receipt, granted to the same person, in the tenth or some subsequent year of the same reign. Dated in Epeiph. Nearly perfect; in an extremely cursive hand. 33 in. X 33 in. : ’ . 38 Pap. 913. Certificate given by the ovroAcyot Of that they have measured two artabas of wheat ; paid by Stotoétis, son of Satabous, for the past year. Dated the 30th Hadrianus in the fourteenth year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [27 Nov., a.p. 150]. Nearly perfect ; in a very cursive hand. 63 in. X 5% in. : - - - , , ; . Pap. 914. Certificate from Dius [and his partners, cvroddyot], that they have measured fifteen artabas of wheat. The place and the name of the farmer from whom the wheat was received are lost. Dated the 4th Pauni of the eighteenth year of the emperor [Titus] Aelius Hadrianus [Antoninus Pius, = 29 May, a.p. 155]. Imperfect, the right-hand side being lost ; in a very cursive hand. 5% in. 52g sha 6 ; : : : : c : : - : : ; Pap. 915. Census-return, addressed to Cephalon, BactArxds ypappareds and deputy strategus of Memphis, by Apollonius, son of Harphaésis, for the twenty-third year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [= a.D. 159-1 60]. Nearly perfect; in a small cursive hand. 11g in. X 24 in. : : . 2 - : : 26 Pap. 916. Receipt from Pyrrhus for fifty drachmas ; the details are obscured by mutilation. Dated the 2oth Mecheir in the twenty-third year [probably of Antoninus Pius, =14 Feb., a.p. 160]. Somewhat mutilated ; in a rough, uneducated, semi-cursive hand. 4% in. X 54 in. ‘ - é , Pap. 917. Receipts given by the tax-collectors for taxes (eiSm) due for the fifth and sixth years of Marcus Aurelius and Verus. Dated in Pauni of the seventh year of Antoninus and Verus, Augusti Armeniaci Medici Parthici Maximi [= June, a.p. 167]. Mutilated and rubbed; in a small cursive hand. 63 in. x 6% in. : ; c 5 : . - Pap. 918. Receipt for repayment of a sum of 112 dr. borrowed by Paouetis from Harpagathes in the sixteenth year of Antoninus Pius [= a.p. 152-153] and repaid to Pacusis, heir to Harpagathes, the oth Athur in the twelfth year of the emperor Ma[rcus Aure|lius Antoni[nus Augustus Armeniacus| Medicus [ Parthicus Maximus, = 5 Nov., a.p. 171]. Mutilated; in a small, sloping, cursive hand. gin. x 3%in. . : : ; é : : ‘ 171 Pap. 919. (a) Receipt, given by Horus and his colleagues, tax-collectors for Socnopaei Nesus, for dépos vowav and other taxes. Dated the 7th Mesoré in the fourteenth year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar [= 31 July, a.p. 174]. Mutilated; ina small cursive hand. 44 in. x 3 in. F : 4 56 (2) Return by Tyrannus for the census (xar’ oixiav droypad) of the fourteenth year of Marcus Aurelius [= a.p. 173-174]. Dated in the fifteenth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus Armeniacus Medicus Parthicus Germanicus Maximus [= a.p. 174-175]. Imperfect, the beginning and end being lost; in a rather small cursive hand. 5% in. x 2g in. : . : - Pap. 920. Receipt given by Horion, a priest of Suchus, to Heron for rent for the preceding year ; dated the 17th Pharmouthi in the sixteenth year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar [= 12 April, a.p. 176]. Nearly perfect; in a very rough and illiterate uncial hand. ro in. x 32 in. : Bat) Made Pap. 921. Petition addressed to Heron, BactAikds ypappateds of the Phthemphuthic nome, by Sarapion, son of Potamon, late high-priest of the city of Tanais, with regard to some privilege which had been granted to his father. Reference is made to Magnus, 6 xpdrutos, who is perhaps T. Pactumeius Magnus, Prefect of Egypt a. p. 176-180 ; also to the reign of Trajan as atime past. Late 2nd or 3rd cent. Imperfect, the ends of lines being lost, as well as an annexed document. 5 in. x 5 in. 133 Pap. 922. (a) Certificate of customs-duty for épyopvAaxia paid at the gate of Socnopaei Nesus by Sotas on three asses laden with corn and one laden with vegetables. Dated the 7th Epeiph in the nineteenth year [probably of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, = 1 July, a. . 179]. Perfect; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. 2% in. x 24 in. : : . . . 40 xl vi TABLE OF PAPYRI TEXT. PLATE. (6) Names of the collectors of corn-tax (zpdxropes ovrixdv) for Socnopaei Nesus, Sempronius, son of Apunchis, and Sotas, son of Tryphon. 2nd-3rd cent. Perfect; in a rather large and rough semi- cursive hand. 3 in. x 33 in. : 4 : : : : : ; Pap. 923. Portions of a long register of uncertain nature, including frequent mentions of names and ages of individuals and references to past dates as far back as the reign of Nero. Many fragments, but no connected portion of any considerable size. In the reign of Commodus, one portion of the text ending by an oath in his name; elsewhere the twenty-first year of the emperor is mentioned [a.D. 180-181] and perhaps the twenty-third [a.D. 182-183]. Written in various hands, mostly small and cursive ; : : : : c - : : 5 . : Pap. 924. Complaint addressed to Apollonius, also named Ptolemaeus, strategus of the division of Heracleides in the Arsinoite nome, by Apunchis, son of Apunchis, and his colleagues, the TpakTOpES gurixey of the village of Socnopaei Nesus, with regard to a dispute with a neighbouring village as to some land. Dated in the twenty-eighth year of Aure[lius Commodus Antoninus Caesar, = A.D. 187-188]. . Perfect, except part of the date; in a rather large, sloping, cursive hand. 85 in. x 82 in. : : : : : : ; i : : ; 134 39 - Pap. 925. Two receipts for taxes (reAéoara) paid to the tax-collectors of Hephaestias by Dionysarion, daughter of Apollonius. The first relates to payments of twenty, twelve, and fourteen drachmas on the 25th Tubi, 18th Mecheir, and 8th Phamenoth respectively of the fifth year of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus Arabicus Adiabenicus [= 20 Jan., 12 Feb., and 4 March, a. p. 197]; the second to a payment of twenty drachmas on the 13th Epeiph of the sixth year of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus Arabicus Adiabenicus Parthicus Maximus and the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus [= 7 July, a.p. 198]. In both cases the payments are for taxes of the previous year. Perfect; the first in a small cursive hand, the second rather larger and more straggling. 82 in. x 58 in. . Pap. 926. List of names, followed by figures. 2nd cent. Apparently perfect ; written in a large, thick hand on coarse papyrus. 7 in. x 3 in. : : : : 5 : c : : : Pap. 927. Account, consisting of a list of names preceded by dates and followed by amounts of artabas of wheat ; at the end of each day the total received (?) that day is stated. 2nd cent. Imperfect, three columns being preserved; in a rather large cursive hand. On the verso is a roughly written and much defaced account. 8 in. x go} in. . : ° c ‘ : 5 : : c Pap. 928. Fragment of an account, including payments for painters’ colours. 2nd cent. Part of one column ; in a square semi-uncial hand. 82 in. x 4% in. ‘ : 5 : : ; : 7 hase) Pap. 929. Record of receipts for customs-duty paid at the toll-gate of some village in the~months Phamenoth to Pachon [= March to May]. 2nd-3rd cent. Three columns are preserved, nearly perfect ; in a rough cursive hand. 82in. x olin. . : : : : ; ; : : 40 Pap. 930. List of names, divided into groups, without expressed object. 2nd-3rd cent. Apparently perfect ; in a square semi-uncial hand. 9% in. x 4 in, : . : : : ‘ : Pap. 931. Document relating to corn, addressed to the owtohdyo. Of Archelais by some official or officials of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon in the Arsinoite nome, in the thirteenth year of an unnamed emperor. z2nd-3rd cent. Very imperfect; in a small cursive hand. 7 in. x 6 in. : : ; ; : : ; Pap. 932. Agreement between Isidorus, Herminus, and Theognostus, sons of Hermaeus and Souerous, of Hermopolis, by which the first-named renounces all claim to any property left to him by their father, now dead, or which shall be left to him by their mother, while his two brothers pay the costs of this agreement (eight drachmas), and undertake to discharge their parents’ debts and to maintain their mother while alive and bury her when dead. Preceded by the banker’s summary of the agreement (nearly a verbal repetition). Dated the 12th Mecheir in the nineteenth year of the emperors Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax Arabicus Adiabenicus Parthicus Britannicus Maximus, and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and Publius Septimius Geta, Britannici Maximi Pii Augusti [ = 6 Feb., A.D. 211, two days after the death of Severus at York]. Perfect ; the first recitation of the agree- ment in a small, very cursive hand, with many abbreviations, the second ina well-formed, upright, semi-cursive hand. 1o} in. x 1 ft. 12 in. : . : SLAs 44 Pap. 933. Certificate of the payment of the tax on sales, made to Aurelius Apion, nomarch of Arsinoe, by Anubion, assistant of Longinus; dated the 30th Pachon in the nineteenth year of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Publius Septimius Geta, Britannici Maximi Pii Augusti (==cag May; A.D. 211]. The name of Geta has been obliterated. Nearly perfect ; in a thin, sloping, cursive hand. 9g in. x 32 in. 69 45 TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 934. Contract, to which one of the parties is Aurelius Hierax, son of Casianus, relating to property in Hermopolis ; addressed to [Sara ]pion, also named Apollonius, BaoirLKos ypapparevs and acting strategus of the Hermopolite nome. Dated the 8th Mecheir in some year of the sole rule of the emperor [Marcus Aurelius | Severus Antoninus Parthicus Maximus Britannicus Maximus Germanicus Maximus Pius Augustus [= 3 Feb., a.p. 212-217]. Much mutilated; in a neat semi- cursive hand, with cursive dockets at the top. g} in. x g} in. : : - , Pap. 935. Census-return of Aurelius Herminus, also named Morus, son of Hermaeus, resident at Hermopolis, for the twenty-fourth year of Aurelius Severus Antoninus Caesar. The writer is resident in the quarter known as IdAews ’ArrnAudrov, but the return is addressed to the dppodoypddos of the quarter Ppovpiov AxBds, and relates to property in that quarter. Dated the 16th Phamenoth in the twenty-fourth year [= 12 March, a. D. 216]. Perfect ; in a clear cursive hand of good size. g2 in. xX 7Z in. . : : . : : : F : ; ; : Pap. 936. Census-return, made by Aurelia Dioscorous, daughter of Hermaeus, also called Pathotus, registered in the quarter ®poupiov AvBds in Hermopolis, with her brother and husband Theognostus, for the census of the twenty-fourth year of Aurelius Severus Antoninus Caesar [= a. D. 215-216]. Dated the 26th Phamenoth in the twenty-fifth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Parthicus Maximus Britannicus Maximus Germanicus Maximus Pius Augustus [= 16 March, a.p. 217]. Perfect; in a thin cursive hand. oZin. x 8$in. .- : : : ‘ : Pap. 937. Receipt given by Aurelius Dio[nysius?] of Hermopolis to Aurelia Serenilla for 3850 drachmas as part payment of the purchase money of some property. Dated the 11th Phamenoth in some year of the emperor Severus Alexander [= 7 March, a. D. 223-234]. Imperfect, only the right-hand end of a broad column being preserved; in a sloping cursive hand. gZin. x 3gin. Pap. 938. Lease of land; the names of the parties are lost. Dated the 16th Phaophi in the fifth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 13 Oct, a.p. 225]. Very imperfect; in a small semi-cursive hand in very black ink. 7%in. x 43 in. : ; Pap. 939. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Copreas, son of Eudaemon, of the receipt from Aurelius Theognostus, also named Morus, son of Hermaeus, of a loan of sixty-four drachmas, to be repaid in Mecheir. Dated the 5th Athur in the fifth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 1 Nov., a.p. 225]. Nearly perfect; in a thin cursive hand. gi in. x 52 in. ° : ; : - - : - : : : : Pap. 940. Affidavit, addressed to the BiBdupvraxes éyxtyoewv Of Hermopolis by Aurelius Herminus and Aurelius Theognostus, both also named Morus, sons of Hermaeus, also named Pathptes, registering for the current year the two-thirds of a house and court in the quarter Ppovpiov AvBds in Hermopolis, and other property, which they have inherited from their uncle Herminus, son of Achilles, who died childless and intestate [cf Pap. 1158]. With docket from the fiBdAwdvAag Aurelius Artemidorus, through his clerk Sarapammon, that their uncle left no will and that there is no proof that they are the lawful heirs. Dated the 3rd Athur in the sixth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 30 Oct. a.p. 226]. Perfect; in a straggling cursive hand. gin. x 64 in. : : é : : . . Pap. 941. Affidavit addressed to the BuBdopvAaxes eyxt#oewv Of Hermopolis by Theognostus, also named Morus, son of Hermaeus, registering for the current year a house and other property in the quarter Ppovpiov ArBds, received by him by inheritance. The BeBdopvAaég, Aurelius Artemidorus, certifies through his clerk, Ammonion, that he appears to be entitled to the inheritance. Dated the 5th Mesoré in the sixth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [=29 July, a.p. 227]. Mutilated and much defaced ; in avery regularcursive hand. 9% in. x 7g in. Pap. 942. Affidavit addressed apparently to the BiBdodvAakes eyxtyoewv Of Hermopolis, by Aurelius Theognostus, also named Morus, son of Hermaeus, registering for the current year a third part of a house and other property in the quarter ®povpiov AcBds, which he had bought from his brother Isidorus, whose approval is recorded. Dated the 7th Mesoré in the sixth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 31 July, a.p. 227]. Considerably defaced; in a small cursive hand. 10 in. x 6 in. { : 4 ; : : : : Pap. 948. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Theognostus, also named Morus, son of Hermaeus, that he has received 600 drachmas on deposit from his sister Aurelia Dioscorous, to be returned on demand. Dated the 7th Mesoré in the sixth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 31 July, a.p. 227]. Nearly perfect; in a thin, straggling cursive hand. 93 in. x 54 in. : t : ; : : F ‘ F ‘ ; : Pap. 944. Receipts, dated the 30th Phamenoth in the seventh year and the r6th Mecheir in the twelfth year of Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Caesar [= 26 March, a.p. 228, and ro Feb., a. p. 233]. The first is apparently not for a tax; the second is for a payment of annona by Theognostus, also named Morus. Perfect ; in small cursive hands. 33 in. x rft. 2 in., much being blank TEXT. 29 3° 117 118 11g 53 xl vii PLATE. 5° OL w Cc. oS) xlvili TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 945. Affidavit, addressed to the BiBdiopiAaxes éyxtjoewv Of Hermopolis by Aurelia Dioscorous, daughter of Hermaeus, resident in Hermopolis, registering her purchase from her brother Aurelius Theognostus of a third part of a house and court belonging to him in that town. Dated the 18th Mesoré in the tenth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 11 Aug., a.p. 231]. Nearly perfect; in a rather loose cursive hand. 9% in. x 6% in. Pap. 946. Census-return by Aurelius Theognostus, also named Morus, son of Hermaeus, for the ninth year of Severus Alexander [= a.p. 229-230]. Dated the 17th Pachon in the [tenth] year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 12 May, a.p. 231]. Much mutilated ; in a rather thin cursive hand. 94 in. x 6 in, ‘ : : : : Pap. 947. Fragments belonging to the series 935-946 : Pap. 948. Contract for freightage, whereby Aurelius Heracles, son of Dioscorus, of Antaeopolis, captain of his own boat of 250 artabas freight, undertakes to transport 250 artabas of vegetable seed for Aurelius Areius, son of Heracleides, of Arsinoe, from that town to the harbour of Oxyrhynchus, for roo drachmas of silver. Further conditions of the contract are also stated. Dated the 22nd Phaophi in the third year of the emperor Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus Pius Felix Augustus and of Gaius Julius Verus Maximus Sanctissimus Caesar Augustus, son of Augustus [= 19 Oct., a.p. 236]. Perfect ; written across the fibres on the rec/o side of the papyrus, in a medium-sized, sloping cursive hand : . : , + - : ; Verso, Letter from Heracleides to Heroninus and Syrus, on private business. Dated the 28th Mecheir in the fourth year [of Valerianus and Gallienus, = 22 Feb., a.p. 257]. Somewhat defaced; in a thin, sloping, cursive hand. 8 in. x 43 in. . ; ; " Pap. 949. Attestation to a contract; apparently part of the second column of a long document. Provision is made for sending a copy of the deed cis tHv rod Navaiov, sc. ByBrvoOnKnv (cf. Oxy. Pap. 34 verso). Reference is made to the emperor Marcus Julius Philippus, hence the date is A.D. 244-249. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being missing; in a small semi-uncial hand. 33 in. x 6 in. : : Pap. 950. Deed of sale of a slave-girl by Ammonia (?) to Aurelia Thun Dated at Hermopolis Magna in the seventh (?) year of the emperor [Marcus] Julius Philippus Nobilissimus [Caesar Augustus, = Sept., a.p. 249]. Much mutilated; in an upright, medium-sized semi-cursive hand. 74 in. x 43 in. ‘ . ; 5 A : : Pap. 951. ecfo. Agreement between Hermias and another person, apparently for a division of land. Dated in the seventh year of the emperors Marci Julii Philippi Carpici | Maximi] Germanici Maximi Pii Felices Augusti [= crc. Sept., a.p. 249]. Imperfect, the beginning and a little of the end being lost ; in a well-formed, upright, cursive hand : A Verso. Private letter, on family affairs. Late 3rd cent. Imperfect, only the end being preserved; in a large, rough, semi-uncial hand. 4% in. x 7 in. ; ; : Pap. 952. Document, probably a petition, addressed to Aurelius Heron by Aurelius Hephafestion |; dated in Pauni of the second year of the emperors [Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus and Gaius] Vibius Aphinius [Gallus Veldumianus Volusianus, Pii Felices] Augusti [= June, a.p. 253]. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion, and defaced; in a large, upright, cursive hand. 124 in. X 4% in. ; j 4 : . : Pap. 953. (a) Fragment of a letter, perhaps official; dated in Phamenoth of the fifth year of the emperors [Publius Licinius Valerianus and Publius Licinius Valerianus] Gallienus Germanici Maximi Pii [Felices and Publius Licinius Cornelius] Nobilissimus Caesar, Augusti [= March, A.D. 258]. Much mutilated; in a very small cursive hand. On the verso is a fragment of an account, dated the 2rst Athur in the fourteenth year [probably of Gallienus, = 17 Nov., a.p. 266]. 3g in. x 34 in., with a detached strip 33 in. x Zin. . : c . : 5 : : : (5) Fragment of an account, also dated in Athur of the fourteenth year, perhaps in the same hand as the versoofa. 2Zin. X 34 in. ; : : c ‘ a : : : : Pap. 954. Application by Aurelia Hermione (through her father) from Aurelius Ph , also called Eudaemon, for a lease of a plot of ground in Hermopolis for five years at a rent of forty drachmas per annum. Dated the 2nd Choiach in the first year of the emperors Titus Flavius Junius Macrianus and Titus Fulvius Julius Quietus, Pii Felices Augusti [=28 Nov., a.p. 260]. Nearly perfect; in a firm, square, semi-uncial hand. 7$ in. xX 4@ in. 3 ‘ ‘ . ; : AWD Gy. 120 219 209 220 153 PLATE. 59 ee i oe TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 955. Application addressed to the senate of Hermopolis by Aurelius Phibion, resident in the quarter Ppovpiov A.Bds in that city, apparently for inclusion in a dole of corn made by the emperors. Dated the 21st Mecheir in a year of the emperors [Titus] Fulvius [Junius] Macrianus - and [Titus] Fulvius Junius Quietus, Pii Felices [Augusti, = 15 Feb., a.p. 261 or 262, probably the former]. Mutilated; ina large, sloping, cursive hand. 103 in. x 4% in. ; > - Pap. 956. Lease of a house, dated in the fourth (?) year of the emperor Lucius Domitius Aurelianus [= a.D. 242-273]. Imperfect, wanting the beginning, and considerably mutilated; in a rather large, sloping, cursive hand. 62 in. x 3% in. : : : a : - : ; Pap. 957. Contract, of uncertain nature, dated in the fourth year of the emperor [ Gaius Valerius | Diocletianus and the third of the emperor M[arcus] Aurelius Valerius [Maximianus], Pii Felices Augusti [=a.p. 287-288]. Mutilated and much defaced; in a very small cursive hand. gin. x 54in. . ; : é : : ; ; : : : : : : . Pap. 958. Letter from Aurelius Silvanus to Aurelius Hermaeus, perhaps on official business. Dated in Phaophi of the thirteenth year of the emperor [Gaius Valerius Diocletianus and the twelfth of the emperor Marcus] Aurelius Valerius Maxi[mianus, Augusti, and the fifth] of Constantius and Galer[ius Maximianus, Caesares, = Oct., a.D. 296]. Imperfect, only the left-hand portion being preserved ; in a large, upright, cursive hand. 9% rhe, 6:4 2) shee - - : ; : ! : Pap. 959. Portion of a document, apparently of official character, dated the gth Mecheir in the thirteenth, twelfth, and fifth year of Diocletianus [and Maxi]mianus and Constantius [and Maxi- mianus], Augusti [= 3 Feb., a.p. 2947]. Imperfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand, with very cursive subscriptions. 8% in. x 33in. . : : : F : : Pap. 960. Portion of a lease of land, dated the rst Athur in an unnamed year. 3rd cent. Imperfect, the upper part being lost; in an irregular and very cursive hand of medium size. 64 in. x 7 in. Pap. 961. Document written in red ink, much mutilated. 3rd cent. 8 in. x 6% in. : : Pap. 962. Letter from Heracleides to his father Heroninus, on private matters. Dated the 18th Thoth in the second year [of Valerianus and Gallienus, or of Macrianus and Quietus, = 15 Sept., A.D. 254 or 261]. Perfect; on the verso'of the papyrus (the recfo having very slight remains of writing) in a thin, medium-sized, cursive hand. 5 in. x 4% in. 2 : j j : ; , Pap. 963. Private letter from Demetrius to Plution, requiring him to come or send to him. 3rd cent. (?). Perfect; in a thin semi-cursive hand. 52 in. x 4% in., but with only three lines of writing : : : : j ‘ : ; : : a Pap. 964. Letter from Apollonius to Serapammon, pucOwr7s épnwodvAaxias, on private affairs, inclosing a short register of customs payments. Dated the 28th Mesoré, but the year is not named. Late 2nd-3rd cent. Nearly perfect; in a large, rough, cursive hand. 9 in. x 5% in. Pap. 965. Account of farm work (Adyos Ajpparos kal dvadéparos). 3rd cent. Part of one column is preserved; written across the fibres on the rec/o side of the papyrus in a medium-sized cursive hand. 43 in. x 4$in, : : : : Pap. 966. Portion of a register of payments in respect of the tax known as oredavixdv revtaernptoos. grd-4th cent. Part of one broad column is preserved; in a medium-sized cursive hand. g% in. x 54 in, : ; F Pap. 967. Fragment of a lease of a building. 3rd cent. Very imperfect ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 43 in. x 3% in. : c : : ‘ : : Pap. 968. Recto. Fragment of an account, including an entry irép cupdovias tuumdvev. 3rd cent. Part of one column imperfect on both sides; in a small, graceful, cursive hand Verso. Letter from a son to his father, both named Heracleides. Dated in Choiach in the third year of an unnamed emperor. Late 3rd cent. Much defaced; in a sloping cursive hand of fair size. 8iin. x 35 in.. : : : : : . : Pap. 969. Document, apparently a return for official purposes; dated the roth Pachon in the fifth year of an unnamed emperor. Late 3rd cent. Imperfect, wanting the left-hand portion ; written in red ink, much faded, in a good-sized cursive hand. 8% in. x 7% in. 2 Pap. 970. Fragment in hexameter verse, of uncertain character. 3rd cent. Part of one column, much mutilated, and in very faint ink; in a rather sloping uncial hand. 7 in. x 6 in. Pap. 971. Document of uncertain character, apparently containing an official rescript with regard to the appointment of a guardian. 3rd—4th cent. Imperfect, consisting of one broad column, somewhat mutilated; in an even, medium-sized, cursive hand. 9 in. x 1 ft. 23 in. DM g TEXT. 127 210 211 192 xlix PLATE. 60 64 ] TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 972. Order from Melas to Elias, instructing him to pay five talents to the collector on account of house-tax. 3rdcent. Perfect; in a rather irregular cursive hand. A Pap. 973. (a) Private letter from Flavius Anton[ius] to Antonius Zosimus(?), mentioning Stachys, a slave, 3rd—4th cent. Imperfect, the right-hand portion being lost; written across the fibres, in a rather sloping semi-uncial hand. 6 in. x 33 in. 4 ‘ - (3) Private letter from Psennesis to his brother Atuphis. 4th cent. Imperfect, only the beginning being preserved; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 33 in. x 2g in. 5 5 : . : Pap. 974. Warranty for a contractor (xaprovys) for the provision of fruits, according to the season, for the city of Hermopolis. Dated the zoth Pauni in the fourteenth year of Constantius and Maximianus, Augusti, and Severus and Maximinus, Caesares [= 14 June, A.D. 306]. A second column contains an identical appointment, in which the name of the contractor (which is lost in the first) appears as Aurelius Achilles, son of Achilles and Tabinis, of Hermopolis. Imperfect, the top and bottom of both columns being lost; in a medium-sized, sloping, cursive hand. 44 in, X II in. Pap. 975. Acknowledgement by Aurelia Tamunis, daughter of Silvanus, of the receipt of a loan of 4% artabas of vegetables from Aurelia Isidora, also named Eudaemonis, of Antinoopolis. Dated the 8th Tubi in the year after the third consulship of the emperors Constantinus and Licinius [= 3 Jan., a.p. 314]. Much mutilated; in a rather large cursive hand. 10 in. x 64 in. Pap. 976. Agreement for a loan of 4% artabas of lentils, to be repaid in Pauni and Epeiph of the same year. Dated in the fourth consulate of Constantinus and Licinius [= a.p. 315]. Imperfect, only the lower right-hand portion being preserved ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 74 in, x 5 in. Pap. 977. Portion of a contract of sale of property by Claudius Theon Timagenes [szc.] to Flavius Sanctus, also named Magnilius, of Antinoopolis. The details are lost by mutilation. Dated in the consulship of Flavius Gallic[anus and Flavius Symmachus, = a.p. 330]. Reference is also made to a sale concluded in the consulship of Paulinus and Julianus [= a.p. 325]. Imperfect, consisting of two large fragments from the left-hand side of a long roll; in a large, thin, regular, cursive hand. I1 in. X 7 in. and rod in. x 8 in. . : Pap. 978. Agreement for division of house-property between a brother and three sisters, dated the 17th Choiach in the consulship of Julius Bassus and Flavius Ablavius [= 13 Dec., a.p. 331]. Much defaced ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 9% in. x 1 ft. 2 in. : - : 5 : Pap. 979. Proposal by Aurelius Silvanus, son of Castor, to lease four arouras of land from Aurelius Neilus, son of Hermes, town-councillor of Hermopolis, for the current year. Dated the 26th Choiach in the consulship of the emperors Constantius for the fourth time and Constans for the third time [= 22 Dec. a.p. 346]. Nearly perfect ; in a rather large, thin, cursive hand. . 10% in. x 58 in. Pap. 980. Fragment, much mutilated, of a document dated in the year after the consulship of Flavius Eucherius and Flavius Syagrius [= a.p. 382]. It is addressed 7d aidecipwrdtw oxodacTiKe xXapadixdory “Eppourddews THs Aaprporarys. Ina large cursive hand. 7in. x 84 in. . : Pap. 981. Letter from John the deacon to his beloved ‘ father’ John, quoting Isa. xxxi. 9 (inexactly), and adding effusive compliments. He refers to a meeting with the Dux. 4thcent. Imperfect, the lower part being lost ; in a large semi-cursive hand. 53 in. x 5% in. ; Pap. 982. Letter from Apollon to his patron Herminus, on private affairs. 4th cent. Imperfect, the left-hand portion being lost ; in a large, irregular, cursive hand. 113 in. x 5% in. : - Pap. 983. Petition from Aurelius Sarapion, son of Silvanus, for redress, on account of an assault and abusive language on the part of a woman whose name is lost, against his wife and daughter. Dated the 11th Phaophi in a consulate, the names of which are lost. 4th cent. Imperfect, the upper part being lost: in a large, thin, cursive hand. 7 in. x 6 in. : é : : : Pap. 984. Fragment of an account, with very large figures. 4th cent. In a medium-sized, regular, cursive hand. 74 in. x 5 in. ; : c : 5 : ; ; ; - ‘ Pap. 985. Receipt from Flavius Papnuthis, of the village of Toiis in the Heracleopolite nome, for thirty so/zd7 paid to him in connexion with his military service. The exact purport of the document is obscured by mutilation. 4th cent. Imperfect, the beginning being lost; in a good medium- sized cursive hand. gin. x 7Zin. . 5 : A 5 ; : ; : A : A Pap. 986. Letter from Anubion to his ‘brother’ Hermodorus, with reference to official business. 4th cent. Nearly perfect; in a rather large cursive hand. 6Zin. x 54 in. . : : Pap. 987. Letter from Euhemerius to his mother Taibis, on private affairs. 4th cent. Considerably rubbed; in a large cursive hand. 8% in. x 33 in. : 5 3 : : ' ; ABO 212 213 115 23a 230 241 242 229 237 228 PLATE. 66 69, 7° 72 74 75 76 VG 78 TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 988. Letter from Lucia to her brother Casullas, asking for the prompt dispatch of some books (BvBXrLa, xaprépia). 4th cent. Nearly perfect; written across the fibres, in a rough cursive hand. 52 in. X 43 In. - ; - . : : : : , : - . . ; “Pap. 989. Letter from Sabinus to Pasis, with reference to the sale of a cow. 4thcent. Imperfect, a strip being lost from the right-hand side. 43 in. x 3q in.. Z - . : , : Pap. 990. Receipt from Phoebammon, a shipmaster, to his ‘lord and brother’ Hermophilus. 4th—-sth cent. Somewhat rubbed; in a thick, rough, cursive hand. 5% in. X 6 in. - - Pap. 991. Acknowledgement by Pagapé, Pamin, Psais, and Stia of the sale of a house, in or near Hermonthis, to Aurelius Joseph, for five soléd?. 6th cent. (?). Imperfect, wanting a strip on the left-hand side; in a rough, illiterate, cursive hand. 11 in. x 84 in. ; : : ; : Pap. 992. Agreement (koprpémurcov) executed by the brothers Flavius Silvanus and Flavius Sarapion, soldiers, of Antinoopolis, for the appointment of arbitrators to settle a dispute in which they were concerned, Dated in Epeiph of the first indiction in the third consulship of Flavius Anastasius [ = July, a.p. 507]. Imperfect; in a large, thick, upright, cursive hand. 12 in. X 124 in. Pap. 993. Document, dated the 13th Tubi in the seventh indiction, in the year after the consulship of Flavius Clementinus and Flavius Probus [=8 Jan., a.pD. 514]. Imperfect, wanting the beginning, and much faded ; in a rather thick, regular, sloping, cursive hand. go} in. x 83 in. F : Pap. 994. Acknowledgement by Peter and Victor, inhabitants of the village of Enseu, in the Hermo- polite nome, of the acceptance of a lease of a pottery for ten years from a daughter of Colluthus, whose name is lost. Dated the roth Mecheir in the tenth indiction, in the year after the consulship of Flavius Peter [=4 Feb., a.p. 517]. Imperfect; in a rather large, slightly sloping, cursive hand. pi in, x 6g in. . : : : : : é : : : : : : : Pap. 995. Receipt for amounts of corn paid by three individuals as taxes for the fifteenth indiction. yth cent. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized, upright, cursive hand. 10} in. x 43 in. . 3 Pap. 996. Receipt for amounts of corn paid by two individuals as taxes for the eleventh indiction. 7th cent. Imperfect; in a medium-sized, upright, cursive hand. 6% in. x 5 in. : Pap. 997. Receipt, given by Apollos to Georgius, son of Silvanus [of Pap. 1000], for the price of some wine. Dated the 1gth Phaophi in the first indiction, in the second year after the consulship of [Belisa]rius [= 12 Oct., a.p. 537]. Imperfect, wanting the left-hand and bottom portions; in a medium-sized, rather sloping, cursive hand. 5Zin. x 5g in. . A ; Ag Ore : ; Pap. 998. Portion of receipt, given by Johannes, son of Colluthus, of the Hermopolite nome, for the price of some wine. Dated in the consulship of Flavius Johannes, = a.p. 538]. Imperfect, consisting only of the upper left-hand corner of the document; in a regular, sloping, cursive hand. 3h in. x 2gin. . : c : : : Pap. 999. Acknowledgement by John, a deacon, of the receipt of the price of eighty pérpa of wine from Flavius Silvanus, son of Phoebammon; the wine to be delivered after the ensuing vintage. Dated the 6th Choiach in the second indiction, in the consulship of Flavius Johannes {= 2 Dec., A.D. 538]. Imperfect, the left-hand portion and the end being lost; in a medium-sized, slightly sloping, cursive hand. 7% in. x 53 in. : : : : : : c : : - ; Pap. 1000. Petition from Flavius Georgius, son of Silvanus, to an official whose name and title are lost, asking for the aid of the law to recover his dues from some recalcitrant debtors. Dated in Choiach of the second indiction, in the consulship of Flavius Johannes [= December, a.p. 538]. Nearly perfect; in a large, upright, cursive hand. 113 in, xX 9% in. ; Pap. 1001. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Colluthus, son of Lythius, a vine-dresser of a village in the Hermopolite nome, of the receipt from Flavius Georgius, son of Silvanus, of the price of 13 artabas of corn and ten «vida of wine, the corn and wine to be delivered in the months of Pauni [= June] and Mesoré [= August] respectively. Dated the 2oth Mecheir in the second indiction, in the year after the consulship of Flavius Johannes [= 14 Feb., a.p. 539]. Nearly perfect; in a rough, upright, cursive hand, 113 in. x 64 in. : : : ; : ; : : : : Pap. 1002. Acceptance by Aurelius David, son of Isacius, and Zeth, husbandmen of the village of Tanais(?) in the Hermopolite nome, of a lease of land for five years from Aurelia Eurasia and Aurelia Thebais. Dated the 5th Pachon in the eleventh indiction, after the consulship of Flavius Basilius [= 30 April, a.p. 547]. Imperfect, wanting the end; in a rather thick, upright, cursive hand. 5 in. x 83in.. 5 : 5 : : ; : : g 2 TEXT. PLATE. 243 257 253 82 259 83 248 84 248 270 86 250 87 270 lii TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1008. Portion of acknowledgement of lease from Aurelia Archontia and Aurelia Ouanthia of Hermopolis to Aurelius Horitus, son of Isidorus. Dated in the twenty-first year after the consulship of Flavius [Basilius], in the eleventh indiction [= July-Dec. a.p. 562]. Mutilated, and wanting all the lower part; in a very cursive sloping hand. 63 in. x 1 ft. r2 in. ; ; . : : Pap. 1004, Fragment of a contract of sale or lease, addressed to Flavius Apollonius, of the Hermopolite nome. Dated in Epeiph of an uncertain year, after the consulship of Flavius Basilius (?) [= a.p. 542- 565]. Imperfect; ina large, thin, regular, cursive hand. 83 in. x 7d in. ; : : Pap. 1005. Application to Flavius Germanus for lease of land to Hyperechius, son of Dorotheus, of Hermopolis. Dated in the seventeenth year of an emperor whose name is lost [either Justinian, = A.D. 543-544, or Maurice, = a.p. 598-599]. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand side and the bottom ; in a rather large, upright, cursive hand. 84 in. x 32 in.. A : : : 5 Pap. 1006. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Colluthus, son of Cyracus, of the village of Natoleus in the Hermopolite nome, of the acceptance from Aurelius Peter, son of Pinution, of a lease of 14 arouras of land for five years at an annual rent of 14 Solidi, less eight xepdérua. Dated the 3rd Athur in the fourth indiction, in the fifteenth year after the consulship of Flavius Basilius [= 30 Oct., a.p. 556]. Imperfect, wanting the end; in a rather Tough medium-sized hand. 73 in. x 62 in. : 4 : Pap.1007. (a) Document relating to a loan of a sum of 624 solid’, made on four notes of hand, as security for which certain articles of plate were pledged. The names of the parties are lost. About a.p. 558. Imperfect; in a rather irregular cursive hand of medium size. Biss 1, NS THE) 5 (2) and (c). On the other side of the papyrus is a lease of land in the Antaeopolite nome by Apollos, also named Phellos, from his daughter Eudoxia, dated the 13th Pachon in the beginning of the seventh indiction in the thirty-second year of Justinian and the seventeenth year after the consulship of F). Basilius [= 8 May, a. p. 558]. The latter part of this document is in the same hand as a, and occupies the upper part of the sheet ; the first part, which is at the bottom of the sheet, is in a regular, sloping, cursive hand 5 - ; 4 : - : : : Pap. 1008. Record of a general settlement [mepuextrixy didAvors] between the three brothers Hera- clammon, Loulous, and Menas, on the one side, and their sister Aurelia Amaleeg—on the other; the details are lost through mutilation. Dated the 27th Pauni of the tenth indiction in the thirty-fifth year of the reign [of the emperor Justinian, = 21 June, a. p. 561]. Very imperfect; in a rather thick, upright, cursive hand. 63 in. x 12 in. On the verso are remains of an account . Pap.1009. Acknowledgement by Aurelia Anastasia, of Hermopolis, of the acceptance of a lease” of a building from Georgius, son of Paul. Dated in the sixth indiction in the reign of the emperor Flavius [Mauric]ius Tiberius [=a.p. 587-588]. Imperfect, wanting the lower portion, and considerably defaced ; in a medium-sized, rather sloping, cursive hand. 62 in. X 9g in. : : Pap. 1010. Portion of contract, apparently a sale or lease of land in the neighbourhood of Hermopolis. Dated in Pachon, at the beginning of the third indiction, in the fourth year of an emperor whose name is lost [probably Heraclius, = May, a.p. 614; possibly Justin, = May, a.p. 569]. Imperfect and much defaced ; in a rather small, upright, cursive hand. 102 in. x 63 in, : - : ; Pap. 1011. Portion of a contract, executed at Hermopolis in the seventh indiction, in the reign of the emperor Heraclius [ = a. p. 618-619 or 633-634]. Very imperfect; ina large, sloping, cursive hand. 81 in. x 33 in. : : : : : 3 5 5 ; ‘ : : : 3 Pap. 1012. Acknowledgement of the acceptance by Aurelius Joseph, son of Paul, from Aurelius Daniel, son of Christodorus (both of Hermopolis), of a lease of three arouras of arable land for one year at a rent of fifteen artabas of corn. Dated the roth Thoth of the seventh indiction, in the twenty-third year of the emperors Heraclius and Heraclius Novus Constantinus [= 7 Sept., a. p. 633]. Perfect, except for the witnesses’ subscriptions; in a small, upright, cursive hand, and very black ink. 113 in. x 32 in. : : ; ; ; : ; Pap. 1013. Proposal for lease of land in the neighbourhood of Hermopolis. The names of the parties are lost; the lessor isa woman. 6th cent. Imperfect, wanting the left-hand portion; in a large, slightly sloping, cursive hand. 113 in. x 8 in. ; . : : : c . Pap.1014. Letter to Apa Johannes from the mother of Philadelphus the recluse (droraxrixds), asking for his help, on account of the behaviour of Theognostus the tax-collector (é&d«rwp). 6th cent. Imperfect, the end being lost. 42 in. x 32in. . : . 4 : , ; : ; Pap. 1015. Deed of surrender of land in the Hermopolite nome, by Aurelius Joseph, son of Aphous. 6th cent. The document has been cancelled. Imperfect, wanting the beginning and the right-hand portion. 1 ft. 3 in. x 6% in. ; ; . : : : . : oa ExT: PLATE, 259 89 260 262 204 gi 265 265 95 256 TABLE, OF PAPYRI Pap. 1016. Receipt, given by Flavius Johannes, for thirteen artabas of corn from the harvest of the fourth indiction. 6th cent. Somewhat defaced; in a medium-sized, upright, cursive hand. 4in. X 12,in. . . c - - - : . ‘ : : ‘ . Pap.1017. Lease taken by Aurelius Elisaeus of land in the neighbourhood of Hermopolis. 6th cent. Imperfect, wanting the beginning; in a rough cursive hand. 52 in. x 3% in, : : ‘ é Pap. 1018. Account, consisting of a list of names and sums of money. 6th cent. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 114 in. x 4% in. ; : : : ; ; : Pap. 1019. Letter from Alexander to his brother Theodosius on business matters. 6th cent. Perfect; in a rather large, straggling, cursive hand. 33 in. x 12 in. : - 2 Pap. 1020. Receipt, given by Basilides, son of Phoebammon, of Hermopolis, to Georgius, son of Silvanus, acting on behalf of two women, for rent for the current fifth indiction. Dated in Phaophi of that year. Probably a. D. 541-542, % Papp. 997, 1000, Ioor. Nearly perfect; in a thick, rough, cursive hand. 53 in. x 55in. . ‘ ; : : : : . ; : - ‘ , ; ° 7 Pap. 1021. Short account presented by Silvanus, son of Phoebammon, for the tenth indiction. 6th cent. Perfect; in a rather thick cursive hand. 5% in. x 53 in. Pap. 1022. Receipt, given by a woman whose name is lost, apparently of Hermopolis, for a pay- ment. Dated the 8th Choiach in the sixth indiction. 6th cent. Considerably defaced; in a large cursive hand. 42 in, x rogin. . . A " : : : - , - : Pap. 1023. Acknowledgement, addressed to Aurelia , daughter of Pinution, by Aurelius Johannes, son of Apion, of the acceptance of a lease of a house and appurtenances in Hermopolis, from the th Tubi in the current fifteenth indiction at a rent of 2800 talents of silver. 5th—6th cent. Nearly perfect, except for the date at the head of the document; in a rather large, thick, cursive hand. Tog in. X 62 in.. : : : 3 . : : ‘ c - - - Pap. 1024. Fragment of a contract (?) relating to a payment of 500 solidi (6Aoxérrwor). 6th cent. Very imperfect ; in a rather irregular, upright, cursive hand. 5% in, x 9% in. 2 : - Pap. 1025. Corn-account. 6th cent. Mutilated; in a thick, upright, cursive hand. 12 in. X 8 in. Pap. 1026. Portion of receipt, given by Andrew, a cultivator, to Colluthus, a sailor. Dated the 17th Tubi in the sixth indiction. 6th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion and the bottom, in a firm, upright, cursive hand. 5% in. x 24 in. : : : (2) Portion of a letter. 6th cent. Imperfect except on the right-hand side; in a a large semi-cursive hand. 54 in. x 3% in, ; : : - : ; F . : : Pap. 1027. Portion of a lease, dated zoth Mesore in the fourth indiction. 6th-7th cent. In a medium-sized, upright, cursive hand. On the verso is writing in tachygraphic characters. 1 ft. 13 in. x 48 in. 3 - . : < Pap. 1028. Account of receipts from various trade-guilds and localities, perhaps in connexion with a public festival. 7th cent. In a small, neat, upright, cursive hand. 7 in. x 12 in. Pap. 1029. Recfo. Hymn or invocation, addressed to the Trinity, in exceedingly corrupt Greek. 6th cent. (?). Ten long lines, perfect. Ina rather rough semi-uncial hand. 34% in. x 128 in. Verso. Hymn, addressed to the Virgin. 7th cent. Twelve short lines, perfect; in an upright cursive hand : : : ; : : : - : Pap. 1030. Conclusion of a lease, with witnesses’ signatures. 6th—7th cent. Imperfect; in a thick, upright, cursive hand. 63 in. x 1 ft. 1Z in. : Pap. 1031. Statement of expenditure on various purposes for the sixth indiction. 6th-7th cent. Mutilated; in a rough, illiterate, semi-uncial hand. 63 in. x 2% in. : Pap. 1032. Letter, without names of writer or addressee, in which the latter is instructed to go and secure the return of a runaway labourer, with a promise not to make any inquiry into the events which caused his flight. 6th—-7th cent. Perfect; in a sloping semi-cursive hand. 43 in. x 113 in. Pap. 1033. Short money-account. 6th-7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a large semi-cursive hand. 7% in. X 74 in. . . : c : : ; : . ; 7 Pap. 1034. Receipt given by Comicius for 1124 xepdérva on account of receipts for the fifteenth indiction. 6th—-7th cent. Three lines (perhaps the whole) complete; in a small, firm, cursive hand. 4in. xX 6Lin. . : : ; : : . F ; : Pap. 1035. Receipt given by Flavius Cyricus to Basilides, Bon@0s of the village of Sinapé, for a pay- ment of thirteen solids and twenty-one xepdtva in taxes. 6th cent. Nearly perfect; in a large cursive hand. 2% in. x 12$ in. : : : : : : n liii TeExT. PLATE. 272 267 2476 284 285 liv TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1036. Acceptance of lease of land at a yearly rent of twenty-seven xepdéria on the standard of Hermopolis, with a further payment of wine at the feast of Thynis. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, both beginning and end being lost. 3 in. x 62 in. : SA : : c ° Pap. 1037. Receipt for four voyicpdria, less twenty-four xepdria, on the standard of Hermopolis, advanced by the landlord to his tenant for the irrigation of the ground, and to be repaid on the expira- tion of the tenancy. The names of the parties are lost. 6th cent. Imperfect; wanting both beginning and end; in a medium-sized, rather irregular, cursive hand. 3% in. x 54 in. . : Pap. 1038. Two tax-receipts issued by Flavius Johannes, é&reAXevtijs of Hermopolis, for amounts of 64 and 33 artabas, pérpw doxixd [sic], paid for the public service for the tenth indiction. 6th cent. Perfect ; in a much abbreviated, upright, cursive hand. 23 in. x 128 in. Pap. 1039. Acceptance of a lease of land in the neighbourhood of Hermopolis for eight years, by Aurelius Phoebammon and Aurelius Abraham. Reference is made to the feast of Thynis (cf Papp. 1036, 1056). 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, only the end of the contract and signatures of wit- nesses being preserved ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 44 in. x g in. Pap. 1040. Portion apparently of a will. Mention is made of Antaeopolis. Late 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect on all sides; in a large sloping, cursive hand. 121 in. x 7 in. : : Pap. 1041. Jetter, without names or address, but with mention of éperépa Oeodidaxros SidacKaXéa. 7th cent. Perfect ; in a large, sloping, cursive hand. 38 in. x 1 ft. 14 in. Pap. 1042. Portion of a letter from an inferior to his chief, acknowledging the receipt of a letter. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect; in a very large cursive hand. 48 in. x 9% in. Pap. 1043. Fragment, with a reference to the feast of St. Phoebammon (izép rijs éopras tod dyiov PoiBapypwvos). Late 6th or 7th cent. Much mutilated; in a large, sloping, cursive hand. 64 in. X 98 in. 3 . : : ; Pap. 1044. Portion of a deed of gift, with reservation of usufruct for life, executed at Hermopolis by Aurelia Aphthonia, daughter of Taurinus, in favour of her son; with the attestations of the witnesses. 6th cent. Imperfect, wanting the beginning; the body of the document in a large, sloping, cursive hand, the attestations in various hands. At the foot of the document are a few tachygraphic characters. 2 ft. 1 in. x 114 in. Pap. 1045. Portion of deed of sale of a part of a house from Phoebammon, a deacon, Antonius, a soldier, Aelianus and Callinicus, sub-deacons, and Theophila, to Germanus, a kouns. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting beginning and end; in a large, somewhat sloping, cursive hand. od in. X 113 in. 2 : : ; Pap. 1046. Deed, of uncertain character, owing to mutilations. Late 6th or 7th cent. Much mutilated; in a large, sloping, cursive hand. On the verso is a considerable amount of tachy- graphic writing. 1 ft. 8 in. x r2$in.. Pap. 1047. Acknowledgement by Theodorus of the receipt of three sold from Georgius Theodosius. 6th or 7th cent. Considerably defaced; in a rough uncial hand of Coptic type. 7 in. x 84 in. Pap. 1048. Portionofalease. 6th—7thcent. Imperfect; ina sloping cursive hand. 103 in. x 6§ in. Pap. 1049. Fragment from the end of a lease, with the attestations of witnesses. 6th-7th cent. Imperfect; the body of the document in a large, stiff, upright, cursive hand, the attestations in various hands. 53 in. xX 43in. . : : : : , 5 : ° 2 6 : . Pap. 1050. End of a lease, with the attestations of witnesses. Late 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the beginning ; in a sloping cursive hand, the attestations in various hands. 7 in. X fo in. Pap. 1051. Receipt, given by Silvanus, son of Phoebammon, of Hermopolis, to Victor, son of Georgius, of the village of Senilaeus, for rent amounting to 1 solidus less 64 carats. Dated the 27th Epeiph in the thirteenth indiction. 6th or 7th cent. Perfect; in a rough uncial hand. The document has subsequently been cancelled. 3 in. x 64 in. Pap. 1052a and 4. Two short accounts. 6th or 7th cent. Perfect; in cursive hands. 5% in. x 4 in. and 4 in. X 32 in. : : 5 3 : : : c ° Pap. 1053. End of deed, apparently of gift, between Aurelius Colluthus and another, at Hermopolis 3 with the attestations of witnesses. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the beginning; in a regular, sloping, cursive hand, with the attestations in various hands. 5% in. x 83 in. : . : . Pap. 1054. Money account. 6th or 7th cent. Apparently perfect; in a large, rough, cursive hand. T2410: x 6 1n, : : 5 5 ‘ ; . ; : : : : : : : AMR 268 284 254 PLATE. TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1055. Sale of wine, with a receipt for the price by the vendor, [? Chae reas, son of Phoebammon, a deacon. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the beginning; in a large, uneducated, sloping, cursive hand, with the attestations of witnesses. 6 in. X 7% in. ; : : : : Pap. 1056. Portion of a lease, probably at the village of Thynis in the Hermopolite nome. The terms include the payment of a cask of wine yearly at the feast of Thynis. 6th or 7th cent. Im- perfect, wanting the beginning and the attestations; in a medium-sized, sloping, cursive hand. 63 in. x 83 in. . s ° : - / - ; - Pap. 1057. Receipt. 6th or 7th cent. Perfect; in an upright cursive hand. 3% in. x 11% in. ; Pap. 1058. Private letter. Late 6th or 7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a thin, sloping, minuscule hand. 2Z in. X 9% in. , 3 : : . : ; ‘ : , : : } , Pap. 1059. Portion of lease of five arouras of land, probably in the neighbourhood of Hermopolis. Dated in the third indiction,’but the name and regnal year of the emperor are lost. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the left-hand and lower portions; in a regular, sloping, cursive hand. 6in. x 43 in. : : - : - : : ; Pap. 1060. Receipt, given by Theodosius on behalf of the church of Hermopolis to abbot Daniel, for twenty-three carats paid in respect of the harvest of the seventh indiction. 7th cent. Perfect ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 4 in. x 4$ in. : : : ; On the verso is part of a receipt of the 7th cent. : : 7 : : : : , Pap. 1061. Portion of a contract for a lease of land, executed at Hermopolis. Payment is to be made Coyw tis “Epporoduray (sc. wéXews). Oth or 7th cent. Imperfect on all sides except the left; ina regular, sloping, cursive hand. 4 in. x 6% in. : - : : - : . : Pap. 1062. Money-account. 6th or 7th cent. Perfect; in a small cursive hand. 12 in. x 44 in. Pap. 1063. Two receipts for corn-tax of the second indiction, in the village of Sinapé. 6th or 7th cent. Nearly perfect ; in small minuscule hands. 33 in. x 6% in. : - : : ; Pap. 1064. (a) Fragment of lease of land, apparently to Aurelius Victor, son of Sarapion. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect on all sides except the left; in a sloping cursive hand. 4 in. x 34 in. (2) Fragment of lease of land for a year, in the Hermopolite nome. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect on all sides except the right; in an upright cursive hand. 73 in. x 3 in. Pap. 1065. Certificate of payment for public purposes. 6th or 7th cent. Mutilated; in a medium- sized, upright, minuscule hand. 53 in. x 8 in. : : : ; é : ; : F Pap. 1066. Fragment of document, apparently a receipt, addressed to Menas, zpovoyryjs. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand and bottom portions. 43 in. x 43 in. Sy - Pap. 1067. Letter. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the beginnings of lines; in a sloping cursive hand. 33 in. x 94 in. ; ; : K : : - : - : : Pap. 1068, a, 4, c. Fragments of contracts. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect; in medium-sized cursive hands. 43in. X 22in., 52 in. x 3 in., and 53 in. x 62 in. : Pap. 1069. (a) Guarantee or bail for a certain individual. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion ; in a large, sloping, cursive hand. 3% in. x 62 in. . : ; ; (2) Portion of a letter (?). . 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion; in a large, sloping, cursive hand. 23 in. x 62 in. : ; : : ; : : : 3 Pap. 1070, a, 4. Fragments of letters. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect; in medium-sized cursive hands. 1Z in. X 64 in., and 34 in. x 8 in. : : Pap. 1071. (a) Certificate of payment of 114 carats from Phoebammon to Phibis at harvest in the fourth indiction. 6thor 7th cent. Perfect; in a rather large, upright, cursive hand. 13 in. x 62 in, (2) List of names. 4th cent. Imperfect; in a small, upright, minuscule hand. Written on the verso of the papyrus ; on the recfo are slight remains of a money account, in a large minuscule hand. 5a inno 7 In. . . . . . e e e e . . . Pap. 1072, a-d. Four receipts given by Colluthus, agent for the church of Hermopolis, for rent in respect of the crops of the twelfth indiction, 7th cent. Perfect; in very rough uncial writing. 63 in. x 2 in., 64 in. x 2 in., 5 in. x 13 in., 4% in. x 2 in. : Pap.1073. Official request, addressed to Anatolius, comes Arca{di Jae, to redress the grievances of certain labourers, who complain that they are obstructed in building by their neighbours. 6th cent. Perfect ; in a large, sloping, cursive hand. 32 in. x 12in. . : . TEXT. lv PLATE. Ivi TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1074. Order rapa rod iAXoverpiov to the cipnvdpxat Of a village, to send into the town a man against whom a charge had been laid. th cent. Perfect; in a sloping cursive hand. 2 in. X 124 in, . ; . : : . ° . Pap. 1075. ; Letter, without writer’s name, addressed to bperépa peyadorperis Kat OeoptAaxros TOT LK?) deororefa. 7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a tall, thin, sloping, cursive hand. 1 ft. 8 in. x 64 in, Pap. 1076. Account, consisting of proper names followed by sums of money. The rec/o contains two columns, the verso three, together with a few lines of Coptic writing in a different hand. 7th cent. Apparently perfect; in a small, upright, cursive hand. 1 ft. 12 in. x 1 ft. : : Pap. 1077. Document, much effaced, in two columns. On the verso, in the. same or a similar hand, is some kind of lexicon, in which the same words are repeated several times. 7th cent. (?). Much mutilated ; in a medium-sized, widely spaced, minuscule hand. 112 in. x 1 ft. 6 in. : Pap. 1078. Private letter, with a reference to letters written dad BaBvAdvos. 7th cent. Nearly perfect ; in a small, sloping, cursive hand. 8 in. x 62 in. : : : : : 3 ; : Pap. 1079. Portion of a contract, perhaps a lease, relating to land in the village of Thynis, in the Hermopolite nome. 7th cent. Very imperfect; in a rather small, sloping, cursive hand. 93 in, x 2d in. . 4 : : 7 , : Pap.1080. Portion of a sale of a house in the village of Thynis; reference is made to (the monastery of?) saint Philoponius, and to abbot Theodorus, 7th cent. Imperfect; in a medium-sized, strongly-marked, cursive hand. 112 in. x 12 in. A : : - é Pap.1081. Letter, without writer’s name, addressed 79 tyerépa rarpixy deororeia, with reference to a requisition from the duipas. 7thcent. Imperfect in the lower part; inathin, sloping, cursive hand. 10$ in. x 64 in 3 4 in.. 5 : 5 ; : : ; Pap. 1082. Tachygraphic papyrus, containing a considerable amount of tachygraphic writing, with a few lines of Greek. The text is continued on the verso. 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand portion; inasmallhand. 1 ft. 9 in. x 54 in. : 5 : A : ; : Pap. 1088. Certificate from Theodorus and Olybrius, given apparently to Peter, of the payment of Seventy-one so/¢dz 214 carats of gold as public taxes for the tenth indiction. Dated the sth Pachon of the eleventh indiction. 6th or 7th cent. Nearly perfect. 33 in. x 113 in. : : , Pap. 1084. Fragment of a lease, executed at Hermopolis. 7th cent. In a rather small cursive hand. 3 in. X 63 in. : : 5 : 3 Pap. 1085. Letter from Macarius to his ‘ brother’ Gerontius, on private affairs. th cent. Considerably mutilated ; in a rather large, firm, minuscule hand. 9 in. x 113 in, F : : : : Pap.1086. Account. 7th cent. Somewhat defaced; in a medium-sized minuscule hand. 8 in. x 4Zin. . 3 ; : : Pap. 1087. Money-account. 7th cent. Imperfect; in a small, upright, minuscule hand. 6 in. x 7 in. Pap. 1088. Money-account. 7thcent. Nearly perfect; ina rather rough minuscule hand, 52 in. x 7 in. Pap.1089. Portion of letter or notification, from Hermopolis. 4th cent. From the lower left-hand portion of the papyrus, with remains of the zpwréxodAov: in a large, very cursive, sloping hand. 81 in. x gf in. ‘ : : : ; ; : : : Pap. 1090. Document of uncertain nature, connected apparently with the payment of money. 7th cent. Imperfect; in three minuscule hands. 6% in. x 82 in. ; : ; j : é : Pap.1091. Account. 7thcent. Apparently nearly perfect; in a small minuscule hand. 7} in. x 83 in. Pap. 1092. Letter from Dorotheus to Phoebammon, on money matters. 7th cent. Imperfect on the right-hand side; in an exaggerated, sloping, cursive hand. 8 in. X 11 in. ° : ; : Pap. 1093. Acknowledgement by Theophylactus of the repayment of some money to him by Theodosius. 7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a thin minuscule hand. 3 in. xX 74 in. . : : : : : Pap. 1094. Money-account. 7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a small minuscule hand. 1 ft. rin. x 4} in. Pap. 1095. (a) Receipt for seventeen carats paid in the second indiction, in the village of Sinapé. 6th or 7th cent. Perfect; in a small, thick, minuscule hand. 2§ in. X 4§ in. : : ; (5) Receipt for seven carats paid in the sixth indiction, in the village of Senilaeus. 6th or 7th cent. Perfect ; in a thin, very minute, minuscule hand. 23 in. x 43 in. . ; : : : , TEXT. 281 249 250 PLATE, TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1096. Fragment of deed. 4th cent. Imperfect on all sides except the bottom; in an upright minuscule hand. 83 in. x 63 in. ; - - : . - - : ; : : Pap. 1097. (a) List of names. 7th cent. Perfect ; in asmall minuscule hand. 6 in. x 3 in. (6) Money-account. 7th cent. Imperfect; in a small minuscule hand. 5 in. x 5% in. i F Pap.1098. Receipt for tax (?) paid by Victor, a deacon of a monastery. 7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 43in. xX 5gin. - F : ; : . ‘ : ; P Pap.1099. Receipt for taxes (probably poll-tax) to the amount of twenty drachmas paid by Didymus, son of Dioscorus, in the seventeenth year of Antoninus Caesar (?) [=a.p. 153-154]. Perfect; in a small and exceedingly cursive hand. 4g in. X 31m. « : : ; : , ‘ ‘ : Pap. 1100. Portion of a deed of sale of a camel and two foals for goo (or more) drachmas. Dated the 8th Phaophi in the reign of the emperors Marcus [Aurelius An |toninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus], Augusti Armeniaci [Medici] Parthici [ Ms. ®apmixwv] Germanici [Sarmatici] Maximi = 5 Oct., A.D. 177-179]. Imperfect, wanting the left-hand side; in a rather rough cursive hand. 8Zin. x 22in. . - : - : : : : : . ‘ Pap. 1101. Document in two columns (the first imperfect), almost wholly obliterated. rst or 2nd cent. On the verso are written five memoranda of gifts (Séous) by a certain Ptolemaeus, in small, very cursive, and much abbreviated hands. One of them is dated in the sixteenth year of Antoninus Caesar [=a.D. 152-153] 9 in. x 9 in. + : : - ; ; . é : - : ‘ Pap. 1102. Portion of document, apparently containing official regulations with regard to wine. end cent. Imperfect on both sides; in a large semi-cursive hand. 1 ft. 14in. xX 3in.. - Pap. 1103. (a) Fragment of a document, dated in the month Domitianus. Late 1st cent. Ends of lines only ; in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand, roZin.x 2gin.. - : ‘ , : (6) Fragment of a lease of land in the Hermopolite nome. Early 3rd cent. Beginnings of lines, from lower part of papyrus; in a small, very cursive hand. 6in. x 23in. ,. : - : - : Pap. 1104. Fragment of letter from Hierax, strategus of the Hermopolite nome, to the heirs of Dioscorus. 2nd cent. Part of the address is alone preserved; in a neat, firm, semi-cursive hand. 3h in.x 4in. . . re ai . , : : . . . . : . ; Pap. 1105. Fragments of a long account of receipts and expenditure. Several of the persons mentioned are soldiers. ‘The name of Memphis occurs several times, apparently in connexion with the transport of freights; also that of Alabastriné, in the Hermopolite nome, to which the document probably relates. Other phrases which occur in it are dévypddos ths ééaxropias, paywrtpeTyTos (? = magistratus) 18, trypecia rod dovKos, K.7.A. 4th cent. Ina rather thick cursive hand Pap. 1106, Notification or order from the heirs of Hyperechius to Anubion, déairytijs kat tapadnprtis rav év tT Moxeirn. 3rd cent. Considerably rubbed; in an upright, compressed, cursive hand. 1o in. X 34in. . - ; : c : - : - é : Pap. 1107. Fragment of a tax-register, relating to the tax Aysuévos Meudews. 3rd cent, One column, with remains of another; in a thin, upright, cursive hand. 1 ft. 1} in. x 7 in, : - Pap. 1108. Fragment of document, apparently a sale of a slave, in a large, showy hand of the 3rd cent. Only the ends of lines are preserved. 124 in. X 4 in. . ’ : : - : : ° . Pap. 1109. (a) Fragment of a literary work in Ionic dialect (uavrijiov, dxee). rst or 2nd cent. Nine imperfect lines from the bottom of one column, with a few letters from the preceding and following columns; in a small uncial hand. 23 in. x 4@ in. : - : . : : 5 : 2 (2) Small fragment in hexameter verse. 2nd cent.(?). Portions of two columns; in a small cursive hand. On the verso are traces of other writing. 23 in, x 25 in. . : . . . . . . (c) Small fragment in literary hand. rst-2znd cent. 13 in. x 1§ in, Pap. 1110. Document of uncertain character, much defaced, 1st cent. 83in, x 1 ft. 1 in. R « Pap, 1111. Fragment of a land survey, much mutilated. rst cent. On the verso is much scribbling of memoranda in a very cursive hand. 9g in. x 1 ft, 23 in. Pap. 1112, Document of uncertain character, perhaps a magistrate’s day-book. 3rd cent. Much mutilated; in a thin, sloping, cursive hand, 11 in. x 74 in.. : - : : - Pap. 1113. Portion of a document dated apparently in the year after the consulship of Lupicinus and Jovinus [= A.D. 368}, at Hermopolis, Much mutilated; written on the verso of the papyrus (the recto being blank), in an upright, compressed, cursive hand. 6% in. x 54 in., Ill. h Turse, 47 hii PLATE, Ivill TABLE OF PAPYRI TEXT. Pap. 1114. Letter. 3rd cent. Considerably rubbed and faded; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 53 in. xX 32 in. . ° : . ’ : : ; ; : F ; Pap. 1115. Portion of a contract, perhaps a lease. emp. Antoninus Pius [=a.p. 138-161]. Imperfect and much defaced; in a small cursive hand. On the verso are some mutilated accounts. He Oe PEST NE 4 2 Pap. 1116, Portion of receipt for corn (probably given by the ovroddyor), dated in the reign of Marcus Aurelius or Commodus. Imperfect and defaced; in a’small cursive hand. 53 in. x 3 in. Pap. 1117. (a) Fragment, perhaps of tax-receipt, dated in the reign of Trajan [=a.p. 98-117]. In a small cursive hand. 43 in. x 13 in. : : : : : : ; : ; : , (4) Fragment of contract, executed in the division of Heracleides in the Arsinoite nome, perhaps at Dionysias. The parties executing the deed appear to be ten Persians rijs érvyovys. Dated in the reign of Hadrian [= a.p. 117-138]. Ends of lines from the upper part of the papyrus; in a small, rather compressed, semi-uncial hand. 33 in. x 24 in. . - : : : : < : : Pap. 1118. Short money-account for the month Phaophi, with part of that for Choiach. 2nd cent. Imperfect ; in a small cursive hand. 43 in. x 7 in. : : : : : : Pap. 1119. (a) Portion of census-return for the census of the seventh year of Trajan [= a.p. 103-104 |; made in the course of the following year. In a small cursive hand. 42 in. x 3 in. : é : 25 (4) Portion of a census-return, for an unknown year. 2nd or 3rd cent. In a small, irregular, cursive hand, much mutilated. 53 in. x 53 in. Pap. 1120. Fragment of a poll-tax register. Late 1st or 2nd cent. In a small, neat, cursive hand, much resembling that of Pap. gor. On the verso is an account. 64 in. x 43 in.. Pap. 1121. (a) Tax-receipt, dated.the 17th Tubi in the second year of the emperor Nerva Caesar Augustus [= 12 Jan., a.p. 98, fifteen days before the emperor’s death]. Imperfect; in a thick, rough, cursive hand. 5 in. x 4in. . : ; : : : : : : ; j (2) Fragment of an account of receipts and expenditure. 2nd cent. In a rather small cursive hand. 34 in. xX 3g in. . : : 3 é 5 . : 5 : ; : ; : ‘ - Igo Pap. 1122. (a) Receipt. for twenty drachmas paid (as taxes?) apparently in monthly payments from the month Sebastus [= Thoth] to Caesarius [= Mesore] in the twelfth year of Hadrian [= a.p. 127- 128]. Reference appears to be made to the rvAy of Socnopaei Nesus. Imperfect; in a rather thick cursive hand. 23 in. x 32 in. ; : : , e 4 . hats. : (2) Letter from Heracleides to his father Heroninus; on the verso of the papyrus, only slight remains of writing being left on the vec/o. Only the beginning is preserved; in a rather tall, sloping, cursive hand. 3% in. xX 2% in. é : : : : , ; : : Pap. 1123. Short account. 3rd cent. Somewhat defaced; in a rather compressed cursive hand of medium size. trod in. xX 53 in. - : : s Pap. 1124 a, 2. Fragments of the Roman period. Late rst cent. 84 in. x 5 in., and 6$ in. X 3 in. Pap. 1125 a-d. Fragments of the Roman period. Frag. a is in a good uncial hand of the rst cent. 43 in. X 12 in, 43 in. x 43 in., 33 in. x 1Q in., and 4§ in. x 34 in. : ‘ : : ; Pap. 1126 a-d. Fragments of the Roman period. 113 in. x 23 in., 34 in. x 33 in., 33 in. X 43 in., and 3in.x 2gin. . : : é : : . : : : : . : : : Pap. 1127 a-c. Fragments of the Roman period. Frag. 4 hasa date in the reign of Severus Alexander [=a.p. 222-235]. 8in. x 43 in. 3 in. x Ijin, and 5g in. x 2$in.. ; ; ; Pap. 1128 a-c. Fragments of the Roman period. 4% in. x 23 in., 4 in. x 3§ in, and 83 in. x 1 in. Pap. 1129 a-d. Fragments of the Roman period. 4% in. x 33 in., 6 in. x 1g in., 54 in. X 3g in. and 4% in. xX 3 in. ; : ; : : 3 ; : é : : ; ; Pap. 1180 a, 4. Fragments of the Roman period. 10} in. x 4 in. and rod in. x 34 in. Pap. 1131 a, 4. Fragments of the Roman period. 54 in. x 34in. and 8 in. x 3 in. Pap. 1132. (a) Conclusion of a contract of sale, dated the 9th Thoth in some year of a pair of emperors, described as Pii Felices Augusti [z.e. between a. p. 244 and 262]. Parts of six lines, in a fine, rather tall, cursive hand. 4in. x 53in. . ‘ ; , : ‘ ‘ ’ ; ‘ . : (6) Sale by Casis at Socnopaei Nesus of a female camel for 520 drachmas. Dated the 26th Mesoré in the fifth year of Antoninus Caesar [= Aug. 19, a.p. 142]. Perfect; in a rather large and thick cursive hand, in much faded ink. 74 in. X 43 in. : ‘ : : ‘ ; : . 141 PLATE. TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1133. Fragment of a document dated on the Kalends of January in the tenth consulship [of the emperor Diocletianus|, Paver Augustorum, and the [9th] of Galerius [Valerius Maximianus Augustus, = 1 Jan. A.D. 308]. Imperfect and much defaced; in a rather exaggerated cursive hand. 6 ine xX 5 ibe ; { ; - : ; A : : ; : . , F : Pap. 1134. Note of payment of six talents 4000 drachmas in respect of freightage by Hermias, a banker, through his assistant Hermodorus. 4thcent. Perfect; ina medium-sized cursive hand. 33 in. x 4% in. . ; Pap. 1135. Letter from Olympius, on private affairs. 4th cent. In a large, sloping, semi-cursive hand. 23 in, x ro in. : : - : - z ; - : ; ; . . : Pap. 1136. Contract. 4th cent. Considerably mutilated; in a medium-sized, upright, cursive hand. 8 in. x 6 in. , : : ; - ; : : : : : : : ; F Pap. 1137. Fragments of a large contract. 4th cent. Ina thin, well-formed, cursive hand Pap. 1188 a-d. Fragments of the early Byzantine period. 33 in. x 33 in., 3 in. x 4% in., 33 in. x 42 in., and 4g in. x 4} in. ; F d 3 p ; - F : : : Pap. 1139 a, 4. Fragments of the early Byzantine period. 5} in. x 23 in. and 4 in. x 63 in. Pap. 1140. Account. 6th-7th cent. Much mutilated; in a medium-sized, upright, cursive hand. rt ft. rin. x 53 in. : ‘ : : : ; ; ; : : : é é > Pap. 1141 a, 4. Portions of letters. 6th cent. In large, sloping, cursive hands. 7% in. xX 7 in. and “2 in. X 7% in. 5 : 3 ‘ 5 : : A : 2 : - : Pap. 1142 a, 4. Portions of contracts. 6th or 7th cent. 4%in. x 3g in. and 7 in. X 5% in. Pap. 1143.2, 4. Short accounts. 6th or 7th cent. 6§ in. x 44 in. and 2 in. x 3g in. Pap. 1144 a, 4. Portions of accounts. 6th or mth cent. 72% in. x 54 in. and 73 in. X 5 in. Pap. 1145 a-c. Portions of three contracts. 6th or 7th cent. 10} in. x 12 in., 8} in. x 1} in., and 6hin.. x) 2)10: . ; ; ; : : : 3 Pap. 1146. Portion ofa letter. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, only the left-hand end being preserved ; in a sloping minuscule hand. 6% in. x 53 in. » ; : : : : : : . : ; Pap. 1147. Fragment from the beginning of a document, headed ] érapyeias OnBaidos. 6th cent. In a strongly marked cursive hand. 4 in. x 5$ in. , : : : : ; : F Pap. 1148. Portion of a letter. Reference is made to the du Euphemus. 7th cent. Imperfect ; in a thin, sloping, cursive hand. 9 in. x 62 in. , F : ? an : : . Pap. 1149. Monthly accounts of money received, in codex form. Portions of two leaves, relating to Athur and Choiach, and Pharmouthi and Mecheir. 7th cent. Imperfect, containing only the tops of columns; in a regular, minuscule hand. 4 in. x 6 in. and 54 in. x 63 in. ‘ ; : : Pap. 1150. Letter. 7th cent. Imperfect at the beginning; in a thin, straggling, cursive hand. 3 j 3.j 1o7Z 1. xX 1251n. Pap. 1151. Document of uncertain character. 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting top and bottom; in a regular, rather small minuscule hand. 9% in. x 84 in. : : Pap. 1152. Certificate of delivery of the annual charge of corn (xavdv) in the sixth indiction. 7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a small, upright, cursive hand. 6% in. x 6 in. . F : Pap. 1153. (a) Portion of a lease. 6th cent. Imperfect, wanting the beginning, and defaced; in a medium-sized, rounded, cursive hand. 6 in. x 73 in. . . (4) ee 2 el “th cent. Imperfect, wanting beginning and end; in an upright minuscule hand. a . . . . . . . . Pap. 1154. Receipt. 7th cent.. Mutilated; in a sloping cursive hand. 33 in. x 114 in. Pap. 1155 a-c. Three receipts, two being for public taxes, and one for a private payment. 6th or 7th cent. One nearly perfect, the others mutilated; in upright cursive hands. 43 in. x 6 in., 33 in. x 64 in., and 2$ in. x 53 in. : ; Pap. 1156. Lease for two years of land in the neighbourhood of the village of Thynis, in the Hermopolite nome. Dated in the eleventh indiction, 6th cent. Imperfect and defaced; in a rather large, rounded, cursive hand. 83 in. x 6$ in. . , h 2 TEXT. lix PLATE. Ix TABLE OF PAPYRI TEXT. Pap. 1157. Rec/o. Register of receipts of money in respect of various taxes on land and produce (vav Bor, téheopa tapadeicwr, x.7.A.), for the sixth year [of Severus, some later writing on the rec/o being dated in the reign of Severus Alexander; = a.p. 197-198], relating to the district of Alabastriné, in the Hermopolite nome, Eleven columns, with traces of a twelfth ; in a small, neat, cursive hand ; < : : - , - - : . ; ; : ‘ i : 61 Verso. (1) Letters from Aurelius Apollodorus, son of Sabinus, Jenefictarius of the prefect of Egypt, to various officials of the Hermopolite nome, with reference to an application by him to purchase twelve arouras of public land in the territory of Alabastriné. One of them is dated the 13th Pauni in the third year of the emperor Marcus Julius Philippus Pius Felix and Marcus Julius Philippus Nobilissimus et Illustrissimus Caesar, Augusti [=7 June, a.p. 246]. Perfect, in a large, thick, cursive hand - : : 4 : ‘ : - - F ‘ : - 109. (2) Notification, with a caveat against alienation by the debtor of his property, of a loan; a draft without names, 3rd cent. Somewhat defaced and mutilated; in a rough, medium-sized, cursive hand III (3) Accounts, for various objects; six columns running in one direction, and three (preceded by remains of another) in the reverse direction. One section is entitled Adyos avvdprews, and is in drachmas; another, in kepdyia, is an account for wine, apparently for a wedding. 3rd cent, In thick cursive hands. 10 in, x 4 ft. 63 in. : . - 4 A - ; - ; - Pap. 1158. Contract of sale, whereby Aurelius Herminus, also named Morus, son of Hermaeus [see Papp. 935-947 |, sells to his brother Aurelius Theognostus, also named Morus, one third of a house and court and appurtenances in the quarter of Hermopolis known as ®poupiov Aids, with receipt for the price, 300 drachmas, Dated the 15th Hadrianus in the sixth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= 11 Dec., a.p. 226]; preceded by the bankers’ certificate of the payment of the money, dated the following rath Jan., a.p. 227. Perfect; the body of the document in a thin, upright, regular cursive hand, the banker’s certificate in a smaller cursive hand of similar type. 93 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. . : : - : - . ¢ : - 151 Pap. 1159. Return by the town-clerks of Hermopolis of the names of residents in that city to whom the duty has been assigned of furnishing various kinds of provisions, on the occasion of a progress by the prefect Valerius Proclus. a.p. 145-147, Four columns are preserved, somewhat mutilated ; in a medium-sized cursive hand, At the beginning some other matter, of the nature of an account, has been added in a different hand, with a date in the sixth year of Antoninus Pius = A.D. 142-143] : . : P : ‘ : ; : : : . : ; A 112 The verso is occupied by roughly written accounts, 2nd cent. 9 in. x 2 ft. vate 9S ‘ = Pap. 1160. Portion of a document relating to the tenure of arable land. 3rd cent, Three columns, mutilated; in a sloping cursive hand. On the verso is part of a money account, roughly written and widely spaced. 3rd cent, 7Zin.x 1 ft. gin. , : . : ’ . . . . Pap. 1161. Guarantee with regard to a debt; the names of the parties and some of the details are lost through mutilation. Dated in the reign of [Ga]ius Caesar Imperator Augustus [= a.pD. 37-41]. Much mutilated ; in a straggling cursive hand of medium size. 10 in. x og ins, . , , Pap. 1162. ecto. Portion of a contract, wanting both beginning and end. Late 6th or 7th cent. In a large, sloping, cursive hand . : ; : ; ; ; : : ‘ 5 , : Verso. List of sailors leaving the port of Clysma, and of others not proceeding to it, 7th cent, Perfect; in a small, upright, minuscule hand. rohin.x Zin. , : - : : : - 252 Pap. 1163. Fragment apparently of a register of land-tax. Late 1st or 2nd cent. Portions of two columns, mutilated ; in a medium-sized cursive hand, On the verso are remains of a roughly written list of names, of the 2nd cent, r12din. x 73 in. . : . 7 Pap. 1164. Register of commercial transactions during the month Pharmouthi in the twentieth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Parthicus Maximus Britannicus Maximus Pius Augustus [ = April, a. p. 212], conducted through the bank of Anubion, son of Ammonius, in Antinodpolis ; a roll composed of ten distinct documents of various sizes, fastened together in the order of date, and with brief headings added. ‘The several documents are as follows :— (z) Document of uncertain character, only the right-hand ends of lines being preserved, One of the parties is Sabinus, son of Onesicrates, with his (?) son Sabinus, also named Apollonius. Ina large cursive hand. go3in.xX 5in. . “ - A c ; . ‘ - : : ; (6) Receipt for repayment by Poleis, son of Castor, to Eudaemon, son of Ammonius, of a loan of 2800 drachmas. Nearly perfect; in a small cursive hand, gin, x 1oin, , ’ : : : ; 156 156 PLATE. 54, 55 37 TABLE OF PAPYRI (c) Sale by Alexander, son of Isidorus, to Cornelius, of half a house and its appurtenances in Antino- dpolis for 600 drachmas. Imperfect at the beginning ; in a regular semi-cursive hand, 10 in. x 63 in. . , , . . . . ° , . . e . , . * (d) Receipt for payment by Mamertinus, son of Nilus, to Harpocration, son of Antonas, of 600 drachmas, in satisfaction of a debt of 330 drachmas, with interest and expenses, Harpocration at the same time giving up a house which had been assigned as security for the debt, and on possession of which he had entered. Perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 9% in xX LE lita e s . ' . : (e) Sale by Alexander, son of Isidorus, to Serenus, son of Eudaemon, of portions of two houses in Antinodpolis for 1700 drachmas. Perfect; in a stiff, cursive hand, 93 in. x 11Zin. , (/) Sale by Cornelius, son of Sarapammon, to Ammonius, son of Chaeremon, and his two brothers and sister, of half a house and its appurtenances in Antinodpolis [apparently the same house as in ¢] for 700 drachmas; the house to be occupied by Demetria, mother of the purchasers, for her life. Perfect ; in a rather large cursive hand. 9% in. x I ft. 1, in. + ° F . : : . (g) Receipt for repayment by Dionysius and four other children of Panechotes, priest of Hermes, Aphro- dite, and Ammon, and the gods who share their temple, in Antinodpolis, to Philantinous, son of Horus, priest of Hareseies, of 200 drachmas lent to their father. Perfect; in a rather large cursive hand. Sin. x 1 ft. 2 in. - - - - ; ; - . - : = - = (4) Acknowledgement by Harmirumius, also named Melas, of Tentyris, of the receipt from Pbekis, son of Pebos of Panopolis, of a lease for sixty years of a boat of 400 artabas’ draught, with all its fittings, at a rent for the whole period of 1 talent 2000 drachmas. Perfect; in a rather large and irregular cursive hand. gin. x 1 ft. 3 in. - : 2 : > : = - ; . : : (¢) Receipt for payment by Hierakion, also named Athenodorus, on behalf of his sons Eudaemon and Hierakion, of Antinodpolis, to Turbon, son of Apollonius, a victor in the sacred games, of 1000 drachmas for transference to his sons of the privilege of support at the public expense, won by Turbon at the athletic festivals in the thirty-first and thirty-second years of Commodus [ = A. D. 190—- 192]. Somewhat rubbed; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 83 in. x 83 in. , : : ; (%) Release by Philantinous, som of Demetria, to Hermias, son of Isidorus, of a third part of a house and appurtenances in Antinodpolis, in settlement of a debt of 2000 drachmas. Perfect, except at the right-hand margin; in a regular, medium-sized, cursive hand, 8 in. x 1 ft. 35 in. s - Pap. 1165. Accounts, relating to payments for hay, &c. Portions of two columns remain. 2nd cent. Imperfect ; in a medium-sized cursive hand . - c ~ - . . = On the verso are small remains of an account, 2nd cent. 83 in. x 83 in. : . Pap. 1166. Acceptance by Horion, son of Heliodorus (?), and Tothes, son of Tothes, Persians ris ém- ovis of Hermopolis, from Dius, gymnasiarch elect, of a contract to supply materials for heating the baths attached to the gymnasium during the fourth year of the emperor Claudius. The contract price is 2000 drachmas, of which 500 are paid in advance, together with 200 for the purchase of donkeys. Dated at Hermopolis, the 30th Epeiph in the second year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator [= 24 July, a.p. 42]. Nearly perfect ; in a thin, straggling, cursive hand, - - ; : . : : : : A On the verso are some short accounts for the fourth year. 412 im. x 1 ft. 63 im. : Pap. 1167. Portion of a register of poll-tax(?); one mutilated column and remains of another. Reference is apparently made to the census of the seventh year [sc. of Trajan], the present list being five years later | = a.p. 108-109]. In arather square cursive hand, : ~ - : On the verso is a little much-defaced writing. 1oin. X 10? in. : : x : Pap. 1168. Mortgage by Stotoétis, daughter of Dioscorus, to her brother Chichois of a house and court in Hermopolis for four years, as security for a loan of 220 drachmas, with right of occupation in lieu of interest. Dated at Hermopolis, the 27th Tubi in the fourth year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator [= 22nd Jan., a.. 44]. The lease is followed by a copy of the certificate of the payment of the 220 drachmas, made through the private bank of Syrus on the 20th Tubi, with an acknowledgement by Stotoétis of the receipt of that sum. In the margin above this and in a following column is a surrender of the lease by Chichois, with an acknowledgement of the repayment of the 220 drachmas, dated the 25th Pharmouthi |= 20 April], and on the verso is a rough draught of the certificate of repayment, dated the roth Pauni[= 4 June]. Nearly perfect ; the official hands are large and well marked, the private hands thicker and more illiterate. 92 In. X 3 ft. 651in, Fe : . . . . . . . . . . . TEXT. 160 162 163 165 166 Ig! Ixi PLATE. 46 47 4 8 49 I 9 Ixii TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1169. Register of payments made at the custom-house of a village on goods conveyed in and out. The animals carrying the goods are mentioned, together with the size of their loads. Payments are also made monthly for the keep of one "ApaBorogérns. 2nd cent. Six columns, the first two con- siderably mutilated ; in a small cursive hand. 81 in. x 2 ft. 1¥ in. Pap. 1170. Recto. Part of a large revenue-register, left by the outgoing strategus [of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon in the Arsinoite nome | for his successor, Julius Isidorus. Eighteen columns, numbered from 76 to 93, containing a statement of the revenues from the various villages, with the names of the taxpayers and amounts paid by them. The list is incomplete, the catalogue of villages, in alphabetical order, only extending from A to K, First half of the 3rd cent. Imperfect ; in a rather good, medium-sized, cursive hand, : Verso. Accounts of Heroninus, steward of property in the neighbourhood of Theadelphia, addressed to Aurelius Heracleides, senator of Arsinoe, and containing a record of work done and payments made, in the sixth year [of Valerianus and Gallienus, = a. p. 258-259]. Imperfect at peeinalpe and end, and considerably damaged; in a small, rough, cursive hand. 1 ft. 2 in. x 5 edie , : : ; : : , 5 : ; Pap. 1171. Accounts of agricultural expenditure in Mesoré of the twenty-second year and Thoth of the twenty-third year of Caesar [¢.e. Augustus, = Aug.-Sept., B.c. 8]. Four columns are preserved, with local mutilations, and there are slight remains of columns before and after these. Written in a firm, rather square, semi-cursive hand , F , ; : ¢ : : , : On the verso are three documents, one being a decree of the prefect Lucius Aemilius Rectus, dated in the second year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator [= a. p. 41-42]. The others are drafts of a contract, Mutilated ; roughly written, one in a large semi- cursive hand, the other in a small cursive hand. Tog in. X 1 ft. ro2 in. . Pap. 1172. Business document of uncertain character. Temp. Marcus Aurelius [a. D. 161-177], having a reference to the deified Antoninus. The deme-name Znvews occurs in it (“Eppatov 70d Kal IIpetoxou Znveiov, cf. introd. to Pap. 1164, P- 154 below). Imperfect and much rubbed ; written in a rough, Straggling, cursive hand, on the verso of four different documents, which have been fastened together to make a roll. The documents on the rec/o, which are themselves very defective, are in three instances dated in the eighteenth year of Antoninus [= A.D. 154-155, which was a leap-year, the sixth intercalary day being mentioned], and the fourth contains a reference to the twelfth year = A.D. 148-149]. 7d in. x 2 ft. 5iin. ; . : 3 ; . Pap. 1173. Letter from Hephaestas to Anubion, on business matters. Dated the 13th Choiach in the tenth (?) year of Hadrianus Caesar [9 Dec., a.p. 125]. Imperfect; in a small cursive hand. 93 in. x 33 in. . : , ‘ : ; : : i : s ‘ Pap. 1174. Account for grass-fodder (Adyos xAwpopayias) for the sixth year of Hadrianus Caesar [=AsD, 121-122]. Imperfect and mutilated ; in a small cursive hand. 5% in. x 5 in. ; : A Pap. 1175. Receipt for eighteen xepdria of gold. 6th or 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand side ; in an upright cursive hand of medium size. 4in. xX odin, . . , : , : : Pap. 1176. Portion of a Christian prayer. th cent. Imperfect at the top and right-hand side; in a large, sloping uncial hand. 84 in. x 6Z in., much being blank . 2 , : 2 : ; Pap. 1177. Accounts, submitted to Demetrius, the auditor (eéeracrys), by Crispus, also named Sarapion, and Mysthes, also named Ptolemaeus, and Mysthes, son of Didymus, and Sotas, son of Zoilus, commissioners for the supply of water to the wells and reservoirs of the metropolis [? Hermopolis], of their receipts and expenditure from Pauni in the past sixteenth year of Traianus Caesar to Phaophi in the current seventeenth year [= June—October, a.p. 11 3]. The accounts actually cover the preceding month, Pachon, also. Sixteen columns, incomplete at the end, and somewhat mutilated; in a small cursive hand. 83 in. x 8 ft. 7% in. On the verso are rough accounts, irregularly written in a straggling hand. 2nd cent, . Pap. 1178. Diploma of membership, granted to Herminus, also named Morus, of Hermopolis, a boxer, by the athletic club known as 7 tepa Evorixiy Tepiroduatixyy ‘Adpraviy *Avrwoviavy Sertysavy ovvodos tav mepl tov “Hpaxdéa. The diploma begins by reciting grants of privileges by the emperors Claudius and Vespasian, and is signed by the principal officers of the club. Dated at Naples in Italy, at the forty-ninth performance of the Augustan games, in the consulate of Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax Augustus and Clodius Septimius Albinus Caesar, both for the second time, a.d. x Kal. Oct. [22 Sept., a.p. 194]. Nearly perfect; written in one column across the papyrus roll, in a large semi-cursive hand, with signatures in various hands, 10 in. x 4 ft. 22 in. : : ; : Pap. 1179. Fragments apparently of a register of leases or other contracts. Late 2nd cent. Written in a small, regular, cursive hand, apparently in broad columns Presented by John Marshall, Esq. TEXT. 43 g2 193 177 105 207 180 214 144 PLATE; 14, 15 31535 40-43 TABLE OF PAPYRI [Papp. 1180-1199 were presented by the Egypt Exploration Fund in 1903. They form part of the papyri discovered at Oxyrhynchus (Behnesa) and in the Fayum by Messrs. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, and their texts have been edited or described by them in Zhe Oxyrhynchus Papyrt, parts I-11 (London, 1899 and 1903),and Mayum Towns and their Papyri (London, 1900). References to these publications are attached to the following descriptions. | Pap. 1180. Three fragments from a comedy, perhaps by Aristophanes. The first and largest (84 in. x 44 in.) contains the ends of a column, followed by another column of twenty imperfect lines. The second fragment is from the bottom of a column, and contains portions of eight lines, the last two of which are lyrical. Fragment 3 contains portions of six lines; its position is uncertain. Changes of speaker are indicated by paragraphi and double dots (:). One accent occurs, in frag. 6. Points to mark punctuation are inserted in places, perhaps by a later hand. There are corrections by two distinct hands. 1st-2nd cent. Written in a large, round, upright uncial of ornamental appearance. [O. P. 212]. : 4 : ; ; , ; 2 : , = Pap. 1181. Fragment of an epic poem ; forty-three imperfect lines from a speech on the subject of Telephus, King of Mysia. They occupy both sides of the papyrus, which is apparently a leaf from a book. There are no accents or punctuation marks, but the diaeresis is used. 3rd cent. 42 in. x54 in. In a small, sloping uncial, 44 in.x3}in. [O. P. 214] : : Pap. 1182. ‘Treatise on religion, of Epicurean tendency, possibly by Epicurus himself. Portions of three columns. There are corrections both by the original hand and another, paragraphi by the first hand and punctuation marks added later. Ist cent. B.C. (?). In an irregular, rather square uncial of Ptolemaic type. On the verso is a portion of an account relating to the number of workmen employed on different days of a month whose name is lost. This is in a hand of the 1st cent. gin.x7in. [O. P. 215] : ; : ; Pap. 1183. Five fragments from a prose work, perhaps a collection of Ilapddoga. The first fragment, which is in two portions, contains parts of three columns, of which the upper part of the second is almost complete. The other fragments are small. No stops or accents are used. 3rdcent. In a small, fine, sloping uncial. [O. P. 218] : - : : Pap. 1184. Rec/o. Treatise on metres. Portions of fourteen columns remain, besides detached fragments. The height of the most complete columns of writing in their present state is 4% in. Paragraphi by the original scribe, punctuation marks by another hand, who has added some correc- tions. ‘There is one circumflex accent and one rough breathing, both perhaps by the scribe. 1st-2nd cent. Written in a round, clear, upright uncial. [0O.P. 220, with specimen facsimile | Verso. Scholia on Ziad xxi. Seventeen columns can be distinguished, besides several small fragments left unplaced. Of these columns four are practically complete, and four others are approximately so. In the margin between cols. X and XI, at right angles to the writing, are the words ’Appdvios "Appwviov ypappatixds éonpewodpny, which may be the signature of the author. Paragraphi are used fairly often, accents, breathings, and punctuation marks sparingly. Some corrections by the original scribe, others by a corrector. 2nd cent. Height of columns 5% in. Ina small, close, rather neat uncial. [O.P. 221, with specimen facsimile ] Pap. 1185. Recfo. Portion of a money account, mentioning the tenth and fourteenth years of an unnamed emperor, probably Marcus Aurelius or Caracalla. 2nd or 3rd cent. : : - . Verso. List of victors at the Olympian games; portions of two columns, containing the 75th-78th and 81st-83rd Olympiads, and so covering the period of Pindar and Bacchylides. Early 3rd cent. In a small semi-cursive hand, with some abbreviations of common words. (OsRez22) pay Ins kaon Pap. 1186. Certificate addressed by Thamunion or Thamunis of Oxyrhynchus to two persons described as both roroypaypareis and kwpoypappareis to the effect that her son Thoonis has gone abroad, for which reason she asks that he may be entered as removed; with signature on her behalf by Sarapion her guardian. Dated the r2th Pauni in the fourth year of the emperor Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= June 7, ap. 44]. 12$in.x33in. Mutilated; in a cursive, very irregularly formed hand. [O. P. 251]. - : : : , : Pap. 1187. Deed of divorce between Thaésis, daughter of Thonis, and Petosarapis, son of Thompecusis, of Oxyrhynchus, after a marriage of a little over a year. Thaésis acknowledges the repayment of her dowry, and both parties surrender all claim on each other. Dated in the month of Germanicus (Thoth) in the sixteenth year of the emperor Domitianus Augustus Germanicus [= Aug. 29- Sept. 27, a.D. 96]. 6 in.x38 in. Imperfect; in a clear semi-cursive hand. [O. P. 266.] N.B. Before the transference of this papyrus to the British Museum a portion of it, containing the first 9-12 letters of lines 1-11 had disappeared. The measurements given above refer to the papyrus in its present state . . : . : : TEXT. Ixiii PLATE. lxiv TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1188. Lease of 363 arouras of land near Pamis by Dionysius, son of Alexander, to Artemidorus, son of Artemidorus, both described as Macedonians and immdpya: éx’ dvdpav, for one year, the produce of the land to be divided equally between landlord and tenant; with autograph signature of Artemidorus. Dated the goth Thoth in the twelfth year of Caesar [= 6 Sept, B.c. 19]. 114 in. x62 in, Mutilated in the middle; in a cursive hand of Ptolemaic type. [0.P. 277 |e Pap. 1189. A short Christian prayer, 3rd-qth cent. 5% in.x62in. Perfect; in rather compressed and elongated uncials, On the verso is the title rpooevyy. [O.P. 407] . “ : - : Pap. 1190. Homer, Z/rad vi; parts of ll. 128, 134-137, 148, 173-194, 199, and 445-end are preserved, some of them almost complete. Critical signs (diple, antisigma, and asterisk) occur, and several accents, breathings, and marks of elision. Punctuation marks are frequent. All these seem to be due to the original scribe. There are also interlined variants and marginal notes, by at least two, and possibly three, different hands of about the same period. Late 2nd cent.(?), Written very accurately in a clear, elegant uncial of medium size. [O.P. 445, with specimen facsimile]. : Pap. 1191. Homer, Ziad xi; two fragments, containing parts of ll. 505-516, 521-547, 555-567; and 571-602, Of lines 505-516 and 521-547 only the last few letters are left; of the others nearly the first half. There are stops and a few accents, and also one critical mark against ]. 602. 2nd cent. 21 in.x 4 in. and 62 in.x4 in. Ina fairly round, regular uncial of medium size. On the verso are traces of 2nd or 3rd century cursive writing. [O.P.550] . . . ; : Pap. 1192. Portion of a lyrical poem, apparently describing experiences in the under-world. Cf A. Swoboda, ‘Uber neue Bruchstiicke eines gnostischen Psalmes von Christi Héllenfahrt,’ in Wiener Studien, xxvii (1905). Parts of three columns remain, but of the first only a few letters, and the second is much damaged by rubbing and mutilation. There are no accents or punctuation marks other than paragraph’. 2nd cent. 8% in.x11in. Written in rough uncials, apparently in two hands, or with later insertions by the first hand, [7.7.P.2] . 4 : : : ; Pap. 1193. Receipt for the payment of a tax, the nature of which is not clear as the name is abbreviated, by the priests of the crocodile god Sokanobkoneus [a/. Socnopaeus or Suchus] at Bacchias. The amount of the payment is uncertain. Dated in the ninth year [of Ptolemy Soter II =8.c. 109 or more probably of Neos Dionysus = B.c. 73). 4gin.x5gin. Perfect; in a very cursive hand with many abbreviations. On the verso isa short account. [/. 7. P.18] , Pap. 1194. Order addressed by Straton, ypapparets yewpyav Lof Bacchias], to Acusilaus, cvroAdyos, to pay two artabas of wheat to Petesuchus, son of Paésis, who seems to be a cultivator of domain land ; with counter-signatures of Petalus and Marres, the latter being the kwpoypayparevs. Dated the 15th Thoth in the twenty-first year [perhaps of Ptolemy Neos Dionysus = B.c. 61]. 33 in. x 23 in. Nearly perfect; in a very rapid cursive hand. [/. 7: P. 18 (a)] . : ; : ie 5 A Pap. 1195. Return by Chaeremon and the other tax-collectors of Pharbetha to the orparyyds of the division of Heracleides in the Arsinoite nome of arrears of taxes in Phamenoth of the seventh year of an unnamed emperor. On the verso, in a different hand, is what appears to be a continuation of the list, the taxes in this case being collected by the éxitnpytai of the collectors; and there is mention of Pauni in the seventh year and also of the eighth year. Late end cent. 52 in. x 7% in. Mutilated ; in an exceedingly cursive hand, with many contractions. [F. 7. P. 42 (2)] - . Pap. 1196. Account, in Lav, of the deposits of a number of soldiers in the military bank, with statement of deductions for various expenses and of the amount standing to the credit of each soldier. The amounts are given in denarii and obols. The account is addressed, in Greek, on the verso, to Apollo[nius? strategus] of the division of Heracleides in the Arsinoite nome. A con- siderable part of three columns remains, and also a number of small fragments from a previous column, Late 2ndcent. 12 in. x 5% in. [Fol P. 105] . - : : , , ; ’ Pap. 1197. Letter from L. Sabinus Gemellus to Epagathus, dated the 23rd Pharmouthi in the seventh year of Traianus Caesar [= 18 April, a.p. 104]. 8% in. xX 33 in. Much mutilated; in a medium- sized cursive hand. [/. 7. P. 254] « els : : ; Pap. 1198. Letter from Gemellus to Epagathus, dated the 13th Thoth during the reign of Domitian [a.p. 81-96]. 105 in. x 42 in. Perfect but much obliterated; in a very shaky, illegible cursive hand. [/. 7. P. 259] 5 ; : ; : ; 5 : : ‘ ; ; : ; Pap. 1199. Short account, with a list of names followed by amounts in artabas of the standard Spopw. Late rst cent. B.C. 44 in.x4in. Complete; in a cramped, medium-sized, cursive hand. [/. 7. P. 285] ive : . pi. ; ae” ees Hie Lees, Pap. 1200. Official record of the payment, through the bank of Psenchonsis at Diospolis Magna, of the tax on sales in respect of a house in Diospolis bought by Tsenuris, daughter of Thoteutes ; with official subscriptions, Dated the 7th Thouth in the fourteenth year [of Ptolemy Epiphanes, = B.c. 192-191, OF Philometor, = B.c. 168-167]. Perfect, in a large cursive hand. 64 in. x 1 ft. 6 in. - ; ; : ; : : : - “ : c F : ‘ TEXT. PLATE, 13 TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1201. Mortgage of ten arouras of land in Tarkutis, in the Pathyrite nome, by Harsiesis, son of Kerkaris, to a woman named Eté; written in demotic, with Greek docket recording the payment by the mortgagee of the tax of one-twentieth on sales through the bank of Apollonius in Hermonthis. Dated the 26th Mesoré in the twentieth year [of Ptolemy Philometor, = B.c. 162-161]. Perfect; in a thin, even, cursive hand. 1 ft, 1 in.x2 ft. g in. ; : ; ; Pap. 1202. Mortgage of ten arouras of land in the plain of Tarkutis [cf Pap. 1201] by Harsiesis, son of Kerkaris, to Panas, son of Espmethis ; written in demotic, with Greek docket, as in the preceding document. Dated the 3rd Mecheir in the twenty-second year [of Ptolemy Philometor, = B.c. 160-1 59]. Perfect; in a rather small and very cursive hand. 1 ft. of in. x 2 ft. 44 in. , : 5 Pap. 1203. Acknowledgement by Totoés, son of Pelaeus [cf Pap. 880] of a debt of eight talents of copper and 132 artabas of wheat borrowed by him from his son Panobchunis. Dated in Pathyris in the office of the agoranomus Heliodorus, the 27th Mecheir in the fourth year [of Cleopatra and Ptolemy Soter II,= B.c. 114-113]. Slightly mutilated; in anirregular cursive hand. 12$in. x 63 in., most being blank ; - - : : ° A : - - F Pap. 1204. Sale by Taélolous and Siepmous, daughters of Totoés, to Kobaétesis, daughter of Phagonis, of half a house in Pathyris for a talent of copper [cf Papp. 879, 880]; with a record of the payment of the tax of one-tenth on sales through the bank of Paniscus in Crocodilopolis. Dated (with a full list of the priesthoods of the Ptolemies) in Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Heliodorus, the 8th Choiach in the fifth year of the queen [Cleopatra] and king Ptolemy, Philometores Soteres [= .c. 113-112]. Perfect ; in a rather thick cursive hand, with clay seal. 4% in.x I ft. ro in, - . , : : ; : Pap. 1205. Fragment of loan from Petearsemtheus, son of Panobchunis (?), to Phagonis, son of Panob- chunis. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, deputy for the agoranomus Paniscus, the 8th Pharmouthi in the fifteenth year [of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice,= B.c. 100-99}. Only the upper left-hand corner is preserved, in a rather thick cursive hand. 23 in. xX 3% in. - , Pap. 1206. Sale by Panobchunis, son of Totoés, to Petearsemtheus, son of Pacoibis, priest of Suchus and Aphrodite, of arable land in the plain of Pathyris, for two talents of copper. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, deputy for the agoranomus Paniscus, the 3rd Pauni in the fifteenth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice, Philometores [ = B.c. 100-99]. Preceded by a docket of the contents. Perfect (except for the absence of a third column containing the banker’s certificate of the payment of the tax on sales) ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 63 in. x x ft. 5 in Pap. 1207. Sale by Galates, son of Pelaeus, an iron-worker, to Petearsemtheus, son of Panobchunis, both parties being Persians of Pathyris, of a vineyard in the northern quarter of Pathyris for 4000 drachmas. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, deputy for the agoranomus, Paniscus, the rsth Athur in the sixteenth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice, Philometores [= B.c. 99-98}. Preceded by a docket of the contents, with seal. Perfect (except for the absence of the banker's certificate) ; in a large, rough, cursive hand. 6 in. x 1 ft, 3 in. : Pap. 1208. Sale by Patous, son of Pelaeus, to Tacoibis, daughter of Patous, both parties being described as Persians, of an aroura of arable land in Themrauthis (in the district of Pathyris) for a talent of copper. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of the agoranomus Ammonius, the 4th Mecheir in the seventeenth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice, Philometores [= B.c. 98-97]. Preceded by a docket of the contents, with seal. Perfect (except for the absence of the banker’s certificate) ; in a small, thick, cursive hand, 6 in. x 113 in. ; : ‘ Pap. 1209. Sale by Necuthes, son of Petearsemtheus, to Petearsemtheus, son of Panobchunis, of half an aroura of arable land in Pathyris for 1 talent 3000 drachmas. Dated at Pathyris, in the office of Hermias, agoranomus for the upper toparchy of the Pathyrite nome, the 23rd Epeiph in the twenty-fifth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Cleopatra, Philometores Soteres ie B.c. 90-89 |. Pre- ceded by a docket of the contents, with seal. Perfect (except for the absence of the banker's certificate) ; in a rather thick hand, less cursive than usual. 6 in. x 1 ft. 11 in, Pap. 1210. Receipt, addressed by Aurelius Maximus to his father Aurelius Heroninus for various amounts of wine received in the months Phaophi to Choiach in the twelfth year [of Gallienus = Oct.-Dec., A.D. 264]. Perfect; in a rough, cursive hand. 83 in. x 43 in. Pap. 1211. Letter from Taurion to Arotr—, on private affairs, dated the 26th Pauni in the sixth year [probably of Severus Alexander,= 20 June, a.p. 227]. Perfect, in a rough, cursive hand; written on the verso of the papyrus, the recfo containing parts of two lines in a fine, handsome hand of the 2ndcent. 43 in. x 3h in. . . . : : : : - : Pap. 1212. Portions apparently of a register of payments of corn into the official store-houses, in the second year. Reference is made in each entry to the register of the second year of Gallus and Volusianus [a. D. 252-253] as a past date; hence this may probably belong to the second year of Il. 1 TEXT, b Se) 15 16 19 20 Ixv PLATE, 2,3 | Ge) 61 Ixvi TABLE OF PAPYRI Valerianus and Gallienus [a. p. 254-255]. Imperfect on both sides; in a neat, cursive hand. On the verso is a portion, apparently of an official order, from Sallustius Anaxagoras, in a larger hand of the same type, dated the rgth Phaophi in the third and second year [of Diocletianus and Maximianus, nO OCL, Ape aco) Pins xX Zine » : : . . . . . . Pap. 1213. (a) Order from Diodotus Norbanas Claras, through Gaius Julius Salvius, to Metocus, a ovroAdyos, to pay to his fellow slave Sophus four artabas of wheat for the four preceding months Sebastus [= Thouth]-Choiach. Dated the zoth Choiach in the twelfth year of the emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= 16 Dec., a.p. 65]. Perfect; in a very small cursive hand. 43 in. x 5} in. : : : ° . . : : : : : : : . (4) Similar order from the same to the same, on the same date, to pay to himself nine artabas for the nine preceding months, Pharmouthi-Choiach. Perfect ; in the same hand. 37 in. x 54 in. . Pap. 1214. Similar orders, from the same to the same, to deliver corn at the same rate, in the one case for Tubi of the twelfth year, in the other for Pharmouthi-Epeiph of the eleventh year. Both orders are written on one piece of papyrus, and dated the roth Tubi inthe twelfth year of Nero [= 5 Jan., A.D. 66]. Perfect; inthe same hand. 7 in. x 53 in. ‘ ’ ; , : Pap. 1215. Similar orders, from the same to the same, to deliver thirty-five artabas of seed-corn to Dius, son of Apollonius, with interest at 333 per cent., to be repaid out of the next harvest; with Dius’ receipt. Dated the 11th Neos Sebastus [= Athur] in the twelfth year of the emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= 7 Nov., a.p. 65]. Perfect, in a small cursive hand; the receipt in a very thin, scratchy hand. 83 in. x 43 in. ’ : 5 Pap. 1216. Certificate of payment by Orsenuphis of sums amounting to 112 drachmas for poll-tax. Dated in Pauni of the thirty-second year of Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus Caesar [= June, A.D. 192]. Nearly perfect ; in an irregular cursive hand, in much faded ink, 2 in. x 73 In. . Pap. 1217 a, 4. Certificates of the payment of various taxes by Tinutis, also named Asclepias ; one of them is dated in Mecheir of the third year of the Marci Julii Philippi Caesares [= Feb., a. p. 246], in the other the precise date is lost. In thin cursive hands and faded ink. 33 in. x 4% in., and 4in. X 2}in. . : : : : : é F ; : : Pap. 1218. Petition (?) addressed to Gaius Julius Pholus, superintendent of police, by Dicaeus, son of Chaeremon, a cultivator of Euhemeria. Dated the 30th Mesoré in the third year of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= 23 Aug., a.p.'39]. Much mutilated; in a thin cursive hand . ‘ : Pap. 1219. Certificate from a xwpoypappare’s to the strategus of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon, that nothing has been reported as due to the idios Adyos during the past three months. Dated the rst Thouth in the fifth year of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus Arabicus Adiabenicus [= 29 Aug., a.p. 196]. Mutilated and rubbed ; in a thin cursive hand. gin. x 43 in. Pap. 1220. Report from a retiring tax-collector, giving the names of two qualified persons to be for- warded to the prefect, from whom the choice of his successor may be made. Early 3rd cent., the prefect being Subatianus Aquila [circ. a.D. 202-207]. Nearly perfect ; written ina medium-sized cursive hand, inred ink. 9g in. X 3 in. ‘ : : “ ; ‘ : Pap. 1221. Census-return, addressed by Anchorimphis, resident in the village of Theadelphia, to the deputy village secretary and the Aaoypédar of the village, for the census of the seventh year of the emperor Nerva Traianus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus [= a.p. 103-104]. Dated in the course of the following year, probably near the end of it (circ. Aug., a.p. 105). Perfect, except for the loss of the date at the end; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 73 in. x 23 in. ‘ : : Pap. 1222. Official letter from Diodorus, son of Perigenes, to Claudius Cerealis, strategus of the division of Heracleides in the Arsinoite nome, enclosing a copy of a document received by him from Nicolaus, then acting as dpyidicacr7js. Dated the rgth Pachon in the twenty-second year of the emperor Aelius Hadrianus Augustus [= 14 May, a. p. 138]. Imperfect, the document enclosed being almost wholly lost ; in a small, neat, cursive hand. 2din.x 53in. . Pap. 1223. Proposal from six persons, addressed to Marcus Antonius Pallas, for a lease of 11133 arouras of land for two years, at a rent partly in kind and partly in money. Dated the gth Phaophi in the sixth year of the emperor Traianus Hadrianus Augustus [= 6 Oct., a.p. 121]. Mutilated and rubbed; in a medium-sized very cursive hand. 5% in. xX 8 in. : : : : . Pap. 1224. Order to the sitologi to pay 300 artabas of wheat to Hermodorus, son of Dius. Dated the rst Germaniceius [= Pachon] in the eleventh (?) year of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= 26 April, a.p. 65]. Mutilated; in a very cursive hand. 61 in. x 6% in. : : 2 Pap. 1225. Proposal for a lease of twenty-seven arouras of land in the Hermopolite nome, in the third year of the emperor Vespasianus Augustus [=a.p. 70-71]. Mutilated at top and bottom and on the left-hand side; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 54 in. x 7 in. 4 : : : 2 DEexc: PLATE. go 121 26 122 26 122 122 34 61 130 123 I14 139 36 138 TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1226. Portion of account of recéipts and expenditure addressed to Aurelius Appianus, senator of Alexandria, by Aurelius Heroninus, dpovriactys Of Theadfelphia]. The accounts relate to the month Thoth in the second year [of Valerianus and Gallienus,=Sept., a. D. 254, or Macrianus and Quietus, = Sept. A.D. 261]. One column nearly perfect ; in a thin cursive hand of good size. 8} in. x 64 in. On the verso is part of an account of daily expenditure, in a similar hand, much defaced Pap. 1227. Proposal from Cornelius, a native of Hermopolis, addressed to Apollonides, strategus of the nome, for a lease of public land for the current year. Dated the 26th Phaophi in the sixteenth year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [= 23 Oct., A.D. 152 |. Considerably defaced; in a small cursive hand. 9g in. x 6 in. : Z - : : - Pap. 1228. Letter on private affairs, imperfect. 2nd cent. Portions of two columns, well written, with spaces to mark pauses in the sense; in a neat semi-cursive hand. 3% in. xX 8 in. : Pap. 1229. Promise to pay 120 drachmas, apparently as rent for land. Dated the 25th Pachon in the eighth year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [= 20 May, A.D. 145], With a receipt for four drachmas earnest-money paid on the 16th Epeiph. Imperfect, wanting the left-hand portion; in a rough semi-cursive hand. 83in. X 3}1in. .- - ; : Pap. 1230. Record of payment by Flavius Herodes to the kwpoypapparer’s of eighty artabas of wheat, in Epeiph of the twentieth year of Hadrianus Caesar [= July, a.p. 136]. Nearly perfect; in a very rough hand. 23 in. x 6 in. : : - ‘ : : : : F “ - : Pap. 1231. Notification from two cultivators to Heracleides (?), strategus of the Hermopolite nome, of their resignation of their lease of certain land. Dated in Mecheir of the seventh year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [= Feb., a.p. 144]. Nearly perfect, but somewhat defaced ; in a small, ill-formed, cursive hand. yi in. xX 33 in. ; : : ; : Pap. 1232. ‘Certificates from the tax-farmers of the village of Socnopaei Nesus for receipts from the village through Apollos and Orsenuphis for the preceding year. Dated the 30th Hadrianus [= Choiach] of the nineteenth year of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Publius Septimius Geta, Britannici Maximi Pii Augusti [= 26 Dec., a.p. 210]. Much mutilated, all the right-hand side being lost; in a rough cursive hand. 8Zin. xX 3in. . ; : ; - : , : Pap. 1233. Similar account sent in by Orsenuphis for the following year, dated in Athur of the twentieth year [= Nov., a.p. 211]. Considerably defaced and mutilated, especially in the latter part; in a rough cursive hand. 9g in. X 4 in. 5 - . ¢ : : ; . Pap. 1234. Receipt for twenty drachmas paid as poll-tax in Phaophi of the eleventh year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar [= Oct., a.p. 170]. Partially defaced; ina thin cursive hand. 44 in. x 43 in. Pap. 1235. Receipts given by tax-collectors for taxes paid by Horus, son of Horus, in the seventeenth year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar [= A.D. I 76-177 | and the eighteenth of the Aurelii, Antoninus and Commodus, Caesares [= A.D. 177-178], in each case for the preceding year. The precise nature of the taxes is obscured by the mutilation of the papyrus. Imperfect on both sides; in several cursive hands. 83in. x 3fin. . ; : fj . ; - : : : ; : Pap. 1236. Private letter from Sarapammon to Heroninus. Czrc. a.D. 254-268. Somewhat mutilated ; in a rather tall cursive hand. Written on the verso of the papyrus; on the recfo are the remains of a tax-account of the 3rd cent. rrin. xX 4fin. . , , A , : - . Pap. 1237. Portion of a register relating to land. 3rd cent. Mutilated and defaced; written on the verso of the papyrus in a small cursive hand, with many abbreviations. On the vec/o are remains of a register ina larger hand. 73 in. x 12 in, Pap. 1238. Deed of sale of land in the neighbourhood of Hermopolis. Dated in the joint reign of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Arabicus Adiabenicus Parthicus Maximus and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius, Augusti, and Publius [Septimius Geta Caesar Augustus, = a. D. 20 1-211]; the name of Geta has been obliterated. Imperfect and much mutilated; the heading in a small and very cursive hand, the body of the document in a medium-sized semi-cursive hand. 4% in. x I2din. . : ¢ “ 2 : Pap. 1239, Register of amounts of corn received by the dexdzpwror in the fourth, fifth, and sixth ce of Frotius Augustus [=a.D. 278-281]. Imperfect; in a rather thick semi-cursive hand Zin. x 4d in. . : : : : “ : : : : Pap. 1240. Portion of a contract, apparently a sale, dated the 11th Mecheir in the fourth year of Tiberius Claudius [Caesar] Augustus Germanicus [=5 Feb., a.p. 44]. Mutilated, especially at the beginning; in a thin cursive hand. 8 in. x 4% in. : ; - : : ; : : ; i 2 TEXT. 103 142 108 ou ~T wo 52 ‘Ixvii PLATE. xviii TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1241, Letter from Heron and Dioscurides, vewxdpot, to Demetrius. 3rd cent. Imperfect; written in a very large and formal semi-cursive hand. Followed, in a second column, by a contract, the details of which are lost through the flaking away of a large part of the ink; dated in the [first] year of the emperor Lucius Domitius [Aurelianus Pius Felix Augustus] and the fourth of Julius Aurelius [Septimius Vaballathus Atheno]dorus celeberrimus rex imperator [dux Romanorum, = a. D. 270= 271, of. Preisigke on Strassburg Pap. 6]. The date is repeated (also in a mutilated condition) at the foot of col. 1, in the same hand, Written in a small, sloping, cursive hand. 93 in. x 1 ft. 25Nse iy Pap, 1242. List of names, followed by sums of money in drachmas, all being multiples of four. 3rd cent (?). On two strips of papyrus, opisthograph, the writing on the recfo being across the fibres; in a rough, uneducated hand. 10 in. x 38 in. and 63 in. x 38 in. : Pap. 1243. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Cornelius, of Hermopolis, of a loan of 152 drachmas from Aurelius Phoebammon, a pancratiast. Dated the 2nd Phaophi in the seventh year, apparently of Severus Alexander [= 29 Sept., a.p. 227]. Mutilated; in a rather thin, sloping, cursive hand. g in. x 43 in. : : : : : : : : . : 3 . Pap. 1244. Letter from Hermapollon to his brother Copreas, consisting, so far as it is preserved, of protestations of affection. 4th cent. Imperfect, only the beginning being preserved, Well written, in an upright cursive hand. 43 in. x 82 in. . . : 5 : : A : Pap. 1245. Receipt from three senators of Hermopolis for 4000 éérrax of common wine for the use of the soldiers under the prefect Traianus. Dated in the ninth consulship of Constantius Augustus and the [second] of Claudius [Julianus Caesar, = a.p. 357]. Nearly perfect; in a very rough, strongly marked, cursive hand. 7in.x 8in. . . - : “ : : < : c ; Pap. 1246 aand 4. Nomination by the xwydpxar of ten persons to perform the duties of iSpopvAakéa, with a guarantee for their due performance. Dated the 27th Mesoré in the consulship of Fl. Amantius and Fl. Albinus [= 20 Aug., a.p. 345]. Duplicate copies, both considerably mutilated, especially at the beginning; in a good-sized cursive hand. 9 in. x 6 in. and g in. x 53 in. Pap. 1247 a and 4. Nomination of ten persons as tdpodvAakes, presented by the xwydpyac and others to two officials of the Hermopolite nome; similar to the preceding documents, but in somewhat different form, and with a different list of names. Dated the 2nd of the intercalated days at the end of Mesoré in the consulship of Fl. Amantius and Fl. Albinus [= 25 Aug., a.p. 345]. Duplicate copies, more or less mutilated; in a rather thick cursive hand. 93 in. x 6 in. and 9$ in. xX 53 in. . Pap. 1248. Similar nomination of idpopvAaxes for a different village, with some variation of formula. Dated in the same year. Considerably mutilated; in a sloping cursive hand. 10 in. x 6 in. . : Pap. 1249. Return by Aurelius Apollon to Flavius Olympiodorus, also named Asyncritius, praepost/us of the first pagus of the Hermopolite nome, of substantial farmers qualified for the collection (ciopopa) of the public taxes. Dated in the same year as the preceding documents. Mutilated, especially in the latter part; in a rather thick cursive hand of good size. 9% ins X 7@ in. ; Pap. 1250. Fragment of a receipt (?), with a date apparently in one of the years when F]. Valerius Constantinus Caesar was consul [= a.D. 320, 321, 324, or 329]. Written in a large, straggling, cursive hand. 5 in. x 3% in. : 6 : : : : : : - F . : Pap. 1251. Account of amounts of wine, meat, barley, and bran, arranged apparently under villages. 4th cent. One column nearly complete, another mutilated; in a large cursive hand. 9 in. x 63 in. Pap. 1252. Letter from Herminus to his son Theodorus, on private affairs. 4th cent. Nearly perfect, but in much faded ink; in a large cursive hand. 11 in. x 5g in. . “ 2 : A , : Pap. 1253. Order from Eulogius to Cornelius to pay to Paésis four artabas of wheat. Dated the 15th Mesoré [=Aug. 8]. 4th cent. Perfect; written across the fibres, in an irregular cursive hand. 2 in. x 10% in. : - : : : : : ; : S : : : 2 Pap. 1254. Portion of an account, including payments in minae and Adrpar to Matpor, opgixrd\uor, immorofdrat, and Aeywwvdpior. 4th cent. Portions of three columns, in a medium-sized cursive hand. 1oin.x 1o}in. : Pap. 1255. Portion of a private letter. 4th cent. Imperfect and mutilated; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 62 in. x 33in. ,. 9 : : : : : : Pap. 1256. Portion of a contract or affidavit by Aurelia Maria. 4th cent. Imperfect, only the end being preserved ; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 72 in. x 63 in. ; : ‘ . ‘ i i itions. Dated in the consulship of ap. 1257. Receipt, apparently for two horses under special conditions .. careers for the second time and Constans for the first [= A.D. 339]. Imperfect, the left-hand side being lost ; in a sloping cursive hand of good size. 10%in. X 33in,. 4 ‘ ; : EXT. 176 244 228 224 225 226 227 236 PLATE, 79 73 7 TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1258. List of names, followed by amounts of artabas. 4th cent. Two columns, nearly perfect ; in a sloping cursive hand of medium size, 1oLin. x 8Zin.. - ° ‘ ' eat : Pap. 1259. Portion of an account of daily expenditure. Early 4th cent. Very imperfect, only the lower parts of five columns being preserved; in several cursive hands. On the verso is another account, of about the same date. 7 in. x 2 fi.ciei0 eee - : - Pap. 1260. Portion of a large document, perhaps a contract for the conveyance of freight, dated in the reign of the emperors Diocletianus and Maximianus and the Caesars Constantius and Galerius [ A. D. 292-305]. Much mutilated; in a regular, upright, cursive hand. 10} in. X 11 in. - - Pap. 1261. (a) Fragment of a petition (?), in rather literary form. 2nd cent. Written on the verso of the papyrus, in a regular, cursive hand. On the rec/o a few words are written. 54in. xX 3Zin. (6) Fragment of a register of contracts; one is executed by Besas, son of Thaminis, a native of Panopolis. 3rd cent. Portions of two columns, in a medium-sized cursive hand. 5% in. xX 3% in. Pap. 1262. Copy of a petition or letter. Late 2nd cent.; dated in the eighth year of an unnamed emperor, with references to eds AiAcos Avrovivos and Geds ‘ASpravés. Mutilated; written on the verso of the papyrus, in a rather large cursive hand. On the recto are the remains of some sort of register, in a small hand and faded ink. 7% in. x 62in. Pap. 1263, Fragment of a register, containing names and sums of money, for what purpose is uncertain. One section is headed cis paxatpopoplay rijs avrijs oad[ . 3rd cent. Portions of two columns, in a sloping cursive hand. On the verso is a rough money account, 8 in. x 7% in. Pap. 1264. Short account for harvesting of dpaxos. Early rst cent. Imperfect; in a large cursive hand. 62 in. x 6% in. . - : ; : - : : : c : ; : Pap. 1265 a- Customs-receipts for merchandise passing in and out of the Fayum, viz. : (a) Character of tax unspecified, on one ass-load of beans, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the 7th Mecheir in the seventh year of Domitian [=1 Feb., a.p. 83]; with portion of seal. 2Z in. x 13 in, : : (2) Apévos Méudews, on the same occasion; with seal. 2 in. X 2 in. . = : 7 - - - (c) p’ kat v’, on export of two metretae of oil (?) on one ass, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the r5th Epeiph in the thirteenth year of Antoninus Caesar [=9 July, a.p. 149]. 23in. x 23 in. . . ‘ (2) p’ wai v’, on export of nine metretae of oil on two camels, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the 23rd Thoth in the fourteenth year of Antoninus Caesar [= 20 Sept., a.p. 149]. 2Zin. x 23 in. (e) p’ cat v’, on export of five artabas of wheat and four of dates, each on one ass, amounting to 2 dr. 34 ob., at Philadelphia, on the 18th Thoth in the fourteenth year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar [= 15 Sept., a.p. 173]. Zin. x 2Zin. . ‘ ; : ‘ : . (JS) p’ kai, on export of twenty-six artabas of wheat on three camels and two colts, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the ous Mecheir in the seventeenth year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar [= 2 Feb., a.p. 177 |. 2 nee Xe 2 ees Z 4 : : : - : a . . . . . . . . Pap. 1266 a-h. Similar customs-receipts, viz. : (2) p’ cat v’, on import of six oda of wine on one camel, at Socnopaei Nesus, in Epeiph of the twenty- second year [of Commodus or Caracalla, =July, a.p. 182 or 214]; with portion of seal. 3 in. x 2in. (2) p’ kai v’, on import of twelve ord@u. of wine on two camels, at Socnopaei Nesus, in Pharmouthi of the twentieth year [of the same, = April, a.p. 180 or 212]; with seal. 2zin. x 2din.. : F (c) p’ kai v’, on import of twelve ord6ca of wine on two camels, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the 30th Pachon in the twenty-third year [of the same, = 25 May, a.p. 183 or 215]; with seal. 25 in. x 2} in. (2) Axpévos Méppews, on import of sixteen Kepapia of wine, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the 21st Phamenoth I the eee year [probably of Hadrian or Antoninus, = 17 March, a.p. 137 or 158]; with seal. id in, x 13 in, : : : : . (c) Ayévos Méudews, on export of vegetables on three asses (?), at Karanis(?), on the 29th Pauni in the sole rule of Marcus Aurelius [= 23 June, a.p. 169-176]. 1% in. x 1g in. : - . ( J) &pnpoprdaxia, on export of six artabas of dpoBos on one camel, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the 3rd Epeiph in the second year of an unnamed emperor, 2nd-3rd cent.; with seal. 1$in. x 23 in. (g) épnpopvdaxia, on export of wheat on six camels, at Socnopaei Nesus, on the 23rd Pharmouthi in the twenty-third year [of Commodus or Caracalla, = 18 April, a.p. 183 or 2r5]. 2%in. x 13 in. A (2) Uncertain (mutilated), on [export] of twenty artabas of wheat, on the goth Phamenoth in the seventeenth year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar [= 26 March, a.p. 177]. 2in. x 2 in. . pba yy 239 36 36 36 37 37 37 39 39 Ixix PLATE. Ixx TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1267, _ (2) Certificate granted to Sotas, son of Apunchis, for the statutory labour on the embank- ments, in Pauni of the second year of Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus Pius Felix Augustus [=June, a.p. 218]. Perfect; in‘a thick cursive hand. 22 in. x 22 in, : : : (2) Certificate from the sitologi of Neilopolis of three artabas of wheat measured by them, Dated the 5th Pauni in the second year of Lucius [Septimius] Severus Pertinax [Augustus, = 30 May ALD, 194]. Mutilated, the right-hand side being lost; in a medium-sized cursive hand, 24 in, x 22 in. : ; : , ; : : : A ‘ : : . : 2 (c) Receipt for payment of four drachmas on account of the tax povoderuia xdprov. Dated the 28th Pharmouthi in the fourteenth year of an emperor whose name is illegible. 2ndcent. Perfect; in a very small cursive hand. 21 in. x 6 in. . . . . . . . . (7) Fragment from the beginning of a document : Zovter Jew peyaw peyahw e pehrw e&er[ac]Onvar veo Tov emurtparyyw [sic]... 2nd cent., in a well-formed cursive hand, 2 in. x 28 in, (e) Certificate granted to Phanomgeus, son of Phanomgeus, for the statutory labour on the embankments, on Mesoré 9-13 in the fifteenth year of the emperor Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius [= 2-6 Aug., a.p. 152]. Perfect; in a very small cursive hand. 24 in. x 2d in. Pap. 1268. Portion of a sitologus-register, apparently from the neighbourhood of Hermopolis, relating to the twenty-second year of Antoninus Caesar [=a.p. 158-1 59]. Imperfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 4din. x 62 in. . : : : . . : . : . Pap. 1269. (a) Certificates of taxes paid by, or on behalf of, Batrachus, slave of Achilles, in the twenty- second year of Antoninus Caesar Ard. 158-159]. Imperfect; in various cursive hands. 5y in. X 7 in, , P ; : ; : : - : : A (4) Similar certificate, detached, of the payment of yep(diaxdv?) to the amount of three drachmas by the same person, on the 6th Tubi of the same years(== 1 Jans: 159]. Perfect; in a small, thin, cursive hand.. 23in. x 42 in. . - : ° . ; ‘ : : ; : . “ Pap. 1270. Recfo. Fragment of a petition, dated the 26th Thoth in some year (the number is lost) of the emperors Publius Licinius Vale[rianus and Publius] Licinius Valerianus Gallienus P[ii Felices Augusti, = 23 Sept., a.p. 2 54-260]. The end only of the document is preserved ; in a neat, thin, cursive hand. 38in.x 4in.. . : ; : : : ‘ : : ‘ : Verso. Letter from to his father Silvanus, on private affairs, Late grd cent. The beginning only is preserved, in a rough cursive hand , - ; ; : : : Pap. 1271. Portion of a petition, addressed to an official of the Thebaid, with references to the iepwtarov tapysetov. Dated in the [eighteenth and seventeenth years] of the emperors Dio¢letianus [and Maximianus], and the tenth of [Constantius and Maximianus], Caesares [= a.p. 301-302]. Imperfect ; in a regular cursive hand. 5% in. X 32 in... : : : : : : : Pap. 1272. Portion of lease in Socnopaei Nesus; dated in the eleventh year of Nero Claudius Caesar [ Augustus Germanicus] imperator [= a.p. 64-65]. Very imperfect, wanting half its width on the left-hand side; in a small, regular, cursive hand. 11d in. X 2 in, c : Pap. 1273. Acknowledgement of a loan of 593 drachmas; dated apparently in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus [= a.p. 28-29], probably in the latter part of it, Considerably mutilated; written in a fairly good semi-cursive hand, with many misspellings, 4 in. x 43 in. ; . Pap. 1274 a-d. Fragments. 1st-2nd cent. 44 in. X 2 in., 32 in. x 28 in, 4 in, x 24 in., 4in. x4aiin. . : ; : : é : ; ; ‘ - : ‘i é : Pap. 1275. Document, apparently official, from Aurelius A n, also named Germa[nus], strategus of a nome of which the name is lost. Dated the 21st Mesoré in the tenth year of the emperor Publius Licinius Gallienus Augustus [=14 Aug., a.p. 263]. Much mutilated; in a large cursive hand. 6 in. x 63 in. 5 ; : - A . ; : : . . Pap. 1276. ecfo. Petition or letter, with several references to the Prefect (Hyepev). 3rd cent. Much mutilated; in a large, thick, semi-cursive hand. 74in. X qdin. . : ; ; ‘ Verso. Letter from to his brother Serenus, on private affairs. 3rd—4th cent. Mutilated and defaced; in a medium-sized, upright, cursive hand. : : : 5 : : : ; Pap. 1277. ecto. Document, perhaps a property-return, ending with an affidavit by the réyy of the emperor. Dated in the reign of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Ant[oninus, z.e. Caracalla, = A.D. 212-217]. Much mutilated; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 93 in. x 5% in. . Verso. Fragment of an account. 3rd cent. Much mutilated; in a rather large cursive hand ABopGiy 60 PLATE, TABLE. OF PAPYRI Pap. 1278. Fragments of numerical tables of uncertain nature, written on both sides of the papyrus, in a medium-sized uncial hand. Lines ruled in red. 2nd cent. ; : : : : Pap. 1279. Petition addressed to on, strategus of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon, by a widow, on behalf of the inheritance due to her children, Dated in Mecheir of the twenty-ninth year of Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Caesar [= February, a.p. 189]. Nearly perfect, but considerably defaced; in a rather large cursive hand. 84 in. x 33 in. . : ; F 5 Pap. 1280 a-e. Fragments of late Ptolemaic and early Roman period. 4% in. x 2 in., 33 in. x 62 in., 44 in. x 53 in., 65 in. x 34 in., and 64 in. x 54 in. . : : : 3 : : Pap. 1281 a, 4. Fragments of late Ptolemaic or early Roman period. 48 in. x 4% in., and y2in.x 3in. _. ey ae : : ; - : . : Pap. 1282. Portion ofa land-register, with owners’ names and amounts of land growing oiros or dév8(pa). Among the names, which are arranged in alphabetical order, are Geod Yoxvoraiov, Geod Meora- cutpidos, Oeod Sroronrews kop[ ns], and Geot peyaAov Sapdmridos. 3rd cent. Two fragments, each containing one mutilated column and slight remains of another; in a sloping cursive hand. 113 in. x 93 in..and 73 in. x 7 in. - : ‘ : F ; : Pap. 1283. Recto: A little widely spaced writing, apparently the summary of a register relating to Hermopolis. 3rd cent. In a clear cursive hand. * 7 in. < 12 in. F ‘ : : : < Verso. Extract from the trouvypatirpol of some official; among the speakers are Mamertinus [qu. the Prefect of a.D. 134 ?] and Ammonius. 3rd cent. Much mutilated and defaced; in a thick, sloping, cursive hand : : ° : i : Pap. 1284. (a) Fragment of an account, dated the 1 3th Athur in the fifth year of Valerianus and Gallienus [= 9 Nov., a.D. 257]. The left-hand portion of one column is preserved; in two medium-sized cursive hands. 8 in. x 3 in.. : : : 3 A : : : ‘ (2) Small fragment, dated in the reign of [? Publius Licinius Valerianus and Publius Licinius Valer Jianus Galliefnus, = a.p. 254-260], in a neat, upright, semi-cursive hand. 54 in. x 12 in. F : Pap. 1285. Portion of a sale of house-property dated the 4th Pachon in the reign of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [= 29 April, a.p. 37-40]. Imperfect; in a thin, rather compressed, cursive hand. 9g in. x 5% in. j : : Se ee : ‘ : : : P 4 Pap. 1286, Beginning of document dated the 9th Tubi in the consulship of Tiberius Manilius Fuscus II and [Servius Calpur|nius Domitius Dexter [= 4 Jan., a.p. 225]. Written in a broad -column across the fibres on the rec/o side, with wide margins ; in a sloping semi-cursive hand. Above are slight remains of another document. 6 in. x 10 in, (most being blank) ; Pap. 1287. Two fragments of a register of land under cultivation ; the locality is in the Fayum, the village of Theadelphia being mentioned. Dated in the second year of the emperors Marcus Julius Philippus Augustus Pius Felix and Marcus Julius Philippus Nobilissimus et Illustrissimus Caesar Augustus [= a.D. 244-245]. Parts of two columns; in a rather compressed, sloping, cursive hand. On the verso are remains of an account, in a rough cursive hand, 8 in. x 7} in. and 6% in. x 2g in. Pap. 1288. Portion of a register or account. 3rd cent. Two broad columns, much mutilated ; in a neat, thin, cursive hand. On the verso is part of an account, in a rough cursive hand. LOD ely ite ies 2 : : ‘ ; ‘ : 2 : P Pap. 1289. Portions of a rough money-account. 3rd cent. Written very cursively and illegibly, on both sides of the papyrus . c : : P : é : ees : : : Pap. 1290. Document, dated in the consulship of Ovinius Gal[licanus and Bassus, = a.D. 317 |. Much mutilated; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 43in.x 4in. . : Z : : . Pap. 1291. Portion of an official return or contract, relating to persons residing at Hermopolis. Dated in the eighth consulship of the emperor [Constantinus] and the fourth of the emperor [Constantius, = a.p. 329]. Imperfect; in a neat, regular, semi-cursive hand. 43 in. x 4% in. Pap. 1292. Short account, in two sections, of amounts of land under the headings idwrixjs, dnpooias, reipov, vyTov, ayré)ov, and zapadeicov. 4th cent. Nearly perfect; in a medium-sized cursive hand. 8 in. x 53 in. : ‘ale : : : Pap. 1293. Account of corn from various villages in the Hermopolite nome. 4th cent. Imperfect; in a compressed cursive hand. 5% in. x 54in. .°. : : : ‘ 2 . : 5 Pap. 1294. Account of expenditure of money by Eulogius, yevdpevos tpame€irns (?). 4th cent. Imperfect; in a thick cursive hand. On the back are remains of a clay seal. 8 in. x 5% in. TEXT. 238 lxxi PLATE. Ixxii TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1295. Letter from Marcellinus to his brother. 4th cent. Imperfect, the left-hand side being lost; ina large cursive hand. rrin.x qin. . . . . . . ’ . . . Pap. 1296 a, 4. Portions of letters. 4th cent. In large cursive hands. 9 in. x 24 in. and g in. x 3 in, Pap. 1297. Short account, headed pepucpov xpyoov orepavixov. 4th cent. Somewhat defaced; in a large cursive hand. ro in. x 5% in. - < - ¢ . . . ~ . . . Pap. 1298. Banker's certificate relating to a contract of sale, whereby Aurelius Theognostus sells to his sister, Aurelia Dioscorous, one-third of a house and court and appurtenances in the Fort of Hermopolis [¢% Pap. 945]. Dated in Mesoré of the tenth year of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus [= Aug., a.p. 231]. A long strip from the top of a large sheet of papyrus; in an upright, rather compressed hand. ‘1 ft. 103 in. x 23 in. , : : ‘ Pap. 1299. Certificate given by Colluthus of the payment by Peter of 7% artabas of corn for the éuBody of the fifth indiction. Dated the 22nd Pauni in the fifth indiction. 6th cent. Slightly defaced; in a rather rough cursive hand. 6 in. x 53 in. ‘ ; . ; : Pap. 1300. Letter, on private affairs, 7th cent. Imperfect; in a thin, sloping, cursive hand, 7% in. X 63 in. : . - A - " : ° . . * . . . . Pap. 1801. Agreement (ducéAvors), to which one of the parties is Aurelia Patronia, daughter of Elias. Dated the 17th Athur in the eleventh indiction. 6th-7th cent. Considerably mutilated, wanting the left-hand side ; in a large, rounded cursive hand. 1 ft. x gf in. . 3 : : ; : Pap. 1302. Fragments of along money-account, written on both sides of the papyrus, perhaps in book ps ae cent, Very imperfect; in a small cursive hand. In columns 1 ft. 14 in, high and about 5 in. broa : 4 . ’ : ; : A a : . Saher : : ‘ Pap. 1303. Portion of a receipt, dated in the Hermopolite nome in the consulship probably of J[ohannes and Paullinus [=a.p. 498]. Very imperfect; in a thick, upright, cursive hand. 54 in. x 63 in. : - - : : ‘ - - ; : : ‘ - : : Pap. 1304. (a) Fragment of an acknowledgement of uncertain nature, dated at Hermopolis in the Thebaid in the eleventh year of an emperor whose name is lost. 6th cent. Only the right-hand portion of the beginning is preserved; in a small, rather sloping, cursive hand, 4Zin.x 4in. (3) Fragment of a document dated in the fifteenth indiction in the reign of the emperor Flavius Justinus [1Il, = a.p. 566-567]. Ina rather small, upright, cursive hand. 23 in. xX 3 in. . ; , : - Pap. 1305. Order from Demeas, éxd:xos, to Artemidorus, zapaAynprrys, to deliver twelve artabas of corn to certain persons and to receive from them three vopucpdria, less fifteen xepdria. Dated the r1th Phamenoth in the fourteenth indiction. 6th-7th cent. Nearly perfect; in a large, sloping, cursive hand, 44 in. x 12% in. : : . , : ‘ . . . . . : Pap. 18306. Acknowledgement of lease of land by Aurelia Cyrilla to Petrus; dated the 8th Phaophi in the fourth indiction in the sole consulship of F{lavius Philo]xenus [?, = a.p. 525; but if this is the reading, the name of Probus has been omitted, since Philoxenus was not sole consul]. Considerably defaced; in a large, rounded, cursive hand, 5% in. x gin. . ; : ; “ - - : Pap. 1307. Portion of a lease of land by Aurelius Solomon, son of Esaias, from a person described as Sudxovos Tod dylov paprupiov dra Kupi[Aov]. Dated the 3rd Phaophi in the consulship of Opportunus [= 30 Sept., a.p. 509]. Parts of eight lines; in an upright cursive hand of medium size. 4% in. X 4Z in... ‘ . : : . . : . : . : : . ‘ ‘ Pap. 1308. Portion of a will. 7th cent. Much mutilated; in a large, sloping, cursive hand. 1ft.4iin.x 8in. . 4 - : ; : c : é : A - : : : Pap. 1309. Order to the etpyvdpxa of the village of Areus from the comes Gerontius to place certain murderers in safe custody. 6th-7th cent. Perfect; in a somewhat sloping, rounded, cursive hand. 2iin. X 12 in, . : - . . : ° : : : é ; ‘ . . . Pap. 1310 a and 4. Official receipts for payments of four xepdria by Nonna, daughter of Olympio- dorus [cf Pap. 1322], for the third and fourth indictions respectively, given by Phoebammon, SiacroAevs. 7th cent. Perfect; written consecutively on the same piece of papyrus in different cursive hands. 12 in. x 33 in., more than half being blank . : : 5 ‘ . : Pap. 1311. Letter from Euphemius to the rpwroxwpjrat of the village of Ibion, with regard to certain payments. 6th or 7th cent. Mutilated; in a large, very rough, cursive hand. 3gin, X 113im. . Pap. 1312. Receipt from Callinicus (?), a rpovoyrys, for a payment of uncertain nature. . 6th-7th cent. Somewhat mutilated; in a large, thick, cursive hand. 3 in. x 11Zin. . 5 : : ‘ , TEXT. 152 251 250 » PLATE. TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1313. Agreement between Aurelius Victor and Flavius Menas, both of Hermopolis, for the division of some land. Dated the 4th Choiach in the third consulship of the emperor Flavius Anastasius and the first indiction-year [= 30 Nov., a.p. 507]. Imperfect, only the first eighteen lines being preserved; in a large, rounded, cursive hand, with many corrections in the last lines. 1 ft, 24 in. x 115 in. . - On the verso are some accounts of uncertain nature. 6th cent. . ; js Pap. 1314. (a) Portion of an acknowledgement by Callinicus, comes, of the receipt of public taxes to the amount of fourteen so//d7 from a person whose name is lost. 6th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand side; in a large, rough, cursive hand. 3% in. x 7 in. : : (2) Portion of a receipt on account of rent in kind from the heirs of Phoebammon, at Hermopolis. Dated the 16th Epeiph in the first indiction. 6th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand side ; in a large, upright, cursive hand. 23 in. x 53 in. - : ; d ’ : ; , Pap. 1815. (a) Portion of an account, dated in the reign of the emperor [ Mauricius] Tiberius ; reference is made to the fourth indiction-year [=a.p. 585 or 600]. Only the upper left-hand portion is preserved; in a medium-sized upright cursive hand. 64 in. x 53 in. . } . 2 : 2 (6) Acknowledgement by the heirs of Cyricus, Bonds, of the receipt from Menas, a goldsmith, of 5385 kepdrva in respect of the sixth indiction. 7th cent. Perfect; ina small, neat, minuscule hand. 2d in. X 34 in. - : : . : Pap. 1316. (a) Acknowledgement of receipt from Phoebammon of 134 kepdéria. 6th-7th cent. Perfect, in a small, rather thick, minuscule hand. 34 in. x 43 in. ; : : : ‘ (5) Acknowledgement by Silvanus, of Hermopolis, of the receipt from Victor, a husbandman of the village of Senilaeus, of seventeen xepdérva as rent for the twelfth indiction. [Cf Pap. 1051.] 6th—-7th cent. Perfect; in a rough, rounded, cursive hand. 34 in. x 53 in.. : : 4 : Pap. 1317. Portion of a letter. 7th cent. Much mutilated; in a thin, sloping, cursive hand, 12 in, x 62 in. . ; “ : : : : : ; : : F - : 3 Pap. 1318. (a) End of a lease, taken by Joseph, son of Colluthus, of Hermopolis. 6th cent. The last ten lines; in a compact, rounded, cursive hand, with signatures. 6 in. xX 6§ in. - F (6) End of a loan, executed in Hermopolis.' 6th-7th cent. Parts of the last sixteen lines; in a thick, irregular, cursive hand, with signatures. 6% in. x 64 in. Pap. 1319. Acknowledgement by Aurelius Cheides, son of Phoebammon, and his mother Sophia, of a loan of four soldi less twenty-four xepdta from Aurelia Nemesilla, all of Hermopolis. Dated the 7th Pauni in the eighth indiction after the consulship of Flavius Basilius [=1 June, a.p. 544 or 545 |. The first thirteen lines, nearly perfect ; in a large, rounded, cursive hand. 6 in. x 11 in. f : Pap. 1320. Letter from Hypatius to Senuthius, on private affairs. 7th cent. Imperfect, wanting the right-hand side; in a thin, sloping, compressed cursive hand. 64 in. x 8$ in. i Pap. 1321. Fragment of a document of uncertain character, written in three exceptionally large cursive hands. 7th cent. On the verso is some tachygraphic writing. 8} in. x 7 in. Pap. 1322. ‘Acknowledgement of payment by Nonna, daughter of Olympiodorus [cf Pap. 1310], of four xepdria for public taxes of the fifteenth indiction. 7th cent, Perfect; in a neat, upnght, minuscule hand. 12 in. x 12 in. = - : : : Pap. 1823. Official order to pay twenty so/éd? for hay, on behalf of Colluthus, a trainer. 7th cent. Mutilated; in a sloping cursive hand. 34 in. x 122 in. : : : : : j : Pap. 1324. Receipt for four artabas of wheat and 23 of barley received from Achilleus, on behalf of a hospital. 6th—-7th cent. Perfect; in a rather thick, upright, cursive hand. 3 in. x 7 in. Pap. 1325. Official order or letter, with a reference to the comes Callinicus. 6th cent. Imperfect; in a large, rather sloping, cursive hand. 4% in. x 12 in.. Pap. 1326. (a) Beginning of document addressed to the comes Flavius Johannes, son of Germanus of Hermopolis, by Aurelius Phoebammon, son of George. Dated the 28th Thoth in the eleventh year and consulship of the emperor Flavius Justinus [II] and the tenth indiction [= 25 Sept., a.p. 576]. Only the beginning is preserved; in a rather thick cursive hand. 3% in. x 53 in. . - ; (4) Acknowledgement by Aurelius Papnuthius, son of Victor, of the acceptance of a lease from the above- mentioned Aurelius Phoebammon, son of George, of Hermopolis. Dated the rst Pachon in the first year of the emperor Flavius Mauricius Neos Tiberius and the first indiction [= 26 April, A.D. 583]. Only the beginning is preserved, in a rather small, uneven, cursive hand. 32 in. x 4@ in. IITs k Ixxili TEXT. PLATE. 256 275 271 87 252 276 gt gI Ixxiv TABLE OF PAPYRI Pap. 1827. Beginning of document, dated the 22nd Choiach in the seventh year of the emperor Flavius Justinus [II] and the fifth indiction [=18 Dec., a.p. 571]. All except the date is lost or defaced; in a large, rounded, sloping, cursive hand. 4$ in. X 9 in.. : : Pap. 1828. Portion of a receipt, given in Hermopolis. 6th cent. The beginning of the document and part of the signatures are lost; in a regular, upright, rounded, cursive hand. 6 in. x 49 in. Pap. 1829. Portion of an account. ythcent. One column; in a small, upright, minuscule hand. 113 in. x 5% in. : 4 a 2 Pap. 1330. (a) Portion ofa loan, executed in the Hermopolite nome, and dated the [ rst-5th| Pharmouthi in the fourteenth year [of the emperor Flavius Justinianus| and the second indiction [| = 27-31 March, A.D. 539]. Parts of the first seven lines, in a rather small cursive hand. 3% in. x 6 in. (2) Portion of a contract, also executed in the Hermopolite nome, dated the 28th Epeiph in the twenty- seventh year of the emperor Flavius Justinianus and the twelfth year after the consulship of Basilius [= 22 July, a.p. 553]. Parts of the first six lines, in a rather small cursive hand. 3 in. x 63 in. Pap. 1331. Fragments, all small, of what seems to have been a lengthy document, perhaps a sale. The mention of Hp ]axAeozo[ Aurwv makes it probable that the document is from Heracleopolis or the neighbourhood. The only personal name is PoBap{pwvos|. Oth cent. Written across the papyrus- fibres in a large, clear, cursive hand ‘ : : ; : : : : : . SB ge PLATE, WeAIUsy A. PTOLEMAIC PERIOD. PAPYRUS 887.—3rd cent. B.C. HE earliest text to be printed in this volume—it appears from its writing to belong to the third century B.c.—is a portion of a petition for redress of injuries. The first part of it is lost, including the name of the petitioner and the official to whom his complaint was addressed. It is a complaint against a neighbour, apparently the occupant of apartments in the same house (or rather the same courtyard), who has first sacrificed the petitioner's interests in some way to those of a fellow Egyptian, and then has forcibly dispossessed him of his share of the yard. The document is written in one broad column, across the fibres of the papyrus, but apparently on the recto side of it; a practice not uncommon in Ptolemaic documents, and very common, indeed habitual, in the Byzantine period. There are traces of four lines pre- ceding the first here printed. eg eee eV PELL cbwxev ta avo pepn avtos Se evrwicioTar ets dvo ouKnpaTa ev THL avy. Kat avoukoSopnKev ev THL ave kreyua hepovoay e{s| ah\oTplay oLKLay UTapXoVoaY TPOS THL OLKLAL me] rns KNetmar[os] «La jra 5 Tporewov Ta Ewa eTepwr AvyvTTLt Anppar[o]s evexev Kau vey [e}r ous Kpatw Tomo.s emeMOwv eyBeBAyKE pe EK TOV ELOY MEPwY TS avhys Tyr Bar ypwpuevos Seopar ovvy Gov eitopay Kat avakaeo| a] pevov avto[r] emuoxeacbar Tepe TOYTwY Kal ay y TAYTO adn[ On | ETAVAYKAO AL QUTOV EKXWpPNT AL fot TMV ELWV PEpe@v Io wa dua @ov TOU SuKatov TUX EUTUKEL 3. KNeta: 1. Kr(e)tmaka. to the compatriot of the offender. 5. mpom(e)wav x.7.A.: a very literary phrase, cf. Demosth. 6. oi: written over some other letters which have been De Cor. 296, tiv édevbepiay mporemoxdres Pidirmg. Apparently washed out. the building of the staircase from the courtyard to the other 7, The papyrus has been folded longitudinally while the part of the house was an injury to the petitioner and a benefit _ ink of the last two words of this line was still wet. Ill. B oO 2 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 1200.—192 or 168 B.C. HE following document is an official certificate of a payment of tax for a house in Diospolis Magna, or Thebes. ably levied on the sale or mortgage of the house (cf Papp. 1201, 1202), though this is not expressly stated. Several questions arise with regard to the amount of the tax, which are discussed in the notes. The date is the 7th Thoth in the fourteenth year. The latest reign to which this date could apply is that of Philometor (= 168 3. c.), and the palaeographical evidence would suit well with such a date; but (as Dr. Grenfell has kindly pointed out) the fourteenth year of Philometor belongs to the period of his joint rule with Euergetes, when a double date would be expected or else the year of the joint rule (as in Paris Pap. 63). Consequently it is preferable to refer it to the reign of Epiphanes, to which, moreover, the Since the tax is described as 7d éyxv«duov, it is presum- silver standard is more suitable. Neither argument, however, is final, owing to the insufficiency of our evidence and the fluctuations of usage; so that the later date remains a possibility. Certificates of this kind are commonly found attached to documents recording the sale to which they apply; but the present one stands alone. It consists of three columns. The first (omitted in the facsimile for want of room) contains nothing but the date. This part of the papyrus was rolled up separately, tied round by a thread of papyrus, and sealed with a clay seal. The seal remains almost intact, and shows a figure apparently advancing to the left, and clothed in a garment descending to the knees, without inscription, The second column contains the body of the document and the subscriptions of two officials, a ypappareds and a representative of the romoypapparevs. The third column, part of which is lost, contains the subscription of a third official. Cot T] Lid Ow id Col. 2] Li8 @wvd € wemraxey emu tyv ev Avcoomoher Ty peyadne tpatelav eb ns Vevywvors Baote kata Ty Tapa Ilpwrapyou tov apxipvdaxitov diaypadyv vp nv vToypadet 5 Apvouvdis 0 ToToypappatevs Tapa Toevupios THs Oorevtov ouxtas ev Avoomoder Ty peyadye ey Xpvaomohe ev Tw amo hiBos pepe Tov TeLyous Tov ATmoAAwYLELOU THS TUVTLLNTEWS ovans FS tlo] KafyKov emt TO eykuK\ioy KaTa TO EKKEYLEvOV tehovns, k.T.A.) who are quoted as the authorities; but other officers appear occasionally (the ofkovduos and romoypappateis, Berl. Pap. 993, 6 ent trav mpoodday and the Bavickds ypappateds, Amh. Pap. 31), and the dpyieAakirns is known to have had 2. mentoxev: the earlier word used in these documents in the sense of ‘has been paid,’ being replaced subsequently by réraxra. Cf. Wilcken, Gr. Osér. I. 64. 3. Baowter: this addition (to be taken with mentaxev, ‘has been paid for the king’s service’) is found intermittently in documents of this class ; cf Wilcken, of. czt., p. 71, also Pad. Soc. II. 143 (the ‘Londoner Bilinguis’ referred to by Wilcken), BGU. 992. In the Berlin document (162 B.C.) the phrase is amplified, réraxtat... Baoirel eis tov tOvov Adyov, and in Amherst Pap. 31 it takes the form réraxrac .. . eis Tov tdtoy Aéyor Trav Bacihéor. 4. apxepudaxcrov: it is new to find this officer, the head of the village police, authorizing the payment of taxes into the official bank. Usually it is the tax-farmers (of mpos 77 wv7, a share in financial duties (G Grenfell and Hunt, Zedtunzs Papyri \.p. 47). 6. ey Xpucomodke k.t.A.: these local names are new. No mention appears to occur elsewhere either of Chrysopolis as a quarter of Thebes or of an ’AroAA@petov. A kopn Arod(\avias) [for which perhaps ‘A7é\\wvos might be read] is mentioned in Wilcken’s ostrakon 672 (Gr. Ostr. Il. 178, cf I. 714). 8. ext: the letters are much defaced, but it does not seem that anything else can be intended. PTOLEMAIC PERIOD a3 mpootaypa Tas cvvtip[y|oews FX Tedovs THY 7 = 2 IO yadkov ev Kec bisFc Loovopov 1 = 2 Avokhns yy? 2nd hand) Hpwdyns o map Apvouduos Tov Toto? em Ko\ovOnKa Tw TEAEL TOY Xt Ets KSC FE poidys o map Ap y? enn 7 XaAKvELas n=2 Col. 3] (ist hand) Hdtodwpos o mapa Avovyrlotov Tov... - 15 emnkoovOnka Tat Tehler Twv Xb evs KIC isF cc] xarkieras 0 = 2 9, lo. The interpretation of these groups of figures appears to be as follows. The valuation of the property sold is 200 drachmas; the tax is at the rate of 8 dr. 2} obols per cent.; it is paid in copper reckoned at the rate of 26} obols to the stater (instead of 24 obols, which is the par value); the actual amount paid on the total value of 200 dr. is 16 dr. 4} ob.; and a supplementary tax, here simply denoted by the term icovépov, but in Il, 13 and 16 and in other documents called xadxvelas, is also levied, equal to half the main tax, ze. 8 dr. 21 ob. For a parallel to this text, c/ B.M. demotic pap. 10463 (Pal. Soc. 11. 143). There the total valuation of the property is not stated, either in the Greek text or in the demotic to which it is attached (published by Revillout, Proc. Soc. Bibl. Arch, xiv., 1892, p. 63 ff.), but the tax is 8 dr. 2} ob. a coincidence which can hardly be due to chance; and the charge for xadxteia is half the main tax, as here. The inter- pretation of the tax is more difficult, the éyxi«\voy being regularly at the rate of either 10 or 5 percent. (see next papyrus), whereas this is a fraction less than 83 per cent. 10. yaAxov ev KC: the preposition is usually es,asin1.12. For the phrase itself (which is equivalent to the later yaAxod od dddayh), of Zois Pap. 1, ]. 33, Grenfell, Revenue Laws, p. 199, Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. 1. 720. It gives the rate of surcharge made when payments due in silver were paid in copper; in such cases 26} obols were reckoned to the stater of 4 silver drachmae, instead of the normal 24. In Wilcken’s ostrakon 331 the figures are read by him as 26}, but in response to an inquiry he has been good enough to state that the fraction is doubtful, and may be read as }; in the Zois papyrus, as the facsimile pub- lished by Pettretini shows, they are 263, which is unquestionably the reading in the present document. This gives a rate of 10 75 per cent., which is confirmed by Louvre Pap. 62, col. 5, 1. 16 (ed. Grenfell, Rev. Laws, p. 179). twovopov: the first three letters are damaged, but the reading is fairly certain; the « is attached by a ligature from the top to the following letter, as occasionally elsewhere in this papyrus. xadxod icovépou is the regular phrase for ‘copper at par,’ 7.é. 24 obols to the stater, and the phrase here apparently means that whereas the first-named tax (the 8 dr. 2} ob. per cent.) is to be paid in copper subject to a surcharge, the second tax, which below is called yaAx:eia, is to be paid in copper accepted at its par value. II. yp(apparevs): usually such certificates are signed by the rpare¢irns, but here the y is unquestionable. The ypapparevs also appears in Wilcken’s ostraka 329, 331, Kc. 12. } 2: so the MS., but the sense requires -i9 fC, as in 1. 10. 13. xaAktecns: in B.M. dem. pap. 10463 the spelling is xarxeaav, Here the writing is so cursive that the reading might be questioned, but in 1. 16 the e is certain. PABYRUSe 20-161 HE two following texts are Greek dockets to demotic documents, recording the due payment of the government tax (7d éyxvx\uov) on mortgages of land effected by the deeds to which they are attached. In both cases the mortgager is the same, Harsiesis, son of Kerkaris, the land is in the plain adjoining a village called Tarkutis, and the payment is effected through the bank of Apollonius in Hermonthis. The earlier of the two dockets is dated in the last month of the twentieth year, and the demotic text (which Mr. F. Ll. Griffith and Sir H. Thompson have kindly read) shows that the reign is that of Philometor. The date is consequently at the end of the year 162-161 B.c. The mortgage itself, however, as shown by the demotic text, was made on the second of Phaophi preceding, and the loan was to be repaid on the last day of Pachon, nearly three months before the tax was paid. B 2 4 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI With regard to the amount of the tax, it is described as elxoory, and this (5 per cent.) is the normal amount of the éyxv«\oy on sales of land from about 200 to 130 B.c. (see below, note on 1. 1), while both before and after this period it amounted to Io per cent. Many papyri exist in proof of this rule, e.g. B. M. Papp. 3, 667, 675, 679, 882, 1204, Amherst Papp. 52, 53, BGU. 993, 994, 995, 999, 1000; and no other amounts appear to occur. In the case of mortgages, it has been established by Oxy. Pap. 243 that the amount, at any rate in Roman times, was 2 per cent.; and the present documents prove the same for the Ptolemaic period. In Pap. 1201 the total of the mortgage is stated as 2 talents 1800 drachmae, and the tax as 276 drachmae; in Pap. 1202 the total is 1 tal. 5840 dr., and the tax 240 dr. In the latter case the tax is estimated as if the total were 2 talents, instead of falling short of that amount by 160 drachmae. It is noteworthy that the amount of the tax did not vary according to the length of time for which the mortgage was to run (in Pap. 1201 it is for eight months, in Pap. 1202 for twelve); and that it is still called an etxoory, although it is in fact a mevTnKooTY. The papyrus is much larger than its contents require, measuring 2 ft. 9 in. in length and 1 ft. 1 in. in height, the text occupying the whole of its length, but less than five inches of its height. The demotic text, in seven lines across the whole length of the papyrus, comes first, and is followed by the Greek docket, in two similar lines. The papyrus is of good quality, the Ko\\jpara being 8% inches wide. etous K Meoopyn KF TEeTAKTaL ETL THY EV Eppovbe tparelav eh ns ArrohAwvios evkooTns eykuK)Lov KATA TYV TAP TI\ouTiadov KQL EppoSwpov TV T pos THU WVNL Suaypadnv ud nv vToypapet Zpwmns o mapa IlaxorBios Tov mapa Avovvaotos 0 BaowuKos ypapatevs Eryn Ioopritos uroOnKns ys NHTELPOV >t TYNS OVENS eV Tapkutet NS al VELTVLAL dednovrat dua TNS TT POKELLEVNS avyypadns nv vioteMetar avTnt Apoinots Kepkapios mpos x' AB aw Tedos ov adhayyn duakoolas eBdopnkovta = / Los I. exoorns: the éykixdtoy, or tax upon sales and (as appears from this and the following document) mortgages, was at the rate of Io per cent. in the case of sales under the earlier Ptolemies, was lowered to 5 per cent. at the beginning of the reign of Epiphanes, and raised again to Io per cent. by Euergetes II, between 139 B.C. (Pap. 667) and 127 B.c. (BGU- 993). Of. Wilcken, G7. Osér. I. 182. rev mpos tht vn: of. Grenfell and Hunt, Amh, Pap. 52, a document of the same nature as the present. dvaypapyy: the official order authorizing the receipt of the money by the bank is always referred to; in the two Zois papyri (ed. Peyron, Turin, 1828, Wessely, Vienna, 1885) and in Amh., Pap. 31 it is annexed in full. Zuwis, ket.A.: as originally written, the royal secretary Dionysius is said to have countersigned the tax-farmers’ order himself; the interlineation shows that it was really countersigned by his deputy’s deputy, as in the case of Pap. 1202. Ern Hoopritos: so the MS., apparently, though the father’s name is somewhat cursively written. The demotic text confirms the name Er7, but appears to give a different father’s name, Atro\\wvios Tp. beginning with Tpep-. 2. Tapxures: the Greek might be read as Tapxurer, but the demotic establishes the former. The demotic text states that the locality is in the north and west of the Pathyrite nome. vmoreOerrat: in active sense, of the mortgager. The order and the sense alike show that Eté is the mortgagee (who pays the tax) and Harsiesis the mortgager. avrni: ave might equally be read, but the demotic shows that the mortgagee is a woman. A B Go: ze. 2 tal, 18co dr. The demotic text gives the same amount in a different form, ‘690 pieces of silver, making 3450 staters.’ redos ov addayn: of. Grenfell, Revenue Pap. p. 202 ff. The phrase is equivalent in sense to x«Axos ets Ko, which occurs above in Pap. 1200, ].10. Cf Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. 1. 720 fiweune word ad\ayn is represented by a number of indistinguishable strokes, but nothing else can be intended; cf Amh. Pap. 52, BGU. 995, 999: 3. tp: 2.€. tpamecirns. PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 5 PAPYRUS 1202.—160-159 B.C. DOCUMENT pprecisely similar to the preceding, and dated eighteen months later. The mortgager is the same, the mortgagee different; a single tax-farmer replaces the two named in the earlier document. The land dealt with (as the demotic shows) is the same, though the amount raised on it is different. The formula is identical. The demotic text states that the mortgage was made on the 1oth Tubi (which is confirmed by |. 2 of the docket), and was to be paid off on the last day of Choiach in the following year (the 23rd). The tax was paid on the 3rd Mecheir, three weeks after the date of the mortgage. The papyrus measures 2 ft. 43 in. in length and 1 ft. of in. in height, while the text only occupies a space of 1 ft. 9 in. in length and 43 in. in height. The demotic text is in a smaller hand and fainter ink than the preceding; the Greek is also smaller and extremely cursive. The xodd\jpara are 6% in. wide. erous KB Meyeip y TeTaKras emt THV EV Eppovber Tpatrelav eb ns Amod\dwvios elkoaToaTHS €yKUK\LOU KaTa THY Tap Atroh\wviov TOV Tpos THL wyne Suaypadnv ud nv viroypape Zuivis o Tapa TlaxouB.os Tov mapa IlakowB.os tov mapa Avovyatov Tov Bao tdukov| ypapatews Ilavas Eorpy Atos uToOnKns YNS NTElpov FR b Ev TW TEPL Tapkutw TEOLWL NS al YELTVLAL dedyovrat dua THS TpoKelmevns AvyvTTLas avyypadys nv umoTefetat auTwe Apoinots Kepkapuos ev Tar KBL TvBe t T Pos x" A a €wpm Tehos Suakooias Tecoapakovta / Sp Arohhons Tp I. evkooroorns: 1. exoortns. the former seems more probable. So in Amh. Papp. 53, 54 reAos 2. mapa Iakor8i0s rov: repeated by mistake ; cf Pap.1201,1.1. stands alone, though in 52 it is reAos ov adAayy. Eorpnftos : the 7 is doubtful, but is confirmed by the demotic. 4. ArodXarts [I]. -tos] rpa(weCirns) : written in much abbreviated 3. redos: it is impossible to say whether this word alone, style, and only legible by comparison with Pap. 1201, and by or réXos of dAXayy in abbreviated form, is intended by the knowledge of the banker’s name. succession of indistinguishable strokes which occur here; but PAPYRUS 879.—123 B.c. HE papyri which follow form part of a large collection which was discovered at Gebeleén, about five and twenty miles above Thebes, apparently about the year 1894. The collection was broken up by the native discoverers and sold to various purchasers. The British Museum possesses eighty-five, viz. Papp. 605-640 (published, with the exception of 610 and 615, by Grenfell, Greek Papyri I. 10-44), 654-681 (published, with the exception of 676 and 678, by Grenfell and Hunt, Greek Papyri II. 15-37), 681-687, 879-883, 888, 880, 1203-1209; Lord Amherst of Hackney possesses eleven (published by Grenfell and Hunt, Amherst Papyri 36, 39, 45-51, 166, 167); the Berlin Museum has published nine (BGU. 992- 1000); and others have been notified at Cairo (Goodspeed, Greek Papyrt from the Cairo Museum, nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, and Grenfell and Hunt, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du muste du Catre, vol. x), Paris (Revillout, M/é/anges, 1895, de Ricci, Archiv fiir Papyrus- Sorschung, Il. 515 ff.), Copenhagen (Blinkenberg, Oversigt over det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger, 1901, p. 119 ff.), Geneva (Nicole, Papyrus de Geneve, no. 20), and 6 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Brussels (de Ricci, Bulletin papyrologique, in Revue des Etudes Grecques, 1901, p. 190). Further portions of the collection are known to be at Heidelberg and Strassburg (f Gerhard, ’Qv7 év miata, in Phzlologus, bd. Ixiii, 1905, pp. 508-513), but of these only one has yet been published (2d., p. 498). The earliest among the group now published is the record of a sale by Patous, son of Phagonis, a Persian tév tpooypddwv, to Panobchunis, son of Totoes, and his wife Kobaétesis, of a quarter of an aroura of land in Pathyris for 4000 drachmas of copper. The document is complete, except that it is not accompanied by the bankers’ certificate of the payment of the tax on sales (75 éyxv’«d\tov) which is often attached to such records (cf Papp. 882, 1204, BGU. 993, 994, 995, 999, 1000). The first column consists of an abstract of the contents of the deed, which was sealed up separately; the seal in this instance is lost. The main body of the deed is contained in cols. 2 and 3, the whole of col. 2 being occupied by a catalogue of the priesthoods of the deified Ptolemies at Alexandria and Ptolemais, which contains some noteworthy features. The Panobchunis who appears here as purchaser is the father of four sons whose names appear repeatedly in other papyri of this group (cf Brit. Mus. Papp. 625, 657-663, 674, 675, 680, 879-881, 883, 1203-1209). The genealogy appears to be as follows (cf Grenfell and Hunt, G. P. Il. p. 48, and Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Papyrus der Strassburger Liblothek, p. 26, where two sisters of Petearsemtheus are mentioned). Horus Pelaeus Patous Totoés == Tareésis == Horus Phagonis | tae | | | tek Paous Kobaétesis == Panobchunis Pates Taélolous Siepmous | Horus | | Petearsemtheus Petesuchus Phagonis Psennesis Patous, son of Phagonis, the vendor, may very probably be a brother of Kobaétesis, their ages (35 and 30) being suitable. (col. 1) erous pn Pawdt Ky amedoto Ilarovs p =d erpiato IlavoByoums Toroeovs Kat MaOwris 5 Paywrios x A F 5 (col. 2) Baowdevovros Trohewavov Beov Evepyerov tov Trodepwavov kar Kdeowatpas Oewv Emudavwv kar Baorltoons Keorarpas TS yuvalkos EToUs py Ep LEpEeLws TOV OVTOS EV Ahe€avdpevar AdeEavdpov Kau Oewv Swrnpwv Kar Oewy Adehdov 2. The symbol following Marovs resembles a p surmounted assumed that the two names of the daughter are alterna- by a horizontal line. It must stand for yjs nreipov. Both here _ tives. and in |. 19 the two upper strokes of the symbol for ‘aroura’ are 5. The sign for ‘talent’ is inserted after that for yadxoi, formed continuously. apparently by mistake, the amount of the purchase money being 4. Madwris: in the body of the deed the name of the wife _ stated in the body of the deed (1. 23) as 4000 dr. of Panobchunis is given as KoBaernovs, as also in Pap. 1204; 7. pn: at first written p¢, but 7 has apparently been written but the name Ma:fwrs recurs in the endorsement. As the both over the ¢ and above the line, and the true date is fixed by father’s name is given identically in both places, it must be the docket (I. 1). PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 7 kat Dewy Evepyerwv Kae few PiioTatopwv Kar Oewv Enipavov kat Oeov Evratopos Kat Yeov Pitopntopos Kat Jewy Evepyetov af\odopov Bepevixns Evepyeridos Kavnpopov Apowons Pidadedgov LepeLas Apaowons Piiotatopos Twv ovrav ev Ade€avdpercar ev Se Lrokeparde Ts OnBados eb repecwy Irodeparov pev IItokcpatov Oeov Evepyerov Kat Lwrnpos eavtwv Evyxapiotov tov Se Bnpatos tov patov Oeov Evepyerov tov peyahou Baoitews eavtwy Evyapiotov Kat Itodeparov Evepyetou kat IItohewaiov @itowatopos Kat IItokepatov feov Emtdpavovs kat Evya- Evmatopos kat vepeewy Baoittoons pev Kieotwatpas tys yuvaixos Kat Kheowatpas 77s TAT PAs THS LNTpPOS Beas Emudavous Kal Kavnpopov Apowons Diiadedghou TMV OVTWYV IO Swrynpos Kat Bactrews xpvorov tov Baowtews IItohe Piiadedfov Kat Trokewasov piotov Kat IItokeparou Beov Ovyatpos kat KXeo 15 KQaL OVOO@)Y’ (col. 3) Ev TIrodeparde tys OnBados pynvos Pawdu B ev IlaOuper ep Hdvodwpov ayopavopouv amedoto Ilatovs Paywvios epons twv tpooypadwv ws L he peoos pedtypws TeTavos pakpotpoowrros. evlupw a0 TNS VITAPKOVONS AtTwWl YNS EVTOS TEPLOTAGEL Tlafupews =d yewroves votov yy @iBios tov Tewros Bopps y ourn Tov avtov Ilarovros and 8. Oeov Evmartopos Kat Oeov Pidopntopos: R. Laqueur (Quae- stiones epigraphicae et papyrologicae selectae, Strassburg, 1904, p. 35 ff.) has shown, from a comparison of all the extant lists of the Ptolemies, Greek and demotic, that from 139 to 116 B.C. the regular order was Oeév ’Emupavav kai Geod PiAopnropos (Philometor’s wife, being married to his successor, Euergetes IT, is now associated with the latter among the Ptolemaic deities) kat Ocod E’mdropos kat OeGv Evepyerav. Only in one instance out of fourteen (a demotic papyrus of 131 B.C.) does the order Oeot Et’mdtopos kat Oeod Pidopnropos occur. The present document furnishes another exception, due probably to a scribe’s error, either through carelessness or through copying an older formula. After the death of Euergetes in 116 the old order, Eupator- Philometor, was resumed, and is found in all the extant docu- ments, 19 in number (to which may be added Papp. 880, 881, 1204, below), with the exception of a group of demotic papyri from Pathyris. 10 ff. Lists of the priesthoods in Ptolemais are much less frequent than those of the priesthoods in Alexandria. The present list comes nearest to that in B.M. Pap. 667 (=Grenfell and Hunt, Gm Pag. II. 15), of 139 B.C., but with differences noted below. II. Tlro\epatov Oeov Evepyerov kat Swrnpos cavtov Evyapt- srov: this is Ptolemy Euergetes II, the reigning sovereign always standing second in the lists of Ptolemais, after Ptolemy Soter. The formula however is quite unprecedented. There is no doubt about the reading eavrwy, either here or in |. 12; in Pap. 667 the word is lost in both places, and the editors have supplied émipavods, but éavtay suits the size of the lacuna better in both places. tov Oe Bnpatos rov xpvaov: cf. Pap. 667, where however the papyrus is mutilated, and the editors have conjectured rod Bnplaros Avo]yicov. The letter after the lacuna can however be better read aspthany. The royal title which follows is in Pap. 667 in the form tod Bacthés rod peydAou Geot Evepyerov kai OMTNPOS.,.+.0e- evxapiorou. 13. Pap. 667 inserts Philometor before Eupator in this context. As Philometor occurs in the list of priesthoods at Alexandria (above, |. 8) the omission here is probably not intentional. 14. The three Cleopatras are ordinarily described as K. ris adehpns (Cleopatra II, sister and wife successively of both Philometor and Euergetes), K. ris yuvarxds (Cleopatra III, daugh- ter of Philometor and Cleopatra II, and wife of Euergetes), and K. ris wntpds (Cleopatra I, mother of Philometor, Euergetes, and Cleopatra II). The three occur however as here described in Pap. 620 (=Grenfell, Gr. Pap. I. 24), and (with the omission of the words ris yuvakds) in Amherst Pap. 45 (which must belong to this period, not to the reign of Philometor), and P. dem. Strassb. 21, of 145 B.C. 16. In spite of the stop and space at the end of 1. 15 the words €y Irodepaidi ris OnBaidos must go with rév dvrey Kai ovcér, the place at which the deed was executed being named after the date, sc. év TlaOupet. ep HAodwpov ayopayonov: Heliodorus also appears as agoranomus at Pathyris in 118-113 B.c. (Papp. 880, 1203, also 669-671 = G.P. II. 19-21). 17. IUepons tov mpooypapor: cf. Pap. 218 (vol. II, p. 15). The expansion of the abbreviation mpocypt as mpocypapértwy there given had already been corrected by Grenfell and Hunt from a Gizeh papyrus. The term recurs in Pap. 881, 1. 18. It is observable that the father of Panobchunis (who is likewise described as I. ray mpooypaper, 1. 21) is a Hépons ris émyoviss, Pap. 880, 1. 10. 8 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 20 totapos \iBos Siwpvé y ov av wor ‘yetoves mavrobev Empiato IavoByouns Toroeouvs Ilepans twv tporypadwv ws L pp ehagow petypws TEeTavos PaKpoTpoTwmTos evOupw Kar 1 Tovrov yurn KoBaernois Paywrios Tepown ws L A ehacow pedixpws sic aTpoyyvioTpocwros evbupw yarkov vopicpatos Spaypwr TeTpaxioyitov TpoTwhytys kav BeBawwryns Tov Kata THY wYynV TavTnY TavTwy Ilatovs 25 0 atrodopevos ov edeEaro HavoByouvris Kat KoBaernows ov mptapevor Endorsed: ovn Mabartios 22. KoBaernots: cf. Papp. 1204, |. 22, 881, 1. 25. PAPYRUS 880.—113 B.C. N this document Totoés, father of the Panobchunis whose name appeared in Pap. 879, executes a division of landed property in the plain about Pathyris between his two sons and two daughters. docket of its contents. The deed is written in two columns, and was presumably preceded by a It is slightly mutilated in places, but not so as to affect the main purport of it; and having been mounted on paper before it reached the Museum, one or two small fragments have been misplaced. The preamble contains a full list of priesthoods at Alexandria (which at this date were held by the king himself), but the priesthoods at Ptolemais, as usual, are only summarized. col. 1 acievovtwv Bacitioons Kat Baotrews Hrodepavov Pew Piropntopwv Lw7[ypwv] erovs § 9 iis PynTOp he ep vepeews Bacirews Ito\euarov feov Piiopntopos Ywtnpos Add Elavdpov Kar [ewv Yw|rnpev Kat Oewv Adetpwov Kar Dewy Evepyerov kat Dewy Piomatopwv Kar Dewy Emid[avwr] Kat Geov Evraropos Kat @eov Piopyntopos Kav Geov Piroratropos Neov kat Oeov Evepyerou [kav Jew|y [®]Aopnropwr Lwrynpwv tepovTadov Ioidos peyahys pytplos] Pewy afdrodlopou Bepe|ixns [E]vepyeridos kavnpopov Apowons Prradedov epercas Apawons Pom laropos [twr ov |rwy ev Ade€avdperar ev Se Irodepards tys OnBados ed teperoly] Kar vepiroa[y] kor [ka]vy dopov Ter ovrwv Kat ovewy ev Irodeuads rns OnBaidsos [uJnvos Mexeip] Kl ev Mabvper ef Hdvodwpov ayopavopov EKOVTES TUVEypapavTo 1-9. The formula is verbally identical with Pap. 621 (=Gren- fell, Gr. Pap. I. 25), which was written in the same place nearly eleven months earlier. In BGU. 994, written about four months later than the present document, the name KXeomdrpas takes the place of the title BaotAioons. The two are interchangeable, and cannot be used as indications of date. 5. tepovrmdov: it seems natural to take this as merely a corruption of iepamddov, since iepov moadov makes no reasonable sense. Moreover, if the latter were correct, one would expect it to be translated in the demotic texts, whereas the few texts which have the title treat it as a foreign word and simply transliterate it (Spiegelberg, Aeg. Zettschr., 1899, p. 38), in two cases treating it as two words and in two cases as one. Laqueur (op. cit. p. 42) and Otto (Priester und Tempel im hellenistischen Agypten, p. 411) take it as two words; cf Gerhard, Archiv fiir Religtonswissenscthaft, 1904, p. 520. Q. auveypaparro: |. cvveyparpavro. by dpodoyei x.7.X., of Pap. 1203, |. 2. For the formula, followed PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 9 IO oporoyes Totons Iekaov Ilepons trys exvyovns ws L[. . el\acow pediypws tetavos pakpotpocwmos evlOlupw Siepyobar ta vrapxovra [av}rau eyyata tow eavtov kau Tos ad [vioi]s aro pev rns valalpyovans avrw. yns ovropopou ev [rau wepe abupw medion [.. .Bevyyny [.......].+. ns yeutoves vorov xop[a Balowixov Boppa odos [amy*..... AuBos Suwpv]€ TeAwvos Kat amo Tov emPladdov]ros avtw pepovs ahdns 15 [yns Kahouperns ...... ] tarndioorn = d= To emiBladr]ov = y yectoves tys odns [yns| (col. 2) votov yn Appwvbov Boppa yn Koddovbov amnwrov tepryopa Bos yn IlavoByovmos Kat adhwy n ol av wou yeutoves TavTobev TlavoByovver pev Tor mpeaButepwr vim avTov pepioas dvo Taehodoute Kau Ywerpovts Twy Totoeovs tats eavtov Pvyatpaciw 20 pepioa pay twv Svo odpayidwav Kat amo yuov ToToV Tov ovTos ev THL peon Taivia Iladupews 0 eat mnXELS TTEPEOU dvo ypiov ov yeitoves votov otxia Qpov Boppa orKia Vevvnoifo]s amn\wwtov ouxia Ilarytos @oroptaiov huBos mratea adivoTaKTw wv eat ev Tar ato Boppa peper Tov Wrov Tomov Ilaryute Twe 25 EavTov vial TyXUY Hnutov IlavoByouver Tar per BuTEepar via mnxELs oTEp ov Svo Kal aro THS EVTOS TOV OyUpwparTos oLKLals] wukodomerns TaedoouTt Kal SvempovTe TO nulov ys peTeaTe To ado L TlavoByovver kav pn eme\evoacOar eTepos emt TOV ETEpoY TEpL Tw TapaKkex[wpynluevwy exacTor pepiowy ev de pen yn T Eodos Tw 30 emuTopevo[ ev la ak’p EoTH Kal TpoTaToTELCaTW Oo Tapacurypt rece eee ee eee ees] EL Eb Kae pnfey nooov peverw Kupia [ra Siwpohoynpeva | 14. ]€ TeXovos: the name TeAwvos, which does not appear 27. wtxodoperns : 1. atkoSopnperns. to occur elsewhere in the papyri as a proper name, is confirmed 30. akYp: 2.é. axupos, apparently originally written ak’, and by Papp. 881, ll. 5, 21 (p. 12), and 1209, 1. 13 (p. 20), a p subsequently added. 15. matnpiootn: or Iatnduos yn. 31. el: = éritipor, of. Oxy. Pap. 725, 1. 5, BGU. 998, col. ii, 23. The word after m\areva should be the name of the street 1. 10. The preceding letter may be s, sc. ws, and before that (cf. Amh. Pap. 98, 1. 3, Sapamaki mareia), but the letters, which there is an angular mark above the line, which generally are slightly blurred, suggest no recognizable word. The first represents a in an abbreviation (cf. end of 1. 30). four letters might possibly be read as odos, PAPYRUS 1203.—113 B.C. | (ree executed at the same place and date as the preceding document, by which Panobchunis lends his father Totoés eight talents of copper and 13+ artabas of wheat, without interest. The date is the 27th Mecheir in the fourth year [of Cleopatra and Ptolemy Soter II], ze. near the beginning of 113 8.c., and the loan is to be repaid in Mesoré of the fifth year, eighteen months later. The deed is roughly written across the fibres of papyrus of poor quality, eTous 6 Meyerp Ke ev Ilabupe ed Hdtodwpov ayopavojou EKOVTES DuVEeypawavTo opmodoyer Totons Hedatov ofethew IlavoByovver Totoeovs yahkou An DLT, Cc Hee) CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI kat EB vy & aroxa to Se odethnua Tovto amoSorw 5 Torons Harfol8[xoulver fv pny, Mecopy tov eL eav de pon atrodar ev Tw wpicpevo xpovw aTOTELTATH Tapaypni.a nuLohvoy Kat tou [umep] megovTos xpovov Toxlov]s Bt rs [urlas tov p[nva] exaotov tov de & tyv ev Ty ayopa tip{yly 10 » de mpagis eotw TavoByouve. ex tov Toroeous Kal EK T@Y VTAapXOVTwY avTw TavTwV KabameEp ey duxns (2nd hand) Apetos 0 wap H) xexp? 5. Most of this line is lost in a lacuna. being double the normal rate when interest was paid during 8. roxous BF: the usual rate of interest for overdue loans, the course of a loan. RABY RU S912047 11 8B so al deed of sale relates to the half of a house in Pathyris which was assigned to Taélolous and Siepmous, daughters of Totoés, by the division of property recorded in Pap. 880. By the present document, which is dated about ten months later, the two sisters, with the approval and co-operation of their father, sell their share to Kobaétesis, the wife of their brother Panobchunis, who already owned the other half of the house. The purchase price is a talent of copper. The document is perfect, the main body of the deed occupying two broad columns, and being preceded by a docket of the contents and followed by the certificate of the bank at Crocodilopolis of the receipt of the tax of 10 per cent. on sales. The docket was separately sealed with a small clay seal, bearing a female face turned to the left. Col. 1] Le Xouay @ asmedoro Taedodovs Kat Yvepovs kat Totons nutov our’ TIL empiato KoBaernous cae axe Col. 2] (2nd hand) Bacwevorray Baortoons Kat Bacrrews Trodepawov bewv Didopyntopwv J aTnpwov erous € ef tepeiws Baorews Troheparov Beov Piopntopos Swrnpos Ade€avSpov Kau Pew Letnpov Kar Dewy Adehdov Kar Pew Evepyerwr Kar Dewy DitoTatopwv Kau Yew Emipavev Kau Geov Evtatopos Kau Oeov Pikopyntopos Kat Oeov Pitotatopos Neov Kau Peov 10 Evepyerov Kau Dewy Diiopyntopwy Lwrnpwv tepovTwdov Ioidos peyadyns pytpos fewv abhodopov Bepevixns Evepyeridos kavnpopov Apowons Piradeddov ceperas Apowoyns PiioTatopos Twv ovTwy ev AdeEavdpera ev de IIrohepards THs OnBardos ef eperwy Kar vepirowv Kat Kavynpopov TeV ovTwY Kat ovowy ev IITtokeparde_tys OnBaidos pyvos Xouax 4 ev labupa ed H\todwpov folm3| (3rd hand) erovs € Xovay x PTOLEMAIC PERIOD Il I5 ayopavopov amedoto Taehodous Toroeovs Ilepown ws L X ehacow pedtypwos paxpompo coos evOvpw Kav Xverpous Toroeous Iepown ws L kn peon pehixpws pakpop evOupuv pera KUpiov Tov eavTwy auvyevovs Qpov tov Nexovtov avvemiKcehevovtos Toroytos tov IleXauvov Kal TUVT@AOULEVOY TOU EAYTWY TATPOS NHLLTOV OLKLAS WLKOOOUNPEVNS KaL ETTEyaopLEVNS Kau TeOv poperns THV OVTaY EV TW ATO VOTOV MEpEL TOV EV Ilafuper oyupwpatos myxvy aTEpeov ZL ov pereote 20 To addo Z Iavofyovuver Totoeovs adiarperou yerroves TNS OANS OLKLAS VOTOV oLKLA ApTanoLos Kat Tov adeddov Poppa orxia Lverpovtos amyniwrov pupn Baortixn iBos Tevyos Tov OXUPOLATOS nN Ol av wou yerToves TravTolev empiato KoBaernows Paywrios Hepown ws L p peon PedLypws oTpoyyvAOTpOTwToOS evupw x' Aa mpotadrnta Kar BeBarwrat Taedodovs Kau Sve ous KQL Totons Ou amrodopevot OUS ede€ato KoBaernots YQ TPlapLevyn 25 App® Kexp™ Te mp THv ev Kp® ra tpt ef ns Tavokos v eyk” Kata Thy Tapa IlavucKxov tov Tedkwvov Siayp' vp nv uroypt Ilavokos o avtuyp' KBernois Paywvrios pepos orxvas ev Tal” ns ae yerrrvvar ded? Sia tTns ovyypt wiKods? Kau Tef” ns au yeirmar dd” dua tys ovyyp' nv nyop’ mapa Taehodovtos Kar Svehpoutos Twv Totoeovs Kat Totoeovs Tov Tatpos x" Aa re* aro? x WK COVVETLKENEVOMEVOY THL wYYL 30 TlavioKkos Tp 17. ouvertkeAevovtos K.T.A.t 7.2. uvemtKeevovTOS Kal cuUpTa-~ Aovpevov Toronros Tov IeXaiov Tod €avtay marpds, The genitive is ordinarily Toroeovs, as in Il. 15, 16, 20, or Toronovs, as in Papp. 661, 663, 674, 675. It is noticeable that the father, perhaps because he is a party to the sale, does not act as xvpios to his daughters. 19. mnxuv orepeov: cf. Pap. 880, |. 26 (p. 9), BGU. 994, col. iii, 1. 1 ff. Obviously this is not the simple cubic cubit of P. Oxy. 669, 1. 7, but akin to, or identical with, the myxvus oikomedixds (zb., 1. 9, and note), which = 1oo square cubits or 7}, of an aroura. 22. peon: in Pap. 879, 1]. 22 Kobaétesis is described as é\doow(v), and she is hardly likely to have grown between the ages of thirty and forty; but such descriptions are of course inexact. 26. e eyku(khiov): cf Pap. 1201, note I (p. 4). 27. ns... ovyypa(pns): inserted too early, and repeated in 1. 28. 29. amo®: the reading is doubtful; the second letter is more like » than w. One expects either nothing or the sign for * drachmas.’ We: of. Pap. 882, 1. 26, where the same figure follows a state- ment of the tax as amounting to 600 dr., indicating an advance of 20 per cent. In BGU. 995, col. iv, ll. 5, 6 is the fuller phrase Téos xa(Akod) (Spaxpat) @ (followed by a corrected figure, which should be xx) 08 (?) dAday xa(AKod) (Spaypai) Gpv, where the amount of the purchase money is 2 tal. 4200 dr., the tax of one-tenth 1620 dr., and the same raised by 20 per cent. is 1950 dr. (more exactly, 1944 dr.). It appears therefore that if the tax was paid in copper it was liable to a surcharge of 20 per cent., nearly double the ordinary rate (¢f p. 3, Pap. 1200, note on Il. 9, 10). PARRY USs 881--—108 se COMPLETE deed, with docket, whereby Pmois, son of Thotortaeus, sells 1% arouras of arable land in the plain adjoining Pathyris to Petearsemtheus and his three brothers, the sons of Panobchunis, for three talents of copper. appended. Cc Six lines of demotic writing are 2 I2 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Col. 1] Lé Mexerp Ky amedoto Lous Oorop Talov € jLEpos amo d pepovs yns Kalo” 5 Tedwvos empiato Tlereapoenbevs Kat ot a° ovtes 8 to Ig” xv A y Col. 2] (2nd hand) Bacwevovrav Keotarpas Kar Baciews Trodenaov Ow Didopyntopwr LoTynpev — 10 erous 0 ef teperws Baorhews Trohepavov Peov Piropntopos Swrnpos Ade~avSpou kat Jewv Lwtnpwv Kar Oewv AdeApov Kar Dewy Evepyerwv xa Oewv Pidotwatopwv kat Gewv Exipavwv kar Peov Evraropos Kar Seov Puouytopos Kat Oeov Pidotatopos Neov kat Oeov Evepyetov kat Jew Driopyntopwor Lwrnpwv vepovtwdov IovdSos peyadyns pntpos Bewv afdodopou Bepevixns Evepyeridos xavndopov Apowwons PiradeArdov ceperas Apaowons 15 @.doTatopos twv ovtav ev AheEavdperar ev Se Irohepards ts OnBados ef repecwy Kar tepisowv Kat Kavynpopov Tw ovTwr Kat ovawv prnvos Mexep ky ev Ilabupe ert Ywoov ayopavopov amedoro Tous @otopraiov Hepons tov tpooypadwv ws L pm pecos petypas TETAVOS LaKpoTpoTwTos evlupw THY UTAapXOVTAaY avTw TEUTTNY pEpLoa 20 amo TeTapTns pepioos TS ohns yyns | oiTopopov ev TH TEpL Iladvpw mediuw ¥ ad Kau TOU eriBaddovtos Xadacparos amo = Ke Kahoupevyn TeXwvos yetoves Ts fepioos voTrov yn Kat apmehov Talwrios Boppa yn Ilatovtos tov Qpov Kat Tov adedpav Noua amn\wwTov apmedov Kavewros Kat Tov adehpwv hiBos Siwpv§ y ov av wou eav Tr addo Xalacpa pera THY = ad Kuptevaovor KoBaeOnors kau Col. 3] 25 vyevroves ravrofev Ezpiato IlereapoeuOevs Kau Ileresovyos Kar Paywus Kaw Vevvnors tov TlavoByouvmos x' A y mpotwdyntns Kar BeBar wns Lous 0 atrodopevos ov ede€ato Lereap awenbevs Kat ov adeAou ov TpLapevor 30 Epp! o mapa >” Kexp? 17. ext Swoov ayopavowov: Sosus appears to have suc- kahoupevn TeXwvos: cf. Pap. 880, |. 14 (p. 9). 22. Tadwrios: the fifth letter is more like an v than ar. ceeded Heliodorus (cf p.7, note on Pap. 879, 1. 16) as agoranomus at Pathyris in 113 B.C. (Pap.622 = Gr. Pap.1.26). He remained in office at least till 108 B.c.; but in Phaophi of the eleventh year (= Oct.-Noy., 107 B.C.) Heliodorus (whether the same as the earlier official of the name or not cannot be determined) appears as agoranomus (BGU. 996), and three weeks later Paniscus (Pap. 657 = Gr. Pap. II. 23a; cf. Pap. 888 a). 18. Ilepons tov mporypapoy: cf. Pap. 879, 1. 17, note (p. 7): 19-21. mepmrny pepida k.t.d.2 EX4x A =I 21. Tov emiBaddAovros xadagparos: cf. P mpooovTos xaddoparos. and 4° 1 ap. 657, 1. 7, rot 23. Evidently the text originally ran on from o: ay wat to the next column, ye:roves mavroGev, and eaytiaddo.. is an afterthought. 25. The name of the mother was added to those of her four sons subsequently ; she is not named in the docket nor in 1, 28. 26. tov: |. ot. 30. Eppi(as): in I09 B.c. Ammonius signs as deputy to the agoranomus (Geneva Pap. 20). The Hermias who appears here is presumably the official who signs frequently as deputy for Paniscus a few years later. + Kupltévoovgt PTOLEMAIC PERIOD z I3 PAPYRUS 882.—101 B.C. DEED of sale, executed at Diospolis Parva during the last months of the joint reign of Cleopatra III and her younger son, Ptolemy Alexander, whereby a woman named Thamunis sells 34 arouras of land in the Pathyrite nome to Petearsemtheus, son of Nechutes, for a talent of copper. Col. 1] Luis tov Kau vy Paps 1B ov) Capo” Ilereapoep? y & aro yns enpopov ev ofp B puas % BL 5 Ts 6 aX? 5 a wy ow ye 87 yt A a BeB" a? The document is complete, with docket and banker's certificate, Col. 2] (2nd hand) Baowtevovtav Bacthiaons Kieotarpas Beas Evepyeridos Kat Baoitews Iro- hepaov tov kat Ade€avdpov Jeov Piopntopos €TOUS LF TOV KAL LY ep LEepE@V KQL LEPELWV KQL Kavnpopov TWV OVTWY KAL OVOWV fL1NVOS Papeval iB ev Avoomoher THL PLKpal THS OnBados ed Hpakhedov ayopavopov IO AreSoto @apovris Ilatouvtos Avorroduris ws L hy pean pehexpous OTpoyyvAroT pow wos EVOLMLOS NOVKYL ovdn PETWTOL EY deftvwv UvUTO TPLXGa PETa KUPLOUV TOV €QAUTNS avdpos XeaOwtov TOU TleXavov AvomoXurou ws L he pecov pedtypoou TETAVOV PakpoTpoTwToVU evfupivos ovdn TNXEL ApLOTEpwe TO UTAPKOV QuTynl TPLTOV Epos a70 YS euopou advatpeTov €V T@L Tlafupirne eV odpayiot duce plas MEV Apovupa@v dvo nuirouvs wv yewtoves votov yn IBuBooKwv Poppa Parpeovs pyTpos XeBririos amn\twrov yn Anos huBos TEeptyopa THs 15 5 addns apovpas pas ys yeuroves votov =Anvios Boppa Ilavatos yn amn\wrov mwtos TOTAPLOS 3. 'L: pépos is the word required (cf. 1]. 13), and this may be meant for a monogram of pe; but it closely resembles the symbol for zupés. 6. ar®: if this is rightly read, it must stand for 7 drodopéyn, but the writing is so cursive that it is impossible to be certain. 7. The style of Cleopatra III and Ptolemy Alexander during their six years of joint rule varies considerably in detail. The only instance which agrees exactly with the formula here is Strack, No. 141 (Dynastie der Ptolemier, p.265). The title Oca Evepyéris appears also in Tebtunis Pap. 105 (Sacthevdvtwy KX. beds EvepyériSos kat Ir. rod emikadoupevov AN. Gedy Siopntdpor), with which 166 is identical except for the addition of Sernper. This last addition only occurs elsewhere in Leyden Pap. N (8. KX. kat Ilr. Tov eek. AX. bedv Biountdpov Sarnpev). B. M. Pap. 657 and BGU. 997 are the only two papyri which give the same formula, B. KA. kat Ilr. etx, ’AX, Tod viod OeGv Pirountdpar. B. M. 675 differs from this only by the addition of Baowéws before HroAepatov and rod after it. The shortest formula of all is in B. M. 630, 8. KA. cat Baowd. Ir. emex.’AX. The beginning of the joint rule is fixed within narrow limits by BGU. 996, dated on Phaophi 5 of the eleventh year (Cleopatra and Soter II), and B. M. 657 dated the twenty-eighth of the same month (Cleopatra and Ptolemy Alexander). It must therefore have taken place at the end of October or beginning of November, 107 B.c. The end must have come before Phaophi 14 of the fourteenth year (of Ptolemy Alexander, = the seventeenth of Cleopatra), z.e. the beginning of November, Io1 B.C. (Tebt. Pap. 106), and after the beginning of May in that year (B. M. 675). IO. evotpos novxne: ‘slightly flat-nosed’; the same descrip- tion occurs in Leyden Pap. N, col. ii, l. 7. 15. ns: corrected from or, 14 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI \uBos Apapytos v7 0 Ol AV WOW VELTOVES mavtobev Tov ex Tov Ilabupitov erpiato llereapoenfevs Nexovbov @s Ll B BEeoos eALy pas TETAVOS HaKPOT POO wos evOupw @S AaploTrEepov TET PY) LEVOV YahKou A evos BeBatwrpia tev KaTa. THV @VYV Oapovvis y amroSomevn nv €de€ato O TPlLafLevos 20 Tlevrapyos Oo Tap Hpakvevdov Kexp” Lis tov kat ty Papevwl 18 Col. 3] (3rd hand) erovs us tov Kau vy Dappovbe a ter® ryv i tov eyk’ Sa MavurKov TENWVOU TlereapoepOevs Nexovtov Ysa Epous TPlLTOV ev odp' dvou pias = BL ahhns = a / yl to emBaddov ev redid Tlafupews nv nyopacev Tapa Oapovrios tys Iartovros 25 XadkKov Aa TENOS x IlavicKos tpt 21. The banker’s certificate is added in a different hand, much thicker, and in blacker ink. WK 26. Wx: cf note on Pap. 1204, l. 29 (p. 11). RADY IU S86 76 00nnnc. MUTILATED deed of sale, executed at Pathyris in Phaophi of the fifteenth year of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice. It is one of the papyri acquired by Mr. Hogarth in Egypt in 1895-6, but was not included by Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt in their publication of that collection (Greek Papyri IZ), [Bacrevovtw|y Irode[pavov tov emjadovperfov] Ade€avd[polv Kar Bepevux[ys rns adehdns J jewv [Dr0pnTopor]| €TOUS LE [ed LEPE@VY KAU Lleperwy Kal Kk lavydopolu T lov OVTWV K[ au OVO WV Envos Plawdu & [ev IlaOvper] eb Eppuolv tov rapa UaloKkov aylopalvopou [Amedoro Nleyourns [........ TpowwmTos | evOupuy 5G epee laracap| . a tose ret ev] Teupavo[e Cel Cet Revo Cy eet Sy Lee ate. Gee el MCLE ON | Hepo|ns tys en[uyolyns ws L vd peoos peduyp® [ paxpo- . aprotlepwx tyv [vtapyovoay alytw yyv [nrlepor orodfop]ov rns ovorf[s . .-] yerroves vfotjov yn Ter[e]apopevov [Boppa [rlov Herleapo]ewfews [amndwwrov apred ov tov avz[ov] AuBos TEPLXoOMa N ov av [wor yeitoves travto lev 1. The earliest document bearing the names of Alexander and Berenice is P. Tebt. 106, dated Phaophi 14 of the fourteenth year, in which the king is described as Geds SiAopnrwp and the queen as Gea itddehos (a style which recurs in the three petitions, Leyden G, H, I, of 99-98 B.c.). On Choiach 2 (BGU. 998) the king appears as Ocds bihopyrwp, without mention of the queen. In the present document both are mentioned as Geol iopytopes (the restoration in |. 2 not admitting of doubt), and this continues to be the regular style (B. M. 1206, BGU. 999, B. M. 1207, 678, 679, 682, BGU. 1000, B. M. 1208), though Berenice is sometimes omitted (B. M. 632, P. Tebt. 104, 109). The last years of the reign show a different style, for which see Papp. 1209, 883. 6. Teupavder: cf. Pap. 1207, ll. 7, 19 (p. 17). PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 15 [e]rpiato Aplou}nors Syo[rov vepevs Lovyx lov Ka Adp[odi]rns ws L pe peros pedlixpas pakpo evv |pw [yladKov a[aNjavra. [.s 1a = 2 S|paxpas r[prloyidcals] wxraxoorals tpoTadyrns Kar] BeBarwrns 10 [rely Kata tyv wryly tavtyv talyrov N[exolurns o amodopevos [ov ede€ato Apainats] o mprap.e_v jos 8. Apoinots Syorov: cf. Pap. 677 (=Gr. Pap. II. 33) for another deed in which Harsiesis is concerned, dated three days later han the present document. PAPYRUS 1205.—99 B.C. JAN SMALL fragment, only worth publishing as belonging to the group of documents relating to the sons of Panobchunis, and possibly to be completed from the hitherto unpublished papyri of the same collection at Strassburg or elsewhere. erous ve Pappovtk 7 ev Tal Ouper] ed Epptov tov mapa IaviorKov [ayopavopov | eSavercev IereapoenOevs Ul avoByovmos] Dayove IlavoByouros Tlepo[ne THS emt] 5 yovns tuplou 3. TavoBxovmos: TaxorSios is of course possible, as in Pap. 1206, 1. 22, but in that case one would have expected his description as priest to be added. PAPYRUS 1206.—99 B. c. EED of sale in Pauni of the fifteenth year of Ptolemy Alexander (= 100-99 B.c.), by which Panobchunis sells two parcels of land adjoining Pathyris, of unspecified extent, to a priest of Suchus and Aphrodite, named Petearsemtheus, for two talents of copper. The document is complete, and is preceded by a docket; but the banker’s certificate is not appended. Part of the clay seal originally closing the docket is preserved. (col. 1) erovs ve lav y avn IlavoByo” Totonovs yys opp B ny ewvnor 5 To tap ToBkevo” kat Tafwris Twv Ilatntos tov Kahd\uo” 16 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI ev To y L Xoway ta €7 Tov ev Atoar> 10 7HL peyadn apyeto” empiato Ilereap oepbevs TakorBios ee Nas! (col. 2) Bacidevovros TIvoheparov emxadovpevov AheEavdpou Kar Bepevixns ns adehdns Oewr PurropyTopwv erovs te 15 ed teperwy Kar LlepeLwy Kal Kavndopov TwY ovTwY Kav ovcwr Byvos Ilavw ¥ ev Tabupe eh Eppuov tov mapa IlavucKkov ayopavomou amredoTo HavoByouris Toronous Hepone tns emvyovns ws L E ehaco” n Heoos pehtyp® teTavos pakpo mpoo® evluvpw wra peyaha tas uTapxXovoas avTw pepida yns yrerpov o.todopou adiarperou Ts ovons ev Tw wep. Ilabupe Tedtwr ‘aro’ oppaydov Svow ev TiaBwver ov Kavros ewvynoato Tapa ToBKevoumis Kat Tafwris tw Tarnros tov Kad)uov ev Tor y L Nowy ta Kat wrvyv reOeiKev ext Tov ev Awoor Tn peyahne apyxeov ex Avrohh@viov ayopavopov yevroves 20 TNS plas voTOV yn XeaOwrov rov MeXdutaros Boppa yn Malwrov rov Tlavopews amy” y7 Opacavos kat tov adehpov AtBos weptyopa tyv 8 ahdynv votov yy Ilatovros tov Qpov Kar tov adeddov Boppa yy XevoOwtov tov MeXuratros amnhu” yn Acovs hiBos eptyoua yn ov av wor yeltoves tavtobev empiaro TlereapoenOevs TlaxowBwos vepevs Lovyov kar Adpodirys ws L v xadkov tadavra dv0 BeBawryns twv Kara THY wvynVv TavTnv Tavtav TavoByouris 0 arodopevos ov edeEaro Ilereapoenbevs o mpiapevos 2G Eppuas map Tavurkov xeyp? 15. ef tepecov: |. ef tepewv, The mistake is common. individual’s statement of his age. 16. Tepon: 1. Mepons. 17. tas vmapxoveas : |. tnv urapyoucap. L &: in the year 123 B.c. (Pap. 879) Panobchunis was 18. dvow: 1. dvow. ov xrdet 1) 70 eames Tofkevourtos Kat returned as being forty years of age; here, in 99 B.C., he is still TaOwros. Hermias is a notoriously ungrammatical scribe, of only sixty. In the absence of a periodical census, such as existed Grenfell and Hunt, Gr. Pap. I, p. 46. in Roman times, presumably the officials had to accept the 21. tyv Saddnv: 1. trys 8 addgs. PAPYRUS 1207.—99 B.c. NOTHER deed of sale, five months later than the preceding. The vendor is an iron- A worker of Pathyris, the purchaser Petearsemtheus, son of Panobchunis; the land is a vineyard in the northern part of Pathyris, and the price 4000 drachmas of copper. Except that a few letters are lost at the right-hand extremity, the document is perfect. A docket PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 17 is prefixed, and its seal (a female head, facing to the right) is almost intact. The writing is rougher than in the earlier examples. (col. 1) IO (col. 2) 5 20 25 erous us AO” ie amedoto T'adarns IleXatov Tov ex Na” o1t6” ato Tov UTAPXOVTOS AUTWL cot ape’ acup? ev Teupavier ev Tat ato Boppa pepe Ilad” empiato Ilereap oepbevs Ila veByouvios Tyns x F § Baowdevovtwy Trodkenarov tov emikahovpevov AheEavdpov Kar Bepevkns trys adedd|ys Bewy Pidro[pyntopwr] ETOUS EKKaLOEKaTOU Ed LEPEwWY Kal LEpELwY Kal KavyPopo’ TwY OVTwWY KaL OVTWY [NVOS Advup ié ev Hab[vpe] ep Eppuov tov mapa IavoKov ayopavomov amedoto Takarys, Iledavov Ilepons tev ex Tabupews oidnpovpywv ws L ve pecos emuTuppos paKkpo[rpocw7os | ev” ovhn petwrar ey Sefiwt amo Tov vmapxovtos avtw. cdadovs aprehwvos agupputov ev [Te] Hpavler ev Tat ato Boppa peper Mabupews ov yeitoves votov Vevooipios tov Kavwzov Kal Tov adledpor| Boppa Tapovfios tys THehavov amyndiwrov vncov Kadovpern TpovmiteB i Bos Ilatu[rvos tov] Qpov Kat tav adekfav yn ol av wow yeitoves Tavtobev empiato Iereapoepbevs Ilave[ Byovrios | Tepone twv ex Wabupews ws L pp mecos pedtypas TeTavos otpoyyviotpocwios evb” ovdn [peTwran ?] ey Sefiau Tysns xadkov Spaxpwv rerpakicxikiwv tpoTodytys Kat BeBawrys Tov Kata anv wryy] tavTnv Tadaryns o amodomevos ov edefaTo Tereapoeulevs 0 mpiapevos Eppuas o tap Tamoklou Keyp"] 7. Teupavder: cf. Pap. 1208, 1. to (p. 19), where it is spelled least vyoov) are corrected. Tyovmcre@ itself means ‘the island of Geupavder. Piteb’ (Griffith) ; it is presumably the same as the vijcos xudov- 19. yetroves : the neighbours’ names are then given in the pevn TirBios in BGU. 993, col. iii, 1. 8, genitive throughout, y7 being perhaps understood. 22. Hepone: 1. Iepons. 20. kahovpery: 1. kahovuerns, unless all the genitives (or at Ill, 18 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 678.—99-08 B.c. A VIER, fragmentary deed of sale, dated at Crocodilopolis, in the office of the agoranomus of the upper toparchy of the Pathyrite nome, in the month following the date of the preceding document. The writing, by contrast, is small and neat, but not as well formed as in most papyri of the second century B.c. Both the parties (who may be brothers) are priests of Suchus and Aphrodite (on the combination of these deities see Otto, Prdester und Lempel im hellenistischen Agypten, 1.-8, 190 5). Blacevovre |v Trodelprarov tov em |ixahouper[ov AreEavdpov Kar Bepevixns rns] adehd[ns Jewr| [ropn70 Jpwy evLous exkawd Jexatou ep epewy Kau veperwv Kau kalvndloplov fav ov | [Tlov [xa ovo lav pnvos Xoilak . . ev KpoxoSiiwy mode Lee HavoKov ayolpavou[ov zs] ave tlorapxials tov T[a]Ovpurov 5 Az[ Soro | Hereolo]uyos Sy[wrov telpevs Solv]you kar Adplodirns ws L] v8 & Lehiy[ pas | palkpom? €luup [a|Svvarfos opplact q[nlv vrapyolvoay avrar ev] Tor ava red[var] mp Tabupiy ynv nmleipov owro |dop{or] DPOUpGY: |: en sae ane nls yeroves] vLorov mareva (?) o]8os eis Vek caer Peer ge TEU VG Jed ee eee een ] tporempa . [ TO See ee eed poupl meat me nto tore ] AuBos opos[ 7m ov av wor yetto|ves ravro[ Bev] IO em|piato Apowjots] Sxerolv tev avtwr| vepewr [ws L pl Beoos pwehiypws] waxpomp? e[udup | wtla adeornkora] Xahklov Tadavrov ev jos Tpom|wdnTns Kat BeBavw|rns tev [kara] tLnv wryny tavryy Nlerecov]xos 0 amodlomevos ov ede€ar Jo Apour{ors] [o mprapevos] 2. erous exkatdcxatov: the year must be later than the 6. oupace: the traces of the letter before acx are suitable to p. thirteenth, since the reign is that of Ptolemy Alexander and 8, 9. Dr. Hunt suggests [dmmuodrov ds] mporémpa[ke] ra[e Berenice, and the lacuna will not admit a longer supplement “Apoijoe|e dpovp[as, which is possible enough. than exkaidexarov. The day of the month is lost, but it must be 10, Apowois: cf, Pap. 676, 1. 8, from which the statement in the last days of 99-or the first of 98. of his age and appearance may be restored. PAPYRUS 682.—101-08 B.c. FRAGMENT or rather three small fragments) from the beginning of a contract, published here for the same reasons as Pap. 1205. - Its date is approximately fixed by its falling within the reign of Ptolemy Alexander and Berenice, and in the term of office of the agoranomus Paniscus. Paniscus was still agoranomus in Mesoré of the sixteenth year, z.é. August, 98 B.c. (BGU. 1000); but in Mecheir of the seventeenth year (= Feb., 97 3.) he had been succeeded by Ammonius (Pap. 1208). [Baotrevovtrwy Tr]ohenaliov tov emuxahoup|evov AdeEavSpov Kar Beplevixns Ts aderdns. Oewy] [Propyntopw|y erorfs . . eb tepewv Kar] reper Kau Kavnpopov tov ovrav Kar ovrwy pnvos] | aan ev I]aupee ep Eppuov zolv rapa MavirKov ayopav[owov] PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 19 Aree ef ee ee Jyos Of... 2... we. . Tov] ex Mabupews rexrovols Posse, Marae retlavos [......-..++.. €judupw tv vrapxovolav Jee apo” n [oloov av n yeroves ] rorapos diBos . [ Jeol PAPYRUS 1208.—97 B.C. DEED of sale of the usual type, but introducing us to a new agoranomus at Pathyris (cf. introduction to Pap. 682). His writing is small, in thick strokes, somewhat blurred. The document is perfect, except for the loss of a few letters at the right-hand extremity, and has a docket with its seal, the impression of which is rather faint, but appears to be a female profile, facing to the right. In the sale, an aroura of arable land is sold for a talent of copper. Col. 1] erovs wl Meyep 8 amredoTo Ilaro" Ilehavov apo” a x’ A a empiaro 5 TakowBis aro” Col. 2] Bactrevovrwy Irohewavov tov emixadovpevov AdeEavdpov Kar Beperixyns Tys adeddr[s] few Piiopntopwr eros ul ed veperwy Kar vepirowy Kar Kavnpopov TwY ovTwy Kai ovl_ cov] pnvos Mexerp 6 ev Ilafuper er Appwriov ayopavopou amedoto Ilarous Hedasov Iepol ns] Ts emvyovns ws LE evpeyeOns ped tet paxpotpocwmos evb” ovhyn pur pean THY u[zap- xovoar | 10 avtw ynv 7” ovrodopov ev Gen pavder Tlabvpews nv yyopacev Tapa Lereapoenbews z[ov] TaveByouvios kar Vevyyows tovtov ade\pov apoupay pia yeitoves Ts odns yys vol Tov] yn IlaveByovvios tov Tewros amynwwrov torapos uBos yn Twv oxrov yn oL av wort yeiz[oves] mavtobev erpiato TaxouBis Haroutos Iepown ws LX peon eX uUToK\agTOS MaKkpo- Tplocwzros | ev0” eta Kuptou Mereapoepbews tov IakorBios vepews Lovxovxov Kat Adpoditys 15 XaAKov vouicpatos tahavtou evos mpoTwdytns Kat BeBavwrys Twv Kara THY wvny TavTnv Tavtwv Ilatous o amodopevos nv edeEato TakouBus N Tplayevyn Appovios Kexp fonecacns Ga ate beta aCaner pad 12, The boundary on the north is inadvertently omitted. 16. nv: 1. ov. 20 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 1209.—8g B. c. ITH this papyrus we penetrate well into the first century p.c., and to the last years of the reign of Ptolemy Alexander. the usual pattern, and is perfect, with docket It is a deed of sale, executed at Pathyris, of prefixed. The seal of the docket (apparently a three-quarter or full length figure facing to the right, towards a flower) is almost complete. On the verso is a line of demotic, in addition to a Greek note of the contents. Col. 1] Lxe Evead Ky amredoTo Neyov0ns Tlereapoenbews Tlereapoenben 5 IaveByovros ynv nireipov o.ro dopov apovpas yuiov ev T Tawwiar Tad” Col. 2] Bewv Ditopyntopwv Lwrypev IO €TOUS TEUTTOV KaL ELKOTTOU Ed LEpELWY pnvos Ered ky ev Iabupe Baovrevovtev Trohenavov tov emKadovjevov AdeEavdpov Kat Kdeomatpas tys adehdys KQL LEPELM@V KOAL Kavynpopou TWV OVTWVY KAL OVOWV ed Eppov AYOPAVOLOV TNS AVW TOTTAPKLAS TOU Iaupirov amedoTo Neyov@ns Tlereapoe ews Ilepons THs emvyovns ws L pe pecos pehtypws Khactos pakpotpoowmos evbupw wta adeotykoTa amo ys. UTAPYOVONS AVTWL TE KaL TOLS adedoLs ys nTeipov aitohopov aduaiperov ev Tyr Taiviat Tafuvpews eyopevns Tekwvos amo Tov eTLUBaANOVTOS AUTWL [LEPOUS apovpas npwocv yeitoves odns THS yys votov yy Hlereapoeufews tov TaveByouvrios Tov wvoupevov Boppa yn IBovyx.os 15 amntwwrov autekwv Kavwrov Kau Tov TAVTWV TAVTO bev 9. Between 97 B.C. (the date of the last papyrus) and 89 B.c. no Greek document is extant which gives the full style of the reigning sovereign, the Tebtunis papyri which probably fall in this interval being all dated in the shorter manner (érous x pyvos y). On the reappearance of the fuller dates, we find a change in the style, the name Cleopatra being substituted for Berenice, and the king and queen being described as Oeot Pitopnropes Swripes instead of Geol Pidounropes simply. The former change appears in all the papyri of the last two years of the reign (Leyden Pap. O, B. M. 883, 1209, P. Amh. 51, also in the inscription published by Strack in Avchzv III. 130, which however has not the date of the year); the latter in all except the Leyden papyrus, which retains the old @eév idounrdpav. On the face of it, this evidence would seem to show that between 97 and 89 B.C. Berenice died and was succeeded by another Cleopatra ; but the demotic evidence, as reported, is inconsistent with this. Lepsius (Adz. d. Berl. Akad., 1852, p. 473) quotes adehpav AiBos TEpiyopa N ov cay wow ‘yeLToVes from demotic papyri dated in the twenty-sixth year (89-88 B.C.) as giving the name Berenice; and P. dem. Berl. 3107 (Spiegel- berg, Demotische Papyrus aus d. kgl. Museen zu Berlin, 1902, p- 16), of the sixteenth year, gives the double name Cleopatra- Berenice. It would appear, therefore, that Berenice received the additional name of Cleopatra, which had become almost as much a dynastic name as Ptolemy, and that in the later part of the reign this superseded her original name, at any rate in Greek official documents. Cf Strack, Dynastie der Ptolemier, p- 56. P. dem. Strassb. 44, of the year 94 (not 97, as printed by Spiegelberg), fails us as evidence, since the name of the queen is accidentally omitted; since, however, the title ®:Aopjropes Serjpes is employed, this may be taken as some indication that the change of style had already taken place by that date. 12. kdaortos: ‘curly-haired’; cf Leyden Pap. N, ll. 6, 7, Pee eiual 1On7 ped ebims2onze. 13. Tedwvos :. of. Pap. 880, 1. 14 (p. 9). PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 2L erpiato MereaprenOevs MaveBxovvios yi Aa ¥ tporwdryryns Kat BeBavwrns tov Kata THY w@vyy TAVTnV mavtwy NexovOns 0 amodopevos nv cde€ato Iereapoewbevs 0 mprapevos Eppwas Kexp” Endorsed (after a line of demotic) : wvy Ilereapoe" mpos Nexo” Ilereapoe” 20 tov IlaveByo" apovpas HLoV 16. There is a mark before 7 which may be intended for the asum of talents precedes. symbol for ‘drachmas’; but it is not usual to insert it when 17. nv: 1. ov, cf. 1208, I. 16, 883, 1. 26. PAPYRUS, 883.——88: B.C: | eae the latest document of the Ptolemaic age to be printed in this volume, belongs, according to the ordinary calculation of the pre-Julian calendar, to the first days of January, 88 8.c., and contains our last notice of the family of Panobchunis. Petearsemtheus, his eldest son, appears as purchaser of some land in the northern part of the plain of Pathyris from a namesake, son of Almaphis, a taotopdpos of Aphrodite. Contrary to custom, neither the extent of the land nor the amount of the purchase-money is specified. The first three lines of the docket are lost; otherwise the document is complete, and the body of it is written in the same clear, but thick, hand as Pap. 1209. [Lxs Xovax Ka ave] [Soto Tlereapoep evs | Col. 1] [A\paduos tnv vrap] OUT CUE CULO ue ee ee 5 Tos aderdots dwdexa TV peplo0a ynv nTELpov oliTopopov THVv ovaay ev tw amo Poppa meduwe Tlafupews nv Kavtos IO ewvnoato Tapa Tapou vios THS Ilatoutos ov a yeutviar Sed Lwvrat dia THS wVyS empiato IleTeapoew 15 evs TaveByovvios Col. 2] (2nd hand) Baowevovrwy Trodkemavov tov emkadovpevov Ade€avdpov kat Keovatpas ms aderdpys Jewry Drropyntopwov Larnpev g. nv: written more like ay, but jy must be intended. re CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI €TOUS EKTOV Kal ElKOTTOU eb LEpELwY Kat LEpELwY KaL Kavnpopov THY OVTwWY KaL OVTwY Hnvos Xoway Ka ev Hafupe ed Eppiov ayopavopov tns avw toTapyias Tov Tla@upurov amedoto Iereapoeubevs Ahpaduos Tactopopos Tns Adpodirys ws L pe pewos HeALy pws TETAVOS PAKPOT POT wTOS 20 evdupw ws apiotepov TETPNMEVOV THY VTApPXOVTaY av’TwWL TE KaL TOLS pEToYXoLS dw de’- KaTnV mepioa yns NTELpov oitopopov THs ovens Ev TwL amo Poppa media Tabupews advarperov heyo- Kevyns Kontuos nv KavTos ewvnoato Tapa Tapourios tys Iarovtos ev odpayiou pia yewtoves THs olns yns votov yy KahiBus mpeoButepa ns Kpatovow ov vior Boppa yn Patpeovs tov Xevobwrov amn\iwrov yn Aecous Tov Appayopov hiBos TweEptyopa y 01 av wow yetoves mavrofev Ezpuaro Ilereapoeubevs 25 TlaveByovvios tpotwhyrys Kat BeBawrns Twv Kara THY wvnv TavTnv TavTwv Hereap- oeubeus Ahpadios o amodopevos nv ede€aro Tereapoeufevs TaveByourios o 7 PLAJLEVOS Eppuas Kexp” 19. IlereapoeuOevs Adpadios: presumably the person named Aecous: cf. Pap. 1206, |. 22 (p. 16). The first letter is clearly in Pap. 663 (= Gr. Pap. II. 30). A here, and Pap. 657 (= Gr. Pag, II. 23), 1. 8, should be corrected 23. mpeoBurepa: |. mpeoButepas. The same phrase, with the accordingly. same mistake, in Pap. 675 (= Gr. Pap. II. 32), |. 7. PAPYRUS 889 a.—2nd cent. B.c. ip conclusion of this section may be given a receipt, in form of a letter, addressed by a woman named Zois to a priest of the temples in Crocodilopolis and Pathyris—a collo- cation which is a further proof of the close association between these two places. The priest is said to make the payment on behalf of Esthladas, son of Dryton, whose name is already familiar from two other papyri of Gebelén, vz. B. M. 607 (= Gr. Pap. I. 12), 617 (2. I. 21), which are the wills of Dryton. These records show that the present document must be assigned to about the end of the second century B.c. The end of it is lost. Za n Kat Oyyxacts Iowdwpov Ilatovte veper Twit Tapa Twy Lepewy TOU EV Kpokodiov mode Kat Ilafuper tepwr 5 NXaipew exw Tapa cov UITEp Ea @)\adov Tov Aputa@vos xad[K ov Tahavra deKadvo dpalyx luas Tpioxiuas Kovlev [cou eykKjakw e.. . .Jev 3. Tov: 1. roy. B. ROMAN PERIOD. 1. Zhe Census. PAPYRUS go1.—Late 1st or early 2nd cent. HE documents relating to the census contained in this volume have not the same importance as those published in vol. II, when the subject was comparatively new, and when the regulations governing the census, the poll-tax, and the éixpuois were still to a great extent unknown, and could be elucidated by the papyri there printed (pp. 17-65). The present texts must be regarded as supplementary, and contain no new facts of importance. They include a portion of a register and eight census-returns made by individuals, relating to the censuses of the years 103-4, 159-60, 173-4, 215-6, and 229-30. Other documents of the same class, but too much mutilated for publication, may be found in Papp. 1119 b, 1120, and 1167. The register which stands first is a single mutilated column from what was presumably a long roll or series of rolls, like Papp. 257-259 (vol. II, pp. 19-42). The most notice- able feature in it is the classification of houses under the headings of éoikia, oixd(reda ?), oixiar, and éravdews. The handwriting points to the latter part of the first century or the beginning of the second. Tecevovdis. . 7. . Tews ply] Taz. . Jaros Erouxiov Of. .|vol. rns Kar] Teevav™ tys SataBov" Tept Thy avTnv Hplakdeav] ev w Ilameus Tere . ews pntpos OvBeo” 5 Ezouxiov Appvpas reps Thy avtTnv Hpakdevav Ouxo) Xapitiov tys Kat Oacrov [t]ns Amoddwr{cas | ev ots I[avlowyevs Appwoews py” [T]amazeutos Aphanats adedhos THs avTns O[tKo’] Oacv? THs K) Xapure? tns Azro* ev ous IO Ilaovyntis mpec® Apdhaynoews pn? Taovn™ Ilaovntis vew™ adehd® ths a— Ouxia Tatouv IovAtov Ma€éipouv ev 1 Zatos Lwrov pyn™ Lwrnprdos 4. Tlere . ews: the letter in the middle looks most like n or »v. follows. The scribe varies between the genitive (ézotxiov, 5. Erorxtov Appupas: cf BGU. 277 (where itis spelled AXpupas) ewavAews) and the nominative (oikia). and 790, An éoiktoy may be a group of buildings, and apparently Xaptriov tns kat Gactov: cf.1. 9, where the order of the names is so here, the ofxémeSa which follow forming parts of it. is reversed, 6. oko): presumably oixdzeda (or -wy), not ofkov, since €y ois 24 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Letras adehdhos pn? THs avTys 15 Nuvos Sovdos Ywrnpidos Ezaviews Avdupapiov tys Iovwvos ev 7 Opcevovdis atatwp py? Tavedpeppews Ezaviews KiXavdiov Avoyevous ev 7 Epuevs Eptews pntpos Tada . vetous 20 Oxia [KXavdiov Avoylevous ev 7 4 Lapalmiwv] I[La}revros pn? Oacntos O.xia Kdavdtov [Atoy]evous ev WED Bree yesh A Tle|rexovyouv pn? Oc Oxia Kdavdifouv Avoy]evous ev 7 25 Merecou[xos , . . .|Bovros py” Seppl Ouxca Ay[pntpovtos] tns Anunrpov [ev n| ata|rop ply” . .|Boulros [Orxva Anpuynt|povtos trys A]lnunz[piov ev 7] aarJarop pt [ 30 [Orxia Anuntplov™ ys Arp |ntpliov ev 7] |e” TaBovros [Orava Anuntpov™] rns Anuntp’ ev [n] |udews py™ Oar[ [Ouxva Anpntpov|ros tns Anun™ ev 35 ] py” Tavedpeppeos] J]. . . Zeyabtos [Ocxia Anuntpov]’ tys Anuntpiov ev 7 |. . Taovnrios ] 7s Anpntpov ev [7] 40 atra|rop by Adatovos [Ouxia Anpntpovtos tns| Anpntp’ ev 7 39. Anpyrpov™: or Anpuytpov, by mistake for Anpntprov, in which case the proprietress is the same as in the preceding lines. PAPYRUS 1221.—a.D. 105. HIS census return, relative to the census of the 7th year of Trajan [a.p. 103-4], and made out as usual in the course of the following year, is addressed to the kopoypapparets and the \aoypddor of the village of Theadelphia. On the officials to whom such returns were addressed, see vol. II, p, 18. Axovoraw [. - -]eBxous SueEay? ta Klara T\nv Kopo? 2. deEayo(vr) Ta Kata THY kopoy(pappareav): of. Tebtunis =emordrns simply. The phrase does not appear to occur else- Papp. 15 and 16, where dueayov 7a kara Thy émorareiay evidently where in published papyri of the Roman period. ROMAN PERIOD 25 kat Pacers kar Hpla] car Hpwve kat Opoevovdu [Kau . .] . « etTe Kau Xo 5 KoveTt aoypados Kopns Ocadehperas Tapa Ayxopippews Tov Ayxopyede_ws] tov Apevov bytpos Tapapwtos 77s Io Iavervews epyatou TWVY ATO TNS KWOLNS aToypapopal els THY TOU SueknrvOotos €Bdopov L avrokpat® Katoapos 15 Nepova Tpatavov YeBacrov Teppavikov Aakikou KAT OlKLaY amoypadny ETL THS AV” KwWUNS EV OL [ku]a mporepov K\avéras 20 [Azo]\wapiov ev Tn Koun [evJue de Aylxolpyndus o mp0 yeypappevos [ws] L pw ov’ odput apio” Kau THV yuvat* Hpakdovy Ileve 25 ews ws L Ke Kat TOV e€ apdo” viov Ayyopimde a] er S10 emioidw" THv [aroypadynv ... .| 6. GeadeAderas: identified as Harit by Grenfell and Hunt, who 12. aroypapopa: the usual exavrov kar Tous epovs is omitted, but excavated the site in 1899 (Fayum Towns, p. 51 ff.). the accusative appears in l. 23, after the nominative has inter- 9. Tapapmos: the termination is doubtful. Tapappeous(Fayum vened in 1, 21, Towns Pap. 17) does not seem possible. PAPYRUS 11I9@.—a.D. 105. MUTILATED census-return, addressed to the strategus, and relating to the same census as the preceding. The formula is rather different, but no exact uniformity seems to have been observed in this respect. 6 orparnylor . [mapa .......... «Jros tH Inoouros pn [ re 2. Inoovros: the first letter is almost wholly lost, but is so narrow that nothing but I appears possible. The name Ingovs occurs in xy. Pap. 816, IIl, E 26 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI ] pera” tov av® Ayalovir[ou ut lapX er apdodov Eppoviua* 5 ] & @ aroypadopat Tous vio [yeypappevous evoikous es] THY Tov SiekynAvO0" CS [avroxpatopos Kavoapos Nelpova Tpatavov YeBaorou [Teppavixov Aakikov kat ol" amoyp) er audodouv Amo\N [lep’ amoyeypappevous evs THY Tov] OS Aopitiavov Kart ov" 10 Latoyp? ] Kau ELOY Japyov pn? Mapovros Jovdap L Xe Ky Bn” tTys| av’ L KO apdortep? | t@ eveotore yL Tparav” 15 [Kavrapos tov Kupiov.. .jrnu . . . pS mpoaavaX tau yS aludodov Taper x) 3. peta”: pera Kupiov. 6. evoikous: cf. BGU. 138, |. 4. The space requires some 4. EppovOiax(ns): cf. Fayum Towns Pap. 28, 1. 5,from whichit such word. appears that the audodoy in question was in the metropolis, sc. 8, 9. AoA (w@vov) Iep(akewov): of Wessely, Die Stadt Arsinoé, Arsinoé, Dats PAPYRUS 915.—a.pD. 160 or 161. N almost intact return for the census of the 23rd year of Antoninus Pius, [= A.D. 159-60], bearing a date (Il. 41-44) in the census year itself, which is quite contrary to usage. No day of the month is given, and it may be suspected that the entry does not represent the real date of the document, but is a scribe’s formula, written without thinking. The return is addressed to the Baowxds ypappareds of Memphis, who was also at the time acting as strategus. It is noteworthy that the document is endorsed as an érixpuois, but it is not so in the ordinary technical sense of the term, viz. an admission of a boy who has reached the age of fourteen into the privileged ranks of persons exempt from _poll- tax (cf. vol. ii. p. 42 ff. and Oxyrhynchus Papyri, ii. p. 217 ff). It is an ordinary census- return, and the persons to whom it relates are an adult of the age of thirty-seven and a boy of the age of five. The verb émxpivew is however used of the contents of the document both here and in Pap. 919 4, 1.5. The exact sense of it in this connexion is not clear, but it must be to this that the endorsement refers. Kedahon Bao’ yp, Mend diadeyopevm Ka TA KATA TY OTP) Hapa] Ato\\wriov Apda 5 nowos tov kar Hdavore @VOS [LNTPOS Oeppov ROMAN PERIOD 27 Oios tov ato Mepde ws apyav avaypadbo peevos emu TOV a L 10 amoypadopat eavTov TE Kat TOV adynhika pov vioy Lwrnpvxov pyntpos Irohepas Apxwawos Mepdeire 15 Sos ert maha and Aaypevyns EvoiKous ELS O OLKOUPEV ETL TOV a’ Tov ay mepos oLKLas Lapamiwvos Lapamiwov? 20 «Els TYHV TOV EVEOTH tos Ky S Avtwrivov Katoapos TOU KUpLOU KQAT OLKLAV amTroyp) enavtov Azroh\hwviov 25 Tov mpoye, L hE ZwTHNpryov viov pH Ts Tpoye, Itohenas avayp, 8:2 [yoy apy? as TO. a KYSuLe 30 Taper de o or abpo[v |x Lapamiw— Tpos TOV Yat 7 Tov eyyvatiar|] pe Twv €7lLK . . EVONG wick ee KQL OMVUW TYV TOV 35 KUpPLOU QUTOKPATOPOS Katoapos Titov Atdtov Adptavou AvT@vivovu S yovewr aTroy Lys 15 Kat opvuw tyv Tov Kupiov Mal[pxjov Avpydov Leovypov A\e€ar[Spov] EvaeBlovs Ejurvxous YeBacrtov [rvx}nv ovrws [elyew [Le avtokpatop jos KaLO-apOs [Mapkov Av |pn\wov Seovy[pov] AdeEavSpou [Ev|oeBous Evrvxous «Blac ov Tayov vw (2nd hand) A’ Ocoyvwaros o Kat 20 Moepos emidedaxa Kalu] pooa tov opkov (3rd hand) Avpyddfos A od hwrios exyor icov (4th hand) Avpywos Apporioy [erxo|y toov 19-21. The writing of Theognostus is a rough and thick uncial, showing that he had little acquaintance with the art of writing. 2. Taxation. PAPYRUS 909 8.—a. D. 143-144. aR poll-tax, which naturally takes its place after the census-returns, is represented in this volume by six certificates. All, so far as they go, support the conclusion arrived at in vol. ii (pp. 20, 53) that the normal amount of this tax in the Fayum was 20 drachmas per annum. It is only to the Fayum, however, that this rule applies; for Wilcken’s ostraka show different rates for Thebes and other places, and variations in the same place at different times (Gr. Osétr. I. 231 ff). The first of these certificates in point of date records the payment of poll-tax for the 7th year of Antoninus Pius to the amount of 20 drachmas, with a supplementary charge of the usual amount of 10 obols. The papyrus is much injured by rubbing. Erous eBdopov avtoKpatopos Katcapos Turov Av\iov Adp/ Avtwv) SeBaorov EvaeBous . . . ua dueyp, EvBov* mpa* apd] odov| 5 Ppeper Apevos Ovvel[ ¢? |} tov Mvo® pntp?... p.- haoyp, tov avrov aly |p? pet Spalxpas] exxoat of de® / aptaBas €€ — 5 L BZ Emd tpr 5 7 é) I, 2. txvous epnpopudaktas : cf. Fayum Papp. 75, 76, 186- head, in profile, turned to the right; the inscription is broken 189; presumably = guardianship of the desert track. away, with the exception of the letter x. 5. Avery light-coloured clay sealis affixed. It bearsa youthful (g) a.D. 183 or 215. tere* Shia au”! Lox[vo) Nycov} epnulopvdrakias | Ilabwrys 5 €& mupov em Kapindous tTpiot L Ky Z Dap[ pov] iS 4o CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 922a@.—a.D. 179 or 211. tet’ 81a mv* Soxvo™ Nyoov epnpnodu* Lotas e€at ef ovo’ Tplow Tupov Kat 5 Aayavov ed ova ever L 04 Edur E PAPYRUS 929.—2nd-3rd cent. USTOMS-RECEIPTS, of the pattern represented in the preceding group of documents, are fairly numerous; but texts of the kind here following have hitherto only been represented by the latter part of Amherst Pap. 77. It consists of a portion of a register, evidently kept at a customs-station, of laden animals passing through it, either inwards or outwards. The latter is by far the most common, 63 entries out of 72 being of this class. The papyrus contains three columns, and ranges from the 22nd Phamenoth to the 22nd Pachon; but neither beginning nor end is preserved, so that we know neither the exact year nor the place nor the description of customs to which it relates. With regard to the latter, however, something may be conjectured. The entries uniformly give four facts: the name of the person passing through, the direction in which he is going (inwards or outwards), the character of the merchandise carried, and (in the case of export) the number and description of the beasts of burden. E.g. Médas e€dywv éhatov Kapydovs ¥, Sdras e€dywv Tupod kapydrovs y, dvov a, Idaus elodywv olvov xepdpia 8. The fact that the character of the merchandise is always mentioned shows that the toll was not levied only on the animals; and the fact that the number of the animals is always mentioned shows that the toll was reckoned according to that number (the load of a camel or an ass being reckoned at so much, according to the nature of the load), and not by the actual weight of the merchandise, which could only be ascertained by unloading all the animals. There is nothing to show to which of the three classes of customs (cf vol. ii. p. 83, Fayum Towns, p. 196) this register relates, but there is no reason why it should not apply to all. It is simply a register of the number of animals passing the toll-gate, and from the data here given the amounts of the several charges due upon them could readily be calculated. The only obscurity is in connexion with the imports. Here the formula varies. The amount of the merchandise, which is never mentioned in the case of exports, is here never omitted; while the number and character of the beasts of burden, which are never omitted in the case of exports, are here mentioned in only four instances out of eight (and in two of these the animals are themselves the subject of the tax), one (l. 66) being doubtful. The scanty examples of tax-receipts for imports (only 9 out of 82 customs-receipts hitherto published, two of which relate to the same transaction) nearly harmonize with this evidence. In three instances (Brit. Mus. Papp. 31646 and 1266 d and Greek Papyrt, Il. 50f. (2)) the ROMAN PERIOD 41 amount of merchandise alone is specified; in four (Fayum Papp. 73+ 74, B. M. Pap. 1266 a-c), the amount of merchandise and the number of animals: in one (Greck Papyri Il. 50 a), the number of animals alone. In the latter case (the only exception to the rule that the merchandise is always specified) the animal is so minutely described (kdpyydov Ojrevav evKiy SevtepoBorov Kexapaypevny *ApaBiKors Xapaypacr) that one is tempted -to believe that it was itself the article of merchandise; and this seems to be confirmed by the mention in the present document of the import of a kdéyndos Oydea umotehys (1. 33, of 1. 67). Otherwise it must simply be an oversight. It is clear, then, that the toll on imports was reckoned in a different manner from that on exports; and this may possibly be due to the different character of the goods imported (chiefly wine, which would be carried in receptacles of known capacity), which rendered it easy to calculate the amount without unloading the animals, The great preponderance of entries relating to exports, both in the receipts themselves and in this register, shows that the export trade of the Fayum in excisable goods (among which corn largely predominates) far exceeded its imports. It is also clear that unloaded animals paid no toll, since no notice is taken in the register of the return of any of the animals carrying the exports. col. 1] Tloows e€/ & Kat y ov a KB O&is e€’ eheov Kat a Medas €€/ eheov Kak y Swras €€’ & kat § 5 Toots wal” owov Kepat 1B Ko MeXas e€’ & kata MeXas erepos €€/ & Kat y Vovoudis €€/ & Kat a [+ Jirms e€/ & Kat IO Ke Ywras e€’ & Kat y ov a Medas e€’ & kat a Ke Havoudis €€/ & Kat £ Deatas e€/ & Kat y oY a Opnpos «€/ & kat y 15 KO Ant... e]é? & Kat B Tloow €&€/ [& kat] yo a h Swras e€7 gow Kat £ SaraBlous el” [dow Kat € Medas €&/ pow Kat B Pappovbr 20 8 Vovoudis [e€/] ede? kat a Mehas €&/ [& n]uvovovs B € Meas e€” hay kak B ov a Tesi pete P i SA : : E es hs efayov. Throughout the Papyrus the mark of abbreviation, here for convenience printed separately, is drawn III. G 42 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI _ Eltlenvas €€% oyxow oeBevv’ ov a [¢] Medas [e€” . . yaKdoe 25 [ .. Jevs e€%7 & Kat § Meas €€% & Kat Bo a [ Tepas €]’ . Epuevus [e]E” & Kat t TrE wat odvpt® Kaddraew” B Medas €€/ eheov Kapn* B ] «€7 © nat B . +» Kepape* Kat C Ztorontis Ayyadus LoaY umotehyns Kap” Onuas pedevyn a 0 col. 2] i 30 ta te 35 Ky Latupos €&/ ede ov? a Kaiparwv €€/ €de ov a KS Beddns €€/ ede? Ka a Anpas €&/ ede? Ka" a Pavyois €€/ ee? kak a 40 Mehas ef dour [k]a" B Lwras «€/ dow Ka" § KO Medas €€% ede? [olvous B kat & ovov a Atrohiws €€/ ede ov? a 45 kat ‘& ovov a Meas €€’ edeov Kat a kat & Kapy* a Swras €€’ ede? Ka" a >! 50. [layer m Ol & Meas woat owov Kepat. \¢ IlaBous wraY odupidav Kaddae” a Medas €€’ edeov Kapn* B TlaBouvs «€% & ka B Wovovdis e€/ & kat B Xrotontis «€7 & Kat B 55 5 O€ts c€/ ede? kaH a KuBis €€/ ede? xal“] a col. 3] LaBuwes €€/ & Kap ta Behdns €€% & xapl TlaBous €€% & Kkapn[ 23. oxo” ceBevm”: it is not at all clear what this can mean. The termination of the first word is doubtful, and it may be read as oyov with an abbreviated termination. The o at the beginning of the next word may have been struck out, converting it into ¢Bevyi/(a ?). 30. ofupid kadhae”: cf 1.50. Probably = opupidas kaddaivov, sc. Kepdpou, Kadddivos képauos occurring in the Etym. Magn. (486, 51) as an Egyptian species of pottery. It does not seem possible to interpret ka\Adivos as an epithet of opupidas. odupis is said in Liddell and Scott to be an Attic spelling, but it is habitual in the papyri; cf B. M. Pap. 190, BGU. 247, 814, Oxy. Papp. 116, 519, 741, Fayum Towns Pap. 102. 33. umoreAns: cf. 1, 67, and the remarks in the introductory note. ROMAN PERIOD 43 60 Saddas €€% & Kap” [ Medas €€’ & Kapy* [ Medas €€/ dal ya” Medas €€/ eheov Kap” [ ux’ €/ edeov Kap [ 65 w Xwedas €€% & Kaprl Ato\\os va? tn Ta TiToNIs. - ul Amvyxis woat viored 10 Aadtov voat emu Kam t moons &npas €[ 70 Aprepas ura? eu kat € muons Enpas EL Beddns €€a? & Kat 5 SaBwes e€aY & xa" 6 Medas €€’ & kat a 75 TlaBous «€/ & Kat a KB Avovrlo|is «€% daxal” o autos €€’ & kat «a Bykis e€/ & ov a Medas €€% Naya” arep* [ 66. va’: 1. (e)eoay(ar). 79. mep*: presumably mepxvdv. There is no trace of ag, other- 69. moons Enpas €: the unit of measurement is not named; wise Nayar(s)orepp(a) would be probable. (Gp MAG PAPYRUS 1169.—2nd cent. HE conclusions arrived at in connexion with the preceding papyrus on the subject of the excise duties are explicitly confirmed by the present document. This, like the last, is a record of merchandise passing the customs-house of an unnamed village, but it has the advantage of enumerating in almost every instance the character and number of the animals, the character and quantity of the merchandise, and the amount of the tax. From this evidence two conclusions are at once established: first that the tax was levied on the merchandise, not on the animals, and secondly that an animal’s load was constant, so that the amount of merchandise could be reckoned by counting the animals. (It would, no doubt, be the duty of an inspector to see that no fraud was practised in this respect.) Thus, when the commodity was oil, an ass carried two metretae, a camel four, and the charge was 4 dr. 1 obol per metretes, or 8 dr. 2 obols for an ass, and 16 dr. 4 obols for a camel. But when the commodity was salt (Il. 27-30), the charge for a camel’s load was only 8 drachmae, and in the case of dates the charge for a donkey-load is 2 dr. 4 obols. In the case of wine (l. 73), where the unit of measurement, as usual, is the kepdjuov, the same charge of 2 dr. 4 obols G 2 44 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI is made for four xepdya, the animal, though not specified, being probably an ass. The same charge is made for four xepdja of olives (Il. 41, 42). The account, as here printed, which is furnished by one Pabous, son of Satabous (1. 102), ranges from the beginning of Athur to the end of Mecheir; but Pabous’ duties were shared by another official, named Hermes, who kept his account separately, so that for the days when Hermes was on duty we have no record. At the end of each month the total of the receipts is stated and a sum (at the rate of 16 dr. a month) is deducted for the wages of a policeman (‘ApaBoro€drys), under whose charge the balance is sent in to headquarters. Where those headquarters were, or what the village was at which the tax was levied, or which of the various kinds of customs-duties is in question, is not stated. The account is imperfect at the beginning. Cols. 1 and 2] Badly mutilated. Col. 3.] [afro xf ews 4 Epp[y]s _~ Tov pnvosS po [ at] « SuerephOn? [S]ia @eoyitovos A[paBo}ro€o* [A@v]p opovws 5 [amo] a ews y Eppns [8] Opnpos e€a7 © o” a € pe” B S n= Tladipis o% & Kat a € pe” 6 Sits [A]dpixavos o# & [o”] B € pe” 5 age Ilavovdis of ©) [kla* B E pe” 7 J r\y= 10 € Eppys ¢ TOous e€a¥ & [o” a] € pe” B Sin Tames of & xa a & pe” 8 J uF [a}rro l ews 18 Eppns [uly Hackemas e€a7 [e] ka" a € pe” 8 J aise 15 amo wu ews & Epps Ka Ayyaduis e€aY & Kat y € pe” UB Sov Tlames of & [ka a € pe” 5 figs Avrovis o% © [kal B E pe” 7 J r\y= kB Eppys 20 Ky Ovimhas e€a’ © xkat BE pe” n J y= Tlavoudus of © [o”] B € pe” 8 ‘pile Sovedas oM & Kat a kK) 0” a E me” F Ske Srozfo}y’ [ot 2] o y € pe” & J ke TiOois of#] 2 0” a € we!’ B S n= 25 TlaBovs of © o” a € pe” B S n= KO Ke Eppns Col. 4.] [ke ... «Jas ura? Newrov ados Ka* S +B 6. 2.€."Opnpos eEdyav ent dv@ evi €datov perpyras dvo. On the conclusions are modified by Smyly, Finders Petrie Papyri, iii. content of the perpyrns (12 xdes in the case of oil, 8 xdes in the p. 197). at case of wine, the 8-chous metretes being also known as a 27. In the case of salt, as in that of dates, the quantity is not xepdmtov), see Wilcken, G7. Osér. I. 760 ff. (though some of his specified, but the camel-load is rated at 4 drachmae. ROMAN PERIOD 45 Ad. . .Jov of Nerrov ados Kak > S «6 Opliw of tra! Kaus aterxe Tapay’ S [y] 30 emu TnS KE ados Kat B amo KC] ews Eppns tov pnvos f[ tTEa= Tov" opoviov Oeoyt™ A pafsot0 £0” uTreEp Qwv) Dawdu AOuvp S pn how [es] ap’? f tuy= au Ky) SuereupOnoay a5 Sia Cleo}yu™ ApaBoro§o" Xovax opows ato a ews y Eppns 5 Adpixalvos e€aY © o” B E pe” 8 S wF amro € ews t Eppns 40 ta Tlamdus elf&aY & kat BE pe” S d’y= Oviz[das] e€a7 ehatwv Kepat 5 yet? Tladd pus] o” eXarwy KepaX 8 Se BE yB Apyeras e]fa? kat a wk) 0” BE pe H J ry= amo ty ews [tle Eppys 45 Ovim[ras] wat Kal nv eoye Tapayw™ emu TyIls tla owov Kepat 7 fe= qc] Apx[edas] ura? Kal nv eo xe mapay’ emt Tns oB owov keplat 8 amo i EWS KE Eppns S] BF COmmKSel| plow Ilarnrov o” a {BE [ dow |* Ilarntov o” a S [BF] Tlaxulows] owe Tarn? o” a J- BF Taf ] dowr* Tarn” 0” a begeie Col. 5.] «l Ovimdas efaY & kat BE pe” S y= 55 Tladuuis o4 © kat B Kk) 0” a E pe” tb § paf mm Eppns KO Sroron’ e€aY & kat a Ko” BE pe? y JS ry= h Epps me tov pnvos J ovef tov? owoviov Ocoy.” 29, 30. For similar entries, see ll. 45-48. In each case the merchandise in question is an import, and reference is made to an earlier date, but the point of it is obscure. With regard to the readings, xa@ws ameoxe appears to be the reading here, but in the two other passages it is certainly xa@ nv ecxye. The following word is doubtful, but in 1. 45, where it is best pre- served, it appears to be mapayw™, 7. e. mapdyev. It might, however, possibly be mapaypa’, 2. e. mapa ypapparéws. 41. In the case of olives the animals are not specified, but it is fairly safe to conclude that the 4 xepdya, charged at 2 dr. 4 ob., are an ass-load. An ass-load of dates is charged at this rate in l. 50, 46. ms ta: this carrier has been mentioned on the 11th as exporting 4 xepdyia of olives, but the 8 xepaya of wine now under notice can have no connexion with that. Similarly in regard to ll. 47, 48, Archelas has been mentioned on the 12th as exporting oil, but this has no obvious connexion with his import of 4 kepada of wine. 48. xepau(ta) 6: the amount is obtainable from |. 73. Wine was normally reckoned by the kepaptov (cf. Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. I. 759 f.). Four xepdpia (=32 xdes) would be a quantity rather larger than two perpyrai of oil (=24 xées), but probably not sufficiently so to be more than the load of one donkey. It is odd that in the case of wine and olives the quantity is mentioned, but not the animals; in that of salt and dates the animals are specified, but not the quantity; while in the case of oil, which is much the commonest, both are specified. 57. 8 is corrected from 8; an ass-load is regularly 2 petpyrat, except in 1. 66, g. v. 46 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 60 ApaBoro£o7 umep Tov Xovay pnvos Js Aov es ape? J pyOF a x) SvereppOyoar dua Oeoyitovos ApaBoro£o™ TuBe oporws ato & ews § Eppuns 65 € Ayxodis e€a¥ & Kat § € pe” us J &F . k) © ovw a oKevodopw — pe7 a JS S— ato 5 ews t Epuns : ta Ilavoudis e€aY €) 0” a E pe? B Sy Tifois of © o” a E pe” B Sn 70 TlaBouvs o“ © o% a € pe™ B Sy Tlavedpe" of & o” a & pe” B Sn= torontis o” & o” a € pe”? B Sn Ilakvois wra? owov KepaK 8 ip a[zjo 8 ews K Eppeys 75 Ka Ovimdas [e€aY] & xa" BE pe” y J Ay= Tladuyus of [e Kah a nk o ae pe’ s J ke aro kB ews KE Eppns KT Sroton™ e€aY & Kat a Ky [o” a é€ pe” 5] S ke __ EvSaywv of & kat a no” [al é pets Ske 80 KG lames e€aY & xa" BE pe” 7 S A\y= amo KH ews X Epps Col. 6.] _~ Tov pnvos § ovsF tov" oov @coyi” ApaBotofo” vrep tov TuPr pyvos J us dow es ap? J opF 85 au kK) SuereupOnoav dia Beoyt” ApaBo" Meyeip opo.ws ato a ews y Eppns S§ Ovimdas e€aY & Kat B E pe” S dy= € Evoaipowv of e€a? & kat y € pe” 1B Sv go amo ¢ ews ta Eppns iB Apyehas €€a7 © 0” B E pe” 5 iPtea Sroron’ of &) o” a € pe” B J n= ty Epps uw Ovimdas e€aY &) kat B E pe” 9 S \y= 95 amo le EWS KO Eppns Ke lames e€aY & xa BE pe” 4 S y= amo Ks ews X Eppns ah tov pnvos J poe tov" orfoviov 66. ovw a cxevopopw: presumably this means that the ass was carries 1 artaba of wheat and a metretes of oil (Grenfell eo carrying other baggage, not liable to excise, as well as oil; Hunt, Greek Papyrt U. 50 @), or 3 artabas of lupines oe M. hence its load of oil is only 1 metretes instead of the usual Pap. 964), Sompeov (2d., 50 %) or dpoBos (B. M. Pap, 2064), or two. Similarly in Pap. 307 an vos axevodpdpos is entered as even 4 artabas of dampeoy (Gr. Pap. II. 50 /). carrying I artaba (of wheat?), whereas elsewhere an ass ROMAN PERIOD 47 @coyi” ApaBoto§o” vaep tov Mexeip 100 pnvos J uw ov es ape} S pv0 a Ky, SverenpOn? Sia Scoys? ApaBorogo" IlaBovs YataBov? eridedwxa tov hot K[a0as mpolke” Sua Mehava™ yp) PAPYRUS 1107.—3rd cent. HE following document, which, being numbered 05 (= 74), must be part of a large T series of rolls, contains a register of payments made by various villages in respect of the customs tax known as Aysévos Méudews, together with two other charges, hitherto unknown, called émuorarefa and wéurrn. The nature of the tax \ysevos Mépdews is discussed by Grenfell and Hunt and by Wilcken, in the works cited above, in connexion with the taxes épyyodudaxia and p’ «al v’; but neither of the two latter occurs in the present document. Each entry consists of the name of a village, all in the Themistes division of the Fayum and arranged in alphabetical order, which is followed by the words dumévos Méudews with a sum of money, varying in the different entries, though in three cases it is the same, and, on another line, by the words émuoraretas kal méuarns, also with a sum of money. It is noteworthy that while in the case of the customs-receipts hitherto published, where the diuwévos Méudews occurs, the places named are border villages on the north and east of the Fayum, the tax being paid before or after the journey across the desert, in this papyrus on the contrary the villages are all to be placed within the Fayum itself, and in the division of it which is furthest to the west. It is possible that this points back to a time when the villages here named stood on the western and southern borders of Lake Moeris, while Socnopaei Nesus, Bacchias, Karanis, and Philadelphia were on its northern and eastern borders. For what is known of the villages here named, reference may be made to Wessely’s Topographie des Faijum. 08 Eovtu el a|vtwv TO Karam pla |xrop|evbev] KATO Ted{o|s Amuados hifpjer[os] Mendews < po’? 5 ETLOTATELAS KAL TEUTTNS X[atp nul wv] Todvdsevxous 81% avrov K[ip}ka S[oxi]xw apraBas e€ [FT] > ¢ [... . Jed. . .Jos opowws Soyikw eee EF ILlevvn oporws doyixw 10 aptaBals tTleooapes n’ F — 80’ Ac YXoV opowws Soxixw apraBas __ TpLs HpLoV ey Ae pepe’ €€ atovav VoBOl. .]epews 2. doytkw: sc. petpo, cf BGU. 552, 557, 743, 744, 807, Amherst Pap. 87. All these papyri are from Hermopolis (cf note on Amh. Pap. 68, 1. 5), and the present papyrus is shown to belong to the same nome by the place names in ll. 7-9, 14. The doxixdy standard, however, is also mentioned in the Tebtunis papyri (cf Tebt. Papp. 11, ll. 6, 13; 614, 1. 390; 72, 1. 395). It is there evidently used as the official standard, and is identified by Grenfell, Hunt, and Smyly with the artaba of 36 choenices (see esp. pp. 44, 232). Dr. Grenfell states that it is also found commonly in the Hibeh papyri, from the Oxyrhynchite and Heracleopolite nomes. 7. Kepea: cf.1.19. The names in these five lines are those of villages. Kipxa is known as the name of a village in the Hermopolite nome from Pap. Reinach 17, 1. 1, and Heyyy from Amh, Pap. 141,1. 4. Aéyxov (the reading of which is doubtful) is unknown. : 13. YoB6 . . epews: apparently a personal name, being followed by the title dexa(mparov). ROMAN PERIOD 53 Sexa, Mwyeurov emu tns X~ Ener 15 L. Tov Kupiov nuwv IpoBov SeBacrov Ladovotis Avakayopas St Xaipnpovos Iovdevkovs yewpyo % doyikw — 1B F — 1B Xatpynpor Io Avdevcous Sexa, Kipka & So% aptaBas 20 [ef] & [S80 —s¢ am z]Jo [av]ro [rns perpyloews] [..... 8]oxX —wm [... .] Adupy [. . ojuot Karwv Nol. .]uos dia tov [mpo]kepevov Xarpy[polvos To* Te* [. . .] . d0% —a y/ to Ilavn — By’ 25 [. .]}80% E—Cy OF Kae tovrev & [8]o xaol J Endorsed IIpoB[ov] 5S «S$ s$ [Xap |nmovos 14. Maxerrov: sc. torov, ¢f. Papp. Reinach fass7m. Each 27. Besides the date, and at right angles to it, the verso rorapxia ordinarily had two Sexdrpwro (Preisigke, Stadtisches contains five mutilated lines of writing in the same hand as the Beamtenwesen, p. 24); who in the third century take the place ecto, and apparently of the same nature. of the earlier orodAdyor (Fayum Towns, p. 215). PAPYRUS 944.—a.pD. 228 and 233. LONG strip of papyrus, on a small part of which two receipts have been written in different years and by different hands. The first, which covers two payments, does not appear to be for a tax at all. The second records a payment for the axnona by Theognostus-Morus, whose name meets us on many other papyri in this volume (see above, p. 29). On the axnona, see Wilcken, Gr. Osétr. I. 155. LE Mapxov Avpndtov Leovnpov AdeEavdpov Kaicapos tov Kupevov Papevwr d gakov pop! to’ < £ Avpnwos Xuyas < us iB S47 Mexeip & 5 may) pep’ mapadev* eX avyvwrns a @coyvwotos of Mw pos < y=o’ xt & A’ Tlodv® zpa* 2. Apparently dakovd, Yopioy (or iov), though the readings are 5 pep: Sc. peptopod, cf Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. 273 (vol. II. p: 83). not quite certain. mo‘ may be a proper name. The other readings in this line are doubtful. 54 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 847.—a.D. 170. eer nee from the elders of Socnopaei Nesus and (apparently) another village of the receipt of 80 drachmas in respect of the tax on the harvesting of hay and other miscellaneous crops (if that is the meaning of povoSeopla ydprou Kal d\dwv €iSav). Erous dSexatou QUTOKPaTOpos KaLoapos Mapxov Avpyiov Avravwov Y<¢Bactov 5 Apperrakov Mnd.xov Tlap@ixov Meytorov Pap KB dueyp Opoevo” Kar ou. perox mpeo® kar... Kat Ilexvoews tpeo® Yoxvo IO matov Nynoov virep povo de” xop™ k, adrde’? Spay oydonkovta /[ < 7 | 8. Apparently the word at the end of the line must be the name of a village, but none of the familiar names of the Fayum seems to fit the remains. 10. vrep povodec(jas) xopr(ov) Kat adX(wv) ec5(wv): the regular formula. Cf Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. 1.383, Fayum Pap. 34, Amherst Pap. 121. The abbreviation ad\ed (written as one word, continuously ligatured) is noticeable. Wilcken expressly refrains from any explanation of the term povoderpia, and especially the element povo-. As a pure conjecture it may be suggested that it refers to the hay being done up in single sheaves (like corn), instead of cocks or ricks, the tax being reckoned upon the number of sheaves. d\\oy «iddv is so regularly used in this combination that it must mean other miscellaneous crops which are reckoned along with hay, not miscellaneous taxes in general. PAPYRUS 844.—a.pD. 174. HIS papyrus contains a certificate from the mpdxtopes apyvpixov of Socnopaei Nesus of the payment by a certain Stotoétis of various instalments of several taxes, including the cuvrdémpov, dbdviov paydorodudrdkav, Secpodvdrakia, peprrpos Onpiwvr (?), worapopvdaxia, (weptopos) amdpots(?), and xwparixdy. Similar certificates, relating to most of these taxes and some others, are included among the papyri published by Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt in Fayum Towns and their Papyri (1900); see notes below. Etovs TET TA PETKALOEKATOV Avpy\iov Avtwvivov Katoapos Tov Kuptov TuBr LB Sueyp) Qpw kar petoX mpa* apy Loxvo) Nynoov Lroro™ Etoro" tov lepomaovros py Sroto’ cuvta€ysov Tov avTov ETous dp) OKTW 7, {n Mexip C dp) dOwdeka j {8B here paid, 44 dr. 6 obols, corresponds exactly with the totals in Fay. Papp. 45 and 53, which shows that the amount of this tax remained unaltered from the time of Augustus to that of Marcus Aurelius. 2. Sroron(ris) Sroron(rios) rou leporaovros: cf. Pap. 845 4, 1. 6. 3. ovrragipou: this tax occurs in Fayum Papp. 45, 53, 54, and this, not ovyrdéews, is no doubt the proper expansion of cuvra in Brit. Mus. Pap. 181 4,1. 18. As here, the amounts named there are multiples of 4 drachmas. Also the total amount CC ROMAN PERIOD 55 MeX KO’ Sp) treroapes / { 8 Pap" E Sp) oxtw / ( n TMaxov © 8p, oxrw / ( n Mav £ dp) Teo 5 oapes/{ 5 End = dx? Sy Klas 707 pu* 8p) pa F x? /C af x° Seopodvda = 0/x° of? paySu* du Sp) pia / ( a% Meoopy C pepto* Onproy f x? oW? pat du* Sp) era / ( © ets am Tov Sue Andv? uBS Sp, tpis / ( y ve S Owl O 80 Kau 707 dv’ = x? oW? pat Sp) pia [ / Ca [ azopots Sp) pua F x? Jiao x° Dawu y evs am? 7° Svehy* wyS Sp) tecoapes / { 5 Adup O of Sp) oxrw / ¢ n eS v0 A opowws o avros umep xo Tov Suedydv? vyS Sp, e€ F mpo% dp) pia x° / CCF x? 5. 6: probably dé, as Dr. Grenfell suggests, an unknown tax of small amount (cf Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. I. 179). ka 70" pur: in Fay. Pap. 54, 1. 17, isa payment for wo’, and in Fay. Pap. 317 mo’ is preceded by a word which the editors doubtfully read as émor(arixod). It is not possible to read that here, but the addition of ¢v4 confirms the explanation of the tax given by Grenfell and Hunt, as a payment for rorapopvdakia or -pidakes. Seopopudak(wv): or Serpopudak(tas), cf. Fay. Papp. 53, 1. 6, 54, 1. 17. oy? paydar gud: the explanation of this is given by Fay. Pap. 54and a Tebtunis tax-receipt mentioned in the note on 1. 13 of that document. It stands for dyaviov paydwdopuddker, the pay of the guardians of the watch-towers. 6. pepto* Onpiwv: the Fayum Papyri 53 and 54 include pay- ments on account of pepiopos (or emtpepicpds) axdpwv, but it is not possible to read aropwy here. Onpiwy is fairly certain, but the nature of the tax must remain doubtful. Payments for Gropo occur below, Il. 7, 8. 9. umep xox: 6 dr. 4 ob. is the regular payment for yoparidy, of. vol. II, p. 107. The present text explains BGU. 359, where the amount is given as 7 dr. 4 ob. 2 ch., which is precisely the amount here arrived at by the addition of the rpood:aypapdpeva. PAPYRUS 925.—a. D. 197-108. HIS sheet of papyrus contains two certificates, written in successive years, of the payment of the redécpara for the preceding year by a woman named Dionysarion to the mpdxropes apyvpixav of the village of Hephaestias. In the first certificate, which bears dates equivalent to Jan. 20, Feb. 12, and March 4, A.D. 197, Septimius Severus is sole emperor ; in the second, dated July 7, a. p. 198, Caracalla appears as joint emperor. Erovs €/ Aovkiov Lerrystov Levynpov EvoeBovus Ieptivakos SeBacrov ApaBixov AdiaByvixov TuBt Ke dveypadn Hpw Kau PETOX TPAKTS 5 apy Hpaoriados Avorveapiov Atoddov” v) TeNeoaTwY Tov TeTapToU eEToUS pv) < eKoot / < « Meyep @ ad® < Sexadvo /ToT To . [ (2nd hand) Awor o[eo”| 6, Probably the same person as in the following document, PAPYRUS 850.—a.D. 162. E[rous y] avroxpatopos Kawrapos Mapkov Avpnhwov AvTavivov [S]eBacrov Kat avtoKpatopos Katoapos [Aoluxcov Avpydvov [Ov|npov Y 60 te* aprrehov S$ vB vy Ko* pid~ Opuyevis n Kae Aovkwha v* S k Col. 4] is- Ko*. @iiwv ¥ v) ovd vt So at levy’ bau Te’ apzrehou S¢ 65 Te Tapader’ So x Umep Kadrovpriov pny’ v* S B dpaxX Levy’ S £6 Te aptre’ S pd I rov pm a mpox’ v* S xoo ape’ S ys 70 mapao’ S p C/ S xKe vauk® S kK cupb’ p) Tapadoxny 44. Birravrwos: 2. bidavrivoos, Cf. 1, 118. of & is noteworthy (4%). 45, 46. The form of @ here employed should be noted (F), as 54. vauk\npias: a new tax, ie it more resembles 7: but the arithmetic will not admit of this. 71. p): fl. 107. Since the interpretation (= mpos) is clear 47. The items amount to 2632, instead of 2650. The form from 1. 8, &c., it is evidently a development of 6 = [pl = pos. ROMAN PERIOD 65 B* opowws tov a~ pnvos Meyetp els Pap’ Mexetp K~ xo* [.] Avpn* H[A]o[8] S Ky Dayevwl 4 Kor O- Eppuas o Kat A~ Aa 75 Kat Arhiavo[s] Kat Aevos Kae O)vpr/ S K¢> ty Ko* vO~ Opyens y Kav Aor{aep & & te~ Ko’ p~ Dlaly ¥ v ovd ae) Kal v) KwpapX THs fe $2 kK) utep wA\Bavov tov Kar Lepy 80 vou kat Adpod’ rns k ladda S db F zou pnvos a mpox’ Bt S ab cvpdea Tpos Tapadoynv Colz.s | ApiOunoews Papevad evs Dappovl yena’ 85 Dap t Ko* Opvyens y* Aoveirrdra C/ S pn vy Ko* &y IowWwpa Xap" ape S vB iS Kor [. .] Newappov of OB are SG — Tov ph av Levy’ S pn ape S ovB ouphe [7]pos tapadox 90 B* opot tov & pnvos Pap uw Ko* ig Ade’ y k PDiopwpaca Sv wy Ko* hy Iodapla X ]arpnpovos as: guupavos pos Tapadox ApiOunolews] Pappovbe exs Tlayoav yuno’ 95 Pap 6 ko vy ®urwp ¥ v) ovo) vt or ye a H\uode[po]s Awyos [ze*] ape’ Sp SA[ Bavos ] vt Sa- Gey’ f J Se KKO™ tes ee | ] Nev rov® bY Sp 100 IlaX ta Ko* pe A[heE/ x P[uopw rupav’ Sad’ § pus ie Ko\ ma D[rJo[y] ¥ re aute v) ovot Sx Ko* pk A[u]ua o* Apes levy’ S$ Kd ~ opot vLav]B/ S & ~ ul Ko’ pan IoiS? Xapynpor[o|s apzre* Sui 105 l tov pH a mpo* v+ 7EéS ape. S wvB Tupavr® S pis C/ okd cupd/ p) tapasoynv Col. 6] Bt opowws tov avrov /envos Dap im ‘ko* = PDiiwv X v) ovopa™ — Su 110 Kk Ko* (~ 09 viTEp ovoja™ S¢ 95. vt ov: the meaning of the last two letters is obscure. 99. The totals show that this entry relates to the ré\eopa duréov. : LOM : - K 100. tupar(vikor) edadp(ar) : presumably a charge on a parti- cular property so named. 66 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI em7iBo* mnxLophou TlaX is Ko » Diwy YX v ovopa™ eT Bo mXLopou Ko’ vO Apupwvios o* Apevos taBov* 115 F tov py Bt S Gum wm” Su HX SG [Ap|O[unoews Tlayov es ave ] Sepnvos Kar Adpo® y* Iov? apze* St Nev}|\appev o* Piravtwoos aputre® SY Eppias o* Ayabos Aa! x, ov ade C/ S [x] 120 A]upwrios o* Apeios C/ S¢ vav® S Kn [el xlo* ] Iowdwpa Xarpnmovos apse” Sig ~ Ko* a[-] i ¥ v) Lapatap Bynoapiwvos te apse® So 125 k) v) Xatpnuovos LapaTappe opor Sp Kk) v kX AptoKpa opoi Sp k, v kK’ TovpBavos opo Sp Kau v. Bepyixvavouv Sp Col. 7] kau v’ Adpodeotas Ts* Iowpas oot Sp 130 k) v) Avoyevous PidavTivoov vauB/ Sé kat v IovAtavouv tov" BepyiKkiavou S pp Kat v) Avoyevous oveTpavov Se [k)] v’ Qpuwvos overpavov Sp Kat v [Iov]\tov Oewvos levy’ Sk 135 k) v. AOnrlalpiov rys* Xapypo, Sp kv Amfohdw}vos Iowdwpou S kd k) v) Aewov AvovBiwvos Sus F rov ph av mpo" vt S tKn aptre™ S ar& levy’ S pt 140 cud’ p) mapadox [B* opovws tov avrou] pyvos [AreEavipa yn] Prropepara [AppJerios o* Apetos 11. emBor(ns) mxiwpov: Cf. 1. 113. The phrase is new. mxtopes is the technical term for the measurements which in contracts are attached to the properties in question (¢% Tebtunis Pap. 164), and it might be extended to cover payments for such measurements. Then émifoAn mnxiovod May Mean an additional charge for thig, purpose, or an allotment of such a charge. The amounts, however, are high, and the znxiopds must be a general measurement or survey of some area, such as took place each year after the inundation. CfA 152. 115. The items under the heading 8+ amount to 1408, and evidently 747% S. here denotes the balance of 10 drachmas which is shown by the immediately preceding figures, 1418 dr. When [S] v [Ss ] the totals balance, the note cvpper(os) mpds mapadoxny is attached. This cannot mean that the items are those of expenditure, which tally with the receipts, since the headings of the entries (vavBiov, x.r.\.) show that they are receipts for taxes; hence it must mean that the items in the account tally with the actual receipts. In the present case they do not exactly tally, the actual receipts exceeding the items of the register by 10 drachmas, cf. ll. 185-187. z After this line a cancelled passage of five lines contains a repetition of the totals already given in ll. 105-107 and 115. 126, KA% sc. KAnpovdpor. ROMAN PERIOD 67 [xa] v) Tuwov? Sapappo [Ss ] 145 ]... Iepaxos [Ss ] Wasledvar Sé Io}vddov] SuABavou Sus epaxwv AhaBacrpuwns Sx [kat] v) Iovkiov Anfejav? Sp 150 ] emB[?] ovxomed v) Kopapya cys § Sv F rov pi B* S ary 7X oiKo Sv oupd’ p) trapadox Col. 8] AptO[ujnoews Tava as Ered 155 Tlav «Ka Ko* i H)wo? Awd apzre* Sé Keve Sk K* Epp.ov touv* Azohwap! Tapa? S Kn° Medas 0% Sapatiwv Mehavos tapa? Sk Em ta xo* pl.) lov? Xatpy ape Sv 160 8B Ko® pf.) Lampi@ o* Tav™ yt Saf [x], te rapa? Sy té Ko’ [. .] «* [E]pyuov rov* Azodi Tapa? $.B ]@ Apporos of Apewos vt S vs kK levy’ te Sp 165 K]o* p= kh’% Eporida vt Sa ]xo* pe [Ad]eE” n* Dropa 6/ S vd [x] tupave* eSadb/ [S] o ] «o* ppl.] Nev of Birav7 aptre* [S]o€ K Tapa> Sp 170 OD] ¥ v Ev? Ayo ape So k] vo! Mevve ove™ ape’ So k v) Lepyvov AOnvo!l So k v) [Io]v* Atrohwaptov Sp KO PG ULeAy eee S$ p&d 175 kv) Xatpy~ Sepyvd tapa® So kK v) [Io} Amohdove® Tapa® Sp kv KX Eppuov Amo\® Tapa> Sp Col. 9] kv \ Eppiov AvovBusvos ‘opow Sp k v) SapaTappa Byoape” ‘oot’ Sp 180 K v) KX Avtov EmipaX opot S pk K v Tepaxvau) Zwoy.ov oot S71 F rov Hy at mpo* vt § onf pop’ tupavu® § o awe’ S$ Go mapa? 144, Zapappa(vos) : SO, apparently, for Saparrappwvos. must apparently be expanded as emBodjs mxirpod olko= 150. This entry corresponds to 1, 152 in the summary, and édev, K 2 68 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI S aoB [Levjy’ S pvd S @ 5+ 185 mpos mapadlo)X / pys m7 S B opfolt [r]po[s] wapadox $ PoB dov Cyrov" Sp B* opotws Tov avTov pyvos i} aco ] . Sawroyd Sk 190 k]\/ Eppuos o* Xaupy Sk Salrpi@ o* Tavr® S¢ | Appe o* Apeuols S¢ ] KA’ Eparrda sé ] cuph’ pos tapadox Col. 10] ApiOunoews Ever evs Mecopy 196 Mecopyn ty Ko* €€ [Kd] Epwriddas v* S Ky Cleluy’ Sk te Ko* pie K* Eppuov tov Kav [Azo]\wapio" Te Trapa® St 200 is Ko® pif .] Nev o” P[t]\ar[rwo]os te apme* So SAP[av]os o* [SlepH [re*] ape’ Sw Tov py at” v[*S] Kn are’ S p awapa® Su[C/ S x] B* [opowws] 205 Appa] o” Apewos S py ee af Ome AdeEavd|pa n* Purriopa Sv K* Eppuov tov|* Amodwapt Sip [x v Klowapx Ts § S ap Col. 11] Cees Mecopy evs Owb yrno’ ee 1G) 184. § 6 d+: it is not clear to what this item (which stands rather apart from the rest) can relate. There is nothing corre- sponding in the items. 186. After mapadoX, rapa has dropped out (unless it be read instead of mpos in the lacuna before it), since the entry clearly relates to this tax. The payments due in respect of it amount to 1072 dr. (I. 184), the receipts to 972 dr.; hence there is a deficit ({nrovpevat) of 100 dr. which has to be found somewhere; @Qw6 il Ko* wH IoWwpa Xarpy* apzre* S p) whereas under the heading of Cevymarixd there is a surplus of two drachmae. : 209, 210. These lines are inclosed in a bracket, so as to cancel them, and are repeated at the head of the next column, of which only a few letters are left from the beginning of each line. The rest of the present column is occupied by writing in a hand of the third century, dated in the 4th year of an unnamed emperor. ROMAN PERIOD 69 PAPYRUS 933.—a.D. 211. RECEIPT for the tax on sales (l. 9 tov tod eyxukdiov dyov, cf. Pap. 297 2, vol. II. p. 111) addressed to the voudpyns of the Arsinoite nome. The payment is made in respect of an olive orchard, but the mutilation of the latter part of the papyrus leaves the details obscure, _Erovs v8’ Mapkov Avpy\.ov Avtwvivov Kat TlovBd.ov Lerrys[vov] Tera Bperavr 5 Kov Meyitotav EvoeBov LeBaorwv Taywv d/ dueyp) Avpyniiw Amiwv Kat ws xXpnpariler vouapyyn Apot €ls TOV Tov evKUK* hoyov 10 Ota AvovBiwvos Tov Kat upov Bonfov Aoyyewo” Lapamvas ehavwvorrapa® ev edo* take ty Tprwr ]..«v dia tov Kara* 15 [to ever}rwre LOS TuBe [wep kolunv Pirade® rapa ] Avrovas TP) [apy dp jax TPlLaAKOO LW ] 72 aype cuvrepn 20 [cews..] Spay tecapaxov [ra o8o* a] =

Oo Oo on 40 45 50 55 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Mevoitov Mapov TIXouvtapyns 7ns KXariov K ps Tirodenou? Pave? Kat dit Lwrnpos adeddou Yavoveros TravKv? Taratevas tys Anpunzpr’ Eziayouv Ackhy) 8 rns y IIptapov owoxKamn ov Kaoropos tov Xapevous AdeEavdp® orpatiwrov dit rns Tlogida@viov Eppcov evrovy® Marvatovtos Am.wvos Tov Kat H\todwp? Lwrnp? TI7odeu[arov] Sworyevous _ @ydixos Pidovpevov Tlodvdevkov Eppwvos Kodar[ujov Eppwvos Hpakdevov tov Iavkpatiwy® Lwrnpos Apakovtos Lapamiwvos Amto\hovr? AdeEavdpov Azo\\wriov Hpakhevov Appov? warak? Tlucauros tout Swrynp® Amoddwr? aBt KodavOov tov' IIto* Azohhwn? daft BaodGF Ba—tbad~ Ged Bao wda—ty Bao’ GF Od BG wnwa—Codp fo d~GnsCohkBp Bbowa—bysd Gs do sero Bbhowa— By Boe iG as BOECpasthondt Bouse Body» dd bilone Bb oda bed LA B bad [b]UCo7 Baov & ¢ Bbadd Gy Low Bond Pavone BGO ne a— fh x6 dy «7H us do Boid lowe a— Gud dl xz 7) Piiwvos Oprwvos @ewvos Ackdy[ mad? | . ewror B&>oda—bGe BOO Ki nas a ye Apevov Kat Lwrnp® aud? Exov Badews PB y a—tGuclowrdhod § aoneg Hpa.dos Ts lepaxos Iowdwp? Lapamiwvos Kpvcox°® @ewvos Ackdy tovt AvovBiav? TIvo\ewar? Hpak* tov Mevurrov Hpak* kar Swrnp? apd? Hpar* Aon Ayalor)eous Avkov Awoy apraB 38-43. In these lines ‘the fathers’ names have been written in in a more cursive hand, resembling that of Pap. 604B. BE Coea—bFInGE Bean he ees d- «B 7 ws do BO CCuw doa — G0 Hs do d- wo dB BG pais foa— be i¢d-Ka ow Be0iRia oa ey NS Bb Sa— bind Bhat i¢a—b kno 7 ts do 44.a>-°; here the a — symbol is followed by another 0, above the line, and then perhaps by e(pas). ROMAN PERIOD Kieu Apowoov kat IIto* Sewv? Bid | bg ¢. Hpak* Avoy tov Nixavwp? hee bwala—fkelong df Ber Col. 3.] 60 NMooden’? Ocwr? d6 AfoKd]}y vw’ Bbecone “a a—-bFwuione Kheorratpas Kav Atdouvpas apd? Swrnp®? Bi a — dd Sapamiov? Arro\hww’ di- Expyyvys rns Tro* ft tf ps [J a—Gulow~dGrBer 65 Emmpaly]? Apporiov [B'] & B XS a — & dU X6 doy Avotiymov Appav? Bbeona—haoned[ | AheEavdpov Swrnpos BG Tavirkov Eppuov xp dt tad? Sapamvr? Bi ty > rae Pe khynp® Hpak* Avoy ye BGOwoea—tadud- Gr [.J ow 72 apamwvos Lwryp® tov Swrnp® Su Lapa) trys Lwr[ yp]? Boo GF Ga—Gacd bat Avowmaxov Nixoorparo[v] BOnrW 7nea—td Levrovavers Tys Tovys Boy Twatos tns Ywrotros BY ba’ 75 Baxxidos trys Urohepau? Bon CaS Novy ® car Twaros aud? OQpov BoGUE kat ut Ilovy® Qpov vé Bao’ Fe Waitos Kodav® zravo) Baov* F iB Hpwvos Lapamiwv? tovt Nixwv? Btsa — b ple 80 Ilereppovfov Tovy< BbyCa— box SapoOpaxos Emyayou BGta—br<>d Zyviwvos Nixopayou Boy Aokhyn) rns KadAtmayou BGe Ca —65 Cow do Kau dub AheEavdp? a—Gn& 7 \B 85 Kav de KAnp? Sewrnp® d¢ Sapamovr Zeviier BG [.] a—Gk C& Avoh\how Keavdp° Bacv*® fF 6 Hpak* kat Sapa) aud? Lapamiwvos BG 0 Col. 4.] Hpak* P[c]rodSapov? Be b0Ca—G [Jn d~G 8 y w= do 99 Kaoropos Apiorwvos B bya ~—b&nd-tb Ae ie Oewvos —— varpov BG&aca — [b] Ay Tlovy* kav Kpoviov Azo* BGO KAnp? Neypov otpatiwrov BG aa— [ Hovy® kau TIX. . .] apd? WL. |v Bob sh 95 Amohhow? Kav Appar? app? En... .. Ik fs] Ao d-da oe Apevovos Kad\ipayou BObCCad-G iB [. - Js Alo] EvBov* kau x* Bynoatos Kat Hpak* « Baulse (i Kagoavdp? Amo\\ov? BGba onsa ~~ rAedd-Gse 68. mad’: or Hpavd’, 84. For the sign after AXe£ardp’, see note on 604 B, |. 33 (p. 78). III, 92. Above xa is written Tov, apparently as a correction. 97. K BS: see note on 604 B, 1. 8 (Pp. 77). L 74 KAnp® Avdupov Azo* 100 Q@ewvos Nixopayou Lapariwv? AvKov tov Tadwr® d- Ka ow wTynp® Tov Aov db BL Sapamiwvos du Tpudaut > Lapamiwvos CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Bot yus fod b kelLowrdoa [ | Boyd by. laea tel B' [b] a 0 a—b 007 BbynCa—b proe BGtCoe B—ar Ge a— vd if d & Nb ts do Avdvpov Ywrnp° Tov AvKov 1 on & ve (S Ilereaproxpatov Kodavaros 110 IIro\enauv? Lapamiwv®? cakar‘ Bott Comp —- 0 ¢ 7 d~ bd 07 ts do Boe BO Baw B—tbyona—bal is d-§ xs Xo OQpov Anpnrpre IItodepar? Avevyou k\np°® Avxov II7o* Badews d-b y a Kyp? Aptendwp® Ioaywp? Avdvpov Iodwpov Iovdwp? — tovt Zevar Appov’ Avdupouv [. Jovews rovt Ad Evpuzip[?] a= a Cols.) 120 Afvo jyvov? Avdvpov [loud Jopas 7™s Ato\\ou’? y Eevov? Gryd be TIrokeparov Kieap® rout Kerr? N on Apevov Ezwyv dub Iovdwpt ade* ergs b Lo © Amuwvos EvBov* tovt Bay? BG BG dB 7 ts do BoyCLOL’E BG Sd Cow rhoa— Kd BG&yCa—bd BG&nda—GFudd GF Boyar BG K06a— by re Bao & y [ err eT pes | BG Ss[ BOB Bb yl ) Igo oom erp a — ty 5 us £0 Atoh\ov? EvBov* Baxyxvov EvBovdov Avovvaw® Lwrnpos avdnTov d-6 Cd Zwtirov Iowapou Sapam v?| Tactiwvos Sapahvwr? du [E}rad’ Oo —— db row 105. 8 -: this abbreviation is formed in analogous fashion to the a = which is one of the regular headings in the register. 116. Icaywpo(v): one might be tempted to regard the ay as cur- sively written forms of :6, but the name recurs, written in precisely the same way, at 604 B, 1. 27 (p.77). It is presumably a variant of ’Ioaydpov. B bynes €[ Bbtynes €o[ lor az 0ren Cll a — fy kf 0 ts do Boy’ poe BGK Cli a—b 77d 125. Kerrid(ov): or Berrid(ov). The name recurs in 604 B, |. 35 (p. 78), where the termination is written in full, but the first two letters are lost. 136. Ao: or mn Xo. The line denoting the fraction is partly obliterated. 140 145 Col. 6.] 150 55 160 165 170 ROMAN PERIOD 15 Avovvatas THs Apvditov Lwrnpos Apakovtos d~ty 0a & Kaoropos kat Awd apd? Ir0* ropva “Apevov Ledevkov d- «xB oy ts do Anpytpias ths Tadatov Apowons 8 Piturmov Kat Lwrnpt k* Tawros ovndarou K* Havuckov Apevouv Badhews Ta[volv Iovdu? Tuo ~Nuxktov AheEavdpou kdyp? EvBovhiwv? e[ ' a—t8Conro[ Znviov? Sewr|? Apreuiowpas ts [ Lapamiados tys AL Erpynvys Avoy d¢ TL Khyp® TavoKkov Io dwpl [ Exevns Kahhuyay[ov] Atovvatov Amoh\dwro[v TiBepuov Kdavd.ov [..].. Kk Ade€avdpov Iro* [ AreEavdpou .[.. .Ju yal Evpu7iywov Kar Epjitov Kat Qprwr[os Ilv@.wv? Eppov Epp.ov Kav Swrnp® aud? Evputipov a—bGewd-hu Lapamiov? Eppov tov Ivdiwv? Bb6ala—[ Bb&la-bp7ne fen dei d Bb Ken a—b arn 07 & &o BG6da—-bBLo7 BEG ale. cele rae Boal patel. Je ro BGaClona—bol i BGalow~wa—GrAC7 [ Bi ]d-bB er [P16 vy? a—% prd Co 7 w do BOCG B Gad a—b& nw fod Gof | Epp.ov Lapamiwv? vw? Apowoyns ts Adbovynrov _APnvodsap? Kal Eunp‘ SwaTnp? Ackhy) Hpak* Ack)y) Havkpalrov] Aok)y) Myvod[wp? Aclov yuvasr|os A ]upovar’ Aokd[nma8’] Tto* axl. .] Atohhow @ Avoy.ay[ov Ack») II [B bly a--6C...4-f 8 -Bobsa—[b.J¢ Bobalnea—[b. Jone Bboalynea—hl ] BOUCoGa— bse a—-bGFuLloy BGbada—tnacoy 176. Xaxn—: cf. 604 B, 1. 223 (p. 82), where the term, whatever it is, seems to recur. L 2 76 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 180 Mnvodap? [ Avov Tepop| Sarge k Apewos Ex Atohonov [ 185 TIraros [ we IIro* Ta [ TapBenov [ ]e* B (tbl y[ Apporle] AX Bo) Gad cil KR Tlavoan [ Ja—b 001 Xo 190 Aok\n..[ ja—buwlo7l Aokhy) — B' tb a7 dB & Anpntp’ Hpak* yvadews Baia. eure tw. Aprenolv? le b6BCae—|[ Eppodv® Ackhy) [ ja—b6l[ 195 Eppeu® Opiwvols ja—r... &o Hpak* — tepews [ ja—sd. XB éo Kaorop®? Hpak* vepews pa Avoyxviov Hpak* tepews (oP a lbp Hpak* Avy tovt Hpevar[ ]od ZOO Wet. ees. A}/pL@VLoU -Conla—]b 58 Br ere fete > Oaddov aol, Ia.dotov Kaozopos BG&...a—G bd by. do Avdupov Kparnros Bi...a—GildyVoy A7o* Kohav® tout Hpawy? BioaC[...-|7 205 Iadwp® Podurov Bt Vo ee aie 183. Above this line a word (or words) beginning with amo has 205. Scanty and mutilated remains of two more columns are been written in very cursively. preserved, PAPYRUS 604 B.—crrc. A.D. 47. HIS document, which is attached to Pap. 604 A in the manner described in the introduction to that papyrus, is mutilated at both ends, and has lost both title and date. The latter is immaterial, since it is plainly contemporary with 604 A, many of the same names occurring in both, and the hand of B, which is very similar to that of A, but more cursive, appearing in one or two passages of A (cf. note on 604 A, ll. 38-43). The loss of the title is more serious, since there is no indication of the exact nature of the text. It is a register of names, followed by figures, the fractions of which show that they are arouras of land. In most cases the amounts are small, but they range up to 22 arouras in the part of the document relating to yn Baordixy, and to 44 in that which follows. The register is divided into groups, with the following headings: mheovacpav Baorhuxys (Il. 54), mpos eixoourevtapovpois Tohews (I. 69), karoixwy (1. 132), TAS ets KdOapow (1. 169), @ weldv (1. 174), Karepyaoway pos xpelaus (l. 239), ROMAN PERIOD 77 iSwwridv B — (1. 255), a = wodews (1. 260); but these do not wholly elucidate its nature. One can only say generally that it appears to be a register of land liable to the corn-tax, embodying the results of a revision of the land-survey, such as was annually necessary on account of the variations in the inundation of the Nile. The totals of each column are stated at its foot; but if a section of an account ends in the middle of a column, and a new one begins, the total of the upper part of the column is stated at the top, and that of the lower at the bottom. In ll. 246-254 all the preceding totals are summarized, but a similar summary for the next section of the register is lost through the mutilation of the papyrus. Colnia| Col.'2,] 10 15 20 25 8. «(at) pe(rox@v): this is the probable reading of a succession Ends of lines only po ea ore Joros Tlereapev7ry* Ilereppovfov TTovyeo[vs | Tov avTov 0 Ba oe Fie Je K Twaros app? cr 6 7 aad Harr Jros Aan{ J Hpal lise ag Xa...p..os Empayou ec @cow . Men ates pas Kk pb Amo[\\w|yiov _KXeavdpov kat O[té H]par* kar Sapa) apd? Sapa Ack{\y) Kat Hpak* Pir0dap0v tov a out tov a Apewovos Kadhuut kar Ape? ade* khy[p?] Apowoov Kat Ito’ Seavos K\np° Lapamiwvos Lwrnp? tov Arov @calvo]s Nixkowayov SapalmiJwvos kar Awd apd? Lwrnp? II[ere]apmoyp KohavOatos A[. ,.] @ewvos rov..... AvTyst KLAn p°| Amtwvos Tro tov Iladwros Zolmv|pas tns Aok\ntadov k) [Sua] Aveov Iro* Badews « 8[va] T70* — Badews Delay aneete Avo[imjax? Nukooartparou A[ du ]uov Iowdwpou KX Aptewidwpov Ioaywpov [A]voipayou Nuixoootpatou Appoviov Avdupou of almost identical strokes, of a kind which, in this hand, go to on 1. 33. form k, 1, 8, t, @, or any combination of these letters. It recurs frequently (cf ll. 24, 41, 46, 59, &c.). In l. 202 kat perdxov is written at length. 21. Zomvupas: cf. 1, 220, e B a \. sd [ot c *™" QVMmAR DWM NS 1 RR (f- °| 3 25. Nixooorparov: for a large number of spellings of this kind see Goodspeed’s Alexandrian Hexameter Fragments in Journ. of Hellenic Studies, xxiii. 237. and cf. 1. 154 Ka\\toorparov. 22, 23. Cf Il. 221, 222; and for the symbol in 1. 23, see note ? It recurs in lJ. 28, 67, 103, 170; 78 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Af vo yuo ™s Apeouv 3° € Appeoriov Adupou ) Hp[ax]\evas rns Hpakdevov i Iowdepov — y IowWwpas ts Amodwriov Y 35 ro* [Ke}rridou B KX Ado] Hpak* [.]Jedrentas n kK AzohNwviov EvBov* Kau adehdwv y n 7 do €0 po ( ts do €[o] Col.) pra n AB [Eo 40 Apeov Ezwrvvyou y (0 XB €o Sapa) Kav Ardvpov apd? Lo” K ps Le KolavGov Opiwvos Lage Awov Swrnp® dit Avov wou en. E:pnvns tns Tro* KB 45 Zo IowWdwpov u LoTnp? Apakovtos K pé 8 Avookovpt? LL Tov Laparwu yon Kaorop? kat Avd [a]ud? Iro% An Lapamiwvos Taciwvos oe 50 Tadarevas tys Anpnrpiov 8d Ilacvwvos Oeopvynarov yd Ilerepevy’ Mecovnptos a kat Out Ilovyns Mecounpios aie TIheovacpov Bact 55 AwoBiov Avoipayou Ahe€avdpov Azro\X\wviou ak Larnpos Hpwvaxtos a Dirwvos Opirwvos Ne TI7o* Hpak* K pé Oon 60 apa) rns Lwrynpos tpecB ») Avoretmov Appwviov d Em.xovpov Appwviov n ws €0 Kat Out Atoreypov Appwrviov n us €0 33. The dash after Iov8wpou probably stands for a repetition of the word, ‘ Isidorus, son of Isidorus.’ The only passage which casts doubt on this explanation is 1. 47; for if the Dioscurides there named is identical with the Dioscurides of 1.231, who has the same grandfather (assuming Zapahw to be a proper name, cf. 1. 383), his father’s name was Dorcon. There may, however, have been two grandsons of the same name; and in every other case this interpretation is suitable. It is observable also that unless this is the case, there is no example in the whole list of a son bearing the same name as his father. Moreover, the names to which this mark is attached would otherwise be the only ones in the list of which the father is not given. 35. Kirridov: cf. 604A, 1. 125 (p. 74). 47. Sayadkor: the same name recurs in |. 231, where the reading is certain. Cf 1. 383. 54. IAcovacpwr Baoid(tKxns, Sc. yns) : TNeovacpds occurs in Pap, 192 in the heading of a return of additions made to the lands held by certain individuals since a previous return. Here the sense is probably similar, the amounts specified in Il. 55-67, all of which are small, being additions to tenancies of crown land registered previously. Cf Tebtunis Papp. 78, 1. 7, and 81 [not 82], 1. 27, where the term again denotes additions to land as the result of a fresh survey. 65 Col. 4.] 7O 75 80 85 90 95 100 69. kefypois: 2. e. eikoourevtapovpots, Similarly formed words (¢.g. €karovtdpovpot) occur in several of the Petrie and Tebtunis Papyri, and a place in the Fayum, *ISiepy Eixootmevtapovpey is mentioned both in the Tebtunis ROMAN PERIOD Ackhy) MooWwrov Ecpnvns tys Iiro%* Kaotopos Lwrnpos Avotpayou Nuxocarpatouv 18 0 ny us Xo €0 Kat mpos xelypous zo%* Avovvotas Tns Appowviov Apevov LehevKov TOV auTOU Lornp®? Aock\ynadov Ade€av? — tovt Suwvos Anpytpias tTys Tadarov Apowons ts Anu K pé * tout AvovBiw” Oewvos Ack Ilavicxov Apetov tovt Tucais Bad* SeTnp® — tov Adupov Apetov LedevKov Nuxtov AdeEav? Kar Sw™ — tov Awd Kat Sut Avookoupisov — Nuxiov AdeEav? Kar Sw? — tov Ad Eppwov Tv8iavos Nuk? AdeEav? kav Sw? — tov Ard Myvodwpov Kau Hpa.dos ns Tep™* kat Ou Hpados tys Iepaxos IIvoautos tout Ape? Ky pf Ack) Tloodwvriov EvBovdrov Sewvos Kav St Aokdnm™ ToowSwviov Aptepidap? Lwrnp? Sapan[ujados ns Apporr? Aptenidopas ts Solt]np? Lapa) tys Apporiov Eupyvns tns Avov [E]Mens cae Tyst Kae Amo*® Tp° Are€avdp® oirodoyou Aplejov Emipaxou Lapamiwv? Eppwov tov vbw IIto* Hpar* x ps kat u- Evnpuepou Iro* Avoipayou Nuxooorpatou ad 79 Pap. 23. The following section of the register is apparently a list of additions to holdings belonging to this category. Several of the holders are women. zo presumably stands for Papyri and in Fayum Towns modes, Meaning that the tenants were residents in the metropolis. 8a CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI AndeEavdp? Zucvertov B 105 aoa COLT le Lo nu fo EvBoviov Sewvos n 5 Evputysov Kar Epp? kav Op’ tov Anp o €0 Ezukovp® Apmoviov o 0 110 Acoteyjrov Appaviov o €0 Eppuov Kat Sewrnp® apd? Evputyy LAS Evpuriou Kar Eppiov Kar Qpve, tov Anu 0 £0 Apeiov LehevKov yCne Sewrnp? Kat Hpak® kar adeddov Bane 115 Evzmo* Azro* a aviep® tor pS Pew Lwrnpr a 7 do A...ov Avy apraB 0 Us “po Kal Aloy O0%. ..«» - p° Y Evzo* Azro* au aviep® tw pS Oe” Larnpe d Ack\nmados Tys Ato\\wviov ad 120 Avo.iayns THs Atro\\wi? ad Tlooidwriov Oewvos a1 us do Kacoavdp® Azro\\wviov a 1 us No Lapamiwvos Kat Awd apd? So” 0S Ocodwp’ Kar Evnps apd? Hpak” 5 125 @ewvos Ack)y) TEKTOVOS c Sapamiwvos Lwrnp® Tov AvKou Lye AvookovpY — d Hpak* Avookoupisou d Mnvodwp® Avov Kat Hpa’ lep™ 0 UF 130 Kav Sc Kyp® Tawros ov” L Wawtos KodavOatov B Katouxwv Atroh\Xwviov Bewvos € Lapamiwvos Eppov a 135 Lapamiwvos Eppiov tov TIA” a Apevov SehevKov a Iopaptov Kat Kaorop® app? Apiotwv? al AwoBiov Avoyaxou Cae Ilucautos tov Kat Adefav’ Eppa’ ale 140 Apeiov LedevKov yd ve Col. 6.] Ey us do £0 Taywros tov Ka Avookoup? — a a 106. The items only amount to 35} 3, and the uncertainty account for the deficiency. attaching to the readings in Il. 111 and 115 does not seem to 143. Taporos: or layoros. 153. 145 150 155 160 165 170 Col] 175 180 appo®: ze, aupoddpxov. 169. Ths ets kaOapow : se. yis. 174 - At the top of this column another hand has written ROMAN PERIOD Avoreywov Appwrviov Awofwv Avoipayov ®ewvos Aokdy) tov' AvovBiwy? tof Kaooavdp? [Ato\hwnov] Epptov kar Aveov apd? AvKov Lwrnp? Iro* tov! TMazov Appoviov Ack) tov' Todv? Eppov Avkov kat Out Kyp? Tlavoaviov apdo® Agk\ Kah\oorparov Iowdwp? Lapamivos ypvaox? Aokhy) Evdpavwpov Anpntpiov Hpwéov kat Out Eppoditov Ackhnmad? Piiwvos Opiwvos Apevovos Avaimayou Aopkwvos AvooKoupioou kat Ott Hpakdevdou Atookoupv’ Eppnovov ovnarov Makpov Aptepwr? orpatr” Hpak* —— tov Airyvdov Kaoropos Hpak)evdou Avoxviov Hpakdedou Znvodotov Ilvppou Tys es kabapow Avoipayou Nixoaotpartou IowWwpov Zepwvos Iovdapas Ts Amo\\wriou yd d melov Apevouv LedevKou TOV avTou TOV avuTou Tab rovt AtooKo — Ape.ov Lede ]uKov TOV avTou Atlovos Bewv® taviav 81 0 us o 0 us £0 0 us £0 yds ASO 3 t\ow é&0 € 7 5 ho vy ( Xo Xo d d a 7hB a GAS 0:15 Xo ad a De Bd ee [L 7] d B Yooxora toy avaywackoyra and, at a little distance, aBys. M 181. Cf 604 A, 1. 15. 82 185 190 195 200 205 Col. 8.] 210 215 220 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Hpak* Avookovpidsouv Bepevixns Ts Adup? Atovyctov — AwoB.iov Avoyayx? Iowdwp? Sapa ypucoy? Hpak* Avoy tov Tuacros TOV QUTOV Bepevixns Tns Acdup? Hpak* Avoy tovt Iiraitos Swrnp? App” Kat ade* Tavov IovAtov Pydtkos App” TIto* kat AS Avkodp® Kaoropos Anpntpiov Are€avdpou OTPATLWTOV Tloowdwriov Eppe? Kaw H\o? IoWwpov Yapamiwvos Appoviov Oaddov TOV QUTOV Epptov Sapa) tov Ivbwr* A.dupou Iavdwpov Mevzov IIto* Kav petoywv Apeiov kat Swrnp® apd? Hpax* Mevirzov IIto* II7o* tov kat Kodav? Amod\\wv® Azoddwriov Kar Appr? apd? Ep k\np® Kaotopos IavdoTov Tlro* kav Aud Kau peroywv vB» pa 0 us do Avdupouv Kparntos A7ro\\wviov Hpatwvos lov Kat Podd Kar Am’ twv Iodap? Sapa) xa Ad apd? Lwrnp? [E}rixovpov Appwrviov Hpogirov Amory? K pe Hpak* Amuwv® tov’ Tlazeros Sapamwwvos Kat Ad apd? S07 TWY avTwV Zorvpas Ths Aokhymiad? Avxov IIto* Badews IIro* — Badews Lwrnp? Amoh\wriov akn? rc | 8 YVaHaoaere ee RT ae ° 3 Bar m om ~~N ~ oN ’ pe (25 (Sai Ea Ss Gee 8 SS tp Mek a. c- +) ROMAN PERIOD 83 Op? Ant Kat Sapa) Iro* 225 Hpaxkdewou Aror k* IlerovBaorios tout Apevov Kau To” Acovtos Appwviov Kar To” Apetov Appwriov Lapamiwvos Azroh\how? 230 Avockoup' Aopkwv® tov Lapahwe Lwrnpos Beoprvnorov Lernp? Eppuov ypvcoxoou Aopkwvos AvockovpY? Yapahwe kinp® Avoy Hpak)evov Avoo Koup' IIro* — Badews Hpak* Amr? trovt Taceros Lapamioy? Iodwp? Xpvao0yx? of So Sm 3/13 {> cr SF THRADBRBDDBALN ° ° B® oS Katepyac.wy T pos XPELats 240 Y Col. 9.] Le ob lacwr’ yer” orp H\to70* Ep® Apyipt y Znvev Nixopayx[olv kat Sapa) Zor € tty Apeov yevon’ Kop? ypapp dub Seud? ¢ 245 pi Amo\wrov yer? ab ypappt € Twov Bao wre ON aptaB api Me ” Piwov pro’ [fF] pO 7 — GodB = Ko & G € ho fo[ Jd 250 pva on ppOlr on] po uw ho €0 pia 7 AB &0 0 oy > ho £0 pH ou] As Lon fou gy who fo y d AB] 1 pa Low do yee (wot € [d is] ho €0 / & wd d ts do £0) 226. The words xa tov, both here and in the next line, appear to be subsequent additions, presumably for kai rod viod, 240. of: wae; mevrakootdpoupos, cf. note on 1, 69, also Il. 244, 245. yev? orplh = yevopevou orTpatnyov. HAcoroX(trov): the reading is doubtful, the characters more resembling nvoBoA, 246-8. The totals in these lines have been altered. That in 1. 246 has been altered from 884 t ds gh gy to 885 125; that in 1. 247- from 1174 3 to 1180 41; and those in 1. 248 from 908 Hs de ty and 1226 1 to 909 $ zs and 12324434; that is, a sum of Iy% is added in each case to the arouras, and 64 to the artabas. It is to be observed that the proportion of artabas to arouras is exactly 12 : 1 in Il. 246, 247, and approximately so in 1.248. That is, therefore, the rate in this instance on crown land. - 248. Above the fraction > xo is written a, which may be meant for the fraction avs. On the fractions of the artaba and aroura, see Wilcken, Gr. Os¢r. I, 749, 775. 250-52. These lines, which give the totals of the various columns or sections of the preceding account, are enclosed in a large bracket. Since only two totals precede that which appears in 1, 38, only two columns, probably, of the register are lost before that column, of one of which we have slight remains. The total of these three lines js 884 1 Ps ats gy, 7. the cancelled total given in ]. 246. The brackets mark it as incorrect. 253. This line is also cancelled by brackets. There is nothing to show why the total, which is identical with that of ll. 250-252, is divided into two parts. M 2 84 Col. 10.] 255 265 270 275 280 Col. 11.] 285 255. 8s: z.é. paying 2 artabas per aroura, as shown in 1, 259. a\dewy ; or aktewy, presumably a place-name. 260. a > Tod(ews); Z.e. residents in the city paying 1 artaba per aroura. 266. Epp.ov and Epyov are frequently indistinguishable in this hand; but cf. 604 A, 1. 163 ff. CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI ly 07 Idtarikav B — addewv KX Sapamiwv® Tro* rout Tar” Tpudawns tys Amro\\wriov Avdupov Lwrnpos b ly o”n ape Soh d a ir TIo* [A]lok\ymiadov Toowdwriov TOU QUTOU | TOU QUTOU Avoy Azro\\@viov Knp? IIro* AdeEavdpov IIv@twvos Eppuov Adpoderav? kar Tpudwvos Exevns Kaddtpayou kar Azro* 7° Apewov Ilavokov klar] Kahd\uxdeous Amoh\\wvias THS Amroh\\wviov TNS AUTNS TNS auTyS Tlo\vdevkov Lwrynpos Sarnpos Avodavolv]s Amoh\\ovias THs Atoh\hwv.? Avovvat® tys Apuvtou Lwrnpos Avodavovs TOV aUTOV TOU QaUTOU Sernp? Appov? vatp® Sornp? AreEav? \ukava AvovBuaiwwns Ths Eppov Kp . go y £0 Ywrnpos Ahe€avdpou AheEav? tov Lwvos Anpntpias ts Taharouv Apowons Ts Anpt Kau AzroAhavi® Amiwvos BEewvos @cwvos Ack*® tov' AvovBiwvr? | n mM 2 ° 3 276. Avovvor(as): the abbreviation for as is noteworthy. It is composed of the curve which often represents a, followed by ac. Cf. 1. 320 where an abbreviation ax is similarly formed. 281. d\uxava: the « might be read as , and the v as 71, but the word remains unfamiliar. 285. Siwvos: OF Stpovos. Ciali7a. Gon 290 295 300 B20 310 319 320 325 330 ROMAN PERIOD Kodav? aoypt kar Hpav? rs lepakos Aopxkwvos AvooKovpioov Aokhn Ayabor rperB Ackdn Ayabor* tov' AvovBiavos Aokhy) Tns Swrnpos Tatov IovAvov Ilwov Tlavicxov Apetov tov Iuastos Tatov IovAvov Iluwov Apevov YehevKov Tov a@ Kodav® d[aolyp’ azo tepas LeudOews tout Hpak*® AvooKs Apevov YedevKov Atohhovias THs Piiwvos Iovados tTns Azrod\Nwviov LeupOews tout Hpak* Avockoup' KXeotatpas tys Iro%* Nixvov Ade€av® Kar Lornp? — Tlu@twvos Eppuov Aokhy) tas Emyayou m™s & dt AzrohAwviov Appr? Myvodwpov Kar Hpaidos rus lepaxos TWV AUTWV K\np® Tawtos ovnarou Apevov YedevKov ofB Low Apevov LedevKou Tov avTou AvocKovp? Aopkav® tov Lapadwe Apewov Atookd tov Yeud? Aptemidwp® Kat Hpaw® rns Tep™ Aokhy) Toadwriov kAnp? EvBovriov Sewvos Ack\nmiadsov Toodariov Sorep™ tys AwoKkd Kat @codwpt Avoeovs Kat Lwreip™ Avorkd Bavyv’? Appow carp? A¢po® rns NuxavSpov Apteuidwpas ts Swrnp® Sapa) tns Apmewviov Aptepidop™ ths Swrnp? 86 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Lapamiadsos tTns Apmwviov a0 is €0 Eipnvns tns Avo B Aptenidwpas tTns Swrnp? a Lapa) tys Appoviov ad 335 Kaoropos Ywryp® tov Muay € Avdupov Iodorov ta d Kaoropos kat Avdupov apd? TItos AwoBuov Avowpayou C Amwwvos tout Ito’ Hpak* 5 340 Azodd\wvias tTys Aroh\\wn? ” 7 = No Atohiovias Tns Atro\dwr? 7 a TIXovrapyns tys Kadduov a 7 \B &0 Aomidos tTys Eppov a'\_7 hp TIto* TAavevov kar Aapax yep? ite 345 AzodAdkou™ tys Amo\i\ow? iB Appov® tys IooKkpatovus a p&n on AB £0 Col. 13.] Tavxparovs Ackhy) apd? Evpy* d ie Eppoditov Ack\n) yu 350 Avowayov Nikocarp B Tleveppovov tovt Avo” d Eppodi® Acky) Le Hpwvos kat Avoy apd? Lwrnp? ka Iovados tns Avowdos KE 355 Enkevns tys Kaddt kau Avo” mp? pBLCOonYe OQpiwvos Lwrnp® Tov LedevKov bd AreEavdp® Tro* db k* avrou BE Hpakdevas tns Aokhy) € Avturatpou IIto* wen. 360 Tov a cae TOV a cG Hpakde® rns Aokhy) y kX Nuxvov AdeEavdpov ta d Avtv tns Oewvos nd 365 Apeov Empayou kn 0] > Hpakdevas tns Aokhy) 0 KX Evd¢porv? Kx kK Appov’? 5 Apeiov Emusayou Le Lapamiwvos Epp? tov vb” a. 370 Tov a ad 347. The arithmetic is wrong here, the items amounting to would naturally be read as kw (or possibly BwA); but these 177444 &- readings give no sense. 367. x(at) KA(jpovouey): this is written continuously, so that it ROMAN PERIOD 87 k* Lawrnpos Iatpoxdeous 6d Lapamiwvos Eppwov tov Iv” yd TOV a an k Sarnp’ Tarpokdeous Ar 375 apamiwvos Eppuov tov Ivbv” al ne Ad¢po? kat Tpvfpav’ aud? Iodwp? 74 Lapamiwvos Eppuov tov Ivb” 5 IIv@.wvos Epp.ov 5 Lapamiwvos Epc’ tov vb.” B 380 ond Ong Col. 14.] Tv[AcJo[vos [Ap ]uofriov Lapan[ Ledev[ Kou 385 APnvo[ Swpov Iovdwp? [ Appor[vov A pevov [ IIto* Hpa[x* 390 =Tpudaw{ns Aly ]un[zprov Tov avo, Tpvdaiw[ns Lapama[vos 395 Kveo) BL Atdoupals H\wode[ pas Lornp® [ Lwrerp| as 400 Lev7ol Tlerep[ Bepevi{ ns Verro[ AheEar[ Spov 405 Tov wf Tlovy[ ous Ler area Tlerepp[ovfov 410 Lavovaltos The rest is wanting, senna arithmetic is wrong again, the items amounting to 392. tov avoi-: the letters are fairly clear, 2 It is not possible to 4910 read rov avrov, 88 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 900.—Late Ist cent. HIS is a portion of a register of corn and other produce received and issued, covering a space of six months, from Epeiph in the fourteenth year of an unnamed emperor to Tubi in the fifteenth year. The scale of the account shows that it cannot relate to a private estate, but is an official document. It is not, however, a register of the operations of the sitologi, since they are named as the persons to whom the produce is issued ; consequently it must be referred to the village officials, and notably the cwpoypappareds, who received the corn from the cultivators and transferred it to the sitologi. (On this subject in general, see Rostowzew, Kornerhebung und -transport im griechisch-romischen Agypten, in Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung, 111. 201 ff.). The first part of the register, containing the receipts, is imperfect. It is arranged in sections, each section recording the amount of produce received from one estate (ovata). At the end (ll. 20, 21) is a summary of the receipts, which shows that the one surviving column of them only contains about a quarter of the whole amount. The totals are 171933 artabas of wheat, 32772 artabas of lentils (daxés), and an uncertain quantity of barley. Nothing is said of beans, which figure largely in the issues. The register of issues occupies two columns, and is complete except for local mutilations, which can in all cases be supplied, owing to the frequency with which the items are summarized in totals. Each section of the register relates to one month, but in the first three cases it is subdivided, the first subdivision recording issues to the sitologi of ‘the village, the second to those of Euhemeria. The produce issued includes wheat, barley (very little), lentils, and beans, the wheat predominating in Epeiph and Mesoré, the lentils and beans in Thoth. The issues of each kind of produce fall, however, into two or more categories. Wheat is issued under the headings of owépyara (seed-corn) and éxpédpov (rent), while to each of these are attached further amounts under the name of tpocperpovpeva. The other classes of produce appear under the headings of éxddpov and tpocperpovpeva alone. The amount of the tpocperpovpeva bears no constant proportion to that of the principal charges. The total issues for the six months amount to 16612 artabas of wheat, 202 artabas of barley, 21633 artabas of lentils; and 11014 artabas of beans, so that a very large quantity of corn remained in hand at the end of the period covered by the register. It is noticeable that the division of the wheat and barley into oméppara and exddprov appears in both parts of the register. The cultivators of domain land, who received advances of seed-corn, had no doubt to repay these advances, probably with some addition, and also to pay a rent. The seed-corn would be required again for the same purpose, while the rent would be required for export ; and it appears that the accounts were kept separate while the corn passed from the cultivators to the village officials, and from the village officials to the sitologi. The locality to which the register relates is fixed by the mention of Euhemeria to the division of Themistes in the Arsinoite nome (cf Grenfell and Hunt, Paywm Towns, p. 43). The village which stands first in the accounts, and of which the name is not given (no doubt because it had been mentioned in the heading of the document) must be one of those adjoining Euhemeria, such as Theadelphia, Philoteris, or Dionysias (¢/ Wessely, Topographie des Fayim, ROMAN PERIOD 89 p. 64). The writing suggests the end of the first century, and the use of the name Germanicus for the month Thoth shows that it is not earlier than the reign of Domitian (cf note on 1. 37); hence the fourteenth year mentioned in I. 22 may refer to that monarch (= A.D. 94-95), or perhaps to Trajan (= A.D. 110-111). Col. 1.] Avovvaro® ovat fF exh? & wB Ko Kp0" — dx Bn mp? & = tS Kp! pKd id gTeppa” Kp’ — pre tpoop® kp? un d 7 ovat pn © 9) Kp) = cl ») 5 Mnyva™ ovoi & exh? & ora | i6 Kp — ps B Ko mp? EAB YF Kp — et yy om & K Kp — mpoops ba = Ko xpi? — a $ ~~ ovo! k owe Bn Kp? — b= | KO 10 [. .Jeunpt ovot exd® ‘& wis ¥ epl’] = 8 ©) mp? & pid FKO Kp’ y 9) ] tpocp’ Spat Kk oak b... [o}reppla? §] pB mpoops * [ ovat 'b — Gpre K{ pe? 15 ovat] & exh? & xy [ ] tpocps & cr 9) on & piB a[pocpt . 4 T? ovat & whe y ] ovat & ~& > juB By Kp) — adée ¢ Col. 2.] 20 Twoo. sf Jt— Blogy Cy Kp? —[ ]dare T par? — yool y E€é wv enetpy® 1d L Emd ros ry omeppa” —& upB d mp? ns Yt exh? & prB id mp? Ein Cy kb , oO Ev? on & p&y | yo mp? & e 25 exp? E hy mp? 8 B kd / 7 pw on & ys € [zp?] — de © y © exd? & pé&e i6 mp? & Ky | 6 [— ] zou p? & wha gd [Kat]oapevw ot Kop" om — d8 | mp? & AB B xo exp? dak? — tuS = Ko Kvau® 7 KO Tpoops 30 gar’ — wp Ki = «LK Blot Ev? on! & 08 ¥ mp '§ 1B By exd? pak? — phd | ké Ko —= pit. mp? daw AB d Kb Ko sa KCC /? pp? ont t Yipy] Cc y mp? © pe | ex? pak? — vy [B wo Ki] — [ce] Pp) 9. The totals here are in each case greater by 3; than the quotes an unpublished Tebtunis papyrus (no. 356) in which items, js ; payments under these heads (meaning the cost of carriage of 10. The second visible letter is badly formed, and might be corn in trusses and sacks) are made to a nomarch. - atv. 22. Probably rois rijs xa AG : : : : TIS Kopns ciToAdyas, Cf. 1, 28 &c. 12. dpa” x) oak: se, Spaypatnyias Kat cakknyias. Dr. Grenfell 24. o Ev: 7. ¢, oirodd yous Evnpepias. is N ge CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI mp? pax? — piB \ YO Kvap? — py 1) 35 7 ple — yrd y pax? — dos B Kvap? — avy B 9 Col. 3.] [L wy pyre Tepluavixar of Kop? on % ua PB x) mp? ed dlp? wi — pe CY dae — ra [6] mp? Kv — prB | KO dak? — p7B — ¥ 40 o Ev? on & Ks y KO mp? Ea | ») /*& [xy] ex? dak? — 708 | 7 Kv — pr B ko Tp* gafk? — wld x6] Kvap? — dC» / dak? — wb | yoo Ki > pha y 7 7 pl om hyn & mp? & By KO / E> HL KO exp? dak? — apvy B n Kvap? — xGr \ Ko 45 mp? pak? oo d Kvap? —- pky ¢ bawdt o Kop” exp? pak? — O > mp’ pak? H exp? Kp! — Wg L mp y © 7 ko 7 base Bs & apt — x TRO X[ovax] of Kop” exp? gar? of ¥ 7H 7P* da* [ty d ko] so Bt gax’ — or d Tv? of Kop” exp? par? y | KS mp? y / ga* — 8 y Ko I‘ 7? perpy om & army ¢ Kd mp? © 78 [B 7] ex? & — p&e id . kp? is | dak? — [ahb[vy = xo] Kvap? — pB KO mp? & Ky W & Kpl? — y U7] gat — wd kd Ki = oa d Ko ee emt to a[uro] & ayga B kp? — « [y Ko] dar? — Bpby © [xva]p? = apy © 37. pyve Tepuamxar: z.e. Thoth, Domitian having given the which is not accounted for by the items. On ul name Germanicus to the month of September; ¢/. Suetonius, 53. The character before kp? may be merely an obliterated ¢, Dom. 13, Brit. Mus. Pap. 259, 1. 138 (vol. ii. p. 41), Oxy. Pap. which had been written by mistake. 266, 1. 2. 55. The total for paxds is zy in excess of the items, and the 52. In the total of omeppara an additional p,; has crept in, same excess appears in) 57. PAPYRUS 1212.—A. D. 252-286. HIS mutilated document evidently relates to the operations of the @yaavpot, or state granaries, in receiving and paying out grain, and in spite of its imperfect condition may be of use in combination with similar registers. It is divided into sections, each relating to a different allotment. Reference is made to the records of the second year of Gallus and Volusianus (= A.D. 252-253), apparently as a past event; hence the second year to which the register itself relates is probably that of Valerianus and Gallienus (= a.D. 254-255). On the verso is a note of the payment of seed-corn in the third and second year [of Diocletian and Maximianus, = a. D. 286-287]. ROMAN Tov evertwros B|S twy ex Tov Avoyevous K* K% fy uf bu emio* uray? PERIOD gt ] taperxno’ tw hoyw tr[s.. .juas tpos yhopod{ ] tov rod GF wa d ws ava < ky apy < [ris d ] «us A Xovak BS Tadrdov kar Ovorovaravov Ko EO [ 5 ] Tov everTwTos| mpotapedOovtos eS to Kal ev dn & — K6 BS tev ex tov Piokevov «* ty Ka Si emo eval y? Je —O/Tt doy” — pél ayupov To / ] ed00/ Apporov es ~ Xovax BS Taddov Ka [Ovodovaravov ] Kav Ko* oy €0n* pepe” eLs TO dn“ Ona’ opov Ke IO ] & — p& a —E — a nrep tapedey® k* Kf Tov eve|atwtos BS Twv ex Tov LwKxparovs Kau KadQur[ du elmuo* aucay® ev &/ tas Kata THY . Up) oderop[evas ] % doy” — po axvpov ro / Jp’ es A> Xovak BS Taddov Kar Ov[od Jovoral vou 15 Jayor? w~ Kau Ko® oy~ dy pleue” ers ro Sn" Ono! & =] po Verso Sahdovotios Avatayopas Eppeva Katao[ oper] enetpnoas HohAwm Kataomoper evs Katacmopar [ ~/ wy hoyov dwoe L yS kat BS Dawdu I. «A Kt: KAnpou karoiKikod. This, which is the regular abbrevia- tion for xarouxixod (cf Grenfell and Hunt, Fayum Towns, p. 160), is one of the very few exceptions to the rule that abbreviation in Greek papyri is by omission at the end of a word, not in the middle of it. 2. ™....0tas: perhaps ris ovcias. apparently y, o, or r. 5. Ond: sc. Snovpevor. The letter before cas was ap[a]xos San NI o- 7. Sox~: SC. pérpo doxtko. 10. The I artaba given in the total is evidently the difference between the 168 artabas of this line and the 167 of l.7. As the former are said explicitly to have been paid in to the storehouse, the latter presumably represent the amount given out. 12. . ¢p): perhaps eipnuéevny. The missing letter is a small one. Verso, \. 4. €rous y/ cai B’: this date can only apply to the reign of Diocletian and Maximianus. PAPYRUS 856.—Late rst cent. ARIFF of excise duties on various objects, such as cattle, sheep, potted fish, &c. Unfortunately the papyrus is so much mutilated that not much information is derivable from it. In most cases the tax is an ad valorem duty of 2 obols per tetradrachm. Col. 1] ] Kabnkovtev JAtkias Kata ™mv avolev cure (ie Bia Js exacrov pooxov < B xa? — /<«B— N ey g2 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI | exaorov pooyou <4 ES 5 ekaoTlov pooyov < § Kaby* —6/< 6 — a6 opo|iws ekaaTov poaxov Of ]s exacrov pooyov < y Surovjs < 5 F Jacrews kat Titn kar VeBOevevpw® Kar [BovOovdpepow kar Ilepmicvav Kat 10 Js kau TeoOw Kali] VeBOevKwdwv Kar WaBbews Kar VevrevarBews Joews kat BovBadov eatovvrar Tavros xvas exaorTov < of Col. 2.] [.. .vo[t] cvvayopallovlow mpoBata Kar petrato Novloe evs erepas Kopfas] Kar evs [t]nv [pnt]porokw Kar 15 els Tas ev Tw vopw alyopals err Se Kat Els ETEpoUS vO povs eb ov cupderfols yewerar Siameopare WYOPAVOMLLAS WYLWY KAL TUAWPYLKOV Kal BYNLO vetov Kat Tov ad{oly edalv] Kar ypaderov oppov pn7[ po |rokews o Se AnpTwp azraiTer TNS ELoO 20 ayopmevns evs [tT]nv pntpotodw aroiBas THs Tape xnpas txOvas azac[n]s tov tetpadplax]nov oBo* = Kat ek[ac|rov mAovov oodoytov Gl iene reiee: Ta |peryous = qlov|s de ev Kepaptors ex9[. ; : ; : —— Bxas 0 }p[odo }ytov a. : : fas ¢.[ Col. 3.] emu Se tavrwv [Tlov evoayopevor evs THY pyTpoTrohw mv owov klar olfovs Tar 8 < a Kau exacTou Tovov Ta Sidopeva oohoyta ws TpoKelTar ehavov Kat KeiKews Tov petaBadopevov exagTov ToL? Koos NHLTV 30 od[klov kav hakipwv TavTwy Kawov Tw TeTpadpaX = kau €€ [e]kaorov [o]xevos ev [...-Jov Kawov to 8 < = Kau oKevos &v < v[ al|praBar B elxao” mow? apa 35 ] TovTwy Tw PAPYRUS 1170.—3rd cent. : | ‘HIS long papyrus is part of a register which must have been of enormous size when complete, since the eighteen columns of which it consists are numbered from 76 to 93, implying that about four times as much is lost from the beginning, while a considerable ROMAN PERIOD 93 amount is also required at the end to complete it. It is a register of revenue left behind by an outgoing strategus for the benefit of his successor. The names of the localities mentioned in it show that the province in question is that of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon in the Arsinoite nome. The name of the incoming strategus is Julius Isidorus. An Isidorus is known as strategus of this province in a. D. 143-144 (BGU. 891), but the hand of the present papyrus points to a later date, in the first half of the third century. The register takes the form of a list of taxpayers, with the sums due pom them. It relates only to money payments, which are described simply as zpdcodou drapxovrav, without nearer definition. The names are grouped by villages, so that the papyrus is of some value for the geography of the Fayum, and as indicating the comparative sizes of the various places named. The villages are arranged in approximately alphabetical order, as also are the names of the taxpayers in each of them. The list is as follows, with the number of taxpayers named in each!: Athena (12), Apias (37), Alexandri Nesus (7), Apollonias (3), Argias (7), Andromachis (26), Anubias (7), Bucolon (2), two villages whose names are lost (4 and 6), Dionysias (293), Euhemeria (89), Hermopolis (6), Heracleia (32), Theadelphia (30), Theoxenis (10), Kerkeosiris (10). At this point, half way through the alphabet, the papyrus breaks off; a considerable portion must be lost, but perhaps, considering the preponderance of Dionysias in the first half of the alphabet, not so much as has been preserved. On all these places Wessely’s Zofographie des Faijim may be consulted for references to the other mentions of them in extant papyri. All of them lay in the division of Themistes (7.e. the western portion of the Fayum), except Kerkeosiris, which was in the division of Polemon. Gola-rs| os [Ka]radeurerar ev exfere evs pnva Meyxerp Kae evs THY emiBaow Tov peta me orp) TovALov Iowdwpov 5 IIpocodwy vrapyovray F B S yond [ x7 eXavov petpntar B xoes y~ Kory’ § d Tens owov S 7 P Kau g/ So + x° / S py = x° } yer CB [S] ypéd [x1 P kar o7 Sot yx’? / FBS SS F of x2 @V EOTLW TAVTWY TO KaTa TPpaK IO Topevay TEYLNS OWOV Kapns IInAovoLoV Ovopatos Bewvos Bewvos Tov Oewvos S 7 ? oupBoX S ge / S py + x? av how ev exO as pnva Meyep Kab) IIpocodwv uTapxXovTav at Si ei x4 1 These figures relate only to the names in the main list for surmounted by a pair of ears, and with a curved tail. the current year (aireraitwy, see note on 1.14). The names in the supplementary lists (¢£evavrwv), even when they are not identical with those in the main lists, cannot be certainly reckoned as additional, since they may be former taxpayers who have now ceased to reside in the village in question. 5. The sign for talent is not the usual one of X (or the cursive development of the same), but consists of an upright stroke 7. Prac’: o/=cipBonda, of.1.12. DP probably = rpocé:aypagpd- peva. The symbol for 1 obol differs from its usual form in having a dot above and below it. 13. KaO): sc. kabas mpdxerrat, viz. in ll. 2-4. 14. at: the explanation of this recurrent symbol (in which the cross is often curiously written at the end of the a, so as to form a sort of figure of 8 with a horizontal stroke across its middle) is 94 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 15 AOnvas Aptenidwpov Tazov ie) Avveitos Hpax\a S$ 1d Appucws Hpwvos $6 Auntos Hpakhedou [S] ey 20 Jos Hpewvos $ 8 Jovos Opcevovdews $8 }ros Hpakda 5 [Ovy]wdpews pec B/ Hpwvos S iu TIXourwwvos Hpwvos Sud 25 Tazovrwros [A pews $8 Tlateppovb[e]ws Appiews Sn Tpvgdwvos Neov Snf _~ Kopns S pO au dolv] ev ex? 30 Amuados Ayafov Texuaews [ Appoviov iva [ }folv OQ piwvos os 5 : : : Sete 35 : : ‘ : Soul Aevov Hpakhevdov S rf Col. 2.] of Hpevos Evdayovos Hpwvos Aeda $6 40 Ocoyerrovos Adpodetciov So @eoyeitovos Eppou Sv Kold\ovfov Tecevoudews Aovkpntiov Lafervou NewAov Ilexuvoews 45 TIvokewarov Api Tlaka nrou Tada. .|rapparl Tacoxvorrato[ v] Tao{o|xvorraiov S [ Tlamevtos LataBovtos [ IItokepatov Bewvos 50 Tlaxkvoews Lakvoews [ given by ll. 626, 707, where it is written at length as avremavroy. Contrasted with this we have in the case of several villages (e.g. ll. 70, 97) entries under the head of efemavrwy, usually abbreviated as efe*, indicating charges not due for the current year, but presumably arrears, or payments which did not fall due till the expiration of the year to which they related. 70. e€evtavrwy : the termination is not quite certain, but the v is fairly clear. Cf note on |. 14. The entries under this head often include some of the names which have already appeared TIrokepouov [Idov]rapyou Tlavedpenpews Taveppe~ IIrokepatov rode ]u[ aco ju Tlazeuros [ lesan Li aaa i) en | D5 YaBewov Aavupi{olv [ Lwrov Ie K]luceo[s] Su L@rov Hpwvos Sus SataBoutos Srorontlews] $6 SaBewov Mapwvos S¢ 60 Lapamiwvos Io[u|Swpou Sig Lapamiwvo[ s] Lapamiwvos Lwrov Irodenaro jv Sucoiros [SX ]rotontews Teoer[ov|pews Texevoud/ $6 65 Dyapoetos POpaporetos Sis) Xarpynyovos Avdupov Xaipnpovos Opevwvos Xavpypovos Aewda ee RSEXGOE OF 70 e€, €|viavz7[ op Op@Ot Ioapiov avé ov Lwrapiwv Si / &e] 75 / \eot S yp, —0/ x? Corn: | [on] AheEar[dplov Nyo{ov] Appovr[ tov Akovothaov Akovotkaov S ds F 0/ x” 80 Aed[a] Qprwvos S pps Io ] S Kd |pesov SKE = 10 aN" ju... tavos S Kd Je. .Javov News $6 85 [/Ko avrjerar[rwr] S$... x7 [ee* opor] in the main list (avremavrov). In Amh. Papp. 85, 1. 14, and 86, 1, 11, Grenfell and Hunt take efeviavra to mean merely ‘annual,’ nearly equivalent to car’ éros: but it is plain that such a sense is impossible here, and it is unnecessary there. The phrase in which it Occurs, drodacopev e€eviavra (86 adds kar’ éros) ev pyri dawg means that the rent for each year shall be paid in Phaophi (the second month) of the following year. Otherwise éeé- has no force. Cf. B. M. Pap. 17, 1. 19, and Paris Pap. 25, 1. 12. ROMAN rou ; i : Lexpa[rlovs Applor]ov S.. . erovos H .[. .]kovos 90 weed fe)? S810 we kL ot S] vdn + _ [A}rod\artados A[p]repudwpov Tazou SUK Ep[pJov OudBews [S] 7d 95 Tpuv¢dwvos Kacropos [S] vn — «a* S[pléB efe*+ opowws Tpudwvos Kacropos S piB Ovadepiov Mapwvos SAB 100 ee e€[et S] ppd Kopns S TS Apytasos Exvaews tov Haotovwtos S Kl Ioxyvpatos AvooKkopou S dy 105 Ioxvpa Mapwr[o]s S$ iB Mvo ov Opevwvos S us IIvedhepwros Vevo® S 8 tov [alurov © $ 18 Taf. .Jrav[. vas S$ KB 110 Xro[to}nrews Opfo v S Xe Kat a* S$ pon Colras| of Avdpopayidsos Aptoxpatiwvos Hpwvos $6 Es Appiews Opoews S¢ AdBarews [Hpa xed? Shay Axewovs Naapavros SB Avockopov Ila . [ ] SY. Eppov LapBa SHC aLY! 120 Evmopov Exvaews S707 Hpwvos Loywtouv SB Hpwvos Hpwvos S¢ SB 154. BovxoAwy: the letters Bov, though mutilated, are fairly certain. The restoration is suggested by Dr. Grenfell. The village Bovxédov is known to have been in the division of Themistes or Polemon (cf, Wessely, Zopographie, p. 53). The only alternative is Bubastus, which was in the division of Heracleides, but apparently near the border of Themistes, being often named in connexion with Heracleia (7d. p. 52); and it is Hpwvos Sovya 95 PERIOD Hpwvos Hp[ak]\a $6 125 Hpwvos Tamovtwros $.8 MvoOapiwvos [rou Kat Taow” S$ > [Opce]voudews [Op]oevovd’ $B [O]paevoudews Hpwvos [S] us Kapntos Iedo[r os Sd ey 130 Irohka Pirade{ A]hov $B IIpwtiwvos Iaverv’ Se Ilatvvews N[aalpavros $B Ilaraews Apr[e]ws S «Kd IIpwriwvos [. . . Jou Sn 135 Lapamovos Al pm ladou $B LapBa Hpakhe Sov] S$ 1d Lapamiwvos Hpa* $6 Pace. Ilereevtos $ iB Diladekgov Diriadeddov $8 140 Po a* S$ ols +0/ e€e+ opo.wws Zawitov Hpwvos S Gs Ka S TAB + 0/ AvovBi{a|dos 145 .a@.€ws WVevjapovveas S$ Ka Neo[t}[n]bews Opaevovdews S$ B IIpare— Ko\\[ovd Jou , SO Cols: ] T YLo]ku[nve]ws Avdupov [S] An 150 Teg[evou]pews E[e]rorro[s] S$ «{.] Lol ] Yoxvarews S Ay vy ] Sucouros S$ .8 as ko at So€. Bovu[Kodwr] 155 sey I Jou $ ] S kn Poa Ap Ippews = SS 160 Joverov SB possible that two residents in Bubastus were taxpayers in the division of Themistes. The other restoration, however, is the more probable. : 158. Ap : from its position in the papyrus, this must be the name of a village, though it comes out of proper alphabetical order. Arsinoé and Archelais are possible names. 96 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Jrov Sr Avvetovs Avvevous Sm Joe... Sa ApaBpwovtos Suroiros St Z J xopns at S. Avvetouvs Qpov $B Aok\atos {ToTonTews $B 165 |... eutvous S$ 1d 205 Appoviov LroTontews St B..[...]s Navirnous $$ Ayxopyndews SaraBouros SEG) Hol Jartwvos $ Avveiovs YToTONTEwWS $6 IIpl| Ayafojy Aatmovos S py Blak}yolvjos Baxxilwvos] St Tplvdle[vos Tplvdwvos $$ Jectos $6 170 Ol prwjvos . . . oppews Se 210 Aeda Tazreitos Sk ka a* S 70 Avovyovov Eotuatouv § 1d Avovr| ova |Sos Aeda Tepevvov $6 Ayxopiyrdpews Vevpovvbus Sus Avovvatov Iazreitos S ve AvSpovtos Immahou S us Anpntpiov Ierexovxou $6 175 Applolyiov Lwrouv S 215 Avodwpov Lwrnprxov S Kl Apdanoews Pacettos Se Awpiwvos Appanoews S Ks Ataris Lwrov $8 Anpyntpiov Aphanoews S 8 Apdanoews Erpynvatov Sn AvooKopou Mo[o Jou Sia Appoviov Avdupov $6 Avdupou Iererovxou S¢ 180 Apavov Avodwpov Sng: 220 Avodwpov Lwrapxwvos S¢ Avvevtovs Kaotopos S te Avovvatou Swrnpuyov S¢ ApoBpwtos Piiwtov S$ iB Alyxolpusdlews ..]...-- ov St Col. 7] [7B] Aevda Lwrov [ Col. 6.] 7H Evdaipovos Aok[\atos 185 Appoviov Lwrov $6 oo5 Eupynvavov HE Appoviov Eppa S Kd [Exp fnvacov A[ Avvewous Tlereppovbews § 1d [Expyvjaov Iof.... ol Se Axovtos {wTov S iy [Eipynvjavov .... [. .}vrov AtohAwviov Zathov S Jews [ 190 Avvevovs ATpetous Sex 230 [Ecpy vailov Axn Axetous St Empaxov I AXktuov Tov Kat TifloJyous SF Eorvavov Hol, Avvetovs Avvevous $B Zowrov Al Ayxopyzgews Lovxa Sk Hpovlos |¢pl 195 Avvevovs Lovxa Sus 235 Hpakheou [ Joul Apmadov Opiwvos Sn Hpwvos bef olv [S]e Ayxopingews Ierexwvtos $16 Hpovos Aol ]eals Axovatikaov Akovathaou $6 Hpwvos Apdayloews Atoh\oviov Acda S$ 1 Hpakka Taf, 200 Avvetovs Epp.ov St 240 Hpaxhevdou [ ov S$ 8 the present appearance of their respective sites (cf Grenfell and 172. Atovvotados: the number of names under this head, as Hunt, Fayum Towns, pp. 43, 63). compared with those for Euhemeria, indicates a much greater relative importance for Dionysias than could be gathered from 245 250 255 [H..]. axov I lk.. Hpwvos Iavool ] [Hp]wdov Amal, [H]pwvos Neor[ [Hp ]ovos : Mapeuvov [O]eoyerrwy Plac Jertos @coyeutovos ®... pov ®coyettovos Tavavou [I]r7adov lIepaxos [I]oyvpiwvos Tpudavos Io.wvos Iowwvos Kaoro[p los Tpuvdavos Kalaro]pos Emysayou Kaoropos Kaoropos Kaotwp Apetov Kedaha LveBdvvews Kaotopevtos Lwryptyou Kaotopos [para Gols; | Ty 265 270 275 280 III. ] Ilerexovyou Ocoy levrovos ] Ilerooapatews Jevous I }rradov jv Jpetous [Ma]upewou Mavpeuvou ou Yevarupews lxa Ivedepwros Jov Mapewou T |pudwvos olv [L@}rnpuyou |. «-.].. adov Jovols Hpa]idedov pL. .] Axovaviaov [Nedep]avros [N]efepayros Jvos [Ayxop ]uhews [Nov]un[vov] Novpnviov ]- xb... -Jppovdews ]. rf... .Jpews ROMAN PERIOD [Ovv]wppews Solr |nprxov Sz Opaews Lovywwvos TOV avTOU Sis 285 Ovvadpews Opoews Vevnoews Sy [O}vvadpews Exysayov Sk Op[. . . -Jvyov Qpov Sk Opaevovdews Opaevovdews $6 290 Ovvadpews Ovvadpews $ iB Ovynocyov Lapara Sn Opoevovdews Lrorontews $B Ovnoyov Xatpynmovos Sn Ovvadpews Ilerexovyou Sus; 295 Ilamov Ilerepews Sk Ilpwra Avyopindews S Xd IIpwriwvos Lazetos S Ks Ilereaovyou Ieterovyou Safe TIveBduvews Tanoews Sia 300 IlaXatos Ywrov TloAvdevKous Swrov S$ 0 Col. 9.] ae) Sat ee we =r wtos Qpov Sk Tlavoretpews [= ]apamiwvos $8 305 Tlakacio}v I7[od JAcdos S Ilazrov Iazepews Sera Tlaoeitjos Taceros § us Tlereo[o|vyou Iletexovyou Sn Ilawp|ov] Hpakevdou Sus 310 Tadalovjas Apyatou Stk Ilazrov Appeviov S Kd IIpwzia] Srotontews $B Tace{u}ros Pporiouv S uy Tlaka Lwrynpryouv S$ 15 315 Hao{e|rols] Lwrov Sy Ivedhepwros avO— para Sn IIac.wvos Ocopvynartov $B IItoh\Aa Ywrtov § 1d Trod\[Aa] Atookopov S us 320 Tanlelizlos Avlyopusdews $6 Tlaw . . wvos Azroh\Nwviov SB Ilamevros I7o\X\a . Perhaps [Map]ovos, cf 1. 490. O 98 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Ila .. Tuwvos Oeopvyotov $8 Tlaz{..Ja Azrod\Xwriov $5 325 TILodv|Sevxovs Opov S$» IItokewarov ITokeparov Sy Tao{iw|vos T[Xo|utwwvos S KB TIro[Ne]uauolv ec lofevouv 5] Tlazecpiov Al... .Jews $d 330 TIp[.wr ja Avod| wpolv S IIrod{Ac|Sos I [ro ]\Aa S Kn Ilamevros AvKa Nie Ilacettos para S¢> Ilaveutos Ilererovyou $8 335 Tlareiros U[plora Sa TaveBdvur| ews | Taprews S us Tlwdapov Ayxopiudews Sac II7oh\Xa Apto[7 vos Sy Tlo\vdevkous amatopos Sic: 340 Tlerexwvrols | Dace ye IIlpwra Lwrynpryov S$ Ld Ilrokepatov Piokevov Sn Ilaveuwros Xatpa $7 Tadae of. . IH]}rodddos Sak Col. 10.] Te 346 Tlavooovews Havooa’ $ 8 TleBews Af. .]pwrov Sy IIe. . .Jros Apews MvoaOov i) Tlereywr[ tos] Avodwpov 52) 350 Tlapapewros Ovvwdpews $6 Ilerooapatews Opov is) Tlereywvtos [A ]odwpov $6 TlveBduvews Avovuccov $8 Swrov Ufe]Pews Se 355 Lroroyntews LroToynTews peal Lapama Ierexwvtos Su Larnptyov LoTynprxov Sk TOV QUTOU Sus SataBovros nrou LapBa Vroro0n’. . 360 Yofews Apov Sn Srofews LwTnprxov LataBovros Vevapouvios Stofews LwrTov [- .] 365 37° Swrnpiyov Xz[orTo |jnTews SataBovros [Ile]rexovyou Srorontews Lroront[ ews Lapamiwvos Avovyctov Lroroyntews LToToyTEws Xrotovtos LrotovtTos Xyapirtov AvoaKopov Lwrov Havoeipews LaTnptyov Ovvadpews XToTonTews XTonTEws Loxpyvews Ipwra Xtwoitos Zwidov LaTnpryov LwrTnprxov Xrotontews Tlerecopatrews Larnpiyov LoKpynvews Xrotontews Tleterovyou Xrotoyntews LToToyTEws Swryptyov Mapavo s| Xrorontews Iaceitos SataBovtros LaraBovtos Xtoroyntews Avvetous Lotynpiyov Nexravovdews Lwxpatovs LwKpatovs Srorontews Irod\wdos Col.2i1:| 1 390 400 Sro[rontews] Upwra Lewr[ov] Ovno ov Sewr[ov Lar ]vpov LSarvpolv ]wrov So[«p[o}rasov So[k]vora[cJov Srof[elws Emysayou La[raBolvtos Avpopalyou LalraBovros SaraBovrols] St[o7lonrews Avvetous Sz[otlonrews [Lw]rov Swrov Laplam |wvos [Sroro]yziews Ovvloppews [Swrlov S[Lwrjov [Ser|npuxlolv Leotov Lwrov [. . .]yoews Y2[o}ront[ews] Lrorontews 395. Avpoiaxou: so spelled in the MS. The letters ot have been repeated and cancelled. 405 420° 425 Colmi2)| 440 445 450 435 460 Yorov.[ J -- VLOU [14 lines hopelessly defaced | Lolrn|pryov [Ak lovoraov Yror[o|nTews Lwrnpryov Sro[ton |rews LrotonTews LapyBa Avorkopov Xrotontews AKkovotdaov LaraB[lovto|s Apov Larnp[e}you rodenatov Lrotontews Iacectos LwTov Pacer LapuBa Lovya Lwrov Yrolews XroTtontews Kapetous LXroTonTews YwTov Lwrnpixov Mappet lous Latupov AvooKopou LwKpatovs Lroto[ nz jews Tpvdwvos a, pl. lehdno[vs] [7¢] Paynoews Dal ] Mace. Pacer Davoews Opl Ppovipov Eni, Dpovijrov Ppor[ you Ppovypov LwTov Danoews IIpo[7a] Dio€evos Emip[a}you Daviov Pav Davoews avO ov [. .|\eBurov Xapidynpov Tarv[vjews Xarpnuovos Opiwvos Xapidypov Ayxopilp|pews Xatpynjovos TlovSevkous Xaipynpovos Mua Oo }v Xatpypovos M[vjoGou Xpvowrmov Hpakdevdou Xaipa Appwviov Xatpnuovos [wt lov Xapidyjov Oplov] WVevatup.os Xapnpovos ROMAN PERIOD 465 470 475 480 efet OQpez[os Qpevros Mapol vos Opovtos Lroron7| ews TOV auTOU [ Dpov arf ou Ws icles « [ . «|rov Seal vos] OQ pov IIpwr| a Opiovos Tanf..... Joews Qpiavos X.. [ Qpov Yrodews Qpov Ayxopypews Qpov AtoaKopov Lw7ynpixov Newrfo|s.... a* § yo«B— OfL0L@sS Appoviov Lolro lv Apeiov Lwrypixo lv Apettos Lwrnpl eyo ju Appeoviov Appoviov AtoaKopou Acda Avwdwpov LwrnpLyov Bynowwvos Ad. .|wvos Col. 13.) a 486 490 495 - Ocwp|.|wvos Apevov Oaow’ tov kau Avovuciov Iayvpiwvos tov Kat Tpuvdwyvos IovAtov Laroupvewvov Mapevos Hpakdevdou Ovpoipov Lapamiwvos IIlpwrtapxyov MuaGapiwvos IIrokenavov Hrodda Lornprxyov Lolvlya Lapamados ty[s] Kar Nevkape- 7Ln]s Lornptd0os [am]atopos [So |rnpixyou -Je.... [Ze}mprx[oly Or[orlpfolu Lapamia| vols Avovvcvov Diiorolv P]w7[ ov] Xatpnplovos | Tlo\[vde]uxor[s] $ vB 100 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Xatpynulovo|s Apf[eo jv [Ss] 8 Hpwvos Nepecews $f Xpvovrmov H[...... Sou Se Hpevos Hpwvos S \s Adkiywov AdKipou Bea 545 Hpakdedov Xarpnpovos SBD 505 JA. . -Jacr[. 4 lx? Hpwv Nedepwros S Ky jes Kin, : ; Hpov av orf... . Avjooxopou S KO .| Of. ; Hpak\evdov Hpakhed[o]u $ 8 Veval. . Jos [ |dpeol, Hpwvos Hpewvos Sie Po? [el&e* S$ Blo}\a = x? 550 Hpwvos Iefews S$ 1d 510 we [ko]uns P a S vyfx? Hpwvos Scoyerr[ovos | Ss B Evnpepevas ; Hpevos Hpwvos SB AxrX\a Ayirdidews S us Ioappovos Hpakia S p Amvyxews Amuyxews Sk Ioyuptwvos Hpwvros $6 Avoh[A]wviov THazovtwros S Xa 555 Iovwvos VevoBactews S A 515 Appoviov amatopos my LTo* S$ dX Kaoropos Apiotwvos Sale Apdanoews Operwvos S Xd Kedadwvos Avdujov Sas] Ato wv|iov Sapamiwvos S$ uf Aovyewias Apewrov sas Ayxopyurdews Ayxopiudews S$ Ky Meyyevous mperB’ Meyyleious $] B Ayvevos Qpov SB 560 Mvobov Pacer S dd 520 Ayxopyrgews Ayyopysdews [. .] Mvofov Kedahwvos S pd Ayvevos Opou Bei Mvadov Hpwdov She) Ayxopidews Ayxopip[ dews | S \y Meyyesous tpexBurepov Exvo’ § \F Atpevovs Hpak)evdou S vs Nepeciwvos Svpiwvos S 7H Atpetouvs Hpax)edov SB 565 NewWov Nuvvapov S po 525 Apdhanoews Opiwvos S$ 1d Sysapov av’ NewWov Ayyop- Apdanoews Akn...¢ S$ iB [up Jpews S dd Ayia Tlefews $6 [Ovve]@pews Ovvedpews] S pB Opcews Tlefews Sit Col. 14.] 70 Opaevovdews Newvos Sis) Apdanoews Apoviews $6 570 Opoevoudews Opaoevoudews S$ 1d 530 Acida Actov S IIvehepwros Ilavoovews S wy Avovvatov Hpax)edov S o8 Ilvedepwros Pi\npovos S pB AvooKopov Nuivvapov S pk Aeda Hpakdevdov S «KB Col. 15.] G Atodwpov Za.dov SO TIrodepard0s Awpiavos S Kd 535 Aetov AvooKopov $ 8 575 Ilavoovens Aphanoews S ha Acda Hpwvos S¢ Ilace:tos [amovtwros S dy Evda Akovotaov Su Tlacewtos Hpwvos S dS Evdayovos Oeoyerrovos $6 TleeBavtos Yrotonrews Sr» Exvoews Meyyxetovs Sus Ilvedepwros Ovvadpews S ra 540 Zaov Nepeoiwvos S ps 580 IIpwata Hpwvos 54, Hpwvos Hpwyvos [S] A6 Havoews Hpakdedouv Si Hpwyv Hpwvos S KB Ilaceitos Ayyopiypews $A 581. Ilavoews: so written here and in 1, 584, but perhaps intended for the more usual Hancews, 585 590 apeks 600 605 610 615 efet Ilaotwvos AvoaKopov Tlavoews Pavoews [Tlve]fepwros Mefews LaBlelwov Apmoxpatiwvos Sapamiwvos [A]uxavov SataBovtos Arkarov SaBewvov A[p}roxpatiwvos Tavovews [Ke]fadwvos Tadanoews. Appbvcews Pirovpevov Iete~ovyou Danoews Panoews Paynoews Apoirovyov [Di]Bews Ayxopysdews [....] vewrepov Xatpa Xaipypmovos Hpwvos Xaipa Xarpa Xatpa I¢rex]Jovxou Xaupa Xaupa Woovews Paole|e Qpov Amvyxews onm 5S [B]pmaf” OM@OLWS Avookopouv tov Kar Hpak Zaov Nepweciwvos Hpakdevdov Hpakdevdou Hpwvos E[v]dapovos Ioyvpiwrios| tov kar AdeEa a’ Aetov Hpakdeudov Aovmepkov TOU KGL Aovutrep* Zoos amedevPepas Ocad/ Ovahepiov Mapwvos Tlafay-yehkov Hpakdevdou Evdapovos Yovyiwvos an efe+ S$ yvn a KOLNS § Bodo ff Col. 16.] Ga 620 Eppov7ro\ews Atpews PaB.... 70. acer? Eptews Naap|avr los ROMAN SB SB 611. There must be a scribe’s error here, since Aovrepkos 6 kal Aovrepkos does not seem a possible name. Probably the first PERIOD IOL Hpwvos vewrepov Ila* di... $8 Ilareipews av? ov Optews SB Ilamrovralros| Avovuavov sp 625 Iaceros| Pacer S$ ¢ Ko[“] avrevav™ S$ iy Hpax{A Jevas Ato[\Awriov] Opoews Sn Apa. ] Ss 630 Expy[vaov Jos S & Aptray|afov ]s S ke Expyv| aiov Zk ] $6 E:pyv[atov ro }roy[rews | $6 Expyvel[iov] Mua fov] Sp 635 Exy[. Yroror| Tews | $6 Eupyv{avov lel ] $6 E:pynvailov A }rokwrviov Sus Hpax{Aevdov Jews $B @coyeuz|ovos ju S A> 640 Mies li ] $6 Tlazro[, Merah vp Sn Toe bers | fe Ti rou [s] 6 > > Jara Bol vos] Sn 645 Lapamalvos]....[ Ja SAB Lalroup |vewvov [S]ara[Bouros] S LaraBov7[os] Nechouv $86 Larnptylolv Exrpynvaifo ju $8 Latupov amaropos pytpos LataBov’ S § 650 [S}roronreas [......- Jeos S08 [S]rorontews v[ew]repov Kauturos S$ > [S]ataBovros Eroror[rleo[s] S$ 8 Lwrov vewrepov Epiea|s $6 LwrTov Lwrov} $B 655 Lwrov mperB’ Xaipnuovos S$ § Lwrov Lwrov Sn Lrotontews Ovvadpews $8 Tpvdeavos Tpudwvos $6 Lrotoyntews Lrotoyntews $8 660 ee a* S$ ucy e€e* oporws Evpynvatov Evpynvatouv name has been repeated by mistake. 614. Ma@ayyedov: probably miswritten for MuéayyeXov. S Gn 102 Col. 17.] cB 665 690 Evpnvatov Ad. ‘ .Ja Iagovos E:pnva.ov Io.wvos Eupynvarov ss 2S OTN PLKOVU dua “WTOU vs CATALOGUE OF S vB S [8] SX S ¢B Swrov d1a hoyav Lwrov S 7 SaBewlolv Aupewriov etaov y? B KOTUAY Lwtov Larvpov ZZ e&e+ § ron eXatov xoes B a d/ S «8 K[otuf a d/ @cadedderas pa Atvyxews Appivews $6 Apdhanoews amaropos pnTpos AtevTos Sn Avvetovs Mecov.... $B Avdupou Lapatiwvos S dd Hpados AvooKkopov SENG Hpakdedov TL ] S$ 8 Hpewvos Tareppovbews Sn Ioxvpa Iovwr[os] S vn Se Ilefews Newvos Sk I[aloevros Ayyopysdews S 4 T[a}ro[v] Hpo[y)s S68 IItohkepacov Iazov Si Tlefews Tefews S us Tla6[. .jros Hpwvos $ Tlavedpeplew|s Mvofapiwvos S$ 8 Troha arraropos pytpos Teayalov S$ 8 YapBa Avveovs SB Savovews Lereppovlews Sy Swor Adkup[o ju LatraBovros Hpwvos Sn Sas: Sapamialvo|s tov K Amuwvos S > Tpvdwvos Avtuyovou Piradedd[ov] Zarrov TOV auTOU Dovwvoews Hpwvos pre) S dy Sas: SB WVevapovvews Uvedepwros SB GREEK PAPYRI 795 Qpov Hpakdedouv Qpov Hpaxk\evdou QUTEVLAUT WV Col. 18.] Gy 710 720 740 e&e* opotws Adsupov Lapamiwvos Evdatpovos ®coyertovos Eppappovos Hpaxdeu Sov Evpynpovos Evdatpovos Hpakdevdov Hpak\eudov Tlovmdvov Avdcov Tro[ @coyerrovos Muabov Aewvidov Piiwvos TItoXearov Ilazrov IIvedepwros Mua bapiwvos TIrohewatov Avodwpov Qpov Apdaynoews IIvehepwtos Mua bapw” a eet Kepns @co€evid0s Avodwpov Eppeov av ov... Exvoews avO ov Exvoews Hpwdov Apdanceas] Opcevovdews H[pavos Hpavos Lazo lvralros Opaews Apdhanoews Opcews Ovvwdpews IIpw7[a] Eptews Ilerapews Hparda LapPavros Aphanoews K@.a" —S’ps at ov wa? ex? Kepkevoretpews Exvoews Hpwoov Hpaxhedov Hpakdeou Ilaravros Opoews Ilamrettos Exvoews Ilo\vdevkous Kacropos Ilareppovbews Oprwovos 669, 670. A small amount of oil also appears in the summary at the beginning, 1. 6, S vp + 0/ S wry [ 0% ROMAN PERIOD » 745 Ilereevros Ilateppovl S hy Ilerexovyou Mvafov $6 Maceitos Ilexvaews $6 Oprwvos av@ ov Atwvews § dd 103 Be. a* S$ poe 750 e€e* opows Ovakepiov Mapwvos Sk Anpytpiov tov Kat Muvabov S§ &> PAPYRUS 1226.—a.p. 254 (?) CCOUNT, or part of an account, rendered by Heroninus, ¢povtua7ys of Theadelphia, to Appianus, formerly é€yyn77s of Alexandria, the official to whom appertained 4 éripédera Tov TH ToreL xpyoipwy (Strabo, bk. xvii, p. 797). relating to this Heroninus has recently come to light. A large collection of letters and papers A few will be found in this volume, and others in Papyrus Th, Reinach, nos. 52-55, and Grenfell and Hunt, Fayum Towns, no. 133; but the bulk of the collection is at Florence (see Vitelli, Atene e Roma, vi. 254, Papiri Fiorentini, vol. i, pp. 26-30). They belong to the years shortly after the middle of the third century. The first of the Florentine papyri (Pag. /vor. i. 26) is a document exactly similar to this, and addressed to the same official, apparently for the month Pauni in the third year. For a similar but longer account from a dpovtiorys, see BGU. 14. In that case, as in this, the accounts relate to money received from the sale of such commodities as wine and wheat. presumably of whole villages which were part of the domain land of the state), who has The dpovricrys is the manager or steward of an estate (in this case to give periodical accounts of his receipts and expenditure to his superior. The receipts for the month are complete, so far as the totals are concerned, but the account of expenditure is imperfect. Reference is made to ‘the current second year,’ which may be that of Valerianus and Gallienus (Vitelli, of. cz¢., p. 26). 5 TOPLNS Avpyuar Amvaver e€nY Bout tys hap, Toews tov AdeEavdpewy Kat ws xp Tapa Avpndvov H[plovewou dpovtictov Scade dias] 5 hoyos Anppatos Kat ava yors eveatwtos BS * tov Owf pnvos tov eotu de Anppatos azo [T]eysns owvov povox® vv 2. Amtavor: so spelled also in most of the other papyri of this group (see Vitelli, p. 27), but occasionally with a second x (zd. p. 30). A number of ostraca, addressed to the same person, are published by P. Jouguet (Budd. de 1’ Inst. frang. a’ archéologie orientale, 1902); these are almost equally divided between the two spellings. e£n”: probably éénynrevoarre rather than eEnynth, cf. Prei- sigke, Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung, iii. 44. 4. GeadeAguas: or -eas. Heroninus appears sometimes as porriarns of Theadelphia, sometimes of Thraso, sometimes of Narmuthis (Vitelli, Azene e Roma, vi. 254). 6. In the margin is noted the total (3836 drachmae), which is arrived at in 1, 11. 7+ povox(pa): the w and x are certain, the rest very cursively written, but there can be little doubt as to the correctness of the reading. The measure povdywpoy occurs in Fayum Pap. 220, in Papp. 1170 verso and 1210 below, and in Reinach Pap. 54, 1. 8; and diywpoy and rpiywpoy occur in BGU. 531 and 248 respectively (cf Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. I. 763). Wilcken connects the termination -ywpoy with the Hebrew cor, which appears in Byzantine papyri under the form xodp.: but the present passage, which gives 8 drachmae as the price of a povexwpoy of wine, makes that interpretation impossible, since a cor is equivalent to about 90 gallons. BGU. 248 likewise indicates a smaller measure, since the writer asks that an ass (dvaptov) may be sent to him with a tpixwpoyv of wine, which would be equivalent to a load of 270 gallons, or 135 dozen in modern measurement. To4 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI ws To a EK S n S [7x] Kat amo tpatelys S [7] 10 Kal amo Tens & — ty ws THs — ek S 1B S [prs] / S yods L ava obwviwy enor Hpwveww Sp Ages Bovkodos S py 15 Ilovapis ovndarys Sy Aevos Bouxodos Sic Apins ovnXarns 7) KaotTwp ovnharns § ul+ 12. L: the sign of subtraction, as in Papp. 266, 267. PAPYRUS 1166.—a. D. 42. ONTRACT between two Persians of Hermopolis and Dius, a gymnasiarch-elect, for the supply by the former of heating to the gymnasium during the latter's year of office. Dius, it may be noticed, is only twenty years of age, and the contract is made thirteen months before the commencement of his term as gymnasiarch. The contractors undertake to keep up an unfailing supply of heat as long as the baths (attached to the gymnasium) are in use; and their payment for the year is to be 2000 drachmas, of which 500 are to be paid to them at once in advance, 200 in the course of the intervening year (this instalment is said to be for the purchase of asses, no doubt for carrying fuel), and the rest in three instalments during the actual year when they are at work. There is also an agreement for the supply of chaff for brickworks belonging to Dius, but the full details of this are lost through the mutilation of the papyrus. Avtyp[ad ov Erovs B TiBepiov Kiavdiov Katoapos LeBaotov Teppavixov avtokpatopos pyvos Topmuasouv Ezep \ ev Eppovmo* rns OnBar®? opodoy[ovor] Opwolv] Hw)? ws L AB peo? pe pakpo" ev? — pera” pS Kav ToOys To8” ws L ph peo® peduX pakpo” ev? — Kv? deEt apuporepor Tov ah Eppovmo* Mepoa mls emu}y” Aud Aah sete Jpov rov kat Saywvos petoyupvacvapxor ws LK peo” pediX peakpo? ev? — pr ap’ ovvTepornkevar avTws woTE XOpHYNTAL avToOUS to 8 L TluBeprjov Kdavduov Katoapos YeBaocrov Teppavikov avToKparopos azo oh avs o1 SeBaorov ews pyv’ Katpeov eray® € tov avrov erous ets 70 ev [Tar] yupriacrjofe Bal\avewov ta avtapkn Kkavpata Kal nuepay exaoTyv adivaheiTTws adh ns eav aupnTar o Avos wpas pexpe exheupews Twv hovoper” 5. Kacpecov: 7. Katoapetov (= Mesore). The contract extends from the first day of the year to the last. ROMAN PERIOD 105 Kabio[tlavres Tw VTOKaVaTHL TA KavpaTa aveyheiTTa ELS TO VTOKAaVaTHpLOY Tov BahaveLov Kal npepay exaoTyny Tos Lolors avnropal ow] ato S¢ Sav ovvrepwvnper® vTep picbwv avtwv Kal TY? KavpaTwY TOV TpoyEypappeEvoU eviavtov apy” X~€Baotov Kat Itohewarkov voy. dpax B av[roA lev arexynkace ov [opol|doyourres alapa tolv Avov dua 77 Tepwve* du” tpa) Spax azo Se twv dowrov fy ad Swoer avtois o Aewos Ty d p? [ tov .ior{[tos y L] TiBeprov KdXavduov Karoapos YeBaorov Vepparixov avroxpatopos es IO ayopacp’ ovev fy o ta Se owra Spaxpas Gr atodwce [ev] Tw Tpolyeypappe” 8 L ev zplior] mpofecpias ry pev X Tov Xovak S$ v ty Se TpraKade tov Mex fy v kau Ty X Tov Ered tas dov fb Swao[vor Se] v opodloyourtles tw Acww to avtw 8 L es ta mAwOovpyva avtov ayupov pavTa* py Kabectapevous ets [Biwva TerayOe Kar avr o Aewols..... .JANeu avrows ev Kapn LweKep* Kar Aevveov Kat IPiova Teradft ayvpov aywyia py eav de apvaotepn to Bahaveov Kalv]pacr ev TUvL ypelpa n ey pepovs EV TW EVLAYTw YXwpLs TOV TapacxeTHaL ToVSs opodoUYTAS THY Kavow Kabws mpoKertat eTr Kat exTecoral | 15 e......Tolv exaxodorv[Oolvvros BdaBouvs Kat atodwoovor tw Aevwt tas tpo* ly B duthas Kat yewerOar Tw Avwe yn Tos Tap avTov THY mpat[w] ek Te Twv ofohoyovvTwy Kar €€ ov cay avtTwy aipyTat addyevyvwy ovTwy eis EKTLOLW KAL EK TMV VTAPYXOVTOV autos ta}ytwy Kabamep [e}y Suxyns ova de Exovar ot opooyourTes Kat of la cay emiKTHTwYTAL evuTad\aypata ewat mp jos Ta mplokeleva mepe aly Klar ovk e€eoTar avTois ovdey olKovomelW peXpL TOV EKaoTa ETLTENETAL N TA Tapa TavTa akvpa eva ono l|Aoyta noe Ki uptla eorar Op Yea NOE kK vpt jo 8. dev: 2. ror. 2’ avTOKpaTopos KaLaapos Mapxov A[ up vou Leouy! pov Ahe€]avdpov EvaeBous Evrtuxous S B xabos tpoxitae (2) Avodoros NwpBavas Kiapas eal Ko\ov |Jouvtos Tatov Iov\tov Sadoviov Myroxw. ourlodjoyau HETPNTOV EMOL AS TPOETKYKA PETA Qo. yekw auvdovho uTep prlvo]s Pappovbe 5 Kar Ilaywy kav Ilavve Kav Ered pnvev 5 rov wa L mupov aptaBlas] teroapes L u8 Nepwvos Kiavduov Kawcapos «Baotou Teppavixov avToKpatopos TuBe t (2nd hand) Taos Iov* Sadovos ceon" Tas Tov 10 [avuplov — tecoapes /$- 8 kaos mpom PAPYRUS 1215. Avodotos NwpBavas Kiapas MytoKar XTpatwvos TELTONOYOL KALpEL PLETPNTOV A[vw|e AzrohAwviov 1214 (a). 1. 2. This line has been inserted after 1. 3 was written. It should precede Myrokat. ROMAN PERIOD 123 cis] omeppara wv yewpyel apouplov . .] eKooe Tov ex Tov Xpvourmov KAnpov TEpL Teptapwl mupov 5 aptaBas TplakovTa TevTE ETL rox[ov] TpiTov as Kal a7ro Soca apa Tov expopiwy Tov EvEerTwTOS SwdexaTov ETOUS Nepwvos Tov Kuplov amo yevnpatos EVOEKATOV €TOUS petpwo AOnvata Kau TaLs EKaTOV apraBais Sexadvo npiou L. u8 Nepwvos K\avdvov Katoapos «Baotou Teppavixov avtokpalropos] 10 pvos Neov YeBacrov va (2nd hand) Avs AzohNwvov Mntoxw =tpatwv? oit[o|\oKw x patmeTp? Tas TpoKlmevas muploly apraBas tpiakovTa TevTe em 70 KOU t[ prov] — Xe ato yev’ va L Nepwvos 15 Tov KUpLoV OVTLAS NopBava KiXapa L iB Nepwvos K\avduov Kavrapos S Alovrdiar Aoyyw orpat{yyau tov] Eppozo* [apa Ev |Saporidos Mapko[v Ovdz]iov Lapamuwvos [rov kav Lep|y [vov ex Tov yeyupylacvapynkoTwr Ouvyaltpos| Kau ws xpnmareler dua Ovdrre [ov o|uKovop.ov ov Tapekopiola] ex Tov Katahoyeov vTopvy 10 [patos avrvypa|pov utetaga Seov nyolu|uwevn voov petadoOy|vlar To |vw du vanperov w [ec]8y L B avroxpatopos Kaila ]lapos [Tirov Avttov Adp]avov Avrwvwov [Xe]Baorov EvoeBous Pappovbu KH [Evdaypor Suet lov Ta Kata THY apxioiKacTELaY Tw TOV Eppozro* [orpatnyw xalipew tov Sedopevov [v}roprnuatos avttypadov peta 15 [d00n7w ws v]roKertar eppwoo L 8 avtoxpatopos Katoapos Titov [ Av\vov Adpzavo |v Avrovuto|y S<_Bacrov EvoeBous Dappovi t [ To yyoparv[ounkjotwy veper apxo[t|kaorTn Kal Tpos THL [erpedera To|y xpnulatictjev Kav Tov ahwv KpiTnpLov dua 2-4. These lines are restored from Il. 38-40, As the first 13. Evdaipov: cf note onl. 19. words in ]. 2, Pappov&k S, are identical with those which precede 15. For the supplement cf BGU. 578, |. 7, 614, 1. 8. the formula kal iroypapjs «.7.d. in 1. 38, it looks as if the 17, 18. For the style of the dpyidicaorns of BGU. 455, 614, document to which that date belongs (Il. 17-38) were also 741, and for his functions, Milne, Hzst. of Egypt under Roman repeated. rule, pp. 196-200, Otto, Priester und Tempel, pp. 166 ff. In the 5. After this line there is a blank space of # in. present document, as in several others, he appears as keeper of 6. AoviA\tor Aoyyet: a new name in the list of strategi. archives in which copies of official documents were preserved. 11. Perhaps vroyeypappeva, SC. Aphrodisius, 20 25 Col. 2] 35 40 ROMAN PERIOD 133 EvSaiJuovos Siefrolvros Ta KaTa THY apxXOLKacrelay [apa ] Evdapord[os] Mapxov OvAmov Sapam[tlwvos Tov Kat Xe [pyvov ex Twv yelyupvactapynKotwy Ovyatpos Kat ws xpnpariler Jopevorv pou vio] Adpodiovov Appwviov Twv aro ] Tapexopirapny evexvpaciay Kat Tapeder ] ra avrov Siaxelpleva ev ovopate THs YyuvarKkos Ins kat Seov avtov amodovvat wuvepywv THL YUVALKL ] Appoviov Sier . [. .Jero pow vroprynpa ws eK Le KaTahoyelov TeTopiTpevov Ta eavTwL aperKor[T]a KEVOS Kat [a}vw deros Syrwoas ofev Seov yyovpar cuvvtagar ypaar To TOV E[p juozro Nurov oTpatynyer petadovvar avTw Tovde TOV vTOpLVHLATOS alvt|vypa gov ows «Sn axupov Kar avadees KpiOnoopevov o peTedwxKev VTOPya Kal ooa Eay es voTEpov peTadw K[a]. opowws oa [pee Swxev n yuvn avtov Eppuovn paddov de azodor por a odeidey mote Ts evexvpacias Kar Kal erepa xelpoypada n Edn EDopEvnY jot Tv wpatw e€ vrapxovtwy avtov Siamectahpar Se Eppasov Ep patov IporanmoceBaariov tov Kat Znviov ws Kabyker L B avToKpatopos Katoapos Titov Avdwouv Adpiavou Avtwvivov YeBacrov EvoeBovs Pappovtt Kal UToypapyns ofoLws TOV vTNpETOV Eppuas Ilkovtapyov twv vmnpetov peTadeOwKa EVWTLYW WS kaOyxe. LB avtoxpatopos Kaiwapos Turov Aidtov Adpiavov Avtwrivov YeBaorov EvoeBovs Hayov > 19. Evdatwovos: the restoration is probable, but not certain. through his deputy occurs in Oxy. Pap. 727. In the year 143/4 Eudaemon was dpy.idtkaorns (BGU. 741, l. 1), 36. IporammoaeBacrtov roy kat Znv(e)ov: the Propapposebastian and it is quite possible that he was acting as deputy five years tribe is already known as belonging to Alexandria (cf Archiv, earlier. The next preceding name, so far as at present known II. 74), but the present passage adds a newdeme to it. A deme (cf. Otto, op. czt., p. 198), is Claudius Philoxenus, who held the Zyjvetos occurs in Tebt. Pap. 99, 1. 55, but without a tribe. office in 134/5 (BGU. 73, 136), and it is possible that Biiofevar 39. evemiw: in the similar phrase in BGU. 578, ll. 1, 6, this is should be restored in 1.17. It is suitable in point of length, as read, doubtfully, as evwmov, but here the reading is clear. Evdaipoy is in], 13. Another instance of an dpy:dixaoris acting PAPYRUS o921.—Late 2nd or 3rd cent. HIS papyrus is remarkable, as it comes from the Phthemphuthic nome in the Delta, a locality hitherto unrepresented in the papyri. How it came to be preserved is unknown. It is addressed to the Bacudixds ypappareds of the nome, and is apparently of the nature of a petition; but it is too imperfect to afford much information. The petitioner appears to be claiming some agricultural privilege which had been granted to his father by the Prefect Pactumeius Magnus. Since Magnus’ term of office fell in 176-180, this papyrus cannot be later than the early part of the third century. Hpow Baorliko yp, Pbeudov® [ Zapamiwv Horapwvos apxvepatfevoas rs] @ * = 1. 0eupou : the Phthemphuthic nome, cf Plin. WV. Z. iv. 9; 9. 2. apxteparevoas : OF -cavtos. 134 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Tavaeitov TONEWS TWL TLULLWTAT® [yvarpewv Eze cuvexopn Oy Oo TaTYpP fou Torapoly uTo | 5 Mayvov tov Kpatiotov avayayew [ €V VOLW DOcudov? O§ Kav Tavtas a avnyayer ev poves fy 8 Kav tpooe Far] TouvTe wou et addoTe noav ev aptredw [evror] TAVUTAS YEyoveval €Vv apreho €TL al va] 10 Tpatavov ypovov Kat els amroouew [v7e] Oeunv cor Ta vToyeyp) 3. Tavaetrwy wodews : On the Canopic branch of the Nile, south of Naucratis, capital of the Phthemphuthic nome (Smith, Dzc¢. of Geog., s. U.). 5. Mayvov tov xpartorov: presumably T. Pactumeius Magnus, prefect in A.D. 176-180. 6. 65: this may be intended-for the termination of the name of the nome, though that appears to have been abbreviated. Above s is a short perpendicular stroke, perhaps part of an or t, besides the horizontal abbreviation-mark. 7. moves: SC. pdvats. 9, 10. ere... xpovoy : one would rather have expected azo Tp. xpdvov, but the final oy of xpovoy is clear. Il. ra vmoyeyp(apnpeva): a blank space sufficient for one or two lines follows, and then the papyrus breaks off, the annexed document being lost. PAPYRUS 924.—a.p. 187-188. ETITION addressed to the strategus of the Heracleid division by the mpdxropes ourixav of Socnopaei Nesus, complaining that whereas they had always paid the dues on certain land on the border of the lake (aiysadiris yj) when it had not been irrigated and consequently not sown, this year, when the inundation had reached it, and it had been sown, the inhabitants of the neighbouring village of Theogenes had forcibly taken possession of it. They conse- quently beg that the intruders may be required to pay the dues on the previous unproductive years. Avoh\wviw Tw Kav Trokepauw orp) Apot Hpak® pepidos mapa Amuyxews Amruyyxews Kal METOKWVY TPAKTO P@V OLTLKO@V K@ILNS LoKvotra.ov Nyoov THV emipepio evra TY) Tpokelt|wevn KWULYN ATO TE 5 diuwv Kwpns Baxyiados ynv viep ns Ta avyKov Ta exhopia apeuTTws TANnpovpevov vd Hhwv ETL OV Kal EOTLY TEPL THY LYoKvoTratov avyvadutis yn omoTe pev pn Kate a /mipeTo duevOuvapev ek TwVv LoLwY THY UTEP avTNS Tapaypadny EKTupL IO Kols mAELaTOLs vuy Se TH EverTwTL Kn L TAH pupevtos Tov Netdov Kau Kataotapeon|s THIs 0 I. Awo\\wviw: this supplies the missing name in BGU. 242, ]. 1, and fixes approximately the date of that papyrus. He may be identical with the Apollonius who was strategus of the division in A.D. 183/4 (BGU. 361, col. ii, 1. 11). 7. rnv Soxvoratov : Cf. 1. 11 ris jpar, 12 ris Ocoyévous. Q. thy mapaypapyy: the registered charge entered in the official survey books; cf Oxy. Pap. 488, Dasszm. Q, 10. exmuptkots: a new word. The reading is clear, but not the meaning. ROMAN PERIOD 135 pov ov amo TNs Ocoyevous Braws ayrehaPov TO THS YNs oTEp Kal ov pavepov eTonTapev agiouvTes avTous THV tapaypad[ nv] evceveykw ofev 15 emidiudopev Kehevoar axPynvar [alvrovs emt oe Kae Staxovoeat nuwv mpos avrou[s] » 7[Las] Tagas vo pas Tov avyadov tows emurnp[ntais] Svaypadovtes mpos To ek THs ons Bor[Gelas S[v]ynPoper em 7H iSua ouvpevortes tla] alvy]|kovra] exrehewv 20 L xn Avpr[dvov Koppodov Avrwyivov Kauoap jos [rov Kupiov] 12. rns Geoyevous : this village is elsewhere more fully named occupying part of the aly:aNires yy of Socnopaei Nesus. as ditordrap 7 Kal Geoyevous, cf. Wessely, Tofographie, p. 157. 13. ou: /. cot. : Wessely also (Karanis und Soknopaiu Nesos, p. 7) quotes from 18. mpos ro... dvvnfopev: a confusion of two constructions of various Rainer papyri instances of inhabitants of this village this final formula. 5. Sales and Leases. PAPYRUS 1168.—a.p. 18. HIS document is of unusual interest} being exceptionally full and very little damaged by mutilation. It is a mortgage by Stotoétis, daughter of Dioscorus, a Persian of the "Ervyovy, through her guardian and brother Pecusis, to Chichois, another brother, of a sixth share in a house and appurtenances in the Western quarter of the Fort at Hermopolis. The remaining five shares are already in the possession of the same Chichois. The mortgage takes the form of a lease for four years in consideration of a payment of 220 drachmas; and in lieu of interest the lessee is to have the use of the property. At the expiration of the term, Stotoétis is to repay the 220 drachmas, or to forfeit all right to the share. The mortgage is made through the private bank of Syrus. The main document (ll. 1-17) is followed (ll. 21-25) by a copy of the banker's certificate of payment of the 220 drachmas to Stotoétis and a receipt (ll. 26-31) from the latter, all being dated in the month of Tubi in the fourth year of Tiberius. Above the certificate is a receipt (ll. 18-20) addressed by Chichois to the banker Syrus in Pharmuthi of the same year, declaring that in consideration of the repayment of the 220 drachmas he surrenders the lease; and after this, in a separate column (Il. 32-48), follows a receipt to the same effect and of the same date addressed to Stotoétis. On the verso (Il. 49-61) is a copy of the banker’s certificate noting that the mortgage is cancelled. This is dated on the roth of Pauni in the same year. The first column is preceded by a strip of papyrus, so attached that its fibres are at right angles to those of the main roll. On this is written a short account in five lines, having no connexion with the main document except that the name Stotoétis occurs in it. 136 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI It contains the word vdavrpa (xurdvos), but is otherwise unimportant as well as imperfect, and is omitted both in the text and in the facsimile. Col. 2] [Ero]us reraptov TuBeprov K\fa]u8iov Kyrapos SeBaorov Teppavikov Avtoxpatopos pnvos Avotpov TuBu Kl \oeB'’ ev Eppovrohe t7s OnBados [e]urcPwoev Srorontis A[toc]kopov Epporoderis U[e]poewn tys emvyovns ws L vy peo” per peakp® Oo peta” pS peTa KUPLOV TOV aUTNS [aSe]\dou Hexvovos tov Avoox{opov] ws L & pecou pes [....]... ev? 6 uTo py ape. . Tle auTns auTns adehfw [X |uxoure Avookopov ws L Ea peo” pe pak* ev? Oo Tapa E : 4 de To UTapyYov auTy[t tra |rpuKov €EKTOV [LEPOLS otf xua]s kK) avAns K) ouvevpol vt |ov K) XPNOTHPLOY K) AVNKOVT@V kK) €lLa-000U K) e£0d0u @v Ta \oura [we]pn eoTw Tov avTov Xi youro|s TavTwv ovTwv e[vtlos tov ev Eppovmode PDpovp[tjov €V TOLS 5 ato \iBos pepeot em Tals oveais yeuTriais y picOwors 7d¢ [a]ro zs eveorwons npfelpa[s] eb erne teaoapa ep w [0] Xexous K) 04 Tap avTov o1Kygovor ev ToLS pepicOa@pevols ETL TOV XPOVvoY avTL TOV TOKOV [oly averpytar n Erotoyntis Tapa Tov Xtxovros apyvpiou SeBaor[olv x) Uroheparkov voprrparos Spaxpov Siakooiwy ekoor dua THs Zupou tpamelns BeBavovrw Se y [Er]otontis ryvde THY proPwow Tracy BeBavwoe ato Te Snuoowwy K) LLWTLKWY Ky ato TavT@V aThos n kK) pn e€eotar Todrew pnd voTierOe Ta pepicbopeva pnde erepors petapicbow pnd addo pindev vievavTioy TovTots IO emiredey Tporw pnderu n Ta Tapa TavTa axvpa ewar ThypwHerTos Se tov xp*o/vov amodoTau n Xrotontis Tw Xuyowre y Tows Tap avrov tas Tov apyupiov Spaxyas Siakocias elKooL Tapaypnia Ea Se pn amodw x) Boviyntat o Xuyous wadw ovKew em Tols TpoKEmevors Sixjors e€ewar avtwu k) eTepos prerapro ow arapamodicTws TS Mpagews ovens TH XixowTl Y TOLS TAP AUTOV OTVLKA EaY aLpwrTaL pera THY wpiopernY aToSoow EK TE THS ZTOTONTLOS K) EK TW pepicOopevov orkoTeOwy K) EK Tov addov vTAapxXoVTwV avTN mavtwv Kabatep ey Sixns n probwors KupLa (2nd hand) Sroroyntis Avookopov pera Kuptov Tov e“atns adehpov Texvovos tov AvooKkopou pewioOoKa Ka 15 [O]os mpoxerrar emt Tov mpoKemmevov Xpovoy avTL TOV TOKOV wy ehaBov apyvpiov Spaxpeov 1. see Oxyrhynchus Papyri, 11. p. 284, where it is noted that such days are especially frequent in first century papyti. SuaKooLwV €LKOOL AS K) aToowrw PETa TOV Xpovov K) evookKw TACL 7, Sroroytis: apparently written Sroronpis, both here and in ato: SeBacrov k(at) Trodepatkov vopioparos : cf, Oxy. Pap. 264, 8, o¢B(aorns) : added above the line. On the jpépar oeBaorai 2, The description of Stotoétis, from vy to #¢, is supplied by another hand. The same hand has written the whole of the next line as far as the first aurns. 3. ape: one expects apiorepa, but it is impossible to read this. The letter before # may be r. avrns: written in duplicate, once by the principal scribe and once by the scribe who has inserted the personal description. 4. pepots: 2. pepos. 5. Tou ev Eppoumrodet .. « HEpeot: this is evidently an early form of the place-description which was ultimately abbreviated into @povpiov ArBds, and note. The phrase implies that Augustus took over the coinage which he found in use among the Ptolemies. This is in accord- ance with the numismatic evidence, which shows that Augustus continued the bronze coinage of the last Ptolemies, and Tiberius, who resumed the coinage of silver, did so by re- issuing the tetradrachms of Ptolemy Auletes, the last of the Ptolemaic series (Poole, Cows of Alexandria, p. xxvili). In BGU. 713, a document of A.D. 41/2, TroNepaixdy vépiopa is specified alone (1. 23); Oxy. Papp. 264 and 271, which are of A.D. 54 and 56 respectively, have the longer phrase, g. voribeade: /. vrotiBerOat, ROMAN PERIOD 137 rlolis mpoyeypappevors Eppatos x) Byoas Mevxnovs eypawa umep avtwv Sia To py edevar avrovs ypappara Xvxous AvorKopou evdokw (1st hand) Kexpnparirras Sia Eppaov tov x) Kopyyhiov tov Xatpnpovos ayopavopou col. 2] (3rd hand) Xuyouros Avooxupiov Lupo tpamel xaupw mEepiAvoly THY NTOKLLEV duaypadynv Kat THY TpOS pE pilwow exTov pepous oKias dia To ameo/xnyeval pe TA ETL avonv LS TiBeprov K\avovov 20 Kairapos SeBaorov Keppavikov AvtoKkpatopos Pappve Ke (4th hand) Avtvypadov Siaypadyns Sa tns Lupov iorix? tpamelns Erous 6 TiPepiov K\avé.ov Kauoapos XeBacrov Leppavixov AvtoKparopos TuBc ekoatye Xtyous AvooKoupioov SXtotoyntios AtooKk® peta KuUplov Tov EavT" ade Iexvow? tov Awook’ akod\ovOus TL avernveypevynr Sia Tov ev EppouvToder ayopavoptov picbwor exTov pepous 73'S OLKLAS KQL avdns apyvplouv Opaxpas dvakooas E€LKOOL . a ly OK (2nd hand) Xtovtontis Atomkopov peTa KUpLoU TOV ELATNS adeddhov Ilexvavos tov AvoaKopou emnkohov0nka TH Tpokeern Siaypady Kk, EX apyupLov Spaxpas Suakoovas euxoa |u ap? { ok akohovOas Ty avavnvuypern Sia Tov ev EppouToder ayopavop.ov pia Owof er] EKTOU PEpOUS oLKLAS K, avdys KafoTe mpoKertar Ld TiBeprov Kiavéiov Kavoapos Ye€Baorov 30 Tepparucov Avtoxpatopos TuBu Kl Eppaios x, Bnoas Mevynous eypawa vrep avTwey dia To py eldevar avTas ypappara col. 3] (3rd hand) Xtyouros Avookuptov Xrorontis AvooKupiov adehoyn Xalply omohoKo ernoKnyeval Ta TOU dua xupos as wpirais enor Kata pilwow ow On dua Tov ev Eppovmo\ eypavoy.ov emt Tw ex{Tw] Pept Tov orKias Ka Kata Siaypadny Ts avTn pilwors Sua THs Svpov tpamelys apyuptov Spaypas Siakocwas ELKOoL ev ever TuBu tov eveotwros § L TluB]epiov 40 Kndavdi.v Karcapos Y TEVTE K Tas oumas Ets EvNap” apak® K xopT® els pev Bpowolw] mpoBa* Ki KoUT" b B Ki €lS Bpwow Boikav xrnvov vy K es KoTnv tas Nol? dopov exao7? G ava apy S is dopetpov v” tns Kp’ ws Tov p.— $ B ats tpocayopev vTep erie patos ‘& 87 [Sox] apraBas wevte ta 8 exGopia atodwoopev Kat eros ev Tw Ilave Kk Ered pnow e€ addyreyyuns Tov pev Tupov ets Tous Sypoc.ovs Onoavpovs to Se apyv plov kK THY KpLOnv ToLs TNS OVTLAaS oLKOVOmoLs K [. . . . Jomer omovd kalz] eros apyvptov dpaX Swdexa L exTov avToKpaTopos Kavoapos [Tpata]vov A[dS]pvavov YeBacrov Pawde 6 6. The place name is apparently not the Ievyy- of Pap. 1239 11. After poperpov some words (beginning with «,) are erased. (above, p. 52). The word which follows may be a’ (=mpérepov). The meaning of »"is not clear. It may be part of the words 8. % %: apparently = tmép mupov. The rent was to be erased, having been overlooked by the corrector. It would be 5 artabas for the land now under light crops preparatory tothe possible to read wy”, but there is no question of a sale. sowing of wheat. 14. orovS(nv): of. Oxy. Papp. tor, 1. 19, 525, 1.7. The pre- pe™ 87 80X: Z.e. perp@ Sypooio Soxixo. On the peérpoy Soxixéy ceding word may be dacoper. see Pap. 1239. 140 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 838.—a.D. 123. ‘HE concluding portion of a lease, with the signatures of the lessees, and, at the foot, what seems to be a specification of the crops and rent. OVT@V mplo|s Oe [ro | yleov jxov ees) oydwou QUTOKPATOPOS KaLOapos Tpatavov Adpiavov XeBacrov Abup y (2nd hand) Tofys K.... vos Kat Tafwryns o «lau... jis Kopyydtov 5 peutcOwpnea Kafws mpoxetrar [E]vday.ov Ko M@vos eyparba VTEP AVTWV LY) LooTwY VPEE Ra Ta (1st hand) pos pov? to ey azrol. .|é 10 8. The end of the line may be are 606. The preceding word is doubtful. It cannot be éve(ards gros), but it may be éva(rov éros). g. €is mopay: a common clerical error for ets omopay. anora*; the writing rather resembles azore”, both here and in l, II, but dordxrov (sc. Popov) seems to be the word required. Gt evs mopav ‘& mup® azora* = pe lal op? Gy as Er aplax arora” — ve tlw|y Se dou Sota yr eth AO 10. Evapy is the term generally used for the sowing of dpaxos and xdpros. The x here is certain; hence, if the restoration is correct, it must be the scribe’s blunder. The letters v might also be read as oa. 12. The last words in the line say be av apy, but the remains cannot easily be reconciled with this. PAPYRUS 839.—a.D. 123. ALE of a cow and calf, at Hermopolis, for 62 drachmas, The papyrus is entire, but has been much injured by rubbing, so that in some places, particularly at the beginning and the end, almost all traces of ink have disappeared, 10 3. The name at the end of the line appears to be written AvovBere”. Apranows Placr]ros . . 8” ab Ep poutro”® avalylpado[jevos] er ap dlo|Sov Bpolup}ov AvBos AvovBe . .” Sapamvos Eppomo* y~ opodoy|o] TETpAKEVval TOL THY UTApXOV cav por Bous typoy xp[o]ua puav Kat vewPndrea amexw Tapa cov Thy cvvTredornper| ny | Tynv apyupiov Spaxpas €€[nKov] ra dvo / apy « EB Kaw [BeBarwow] maon BeBewor L » [avroxparopos] karrapos Tpaavov Adpiavov L this papyrus, as in nos, 1158 and 1298, which follow, we return to the family of Hermaeus (cf pp. 29-32, 117-121 above). This is a deed by which Isidorus son of Hermaeus renounces, in favour of his brothers Herminus and Theognostus, all share in the inheritance of his parents. His father Hermaeus is described as dead, his mother Souerous as surviving. It is agreed that Herminus and Theognostus shall assume full responsibility for the payment of their father’s debts and for the maintenance of their mother. The papyrus is dated the 12th of Mecheir in the 19th year of Septimius Severus, Caracalla and Geta, i.e. two days after the death of the first-named, the news not yet having reached Egypt. The first section of the text (Il. 1-10) is a repetition of the deed in the names of Herminus and Theognostus, written very cursively and with many abbreviations at the top of the papyrus, and countersigned by the banker who effected the transaction; the body of the deed is written, well and formally, in Il. 11-24, and is followed by the signatures of Isidorus and Theognostus. Erouls evveakaSexatov] avroxpatopwov karoaplw|y Aoveiov Lerrystolv] Leovnpov Meptwaxos ApaBixov AdiaByvixov MapOxov Bp[erlavvixov Meyvorov [kat] Map[kolv Avpndtov A[vrlovvov Kau IlovBdtov Lemriucov Tera Bperavyix|_o |v Meytotov EvoeBov SeBactov Mexep 8 Sia [t]Ins ev [Epp lo) plo? tp, Elpper vos 0 Kat Mapos Kat Odoylvwros appol™ E]ppaou] tov Axdews py” Lovepoutos Kaoropos Eppo) To* Amy* Iovdwpw adehdw avrov [ex] ns § [wodews. [eloyn* wap av? Kara th” Tyv Stay, avarro® evs doy? Samaver Tnode” Suay, SpaX oKxtw aa { n Kat eTELOn O MEV KOLWWOS avTov TaTnp Eppa.o[s] eTeheu™ 2. dia rns k.t.A.; for the restoration see Pap. 1158, l. I. 3. auo™: au appears to have been corrected from something else. ROMAN PERIOD 149 5 mz] av? ros y 1 Se pyty[p] ovepovs TepueaTw kat ov Bov* ovberepov [av™] tev yovewy Knpo? opo* pn emepyerOar av” pyde” rap av™ plnd a|\Xous u[™] av? pair] tepe toy Kararepbevtwv vo tov matpos Eppawov mavtwv Ka ovtiwovv Tpo) Kav mpos Tay ev? pnde Tept ToY KataderpOno” vio? py” Lovepovtos opo' add eat av” povev Twv ep. Tov Eppewov tov [k]ac kat Mwpov kat Geoyvworov Ta TavTa emt TOV ael Xpo) TEpt wy efeo™ av” xpac’ Kat oLKO) ws Eay aLp avepmroo.” ovdepias av™ adopuns em” adehp? \irep V4 karahew” emt Tw Kat av’ oa ode o TaTnp Savea nto. Wiorika n Sypoora kat adda mavta amrodiovar Kar THS PHTPOS o}40 [es ro Kae Tov IowWwpov amepiotac” Kar alnpiov Kal amapevor § du* wep] zav7 ws 7po* kat Tpepe av? povous Kat yarilew THY pyTEpa emt tlo rns lo IO ns au” xpo) Kav peradraéy KNOEVELY AU AUTNV KaL arrapev{ ox alu” yewopevos Kat TOU" EVvEKEV (2nd hand) To@ys tpa, cern Suroov (3rd hand) Iovdwpos Eppatov tov Axiddews pytpos Xovepovtos Kaaropos Eppoto* avayp) em Ilohews Amy ErnxodovOnka tyde Ty Sialy]p, Ka exxov Tapa Eppewov tov Kat Mwpov kar Gcoyywarov apdotepwv adehdwv pov TwV avTwV yovewv avaypapopevwy em. tov S$ apdodov avatoSorous es hoyov Satavev thade THs Siaypadyns Spaxpas oxtw / ¢ Kat emelon oO MEV Kowvos nw tatnp Eppa.os ereheuTnoev ef yew Tos Tpior n Se pyTNP Lovepous TepieaTw Kat ov Bovdopevos ovd? erEpov aUT@V TwV yovewy Knpovopew 15 Oporoyw pn emepyerOar vmew pyde Tors Tap vwy pyde Tous vTEp EMoU pNTE TEPL Tw KkataherpOevTwv vio Tov TaTpos Eppawov mavrwv xa0 ovtiwovv Tpotov Kat mpos av edos pyde wept Tov KataherpOnoopevar vTo THS MyNTpos LovepouTos OmoLws add Eval VuwY povav Tw TEpL TOV Eppewov Tov Kat Mwpov kat Oeoyvwtov ta mavTa em. Tov ae xpolvov]| Epi wy e€eoTat avtous xpacOar Kal OLKOVOMELY ws EaY alpwrYTaL avEeuTOoLTTWS OVdELLAs pol adopyns €T QUTOUS TEPL aVTwWY KaTa Neuvropevyns emt TW Kal avToUS Oca oeteL Oo TaTNp Saveta yTOL iOiwriKa y Sypwooia Kat adda " qTavra amodiovar Kat THS pNTpPOS 20 ofolws Els TO Kame aTEpLoTaTOY Kat alnuloy KaL amapevoydAnTov yever Oar TEpL TaYTwWY ws mpo” Kau Tpepetv avTovs feovous Kav iparilew tyv pytepa emu Tov Tns Cwns avtyns yxpovov Kay petahhakyn Kndeveu QUTOUS aUTHV aTapevox\nTos yetvomevos Kau TouTwy evexev L LO avtoKpatopwr Kaioapwrv AovKiov LerTystov Seovnpov Meptwa- Kos ApaBiKov Ad.aByviKov Tlap@tkov Bperavyixov Meyiotov kav Mapkou Avpy\tov Avravivov Kar TlovBd\.ov Lem ipov Teta Bperavyixwv Meyiotov 5. ew av": 2.¢. em adrois KAnpovopas. Cf. 935, 1. 7 (p. 30), 940, 8. mep J: sc. rept abrav. 1. 10 ff. (p. 118). 23. The name of Geta has been struck out in this line but not 7. kat appears to have been repeated by mistake. in line 2, 156 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI EvoeBov YeBaotwv Mexerp 18 (4th hand) Ioidwpos Eppatov ovk evkadw ovd evkaderw ws TT POKELTQAL 25 (5th hand) @coyrworos Eppacov amapevox\ytov GE TOLNTwW wS TpPOKITaL KaL eypaia viEp Tov adeddov pov Tl TOLS AUTOLS My ELOOTOS ypapypaTa PAPYRUS 938.—a.p. 225. HE latter part of an application for a lease. The names of the parties and of the locality are lost; but certain indications (see 1. 9) point to Hermopolis as the place, and the date suits the Hermaeéus group of documents. The existing portion of the document contains particulars as to the crops to be sown on the land, and the amount and manner of payment of the rent. €lg OTOpay mupov Kat P POU aCe! |ua™ expoptov amotak[Tov mupov] [apraBlas SexamrevTe KQL apy[vptou| [Spay Juas e€nkovtTa as Kal a{ 7708 Jorw 5 [Kae pletpnow tw Lav pyfv] to pev [apyv]pvov Soxipov apeorov [voy ]irev OJLEV |OV TOV de TUPOV eT OW ELS pe pov peTpy [rov Syluocrov Ona TpoTyn [meTpnoer] [wia|y Soxyikw avrTe pas A[@nvatjou IO [kau €7TOLO Ww Let |pnow KkaBapaly €|us [o}vona Gov TWV dynpoo{ tov TS YS [kau ETELMEPLOUW@V TAVTMV OVT@V [z]pos oe tyv yeovyov L € avr[ox|paropos [k]lavoapos Mapxov AvpnXtov Leo[v}npov 15 Ade€avdpov EvoeBous Evrvyous YeBaorov Pawdu is 5. To pev: the v of ev is clear, but pe, if that is the correct reading, is so written as to form only one sign, resembling y or Ae. This line extends further than some of the others. 6. apecrov: this confirms Grenfell and Hunt’s suggested emendation of Amh. Pap. 89, |. 9, where the papyrus has Soxtpov aptoroyv, The third member of the phrase as it stands here is new; its restoration is due to Grenfell. 8. mporn perpnoer: cf. Amh. Pap. 88, 1. 25. Q. pray Ooxtkw avte pas A@nvaiov; sc, pérpo. Cf Amh. Pap. 87, 1. 21, and the editors’ note. The use of the pérpov doyixdy points to Hermopolis as the region to which this document relates. ROMAN PERIOD = ASE PAPYRUS 1158.—a.D. 226-227. ALE by Aurelius Herminus to his brother, Aurelius Theognostus, of half of a two- thirds share, z.¢. a third of the whole, in a house and appurtenances in the Western quarter of the Fort at Hermopolis, The buyer already possesses the other half of the same two-thirds share. The boundaries of the property are specified. For the sale by Aurelius Theognostus to his sister, Aurelia Dioscorous, of a third share of what is no doubt the same house, see Pap. 1298, which follows. The latter sale was in A.D. 231, sO that the share in question may be the same which is here purchased from Aurelius Herminus. As in Pap. 932 above, the first part of the document is a summary of the deed in the name of the purchaser and signed by the banker, giving the whole substance of the contract verbally, but without specifying the boundaries, &c., and being written with many abbreviations and in a less formal hand. To the left of the main document is affixed another sheet of papyrus, verso uppermost, on which are a few lines of writing. They are hopelessly defaced, but contain the names Avwoxopovrt, 7.e. the sister of Herminus and Theognostus, and Iuwov7wyvos, z.e. her legal representative in Pap. 1298. It cannot, therefore, be a docket of the contents of this document, but may possibly relate to the subsequent sale. Etovs exTov avtoKpatopos Kkavaapos Mapkov Avpn).ov Leounpov Ahe€avdpov EvaeBovs Evrvyxous SeBaorov Tui fl Suayp) dt tys ev Eppouzo* po® rp) Avpn* Ocoyvela|ros o Kat Mwpos Eppatov tov kat Iafwrov Ayidews pn? LovepouTos Eppomo*® Tlo* Amy* Avpy* Eppive ta Kat Mapw ade twv § yovea[v] tov § apdod"! zerpa* au” TO vTap au’ & pepos Suporpov phepous O €OTLV y’ peEpos ohokAnpov ou* Kat av* Kat avy mav™ ev Eppouro*® ext Ppovpiov AiBos Kara pero tov a { pepous Tou i 0) PEpous Tov @vov! Tt apyupiov Spaxpov Tpiax|o |ovwy a. apy avrokpatopos Kawrapos Mapkou Avpy\iov Seovnpov Ade€avdpou EvaeBous Evtvxous YeBacrov ASpiavov te (4th hand) A[vp]ndtos Eppivos o kat Mapos Eppatou tov Kat Tlafwrov TET Paka KaL arexxov Thy TyNY Kat BeBarwow ws Tpoxi7[ a}. Avpytos Avovyovos Sapamwvios] eyparba viep avTov pn loTos ypappara (5th hand) Aupy Apewos 0 K Adpoderios eyu®. ... F TE ay’ Tou . p [ |. . 8pax tpraxfoowr] e l mev7[ eka |.oeKa 15. emtreymou: 7, emreipoy. under the later Ptolemies. For the second century no evidence 18. eyxux(Auov) : see above, introd. to Pap. 1201 (p. 4). The is at present published, but Grenfell and Hunt state that the rate is apparently 5 per cent. (15 dr. on a sum of 300 dr.). Tebtunis papyri of that period show that the rate was still When Wilcken published his Griechtsche Ostraka, nothing was Io per cent, The present document appears to show that known as to the rate of this tax in Roman times (ci I. 184). early in the third century it was 5 per cent. It is unfortunate Several Oxyrhynchus papyri (nos. 99, 242, 333) Show that in the that the line containing the record of it is mutilated. first century (down at least to A.D. 89) it was Io per cent., as PAPYRUS 1298.—a.D, 231. HE series of sales of fractions of what is evidently a single house between members of the same family is here continued, and, so far as our present knowledge extends, concluded, by the sale by Theognostus to his sister Dioscorous of a third share in this house. As observed in the introduction to Pap. 1158, this may well be the portion which Theognostus bought in 227 from Herminus. Evidence of the present sale has already been before us in Pap. 945 (p. 120), which is the affidavit of Dioscorous to the BuBdiodvrakes éyxtioewv, asking for the registration of her purchase, The present document is incomplete, containing only the banker’s summary of the contents of the actual contract; but, as appears ROMAN PERIOD 153 from Papp. 932 and 1158, such summaries give the whole substance of the contract, except the specification of the boundaries. Erous Sex[arolv avroxparopos Kawcapos Mapxov Av[pydtJov Seovnplolu Adefavdpov Evo[eBous] Evrvyous SeBactov Mecopy [. . Sijayp, Sia ts ev Eppoumo* plo? tp, Ajupy* Avookopous Eppao[v rov] kat Mafwrov Axihdrews pytpos [Zovelpovros Eppolzo* To” Atn*| ov[umaporos avrn Avpy* Iwovrw[vos tov kale Kompeov amo 7ys auras mlohews adleddw avtns Aupy* Gcoywore tle Kat Mopw tov avroly yovewly azo rns avtys 70% Tov [avrov] apdodov mexpa* av™ [a}ro tys valalpxovons avrw [od]o[K*] oux[uas Kat] avdys Kav ovvKvpovray Klar xpyoTnplov Kat avyKovtwy mlavtwv Kk jax eurodav kat e€oSwv [ev Eppou]ro* ens Ppovpiov ArBos tplitov pelpos tov ohwy oxomedlwy ti} apyuptov Spaxpev TpiaKkociwy ZZ apy St avfrof [areo*] alapa Ts wpovpern[s Klara ryvde tyv [Siayp, Kar] ewvae wepe [aluTny Kav Tous aap avtns| mv tov Tmempapevov ws t[poxerrac] y) pepovs Twv orKoTedlwv Kupleav Kae Kplarn low xpelmevolus Kat oux[ovopJouvtas mept avtov [kaO ov] eav atpwr[rae zp) azo] 5 lov vey emt To amavta x[plovoy emu rats [vmo* y Kar Shactoas macais KaL errep[ wr? apo |hoy— a (2nd hand) Avp/ App[@vclos tp, vea)~ PAPYRUS 954.—a. D. 260. PPLICATION for a lease for five years of a piece of open ground in Hermopolis at a yearly rent of 40 drachmas. The measurements of the ground are given, and the applicant guarantees to restore it unimpaired at the end of the term. The papyrus is some- what mutilated, particularly at the beginning and end. Avpn\[itjo Of Tow | Kat Evdayor[e Eppotro* [ mapa Avpyhias Eppilo}{ys 5 Sa tov warplos] av™ S[wrnpols [evap] xov Bovdevtov ap€avro[s . .}r7[.. . «| wv Tohews Bovdoplar] exovlorw|s picbwcacbat Tapa cov em ern [zelyre amo Tov ovTos pynvos Xowak Tolv evlecta 10 Tos a S* yuror Torov ov perpa [volrov ext Boppa wrx ]ov e€ wareo7[wly Sdvo Ba ex arnwwrtnv o[k]rw ev E[p]nov Toner er apdodov Ppovpiov [Amy] ex \iBos pos Tw voTw Ts otk[L]as 6. The remains after apfavros do not suit Epporohirav. Korri- hence the division of the word appears to have been irregular. tov would do, but would make a short line. There is a small 7. A letter seems to have been written after the s of exovgiws. lacuna at the beginning of 1. 7, but not enough to hold az, It may be simply a mark to fill up the line. III. x 154 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 15 mpos xpnow [e]lvorxifov] exacz[ov] eve avtov dpaxpwv texoepakov7[a|] acmep aTodwow oo. Kat eTos avumle|pbe TWS Kal akoiavTws emu TeXer O[E] TOU TEVTAETOVS Ypovov Tapadlwow) colt} 20 tov torov [ws] waper[n|oa Klar epo| ™mOeaca dua Tov matpos w@podolyno ja L a% avrokpatopwv kalocaplov Tir lov Pravifolv lovvov Max[phavov x[ar] Trro[v] Povrovov lovdiov Kuyz[ou Evoe]Bo[v} 25 Evrvyev Y ]aBerviov [Tov Kat . . .|raduews Bor[A]evrov Avtwoewr TovpBave Azohwriov lov Kat Ap|uwriov YeBacrew Tw Kat AvooKouplw TwY LEpoviKwY Kal ate Lov] amerynnevar tov TovpBava rapa tov mpoxepevov lepa [kwwvo|s Tov Kar APyvodapov nv ocuvepwrnoer mpos avtov TiYuny [wv mlempaxev Tors mpoketpevois avTov viols GiTHGEwWY SvO VTOKEL Hever ous evixnoev [ely tn AvtivoovToha avdperv tvypny Tov [yelyalwv Avtwoew|y] tw Te TpwTw TpiakogTw ere. Oeov Koppodov Kav To e€ns Sevtepw [T]piaxoorw erer iepwv aywvov Tor peyadov Alvr|woewy apyvpiov Spaxpas yeas ~~ apyupiov ¢ & akohovbas T@ YEVOMEVWM TNS TPATEWS dua TOV €7l TOTWV apXelov 22. ets ro Sypoctoy: 7. Kat ets To 8. 30. Sarapion seems to have written for both parties, since both subscriptions are in the same hand. (2) A plainly written document, except that it is badly rubbed down the left-hand edge. Its contents are rather curious, as they show that an athlete, who had gained the privilege of being supported at the public expense (oirnois) by his victories in the great games, could transfer this privilege to another. Here Turbon, having twice been victorious as a boxer in the Antinoeia, is able to sell the right of airnots to two youths, for whom their father buys it for 1000 drachmae. The father is a member of the Senate of Antinoopolis, 8. ... Tadtews: the first part of the word has been miswritten and corrected. The letter before r appears to be a or u. Q. Tov tepouxov: in CIG. 4683, 1. 4, mention is made of a certain Sarapion as ray ¢€ ’Avrivéou iepor[ix]av (to be restored SO, apparently, not ieporoi@v). Cf. Pap. 1179, 1. 21 (p. 145). 166 to on (4) CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Sypoow ypypatiopa eb ots mepteyer Suxators mace (2nd hand) TovpBwv Azod\w [viov S}eBacrios o Kav Avorkovp[io|s ameayov Tapa lepaxiwvos tov Kat APnvodwplolv tas Ts [yun |s wy mempake ToLs TPOKEYLEVOLS aVTOV VioLs GELTNTEWY DVO UTTOKELMEVwY OLS EVLKNTG aoTedavois wy ov xpovor kar Ta alo |knuara mpoKewTar apyvpiov Spaxpas xeldvas _ apy < @ Kat evdoxw act ws tpoxertat Prravtwoos o Kar Opiov yep ATodwapr’ SaB of Ap* eypaba urep avtov dackovtos py eldevar ypappata Kat Tapaveyvev QaUT@ THD lalurnv aodadevay ws mepieyet (3rd hand) Apaahos Neperwwvos Nepoviavios o Kau IIpovatopios paprupw (4th hand) Hpauos of Mapxiavos Hpa YeBaorwos o* Katoaptos Haptupo (5th hand) Byoapiwy Avookopov Xe® of Atoo* pap™ (6th hand) Iepaxwwyv o Kae AO@nvodwpos Bovhevrns Avtwoewv eEwdiaca tas Ths TYywns Spaypas xeLdLas ws) KO @idavtwoov Erovs Kk’ avtoxpatopos Kavcapos Mapxov Avpydiov Avrwrivov LapOux[ov] Meyeorov Bpevta- viukov] Meyiorov EvoeBlovs SeBacrov pyvos Havypov] Pappovbe KO Sua zs AvovBiwvos Appwviov Maridiov tov Kat Kaddurexviov ev AvtivoovTohe Xpynpeatiotikns Tpatelns Pilavrwoos Anpntpras Appovr] ov A@nvatevs 0 Kar Sahapewios Eppa Iowdwpov tov IowWwpov YeBlac|riw tw kat Hpakdew omodoyet dua Thod[e ™|\s [Suaypadys Tapakexwpy | 5 Kevat Tw Eppa azo tov vuv eis To TavTehes Kupiws Kat avadatpeTws Kat [a|ueravontws To KatahepOlev vio Tov Kata Tatepa aveov Iodwpov] Bynoapiwvos tov Kacropos Tpaiaviov tov kat Nuxndopiov arexvov kat adiaferou pern\daxoros tp[utov pepos] ouxias Kae afv]\yns Kav xpylornpiov | KaL OUVKUPOVTOY Kal aVnKOVT@Y TaYTaV KaL ELcodwy Kat efodwv Ev TH Y yp) ThW® La THS Avti_voov] amoyeypapper[wr] er avrov es Tv] mpos To LS Kar okay amoypadn Kata petoynv Tov dourov Siorpov pepous KAypolvop lov Apwviov Tiontimvos avO wy mpodeperar o Eppilas oderer Oar av] Tw vTo Tov avrov IoiWwpov Bnoapiwvos Kata Surcov xipoypadov emi TOU EKKaLOEKaTOU ETOUS ms evtulyleorarns tavtns avtoKp[ato |pias [AeA aov] 10 @®awdu evkados Kedadatov Spaxpov Sicyrerkiwv Kat ToKwy [alvrwv To Kal ov Tapa Tw av’TH Eppua evs emidiEew ev de ov yitoves Ts [orcas] Kat av\ys votov IoiWwpov overpavov Boppa Eppiov amnwwrov Ackahadov Kat athov hiBos puun Sypoota [n] ov cay wow yitoves mavrobev [tnv de 7a] paxwpnow TeTounTar o PiiavTwoos Tw Eppia Tov mpokeyevou TPiTOV PEPOUS TNS OLKLAS KAL avdns Kat xpyloT|npiwy mavtwy ovdevos avr[urou] noapevos Tw Tov IoBwpov Kat ovdemiav tpohacw Kar wy emehevoerOar Tov Eppiav pnde Tous Tap avTov pyd ahdous vmEep avtov Tw DilavTivow] pnoe Tos Tap avTov TEpL noTWoaovv odidkys ovopaTL TOV auUTOV Iodwpov pnde mepu addov Twos athws evypadov n aypadhov pnde pny tov] 22. Piravrwoos «.7..: Cf. f, ll. 37, 38, and 4, 1. 27. 8. aroypaghn: 2. aroypapyv. This is the census of A.D. 201/2. (£) This, the last, column measures 1 ft. 33 in. in width, and mpopepera kt.A.: Cf 1. 21. It is doubtful if there would has lost at least an inch at the right-hand end (more in the case have been room for ddeiAec@at here, and it may have been of the first four lines). It is composed of two koAAnpata, of omitted by mistake. 74 and 9(?) inches. It is well and clearly written, except where 10. «: 2, «ot, 6¢is apparently corrected from 67. it has suffered from rubbing. T5 25 ROMAN PERIOD 167 @iravrwoov pyde Tovs Tap avrov pd ahdovs vmep avtov Tw Eppwa pnde Tos Tap avTov mepe pnderfols THISE THS Tapaxwpnoews [ov mpoxer] pevov TpliTov pEpous TNS oLKLasS KaL aviys KaL YpnOTHpLaY TavTwV ahha Kat evteviley evs TO mavredes [k]parew avtov Kar Tovs Tap avz[ov Tov] [rov rou] pepous ett de Kau SuoKew Kar emiTehew TEpL avTOU ws Eay aiplw|yra avewTodurTws Kal TaVTA TOV emehevTopEvoy ovopate Tov avtov [Puravrwoov] [aroot|now avtov PiiavTwoov Tapaxpnpa idvatg avTov SaTavais xwpls Tov KUpLay Kat BeBaav war tyvde HV Tapaxwpynow evs Tov aleL xpovov | age 4 es JeBrynra Se Sia Thode [t]ns Svaypadys vTep avawpatwy apyuptov Spaxpas dwoexa (2nd hand) ®ivavtwoos Anpytpias Appoviov AOnvasevs [0 kar Yaraperre] os mapexopnoa To Eppea I[o}idwpov zo katahepbev vio [Toly Kata matepa pov aveiserou IowWepov Byoapiwvos [p]epos tpirov tys TpoKimevns ovxilas Kau avins | kau xpnoTnpiav tavtwv ar[O] wv mpodeperar odriea ar [alurw vro Tov avtov Iowwpov Kata xeipoypadov S[plaxpeav Surxerkerwv Ka ToKwv alvTwy To Ka | ov map avtw es] eredeéi[y] ev xpia yevouro Kat evdokw x[at] weopar Tace tows mpoKeipe- vos Amoh\Nwvios BapBiddov Nepouiavetos o KE Teveapyetos | eypaiba vmep avtov To copa THs vmoypadys ‘avtov voteplo|y vmoypadovTos Bpadews (3rd hand) PIAANTIN[OJOC AHMHTPIAC EYA[OKW] TTAC] WC TIPOKITAI (4th hand) Eppuas Iowdwpov YeBaorios o Kat Hpakhvos Kav ws xpi evdoxw Tm «is ene yeypapplevn] Tapaxopnoe [vtlo Piavtwooly av7e dpaxpov] Sicxewv Kat ToKwY avtwv Kata Sircov xeipoypadov o Kat exw Tap EuavTw ets emdreew el xpeva yevouto kau euf. Je. . . w]ee]Po[par ros] mpokeyrevors (5th hand) Apzahos Nepeciwvos Nepovavios o Kat Ipomatopios aveyvwy Tw Diravtiwow [t]nv twpoxemlerny aodadrevay ws meprexer] (6th hand) Hpakdevos Hpakderov Nepoviavios 0 kav Eorievs paptupw (7th hand) ®rav7e- voos o kat Op wr] yep Amodwapiov LaBeuios o kav Ap* paprupw (8th hand) Iodwpos Mapuov Mal avleorws T... 6 ...5S 0 Kae... 6 pap’ (gth hand) @iravtwoos o kau M... LaBuvios o Kat Tpvpovevs paptup|w . The second letter may be p, qu. mpooBeBAntra? 28. SaBiwws: the reading is a little uncertain, but the deme- . Teveapxetos: see Oxyrhynchus Papyrz, vol. Ill], p. 163, name Tpvdoveuvs appears to be the Tpopwmedis of 4, 1.6. The writing is very rough. . For the supplement cf z, ll. 23, 24. 6. Receipts. PAPYRUS 8g0.—.B. c. 6. ECEIPT for the payment of 60 drachmas, residue of the price of five cows. No locality is named, and the parties are not described, nor is the total amount of the price specified. The money is paid through the private bank of Hermaeus. There was in Arsinoe, as we learn 168 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI from Rain. Corp. CCXXX, a bank [m\]yolov 70d ‘Eppaiov; and possibly ‘Eppatov in the present papyrus is the genitive of ‘Eppatov, not “Epuatos. But the Rainer papyrus is over a century later and can hardly be used as evidence. The present receipt is couched in the same form as in Pap. 1164 above (4, d, g, 7), the body of the document being a statement of the payment addressed by the debtor to the creditor, to which the creditor appends his autograph receipt ; and it has no principal verb. Compare also for the form B. M. Pap. 332 and Rain. Corp. XIV; and see Gradenwitz, Einfiihrung in die Papyruskunde, p. 139 ff. avrypadov Siaypadys dua Tys Eppatov LotwTiKyns Tpamelys Erovs xd Kaurap* TuBi Ké Ato\\wrios Epptov Hpak\nwo Zyvevos es avaTt\np\o/ow 5 tins Bowy we\v/te wy Tpis Tupat k, Nekar Svo Tas dowras apy” Spay ex€nkovTa if tb é (2nd hand) Hpakdys Zyvevos emnkohdovOnka ty TpoKer pevn) Siaypadyn Kau exo els TupTnpwow 10 Tynv Bowy mevte wy Tpis Tupar Kat dvo Nevkar Tas AvTas apyvpiov Spaypas eEnxovta / <— € Kxafotu mpokeitar L Kd Katoapos TuBu Ke Endorsed : Suaypadn mpacews Cevywy .. . apy <— 4 4. HpaxAnw: this person signs himself HpaxAns; the termina- 6. Aexar: 2. NevKat. tion here is doubtful. PAPYRUS 8g92.—a.D. 16. F the interpretation of lines 7 and 8 given in the note is correct, this is a receipt for rent in the form of hay, to the value of 1000 drachmas. No locality is specified. The beginnings of the first few lines have been rubbed, and almost all traces of the ink have disappeared from the first half of lines 1 and 2. Jods anf Jou Kat ToL al dedau ?| ai al rex jou Tap VLwWV as wpirerar prior Earl 5 npepau amo oyou ano Tov] yernpatos BL TiBepiov [Kavo-apos] ROMAN PERIOD 169 S . 4. There is room for more than Tapé@tcov Meywrov in the lacuna, but in November, A.D. 171, Marcus Aurelius had not yet assumed the title of Germanicus, so that the line was probably a short one. 9. 'uvaikov Nnoov (Grenfell and Hunt): near Socnopaei Nesus, cf Wessely, Zopographie, p. 56. The letter after r might be. II. yovatc: or [Ilaovn]rt, the description of personal marks being omitted, and the age of Pacysis written in words; but the slight traces before r: suit a rather better than ». 20. xa opodoy(e)tay goes with aperdev, not with emt kAnpovopo. 22, 23. nv Kat hnow is perhaps possible, but does not suit the remains very well. Ze 172 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI .. . tle|purerrwxevar axvpals] ovens Kat TavT. Tw eEmipepo[r] 25 TL kat pydev Tov opohoyor[y] Ta eyKahew mepe [wr almrexer ws mplo|kirau evypamtou 7 aypadov mpaypatos amo Tay eumplo|o fev ypovev pexpt Tys eveo[ro| 30 Ons NMEpas TPOTTW pndevt €av Se ris ewedOn ew avtw ax|vpor] avtov amogTy oe | PAPYRUS 920.—a.p. 176. | Noa ce from Horion son of Onnophris, apparently a priest (the reading in lines 3-4 is doubtful) of Suchus, for the rent of a garden, from the month of Pachon, 175, to that of Pharmuthi, 176. The papyrus is somewhat mutilated, and is so badly written that decipher- ment is difficult. The curious division of words in lines 6 and 11 should be noted. Opos Exrepexhap ... - Qpiwv Ovvedpwos z[ov] Kat Xapynpovos [a ]rod eaTys Lovxov Geov 5 peyahouv peyad{o]u Kat Tov ovvvawy O ew Kat [ws] xpnwa rela Hpwver Xela Tpytx$w°p 10 7 xaLpev amex TO. pa cov tov dopwy zo] v Kntou vutep [Tov mevrekal|u|oexarou € TOUS Kal aTEXW UTEP 15 dopov tov Oyoapo[v] amo Ilaywy tov L TETEKALOEKATOU expe. Dappovls Bev tov exkaideKa 1, 2. The verbs in Il. 8, 10,14 are singular, but two persons croktatns of Socnopaei Nesus (z.e. of the god Suchus) see BGU. seem to be named here. B21, 322. 3. [c]rodcorns: the letter before od looks more like part of 15. Oycapov: sc. Onoavpod. a r than a 7, but croduorns is the only word which suggests itself 19. Oe: repeated by inadvertence, which is at all reconcileable with the remains, For a éepevs kat ROMAN PERIOD 173 20 Tov erous L Us Av\nptov Avrov[ov] Kaicapos Tov Ku[ptov | P[ a |ppovber ul PAPYRUS 1210.—A. D. 264. ECEIPT for various amounts of wine, acknowledged by Aur. Maximus in a letter to his father, Aur. Heroninus. It is dated in Phaophi, Athyr, and Choiach of the 12th year, and the writing is plainly of the third century. There need therefore be no doubt that it belongs to the correspondence of Heroninus which has been described above in connexion with Pap. 1226 (p. 103). The 12th year here can only be that of Gallienus ; and that this (with the interpolated rule of Macrianus and Quietus) is the reign to which the Heroninus-papyri as a group must be referred has been proved (since p. 103 was printed off) by Breccia (Bull. de la société archéol. a’ A lexandrie, vol. i, fasc. 3, 1905, p. 136) and Wessely (Anzeiger d. phil.-hist. Klasse d. Akad. tn Wien, 1906, no. 8), from papyri in their possession in which the names of the emperors are given. See also the still more recent note of Vitelli in the ‘Aggiunte e Correzioni’ to his Pagzr7 Fiorentini (Papiri Greco-Egizit, vol. i), p. ix. Avpy\wos Maguos dia y/ Avtwviov Pio€evou Aupy\io Hpeviwwe To To TPL XALpELy 5 mapeNalBov afro] yernparoly] rev evxnuover yen [18 S] owov ax” xia evvaKoola ye ax” ap L uBS*% dawdu § ABup/ 10 oporws AOvp KO/ dia Kape hwv owov apiOpw amo povoxwpa Siakocia e&nKov Ta €& ae ay” rte Xow a/ opowws diva Kapilov 15 owov ama povoyapa SiaKo gia texoapakovta Sv0 ~~ ax” =yB 8/ opowws Sia Kapiiwv owov ama povoywpa Siakoow TeroapaKov qa] teaoapa ~~ ax” Spd 5. yevnuaray suits the remains rather better than yevnyaros. 1226, 1. 7 (p. 103), and for an estimate of its size see below, 6. evoxnpover : cf. Vitelli, Pap. Fior. 16, note on 1,20, The Pap. 1170 verso, note on 1. 174. complimentary epithet appears first in the third century. 9. fi kai, 7, ax”: this stands for povoxwpa (see 1.12), See note on Pap. 174 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 7. Loans. PAPYRUS 1273.—a. D. 209. MUTILATED acknowledgement of a loan of 593 drachmas, interesting chiefly for the illiterate mis-spellings with which it abounds. Jar exw tw Tabnov rapa Tatos Nexrvngus [Sia] xwpus ex€ vKov apkupiov emuonpou Kaipade [ov volutcparous Spaypyas Tevtakwo.as evvernxwrta Spis Swkw ws ek Spaxyn pia 5 tpwwBodrloly tn pva Tav pnva exac[tlwoy as Kau aTwTwowpev Eexnvi Meynp Tov eio.wyTos exkaite[ka|rov erevs TyBeprov Katojapo|s SeBac [tov] kat ora[y Bov]\v walp} enov dal Bip Kabols Klar tpoxe ypamtar Eper{s] Ep[elev[s .Juow .... mpwxei{re 10 [. . .Jenwy Eptevs ylalvypada urep avtwy dia [ro] pue ulrevau alvjrovs ypapara (2nd hand) [. .}ravos [Ne]lxzvnd[us] Setar xa] apyvpiov Spaxplas] wevta [xo]oeas tp[tlaxovra [zp]is kafws mpoyurale €lypaev [urlep avz[ov] Nepon. [. .]prwvor dia pn emforacbal. ar[rov] ypa 15 ppara (3rd hand) Ero[us] fe Te]Bepiov K[a}ioap[o]s S[eBacrov] 12, 13. mevrakoc(e)ias Tptaxovra tps: in]. 3 the amount of the ment of the amount of the loan is correct. loan is given as 593 drachmas. The whole document so 14. extoracGa : it is doubtful if there is room for this, but the abounds with mistakes that it is impossible to say which state- writing is much compressed here. PAPYRUS 939.—aA.D. 225. LOAN of 64 drachmas in Hermopolis. The papyrus is mutilated in places, but the writing is as a rule clear. It belongs to the collection of papers relating to the family of Hermaeus, the lender being Aurelius Theognostus. [Avpy\.os] Kompeas Evdatmovos pn tpos [Ann ?|rpias Eppomo* avayp) emu TI[o* Azy* w|s L py ov apa youu 3. Amn’: Aurelius Copreas occurs in Papp. 943 and 945 as__ is described as dvaypahopevns em dudddov Td\ews “Amndtwrod, the kvpios of Aurelia Dioscorous, sister of the Aurelius Theognostus reading Amn here seems fairly certain, who appears in the present document ; and as in Pap. 945 she ROMAN PERIOD 175 SeE[’ Kau opp]yy Seg’ o[p]0arpov Avpy 5 Aw Odoy|vworw to Kat Mapw Eppasov amo tns [§ ] 7o* xaupew oporoyw exX7 Kevat Tapa] cov dua xELpos e€ olKov xpnolly «lyroxov dpaxpvasov Kepadat ov Ke....-Jov apy S fa|kovra teaoa IO pas a apy S$ €5 a[s] Kau aToowrw cou Tw Mexerp pnve [tov evertwTos e S Avpyd{ujov Leounpov [Ad ]eEavdpou Kawoapos [tlov xupiov [a ]vurepberws yewopuevns ool 77S m[pa|fews ex TE 15 eu“ov Kk) EK TOV urapy[ovtlay [pol may tov kabarep ex Sins [Kae exeputn bets | wporoynoa L € [avtoKparlopos kavrapos Mapkov Avp|n\ov Leov |npov [A]\ — 6 Ered nuepov Kl at arpovoa [<] Ay — 8] Mecopn — O Tavn — @ Ilavw <\o — @ Evad — O A ws tov [e]vos of 6 08 um $e Em TO vr <5 IIlavve opowws amo a ews il ws ™ms npepas Bon > ava ofo* 8 ou cuvay? Bor pB oBo* vn a Evayyekw oyxor[y ]tor)o* TYLNS KOpparT® Kat CevKTNpLwy KaL ToL viov capxwov |<] p Tau

§ IItokeparw Itrokeparov Evdotwdrn Tins év* ouKapuri[v” | Els EKKUTLS K) ap7ro7 pnX Kaotehiov Adoous

—pPS Mapeww Iwonrov év* axar® [es p}yX Kur? 200 avedaly] y

. , vome” Kar K){ \\ : SERALITIISLO bie ea aTac” Colors] Kpnvns peg|. .]av mowovort Ta KOAANTIKA Epya . . Kal ano wt... Kkal nuepay exaoTny tas [av]ras Kpnvas 285 KaoTe\hwv Wovtav ano] pnvos Iay[” . elws Kavoaperov Enay?’ (= tLo |v EVEOTWTOS Is L Tpatavov Kawcap[o]s TOU KUPLOU Tov ev Tahat TpoTeAovpEevwY avTOLS ... ETEPH . ? SK 286. eveotwros: a mistake for dteAnAvOoros, 290 295 300 305 Col. 14] 310 315 325 ROMAN PERIOD 189 ro emiBa* & Sipoip® pep? <7 [ws zhys py — fC <6] © e{s] SifaxodA}nody kJaldav yalr\* py® y .... Tyuys . . ep” Kk, tour” < £5 duw tov emt tof .. au... § CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI €oTL O€ An[ewaros Aouroyp) Kk] : [25 lines hopelessly coletcd] Teptyxamatilor|tes Kat] moti’ ev KXnp) Kvap@vos [epy] p 300 oti’ ev Kdnp) i ; Epy fy moti’ ev kKdyp) Ku[rovs] [epy] Ka mort’ ev z[a] peyaro [Spu]uo [ely KB motil’ ev xh np)| : : ex. np’ 8 moTil’ ev khr[ph : epy Kl 305 vumocyx’ ev K\np) Tov T/ epy @ oot vToayx’ ev KAyp) Toly T/] epy t Ag omot uToayx’ ev TH Krynoeu epy if) pera tov tavpixov [epy] 5 em nu’ KB exixomTav ev Kd[n|p, [Ku]rous emu nu’ € ply € Col. 8.] 310 ° . [eply Ke ev : : A[iwv vios K]laros epy B Hpas Movyias epy ta avOpal[moul|s tous ev Kher... Hparos te[k]rovos epy 315 tous alv|r[ov]s avOpwrovs Xpeparfos] py = Ol 7POKEL olvov omot ed : : TOU . peovox” ; : 320 [Opiwjw KiBav a povox”® a ,. + appove tpo[o|raz[n] Fickle 2 > opot povoy® a 325 - povoyx® B [Sw]ras vios Audd\as a povoy[”] = Ka opot polvoy”] B - povoy® > 299. Kvapwvos: there is a space large enough for two letters between K and v. There is, however, no trace of writing, and as the ink in the lines above and below this is quite clear at this point in the papyrus, it seems certain that nothing has been written. Kvaywvos is therefore probably the right extension of the abbreviation Kva which occurs so frequently (see col. 1 above and col. 11 below). 304. Before epy, two or three letters have been struck out. so Hunt, referring to Amh. Pap. 91, 1. 11, 305. umocx(tfovres) : 1, 3, where imooxtopds (= ploughing) and Fayum Pap. 112, occurs among other operations of agriculture. In this line and the next, two or three letters have been struck out after «Anp). The first deleted letter in this line is clearly 6; and probably dpu has been written in both cases. 307. Krnoet: it is not clear whether this is a proper name or not, but it occurs repeatedly as an indication of place. 317. Before ot mpoxet, two letters have been struck out. The o seems also to be struck out, but this is probably due to inadvertence. ROMAN PERIOD 201 330 ov tpooraTyn a povoyx” = Harar) Bovr{olw B plovol a im opot plovo]ly” a 335 povox® [B] Tle . pou) rpolorarn] > povox® 5 KY of0L povoyx” ¥Y —& povoyl*] € 340 Novds Boveorw 8 povoly|!” a TH onot polvox” [a] I povoyx® B alvnvexOn em [rns 70%] 345 dua KTNVO@V B Sua [Sapa] Tuavos ovn mn . . . dix” 7] \g Evzopartu epyalzn | “ ta povox” > Avynte pn Atas 350 = povox® a Aons py Tavevtos iM povox® = Tlwdvwve Pipovpw (m povoyx” a 355 Ovvedpis tpoorarr{s] KS povox” a Col. 9.] Hpak\evdyte evs ew 1B o€upuy x’ a iF opot povoy” B 360 ul opot o€upuy x’ a - apiOuw povoyx® € ereulh]On as Avov’ Ezay'yeo ul dua KTHNVOV Y dua Sapamiwvos ovy*® povox” [Kd] 365 Ka opot Sia Kryvav § av[roju Ezay'yehdouv povox” AB] ye guv weudhO’ avtw povox® vF OQpiove etitpoTe u. povoyx® B 370 K Ofol povox” a 338. Something (apparently xs) is written above xy, which has 353+ Oipoupw: or GeAovpw. Ouvpovpe (for -wpa) is not possible. perhaps been struck out, III. Dd 202 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI - povox® y avahopatos apOp[o] [MJovox® pf [ou] ets tov e€/ yum [povoy® - .] 375 amlepyalow Krnvev § Sia Saplamwvos] or[n*] amo a [elws h ov [e]py[o] & O0/ amo tys Todcols| . ov petad’ es KTnWa... at ety 380 ... [xolpr” plel[a]¢’ [aro] rns K[ryoes] H avy[A]O/ es tyv alo orfor] B vro [Ev]\a Kae ovo. B vmo outov 0 nOav amo ts m[o]\ews t apyLa 385 ta xopt’ petap’ amo tys Kroes 1B avndO/ evs THv 7o* ovor B vio owov Styx” H Kat B vao évda iy emt TNS TOKEwWS NOEL wS 0% amo THs Toews 390 te Kadapnv petad’ ev Kx Kua is xopt’ petab’ amo tys Ade&/ 4 ovo. y owov petap’ evs Arov’ Kau ovos & hax*® ovvaywr ev [K|\np) Tov Twpe els atwvay 395 im ovor y xoptov petad’ amo tys Aheg/ Kat ovos & ax* Epwy evs alway 8 ovo. § xopr’ perad’ amo tys Adef/ [K] ovo § xopr’ petah’ amo rns A[A]eE/ [ka] apyea 400 +{B] xoptov peradp’ amo rns Ade&/ Ky] oot yopt’ petab’ amo tns Ahe&/ KS apyia Ke olTov petap’ evs THY Kryoeww KS opfol ourov petap’ evs THY Kryoeu 405 Kal ovos & Kahapnv peTtap/ KC] ovor Y xoptov petap’ amo rns Ahe€/ Kau ovos & Kahapnv [per ]ad/ Kn ovo. y avnO’ evs [ry ]v wohw uo €v\a Kal OVOS & VITO TAapLXLa 410 [klar evKedeas 374. Tov ct! pn: 2.€. Tov €£dunvov. is by no means clear how it is to be explained. The reading is 388. noec: the word recurs several times in the same phrase quite plainly noe: in Il. 492, 498, 506, 507. Here and in 1. 471 in Il. 471-507, and its meaning is clear from the context ; but it it would be possible to read nyet. npyer is not possible. ROMAN PERIOD 203 [x0] 10% azo tns Todeals v}ro xopr/ [A] avd’ es ryv afo]Aw vro ouz[ov] Col. 10.] [Nine much mutilated lines, the rest of the column being blank. } Cola 1.) Au|p|n\tw Hpakdevdn Blov}\.......-- yL¥] mys Apot zodews- Tap[a] Hpwvewvov zpovoolupe|vou [twv zrept] 425 Ocadedprav Aoyos Ayppatov Kat avahopal[tlov yevo pevov du ewov Tw Xovak pln] tov ever twt[os|] = S$ [eo ]}ru de Anpuplarlos No[u}royp, ek mpo*... [< yb 430 ecy[ov] mapa Opiwvos [e}z[urpo)] [o]uot vrocx’ ev Tw peyatw Spd epy he. [o]uot umocy’ [elv k* trav Twpe, epy a 422. A new section of the account begins here, with a new 451. Twpey: or Tope. Here the final character looks more column. like a mark of abbreviation, but in 1. 458 it might be an e. 423. yu: for this restoration, see 1. 266. But the reading there 452. After this line two lines have been struck out. They is not certain, so that the restoration must be regarded as_ read: [mori]¢/ ev kA Kian epy (20 numeral) || opows. doubtful. 458. After this line a line has been struck out. It reads 445. Novduov: cf 1. 130. The letter read as N in that place is emkorrav ev KN. doubtful, but cf 1. 340. Dd2 204 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI opot [vroaly’ ev tn Krnoet Epy y 460 emuKoTTwy ev KX Kutous — Epy KY vdpaywyouwr[to |v em auTov emay emt nu’ y Epy ¥ NX bee €... Y GTO Kp) tov T/ Katatolyjov [em] y[u’] @ epy Y apyouvtes| epy vy wy Ta ovopata 465 Aewy[to]s Steh\Nwvos dia THv KTHvoTpLo|h/ eve nu’ B Col. 12.] Mutilated. Gola: [avahwplatos apiOuw povoy® pun how evs tov €€/ pH ay” Wa amepyaoia Kryvev 8 dia Lapatiwvos 470 ov amo &@ ews X wv Ta epya a [elre tTys Tokews noeu B [d]0/ azo rns Tohews [y] ovor y xoprov petah’ amo tys Krycets Kal ovos & apyos 475 8 apyta € [olvor y yoprov pera’ ato tTys Krynoes [k]at ovos & vo oTeppata S ovo. y xoptov petad’ amo THs Kryoeus Kal OVOS G@ UTO OTTED 480 Z ovo. § avndO/ evs tHv 0% v[ To n nr\O0/ aaro TS Toews 8 ovor ¥ xopt’ perah’ amo t[s Kr]nces] Kal OVOS G apyos i ovo § xopt’ petad’ azo t[y]Js Kryoe[s | 485 ta avnO’ es tyv m0* ovos a uTO cepioa kat B vro oora kar & umlo .|AKal. ja uB nO’ amo THs Toews vy ovlo|e 5 ourov petad’ [aro tys| Krnoers w avyrO/ es THv mo* ovfor y vTo] oTEppaTa 490 Kal & vT0 oaKkKov adeuplolv té en{e] tns 70% [nloe iF opot emu [tys] Toews nou ul 0% alzo ty]s Toews 459. m: a correction. Apparently xy has been written, the 468. Now K.t.d.: Cf 1. 374; there is barely room for ets, but it x altered to. and then the two figures struck out and « written seems to be written in a compressed form. above. ax®; = povdxwpa, cf. p. 173, above, 462. xataroveyv: 7 altered from 6. ROMAN PERIOD 205 im avnrO’ dus] [nv] ao} B vo dalkov] 495 Kat ovot B vTo aLTOV uO nO’ amo rns Todews ovfo|e [y¥] K ovo. ¥ avmdO/ es tHv To* valo atjrov Ka emt THS TO NOEL KB op.ol 500 KY OpoLws KS AO’ ato THS 70% over ¥ KE apyla Ke avnrO’ es THY mo* over ¥ umlo Alwo[r] Kl nO’ amo THs Toews 505 Kn avyrO/ es THv To ovor Y UT oufzjov KO em tTns TO* noe X opot emu THs To noe Amepy tavpixov & Sia X[a]\kopatos z[av] pedatov [a}ro a ews d wy [7a elplyla 510 vol a}y’ ev Kdnp) Kutous eme np’ B opot [vjrocy’ ev «k* Kua emu np’ ta opot ev 7[w peyla® Splu]uw em nul vy do... €bS TO - . GS Ent HE a . mpl. » » emt] ne’ oe 515 - [ale mpoxer nus Xd —o) ye Cols. 14, 15, 16-] Mutilated. 510-514. The readings of the numbers given here seem certain, though they are obviously inconsistent with the total. 9. Letters. PAPYRUS 854.—1st century. N interesting letter from Nearchus to Heliodorus, describing a journey up the Nile to Syene and the source of the Nile (!), and a visit to the oracle of Ammon. The letter is unfortu- nately mutilated, but we learn that the writer consulted the oracle (if line 10 is correctly given), and that, in accordance with an usage which we know to have been common in ancient as well as in modern times, he carved the names of his friends in the temples. 206 ; CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Neapyxos al Tow Tov Kal, Kal expt Tov mrew e€. [ pevov wa tas x¢L]por[ouln[rovs te] 5 xvas LaTopyowor eyw Tapen| devo ja pyv Kav apapevos avamdoluy Kav tlap[ a] yevopevos TE Els TE Lonvas Kat ofev zlvy]ya vet Nethos pewy kar evs ArBuynv omov Appov tacw avOpwros ypnopwoe 10 [... Jevropa worop[nloa kar tov diov [elulov tla ovopara eveyapaéa tous ie] pols aéluvnoTws TO TpooKYYyLA Two lines washed out. Endorsed H\todwpwe. I. a—: possibly adeA@o, as the name of the addressee is 10. evrowa: for everoua? shown by the verso to be Heliodorus. This line is separated 10-12, tov Pidwy k.t.d.: for such mpooxuynara, in which the from the next by about twice the usual space. dedicator includes the names of his relations and friends, c/ 7+ yevonevos Te: at first written yevouny, but the letters ny are CIG. 4897-4947, 4980-5037, 5042-5108, passim. struck out and evos re added above the line. PAPYRUS 897.—a.p. 84. HE following letter is evidently addressed to some person living in the Arsinoite nome; and we may infer from line 12 that the writer lived at Alexandria. Only part of the letter remains, the portion transcribed being preceded by the remains of another column, which has probably been the first, as the first two lines seem to be the address. The portion which remains concerns the writer’s coming to the Arsinoite nome. He appears to have met with very injurious treatment on his last visit, and declares that he will not come unless his correspondent sends for him, and can guarantee him against a repetition of the injury; and he repeatedly asks him to let him know the truth on this point. He assures his correspondent of the friendship which he bears him, and concludes by saying that he knows the other's care for his interests. In a postscript he sends friendly greetings to his correspondent’s household. Ends of a column. Col. 2.] aoypaduas tore yap ehacowhes v0 Tov TpoovTos KwjLo ypappatews exfelivos pev [tore ebevoaro vuver de vpeis Tv adnfevav ypaarar tos de Suvapar evs Apowvoetyny trapayeverOat [w]ad[clora tov Katp[o]lv rns otrohoyda|s evertwros 5 ewa Trapayevaperlo|s evfews mahew emnpia pou yevy[tlar eav de Suvnpar oKetacar ni vTo oKernv twa yever bar TovTo ROMAN PERIOD 207 por ypaijov wpooas Ova THs emLTTOANS OTL TOU’ TapayevapEvov ovoepmia TOL ETNpLa EoTaL KaL NOTA TavTas KaTaheupur eva pn THY Tpos ae diiecay KaTareupar cay de pn noa 10 eupnkws Tuva odov yparov pou ewa pn’ Tare ava mT\EVTWL TOV TOLOVTOVY TOPOV KEKPLKA yap Vy TOUS feous ev AdeEavdpera erysevery TLTTEVWL yap OTL SurnPyoopar Suia] pevror ye ov Oehor adda yn avayKne mepu S€ atravtwv avtupornow por evfews ypaiyov ov yap 15 avatewt ets Apowwoirny ev pn cov emiato\nv aPor eav Se pou emiarodals] meumns meuers evs TO Oewvos Tpa ynparota\uov es To XapiOynuov Badaverov Kar ev ToL epyaoTnpiar evpnoer Aeiov Tov Tov Lvpov Kat avTos pot avadwou nu Tapa Hpakhediwva tov tov ABa Kau Tepe addwv 20 avayKkaolv] peltelwpoly] nOedov cou ypawar vy [7 ]lovs Oeous ovk eypawsa Se Sia rns {r}orodns edws ewavtwr o7t dH [t]poecyxy[kas] ev Tw Tpayparte Tapakahw. Se oe Ewa py [HE havyons [.......] emuorodys Kla]e wlalpayevapevos elu]fews weve ex ] On verso. 25 Tadew Katatrevowt adda por [evfews ?] Tv aryfeaav yparpov oda yap enavTar [pev ?] o7t pees ou ohha Tepe esov ped[noe |e Oou de Ws uTEep LoLov TEKVOU Eeppwaco 30 aomalou Adpodouy THY pxpa[y] KaL TOUS EV OLKWL TAVTAS EPPwTO L y avtoxpatopos Katoapos Aopitiavou [Se]Bacrov Teppavixou Pappovl 7. mapayevapevov: altered from mapayevov ets. 20. perewpov: cf. Oxy. Pap. 238, 1.1 and introduction ; but the 9. noa: séc, apparently for 7s. reading here is very uncertain. 13. dwa: if this is the true reading it must be a colloquial 22-3. pelAavnons: it is not clear what this can mean, but the use of the demonstrative ré deiva without the article. reading of all the letters except A (which might possibly be 7) is 15. AaGwi: after this word mew has been written and struck certain. peravnons, for peravojons, is possible. There does not out. seem to be room for zAavnons, 18. evpnoee: perhaps the bearer of the letter is the subject of 28. After rexvov the following words have been written and this verb ; and avros no doubt refers to Dius. struck out: ..pe..oe | ovk extOupar ets Apoworrny 7. PAPYRUS 1173.—a.D. 125. | ‘HE following letter is apparently one from a farm bailiff to his employer. Owing to the mutilation of the papyrus it is impossible to make out completely the sense of the letter, but it is a recital of the business which the writer has transacted. 208 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI H¢aoras AvovBiwn a..7. jor. . Xarpew [ws elrerpabas pou Katepyal leo Oar TV XEpoapTrEdov ETOLNTA VoOTEpOY 5 enletpe}bas [Jou dia Noyor pnKeTe KaTEp [yaleoOar] eulra to eye Satavnoa azo ys] cvpldlevias ns erounoas mpos Tovs [epya}ras 5 ws zty[s] apovpns <1B avedw ka alvjrods v}rep plo |Oov Gy 3. tumov: the vrop is certain, but there is no trace of the cross adirn\arn: the reading seems certain, but it is quite uncertain stroke ofr. Possibly it is meant for Aurov = dourdy, Ifthereading what the word can mean. is correct, the word perhaps means ‘ mould,’ 7. It is not certain that a letter is lost between xa: and p. 5. ageous: 2, auecws? PAPYRUS 964.—Late 2nd-3rd cent. T is not clear at first what relation the two parts of the following document bear to each other. They are by the same hand, and are separated only by a line drawn between them. The second is a letter, evidently referring to the preparations for a wedding feast (cf line 19). The first is a short register of customs payments, for the 28th, 29th, and 30th of Mesore. The fact that the letter is addressed to Serapammon, pc Oars épnuodudakias, suggests that the sender Apollonius may have been a subordinate official employed by him to collect the customs. Apollonius sends him, for some reason, a register for the three last days of Mesore (the papyrus is complete at the top, and nothing has been written before Meoopy xy), and takes the oppor- tunity to add a letter on private affairs. For customs registers of this kind, see Papp. 929 and 1169 in the present catalogue (pp. 40-47), with the prefaces thereto. The present one is noteworthy inasmuch as the entries are all for imports, whereas in the others the exports are in a large majority. As however only two days are in question, no conclusions can be drawn from this, The entry “Epujs for the 29th should be compared with similar entries in Pap. 1169 already referred to. It appears that there were two officials, and that on the 29th Hermes was on duty ; so that Apollonius makes no return for that day. In 1169 the other official is also called Hermes; the writing of the present papyrus appears to be of a later date, but it is so rough that it cannot be fixed with certainty. The fact that the letter is addressed to the pic Ours épnwopudakias may perhaps suggest that the épnuodvdakia is the tax meant in all of these customs registers. For an account of this tax, see Fayum Towns, p- 195 sq., and Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. 1. 359. E€2 212 10 T5 20 Fe 2. toa: Z.e. (e)ica(ywy). 6. ep": ze. Oéppov, lupines. CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Meoopy kn Prrofas wa dakov —£8 Kat 0 autos Kpon” — B Tlodvdevans ue ow? Kep > «0 Epyns N WVapes toa Oep*§ — a Qpos wa Oep* ovd B —- S Lepatappore 7’ Arro\iar Bree pn erably pndev Tous otepavous kK) Ta Tas hua kK) @yopacov oTapvov eWexatos K) h\aBwy Kotv Aas zloloas dakwr wa ap Keo(n] yw] x, Ta haya va pos Lepyvov cevtha kK) a\\a Aaxava kK) Tos TaLolols KPVaTOUELVOUS kK) ada peTpla toKpEe“a oe LS TOV vUdwva kK) mrakovria AdeEavdpiva [one line lost by the peeling of the top layer of the papyrus] Peeks toe D out eae ee SOLO. TETPAdL Katee pun ovv apeknons wept Tou Medled Qiov emt xprav ext 0 Mumos Endorsed Azrodos Yeparaupor K pucbwrn epnpodviakd as] an ass; cf note on Pap. 1169, l. 66. 10. raBAva: some sort of small tables seems to be meant. 7. ovo(us) 8 (apraBas) >: three artabas is a common load for PAPYRUS 972.—3rd cent. NG as instructing the recipient to pay to Phibion, a tax-collector, five talents for the house-tax (cf Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. I. 192). The amount points to a date in the third century (cf vol. II, p. 306). II” Medavos IoAuros H\ta xatpew S05 BiBiw amautyrn amo doyo" evoiKlo” apy Tahavra wevre Dapevwl) £ MedXas oe... po* 2. The two last words are so written as to resemble od avpo* or wpo*, but probably are intended for ceo(nel@par) os 7m pox(etrat), ROMAN PERIOD PAPYRUS 973 4.—3rd cent. HIS is a letter of excuse for the writer's inability to visit his correspondent. 213 He is, he explains, engaged in legal proceedings “ xdpw rav Tod ddedpod pov”, and cannot get away. The letter is fragmentary, and only the first part remains. Wevnois Atoude Tau purttatw. xatpew Tpo MEV TAVTWY TO TPOTKVIYHLA TOV TOLW 5 Kal exaorny nplelpalv] rapa Tows Tatpwo.s Geots yewookev oe Oehw ott Sukalopar yap Twv Tov adehdov pov Kat ov dv 10 vapat apt. ehfev mpos ofe] Kale] pn Sogys pe ado YOS .. OV Tpu. ema... . OV Written up the left-hand margin: kau tpvdav eppwo® evyo" PAPYRUS 951 verso.—Late 3rd cent. HE concluding portion of a letter; the writer is the father-in-law or mother-in-law of the recipient, and the subject is the nursing of a newly arrived infant. The names of both parties are lost. The letter concludes with greetings to several persons who are named. The writing on the recto (see below, p. 220) being dated in A.D. 249, the present text belongs probably to the latter part of the third century. UTIs |'a a staene as coumra [asa ae |kns atofavovons KateTvevoav nKovola] o[t]. Onralew avrnv avayKalers ev Oedlers tlo Bpedos eyerw Tpopov eyw yap ovk emiz[pe|rw ty Ovyatpe pov 5 Omdralew aoralopar rolA]\a tHv yAvKuTarny pov Orfyalrepa Amohdovifaly La]. Evdpoownv acral Coujac Iwwvav aomalerar vas Tol A ]Aa o adedd[o]s cov Byoas Kau Supos Kau y cvpl[ Bros alutov mav S€ Tomoov pera Tas KadavdSas neta} ws IO eypaware 214 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI "10. Miscellaneous. PAPYRUS 1178.—a.D. 194. F the miscellaneous texts which form the last section of the Roman period in this volume the most interesting is that here printed, which is indeed in some respects the most unique in the present volume, no similar document having been hitherto published, though several in- scriptions are in existence which throw light upon its contents. It is a diploma of membership conferred on an athlete of Hermopolis (our friend Herminus 6 kai Mépos, cf. p. 29) by the athletic club known as % tepa €voriK) TepuTo\otiKy ‘Adpiavy “Avtoviariy Lewrysavy ovvodos Tov wept Tov “Hpakdéa kai tov dydviov kal adtoKpdtopa Kaicapa AovKiov Lemripiov Levnpov Heprivaxa LeBaordv. The latter part of the title no doubt varied with each reign, and in its shortened form (see ll. 2, 3) the title ended with the word ovvodos. The society was already known to us from a series of inscriptions (CIG. III. 5906-5914, see Franz’s introduction, p- 779 = Kaibel, IGI. 1054, 1055, 1102-1105, 1107, 1109, 1110); but the present document adds some further details of its history to those which are there given. Nos. 5906 and 5907 record privileges conferred upon the society by Hadrian and Antoninus, to which, no doubt, it owed the names ‘Aépiavy and ‘Avrwriavy which it bears here; and the present document quotes other favours derived from Claudius, Vespasian, and Septimius Severus. So far as can be gathered from the inscriptions which have come down to us, it was the principal athletic society in the Roman empire (cf Friedlander, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms, ed. 6, 137301 1). The arrangement of the document is as follows. The text is written across the roll, z.e. with the writing parallel to its height, as in documents of the Byzantine period. To the top of the roll was attached another piece of papyrus, about ten inches in length (¢/ note on 1. 7), on which is written, first, the name of the person to whom the diploma is granted (1. 1), and secondly a copy of the words which actually confer the diploma (ll. 2-7). This part of the text is written roughly, and evidently served the purpose merely of a docket, or abstract of the contents of the main roll. At the back of the beginning of the main roll are three formless lumps of dark wax. The diploma itself is written formally, though not in a particularly good hand. It consists of the following parts: (1) a letter from the emperor Claudius to the club, dated in a.p. 46, acknowledging with thanks the golden crown which it had sent on the occasion of his victorious campaign in Britain (Il. 8-15); (2) another letter from Claudius in a.p. 47, expressing his gratification at the games performed in his honour by the club for the kings of Commagene and Pontus (Il. 16-31). There are some features about these documents which make it doubtful whether they were copied from authentic originals (see notes on Il. 8, 17, 18). (3) Letter from the emperor Vespasian, without date, briefly confirming the privileges conferred on the club by Claudius (Il. 32-36). It is rather remarkable that the privileges conferred by Hadrian and Antoninus, which one would expect to follow here, are not mentioned. (4) Then follows the main substance of the diploma, in the form of a notification to the members of the club of the admission of Herminus as ovvodirns, on his payment of the fee of too denarii (Il. 39- ROMAN PERIOD 215 44). (5) Next the date, which is at Naples on the occasion of the 49th quadriennial performance of the great games founded there by Augustus, in the consulship of the emperor Septimius Severus and Cl. Septimius Albinus Caesar [= A.p. 194], on the 22nd of September (Il. 45-49). (6) The enumeration of the officials of the club occupies Il. 50-65, viz. (a) the three chief priests, who are also €vardpyat for life and superintendents of the imperial baths (Il. 50-57) ; (4) the officiating évardépyys, who is one of the three previously named (Il. 58, 59) i (c) the two dpxovres THs cvvddov and the treasurer (Il. 60-63); (d) the dpxvypappareds, acting as secretary to the club (ll. 64, 65). The names of all these officials are accompanied by a full recitation of their titles and the honorary citizenships conferred on them in recognition of their victories, and a statement of the class of athletics practised by them. (7) The signatures of most of them are appended (Il. 66-83). Here the original document appears to be complete, but another set of signatures is appended, containing the certificate of the payment by Herminus of a further fee of 50 denarii at the great games of Asia (kowda rs ‘Acias), held on this occasion (the date is not stated) at Sardis (Il. 84-102). The officials signing are the archons, treasurer, chief priest, and secretary; but the persons holding these posts are different from those officiating at Naples. Eppeuvos o Kat [Mwpos| Eppozroheurns muKtns n [cle pa] EvoTikn TEPLTONLTTLKY Adpiavn AVT@VLaVn DemTULAavn [a Juvodos TOLS ATO THS AUTNS ovvooou Xaupew VEL WO KETE ov[ 7 ja N[Lov ocuvodetny Eppewvov tov kat Mwpov 5 Elpluomodary[y auxr|ny ws etwv KL ATOOEOWKOTA TO Ka Ta Tov vopov [evtalytov wav ek mdnpous [O|nvapia exaTov eypawaplev ovy] vuew wa edyre epl[p lobe TiBepwos [KA]avduos Kavoap SeBaoros Teppavikos Sappatixos apyxvepevs peyiloto|s Snuapxixns e€ovoras To ¢ umatos amrodederypevos 1. This line is separated from the next by a space of about an inch. 2. mepurodotikyn: Cf. CIG. 5804 7) pitocéBacros kal didopapatos *AdeEavdpéwy mepuroiotikr evoeBis civodos. The epithet is not applied to this society in CIG. 5906-5914, and the purport of the grants from the emperors there recorded was to give it a local habitation in Rome, at the Baths of Trajan. But the possession of this centre, at which its records might be preserved, would not prevent its being described as mepirodorixy, in virtue of the constant travels of its members to the various games at which they appeared. Ignarra, in his edition of CIG. 5804 (De Palaestra Neapolitana, Naples, 1770, p. 23), explains the members of the club in CIG. 5912-14, the father and son, Demetrius and Asclepiades (also named Hermodorus), the latter a very distinguished athlete between A.D. 177 and 183. The former is presumably the person named below, I. 54. A blank is left after erwy both here and in 1. 42. His actual age was 27 (see p. 29). 7. After this line there is an interval of nine inches of blank papyrus. Six inches of this belong to the xéAAnpa on which the foregoing text is written, the fibres of which run parallel to the height of the roll: the rest belongs to the first xéAAnya of the main body of the text, the fibres of which are parallel to the length of the roll. phrase a6 katadicews Kato.kodytes (ev tém@ Twi) there applied to it as practically denoting the same condition of things as mepurodtotixn ; but Kaibel (IGI. 1105, note) takes a6 xatadioews as meaning ‘after its dissolution,’ implying that the club had been ejected from a former home and had taken refuge at Rome. If the term repirodtoriKn was dropped when it had a fixed home at Rome, the club must have been turned out of that home before the date of the present document. The epithet mepiro\c- ortxy is again found applied to it in A.D. 313 (IGI. 956, b. 19). After repurodtorixyn the word oeBaorn has been written and obliterated. 5. Epyorodertny : two other natives of Hermopolis appear as 8, 9. apxtepevs x.t.A.: the style follows the Latin formula, giving the consulship and ¢ridunicia potestas instead of the regnal year. Cf. Josephus, Amt. XX. i, 1. 2. The title ‘ Sarmaticus ’ does not elsewhere occur in papyri, nor, apparently, in any inscription or coin; consequently it cannot be regarded as authentic. g. Snpapxixns eEovotas To S$ k.7.A.: the form of ¢ (fA), here and in l. 17, is noticeable. The sixth ¢ribunicia potestas of Claudius was in A.D. 46, in which year he was named imperator for the eleventh and twelfth times. As he is here airoxpdrap rd «8, and also consul designate, the letter must belong to the latter part of the year. 216 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 10 to [6 avrloxparwp ro 1B TaTnp Tarpidos cvvod[w] Evotiky [repurouorux}y XGaLPEelv Tov wep[p]Oevz[a pol vb vpwy em ty Kata Bperavvwv ven ypu cou o[re|d¢[alvor ndews edaBov ovpBodov TEPLEYOVTA TNS VLETE pas mpos pe evoeBevas Ov mpeaBevovres noav TiB KX Eppas 15 TiB KX Kupos Atwv Murkadov AVTLOXEUS eppwobe [TiBepios K]\avdios Kauoap SeBacros Teppavikos Lappatikos apyteper|s] [weytoros] Snmapyuns efovoias TO ‘6 UTQATOS TO > avuToKpa Twp TO M TatTnp Tarpidos Guvedw EvotiKn TEpuTO\LoTLKY Twv Tept Tov Hpakdea 20 en. : [. XALPELV .] Tow Kata Tov avrov ypovov amoSobeoliy por Svow wlew[..... Jeure em enov Taw Iovlww Avtioyw tLe Koppaynrys] Baca cau Tove Tokepwve tw Tlovtov avdpact Teiors poly Kat] durois ws Tacy oTovdy Kat pravOpatia ypnoaw TO 7POS VLAS QVLKA TOUS ETL TW EL@ OVOMATL TUBenevous UT au 25 [z]ov €TETENOUV ay@Vvas ULAS MEV TNS TPOS AVUTOUS EVXKAPLOTLAS eTedeFapnv EKELY WV de THNV TWPOS EMAVTOV MEV EVVOLAV TE pe de vpas driavOpwmav eyvopioa paddov yn ebavpaca Ou Tous Unpiopacw evyeypappevor noav Avoyevns Muxkadou AVTLOXEUS Oo evyloTa TS ovvodov apXLEepEvs yEevopLEevos ov eyw Kat TNS Popatwr 30 | oduTevas per ja dvew Ovyatepav a€vov NYNTALHV ELVAL Lavdoyevns M]txx[adov A |yrwoyevs eppwo be Av[Troxpatrwp Kacap}] Overrac.vavos SeBacrtos vepa EvotiKn TEpuTO MuatiKyn orivod|o tar mept Tov Hpakhea XALPELV [Evdjos vpwy tov ab\ntwv to evSofov Kat didoTE ov TavTa ova 10. ro 6: Claudius was consul for the fourth time in A.D. 47. The authorities quoted by Clinton, however (Fast. Rom., sub A.D. 45), describe him as consul designate for the fourth time in A.D. 45, in the fifth year of his ¢ribuntcia potestas. Hence perhaps we should read ro e here, which may help to explain the mistake in |. 17. to .8: for the shape of 8, cf.1. 15. 12. ty kata Bperavvev veixn: no doubt Claudius’ expedition in A.D. 43, celebrated on his return to Rome in 44. 14, 15. The abbreviations T:8. KA. are marked by inverted commas (like rough aspirates) above them. So also in ll. 51, 55, 56. 17. vmaros to S$: in point of fact Claudius was only consul five times (cf. Suet. C/aud. 14), and in A.D. 47 he was consul for the fourth time. If traros arodederypeévos To € be the reading in ll. 9, 10, some scribe may have been led to write ¢ here, through ignoring the distinction between consul and consul designatus. Claudius was really imperator for the eighteenth time in his ninth year of ¢vibunicia potestas ; in his seventh year he was imperator for the fourteenth and fifteenth time. These mistakes in the imperial style tend to show that the record from which this rescript was copied was not itself a contemporary document. 20. Probably ev rots Wndicpact, cf. 1. 28. The letter before Tots kara appears to bet. 21. The letter before « had a long tail, such as y, t, p have in 18. ro tn: this papyrus. Taw Iovkiw Avtioyw: the title Baodet in the next line, and the mention of Polemon of Pontus, make it fairly certain that this is Antiochus IV of Commagene, appointed to that kingdom by Caligula and then deposed by him, and restored by Claudius. 22. Koppaynyns: or Koppaynverv, as on his coins; but the use of IIlévrov in the next title perhaps makes the former more probable. IovAtw TloAexwrve: Polemon II of Pontus, who likewise owed his kingdom successively to Caligula and Claudius ; cf Prosop. Imp. Rom. Il. 59. His use of the name Julius is not otherwise known. 25. aywvas: in this year (A.D. 47) Claudius celebrated the ludi saeculares, and it was probably in recognition of that fact that Antiochus and Polemon held games in honour of the emperor. 30, 31. There is not room between Savdoyeyns and MixkadXov for a patronymic, a place-adjective, and another name, so that probably the lacuna at the beginning of |. 31 should be filled by an alternative name of Sandogenes, preceded by o ka. 34, 35. mavta ooa o Kiavowos ... ouvexwpynoe: the preceding documents do not in fact confer any privileges which would need confirmation. If Claudius had actually granted the club any favours, it is strange that they should not be quoted rather than these merely complimentary letters. ROMAN PERIOD 217 [kau] 0 KXavdsos aitnoapevois vpew ovvexwpnoe Kat avtos dudatreww H vepa Evorixn tepumovatixn Adpiavyn Avtwviavn Lemrypvavyn ovvoo0s TOV TEPl TOV Hpakhea KaL TOV AYWVLOV KAL AVTOKPAaTOpa kaioapa A‘ Serrysov Levypov Ieptwaka YeBaorov tows aro THs [Tewwworere] ovta [nuwv] cvvoderrny Eppewov tov Kat Mwpov KaL amTrooeowKoTa TO KATA Tov voulov ev|raytov trav ex mdnpous Snvapia exatov eypaiya eppwa be [Eyev]ero ev Neamoher rns Iraduas ene ths 0 TEVT AETNPLOOS [ayw]lvos ayopevov Twv peyatwov S?) Col. 2] Taz, ] [DONG wl Mavpois v) te i of pv NERS in oddexvadtois pv’ NeleZ immotoforats pr’ B ABP 5 [ka?] deyrwrapiors v im prt AB @ Kau v) Ka pv’ Ke d (7 J prvi ve ral [M]avpous v) 0 pv’ pEO 4 7) d i i [o}bduxvadtous pv’ vy a’ lero. . v) [ ] pv’ O al? IO ke oddixcar{e Jods} pv’ ¥y (iY al / immoto€otats pv’ @ Kk Mavpois v xls Ko kn nmep! y~ Papevwl) a 15 odduxvadl cous fee ony anh eae Mavpots [pv]/ oy AS rotls Fv B ali] y pv’ pus d af immotofoTats pv’ 0 A al’ odrpuxvadior{s] wo 20 Tous F v é pv’ vy NAMES I pv’ arky Col. 3] Kat Tlous FS] v 6 yeu dt Tlo\Awvos payerpo” Mexepe[ | Mavpots mpos Nourada EARLY BYZANTINE PERIOD 237 25 L tous F pr! 7d dL j tos f po’ 78 AL heya pr’ XB af vy hey pv’ XB af iS heya pv’ XB raf 30 Mav|polts pr’ avd d af «B [M]a[v]pous v k ka «B BL pr’ pgs \ Kd dye pr! Kb al [7] [xJé [Mavpor]s v) kK Kau ‘belt 35 pr’ pl &?]s rows [JF] uv Ke pv’ vn : . : amr AvTiwoou pol Ky AU KS Neyla pr! Kl al’ 40 X M[av]p[ols pv’ pps Ao Papevol = deLy|a pf! JrA4 € Ma[uplous [vp . . - HY’ PHF nN py’. age PAPYRUS 984.—4th cent. HE precise purport of the following text is uncertain, since both beginning and end are lost, but it is worth printing on account of its metrological data, the symbols in which they are expressed, and the enormous figures characteristic of the fourth century (cf vol. II, pp. 304, 306). vyousr.. fl ax € emiaTan” [zov alvrov Atdiavov TUBevTos avTw TAL (7 Nosy, [TI’ tev azo ToxvovBews _umep TYyLNS [ow]o” €’ B, kat Kpews 1 ayn’ opov | ym 77S 2. ’; this appears to be the sign for ‘talent. It is identical 4. &/: i.e. éorns. The stroke is in reality drawn through with the third character in the abbreviation ta\’ which occurs in the &, as usual. Il. 5, 9, 15, 21, and which certainly means ‘talent,’ as shown by 1: the symbol is a monogram of At, 7. e. Airpa. It is notice- the arithmetic; and in 1. 18 ra’ appears to be used as equiva- able that the ééora of wine and Xirpa of flesh are added lent to the sign f’in ll. 6, 10, 15, 22. The sign in Pap. 712 _ together, the total being given in Airpar. The sextarius is thus (= Grenfell and Hunt, Gk. Papp. ii. 72) is similar. equated with the Xitpa. a,x: 7.e,1,600. The thousands are thus marked throughout. 238 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 5 [ a] x fifty x ANOAov tad’ NésB, Tews dua Tov adehpw pov Atpyros §/ vB, Il’ tev aro Anpytpiov viep Tins owo" E/ ¢, kat Kpews | arp 7 opo” | Cp THs 1a x fry x NANksw tad/ fpoyn, Tews Sia 10 Tov adekdw pov a (/ flvde Il’ trav , euov Eppodwpov S10 Tevvadia Bon? tn xp, Sodevtos Hpakdews [ Il’ twy ato Tedd\aews viep TYysy[s ovvov] é/ m&e tus 1 a x My x Myaope 15 rad’ NxaByr tews Sia Arpytos §/ fly, x [II|’ twv aro Levvosopw v7ep TYyns [o]wo’ £/ a,p Kar Kpews 1 x /% opo” } a, THs Lax My x Meyp 7 [Xo hak va” TAN’ finZS, 20 6[II]’ tev aro TayKxacews vTep Typ [kpews] | apbve Kwpy dy X Nel, rad’ fidnd, [rew]s Sua Atpytos §’ Ning [I]’ twv Ff Sia tov f Atpyros hoyo" [Xowa]k’ ews Mecopy [ 5. x: the usual sign for ‘ denarius,’ reckoned as equivalent to a tetradrachm, so that 1,5co make a talent. : sc, 10,000. The sign as written varies between this shape and that ofa I. (A = 100,000,000) is written either as two distinct I’s, or cursively, when it resembles three II’s. On the first instance of its occurrence in this line, NN is a mistake for n, the price of a Aitpa being 330,000 denarii, as shown by ll. 9, 14, 18, tah’ Nésp, : the calculations are not quite exact. 662,000 talents make 993,000,000 denarii, not 992,500,000, and 3,008 Xirpat at 330,000 denarii apiece make 992,640,000 denarii. reos Sfa «.t.A.; this formula recurs in ll. 9, 15, but the meaning of the first word is obscure. Possibly ‘hitherto collected by.’ Ther might also be read as 2. 6. The relation of the sum at the end of the line (and similarly in ll. 10, 15, 18) to the rest of the calculation is obscure. 21. In this line a word resembling xp, takes the place of the usual xf. The figures following \y seem to have been added hurriedly, in fainter ink, and the arithmetic is not exact. 1,755 Nrpa: at the usual price should make 579,150,000 denarii, not $70,000,000, and 384,000 talents make neither of these totals, but 576,000,000, PAPYRUS 1293.—4th cent. SHORT and imperfect account of wheat and barley received from villages in the Hermopolite nome, with deduction of certain amounts paid out to one Demetrius. ZY ar~ pepd’” Awpofeov Kav Epparwvos exfears oro[k]pifov cvvavape” giro” € wo? OUVTWS I. mr-: it would be just possible to read this as ry, 7.¢. may~ = mayou. EARLY BYZANTINE PERIOD 239 Maydodwv Mipy ourov — AC KpiO — pta 5 Bova pews ovrov — pr Kpio — péBd L mpos An) = Gy Ve tar Me Oppov o.rov ~~ peo Kpid = pG Lp Anpntp/ KO ov = prs Kopwvos ourov — ¢ Kpid = aL 10 L @ Anpntp/ [=] v doe = B Tuvyop/ B . €p/ o — ppsd Kpid ofd 4. Maydodov Mepn: in the Hermopolite nome; cf BGU. occurs in BGU. 552 A. II. 4. There was another in the Fayum. 759 (where Wilcken rightly reads ‘Eppo(moXérov) in 1. 1), Amherst The villages named in ll. 7, 9, 11, are not otherwise known. Papp. 87, 105. Mipy should also probably be supplied in BGU. 6. L: the mark of subtraction, of. 1. 8, 10. In each case the 552 B. 1. 9, 555) 3+ subtraction is from the total of wheat in the preceding line. 5. Bovoipews : a village of this name in the Hermopolite nome 8. @: z.¢. mpos, as in 1.6. PAPYRUS 1259.—4th cent. HE following account is very much mutilated, and only the bottom part of each column is sufficiently well preserved for decipherment. As, however, several interesting items occur, the last few lines of four columns have been transcribed. On the verso is another very much mutilated account, headed Ayyero” Bp/ (sc. Bpeov.ov) ydapvdev us... The word xAapvdev is curious, as small fractions occur; but it seems clearly impossible to read anything else. Three lines of the account are added as a specimen :— _K)/ Srehavov Uanovos XA KO pn $1 B a x \ ‘ a * \ ‘ a TAYAPXAS AYVWILOVOVVTAS 7] TEpt TOV OLTOV 1) TEpt Ta vav\a. Coll 2] +kop/ Swann euBor/ B w6/ ovoplac |i kdnp/ lwavvd 6/ Kadk. . d kK vavdov Kavvovos yxpumou Kepatia SEeKaTrEVT NMLoE 5 _reraprov 94/ xp/ «/ hd’ pi eypad, avn 8 [w]dux/ B du end Ayavios yvolor/ | oroty) I. Swann: cf. Pap. 1035, |. 1, note (p. 246). 7. yva[or(qpos)]: this seems the most probable restoration, 2. In the name at the end of the line the letter after Ka\x is but the reading is not certain. The title is found in Amh. Papp. perhaps the Coptic 9. 139, 140, Oxy. Pap. 43 verso, B. M. Pap. 1249 (p. 227 above), all 3. Kavvovos: Or kavwvos, but the formation is not like that of of the fourth cent., and in Pap. 1152 below. elsewhere. PAPYRUS 1152.—7th cent. HE three documents which follow (1152, 996, 995) are almost identical in form, being certificates of the delivery of the annual charge (kavwv) of corn to the boat which was to convey it down the river. They are dated respectively in the 6th, 11th, and 15th indiction- years, but there is nothing to show whether all belong to the same cycle, and Pap. 1152 may be the last of the series instead of the first. In two cases (1152 and 995) the corn is said to have been delivered to the mAotov 77s Meravoias. This name recalls those given to some of the vessels of the Roman fleet in Pap. 229 (‘Salus,’ ‘ Providentia, ‘Virtus’), but rather a different light is thrown upon it by Pap. 996, where the phrase runs, eis tAotov [rod] povacrnpiov Hs Meravolas, which indicates that the ship had its name from the monastery to which it belonged. In 1152 and 995 the ¢ade//io who gives the certificate is the same, named Peter, while in 996 he is Phoebammon. If there was only one such official at a time, this might indicate that 995 and 1152 are to be brought together in date (1152 belonging then to the 6th year of the next cycle after 995), and 996 will be the earliest of the series; but it is impossible to affirm this with certainty. Papp. 995 and 996 are perhaps written by the same scribe. 248 pré CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI ehynpparicOyn ev tn [pleyarn yetpoypadera Kavovos exTns wd/ ews mhovoy THs Meravovas 6/ taBehuovos To vmToTETaypEVoV 5 petpov Snpooov ato’ kafapo’ avy vavdots ky EKATOOTALS K, TAC’ avah@pact OUTWS Cats Eppoly]evns Kodd[ovov] 8/ Mapias Mua O/ Sy. Kd + yroornp/ Apovpas 10 + & exov Ilerpov eypad/ I. pxO: the number of the voucher. 2. xetpoypapera: this may mean either ‘register’ or ‘ office,’ more probably the former; and the meaning will then be ‘entered in the great register.” The document is evidently a copy of the official entry, given to the person who brought the corn. 7. o—: an abbreviation of otras (= videlicet, ‘to wit’), which one sees in process of formation in Pap. 996, |. 7, and fully developed in Pap. 1162 verso, 1.2 (p.252). Here it is superfluous, as ovras has already been written at length. 8. y. KO? S26. 4. The name of the Zaée//ro has not been filled in, but from 1o. In different ink. So also the number at the head of the 1. 9 it should apparently be Peter. document. PAPYRUS 996.—7th cent. + +ednpla}ricOn ev 7m peyarn xerpoypladera] Kavovos EvoeKaTys WWdiKTLovos evs Toio[y Tov] povacTnp.o tTys Mertavoras 8/ PorBapp[wvos] taBed\vovos To vToTEeTaypevoy pe Tpov] 5 Snpoowo” oto” Kafapo” avy vad/ kK) exaTooTats kK, Tavrowwy avad/ Kata THY vToTETayperny yi[wow] oa . Srepavovs AheEavd/ S € Buxrop Adavacio’ S B Lo 10 yio To ow KO C Ww” +8: cnov PorBappwvos eypad) 3. PorBapp[ovos]: added in different ink, but perhaps by the very small, having dropped out altogether. same hand. 10. kK! 2.é€. Kavov. Cf. Pap. 995, |. 5. 5. guy vad/: 2.e, atv vavdots, the v, which is often written 11. In different ink, but perhaps by the same hand. PAPYRUS 995.—7th cent. e , + ehyp, fv 7 pleyad/ xerpolypa|d/ Kavovos mlevTe|kjoexarns v°/ eus m/ 1. There may have been a number, as well as a cross, at the head of the certificate. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 249 ms Merarvfovas] 6/ Ierpov raBeddi/ TO UTOTETAYyMEVOY METPOV SnLoTLoV 5 owrd Kalapov avy vados kK) exaTooTais kK) Tao avahop, ov~ 8/ Kr/ Baorhedou Kp/ € Eppns Odvpmuov 3 dy w pn Hpakdapp, Maxapiov S al_ Lo’ IO Tlavwvios Hpakdap, oy 7 o/ — Cy 9 [eT] (2nd hand) [8]: [ezov Iezpou eypapy] 6,7. 8(a) KA(npovduor) BaatdciSov kp(iOis dprdSa) €: apparently a subsequent addition. PAPYRUS 1083.—6th or 7th cent. ECEIPT from Theodorus, a orparynddrys, and Olybrius, a comes, to Petrus, who is apparently described as steward of the imperial domain in the Hermopolite nome, for the taxes of the roth indiction. +8/ @coSwps orparyndr, Ka OdrvBpiov Kou’, Tw Oavpy TMerplw...... jn ovota* Ep/ deduxas amo Synpoowwy Sexatys ww v° eBdounkovta ev Kep/ evkoor ev Tetaptov yt/ v° oa K/ Ka d/ Taywv € apy, va w (2nd hand) + yi/ xp v? oa K/ ka d’ (3rd hand) ra Kae 609... agra Kat TP .++ XL ] Kaddurxov (4th hand) cvpd/ @ Ilaywv € wa t= 3. Taxa € apx(n) ca w(Sixriovos): this isan exceptionally early found in Pap. 1007 c below (p. 264), date for the dpyj of an indiction, Pauni 1 being the earliest 4. Le. cvppave os mpdKxerat, hitherto on record (see vol. I, p. 197). Pachon 13 is however PAPYRUS 1095.—6th or 7th cent. WO tax-receipts put in the shortest possible form, ‘The first is for the wepeopds of the village of Sinape, the second for that of the village of Senil(aeus ?), From 1. 2 these were probably in the Hermopolite nome; cf Pap, 1051 (p. 273). The second is written in a peculiarly fine and small hand. (2) +Kap, warn pep/ B iv8/ Baoli]\, KA/ Taupo amo Ep/ % av 8/ xpvoo Kep/ Sexa exta yi K/ if pov™ eypadh) y B wd/ di emo Baoitedo BonP) cvpdy, + I. pep(tcpod): cf. Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. I. 256. «d/: presum- month, but no month is named, ably = «Anpordpos, ovpd)p): SC. cuppevodpev, The reduplication of the final 2. Sc. (imép) av(vavav) (npociov). letter to denote a plural is common in abbreviations of the 3. y: this seems to be the reading and must be the day of the Byzantine period, Ill, Kk 250 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI (2) + pep/ Kwpy Sevd/ exrns tvS/ Avdpt/ Hpaxdedd Kepare/ exta yt/ K/ C t// PaperwO 18 wd/ ¢ + Maxapi~ Bond, cvpd// I. SerrdA/: of. Pap. 1051 (below, p. 273), where the same form 2. t//: presumably = (vy@ idiarike, of Pap. 1035, l. 2 (p. 246 recurs. In Pap. 1074 (not published) it occurs in the genitive above), where the symbol is the same. Otherwise it might be as SevtAaews, It may be the same name which is doubtfully read as p/ (=pdva). read as Sedvvaw by Vitelli in Papp. Fior. 82 and 85. PAPYRUS 1310.—7th cent. TAX-RECEIPT issued by Phoebammon, Siacrodeds, for four Kepdria, payment for the 4th indiction. There are two receipts in identical wording, for the 3rd and 4th indictions respectively; the second is here given. XFY + dedwxev ovop/ Nova Odvpriodwpo 81/ Baowd0 evs oyov Snpoor/ terapTys WOLKTLOVOS YpYaOU KEpaTia 5 teroapa y/ xp/ K/ § povas + Poi.Bapp/ Siacroheus St end Bixtwp ameyp ovpp/ 1. The symbolic letters yy are written above each receipt. Palaeographie und Papyruskunde, No. iii), Nos. 297, 298. Their explanation is still uncertain; cf vol. II, p. 324 note. For 3. TeTaptns: a TpiTNs. a recent discussion, by J. J. Smirnoff, see Berl. Phil. Wochen- 5. y:/: written with a very small y and large 1, the latter being schrift, 18 Aug., 1906. crossed by a horizontal stroke below the line, and curved at the 2. Sedaxev ovop(a) «.7.d.: for the formula, cf Wessely, foot, so that it resembles the usual sign for rupod. Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats (Studien zur PAPYRUS t000.—a.D. 538. PETITION from Flavius Georgius to some official whose name is lost, asking him to enforce the payment of a debt which the petitioner has failed to recover. [re Seomolrn pou OX ; : : ; a/ Pdaviov Tewpyo SiABavd azo Tys 5 Toh/ [or e€|ys vrroreraypevor oppwpevot eK TavTNS TIS [. .]\f wohews ypewoTwy por havepov XpEos Kat 5 moddaxis vropvynobevtes Tap epov ovK eBovly Onoav evyvopovew mpos ene Derbar Sio7rep [a]uvOers rovrovs 0 Tovs AuBehdovs ervdidwpe [tn on Aapmpornte aftwy avtovs ayerOar Kat [klaravayKxaleo bar tas amohoyias fol KaTa vomous 4. Perhaps [amy]A‘, in place of the usual order Ildé\ews ’"Arn\twrov, That the town is Hermopolis is suggested by 1. 43.. xpeworas: 7, Expewatouy OF XpewarourTes, LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 251 10 mapacyew + P/ Tewpyios SiABavov o tpok/ emidedwka ws TpoK/ eat O¢ iBc o deyoper, Marag azo tys Ep/ vrodewvper, + Tareas Pd/ Iwavvov tov evdok Kar vreppvertaro 15 Xovak B tvdux/ 13. There ought to be at least two persons named instead of vrodewuper): presumably for irodaxvipevos, but the meaning one only, as the verbs above are in the plural, is not clear, PAPYRUS 1073.—6th cent. HE following document, as appears from the mutilated endorsement, is addressed to Anatolius, comes of the province of Arcadia, entreating him to give instructions for the protection of the petitioners from certain of their neighbours, who are preventing them from building. The petitioners are peasants, but their names are not given; as they are described as of ypapparnddpor, they presumably presented their petition in person; but the petition is written by some individual on their behalf (1. 4 por xapileo Oe). +ou ypappaynpopor yewpyor Neyovow KwdverGar akaipws Tapa TWwY yitovev avtwv ek TH Kopn KaTakwoaTEe ov ypaat TOLS TPwTOKWpNT) epider TO KTIOHA Kal TVyKwpPHTaL avTOUS oLKOSOMHTAL Eav TO dixai[ov] ov Kw\vEL aVTOUS TOUTO yap ToLOUYTES TA pPEyata LoL xapilere + Endorsed : + amo Seom, pp. 7a..ape.. .. Avatohww Kop, Apkald.ujas + I. ypappaynpopo: ypayparnpopo is not a possible reading, 2. mpwrokwpnr(as): these officials are mentioned in Oxy. Pap. though it is presumably intended. 133, Of A. D. 550. PAPYRUS 1309.—6th-7th cent. N order from the comes Gerontius to the ecipnvdpyat of the village of Ares to secure the murderers of the dypodvAa€. The document is in the usual form of such orders, written lengthways on a long, narrow strip of papyrus. II’ Tepovriov Koptos EupnvapX Kkwp, Apews Tous povevoavTas Tov aypoduvdaka TapavTa Tomoate er aghadeay Eat Kal TOUS OLKOUS QUTWY KAL TA TAYTA KAL aTaVTNOAaTE iva My KivOUvEVo NTE Els auTyV THY Wuxynv + 2. Kou(ns) Apews: there was a village of this name in the Hermopolite nome (Pap. Fior. 64, ll. 38, 42) and another in the Fayum (Wessely, Zofographie, p. 40). Kk 2 252 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 1162, verso.—7th cent. HE following document is a list of sailors in two columns, the first trav é&(edOdvtwr) amd Tod K\ovcpa(ros), the second trav pi) aedO(dvtwr) eis 76 Kdotvop(a). The place named is, no doubt, the port of Clysma, on the Red Sea; but there is nothing to throw any light on the purpose and circumstances of the list. It is written on the verso of a letter of the seventh century relating apparently to the affairs of a farm, and may itself belong to the Arabic period. +yv” vavrwv e€[edO/] aro 7” Kdovop* p~ Bap? ¢ 2/8 S$ twv py amedO’ evs To KNovop eee Ca Buxtwp [P]ovdio* ato K)avéduo. Tipofeos Mnyvas ato Kiavé.o% ABpaapuols Bi]xropos amo Kiavduo\ Koh\ov0/ Myvas ato Opepno* 5 Teolp}yios [T]oaxio’ ato Opeuno® @idur7os Buxtopos amo Tpvo% Zax[apijas [H]\a amo 77? av™ Makapis IleBo ato Irn‘ Tip{of|eo[s].. oKvpo’ amo 7” av™ Tlapovk Makapio\ amo adeBynt Ad... . Mav|puxvo® [a}ro 7” av™ Kape Avdpeo\ amo Ilarepoov™ Am... ... Blxropos amo 7? av” ey | | lwondio’ alzjo 77 av™ / [ov]um vav™ us Oplcevor[drlo — azo] VoBOdas ?] ] ABpaapifo]s ao 77 av™ 6/ Vov $ AcovTioS cuppx/ 1. The words from yva(crs) to 6 refer to the sailors named in the first column, those from (kai) to KAotop(a) to the second column only. 3. KAavdsov; asthe other names after dé are names of places, this is no doubt also a local name. 6. After this line the following has been written and crossed Out ; Sevovdns Mapxo aro Nlayou", PAPYRUS 1323.—7th cent. AN official order to pay twenty soldi for the price of hay, on behalf of Colluthus, a oraPhirns, or horse-trainer. The letter has been folded in the middle, and this part is mutilated and difficult to read, +Oednon cov n Oavpacrorns Sexopern Tavta pov Ta ypaypata hoyiracbar tows KTyTOpae utep Koddovfov tov oraBhitov evs arap[yuprloplov] yopro[v] vopicpata evkoor evoTtabya pevtory|€ | . pndev Kovh Tys ek THS Somews adda Kf...] Ta evxoor evoTabpa hoyoat ToLs KTNTOpaL KaL Trom[oar] I. xrntopot? 2.e. the owners of the hay. the proprietor of a stable. 2. oraBdtrov: cf, Oxy. Pap, 140, a contract of a oraBdirns with 3. coup; ¢, kodp(ov); there is no sign of abbreviation, LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 253 GaUTW GTOKPLOWW TOV XOPTO Kal TPOT...+ LN appiBarrev Kal) vreypaya tT emvatohn + 5 +) Tomas ceonpiwpar + Endorsed : + em’ tw Oavpalojio A...eeeeeeeeee e+ &Y Tupyou +k Azrohwvos 2. Contracts. PAPYRUS 992.—a.D. 507. : ‘HE following document is somewhat uncommon in more than one respect. It dates from the reign of Anastasius, and appears to come from the city of Antinoopolis ; and it belongs to the class of deeds known as compromissa. It is an agreement to submit certain matters at dispute to arbitration, the parties binding themselves, apparently under a money penalty, to appear at the place appointed for the arbitration and to abide by the decision of the arbitrators. [+ vrar]e{as] tov Seo[zo}rov nuwv Pr, [Avlacraciov tov aiwrifov] Avyovaro” avtoKparopos To Y Eveup [ ] T pwTns ivou* [ou uToyp)| mrovovrT{es | T POs EQUTOUS FHV omodoyrav TOV KOLTpPOpLlaagov [ex prev tov] evos plelpous ®\X SABavos kat Lapatiwv orparwrar apiOuov 5 [Avtivoov}rokews Kav Avpn\tos ToaKos opfoyvnoiot adeApou ek TaTpos DoiBlap|uwvos aro THs avTyns Toews Igakos Tov hoyov Tovovpevos vmEp EavTO Kau umep [Twv K\ynpo|vopwv Tupavvo Tov amoyevopevov NLwV adeddor ex Se [tov] erepov pepous ®) Byovikwv oTpatiwtys TO avTou apiOuo Kau n Touvrov Tov peplous] ApxovTia adehon TwV TpOYEypappEevwV EK TWY aUTwY 10 yovewy amo TNS avTns Tohews ahdn)ows xatp/ ererdyn nudioBytnoapev mpos eavtous Tept pavepwv Kepahaiwy Kat TPO Suxns Kau piroviKeras eSofev nui Kown yroun amavtnca. es Siaitav pos Kapdynpeov Kav Envorytos Tous ehNoyiywratovs aoxXohacTLKOUS dopov OnBaidos Kar ororxe[y] KQL mevOer Oar TOL opis Oncopevots Tapa TNS QUTWV TALOEVT EWS KaTQA TOVTO opodoyfouper] 15 opvur[z jes TOV TE TAVTOKPAaTOpa Beov KQL TY)V Bevav KQaL OUPQAVLOV TUXHV TOV TA TAVTA VLKEWVTOS dSeamotov HOV Pd) AVaGTAaGLOV TOV ALWVYLOU AvyovaTou QavTOKpaToOpos I. urar]eifas : what is here read as «« might more readily be taken for \ of [S8ao.]Afeas]; but there seems scarcely room for evas before rov, and the expression ro y in the next line suits a consulship better than the year of a reign. Moreover A. D. 507, the year of Anastasius’ third consulship, was the first year of an indiction-period, while the third year of his reign was not so, Itis true that the third consulship of Anastasius was not a sole consulship; but where one of the consuls was the emperor it is not unnatural to find the other’s name omitted. 4. ®AA; for the doubling of the last letter c/ note on Pap, 1095, l. 3 (p. 249). 5. Avtwoov] : the restoration is not quite certain, being inferred from the abbreviation amo Avri/ in 1. 24, 6, 7. The words urep eavtov xat are a subsequent addition. 8. Byovxwy: the name is extraordinary, but it seems impos- sible to read anything else. 9. 7 TovTov Tov pepous : probably yur7 should be supplied. 13. sxXoAagTikous hopov OnBaidos ; the expression appears to be new, 254 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI ATaVTAVY NuLAS Tpos Tous Tpoeipymevous SiaityTas Kat SiaitacOar ew avTous ews az[o|d[|S[ooAar tv Kpiow plnvos Ered tys waplolvans partys ivduKTiovos [kar weerOar nas tows] opicPnolol|uevors map avrwy tov Se py amavrwrta 20 [mpos avrous n Kat pn meOlouevor Tors opiaOnoopevois Tap avTwy Taped, . exTivey Tw EeupevovTL hoyw mpoaTyso’ ypvooV vomiopaTia Uy 0 Aoylos ovros Kupios kar BeBaos Kau erep/ wpod/ (2nd hand) aplox/ orouye pou ws tpok/ (3rd hand) Avp/ Apyovtia PoiBap- JL@vos [weromKa Tovro To Koumpoluiccov ws mpok/ Aarepios Kohdovfov amo Avti/ eypaba v7ep avuTns 25 [ypappara py eidvias ] (1st hand) Jrwpov eypady o...... 23. Evidently one of the three brothers signed on behalf of the 26. The final letters, which are written in a deliberately rest, and Archontia for herself and her husband. involved style, may be meant for of paptup—. PAPYRUS 1044.—6th cent. MUTILATED deed of gift, by which Aurelia Aphthonia makes over a share in certain property in Hermopolis to her son, reserving to herself the usufruct during the remainder of her life. The beginning of the document is lost, and the middle portion is rubbed and mutilated. Besides the signature of Aphthonia herself (written for her by Anouthis), there are no less than five signatures of witnesses. tpook |upwbeons . . . atompato ie ohokAypov orkias SvaKkemerns ene t[yns] mpoelpnye|vns Eppovutohitav er appodov Ilokews Amn\twrd ets acdadevav 5 Xpvoov vopicpatiwy EKaToV EVEYNKOVTA YELTOVOS THS aUTNS oLKLas VOTO Onmooia puyn Su ns n Evoodos Kat e€odos Sa 76 oTafBho Tov ev tT) avrn oixia Boppa addy Snpooia pupn amndwro ouxia Adoutos Texrovos Kat ovKia DorBappwvos eviaBeorato UmodtaKkovou uBos adn Synpooia pupn Su ys n Evoodos Kat 10 ef0d0s dia tTys avlevtixns Ovpas THs avTys oLKLAS N OLOL av wot yeitoves Tav7n Tavrolev dutakaca ewavTyn eh amavTa Tov xpovlov tlns euns Cans Tov To” mpoyeypappevov pepovs Tov Tpodnwlevrwyv tpaypareav ovao’dpo'Ktov eb w TE pETA THY eunv tehevTnv Kat To'To[v] Tov ovco’dpo’KTov emavadpapew emL THY VUV 3. Without the preceding part it is not quite clear in what line 5 seems to show that Aphthonia had acquired it by for- relation the house stands to the deed. Probably it or a share feiture owing to the non-payment of a sum of money owing to her. in it forms part of the dxivnra mpdypara given by the deed, and 5. yetrovos: 7. yetroves. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 255 15 mpookvpwbecav cor tap eyo Seomorevay TE Kat VopnY emt Tw OE GE TOV avtov pov Tofeworatov wov AavyKpitioy EXEL ws TPO yeypamrat Thy Seororeay Kat THY VvopnY TOU avTO” MEpoUS TwV TpOdnwlerTaY AKWNTOV TPAyYLATwWY META TAVTOS autov To” dukato” apa Se TH Eun TEAEVTN EXELY KaL TOV TOTO” 20 oveo’ppo'KTov nro. ypynow Kat emiKapmiay Kat xpnoac ba To ThvuKauta TouvTw [Kat at|K[ovope Kat SioiKew Tept avTd ow tpora av BovryOys Kau frroxadew kar Behtiovy Kat es nv av Bovd[nOns vent 25 Jous re Kau vSpomapoxous Kae apzed[ Joe ofvy avtw picbwow cou To” Tpoyeypap [uevo” pepous Twy avtwv] Tpaypatwy peta TavTOS auto” TO" [Suxaro” Jacda oe ets vopnv Kat Seomoreiay } a att aaTebae: vm: ena” 30 elt mavra Tov povov [7s €]u[ys] Colns Kale pera tyv euny tedevTnv em oe KataBadew kal exactov erlos}] Tnv TavToway Tpowodov Tov auToV pLEpous TWV AUT@Y TpaypaTwY ETL TO SiNvEKES Kat Ets TOUTO ETEPwTY Bera wpodoynoa +(2nd hand) Avpnia AdGova Tavpwo 7 mpoyeypaper| | 35 eOeunv tavtyv THY Swpeay TO Tpoyeypapevd pEpoUS THY mpotnrevd vrwy | TAVTOLWY TPAYLATWOV PETA TAVTOS aVvTO TO dukatd cou Tw 7[poyeypappevo] po viw [AlovyKpiti Kale mefopoe malou Tous eyyeypappevols + Avpy\os] Avovbis twondid Stax/ amo Ep/ Kae tarpos afvabes eypaipa umep [avrns] ypappara pn edvias + (3rd hand) Tavpwos Swobevous Staxovos alzo Ep/ | 40 €dayy paptupw 7) Swpea akovoas Tapa THs Swpynoaperys + (4th hand) +]wavyns Geodavovs mpexButepos azo Ep/ paptupe tn Swpea akovoas Tapa rns Swpnoaperns + (5th hand) Avp) @codocvs Nexvros azo Ep/ paprupw 7 S@pea akovaas mapa Ts Swpnoaperns.. + (6th hand) ®h, Eppecas iatpos vies Tov THs Aapmpas prnpns Akakiov paptupw Ty Swpea axovoas Tapa 7s Swpynoalpevns] 45 (7th hand) ®davios Ovdoxopos Tavpwov paptupw 7 Swpea akovgas Tapa 77s Swpnoaperns +6. euov Eppeov eypady 25. This line forms the beginning of a separate fragment. It 42-43. The signature of Theodosius is written in a hand of is certainly not the second part of line 23, and it is uncertain somewhat official type. Swpyoaperns is followed by what may be whether it is that of l. 24, or whether a line or more is wholly _ either a contraction or a mere flourish. lost at this point. 47. The scribe’s signature is followed by a short inscription 35. mpornrevdevrav : 2, mpodnrobevrar, cf. ll, 13, 18. in shorthand, 256 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 1313.—A.D. 507. Jae agreement for the division of land at Hermopolis. The latter part is lost, so that the form the division took is uncertain, There are so many corrections in the last few lines of the remaining portion as to make it seem likely that the document is only a draft, a Uratetas 76 SeoroTd nuwv Dravid Avacrac1o Td aLwyid Avy0oTO avtoKpatopos To Tpitov Xovak TeTapTH TPwTNS LVOLKTLOVOS ev Eppotohea ts OnBaidos TavTnv TeTompela mpos eavTos THY Eyypapoy Kat EvwpoToY 5 oporoyas ths Siarperews Sioonv ypadeoay opotuTov Tpos TO Tap ekaTepw pepe evar povoyov avlertiKov mpos aagaheay ek prev evos pepos Avpydtos Buxtwp Tavpivd eEns Utoypadwv Bonfos amo tyns avtns Eppomodurwv ex O€ 70 eTEpd pepds Pdavios Mynvas Poi.Bappwvos 10 Kat avros ens Utoypadwv avadepopevos evs Tov apiOpor Tov emt THs Eppotodurav Kabidpr[p evar yerr[ajorarwy Mavpev xapew opodroydpev addyhos Ta e€ns vTotEeTay peva KexTnpevor avepov pepovs Ywpld TE apmEdiKd TOUT EDT TOU ArBur[ ov] pepovs Tov avrov apmedwvos Tolvt] eotw amo tys [....]s to” mfo]oukd ws ro hiBa pexpr tov iB[eKov] 15 Tolxov Tov avTov apmrehkwvos Kar...[ . : 1S ‘ oTopynns yns omwy dav wow aplopav eyw pev o rant tay CU dsx/ pep/ trovrey Mnvas oTpatiwTys TpiTov TEVTEKALOEKATOV JLEPOS TO TE AUTO apTrehwvos KaL THS aUTNS OTOpyLNs yns TeprehOov : » | Kale avo Sdixaud . . . ’ s . . . . ° ° 5. opodoytas: 7. opodoytay, 17. All from rpiroy to pepos is struck out, and the words 13. Pavepov pepous : acorrection. nysov pepos was written first, written above are meant as a correction, The character read 14. tov recotxou: cf Pap. 978, |. 10 (p. 233). as x is very doubtful, 15. This line is a later addition. PAPYRUS 1015.—6th cent, HIS is a portion of a contract for the surrender of property (éxywpytiay opodoyia), but Ak the description of the property is lost, The person making the surrender is presumably the first of the signatories, Aurelius Joseph; and the property is evidently in the Hermopolite nome, The document has been cancelled, IO 15 20 25 LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 257 . : , ‘ ; ; oiT® Kat ypvaotkols Kat BovdevTiKns Tvs TOL guy vavdois Kal EKaTOOTALs Kal TavToLoLs alvahwpace avVOvaV Kal KavoviKaYv Kat TavToLwY [. EKoolTeaoapa Kat uTep THs Bovdeurikns [Tvx7nS ELKOOLTEVTE ATO KapTaVv THs oY Dew eorolvons wWOLKTLOVos | es To Sunvekes Kat opooyw a Seols ey ovwonTrore | Kaipw n xpovw ev Sikacrnpiois Kat exz[os Sixacrypiwv Tous Tous KAnpovopous TEpt TO TapaKkexwp|njLEvov apovpwr Sexac€ erousws exw amocoByo[at] cou mlavra Tov n avruromnOnoopevov cou Tepe TovTov eu de p{n mapeEw oy] Tpootiwov Kat TapaBacews xpvoov hitpap play av7t| Sogews atpwta Kat avadeuvta Kat atrapaBara [ Tavra. | Xov mpodepoperny emt Taons apyns Kat e€o[vorlas [ Kal ELS EKAOTOV avTwy pepos TE Kat Kehadar[ov ureBeunv Se es BeBatwow tavtov tov [ TE Kal OMohoynpatwy Ev Ta’TH TH EKXwpHTY KY OpohoyLa Kal uTapfovTa Tpaypata KWwyTa Te KaL aku|nTa m\(ynper TUTW Ta TEpL UTOOnKwY KaL Evexvpar [ + Aupynios lwrnd Igadovros o mpoyeypapplevos Oeunv tnv mpoyeypappevny ekxwpn| TUNVY oporoyiay Kat TeMopat Tac ToLSs eyyey|pappevots ato Eppo7rohews afiw0as eypaa viep avr ypalupara pn edoros (2nd hand) +Avpy.os ato Epp’’7/ paptupw tm exywticn opodoyia alkovoas mapa tov Oenevov] {3rd hand) + Avpydtos Xappias Baowhedd azo Ep/ paptupw 77 [exywpytixn opodoyra akovoas Tapa Tov Hepevov] {4th hand) + Avpnduos Bixtwp Amavtetov amo Ep/ paprupw 7m exxywp[ntiKn oporoyra akovoas Tapa Tov Dewevov| {5th hand) +Mnva @c0d0010 eax, Siak/ amo Ep| / paptupw ™ EKXwPNTLKH oOpodoy.a] akovoas Tapa tov Oexevov [ (6th hand) paptupw 77 | EKXMpPLKN Ofohoyla akovoas Tapa TO O[enevou I. Bovheurixns rvxns: the phrase is new. It appears to denote as often marks the end of a contract; but the signature of yet some kind of impost. another witness has been added afterwards in a small and very 5. Tecoapeckaidexatns would fill the lacuna best. cursive hand, 26. After the signature of Menas comes a row of crosses, such III, PAPYRUS gg91.—6th cent. SALE of a house in a village whose name is lost, but which, from the mention of Her- monthis, seems likely to be in the Thebaid. The first 18-24 letters of each line are lost, Ll 258 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI as also the ends of the first 18 lines. The writing is an uneducated semi-cursive, and the style very illiterate. [ vrarevas JAcvov tov Napmrporatov Kau Tov aTodixyOnoopevov Tavve Ky 7y[s ww [Avp’ Hayarn Kae Tape] kar Vas kar Sria ex matpos Ovodptos o Kat Stkavos ex pun[Tpos jor tov EppwvOirov modews Avpyhiw lwonfios ex marpos Map| Jov vopov yarpew opooyoupey orkovoww avbepaitw yvopln 5 meTpalkevar Gor Kal KaTayeypadyKevat gor amo Tov vuy emer Tov e&yls x povor | TV vTaplyovmay fot oLKLaY ovoay Ev TH avTN KwuN Emer avpas Kalhov- pevys |] Pp dOovcay es nuas aro KXynpovopuas THS avaTravoapevos pou votov otxia Kd\% Tap6j.] Boppa pnua Snpoora ets nv avlovye ouxia Tlapuy Talepye Kar Atovvovos To mev TLX0S EOTLY EDw KOWwV EoTW e€ 10 |k\ov Kowov evotiv aro Onpedtov ews aepws Kata To pepos 7 Jrous kar cupredwornueryns ypvoov Soxysov Kepadacolv vo |uicpatia weve y) xp/ v° € povoyv nvTEep TynV avTol Oey aTeryynKaper | Jou evs yepav apiOuw mhypy emer tw Te Iwondros Mapu Ialepyeu every Kav avorkodopev Kar Sovva Tous peta oe Tapady|pouevovs | _ On ] zodw Bovdrrybens yxpno0a tpotw akohvtws Kar BeBalwws JoBov kav tavta Tov emehevoopevoy cou evTuTounaol mer ] pndev rapa cov mpoohapfarfo|pev [alvria tw anak rem npwobat ™s ovluTepovns Tins Kar TeTirOar cou THvde mpacew am) ] Kau evvopwr amavraxou emerpopopernyv ev SE TIS @ pol ELOL EK 20 ] pov Kupewwrepos haven ev o1wdnTOTE KaLpw EKTLDW GOL THY KaTE tlnv tetpamhovuy Tysnyv Kav KataBhaByn Kar TaTavynpaTa Kal KaTa ]. vopwv Kar ore Tat ovdws opfas Kar Kahws exer Kal ETEpW [tnDevres wpohoynrapev klav amehvoapev Avpydeou Tlayarn cau Tlapw Kat Vas Kav dra Tat pos | KaL PNTPOS Obl TT PO KELILEVOL efeunv TAUTNV THV TWPAGELVY TO to wal ov ev Ty .ovKia Tap Taepyenw car xadws ex[alvw dedyrwrTar ee 7] ie as ED, A 7 yeypa|peva ws TmpoKertar A[v]pndtos Apevwby|s ex| Tatpos o7TovdaLov a€ |whers eypaa vrep avtov mapovtov Kat eal vTav] poe ypappa Ta evoevat . was Kat paptvpw (2nd hand) fA . puaros mperButepos Kops PY) pened OP Lae Rp p BN Mepvo [vewwy HPapTup@ ] 5. Tov seems to have been written twice over. 18. culumehorns: szc. 7. avaravaapevos: 7, avamavoauerns, and supply perhaps 19. w pot evor: the reading is uncertain, but it is intended for pT pos. 8 pi etn. 8. pnua: 2, poyn. 21. raravnyara: either an illiterate spelling of damavjpara or 9. The first eorw is written over some other word, a slip of the pen for ra daravnpara. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 259 PAPYRUS 994—a.D. 517. MUTILATED contract of lease, apparently of a fourteenth share of a pottery at Hermo- polis. XPY [wera THY vrateva|y Davo” Ierpov tov evoofotatov Meyeup te Te. ¢ LVOLK/ TIn evteheotatyn Ovyarpi Tov THS paKapLas Koddovlov Xpvajoxoo” amo tns Eppovtoditwv 7/ Avpndww\v/ Ierpov 5 pntpos] Tawotas Kat Buxtopos Iwavvov pytpos Mapas ap [ borepwr Jewv aro Kwpyns Evoev tov Eppourodiutov vopov , [opodoyouper addnd]eyyvou ovTes Kat addAn\avadoyou ekovotws Kar avlarpetus [ventcOwobar tapa| cov em Sexaern xpovov oyilopevoy aro veopnyias Jayos pnvos Exeup tns tapovons Sexaryns worK/ IO Teo |oaperkaoeKatov pepos ohoKAnpo” KEpaptov oLas [eore Suafecews oluv Kapapars reTrapor Kar Kapivy Kat hakKov kat Evlilkw opyavw e€npticpevw Tact e€apTiw Kal xpnoTynpLoy [wera Twavrwy Twly exeoe Sikatwy Kata KOWewVLaY TOV Tov ] povalovons utep TecoaperkaoeKaTo” pepovs Kat Iwavvo” 15 ]..... Kat Eppov kat Ado*ros kat Aavinhio” otpatiwto 2. Meyetp t reA(et) c evdiK(TLovos) : it is very unusual to find redex 4. m/: sc. mapa. Avpn\wwv is probably a correction of AupnAcov. with a month so early as Mecheir; but cf vol. I, p. 198 note. g. Above the letters ayos there are traces of an v, in which 3. evtekeoratn: the reading is clear, though the epithet is case rov éoopevov dta rdyors may be restored. strange. It is not possible to read evyeveorarn. tTys maxkaptas: 12, e£aptiw: quoted by Ducange in the sense of Navalia SC. PUTPNS. tnstvumenta. Here it seems to mean afpfarafus generally. PAPYRUS 1003.—a. D. 562. MUTILATED lease of land in the fields of the village of Tesla in the Hermopolite nome. The conclusion of the document is lost, and being in a very cursive hand and somewhat damaged even the existing portion is difficult to decipher, especially towards the end. xey¢9 + peta Tynv vratevav Ph) [Bacrverov] TOU evdo€or| a 76 €TOUS e[k lootou [pw |rov em . bates | evde Karns wvd/ Avupy vat Apxovtia APs [ Nore cae ] Kat Ovav@ia Iwavvo azo TS Eppov[modtlrav 1/ A[ulpn\ud OQpitov lowWwpo pntpos Hpaeidos ap dotepwv] azo kopns Swakvpews Tov Eppovm[oditjov vopo Xaupev opohoyw eyw o Tpoyeypap, 5 Qprros dia ravtys pov z[ns eyypadjov acdareas exovoiws Kat avOaiperws pleluicOacbat mapa oo ef [oo lov eav Born a I. xuyG@: of. note on Pap. 1310, |. 1 (p. 250), and vol. II, the last half of the 21st year after the consulship of Basilius p. 324. The group of symbols is here (as usual) written (=A.D. 562). ARES as if it all formed one phrase. 4. 2wakvpews: the middle letters are doubtful, but it does not 2. en—? possibly Eneip. The date must be in the first half seem possible to read either Ziwkepews OF Zwaynpews, which are of the 11th indiction year (=a. D. 562-563) corresponding to known names of Hermopolite villages, Enea 260 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Ons xpovov doyrlo[pevov amo] Kaprwv tys evtvyouvs eiotovons Swdex[aTyn]s wS/ Ka avTys TO UTapYoVv Ow apouvpas Tpla xepoas yap. [. . aum]ckukw Trew edaTzLw alrokadapoupyo[vplevwv ex Tov 7z[.]xo ex TE... TPAVWTOS Kata Tpo7d cuv Tw odox[|Anplo akKd kat vdpevpalzjos Kar Evdixw opylalyo «[ae] ypnoryprors TACEL KAL TAVTL Sixaw dSiaxepevas ev [r]ediad. Kons Teoha tov Eppoumodirov vopoly elk 7d deylo]pevd opyavo AdovtTos 10 eh w TE THS apTias yryvopeva Sia Twv Eenwv CwvTwv Kar Tpedopevwy peypt [Thy apre- hovpyav .}n ovy ‘ Epyaciay Kat Tacav em{mjeduay Kar dioxadiay Kar oKarpv mevre Tov er[{c]av7[o] . . Aidoptoy Kat... LOomoy ] © exreXer ou Kau Ta TepuT. pomeva ev Ty Gov adf.Jys Scart nOnvar ra Ol KNTADOMEVWV 6, 7. To uTapxXov ow apoupas Tpia: Sic. 7- xap...: perhaps xapax, It is not possible to read ywpto unless the first was very badly formed. PAPYRUS 1005.—a.pD. 598-599 (?). EASE (probably, though the loss of more than half of each line leaves the details uncertain) of a stable at Hermopolis. The document is dated in the seventeenth year of an emperor whose name is lost. Of the three emperors whose reigns were of sufficient length (Justinian, Maurice, and Heraclius), Maurice is perhaps the most probable on palaeographical grounds. + Baoretas tov Peorarov [ eTous emtaKkaioekatou . [ + Phaoviw Teppavw tw Napmporarw Tov Ts | aprpas prnuns Of Trepexyios Awpofeov tpeaBvtepos] 5 amo 77s Epporfro]{irwv yatpew Bovropar picbwcacba azo] ™s ons apmpolTntos | nTis eotey TuKLov [ a7aBdov odoKhnpov [ ovr | Kapapa Kat owzlors xpnoTypLots Tact 10 KEeevov em. THS av|Tns xpnow evorxeo’ 7 dwow Tw vpeTepw ev{ Bov] AnGem » on aprpor[ys avtw Ovpais Svar y ef 15 (2nd hand) +YTzepeytos Awpof[eov (3rd hand) . TLTXO ato Ep/ pap7_upe LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 261 (4th hand) Appowd ur. . . [ S[alpamwo[y a]to Ep/ paprupw 7 [ Endorsed :— + Trrepexios Awpofeov tperBurep/ aro EppouTohess . . 17. Perhaps vrodiak) aro Ep/ p[aprupw. The slight remains would suit this fairly well, PAPYRUS 1006.—a.D. 556. EASE for five years of 14 arouras of land at the village of Natoleus in the Hermopolite nome. The document is expressed in a remarkably illiterate style, but the writing is fairly good. + peta Tyv vtatetay Pavlov Bacwretov Tov evdokw TaTov etous mevTnkaLoekatyn AOup TpiTtn TEeTaApTHS wd/ Avpndtos Koddovfos Kupaxkou Bpasdeos vioypapovtos amo Kkwuns Natwdews tov Eppou 5 moXdwtrov vonov Avpynriw Ietpw vw wort VOS ATO THS AUTNS KOLNS YaLpetv ofohoyw eyw Oo 7 poyeypappevos KodXovBos exovo.ws ky avbatpe Twos peutcOwobar Tapa cov emi TEevTaETN xXpovov hoytlomevoyv amo KapTev TeuTTNS 10 wWOLKTL@VvosS TO UTapPXO ToL apoupwy pa TETApP Tov mAnpns avudpovs Siakeipevov eu TE OvaTe THS avTyS Kwpns vm. ..loov Ad-ylopevou Xohogaouov €€ amrndwwrov KapTer wy av Epoupot Popov KaT ETOS KpUYTOV vopLTPaATLA 15 €v TpiTov mapa Kepatia oxTw Clvyw| tys Kw pens y bad ¢op/ xp/ v° a AdeE . a/ ovrepidopov erouu[w]s exw Tapacyew cou Tov evos vopic [waTiov . : ; . > ; Endorsed :— pe G a d II/ KohXovfov Kupaxov amo K/ Natadels 3-4. ¢. Bpadéws troypapor, referring to the signature of 15. 1} solidi less 8 carats = 1 solidus, and it is so expressed Collouthus, which is lost. in the repetition in I. 16. 6,7. mlpoyeypanpevos: the division is extraordinary, but the 16. Adef(avdpera): for solidi of the Alexandrian standard, see reading is certain. Oxy. Pap.i, p. 236, also Papp. t072 and 1315 b (pp. 274, 275, 10, II. ro... avySpous; in spite of the curious jumble of cases, below). numbers and genders, the reading seems to be as above given. ovmeppopov : apparently for dvrep pdpov. II. mAnpns: indeclinable, as often, cf J. H. Moulton, Grammar 19. pPs the p is drawn through the », in monogram form. of New Testament Greek, i. 50. One would expect p', = picOwors. i 14. epoupor: ¢. appar, cf Pap. 1036, 1. 1 (p. 268). 262 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS 1007.—About a.p. 558. HE relation to one another of the three documents inscribed on this papyrus is not very clear at first sight. The papyrus itself is composed of two cedides, wrongly fastened together, so that on each side half of the fibres are perpendicular and half horizontal. One side of the sheet is occupied by a continuous but incomplete text (a), relating to an agreement with regard to some loans. On the other side are two documents, one on each geXis of the papyrus, both imperfect. The uppermost (4), which is on the horizontal fibres of the papyrus, is in the same hand as (a), but does not relate to the same events; the other (c), which is written across the fibres of the papyrus, is in a different hand from (4), but relates to the same persons and appears to be the first part of the same text. Under these circumstances it is difficult to speak of either side as vecto or verso. It is perhaps most probable that (6) and (c) were written first, and were subsequently united (in the wrong order) to receive (a); but the difference in date cannot be great, since (c) appears to be part of the same document as (4), and (4) is in the same hand as (a), The date given in (c), A.D. 558, may consequently be taken as applying approximately to (a) as well, The long text (a) is an ékywpyrixy dpodoyia, arising out of four loans, for which certain articles of plate had been given as security. The debtor, being unable to repay the loan, wished the creditor to accept these articles as a full discharge of the debt; but the lender (a woman) refused, alleging that they were of inferior value to the amount of the loans. At last, however, she consented (1. 21), and the present document is accordingly a conveyance of the articles in question. It is considerably mutilated, and imperfect at the end. It is roughly written, with alterations and interlineations, and can only be a first draft. Some of the terms used to describe the pieces of plate which served as securities for the loans are new or rare. eyo o autos 0 a/ I ]k/ ws vor, kata Siadopa po tdv0yetpa murraKia TET oApa cOaveroapnv Tapa TyIs| 2 [ons Bavpaciotnros|] v* EBL evar) wy To pev Tpwtov yeyevntar Tayo TpELoKaLoeKkaTy ™s Taped) 3 [a wd, 0s evor, Kat] vTeDeunv avTn es aodad’ avrav OnoKia apyvpea Sdv0 to Se devrepor Adyoto] | 4 | ms § a td) erepwr v As evar, Kar Sedwxa gor oyw evexvpwv To'’Twy apyupEeov pero . Tle Kadapapio exov ets To pecov Tov Avoyyoov Kat Tnv Apiadyyy Kat evs on To xEthos apzre 2. Gavpactornros: cf. 1. 30. The word may have been abbre- 3. @noxia: perhaps this = Oy«ia; the reading seems certain, viated here also. and so again in l, 9. 6 evexup[o | 7 [kavkwwy alpylvlpewy Svo Kav To TeTaptov yeyovev Ilayev TEVTEKALOEK| 77 | } 8 two vo’ v 8 — erlajrab, evexvpov SeSopevov oor Tap eyo’ es aadah/ aUT@V ta S€ dvo Onokta . y 9 ap}yupewy z[plov Kar KoxMapio evos ev EKATTH Se Twv § tdi0xElpwr [10 mittaK/ 10 Js § rovs voppolv]s toxovs add ab 6 xpovo yeyevn\y/TaL 7a avuTa miTTakta 11 [wdwoxerpa pov] TETTUpA KATA TOV EKATTW EYKEYLEVOY XpovoY TwV 4 V° EBL evot, ovde 12 J] apxator kataBeBrynka €...... 8) ovSe Tous vopip, ToKovs Kala 13 |. poe ev exact Twv Wioxepov bo TiTTAK/ ws evrevlev UTepRawew 14 ]xar tovs ovvayfevtas TovTov vouyous TOKOVS TOV 70.pa0 popLovTos Xpovo 15 rH tynv tov Tpoerp, Kar vToteHey\twv’ gor Tap EHO apyupewy evdav Kar Tr, 16 |ynow mpocayayovons pou mept THS aTodoTEws TwY TE Y EB evo) KL TV 17. [emcvvayfeyrwv tovTwv vomyswv ToK/ TapakeKhynka avTny Ta ELp) apyupEd elon 18 ] eyo’ Sica exywpytix/ amodoy|tjas nrou amotayns ave TwY ¢/ [rou XpvaoLo v EBL evo) auT@y 19 [Kav twv emovvayPevtwv vopiwy ToKwy Tavtos TO TapehnvOoTos Xpove MEXpPL TO vulv | 20 Joynv tovro mparrev eSvoyepavey pagKovoa py ewar aia Ta avTa apyupea 21 [eSn pndSe rns alurys tocorntTos xpvow apxaiov Te Kat TOKwY TehevTaLov Se [7 |eLoTwY 22 Jew mpocevnveypevwy avTn Tap E40 TEpt ToVTOV NVYETXETO TAUTA Kopicac Bal v] 23 [avr tev § 76 xp|votd Twv v EBL evot) Kat twv emco[vvjaxPevtwy avTwv vop, TOK) TavTOS TOU T™po 24 [edndrvOoros xplovov pexpt tys Sevpo Kav TovTov xapw acpevws ere THY Tap/ Exxwp/ o10d/ 25 talpeknvOa mpos avtnv du ns omod/ ex Te mavtos Sod/ Kat T.. d/ 26 [ra re Sv0 Onojkia Kat Ta Suvo KavKia Kal TA TpLa apyupa Kal TO KOXLap_ TYYKXaAVvoVLY 27 ] TevTe T@ Kahapapio EKXMPEW KOL TApAaYwpELW Ka EKKEX) Kat ev. oa 28 ] to mp/ ev8/ tw Se trav §/ apyvpea efS]n tov Sexatprav Aitpwv Kar QTOyey . 3. . 29 av|r tov ‘4% v EBL evar) kav Twv emicvrfaxOel|vrwy voy) toK/ Tavtos 76 mpodeyo}, xpovd [ hh For the supplements here and in 1. 9 compare I. 25, where 25. ek te: so MS. apparently, for exrds. the objects deposited as security are recapitulated. After 26. xavxia: probably ‘little cups,’ a diminutive of xavx«y or Ilaywy several words have been washed out. xavkxos; cf L. and S., s.v. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 263 [erep]ov [Nov Kat To T]pitoy ovyyeypamtar Tue cBdoun tys tapedO, TpiTNs emiwep|)| vp us evoT, Emre II, roy: corrected from ryv; and similarly eyxetpevor. 27. A blank space has been left after kaXapapio. 264 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 30 ] ovdeva Noyov exe pd : : . Of pd/ pe tpos tHy ony Gave, wn Tpoor) evi... 31 ] wavra tovs 8/ twv § apyvpewy €d/.. Kev dia To Tapakd\nbeoar QuTNY Tap EjL0v 32 ] kav ta [avjra KopiolaloOar avty ta Sv0... do... expyras TO ypvard b EBS evoty 33 [kat tov emovvaybev}rov Tovtwy vopywr ToKwY 30. und... : perhaps pnde mpos . ., corrected from zpos pr[Seva]. PAPYRUS 10076 and ¢—a.p. 558. S stated above, the two texts on the other side of the papyrus containing the text just printed are in different hands, but appear to be parts of a single document. The begin- ning of it is written on what is now the lower half of the papyrus, but the text above (which is in the same hand as a) appears to follow on immediately, It is a lease by Apollos, also named Phellos, from his daughter Eudoxia of a piece of land which had been given to her by her uncle. The place to which it relates is Tarruthis, a village in the Antaeopolite nome. From seven to ten letters are lost at the beginning of each line, which causes some obscurity in the latter part of the document, which is, moreover, left unfinished, (c) [+Bacrrelas tov Peorarov nuwv Searorov Pdaviov lovoTiwiavou Tov awviov Avyovarou [Kau avToKpa |ropos ez[ov|s TPLaKOOTOU SevTEpou [pera | TYHV VITATELAV @D\aviov Baotreov TOU tVOLKTLOVOS [Avpylia E]vdo€éia [Ov}yarpe Ato\wros to[v] Kat PeA\wTos ato Kwpyns Tappovlews tov 5 [Avratoro\}rov vono z/ Avpndtov AzrohdwTos TO Kat DedNwTos TO Kat TpoELPNuEvoU coU [watpos viov] PorBappwvos pytpos Mapias Bpadews vroypapovtos yewpyou [aro tys avt|ns Kopns opooyw eyw o mpoyeypappevos Amrohdws 0 Kat Delos [exovotws Kat] avlatperos peptcOwobar Tapa cov em. mevracyn xpovov oyilopevor [azo pyvos Tlayw|y tns tapovons eBdouns woixTiovos Kat avtns To Swpyfev cou TH Tpo 10 [yeypappev|y po Ovyarpe Evdog[ta] mapa zlov] eviaBeoratov mo opoyvnc.ov ad| ed |pov bab (2) mpleaBurepo tov opovs tys Avravoro\twv alo] THs mpoepnuerns Kopns [TappovO]ews klar elyypadov Swpeav yeyevrnuerny oor Tpwnyv Tap avTov yuLov Jens SnoPnoopevwy apovpwv ocwv ectw ev TE OTOpYLN yn KaL aptre[ hove] [wera TavrTjov KWNTwY TE Kal AKWTwY Kal AVTOKWHTwY TpaypaTwVv aKohovIas 15 ] 7s avrns eyypadov Swpeas Kata THY vmToTeTaypernV dinynow . [ Js apovpav ocwyr eo[r|wv ovo[ns] ex AuBos THs exe 000 Kat €€ amy[diw| 3. apxn: cf. note on Pap. 1083, |. 3, above (p. 249). 8. mevraeyn: Ste. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 265 [tov xwpiov] apeduKov epov Te mpoyeypappevov Amohdwros Tov Kat Pedrwtos kale 7s] [tpoyeypap]uerns Evdogias ths euns Ovyatpos thy Bopuyy Tovrwy pepioa [apovpwr oolev exrw tout extw amo z[ov Bop]wov Tovrwy akpov ets voToY pEXpt 20 nlurews TovTwY pepous Kat amo TOV amnwrTiKOU TOUTwY aKpPOv pexp| rov \uBuKov TovTwy akpov Kal HuLoTV pEpoOs 77S xXepoapzrehov [apoupwv oajwy exrw tys ovons €& amy\iwrov THs avTNS odov TovT eaTW THY alurns pepida apovpwv ogwy eat Deere) es TOUS 23. It is impossible to suppose that this is the conclusion of the document, but nothing is written after eorw. PAPYRUS 1008.—a.D. 561. EGINNING of an agreement between three brothers and their sister, The main portion of the document being lost, it is impossible to discover the nature of the agreement. The date is the 27th of Pauni in the 35th year, which must be a year of Justinian. +Baorreals] rolv Oeoratov nuwr Searorov Phaviov lovetwiavov tov awyioy AvyovgTou Kau avToKparopos | ETOUS TplakooTov Tep[rTov peta THY UTateLavy Pdaviov Bacwdetov Tov evdofou Kat apzpo- TaTov eTous eiKooToU | Tlavve ecxas eBdopun t[y]s Sexlarns wdiKrovos +7nvde thy weprextixny Siarvoiy BleBarovcay tav7[axouv mpodepoperny 5 mpos adrrydovs Siconv ypaheoav opotumo[y] pol Xaptyv mpos ardadevay ex pev evos pepovs Avpyior Hpakdapplwr] Kar Aovdous kar Mnva{s] OL TpELS OfmoyrncoL adeddou EK TaTpos TOV THS Pakapias prnuns Lapamiwvos e&Ns vToypa- [ovr les Tov TavTns avo[plos eyyvwpevov Kat avadeyonevo to [7 ]poown[ov avt|ys ouv Tage ToLs 10 euepopevors avtn Kedahatois TE Kat OMoroynpace [iim EavTov Kwvovve | Kal TNS TavToLas avTd vTocTacews |. . ; . . ™mpoa| TAYHATOS avTo Tov eipyylevov| ar7[ : : PAPYRUS tIo012.—a. D. 633. LEASE of land at Thynis, a village near Hermopolis, which occurs also in several other papyri in the British Museum (1036, 1039, 1079, 1080). The parties to the deed have Jewish names (Joseph and Daniel), but the names of their parents (Christodorus, Paul, III, Mm 266 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Martha) indicate that they were Christians, and the full Christian formula is employed at the head of the document. +ev ovopate tTys aytas Kat Cworro tov’ Kau OmoovaLov TpLados maTpos/ Kal ViOU KaL aylou TVEVLATOS Baoiteas twov Oevoratwv 5 Kat yadnvotatwv kav Jeoo Tedov nuov Seatotwv Pav wv’ Hpak\evov Kau HpakXevov Neov Ko@voravtivov twv avwviwy AvyovoTwv autoKpa‘topwr/ IO Kat KEYLOT@V EVEPYETWV ETOUS ELKOTTOV TpLTOV Owh dexatn eBdouns w5°/ + + Avpnhiw Aaviniw yewpyw viw TOV maKapitov Xpictodwp \ov/ 15 amo 7ns Epp” +7°// Avpndwov Iwan duiov! viov IlavAov ex pntpos Mapfas yewpyov amo ts auTns Epp)” opodkoyw exovaoiws Kat avlaipetos penicbacd ar’ 20 Tapa Cov Tpos pmovov eviauTo\v/ yTo. KapTav Tns avy Dew evarovans oydons wd°/ Kar pov ns! Tas Siadhepovoas aol apovupas TpeLls OTOplNS yns TeT\npw Spat’ 25 twv e€nKovTa Tecoapwr appara vl TW duKaLw ++ ALW EKAOTYS apoupys SiaKkeyp) ev yewopyio heyou! TBwte ev mediad. Kopns Ovvews Kat VITO THY - 30 Tavrns tapadviakny Tov Epp)” voxov peta Tov pmepos QUTWV TOU EKELOE AakKov KQL KukheuTyplov Kat Bovataciov 12. w6°/: for this method of denoting the genitive cf Pap. Schott-Reinhardt V, 9, and the ‘ Strassburger Qorra-Papyri’ in the appendix to that volume. 21. nrot kaprav x.t.\.: this clause seems to be inserted to show that only the following year’s crops are included in the lease, not those of the current year. 24. memAnpopat: the termination is uncertain, but apparently a new sentence begins here. 25. ayzparey: this measure of length (40 cubits) occurs in BGU. 319, Ll. 10, 402, 1, 9, 872, 1, 3, It is mentioned in the Oxy- rhynchus metrological papyrus (669), but its dimensions are not there preserved. The reference to the 64 dpara of each apoupa here is obscure. 27. apovpys is written in a different hand, the space for it having apparently been left blank at first or washed clean of the original writing. 33. KukAeurnptov : Kuxdevo and xukXeurys occur frequently in the agricultural accounts in Pap. 131, but this word appears to be new, LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 267 Kav tavro[s] Sukavov evs Topay 35 Kat katabeow KapTov ov eav ehopat popov aitov apraBwv Sexamevte yi ou S te oviep popov veov Kadov Kafapov KekooKiweup 40 petpw ow APnvaw alzro] Soow Ka anfolkalracryl cw] jou els TOV ovKoy cou ev Ep[p,"| Ld.ors prov Cwous Kar avarop ao! ev Tw Evrerh pve THS avTys 45 w0°/ n picOwors Kupia Kar BeBava Kau emepwTnbers wporoynoa + Avp/ Twondios vifos Ilavdov . Endorsed : t+av. . -op/. . . Iwonduov [v}ov Taviov yewpyd am evdi[ 34. es mopay: Z. eis oropay, a common mistake. PAPYRUS 1023.—5th-6th cent. TEASE of a share in a house at Hermopolis. The beginning of the document is lost and the concluding portion is mutilated. The date is the 15th indiction, but the more exact dating clause is lost. IO Avpydia].. uc. [.]e Twouriwvos 7m evyefelorary alzro ts] Eppolzo)\trav 7/ Avpndd lwavvov Amuwvos [Bpa] [S]ews [v]roypadovros amo tys avTys Toews [op0 Aoyw exovla}fw]s Kar avaperas pepicbwobar rapa gov eh ov av Bovdrnfens xpovov doyLopevov amo TNS ONMEpPOV KaL TpOYEypayperns NuEpas TLS cot [Tu]Bc eBdoun z[ns] tapovons revrexar Sexal7ys] wdiktiovos To vrapxov cou emBaddov Kal ayynkoy pepos ohoKANpov oLKLas pETa TaVTOS avuTov Tov SuKavov TovT ecTw eis TO auto em-Badrof v | Kal AVNKOV ToL MEPOS THS GUYTNS OLKLAS NuLTV pEpo[s] Tou kolit]wvos ovtos ev Tn TpwTn oTEyn ve[vovro[s] evs Boppa Kat npicv peplo|s jas Kapapas ev ta KaTayalw vevovons els aTniwryny Kat nuLoV 6. mpoyeypaypevns: apparently corrected from Tpoyeypaupevov, Mm 2 263 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 15 pepos ou..tas ev Tw SwpaTt KaTa KoWwriaY Evpaoias Iwavvov evs To viodouroy ypwov MEpos TWY AUTWY TOUTWY ELS TUPTANPwOWW TOUTwY Kal TO alpovy ToL pLEpos THS avs Kal Tov PpEaTos kat tov [mu]\[wlvos Kat Tov Terao Kat Tov dopa 20 Tos Kat THs atOpov Kat THs Eoodov Kat e€odou Kat avosov Kat KaTOodov Kau dourwv ypynoTnpLwv mavtov [alfay]kawrv ex [tps orcas ohokAnpov Siakeerns emu THS avTns Eppovrohitwv er ap dodov Loews Amnduw7[ov] mpos ypnow euny Kau 25 OlknoLW EvoLKELoOV TOUTOV KAT ETOS apyupLoU Taravtwv Sioyxeduwv [o]xtakootwy omep €[v]oixvov atodwow oor mplos Aynfily exac]rov erous avuTepHetas kat on[otav Bov]\nOns exew [rapadwow olor ras avtas .o7o.[.... our Olupas ws rralperrnpa n pucPwors Kvpia Kau 30 BeBalia Kar €lrep/ wpod/ [Avp/ Iwavyns] Amuwvos 0 mpok/ [pepicOopar] ws mpok/ Avp/ [ |ns Mnva ao Ep/ [waprupa 7 plioOwce axlovoas mapa tov Oeluevov Pdravios ; ; : : . paptupeo Ty plobwoe axovoas [mapa tov Bewevjov + Endorsed: M Iwavvov Amiwvos..... 19. tov meooov: here apparently a part of the building. C/ 26-29. Cf Pap. Fior. 13, ll. 15~19, and 73, ll. 16-19. Pap. 978, l. 10 (p. 233). 29. rorobec.as would suit the remains, if one could suppose it 20. tns atOpov: such seems to bethe reading. Itmay perhaps to be used to mean ‘sites’. be another form for rov ai@piov. PAPYRUS 1036.—6th cent. ORTION of a lease of land, containing a statement of the rent and the ovvyea or additional ‘present.’ The fact that the money is to be paid on the standard of Hermopolis indicates the Hermopolite nome, and the mention of the feast of Thynis makes it probable that the land is in the village of that name. ] KapTov wy ay aipwopat dopov twv avrwv dvo [apouplwy Kar eros xpuoou VOMLTPATLOV EOS NpLaLovs] Tapa KEpaTia EvVvEa B wo.Kk/ [DrA) Iwavyns ] eyTpos Apxovtias Suakovos amo Kwpyns Evoev [rov Eppomohirov vopov] Pdraviw SuBavw PorBappwvos amo Lrorkatav ] woke. Ap.. pov Tov Mavpwr yarpew opmohoyw 5 [eyo o zpoyeypapp PA Iwavyyns exynkevar Ka TemANpwobar wapa THs oS [Aaprporntos (?) tns pols addydous [ovp|redwvnperns rerevas Kar a€vas [runs owl]ov petpwrv oydonkorta yi ow) pet, 7” arep talvra amo[Slwow cor ev Tw Kalpw THs TpYyNS Ts guy Yew evovovens TlpiTyns emiveunoews ev olvw vew Kad\uoTw 10 ] petpov amo €eotwy mevte Twv TovTwY jov wap epov Kaw ev evpefern of0s 1 amountos | tov owov ere DaperwO pynvos Kav avtov | emt Tw pre ahda€ar cou avt avtwy ev Karo [owe avev ut lepec[e]os KaL avTidoyias KaL KPLOEwsS Kal 15 uTlep Se tys alulrns tpofecpias eo pn atodwcw perp ja oydonKovTa ETOLLWS EXW TAapAadXELVY TOL ]s Xpuvaov vopic pari a Dene é] Kepal 7 |va Swoeka 2. Evoev: cf. Papp. 994, 1. 5, 1oo1, 1. 5. an artaba is said to contain 10 peérpa. In the Aphrodito papyri 4. Presumably karotxodvre (or dodnpodyte) ev oder k.t-A. The (8th cent.) a pérpov normally contains 10 g€ora, though in one middle letters of the name might be ya or mv. instance (Pap. 1428) 8 ara of df0s make a pérpov. 7. petpwy oydonkovra: pétpov as a measure of definite size, 9. For the supplement cf Amh. Pap. 150, Il. 27-29. instead of as a generic term, occurs in Pap. 428 (vol. II, p. 313), II. Jov: corrected from ov, where it apparently is ;; of an artaba; and in Oxy. Pap. 9 verso PAPYRUS Ioo1.—a. D. 539. CKNOWLEDGEMENT of a payment in advance of the price of 13 artabas of wheat and 10 kviduva of wine. The document is almost complete but is damaged in places. The parties belong to the Hermopolite nome. + + peta tyv vrateav Pd, Iwavvo’ ro er[d0€] Kau uTeppvertato’ Mlelyerp « B wi Kriovos] Avpndwos Koddofos Avéi{o]* pntpos.. av. apmehoupyos azo emouKelo’ Kaho>mer[o]> LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 271 5 Tyvtapar medwwy Kwpns Evoev to’ Eppo mo\utov vopo’ Pdaoviw Tewpyw SA[B avo’ ato oTpatiwTwv ato Tns Eppo’zo\utwv % opodoyw exynKevar Kat teT\npwobar mapla ojo’ ry[s] mpos addyhovs cuprrepa 10 vyple|yyns Tedecas TYuns oiTo’ aptaBys pas q[puto|v Kat owo’ veov povaTou KYLOLWD Sexa yw o/—ay” Kau ow, K[v]6/ u amep av TLOWTW GOL OUTWS TOV pEV TLTOV TW Tlavv pnve kaipw ovyKopmidys [Ka]oz[o |p 15 Ts ovv Pew ewciovons Tpirns WwoiKTLOVOS ev oirw vew Kalapw KEeKooKLVEevpEevo petpw ow AOnvaww tov Se owov Tw Meoopyn pve Kaipw tpvyns Kaprev Ts § wi, avurepOerws ev o-ww vew KaioTw 20 Kal evapeoTw petpw To’ vm ee ywpLo’ apzredix[o»| 06 TapexovTos Ta To’TwY Kovfwy ev SE py dvvnfw Sidovat wou tov a tov aitov Kat oLvoy e&.. 8.7 mpolerpia tapeEw oor vmep trI[s] tpolrys] TYyULNS pao’ Keparia e€ evOus plera] Ty . 25 ons tpoleopias tdiw po’ Kwdvvw Kat Tacr|s] VTOOTATEWS TO Ypauparetov TovTo KupLoy [Kat BeBaror kat emep/ wpod/ (2nd hand) Avp/ Kod\ovfos Av60 0 tpok/ €feunv tov] TO TO ypapmarevov ws mpok/ Avp/ Amradevs Eppov[zohirys] afiwfes eypaa vrep avtov ypappara [un evdotos] 30 ©6(3rd hand) ®davios Ioakos PowBapwvos ato Mal paprupw Tw] ypapatum aKkovoas mapa tov Oewevov [ (4th hand) azo E[p/] paprupw tw ypappatiw akovoas mapa To” Oe pevov| Endorsed : Kohho’fov AvO[tov ap|red/ ato eroux/ Kaho, Tlnvrapat =] at/S— [a y”] Kau [ow Kv) | 21. kovper: 2. koufa, and ¢f. Pap. 390, 1. 3 (vol. II, p. 332), Pap. Fior. 65, ll. 9, 19, and Wilcken, Gr. Ostr. I, p. 766. PAPYRUS 1319.—A. D. 544 Or 545. N acknowledgement of a loan. The borrowers are already indebted for a previous loan, and a clause is inserted at the beginning of the document as to the validity of this. The date is ‘after the consulship of Basilius,’ which was in a.p. 541, but the mention of the 8th indiction-year shows that it is not the first such year that is meant, as might be supposed, but 272 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI either the third (a.p. 544) or the fourth (a.p. 545), according as the 7th Pauni fell at the beginning or end of the indiction-year. In default of any indication to the contrary, it is safest to regard the indiction-year as beginning in the middle of Pauni (see vol. I, p. 198), in which case the present document belongs to the extreme end of the 8th indiction-year (= 1 June, A.D. 545). + + pera tnv vrareav Pdaviov Bacidetov tov tavevdypov Tlavvi : Cs: wouK/ Avpydtor XeSys PorBappwvos e€ys vToypadwv Kat yn TovTov pyTHP Lodia Tavpivov pytpos Kupuddovdos apdotepor oppapevor amo 77S Eppovrodurav Avpyhva Nepeorddyn PoiBappwvos Tn evyevertaTy amo TNS avTNS TodEews XaLpELW KUpLas OVENS 5 Kat BeBaras tns mpotepas nuov vToOnkns THS ovens Tapa Gor THS KaL THY vovav LoXuY cau Svvapwv exovons ef ats [w]eprexer Siacrodats Tacais axpe amrobow ews Tov ev avTn ypEous Kal EmAVTEWS TOUTOU KaL VUY opohoyoupeEY addndeyyvou ovTes x{at] addndaLpJaSoyor exynxevale] Ka}. SeSavecOar Tapa cov es vay nov Kar avaryKavay xperav Sia xerpos e& orxov golu] Keparaov Xpvoov vopicparia SeomoriKa 10 [...JufJa reccapa mapa Kepatia exooiteroapa Cvye Snpoow THS avTNs [mlokews yw yp/ v° 8 a’ Kep/ Kd: aTEp cot arodwoopev e€ ahdyheyyuns omoTay [Blovdybens avvatippyntes Kar avapdiorBohos Kar amTpopacieTws Kal OVX O NMOS lnee - |e YVoval GOL VITEPaAVvw ETLKEPOLAS TWV AVTWV Endorsed: X Xedov DoiBappovos Kar ts [wntpos Lodras 12, avvatippytas : So, apparently, for avaytippytes. Av LeCeIp ES: PAPYRUS 1020,—7th cent. ECEIPT for the rent of the sth indiction for property in Hermopolis and an unnamed village. The receipt is given by Basilides to Georgius, who is the representative of Cyrilla and Mary, a nun. +7/ Bacthedov PorBappwvos ato Ep/ tw adedp/ Tewpyro SrPavolv] azo z[ns §] 7od/ TeT\ANpoOpal Tapa TO TOV popo Twv pakap/ Kupiddas kat Mapas kaptov mepmrrn|s v|vd/ 5 vmep TOV EMO EKTOU pepor[s] Tov avtwv expopial v] ev Te ev Eppovmoher kau ev K@p, UTEP TOV avtwv Kuptdhas kar Mapuas poovalovons Kat ovdeva hoyov exw \mpos ae’ viep hopo Ts § TELTTNS ivo/ 3. paxap/: 2. é. paxapiov, used as a title of respect for the 6. ev re ev: the repetition of the ev is evidently a slip of the religious. Mary was a nun (line 7). pen. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 273 x[at] mpos onv aodfa}recav rar[r}n[y] wou merounpar 10 rv [a}roxny vs [m]poK/ eypag/ Paude 8 € iv0// [+] Baciredns PorBappwvos Temd/ ME 1. mewa/: a very doubtful reading. PAPYRUS 1051.—6th or 7th cent. ECEIPT from Silvanus to Victor for one gold solidus, less 63 carats, for the rent on the crops of the 12th indiction. Silvanus is from Hermopolis, and Victor from the village of Senil(aeus ?), which is presumably in the Hermopolite nome. The receipt has been cancelled. a/ SrBavov PorBappwvos ato Ep/ Bixtwp Tewpyw amo K/ Yevd/ edcEapnyv Tapa cov Urep expopiov vmep Kaptav THs SwoeKxaTns wd/ XYpvoov vomicpatiov Evos Tapa KEpaTia 5 e€ reraprov y/ yxp/ vaa/ Kep/ 5 d/ eypad, Emep Kl ty wd/ (2nd hand) ®d/ SiABavos PoBappwv amo Ep/ o mpoK/ arorxer . fou TovTo To evtaytov v° a T/ Kep/ > d’ ws [mpox/] 2. Bukrwp Tewpyw: ¢. Bexropt Tewpycov. 6-7. The signature of Silvanus is written in a very illiterate Sevih/: of. Pap. 1095 2, 1. 2 (above, p. 250). hand, and the readings are, in consequence, sometimes doubtful. 4. €vos: Stc. 6. PoBaypor: sic. PAPYRUS t1060.—7th cent. ECEIPT given by Theodosius, collector of the gold-taxes for the district of Hermopolis, to the abbot Daniel for 23 carats in respect of the crops of the 7th indiction. Theodosius is described as acting on behalf of the church of Hermopolis, so that the collection appears to be ecclesiastical, and not a state tax. The property on which the money is paid evidently belonged to the church, or, at least, the latter had a right to a certain percentage of the produce. The following documents may be compared with this. + +n ayt/ t O0/ exxd/ Eppoumod/ 8 end @codoo10 amautnt\ Twv ypvor/ pepid/ Eppoutor/ aBBa Aavimwo exx tapa ofov] I. » ayt(a) r(o)v @(eo)v: the formula recurs in the texts which follow (Pap. 1072). III, Nn 274 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI ato tov dopov Kapm) eBdouns w// 5 xpvoo Kepla}ria evxoor tpra yt/ xp/ K/ KY ra Kat So? Plor|Bapp) Ivpix) 7d yupvacro K evrayt/ Papp? wd/ € py eypad/ Tax, va w/ ¢ + @codoc.s amaitnT\ oTOLX) TO evTa, + 6. ra cat 609: sc. ra Kal S06(évra). 8. The cross or flourish at the end may be a monogram for 7. ps: z.e. p(dvov), meaning that the receipt applies only to yuo. the dues of the 7th indiction. PAPYRUS 1072.—7th cent. HE four documents inscribed on this papyrus are very similar to the preceding. They are receipts, all in the same hand and from Colluthus, rpo(vonrijs) peptd(os) ‘Epp(ov)(dhews), as agent for the dyi(a) 7(0)d A(€o)d éxxdn(cia) in Hermopolis, to various persons for the rent in respect of the crops of the 12th indiction. In ¢ the locality for which he is zpovon7ys is different, and in @ the name of a person takes the place of that of a locality. In two cases the amount is 222 carats, in one 223, and in the remaining receipt apparently 73, though the reading is not certain. (2) +n ay/ 7 6 exkn!/ Epp" 8/ ep” Koddov86 mp°/ pepid/ Epp," Evoy top’ Sedax{/ K €]kpop/ Kapmy Swdex[alr[yns] ivd/ Xpvao Kepat|ula erKooe Svo npw/ terap/ y/ «K/ KBUd/ xop/ Tapad| +eyp/ Ered x w0/ [18] Kohdov6o Tp/ TTOLX) 2. mou’: perhaps for moru(erc), but « has not been written. 3. xep/ mapap[: perhaps = xepls mapapaipéceas. The last dedax/: 7.€. d€dwxas or dedaxer. letter preserved may also be p. (6) +n ay/7 6 exkd!/ Eppy” 8/ ep” Koddov86 p/ peped/ Epp.” ta adehp/ Buxtoper oTuTTovpy) dedak/ KK TaAKT, end/ kK KA’ Apetoho KapT) Swoexarys wo/ ypucov KEpatia ELKO’ dvo npt/ yy xp/ «/ KB ANS eyp/ Meo) 9 w0/ 8 + Koddov06 mp?/ orox) 2. eup(opiov): so written, for éxpopiay. The phrase vrep 4. Ade: the reading is doubtful, but cf Papp. 1006, |. 16 mdxrov éxpopiev, which is presumably the expansion of the (p. 261) and 13154, 1. 4 (p. 275); also Papp. cxili. 9¢ and d abbreviated words here, is new. The words which follow prob- (vol. I, p. 221). ably give the place, imép «Anjpovu (or kAnpovopav) A—. (c) +n ay/ 7 6 exkd!/ Epp) 8/ eu,” Koddovdo mp/ Ivo” Tevkakw dedax/ exd/ kap|r, Swdexarns wd/ xpva0 Kep/ ara nur/| y/ K/ CL. 2. The reading IevAadw seems certain, but is extraordinary as a proper name, LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 275 (7) [+] ay/7 6 exkd/ Epp.” 8/ eu,” Koddovdo tp/ Bucropos Tewpy, dedax/ exd/ kapt” Sa[dlexaryns wd/ ypvoo Kepatia exoot Svo npi/ rerap/ yr/ «/ KBUd/ eyp/ Ow8 5 5 +Koddpovbo zp/ aroix] PAPYRUS 1315 4.—7th cent. s ECEIPT given by the heirs of Cyricus, Bonfds, to Menas, a goldsmith, for 5; carats for the 6th indiction. The writing, though very neat and well preserved, is by no means easy to read, and several words are doubtful. If dad Synpu(ociwv) is to be restored in |. 2, the payment is for public taxes. + mapnox) K\ypp/ Kupixov Bon6” 8"/ kup; Myva xpvoox) aro dnp, S 8/ypad exrns wW, Kep/ mevte tpitov SwSexaT? y/ 7 ey’ B/ AN Owf Ky 77 av s w, + Se eu” 5 @co8dpo Bon? empehy” orovyer 5. Gcodapo: the cross above the may be taken as a r, so that it would stand as Oc087 Qpo(”). PAPYRUS 1037.—6th cent. N acknowledgement, addressed by a tenant to his landlord, of the receipt of an advance of money for purposes of irrigation of the vineyard in his occupation, to be repaid when he resigns his tenancy. The place is in the Hermopolite nome. The beginning of the document, with the names and date, and the latter part are lost. Baa teesthe JA... ano t]ns Elp]uoumod\urwr Xaupev oporoy[w] exynkevar Kau dedey Oar Tap vuwy hoyw mlploxperas ys apd eu/as tov tm epe YEOpyoupevov VpETEpov YwpLo apTEdtKoU 5 Tov diakeevov ev Torw Kahoupevov Tov Pypoparixov vio tyv tapadudakny Tov amo Kouns TacpevOnv tov Eppoumo\urou VO[LOU Kedadatov XPvaou VOHLLO LAaTLA TETOApa 2. uno: apparently a correction from ejov. be deleted. The word is dpSeia, ‘irrigation.’ 3. apdetas: apdvas was written first and e has then been written 6. The first two letters of the first word are a correction, and by the same hand above «, but it is not clear whether the vis to the first letter is rather uncertain. Nn2 276 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI Tapa Kepatia eikoo. Tecoapa Cvyw Eppouto\ews 10 yt xp/ v° Sa Kep) Kd Kar TavTa opoloyw eTowws €xelv Tapacyxew oor pehNov atooTnvar TS YEewpylas TOV AUVTOV VLETEPOU X@piov apreNLKOU PAPYRUS 1324.—7th cent. RECEIPT for wheat and barley, the former for sowing and the latter for making barley- water, paid by Achilleus. The receipt is headed (irép) rod vocoKop(e)iov, but there is nothing to show whether the hospital owned a charge on the land in question, or whether it is a charitable benefaction. + \& Tov vowoKopLouv + Ilazvovfiw zpov Sedwk/ evs oTEeppoBod, Twv apouvpwr Axudevs oitov aptaBas Tteaoepas Kar es TTvoavy) KpiO) aptaf? pay nutov Kat Buxtope Kapnd/ KpiO) aptaP nurov tpitov 5 yy ot/~8 k Kp/- By’. p* Xow 7 w0/ € (2nd hand) +ABpaap ovpdt Endorsed :— + \% 70 voooKop) ot/ ~ 8 k) Kp/ + B y’. 3. nrucavy: the reading seems certain, sc. els mrucavny. 5. y’.: the dot under the horizontal arm of the y is in both the MS, and the endorsement. PAPYRUS 1028.—7th cent. HE last document in this section is a short account of money received or expended. The introductory preposition 6.é would suit either interpretation, but the latter sense would be more naturally expressed by the dative without the preposition. If the account is one of money collected, the first column represents receipts from the corporations of various trades, while the second gives the results of collections by certain individuals, each from a particular street (pvun). There is no heading to the account, but the occasion to which it relates would appear to be a festival of some sort. The latter part of it (ll. 18-25) is expressly said to relate to the mpdouwov pépos, the circus-faction of the Greens, and it is possible that the first part relates to the Blues. The symbol (9) for xepadria (originally a x followed by an oblique stroke) is represented throughout by a simple oblique stroke. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 277 Col. 1] 8°/ kaprwv® bogy 8°/ tx PvoTa)h” v 0 8°/ aptompar” vByn 8°/ otepavoTok’ Bags’ 5 98'/ dovoKkapiwv vB tO YAY Shearer eae 87/ wpavoTad” blya 87/ owompat” De 87/ eXatoup? vi 10 8°/ mpoBatoé .” vy 98 87/ KvOpoTa@d” vB iB 87/ tavxi_o}rw* vy yy 87/ oe ies Col. 2] 8/ yr” Iwavvo’ mp? 77? yuvak/ Metpwvakco’ DrE 7 OL 15 8/ yr” @cod[w]po’ azo pel . 77 Kup~ Trepexi/ v vB ¢ il 87/ uroup? twv voroKopmi/ pny @ 87/ eumop”/ [Tr Lepamvov vx S 7 mpacw” pep/ 8/ Zaxapia Siak? % pup’ 77 ayi/ pey* Evdy[ pas v).d9K 20 8/ @codwpakio’ mp* To€oTo10’ K pup’ Ilexdeyi{ 0]. vulg« 6/ Mapuavo’ S$ @eodwpd Stax? pus Ip .* v pxB 9 8/ Buxropos podvBovp? % pup’ TI[.]Ba . VAS YK 8/ PorBappevos ovxovop” 7 ay’ Lepy.o’ 7 pup’ 7” aye’ Myva v dy [7] 6 25 98/ Tewpyo\.... [kK pulu 7” ay’... V peg ia 1. 67/: z.e. 8(ua) r(dr). 5. povoxapiwy: ‘ Puscarius, Puscae confector: maxime vero pro vind venditore.” Ducange. 7. wpatorwr” : ‘sellers of fresh fruit.’ 12. touxtor@: icixtoy is given by L. and S.as=‘a dish of meat minced very small.’ 14. yv®: probably = yvacews (‘ account’ ) or yyworhpos. TS Sctseakatsicfs leans Tov mpagwvov pep(ovs): this can only mean ‘the Green fac- tion’; hence the account is probably a register of money collected by that faction. The previous entries perhaps relate to the Blues; and we may conjecture that the collections are made by the two factions for some special occasion connected with the circus. The expressions (imép) piy(ns) x.t.A. apparently indicate that the persons named are collectors for the various streets. 19. 2€. d(ta) Zayapia Siaxd(vov) (imép) piu(ns) rH(s) dyi(as) pey(dAns) Etdnpias. 21. The words from Maptavo’ to Saxo are crossed out. them is written Tewpyou A. p...f A... o., second name does not seem to be ArduAov. Over The tGie 278 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI 4. Private documents and letters. PAPYRUS 776.—a.p. 552. HE five documents which follow belong to the collection of papers relating to Flavius Apion of Oxyrhynchus and his heirs, of which several have been printed by Grenfell and Hunt in Oxyrhynchus Papyrz, vol. 1, nos. 133-139. Brief descriptions of the present documents are also given there (pp. 242, 243), but it seems worth while to print them in full, and to give facsimiles of three of them, which contain precise dates. The earliest in date is Pap. 776, which is an acknowledgement by Surus, son of Pebes, to Flavius Apion of the receipt of one large and The document is almost Surus is resident in a village of the Cynopolite nome, which, however, is said to be The date is lost, but can be recovered one small windlass and a x«vAd) Kuxdas for purposes of irrigation. complete. under the administration (tayapyoupévn) of Apion. from 1, 18. Praoww Ami to Tavevpyn|o [kar vreph/ aro vratwr] opdu vap/ yeouxov |vte kLau evtavO|a Ty dap[rpa O€v|pvyyxitwv ode dia Mynva ouxero [tov emlepwralvros Kat] tpoon[opilov|ros tw ww Seomrorn To avo tavevd|nnew alvdp.] thy aywyny Kau evoyny Avpndtos 5 ovpovls vos] IeBynros pytpos Lovynpas oppwpevos ao Kwmns Kvof[elws to” avw Kurlo}rohiro vouo tayapyouperys vio Ts vuetepals V]rephveras yatpew yxperas Kal VUY yevaperyns Els THY UT E“e yeovyiKny pnxavnv Kahovperny Ileteap/ avthovoay Els apooet|uov ynv peyahov epyaTo Evos Kal pLKPO EpyaTo Evos Kat IO KvAAnS KUKados plas avehOwy emi THS TOrEwS NELwoa TV vpetepav Ureppveray dia Tw avTyn SiapEpovTwy ware Kehkevorat prot TapacyxeOnvat Ta avTa MHXAVLiKA TOKE Kat evlews 1 vVueTepa Vireppvera TpoVvoLay ToLovpern TS CVTTATEWS THY EAUTNS TpaypLaTwV TavTa amodoferTa I5 Tapa twv avtn SiadepovTwy ev aypous Kawa emuTnd.a avthyTika evapeota ede€apyy ets avathypoow TAVT OV TOV PLNXAVLKOV Opyavev EV TH ONMEPOV NEPA YTLS ETTLY @w8 €€ Kau Sexatn TO eveatwtos eTous ok pGn THS Tapovons mputins] tvdiKriovos vdpoTapox.o KapTav SevTepas 20 emivEenoews KaL Tpos aTodeEw THS VTodoX) TavTHV TeTompar THY yelpoypad/ ntis Kup/ ovoa amhn ypad/ Kau eTep/ wpo[oy|noa (2nd hand) +Avp) S[o]upous wos Iexvovo o mpoyeypappevos Papyri, 1, p. 242. The machine intended is unknown. 15. The verb (kateAoyioaro in Oxy. Pap, 137, l. 19) is acciden- 1-4. For the supplements see Pap. 778 and Oxy. Pap. 133, ll. 4-7. 6. Kuvonodtrov vowov: the Cynopolite nome adjoined the Oxyrhynchite on the east. Cf Grenfell and Hunt, Aibeh Papyri, p. 9. 7-9. xpetas x.t.A.: the same formula in Oxy. Pap. 137, ll. 13, 14. There too the pyyxav7 has a personal name. 10. KuAAns KukAcdos: Not kuKA@dis, as given in Oxyrhynchus tally omitted. 18. The date is A.D. 552; the years are of the eras of Oxy- rhynchus, for which see Oxy. Pap. 125, introd. , 22. Iexvoto(v): the name is not IeByros, as in |. 5 and the endorsement. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 279 fp ] rnv8e rnv [xetploypad/ Se€[.. .] 7a avta oKevn ets Endorsed : [yetpoypa]p Lovpovtovs wo IeBytos amo Kop, Kewfews v7000X7 PAPYRUS 775.—a. D. 567. HE following fragment of a document, addressed to Flavius Apion by Aurelius Epimachus, contains only the opening formula, which is similar to that of the preceding text, and is of value solely for the personal and place names mentioned in it. + Bacrrevas [klar varias tov Peworatov Kau evoeBeor| a” | npov d[ec|roro[v] Pd% Iolvotwiolu tolv atjwvifov Av}you[a]rov] kat avtokp/ erous B Owl 8 wS/ a ev O€up/ zod/ Praovw An[ilore tw tavevdnpw Kar vTepd/ 5 amo vratwy opdiwapiwv Kat TaTpiKLw yeovy* kav evtavl/ ty Kapmpa O€vpvyxitwv mohe dia Mnva orkerov tov exepwtavtos Kat tpoomoptlor[7’] To tow SeoToTn Tw avTw Tavevdnpw avdpt THY aywynV Kat evoxnv [Av]pydios Ezipayos o kar Amysa vifos] Pdarfov . .]wvols] 10 pytpos Hpatdos oppapevos amo emotkiov Exaidekatou tov O€upvyy[urlov [vo]uo diadepovtos ty vow vrepdvera dva}roypadols avrys ylLalplyos] xaipdu] xpduas] war vv yevap/] [evs tyv] vr eule pnxavnv Kadovperny avr] [Aovloav evs aplooipmov ynv Endorsed : + xepoypah’ En[iuayov PAPYRUS 778.—a. D. 568. DEED of surety addressed by Georgius, a deacon, to Flavius Apion on behalf of Aurelius Onnophris, undertaking that the latter shall remain on his holding. The latter part of the document is lost. The middle part of many lines is considerably rubbed and difficult to read. +Baorheas Kav vratias tov Meotarov Ka evoeB’/ ypov Seorord ®/ Iovatiwov tov awvilov Av}yovarov Kat avroxp/ erous y Mecopy 5 280 IO CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI wd°/. apx) B ev O€up/ mod! + Paouw Amol T]o tavevdynpw Kat vTephveotatw aro vrata opowapiwy Kat TaTpLKLw ‘yeovyourTt Kat evTavla TH hapmpa O€vpryy) moder Sua Mnva ouxerov To’ erepwtwvtos Kat Tpoomopilovtos Tw tdvw SeoroTn Tw avTw Tavevdnuw avdpt THY aywynv Kat evoynv Tewpytos Suakovos vios Ama Qpd yevomevd Kat avtd Siakovov LnTpos Lapas oppap) amo KTyatos Meonutourios tov O€upvyxitov vopov Siadepovtos Tn vw uTepdvera evatroypados avTyns yewpyos yxatpery ofooyw EeKovolta yvoun Kat avOatperw Tmpoaiperer eTouvupevos Tov Oelov] kar ceBacpiov opKov eyyvacbar Kau avadeyer Oar Tapa Tn vmwr Vreppvea Sia TwY avTN TpoonKOVTwY Avpy ov Ovvwdpw trov Yohopwrios] pyntpos.€.. @ oppwpevoy amo erouKk/ Meyahov Xwp.io Tov avtov vosov Kat avtov evatroypadhov avTns aypopu\aka ep w TE avTov adiaderTTals Tapalpevar Kat Suayew ev Tw avTOV KTNMATL [ulera taons novyias Kal TpEeTOVENS KaTATTATEWS KaL ATTOKPLWOMEVOY Ets [aravra ta opwrta| to [avt|6 tpocelmjov nrou tyv [tov] evaroypadov tuynv Kat On the back is a much defaced endorsement, read by Grenfell and Hunt as Eyyun yevop) tapa Tewpyrov diax) viov Ara Opov 3. There appears to be a letter between «d°/ and apx,. If it also be read as 8, in which case the numeral has simply been is a, it would be an unparalleled form of date, showing that the repeated by mistake, change of indiction-year was just taking place (for which more- Io ff. For the following formula, compare Oxy. Pap. 135. over Mesoré 4 would be a very late day). It may however PAPYRUS 774.—a.D. 582. N acknowledgement, addressed by Aurelius Johannes to the heirs of [Flavius] Apion, in Oxyrhynchus, of the receipt of two large windlasses. The latter part is lost. It is dated in the 8th year and 4th consulship of Tiberius, and the Ist indiction. Tiberius dated . his regnal years from his proclamation as Caesar in 574; but the present document is dated in Phaophi, some time after his death, and we can only suppose that for some reason the news of this did not reach Oxyrhynchus for nearly two months. + Baoid{er]as tov Pewotatov Kar evocBeloT]atov nuwy Seomorov peytotov evepyetou PA’ TiBepiov KawvotavTwo tov avwyiov AvyovaTou Kat avToKp/ erous 7] Umatias Tov aut, evoeB, nuwv Seororov erous 8/ Dawdu 18 wo/ a 5 lous vrepdhvertatois] KAnpovopois Tov THS EvKEoUS MYNMNS Amiwvios yleovxyovow Kat evtavfa tn Nappa O€vpvyyx) oder dua Mnva ouxerov Tov emepwTwrtos Kat Tpoomopilovtos ToLs Ld[t]ous Seomorais [Tolis avtows Taveuvdypots avdpacw THY aywynv Kat evoyynv Avpyndtos Iwavyns vuos Ata Siwvos pntpos Novvas LATE BYZANTINE. PERIOD 281 10 aro eroiKid Owhfews tov O€vpvyyitov vous Siadepovtos TH Upov vrepprvea evatroypados avTns yewpyos yalpe xperas Kal VuY yevapy Els TAS UT EME yEeovyLKas pHnYavas TOV ThaYLO moTapo Kavaves peyatwv epyatwy dv0 avehOwy emu THS TOhEWS niiwoa tv pov [urp]p[) wlore [K]ehevoar «Lar ovvjra[€ar] avrovs [. ]ez[. .Jous . 15 map laoyeOnvar . ° Endorsed : + y[epolyp’ Iwavvd wo Ara Zwvos azo] Oodews vr0d0y[7] PAPYRUS 777.—a. D. 582. Naat Sen addressed to the heirs of [Flavius] Apion by Aurelius Macaris (sic). Only the date and the names of the parties remain. For the former, see Pap. 774, introd. + Baordevas tov Oevorard Kar evocBeotard nuolv] Seomoro" Heytotou evepyerou Pd/ TiBepid Kwvoravtwo [7]6 awd AvyovoTo Kat avtokp/ erovs y vmatias TO avd evoeBeotaTs nuwv Searorou erovs § bawdu 8 ivd/ a— 5 Tous UTEeppvertatois KANpovopots Tov THS EV EvKEEL ™ pYNEN ATLWVOS YEVOHEVO TATPLKLO yeovyovow Kar evTavba ™ appa O€vpvyyxitav more S10 Mynva ovxetou Tov eTEpwrwvTos Kat mpoomopilovtos Tous td.ors Seamoras Tots avrots Tavevgpynpors avSpacw Tv aywyn[v] Kav eLo]ynv A[v]pnrxLo]s Mak{alpis vos Hd 10 Hytpos Paynd oppl{wluevos [a}ro [emJouxrd [. A -Jeno[-Jn7[. Ai? ™ [vpowly utepd[vera] . ‘ “ . [evar loypa[dos] [avrns yelwpyos [yapew : : Endorsed : + xelpoypagd/ Maxap[ PADY RUS#1075. 7th een HERE is no address or signature to the following letter, but the fact that the writer addresses his correspondent or correspondents as 7 duerépa peyadompemis Kal Beopvdaxros matpiky Seororeia makes it likely that the letter is to a bishop, and line 10 shows the writer himself to have been a maydpxns or head of a pagus (see note). He writes to complain of the disrespect shown to him by one of his correspondent’s labourers, and it seems probable IIL. Oo 282 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI that the disrespect complained of consisted in accusing him of extortion. The letter is complete, but a good deal damaged. + Ta ypadevta wapa Tys vpeTepas peyahompemoly]s Kar Oeopudaxrou Tarpixyns Seomoreras edeFapnv kat Kav pn ypaw emuotata, ott waTep Oedw Epavrov atolepan[evOnvar] ovTws Kat Tous peyahomperdo|r[a}rfous] Klar deo |o[v|ALax|rLovs | 5 vas ev aac Oerw [arobelpamevoa adda Twa evrev 0 vios Dwr o adeAdo[s pd] ore eurev ELs ouy avTO iwond{vos 0] vple]repos yewpyos [oo ]a ov dLvvarar eure emt Twv Soviwv dpov Kat ov7a|s eOavpaca emiotacbe yap Kav pn yparbw ott xpea cori Tinh vac 10 Tous Tayapyas e€aiperws Ev TOLS TOTFOLS TAnv iva py Todos xpnrwpat Noyous Heov KehevovTos avpioly v]tepxopar ers TpooKuvnow [V]uwy pera 76 evpynpevov polv] adehdd Kau ev te NTaTnOnoay ou yewpyo duwv Kav te tpoBata Kav te ply |ALa 15 avadovpev tuw evravla ahta Kat ders Seam? ofeate ypaar To avtw dpoly] yewpyo loonpiw iva pn tov douro[v] tapeEeAOn Tov oKoTOV dpwv memr\npodopypar yap cadws oti ov Oedere avtov Ewa emt ToToUTOY aveyKepahov €ay yap ouTws 20 «emmewn [o]davjrov Brarre .. nv Oe SeoroTa ws Tpoeypaa eav oTpadwow Ta TuVTaVvTa. tu mote Tov Nv|rovvtwy tovs Heopvdaktovs Kat peyahompemertatous vpas ov yLivEeTar ahd amavTa oa nraunOnoav ov yewpyor tpov avadidoplev] 25 duw evravOa more. Tov VMETEPOV TUUPLAXO Sia Tov ypappatos ws mponpyta[t] K.L.. cas Tap [v]u[or] ray dperepav peyla]\o}mplern Kar Oeop|vdaxror] matpixnv Seo }roreay + 6. vos : no doubt this is to be taken merely ina spiritual sense. _ a district ‘cuius ambitus kapas kai trémous complectebatur adeoque 10, wayapyas: these officials are mentioned in Justinian’s urbes praeter eas quibus Bovdn concessa esset.’ Edict XIII, cap. 12. Stephanus gives a nominative mdyapyxos 13-15. It appears from this that Joseph’s offence consisted of and Ducange in his Latin glossary has pagarchi, but the plural accusing the writer of extortion. written here must come from a singular raydpyns. In the papyri 19. aveykepadov: it is interesting to find this word used figura- where it occurs (BGU. 304, 396, 403) the termination is uncer- tively, just like our ‘ brainless.’ tain. Cf£C.E. Zachariae von Lingenthal, De Dioecest Aegyptiaca, 21. otpapwow: the verb is used in the sense of ‘ to punish.’ p. 10, note 4, where the meaning of the word mayos is explained as PAPYRUS 1081.—7th cent. HE following letter is in a hand contemporary with that of Pap. 1075, and is very possibly addressed to the same person. The mutilation of the papyrus makes the tenour of the latter part doubtful. The writer has apparently received a requisition from the Arab governor, LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 283 with which he protests he is unable to comply, and he begs the bishop to use his influence in his behalf. The reference to the dpipas, or emir, shows that the document belongs to the Arabic period, after a. D. 640. There are two lines of undecipherable writing on the back. + avadepw TH VpLETEPA TATPLKN Seomorea oTt amrowa eypaey por o evkheeaTaToS apuipas Sva Tou urtrokopov IBiwvos Tavexrup*/ wa meuibw els TO ETOLKELOY TOU ad[e]d[ov] 5 pov Tov kupiov T'eppavo’ Tov Kat heyo]uS Oewvos cat aBew exer Tpra urm[alpra Kar dvo yardapia Kal emidovuvar TW LTTOKOLw Kat oldare oT ov Svvop[ac] tapax[ovoat] [alo mpos tw tov Seamoryny polv IO) oynpavea TApaKkaho de UELAS [orws] YerynTaL va pene eyyr[s npov | [a}AXas Svo npepas ov Bdamrere [ [a}radda€ynte Kadkws THv amroxpror[y [almn\Oare du avryv + 2. anova: U, aroweé. 3. IBtwvos Havexrupe(ws) : a village in the Hermopolite nome, ¢f Pap. Fior. 17, l. 8. PAPYRUS 1032.—6th-7th cent. . f. N unsigned letter concerning a labourer who seems to have run away and taken refuge with Menas the chief physician. The addressee is directed to fetch him back, with a promise that no inquiry shall be made into the B\aBn rod ywpiov, which seems therefore to be the cause of the fugitive’s flight. On the verso is an illegible address. IO os + ev pn evondOev Ilerpos peta Twv ypappatwv tov Kupiov Ayabnuepou ovk) enafor OTL O KATEXOMEVOS YEWPYOS NMWY ETTW KATAMEVMV EV TW ETTOLKELW TOU KUPLOU Mynva tov apyxiiarpov amehOe towvy peta tov eviaBectatov Ata OQpov Qyywov pos Atavakiov Kat Touncov avtov atrohvOynvar ovdepia yap Cntnots yevnoerar Tap euov mepe THS BrAaBns Tov ywpiov yn Tpos Tovs aypodudakas n Tpos avTov Amavaktov ELTE AUTOS aiTLOS ETL ws eyovow eiTe [a]\dos EL Se LOns avTov SvayEpaworTa atohvoat avTov omep ov TioTevw avade~acbe avTov Kat amo\voate ews eeu Kal TVYTVX avTw TO SE aXUpoY ToLnToY peTEvEeXOnvar iSov yap Kat apTL dvo yapyal. .Jvas almeloriba + ev Se xpera yevouro tov amehOew vas k[....... Jas Aev.. TOV T POKOVPAaTOPa amreNOare Gs 2. xaTexopevos: unless this is a technical term, equivalent to would not have the ceremonious prefix Aza, €var'éypaos, it must imply that the labourer in question, who has yevnoera: this is a correction, the ye being written above absconded, has been arrested. the line over what looks like cat. 4. Aravaxioy: evidently the name of the yewpyds, cf 1. 5. It 10. This line is written down the left margin. is not likely that it should be read Ama Nakior, since a labourer 002 284 CATALOGUE OF GREEK PAPYRI PAPYRUS t1041.—7th cent. aN unsigned and unaddressed letter, the meaning of which is rather doubtful. The writer apparently complains that his correspondent has withdrawn his favour from him, and begs to be reconciled without delay. The letter is complete, written across the fibres of a short but wide strip of papyrus. a + pn BonOnon Kupws edoéev ty vpetepa Ocodvdaxtw didacKadia ws ev Tapodw exew THY petaéy yynoiay ayamny Kat TovToV xapiv expnoapefa Tw TapovrTe perp[tlw ypappare dc o” artoupey a€iwOnvar vw evbews + 5. LLymns. PAPYRUS t1029.—6th cent. HE following document is a curious example of a Byzantine hymn. It is written in an extremely illiterate style, some of the obscurities of which may be attributed either to bad spelling or to bad grammar, and it contains two or three unknown words. It is clear, however, that it is a hymn to, or invocation of, the Trinity and the saints, and it may have formed part of a liturgy, as, though the cross at the beginning shows it to be a separate hymn, there are traces of writing above the first line. It is composed in verses of 11 syllables, each subdivided into three groups of 4, 3, and 4 syllables respectively. The construction is indicated in the case of the first four lines (= 8 verses) of the text as it stands, by dashes over the words, but not afterwards. The text is here printed as it is written in the MS., and its restoration is left to experts in the subject. Prof. Wilhelm Meyer, who has kindly read the text and made some suggestions refers for parallels to Pitra’s Amalecta Sacra, 1876, I. 538-542. On the verso is a hymn to the Virgin, in parts not less obscure than this. + ov agwpartos’ duoes Tov xatpovBw + aa.kedtos’ y vpvor’ S0€odoyuTau e€arrepa’ yap Cwa’ tov cepadiw’ + Tos amaovs’ ths pwvns’ y vVirepoWy Tov ayyedov’ Kar Tahw’ Tous Tparbia’ + Tows aytos’ y acpas’ vuvohoyiTa./ m™po yap Tavtwv’ vrapxis’ odov matep’ + Kat ovvavapxor’ Exes’ Es Tov viov’ 5 Kau els o TYyYLoy Peddov VELA Cwny + ToLS TpLaToS Suxvnv Ets TO apedes amudoya pev pepnpded Sovre Xptotov + ov Tov hoyou avrovmTay Kal vToUpKEY ravayia tapbern pntnp Xpiatov + ov Tov hoyou avrovrrat/ Kat vTroupKeEv TpopuvTwv Kal papTUpwY TaVvToLsS YopW + ws afavatov exwv tows Thy Conv itep Tavtwov mperBevoatat evhaopov + oTL TravToLs UTAPXOPAL EVTLVNS IO ns de TAaYHOTPNS EV Tals TOV TOVEpoV + TOV ayyehov Bonoomev THv ony? 1. The first part of the line perhaps stands for 7 dooparos 10. Tov ayyeAov x.t.A.: perhaps = ray dyyédov Bonooper tov gto tev xaipov8. In the second part Prof. Meyer suggests 6dnydv, sc. Michael, who has the same title in Pitra, p. 538 dovynros év Epvos do€odoye?, and similarly drastic restoration is (Meyer). needed throughout. LATE BYZANTINE PERIOD 285 PAPYRUS 1029, verso.—7th cent. HE present hymn, which is addressed to the Virgin Mary, is not quite so incomprehensible as that on the reco, but is still sufficiently puzzling in places, and is written in excessively bad Greek. fe) I. aka\ia ona: the reading is certain. ayyadXlapa. 4. Tov kupexpa: the reading seems clear. 5. 2. xaipe, kexapitwpevn, Ev. Luc. i. 28. g. Sikovoa: qu. for rexodoa? Prof. Meyer suggests Qu. ro Knpuypa? It is not in the same hand as the other, but does not seem very much later. ao x%) Jeodoxn axadva oa Tov ayyedov X%) Ge08°/ tov mpodur) TOV KUPEKLG xX") KalyapiTop,evn oO KUpLoS PETA TOU x3 0 du ayyedorv Tv xapay TO Koopo Se€aps * 1 Suxovea Tov Toun7nv Kau Kup'/ x") 7 aétwbeas yur N wEpa THY Xp.ioTo Il. aftwOeas: presumably for d£iwécioa. 12. 9 pepa (or nuepa) thy Xpeoro(v): the meaning may perhaps be 7 prtnp Tov Xpiorod, but this is putting a rather severe strain even on this writer’s illiteracy. Another possible restoration is yiver Oa, prytepa Thy xpioTod. TeiNe DT Cares tr. INDEX OF SUBJECTS ACCOUNTS, 177-205, 236-240, 276 *Apeonoia, festival, 179 Antinodpolis, demes and tribes in, 154-167 Apion, Flavius, papers of, 278-281 Arabic Period, documents of, 252 (?), 281 (?), 282 Ass, freight of, 46 Athletes, titles of, efc., 176, 216-219 Athletic Club, diploma of membership in, 214-219 Baths, contract for heating of, 104 BiBAuodiAakes eyxtnoewv, application for instructions to, 111; register of (?), 144-148; returns to, 116-121 Boat, sale of, 163 Camels, sales of, 141, 170 Census, in Roman Egypt, 23-32; proclamation to prepare for, 125 Christian hymns, 284, 285 Christian letters, 242, 244 Church property, receipts relating to, 273-275 Circus-factions, document relating to, 276 Claudius, style of, 215, 216 Cleopatra III and Ptolemy Alexander, style of, 13 Coinage, Augustan and Ptolemaic, 105, 136 Columns (architectural), list of, 221-223 Compromissum, 283 Copper, ratio of, to silver, 3, 11 Corn supply, 51-54, 88-91, 246-249; requisitions for issue of corn from public granary, 121-123 Citizenship, honorary, conferred upon athletes, 217 Customs-receipts, 36-40 Customs registers, 41-48, 211, 212 Demes, see Tribe-names Deposit, 175 Dionysus and Ariadne, representation of, on an article of silver plate, 262 Divisions of property, 8, 220(?), 232, 256 Aoxixdv standard, districts in which used, 52 "EyxvxAuov, rate of: (a) in Ptolemaic times, 2-5, 11, 14; (4) in Roman times, 69, 152 "Exxwpytixat duoroyiat, 256, 262 Embankments, certificates of labour on, 59, 60 Embankments, inspection of, 224-227 ‘Emuordrns pvdaxcroy, existence of, in first century, 130 Eras of Oxyrhynchus, 245, 278 Excise duties, tariff of, gt Flavius Apion, papers of, 278-281 Freight-contract, 219 Games: at Rome in honour of Claudius, 216; Great Games at Naples, 217; Great Games of Asia, 218 Gebelén, papyri discovered at, 5-22 Gift, deed of, 254 Gold-smithing industry, in Fayum, 107 Greens, circus-faction of, 277 Hermaeus, genealogy of family of, 29; documents relating to family of, 29-32, 53, 117-121, 148-153, 174-176, 214-219 Heroninus, papers of, Ixvii (Pap. 1236), 103, 173, 193-205, 209-211 Hospital, document relating to, 276 Hymns, Christian, 284, 285 Ichneumons, consignment of, for Prefect, 124 "Tduos Adyos, 123 ‘Iepds TGAos, title, meaning of, 8. See a/so Addenda Indiction, exceptional date for beginning of, 249; for end, 259 Inheritance, renouncement of, 148 Irrigation, documents relating to, 224-227 Kaprwvys, guarantee for, 115 Land-survey, 70-87 Land-tenure, categories of, 70 Leases, 138-148 passim, 150, 153, 234, 259-261, 264, 265-269 Letter-book, official, 125, 126 Letters, official, 251, 252 Letters, private, 205-213, 241-244, 281-284 Loans, 9, 15, 230, 231, 235, 270-272 Merpoyr, as a measure, capacity of, 270 Military account, 236 MurOorpacia, 164 288 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Movoxwpoy, measure, capacity of, 103 Mortgages, 3-5, 135 Naples, document dated at, 214 Nile, journey up the, 206 Oracle, consultation of, 206 "Ovpryxirys, measure, Capacity of, 195 Oxyrhynchus, eras of, 245, 278 Panobchunis, family of, 6-22 Petitions, 1, 129-135, 229, 250, 251 Poll-tax, 32-34 Poor-rate, 126 Prefect, preparation for visit of, 112-114 Priesthoods in Ptolemais, list of, 7 Proclamations, 107, 125 Property qualification for officials, 115 Piolemy Alexander and Berenice, style of, 14, 20 Ptolemy Eupator and Philometor, order of, in list of Ptolemies, 7 Public land, documents relating to, ro8-111 Receipts, 22, 156, 158, 162, 167-173, 228, 272-276, 278-280 Registers, official, 23, 40-48, 61-68, 70-103, 144-148, 212 Renouncement of inheritance, 148 Sailors, list of, 252 Sales, 6, 10-22, 140-142, 151-153, 157, 159-162, 165-167, 231, 257; in form of lease, 163 Seals, 2, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 36, 38, 39 Xitnors, sale of, 165, 166 Solidi, standards of, 246, 250, 261, 274, 275 XraGvov, measure, capacity of, 38 Sredavixov, 58 Svvraguov, amount of, 54 Surety, deeds of, 115, 279 Surrenders of property, 256, 262 Tachygraphic writing, liii (Pap. 1027), lvi (Pap. 1082), Ixxiii (Pap. 1321) Taxation, documents relating to, 32-69 Tax-receipts, 2-5, 11, 14, 32-40, 49-61 passim, 69, 245-250 Transfers of property, applications for registration of, 116-121 Tribe- and deme-names, 126, 133, 154-167. See also Addenda Waterworks, accounts of, 180-190 2. TIN DESEO ABas, father of Heraclidion, 207 "A Bda Bros, ®davwws, consul, 234 "ABpadp, 276 A Bpadpuos, 252 "ABpadpos, son of Victor, 252 "Ayabeivos, 209 “Ayabypepos, 283 "Ayafoxhys, father of Ascle(piades), rpeoBvrepos, 72, 85 ’Ayabokhys 6 kal “AvovBiwv, father of Ascle(piades) and Theon, 72, 85 ’"Ayalldvikos, 26 "Ayalds, son of Pecusis, 94 ’"Ayallos Aaipor, 160 "Ayallos Aaipwr, “Eppias 6 kal, 63-66 ’"Ayallos Aaipwr, father of Pr—, 96 Ayaris ? “Aydvos), yrworyp, 247 Ayyetos (qu. proper name ?), 239 “Ayvov, son of Horus, 100 ’"Ayxopyrds, 96, 97, 170 “Ayxopydis, father and son, 100 "Ayyopysdis, father of Charidemus, 99 “Ayxopysdus, father of Horus, 99 PROPER NAMES “Ayyopurdus, father of Nilus, 100 "Ayxopundus, father of Papeis, 97 *Ayxopyndis, father of Paseis, 100, 102 “Ayyxopysdis, father of Phibis, 101 “Ayxopyudis, father of Pindarus, 98 “Ayxopyndis, father of Protas, 97 "Ayxopidus, son of Anchorimphis, épyérys, 25 “Ayxopidis, son of Arius, 25 "Ayyoptudis, son of Petechon, 96 *"Ayxopysdrs, son of Psenmounthis, 96 “Ayxopyrdis, son of Satabous, 96 "Ayxoptudis, son of Suchas, 96 "Ayxadis, 44, 46 “Ayyodis, father of Stotoétis, 42 Aelns, 194, 196, 203 Aevns, son of Stellon, 204 Ans, 16 "A Bavacros, 246 >A Pavacnos, father of Victor, 248 "A Onvaprov 9 Kat Xaipnpo(vis), 66 "AOnvddwpos, 75, 87, 227 "A Onvd(Swpos), father of Serenus, 67 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 289 ’"AOnvodapos, ’AA€avSpos 4 Kai, father of Alexander, "AdéEavdpos 6 Kai Xiwv, father of Alexander, 79 217, 218 "Ad€Eavdpos, Ilias 6 kai, son of Hermaeus, 80 "AOnvddwpos, ‘Iepaxivy 5 xa‘, son of Arria, SaBecvios 6 "AdéEavdpos, arroddyos, 79 kal —tadevs, Bovreuris "Avtwoewy, 165, 166 *"AdeEavdpos, orpariitys, 72, 82 Ata, mother of Aures, 195, 197, 199, 201 ’"AdéEavdpos, father and son, 73, 84 Audys, son of Heraclides, 94 ’"AdéEavdpos, father of Isidorus, 157, 159 At\tavos, 64, 65, 237 "AdéEavdpos, father of Nicias, 75, 79, 85, 86 Atdwos "Exiyaxos, 67 “Ad€Eavdpos, father of Olympius, 227 At\uos Etxrjpwv, Wdrdws, dpxeypappareis Evotod, 218 *AhéEavdpos, father of Ptol(emaeus), 84 AtXAtos Iro—, MovrAws, 102 "AhéEavdpos, father of Soter, 84 Aihovpa, 87 | *Adé€avdpos, father of Stephanous, 248 Aidovpa, daughter of Soter, 73 | “Ah€eEavdpos, son of Alexander a/, Athenodorus, Aipidduos, TpakTup apyvplK@v, 35 pancratiast, 217, 218 Aipthhu(0)s ‘Pyxrds, Acvxuos (ste), prefect of Egypt, 107 / *Ad€Eavdpos, son of Alexander a/, Sion, 79 AioyvXos, father of Heracl(ides), 81 "Ad€Eavdpos, son of Apollonius, 72, 78 Atoyvvos, son of Heraclides, 81 "AhéEavdpos, son of Isidorus, Mariéios 6 cat KaAdure- AioyvXos, son of Heracl(ides), tepe’s, 76 Kvios, 157-160 Alp, father of Heliodorus, 65, 67 *AN€Eavdpos, son of Ptol(emaeus), 75, 86 Alay, son of Cas, épyétys, 195-197, 200 "AdéEavdpos, son of Soter, 73 Aiwvevs, 103 "Ad€Eavdpos, son of Zminites (or -us), 80 Alwveds (2), son of Sotas, 96 *"Ade€Gs, ‘Ioxupiwv 6 xai, tor *Akdktos, father of Fl. Hermias, 255 *AAKyLlov 5 xai Mé6os, AtpyAwos, 176 Axyns, father and son, 96 "AXKyLos, eEnynrys, 182 Axys, father of Aur, Leuas, 224 "AXKULOs 6 xal Tifons, 96 Axys, father of Ge—, 169 "AXKimos, father and son, 100 Axn[s ‘Al father of Harphaésis, 100 "AXkimos, father of Sosis, 102 Akns, son of Naaraus, 93 Ahpadus, father of Petearsemtheus, [21], 22 Akouts al. Arxous al. Kovs, son of Polion, row, 49—- Apankeey, AupyXia, daughter of Sarapion, 265 51 (all three forms), 209 (Kows) Apavos (?), son of Diodorus, 96 Akous, son of Sotas, 96 *Apavrios, Pdavwos, consul, 225-228 *Akovaihaos, 97 "Apevwlns, Adpruos, 258 "Akovoihaos, Kwpoypappareds, 24 Apuys, 6vnAdrns, 104 “Akovat)haos, father and son, 94, 96 "Appevviavds, Atpy.os, son of Silvanus, 231 "Axovotdaos, father of Eudas, 100 —Appav, zpoordrys, 200 *Akovothaos, father of Soterichus, 99 "Appar, the god, 163, 206 ’Akovaidaos, father of Stotoétis, g9 *Appwvatos, 15 "AKTLAKOS, TovAvos, 146 "Appmavapvor, son of Chaeremon, Se«Baoriws 6 kal *Akvy\as, ZovPariavds, yyemov, 118 “HpdkXewos, 160, 161 Ah—, father of Ammonius, 76 *Appovia, daughter of Isocrates, 86 AXatois, 24 "A pmovios, II, 76, 86, 87, 91, 94, 133, 188, 261 A)Barevs, son of Heraclides, 95 "Appavvos, ayopavepos, 19 "Ad Betvos Kaioap, KAddvos Serripios consul, 217 *Appovios, drdrwp, untpds Itod(enaidos), 100 "Ad Bivos, Paros, consul, 225-228 "Appavios, *AzvoAAdvuos 6 kai, father of Turbon, 16 5 "AeEavdpa 9 Kat Dropwpaia, 63 (MS. —avdia), 65-68 "Appoveos, AitpyAws, tparelirns, 153 "Ad€EavSpos, 75, 87, 180 "APPO@VLOS, Myvd8upos 6 kai, son of Dioscorus, 139 “AdéEavSpos, Aidpyduos, son of Silvanus, 225 "ALPMOVLOS, oiKovdjos, 190 "AeEavdpos & Kal ’AGnvd8wpos, father of Alexander, "Appovios 6 Kai "Apes, 65-68 207 208 "A pyprcdbvios 6 kat "Apetos, raBovddpios, 66 Ill. Pp 290 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES *Appaovvos, banker of Antinodpolis, 163 "Appa@veos, father and son, 99, 141 "Appovros, father of Anubion, 156-166 >Appovios, father of Aphrodisius, 133 *Appovios, father of Apollonius, 85 "Appovios, father of Arius, 83 "Appovios, father of Aur. Horigenes, 230 "Appovvos, father of Bauchius, 85 "Appavios, father of Chaeras, 99 *Appovios, father of Chaeremon, 158, 160, 161 *Appovios, father of Cyllarus, 114 *Appovios, father of Demetria, [166], 167 *Appovios, father of Dionysia, 79 *Appovvos, father of Diotimus, 73, 78, 80, 81 *Appovos, father of Epicurus, 78, 80, 82 "Appovvos, father of Epimachus, 73 "ALMOVLOS, father of Heraclius, 72 "ALPOVLOS, father of Hermaeus, 112 "Appavtos, father of Leon, 83 "A PP@vLOS, father of Papus, 97 "Appovios, father of Sabinus, 102 "Appovios, father of Sarapas a/. Serenus, 162 "Appovros, father of Sarapias, 75 (?), 79, 85, 86 "AU BOVLOS, father of Socrates, 95 "Appovios, father of Soter, 82, 84 "Ap(m)@rL08, father of Turbon, 144 ’App.@vios, son of Achilles, 112 "Aupovios, son of Al—, 76 *Appa@vios, son of Ammonous, 157 "Appavios, son of Ascle(piades) a/. Polyd(euces ?), 81 "Appovios, son of Chaeremon, X«Bdorios 6 xal “HpdxAeuos, 160, 161 *Appavvos, son of Didymus, 74, 77, 78, 96 ’Appovios, son of Eimen—, 73 > Appoveos, son (?) of Helen, 113 ’Appavios, son of Hermias, 82, 96 ’Appavios, son of Isas, 94 "Appavios, son of —mol( ) a/. Hephaestion, 112 "Appavios, son of Ptol(emaeus), 82 "Appa@vios, son of Sarapion, ovroddyos, 113 "Appoveos, son of Sotas, 96, 99 "Appavios, son of Stotoétis, 96 "Appovvos, son of Thallus, 82 ’"Ap(p)dvL0S, son of Tithoétion, 166 "Appovior, 243 "Ap povior, AipnAwos, ypapparers, 32/019, 121 "Appovors, father of Ammonius, 157 ’"ApurTas, 138 "Aptpras, father of Dionysia, 75 (see Addenda), 84 "Apdiwv, father of Didymus, 139 "Audiwr, father of Sarapion, 113 ’Apudiwr, son of Apollonius, yerspevos drnpérns, 113 *Apovvos. See "A ppoovios Apovvas (?), 248 ’"Avataydpas, LaddAover10s, 53, OI "AvaroXLos, Kopys "Apkadias, 251 *AvOpéas, father of Camé, 252 *"Avdpéas, son of Heraclides, 250 Avdpous, son of Hippalus, 96 —avys, 41 ’AvOéarvos, father of Aur. Herminus, 121 Avvews, son of Heraclas, 94 "AVVLAVOS, 242 AvouBas, Aipy.os, ypappared’s, 225 ’AvovBevetwr (?), son of Sarapion, 140 ’AvovBlawa, daughter of Hermes, 84 "AvouBiwyv, 112, 208 "AvovBiwr, ’AyaboxXijs 6 xaé, father of Ascle(piades) and Theon, 72, 79, 81, 84, 85 *AvovBiarv, ‘Tepaxiwy 6 Kai, son of Hieracion ai. Athenodorus, 165 *AvovBiwv 6 Kai Svpos, Bon6ds of Longinus, 69 "Avou(Biwr), IlereppovOns (or -os) 6 kai, 86 *AvovBiar, xpo(Baroxtynvotpogos ?), 86 *AvovBlor, father of Dius, 66 ’AvovBiwr, father of Hermias, 67 *AvovBiwy, son of Ammonius, Maridios 6 cai Kad\t- réxv(e)os, banker of Antinodpolis, 156-166 *AvovBiwr, son of Nearchus, devrypatodprys, ia} AvovO@ts, Aipydos, son of Josephius, didxovos, 255 *Avru( +), daughter of Theon, 86 ’Aptiyovos, father of Tryphon, 102 *AvTipaxos, grandfather and grandson, 113 *AvTipaxos, son of Epimachus, 114 >Avtivoos 6 cai Apewrys, son of Philantinois, tactoddpos ’Oceipavtivdov Oeod peyiotov, 163 ’Avtivoos, son of Panechotes, 162, 163 "Avtioxos, Tduos IovAws, 6 [Koppaynvis] Baorevs, 216 *AvTitratpos, son of Ptol(emaeus), 86 *Avtwvas, son of Sarapion, 159 ’Avtwvia, tparelirys (?), 69 *"Avtravi(o)s, 44 "AvTa@vuos 6 Kat AyiArXevs, son of Poron, 143 >Avtra@vios Idddas, Mdpxos, 139 "AvTavios Prdéevos, 173 >Avtovios, son of Harpalus a/. Apollonius, 114 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 291 *AovidALos Adyyos, strategus of Hermopolite nome, 132 Aw—-; 41 Amr—, son of Victor, 252 Amra—, father of Herodes (or = dzra[ropos}), 97 Amadeus, Aipydus, 271 >Amravtevos (?), father of Aur, Victor, 257 ’Amravos, Aipiruos, ényntedoas, Bovdevtys of Alexandria, 103 Amipas, AipjAws "Exipaxos 6 kai, yewpyos, 279 —amTiwv, 269 "Ami, 148 *Amlwv, Aipyrvos, voudpyys of Arsinoite nome, 69 ’Amiwv, lovduos, 67 ’Ariav 5 Kat ‘HArddwpos, son of Soter, 72 *Amtwv 6 xai Mazes, father of Heracl(ides), 82 ’Amlwv & Kat IroX(euaios), son of Heracl(ides), 86 "Amriwv, Sapariwv 6 Kai, 102 "Amiwv, Praovws, ard trdruv épSwapiwv Kal rarpikvos, 278-281 *Amriwy, father of Apollo, 157 ’Amiwy, father of Aur. Johannes, 267, 268 *Amrtwy, father of Besarion, 163 Amity, father of Herophilus, 82 ’Amiwv, son of Eubulus a/. Bacchius, 74 ’Amriwy, son of Paseis, 83 ’Amriwy, son of Ptol(emaeus) @a/. Paphos, 77 *Amriwy, son of Theon, 84 *Amiwy, son of Theon, ramav (séc), 71, 81 (qu. the same as the preceding ?) AmrKouts. See Axous "Amon ), 175 *ATrohwaptov, Kdaviia, 25 *Azrohwaptos, ‘Eppias 5 kat, 67, 68 *Amrodwvdptos, *"TovAuos, 67 *Amrohwa.ptos, father of Philantinous a/, Horion, 162, 166, 167 "Ato Swpos, Aipywos, son of Sabinus, Bevedixcdpros érdpxov Aiyvrrov, L10, III *AmodXor, 253 ’ Amro wr, AipyArws, 228 *A7roAXor, AtpyAwos, son of Horion, ywworyp, 227 *AmrodAANwV, Adpyrtos, son of Premmeotes, 22 5 ’AmrodNwy, veddextos (2), 242 *Amro\o(r), father of Hermias, 67 *Ardd(Awr), father of Plutus, 190 *AmrédNwy, son of Apion, YaBecnos 6 xal Payne's, 157 "AmrodNwY, son of Cales, 189 *A7rOAA@?, son of Isidorus, 66 Pp2 ’"Atro\Awvapvor, 146 ’Amroddwvia, 84, 147, 213 *Amrod\Awvia, Atpyria, 235 *AtroM(Awvia ?), 4 dvepwpévn TO peydrw Ge Zwrijpt, 80 *AmrodAwvia, daughter of Apollonius, 84, 86 ’Amro\Awvia, daughter of Philo, 85 ’Azrohhwr{ ia], mother of Charition a/. Thasion, 23 *Atroh\Awvidys, “lovAvos, 67 ’Azrohhwvidns, strategus of Hermopolite nome, 143 *Amroh\A@VL0S, 76, 156, 212 "ATrOANWVMLOS, ayopavopos, 16 *AmroAAwMNOS, “Aprados 6 kai, father of Antonius, I14 *AmroAAwvLos, AtpyAws, 32 *AmroAAwvL0s, ApyAvws “Eppias 6 kat, strategus of Alexandria, 49, 50° "Arrohhaivios, yerdperos ay) ypanparets, 83 > ATroANWV0S, ‘Iépaé 6 cai, son of Sarapion, 145 > AtroAXAWVLOS 6 Kat "Appovos, father of Turbon, 165, 166 *AmroN(A@VLos ?) 6 wat “Apranoiwy, father of Achilles, ¥1I25, 116 *Atro\Awvios 6 Kat TMroXepatos, strategus of division of Heraclides, Arsinoite nome, 134 "ATroANVLOS 6 Kal Piravtivoos, 156 >Amro\NvLos 6 Kat Xpariwy, son of Heracl(ides ?), 113 "ATOANOVLOS, 6 Tpos TH OVA, 5 *AmroAAwMNOS, LaB(c)ivos 6 kai, 156 *A7rod\N@veos, strategus (of Memphite nome ?), 28 *AmroAN@VLOS, Tparelirns, 4, 5 ’Azroh(A@Mos ?), father and son, 79 >A7ro\Aw@Mos, father of Alexander, 72, 78 *Azrod\Xa@v00s, father of Amphion, 113 *A7ro\NGv105, father of Apollonia, 84, 86 *A7rohX@uL0S, father of Asclepias, 80 *A7rohNwVI05, father of Cassander, 73, 80, [81] >A7roA\Nwvt0s, father of Colanthus a/. Ptolemaeus, 72, 82 "Azro\(A@vios), father of Didymus, 74 *Atro\Awr0s, father of Dionysarion, 55, 56 *Azroh\Xw@veos, father of Dionysius, 75, 84 Amro @vtos, father of Dius, 122, 123 *A7roA\N@veos, father of Hermaeus, 114 *A7ro\(Awvt0s), father of Horion, 113 *Azro\Nwveos, father of Irenaeus, ror *Azro\N M105, father of Isias, 85 *Amo\N@vt0s, father of Isidora, 74, 78, 81 *Amro\A@MNL0S, father of Lysimacha, 80 *“AroX(AdvL0s), father of —on, 113 *Amro\A@v10s, father of Pap—as, 98 *Amroh\N@M1U08, father of Pap . . on, 97 292 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES >AmoA\Xovwos, father of Pisais al. Soter, 72 *Azro\(A@vios ?), father of Ponch(es) and Cronius, 73 >AvroA@vL05, father of Sarapion, 72, 73, 83 >AroAN@vLOS, father of Soter, 82 >AmrodXNwveos, father of Tryphaena, 84 ’Amrod\N@vios, father of Zoilus, 145 *Avro\Novtos, grandfather and grandson, 113 > A7ro\Awvtos, son of Ammonius, 85 *"ATroX(A@VL0S 2); son of Apol(lonius ?), zpo(Baroxryvo- tpodos ?), 84 > A7roAAWUVLOS, son of Barbillus, Nepovrav(e)eos é Kal Teveapyxetos, 167 > Avro\A@VL0s, son of Callinicus, "AGnvaeds 6 kat —, 156 > A7roAA@VLOS, son of Chaeremon, 113 > Avro @v_tos, son of Cleander, 73, 77 *Amroh(A@rL0s), son of Colanthus a/. Heraeon, 76 *AroAA@vios, son of Didas. 96 *Arro\N@vios, son of Eimen—, 73 >A7roAAwvtos, son of Eubulus, 74, 78 >Aaro\Nwv_tos, son of Harphaésis, 26 > A7ro\N@ML0S, son of Harpocration, 113 *Azro\N@(VL0s ?), son of Heracles, 112 >AvroA\Awvios, son of Heraeon, $2 >AvoAAwrvltos, son of Hermaeus, 108, 114 >AzroAA@veuos, son of Hermias, 82, 168 ’ Azro(AA@rL0S a) son of Isidorus, 82 >A7roA\A@vios, son of Lycus, 113 "Amro, AA@ri0s}, son of Orseus, IO >A7roAN@vios, son of Papontos, 10° >A7ro\N@vuos, son of Sarapion, 100 *Azrod(A@vwOS), son of Taurinus, 113 > Atro\A@vios, son of Theon, 75, 80 > Arro\Nwvios, son of Zoilus, 96 "ATONAS, 42, 43, 57, 58 > Amroddas 6 Kat PeAAws, AdpyAtos, son of Phoebammon, 264, 265 Am. Twvas, father of Tasais, 235 "ATrVyXis, 43, 210 "ATrvyxes, father and son, 100 "ATUYXES; father of Horus, 1o1 "ATVYXIS, father of Sotas, 60 (Amvvxis) "ATVYXIS, son of Apynchis, zpdxtwp oirixov, 134 "ATVyXES, son of Apynchis, apoBaroxtnvoTpopos, 141 "ATIVYXES; son of Harminis, 102 >AmvALos, son of Isidorus, 52 Ap—, father of Ptolemaeus, 94 ApaBpos. ApaBpos, son of Sisois, 96 See also ApoBpws Apauns, 14 "Apa—os, Aipyduos, Bovdevtis, eényntevoas, évapxos apvravis “EppovrdAews, 110 *"Apyatos, father of Palasia, 97 "Apetos, 10, 87, 125 "A petos, *Appovios 6 kal, 65-68 "A petos, "Appovios 6 Kai, taBovAdptos (qu. the same as the preceding), 66 "Apetos, Aipydwos, son of Heraclides, BovAevtis Tis ’Apowoitwv ToAEws, 220 "A petos, yevomevos KWLOYpPAappLarer's, 83 "A pe.os 5 kat Adpod(e)iovos, AdpyAvos, 152 "A petos 6 xat Ilurvaus, father of Paniscus, 79, 85 "Ape.os, évnAdarys, 152 "Apevos, TlerovBaoris 6 Kal, 83 "A pevos, father of Anchorimphis, 25 "Apetos, father of Castor, 97 "A petos, father of Chaeremon, 100 “Apetos, father of Dionysia, 78 "A pevos, father of Herminus, 143 "A petos, father of Paniscus, 75 “A petos, father of Soter, 71 "A petos, father of Theor—on, 99 "Ape.os, son of Ammonius, 83 "A petos, son of Callimachus, 77 “Apetos, son of Dioscurides a/. Semphtheus, 85 "Apewos, son of Epimachus, 79, 86 "A petos, son of Eponychus, 74, 76, 78 "Apetos, son of Epon(ychus?) the dyer (qu. the same as the preceding ?), 72 "A petos, son of Heracles, éAatoupyos, 142 "A petos, son of Heracl(ides), 82 “A petos, son of Hermaeus, 208 "Apetos, son of Onnophris, 32 “A petos, son of Paniscus, 84 "Apevos, son of Seleucus, 75, 79-81, 85 “Apetos, son of Soterichus, 99 Apets, son of Soterichus, 99 "A pelov, son of Callimachus, 73, 77 *Apetwv, son of Lysimachus, 81 "Apevs, son of Mysthas, 98 "Apeus, father of Papontos, 94 Apewrtns, ‘Avtivoos 6 «ai, son of Philantinous, tacro- fdpos Ocetpavtivdov Ged peyiatov, 163 Apewrns, father of Longinia, 100 Apnavns, the god, 163 "Apytiov, 5 kal “Aprepldwpos, pudjs ZaBwiov, 156 (see Addenda) INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 293. "A puddvn (figure of, on silver vessel), 262 "Apuotevs, father and son, 113 *Apiotor, father of Castor, 73, 100 *Apioror, father of Ismartus and Castor (probably the same as the preceding), 80 *Apiorwy, father of Ptollas, 98 Apptevs, father of Patermuthis, 94 Appeus, son of Heron, 94 Appeus, son of Orseus, 95 “A ppuuvis, father of Apynchis, 102 “A ppupup.os 6 kat MéAas, son of Horus, 163-165 ‘Appwors, father of Panomgeus, 23 “A ppwvors, father of Sansneus, 145 Appupa, 23 Appovéos (?), 9 Apveus, father of Pataeus, 95 “Apvoudis, TOTOYPApparevs, 2, 3 ApoBpas, See also Apapus ApoBpas, son of Philotas, 96 Apoous, AipyjAwos, son of Proous, 225 Apoous, son of Elias, 226 ADT» OL, 41 OL ‘AprrayaOns, 101, 17% ‘Aptranots, i “Aprranots, son of Naaraus a@/. Veris, 130 ‘Aprranats, son of Phaseis, 140 ‘Aprranotwv, *Arod(Advios?) 5 Kai, father of Achilles, 112, 116 “Aptranos, 6 kal ’Arro\Awros, father of Antonius, 114 "Aptrados, father of Sarapion, 95 “AptraXos, son of Hermaeus, 113 “Aptados, son of Horion, 96 *Aptrados, son of Nemesion, Nepowdrios 6 xat Ipora- Top.os, 162, 166, 167 “Aptanos, son of Onesimus, 33 “A ptroKpas, 66. See also ‘Aproxpariwyv, son of Antonas “A ptoKpation, father of Chrates, 146 “AptoKpatiov, father of Sabinus, ror ‘Aptrokpatiwv, son of Antonas, Maridios 6 Kal Anun- tprevs, 159 (MS. once Aproxpar) ‘Aptokpatiov, son of Artemidorus, 113 “A ptroK(patiov ?), son of Heraclides, 187 ‘AptoKparian, son of Heron, 95 ‘Aptokpatiwv, son of —on, 113 ‘A ptrox patiov, son of Morus, 33 Appia, mother (?) of Hieracion a/. Athenodorus, 165 Ap—s, son of —cexis, 112 “Apawnats, son of Cercaris, 4, 5 “Apounats, son of Schotus, fepeds Lovxou kai "Adpodirys, 15, 18 "Apowon, 45, 222 "Apowwdn, daughter of Aphthonetus, 75 "Apowdon, daughter of Demetrius, 79, 84 "A paivoos, 77 "Apaivoos, father of Cleio( —_), 73 Apov.couxos, father of Phaésis, 101% “Apovis, father of Harphaésis, 100 Aptepas, 43 "A prepddpa, daughter of Soter, 79, 75, 85, 86 ’"Aprewldwpos, 85, 180 "Aprepidwpos, AipyAws, Bovrevtys, BiBdrwdvAa€, 118, 119 *"Aprepiowpos, "Apyriov 6 Kal, Pvdjs ZaBuwiov, 156 A preuldwpos, father of Harpocration, 113 *Apteuidwpos, son of Isagoras, 74, 77 "Apteuidwpos, son of Papus, 94, 95 *"Aptenidwpos, son of Soter, 79 "Aptéuav, 76 *ApTépor, father of Macrus, 81 ‘Apdanots, azdrwp, pntpos Avevtos, 102 ‘Appanots 6 kat “Hoaoriwv, father of Apollonius, 26 ‘Apdanots, father of Demetrius, 96 ‘Apdanots, father of Dorion, 96 ‘Apdanots, father of Herodes, 102 “Apdanors, father of Heron, 96 “Apdanats, father of Horus, 102 ‘A poanots, father of Orseus, 102 “Apdanots, father of Panosneus, 100 “Apoanats, father of Paouetis, 23 “Apoanats, father of Sambas, 102 “Apoanats, son of Ace—, 100 “Apdanats, son of Harsuthis, too ‘Apdanors, son of Harmiysis, 23 ‘Apdanas, son of Horion, roo “Apdanats, son of Irenaeus, 96 ‘Apdanats, son of Phaseis, 96 “ApdOvoars, father of Taphaésis, ror *"Apxérdas, 45 "A pyuyu(4dns ?), father of Ero{), 83 *Apyovria, Aipndia, daughter of A—, 259 "Apxovria, Aipydia, daughter of Phoebammon, 253, 254 "Apxovtia, mother of Fl. Johannes, 270 —apyos, 26 Apxots, father of Ptolema, 27 294 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES A—poros, father of Petheus, 98 Ao—,, father of Heron, 96 Ages, Bovxddos, 104 Aons, iepe’s, 195, 199 Aoyns, son of Taneus, 177-199, 201 "Aokdhados, 166 Aok)as, father of Eudaemon, 96, 159, 160 Agk)as, son of Stotoétis, 96 "Aok)ytia, daughter of Posidonius, 79 "Aokdnmiddys, 76, 77, 243 “Aokd\nmiadns, Koopntys, 182 "Agk)y(aiadns) 6 Kal "AvovBiwv, father of Theon, 72, 79, 81, 84 “Aokhy(madys) 6 cat ToAvd(evxns?), father of Am- monius, 81 "Aokdn(7iadys), father and son, 76 "Aokhy(iddns), father of Epimachus, 72 "Aokhy(middys), father of Heraclea, 86 "Aokhy(middys), father of Heracl(ides), 73 “Aok\nmiadns, father of Hermophilus, 76, 81, 86 "Aakhy(miadys), father of Soter, 75, 79 "AokhyTiddns, father of Theon, 72, 80 *"AokAnmiddys, father of Zopyra, 77, 82 *AokAn(middys), grandfather and grandson, 113 "AokAn(middys), son of Agathocles, 72 "Aokdn(riddys), son of Agathocles, zpeoBurepos, 85 "Ack\n(miadys), son of Agathocles a@/. Anubion, 83 "AokAn(middys), son of Callistratus, 81 "Aok)n(iddns), son of Eumelus, 86 *Aokdn(7iddns), son of Euphranorus, 81 "Aokhn(7iddys), son of P—, 75 "AaokAn(miaddys), son of Posidonius, 73, 79, 84, 85 "AokAl nmiddys, son of Ptol(emaeus), Aaky—, 75 "Aokdyn7iddys, son of Sarapion, 145 "AokAntuds, Twovtis 7 Kal, 61 "AoKAnmids, daughter of Apollonius, 80 "AokAn(muds), daughter of Callimachus, 73 "AokAn(mds), daughter of Epimachus, 85 "AokAn(muds), daughter of Soter, 85 Aomti—, son of Ptolemaeus, 113 *Aomis, daughter of Hermias, 86 *Aaréptos, son of Colluthus, 254 *"AovyKpitvos, @havwos "Odvpmiddwpos 6 Kal, xwparee- wikTyS, 224-227 "AauyKpitlos, 255 ATats, rousny, 210 —aTewgts, 37 A7Tns, 197 —artlwy, father of Her—, 96 Atovdis, 213 Atpevs, son of Phab—, ror Atpyns, 238 Atpns, AtpyAws, son of Panas, 225 Atpys, Aipyduos, son of Paneus, 231 Atpys, father of Aunes, 96 Atpyns, father of Herminus, 226 Atpys, father of Peeus, 226 Atpys, father of Peues, 226 Atpys, son of Heraclides, 100 —atws, Avpydvos, son of Horus, 225 Avvas, téxtwv, 196 Avpy7s, 196 Avvys, Bouvkodos, 195, 198 Avvys, yépduos, 196 Aurys, father and son, 96 Avrys, father of Sambas, 102 Avpys, father of Stotoétis, 98 Aupns, son of Aia, 195, 197, 199, 201 Avvns, son of Castor, 96 Avrys, son of Hatres, 96 Avrys, son of Hermias, 96 Avrys, son of Horus, 96 Avv7s, son of Mesou—, 102 Avvys, son of Petermuthis, 96 Avrys, son of Stotoétis, 96 Avrns, son of Suchas, 96 Avpn dia —, daughter of Pinoution, 267 Avpy\ta Apareey, daughter of Sarapion, 265 Avpy\ia *"AmoAAwvia, 235 AdpnAta ’Apxovria, 259 Adpn\ta *Apxovria, daughter of Phoebammon, 254 Avpy ta ’Apovia, daughter of Taurinus, 255 AvpyAta Acocxopois, daughter of Hermaeus a/. Pathotes SI, 32, 320,.bak, 169, 17% Avpn\ta ‘Eppivy, daughter of Soter, 153, 154 Avpy\ta Evdogia, daughter of Aur. Apollos @/. Phellos, 2 264 Avpy la "lous, 234 Avpn\ta Iodwpa 7 Kal Evdaipovis, 230 Avpniia KnXeavris, 234 Adpndia Nepecidda, daughter of Phoebammon, 272 Adpy\ta Otvav6ia, daughter of Johannes, 259 AvpyAta Tapovns, daughter of Silvanus, 230 Avpnhta Texvots, 234 AdpyAtos (alone), 228 Avpy vos —, son of Menas, 268 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 295 Avpydvos —, son of Phibis, 224 Avpy tos ’Adégavdpos, son of Silvanus, 225 Avpy vos *"AXkypiwv 6 Kal Moos, 176 Avpyhwos "ApevwOns, 258 Avpy Los *"Appevviavos, son of Silvanus, 231 AvpyALos "Appovios, tparelirns, 153 Avpy tos "Appwviwv, ypapparevs, 32, 119, 121 Avpn vos AvovBas, ypapparets, 225 Avbpy tos Avovbis, son of Josephius, diudxovos, 255 AdpyAtos Amadeus, 271 Avpyuos "Amavos, eényntevoas, Bovdevrys of Alexandria, 103 Avpy\uos *Ariwv, voudpxns of Arsinoite nome, 69 Adpy os *AmoAAddwpos, son of Sabinus, Bevedixcdpios érdpxov Aiyirrov, 110, III Aptos ’ArdAAwv, 228 Adprrtos ’AtdAXwv, son of Horion, yrwor%p, 227 Avpy Los *AzoAXwv, son of Premmeotes, 225 Avpy wos *“ArrodAwvtos, 32 AvpyAos *AroAAws 6 Kat PeAXws, son of Phoebammon, 264 Avpn vos *Apa—os, Bovdrgevtys, eEnyntevoas, evapxos mpvtavis “EppovrdAews, 110 Avpy vos "Apevos 6 kat “Adpod(e)iotos, 152 Avpy os "Apewos, son of Heraclides, Bovdeurys tis *ApowolrGv oAews, 220 AvpyALos Apoovs, son of Proous, 225 Avpy\vos *Aprepidwpos, Bovrevrys, BiBdrvtopiAag, 118, 11 9 Avpy Los Artpys, son of Panas, 225 AvpyAtos Arps, son of Paneus, 231 AvbpyAtos —arws, son of Horus, 225 Avpr tos "AxrAcds, father and son, 116 Abpy duos ’AxAM—, 111 Avpy Los Byoapiov, yvwornp, 227 Avpytos Béixrwp, son of Apanteius, 257 Avpy Atos Béixtwp, son of Johannes, 259 AvpyALos Béixrwp, son of Taurinus, Bonds, 256 Avpy vos AavujAwos, son of Christodorus, yewpyds, 266 Avp7 Atos Anpajtptos, Mapxos, pancratiast, 214, 218 AvpyALos Anpytpws, tparelirns, 151 AvpyALtos Anydotparos, Mépxos, son of Damas, pan- Cratiast and boxer, 217 Avpydtos Avoviows, son of Sarapion, 152 Adpy tos *Exipaxos 6 kat Arias, yewpyds, 279 Avpr\tos ‘Eppetvos 6 xat Mapos, son of Hermaeus ai. Pathotes, boxer, 30, 118, 151, 152 Avpy os ‘Eppeivos, son of Anthestius, PBovdevris, BiBrAvoddAaE, 121 AdbpyAvos ‘Epps, son of Philletius, Bovdewris “Eppou- moAews, 228 Avpy tos ‘Eppias 6 Kai *ArodAwnos, strategus of Alex- andria, 49, 5° Avpy vos EicéB(e)uos 6 Kat "Iaidwpos, 232 Abpy os EiceBys, son of —ois, 225 AdbpyAtos "HAias, son of Salamon, 225 Abpr vos “HAwdwpos, 64, 65 Adbpr tos “HpaxAdppwv, son of Sarapion, 265 Abpydtos “Hpaxdeidns, son of Claudius (?), yopr[aoe (apxjoas) ?], BovrAeurjs, of Arsinoé, 199, 203 Avbpy Los “HpaxAjjs, son of Dioscorus, xvBepyyrys, 220 Aptos “Hpwv, son of Polydeuces, Bovdevtis “Eppov- moAews, 228 Avpydvos ‘Hpwveivos, dpovriaris @eadeAdias x.7-A., 103, 104, 173 (MS. Hpwr) Adbpy vos @cdyvwortos 6 Kat Mépos, son of Hermaeus al. Pathotes, 30, 32, 118, 119-121, 151, 153, 175, 176 AbpyALos Geoddcr0s, son of Nechys, 255 Avpy duos @éwv, son of Onnophrius, éxpednris Tiporwr, 228, 229 Avpyrtos ‘Tépad, 234 AvpyAtos “Ieaxos, son of Phoebammon, 253 Adbpr tos ToiSwpos, son of Hermaeus a/. Pathotes, 119, 120 (MS. —éupas) AvpyALos Ioyupiov, 50 AvpyALos "Iwdvvns, son of Apa Sion, 280 AvpyALos ‘Iwdvvys, son of Apion, 267, 268 AvpH tos Iwordpi(o)s, son of Aphous, 257 Avpytos Iwondus, son of Pamin, 258 Avpy Atos Iworjpuos, son of Paulus, yewpyds, 266, 267 Avpr tos Koddov6os, son of Cyracus, 261 Avpy Atos KoAXov$os, son of Lythius, dprehovpyos, 270, 271 Avpy Los Kozpeas. See Aipyjdvos wovriwy Avpydtos Kopryj\uos, son of Eudaemon, 176, 177 AvpyALos KipiAdos, son of Ischyrion, émpeAyrys, 229 Atprdwos Kor—, 235 AvpyALos Adppwv, son of Las, 231 AvpraAvos Acvas, son of Aces, 224 Avp7 tos AovdAous, son of Sarapion, 265 Abpy os Maikwos Neueotavds, draurntis, acting strategus of Hermopolite nome, 110 Avp7Atos Maxdpr(o)s, son of Elias, 281 Avpy tos Mdémos, son of Aur. Heroninus, 173 AvpyAvos Médpov, tropvnpatoypados, 50 AvpnAvos Myvas, son of Sarapion, 265 296 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES AvpyALos Neidos, son of Hermes, Bovdevrys of Hermo- polis, 234, 235 A vpyALos Nixootparos, 31 Adpy Atos ‘Ovedprs, son of Solomon, 280 Avpy vos T—, 224 AvpyAtos Hayary, son of Onophris a/. Silanus, 258 Avpy Los Tlaus (?), kwpapxys, 226 Avpy wos Tlayuv, son of Onophris a/. Silanus, 258 AvpyAtos Mavixys, son of Pites, 225 Avpy Los Ilatws, son of Clomis, 225 AvpyAtos IleBys, son of Colluthus, cwndpxys, 226 Avp7 Atos Heevs, son of Colluthus, 223 Avpy wos Tlexvais, son of Pathotes, 225 AdvpyAtos Iexvous, son of Pinoution, 233, 234 Abpy duos Hevovriwr (sic), son of Na, 225 Avpy vos Il érpos, 259 Avpy Atos Iérpos, son of Pinoution, 261 AvpyAvos Ilwovtiwy 6 xal Kozpeas, son of Eudaemon, 120, 121, 153, 174 (Avdpydtos Kozpeas), 175 AvpyALos TloAvd(evxns?), mpaxtwp, 53 Avpy Atos Sapardppor, ypapparevs, 118 Avpy vos Sapariwv, son of Sarapammon, taBovddpwos, 229 Avp7 wos Sapariwv, son of Silvanus, 229 Aupy tos epjvos, son of Chonsis, 224 AvpyLos Zepqvos, son of Pu—itus, 224 AvpyAlos ABavés, 233, 234 Avpyuos =ABaves, son of Castor, 234 Avp7 Los Xoes, son of Castor, 225 Avpyuos Sovpovs, son of Pebes (or Pecysius ?), 278 AvpyAt(os) Sra, son (?) of Onophris a/. Silanus, 258 Avp7wos Supivy, son of Horion, 234 Avpy\vos Tvpavvos, son of Pinoution, kwpapyys, 225 Avpy)uos ®— 6 kal Evoaipwv, 153 AvpyALos Pifis, kopdpxys, 224 Avpydtos b:fis, son of Melas, 225 Avpy wos &:Bivv, son of Panechotes, 127, 128 AvpyAlos P:Biwv, son of Polydeuces, 228 AvpyaAtos @irdppwv, son of Hermes, Povdrevtys of Hermopolis, 228 Adpy duos Po. Bdppwv, son of Posidonius, pancratiast, 176 Atpyhuos Xaipypov 6 Kal Avooxopos, Bovrevtys ByBdi0- dvAag, 120 Adpydvos Xappias, son of Basilides, 257 Adpr vos Xewdys, son of Phoebammon, 272 Avpydvos Xpvourros, Mdpxos, wrestler, 217 AdpyAtos Vas, son (?) of Onophris a/. Silanus, 258 Adpy vos ‘Opryevys, 30 Avpy tos ‘Opryévys, son of Ammonius, 230 Advpr tos “Opitos, son of Isidorus, 259 AvpyALos ‘Opiov, 226 AdpyALos ‘Opiwv, son of Taurinus, 224 Avpiwn, 6 kat, son of Herminus, Maridios 6 Kal Anpytpievs, 157 Avpotwayos (se), father of Satabous, 98 "A dO6vyros, father of Arsinoé, 75 "AdOovia, Aipydr(a, daughter of Taurinus, 255 Adovs, 259 Adovs, TEKTWV, 254 Adous, father of Aur, Joseph, 257 (see Addenda) Adovs (apparently name of a machine), 260 "AdpiKaves, 44, 45 "A dpod(e)iatos, AidpnAtos "Apesos 6 kai, 152 "A dpod(e)lovos, son of Isidorus, 84, 87 "Adpod(e)iotos, father of Theogiton, 94 "A dpodioia 9 Kal “Iowdopa, 63-66 (66 MS, —édeww.) "A dpodictos, 11z. See also ’Adpod(c)icvos "Adpodiaros, épyoddrns, 183, 184 *A dpodiatos, father of Plutogenes, 113 *Adpodiaros, son of Ammonius, 133 A dpodity, the goddess, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22 : ‘Epps Kat "A. kal “Appwy kal ot ovvvaoe Geol péyurtar “Avtwoov- Toews, 163 "Adpod(irn), daughter of Nicander, 85 "Adpodous, 207 "Advyyxes, father of Che—pibecis (?), 116 “A duyxes, son of Petenobsis, 143 "Ayiddas, son of Achilles, too "Ayuddas, son of Petheus, roo "Axiddevs, 222, 276 "Ayuddevs, “Avtévus 6 Kal, son of Poron, 143 "Ayiddevs, Aipywos, father and son, 116 "Aytddevds 6 xal —vos, father of Dioscorus, 127 "Axiddeds, father of Achillas, 100 "Ax tAXevs, father of Eud(aemon), 67 "Ayidrevs, father of Hermaeus @/. Pathotes, 30, 118- 120, 148-151, 153, 175 *AytAXevs, father of Sarapion, 116 "Ayiddevs, son of Apollonius a7. Harpaésion, 112, 116 "Ax iddevs, son of Eudaemon, xwpareerixrys, 224-226 "Ayiddevs, son of Hermaeus, 112 "AxuAdu—, Aipiduos, 111 Bakkts, son of Rhanis, 226 Bdkytos, EvBovros 6 kai, father of Apion, 74 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Baxyvos, son of Eubulus, 74 Baxyis, daughter of Ptolemaeus, 73 Baxyioy, father and son, 96 BdpBudXos, father of Apollonius, 167 Bapziwy, father of Photion, 218 Baowdeldys, 249, 250 (MS. —d.d.) Baowdeldns, Bonds, 246, 249 Baotdetdns, father of Aur. Charrias, 257 A Baodeldys, son of Phoebammon, 272, 273 Bagin(e)tos, Pravwos, consul, 259, 261, 264, 265, 272 Baowdidns. See BaowAcidys Baoaos, “IovAws, consul, 234 Baoras (or -os), 222 Bavytos, son of Ammonius, iatpos, 85 BedAyns, 42, 43 Bepevixy, daughter of Didymus, 82, 87 (?) Bepevixn, queen. See Index 3 Bepvixiavds, 66 Bepvikravos, ‘TovAvavos 6 Kal, 66 Bepvixravds, son of Methydion, banker, 157 Bykus, 43. Byxus, father of Hierax, 239 See also WByxis Byxts, son of Pamonius, 226 Bynoapiwr, AipyAtos, yvwornp, 227 Byoapiav, banker, 163 Byocapior, father of Dioscorus, 162 Byoapiwy, father of Sarapammon, 66, 67 Byocapiwv, son of Apion, tacrodpdpos “Eppot, 163 Byoapiov, son of Castor, 166, 167 Byoapiwy, son of Dioscorus, 161, 162 Byoapior, son of Dioscorus, X I. wry tpdrela, 105 *Inoots, 26 "Ivapwus, father of Thatres, 116 Tov\vavds 6 kat Bepvixcavos, 66 *IovAtavos, consul, 232 *TovALos *Axriakos, 146 *TovAos “Avrioxos, Taos, king of Commagene, 216 *TovAtos *Ariwv, 67 *lovALos ’Arodwdpws, 67 "Tovduos ’ArodAwvidys, 67 *IovALos Bédooos, consul, 234 *IovALos Etrvxijs, 125 *IovALos @éwy, 66 *IovAtos “IoéSwpos, strategus of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon, 93 *TovALos Méépos, Téos, 23 *IovALos Hivos, dos, 75, 85 *TovAtos MWodéuwv, king of Pontus, 216 *TovALos Sarovvos, Tdvos, 121, 122 *IovAtos Larovpveivos, 99 *IovALos SAPavds, 67 *TovAtos @7rE, Tduos, 82 *TovAtos PéXos, Téduos, émurrdrys pudrakirdv, 130 "In7ados, 97 "Im7ranos, father of Androus, 96 *Im7raXos, son of Hierax, 97 Io—, 81, 94 Io—, father of Irenaeus, 96 "Ioaywpas (sic), father of Artemidorus, 74, 77 *Iodkuos, father of Georgius, 252 "Iaakos, AipyAwos, son of Phoebammon, 253 "Ioaxkos, PAavws, son of Phoebammon, 271 "lodppov, son of Heraclas, 100 *loapiov, 94 Ioas, father of Ammonius, 94 *Iow—, 240 *Iowds, 233 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES ‘Iovds, Aipydrla, 234 *Iowds, daughter of Apollonius, 85 *Iovds, daughter of Lysis, 86 *I[oidoros, father of Castor, 82 "Ia idorTos, father of Didymus, 86 *Iaidoros, son of Castor, 76 "lovddpa, ’"Adpodioia 7 Kal, 63-66 Towddpa 4 kat Eidapovis, Aipydia, 230 *Iovdépa, daughter of Apollonius, 74, 78, 81 "loidapa, daughter of Chaeremon, 64-68, 111 "Io idwpos, "Io (dwpos, 29, 87, 147, 240 Aipyjdwos, son of Hermaeus a/. Pathotes 119, 120 (MS, —dwpas) *Iaidwpos, AipyAwos Eto B(e)uos 6 Kai, 232 "Io iSwpos, Tovhuos, strategus of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon, 93 "IaiSwpos 6 kat Eevwv, father of Isidorus, 74 "Ioidwpos, "Io idwpos, "lo idwpos, "lo idwpos, "Ia idwpos, "Ioidwpos, *loidwpos, *Loidwpos, *"Iaidwpos, "lo idwpos, *OAvpmddwpos 6 Kal, 64 ovnAdrys, 197 overpavos, 166 father and son, 78, 82, 166 father of Aphrodisius and Tryphon, 87 father of Apollo, 66 father of Apylius, 52 father of Aur. Horitus, 259 father of Didymus, 74, 77, 82 father of Hermias, 71 "Io idwpos (?), father of Heron, 145 "Iaidwpos, father of Isidorus, Rhodi(ppus), and Apo(l- lonius ?), 82 *Ioidwpos, "Io idwpos, *loidwpos, *Ioidwpos, *Ioidwpos, *Ioidwpos, "Ioidwpos, [166], *Ioidwpos, *Ioidwpos, *Iaidwpos, *Ioidwpos, "Ioidwpos, "Ila idwpos, "Iaidwpos, "Ioidwpos, "Iaidwpos, father of Nilus, 159 father of Paniscus, 75 father of Sarapion, 83, 94 father of Zoilus, 74, 78 father of Zois a/. Onchasis, 22 son of Alexander, 157-160 son of Besarion, Tpaudvios 6 Kal Nexynddptos, 167 son of Dioscorus, 113 son of Epon(ychus), 74 son of Hermaeus a@/. Pathotes, 118, 148-150 son of Isidorus a/. Xenon, 74 son of Marius, 167 son of Rhodippus, 76 son of Sarapion, 82, 227 son of Sarapion, xpvaoxdos, 72, 81, 82 son of Xemon (?), 81 "lots, peyadn paytnp Oedv, 8, 10, 12 father and son, 97 father of Didymarion, 24 father of Ischyras, 102 son of Irenaeus, 102 Iolov, > / Iotwr, , / Ioiwr, > , Iotov, *Ioiwv, son of Psenobastis, 100 “Iopaptos, son of Ariston, 80 "Iooxparns, father of Ammonia, 86 "Ioxvpas, son of Dioscorus, 95 "Ioxvpas, son of Ision, 102 "Ioxvpas, son of Maron, 95 "loxvpiov, 209, 241 "loxupiov, Aipius, 50 ‘Ioxuptov 6 wai Areas, 101 loyxuptov 6 kat Tpidwv, 99 "Iloxupiwv, father of Aur. Cyrillus, 229 ‘loxupior, son of Heron, 100, 145 > , Ioxvpiowv, son of Tryphon, 97 —itwv, son of He—con, 95 > , - Iwavns (sic), 242 > , : . Iwavys (sic), duixovos, 242 *Twdveys, 247, 259 *Iwavyns, Aipyjdws, son of Apa Sion, 280, 281 "Iwavrns, Aipndwos, son of Apion, 267, 268 "Iwavyns, ééreddevrijs, 246 "Twavens, Tpovontys, 277 *Iwavrys, P)ariuos, dudkovos, 270 > , , Iwavyns, PAavws, consul, 251, 270 "Twavrns, father of Aur. Archontia, 259 *Iwadvyns, father of Aur, Victor, 259 "Twavyns, father of Eurasia, 268 "Twadvens, son of Theophanes, tpeofi'repos, 255 "Tov, KXavdus, KAavdiavds 6 cat ?|Sos, 169 "Iéontos, father of Marinus, 186 "lwon duos, "Toon duos, ‘lwondvos, ‘Two duos, "Twon duos, *Iwonduos, father of Aur, Anouthis, 255 262 AipyAvos, son of Aphous, 257 Aipyndws, son of Pamin, 258 yewpyds, 282 Ka( ), father of Phibion, 113 Kans (?), épyarns, 197 Kays (?), tpoordrys, 198 Katoap, KAddios Serriptos AdBetvos, consul, 217 Kaudahov. See Kedddov Kadaxanets, son of Sotas, rpaxtwp dpyupixOv, 57 Kadys, father of Apollo, 189 Kadys, father of Florus, 163 Bie 3°7 AipyAuos, son of Paulus, yewpyds, 266, 267 308 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Kadk. A(?), 247 KadXlas, father of Pates, 15, 16 KadAXias, father of Plutarcha, 86 Kadduxdijs, 84 KahXipayos, father of Arion and Arius, 73, 77 KadXtwaxos, father of Ascle(pias), 73 KadAtwaxos, father of Helen, 75, 84, 86 KakXivikos, 249 KadXtvixos, father of Apollonius, 156 KadXiorpatos, father of Ascle(piades), 81 (MS. KadXioor.) KakX\tr—, 91 Kadzrovpros, pyy( ), 64 Kae, son of Andreas, 252. Kapys, father of Stotoétis, 99 Kapys, son of Pelos, 95 Kavvacts, 196 Kavewzros, 12 (MS. Kavwzos as gen.), 20 Kdvwmos, father of Psenosiris, 17 Kapd1peos (?), cxoAacriKds Popov OnBaidos, 253 Kapzrodopos, secretary of athletic club, 219 Kas, father of Aion, 195, 197, 200 Kaovos, father of Casis, 142 Kadoros, son (?) of Sotas, 142 Kdors, son of Casius, 142 Kdooavdpos, son of Apollonius, 73, 80, 81 Kaoropevs, son of Soterichus, 97 Kdorwp, dvnAdrys, 104 Kdorop, father and son, 97 Kdorop, father of Aunes, 96 Kdovop, father of Aur, Silvanus, 234 Kdovup, father of Aur. Soéis, 225 Kao7wp, father of Besarion, 166 Kdovwp, father of Didymus, 192 Kdorop, father of Dioscorus, 113 Kdo7top, father of Isidotus, 76 Kado7wp, father of Papnoutis, 226 Kdaovrup, father of Polydeuces, 102 Kdorop, father of Souerous, 30, 31, 148, 149 Kdo7op, father of Tryphon, 95 Kdorwp, father of Tyrannus, 226 Kdorwp, son of Ariston, 73, 80, 100 Kdorop, son of Arius, 97 Kdo7wp, son of Chamenes, 72 Kdaorup, son of Demetrius, 82 Kdorwp, son of Dioscorus, 157 Kdovop, son of Epimachus, 97 Kdorop, son of Heraclides, 81 Kdorwp, son of Heracl(ides), iepevs, 76 Kdorwp, son of Isidotus, 82 Kdorwp, son of Protas, 97 Kdorwp, son of Ptol(emaeus), 75, 78, 86 Kdorwp, son of Soter, 79, 86 Kdorwp, son of Tryphon, 97 Kaova\as, 243, 244 Kdrwyv, son of No—is, 53 Kavrtus, father of Stotoétis, rox KBaernous. KepedXts, KAavéus, strategus of division of Heraclides, See KoBaeryous Arsinoite nome, 126 Kepxapts, father of Harsiesis, 4, 5 Kedadas, son of Pnebdunis, 97 Kedadiwyr, father of Nilus, 157 Kedddwr, 42 (MS. Kap.) Kedddov, Bacrixds ypapparets, 26, 28 Kedddor, father of Mysthas, 100 Kedador, father of Tansneus, 101 Kedar, son of Didymus, 100 —knavs, son of Pasc—, 112 KiaBav. See KiBav KuBav, father of Horion, 195 (MS. KiaBav), 198, 200 K—ts, father of Tothes, 140 Kirrudos (?), KXéapos 6 kat, father of Ptolemaeus, 74, 78 K—xraBnvds, son of Proclus, athletic trainer, 218 Kyapas, Avddoros NwpBavas, 121-123 Kyadrtos (?), father of Plutarcha, 72 KXavdla ’Aroduwdpuov, 25 KXavd.os, 187. 189 K\avdios Avoyévys, 24 K\avd.os “Epacos, strategus of division of Themistes, Arsinoite nome, 125 Kdavdtos ‘Eppas, TiBépvos, 216 Kiavd.os Sov Tyayévys, son of On—, 231 Knravd.os "Iwv, KAavdifavés 6 Kat ?|idos, 169 KnXavduos Kepeddus, strategus of division of Heraclides, Arsinoite nome, 126 Kdavdros Kupos, TiBepios, 216 Kdavd.os MdpxeddXos, 6 Siarnporatos Kafodixds, 110 KX(avd.os) Srépavos, son of Paésis, 239 K\avd.os , TiBépwos, 75 K)avévos (?), father of Aur, Heraclides, 199 Kéavdpos, father of Apollonius, 73, 77 K)éapos 6 kat Kirrios (?), father of Ptolemaeus, 74 KXeavutis, Aipyrta, [233], 234 KXevo(__), son of Arsinous, 73 KXeo(_), son (?) of B—, 87 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 309 K\eomdrpa, daughter of Ptol(emaeus), 85 K\eordrpa, daughter of Soter, 73 Ky dS10¢ Serripos "AABetvos Katoap, vratos, 217 Kips, father of Aur, Patos, 225 KoBaernars (a. Ma:Owris), wife of Panobchunis, 8, 10, 11 (MS. once K Baer.) Konrtus, 22 Kodav6as, father of Petearpochrates, 74, 77 KodavbOaros, father of Psaos, 80 Koravbos, Aaoypddos, 85 KoXav0os 6 Kat ‘Hpaiwy, father of Apol(lonius), 76 Kédavbos 6 cat Hrod(epatos), son of Apollonius, AaB(_ ), 42 KédavOos, Urod(enaios) 6 xaé, son of Apollonius, 82 KoXav6os, father of Psais, 73 KéXav6os, son of Hermon, 72 (see Corrigenda) KéXav6os, son of Horion, 78 KodvAavits, 146 KéddXov8os, 9, 259 KoddXovGos, Apidos, son of Cyracus, 261 KodXovGos, Atpiydwos, son of Lythius, dparehoupyos, 270s 241 KédXov8os, mpovontis, 274, 275 KoddXdovbos, oraBrtrys, 253 KodXovbos, father of Asterius, 254 KodXovOos, father of Aur. Pebes, 226 Kéddovbos, father of Aur. Peeus, 225 Ko\dovOos, father of Hermogenes, 248 KodAovbos, father of Protion (?), 95 Ko\dovOos, father of Sois, 226 KéddXov8os, son of Menas, 252 K6\dovGos, son of Tesenuphis, 94 Kopor, father of Eudaemon, 140 Kompeas, 244 Kozpeas, AipyAtos Tlwouriwy 6 Kat, son of Eudaemon, 120, 121, 153, 174, 175 Kompys, 196 Kopv7\uos, 113, 158, 160, 161 Kopvy\tos, Avpydws, son of Eudaemon, 176, 177 Kopry\uos, ‘Eppatos 6 kai, son of Chaeremon, ayopa- vopos, 137 Kopvy\os, father of Pathotes, 140 KopvyAtos, father of P—rlis, 108 Kopv7Atos, son of Aphynchis, 143 Kopv7jAtos, son of Sarapammon, *A@yvateds o Kat “Epi- x9ovios, 161, 162 Koopas, 246 (MS. Koop.) Korros, 146 Kous. See Axovs Kparns; father of Didymus, 76, 82 Kptomos 6 kat Sapariwv, ppovtisrijs («)lowywyijs bddtwv xaoTéAAwy Kat kpyvav pytporddews, 181 Kpdvos, son of Apol(lonius?), 73 - KuBus, 42 Kv)\\apos, son of Ammonius, 114 Kvpaxos, father of Colluthus, 261 Kupixos, Bonbos, 275 Kipixos, Pravus, paywr( ), 246 Kvpirda, 272 KvpudXa, daughter of Panechotes, 162, 163 Kvpwddos: 70 dywov paptipwv ama Kvpiddrov, Ixxii (Pap. 1307) Kupirdos, Aipydws, som of Ischyrion, émpeAnris, 229 Kvpwddovs, mother of Sophia, 272 Kvpos, TiBépios Kdavéos, 216 Kvwy, father of Eudaemon, 139 Kvwr, father of Sarapias, 116 Koopas. See Kocpés Kawt—, Aiprrvos, 235 Addwv, 209 Aais (qu. Adws), father of Aur. Lammon, 231 Aadtov, 43 Adpaxos, yewpyds, 86 Adppov, Aiprws, son of Lais, 231 Aam—, father of Psn—, 77 Aatovd¢is, 180 Adtpar, Badavets, 71 Ae—as, father of Irenaeus, 102 —eburns, 99 Aeovtwos, 252 Aevas (?), Atpyduos, son of Aces, 224 Aev(eu ras mpokovpatwp, 283 Aevxuos (sic) AipidAo)s “Pyxrés, prefect of Egypt, 107 Ae—@v, 45 Aéwv, son of Ammonius, 83 Aewvidas, son of Philo, 102 AidXa, mother of Sotas, 195-200 Aoyyewita, daughter of Areotes, 100 (MS. Aovy.) Aoyyetvos, 69 Aoyy(€)twos Lpetoxos, Ddsos, droAvoyos dro orpareias, 108 Adyyos, ’Aoviddus, strategus of Hermopolite nome, 132 Aovyewia, See Aoyyewia Aovkia, 243, 244 AovkidXa, ‘Optyevis 7) Kai, 64, 65 Aovxtos, father of Thasia, 170 310 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Aovkpytios, 197, 199 Aovkpyrios, son of Sabinus, 94 Aovdouvs, AipyAws, son of Sarapion, 265 Aovzepkos 6 kal Aovrepxos (sic), 101 Aovpa, 244 Av@tos, father of Aur. Colluthus, 270, 271 Avkas, father of Papeis, 98 Avx«os, father and son, 81 Av«xos, father of Apollonius, 113 Avxos, father of Hermias, 81 Avkos, father of Soter, 74, 80 Avkos, son of Dionysius, dpraB( ), 72 Avxos, son of Ptol(emaeus), Badets, 74, 77, 82 Avkos, son of Taphos, 74 Avkod¢par, father of Didymus, 82 Avoas, son of Simon, 187 Avons, 85 Avoimdyn, daughter of Apollonius, 80 Avoipaxos, 75 Avoipaxos, father of Arion, 81 Avoimaxos, father of Dinobius, 71, 78, 80-82, 86 Avoipaxos, son of Dioscorus, 113 Avoipaxos, son of Nicostratus, 73, 77, 79, 81, 86 Avots, father of Isias, 86 —huru(), 77 Mayvid\uos, P)aovwos Yayxros 6 kati, 232 e Mayvos 6 xpatisros (T, Pactumeius Magnus, prefect), 134 Mavfwris (al. KoBaernors), wife of Panobchunis, 6, 8 Maiktos Nepectavés, Aipiduos, dxauryris, deputy strategus of Hermopolite nome, 110 Makapus (ste), AdpyAvos, son of Elias, 281 Maxkapts (ste), son of Pebo, 252 Maxkdptos, Bonds, 250 Makdpvos, father of Heraclammon, 249 Maxdpvos, father of Tzamoul, 252 Maxpos, father of Morus, 33 Mdxpos, son of Artemon, otpatuirys, 81 Maeprivos, son of Horion, 161, 162 Mapeprtivos, son of Nilus, Nepouidvios 6 Kai Eipnueis, 158, 159 MaEuos, Aipywos, son of Aur. Heroninus, 173 Ma€Ewos, Tauos *IovAuos, 23 Ma Epos, Tauos OvcBios, exapxos Alyirrov, 125 Mapeivos, 97 Mapeivos, son of Josepus, 186 Map(e)ivos, son of Tax( ), 226 Mapes, son of Mysthas, xAeSorods, 1847 Mapi7s (?), father of Menoetes, 72 Mdp@a, mother of Aur. Josephius, 226 Mapia, povalovoa, 2472 Mapia, daughter of Mysthas, 248 Mapia, mother of Aur. Apollos @/, Phellos, 264 Mapta, mother of Aur. Victor, 259 Mapuavds, Sidxovos, 277 Mapiwvos. See Mapeivos Mdptos, father of Isidorus, 167 Mapk—, 31 MdpxedXos, KAavdwos, 6 diaonudtatos Kabodixds, 110 Mapk.avos, “Hpaios 6 xaé, son of Heras, Baris 6 kat Kaurdpwos, 166 Mdpkuos Sarovrdpios, 6 Kpdtictos éxitporos SeBacrav, IIo Madpkos "Avrévios TdAAas, 139 Mdpkos AipyAvos Anpyjrpws, pancratiast and wrestler, 217, 218 Mdpkos Aipyjdwos Anudotparos, son of Damas, pancratiast and boxer, 217 Mdpkos Aipydws Xpiourros, wrestler, 217 Mdpkos OvArwos Sapariwv 6 Kat Zepjvos, €k TOV yeyupva- TlapxnKOTwV, 132, 133 Mdpkos, father of Senouthes, 252, note Mapovs, mother of , 26 Mappys, father of Soterichus, 99 Mdpar, AipyAvos, trouvnparoypados, 50 Mdpor, Ovadépios, 95, IOI, 103 Mdpor, father of Chaeras, 141 Mdpor, father of Horeis, 99 Mdpor, father of Ischyras, 95 Mdpor, father of Sabinus, 94 Mdpwy», father of Soterichus, 98 Mdpayr, son of Heraclides, 97 (?), 99 MacxovXetvos, —os, jyeparv, 31 Maraets, father of Posis, 114 Mawvpeivos, father and son, 97 Mavpiktos, father of Di—, 252 Meyets, son of Petesus, 145 Meyyns, zpecBirepos, son of Ecysis, 100 Meyyxys; apeaBurepos, son of Menches, 100 Meyyys, father of Ecysis, 100 Meyyyns, father of Hermaeus a/. Besas, 137 (MS. Mevy.) Meyyys, father of Penaus, 117 Meyxys, son of Horus, 145 MeOvdtwyr, father of Bernicianus, 137 MeAavas, ypappareds, 47 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 311 Mé)\as, 39, 41-43 MéAas, dpyvpoxdmos, 229 Médas, Appupypios 6 xa‘, son of Horus, 163-165 Médvas 6 xat Sapamiwy, son of Melas, 67 MeNas, father of Aur. Phibis, 225 Méhas, father of Melas a/. Sarapion, 67 Mé)as, father of Philadelphus, 145 MéaAas, son of Pol(e)is, 212 MededOios (qu. personal or place name ?), 212 Meduzraus, father of Chensthotes, 16 M—eddys (?), 99 Mevé)aos, son of Hermesion, 114 Mévurmos, father of Heracl(ides), 72 Mévur7os, son of Ptol(emaeus), 82 Meviik( ), overpaves, 67 Mevoirys, son of Mares (?), 72 Mevyys. See Meyxns Mecou(npus ?), father of Aunes, 102 Megovypts, father of Petemench(es), 78 Meocovnpts, father of Ponches, 78 Meoracutpus, eds, Ixxi (Pap. 1282) Mnvas, 89, 268 Mynvas, apxu(<)atpos, 283 Myvas, AipyAvs, son of Sarapion, 265 Mnvas, 6 dywos, 277 Myvas, olkérns, 278-281 Myvas, ®)avios, son of Phoebammon, 256 Mnvas, xpvroxdos, 275 Mnvas, father of Colluthus, 252 Mynvas, father of Timotheus, 252 Mnvas, son of Theodosius, éAdxurros Suékovos, 257 Myvas, son of Zenobius, BovxxeAAdpwos, 269 Myvddwpos, 76, 79, 85 Mnvddwpos 6 kal "Appovios, son of Dioscorus, 139 Myvddupos, son of Antimachus, 113 Myvddwpos, son of Dionysius, 75, 80 Myrokos, son of Eudemus, 139 MyjTokos, son of Straton, 121-123 Myrtpddwpos, father of Dioscorus, 113 Muevs, son of Panomieus, 145 Mixkados, father of Diogenes, 216 Mixkados, father of Dion, 216 Mixxados, father (?) of Sandogenes, 216 Mo6os, AvprjAwos ’AAKipiwv 5 Kal, 176 —ponr( ) 6 kat Hdaoriwv, father of Ammonius, 112 Modeoiwyr, father of Dionysius, 147 Movvias, 195, 197, 199 Movvias, épyérns, 194 Movvias, father of Heras, 197, 200 Mocy(iwv), 180 Movons, father of Morus, 239 Movaaitos, son of Horion, 112 Movoapis, son of Zoilus, 141 Mvvos, 212 Mua bas, Anpijrpuos 6 Kal, 103 MvaOas 6 xat Irodepatos, son of Ptolemy, ppovrurrijs (cjicaywyfs t8drwv Kaoré\kwv Kai Kpyvov pnTpo- moAews, 18% Muo-Oas, father of Areus, 98 Mvo-Oas, father of Chaeremon, 99 MvoaOas, father of Dioscorus, 96 Muca6as, father of Irenaeus, ro1 Muo-Oas, father of Mareis, 187 Mua bas, father of Maria, 248 Mvo@as, father of Onnophris, 32 Mua Oas, father of Petesuchus, 103 Mvo-Oas, father of Ptolemaeus, 170 Muvoas, father.of Theogiton, 102 Mua as, son of Cephalon, roo Muo-Oas, son of Didymus, dpovrictijs ()icaywyijs bddTwv KacTéAAwy Kal Kpyvav pntporoAews, 181 Muoa-@as, son of Herodes, 100 Mvo-Oas, son of Horion, 95 Mua as, son of Phaseis, 100 Mvo Papiov 6 xai Taciwv, 95 MvoOapiwr, father of Panephremis, 102 MvoGapiov, father of Pnepheros, 102 MvuoOapiwy, father of Protarchus, 99 Mic Owv, father of Heracles, 187 M@pos, Aipjduos “Eppeivos 6 xaé, son of Hermaeus ai. Pathotes, boxer, 30, 118, 148, 149, 151, 152, 215, 217-219 M@pos, AipyAwos Gedyvworos 6 Kai, son of Hermaeus @/. Pathotes, 30-32, 53, 1F8, I1g—12I, 151, 153, 175; 176 M@pos, son of Macrus, 33 M@pos, son of Moudes, 239 Na, father of Aur. Penoution, 225 Naapavs 6 kai Oinpis, father of Harpaésis, 130 Naapaus, father of Aces, 95 Naapavs, father of Herieus, ror Naapavs, father of Patynis, 95 Nadktos, dia, yewpyds, 283 (see Addenda) Navirys, father of B—, 96 Nawvs (?), father of —aeus, 94 3t2 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Né€apyxos, 112, 206 Néapyxos, father of Anubion, 113 Néapyos, father of Dioscorus, 112 Néapyos, son of Hermaeus, 112 Néapyxos, son of Nepheros, 107 N(€)ixapérn, Sapamuas 7) Kai, 99 Newapyprov 6 Kal Pravtivoos, 64-68 NetXos, 198 NetXos, AdpyjAws, son of Hermes, Bovdeurys of Hermo- polis, 234, 235 Netdos, EvSaiuwv 6 xaé, son of Hieracion a/. Atheno- dorus, 165 NetdAos, father of Peeus, 226 NetAos, father of Satabous, 101 NetdAos, father of Thermutharion, 126 Netdos, father of Tryphon, 94 NetXos, son of Anchorimphis, 100 NetAos, son of Cephalion, Maridvos 6 kat Mapxidvios, 154 NetXos, son of Isidorus, 158, 159 NetXos, son of Ninnarus, 100 NetXos, son of Pecysis, 94 Nexravovdts, father of Soterichus, 98 Nexzvn drs, father of Pais (?), 174 Nepeceus, father of Heron, 100 Nepeciavos, Aipndws Maikwos draurnrys, deputy strategus of Hermopolite nome, 110 Nepeoidha, Aipydia, daughter of Phoebammon, 272 Nepectov, 147 Nepeciwv, father of Harpalus, 162, 166, 167 Nepectov, father of Zoilus, 100, 101 Nepecior, son of Syrion, 100 Nepon—, son of —rsousis, 174 Neov—, father of Heron, 97 Neorvydis, son of Orsenuphis, 95 Nedepavs, father and son, 97 Nedepos, father of Heron, 100 Nedepws, father of Nearchus, 107 Neduys, grandfather and grandson, 145 NeyovOys, son of Petearsemtheus, 20, 21 Nexourns, 15 Nexovurns, father of Horus, 11 Nexourys, father of Petearsemtheus, 14 Nexus, father of Aur. Theodosius, 255 Néwyr, father of Orsenuphis, 100 Néwy, father of Petheus, 102 Néwr, father of Soterichus, 99 Ntypos, oTpaTurns, 73 Nixavdpos, father of Aphrodite, 85 Nuxavop, Avov(vows) 6 Kai, father of Heracl(ides), 73 Nuxtas, 180 Nuxias, son of Alexander, 75, 79, 85, 86 Nuxoddaos, dérwv ra kara ri dpyducacrelav, 126 Nixop(axos), father of He— al. Heracl(ides ?), 113 Nuxdpaxos, father of Theon, 74, 77 Nixdmayos, father of Zenion, 73 Nuxdpayos, father of Zeno (qu. same as the preceding?), 83 Nixopaxos, grandfather and grandson, 112 N LKOMLAXOS, son of He— al. Heracl(ides ?), 113 Nixdatpatos, Aipydus, 31 Nixdorparos, father of Lysimachus, 73, 77 (MS. Nixooer.), 79 (do.), 81 (do.), 86 (do.) Nixwv, Sapariwv 6 kai, father of Heron, 73 Ntvvapos, father of Dioscorus, 100 Nivvapos, father of Nilus, 100 Nivvos, slave of Soteris, 24 Nuvvovs, 145 Novas, son of Olympiodorus, 250 Novva, mother of Aur, Johannes, 280 Novpyvios, 180 Novpyvios, father and son, 97 Novpyvios, son of Petenobsis, 112 Nov¢uos, son of Euporas, 203 Nov¢is, Bovxddos, 195, 201 Nov¢us, TauperAatys, 195 Novd¢us, son of Euporas, épyarys, 196 —vvxvs, father of Silvanus, 226 Na—ts, father of Cato, 53 NwpBavas KAapas, Addoros, 121-123 (once MS. Nopf.) Fatr—, 168 Eéuwr (?), father of Isidorus, 81 Eévav, ‘Icidwpos 6 xai, father of Isidorus, 74 Eévewv, husband of Isidora, 74 Envorys, oxoAactiKos Popov OnBaidos, 253 Oyyacrs, Zors 7 cat, daughter of Isidorus, 22 "OAVBpros, Kopys 249 "Ohvprriddys, son of Chaeremon, S«Bdorvos 6 kat “Hpa- kNeos, 160, 161 "Ohupriddwpos, 65 "Odvpriddwpos 6 Kal “Aovyxpitios, PAavios, Xwparee- TIKTNS, 224-227 "Ohvpmriddwpos 6 Kal "Io®upos, 64 ’Ohvupriddwpos, father of Nonas, 250 "OhvptrL05 (?), “Eppias 6 xai, 220 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES "Odvptos, father of Hermes, 249 "Ohvptrtos, son of Alexander, 227 "Opnpos, 41, 44 “Opnpos, brnpeTns Ba—, I1l2 Ov—, father of Claudius Theon Timagenes, 231 Ovnoixparns, father of Sabinus, 156 Ovyja(ysos), 113 "Ovo mos, father and son, 33 "Ovyoos, father of Sotas, 98 "Ovyosos, father of Soterichus, 99 ?Ovyoos, son of Chaeremon, 97 *Oviaos, son of Sarapas, 97 ’"Ovvddptos, father of Aur. Theon, 229 ’Ovvedpis, 97, 199, 226 ’Ovvadpts, Aipidws, son of Solomon, 280 ’Ovvadpis 6 kat Xatpypwv, father of Horion, 172 ’Ovvwdpts, tpecBvrepos, son of Heron, 94 ’Ovvedp.s, "Ovvedpis, ’Ovvedprs, ’Ovvadpss, ’Ovvadprs, Ovvwdprs, *Ovvwdprs, ’Ovvadprs, "Ovvedprs, ’Ovvedprs, ’Ovvadprs, ’Ovvadpis, ’Ovvedprs, ’Ovvedpts, "Ovvedpss, ’Ovvedprs, ’Ovodps, 6 Kal Xiravés, father of Pagape, éc., 258 O€is, 41, 42 MpooTatns, 199, 201 father and son, 97, 100 father of Didymus, 163 father of Orseus, 102 father of Palamedes, 170 father of Parameos, 98 father of Pnepheros, 100 father of Soterichus, 98 father of Stotoétis, 98, ror son of Epimachus, 97 son of Menches, 145 son of Mysthas, 32 son of Nephies, 145 son of Petesuchus, 947 son of Phempeésis, 191 son of Soterichus, 97 "Opoevovdeis, 57, 58 > Opcevovduos, 252 > Opoevovdis, 94 "Opaevovdis, Aaoypddos, 25 ’Opcevovdrs, mpecBirepos, 54 "Opaevovdis, ppovtirrijs, 49, 5° "Opcevoudis, father and son, 95, 97, 100 "Opoevovds, father of Nestnephis, 95 ’Opcevovdis, father of Pacysis, 28 Opa evovdus, "Opaevovdis, son of Heron, 95, 102 *Opaevovdus, son of Neon, 100 "Opaevovdis, son of Paapis, 35 III, grandfather and grandson, 145 ss ’"Opaevovdis, son of Stotoétis, 97 "Opaevovdus, son of Tanephremmis, 24 ’Opaevs (?), ror ’"Oporevs, father of Apofllonius], ror Opens, father of Harmieus, 95 ’Opcevs, father of Pataus, 102 "Opaevs, son of Harphaésis, 102 ’Opceus, son of Onnophris, 102 "Opceus, son of Petheus, 100 *Opaeus, son of Psenesis, 97 "Opcevs, son of Suchion, 97 ’Op[owo |uyos, son of Horus, 97 ’"Ocepavtivoos, eds péyotos, 163 Ovahépios Adros, 5 Aapmrpdratos Hyepwv, 30 Ovarépios Mdpwr, 95, 101, 103 Ovahépios IIpéxXos, 6 Aaprpdraros tyyepov, 112 Ovadrpr(o)s, 39 OvavOia, AtpnrA‘a, daughter of Johannes, 259 OiBeo7[oprats (?)], mother of Papeis, 23 Oinpts, Naapaus 6 ai, father of Harpaésis, 130 OviBros Maépos, Daws, érapxos Atyirrov, 125 Ovimdas, 44-46 Ovddxopos, PAavws, son of Taurinus, 255 Ovdmuos, 132 313 OvXrLos Sapariwv 6 Kat Sepijvos, Mdpxos, é« tov yeyupva- ciapxnKoTwV, 132, 133 Ovpoysos (?), son of Sarapion, 99 —o¢pts, father of Horion, 96 Tla—, father of Dioscorus, 95 Ila—, father of Heraclas, 96 ITaamus, father of Orsenouphis, 35 Tap—, 45 TlaBous, 42-44, 46 IlaBovs, son of Satabous, 47 Ilayamn, Aipydws, son of Onophris a/. Silanus, 258 Ilayxparns, father of Dius, 113 Tlayxparns, father of Theodorus, 71 (MS, Tavxpdre*) Ilayxparns, son of Ascle(piades), 75 (MS. Tavx.) TlayKxparns, son of Eumelus, 86 (MS. Mavx.) Ilayxpatiwv, father of Heraclius, 72 Tlaepyep, father of Pamin, 258 Ilanovos, son of Chalcomas, 199 IIanots, brother of Sansneus, 199 Ilaynots, father of Cl(aud,) Stephanus, 239 UTanots, father of Pnebdunis, 97 Tla8—, son of Heron, 102 Tladdyyendos (sic), son of Heraclides, 101 314 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Tla@wrys, 39, 226 Iladwrns, ‘Eppaios 6 xai, son of Achilles, 30, 31, 118 11g, 120, 151-153, 175 Tlafwrns 6 xai —ts, son of Cornelius, 140 , TlaOwrns, father of Aur. Pecysis, 225 Tladwrns, son of Panomieus, 16 Tlawis (?), AdpyrAwos, koudpxys, 226 Tlats (?), son of Nectnephis, 174 (MS. Tasros gen. and —ravos nom.) Tlau@vios, son of Heraclammon, 249 TlaxouBis, deputy of Dionysius, 4, 5 TlaxouBrs, father of Petearsemtheus, 16, 19 Ilaxvots, 45, 46 Ilaxvots, father and son, 94 Ilaxvos, father, son, and grandson, 17% Ilaxkvorts, son of Orsenuphis, 28 IlaXats (?), son of Ptollis, 98 TlakapnSns, son of Onnophris, banker, 170 Tladas jro Wata—rappav—, 94 IlaXas, zpaxtwp dpyupixav, 56 IIaXas, son of Sotas, 97 IIaXas, son of Soterichus, 97 Tlakacia, daughter of Argaeus, 97 Tlad(dovos ?), son of Phi—, 101 IlaXdoros, son of Ptollis, 97 Tlahuyuts, 44-46 TIlaAXas, Mdpxos ’Avrévios; 139 Ilapevs, father of Panebdunis, 98 Ilapv, AipyAvos, son of Onophris ad. Silanus, 258 IIapuv, father of Aur. Josephius, 258 IIlapovos, father of Becis, 226 Tlapovdvos, apovontis IlvAéas, 245 Ilapovris, 192 Ilav—, son or daughter of Petesuchus, 24 Ilavas, 13 Ilavas, father of Aur. Hatres, 225 Ilavas, son of Espmethis, 5 TlaveBdvris, son of Pamieus, 98 IlaveByouris, son of Teos, 19 TlaveByovris. See also HavoBxovns Tlaveu—, 87 Ilavepws, 208 Ilaveovevs, father of Protion, 95 Ilaveoveus, father of Tamarois, 25 Tlaveovevs, son of Orsenuphis, 145 Tlavevs, father of Aur. Hatres, 231 Tlavedpepts, son of Mystharion, 102 Tlavedpeppts, 46 Tlavedpepps, father and son, 94 Ilavexwrns, son of Dioscorus, 127 Ilavexwrys, son of Florus, tacrogpdpos tepod ‘Eppod Kal “Adpodirns Kal “Appwvos kal Tov cuvvawy Oedy peylotwy “AvtiwoourdAcws, 163 Ilaveywrns, son of Tothes, 142 Tlavuxns, Atpyduos, son of Pites, 225 Ilavixntos, son of Eudaemon, 226 Tlaviokos, dyopavépos, 15-18 Ilaviokos, dvriypapevs, II Ilavicokos, Tehovys, II, 14 Tlaviokos, tparelirys, 11, 14 Ilaviokos, father of Arius, 84 Tlaviokos, son of Arius al. Pisais, Badevs, 75, 79, 85 Ilaviorkos, son of Hermias, yp(vooxdos?), 73 Ilaviokos, son of Isidorus, 78 Ilavkpdrns. Tlavkpatiov. IlavoByxovus, 9. IlavoByovrs, son of Totoés, 6, 8-12, 15, 16, 17 (MS, TarveB.), 19-22 (do.) Ilavopyevs, son of Harmiysis, 23 Ilavojevs, father of Pathotes, 16 See Tlayxparns See Hayxpariwv See also HaveBxovms Ilavomtevs, grandfatherand grandson, 145 Ilavoo—, father of Heron, 97 Ilavoo-veus, father of Pnepheros, 100 Tlavogvevs, son of Harphaésis, 100 Ilavocoovevs, father and son, 98 Ilavovdts, 37, 38, 41, 44, 46 Ilavoevs (?), son of Heraclides, 100 Ilavoevs(?), son of Phanseus, ror Ilavrdévupos, Sapariwv 6 Kal, 63, 64, 67 (MS, Zarpwr), 68 (MS. Sarp.o) IIaovets, father of Sinas, 115 Ilaovytis, 171 Tlaovntis vedtepos, son of Harphaésis, 23 Ilaovnrtis, mpecPvrepos, son of Harphaésis, 23 Ilav7—, 236 Tlaa—as, son of Apollonius, 98 Ilazreipwos. See Iazipuos Ilazeupevs (?), 101 Ilazrets, 44-46, 94 Tlazreis, “Amiwv 6 xai, father of Heracl(ides), 82 Tlazres, father of Didas, 96 Tlazrets, father of Dionysius, 96 Tlazrecs, father of Protion, 97 Ilazres, father of Sarapion, 24 Ilazrets, son of Anchorimphis, 97 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 315 Tlazrets, son of Chaeras, 98 Tlaciwv, kwpoypappared’s, 123, 124 Tlazrets, son of Ecysis, 102 Taciwv, MvoGapivv 6 Kal, 95 Tlazrets, son of Lycas, 98 Ilaciwy, father of Sarapion, 74, 78 Tlazreus, son of Peteésis (?), 23 Ilagiwy, son of Dioscorus, ror Ilazrets, son of Petesuchus, 98 Ilaciwy, son of Plution, 98 Tlazreus, son of Protas, 98 Tlaciwv, son of Theomnestus, 78, 97 Ilazrecs, son of Ptollas, 97 Tlackemrats, 44 Ilazreus, son of Satabous, 94 Tlacoxvor7ra.os, father and son, 94 Ilazrepevs, father of Papus, 97 Ilacrovws, father of Ecysis, 95 Tlazipuos, 241 Ilaox—, father of —cesis, 112 Tlaziptos, son of A—, 98 (MS. Hazeip.) l—ar( y}: Kwpapxys, 114 TlamvovGtos, zpovontis, 276 Ilaraas, 203 Tlamvovts, davis, son of Phileam|.|amis, 229 Ilaraevs, son of Arneus, 95 Tlazrvourts, son of Castor, 226 Ma—rav—v6us(?), 95 Tlatro—, 101 Ilatas, Bovxddos, 199, 201 Iazovtws, father of Apollonius, 100 Tlaravs, son of Orseus, 102 Ilazrovrws, father of Heron, 95, 102 Tlarag, Pius) 6 Aeyopevos, 251 Ilazrovrws, father of Paseis, 100 Tlareppovis, father of Heron, 102 Tlazrovtws, son of Areus, 94 Tateppoviis, father of Peteeus, 103 Tlazrovtws, son of Dionysius, 101 Tareppovits, son of Harmieus, 94 Tlazrovrws, son of Patro—, 145 Tlateppovits, son of Horion, 102 Tlazros, UroX(euaios) 6 xai, father of Soter, 81 Ilarns, son of Callias, 15, 16 Tlazros, father of Artemidorus, 94, 95 Ilarns, son of Thotortaeus, 9 Tlazros, father of Ptolemaeus, 102 Ilarys, son of Totoés, 9 Tlazros, son of Ammonius, 97 Ilarnros, 45 Ilazros, son of Heron, 102 Ta—tiwyv, son of Theomnestus, 98 Ilazros, son of Papereus, 97 Ilarvatous, father of Senponcheus, 72 Tlazros, son of Petereus, 97 Tlarous, tepevs, 22 Tlamzos, yupvaciapxos, 181 Ilarovs, father of Tacoibis, 19 Tlaw—orevs, father of Horion, 99 Tlarovs, father of Tamounis, 21, 22 Tlam—wyp, son of Apollonius, 97 Tlarouvs, father of Thamounis, 13, 14 Ilapaprews, son of Onnophris, 98 Tlatovs, son of Horus, 12, 16 TlapO|. |, 258 Ilarovs, son of Pelaeas, 19 TlapOévu0s, 76 Tlarovs, son of Phagonis, 6, 7 Ilacets. See also Paces Ilatpo—, father of Papontos, 145 Tlaweus, epyérys, 197 Ilarpdx\ys, father of Soter, 87 Tlacets, father and son, 97 Tlarpav, 188 Tlaces, father of Apion, 83 Tlarpav, father and son, Ig! Tlacets, father of Phab—, 1o1 Ilarpwv, son of Papontos, 145 Tlace:s, father of Stotoétis, 98, 99 Tlarvuvts, father of Charidemus, 99 Tlacets, son of Anchorimphis, 100, 102 Tlaruvts, father of Peteeus, 184 Tlaceus, son of Heron, 100 Tlatuvis, son of Naaraus, 95 Tlaceus, son of Papontos, 100 Tlarutis, son of Horus, 17 Tlaceus, son of Phaseis, ror Tlatws, AipyAvos, son of Clomis, 225 Tlaceus, son of Phronimus, 97 IlavAtvos, consul, 232 Tlacets, son of Protas, 98 IlavAos, 197, 241 Tlacets, son of Sotas, 97 TladXos, father of Aur. Josephius, 266, 267 Tlacivoos, father of Dionysius, 114 Tlavoavias, 76, 239, 240 ss2 316 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Tlavoavias, déupoddépyys, 81 Ilavoavias, son of Cyllarus, 114 Tavo(e)upis, son of Sarapion, 97 Ilavotpts, zpoo( ), 177 Tlavotpis, father of Sotas, 98 Iladws, IIroA(euaios) 6 wad, father of Apion, 77 Tlaysws. See Taos Ilawpos, son of Heraclides, 97 IIByx1s, father of Pebos, 164 (MS. Byx.), 165 IIByxs, son of Pebos, 164, 165 IIBovyis, 20 IIle—, son of Areus, 98 IIe—, son of Heron, 34 TleBys, AtpyAws, son of Colluthus, copndpyys, 226 IleBns al, Tlexvowos (?), father of Aur, Sourous, 278, 279 TleBo, father of Macaris, 252 IleBws, son of Phecis, 164, 165 IleeBavs, son of Stotoétis, 100 Tleevs, AtpiAvos, son of Colluthus, 225 Ileevs, son of Hatres, 226 Ileevs, son of Nilus, 226 TleOevs, father and son, roz Tleevs, father of Achillas, 100 Tleevs, father of Heron, 100 IleGevs, father of Orseus, 100 Ilefevs, father of Pnepheros, 101 IleGevs, father of Sotas, 98 Ilefevs, son of A—rotus, 98 Ilefevs, son of Neon, 102 Tleipwvaxvov, 257 Ileuoapyos, 14 Ilexvoros al. UeBys, father of Aur, Sourous, 278 Ilexvois, AipyAos, son of Pathotes, 22 Ilexvots, Avpidvos, son of Pinoution, 233, 234 Ilexvots, zpecBvrepos, 54 Ilexvors, father of Agathus, 94 [lexvorts, father of Nilus, 94 Ilexvots, father of Phaseis, 103 Ilexvots, father of Sotas, 94 Ilexvots, son of Dioscorus, 136 TleXatas, father of Chesthotes, 13 TleXaas, father of Galates, 17 TleXavas, father of Patous, 19 Tleatas, father of Tamouthis, 17 TleXavas, father of Totoés, 9, 11 TleXws, father of Cames, 95 IIepovs, son of Phanes, 116 Ilevavs, son of Menches, 117 Ilevaus, son of Petesorapis, 127 Ileveevs, father of Heraclous, 25 Ilevhadw, father of Pcylius, 274 Tlevoutiwv (sic), Atpyjduos, son of Na, 225 Tle . Tpovh( ) Tpoorarns, 201 Ilepyirn, 179 Ilepuy€évys, son of Sarapion, 126 Ilerapevs, son of Heraclas, 102 Ilereap( ), name of a machine, 278 Ilereapeviry( ), father of Seb—os, 77 Ilereapopevos, 14 Ilereaproxparns, son of Colanthas, 74, 77 IlereapoenOevs, father of Nechouthes, 20 IlereapoewOevs, grandfather of Psenechon—, 14 IlereapoepGevs, son of Almaphis, [21], 22 IlereapoepOevs, son of Nechoutes, 1 Rh Tlereapoepbevs, son of Pacoibis, 16, 19 Ilereapoewfevs, son of Panobchunis, 12 19-22 TlereevBevs, 192 Ilereevs, father of Phaseis, 95 ? Ilereevs, son of Patermuthis, 103 Ilereevs, son of Patynis, Bovxddos, 184 Tleren(o)us (?), father of Papeis, 23 Tlerewp—, 87 Tlerewevx( ), son of Mesoueris, 78 TlerevoBors, father of Aphynchis, 143 IlerevoBors, grandfather and grandson, 142 Ilerepevs, father of Papus, 97 Ilereppovits, 129, 146 IlereppovOts, father of Aures, 96 Ilereppoubs, father of Sansneus, ¥02 IlereppcovBos (or -ys), 87 Tlereppovoos (or -7s) 6 Kat ’Avov(Biwy), 86 Tlereppovbos (or -ys), son of Ponches, 73, 77 Ilereaopares. See also Merocapamis Ilerewopamis, father of Stotoétis, 98 Ilereoopamis, grandfather and grandson, 127 Ilerewovyxos, 24, 97 Ilereaovyxos, father and son, 97 Ilereoovyos, father of Chaeras, 103 Ilerewovyxos, father of Demetrius, 96 Ilerewovyxos, father of Didymus, 96 Ilerewovyxos, father of Heron, 219 Ilerewovyos, father of Onnophris, 97 Ilerewovyxos, father of Pan—, 24 Ilerewovyxos, father of Papeis, 98 ia 17, INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Ilereoovxos, father of Philumenus, ror Tlerewouyos, father of Satabous, 98 Tlerecovxos, father of Stotoétis, 98 Tlereoovyxos, son of Mysthas, 103 Ilerewovyxos, son of Panobchunis, 12 Tleremovyxos, son of Schotes, tepeds Yovxov kat ’Adpo- dirys, 18 Ilerecus, father of Megeis, 145 Tlerexwv, father of Anchorimphis, 96 Tlerexv, father of Sarapas, 98 Ilereyov, son of Diodorus, 98 Ilereywv, son of Phaseis, 98 Tlero—, 236 TleroBaorts, 142 Ilerooapamis, 97. Tlerooapamus, son of Horus, 98 TlerovBaoris 6 Kal ”Apewos, 83 Tlérpos, 248, 249, 283 Tlérpos, Atpyws, 259 Tlérpos, AtpyAws, son of Pinoution, 261 See also Ierecoparis Tlérpos, TaBedAXiwv, 249 Tlérpos, ®davws, consul, 259 Ilérpos, father of Fl. Sergius, 269 Ilerpovios, son of Plato, 113 IIevys, son of Hatres, 226 TIvav, father of Soter, 86 Ilivdapos, father of Ptolemaeus, 113 Ilivdapos, son of Anchorimphis, 98 Ilivva, 213 IItvos, Tduos IovaAuos, 75, 85 Ilwovtiwv, 227, 267 Tluvoutiwv, iarpds, 152 , Tluvouttwy 6 Kat Korpeas, Atpydwos, son of Eudaemon, 120, 121, 163, 175 Iluwovriwy, father of Aur. Pecysis, 233, 234 Ilwovrtiwy, father of Aur. Petrus, 261 IIuvoutiwv, son of Sarammon (s7c), 67 Ilwovrriwy, father of Aur, Tyrannus, 225 IIluraus, 76 IIuoats, "Apevos 6 ad, father of Paniscus, 79, 85 TIucats, Avor(vovs) 6 Kai, father of Heracl(ides), 82 TIumaus 6 kai AdX€éavdpos, son of Hermaeus, 80 Tlicnats 6 Kai "Apetos, 79 TIucaus 6° xal Saryp, son of Apollonius, AaB(_ ), 72 Ilurys, father of Aur. Panices, 225 ITKvAtos, son of Penlalin, 274 TIA—, son of Ps|.|n(eus), 73 Tl\arwy, father of Petronius, 113 TIAoutos, father of Horus, 226 IINovrapyxy, daughter of Callias, 86 IIkourdpyy, daughter of Clatius (?), 72 Tl\ovrapyxos, father of Hermaeus, 113 Il\ovrapxos, father of Hermias, 132, 133 II\ovrapyos, father of Ptolemaeus, 94 TlX\outidins, 6 mpds tH Ovi, 4 Il\outiov, father of Pasion, 98 Tl\ouriwv, son of Heron, 94 317 Tl\ovroyévys, son of Aphrodisius, tpdxrwp ovrixay, 113 TIdouroyévys, son of Didymus, devyparodprys, 113 II\ovTos, son of Apol(lo), Badavets, 190 IIjLous, son of Thotortaeus, 12 TIlveBduuis, father of Cephalas, 97 IlveBduvis, son of Dionysius, 98 TIveBdvuris, son of Paésis, 97 IIlvedepws, 97 IIlvedepws, father of Psenamounis, 102 IIvedepws, son of Mystharion, 102 IIvedepws, son of Onnophris, 100 Ilvedepws, son of Panosneus, 100 IIvedepas, son of Petheus, ror TIlvedepws, son of Philemon, 100 IIvedepws, son of Psenos(iris), 95 IIod({ ), 112 TIoXeus, son of Castor, 156, 157 TloX(e)us, father of Melas, 212 Tlo\€uav, Tovhws, king of Pontus, 216 TIoAus. See Ilodes Tld\XA@v, xaracrope's, gt Tlo\N@r, po-yeipos, 236 TlodvdevKns, 212 Tlodvdevxns, arétwp, 98 Tlodvd(evns?), “Aoxdy(mddys) 5 at, father of monius, 81 TloAvd(evKns 2); AipyALos, TpaKTwp, 53 Am- Tlodvdevxns, father of Aur. Heron and Phibion, 228 Tlodvdevcns, father of Chaeremon, 52, 53, 99 Tlodvdevxns, son of Castor, 102 Tlodvdevxys, son of Hermon, 72 TlodvdevKns, son of Horus, 98 IloAvdevKns, son of Sotas, 97 TloAvdevns, son of Soter, 84 Tlov—tos, 139 Ilovyns, 87 Iovyys, father of Petermuthus, 73, 77 Ilovyys, father of Sentouansis, 73 318 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Tlovyyns, son of Apol(lonius?), 73 Tlovyns, son of Horus, 73 Tlovyns, son of Horus, vesrepos, 73 Tlovyys, son of Mesoueris, 78 Tlovyns, son of Ps—n(eus), 73 TlomAas, Pravws, 253 Tldm)1os Aidws Etxripwv, apxiypappareds Evorod, 218 IIdpev, father of Antonius a@/. Achilles, 143 Tloovdeévos, father of Asclepia, 79 Tloavdévios, father of Asclepiades, 79, 84, 85 Tlog.dé0s, father of Aur, Phoebammon, 176 Tloaideévi0s, son of Hermias, 72, 82 Tlogideévi0s, son of Theon, 73, 80 Tloats, 41 Ilogus, son of Mataeis, rpaxtwp apyvpixov, 114 Tlordpwr, father of Sarapion, 133, 134 Ilovapis, ovndarns, 104 Tlovm\uos AtAuos IIlro—, 102 IIp—, son of Agathus Daimon, 96 IIpetokos, Taos Aoyy(¢)ivos, droAvowpos ard orpartetas, 108 Ilpeppewrns, father of Aur. Apollo, 225 IIpiapos, olvoxamnAos, 72 II . pdts (?), son of Cornelius, 108 II pdd.ukos, 128 IIpddikos, aToAoyos, 51 II pokdos, Ovtar€pios, 6 Aapmrpdratos iyyepwv, 112 IIpoxos, father of C—ctabenus, 218 IIpovairo—, Ga— 6 kai, Tpardv(e)ios 6 Kal Krycvos, 157 IIpoous, father of Aur. Aroous, 225 IIpdaSexros, athlete, 218 IIpétapxos, apxipvAaxirys, 2 IIpérapxos, father and son, 130 IIpérapyos, son of Mystharion, 99 IIpwras, 97 Ilpwras, father of Castor, 97 IIpw7as (?), father of Horus, 99 IIpwras, father of Papeis, 98 IIpwras, father of Paseis, 98 IIpwras, father of Phaésis, 99 IIpwras, father of Socmeneus, 98 IIpwras, father of Stotoétis, 98 IlpwrGs, son of Anchorimphis, 97 IIpwras, son of Diodorus, 98 IIpwras, son of Herieus, 102 IIpw7as, son of Heron, 100 IIpwras, son of Philadelphus, 145 IIpwras, son of Soterichus, 98 Ilpwras, son of Stotoétis, 97 IIpwtior, 95 IIpwziwy (?), son of Colluthus, 95 IIpwriwy, son of Panesneus, 95 IIpwtiwy, son of Papeis, 97 Ilaoprts (?), father of Ete, 4 IIto—, Lovmduos Aidtos, 102 IIvoh€ua, daughter of Archosis, 27 IITod(epatos), 82, 170 (MS. —peov), 235 IIrod(epaios), “Aiwv 6 xa‘, son of Heracl(ides), 86 TIrodepatos, “AroAdvis 6 kai, strategus of division of Heraclides, Arsinoite nome, 134 IItoepatos, Oupoupos, Tes TITo\epatos kal IroXepaios, yupvaciapxol, 152 TItoAepatos, Kédavos 5 xaé, son of Apollonius, AaB(_ ), 72 TIro\epatos, Mvobas 6 xai, son of Ptolemaeus, ppovrirrijs (jicaywyfs bddrwv KacTéhAwy Kal KpyvOv punTpo- moAews, 181 TIrod(epatos) 6 xat Tayws, father of Sarapion, 84 TITod(epatos) 6 xai KéAav6os, son of Apollonius, 82 TIto\(epatos) 6 xai Tasos, father of Soter, 81 TItod(epatos) 6 xai Haus, father of Apion, 77 TIrodepatos 6 Kai biddéevos, son of Dionysius, 112 II7o\epatos, mpaxrwp apyvpixdy, 35 Irod(epnatos), ropva( ), father of Castor and Didymus, 75, 78, 86 IIroepatos, banker, 138 TITrodeatos, father and son, 94, 98 Irod(epatos), father of Alexander, 75, 86 TITo\(epatos), father of Ammonius, 82 TIrod(epatos), father of Antipater, 86 TIrod(epatos), father of Ascllepiades], 75 IItoepatos, father of Bacchis, 73 TIrod(ewatos), father of Cleopatra, 85 IITo\(epatos), father of Euhemerus, 79 IItodepatos, father of Herodion, 114 Trod(epatos), father of Irene, 73, 78, 79 IIroA(eatos), father of Lycus, 74, 77, 82 IIrod(epatos), father of Menippus, 82 IIvoepatos, father of Mysthas a/. Ptolemaeus, 181 IIto\e(patos), father of Sarapion, 83 IItoXepatos, father of Sotas, 94 IIToepatos, father of Soterichus, 99 IIrod(epatos), son of Alexander, 84 IITohepaios, son of Ar—, 94 IItodepatos, son of Clearus a/. Cittidus, 74, 78 IIroAepatos, son of Dieuches, 74 II rodepatos, INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 319 son of Diodorus, 102 TIrod(epatos), son of Ga—, 76 Ilrodepatos, IIro\epatos, Ilrodepatos, IIro\epatos, IIro\epatos, IlTo\epatos, IIro\epatos, Tro (epatos), son of Ptol(emaeus), Bade’s, 77, 82, 83 II to\epatos, IIro\epatos, II todepatos, Ilro\epatos, IIro\euatos, IIro\epatos, son of Glaucias, 72, 86 son of Heracl(ides), 72, 78, 79, 87 son of Mysthas, 170 son of Papus, 102 son of Philoxenus, 98 son of Pindarus, 113 son of Plutarchus, 94 son of Ptolemaeus, €vAoTdAns, 186 son of Ptollas, 99 son of Sabinus, 147 son of Sarapion, caxae( ), 74 son of Sosigenes, 72 son of Theon, 73, 77, 94 Tlrodepats, daughter of Dorion, 100 TItod(epats), mother of Ammonius, 100 Ilro\Aas, érdrwp, pytpds Teayabiov, 102 IIrodAas, father of Papeis, 97 Todas, father of Ptolemaeus, 99 TIrodXas, father of Ptollis, 98 Iro\Aas, father of Sochotes, 145 TIro\Xas, son of Ariston, 98 TITo\Xas, son of Dioscorus, 97 TI7o\Xas, son of Philadelphus, 95 IIlro\Xas, son of Sarapion, 141 TIro\Xas, son of Sotas, 97 Tiros, father of Palais (?), 98 TIro\Xts, father of Palasius, 97 TIrodXts, father of Stotoétis, 98 TIroAAus, son of Ptollas, 98 TIro\Atwyv, father of Irenaeus, 141 II—‘Tos, Io1 TlvOiwv, 87 Tlv@twyv, father of Hermias, 75, 79, 80, 86, 87 Ilv@iwy, father of Sarapion, 82 Iv6iwv, son of Hermias, 75, 84, 85, 87 IIv[. |uros, father of Aur, Serenus, 224 Ilupty(os), father of Phoebammon, 274 Ilvppos, father of Zenodotus, 81 TlwXtwv, iryryjs, 197 , Tlw@Atwy, Oipovpos, 20% TlwAtwy, dvnddrys, 198, 199 TlwXiwy, father of Acuis, 51 TIw\Xtwr, son of Sarapion, 34 II—ws, son of Horus, 97 TIw.vaAus, father of Dius, 226 Pavis, father of Baccis, 226 “‘Payyd, mother of Aur, Macaris (sic), 281 — pelos, 94 ‘PHKTOs, Acdxws (sic) Aipiddu(o)s, prefect of Egypt, 107 —ppovils, 97 *Pddur7ros, father of Isidorus, 76 “Pdd.u(z770s), son of Isidorus, 82 ——pos 6 kat Savwv, 104 “Poudivos, 221 “Povduos, father of Victor, 252 —prdovots, father of Nerse—, 174 LaBetvos, 147 YaB(€)ivos 4 Kal ’Aro\Advws, 156 YaBetvos, overpavos, 63, 64 DaPBetvos, father of Aurelius Apollodorus, 110, 111 LaBetvos, father of Lucretius, 94 SaBetvos, father of Ptolemaeus, 147 YaBetvos, son of Ammonius, 102 LaBetvos, son of Danyrius, 94 LaBetvos, son of Harpocration, ror LXaBetvos, son of Maron, 94 >aB(€)tvos, son of Onesicrates, pudijs’Ocetpartwvoeior, 165 YaPives (sic), 42, 43 LaBivos. See ZaPeivos XdyKrTos, 6 cal MayviddAuos, Paovwos, 232 Sadapay, father of Aur. Elias, 225 SadrArAas, 43 YadrAovaTwos, 128 SaddovaTwos "Avakaydpas, 53 (MS. Sarovor.), 91 Sadovtos, Tasos IovAws, 121, 122 See SadAovervos # 3 , > i Yadovutaptos, Mapxwos, 6 xpdtwrros éxitpotos «Bacay, Sarovotvos. IIo Lap—, 147 Lapat—, 87 Saparlov, 74 Sapadwe, father of Dioscurides, 78, 83 Sapadwu, father of Dorcon, 83, 85 LapBas, SaraBovs yrow, son of Stotoétis, 98 SapPas, father of Hermes, 95 SapBas, son of Aunes, 102 XapBas, son of Dioscorus, 99 SapBas, son of Harphaésis, 102 XapBas, son of Heraclides, 95 SapBas, son of Suchas, 99 Sapd0pa€, son of Epimachus, 73 Lavdoyevys, son (?) of Miccalus, 216 320 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Savorvevs, brother of Paésis, 199 Lavorvevs, son of Harmiysis, 145 Yavorvevs, son of Petermuthis, 102 Lavoves, 87 Lavovws, father of Philantinous, 163 Lavoves, son of Glaucias, 72 Savewv, —pos 6 kai, 104 Xa—p—, son of Epimachus, 77 Sdpa, mother of Georgius, 280 Lapdppor (sic), father of Pinoution, 67 LapaTappwv, 59, 161. See also Separdupwv Laparappor, AipyAwos, ypayparevs, 118 LapaTaupor, iepeds Kal €vapxos eEnyntiys, 156 LapaTdppor, taBovAdptos, 63, 64 Lapamdppovr, father of Aur. Sarapion, 229 Lapamdppwv, father of Chaeremon, 66 Lapamdppwv, son of Achilles, 112 Lapamdppwy, son of Besarion, 66, 67 Saparappov, son of Eudaemon, 161, 162 Lapamas. See also Separas Saparras 46 cat Sepjvos, son of Ammonius, Aideds 6 kai Atovuctets, 162 Lapazras, father of Onesimus, 97 Lapazras, son of Petechon, 98 Lapamuds, 69, 146 Lapamuds, Eirpomuov 7 kai, 232 Lapamuds 4 Kat N(e)ixapérn, 99 Lapamidas, daughter of Ammonius, 75, 79, 85, 86 Lapamuds, daughter of Cyon, 116 Sapamids, daughter of Soter, 73, 78 Lapamuds, mother of Aur, Tamounis, 230 Ldparis, Geds péyas, p. Ixxi (Pap. 1282) Xdpazus, mother of Claudius Theon Timagenes, 231 Lapamiwv, 27, 37, 73, 74, 87, Ior, 261, Lapariov, AipyAvos, sonofSarapammon, taBovAdpios, 229 LYaparriwyv, AipijAvs, son of Silvanus, 229 Lapariov, érioraTns PvAakiT@v, 130 Lapariowv, Kpioros 6 Kai, ppovticris (c)icaywyns b8d- Tw KaoTéAAwy Kal Kpnvav pytpoTddews, 181 Laparriov, Mé\as 6 cai, son of Melas, 67 Lapariwv 6 kat Aziwv, 102 Lapamtov 6 Kal Evdatuwv, “A@nvarets 6 Kat Mapa- Odvios, 162 Lapamiov 6 xat Nikwy, father of Heron, 73 Lapamiov 6 kal Havrévepos, 63, 64, 67 (MS. Sazpwr), 68 (MS. Sampo) Lapamiov 6 xat Sepyvos, Mapxos OvAmwos, €k Tov yeyv- pracapxnkoTwv, 132, 133 Laparriwv, svpdrys, 197, 199, 201, 202, 204 Lapariov, ®)avwos, son of Phoebammon, otparwirys, 253 Lapariov, father and son, 24, 73, 77, 94, 146 Lapariov, father, son, and grandson, 144 Lapariov, father of Ammonius, 113 Lapamiov, father of Antonas, 159 Lapariwp, father of Anubiion (?), 140 Lapariwr, father of Apollonius, 100 Lapariav, father of Asclepiades, 145 Lapariav, father of Aur, Dionysius, 152 Laparior, father of Didymus, 102 Lapamiov, father of Eutychides, 169 Lapatiov, father of Heraclammon, eéc., 265 Lapamiwy, father of Hermias, 75 Lapamiov, father of Hierax a/. Apollonius, 145 Laparriwy, father of Isidorus, 72, 81, 82, 227 Lapamior, father of Pausiris, 97 Lapariov, father of Perigenes, 126 Lapamiwy, father of Pollion, 34 Lapamiwy, father of Sotas, 98 Lapariwr, father of Ursimus (?), 99 Lapariwv, son of Achilles, 116 Lapariov, son of Amphion, 113 Yapamiwrv, son of Apollonius, 72, 73, 83 Lapatiov, son of Dicaeus, ror Laparriov, son of Dionysius, 98, 99 Lapatiov, son of Dioscorus, mpaktwp apyupikov, 113 Laparriwv, son of Dioscorus, ovroddyos, 113 Lapamiwy, son of Harmirymius a/. Melas, 165 Lapaziwv, son of Harpalus, 95 Lapamiwv, son of Herac(lides?), 95 Sapariwy, son of Hermias, 75, 79, 80, 86, 87 Lapariov, son of Isidorus, 94 Lapamiwy, son of Isidorus, xproxéos, 83 Lapariwv, son of Lycus, 74 Lapariwy, son of Nearchus, 112 Lapamiwv, son of Papeis, 24 Lapamior, son of Pasion, 74, 78 Lapatiov, son of Philantinous, 163 Laparior, son of Potamon, épxieparevoas THs Tavaeray ToAEws, 133 Sapa(riwv), son of Ptol{emaeus), 83 Lapariov, son of Ptol(emaeus) @/. Gapsos, 84 Sapa(miwv), son of Pythion, 82 Lapariwy, son of Soter, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 82 Lapariov, son of Zeuxion, 73 Sapa(riwr), son of Zop(yrus ?), 83 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Lapas, son of Hermaeus, 114 Lapytiwv 5 kat Aprepldwpos, prdrjs SaP(e)wiov, 156 Sarafovs, 36, 41 SataBous Fro SayBas, son of Stotoétis, 98 LataBous, father and son, 98 LarafBovs, father of Anchorimphis, 96 SaraBouvs, father of Pabous, 47 SaraBovs, father of Papeis, 94 SataBous, SaraBouvs, LaraBous, LaraBovs, LaraBous, LaraBous, LataBous, SaraBous, LataBous, LaraBous, father of S—, 101 father of Saturninus, 101 father of Teenaus, 23 mother of Satyrus, 101 son of Orsimachus, 98 son of Dicaeus, 101 son of Heron, 102 son of Horus, 99 son of Nilus, ror son of P—, 51 LaraBovs, son of Petesuchus, 98 SaraBous, son of Psenamounis, 98 SaraBous, son of Stotoétis, 94, 101 Laroupvetvos, “lovhws, 99 Laroupveivos, son of Satabous, Ior Ldrupos, 42 Ldrupos, drdrwp, pntpos SaraBovtos, 101 Ldrvupos, father and son, 192 Ldrupos, father of Chaeremon, 141 Xdrupos, father of Sotas, 98, 102 Sdrupos, son of Dioscorus, 99 Ldrupos, son of Satyrus, xopromdéAys, 188 Xdtupos, son of Sotas, 98 SeBruris, mother of Phatres, 13 «B—ws, son of Petearenpch( ), 77 Leyabls, 24 ea em LédevKos, 87 DédevKos, father of Arius, 75, 79-81, 85 Sédevkos, father of Soter, 86 LeupO(evs), 83 LeuhO(evs), Avocko(upidys) 6 xa‘, father of Arius, 85 Leudpbevs 6 xat ‘Hpaxd(eidys), son of Dioscurides, 85 Sevains, mother of Harmirymius a/. Melas, 164 LEvarvps, 97 LevOorpyurs, mother of Pbecis, 164, 165 Levouvbys, son of Marcus, 252, note Leviro—, 87 Levrovyevs, son of Patnaeous, 72 Levrovavets, daughter of Ponch(eus), 73 TITS ret Lerp—, 87 Leovpovs. See Sovepous Lemrip.os ’AdBeivos Kaioap, KAdbus, vraros, 217 Lepamdppwv, 160. See also Sapardppwv Leparrappov, pur burns epnpopvAakias, 212 Leparras, 160. See also Sapazas Lepazras, son of Heron, 192 Lépyvos, 6 dywos, 277 Lépytos, ®)avwos, son of Petrus, 6 péyas Kops, 269 LepHvos, 59, 66, 212 Seprvos, Aippdws, son of Chonsis, 224 LepHvos, A‘pyAws, son of Pul, jitus, 224 LEpHvos, Mdpxos OvAzuos Saparriwy 6 Kal, éx Tov yeyv- pvaciapxnKoTwov, 132, 133 LEepyvos, Sapazas 6 xai, son of Ammonius, AiXtets 6 kai Avwvuctet’s, 162 Lepyvos, SABavos 6 kal, 65, 68 LEepyvos, father of Chaeremon, 67 LepHvos, son of Atheno(dorus), 67 Lepyvos, son of Eudaemon, IavA(e)ivios 6 kat ‘Opdyvws, 159, 160 Levypos, adj, Sevnpuavds: &. Badaveiov (A.D. 113), 182 Svempous, daughter of Totoés, 9, 10, 11 Siravds, Ovodprs 6 cai, father of Pagape, efc., 258 YrBaves, 64, 65, 225 SrBaveds, Aipyrws, 233, 234 TrBavds, Aipyrws, son of Castor, 234 YirBavds, “lovAws, 67 SurPBavos 6 at “Eppeivos, dexarpwros, 63 SuBavos 5 kat Sepyvos, 65, 68 XUrBavds, Sravws, son of Phoebammon, 270, 273 SitBavds, Pdravws, son of Phoebammon, otparwirys, 253 YrBaves, father of Aur. Alexander, 225 YuABaves, father of Aur. Ammenianus, 231 SBavés, father of Aur. Sarapion, 229 YwABavos, father of Aur. Tamounis, 230 SurBaves, father of Georgius, 272 YABavds, father of Fl. Georgius, 250, 251, 271 SiABavés, father of Taurinus, 226 XtABaves, son of Dius, 226, note SrABaves, son of —nychis, 226 XurBavés, son of Stephanus, 226 Supdporos, son of Dioscorus, 98 Xyzapos (?), roo Lipewr, father of Lysas, 187 Suvas, son of Paoueis, 115 Yucots, father of Arabros, 96 321 322 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Xucors, father of Pp—, 95 Sicors, father of Stotoétis, 145 Xvcous, father of Tesenuphis, 95 Xucots, father of Tinas, 73 Sucors, son of Stotoétis, 94 Sucots, son of Zoilus, 98 Siwy, "AdéfavSpos 6 xa, father of Alexander, 79 Stwr, “Ara, father of Aur, Johannes, 280, 281 —oxkupos, father of Timotheus, 252 =Anvis, 13 —avevs 6 xai AiSvuos, son of Eurytimus, 74 —CVaTNS, 95 So—, son of Socnoteus, 95 Loes, AipyAws, son of Castor, 225 Lonpts, mother of Harpalus, 33 Loevs, son of Horus, 98 ‘Yous, son of Colluthus, 226 LoKpyvevs, father of Soterichus, 98 Loxpnvevs, son of Didymus, 95 LoKpyvevs, son of Protas, 98 Soxvotratos, G«ds, lxxi (Pap. 1282) Loxvortratos, father and son, 98 Loxvwrevs, father of So—, 95 Loxovew, Aaoypados, 25 Lodopar, father of Aur. Onnophris, 280 YovBatiavods “AxiAas, 6 Aapmrpwraros (st) Hyepov, 115 Lovedas, 44 Lovepous, daughter of Castor, 30, 31 (MS. once Seovpovs), 118, 120, 148-151, 153 Sovnpa, mother of Aur. Sourous, 278 Yovd(_ ), epyarys, 195 Lovd(__), zpoordrys, 195, 198, 199, 201 LovEis, Geds péyas péyas, Ixx (Pap. 1267 d) Lovpovs, AvpiAvos, son of Pebes, 278, 279 Lovyas, banker, 146 Lovxas, father and son, 192 Lovyas, father of Anchorimphis, 96 Lovyas, father of Aures, 96 Lovyas, father of Heron, 95 Yovyas, father of Sambas, 99 Lovyxas, father of Soterichus, 99 Lovyas, son of S—, xoprorddys, 188 Lovyxas, son of Suchas, évoxAatvotpodos, IgI LYovy (‘wv ?), 35 LYovytwr, father of Eudaemon, 101 Lovytov, father of Orseus, 97 Lovyxos, the god, 15, 16, 18, 19 (MS. ovyxovyxos) : X. Geds péyas péyas, 172 Sodia, daughter of Taurinus, 272 Logos, 121, 122 Loywrns, father of Heron, 95 Loxw7ys, son of Ptollas, 145 SrédAwv, father of Aeies, 204 Srépavos, KX(avédus), son of Paésis, 239 Lrépavos, father of Silvanus, 226 Xrépavos, son of Diodorus, 145 Xredavovs, daughter (?) of Alexander, 248 Sra, AivpyA(os), son (?) of Onophris a. Silanus, 258 Sroyres (sz), father of Stotostis, 98 Srobevs, father of Horus, 99 YroGevs, father of Sotas, 99 Yroevs, son of Epimachus, 98 Sroevs, son of Sotas, 98 Sroevs, son of Soterichus, 98 Sroronris, eds xspys, Ixxi (Pap. 1282) Srorontis, 36, 42, 44-46, Tor. Sroroytis, verepos, son of Cautys, ror See also Sronris Lrorontts, vewtepos, son of Satabous, 51 Srorontis, daughter of Dioscorus, 136-138 (MS. once Srovr.) Sroronrts, daughter of Thases, 28 Sroroyrts, father and son, 34, 54, 59, 60, 98, 99, Io! SToroyTI1s, father of Ammonius, 96 Srorontts, father of Asclas, 96 Xtoronris, father of Aunes, 96 Sroronris, father of Ece—, ror Lrorontis, father of Horous, 99 Lroronris, father of Irenaeus, ror XroTonrts, father of Orsenuphis, 97 rotons, father of Peebaus, roo LYrorontts, father of Protas, 97 Lroroytts, father of Satabous, 94, tor Yroroy7ts, father of Satabous a/. Sambas, 98 Xroronris, father of Sisois, 94 Lroronts, father of Socrates, 99 LXToToyTLs, father of Soterichus, 98 LToToyrTLs, mother of Stotoétis, 54, 60 Sroronrts, son of Acusilaus, 99 LToroyT1s, son of Anchophis, 42 Sroroyrts, son of Aunes, 98 Sroroynris, son of Cames, 99 rotons, son of Horus, 95 Xroroytts, son of Onnophris, 98, 101 Sroroyrtts, son of Paseis, 98, 99 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES StToToyTLs, son of Petesorapis, 98 LYrotoyris, son of Petesuchus, 98 Lroronris, son of Protas, 98 LYroroyrtts, son of Ptollis, 98 LYrotonres, son of Sisois, 145 Lroroytis, son of Sotas, 98, 99 Lroronrtis, son of Soterichus, 99 LTroroytis, son of Stoétis (sic), 98 Srorovs, father and son, 98 LYrovroynris. Srpatar, father of Metocus, 123 See Sroronris Lvppayos, Praovws, consul, 231 Suptav, Arpyduos, son of Horion, 233, 234 Luptov, father of Nemesion, 100 Svpos, 197 (MS. Sup’), 213, ! Lvpos, *AvouBiwv 6 Kai, Bonfos of Longinus, 69 Lvpos, ppovtiatys, 210 Svpos, banker, 136-138 Lvpos, father of Diogenes, 188 Lvpos, father of Dius, 207 Lvpos, son of Hierax, 114 LXoTys, father of Harsiesis and Petesuchus, 15, 18 Loxparys, 91, 170 SwxKparns, father and son, 98 Lwxparys, son of Ammonius, 95 SwKpadrys, son of Stotoétis, 99 Swobevys, father of Taurinus, 255 Lwovyevns, father of Ptolemaeus, 72 Sworts, son of Alcimus, 102 LYacos, dyopavopos, 12 Ywrapiov, 94 Lorapyov, father of Diodorus, 96 Sdras, 39-42, 56, 102 STAs, vedrepos, son of Erieus, 101 Sdras, tpéxtup apyvpixdv, 34 Stas, tpecBirepos, son of Chaeremon, ror Doras, father and son, 98, tor Sdras, father of Acous, 96 Sodas, father of Aionis, 96 Soras, father of Ammonius, 96, 99 Loras, father of Calacaleis, 57 Sdras, father (?) of Casius, 142 ras, father of Chaeremon, 99 Soras, father of Didas, 96 Sdras, father of Palas, 97 Laras, father of Paseis, 97 Swras, father of Phronimus, 99 Soras, father of Polydeuces, 97 ate 323 Sdras, father of Ptollas, 97 Sdras, father of Satyrus, 98 Sdras, father of Soterichus, 98 Sdras, father of Stotheus, 98 Sdras, father of Stotoétis, 98, 99 Sdras, father of Zoilus and Sotas, 23 Sdras, son of Apynchis, 60 Sdras, son of —esis, 98 Sdras, son of Heron, 94 Sdras, son of Lilla, 195-200 Sdras, son of —nius, 99 Sdéras, son of Onesimus, 98 Sdras, son of Pausiris, 98 Sdras, son of Pecysis, 94 Sdras, son of Petheus, 98 Saras, son of Phaseis, 99 Sdras, son of Ptolemaeus, 94 Sdéras, son of Sarapion, 98 Sdras, son of Satyrus, 98, 102 Sdras, son of Sotas, 24 Sdras, son of Stotheus, 99 Sdéras, son of Zoilus, dpovrictis (€)icaywy7s bdatov caoTéAAwv Kal Kpyvav pytpordAews, 18% Yadrerpa, 87 Loreipa, daughter of Dioscu(rides), 85 Lap, 73, 75, 80, 87 Ldrnp, évapxos BovdevuTis, apgéas —wv 7oXews, 153; 154 Larnp, 6 péyas eds, 80 Larnp, Mucais 6 Kai, son of Apollonius, Aa/( Ladrnp, tpecBurepos, father of Sarapias, 78 Larnp, brother of Ptolemaeus, 72 Sornp, father and son, 73, 79, 85 Ladrnp, father of Alexander, 73 Xdrnp, father of Apion al. Heliodorus, 72 Laryp, father of Artemidora, 79, 85, 86 Larnp, father of Artemidorus, 79 ) 72 Larnp, father of Asclepias, $5 Ladrnp, father of Castor, 79 Sdrnp, father of Cleopatra and Aeloura, 73 Larnp, father of Didymus, 84 Ldrnp, father of Dionysius, 74, 78 Sdrnp, father of Heron and Dionysius, 36 Sdrnp, father of Polydeuces, 84 Sdrnp, father of Sarapion and Didymus, 77, 78; 80, 82 Lornp; son of Alexander, Acxava(?), 84 Sarnp, son of Ammonius, 82 Saryp, son of Ammonius, iarpds, 8 4 Sdrnp, son of Apollonius, Aaxyo( ), 82 324 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Larnp, son of Arius, 71 Lornp, son.of Asclepiades, 75, 79 LoTnp, son of Dionysius, 74, 77 LaTnp, son of Diophanes, 84 Loéryp, son of Dracon, 72, 75, 78 LaTnp, son of Epon(ychus), 72 LoTnp, son of Eurytimus, 75, 80 LaTnp, son of Heracl(ides), 72, 82 Lodrnp, son of Hermias, xpvcoxdos, 83 Larnp, son of Heronax, 78 Ladrnp, son of Lycus, 74, 80 LoTnp, son of Patrocles, 87 Larnp, son of Piau, 86 LdTyp, son of Ptol(emaeus) a/, Papos, 81 Larnp, son of Seleucus, 86 LorTnp, son of Theomnestus, 83 Larnp is, aTraTwp, 99 Lwrypis, mother of Zoilus, 23, 24 Lornpcxos, LwrTypLyos, 2 wry pLxos, Lary prxos, LwTnpxos, Lwryptyos, Larynpryos, LwTHpLxos, Lw7THpLxos, LwrTypLxos, LworTypLyos, Lwrypryos, LoTnpLxos, LwrTnHpiyxos, LarTnpLxos, LwrTHpryos, LworTypcxos, LarTypLxos, Lorn ptxos, Lwrnptxos, LwTNPLXos, LworTnprxos, LwTypLyxos, LwaTHpLxos, LwrTypLyos, LWTHPLXOS, LwrHp.xos, 97, 99, 102 Byoas 6 kat, Kwmoypappareds, 71 father and son, 98 father of Areis, 99 father of Arius, 97 father of Castoreus, 97 father of Diodorus, 96, 99 father of Dionysius, 96 father of Onnophris, 97 father of Palas, 97 father of Protas, 98 father of Stotheus, 98 father of Stotoétis, 99 son of Acusilaus, 99 son of Apollonius, 27 son of Irenaeus, 1o1 son of Maron, 98 son of Marres, 99 son of Nectanuphis, 98 son of Neon, 99 son of Onesimus, 99 son of Onnophris, 98 son of Ptolemaeus, 99 son of Socmeneus, 98 son of Sotas, 98 son of Stotoétis, 98 son of Suchas, 99 Tauris, mother of Aur. Achilles, 116 TaBouvs, 24 TaeXoXouvs, daughter of Totoés, 9-11 Tadnwv, 174 Tadwris, 12 Ta@wrus, son of Pates, 15, 16 TaxorBis, daughter of Patous, 19 Tapapars (?), mother of Anchorimphis, 25 TapovOis, daughter of Pelaeas, 17 Tapovris, Aipydia, daughter of Silvanus, 230 Tapovrvis, daughter of Patous, 21, 22 Tavevus, mother of Ases, 197 (MS. once Tavv.)-199, 201 Tavedpenpus, 24 Tavedpenpus, mother of Orsenuphis, 24 Tavvevs. See Tavevs Tavovevus, son of Cephalon, ror Ta&(_ ), father of Marrius, 226 Taovnris, 24 Taovnzts, mother of Paouetis, 23 Tazrazres, mother of Panomgeus, 23 Tam—wus, mother of Tesenuphis, 23 Tacats, son of Ap[.]tonas, 235 Taoyxitis, 179 Tata—, oxevordrns, 184 Tavpivos, 249 Tavpivos, father of Apol(lonius), 113 (MS. Tavpew.) Tavpivos, father of Aur. Aphthonia, 255 Tavpivos, father of Aur. Horion, 224 Tavpivos, father of Aur. Victor, 256 Tavpivos, father of Fl. Oulocomus, 255 Tavpivos, father of Sophia, 2'72 Tavpivos, son of Silvanus, 226 Tavpivos, son of Sosthenes, diéxovos, 255 Tadanots, son of Harphthusis, 101 Tadas, father of Lycus, 74 Tarsoia, mother of Aur. Petrus, 259 Taws, dvyddrys, 75, 80, 85 Teayaftov, mother of Ptollas, 102 Teevavs, 9B—vw— 1 xai, daughter of Satabous, 23 Texvats, Aipydia, 233, 234 TeAwy, 9, 12, 20 Tepas, 42 Tepevs, daughter of Panechotes, 162, 163 Tevevovdis, 23 Teoevovdns, father and son, 94 Teoevovdus, father of Colluthus, 94 Tevevoudis, son of Sisois, 95 Teoevoudis, son of Turbon, 144 Tews, father of Panebchunis, 19 Tews, father of Phibis, 7 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 325 TZapovd, son of Macarius, 252 Tpvdur, son of Nilus, 94 TuBép.os KXavd.os 5 SR Toevupis, daughter of Thoteutes, 2 TiBépios Kravdws “Eppas, 216 Tupavvos, 29 TiBepros KAavduos Kvpos, 216 Tvpavvos, Aipidws, son of Pinoution, kwpdpx7ys, 225 TiOons, "Adxiuos 6 Kai, 96 Tvpavvos, son of Castor, 226 TiBontiov, 158, 161 Tvpavvos, son of Heraclas, 145 TiBontiwy, father of Amonius (sz), 166 Tvpavvos, son of Phoebammon, 253 T.Wontiwy, father of Demetria, 161 Tupavvovs, 61 Tudors, 44, 46 —Twpos, 254 Ty( ), 79 c y ? 2 Typayerns, KXavdws Owv, son of On—, 231. Trepexi(a?), 277 zs a ys ‘Yarepéxvos, @[Aaovws?], son of Dorotheus, zperfitepos, Las, épydrys, Tipdbeos, son of Menas, 252 20, 26: Tides, son of—scyrus, 252 @®a—, father of Phaésis, 99 Typox—, 186 @aB—, son of Paseis, 101 Twas, 77 Paywnis, father of Kobaétesis, 6, 8, 11 Twas, daughter (?) of Horus, 73 Paywvis, son of Panobchunis, 12, 15 Tuvas, daughter of Sisois, 73 Danoars, father and son, ror Tuvoutis 7 Kat "Aock\nmds, 61 Payats, son of Harsisuchus (?), rot. TE, 42 Panors, son of Pha—, 99 Tuotxes, 180 Panos, son of Protas, 99 —TLax0s, 260 Panots, son of Sochotes, 145 ToBxevovmis, son of Pates, 15, 16 Papwv, Evdaipwv 6 cai, son of Hermaeus, 114 Tofevs, father of Helenous, 130 ay, father of Phanias, 99 Tons, tparekirns, 149 Davys, father of Pemous, 116 ToOns, father and son, 104 Pavnots, 42 Toys, father of Panechotes, 142 @avias, son of Phan, 99 Toys, son of C—is, 140 Pavovdus, 38 Tofoys, 179 @Pavoevs, son of Panseus, 1o1 Toons, son of Pelaeas, 6, 8-11, 15, 16 Daceis. See also aces TovpBar, 66 Daceis, Aaoypdpos, 25 TovpBar, son of Ammonius, 144 aces, father and son, 99 TovpBwyr, son of Apollonius a7. Ammonius, S, Uraros drodederypevos 7d 5(?), adtoxparwp 7 18, marhp matpidos (A.D. 46; copy in document of A.D. 194), 215 TBepros Kravdios Katoap SeBacris Teppavixds Sapparixds, dpxrepeds péyioros, Snpapxixys efovoias 76 f, vraros 70 5, aitoxpdtwp Td wu, TatTip matpidos (A.D. 47 3 copy in document of A.D. 194’, 216 6 KAavdus (A. D. 69-79), 217 Nero (Oct. 13, A.D. 54—June 9, A.D. 68): Népwv Kdavdios Katoap SeBaoros Teppavixds adroxpdtwp (A. D. 65-66), 121-123 Népwy 6 xipwos (A. D. 66), 123 Vespasian (July 1, a. p. 69—June 23, a. D. 79): airoxpdtwp kaicap Oveoraciavds SeBaords (A.D. 70-71), 138, 139; (a. d.; copy in document of A.D. 194), 216 Domitian (Sept. 13, a. p. 81—Sept. 18, a. D. 96): Aoptiavds 6 Kipwos (A. D. 83), 36 aitoxpatwp kaioap Aoputiavds SeBacrds Teppavixds (A. D. 84), 207 Aoputiavés (A. D. 105), 26 Nerva (Sept. 18, A. D. 96—Jan. 27, a.p. 98): atroxpatwp Nepovas Keioap S , iBioBockol, 13 iotov \oyou €miTpoTn, 1), 124 i€peua, 4, 8, 10, 12-14, 16-18, 20, 22 tepevs, 6-8, 10, 12-14, 16-20, 22, 35, 76, 132, 156, 195, 199 i. “Apnoujous, 163 (/er); & “Eppod, 163; &. Sovxou kat Adpodirys, 15, 16, 18, 193 &. Tov (sic) &v Kpoxod(e)(Awv mode kat Tlabvpe iepdv, 22 iepioaa, 8, 10, 12, 19 *lepovmwnos, 8, 10, 12, and see Addenda immoro€oTns, 236 KaboXKds, 240; 6 Siacnpdraros Kk. I10 kavnpdopos ‘Apawdys Praderpov, 7, 8, 10, 12-14, 16- 20, 22 KapTaVNS, 115, 116 KaTANOXLT[LOVS, 6 mpés, 61 KOMNS, 249, 25%, 269 x. Apxadias: “Avardduos (sixth century), 251 KOoLNTHS, 182 Kopapyns, 63-65, 67, 68, 114, 224-226 (MSS. —apxot Kopoypapparevs, 28, 71, 83, 123, 124, 179, 206 KOMOYPAapparEela, 24, 110, 143 haoypados, 25, 28, 85 Aeyrwvaptos, 236, 237 passim paydoropunra€, 55 peceyvot(pos ?), 246 paytotparys, lvii (Pap. 1105) Madpou, 236-237 passim, 270 of éxt ris “Eppourodtrav KxabiSpupévor yevvardtaroc M., 256 paxatpopopot, 107 pedNoyupvactapXos, 104 pio barns épnpopvAaxias, 212 povalovaa, 272 vopdpxns : “Apawoirov, AiprAus ‘Ariwv (A.D. 211), 69 EvoTapxyns : . Sua Biov Kat ext Badavetwy tod SeBacrov, 217 é. éxt Badaveiwy SeBacrod, 218, 219 évorapxav Sa Biov, 217 OLKOVO}OS : oi. TOD aylov Xepylov, 277 d€vypados ris éaxropias, lvii (Pap. 1105) épiodeiKTys, 129 (MS. -ir-) overpavds, 63, 64, 66, 67, 166 ddpixidArLos, 236 passim Tayapxns, 282 mayapxovpevos (pass., of a place), 278 mapahnparys, Ixxii (Pap. 1305); draerqrijs Kal 7. TOV év 77 Moxeéry, lvii (Pap. 1106) TATTOPOpOS : x. THS “Adpodirys, 22 a. Eppovd, 163 mr. tepod “Eppod xat Adpodirns kat "Appwvos kat Tov ovvvdev Oeav peyictwv ’AvtwoourdAews, 163 wr. Oceipavtwoov eod peylcrov, 163 Tarp matpioos, 216 336 INDEX OF OFFICIALS TAT PLKLOS, 279-281 matpoBovdos, 129 Tpaimrdoa.tos, 129, [226?] x. a” mdyou vouod “EppouroX(e)irov, 227 TPAKTWP, 34, 53> 114 mpaxtopela, 933 (dudddov Ppeue’) 32 apyvplk@v, 35, 113 (“Hdaurriddos), 55, 56 (Mépgews), 34, 35 (Soxvoraiov Nyoov), 34, 54, 56, 57, 115 mpaktopeia apyupikOv, 114 OlTLKOY, 113 (Amuddos), 51 Loxvorraiov Nyjaov), 134 mpea BUTEpOS (Kxdpys), 54, 131; 258 (xeSiov Piromraropos “Amiddos), 141 (rod dpovs Tis *AyratomoAutav), 264 apeoBurepera, 131 (in Christian sense), 255, 260, 261, 277 mpoedpos, 129 Tpovontns, 128, 245, 276, 277 a. pepioos “Eppoumddews, 274 TpvTavis, 71 (MS. zporr.); evapxos 7., 110 TpwToK@pyHTNS, Ixxii (Pap. 1311), 251 purdpuos, 241 oiTodoyos, 51; [52], 79, 89, 9 113, 121-123 (MS. once ceit., ONCE -AoKw) OTONLTTHS : a. Sovxov Geod peyadov peyddov Kal Tov avvvdwy Gedy, 172 (MS, crodeorys?) oTparevopevot (in military sense), 107 OTPATEVOV, 242 OTpaTHyos, 25, 111, 112, 133 Ths Aapmporarys Toews TOY ’AdeEavdpewv : AdpyAros ‘Epplas 6 kat “ArodAwvi0s (A.D. 216-217), 49, 50 *Apowotrov: “Hpaxeidov pepisos : KAavéios Kepecdts (A.D. 138), 126 >A woAAdvi0s 6 kat HroXepaios (A.D. 187-188), 134 @cpicrov pepidos : Kavdios “Epagos (A.D. 104), 125 @epiorov Kal Tod€pwvos peplowv: Bwdavds (A.D. 196), 123 Tovdos Iotdwpos (third century), 93 ‘EpporoXirov : *Aovidduos Adyyos (A.D. 139), 132 “Hpaxdeidys (A.D. 144), 108 ’AroAAwvidys (A.D. 152), 143 ‘Iépaé (second century), lvii (Pap. 1104) (Suadexopevos THY atparnyiav): Aipydis Matkwos Nepeovavos (A.D. 246), 110 otpatyyos (continued) “HAtoroXrov (?) : "Tdowy (yevdpevos oTp., Circ. A.D. 47), 83 Mepudirov: *Arrohdcvios (A.D. 160 Or 161), 28 (Siadexdpevos Ta Kara THY otparnyiav): Kepdduv, Baowduxds ypappareds (A.D. 160 or 161), 26 OTpaTyraTNS, 249 TaBeddtwv, 248, 249 taBovdrdptos, 63, 64, 66, 229 TApPLLaKOS : & rapuakos Adyos, 229 TEAOVNS, II, 14 péderos Kal Kypov, 106 Tipav, 228 TOTOYPAPLLATEVS, 2, 3 brarela, 229, 230 (MS. -ru.), 235 frarelas TiBeplov MaviAlov Povckov To B kai SepBiov KaArovpviov Aopuriov Aéérpov (A.D. 225), Ixxi (Pap. 1286) pera. THY braretav TOV Seomorbv Hyov Kwvotavtivov cat Aucwviov SeBacrav 76 y/ (A.D. 314); 230 Gratelas Tov Seororav fyov Kwvortavtivov Kal Auxuviov S AvraoTroXLTa@v (7dXus): 7d dpos THs “A., 264 "Avta.ovmoXts, 220 "Avrivdetos : Td peydAa “Avtudea (games), 165; fepoi dyGves of peydAou’A., 165 ’AvTwvoevs, 161, 165, 166, 217 "AVTWoewV Aaprpordrn TOS, 7, 230, 232 *Avtwots, 156 (see Addenda), 161 "AvTiVoovTOALs, 187-166 passim, 237 (Avtwdov), 253, 254 "AVTLOXEUS, 216 *Amriddos, Prordrwp. See Birorarwp 338 INDEX OF PLACES ’Amias, Village in Arsinoite nome, 47, 49-51, 94, 141 *A7Tro\Nwrids, village in Arsinoite nome, 95 >Atro\Nwvietov, 76, in Thebes, 2 *AzrodAN@viov audodoy, in Arsinoé, 269 "Amro @viov ‘Tepaxetou dudodor, in Arsinoé, 26 *Azro\wviov Kjos, in Alabastring, 110 a Ap—, Village in Arsinoite nome, 95 "Apyids, village in Arsinoite nome, 95 "Apews (kon), village in Arsinoite nome, 38 "A pews x®pun, probably in Hermopolite nome, 251 "A pkadia, province in Egypt, 251 °A powon, village (not the city) in the Arsinoite nome, 48 “A powoirns vouds, 69, 123, 125, 126, 134, 170 (MS. -oevt.), 171 (MS. -oevr.), 206 (MS. -oeir.), 207 "A powotrev TOMS, 199, 203, 220, 269 "Agia, 218 —Qa0o7Tls, 92 "ATELpyvos (="Arnpyvds?), 218 Baxkyxtas, village in Arsinoite nome, 134. B yp(dupa), twO(fov) & Boppeov rpGrov, quarter in Antinodpolis, 163 B yp(dpupa), mrwO(cov) € Béppiov (sic), quarter in Antinodpolis, 159 —Bovbovppeuad, uncertain, 92 BovBaXos or Bovcados, uncertain, 92 BovxoXor, village in Arsinoite nome, 95 (?), 123 (Bovxo’ Tov Kat Tpurropov) Bovoupts, village in Hermopolite nome, 239 Bperavvot, 216 T-—, T'—¢—s 6 Kai, 167 T'adXos (meaning obscure), 128, 129 y yp(mpa), aw6(fov) 7, quarter in Antinodpolis, 160 y yp(appa), mrw6(cov) ta, quarter in Antinodpolis, 166 Tnpopatixod (?), rot, xwpiov in Hermopolite nome, 275 A rs) yp(dupa), wAwO(cov) , quarter in Antinodpolis, 158, 160, 161 Aéyyxor, village in Hermopolite nome, 52 Anpytpvos, 238 Avoyévous KAHpos KaTOLKLKOs, QI Avovvords, village in Arsinoite nome, 96, 170, 198, 201, 202, 219 Avovua108(dpov) ovata, near Euhemeria, 89 AvoronXitns, 13 AvomroXtrts, 13 Avoo7roXts, 4 peyddyn (Thebes), 2, 16 AvomoXs, n pupa, 13 Spdpos, at [Hermopolis?]: xprjvn Spdyov, 182 Apupcs, péyas, kdjpos in Arsinoite nome, 196, 200, 203, 205 Apupds, puxpds, 22d., 203 Apupds Iepoéwv, xSna at Socnopaei Nesus, 60 Apupos Tapevéws, near Alabanthis, 192 Apupods Vv, xSpa at Socnopaei Nesus, 60 Awpoféov kai “Eppaiwvos, pepis, in Hermopolite nome, 238 ‘Ex(k)audéxaror, éroikiov in Oxyrhynchite nome, 279 "EMAnv : adpirtos “EAAjvor, 218 “EAnuixkds : mAoiov ‘E., 164, 165 ’Evoed, village in Hermopolite nome, 259, 270, 271 "Erayabvavy Sipvé, at Socnopaei Nesus, 59, 60 ‘Eppaiwvos pepis. See Awpoféou “Eppomons, 148. “EppotroXirns, 30, 31, 108, 116, 118, 119, 127, 139, 140, 143, 144, 148, 149, 151, 153, 174-176 (176 MS. -eiT.); 215 (MS. -eT.), [217 |-219 (do.) “EppomronXirns vopds, 108, 110, 116, 128, 132, 133, 143 See also “EppovrroAus 161 (MS. -Aer.), 224. See also “Eppourodirns “EppotroNiris, 31, 120, 136 (MS, -Aur.), 153 “Eppotro\urav (woAts), 267. See also “Eppourodiray “Eppovbtakns dypodor, in Arsinoé, 26 “Eppovronts, 106, 111, 115, 116, 119, 120, 136, 137; 140, I5I, 153, 228, 246, 249, 251, 255, 257, 260, 261, 266-268, 271, 272-275, 276; 7 ayia Tov Beod éexxAnota “EppourdAews, 273-275; “E. 7 Aaprporary, 2333 E.% peydAn apxaia cal appa Kal ceuvorarn, 110, 1273 % peydAy ‘E., 234; “E. ris OnBaidos, 104, 136, 256. See also ‘Eppdzodus “Eppovronts, village in Arsinoite nome, 48, 101 “Eppoutonirns, 271. See also “EpporoXirns ‘EppovtroXitns vopss, 225-227, 259, 260, 261, 266, [270], 271, 275; a mayos vouod “Eppourod(«)irov, 224 “EppovroNirts, 116 ‘EppouTonurap (rods), 254, 256, 259, 260, 268, 271, 272, 275. See also “Epyorodirav “Eppovbis, 4, 5 “Eppovirns TOALs, 258 Ev—auos Xaipepavovs, village in Antinoopolite nome, 157 Evnpepeia, village in the Arsinoite nome, 89, 90, 100, 108, 130, 170 (MS. -puas gen.) INDEX —evnpu( ) otola (qu. Sevypiavy, see s.v.), near Euhe- meria, 89 Evdypias, pipn THs a&ylas peyddys, 277 "Edéotos, 217, 218, 219 OC ar (or may), district in Hermopolite nome, 238 Zwmdt pov kAnpos, in Hermopolite nome, 144 “HXtotroNirns (voyds) (?), 83 “HpdyKata, Meydda, 244 “Hpdkhea, village in Arsinoite nome, 23, ror, 141 “Hpakneidov pepis of Arsinoite nome, 126, 134, 171 “HpakXeotroXirns (vopds), 229 “HpakdeorroXurav (rddus), 229 “Hpakdeovronus, 229 ‘Hdavorids, village in Arsinoite nome, 55, 56 Ocadeddeia, village in Arsinoite nome, 25, 35, 102, 103, 199 (MS. -du.), 203 (MS. -dx.) @epiorov pepis of Arsinoite nome, 123, 125, 130 Ocupavlrs, in Pathyris, 19. See also Teypadhis Gcoyévous, 7 (al. Pirordtwp 4 Kai Ocoyévovs), village in Arsinoite nome, 135 @co€evis, village in Arsinoite nome, 48, 102 @ecpevovfis. See Tepevorbis OnBator : “Tovdaiwy zpooevxy ®., 183 OnBais, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 104, 136, 256; émapyia @nfaidos, lix (Pap. 1147); cxoAactiKds Popov On- Baidos, 253 Oxrpwvos x)ijpos, in Hermopolite nome, 109 @viBrs, village in Hermopolite nome, 161 Opeunaus, 252 @vus, village in Hermopolite nome, 266 (% 268) O@NOts, éxofcov in Oxyrhynchite nome, 281 *TBiav, village (?) of uncertain locality, 192 "1Biav Tavexrupéws, village in Hermopolite nome, 283 [Bier MereapOi, village in Hermopolite nome (?), 179 "TBiov Terayx Gi (al. Terap6c), village in Hermopolite nome, 105 *Tovdatot: ‘Tovsatwy rporevxi) OnBaiwv, 183 *Iradta, 217, 218 "ITaduKds : 7a peydda ZeBaora "Traduca “Pwpata, 217 Kawaves : 6 rddyvos rotapos K., in Oxyrhynchite nome, 281 Kad\tr— [xAjjpos]. See Swxparovs kal Kaddr— PLACES 339 Kapavis, village in Arsinoite nome, 32 (?) Kap—ypov (?), roros, 222 Kdoreddov “AXoous, water-reservoir in Hermopolis or Arsinoé, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190 Kdoreddov Tedécous, zid., 185, 187-189 KepBacrus, near Socnopaci Nesus: aid (sc. rediov) K., 56 (see Addenda) Kepkevoretpis, village in Arsinoite nome, 102 Knrros, village in Hermopolite nome, 234 Kwad%, «Ajpos, in Arsinoite nome, 194, 203 Kipka, village in Hermopolite nome, 52, 53 Kiavdwos, 252 KXeorrarp(e)iov : Kpivy Kcorarpiov, in [Hermopolis ?], 182 k\7pot, in Arsinoite nome : Kiad%}, 194, 203; Kudpovos, 194, 200, 202, 203, 205; Kurovs, 194-196, 200, 203-205 ; péyas Apupds, 196, 200, 203, 205 ; puukpos Apupds, 203; Tav Twpe), 194, 200, 202-204 In Hermopolite nome: *Adxpavros, 110; ’Aperddov (?), 274; “AmoAAwviov, 110; ZLumdtpov, 144; Ojpwvos, 109; Ildpwvos, 143; Xpvoirmov, 123 Uncertain: Avoyévous k. KaTouktKds, 9T ; TIroAepatov, 61 ; Swxparovs cat KadAir—, 91; Pirogévov, QI Kvovopa, 76, 252 [Koppaynvy], 216 Kopr, village in Hermopolite nome, 239 Kov—pos, Spvé in Philopator Apiados, 141 Korros (?), place-name (?), 224-226 [Ko]mr[urap ?] rods, 153 Kova(ceirns) xétw, toparchy in Hermopolite nome, 143 Kpoxodethwv Tots, in Upper Egypt, 11, 18, 22, 71 Krio(e)s, % locality near Theadelphia, 200, 202, 204 Kudpevos xAjjpos, in Arsinoite nome, 194, 200, 202, 203, 205 Kuvotro\Xirns vopds, 6 dvw, 278 Kvrovs xAjjpos, in Arsinoite nome, 194-196, 200, 203- 205 Kvw6is, village in upper Cynopolite nome, 278, 279 Aadixevs, 218 Aakedalpovios, 217 Aevvéov, village in Hermopolite nome, 105 Aevxotupyitns;, toparchy in Hermopolite nome, 109 Aevkotrupyitys xéro, toparchy in Hermopolite nome, 139 AuBvn, 206 Atdotrov, 195, 196, 199 XxX 2 340 INDEX Mayats, village in Arsinoite nome, 48 Maydada Mp, village in Hermopolite nome, 116, 239 Makeddves : xpijvn Maxeddvoy, in Hermopolis or Arsinoé, 182 Mavpor (as military term), 236-237 passim, 256, 270 Meyada “Hpayxara, 244 Meyahov Xwpiov, éroixuov in Oxyrhynchite nome, 280 péyas Apupos, kAjpos, in Arsinoite nome, 196, 200, 203, 205 Mepvovetwy xépn, village in the Hermonthite nome, 258 Mepd(e)izts, 27 Mendis, 26, 27, 15753 Ayévos Meudews, 36, 39, 47, 48 Mépdus, village in Arsinoite nome, 34, 35, 191 (MS. Med.) Meonp roves (?), xrfja in Oxyrhynchite nome, 280 Meravoias, povactypiov THs, 248 Mynva, pvpn Tov aylov, 277 Myvaros otcéa, near Euhemeria, 89 [LuKpOS Apupos, k\jpos, in Arsinoite nome, 203 Mudrouos, 217 (MS. Med.) Modyxts, village in Arsinoite nome, 147 (MS. -xew) Mupevs, 217, 218 Mu7wrnvatos, 218 Mo—, 271 Moxeirns, téros in Hermopolite nome, lvii (Pap. 1106), 53 Navatov : ri rod N. BiBrLoOjKyv, xlviii (Pap. 949) Naztwdevs, village in Hermopolite nome, 261 Nedzrouts, in Italy, 2147, 218 Néa IdXus, %, quarter of Alexandria, 125 NetXos, the river, 134, 206 NewXovrroNts, village in Arsinoite nome, 114, 171 Nyoos Soxvorraiov. Nuxopndevs, 217 (MS. Nex.) See Soxvoraiov Nicos ‘Okupvyxizns (measure), 195, 197 passim, 201 ‘Okupvyxizns vopos, 220 (MS. -xer.), 279-281 ‘Ofvupvyyxurav ods, 9 Aaprpa, 278-281 “Oppos, village in Hermopolite nome, 239 Oppos adAcovs, at Arsinoé, 220 Ila—, érofxvov in Hermopolite nome, 225 IlaOupus, 7-12, 14-22 IlaOupizns (vouds), 14, 18, 20, 22 Tlavexrup€éws, ‘Ivy, village in Hermopolite nome, 283 Ilavva—, village in Hermopolite nome, 139 Ilavorron(e)irns (vopes), 164, 165 OF PLACES TlavoomoXs, 164, 165; IL. Aapmpordrn, 235 Tlarepirys avo, toparchy in Hermopolite nome, 63, 110 Ilarepaods (?), 252 |rarndwoorn, land at Pathyris, 9 Ilarpy dvw, toparchy in Hermopolite nome, 138 Tlay@pus, 252, note T[.|8a ., pun, 277 Ilexheyiov, piu, 277 Ilevatracte, réros in Hermopolite nome, 234 Ilévyn, village in Hermopolite nome, 52, 53 Ilepyapyves, 217 Tlept mo\w kérw, toparchy in Hermopolite nome, 116,144 Ilepmuovav (= ‘the two temples,’ according to Mr, W. E. Crum), 92 Tlepoéwv, Apvpds, xdpa at Socnopaei Nesus, 60 Ilépons, 17; 1455 IL. trav rpocypadar, 7, 8, 12 L193 II. ris ériyovns, 9, 14-16, Ig, 20, 104, Hepoivy, 8, II. rijs érvyovfs, 136 (MS. ITepoev.) Tlex 00, 92 Hereadfl, "Iu, village in Hermopolite nome (?), 179 MeroyvovBews, Téprov, village in Hermopolite nome, 138 (MS. -ovBer) IInAovoror, village in Arsinoite nome, 93 Tluryep( Tlod€wewvos pepis of Arsinoite nome, 123 ), village in Hermopolite nome, 239 Hddews “Amndidrov, é&upodov of Hermopolis, 30, 31, I12-114 passim, 116, 118-120, 148, 149, 151, [153], 174, 175, 254, 268 Tlo\ews Atos, dppodov of Hermopolis, 112-114 passim, 143, 233 Ildvtos, 216 I1dpavos kAnpos, in Hermopolite nome, 143 Tp.’, pip, 277 IIrHvis, 282 IIrohepatov Kdjjpos, 61 IIrodepats THs OnBatdos, 7, 8, 10, 12 IIv\éa, locality in Oxyrhynchite nome, 245 IIvpyov, 253 Ilvppov, WapBataXis xat,rediov in Philopator Apiados, 1 41 I IIwevs, village in Hermopolite nome, 227 ‘Pwpatos, 176; % ‘P. wodurefa, 145, 216; Ta peydra S 44, 59, 53, 55, —6os, 169 yee (Oey WA Oe}, Wi, SW) Toe, Te . DGfh oy 261 Néos SeBaords = ’AOvp, 121-123 Xowdk or Xoudy (Nov. 27—Dec. 26), 10, 11, 16, 18, [21], 22, 45, 46, 63, 90, o1, 105, 121, 122, 153, 154 (MS. Xovax), 173, 203, 208, 234, 235, 238, 251, 256, 270, 276 “Adpiavds = Xo, 51, 57, 58, 141, 145, 152 Tue (Dec. 24—Jan. 25), 5 28, 46, 54, 55s 57) 58, 63, 64, 69, 90, 122, 137, 138, 147, 151, 168, 170, 193, 230, 246, 263, 267 Avortpos = Tdi, 136 INDEX OF Mexeip (Jan. 26—Feb. 24), 5; 8, 9, 12, 19, 34) 36, 37) 46, 47, 50 53, 54 (MS. Mexip)-58, 61, 63-65, 93; 105, 109, 128, 148, 150, 163, 174 (MS. —yzp), 175, 191, 195-197, 210, 236, 245, 259, 270 Papevd (Feb. 25—March 26), 13, 14, 30 (MS. ®a- pevo6’), 31, 39, 49, 50 53 (MS. Gapevor), 55, 575 58, 64, 65, 140, 156, 157, 195, 196, 209(?), 212, 236, 237, 250, 252, 268, 270 Dappode (March 27—April 25), 14, 15, 38, 39, 41, 54, 55, 57> 58, 65, 122, 132, 133, 137 (MS. —prb); 146, 156-166 passim, 172, 173, 191, 197, 198, 207, 269, 274 Idévypos = Pappodh, 157-106 (158 MS. mravnov) Taydv (April 26—May 25), 32, 38, 42, 555 57) 65, 66, 69, 122, 126, 132, 133, 143, 172, 181-189 passim, 195-197, 199, 228, 249, 262-264, 274 Teppavixetos = lax, 107 Ilavvi (May 26—June 24), 15, 16, 34 (MS. Tavn), 35, 39, 49, 50 (once MS, Taoux), 52, 55, 57) 59, 60 (MS. Taowr), 66, 67, 111, 116, 122, 124, 138, 139, 142, 150, 181-189 passim, 195, 231, 232, 240, 247, 258, 265, 271, 272 MONTHS 343 "Erre’h (June 25—July 24), 20, 33, 37, 38, 39 (MS. Em), 40 (MS. E¢ur), 50 (once MS. E¢ugu), 52, 53, 55 (MS. Em), 56, 57 (MS. E¢uz), 67, 68, 89 (MS. Em), 104-106, 122 (MS. once Eduduf), 125 (MS. Emp), 126, 139, 142 (MS. Emp), 143 (MS. Exam), 144, 146, 169, 171 (MS. Edecfu), 181-189 passim, 227 (MS. Em), 230, 231, 253, 254, 259, 267, 273, 274 Topmuatos = "Ezeih, 104 Meoopy (July 25—Aug. 23), 4, 10, 35; 49, 55-57, 68, 119-121, 122 (MS. Meoo.), 124, 125, 127, 130, 142, 147, 153, 176, 178, 181-189 passim, 212, 225, 238, 271, 274, 279 Kawrdpevos = Mecopy, 89, 104 (MS. Karp.), 182, 188 "Exayopevar nepas (Aug. 24—Aug. 28), 104, 124, 177, 182, 184, 185, 188, 226 "Exayouévev F (apparently of a.D. 154-155), !xii (Pap. 1172) Kaddvdat, 213 "OKT dB pwos : apo t Kadavddv ‘Oxtw8piwv, 217 Tee DEX Oa TAX Ei: dyo(pas) réX(os), 152 (?) apredov, TéAeopa, 63-68 avVaVn, 53, 234, 2573 avvavar Sypoora, 249 a.r6 pous éryseprpds, 55 (see Addenda) GpyupiKd, 54-57, 62, 113-115, 245 apiOpunos, 58, 62-68 aprOpuntiKor, 178 dptaBeia, 107 (MS. —Buyar) B* (uncertain), 64-68 passim Bovrodukov, 61 BovdevtiKn Téxn, 257 Bopor, épos, 35 (?) yunova, 62-65, 68 Seopodvdaxia, 55 dnpoowa, 106 (?), 129, 136, 150, 179, 180, 221, 234, 246, 249, 250, 2775 (?) Tekeopata, 227 Siadopor, 138 SuTha, 58 dpaypatnyia, 89 €yKUKXLOY, 2—5 (4 and 5 «ixooti) éyxuxdiov), 11, 14, 69 (MS. evk.), 152 €l00s ° «lon; 54, 92 €iKOOTY) eyKukALov. See eyxvx\ov EKaTOOTH, 248, 249, 257 EKTY) Tewaxav, 179 euBodry, 246, 247 EvVOpLoV, 178 EvoiKLOV, 212 €mapovptov, 180 ertBodn, 234: & mXwpod, 66 eripepto ids, 150 (MS. eeu.) €(ruysepto pos) dzd(pas), 55 (see Addenda) eTLoTaTEla, 47, 48 ETLOTATLKOD tepewv, 35 epnpodudakia, 39, 40, 211, 212. épnuopvAakias CevypartiKd, 63-68 See also ixvous 344 INDEX OF TAXES Onpiov (?) pepurpds, 55 LTOVO}LOS, 3 iyvous épnuodvAakias, 39 xaBapors, 138 KQVOVLKG, 257 Kavev, 228, 247 (MS. xavv.), 248 Laoypadia, 32-35, 206 Ayrevos Méudews, 36, 39, 47, 48 paydadodvrakia, 35 (?) paydorodurtcKkar, ddr, 55 (MS. ovo p.) /EpLoMOS, 53, 249, 250: p. Onpiwv (?), 55 povodeo pia xdprov, Ixx (Pap. 1267 ¢), 54 vavBuov, 61, 63-68, 179 vaukAnpla, 64 vadrov, 247, 248 (MS. once vad.), 249 (MS. vad.), 257 VOLOV, dpos, 56 dWGVLOV paydooprrdxwr, 55 (MS. of? pu.) Tapaypahy, 134, 135 Tapadseto wv tédXeopa, 63-68 passim TEUTTY, 47, 48 T™XLT HOS, 180: mnxiopod éeriBory, 66 ToTapoPvAakia, 35 TpoBatwv épos, 49, 50 8.) INDEX SOF SYMBOLS Tpordiaypapopeva, 33, 55, 93 TUNWVLKOY, 92 p Kat ¥, 36-38 caxkyyia, 89 OUTLKG, 51, 113, 134 OTEPAVLKOD : pepirpos xpvood oredpavixod, Ixxii (Pap. 1297) TevTaeTNpLOos, 58, 59 ouvTaéipov, 54 (see also Addenda) TéhET HA, 55, 506, 161; dypocra 7., 227 aprréov, 63-68 mapadetowy, 63-68 passim TEXOS, 3-5, II, 14, 47, 69 adyopas, 152 (?) TELANOV, ExT, 179 TUPAVVLKOV adv, 65, 67 poperpor, 138, 139 Popos Bwpay, 35 (?) vop.av, 56 —_ tpofarwv, xl (Pap. 849), 49, 50 Tupavvikv (= Tupavy. édahav), 67 Xadkuela, 3 XpvoLKd, 257, 273 XOMATUKOY, 55 AND ABBREVIATIONS. (a) SyMBOLS. c= apnv, 259 \ = Gpoupa, 4, 5 ss = dpovpa, 6, 7, 9, 12-14 tb = Gdpovpa, 51, 69, 71-76, esc. CL = dpraBy, 10 — or —=— = dpraBy, 39, 51-53, 139, 178, 179, 212, 239, 249, 276 os = aprafn, 246, 271, 248, 249 S = dpraBa, 267 = airds and cases, 63-68 — om or § or § =atrds and cases, 30, 32, 106, 110, 116, 119, 120, 143, 148, 149, 151, [175], 179, 190, 227, 233, 236-238, 250 § = airds, 271 s § = airés and cases, 107, 246, 262-264, 272 p = ys jrelpov, 6 ub = dexapovpov, 83 X = dyvdpia, 218, 219, 238 passim Oh = dipoipov, I51 + = dpaypun, 6, 9, 10, 17, 106 < = dpaxpr, 32, 34, 35, 47, 48, ele. § = dpaypyy, 44-47 passim, etc. b= dpaxpy, 105, 106, 137, 138, 168 <— = dpaypy, 168 uBpnvov = dwbekapjvov, 177 Ke(spous = cikoourevTapovpo.s, 79 pb = éexatovrapovpov, 83 L = éros and cases, 2 and passim INDEX OF SYMBOLS S = éros and cases, 26, 29, 30, 31, ele. == Kal, £73 S = kai, 246, 252, 275, 277 S/ = kepdria, 59 = Keparia, 59 Y = kepdtia, 275, 277 passim |, = Atrpau, 237, 238 passim & (sc. we) = pépos, 13 ax” = povexwpa, 173, 204 f= &éarat, 227, 228 — = 6Bodoi (not 1 obol), 182-189 passim YO = ovykia, 59 O— = oitus, 248, 252 é// = réumrn (name of tax), 48 by => TEVTAKOTLApOVpwv, 83 a’ = mporepov (?), 101 1) = mporépov (?), 99 = wvpds and cases, 10, 41 and passim +o = Tvpod dpraBy, 122 E> + = zvpoi (dpréBn), 51, 52 A = rdXavtov, 4-6, 9-14, 16, 19, 21, 164, 178, 179, 180, mupov aptan, 122 183 si = taXavtov, 93, 100 §/ = rddavrov, 237-240 passim L = ro(vrwy ?), 223 KL = irép, 246, 247, 249, 253, 274-277 T = trép THS, 277 x*) or Me = xalpe, 285 x = xepirrys (?), 63-66 RP = xepdypador, 272 t obol, 69 == == 2 obols, 3, 44—48, 53, 55, 92, Che [ = 3 obols, 35, 47, 48, 55, 67, 92, 93, ele. F = 4 obols, 3, 35, 44-46, [48], 55, 92, 93, eve. F = 5 obols, 35, 48, 94, eve. x' = 1 chalcus, 53 1 obol, 93-95, 102, 104 x" = 1 chalcus, 93, 94 Ill, NE aie X~ = 1 chalcus(?), 193 X° = 2 chalci, 35, 47, 48, 55, 93) 94, ele. XY = 3 chalci, 93, 192 o/ = 4 chalci, 35, 48, 92, 93, 102, ek, o/x" = 5 chalci (4+1), 53 o/x° = 6 chalci (4+ 2), 47, 48, 55 (_— = % artaba (-land), 74 d- = 3 artaba (-land), 71-76 a —~ = 1 artaba (-land), 71-76 8 — = 2 artabas (-land), 74 p’ kal v’ or p kat y= 1 per cent. and 2 per cent. (duty), 36-38 2=% 3 d or d/ E& L=%, 9, 13, 14 +, 6, 7, 12; 51, 72; 89; 90, etc. = 4, 246 (oe LOmEE C=h3 ( or & = §, 52, 53, 58, 63, 71-87, etc. =}, 264 B = 3, 89, 90 o) = 3,53 d = 3, 59, 71-86 passim, etc. Y or G= 909, 61, 63, 64, etc. TP = 900, 48, 64, 68, 83, efc. fi = 10,000, 89 (| = 10,000, 196, 237, 238 passim fifi = 100,000,000, 238 passim L = minus, 104, 239 ye = total (yiverat), 4, 5, 14, 33, ele. - = total (yiverar), 49, 50, 52, 53, 63-67, 200, 201 F = total (yiverac), 182 — = total (yiverar), 63 ff = total (yiverar), 91 L_, see note on Pap. 604 B, |. 33 (p. 78) =, sign of the end of a section (?), 146, 147 K = éxardvrapyos, 27, 259 (75) XHY, uncertain, 250 346 INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS (6) ABBREVIATIONS. (Zhe most obvious abbreviations, consisting only of the omission of a few letters at the end of a word, are not included. In the case of abbreviations occurring more than once, where the nominative ts given, it ts to be understood that the abbreviation applies also to the oblique cases.) A~ = ‘AyaGos, 65 A) =’Arpudrov, 112-114 passim Q) = ard (?), 192 a* = dpyvpiov(?), 63, 64 A’ = AipyAus, 53, 118, ete. + = aireviavtol, 93-103 passim a a, a~ or a/ = airds, 65, 77, 85, 86, 87, 182, 183, 189, I9I, 193, 196, 198, 223 a, uncertain, 53 a/, uncertain (= airds repeated (?)), 262 ay® = dyopas(?), 152 ay p) = aypadov, 157 a® = ddeddis, 9, 12 adpox, uncertain, 107 (see Addenda) aw = ai mpoxe(pevar, 48, 65 au” = al zpoxeipevar, 68 aup = aipdvra, 149 avp®, doubtful, 185 aKko* = dxoXovbus, 106, 189 (?) ak" p = axupos, 9 a® or ad’ = dAXos, 151, 186, 187, 223 AheEavdpou B = ’AdcEavdpov “AdeEdvdpov, 217, 218 ade? = dAdo €id@v, 54 apo” = dpurorirpos (?), 186 app? = dudorépwr, 72-87 passim apo? = apdodapxov, 81 av’, uncertain, 74 av” = avvovov, 249 ava) = dvaypadpopevos, 118 avayp) = dvaypapopevos, 115, 116, 119, 120, 127, 143, 149, 174, 175 ava* or avah/ = avadAwpa, 103, 104, 248 De avopav, 183, 184 avyn* = avnKovTwv, 151 avn — avnrwbn, 1990 avO— or av’ = av@ of, 97, 100 av® = av dv, 178 avTiyp™ = avtiypapevs, II avt* = dvrdyrHs, 183 passim am’ = dobdos, 244 9 amrodopevn, 13 = d7opwv, 55 amroy = aro yupvaciov, 30-32 ATOYP) = aroypahopa, 118 (plur.), 119 aTOO0X = arodoxeiov, 190 apt = dpdxov, 179 apy or ap’ = dpyupikdv, 54, 57, 114, 115 apy or ap’ = dpyupiov, [69], 91 and passim ap? = dpiOpnors, 45-47, 58 aptaB, doubtful, 80 aon = donpos, 141 av = avdjs, 28 apn* = apArig, 64 ax = ax’pwv, 190 arp, uncertain, 83 Bt, doubtful (a tax), 64-68, pass’m pt = Baoirixns (yjs), 71-76 Ba* = BaXaveiov, 190 BeB% = BeBairpra, 13 BeBps = BeBpéxOau, 71 BuB* = BiBrdvodpviAa&i, 118 Bon* = Bonddrais, 184, 185 Bov? = BovoAsxod (?), 61 Bij Bpeov.ov, 239 Bo = Bopav, 35 vy’, VY) or y = ylverar, 59, 258, 261 Y = yovaios, 72, 74 VE = yle)iverat, 183 Yel, Yel) oF yer = y(«)iverar and parts, 48, 93, 192, 236 (?) YELT = yerrviats, 110 yer" = yevnparov, 51, 52 ev? or YEvo = yevopevov, 83, 192 YEP = yépdwos, 166, 167 yep? = yépdios, 162 y/= yejurvias, 151; [153] VV y/ or yt = ylverar, 34, 90, 235, 245-250 passim, HE INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS Yu = yiverat, 270-272 yuno! = yvnciwv, 62-65, 68 yv® = yvooews OF yrworhpos, 277 ° = yovari, 141 yo = yovewy, 30 YO = ovyxia, 59 you = ylvovra of wavtes(?), 223 y? Or YP) = ypdppa, 58, 59, 158-163, 166, 230 y? or YP) = ypappareds, 3, 47, 118-121, 133, ev. YP) = yvpaby, 27 YP) = ypdipas, 162 yU = yrpvacrapyjcavre(?), 203 YU = yrpvaciou, 127 6/ = dynpociwv, 249 o/ = did, 245, 248, 249, 252 5*, uncertain, 68 dat = daddApara (?), 187 daé or Oak’ = Sdxrvdos, 145, 222-223 passim d/ypad (?) = diaypadpay, 275 EKA) = Sexdrpwros, 53 Se*, uncertain, 196 Oe €/ = SeEid, 175 deo) = deordrov (?), 251 57 = Spdodvrat, 1 3 87 or 87 = Syudows, 51, [52], 106, 139 dn = dyAovpevov, QI dnt = Onpdctov, 91 ) = diddpevar, 192 Ot = dud (?), 89 c= dieypaier, 33 dv) = durdav, 55 Oud = Sua Aoywv (?), 102 diay) = diaypadyy, 148 Sway p/ = diaypadi}, 151, 153 duey = deypaev, 35 dueyp) = diéypaev, 32 dte* = dreAnArvdbros, 60, 124 du” = dipvé, 59, 186 (see Addenda) 0X = doxuxd (uérpw), 53, 91, 139 Spay = dpayparnyias, 89 dp = dpupod, 60 i dua Tod, 275 87/ = ba Tov, 277 passim € = éXalov, 44-46 f= eEdywr, 43 e) = eri, 44-46 €) = érpepirpod, 58 (see Addenda) €f = éritipor, 9 EY) = eypaipa, 230, 231 €EYK” = eyxixduov, 11 eyKu" = éyixduov, 152 €YP) = &ypaa, [143], 234 eyp/ = eypadn, 246 eot = édados, 17 €O7* = yddbOn, 91 el) = eidévat, 175 ev = cldos, 149 ev? = cidds, 162, 230, 231 evdos’, uncertain, 91 Elpy = «lpyacrat, 59, 60 elo’, uncertain, 239 e* = éxdodpiov, 180 EKKEX) = Exkexwpnxeval, 263 eke? = éxddpwoy, 89, 90, 180 é* = éddoour, 18, 83 ev = éyxrjcewy, 118 EVY Pp) = yyparrov, 157 e€ or €€/ = eédyov, 37, 41-43 efay” = eaywyav, 189 e€e* = eéeviartiy, [94], 95, 99-103 e€n? = eéqyyrevoarti, 103 e&/ PH = dpyvov, 202, 204 €7 aU" = ém atrois kXypovdpmows, 149 emi B° = eriBorjs, 67 ET Lo’ = éridos, 253 eTLKp’ = émuxpibévtwy, 29 ETT lue® = éripeAnrais (?), 188 emlop* = ériopxovon, 117 emia’ = érirkery, 188 emo” = émioxevnyv, 186, 187 €TLO™ = erioxeis, QI €TLO” = EriorariKov, 35 em’ = émt Tovs, 149 Epy = epydrns, 193-204 passim exye, uncertain, 114 eTe* = éréXecay, 188 evo/, uncertain, 263 ev? = cidvpw, 104, 136 EVOT) = etorabpua, 262, 263 evo) = eotabua, 246 ex = éxfects, 93, 94, 102 C/ = Levypatixdy, 63-68 % = “Ledyos (?), 239, 240 Cevy’ = levypatixdy, 63-68 n= Kal, 68 NAOKO) = HAroxdrov, 187 Yy2 347 348 INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS NK’ or NL = jpepas, [193], 194, 196, 197, 200, 204, 205 HPT, uncertain, 182 n = Hretpov, 12, 14 Bavp, = Oavpaciotnta, 264 Bavpa, = Gavpaciv, 249 Ono = Inoarpdr, 150 8% or O = beot, 273-275 u/ = idwrixd, 246 // = ibwrixd Cvyd, 250 L= = ivducriwvos, 249 U/ = Wdiriwvos, 269 La’ = (c)icdywv, 43 LO~ = (c)idvias, 234 eo = iStwrixys, 71 L6/ = erika, 245 1°/ = ivduxriwvos, 248, 252 LOL” = iSwetixis, 105 iS = tepas (?), 72 ei = iepas ys (?), 71 ww or w/ = ivdictiwvos, 249, 274, 275 wd”, wd* or wO/ = iwdixriwvos, 227, 238, 245, ele. wvd°/ = ivéuxtiwvos (o as sign of gen.), 266, 267 lo = (cjicayor, 212 Loa = (jicdywv, 212 K) = kal, 44, and passim = kavov, 248 3 keparia, 246, 247, 249, 250, 274, 275 kK’ = xorvAau, 178 kj — Kons, 261, 273 Ka? = xabyKdvtwv, 91 Kal) = Kalas TpoKeTal, 93 Kaln* = xabywow, 187 KaLVvo® = xatvoddpwv (?), 189 Kah’ = Kadovpevn, 223 Kat = xapnAovs, 41-46 Kapnr/ = kapnrirns, 276 Kkata* = xaradoyeiov, 69 Kata = xara pepos, 185, 190 KaTao = Katacropet, 192 (see Addenda) KQaTOX = karox7s, 117 Ke’ = xehevdeivar, [60] Keev = xedrevbeioar, 60 Kep = Kepapua, 212 Kep/ = Kepatia, 245, 246, 249, 268 Kep® = kepapidwv, 185 Ked’ = keharides, 223 Kexp7 = Kexpnpaticpat, 10, 11, etc, Kn» = xnAdvewov, 187 Kur’, uncertain, 186 en Kh/ or KA’ = kAypovopwv, 61, 66-68, 73-87 passim, 249, 258 k* = kipos, 91, 144, 194, 202-205 KN/ = kXipov(?), 274 ke yO, uncertain, 61 KNELOO) = KAciSorro10d, 187 i KAnpwv, 179 K\np/ = KAnpovopwv, 244 KAnpo? = kAnpovomety, 149 K\np° = KAnpovopwv, 73-87 passim k\npp/ = KAnpovopwv, 275 Ky) = KVNLN; 104 kK = xatoukikod, OI Ko* = kdAAqpa, 63-68, 91 ko* = xédXys, 189 KoN* = xodAnudrov (?), 188 Koy = koxia, 183, 186, 187 Kp or Kp/ = xpibijs, 188, 249, 276 Kpa” = kpdrnou, 151 Kp? = kpiOijs, 89 Kp® O= Kpoxoditwv Ildds, 11 KTH = Krnvav, 197, 198 KU = kvapov, 89, 90 KU = kupiw, 242 KUP) = kupetav, 151 Kup = kupia, 277 K® = xopys, [57], 58, 95, 96, 102, 114, 230 KOM’ = Kopapxdv (?), 63 Kapmoyp? = kwpoypappareia (?), 143 Kwp//(?), uncertain, 238 At = Aovxwos, 217 aky’, uncertain, 82 hao = Aaoypadias, 33 hay’ = Adxava, 195, 202 Leyla = Acywvapiows, 237 passim Ant = Ajppa, 190 A = ArBéos, 112-114 passim, 127 \ = Nérpar, 58, 59, 227, 236-237 passim, 240 ou = Aourds, 45-47, 68, 91, 93, 94, 102, 140 AouTroy p) = Aouroypapovpevos, 200 pO = pnves, 252 p= pnvos, 276 M = picOwors, 268 Bs = povor, 274 pays) = paydworopvdraxia(?), 34 (see Addenda), 35 paydo* dv* = paydoroprddxwr, 55 INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS 349 PaKkp® = pakporpocwmos, 136 paKpop = pakporpoawros, LI pap” = paprupd, 162 pS = peyddo, 80 pS = péog, 104, 136 < = peroxwv, 73, 77-84 passim pe® = peXixpws, 104, 136 Ped = pedixpus, 19 ewe” = peperppoOa, 91 Hep’ or pep/= pepwrpds, 53, 249 peX = peroxors, 187 pe” = perpytas, 44-46 PET Or ME” = pérpy, 51, 139 peta* = pera kvpiov, 25 HETPY = peTpriyparos, 90 Ln), pH or 7 = pyves, 63-67, 89, 90, 104, 105, 193, 203 [LH = wnTpos, 54, 100, 195, 197, 201 pn = pajxovs, 222-223 passim yx = pyxavy, 185, 186, 187 pi = puxpol, 221, 223 puro? = pucOdcer, 106 po” = puoburinhs, 83 (?), 148, 151, 153 pv’ = pvat, 236-237 passim pLo/, pe? or 0// = pova, 245, 246, 247 poduB? = podvBdwa, 190 oT? = potdparos, 189 vt = vavBiov, 63-68 = vomicparia, 262, 263 * = vyomiopartia, 262 € = vewtepos, 73 ve? = vedrepov, 51 py”, uncertain, 139 yp? = vopioparia OF vopicpara, 245, 246, 249, 258, 261, 268, 272, 273, 276, 277 passim vow” = vopmurpatia, 246 vou) = vopioparia, 246 € or €/ = Eécrat, 191, 237, 238, 240 Ev* = Evrapajv, 140 Evot~ = Evo, 51 ae ovAp, 104, 136, 141, 145 © = mods, II, 16 o), uncertain, 56 of = éBorol, 32, 33, 182-185 passim, 190 Ol = of péroxol, 51 ou* = oikia, 222, 223 OLKO) = oixovopetv, 149, 151 OLKO) = olkorédwv, 151 o* = 6 kai, 53, 63, 65, 66, 68, 112, 113, 120 od = bdploxwv, 187 o* = ddwy, 188 o\oK’, uncertain, 240 ot = dpoiws, 44-46, 55, 113-114 passim op? = dpotws, 140 op.on/ = dpodoyd, 263 o” = dvos, 44-46 ovn* = dvnAatov, 197 ovo = évoparur, 63, 65 o€/ = dévpuyxirat, 197 ooTpa* = dorpaxivwy, 183, 184 Ov ~ = ovrus, 248, 249 ove’ = overpavds, 67 ou* = ody, 174 ow? = dovior (7. ¢. dywviov), 55 a’, m/ or 1 = apd, 193, 196, 209, 210, 212, [226], 237, 238 passim, etc. a’ = repiArvars (?), 158 JF = mpamdortos (?), 129 Tf = mapa, 246 a} f= rapa, 266 Tay, uncertain, 53 Tan’ = radaoTGv, 222, 223 qavo, uncertain, 73 Tap/ = Tapovcav, 263 Tapay’ = Tapaywv, 45 Tapao’ = mapadelowv, 63-68 passim Tapahe, uncertain, 53 Taper = wrapecxe, 36 Tax’ = raxous, 222-223 passim me = rediv, 192, 193 (?) tev or rev? = revOnpepida, 60 TEPLX® = repixwoparilwv, 193, 194 Tep* = wepxvov(?), 43 meépo-, uncertain (qu. Hepotvyv?), 51 7” = myxvv, 10 TX = miHXewv, 221-223 passim THX or THX = TXT HOD, 66, 67 a = rréiov, 66, 68 awh? = TAWOiw, 159-161, 163, 166 Ilo* = Tddews, 84, 112-114 passim, 118 qro*, uncertain, 53 Top’ = ro(t)méve (?), 274 Topva, uncertain, 75 170" = roripor (?), 185 7707 u* = TotapopvAakia, 55 Tp/ = tpoxerpéry (?), 263 350 INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS Tp/ = mpovontov, 274, 275 Tp = zpos, II ™p, uncertain, 249 7 pa* = TpakTOpwv; 51 TPak" = mpaxtopelav, 114 TPAaKk™ = mpdxtwp, 115 7 p* = mpecBvrepos, 277 TpecB = mpeoBurépov, 85 7 p° = rpoBaroxrnvorpddov (?), 79, 84, 86 Tp = mpovontov, 274 Tp° = tpocperpovpeva, 89, 90 pop = zpoBarurv, 178 mpo® = mpoBodAds, 184 7 poB* = zpoBaria (?), 178 Tpok/ = zpoxeipevat, 63 7 po” = zpoxeimévas, 105 Tpoo or 1po0" = zpocdiaypapdpeva, 33, 55 poo = mpoorarys (?), 177 TpoTavaX = rpocavaxwpilw, 26 Tpoon?) = tpoonypevor, 112 poo Ko* = mpocko\Anow, 189 TpooT), uncertain (qu. rpoorévar ?), 264 77, uncertain, 238 p? or Pp — mpos, 64, 66, 67, 222(?), 239 Pp = zpocdiaypaddpeva (?), 93 pny’, uncertain, 64 00/ = forts 246 pu = prmapds, 34, 55, 56 O) = oreipovres, 193, 194 ao = ctvodoyr (?), 205 (\ = orepparicpod (?), 71 o/ = cipBoda, 93 oa* = caxknyias, 89 oapovy’, uncertain, 222 TE =ceonpeiwpar, 212 oe! = ceBacrijs, 136, 138 oEO) , TEOH, TET", OF TETHM) = ceoypetwpat, 122, 128, 149, I5I, 153 of =ourikéyv, 113 ao’ =orroddyos, 89, 90 ov or o/ = oitov, 267, 271 ov = advpBoror (?), 33 oupp = ovppuxta, 178 ouppx/ = TUPPLAXwV, 252 oupd/, cvpd// or cupd = orpduvi, 249, 250, 276 oTupdy, = ovpdwvodper, 249 ovvavape = ovvavapiOpoupévor (?), 238 ouv® = ovv bed, 246 ouvy® = ov(y)xwvvivrwr (?), 189, 190 om = o7éppara, 89, 90 a7 = orépos, 180 ara? = crass, 30 ota? = crabpotxos, 29 oTp' = otparnyiav, 110 otp* or OTP) = otparnyos, 83, 93, 11, 134 ow = cwdnv, 189 7. = tijs, 138 Taupe = TavpeAdty, 195 TE = TéTaxTa, II TED” = reOvpwpevys, 11 Te" = réxtwv, 188, 197 Te = réXeopa (or -ara), 63, 64 te = réXos, 69, 152(?), 259 Ter® or TeTe® = reréAwvyTat, 14, 37, 39) 40 Tete’ = reredevTyKkOTos, 112 Toe = tHaode THs, 148 Tl = Tyshs, 151, [153] ° = 70d, 89, 90 TOK’ = toKor(?), 239 TOY = rons, III TO” = Tod viod, 83 Tov’ or Tov) = 700 Kal, 72-86 passim, etc. Tov) = 700 adroit (?), 33 Tov" = Tod kal, 68 Tp or TP) = tpdrela, 11, 119, 138, [148], 151, [153] Tp* or TP) = tparelirns, 4, 5, 14, 69 (7), 151, 153, 156 Tp) = tporov, [153] Tpw or TPA) = tparélys, 105, 156 TPQ, = tparelirys, 149 Tpo) or Tpoy = tpdrov, 149, 151 Tpoyxer® = tpoy(e)Alas (?), 187 T” = Tov, 273-275 v), v/ or v/ = trép, 50, 85, 56, 60, 64-67, 162, 230, 234, 236-237 passim ul? = viod(?), 75 v™ = trép, 149 viro* = broxepevaus, 151, [153] uTroN/ = trodoiruv, 263 vToa x! = trocxiLovres, 200 UTOT) = broreraxtalt, 262 vio’ = bro THs, 149 ho or f° = dépos, 35, 51 (?), 56 pot = doivixos, 37 pop’ = ¢ddpov, 67 pops = doperpov, 187, 188 pai”, uncertain (= Ppéara?), 189, 190 INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS 351 po’ = ppovrurrais, 210 Dp° = Ppovpiov, 112-114 passim pu* = dvAakirav, 130 du* = drrdooerIa, 149 X» xX XX or KX) =Xalpew, 50, 121-123, 140 168, 169, [175] x" or X = xaAxod, 4-6, 10-13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 33 x’ = xepor0d (?), 173 x) = xOprov, 192 X%) = xaipe, 285 xe, uncertain, 73 xp/ = x(c)ipi, 238 AY = xrapides, 239 X° = xdes, 102 ° = xdprov (?), 139 xorpod/ = xoupodeAgag (?), 239 Xopr) = xoprorwAov, 188 XP) = xpynparile, 176 XP = xproivors, 235 xp/ or Xp = xpvooi, 247, 249, 258, 263, 268, 273 274, 276 XPH = xenpariler, 103, 167 XP0) = xpovor, 151 xp°” = xpvaod, 246 Xp@ = xpwpévous, 151 X@ = xwpdtwv, 59, 60 Xot = xwoparixod, 55 XO! = xwparoerpednrod (?), 196 XOPaToeTY = xwparoermpmeAnror, 113 Wu, uncertain, 60 Veiut = geulon Gh 34 @ = ds TpoKelTal, 249 ao = Oorep, 102 ws) = ds mpdxertat, 166 Oa, INDEX OF WORDS: [N.B. Words which occur tn the preceding special indices are repeated here, with a cross-reference to the index in which they will be found. | aBBas. See Index 4 aBoXos: kdpnrov aBwdov (sic), 170 * a Bwdos: gakds d., 231 ayalds, 2423 er dya@, 112, 208; én ayafois, 128; dyaoraros (stc), 242 dya\iapa, 285 (?—MS, axada ona) ayarn, 284 ayamrnTos, 242 ayyapevw, 107 (MS, ery.) ayyetov, 269 (MS. ayy) adyyedos (= ‘angel’), 284, 285 avery; 177 dylos, 266, 273-275, 277, 284 aykupa., 164 (MS. ave.) * dyvuoV (?), 185 ayopd, 10, 92; TéA(os?) dyol(pas ?), 152 ayopa—, 61 dyopalo, 11, 14, 19, 119, 162, 212 aYOPavoméew, 110, 132 ayopavop.ta : é. dviwy, 92 ayopavoputov, 106, 137, 138, 189 ayo pavomos. ayopac pos, 105, 161 ayopacrTds, 147, 148 dypados, 157, 159, 163, 166, 172 aypiwatos, 114 aypos, 130, 178, 278 aypopvra€, Sce Index 4 ayw, 135, 217, 250 aywyy, 164, 165, 220, 221, 278-281 aydylov, 105 See Index 4 > , a ro col c s AYOV, 216; a. Tav peydrduv ZeBarrav Tradixav ‘Popatwr, me ee > \ > \ > , a 2173 a. tepos eioeAacrtiKods eis THY OiKOUMEVNY KOWOV tis Acias, 218; tepol a. of peyadror Avrivdeor, 165 352 INDEX OF WORDS Gyavios, 217 GdELa, 129 GSEAGY, 14, 16-21, 32, 137, 161, 163, 175, 244, 2535 265 GOEADOS, 9, II, 12, 16, 17, 19-21, 23, 24, 30, 31, 63, 66, 72, 74, 77, 78, 80, 82, 118-120, 136-138, 145, 147-151, 153, 161, 163, 168(?), 170, 171, 199, 206 (?), 208, 213, 228, 238, 241-244, 253, 264, 265, 272, 274, 282, 283 adndos, 118 ad.uaberos, 118, 116 advatperos, TX, eg, 20, 120, e222 AOLANELTTWS, 104, I15, 116, 280 adiKéw, 126 *adutparns, 211 adodos, 139, [231] adpox( ), 107 GAOUVATOS, 18, 128 aei, 149, 151, 158-160, 164, 167 AELLVITTOS, 206 alyp.os, 149 anp, 258 (MS. aepos gen.) abavaros, 284 abérnots, 157, 159, 163 aOAnTHS, 216, 218 abopdpos. aiyvahtris: ai. yf, 134 See Index 4 aiytahds, 135 aif pov, 145 atOpos, 7, 268 avg, 178 alpew, 104, 108, 129, 136, 143, 147, 149, 151-153, 158, 160-162, 164, 167, 175, 182, 232, 233 (MS. ep.), 261 (MS. epovjor), 267, 268 —apéw, 148 aupo(), 185 alpa, 206 aiaypds, 229 airéw, 107, 112, 217, 284 GITNOLS, III, 145, 156 (MS. er. twice) aitia, 125 QiTLOS, 283 GiBVLOS, 253, 256, 264-266, 269, 279-281 akaipws, 251 akKaKOUpyNTOS, 220 axavOuvos, 186, 187 aKiVOUVOS, 175 GKiVNTOS, 255, 257) 264 *axdnpovopos, 219 (MS, axAnpor.) *axpew (?), 189 *dKOUNGVYTOS, 154 axodovbéw, 148 aKo\ovbos, 111 aKo\ovbws, 106, 119, 121, 137 (MS. once axodd.), 146, 165, 189 (?), 220, 232, 264 AKOVM, 213, 255, 257, 268, 271 *axpubos, 231 GKpov, 265 aKupos, ly HONS USB a0, HA, atc TOR, Lele AKUPWOLS, 157, 159, 163 AKWAUVTOS, 233, 258 (MS. axod.) *@heutotakria (?), 224, note adeimTys, 218 (MS. -urrys) GNELTTTOS, 217, 218 * ai éxTopov (= dXexrpudy ?), 240 GNEKTWP, 240 GNEUPOV, 204, 244 GdynOera, 206, 207, 227 adnOys, 1, 27, 29 *aduovikys, 218 (MS. -verx.) adhayy, 4 a\AATOW, 243, 270 *a\\ndavddoxos, 259, 272 *addnreyyvn, 139, 224, 226, 272 addnhéyyvos, 105 (MS. -ery.), 259, 272 GNAHAOL, 145-147, 182, 158, 160, 161, 164, 232, 233, 253, 250, 265, 270, 271 adNoTE, 134 ANNOTPLOS, 1 addws, 129 adOYas, 213 GAS, 44, 45, 196 GA\oos: KdoreAAov dAcous, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190 Opp.os aAgous, 220 adda, 170 ANWV, 52, 231 ahwvia, 202 Opa, 255 apes, 226 Gpeh€w, 210, 212, 244 GpeAHs (= Suadrjs? Meyer), 284 GpeWMTMS, 134, 224, 225) 227, 229 *dpeonova, (a festival ?), 179 aperws, 211 (MS. apecus) GPETAVOHTWS, 166 *dapipas. See Index 4 INDEX OF WORDS Appa, 266 OpTEeN—, 255 APLTEALKOS, 256, 260, 265, 271, 275, 276 apes, 63-68, 110, 134, 262 GpLTEAGV, 12, 14, 17, 20, 256, 264 aehoupyia, 260 dprehoupyds, 270 arot (ua p0s ?). dpuvyddadwwov (xpapa), 191 appiBarro, 253 appirBytéw, 253 *auhoddpyns. See Index 4 *audhodoypddos. See Index 4 appodor, 25, 26, 30-32, 108, I15, 116, 118=120, 127, 140, 143, 145, 149, 151, 153, 176, 233, 254, 268, 269 duporepos, 25, 26, 28, 72-87 passim, 104, 118, 139, 147-149, 224, 226, 259, 272 avaBatva, 194 avaBacrs, 179 avaBor», 179 avaywaoKw, 81, note, 167 See avarorirpds avayKalw, 213 avayKatos, 125, 126, 129, 148, 207, 268, 272 avaykalws, 227 AVAYKN, 207, 243 avaypapa, 27 20 at, LOS, Ling TlOpe i Lot 20.127 140, 143, 149, 151, 174-176, 233 avayw, 134 dvadéxomat, 265, 280, 283 avadidwpt, 125, 131, 145, 146, 157, 159, 160, 163, 170, 207, 208, 282 aVvalpew, 136, 158, 160 (MS. avepyoba), 161 (do.), 164 (MS. avepyra:), 165 (do.) avakabaipw, 190 avakdlapots, 189 avakanhéw, 1 AVAKOPLLO}, 159 avahapBdve, 219 (MS, avadnures and avadnprOnvac) avahioKkw, 181, 183, 190, 196, 199, 243 AVANWMA, 103, 167, 181, 192, 193, 195-199, 202, 203, 241, 248, 249, 257, 267. Cf avjrwpa AVAPLETPNTLS, 117 avappir Boras (sic), 272 AVAVTLPpHAT@S, 272 (MS, avvaripp.) avaTAUELA, 139 avatravw, 258 avatéw, 207 III. ZZ 353 avam\npwors, 168, 278 ava ous, 206 dvamodotos, 148, 149 *avamdpupos, 142, 171 *avatotio pos (?), 186 (MS, apo") avapapeTws, 166 *dvapaipéw, 161 dvapépw, 118, 120, 137, 195, 197-199, 201, 256, 283 avapopa, 182 *avawnots, 190 aVvOpEay, 233 aveyKképados, 282 avéxdeutTo0s, 105 (MS. avey.) aveuTrodiaTus, 149, 158, 160, 162, 164, 167, 232 GVEVOEDS, 115, 116 *ave€€pxyopat, 210 (MS. avegepxeotw imper.) aveTnpéaaTos: as subst. 7d d., 129 avepXopat, 202-205, 210 (MS. avepxeorw imper.), 242, PUyfeh Prey avev, 161 avexX®, 263 aversids, [166], 167 (MS. -Wewov) aVvnKO, 30, 118, I1g9, 121, 134-136, 151, 158, 161, 164, 166, 267 avyhwpa, 105, 190. Ch dvddAwpa avnp, 13, 26, 31, 116, 117(?), 161, 163, 165, 183, 184, 216, 219, 233, 265, 278-281 avOiornpt, 167 avOpa€, 113 avOpwrros, 200, 206, 244 aVvLEpow: ai dviepwpévar TS peyddw Geo Lwr7pt, 80 avvdvy. See Index 7 avooos, 268 avolyw, 258, 269 GVOLKELOS, 229 dVOLKOOOLEw, I, 258 avoxupos (?), 192 avot—, 87 avTia, 258 avriypadevs. avriypadov, 104, 109, 110, III, I1g—121, 126, 127, 132, 137; 138, 146, 147, 168 avr Oid@pt, 271 avTidoats, 257 GVTLKVHLLOV, 145, 230 GVTUKPU, 233 See Index 4 av7iap Bava, 135, 224 354 INDEX OF WORDS avTidoyla, 270 AVTLTOLEW, 166, 232, 257, 258 (MS. «.) avtipwvew, 207 avT\dw, 183, 278, 279 avTAnTHs, 183, 184 passim *avrdyntikds, 278 avudpos, 261 avuTrepOérws, 143, 154, 175, 177, 230, 231; 234, 235, 268, 271 avuTrodoyos, 175 avw, 1, 18, 20, 22, 63, 110, 138 (MS. avw), 278: advwtépw, 233: avwtdtw, 107 avolev, 91 avwherns, 133 avwdedas, 133 a€vdoyos, 50, 219 a€vos, 216, 229, 263, 270 GELOW, 109, III, 117, 126, 131, 135, 147, 156, 259, 255, 258, 271, 278, 281, 284, 285 (MS. agw6evas for d£w6 , d. SoKy.ov apyvpotapias. See Index 4 apoeia, 260 (MS. apria), 275 apEeL—, 136 ApETK, 133 ApEeaTos : dpytpov Sdxipov a. vopuTevdpevov, 150 apEeTH, 129 aplOunos, 45-47. apiOuntixdv. See Index 7 aprOuds : 173, 201, 202, 204, 253, 256, 258 APLOTEPOS, 13, 14, 22, 25, 104, 141, 145, 157 ad.pioTos: dpurtos “ENAjvor, 218 See also Index 7 —apwTws, 211 ApKEW, 212 * a ppevor, 164 apoo os, 278 (MS. -ceun), 279 d.poupa, 13, 18-21, 7I, 107-109, ¢éc. Index 8 *dpoupia.os, 106 appaBav, 143, 196 APTEVLKOS, 179 See also apony, 170 (MS. apenvov) a.ptaB( i} 72, 80 aptaBeia. See Index 7 apTaBy, 37 and passim, aprt, 213, 283 aptia. *dptomparns, 277 GpTos, 112 GpYatos, 110, 127, 263 apXELor, 1653 Onpocuov a., 233; TO ev AvooroAe a., 16 GPX}, 129, 249, 257, 264, 280 apxiatpos, 283 (MS. apxtiarp.) dpxvypapparevs. See Index 4 *apyiOuKaoTela, 126 dpXLOrKacTns. apxvepevs. See Index 4 apYLepaTevo, 133 apxipuhakirys. apXw, 153, 231 apyYov. See Index 4 See also Index 8 See dpocia See Index 4 See Index 4 ZZ2 355 aOGNEVTOS, 257 aonp.os, 28, 141, 145-1473 TAotov...d., 220 acbévera, 128 acbevéw, 194 LOUVYHTWS, 284 (?—MS. ackeATOos) aoKnpa, 166 dopa, 284 (MS. acpas) Ao LEVvws, 263 domalopat, 207, 209, 213 aomopos, 227 (?) AovLpUTOS, 17 aovVCTATOS, 227 aodadera, 164-{167], 221, 228, 230, 232, 233, 235, 251, 254, 256, 259, 262, 263, 265, 273 ATGLaATOS, 284 ATEKVOS, 118, 166 ATEANS : Tv lepovixdv Kai d., 145, 165 GTOKOS, 10 ATPwTOS, 257 avon for avTHV, 137 avOaiperos, 258 (MS, avéepact.), 280 avbatpéras, 116, 234, 259, 261, 264, 266, 267 avbevTiKos, 229, 254, 256 avy, 1, 28, 30, 118, 119, 121, 136, 137, 146, 151, 153 158-162, 166, 167, 196, 268 avANTHS, 74, 240 avdLov, 269 avpLov, 282 AUTAPKNS, 104, 220 AVTEVLAVTOS, 93-103 passim avtTobev, 105, 232, 258 avToOu, 111, 151-153, 164, 165 AUTOKIVHTOS, 264 avToKpaTopla, 159, 163, 166 avtoKkpatwp. See Index 3 avrov for avTa@v, 258 avTomTns, 284 (MS, avtovrr.) apeTH pov, 189 adnrukia, 27 adnné€, 247, 64, 116, 156, 161, 163, 165 apinp, 112, 129 adtarnpt, 18, 20, 158, 160, 162, 167, 172, 276 apopyn, 149 adopos, 110 APVTTEPEW, 105, 225 GX pelos, 243 ax pl, 69, 226 (MS. axpe.), 272 ax upov, OT; 105, 113, 100, 210, 227, 263 356 INDEX OF *auswvOarvov (= dyw6arov), 240 ais, 186 Ba&dworns, 114 Bafus: Baitepos, 208 Badavetoy, 222: rd év 7G yupvaciy B., 104, 105; Wor B., 190; émt Padravetwy SeBacrov, 217, 218, 219; B. Sevypravov, 182; 75 XapwWyov B., 207 Badavevs, 71, 190 Badavis, 186, 187 Bardo, 182 Baoirela, 260, 264-266, 279-281 Bacirevs, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13; 6 [Koppaynvijs] B., 216; 5 Iévrov (B.), 216. See Index 3 Baowrevo, 6, 8, 10, 12-14, 16-21 Bacrttkds: B. yewpyds, 1303 BaciAcky (yn), 71-76, 78, 83; PB. ypappareds, see Index 4; fvpyn B., 11; xopa B., 9 Bacihtuooa, 6-8, 10, 13. Bacus, 222 Badevs, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 82, 83 BéBavos, 165, 167, 232, 235, 254, 267, 268, 271, 272 BeBa.oa, 136, 140-142, 147, 152, 158, 160, 162, 165, 171 (MS. Befe.), 232, 233, 235, 265 BeBaiws, 258 BeBaiwors, 136, 140 (MS. -Bewor) -142, 146, 147, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164, 171 (MS. BeBe), 233, 238, 257 BeBarwrys, 8, 11, 12, 15-19, 21, 22, 231, 232 *BeBavadrpia, 13 (?), 14 Berrie, 255 * Bevedikid pos. |Bevvyy, 9 Bypa: 76 B. 70 xpucotv tod Bacidéws IroAepatov Geod See Index 3 See Index 4 Evepyérov, 7 ia Bala, 107 Buaiws, 135 ; BiBdtScov, 110, 147, 156 BiBrvoOHKn, 51 (MS. BuArvobyKn) BuBdtiov, 159, 229 * Bi Bro dvra€. Bios, 217, 218, 229, 232 BdaBn, 111, 283 BdaBos, 105, 146, 152, 158, 160, 165, [232] Bran7o, 282, 283 Brrr, 212 See Index 4 WORDS Boda, 284 Borfeva, 135 Bonbéw, 129, 131, 284 BonOds, 129. See also Index 4 Bondarys, 184, 185 (MS. once Boum.) Botkés, 139 *Bopwos, 223, 265 Boppas, 7, 9, 11-14, ee. Boppetos, 159 (MS. Boppu.), 163 *Bouxkedddpios. See Index 4 Bovkoduxov. See Index 7 BovkoXos, 104, 184, 195, 196, 198, 199, 201 Bovdeurris. See Index 4 BovdeutiKy TYXN. See Index 7 Bovreva, 129 Bovdy. See Index 4 Bovropat, 108, 110, 125, 129, 136, [138], 139, 143, 144, 148, 149, 153, 174 242, 250, 255, 258-[260], 267-269, 272 Bovdd for Bovdy, 174 Bows, 140, 168, 192, 193 *BovaTactov, 266 Bpadéws, 167, 261 (MS, Bpadeos), 264, 267 Bpadvs, 243 (?) *BpéBuov, 227 *Bpeovuov, 239 Bpédos, 213 Bpéxo, 71 Bpeors, 139 BuBXiov, 243 Bapos. See Index 7 *yarddpLov, 283 yahnvos, 266 yeutvia, 4, 8) 11, 13, 21, 110, 136, 146, 151, 153 yeltov, 7-9, LI-14, 16-20, éfc. yepila, 209, 210, note yevnpa, 51, 52, 123, 168, 173, 178 YEVVALOS : yevvaioraros, I11, 228, 256 yEvos, 230 *yEoUXEw, 278-281 *veouxXiKos, 278, 281 yeodXos, 140, 150, 192, 227, 235 *yepouakOs : as subst. %) yepdtaxyj, 131 *vépOuos, 131, 162, 166, 196 yewpyéw, 108, 123, 129, 275 yeopyia, 108 (MS. -yevav), 109 (MS. ~yevas), 125, 276 yewpylKos, 129 INDEX OF WORDS 357 yewpylov, 266 yewpyos, 52, 53) 86, 129, 130, 169, 227, 251, 264, 266, 267, 269, 279-283 ; Baotkds y., 130 YN 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 128, 129, 134, 135, 150; i dpdowpos, 278, 2795 ¥9 Buhopos, 133 yi Hrerpos, 4, 5, 12, 14, 16, 18-223 yi ovrofdpos, 9, 14, 16, 18-22; yi oropivy, 256, 264, 266; y. Tov dxdur, 19; yn WAH, I10 yivopat, 34, 59, 83, efc.; yevdpevos, 130, 278, of mapayevdpevos, 206, 207. See also Index 8 ywooke, 213 (MS. ye), 215 (do.), 217 (do.), 242 yduxis : yAvkvraros, 213 yvadevs, 76 yunovos, 244, 284; yvyova, see Index 7 yvopn, 233, 253, 258, 280 yvdpov, 111 yvopila, 216 yvaots, 248, 252, 277 (?—or yrwornp) yvworTnp. See Index 4 yovevs, 30, 32, 118-120, 149, 151, 153, 175, 253) 265 yovu, 141, 157, 171 (?), 174 Ypappa, 121, 137, 140, 143, 146, 150, 152, 157-166, 169 (MS. ypapata), 174 (MS. ypapara), 175, 209, 225-227, 229=231, 234, 235, 252, [254], 255, 257, 271, 282-284; (a weight = gi odykia) 58, 59 ypapparetov, 271 (MS. once ypapatu dat.) ypappareds. See Index 4 YPapparevo, 218, 219 ypappatnpdpos, 251 (MS. ypappaynd.) ypapetov, 92, 171 ypahy, 2425 y. drdpov, 127 ypado, 121, 125, 133, 137, 140, 142, [143], 150, etc. yupvaclapxew, 132, 133, 181, 199 (?), 203 (?) yupvaclapxos. See Index 4 YUPVAT OV, 30-32, 104, 127, 187, 274 YUPVATTHS, 218 yuvaiketos, 161 (MS. -xu.) yuvy, 6-8, 25, 28, 71, 72, 74, 75, 128, 133, 162, 163, 209, 277, 285 (?) daidahpa (?), 187 (MS. da7) Sarwroyu(__) (?), 68 Saveilw, 15, 111, 147, 157, 163 (MS. -woev), 174 (MS, deravika), 262, 272 ddvevov, 149, 157 (MS. dav), 163 (MS, danov) Saverorys, 111 (MS. savor.) OAKTUAOS, 145, 222-223 passim Saravdw, 208 Samdvn, 148, 149, 158-160, 162, 167, 178-180 damdvnya, 146, 152, 158, 160, 165, 177, 232, 258 (MS. raz.) —daccrkos, 125 Sadvivov (xpSpa), 191 Set: déov, 132, 133; Séovra, 147; S€ovt, 109, 143; d€ovcav, 131 *SevypatodpTns. See Index 4 Setva, 207 (? —MS. du/a}) Setrvov, 240 (MS. Surv.) SexaeTHs, 259 Sexdmpwros. See Index 4 *Sexdpoupos, 83 Séxaros, 54, 144, [146], 147, 153, 208, 246, 249, 259, 265, 266 ded(__), 196 dé\ros, 191 déroa€, 191 SeEuds, 13, 17, 104, 136, 141, 142, 170 (MS. re€.), 175, 230 Séopar, 1, 128, 129 d€0s, 257 déppa, 178 deop0s, 188, 192 *Seopodpudakia. dSeoTrdlw, 232 See Index 7 Seo7roTeEta, 2553 7 tuetépa peyadompemis kat GeoptAaktos matpiki) 0. 282; 9 duerepa rarpixy 6., 283 SeomroTys, 128, 227, 230, 231, 234, 235, 242, 244, 250, 251 (?), 253, 256, 264-266, 278-283 SEaTOTLKOS : vopucparia 6., 272 Sedpo, 243, 263 devTEpos, 50, 233, 246, 262, 278; Sevrepos kai cikds, 37 5 Sevrepus Tpiakoords, 165 dexv—, 241 Sdyopat, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16-19, 21, 22, 210, 242, 243, 246, 252, 273, 275, 278, 282, 285 Snow, 45.5) 21, 13, 2%, 48, O17 110, 124) 1265 raze 159, 160, 165, 244, 258, 264 OnpPapxXeKos. Ojos, 161 See Index 4 dnpocos, 145, 149, 226; dvvdva ., 249; 8. dpxetor, 2333; Cvyov 6., 272; 8. Onoaupds, 91, 139, 150; pe- tpov 8., 51, [52]; petpov 8. doxixdv, 139 ; ddeiAqua 6., 146; 8. pvyn, 152, 158, 160, 161, 254, 258; 5. atros, 246, 248, 249; 5. tpamela, III, 119; 5. xpnuatiopos, 166 358 INDEX OF WORDS Snudctos: neut., 7d Sypcowov, 33 (?), 107, 110, 131, 143, 152, 158, 160, 165, 2323; Snpdow, see Index 7 Snpogow, 159 *Snpooiwars, 233 Snvapov, 215, 217, 232 Snore, 125 Siaypagy, 2, 4,5, 11, 119-121, 137, 138, 148, 149, I5I, 153, 156-158, 160, 163, [166]+168, 170, 275 (?) Siaypddw, 32, 34, 35, 50, 54-57, 69, III, 135, 143 didye, 280 diadeyopat, 26, 28, 110 *S.addrys, 228 didPecis, 128, [259] Suaipeois, 233, 256 diatpéw, 9, 233, 234 Siaura, 253 SiaiTaw, 254 Siartéw, 260 SuaiTnT HS, 254 SidKeyrar, 133, 228, 254, 260, 261, 266, 268, 275 duakddAnors, 189 Sudkovos. See Index 4 diakovw, 135 diahapBavea, 129 Sudhvots, 159 ; eptextixyy 8., 265 Siapepila, 242 *SidTrEro pa, 92 dvaTréutra, 44-47, 125 dvatroa TEAN, 133 Sudmpacts, 235 Sudo npos : diacnpotatos, IIo *Staoryp, 164 d.acToNevs. SuacTorAyH, 119, 151, 153, 159, 163, 231, 272 *StaaTOALKOP, 70, 109, 243 (MS. -Aetx.) See Index 4 dudTaypa, 107 Suad€pw, 118, 226, 266, 269, 278-281 diadbeipa, 243 Suahopos, 262, 269 ; duddopor, see Index 7 SudacKadrla: 4 tuerépa OeopiAaxtos 6., 284 OLOwpL1, p1,002,1 106, £13,415, 120, 132,002 0), 209, 212, 224-226, 229, 238, 241-243, 245, 246, 249, 250, 258, 260, 262, 263, 268, 271, 274-276 SBR Oe dieE€pyopat, 232 Suéw, 126, P32 ere9 SiepYopat, 25, 26, 35, 51, 55, 56, 60, 124, 143, 145, 181 SueTHS, 92 SuevOvva, 134 SuevTvxew: duevrdxeu, 111, 229 Supynots, 264 Sunvenys : «is 75 8., 2573 ext 7d 8, 255 ducal, 213 Sikatos : as subst. 7d 8., Sika or ra 8, 1, 107, IIT, II9, 129, 136, 158, 160, 164, 166, 220, 221, 251, 255, 259, 260, 263, 266, 267, 269; dao dixaiov, 256 SuKAOTHPLOV, 257 duxaoTys. See Index 4 diy, 10, 105, 147, 175-177; 230, 231, 253 dukvy (corrupt), 284 duxovoa. dun. See ruy1) dipotpos, 118, 151, 152, 160, 166, 189 810, So ZO & dvoLKew, 158, 160, 162, 164, 167, 210, 232) 233) 255 Siolkynors, 108, 129 Sioporoyéew, 9 d.ud7rep, 250 Suthovs, 105, 146, 152, 188, 160, 165, 232; dua, see Index 7 Simr@pa, 107 *Sumbpyvos, 145 dis, 217, 218 di-o-0s, 149, 159, 166, 221, 231, 232, 256, 265 dioteyos, 158, 161, 162, 233 *Siywpor, 195 passim, 197-199 passim, 201, 202 didpv€, 8, 9, 12, 89, 141, 183, 186 (see Addenda) —doapddduor, 191 SoKéw, 213; eogev, 253, 284 Soxipacia, 242 See tiktw ddKLmos : dpyvpiov 8. dpeorov vopurevdpevov, 150; xXpvods 8. kepadauos, 258 SoKds, 240(? —MS. doxa plur.) ddXos, 263 do€odoyéw, 284 ddots, 252 SodAos, 24, 282, 284 dov€. See Index 4 doxLKs : pLeTpov 8., 52, 53, 91, 150, 246 (MS, doxix.) ; pétpov Snpocwov 6., 139 INDEX OF WORDS 359 Spaypa, 196 Spayparnyta. Sparrw (?), 196, note Spaxpy, 8, 15, 17 and passim, See also Index 8 Spayxpuatos: 8. roo, 157, 176: xphow... 8 175 Spts for Tpets, 174 Spopevs, 218 5pdpos : Kpynvy Spdpov, 182 Spup.ds, 60, 192, 196, 200 Svvapat, 129, 135, 207, 213, 243, 244, 271, 282, 283 (MS. dvuvop.) 5 eav Svvnpor, 206 See Index 47 SvVaps, 272 Svoyepaive, 263, 283 Swdexdpnvos (as subst.), 177 Swo€KarTos, 21, 22, 33, 122, 123, 159, 171, 260, 273- 275 SaKw for TOKOV, 174 dapa, 268 dav for TOV, 105 Swovdexa for OddEKa, 219 Swped, 107, 255, 264 Swpéw, 255, 264 éav for av; ad’ fs éav aipnrar dpas, 104, Gf 105, 115, ELOMLS 3503 0s ics édy with future; éav... éOeAjoovow 129 ; eav-. . eo- TAKTHTEL, 2253 dv TO diKavov Od-KwAVEL, 251 €dw, 243 eBdopos, 25, 32, 263, 264, 266, 267, 274 —éB)yT0s, 167 eyyawos, 9 eyyapevo. *€yypa(?), 19x (MS. evy-) éyypamros, 109 (MS. eyp), 157 (MS. evy.), 159 (MS. evy.), 163 (MS. evy.), 166 (MS. evy:), 172 (MS. evy.), 233 (MS. eyyeyp.), 256, 259, 264 eyypapa, 216 (MS. evy.), 224-227, 231, 255, 257 éyyvaw, 27, 29 (MS. evy.), 116 (MS. evy.), 225, 226, 231, 233, 265, 280 eyyvy, 280 éyyvos, 145 (MS. evy.), 146 (MS. evy:) eyyvs, 283 5 €yyra, 216 (MS. evy.) éyKahéw, 22, 106, 107, 137 (MS. evk.), 150, 157 (MS. evx.), 159 (do.), 163 (do.), 170 (do.), 172, 227 EVKELAL, 263 eyKédevots, 195 (MS. evx.) éyxtnots, 111 (MS. evx.), 116-119 (MSS. evk.) See Index 7 See ayyapevo > 4 eyKuK)Lov. éy\npmrwp. See Index 4 eyxapdcow, 206 eéyyerpila, 224 (MS. eyxip.) -226 €yxehus, 202 (MS. evx.) ESados, 17, 65, 71, I10, III, 139, 141 elouos. See ‘duos evdor(_), 69 eldov. See épdw sy €l00S, 71, 115, 116, 149, 263. See also Index 7 elKas, 166; éyrros Kai eixds, 269; elas EBdopos, 265 ; ” ‘ > 4 évaros kal eixds, 38, 50 > ELKOVLO LOS, 147 are > 19 ELKOTGOPAK LOS, 110 *eiKOOLMEVTAPOUPOL, 79 ELKOOTOS, 137, 156-166 passim; «lxoori) éykukdiov, see Index 7; elxoords mpOtos, 259; eixooros Tpiros, 266; , ‘ > , >» ‘ > / TEUTTOS KAL ELKOTTOS, 20; EKTOS KAL ELKOTTOS, 22 ein, 126 eli: i for ciot, 166; efor (?) for cin, 258 eirov. See AEyw elpnka. See A€yw elpnvapxyns. See Index 4 eicayyedro, 224~226 cirdya, 38, 39 (MS. w.), 41-46 (MS. w-), 91, 92, 190, 212 eloaywyy, 181 (MS. ww) eloaywyos, 190 ELDENATTLKOS : dyov tepds é. cis Tiv oiKovpevyny KowGy Tis *Aaias, 218 elo epYopat, 105 (MS. w.), 106 (do.), rog (do.), 146, 174, 234 (MS. w-.), 257, 260, 266, [270] 271, 283 els (= mparos) kat eixds, 39 *eloxpeuavyvpt, 212 (MS. wr.) *eirodeva, 146 €lg-000S, I17, 11g, 121, 136, 152, 153, 158, 160, 161, 166, 223, 254, 268 Elo OLKEW, I elcopaw, I elo Pepw, 135 elo popa, 227 (MS. aoz.) elTa, 208 ElTE, 283 EKAOTOS, 9, 10, 91, 92, 104-{108], 138 fc. EKATEPOS, 256 *éxatovTapoupos, 83 éxatoorn. See Index 7 exBaddo, 1 (MS. ef.) 360 INDEX OF WORDS exyivomat, 164 €\alow, 179 EKOLO@pL, 164, 228, 230-232, 235 €\ardv, 146, 193, 219 (MS. aA. and edewr) €KOLKla, 229 *ehavwvoTapadeoos, 69 €xOoolmos: as subst, 7d é&, 197, 160, 163 (MS. €L\acadw, 206, 221 (dart) ey5.) ée\doowv, 8, 9, 11, 16,°18, 83, 164, 165, ~ 260 €KEL, 283 (MS. €AAarr.); éddxuoros, 255, 257 EKELVOS, 206 e\avva, 191 EKELTE, 259, 264, 266 EANOytpos : edoyyubratos, 253 exfecis. See éxOecrs EUavTOd, 27-31, 128, 207, 216, 229, 233, 243, 254, EKKQLOEKATOS, 17, 18, 35, 166, 171, 172, 174 (MS. 282 exxat.) *éuBadela, 159 EKKELLAL, 2 euBadrw, 220 EKKANTIA: dyia Tod Oeod & “Eppoutédcws, 273 enacts, 186 (?) 275 €uBatevw, 159 (MS. once everadevoa) EKKpove, 182 euBonry, 220. See also Index 7 Exeubis, 104 euBor.ov, 164 expo Oow, t (MS. éyp.) eunvi for ev pnvi, 174 ex€ for €€, 159, 174 eupeve, 254 ex€yjKovta for €EnKovTa, 168 euds, 1 EKOVOLOS, 233, 258 (MS. oux.), 280 EuTroinas, 162 (MS. evz.) EKOVOLWS, 116, 139, 143, 144, 147 (see Addenda), 153, eurropos, 277 234, 259, 261, [264], 266, 267 eumpooOev, 172, 233 (-be) *EKTAEKO, 244 eudépw, 115 (MS. evd.), 116 (do.), 265 *€KTUPLKOS : as subst. éxrupixa, 134 €poOpiov (for éxp.), 274 *EKTAKTOS, 119-121 eudopos, 13 EKTEAEW, II5, 116, 135, 260 évavrios, 117 EKTWATTO, 193 evaTroypados, 279-281 éxtivw, 105 (MS. exre.), 158 (MS. exreu.), 160, 175 EVAPXOS : é. Bovdevtys, 1535 & eEnyntys, 156; €& mpvrans, (MS. exrev.), 232 (MS. exres.), [254], 258 110 EKTLOLS, 105, [145], 146 (MS. exrew-) *évardyyvos, 219 (MS. -ovy-) *éxtoyyvos, 219 (MS. -ovy-) évatos, 140(?), 1453 evaros Kal eixds, 38, 50 EKTOS, 245 evy—, for words thus beginning see éyy— ExTOS, 136, 137, 139, 151, 193, 233, 248, 250, 272, EVOEKATOS, 122, 123, 146, 259 27553 €krTos Kal elkoOTOs, 22 evdeyopmat, 48 exTn. See Index 7 evoo€os, 216, [264], [265], [270]; evdoédraros, 251, 259, exddptov, 89, 106, 109, 123, 134, [138], 139, 146, 261 (MS. evdoewr.) 150, 180, 272=275 eveyit, 258 (MS. evorw) EKXUCLS, 183, 186, 187 EVEKEV, I, 149 EKYWPEW, I, 263 evexupacia, 133 ExxwpyriKds : ék. dporoyla, 257 (MS. once exxur.), EVEXUPOP, 243, 257, 262, 263 2633 éx. drodoyia Hrou drorayy, 263 EVEXO, 164(?), 190 EKOV, 8, 9, 161 evade, 125 é\divos, 186, 187 EVLAUTOS, 105, 141, 143, 154, 260, 266 eXavov, 36, 37, 41-46 (MS. often eAcov), 92, 93, 102, EvViOTH ML : éveotws, 26, 27, 62 ec. II0, I14, 179, 183, 184, 189, 196, 239 (MS. é€vx—, for words thus beginning see éyx— atr.), 240 (do.) evKedus. See eyyedus €avos, 45, 114 EVVEAKALOEKATOS, [148] *é\atoupyos, 142, 211, 277 évyopiov. See Index 7 INDEX OF WORDS ¥ EVVOLLOS, 258 *€vodos, 112 EVOLKEW, 269 (?) evoiKLoV, 154, 161, 260 (MS. -xet.), 268 (MS. once -xe..), See also Index 7 evo.kos, [26], 27 €VOXY) 278-281 evoxh€w, 129 EVOXANTLS, 129 EVOXOS, DU LLO e225 227) EVOLLOS, 13 *évrayvov, 215, 217, 273, 274 évrav0a, 278-282 EvTEAAW, 126 evTevOev, 161, 164, 165, 167, 220, 224, 232, 233, 263 evTipws, 108 evtwns (corrupt), 284 €VTOKOS, 175, 176, 230, 235 *évroXuKaplos, 231 (?), 232 EVTOTLOS, 222, 223 €VTOS, 7, 9, 126, 136 EVTVYK AVM, 129 *évuTaddaypa, 105 EV@MOTOS, 256 evervov, [132], 133 e&dyo, 37, 39-46 efaywyds, 189 efat—, 145 efaipeTws, 282 eEaxodovdéw, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164 *éfaxropia : d€vypados ris ééaxropias, lvii (Pap. 1105) efaxtwp. See Index 4 e€ahdorpidw, 147 EEdpNVOS, 202, 204 *€Edmrepos, 284 e€aptilw, 164, 259 *eEaptiov, 259 ef€dpa, 145 *efeviavTOS, 94, 95, 99-103 €€€pyopat, 208, 210, 252, 283 efeoTt, 105, 107, 136, 149, 162, 235 e€eraotns. See Index 4 *eEnyntevo, 103, 110 e€nyntys. See Index 4 e&Ns, 147, 159, 165, 224-227, 231, 2590, 256, 258, 265, 272 é€ kat d€kaTos, 278 efodialw, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166 III. 361 €£0S0s, 117, 119, 121, 136, 152, 153, 158, 160, 16r, 166, 223, 254, 268 éfovoria, 148, 215, 216, 232, 233, 257 *é&mehhevtys. See Index 4 e€uTnpeTew, 229 €£w, 112, 143 €opTH : € Oivews, 268 eTrayw, 204(?); érayopevar Hpepar, see Index 6 éraKkodovbew, 3, 105, 121, 122, 137, 149, 15% eravayKalo, 1 ETAVAYKES, 235 ETAaVATpEXW, 254 eTAavepXOMal, 125, 126 érravthew, 71 (MS. exerr—) érdvw, 159, 160, 165 (MS. -vov), 178-180 (MS. -wx), 223, 258 *érapovpuov. See Index 7 ETApXOS. See Index 4 ETAUALS, 24 émrel, 129, 131, 134 (MSS. em twice), 212 (do.), 229 erro, 148, 149, 253 ér€£000s, 131 erepXomat, 1, 9, 146, 147, 149, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164-167, 172, 209, 229, 232, 235; 258 eTEepwTaw, IIgs, 116, 151-153, [175-177, 221, 225, 227-231, [234,] 235, 254, 255, 258, 267, 268, 271, 278-281 e€méretos, 109 (MS. -ru) emnpedlo, 129, 131 emnpeva, 206 (MS. -pia), 207 (do.) emnaKnyevat. See aréxw i: reredevryxev eri jpiv ... KAypovopos, 118, Cf 30, 149, 71 e7iBaddo, 9, 12, 14, 20, 189, 233, 267 e7iBacts, 93 ériBeBaidw, 111 (MS, er BeBucartwr). émuBody. See Index 7 emBovrevw, 129 emuyovn : Mlépons ris &, 9, T4-16, 19, 104, 145 ; Tlepo(e)ivn ris €., 136 emrypapy, 146 emypada, 110, 156, 157, 162 é7to—, 148 > . e7Ll. erLOELKVUPLL, 128 errideréts, 166 (MS. -déew), 167 (MS. once ered.) eridects, 185 eTdexomat, 216 erLonpla, 240 362 INDEX OF WORDS > a ETLOLOWIAL, 25, 28, 32, 47, I10, III, I1g-¥2I, 128, 135, 143, 156, 225-227, 229, 250, 251, 253, 283 ETLELKELA : 7 €. TOV, 229 > , emilnréw, 115, 116, 227 e7riPena, 139 émOupéw, 207, note *erixadeta, 186, 187 > , €TLKANEwW, 14, 16-21 ETLKAPTLA, 255 emixépdeta, 272 (MS. -8..) ETLKOTTW, 194, 200, 203, note, 204 emixpive, 27 (?), 29 erikpiots, 28 ETLKTQOMGL, 105 > 4 eriavOave, 212 emtAelL—, 211 > , ETLAVOLS, 272 éxipéheva, [132], 227, 260 (MS. -Au) €rpeAnTys, 188 (?). See also Index 4 CTLpLEVM, 125, 207, 282 eTisepilw, 134 eT LLEpLo LOS. erive“nors, 263, 270, 278 €TLOPKEW, ITT erimuppos, 17 Ss , > rd , ETLON[LOS : & Kehadaioy vopiopa, 174 ETLOKETTNS; 179 ETLOKETTOMAL, I See Index 7 eTirKEevy, 186-188 emir Kevalw, 196 ériokess, gI émuomam, [147] (see Addenda), 161 eTLOTAAMA, 237 ériotapat, 174, 282 See Index 7 See Index 4 See Index 7 émiaTareta. eTLOTATNS. ETLOTATLKOY lepéwr, éemioTEAAW, 117 éruorodn, 111 (MS. eraor.), 125, 207, 253 eriavvayo, 263, [264] eT iTEAEW, 105, 136, 158, 160, 162, 164, 167, 216, 232 ETLTNHOELOS, 115 (MS. emd.), 224-226, 234 (MS, emdy- Sov), 278 (MS, -d:.); as subst. Ta emiTnoeta, T12 eTLTNPYTHS: * exit wor, 9, 146 (MS. excrey.), 152 (MS. ETUTEL pL) emiTpéTo, 156, 208, 213 See Index 4 €miTpoTry, 124 em iTpo7os, 195, 197, 198, 201, 203. See also Index 4 * muy peta, 220 eTLXWpEw, 108 eridavys : émpavéoratos, 111, 116 emup€pw, 119-121, 150, 157, 172, 258 (MS. eecpop.) érolKuov, 23, 224, 225, 270 (MS, -xeu), 271, 279-281, 283 (MS. -xeu.) ETOMVULL, 227, 280 EMTAKALOEKATOS, 35, 260, 264 epyaloman, 59, 60, 183-185 epyacia, 108, 260 €pyaoTHpiov, 207 Epyatys, 25, 164, 193-204 passim, 208: ( = ‘ wind- lass’), 278, 281 €pyartiKds, 203 epyodorns, 183, 184 Epyov, 49, 188, 189, 202-205 *épedEvdov, 190 *€onpopvhaxta.. * PB EPLKLOV, 219 See Index 7 EpLoV, 50, 209 y EPXOpat, 48, 160, 202-205, 208, 213, 258 €pa@. See déyw EpwaTaw, 154 *eoyed( > ), II4 €ow, 196 (?), 197(?), 258 ¥ éeowlev, 269 ETEPOS, I, 9, 41, 112, ele. eTL, 27, 92, 105, ele. erounalw, 112 e , ETOLMOMS, 257, 261, 270, 276 €TOS, passim: gen. revs, 174 evapeoTos, 271, 278 evyevys : evyeveotaros, 267, 272 EVYV@LOVEW, 250 > 4 > td evoey for ovdev, 137 EVOOKEW, 120, 121, 136, 137, 156, 160, 162, 166, 167, 233 > , evooKnats, 120 > , EVOOKYLOS, 246 evepyeria, 131 evepyerns, 266, 280, 281 > , evbevia, 228 evOéws, 206, 207, 244, 278, 284 evOupéw, 244 » evOuva, 229 * Wiad ev0upwy, 7, 9, 11-20, 22, 104, 136 evOus, 271 edKAES, 280, 281 ; cdxAcégtaros, 283 INDEX OF WORDS evraBys : eidaBeoratos, 254, 264, 283 evdoyos, 241 evpeyeOns, 19 EvpLopHpos, 244 evvola, 216 Evirolla, 244 EVTOPEW, 235 EVTTOPOS, 115, 224-226 EVTPOAlpETOS, 244 *edruypew, 244 eUpioKw, 192, 207, 270 evoéBea, 216 evoeBns. evoTabos, 229, 246, 252, 262, 263 See Index 3; etaeBeotartos, 279-281 EVoTOLOS, 206 (? —MS. -evTOp.a) EVTX HOV, 173, 189 EVTENNS : ev’teAeaTaTos, 259 EUTUXEW, I, 128, 131 EUTUXNS, 234, 260. 159, 163, 166 EUTUX@S, 230 evdnpia, 242 evXaploTia, 216 See also Index 3; etruxéoratos, evyapioTos, 243. As title, 7 *evyetov, 183 EVXOMAL, 125, 208-210, 213, 243, 244 epanto, 128 (? MS, eparrnoet) epehkw, 130 epeoTiov, 125 *ebOvos (= ép60s), 220 (MS. er.) epiorynpt, 187 €fdd.ov, 107, 196 épodos, 9, 152, 165 epopaw, 251 ex Jeans, 93, 94, 102, 238 EXo, 22, 30-31, 45, ef. * épétvos (?), 187 ewepa, 212 Ews, 44-46, 60, 178, 181-185 passim, 188-190, 194, 202-205 Caw, 131, 260 Cevynharns, 194 Lebyos, 168, 239 (?), 249 () CeuKTy pov, 185, 186 *Cevypaticd. See Index 7 Cypta, 241 (ntéw, 68 363 tnrnous, 283 Cuyor, 1643 ¢- dypoovov ris ‘Eppovrorav, 2725 & ‘Ep- povrodews, 268, 276; iSuwrixov £., 245, 246, 250 (MS. t// = fvyov idurixdv ?); £. ris Kopys, 264 *Cvyotpaxnd(ov ?), 186, 187 *Cyromd\uov, 182 (MS. -eov) Con, 149, 161, 254, 255, 284 Cov, 267, 284 Cworrotds, 266 7» for oi, 284 nyepaev. See Index 4 « 4 € , Hyeopat, 132, 133, 216: wyoupevot, see Index 4 deus, 2163 novoTa, 207 On, 207 NK, 213 HAoKOTOS, 187 Aros, 187 c / NMEPG, 104, 105, 136, 151, eh. Hpepevdo, 183 HuEpHnovos, 182, 184, 185 HEpnTlws, 220 HpEpwvos, 185 NETEPOS, 226, 229 HpiKdd.ov, 239, 240 HpLOdLos, 10 Hplovos, 41 id NMLTVS, Q-II, 13, 20, 21, 59, ete. See also Index 8 Hprodaiprov, 223 (MS. -odep.) nprwBédwov, 37 nen yares nvika, 163, 216 HTATLOY, 240 oa a NTELPOS, 713; ¥0 N7-, 4; 55 12, 14, 16, 18-22 HANTHS, 197 A2 HTroKimev for DroKEpevnv, 137 Hoa for 7s, 207 g ‘ noen(?), 202, 204, 205 Hovx7, 13 (MS. -x7) Hovxia, 280 Hooov : Kat pnOev Hooov peverw Kupia, 9, Sf. Tha 292 TOL, 94, 98, 149, 255, 263, 266, 280 Pappéw, 242 Oavpalw, 216, 282 Pavpacros, 246, 249, 253 Oavpacrorns, 252, [262], 264 364 INDEX OF WORDS Gea, 7, 13 Betos: 5 6. dpxos, 115, 116, 225, 228, 229 (MS. Mov); 5 6. cai ceBaopuos Spxos, 227, 280; % 8. kal oiparios TUxn TOD Ta TavTa wKaYTOS SearoTOU HmaoV, 2535 % 6. mpovoia, 2433 Oewraros, 260, 264-266, 279- 281 Bédw, 129, 207, 210, 213, 243, 252, 282 Benéduos, 258 (MS. Onp.) Devia (sc. edbevia), 228 Beodoxn. See BeordKos Qeds, 6-8, 10, 12-14, 16-21, 111, 165, 171, 472, 207, 213, 244, 246, 282; ov bed, 257, 266, [270], 2713 9% ayia Tov O. éxxAnoia Eppourodews, 273-275 5 6. péyrros, 163; 6 péyas Oeds Swrip, 80; 6 ravTo- Kpatwp 8., 253; ovvvao 6. peyirtor, 163 GeooeBys: BcoreBéoratos, 242 Beoarepys, 266 Geordkos, 285 (MS. beo80x7 voc.) Geoptaxros, 282, 284 Bepwvos, 141 Oéppos, 212, 230 Onra0lo, 213 Onyx (as part of an oar), 164 Ondus, 42, 142 Onpéduos. See Gepédros Onpiov, 55 Onoavpés, 172 (MS. Oyoap.), 188; Sypooros 6., 91, 139, 150 *@noKtov (= Onxiov?), 262, 263 *@ipwoupos (?), 201 —AOivivos (qu. Ovivos or Opvives?), 191 Opi, 13, 232 *@pvoxotia, 179 Ovyarnp, 7, 9, 28, 132, 133, 213, 216, 229, 232, 259, 264, 265 Ovyarpioods, 147 Ovpa, 146, 196, 233, 254, 260, 268 *OupaBdbpa, 164 Ovpiov, 187 Oupis : KUpia hata Oupidwv, 146 *Aupoupds (= Gupwpds?), 71 Ovpde, 11 iarpos, TR BANOS 0L5 2,92 43,0255 *iBuoBooKot, See Index 4 tovos, 48, 105, 109 (?), 135, eée.; as subst. 7a ida, 134; i. Adyos, 124 idwdyeLpos, 262, 263 idl(wpa, 143 iSuwriKds, 84, 107, 110, 111, 136, 1493 iwriKy (7), 713; Wworixov vyov, 245, 246, 250 (MS. t// = lvyov i.?); wrixy tparela, 105, 137, 168 idov. See dpdw iepdopar, 218, 219 i€peva, See Index 4 Lepetov, 191 tepevs. See Index 4 lepiooa. Lepov, 22, 2063 t ‘Eppod xat “Adpodirns Kat "Appwvos See Index 4 kal Tov ouvvdwv Gedy peyiotwr “Avtwoovrdrews, 163 iepovixys : Tov i. Kat dreAGv 145 (MS. -verx.), 165 iepds, III; . dydves of peydAor Avtiwoe, 165; dyov i. eiochacrixds, 218 ; tepa (vq), 71, 853 & Evotixy - - oVvob0s, 215, 2183 lepwratos, 220 *Kiepovm@dos. See Index 4 ikavos, 243 (?) tapos, 244 ihag pds, 284 (MS. «ad.) imatile, 149 latipes, 179 —pibvos, 191 iva with indicative: tva BonBotow(?). .. dda... évrevéovtat, 129 *iVOuKTiov, 227, 228, 231, 234, 238, 245-267, 270-276, 278-281 imma pov, 283 UTTOKOLOS, 283 immoto€orns. * See Index 4 lovKLomo@ANS, 277 iodvomos, See Index 7 0S, 43, 152, 158, 160-162, 165, [232]; as subst. 7d icor, 30-32, 118-121, 126, 132, 229; éé loov, 108 iodTipos, 284 (?—MS. eworimov) LOTHLL, 162, 221-223, 241 (?) LoTOpew, 206 ioTos, 164 iaxvs, 272 ix Ova, 92 ixOvoraddns, 277 ix Ovs, 114 ixvedvpov, 125 yy 3 ixvos : i. épnuodurakias, see Index 7 Kaos, 164, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189 Kabdmep, 10, 105, 136, 147, 175-177, 230, 231 Kabapila, 231 INDEX OF WORDS 365 KaBapos, 112, 117, 146, 150, 220, 231, 248, 249, KATAKELLAL, 233 267, 27% KaTadelrw, 93, 149, 166, 167, 178, 179, 207 KaBapots, 81. See also Index 7 *xatahoyeloy, 61, 69, 111 (MS. -Aayov), 132, 133, KaOnkw, 2. OI LION 0320133 137s Lode Lo ezee 159 KabyAwors, 187 KaTadoxLapous, 6 mpds. See Index 4 Kabidptw, 256 KaTapev, 283 KaBiornpt, 105, 129, 139 (?), 192 (?) katavayKalw, 250 Ka0000s, 268 (MS. kar.) *xdtavopa (= kar’ dvdpa), 71 KaQoduKds. See Index 4 KaTa&.ow, 251 KaQoXdov, 163 Karamhéw, 207, 213 Kabor, 137, 168 KATATOVEW, 204 Kalas, 45, 47, 105, el. *xatampaktopeva (?), 47 (but see Addenda) *kaivo0(opos ?), 189 *xatampomive, 1 KQLVOS, 92, 187, 196, 278 *xatapOia, 164, 165 (-Gea) KaLpOs, 109, 115, 116, 143, 206, 257, 258, 270, Kataotreipw, 134 (MS. -oz~p-) 2471 KaTaoTopa, 91 KQKOS: év Kakots, 241 KaTaomopevs, 91, 192 (see Addenda) KaKoupyia, 220 KATACTAOLS, 229, 280 KaAapapLov, 262, 263 Katatagow, 218 Kahapn, 202 Kataxwpilw, 28, 127, 243 Kadavoat. See Index 6 KaTevo— (?), 208 KaAdeéw, [9], 12, 17, 131, 222, 223, 233, 234, 258, 270, Katepyalopat, 208 241, 275, 278, [279] | Karepyacia, 83 KaAXalvos, 42 KATEPXOMAL, 210, 212 KANOS, 210, 267, 270; KaAXoros, 270, 271 (MS. KaTeXo, 1rd, 283 Kadurr.) * KELTOLKLKOS 2 eAauy K., 1463 KARpos K., gt, 148 KONOS, 152, 233, 258, 283 KGTOLKOS, 80, 147 KApPGpa, 233, 259, 260, 267 KATOXH, 117 Kapyd(irns), 276 KGTW, 116, 143, 144 Kapnd0os, 37-39, 41-46, 142, 170, 173 (MS. twice | *Kara@tvos, 164, 165 (MS. xaroé.) Kap.tA.) Kavklov, 263 Kdpvos, 233, 259 (MS. xaywn) KAVA, 104, 105 Kavnpopos. See Index 4 Kavols, 105, 183, 184, 190 Kavovika. See Index 7 Kedpia, 178 Kkavov. See Index 7 KElal, 222, 260 KATIA, 142 KENEVOTHS, 232 Kappos, 234, 257, 261, 266-268, 271-275, 278 KENEV, 30, 31, 60, TIO, III, 128, 129, 135, 278, 281, KapTavns, 277. See also Index 4 282 Kaos, 189 *xéd\Xa, 146, 233 *KaoTENAOY, 181, 183, 184, 188 ; x. “AXcovs, 183, 184, *KevTnVvapvoy, 234 (MS. xevd.) 187, 190; x. TeX€oous, 185, 187-189 KEVOS, 133 kataBadhw, 255, 263 Kepapetov, 259 (MS. -u.) *xataBdaBos, 258 KEPapKOS, 42 KataBody, 106, 108, 235 KEPApLLov, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46, 92, 212, 220 KaTdya.os, 198, 160, 161, 233, 267 Kepapis, 185 *xatayevotpis, 164 (MS. once -yevorpw), 165 Képas, 164 KaTAypahw, 145, 232, 258 KEPATLOV, 59, 245-247, 249, 250, 261, 268, 270-277. Katabeots, 143, 234, 267 See also Index 8 366 INDEX OF WORDS KE€ppa, 210 Kepaatos : épytpiov-x., 144, 146, 157, 139, 171, 1753 exionpov K. vouiorpa, 174 (MS. ward.) ; x. xpvods, 272, 2753 xpuods Soxyos k., 258; Kedddavoy, 7d, 48, 146, 166, 176, 230, 257; xedddAaa, 253, 265 KedaNis, 222-223 passim KNOEVH, 149 Knd@veELov, 183, 186, 187 KNTOS, 172 Knpos, 106 Ky pvypLa, 285 (?—MS. xvpexpa) KiBapiov, 112 KIKL, 92 KUNLKLOV, 164 KWOUVEVO, 251 KivOvvos, 115, 116, 173, 224, 226, 227, 235, [265], 271 KUUNTOS, 257, 264 Kurn(), 186 Kalo, 244 (MS. xAewr) k\aorTos, 20 Ke(_), 61 KA€L—, 200 K\eLdo7r0L0s, 187 K\ELVOS, 222, 223 KXels, 189 KANPOVOMEW, 129, 149 KAnpovop.ia, 118, 119, 258 KANPOVO}LOS, 30, 52, 66-68, 73-87 passim, 118, 160, 166, 171, 227, 235, 247, 249, 253, 257, 275, 280, 281 KANPOS, 30, 31, 61, 109, 110, 115, 123, 143, 144, 179, 194-196, 200, 202=205, 274(?); xk, Karo.xixds, QI, 148 KAYLAKLOV, 164 KNtpa€, 1 (MS, xrew.), 185 (do,) KYyn—, 186 KYHLN, 104 *«viOov, 271 *xoBahio ps, 192 Kouaw, 244 (MS. xvp.) KOWOS, 148, 149, 161, 235, 253, 2583 Kowa THs "Acias, 218 KOLV@VIA, 259, 268 KOLVWVOS, 162 KOLV@S, I61, 162 KoiTy, 139 KOLT@V, 267 Koa, 189 KOAANMA, 63-68, gt, 111, 188 (?) KoAANTHS, 188 KohANTLKOS, 188 KOLNS. Kopil@, 125, 263, 264 KOppa, 185, 186, 222 KOMLBOS (? ; = koppu?), 189 *KOMMPOMLTT OV, 253, 254 KOVTOS, 164 KOT, 139, 195 KOTr0S (?), 224-226 *kOmTpov, 179 KOMTW, 196 KOOKLVEVW, 231, 267, 271 KOO LapLov, 161 koopyTys. See Index 4 KOO HOS, 242, 285 KOTUAN, 93, 102, 178, 212, 240 KOU@os, 252; as subst., oda, 271 KOXALAPLOV, 263 Kox\las, 183, 186, 187 Kpatéw, 1, 158, 160, 261, 164; 167, 222, 232,233 KPaTNOLS, 151~153 KPGTLOTOS, 110, 127, 134 Kp€as, 112, 237, 238, 240 Kpyvy, 181, 188, 190; xk. dpopov, 182; Kk. KXeo- See Index 4 matp(e)iov, 182; x. Maxedovwy, 182 KptOy, 89, 113, 129, 138, 139, 188, 239, 249, 276 KptKos, 164, 187 Kplv@, 133, 207 Kplous, 254, 270 KPlTHpLov, 132 KpOpLvov, 212 Kpovvos, 189 KTAOpal, 128, 256 KTNMA, 131, 202 (?), 280 KTNVOS, 139, 195, 197-199, 201, 202, 204 KTNVOTpodia, 204 KTNOUS, 200, 202, 204 KTNTLKOS, 30 KTNTOS, 161 KTYT@P, 252 KTIO pa, 251 KVALOS, 36, 89, 90 KuBepynrns : x. iOdov mAolov, 220 KUBos, 187 KvOpom@dns, 277 INDEX OF WORDS 367 KuK\as, 278 *xuKhevTyp.ov, 266 *xuddiov(_), 240 KUNA, 278 KUTapLacos, 186, 187 KUpEla, 151-153 KUPEKMG. Kupta (as title of respect), 277 KUpLev—, 220 KUPLEVO, 12, 146, 158, 160, 161, 164, 221, 232, 233, 235 KUPLOS, II, 50, 105, 136, 152, 156, 158, 160, 162, 165, 167, 175, 220, 230-233, 235, 254; 258 (MS. kupe.), 267, 268, 271, 272, 278; Kipia para Gupidwv, 146; as subst.= legal representative, 9, 13, 19, 136, 116, 137, 138, 145, 1475 148, 161, 163, 170, 219; (as title of Emperor), see index 3; as See kypuypo general title of respect, 131, 241, 244, 275, 283; Kvpuos = Geos, 242, 284, 285; Ox. @cos, 244 Kupiws, 166 KUpo@, III KvVpwv, 187 KWAV®, 251 KOMAPXNS: KOEN, 25, 28, 49, 5% 57, 58, 63, 69, 71, 89, 9% 92- 96, 100-102, 105, [108 ?], 114, 116, 131, 134, 142, I71, 191, 224-227, 229-231, 234, 241, 243, 246, 2447, 249-251, 258 (MS. once xo.) -261, 264, 266, 269-273, 275, 278, 279 See Index 4 *wpoypappateia, See Index 4 Kopoypappartevs. See Index 4 KOT, 164 haB( ), 72 hayxavo, 233 *\akn—, 75 *hakna( ), 82 AaKKOS, III, 259, 260, 266 ap Pave, 49, 107, 126, 136-138, 147, 164, 165, 174, 207, 212, 216, 220, 232, 283 Lapras, 113 haprpos : ‘Eppdrodkis 7) peyadn dpxaia wai A. Kai cepvorarn, 110, 127; THs A. pyypys, 255, 260, 278-281 haprpotatos: 6 X. WyeHev, 30, 31, 112, 115 (MS. Napmpwr.); 7 A. WOALS TOV "ArcEavdpewv, 49, 50 (MS. Aaprpwr.), 103; 9 A. ‘Avtiwvocwy TOALS, 230, 231(?), 2323 Eppdrodts » A.(?), 233; Havdarodis 4 A.(?), 2355 Tov A. (imdrwv), 225-228, 231, 234, 258, 264, [265]. Uncertain, 260 hapmrpdrns, 250, 260, [2707] *\aEy.os, 92. haoypadia.. *)\aoypados. avpa, 258 Adxavov, 39, 40, 43, 114, 195, 202, 212 *\ayavoomEeppov, 220 Aeyuwvdpios. See Index 4 héyw, 20, 22, 107, etc.; mov, [134], 258 (MS. emulvrov]), 2825 «ipypar, 264; elpnpévos, 9 (?), 229, 263, 265, 282 helpwvov (xpapa), 191 (MS. Ap.) hevrovpynua, 225 (MS. ur.) Nevroupyia, 129 hemros, 44, 45, 185 hevkds, 168 (MS. Aex-) Ay—, EIT Anuwa, 1, [57], 58, 62, 103, 178, 181, 183, 190, 192, 193, 195, 199, 200, 203 Anpparila, 248 Anéts, 268 *)\(BedXNos, 250 *)\ Buds, 223, 256, 265 (MS. ArBox.) AiOos, 222, 223 *\ixava(?), 84 hiwevos Meudews. Auy.Os, 243 Aiveos, 164 See Index 7 See Index 4 See Index 7 Awokadapn, 234 Aivov, 205 NuTroTAKTEW, 225, 227 hitpa, 58, 59, 227, 236-238 passim, 240, 257, 263 Lib, 2, 8, 9, 11, ele. Noyilopar, 252, 259-261, 264, 267 hoyoTrorew, 208 (MS. Aey.), 209 Adyos (= account), 35, 47-49, 91, 102, 103, [105 ?], 108, I12, I15, 116, 138, 168, 180, 181, 192-195, 199, 203, 209, 210, 225, 227, 238; Snpdcws X., 51; ius A., see Index 4; 6 rod éyxuxAiov Adyos, 69; émt dyou, 49, 220; emt Aoyw, 169 ; Aoyes = word, 208, 209, 253, 264, 272, 282; ddyw, [143], 254, [257], 262, 268, 2753 dad doyou, 2125; «is Aoyov, 5O, 131, 148, 149, 190, 229, 250; for toddyou, 1753; 6 Adyos = @eds, 284 Aourras, 236 368 INDEX OF WORDS Aourroypadew, 178, 200, 203 hourds, 7, 45-47, 68, 91, ele. *\ovKaviKor, 240 Aovw, 104, 182 Avyos, 194 AuTréw, 282 AVorts, 157 AVyvVOS, 183, 184 AV, 146, 164, 196 payyavor, 164 (MS. pavy.) *uaydwdodudakia. See Index 7 *uaydadopvara€. See Index 7 payeLpos, 236 *udyiot(pos ?). *WayloTparys. pakaplos, 242, 259, 265, 269, 272 PaKapiTys, 266 HOKPOTPOTWTOS, 7-9, 11-20, 22, 104, 136 pakpos, 151 PaALGTA, I11, 206 See Index 4 See Index 4 paddov, 133, 216 pavdakns, 105 (MS. parr.) pavbava, 283 pavrakns. See pavdanys Happapuvos, 222 PapTupew, 157, 162, 163, 166, 167, 229, 244, 258, 257, 258, 260, 261, [268], 271 HapTuplov, 2443 To dywv p. dra Kupiddov, xxii (Pap. 1307) paptus, 284 paxatpopopia, Ixix (Pap. 1263) Haxatpopopo.. See Index 4 peyahodwpia, 128 peyadomperys, 282: peyaorpereoraros 10. peyas, Thy (ky Wey (aa péyLoros, 163, 215, 216, 266, 280, 281. Index 3 See also HeEiva, 283 pedavew (?), 207 pédas, 36, 42 PEdEw, 207 pert, 106 pedixpws, 7-9, 11-20 (13 MS. -xpovs), 22, 104, 136 *uedoyupvactapxos. See Index 4 PEeAA, 276; part. as subst. ro peddoy, 108 PEvTOL, 125, 207 peévrotye, 252 peva, 9, 106, 107, 160, 162, 164, 165, 241 pepnpdeX (corrupt), 284 Mepis, 9, 12, 16, 21, 22, 123, 125, 126, 130, 134, 171, 238, 265, 273, 274 pepiopds. See Index 7 Epos, I, 2, 9, It, él. peoureia, 208 (MS. pecer.) péoos, 4, 9, I1-20, 22, 104, 136; TO pecov, 262 pEeToOw—, 262 peoTOs, 269 petaBadro, 92 petaBory, 190 peradidwpm, LOO 120,0032,8033 peTaKahew, 229 peTadr\doow, 149, 158, 163, 166 perapic boa, 136, 164 (MS. pepo bow) PETAVoEw, 207 (?, see note) peTavoua : povacrtynpiov THs M., 248, 249 peTaty, 129, 284 MeTaTEpLoTaw, 112 PETATWONEW, 92 perappvOpila, 164 (MS. perapy.) peradhépw, 196 (?), 202, 204, 283 PETEYLL, 9, II peTepxopar, 161 feeTéwpos, 207 (?) PETOXY, 119, 151, 152, 160, 166, 180, 235 péroxos, 22, 35, [51], [52], 54-57, 73, 78-84 passim, 134,800, LO 7.eLOO PeETPEw, 51, 52, 89, 91, 107, 121-123, 138, 139, 159, 230, 231 PEeTpH—, 126 BETPNLA, 90 HETPNTLS, 53, 150 KETPNTHS, 36, 37, 44-46, 93, 191 JET PLOS, 212, 284 peTpo—, 139 PETpoV, 125, 153, 164, 230, 231, 248, 249; (as a measure), 196, 270; p. A@nvaiov, 123, 267, 241; pu. Snpocrov doxixov, 139; pw. Snpoowov évotor, 51, [52]; p. Soxexor (sc), 246; pw. Tod tx’ ewe xwpiov GpareXkov, 271 PéTwToV, 13, 17, 104, 136 HEX pl, 104, 117, 147, 157, 159, 172 (MS. once -pe), 206, 220, 256, 260, 263, 265 pndapas, 128, 129 penoeis, 107, 111, 118, 121, ete. pnd€repos, 149 INDEX OF pnbeis, 9 HnKETL, 208 PHKOS, 222-223 passim pNAov,- 104, 136, 282 HV, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16-19 and pass7m pyviatos, 181-183 ByVVe, 107 npos, 142 LYTHP, 4, 10, 12, 13, 23-26, ec. pntpoToXs, 92, 164, 165, 170 (MS. pyrpwr-), 181, 192, 220 LNXavy, 184-186, 281; yeouxixy p. Kadovjevn Iereap/, 278 PNXaVLKOS, 278 MUKPOS, 13, 145, 207-209, 221, 223, 233, 278 *uvoOompacia, 164, 165 (MS. once pucbwr.) pio O6s, 105, 131, 179, 183-185, 188-190, 208 pa Adw, 106, 136, [138]-140, 143, 144, 153, 154, 164, 165, 234, 235, 255, 259-261, 264, 266-269 pic bwors, 50, 106, 107, 109, 136-138 (137 MS. four times pw0.), 235, 267-269 pucbwrys: p. TpoBatwv, 50; YEvopuevos p., 1255 Be Epy- podvAakias, 212 probarikds: (v9), 835 p. Tpdmrela, 148, 151, 153 —EPOXOS, 67 fLva, 10, 50, 174, 187-189 passim, 236-237 passim PUHELN, 255, 260, 265, 269, 280, 281 *UVNMOVELOV, 92 poyyos, 241 poot for py, 258 pOALBos, 189 podvBduvos, 190 podvBoupyos, 277 povalw, 259, 272 povacTn pLov : p. THs Meravoius, 248 povayds, 233, 256 (MS. povoxos) povoBw—, 164 povodec pia. See Index 7 povos, 107, 118, 134, ee. povoaTeyos, 160, 219 (?—MS. povoorexov) *wovdxwpov, 103, 173, 195 passim, 197-202 passim, 204 poo XLOS, 112 [LOTXOS, OI, 92 pOoTwpa, 189 fLovaTOoS, 271 *uvdatov, 146 pupids, 232 III. 3B WORDS 369 VaoeKTys. See veodekros vapkioowov (xpapa), 191 *yavBuov. See Index 7 vauvkrnpia. See Index 7 vavXov, 188, 191, 192. See also Index 7 VAaUACW, 220 *YaUNWTLKOS : # vavAwTiKH, 220 vauTrnyKos : as subst. 70 v., 164 Vavs, 164 VAUTNS, 220, 252 VAUTLKOS, 220 vavTo\oyew, 164 VEKPOS, 125 VELW, 221 veoOndy9ys, 140 (MS. vew6.) veo\eTos (?), 242 (? —MS. vaodexrns) veopnvia, 259 VE€OS, 125, 231, 267, 270, 2713 vedrepos, 23, 73, 1Or *vérws, 241 VEVW, 233, 267 vewKopos, Ixviii (Pap. 1241) vy : vy Tovs Geovs, 207 VnTOS, 17 VIKA, 165, 1663; 6 Ta mavTa ViKGV, 253; ot TavTe VLIK@VTES, 227 vikn, 2213 9 Kata Bperavvav v(e)ixy, 216 viTpov, 178 —voevos, 136 vouapxns. See Index 4 *yopetov (?), 188 VOMLN, 135, 141, 2555 vowav pédpos, see Index 7 VOMLLOS, 156, 159, 263, 264 VOLO LG, 8, 19, 174} madadv IroAepaixov v., 1765 SeBaordv wai Urodeuaixov v., 105, 136;= solidus, 228, 249, 252, 268 VO[LO[LATLOV, 243, 245, 246, 254, 258, 261-264, 268, 270, 273, 275-277 passim; v. ’Adefdvdpera (or -avdpwa), 261; vouopatia SerrotiKa, 272 *pomiTevo : dpytpiov ddxipov dpeotov vopuTevdsevov, 150 vOMOS, III, 175, 215, 217, 229, 250, 258 () vows, 92, 110, [F16], 125, 134, 157) 170, 171, 224- 227, 258-261, 264, 266, [270], 271, 278-281 voookopmetov, 276 (MS. —.), 277 (do) VOGOS, 243 *voTWos, 223-226 VOTOS, 7; 9, II-14, 16-20, dc. *vUKTHPap, 242 372 INDEX OF WORDS VULPOV, 212 VUV, I, III, 117, 134, ete. vuvi, 206 (MS. vover) ve, 183, 184, 244 Eevikos, 223 &€vos, 162 Earns, LOU, 22750220, 240; 8270 Enpos, 43, 187 *Evdapy, 138-140 (?), 178, 179 EvALKOS, 259, 260 Evdov, 113, 186, 187, 202, 209, 240 EvoTa\ns, 186 EvoTapKXew, 217 EvoTapyys. , ee , EvoTLKOS : 7 tepa E. repuodaTiKy ... cvvodos, 215-218 ; See Index 4 » tepa € gvvodos, 218 Evords: (adj.), 51, [52]; (noun), 217-{219] EvaoTpwTos, 222, 223 oBedtokos, 164 (MS. oBor-) dBodos, 32, [69], 92, 182-185 passim, 190. Index 8 oydoos, 37, 140 (MS. oydwov), 233, 266 oonyés, 284 600s, Q; 1S, 207, 204, 205 See also ofev, 111, 133, 135, 206 ot for n 284 oia€, 164 oida, TO9, L21, 225, 126, (26. olKEtos, 48 OiKETNS, 229, 278-281 OLKEW, 27, 1363 % oixoupery, 218 olKnpa, 1 oiknots, 161, 268 OLKNTLKOS, 229 oikta, I, 2, Q-Il, 23, ete. OiKOOOMEw, 9, II, 251 oikoddpos, 49 (MS. ovKoT.) OLKOVOMEW, 105, 149, 151-153, 232, 233, 255 OiKOVOpia, 125, 161, 235 olKOVopos, 132, 139, 190. See also Index 4 OLKOTEDOY, 23, 67, 119, 121, 136, 146, 151-153 otkos, [31], 174 (MS. vx.), 207, 251, 2675 €& otxou, 141, 175, [176], 230, 235, 272 olvoKaannos, 72 olvoTpaTns, 277 otvos, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45» 46, 92, 93, 103, 113, 173, 177, 179, 195, 197, 200, 202, 212, 220, 227, 237, 238, 269-271 otocdrmore, 257, 258 *Oxvos (part of furniture of boat), 164 OKTWKALOEKATOS, 35, 37, 52, 170 Odpiokos, 187 Opos, 92 (see Addenda) orox( ), 240 *ohoKNpew, 244 OAOKANPOS, 30, 118, 119, 121, 151, 153, 233, 2545 259, 260, 267, 268 *6NOKOTTLVOS, 229, 242 ONOS, 9, II, 12, 19, 20, ele. Oduptrovixns, 218 oppa, 18 OpVVO, 27, 29-32, 117-121, 207, 228, 229, 253 OMOYVHTLOS, 161, 253, 265 O[L0L0S, 230 6polws, 35, 44-46, 48, 50, el. Opodoyew, 9, 104, 105, 115, 116, 137 (MS. opodoxo), 140-142, 145, 147, 149, 151-154, 166, 170-172, I75-177, 221, 225, 227-235, 253-259, 261, 263, 264, 266-272, 275, 276, 280 Opmohoynpa, 257, 265 opodoyia, 105, 146, 147, 171 (MS, -yeav), 253, 2563 exxopytixy 6., 257, 263 OpL00VTGLOS, 266 OpoTraTpLos, 161 OpOTUTOS, 233, 256, 265 O00, 59, 91, 237 évynharys, 45, 80, 81, 85, 104, 152, 195, 197-199 passim, 201, 202, 204 dvoKdawoTpogos, 191 ovopa, 63, 93, 107, 112, ef. dvopalw, 129, 241 (?) OvopaTi—, 241 vos, 36, 37, 39, 40-46, 105, 114, I9I, 202, 204-205 passim, 212 * » OVTWS, 282 GvUXLOV, 240 » o€0s, 92, I13. 199, 228, 270 d€vypados. d€upvyxirns (measure), 195, 197-198 passim, 201 O€vs : d&vrepos, 208 See Index 4 OmyViKa, 115, 116, 136, 137, 175 oma bev, 232 OmT0G0S, 129 OTOTAV, 235, 268; 5. Bovdrybetys, 272 INDEX. OF ce / OTOTE, 134 OTOTEPOS, 221 OTFOv, 206 *émrwpip.tos (?), 115, 116 (see Addenda) o aan, ven (Reve opaw, [280]; «Sor, 283; idov, 283 *OpyavioTys, 183 opyavor, 259, 260, 278; TO A€eyopevov 6. "Adotrtos, 260 *$pSwaptos : dxd imdrov 4., 278-280 dpOds, 191, 221, note, 223 6p0as, 233, 258 « , opila, IO, 136, 229, 253, 254 Optodeixtyns. See Index 4 OpLov, 224-225 Opkos, 32, 119-121, 243; 6 Oeios 6., 115, 116, 225, 228, 229 3 6 Oeios kal ceBaopios 6., 227, 280 Oppdw, 250, 272, 278-281 OppLos, 92, 164} 5.dAgovs, 220; 6. Tod "OL upvyx(€)izov, 220 OpveEoV, 240 > 4 dpvidiov, 239 puis, 114, 235 (?) »” dpoBos, 39 Opos, 18; 70 6. THs “AvtaoroAuTov, 264 Os for ws, 137 00S, 216, 256, 282 OOTLS : baTwotv, 107 daToUV, 204 > , OOTPAKLVOS, 183, 184 ovyKia, 59 *oveT paves. ovleérepos, 149 ON , ovdy, 13, 17, 19, 25, 104, 136, 141, 145, 157, [171], 174, 230 oUpavLos, 253 See Index 4 ovs, 14 (acc. sing. ds), 16, 18, 20, 22 (acc. sing. ds) ovata, 89, 91 (?), 123, 129, 136, 139 OVTLAKOS, 249 *otoovppovuKTOS, 254, 255 OUTWS, 30-32, 118-121, 220, 233, 238, 248, 249, 258 (MS. ov@.), 268, 271, 282 dehy (MSS. opiA.), 159, 163, 166 ddethnpa, 10, 146 odetro, 9, 91, 106, 109, 133, 137 (MS. wdrAas), 138, 146, 149, 139 (MS. o@uA.), [166], 167-171 (MSS. 167 otA., 168 woirerat, 170 wptd.), 208, 219 (MS. ofirr), 282 bdbarpos, 175 Opps, 25, 141, 145, 175 WORDS 371 *6ddixudhvos. oxhos yi Tov OxAwv, 19 OXVPOpa, 9, 11 dpapidvov, 196, note, 239, 24° owe, 183 »” ~ owes : elrev eis GW adrov, 282 See Index 4 *dbohoytov, 92 dWdviov, 45, 46 (MS. dydv.), 104, 177, 183, 185, 192 (MS. -vav), 210; 0. paySwopvdrdkwv, see Index 7 *rayapxew, 278 *raydapxns. See Index 4 TAyKpaTLaaTns, 176, 217, 218 TAOS, 227 TALOapLov, 177 TALOEVTLS, 253 Taolov, 212 mats, 73 (2), 179 *aaKTOV : 7. eudopiov (/. éxd.), 274 manat, 27, 188 TaNaos, 111, 146, 176 TANALOTHS, 217, 218 TahaoTy, 153 (MS. zadeor.), 222, 223 Tahuyyeverta.: Sépov raduwyevectas, xlii (Pap. 878) mad, 136, 206 (MS. -Aew), 207 (do.), 284 Tavay.os: ravayla rapbévy (sic), of the Virgin, 284 TAavevpnp.os, 272, 278-280 mavo( ), 73 TAVTAXOV, 257, 265; TAVTEAHS : TO 7., 161, 166, 167 TavTN, III, 254 advrobev, 8, 9, II, 14, 16-20, 22, III, 158, 160, 161, 166, 235, 254 TAVTOKpaTup: 6 mw. Geds, 253 MAVTOLOS, 221, 231, 248, 255, 257, 265 TapaBatvo, 233 TapaBacts, 257 TapaBpeXo, 71 mapayyedia, 109 (MS. -Aeav) Tapayyehpa, 126 TapayWopal, 164, 197; Tapayevdpevos, 206, 20 Tmapaypady.. See Index 7 Tapayeo, 45; tapyéev in customs-receipts, 36, 37 ~r TAapaoELeos, 63-68 passim, 110 TAapadeXoMal, gt Tapadéw, 133 Tapadlowt, BO, 147, 154, 165, 189, 208, 211, 220, 228, 229, 243, [268] 3B 2 372 INDEX OF mTapado fos, 176, 217, 218 Tapadocts, EIT, 180; 220, 229 Tapadoyy, 63-68 Tmapabeois, 175 mapabyKn, 170, 175 TApatpEew, 208 TAPAtTEw, 108 TAPAKANEW, 207, 244, 263, 264, 283 TAPAKATEXW, 220 TAPAKELLAL, 118, 121 TAapaKAnots, 159 Tapakomilw, 126, 132 TApakova, 283 TaparapBave, 50, 125, 129, 142, 154, 164, 173, 231, 258, 268 Tmapaheu( ), 53 TAPAANLTTHS. Tapapeva, 280 See Index 4 TapavaywaeoKw, 166 TApaTrEwW, 206 Tapacuyypadew, 9 (MS. zapacvvy.) TapatiOnut, 111 TAPATpEeXe, 263 TapavTa, 160, 251 Tapapatperts, 274 (?) Tapapepw, 228 Tapahopa, 115, 116 TApapvraky, 266, 275 TAPAX PHA, 10, 136, 141, 158, 160, 162, 167, 171 TAPAXwWpew, 9, 166, 167, 257, 263 Tapaxopynors, 158, 160, 166, 167 TOAPEYyLl, 27, 29, 229, 242, 254, 258 (MS. zapovrov gen. plur.), 259, 263, 264, 267, 278, 284 TrapeEépxopat, 282 TAPEPXOMAL, 156, 262, 263 TApPEVPETLS, 165 TApexXa, BO MOL, wlO5, 0220, 0243, 02 leh ee Olam 710; Afi Olt rly Arp 2Xeh § mapbévos, 229, 284 (MS. -Gevy voc.) TAaploTHpLL, II5, 116, 225-227 7apooos, 284 Tapodkos, 164 Tapovaia, 126, 228 TApOXy, 112 TAS: racynotwogorr, 159 (225) TaaTopopos. See Index 4 TATHP, II, 30, 129, 134, 146-149, ¢/c.; 7. martpidos, 216 ; (as person of the Trinity), 266, 284 WORDS TaTpaded pos, 30, 118 matptkios. See Index 4 TATPLKOS, 136, 156, 282, 283 TaTpis : matyp watpioos, 216 matpoBovdos. See Index 4 TATPWV, 242, 243 TATP@OS, 213 TAVM, 129, 210 TA XOS, 222-223 passim TEOLAS, 260, 261 (MS, wediare dat.), 266 TEOLOV, is Oy 1 1 HO Re I PY, FIs yl, sd, Toy, 193 (?), 271 melos : @ weol, 81 TreiOw, 162, 167, 208, 253-255, 257, 258 (MS. remobar) TEMMTOS, 12, 56, 142, 261, 272; méumrn, see Index 7; méumros Kal eikds, 269; méumros Kat elkoords, 20 TELTO, I15, 125, 198, 201, 207-209, 216, 243, 244, 283 *revOnpepis, 60 TEVTaETN pts, teh SOLS 4) po m., 218; 4 WO TevTaeTypis GyOvos dyouévov Tav peydAwv SeBacrdv “Iradicdv ‘Pwpalwv, 217 TEVTAETHS, 154, 261, 264 (MS. -exn) “qTrevTaKkooudpoupos, 83 TEVTEKALOEKATOS, 37, 38, 172 (MS. once zer.), 256 (MS. wevryx.), 261, 263, 267 Tep for Trept, 149 Tepuyivoman, 164, 243 TEPLEYLL, 149, 163 TEPLEKTLKOS : 7. Suddvors, 265 TEPLEPXOMAL, 256 TEPLEX@, 121, 157, 162, 166, 167, 216, 241, 242 TEPLKUKAOW, 242 TeEpidvots, 137, 138, 157-159, 163 TEPAV, 137, 156 (?) TEpLlooeva, 242 TEpLooovikys, 176, 217 (MS. -vex.), 218 meptooos, 241 TEPLTATEW, 242 TEpPLTIMT, 172 TEPUTONLTTLKOS : 1 iepa EvoTiKiy 7. otvodos, 215-218 TEpioTacis, 7 *Tepixopa, O19, LAL Oslo eo *repixywpatila, 193, 194, 200, 203 *TrEpiyY@MATLT BOS, 210 mepK(vds ?), 43 mepou( ), 51 TET OUKOS, 256 TETOOS, 233, 268 INDEX OF WORDS 373 THypa, 186 mnoadwov, 164 THA, 146 7X LT LOS, 66, 117. See also Index 7 THXUS; Q-II, 13, 153, 221-223 passim mos, 185 Tivw, 197 passim, 201 TUT packy, 140-142, 151-153, 158-162, 165, 166, } 170, 195, 197, 199, 232, 258 TTT, 2 miooa, 43, 178, 187 TLOTEVW, 207, 283 mTloTis, 282 MTITTAKLOV, 245, 262, 263 TAYyLOS, 230, 281 *thakOVTLOV, 212 mravynoTpys (corrupt), 284 mats, [18] e m\areva (as subst., sc. 680s), 9 TAELWV, 1593 7 7 Adoowv, 164, 165; as adv. wX«lw, 1823 7A(ctov), 66, 68; wAcioros, 134, 263; wAclora xalpew, 242, 243. See also rrewv TrEovac 0s, 78 mréw, 206 TAEWY : TAEw eAAUTTw (sic), 260 TANOos, 129 a ynppvpw, 134 (MS. rAnyv—) TAHV, 282 TIPS, 257, 2583 indeclinable, 2615 é« wArjpous, 157, 215, 217 TANpopopew, 163, 282 TANPOw, 109, 114, 125, 134, 136, 228, 229, 235, 246, 258, 266, 270-273 (?) TARPWO LS, 190 mrAwOtov, 158-161, 163, 166 *a\wwOovpyetov, 105 (MS. -yov) TAOLOV, 92, 177, 190, 220; 7. EAXnuixdy, 164, 165; 7. (movarrnpiov) THs Meravoias, 248 TAWTOS, 13 mvevpa : “Ayo IL. (as person of the Trinity), 266, 284 moQewos : robewdraros, 255 Tovew, 107 (?)-109, III, 138, 146, 150, ese. TOUNTHS, 285 TOULWV, 49-51, 210, 274 (??—MS. op’) Movos, 129 MOKOS, 49, 50, 209 mod), 53 ONS, 18, 22, 31, 49, 50, ele. modureia: % ‘Pupatov 7, 145, 216 TONAGKLS, 250 Tovnpos, 284 (MS. zovep.) mopilw, 131, 133 mopva{ ), 75 TOpos, 207 Toppupiov, 208 TOCOS, I1t TOTOTNS, 263 fe e , ‘ —— TOTAfLOS, 8, 13, 193 & TAdyws ToTapos Kaoves, 281 *rotrapopunakia. See Index 7 Wore, 117, 282 , . mrotilw, 200 passim, 203 *roTua 0s (?), 185 Movs, 230 Tpayya, 130, 163, 172, 207, 254, 255, 257, 264, 278 TpamToclTos. See Index 4 mpaxtopela: td KaTa mp, 93. Cf 47 and note in Addenda mpaxtwp. See Index 4 TpaEus, 10, 105, 133, 136, 147, 159, 175-177, 230; 231 T pao wos : TO 1. Péepos, 277 Tpacs, TIO; 152, 158, 160,) 162, 165,)166, 232, 258 (MS. mpacew acc.) TpatTo, III, 263 TpeTw, 280 mpeo Beta, 198 mper Bevo, 216, 284 *rpeoButepeta: 7. ris Kops, 131 mpeaBuTEpos, 9, 23, 78, 85, 101. See also Index 4 Tplapar, 6, 8, IO-IQ, 21, 22, 232 mpi for mply, 111 TT poatpEc is, 280 Tpoarpew, 217 Tpoatréxw, 31 mpoBartukds (?), 178 *rpoBarob. 7( ), 277 *zpoBatoxtnvotpodos, 79 (?), 84 (?), 86 (?), 141 TpoBatov, 49, 50, 92, 139, 141, 178, 179, 282 mpoBony : m. Owptywv, 183, 184, 186 *Tpoyewpyew, 139, 143 Tpoypahw, 25, 27, 29-31, 105, 128, 137, 141, 162, 174 (MS. mpwxeyparrat), 254-257, 259, 261, 264, 20f 207s Oma 7G 262 Tpodyn dow, 254, 255 (MS. once zpornAcvGertur) mpoedpos. See Index 4 374 INDEX OF TPOEYLL, L12-114 passim, 206 Tpoeipnmar. TPOEKSLOwpL, 119 TPoepxopar, 148, 263 TPOEXW, 122, 207 Tponyoupevws, 244 (MS. zponk.) mpolerpla, 105, 270, 271 Tpolnp, 221 TPOKELMLAL, 4, 5, 27-29, 47, 53, ele. “a pokoupatwp, 283 TPOKTYHTLKOS, 164 (?), 165 (MS. zpoxrné ?) See zporéyw * 7pok—., 210 Tpoheyw : mpoetpypar, 254, 263, 264, 282 (MS. ™ponp.) TPOVOEw, 128, 199, 203 7 pOVvonrtys. TPOVvoLa, 109, 129, 278; % Vela my 243 “rpoTapepYop.at, 91 TpoTpa—, 18 TpoTwdntys, 8, 11, 12, [15], 17-19, 21, 22 Tpooayopalea, 188 See Index 4 TpoTayopevo, 244 Tpooayw, 112, 139 TpocavayKala, 125 TPOTAVALEVw, 220 *“tpocavaxwpilo, 26 Tpoaamotivw, 9, 152 (MS. -re..), 16% TPOTYWaoKw, 7I Tpooypady, 7, 8, 12 “rpocdiaypadhw 1 mpoodurypaphopeva, TpogdlOowp1, 208 mpoadoats, 111 TpOTEipe, 71 *tpocebaitéw, 134 Tpowepxopar, 147 TT pOoevy7), 2423 lovdaiwy 7. OnBaiwy, 183 See Index 7 TPOTHKW, 125, 280 TpoOTKatpos, 234 (MS. zpockepwr) TPOTKAPTEPEW, 125 TpockordAnors, 189 TPOTKUVEW, 244 TPOTKUYNUA, 206, 213 TpocKvyyots, 282 TPOTKUPOO, 254, 255 TpochapBava, 258 TpoopeTpew, 8g Tp0T000S, 93, 255 Tpootropile, 278-281 TpOTTAYHA, 2, 265 WORDS Tpoorarns, 177 (?), 178-2), 195, 198-201 TPooTiLaw, 129 TPOOTLOV, 254, 257 TporPepw, 263 Tpocwror, 244, 265, 280 TPOTEAEW, 143, 188 MPOTEPOS, 59, 189, 2723 mpdrepov as adv., 25, 99 (2), TIO ly, leo 120, ald sel 477 mine) OOM 205 mpottOnpr, 111 *tpouTah\doow, 148 Tpopacis, 166 Tpogepw, 157, 166, 257, [265] mpodyTys, 284 (MS. rpogur.), 285 (do.) TpoxpeEta, 189, 275 mpvtavis. See Index 4 TPONV, 129, 264 TP@los : zpwia as subst., 183 TPWTOKMOPLYTNS. TPOTOS, 150, 163, 233, 253, 254, 256, 262, 271, 278; See Index 4 TPOTOS TpiakoaTos, 165 TPwWTOTUT AS, 244 (MS. TPWTLTWS) TTLTaVy, 276 (MS. rrvocav’) TVY LY, 165 IIv@tovixns, 218 (MS. -verx.) TUKTNS, IBI, 213, 217-219 TUAN, 36-40 (39 MS. m7’) TVUAOY, 233, 268 *tudwviKov. See Index 7 TUPOS, 18, 37, 39, 40, 51, [52], 121-123, 138-140, 143, 150. See also Index 8 Tuppos, 140 (MS. zvpov), 142 (MS. dupay), 168 (MS. zupac), 170 (MS. dupav) TwEW, 116, 136, 158, 160-162, 232, 235 (MS. rAd.) TO@NOS, 37, 197 TOS, 206 pakos, 189 padaviwos, 240 (MS. pad.) pew, 206 pry( ), 64 PUP Gr 229 * umd plos. pis, 19 podworp (xpopa), 191 pom, 245 puey, II, III, 152, 158, 160, 161, 166, 254, 258 (MS. pyya), 277 *buptov : p. rupddv, 235 See Index 4 INDEX OF WORDS 375 puTrapos, 34, 55, 56 POvvupe: Eppwoo, 125, 132, 207, 208; eppacbai ce eyopat, 208, 209, 210, 213, 243, 244; éppwabe, 215-217 / , oat for Oe, 244 oakate( ), 74 *oaxknyia. See Index 7 OAKKOS, 204 *capovx( ), 222 Tavioow, 164 TapKLVoOS, 186 Tapas, 282 @eEauTov, 282 oeBdoptos : 5 Oeios Kal o. dpxos, 227, 280 oeBaory (jpépa), 136, 138 *geBaortovikns, 218 (MS. -vex-) oeBévwvos, 42 (MS. ceBevv.), 164 OELVOS | oEpvoTaros, 110, 127 cepadety, 284 (MS. -du) opis, 204 OevTAOY, 212 onpaive, 124, 283 onpetov, 119 (MS. -p.) ONpELOw, 37, [59}-61, 122, 128, 149, 151, 153; 212(?), 253 OHMEPOV, 129, 235, 267, 278 Layer, 170 (MS. o.aKovnv) oloypeEos, 164 oLdynpoupyos, 19 oTnpeovov, 128 aitnots, 165, 166 (MS. cet.) GTLKOS, 219. See also Index 7 ourtov, 125 oirokpilov, 238 oiTodoyia, 206 oiTohOyos. See Index 4 OLTOS, 193, 194, 202, 203, 205, 238, 239, 257, 267, 271, 276; Sypocws o., 246, 248, 249 oiTOPOpPOS, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18-22 cidav, 184 (MS. ced.) oLwTy, 229 *orKapntpos, 5° *orKarsis, 260 oKeTrralw, 206 oKern, 206 oKEUy, 161 oKEevoTadys, 184 OKEVOS, 92, 278, 279 aKevodpdpos, 46 OKOTOS, 242, 282 okdpoov, 196 aman, 164 o7maOvov (measure), 38 aomavos (?), 208 OTELPA, 222-223 passim (MS. op.) omeipo, 144 (?), 193, 194 oTéppa, 89, 123, 204, 242 OTEPHATLT LOS, 71 *oreppoBory, 276 oToven, 139, 220 oTopa, 139, 140 (MS. zop.), 143, 159, 267 (MS. zop.) oTOpyLos, 256, 264, 266 a omdpos, 180 o7Trovoalos, 258 omrovoy, 216 *oraBXitns, 252 *graBdov, 260 atabpilw, 234 oTabuos, 30, 234 atalmovxos, 27, 29 OTALVOS, 212 oTaots, 184, 185 oreyalw, 11 —oTeyela, 233 oTéyn, 162, 233, 267 oTeyvov, 186 oTEVOS, 160 OTEPEOS, 9, IT oTepaviKov. otTepavoTOKos, 277 atédavos, 166, 212, 216 See Index 7 *orimmvov (= orurreiov), 234 (MS. our.) *orimmopvos (?), 190 *orurmoupyos, 274 orToBy, 92 GTOLXEW, 246, 247, 253, 273-275 oTo\aTHs. See Index 4 OTOPEVVUpL, 164 oTpareta, 108 OTPATEVM, 107, 242 oTpatnyos. oTpaTnarys. OTPATUA, 229, 243 See Index 4 See Index 4 OTPATLOTHS, 72, 73, 81, 82, 196, 228, 256, 259, 271 5 o. dpiOpod ’AvrwoourdAews, 253 376 INDEX OF WORDS oTpéda, 282 OTpoyyvroTpdcwmos, 8, 11, 13, 17 OTVAOS, 221-223 passim ov for coi, 135 ovyyevys, 11 (MS. ovwy.), 116 OVvyyweoKw, 157, 162 Tvyypagy, 4, 5, 11 ovyypade, 8, 9, 263 TVYKOMLOY, 271 ovykvpw (MSS. ovr.) 71, 136, 146, 153, 166 ovyxpnpatile, 117 ovyxaévvupt, 189 (?—MS. ovrx), 190 (?—do.) ovyxwpéw, 128 (MS. owy.), 134, 147 (MS. ovy.), 190 (?), 217, 251 ovuKapivwos, 186, 187 avpBr0s, 213, 229, 234 (once as fem. noun, ovpPia), 243 (MS. ovr.) atpBoror, 33 (?), 93, 216 TULMAXOS, 252, 282 TVULPLEVO), 135 (MS. ovvp.) OUMPLLKTOS, 62, 178 TULTApELt, 31, 120, 121 (MS. ovvrapipt), 153 ovpTas, 252, 282 (MS. owz.) ouumimpacke, 141 (MS. ow.) TULTANPwTLS, 168, 240, 268 ovupTMdew, II (MS. our.) ouppavéw, 104 (MS. ovvk.), 108 (do.), r40 (MS. ovr.) —141 (do.), 152, 158 (cvv.), 160, 161 (ovr.), 164, 165, 170, 220, 232, 249, 950, 258, 270, 271, 276 ouppwvia, 208; trep cvpdwvias tuuravor, xlix (Pap. 968) TULPWVOS, 63-68, 92 cuvayopalw, 92 ocuvaya, II7, 147, 185, 188, 202, 234, 263 TVVAipa, 210 ovvavapiOuéw, 238 (?) wvvavapxos, 284 COUVATTH, 229 cvvapats : dédyos ovvdpoews, Ix (Pap. 1157 Verso) ovvd.iarpew, 145 TUVOOVAOS, 121, 122 * CT UVETLKENEVO, II TUVEPYEw, 133 TVVEPXOpAL, 128 TVVEVOOKEW, 119 avvy eva, 91, 268 avy Ons, 125 TUViTTH LL, Ui Ae Ose OEY ovvkK— : for words thus beginning see ovyx— GVUVVAOS : «o. Geoi, 172; o. Geol péyrror, 163 ouvodirns, 215 (MS. -dear.), 217 (do.) ovvooos, 195, 196, 215-219; 7 iepa EvotiKy mepuTodt- otixy ‘Adpravy Avtwviari) Serrysuavyy cvvodos TOV TEpi tov ‘HpaxXéa, 215-218; % tepa Evorixy o., 218 ovvoiKia, 146 avVoONoS: 7 o., 118, 157, 159 ovv7—: for words thus beginning see cvupar— *ouvraéimov. See Index 7 OUYTATOW, 133, 281 OUITEAEW, 129, 146, 232 ouvTiOnpt, 250 ourTipnors, 2, 3, 69 (MS. cvvrey.) ovvTvyx ave, 283 ovvy—: for words thus beginning see cvyy— ovoTacts, 278 oppayis, 9, 13-16, 22 odupis, 42, 178 oxah—, 194 oxouwiov, 42 (?), 164, 185, 186 *oyowvoTdkos, 186 oXoWwoupyes, 179 TxXoAdlLw, 210 TKOAATTLKSS : 7. pdpov OnBaidos, 253 o@ for col, 260 TodHY, 189 TOpa, 142, 167, 175, 176 OOS, 220 *raBeddiwv. See Index 4 *ra Buoy, 212 * 4 taBovdapuos. See Index 4 TALVLA, 9, 20 FaNaVTOV, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 164, 165, 212, 237-238 passim, 268, See also Index 8 TAPLELOV, 191 TAPLAKOS, 229 *raviav (sic), 71, 81 Tas, 48, 58, 59, 69 Taplyynpos, 92 (MS. Tapetx.) TAplyLov, 202 TapLyos, 92 (MS. raperx.), 114 TACT, Zi dst hin, TEND —Td0ow, 255 TaT for TavT, 258 TAU, 170 INDEX OF WORDS TAUPEAATNS, 195, 205 *TaupLKOY, 76, 200, 205 TELXOS, 2, 11, 258 (MS. mux.) TEKVOV, 158, 160, 161, 207, 208 TEKTOVLKOS, 188 TEKTWV, 19, 80, 188, 194-197, 200, 203, 254 teX( ), 152 TENELOS, 270, 271 TENELOW, 106, 159, 171 Téheopa. See Index 7 TENEUTALOS : TO T., 263 TENEUTAW, 30, 108, 112, 118, 148, 149, I7I, 241 TENEUTH, 254, 255 TENEW, 131, 188, 218, 221 TENOS, 128, 129, 146, 154, 159, 178, 259. See also Index 7 TEAWVEW : TeTeAdvyTar (MSS. rere Or TeTeAwvertat), 14, 37-40 Tehovns. See Index 4 TEU“AXOS, 179 TeEvds. See deéids Tes for Tats, 163 TETOAPETKALOEKATOS, 51, 54, 56, 259 TETAVOS, 4-9, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, 22 TETAPTOS, 12, 36, 37, 55, 136, 139, ee.; Térapros eikooTos, 146 TETPAOAKTUNOS, 187 TETPAOPAXLOV, 92 TETPALVM, 14, 22 *TETPAKALELKOOTOS, 233 TETPATAOVS, 258 TETPAS, 212 *reTpaooos, 233 TEXYN, 206 TEWS, 238 TNVUKAUTO, 255 THPNTLS, 226 TiO, 16, 48, 216, 232, 237, 250, 255, 257) 258; 268, 271 TUKT@, 285 (?—MS. dixovca for rexovea) TYLaw, 282 TUL, 10, 17, 93 (MS. reuu.), 103 (MS. rey), 104 (do.), 105, 107, 110, 111 (MS. once te.), 140-142 (4x MS. rep.), 151-153, 158 (MS. once rey.) 160-162, 165, 166, 168, 170 (MS. dy), 177, 179, 183, 184, 186-190, 192 (MS. rem.), 196, 203, 211 (MS. rep.), 232, 237-240, 258, 263, [270], 241 III. 3C 377 Tipos, 134, 216 (MS. reup.) 5 rYysmotaTos, 208 Tyswpta, 107 (MS. rey.) *ripwy, 228 TOWVUY, 129, 283 TOLOUTOS, 142, 171, 207, 210 ToLpav for TUP@Y, 114 tows for THS, 284 TOLXOS, 256 TOKOS, 10, 123, 136, 145-147, 157, 159, 163, 166, 174 (Sux.), [176], 239 (?), 263, 264 TOMN, 103, ITI Tov for TOV, 284, 285 to€o7roLos, 277 , ToTrapxia, 18, 20, 22, 110 (MS. -xeu.), 111 (do.) ToToypapparevs. See Index 4 totrofecia, 268 (?) TOMOS, I, 9, III, 117, 153, 154, 163, 165, 222, 223, 234, 246, 275, 282 TOGOS, 212 TOWOUTOS, 128, 282 TOTE, 206 Tpaynp.a, 240 (?) *rpaynpatoTw@.ov, 207 Tpamela, 104, 119, 156, 158, 1605 7 *AvovBiwvos "Appowviov Maridiov tod Kat KadAurexv(e)iov év “Av- rTivoouTroXet XPNMATLITLKT) TP.) 157-166 ; 4 Byoaptwvos kat Appoviov év AvtwoourdAet Tp., 163 5 dnpocia Tp., [119]; éxt rérwv Snpoota tp. (Hermopolis), 111 5 tp. Avovvarddos Hadapidous Tod ‘Ovveppros, 179 5 n ev Awordde TH peyady ed’ is Vevywvors, 2; 7) Eppacov Swix tp., 168; ev EppourddAe Sypocia tp., III; 7 €v EppouroAdc picOwrixy tp-, 148, 151, 153 5 4 &v ‘Eppouméder tp., 1213 7 ev “EppwvOet ep 7s *AroAAdvios, 4, 53 ) ‘Lepwvixy idwwrixi tp. (Hermo- polis), 105; # év KpoxodiAwy THoAer ef’ js Wavickos, 11; 7 €v Méudidt Bepvixcavod MecOvdiwvos tp., 157 5 4 IlroXewatov tp. (Hermopolis), 138; 7 Zovxa Tp. (Arsinoé), 146; % Svpov idwwri«y tp. (Hermopolis), 136-138; rp. Tapetwy (Arsinoé), 147 5 9 Xapy- povos kal perdxwv tp. Avovvorddos, 170 tpamelizns, 4, 5, 14, 69(?), 149, 151, 153, 156, 245 Tpa—T@ANS (not tpaynuatorwdAns), 114 Tpars.a (corrupt), 284 TPELTKALOEKATOS, 37 (MS. tpick.), 108 (do.), 245 (do.), 262 TPEPw, 149, 260 TpLakds, 38, 105 378 INDEX. OF WORDS TplLaKOOTOS SevTEpos, 264 3 Tpiaxoords méurros, 265 Tpuds, 284 (MS. rpiaros gen.); % dyla cat fworo.ds Kai dpoovcros Tp., 266 TpikXWos, 269 *rpytxOwopys (?), 172 TploTeyos, 158, 160 TPLTOS, 13, 14, 39, 117, ele. Tplros Kal dékaros, 264; Tpitos Kal €ixds, 37 Tpi@Bodov, 37, 174 (MS. -Bod.) TpOmos, 136, 146, 147, 149, 151-153], 158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 172, 221, [232 ?], 233, 255, 258, 260 Tpogds, 213 Tpox Ata (?), 187 (MS. tpoxer’) TpVYyN, 270, 271 TpvPaw, 213 TVYXaVo, I> 110; 120, ) 191, 1200; 9227512205112 05 Tuktov (?), 260 TUPTAVOV: itp cvppwvias Tyurdvwr, xlix (Pap. 968) TUTrOS, 211 (?), 257 TUPQVVLK@V edoapar. See Index 7 Tupos, II4 (MS. Tolp.) TUpnos: puplov tupdov, 235 TUXY, 27, 29-31, I16-120, 253, 280; PBovAevtixy r., 257 v for Ol, 57, 105 uBpus, 130 (see Addenda), 229 Vylaiva, 125 vypos, 178, 187 Vdpaywyew, 204 VSpevpa, 260 VSpohoytov, 187 *ydpoTrapoyetov, 278 (MS. -x..) *YSpoTapoyxos, 255 *jdpodudakia, 224, 225 vdpopvda€, 225 (MS. -Aaxuas plur.), 226 (do.) vowp, 181, 182, 190, 226 VLOS, 9, 25, 27, 50, elc.; (as a person of the Trinity), 266, 284 VLWVOS, 156 dKos. See olkos vroTOpLAa, 179, 189, 190 VPETEPOS, 216, 260, 275, 276, 278, 282-284 dpvohoyéw, 284 Upvos, 284 —vpLOS, 106 voddpBuor, 233 UTrahhayy, 163 UTah\doow, 163 Umapvos, 177 vTap, I, 7, 9, 10, 12-14, fc. umateia. See Index 4 umatos. See Index 4 vmevavTios, 136 Drepavo, 272 vTrepBaiva, 263 *hrepdatavn, 178 *jrepdaravynpa, 178, 179 *irepddtravov (?), 178 brépBecrs, 137, 270 vmepowy (corrupt: = irepoyn? Meyer), 284 drepTimtw, 10 vrepputa, 278-281 (MSS. -pveva) umephuns : treppvéctatos, 251, 270, 278-281 dmepxyomar, 282 UINpETEW, 115, 116 UTNPETNS, 112. wmdye.os, 164 (MS. -ywis) UToypapy, 110, 126, [132], 133, 167, 229 Droypaga, 2, 4, 5, 11, 26, 111, 115, 134, 142, 162, 167, 218, [219], 231, 233, 235, 253, 256, 261, 264 5m2 05582 Oy meie vrodecKvupt, 251 (MS. rode.) See also Index 4 UTrodeyopat, 229 vmodudKovos. See Index 4 brodox7y, 278, 279, 281 umoOnKn, 4, 5, 146, 235, 257, 272 *iToKavaTypLoy, 105 *troKavaTns, 105 UTOKELpLAL, 126, 132, 137 (MS. qroxipev = broxeyuevyy), 151, 153, 164-166 UTOKAACTOS, 19 vroAnwWus, 130 (MS. -Anpy-) UTONOYOS, 110, 143 vToXouTros, 263, 268 UTOMEVY, 115, 116, 225, 227 UTOMLMLVHTKW, 250 UTOMVNLA, 126, 132, 133, 241 UTOPVNPLATLO[LOS, 112 Uroprvnparoypapos. *Srovopeds, 169, 190 UTOOTACLS, 265, 271 Urocxilw, 200, 203-205 * See Index 4 VTOTAT TW, 132, 156, 248-250, 256, 262, 264 INDEX OF WORDS 379 UTOTEANS, 42, 43 brotiOnp, 4, 5, 134, 136 (MS. vor.), 147, 235, 257) 262, 263 viroupyos, 277, 284 (?—MS. vrovpxev) bs, 191 DaTEpiKds, 222 9 > VOTEPOS : Vorepov, 167, 208} «is vaTEpov, 133 iA vpavTpa, 136 c Ye vpioTynpt, 129 eo vYLoTOS : 60. Oeds, 244 paivopat, 143, 258 PAKOS, 51, 53, 89, 90, 114, 205, 212, 231 —danilw(?), 211 PAVvEpPOS, 135, 250, 253, 256 paves, 113 parka, 166, 263 dedXov (corrupt), 284 pepo, 1, 186 gypt, 108, 148 pbéyyopar, 229 piriavOpwria, 216 pidria, 207 (MS. -Aeuav) PiioKar€w, 255 pitoKadta, 260 didovikia, 253 (MS. -vxe..) Piros, 168, 206, 208, 216, 244; piAratos, 125, 213 hirer pos, 216 (MS. drrorerp.) owvikwwov (xpapua), 191 howw€, 37, 41, 42, 45, 219 (MS. duv.) hovevo, 251 —opa, 129 PopeTpov, 186-188, 192. See also Index 7 opos, 51(?), 108, 129, 143, 145, 164, 165, 169, 172, 234, 261, 267, 268, 272, 273; axoAacTiKds Popov @nBaidos, 253. See also Index 7 goptiov, 220 *hovokdp.os, 277 ppar” (= Ppéara?), 189, 190 dpéap, 268 ppovt-—, 128 ppovtila, 111 PpovT.oTys, 210. PpovTiaT pia, 156 Ppovpvov, 30, 31, 112-114 passim, 127, 128, 136, 140, 151-153, 176 pudraxirns. See Index 4 See also Index 4 purdoow, 149, 189, 217 (pvdarr.), 254 pudry, 156, 161; p. Mavdin, 231 puvixwy for powikwr, 219 dupay for muppav, 142 dvots, 128, 284 (MS. -ces nom. sing.) povn, 284 POs: Kipia Para Oupiduv, 146 Xaipo : xalpewv, 22, 49, 50, 121-123, 125, efe.; mretora X-1 242, 2433 Xalpe, 208, 2853 xalpe, KexapiTwpern, 285 Xthacpa, 12 *yahatpiow, 164 *yahkuela, See Index 7 XadKds, 4-6, 8, 9, 12-15, 17-19, 22, 33, 191 xXadkous, 183, 189 Xapat, 222 Xapa, 285 xapa€, 260 (?) Xapdoow, 142, 170 xapiCopar, 161, 251 Xapis, 161; xdpw (as prep.), 158, 160, 213, 263, 284 XapTapiov, 244 xapTys, 192, 265 xEthos, 262 xexmepwvos, 141 (MS. yup.) xelp, 145, 238 (MS. xup/), 258 (MS. xepav acc.); da xetpos, 137 (MS. xup.), 141 (MS. x'p-), 146, 147, 157; 163, 171, 174 (MS. xwpus) -176, 230, 235, 272 xElpraTys. See Index 4 *yepoypadia, 241, 248 (MS. -ea), 278, 279, 281 xerpoypador, 33 (MS. x'p-), Ii! (MS. xpoypov), 133; 159 (MS. xLep-); 166 (MS. xp-); 167, 272 XeElpoTroinrtos, 206 xe), 73 xXed@viov, 186, 187 *yepouBeiv, 284 (MS. xapovBw) *yepaaumenos, 208, 265 XE€poos, 111, 260 xG€s, 229 XY, 113 xtra for yeiAva, 173 XAapvs, 239 xdwpos, 37, 191 *ywpopayia, Ixii (Pap. 1174), 91 (?), tor Xolpevos, 112 *youpodedda€ (?), 239 Xotpos, 191, 239, 240 3Ca2 380 XNopynyew, 104, 182 xXopnyta, 182 *yoptdpaxor, 178 XOpTacpa, 142 *yoprom@Ans, 188 XOPTOS, 54, 113, 139, 169, 180, 188, TgI, 192, 196, 202 Passim—204, 252, 253 *yoproomeppov, 179 XOUS, 92, 93, 102 Xpdopar, I, 107, 109, III, 149, I5I-153, 216, 232, 233, 255, 258, 282, 284 x peta, 83, 107 (MS. xpnas), 112, 115, 116, 125, 167 (MS. xpra), 212 (MS. xpiav), 226, 272, 278-283 xpeos, 152, 250, 272 XKPEwoTEW, 250 XP%, 229 XPNMA, 243 Xpnpatilw, 10-12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 49, 69, 132, 133, 137, 154, 172 (MS. -reifw), 176 XPNMATLT LOS, 126, 147, 166 xpynpatioTys. See Index 4 XPNMATLTTUKOS : X- Tpdmela, 157 XpICLSs, 154, 161, 175, 176, 230, 235, 255, 260, 268 XpNTHwdéw, 206 XPNOTHpLov, 118, 119, 121, 136, 151, 153, 158-163, 166, 167, 259, 260, 268 Xpovos, IO, 109, 114, 134, 136, 151-154, ele. XPUCLKOs, 268; xpvoixa, see Index 7 XpPVTUWOS, 235 Xpvalov, 263, 264 xpuaodBos, 191 XPvTOs, 7, 58, 59, 229, 245-247, 249, 250, 254, 257, 261, 268, 270, 271, 273-2763; KepdAaus x., 272, 2753 X- OdKyos KepdAauos, 258 *ypvcoatepevs, 176 Xpuaous, 216 Xpvaoxotkds, 108 xpuaoyxoos, 72, 73(?), 81-83, 259, 275 *y pucTovpwvos, 212 XP@ma, 140, 191 INDEX OF WORDS XGpa, 9, 12, 59, 60, 226 *ywpareemixtys (?). See Index 4 *\ywpatucov. See Index 7 *\wpatoemipedntys. See Index 4 XOpa, 107, 125 Xwpwy (corrupt; = xopoi? Meyer), 284 Xplor, 2833 X+ dumedixov, 256, [265], 271, 275, 2763 éroixiov MeydAov x., 280 Xepis, 105, 223, 274(?)3; x. Tov kuptav elvae Tiv Tpacw, 158, of. 160, 162, 165, 167 xwpus for xerpos, 174 *Wahakos(?), 72 yadsov, 187 (MS. ada.) —WavuTLKoS, 117 baw, 188 Wevdopat, 206, 227 undiopa, 216 wWiabos, 191 Widds, 9, 110, 117 (MS. Wer.), 153 Wuyx7}, 244, 251 Wuxpodpdpos, 223 *WwoKoTréw, 81, note wWapiov, 53 Y 9 @ for 0, 258 > 4 > , @KT@ for OKT, 58 @véopat, 15, 16, 20, 22, 110, 120, 151-153, 158, 160-162, 232 -) 4 @vy, 4, 8, 11, 13-19, 21, 22, 162 —ovia, 128 y @VLOS, 92 or @or, 208 wp—, 87 @pa, 104 @pavoTodns, 277 Os (= ots), 14, 22 @OTEP, 102, 282 @OTE, 144, 208, 209 oxpa, Ig! APPENDIX CORRIGENDA TO VOL. IJ THE following emendations are derived mainly from Prof. Wilcken (Archiv fur Papyrusforschung i. 131 ff., iii. 232 ff.) and Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt (Classical Review xii. 434 ff.), with some from other sources, which are acknowledged below. All have been tested by reference to the originals; but no complete re-examination of the originals has been undertaken, and probably some published corrections have escaped notice. The list is consequently not exhaustive, but it is believed to contain the most important of the corrections which have been made in the course of the last nine years. P. 2, Pap. 219 @ recto, 1, 3. uBiwBooKw (Crénert), p. 3, Pap. 2194, 1. 3. evOv[ pu] (GH). P 4, | Delete! note: es 1. 6. plov] pepy Svo (GH). if 1.7. alzo plepwv ae[vre] (W). Pap. 223. - The symbol printed as < stands for ‘aroura,’ not ‘drachma’ (W). p. 4, Pap. 227¢,1. 2. ey Onoal vpov| (W). . 220, 1. 8. [dav]ecrapevos (W) is possible. p. 6, Pap. 220, col. 2, I. 1. op[oroyw | (W) is possible. The document is a bond for the appearance of a prisoner, p..7, Pap. 222, |S: — 70 emuBaddov (W). A J. 14. Sednwrau (W) is very questionable, 1, 18. Kat tepas for nwepas (W). a l. 19. [d]paxpas Sia[Koovas] (W). 1. 26. vepas (W), p. 10, Pap. 402, note on |, 3. The symbol 4 stands for dptaBn (W). 5 ll. 11, 12. Ioaxts is a proper name (W). p. II, Pap. 402 verso, 1. 5. Kas edurt (W). 1. 6. Owpa€ is written at length, not Owp' = (GH). 1, 13. oK{a]puov (W) is probable. e " 1,16. upe® xA® Se iwatiov xapus (GH). ] ] eo] rd i) le) . 17. Tamvd.ov (GH). . 22. Perhaps p= puKpos (GH), but the formation is not the same as in 1. 33, and rather resembles 7‘. F . 1. 28. adaBacrpof” Kau (W). z oF l. 29. map Ivapw7e Keyevos (GH). . 15, Pap. 218, 1. 3 note, Tpooyp- = mpooypapwv (GH); % Pap. 879 in the present volume. _ 28, Pap. 257, 1. 269. [yep JOvos (Cronert) is possible. 37, Pap. 259, 1. 48. Tamereowu" (W). . 38, Pap. 259, 1. 61. ov mpo* (W). sudud - PP 5 SpeR Ih 7 . 319, 1. 5. For Tepuews read 5u— Eptews (W). 7 3 Ss Ley lb . 316¢, 1.1. W suggests Tapaeo (= wapéoxe), which is perhaps possible; / p. 36 of the present . 469 a, |. . 469 4, ll. ; 200.4, 1: . 3168, 1. 2. For Ior® read tray” (W). APPENDIX . 259, 1. 63. nxXOnoav (W). 1. 64. vmep vy (W). . 259, 1. 129. nx[On oar (W). Papp. 260, 261. See C. Wessely, Studien zur Palaographie und Papyruskunde iv. 58-83, where a third papyrus of this group is published. . 261, 1. 27. To u(cov) Kataxexo(prorar) B(acrdixw) yp(apparer) S(a) Ayaouv Aatu(ovos) BuB(dodvdakos) [L € Overn(acravov) pyn(vos)] Tepy(avixevov) > (Wessely, with slight modification by W). . 261, 1.58. aver rar & Oveon[acvavov | (W). . 261, 1. 106. Tufontiwvos (W). . 281, ll. 4, 5,9. Read aveppeppuos and Taveppeppeos (W). . 2084, ll. 8, 9. 0 amoyp) du euov Ty (W). lr. wv Kat [ojo luntpios (W). 1.13. ABaoxkavros (W). . 170, 1. 3. Pap ca apr? Dapevwl Su) (W). 1. 7. W's reading, Emid a ape’, makes sense, but is hard to reconcile with the papyrus. 7 8 Pp papy . 340, l. x. 8) Atoyevns emu* Evropiwy (GH). . 460, ll. 3, 5. At the ends of these lines W reads ov [ (i.e. cupBodtKod tprwBodov), which is not impossible, though the supposed accent comes over the first letter rather than the second, so that it resembles €v or e7. . 309, Il. 20, 21. Hpax{* B*] yp) Se App® Bion’ ?] | e€7 om, sc. €EnplOunka ocvppdvas, as in ], 22, where read e&npv? (GH). . 327, 1. 14. Delete indications of a lacuna (W). . 376, l. 1. Probably ayopavo (W), though the first o is only represented by a very short straight stroke dependent from the y. 1. 8. For yy wa perhaps read n yeva, sc. yevapévn. In this case W’s conjecture for the beginning of 1. 9, [vo T]e, may be accepted. . 305, 1. 2. It is possible to read tov ev” (sc. evrvyods) umeora* x, Se*, but the passage as a whole remains obscure. 1. 5. aro Oe (W). It is not possible to read @eadeduas (W) without extreme violence, but @eapodopor (sc. Beperixidos Perpodpdpov) is quite possible, For oeu read a”, sc. oupBod.Kov (W). 1. For e€ txoorov read etkootov (GH). eeees volume. Perhaps Ovadepts (W). IF For apt® read ov? (W). 3. azo lop e€ (sc. €€aywv) (W). Naapa— may be read, but the traces of the next letter do not suit u (Naapavs Ww). 2. 2. . 206¢, 1.7. TuPe eBdoun (W). 2, 3. ll. 3, 4. For nusov 7 read tysnra (W). . 318, 1. 3. Avov® apa7 (W). . 315, 1. 3. [Hdacor} (GH). . 471, 1. 7. For &eorw read Evorw, here and elsewhere in this phrase. Cf p. 51 of this vol., note on Pap. 913, l. 5. APPENDIX 383 p. 94, Pap. 351, ll. 9, 10. ares (not Ilarns, as W) Marae (W). p. 97, Pap. 256¢, |. 3. Soypace (W). ” fakoke! 9 p. 100, Pap. ”? ” Pap. >) p, 102; Pap, p. 104, Pap. p. 105, Pap. p. 114, Pap ” l. 4, [71a |payevopevav (questioned by W) appears to suit the extant remains. ll. 4, 5. Ta mepe THY [KopnY eloadyu Lipvalo jar x[ac] karag[7e|ip[ ac] (W). For [kara Ka.pov omep|iact, it is perhaps possible to read Kar [k]a[O@nxov]oe yeveor. 1. 6. Kal ovdnroreovy TpoTov (W). l. 9. uplov] Zvprakov mpwrov (W). 1, 10, amoxny (W) does not seem to suit the remains. More might still perhaps be made of this document by further study and happy divination, and especially by the discovery of similar texts. _ 98, Pap. 2564, ll. 7,8. yewpyorfs ets] Savya (W). . 99, Pap. 2564, 1.11. Kafadov (= xabapod) adodov axpvfov (GH). 1. 12, Perhaps yadkephoTw (= xarknrare) (GH); not yadKeaTw (W). 295, 1. 2. -yern* Bi (W). Leg. Upov (W) is not written, though it may be intended. 1, 6. Katn&a (W). 197, 1. 1. Aupy* Avodwpos (termination doubtful) ayopa) Bov* . [ (W). 1.3. Karnylélar[e (W). 475, ll. 2, 3. €€odiacar Tapa oo 7 €S yevy S L (partly GH, and partly W, but both omit the letters after Tapa). 1. 5. Qn(cavpov) (W). 3164, 1.5. 81%, sc. Sudpuyt (W). 1.8, For 9 read —c = pntpds (W., of Viereck on BGU. 876, and Pap. 850, note on |. 8, in the present vol.), The abbreviation recurs in Pap. 321 4, & note on Pap. 254 verso, 152; ps 230: 3210,1.4. ETH Eray(afvarn), cf. p. 59 of the present volume, note on Pap. 841 4. 1. g. toto? v) (GH). . 321¢,1.8. Delete latter part of note. Tepvews is the mother’s name, like Texuacos, though the symbol for pentpos is omitted. . 296, 1. 7 note. The sum of 7 dr. 4 ob. 2 chalchi is the total of the tax and the Tpor diay papopeva, of. Pap. 844, 1. 9. . 474,111, Tlavexas Ilavexa (GH). l. 1g. Iaveovevs (W). AA lara Te [Meytorov]. 1, 28. For Evaef[ous| read SeBacrwy (GH), a variation from the normal formula, . 481, 1. 3. Hpax[dedns] (W). 1. 4. KaTvKov = Katoikwy (W). 1.8. Se. mpoo(Svaypapdpeva) A, Koh(AVBov) «, ovp(Bodixd) (GH). . 353, 1. 11. GH supply yerpuopov after ypadny, from an unpublished papyrus. 4. The first word is apv’, very cursively written (GH). 5. Perhaps vepeus (W), though the v is strangely formed. 7. woKpioe” (W). 8. For dp read oS (W). 9. Eppov is possible (instead of cup), and is supported by a Munich papyrus (W). The end of the line should be 7 ii o f (7 = Tpoc diay papopeva and o@ = OuUp- BodxKéy, and similarly in 1. 8). . 345, 1. 2. Probably Atpetous (Waszynski). 1. 3. Nadas (W Nada), 384 0D p.gle2 Pap: 116, Ii: 119, Pap. Pap. Pap. > + APPENDIX . 114, Pap. 352, 1. 3. Probably ap Dawdu Su), very cursively written (W). 4. wep) y 5 (W). 164. On the interpretation of this text see Archiv i, 147, and Amherst Papyrt ii, 123. 255, 1. 10. emt (= érel) cvvertakapev (W), ; 306, 1. 13. a{A}npourros (GH). 1, 19. owoviov (GH). 122. 70 aupouv. 193, 1. 7, ef. For up read ap, se. a.pyupiKa (W). For pe (I. 8, ec.) W suggests perpypara. pp. 143, 144, Pap. 188, ll, 63, 73. KAN = KAnpovduor. The abbreviation appears to be written Ky", which, if so, is a departure from the ordinary method of abbreviation. In 1. 73 the last word is ayopavot (W). pp. 145, 146, Pap. 188, ll. 136, 152. €mou™, proposed by W (with names Aevkorrupyov and . . eda[. roy . . p. as) 147, Pap. - 149, 250, be - 154, teh LOO; ”? 161, + moO. 166, Pap. Pap. Pap. +B) respectively), is possible, but the € is badly formed in each case. 181, 1. 13. Restore €€ vy[evous kau em al\nOevas from Amh. Pap. 68, |. 33 (GH). In 1. 19 the month Neroneus Sebastus should be equated with Choiach, of Fayum Towns, p. 296. 276, ll. 14, 15. Tw exatov |[Tapynt avladepew (GH). 359, 1. 9. W’s supplement, S$ a, suits the remains. In 1. 10 edn wy (W) is probable. 196. A revised text by P.M. Meyer (based on corrections by GH and W) is printed in Archiv iii. 92-3. In Il. 14 and 1g the name appears to be Aduvos rather than Aopirios. In 1, 36 Meyer has inserted a superfluous twy before Kepadatov. . 301, 1. 1. It is possible to read mpwv™ avdn (sc. mpovontn avytpidwr), as suggested by W. l. 4. ouy ouptorats. The beginning of 1. 5 remains doubtful. 3's 2583: Tapadwo wpe |v (W). At the end of the line it is possible to read mapa- AaBwr, or waparaBopy (W); less easily, tapataBwor (GH). 1, 16. ett (GH). ll. 17, 18. Tous toovs (GH). . 189, 1. 57. T'eweddov (W). 1. 58. Koupevs (W). . 322, 1. 20. APous (Waszynski). . 160, ll. 3-5. THY trepllypad jowevny (Wears Kale To | (GH). . 160, 1. 11. Twyv owy (W) may have been intended, but the writing more resembles ewv. . 214, 1.3. a no doubt = mpdrepov. . 214, 1. 20. evypada (GH). 1. 21. ev{tu}yevv (GH). 1, 23. amotaynvar (GH). ll. 25, 26. ev ypad ws (GH). . 357, 1. 3. evxpnatnoa (W) Aprayabn tax [aved |penpw (W. Aprayabny tov [Ilaved] popptv) eK T) alu? ? | Kapns (W). At the end of the line TK is probable. atablevros (W). tov AprayalOov]..... pn Bovdopevov (W). o[picberor] . . . . emuyetpourtos (W). Perhaps ra mpos [ee <[us a}rpagiav perepyer Oar. 1, W. suggests kaw [tous Kopud]avous. Then k.. [.. Jeo amodovrfau] pow ra oerdopeva uo Tov]. 1.12, Qu. [Apay]aov ?. ie GG ge oe HO CO st p. 170, Pap. 361, ll. 8, 9. Perhaps to[v | dia ys pro Owoel]us, as W. ” ll. 10, 11. Tats dua Ts | prrPacews (W). 15. Karadureo Oar] (W). p. 170, par7e, p. 192, III. Pap. Pap. Pap. APPENDIX 385 363, 1. 1. W.’s @€ Kav IIoX is possible, but not certain. It is difficult to reconcile the last two letters with the remains, 358, l. 11. vika mepinv (GH). ll, 11, 12, qept Tous Todas pou (W). 115. vumeypape... Kpetomw (GH). Heros? . Seo|uevou (GH). ll. 17, 18 a€ww Tov\rov To wrov (GH). 1. 20. oty[rar](W). Svacrodn (GH). 1 21. evyp[a}rrwv (GH). . 198, 1. 5. [Xa]pazas (W). 1, 12, ws muopevos (W). The letters are widely spaced. . 342, 1. 1. GH explain the abbreviation as 8, = Bevedixcapiy. . 171 6, 17. yns (W). DeA[er}ye (W) is quite possible. 1, 8. ‘Kwirns is the name of a toparchy in the Heracleopolite nome, of. BGU. 958 (W). ll. 12, 13. W. restores ove€&i{ANarwolva. The next words are evs OnBada. . 262, 1. 1, note. am? = amoaTac.ov. . 4. €« Tov pos Boppa pepous (W). . 6, end. apyrorodvorns (GH). . 154,17. €udukw (GH). l . 16. For aur® read erep[w] (W). . 140, 1. 12 ff, For a restoration of this text see Gradenwitz, Linfihrung in die Papyruskunde, p. 32. . 163, 1.17. ayplo}dp[v]wy (for axpodpuwr) (Crénert, Waszynski), ll. 33-35. okaopev tov ap[e]\wva [ev] | oxadnrois Svar Kat pera Tov x[plovoy m[apa|Swoopev Tov ape lwva (W). . 286, 1. 19. To atpovv (GH). On the interpretation of this papyrus see GH, Fayum Towns, pp. 149-152, and Pap. 906 in the present volume (p. 107). . 289, 1. 3. Evypeptar. 2 SO,le 14 eb 5s Avo|yuctov (Waszynski, W) is not possible. ll. 24-39. See Gradenwitz, Hinfuhrung, pp. 195-6. The exact restoration of the lacunas from ll. 10-15 is however doubtful. In], 28 the papyrus has Tapvodas not -av. In 1. 31 G.’s restoration does not suit the remains; probably pevns (or -y) THs mpaceos (substantially as W). Then dca tov ev [kwpy Avovvar]as: (GC). =e 210, .1. 27am CP pio Ow lor pio bapl ator] (W). 1. 30. €av pawnrar picbwoar (GH). 1. 31. After Epuews, add ws Lv [ov] da* put x! apis (GH). The readings are however somewhat doubtful. . 293, 1. 4. yaoTpoxvynptw (GH). . 293, 1. 11 ff. See Gradenwitz, Linfihrung, p. 196, for a restoration of the lacunas. 1, 25. Kupta evar (Gradenwitz). 1, 31. After 1. 30 a line is omitted, dla Tov pev Lwrav Bpadea yLp lade Pare . 335, 1. 12. W.'s reading, avndokes, is possible, but it is not easy to see how this can stand for AVAL KEW OE. l, 22. KomTOpav Kal 0 Jws (W) is possible. . 280, 1. 1. emtywp" (W) is possible. 1 4. [peloPalro lv (W). 280, 1. 10. [t]ns avtys Ovpay Kau ta avyxor{ta] Evdixa apyaderfa] (W). l, 12. eav eyBawvw (W). I5)13. ame[ve}yxer Oar (W). For restorations of lacunas see Archiv i. 159. 3D uo) IO . 256, bd 260, 3? Pap. Pap. APPENDIX . 466, I. rx, 12, Sant... amo Arrivov | Iovov (a village name, cf Petrie Pap. ii. 39 (a), 1. 8) (W). | His reading of the proper name following as Tlaveugdpewer is more doubtful, but possible. l. 19. BeBat, o opo* (W). . 313, 1. 12. gakos (so corrected in Index). . 313, 1. 20. W. suggests for the end BeB op’, after Pap. 466, 1. 19. The writing is so cursive that almost anything else might equally well be read, 285, 1.1. [Sa]}raBovros (W). 1. 7. apakos (W). 1.9. -yewpy? (not yewpy|w]) (W). 1.18. «xB (W). 287, 1.9. The letters at the end of the line are not Aeo (W), but no satisfactory restoration offers itself. Il. 35, 36. Kat of vder] | evkahoupev Ka) (W). . 143, 1. 5. odpuv de€vav (W). 1,16. K«abarrep avopodoy (Waszynski), 1, 17. €veotwre (Waszynski), . 143, 1. 21. 7poameoye (Waszynski), . 298, ll. 5, 6. [Kpo]|radw (GH). Waszynski reads Kpwrade, but there is no trace of the w and nothing distinctive of the Kp. 1.7. NuwravaBarvw. 317, 1. 7. maktwrto (W) is possible, but not certain. 470, 1.6. e{7reu] eTey paso kup[t]os (W). For the interpretation of this document, see Arehzv Hig 4.4.2 1, 7. meptdvovons (W) suits the remains as well as TEpLTVOVTNS. 348, 1. 6. ateXwv (GH). Then ws 6c Tpo TNS Pof[pa)oly (Papark(ns) W) | wodurevas xpnpa}rnoarte (W). 114. [Sta] rns rwv [ev]etnoea[v] BiBdtoOnxns (Ww). . 151, 1, 2, mapa oov tov (W) can perhaps be read with an effort. The same applies to his EKTETTOKOTWY in ll. 6, 7. . 311, Il. 5, 6. Possibly [vzro] Tpellxa] (GH). 5 Heh Ww [kataypypa |rooae (GH from Oxy. Pap. 506, |. 42). I r6: [ro ]kov (Gradenwitz). If tints} [e€ urapxov |rav avz[ous TavrTwr | (Gradenwitz) suits the spaces better. 1, 21. The last letter is possibly written over y, sc. pn|va exacrov (Gradenwitz). 1.23. [Zzoton|rus (GH). aypaipparov (aypapparov GH). 1. 24. [evyv Joppa [kabws] (GH). At end of line, yp) Tov 7 po* | ypa® (GH). . 193 verso, 1, 25. To opvaAt” (Cronert), . 144, 1,2. Probably o€ aomalopar (W). iiae ovap[.ov | (W). Bayon, I se sae exopioa|uny (Crénert), 1.24. Katelo}raxay, se. KatéomrapKay (Cronert), There is perhaps room for [eo |rapKav in wees) 479, ll. 17, 18. Tov avad.dorTos cot (GH). 301, 1. 15. 7 evoyx[o]s euny (W). The evidence of the Geneva papyri as to the spelling of the name "ABivyva.os agrees with that given here. The second letter is B in 11 cases, in 5; the vowel following is € in 2 cases, u in 13, €l in one; and vy is followed by at in 5 cases, € in 6, and ev in 4 (?), 1s yl CP UP TP i) \O Go p. 306, APPENDIX 387 Pap. 245, 1. s. [or]patiwrov (GH) is possible. Pap. 248, ” 1. 6. WPadarkvde (W) is possible. . 10. enna (W). 12, €YW QUTOS Kal 7N yuVal (GH). mle. vtoypapy (suggested by W. from Geneva Pap. ro, 1. 17) does not suit the remains so well as cuvypady. . 4. exepOnoav (W) is probable. . 5. vuKTos (for ovros) (GH). 25. ov avtoud...| ws Tov apiOmov > (GH). mig: Nappovlews. . 12. €atnv (GH) is not impossible ; ¢/ note ad loc. .14. 6b avtTw Toute (W). 27, 28. pe El p|papevov a ev a? xpolvors [Sia]lpudade ev mlalvouxda] (W). Or better Stauda€(e)uey mavouxt, There is no trace of an a at the end. . 6. jovs (GH). . 10. emerpesas (GH). . 16. Krnoews is a proper name (W). Cf. Pap. 1170 verso, 1. 307 (p. 200) in the present volume. 21 Vee LET Oo. Se nuepas (GH). erle we = .17. @eo€&evidos (GH). .9. ua Ayafou (GH). 34. peTavTixa (Cronert) is doubtful, but not impossible. 7. €TEL Op eredoOn is possible, but emreton (GH) does not seem to suit the remains. . 31. oTparevGevra (GH) is probable. 13. Delete note. Bovdn Kkedkevey = Bovdn Kedeverv (GH). 12. oKo.Tews (GH). 15. €xouvow (GH) is perhaps possible, but not otpovbor. 17. peyaldAa] (weyadou GH). 18, ev etulplos (=e €rotj.@) is possible (GH). . 23. ... Oe avtidaBev (GH). .It. Tavoretas (sce. mavontar) (GH). . 7, note. evKeptay stands for evKatpiav (GH). 22. mpos oe’ ot ade por (GH). . 3. Possibly eu]ylapleo[7]o (evyaptoto GH). . 4. odfoKA}yptas (GH). . 22, 23. veva dia (GH) Yai pews. . 3. [evjyapio}r[o]upe zo] (GH). ane Ke [rn] oto lvdnv (GH). . 12. €evéw (GH). 15. Aza Iovwv pn (GH). . 17, 18. Possibly ovy ev|pnOou. . 20. Kal Ola Ta. 22. Possibly eay Ons. 23. wa yliveTar pn apednons (GH). 18. urpwyv (GH). 20. Tov mavtos (GH). p- 307, Pap. 249, 1. 2. The symbol printed is rather to be regarded as identical with that in Pap. 984 (p. 237 of this volume), and is therefore to be interpreted as TaXavTov (so W). 3D2 388 APPENDIX p. 313, Pap. 428. On the measures mentioned here (uarvov, KEpa Lov) see Wilcken, Gr. Osfr. i. 751, 761, modified by Smyly, Pefrie Papyr?, iii. 197; and on the peTpov see Pap. 999, |. 7, note, in the present volume (p. 270). 314, Pap. 429, 1. 12, o@akkovd.a (Cronert). 321, Pap. 480, 1. 8. A{o}yor (GH) is possible. 324, Pap. 483, 1. 2. Tov yadnvotatou (GH) is possible. 325, Pap. 483, l. 4. mpos eauTous (GH). 326, Pap. 483, ll. 32, 34. oupaAnpwow (GH). p. 328, Pap. 483, 1. 81. purafopev (GH). . 85. ev de Tis (GH). . 86. tmapaBacews (GH). . 88. mavtayov... ep amact (GH). gt. tns suv? (GH). 2, note. mtdwvos and Bidtokov no doubt stand for 7vA@vos and dBeAtoKov (GH). 12, avagcadevoat (GH) is not possible. 1.14. ws vopler]evovtar (GH). CPD p- 329, Pap. 483, “A Pap. 391, p- 331, Pap. 394, [cual seed eel cee ed Qs, PA3304 .B86 v.3 FOLIO Greek papyri in the British museum... Princeton Theological Seminary—Speer Libr: iN NN 1 1012 00027 0704 SNS RRP Re ae.