■^if, -, >ivUoS 13X<^507 ^33 EDWARD TANJORE CORWIN, D.D.. LITT.D. 1834-1914 Founder of the Manual This Work is Dedicated to the MEMORY OF EDWARD TANJORE CORWIN, D.D., LITT.D. The Compiler of the Four Former Editions of this Manual, whose interest in the History of the Reformed Church in America was founded on his Love for the Kingdom of God ^^i< fmcrr, ■r \ A MANUAL {* OCT s4 1922 *; REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA (formerly reformed PROTESTANT DUTCH CHURCH ) 1628—1922 CHARLES E. CORWIN Fifth Edition, Revised NEW YORK Board of Publication and Bible-School .Work of the Reformed Church in Ame^rica 25 East 220 Street 1922 The Work of Edward Tanjore Corwin : First Edition, 1859, 2,000 copies. Second Edition, 1869, 1,000 copies. Third Edition, 1879, 1,000 copies. Fourth Edition, 1902, 2,000 copies. The Work of Charles Edward Corwin Fifth Edition, 1922, 1,000 copies. Copyrighted, 1922, by 'IHE BOARD OF PUBLICATION AND BIBLE-SCHOOL WORK R. C. A. THE unionist-gazette ASSOCIATION SOMERVILLE, N. J. Preface to the Fifth Edition The present volume is the fifth edition of the Manual of the Reformed Church in America, — a work unique in the realm of denominational liter- ature. When the Rev. E. T. Corwin was a young man, a Resident Licentiate in the Seminary at New Brunswick, N.Y., he was requested to revise the Triennial Catalogue of the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick. Pos- sessed of a strong taste for historical studies, this request led him to an investigation of the History of the Reformed Church. The first edition of the Manual, a volume of i66 pages, published in 1859, was the result. The author spoke of this work as "a task which if it had been fully realized at the beginning would hardly have been undertaken." His perseverance grew with toil, and in 1869 a second edition of the Manual was issued. This volume of about 400 pages, was divided into three parts. The first treated of the history of the denomination, the second of the ministry and the third of the churches. This method of treatment has been followed in the subsequent edition. In 1879, a third edition of about 700 pages was issued. Because that portion of the Amsterdam Correspondence secured by Hon. J. Romeyn Brod- head in 1841-43, had then become accessible, this edition presented the history of the colonial period of the Church's life in a more complete manner than did the earlier editions. Twenty-three years passed before the fourth edition appeared in 1902. This work, of more than a thousand pages, embodied the results of Dr. Cor- win's research in the archives of Holland during the years 1897- 1898, at which time he was collecting much of the material published in the Eccles- iastical Records of the State of New York. In 1914 Dr. Corwin having served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep and the present author became the heir of his investigations. Historical studies, conducted in the service of the Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, prepared his mind for this undertaking. Accordingly, in the midst of other duties, and also little realizing the magnitude of his work, he took up the task in the summer of 1918. His first idea was merely to bring the Manual of 1902 to date. But as the work proceeded such treatment was found to be inadequate. Therefore Part One, the History, has been largely rewritten, and the results of the latest investigation embodied in it. For assistance in this respect grateful acknowledgment is due to Dr. John H. Raven of the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, and to Dr. A. Eekhof of the University of Leyden. The latter portion of Part One is composed of chapters on the various departments of the activity of the Church, each prepared by a specialist in his own field. The names of those who have thus enhanced the value of this edi- IV PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION tion of the Manual are given at the heads of the chapters which they have prepared, and to them the author renders thanks for their service. In the preparation of Part Two, the Ministry, many errors in the for- mer editions have been corrected, and, so far as possible, the biographical notes have been brought down to date. Although the multiplying 5 ears had greatly increased the number of names to be treated, the author realized that it was necessary to keep the work within the limits of one volume. Therefore, often against his will, he felt compelled to prune the sketches with unsparing hand, and, in many cases, to refer for information to earlier edi- tions of the Manual. Also, for the sake of brevity, the names of the native ministry upon the foreign mission field were removed from their alphabetical position. But, until the organization of the independent native churches, they are to be found in the tables of the Chronological List of Ministers at the back of the volume. While the work was in press, and, after exten- sive changes had become impossible, it was deemed wise to print Parts Two and Three in close type, thus saving about two hundred pages in the volume. The book is not therefore as large as had been expected. Part Three, the Churches, has been thoroughly revised and brought down to date. Doubtless among so» many thousand dates there remain some errors. These are caused by the personal equation, or by following mistaken or inadequate authority. The author desires pardon for them and requests that as they are found they may be reported to him. The author is indebted, not only to the brethren already named and to those who have written special chapters, but to the Rev. Henry Lockwood, D.D., Stated Clerk of General Synod, for his interest, advice and assistance in proof reading; to the stated clerks of the several classes and Particular Synods, and to many others, clerical and lay, who have furnished informa- tion, suggestions and corrections. Gratitude is also due to the General Synod of 1920 for its approval of the work and to the General Synod of 1921 for providing for its publication. May the acquaintance with our Church's life, past and present, fur- nished by this volume, aid its membership to that wisdom which has knowl- edge of the times to know what Israel ought to do. - Charles E. Corwin, Rocky Hill, N. J. May 1st, 1922. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION. The Reformed Church in America. Development of the Name. I. The Netherlands and the Dutch People. II. The Genius of Protestantism. III. The Genius of the Reformed Church. IV. The Reformed Church in Europe. Switzerland, Germany, France. The Netherlands, History, Liturgy, Doctrine, Polity, Synod of Dort, Bibliography. PART FIRST. History of the Reformed Church in America. FIRST PERIOD. The Church Under the West India Company, 1609-1664. Chapter I. — Preparation for the Church in America, 1581-1628. — Dutch Commerce and the Missionary Spirit. — The East India Company and Its Discovery of New Netherland. — The Founding of the West India Company. — The first Colony in New Netherland. — Care for Re- ligion.— Comforters of tha Sick. — The First Place of Worship 1-5 Chapter II. — The Founding of the Church in America, 1628-1632. — Awaiting a Clergyman. — Michaelius. — The Method of Church Man- agement.— Michaelius' Arrival. — The Founding of the Church. — Michaelius' Labors and Troubles. — Retirement from the Field. — Further Mention of Michaelius 6—9 Chapter III. — Church Life in the Wilderness, 1632-1647. — Bogardus. the Second Pastor. — His Character and Disputes. — Care for Religion. — Father Jogues' Account. — First Church Records. — The Church in the Fort. — The Indian War. — Futher Disputes. — Death of Bogardus, — etc. — The Church at Fort Orange. — Domine Megapolensis and His Work 10-14 Chapter IV. — The Church Fully Established Under the West India Company, 1647-1664. — Stuyvesant's Rule. — Pastor Backerus. — Meg- apc^lensis in New Amsterdam. — Fort Orange. — Pastorates of Mega- polensis and Drisius. — Increasing Dutch Settlements and their Re- ligious Progress. — Other Religious Bodies, Roman Catholics, Lu- therans, Quakers, etc., Jews. — Close of the Dutch Regime. — Au- thorities for the Period 15-22 SECOND PERIOD. The Struggle of the Church for Civl Freedom, 1664-1708. Chapter V. — The First Years of the Church Under the English Govern- ment, 1664-1674. — Effect of the English Conquest. — Form of Gov- ernment.— Conditions. — State of the Dutch Church Under the Eng- lish.— Efforts for Improvement. — Reconquest of the Colony by the Dutch and Brief Reestablishment. — Return of the Province to Eng- land.— Governor Andros. — Dutch Influence in New York 23-27 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter VI. — The Church Begins Its Struggle for Freedom, 1674-1688. — Condition of the Country. — Andros' Instruction. — Disputes. — Religious Bodies. — Favorable Position of the Dutch Church. — The Van Rens- selaer Episode. — First Dutch Ordination in America. — Sects, etc. — Dongan's Instructions. — The Popular Assembly. — Fears for Lib- erty.— Accession of James II. — Oppressive Acts. — Pastor Van Nieu- wenhuysen Succeeded by Selyns in New York. — French in the Col- ony.— Progress and Growth 28-33 Chapter VII. — The Church During the Leisler Troubles, 1688-1692.— James II Deposed. — Accession of William and Mary. — Unexpected Effect in New York. — Pear of Romanism. — The Rise of Leisler. — His Government. — Attitude of the Churches and Clergy Toward Him. — Leisler's Death and Its Effect. — State of the Dutch Church at this Time 34-40 Chapter VIII. — The Dutch Church and the Ministry Act with Efforts for a Charter, 1692-1698. — Lessening of Religious Freedom in America. — Desire to Establish the Anglican Church. — The Ministry Act. — Effect of that Act. — Desire of the Dutch Church of New York for a Charter. — Success in Obtaining a Charter. — Trinity Church and Its Affairs. — Other Dutch Church Charters. — Chaplain Miller's Ac- count.— Tables of the Churches at this Time 41-47 Chapter IX. — The Church Emerging From the Struggle for Civil Free- dom, 1698-1708. — Bellomont Succeeds Fletcher. — Change of Policy. — Troublesome Times. — An Early Children's Day. — Dellius and the Land Grants. — Law Against the Roman Catholic Church. — Last Attacks on Liberty. — Governor Cornbury. — His Attitude. — His Persecution of Non-Anglicans. — Efforts Against the Dutch Church. — Various Troubles. — Removal of Cornbury. — Growth of the Church. — Home of a Dutch Burgher. — Ministerial Society. — Moral and Religious State of the Colony, of Negroes, of Indians. — Authorities for the Second Period 48-55 THIRD PERIOD. The Struggle of the Church for Ecclesiastical Freedom. 1708-1792. Chapter X. — The Growth of the Church Toward Ecclesiastical Free- dom, 1708-1747. — Changes in the Country Within One Hundred Years. — The New Air of Freedom. — Condition of the Dutch Churches. — Need of American Ordinations. — Effect of this Lack. — Coming of the Germans and Others. — Preparation for the Great Awakening. — Its Effect on the Reformed Church. — Frelinghuysen, His Work and the Opposition to it. — Three Effects of the Great Awakening. — Loo.sening of the Ties which Bound to Europe. — Plans for a Ccetus. — Failure. — Changing Conditions. — New Ministers, etc 56-60 Chapter XI. — The First Period of Independence. — The Coetus, 1747- 1754. — Desire for Revival of the Cojtus. — The Ccetus Revived. — The Weakness of the Revived Coetus. — Purpose to Turn the Ccetus Into a Classis. — Change of Opinion. — Hostility of the Church of New York. — Reasons for the Change. — Ritzema's Ambition for a Dutch Professorship in King's College. — Frelinghuysen's Efforts for a Dutch College. — Turmoil. — 111 Feeling Against Ritzema. — The Real Cause of the Difficulties 61-64 Chapter XII. — Progress and Reaction. 1754-1768. — The Ccetus-Conferen- tie Controversy. — Development of Each Party, and Their Leaders. — Desire for the Approval of the Classis of Amsterdam. — Efforts for Union. — The Pamphlet AVar. — Frelinghuysen's Work in Holland, etc. — Unsuccessful Efforts for a College Charter. — Attempt to Settle the Difficulties. — Progress of the Conferentie. — The Question of Loyalty. — 111 Feeling. — Call of Laidlie to be Engish Preacher in New York. — A Charter for Queen's College. — Peace Proposals. — The Wan- ing of the Strife 65-68 TABLE OF CONTENTS Vll Chapter XIII. — Union and Peace, 1768-1775. — Early Life of John Hen- ry Livingston. — His Study in Holland. — His Influence There. — Dr. Witherspoon in Holland. — The Plan of Union. — Its Failure and Effect. — Livingston Called to New York City. — His Efforts for Peace in America. — The Peace Convention of 1771. — Its Plans. — They are Approved in Holland. — The Convention of 1772. — Peace and In- dependence.— Progress of Events Till the Revolution. — Church Life During this Period. — Buildings. Services. — The Pastor's Activity. — Weddings, Funerals, Lack of Schools, etc. — The Piety of Heart 69-74 Chapter XIV. — The Reformed Church During the Period of Liberation, 1775-1792. — The Church During the War, etc. — Changes at its Close. — Articles of Church Government, etc. — Synod Organized. — Authori- ties for the Third Period 75-79 FOURTH PERIOD. The Free Church in the Free State, 1792-1922. Chapter XV. — The First Generation Under the Constitution. — The Re- formed Church at the Dawn of the Nineteenth Century. — The Process of Americanization. — Her Contribution to the Life of the Youthful Republic. — Her Educated Ministry. — Religious Revival in America. — Its Results in the Church. — Interest in Domestic Mis- sions, in Foreign Misions, in Philanthropy. — Schism. — The True Re- formed Dutch Church. — Growth 80-8a Chapter XVI. — Enlargement and Progress. — Renewed Emigration From Holland, Its Reasons and Character. — Reception by the Reformed Church of America. — Difference of View. — Secession. — The Advance of the Church in the Face of Defection. — The Different Elements in the Church. — The Patriotism of the Church. — Enlarging Vision. — Progress 84-90 Chapter XVII. — The Methods of the Church's Activity. — Departments of the Church's work. — Brief Mention of them. — I. The History of the Constitution. II. Ecclesiastical Bodies. III. Educational Institutions. 1. Colleges and Seminaries. 1. Schools and Academies. IV. The Benevolent Work of the Church. V. The Church and Public Morals. VI. Christian Unity. Authorities for the Fourth Period 91-104 SPECIAL CHAPTERS. Chapter XVIII. — Rutgers College, by Rev. W. H. S. Demarest, D.D., LL.D., President of Rutgers College. — Dutch Regard for Education. — The Influence of Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen. — Zeal for a Dutch College. — Early Efforts. — The Charters, the Trustees, the Choice of Location. — Opening of Queen's College. — Early Methods. — Situation. — The First Commencement. — A Medical School. — The Col- lege Suspends but the Grammar School Continues. — The Covenant of 1807, the Reopening. — Queen's Hall. — Dr. Livingston Becomes Pres- ident.— Conditions. — The Covenant of 1824. — The New Name, Rut- gers.— Dr. Milledoler's Administration. — The Strain Between the Theological and Literary Departments. — Development. — Dr. Has- brouck's Administration. — Further Development. — Dr. Frelinghuy- sen's Administration. — Separation of the College and the Sem- inary.— Dr. Campbell's Administration. — Radical Progress. — The Col- lege Independent. — The Founding of the State College. — Enlarge- ment.— Dr. Gate's Administration. — Further Progress. — Dr. Scott's Vin TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration. — New Buildings, etc. — Dr. Demarest's Administra- tion.— The Enlarged Campus. — The College Farm. — Endowment. — College for Women. — Present Relation to the Reformed Church. .105-118 Chapter XIX. — History of the Theological Seminary at New Bruns- wicl<, N. J. ; Revised by Rev. J. P. Searle, D. D., President of the Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J. — Difficulty of Supplying Ministers for Dutch Churches in America. — The Controversy of the Ccetus and Conferentie. — The Union of the Parties and Efforts to Pound a Theo- logical School. Dr. Livingston Chosen Professor of Theology. — Various Efforts to Find a Secure Foundation for a Theological School. — Assistant Teaching. — The Covenant of 1807. — Dr. Living- ston's Removal to New Brunswick. — Organization of the Board of Superintendents. — Growth and Change. — Separation from the Col- lege, Buildings. — Progress and Vicissitude. — Increase of Funds and Buildings. — Lectureships. — Changes in the Faculty. — The Centennial of the Seminary. — Growth. — The Strenuous Latter Years of the 19th Century. — Many Changes and Developments. — Enlarged Endowment. — Lectorships and Lectureships. — The Alumni Association. — The Present Faculty. — List of Professors and Lectors, etc 119-140 Chapter XX. — Union College and the Reformed Church in America, by Rev. William N. P. Dailey, Union, 1884. — Union College, a Child of the Reformed Church. — Desire for a College in Northern New York. — The Founding of the College. — The Sacrificial Spirit. — Union College and Her Gifts to the Ministry. — The Early Presidents, and their Work. — The Remarkaljle Work and Influence of President Nott.— Scientific Progress and Great Growth. — Successors of Dr. Nott and their Work. — The Administrations of Dr. Raymond and Dr. Rich- mond.^— The Quality of the Sons of Union. — Their Useful Activities, Especially in the Ministry and on the Mission Field. — Their Re- lation to the Reformed Church 141-146 Chapter XXI. — History of Hope College, by Rev. S. C. Nettinga, D.D.. Professor of Historical Theology in the W, T. S., R. C. A. — Hope College the Child of the Faith of the Dutch Immigrants. — Providen- tial Preparation. — The Beginnings. — Strengthening the Stakes. — The College Opened. — Early Days — Character and Object of the College. — The Critical Period. — Progress. — The Fruits of Faith. . 147-153 Chapter XXII. — History of the Western Theological Seminary, by Rev. S. C. Nettinga, D.D., Professor of Historical Theology in the W. T. S. R. C. A. — Sadness and Admiration at the Story. — The Beginnings of the Seminary. — Difficulties. — Suspension. — Restoration of Theology. — Forward Steps. — A Second Profe.ssorship. — A Lectorship. — Buildings. — Further Advance. — Change in Professorships. — The Results of Its Life 154-162 Chapter XXIII. — History of Central College, by Rev. S. C. Nettinge, D D., Prof, of Historical Theology in the "W. T. S., R. C. A. — Cen- tral College, Its Location, etc. — Its Origin as a College of the Re- formed Church. — Its Previous History. — Its Character and Pur- pose.— Evidence of Progress 163-165 Chapter XXIV. — History of Academies, by Rev. S. C. Nettinga, D.D., Profes.sor of Historical Theology in the W. T. S., R. C. A. — I. The Northwestern Classical Academy. — II. Pleasant Prairie Academy. — III. The Wisconsin Memorial Academy 166-167 Chapter XXV. — Young People's Societies, by Rev. A. D. W. Mason, D.D. — The Church's Interest in the Young. — Catechetical Instruc- tion.— Sunday Schools. — The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. — Its Beginning and Growth Within the Reformed Church. — The Christian Endeavor Missionary League. — Changes in Method. — Progress Continues 168-170 TABLE OF CONTENTS IX Chapter XXVI. — The Board of Education, Revised by Rev. John G. Gebhard, D.D.— Early Efforts to Aid Students for the Ministry.— Pounding of the Board of Education.— New Life for the Educational Institutions of the Church.— Funds for the Work. — Requirements.— The Officers of the Board. — Incorporation and Rules 171-174 Chapter XXVII. — The Periodicals of the Reformed Church in America, by Rev. James Boyd Hunter. Editor of the Christian Intelligencer and Mission Field. — Missionary Periodicals. — The Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Church.— The Christian Intelligencer.— Its Long. Useful and Anxious History.— The Effect of the War.— The Combina- tion of the Christian Intelligencer and Mission Field. — Western Pe- riodicals.—The Leader, De Hope, Die Mitarbeiter.— The Somerset Church News 175-177 Chapter XXVIII. — History of Foreign Missions, Revised by Rev. Wm. I. Chamberlain, Ph.D., D.D., Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions. — Christianity a Missionary Religion. — Early Missions. — Missions After the Reformation. — Early Dutch Missions. — Dutch and English Missionary Activity in America During the Colonial Period. The Revival of Missionary Interest in the Latter Years of the 18th Century. — The Reformed Church and Missions. — First Period. — Early Efforts, 1796-1832. — Various Missionary Societies and their Work. — Second Period — Co-operation With the American Board, 1832-1857. — Early Foreign Missionaries and Their Work. — Third Period ; Sep- aration From the American Board. — Independent Action, 1857. — Other Opportunities. — Comparative Summary, 1858-1900-1921. — Woman's Board of Foreign Missions. — Amoy Mission, 1842; Its Be- ginnings ; Evangelistic Work ; Educational Work ; Medical Work ; Mission Comity. — Arcot Mission, 1853. — Beginnings. — Preach the Gos- pel ; Evangelize ; Day Schools, Boarding Schools, Arcot Seminary. — Industrial and Medical Work. — Literary Work. — Union and Inde- pendence.— Japan Mission, 1859. — Opening of Japan. — The Great Men and Small Beginnings.— Translations. — The First Church. — United Church of Christ in Japan. — Its \Vork. — Division Into North and South Missions and Reunion. — Educational Work and Various Insti- tutions.— Independent Activity. — Arabian Mission, 1889. — Early Plans. — The First Missionaries and Their Stations. — Progress of the Work — Medical Work. — Results of the War and Present Condi- tion 1^8-218 Chapter XXIX. — History of Domestic Missions, Revised by William T. Demarest, LL.D., Secretary of the Board of Domestic Missions. — First Period, 1786-1806. — America Missionary Ground. — Early Ef- forts and Methods. — Second Period, 1806-1822. — A Committee on Missions. — Changes, Growth. — Third Period, 1822-1831. — New life. — The Missionary Society. — Changes. — Fourth Period, 1831-1879. — The Board of Missions Character of the Work. — Growth. — Fifth Period, 1879-1922. — Conditions in 1879. — A Program of Enlargement. — Women's Executive Committ e Indian Wor\. Mountain Work. — Spread Westward. — Work for Foreigners. — Church Building Fund Advance. — Changes of Officers 219-_-9 Chapter XXX. — The Progress Campaign and the Future, by Rev. John A. Ingham, D.D., Secretary of Reformed Church Progress Cam- paign.— Status of the Reformed Church in 1900. — Growth. — Sum- mary of Progress From 1841 to 1921. — Efforts Toward Church Union. — Effects. — Influence of the War. — Inter-Church ^Vorld Movement. — Its Collapse.— The Good Results. — The Reformed Church After Lengthening Its Cords Now Strengthens Its Stakes. — Methods and Outlook 230-234 X TABLE OF CONTENTS PART SECOND. The Ministry 235-606 PART THIRD. The Churches 697-721 APPENDIX. Chronological List of the Ministers of the Reformed (Dutch) Church in America 1628-1922-723-763 Chronological List of the Congregations of the Reformed (Dutch) Church in America 1628-1922-765-777 Addenda 779-781 Errata 782 (This Table of Contents is considered a sufficient Index.) Abbreviations A. C Amherst College. A. G Amsterdam Gymnasium. A. S Andover Seminary. Al. S Allegheny Seminary. Arn. C Arnheim College, Holland. A. R. S Associate Refd. Seminary. Aub. S Auburn Seminary. B. C Beloit College. Bl. Schl, or Sem Bloomfleld School or Seminary. C. C Columbia College. C. C. N. Y College of the City of New York. Ch. R. S Christian Refd. Seminary, Grand Rap- ids. C. N. J College of New Jersey. Cor. U Cornell University. C. U Columbia University. C. U. I., or Cent. Co Central College or University of Iowa. D. C Dickinson College. Day. C Davidson College. Dub. C. and Sem Dubuque College and Seminary. P. and M. C Franklin and Marshall College. Glas. U Glasgow University. G. R. M. H Ger. Refd. Miss. Home, Sheboygan, Wis. Gum. G *. Gumbinnen Gymnasium, Germany. Gron. Univ Groningen University. Ham. C Hamilton College. H. T. S Hartford Theological Seminary. Hob. C Hobart College. H. C Hope College. H. S Hope or Holland Seminary. Har. U Harvard College or University. la. C Iowa College. 111. C Illinois College. J. C Jefferson College. K. C Kalamazoo College. L. P. C LaPayette College. Leyd. U Leyden University. McA. C ; McAllister College. McCor. Sem McCormick Seminary. M. C Middlebury College. M. U Michigan University. M. H. C Mission House College. M. H. S Mission House Seminary. N. B. S New Brunswick Seminary. N. W. S Northwestern Seminary. N. Y. U. or U. N. Y New York University. P. S Princeton Seminary. P. U Princeton University. Q. C. or R. C Queens College or Rutgers College. S. A Schenectady Academy. S. G Stuttgart Gymnasium. U. C Union College. Xll ABBREVIATIONS U S. or U. T. S Union Seminary. U. G University of Gratz, Ger. U. M University of Marburg-, Ger. U. Pa University of Pa. Ut. U Utrecht University. W. C Williams College and also Without Charge. W. M. C Western Medical College. W. R. C Western Reserve College. W. S. or W. T. S Western Seminary, Holland. Mich. Y. C Yale College. Y. S Yale Seminary. Y. U Yale University. Other abbreviations are sufficiently obvious. Introduction THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. That body of Christians whose present official title is "The Reformed Church in America," has, during its history, been known by various names. The letters from Holland addressed to the early churches of this body in America called them, "The Reformed Dutch Churches in New York and New Jersey." With the expansion of the denomination after the Revolution- ary War, the title appears, "The Reformed Dutch Churches in North Amer- ica." At the adoption of the Constitution in 1792, the name employed inci- dentally in the Minutes of the Synod is, "The Dutch Reformed Church in North America. But the name on the title page of the first edition of the Consti- tution, printed in 1793, is "The Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America." The same name was used in the second edition of 1815. In subsequent editions appears, "The Refd. Dutch Ch. of North America." In the Act of Incorporation in 1819 the title is, "The Reformed Protestant Dutch Church." This then became the official name of the Church. During the middle decades of the nineteenth century the Church with its fellows was subjected to the fusion of the great New World melting pot, in which they all were cast, and became thoroughly Americanized. After 1840, the sentiment developed thaj the word "Dutch" was no longer appro- priate in the title of the Church. Nearly a generation of discussion followed and in 1867 the word "Dutch" was dropped and the official title of the Church became, "The Reformed Church in America."' As fossils, preserved in rock, testify to the process of creation, so these various terms, employed in the name of the Church, reveal the progress of the Reformed Church in America from its infancy to its present maturity. Considering the phrases "in America," "in North America" and "in the United States" as equivalent, five component elements in the full title of the Church arc found. Arranging these in chronological sequence the name obtained is, "The Dutch Protestant Reformed Church in New York and New Jersey in America." Each of these words and phrases is the symbol of an important fact by which the history of the Chbrch may be traced. The word "Dutch" speaks of the people among whom the Church origi- nated. They were the Dutch nation inhabiting the land of Holland. The word "Protestant" shows that the Church belonged to that grand division of Christians who protested against the Roman form of faith and practice. The word "Reformed" tells of the minor division within Protestantism which distinguished the school of Calvin from that of Luther. The phrase "In New York and New Jersey" reveals the fact that the 'See E. T. Corwin'.s Digest of Synodical Legislation R.C.A.. p. 755. 1906. Also see the article on the history of the name in the Appendix to Minutes of General Synod, 1867. XIV INTRODUCTION Church had been carried from the place of its seeding across the western sea, and planted in the Dutch provinces on either side the Hudson River. "In America" stands for the wider field of its larger growth. On the American continent it has become one of the trees of the Kingdom of Christ, hard by the River of the Water of Life. There its mission is to yield its fruits every month, and with the other trees of its Master's gar- den, to scatter its leaves far and wide for the healing of the nations. I. THE NETHERLANDS AND THE DUTCH PEOPLE. As the strife of war makes the territory between contending armies a "No Man's Land," so in the region where the Rhine through many mouths debouches into the North Sea, the battle of the waves and sands made the country a "No Man's Land," seemingly unfit for habitation. Because of its low position it is called the Netherland and the term Holland, that is Hollowland, expresses the nature of the country as scooped out, lying lower than the sea. But before the dawn of history hardy adventurers of Celtic and Teutonic stock had settled there. Under somber skies they aided the ground in its struggle with the water, and, little by little, gardens smiled in the midst of the watery desert, and villages were founded where the surf had broken. In Roman times the territory was inhabited in the north by the Frisii, bj' the Batavi in the centre and by the Belgae in the south. Nature had trained these peoples in a hard school until their bodies were strong, their minds clear and persevering and their souls free. The Mistresses of the World found the complete subjugation of such freemen impossible and was glad to make them her allies. With the waning of the Roman power the Netherlands were over- run by barbarous hordes of Northmen and others from the east. These, mingling with the earlier inhabitants added to their strength and caught their spirit of freedom and enterprise. While old names gave place to new the people continued essentially the same. The Celtic tribes of the Netherlands were governed by a priestly ca.ste and worshipped with bloody sacrifices, but the Teutonic tribes had no priest- hood and without temples worshipped an Almighty Father. The sword of Pepin and of Charles the Great was not able to win these fierce heathen to the allegiance of the cross, but what force could not do the gentle English missionary Willibrord, assisted by Boniface, the apo.stle of Germany and by others was able to accomplish. By the year 800 the cross had taken root and the ancient idols were falling before it. But while Christ was accepted as King, the sturdy people of the Netherlands, especially in the north, never rendered a heart obedience to his so-called vicar upon earth, the Pope of Rome. The nominal control which Charles the Great had acquired over the coun- try was lost at his death and various small, semi-independent states devel- oped. The more northern of these were distinctly Teutonic in character, while the southern were markedly French. The spirit of their fathers who had conquered the sea was in the blood of them all. They were proud of their determination and energy and could properly assume the name "Dutch" that is preeminently the "People." INTRODUCTION XV After the introduction of Christianity and during the centuries of practical independence the Netherland provinces made unusual progress in civihza- tion. Many of their men of valor joined in the Crusades and brought back to their gloomy northern homes the intellectual and material spoils of the south and east. Great engineering works were undertaken and more land was redeemed from the sea. Intensive agriculture increased the food supply, the towns hummed with manufacture and business. The canals were full of laden boats and the harbors with the high sterned ships of those days. Industry begat wealth and wealth gave leisure. Leisure became the mother of art and culture. No other part of Europe was so rich or busy, and none other, save the Italian states, was so intelligent and refined. The southern cities, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp were especially flourishing. In fact at the beginning of the sixteenth century Antwerp was the metropolis of Europe. All this had been accomplished upon a poor soil and with exceptionally small natural resources because the people, trained by their age long struggle with the sea, had become the most determined, energetic and freedom loving people in the world. But while civilization was advancing the general course of political events had been sinister. Jealous neighbors looked askance at such growing pros- perity. In 1369 a marriage alliance between the House of Flanders and that of Burgundy gave the ambitious Burgandian dukes a foothold in the Neth- erlands, which they used to bring the whole country under their sway. The Hapsburg-Burgundian alliance, cemented by the marriage of Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy in 1477, made the Netherlands an appan- age of the House of Hapsburg. The Emperor, Charles V, the grandson of Maximilian, in 1549, formally united this rich inheritance with the Spanish crown. Thus the freedom loving states of the Netherlands by the selfish machinations of princes, without their consent, and almost without their appreciation, had become merely a portion of a great world empire. At this time the Netherlands comprised the four duchies of Brabant, Gelderland, Limburg and Luxemburg; the seven counties of Artois, Flan- ders, Hainault, Holland, Namur, Zutphen and Zeeland ; the margraviate of Antwerp, and the seigniories of Friesland, Groningen, Mechlin, Overyssel and Utrecht. These provinces were largely independent of each other and prized their independence. The States General, to which each sent deputies, served to unify them to some extent, but like the American Continental Con- gress, it was a rope of sand, for it lacked the power of legislation or taxa- tion. Only in the fires of oppression and persecution could these diverse states be welded into one nation. In the Spanish dominion the furnace was provided. II. THE GENIUS OF PROTESTANTISM. Since the word "Protestant" is embedded in the strata of the title of the Reformed Church in America, it is proper to consider the genius of Pro- testantism, for it betokens the fundamental spirit of that Church. The word itself is purely negative and therefore unworthy of a great divis- XVI INTRODUCTION ion of Christendom. It was originally applied to those German princes, who at the Diet of Spires in 1529 protested against the annulment of the degree of the Diet of Spires of 1526. This decree had called upon the emperor to summon a general council, and in the meantime allow each prince to manage the religious affairs of his own territory. But the word has become too well established to be changed. Protestantism starts with the practical question : How can the troubled conscience find peace. It retains from the Catholic system the objective doc- trines of Christianity concerning the Godhead and the Person and Work of Christ. But it joined issue with the prevailing system regarding subjective, experimental Christianity, — the method of the sinners' approach to God and the expression of his faith. The two fundamental doctrines of Protestantism are the sv:premacy of the, word of God and the sufficiency of the saving grace of Christ. The former proclaims the word of God, that is, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ments to be the rule of faith and practice, and asserts the right of the private interpretation of them. This is in contrast to the Roman view which makes tradition of equal value and the Church the final authority both in regard to Scripture and tradition. The sufficiency of the grace of Christ, the second fundamental doctrine of Protestantism, gives* all glory to Christ as the author of salvation. It de- clares that the sinner is justified before God, not because of any work of his own, but solely because of the work of Christ. This is in opposition to the Roman doctrine that faith and works are coordinate grounds of salvation. Protestantism however, does not hold the doctrine of faith without works in the sense that it denies the necessity of good works as an evidence of salvation received. To these two prominent principles of Protestantism belongs as a corollary the doctrine of the universal priesthood of believers and the right and duty of the laity both to interpret the Scripture without clerical aid and to take part in the government of the Church. Experience has shown that Protestantism runs great danger of fanaticism in doctrine and division in practice. But even in the midst of its errors it trains the mind and heart toward spiritual maturity as no system of ecclesias- tical authority can do. When its work is completed the subject has advanced into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God. III. THE GENIUS OF THE REFORMED CHURCH. Early in the Reformation period differences of view began to appear be- tween the German and the Swiss reformers. In 1529 German delegates with Luther at their head and Swiss under Zwingli met at Marburg for the purpose of consolidating the great task to which they had set their hands. The nature of the Lord's Supper was presented for discussion and radical disagreement immediately results. Luther wrote with chalk upon the cover of the table the words : "Hoc est meum corpus," and refused to budge from the literal sense. Zwingli insisted that the bread and wine were symbolic and the Supper of the nature of a memorial. When they could not agree INTRODUCTION XVll th^ Swiss reformer with tears offered the liand of fellowship to Luther which- was refused. Luther held that because of the union of the divine and human nature in. Christ his bod}' was ubiquitous. Hence there was a supernatural imion of the body and blood of Christ with the bread and wine in the Supper. In his view the communicant received the body and blood of Christ "in, with and under the form of bread." The bareness of Zwingli's view was subsequently modified by Calvin. He taught that the presence of Christ in the supper was real in a spiritual sense. While the body of Christ remained in heaven the true communicant receivedi its virtue by a wonderful spiritual process. Luther and Calvin agreed as to the doctrine of the divine sovereignty. But the former held it not as a matter for philosopohical speculation but as a religious tenet, too deep for human understanding. Hence it was not empha- sized in his system and was subject to modification in the course of time. Calvin speculated upon it and emphasized it. In his writing it assumed a settled form and thus was bequeathed to the Churches which inherited his- systein. It has been said that Luther and his followers were chiefly opposed to the Judaism of the Roman Church, while the Calvinists fought against its Pag- anism. The former paid more attention to tradition and accepted more of the ceremony which the years had made dear to many Christian hearts. The latter broke more completely with the past and more exclusively robed uporh the authority of Scripture. Calvinism has often erred however in not dis- tinguishing between the different stages of Scriptural revelation and thus, sometimes has made the mistake of grounding its conduct upon Old Testa- ment example rather than upon New Testament principle. Both Reformation groups adopted the Presbyterian polity but the disciples: of Luther insisted more on the rights of princes while the disciples of Calvin^ emphasized the rights of the people. Hence Calvinism became more truly than Lutheranism the parent of democracy. Even within the Reformer's life time the Roman Catholics began to calli the churches which Luther had founded by his name. To this he strenuously objected but without avail. From the Lutheran Church of Germany a mighty stream of Christian doctrine and practice has flowed forth into Central Europe. Overflowing national boundaries it extends toward the ends of the,- earth. The name "Reformed Church" did not appear so early as did that of the Lutheran. The followers of Calvin had no settled title until the Conference at Poissy, France, in 1561. There Beza in the presence of the French court presented the Reformed doctrine with so great erudition and with such win- someness that it seemed for a time as if he would carry all before him. But the conference was barren of results except that a name was found for the followers of the Swiss Reformation. From that time they were known as the Reformed Church. The influence of the Reformed Church, rising in Switzerland, touching upon Germany, overflowed into France, and thence descended into the Neth- erlands. There it became the source of the Reformed Church in America. XVlll INTRODUCTION IV. THE REFORMED CHURCH IN EUROPE. The Reformation is the historic name for the religious movement which divided the Western Church into two opposing parts and gave rise to the var- ious Protestant bodies. It had three chief branches : the Lutheran which arose in Germany and influenced mainly the nations of northern Europe with the exception of the Netherlands ; the Anglican which arose in England and followed a course less remote from that of the ancient Church; and the Reformed which arose in Switzerland, took some hold in Germany, spread in France and the Netherlands and thence was carried to America. Only of the last of these branches of the Reformation does this discussion treat. Switzerland. The Reforrhed movement began independently in Switzerland at about the time that Luther was preparing to strike his first blow in Germany. Ulrich Zwingli began his reformatory preaching in the German cantons of Switzer- land in 1516. Before his death in battle in 1531. the Reformed doctrine had taken a strong hold of the popular mind. The death of Zwingli and some of his associates gave "a sudden check to the movement in the German por- tions of Switzerland, but it took a new start in the French cantons and rose to a higher position than ever. Just at this juncture, the great master mind of the Reformed Church appeared in Geneva, a refugee from France. Under the influence of John Calvin the beautiful city at the foot of the Lake of Geneva became the asylum for persecuted Protestants from all lands, and its Church the model of a Reformed communion. Here Calvin developed his extraordinary genius and energy as the greatest theologian and disciplinarian of the Reformation. From his mighty personality spread abroad his theological system and his ecclesiastical polity until the impress of his mind and heart was upon all Reformed communions. Beza and BuU- inger, two worthy successors of the master mind of the Reformed Church, labored until the end of the century, and consolidated the work already begun. Germany. From Switzerland the Reformed faith passed into the German Palatinate and was joyfully received. Here the Reformed Church of Germany was born, and the Heidelberg Catechism, the chief symbol of the Reformed faith, appeared in 1563.' From the Palatinate the Reformed Church spread into several German states and into neighboring countries. But it was unable to compete with Lutheranism upon German territory, and beyond those bounds it was speedily crushed by persecution. Therefore the influence of the Re- formed Church in Germany is comparatively unimportant. •This Catechism was also translated from the original German into Dutch in 1563, a fact long doubted. A copy of that first edition, perhaps the only one extant, found in the library of Professor Doedes, was secured bv Dr. E. T. Corwin while in Ho'land in 1898, and is now deposited in the library of the Collegiate Church. New York City. INTRODUCTION XIX France. Advancing west and south from Switzerland the Reformed Church entered France, Italy and Spain. In the two latter countries it was soon destroyed, but in France, in spite of the opposition of the court, the priesthood and the common people, it gained a foothold. Its root was watered with the blood of Martyrs and this seemed to fertilize the soil. By 1559 there were more than two thousand Reformed congregations scattered throughout France. In that year the first General Synod was held in Paris. In 1571 the General Synod meeting at La Rochelle adopted the so called Gallican Confession and a system of government essentially Calvinistic. The Reformed movement assumed a political aspect and civil war ensued. The Roman Catholic party had the support of the throne and of a majority of the people. The Reformed (Huguenot) party was led by the princes of Navarre and contained some of the noblest and best men of France. The awful massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572 dealt them a staggering blow- but they soon recovered from it. With the accession of Henry IV and the promulgation of the Edict of Nantes in 1598, the prospects of the Reformed Church grew very bright. The period that followed was the halcyon time for the French Reformed Church. Congregations multiplied, growing in numbers, intelligence and grace. Schools and colleges were founded and great preachers occupied the pulpits. The Reformed faith took hold of the best portion of the people and its influence far outstripped its numbers. But clouds of opposition and persecution were rising. Under the leader- ship of Cardinal Richelieu, the privileges, granted by the Edict of Nantes were more and more curtailed. Just one hundred years after the meeting of the first General Synod in 1559 the last General Synod possible for the persecuted was held in 1659.' In 1685 the Edict of Nantes was revoked and the sword, so long threatening, fell. Many weak Protestants saved their lives but lost their faith, and many, more strong, lost their lives but saved their souls. Alore than half a million took refuge in flight. These were the most intelligent and best people of the country and their loss to the nation was beyond measure. The fugitives were gladly welcomed in the neighbor- ing Protestant countries, where their skill and character more than repaid the hospitality shown them. Many settled in the Netherlands and united with the Dutch Reformed Church. Their French vivacity in union with the sturdy Dutch character made a most valuable combination. They there- fore added greatly to the strength of the Reformed Church in Holland, and through her to the Reformed Church in America. 'There were twenty-nine of these Synods held in France during just a. century, 155it-1659. See "Synodicon in Gallia Reformata" or Acts, etc.,. of the Reformed churc'he.s in France. Translated into English by Rev. .lohn Quick, minister of the Gosijel in London, 4to. pp. 5!*6. London, 1692. This contains also the Gallican Confession, Rules of Church Government, and everything of importance pertaining to the Reformed Church in France. It is the Thesaurus of the early French Protestants. In the Acts of Synod of 1637 there is a list of 647 ministers and churches. See also. Schaff's "Creeds of Christendom" for the Gallican Confession. ^X INTRODUCTION The Netherlands — History. The hardy plant of freedom had long flourished in the moist ground of the Netherlands but in that soil despotism, civil or ecclesiastical, made only a stunted growth. Probably no where else in Europe were there so many "Reformers before the Reformation." One of the foremost of these was Gerard Groot (1340-84). He taught that religion was a matter of the heart, not of ceremony, and he founded the famous Brotherhood of the Common Life. His disciples became the great teachers of the country and the spiritual guides of the working people. From the schools of the Brotherhood issued Thomas a Kempis, the author of the Imitation of Christ, Zerbolt, the popu- larizer of education, Gansevoort, the restorer of Scriptural theology, Eras- -mus, the father of Biblical criticism, who according to the monks laid the <^gg which Luther hatched, and many others. Under such influences the Bible, before translated by laymen into the 'Dutch vernacular, was printed in 1477. Many editions followed and the Scripture became a light upon the path of the common man.' Not all were competent to use their opportunities aright. About the fringe of intelligence and piety were various sects of radicals and fanatics. Of these the Anabaptists became the most prominent. But even among them were earnest men, some of whom were of truly noble character. Thus at the beginning of the Reformation Era the Netherlands, standing first in wealth and enterprise among the nations of Europe, were also first in intelligence and piety. The nation was ready to receive the Reformed doc- trine. It was not long in coming, partly from the land of Luther, but chiefly, in its Reformed form, from Switzerland and France. The Jesuit Strada remarked, "Nor did the Rhine from Germany, or the Meuse from France send more water into the Low Countries, than by the one the contagion of Luther, by the other of Calvin, was imported into these same Belgic pro- "vinces." Those were the days when Charles V., emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and king of Spain, was seeking to unify his diverse dominion. 'Charles was a statesman of more than average ability and character. But he was a narrow friend of the Papacy, both from religious and political motives. Accordingly in 1521 he issued the first of the barbarous edicts for the extinguishing of heresy in the Netherlands. In 1523 the first martyrs •for the Reformed faith died at the stake in Brussels. In their honor Luther wrote a poem beginning : — "Quiet their ashes will not lie." This word of the great Reformer was prophetic. A long series of execu- tions only scattered the blood of the martyrs which became most fully the seed of the Church. In the midst of the turmoils Anabaptist and other fan- atical sectaries became numerous and their excesses afforded a plausible pre- text for stern measures of repression against all who departed from the old faith. 'A copy of this first edition of the Bible in Dutch, 1477, was secured by Dr. E. T. Corwin while in Holland in 1898, and is now in the library of Jthe Collegiate Church. INTRODUCTIOxX XXI In 155c Charles V. issued a new edict confirming former edicts against the Protestants and threatening to introduce the Inquisition, of which Holy Office, the horrors were well understood in the Low Countries. The threat caused great alarm. Business was at a stand still, prices fell and many fled the country. Many went to England where Edward \T gave them the Church of Austin Friars in London which is used to this day.^ In 1555 Charles V. abdicated his throne in favor of his son, Philip II. Philip lacked the ability and character which had made his father personally popular. He was narrow and false, borrowing his conscience from the priests. He held nothing more dear than the Papacy except his own safety and comfort. He therefore resolved to introduce the despotic system which was his confidence, into the Netherlands and to stamp out heresy at all costs. Passing by the great princes of the country, such as William of Orange and Counts Egmont and Horn, he made his illegitimate sister, Margaret of Parma, Regent and placed as her chief adviser Granvelle, Bishop of Arras, a wtII trusted tool of the Emperor. Bodies of Spanish troops were stationed in the Netherlands and several new bishoprics were created, whose occupants were clothed with inquisitorial power. Having thus made proper arrange- ments Philip renewed the edicts of his father in a more drastic form than before. Awful was the persecution which resulted and great was the consternation and wrath of the people. At the protest of the nobility of the country Gran- velle was removed but conditions were not greatly changed. In 1565 a few patriots of Brussels entered into a solemn covenant to resist these oppressive measures at all costs. The next year about four hundred nobles went on foot to the court of the Regent at Brussels to petition a relief from persecu- tion. Margaret of Parma was frightened at their coming but one of her councilors referred to the petitioners as "a troop of beggars." The phrase caught the popular fancy. The League of Beggars was formed and the term became a ralh'ing cry of great power. People, forsaking the churches met for field preaching in vast numbers, guarded by armed men. A wave of iconoclasm swept over the country. The symbols of Roman Catholic worship were torn from the churches and cast out of the buildings. In the midst of the excitement the Lily among Thorns was made the emblem of the church. This rebellion aroused the bigoted nature of Philip to fury. Against the desire of the Regent, Margaret, he appointed the Duke of Alva military com- mander in the country. He was a man after his master's own heart, capable, determined, cruel and crafty. Well supported by seasoned Spanish troops he became virtual ruler of the nation. The counts, Egmont and Horn were decoyed to Brussels and executed. William of Orange, retired to Germany and awaited his time. Alva set up a terrible tribunal which the people called 'The history of this church has been published under the title, "Reg- ister of the Dutch Church, Austin Friars, Ijondon, 1571-1874." There are 45 pages of Historical Introduction, and then a list of Baptisms, Marri- ages and Burals ; with copies of the Monumental Inscriptions and plates of the Monuments. Indexed. There are then four very stout volumes styled "Ecclesiae — Londino— Batavje Archivum," or "Archives of the Dutch Church in London," which include certain Scientific Papers de- posited with them, and three volumes of Correspondence, relating largely to Refugee churches in England and other lands. It is a- mine of mater- ial hardly yet begun to be worked. XXll INTRODUCTION "the Council of Blood." During six years, (1567-73) the hand of the tyrant was supreme and no less than one hundred thousand people were executed. Indeed upon Feb. 16, 1568, a unique death sentence was passed upon the whole nation, with a few specified exceptions. While the country lay pros- trate, multitudes of the best citizens fled to Germany, Denmark and especially to England. Eight Dutch churches were planted in London and the whole of England was greatly benefited by the useful arts which the fugitives intro- duced. Meanwhile Philip's cup of crime and folly was filled to overflowing and deliverance was at hand. William, Prince of Orange (1533-84) one of the noblest figures of the age, was preparing to deliver his country. Under his- influence the provinces of Holland and Zeeland threw off the yoke of Alva and adopted a free constitution, while still recognizing Philip as king. In 1572 the "water beggars" took Briel and this was the turning of the tide. The next year Alva retired admitting his failure. Requesens, the succes- sor of Alva, while more conciliatory, kept up the war with the patriots. The battles raged with varying success but the heroic defense of Leyden in 1574 greatly discouraged the oppressors and William was enabled to enter upon a series of negotiations which resulted in the Pacification of Ghent (1576). In this seventeen provinces bound themselves to drive out the Spaniards and to establish religious freedom. From this compact the southern provinces withdrew, leaving Belgium Roman Catholic. The Reformed of that country fled to the north and became known as Walloons. In 1579 the seven northern provinces signed the Union of Utrecht, and thus laid the foundation of the Dutch Republic. They chose as their motto "Eendracht maackt niacht" — "a united pull gives power" or "Union makes strength."^ In 1581 the States General deposed Philip and issued the Dutch Declara- tion of Independence. In this document, so radical in that day, they declared that the prince was created for the subjects, not the subjects for the prince, and that if he does not govern justly the subjects have a right to depose him. On this ground they repudiated Philip as their sovereign. William of Orange was assassinated in 1584 but his son, Maurice, took com- mand and performed his duties with distinguished ability. The new Dutch Commonwealth grew in power and tlie sturdy Dutch soldiers and sailors prepared to hold their own against the force of Spain for a century, if neces- sary. On land and sea they were successful and Philip was doomed to see his magnificent schemes of despotism go down in ignominious failure. Under his successor, Philip III, Spain, the once haughty mistress of the world, was compelled to conclude a twelve years' truce with the despised heretics of the Netherlands, and finally by the Peace of Westphalia, 1648, to acknowledge their independence. 'The "Groot Plakaet Boek," in eight large volumes, with a thorough "Register," or Index, contains all the Edicts, civil and ecclesiastical, dur- ing the two centuries of the Dutch Republic's existence. The Ecclesias- tical Edicts include the successive revisions of Church Polity and of the Doctrinal Symbols. These have also been collected and printed separ- ately in four volumes called "Kerkelyke Plakaet Boek." Copies of the "Groot Plakaet Boek" are to be found in the State Library of New York, and the Sage Library at New Brunswick. The Collegiate Church of New York has a complete copy of the "Kerkelyke Plakaet Boek," and the Sage ■ Library volumes i and ii. INTRODUCTION XXIU The Netherlands — Liturgy. During the troublous times before independence, liturgies were growing up, containing purified forms of devotion, and these were also full of in- struction to the common people. In their composition all the older litur- gies, even to the earliest centuries, were freely used. These liturgies, as they appeared, were translated from one language to another, with improvements, until they approximated the Reformed ideal. Besides an earlier one in Geneva, Calvin prepared a liturgy for his Walloon congregation at Strass- burg in 1541, which was printed in 1545. A second edition was published in 1546 by Polanus, Calvin's successor. Upon the removal of Polanus with his entire flock to Glastonbury, England, in 1551, he translated this liturgy into English, which Cranmer and his colleagues used in the preparation of the Book of Common Prayer. In 1553 John a Lasco, pastor of the Dutch Church of Austin Friars, Lon- don, prepared a liturgy in Latin, based on that of Polanus. An abridg- ment of this was made by Micron in 1554, translated into Dutch, and printed at Embden. The next year a Latin edition of a Lasco's liturgy of 1553 was published at Frankfort. In 1566 Dathenus revised the liturgy of Micron, and this revision was for- mally adopted in Holland by the Synod of Wesel in 1568. This aiso con- tained Dathenus's versification of the Psalms and the Heidelberg Catechism. Forms for the administration of baptism to infants. Micron's Compendium for those who wished to enter into the full communion of the church, forms for the administration of the Lord's Supper, and for marriage, with many forms of prayer, were also incorporated. This revised liturgy of Dathenus was formall}' adopted by the Synods of Holland and Zeeland in 1574, and soon came into more or less general use in all the provinces. The prayers in these liturgies were not obligatory. Thus during the generation of greatest persecution were these believers preparing forms of worship which would exert an educational influence for generations. The Netherlands — Doctrine. The Dutch Reformers also felt the necessity of providing themselves with a definite creed and church order, or system of polity. Congregations, more or less imperfectly organized, had sprung up everywhere. Many minor difi^erences in faith and order needed to be adjusted. Guido de Bres, Peter Dathenus, Henry Modet, and Francis Junius were the principal instruments in securing the unity desired. After a few concessions wrung from the Regent Margaret in 1566, some Walloon and Dutch pastors felt encouraged to meet at Antwerp, with a number of nobles, to begin the formation of a regular church organization. After slight revision they adopted the Belgic Confession of Faith, which had been composed by Guido de Bres in 1559, and published in 1561. It was modeled after the Gallican Confession, and contained thirty-seven articles. A copy was sent to Philip II., with an explanatory letter, and also with a request for protection and liberty of con- science. At the same time an exhortation was addressed to the several local authorities of the Netherlands. The Heidelberg Catechism was pro- XXIV INTRODUCTION visional ly adopted at the same time. The Synod, however, was careful to say that these standards of doctrine were only symbols of agreement, and that the Word of God was their only rule of faith. The Netherlands — Polity. The two Synods which formulated the Church Order, as the polity of the church was called, were obliged to meet outside the Netherlands, on account of the persecutions raging within. It was during the atrocities of Alva (1567-73), who had sworn to exterminate the heretics, that the Dutch proceeded to organize their Church, not doubting, in their new-found evan- gelical faith, but that God would give them victory and peace. This Synod of Wesel (1568) accordingly adopted the name "The Netherland Churches which are Waiting under the Cross." They also adopted provisionally Cal- vin's Presbyterian polity, which they elaborated in certain particulars to suit their circumstances. Ministers must be pious and learned men, and must agree in doctrine with the standards already adopted. Schools must be established for the study of Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The Walloon churches could use the Geneva Catechism. The Dutch versification of the Psalms by Dathenus was adopted for use in worship. The duties of the four classes of officers were defined, and directions were given as to sermon- izing and prophesying — that is, Bbile-class teaching. They refused to give vnnute directions as to the way of administering baptism and the Supper, lest they should seem to tyrannize over consciences. At the Synod of Embden (1571) the action of the Synod of Wesel was confirmed, and some additions were made. Ministers must subscribe to the standards of doctrine. The name "consistory"' was adopted for the minister, elders and deacons of each church, who must hold weekly meet- ings. The Classes were to meet quarterly or semi-annually, and a biennial General Synod was suggested, which should be conventional. Ministers were to be called by the Consistory, subject to the approval of the Classis. These features of church government, more or less expanded, remain the same in the Reformed Church in America to this day. With the recall of the Duke of Alva to Spain (1573) the fugitives were enabled to return. A Synod embracing only the two provinces of Holland and Zeeland was held in 1574 which was somewhat retrogressive, owing to local and personal reasons, but its acts were not recognized by the States. Following the siege of Leyden the University of Leyden was founded in 1575 in reward of the heroism of the citizens. In 1576 the Reformed Church was established in the provinces of Zeeland and Holland, but free- dom of religion was allowed in all the provinces. This was the result of the Pacification of Ghent. The infamous edicts of Charles V. were now repealed, and the Inquisition was forever prohibited. With two national Synods which were subsequently held in the country — • viz., at Dort (1576) and at Middleburg (1581) — the polity of the Reformed Church of Holland was completed. The first of these Synods was called 'Subsequently the term Consistory was limited to ministers and elders, but in America it has always also included the deacons. INTRODUCTION XXV without the consent of the civil power. It declared that in ecclesiastical matters the power belonged to the church alone. It was subsequently con- ceded, however, that calls on ministers might be also approved by the magistrates. The four grades of ecclesiastical bodies were defined, viz., Consistories, Classes, Provincial Synods, and a General Synod which was to meet triennially. Church records were to be minutely kept, as well as records of baptisms and marriages. The conditions of full church-member- ship were defined. The Synod of Middleburg (1581) invited the States to send a delegation, but this was declined. This excited some suspicions. This Synod decided that the States should not be recognized in the election of ministers, elders or deacons. A proposition was made for some sort of civic superintendence, but this was rejected. It was now decided that all church officers, includ- ing professors of theology and schoolmasters, must sign the standards of doctrine. The Reformed Church of Holland was (1581) thoroughly organized, with an evangelical liturgy and creed and a Presbyterian polity. Within a month after the adjournment of this Synod, Philip II. was formally deposed. The Reformed Church became the established church of the Netherlands. The minutes of the famous Classis of Amsterdam begin in 1582. The Netherlands — The Synod of Dort. In the year 1609 began the great Arminian controversy, which led to the •call of the famous Synod of Dort (1618-19). Arminius (1560-1609) was ordained as a Reformed minister in 1586. In 1603 he became professor of theology at Leyden. He soon became involved in a dispute with Gomar on fore-ordination. He asked for the assembling of a Synod to decide the ques- tions involved, but before this could be done he died. His adherents, as ministers of the Reformed Church, were condemned for holding opinions contrary to the standards of doctrine which they had subscribed. In 1610 they presented a remonstrance against this decision, and hence were called Remonstrants. The debate went on for ten years. The Remonstrants held to a conditional election, an unlimited atonement, yet that no man of him- self is able to exercise saving faith, except through the power of the Holy Spirit ; and that grace does not act upon men in an irresistible way. Upon the perseverance of the saints they were undetermined. All the Reformed churches of Europe were invited to send delegates to this Synod, and they all complied except Anhalt. Tho,se appointed by the Reformed Church of France were forbidden to attend by the King. The Arminians were cited as accused parties. Their leader, Episcopius, defended their views, with great eloquence and boldness. The doctrines of grace concerning predestination, redemption, the corruption of man and the manner of his conversion and the perseverance of the saints were elaborately discussed and more accurately defined and formulated in what are called the Canons of the Synod of Dort. The design of these Canons is to Magnify the Grace of God in the salvation of sinners. The representatives of all the Reformed churches present signed the Canons. It was then decided that XXVI INTRODUCTION the Remonstrants, as officers of the Reformed Church, should be excluded from their offices. They would, no doubt, have been tolerated as a separate sect. Political complications were involved in the discussion, and the long dis- pute exasperated both parties ; hence the added severity of the ban- ishment of about two hundred ministers, including the great statesman-, and scholar, Hugo Grotius, and the execution of Barneveldt. But these events must be judged in the light of the seventeenth century. Within six years, upon the death of Maurice (1625), the Remonstrants were permitted to return, and full toleration was granted them. The Synod of Dort was in session for six months and its proceedings are voluminous. After the withdrawal of the foreign delegates at the close of the one hundred and fifty-fourth session, the Dutch delegates continued in session as a National Synod. Its acts (Sessions 155-180) are known as the Post-Acta. They relate to a variety of topics, such as church ordinances, the jus patronatus, church visitation, the call to the ministerial office, cor- respondence between magistrates and Consistories, festival days, the hymns to be sung in the church, the baptism of Roman Catholics, the observance- of the Sabbath, the marriage relation, professors, the form to be signed at ordination, the baptisjn of the sick and of adults, the visitation of the sick,, a new translation of the Bible into Dutch, foreign missions, profanity, min- isters' salaries, the liturgy, and other matters. The Heidelberg Catechism was re-indorsed with words of praise, and parents were exhorted to teach it in the home. It was required to be taught in the schools. The establishment of more schools was urged. Min- isters were required to explain a portion of the catechism every Sabbath afternoon. A compendium of the catechism prepared by Herman Fauke- lius was adopted in the place of that of Micron and others which had formerly been used. New forms had been added to the liturgy from time to time, and modi- fications had been made by different Synods. The revision of the liturgy was now intrusted to a committee, of which Festus Hommius, pastor at Leyden, was chairman. Their work was ratified by the Provincial Synods in 1622. The Articles of Church Government were also revised. They consist of eighty-six articles, which were treated under four heads ; viz.. Offices, Ecclesiastical Assemblies ; Doctrines, Sacraments and Usages ; and' Discipline. Of course the Erastian features of church government con- tinued in these rules, on account of the union of church and state, as was the case in every country of Europe. Therefore it was possible for the State to prevent a General Synod from being held for two centuries, 1618- 1816. Provincial Synods were held, however, and these sent delegates to one another. These Rules were also the Rules of the Dutch Church in America until 1792, although the Erastian element of these rules was never- operative in America. It was just after the Synod of Dort that the West India Company was chartered, 1621, and New Netherland began to be col- onized. INTRODUCTION XXVll Subsequent generations in Holland passed through many vicissitudes.' The spread of rationalism in the eighteenth century affected many of her ministers, and the Napoleonic wars resulted in a great modification of the polity of the church. In 1796 the French decreed "that the church be separ- ated from the state, and that no social advantage or disadvantage is to be ■derived from the profession of any religion whatever." The churches and ministers by this sudden change were left in great straits and suffering. But with the battle of Waterloo, 181 5, the French were overthrown. In 181 6 William I., who had become King of Holland, called a General Synod, ■and offered to support the church, if the church would accept of a modi- fied constitution. In their great distress they yielded, and the old Presby- terian form of government was greatly modified, if not quite destroyed. -General Synods have been held yearly since 1816, but the representatives are few, and in all the church bodies a Bestiiur or Board of Administration manages all affairs. Subsequently the church gave up the Canons of Dort and allowed as wide a latitude to her ministers and professors as Germany or Switzerland. Therefore, in 1834, a number of ministers and churches separated from the Established Church and organized The Christian Reformed Church. Their design was to secure and maintain purity of doctrine. After much difficulty, and not without considerable persecution and suffering, they ob- tained recognition. In 1846, mainly from this body, began a new emigra- tion of Hollanders to America, going chiefly to Michigan and other Western States. A large portion of them fell, naturally, into the fold of the Re- formed Church in America, which has always adhered to the original system of Reformed doctrine and polity. Some, however, separated, sootier or later, from the others, and formed "The Christian Reformed Church IN America." The present kingdom of the Netherlands, according to the constitution ■of 1848. grants entire liberty of conscience and complete civil equality to the members of all religious confessions. The old National Reformed Church, the Lutheran Church, the Remonstrants, the Roman Catholic Church, Eng- lish Presbyterian ministers in certain seaports, and even the Jews, arc sup- ported by the Government. Only "The Christian Reformed Church" re- ceives no help from the State, which, spiritually considered, is an undoubted advantage. In 1857, under the influence of the liberals and the Romanists, the government banished religious instruction from the schools, and in 1876 abolished the theological faculties in the universities, but granted funds to the National Synod for special theological instruction. When rational- ists secured these professorships the orthodox party established a Free Reformed University at Amsterdam (1880). The same party has estab- lished free schools all over Holland, in which evangelical religion is taught. 'See also I^etter of Classi.s of Amsterdam to Gen. Syn. of R. C. A. in 1845, in which these changes are briefly referred to. The Classis speaks of "the clearer and more evangelical representation of the doctrines and duties of our faith." . . . "Jesus Christ and Him crucified and glorified remains the only basis of our preaching." Minutes Gen. Syn., 184.5, pp. 519-.522. The Classis of Amsterdam never missed holding its sessions during all these troubles, and their Minutes are filled with material relating to the times. See volumes xvi, xvii, xviii. A complete printed set of the Minutes of these General Synods are in the Sage I.,ibrary at New Brunswick, N. J. XXVlll INTRODUCTION BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following list of authorities upon the subjects touched upon in the Introduction is suggestive rather than complete. History. Altmeyer, J. J., Les Precurseurs de la Reforme aux Pays Bas. 2 vols, Paris, 1856. Baird, Henry W., Rise of the Huguenots of France. 2 vols. New York, 1879. Brandt, G., Historic der Reformatie. Amsterdam, 1671-1704. (English translation, 4 vols. London, 1720. Griffis, W. E., Brave Little Holland and What She Has Taught Us, 1894. Hansen, M. G., The Reformed Church of the Netherlands, 1884. Le Long, I., Kort historisch Verhaal van de Oorsprong der Ned. Geref. Ker- ken onder 't Cruis. Amsterdam, 1751. Motley, J. L., Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols. United Netherlands. 4 vols. John of Barneveldt. Prescott, W. H., Life of Philip II. Steven, William, Brief View of the Dutch Ecclesiastical Establishment, Past and Present. With Acts Affecting British Presbyterian Churches in Holland, 1839. Van Pelt, Daniel. A Church and Her Martyrs : An Account of the Dutch Church in Holland, 1888. Weiss, M. C, History of the French Protestant Refugees. 2 vols. Doctrine. Acta Synodi Nationalis. 1620. Berg, J. F., History and Literature of the Heidelberg Catechism. Trans- • lation from Von Alpen. 1863. Bethune, G. W. Lectures on the Heidelberg Catechism. 2 vols. 1864. Bres, Guido de. The Confession of Faith (Belgic Confession), 1561, many editions in French, Dutch and English. Canons of the Synod of Dort. 1619. Centennial Discourses of the Reformed Church in America. 1876. 2d ed, 1877. Cocceius, J. Summa doctrinae de foedere et testamento Dei. Leiden, 1648; many editions. D'Aubigne, M., History of the Reformation in the Times of Calvin, New York, 1 863- 1 864. Demarest, D. D., Practical Catechetics, 1882. Dort and Westminster, 1890. Good, J. I., The Heidelberg Catechism in its Newest Light. Philadelphia, 1914. Livingston, J. H., System of Theology, 1820. MSS. in Sage Library. (An Analysis of, by Rev. Ava Neal, 1830, 2d ed. 1832. Marckius, J., Christianae Theologiae Medulla, 1685, many editions. Schrif- ten der Remonstranten en Contra — remonstranten. 12 vols. 1618. Schaff, Philip, The Creeds of Christendom. 3 vol., 1877. Scott, Thomas Articles of the Synod of Dort, etc., with History of the Pre- ceding Events, and Harmony of the Reformed Confessions. Utica. 1831. Tercentenary Edition of the Heidelberg Catechism in German, Latin and English. With an Historical Introduction. 1863. Ter- centenary Monument in Commemoration of the Three Hundredth Anni- versary of the Heidelberg Catechism. 1863. Thompson, John B., Heirlooms of Faith and Order of the Reformed Church in America. Published separately and in Centennial Discourses. 1876. Ursinus and Olevianus, The Heidelberg Catechism, 1563, many editions. INTRODUCTION XXIX Van Gieson, A. P., The Type of Doctrine of the Reformed Church in Amer- ica as Represented by the Symbols of Heidelberg and Dordrecht. Pub- lished separately and in Centennial Discourses. 1876. The Canons of Dort. Published in Conference on Union between the Reformed Church in America and the Reformed Church in the United States. 1888. Vinke, H. E., Libri Symbolic! Ecclesiae Reform. Ned. Utrecht. 1846. Witsius, H., De oeconomia foederum Dei cum honinibus. 1677; many edi- tions in Latin, Dutch and English. Woodbridge, S. M., Analysis of Systematic Theology. 1872. Liturgy. A. Lasco, J. Forma ac Ratio tota Ecclesiastici Ministerii in Peregrinorum potissimum vero Germanorum in Anglia per pientissimum Principem Angliae, etc. Regem Eduardum ejus nomonis sextu. 1550. Baird, C. W., Eutaxia ; or The Presbyterian Liturgies. 1855. Demarest, D. D., Liturgical Spirit and Features of the Reformed Church in America. Published separately and in the Centennial Discourses. 1876. Practical Liturgies. 1895. Government. Articles on Church Government, in Acta Synodi Nationalis. 1620. Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States, New York, 1793. (This contains Standards of Doctrine, Liturgy and Rules of Church Government), ist ed. in English, 1793; many editions in whole or in part since. Corwin, E. T., A Digest of Synodical Legislation of the Reformed Church in America. New York. 1906. Digest of Rules and Church Orders, 1794-1814. Printed as an Appendix to the Minutes of General S,j^nod, 1814, pp. 59-83. Revised, 1848; revised, 1869. PART FIRST HISTORY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. FIRST PERIOD THE CHURCH UNDER THE WEST INDIA COMPANY. I 609- I 664. CHAPTER I. PREPARATION FOR THE CHURCH IN AMERICA, 1581-1628. After deposing their monarch, Philip of Spain, by proclamation in 1581, the citizens of the Dutch Republic girded themselves to make the decree efifective. To accomplish this they realized their need of money and they determined to seek wealth in various ways. To the amphibious Dutchman the call of the sea was strong, and therefore to the sea he turned in this hour of need. In spite of the continued struggle with Spain the foreign trade of the Netherlands underwent a rapid expansion. The ports were filled with the trade of the East and the merchants of Holland ranked with the princes of the earth. Yet they were men of serious purpose, who loved the faith for which their fathers had died and for which they themselves had suffered. As soon as a path was made through the deep to the Orient, they began to consider the spiritual welfare of their seamen and agents. Therefore on April 5, 1598, Domine Petrus Plancius announced to the Con- sistory of Amsterdam that the owners of the East India ships desired to be supplied with godly chaplains, whom they would support on the long voyages and in distant barbarous lands.' Four years later, 1602, when the East India Company was founded, by charter chaplains were required on their ships. Henry Hudson, the dis- coverer of the river which bears his name, was in the employ of the East India Company and his ship, the Half Moon, was their vessel. She was of 'Petrus Plancius was an eminent divine and distinguished geographer. He constructed the charters by which the Dutch ships first sailed to the Indies. G. J. Vos Arn. Voorder Spiegel der Historic. A. M. Stel's Kerkelyk Leven Van Deeerste Zestig Jaren der Vrijheid, Amsterdam, 1903. 2 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA less 'Lhan one hundred tons burden and her crew was small. She may there- fore have carried no official chaplain, but under such circumstances the captain or mate would be expected to perform divine service upon her narrow deck. We may hope that in those warm, autumn days of 1609 the shores of Manhattan echoed the words of Christian prayer and praise, after the Reformed order, eleven years before the Pilgrims sang "on the stern and rock bound coast" of New England. But we must admit that Juet's Journal contains no reference thereto. The year of Hudson's discovery was the first year of the Twelve Years' Truce between Holland and Spain. Many grizzled sea-fighters were thus thrown out of employment, and crews were found in plenty to man the ships which the merchants of Amsterdam dispatched to Manhattan upon the report of the opportunities for fur trading. By 1614 ships were com- ing regularly to trade with the Indians along the "Great River of the Mountains" and the first huts were standing upon the site of New York and Albany. For a decade such traffic continued. The scant records of those adventures contain no reference to religious services. But it is probable that the more pious of the sailors and traders, encouraged by the Christian merchants of Holland, at least occasionally held religious services after the Reformed order during the long, idle Sabbaths on ship board or on shore. Meanwhile the business interests of the Netherlands, intent on dividends, organized the West India Company in 1621, and decided to establish a permanent colony in the New World. They found thirty families of Walloon refugees who were willing to make the great experiment, and these they sent to Manhattan under the command of Captain May in 1623. These thrifty colonists scattered throughout a wide region, and were soon hard at work making homes in the wilderness. The contentment, sprung from toil was theirs. They declared the country good and one of them wrote to a friend at home, "If you will come hither with your family you will not regret it." These Walloons, having suffered for their faith valued its ordinances. There is however still no reference to religious services, but we may not doubt that private and social prayers were not forgotten.^ In those days the State in all European countries had charge of educa- tion and religion. Since the West India Company was to occupy the place of the "State" to its colonies, it was taken for granted that the Company vvould feel responsibility in such matters. But by an oversight the charter of 1621 omitted to provide for spiritual needs. Two years later, July 2"], 1623, the Consistory of Amsterdam called the attention of the Directors of the Company to this omission. They at once recommended "attention to religious services both on shipboard and on land." They also thanked the Consistory for calling attention to the matter. It was agreed that the ^Among the Dutch were many Walloons, as they are called in Eng- lish. Their orig-inal name was Gallois, because they bordered on France and spoke the old French; but the Dutch called them Waalsche, which was corrupted into Walloons. They inhabited the southern provinces of Belgium. These did not join in the Union of Utrecht (1579) because most of the people were Roman Catholics. The Protesants of these provinces, Vieing- persecuted, fled to Holland, and these are the Walloons of history. PREPARATION FOR THE CHURCH IN AMERICA, I581-1628 3 Church authorities were to select the ministers and teachers for the colonies but the Company was to support them. Thus honorably for many years the Dutch West India Company carried the burden of the religious and educational life of its people. In the spring of 1624 when the ships of the Company were preparing to sail with new colonists and supplies for New Netherland, the Directors were busy arranging for the government of the colony. On March 28, 1624, they passed twenty rules or articles which were to have the force of law in the new settlement. Among these the second article read as follows : "Within their territory they shall only worship according to the true Reformed Religion, as it is done within this country at present, and by a good Christian life they shall try to attract the Indians and other blind persons to the knowledge of God and his Word, without however committing any religious persecution, but freedom of conscience shall be left to every one, but if any one of them, or if any one within their terri- tory shall intentionally curse or speak blasphemy against the name of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, he shall be punished by the Commander and his Council according to circumstances."^ The same year, August 6, 1624, the Synod of North Holland took its first general action as to the government of the churches in foreign parts. The decision then adopted, and often repeated, gave to any Classis, within whose bounds one of the commercial companies had their offices, control of all ecclesiastical matters within the colonies governed by such office. This action was not satisfactory to the inland Classes, and for a long time they complained but their protests were ineffectual. At about the same time the Directors of the West India Company applied to the Consistory of Amsterdam to furnish them with a comforter of the sick, or lay chaplain, for their colony of New Netherland. The Consistory recommended a young man of 28 years of age, Bastiaen Jansen Krol (Crol). He was commissioned December 7, 1623. His "Instruc- tions" declared that he was to conduct prayers both morning and night on shipboard and before and after meals. He must also instruct and comfort the sick as necessity required. He must exhort the ungodly and on Sundays read the Scriptures and a sermon from the books of the Reformed Religion and maintain a Christian and godly walk. These "Instructions" were signed by two ministers and an elder and properly sealed. Krol sailed from Amsterdam on January 25, 1624, and arrived on Manhattan on March 8th, 1624. Doubtless the Walloon colonists received him with gladness and we may be sure that all through the long, bright days of summer Krol con- ducted services for them in the open air, for as yet there was no house of worship. After spending about seven months with his wilderness flock, Krol returned to Holland in October, 1624. In Holland he enlightened the authorities as to the state of the colony and its needs, and the ne.xt spring he returned to his charge. Although he remained unordained he was granted permission to marry and to baptize. ^This quotation is made on the authority of Mr. L. P. de Boer who found it in the West India Company's Minutes. 4 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA The West India Company now determined to prosecute their coloniza- tion with vigor. The ordinances of the Company were to be the law of the land, and in cases for which the Company had not made special pro- vision the customs of Holland were to prevail. A Governor, to be entitled Director General was chosen. A Council, invested with legislative, judicial and executive functions was appointed to assist him. Their decisions were subject to review by the Chamber at Amsterdam. A koopman or secretary and a schout or sheriff were also added. These two lower officers were directed to make reports, not to the Director General, but to the Com- pany. This arrangement became the occasion for suspicion and ill will among them. On December 19, 1625, the Company chose as the first Director Gen- eral, Peter Minuit of Wesel on the Rhine. He was in life's prime, a man of vigor and Christian principle. While Minuit was preparing for his journey, on April 2, 1626, his brother-in-law Jan Huygen (Huyck) was appointed to accompany him as a second comforter of the sick. After a short voyage they arrived in New Netherland on May 4, 1626. The colony at once felt the hand of a master. Minuit's attitude toward the Indians was similar to that of Penn at a later day and the results were similar. Having adjusted the title to the territory the new Director Gen- •eral began building operations. A fort was begun, a stone house for the Director and Koopman was erected. Windmills for grinding grain and sawing wood were 'built. Piles were driven to form a dock in the East River, and the huts of the first settlers began to be replaced by more substantial dwellings. The negro slaves of the Company were set to clearing land and soon cattle were pasturing and grain was waving on the six farms extending across the island just north of the settlement. In the midst of this activity the two comforters of the sick, Krol and Huygen, performed their spiritual functions. There were now about two Tiundred people on Manhattan and since there was as yet no room suffici- ently large to accommodate so many, we may be sure that religious ser- vices were conducted during the summer of 1626 out of doors. But a place of worship was about to be provided. Because the low ground in the vicinity was good for tan pits the Director constructed a horse mill to grind bark for tanning at about what is now 32 and 34 South William Street. In the second story of this building a large room was provided for church purposes and a small belfry crowned the whole. The original account of its erection states : "Francoys Molemaecker is busy making a horse mill over which shall be constructed a spacious room, sufficient to accommodate a large congregation. Moreover a tower is to be erected where the bells from Porto Rico will be hung." When this church room was completed the congregation moved into it, and for the first time prayer and praise ascended from a house of God upon Manhattan Island. From this period comes the first definite refer- ence to religious services. It is brief but satisfactory: "Sebastiaen Jansz Krol and Jan Huyck are comforters of the sick. These while awaiting PREPARATION FOR THE CHURCH IN AMERICA, I581-1628 5 a clergyman, read to the commonalty on Sundays texts of Scripture and the creeds." Krol soon went to Fort Orange (Albany) where he acted as the Director General's representative and comforter of the sick for three years. This, so far as known, was the beginning of Reformed religious services within the colony but beyond the boundary of Manhattan. He returned however occasionally to New Amsterdam where his many friends were glad to see him and to listen to his voice in prayer, exhortation and praise. Jan Huygen acted as store keeper for the Company and as adviser to his brother-in-law the Director General. As occasion required he visited the sick and on Sabbath days led the services of the sanctuary of the upper chamber. He had come to the savage land not unprovided with religious books and these formed the beginning of the first church library in the middle colonies. Such was the preparation for the founding of the Reformed Church in America. The day of its organization was at hand. CHAPTER II. THE FOUNDING OF THE CHURCH IN AMERICA, 1628-1632. The settlers on Manhattan were "awaiting a clergyman," and the West India Company in Holland was on the lookout for the right man for the place. Thereupon the Classis of Enkhuysen gave a call to one of their members, Rev. Jonas Michaelius, for that field, and he was appointed by the West India Company. It was no doubt the example of the Classis of Enkhuysen on this oc- casion, which suggested to the Synod of North Holland in 1628, the propriety of requiring special calls to all ministers who were to serve abroad. The next year the rule was also made to include schoolmasters and comforters of the sick. The Company was also requested to make special contracts with those whom the Classis sent to the colonies, and annual reports were required. Michaelius was the only minister sent by the Classis of Enkhuysen to New Amsterdam, for the business of the West India Company was steadily drifting to Amsterdam. As before stated, it had been decided that the Classis within whose bounds one of the commercial companies had their offices controlled all ecclesiastical matters within the colonies governed from that office. Therefore the Classis of Amsterdam without appointment soon came to be the chief manager of affairs in the Dutch colonies. In- deed in the case of Michaelius a committee of the Consistory (not Classis) of Amsterdam relieved the Classis of Enkhuysen of the burden of his care. A few years later, in 1636, the Classis of Amsterdam took upon itself the control of all foreign matters and the Consistory of Amsterdam gave up its responsibility. For this reason facts relating to religious officials sent to New Netherland before 1636 should be sought in the minutes of the Consistory of Amsterdam, and, after that date, in the minutes of the Classis of Amsterdam. The Classis of Amsterdam appointed a special committee styled "De- putati ad Res Exteras" to attend to its foreign churches. This committee carried on a continuous correspondence with the American Dutch churches until the Revolutionary War. The Classis of Amsterdam drew up a special form of call and letters of instruction for ministers, comforters of the sick and school masters going abroad. It also made arrangements for their special examination and recommendation to the companies which supported them and for cor- respondence with them. For the convenience of these Deputies on Foreign 6 THE FOUNDING OF THE CHURCH IN AMERICA. 1628-IO32 7 Aflfairs a transcript of all colonial church business was prepared in special volumes.' Shortly after, in 1638, the Classis of Amsterdam adopted a seal to be placed upon its official documents.'' Rev. Jonas Michaelius, the first Dutch pastor in America, was born February 10, 1584. He matriculated at the University of Leyden November 17, 1598. He had held village pastorates in Holland and had served as a naval chaplain upon the coast of Brazil and Africa, before his appointment to New Netherland."" The Directors of the Company promised him a farm and he was supplied with seeds and plants to stock it. Accompanied by his wife, three children and a hired boy, he fared forth on Jan. 24, 1628. The voyage was long and stormy. The ship small and uncomfortable, with scanty food. The necessary discomforts were increased by the cook who took especial delight in annoying Mrs. Michaelius and the children. The drunken captain, whom Michaelius had known on the coast of Africa, was as "unmannerly as a buffalo." The sea-sick passengers stepped ashore on April 7, 1628, and were gladly received by the settlers of the island. Domine Michaelius at once organized a church, appointing Director General Minuit and Comforter of the Sick Huygen, elders and Bastiaen Krol, deacon. The last was only expected to serve as business at Fort Orange allowed his presence on Manhattan. The new Consistory then held their first meeting, the first assembly of its kind in America. Some of the people presented church certificates and some, upon their own testimony, and that of others that they were church members, were admitted to fellowship. A few joined on confession. Thus the first church of the middle colonies was organized, probably on April 10, 1628. This Church continues to this day, the Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, the mother of the Reformed Church in America. About fifty persons, Walloons and Dutch, sat down to the Lord's Supper at that time. No doubt as they gazed from the windows of the rude mill loft over the wild country round about, they remembered with sadness the stately churches and beautiful worship of the Fatherland. But without their knowledge they were preparing the foundation of a mightier structure than Holland could ever know. 'These volumes of "Extracts Relating- to Colonial Affairs" were not continued after 1705. The volumes of the Classis were not numbered until 1816. and then the numbering was not scientifically done. Vol. xxxix consists of "Extracts" from 1635-1648. Vol. xix of "Extracts" from 1655-1705. Vol. xxxvii is an Index to Vol. xxxix. 20n Aug-. 2, 1638, the Classis adopted a seal by the following minute: "The brethren deputed to devise a classical seal submitted to the assem- bly some designs drawn by them on paper. The one which was adopted by a majority of votes contained the words — VERITAS ET PAX, with an open Bible and an olive branch lying upon it and sprouting up out of it." — Minutes of Classic, volume iv., iiajsre 132. 'It has been believed that Jonas Michaelius was born in 1577 and ma- triculated at Leyden University in 1600. But Professor Dr. A. Eekhof of Leyden University (Holland) discovered in the Dutch Archives that Michaelius matriculated on Nov. 17, 1598, and that he was fifteen years old on Feb. 10, 1599, thus fixing 1584 as the year of his birth. See his article. O THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA The life of the first pastor on Manhattan was full of sorrow and toil. Seven weeks after his arrival Domine Michaelius lost his wife, who had been to him "for more than sixteen years a virtuous, faithful and alto- gether amiable yoke-fellow." He found house-keeping without her very difficult, the food supply insufficient in amount and poor in quality and his flock rude but friendly. Mindful of Christ's great commission the Christian pastor at once took an interest in the children of the forest and began to make plans for their conversion. He was disappointed in them for he found them "entirely savage and wild, strangers to all decency, yea, uncivil and stupid as garden poles, proficient in all wickedness and godlessness." Their religious con- ceptions were of the slightest and their language difficult to acquire. He concluded that it was impossible to convert the older people but hoped by separating some of the children from their parents to make an impression upon them. There is no evidence that any of his efforts in behalf of the Indians had any definite result. In order to develop the colony the West India Company devised the scheme of patroonships. This plan adopted as the Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions in June, 1629, offered very large estates to any of the Directors of the Company who within a specified time would agree to colonize them. The Company reserved to itself the fur trade and the Island of Manhattan, intending to make New Amsterdam the emporium of the country. The duties of religion and education were emphasized in the charter given to the patroons by the following article : "The patroons and colonists shall, in particular, and in the speediest man- ner, endeavor to find out ways and means, whereby they may support a minister and schoolmaster, that thus the service of God and the zeal for religion may not grow cold and be neglected among them, and that they may at first procure a comforter of the sick." By this article was laid the foundation for the establishment of the Re- formed Church in America. The system of patroonships was a failure. An unfortunate condition arose in which the interests of a patroon were in direct opposition to his duty as a Director of the Company. Great quarrels resulted among the principals in Holland and were soon transferred to their agents in America. The infant colony of New Netherland was aflame with discord. Deacon Krol at Fort Orange seems to have held aloof from the dispute and Elder Huygen on Manhattan remained inconspicuous, but Director General Minuit and Domine Michaelius were involved. It is probable that both men offended officials of the Company, whose dishonest plans for per- sonal profit they crossed. Of Michaelius it was said : "The minister, Jonas Michielsz, is very energetic here stirring up fire between them (the Director and other officials). He ought to be a mediator in God's church and community, but he seems to be the contrary." Director General Minuit, the first Dutch elder in America, was recalled and left his province under a cloud. Yet he had wrought nobly in the THE FOUNDING OF THE CHURCH IN AMERICA, 1628-1632 9 wilderness and he justly is considered the founder of the State of New York, for he was the first to set up a civil administration. Domine Michaelius left his flock pastorless in the wilderness about the same time. He reported to the Consistory of Amsterdam on March 4, 1632. The same year he also was examined as to conditions in the Colony by the West India Company. They were displeased with him, and at a later date, 1637, when the Classis proposed to send him back to America, the Company curtly vetoed the proposition. He subsequently preached in Dutch churches in England and then retired to Zeeland, where he dis- appears from view at about sixty years of age. Rev. Jonas Michaelius, Director General Minuit, Jan Huygen and Bastiaen Jansen Krol constituted the first Consistory of the Collegiate Re- formed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, and as such thev were the founders of the Reformed Church in America.* ■■Three mural tablets in honor of the first Consistory of the Reformed Church in America were erected in the Middle Dutch Church, New York City in the year 1900 by William L. Brower, "a successor in ecclesiastical office." See Manual of 1902, p. 21. CHAPTER III. CHURCH LIFE IN THE WILDERNESS, 1632-1647. After the departure of Director General Minuit and Domine Michaelius in 1632, Deacon Krol was "elected" Director. During his short administra- tion of thirteen months the colony had the happiness to have few annals and the life of the Church is obscure. It had been weakened by party strife and by the departure of its pastor, but we may be sure that Krol would not allow the people to remain without religious services. Krol returned to Holland about 1633 but continued to serve the West India Company as Comforter of the Sick. He is last mentioned in 1645. He is worthy of honor as the iirst known conductor of Reformed Church ser- vices in the New World.^ Meantime the Company was ready to send and support a minister on Manhattan and the Classis of Amsterdam was looking for the right man to fill the difficult office. Their choice fell upon Everardus Bogardus, a young man of about 25 years of age, and a graduate of Leyden University.'' He had had experience as a Comforter of the Sick in Guinea but was not yet ordained. He was accordingly examined and promoted to the sacred office in June, 1632. At about the same time the West India Company made an unwise selec- tion of Wouter Van Twiller for the Directorship of New Netherland. The next spring Van Twiller with several officials for the colony and a company of soldiers embarked for New Amsterdam. Among them were Rev. Everardus Bogardus and Adam Roelandsen, "Schoolmaster." The latter was probably sent by the Consistory of Amsterdam and we may sup- pose that he opened his school soon after his arrival. He received a formal appointment by the Classis of Amsterdam in 1637. Hence that date is gen- erally given as that of the beginning of the school system in America. It is practically certain however that the real foundation of the school was four years earlier. Roelandsen was totally unfit in character to be an in- structor of youth. 'On Oct. 7, 1645, Krol married as his second wife Engeltie Baerents van Norde, widow of Abram Valentyn. ^In 1875 the "General Catalogue of the University of Leyden" ("Album Studiosorum Academise Lugduno Batavse") was published, containing the names and other facts of all the students for three centuries. Hague, 4to, pp. 1723. By Martinus Nijhoff. A copy of this was procured by Dr. B. T. Corwin in 1898, and belongs to the Collegiate Church of New York. Also the "General Catalogue of the University of Utrecht" ("Album Studio- sorum Academise Rheno-Trajectinae," 1636-1886). This also belongs to the Collegiate Church. There is also a "General Catalogue of the Uni- versity of Groningen, published about 1826. These Catalogues contain hundreds of English and Scotch names, as well as almost all of those of the early American Dutch ministers. 10 CHURCH LIFE IN THE WILDERNESS, 1632-1647 II Bogardus himself was not without genuine piety, but he was of hasty temper and of coarse speech. His appetites were not properly controlled and he was subject to fits of remorse when he would serve the communion to others but would not partake of it himself. As the new pastor surveyed his field he found that his congregation consisted of three or four hun- dred persons of very miscellaneous character. He began to labor among them with enthusiasm, not neglecting the negroes and Indians. The people in the earlier part of his ministry responded to his efforts and his sermons were said to be "good sermons." The mill loft was no longer adequate and a church and parsonage were erected. This church, for which the West India Company paid the bills, was located on a high point of land fronting the East River, near what is now Pearl street, between White- ball and Broad streets. Although of mean architecture, it was a conspicu- ous object to vessels coming up the bay, and it is to be respected as the first edifice 'built exclusively for church purposes upon Manhattan Island. In his new parsonage, close to the church, Domine Bogardus lived for five years in bachelor estate, drawing his rations from the Company's stores, whose official he was. At the end of that time in 1638 he married Anneken Jans, whose first husband's farm then became known as the Domine's "Bouwerie." This estate, the most renowned farm in America, afterward came into possession of Trinity Church and was the source of its wealth.^ Bogardus was inclined to meddle with other people's affairs and he became involved in several bitter quarrels during the administration of Van Twiller. Accusations were made against him to the Classis of Amster- dam, but his own Consistory supported him. Bogardus desired to return to Holland to defend himself but the Council resolved, July 8, 1638, "to retain the minister here, so that the increase of God's Word may be in no manner prevented." The nature of the trouble is obscure and the matter was finally dropped without a decision. In the midst of these trials Bogardus continued to preach and to do pastoral work and God gave "great grace and blessing upon the proclama- tion of his saving Word in those strange and far distant lands" and granted *'a reasonable degree of prosperity to his church there." The administration of Director General Van Twiller was a farce and he was recalled. But that of his successor, William Kieft was destined to be a tragedy. Kieft was an adventurer of bad repute. It is strange that when the fortunes of the West India Company were failing and the colony especially needed an administration of wisdom, character and energy, the Directors should choose for the position, September. 1637, a man whose picture had been nailed to the gallows and who was known to have been an embezzler. Kieft found the affairs of the colony in great disorder and he proceeded at once to cure the evils by proclamation. He also played the tyrant with energy and was very skillful in providing for his own profit. But just 'For the story of this farm see numerous allusions thereto in the Ecc. Rec. of State of N. Y. to be found in the Index under the heading Anneke Jans. 12 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA at this time, 1638, the States General infused some wisdom into the manage- ment of the West India Company. Under their direction the Company threw open the country to trade and various wise rules for the advance- ment of the colony were made. In 1640 the charters of the old patroonships were modified so that others beside directors of the Company could acquire land and many advantages were ofifered. The Company passed the following act in re- gard to religion : "And no other religion shall be publicly admitted in New Netherland except the Reformed, as it is at present preached and practised by public authority in the United Netherlands; and for this the Company shall pro- vide and maintain good and suitable preachers, schoolmasters and com- forters of the sick." The efifect of these reforms was at once apparent. The farms on Man- hattan Island increased within a year from seven to thirty. New settle- ments were made by the Dutch on Staten Island and elsewhere, and many- English Puritans of the Presbyterian type began to settle under the Dutch flag, especially upon the western end of Long Island. Among these were the Presbyterian ministers Rev. Francis Doughty and the Rev. Richard Denton. These men for a time were treated well by Kieft and received patents granting them religious freedom. Thus they became the founders of Presbyterianism in the colony. Father Jogues, the first Roman Catholic priest to visit the region, in 1643, described conditions and said of religion, "No religion is publicly exercised but the Calvinistic, and orders are to admit none but Calvinists. But this is not observed, for there are in the colony. Catholics, English Puritans, Lutherans, Anabaptists, here called Mennonists, etc." From this era date the first Records of the Collegiate Church in New York. The Amsterdam correspondence mentions earlier records but none are extant before 1639. Domine Selyns, pastor from 1682-1701, collected the material that he found and copied it. His copies are the records now in the possession of the Collegiate Church.* At this time provision was also made for the poor, and a contribution box was hung in the house of the Director, in which fines and gifts for the poor were deposited. About 1640 the congregation on Manhattan began to be ashamed of the bare, little church, which looked "like a mean barn." After much dis- cussion a much larger, more imposing structure of stone was erected within the fort. This situation was unfortunate, but Kieft insisted upon it against the wish of most of the people. Part of the money for this building was obtained from subscriptions June 29, 1642, at the wedding festivities of Domine Bogardus' step- daughter. "After the fourth or fifth drink" Kieft produced a paper, putting his name to a liberal sum at the head of the list. "Each then with ■ any most Dissenters, Mr. Vesey j orders. and some Dutch. Seven ministers, 500 or 600 English, Dissenters, Pres- and Dissenters , byterian, or In- for the most part, dependent. One lately gone to Scotland. A young man com- ing to settle there, without orders. Orange . . Dutchess Ulster Albany Dutch Calvinist, at Kingstone, for five or six towns. Dutch Calvinist.. Dutch Lutheran. Scanecthade .... A minister to come, his books brought ; but he missed his passage. Dr. Dellius A Dutch minister sent for. Kinderhoeck 200 or 300, Eng- lish and Dissent- ers ; few Dutch. 20, English and Dutch. 30, English and Dutch. 300, Dutch mostly ; some English and French. 400 or 500 Dutch, a 1 1 Calvinists, except 12 or 14 Lutherans. This gives a complete view of the condition of the province as to re- ligious privileges, and an approximate view of the strength of the religious bodies when the attempt to impose a church establishment of the minority on the colony was made. According to this table of John Miller, the population would be distributed about as follows: Families. Dutch 1-754 Dissenters (English) I.35S French ^"^ THE DUTCH CHURCH AND MINISTRY ACT FOR CHARTER 47 Lutherans 45 Episcopalians 90 Jews 20 Total 3,525 By allowing six to a family, which the baptismal records would show to be a very low estimate, the population of the entire province of New York would be not less than twenty-one thousand. It was probably considerably more. On Sept. 4, 1696, in London, Mr. Miller told the Board of Trade "that there are about 3,000 families in New York and 5,000 families in Con- necticut. . . . There is about one minister of the Church of England and one schoolmaster in the whole colony of New York. A Dutch minister there had instructed some Indian children; but the English in New York had not endeavored it." CHAPTER IX. THE CHURCH EMERGING FROM THE STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL FREEDOM, 1698-1708. Governor Fletcher's administration drew to a close under a cloud. Con- ditions in the province were adverse to the religious and moral progress of the people. Many quarrels remained from the Leisler troubles. On shore was much dishonesty and piracy was common on the sea. Gov- ernor Fletcher's honor was not above suspicion, and rumor reported that his wife and daughters wore fabrics and jewels concerning which ques- tions would be awkward. To correct such conditions King William chose his personal friend, Richard, Earl of Bellomont, to succeed Fletcher as Governor in 1698. Bellomont was a man of honest purpose but of narrow vision, and un- certain judgment. His. health was poor and he became moody and sus- picious. Untactfully he attempted at once to make dishonest merchants honest and he took sides with the Leislerians who had been in subjection for seven years. A great uproar ensued and many leading persons of the Episcopal and Dutch churches were much displeased with him. The Corporation of Trinity Church hoped that Bellomont would con- tinue toward them Fletcher's partial policy, but such attitude was far from his disposition. He believed that the Ministry Act was unwise because of the divisions it made between different nationalities. He also thought that it failed to establish the Church of England. He found so much fault with the charter of Trinity Church that that body feared for its safety. He was free in his criticism of Anglican methods and a bitter quarrel developed. In 1699 the Assembly passed a general bill for the support of all min- isters and for building and repairing churches and schoolhouses. Bello- mont approved of this but considered it contrary to his Instructions, which were after the usual order. He therefore declined to sign it but united with the Assembly in an unsuccessful petition to the King to allow it. The Governor also greatly disapproved of the charter of the Dutch Church of New York City. Of it he said: "I think it very extraordinary, for it is setting up a petty jurisdiction to fly in the face of the Govern- ment here, as I have found it in my experience." In his eyes the piece of plate which the Consistory had given to Fletcher in gratitude for their charter, assumed the form of a bribe, and he brusquely insisted on seeing the church book which contained a record of the transaction. Bellomont's transfer of the bodies of Leisler and Melbourne from their grave at the foot of the gallows to the tombs of the Dutch Church, so 48 EMERGING FROM THE STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL FREEDOM 49 greatly angered many of the higher classes that they would not attend the services on a day of fasting and prayer appointed by the Governor. Whereupon he angrily remarked that it was "a proof of the wickedness of the people." Yet from the midst of this period of ill will has come down to us one of the most pleasing pictures of colonial church life. The time of Sunday Schools and Children's Days was yet far oflf but Domine Selyns had faith- fully maintained catechetical classes and in 1698 he held a public exhibi- tion of the training which his pupils had received. Forty-four boys and twenty-one girls passed creditable examinations, but the girls did better than the boys. One little lad of five years "without any mistake and with energy and manly confidence" repeated the prayer that the Domine was wont to say upon the Sabbath. The familiar words with the childish accent drew tears from many eyes. It was the next year that Domine Selyns received as a colleague for his old age Domine Grualterus DuBois. He continued the pastor of the Dutch Church of New York from 1699 to 1751, and during all of this period he was recognized as one of the chief ministers of America, in ability, charac- ter and wisdom. Domine Dellius had become a colleague with Domine Schaats of Al- bany in 1683. For several years he attended quietly to his ministerial duties, but during Fletcher's administration he became one of the grantees of that Governor's extensive land grants in northern New York. Bellomont very much disapproved of these grants and in 1699 he persuaded the Indians of that region, numbers of whom were the converts of Dellius, that they had been cheated. The Governor believed all sorts of gossip about Dellius and spared no pains to blacken his reputation. Later he secured a bill to vacate these lands, and suspended Dellius from his ministerial functions. This brought a host of friends to the support of the Albany pastor. Sev- eral neighboring churches, including that of New York, gave him certifi- cates of character and he sailed for Europe to defeat the vacating act and to defend himself before the Classis of Amsterdam. The land grant troubles were finally settled by compromise in 1708 and Dellius was ex- honorated by the Classis of Amsterdam, who wrote to Bellomont in his defence. Dellius never returned to America. The Church of Albany was supplied by Nucella, 1698-1700 and pastored by Lydius, 1700-1709. With the accession of William and Mary Roman Catholicism in the province received a staggering blow. The Jesuit fathers who had come in Dongan's train and who had held services in his chapel and for a short time conducted a Latin school, for which the Dutch Church bell was rung, fled for their lives. Under Fletcher there was an attempt made to revive the Roman Mission in New York but without success. In 1696 it was reported that there were only nine Catholics in New York. In 1700 with Bellomont's approval the Assembly passed a law excluding all Roman Catholic priests from the province. The penalty for such as should remain after November i, 1700, 50 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA was perpetual imprisonment, or death for those who having been im- prisoned escaped and were recaptured. Special provision however was made in case of those who should be shipwrecked upon the coast or acci- dentally driven into the province. There were also penalties for those who should conceal a priest and arrangements made for the execution of the law. From that time until the American Revolution Romanism was prac- tically extinct in the Middle Colonies. The next year, March 5, 1701, Governor Bellomont died and was buried in the fort. His remains were transferred to St. Paul's church yard in 1790. The attacks upon the civil liberties of the Dutch churches of the prov- ince were drawing to a close. The churches were soon to enter upon a period of external peace, which had little disturbance until the Revolu- tion. These final assaults were displayed by special favors to the Episco- palians and in flattery toward non-Anglican societies which showed a tendency to conform. They were violent against the so-called dissenting bodies, and against the Dutch churches, protected by charter or by treaty, they were as subtle or as fierce as tyranny dared to make them. These events began under Lieutenant Governor Nanfan, who temporarily held the government after Bellomont's death, 1701-1702, and reached their height under the arbitrary administration of Lord Cornbury, 1702-1708. Nanfan supported the Leislerian party in an attack upon the Dutch church of New York. They planned vengeance upon some of the leading members of that church. Elder Bayard was only saved from the scaffold by the timely arrival of Governor Cornbury, who took the other side of the dispute. Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury, third Earl of Clarendon, cousin of Queen Ann, "had every vice of character necessary to discipline a colony into self reliance and resistance." He was of weak intellect and had the arrogance of the aristocracy without its virtues. He thought that popular rights existed only as a condescension, and had no conception of political power except as it emanated from a superior. The English Government did not allow Lord Cornbury much freedom of action. His commission and instructions were very precise. In regard to religion his commission said : "Wee doe by these presents authorize and empower you to collate any pron (person) or prons (persons) to any churches or Chapells or other ecclesiastical benefices within our said province or dependencies aforesaid, as often as any of them shall happen to be void." His Instructions, so far as they relate to religion and morality are practically an enlargement of those of former governors. But to Corn- bury's narrow mind these Instructions gave him absolute authority over all churches and schools of every denomination, and it was his obstinate purpose to carry these views into efifect. Cornbury loudly proclaimed his favor to the Episcopalians and under pressure from him an amendment to the Ministry Act was passed (June ip! ^703) increasing the amount to be raised in New York City for the clergy from 100 to 160 pounds. Other efiforts to strengthen the Act were EMERGING FROM THE STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL FREEDOM 5I made from time to time. Trinity Church also received new incorporation June 2"], 1704, and the happy thought occurred to the Governor to petition the Queen to give the so-called Queen's Farm to Trinity Church. This was granted 1705. This farm, the ancient property of Anneken Jans, the wife of Domine Bogardus, had been sold by her heirs in 1671 to Governor Lovelace, and after the reconquest of the country by the English in 1674 it became the property of the Crown. It has been a chief source of the income of Trinity Church and for years was an occasion of jealousy, resulting in many law suits. In all of these the Church without exception was success- ful. It was during Cornbury's administration that the Anglican Alissionary Societ}', entitled "The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," began work in America. Between 1702 and 1705 this Society sent over six Anglican ministers. They were worthy men but were deceived in regard to the real intention of the Ministry Act and disappointed in its results for themselves. In many of the places where they attempted to work Independent or Presbyterian ministers were already officiating. The vestries, elected by popular vote, were generally composed of men opposed to Episcopal polity. Hence they frequently called non-Anglicans and paid them from the proceeds of the Ministry Act, while the Episcopal clergy were in distress from lack of support. This had been displeasing to Fletcher, satisfactory to Bellomont and excited the fierce wrath of Corn- bury. The most noteworthy e;(ample of this occurred at Jamaica, L. I., where the Governor attempted to force an Anglican minister upon an unwilling people. The strife occasioned lasted for many years to the great injury of the Episcopal Church and of religion generally. Cornbury also made trouble in other Presbyterian communities and attacked and persecuted individual Presbyterian clergymen. At this time there were about twenty-two Presbyterian churches in the colony, and the Presbytery of Philadelphia was organized in 1705. The first Presbyterian Church in New York City was established in 1717. Governor Cornbury had no more love for Reformed Churches than he had for Presbyterian, but it was less safe to attack them. He could do nothing agairst the Dutch Church of New York City because of its charter. He did however keep the Consistory in an anxious frame of mind and hindered the progress of its school. Even the most humble Dutch church in an obscure village trusted to the treaty rights of 1664 for the protec- tion of its liberties. Cornbury therefore tried, if possible, to enslave the Reformed Churches through flattery rather than violence. By this method he was partially successful with the French Reformed churches of the province. Flattery failirg, Cornbury's ferocious bigotry attempted force in the outlying Dutch communities. After the departure of Domine Nucella from Kingston in 1704, that church planned to call a minister from Hol- land and so informed Cornbury. To this he made no objection. Later he frightened the school master of Kingston into accepting his license and 52 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA sent the Rev. Samuel Hepburn, an Anglican clergyman there, who was received by the people with scant cordiality. Meanwhile the Rev. Henricus Beys, having accepted the call from the church of Kingston arrived from Holland in 1706. Cornbury for a long time refused him permission to serve and a great dispute arose in consequence. Finally, after many efforts the Governor gave to Beys a grudging permission, and he entered upon his pastorate. Beys was not successful in his labors and returned to Holland in 1708. Afterward he served Harlem and Fordham as an Epis- copalian, but re-entered the Dutch ministry in 1713. Cornbury's efforts to destroy the freedom of the Dutch Church was revealed still more fully in his treatment of the Dutch churches on Long Island. Domine Lupardus of that field, died in the spring of 1702, and those churches, with the consent of the Governor, sent to Holland for a pastor. Meanwhile Domine Freeman, who was pastor at Schenectady, by underhanded methods obtained a call from the church of New Utrecht with a private understanding of support from neighboring congregations. Domine Antonides arrived from Holland in company with Beys, in 1706, expecting to become pastor of the combined churches on Long Island. Upon hearing of his arrrval Freeman hastened to the Governor and secured from him a civil license to preach in all the Dutch villages on Long Island. Therefore, when Antonides called upon the Governor to pay his respect, he was coldly informed that the fields on Long Island were occupied and that he could not serve there. A violent quarrel ensued which almost disrupted the congregations on the Island and even extended to the Dutch Church of New York. Antonides however braved the tyrant's wrath and performed some of his duties. The dispute extended into years and lasted beyond Cornbury's time. After yielding many points to Freeman an agree- ment of mutual service was arranged and the troubles died away. The Classis of Amsterdam sustained Antonides and condemned Freeman throughout all this strife. Cornbury's oppression drove many of the Dutch people of New York to the valleys of the Raritan and the Millstone in New Jersey. There they settled and founded churches, which later became so flourishing that the region was known as "The garden of the Dutch Church." Events now reached such a condition in the province that all parties united against the Governor. On May 24, 1706, a paper was prepared re- viewing the history of the Dutch churches, and the freedom of action which they had always enjoyed until Cornbury's time; the harmony which had existed between the Dutch and English churches, and the recent acts of tyranny. They requested that the Bishop of London might be notified of such ecclesiastical intolerance. Nine hundred guilders was sent to Holland to prosecute the case before the legal authorities in England. Cornbury's administration therefore ended in disgrace in 1708. After this there was no important collision with the English governors down to the American Revolution, although the governors generally took the false view that the Ministry Act established the Episcopal Church. There were many efforts made to repeal this act but all were unsuccessful until the War for In- dependence finally broken the union of church and state. EMERGING FROM THE STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL FREEDOM 53 ' After the end of this prolonged struggle against a church establishment of the minority, the thirteen churches of 1664 had increased to thirty-four. Twenty-three new ministers had officiated making thirty-eight in all from the first settlement. Twelve were in service in 1705. Like their ancestors in Holland they throve by persecution and extracted victory from defeat. During this period three races were prominent upon the field of the Re- formed Church in America. The English were the masters of the land and sought to set the fashions. The French Huguenots, having fled from persecution at home, enriched their adopted country by their charac- ter and skill. All classes lived well, but the Dutch were especially hos- pitable and inclined to social gatherings and picnics. The will and inventory of the goods of Mr. Peter J. Marius. a prom- inent officer of the Dutch church, who died in 1703, reveal something of the domestic arrangements of those fathers of the Reformed Church ir^ America. Mr. Marius began life as a Roman Catholic, but leaving "Blind Popery" he rose to a leading place in the Reformed Church of New York- City. His house stood on the south side of Pearl street and the inventory of his estate accurately describes the house and the contents of each room. This typical dwelling of a Dutch burgher of the olden time, had a store in front and a living room behind it. Back of this was a "great kitchen" with a chamber above, and a little thatched room on the left. There was also a small writing chamber. In the yard was a great store house, a small store house and a cellar. The funeral arrangements of Air. Marius reveal the social customs of those days. On that occasion 29 gallions of "wyne," at 6s, gd per gallion, were consumed. 800 cookies were eaten and one-half of a vat of beer was drunk. Provision was also made for suits of mourning, mourning rings and gloves. In 1702 a ministerial society was organized in the city of New York, This however soon came to grief and in 1704 Mr. Neau, the catechist of Trinity Church, tried to revive it. Mr. Peiret, of the French Church heart- ily approved it. Mr. Vesey, Rector of Trinity Church, said that it savored too much of secret assemblies and that he could not join without the special permission of the Bishop of London. Domine DuBois pleaded other duties and damned it with faint praise. Mr. Neau was persistent: however and formed a devotional union composed of seven persons which met every Wednesday. Of this society pastor Peiret became president. On the whole the tone of religion and morality throughout the province was low. All classes were effected but the leaders in iniquity were the English. The various governors were bidden by their instructions to maintain religious observances and outward decorum among the people. Many times acts were passed against drunkenness, cursing, swearing and Sabbath breaking but with little apparent effect. In 1702 one Jonathan Whitehead was accused of "setting out on a Journey with his Pourt mantel behind him upon the Sabbath day." He also shocked his neighbors by declaring "That Religion was onely an Inuention of cunning men to 54 '"THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA gett thaire liuing by," and "That if it should be ordered now as to obsarue Thursday in a hundred years it would be as Religiously obsarued as the Sabbath now is — " The same year John Tallman, a justice of the peace, was deposed from his office for declaring "That the Scriptures were not the rule they being wrote by sinfull men of like prassions as we are." The Dutch Church labored, not without some success against the im- moralities of the time. It was ruled in 1707 that no illegitimate child should be baptized unless the parents, at least the mother, should have expressed repentance from sin. Sponsors were required to be of irre- proachable character and known as Christians, and they must promise to bring up the child in the true Christian doctrine and the fear of the Lord. The religious condition of the negroes throughout the colony was de- plorable. Many masters did not wish their slaves to be converted and be baptized for fear they would gain their freedom thereby. But in 1706 a law was passed to encourage the baptism of negro, Indian and mulatto slaves. This law distinctly declared that baptism would not secure their freedom. It is probable that their condition was better in the country regions than in the city pf New York. Although the Indians were decreasing in number, they retained their ■wild tastes. But from familiarity with the whites they lost their reverence for them. They were free in their criticisms declaring that it was a .greater sin for a white man to get drunk than for an Indian, for the white Tnan's religion forbade it and the Indian's did not. They said that it was not worth while for them to become Christians because the Christians themselves did not follow the principles of their religion. Nevertheless Domine Dellius of Albany labored much among them, restrained their ■cruel treatment of captured enemies, and brought many of them into the fellowship of the Reformed Church. AUTHORITIES FOR THE SECOND PERIOD. The following is a list of original documents and important histories upon which the narrative of the Second Period is based. Anderson, J. S. M. History of the Church of England in the Colonies, 3 vol, 2d ed., London, 1856. Baird, C. W. A History of the Huguenot Emigration to America, 2 vol., 1885. Monograph on Daille. Berian. History of Trinity Church. 'Briggs, C. A. American Presbyterianism, N. Y., 1885. terodhead, J. R. History of the State of New York, 2 vol., N. Y., 1853. Centennial Discourses of the Reformed Church in America, N. Y., 1877. Corwin, E. T. American Church History Series, Vol. VIII. Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York, 6 vols, and Index, Albany, 1901-1905. Manual of the Reformed Church in America, 4th ed., 1902. EMERGING FROM THE STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL FREEDOM 55 Dankers and Sluyter, Journal of a Voyage to New York, 1679, Brooklyn, 1867. Dix. History of the Parish of Trinity Church, 4 vol., 1898-1906. Fowler. Constitutional and Legal History of New York, in Memorial History of New York. Miller, John. A Description of the Province and City of New York, London, 1843. Munsell. Annals of Albany. Murphy, H. C. Anthology of New Netherland, N. Y., 1865. Lamb, M. History of New York, 2 vols., 1877. Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674, O'Callaghan, Albany, 1868. New York, Documentary History of the State of, O'Callaghan, Albany, 1849-1851, 4 vols. New York, Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of, procured in Holland, England and France by J. R. Brodhead, ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan, Albany, 1856-1861, 10 vols. New York, Council Minutes, ed. by V. H. Paltsits, 1910. Perry, W. S. History of the American Episcopal Church, 1587-1883, 2 vol., Boston, 1885. Riker, J. Harlem, Its Origin and Early Annals, N. Y., 1904. Smith, Wm. History of the Province of New York till 1742, Albany, 1814. Tiffany, C. C. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. American Church History Series, Vol. VH., 1895. Van Rensselaer, S. History of the City of New York in the Seventeenth Century, 2 vol., N. Y., 1909. Wolley, C. Journal of Two Years in New York and Part of its Territories in America, London, 1701. Year Books of the Collegiate Church of New York, 1880-1921. THIRD PERIOD THE STRUGGLE OF THE CHURCH FOR ECCLESIASTICAL FREEDOM, 1708-1792. CHAPTER X. GROWTH OF THE CHURCH TOWARD ECCLESIASTICAL FREEDOM, 1708-1747. Nearly a hundred years had rolled away since the West India Company had received its charter "to build forts, plant settlements, prosecute trade and assist in crushing piracy and the common enemy." Within this period the country had advanced from the condition of a tangled wilderness, in which the first Dutch Domine could scarcely find sufficient food for his motherless children, to the state of a flourishing colony under the British Crown. The land was not yet crowded, but in the midst of the woods were many prosperous farms and growing villages. The population had in- creased from a few hundred to about forty thousand, of whom nearly one- fourth lived in the city of New York. With the conquest of the forest came better means of transportation and communication. With trade came wealth and culture was her hand- maid. Some of the people were becoming freed from a struggle for a bare existence and were taking more thought than before was possible, for the things of the mind and spirit. People were having their portraits painted and collections of books were becoming common. There was the beginning of a native literature and the first newspaper in the middle colonies was about to be born. As a result of these conditions a new air of freedom was breathing over the land. Pride of citizenship was felt and there appeared the rudiments of a civic conscience. This spirit caused much political wrangling and the Royal Governors found their lot made bitter by the independent atti- tude of the popular assemblies. The Governors' Instructions still authorized them to induct ministers into vacant charges, but such directions had become obsolete. In such an atmosphere Episcopacy did not flourish, but the various so-called dissent- ing bodies grew apace. Mid-way between the Episcopal Church, which tried to claim establish- ment, and the dissenting churches, stood the Dutch Reformed Church. They had special protection under the treaty rights of 1664 and some of the larger of them already had or were securing charters. But they felt 56 GROWTH TOWARD ECCLESIASTICAL FREEDOM 57 the pressure of the growing English element in almost all their congrega- tions. Their supreme ecclesiastical authority, the Classis of Amsterdam, was far away and unable to appreciate the changing conditions in the New World. Ministers were scarce and many of the more distant churches could have services only three or four times a year. As early as 1694 Guilliam Bartholf, who had been a catechist and schoolmaster at Hacken- sack, had gone to Holland for ordination. But it was already felt that his example was too difficult to be in general followed. By special permission of the Classis of Amsterdam the New York ministers in 1729 ordained John Philip Boehme to serve among the Germans of Pennsylvania, but this act was not to be taken as a precedent. Because they were not allowed American ordination and were unable to go to Holland for that ceremony, some worthy young men were lost to the Reformed Church and some men of unfit character were able to impose themselves upon the more ignorant congregations. The most conspicuous example of such imposition was John Van Driessen, who was ordained by the Congregationalists of New England in 1727. During this period large numbers of Germans and a few Swiss, driven from their homes by persecution, settled in central New York, central New Jersey, and in eastern Pennsylvania. About 1730 the Classis of Amsterdam took charge of them, and this oversight continued until 1793 when the Ger- man Reformed Church became ecclesiastically independent. After long apparent declension and secret preparation of the Spirit of God, the time came for the revival of American Christianity, and to the surprise of friend and foe the churches of the New World blossomed forth in fresh life. The history of the Great Awakening is well known. The preaching of Edwards and his companions aroused the Congregationalists of New England. Among the Presbyterians of the Middle Colonies the influences which went forth from the Log College of William Tennent at Neshaminy watered the land. From south to north rode George Whitefield preaching the Gospel in demonstration of the Spirit and in power. There was hardly a denomination in the country which was not influenced by the revival. But such effects varied greatly in degree and kind according to the cir- cumstances and the genius of the denomination. Many of the ministers of the Reformed Church were opposed to all evangelistic activity, chief among whom was Domine Boel of New York. On the other hand Domine Theodore J. Frelinghuysen, who had begun labor in central New Jersey in 1720, was the leading spirit of Reformed Church evangelism. Misunder- stood and persecuted he persevered in preaching with large results, even many of his enemies being converted. He was the first Reformed pastor who began to train up young men for the ministry. He was probably the first Dutch minister in America who favored the idea of independence from the Classis of Amsterdam. He however sent his own sons, Theodore and John, to Holland for education and ordination.' 'His opponents published a complaint ("Klagte") in 1725 against him, in a volume of 150 pages. Peace was not secured until the fall of 1734. See Ecc. Records of N. Y., which is very full on these matters. \58 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Associated with Frelinghuysen in his evangelistic campaign were Bar- tholf, Van Santvoord and others. Domine DuBois, the colleague of the great opponent, Boel, in New York, was much perplexed, but finally prac- tically took the side of the evangelists, sitting upon the platform with Whitefield when he preached in New York. The intense activity of the Great Awakening passed, but three perman- ent results remained. The first result was a great spiritual quickening of the churches, which largely augmented their number and their membership. In New Eng- land about one hundred and fifty new churches were organized, and the increase of members amounted to seven per cent of the population. In the Middle colonies the number of ministers doubled but could not keep pace with the growth of the churches. The Dutch Reformed churches in- creased about one-third, making now sixty-five in all. This growth further emphasized the need of more ministers. The second result was a great enlargement alohg missionary and educa- tional lines. Dartmouth College was founded as a school for Indians and Princeton College was the direct child of the revival. During this era the Dutch Church, und^ the leadership of Frelinghuysen, first began to feel a desire for a higher institution of learning, but this met with much opposition and the Church of New York City was for a long time opposed to the plan. The third result was the influence tending toward religious and political liberty. The revival laid emphasis on the grand principles of Christianity rather than on the theological distinctions previously valued. From that time rival sects learned Christian charity as never before. The effect upon political liberty was indirect. The growth of the religious convictions of the people served as a balance to the political revolution and prevented it from being hurled into that vortex of anarchy and ruin in which the French Revolution was swallowed up. One of the great elements in the influence tending toward religious freedom was the loosening the bonds which united the churches in America to the old ecclesiastical systems of Europe. This was especially marked within the Reformed Church. Wise men, both in Holland and America, realized that if the Reformed Church in America was to grow, or even to hold, her own, some form of organization for quick action was necessary. But the conservatives were opposed to this. About this time, 1736, the Consistory of Schoharie, N. Y., wrote to the Classis of Amsterdam desiring permission to ordain Johannes Schuyler, who had been laboring among them. The favorable reply was long delayed and in the mean Domine Haeghoort, who had encouraged the Schoharie Consistory in their action, became impatient and formed the plan of a Coetus or ecclesiastical assembly. He wrote letters on this subject to vari- ous churches, and especially to the Consistory of New York. That body, after mature deliberation, issued a circular invitation to all the Dutch churches of the neighborhood to send representatives to a conference to l?e held in New York, Sept. 5, 1737. They also informed the Classis of GROWTH TOWARD ECCLESIASTICAL FREEDOM 59 Amsterdam of their action. At the appointed time the conference as- sembled and spent several days in consideration of the various points pre- sented. There was much discussion and marked difiference of opinion developed. But as a result of the debate two general articles were adopted. The first treated of the membership of the Coetus under six heads. The second treated of the business to be transacted under thirteen heads. Mat- ters were then referred back to the churches for consideration, and a meeting to consider their desires was appointed to be held in New York, April 27, 1738. At this second meeting a draft of a Coetus Constitution was prepared to be sent to the Classis of Amsterdam for their examination and approval. Meanwhile both the friends and enemies of a Coetus in America had been busy. Before and after this conference they loaded the tables of the •Classis with their letters favorable and adverse to the plan. The Classis .at first seemed favorable but the opposition gradually gained the ascendency in that body. On April 6, 1739, they approved a Coetus for New York provided it remained strictly subordinate to the Classis of Amsterdam and did not examine or ordain candidates. Such action forbade any useful activity on the part of the Coetus, along the lines in which its service was most necessary. The friends of the American Church were put to grief, and the foes of progress rejoiced. Domine DuBois, who had presided at the conference in New York in 1738, attempted to organize another meeting to consider what should be done to develop the American Dutch churches but nothing came of it, and the Reformed Church of America remained for the time in uneasy and cramping subordination to the Classis of Amsterdam. Connected with the tendency toward ecclesiastical freedom a spirit of innovation was appearing. Old methods and usages were being questioned and in some cases cast aside. The first organ ever heard in a Reformed Church in America, the gift of Governor Burnet to the Dutch Church of New York in 1727, was sending forth its music from the Garden Street church. New York City. The character and meaning of the sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper became topics for discussion. The disputes aroused by Frelinghuysen's activity led to a pamphlet war, in which sev- eral Reformed ministers became writers. Some of the younger people complained of the exclusive use of the Dutch language in the services of the church and longed for the introduction of English. The Liturgy, Psalms and Hymns of the Dutch Church translated into English were to be purchased in New York about the year 1745, but their use was seldom, if ever, allowed in the sanctuary. There were also complaints that the ministers preached too long, and in the case of the Dutch Church of New York at least, the ancient Dutch custom, which decreed that the sexes should sit apart in the sanctuary was broken, and families began to occupy pews together. It was a period of transition with all the characteristics for good and ill, which mark such a time. During this interim of delay eight new ministers began their labors ; five had come from Holland; two American youths had returned from Holland 60 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA where they had gone for ordination, viz., Fryenmoet and Theodore Frel- inghuysen, Jr., afterward of Albany. Theodore Frelinghuysen, Sr., had privately and in an irregular manner ordained Goetschius. Among the new comers from Holland was Domine John Ritzema (1744) who was destined to play an important part in the future activities of the Reformed Church. Twenty-three ministers remained in the country and two new churches were organized. CHAPTER XL THE FIRST PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE, THE COETUS, 1747-1754. Although the Coetus proposed in 1738 had failed of accomplishment, the desire for it did not die. The correspondence proves that both the Classis of Amsterdam and the ministers in America were agreed as to the importance of some kind of organization among the American Dutch churches. They differed however as to the extent of libertj advisable. Finally in 1747 the Rev. Ulpianus Van Sinderen came from Holland bringing directions for the American churches to organize a Coetus. Hav- ing received these letters the Consistory of New York City issued a call to the churches to meet as the guests of that Church in New York City on the second Tuesday in September, 1747. This meeting organized itself into a Coetus, which was to be composed of delegates, both ministers and elders from every church ; it acknowledged its subordination to the Classis of Amsterdam, and provided only for the transaction of ecclesiastical business. Yet it established Circles, of neigh- boring congregations, to which all local questions were first to be sub- mitted. It also stipulated that all ministers, hereafter arriving, should belong to the Coetus. The Classis of Amsterdam approved of this Coetus but was still re- luctant to allow it to perform the duty most necessary, to ordain the ministry. As its sessions multiplied thoughtful ministers became more and more dissatisfied with its shadowy authority. They became disgusted with its quarrels, and its ordinations, dependent upon long delayed and often unwilling permission from Holland. The death of two sons of Rev. Theodore J. Frelinghuysen returning from their studies in Europe, em- phasized the necessity for easy American ordinations. Therefore with feelings of perplexity the delegates assembled at the Coetus of September, 1753. At this meeting Domine Haeghoort proposed that the Coetus devise some means for the improvement of its organiza- tion. This proposition can refer to nothing else than the turning of the Coetus into a Classis, and, as is proven by the correspondence, was so understood. The Assembly agreed to undertake the necessary modifica- tions at the next meeting of the Coetus. No one can tell what were the thoughts in Dutch hearts or changes of opinion in Dutch Church circles between the meeting of the Coetus of 1753 and that of 1754. During the year the Consistory of New York suddenly developed hostility to the Coetus, and requested their ministers 61 62 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA no longer to attend its meetings. Domine Ritzema however replied that he must follow his own judgment. In spite of this feeling of the Consistory the Coetus met as guests of the Church of New York on Sept. 17, 1754, and Domine Ritzema presided. The question of turning the Coetus into a Classis was discussed, and it was resolved that Ritzema was to send a plan of such a Classis to each church. "Whereupon the Rev. Assembly well contented by reason of the excellent harmony and love which had prevailed, adjourned with thanks- giving and prayer to God." Almost immediately the hostility of the Church of New York to the Coetus burst forth. Domine Ritzema wrote to the Classis of Amsterdam but entirely omitted mention of the most important action of the Coetus,. the plan to turn it into a Classis. As secretary of the Coetus he sent their circular asking for the approval of a Classis to the various Dutch churches.. But with it he enclosed the resolutions of his own Consistory in opposition.. He also personally exerted himself against the change. This strange con- duct discouraged the friends of ecclesiastical independence, encouraged its enemies, and astonished all. By this action the whole Dutch Church in America was suddenly divided into two warring factions, and Domine Ritzema, before he realized his position, was thrust into the leadership of the ultra-conservatives. The reasons for this sudden change in the attitude of Domine Ritzema and his Consistory are obscure, but were probably connected with his ambi- tion for a professorship in the College which the Episcopalians were founding. Domine Ritzema was on intimate terms with the Episcopal party. He was much interested in the foundation of their college. Against the general opinion in Dutch Church circles he approved of the application of state money for this sectarian use and he qualified as a trustee. While his brethren in the Dutch Church were discussing the best methods of educating young men for the Dutch ministry and were beginning to talk of founding a college, he conceived the idea of uniting the Dutch with the English in founding King's College, and of giving the Dutch a divinity professorship therein. To this chair he hoped to be appointed. He there- fore persuaded his Consistory to petition the Assembly to have a clause re- garding the Dutch professorship inserted in the charter. This was done but .by an intentional oversight the charter which was signed by Gov- ernor DeLancey omitted that clause. This greatly chagrined Ritzema and his Consistory, but pleased that large party in the Dutch Church which desired a college of their own.' Full of enthusiasm for a Dutch Church college, Domine Theodore Fre- linghuysen of Albany saddled his horse in January, 1755, and made the journey down the western side of the Hudson to New York and back on the eastern. He stopped at all the churches by the way and sought to arouse enthusiasm for a Dutch College. The next spring Domine Ritzema without consulting his Consistory privately petitioned the Governor to amend the charter of King's College so that the Consistory of the Dutch ^This matter is treated much more fully In the Manual of 1902. THE FIRST PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE, THE COETUS 63 Church might nominate a man for a Dutch professorship therein. This the Governor did and the charter was so printed. Meantime Theodore Frelinghuysen of Albany took upon himself to call a meeting of the Coetus in New York in May, 1755. The Dutch Church of New York did not entertain this gathering and was unrepresented at its sessions. The grand object of this Coetus was to request the Synod of North Holland to transform it into a Classis and also to seek advice about establishing a Dutch college in America. A petition to Holland was pre- pared and Rev. Theodore Frelinghuysen was commissioned to carry it across the sea. This unfruitful mission he accomplished at a later day and was lost on his return home in 1761. The summer of 1755 was a trying time for Domine Ritzema. His at- titude toward the Coetus assembly in May provoked much unfavorable comment, and the story of his personal petition for a Dutch professorship in King's college was the talk of the town. The members of his Consistory, while not displeased at his attitude toward the Coetus, were very much aggrieved at his familiarity with the Episcopalians, and especially at his application to the Governor without their approval. On August II, 1755. they entered a resolution of disapproval of Domine Ritzema's conduct upon their records and permitted him to record his reply. The turmoil was now at its height. There was the wider struggle be- tween the Anglicans with their state supported, sectarian college and the dissenters. In this Domine Ritzgma, although his natural affiliations were with the dissenters, was classed with the Anglicans and mistrusted by both parties. The Dutch Divinity professorial chair, to which he aspired had been founded but displeasure at his conduct made his election thereto impossible and it stood empty. There was also the narrower struggle with the Dutch Church con- cerning the organization of a Classis and the method of ministerial educa- tion. This had been precipitated by Domine Ritzema and his Consistory when they disrupted the Coetus. Looking back from the vantage ground of the twentieth century upon the failure of the united Coetus, first organized in 1737, revived in 1747 and continued until 1754, we can see more clearly than the members of that body what was the primal trouble with the first ecclesiastical organization of the Dutch Reformed churches in America. The basal cause of these difficulties was geographical isolation. America in the eighteenth century was far from Europe. The generation which came from the Fatherland brought some of the Old World culture with them, but their children and their children's children were brought up in the woods without proper educational advantages. Hence the average member of the Dutch Church, especially in the rural districts, had the narrow outlook 6f an ignorant man. The cultured ministers of the Classis of Amsterdam were unable to ap- preciate the view point of the American woodsman or to sympathize with his needs. They were also prevented by distance from exercising a quick 64 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA and intelligent control over the American churches. The more refined Holland ministers, seldom were willing to come to such a frontier of civilization as the provinces of New York and New Jersey. When such a one did come, he remained, if possible, in the larger towns, and was slow to learn the needs of the country churches. Hence the rural regions frequently became the stamping ground of unqualified or unworthy men. The American youth who could go to Europe were few, and those who were ordained in America were apt to have the conceit of little knowledge. It took many years to overcome the handicap of ocean and forest. CHAPTER XII. PROGRESS AND REACTION, 1754-1768. The quarrel which arose within the Reformed Dutch Church in America at the disruption of the Coetus in 1754 is known as the Coetus-Conferentie controversy. It lasted from 1754 to 1771 and brought the Church so low that many of her wisest friends despaired of her life, and her growth was stunted for several generations. The Coetus party proposed to become an independent classis with full power to ordain young Americans for the Dutch American churches. With this object in view they planned to found a college at which students could be prepared for the ministry. This party claimed a majority of the ministers and was composed chiefly of the younger American elements of the Reformed Church. They were pious in life and evangelistic in method. Rev. Theodore Frelinghuysen of Albany was the leader until his death in 1761, when the Rev. Samuel Verbryck of Tappan inherited his position. The minority party was called the Conferentie. It was composed of the older Holland born ministers. They possessed the weight of scholar- ship which was thought sometimes to hinder their usefulness. They de- sired to remain in strict subordination to the Classis of Amsterdam. Yet even they admitted that some kind of organization was necessary for the American churches and they devised various plans for the education of American ministers. Of these the proposal to have a Dutch divinity pro- fessorship in King's college, was the chief. Rev. Johannes Ritzema, senior pastor of the Dutch Church of New York City, was the unofficial leader of the Conferentie. In this he was strongly seconded by his colleague, Domine DeRonde, but his Consistory attempted to hold aloof from the controversy. Ritzema became very un- popular with the Coetus party and was accused of "many works of dark- ness." After the disruption of the Coetus in 1754 the body which inherited that name continued to hold meetings in New York, but no longer as the guest of the New York Dutch Church. They advanced in boldness, and, for the members of the Coetus at least, independence became an accomplished fact. At their own discretion they ordained young men for the ministry. Mean- time Frelinghuysen was busy obtaining signatures to his petition for a Classis and college which he proposed to take to Holland and present in person to the Classis of Amsterdam. From time to time Domine Ritzema gathered the so-called Conferentie party in the Consistory Room of the Garden Street Church, New York City. They attempted no organization and as j'et met without elders. 65 66 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA They were fierce in their denunciation of their opponents. Three years later he invited those ministers who had never belonged to the Coetus to join them and thus the number of the Conferentie was increased to eight but they were still a minority. Both parties were anxious to obtain the approval of the Classis of Amsterdam, and many were the letters, filled with complaints, which choked the eastbound mail. The Classis of Amsterdam were sorely perplexed with this Correspond- ence. They attempted to remain neutral but found it impossible. At first they sided with Ritzema and were displeased with the independent at- titude of the Coetus and at the proposal for an American college. In the summer of 1756 the Classis presented the whole matter to the Synod of North Holland, which supported the side of the Conferentie. This was of course agreeable to Ritzema and his party. The strife now seemed hopeless. Churches were divided and neighboring ministers were at variance with each other. The outlook for the Reformed Church in America seemed dark indeed. From the beginning of the trouble the more thoughtful men of both parties desired to find & common ground for peace. During the summer of 1757 definite efiforts were made in that direction but without result. The next year by the advice of the Classis of Amsterdam the attempts were renewed. After long delays a conference met on May 6, 1760. At this the Conferentie made three proposals: ist. They stated that they acted in obedience to the Classis in proposing peace. 2d. They said that they could not yield in important matters to majority rule but must refer to the Classis. 3d. They declared that they could not acknowledge the Coetus ordinations except when full power had been given by Classis. The Coetus felt that to adopt these articles would seriously wrong the young men who had accepted their ordination in good faith and nothing came of it. About three months later Domine Leydt of New Brunswick published a booklet, entitled "True Liberty the Way to Peace." In this he gave a history of the dispute and argued in behalf of the Coetus' right to ordain and for majority rule. Domines Ritzema and DeRonde sent an unfavorable report of this pamphlet to the Classis and Ritzema published a reply to it. This reply brought out from Leydt a "Defence of True Liberty the Way to Peace." Feb. 19, 1762. In this he argued against the points made by Ritzema and rather failed in charity toward his opponent. Ritzema showed restraint in allowing ten months to pass before he made an answer. He then published an elaborate discussion of the whole sub- ject and of his own relation to it. He also went fully into the relative merits of the Coetus and Conferentie pastors. Frelinghuysen made his journey in behalf of the American Classis and college to Holland in 1759. He was unsuccessful in his efiforts and was drowned on his return journey two years later. His labors in Holland were continued by Rev. Jacob R. Hardenberg, an American ordained min- ister. He did not apparently accomplish much, but his influence helped PROGRESS AND REACTION, 1 754- 1 768 67 to prepare the minds of the Netherland clergy for the independence which was sure to come. In 1761 the Coetus made an unsuccessful attempt to obtain a charter for their proposed college from the Governor of New Jersey. About this time there was also some talk of a divinity professorship for the Dutch in Princeton college, but nothing resulted from it. Ritzema, still bitterly hostile to the plans for a Dutch college, had probably by this time given up hope of his own appointment to the chair of Dutch divinity which was standing vacant in King's college. He therefore began to urge that a proper person be found for that position in Holland but without result. Domines Leydt of New Brunswick and Meyer of Kingston attempted to vindicate the Coetus party. Domine Hardenberg, recently returned from the Fatherland, explained the attitude of the Holland clergy, and asserted that many of them were not in agreement with the conservative position. At about this time the Conferentie brethren organized themselves into "An Assembly subordinate to the Classis of Amsterdam." They listened to a few complaints, sent a few letters to Holland and by special permission ordained one young man, Garret Lydekker, to the ministry. Their attitude was in general negative. The protracted arguments in regard to. the subordination of the Dutch American ministers to the Classis of Amsterdam, attracted the attention of the public and of the civil authorities. The rumor spread abroad that the Dutch ministers were not loyal subjects to the British Crown. This led Domine Meyer to take the oath of allegiance to the English Govern- ment. His act and the attitude of the Coetus toward the Classis of Amster- dam, was approved by the English public and strengthened their position. Meanwhile the Conferentie ministers were left under the stigma of dis- loyalty and were embittered to begin a cruel personal attack upon Meyer. As their fortunes waned Ritzema and his companions became more bitter in published statements- and personal arguments. They attempted to strengthen their position by efforts to involve neutrals in their dispute and by appeals to Holland. At one time it was suggested that all the members of the Coetus should have their names stricken from the roll of the Classis of Amsterdam. At another it was proposed that that Classis appeal to the King of England against them. But to such propositions the Classis turned a deaf ear. As the fortunes of the Conferentie declined the strength of the Coetus increased. Their churches were growing in number and strength and they were doing their best to supply them with worthy pastors. Even the Baptists said that they could live as brethren with the Coetus ministers. After much discussion and in the face of a good deal of conservative opposition the progressive element of the Dutch Church of New York City called Rev. Archibald Laidlie, English preacher in the Reformed Church of Flushing, Holland, 1763, to become the English preaching colleague to Domines Ritzema and DeRonde. His success was remarkable and his coming marked a new era in the growth of that important church. '68 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA At about the same time revised English translations of the Catechism Psalter and Liturgy were published in New York. Another attempt to secure a settlement of the troubles was made at a joint meeting held in New York. June 19, 1764. At this gathering the Conferentie brethren were somewhat strengthened by the presence on their side of delegates from the German Reformed Church of New York City. Breaking their former rule of aloofness elders from the Dutch Church of the city were also in attendance. The gentle Laidlie, the newly arrived English preacher for the Dutch Church of New York, was also in at- tendance on condition that he was recognized as non-partizan. The Coetus also after long effort succeeded in obtaining, November 10, 1766, a charter for their proposed new college from William Franklin, Gov- ernor of New Jersey. It was however some time before the college began its activities. As time passed the very heat of the controversy burned out the strength of the disagreement. The Conferentie ministers were compelled to acknowledge that the trend of circumstances was against them. Impressed with these facts Ritzema and his companions renewed their talk of peace with the Coetus ministers. On May S, 1767, the Conferentie ministers, assembled in New York framed a letter to the Coetus containing peace proposals. This stipulated that the Coetus must subordinate itself to the Classis and that delegates to the peace-meeting suggested must have been ordained to the satisfaction of the Conferentie. It said that treatment of other matters might be considered later and ordinations provided for fit persons. An answer to this letter was received Oct. 6, 1767. This was unsatis- factory because it did not correspond to the terms offered. The Con- ferentie therefore considered their efforts fruitless, and decided that they would have nothing more to do with the Coetus until they answered their proposals. They also wrote an account of their troubles to the Classis, and referred in terms of displeasure to the newly chartered Coetus college. This was the last formal meeting of the Conferentie. They had obtained a meager approval from far away Holland, but they had lost the favor ■of the multitudes with whom they lived and they could not succeed with- out it. Both parties were weary of the strife but saw no way to end it. There w&s however a pause in the conflict. Unknown to them the movement was beginning which was to result in peace, and the man of destiny was being prepared to lead the factions through the final stages of their struggle into true union and independence.^ ^This period is treated more fully in the third edition of the Manual. 1879. LHAPTER XIII. UNION AND PEACE, 1768-1775. John Henry Livingston was born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 30, 1746. Although the Dutch language, used in the church of his native place, was unintelligible to him, he was brought up with careful training. He gradu- ated with honor from Yale College in 1762. At first he studied law but declining strength led him to think of his soul's salvation. After a period of conflict he found peace and his health was restored. He came to New York in 1765 intending to study for the ministry. He listened with atten- tion to the preaching of Domine Laidlie, and the young minister and the youthful aspirant were mutually attracted to each other. During the winter in which Livingston resided in the city he and Laidlie had many conversations with each other in regard to the state of the Reformed Church. Livingston was strongly tempted to turn away from the Church of his fathers to the growing Presbyterian body or the more honored Episcopal Church. But the very need of the Dutch Church seemed to call to him for aid. It was impressed upon him that he was destined to bring peace to the warring factions. With such thoughts in mind, and urged by Domine Laidlie, he determined to take the theological course in Holland. He then proposed to return to America, and devote his life to the service of God within the Reformed Church. On May 12, 1766, he embarked for Holland, the last of the American youths to go there for theological education. He studied at Utrecht, and his intellectual and spiritual progress soon made him a marked man among his fellows. At the same time by correspondence he kept well informed regarding church conditions in America. As his acquaintance and reputation with the members of the Reformed Church of Holland increased, he improved every opportunity to explain to them the condition of the Dutch churches in the New World. Just at this time Rev. Dr. John Witherspoon, president-elect of Princeton Col- lege, was in Holland, and his words ahly seconded the words of the earnest American youth. His influence made the Classis of Amsterdam think favorably of a union of the Dutch American Church with Princeton for theological education. Under the influence of these men a Plan of Union was adopted by the Classis of Amsterdam, June 6, 1768. This Plan admitted the necessity of the training of an American ministry. It proposed a close union of the Dutch Reformed in America with the Presbyterians in Princeton College. They were to study together in the literary department but the Dutch were to have a separate theological professor. The Netherland standards were 69 70 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA to be maintained by the Dutch American Church, and the bond of union between Holland and America was not to be broken. The names Classis and S3'nod were not to be allowed in the American Church, but only Conventus and Coetus. These bodies were to have power to ordain and to perform all other necessary acts, but must report all their doings to Holland. To Mr. Livingston's youthful enthusiasm this plan promised the settle- ment of all differences. He had persuaded some Dutch gentlemen to promise to educate a Dutch American boy in Holland with the expecta- tion that he should become professor in the newly chartered Coetus college. But when he considered this plan for education in union with Princeton, he sent a letter to them revoking his request. In America within Dutch Church circles there was much difference of opinion in regard to the Plan of Union. The Coetus ministers were not favorable to a local union with Princeton College, but they felt they ought to yield for the sake of peace. All the Conferentie ministers, except Rysdyck, were opposed. After failing to obtain more than private conversations with the Con- ferentie, the Coetus appealed to the Consistory of New York which had in general maintained a neutral attitude in the midst of the disputes. They said that they were willing to adopt the Plan of Union with slight changes, and they declared that if only peace could be secured the question of a college would take care of itself. The Consistory of New York did nothing of importance except to write a full account of the attitude of the parties to the Classis of Amsterdam. The Classis was displeased with the slight results obtained and threatened to abandon the American churches to their own devices. At this time Ritzema made a final attempt to accomplish the ambition of his life, and to obtain the long empty seat of the Dutch Divinity Professorship in King's College. But his own Consistory, with whom the nomination rested refused to act and his effort was unsuccessful. This endeavor however stimulated the Coetus party to greater efforts. Their college charter of 1766 was too limited. They therefore obtained a charter for Queen's College, March 20, 1770. Under this second charter the college was capable of indefinite expansion. The President was re- quired to be a member of the Dutch Reformed Church, and could be divinity professor if elected thereto. They were always to have one teacher versed in English. After some discussion the location of the College was fixed at New Brunswick, N. J. Prohably because the churches of the Raritan valley had subscribed liberally, and because there was hope of drawing German students from Pennsylvania. Meanwhile the Dutch Church of New York realized that Mr. Laidlie, their English preacher, should have aid in his increasing labors. On March 29, 1769, they accordingly called Mr. Livingston to become their fourth pastor, the second to use the English tongue. After some delay he accepted and having been ordained and having received the degree of doctor of divinity, he sailed for America. UNION AND PEACE, I768-I775 7I Dr. Livingstoji was a man who would have made his mark in any call- ing, and he not only became strikingly successful in his pastorate but his influence extended widely throughout the denomination. Although the Plan of Union had failed the project was not abandoned. The Classis of Amsterdam still urged the matter. In America progressives were pressing forward and conservatives were holding back, but both were being rapidly pushed toward a new freedom which they did not under- stand. A change had come over the spirits of men. Both sides were ashamed of their quarrels and it was easy to talk of union. Dr. Livingston took every opportunity to increase this feeling, and at last he proposed to the Consistory of New York that they assume the responsibility of calling a Peace Convention. To this they gladly assented and a circular letter was issued, September 4, 1771, inviting delegates from all the Dutch churches to meet as their guests on Tuesday, October 15, 1771. On the day appointed Dr. Livingston welcomed the guests. There were present 10 of the 13 ministers recognized as belonging to the Coetus. Of the 10 neutrals, 5 were present; 7 of the 11 ministers of the Conferentie were on hand, but Domine Ritzema was conspicuous by his absence. In all 22 ministers and 25 elders representing 34 churches were present. By appointment Domine DeRonde preached to a crowded audience. His years of ultra conservatism had brought him into bitter experiences and he was of chastened spirit. He took for his text, Eph. 6:23, "Peace be to the brethren with love and faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." The assembly was organized with Livingston as president. The Plan of Union, proposed' by the Classis of Amsterdam, was adopted with slight amendments. The convention agreed to acknowledge the bond of the Classis and to abide by the doctrines of the Synod of Dort. One General Body with power to ordain and five Particular Bodies were formed. All ordinations and changes in the ministry were to be reported to Holland. One or more professors were to be imported but were to have no connection with English speaking colleges. Until this system could be arranged the General Body were to examine those who had studied with ministers. Certain articles were added respecting the settlement of disputes, and the recognition of ministers ordained by the Coetus. The whole plan was to be ratified by the Classis of Amsterdam before it be- came law. The Consistory of New York was thanked for their hospitality and the meeting adjourned. In the midst of the general approval of the result a few remained op- posed. Of these the chief was Domine Ritzema. At first he attempted to strengthen the opponents but later, severely admonished by the silence of the Classis of Amsterdam to his appeals he became quiet. After the Classis had approved the action of the convention, the Con- sistory of New York again called a meeting to receive the reply. This gathering assembled June 16, 1772. Dr. Livingston, the retiring president, presided and preached "a highly learned, appropriate and affecting dis- course" from Malachi 4 :2. Domine Rysdyk became president. Wonderful to relate Domine Ritzema now appeared upon the scene and when the ^2. THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA articles of union were presented for renewed subscription, he was the first to come forward to place his name upon the book. At the close of the assembly he voluntarily offered a very touching prayer, and the mem- bers with delight appointed him to preach the thanksgiving sermon at their next meeting. So at last peace was restored and union accomplished. A few of the churches were slow to accept the terms but most were glad to bury their ill feeling. Dr. Hardenberg declared that peace was made between the rival consistories of his church on the Raritan in less than half an hour. Some phrases of subordination to the Classis of Amsterdam remained but the Dutch Reformed Church of America became really an independent ecclesiastical body in June, 1772. Occasional letters of friendship there- after passed between the Mother Church in Holland and the Daughter Church in America, but no longer was there the language of authority on the one side, nor of defiance or subservience on the other. After the convention of 1772 there were five meetings of the General Body before the Revolutionary War. The work of the General Body during this period was chiefly concerned with outstanding congregations, with efforts to arrange for a Widows' Fund, and to establish a theo- logical professorship upbn a proper foundation. Dr. Livingston, although only a youth, was the moving spirit of these gatherings. He drew up a plan for the relief of clerical widows and orphans, and prepared a list of all ministers, licentiates and vacant con- gregations, the earliest predecessor of the Manual of the Reformed Church in America. There was much amicable discussion in regard to the theological pro- fessorship, and several efforts were made to obtain a professor in Eng- land or in Holland. After hinting upon the matter, in June, 1774, the Classis of Amsterdam advised the General Body to appoint Dr. Livingston to that office. But war clouds were rising over the land. Men could not fix their minds on any subject less pressing than the battle for freedom. The only action which the General Body took upon the Professorate at their meeting in October, 1775, was: "By reason of the pitiful condition of our land, the consideration of the professorate is deferred." Neither could men fix their minds on letter writing. Communication between the rebel colonies and the great world outside, was about to be cut off. Too late to be read at this meeting a sad message arrived from the Classis of Amsterdam complaining that for a long time they had heard nothing of their daughter in America. They were not to hear again for more than three years. Thus ended the so-called Amsterdam correspondence, covering a period of about 150 years, between the Classis of Amsterdam and the Reformed Church in America. It is a relief to turn from the strife of parties to look at the church life of the Dutch Reformed churches in the generation before the Revolu- tion. UNION AND PEACE, I768-1775 73 During this period the church buildings, with few exceptions, were plain and uncomfortable. In winter they were generally devoid of heat except for foot stoves. Lighting arrangements were either lacking or very inadequate. Probably no Dutch church outside of the city of New York possessed an organ. The second one belonging to that church, and the first of American make, was installed in the building on Nassau street in 1764. A bell rung, sometimes at 8, 9 and 10 A. M., summoned the worshippers to the sanctuary on Sabbath morning. Church attendance was generally good. The people sat in pews privately owned with the boys and negroes in the gallery. At the beginning of the exercises the foresinger frequently occupied the pulpit, read the Scripture and gave out the hymn. The domine then entered and kneeled in prayer at the foot of the lofty stairs. He then ascended to his place and ofifered a long prayer, reverent and full of theology. Afterward he gave out his text explained the context and divided his subject into several heads. While the people took time to absorb this the collection bags were passed. The offerings were some- times for the church, sometimes for the relief of local suffering, and very seldom for the aid of other churches or for distress far afield. The sermon followed the offering and was from one to two hours in length. At its conclusion requests for prayer were sometimes handed to the minister. These he read aloud and then presented them at the throne of grace. At the communion season those who were to partake pre- sented themselves before the pulpit. The pastors were generally provided with a parsonage and a small farm for the "exercise of their industry." The congregations often aided with the cultivation of the land, provided fire wood, and much hearty food for the minister's table. Beside this provision the salary was generally small and often ill paid. When Domine Laidlie was called to be the English preacher in the Dutch Church of New York City in 1763 his salary was fixed at 300 pounds. But this was much above the average. The historian Smith writing somewhat before that time said that ministers could live upon their incomes but could seldom save anything. The colonial Dutch pastors were busy men. Beside their private duties on farm and garden they frequently preached twice on Sundays, and lectured or catechized once or twice during the week. Many of them had extended fields and out-stations which required long and lonelv journeys on horse back through the woods. Domine Van Schie of Pough- keepsie complained that such trips wore out his clothes very fast. The ministers made few merely social calls but assisted by the elders made regular visitations of their congregations, catechizing the children, and inquiring into the doctrine and manner of life of the people. It was a matter of congratulation with some of the Dutch clergy that they paid more attention to discipline than did the Episcopalians but were less strict than the Presbyterians. Beside the informal picnic gatherings in the church yard between services on Sundays, there were few social entertainments under the auspices of 74 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA the church. Sunday Schools were unknown but the children and young people were rigorously trained in the fundamentals of Reformed Church doctrine. After such teaching they were sometimes allowed "a decent recreation." Mating however went on rapidly and the publication of the banns was of almost weekly occurrence. After marriages came baptisms which were very numerous. Between 1776 and 1789 Domine Gebhard of Claverack baptized 1424 children. Funerals were the occasion of much public interest, and the feasts pro- vided sometimes passed the bounds of propriety. The minister was ex- pected to take a text and to preach an elaborate sermon upon the brevity of Hfe, preparation for death, etc. Except in the few large towns school facilities were wofully lacking and the country people grew up in ignorance. They were however strongly attached to their churches and to the Reformed Church doctrine. Frequent- ly they were more ready to fight for them than to obey their precepts. They had a kind of superstitious reverence for the clergy and it was remarked of the congregations near Albany that their devotion to their church was out of proportion to their moral development. The Great Awakening how- ever had produced a marked improvement over earlier conditions. In the midst of rude surroundmgs and small opportunity for culture there was much true piety, and the vigorous political and spiritual life of the time was ready to burst into flower with the independence of Church and State. CHAPTER XIV. THE REFORMED CHURCH DURING THE PERIOD OF LIBERA- TION, 1775-1792. The clouds of war which had long been gathering over the land hung blackest over the territory of the Reformed Church. But in the midst of the gloom most of her people were enthusiastic in their loyalty to the American cause. Many of the Reformed people gave of their money and strength and not a few suffered in body and estate from their devotion to the cause. Many sons of the Reformed Church were also found in the armies of liberty. The Reformed clergy, with a very few exceptions, were devoted patriots. Their pulpits rang with stirring appeals which aroused the ardor and in- spired the courage of the people. For this reason several of them became the especial objects of British hatred, and only by flight could they save themselves from imprisonment or death. The adventures of some of them are a thrilling story. A large number of church buildings were desecrated or destroyed, the congregations scattered and the work brought to a stand still. After the meeting of the General Body in New York in October 1775, there was no further session until October, 1778. It then assembled at Kingston. This body set apart a day of fasting and prayer in behalf of the country, and took action to assist members of the Reformed Church who were driven from their homes or employment by the war. Two years later, 1780, the General Body met at New Paltz, N. Y. They memorialized the legislature in regard to the sins of the land, and in so doing spoke of the "present just and necessary war." At this session they deposed Domine Rubel for his Toryism. The session of the General Body in 1782 was held at Millstone, in a building blackened and scarred by the wanton abuse of the enemy. But peace was now at hand. The clouds of war were rolling away and in the light of independence, political and ecclesiastical, the future seemed bright. As soon as independence was gained it was resolved to drop the awkward names of General Body and Particular Bodies, and to assume the names of Synod and Classes. In 1784 the Synod elected Dr. John H. Livingston as their professor of theology, and Dr. Hermanus Meyer as instructor in the inspired languages. In 1788 a committee was appointed to translate and publish, the doctrinal symbols of the Church and the Articles of Church Government. In reference to the latter some modifications were found to be necessary to adapt them to the American Church. Hence, 75 y6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA while preserving the eighty-four Articles of Dort on Church Order, there were added to these seventy-three Explanatory Articles, showing how the former were to be applied to the American Dutch Church. The Explanatory Articles particularly enlarged on the subject of candi- dates, their qualifications, the manner of their entering the ministry, and the privileges which belonged to them as such ; a formula which licentiates must subscribe was also incorporated, as well as a formula for the sub- scriptions of ministers before ordination. These were not in the Articles of the Synod of Dort, but came from some other source. Article VIII. of Dort permitted dispensations from the full course of studies by permission of the Synod. No remarks were made upon this. The subject of min- isters emeriti was somewhat enlarged upon, as well as the parity of min- isters, styling them all bishops. The brief Article XVIII. of Dort, relating to professors of theology, was elaborated into seven Explanatory Articles. The particular duties of elders and deacons were explained more fully, as well as the desirability of calling a Great Consistory in all important mat- ters. An article was added on Church-masters (Ex. Art. XXX.). These were a committee on repairs of churches, parsonages, and school buildings, and were to execute the orders of the Consistory. The brief Article XXXVII, of Dort on Cbnsistories was elaborated into five Explanatory Articles, referring to discipline and the matter of ministerial calls. Our present form of call was now for the first prepared and inserted. It was composed by Domine Westerlo. Before this calls were not uniform. The particular powers and duties of the Classes were more fully defined in some particulars. The power of examining students was now given to the Classes, although a student or licentiate could yet be examined by the Particular Synod if he so preferred. The deputies of the Synod were always to be present at examinations by the Classes, and to report to the Synod. The Article XLI. of Dort directing the president of the Classis to in- quire of the respective members "whether church discipline be exercised ; whether the poor and the schools be properly taken care of ; and whether they stand in need of the advice and assistance of the Classis in anything respecting the regulation of their churches;" and Article XLIV., directing each Classis to appoint visitors, "whose business it shall be to inquire whether the ministers. Consistories, and schoolmasters do faithfully dis- charge their offices ; whether they adhere to sound doctrine ; whether they observe in all things the received discipline," etc., were expounded in Ex- planatory Article XLIV. : "Once every year the Classis shall direct what shall be deemed necessary and practicable with regard to the visitation of the churches within their respective jurisdictions, and report the same to the Synod. For the more uniform and proper execution of this important duty, such particular questions and inquiries as shall be agreed upon in any General Synod for that purpose shall be inserted in the book of records of every Classis, and by the visitors be faithfully proposed to the minister, elders, and deacons of every congregation in their respective visitations." The particular powers and duties of the General Synod and of Particular Synods were more fully defined. The latter were to be representative THE CHURCH DURING THE PERIOD OF LIBERATION 'J'] bodies, consisting of two ministers and two elders from each Classis. They might yet examine and Hcense students, and this privilege continued down to the Revision of the Constitution in 1832. They were "to exchange every year a copy of their acts with the Synod of North Holland, and ex- press in their letters the desire of the Reformed Church in America to preserve a connection and cultivate a correspondence which they highly esteem and have found to be beneficial." (Ex. Art. L.) It had been found impracticable in Holland to hold a triennial General Synod (notwithstanding Article L. of Dort so directed) owing chiefly to certain civil complications. Hence the several Particular Synods in Hol- land exercised, each, the powers of a General Synod within their respec- tive local jurisdictions, and adopted a mutual correspondence with one another. The General Synod in Holland, according to the above article, was to consist of two ministers and two elders from every Particular Synod, both of the Dutch and Walloon Churches. But in America it was determir.ed that the General Synod should at first be conventional, consist- ing of all the ministers in the church and an elder from each congregation. It was to meet triennially. The General Synod, however, was given the privilege of changing its conventional character to a representative charac- ter by resolution. Explanatory Article LIX. is also worthy of special mention, as showing the position of the Church at that time on slavery: "In the Church there is no difference between bond and free, but all are one in Christ. When- ever, therefore, slaves or black people shall be baptized, or become mem- bers in full communion of the church, they shall be admitted to equal privileges with all other members of the same standing; and their infant children shall be entitled to baptism and in every respect be treated with the same attention that the children of white or free parents are in the church. Any minister who, upon any pretense, shall refuse to admit slaves or their children to the privileges to which they are entitled, shall, upon complaint being exhibited and proved, be severely reprimanded by the Classis to which he belongs." The subject of godparents or sponsors was declared to be a matter of little importance. The subject of catechizing children was emphasized, as well as that of pastoral visitations. The subject of holy days was referred to, advising ministers, at their discretion, to preach on those days, so as to turn people from idleness unto edifying themes.' The Synod reviewed this whole work seriatim in 1792, and formally adopted it. The General Synod was organized on June 3, 1794, and the old Synod became a Particular Synod. For a decade preceding, the terms General and Particular had been applied indiscriminately to the old "Gen- eral Body." During this transitional period no ministers came from Hol- land. The General Body or Synod licensed and ordained thirty-seven men for the ministry, and directed the Classis of Hackensack to license and ordain one i)i their name — viz., Isaac Blauvelt — in 1780. This was done 'The original Articles of Dort, the Explanatory Article of 1792 and the Constitutional revision of 1833 and 1874 are to be found printed in paral- lel columns in Corwin's Digest, Page viii — Ixxxvii. 78 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA because sickness had twice prevented him from meeting with the Synod. Eleven of these men had entered the ministry before the appointment of the professor, and twenty-seven had subsequently produced the professor's certificate. William Linn had come from the Presbyterians in 1787, and Winslow Paige from the Congregationalists in 1792; Peter van Vlierden had come from the West Indies in the same year. There were forty-one accessions to the ministry, and thirty churches organized, during this period. During the whole time of one hundred and sixty-four years (1628- 1792) the Reformed Dutch Church had only been passing through the successive stages which were necessary to bring her into her ecclesiastical freedom and fit her for her future work. 1. The migration of Holland's sons to America during a half century (1614-1664) was merely the planting of the seed. 2. The struggle against the establishment of a church representing a very small minority of the population (1664-1708) proved to be the un- designed cause of charters for the Dutch churches which secured to them perfect independence in all ecclesiastical matters, as well as security from the acts of arbitrary governors ; and these charters the Dutch alone enjoyed of all non-Episcopal bodies. 3. The imperfect piety resulting from such contests and from infre- quent services was followed by gracious revivals, not without opposition, which excited many holy aspirations after larger usefulness. (1708-1747.) 4. In order to gratify these desires came the period of association of the scattered ministers and churches (1747-1754). Views were compared and efforts were made to meet more fully the necessities of the people ; but there was a failure to appreciate the importance of a gradual change of language from Dutch to English. And when the earlier plans of association were found to be impracticable better plans were devised and an attempt was made, somewhat irregularly on account of an irregular opposition, to carry them into execution (1754). But a peculiar combination of circumstances, in which some leaders in the church were allured into a false position, pro- duced an unhappy strife, which was unduly prolonged (1755-1771) and delayed the consummation. 5. But Christian love finally prevailed and secured a union of the two parties (1771). Hardly, however, had they begun their new work in peace when .the American Revolution (1776-1783), prevailing especially on the territory of the Dutch Church, scattered the ministers and destroyed not a few of the churches. 6. But with the success of civil liberty (1783) came to all denominations ecclesiastical autonomy with all that is involved therein — independent organizations (1792) ; a new sense of responsibility, literary and theological institutions with benevolent boards for the increase of Christ's Kingdom at home and its dissemination to the ends of the earth. In 1696, the year in which the first church charter was secured, the churches were only 23 in number and the ministers only 9. During the next 25 years there was a slow, natural increase of population, the churches increasing to 40 and the ministers to 13. In 1740 the ministers were 20 THE CHURCH DURING THE PERIOD OF LIBERATION 79 and the churches 65. In 1755, when the Coetus assumed the powers of a Classis, the ministers were 28 and the churches j})- At the union of the parties in 1772 the ministers were 41 and the churches 100. At the adoption of the constitution in 1792 there were only 40 ministers and 116 churches. AUTHORITIES FOR THE THIRD PERIOD. The following is a list of the original documents and histories upon which the narrative of the Third Period is based. Alexander, Archibald. Biographical Sketches of the Founder and Principal Alumni of the Log College, Princeton, N. J., 1845. •Beardsley, F. G. History of American Revivals, New York, 1904. Berrian. History of Trinity Church. ' Centennial Discourses of the Reformed Church in America, New York, 1877. Centennial of the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, 1884. Chambers, T. W. Memoir of Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, 1863. Corwin, E. T. Digest of Synodical Legislation of Ref. Ch. in America, 1906. Manual of the Ref. Ch. in America, 3d edition, 1879, and 4th edition, 1902. Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York, 6 vols., 1001-1905, Index 1916. Demarest, William. Introduction, Translation of Frelinghuysen's Sermons, 1856. Translation of the Minutes of the Early Provisional Synod, 1771-1792. in Vol. I., of Mints, of Gen. Syn., 1859. Dix, M. History of the Parish of Trinity Church, 4 vols., 1898-1906. Gunn, Alexander. Memoirs of Rev. John H. Livingston, D. D., ist ed., 1829, 2d ed., 1856. Leydt, Johannes. Pamphlets of Leydt with replies to each of them by Ritzema, with Letter of the Synod of North Holland, 1765, bound, in Sage Library, N. B. Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Church. McLean. History of Princeton Seminary. New York, Documentary History of the State of, O'Callaghan, Albany, 1849-1851, 4 vols. New York, Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of, procured in Holland, England and France by J. R. Brodhead, ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan, Albany, 1856-1861, 10 vols. Smith. Wm. History of the Province of New York till 1742, Albany, 1814. Tififany, C. C. A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, N. Y., 1895, American Church History Series, Vol. VII. Valentine, D. T. Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, 1841-1871, 28 vols. Van Rensselaer, S. History of the City of New York in the Seventeenth Century, 2 vols., N. Y., 1909. Vermilye, A. G. The Leisler Troubles, 1689-91, in Memorial History of New York. Year Books of the Collegiate Church, 1880-1921. FOURTH PERIOD THE FREE CHURCH IN THE FREE STATE, 1792-1922. CHAPTER XV. THE FIRST GENERATION UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. As the nineteenth century dawned the Reformed Church in America stood forth facing the future with confidence, an independent body among her sister denominations. She retained many traces of her Netherland origin, and among the EngHsh-speaking population of America, she had somewhat of a foreign air. The conservative element in the Church had retained the use of the Dutch language so long that it became a hindrance to her growth. Frequently the necessary change from Dutch to English took place with friction which was harmful. The Standards and Liturgy were translated into English in 1767, but English did not become the universal language of the Church until about 1820. From that time until the arrival of the emigrants from Holland a generation later the ex- pressive tongue of the Fatherland was virtually extinct within the Re- formed Church in America. In the midst of a free environment the Church was to become thoroughly American retaining only that spirit of liberal conservatism, which had characterized the people of Holland throughout their whole history. It was the purpose of divine Providence that the Reformed Church should stand for evangelical faith in Christ within certain definite geographical areas of the American Republic, and that from these, as from a beacon, she was to let her light shine forth unto the ends of the earth. But Providence also intended that the Church should contribute to American religious life certain qualities of value to the growth of the youthful nation. Of these the following were characteristic. Its type of Presbyterianism had some admirable features of its own. The term of office of its elders and deacons was only for two years, although they might be re-elected ; but the elder retained the honor of his office for life, and might at any time, though not in the Consistory, become a delegate to the Synods of the church. The acting Consistory might also call together all former elders and deacons, as a Great Consistory, for con- sultation on important matters. The members of the Consistory were also generally the trustees of the property. This prevented conflicting views 80 THE FIRST GENERATION UNDER THE CONSTITUTION Ol between the spiritual and temporal officials of the church. The church had also an elaborate liturgy, which might be used or not at the option of the minister. The forms for the administration of baptism and the Lord's Supper were, however, obligatory. Either mode of baptism was allowed, although but one was commonly employed. In order to avoid neglecting any part of divine truth, ministers were required to explain the system of doctrine contained in the Heidelberg Catechism, so as to go over the entire system within a given period. This system, however, was not dogmatic, but experimental and practical. It presented the fact and the cause of man's misery, the method of redemption, and the gratitude which was due to God therefor. This catechism, constructed on such a basis, and emphasizing especially the comfort to be derived from all the great facts of Christianity, was one which evangelical Christians of all creeds could subscribe. There had been no change in the standards of doctrine since the Synod of Dort (1619), yet perfect liberty of investiga- tion was allowed and encouraged. All these unique features of the Reformed Church system not only agreed W'ith a democratic form of government, but aided in the development of democratic ideals. From the beginning the Reformed Church prized an educated ministry. The strife between the Conferentie and the Coetus parties in colonial days had turned, not upon the question whether an educated mininstry was necessary, but upon the best method of supplying it. Queen's (Rutgers) College was founded with this purpose in 1766. A like motive led the Dutch churches of the north to share in the founding of Union College in 1795. By the appointment of Dr. Livingston as Theological Professor in 1784 the first Theological Seminary in America was established. Be- tween that date and his removal of the institution to New Brunswick in 1810, ninety-one students had received his certificates. At a later day and amid a different environment the Western Schools of the Reformed Church came into being to supply a ministry acquainted with western conditions and needs. (See special chapters on these institutions). The insistence of the Reformed Church on an educated ministry perhaps limited her extensive growth while it has intensified her influence within a narrower sphere. The generation succeeding the adoption of the federal constitution was a time of religious revival in America. It was a day of renewed appreciation of responsibility at home and of widening horizon for the Kingdom of God abroad. The Reformed Church shared fully in this quickening. About the year 1800 prayer meetings greatly multiplied and became a regular feature of individual church life. In 1812 occurs the first reference in the Minutes of General Synod to devotional meetings for young people. The Sunday School was adopted by the Reformed Church during the same decade and grew in numbers and influence very rapidly. In 1813 the devo- tion of the Reformed Church began to express itself more often in hymns as well as in the Psalms which had been used from of old. 82 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Before the Revolution efforts had been made to raise funds for the sup- port of the widows and orphans of ministers. In 1813 at the suggestion of the Particular Synod of New York the matter was revived. A society- was actually incorporated for this purpose in 1815 but nothing of import- ance resulted until 1837. In 1819 the Board of Direction of the Corporation of the Reformed Church in America was incorporated to take charge of the funds and endowments which were under the care of the General Synod. The quickening of the churches already established was the reflex of the missionary enthusiasm which had been manifest from the beginning of this period. One of the first acts of the newly organized and completely independent General Synod (1794) was to appoint a committee to seek a union with the German branch of the Reformed Church. But no report from this committee appears. The work of church extension had already been inaugurated, but the impoverished condition of the country greatly embarrassed operations. The first voluntary collections now began to be taken. Applications for preachers came from Central New York, Canada, the Delaware and Susquehanna regions, Virginia and even Kentucky. The first church organized through these efforts was at Chenango (near Bing- hamton), N. Y., in 1794. These operations of the church passed through several systems of ex- periment until our present Board of Domestic Missions was organized, in 1832. In the meantime, however, by the preceding efforts chiefly, about one hundred and seventy-five churches had been organized, mostly in the outskirts of the old settlements and in Central New York. A number of these, however, did not long survive, from lack of ministers to supply them and members to sustain them. (See Chapter on Domestic Missions). The revived interest in foreign missions which was stirring the churches in England began to be felt in America in 1795. The next year the Presby- terian, Baptist and Reformed churches of New York City organized the New York Missionary Society and began both to pray and to give for missions. The Reformed churches of northern New York organized a missionary society called the Northern Missionary Society which con- tinued from 1797 to 1830. In 1816 the General Synod united with the Associate Reformed and Presbyterian churches in organizing "The United Foreign Missionary Society," which in 1826 merged in the American Board. Dr. John Scudder was the pioneer missionary of the denomination (1819), going to Ceylon. Rev. David Abeel was our pioneer missionary to Farther India and to China (1829). In 1832 the Board of Foreign Missions was established in union with the American Board. (See Chapter on Foreign Missions). Those days also saw the organization of many great religious and philanthropic institutions, such as the American Bible Society (1816), the American Colonization Society (1817), the American Tract Society (1825), THE FIRST GENERATION UNDER THE CONSTITUTION 83 the American Seamen's Friend Society (1826) and others. All of these the General Synod officially adopted as its organs of benevolence and in their work the members of the Reformed Church took a sacrificial interest. Thus while the fathers of the Revolutionary period were finishing their tasks and laying their burdens down, and the sons of the new era with quickened minds and revived spirits were carrying on their work, the Reformed Church progressed toward her enlarged task in the time that was at hand. By 1821 the 40 ministers of 1792 had increased to 129, the 116 churches had become 187. But the peace of the Church was about to be disturbed by a schism. On the 22d of October, 1822, five ministers of the Church seceded. This was done, as they stated in their "Reasons," "on account of Hopkinsian errors of doctrine and looseness of discipline." Their names were Rev. Solomon Froeligh, Rev. Abram Brokaw, Rev. Henry V. Wyckoflf, Rev. Sylvanus Palmer and Rev. John C. Tol. Portions of their congregations went with them. All of these, except Mr. Froeligh, were under suspension at the time of their secession. They called themselves "The True Reformed Dutch Church." In the course of the next nine years seven other Dutch ministers and parts of their congregations joined this secession. At first a Classis was formed, and in 1824 they organized a General Synod and formed two Classes — that of Hackensack, N. J., and that of Union in central New York. During the first six years they gathered 26 churches, some of which soon became extinct and others independent. In 1859 their records showed that up to that time they had had in all 34 ministers and 26 congregations. Fourteen of their ministers had then died, been suspended, or left the body, and ten of their churches had become extinct or independent, so that in that year (1859) they had 10 ministers and 16 churches. They continued a feeble and declining existence until 1890 when the remnant of this secession joined the Christian Reformed Church.' This secession caused a great deal of annoyance in certain sections of the Reformed Church but did not greatly hinder her temporal or spiritual growth. The Church continued to advance and to send her influences abroad. The Gospel was faithfully preached and the various agencies, denominational and otherwise, continued to enjoy increased support. In 1841 there were 234 ministers and 253 churches, with about 24,000 communicants. It was not until 1845 that the number of ministers and churches became practically equal — 274 churches and 275 ministers. The communicants then numbered 33,000. A time of enlargement by renewed immigration was at hand. 'See Manual Ref. Ch. in Am. 1st ed. 1859, pp. 134-7. Taylor's "Annala < i the Classis of Bergen." CHAPTER XVI. ENLARGEMENT AND PROGRESS. Throughout the generations since the EngHsh conquest of New Nether- land in 1664 the emigration from Holland to America had been a negligible quantity. The Dutch Church in America had therefore had time to be- come thoroughly Americanized. But in 1846 began a new stream of emi- gration from Holland to the New World. These people were colonists rather than emigrants, for organized congregations with their pastors often came in a body. They settled chiefly in Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin, whence they have scattered to many other localities. Dutch names in many places throughout our western states mark the sites of their settlements. These Hollanders were generally members of the "Free Church" of the Netherlands, which was a secession from the old State Church. In the eighteenth century there was a marked decay of evangelical faith in Europe; yet there was a remnant of true believers; but even these were in danger of sinking into formalism. The church greatly suffered during the Napoleonic wars. William I signalized his return to power (1816) by largely destroying the old Presbyterian polity of the church. The church government became bureaucratic rather than Presbyterian. A General Synod was convened in 1816 (the first since the great Synod of Dort in 1618-19) and a slight, yet important, change of expression in the Subscrip- tion Form for candidates gave occasion for a great controversy. The question arose whether the standards of doctrine were authoritative because they agreed with the Word of God, or so far as they agreed therewith. The Synod of 1835 gave the right to every candidate to decide this ques- tion for himself. This gave liberty for all manner of error as well as for its propagation. Royal mandates also interfered with the internal affairs of the church. The new Regulations of 1816 and the Kerk-Besturcn, or Executive Committee, controlled everything. The Seceders subsequently declared that they separated not from the church, but from this Committee. Many true friends of evangelical truth at first quietly submitted and subsequently gradually withdrew from the public ministrations, hoping and Graying for the restoration of purer doctrines. Many of these desired to maintain the existence of the old historic church and advocated the cause of truth by the press. But a crisis was reached in 1834 with the deposi- tion of Rev. Henry De Cock, because he would not conform in certain matters which were contrary to his conscience. This brought him into conflict with the authorities. But De Cock's church stood by him, and this was the beginning of the Secession. They stood by the old Reformed 84 ENLARGEMENT AND PROGRESS 05 Confessions and cheerfully accepted of the act of deposition with all its practical results. About the same time there were several young men pre- paring for the ministry who entered the State Church and who were thoroughly evangelical themselves. These were Scholte, Brummelkamp and Van Velson ; these men and others were deposed, but Van Raalte was refused admission. Sympathy began to be expressed for De Cock, so that trials and suspensions, even among laymen, became the order of the day. Large numbers now throughout the whole country voluntarily forsook the State Church. In 1836 they held their tirst Synodical meeting. Van Raalte, who had tried various ways to enter the ministry in the State Church, but without success, was now ordained by this body. Revivals followed the preaching of these Seceders and new churches were established. But they suffered severe opposition and persecution. Fines and imprisonments were imposed upon them. Soldiers were quartered in their houses and their meetings were disturbed. But all efforts to crush the movement only made it thrive the more. There was a lack of ministers and these people were generally poor and could not build churches. Laymen were, therefore, trained to do ministerial service. Services were held in houses, barns, the open air and even on vessels. There were also some differencs of opinion on doctrine and polity already among these Seceders and these differences were subsequently emphasized in America, leading to the secession of 1857. At length emigration was determined on, partly on account of their persecutions, although these publicly ceased after the abdication of William I; partly in order to enjoy perfect liberty ot conscience and partly to relieve their excessive poverty. Rev. A. C. van Raalte and Rev. H. P. Scholte were the first to lead colonies to America; the first to Michigan and the second to Iowa. Van Raalte's colony soon joined the old Dutch Church. Scholte's colony at first maintained an independent position. Van Raalte arrived at New York in November, 1846, and soon became acquainted with Rev. Dr. Thos. de Witt, of New York, and Rev. Dr. Isaac N. Wyckoff, of Albany. A series of articles in the Christian In- telligencer excited sympathy and aid in their behalf. The emigration from the provinces of Zeeland, Friesland and Overyssel was largely by churches with their pastors. Thus Zeeland, Mich., was founded by a colony of about four hundred with their pastor. Rev. Cor- nelius Vand^rmeulen. The village and church of Vriesland, Mich., was also thus founded by a company from Friesland led by their pastor. Rev. M. A. Ypma. Graafschap and Drenthe were similarly colonized, but without pastors. In 1848 Rev. S. Bolks and congregation founded Overisel, Mich. The colony at Pella, Iowa, came by the way of New Orleans, under the leadership of Scholte and did not at once come in contact with the old Dutch Church; but ultimately, through the influence of the Classes of Illinois and Holland, the Iowa churches united with the Reformed Church. Some Hollanders, as Rev. P. Zonne and company, located at Milwaukee 86 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA and later at Cedar Grove (or Holland) and connected themselves with the Presbyterian Church ; Rev. Baai came to Alto and joined the Presbyterian Church; but most of the immigrants sooner or later joined the Reformed Church in America. In April, 1848, all the pastors and Consistories of these new Dutch churches in Michigan, except Drenthe, met in convention in Zeeland for consultation. The churches represented were Zeeland, Holland, Vries- land and Graafschap, then known as Allegan. They organized themselves into a "Reformed Dutch Church," with the usual standards of Doctrine and Polity. At the fall session of this body (1848) Rev. Cornelius Vandermeulen read an invitation extended to them to attend the Synodical meetings of the old American Reformed Dutch Church. This was gratifying, but the colonies were new and poor and the distance great. In July, 1849, Rev. Dr. Isaac N. Wyckofif, who could speak Dutch fluently and who was in hearty sympathy with them, visited them as the representative of the Board ■of Domestic Missions, as well as at the suggestion of the General Synod, to inquire into their views, their condition and their needs. He also asked them to unite with the Reformed Dutch Church. On this interview was based his report in 1850 to the Particular Synod, of Albany. Their formal reply, now styling themselves "The Classis of Holland," was also pre- sented to the same Synod at the same time. These papers prepared the way for the union. The Classis of Holland appointed Rev. A. C. van Raalte their commis- sioner to the Particular Synod of Albany and he carried the following letter : "The elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Classis of Holland in Ottawa County, Mich., desire the brethren who are elders of the Church of our Lord under the name of the "Dutch Reformed Church," gathered in the State of New York, to consider the welfare of this part of Christ's flock. "Grace and peace from God the Father in the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy Ghost : "Considering the precious and blessed unity of the Church of God and the plainly expressed will of our Saviour that all should be one, and also the need which the separate parts have of one another, and especially remem- bering how small and weak we ourselves are, therefore, our hearts have longed for intercourse with the precious Zion of God ever since our feet first pressed the shores of this New World. Our hearts were also strength- ened and we were encouraged in meeting with some of God's people. Indeed, all God's children, of whatever denomination, are dear to us; but in the management and care of our own religious affairs we feel more at home where we find our own standards of faith and principles of church government. It was, therefore, very gratifying to us to find, on your side, no narrow exclusiveness, but open, hearty, brotherly love. This has awakened in us a very positive desire to exhibit our own feeling of fellow- ship and to ask the hand of fellowship from you. ENLARGEMENT AND PROGRESS 8/ "We have, therefore, resolved to send one of our brethren, Rev. A. C. van Raalte, a minister of the Church of God, as a delegate to your Church Judicatory, which is soon to meet in Albany or vicinity. We authorize him in our name to give and to ask all necessary information which can facilitate the desired union. "For him and your gathering we pray from our glorified Head and Mediator, who sitteth on the throne of God, possessed of gifts purchased with his blood, that Spirit in a rich measure which he left behind as the Comforter to communicate out of the fullness of the Everliving One to enable us to glorify the Triune God. "In the name of the Classis of Holland, convened in the year of our Lord, 1850, in April. S. Bolks, President." Such was the official request of the Classis of Holland to the Particular Synod of Albany to be received into the communion of the Reformed Dutch Church in America. There was some discussion as to the proper mode of procedure, whether they should be received as a Classis or as individual churches. The mat- ter was referred to General Synod. That body appointed a special Com- mittee to report on this subject. They reported that the Classis of Hol- land comprised nine organized churches averaging one hundred members each and enjoyed the services of six ministers. Reference was then made to the circumstances in the Netherlands which led to their emigration ; to their industrious habits and Christian character ; to their descent from the same church as ourselves ; to the cordial reception everywhere accorded them; and to the duty of welcoming them as strangers to ecclesiastical fellowship and assistance. The following resolutions were then adopted: "Resolved, That the Classis of Holland be received under the care of the General Synod and be joined to the Particular Synod of Albany. "Resolved, That the religious condition and necessities of the Holland Emigrants, wherever they are dispersed throughout our country, be com- mended to the particular attention of the Board of Domestic Missions." Mints. Gen. Syn., 1850, p. 69. These are the only official documents in existence in regard to the union of the Classis of Holland with the Reformed Dutch Church in America. At that time the Classis of Holland represented all the new immigrant churches except one in Pella, la., and a few in Wisconsin. From time to time more Dutch colonists arrived and the Classis of Holland naturally took charge of their religious interests. It looked after the new settle- ments at Kalamazoo, Grand Haven, Grand Rapids and at several places in Wisconsin and Illinois. Indeed the minutes of the Classis reveal a careful interest in the religious development of the Dutch settlers from Pella to Buffalo. Plans for educational needs were also proposed and these resulted in the founding of Hope College. But as these emigrants came from different provinces in the Nether- lands different views and tendencies began to show themselves. A spirit of independence also existed in these new communities. This was shown 88 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA by the case of the Rev. K. S. Vander Schuur, who was called by a self- organized church, seceded from Graafschap, and by the case of the Rev. R. Smit and the church of Drenthe. Mr. G. Haan became very active in opposition to the Reformed Church, and a pamphlet was issued in defence of the secession of Froeligh and his companions in 1822. Fault was found with the use of hymns, in addition to the Psalms, in the services of the Dutch Church, with the publication of Sunday School literature jointly with other denominations and with the admission of the members of other denominations to the Lord's Supper. The fundamental reason however was the internal discussion and suspicion in the minds af some who had brought their Holland prejudices and differences with them to their new homes. In the fall of 1856 therefore, a secession movement was begun by Mr. Haan. The next spring the churches of Graafschap, Noordeloos and Polkton seceded together with the Revs. K. Vander Bosch and H. G. Klein. The latter however soon returned. They called themselves The True Dutch Reformed Church, but later changed the name to The Chris- tian Reformed Church. This was the name of the secession Church in Holland. Until 1870 the growth of this secession movement was slow. After that date the Dutch colonists who could not keep pace with the rapid American- ization of the Reformed Churches naturally drifted into the Christian Re- formed Church and thus strengthened that body. It was also increased by accessions from the Reformed Church because of the agitation which arose in regard to secret oath-bound societies. Such societies were never in favor with the Dutch and memorials against Masonry were presented to the General Synod in 1868 and 1869. To this the Synod replied that the path of prudence and safety lay outside of all secret oath-bound societies, but that the Synod could not interfere with Consistorial prerogatives of discipline. This quieted the discussion for several years. In 1880 the agitation was revived by a series of lectures against Masonry, delivered in Holland. Mich., by an ex-Mason. This led several classes in the years 1880 and 1883 to send memorials to the Synod on the subject. Again the Synod refused to take definite action on abstract questions, and displeased with their attitude, a large part of the Fourth Church of Grand Rapids, of the First Church of Holland, of the churches of Drenthe, Fynaa'rt and Graafschap seceded. The churches of Zeeland, Vriesland and Beaver Dam also sufifered considerably. About three hundred families and a thousand members were lost to the Reformed Church by this seces- sion. The question of Free-Masonry had not been involved in the secession of 1857 which had led to the organization of the Christian Reformed Church. But these later seceders found that body congenial to their opinions and joined it. A little later the remnants of the old secession of 1822 were also added. The Christian Reformed Church now has nearly 250 churches, and a membership of a little more than 40,000. The Church is identical in doc- ENLARGEMENT AND PROGRESS SQ trine and polity with the Reformed Church in America. For the sake of the advancement of Christ's Kingdom the disagreements of an earHer generation should be forgotten, and the two denominations should become one. But in spite of this unfortunate schism the vast majority of the western contingent remained faithful to the Reformed Church. The progress of these new American churches within the last seventy years has been very great. The Classes of Illinois and Michigan were organized in 1841. The Classis of Holland, organized in 1848, was admitted to the Reformed Church in 1851. Then came Wisconsin, 1855, Grand River, 1870, Iowa, 1885, Dakota, 1888, Pleasant Prairie (German), 1892, Pella, 1904, Cascades, 1912, Germania, 1915, Chicago, 1917. The Classis of Iowa was divided into the Classes of East and West Sioux in 1918. In 1856 the Particular Synod of Chicago was organized. In 1919 the western portion of this Synod was set apart as the Particular Synod of Iowa. These two Synods have in 1921, 256 churches and a communicant membership of 19,600. Their Americanization has advanced rapidly and with little friction. The English language is generally used among them. These churches may be said to constitute the immigrant churches in the west. But it must be remembered that many Dutch immigrants of the nine- teenth century settled in the east and that a number of strong churches belonging to the old Eastern Classes are of recent Dutch origin. These churches report a membership of nearly six thousand. The total mem- bership of the Reformed Church in America which has resulted from the immigration since 1847 would amount to nearly fifty thousand persons.' Since the engrafting of this new Dutch branch upon the old American stock, the Reformed Church in America has been composed of two ele- ments, each beneficial to the life of the other, and each designed by Provi- dence to contribute certain important qualities to the Church which is to be. In general it may be said that the older element contributed the spirit of democracy and breadth of vision to the united Church, and the newer element has contributed respect for authority and intensity of devotion. Both have vied with each other in consecration to the Master whom all Christians acknowledge as their Lord. The Reformed Church has also been enriched by accessions from other denominations. She has always held wide the door for the entrance of clergymen and laymen who accept her essential doctrines. From the be- ginning there have been constant accessions to her ministry and member- ship from various sources beyond her own bounds. Many men who have served her with distinguished ability were not originally of the Reformed Church, and many of her sons have passed to other churches. It is not uncommon to see Christians of a dozen diflferent denominations seated around the Lord's Table in the "upper chamber" of the Reformed Church. This condition of fellowship and unity was never more marked than today. The Reformed Church has always been characterized by her patriotism. 'Thanks are due to the Rev. Gerhard DeJonge, D. D.. of Zeeland, Mich- igan, for his aid in the preparation of this account of the Dutch-Ameri- can churches of the west. 90 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA In the early days of the Republic this was conspicuous. In the dark hour of the Civil War her Synods took strong grounds in support of the Union, and many of her sons, clerical and lay, served their country upon the field of battle. The last great war revealed the same spirit of loyalty. At home the Church poured out her prayers, her service and her treasure to "make the world safe for democracy." Abroad her sons offered their lives even unto death. Many pastors were released for a time that they might serve their country, and even those individual churches whose affiliations were Germanic hastened to give evidence of their patriotism. Times of political crisis are often times of enlarged vision and the ■birthday of more earnest endeavor. So the Reformed Church has proved it. Spectacular evangelistic activities are not in accord with the genius of the Reformed Church. Yet the periods which have demanded increased consecration and enlarged vision have found her filled with a deep, quiet spirit of revival. So it was in the early days of the nation. So she was divinely strengthened in the late fifties of the 19th century in preparation of the crisis of the Civil War. Thus she was refreshed with a gracious shower of spiritual bles«ing in the days that followed that dark time. It was just at that period that the name of the denomination was simplified by the elimination of the oft misunderstood term "Dutch" from her title. There were extensive revivals of religion, and a rapid growth in missionary intelligence and enthusiasm. Many individual churches began more earn- estly the training of their youth in all holy living and in every form of Christian Endeavor. The Christian work of the women of the Church met with fuller appreciation and attained to complete organization. At the beginning of the twentieth century there were again signs of refreshing and the leaders of the Church paused to take account of con- ditions and to enlarge their plans for the future. Missionary offerings and activities were also increased. From the midst of her service upon the table lands of quiet Christian living the World War brought the whole Church to the mountain top. On that lofty peak, so trying to the spirit of selfish ease, so inspiring to the sacrifical spirit of the Master, in company with her fellow disciples of other names she has obtained a new vision of her glorified Lord, has learned afresh something of what obedience to him means, and has ad- dressed herself to her Progress Campaign. In the year 1921 the Reformed Church in America has y^ii churches and 771 ministers. Her membership is 135,634. She has given for denomina- tional objects, $1,022,246; for other objects, $270,279, and for congregational expenses, $2,737,438. CHAPTER XVII. THE METHODS OF THE CHURCH'S ACTIVITY. In this chapter something of the methods of the Church's activity will be presented, the departments of her work enumerated and some of them treated in brief. Those departments which require fuller development will be discussed each by a specialist, in the following chapters of the History of the Re- formed Church in America. I. HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTION. The constitution of the Church consists of its standards of doctrine, its rules of church order or government and its liturgy. 1. The standards of doctrine have remained unaltered and consist of the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism with the Compendium of the same, and the Canons of the Synod of Dort. 2. The Articles of Church Government, as adopted at Dort in 1619, with the Explanatory Articles adopted in 1792, continued unchanged, except a few minor amendments, until 1832, when these two sets of articles were thoroughly fused into one new expression of church government. There was no change in the general spirit of the instrument, but it was simplified by its being unified, and such modifications were made as the experience of forty years suggested. The system of Classical visitors, a remnant of the old superintendency, was abolished, and the series of constitutional ques- tions to be asked of ministers and elders once a year was formulated in its place. The limit of time for explaining the system of doctrine con- tained in the Heidelberg Catechism was extended from one year to four. The privilege of granting dispensations from the usual course of studies required of those preparing for the ministry was abolished. The church was also then just entering on its more systematized aggressive work through more fully organized boards. In 1872, forty years having again elapsed, a third revision was under- taken, which was finally adopted in 1874. The principal changes were an elaboration of the articles relating to discipline; the right of a Classis, by a two-thirds vote, to dissolve the pastoral relation, one of the parties being unwilling; and the excision of the requirement of the attendance of Deputati Synodi at examinations. The privilege of granting dispensa- tions from the regular course of study was restored. Because of many requests for a revision of the Constitution the General Synod of 1910 appointed a committee for this purpose. Their labors with 91 92 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA the necessary references to the classes occupied six years. At the General Synod of 1916 the revised Constitution was declared adopted. This revision makes no change in fundamental principles. But it is a great improvement upon former constitutions in the clearness of its language, its logical sequence and especially in placing at its head an article "Of Stand- ards and Offices." Under the revised constitution of 1916 a minister is ipso facto a member of the church of which he is pastor, or, if without charge, he may become a member of any church which he chooses. 3. The original liturgy, adopted by the Synod of Dort (1619) was ac- cepted by the Church in America (1738, 1771) and recognized in the Con- stitution of 1792. It was first translated into English for the use of Scotch and English churches in Holland. In 1767 an amended edition of this translation was published by the Consistory of the Dutch Church of New York City. This liturgy consisted of sacramental forms, forms for the ordination of ministers, of elders and deacons, with certain forms of discipline, mar- riage, consolation of the sick and various forms of prayer. The Nicene Creed and the Creed of Athanasius were appended, not to the standards of doctrine, but to th^ liturgy. The sacramental forms were required but the other forms were optional. Of these several fell into disuse in the course of time and several new forms were added. Such were the forms for the ordination of missionaries, for the dedication of a church and for the reception into full communion of those who had been baptized in infancy. During the nineteenth century several attempts were made to revise the liturgy. Of these only that undertaken in 1868 received the sanction of the Church. This revision was published in 1882 with appended Psalms for responsive reading. It provided in the Order of Worship for the re- storation of some things which had fallen into disuse, as the repetition of the Apostles' Creed, and for the addition of responses to the Decalogue and of lessons from both the Old and New Testaments. In response to repeated requests and attempts for a revision the Gen- eral Synod in 1904, appointed a committee to revise the liturgy. Their work was approved by the Synod of 1905 and declared adopted in 1906. No doctrinal changes were made but abridgements of certain of the longer Forms were prepared, and printed together with the ancient longer Forms, so that either might be used at the discretion of the minister. Certain prayers for optional use were also added. In 1767 an English Psalm book was published by the Consistory of the Dutch Church of New York City. Thereafter constant improvements in the hymnology of the Church were made. In 1813 a revised edition of the Psalms was published without music, and with the addition of 172 hymns. Other books of hymns were added from time to time, and these have been several times combined and reclassified. Thus it has come to pass that the hymns approved by the General Synod include almost all important evan- gelical hymns sung by Christians of every name. The latest addition to the hymnology of the Church is the supurb THE METHODS OF THE CHURCH S ACTIVITY 93 Hymnal of the Reformed Church, published in 1920 by a joint committee of the Reformed Church in the United States and the Reformed Church in America. II. ECCLESIASTICAL BODIES. 1. Churches. — The churches now (1921) number seven hundred and thirty-three. For details and bibliography, see other parts of this work. 2. Classes. — Immediately after permission was granted to hold a Coetus that body divided the church into Circles. These were three in number, viz.. New York, 1747; Jersey, 1747; Albany, 1747. The Circle of Orange was formed in 1750. In 1755 an independent American Classis was formed, while an opposition Conference of a few ministers, without elders, was also held. In 1764 these ministers with their elders, organized a body styled "An Assembly Subordinate to the Classis of Amsterdam." In 1771, by the healing of the division, provisional organizations were formed by the Articles of Union, under which five Particular Bodies, or Classes, were formed; namely, Albany, Hackensack, Kingston, New Brunswick and New York. In all fifty-one Classes have been organized. These have been modified by consolidation and rearrangement, so that at present there are forty, as may be seen by the following table, the extinct names being italicized : New York, N. Y Albany, N. Y New Brunswick, N. J.... Kingston, N. V 1772 Hackensack, N. J " Bergen, N. J Montgomery, N. Y Paramus Poughkeepsie Rensselaer Ulster Long Island 1813 Philadelphia Washington 1818 Cayuga 1826 Schenectady Schoharie South Classis of Nezv York, 1828 Orange Greene Passaic Illinois Alichigan North Classis of Long Island. South Classis of Long Island. 1772 -1800 1800 1800 1843 1814 1857 1889 1826 1876 1832 1834 1839 1 841 1843 Hudson 1845 Watervliet 1845- 1857 Holland 1851 Geneva 1852-1887 Westchester 1852 Arcot (India) 1854-1902 Monmouth 1854 Wisconsin 1855 Kingston 1856 Saratoga 1857 Raritan 1859 Grand River 1870 Newark 1872 South Classis of Bergen 1873 loiva 1885-1918 Rochester 1887 Dakota 1888 Pleasant Prairie 1892 Pella 1904 Oklahoma 1906-1911 Cascades 1912 Palisades 1914 Germania 1915 Chicago 1917 East Sioux 1918 West Sioux 1918 94 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 3. Synods. — When the two parties came together in 1771 they called themselves "A Reverend Meeting of Ministers and Elders," and only dared to talk of a General and certain Particular ecclesiastical Bodies. But im- mediately after the Revolution they gathered boldness and resolved tO' apply the names of Synod and Classes to these respective bodies. This, original Synod was a mere transitional body (1771-92) between the period of infantile dependence on a foreign church and that of complete independ- ence. It called a convention in 1792, and a General Synod/ conventional in character and entirely independent of the Church in Holland,^ was organized in 1794, upon an Americanized constitution. The old provisional. Synod, which had formerly been conventional, was henceforth to consist of two ministers and two elders from each Classis, and this now took the character of a Particular Synod. It continued to examine students equally with the Classes, upon whom the power was also now bestowed, although the Classes could not do this without deputies from the Synod being present. In 1800 this Particular Synod was dissolved, and the two Particu- lar Synods of New York and Albany constituted. After 1800 the Particu- lar Synods ceased to examine, although their right to do so continued until 1832. They met yearly, while the General Synod met triennially until 1812. In 1800 it waS resolved that a delegation of eight ministers and eight elders from each Particular Synod shall constitute the General Synod, but not more than two ministers and two elders were to be taken from the same Classis. In 1809 a new organization was deemed expedient. A delegation of three ministers and three elders from each Classis, to be nominated by the Classis, subject to the confirmation of the Particular Synod, was agreed to. In 1812, also, it was determined to hold annual sessions. In the revised constitution of 1874 all Classes having more than fifteen churches were allowed one additional minister and elder for each additional five churches. By the constitution of 1916 each Classis having three thousand or less communicant members is allowed a representation in the General Synod of two ministers and two elders. An additional representation of one minister and one elder is allowed for each additional three thousand com- municant members or fraction thereof. In 1856 the Particular Synod of Chicago was constituted, and in 1869 the Particular Synod of New Brunswick. In 1919 the Particular Synod of Iowa was organized. The following is a list of these more general bodies: >The General Synod was incorporated in 1819, and administers much of the business of the church through a Board of Corporation. More recently the several benevolent boards have also been incorporated. 'The church in Holland, according to the Minutes of the Classis of Amsterdam, never seemed to fully realize the absolute independence of the American church. The lemma, or article of business, "New York and New Jersey," was kept on its minutes down to 1810. For several years there was entered in a sort of lamenting tone, "Geen Bericht van Nieuw York en Jersey" — "no news from New York and New Jersey." After 1810, on account of the revolution in state and church by the Napoleonic wars, this lemma was dropped. THE METHODS OF THE CHURCH's ACTIVITY 95 1. The Coetus (1747-54). In 1754 the Coetus became a Classis for the whole church (1754-71). 2. The Reverend Meeting of Ministers and Elders, or the provisional Synod (1771-92). In 1793 this body became a Particular Synod for the whole church (1793-1800). 3. The General Synod (1794). 4. The Particular Synod of New York (1800). 5. " " " Albany (1800). 6. " " " Chicago (1856). 7. " " " New Brunswick (1869). 8. " " " Iowa (1919). The first volume of the Minutes of the General Synod was edited and published in 1859, without a very accurate understanding of the relation of the early ecclesiastical bodies to one another. The arrangement in the volume should have been as follows : 1. The Minutes of the Coetus, 1737, 1747-1754. (The Minute Book of this body was carried oflf in 1754 by the opposite party. The remaining Minutes of the Coetus, 1755-1771, were probably kept in another book, but this has not been found. They sent copies of these Minutes to Holland and most of these were recovered by E. T. Corwin in 1897-8). 2. The letters of a few ministers, without elders. (These styled them- selves a Conference — Conferentie — 1755-1764. They attempted to organ- ize, with elders, and held a few meetings, 1764-1767. Some of the letters and the Minutes of this Conference (1755-1767) were recorded in the Minute Book of the Coetus. Many additional letters of this body were recovered by E. T. Corwin in Amsterdam in 1897-8). 3. The Minutes of the General Body, 1771-1793. (After 1784 this body was styled a Synod, a Particular Synod, and sometimes even a General Synod, the proper name not being yet definitized. After 1793 this body became definitely the one, so-called. Particular Synod of the whole Church during a transitional period, 1794-1799. In 1800 it was divided into the Particular Synods of New York and Albany. The Minutes of the last session of this old Particular Synod, October, 1799, were not recorded in the Minute Book, and hence the editor in 1859 failed to print them. They have since that time been found. They are in journalistic form and not classified in lemmata). 4. The Minutes of the General Synod, proper, 1794-1812. (These should have been extended to 1816, as volume ii begins with 1817). The Minutes of 1797 were for a long time lost, but Extracts had been published in 1797. Only these Extracts are printed in this volume i. But the original Minutes of 1797 have since been found and are now in the Archives, but only in journalistic form. So far as known there are about fifty complete sets of the Minutes of General Synod in existence. 96 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA III. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. I. Colleges and Seminaries. Queen's College, at New Brunswick, N. J., first charter of which had been obtained in 1766 and a second charter in 1770, passed through many vicissitudes in its earlier years before it reached its present strength and independence. Its name was changed to Rutgers in 1825. Many of its graduates haye entered the ministry of the Reformed Church and not a few the ministry of other bodies. (Rutgers College). Union College was also founded chiefly by the efforts of the Dutch Church in the North in 1795. It is located at Schenectady, N. Y. Many of its graduates have entered the ministry of the Reformed Church. (Union College). Hope College at Holland, Mich., was organized in 1863 and incorporated in 1866. The large emigration from Holland at about that period seemed to demand an institution especially for them. An unusually large pro- portion of the graduates of this institution have entered the ministry. (Hope College). Central College of Iowa at Pella, Iowa. This was originally a Baptist institution, the corporate name of which was Central University of Iowa. It was organized in 1853 and opened in 1854. It began a full course of work in 1861. In 1916 the trustees offered to transfer it "to the Reformed Church in America or to its agents or trustees," without monetary con- sideration upon condition that an accredited Christian college be built up and maintained under the laws of the state of Io\\%. This offer was accepted. (Central College). The Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J. This institution is probably the oldest of its kind in the country. Dr. Livingston was ap- pointed professor in 1784, and in 1810 the institution was located at New Brunswick, N. J. (Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J.) Western Theological Seminary at Holland, Michigan. Elementary the- ological instruction was given at Hope College from its foundation until 1877, when it was temporarily suspended. In 1884 the Western Seminary was revived, and has since developed into a strong institution. (Western Theological Seminary). 2. .Schools and Academies. The first school planted in the middle colonies was the primary school of the Dutch Church of New Amsterdam. It was in existence in 1637 and had probably been founded a few years before that date. It is still rendering service and is situated at 241-243 West 77th Street, New York City. To a limited extent other colonial churches made provision for the education of their children. The Dutch Church of New Amsterdam also founded a "Latin School" in 1660, and before the Revolutionary War at least six other such academies were serving a local constituency. Of these the most important was the school at New Brunswick, founded before 1770, which became the Pre- paratory School of Rutgers College and which still exists. (Rutgers College). THE METHODS OF THE CHURCH'S ACTIVITY 9/ After Independence the organization of the public school system ren- dered church schools less important, but efforts to establish parochial schools were several times attempted, especially in the years 1809 and 1851. Throughout the East however the results were negligible. Among the new Dutch settlements in the West, and later, in mission fields where the Reformed Church sought to minister to an alien popula- tion, the parochial school has found a reason for existence. The Domestic Mission Board, the Women's Board of Domestic Missions and the Board of Education have therefore frequently aided with advice or money parochial schools designed to give to children and young people a Chris- tian education, and to direct the attention of promising boys to the ministry as the goal of their endeavors. This work has been chiefly carried on among the Dutch immigrants in the West, among the Indians, among the mountaineers of Kentucky and among the negroes of the South. From the number of schools of lower grade certain institutions have risen to a permanence and prominence that requires special mention. The Preparatory Department of Hope College. This "Pioneer School" was opened by Mr. W. T. Taylor in 1851 and came under the care of Gen- eral Synod two years later. When Hope College was founded in 1866 this school became its Preparatory Department and has since continued to serve in that capacity. (See Hope College). The Northwestern Classical Academy, 1882, located at Orange City, Iowa. The Pleasant Prairie Academy at German Valley, 111., 1894. The Wisconsin Memorial Acatlemy, first known as Cedar Grove, located at Cedar Grove, Wis., 1900. (For these academies see chapter on Acad- emies). The Cordell Academy, Cordell, Oklahoma, 1906. In 1914 this Academy passed to the care of the citizens of Cordell. The AIcKee Academy, McKee, Kentucky, 1905. In 1921 this Academy was sold to the Jackson County School Board. The Annvillc Institute, Annville, Kentucky, 1910. The Gray Hawk Community School, Gray Hawk, Kentucky, 191 5. The Preparatory Department of Central College, taken in charge, 1916. The Southern Normal and Industrial Institute at Brewton, Alabama. This school for the training of colored children was adopted by the Re- formed Church in 1919. Other schools of lower grade have been maintained at different stations as circumstances required. For the extensive educational work of the Reformed Church on the Foreign Mission Field, see chapter on Foreign Missions. IV. THE BENEVOLENT WORK OF THE CHURCH. Since Christianity is essentially altruistic benevolent work has always been characteristic of the Church of Christ. The Reformed Church has not been behind its fellows in this respect. From early colonial days systematic provision was made for the local poor, and churches made 98 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA occasional collections for cases of special distress. In 1655 the Dutch Church of New Amsterdam aided in the care of certain destitute Jews who had arrived in the city. At a later day this church collected funds for the ransom of persons held captive by pirates. Pre-Revolutionary missionary activity among Indians, negroes and destitute whites was generally sup- ported by organizations beyond the sea or carried on by pastors as a part of their regular work. Occasional gifts toward such work were doubtless made by individuals. The era of organized, systematic benevolent en- deavor began after the Revolution. The following is a chronological list of the Agencies, Boards, Funds and Societies, through which the Reformed Church or its members have ex- tensively operated. Some of these societies were formed by members of the Church without ecclesiastical action and were subsequently adopted by the General Synod. Some were also of a union character supported by the members of several denominations. 1. General Synod at first sent out ministers on horseback on preaching tours through New York and Canada, and occasionally to more distant fields, as Virginia and Kentucky, 1786-1806. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 2. New York Missionary Society, consisting of individuals of the Re- formed Dutch, Presbyterian and Baptist Churches, for labor chiefly among the Indians, 1796-1816. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 3. Northern Missionary Society, being a branch of No. 2, 1797-1830. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 4. Classis of Albany was formally made General Synod's Standing Committee on Alissions, 1800-1806. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 5. General Synod appointed a new Standing Committee on Missions, consisting of four ministers and four elders ; located at Albany, 1806- 1819. This operated chiefly in New York State and Canada. This Com- mittee was located in New York City, 1819-1822, with operations in New York State, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 6. The American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, 1810. The Reformed Dutch Church operated through this Board, 1826-1857. See Chapter on Foreign Missions. 7. The United Foreign Missionary Society, composed of Presbyterian and' Dutch Reformed Churches, 1816-1826. See Chapter on Foreign Mis- sions. 8. The American Bible Society, 1816. 9. The American Colonization Society, 1817. ID. The Board of Direction of the Corporation of the Reformed Church in America, 1819. This Board has control of the Widows' Fund, the Dis- abled Ministers' Fund, and as the agent of the General Synod it has charge of the professorial endowments, certain scholarships and other funds. In- corporated 1819. II. The Missionary Society of the Reformed Dutch Church, 1822-1832. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. THE METHODS OF THE CHURCH's ACTIVITY 99 12. The American Sunday School Union, 1824. 13. The American Tract Society, 1825. 14. The American Seamen's Friends' Society, 1826. 15. The Sunday School Union of the Reformed Dutch Church, 1828- 1839, independent, adopted by the General Synod, 1839. See No. 22. 16. Board of Education of Reformed Dutch Church, 1828-1832, inde- pendent. Adopted by the General Synod, 1832. Incorporated, 1862. See Chapter on Board of Education. 17. The City Missionary Society, 1829. 18. The Northern Board of the Missionary Society of Reformed Dutch Church, 1829-1832. It was also called The Board of Agency. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 19. The Board of Missions of the Reformed Dutch Church. After 1844 called the Board of Domestic Missions. Incorporated, 1867. See No. 25. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 20. The Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Dutch Church. In co-operation with the American Board, 1832-1857. See No. 6 and No. 2"]. See Chapter on Foreign Missions. 21. The Widows' Fund, 1838. In charge of the Board of Direction of the Corporation. See No. 10. This is an insurance for the benefit of dis- abled ministers, their wives, widows and infant children. The premiums may be paid by a minister or by a church in his behalf. In 1921 the fund amounts to $129,715.79. There were in that year 65 widows and 24 min- isters who received aid from this fund, the amount received generally being $200. 22. The Board of Sabbath School Union of the Reformed Dutch Church, 1839-1863, when it was abolished. See No. 15. 22,. The American and Foreign Christian Union, 1849. 24. The Board of Publication of the Reformed Dutch Church, 1854. Incorporated in 1855. This Board was engaged in preparing and furnish- ing the Denomination with suitable literature for its Sunday School work and to furnish other similar supplies. In 1914 the Work of this Board was enlarged to include beside its former duties, the oversight of the Sab- bath Schools and Young People's Societies of the Church, and was directed to seek to secure more efficient methods of religious instruction for the young people. A permanent secretary of this Board was appointed and its name was changed to the Board of Publication and Bible School Work. 25. The Church Building Fund, 1854. See No. 19. This Fund is under the care of the Board of Domestic Missions. Its duty is to aid in the building enterprises of needy churches. This Fund was sometimes called The Church Extension Fund. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 26. The Sustentation Fund, 1855. After 1863 this Fund was called the Disabled Ministers' Fund. It is in charge of the Board of Direction. See No. 10. This Fund is not an insurance, like the Widows' Fund, but is a charity for the benefit of disabled ministers, their widows and children, when they are in need. The aid must be recommended each year by the Classis to which the disabled minister belongs. In 1921 this Fund amounts 100 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA to $257,906.14. In 1917 plans were adopted for securing an adequate Pen- sion Fund for the aged ministers of the Reformed Church and their widows. These plans are now in process of accomplishment. 27. Board of Foreign Missions of Reformed Dutch Church, 1857. In- corporated i860. See No. 20. See Chapter on Foreign Missions. 28. Woman's Union Missionary Society, i860. Incorporated. 29. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of Reformed Church in Amer- ica, 1875. Incorporated 1892. See Chapter on Foreign Missions. 30. Woman's Executive Committee (of Domestic Missions of Reformed Church in America), 1882. See Chapter on Domestic Missions. 31. American Sabbath Union, 1888. 2)2. The Arabian Mission. Founded as an independent mission, 1889. Incorporated 1894. Adopted by the Reformed Church 1894. See Chapter on Foreign Missions. Z2,- Many other religious and philanthropic organizations have from time to time received the approval of the Synod and have been commended to the churches for their support. V. THE CHURCH AND PUBLIC MORALS. The Reformed Church in America has always been active in its co- operation with those who are endeavoring to safeguard the morals of the community. In 1780 the Synod sent a "memorial" to Governor Clinton of New York "as representing the present authorities of this land with a request to the same to employ their influence to suppress all scandalous and heaven- provoking improprieties." For a number of years (1783-1791) the Synod and Classes maintained a "Lemna" in their Rules of Order which directed attention to problems of public order. Early in the nineteenth century the cause of temperance became prom- inent. In 1827-28, resolutions were adopted by General Synod approving total abstinence. Frequently thereafter the cause of temperance is men- tioned and in due time references to "Prohibition" appear in the minutes. In 1918 the General Synod urged the adoption of the Eighteenth Amend- ment to the Constitution of the United States, and in 1919 expressed joy at the result, and appointed the third Sabbath in June as a day of prayer and pastoral instruction for the better observance of the Lord's Day and for the enforcement of the prohibition amendment. The question of Sabbath observance, however it may appear a problem of today, is an old problem. In 1781 the Synod advised against marriages on Sunday "because of the festivities connected therewith." In 181 5 a protest was made against unnecessary travel on the Lord's Day, and in 1853 the Synod directed the Board of Direction to sell some stock of the New York and New Haven Railroad so that they should not be partners in that Company's sin of Sabbath breaking. In 1876 the Synod joined in successful efiforts for the closing of the Cen- tennial Exposition on the Sabbath. THE METHODS OF THE CHURCH S ACTIVITY lOI In 1891 the Synod appointed a Standing Committee on Sabbath Ob- servance. This Committee protested against the disregard of the Sab- bath by the Columbian Exposition of 1893. This attitude toward obedience to the Fourth Commandment has been steadfastly maintained to the present time. The topic of Marriage and Divorce has frequently engaged the at- tention of General Synod. The Synod of 1899 appointed a committee to act with other religious bodies in an endeavor to secure better state laws on such matters. It enjoined the ministers not to remarry divorced per- sons except the innocent party in a divorce obtained on the ground of adultery. In 1905 the Synod appointed a Permanent Committee to rep- resent the Reformed Church in the 'Tnter-Church Conference on Marriage and Divorce." Other reform movements have received the attention of the Church as the need has appeared. The latest of them being the effort to purify the Motion Picture Industry. In 1918 the General Synod merged its Standing Committee on Tem- perance and its Standing Committee on Sabbath Observance into one Permanent Committee on Public Morals. This Committee has already proved its usefulness. VI. CHRISTIAN UNITY. It is a truth to which all Christians will agree, that divisions in the church of Christ, so far as they are detrimental to the success of the king- dom of Christ in this world, must, ultimately, be healed. The great division of the Greek and Latin churches yet continues, notwithstanding repeated attempts at reconciliation. In 1683 an earnest attempt was made by Leibnitz, Moranus, and Spinola to reunite the Roman and Protestant churches, but after ten years of negotiations the effort was abandoned. Many letters passed back and forth between the continental and British Reformers to unite the Reformed churches. Professor Hermann Witsius drew up a plan for this purpose for William III, but nothing came of it. In 1743 the Classis of Amsterdam sought to bring about a union of the Dutch, the German, and the Presbyterian churches, but without success. In 1783 Dr. Livingston expressed the desire that some genius equal to the task would arise, to draw a plan for uniting all the Reformed churches in America into one national church. Notwithstanding the seeming difficulties in the way, "I humbly apprehend," said he, "this will be practicable ; and I yet hope to see it accomplished." In 1784 efforts began to be made to promote friendly correspondence between the Presbyterian, the Associate Reformed, and the Dutch Reformed churches in America. Committees met, and articles of agreement were drawn up in 1785, and new articles in 1800. In 1816 special efforts were renewed to unite the Associate Reformed and the Dutch Reformed in closer bonds, and in 1820 to unite them to- gether under the name of the Reformed Protestant Church in North 'Thank.s are due to Rev. A. D. W. Mason. D. D., for supplying the infor- mation contained in Section V. 102 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA America. The standards of the two churches were adopted, and individual congregations were to be allowed their own customs and usages. Two- thirds of the Classes were in favor of this union ; but in 1821 the Associ- ate Reformed Church declined to press the subject further. In 1822 new articles of correspondence were drawn up between the Pres- byterian and Dutch churches. In 1873-78 earnest efiforts were made to bring about a union of the Presbyterian churches, North and South, and of the German Reformed Church with the Dutch Church, but without success. In reference to the Presbyterian Church (South), however, a plan of co-operation was formulated which related to publication, home missions, foreign missions, and education. This resulted in co-operation upon the mission field, and, at a later date, fellowship in endeavor among the negroes of the South. Besides the effort for union with the German Reformed Church made by the Classis of Amsterdam in 1743, the Coetus party made overtures to that body for union in 1762. In 1770 Queen's College was located at New Bruns- wick, partly for the reason that it would be more convenient for students of the German churches in Pennsylvania; and the names of two German min- isters, Wyberg and Du Bois, were put among its first incorporators. At the first meeting of the Dutch General Synod in 1794, union with the German Church was looked forward to as a desirable consummation, and a committee was appointed to take "effectual measures to bring so desirable a thing into effect." Delegates were exchanged, and German students were urged to come to New Brunswick. More distinct propositions for union were made in 1820, and again in 1842, and at the important Harris- burg convention of 1844 it was thought that the scheme was on the high- road to success ; but in 1848, owing to certain doctrinal discussions in the German Church, the Dutch Church withdrew from the scheme, and corre- spondence was suspended for ten years (1853-63). With the tri-centennial of the Heidelberg Catechism, in 1863, intercourse was renewed, and a gen- eral efifort for union was again made in 1873, but then the Dutch and Germans could not agree on the doctrinal standards. In 1886 began another effort, which was prosecuted for six years. The scheme of a union now seemed certain to succeed, and two-thirds of the Classes of the Reformed (Dutch) Church, and most, if not all, of the Classes of the Reformed (German) Church, agreed to the plan proposed; but some technical errors in the reports of the vote of the Classes of the Dutch Church and other reasons delayed the consummation, and ultimately prevented success. But while efiforts for external union were premature, the real union of the Spirit was advancing toward success. The Constitution of 1792 proposed correspondence with other churches "for the purpose of promot- ing union and concert in general measures which may be calculated to maintain sound doctrine, prevent conflicting regulations — and to promote the cause of religion and piety." Thus authorized the General Synod began to extend its fraternal fel- THE METHODS OF THE CHURCH S ACTIVITY IO3 lowship beyond the bounds which had hmited it in colonial days. Through- out its history the Reformed Church has been in friendly correspondence, either continuously or on special occasions, with at least forty different Christian bodies. With the growth of intelligence and charity the idea of Christian unity has widened. In early days an organic union based on agreement in doctrine, seemed the only possible ideal. With the progress of the suns it has come to be understood that in spite of divergence in doctrine, a federal union in Christian service is possible. The chief organizations for the advancement of Church Unity in its spiritual sense with which the Reformed Church in America has become allied are the following : The Evangelical Alliance. This was founded in London in 1846. The American Branch was organized in 1867. Its chief work has been in the cultivation of a devotional spirit, in conference and in appeals in behalf of those who suffer religious persecution. The Reformed Church has been connected with it from the beginning. The Alliance of Reformed Churches throughout the World holding the Presbyterian System. This was organized in London in 1875. Its purpose was not to merge the separate existence of its members into one large or- ganization, but to bring the members of the Presbyterian family into con- sultation for the good of the Church at large and for the glory of God. In 1884 an Executive Commission was constituted and the Alliance was divided into two divisions, the Eastern Section for the Old World and the Western Section for the New World. The churches which are mem- bers of this Alliance have a membership of about thirty million. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. This organiza- tion had its beginnings in a conference in 1905, but it attained completion at a meeting in Philadelphia in 1908. Its purpose is to draw the various denominational members of the body into a co-operation which shall mani- fest their unity in Christ Jesus, and advance the interests of the Kingdom of Christ in America and throughout the World. It has been very useful in preventing overlooking and overlapping in denominational activity. At present there are some thirty denominations in its union. Council of the Reformed Churches in America Holding the Presbyterian System. The Reformed Church in America, the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America the United Presbyterian Church of North America, and the' Presbyterian Church in the United States signed Articles of Agreement in 1907. In 1908 the Reformed Church in the United States adopted the Articles. The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod fol- lowed in 1910 and the Colored Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1912. The object of this Council is to develop spiritual unity and to promote closer relations and more effective administrative co-operation among the churches. A World Conference on Faith and Order was proposed by the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1910. At several meetings of this Conference the Re- formed Church has been officially represented. 104 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA At a meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, in August 1920 it was proposed that a "Universal Conference of the Church of Christ on Life and Work" be held in the year 1923. The Reformed Church has appointed a com- mittee to take part in tentative arrangements for this meeting. AUTHORITIES FOR THE FOURTH PERIOD. Corwin, E. T. Manual of the Reformed Church in America, especially the 1st edition, 1859, and the 4th edition, 1902. A Digest of Synodical Legislation of the Reformed Church in America, 1906. De Jonge, Gerhard. Information furnished in manuscript. Demarest, D. D. The Reformed Church in America, Its Origin Develop- ment and Characteristics, 1889, 4th ed. Mason, A. DeW. Information furnished in manuscript. Minutes of General Synod, XXVI vols. Minutes of the various Particular Synods. Reports of Various Boards and Organizations. Taylor B. C. Annals of jthe Classis of Bergen, 1857. CHAPTER XVIII. RUTGERS COLLEGE. BY W. H. S. DEMAREST, D.D., LL.D., PRESIDENT OF RUTGERS COLLEGE. The people of the Netherlands, sturdy in the Reformation faith, were likewise pledged to the cause of sound and broad education. Therefore the Dutch were rich in educational traditions when they came to America to make investment of themselves and their possessions in a new land which promised rare opportunity for worldly welfare. Churches and schools were soon planted, but there was a great lack of ministers. The ministers, it was thought, must come from the fatherland. Perhaps it was the ministers themselves rather than the congregations that insisted on this Holland education and ordination. Among them leaders must arise, who, alive to the needs of the churches and to the trouble and expense of education abroad, would give themselves to the making of an American church and of home institutions of sacred and secular learning. In 1719 Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen came from the old country and took upon himself the charge of all the churches in the Raritan Valley, in what are now the counties of Somerset and Middlesex. His labors in this widespreading parish began a new era in its life. He was an evange- list of rare spiritual power. He was the progressive of his church and time. In 1738 he and some men of like mind held the first formal con- ference looking to some freedom from old Amsterdam ; and three years later an organization was formed, owning still allegiance to the Church abroad, but undertaking some free privileges. Here and there a young man was taught in the home of a minister and in due time ordained by a circle of the ministers assuming that right. In challenge of this hint of independence, ministers and elders more conservative formed their rival conference, and a sharp controversy lasting almost a generation was born. This was Coetus-Conferentie dispute. It was natural that the men of American ideals should grow steadily in zeal for an academy of their own. Colleges were founded by others close at hand : Princeton, then known as the College of New Jersey, in 1746, with the question pending between 1750 and 1752 whether it should be at New Brunswick or Princeton ; Columbia, then Kings, in 1754. Young men would go to these, or to Yale or to Pennsylvania. Some argued that the sons of the Hollanders needed no academic in- stitution of their own, only a chair of theology at Kings or Princeton. Sons of the first Frelinghuysen called the party of independents to action. One son, John, was in the parsonage at Raritan, now Somer- I06 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA ville, serving churches that his father had served before him. There in a room set apart young men were taught language and theology. One son, Theodorus, was minister at Albany, in the old Fort Orange Church. He made a journey on horseback in the dead of winter through the Hud- son Valley declaring his cause and gathering strength from the ministers and parishes. He then called ministers and elders to meet at New York City "to deal with our church affairs, as well as an Academy where our youth who are devoted to study may receive instruction." Assembled in such convention May 27, 1755, men from a score of places approved the proposed academy and a plan of contributions and appointed Mr. Freling- huysen delegate to proceed to Holland in this behalf, giving him a high commission in sonorous Latin : "Therefore we * * * do resolve in these present critical times to strive with all our energy, and in the fear of God, to plant a university or seminary for young men destined for study in the learned languages and in the liberal arts, and who are to be in- structed in the philosophical sciences ; also, that it may be a school of the prophets in which young Levites and Nazarites of God may be prepared to enter upon the sacred ministerial office." From the day of that deliverance the founding of the College was never in doubt. But it was not to come without hardness and delay. The opposition was sharp, especially from the ministers in New York. In Amsterdam little sympathy was shown. After four years of perplexity and of impatient waiting, the delegate to Holland took his departure. It was an ill-starred journey. We know little of it, but plainly he had no very great success. Journeying home he was drowned when approaching New York. John Frelinghuysen too, at Raritan, had finished his work. In his place was Jacob Rutsen Harden- bergh, a young man who had studied with him and who married his widow, the famous Dinah van Bergh, the Juffrow Hardenbergh. He was a patriot, a statesman, a man of spirit and faith. The college enterprise fell into strong hands when it came to him ; and Domine John Leydt at New Brunswick. Northward at Tappan was Domine Samuel Verbrycke, with whom attaches, the first reference we have to the charter effort itself. In a letter of early 1762 it is said this minister "had engaged, with other ministers * * * iq obtain from the Governor of New Jersey a Charter for the erection of an academy in that province" "and, when refused by one governor, sought it from his successors." In 1763 Hardenbergh went to Holland' where, a letter states "he has already begun to gather in the moneys secured by Rev. Frelinghuysen." In 1764 he himself writes "that two governors have refused their request, they mean to try it with the third." Their persistence was crowned with success, for on November ID, 1766, the charter of Queen's College was granted by George the Third, in answer to petition of his loving subjects of the Church of the Nether- lands. No copy of this charter is, so far as we know, in existence. Its contents may however be known from the second charter, granted in 1770, a copy of which printed in that year is in the possession of the College. It begins : "George the Third by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and RUTGERS COLLEGE IQ/ Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc." It grants "that there be a college, called Queen's College, erected in our said Province of New Jer- sey." It declares the object of the College: "for the education of youth in the learned languages, liberal and useful arts and sciences, and especially in divinity, preparing them for the ministry and for other good offices." The charter lays no church requirement on members of the Board of Trustees or of the Faculty any more than on the students. It was how- ever required, that the Trustees in electing a President of the College shall always choose a "member of the Dutch Reformed Church aforesaid." It provided for a professor of divinity. It required that there should be "at least one professor, or teacher, well versed in the English language." It directed that the Board of Trustees should consist of forty-one members, four of them (later three) officers of the Province (later the State) of New Jersey, including the Governor, who should be ex officio president of the Board when present at its meetings. A call for a meeting of the Trustees was issued, which recited the secur- ing of the charter, the list of those constituted by it the original Board of Trustees and summoned the members to assemble at the "County House at Hackensack Town" on the second Tuesday of May, 1767. Among these Trustees — and those named in the charter of 1770 differed in only one or two particulars — were Philip Livingston, Colonel Hardenbergh, and his son the minister, Sir William Johnson, Hasbrouck, Hoffman, Brinckerhoff, Vrooman, Ten Eyck, Schenck, Zabriskie, Du Bois, Philip French, and Hendrick Fisher, apparently the first president of the Board in the absence of the governor. Meetings were thenceforth called twice a year, in May and October : they were held sometimes in New Brunswick, sometimes elsewhere, usually at the public house. The College did not start at once. Probably lack of resources was the chief reason, but lack of agreement as to its location may have had something to do with it. There evidently was much rivalry. There is some reason to think that Domine Frelinghuysen of Albany, ten years before, had his mind on an academy there as the good foundation. Domine Goetschius, it was now said, had established an academy at Hackensack as a good prelude to the College going there. Domine Verbrycke at Tappan was equally alert in his locality. And at New Brunswick (where Jacobus Schureman probably had taught in the very early days) there was founded a school perhaps as early as 1762, certainly before 1770, which, preceding the College in actual work, has continued until now, with virtually unbroken record, the Grammar School of the College. A meeting held at Hackensack, May 7, 1771, decided that the College should be planted at New Brunswick. Hackensack lost the prize by the close vote of ten to seven. The reason stated for the choice was the larger financial offer of New Brunswick. A fact also in point, no doubt, was the large influence of Domine Hardenbergh and Hendrick Fisher. One thing suggested as also bearing upon it was the nearer vicinity of the German churches of Pennsylvania, at that time quite united with the Dutch, from which students might be expected. The town was at that 108 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA time still very small. Some English settlers were there, and the ferry over the Raritan on the high road from New York to Philadelphia made it familiar in the Colonial life. When once the place had been determined, the start of college work did not delay. The second Tuesday of November of that year, 1771, five years perhaps to a day after the granting of the first charter, Queen's College opened its doors. The Trustees in announcing the College say that they have appointed Mr. Frederick Frelinghuysen as the tutor who is to instruct the students in order to prepare them for the usual degrees and is also to teach the English language grammatically. They add : "It is supposed that the char- acter of the gentleman appointed tutor is become so well known by discov- ering his scholarly genius in the course of his studies at Nassau Hall (where he had a liberal education) that it needs no further recommenda- tion from us." They also say that the Reverend Messrs. Light (Leydt), Hardenbergh^ and Van Harlingen are to take the government and direction of the College, with the tutor aforesaid, until a well qualified President can be procured. "The public," they say, "ma^ depend upon finding good and sufficient board at private houses and as cheap (if not cheaper) than at any other place where colleges are located. As said College is calculated to promote learning in general for the good of the community therefore the general students may be expected to be treated with becoming candour without any discrimination with respect to their religious sentiments." Six months later the tutor himself advertises that the College was actually started at the appointed time. He adds : "Any parents or guardians who may be inclined to send their children to this institution may depend upon having them instructed with the greatest care and diligence." "The strictest re- gard will be paid to their moral conduct and, in a word, to everything which may tend to render them a pleasure to their friends and an ornament to their species. Also to obviate the objection of some to sending their children, on account of their small proficiency in English, a proper person has been provided who attends at the Grammar School an hour a day and teaches reading, writing, and arithmetic with becoming accuracy. It is hoped that the above considerations, together with the healthy and conveni- ent situation of the place, on a pleasant and navigable river in the midst of a plentiful country, the reasonableness of the inhabitants and the price of board and the easy access from all places, either by land or water, will be estimated by the considerate public as a sufficient recommendation of this infant College which (as it is erected upon so catholic a plan) will undoubtedly prove advantageous to our new American country by assisting its sister seminaries to cultivate truth, piety, learning, and liberty." Mr. Frelinghuysen was the son of the Rev. John Frelinghuysen, the step-son of Rev. Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh. He had been graduated from Prince- ton in 1770, and began work as tutor of Queen's College when less than nineteen years of age. No doubt he began the work well, but it does not appear that he continued long in charge of it ; as he himself said, he RUTGERS COLLEGE IO9 'had learned patriotism as well as Greek at the feet of Witherspoon, and he was soon busy at the bringing forth of the new nation, serving with distinction on the feld and in council. He became a Colonel of militia .and after the war Brigadier General. He was eminent in the profession of law. He was a member of the Provincial Congress, the Continental 'Congress, end the Committee of Safety, and was a United States Senator. In private life he was held in singularly high esteem and his death, on his fifty- rst birthday, seemed sadly premature. With him in the college work soo.". after its start was John Taylor, his classmate at Princeton. Per- haps he had been in charge of the school at first. He too became a Colonel in the patriot army and was as well a trusted counsellor in general affairs. He remained in charge of the College when Frelinghuysen withdrew. He left his students from time to time, in the exigencies of war, but apparently did not, for a long time, surrender his responsibility for them. Mean- time the Trustees were looking for a president. No doubt Dr. Harden- bergh was informally in that position but the Trustees wrote to Amster- dam for advice as to some one who might come over to fill the office and at the same time be professor of divinity. The Church approving this, the qualifications which they present as appropriate, in a letter of 1772, indicate that Trustees were perhaps more exacting in those days than they are now: I. He is to teach theology; 2. He is to teach the languages, through tutors ; 3. On the Lord's Day he will have to do more or less of the work of a minister; 4. He must be a man of tried piety; 5. He must be at- tached to the constitution of the Netherland Church; 6. A man of thorough learning ; 7. Well natured ; 8. Free and friendly in conversation ; 9. Master ■of the English language, though he may dictate in Latin ; finally, he should be pleased to dictate on Marks Medulla! No wonder there was no presi- dent secured for a dozen years ; and the chair of theology even then was not fill^. The Dutch Reformed Church, having in its wisdom decided to found its own professorship in 1774, after delay due to the war, filled it in 1784 by the choice of the Rev. Dr. John Henry Livingston, a choice which was the origin of the Theological Seminary, the oldest in the land, which removed to New Brunswick in the person of Dr. Livingston, in 1810. Thus, at the very beginning, the College and the Church failed to enter into the union which had been contemplated through all the years preceding. The college was housed in the building at the northeast corner of what are now Albany and Neilson Streets. The work was at times removed from town, for New Brunswick was in the pathway of the armies. The sessions were then held at Hillsboro, now Millstone, or at the union of the North and South branches of the Raritan. The first public commencement was in October, 1774. The account states: "Mr. Matthew Light of New Brunswick was the only candidate for the degree of Batchelor of Arts, who delivered orations in Latin, Dutch, and English with high applause." Certain members of the next class "spoke with gracefulness and propriety on various subjects." A number of ladies and gentlemen of the town entertained the audience "and the no THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA whole was conducted in a manner that gave satisfaction to the very numerous and respectable assembly." Dr. Hardenbergh presided that day and he no doubt did so during his pastorate at Raritan, which continued until 1781. There were not many students or graduates during those first years, but they were a distinguished group. In 1783 the Trustees chose Dr. Dirck Romeyn as President, the minister of the Church of Hackensack, who later in the church of Schenectady became the virtual founder of Union College. He was chosen because the churches of New Brunswick and Six Mile Run, which were to have the College President as their pastor, insisted upon him; but he declined, and in 1785 Dr. Hardenbergh, who had been the Trustees' first choice, was chosen. The churches as- sented, and he accepted. He had been for three or four years in the church of Rochester, Ulster County, New York, and he now returned to the neighborhood of his earlier parish. In the same year Andrew Kirk- patrick, afterward Chief Justice of the State of New Jersey, whose family name attaches with the College Chapel, took charge of the Grammar School. Student problems in those days were not entirely different from those of the present. We find the price of student board much discussed; and the students of Queen's College invite their friends to the exhibition of a tragedy; and they address to the Trustees proposals of reform in the operation of the College. The College, as already said, was at the corner of Albany and Neilson Streets, but in 1787 to 1788 a change was undertaken; the College was moved to the site where the Soldiers' Monument now stands, at the foot of Livingston Avenue. The college hall was a frame building, fronting north, without cupola or belfry. When the College was through with it twenty years later it was moved to allow street extension and placed on Schureman Street, the north side, east of George, where a portion of it still stands. The Grammar School also was housed in the building and for a time had its exclusive use. The College was having hard times. Money did not come in, and in 1790 Dr. Hardenbergh died. He had lived a long time in his few years. A leader in the Church, College and State, he was worn out at fifty years of age. After his death the situation of the College became even more serious. John Taylor who had taught frequently now withdrew to the newly founded Union College to give to it the few remaining years of his life. There seemed no one ready to take up the work. A plan was devised for the union of Princeton and Queen's and in 1793 a committee was appointed to confer with a committee from Princeton ; and then the Trustees of Queen's refused to approve of the proposal by a vote of nine to eight. And at this time, curiously, there was a medical school attached for a short time, certain professors, seceding from a New York medical school, entering into connection. Dr. William Linn, of the Collegiate Church of New York City, became acting presi- dent, but such formal leadership could not give the College growth nor even keep it long active. The idea arose that it was best to give all sup- port to the Grammar School ; and so after the commencement of 1794 the college courses were suspended and the institution remained closed RUTGERS COLLEGE III for nearly fifteen years. The time became the background for the rare character and noble service of two men. One was John Croes. The Grammar School had been continued and in 1801 Air. Croes, Episcopal minister, received a call from the College to take charge of the school and a call from Christ Church of New Brunswick to be its rector. He served both the school and the church for seven years. He had high reputation as an educator ; the school was advertised in the South as well as North, and many students came from a distance. His name deserves high and lasting remembrance for the devoted and fruitful service he gave this school of the Dutch foundation. In a way it really was the continued life of the College. He nobly represents the Protestant Episcopal element which through all the history of the College has played so fine and large a part in the Board of Trustees, Faculty, and student body. In 1808, when the school was still prosperous, he felt the double burden too great, and confined himself thenceforth to the pastor's office alone. In 1816 he be- came first Bishop of New Jersey. The other man standing out in the period is Dr. Ira Condict, the Dutch Church minister, who became acting president. He would not give up the College and in time he gave himself in rare self-sacrifice to a new beginning of the work. Chief Justice Kirkpatrick in 1807 offered a resolution, which was unanimously carried, approving a new start and the building of a college hall, "in view of the country's rapid increase in wealth and the desire for sound education." The General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church was approached with view to union of theology with the College. The so-called Covenant of '1807 was adopted. The land of the present Queen's Campus was secured by gift and a little by purchase from the family of James Parker of Amboy ; plans for the building were made by John McComb, architect of the City Hall and St. John's Church in New York and of Nassau Hall at Princeton. Dr. Condict, Abraham Blau- velt, and others devoted themselves to the securing of subscriptions and to the erection of the building, and their devotion was crowned with suc- cess. Through fifteen years only the eastern end of the hall was complete; part of the west end was used, and the center was not usable at all. Dr. John H. Livingston was elected President and in 1810 he removed to New Brunswick to serve the College and to continue his work in theology. He had been the church's professor in New York and on Long Island since 1784 and he now united the chair with the College as had been really intended nearly forty years before. It was understood that he was not to give other college instruction, indeed not much college administration. He was to be the official head and there was to be a Vice-President. Dr. Con- dict held this office at first but died in 1810, worn out with his abundant labors, and Dr. John Schureman succeeded him. Robert Adrain was called from Columbia College to be professor of mathematics. The general synod of the Church was to have a certain superintendence. Thus we have a university plan: a graduate school of theology attached with the under- graduate or literary school ; and it is interesting to note that during this period there was, for the second and very brief time, also a medical 112 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA school attached with the College, growing out of circumstance similar to that in 1792. A third incident of the same sort occurred in 1827. The union of the theological school and literary school seemed promising, but it did not prove enduring. Theology was dominant and the literary department did not grow strong. Between 1809 and 1816 few students were graduated. More money was needed, a "professorial fund" was raised, but it was for the chair of theology. In the necessity for larger endow- ment a lottery was resorted to, as was common in those days. The Legisla- ture granted the lottery privilege in 1812. It was put in the hands of a committee of trustees and they secured a professional manager. It ap- pears from the reports that large prizes were actually distributed. It does not appear, however, that the College was much the gainer. A happy inci- dent was the gift of $14,000 by Elias Van Bunschooten for the aid of students for the ministry or for other purposes of Queen's College. It was a large gift for those days. It was later increased. It was perhaps the first gift of its kind and it became the incentive to large like liberality from many sources through the years after. In 1816, after much debate, the literary department was again discon- tinued and the building was surrendered to theology and to the Gram- mar School, with some parf of the building reserved for residence; for it is interesting to note that from the beginning until 1865 professors resided in the old Queen's Building, at either end. Preparatory work and theology continued through the years until in 1824 the literary department was again revived. A new covenant was entered into between the Synod and the Trustees, the Covenant of 1824, and the building was sold to the Synod. This was done that the College might have funds to meet its obligations and because the theological seminary so largely used the hall. At the same time the Trustees made petition to the Legislature for a change of name to Rutgers College. The change seems to us now rather extraordinary. King's College had changed to Columbia soon after the Revolutionary War, and change at that time is quite readily understood. Perhaps the Queen's College Trustees felt that the College had not by high prosperity confirmed any name it bore and that change might help in the new era. No senti- ment for the old name appears. Henry Rutgers was a foremost citizen in New York City and a leader in the Church, wealthy and a liberal sup- porter of all good causes — church, city, education, benevolence. He had been a Trustee of Queens and a supporter of it. After the College was given his name, not before, he gave $5,000 to it, still held in trust for it by the Synod. "His name is given the College," the record runs, "as a mark of their respect for his character and in gratitude for his numerous ser- vices rendered the Reformed Dutch Church." Dr. Livingston died in 1825. To succeed him Dr. Milledoler was elected, who had been for some time a professor in the theological school. He was a graduate of Columbia. He had served as pastor of Presbyterian and Reformed churches. He was a man of rare piety and great pulpit power. The new start was a strong one. Professor Adrain returned. Professors Brownlee, Woodhull, Dewitt, with Adrain and Dr. Milledoler, made a RUTGERS COLLEGE II3 splendid Faculty. The service of some was short. Brownlee soon went to the Collegiate Church, Woodhull died after a year, Adrian went to the University of Pennsylvania; but the high standard had been set. Professor Nelson, graduate of Columbia, the blind teacher of rare ability, came to succeed Brownlee ; Theodore Strong, graduate of Yale, came to succeed Adrain. Professor Nelson retired after short service but was succeeded by Alexander McClelland, graduate of Union, teacher of languages, un- surpassed in his generation. James Spencer Cannon of the towering frame and courtly fashion, succeeded Woodhull. Lewis C. Beck, the scientist, came in 1830. Later came John D. Ogilby and Jacob J. Janeway. It was a splendid group of men, and students came at once. In 1827 there were sixty-four of them. They had number and spirit enough to start at once the two literary societies which endured to the end of the century — one of them now exists — the Philoclean and Peithessophian, a singularly fruit- ful influence on students' minds and public address. The first decade and a half of the new and growing strength of Rutgers was under President Milledoler. The funds of the College were somewhat increased. The Grammar School had continued to occupy rooms in the old building and the time had come when a new building must be erected for it. In 1832 the work was undertaken on an enlarged plan in order that the two literary societies might share the new building. So it was that the school, in the early '30s, crossed the street to the corner it now occupies ; and the two societies moved with it, to return to the campus only when Van Nest Hall was completed, fifteen years later. Already in 1828 the graduating class was twenty men and thereafter about that number was graduated each year. An incident of far reaching significance during the time was the great revival of the spring of 1837; starting with visiting preachers in the Baptist Church which then stood just east of the College, it wonderfully moved the student body as well as the city. Scores con- fessed their repentance and faith. The account of commencement is of occasion strangely different from the usual, solemn and intense ; and twelve out of twenty-one graduates that year entered the ministry, in- cluding the father of the present President of the College. The decade was not far advanced when the union between the the- ological and literary work of the institution began to show strain. The professors of theology thought that they were called upon to do too much college work. It was urged that the two schools should be separated and the property sold back to the Trustees. Dr. Milledoler resigned in 1839, serving, however, into the year 1840. He had done a faithful, noble service. The Trustees then turned to a member of their own board, and from a clergyman to a layman, and chose the Honorable A. Bruyn Hasbrouck, a graduate of Yale, a lawyer, and a publicist. His home was in Kingston. He had rendered distinguished public service in Congress and he was a man of rare quality. The Church leased to the College certain land on each side of the college building; a president's house was erected on the one side and on the other side a building for the literary societies and other purposes. Dr. Milledoler had lived in the college building. Dr. 114 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Livingston had lived on the road novf Livingston Avenue in the house on the terrace. The new^ house, occupied by President Hasbrouck, became a center of lively social life for the College and the aristocracy of the city. Accounts of the commencement levees abound in tribute to the youth, beauty, and learning there assembled. The house was occupied by three presidents, until 1889. Since then it has served as Fine Arts Building and as the Alumni and Faculty House. Van Nest Hall vi^as built by subscriptions, and by gift of Abraham Van Nest, for whom it was named. He was a leader and strong supporter of the Dutch Church of New York, a Trustee of the College and a constant giver and worker in its behalf. It was re- solved, upon President Hasbrouck coming to his office, that no professor in the seminary, save the professor of theology, should be excused from teaching duty in the College. This settled the question for a while, but, as might be expected, was not an enduring solution of it. Professors Cannon and McClelland continued in the double duty. Professors Strong and Beck also remained in the Faculty. It was an able Faculty, enlarged by the coming of Professors Proudfit, Crosby, Van Vranken, and others as the decade advanced. The College continued to send many men into the ministry, foreign missionary workers and into other forms of service. The college property was m very poor condition and not until 1849 was it much improved. The endowment was increased by about $30,000 in 1845 ; in 1844 modern languages had become a part of the regular course of instruction. Through these years of President Hasbrouck's administra- tion the connection between the General Synod of the Church and the College was constantly growing less real. The Board of Superintendents finally, in 1848, entirely omitted to make any report to the Synod. The sentiment was growing that the theological instruction should be with- drawn from the building in which the literary work was done, for now the situation was reversed: in 1815 the theological work was supreme; in 1850 it was no longer so. President Hasbrouck resigned in 1849. The Trustees turned to Theodore Frelinghuysen, Chancellor of New York University, and finally secured him. He was of the family that had so largely served the College enterprise, the son of General Frederick Frelinghuysen, the first tutor and later United States Senator. He was graduated from Princeton at the time when the literary work of Queen's College was suspended, in 1804, after studying at the Grammar School of Queen's College. He was a. lawyer by profession and had been in the United States Senate. He had been candidate for Vice-President of the United States on the ticket with Henry Clay. He was a leader in the Church and every noble enterprise, the leading layman in the church's organized work, presi- dent of the American Bible Society, of the American Tract Society, of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He was President for twelve years, from 1850 to his death in 1862, during which years his influence in public afifairs continued and his rare quality as a Christian gentleman told largely on the college generations that passed before him. During his term the number of students increased a little; some professors continued with him from the earlier time : Proudfit, Van RUTGERS COLLEGE II5 Vranken, Von Romondt. Into his Faculty came some distinguished men: John Ludlow, who came from office of Provost of the University of Pennsylvania; William H. Campbell, the masterful teacher of Biblical languages ; William Irvin ; Samuel M. Woodbridge ; Howard Crosby, Greek scholar and preacher ; Marshal Henshaw, mathematician ; T. Romeyn Beck; Gustavus Fischer; John Forsyth; and George H. Cook, destined to be so large a factor for so many years in the life of the College and of the State and of the Church as well. The endowment was considerably in- creased by the securing of subscriptions in the form of scholarships; and although no new college buildings were built, the important property item of the time was the erection for the Church of the Peter Hertzog The- ological Hall, north of the College, to which the theological classes were removed, leaving the old building to the college classes alone. For a few years, however, the theological professors continued to teach somewhat in the College. On the death of President Frelinghuysen, Dr. William H. Campbell was chosen, a clergyman succeeding two laymen, as two laymen were to follow him in the president's chair. He was graduated from Dickinson College ; he had taught at Erasmus Hall, Flatbush, and at the Albany Academy, whence came so many distinguished teachers to Rutgers. He had been Professor in the Seminary for a number of years, and he served as Presi- dent for twenty years. He was a great scholar and teacher, a Scotchman of strong will and personality, shrewd, energetic, with a sense of humor and with a temper as well. He was held in high esteem in the Church, and he launched an endowment effort ; he gave new vigor to the work. New professors came: David Murray, who was to go from Rutgers to start modern education in Japan ; T. Sandford Doolittle, the preacher, the writer, the lover of all fine things; Jacob Cooper, the versatile scholar and devoted friend of every student ; George W. Atherton, who was to go to lead Pennsylvania State College into its promised land ; and from the Rutgers graduation itself, Edward A. Bowser, the mathematician, and Francis C. Van Dyck, the scientist. A radical, far reaching event soon came to pass. The Church, having another home for its Theological Seminary, sold back to the Trustees of the College the land and building to which it had held title since 1826. With the proceeds of the sale houses were built on the Seminary campus and the line of family residence in old Queen's came to an end. The transfer was, however, with the condition that three-fourths of the mem- bers of the Board of Trustees should be communicant members of the Reformed Dutch Church, a condition afterward changed to two-thirds, and in still more recent years entirely removed by common consent. The charter had never changed, and in the fullness of time the College was back upon its old free platform. The Seminary professors withdrew from college work. The superintendence of the Synod was of course no longer known. But with the definite separateness there remained the close sympathy and mutual service which still endure. But the second great milestone of the time was the attaching of the Il6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA State College with this ancient foundation. The Land Grant Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1862. The various states were availing themselves of its provisions, applying them to some existing or new state foundation or in a few instances to a college of other and old foundation. The Scientific School of Rutgers was organized by the Trus- tees, and the State government made the Trustees the stewards of this new educational work. The United States grant proved for New Jersey very small, a final capital amount of $116,000; but the building on this foundation has been far from small. The later legislation by the United States and the State, for instruction and for research, has made the work of far reaching significance. Viewing this new service of the old College, it is interesting to note that Simeon De Witt wrote before 1819 on the necessity of establishing agricultural colleges for the training of young men for the profession of farming. Dr. Campbell had been President nearly ten years when new buildings were undertaken. The small Observatory, the gift of Daniel S. Schanck, was built in 1869. The Chapel and Library, in one building, and the so- called Geological Hall, were erected in the early seventies. The Geological Hall, received the valuable geological collections which were forming, and housed the sciences, taking them from Van Nest Hall. The Chapel was built with funds bequeathed by Mrs. Littleton Kirkpatrick, widow of the son of Chief Justice Andrew Kirkpatrick, early Rector of the Grammar School. These were splendid additions to the college plant. The College grew somewhat. Large classes had entered at the end of President Fre- linghuysen's time, the classes of 1862 and 1863. But the growth was not great. Indeed some decline in attendance set in toward the end of the decade 1870 to 1880. One of the marks of the time — at the midpoint of this administration — was the organizing of college athletics, before that unknown — of football in 1869, of baseball in 1870, of rowing and of other sports. Another mark was the coming of the first students from Japan to Rutgers. Through the missionaries of the Reformed Church those first men of the Orient in the search for the Western learning came to Rutgers. Some of them became very distinguished on their return to their homeland. Dr. Campbell resigned in 1882, full of years and honor. The College turned again to Albany Academy and took its head, Dr. Merrill Edwards Gates, graduate of Rochester University. From 1882 to 1890 he filled the office, resigning to go to Amherst. It was then the Scientific School, in the educational current of the times, began its greater growth, and the importance of the State connection began to be more realized. A State Scholarship Act was passed by the Legislature. The United States Morrill Act and Hatch Act were passed. The Experiment Station was founded. Experts of the first rank in the sciences related to agriculture were added to the staff. Until now the mechanic arts or engi- neering had been the prevailing line of scientific work as in the state colleges all along the seaboard. There was some increase of endowment. In 1889 Mr. Garret E. Winants gave the dormitory which had been sug- RUTGERS COLLEGE II7 gested so early and for years had been urgently desired. At the end of the decade, just as his hopes and efforts had come to high fruition, Dr. Cook died, leaving behind the story of a life work unsurpassed perhaps in the State of New Jersey for familiarity with its people, influence on the com- mon welfare and guidance to its natural resources. In 1890 Dr. Gates resigned. Dr. Austin Scott, graduate of Yale, at Rutgers since 1883, professor of history and constitutional law, was elected president and was inaugurated in 1891, continuing, however, a part of his extraordinarily effectual class room work. In 1892 Mr. Robert F. Ballan- tine gave the greatly needed Gymnasium. In 1904 Mr. Ralph Voorhees gave the Library building to receive the library collections which had far outgrown the library space in the Chapel building. The space thus released was made lecture rooms and office rooms. A third story was built on Van Nest Hall and the building generally improved. The Ceramics Department was established and a Ceramics Building erected by the State of New Jersey. The State scholarships were brought to a surer and larger support by the State. The work of the college continued to develop and its re- sources were somewhat increased. The campus was much improved. After fifteen years of devoted service Dr. Scott resigned. In 1906 Dr. William H. S. Demarest, graduate of Rutgers, professor of Church His- tory in the Theological Seminary, was chosen and inaugurated president. He had been a trustee since 1898, secretary of the board of trustees since 1904, and acting president of the college during the year 1905-6. He is still (1921) president. In 1906 Mr. James Neilson, graduate and trustee, who had given the land for the gymnasium and library, gave the larger part of the block on which those buildings were located. Other parts of the block were soon acquired from other owners by the generous gifts of Mr. James B. Ford. On this block, the Neilson Campus, adjacent to the Queen's Campus, new buildings have successively risen : the Engineering Building in 1908 ; the Chemistry Building in 1910; the Entomology Building in 191 1; the Swim- ming Pool added to the Gymnasium by generous gift of Mrs. Robert F. Ballantine in 1914; the John Howard Ford Dormitory in 1914, the gift of Mr. Ford. Houses on the block were acquired, now used as pro- fessors' and students' residences. In 1919-20 Mr. Neilson gave the re- mainder of this campus which, lying between the old college campus and the seminary campus, has been fully improved. The State of New Jersey is now erecting upon it a new Ceramic Engineering Building. The College Farm has been increased from 90 acres to 375 acres and the State of New Jersey has there erected several buildings for the work of agricultural education: the Agricultural Building in 1914; the Horticultural Building in 1920; and smaller buildings: the Poultry Husbandry Building will be begun in 1921. The appropriations of the State for the State College, its agriculture, engineering and other departments, as well as for its scholarships, have greatly increased. It also supports a summer session and short courses and extension work. In 1917 it designated the State College to be also the State University. Il8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA The invested funds of the college have increased from about $700,000 to about $1,500,000 with about $300,000 of subscription to endowment still payable. A campaign for one million dollars for endowment or property in 1919-20 was successful. With its growth in property, endowment, and departments of instruction, the number of professors and instructors and the number of students have largely increased. The number in the teaching staflF for undergraduates is about 75 ; the number of undergraduates is about 800. The New Jersey College for Women, an aflfiliated college, not co-educa- tional, was established by the trustees in 1918. Its students number about 300. Short Course students, 150, Summer Session students, 650, and Extension students, 450, make the total registry about 2250. The agreement with the General Synod that a number of the trustees be members of the Reformed Church has been dissolved by mutual con- sent and the requirement of the charter that the president be such a mem- ber no longer remains. A large proportion of the trustees are still mem- bers of the church, as is the president, as are many members of the faculty, and very many students. The college administers beneficiary funds for the benefit of students for the ministry and sends graduates to the Seminary every year. Several hundred graduates or sometime students of Rutgers College have entered the ministry of the Reformed Church. All classical and liberal courses of study are maintained, giving best academic founda- tion for the theological study. Graduates of the Seminary completing extra graduate studies receive the degree of Bachelor of Divinity from the •college. CHAPTER XIX. HISTORY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NKU BRUNSWICK, N. J. REVISED BY J. P. SEARLE, D.D., PRESIDENT OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. To supply ministers for her multiplying fields was the most diflficult problem which confronted the Reformed Church in colonial days. The dispute between the Coetus and Conferentie parties revolved around this question. The Coetus party realized that Holland was inadequate as a source of supply for the American ministry and attempted to educate and ordain young men in America. Before 1770 Erickzon, the Frelinghuysens, Goetschius, Leydt, Hardenberg and Westerlo trained a number of youths for the pastoral office. The Conferentie party continued to require a European Theological education in the ministers whom it recognized, or at least a special dispensation from Holland for exceptional cases. Ritzema and Kails were the preceptors of the only Conferentie student. Finally the progress of events compelled the Conferentie to acknowledge the necessity of American training and ordination but they still differed from the Coetus in regard to the method. While the Coetus party was struggling for independent American judica- tories and contemplating the formation of regular educational institu- tions, their opponents were seeking to secure a Divinity Professorship in Kings (Columbia) College. An amendment to the charter of that institu- tion for this purpose was at length secured, but under such circumstances that it was repudiated by the Dutch. About the same time (May, 1755) Rev. Theodore Frelinghuysen was commissioned to go to Holland to solicit funds for the founding of a university. Success was expected inasmuch as Schlatter had heen very successful in behalf of the German churches in Pennsylvania. His departure was delayed for four years and then his mission, owing chiefly to the schism in the church, was unproductive. Eight years later, when J. H. Livingston was in Holland preparing for the ministry, he proposed to his friends in America that both contending parties should fix on some boy and send him to Holland to be trained for a professor in the American churches (liberal friends in Holland promis- ing to defray the expenses), and thus, ultimately, the schism might be healed and the churches here supplied with a satisfactory ministry. But soon after this he formed the acquaintance of Dr. Witherspoon, who had been called from Great Britain to take the presidency of the college at 119 I20 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Princeton and who visited Holland before embarking for America. At- tempts were now made to secure arrangements for the education of a ministry for the Reformed Church at the Princeton institutions, but the party leaders in America objecting to the proposition, the plan failed. At length, when a union of the two parties was efifected, one of the articles of union expressly stipulated that one or more professors of Theology should be chosen from the Netherlands by the advice of the Classis. Another article, apparently added as an amendment, stipulated that such professors should have no connection with any English acade- mies, but should deliver lectures on theology, etc., in their ozvn houses. This expression was intended to destroy every thought of union with the Princeton institutions and with Kings College. Neither of these institu- tions, and not even Queen's, is mentioned by name in the articles of union. Yet young men were only to begin their theological studies upon the presentation of suitable testimonials of a liberal education. As the Synod had no funds, no steps were taken by it to call a professor. Some of the principal churches in the North yet standing aloof from the union, it was feared that premature action might endanger the prospects of the theological endowmenj:. In the meantime Synod advised students to study at their own convenience with Drs. Livingston, Westerlo, Rysdyck, Hardenbergh or Goetschius. During this period only thirteen students were licensed or passed into the ministry. While the subject of the professorship was thus pending the trustees of Queen's College sought to carry out the plans of the Coetus party by calling Rev. John Brown, of Haddington, Scotland, to become their Pro- fessor of Divinity. He, however, declined. Their funds soon after this (1772) reached the sum of £4,000. They subsequently wrote to the Classis of Amsterdam and to the Theological Faculty at Utrecht to recommend to them a Professor of Theology to be also president of their college and a member of the ecclesiastical judicatories in America. The Synod in 1773 ventured to indorse this action of the trustees (though trenching closely on the articles of union) virtually promising to accept their professor if their plans should succeed. The Synod also wrote to the Classis con- cerning their action, at the same time promising the trustees to help them in securing funds from the churches, but binding the trustees, by the forfeiture of their funds to certain congregations to be named, that their Professor of Divinity should belong to the Reformed Dutch Church, in fellowship with the Church of the Netherlands. The Classis responded to the communications of both Synod and the trustees, asking for further information. Probably this attempted union made them suspect the ex- istence of party spirit yet surviving. The Synod also betrayed anxiety lest their conduct, in the expressive language of their own minutes, should be overhauled. The next year, however, the Classis, with the concurrence of the Theological Faculty at Utrecht, recommended their last American student. Dr. Livingston, as the professor. But the battle of Lexington had already been fought and the subject was delayed until the close of the Revolution. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. 121 After the dawn of freedom the subject of the professorship at once occupied the attention of the churches. Dr. Livingston was in favor of having a Divinity Hall opened in New Brunswick, because it was the most central place for all portions of the Reformed Church. The idea of a professorship in Columbia College he considered unwise; he would have cordially indorsed a union with the Princeton institutions, but believed that prejudices were too strong to effect it. The trustees of Queen's College were without funds. They sought again the patronage of the church, but the Synod felt inclined to postpone the consideration of their proposals. The Legislature of New York had just passed an act relative to the establishment of a university and it was thought best to wait for developments. The church of Schenectady solicited the establishment of a seminary in that place, while Hackensack put in a similar plea, especially if the college should be removed from New Brunswick. The Synod also believed that the Theological Professor- . ship ought to exist without connection with any college. Yet they felt under obligation to the institution at New Brunswick and exhorted the trustees to keep it alive. They also encouraged the proposition from Schenectady, believing that a college there would not conflict with Queen's College, and appointed a committee to assist in its formation. (Union College). But they resolved that their Theological Professor should reside in New York and requested the consistory of tl^e church in that city to make the best arrangement possible with him. In October, 1784, Dr. J. H. Livingston was chosen Professor of Theology by the provisional Synod, and Dr. H. Meyer, pastor at Totowa and Pomp- ton Plains, Professor of Languages. No student could be admitted to examination for licensure without producing a certificate from Dr. Living- ston, and for which, as a suitable honorarium, he was to receive five pounds. The church of New York was requested to relieve the professor of part of his services, but this was not done until twelve years later. Dr. Livingston assumed his position on the nineteenth day of May, 1785, by delivering a learned and elegant address in Latin on The Truth of the Christian Religion in the church in Garden Street.' But the expense of living in the city was great and therefore some of the students prosecuted their studies under their own pastors or other min- isters. This compelled the Synod two years after the appointment of their professor (1786) to appoint a suitable Lector in Theology and all were exhorted to seek instruction from the Professor or Lector. Dr. Meyer, of Pompton Plains, was appointed also to this station. In May, 1791, the Synod first took active measures to attempt to raise a fund for the support of the professor. He had as yet received only a few honoraria from students who were able to pay, and the Synod had paid the same for a few others. It was therefore proposed that a subscrip- tion should be- circulated through the congregations, that the money should be paid semi-annually in six installments and should be deposited as a 'This was reprinted in Latin in "Centennial Discourses," 1876, first edi- tion, and also in pamphlet form. 122 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA capital fund in the Bank of New York or some national bank, and that it should be allowed to accumulate till a sufficient fund were procured. Mr. Peter Wilson, of New York, was made the agent to receive the funds and the consistory of- the church in New York were made the trustees of the same. This action alarmed the trustees of Queen's College (October, 1791) and again they zealously urged their institution on the attention of the Synod and secured a postponement of the above action. They requested the Synod to recommend to them some Professor of Theology to be also President of their college, in agreement with the expectations excited in 1773. A committee was appointed to confer with them in reference to the best method of raising funds, but the Synod declined for the present to recommend a Theological Professor to them till their institution was properly endowed. The next year (1792) two new Lectors in Theology were appointed for the convenience and economy of the students ; namely, Solomon Froeligh, at Hackensack, and Dirck Romeyn, at Schenectady. In 1793 the Synod was greatly offended because the trustees of Queen's College had made propositions of union to the trustees of the college at Princeton. They therefore directed that any ministers having funds in hand for Queen's College should reserve them till further directed and all action for the endowment of a Theological Professor in that institution was for the present suspended. The Classis of Hackensack also complained that the Synodical Pro/essorship had been constantly interfered with through the distraction occasioned by the propositions of the trustees and that if a Professorshiff of Theology were established in that institu- tion it would be only a subordinate office. They urged the Synod to establish a professorial school at once and have a professor to devote his whole time to it alone. The Synod agreed with the Classis of Hacken- sack and lamented that circumstances had frustrated their plans. They therefore determined to renew their efforts to endow an independent Theo- logical Professorship (1793). At the first meeting of the newly constituted General Synod in June, 1794, a committee was appointed to report during the session on this sub- ject. They reported that no union could be efifected with Queen's College as long as it was situated at New Brunswick, that it ought to be re- moved to Bergen or Hackensack and a committee was appointed to confer with the trustees on this subject. But at the same time they reported that the Divinity School could not flourish in New York on account of the cost of living; that its continuance there prevented the collection of a fund; that the professor ought to remove to Flatbush, where a classical academy already existed, or to some other convenient place. The Con- sistory of the church in New York were again asked to relieve the pro- fessor of some of his duties and to make a just and equitable arrangement with him. The Synod also promised to urge the matter of the fund. They requested Peter Wilson, John Vanderbilt, Robert Benson and Richard Varick to become the trustees of said fund, instead of the New York consistory. They, moreover, permitted the moneys which had been col- lected for Queen's College to be paid over to the trustees, as all thought THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. I23 of coalition with Princeton College was abandoned. If the trustees should become willing to move the location of their college within three months the committee appointed to confer with them were empowered to call an extra meeting of the Synod. A copy of the action of 1794 was sent to ■every church. Owing, probably, to difficulties in making the necessary arrangements with his consistory, Professor Livingston did not remove to Flatbush till the spring of 1796, relinquishing half of his services and half of his salary in the city and receiving nothing in return. He spent four days at Flat- bush every week, preaching in the city each Sabbath. The number of his students at once doubled. Everything appeared to be encouraging. But in October, 1796, because of lack of earnest effort to endow the professorship, the professor sent a desponding letter to the Particular Synod, which was the continuation of the old Provisional Synod which had elected him in 1784. He reviewed the history of the efforts to estab- lish a Theological Professorship and their failure. He feared that the Church did not honestly intend to have any such institution. He felt that he could no longer struggle alone with increased labor and financial loss amid general neglect. He declared his convictions that as long as he by his private exertions continued thus to supply the necessities of the Church no results would be accomplished, that the institution could not long live under present arrangements and therefore he thought that if this (Par- ticular) Synod deemed it improper to do anything it were better for him to discontinue his lectures. Such a proposition alarmed the Synod and they resolved at once to carry out the propositions of the General Synod of 1794. They ordered a sub- scription paper to be printed, accompanied by a circular letter in the name of the General Synod to be sent to every church, while they earnestly requested the professor to continue his labors. But the General Synod wavered. The next June (1797) they unexpected- ly and strangely determined that it was not expedient to press these mat- ters. Financial difficulties, growing out of the revolutions in Europe, may have been the cause. They therefore thanked the professor for his gratuit- ous services and declared that it would be highly acceptable if, under all these discouragements, he would continue to discharge the duties of his office. And as it was exceedingly inconvenient for all students to get the certificate of the one professor and as different localities would become interested by a professor residing in them, the General Synod in 1797 made the Lectors of 1792. (Drs. Froeligh and Romeyn) full professors. The professors were requested to accept of £10 from each student, or, where the students could not pay. Synod would do it for them. Dr. Livingston accordingly relinquished his school at Flatbush and returned to the full duties of his parochial charge, but continued to teach as before. In May, 1799, the Particular Synod — forgetting, apparently, that its powers were not as great as before the constitution of General Synod, to which body alone by the Constitution of 1792 appertained the appoint- ment of professors — appointed Drs. Froeligh, Bassett and G. A. Kuypers 124 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA teachers in the Hebrew language. This may have helped to develop the Church Order in 1800 by the division of this old Synod into two Par- ticular Synods of New York and Albany. In 1800 a committee of one minister and one elder from each Classis was appointed to collect all the acts on this subject and report what measures were necessary to render the professorship respectable and useful. It was now proposed that the sum of two shillings be laid on every church member annually for six years and that collectors be appointed and receive five per cent, for their trouble, and that the Questor of the General Synod should take charge of the funds. But experience proved that the action of 1797 was mistaken. It also came to be understood that Dr. Livingston held his office only by the appointment of the old Provisional Synod (1784) and that the two pro- fessors of 1797 held theirs by the appointment of the General Synod. It was therefore determined to bring back the institution to its former state. It was therefore declared that the election of the two additional professors in 1797 was a mere temporary expedient to meet existing cir- cumstances and that these professors should continue to possess the honors and emoluments of their pffices during their lives or good behavior, but should have no successors ; that the advantages of an education in a city like New York outweighed all other considerations and therefore that the city was the most eligible place in which to establish a Theological School. The Consistory of the church of New York also reminded the General Synod that by the charter of Columbia College they had a right to ap- point a Theological Professor in that institution and that thus support, honor, and permanency might be afforded the professor and the establish- ment put on a solid foundation, but Dr. Livingston was elected by the General Synod (1804) its one Permanent Professor. Thus it was thought the professorial endowment would be sooner realized. The Consistory of the church of New York" were again appointed the trustees of the funds which might be raised, but Synod declined to blend their Theological Pro- fessorate with any establishment not derived from the immediate authority of the Netherlands Reformed Church. Two Professors of Hebrew were also appointed (1804) ; namely, Revs. John Bassett and Jeremiah Romeyn. Students desiring to be examined by Classis for licensure must also have a certificate of lingual attainments signed by one of these. The Professors of Hebrew appointed by the Particular Synod in 1799 were disallowed by the refusal of the Synod to permit their certificates to be honored. In 1806 three ministers were elected from each Classis to obtain sub- scriptions and collect moneys for the permanent professorial fund. But every expedient was unavailing. The prospects grew faint and dubious. The most sanguine friends of the professorate were ready to despair concerning it. At this juncture, after thirteen years' interruption, the trustees of Queen's College made a proposition which prepared the way for the ulti- mate success of the Theological Professorship. They proposed to revive their college and to make it especially subservient to the Professorate, of THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. I25 Theology. The trustees applied first to the Particular Synod of New York, which approved and recommended the plan, providing that all the moneys raised in the State of New York should be applied to the endow- ment of a Theological Professorship. General Synod sanctioned the revival of the college and the proposed union. A covenant was drawn up between the parties (1807) in which the trus- tees promised to combine the literary interests of the college with a decided support to evangelical truth and the promotion of an able and faithful ministry in the Dutch Church; that the funds raised in New York should be appropriated to the support of a Theological Professorship in the college and to the assistance of poor and pious young men preparing for the ministry; that the trustees should hold the funds for the Theological Professorship and should call the professor elected by Synod as soon as their funds would allow; that a permanent Board of Superintendents should be appointed by the Synod to superintend the Theological Institution, to aid the professor in arranging the course of instruction, to attend the examina- tion of students in theology, to be known by the name of "The Superin- tendents of the Theological Institution in Queen's College;" that the Synod should provide money for a library ; and both parties were to unite in erect- ing the necessary buildings — money, if needed for this purpose, to be taken from the professorial fund. Synod enjoined collections to be taken up in all their churches in the State of New York, to help in the erection of the necessary buildings. It was resolved that the Board of Superintendents consist of nine members, three to be taken from each Particular Synod and three from the clerical members of the Board of Trustees. The efTorts to collect funds by the trustees were crowned with unex- pected success. The church of New York at once gave $10,000 and the church of Harlem $400. In less than a year the trustees called Dr. Livingston as their Professor of Theology, according to the covenant, ofifering him $750 and $250 addi- tional as President of the college. He at first declined the latter office, but ultimately accepted, a Vice-President being appointed to take the burden of the duties. He did not immediately remove to New Brunswick, but waited till provision could be made for the churches under his care ; and also lest his removal might retard the increase of the professorial fund. In February, 1810, the trustees offered him $650 additional. Therefore, after a pastorship of forty years and a professorship, without compensation, of twenty-six in the city, at the age of sixty-four, he broke all the ties he had there formed and removed to New Brunswick. He had given his professorial certificate up to this time to about ninety students. By his removal he sacrificed a salary of $2,500 in his New York pastoral charge. He cast himself in faith upon the churches, trusting that they would pro- vide the necessary support. In December of the same year, considering the great sacrifices he had made, the trustees increased his salary to $1,700, allowing also $300 for house rent, promising that if there were any de- ficiency it should be made up as soon as funds permitted. Two years 126 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA after this, when his receipts from the trustees had only amounted to $1,200,. he generously renounced all charges for the balance against them. The trustees had been embarrassed in their operations by a mo.ney crisis in the country. Dr. Livingston opened ihe Seminary in October, 1810, with five students. But a few days before he left New York he wrote a letter to Rev. Elias van Bunschooten, suggesting the propriety of his devoting a portion of his property to the benefit of the Theological Institution. This effort resulted in the endowing of the trustees in the sum of $14,650, which was increased by his will to $17,000. The income of this fund was to be appropriated to the support of "pious youth, who hope they have a call of God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ." This fund has been the means of educating many young men for the ministry. In 1812 Dr. Livingston sent in his first report to Synod, in which he reviewed the facts and stated the present conditions of the Seminary, urging the necessity of prompt and vigorous action respecting the endow- ment. At the same time the Board of Superintendents was fully organized by the adoption of a detailed plan respecting the government of the Theo- logical School. Synod way to have complete control of it in every particu- lar, appointing its Superintendents triennially, choosing three from each of the Particular Synods and three from the clerical members of the Board of Trustees. These were to superintend the examinations for professorial certificates and have authority over the students. Three professors, how- ever, were declared to be necessary before the institution should be re- garded as fully organized, each of whom should then deliver three lectures a week. A sermon was to be exhibited each week by one of the students on a topic assigned him; the course of study was to be three years. Each student was to be taught natural, didactic, polemic and practical theology ; Biblical criticism, chronology and ecclesiastical history ; the form and administration of church government and pastoral duties ; and to be able to read the Scriptures fluently in the original languages. At the end of three years they were to submit to an examination for a professorial certificate, upon which testimonial they were to be admitted to examination for licensure before their respective Classes. Dr. Bassett now resigned his position as Professor of Hebrew and Rev. J. M. van Harlingen, of Millstone, was appointed in his place. From this time the Board of Superintendents has regularly- met and has examined students. Fears were entertained for the welfare of the seminary on account of the waning of the college about this time. The trustees continued to be embarrassed. The erection of the building had involved them in debt. Synod appropriated $3,000 of the Theological Fund to aid in defraying the expenses of the building. In 1815 the plan of a Theological College was proposed by Dr. Livingston, having for its object, primarily, the education of young men for the ministry. Others, preparing for other professions, might be admitted spcciali gratia, to a limited number. Its corps of teachers should consist of a Professor of Theology, of Biblical Criticism, THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. 12/ and of Ecclesiastical History, to be appointed by the Synod, and a Profes- sor of Mathematics, to be appointed by the trustees ; the Theological Pro- fessors were also to perform duties in the college, according to the ap- pointment of the trustees ; the two funds were to be blended in one and Synod was to pay half the salaries of their professors. The plan was adopted in October, 1815, but the trustees, being embarrassed in their opera- tions, were not enabled to carry it out until ten years later. About this time also the German Reformed Church made propositions, informally, in reference to the establishment of a common theological institution for the two denominations. It was, perhaps, owing to the complicated relations of our own seminary that this plan was not entertained. Dr. Livingston, however, at his own expense, published an address to the German Re- formed churches in the United States (1819) replete with valuable informa- tion and counsel, urging them to establish a theological seminary for themselves. The propriety of removing the seminary to New York, or even to Schenectady, was also seriously discussed and Dr. Livingston even favored it for a time. But the trustees who held the funds would not consent to it. In 1814 the Board of Superintendents suggested to Synod the necessity of another professor. To this end the church of Albany offered to con- tribute annually $750 and the church of New Brunswick $200 for a term of six years. Synod accordingly, and to the great relief of the now aged Livingston, the next year elected Rev. John Schureman Professor of Pastoral Theology and Ecclesiastical History. After his death in 1818 the second professorship embraced the departments of Oriental Literature and Ecclesiastical History. Rev. Thomas de Witt having declined an appoint- ment to this position, Rev. John Ludlow was chosen. He continued in this department for five years, when Rev. John de Witt was chosen his suc- cessor. The further endowment of the institution weighed heavily on Dr. Livingston's mind. He felt that unless speedy measures were taken for this end, the institution must die. In 1822 subscriptions were started. Dr. Livingston heading them with $500, and nearly $27,000 were subscribed within a year in the Particular Synod of New York. The Particular Synod of Albany now made efforts to endow a third pro- fessorship. Dr. Livingston lived long enough to see that success was certain and that the institution for which he had sacrificed so much during forty years was established on a firm foundation. Different professors in different parts of the church had been appointed for the convenience of students, and Dr. Livingston had had an assistant most of the time in New Brunswick ; but it was only after his death, though in the same year, that the theological institution was fully organized by the full complement of professors— De Witt, Milledoler and Woodhull. The Particular Synod of Albany by the fall of 1825 had subscribed about $27,000, also, for the en- dowment of the third professorship. It was several years before these moneys were paid in (some of the subscriptions, indeed, were lost), but in the meantime the church of New York for several years gave $i.750 per 128 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA annum and other churches or friends assisted in meeting the deficiency. Synod now purchased the college building in payment of the obligations of the trustees to them. The trustees had saved the professorate in 1807 by taking it under their care and the Synod now saved the college from ex- tinction by a similar kindness. The plan proposed in 1815 was substantially revived. The Theological Professor became professors also in the college and thus that institution, under the name of Rutgers, was reopened. (Rutgers College). Dr. Woodhull died within a year of his appointment and Dr. James S. Cannon was elected in his place. In 1824 the first change was made in reference to the appointment of the Board of Superintendents. Henceforth two from each Classis were to be appointed to constitute this Board, except from the Classis of New York, which was to have four members — all to be appointed by Synod. Ten years later the Classes were permitted to nominate and Synod confirmed them. In 1838 the plan was again changed, limiting the number to one from each Classis and only one-third of that number were to be elected each year to prevent an entire change in the board at once. The next year, however, Synod resumed its right of appointing the whole board itself; but in 1841 the plan of 1838 was again adopted. In 1848, at an extra ses- sion of Synod, the plan was entirely changed so that eight should con- stitute the board, an equal number to come from each Particular Synod ; but this action was rescinded the next June and the former plan resumed. In 1872 the Board of Superintendents was made to consist of four min- isters and four elders from each of the Particular Synods of New York, Albany and New Brunswick, together with one delegate from the Particular Synod of Chicago. These were to be nominated by the Synods respectively and confirmed by the General Synod. The normal term of service was to be four years and the terms of service of one-fourth of the members were to expire each year. This change created dissatisfaction and the restora- tion of the previously existing plan was urged. The result was that in 1876 it was resolved that the board should consist of one member from ■each Classis (excepting the Classes connected with the Particular Synod of Chicago) to be nominated by the respective Classes, together with six elders, to be appointed directly by the General Synod, the term of office to be three years. In 1877, when the Theological Department at Hope College was suspended, the rights of the Classes of the Particular Synod of Chicago to representation in the Board of Superintendents at New Brunswick were restored. In 1888 each Classis of the three Eastern Synods was allowed to nom- inate one minister, to be confirmed by the General Synod, for a term of five years, one-fifth to be elected each year. Two elders were to be nominated by each of the three Eastern Synods, to be confirmed by the General Synod, to serve for five years; while the Particular Synod of Chicago was to have one ministerial representative. Vacancies might be filled by the nominating Classis or Particular Synod, until the next General Synod which should appoint for the unexpired term. The Board was to THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. 129 meet annually at New Brunswick in May for the examination of students and other business. In 1828 the old professorial fund was transferred to General Synod, and the same year a Board of Education was established, to which, having been remodeled in 1831, were committed all the educational interests of the church, as well as the immediate care of the beneficiaries. (Board of Education). In 1832, Dr. De Witt having died. Dr. Alexander McClelland took the chair of Biblical Literature. Three years later the Theological Professors were organized into a Faculty, to hold monthly meetings and exercise a general supervision over the students. In 1841 the students complained of the requirement to commit Mark's Medulla, which led to the adoption of a new plan for the Didactic Pro- fessor ; namely, to deliver lectures on theology. This action, however, led to the resignation of Dr. Milledoler. Rev. Samuel A. van Vranken was elected to his place. The Theological Professor was now relieved from the presidency of the college. In 1851 Dr. William H. Campbell succeeded Dr. McClelland in the de- partment of Biblical Literature and the next year Dr. John Ludlow suc- ceeded Dr. Cannon, who had been stricken by disease and declared to be Professor Emeritus. He died in the same year. The want of a theological hall separate from the college building began at this time to be seriously felt. The students drew up a memorial, stating their difficulties and their wants, and which paper passed through the hands of the Faculty to the Board of Superintendents. The board took immediate action on it and their efforts were crowned with complete suc- cess. At the personal solicitation of Dr. Ludlow Mrs. Anna Hertzog, of Philadelphia, donated $30,000 for its erection, with the condition that it should be called "The Peter Hertzog Theological Hall." Col. James Neil- son gave a lot of ground, valued at $14,000; Mr. David Bishop gave an adjoining lot, valued at $1,200; Mr. Charles P. Dayton gave another lot; and $2,000 were given by Alessrs. Francis and Wessel Wessells. of Paramus, N. J., to purchase still additional land to make the rectangle complete. The building was speedily erected. It contained dormitories, refectory, lecture- rooms, chapel and library. With the erection of James Suydam Hall the professors occupied lecture-rooms in it and the library was removed to the Gardner A. Sage Library Building. The Library room was made the chapel and the former chapel became the Dining Hall. The next year Dr. Ludlow was called by death and Dr. Samuel M. Woodbridge was elected in his place. Synod also engaged Dr. G. W. Bethune for one year to give a course of lectures on Pulpit Eloquence to the students. On the ist day of January, 1861, Dr. van Vranken died, and Dr. Joseph F. Berg was elected in his place. Two years later Dr. John De Witt, son of the former professor of the same name, was chosen to the chair of Biblical Literature, made vacant by the resignation of Dr. Camp- bell. About this time, also, the Theological Professors were relieved of further duties in the college. In 1864 the Synod transferred the college 130 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA property to the trustees and the next year the covenants of 1807 and 1825 were finally annulled. The money thus accruing was devoted to the erec- tion of the professorial residences then in course of construction. The same year a fourth professorship, namely, of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology, which had been suggested and desired for many years, was, by a very general subscription through the churches, secured and Dr. David D. Demarest was elected to this position. In the year 1871 Dr. Berg was removed by death. Professor Wood- bridge, by appointment of a committee of General Synod, gave instruction to the Middle and Senior Classes in Didactic and Polemic Theology for one year. By the Synod of 1872 Dr. Abraham B. van Zandt was elected James Suydam Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology. A Standing Committee on Peter Hertzog Theological Hall was ap- pointed in the year 1857, immediately on the completion of the building. It consisted of six persons, including the three Theological Professors, and had the general charge of the property. This committee was also authorized to secure such additional funds as might be needed to accomplish the ob- jects of the institution; out the expenditures of the Hall and the adjacent grounds were not in anj^ case to exceed the amount of funds actually collected. The committee in 1864 undertook the work of obtaining funds for a needed increase of endowment and also for the establishment of a Professorship of Pastoral Theology and Sacred Rhetoric. They were stimulated to this by receiving from Rev. Nicholas E. Smith a subscrip- tion of $40,000 for the increase of the endowment, on condition that a like sum should be raised for a new professorship. The next year (1865) they reported that the work was well nigh completed, whereupon the Synod established the professorship and elected and" installed a professor. In 1867 they reported the subscriptions and moneys they had received, amounting to $62,233.09, of which what remained after the establishment of the pro- fessorship was to be used for the building of three professorial residences, which were subsequently erected on the seminary grounds. The professors, as members of this committee, raised almost the whole amount, a work in which they were obliged to expend much time and labor. In this Dr. De Witt was especially active. But unfortunately the large subscription with which they had commenced could not be collected, although the subscriber had paid the interest on his bond for two years. This caused embarrassment and made a new effort necessary. The Synod, in order to relieve the professors from this work, and wishing quickly to obtain the desired result, reconstituted the commit- tee in 1868, making it to consist of nine laymen, with whom one professor appointed by the Faculty was to be associated. The committee was author- ized to employ an agent to obtain subscriptions and collect moneys, and directed, after expending what was necessary for repairs, to pay the remainder into the treasury of General Synod. It was also to be the Executive Committee of the Board of Superintendents, to report to them, to meet with them annually for a full consideration of the temporal in- terests of the seminary and to be under their general direction. The Synod THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. I3I at the same time passed a resolution requesting the Board of Directors to co-operate with the committee in raising $100,000 for completing the en- dowment of the seminary and for the payment of the debt of the Synod. The committee and board pointly employed Rev. Dr. James A. H. Cornell as agent (1869-1873) and he commenced the work with enthusiasm. He was cheered by receiving from Mr. James Suydam $40,000 for the endow- ment of the Professorship of Didactic and Polemic Theology, to which he subsequently added the sum of $20,000. Very appropriately the Synod attached his name to the professorship. The Synod also gave Dr. Cornell a direct appointment as its agent, but inasmuch as it was found to be very difficult to convene the committee, it was changed the next year and made to consist of one Theological Professor appointed by the Faculty and five other members (not necessarily laymen) to be appointed annually by the General Synod. The committee was in 1870 appointed for three years instead of one, in order to complete improvements in the Hall that had been commenced by them. In 1873 ^ further reappointment of the committee for three years was made, and in 1876 a change was again made. It was then resolved that the committee should consist of one Theological Pro- fessor and five other members, a majority of whom should be laymen, and the normal term of service to be five years, one member to be elected annually. Inasmuch as the number of buildings to be cared for had ii;- creased, the name of the committee was now changed to Committee on Seminary Grounds and Property. The reports of this committee, regularly presented to the General Synod, showed a vast amount of work done, of which the Synod frequently made grateful acknowledgment. Extensive improvements and repairs were made to Peter Hertzog Hall. Water and steam-heating were introduced and all its appointments made it an attractive dwelling-place. A rector was ap- pointed to take charge of the Hall and have the oversight of the students. James Suydam Hall, the gift of Mr. James Suydam, of New York City, was erected on the east side of Hertzog Hall. It was dedicated (the Gen- eral Synod attending) June 5, 1873, and contains a spacious gymnasium, museum and five lecture-rooms. In front of it a bronze statue of Mr. Suydam was placed by his friends. The aggregate of his gifts exceeded a quarter of a million dollars. On the west side of Peter Hertzog Hall was built the Gardner A. Sage Library. This is a fire-proof building, erected by Mr. Gardner A. Sage, of New York City, and presented by him to the General Synod and dedicated (the General Synod attending) June 4, 1875. In addition to his gift of the building Colonel Sage paid the salary of the librarian, and for the services of the janitor, for coal and other incidental expenses annually. He also made several other contributions. Quite as valuable, perhaps, as these gifts were his indefatigable personal services to the institution as Chairman and- Treasurer of the Standing Committee. Through the efforts of Dr. Cornell about $50,000 were secured for the library. These moneys were given, not to be invested, but to be spent, as soon as it could be judiciously done, in the purchase of books. The i;32 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA selection of books was made by a committee of the General Synod, con- sisting of Rev. Drs. T. W. Chambers, E. T. Corwin, C. D. Hartranft and Prof. Jacob Cooper, of Rutgers College, in connection with the Theological Professors. The library was also made accessible to the citizens of New Brunswick and others. Thus the Seminary became firmly established. In 1873 Mr. Nicholas T. Vedder of Utica, N. Y., proposed to endow a lectureship on "The Present Aspects of Modern Infidelity, including Its Cause and Cure." Between 1874 and 1890 several lectures by distinguished scholars on various phases of the subject were delivered, but as the income became unavailable they were discontinued. (See Manual of 1902, page 176). Just at that time, however, a new lectureship was established. The Hon. N. F. Graves, of Syracuse, N. Y., provided for "Lectures on Missions" in 1888-9 and for several succeeding years. At his death in 1896 he left $10,000 for the endowment of such Lectureship. The appointment on this foundation continues. The lecturers have been as follows : 1888-9. Revs. Henry Stout. Cyrus Hamlin. D.D., L. W. Kip, D.D., E. M. Wheny, D.D., F. F. Ellinwood, D.D. 1889-90. Rev. John Hall, D.D. 1890-1. Rev. Arthur T, Pierson, D.D. 1891-2. Rev. Alexander J. Gordon, D.D. 1892-3. No lecture. 1893-4. Rev. George Smith. C.E.I. 1894-5. Rev. William Imbrie, D.D. 1895-6. Rev. Chester D. Hartranft, D.D. 1896-7. Revs. Joachim Elmendorf, D.D., F. S. Schenck, D.D., John Scudder, D.D., Henry Stout, E. P. Johnson. D.D. 1897-8. Revs. S. M. Zwemer, A. C. de Wall, D.D.. C. L, Wells, D.D., M. H. Hutton, D.D., E. A. Collier, D.D. 1898-9. Revs. Wilson Phraner, D.D. (four), William I. Chamberlain (one). 1899- 1900. Rev. James F. Riggs, D.D. 1900-1. Rev. George F. Pentecost, D.D. 1901-2. Mr. Robert E. Speei^ 1902-1903. Robert E. Speer. 1903-1904. Rev. John H. Wyckofif, D.D. 1906-1907. Rev. William R. Lambuth, D.D. 1907-1908. Rev. Arthur Judson Brown, D.D. .1908-1909. Rev. James L. Barton, D.D. J1909-1910. Rev. Henry C. Mabie, D.D. 1910-1911. Rev. Arthur H. Smith, D.D. 1911-1912. John R. Mott, LL.D. 1912-1913. Rev. William I. Chamberlain, D.D. 1913-1914. Rev. Charles R. Watson. D.D. 1914-1915. Rev. John P. Jones, D.D. ^.1915-1916. Rev. S. M. Zwemer, D.D. 1916-1917. Rev. G. Sherwood Eddy, D.D. 1917-1918. Rev. J. C. R. Ewing, D.D. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. 1 35 1918-1919. Rev. S. M. Zwemer, D.D. 1919-1920. Rev. William Bancroft Hill, D.D. 1920-1921. Rev. Frank Eckerson. This emphasis on Missions is in keeping with the historic spirit of the institution, a Society of Inquiry having been founded in 181 1 among its students. From 1811-1820 this was known as the Berean Society. Many of its members have gone to the foreign field. Significant of this interest is it also that the Inter-Seminary Missionary Alliance, comprising all de- nominations, was inaugurated under the special auspices of this Seminary in 1880. During a long illness of Professor van Zandt in 1878 the Rev. Dr. T. W. Chambers served in his place. Professor van Zandt resigned in 1881 and six weeks later died. Rev. Dr. William V. V. Mabon was chosen his successor. In 1883 the long-desired fifth professorship was founded. Mr. Gardner A. Sage left $50,000 for such endowment. During 1883-4 the Rev. Drs. T. W. Chambers and E. T. Corwin served with Professor De Witt in the Exegetical Department, and the General Synod in 1884 con- stituted the new Professorship of "Old Testament Languages and Exegesis," Prof. De Witt remaining in the Chair of "Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis." Rev. Dr. John G. Lansing was chosen to the new chair. Just before his death Mr. Sage gave nearly $100,000 for various uses. Property improvement at this time included the erection in 1883 of the professorial residence provided for by Mr. James Suydam, and in 1891 of a librarian's Residence, with funds available from gifts of Mr. Sage. In 1883 the General Synod provided that the senior Professor, at that time Dr. Woodbridge, be called Dean, and be endowed with disciplinary powers as the Faculty might arrange. In 1884 a new curriculum, prepared by a committee of the preceding Synod's appointment, was approved, de- signed to keep the institution abreast of the times in theological training. In 1888 a new "Plan of the Seminary" was adopted, including this curri- culum. It changed the title of Dean to President and defined more clearly and with some amendments the government and procedure of the institu- tion. Since 1880 public Commencements have been held. The title of the fourth Professorship has been changed from that of "Pastoral Theology and Sacred Rhetoric" to that of "Practical Theology." The title of the historical professorship has been changed from that of "Ecclesiastical History and Church Government" to that of Sacred His- tory being included in the teaching of this department, and Church Gov- ernment being transferred from it to the department of Theology. The title of the theological professorship has been changed from that of Didactic and Polemic Theology" to that of "Systematic Theology." These changes were made by General Synod to conform to modern terminology and to define more accurately the work of the several pro- fessors as arranged under the enlarged curriculum. An event notable in the record is the celebration in 1884 of the Sem- inary's one hundredth anniversary. As the oldest theological school in the land, its centennial deserved and received peculiar interest within and 134 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA without the demonination. An observance was proposed in the Synod in i88i. The next year a committee, consisting of Rev. Drs. P. D. van Cleef, J. H. Suydam, and D. N. Vanderveer, was appointed. Their plan, partially reported in 1883, was in detail adopted in 1884. A committee on endow- ment was appointed to act coincidently, and a co-operating committee was appointed by the Alumni Association. The celebration was held on the 28th and 29th of October, 1884, in the First and Second Reformed Churches of New Brunswick, and was a great success. At the close a committee was appointed to publish the proceedings, including addresses and other matter of historical value. The committee thus appointed. Rev. Prof. D. D. Demarest, D.D., Rev. Dr. P. D. van Cleef, and Rev. Dr. E. T. Corwin, issued the "Centennial Volume." This is not only a record of the centennial occasion, but an in- valuable resume of the rich historical material attaching unto the hundred years' life of the institution, a monument of accomplished and painstaking research and compilation.' About this time, 1885-6-7, the Museum began to grow. It was especially fostered by Professor Lansing, who made for it many valuable acquisitions from the East, especiaUy Egypt. Through others also came gifts of interest. In 1888 changes were made in Suydam Hall, providing an excellent room for the Museum. Later an additional room was assigned for Historical Material. A fund left by Mr. John S. Bussing has been set aside for its upkeep and for occasional purchase of important items. Gifts from Mis- sion Fields, from old Dutch families, from individuals, notably Mrs. E. E. Olcott, have multiplied, and it is now a definite factor in the educational work of the Seminary. It is opened to the public at stated times and has many visitors. Dr. Gillespie is Curator. The last decade of the nineteenth century was peculiarly marked by changes in the Faculty, almost as many as in all the earlier course of the half-century. In 1892 Professor De Witt resigned after twenty-nine years of service, having honored the Seminary not only with his long-continued, scholarly class-room work, but as well by his translation of the Psalms, and by his esteemed membership in the American Committee on the Re- vision of the Old Testament. The Rev. Dr. James F. Riggs was elected his successor. Later in the same year Professor Mabon died, after eleven years of the most mature and through professorial work. In 1893 Rev. Dr. J. Preston Searle was elected his successor. In 1898 Professor Riggs re- signed and the Rev. John H. Gillespie was elected his successor. In the same year, after the closing of the Seminary and the adjournment of Synod, and after but a week's illness, Professor Demarest, beloved Pro- fessor for thirty-three years, died, having served the Seminary not only in the class-room, but conspicuously in its administration, as Secretary of the Faculty; and having served the entire Reformed Church with his authorita- tive writings upon its Standards and History. In December of the same year Professor Lansing, after fourteen years of service marked by great 'Centennial of the Theolog-ical Seminary of the Reformed Church in America, 1784-1884. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. I35 ability and intense work, but by long and serious ill-health, resigned. The General Synod of 1899, in the two elections thus devolving upon it, chose the Rev. Dr. Ferdinand S. Schenck to the chair of Practical Theology, the Rev. Dr. John H. Raven to the Old Testament chair. Then, as the new century opened, came the resignation of Professor Woodbridge, whose fortieth anniversary as Professor had been nobly celebrated in 1897, who for a long time had been Dean or President of the Faculty, the impress of whose life and teachings is upon all the Church. In 1901 the Rev. Dr. W. H. S. Demarest was elected Professor of Church History and Dr. Wood- bridge was declared Emeritus. The Synod, however, continued him in such service as he might find it possible to perform. He died in 1905. In 1902 Professor Searle was elected Dr. Woodbridge's successor as President of the Faculty. In 1906 Professor W. H. S. Demarest resigned to become President of Rutgers College. He was succeeded by Rev. Edward Payson Johnson, D.D., who still holds the Professorship of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government. Because of physical infirmity Dr. Gillespie resigned his chair of Hellenistic Creek and New Testament Exegesis in 191 1 but continued in the Seminary as Instructor in New Testament Criticism and Missions. He was succeeded by the Rev. Joseph Frederic Berg, Ph.D., D.D., a grandson of the former Professor of the same name. He continued in office until 1917 when he resigned to re-enter the pastorate. Rev. John W. Beardslee, Ph.D., D.D., was elected to the office and still continues in it. In 1894 the "Plan of the Seminary" was amended, and the method of electing Professors changed. The right of nomination to the General Synod was accorded to the Classes, but by a subsequent change the Board of Superintendents was directed to make a nomination for the vacancy to which General Synod at its option could add an additional one. The Classical nominations ceased. In 1893 a scheme of special study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity was added to the curriculum. Rutgers College conferred this degree upon graduates of the Seminary whom the Seminary faculty certified to be qualified therefor by the completion of a prescribed extra course of study. In 1904 the basis of this degree was changed to a year of post graduate study, in residence, and including one major and at least two minor courses of study. Efficiency in instruction has been promoted and wider reach of the Professor's work attained through the printing, since 1893, of various Seminary lectures and outlines. More than ten publications have been made, including five or six text books, and the important Biographical Record of the Seminary compiled by Professor Raven and issued in 191 1. At first funds for such printing were variously provided, but in 1901 the "Rev. Dr. Archibald Laidlie Memorial Fund" of $5,000 was given by a descendant of Dr. Laidlie, the income to be used for this purpose. The Library has steadily increased, through purchase and donation. It now contains over 56,000 volumes and 10,000 pamphlets. Each alcove on the main floor has been endowed as a memorial in the sum of $1,500 less $200 expended for a memorial window. The totals are included in 136 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA the Alcove Endowment Fund, and the beautiful room has been further graced by its interesting and beautiful windows. The Library is open to students and the public morning and afternoon and five evenings a week. John C. Van Dyke, L.H.D., has been librarian since 1878. He is also Professor of the History of Art in Rutgers College and the author of sev- eral books on art and nature. His "Notes on the Sage Library" first published in 1888 and since revised, give an account of the rare and special treasures of this Library. In 1895 the Standing Committee on Grounds and Property, by action of General Synod was made to consist of the entire faculty, together with five members chosen by the Synod. Recently Synod has increased the number of laymen on the committee to six, in classes of two each, with three year terms for each class. The office of Rector of Hertzog Hall was abolished. A Superintendent of Property was appointed under authority of the Standing Committee. The necessity of extra gifts for ordinary matters, arising about 1895 displayed the serious financial situation which then confronted the Sem- inar}'. No large gift for the general endowment had been received since the gifts of Mr. Suydarrt and Mr. Sage, except the bequest in 1886 of Colonel Egbert Silvernail of Gallatin, N. Y., amounting to $23,000. Be- cause of the fall in interest rates the income of the Seminary became $5,000 less than formerly. The General Synod of 1897 appointed a Committee on Seminary Finance, composed of representatives from the Board of Direction, the Board of Superintendents and the Standing Committee. Rev. Dr. James Demarest was employed as Financial Agent, with the purpose of securing $250,000 new endowment. The results, as the Committee has continued its work, have, under the divine blessing, exceeded expectations. More than $300,000 have been added to the endowments, and nearly $25,000 have been given for current repairs and expenses. The professors, all of whom voluntarily surrendered $500 of their salaries to aid in the crisis, have been released from further sacrifice of the kind. Three lectorships, in Missions, in the English Bible, in Biblical Theology ; and three instructorships, in Music, in Elocution, and in Christian Education, have been added to the five full professorships, thus widening and varying the course of training. Synod proposes to add a sixth Chair, that of the English Bible and Christian Education when there shall be a comparatively small addition to the income already available for its support and when funds shall be supplied for the building of a house for the new professor. The late Mr. John S. Bussing has made provision for a future Chair of Biblical Theology, in addition to the many smaller gifts made in his lifetime and inspiring many others to give. The late Ralph Voorhees was an early contributor and his gift of $25,000 was the first large one to be received. Airs. Ann Farwell Carver, niece of Mrs. Ann Hertzog, bequeathed $25,000 for Library Endowment, and the mansion of her Aunt, to be sold and the proceeds to constitute an Ann Hertzog Memorial Fund, the income of which was to be used for the comfort and instruction of the students in Hertzog Hall. The net pro- THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. I37 ceeds of this sale were about $70,000. General Synod has directed that the first $1,000 of this income shall be applied to the maintenance of Hertzog Hall and the balance to the support of the Chair of English Bible and Christian Education. Pending the securing of sufficient funds for a full salary and securing a house for the professor the Synod has ordered that an instructorship in Christian Education and a lectorship in the Eng- lish Bible should be supported from this income, and that during the period of high prices for fuel and labor another $1,000 should be paid for the care of Hertzog Hall. The remaining balance of income is being added to the principal which will thus soon be able to carry a full pro- fessorial salary. Many smaller gifts have made possible the decent care of the build- ings and the now beautiful campus even during the period of inflated prices, and will make possible in normal conditions a program of improve- ment which our older structures will require. Hertzog Hall, the Library, and three of the houses are lighted by electricity and all but the librarian's house are heated by steam. The property occupied by Dr. Raven, having become impossible as a residence, has been sold. All the vacant lots, abutting on the northern side of the campus have been purchased, giving adequate and convenient sites for the three houses which will be ultimately needed, for the Old Testa- ment Professor, and the occupants of the proposed new Chairs. The Catskill Church has given a fund of $5,000 for "administration and special lectures." The Lectureship on the Christian Ministry has thus been maintained. The Lecturers have been as follows: 1905. Rev. Charles E. Jefferson, D.D. > 1906. " David J. Burrell, D.D. 1907. " Edward B. Coe, D.D. 1908. " Hugh Black, D.D. 1909. " Herman Bavinck, D.D. 1910. " Newell Dwight Hillis, D.D. 191 1. '■ S. Parkes Cadman. D.D. 1912. " A. V. V. Raymond, D.D. 1914. " James R. Howerton. D. D. 191 5. ■' Rockwell Harmon Potter. D.D. 1917. " Floyd W. Tompkins, D.D. 1918. " John Timothy Stone, D.D. 1919. ■' Cornelius Woelfkin, D.D. 19J0. " Walter W. Moore, D.D. The Alumni Association which maintains a vigorous life and an annual reunion is raising its own fund for a Fellowship and has paid in over $8,000. Since 1917 this Association has ordered that a portion of the income of their increasing Endowment Fund should be appropriated for the support of a Lectureship relating especially to the practical problems of the church. These Lecturers have been : 1917. Rev. Edwin Lee Earp, D.D. 1918. Kenyon L. Butterfield, LL.D. 1919. Rev. William R. Taylor, D.D. 138 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1920. " Charles R. Brown, D.D. 1921. " Harris E. Kirk, D.D. In 1908 Miss Anna M. Sandham established the George Augustus Sand- ham Scholarship Fund amounting to $4,000, the income of which for one year is to be paid in three annual instalments to that member of the Junior Class who is adjudged to have done the best work in the Junior Year. The Alida Van Schaick Graduate Scholarship has been established yielding about $500 to a student approved by the Board of Education, recommended by the Faculty, who has maintained a definite high standard of scholarship in every department of the Seminary throughout the full three years' course. The Board of Education holds and administers this Fund. The Seminary now has, in all, $681,000 of invested funds of which $103,000 are Library Funds ; $340,000 are Professorial Funds ; $103,000 for the care of the property; $35,000 special funds; and a general fund of $25,000. The most pressing financial needs today are : I. $35,000 for the erection of an addition to Sage Library which has proper shelf room for only 40,000 of its 56,000 volumes. This addition can be named as the donor desires. IL Funds to build houses for the sixth Professorship, for the Old Testa- ment Professorship, and for the seventh Professorship. in. Increase of the Property Fund, (income applicable to the point of greatest need) to $40,000. The present Faculty comprises : Rev. J. Preston Searle, D.D., James Suydam Professor of Systematic Theology. President of the Faculty. Rev. Ferdinand S. Schenck, D.D., LL.D.. Professor of Practical Theology. Rev. John Howard Raven, D.D., Gardner A. Sage Professor of Old Testament Languages and Exegesis. Rev. Edward P. Johnson, D.D., Professor of Sacred and Ecclesiastical History. Secretary of the Faculty. Rev. John W. Beardslee, Ph.D., D.D., Thomas De Witt Professor of Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis. professors and lectors in connection with the first theological seminary of the reformed church in AMERICA. AT NEW YORK AND FLAT- bush, i784-181o. at new brunswick, n. j., since 181o. Professors elected by the (old) Provisional Synod. Rev. John H. Livingston, D.D., Professor of Didactic Theology, etc., New York and Flatbush, 1784-1810. Rev. Hermanus Meyer, D.D., Professor of Languages at Pompton Plains, 1784-91 ; Lector in Theology at Pompton Plains, 1786-91. Rev. Solomon Froeligh, D.D., Lector in Theology at Hackensack, New Jersey, 1792-7. Rev. Dirck Romeyn, D.D., Lector in Theology at Schenectady, N. Y., 1792-7. Professors elected by the General Synod. (Constituted 1794). THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. I39 Rev. Solomon Froeligh, D.D., Professor of Didactic Theology, Hacken- sack, N. J., 1797-1822. Rev. Dirck Romeyn, D.D., Professor of Didactic Theology at Schenectady, N. Y., 1797-1804. Rev. John H. Livingston, D.D., Permanent Professor of Didactic The- ology at New York, 1804-10; at New Brunswick, 1810-25. (See Min- utes of General Synod, 1804, pp. 334-5, 339. 340. Also Centennial of the Seminary, p. 362). Rev. John Bassett, D.D., Teacher of Hebrew at Boght, Schoharie Co., and at Albany, N. Y., 1804-12. Rev. Jeremiah Romeyn, D.D., Professor of Hebrew at Linlithgo, Harlem, Schoharie, and Woodstock, 1804-6. Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J. (1810). Rev. John M. van Harlingen, D.D., Professor of Hebrew and Ecclesi- astical History, 1812-13. Rev. John Schureman, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, and Pastoral Duties, 1815-18. Rev. John Ludlow, D.D., Professor of Biblical Literature and Ecclesi- astical History, 1819-23. Rev. John De Witt, D.D., Professor of Biblical Literature and Ecclesi- astical History, 1823-25; Professor of Biblical Literature, 1825-31. Rev. Philip Milledoler, D.D., Professor of Didactic and Polemic The- ology, 1825-41. Rev. Selah S. WoodhulL- D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, and Pastoral Theology, 1825-26. Rev. James S. Cannon, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, and Pastoral Theology, 1826-52. Rev. Alexander McClelland, D.D., Professor of Biblical Literature. 1832-51. Rev. Samuel A. Van Vranken, D.D., Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1841-61. Rev. William H. Campbell, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Literature. 1851-63. Rev. John Ludlow, D.D., Professor of Pastoral Theology, Ecclesiastical History, and Church Government, 1852-57. Rev. Samuel M. Woodbridge, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Pastoral Theology, Ecclesiastical History, and Church Government, 1857-65. Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government, 1865-1901. Emeritus, 1901-1905. Rev. Joseph F. Berg, D.D., Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1861-71. Rev. John De Witt, D.D., LL.D., Litt. D., Professor of Biblical Literature, 1863-84. Professor of Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exe- gesis, 1884-92. Rev. David D. Demarest, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Pastoral Theology and Sacred Rhetoric, 1865-98. Rev. Abr.\h.\m B. van Z.\ndt. D.D., LL.D., Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1872-81. Emeritus Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1881. 140 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Rev. William V. V. Mabon, D. D., LL.D., Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1881-92. Rev. John G. Lansing, D.D., Professor of Old Testament Languages and Exegesis, 1884-98. Rev. James F. Riggs, D.D., Professor of Hellenistic Greek and New Testa- ment Exegesis, 1892-98. Rev. John Preston Searle, D.D., Professor of Didactic and Polemic The- ology, 1893. Rev. John H. Gillespie, D.D., Professor of Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis, 1898-1911. Rev. Ferdinand S. Schenck, D.D., Professor of Practical Theology, 1899. Rev. John H. Raven, D.D., Professor of Old Testament Languages and Exegesis, 1899. Rev. William H. S. Demarest, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government, 1901-1906. Rev. Edward Payson Johnson, D.D.. Professor of Sacred and Ecclesi- astical History, 1906 — Rev. J. Frederic Berg, Ph.D., D.D., Professor of Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis, 1911-1917. Rev. John W. Beardslee, Jr., Ph.D., D.D., Professor of Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis. 1917 — Temporary Assistants. Rev. Peter Studdiford, Listructor in Hebrew, 1812-14. Rev. James S. Cannon, D.D., Instructor in Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, and Pastoral Theology, 1818-19. Rev. John S. Mabon, Instructor in Hebrew and Greek, 1818-19. Rev. Alexander McClelland, D.D., Instructor in Hebrew, 1831-32. Rev. George W. Bethune, D.D., Lecturer on Pulpit Eloquence, 1857-58. Rev. Prof. Samuel N. Woodbridge, D.D., LL.D., Instructor in Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1871-72. Rev. Talbot W. Chambers, D.D., LL.D.. Assistant Instructor in New Testament Exegesis, 1883-84. Rev. Edward T. Corwin, D.D., Assistant Instructor in Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis, 1883-4. Jan. -Mar., 1889. Jan. -Feb., 1890. Sept., 1890-May, 1891. New Testament Exegesis, Jan. -May, 1892. Rev. John H. Raven, D.D., Instructor in Old Testament Languages and Exegesis, 1898-99. Rev. Abel Henry Huizinga, Ph.D., Instructor in Old Testament Lan- guages and Exegesis, 1902-03. Rev. Joseph F. Berg, Ph.D., D.D., Lector in Biblical Theology and Sacred History, 1905-11. Rev. Mancius H. Hutton, D.D., Instructor in Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis, 1907. Rev. Simon Blocker, Lector in Biblical Theology, 1917 — Rev. John W. Beardslee, D.D., LL.D., Acting Lector in Exegesis of the English Bible, 1917-21 Edward P. St John, A.M., Pd.M., Instructor in Christian Education, 1919 — CHAPTER XX. UNIOX COLLEGE AND THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. BY REV. WILLIAM N. P. DAILEY. Union College, no less than Rutgers, is a child of the Reformed Church in America. From the time when nearly a thousand of the citizens of Albany, Tyron, and Charlotte counties, in 1779, petitioned the New York Legislature for a college charter, to the present day, Union College and the Reformed Church have been vitally related. For a long period after Union's charter was finally granted (1795), the college at Schenectady furnished as many students for the New Brunswick Seminary as did Queen's, later Rutgers, at New Brunswick. The Reformed Church in America has ever been a church of culture, not that its first motive, the spiritual, has been neglected, nor that it has ever ceased to follow its glorious Leader, in going to every creature in all the world, — but it has always contended that the fruits of the indwelling Spirit of God might well be blended with the humanities, that religion and science, reasonably associated, will dispel the darkness and drive away the superstition that often holds men. The Revolutionary War had not yet been brought to a conclusion when the men of Dutch descent in the valleys of the Mohawk, and of the upper Hudson, urged on by Rev. Dirck Romeyn, pastor of the old First (Dutch) Reformed Church of Schenectady (1784-1806), began to plan for an academy for the "classical and scientific training of the young." Already petitions for a college, in 1779 and 1782, had been refused by the Legisla- ture. The Academy, financially backed by the Dutch church, was built in 1785. The Union College charter was granted on Feb. 25, 1795, and the Academy became the first home of the college. Rev. Dr. Dirck Romeyn was the founder of Union College. Born in 1744 at Hackensack, N. J., he graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1765, and after pastorates in several churches, went to Schenectady where the great work of his life was accomplished. Twice he declined the presidency of Queen's College, and, later, refused the presidency of the college newly founded at Schenectady. He was deeply interested in the plan to found a State University in New York, and when this failed he devoted his energies to the establishment of the Schenectady Academy which grew- into Union College. Union College, the second chartered institution of its kind in New York, the first west of the Hudson River, and at that time the only one con- 141 142 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA fessedly non-denominational in America, was the outcome of nearly a century of education in Schenectady, beginning as far back as the days of Rev. Peter Tesschenmaeker, who came to the Dutch church there in 1682, the first recorded schoolmaster, who suffered death in the massacre there of 1690. He was a graduate of Utrecht in 1671, and was followed in the church and school by Rev. Godfreidus Dellius (Leyden 1672), who was succeeded by Rev. Bernardus Freeman. The spirit of the movement for a college, and its outcome, was kindred to the spirit that prevailed in the mother country, Holland, when, in 1574, at the close of the most terrible siege in human history, the people of Leyden, triumphant over their foes, having been offered the perpetual gift of an annual fair or the founding of university, chose the latter ; it was the spirit that provoked John of Nassau, eldest brother of William Prince of Orange, to urge upon the States General the adoption of free schools everywhere ; it was the spirit that Holland showed at the close of eighty years conflict for civil and religious liberty, to tolerate all na- tions of men, including her former enemies. In this spirit the founders of Union College, in large measure allied with the Dutch church, petitioned for a college at Schenectady to answer "the loud call for men of learning to fill the several offices of church and state," and in the charter granted they asked that it be provided that no order or rule or ordinance of the institution should ever "exclude any person of any religious denomination whatever from equal liberty and advantage of education or from any of the degrees, liberties, privileges, benefits or immunities of the said College, on account of his particular tenets of religion." The seal of the college bears a cross with the mottoes above and below, in necessariis unitas and in dubiis libertas, while upon the cross, besides the character of Christus, is the motto, in omnibus caritas. The establishment of Union College at Schenectady was not without great opposition from other localities, and it was due to the zeal and influence of Rev. Dr. Dirck Romeyn that the location was finally de- termined upon as is borne out by a letter, written many years afterward by Gov. De Witt Clinton, who at the time of granting the charter was the Secretary of the University of New York. In this letter he writes that powerful opposition was made by Albany, but the weight and respectability of Dr. Romeyn's character procured a decision in favor of Schenectady. He says that Gov. Geo. Clinton and Gen. Schuyler, who were almost always in opposition to each other, were united on this question. It was at a meeting of the Regents of the University in New York that Rev. Dr. Romeyn of the Dutch Church realized one of the greatest ambitions of his life, the founding of a college in the valley of the Mohawk. Union College, in the making of men, has especially shone in the output of her graduates who have felt called to take up the work of the Christian ministry, of whom there have been upwards of fifteen hundred. More than a hundred of these have entered the seminary at New Brunswick. Up to the year 1840 there were as many graduates of Union College in New Brunswick Seminary as there were from Rutgers. Of the faculty UNION COLLEGE AND THE CHURCH IN AMERICA I43 of the Seminary, besides Rev. Dr. Romeyn, the founder of the College, there were Professors Ludlow, De Witt, McClelland, Van Vranken, Van Zandt, Lansing, and Alabon, all alumni of Union, and Dr. Nott, even, taught Theology to men who entered the ministry of the Reformed Church. Glancing over the names of the first appointed trustees one might think it was a Reformed Dutch Church Institution. It might even have looked more so were it not for the wise forethought of its founders who embodied in the charter the provision that no one religious body should at any time have a majority in the board of trustees. But of the thirty-three trustees nearly one-half were by descent or ecclesiastical connection, or both, allied with the Reformed Church. There were Robert, Abraham, Joseph C. (later, Governor of New York), and John Yates, (three of them from Schenectady), Abraham Ten Broeck, Stephen van Rensselaer (the patroon), John Glen, Rev. Dirck Romeyn, Nicholas Veeder, James Shuter, Isaac Vrooman, Rev. Jas. V. C. Romeyn (nephew of Dr. Romeyn), Dirck Ten Broeck, Guert van Schoonhoven, Philip S. van Rensselaer, and there might have been two or three more for aught we know. The first president of the College was Rev. John Blair Smith, a graduate of Princeton. Associated with him on the faculty was Rev. Andrew Yates (Yale, 1793), who had studied theology under Dr. Livingston, for half a century a minister of the Reformed Church, and serving many of the churches in the Mohawk valley while teaching. The third professor was Cornelius H. van der Heuvel. a Hollander. The first class of 1797 num- bered four men, all of whom entered the ministry, three, Revs. Thomas Romeyn, Cornelius D. Scherm^rhorn, and John L. Zabriskie spending their entire life in the Reformed Church. In 1799 the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, the younger, became the second president, and died in office in 1801. He was succeeded by Rev. Jonathan Maxcy, a graduate of Brown, a Baptist, who resigned because of ill health in 1804, to be followed in the office by Rev. Eliphalet Nott, also of Brown, at the time pastor of a Presbyterian church in Albany. N. Y. Dr. Nott's accession to the presidency of Union College was the determining event in the history of the institution for nearly a century, since he held the posi- tion for sixty-two years, the longest administration in the history of American colleges. The college took on at once a new and aggres- sive life, and the spirit of liberty in which it had been founded bore fruit abundantly. A man of commanding appearance, of inspiring personal- ity, progressive in spirit and of tireless energy, his practical and vigorous administration of the college soon brought it to a place of commanding importance and influence among the institutions of the country, while its graduates exceeded for many years those of the older colleges. President Nott believed that religion and education should be in- separable allies in the development of the manhood that the nation needed, in both state .and church. He may be justly called the pioneer of modern educational progress in America, for Union College was the first to break away from the traditions of the old World, which had been in large measure followed by the institutions in the west, and to introduce new 144 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA courses of study that better fitted men for the varied pursuits of life. As early as 1809 a course of study in Modern Languages was adopted. In 1828 the first Scientific Course in any American college was instituted. In 1845 a Civil Engineering Course was added to this, anticipatory of the demand for technical training, which almost every other institution of higher education in America has since recognized. Dr. Nott's fame as a con- summate teacher of youth spread to all parts of the land ; his rare personal magnetism, his tolerant spirit in discipline, his wise counsel in the affairs of the individual student, these won the hearts of the undergraduates, inspired them to study, and gave them high and worthy ambition to lead honored lives of usefulness among their fellows. These radical departures from the traditions of the day, giving a larger liberty to the student life, emphasizing the place of moral restraint in the necessary discipline, adoption of technical courses of study for life's prac- tical affairs, and over all the gentle but firm guidance of the presiding genius of the institution, Dr. Nott, not only tended toward academic and personal freedom, but it placed the educational emphasis on practical training and provoked a self-reliant and democratic spirit. The results, naturally, were witnessed jn the large number of Union College men who were distinguished in the State and Church. By i860 it had become a national institution, young men coming to it from every part of the country, the South, especially, being a great contributor. In 1830 Union College had passed Columbia, Yale, and Harvard, in the number of students, and for a quarter of a century was the most famous college in the States. Because of the Civil War, and the death soon after of Dr. Nott, the college began to decline in number of students and in influence. The successors of Dr. Nott in the presidency were Rev. Laurens P. Hickok, a member of the Class of 1820 of the College, which class numbered among its members. Dr. Tayler Lewis, the eminent orientalist and Biblical critic, and Gov. William H. Seward ; when Dr. Hickok resigned in 1868 the Rev. Charles A. Aiken, professor of Latin Language and Literature in the College of New Jersey, was elected, serving two years ,• he was followed by Rev. Dr. Eliphalet Nott Potter, grandson of Dr. Nott, under whose ad- ministration the college was greatly strengthened and Union University formed (1873) ; with the election of Dr. Potter to the presidency of Hobart in 1884, the first layman was inducted into the office, Harrison E. Webster, M.D.. LL.D., this was in 1888, and he remained until 1894, when the Rev. Andrew V. V. Raymond, a graduate of New Brunswick Seminary, 1878, was elected. In the coming of Dr. Raymond to the presidency of Union College a new era of prosperity ensued, and substantial gains were made in both students and endowment. An electrical course was instituted in which the General Electrical Company has vested relationships. But while the college is thus meeting satisfactorily the increasing demand for technical training, it has not swerved from its older academic traditions ; classical and scientific courses are still maintained which are intended to impart a liberal culture rather than to prepare directly for any particular profession UNION COLLEGE AND THE CHURCH IN AMERICA I45 or occupation. With its heritage of inspiring traditions, its sound financial condition, its unexcelled curriculum, its increasing patronage, the college was ready, on the resignation of Dr. Raymond in 1907 (to re-enter the pastorate) for the accession to the presidency of Rev. Dr. Charles Alexan- der Richmond who was called from an Albany Presbyterian church in 1908, and under whose efficient administration Union College stands to-day second to no other of all the institutions of learning in our country as a maker of men. The vision of the men who in that far off day laid the foundations of Union College is being realized in the character and conduct of her sons who from the beginning have been fitted "to fill the several offices of church and state." Perhaps in no way has this been better evidenced than in the part that has been played by its graduates in the Christian ministry, and of this spirit of service the Reformed Church in America has had no small share. At least a seventh of all the men who have left Union College to enter the ministry have found their life work in the Reformed Church in America. Of these and others we may briefly speak. Fifty college and university presidents are among the graduates, among the institutions sharing in this contribution being Brown, Bowdoin, Colgate, Hobart, Hope, Knox, Michigan University, New York University, Iowa University, Miami, University of Pennsylvania, Trinity, and William and Mary. In the higher education for women Union College, perhaps has no rival, for she gave of her graduates first presidents to four of these pioneer institu- tions, Elmira, Rutgers Female College, Vassar, and Smith. Dr. Seelye of the Class of '57 being still president emeritus of the last named. In theological education her influence has been equally effective; three of the founders of Union Seminary were her sons; she has provided presidents for Drew, Hamilton, Hartford, Heidelberg, the Lutheran, New Brunswick, and Union seminaries, and the Philadelphia and DeLancey Divinity Schools. And in the moulding of men for the sacred ministry she has given of her graduates teachers to Auburn, Hartford, Columbia (S. C), Louisville, McCormick, Berkeley, Rochester, Seabury, Western, Omaha, and the German Reformed seminaries. From Union College have come bishops for the Episcopal Church in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Indiana, Long Island, Colorado, Chicago, and the Philippines. In missionary annals Union College particularly evidences her part in the betterment of the world. She has trained executive secretaries for the American Board, for the American and Foreign Christian Union, for the Boards of Foreign Missions in the Presbyterian Church, North and South, and in our own Reformed Church ; for the Baptist Publication Society, for the Boards of Education in the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches, and for the American Sunday School Union, not the least of whom is Dr. E. W. Rice, Class '54, its greatest worker and historian, still abiding in influence. Rev. Dr. Alexander of New York, present president of Presby- terian Board of Foreign Missions, had two predecessors who were Union College men. Two Union men, Samuel Nott of the Class of 1808 and Samuel J. Mills of the Class of 1809 (though not a graduate), were, in- 146 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA directly, the founders of the American Board of Commissioners, with which Board the Reformed Church in America was associated for more than a quarter of a century. Samuel Nott was one of the first three foreign mis- sionaries to leave America, while the work of Samuel J. Mills culminated" in the formation of the American Bible Society. The founder of the Arabian Mission was Rev. Dr. Lansing of Union, Class '75, son of Rev. Gulian Lansing, Union '47, missionary to Egypt, while the pioneer mis- sionary to Arabia from the Reformed Church in America was James Cantine of the Class of '83, and now after thirty years still doing valiant service there and realizing the unique vision of his seminary days. The first permanent mission in Siam was founded by three Union College men, who, although ordered home by their Board, owing to the enmity of the people, dared to stay and finally won the gratitude of the king. Union College has sent sixteen of her men to India, including Robert W. Hume, eleven to China, among whom was John L. Nevius, from whom Elbert Nevius, the Reformed Church missionary to Borneo, received his in- spiration, seven men to Syria, four to Turkey, seven to Africa, and a score of others to follow the path first blazed by Samuel Nott. In the centre of a population of half a mUlion, where the Reformed Church in America is strong in membership. Union College, with her academic traditions and modern scientific impulse, is destined to continue her age long influence and relationship with that denomination. CHAPTER XXI. HISTORY OF HOPE COLLEGE. BY REV. S. C. NETTINGA, D.D., PROF. OF HISTORICAL THEOLOGY IN THE W.T.S., R.C.A. Hope College is a child of faith. The Holland immigrants of 1847 and subsequent years, who laid the foundations, were to a large extent, a deeply religious people. Being persecuted for their faith they came to the "Land of the Free" that they might, like so many others before and since, worship God as their conscience dictated. Over against the formalism of the day in their native land, they em- phasized the evangelical truths and the primacy of the Christian experi- ence in religious life, also a strict observance of the Sabbath-day and the importance of family worship. This is evident not only from their life in general but also from their persistence in the face of the greatest obstacles relative to the institution, the opposition of some, and the indifference of others. In view of this predominant characteristic of their life we are not sur- prised that within less than three years of their settlement at Holland, Mich., in the midst of the mighty forest, with little or no capital, these people already speak of a school for the training of their children to fit them for positions of usefulness. Yet such is the fact. In the spring of 1848 the Classis of Holland already discussed the general educational interests. In September of the same year the duty of supporting the schools on the part of the church was again urged. All this was but natural. Real, vital and evangelical Christianity and education have always gone hand in hand and the Hollanders have always been outstanding exponents of that fact. Providential Preparation. Fortunately for those heroic men and women and the cause of higher Christian education among them, providential preparation had already been made, whereby their hopes and desires were made possible. The Reformed Church in America true to her historic instinct, solicitous of conserving its people moving from the Eastern states to the rapidly growing West, had already begun home missionary work in Michigan and Illinois, several years previous to the coming of the new immi- grants to Holland, Mich., in 1847. As early as 1836 we read of a re- quest from the Classis of Schoharie to General Synod on the subject of establishing a theological seminary and college and a preparatory school 147 148 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA in the valley of the Mississippi in answer to which General Synod re- solved, "That a committee of two persons be appointed by the Board of Domestic Missions of the General Synod to visit the Western states and the territory of Michigan and report on the expediency of establishing missionary stations for the benefit of those formerly connected with our church and for their children." In 1843 Synod's attention was again called to the importance of Christian education in the West, upon which it recommended "the creating and sustaining of schools of a superior grade which should afford a good and thorough education and inculcate the principles of pure morality and sound religion." And so extensive had the missionary work in the West become by this time that the Classis of Illinois and Michigan had already been organized. In this way the mind of the church was prepared for the actual work. The Beginning. The actual beginning may be dated from 1850. In that year Rev. John Garretson, recently appointed Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Domestic Missions, visited the Holland Colony in Michigan and con- ferred with its leader, -Dr. A. C. Van Raalte, a man of high ideals and deeply interested in higher Christian education, being himself university trained. Dr. Garretson not only brought back a favorable report but also drew up a plan for a school at Holland, the object of which should be "To prepare sons of the colonists from Holland for Rutgers College, and also to educate daughters of said Colonists." He also obtained subscrip- tions for the institution on the condition that five acres of land be pro- cured for the purpose of an academy. This was donated by Dr. Van Raalte, forming the nucleus of the present beautiful campus of sixteen acres. Soon after this Mr. Walter T. Taylor, an elder in the Reformed Church of Geneva, was nominated as principal of the Western Academy. This position he accepted and began work in October 1851. He was assisted by his son and three daughters. Thus began this school of higher education of which Dr. Van Raalte said, "This is my anchor of Hope for this people in the future." He spoke not without reason. When we consider that these people were as yet practical strangers in this land; unacquainted with the language of the country, and on the whole without material means we realize how truly it was an undertaking of hope and faith. And we feel the force of the words of Dr. Philip Phelps, Jr. speaking of it some twenty-five years later, "Think of the heroic faith that would set up a school of higher education in a howling wilderness, by a people ignorant of the national tongue, barely able to support themselves." Strengthening the Stakes. In 1853, the year in which we find the first annual report of the in- stitution to General Synod, it was placed under the care of Synod thus becoming in the fullest sense a Church institution. HISTORY OF HOPE COLLEGE I49 In 1854, Mr. Taylor wishing to resign the principalship, the method of administration was changed. Up till this time, the administration had been local, the minister and elder of each congregation in the colony forming a committee to promote the educational interests among the people. Now it was resolved, "That the Boards of Education and Domestic Missions be instructed to combine their arrangement for the benefit of the colony at Holland, that a minister of our church may be selected, competent at once to preach the gospel and conduct the instructions of the academy and that he be supported by the joint contributions of the two Boards." The Rev. F. P. Beidler succeeded Mr. Taylor. He remained, how- ever, for only one year, whereupon Rev. John Van Vleck was appointed "Principal of the Holland Academy" as the school was now called and "Missionary preacher in the Colony." It was particularly during his term of service that considerable progress was made. Among other things accomplished was the building of what is to-day known as Van Vleck Hall. It is a large four story brick building. While to-day it serves exclusively for dormitory purposes, in that day it served a much more general purpose, being a dwelling for the principal, student dormitory, library, chapel, and recitation hall all in one. The money necessary for its erection, about $12,000, was largely collected by Dr. Van Raalte in the East. The next step in advance was the lengthening of the course of studies. Thus far no student had been carried beyond the preparatory course. Now, however, General Synod took action which enabled students who had the ministry in view to "pursue a portion of their studies in the Academy instead of entering at once into Rutgers College." That neces- sarily required additional teaching force. Accordingly the Board of Edu- cation sent Mr. Abraham Thompson as an additional instructor. Re- signing after one year, he was succeeded by Rev. Giles Vander Wall. In 1859 Mr. Van Vleck resigned, whereupon the Boards of Domestic Missions and Education united in the appointment of Rev. Philip Phelps as "Principal of the Academy and Missionary Preacher." Soon after this two new buildings were erected. In i860 the so-called "Oggel House" was erected as a residence. Two years later, in the winter and spring of 1862 the students under the direction of a carpenter erected the first gymnasium, a building that might also be used for commence- ment purposes. Not only did they cut down the trees but they also pre- pared the timbers and put them together. A private dedicatory service was held upon its completion, consisting of the hoisting of the stars and stripes, the reading of a psalm, the singing of a hymn, the offering of a prayer and concluding with three rousing cheers. The public dedication service took place in June of the same year. The College. It was now some twelve years since the school was opened. A begiiming had only been made. There was a preparatory department, a principal, one college class, a freshman class, ten in number having been formed. 150 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA but no professors and no endowment. At the beginning of the second college year, however, the college department was strengthened by the addition of Rev. P. J. Oggel and Rev. T. Romeyn Beck as professors. The following year a Board of Superintendents was appointed by General Synod. The next year a college was proposed and approved by the Synods. By 1865 $40,000 had been contributed as an endowment. The same year the college was incorporated. Before the first class graduated the faculty had been strengthened by the appointment of two additional professors, in the persons of Rev. Chas. Scott and Rev. C. E. Crispell. The first commencement took place in 1866, when eight young men were graduated. Seven of these took up theological studies in the college the next September, General Synod having taken action by which this step was made possible. In the same year Dr. Philip Phelps became the first Presi- dent of Hope College. As a mark of further growth during the next five years, four new pro- fessors were appointed, namely. Prof. C. Doesburg. Prof. Wm. A. Shields, Prof. G. J. Kollen and Rev. P. Moerdyk. Character and Object of the College. At this point it is well to call attention to the character and purpose of the institution, for at least two reasons. First, because it has played so large a part in the development of the college. Secondly, because it is so vital to its continued strength and influence. What this is, can be partly gathered from the constitution itself. That tells us "the character and object of the College and of the corporation are to provide the usual literary and scientific course of study, in connec- tion with sound evangelical religious instruction, according to the stand- ards of the Reformed Church, as based on the Holy Scripture." As a general statement that is perfectly correct. But besides that, the more specific object which the pioneers had in mind was to train men for leadership in the church, especially the ministry of the Gospel. They wanted a college for the purpose of training men for the ministry in the Reformed Church. This is evident from the report of General Synod's special committee in 1879. Speaking of the views prevailing in the West as to relation between the College and theological instruction it says, "To them the matter of Theology is the Signum collegii stantes vel cadentis." To this may be added the testimony of Rev. David Cole, Synod's agent in the Council of Hope College in the same year. Speaking of the value of Hope College to the church he says, "It is itself a foundation for Theology at the West, and this was the whole object for which the college was founded. . . . The almost unanimous and deeply earnest desire of the Hollanders is for Theology. The whole colony had theological training for their young men before them as their supreme object in founding Hope College." And to that same effect was the committee's report to General Synod in 1883 on the question of establishing Theology at Hope College, when it said, "But the Hollanders have no sympathy with a merely literary institution. They HISTORY OF HOPE COLLEGE I5I will not support it. They say so, and reiterate it in their various com- munications to General Synod. It is a Theological School they principally want." And Hope College will therefore remain true to the ideals of the founders, in proportion that it continues to keep that great object before it. Critical Period. We now enter upon the most critical period in the history of the institu- tion. It seems the financial resources had not kept pace with the expansion of the institution. The result was a constantly growing indebtedness, amounting to nearly $30,000 at this time, threatening the very existence of the institution. We need not dwell upon the probable reasons for this state of aflfairs. Accordingly heroic measures must be taken to save the institution. And these did not fail. President Phelps resigned in 1878 and was suc- ceeded by Rev. G. H. Mandeville of New York as provisional president and financial agent. As Dr. Mandeville did not reside in Holland the management of the College was put in charge of vice president Scott. A committee appointed by General Synod at its regular session in June 1878 made a thorough investigation, drew up a new constitution and also outlined a clearly defined plan for the future of the College. In the meantime Dr. Mandeville, first as president and in 1881 as head of a special committee appointed by General Synod of that year to liquidate the debt, succeeded in raising enough money so as to practically realize that object. In addition to that a generous gift of $10,000 for endowment was received, enabling the institution to function more freely. Progress, From this time on things moved forward more successfully. The very next year the report of the Council sounds more hopeful. It was also resolved to instruct the council to elect a permanent president. As such Dr. Scott was elected. The report of 1884 to Synod calls for needs involving the sum of $100,000. In response to this it was resolved to collect the money for the endowment of the presidency. During the sessions of General Synod in 1884, meeting in Grand Rapids, Mich., the sum of $3,100 was raised for a home for the president which was later supplemented by a gift from the Women's Executive Committee. As further marks of progress it may be stated that the first number of the College Anchor, was issued in 1887; a lady principal, in the person of Mrs. C. Van Raalte Gilmore, was also elected. This same year General Synod adopted a strong resolution in favor of employing a financial agent to raise $50,000 to secure the stability of the College. The next year Rev. J. F. Zwemer was appointed to secure not only the above sum but in addition $30,000 for the Western Theological Seminary and $20,000 for the North Western Classical Academy. While these evidences of progress were manifesting themselves, there was 152 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA nevertheless a constant struggle to keep the wolf from the door, not even to speak of advancing. No wonder the Council's report in 1891 gives utterance to the wish "That a man or woman of God, with silver wand might touch our beautiful campus and give us the nucleus of adequate buildings, fit for our growing needs !" This hope began to be fulfilled in 1892 when Elder N. M. Graves and Mrs. Garrett E. Wainants each donated $10,000 for an adequate library and chapel. At the same time the financial agent Rev. J. F. Zwemer re- ported subscriptions to the amount of $50,000. The greatest period of prosperity however, was yet to come. In 1893 Prof. G. J. Kollen was elected President of Hope College, introducing a period of marked growth along almost every line. A few figures will illustrate this. The number of students increased from 211 to 370. The faculty was almost doubled in number. Four splendid buildings were erected. The endowment was increased to $333,571.45. The church, however, did not yet fully realize the rapidly growing needs of this virile institution. The result was a constantly growing indebtedness, reaching the sum of nearly $25,000 in 191 1. When Dr. Kollen resigned the presidency in that year, Dr. A. Venema was elected to succeed hirli. From that time earnest and successful efiforts have been made to reduce the debt as well as to increase the endowment. In 1914 for the first time in several years no deficit was reported in the contingent fund while $2,600 reduction was made on the debt. The next year it was reduced by $5,540.51. And although this hopeful condition did not continue due to conditions brought on by the world war, the college has continued to grow, until under the present leadership of Presi- dent E. D. Dimnent, it is stronger than ever. The number of students to-day is larger than ever before, the graduating class of the present year 1921 alone numbering fifty-one. Financial support, due to the energetic work of Prof. A. Raap as financial agent is constantly increasing. There is also a constantly growing interest being manifested in the institution on the part of both alumni and the constituency which it more directly serves. The Fruits. What have been some of the fruits which this planting of the fathers has produced? Has it payed the toil and consecration of time and money which godly men and women put into it ? A bare recital of a few facts will give a sufficient answer for the present purpose. Thus instead of an undeveloped campus of five acres we have one of sixteen acres, beautifully shaded, with tennis courts and baseball field for recreation. Instead of one small building there are now ten, most of them well adapted to their purpose. Instead of no library, there is a library of some 23,000 volumes, many rare and of great value. There is also the beginning of a fine museum. And instead of no endowment there is an endowment of considerable over half a million dollars, which, though by no means sufficient to meet present need, at least shows splendid growth. HISTORY OF HOPE COLLEGE 1 53 In intellectual results Hope College is the peer of any similar institution in the land. Thus several graduates have passed qualifying examinations for the Rhodes scholarship. Fellowships and scholarships in dififerent universities of the land are being annually received by men and women of Hope. In oratory and debate the institution has been especially strong in recent years. Under the efficient training of Prof. J. B. Nykerk, the veteran teacher in the College, repeated victories have come to Hope for a number of years. As to religious fruitage the faith of the fathers has been most richly rewarded. The moral and religious standards of the men and women of Hope have always been high. This was partly due to the Christian charac- ter of the homes from which most, if not all, of them have come. But it was also due in part to the wholesome Christian atmosphere which the college has always sought to maintain, by means of the daily religious exercises, the personal ideals and influence of the faculty, the various religious organizations, such as Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., the several mission and Bible study classes, the several Sunday schools in the vicinity of Holland with a staff of some thirty teachers ; the student volunteer band with a present enrollment of over forty. All of these factors have entered into creating both a healthy religious atmosphere and a high moral standard. "In statistics gathered some years ago on the religious conditions of sixty-one colleges and universities, Hope ranks among the very highest in percentage of professing Christians, conversions, voluntary study classes and in contributions to missions." Such being the case we are not surprised to learn that of the 814 gradu- ates of the College to date, exclusive of those who have graduated from the preparatory school, 236 are now active in the ministry of the Gospel at home, while 56 are engaged in missionary work in other lands. Be- sides these, over one hundred are engaged in educational work of one kind or another, thus also directly moulding the lives of men and women toward Christian ideals. Such in brief is the story of this institution, planted by the faith and watered with the prayers of the fathers. Who can begin to measure the influence for good of such a work throughout 70 years? The little rivulet begun in the virgin forests of Western Michigan in 1850 has become a mighty stream carrying upon its bosom forces so potent for good that only eternity will be able sufficiently to show the results in the growth and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. CHAPTER XXII. HISTORY OF THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. BY REV. S. C. NETTINGA, D.D., PROF. OF HISTORICAL THEOLOGY IN THE W.T.S., R.C.A. One reads the story of this second seminary of the Reformed Church with mingled feelings of sadness and admiration. Sadness, because of the slowness with which the Reformed Church saw the vision and heeded the call for a theological institution in the West, as an indispensable condition for the growth of the Church in these regions. Admiration, for the men who saw the vision and had the courage to undertake the task. And it only verifies anew the lesson which lies upon the very surface of church his- tory, that if men only have faith in God's cause and grace to persevere they are bound to succeed. A brief survey of the history of the Institution will abundantly testify to this fact. Its Beginning. The inception of theological instruction must be sought in the petition of seven members of the Senior Class of Hope College in 1866, requesting General Synod to take such measures as would enable them to pursue their theological studies in the present institution. Not that this was the first time this m.atter had been before Synod ; on the contrary, it was "an old and cherished sentiment of the Dutch Church." As early as 1847, the year of the Holland immigration, we read in the Report on the State of the Church, Min. Gen. Synod, Vol. 7, "Let an Institution of high order for classical and theological instruction, under our patronage as long as neces- sary and at first under our control also, be established somewhere in the West." The petition of these seven students simply revived this old sentiment. Accordingly we are not surprised that the Synod resolved : "That the sub- ject be referred to the Board of Education and the Council of Hope College with instruction, that leave be granted these students to pursue their theological studies at Hope College, provided that no measures shall be instituted by which additional expense shall be thrown upon Synod, or the Board of Education at this time." And, we are still less surprised when it is remembered, that this was the ideal which the Holland immigrant had held before them, from the be- ginning, in the founding of the Holland Academy. In their minds education was inseparable from religion, and a College HISTORY OF THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I55 without theology was incomplete. They were not interested in a purely classical or literary institution for its own sake. What they wanted was a school tor the education of their ministers to lead their churches. It was with this end in view that the Holland churches in the West subscribed $20,000 for an Endowment for Hope College, and with such a spirit of sacrifice that some even "denied themselves the comforts of life." Besides, the exigencies of the case demanded it. The work of church extension in the West was moving rapidly forward. The great difficulty was how to supply pastors to lead the new churches ; many were without pastors, others could have been organized if there had been men to shepherd the fields. The next year the Committee appointed to examine the whole field and report to the Synod declared : "Your Committee beg leave to say most emphatically, that in their judgment it would be disastrous to our existing educational institutions and to our churches in the West and also to our Domestic Missionary operations there to withdraw from Hope College at the present time the privilege of theological instruction. We believe the future will demonstrate that the action of the last General Synod was both wise and timely, and that no backward step should be taken." These were strong words. Would that the whole Church had seen it as clearly at the time, and given the resolutions subsequently adopted their whole hearted support during the dceade that followed. How many heart-burnings might have been spared, and how different the history of the western part of the Reformed Church in America might have been. The result of this Committee's report was the continuance of theological instruction and the election of the Rev. Cornelius E. Crispell, D.D., as Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology. Synod also invited the other professors of the College to act, "as Lectors as they had done during the year before." Provision was also made for the government of this De- partment of Theology by dividing the Board of Superintendents of New Brunswick Seminary into two branches; one for the Eastern Particular Synod, and the other for the Western Particular Synod ; the latter com- posed of representatives from the Western Classes and charged with the ordinary functions of such a Board. Whatever one may think of this arrangement it is evident that favorable action on the part of Synod was not lacking. Difficulties. The work however, so auspiciously begun in 1866 and, so enthusiastically continued in 1867, soon met difficulties. For the very next year it seems a new plan was proposed. There were two parties in the West, diflfering as to the relation of theological instruction to Hope College. One desiring it to be a department of the College, and have the College itself trans- formed into a University, the name proposed was "Hope Haven Uni- versity ;" the other party desired that theological instruction should remain separate and independent of the College. The disposition of this new question was postponed till the next year. 156 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA The outcome of the whole discussion was that Synod definitely defined the status of things, by denying the university scheme as premature ; by constituting the Council of Hope College, the Board of Superintendents of the Western Theological School, with duties and prerogatives like those of the Board of Superintendents of the New Brunswick Seminary ; by electing two additional Professors, viz., Dr. Philip Phelps and Albertus C. Van Raalte ; by instructing the Council of Hope College to complete the organization of the Theological Department at the College, such department to be known as the Western Theological Seminary of the Synod, and by recognizing the Faculty of Hope College, exclusive of the members not acting as theological Professors and Lectors, as the Faculty of the The- ological School. This arrangement continued until theological instruction was sus- pended in 1877. But whilst such action and several strong resolutions were adopted to promote the welfare and success of the institution, these hopes were not realized. Not only did the number of students fail to in- crease, but the churches also failed to support the institution financially as they should have done to insure success. The result was a gradually increasing indebtedness, which threatened to close up the whole institution. The signs of it were already apparent in 1873. The report of that year on the Professorate reads : "Help must come at once, or the College doors must be closed." Another matter that seems to have caused embarrassment and to have retarded the growth of the institutions was the unsatisfactory position of the theological professors, acting at the same time, as both College and theological professors. And, what must we think of a Synod, electing men to the office of theological teachers and thereby binding itself to become responsible for their support, and then utterly failing to do so? Yet such was the case. In 1875 Professors Scott and Beck were chosen lectors at salaries definitely stipulated. The very next year Professor Beck reported his acceptance of the appointment provided : "That relieved from anxiety, he may rely on the assurance that such salary shall be promptly paid; while Professors Crispell and Scott were compelled to inform Synod that the Church owed them $2,700 in salary, and to ask "cannot Synod adopt some means to secure the payment of the salaries it has fixed for us." The proper resolutions were again adopted relative to this painful situation, but little or nothing came of it. Hence we are not surprised at the action of the Synod the following year: "That in view of the present embarrassed condition of the finances of the College, the Council be directed for the present to suspend the theological department." Thus the "shortsighted party in the East" and the "reactionary party" at the West both of which deemed the eastern seminary sufficient, seemingly had their way. What the consequences, however, of that decision have been upon the western section of the Church, in the light of events that followed within the next seven years, can only be surmised. HISTORY OF THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1 57 One thing at least is certain that it shook the western part of the church, •especially the Dutch section of it, to its foundation. It was also wholly •contrary to its desire as is evident from the memorials that went to Synod the very next year from the Classes of Holland, Grand River and Wis- consin as also from the Council of Hope College, petitioning the General Synod to repeal the action of the former Synod in suspending theology. The Synod, however, did not see its way clear to do so, because of ex- isting conditions. Instead, it appointed a committee to investigate the •entire situation and report to Synod the following year. The result was. Synod resolved: "That in the judgment of this Synod, until the College shall be put upon a secure and satisfactory basis, the question of the restoration of theology should be kept in abeyance ; but as soon as the College has been placed upon such a basis then the eflfort should be earnest- ly made to place theology upon a similar foundation." The Restor.-vtion of Theology. It was not until 1883 that action toward the restoration of theological instruction was taken, when the Rev. Artemus Ward, a member of the Synod of that year offered a resolution which read : "That the General Synod appoint a special committee to report at this session as to the advisability of organizing a department of theological instruction at the West at an early date." This was done, the Committee reporting favorable. The reasons given were threefold. First, it was what the constituency of Hope College evidently wanted refusing to support an institution that did not contemplate theological instruction. Second, the necessity of providing ministers for the Western churches and for denominational expansion. The committee pointed out the fact that many of the Western men sought preparation for the ministry in other denominational schools. Third, the crisis through which the Western church were passing, due to the antimasonic agitation, whereby the restoration of theological instruc- tion became a question of life and death to the West. Wherefore, it was resolved, "That theological instruction at Hope College be resumed in the autumn of 1884, provided the churches belonging to the Particular Synod of Chicago obtain funds, which when added to the sum now under the care of the Board of Direction for that purpose, will fully ■endow the Professorship of Didactic and Polemic Theology." The next year the General Synod met in Grand Rapids, Mich., and, though the conditions had not been fully met, enough had been done to warrant the Synod to proceed to the election of a Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, who was "not to begin his work till the sum of $30,000 were in the hands of the Treasurer of the Synod." As such the Rev. N. M. Steffens, D.D., was elected. In December of that year the conditions upon which he was elected having been complied with, Prof. Dr. Steffens was inaugurated and the school of theology was re- •opened with five students, one in the Middle and four in the Junior Class. 158 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA The Council of Hope College acting as a Board of Superintendents also- elected the Revs. Peter Moerdyke and Henry E. Dosker as temporary Lectors, the former to teach Greek Exegesis, the latter the historical branches. Forward Steps. From this time on there was slow but steady progress. A brief recital of the facts will verify this assertion. The very next year after the re- storation of theology the relation of the theological instruction to the College, which had caused so much friction in the past, was definitely settled by making the Seminary a separate institution, independent of the College, with its own governing Board, its own constituent Faculty and its own curriculum. It was also resolved, that the old title, The Theological Department of Hope College, be changed to the now familiar name, The Western The- ological Seminary of the R. C. A., though it was for some time, owing to former relations, known as "Hope Seminary." The only remnant of the former relationship remaining is the ex-ofificio membership of the Presi- dent of the College in the Seminary Board and the reprint of the Seminary Catalog in that of Hope College. The same year the Board requested the General Synod to establish a second Professorship, to be known as the Professorship of Biblical Languages and Literature. This request was granted, on condition that the Professor elected be not inaugurated until suitable provision should have been made for his support. Rev. Daniel Van Pelt, was elected. He however declined, whereupon the Lectors of the previous year were re-engaged. In 1886 Rev. Henry E. Dosker was elected Lector, with the understand- ing that he resign his pastorate and devote all his time to teaching. This arrangement continued for two years when the Synod "realizing that the appointment of a Lector from year to year, is attended with serious dis- advantages and cannot give such permanency as is desirable to the position or to instruction." recommended, "that the Synod proceed to the election' of a Professor of Biblical Language and Exegesis in the Western Theologi- cal Seminary at Holland." The result was that Rev. John W. Beardslee of Troy, N. Y. was elected, but who was not to be installed until the sum of $30,000 had been secured for his support. This was finally accomplished by Synod's agent Rev. Jas. F. Zwemer in 1893, after Dr. Beardslee had taught for nearly five years. For tho the Board had requested Synod in 1892 to make arrangements for his installation. Synod refused to accede to it except upon compliance with the monetary conditions of 1888. This condition having been practically fulfiled in 1893 thru the untiring efforts of Rev. J. F. Zwemer as financial Agent the Synod sanctioned his immediate installation. In view of the increasing number of students and the large variety of subjects to be taught by the two professors, the appointment of a Lector was also proposed in this same year.This, however, was not carried out until the following year, when the Board instead of appointing a Lector "resolved. HISTORY OF THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I59 that, waiving the right granted by Synod to appoint a Lector we urgently request the Synod to elect a Professor of Historical Theology, the Synod not to become responsible for his salary until the Endowment of $30,000 shall have been secured." And further, that such Professors shall not enter upon his duties until his salary in the amount of $1,200 annually has been secured by reliable pledges for the period of five years. In securing these annual pledges Mr. Zwemer laid the foundation for the Salary Fund or Syndicate, which has ever since supplemented the deficiency of sufficient Endowment Income. The Synod granting this request Rev. Henry E. Dosker, who had already served as Lector but had been discharged upon the election of Dr. Beards- lee, was now duly elected to the Chair of Historical Theology. But, in stead of postponing the installations as had been done in the case of Dr. Beardslee immediate provision for his installation into office was made. The next forward step of importance was the building of Semelink Family Hall in 1895. This was made possible by the generosity of Mr. Peter Semelink of the Vriesland Michigan Reformed Church. It is a commodious building having five lecture rooms and a large chapel. Some years afterwards Mr. Semelink donated an additional sum of $3000 for its permanent maintenance. Another step in advance was made in 1904, when the fourth Chair, that of Practical. Theology was established, and its occupant was to be elected as soon as the endowment of the Third Chair was completed and funds were available for his support. This was realized in 1907, when Synod's agent reported the fulfillmeiTt of these conditions, whereupon the Synod proceeded to elect a fourth Professor and the choice fell upon Rev. Jas. F. Zwemer, D.D., who was duly installed in the Fall of the same year. The Western Theological Seminary now had four active Professorships, not large, perhaps, as compared with many other Seminaries of the land, but at least large when compare with the humble beginnings of 1884, and still more with that of 1866. At the same time the institution was gradually winning its way into the hearts of the western part of the Church. This was due to Dr. Zwemer's house to house campaign carried on for so many years, assisted by the loyalty of the several pastors. But a healthy institution has constantly increasing needs. So we are not surprised at efforts being made of providing funds for a Dormitory or Divinity Hall. Initiative efforts to secure pledges from the various pastors thru correspondendence, conducted by the students under the guidance of the Professor of Practical Theology met with promising suc- cess. Meanwhile, the gift of a valuable piece of property had been secured, thru the good office of Rev. R. H. Joldersma of the first church of Roches- ter, N. Y., the sale of which gave a $7000 start to the undertaking. The permanent committee on the Finances accordingly let the contract for this building, as, also a Central Heating plant, costing together the sum of $27,000. Prof. Zwemer having engaged to raise the entire amount needed, the erection of this much needed Dormitory was begun under the super- vision of the IJuilding Committee composed of Messrs. Profs. Kolyn, l6o THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Zwemer and Elder Teunis Prins of Holland, and by the opening of the school in the Fall of 1913 this student Home was ready for occupancy. In the meantime other important forward steps were taken, Prof.; Beardslee surprised the Board of Superintendents on May 12th 1912 with the announcement of his desire to donate monies for the erection of a Library Building as a record of his love for the Seminary and as an expression of his desire to continue his services to the church after he should cease to be personally connected with it. At the same time he expressed the hope that it might be completed before their next annual meeting in May. The result was that the Beardslee Memorial Library was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on May 14,1913, giving the Seminary a splendidly equipped building for its work. At the same time the Central Heating and Lighting plant had been erected whereby all the buildings on the Seminary Campus are now heated and lighted, reducing the cost of maintenance as also lessening the danger of fires. The Seminary now had three endowned chairs, each in the sum of $30,000 while the support of the fourth chair having an endowment of $10,000 derived its supplementary support from the so-called Salary Fund consisting of annual contributions by the churches. As the above endowments were no longer adequate to meet the increased salaries the Board at its annual meeting in 1915 resolved to increase the endowments of each chair to $40,000. Through the energetic work of Dr. Zwemer as Professor Emertius this was completed within a year. The next year another forward step was taken. As early as 1916 Synod had already established a Fifth professorship, by dividing that of Biblical languages and Exegesis into the Professorship of Old Testament Language and Literature and the Professorship of New Testament Language and Literature. Due to the lack of income however, this chair was not filled until 1920. During the latter part of 1919 the senior Emeritus Prof. John W. Beardslee offered to donate $5000 for the endowment of said Chair, if the churches would raise the remaining $35,000 by the time the Board met in May of the year 1920. The committee in charge of the finances of the Seminary accepted the offer with the result that once more thru the efforts of Dr. Zwemer the necessary sum was secured by the appointed time. However, the income of these endowments does not begin to meet the present salary Budget but the deficit is annually met by the proceeds of the Salary Fund Syndicate, the income of which during the current year was equal to the interest at five percent on an endowment of $110,000. Besides these marks of growth, others have followed as a matter of course. Thus the library, the foundation of which was laid by several Eastern ministers in the early 90s has grown from year to year through the generosity of friends, till at present there is a working library of some 12,000 volumes. Then too the curriculum has been gradually strengthened. A B. D. course has been successfully begun while in 1920 Synod granted the Faculty permission to make provision for the training of lay-workers thru extension courses. HISTORY OF THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMIi\x\RY l6l Change in Professorship. In the meantime various changes have occurred in the personnel of the faculty. In 1895 Dr. N. M. Steffens resigned, which resignation was accepted with sincere regret, and Rev. Egbert Winter was elected in his place. In 1903 Dr. Henry E. Dosker having accepted a call to the Union Semi- nary at Louisville Kentucky handed in his resignation which was accepted "with sincere regret and high appreciation of his valuable and successful services as Professor." Fortunately for the School Dr. Steffens was elected to fill his place and he returned to the Seminary. In the same year Dr. Winter after eight years of faithful and painstaking service was com- pelled by reason of increasing deafness to resign whereupon Dr. G. H. Dubbink was elected in his place. Dr. Dubbink after occuping this position with great credit passed away on July 19, 1910. Whereupon the Board requested Dr. Steffens to take charge of this chair until the Synod should meet the following year. The Synod of that year transferred him to the chair of Didactic Theology in which he continued to serve with great accept- ability until his sudden death in 1912, since when Dr. E. J. Blekkink, has occupied this chair. When Dr. Steffens was transferred to his former chair of Theology, Dr. Matthew Kolyn was elected to the Professorship of Historical Theology and continued so with scholarly ability until his death May 13,1918. At a special meeting of the Board in June following. Rev. S. C. Nettinga of Grand Rapids was appointed to take his place and he was, the following year elected by the Synod as Professor of Historical Theology. In 1913 Dr. John W. BeaVdslee for reasons of age and health resigned after twenty-five years of efficient and faithful services and his place was filled by the election of his son, Prof. John W. Beardslee, Jr., Ph. D. However, his father Dr. Beardslee continued as Emeritus Professor and President of the Faculty to teach as his strength permitted. In 1914 Dr. Zwemer whose health had become seriously impaired by overwork and nervous prostration was constrained to ask for a year's release from the class room work. This was given, but after that period of rest his slow recovery did not warrant his return to the full duties of his office, and so after nine years of faithful and varied service of the School he offered his resignation as active Professor and was upon his request declared Emeritus Professor of Practical Theology and placed in charge of the finances of the Seminary. In this capacity he continued to serve with self-sacrificing devotion and success until his death in 1921. It is largely through his more than wellnigh thirty years of continued labor in behalf of the financial needs of the Seminary that the institution begins to stand today upon a fairly solid financial foundation. When Dr. Zwemer resigned Prof. John E. Kuizenga, D.D., of Hope Col- lege was appointed by the Board acting Professor for a year after which he was elected by Synod as a permanent professor. When in 1917 Prof. Beardslee Jr. was called to the Seminary at New Brunswick, his aged father accompanied him whereby practically two professorships became l62 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA vacant. The Board at a special session appointed Rev. Henry Hospers, D. D., of Grand Rapids to the Chair of the Old Testament Languages and Literature and the following year he was elected a full professor. Finally, when the endowment of the Fifth Chair was completed in 1920 the Board at a special meeting appointed Prof. J. Vander Meulen of Hope College to take up the work. After a year's successful work he was per- manently elected by the Synod of 1921 to the Chair of New Testament languages and literature. Such in brief is the history of this school of the prophets. Surely in view of the results to the Reformed Church and the Kingdom of God it has abundantly justified its existence. In the half century of its life, including the seven years of its suspension, 259 men have gone from it into the ministry of the Church most of them to the western part of it. The fruit of their labors of love and their devotion is seen to a large extent in the splendid growth of that section of the church, not to speak of the large number who have gone into the foreign service. Moreover in view of such a record no one ought ever again to despise the day of small things, confident that those who have faith in the cause of God never labor in vain in the Lord. CHAPTER XXIII HISTORY OF CENTRAL COLLEGE BY REV. S. C. NETTINGA, D.D., PROF. OF HISTORICAL THEOLOGY IN THE W.T.S., R.C.A. Central College, located at Pella, Iowa, Marion Co. is a providential gift to the Reformed Church in America. That is the view which we of the present day ought to take of it, and which, in the light of the history of our educational institutions, will be taken of it in the days to come. For regardless of the difficult beginnings, the history of our educational institu- tions ought to be convincing evidence that where there is faith in God and in the reality and potency of things spiritual, there can be no failure in this newest educational enterprise of the Reformed Church in America. And to have refused the offer as it came would have evidenced lack of faith in God's providential guidance of His Church and in the growing power of our denominational life. Its Origin. The circumstances of its origin so far as the Reformed Church is con- cerned are clearly stated in the resolution of its Board ofTrustees adopted Nov. 30, 191 5. It was then resolved, "That all grounds, buildings and equipment now owned by said Central College University of Iowa, to- gether with said name of said institution, be transferred, conveyed and turned over to the Reformed Church in America ; or its agents or trustees and without material monetary consideration, upon the condition and in consideration that the said Reformed Church in America, its agents or trustees take said grounds, buildings and equipment and build up and maintain at Pella, Iowa, an accredited Christian College under the laws of the state of Iowa. Failure of said Reformed Church in America, its agents or trustees to build up and maintain such an accredited college at Pella shall work a forfeiture of its rights and claims to said property and equipment and the same shall revert to the Board of managers of the American Baptists Educational Society to be used for the interests of education by the Iowa Baptists as provided by the original donors of said property. The reasons for this unusual action were twofold — first, a desire of the Board of Education of the Northern Baptist Convention to consolidate their educational interests in the State. Secondly, the constituency of the Reformed Church being large in the community is apt to increase if the control of the College be placed in the hands of the Reformed Church. 163 164 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA The matter was brought to the attention of General Synod by the Board of Education in its annual report. Also by an Overture from the Part- icular Synod of Chicago urging General Synod to accept the offer. Favor- able action had also been taken by the Particular Synod of New Brunswick and by the Classis of Greene. Whereupon General Synod at its regular meeting in June 1916 adopted among others, the two following important resolutions. I. That General Synod accepts Central University of Iowa as tendered by its Board of Trustees, as reconstituted by its action taken June 6, 1916, as the agency of the Reformed Church in America for the government and control of the said College during the ensuing year" and 2. "That as a precedent to Central College being fully established as a College of the Reformed Church, the project of securing at least $150,000 additional endowment is deemed essential to the permanent efficiency of the College, and the Board of Trustees is hereby encouraged to complete the work so happily begun." It was also resolved that the Board of Trustees and the Board of Educa- tion R. C. A. work out a plan of government for the college and report to General Synod in 1917. Thus Central College 'officially became a Reformed Church institution. It is true, a condition to raise the endowment to $200,000 was placed upon the trustees, yet this above action became practically, and to all intents and purposes, decisive. For even though that condition remains as yet un- realized, no one who has faith in the future of the Reformed Church can conceive of General Synod ever reversing its action of 1916. Its Previous History. Central College was a Baptist institution. Its corporate title is Central University of Iowa, but it is known as Central College. It was authorized in 1853. In 1854 an academic department had been opened. By 1861 a full quota of classes were at work. As to standing it was about on a par with the average small college of the land. It maintained an academy in con- nection with the college; a conservatory of music, a department of oratory and expression and a business department. It granted the degrees of A. B., Ph. D., and B. S. There was at the time of transfer a faculty of 21 members, 13 men and 8 women. The equipment at the time of transfer consisted of a campus of eight acres, right in the heart of the town of Pella on which were five buildings valued at about $iio,ooo.An endowment fund of some $13,000 and known as the Curtis and Barker funds accompanied the transfer, but were with- drawn in 1920 by action of the Supreme Court of Iowa. Its Character and Purpose. As to character. Central College is a broadly Christian institution for the purpose of training ministers and missionaries and Christian leaders in all the walks of life. Or to quote the Particular Synod of Chicago in HISTORY OF CENTRAL COLLEGE 165 its overture to General Synod in 1916, "The Reformed Church West of the Mississippi needs a college not only for the training of ministers and missionaries but also for the development of higher ideals of life and service, to hold and promote the loyal interests of the coming generations of our prospective physicians and lawyers, teachers and business men, and to train a membership able and ready to take care of our Bible School instruction of at least high school grade." It also stated that "such training and equipment can be best obtained through institutions under the care of their own church and near enough to draw them. Evidences of Progress. Its history since adoption by the Reformed Church has already begun to verify the truth of the above words. Under the leadership of Pres. Hoffman and his stafif of some 19 instructors it is making wholesome progreess. In the President's report to Synod in 1918 it was stated that the lower classes in both academy and college were proportionately larger than the higher, proving that the school was taking on a new lease of life; and that 90% of these students come from districts that had never con- tributed any students to the educational institutions of the Reformed Church, proving that the College was developing new fields of educational activity in the church and not duplicating the work of other institutions. In other words. Central College has simply become another center of higher Christian education in the Reformed Church for many young people, who without it never would seek it. And tho the number is not yet large it is growing rapidly and already beginning to send forth men into the ministry of the Reformed Church as well as other useful positions. Other marks of progress are the erection of a new fire proof library building to replace the old one destroyed by fire ; a new ladies dormitory, a Central heating plant, and a gymnasium and assembly hall. It has also greatly increased the variety of courses. Its endowment has to date reached the sum of $154,000, some $21,000 of which is unproductive, and tho just at present the task of increasing it is difificult due to the financial depression, there can be no doubt as to the future success of this enterprise, if the church only has faith and courage enough to persevere. Then it too. like its predecessors will send forth streams of blessing into the world. CHAPTER XXIV. HISTORY OF ACADEMIES. BY PROF. S. C. NETTINGA, D.D., PROF. OF HISTORICAL THEOLOGY IX THE VV.T.S., R.C.A. I THE NORTHWESTERN CLASSICAL ACADEMY The Northwestern Classical Academy was founded in 1882. It is located at Orange City, Iowa, a territory described in the Agricultural report of the U. S. Commission, as the garden of America. It is also in the midst of one of the most flourishing sections of the Reformed Church. The Academy is a Christian institution under the auspicies of the Re- formed Church in America. Its purpose is to lay the foundation for a higher Christian education as well as to instill high ideals into the lives of all who come under its influence. Its curriculum prepares students for full collegiate work in classical, scientific and literary courses. Its students are admitted into the leading colleges without examination. In 1893 it was placed on the list of Iowa Colleges by the State Board of examiners. It has a campus of 8 acres, a well equipped building for its purpose and also a residence for the principal, erected in the days when Prof. J. D. Zwemer was principal. Its sources of income are fourfold — contributions from the churches ; appropriations from the Board of Education, R. C. A ; income from tuitions and from an endowment of some $50,000. In addition to this it possesses some $5,000 for a building fund which is being slowly gathered, for the erection of a gymnasium. The faculty consists of four instructors beside the Principal. The number of students in 1920 was 100. the largest in its history. As to results, the Academy has already graduated 418 students of whom 100 have entered the ministry at home and abroad, while several others are now in preparation for similar and other influential positions. II PLEASANT PRAIRIE ACADEMY Pleasant Prairie Academy is located at German Valley, 111., about 100 miles west of Chicago, in one of the prosperous rural communities of that state. It is also in the heart of an ever growing consituency of the German branch of the Reformed Church in America. It was opened for work in September 1894. 166 HISTORY OF ACADEMIES 167 The purpose of the institution is to prepare men for the ministry in the German speaking churches because the existing institutions of the church failed to supply the need. For this reason a Collegiate as well as an Academic department was opened, and actually attempted. Due to financial difficulties, however, the college plan was abandoned in 1897. It has Classical, scientific and literary courses in the English language, which are up to the standard requirements of Hope and Central Colleges. It also has a normal course for teachers, and an elementary business course. It has a Faculty at present of four teachers including the Principal, Prof. F. Bosch. The number of students during the year 1919-1920 was thirty-four. Its sources of income are from tuition ; interest from a small endowment ; contributions from the churches and appropriations from the Board of Education, R. C. A. Since the coming of its present Principal, the school has taken on a new lease of life. The Classes of Pleasant Prairie and Germania have decided to maintain the Academy in its present location. They have also pledged it their full support. The churches of both Classes are at present being thoroughly canvassed for money to erect a new building. Also to increase the number of students. A goodly number of its graduates have already entered the ministry of the Reformed Church. Ill THE WISCONSIN MEMORIAL ACADEMY The first suggestion toward the establishment of the Wisconsin Memorial Academy was made in the Council of Hope College, April 1900. This was endorsed by the Particular Synod of Chicago in May of that year, as also by the Classis of Wisconsin. Work began in November, 1900, with 17 students. The Academy is located at Cedar Grove, Wisconsin about 35 miles north of Milwaukee. Sessions were first held in the Chapel of the Reformed Church at Cedar Grove. A building, however, was erected and ready for occupancy by June 1902. The purpose of the Academy is identical with all the educational institu- tions of the Reformed Church, namely, to train men and women for positions of Christian leadership. Its faculty consists of four teachers including the Principal. The number of students in 1920 was 56, the largest in the history of the school. Its sources of income like the other academies are: Contributions from the churches ; appropriations by the Board of Education R. C. A. ; and tuitions. The beginning of a small endowment has also been made. As to results, several of its graduates have already entered the ministry of the church as also other positions of usefulness. (See pages 96-97 of this work). CHAPTER XXV. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETIES. BY REV. A. D. W. MASON, D.D. The Reformed Church has always shown much interest in its young people, and exercised great care in regard to their religious and social training. In the early history of the church the children and youth were gathered into catechetical classes and carefully taught the doctrines of religion. The Heidelberg Catechism was prepared, not only as a declara- tion of the faith of the church, but as "a method of instruction in the Christian religion, as the same is taught in the Reformed churches and schools in Holland and America." And the "Compendium" is a shorter form of the Catechism arranged for those who intend to approach the Holy Supper of the Lord. This system of catechetics is still pursued in the larger number of our Holland and German churches, and, to some extent, is being used with good results among our American congregations. Following the "Catechetical Classes," the Sunday-schools were the next form of young people's organizations for religious training. They were introduced into the Reformed Church early in the nineteenth century, and the catechetical instruction hitherto given directly by the minister was imparted through the medium of the teacher or by the pastor during the school session. The growth of the modern Sunday-school system of religious instruction is a matter of familiar knowledge, and it need only be said that to that development the Reformed Church has contributed her full share. On February 2, 1881 "Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor" was founded by Rev. Francis E. C/ark, among the young people of the Williston Congregational Church of Portland, Maine, of which he was then the young and resourceful pastor. Its success in inspiring and developing the spiritual life of its members soon attracted the attention of the pastors and leaders of neighboring churches, and led them to inquire into its principles and methods. A little later a conference of those inter- ested was held at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, and soon this new method of Christian work began to take root and spread among neighboring congregations. About two years after this initial date, on April 19, 1883, the second C. E. Society in the Reformed Church in America, and the first society of its kind to be formed by any denomination, within the area of Greater 168 YOUNG people's SOCIETIES 169 New York was organized, with nineteen charter members, in the South Re- formed Church of Brooklyn, N. Y., of which Rev. A. DeW. Mason was then pastor. Later it was learned that less than two months before, in February, 1883, the very first Christian Endeavor Society in the Reformed Church in America had been organized by Rev. Ralph W. Brokaw, then pastor of the Reformed Church in Belleville, N. J., but for some time these two pioneer societies existed almost side by side without either knowing of the existence or work of the other. This movement soon spread rapidly in our churches and was so cordially received by them that in 1888, our General Synod was asked to endorse the new organization and did so by passing this resolution : "That this Synod, recognizing the value and success of the work of the 'Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor in this and other lands, heartily commends that organization to our pastors and Consistories as a well proven and ef- fective means of arousing and developing life and labors of the youth of our churches." This action put the Reformed Church on record as being one of the first, if not the very first, of the leading denominations to adopt the principles and methods of Christian Endeavor, and so stimula- ted the growth of the Society amongst us that in 1893 there were enrolled 342 societies in the 600 churches of the denomination. Notwithstanding the many varieties of society that have since arisen among us, the leading Young People's organization is still the Christian Endeavor Society. About 400 such societies, Junior Intermediate and Senior, being now connected with our churches. When this movement had" been thus largely adopted by the Reformed Church, it was felt that some form of cooperative action along missionary lines was most desirable and as a result of cansiderable conference and discussion the "Christian Endeavor Missionary League" was organized in 1893 with the purpose of uniting our young people in some specific form of missionary work through the Foreign and the Domestic Missionary Boards of the Church. The first work that was accomplished was the appropriation of $800 (which was raided before the League was organized) to the Bethel Reformed Church at Leota, Minn., which thus became "C. E. Church No. i." After the organization of the League was accom- plished, the yearly contributions were largely increased and thereafter from two to three "C. E. Churches" in our Domestic Mission fields were thus as- sisted annually, the amount raised for this purpose averaging $1,500 to $2,000 per year. Foreign Mission work was also soon undertaken, and from $3,000 to $4,500 per year was raised toward this work, the first "C. E. Foreign Missionary" to be thus sustained being Rev. William L Chamberlain, now the well-known Corresponding Secretary of the Foreign Alission Board of our Church, but then a young missionary working in the Chittoor Station of our Arcot Mission in India. Other objects of missionary and educational interest were later added, and for eleven years the League continued under its original title. The name was then changed to "The Young People's Missionary League" in order to include other than Christian Endeavor Societies in its activities. I/O THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA In 1904 Mr. Mason was succeeded as President of the League by the Rev. Charles VV. Gulick of Newark, N. J. In 1908 when Mr. Mason resignd from his official relation to the Mission Boards to become one of the editors of the Christian Intelligencer, he was followed as Secretary of Young People's Mission Work by Mr. Harry L. Kinports, whose long experience in Christian Endeavor work and with the local conditions of church life in New York City as he met them in the position of lay assistant to Dr. David J. Burrell, of the Collegiate Church, marked him as peculiarly fitted for the leadership of the young people of our Church. After an eminently successful service of ten years, Mr. Kinports retired from this position and the work for young people was transferred to the educational department of the Board of Publication and Bible-School Work. This has been since administered through Rev. Theodore F. Baylis and Rev. Abram Duryee. the successive Educational Secretaries of that Board. The history of the missionary work of the Christian Endeavor Societies of the Reformed Church in America has thus been told in some detail, because it was a unique and pioneer work amid all the many denominations which have adopted Christian Endeavor into their Church life and pol- ity. While, of course, C. E. Societies of every denomination have always encouraged the study and'support of missionary work, yet it was the Mission Boards of the Reformed Church in America who were the first to make a systematic and organized eflfort to educate and train the missionary zeal of the Christian Endeavor Societies on a denominational scale. Mr. Mason was the first denominational Secretary for Young People's Mission Work" to be officially appointed and maintained by the Mission Boards of and denomination, and the "Christian Endeavor Missionary League" was the first department of its kind to work exclusively for the development of the missionary activities of the young people of its denomination. It is gratifying to recall this fact, and to know that the principles and methods of this League were appreciated and employed, to a considerabe extent, by similar departments in other denominations which were establi- shed subsequent to this pioneer organization. The changing conditions of the passing years have since necessitated the adoption of other methods to conserve and to develop the missionary zeal of the young people of our churches. But their devotion to the cause of missions, and their consecration of heart and hand to this primary duty of every Christian have not changed nor been diminished. Each generation in its own way will labor to advance the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth and the reign in the hearts of every people of Him who is forever King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Saviour of all mankind. CHAPTER XXVI. BOARD OF EDUCATION. REVISKD BY KE\ . JOH.N G. GEBHARD, D. D. An Educational Society was organized independently, in the year 1828. for the purpose of assisting needy students in their preparation for the ministry. In the eighteenth century, and early part of the nineteenth, a fee of £15 had been exacted from each church calling and settling a licentiate, and a fee of £5, generally from each student, on receiving his license to preach. From these moneys indigent students were sometimes assisted or the professorial fee for a diploma was paid, if the student was unable to meet the expense himself. When a fund for the support of a professorship began to be raised it was also stipulated that needy students should be assisted from the same. (Theological Seminaries). In 1812 it was ordered that collections should be taken up in the churches for this object. A committee was also appointed at the same Synod to confer with the trustees of Queen's College concerning the provision of a fund to meet the necessities of the students, while the Board of Superin- tendents were also permitted to draw from the treasurer of the Synod such amounts as they deemed proper, for this purpose. The copyright of the Psalm and Hymn Book was also secured to the Synod for the benefit of students, the publishers being requested to pay the Synod six cents for each copy sold. But in five years this only amounted to $240. With the first installments of the Van Bunschooten bequest, in 1814. some additional help was obtained. In 1815 Miss Rebecca Knox, of Philadelphia (a member of Dr. Brodhead's church), left $2,000, for the support of students, but which did not become immediately available. Cent societies, established in many congregations, also brought in means to some extent. From all these sources the Board of Superintendents distributed $200 in the year 1814, spending in addition $120 for the purchase of Hebrew Bibles. An increas- ing amount was appropriated each year, until 1819. when they distributed the sum of $1,315 ; but the amount distributed did not reach as high a figure as this again till 1828, the same year in which the Educational Society was organized. On the seventh day of May. 1828. a number of ministers and friends met in the lecture room of the Collegiate Church, in the city of Xew York, to consider the propriety of organizing a Board of Education. Dr. Milledoler was called to the chair, and opened the meeting with prayer. The cir- cular which called the meeting showed that, at a free conversation on the 171 1/2 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA general interests of the Church, held in the preceding November, between Rev. Messrs. Milledoler, Knox, Kuypers, Brownlee, Ludlow, P. Labagh,. Schermerhorn, and De Witt, it was ascertained that a general desire existed for more efficient action in the missionary and educational interests of the church. Hence this meeting at the call of the committee, to organize a Board of Education. A constitution was at once adopted containing twelve articles, stating the objects of the Board, the terms of annual and life mem- berships, the manner of government, through the necessary officers and an executive committee, and the manner of receiving beneficiaries. Any dona- tion of $1,500 or more, for the foundating of a scholarship, was to be dis- tinguished by the name of the donor. Col. Henry Rutgers was elected the first president. An address was at once prepared by a committee, consist- ing of Drs. Matthews, Brownlee. and De Witt, and distributed to the churches. The amount granted to a beneficiary was then limited to $90 per annum. They designed rather to aid a student than to sustain him fully. Auxiliary societies existed in certain of the Classes, and in single churches. During its first year the Board and its auxiliaries assisted about twenty- students. In 1831 this Education Society, which had been organized by indi- vidual, not ecclesiastical, action, requested the General Synod to take charge of it as its own Board. This was proposed, partly, because dona- tions began to be left to it, while it was not formally connected with the Synod, and partly to increase still further the confidence of the churches. The old officers were reappointed by the Synod as its officers, and a com- mittee was appointed to remodel it. A new board was accordingly consti- tuted in 1832, and the funds of the old Board were turned over to the care of the General Synod. The organization of this Board was the beginning of new life for the educational interests of the church. A number of scholarships were soon founded by individuals. Many of these were allowed to accumulate for a time, if not sufficient at first to meet the due appropriations to the students. The funds in aid of students preparing for the ministry are held by- different corporations. At first such funds were given in trust to Rutgers College, and to these additions have been made until they now (1920) amount to $82,500. After the General Synod was incorporated, in 1819, Scholarship Funds for the same purpose were entrusted to its care, and these now amount to $332,836.62. After the Board of Education was incorporated, in 1869, similar funds began to be left also to its care, and these now amount to $213,835.61, making a total of $629,172.23. The interest of this sum, with the average addition of about $10,000, annually received by collections in the churches or by individual gifts for the Board of Edu- cation, is devoted to the assistance of the students, whether in college or seminary, preparing for the ministry or for the medical mission field. A considerable portion of this amount goes for instruction in the West. In 1850 the amount distributed was only about $5,000. The amount now distributed is from three to four times as much, depending on the rate of interest and the amount of annual offerings. Full lists of Scholarship Funds, with the name of each donor, and the amount of each fund, may be BOARD OF EDUCATION 1 73 found in the annual reports of the treasurer of Rutgers College, the treas- urer of the General Synod, and the treasurer of the Board of Education. The total number of students enrolled as beneficiaries of the Board since its .organization is 1,228, of whom 14 were medical missionary students. TJius has this .department of the Church grown from comparatively insignificant beginnings. In 1865 the Synod empowered this Board to enlarge its sphere of operations and to co-operate with the Classes in the establishment of academies and classical schools within their bounds. During the year ending April 30, 1920, $20,506.95 were distributed among 104 students, and $18,935.86 to seminaries, colleges and academies. An applicant for aid from the f.unds of the Board must have, been a member of an evangelical church for one year, and must be a member of a Reformed Church at the time of making application. He must usually be ready to enter college, or must have been regularly admitted into college, or into one of our theological seminaries, in accordance with the rules established therefor by the General Synod. About three-quarters of the present ministry of the Church are indebted to the Board of Education for assistance in pursuing their education, and about the same proportions hold true respecting the larger number of those who have finished their labors and have gone to their reward. Rev. J. F. Schermerhorn, the general agent of all the benevolent opera- tions of the church, was active in collecting funds for this Board, 1830-32. Rev. A. H. Dumont succeeded him, for a single year. Contributions amounted to about $3,000 per annum, at this time, although diminished in 1832 by the epidemic. For .the next decade of years the services of a special secretary were dispensed with. Classical agents being employed to represent the educational interests of the church. In 1843 Rev. Ransford Wells was appointed financial secretary to take the general superintendence of all the boards. He occupied this position for only two years. Again, for more than half a score of years, the Board remained without a cor- responding secretary, but its small receipts (less than $1,700, in 1855) com- pelled it to seek a more efficient plan of operations. Rev. J. A. H. Cor- nell was accordingly appointed to this office, in 1855, under whose ener- getic efforts this Board was thoroughly revived. In 1857 the Board was reorganized. At the end of the six years of his service the contributions of the churches for this cause had increased nearly sixfold. Upon his res- ignation, from ill-health, in 1861, Rev. John L. See was appointed his suc- cessor, and rendered more than a score of years of conscientious, faithful service in the work of the Board, when his health failed and he was given a vacation for rest and recuperation. Durii,ig his incumbency 263 students were aided and bequests for scholarships were received aggregating $92,160. From the organization of the Board to the year 1861, when Dr. See assumed the office of secretary, 23 bequests had been received, aggregating $56,645. The office of corresponding secretary was declared vacant Feb. i. 1885. For a short time the office duties were discharged by. the. Rev. Uriah D. Gulick and afterward l)y the Rev. Giles H. Mandeville, D.D., who was elected corresponding secretary Feb. 10. 1885. and resigned his office Feb. 174 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA I, 1900. During these years 318 students were aided and bequests aggre- gating $112,000 were received. Before entering upon the direct work of corresponding secretary of the Board Dr. Mandeville, being then President of Hope College, and pastor of the Harlem Reformed Church, was largely instrumental in raising $43,000 for our Western college and theological seminary, and after becoming secretary, by his suggestions and valuable influence, materially assisted President Kollen in raising funds for the larger endowment of Hope College. On the 1st of Feb., 1900, the Rev. John G. Gebhard became Correspond- ing Secretary of the Board, and continued in the office until, on account of defective sight and hearing, following a serious attack of fever, he felt obliged to tender his resignation, being relieved in August. 1920. During his secretaryship 365 students for the ministry and 14 medical missionary students were aided by the Board, and $294,376.30 were added to the endowment funds. The Rev. Willard Dayton Brown became Corresponding Secretary on the i6th of August, 1920, having been called to this position from the secretaryship of the Five Year Progress Campaign. The Board of Education has been signally favored in the services ren- dered through it to the Church by its officials. The Rev. Mancius S. Hutton, D.D., served the Board nearly 15 years as Corresponding Secretary, 1842-56, his services being rendered gratuitously. He was elected President in 1858 and held the office until 1880. He was succeeded as President by the Rev. John Gaston, D.D., who died in 1901. Thus the Board had but two presidents in 43 years. It has also been peculiarly favored in its treasurers, Mr. Frederick J. Hosford having most acceptably filled this office for 33 years, 1856-89, while Mr. John F. Berry, the present efficient treasurer, has held the office for 13 years. The Rev. William H. Ten Eyck, D.D., served as Recording Secretary for 30 years, 1859-89; and the Rev. Theodore W. Welles, D.D., filled the same office for 21 years, from 1891 to 1912. The principal necessity for the incorporation of the Board of Education arose from the fact that, becoming familiarly known as the Board of Education, funds were devised for it under that title. Having no legal existence as such, it could not claim these funds. After some losses of moneys so devised, for future security the Board was incorporated, Oct. 13, 1869. At the annual session of the General Synod in 1919. the Board was authorized to extend its charter so as to make it a part of its regular work to assist not only students for the ministry and educational institu- tions, but also medical missionary students and "such other form of Chris- tian leadership as may be approved by the Board or the General Synod." For rules regarding assistance to medical missionary students, or for any other information about the workings of the Board of Education, ap- plication should be made to its Corresponding Secretary, Reformed Church Building, 25 East 22nd St., New York City. CHAPTER XXVII. THE PERIODICALS OF THE REFORMED CHURCH L\ AMERICA. BY REV. J.^MES BOYD HUNTER, EDITOR OF THE (. HRLSTL-VX INTELLIGENCER .AND MISSION FIELD. In the Fourth Edition of Corwin's Manual, under the title "The Mis- sionary Periodicals of the Reformed Church," Rev. A. DeW. Mason, D.D., at that time the editor of The Mission Field, prepared an article narrating the history of the distinctively missionary periodicals which have appeared from time to time. In that he said among the earliest of the per- iodicals devoted to our missionary interests were the Journal of Missions and Tlie Day Spring, which were issued about 1852 and continued to be published for some years. About 1855 they were succeeded by Tlie So'wer and Gospel Field, and in 1881 by The Soiver and Mission Monthly. This latter paper, with several changes, continued until 1888, when it was superseded by the The Mission Field. The several boards, with the exception of the Board of Publication and the Woman's Board of Foreign Missions, united in sustaining this magazine. The Woman's Board of Foreign Missions for a number of years published the Mission Gleaner, but several years ago this also was combined with The Mission Field, which therefore repre- sented the united missionary interests of the denomination. A number of periodicals at various times have been issued for the pur- pose of creating interest among the scholars of the Bible Schools, the latest of these being The Day Star, which from 1896 was generally distributed, but in the course of time it was found inexpedient to continue its publica- tion. Since its discontinuance there has been no paper intended exclusively for the younger people of the church. The Reformed Church in America nearly one hundred years ago felt the need of some organ of communication whereby information might be given and discussion carried on among the members of the church. This feeling found its culmination in The Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Church, a monthly which was issued for the first time in April, 1826, under the editorship of Rev. William Craig Brownlee, D.D. That the missionary spirit was strong in those days is proved by the fact that the very first article in this magazine was on "The Duty and Necessity of Missionary Exertions:" and always, from 1826 to 1922, the periodicals of whatever name, which have been issued by the church or by its members, have had a distinctively missionary interest. The Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Church continued in its original 176 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA form for about four years, and was then superseded by a weekly paper bearing the familiar title of Christian Intelligencer. The first issue of this took place on the 7th of August, 1830. There have been many changes in form, many changes in editors, some changes in price, but under what- ever editor and at whatever price and in whatever form, Christian Intel- ligencer has been made true to the thought of its founders and has endeav- ored always to be a servant of the church and a leader in all good works. Perhaps no detailed story of the history of the Christian Intelligencer will ever be written. The tribulations of religious journalism have left their mark all along the years and the editors have beert always men who believed that their mission in disseminating information and molding opinion was of God. This belief they held in spite of the fact that to none of them came pecuniary reward. Whether under individual ownership or in an association, the financial returns have never been adequate and the several men who throughout the ninety years' existence of the paper have given their services, have been men to whom self-sacrifice was familiar. Upon the death of Dr. J. B. Drury in 1909 the control of the paper passed to Drs. N. H. Van Arsdale and A. DeWitt Mason, who continued as editors until ill health compelled them to seek retirement in 1917. The General Synod in that year wa£ requested by the editors to take the paper into its control, and it did so, at the same time appointing Rev. W. P. Bruce, D.D., of Yonkers, N. Y., as the Editor-in-Chief. Dr. Bruce continued until his ill health and subsequent death terminated his labors in October, 1920. In July, 1920. Rev. James Boyd Hunter became editor and still holds the position. Conditions in the printing trade were very seriously altered by the coming of the war in Europe, and even before the retirement of Drs. Van Arsdale and Mason the cost of issuing the paper was increasing. After the United States became an active participant in the war this cost became crushingly great. But the Christian Intelligencer continued, and even during the war reduced its price, at the same time reducing the num- ber of pages in each issue. The Boards were required, under the direction of General Synod, to pay the deficit which occurred in publication ; and they, while recognizing the value of the Christian Intelligencer as a medium of information were disposed to feel that some change should be effected whereby its value would not be decreased but its cost materially lessened. They finally decided to unite it with the Mission Field. The first issue of the Chris- tian Intelligencer and Mission Field appeared at a reduced price Jan. 4, 1922. With the growth of the church in the West came an increasing demand for a paper which should represent that section and give more attention to local news than was possible in a paper issued from New York. In ■consequence of this The Leader was brought into being in the year 1905. The Leader is issued from Holland, Mich., under the direction of a group of ministers residing there, chiefly those Connected with Hope College and the Western Seminar\^ Intended primarily to aid those two institutions, PERIODICALS OF Tllli REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA I77 The Leader has always given large place to articles bearing upon the in- terests of education both in the college and in the seminary. Likewise it has liberally aided in young people's work both in the Sunday School and in societies, and is noted for the thoroughness of its Sunday School helps. At the present time under an editorial staff consisting of Drs. E. J. Blek- kink, J. E. Kuizenga, and H. Geerlings, The Leader continues to be an active and efficient molder of religious thought and maintains a wide influ- ence in the western part of the church. Mention should be made of two foreign language papers which operate in both portions of the church where the presence of Holland and German speaking members make it advisable to circulate such papers. In the Holland language De Hope, issued at Holland with the help of the faculties of the two institutions and using in part the same material as The Leader, does its work for the Holland speaking members of the denomination. Die Mitarbeiter, circulates among the German speaking people, esoecially in the West. Reformed Church pastors of Somerset County, New Jersey, since 1906 have maintained a monthly paper called The Somerset Church News. This contains a monthly summary of the happenings in the dozen churches of the Reformed denomination located in Somerset County, together with articles prepared by some of the editors, and other material. CHAPTER XXVIII. HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. REVISED BY REV. WILLIAM I. CHAMBERLAIN, PH.D., D.D., CORRESPONDING SECRET.^RY OF THE BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. Christianity is a missionary religion. That through Abraham's seed all the families of the earth should be blessed is the underlying thought of the Old Testament. Alake disciples of all nations was the Master's command to his Church. "The Acts of the Apostles" is the first chapter in this world-wide enterprise. In three centuries the Roman Empire was obliged to acknowledge that the Galilean had conquered. By the year 500 the whole Roman Empire was nominally Christianized ; and in six centuries more all the rest of Europe except Lapland. But then came four centuries — 1100 to 1500 — of almost entire inactivity in regard to mission work. The Papal Church was moribund. Hence the necessity of the Reformation. But the churches of the Reformation for almost three centuries did comparatively little mission work. A corrupt church fought against re- viving evangelical truth. Protestants were unable to secure civil and religious recognition before 1648, at the Peace of Westphalia, almost a century and a half after the dawn of the Reformation. They could not do much for missions while fighting for their very life. Even among Protestants, the union of church and state continued, with the general non-toleration of dissenters. There were also great discussions about church polity. All these things greatly hampered the proper development of the spiritual life of the church and delayed her due consideration of her world-wide mission to the heathen. Moreover, Protestants could do little toward evangelizing the heathen, while the naval and commercial power of the world remained in the hands of Roman Catholics. This power needed to be transferred to Protestants before they could become familiar with distant parts, and with the charac- ter, numbers and condition of heathen peoples. Only when the facts became known would their duty become apparent. Only, also, when in possession of the naval and commercial power of the world would they have facilities for sending missionaries everywhere. Such are some of the obvious reasons for the tardy development of the missionary spirit among Protestants. But there were also some benefits in this delay. The Reformed Church was becoming more fully imbued with divine truth. The great Protestant creeds were being formed. A more thorough indoctrination of the people 178 HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS 179 was taking place. The true evangelical spirit, love to the perishing, was also in process of development. There were, however, examples of missionary zeal before the nine- teenth century. The first distinctively Protestant mission was that of Gustavus Vasa. King of Sweden, to Lapland, in 1559. Subsequently, at the suggestion of Grotius, Peter Heilig went to Abyssinia, in 1634, and gave that people a new version of the Scriptures in the Amharic tongue. Then, also, all the charters of the great commercial companies — English, Dutch, and Danish — referred to the duty of evangelizing the natives of the coun- tries with which they traded. The merchants of the United Provinces organized the East India Com- pany (1602-1795). They established commercial colonies at many points upon the coast of Asia, and on many of the contiguous islands. The company, the government, and the church worked together to supply the settlements .with Christian pastors. These godly men were moved with compassion for the multitudes of heathen surrounding them. They learned many of the languages of Asia, preached to Buddhists and Mohammedans, and translated Christian books into Tamil, Malay, Chinese, etc. The gov- ernment and church at home assisted the colonial pastors generously, al- though not always wisely.' The first clergyman from Holland arrived in Batavia in the year 1598. In 1620 Christian worship was established. It was at first conducted in the Portuguese and Chinese languages. Rev. Messrs. Dubbledryk and Candidus were probably the first ministers sent to the East Indies. The former was soon suspended 'for immoral conduct ; the letter, by insisting upon monogamy among the natives, awakened such a spirit of opposition that it was considered prudent to transfer him to Formosa in 1627, the government cautioning him not to give offense to the Chinese and Japanese emperors. Soon after 1620 the Xetherlands East India Company supported clergy- men of the Reformed Church in Ceylon, Sumatra. Java, Amboyna, Hcrcso- ria, Isles of Banda, Coromandel, Sural, China, Formosa, Siam, and Japan. In all these countries, or dependencies, churches and school houses were built by the combined action of the company, the government, the church at home, and the colonies. Many translations were made. For the use of the Tamils of Ceylon and India the Bible was partially translated. Versions were also made in Chinese and Malay of portions of the Scriptures. The catechism of the church was published in Tamil, Chinese, and Malay, and was translated into some of the local dialects. To thousands of men the Gospel was preached. In the province of Jaffna alone, in Ceylon, there were thirty-four churches appropriated to the use of the native population, in which 63.000 hearers gathered, exclusive of 2.000 baptized slaves, while the schools connected with them had over '"The Archive.s of the Classis of Amsterdam" preserves all this East Indian corresjjondence. See also Van Troostenberg's "De Hervormde- kerk in Nederlandsche Cost Indie," 1884. l8o THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 16,000 native children in regular attendance. Thousands of natives in Ceylon, in Bat'avia, in Formosa, were baptized on professing an intellectual assent to the Word of God. Evidences of conversion and a statement of Christian experience were noxvhere required. Besides this, employment under the government was given only to the natives who had made such a profession. This, too, was in accordance with almost universal custom. Intended as an encouragement, it acted as a bribe. The disposition of the Church of the Netherlands may be learned from the fact that, between 1615 and 1725, no less than 336 ministers had labored on the islands or mainland of what was then commonly called the East Indies. Some were only the pastors of the colonists from the United Provinces, others were truly missionaries to the heathen. When the government of the Netherlands was exhausted by long and costly wars, and became unable to re-enforce many of its Asiatic commer- cial posts, they were overpowered by the superior numbers of. the English, and brought under the English government. The English East India Com- pany not only totally neglected the Christian work begun by the Hollanders in Asia, but opposed all attempts to win the natives to Christianity. The Church of Holland also, through the West India Company (1621- 1664) did something for the Indians in America, including the West Indies and Brazil. The American ministers often allude in their correspondence to the sad condition of the natives, and the necessity of evangelizing them ; and in the calls of these ministers there are sometimes stipulations that they should not neglect the natives. At various localities in New York and New Jersey the Gospel was preached to the red man by the pastors of the Reformed churches, and prayers ofifered by the people for his conversion and salvation. Recorded particulars of this work are preserved, especially in connection with the settlement at Albany. In 1643 Rev. Mr. Megapolensis began to labor among the Mohawk Indians living near what is now called Albany. This was three years previous to the labors of Rev. John Eliot, of Roxbury, Mass., among the Indians of that locality. Large numbers of the Mohawks attended the preaching of Megapolensis, who had become quite a fiuent speaker in their language. Many of them were truly converted, baptized, and received into the fellowship of the Reformed Church of Albany. The baptismal register of that church contains the names of these converts, of whom the greater proportion were of adult years. (Megapolensis). The work, so well begun by this good man, was carried on by his suc- cessors in the pastoral office. The Rev. Godfriedus Dellius, settled in Albany in 1683, labored with much success among these red men. During his ministry, in 1691, the Indians petitioned the English Governor, Henry Slaughter, that His Excellency "will for the future take an especial care that we may be instructed in the Christian religion." The Governor re- turned a favorable reply. In 1703 the Rev. Mr. Lydius, the successor of Dellius, labored among the Mphawks, receiving the countenance of the Governor, and having from him a special pecuniary provision in considera- HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS l8l tion of the work. When Lydius died there were thirty Indian Communi- cants in the church of Albany. (Dellius, Lydius). The success of the work attracted attention in Great Britain, and in A Nciv Geographical and Historical Grammar, edited by a Mr. Salmon, and published in London, in 1760, it is said in regard to the Mohawks: "At Albany they are all brought to the profession of Christianity, and all baptized ; and some of them seem to have a tolerable notion of it, and have earnestly desired a missionary to be sent among them ; and to encourage this good disposition in them, the Society (for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts) appointed a catechist among them, a native of America, who has resided among them and applied himself to the study of their language, and met with very good success." The Rev. Mr. Freeman also, the pastor of the Reformed Church of Schenectady, about 1700, took great pains to instruct the Mohawks who came to that town. He reported to the society already mentioned that "he had translated into Indian the morning and evening prayers of our liturgy, the whole Gospel of St. Matthew, the first three chapters of Genesis, several chapters of Exodus, several Psalms, many portions of the Scriptures relating to the birth, passion, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord, and several chap- ters of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, particularly the fifteenth chap- ter, proving the resurrection of the dead." He also translated the Ten Commandments and the Apostles' Creed. These translations were pre- sented to the society, and some of them were printed in the city of New York about 1713. (Freeman). Through the West India Company, also, the Church of Holland sent many ministers to Cape Colony, and the negroes of the vicinity were not forgotten. The English East India Company was antagonistic to mission work until 1813, when the rising missionary spirit of Great Britain compelled it to yield. Something, however, had already been accomplished in India. The Danish Company was the means of greatly helping the famous Tranquebar Mission in southeastern Hindustan (1708-98) and some other fields of less note. The rise of Puritanism, also, in England (1550), with its demands for a purer church and a more Scriptural polity, and of Pietism, in Ger- many, about 1670, with the influence of Spener, Francke, and Zinzendorf for missions, constitute bright chapters in the history of the later prepara- tion of the church for her world-wide duty. The charters of the American colonies, also, all contained clauses con- cerning the duty of evangelizing the natives. Indeed, the Puritans had the extension of Christ's Kingdom definitely in mind in their emigration. In 1649 a company was actually organized in England, during Cromwell's administration, for the propagation of the Gospel in New England. It was this society, under the lead of the liberal Robert Boyle, which sup- ])orted Eliot and the Mayhews and other missionaries in New England; and the two editions of Eliot's Indian Bible — 1664 and 1685 — were printed at the expense of this society. In 1698, Domine Selyns in New York sent to Boston for a copy of this Bible as an evidence of the progress in l82 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA missions. This first copy, sent to the Classis of Amsterdam, was captured by the French. A second copy was sent and is now in a Hbrary at Middel- burg, Holland.* In 1701 the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts was chartered in England. Until 1800 the eflforts of this society were chiefly directed to the support of Episcopal clergymen in the colonies ; yet some work was done among the Indians. In the correspondence of its ministers frequent mention is also made of the labors of Dutch ministers among the Indians.* In 1709 the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge was formed in Scotland, and in 1741 a Board of Correspondence was established in New York. Under their care Horton and the Brainerds labored among the Indians on Long Island and in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and were supported by the churches generally. In 1763 the Presbyterian Synod of New York ordered collections to be taken up in all churches. Work was begun among the Oneidas in 1766, and shortly after in Ohio. The troubles then existing in the Dutch Church may have prevented any very active co-operation in this movement. Then there were also the later Moravians, from 1732 and onward, with their zeal and self-denial, with their remarkable series of missions in the most unpropitious places — an ever-living example to the whole church of Christ. In the meantime the rise and progress of Methodism in England, 1738, under the Wesleys and Whitefield, was a great preparation for the proper development of the true missionary spirit. Thomas Coke became the famous leader in this division of the work. Such were some of the earlier Protestant efiforts, and such some of the Providential preparations for the rise of modern missions. The last decade of the eighteenth century witnessed a revival in the in- terest of missions. Then arose throughout Protestant Christendom a general desire and determination to organize definitely for the conversion of the whole world. There was in that decade an evident outpouring of the Spirit of God upon all parts of Christendom, to begin this new, great enterprise. As far back as 1744 Whitefield had proposed that special hours of prayer should be observed for the pouring out of the Spirit anew on the churches and on the whole earth. Also, in 1747, Edwards had published his pamphlet exhorting God's people to union in "extraordinary prayer for the revival of religion and the advancement of Christ's Kingdom upon earth." In 1784 Carey repeated and emphasized the same thoughts. Many prayers were oflfered, and in answer to them the spirit of in- difference among professed Christians began to melt away. In the Church of England, also about this time, rose up such men as Thomas Scott, the commentator ; Simeon, the evangelical sermonizer ; John Newton, the Venns, Wilberforce, Cowper, and Lady Huntington. These were choice 'Dr. E. T. Corwin made inquiry for this copy of Eliot's Indian Bible •when in Holland in 1897, and learned this fact. ^See Anderson's "Annals of Colonial Ch."; Humphrey's "Hist. Col. Ch."; ■"Doc. Hist. N. Y.," vol. iii, pp. 591. 598, 698, etc.; "Classified Digest of the Records of the Soc. for Prop. Gospel," London, 1894. HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSION'S 1 83 Spirits, all deeplj' interested in reviving the church at home and in sending the Gospel to the ends of the earth. But the moving spirit, whom God raised up for the formal initiation of the great enterprise, was William Carey, an English Baptist minister, living on a salary of $75 per year. He urged united prayer, and those pray- ers were answered. At length, in the little back parlor of a poor widow, twelve believers met and subscribed fi2, 2s. 6d., and upon such a basis of faith and works they formed "A Society for Propagating the Gospel Among the Heathen." And this was the definite beginning of "modern missions." Carey offered to go to India. The English East India Com- pany would not take him on their ships. He finally secured passage on a Danish East Indiaman, and sailed in June, 1793. He met with an un- welcome reception at Calcutta. His friends heard nothing from him in fourteen months. Then letters were received full of joy and faith. The Christian heart of England was touched at such faith and perse- verance. In 1795 began a series of missionary meetings in London. The Independents called on all Christians to unite for the conversion of the world. Two sermons were preached on Missions daily for three successive days. The London Missionary Society was speedily organized, composed of Independents, Presbyterians, and Episcopalians. The country ministers at once subscribed £750. The flames spread all over Great Britain. Sub- scriptions came in abundantly. Societies were formed in Edinburgh and Glasgow. This then novel idea — missions to the ivhole K'or/d took possession of many hearts. In another year the voluntary contributions amounted to £10,000. A ship was brought, the "Duflf," and fitted up, and a company of four ministers and twenty-five others sailed on Aug. 10, 1796, for Polynesia, in connection with most impressive services, in which clergymen of all denominations joined. The following year was a year of prayer throughout Great Britain for God's blessing on the world. Tidings came of movements everywhere to raise funds and secure men to go to the heathen world. In 1799, chiefly through the efforts of the Evangelical Simeon of the Church of England, but aided by Venn and Wilberforce, "The Church Missionary Society" was organized. In all, within seven years after that meeting in the widow Wallis' back parlor, there were seven great societies started in Great Britain, all of which have now been in operation for more than a century, laboring in all parts of the world. Carey's life of usefulness, after having published from his press, at Calcutta, no less than twenty-six diflferent ver- sions of the Scriptures, ended in 1834. Scores of societies have sprung up in Great Britain since, and many millions of pounds have been voluntarily given toward the evangelization of the world. A similar interest sprang up about the same time in Germany, Holland, Sweden, and Switzerland, and in these countries many societies were also organized, all of which at once entered into correspondence with the London society. The various denominations in America had just become reorganized as Churches — entirely independent of European control, when the accounts of 184 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Carey's Society and the London Missionary Society reached their ears. They felt the necessity of immediately taking part in this great scheme, yet so novel, the conversion of the whole world. In connection with this the closing years of that century witnessed a revival of wonderful power in America, which destroyed much of the evil effects, morally considered, of the Revolution ; and missionary societies sprung up everywhere. But we now limit our account chiefly to the Reformed (Dutch) Church. THE REFORMED (dUTCH) CHURCH AND MISSIONS — FIRST PERIOD — EARLY EFFORTS (1796-1832). In November, 1796, the New York Missionary Society was formed in the city of New York. The Presbyterian, Reformed, and Baptist churches were represented in its membership. During the first year of its existence one thousand dollars were contributed for the support of its work. The first missionary, the Rev. Joseph Bullen, was sent to the Chickasaw Indians, in Georgia ; aid was granted to the Rev. John Sergeant, a missionary to the Stockbridge Indians, Connecticut ; and an Indian preacher, named Paul Cuffee, was supported amongst the Indians of Suffolk County, Long Island. In 1800 the society added a missionary to the Tuscaroras and Senecas in Western New York, employing also, by his request, Nicholas Cusick as a native helper. This work was continued with considerable success for a number of years. The first extant list of officers published in 1799, has the following names : John Rodgers, D.D., President. John H. Livingston, D.D., Vice-President. Mr. Divie Bethune, Treasurer. Rev. John M. Mason, Secretary. Rev. Samuel Miller, Clerk. William Linn, D.D., John McKnight, D.D., Rev. Gerardus Kuypers, Rev. John N. Abeel, Peter Wilson, LL.D.. Thomas Mackaness, Esq., An- thony Post, Esq., Leonard Bleecker, Esq., Mr. George Lindsay. Mr. George Warner, Mr. John Bingham, Mr. John Mills, Directors. A remarkable feature of the method adopted by this organization is found in the "Plan for social prayer," adopted Jan. 18, 1798. By this plan a union prayer-meeting was established by these resolutions : "i. .That the second Wednesday evening of every month, beginning at candlelight, be observed, from February next, by the members of the society, and all who are willing to join with them, for the purpose of offer- ing up their prayers and supplications to the God of grace, that He would be pleased to pour out His Spirit on His Churc/i, and send his Gospel to all nations; and that He would succeed the endeavors of this society, and all societies instituted on the same principles, and for the same ends. "2. That these evenings of prayer be observed in rotation, in the churches of this city to whose judicatories they may be acceptable, and of which there is a minister belonging to this society; beginning with the Old Pres- byterian Church and proceeding next to the Scots Presbyterian Church, HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS 185 next to the New Dutch Church, next to the First Baptist Church, next to the Brick Presbyterian Church, next to the North Dutch Church, and then the service to revert to the place it began ; provided that, if the ministers of any other churches become members of the society, a due proportion of the services, in the regular course, be performed in said churches." This custom had in it the germ of the monthly concert. In 1800 the "New York Missionary Magazine" was established, and in it reports were given of the operations of this society, with letters from the missionaries, as well as accounts of the work of the London Missionary Society and others. It continued to be issued for four years. ^ Powerful missionary sermons were preached under the auspices of the New York Society which did much to arouse a missionary spirit in the churches. On Nov. 7, 1797, Rev. Dr. John M. Mason preached a memorable sermon in the Presbyterian Church, in Wall street, on "Messiah's Throne," from Hebrews i, 8: "Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever."* The audience is described as "crowded, attentive, and serious, and the collec- tion made after the sermon was large, and did great honor to the liberality of the citizens of New York." On April 23, 1799 (the annual meeting having been adjourned from November, 1798, on account of the ravages of the yellow fever). Rev. Dr. John H. Livingston preached in the Scotch Presbyterian Church, in Cedar street, his famous sermon on "The Glory of the Redeemer," from Col. iii, 11: "Christ is all in all." The Rev. Drs. John Rodgers, John McKnight, William Linn, John N. Abeel, and many others, also preached great missionary sermons during these years ; but, perhaps, the most powerful o1 all was one by Dr. Livingston, in 1804, on "The Everlasting Gospel." This was also delivered in the Cedar street church, and was from the text Rev. xiv, 6-7 : "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having The Everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell upon the earth," etc. These sermons were generally re- peated in other places and printed and extensively read. They were like a clarion call from heaven in their efforts, and wondrously stimulated the missionary spirit. The Northern Missionary Society was formed during a meeting held at Lansingburgh, N. Y., on the nth of January, 1797, when a constitution was provisionally adopted, and adjourned to meet at Albany, N. Y., on Feb. 14, 1797, when the constitution was amended, altered, and finally adopted. This society included ministers and members of the Reformed, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches. The officers for the first year, most of whom were continued for several years, were as follows: Rev. Dirck Romeyn, D.D., President. Rev. James Proudfit, Vice-President. Rev. John Bassett, Secretary. Rev. Jonas Coe, Clerk. Rev. Elbert Willet, Treasurer. ok." by Dr. Chamberlain. 206 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA "Systematic Theology" (Tamil), by Rev. J. W. Scudder, D.D. "Bible Dictionary" (Telugu), by Rev. J. Chamberlain, D.D. Rev. Drs. H. M., E. C, and J. W. Scudder and Dr. Chamberlain have also done valuable work in connection with the translation and revision of the Tamil and Telugu Bible. Early in 1900 representatives were appointed by the Church of Scotland, the United Free Church of Scotland, and the Arcot Mission to formulate plans of co-operation in mission work and union in ecclesiastical matters. The missions approved of certain proposals, and the details were submitted to the home boards. It was agreed that the selection of a Professor in the Arcot Theological Seminary should remain at the disposition of the General Synod ; that the Board of Superintendents should have one representative from each of the co-operating missions ; that each of the co-operating churches should endow a Professorship, and that the subject of ecclesiastical union should be presented to the General Synod in a memorial. The Synod of 1901, on this subject, took the following action: "That, with reference to the memorial from the Classis of Arcot, we approve the proposed union of native churches in South India along the lines indicated in the memorial, as marking a notable advance toward the fulfilment of our Lord'* prayer, "that they all may be one. that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." (Page 1099). In Southern India the unity of Reformed churches holding the Presby- terian system was long a recognized fact, and the Arcot Theological Sem- inary has been resorted to by students of the different missions. In December, 1900, the Presbyterian Alliance of India met at Allahabad and twelve branches of the Presbyterian family in India were represented. This alliance was organized in 1875, and five councils were held between that date and 1890, but no decisive action was secured in the line of or- ganic union. But the similar alliance of Europe and America had often urged upon the various mission boards the advisability of such union in foreign fields. The practicability of such a step had been seen in the Amoy field and in Japan. Dr. Chamberlain had warmly advocated it in America and Scotland. The Missionary Conference in New York in 1900 had also emphasized the importance of co-operation in mission work, and this movement in South India toward union began immediately after. The Synod of South India of the South Indian United Church was con- stituted Oct. 21, 1901. In June, 1902, the Classis of Arcot, which had been an integral part of the Reformed Church of America for half a century, for the sake of Church unity on the Foreign Field was formally transferred by the General Synod of the Reformed Church to the Synod of South India. While the missionary force of the Arcot Mission has not grown very largely during the last twenty years, the progress in every department of activity has been gratifying and impressive, and in no particular more than in the development of self support and self government in the indigenous church. The addition in communicants to the United Church of South India brought about through the instrumentality of our missionaries, HISTORY OF I-OKEIGX MISSIONS 20/ Indian pastors and catechists during the last four years is equal to that of the entire previous history of the Mission. This means that the Arcot Mission is now reaping where the founders sowed with so great faithful- ness in the weary years of laying the foundations. The number of com- municants rei)orted by the Arcot Mission has arisen more than four thousand while the Christian community now approaches twelve thousand. There are about 600 native associates assisting in the carrying on of this important work, while the number of missionaries, as has been said, has not greatly increased. There are about two hundred and fifty boarding and day schools with about twelve hundred pupils. The hospitals and dispensaries number ten ministering each year to about one hundred thou- sand patients. Such are the direct results, but who can estimate the indirect results? The general awakening of thought throughout the whole empire ; the revolution that Hindu Society is undergoing; the relaxation of caste; the yearning for a purer faith on the part of many. The organization of a Brahma Somaj in the north, the recent movement to restore the purer religion of the Vedas in the south, the formation of societies to promote female education, widow remarriage, the other social reforms in every part of the country, how can these be accounted for except by the spread of Christian principles, which are arousing the consciences and quickening the religious sense of the Hindus? The palmy days of Hinduism are past, never to return. The Brahmans are fast losing their hold upon the people. The leaven of Christian truth is now entering the mass of the native com- munity. Faith in Indian <;reeds and philosophy is being shaken, and is giving place to inquiry and serious thought. The Sun of Righteousness is rising and shining more and more unto the perfect day. (For list of Mis- sionaries in India see Part Three — "India"). THE JAPAN MISSION (1859). Nagasaki was the birthplace of Protestant missions in Japan. The country was opened to foreigners by the Treaty of 1858. Soon after, Dr. S. Wells Williams, of the American Board, and Rev. E. W. Syles, of the Episcopal Church, visited Nagasaki. They at once wrote to the Episcopal, the Presbyterian, and the Reformed churches in America, urging them to send missionaries to Japan. Before the close of 1859 missionaries from these three churches arrived. Rev. Guido F. Verbeck settled at Nagasaki and Rev. Samuel R. Brown at Yokohama. With him was D. B. Simmons, M.D., who. however, withdrew from the mission in i860. In 1861 Rev. James H. Ballagh settled at Yokohama. The opportunities for Christian teaching were few. The people were suspicious; preaching was not allowed. Edicts of the government forbade the people's acceptance of Christianity, imposing sanguinary penalties on all the subjects of the empire who should disobey. Besides these things the lack of knowledge of the language and habit of thought of the Japanese people was an effectual barrier to evangelistic effort. The principal objects of the first few years' work, therefore, were the acquisition of the language 2o8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA and winning the confidence of the government and people in the religion and aims of the missionaries. During these first years there were dangers and difficulties unknown to later times. From the beginning individual inquirers were instructed in the Bible at the missionaries' houses, and when confidence was established, and the severity of the operation of the gov- ernment edicts began to be relaxed, small Bible classes were gathered. The first baptism was in 1864, and there were two in 1866. Dr. Verbeck. whose "History of Protestant Missions in Japan" was presented to the Missionary .Conference at Osaka in 1883, speaks of this period as "the period of preparation and promise" and "with the exception of one joyful day of harvest near its close a time of learning and sowing." Like other early missionaries, those of the Reformed Church attempted something in the way of Bible translation, but very little of the results of this early work was published. It was difficult at that time to find Japanese who were willing to publish the Christian Scriptures or even to assist in the work of their translation. In 1865-66 Dr. Brown prepared translations of some portions of the New Testament, but all his manuscripts perished in the fire which destroyed his house in 1867. In 1867 Mr. Ballagh shared with others the work of preparing a first draft* of the Gospel of Matthew. This was revised and published in 1873. In the meantime Dr. Brown had assisted in the revision of the Gospels of Mark and John, which were published in 1872. After this time there was no difficulty in arranging for the publication of the Scrip- tures or of any other Christian books. The edicts against Christianity were removed from the notice boards, but otherwise the government did not withdraw its proclamations ; nevertheless it tacitly permitted the exten- sion of Christiarity and the publication of any books which were directed to this end. Organized effort at Bible translation was begun by a Convention of Mis- sionaries in 1872, when a committee was appointed to translate the New Testament. Dr. Brown gave himself almost entirely to the work of this committee for five years. Shortly before the work was completed he was obliged by failing health to cease his labors and return to America, where he died in 1880. Dr. Verbeck left Nagasaki in 1869 and entered the service of the Japanese government. He rejoined the mission in 1879, and devoted himself largely to the work of the committee appointed by the Convention of -Missionaries in 1878, to translate the Old Testament and to have charge of the whole future work of Bible revision. The completion of the trans- lation of the entire Bible was celebrated in February, 1888. The way was prepared for the organization of the first Christian church by long and faithful labors with a few men who had been instructed indi- vidually or in classes. The event which immediately led to the organiza- tion was a series of prayer meetings. "In January, 1872, the missionaries at Yokohama and English-speaking residents of all denominations united in the observance of the week of prayer. Some Japanese students con- nected with private classes taught by the missionaries were present through curiosity or through a desire-' to please their teachers, and some perhaps HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS 209 from a true interest in Christianity. It was concluded to read the Acts, in course, day after day, and that the Japanese present might take part intel- ligently in the service, the Scripture of the day was translated extem- poraneously into their language. The meetings grew in interest and were continued from week to week until the end of February. After a week or two the Japanese, for the first time in the history of the nation, were on their knees in a Christian prayer meeting entreating God with great emo- tion, with tears streaming down their faces, that He would give His Spirit to Japan as to the early church and to the people around the Apostles. These prayers were characterized by intense earnestness." (Address of Rev. J. M. Ferris, D.D., »t the Mildmay Conference, October, 1878. Pro- ceedings of the Osaka Conference, page 52). As a direct fruit of these prayer meetings a church was organized at Yokohama, March 10, 1872. It consisted of nine young men who were baptized on that day and two men of middle age who had been baptized previously. The members chose for themselves the catholic name "The Church of Christ in Japan." This is the one day of joyful harvest referred to near the beginning of this sketch, the forerunner of many similar days experienced in the later history of Christian work in this land. This church, now known as the Kaigan Church, has had a career of almost uninterrupted spiritual prosperity. Mr. Ballagh was the acting pastor of this church for several years, and, under his supervision and through his efforts, it was provided with the first church building erected in Japan. This is of brick and seats nearly five hundred people. It was dedicated July 10, 1875. (The sum of $1,000, contributed by native Christians in the Sandwich Islands, was used in the erection of this building). From very early times it was earnestly desired that the separate missions, although representing different church organizations, should labor together for the establishment of one Japanese church, which should have no organic connection with any church in another land. The subject was fully dis- cussed at a convention in 1872, when steps were taken to secure similarity of organization in the churches that should be formed, in order to their union in one body when the proper time should come. It was not, how- ever, until 1876 that definite action was taken resulting in the coming together of the missions of the churches of the Presbyterian order in one council. These missions were those of the Reformed Church in America, the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, North, and the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland. The purposes of the union at that time were but two, viz., the fostering care of a Japanese church and the maintenance of a theological school. In all other matters the missions continued their separate work. The churches under the care of these missions took as their name "The United Church of Christ in Japan." The Doctrinal Standards were the Westminster Confession of Faith and Shorter Catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of the Synod of Dort. The form of govern- ment was Presbyterian. From the beginning the success of the union was ■2IO THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA assured. This is testified by the rapid growth of the church. As the date of the organization, Oct. 3, 1877, there were eight churches and six hun- dred and twenty-three members. These were united in one Chu Kwai (Classis). By 1881 the number of churches had increased so largely that the supervision of their work, the examination of candidates for licensure and ordination, and other ecclesiastical business, required more time and labor than one Chu Kwai could conveniently give. Some of the churches also were situated at a great distance from the original center, and the time consumed in traveling made even the two stated sessions of the year a great burden. In this year, therefore, the original Chu Kwai was divided into three, and the Dai Kwai (Synod) already provided for in the constitution was formed. In 1885 the mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, South, and in 1886 that of the Reformed (German) Church in the United States joined the Council. In 1886 two additional Chu Kwai were formed. It should be mentioned here that the mission of the Women's Union Missionary Society, although not represented in the Council of United Missions, has co-operated with the United Church from the begin- ning, and has contributed by sympathy and labor not a little to its successful progress. The Church has continued to grow in self-support and self-government through recent years, although it has not made equal progress in self- propagation. Systematic evangelistic work by our mission was begun in 1875 with the assistance of Japanese Christians. The restrictions on foreign travel be- yond the narrow limits defined in the treaties were a serious obstacle. But as opportunity offered the work was carried on. The measure of success and the rapidity of results differed greatly in different places, but there w^as some measure of success everywhere, and soon stations began to be estab- lished and churches organized in widely distant parts of the country. • Later the co-operating missions united a large part of their evangelistic work under the direction of an Evangelistic Committee. This was chosen by the Council and included some of the missionaries and a number of Japanese ministers and elders. Some important parts of the work could not be brought under this committee on account of their distance from Tokyo, where the meetings of the committee were held. This was the case with all that work which centered at Nagasaki. The committee continued its work for two years, and made distinctly apparent the benefit of the association of the Japanese brethren with the missionaries in the direction and responsibility of the work, and thus prepared the way for a great advance in the development of the United Church. This advance was made in 1886 when the Dai Kwai organized a Mission Board (Dendo Kyoku), and directed the appointment of Mission Commit- tees (Dendo lin) in the different Chu Kwai. Under the direction of these the evangelistic work of the church and a large part of that of the missions have been carried on to the present time. In the Board and in each com- mittee one-half the membership is foreign and one-half Japanese. The HISTORY OF FOREIGN .MISSIONS 211 churches are urged to make their contributions to the Board monthly, and the missions connected with the Council supplement these contributions by the gift of three times the amount. The Board makes an annual appro- priation to the Chu Kwai fission Committees, payable in monthly instal- ments, and these committees direct the work, each within its own bounds. This method has passed beyond the period of experiment. As rapidly as the contributions make it possible for the committees to extend their labors the missions are passing their separate evangelistic work to their care. The committees meet at stated times to receive reports from the ministers and evangelists in their employ, settle cases of difficulty, arrange for popular "Lecture Meetings." and special gatherings for preaching, and devise ways and means for the more effective prosecution of their work. Among the evident advantages of this arrangement are these: The foreigners and Japanese work together on equal terms ; the leaders in the work of the church understand and confide in one another more and more largely ; the field is better understood ; its wants are more easily and quickly met ; the helpers are more thoroughly supervised than they could be by the foreign missionary alone, and the church is educated to the support and manage- ment of the work of evangelizing the empire. In 1917 the stations at the extreme North of Japan, Morioko and Amori, were handed over to the Mission of the Reformed Church in the United Slates as more closely related to the territory occupied by that Mission, and in the same year the two missions which started out as one in 1859 and continued so for thirty years were reunited in a single mission. In the early days of Christian work in Japan the members of the mission were sometimes engaged in teaching in the government schools. Dr. Ver- beck was so engaged at Nagasaki for several years, and on his removal to Tokyo was the government's trusted adviser in the organization of the Im- perial University, of which he was the first Superintendent. Dr. Brown also taught in the government school at Niigata for a year, and after his return to Yokohama had a class of young men under his care from which have come some of the most trusted ministers of the United Church, and some valued assistants of missionaries of other denominations. The care of this class was afterward shared by several members of the mission, and it was removed to Tokyo in 1877 on the organization of the Union Theo- logical School. During the following year an effort was made to carry on a boys' school at Yokohama, but the Synod's Board could not supply the means for sustaining it and it failed. Professor Martin N. Wyckoff ar- rived in 1881 and organized a school known as the Sen Shi Gakko. This was well sustained and successful. It was removed to Tokyo two years later and united with the Tsukiji Dai Gakko of the American Presbyterian Mission, the two becoming the Union College. By the co-operation of the three missions in 1877 the Union Theological School had been organized. This was carried on for nine years by one rep- resentative from each of the three missions. In 1886 the educational work of these missions was further unified by the organization of the institution known as Meiji Gakuin ; "Meiji" being 212 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA the name of the era of the Emperor and meaning "Enlightened Govern- ment," and "Gakuin" meaning "a hall of learning." In this institution the Union College became the Academic Department, and the Union The- ological School the Japanese (i. e., vernacular) Theological Department. A special department was added, providing instruction through the medium of the English language in theology and other special studies for the graduates of the Academic Department. The instruction in the Academic Department is for the most part in English, and that in the Theological Department in either English or Japanese at the discretion of the several professors. A series of optional post-graduate courses has been provided for the graduates of the Academic Department, to which the theological students, ministers residing in Tokyo, and others, are to be admitted sub- ject to suitable regulations. The aim of the Meiji Gakuin is to provide for its students a thorough education under Christian influences, and especially to train young men for the Christian ministry. Hebrew is not taught, and in Greek instruction has thus far been given only in the elements. Apart from these studies the curriculum of the Theological Department does not differ widely from that ef our theological seminaries at home. The general government is lodged in a Board of Directors, composed of seven foreign and seven Japanese members. The immediate administra- tion is under the faculties of the two departments. In 1887 Sandham and Hepburn halls were built, and the Academic De- partment opened its full term. Sandham Hall contains class rooms, besides offices. Hepburn Hall is a dormitory for students. Harris Hall, built in 1888, is a dormitory for theological students. There are also dwelling houses for the teachers. The library contains about 12,000 volumes. In 1891 Dr. Hepburn resigned his position as President, which he had held since 1887, and in his place the Rev. Kajinosuke Ibuka was elected to the post, which he has filled so well and so acceptably ever since. The next year the institution lost the services of Dr. Amerman, who had been so closely connected with it and had done so much for it from the beginning. He has left a record in the number of works translated into Japanese, chiefly the results of his lectures on Systematic Theology. In the same year Dr. Knox, who also had done efficient work as a teacher, retired to return to America. The purpose of the Academic Department is not only to give a good education, but to add instruction in the truths of Christianity and to en- deavor to build up Christian character. There is a Young Men's Christian Association, and some of its members teach in Sunday-schools. The course of instruction in the Theological Department includes at present the following subjects: Old Testament Introduction, History, and Theology; New Testament Introduction and Theology, the Life of Christ, and Exegesis of the Epistles ; Reading in English, General History, History of the Church and History of Doctrine ; Church Polity, Homiletics, Ethics, Apologetics, Philosophy of Religion, and Systematic Theology. A course of lectures on Pastoral Theology is generally delivered by one of the Jap- anese pastors in the city or neighborhood. HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS 213 All the students are during the term engaged in religious work among the diflferent churches or Sunday-schools of the city; some of them regu- larly supply preaching stations in and around the city. The Meiji Gakuin has continued its useful career through recent years under the principalship of Dr. K. Ibuka, who, after the completion of thirty years of distinguished service resigned in 1920, and was succeeded by a member of our Mission, Dr. Oltmans. The institution has grown greatly in numbers and now has nearly five hundred students. Its build- ings and equipment also have been increasing. In 1870 Miss Mary E. Kidder began teaching at Yokohama, with a class of four pupils, and soon after opened a girls' day school under the patron- age of the Governor of the Port. A few of the pupils were converted and the school was, on the whole, satisfactory, but from a missionary point of view a thoroughly successful day school seemed impossible. The parents of many of the pupils resided in the vicinity but a short time, and during this time the pupils were in the school only a portion of each day. There was little hope, therefore, that the impressions made would be last- ing. A boarding school was needed. After some delay the lease of a lot of ground on the Bluf? at Yokohama was obtained in 1874 and a school building erected. Miss Kidder had been married in July, 1873. to Rev. E. Rothesay Miller, and thenceforward conducted the school with her husband's assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, returning to America on furlough in 1879. resigned the care of the school. In 1881 Rev. Eugene S. Booth, who had come from Nagasaki in search of health, undertook the care of the school at the request of the mission. Prior to 1881 the number of pupils in attendance at any one time had not exceeded 40. but the opportunity of broadening the influence of the school was presented in the rapidly growing desire among the Japanese people for the education of women, and the accommodations for pupils were increased by the enlargement of the building in 1882. The number of pupils soon exceeded a hundred. The desire for still further enlarging the work was placed before the church at home by Mr. Booth during his visit to America in 1886, and funds were provided for the pur- chase of an adjoining lot and the erection of an additional building. This is Van Schaick Hall. The school is thus provided with a much-needed chapel, additional recitation rooms, and dormitory accommodations, and can accommodate about two hundred boarders. The grade of the school has been advanced beyond what was desirable in the former period of its history and is equal to that of any other girls' school under mission direc- tion. This school was later named for Dr. Ferris. Ferris Seminary has been one of the most useful and singularly effective missionary institutions in Japan. Its particular field has been in building up a Christian womanhood with a view, not only to the homes, but to leader- ship in the increasing activities falling to women in Japan, especially in these later years. Dr. Eugene S. Booth has been the very successful principal of this institution for forty years, and has been decorated by the Japanese Government for his service, particularly to women's education in 214 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Japan. The buildings have increased in numbers and pupils have crowded the halls until they now number two hundred and fifty. To be a graduate of Ferris Seminary is a distinction in Japan. Rev. Henry Stout arrived at Nagasaki in 1869, just prior to Dr. Ver- beck's removal to Tokyo, and for more than three years engaged in teach- ing in government schools. This vv^ork was relinquished as soon as it was thought that the time had come for direct mission work, and a boys' school was opened at the mission residence. The Bible was the principal text-book and instruction in English was offered as an inducement for young men to attend. Mrs. Stout began a school for girls also at the mission residence fn 1873. The pupils soon became so many that they could not be accommo- dated. An arrangement was, therefore, made by which both these schools were removed to the native town. In the course of a few weeks about 50 girls and 30 boys were in attendance. Difficulties soon arose, however, on account of the use of the Bible, and the Japanese patrons caused the school to be closed; The work was resumed at the mission residence. Afterward, through tbe kindness of a Christian foreigner, a school house was built on the mission property and the school was removed to it. ■ From this time untij 1886 school work, both for boys and girls, was car- rifed on amid alternations of hope and disappointment. In i88r Rev. Mr. Booth opened a boys' school and Mr. Stout began to teach a theological class of four students. Two of these are now most eflfective ministers of "the Gospel. '••Meantime, the Synod's Board had received from its President a gift for the establishment of the William H. Steele, Jr., Memorial School, and under the care of Rev. Albert Oltmans and Mrs. Oltmans, the mission educational work for boys in Nagasaki began a career of prosperity. A suitable loca- tion had already been chosen, and the erection of buildings for class rooms and dormitories begun. These were formally opened in the autumn of 1887. Instruction is given in the Academic Department in English, Japanese, arithmetic, and sodie other common English branches, as geography -and physiology. There is daily instruction in the Bible for all the students. Steele Academy has similarly made large progress in recent .yea,rs. Under the vigorous and most successful principalship of Mr. Anthony Walvoord, its progi^ess was very conspicuous. The buildings and equipment have increased as also the attendance. This is one of the strong institutions of Japan. . The Misses Farrington were sent to Nagasaki in 1878 and began teach- ing a class of girls with the hope that it would be the nucleus of a school, but they were obliged by sickness to relinquish the work and returned to America 'the following year. As far as time and strength permitted, Mrs. Stout had before this been teaching such girls as she could gather about her, and now she again taught a small class, hoping that other ladies might be ^ent from home' tb revive the school. Several years elapsed before the expected reihfoVc'eWients arrived, and then, on account of the necessity for Stfidyitig the Japarie§e language, several years rtiore passed before anything HISTORY OF FOREIGN' MISSIONS 21 5 could be done beside the teaching of a small class. In 1887 the school building for the Jonathan Sturges Seminary was completed, and in Sep- tember the school was opened. In 1913 Sturges Seminary was united with a smaller institution for girls maintained by the Presbyterians and removed to Shimononseki. where new buildings were erected on a beautiful site, and the joint institutions con- tinuing the name of Sturges, Seminary started out on a new and very successful career. The ladies connected with the Ferris and Jonathan Sturges Seminaries do such work as time and opportunity allow in the families of the pupils. The wives of our missionaries are not idle. They too, whenever pos- sible, have their Bible, Sewing and English classes, generally connected with some church or school in the cities where they reside. The work for women has developed greatly in our Mission through the increasing number of lady missionaries and the enlarged opportunities offered in Japan. Almost every station has a lady missionary devoted en- tirely to evangelistic and educational work, and the bulk of this work constitutes each year a large part of the activity of the Mission. During the last few years much discussion has ranged about the question of self-support and the relation of the missionaries to the native church organization. Without going into a special consideration of these ques- tions, we may say that the native Christians have been gradually collecting more and more money. They realize that contributions to local e.xpenses is a reasonable service and duty. The influence of the Synod, Classes, and church papers, too, is strongly this way. . In earlier years, while the native church was still in swaddling clothes, the missions, of necessity, did all the thinking and planning for it. With the growth and development of the church, it has assumed its own re- sponsibilities and is discharging its own proper functions. This is naturally a time when difticult questions arise, and friction often develops. ■ In this field we have been singularly free from difficulties of this order. The mission cares for nothing more than an advisory relation, in matters purely ecclesiastical, and this the native church freely accords, while in matters pertaining to our educational work or evengelism pure and simple, we have constantly enjoyed the sympathetic co-operation of the brethren of the native church organization. (For list of Missionaries in Japan .<;ee Part Three, "Japan"). THE .-VR-VBLVN MISSION (1889), Interest in missions was especially active in the Xew Brunswick Seminary in 1888-9. The students, James Cantine and Philip T. Phelps, of the senior class, and Samuel M. Zwemer, of the middle class, decided to go to the foreign field and to enter on pioneer work. Upon consultation with Professof Lansing, they chose the Mohammedan world. They proposed that this new work should be supported by subscriptions of from five dollars to two hundred by individuals, churches or other organizations. These first subscriptions were to run for five years, when the missfdn 2l6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA was to pass under the direct supervision of the Board of Foreign Missions of the church. The plan was presented to the General Synod of 1888. It was referred to the consideration of the Board, but the Board felt unable to assume any supervision at that time of this new enterprise. The mission was, however, inaugurated independently on Aug. i, 1889. It took for its motto, "Oh, that Ishmael might live before Thee!" The field chosen was Arabia. A Committee of Advice from four of the contributors was appointed. Under the circumstances, the mission was undenomina- tional. The amount needed was to be simply the amount needed' to equip and support the missionaries sent. The mission was incorporated in New Jersey and it at once received a legacy of nearly $5,000 from Catharine Jane Halstead. On Oct. 16, 1889. James Cantine sailed. Samuel M. Zwemer sailed in 1890. These two pioneers visited Syria and from there went to Cairo. On Dec. 18, 1890, Mr. Cantine left Cairo for Aden, and on Jan. 8, 1891, Mr. Zwemer took steamer for Suakim to consult with General Haig, a great friend of missions to the Mohammedans. The two missionaries at first explored southwestern Arabia. In May, 1891, Mr. Cantine went to Muscat and the Persian Gulf, while Mr. Zwemer studied the possibilities of an opening in Yemen. Mr. Cantine visited Bahrein and other ports, finally going on to Basrah and Bagdad. But Basrah (Bossora) seemed to be the proper place in which to begin opera- tions. An English physician having just left this field, a strong plea was made for an American physician, in order thus to gain the attention and confidence of the people. In 1892 C. E. Riggs, M.D., was sent out, but it soon became necessary to revoke his commission. This event, with the illness of Professor Lansing, and a decrease in the subscriptions, were serious blows to the work. But the missionaries on the field, nothing daunted, made an urgent appeal for five more men, and, to facilitate mat- ters, asked the reduction of their own salaries. They believed that the best way to succeed was to extend the work and trust in God. In 1892 Rev. P. J. Zwemer joined the mission. Arrangements were also now made with the British and Foreign Bible Society to carry on their Bible work in this field. In 1893 Bahrein was occupied as a second station. Within a year 200 portions of Scriptures had been sold. Eastern Arabia was now also visited, perhaps for the first time in recent centuries, by a Christian missionary. In 1894 James T. Wyckoflf, M.D., sailed for the Arabian field. He visited Constantinople on his way to secure a Turkish diploma also, to facilitate his work. He arrived at Basrah in March, 1895. But a severe attack of sick- ness compelled his speedy relinquishment of the field. In 1893 Peter J. Zwemer visited Maskat. The prospects for work in Oman were so encouraging that it was decided he should occupy that field. After many difficulties in the home administration of this mission it was finally transferred to the care of the regular Board in June, 1894. The distinct existence of the old corporation was still preserved, but its mem- bers, for convenience, are chosen from the members of the regular Foreign HISTORY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS 21/ Board. This put the administration of the Arabian Mission in experienced hands. In 1895. after seven years of labor in Arabia, Mr. Cantine visited America on furlough. Rev. S. M. Zwemer was now transferred to Basrah, and Bahrein was left uncared for. The enervating character of the climate caused the missionaries great discomfort, while at the same time touring was rendered impracticable by tribal wars. Maskat was captured by the Bedouins, the mission house was looted, and Peter J. Zwemer was obliged to take refuge with the British Consulate. The Bible work at Basrah was also stopped by Turkish authority, the Bible shop was closed, and the col- porteurs arrested. The arrival of Dr. H. K. L. Worrall in 1895, possessing also a Turkish medical diploma, again gained the hearts of the people; but a severe sick- ness during his first summer on the field interfered with the work. But Mr. Cantine's visit to America had excited new interest for this Arabian mission. During the same year a new station was opened at Amara and there were some earnest inquirers. Work for the women of Eastern Arabia was begun in 1896 by Mrs. S. M. Zwemer. She had left the mission of The Church Missionary Society, at Bagdad, in order to marry Mr. Zwemer. First at Basrah, then at a Bahrein and Kateef, she inaugurated woman's work. Extensive tours were also now made by Rev. P. J. Zwemer with native colporteurs. One of the latter visited the pirate coast of Katar and sold over a hundred por- tions of Scripture. There has been a great increase in these sales, 80 per cent, of them being made to Molsems. In the autumn of 1895 Mr. Cantine returned to the field. In 1896 Mr. and Mrs. Zwemer left on a furlough. Mr. P. J. Zwemer now started a school of 18 African slave boys. A hand press also now began to be used, and a little tract was at once issued, in Arabic : "Mohammed or Christ —On Which Do You Rely?" At Basrah the medical work brought many within the hearing of the Gospel. Dr. Worrall also began work at Nasariah. At Amara inquirers were found. At the close of 1897 Rev. F. J. Barny arrived on the field and began the study of the language. In 1898 Rev. P. J. Zwemer, quite broken down in health, returned to America and died. Four new missionaries now went to this field. Miss Margaret Rice (now Mrs. F. J. Barny) and Rev. George E. Stone sailed with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer on their return in August, 1898. Sharon J. Thoms, M.D., and Marion Wells Thoms, M.D.. of the University of Michigan, arrived on the field in December. 1898. But Mr. Stone died on June 26, 1899. Soon after Rev. H. J. Wiersum and Rev. J. E. Moerdyk went to the Arabian field, but Mr. Wiersum died in 1 901. Many others have since followed. The work of the Arabian Mission is developing with impressiveness parallel to the conditions in the other mission fields during the last twenty years. The old stations of Basrah, Bahrein and Maskat have been strength- ened with a number of missionaries and further equipment for service and new stations have been opened at Nasariah (1919), Amara (1920), Bagh- 2l8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA dad (1921). Medical work has been very effective in softening the heart of the Moslem and irr affording opportunity for evangelistic work. The Mason Memorial Hospital built from funds supplied by the family of Rev. A. De Witt Mason has done a peculiarly valuable work from the center at Bahrein, its influence reaching far into the interior of the Nejd. In recent years this hospital has been in the care of Dr. Paul W. Harrison, who is carrying his medical ministrations two hundred and fifty miles into the interior going as far as the important capital at Riadh. The Lansing Memorial Hospital at Bahrein, built from funds supplied by Miss Lansing, Albany, has done a peculiarly effective work in this important and rapidly growing city. It was through this hospital that the openirg of the new station at Kuweit was made possible. The medical missionaries particularly identified with the work of this hospital are Dr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Bennett. Mrs. Bennett, also a physician, lost her life through her devotion to the, work of this hospital during the period of the war. The hospital at Kuweit, built from funds supplied by a member of the Church at Bronxville. New York, has also rendered a wide service. This has been in the care of Dr. C. S. G. Mylrea. More recently a Dis- pensary for Women has been opened in Kuweit, which has been under the care of Mrs. E. E. Calverley. As a direct result of the War, Upper Mesopotamia has been opened to evangelistic work through the withdrawal of Turkey from political rela- tions with this area. Dr. Cantine occupied Baghdad in 1921, the Church Missionary Society having withdrawn its missionaries from that city and from the entire area. Plans are now being formed for the occupancy of Upper Mesopotamia through the joint responsibility placed upon the Missionary Societies of the Presbyterian-Reformed order, who now have missions in the neighboring, territory of Persia and Syria. Large op- portunities are also offered for the occupancy of the interior of Arabia in fulfillment of the plans so persistently maintained by the Mission through all its history. Dr. John Van Ness is making the contribution which is so characteristic of missionaries toward the building up of a Christian literature in the language of the country. He is the author of an Arabic Grammar and Reader now in general use. The missionary staff consists of about thirty-five members all now eagerly awaiting the opportunities for more open evangelistic work in this cradle of Islam. (For list of Missionaries see Part III, Arabia). CHAPTER XXIX. HISTORY OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. REVISED BY WILLIAM T. PEMAKEST, LL.D.. SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSION'S. FIRST PERIOD — 1786-1806. Until the independence of the American Reformed churches in 1772 they were themselves missionary ground. In 1786 the old Synod took the first action on the subject of Missions, appointing Messrs. Westerlo, D. Romeyn, H. Schoonmaker. and H. Meyer a committee to devise some plan for sending the Gospel to the destitlite localities, and to report to the next Synod. This action was induced by a request from the inhabitants of Saratoga to be furnished with the preaching of the Word. The Classis of Albany was requested to attend to their wants, in the meantime, by occasional supplies. Plans were presented the ne.xt year, but the subject postponed, and Dr. Hardenbergh added to the committee'. They finally recommended that voluntary collections be taken up in all the congrega- tions, as manifestations of their love, to aid in the extension of the Church. The moneys so collected were to be laid on the tables of the Classes, and through them transferred to the Synod. Each Classis was also specially directed to look after the destitute fields within its own bounds. In 1791 appeals came from Hardy County, at the headwaters of the Potomac, in West Virginia, asking for help. They were supplied through the ordina- tion of a Christian physician residing there. (Jennings). The subject of church extension is found inserted, as an item in the regular business of each Classis in 1790, and moneys began to come into Synod's hands for this cause. A Classis at this time would collect from ten- to tweftty- five pounds annually. The Synod could now begin to act. A comfnittee was appointed to find persons willing to undertake mission tours, while the Classis of Albany was requested still to take special charge of the needy in their vicinity. The next year, the Synod made the Dcputati Syiwdi a committee on church extension, to take entire charge of the matter, and report to the Synod ; but with the constitution of the General Synod, two years later their duties in this office seems to have ceased. Appeals also came from the distant Kentucky, and from the Susquehanna.' In 1792 Andrew Gray, of Poughkeepsie. undertook a tour to the latter region, spending six weeks, while his pulpit was supplied by the Synod. Two years later the brethren Cornelison and S. Ostrander made similar fours, the former going up the Delaware as far as the Great Bend, and thence across to the Susquehanna, and down the same to Wyoming, spending eight weeks ; 'See Conewago, under list of churches. 219 220 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA while the latter proceeded from Catskill to Jericho, at the Unadilla, and thence to Schenenas, Cherry Valley, and the Onondaga, for the same length of time. Mr. Cornelison established the first church in our domestic missionary efforts, at Tioga, under the name of the Church of Union, in the Chenango Valley, near Binghamton (1794). In 1796 the people of Salt River,^ Mercer County, Ky., forwarded a call to the Classis of New Brunswick, earnestly requesting them to fill it. Peter Labagh, a student of Froeligh, offered to visit this field, provided he could be ordained as a missionary before going. The Synod consented, and the Classis of Hackensack, to which he belonged, put the call in his hands. Furnished with £30, he started. He organized a church of one hundred families at Salt River, but on account of their distance, their unsettled state, and the improbability of his denomination extending in that remote locality, he returned their call. About the same time George Brinkerhofif undertook a mission to the Genesee country, spending eight weeks. The Classis of Albany urged again on Synod the duty of devising some effectual way to meet the many prayers which were made for the Bread of Life. The Synod, however, only postponed the further consideration of their request. In 1797 John Duryee and Peter Stryker, and in 1798 Jacob Sickles and Samuel Smith, undertook similar missions to those already mentioned. At the close of the century all the Classes were forwarding money (most of the churches contributing) except the Classis of Kingston, for the cause of church extension. In the meantime, the Classis of Albany became specially prominent for its zeal in this cause. In 1798 they employed Robert McDowell, one of their ministers, as their missionary to Canada, who. in a short time, organ- ized six large churches, embracing more than four hundred families, along the St. Lawrence and the northern shores of Ontario. The people there seemed hungry for the Bread of Life. In 1800 he permanently settled over three of these churches. (McDowell). Six other missionaries were also employed by them, drawing their expenses from the funds of the Synod. The Synod, in 1800, formally appointed the Classis of Albany to take charge of all the missionary operations in the north. (.1/. G. S., i. 307, an interesting report). With the increase of churches, several new Classes were organized. But the cause somewhat languished after this, for want of men and means. Yet, in 1804, the first legacy for any of the benevolent operations of the church was left by a Christian lady, Sarah de Peyster. Upon inquiry, the Synod informed her executors that the Classis of Albany was their society for receiving such funds. For eight years Canada had been the sole field of operations. The Classis of New Brunswick complained that there were destitute places within their bounds which ought to participate in the funds. In 1806, therefore, the Particular Synod of New York requested the General Synod to resume the immediate management of all the missionary operations of the church which had been confided to the Classis of Albany. This was 'See Salt River under list of churches. HISTORY OF DOMESTIC MISSION'S 221 done. Thus ends the first period of twenty years of the missionary opera- tions of the Reformed Church. SFXoxi) PERIOD — 1806-1822. The Synod now appointed a committee of four ministers and four elders, with plenary powers, to whom should be confided all her missionary operations. They were located in Albany till 1819, when, with the final abandonment of the Canadian missions, they were directed to locate in New York. They received all the missionary documents from the Classis of Albany, and the members of the committee held their apointment dur- ing the pleasure of Synod. They were known as the "Standing Committee of Missions for the Reformed Dutch Church in America." This standing committee commenced their operation on the old plan — short tours by settled pastors. But these reported the unsatisfactoriness of such efforts. Messrs. Bork, C. Ten Eyck, and P. D. Froeligh, in 1806, went west from Albany one hundred and fifty miles, thence to Lake Ontario, and down the St. Lawrence to Ogdensburg. and up the same river on the Canada side, and along the lake, all the way round to Niagara, and thence home, visiting many settlements, and organizing five new churches in Canada. Three years later Messrs. Sickles and H. Ostrander traversed the same ground, the parties having spent about three months each time. They found the state of religion very low, though they were treated with civility and kindness. Settled ministers were wanted. The next year (1810) John Beattie went over the same route and organized an additional church at York, in Canada^, spending nearly five months. From that time till the close of the war with Great Britain, only one laborer visited that region; namely, John Duryee. In 1817 John F. Schermerhorn and Jacob van Vechten. and in 1818-19 Cornelius Bogardus, again visited those churches, and a Presbyterian licentiate, Mr. Allen, was also employed by the committee. During all this time ( 1798-1819) Mr. McDowell had been faithfully laboring in his own charges in Canada. There were yet eleven of those mission churches existing. They earnestly sought for two more ministers to settle there and organize a Classis. But the church was becoming disheartened by the distance, and the want of men and means. Their missionary funds had not yet exceeded $400 per year. Complaints were heard from many quarters. There were many calls from churches in the Union and nearer home. By resolution, the field had been limited to Canada and the routes thither. In 1815 Synod permitted operations elsewhere in the States. A mission to Deer Park (Port Jervis), by C. C. Eltinge. in 1816. resulted in his settlement there, where he con- tinued for twenty-seven years. With the transfer of the committee to New York the Canadian churches were abandoned. One minister in each Classis was asked to make known the proper fields at home. Some of the Classes had begun to retain their money for their own missionary necessities. Herkimer, Fulton, Schoharie, Saratoga. Washington, and Warren Counties, N. Y. ; Sussex, N. J. ; Pike, Pa., and the locality of Spotswood. N. J., were the fields now opening to 222 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA view. A church was soon organized at Spotswood. through the labors of Van Hook. Isaac Ferris labored for three months along the Mohawk, and received a call to Manheim, but declined. Mr. Switz followed him there for the same period. The next year ^Messrs. Ketchum and Fort were sent to that locality, and also Mr. van Hook, after having spent a short time at Stillwater, in Sussex County, X. J. Cent societies were also started at this time, in many churches, but with small results. During the three years of the committee in Xew York, besides the church at Spotswood, others were organized — one at Oppenheim, one at Fayette, Seneca County, and one at Le Roy, Jefferson County, N. Y. Eight missionaries had been employed. In 1821 Synod appointed Messrs. Knox, Milledoler, and Woodhull a committee to draw up a new plan for mission- ary operations and to report to next Synod. But their action was fore- stalled by individual efforts. At the suggestion of Paschal N. Strong a number of pious individuals, in January, 1822, organized themselves into a society to be known as "The Missionary Society of the Reformed Dutch Church." The formation of this society was made known to the Synod, and the matter was referred to the Committee on Missions. Its birth was hailed with joy. Its board of managers was made Synod's Standing Com- mittee on Missions, and «11 the churches were exhorted to form auxiliary societies, not only for domestic, but for foreign missionary operations. THiRn PERIOD — 1822-31. The policy of the new society was to employ as many of the graduates of the seminary as were willing to undertake missions, to have auxiliary so- cieties in every congregation, and to take up collections at the monthly con- certs for prayer. They published reports each year which were scattered through the churches. This society was the beginning of a new life. Nearly $2,000 were contributed in the first four months, and the amount increased in the sixth year to more than $5,000. During the ten years of the existence of this society they collected more than $30,000, and aided about 100 churches or stations and 130 missionaries. This society also started, in 1826, the "Magazine of the R. D. Church," issued monthly, and which, four years later, was transformed into the "Christian Intelligencer." They confined their efforts to the then limits of the church, in strengthen- ening and establishing present organizations rather. than extending. But the Particular Synod of Albany felt that they were remote from the Board, and did not receive all the help which their destitute localities demanded, and, accordingly, in 1828, the Synod directed that a Northern Board be appointed by the Missionary Society, to act under them. They were accordingly organized, and appointed J. F. Schermerhorn their agent (1829), to call forth the resources of the Church and determine the proper missionary fields. There were at the time (1830) 159 ministers, 12 licen- tiates, and 194 churches, of which s;i were vacant, and 26 in need of aid. Mr. Schermerhorn gave a new impetus to the work of benevolence in the church. But the Northern Board was dissatisfied with arrangements. They were, in fact, only a sub-committee of the society in New York, to HISTORY OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS 223 which everything must be finally referred. They could do nothing in- dependently. They a?ked that the wisdom of Synod would consider the matter. The Missionary Society was not wholly under the control of Synod. Some collisions had occurred. Mr. Schermerhorn had been dis- charged by the New York society in 1830. It was felt that Synod should have full power over all the missionary operations of the church. Synod accordingly notified the society that the officers whom they had recently elected should be continued during the present year, but that next year their number should be reduced to fifteen (one-half), and Synod would elect them, and they were requested to alter their constitution accordingly. Their duties were also limited to the Particular Synod of New York, while Synod elected fifteen for a similar society in the north. Mr. Schermerhorn was also appointed general agent of the Church, at a salary of $1,300 a year, to be raised by private subscription. But the old society in New York refused to conform to the injunction of Synod. In 1831, therefore. Synod changed the basis of all the operations, by constituting the Board of Mis- sions. The benevolence of the church was for a few years nearly equally divided between the two societies, but at length the old society became au.xiliary to the new Board. In 1831 forty-five missionary stations were reported. FOURTH PERIOD 183I-1879. This Board of Missions had all the mission operations of the church committed to its hands. Mr. Schermerhorn went at once vigorously to work. More than $5,400 crowned his efforts in the first year, and eight new churches were organized and pastors installed over them. Yet there existed great prejudice against the employment of an agent. Dr. C. C. Cuyler. in 1832. ably vindicated the necessity and propriety of the office, and Mr. Schermerhorn was elected a third time to this position ; but he declined, and Rev. A. H. Dumont was elected in his place. The old Mis- sionary Society continued to send their reports, but Synod declined to take any action on them. Great excitement prevailed on the whole subject for a couple of years, and the church paper was filled with the discussion. Mr. Dumont's effort, for the single year of his service, secured about $5,200. But in 1833 Synod was mistakenly induced to discontinue the agency, but with bad results, the receipts falling off $2,400 the first year. The old Mis- sionary Society now consented to become auxiliary to the Board, and their receipts swelled the total to $5,600. The German Church also about this time made informal overtures for united efforts to help their churches in Central Pennsylvania. For nine years the Board depended on Classical agents. During this time (1837) the first church of the denomination was organized in the West, at Fairview, 111. Other churches were subse- quently organized in Michigan. Illinois, and the territory of Wisconsin. In 1841 these were sufficient to organize the Classes of Illinois and Michigan, and ten years later the Classis of Holland. The yearly benevolence during this period, for this cause, only amounted to four or five thousand dollars per annum, though it had sometimes exceeded $6,000 in earlier years 224 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA (1830-35). About thirty-five churches per annum received aid from the Board. But in 1842 a financial secretary was appointed, Rev. Ransford Wells, to take the general superintendence of both the Foreign and Do- mestic Missions, the Board of Education, and the Sabbath School Union. The next year, in consequence of enlarged operations and the need of in- creased services, a division of duties was made — those pertaining to the Western missions being placed in the hands of Rev. B. C. Taylor, and those pertaining to the Eastern, in the hands of Rev. G. H. Fisher. The cause was now in a prosperous condition. Many churches were organized and assisted. In 1844, however, Dr. Wells resigned, and the loss of the financial agent was plainly visible. During the last year of his labors, the receipts of the Board reached the sum of $9,516, and the subsequent year they decreased nearly $3,000. The name of the Board was also at this time changed from the "Board of Missions" to the "Board of Domestic Missions of General Synod." The secretaries of the East and the West continued their labors till 1849. In 1845 the Synod appointed Rev. Dr. Ferris to visit the Western field and report its condition. About this time also the large immigration of Hollanders began ; they settled in Michigan and ad- joining states. These naturally, to a large extent, united with the Reformed Church. Operations were soon greatly enlarged, and in 1849 the Board was reorganized, and Rev. John Garretson chosen secretary. During the following decade of years no less than one hundred and fifty new churches were organized, many of them under the auspices of the Domestic Board. During this same time the receipts more than doubled, reaching, in the year of Dr. Garretson's resignation, the sum of nearly $17,000. Rev. Anson du Bois succeeded Dr. Garretson, and having served in this capacity for three years, Rev. Goyn Talmage took his place. Rev. Cyrus Vanderveer succeeded for a brief space (July, 1867 — April, 1868) and the position was occupied by Rev. Jacob West, D.D. The receipts for the year ending April, 1878, were $27,542. The number of Classes during the existence of this Board has more than doubled. The Board during the year 1878 employed ninety-seven laborers and assisted one hun- dred and two churches. These churches contributed to the funds of the Board, for the year ending April, 1878, about $1,230. The Board of Domestic Missions was incorporated in 1867. Its funds had previously been held by the Board of Corporation. FIFTH PERIOD 1879-I922. The Fifth Period of the History of the Domestic Mission work of the Reformed Church has been preeminently a time of estabhshment and enlargement. The service rendered by a mission board is so largely dependent upon the funds provided by the churches that it is proper to show that the progress made by this Board during these years has but kept pace with the constantly enlarging contributions of the Reformed Church constituency. In 1879 the total receipts for Domestic Missions were $29,368.31. In 1889 they had reached a total of $52,075.71. Ten years later, in 1899, the receipt of $83,870.28 was reported. In 1909 the total was $146,990.73, which in 1919 had increased to $234,228.96. In 1920 total receipts were $329,531.29, and in 1921 they reached a total of $421,192.96. As a result of this advance in resources the Board, with the approval of the General Synod, is conduct- ing a wider work than was possible in its earlier history, is giving more adequate support to missionaries and missionary pastors, and is efficiently contributing to the growth in America of the Reformed Church. The beginnings of a program of advance may be found in 1882 with the observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the Board. Plans were formulated at a Jubilee Convention held that year in Newark, N. J., which led to the organization of the Women's Executive Committee of the Board. This organization of consecrated women undertook to enlist the women of the Reformed Church in the work of Domestic Missions, secur- ing their contributions and using the funds to assist the Board in meeting its obligations. Twelve years later the Board consented to the beginning of work among American Indians by the women's organization, which agreed that only funds specifically contributed for this purpose should be used for the work. Under a similar agreement the women's organiza- tion began work in 1899 among the mountaineers in Jackson County, Kentucky. The success of these missions and their growth is indicated by the fact that in 1921 the specified contributions for Indian missions totalled $57,287.01, and for the Mountain missions $53,437.90, either sum being considerably larger than the total contributions of the Church for all Domestic Missions in 1882, when the Women's Executive Committee was organized. In 1907 this organization commenced mission work among the Japanese resident in and around New York, and two mission stations for these people are now successfully maintained. In 1909 the Women's Executive Committee was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York as ".Women's Board of Domestic Missions." While the women were thus moving forward in service there was cor- responding advance in all those matters immediately administered by Gen- 225 226 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA eral Synod's Board of Domestic Missions. A decision that has led to a marked increase in service was made in 1889, when it was decided to extend the policy of appointing Classical Missionaries, previously confined to Dakota, to other sections of the Church, and in the following year such missionaries were appointed for the Classes of Grand River, Iowa and Wisconsin. The duty of these missionaries is to seek fields for church extension, to care for pastorless churches, and to render all assistance pos- sible in the growth of the Church. The importance of such service is increasingly evident, not only in the West, where their work was begun, but also in the older eastern classes. Sixteen such Classical Missionaries are at the present working under the Board's appointment, their service extending from the shores of the Atlantic, in the Classis of New York, to those of the Pacific, in the Classis of the Cascades. This farthest western Classis of the Church was organized in 1912, its churches and missions having previously been included in the Classis of Dakota. It has the largest territory of any Classis, comprising the states of Montana, Washington, Oregon and California. The occupation of this northwestern section of our country by the Reformed Church is due to the movement of settlers from older communities of Hollanders in the Middle West to the newer territory, and also to the settlement of immi- grants from the Netherlands in the far West. The development of the western sections of the Church, fostered and assisted by the Board of Domestic Missions, also led to the organization, in 1919, of the Particular Synod of Iowa in which is now included practically all of the territory west of the Mississippi River. In these years of progress the Board has also undertaken some phases of home mission service which were unknown in the Reformed Church during the earlier periods. In 1897 the suggestion was made at the Gen- eral Synod that some service be rendered to the colored people of the South. The work was not commenced for several years, but in 1903 the Board reported to the Synod its maintenance of missions among the colored people of Orangeburgh, Magnolia, Shiloh and Timmonsville, all in the state of South Carolina. A mission was also organized at Flor- ence, S. C, a few years later. It did not take long to demonstrate that the type of worship in the Reformed Church was not attractive to the rank and file of the Negroes, who preferred the more emotional service oflfered by other churches. The better educated only were reached by our churches. At the present time but two of these churches are maintained, those at Florence and Timmonsville. The Board provides the funds for the main- tenance of their pastors, but the immediate administration of the work has been placed for several years with the E.xecutive Committee for Home Missions of the Southern Presbyterian Church. Although small parochial schools have been connected with some of the missions to colored people, it was not until 1919 that the Board entered the work of Negro education in any effective way. The Southern Normal and Industrial Institute at Brewton, Alabama, had been independently started in a small way several years previously and had enlisted the FIFTH PERIOD — 1879-I92I 2.2J niterest of a number of Reformed churches. At the request of the Par- ticular Synod of Chicago the Board investigated the school with a view to taking it under denominational control. It was found to have a good outlook, the good will of its community, and to be much needed. With the consent of the General Synod the Board took over the property and since October, 1919, has been responsible for its maintenance. It has at present about two hundred scholars. In 1908 and 1909 work was commenced by the Board among Italians and Hungarians and in the twelve years which have elapsed it has attained considerable proportions. So far as can be ascertained this is the first organized work among immigrant peoples other than Hollanders under- taken by the Reformed Church. It was begun by the Board at practically the same time that the Women's organization began work among the Japanese. Italian missions are now maintained in Chicago, 111., Newburgh, N. Y., Weehawken, Haskensack, Englewood and Newark, N. J. Mis- sions for Hungarians are located at Peekskill, Poughkeepsie and Hud- son, N. Y., and at Manville and Flemington, N. J. The record of this period of the Board's history would be incomplete without reference to the service among the white residents of Oklahoma commenced in the summer of 1900 by four theological students who held evangelistic meetings in various communities of the then new state. The work thus begun was continued the following summer and as a result of it Reformed churches were organized in eight or nine Oklahoma towns and cities. On October 4, 1906, the Classis of Oklahoma was organized by the Particular Synod of New York, including in its membership not only the churches referred to but also a few Indian churches which had been organized as a result of the success of the missions to Indians maintained by the Women's Executive Committee. The Reformed Church was the first to carry the Gospel to some of these southwestern communities, but their permanent settlement was largely by people from the southern states who provided no constituency for our churches. The Reformed Church was unknown to them even in name. With the object. of conserving the work that had been accomplished the Board decided in 1910, after full conference with the Classis and the individual churches, to withdraw its support from the latter and to encourage their transfer to denomina- tions in position effectively to develop them. The churches were ulti- mately transferred to the Presbyterian Church, some to the northern body and some to the southern ; their properties, in most cases owned by the Board, were sold to the new organizations thus' formed, and a year later the Classis of Oklahoma was disbanded. It remains to be said that the service rendered for ten years by the Reformed Church in the Oklahoma field may not be counted as wasted eflFort from the standpoint of evangel- ism, and the progress of the churches since their transfer demonstrates the wisdom shown in giving to them .the more favorable circumstances of ecclesiastical connections which could contribute to their growth and wel- fare. ■ 228 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA A new opportunity for service came to the Board in 1917 with ihe purchase by the United States from Denmark of the islands formerly known as the Danish West Indies and called, since the purchase, the Virgin Islands. For a number of years the Board had assisted the Re- formed Church at St. Thomas on these islands, the only church in the whole group belonging to an American religious body. Following the pur- chase of our Government a considerable number of sailors and marines were stationed at St. Thomas and the Board is now maintaining not only the church but is providing by its missionary an effective religious and social work among the enlisted men of the United States forces. There has been but one change in the Board's charter during these forty- three years. Its work was formerly restricted "to aiding weak and founding new churches of the denomination" and in 1900 the charter was amended so as "to allow its missionaries to engage in evangelistic work which may not immediately eventuate in the founding of new churches." The Church Building Fund, instituted by the General Synod in 1854, is administered by the Board as a separate department. Its income has never been sufficient to meet the calls for loans under Synod's plans, yet fully three hundred churches have been the beneficiaries of its resources. At the present time, ffom contributions and repayments, its income aver- ages fifty thousand dollars per year, which is also the amount loaned annually to churches to assist their building projects. For such loans the churches pay interest at the rate of one per cent, per annum for five years, and, if the loan is further extended, two per cent, thereafter. These years have witnessed a commendable growth in two forms of •co-operation, one between the several boards of the Reformed Church, and 'the other between the several home mission boards of the evangelical 'Churches. As to the latter there is recorded a conference with Presby- terians and Congregationalists in 1892 at which principles were adopted to govern instances of overlapping on the home mission field. Baptists ;and Methodists were invited to this conference but declined to co-ope.ate. Three years later, at the instance of the Alliance of Reformed Churches, another conference was held and the rules governing comity then adopted were found effective in two cases within a year. In 1907 the Home Mis- sions Council was organized, including in its membership the home mis- sion organizations of practically all evangelical churches, and as a result of this fellowship denominational disputes on home mission fields are practically ended. inter-board co-operation in the Reformed Church has developed es- fpecially along the lines of publicity and promotion. The Department of Young Peoples Work, organized in 1895, was jointly maintained by the Domestic and Foreign Boards and was discontinued when the Board of Publication enlarged the scope of its service to Bible schools and young people's organizations. In the Progress Campaign, instituted in 1917, all the Boards are in co-operation. They also co-operate in the publication of The Christian Intelligencer and Mission Field and in the joint maintenance of various office matters including an inter-communicating telephone system FIFTH PERIOD — 1879-I92I 229^ in the headquarters building at 25 East 22nd Street, New York. The Foreign and Domestic Boards also co-operate in the maintenance of a district office at Holland, Michigan. There have been manj' changes in the officers of the Board in this period. In 1879 Mr. S. R. W. Heath was president. His successors were elected in the years named : 1889 — Mr. G. E. Winants ; 1891 — Rev. Dr. Paul D^ Van Cleef; 1896— Rev. Dr. Cornelius Brett; 1906— Rev. Dr. Alfred H. Brush; 1910— Rev. Dr. James I. Vance; 1911 — Rev. Dr. James M. Farrar ; 1921— Rev. Dr. James S. Kittell. In 1887 Rev. Dr. Jacob West, who had been for twenty years Corresponding Secretary of the Board, resigned, and Rev. Dr. Charles H. Pool was elected his successor. Dr. Pool died in 1906 and for over a year Rev. Dr. William H. Vroom served as Acting Secre- tary. In 1907 Rev. John Brownlee Voorhees was elected Corresponding- Secretary and at the same time the position of Office Secretary was: created and Mr. William T. Demarest was elected to it. Mr. Voorhees resigned in 1912 and Mr. Demarest became the executive officer, although his title was not changed until 1920 when the word "Office" was dropped and he became known as Secretary of the Board. There have been two Field Secretaries : The office was created in 1897 and Rev. William Wal- ton Clark was its incumbent for ten years. After an interval of six years Rev. Seth Vander Werf was elected Field Secretary and is yet serving in that office. Mr. John S. Bussing was made Treasurer in 1885 and resigned in 1906 after twenty-one years service. He was succeeded by Mr. William T. Demarest, who served until he became one of the Board's secretaries the following year," when he was succeeded by Mr. James Wig- gins. In 1913 Mr. Wiggins died and Mr. Charles W. Osborne was his successor and is the present Treasurer. CHAPTER XXX. THE PROGRESS CAMPAIGN AND THE FUTURE. BY JOHN A. INGHAM, D.D., GENERAL SECRETARY, REFORMED CHURCH PROGRESS CAMPAIGN. The "end of the century" note often sounded in America as the year 1900 drew near was drowned by the echo of Dewey's guns in Manila Bay. The acquisition of the PhiHppines aroused America to a new interest in things Asiatic. With a keener sense of responsibility for the Orient the churches of America, including our own, sought a more adequate system for enlisting the interest and the co-operation of the local churches in the world-wide work of the denomination. The financial plans included three items : the duple.x envelope, with its continuous appeal for the outside work along with parochial demands ; the every member canvass with its annual message of personal responsibility ; the system of budgets and quotas, set- ting goals upon the assumption that "what ought to be done, can be done." In the midst of this development, as the church was lengthening the cords of her benevolences and strengthening the stakes of her missionary in- terest, came the tragedy of the world war. Out of the conditions pre- ceding that war, and under the stimulus of the war's unprecedented de- mands, the middle years of the new century's second decade brought to American Protestantism a new vision of duties, opportunities and re- sponsibilities. It is against this background that we must set in its true perspective the launching of the "Five Year Program" by General Synod in 1918. Church growth and progress can never be adequately set forth in bare statistics. Nevertheless the annual summaries in the reports to General Synod are very striking. (A few earlier years are added for the purpose of comparison). Bible School Congregational Year Churches Ministers Communicants : Membership Benev. EJxpenses 1841 253 234 23,962 13,052, 1861 422 411 50,295 35,422 $151,738 $382,506 1871 467 510 63,483 51,169 326,039 901,617 1881 SO7 550 80,591 82,138 218,842 924,811 Congrega- Minis- Communi- Bible School Denom. Other tional Year Churches ters cants Membership Benev. Benev. Expenses 1891 570 582 94,323 108,691 $214,883 $94,691 $1,013,335 1901 654 716 111,171 123.934 286,928 92.508 1,165,216 I911 689 750 117,288 118,687 402,466 105,861 1,615,727 1921 72Z 771 135,634 134.795 230 1 ,022,246 270,279 2,737,438 THE PROGRESS CAMPAIGN AND THE FUTURE 27,1 Per cent gain 1901-11 5.3 47 S-5 *(4.2) 40.3 14.4 38.6 1911-21 6.4 2.8 15.6 13.6 154- 155-3 69.4 *Loss With the single exception of the number of ministers every item in the second decade shows a substantially better percentage than the first. In the matter of church membership this means that the Reformed Church in America was having her share in the spirit of progress unto victory which animated American Protestantism as the United States Religious Census Report for 1916 showed an increase in the membership of the Protestant churches from some 20,000,000 to 25,000,000 in the preceding ten years. As for the Bible School membership it is clear that the situation of the middle nineteenth century was greatly changed by the organized Sunday School movement, so that the closing years of that century registered a "high water mark" showing a Bible School enrolment considerably above the roll of communicants. For instance in 1893 the figures were: Communi- cants, 97,521; Bible School membership, 119,758. Thus in a half century the Bible School enrolment had grown from less than 55% to over 120% of the Church membership. The later years of the nineteenth century had shown some advance in the spirit of interdenominational co-operation, especially in the Presby- terian-Reformed group. The Alliance of Reformed Churches holding the Presbyterian system had been functioning since the meeting of its "General Council" in Edinburgh in 1877. At the suggestion of the Alliance a Conference of Officers and Members of Foreign Missionary Boards and Committees of the various Presbyterian Bodies in the United States and Canada was held in New York City, January 11, 1893, followed next day by a similar conference on wider lines, including representatives of nearly twenty denominations. . Just as Carey's famous sermon in 1792 is usually taken as a starting point for a study of the growth of organized mission- ary effort in the nineteenth century, this gathering one hundred and one years later marks in some sense a new departure in organized, practical interdenominationalism. The corresponding conference of Women's Boards of Foreign Missions, the Home Missions Council, the Council of Women for Home Missions, the Council of Church Boards of Education, have followed along similar lines of official co-operative efTort. As evi- dence of the change of attitude revealed by these gatherings, reference may be made to the fact mentioned in the preceding chapter that Baptists and Methodists declined to co-operate in a conference on home missionary overlapping which was held by the Reformed, Presbyterian, and Con- gregational churches in 1892. Of course the Sunday School organizations had been long working on inter-denominational lines, as had the more recent Christian Endeavor organizations ; and the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America was organized in 1905. There was, how- 2.2,2 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA ever, a distinctive note in the organization of the group that functioned through the executive staffs organized for the benevolent and missionary activities of the several denominations. In these various interdenomina- tional councils and conferences it w^as noteworthy that the representatives of the Reformed Church in America filled a place of prominence and ex- ercised an influence far beyond the mere proportion of our numbers. This rapid and significant development of organizations for practical inter-denominational co-operation had its influence upon the methods of our ow^n denomination, as of others. Some of the secretaries of our Boards in New York, in the consideration of plans for the general promotion of their work, in the ecclesiastical year 1917-1918, were led to the conviction that it was time for an advance step. Perhaps unconsciously, but surely, they were led to desire some form of intra-denominational co-operation that might do for the whole work of the denomination what was being done in the inter-denominational field by the agencies named above. To that end a Memorial was sent to General Synod in 1918 over the signatures of secretaries of six of the Boards, including the following: "It is our conviction that progress for the Church will be most certain and most effective if made simultaneously along all lines of our Christian activity, and that it should first make itself evident in the individual churches by the deepening of their service in the communities in which they are placed ; and by their larger co-operation in the work of the Kingdom as represented by the missionary and benevolent service of the Church at large." General Synod gave its hearty approval and requested the Boards con- cerned to organize a Joint Committee for five years to prosecute this plan. Each Board and Agency prepared its own program and stated its own objectives for the five years, and these objectives were made the basis of the combined budget which was placed before the Church as a goal. At the same time a program of objectives for the local church was set forth as "Ten Points of Progress." Meanwhile other denominations were moving along similar lines. The great patriotic "drives" for the sale of the several issues of Liberty bonds for the support of the Red Cross, the Young Men's Christian Association, and other agencies were revealing new possibilities in simultaneous cam- paigns, and the war experiences of the nation were stirring the hearts of men to their very depths. Such was the situation — an atmosphere of high emotion, a sense of great changes going forward all around, "Old things passing away," a background of fruitful experience in many forms of interdenominational co-operation, a simultaneous development in many denominations of new plans for intradenominational co-operation. It was natural that a plan should be devised for linking in one great co-operative movement all the denominational co-operative and advance movements. Out of this situation sprang the Interchurch World Movement. Surveys were planned on a scale undreamed of before ; advertising campaigns were launched ; administrative staffs were organized covering all the ramifica- tions of the proposed co-operative efforts of American Protestantism. The THE PROGRESS CAMPAIGN AND THE FUTURE 233 Church at large was thrilled and stirred, but the machinery proved too cumbersome and expensive to maintain. The huge organization was pres- ently dissolved. The spirit and aims of the Interchurch Alovement, how- ever, did not pass away with the scrapping of the machinery. The Ameri- can churches were distinctly stronger to do and dare by reason of the achievements and challenges of the Interchurch days. The denominational movements, antedating the combination, survived its collapse and went forward in the light of the experience gained. In particular the failure of the Interchurch Movement to find any considerable sources of benevolence outside of the denominations emphasized the les- son that the work of American Protestantism must go forward along lines of denominational organization and responsibility. Thus the Reformed Church in America stood face to face with the large tasks which in the Providence of God had come to her hands. The doors of opportunity were wide open everywhere. Her mission fields dotting the Asiatic coast line and reaching from ocean to ocean in the western world were all calling for a lengthening of the cords and a strengthening of the stakes. It was evident that the demands of the hour, while involving the deep things of the spirit, could find at least a partial interpretation in terms of men and money needed for the work in hand; hence the budget, which, in turn, could be interpreted to classes and the individual churches in terms of "quotas" or goals for local effort. At the same time the demand for recruits led to a new recognition of the essential part our educational institutions were playing in turning the thoughts of young men and women to the Church's posts of service. The effort was to gather up into one the whole duty of the Church, to interpret that duty to the whole constituency far and near, and to seek with new earnestness of purpose the spiritual uplift and inspiration without which the best formed plans must prove futile. The figures given at the beginning of this chapter show that the Church has been responding to the summons of the Holy Spirit. The full result of the five years cannot be known until the period is ended, but it is already clear that the effort was needed and that the results have been gratifying. As we take a sweeping glance over the score of years behind, it is evident that the integration of the last few years follows a period of ex- pansion. We are trying now to strengthen our stakes because we have been lengthening the cords. In the foreign field the 2;^ stations of 1900 have increased to 29 ; outstations and preaching places, from 230 to 371 ; the missionary force, from 35 men and 57 women, to 59 men and 96 women ; churches, from 39 to 72 ; communicants, from 4,597 to 8,040 ; scholars in day schools, from 5,715 to 14,618. Patients treated have increased from 26,622 in 6 hospitals and dispensaries to 146,793 in 20 hospitals and dis- pensaries. In Domestic Missions the work among the Indians, begun by the Wo- men's Executive Committee in 1894 and that in Jackson County, Kentucky, begun in 1899, have grown to the dimensions of a budget of more than $50,000 a year each. In 1907 missionary work was begun among the 234 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Japanese in and near New York. The Classis of the Cascades was organ- ized in 1912, the Particular Synod of Iowa, in 1919. Early in the century mission work was begun among the colored people in South Carolina, and in 1919 the Southern Normal and Industrial Institute at Brewton, Alabama, came under the care of our Board of Domestic Missions. Work among Italians and Hungarians was begun in 1908 and 1909. In Education, Central College at Pella, Iowa, was transferred to the Reformed Church in 1916 — in the very year of the sesqui-centennial at Rutgers and the semi-centennial celebration at Hope College. The interest of the Reformed Church in religious education led to the reorganization of the Board of Publication in 1914 by the addition to its name of the words "and Bible School Work" with corresponding increase of functions. With the plans for an adequate Pension Fund, the establishment of dis- trict offices in Holland, Michigan, and the growth of the western Church reaching to the Pacific Coast, the Reformed Church in America is closing her third century with a grasp upon both oceans and the Gulf of Mexico and a strategic position in the great strongholds of the Asiatic religions. She faces her world-wide task with a determination inherited from the dyke builders and a faith that is born from above. PART SECOND THE MINISTRY. Abeel, David (nephew of J. N. Abeel), b. at New Brunswick, June 12, 1804, N.B.S. 26, I. CI. N.B.; ordained as an evangelist, Oct. 26; Athens, N. Y., 26-8, Miss, at St. Thomas, West Indies, 28-29, suppHed Orchard St., N. Y. C, chaplain of Seamen's Friends' Soc. 29-30, Miss, of A.B.C.F.M. in Java, 30-31, Siam, 31-33, visited France, Holland, Ger- many, Prussia, and Switzerland, in the interests of Missions, 33-34, visited America, 34-36, West Indies, 36-37, America, 37-38, Macao, 39-41, Siam, 41, Borneo, 41-42, Kolongsoo (near Amoy), 42-44, Amoy, 44-45, died at Albany, Sept. 4, 1846. He sought entrance, at the age of 15, into the military academy at West Point, but too many applicants had preceded him. He then studied medi- cine, but, as the light of grace beamed upon his mind, he benevolently turned his thoughts to the duty of seeking to save the perishing. His spiritual exercises were very powerful, and are preserved partially in a diary. He entered on his ministerial duties with a deep sense of his re- sponsibility. He struggled in prayer and hoped for great things, and was not disappointed. A general revival in his first charge gladdened his heart. Failing health, however, soon compelled him to give up his duties and sail to the West Indies. But, for a long time, he had reflected on the wants of the heathen world. It then, also, required far more courage than now to embark in a missionary undertaking. He collected intelligence and prayer- fully pondered the subject. At length the way opened, and he sailed as chaplain of the Seamen's Friends' Society; and, after reaching China, was transferred to the American Board. He traveled in various parts of the East Indies, surveying the field, acquiring some knowledge of the dialects, and assisting the missionaries whom he found there. His instructions were to ascertain the true condition of afi^airs in Eastern Asia, and to report to the American Board. Hence the itinerant character of the record of his labors. And when his ill-health compelled him to visit Europe and America he excited much interest, wherever he went, by the reports which he made His second visit and residence in China was during the opium war, to which he made many allusions. Mr. Abeel was not a man of remarkable power of intellect, or of peculiar genius ; yet his mental formation was characterized by solidity and strength. He was a clear and close thinker, and could express himself with discrimination and force. He sought to improve his talents to their utmost, that he might use them to the glory of God. He was an inde- fatigable student, although his feeble health often seriously interfered with his studies. While a master of his mother tongue, he was also crit- ically acquainted with several diff^erent languages. On account of an exquisitely musical ear he was endowed with great natural capabilities for the acquisition of the Chinese. He was also acquainted with the Siamese and Malay languages. It is believed that he exerted more spiritual good in his private intercourse with men, and by the power of his holy 236 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA life, than as a preacher. All felt that it was a privilege to entertain him,, for he left a blessing behind him. He was the founder of the Amoy Mis- sion.—D.D. by R.C., 1828. See "Dr. I. N. Wyckofif's Sermon at his funeral," "Dr. T. E. Vermilye's Sketch of Abeel," "Williamson's Memoir," and articles in "Spi ague's Annals of the Dutch Pulpit," by Dr. I. N. Wyckofif and Dr. G. Abeel. His "Journal," sermons, papers, etc., are in Sage Library, at New Brunswick. See also "Am. Miss. Memorial," p. 338; "Anderson's Hist, of Am. Bd. Com. F. M.," and "McClintock's Cyc." (Presbyt. Rev. January, 1881.) Publications: "To the Bachelors of India, by a Bachelor," 8vo, pp. 35. "About 1833 — Residence in China," i2mo, pp. 398; 1834. This was trans- lated into German under the title "Reise des Nord-Amerikanischen Mis- sionars, David Abeel in den ■Landen Hinterindiens," 1830-33. "Basel," 1836. "Alap," 8vo. ("Baseler Missions Mag.," 1836, art. iv) — "The Mis- sionary Fortified Against Trials," 1834. "Happy Influence of For. Miss. on the Church," 8vo, pp. 16. (In "Nat. Preacher," Nov., 1838) — "The Missionary Convention at Jerusalem, or The Claims of the World to the Gospel," i2mo, pp. 244 ; 1838. Many articles in the "Chinese Repository."^ Many tracts in the Chinese Lang. (One of these is "Discourse on the Unity of God" — "Journal." For extracts see his "Memoir," by William- son. "A Sermon on Heaven." See "M,emoir," p. 299. Abeel, Gustavus (s. of J. N. Abeel), b. in N. Y. C, June 6, 1801, 13. C. 23r N.B.S. 24, 1. CI. N.B. ; English Neighborhood, 24-8 (also Miss, at Hoboken), Belleville, 28-34, Geneva, 35-49, Newark, 2d, 45-64, re- signed, w. c. S.T.D. by*C. C, 1842. Elected a trustee R. C, 1845. Died Sept. 4, 1887. For sketch and publication see Manual 1902 Abeel, John N., b. at New York, 1769, C.N.J. 1787, stud, theol. with Liv- ingston and Witherspoon, 1. CI. N.Y. 1793; tutor in C.N.J. 1791-3;. (Philadelphia, Arch st. Presb., 1794-5) New York, 1795-1812, d. Jan. 19. Elected a trustee of Columbia Coll. 1799, and a trustee of Queen's Coll. 1808. D.D. by Harvard, 1804. See "Gunn's Commem. Ser., Drs. Milledoler's and Miller's Sketches in Sprague's Annals," "Mag. R. D. C," iv, 289. "Evang. Guardian and Rev.," May, 1817. "Gunn's Livingston," 2d ed., 1856, p. 387. "McClintock's and Strong's Cyc." "Collegiate Ch. Yr. Bk.," 1890, 81, also Manual 1902 Publications: "Anniversary Disc. Before N. Y. Miss. Soc, 1801," 8vov pp. 67. "An Old Disciple," "Mag. R. D. C," ii. 129. "The Ma.iy* Man- sions— A Ser. to Communicants," 8vo, pp. 42 (also pub. in "Mag. R. D. C," iv, 229. "Gen. Synod's Address to the Churches," 1807, vol. i, 368-378. This is an elaborate address and very important in reference to the history of the church in general and the seminary in particular. A.bell, James. Chittenango, 1838-55, Waterloo, 56-7, Emeritus, d. 1867. A.chtermann. Herman, b. Cincinnati, O., June 6, 1869. Mission House College, Mission House Sem. 1897, 1. by CI. Cincinnati Ref. Ch., U. S.,. 1897. (Ref. Ch., U.S.; New Plymouth, Wis., 1897-9, Olney, 111., 1899-1903; Bufifalo, N. Y., 1903-1909; Klemme, la., 1909-11; Alpena, S. D., 1911-15), Chancellor, S. D., 1915-21. Monroe, la., 1921 — . S.C. CI. Dakota, Ref. Ch. U.S. Ackerly, E R. S. S. New Hackensack, N. Y., 1912-14. Ackerman, Edward G., b. Saddle River, N. J., Feb. 3, 1837; R.C. 66, N.B.S. 69, 1. CI. Paramus ; Mamakating, 70-4, Currytown and Spraker's Basin, 74-8, S. S., Currytown, 78-9, Schagticoke, 79-85, Woodstock, 86-90, Greenport, 90-4, Clover Hill, 97-9, d. Dec. i. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1900, 888; "Biog. Notices of Grads, R.C," 1900, 25. Ackerson, John H. N.B.S. 1829, 1. CI. N.B. ; Columbia, 41-2, Schaghticoke, 42-4, susp, 47, dep. 1848. Ackert, Winfred Rugan. b. Red Hook, N. Y., Nov. 30. 1870; R.C. 92, N.B.S. 95, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie ; West Hoboken Chapel of Grove Refd, THE MINISTRY 237 Ch., New Durham, N. J., 1895-1900, Vermilye Chapel, N. Y. C, 1901. Assisted with other chapels. Publications: Occasioral contributions to the press. Adam, John Douglass, b. Falkirk, Scotland, 1866; Edinburgh University -.nd Divinity School, 86-90, lie. by Congregationalists, 90; (Cong. ch. at Rupert, Vt., 90-1, Manchester, Vt., 91-3), Brooklyn Heights, 1893- iQcS. Became Presbyterian. Ac'ams, R. L., S. S. Raritan, 111., 1876-7. Adams, Thomas, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1887; L.F.C. '09-12, N. Y. Un.v. '17, N.B.S., 1917; 1. by S. C. L. I. 1917; Harrington Park, N. J., 1917 Adams, Wm. Ten Eyck, b. Astoria, N. Y., June 30, 1863; N.Y.U. 88, N.B.S. 91, 1. S. CI. L.I. ; Edgewood, Brooklyn, 1891-1906, Hoboken, N. J., 1st, 1906-10, Winfield, L. I., 191 1 Acldy, John Gilmore, b. N.Y.C., Feb. 6, 1872; P.S. 97, 1. Presb. Biooklyn: (Huntsburg, N. J., 98-1900). Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn, 1900-1902, Hoboken ist, 1902-3, Woodlawn, 1906 Aci'lt=i, Eerko, b. in Germany, Feb. 2, 1864; H.C. 98, W.S. 1900, 1. CI. Holland. Bethany Ch., Clara City, Minn., 1900-1903, and S.S. Clara City, Minn., 1900-1903, CI. Miss., Pleasant Prairie, 1904-1910, Salem, Little Rock, la., 1910 A'bert, Pierre, b. Lausanne, Switz., 1767, N. Y. C, French ch., 1797-1804. Albrrtis (or Burtis), John, b. 179—, C.C. 1812, N.B.S. 1817, 1. CI. N.B. 1817. Alf, Alfred. From Swedish Evangelical Mission, Gotebo, Okl., 1910-11. Allen, Abram W., b. 1814, Highlands, 1874-84, died Dec. 12. Allen, Arthur, H. Received from Pres. Brighton Heights, 1902-07. Pres. 1911 Allen, Chs. Jeremiah, b. Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 6, 1865; Laf.C. 89, U.T.S. 92; ord. by ch. of Passaic, June 14, 92; Pompton Plains, N. J., 92-6, Greenville, Jersey City, 96-1900. Congregatior;al, Bethany, Brooklyn 1901 ). Allen, Fred E., b. New Haven, Ct., Ap. 21,. 1850; R.C. -jz^ N.B.S. 76, P. G. U.S. 77-8, 1. CI. Newark; (Middle Island, L. L, 78-92; Gris- wold, Ct., 1892-1906. S.S. South Haven — (Brookhaven, L.I. 1908). Allen. Henry Bacon, b. New York, Mar. 16, 1868; U.S.; N.B.S. 1898; 1. CI. Saratoga ; Easton, N. Y., June-Oct., 98, Annandale, 98- 1901. Delmar, Bethlehem, 2d, N. Y., 1901-1910. English Neighbor- hood, 1910-18. Chaplain U.S.A. 1918. Grove Church, New Durham, Clifton Chapel 1919. Publication : "Carry On," American Legion Monthlv, Post 46, Union Hill, N. J. Allen, John Knox (s. of P. Allen), b. at West New Hempstead, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1844; R. C. 65, N.B.S. 68, 1. CI. N.B.; Hoboken, 1868-70, Tarrytown, ist, 1870-1920 — P.Em. 1920 . D.D. by R.C. 1892. Publications: "The Permanence of the Church": Sermon at 200th anniv. of ist ch. Tarrytown, 1897. Legendary History of the Old Dutch Ch. of Sleepy Hollow. Account of the Action at Tarrytown, July 15, 1781. Allen. John Mitchell, b. Centreville. Va., Dec. 26, 1861. R.C. 85. N.B.S. 88, 1. CI. Raritan ; Upper and Lower Walpack, 88-1892, d. May 24. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1893, 886; "Biog. Notices of Grade. R.C," 1892, 43- Allen, John Stevenson, b. Balm, Pa., Oct. 20, 1857; Westm. Coll. 82, U.T.S. 85, 1. by Presb. of N. Y. ; ord. Presb. West Chester, May 13, 86; (Presbyt. West Chester, N. Y., 1886-9; Patterson, N. Y., 1889- 91), Newark, N. J. (N. Y. av.), 1891-1906 Ass. Marble Col. N.Y.C., 1906-13. Crescent Place, Yonkers (S.S.), 1913 — . D.D., Grove City, Col., 1906. 238 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Allen, Peter, b. in Columbia Co., N. Y., 1808; N.B.S. 1837, 1. CI. Pough- keepsie, 1837 ; West New Hempstead and Ramapo, 1837-53, West New Hempstead, 1853-62. d. See Sketch in "Manual," 1879. Allen, Peter A., 1888-90. Alliger, John B., b. 1816, R.C. 35, N.B.S. 40, 1. CI. Ulster; Clove, N. Y., 40-3, Shawangunk, 43-50, Jamaica, 51-70, w. c. Died June 18, 1885. See Manual, 1902. Althuis, Jacob Jonathan, b. Neth., March 8, 1888. H.C. 14, W.S. 17 1. by CI. Holland 17. Lafayette, Ind., 1917 Ambler, James B., b. in England, 1797; 1. 1816 (Bradford, Eng., 1816-8) ; c. to America, 1818 (Presbyt. 1818-33) in Ref. Ch. 1833-48, d. His ministry was extended through the northern and central portions of New York till about 1833, when he connected himself with the Reformed Church. He commanded the utmost esteem for the sincerity of his piety and his untiring zeal. Amerman, Albert, b. in N. Y. C, 1793 ; C.C. 1812, Assoc. Ref. Sem. 1816, 1. CI. N.Y. 1816; Johnstown and Mayfield, 1817-20, susp. restored, Johns- town and Mayfield, 1820-1, "Johnstown and Mayfield, indep.," 1821-43, "Hackensack and Paterson, indep.," 1843-55, "Hackensack, indep.," 1855-71, when pastor and people joined the Presbyt. Ch. Emeritius, 1877. Died Sept. 4, 1881. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Independency," "The Church of Christ Independent of the Synod of Dordrecht, and all other Synods; or. Scriptural Principles in Relation to the Order ^id Government of the Church." l2mo, pp. 188. Albany : 1823. Amerman, James Lansing, b. at Farmingdale, L. I., Aug. 13, 1843; N.Y.U. 62, N.B.S. 68, lie. CI. N. Y. ; Richboro', Pa., 68-71 ; Bergen (Jersey City), 71-76; Missionary to Japan, 76-93; Prof, of Theology at Tokio, 77-93, returned to America ; Financial Sec. of Bd. of Foreign Mis- sions, and Assistant Treasurer R.C.A., 1893-1915. Cobleskill and Howe's Cave, 1915-20. w. c. D.D., R.C, 1885. Publications : "Memorial Sermon for Acton Cyril Price, Jersey City, N. J.," 1875. "Sketch of Japan Mission, R.C.A.," 1880. "Shinyaku Seisho Shingaku." "The Theology of the New Testament on the basis of Van Oosterzee," 1881. Third edition 1896. "The Gospel of Mark in Japanese. Colloquial," 1881. There have been several editions. "Soshiki Shingaku Chogen." "An Introduction to Systematic Theology." A tract, 1884. "Yushinron," "The Argument for the Being of God," 1884. Third edition 1890. "Shinseiron," "The Attributes of God and the Trinity," 1885. Second edition 1892. "Kami no Teshi," "The Decrees of God," 1885. "Tenchisozoron," "The Creation of the Universe," 1885. "Kyok- wai Seiji," "Church Government," "After Dr. S. M. Woodbridge," 1885. Second edition 1888. "Jinseiron," "Anthropology," 1887. "Kyujogaku," "Soteriology," 1888. All of these Japanese works were prepared in col- laboration with Rev. K. Ibuka, M.A., and were printed either in Tokyo or Yokohoma. Many letters and articles for periodicals, both English and Japanese. Amerman Thos. A. A.C. 1827 N.B.S. 30, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie ; Beekman, N.Y. (S.S.) 30-1, Coeymans, 32 (Presb. 32-5), Shokan, 35-8; James- ville, 38-40. Ames, John W. Studied under Livingston (?) Miss, on Delaware, 18x4. Anderson, Asher, b. at Flatlands, L.I., July 23, 1846; R.C. 70, N.B.S. '^Z^ 1. CI. N.B.; Hiram, Me., 72; Flatbush, N. Y., 73-75; Fishkill, 75-80, Passaic, North Ch., 80-5. (Briston, Conn., 86-90, Meriden, Conn., 1890- 1901 ; Fitchburg, Mass., 1914-1917, Dorchester, Mass., 1917-19, Fram- ingham, Mass., 1920-21). Member Bd. Education, Passaic, 1882-5, of Meriden. 1892-8. Chaplain 2d Reg. C. N. G., 1897-1900. Corporate Member A.B.C.F.M. Moderator Com. General Association, 1899. Delegate to National Council, 1895-189S- THE MINISTRY 239 Registrar Com. Central Conf., 1892-1901. Sec. of Trustees, National Coun- cil, 1900-02. Sec. Provisional Com., 1900-01. Sec. National Council, 1901- 13. Sec. Board of Ministerial Relief, 1900-02. Editor Cong. Year Book, 1901-14. Editor Minutes of National Council, 1906-08. Sec. (Asst.) Inter- national Council, Edinburgh, 1908. Pres. Derring Memorial Corporations, 1911-14. Sec. (Asst.) Federal Council, 1906-08. Rec. Sec. Am. Miss. Association, 1901 — .) Publications: "A Mind to Work," 1883. "Biblical Theology," 1884. "Steps for Beginners," 1898. "National Council Digest," 1905. "Congre- gational Faith and Practice," 1906. "Congregational Year Book," 14 issues. "Minutes of National Council," 5 issues. Anderson, Charles, b. Schenectady, 1812; U.C. 1840, Aub. Sem. 43 (Sen- nett, N. Y., 42-64, Union Springs, 64-8, Savannah, 68-70, Sennett, 70-7, Castile, 77-8) ; Owasco Outlet, 79-1883 (Presbyt.). Died Jan. 4, 1900. See "Aub. Sem. Cat." Anderson, Chas. T., b. in Wayne Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1849; C.N.J. 69, P.S. Ti, lie. by Presbyt. of Elizabeth, April 18, 72; ord. by Presbyt. Phila- delphia, North, May, Tz (Port Kennedy, Pa. (Presbyt.), 73-4), Pea- pack, 74-82. (Hackensack, Presbyt. 82-86). (Pres. Rockaway, 86-96). Bound Brook, 1896-1906. Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn, 1906-14. Publications: "All things pertaining to Life;" an illustration of 2 Pet, i, 5-7. 1879. Anderson, Wm., b. Sept. 4, 1814; N.B.S. 49, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Peapack, 49-56, Fairview, 56-9, Newtown, 59-66, Greenbush, 66-76, St. Thomas, W. I., a few months, 75-6, Fordham, 76-87, d. Ap. 2.^- See Manual, 1902. Anderson, Wm. Frederic (son of Wm. Anderson), b. at Peapack, N. J., Jan. 17, 1855; R.C. 75, P.S. 79 (Chatham, 1879-81); Fordham, 81-93. Died July 24, 1893. See Manual, 1902. Anderson, Wm. H., b. Feb. 2},, 1840. R.C. 1862, N.B.S. 1865, 1. S. CI. L.I. 1865 ; Cortlandtown, 1865-6. License withdrawn 1866. Physician, d. Oct. 28, 1887. Andres, Gottlieb, b. Olbcrsleben, Saxony, Jan. 3, 1851 ; Northwest Coll., 111., 76, Eden Sem., Missouri, 79; ord. by Evang. Luth. Ch. 79 (Nameoki, III., 79-83) ; Jersey City, St. John's Ger. Evang. 1883 Publications: "St. Johannes Bote," last 30 years. Andreae, M. C. T. (son of Rev. G. Andreae), b. Jersey City, Sept. 8, 1887 R.C, 1909, N.B.S. 1912; 1. by S. CI. of Bergen, 1912, Glen Rock, N J.. 1912-15, Jersey City, St. John's. 1915-18; Philmont, N. Y., 1918 — Andrew, Lewis Curry, b. Howeland, Md., Jan. 24, 1852; St. John's Coll. Annapolis; ord. by Meth. Epis. Conf. Wilmington, Del.; N.B.S. 90 West Farms, N.Y.C., 88-95, w. c. Andrus, Jonathan Cowles, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1855, C.U. 76, N.B.S. 82. Serving Presbyterian and Congregational Churches. Antonides, Vincentius, b. 1670, Bergen in Vriesland, Llolland, 169.-1705, c. to America 1705; Bushwick, Flatbush, Flatlands, Brooklyn, New Utrecht, Gravesend. 1705-44, also Jamaica, 1705-41, d. 1744, July 18. Upon his arrival he found his field occupied by Freeman under license from Cornhury, who fomented the troubles in the Dutch churches of Long Island. He was treated with great discourtesy by Cornbury, yet he boldly performed his duties at the risk of imprisonment by the governor. After yielding many points to Freeman for the sake of peace, the troubles partially ceased. The Classis of Amsterdam sustained Antonides and condemned Freeman through all the troubles. At his death a paper of the day says: "He was a gentleman of extensive learning, of an easy, con- descending behavior and conversation and of a regular, exemplary piety, endeavoring to practice himself what he preached to others; was kind, benevolent and charitable to all, according to his ability; meek, humble, patriotic and resigned under all his afflictions, losses, calamities and mis- 240 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA fortunes, which befell him in his own person and family." — See also "Doc. His. N. Y." iii. 89-115, qt. ed. IV., 123; "Sutphen's Hist. Disc"; Ecc. Rec. ; many letters 1704-44. Appel, John B. Pres. Kiskatom, 1902-04. Gardiner, 1904-06. Port Jer- vis, 2d, 1906-09. Knox and 2d Berne (S.S.), 1909-10. Appledoorn, Leonard, b. Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 5, 1879, Kalamazoo Col. 1907, N.B.S. 1910, 1. by CI. Mich. Mellenville, 1911-18, Port Ewen, 1918 . Arcularius, And. M., b. N.Y.C., Dec. 2, 1835, R-C. 1863, N.B.S. 66, 1. CI. N.B. ; North-Esopus, 1866-81, Roxbury, 81-3, New Baltimore, 83-97. Supplying 97-99. St. Thomas, W. I., 99-1901. Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn (S.S.), 1902-04. Clinton Ave., Newark, Ass. 1905-10, d. 191 1, March 7. A quiet, humble, useful, brave man. See Min. Gen. Syn., 191 1, 250. Armbruster, Christian, b. Germany. (Rochester Univ., Rochester Sem- inary, 1898. Ord. Baptist Bd., Denver, Col., Western Missionary, 1909-15), Miles Square, Yonkers, (S.S.) 1915 Arnolt, Wm. Muss., b. Germany, May 7, i860. N.B.S. 1882, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Johns Hopkins University, 83; dismissed to Presbytery of Baltimore, 1883. Never ordained. See Biog. Record N.B.S., CI. '82. Arondeus, Johannes, ord. by CI. Amsterdam, Sept. 9, 1741 ; c. from Hol- land, 1742; Bushwick, Flatlands, Brooklyn, New Utrecht and Graves- end, 1742-50 ; Raritan, Readington, Harlingen, Six Mile Run and Three Mile Run,, 1747-54 ; returned to Holland. He was from Overschic, Holland. The Classis was seeking a man for the churches of Kings Co., L.I., when he reported himself as "Commenda- tus" for foreign churches. The Classis highly praised him in a letter to Long Island and wished for him and his wife a safe voyage. He went by way of England because of the dangers caused by the war, but was speed- ily captured by Spanish pirates and robbed of everything he had, even his call, and in January, 1742, he found himself again put down on the coast of Holland. The pirates had carried him to St. Sebastian. He now asked to be released from his call to Long Island on acount of the feebleness of his wife, but the Classis delayed granting his request. In the mean- time the churches of Long Island sent over a new call for him, offered to pay his back salary and made him a present of $250, so anxious were they for a minister, especially as Freeman had recently died. He started again June 20, 1742. and reached his destination safely. For several years mat- ters proceeded fairly well, when in 1747 he became a violent enemy of the Coetus. He now irregularly went to the churches on the Raritan and had himself installed pastor of the churches in Somerset Co., by Fryen- moet, and ministered to the enemies of Frelinghuysen. The Harlingen records were taken possession of by his party and his ecclesiastical acts recorded in them, for all the surrounding churches. He ordained new consistories for Three Mile Run, Six Mile Run, Harlingen, Readington and Raritan and his baptisms of the children of the disaffected in this region are recorded for seven years from 1747. The Harlingen consistory started new records (both books are still preserved) in 1749 and left the site of the old church, selecting a new site for a new building. In 1748 he went back to his field on Long Island and resumed services there. In 1750, because of irregularities in general and trouble with his colleague. Van Sinderin, the Coetus suspended him, to which, however, he paid no attention. In 1752 he was deposed, but continued to preach for a year or two, especially in New Jersey. In 1772 he again sought recognition of the Classis of Amsterdam, but the Classis looked up his record and summarily rejected him. See "Millstone Centennial" and "New Bruns- wick Hist. Discourse," by Steele. M,ints. Ch. N.Y., Eng. Trans. Lib. B. 167, Frelinghuysen's Sers. 341 ; for another description of him. Ecc. Rec, many letters, 1742-54, 1772. THE MINISTRY 24I Arthur, James O. Ordained a miss, by CI. of N.Y., 1916; Wiiite Tail Canyon, N.M., 1918-20. Ashley, A. W., S.S., New Concord, 1876-8. Ashley, B. F., Athens, ist 1891-2; Presbyt. Atwater, Elnathan R., b. Canajoharie, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1816; U.C. 34, lie. Presbyt. Albany, 48 (Tribes Hill, 48-51, mission work in Brooklyn, 51-3); entered R.D.C. 53; Assoc. Editor, Christian Intelligencer, 53-68, sole editor, 68-72 ; died 1899, Nov. 28. He studied law and was admitted to the bar and followed that profession for several years. Relinquishing the legal profession, he studied for the ministry. As a man he was noted for his manliness ; as a minister of the Gospel for the solidity of his utterances; as an editor he wielded skilfully the editorial pen. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1900, 889. Atwater, John Parsons, b. Brooklyn, Dec. 7, 1872 (son of E. R. Atwater), N. Y. U., 1895; student in N.B.S. Died Dec. 20, 1897. Augustine, R. Howard M., b. Wainfleet, Ontario, Canada. State Nor- mal School, Ypsilanti, Mich., Cleary College. Theol. Course under direction Detroit Presbytery. 1. by Detroit Presbytery, 1905. (Pres. S.S. Sandusky, 1905-07; Ass. Newark Park Pres., 1907-09; Hanover, N. J., 1909-17). Bayonne, ist, 1917-19; State Supervisor of Sur- veys in 111. for Interchurch World Movement, 1919; (Pres. ist, Joplin, Mo.; War Work in American Camps, 1918.) Publications : Pamphlets, articles for press. Aurand, Henry, b. 1805; D.C. 1830 (settlements in Ger. Refd. and Presbyt. chs. See Manual, 1879). Columbia, N. Y., 1860-3. Died 1876. Austin, John, a mistake for Justin, John. Min. Gen. Syn., 1908. Axtell, J. D. Candidate CI. of Newark, 1911-13. Not licensed or ordained. Ayler, Junius (African), b. Virginia, Oct. 2, i860. N.B.S. 1886. In Meth- odist Church. Attorney-at-Law. Ayers, Samuel Brittain, b. in Pa. 181 1 ; C.N.J. 34, P.S. 2>7 \ ord. CI. Orange, 38; Minsunk, 38-41, Ellenville, 41-54, Vanderveer, 111. 54-67; Presbyt. Died Dec. 15, 1887. See "Manual," 1879, and "P. S. Gen. Cat." Baas, Wm. G., b. Zaandam, Ncths., June 28, 1850; H.C. 80, N.B.S. 83, 1. CI. N.B. Arcadia and Palmyra, 83-8, Palmyra, 88-91, Beaverdam, Mich.. 1891-1903; d. Dec. 12. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1904, 828. Publications: Articles in De Hope. Translation in Dutch of a volume of selections of Dr. Cuyler's works. Baay, Gerrib, b. in Neths., May 31, 1792; came to America, 1848; Alto, Wis., 48--0. Baay, Jac, b. Neth., May 30, 1827. Beloit Coll. 1857. N.B.S. i860; 1. CI. N.B., i860; Keokuk, 1860-65. Presbyt., 1866. d. Dec. 5, 1905. Babbitt, Amzi, b. Mendham, N.J., 1794; C.N.J. 1816, P.S. 1821 ; ord. by Presbyt. Newcastle April 3, 1821 (Pequea, Pa., 21-31, Presbyt.) ; Phila- delphia. 2d, 34-5 (Salisbury, Pa., Presbyt.). Died Nov. 14, 1845. Backerus, Johannes Cornelisz., of Barsinger, Hoorn. Ord. by CI. Amster- dam, Oct. 16, 1642; Curacoa, 1642-7, New Amsterdam, 1647-9. He was introduced to the Classis of Amsterdam Oct., 1640, by a letter of Rev. John Mcgapolensis, then minister at Koedyk, as one willing to go as a Comforter of the Sick to the East Indies; but as he had not a regular education, he was refused. In 1641 it was shown that he had exercised himself for two years at Koedyk in the "Postamena" of the Christian re- ligion. The Classis then allowed him to preach before them on Justifica- tion (Rom. 3:28), but they were not entirely satisfied. He preached again before them on John 3:16. The Classis said he had some good notions (rcymsclcn), but he must study still further. A few months later he again preached before Classis on Mat. 16:18, "Thou art Peter," etc., but he was again exhorted to study. He tried it again in October on i John 2:2>> and in November on Rom. 3:1, when the assembly was so well pleased that they resolved to examine him. 242 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA On Dec. 2, 1641, Backerus was finally examined and ordination was promised him before the sailing of the next ships to Curacoa. But in July, 1642, nothing had yet been accomplished, as the directors of the company were dilatory in accepting him. They were deliberating whether *to abandon Curacoa or not. On account of this delay, the company presented Backerus with $100. On Oct. 16, 1642, the Classis finally or- dained him and he proceeded on his journey. His contract with the com- pany was for four years. Letters were subsequently received from him from that place relating to the state of the church there and asking instructions as to baptizing the children of the natives. Subsequently Peter Stuyvesant was made governor of Curacoa, and in 1647 was trans- ferred to New Netherland and Backerus accompanied him and took charge of the church at New Amsterdam with a salary of 1,400 guilders ($560). In May, 1649, Stuyvesant forbade Backerus to read papers, animadvert- ing on the government, from the pulpit until he had signed them. He sailed for Holland Aug. 15, 1649, and when there took sides with the com- plainants against Stuyvesant. On Sept. 4, 1651, he offered his services to the East India Company and was accepted. He soon after sailed to the East Indies and is lost to view in the golden haze of that enchanted region. See "Col. Docs., N. Y., i, 308, 317, 431, 496; xiv, 115; and Ecc. Rec. Baeder, F. N., b. Hanover, N. J., May 3, 1880. N.B.S. 1905, 1. by CI. Newark. Pottersville, 1905-07; Rosendale Plains, Tillson, 1907-10; Holmdel, 1910-14 ; . Peapack, 1915-20; d. Jan. 15. Religious work in camps during the war. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 278. Bagley, Francis H., b. in Boston, Mass., Jan. 16, 1840; Ham. C. 70, U.S. 73 ; ord. Presbyt. Buffalo, sine titulo, May 20, 1873 ; Greenburgh, 1873-5, d. July 12, 1878. See "Alanual" of 1879 and "U.S. Cat." Bahler, Louis Henri (s. of P. B. Bahler). b. Amsterdam, Neths., Sept. 18, 1839 ; R.C. 61, N.B.S. 67, 1. CI. Orange ; Coeymans, 67-9, teaching, 69-84 (Preble, N.Y., 84-9, Maiden, 89-96), W. Hurley, N.Y., 96-7, Manheim, 98-1900. (Pres. Meadville, 1902-05; West Milton, 1905-10; d. Dec. 12, 1914. Min. Gen. Synod, 1915, 598. Bahler, Pierre Benjamin, b. at ZwoUe, Neths., May 25, 1807; studied in gymnasia, in Neths.; C. to America, 1865; Albany (Holl.), 65-6; Pater- son (Holl.), 66-8; Rochester (Holl.), 68-73, emeritus. Died Jan. 28, 1882. Bahler, Pierre Guillaume Maximilien (s. of P. B. Bahler), b. at Mons, Belgium, Ap. 29, 1844; R.C. 1868, N.B.S. 71, lie. CI. N. B. 71 ; Pultney- ville, 71-84; Beaverdam, Mich., 85-89; Clymerhill, N. Y., 1889-1903. Ontario, 1903-08. S.C. CI. Rochester, 1908-20. Bailey, Amos J. Congregational; S.S. Williamsburgh, 1909; Congrega- tional. Went West. Dead. Bailey, E. D. (Brother of Amos J. Bailey). Congregational. S.S. Wil- liamsburgh, 1903-09; Congregational. Went West. Dead. Bailey, Henry S., b. Bremen, O., Mar. 16, 1862; Heidelberg Coll. 88, Heidelberg Sem. 90; lie. by G.R.C. (White Pigeon, Mich., 90-4, Three Rivers, Mich., 94-6), Centreville, Mich., 1896-1903. Bailey, John Webster, Northumberland, 1884-6. Bailey, Wm., b. Beckers Corners, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1819; R.C. 42, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. Albany ; Helderbergh, 45-7 ; Schodack, 47-56 ; Constantine, 56-63 ; also Mottville, 56-63 ; also Porter, 59-63 ; Albany, 3d, 63-68 ; Whitehouse, 68-84. Died July 3, 1887. See Manual of 1902 Baird, Charles Washington (son of Rev. Dr. Robt. Baird), b. at Princeton, N. J., Aug. 28, 1828; U.N.Y., 48; U.S., 52; 1. by Presbyt. New Bruns- wick; Chaplain of Am. Chapel, Rome, Italy, 52-4; Sec. Am. and For. Ch. Union, 54-5 ; R.D.C., Bergen Hill, Brooklyn, Mar. 6o-Ap. 1861 (Presbyt. Ch. Rye, N.Y., 1861-87), d. Feb. 10. D.D. by U.N.Y., 1876. He was a Christian scholar whose historical studies will long sur- THE MINISTRY 243 vive. As a minister he was a true bishop of souls. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Eutaxia, or The Presbyt. Liturgies," 1855 i ^ revised edition was published in London by Rev. Thos. Binney, under the title "A Chapter on Liturgies," 1856. "A Book of Public Prayer," compiled from, the "Authorized Formularies of the Presbyt. Ch." as prepared by Calvin, Knox, Bucer. etc., 1857. "Chronicle of a Border Town: Hist, of Rye, N.Y.," 1660-1870; 1871. "Hist. Bedford, N.Y., Church," 1882. "Hist, of Huguenot Emigration to America," 2 vols., 1885 ; 2d ed. 1885. "Translation of Malan's Romanism," 1844. "Transl. of Discourses and Essays of Merle d'Aubigne," 1896. "Civil Status of Presbyterians in Province of N.Y.," in "Mag. of Am. Hist.," October, 1879. "Monograph on Rev. Pierre Daille." "A Moth Among the Records in London." His "Hist of the Huguenot Emigration" was translated into French by A. E. Myer and De Richemond, under the title "Histoire des Refugies Huguenots en Amerique," and published at Toulouse by the Societe des Livres Religieux, 1886, in one volume, 8vo, pp. 624. Baker, Fred. Philip, b. at Franeker, Neths., Feb. 25, 1852; H.C. 73, W.S. 76, 1. CI (ord. by Presbyt. of Winnebago. "JT, Runal, Wis., 76-83; Marshfield, Wis., 83-7; Wayne, Neb., 87-91); Constantine, Mich., 91-3 (Hot Springs, S. Dak., 93-7; Sheldon, 111., 97-9, Presbyt.) ; Irving Park, Chicago, 1899 — . Transferred with his church to the Presbytery of Chicago, 111., 1913. Baker, Wm. Schcrmerhorn, b. Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 18, 1858; LL.B., Columbia Coll., May 12, 80; Counselor, N.J., June 4, 85; N.B.S., 95; 1. CI. Bergen; ord. by CI. Ulster, July 9, 95; Woodstock, N. Y., 95; mis- sionary work, 96-8; Assistant, Bloomingdale, N.Y.C., October, 98- March 99, w. c. 1902 — Became Episcopalian. 1908 — Member of the South Classis of Bergen. 1909 — Became Congregationalist. Bakker, Albert, b. Texel, Neth., Dec. 6, 1887. H.C. 1916; W.T.S. 1919; 1- by CI. Passaic, 1919; Betliany, Sully, la., 1919-21 ; Sanborn, la., 1921. Baldwin, Eli, b. at Hackensack, Nov. i, 1791*; University Col. of Med. 1817, N.B.S. 20, ordained as a Miss, to Georgetown, D.C., 22-24, Miss, agent in N.J. and Pa.. 24-5, Houston St., N.Y.C., 25-39, d. Sept. 6, S.T.D. by C.C. See Manual, 1902. Baldwin, John Abeel, b. in N.Y.C. April 25, 1810; Y.C. 29, P.S. 34, lie. Presbyt. Newark. 34; Flatlands and New Lotts, 36-52 (Lancaster. Pa., Ger. Ref., 52-7) ; New Providence, N. J., Presbyt., 57-63 ; S.S. Wood- haven, 69-76, residing in Brooklyn, 63-86, d. Feb. 22. D.D. by Baldwin, John Crane, b. Jan. 26, 1802; N.B.S. 1832; lie. by CI. N.B. 1832. Lived in Alabama and Mississippi. Died at Knox Hill, Florida, June, 1862. He was half-brother of Rev. Eli Baldwin, above. Baldwin, Trueman. S.S. Cicero, 1846-7. Ball, J. A. S.S. Gilboa, 1873-5. Ballagh, Jas. H.. b. Odel's Lake, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1832. R.C. '57, N.B.S. '60; 1. by CI. Bergen. Missionary in Japan 1861-1920; d. Jan. 26. He organized the first Protestant Church in Japan, March 10. 1872, and was its pastor from that year until 1878. He also had charge of the evangelistic work of the North Japan Mission. At the time of his death he was the oldest missionary in the service of the Reformed Church. It is impossible to measure the lasting results of his long and faithful service. D.D. R.C, 1906. See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1920. 279. Puiii.icATioN.s : Trans, of "Westminster Catechism and Child's Shorter Catechism" into Japanese ; numerous hymns into Japanese ; numerous artiticlcs in "The Japan Gazette," in the "Christian Intelligencer," and other papers of the church; sermon at Missionary Convention at Osaka, 1883, at Tokyo, 1900; also sermons on Presidents Lincoln. Garfield, and McKinley. Ballagh. Wm. H. R.C. 60; N.B.S., 63, 1. CI. N.B. Union, 65-68; East Berne and Knox, 68-77; Union Evang. Ch., Corona, L.I., 78-80; As- bury Park, 80-6 ; Lodi, 86-8 Died Jan. 2, 1892. 244 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1892, 653; and "Biog. Notices of Grads, R.C.," 1892, 36. Ballard, Bruce, b. Roxbury, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1882. R.C. 1907; N.B.S. 1910; 1. by CI. N.B. Jerusalem and Onesquethaw, 1910-13; Schenectady, Woodlawn, 1913-15; Montgomery, 1915 Banninga, John J., b. Muskegon, Mich., Dec. 9, 1875; H.C. 98, W.S. 1901, 1. CI. 111.; Missionary under A.B.C.F.M. in Madura District, India; dis. to Cong., 1908. Bantley, John. N.Y.C. Av. B. Ger. 1876. (Barclay, Henry, (Episc), 1708. Preached to the people of Albany and Schenectady in Dutch, 1708-12. Also Miss, to Indians. "Doc. Hist.," iii, 697. Anderson's Col. Ch., iii, 428-31). Barclay, . N.B.S. 1809-10. Barcolo ; lie. by Coetus, 1758. Barcolo, Geo., b. at New Utrecht, 1775; C.C. 1795, stud, theol. under Liv- ingston, 1. CI. N.Y., 1798; Hopewell and New Hackensack, 1805-10, d. 1832, at Preakness, N.J. Barnes, Henry A. Florence, S.C. 1915-18. Barnes. Otis T., b. Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1885; L.F.C. '09; U.T.S. '12, (Congregational, Chappaqua, N.Y., 1912-16) ; Bronxville, 1916-19; d. Feb. 20. Min. Gen. Syn., 1919, 922. Barnhill, Oliver Paul, b. March 24, 1878, LaGrange, Kentucky. Center Col., Danville, Ky., 1900. P.S. 1903; 1. by Pres. Louisville, Ky., 1902. (Ass. p. Memorial .Pres. Ch., Brooklyn, 1903-04; Stapleton, S.I., ist Pres. 1905-16). Assistant Marble Col., N.Y.C, 1916 . Pres. Presb. Min. Asso. of N.Y. and Vicinity, 1909. Operating on Hqts. Staff Mil- itary Intelligence, A.P.L., under Dept. of Justice during War. Citation for exceptional service, 1918. D.D. by Center C, 1919, and Alfred Univ., 1919. Barnum, Fred. Shepard, b. Bethel, Ct., Feb. 3, 1837; Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Ct., 59; lie. and ord. by N.Y. Conference, Meth. Epis. Ch., 59 (Meth. Epis. Ch., Peekskill, 59-60; Brewsters, N.Y., 60-2; Great Barrington, Mass., 62-4 ; Pine Plains, N. Y., 64-7 ; Saugerties, N.Y. ,67-70; Shrub Oaks, N.Y. , 70-2; Yonkers, N.Y. , 72-4 ; Presbyt. ; Thompsonville, Ct., 74-88) ; Coxsackie 2d, 88-99, w. c. d. 191 1, March 27. He was an able minister of Jesus Christ, both in the pastorate and during his years without charge. See Min. Gen. Syn., 191 1, 251. Barny, Fred. Jacob, b. Basle, Switz., Jan. i, 1873; R.C, 94, N.B.S., 97, 1. CI. N.Y., May 31, 97; ord. by same, June 13, 97. Missionary to Arabia, 1897 . B.D., R.C, 1897; B.D., P.S., 1918. Barny, William F., b. Sulz, Germany, Nov. 15, 1862. Bd. Sem. '93; Naum- burgh and New Bremen. N.Y., 1893-7; Salem, S.D., 97-1899. (Cong. Little Ferry, N.J., 1900-03). Ch. of Jesus, Brooklyn, 1903-05. (German Ref. Milltown, N.J., 1905-20). N.B.S., 1909. d. Dec. 27, 1920. Barr, Robt. H., b. Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 30, 1851 ; R.C, 1875; N.B.S., 1878; lie. CI. Paramus. 1878; Guttenberg, 1878-80; Owasco, 1880-3; Bushwick, 83-6. S.S. Ass. Ref., New Burgh, N.Y., 1888 . Ph.D., R.C, 1884. Bartholf. See Bertholf. Bartholf, Benjamin A., b. Wyckoff, N.J., Nov. i, 1835; R.C. 61, N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. Passaic; Fair Haven, 64-8; Pascack, 68-73. S.S. in Ind. Cong. Ch. at Stone Church, Genesee Co., N.Y., 73-6 (Mayfieid, N.Y., 76-80; Conklinville and Day, 80-81, Presbyt.), Amity, 1881-7; Vischers Ferry, 1881-7, Gallatin, 87-99, w. c. ; d. Aug. 10, 1908. Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 524. Bartlett, Dwight Kellogg, b. at Utica. N.Y., March 30, 1832; U.C 54, tutor, U.C 54-8, P.S. 58, lie. N. River Presbyt., 60; ord. by same, 61; Smithfield, N.Y., S9-62 ; Stamford, Ct., 62-4, both Presbyt. ; Rochester, N.Y., Cong., 65-74; Albany, 2d, 1874-81, d. Jan. 11. D.D. by U.C. 1875. THE MINISTRY :545 Bartlett, John. Columbia, N.Y., 1811-14. See Dailey Hist, of Mont. CI., 24. Bassett, John, b. at Bushwick, 1764; C.C. 1786, stud, under Livingston, 1. by Syn. R.D. Chs. 1787; Albany, 1787-1804, Boght (CI. Albany), 1805- II, Gravesend and Bushwick, 1811-24, d. ; also Prof, of Heb. Lang. 1804-12. Elected a trustee of Queen's Coll. 1788. S.T.D. by W.C. 1804. He was a man of extraordinary erudition and an excellent Hebrew and classical scholar. He trained a number of young men for the ministry. He was an edifying preacher, though not gifted with great vividness of imagination, or with eloquence. Quoted in "Centennial" of N.B. Sem., 427. See Johnson's "Hist. Sketch, Ch. of Albany," 1899, p. 19. Publications: i. "Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs." Albany, 1791. 2. Translation of Immens' "Pious Communicant," 2 vols. 8vo, N.Y., 1801. 3. "Hist. App. to Johnson's Farewell Ser. at Albany," 1802. 4. "Memorial of Ch. of Albany to Classis," 1804, pp. 36. Bassler, Benj., b. at Berne, N.Y., 1805; U.C. 1830, N.B.S. 1833, New Rhinebeck and Sharon, 1833-8; Cobleskill, 1838; Farmerville, 1838-66. Died. See Manual, 1902. Bassori, Augustino. See Dassori. Bates, Elisha D. Gilboa, 1858; Stuyvesant Falls, 1860-1 ; suspended 1869; deposed. Bates, Wm. Henry, b. Champion, N.Y., May 20, 1840; Ham. Col. '65, Aub. Sem. 68, 1. by Pres. of Cayuga; ord. by Pres. of Cortlandt (in Pres. Ch. 68-93). S.S. Rochester 2nd, 93-95. Bauer, Christopher, b. Oct. 25, 1875, Elmont, L.L. N.Y. Bloomfield Sem. 1894; Bloomfield Acd. 1898; 1. by Pres. of Nassau 1897; (Manches- ter, N.H., 1898-1900; Weyersville, N.J., 1900-1906; Jamaica, N.Y., 1906-1908. Supt. and Pastor German Deaconess Hospital, Cincinnati, O., 1908-10). Bethany, Clara City, Minn., 191c Baumeister, John, ord. by N-Cl. L.L; College Point, 1888-98. S.S. Locust Valley, L.L, 1910-12. Teacher. Baxter, John H., b. England, March 21, 1878. Educated London, Ky., 1904; 1. by Pres. of Pueblo, 1906. (Pres. Hastings, Colo., 1905-07; Tim- nath, Colo., 1907.) Columbia Memorial, Okl., Ass. 1910; pastor 1913. Alissionary, Indian work 1910-13; Vermilye Memorial, Okl, 1912-13, and Apache Indians, 1912-13. (Pres. Fassil Creek 1913-15. Loveland, Colo., 1913 ). Bayles, J. Owen, b. Cherry Fork, O., 1835. Geneva Hall, Northwood, O., 1857; Refd. Pres. Sem., Allegheny, Pa., '60; 1. by Ref. Pres. Ch. (Teaching 60-6; Kortright, N.Y., 66-95). Spotswood, N.J., 1895-1901, w. c. ; d. Sept. 12, 1910. Min. Gen. Syn., 1911, 253. Bayles, Theodore Floyd (s. of J. O. Bayles), b. Kortright, N.Y., July 25, 1871 ; U.C. 1895; N.B.S. 1898; 1. by CI. N.B. ; Gardiner, N.Y., 98-'i902, Little Falls, N. J., 1902-06; Freehold. 2nd, 1906-10; Bayonne, ist, 1910-15; Educational Sec. Bd. Publication and Bible Sch. Work, 1915-17; Walden, 1917 . Executive Sec. Progress Campaign, 1919- 20; Member Ex. Com. N.J. S.S. Ass., N.Y. S.S. Ass.; Member Ex. Com. N.Y. C.E. Ass. Bcale. Joseph Robert, b. Pamplin City, Va., Oct. 13, 1869; Lafayette Coll. 93, U.S. 97 (Hastings-on-Hudson, 97-1900), Breakabin 1901-1903. Also North Blenheim, 1901-03; Walpack, Lower, Bushkill, S.S., 1904- 05. Dis. to Pres. Ch. 1907. Beardslee, J. W.. b. Ohio, Nov. 23, 1837; R.C. 60, N.B.S. 63, 1. CI. N.B.; Rosendale, 63, Constantine and Mottville, 63-4, Constantine, 63-84, also S.S. at Porter, 64-70, West Troy, 84-7, Prof. Bib. Langs, and Lit. in Western Theolog. Sem. 1888-1917. Emeritus 1917. Acting Lector in the Exegesis of the English Bible. N.B.S. 1917-21 ; d. March 31. • Dr. Beardslee was led into the ministry through the influence of Rev. 246 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA James LeFevre, D.D. and Rev. John B. Thompson D.D. He became one of the most eminent and useful ministers of the Denomination. As a pas- tor his work was of marked spiritual success, the creative work he did for the Western Theological Seminary will remain for many years. He was also a liberal giver to the Kingdom of God. In taste he was a student, in disposition gentle and in spirit Christ-like. D.D. Rutgers 1884; LL.D. Rutgers 1907. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 639.^ Publications: "Address on President Garfield," 1881. "Fun. Ser. of Rev. Dr. O. H. Gregory," 1885. "The Bible Among the Nations." "Ad- dress Before Society of Inquiry, N.B.S.," 1880. "The Two Advents Con- trasted: in Four Sermons." "Twenty Years with Refd. Ch. of Constan- tine, Mich.," 1884. "The Foes of the Family," 1883. "The Lord is my Banner." "Numerous Sermons and Addresses," and pamphlets. Out- line of Introduction to O.T. 1903. Five Manuals for Class-room work. Beardslee, John W., Jr. (son of J. W. Beardslee) b. Constantine, Mich., July II, 1879. H.C. 1897, W.T.S. 1903; 1. by CI. Michigan, 1902. Ord. by CI. Mich., 1910. Instructor and Professor in H.C. 1902-13. Prof. N.T., W.T.S. 1913-17. Prof, of Greek and N.T. Exegesis N.B.S. 1917 . Ph.D. by Univ. Chicago 1913; D.D. by H.C. 1913. Beardslee, Wm. Armitage, b. Constantine, Mich., Ap. 6, 1867; H.C. and R.C. 88, N.B.S. 91, 1. CI Assist. Yonkers, ist, 91-2, Park Hill, Yonkers, 92-5 (Presbyt, Saranac, N. Y., 95-97) ; d. Oct. 19. See Man- ual, 1902. Publications: "Constitution of the Hist. Soc. of N.B.S., with Paper on Object and Plan of a» Museum of Christian History," 1889. Beattie, Jas., U.C. 1834, Fordham, 54-6. Beattie, Jas. Anderson, b. Westerkirk, Caugholms, Scotland, 1861 ; Glas- gow Univer. 85, P.S. 89, 1. Presbyt. of New Brunswick; ord. by London Presbyt. Ontario, 89 (Kempo and S. Delaware, Ont., 89-90, Presh. ) Pekin, 111., ist, 90-2, Trinity, Amsterdam, N. Y., 92-4, Chittoor, India 1894-1915; drowned at the sinking of the S.S. L'lsitania, May 7, 1915 "A faithful missionary of Jesus Christ." See Min. Gen. Syn., 1915, 610 Beattie, John, b. at Salem, N. Y., 1784; U.C. 1806, studied under Proudfit 1. CI. N.Y. 1808; Miss, in West, N. Y. and Canada, 1809-10, New Utrecht, 1809-34, Buffalo (S.S.), 1838-42, pastor, 1842-4, d. 1864, Jan. 22. He was born of Scottish parents and brought up among the Scotch Pres- byterians in Washington Co., N. Y. When on his missionary tours in Canada he kept a minute journal of his daily life. On May 14, 1810, he left his L. I. home for one of these tours, and was gone five months. He was a week in making his voyage to Albany by sloop, and during this period thus writes : "Under this adverse providence, during these four days, I have had come gloomy reflections — a long journey before me — an entire stranger in the land to which I am sent — a wilderness to pass through be- fore I reach missionary ground — my horse in the meantime oppressed by standing still on board, and starving for want of provisions. These con- siderations combined depressed my spirits, and rendered these four days gloomy. But I still enjoyed one consolation, I trusted that God, who called me to the mission work, would conduct me safely through." While be- calmed opposite Coeymans on a Sunday, he and a couple of passengers took the boat and went ashore, and walked back to the church. Domine Westervelt was absent at Bethlehem, his other charge. Beattie obtained a horse and rode over to hear him, but arrived in time only to hear the appli- cation. After recess Beattie preached, and got back to the river in time to see the sloop sailing away. However, he made himself heard, and was taken on board. He gives a vivid description of the bad roads between Albany and Lake Ontario, and of the equally bad lodgings — "the worst roads that it is possible for the human mind to form any conception of;" "horrid bridges;" but the mosquitoes "were the occasion of more misery to THE MINISTRY - 247 me than all the rest of my difficulties combined;" and then his lodgings, "an old weather-worn log house covered with bark — a dismal inn to the weary traveler." His bed was the floor, but he could not sleep. "I was under the necessity of maintaining an arduous contest with an innumerable multitude of little nocturnal beasts which inhabited the place." The next day he "rode twenty miles to breakfast under a mosquito escort," and at length came in sight of his missionary field. But the roads were still worse in Canada. His horse lost a shoe, and became very lame. "The morals of the people are said to be very much corrupted, and there is little or no religion in the place." — Kingston. Beattie, Robt. H., b. St. Andrews, Orange Co., N. Y., Aug. 26, 1815; U.C. 34; stud, theol. with Dr. Wylie in Philadelphia; lie. 1835 (supplied Mil- ton, Pa., 35-6; Walden, N. Y., 39-42; Refd. Presbyt. W. Milton, N. Y., 42-54; Presb., Bethlehem, Orange Co., N. Y., 54-66 supply. New Wind- sor, 67-70; Milford, Pa., 70-2) ; Bloomingburgh, N. Y., 72-84; New Hurley, 1884, d. Beattie, Robt. Hezekiah (s. of R. H. Beattie, above), b. Bethlehem, Orange Co., N. Y., Nov. 10, 1864; C.N.J. 85, P.S. 91, 1. Presbyt. Hud- son, 1891 ; ord. CI. Orange, 91; teacher, Prot.Coll. Beirut, Syria, 85-9, Latin tutor, C.N. J., 90-1; Newburg (R.C.A.), 1891-1902. Presbyterian. PuBLic.Mioxs : Articles in "The Interior," "The Christian Work," "The S.S. Times," "The Christian Intelligencer," "The Biblical World," etc. Beaver, Jos. Perry, b. Tylersport, Pa., Mar. i, 1858; Ursinus Coll. 80, Aub. Sem. 83; lie. Presbyt. Cayuga (Presbyt. 83-9) ; Nassau, 89-98, Buffalo, 98-1901, S.S. New Concord, 1901-06; Stuyvesant, 1907-08; Coeymans, 1909-16; S.S. New Concord, 1919 Bechger, A. V. W., Holland Ch., N. Y. C, 1895 ; in the Netherlands, 1896, in London, Eng., 1897 . Removed from roll, 1905. Bechthold, Arend Hendrick, b. at Amsterdam, Holland, 1822; arrived at Boston, Mass., Aug. 7, 59; lie. by North Suffolk Assoc, Mass., Dec. 16, 62; ord. by same, Feb. 11, 63; Miss, among the Hollanders in Bos- ton Highlands (Roxbury), 59-66; Paterson, N. J. (True Dutch Ch.), 2d HolL, May 14, 66-7, July; Boston, Lenox St. Chapel, Jan. 19, 68-70, New York City (Holl. Ch.), 70-84; d. Nov. 15. Mr. Bechthold had been superintendent during 1857-8 of the farm school named "Surinaamsche Mettray," in Surinam, W. I. (This is a kind of orphan asylum.) He afterward determined to become a missionary in South Africa in connection with a brother-in-law there. But arriving in Boston, sickness and death in his household, together with the lateness of the season, compelled him to wait till the following spring. Upon inquiry whether there were any Hollanders in Boston, he learned from Rev. Dr. Anderson, of the Warren Street Baptist Church, that there was a colony of Hollanders in Roxbury. These were sought out and religious services were begun on Oct. 2T, 1859, which led to an earnest awakening among them, and the establishment of a Dutch church. Abner Kingman, a wealthy merchant, supported Mr. Bechthold, who labored both among the Dutch and Germans. This mission was under the care of the Springfield Street Congregational Church. Two years after (1861) a house of worship was built, since converted into a dwelling. Subsequently the firm of Sewall, Day & Co. built a large hall for these Hollanders on the corner of Ruggles and Parker streets. Rev. G. Vandekreeke, a graduate of Hope College, subsequently labored among them. On Feb. 20, 1873, a Dutch church was organized, under the name of the "Holland Congregational Church of Bos- ton Highlands." Mr. Bechthold subsequently did a great work for fourteen years among the Hollanders in New York City. It was no light task to concentrate them from New York and suburbs, and maintain a church organization among them. But this was but a small part of his work. For many years he met the immigrants of every incoming Dutch steamer at Castle Garden, and spoke words of welcome to them. In that place he 248 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA preached the Gospel to many thousands. He aided them in exchanging their money and tickets, and in forwarding them to their destination. Many who were in destitution were helped ; the sick were cared for, and he wrote let- ters of information to their friends in Holland. He was a true helper of his people. Beck, T. Romeyn, R.C. 1849; acting Prof. Latin in R.C. 59-60, N.B.S. 62, 1. CI. N.B. 62; Chap. 13th Reg. N.J.V. 62-3, Prof, of Latin and Greek, Holland Acad., 63-5, Prof, of Latin and Greek in Hope College, 1865- 85, also Lector in Biblical Criticism and Theology in Hope College, 67-85, Prof, in Dr. Gamble's Institution at Lytton Springs, Cal., 85-8, Prof, in a Gov. College, Yamaguchi, Japan, 88-94 ; died in Cal., May 22, 1896, D.D. by R.C. 1879- He was a worthy scion of distinguished stock, named after his great- grandfather. Rev. Dr. Theodorick (or Dirck) Romeyn. For many years his father. Dr. Lewis C. Beck, was a Professor in Rutgers College. Mr. T. R. Beck studied law, and practiced in Chicago (1852-8), when he resolved to study theology. He was soon called to the then nascent Hope College, where his chief life work was done. For this position he was fitted in a peculiar degree. Moreover, he did not neglect ministerial duties. Hope Church had only recently been organized at Holland, Mich., and in its weak condition he gave his services as a Ruling Elder, also preaching with great acceptance as often as necessity required. When the Theological Department was created in Hope College, the General Synod appointed him Lector in Biblical Criticism and Philology, in which capacity he served for eight years. He wai an earnest and enthusiastic student. In 1885 he sought a more southern residence for the benefit of his health, and continued his excellent didactic labors for three years in Dr. Gamble's Institution at Lytton Springs, Cal. He then went to Japan, and for six years taught with great success in a government college at Yamaguchi. At the same time he taught a Bible class, out of the scholastic hours. See "Biog. Notice of Grads. of R.C," 1897, 15. Publications: "Baccalaureate Sermon at Hope College," 1883. Becker, Carl. North Bergen and Hackensack, 3d, 1857-60, Naumberg and New Bremen, 1860-70. Becker, John Chas. August, b. Jan. 21, 1866. Classical Academy, Hoboken, N. J.; Bloomfield Sem. 1893; 1. by Pres. of Newark, 1893. (Pres. Morningside, N.Y.C., 1894-1908) ; Clifton, N. J., 1908 Beckering, Wm., b. Rosario, S. Africa, Oct. 6, 1871 ; H.C. and McA.C. W.S. 1904; 1. by CI. Iowa; Greenleafton, Minn., 1904-07; Oostburg, Wis., 1 907- II ; Bella 3d, 1911-15, d. Oct. 11. Min. Gen. Syn., 1916, 934. Beckes, Oscar E. LeMors Col. 'C2. Rec'd from Pres. 1912; Mohawk, 1912-17, Pres. 1917. Bedford, Charles Van Wyck, b. Glenham, N. Y., Mar. 14, 1871 ; N.B.S. 97; lie. CI. Montgomery; Ghent, 2d, 1897-1902. Johnstown 1902-09. Currytown (S.S.) 1909-12 and (S.S.) Sprakers, 1909-11. Hagaman 1912-18. Presbyterian, Cal., 1918. Beckman, Abram J., b. South Branch, N. J., Oct. 21, 1838; C.N.J., U.T.S. 70-72, 73-4; ord. CI. Illinois, Nov. 4, 74; Norris, 111., 74-75; S.S. Shokan and Shandaken, N. Y., 76-82; (Matawan, N. J., 82-84) ; South Branch, 85-87; (Allentown, N. J., 88-92), d. Ap. 4. See Manual, 1902. Beekman, Jacob T. B., b. Ap. 11, 1801, U.C. 1822, N.B.S. 1825, 1. CI. Phila- delphia, 1825; Middletown, N. J., 1825-36, w. c. 1836-47, Presb. Died 1875, Ap. 25. Beekman, John Stotthoff, b. Middlebush. N. J., Oct. 19, 1833; C.N.J. 57; U.T.S. 57-8; P.T.S. 58-60; (serving Presbyt. chs. 63-70), S.S., Somer- set, Kan., 70-2 (Presbyt. 74-88; Episcopalian). For details see Prince- ton Sem. Gen. Cat. Beekman, Peter Stryker, b. Millstone, N. J., July 19, 1861 ; R.C. 84, N.B.S. 87, I. CI. N.B.; Glenham, N. Y., 87-93, Currytown, 93-1901, THE MINISTRY 249 Flatbush (Ulster Co.), N. Y., 1901-09. Johnstown, N. Y., 1909-20; d. Aug. 24, 1920. Sec. Ministerial Ass. Mont. CI. and Sec. Johnstown Ministerial Ass. Publication — Centennial Hist. Ref. Ch. of Flatbush, Ulster Co., N. Y., 1907. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 630. Beekman, Theodore Amerman, b. South Branch, N. J., Nov. 18, 1856; R.C. 82, N.B.S. 85, 1. CI. Raritan; Columbia, 85-7, S.S. at Preakness, 87-9, Central Bridge and Howe's Cave, 89-93, Jerusalem, N. Y., and S.S. at Union, 1893-1902; Red Bank, N. J., 1902-09; Rosendale, 1909- 15; Krumsville and Lyonsville, 1915-19; Clover Hill, 1919 Beidler, Fred. P., b. Reading, Pa.. Oct. 28, 1824; Dickinson Coll. 2 yrs. ; Marshall Coll. 46, Mercersburg Sem. 49, lie. by CI. Lebanon, G.R.C. 49; ord. CI. Miami, G.R.C. 51; (laboring among North Carolina Ger- mans, 49-52; at Pleasant Hills, Mo., teaching and supplying Presbyt. Ch. 52-3, supplying White Pigeon Ch. (Presbyt.) Mich., 53) ; South Bend, Ind., 53-4, teacher in Holland Academy, 54-5, Miss. Holland, Wis., 55, Ridgeway, 55-6, Macon, 56-7, w. c. ; d. 1904, Nov. 20. Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 597. Bell, Goodloe Bowman, b. Reading, Pa., June 14, 1832; Y.C. 52, U.S. 59; Wawarsing, 1874-81. For other details see Gen. Cat. U.S. Died 1894. Bellengcr, Henry, b. 1789; Secession Church, 1827-9, Independent, at Sharon, Wynant's, and Rooster's Kill, 1829-1877, d. Publications: "A Voliiinc of Scniwns," copy in Sage Library. Bellenger, J. W. N.B.S. 1844-5, d. Beltman. Henry, b. 1894; H.C. 1916; P.T.S. 1919; 1. by CI. East Sioux 1919. Missionary in China, Amoy Missions, 1920 Bender, August Ferdinand, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1874; Coll. Dept. Th. School, Bloomfield, N. J., 93, Theolog. Dept. 96, 1. Presb. Newark; Newtown, 2d, L. I. (Ger.), 96-1901, (Steubenville, O., 1901-1905. Ref. Ch. U.S., 1907). Hudson City, 2d, March-Oct., 1913; German Ref. Ch. ; Hudson City, 2d, 1914 Benedict, Wm. A., Gilboa, 1856-7. Benes, L. H., b. Neth., May 26, 1865. McCormick Sem. 1904. Macalester Col. 1910. 1. by Pres. Milwaukee 1904. (Pres. Milwaukee 1904-08, Waupun, Wis., 1908-16). Grand View, Armour, S. D., 1916 . Benjamin, Chs. Frederic, b. Beekman, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1872; R.C. 1898, N.B.S. 1901, 1. CI. Pokeepsie; Alexandria Bay, 1902-1922. Bennett, Asa, b. 1790; N.B.S. 1824, 1. CI. N.B. 1824; Schodack, 1824-8, Ovid. 1828-38, Constantine, 1844-5, d. 1858, Jan. 16. Sketch in "Ch. Int.," Feb. 4, 1858. Bennett. G. H., b. New Brunswick, N. J., July 8. 1878. R.C. 1902. N.B.S. 1903-4. Colgate Divinity Sch. 1907. Baptist 1907-08; Episcopalian 1908— — Bcnni-tt, Jacques. U.C. 1839. N.B.S. 1840-2. d. 1842. Bennett. Walter Leopold, b. Port Hope, Ontario, Canada. Queen's Univ. IQ03, P.T.S. 1906. 1. by Presbytery of West Jersey. (Pres. Jamesville, N. Y., 1906-08; Bradford, Pa., 1908-10; Bridgeport, Conn., 1910-14; Canastota, 1914-17; Norwich, N. Y., 1917-18; Board of Evangelism, Pres. Ch. of Canada, 1918-19). S.S. Syracuse, N. Y., ist, 1920-21; pastor 1921 Publication : "Diamond-Diggers and their Mine." 1921. Bennink, John Everett, b. Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 27, 1886. Kal. and H.C. 1912. W.T.S. 1915. 1. by CI. Mich. Chicago, Emmanuel, 1915-17; Abbe, Clymer, N. Y., 1917-22; Catskill, N. Y., 1922 . S.C. CI. 111., 1917. Benson, Aaron Wm., b. Cobleskill, N. Y., 1843; R.C. 71, N.B.S. 74, 1. CI. Schoharie; ord. by Presb. of Hamilton, Ontario, Nov. 28, 74; (West Flambora, Canada, 74-6, Rockford, Delano, Maple Plain, Long Lake, Minn., 1877, Minneapolis, 5th Presb. Ch., 78-9, White Bear Lake, Pine City, 80-2, Eden Prairie, 84-5, Yarkie, Mo., 87-8, Rush City, Minn., 250 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 88-90, Elim and Bethany chs., Minneapolis, 91-3, North St. Paul, Minn., 1896-97. Also engaged in journalism on "The Western Presbyterian," M inneapolis. Retired ) . Benson, Clarence H. Rec'd from Pres. 1908. Lawyersville and Howe's Cave, 1st, 1908-10. Bufifalo, 1911-16. (Presbyterian. Foreign Mission- ary). Bentley, E. W., b. 1826, Y.C. 1850, East Windsor Theolog. Inst. 1854, lie. by Hartford 4th Assoc. 1854; Ellenville, 1854-80, w. c. Died x886, Oct. 23. Se Manual, 1902. Publications : "Hist. CI. of Orange," 8vo, pp. 80, 1875. "Several Ser- mons." Many articles in the "Ellenville Journal," "Christian Intelligencer," etc. Berdan, John, lie. by Seceders, 1830, Aquackanonck, sec. 1830-89, died. Berg, Herman Caspar (s. of Jos. F. Berg), b. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 5, 1845; R.C. 66, N.B.S. 69, lie. CI. N.B.; studied at Basel, Ger., 69-70, evangel, services, Mission House, Basel, 69-70; student at Tuebingen, 70-1; Rocky Hill, N. J., 72-8, College Point, L.I., 78-88, Bedford, Brooklyn, 88-95, Ellenville, N. Y., 1895-1910. Tillson, Rosendale Plains, 1910-14, d. Feb. 16. For many years he was member of the Bd. of Superintendents and one time its president. He was member of the Bd. of Publication and one time its president. He was a man of ability and wisdom in the service of God. D.D. L.F.C. 1891. Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 236. Publications: Many, sermons in "N. Y. Tribune" and "Brooklyn Eagle." Articles in "Ch. Int.," including a "Criticism on Acts 26 :28." Berg. Irving H. (son of H. C. Berg), b. Rocky Hill, N. J., March 8, 1878. Lafayette Col. 1901. Hartford Sem. 1904. 1. by CI. Saratoga, 1904; ord. by CI. of .Saratoga 1904. West Troy, 1904-06; Catskill, 1906-12; (Cong., Hartford, Conn., 1912-17) ; Fort Washington Col, N.Y.C., 1917 . Chaplain ist Conn. Inf 1914-17. Trustee Hartford Sem. Foundation 1912 . Bd. D.M. R.C. A. 1906-12. Chairman Liberty Loan Com. of Ref. Ch. in N. Y. 1917. D.D. by Laf. Col. 1916. Publications : Articles in press, sermons, etc. Berg, Jos. Fred. (s. of Rev. Christian Fred. Berg, of Denmark, and Hannah Tempest, his wife, of England, Moravian missionaries), b. at Grace Hill, Antigua, W.I., June 3, 1812; educated in Moravian institutions at Fulnic, England, 1816-25; c. to U. S. 1825, and placed in the Moravian School at Nazareth. Pa. Teacher of Chemistry, Nazareth, 1829, while pursuing theological studies. Lie. 1831, ord. and installed, Ger. Ref. Ch. Harrisburg, Oct. 2, 1835-7, Philadelphia (Race Street), G.R.C., 1837-52, Philadelphia, 2d, R.D.C., 1852-61, Prof, of Didactic and Pol- emic Theology, New Brunswick Sem. 1861-71, d. July 20. Also Prof. Logic, Rutgers College 1861-4; Prof. Evidences of Christianity in Rutgers College, 1861-7. D.D. M.D. Jefferson Medical College. Trus- tee R.C. 1860-4. He was gifted with a vigorous mind, which was enriched and disciplined by careful culture and study. His acquirements embraced not only a knowl- edge of the classics and several modern languages, but in almost every de- partment of literature and science there were few subjects which he had not diligently explored. His power of acquisition was really encyclopaedic, and he had the rare faculty of using, to advantage, when occasion required, his copious stores of knowledge. He was a solid preacher and especially eminent in controversy. For a fuller sketch of him and for a list of his numerous publications, see Manual, 1902, Centennial N.B.S. 453. Berg, Joseph Frederic (son of Herman Berg), b. at Tubingen, Ger., July 28, 1871 ; R.C. 92, N.B.S. 95, 1. S. CI. L. I.; Montgomery, N. Y., 1895- 1902, Port Richmond, S. I., 1902-1911. Lector Biblical Theo. and Sac- red Hist. N.B.S. 1904-17; Prof. Hellenistic Gk. and N.T. Exegesis THE MINISTRY 25 1 N.B.S. 1911-17. Flatbush, L. I., 1st, 1917 . President Gen. Svn. 1919. Ph.D. C.U. 1896. D.D., R.C 1908. Publications: "Influence of the LXX on the Peshito PsaUer," 1895. "A Dissertation Submitted for the Ph.D. in the University Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia College." "Sermons." Bergen, John H. (colored), N.B.S. 1879, lie. by CI. N.B. 79; ordained by same, 80, as a missionary colporteur; labored at Columbus, Ga., 80-3, when he joined the Southern Presbyt. Ch. Although he was an Afri- can and was blind, yet by simply having his lectures read to him he passed through the seminary in a creditable manner, d. Dec. 13, 1893. Bergen, John Tallmadge, b. on Bergen Island, Flatlands, N. Y., Sept. 21, i860; R.C. 1883, U.T.S. 86, lie. by S. CI. L. I.; S.S. at Steinway, L. I., 84-86; ord. by CI. Ulster, 86; Shokan and Shandaken, 86-89, Hope Ch. Holland, Mich., 89-92, Brooklyn, South, 92-95, Robert Schell, Professor of Ethics and Evidences of Christianity in Hope College, 1895-1906. Supplied Hope Church, 1900-1 ; pastor 1904-06. (Pres. President Albert Lee C. 1912-13. ist Pres. Church, Minneapolis). D.D. R.C, ^903- Publications : "Evidences of Christianity." Contribution to the press. Bergen, Tunis G., b. Brooklyn, 1849. R.C. 67. N.B.S. 67-9. Lawyer. Berger, Arthur LeGrand, b. Sharon, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1881. N.B.S. 1907. 1. by CI. Schoharie 1907. New Hurley, 1907-10; Post Graduate, N.Y.U. 1910-11. CI. Missionary CI. Saratoga 1911-1917. (Presbyterian 1917. S.S. Northumberland, 1918). Berger, Martin Luther, b. Mellenville, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1839; Wms. Coll. 59, U.T.S. 59-62; ord. CI. New Brunswick, June 10, 63; East Millstone, N. J., 63-5, Fishkill, N. Y., 65-8, Syracuse, N. Y., 68-75; San Fran- cisco, Cal. (Presb.), 75-80, S.S. Hillsdale, N. Y., 81-3, Sec. McAU Mission in France, 83-6, Prof. Theol. in Straight Univ., New Orleans, La., 87-9; Cleveland, O. (Cong.), 91-5, traveling in Europe, U. S., and the East, 1895. D.D. by" Straight University, 1887. Died Feb. 6, 1906. Bergmans, Jacob C, b. Province of Friesland, Neths., June 4, 1861 ; Al- b.'on Coll., Mich.; Yale Div. School, 91. lie. by Western N. Y. Asso. (Cong.); Perry, N. Y. (Cong.), 92-4, New York Mills, 95-1901, Gil- boa, 1501-1932. S.S. South Gilboa, 1902. d. Oct. 2. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 513. Berkcnmeyer. W'm. (S.S.) Stone Arabia, 1733-43. (Lutheran). See Dailey Hist., Mont. CI., 89. Berkhardt, Andrew. Linden, N. J., 1921. Bernart, Jas. Elmendorf, b. at Millstone, N. J., March 15, 1821; R.C. 1848, N.B.S. 1851, 1. CI. Phila., 1851 ; S.S. Upper Neversink, and Brown Settlement, 1851-4, Upper Neversink, 1854-6, Miss, at Board- ville, 1856-77, pastor 1877-81, w. c. d. 1903, Sept. 25. Min. Gen. Syn., 1904, 829. Berry, James Romeyn (grandson of Jas. V. C. Romeyn), b. at Hacken- sack, N. J., March 8, 1827; R.C. 47, N.B.S. 50, 1. CI. Bergen; Piermont, N. Y., 50-2, Syracuse, 52-7, Kinderhook. 57-63, Jersey City, 3d, 63-8, Fishkill-on-Hud.son, 69-70, (Montclair, N. J. (Presb.), 70-87), Rhine- beck, 87-91, d. June 5. D.D. by R.C. 1867. President of Gen. Syn. 1 890. He was characterized by exceptional excellence. Of commanding per- sonal presence, he attracted the attention of all who met him. But his qual- ities of mind and heart were even more conspicuous and challenged the confidence and regard of those who knew him well. Both heredity and environment exerted a favorable influence upon his early life. He was trained to be a student and a Christian ; and the effect of this training was manifest through his entire career. In youthful years he developed noble qualities, and to the close of life illustrated the virtues of a matured man- hood. 252 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Because of his ability and character he was conspicuously successful as. a pastor, preacher and in the councils of the church. See Manual, 1902. Publications : A number of sermons — One on death of President Van Buren, in "Ch. Int.," July 31, 1862. "Silence and Mvstery," on death of President Garfield, 1881. "The Word of Life is Near," 1881. Berry, Philip (grandson of Jas. V. C. Romeyn, and brother of Jas. R. Berry), b. Hackensack, N. J., Feb. 16, 1837; R.C. 57, U.T.S. 57-58, N.B.S. 58-60, 1. CI. Bergen; ord. by CI. Mich.; Grand Rapids. Mich., 60-61, Scotia, N. Y., 61,63; Sidon, Syria (Am. Bd.), 63-65; Athens, Pa., 65-72 ; became a Baptist, Sutton, Mass., 72-75, Belchertown, Mass., 75-77, Three Rivers and Palmer, Mass., 77-78, ed. of the "Nat. Baptist," Philadelphia, Pa., 78-83, Southampton, Pa., 83-88; died Aug. 23, 1889. See Manual, 1902. Bertholf, Guiliam (William), b. in Sluis, Holland, and baptized there Feb. 20, 1656; lie. and ord. by the CI. of Middleburg, Sept. 16, 1693; Hack- ensack and Acquackanonck (now Passaic), N. J., 1694- 1724; supplied, also, occasionally, the churches on the Raritan, Ponds, Pompton (Plains), Schraalenberg, Tappan, Tarrytown, Belleville, Staten Island, etc., 1694-1724. Died about 1726. He was the pioneer of the Reformed Church in New Jersey. For a gen- eration he exercised a truly apostolic ministry among scattered wilderness communities of that colony. He was a great lover of his Lord and deeply consecrated to his service. His evangelistic spirit was not appreciated by some of his ministerial contemporaries, who asserted that he was a Labadist. For a sketch with references, see Manual, 1902. Bertholf, James Henry, b. at Fredonia, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Aug. 15, 1840; R.C. 64, N.B.S. 67; Unionville and Greenburgh, N. Y., 67-70, New York City (De Witt Chapel, Collegiate Church), 70-83, Nassau, N. Y., 83-8, Marlboro, N. J., 88-1892, w. c. d. Dec. 11, 1904. Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 273. Beseigel, W. E., b. Utica, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1887. Moravian Col. 1909, Mor- avian Sem. 191 1 ; ord. by Elders' Conference of Moravian Ch. (Mor- avian, Nicaragua, 1911-12. Winston, N. C, 1912-16; Brooklyn, 1916- 18; Utica, 1918-19) ; Mellenville, 1919 Bethune, Geo. W.. b. in N. Y. C, 1805; C.C. and B.C. 1823, P.S. 1826; (Miss, to colored people and sailors. Savannah, Ga., 1826), Rhinebeck, 1827-30, Utica. 1831-4, Philadelphia, ist, 1834-6, Philadelphia, 3d, 1837- 49, Brooklyn Heights, 1850-9, New York, 21st St., 1859-62, d. Apr. 28, at Florence. Italy. He also supplied the Am. Chapel, Rome, 1859-60. He stood in the front rank of ministers of the Gospel. Originally en- dowed with a fine mind, and furnished with every possible facility for cul- tivating and furnishing it, he achieved a very high degree of success in the pulpit and elsewhere. A thorough master of English, of finished taste, fertile in thought, rich in illustration, skilled in dialectics, familiar with the stores of the past, yet with a quick eye to the present, a proficient in belles-lettres, he had almost every literary requisite for the composition of sermons. When to this it is added that he was sound in the faith and had his heart in the work, that he had a most musical voice, of rare compass and modulation, it is not wonderful that his reputation stood so high. He was a close and diligent student, and never was ashamed to confess it. His platform efl:orts were always impromptu, but for the pulpit he felt con- scientiously bound to make careful and thorough preparation. For a full sketch and list of publications, see Manual, 1902. Betten, Antonie, b. Utrecht, Neth., July 19, 1813; ord. at Noordeloos, July 12, 1842; Noordeloos, S. Holland, Neth., 42-47; came to U.S. w. c. d. Dec. 6, 1900. He was one of the prime movers in the great tide of Christian immigra- tion of Hollanders to the United States in the middle of the nineteenth THE MINISTRY 253 •century. He was associated with Van Raalte, Scholte, and others. He -never took a ministerial charge in America, but was continually engaged in preaching the Gospel in Pella, Iowa, and surrounding mission stations. See also "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1901, p. 1230. Betton, Dirk Lawrence (grandson of A. J. Betten), b. Pella, la., Jan. 29, 1869; H.C. 90, Mich. University 91, N.B.S. 94; 1. CI. N.B.; Paterson, 1st Holland, 94-7, Brighton, N. Y., 1897-1910. Marion, N. Y., 1910- 20. Florida, N. Y., 1920 . Betts, Wm. Rowland Spalding, b. Troy, N. Y., Oct. 2},, 1800; U.C. 1826, P.S. 30, (Phelps, N. Y., 31-4, Upper Freehold, N. ]., 37-40, Mt. Holly, N. J., 41-2), Spottswood, 42-5, Leeds, 45-50, Athens, 50-5, Grahamville, 55-6, Shokan and Shandaken, 56-61, (Otisville, N. Y., 62-5, Presb.; Miss, in Ocean Co., N. J., 66-8. Died Sept. 28, 1883. Betz, Wm. F., b. in Europe; a Miss, in India, of the Rhenish Miss. Soc, 1863-75. May; Lodi, N. J., (Hoi.), 1875-8, went to Germany, and subse- quently to Holland; Warnsveld, Holl., 1879-81, d. June 5. Beveridge, James. N.B.S. 1827-8. Associate Reformed. Bevier, John H., b. 1805, studied under Westbrook, and N.B.S. 1831, 1. CI. N.B. 1831 ; Shawangunk, 1831-43, Ed. "Christian Intelligencer," 1843- 52; Fordham, 1851-3, Glenham, 1853-60, Rensselaer, 1860-3, Rosendale, 1864-7, S.S. New Concord, 1867-73. Emeritus, Ap. 15, J2>- Died Aug. 14, 1880. See "Ch. Int.," Aug. 26, 1880. Beyer, Albert F., b. Gensungen, Hessen Cassel, Germany, Nov. 20, 1852; College Dept. of Ger. Theol. Sch., Dubuque, la., 76; Danville Theol. Sem., Ky., 79, lie. by Transylvania Presbyt. 78 ; ord. by Alton Presby. 79; (Fosterburg, 111., Presb., 79-88) ; Silver Creek, German Valley, 111., 1889-1905. Principal Pleasant Prairie Academy, German Valley, 111., 1905-18. Teaching Pleasant Prairie Academy, 1918 . German Language and Bible Literature and Doctrine. DD., H.C. 1902. Publications: Editor of "Der Mitarbeiter," a German monthly, the organ of the Classis of Pleasant Prairie, 111., 1891-1905. Translated into German New Constitution of Ref. Ch. Beyer, Evert G., b. Jan. 14, 1856, in Iowa; Central Univer., la., 84, N.B.S. 87, 1. CI. N.B.; ord. by Presbyt. of Dubuque, 88; (Farley, la., 87-9. Coggon, la., 89-92, Littleton and Otterville, 92-3, Hazelton, 1894-08. Chaplain, State Prison, Anamora, la., 1898-1901. (Pres. Brighton and Salina, la., 1904-10). (2d Keokuk, la.; Pres. 1919). Beys, Henricus, b. at Dordrecht, 1675; matriculated at Leyden, Sept. 13, 1694, to study theology; matriculated again Aug. 2"], 1701 (aged 27) to study medicine; ord. May 4, 1705; came to America 1705; Kingston, 1705-8; returned to Holland (Harlem and Fordham, Episcopalian, 1710-12) ; suspended by Classis of Amsterdam; restored to Duich min- istry, 1713; Curacoa, 1714-17. Governor Cornbury attempted to prevent the settlement of Beys at King- ston. His attitude led to a violent dispute, which was one of the causes of Cornbury's recall. Beys became involved in a scandal at Kingston and left without permission. For account and reference, see Manual, 1902. Bielficld, H. Mid. Col. '21 ; And. Sem. '25. From G.R.C. 1855. Ger. Ref., Harlem, 1855. Bilkert, Henry Arjen, b. June 24, 1892, Kalamazoo, Mich. H.C. 1914. P.S., N.B. and W.S. 191 7. 1 by CI. Michigan. Missionary to Arabia, 1917 Publications: Missionary articles for Church papers. Billingsley, John Alvcr, b. Sharonville, O., Nov. 15, 1854; Wavnesburg Col. 78; Y.T.S. 76-7, U.T.S. 78-80; ord. by Cumb. Presb., Miami, Aug. 27, yy; city missionary of Ref. C. in A. in N.Y.C., 79-81 (Oxford, Miss. (Cum. Presb.), 81) ; Manor Chapel of South Refd. Ch., N. Y. C, 82-90 Brooklyn (Presb.). 1S91. 254 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Bingham, Luther, b. at Cornwell, Vt., June lo, 1798, Mid. Coll. 1821 An;l. Sem. 25, lie. Essex Assoc. Mass., 25 (Marietta, O., 25-37, Cincinnati, 37-43. Williston, Vt, 43-51, Journalist, 51-77). Entered R.D.C., 55. Colporteur and connected with Bd. Pub. Died 1877. He was the author, for about eighteen years, of the reports of the Fulton Street Prayer-meeting in the "New York Observer" and "Christian Intel- ligencer." He wrote certain chapters in Prime's "Power of Prayer." He published "Army Life," "Hospital Life." "Living Words from Living Men," "The High Mountain Apart," "The Young Quartermaster," "The Little Syracuse Boy," "The Little Drummer Boy," "Out of Darkness into Light," etc., etc. These practical and simple books did an immense amount of good. See Manual, 1902. Birchby, H. Cough, b. Euxton, Eng., 1853; La F. Coll. 81, U.S. 84, Presbyt. 84-92; Holland, Mich. (Hope Ch.), 1892-9. See "U.S. Cat." Bird, Addison Caleb, b. Hawthorne, Westchester Co., N. Y., May 9, 1869; educated, Mt. Hermon, Mass.; N.B.S. 1896; 1. CI. Westchester; Stan- ton, N. J., 1896-1903. Hopewell, N. Y., 1903-10; Poughkeepsie, ist, Arlington, 1910 ; also S.S. Emmanuel, Poughkeepsie, 1919 ; S.C. CI. of Poughkeepsie, 191 2 . Birdsall, Edward, b. in Williamsburg (Brooklyn), N.Y., Aug. 21, 1842; N.B.S. 80; 1. CI. Westchester; Three Bridges, N.J., 80-4, Addis- ville. Pa., 84-8, Schodack, N.Y., 88-92, Clifton, N.J., 92-1899, d. April 8. See "Mints. Gen. Syn., 1899, 570. Birkby, John. b. at Yorkshire, Eng., 1792; Rotherham Coll.. Eng., 18..; ordained by the Congregationalists (Earl Shelton, Leicester, Eng., 18. . ; Tockholes, Lancaster, Eng., 18.. — 35; Hanover, N.H., 1835-40); Ganesvoort, 40-45, d. 1861. See "Manual of 1879"; "Ch. Int." May 30, 1861. Birkey, Ab., b. 1806 (Detroit, Ger. Ref. 49-52), 2d G.D.R. Ch. N.Y.C. 52-65, d. 1867. Bishop, Alex. Hamilton, b. at New Haven, Ct., i8ic; Y.C. 30, P.S. 35, 1. by Connecticut Assoc. Astoria, 40-53, d. 1854. See Manual, 1902. Bishop, George Sayles, b. at Rochester, N. Y.. June 28, 1836; A.C. 58, A.S. and P.S. 64, lie. Presbyt. Rochester, June. 1863; ord. by Presbyt. N.B. June, 1864 (Trenton, 2d, 64-66, Newburgh (Calvary), 66-72, Orange, 2d, 72-75, all Presbyt.) ; Orange, N. J., 1875-1907. P.E. 1907- 14, d. March 12. DD., R.C. 1877. Vedder Lecturer, 1885. Pres Gen. Syn., 1899. Dr. Bishop was a fervent, evangelical preacher and a profound theo- logian. He held to the old doctrines with great force and was able to give a reason for the faith that was in him. The ministry was to him a vocat.on. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 2y^. Publications : Dr. Bishop was a voluminous writer. For a list of his publications see Manual 1902. Bishop, Wm. Samuel (son of Rev. G. S. Bishop), b. Northampton, Mass., Aug. 26, 1865. R.C. '87, N.B.S. 88-9. Gen. Sem. N.Y.C. '92. Epis- copalian. Black, John, b. East Greenbush. N. Y., May i. 1868; R.C. 98, N.B.S. 1901, 1. CI. Rensselaer; Easton, N. Y., 1901-1904. Altamont, 1904-08; Ghent, ist and New Concord, 1908-18; Unionville, Hawthorne, 1918 . Vice-Pres. P.S. A. 1912. Blair, Harlan Page, b. 1842; ord. 1876 (Congre. Deer River, Copenhagen, Westmoreland, 18.. -81) ; West Farms, 81-4, Germantown, N. \ ., 84-7; d. Mar. 11. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1890, 918. Blair, Robert, J., b. in N. J., May 8, 1797; N.B.S. 1823, 1. CI 1823; Miss, to Princetown and Guilderland (Helderbergh), 1824, Miss, to Salem, 1825. Princetown and Helderbergh, 1825-7, Helderbergh, 1827- 30, w. c. 1858; d. Jan. 19. See Manual, 1902. Blake, Robert W. Licentiate of CI. Bergen, 1896-18. THE MINISTRY 255 Blanchard, Frank D., b. Spring Valley, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1886. R.C. 1914, N.B.S. 1917. 1. by CI. Paramus. Shandaken and Shokan, 1917-20; Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1920 . Chaplain 159th Inf., 143 M.G. Bn. Blaschke, H. S. Presbyterian. S.S. Dumont, la., 1913. Presbyterian. Blategen, J., b. Sept. 15. 1824. at Aluelheim, Ger. ; c. to America, 1848 (studied at Mercersburg, Pa., and Tiffin, O. ; Linton, Ind. ; Evansville. Ind. ; Newton, Wis. ; Mosel, Wis. ; Boegers Store, Mo. ; Centreville, Wis.; Menno, S. D.; all in R.C. of U.S.) ; Forreston. 111., 80-5. Died. Blauvelt, Augustus, b. Farmer, N. Y., 1834- RC. 1858, N.B.S. 61, 1. CI. Philadelphia; assistant in Madison St. Chapel, N. Y. C, 61-2, Amoy, China, 63-4, Bloomingdale, N. Y., 66-71, w. c. Died Ap. 14, 1900. D.D. by R.C, 1873. Publications : "Kingdom of Satan," 1868. Articles in "Scribner's Monthly." Letters in "Independent" in 1873, and in other papers and maga- zines. "Present Religious Crisis," 1883. Blauvelt, Cor. J. Lie. by Seceders, 1828; Schraalenburgh, 1828-52, Hack- ensack and English Neighborhood, 1852-9; d. 1861. Blauvelt, Cor. J., b. 1813, N.B.S. 1842, 1. CI. Paramus, 1842, Schraalenburgh, 1842-58, Blue Mountain, 1859-62, Woodstock (S.S.), 1864-5, Closter City (S.S.), 1866-9, W'est Hurley, 1869-78, Livingston Manor, 1878-81, d. March. See "Ch. Int.," 1881, Ap. 4. Blauvelt, Cor. Ryckman, b. May 6, 1843, in N. Y. C. ; U.N.Y. 64, P.S. and U.S. 67, lie. Pres. N.Y. ; East New York, 1868-74. Newark, East, 1874-6, Ed. "Sower and Gospel Field," 1874-5, again, Jan. -Aug., 1877, Ed. "Christian Intelligencer," 77-79, Hyde Park,. 80-83. Ph.D. by N.Y.U. 1891. Cor. Sec. of Soc. of Comparative Religions, 1890 . d. Aug. 12, 1920. He was a student and seeker after truth, not content with surface defin- itions. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 630. Publications : "The Spcncerian Theory of the Religion of Israel." "Theosophy and Christianity Irreconcilable," "Horn. Rev.." May, 1895. Many editorials, reviews, and contributed articles in "Ch. Int.," and "Sower and Gospel Field." For many years he prepared semi-annual Index of the Christian Intelligencer. Blauvelt, Geo. Mancius Smedes, b. Dec. 8, 1832 (s. of Rev. Dr. Blauvelt, of Lamington, Presbyt.) ; N.Y.U. 1850, P.S. 1853, 1. Presbyt. 1853 (Chester, N. J., 1853-6, Racine, Wis., 1856-9, Lyons Farm, 1859-64, Presbyt.) ; Tappan, 1864-82, Easton, Pa., 1882-90, Six Mile Run, 1890- 1901, w. c. d. July 5, 1911. He was a minister of the old school yet not lacking in progressive ideas. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1912, 559. Also "Cole's Hist. Ch. of Tappa:.," 1894, 110-116. Blauvelt, Isaac, b. about 1750; Q.C. 1783. stud, theol. under J. R. Harden- bergh, 1. CI. Hackensack, 1780; Fishkill and Hopewell, 1783-90, Paramus and Saddle River, 1790-Nov., 91, susp. ; restored to church membership, 1824, d. about 18.40. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1785. Blauvelt. Timothy. Q.C. 1782, studied theol. under Livingston, 1. by Gen. Meeting of Mins. and Elds. 1784. Blauvelt, Wm. Warren, b. at New Brunswick, N. J., June 23. 1800; Q.C. 1814, N.B.S. 2S, Teaching 22-4, 1. by Presbyt. of Lawrcnccville, N. J. (Lamington, N. J. (Presbvt.), 1826-1882; pastor emeritus, 18S2-88, died July 16.) D.D. N.Y.U. 1856. See Manual. 1902. Blauw. Cornelius. Matriculated at the University of Groningen, Sept. 15, 1749, for the study of Philosophy and Letters. He was from Alkmaar. Pompton Plains, Fairfield, Totowa, and Boonton, 1762-8, Hackensack, 2d, and Schraalenburgh, 2d, 1768-71. He appears to have been a troublesome man of the Conferentie party, in- vading the congregations of others, accepting calls from the disaflFected, and illegally administering the ordinances to them. 256 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Blekkink, Evert J., b. Oostburg, Wis., May 26, 1858; H.C. 83, N.B.S. 86, lie. CI. Wis; Lisha's Kill, 86-8, Cobleskill and Lawyersville, 88- 94, Amsterdam, N. Y. (Trinity), 94-9, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1899-1905; Holland 3d, 1905-12. Prof. Systematic Theo. W.T.S. 1912 . D.D. H.C. 1909. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1918. D.D. R.C. 1920. Editor of the Leader, 1906 Blekkink, Victor John W. (son of Rev. E. J. Blekkink), b. at Lisha's Kill, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1887, H.C. 1909. N.B.S. 1912. I. by CI. Holland 1912. Long Branch, 1912-14; Canajoharie, 1914 . Pres. P.S.A. (1920-21.) Blessing, Frank Fenton, b. Slingerland, N. Y. U.C. 1889. P.S. 1892. 1. by Pres. Albany. Pres. Scarborough, 1892-1901 ; Lebanon, 1903-07; Sect. Ursinus Col., 1908-9; Sect. Travelers' Aid Soc, N.Y.C., 1910-11; Director Gad's Hill Center Social Settlement, Chicago, 1912-13; Albany, N. Y., 6th, 1915 Blocker, Simon, b. Amsterdam, Holland, Oct. i, 1881. R.C. 1905, N.BS. 1908. 1. by CI. N.B. Union, High Bridge, 1908-15; Paterson, Broad- way, 1915 . Lector Biblical Theology N.B.S. 1917 . Ass. Edi- tor Ch. In. Bloemendal, Ralph, b. in the Netherlands, 1859, c. to America, 69; H.C. 88, W.S. '89, 1. CI New Holland, Mich., 91-4, Chicago, 1st, 94-7, Muskegon, 2d, 1897-1905. Baldwin, Wis., 1905-07; Emmanuel, Grand Rapids, 1907-12; Cleveland, ist 1912-14; North Park, Kalamazoo, 1914-16; Zion Ref., Grand Rapids, 1918-19; Graafschap, Mich., 1919- 20. Blom, Hermannus, b. Amsterdam, 1628; matriculated at Utrecht University, 1647; at Leyden University, June 4, 1652, as a student of theology; Esopus, 1660-7, returned to Holland, Wonbrugge, Holland, 1667 In 1657 he was a candidate and the Classis elected him to go in the navy with Mr. Tromp, and he was presented to the Admiralty Board; but the conditions offered were not acceptable to him. Letters from Domines Megapolensis and Drisius had excited deep interest in Holland concerning the destitution of the American churches (1659), but no settled pastor could be induced to leave his field. The Classis then urged Hermannus Blom, a candidate for the ministry, to come to the New World. He arrived in April, 1659, and as Esopus seemed most in need, he was sent thither. Before they had in that place only Comforters of the Sick, who read to them on the Sabbath days. He accordingly visited Esopus and preached two sermons. A church was at once organized, and he was called to become their pastor. He accepted the call, and sailed for Holland in September, 1659, to submit to the final examination and receive ordination. On Feb. 16, 1660, he returned, "ordained to preach on water and on the land, and in all the neighborhood, but specially at Esopus." In three years his church had grown from 16 to 60 members. At the Indian massacre at Wiltwyck, in 1663, he acted most bravely, helping to drive away the savages. — "Doc. Hist.," iii, 581; "Col. Hist.," ii, 223; "Letters in Ecc. Rec," N.Y. Bloodgood, Chas. Edward, b. Palenville, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1894. R.C. 1917. N.B.S. 1920. 1. by CI. Greene, 1920. Spotswood, N. J.. 1920 Bloom, Walter Sax, b. Catskill, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1888. R.C. 1912. N.B.S. 1915. 1. by CI. Green. Hawthorne, N. J., 1916-21 ; Passaic, N. J., North, 1921 Blue, John H. Rec'd from Pres. 1915. Jersey City, Park Ch., 1916-17. Bluhm, Conrad, b. Cleveland, O., May 11, 1867; Colorado Univer. 95, U.S. 97, ord. CI. Bergen; Hoboken, ist, 1897-1902. Presbyterian Publications : Several pamphlets. Bodine, Geo. D. W., b. Aug. 20, 1836, Seneca Co., N. Y.; R.C. 61, N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. Geneva, Addisville, Pa., 64-8, Germantown, N. Y., 68-74, Bushnell, 74-79; d. 1880. See Manual, 1902. Boech. F. See Bosch, F.C.S. THE MINISTRY 257 Boehme, John Philip, b. Hochstadt, Ger. ; baptized there Nov. 25, 1683; teacher at Worms, 1708-15, at Lambsheim, 1715-20; c. to America, 1720; first Reader and subsequently Pastor at Falckner Swamp, Skip- pach and Whitemarsh, Pa., 1725-49; org. chs. at Conestoga, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1727; at Tulpehocken, 1727; also Pastor at Philadelphia, 1734-48; org. ch. at Oley, Pa., 1736. Died 1740. Owing to the dearth of ministers in Pennsylvania, he assumed the office at the request of the people and administered the sacraments. When Ger- man ministers began to arrive, he sought correspondence with the Classis of Amsterdam, and was finally legally ordained in the name of the Classis, by the Dutch ministers in New York, Nov. 23, 1729. The correspondence and all the proceedings are entered in the "Minutes of the Collegiate Church," N. Y. C. Rev. Dr. T. W. Chambers made a translation of this material, and it was published in the "Mercersburg Review," October, 1876. The same documents, and many more pertaining to this matter, are found in full in the Ecc. Rec. N. Y. The Classis ratified all his acts done before ordination. He attended the first meeting of the Dutch Coetus in 1738. He was most active in organizing the scattered German settlers in Penn- sylvania into churches. He was one of the four ministers who organized the German Coetus in 1747. His life was very active and very useful. ■'Van Home's Hist, of Ger. Ch., Philadelphia." Dr. Jas. I. Good pub- lished a sketch of his life — "Early Fathers of Refd. Ch.," 1897; and gave much material relating to him in his "Hist, of Refd. Ch. in U. S.," 1899. Boehrer, John, b. in Germany, 1828; c. to America, 1847; studied under Guldin and others ; lie. N. CI. L. I., 1854 ; laboring at Astoria and Newtown, 54-6; West Leyden, 56-62, Jeffersonville, Thumansville, and Milesville, 62-5, Naumberg and New Bremen, 68-74, Mina, 74-9, labor- ing for Am. Tract Soc, 79-86, Bufifalo, 87-97, w. c. d. Dec. 14, 1902. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 514. Boel, Henricus (son of Tobias), b. Amsterdam, 1692; matriculated in Leyden University, Sept.« 17, 1712, for the study of theology; New York, 1713-54; d. June 2'^. Officiated also frequently in all the neigh- boring churches. He was the decided opponent of Frelinghuysen in his more evangelistic and revivalistic methods at Raritan. Domine Van Santvoord in his "Dia- logue between Candidus and Considerans," constantly refers to Boel, al- though not by name. Boel's brother, a lawyer, drew up the charges against Frelinghuysen for his evangelical preaching in a pamphlet of 150 pages, called the "Klagte," or "Complaint." Domine Boel was of an irascible temper, and even encouraged the disaffected in Goetschius' con- gregation at Jamaica. Yet the judicious course and amiable spirit of his older colleague, Du Bois, prevented any collision between them as col- leagues. The obituary notice of Boel, July i, 1754, in the "New York Mercury," refers to his great learning, his orthodoxy, and his ability in controversy. It also adds that he was a tender and affectionate parent, and a generous and charitable friend of the poor. "Ecc. Rec, N. Y." "Doc. Hist. N. Y.," iii, 576; "Eng. Mints. Ch. N. Y. Lib. B.," 43; "Collegiate Ch. Year-Book," 1883, 66. The dates in the obituary notice are not quite consistent. He had been pastor for forty-two years, and not thirty-seven, as there said. The "Leyden Catalogue" also fixes his birth at 1692, and not 1688. See also "Manual," of 1879. Boelen, Hermanns Lancelot, Jamaica, Newtown, Oyster Bay, and Success, 1766-72, Oyster Bay and Newtown, 1772-80. He was a Tory in the Revolution, and in 1780 returned to Holland. His warm prayers for the King exasperated the Whigs. He was a widower, accompanied by his daughter, and his language is said to have been too pure and high-flown for the people. He was of small stature, but had a stcntorion voice. He did not attend the meeting for union in 1771, although earnestly exhorted to come by Dr. Livingston. — "Mints. Ch. N. Y., Lib. B.," 386, Eng. translation. 258 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Boer, Henry K., b. Dalfsen, Neths., Aug. 12, 1845; H.C. 70, W.S. "JZ, lie. CI. Holland ; ord. by CI. Grand River, 74, Apr. 8, as Miss. Pastor ; De- troit and South Haven, 74-6, Buffalo and Dunkirk, 76-9, Albany (Hoi.), 79-85, Maurice, la., 85-90, Coopersville, Mich., 90-2, Grand Rapids, 9th, 92-5, Hamilton, Mich., 95-1900, Chicago (N. W. ch.), 1900-1902. Otley, la., 1902-05; Portage, Mich., 1905-09; Agent, Holland Benevo- lent Ass. S.S. Sioux City, la., 1915-16. d. Oct. 16, 1919. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 274. Boer, Nicholas (neph. of H. K. Boer), b. Drenthe, Mich., Mar. 21, 1872; H.C. 97, W.S. 1900, 1. CI. Holland; Jamestown, 2d (Mich.), 1900-1903; Bethany, Grand Rapids, 1903-07; Chicago, ist, 1907-09; Passaic, ist (Hoi.), 1909-15; Jamestown, ist, 1916-18, Grand Rapids, 3rd, 1918 Boetcher, Wm. H. J. Brooklyn (Ger. Am. Refd.), 1898-1901. Presby- terian. Boeve, Lucas, b. Newkirk, la., Feb. 9, 1876. H.C. 1903. N.B.S. 1906. L by CI. of N.B. Lebanon, N. J., 1906-10; North Ch., Newark Ass., 1910-14; Tarrytown, 2nd, 1914 • Bogardus, Cornelius, b. Sept. 25, 1780; studied theol. under Livingston, 1. CI. N. Y., 1808; Schenectady, 1808-12; d. Dec. 13. Bogardus, Cornelius (nephew of Cornelius Bogardus, above), b. at Fish- kill, 1785; U.C. 1816, N.B.S. 18, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Madison and Warren Cos., N. Y., 18-20, Beaverdam, 21-5, Wynantskill, 26-32, Boght, 34-8, Gilboa and Conesville, 38-43 supplied Blenheim 1834, a teacher, 43-54. d. He published a treatise on the Mode of Baptism, 1821. Bogardus, Everardus, b.'Woerden, (near Utrecht), 1607; matriculated in Leyden University, July 17, 1627, for the study of letters; Comforter of the Sick in Guinea, 16- — 1632; ord. by CI. of Amsterdam, June 14, 1632; New Amsterdam, 1633-47, resigned July 22. Sailed for Holland Aug. 16 on "The Princess." Drowned Sept. 27, 1647. In the "Minutes of tlie Synod of North Holland," at Alckmaar, Aug. 17, seq., 1632, in the list of "Ministerial Changes" of the Classis of Amster- dam, we find, under the head of "Entered" : "Everardus Bogardus, sent to New Netherland ; Conrad Cleverus, sent to Pharnabruck." For a long time Bogardus was thought to have been the first minister in New Netherlands, but see Michaelius. He arrived with Governor Van Twiller, in April, 1633, accompanied by Adam Roelandsen, a school master. The people of New Amsterdam had worshipped in a loft since 1626; but this was now replaced by a plain wooden building like a barn, situated near the East River, in what is now Broad street, between Pearl and Bridge. Near- by a parsonage was also provided. Van Twiller's government was not what it ought to have been, and he received a severe reprimand from Bo- gardus, who styled him "a child of the devil," and threatened him with such a shake from the pulpit on the following Sabbath as would make him shudder. This coarse and unbecoming conduct was afterward charged against him. As. early as 1638, Bogardus wished to go to Holland to answer Van Dincklagen's charges against him, but he could not be spared. He had a daughter married in 1642, which event, after several rounds of drink, was seized by the Governor as a fit opportunity to secure subscriptions for a new church building. Many of the subscriptions were bitterly repented afterward, but withoirt avail. The domine protested against Kieft's mur- derous slaughter of the neighboring Indians in 1643; and two years later, when Kieft refused the right of appeal to the fatherland, the domine boldly denounced him from the pulpit, standing as he did on the side of the people's rights. Kieft had before this charged the domine with drunkenness and siding with the malcontents. The Governor and many of the officers now remained away from church services and excited parties to drum and shout during service. At last Kieft cited Bogardus for trial and matters grew worse and worse till mutual friends interfered. After the arrival of THE MINISTRY 259 Governor Stuyvesant to supersede Kieft, in July, 1647, both Kieft, with a large fortune, and Bogardus sailed in the same vessel to Europe to give an account to their superiors (Aug. 16, 1647). But by mistake they got into Bristol Channel and were wrecked off the coast of Wales and both were lost. Out of one hundred lives, only twenty were saved. In 1638 Bogardus had married Anneke Jans, widow of Roeloff Jans. From her first husband she inherited the farm which later (1705) became the property of Trinity Church and the foundation of that church's wealth. Mrs. Bogardus, after her husband's death returned to her former home at Beverwyck (Albany), where she died in 1663. Bogardus is the Latinized form of Bogart. Domine Bogardus' descendants are numerous. For fuller sketch and list of Authorities, see Manual, 1902. Bogardus, Francis M. (s. of Cor. Bogardus, No. 2), b. Boght, N. Y., April 19, 1836, R.C. 60, N.B.S. 63. 1. by CI. L.L; Greetibush, 63-9; Westerlo^ 69-72; Mohawk, 72-6; (Brookfield, Ct., 77-80) ; Palisades, 80-8; Bloorii- ingdale and St. Remy, 88-90 ; Cortlandtown, 90-5 ; d. Feb. 20, 1918. See Min. Gen. Syn. 1918, 599. Bogardus. Henry James, b. Fishkill Landing, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1858; R.C. 78, N.B.S. 81, lie. by CI. Westchester; grad. of N. Y. University Col- lege of Medicine, 1883, intending to go as a missionary; but finaUy settled down to the practice of medicine in this country. Bogardus, Nanning. Helderbergh, 1830-3, Fort Plain, 34-5, S.S. at Platte- kill ; Woodstock, 38-42, Sharon, 46-8, Westerlo, 49-50, Gallupville, 52-6, Stone Arabia, 57-8, S.S. Canastota, 58-9, S.S. Spraker's Basin, 6i-6^ d. 1868. Bogardus, Wm. E., son of Cor. Bogardus, No. 2, b. Cohoes, N. Y., June, 1834; R.C. 60, N.B.S. 63. 1. N. CI. L. L; Middleburgh (S.S.), 63-4, Unionville and Greenburgh, 64-7, supplied Stuyvesant Falls, 67-8, Miss^ to Norris, 111., 68-9, Cuddebackville, 70-4, Saddle River, 74-84, Oak- land, 84-8 (Pleasant Plains, Presbyt., 88-90), Fairfield, 90-2, Brook- dale, 1892-1908; d. Jan. 5. Min. Gen. Syn., 1908, 228. Publications: "Hist. Refd. Ch. Brookdale, N. J.," 1901. Bogardus, Wm. R. (cousin of Cor. Bogardus, No. 2), b. 1792, U.C. 181 j, N.B.S. 16, 1. CI. N.B.; New PaUz and New Hurley, 17-28, New Paltz, 28-31, Aquackanonck, 31-56, resigned, d. 1862. He was an eminent servant of Christ in the van guard of progress and in successful labor abundant. See Manual, 1902. D.D. Bogart, David Schuyler, b. in N.Y.C. 1770; C.C. 1790, studied theol. under Livingston, 1. by Synod of R.D. Churches, 1792; Miss, along the Hud- son and to the North, as far as St. Croix, 1792, Albany, as an assistant, 1792-6 (Southampton, L. I., Presbyt.), 1796-1806, Bloomingdale, 1806-7 (Southampton again), 1807-13, Success and Oyster Bay, 1813-26, d. 1839. He was a man of intellectual ability which was improved by ^study. Through his writings for the press his influence was widely extended*. See Manual, 1902. Bogcrt, Nic. I. M., b. June 30, 1842. R.C. 1864, N.B.S. 67. 1. CI. N.Y. ; Metuchen, 67-70, w. c. (White Haven, Pa., Presbyt. 76-81, Bellport, L. I., 81-4), Clover Hill, 84-96, Woodlawn Chapel, Brooklyn,; 1900- . 1902. Supplying churches. Bogert, Samuel, b. 1783. C.C. i8ai. Studied under Frocligh, 1. 1804, d. 1868. Never ordained. ' Boggis, Henry, Highlands, N. J., 1887-9, Woodstock, N. Y., 91-5. Bohler, Jacob, b. July 5. 1863, Bern, Switzerland. Mission House Col. 1888. Mission House Seni. 1891 ; 1. by CI. Missouri. (Rockville, Mo., 1891-1899; Belden, Neb., 1899-1904; Ref. Ch. U.S.). Delaware, . S. D., 1904-08; Ref.-' Ch. U;S., Beklen, Nebr., 1908 . Stated Clerk ' CI. Missuori, Ref. Ch. U.S. ; Treasurer CL of Nebraska, Ref. Ch. U.^. Boice, Ira Condict, b. in Piscata way township, Middlesex Co., N. J., JuQe 26q the reformed church in AMERICA 28, 1803; D.C. 23, N.B.S. 26, I. CI. N.B.; Salem and Union, 26-9, Ber- gen Neck, 29-44, Claverack, 44-59, North Hempstead, 59-70, d. 1872, Oct. 5. See Manual, 1902. Bolks, Seine, b. near Linden, Overyssel, Holland, April 30, 1814. Studied under Van Raalte ; Hellendoorn, Holland, 1834-47; c. to America; Overyssel, 48-53, Grand Haven, 53-5, Milwaukee, 55-61, Chicago ist, 61-2, High and Low Prairie, 62-5, Zeeland, 65-71, Orange City, 71-8, Emeritus, d. June 16, 1894. His life covered the period of the five pioneer pastors and leaders who in 1846-7 led the exodus of Hollanders to the West. In his boyhood he had witnessed the successful struggle for the establishment of a free church in the Netherlands. His natural gifts and early consecration transformed the shepherd boy into a minister of Christ. The urgency of the times per- mitted but a few months of preparation. In large measure he attributed to Van Raalte, his instructor, the molding of his character and the shaping of his future course. On their way to Michigan he and his companions passed the winter of 1847-8 in Syracuse. Upon reaching his destination they set- tled the town of Overyssel, Mich. He was a wise and safe counselor to liis people in their temporal affairs as well as in their religious life. He advocated the union of the new immigrants with the Reformed (Dutch) Church, to which he was always faithfully devoted. His preaching was markedly evangelical and large blessings attended his labors everywhere. He was intimately acquainted with every member of his flock. He was a tnan of prayer, of strong^faith and of commanding presence. His ministry lasted nearly sixty years. He was the last survivor of the originar pioneer ministers of the Holland emigration of 1846-7. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1895, 207. Bollenbacher, Jacob, b. at Kirschroth, Germany, July 25, 1847, c. to Ameri- ca, 68, engaged in Sunday-school work, 68-77. Studied for the minis- try at Franklin, Wis.; ord. by Ger. Ref. Ch., 79. (Ger. Ref. Chs. 79-1893.) Hope Ch. at George, Lyon Co., Iowa, March, 93; died Nov. 17, 1893. Bolster, Frelon Eugene, b. Portland, Maine, March 30. 1873. A.C. 1896. Yale Divinity Sch. 1896, interrupted by sickness. U.T.S. 1911. 1. by Cong. Ministerial Ass. of Windham Co., Conn., 1900; (Cong-Mission- ary Work, Conn, and Maine, 1899-1902; Sheffield, Mass., 1902-06; Westbrook, Maine, 1907-09; Ass., Clinton Ave. Cong., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1911-12) ; Manor Chapel, N. Y., 1915-21. (Pres. Port Chester, N. Y., 1921 ) Bolsterle, George Steele, b. Lebanon, N. J., Sept. 13, 1876. R.C. in Class of 1909, N.B.S. 1909. 1. by CI. Newark 1909. West Leyden, 1909-11; Wyantskill, 1911-13; Anderson Memorial, N. Y. C, 1913-16; West Farm, N. Y. C. (S.S.) 1916-1917. (Pres. Charlton St. Memorial, N. Y. C, 1917-20) ; Astoria, L. I., 1920 Bolton, Jas., b. Doe Run, Pa., Dec. 26, 1826; U.C. 51. U.S. 53, 1- Presb. of Brooklyn ; Fordham, 56-65, Colt's Neck, 65-78, Greenville, 82-4, West Farms, 84-8, Lodi, 2d, 88-90, Stanton, 90-5, w. c. d. 1905, Oct. 4. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 597. Bombin, John, b. Allcnstein, Ger., Jan. 7, 1858 ; University of Koenigs- berg; N.B.S. 91, lie. by CI. N. Y. ; ord. by CI. Bergen, 91; Hacken- sack, 3d (Ger.), 1891-1912. Bondct, Daniel, b. 1654, French Ref. Boston and Worcester, 1686-95, also Miss, to the Indians at New Oxford, Mass., 1689-95, New Rochelle. 1696-1709, visited England and received Episc. ordination. New Rochelle again, 1709-22. Also Miss, to the Mohegans, 1716-22, died. He had fifty Indian communicants. Col. Heathcote says : "He is a good «nan and preaches very intelligibly in English, which language he uses every third Sabbath, when he avails himself of the Liturgy. He has done a great deal of service since his arrival in this country. His pay is only £30 per THE MINISTRY 261 year." "Doc. Hist. N. Y.," iii. ^7, 84, 560-573; "Col. Hist. N. Y.," v. 326^ 354. "Collections of Huguenot Soc," Vol. i. Bonnell, Seth, U.C. 1835; Glcnvillc, ist, 1835-8. d. Bonney, Peres B., b. Bound Brook, N. J., June 18, 1838. R.C. 1857, N.B.S. 1861 ; became Presbyterian. Died May 29, 1877. Bonrepos, David, French Ref. New Rochelle, 1688-96, supplied New Paltz. occasionally, 1696-1700, Fresh Kill, Staten Island, 1696-1717, died 1734- See "Van Pelt's Hist. Sermon and Baird's Daille," 96; also "Collec- tions of Huguenot Soc." Bonte, George William, b. Ostfriestand, Germany, 1883. H.C. 1913. W.S. 1917. 1. by CI. P.P. 1917. Washington, Ackley, la., 1907 Boocook, William Henry, b. Sept. 21, 1863, at Birmingham, England; R.C. 85, N.B.S. 88, 1. S. CI. L. I.; Flatbush, Grace Chapel, 86-99, Bay- onne ist, 1899-1909. (Presbyterian, Buffalo, ist, 1909-1921). Direc- tor of Religious Education for the Presbytery of Buffalo, 1921 . D.D. Bookstaver, A. Augustus, b. Montgomery. N. Y., Nov. 22. 1842. R.C. 1866, N.B.S. 69. 1. CI. Orange; Glenville, 2d, 1870-1. Chaplain U.S.N. 1872, w. c. d. April 24, 1905. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1905. 274. Bookstaver. Jacob, b. at Montgomery, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1817; R.C. y], N.B.S. 40, 1. CI. Orange; Minisink, 41-7, Teachr at Belleville, 47-8, d. Dec. II. See "Manual," 1879. Boone, Ilsley, b. Brooklyn, N. Y. (Brown Univ. 1904, Newton Theo. Insti- tute 1907. Ord. Boston North Ass. 1907). S.S. Ponds, 1921 Publication : "The Conquering Christ," Associate Editor Chicago Stand- ard, Missions, etc. Boot, Harry Peter, b. Jan. 10, 1874, Fulton, 111. H.C. 1900, W.S. 1903- 1. CI. of Wis., 1903. Missionary, China, 1903^ — . Mission Treasurer, seven years. Mission Secretary a year and a half. Prof. O.T. Exegesis and Theology in Amov Seminary. Booth, Eugene Samuel, b.'Aug. 16, 1850. at Trumbull, Ct. ; R.C.^ 76, N.B.S. 79, ord. by CI. N.B., June 26, 79; Missionary in Japan 1879- — ; in charge of Ferris Seminary, Yokohoma, 1882 . Pastor Union Ch., Yokohoma, 1884-5, 1898-1907. Borden. Edmund W. From Presbyt. Ch. ; De Spelder, Mich., 1883-7. Borgers. Herman, b. in Netherlands, Nov. 13, 1844; H.C. 68, W.S. 'J2. He. CI. Holland; ord. Presbyt. Chippewa, -jz (S.S. North Bend, Wis., Presb. Nov., 72-^, Ap., pastor to Feb., 74) ; Cedar Grove, Wis., 74-81. Polkton. 1881-3, Greenleafton, 86-93. Oak Harbor, Wash.. 1903-05; also S.S. North Yakima, Wash., 1904. d. Feb. 15, 1917. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1917. 257. Bork, Christian, b. in Berlin, Prussia, March 11, 1758; stud, under Bassett, 1. CI. Albany, 1795; Lawyersville and Sharon, 1796-8, Schodack and Bethlehem, 1798-1803, Union, Union Village and Schodack, 1804-8, Franklin St., N.Y.C., 1808-23, d. Sept. D.D. by C.C. 181 1. His baptismal name was George Christian Frederick. His father, an officer in the Prussian army, died of a wound received before his son Christian was born. He was religiously educated by his mother, and at the age of fourteen was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. When about 18 years of age he was pressed into the army and sent to America. He was among the troops of General Burgoync, surrendered at Saratoga in 1777. Afterward he taught school and .served in the Arncrican army. He was converted by hearing a sermon preached by Dr. Livingston in a barn on Livingston Manor. He became a minister of power. See Manual, 1902. Borst, John W., b. Middleburgh, N.Y. (?)■ R-C. 1861, N.B.S., d. 1864. May 3. 262 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Bosch, Fred. C. S., b. Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, July 26, 1876. Bloom- field Academical Dept. ; N.B.S. 1901, 1. CI. N.B.; 1901, Chapin, Iowa, 19CI-1905. (Cincinnati, Fairmount Pres. 1905-11.) Graduate Student Lane Sem. 1906-08. Pekin 2d, 111., 1911-13; Dumont, la., 1914-10. P.P. CI. Miss. 1916. Prof. Greek and German, Central College, Pella, • la., 1916-19. Prin. P.P. College, Meekin, 111., 1919 . M.A. Univ. Cincinnati, 1909. Bosch, G. J. H.C. '05. W.S. 1908. 1. by CI. Iowa. Lafayette, Ind., 1908-09. Newton, Erie, 111., 1909-12; Grand Rapids, 4th, 1912-15; Steen, Minn., 1915-21 ; Christian Reformed Church, 1921. Bosshart, John G., b. Switzerland, July 5, 1874. University Education, Seminary Ref. Ch. in Switzerland. 1. by CI. of West N. Y. Ref. Ch. U.S. (Ref. Ch. U.S., Ridgeway, Pa., N.Y.C., Sanford, Ky.). Far Rockaway, Ger. Evan., 1916-18. Newtown, Ger., 1918 . Boughton, Chas. M. Tyre (S.S.), 1905-22. Bouma, Hessel, b. Oct. 6, 1884, Harlingen, Neth. Calvin C, 1912. Ch. Ref. Sem. Grand Rapids, McCormick, P.S. 1. by Pres. Chicago 1915. (Fairgrove, Pres. 1915-18). P.G., P.S., 1918-19. Paterson (Hoi.) 1st, 1919 Bouma, Peter A. J., b. Neth., July 14, 1862, Kamplin, Neth. W.S. 1890, 1. CI. Holland, Grandville, Mich., 90-2, Grand Rapids, 4th, 91-4, Boyden, 94-8, Chicago (Gano), 1898-1903; Morrison, 111., Ebenezer, 1903-08; Pella, 3d, 1908-11; Holland, 4th, 1911-13; Hull. 1914-19; Muskegon, 5th, 1919 Bourne, Geo. b. 1780, at Westbury, England; Homerton Sem., London, 1804, lie. 1804, settled in Virginia and Maryland, 1804-.., Germantown, Pa., Presbyt., 18..-.., Principal of Academy at Sing Sing, and Pastor of Presbyt. Ch., 18..-.., Quebec, Canada, Cong. Ch. 18.. -33 (S.S.), West Farms, 1839-42, d. 1845. He was an outspoken opponent of slavery and Romanism. He was a frequent contributor to periodicals and to the press ; was an author, and also secured the republication of many valuable works, editing them himself. His knowledge of books and of general literature was extensive. He died suddenly in the office of the "Christian Intelligencer," from heart disease. His principal publications are : "A Picture of Slav- ery," "Lectures on the Church of Christ" and "Illustrations of Popery." Bovenkerk, John, b. July 9, 1880, in Neth. Univ. of Chicago, 1907. W.T.S. 1916. 1. by CI. Wis. Detroit, 1916-19, Muskegon, ist, 1919 Publications "De Vragenbus" in DeHope. Boyce, Donald, b. Ellenville, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1892. Private study. In Lan- caster Sem., Ref. Ch. U.S. in Class of 1915. Also private theo. study because of impaired health. S.S. Westerlo, 1914-1916. 1. by CI. of Albany, 1916. Westerlo, 1916 . Clarksville, S.S., 1919 Publications : Contributions to Int. and Leader. Boyd, Hugh M. U.C. 1813, Saratoga, 30-3, Schagticoke, 35-41, d. 1846. Boyd', John Campbell, b. Albany, N. Y.. March 2, 1836; C.N.J., 55. P.T.S. '63, Chaplain U.S.A. 64 (Lake George, 65 Pres.), Fonda 65-70 (Valatie 72-8, Pres.), (Kingsboro, 78-83, Pres.), S.S. Auriesville and Samsonville 1883-99. d. Oct. 12, 1901. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1902, 197. Boyd, Joshua, b. Goshen, N. Y., March 10, 1785 ; U.C. 1814, studied theol- ogy with Dr. McDowell, of Elizabeth, N. J.; lie. Presbyt. Elizabeth, 1826, Miss, to Roxbury and Middletown, N. Y., 26-7. to Herkimer and Fallsburgh, 27-8, Rotterdam, ist and 2nd, 28-36, Rotterdam, 2d, 36-40, Middleburgh, 40-42, Breakabin, Germantown, N. Y. 42-49; d. Nov. 3, 1874. See "Manual of 1879." Boynton. Arthur Boardman, b. Auburndale, Mass., Nov. 7, 1884. A.C. ' 1910, N.B.S. 13. 1. by CI. N.Y. 1913. Port Jervis, 2d, 1913-19- Y.M.C.A. War Work, 1918-1919; Mohawk, 1919 Boyse, Gerard Smith. C.C. 1840, N.B.S. 1842-3. d. THE MINISTRY 263 Boyse, Wm. Miss, to Woodstock and Ashoken, 1826-9, Woodstock, 29-37, d. 1853. — "Mag. R.D.C.," ii, 376. He published a small volume — "Writings and Letters, Religious, Historical and Pastoral," 1838. Braak. Peter. H.C. 1899. WS. 1902. Hope, Westfield, N.D., 1902-05; Grace, Grand Rapids, 1905-08; CI. Miss., Wisconsin, 1908-12; Chicago, West Side, 1912-16; Pella, 3d, 1916-1920; Lansing, III., 1920 Braam, Leonard M. W.T.S. 1920. P.S. 1921. 1. by CI. Pella, 1920. Accord, N.Y., 1921 Brace, Frederick R. Y.C. '57, Aub. S. '60. 1. CI. N.B. i860. 1861 Presbyt. Bracker, B. Presbyterian. Baileyville, 111., 1911-14. Pres. Marion, S.D., 1914-16; Superintendent of Home Missions, South Dakota, 1916-19; Rudd, la., 1919-20. Retired, living at Denver, Colo., 1920 Bradford, John M. (s. of Rev. Ebenezer, Bradford, of Danbury), b. May 15, 1781, at Hanover, N. J.; Brown Univ., 1800, studied theology under Dr. Ashbel Green, of Philadelphia; lie. Presbyt. Philadelphia, 1803; tutor in C.N. J., 1803-4, Albany, 1805-20; died 1827, March 27. He was a man of fine appearance, dignified manners and was an eloquent and impressive preacher. Few men have been better fitted by natural en- dowments for the position of a public speaker. His voice was uncommonly melodious and his gesticulation dignified and graceful. His style was rich and yet chaste; and his sermons were compositions of a high order. For years he commanded large audiences and was reckoned among the distin- guished pulpit orators of the day. He was elected a trustee of Queen's C»ll. 1807. "Mag. R.D.C., i. 72. "Sketch in Sprague's Annals," by Dr. Matthews. "Johnson's Sketch of Ch. Albany," 28. Publications: "The School of the Prophets: A Sermon before Bd. Supts.," 1813. (This contains valuable historical notes on Phillip's Acad- emy, Dr. Mason's Sem., etc., with the important address of Gen. Syn., 1807, to the churches.) Also a "Sermon on the Struggle of the Dutch for Emancipation," 1814, and "The Word of Life," 1817. Art. on Dr. Linn in "Sprague's Annals." Bradford, W. J. Lysander, 1849-55. Bradshaw, Archibald Harmon, b. Indianapohs, Ind., Aug. 18, 1870 ; Franklin Coll. Ind., 92; P.S. 95. Vermilye Chapel of N. Y. Collegiate Ch. 95-19C0, Assist. Pastor, 29th St. Ch., N. Y. C, 1900-03. Became Episcopalian. Braithwaite, Thomas S., b. England, 1865. East Keswick, England, 1889, Headingley, England, 1893. Ord. by Manhattan Cong. Ass. 1890. East Rockaway, L. I., 1890-98; Memorial Ch., Wantagh, L. I., 1899-1916). Lyonsville and Krumsville, N.Y., 1920-21. Chaplain of two Fire Departments. Branch, Henry, New Haven. 1869-72. Brandau, J. H.. b. Hessen, Nassau. Germany, Dubuque Col., la., 1907. Dubuque Sem., 1910. 1. by Pres. Waukon, 1910. Professor Dubuque Col., 1910-18. Rcc'd from Pres. Dumont, la., 1918 Brandow, John Henry, b. Windham, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1853 ; R.C., 83, N.B.S. 86. 1. CI. Greene; Mohawk, 86-88 (Oneonta, N. Y., 88-95, Presbyt.), Schuylerville, N. Y., 1895-1905; Schoharie, 1905-08; Syn. Supt. P.S. Albany, 1908-21. d. Oct. 14. Member Bd. Superintendents N.B.S., Pres. P.S. A. 1906, Member Federal Council of Ch. Trustees N.Y. State Historical Society. Publications: "The Story of Old Saratoga," 1901. 2d Ed. 1920. Many articles for the Intelligencer. Mr. Brandow was a man of strong character and wisdom. Brandow, Melvin, b. Coxsackie, N. Y.. Sept. 12. 1863. R.C. '88. N.B.S. 88-9. Meadville Sem. 1904. Unitarian, Lancaster, Pa., 1904-08; Plymouth, Mass., 1908-10. Publication : "The Steps of Life," 1907. 264 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Brandt, Henry W. N.B.S. 1862, 1. CI. N.B. 62; Miss, to Belgium, 62-65, Miss, in South Africa, 1865-1890. Brett, Cornelius (s. of P. M. Brett), b. in N. Y. C, Nov. 25, 1842; N.Y.U. 62, N. B. S. 6s, 1. S. CI. L. I. ; Flatlands, 65-70, Newark, 2d, 70-73, Montgomery 73-76, Bergen, 1876-1918. P.Em. 1918 . d. Feb. 24, 1922. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1893. Pres. Bd. Domestic Mission. Pres. Coun- cil of H.C. Pres. Society C.E. Chaplain 4th Regiment National Guards, Chaplain Society Colonial Wars of N. J. D.D. Ursinus C. 89. R.C. 1916. See Brick Ch. (Montgomery) Memorial, p. 82. Publications: "Address at Funeral of Rev. Dr. B. C. Taylor," 1881 ; "Sermons; at 50 Anniver. of Settlement of Dr. P. D. Van Cleef," 1900. "Contributions to the Press," "Add. at 150th Anniv. of Ch. of Montgomery, N. Y.," 1882. Brett, Philip Milledoler (grandson of Dr. Milledoler), b. in N.Y.C., 1818; R.C. 1834; N.B.S. 1838, 1. CI. N.Y. 1838; Nyack, 1838-42, St. Thomas, W.I., 1842-46, Mt. Pleasant, N. Y., 1846-51, Tompkinsville, 1851-60, d. D.D. by R.C. 1858. "He was a very successful and able minister, of an elevated tone of piety, of great consistency of character, universally beloved and respected both in his own congregation and out of it. He discovered a peculiar fond- ness for the great leading doctrines of grace, which formed a prominent staple of his discourses. Toward the close of his days there was a peculiar maturity and hsavenly mindedness about him which seemed to betoken his early departure. He had a clear, lucid mind and his ministra- tions were greatly blessed. His affectionate manner gave special power to his ministrations." His wife (a great grand-daughter of Domine Ritzema) became a victim to the yellow fever at St. Thomas. Dr. Brett received a second pressing invitation to settle again on that island, but declined. That people then re- quested him to print them, at their expense, a volume of his sermons. This he did under the title, "A Souvenir of a Three Years' Ministry in R.D.C. of St. Thomas," pp. 334. New York : 1856. He was also editor of the Staten Island Chronicle," 1856-8. Several other sermons of his are printed, among which we mention "The Mutual Responsibilities of Pastor and People" and "The Retrospect : Two Sermons," 1854, 1855. See Manual, 1902. Bridges, Thomas Reed. Rec'd from Pres. South Ch., N.Y.C., 1906-14. Became Episcopalian. Brinckerhoff, J. Howard, b. Jersey City, Feb. 4, 1883. R.C. 1905. N.B.S. 1908. 1. by CI. S. Bergen, 1908. Herkimer, 1908-17; Brighton Heights, 1917 Brink, Henry Wells, b. Katsbaan, N. Y., July 3, 1875; R-C. 96, N.B.S. 99, 1. CI. Ulster; West New Hempstead, 1899-1906; Shandaken and Shokan, 1906-14; West Hurley and Woodstock, 1914-19; Gardiner, 1919 . S.C. CI. of Kingston. Brink, John W., b. Maurice, la., 1885. H.C. 1912. W.T.S. 1915. 1- by CI. Iowa, 1915. North Marion, N.D., 1915-19; Emmanuel, Springfield, S. D., 1919 Brinkerhofif, Geo. G., b. at Closter, N. J., 1761 ; studied under Meyer, Romeyn and Froeligh, 1. by the Synod of D.R. Chs. 1788; Miss, to the north, 1789, Conewago, Pa., 1789-93, Kakeat and Ramapo, 1793-1806, Ramapo, 1806-7, Owasco, 1808-12. d. 1813, May 29. His congregation at Conewago was broken up by the almost total emi- gration of his people to Kentucky and the Genesee Country, N. Y., where his older brother settled in Cayuga Co., and whither he made a mission- ary tour in 1796. Many of his letters and documents came to his grand- son, John M. Brinkerhofif, of Moravia, N. Y. He was a constant corre- spondent of Van Harlingen, Froeligh, etc., 1786-1810. See "The Family of Joris D. Brinkerhofif: a Genealogy," 1887. See also "Manual of 1879." THE MINISTRY 265 Brinkerhoff, Jas. G., b. 1796; studied under Froeligh, 1819; Montville, 21-4, seceded, suspended (Montville, 24, English Neighborhood, 24, Montville, 25-8, Montville and Paramus, 28-30, Paramus and Clarks- town, 30-40, Paramus, 40-44, Mt. Morris, 1844-..). Died 1879. Brinkman, Benjamin F., b. Graasfschap, Mich., May 3, 1863. Ord. and served in U.P.C. W.T.S. 1906. Chicago. Englewood, 2d, 1906-10; Pella, 2d, 1911-17; Financial Agent, Central Col.; Cleveland, Calvary, 1919-21. d. March 5. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 637. Brock, John R., b. 1831, at Newbury, Vt. ; R.C. 59, N.B.S. 62. 1. CI. Passaic; West New Hempstead, 62-5, Spring Valley, 65-9, w. c. d. 1872, Aug. 7. Brock, T. S., b. Jan. 22, 1873. Wesleyan Univ. 1898. N.B.S. 190S— Meth- odist. Brocklos, Albert. Rec'd from Pres. 191 1. Ave B. Ger., N.Y.C., 1911-13; Dis. M.E. Ch., 1914. Dead. Brodhead, Jacob, b. at Marbletown, N. Y., May 14, 1782; U.C. 1801, tutor in U.C. 1802, studied theology under Froeligh and D. Romeyn, 1. CI. Albany, 1804; Rhinebeck Flats, 1804-9, New York, 1809-13. Philadel- phia, Crown St., 13-26, New York, Broome St., 26-37, Flatbush, Ulster Co., 37-41, Brooklyn, Central, 41-6, d. 1855, June 5. D.D. by Q.C. 181 1. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1812. His ministry was more successful, it is thought, than that of any other minister in the annals of our church. During thirty-four years he received the average number of twenty-four persons annually into the church on profession of faith. Some of his churches were also new or feeble when he took charge of them. See "Commem. Ser. by Dr. Bethune" ; "Address by Dr. T. De Witt" ; "Sketches in Sprague's Annals by Drs. Bethune and Van Santvoord" and in "Gunn's Livingston," Ed. 1856, p. 391. "Van Santvoord's Discourses and Miscellanies," 1858. "Collegiate Ch. Year Book," 1892, 95. Publications: Several sermons of his were published: "Introductory," Philadelphia, 1813. "A Pha for the Poor," 1814; for the benefit of the Female Hospital Soc. "A Discourse on Education," 1831. An address at the interment of Rev. G. A. Kuypers, 1833, and a few others. "A New- Year Memorial"; sermon in Crown St. Ch., Philadelphia, 1826. A sermon before Gen. Synod, in "Mag. of Refd. D. Ch.," October, 1826. "Thanks- giving Sermon," in Broome St., N. Y. C, 1830. See Manual, 1902. Brodhead, Wm. H. S.S. at Woodside, 1880-2. Broek, Albertus Theodore, b. Coopersville, Mich., Jan. 7, 1878 (son of Rev. D. Broek). H.C. 1900. N.B.S. 1903. 1. by CI. Grand River. New- burgh, N. Y., 1903-08; Newark, Clinton Ave.. 1908-22, Mount Vernon, 1922 . D.D. by Central Col. 1921. Pres. Bd. of Education. 1920. Publications: Sermons and Address. 50th anniversary of Clinton Ave. Ref. Ch., Newark. Broek, Dirk, b. in Netherlands, Feb. 5, 1835; R.C. 61, N.B.S. 64. 1. CI. Holland ; Graaf schap, 65-70. Saugatuck, 70-5, Cleveland, 75-6, Polkton, 76-80, Holland, 3d, 80-8.' Detroit, 88-92, Grandville, 1892-1903. d. Nov. II. Member of Council of H.C, Bd. Sup. W.T.S. He was a man of faith, a careful and edifying preacher and a vigorous writer. He was a great friend of missions. Min. Gen. Syn., 1904, 831. Publications: Many articles in "De Hope." On editorial staff of "De Hope," 1895-1903. Broek. John, b. Nieuw Leuzen, Overyssel, Neths., July 28, 1841 ; H.C. 68, W.S..71. 1. CI. Holland; ord. by same, "^2; Beaverdam, Mich., 72-84, Milwaukee, Wis.. 84-93, South Holland, 1893-1905. Muskegon, 3d, M'ch., 190S — — . Member of Council H.C, 1893-1905; Member Bd. Supt. W.T.S. Publications: Articles in "De Hope." 266 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Broek, John Y., b. Cooperville, Mich., Sept. 13, 1880 (son of Rev. D. Broek). Alma C. 1903. N.B.S. 1906. 1. by CI. Grand River. Asbury Park, 1906-08; Plainfield, Trinity, 1908 . Pres. Bd. Trustees CI. Newark 1918— — . Member Bd. D.M. 1912 ; and Executive Com. 1919. Member Advisory Com. N. J. C.E. Union. Member Ch. Ex., CI. Newark, 1910 — chairman 1912. Publications: "Hist. Grand Ave. Ref. Ch,, Asbury Park," 1907. "The Mission of the Ch," 1907. Several anniversary and other sermons. "Im- pressions Abroad" and "Memorial Address of Rev. Cornelius Schenck, Ph.D.," 1920. Many articles in press. Broekstra, Martin E., b. Neths., July 3, 1872. Theolog. School, Kampen, Neths. 1893; W.S. 1897, 1. CI. la.; Hull, la., 97-1900, Grand Rapids, 7th, 1900-1905. Chicago, Englewood, ist, 1905-08; Morrison, III., Ebenezer, 1908-11; Jamestown, ist, 1911-14; Holland, 4th, 1914-18; Chicago, 1st, 1918- Publication : Weekly contributions to "De Hope." Broeffle, J. L. (or Preffle), Canajoharie, 1784-8, Schoharie, 1788-95; also Lawyersville, 1790-5; Beaverdam, 1789-95. Brokaw, Abram, b. 1761 ; Q.C. 1793, studied theol. under Livingston; Owasco, 1796-1808, Ovid, 1808-22, susp. ; seceded, d. 1846, July 17. Brokaw, Arthur P. (son of Rev. Isaac P. Brokaw), b. Jersey City, Sept. 7, 1878. R.C. 1900. N.B.S. 1904. 1. by CI. Monmouth 1904. Miss, to Indians. Ass. Pastor, Colony, Okl. d. Sept. 2, 1905. Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 598. Brokaw, Isaac P., b. at Mi'ddlebush, N. J., July 27, 1845; R.C. 66, N.B.S. 69, 1. CI. N.B. ; Newark, East, 69-74, South Bergen, 74-9, Dec, Free- hold, 2d, Jan., 1879-1905. P.E. 1905-16. d. Aug. 19. D.D. by R.C. 1891. Stated Clerk P.S. N.B. 1889-1914. He overcame weakness of body by Christian devotion. His spirit was gentle and cheerful and his influence for good profound. Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 253- Publications : Occasional sermons. Brokaw, Ralph Watson (brother of Isaac P. Brokaw). b. at Middlebush, Feb. 14, 1855; R.C. 74. N.B.S. 77, 1- CI. N.B.; Herkimer. 77-82, Belle- ville, 82-8 (Springfield, Mass. (Hope Cong. Ch.), 88-98, Utica, ist Presbyt.), 98 . S.T.D. Ham. Col., 1903. Publications: Sermons, articles in various periodicals, "Memorial of Rev. G. H. Griffin, of Springfield, Mass." Bronk. Robert, b. at Coxsackie, 1789; C.N.J. 1810, N.B.S. 13, 1. CI. N.B. ; Washington and Boght, 13-23, Washington (or West Troy), 23-34, d. 1837. See "Manual," of 1879. Bronson, Asahel, b. 1794; ord. 1816; Wyantskill, 1833-6, Fairfield, 36-8, Easton, N. Y., 38-9, Amity, 40-2. Died 1882. Bronson, Oliver. U.C. 1845, Kinderhook, 54-7, Presbyt.; d. i860. Brook. See Broek. Brooks,- Jesse Wendell, b. Cheshire, Ct., Sept. 26, 1858; R.C. 81, U.S. 84; ord. by Cong. Manhattan Assoc, Oct. 28, 84 (Bay Shore, L. I., 84-7, Brooklyn, Stuyvesant Av., 87-8) ; East New York, 88-94, Irving Park, Chicago, 94-8, Sec Am. Tract Society, Chicago, 1898-1914. President Union Missionary Training Institute, Brooklyn, 1914-16. Again Sec. Am. Tract Society, Chicago, 1916-20. d. July 22. He was especially qualified for his work in the Tract Society. He was very successful and became widely known. Ph.D., N.Y.U., 1889. See M. G. S., 1921, 629. Publications : Magazine and Review Articles. Brouwer, Jacob G.. b. North Holland. H.C. 1904. W.T.S. 1907. 1. by CI. Holland. Otley, la., 1907-10; Lynden, Wash., 1911-15; Grand- ville, Mich., 1916-19; Detroit, Mich., 1919-20; Grand Rapids, Imman- uel, 1920 THE MINISTRY 267 Brower, Cornelius, b. in N. Y. C, 1770; C.C. 1792, studied under Living- ston, I. CI. N.Y., 1793; Poughkeepsie and Stoutenburgh, 1794-1808, supplied Hyde Park, 1808-12, Prof, in High School at Utica, and S.S. at Frankfort, 15-33, supplied frequently Arcadia, Gorham, and Tyre, 33-45; d. See Manual, 1902. Brower, Stephen H. Studied theol. under Livingston, 1. 1806; Greenwich, N. Y. C. (S.S.?), 1806-7. Brower, Thomas. Schenectady, 1715-28; d. Brown, C. 1840. Brown, Claude Norton, b. April 15, 1878, Barnerville, N. Y. Candidate C\. Schoharie, 1902-03. U.C. 1904. Became a school teacher, d. March 5, 1912. Brown, Ernest R., b. Woodbridge, N. J., Aug. 4, 1871. N.B.S. 1897-1900 (Pres.). Brown, Frederic Adolphus Miller, b. N. Y. C, Sept. 27, 1835; U.C. i860; U.T.S. 1863 (ord. bv 3d Presbv. N. Y., May 15, 1864; Parsippany, N. J., 1863-6; Delhi, N. Y., 1866-82, Little Falls, N. Y., 1882-7) ; Pough- keepsie, 2d, N. Y., 1887-9 (New Haven, Ct., ist Presb., 1890 ), D.D. bv U.C, 1888. Brown, Henry J., 1. CI. Philadelphia, 1859; Miss, to Battle Creek, 1859-62; Episcopalian. Publications: Sermon on "Temperance in Relation to Current Events," 1859. Brown, John Alexander, b. Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland, Ap. 18, 1865; New Windsor College, Md., 1893, P.S. 96, lie. by Presbyt. West Jersey (Presbyt., Williamstown, 96-99), Jersey City, Van Vorst Ch., 1899-1905. Clifton, 1906-07, Grand Rapids, ist, 1907-18. War Work Council Special Lecturer. 1918-19. Gen. Sec. Y.M.C.A., E. St. Louis, 111., 1919-20. Interchurch World Movement, Mgr. Service (Clayton, N. J., Pres., 1920). Publications: "Remarks at 50th Anniv. of Settlements of Dr. P. D. Van Cleef," 1900. Many articles for the press. Brown, Josiah J., b. Newark, N. J., Aug. 29, 1839. R.C. 60, N.B.S. 65-6. U.S. 66-8. Presbyterian. Brown. Samuel Robbins, D. D., b. at East Windsor, Conn., June 16, 1810; Y.C. 32, Columbia Sem. S.C. and U.S. 38. 1. by 3d Presbyt. N. Y. 38; also teacher in N. Y. Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, 34-8 ; Manager of the Morrison Chinese School for Boys, at Canton, China, 38-47 ; returned to America, Owasco Outlet, 51-9; Kanagawa, 59-63; Yokohoma, 66-7, Miss, teacher and acting pastor of ist Refd. (Union) Ch. in Japan, 62-7; supplying Owasco Outlet, 68-9; in charge of a government school in Nigata, 69-70; teaching and also translating the Scrip- tures at Yokohoma, 70 ; returned to America, July, 79 ; died at Munson, Mass., June 19, 1880. Dr. Brown was a pathfinder in three great enterprises of moment to the kingdom of God on earth. He was the pioneer of Christian education in China, of women's colleges in America, and of Christian and theological education in Japan. His mother was Phoebe Hinsdale Brown, author of the familiar hymn, written at East Ellington, Conn., in August, 1818: "I love to steal a while away From children and from care," and the future missionary was one of these "children," and then eight years old. He sailed, in 1838, in company with Dr. David Abeel, who was going out on his second voyage. Dr. Brown took hold of the school, continuing it with tact and ability, first at Canton and then at Hong Kong, until 1847. when the failure of his wife's health compelled his return. He went 268 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA through the trying experiences of the "opium war" of 1844, during which time his house was attacked by pirates and he received a sHght sword wound in the side at the hands of a Chinese ruffian, while his family saved their lives by hiding in the garden. When he came to America he brought with him three Chinese lads, one of them being the celebrated Yung Wing, who afterward was the means of having six score Chinese lads brought to the United States for instruction in American schools. There, at Monson, Mass., in 1848, in a house directly across the road from his old home, was the beginning of Chinese education in America. While in his native country Dr. Brown took charge of the academy at Rome, N. Y., and in 1851 accepted the call to become pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church at Owasco outlet. The parish was feeble and dependent, so the new pastor secured possession of a small farm, now Springside, and established a boarding school to aid in his support. His exceptional talent as a leader and organizer was soon manifested in a flourishing school and a growing independent church, so that a new edifice was built, which was dedicated July 27, 1855. Among his parishioners and friends were Miss Caroline Adriance, Miss Mary E. Kidder (later Mrs. Edward Rothsay Miller),, and Miss Maria Manion of the German Church (later Mrs. Guido F. Verbeck), names honored in the story of Japan's Christianization. It was natural, with such an example in his mother of eagerness for culture and ability to receive it, that Samuel R. Brown should be interested in the higher education of women. Soon he began, with other friends, to agitate the formation of a woman's college, which ultimately bore fruit in the "Elmira Female College, chartered by the Legislature, and the first insti- tution of its grade and name in America. Thus, with the work of the higher education of American women. Dr. Brown's name will always be honorably associated. He was one of the first trustees, and for several years one of the most active friends and promoters of this flourishing institution, the Elmira College. When the news of Commodore Perry's success in opening the Japanese Empire to diplomacy reached him, the old missionary fire burned up brightly, and he offered himself to the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church. Through Rev. Dr. Hawley, of Auburn, he discovered and attracted for a co-worker Guido F. Verbeck, a Hollander, just grad- uating from Auburn Seminary. After a voyage of 181 days he reached Japan and established himself at Kanagawa, and later at Yokohoma. He began, almost entirely without the aid of books, the mastery of the Jap- anese language, soon becoming fluent and in time one of the most correct, forceful, and agreeable speakers of this difficult, and, in many respects, remarkable language. Dr. Brown had the great gift of making the Bible incidents and narra- tives seem as though they were part of their native literature, yet, also, as if inspired by direct revelation from God. For several years he was a self- supporting missionary, because the government authorities needed inter- preters and wished Dr. Brown to organize and continue the school at Yoko- hama, in which he had the active and invaluable assistance of his daughters and also of Miss Mary Kidder and Miss Winn, his niece. In this school were educated scores of young men, who became prominent in the Mikado's Empire — merchants, doctors, lawyers, editors, reformers, ministers, and many who have left their ineffaceable mark, for the better, upon the moral and spiritual life of Japan. From the very first Dr. Brown was interested in the translation of the Bible and in theological education. He was thus one of the potent influences which led to the formation of the Meiji Gakuin, or hall of learning of the era of enlightened civilization, now in Tokyo, in the Theological Department of which so many young men have been edu- cated for the native ministry in Japan. Dr. Brown inherited something of his mother's poetical genius. He wrote occasional and fugitive poems, and composed the tune "Monson" for THE MINISTRY 269 his mother's hymn, and the music for the poem "The Sister's Call," which he wrote after the death of his oldest sister. He was always attractive to the young, and of him the Japanese proverh is true. He had "The heart of the three-year child in the sage of sixty." Dr. Brown's first translations of the Bible perished in the flames at the burning, in 1867, of his house at Yokohama, when he lost all his effects, in- cluding books and papers. He then returned to America and his addresses were powerful and enlightening, stirring up great interest in the island em- pire of Japan, meanwhile serving as pastor at Owasco Outlet, in the church of his first love. Returning again in 1869 he began in earnest the transla- tion of the New Testament, which he lived to see finished, in revision, even to the last word of Revelation. Shortly after reaching Yokohama the gov- ernment invited him to take charge of a school at Niigata on the west coast and furnished him with an escort overland. The journey was one of great interest, but he returned, after a year, and at Yokohama acted as pastor of the Union Church on the Perry Treaty ground, kept on at translation and Bible exposition, and began a theological class, which he taughi in his own house. He took great interest in the formation and work of the Asiat'c Society of Japan, of which he was for some time the president. Not the least among the gifts arid graces of Dr. Brown were those which enabled him to disarm the hostility of natives toward missionaries and mis- sionary work, which is so often manifested toward people from Christian lands in the Far East; for native prejudices are often violently increased by the lack of tact on the part of certain missionaries who make their limita- tions very noticeable. Though never of a vigorous constitution, Dr. Brown, by wisdom and care and the assiduous devotion of his partner in life, was able to maintain good health. A year or two before he left Japan forever his infirmities began to be manifest, and, the local physicians giving little aid or encouragement, he returned home. After having twice traversed the globe, vis.t.ng his old home in Monson, Mass., on his way to Yale com- mencement, at the house of a friend he retired to rest, to wake no more on earth, and was buried, as he had always longed to be, beside his mother, in the cemetery and family lot only a few rods away from his old home. Two Japanese graves are near his own. His widow survived him until Sept. 3, 1890. For a fuller sketch and list of his publications see Manual, 1902. Brown, Theodore Sedgwick, b. at Canaan, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1824; U.C. 44, P. S. 47, lie. . . . (Presb. New Concord and Canaan, 47-54. Plainfield (Crescent Av.), 54-67, Brooklyn, Memorial Presbyt., 67-74, Dunellen, 74-80), Chatham, N. Y., 80-97; d. Jan. 14. See Manual, 1902. Brown, Walter Scott, b. at Kirkmichael, Scotland, Dec. 13, 1834; C.N.J. 60, P.S. 63, 1. Presbyt. Hud.son, 63 ; City Miss. N.B., 63-4 (White Lake, N. Y., Presbyt., 64-7), Fallsburgh, 67-88, S.S. at Clarksville and Onis- quethaw, 88-91 (Sand Lake, Presb., 91 ) Publications: Art. on "Refd. Ch. Fallsburgh," in "Quinlan's Hist. Sul- livan Co." Also many articles for the press. Brown, Willard D., b. Seward, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1874. U.C. 1900. N.B.S. 1903. 1. by CI. Schoharie, Middletown, N. J., 1903-05 Passaic, North, 1905-20. GeH. Sec. Progress Campaign, 1920. Cor. Sec. Bd. of Edu- cation R.C.A., 1920 . Member Bd. of Publication. Agent for Progress Campaign P.S. N.B. 1919-20. Minister in charge Am. Ref. Ch., Hague, Hoi., 1914. Member Editorial Staff Mission Field, Intel- ligencer. D.D. by H.C. 1921. Publications : Many articles for the press, Progress Campaign and Bd. of Education. 270 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Brownlee, F. L. Rec'd from Cong. 1915. Greenville, Scarsdale, N. Y., 1915- 16. Dis. to Cong. 1916. Brownlee, James (nephew of Wm. C. Brownlee), b. at Falkirk, Scotland, Ap. 12, 1808; Glasgow University, 1826; studied theology under Dr. John Dick, lie. by Presbyt. of Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1832; home Mis- sionary in the Hebrides, 1832-4 came to America; Port Richmond, S. I., 1835-1890; pastor emeritus, 1890-5; d. Feb. 21. D.D. by He was pre-eminently a good minister of Jesus Christ. His pastorate of 55 years at Port Richmond was singularly successful. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Disc, in R. P. D. C. at Port Richmond, S. I., on its 2ooth Anniversary," 1865. An address on the 40th anniversary of his settle- ment at Port Richmond, 1875. Brownlee, Wm. Craig, b. in Scotland, 1783; University of Glasgow, 1808, 1. by Presbyt. Stirling, Scotland, 1806? (Mt. Pleasant and Burgetts- town. Pa., Assoc. Refd., 1808-13, Philadelphia, Walnut St. Assoc. Scotch, 1813-16; rector of Academy at New Brunswick, 1816-17, Bas- kenridge, N. J., Presbyt., 1818-25), Prof, of Langs, in R.C., 1825-6, New York, 1826-48, emeritus; d. i860. D.D. by He was an able minister of the New Testament. Brought up amid the early religious training for which Scotch Presbyterians are so famous, he devoted himself in the morning of his life to the Lord. The strong, mascu- line theology of Paul, Calvin, Knox, which made Scotland what it was and is, became intertwined wijh his earliest thoughts and affections. In the pages of the Bible and in the volumes of the Covenanters and Puritans he found the principles of all science and the foundation of all true wisdom. He conned them over and over, early and late, until their principles be- came the law of his life. This fact is the key to all that was peculiar in his character; and whatever estimate may be formed of his character it is certain that in this way it received its distinctive impress. In all his prin- ciples, doctrines, and feelings he was a Covenanter of the strongest mould, and his earnest and honest soul clung to his principles as the shipwrecked sailor clings to the cliff. His preaching was strongly doctrinal and argu- mentative, and often exhaustive of the subject. His manner in the pulpit was earnest, dignified, and impressive. He never lowered its dignity by unworthy themes. He fed the people with knowledge and understanding, and crowds attended his ministrations. From a full soul, that had a rich experience of its power, he poured forth the truth as it is in Jesus; and, although utterly averse to the histrionic and tinsel of the pulpit, he was one of the most popular preachers of his day. For a fuller sketch and list of publications, see Manual, 1902. Bruce, Peter, b. New Castle, England, Feb. 20, 1864; Bible Normal School, Springfield, Mass., 93, N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. N. Y.; lay assistant. Middle Collegiate Ch. N. Y. C, 93-7; Clover Hill, N. J., 1900-1904. (Pres. Spring Hill, Tenn., 1904 ). Bruce,- William Paterson, b. Mercersburg, Pa., Dec. 27, 1858; R.C. 84, U.T.S. 87, lie. Presbyt. N. Y. ; ord. by S. CI. Bergen, Jan. 12, 1887; Greenville, Jersey City, 1887-95, Yonkers, Park Hill, 1895-1917. Edi- tor of the Christian Intelligencer, 1917-20. d. Oct. 5, 1920. Member Board of Superintendents Am. Tract Soc, Am. Bible Society. Mem- ber Board of Foreign Mission. 1901 Pres. P.S. N.Y. 1912 Pres. Gen. Syn. D.D., H.C. 1912, R.C, 1914. Dr. Bruce was one of God's noblemen. He was genial and witty, but of solid character and consecrated purpose. Those who knew him best loved him most. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 631. Publications : Arts, in "Homiletic Review," "Preachers' Magazine," "S.S. Times," "Christian Intelligencer." On joint committee for publication of the Hymnal of the Reformed Church. Bruen, Jas. M., b. Newark, N. J., 1818; University of Pa. 39, U.S. 42, 1. 3d THE MINISTRY 27I Presbyt. N. Y. (New Windsor, Presbyt.), 45-8, Irvington, 50-2. Died 1881. For further details, see "Union Sem. Gen. Catalogue." Bruen, Matthias, b. at Newark, N. J., Ap. 11, 1793; C.C. 1812, Assoc. Refd. Sem., 1. CI. N. Y. 16; traveled in Europe with Dr. Mason, 16-18; ordained in London, 18, in order to preach in Paris; Paris, six months, 18-19, Aliss. to Bleecker St. N. Y. C. Presbyt., 22-5, pastor, 25-9; d. Sept. 6, 1829. See Manual, 1902. "Life and Character of Bruen," N. Y., 1831. "Dr. Baird's Life," 103, 167, 170. "Mag. R. D. C," iv, 224, 260. "Drake's Am. Biog." Publications : "Essays Descriptive of Scenes in Italy and France," Edinburgh, 1820. "A Sermon in Am. Chapel," Paris, 1818. "A Thanks- giving Ser.," 1822. "A Ser. Before Female Bible Soc," 1823. Bruggers, John Henry, b. in Netherlands. H.C. 1915. W.T.S. 1918. 1. by CI. Iowa, 1918. Y.M.C.A. War Service, France, 1918-19. Holland, 6th, Mich., 1919 Bruins. Berend, b. in Netherlands, Sept. 16, 1868. H.C. 1902. P.S. 1905. 1. by CI. of Iowa, 1905. Bethlehem, Sully, la., 1905-07 ; Little Falls, N. J., 2nd, 1907-11; North Yakima, Wash., 1912-14. d. June i. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 239. Bruins, Henry Martin, b. Brandon, Wis., Feb. 20, 1873; H.C. 95, P.S. 98, post-grad, at Harvard Divinity School, 98-99; 1. by CI. Wisconsin, 98; New College, Edinburgh, 1899-1900. Pekin, 111., 1901-1904. (Al- bert Lea, Minn. Presbyterian 1904-07). Milwaukee, Wis., 1907-17; Pella, la., 2nd, 1917 Bruins, William Henry, b. Alto, Wis., Oct. 16, 1865; H.C. 90, McCor- mick Sem., Chicago, 93, 1. CI. Wisconsin ; Coopersville, Mich., 93-9. Marion, N. Y., 1900-1910. Presbyterian 1910 Brummel, Jacob, b. New Groningen, Mich., Sept. 5, 1873; H.C. 97, W.S. 1900, 1. CI. Holland; Grand View, S. Dak., 1901-1906. Monroe, Sand- ham Memorial, 1906-08. CI. Miss., Dakota, 1908 — . Roseland, Svea, Minn., 1910-16. Bruns, F. H., b. Vahlbruch, Germany, Feb. 22, 1874. LeMars Col. 1902. Ord. by United Evangelical Ch. 1902. Served in that body 1902-12. Ackley, la., Washington, 1912-15. d. April 29. Min. Gen. S3'n., 1915, 609. Bruschweiler, F. Flatbush, 2d, 1891-2. Brush, Alfred H. (s. of Wm. Brush) ; R.C. 1862. N.B.S. 65. 1. CI. Rari- tan ; Shokan and Shandaken, 65-67, Nassau, 67-80, New Utrecht, 1880- 1910. P.Em. 1910-11. d. April 30. D.D. by H.C, 1897. 1884-1911 Member Bd. of Domestic Missions R.C. A. Pres. of the Bd. 1906-09. Min. Gen. Syn., 191 1, 253. Brush, John C, studied theol. under Livingston, 1. CI. N. Y., 1793; N. and S. Hampton, 1794-96 (Dutch Creek, Cross Roads, and Dover, Del., Presbvt.), 1796-18... "Mints. G.S.," i. p. 463. Brush. William, h. N.Y. City, May 23, 1809; R.C. 30, N.B.S. '33, 1. CI. N. Y. ; Guilford, 34-51, Tarrytown, 51-52, Bedminister, 52-65 supplying churches 65-69, S.S. South New Haven, Ct. (six months), 69, Ford- ham, 69-74, w. c. Died Mar. 15, 1898. He was very useful in the pastorate and during the years in which he was without charge devoted himself most earnestly to Christian and benevo- lent work. See Manual, 1902. Brush, Wm. W. (s. of Wm. Brush), b. at Guilford, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1843; R.C. 62. N.B.S. 66, lie. CI. Raritan ; Farmer Village, 66-8, Alarbletown, 68-72, .Geneva, 72-8: d. Mar. 31, 1878. Bruske, A. F. Hope, Holland, S.S. 1912-16. Dead. Bryant. James P., b. Shekomcko, N. Y., March 25, 1839. U.C. 1870. U.S. 1873. (Pres. Kondeabouac, Canada, 1873-4; Batchellerville, N. Y., 1874-8; Galloway, N. Y., 1878-85; Rensselaerville, N. Y., 1899). S.S. 272 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Westerlo, N. Y., 1902-06. Rec'd from Pres, 1906. Union and Westerlo, N. Y., 1906-08. Retired, d. June 18, 1920. He was a man of devotional spirit whose activity was hindered by ill health. See M.G.S., 1921, 628. Buck, Charles Duryea (son of Rev. Josiah Judson Buck, who served in the Presbyterian ministry for fifty years), b. at Knox, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1826; W.C. 45, Prin. of Clinton Academy, L. I., 45-47, U.S. 48-49, lie. Presb. of Columbia; ord. by CI. N. Y., May 14, 51, Peekskill, 51-70, Hoboken, 1st, 70-74 (S.S.) Weehawken, Presb., 74-77, Middletown, N. J., 'j'j- 1893; d. May 26. D.D. by R.C., 1883. He was forty-three years in the ministry of our church, and left behind him a record which those who knew him and those whom he served in his pastorates will continue to cherish with just and honorable pride. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1894, 207. Manual, 1902. Publications : "Address Before Military Companies," Peekskill, July 5, 1858. "Village and Vicinity of Peekskill," i860. "Thanksgiving Disc," 1863. "Add. Before Westchester Co. Bible Soc," 1863. "Reports of West- chester Co. Bible Soc," 1863-70. "God's Presence in the Universe of Souls," "Nat. Preacher," July, 1864. "Sermon on the Use of a Little Wine," 1869. "Address, Centenl's Celebration at Peekskill," July 4, 1876. "Two Hundred Years ago; Thanksgiving Disc," 1879. "He Descended Into Hell," "Cath. Presbyt.," Mar., 1880. Arts, for press and poems. Buckelew, Wm. Dey, b. New Brunswick, N. J., June 14, 1825 ; R.C. 48, N.B.S. 51, 1. CI. N.B.^; Currytown and Mapletown, 51-54, Athens, 54- 59, Moresville and South Gilboa, 59-63, Blue Mountain, 63-70. Tyre, 70-76, Westerlo, 76-79, Schoharie Mt., 79-89, Palisades, 89-93 ; d. Nov. 15- . . . , . He was intensely conscientious, even in the smallest things. His principal characteristic was spiritual mindedness. He walked with God. See also "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1894, 215. "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1894, 17. Buckham, Jas., 1841. Buckingham, M.S. S.S. Wynantskill, N. Y., 1915-17. Swedenborgian Church. Buckle, George. Rec'd from Pres. 1904. Clover Hill, N. J., 1904-07; Middleburgh, N. Y., 1907-10. Pres. 1910 . In business. D.D. Bulkley, Charles Henry Augustus, b. Charleston, S. C, Dec. 22, 1819; U.N.Y. 1839, U.T.S. 1839-42 (ord. by Presb. of Newark, N. J., Dec 17, 1842; Presbyt., New Brunswick, N. J., 1842-3; Miss, at Janesville, Wis., 1843-5; Mt. Morris, N. Y., 1847-50) ; S.S. Ithaca, N. Y., 1850-2 (S.S.) Winsted, Ct. (Cong.), 1853-8; S.S. Paterson, N. J., 1859-61; Chaplain, U.S. Army, 1861-3; Owego, N. Y., 1865-7; Chaplain, Y.M.C.A.. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1867-8; Malone, N. Y., 1868-75; Prof. Boston, Mass., 1875-6; Port Henry, N. Y., 1876-81 ; Prof. Howe Univ., Washington, D. C., 1881-90. w. c 1890-3; d. Feb. 2. D.D. by Howe Univ., 1880. Bulness, John C, b. Kristiansund, Norway. Received a thorough general and theological education in Norway. Amity Theological Sem., N. Y. C. Ord. by Baptist Church. Emmanuel Baptist Ch., N. Y. C, 1900- 1906; Blooming Grove, N. Y., 1906 . Member of Society of Applied Science of Psychology. Bumstead, Samuel Andrews, b. in Boston, Mass., Dec. 16, 1798; Middle- bury Coll., Vt., 1823, P.S. 28, lie by Franklin Assoc, Mass. ; ord. as an evangelist by Congregationalists, Jan. 31, 28, S.S. Rhinebeck, 29-30; Manayunk, 31-35, Manayunk and Roxborough, 35-49, Roxborough, 49- 53, Spring Lake, III., 53-61, Raritan, 111., 61-76, Norris, 111. (S.S.), 76, emeritus; (S.S.) Norris, 111., 1879-1890. Died 1894, March 22. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Address to Pastor and People," at Fairview, at instal- lation of Rev. Wm. Anderson. In "Ch. Int.," Oct. 16, 1856. THE MINISTRY 273 Burggraff, J. J., b. Ostcrbierum, Neth. Educated in Netherlands. 1. by CI. G. R. 1914. North Blendon, Mich., 1914-20; Decatur, Mich., 1920 Burggraff, J. J. (Jr.). W.S. 1921. Williamson, N. Y.. 1921— — Burghardt. Peter H. U.C. 1840, West Farms, 52-55, Glenville, ist, 55-6i, Chaplain First Chasseurs, N.Y.V., 64-65. Buri. P., from Refd. Ch. of Berne, Switzerland, 1858. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1859, p. 449. Burkart, John Jacob, b. Bremen, Ind., July 26, 1868. N.B.S. 1892. Chap- lain, City Prison, Baltimore, Md. Burner, Wm. Arthur, Jr., b. Newark, N. J., April 26, 1897. R.C. N.B.S. 1921. 1. by CI. of Raritan, 1921. Hopewell, N. Y., 1921 . Burnham, I. P. S.S. Auriesville, N. Y., 1851-4. Burr, Marcus. N.B.S. 1862; Presbyt., 1863-73. Teaching. Burrcll, Albert C. (colored), b. Abbvville, Va., Dec. 14, 1866. Bluestone Acad. N.B.S. 1891. Baptist. Burrell. David Tames, b. at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Aug. i, 1844; Y.C. (>•]. N.W. Th. Sem., 67-8, U.S. 68-70. lie. Presbyt. of N. Y., 70; ord. by Presbyt. of Chicago, 71, (Evangelist and Pastor, Presbyt. Ch., Chicago, 71-6, Dubuque, la., 76-87, Westminster Ch., Minneapolis, Wis., 87-91) ; New York City, Collegiate Ch., 5th av. and 29th st., 1891 . Pres. World's Alliance of Ref. and Pres. Ch. Pres. Lord's Day Alliance of N. Y. Pres. Anti-Saloon League of N. Y. Pres. Gen. Svn., 1920. D.D. by Parsons College, 1883,'and Dubuque Col., 1918. LL.D., R.C, 1916. Publication's: As.sociate Editor of several religious papers. Frequent contributions. "Hints and Helps" : 3 Vols., and 36 volumes of sermons. Burrill, George Henry, b. Newburyport, Mass., Oct. 18. 1856, Harv. Col. 79, U.T.S. 81-4, lie. Middlesex South Assoc, Mass., 1884; ord. by same 1884 (New Lebanon, N. Y. (Cong.), 84-92), Claverack, 1892-1905. Congregationalist 1905 Burrows, Charles W., b. N. V. C, Aug. 30, 1859; lie by CI. Orange, Oct., 88; Berea, N. Y., 88-91, Coeymans, N. Y., 1891-1908. Kinderhook, N. Y., 1908-14; Albany, 6th, 1914. d. May 28. Killed by an automo- bile. Min. Gen. Syn.. 1914, 239. Burroughs, Geo. W., 1854. Burtis. sec Alburtis. Burtiss, Arthur, b. in N. Y. C. 1807; C.C. and U.C. 27. P.S. and Aub. S. 33, 1. Presb. Geneva (Buffalo. 33-5) ; Fort Plain, 3s (Oxford Presbyt.), 35-40 (?). Teaching in Buffalo; Sec. Am. and For. Ch. Union, 59-63, Prof, of Greek Lang, in Aliami Universitv, 64-7; d. D.D. bv U.C, 1850. See Manual, 1902. Bush. D. T., b. Jenison, Mich., May 21. 1883. H.C 1906. N.B.S. 1909. New Paltz, 1909-13; West Hoboken, ist, 1913-16. Pres. Lexington, 2d. Kentucky, 1916— — . Butz. Hcnrv Anson, b. Middle Smithfield, Pa., Ap. 18, 1835; C.N.J. 58, N.B.S. 61 ; adjunct Prof. Greek and Heb., 1870, and Prof. N. T. Exe- gesis, Drew Theolog. Sem.; Pres. of Same, 1880 . D.D. bv C.N.J. 1875; LL.D. by Dick. Coll.. 1885. PuRMC.ATiONS : "Epistle of Romans in Greek with Textual and Gram- matical References." "The New Life Dawning." Buurnna, Ale, b. Ferwerd, Neth.. 1841 ; H.C. 1866, H.S. 1869, lie. CI. Holland, 1869; Polkton, 1869-72, S. Holland. 111., 1872-8, Orange City, la., 1878-89, Grand Rapids, 5th, 1889-inoi. d. Dec. 5. He was a man of largo c'uiacity and enthusiasm for work and of strong convictions. He occupied a large place in the civil and religious life of the West. His service in Michigan and Iowa along religious and educational 274 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA lines was most valuable. He was a leading member of the Bd. of Super- intendents of the W.T.S. and devoted much attention to the interests of the North Western Academy. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1902, 198. Cahoone, Wm., Jr., b. 1776; D.C. 1824, P.S. 1827; Miss, at Berne, 1828, Miss, at Stuyvesant, 1828-9, Hyde Park, 1829-33, Coxsackie, 1833-47, Fordham, 1847-8; d. 1849. See funeral ser. by Dr. John Knox, 1849. Caliandro, Anthony, b. Lecce, Italy, March 26, 1898. Royal Technical School, Italy. Bible Teachers' Training School, 1921 ; Missionary to Italians, 1918 . 1. by CI. Palisade, 1920. Calverley, Edwin Elliott, b. Philadelphia, Oct. 26, 1882. P. Univ. 1906. P.S. 1909. 1. by Presbytery of Philadelphia 1909. Rec'd from Pres- byterian 1909. Missionary to Arabia 1909 Publication: The Arabian Readers' Primer, I, 1920; Primer, II, 1921. Cameron, Herbert Henry, b. Thurman, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1857. R.C. 1880, N.B.S. 80-2. Episcopalian, d. July 25, 1898. (Campbell, Alan D. (brother of W. H. Campbell), Miss, in Brooklyn, 1827. See "Memorial of Dr. Wm. H. Campbell," p. i.) Campbell, Alan Ditchfield (s. of W. H. Campbell), b. Albany, N. Y., Dec. I, 1843. R.C. 62, N.B.S. 68, 1. CI. N.B.; Athens, ist, 68-82, Castleton, 82-89, New Brunswick, Suydam St., 1890-1913. d. April i. Vedder Lecturer, 1889. D.D. Hope C. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1913, 894. Campbell, Charles Henry, b. Nov. 20, 1892, N.Y.C. C.C. N.Y., 1915. N.B.S. 1919. 1. by CI. N. Y. 1919. Wortendyke, Trinity 1919 Campbell, D. G. Bloomingburgh, N. Y., 1909-11; Schodack Landing, N. Y., 1913. Left the ministry 1913. Campbell, D. Y., b. Va., July 12, 1877. Baptist. Student N.B.S., 1913. Campbell, Jas. Benj., b. Glasgow, Scotland, May 6, 1842; R.C; N.B.S. 1870, 1. CI. Rensselaer; Chatham Village, 70-3. Lebanon, 73-6, Albany, 3d, 76-82 (Batchellerville, N. Y., 82-5), Rhinebeck, 85-7, Long Branch, 87-90 (Lebanon, San Francisco, ist Presbyt. Ch Stock- ton, Cal Shawnee, Pa., 1890-1905). Currytown and Sprakers, 1905-07; Raritan, 111., 1907-09; Port Jervis, 2d, 1909-11. d. Oct. 22. D.D. Franklin C, 1895. Min. Gen. Syn., 1912, 556. Campbell, J. I. Rec'd Pres. 1904. Hastings, N. Y., 1904-05, Pres. Campbell, Jas. K., b. Scotland. From Refd. Pres. Ch. ; ordained as a Miss. Northern India, 1834; North Branch, 1838-54. Campbell, Wm. Henry, b. at Baltimore, Sept. 14, 1808; D.C. 28, P.S. 28-29, 1. 2d Pres. N. Y., 31, Chittenango, 31-33, Prin. Erasmus HaU, L. I., 33-39, East New York, 39-41, Albany, 3d, 41-48, Prin. Albany Academy, 48-51, Prof. Oriental Lit. in New Brunswick Sem.. 51-63, also Prof. Bel. Let. Rutgers Col., 51-63, Prof, of Moral Phil., 62-63, President Rutgers College, and Prof. Bib. Lit., Moral Phil, and Ev. Christianity in R.C, 63-82, Suydam St., New Brunswick, 83-1890, d. Dec. 7. Elected a trustee of Rutgers College, Sept. 16, 1862. D.D. by U.C, 1844. Dr. Campbell was of Scotch descent and in his youth thoroughly instructed in the doctrines of grace which he loved to proclaim throughout his entire life. Through the influence of Dr. T. M. Strong he entered the Reformed Church. He was successful in the pastorate but he was pre-eminently fitted for the office of teacher. In the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick his work was of the highest order. He drilled his students most thoroughly and taught them to do their own thinking. He also looked after the material interests of the Seminary and it was THE MINISTRY 275, chiefly through his influence that the funds for the erection of Hertzog Hall were secured. In 1863 the trustees of Rutgers College called him to the Presidency of that institution. Here all his varied talents were called into activity. When he assumed the Presidency the college was, in point of finances, equipments, and numbers very weak. At his resignation, nearly a score of years later, it had been developed beyond all anticipation in its instruc- tion, endowment, and buildings. More than half a million had been added to its funds. He left it in a high degree of prosperity. But, although now about seventy-four years old, he still yearned to do something for Christ. He began religious services in a destitute part of New Brunswick, which resulted in the organization of the Suydam Street Church. As a preacher he was clear and forcible; as a pastor tender and sympathetic; as an edu- cator thorough and broad, and as a Christian humble and devout. See "Biog. Diet, of N. J.," 1877. "Schaff-Hertzog Cyc." "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1891, 414. "Biog. Notices of Grads. and Officers of Rutgers College," 1891, 3. "In Memory of," by Dr. David Murray and others, pp. 107, 1894. For a fuller sketch and list of his publications see Manual of 1902. Campfield, Robt. B., b. 1801 ; C.N.J. 24, Aub. S. 28, lie. Pres. Cayuga, 27 (Caldwell, N. J., 28-9, Assist. Sec. Dom. Miss. Pres. Ch. (in Phila- delphia), 29-30, Agent, Am. S.S.U. 30-1, New Preston, Conn., Cong. 31-4, Sec. Am. S.S.U., New York, 30-58) ; Sec. Sab. S. Bd. R.D.C. 58- 62 (Financial Actor, Am. and For. Chr. Union, 62-72, traveled in Eu- rope, Egypt, and Palestine, ji-t,, preaching to the poor in Newark, JZ). In 1855 he wrote "Maria Cheesman ; or, The Candy Girl," pp. 158. Died Mar. 21, 1886. Cannon, Jas. Spencer, b. Jan. 28, 1766, in the Island of Curacao; studied under Froeligh and Livingston, 1. CI. Hackensack, 1796; Six Mile Run, and Millstone, 1796-1807, Six Mile Run, 1807-26, Instructor Ecc. Hist. 1818-19, Prof. Ecc. Hist. Ch. Gov. and Pastoral Theo. 1826-52; also Prof. Metaphysics -and the Philosophy of the Human Mind, in Rutgers Coll., 1826-52; d. Elected a trustee of Queen's Coll., 1800. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1813 and 1820. D.D. by U.C. 1819. He was a man peculiar in many respects, and calculated to attract atten- tion wherever he might be, even among a crowd of people. He was sys- tematic, regular, seasonable, steady, calm, moderate. He was, therefore, always beforehand with his work ; never hurried, or driven, or cornered ; never urged or goaded beyond his strength. His example may be turned to a good account by men of all occupations, but especially by students, and still more especially by theological students and ministers of the Gos- pel.— D.D. by R.C., 181 1, and U.C. 1819. See "New Brunswick Review," i, 100; "Evangelical Quarterly," ii, 115; "Biograph. Sketch," prefixed to his "Pastoral Theology"; Art. in "Sprague's Annals," by Dr. Proudfit; "Bibliotheca Sac," 1854, p. 420, "McClintock's Cyc.;" "Ch. Int.," Feb. 8, 1852. "Dr. Demarest's Sketch, Centennial of Sem.," 442. For a fuller sketch and list of publications, see Manual, 1902. Cantine, James, b. Stone Ridge, Ulster Co., N. Y., March 3, 1861 ; U.C. 83, N.B.S. 89, 1. CI. Kingston; Missionary in Arabia, 1889 . D.D. U.C, 1903. Carey, J. A. West R.D.C, New York City, 1851-2; d. Obit, in "Ch. Int.," Nov. 4, 1852. Carle. Jean. b. at Nimes, France ; engaged by the Consistory of the Walloon Church. Amsterdam, for service in New York; arrived July i"], 1754; installed Aug. 4 over French Ch.. Pastor, 1754-64; also stated supply at New Rochelle; Chaplain of French Hospital, London, 1764 — (1790?). The historian Smith says : "He bears an irreproachable character, is very intent upon his studies, preaches moderate Calvinism, and speaks with propriety, both of pronunciation and gesture." He was very zealous and energetic. The Register which he kept indicates a high sense of his re- 2/6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA sponsibility. He also administered the sacraments four times per year at New Rochelle, the dissident congregation of which place had become, since the death of Rev. Mr. Rose, 1750, a mere "annex" of the New York church. He won the esteem and love of the people, but his efforts to resuscitate the New York church were not successful. He, therefore, re- signed, May 23, 1763, but offered to remain if they would conform to the Church of England, but this the church would not do. He sailed on April 17, 1764, for London. He was one of the original trustees of King's Col- lege. See "Doc. Hist.," N. Y. (4to ed.), iii, 315. "Collections of Hugue- not Soc," N. Y. Carle, John H., Q.C. 181 1, partly in N.B.S. 1814, I. Presbyt. Geneva; Mar- bletown, Hurley, 14-25, and Shokan also, 14-25 (Presbyt., 25-48), Mapletown and Curry town, 48-51. Carpentier, Casper, mentioned in 1657 in a letter of Megapolensis and Drisius to CI. Amsterdam. He was a brother-in-law of Jean Paul Jacques, commandant at Fort Casimir, Delaware. He died in 1684. See "Ecc. Rec," "Letters," Aug. 5, 1657, Oct. 10, 1688. This latter is quoted in "Murphy's Anthology," 108. "Doc. Hist.," N. Y., iii, 69-72. "Spottswood's Hist. Ser.," New Castle, 1859. Dr. Spottswood says, "In 1684 there died in this town a French clergyman, concerning whom we can learn nothing. It is presumed that he was one of the exiled Huguenots." Several additional documents about ministers of this name will be found in Ecc. Rec, N. Y. Carr, Wm. H., b. Kinderhook, N. Y., 1812; chaplain U.S.A. 1861-5. (Cen- treville. Green Co., TSI. Y., 1867-70, Presb.), Prattsville, 70-5, Sharon, 75-7, Gallupville, 77-80. Died Aug. 7, 1890. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1891, 418. Carre, Ezechiel. Pastor of French Ch., Narragansett, R. I., 1687, perhaps Pastor in N. Y. C, 1673-78 (?). Carroll, Joseph Halstead (s. of Rev. D. L. Carroll), b. Brooklyn. N. Y., May 21, 1833; U.Pa. 51, P.S. 54, 1. Presbyt. Philadelphia (Jamesburg, N. J., 55-8, Aiken, S. C, 58-60, S.S. South Cong. Ch., New Haven, 62-7), New Haven, 67-9, Brooklyn (Lee Av.), 69-71, East Brooklyn, 73-6, Newburgh, 76-81 (Presbyt. Stillwater, Minn., 82-7; d. Jan. 7). D.D. by H.S.C., 1868. Publications : "Memorial of Gerard Hallock," 1866. "Letter to Dr. Leonard Bacon," 1866. Carroll, Vernon Bond. b. at Baltimore, Md., Jan. i, 1846; R.C. 68, N.B.S. 71, lie. CI. L. I., Pottersville, 71-3, Chapel of Collegiate Ch., N. Y. C. (Seventh av. and 54th st.), ^2,-7 Warwick, 77-86 (Tenafly, N. J., Presbyt., 86-96, Amenia, N. Y., Presbyt., 86-96, Amenia, N. Y., Presbyt., 1899. Died Dec. 18). See "Biog. Notices of Grads., R.C," 1900, 26. "Memorial Sermon by Prof. Jacob Cooper," 1900. Carruthers, Francis, b. Scotland, June, 1859. N.B.S. 1893-4. Carter, George William, b. Jan. 4, 1867, Rosario, Argentine, S.A. Wesleyan, Yale, 1892. Fellowship, Oxford 1894-5. Drew Sem. 1893. 1. by Con- ference of N. Y. M. E. Church, 1887. (M.E. pastorates, 1895-1907) Gen. Sec. Bible Society, 1907 . Brooklyn, Grace Ref., 1911-21. Ph.D. N.Y. Univ., 1900. Publications: Zoroastrianism in Judaism, 1918. Articles on authority and influence of Bible. Carter, Ray F. U.S. 1. by CI. N., L. I., 1904. Congregational. Carter, William. Rec'd from Pres. 1906. Madison Ave., N.Y.C., 1906-12. Pres. 1915. Case, Calvin, b. Danbury. Ct., March 16, 1821. R.C. 1848, N.B.S. 1851. 1. CI. Bergen, 1851 ; Grahamville, 1852-3. Day, 1855-7, Kiskatom, 1857- 60, West Hurley, 1860-5. (Dresden Pres.). S.S. Krumville, Stuyves- ant Falls, 1865-73. d. Nov. 2, 1906. THE MINISTRY 277 See Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 907. Case, Cliflford Philip, b. Jersey City, Oct. 22, 1873; R.C. 97, N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. Paramus; Associate Pastor West End Collegiate Ch., N. Y. C, Sept., 1900-Dec., 1901, Post Graduate U.S. 1900-01. Six Mile Rim, Jan., 1902-1907. Poughkeepsie, ist, 1907-20. d. March 7. Permanent Clerk Gen. Syn. 1916-20. Member Bd. D.M. War Service, Camp Merritt, 1917-18. Pension Com. R.C, 1918-20. D.D. H.C., iyi6. He was a son of the Ref. Ch. devoted to the Kingdom of Christ. "In a few years he fulfilled a long time." See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 280. Publications : "Southerly Line of Somerset Co. Before the Revolution," "Som. Hist. Quarterly. Retrospect and Prospect." Two sermons preached in Franklin Park, 1907. "Can the Particular Synod be Made Worth While." Address before P.S. N.Y., May, 1910. Caton, John Collings, b. Portland, Eng., Feb. 25, 1872; P.U. 95, Yale Div. Sch. 98 ; lie. by Cong. Assoc, New Haven, 97 ; ord. by CI. Scho- harie, 98; Lawyersville, 98-1901, Fonda, 1901-1904; 12th Brooklyn, 1904-16; Paterson, Ch. of Covenant, 1916-20; West Hohoken, 1920 . Y'.M.C.A. War Work 1918-19, France. Member Bd. Pub- lication, R.C. A. South Brooklyn Bd. of Trade. Vice-Pres. Armenian Relief, Paterson. Publications: Many contributions to the Press. Center, Samuel, b. 1794 at Hoosick, N. Y. ; Mid. C. 1819, N.B.S. 23, 1. CI. N.B., Miss, to Johnsborough and Chester, 23, Herkimer and German Flats, 24-6 (Morian and Northumberland Presbyt. ), 27-30, teaching in Class. School, Albany, 30-7, in Michigan University, 37-40, pastor also at Monroe, Mich., 37-40, Agent of For. Evang. Soc, 40-1, Prof, in Albany Academy, 41-.., in Angelica Academy, and Pastor at Angelica and Macedon Center, 18-.. 1859; d. See "Manual," 1879. Chadsey, H. T., b. Schenectady. U.C. 1877. Auburn S. 1881. (Presbyter- ian ). West New Hempstead, 1914-20; Presbyterian, 1921 Chalker, Isaac. New Paltz, 176.. -176.. Chamberlain, Jacob, b. Sharon, Ct., Ap. 18, 1835; Western Reserve Coll. 56, N.B.S. 59, lie. and ord. by CI. N. Y., May. 59. Missionary in India, Palmaner and Madanapalle, 1859-1908. d. March 2. M.D. by College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. C, 1859. D.D. by R.C. Western Reserve and Union College, all in 1878. LL.D. by H. C, 1900; same by West. Res. Coll., 1901. Pres. Gen. Syn.. 1878. In 1859 he sailed with his wife to join the Arcot Mission, India, of the Reformed Church. He acquired the Tamil language, expecting to work among the Tamil people, but Providence led to his transfer to a Telugu district as its first missionary. Acquiring that language, he spent most of his life working among the Telugus, with headquarters at Madanai)alle, 150 miles inland from Madras. His work was threefold, evangelistic, medical, and literary. For a quarter of a century his evangelistic field, in which he was the only missionary, was as large as th'c state of Connecticut, and he was for many years the only physician in the same area. Before his visit home in 1874 over 30,000 patients had had his personal treatment. For many years he was chairman of a committee of all the missions labor- ing in the Telugu country for bringing out a new version of the Bible into the Telugu language, which is spoken by 18,000,000 people. Dr. Chamberlain took four furloughs, each one because of broken health. In his journey home in 1874 he spent four months in explorations in Egypt, Sinai, the Wilderness, and Palestine. Oh his return to India in 1878 he spent two months in visiting Japan and China, studying the mis- sionary operations in those lands. In 1873 he was appointed Chairman. of Committee for bringing out a New Translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew in Telugu. In 1879 he was made Chairman of Committee for Revising the Telugu New Testament. In 1868 he established a hos- pital at Madanapalle, and another in 1872 at Palmaner. In 1878 he was 278 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA elected Vice-President of the American Tract Society for India. He was directed by the Synod of 1886 to confer with the English Presbyterian societies on the subject of union of the native churches in India. The fifth Council (December, 1889) of the Presbyterian Alliance at Calcutta took measures to formulate a basis of union. The record of his life is a record of obstacles overcome by prayer and pain, and of great success in manifold forms of missionary endeavor. He was one of the world's great missionaries. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1908, 229, and Manual, 1902. Publications : "Translations of Liturgy of Refd. Ch. in Telugu," Madras, 1873; 2d ed., 1885. "Hymns for Public and Social Worship, in Telugu," i2mo. ; Chris. Knowledge Soc. of Pres. of Madras, 1884; 2d ed., 1886 (In all 3,000 copies). New Testament: Greek; Madras Athangeum, 1869. "The Telugu People and their Language" : A paper before the American Oriental Society, New Haven, 1876. "Tract Work in India": Am. Tract Soc, 1876. "The Bible Tested": Am. Bible Soc, 1878; 4th ed., 1885 (In all 21,000 copies). "Winding up a Horse; or. Christian Giving," 1879; 2d ed., 1879 (5,000 copies). "Native Churches and Foreign Mis- sionary Societies": Bangalore Conference Report, Madras, 1879 (2,000 copies). "Break Cocoanuts Over the Wheels; or. All Pull for Christ," 1885 (2,000 copies). "Union and Co-operation Among Native Churches." "Co-operation and Organic Unity on Mission Fields." "The Religions of the Orient : Their Beauty and Their Fatal Defect." "The Lord's War Waxes Hot." "In the Tiger Jungle, and Other Stories of Missionary Work" "The Cobra's Den." "India for Christ." "Address at Ecumeni- cal Conference," New York, 1899. Also numerous articles in the press. Chamberlain, Lewis Birge, b. Vellore, India, Oct. 3, 1864. R.C. '86. N.B.S. 91. 1. by CI. N.B. Missionary in India 1891-1915. Ass. Cor. Sec Am. Bible Society 1916-18, Recording Sec. 1919 In India he was prominent in the affairs of the Mission and helped to 'Organize the "India Church Board." Editor Progressive Bible Lessons. <3^ B K Rutgers — 50th Anniversary Memorial. Editor Annual Reports and pamphlets of Am. Bible Soc, etc. Publications: Many articles and stories in various papers. Chamberlin, William Isaac, b. Madras, India, Oct. 10, 1862; R.C. 82, N.B.S. 86, lie by CI. N.B., Missionary, India, 87-1905. President Arcot Mission College, 1900-1905. Pres. Voorhees College, India, 1900-05. Prof. Logic and Mental Phil. R.C. 1906-09. Sec Bd. F.M., R.C.A., 1909 . Pres. Gen. Syn., 1909. Ph.D., C.U., 1900. D.D., H.C., 1907, and R.C, 1912. Publication : "Education in India," 1899. Chambers, S. D. Rec'd from Pres. North Newark, A.P., 1914-16. (Pres. Kilburn Memorial. Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J., 1917 ). Chambers, Talbot Wilson, b. Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 25, 1819; D.C. 30-2, R.C. 32-4, N.B.S. 34-5, P.S. 36-7; teaching, 37-9; lie Presb. Clinton, Miss., 38, Raritan, 2d (Somerville, N. J.), 39-49, New York, Collegiate, 49- 1896; d. Feb. 3. Pres. of Gen. Syn., 1863. Vedder Lecturer, 1875. Trustee R.C, 1868. Trustee of Columbia Coll., 1881. S.T.D. by CC, 1853. LL.D. by R.C, 1885. Member O.T. Revision Co. Pres. Bd. P.M., 1888-96. Pres. Alliance Ref. Chs., 1892-6. Instructor at various times in N.B.S., P.S., U.S., Hast. S., Allegheny S. and L.S. He was a theologian by nature and training. His views of truth were well defined and strongly conservative. He strenuously opposed, in private and public, what he regarded as dangerous departures from the doctrinal systems of Geneva, Dort, and Westminster. For more than an ordinary generation he was an acknowledged leader in the counsels of the denomina- tion, with which his name and memory are identified. In its Missionary Boards and its Classical and Synodical Assemblies his firmness, his good THE MINISTRY 279 judgment, his readiness in discussion, his familiarity with ecclesiastical usages, and the force of his character, gave him, generally, an influence such as hardly any other minister possessed since the days of Dr. Livingston. He rendered most valuable services to the Board of Foreign Missions, hav- ing been its President from 1888-96, and one of the most generous con- tributors to its funds. But he was pre-eminently a student. He read constantly and widely, rising early that he might have a quiet hour every day for the study of the Scriptures in the original languages. For twenty-five years he was a mem- ber of a Greek club, and seldom allowed anything to interfere with his presence at its meetings. He was well acquainted with general history, especially familiar with church history, and minutely conversant with the history of the Reformed Church, both in Europe and America. He kept himself abreast of the current discussion of all important religious ques- tions. He read carefully and critically the most significant works, often writing notices of them for some paper or review. But he read with hardly less avidity whatever came to hand — poetry, fiction, the most recent plays — partly for mental rest and refreshment, and partly that he might know what other people were reading. The work, however, outside of his pulpit and pastoral labors, in which he took the deepest interest, was that which he performed as one of the American Company of Revision of the English Bible, and which extended over a period of ten years. He was the only pastor in the Old Testament Company, and was one of its most faithful and highly esteemed members. At a later date he was no less prominently connected with the Alliance of Reformed Churches, holding the Presbyterian system. He was, together with Dr. Philip Schaff and Dr. James McCosh, active in its organization, became Chairman of the Western Section in 1884, and was elected Presi- dent of the Alliance in 1892. It was his expectation, if his life had been spared, to preside at its sijcth General Council, which was to be held at Glasgow in June, 1896, and to deliver the usual presidential address, but he died a few months before this meeting. See notice of his death, in "Collegiate Ch. Year-Book, " 1896, 279. "Ac- count of Memorial Window in Middle Ch.," in "Year-Book," 1897, 468. Sketch of his life, "Year-Book," 1899, 817. See also "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1896, 496. "Biog. Notices of Grads. of Rutgers College," 1896, 3, 4. "Rev. Dr. E. B. Coe's Commemorative Discourse," 1896, with an Appendix con- taining many tributes to his character. Rev. Dr. J. P. Searle's art. in ■"Presbyt. and Refd. Review," 1896; printed also separately. For a fuller sketch and list of his very numerous publications see Man- ual, 1902. Chambers, Theodore Frelinghuysen (son of T. W. Chambers), b. Raritan, N. J.. May 14, 1849. C.C. N.Y. 68. U.S. 71- 1- by Pres. N.Y. 71 ; teaching 71-2; ord. CI. Passaic, ^2. Ponds N. J., 72-6, (Clove, Decker- town, N. J., 76-83; Sparta, N. J., 84-7; German Valley, N. J., 87-98; S.S. Mine Hill; Dover, N. J.. 1898 . Dead. Publications : "Sparta Centennial," "Early Germans of N. J.," "Life of Edmund D. Halsey." Chapin, Charles Brooks (son of Rev. Dr. Henry B. Chapin), b. N. Y. C, May 20. 1855; C.N.J. 76, U.T.S. 77-80. lie. by N. Y. Presbyt. 80; ord. by Presb. Jersey City, 81 (Norwood, N. J., 81-2, Freeport, L. L, 83-7), Centennial Chapel, Brooklyn, ist, 88-9 (Schenectady, 1890-2), Hamil- ton Grange, N. Y. C, 1893-1904. Pres. 1904. D.D. by U.N.Y., 1895. Publications: Contribution to the Religious Press. Chapman, John Liddel, b. Ash Grove, near Clones, Ireland, Feb. 27, 1812; U.T.S. 38-41; resident lie. 41-2; ord. by CI. Bergen, Nov. 16, 42; Clintonville (Irvington), N. J., 42-9, Prin. of Chapman Home Insti- tute. Irvington, 49-61 (S.S. Irving. Kan., 64-8, Troy, Kan., 69-71, Prof. Bib. Theology, Lay College of T. De Witt Talmage's Tabernacle Church, Brooklyn, 1872-9; w. c. 1879-91; d. July 2"]. 280 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA He was a remarkable scholar and teacher, and published a number of school books. Chapman, J. Wilbur, b. Richmond, Ind., June 17, 1859; Lake Forest Univ., 79, Lane Sem., 82, lie. Whitewater Presb. Ind., 82; Schuylerville, N. Y., 83-5, Albany, ist, 85-90 (Bethany Presbyt. Ch., Philadelphia, 90-2, en- gaged in Evangelistic work, 92-6, Bethany, again, 96-9, 4th Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 1899 . Also engaged in evangelistic work. d. 1918, Dec. 25- See "Johnson's Sketch of Ch. of Albany," p. 40. Chapman, Nathan F., b. West Brook, Ct., Aug. 17, 181 1; R.C. 44, N.B.S. 47, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, at Keyport, 47-9, Canajoharie, 49-53, Plattekill, 53-64, Catsbaan, 64-73 (S.S.) Mt. Paran, Md., 74-81; died 1893, Feb. 2"]. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1893, 893. "Biog. Notices of Grads of R.C," 1893, 17- Cheff, Peter Paul, b. Rotterdam, Neths., Oct. 9, 1873; Doetinchem Gym. Kampen Theo. Sch; N.B.S. 1901 ; 1. by CI. Paramus ; Lawton and Harrison, Oklahoma, 1901-1902; Grand Rapids, Grace, 1903-05; Jamestown, ist, 1905-10; Zeeland, ist, 1910-17; Holland, Hope, 1918 . Instructor in H.C. 1917-18. Chester, Chs. H., b. 1816; Schuylerville, N. Y., 1844-9. Died 1878. For other details see "Manual" of 1879. Chickering, Edward O., b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1866; R.C. 1891, N.B.S. 1894, lie. by CI Raritan, 111., 1894-7, Schagticoke, N. Y., four months, 1897-8 ;• d. Mar. 12. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1898, p. 242. "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1898, 27. Chitara, Ludwig, once an Augustine monk, c. to America, 1785, studied under Hendel and Weyberg, 1. about 1787; Knowlton and Hardwick, N. J., 1787-92; d. "Harbaugh's Lives," ii, 404. Chittenden, Alanson B., b. at Durham, N. Y., 1797; U.C 1824, Aub. Sem. 28? Miss, to Montgomery Co., N. Y., 27-8, Glen and Miss, at Charles- town, 31-4, Amity, 34-9, Westerlo, 39-40, Sharon, 41-5; d. 1853. Chrestensen, David Hanson, b. Andes, N. Y. Ham. Col. 1889. Aub. Sem. 1892. 1. by Pres. of Utica. (Pres. Milford, N. Y., 1892-4). Irvington, N. J., 1894-96; Blooming Grove, N. Y., 1897-1903; Nassau, N. Y., 1903— — -. S.C CI. of Rensselaer 1917 Publications : Articles in Intelligencer." Christ, Jacob, b. Aug. 5, 1855, Germany. Mission House Col. 1884 and Sem. 1886. 1. by CI. Scheboyan, Ref. Ch. U.S. (Ref. Ch. U.S. Wau- kon 1886-91; Fountain City, Wis., 1892-1902). Rec'd from Ref. Ch. U.S. 1902. Salem, S.D., 1902-06. (Ref. Ch. U.S. Odebolt, la., 1906- 13; Ledyard, la., 1913-18, Pastor Emeritus. Christie, James, studied under Mason, 1815; 1. 1815; Union Village, 1816- 18. Assoc. Ref. Christie, John I., b. at Schraalenberg, 1781 ; CC 1799, studied under Froe- Hgh, 1. CI. Bergen, 1802 (Amsterdam and Galway, Presbyt., 1803-12) ; Warwick, 12-35; d. 1845. See "Manual" of 1879; also "Ch. Int.," Ap. 23, 1845- Christmas, J. C H., b. 1868. N.B.S. 1901-04. Methodist. Church, John Brownson, b. Oxford, N. Y., June 15, 1843. R.C. 1867, N.B.S. 70; lie. CI. Rensselaer; Taghkanic, 1870-7, Rochester (Accord), 1877-92, Riverside, Paterson, 1 892-1 921. d. April 15. He rendered faithful service for more than half a century in the Reformed Church. He was especially successful with the young. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 641. Churchman, Arthur Brewer, b. Brooklyn, N. Y. U.T.S. 1900. 1. by Pres. Brooklyn 1901. (S.S. Rutherford, N. J., 1898. Wallington, N. J., 1900. Ass. Pastor Madison Ave., N.Y.C. 1901-04. Bethany Memorial, N.Y.C, 1904 . In charge, Madison Ave., N.Y.C, 1915-18. S.C. CI. N. Y. 1909 . Sec. U.T.S. Alumni Club, 1909 THE MINISTRY 281 Clancy, John, Florida, 1855-60, Presbyt. Clapp, Ernest, b. Newton, N. C, Dec. 11, 1867; Ursinus Col., 89, U.T.S. 89-90, Urs. T.S. 90-1 (ord. by Ger. Refd. CI. of Philadelphia; Royers- ford. Pa., 1891-2) ; Hopewell, N. Y., 1892-1903. Upper Red Hook, 1904-13. Poughkeepsie, Emmanuel, 1914-18. Also S.S. Hyde Park, 1917-18. New Paltz, 1918 . D.D. Catawba C, 1918. Clark, John Lewis, b. Decatur, 111., Aug. 27, 1865; Lin.U. 91, U.T.S. 94 (ord. by Presbyt. Mackinaw, Sept. 27, 1890; Chapel Miss. Presbyt., Brooklyn, 1892-5) ; Assist. Pastor CoUeg. Ch., N. Y. C, 1895-7 (Chi- cago, Cumb. Presb., 1898-1901), w. c. Clark, Rob. C. Univ. Penn. 1834. N.B.S. 1838, 1. CI. of Philadelphia; license afterward withdrawn at his own request, 1844. Clark, Rufus W., b. in Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 17, 1813; Y. C. 38, New Haven and And. Sems., 41, lie. Presbyt. Newburyport, 1840 (Wash- ington, D. C, Presbyt., 41-2, Portsmouth, N. H., Cong., 42-51, Maver- ick, Ch., East Boston, Cong., 51-6, Brooklyn, Cong., 57-62) ; Albany, 1st, 1862-82; d. Aug., 1885. D.D. by Dr. Clark was a faithful pastor, a strong preacher and a kindly friend. He was also a very voluminous writer of books, pamphlets and newspaper articles. For a list of these see Manual, 1902. Clark, Wm. (S.S.) Buel, N. Y., 1843-4. Clark, Wm. Hendee, b. at Hudson, Ohio, Ap. 11, 1837; W.R.C. 59, U.S. 63, lie. by Presb. Brooklyn; ord. by Presb. of Columbia, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1864 (Spencertown, N. Y. (Presbyt.), 1863-5); Chapel of (Zolleg. Ch., N. Y. C, cor. 29th St. and Seventh av., 65-9, Chapel of Colleg. Ch., cor. 54th St. and Seventh av., 69-72, Paterson (Broadway), 72-81, Nyack, N. Y.. 81-6. Philadelphia, 2d, 86-91. Bay City, Mich. (Presb.), 91-6, Detroit, Mich. (Immanuel Ch.), 96 . D.D. by Adelbert Coll. of Western Reserve Univ., O., 1884. Clark, William Walton "Infant Baptism." "The Bible of Divine Origin" : A premium tract. A Ser. on the "Necessity of the Atonement," 1830, in "Murray St. Lectures."' and "The Scripture Doct. of Regeneration," 1832. De Witt, John (son of John De Witt, above), b. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 29,. 1821; R.C. 38, N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. N.B.; Ridgeway, Mich., 42-4, Ghent, N. Y., 1st, 44-9, Canajoharie, N. Y., 49-50, Millstone, N. J., 50-63, Prof.. of Bib. Lit. in N.B.S., 63-84, Prof, of Hellenistic Greek and N. T. Exegesis, N.B.S., 84-92, resigned. Member of O.T. Revision Commit- tee 1872-85. Editor of American Standard Edition R.V. 1901. d. Oct. 19, 1906. D.D. by R.C, i860. LL.D. by Lafayette Coll., 1882. Litt.D. by C.C, 1888. Dr. De Witt was a large man, full of vitality, quick in movement and speech, optimistic, given to abstraction. He was a profound scholar and a unique genius. He was very active in securing the funds for the fourth professorship in the N.B. Seminary. He also increased the endowment by his personal appeals to the amount of $70,000. His name deserves to stand beside that of Livingston in the annals of the Seminary's growth in equipment and effi- ciency. Dr. De Witt was invited to become a member of the American Old Testa- ment Revision Company, at its formation in 1872. When the Anglo-Amer- ican edition was published, in 1885, he was requested by the American committee to prepare the Old Testament for a future American edition, by incorporating the Appendix in the text. His report concerning the incom- pleteness of the Appendix led to the enlargement of the plan, and resulted in the pul)lication of "The American Standard Edition": Thos. Nelson & Sons, August, 1901. With the surviving members of the company, Dr. De Witt labored upon this edition up to its very issue, although he was eighty years of age at its date of issue. See Manual, 1902. Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 1908. Publications: "Our Catechisms and Confessions": A scries of articles in the "Christian Intelligencer," 1872. "The Sure Foundation and How to Build On It," i860. "Bible Revised and the Psalm," 1880. "The Praise Songs of Israel, a New Rendering of the Psalms," 1884; 2d ed., 1886; 3d ed., with introductory essay and notes, 1891. "W'hat Is Inspiration? A Fresh Study of the Question, with New and Discriminative Replies," 1893. "Progressive Revelation." De Witt, lohn Ten Eyck, s. of Richard De Witt, 1). Guilford, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1867; R.C. 89. N.B.S. 92, 1. CI. Ulster; Oradell, 1892-1903. w. c. De Witt, Peter, b. at Flatbush, Feb. 17, ,1739; C.N.J. 1769, studied theoL under Livingston, lie. by General Meeting of Alinistcrs and Elders, 1778; 308 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Rhinebeck, Rhinebeck Flats, 87-98, and Upper Red Hook, 1788-91, Ponds and Wyckoff, 1798-1809, d. Oct. 7. De Witt, Richard, b. at Hurley, N. Y., July 21, 1839; R.C. 60, N.B.S. 63, 1. CI. Kingston; Guilford, 64-71, Spring Valley, 71-76, Wallkill Valley, 77-89, Flatbush (Ulster Co.), N. Y., 89-1901, d. Feb. 20. See Manual, 1902. De Witt, Thomas, b. at Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1791 ; U.C. 1808; studied theology under Brodhead and Froeligh, and at N.B.S. 1812, lie. CI. N.B. ; Hopewell and New Hackensack, Nov. 24, 1812-25, Hopewell, 1825-7, New York, 1827-74, d. May 18. Elected a trustee of R.C. 1840; of C.C. 1858. Ed. of "Ch. Int.," 1831-43. D.D. by R.C. 1828. Dr. De Witt was a great man, great in body, in mind and soul. For more than a generation he ranked as one of the leading pastors and preachers in New York City. He was peculiarly honored by all classes of men and all denominations of Christians. He was identified with very many of the benevolent organizations of the city and was one of the principal factors in the Bible and Tract Society. For 30 years he was one of the Vice-Presi- dents of the Historical Society and its president in 1871-2. In 1846 he visited Europe and secured from the Classis of Amsterdam the gift to the Re- formed Church in America of much of the Amsterdam Correspondence, 1638-1776. See Manual of 1902 for fuller sketch and references and also for a list of his numerous publications. De Witz, C. F., Yankton, Scotland (Ebenezer), S. D., 1896-9, Baileyville, 111., 1890-1902. Joined Ref. Ch. in U.S. Dey, Richard Varick (grandson of Archibald Laidlie), b. N. Y. C, Jan. 11, 1801, C.C. 1818, N.B.S. 1822, lie. by Congregationalists, Greenfield Hill, Ct., 22-9, Vandewater St. Ch., N. Y. C, 29-31, Huguenot Ch., Charles- ton, S. C, Aug. 31-Aug. 32, supplying Bleecker St. Ch., N. Y. C, and preaching in the Apollo rooms, Broadway (near Canal st.), 32-5; S.S. at Upper Black Eddy and Milford, 1835. Died Sept. 20, 1837. A.M. by Y.C. 1823. Publications: Fun. Disc, of Mrs. Mary Laidlie, 1825. There is a sketch of Mrs. Dey, who died Mar. 3, 1886, in "N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record," vol. xvii, 242. She was Lavinia Agnes Scott, of New Brunswick, N. J., and mar- ried Mr. Dey Sept. 11, 1822. See "Collegiate Ch. Year-Book," 1886, p. 83. Deyo, Paul T. Samsonville, 1868-70, Dashville Falls, 70-3, Kiskatom, 73-5, Krumville, 76-93, and Lyonsville, 76-81, w. c. Died Aug. 16, 1901. De Young, Abraham, (De Jong), b. Chicago, 111., 1878. H.C. 1900. W.T.S. 1903. 1. by CI. Wis. 1903. Waupun, Wis., 1903-10, Cooperville, Mich., 1910-18; Grand Rapids, 5th, 1918 . Pres. Bd. Supt. W.T.S. 1920. De Young, Benjamin, b. Chicago, 111., March 10, 1886. H.C. 1907. N.B.S. 1907-09. W.T.S. 1910. 1. by CI. Wis. Missionary, Gray Hawk, Ken., 1910-14. Clymer Hill, N. Y., 1915-18, Arcadia, N. Y., 1918 De Young, Cornelius. H.C. N.B.S. 1916. 1. by CI. N.B. 1916. Schenec- tady, Bellevue, 1916-1921 ; Orange City, la. (American), 1921 De Young (De Jong), John Lucas (neph. of J. P. De Jong), b. Roseland, 111., Dec. 12, 1872; H.C. 93, P.S. 96, 1. CI ; Orange City, la. (Am. Ch.), 96-7, d. at St. Diego, Feb. 6, 1898. A young man of great promise, but cut off by consumption soon after entering the ministry. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1898, 238. Dickens, Wm. H. Rec'd from Baptists 1913. Maurice, la., 1913-17; High- wood, N. Y. and Plattskill, N. Y., 1917-21 ; Ephratah and Stone Arabia, 1921 Dickhaut, Benj. Edward, b. Brooklvn, N. Y., Ap. 29. 1863; R.C. 84, ■ N.B.S. 87, 1. S. CI. L. I.; ord. by CI. N. Y., 87; Missionary in N. Y. C, 87-9, Fishkill, 89-96, South Brooklyn, 1896-1903; First Harlem Col., N. Y. C, 1903-09; Hamilton Grange, N. Y. C. (S.S.) 1909; (First Presbyterian, Jamaica, N. Y., 1909-11. d. Dec. z'j, 1911). THE MINISTRY 309 Dickhaut, John Conrad, b. Cur Hesse, Ostheim, Ger., Feb. 17, 1815; studied under Dr. Guldin, of N. Y. C. ; lie. and ord. by CI. N. Y. about 1845; N. Y. C. 3d Ger. Refd., 1845; New Brooklyn (Ger.), 54-66, also New- town (Ger.), 56-61, East Williamsburgh (Ger.), 66-71, Canarsie, 76-86, emeritus. Died Dec. 30, 1887. He was highly esteemed, being an earnest, godly and zealous man. He accomplished great good in the German churches to which he ministered. He was careful, prudent, God-serving, and an excellent counselor. He was also an excellent preacher, and his fellow countrymen loved to hear him. His strength lay in his earnest, consistent, godly life, and his general enthusiasm in the Lord's work. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1888, 679. Dickhoff, Wm. Ebenezer (Oregon), 111., 1898. Dickson, Alexander, b. Rathfriland, Ireland, Dec. 25, 1827, U.C. 46, P.S. 46-8, ord. CI. Watervliet, May 16, 49; Waterford, 49-52, Albany, 3d, 53-60, S.S., Dudley Ch., Albany, 60-2, w. c. d. Jan. i, 1904. D.D. by U.S. 1877. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1904, 837. Publications : "All About Jesus," 1875. "Beauty for Ashes," etc. Many articles in the press. Dickson, Henry R., b. in Charleston, S. C, 1838; Charleston Coll. 58, Columbia Sem., 61; lie. Presb , 61 (Colleton district, S. C, 18. .-. ., in hospitals at Richmond, during the Civil War; Ebenezer and Rockhill, S. C, 186s — , York, S. C, 18..-..) ; Brooklyn, ist, 75-7, d. Mar. 8. See "Manual" of 1879. Dickson, James E. Rec'd from Pres. 1914. Classis of N. Y. Dis. to Pres. 1916. Dickson, James Milliken, b. Ryegate, Vt., Feb. 6, 1831 ; Dart. Coll. 53. U.S. 57, lie. N. Y. Presbyt. of Ref. Presbyt. Ch., May 20, and ord. by same Nov. 18, 1857 (ist Ref. Presb., Brooklyn, 57-63; 6th Presbyt. Ch., Newark, N. J., 63-70; Goodwill Presbyt. Ch., Montgomery, N. Y., 70- 83) ; N. Y. C. 34th St., 83-89 (Pilgrim Cong., Providence, R. I., 89-94) ; East New York, 1894-1903. (North Yakima, Wash., Cong. S.S. — ). d. Jan. 29, 1913. D.D. by Drury College, 1884. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1913, 897. Publications: "The Goodwill Memorial": A Hist, of Presbyt. Ch., Montgomery, N. Y., including the general local history, 1880. Contribu- tions to the press. Diekhoff, Wm., b. Oct. 24, 1855, Ostfriesland, Germany. Educated in Ger- many. Dubuque Sem. 1888. 1. by Presbytery of Dubuque 1887. (Pres. Freeport, 111., 3d, 1888-95; German Pres., Peoria, 111., 1896-7) ; Oregon, 111., Ebenezer, 1898 Diephuis, Jacobus, b. in Neths., 1832; Kampen Sem., Ncths., 65; pastor of Ch. Refd. chs. in Neths., 65-87, Huizen being his last charge; Worten- dyke, N. J., 87-9, d. Dec. 31. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1890, 193. Ditmars, Cornelius Peterson, b. Ap. 23, 1853, Roycefield, N. J. ; R.C. 76, N.B.S. 79. 1. CI. N. B.; Leeds, 79-83, Niskayuna. 1883 . S.C. and Treas. CI. Schenectady 1885 . S.C. P.S. Albany 1889. Bd. Supt. N.B.S. 1893 . Pres. Bd. Supt. N.B.S. 1906. Publications: Many articles for "Ch. Int." Poems. "A Chapter in Ch. History"; Address at 150th Anniversary of Ch. of Niskayuna, 1900. Ser- mon at 35th anniversary of pastorate at Niskayuna, 1918. Dixon, Charles Morison, b. at Newark, N. J., Alay 24, 1871 ; R.C. 94, N.B.S. 97, lie. CI. N. B.; Prattsville and Grand Gorge, N. Y., 1897- 1903. Pompton, 1903 . S.C. and Treasurer CI. of Schoharie. Mem- ber Bd.- of Superintendents N.B.T.S. ■ Dixon, Joseph, Shawangunk, 1892-9 (Beemerville, N. J., 1899 ) Dobbs, John Francis, b. Liberty Corner, N. J., July 2, 1870;- Lafayette Coll. 97, U.S. 1900, 1. by Presby. of Elizabeth; Mott Haven, N. Y.- €. (S.S.), 98-1900, pastor 1900-08; Syracuse, N. Y., ist, 1908-15; Congre- gational, 1 91 5 3IO THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Doe, Walter P., b. 1813, U.C. 44, U.S. 46, S.S. at Gansevoort, 51-3. Died 1887. See "U. S. Gen. Cat." Doeppenschmidt, Chs., b. at Frankfort on the Main, from Ger. Evang. Assoc, Ohio, 1856; Jersey City, 4th (Ger), 1856-64, Hudson City, 2d (Ger), 1864-85, died May 13. He was educated in Germany as a Roman Catholic priest ; became a Protestant, came to America, and did good work among the Germans of Jersey City for nearly 30 years. Doig, Robert, b. in N. Y. City, July 11, 1842; R.C. 69, N.B.S. 72, 1. CI. Bergen; Berne and Beaverdam, 72-85, Glenville, 2d, 85-92, d. June 16. Repeated revivals blessed his ministry at Berne and Beaverdam. Failing health compelled him to seek a less laborious field. Although quiet and unassuming, he filled a large place in the Classis. He was ever ready to take up any work which might be assigned him. He was largely instru- mental in founding the churches of Altamont and Mt. Pleasant in the Classis of Schenectady. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1893, 888. "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C.," 1893, 25. Publications: "Hist. Disc, at 58th Anniversary of S.S. Berne," 1880. Fun. Ser. of G. G. Merselis. 1882. Fun. Add. D. S. Dyer, 1884. "Hist. :of Berne," in "Albany and Schenectady Co. Hist.," 1885. IDolfin, Cornelius, b. Dec. 23, 1891, Rotterdam, Kan. Calvin Col. W.T.S. 1919. 1. by CI. Michigan. Hudsonville, Mich, 1919 Doll, George J. L., b. at Frankfort, Germany, 1739; c. to America in or before 1770; Albapy (Ger.), 1772-5, Kingston, 1775-1808; died March 28, 1811. He preached in German and French, when at Albany, and in Dutch at Kingston, being the last preacher in that language at that place. During the .first summer of Dr. Gosman's preaching in English, Mr. Doll occasionally preached in Dutch in the afternoon to please the older people. The pastor- .ate of Domine Doll covered the trying period of the Revolution, during which he was as patriotic as he was devout. This is evident from his ihrilling letter addressed to Gov. George Clinton on the occasion of his inauguration at Kingston as the first Governor of the State of New York, •on the 30th of July, 1777 ; and also from his letter addressed to General Washington, when on a visit to Kingston in 1782. Kingston was taken by -the British under General Vaughan and burned, Oct. 16, 1777. There are ireasons to believe that they were at first reluctant to burn the church. But iupon learning of the active patriotism of Domine Doll and his Consistory ithey no longer hesitated, but sacrilegiously applied the torch to the house of God, and also to the parsonage. He served the Church of Kingston faith- fully and acceptably for S3 years, when, in consequence of the infirmities of age and a growing desire to have preaching in English, a colleague was called — John Gosman. In May, 1809, he removed to Kinderhook, to reside with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Jas. Vanderpoel. An obituary of the day says : "His unblemished life, his ardent zeal in the cause of religion, the purity of his morals and the Christian meekness which adorned his char- acter proclaimed him 'the messenger of truth, the legate of the skies.' Al- though he had no relatives in this country, the unspotted excellence of his life had attached to him numerous and distinguished friends. He had no -enemies. His unwearied pains to spread the Gospel blessings, and to preach Christ and Him crucified, had endeared him to every member of his flock. By him the violated law spoke out its thunders, and by him in strains as sweet as angels use, the Gospel whispered peace." Donald, James. Mariaville, 1844-50, w. c. 1853. iDonehue, Hugh. Krumville, N. Y. 1914. Probably a mistake. No such man in the ministry. Donma, John W. 1911. See Douma, John W. Donovan, George H., b. Philadelphia, Feb. 28, 1881. N.B.S. 1910; Rockv Hill, 1910-18; Newark, N. J., N. Y. Ave., 1918 THE MINISTRY 3II Doolittle, Horace, b. at Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Mar. i, 1803; U.C. 26, P. S. 29, lie. Presb. N. B., Oct. 8, 1828, ord. by Presby. Elizabeth, Apr. 30, 1830 (Springfield, N. J., 30-2, South Orange, 32-40, both Presb.) ; Pompton, 40-52, Stanton, 52-72, S.S. Three Bridges, Aug., 76-7, d. Feb. 18, 1877. See Manual, 1902. Doolittle, Philip Melanchthon, b. Jan. 20, 1831 (son of Horace Doo- little) ; U.C. 1852, N.B.S. 1856, 1. CI. of Philadelphia, 1856; North Branch, 1856-1906. d. Oct. 25. Member Bd. of Education 1884-1906. D.D. by R.C. 1901. He was preeminently a faithful preacher and pastor in one charge for half a century. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 911. Doolittle. Theodore Sandford, b. at Ovid, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1836; R.C. 59, N.B.S. 62, lie. by CI. of N. Y. ; Flatlands, L. I., 62-64, Prof. Rhetoric, Logic and Metaphysics in Rutgers College, 64-93; d. Ap. 19. Elected Vice-President, R.C. 1889; acting President, 89-91. D.D. by Wesleyan Univer. 1872; LL.D. by U.C. 1891. Dr. Doolittle was a man of marked literary ability, and of a very graceful style both with tongue and pen. He studied and read broadly, travelled much and was widely acquainted with men and affairs. His memory was wonderful. Hence in pulpit, class room and social gathering he was always interesting and attractive. He was a man to admire, love and from whom one must learn much. For a fuller account of his active life and a list of his numerous publica- tions in Manual of 1902. Doremus, Andrew, b. Jan. 26, 1837. R.C. 64. N.B.S. 64-5, Congregational. Dorcmus, George S. (son Rev. Joseph Doremus), b. Stephensburg, N. J., June 13, 1871. N.B.S. 1897. Presbyterian. Doremus, Joseph, b. Parsippany, N. J., Ap. 19, 1835. R.C. '62. N.B.S. '65. 1. by CI. Passaic. Presbyterian, d. Sept. 10, 1904. Dorsius, Peter Henry, b.'at Meurs, Ger., 171 1; matriculated at C^roningen University, Ap. 5, 1734, as a student of theology; at Leyden University Sept. 17, 1736; ditto; lie. CI. Schieland, at Rotterdam, Ap. 30, 1737; ordained by the Theolog. Faculty at Groningen, May 29, 1737; sailed for America, July 11, 1737; arrived at Philadelphia, Oct. 5; Bucks Co., Pa., 1737-48; visited Holland, sailing May 26, 1743, arriving July 14; sailed for America Oct. 19, 1743; arrived in Philadelphia Jan. 14, I744; O.S.; returned to Holland, 1748. The Consistory in Bucks Co., Pa., wrote to Holland, asking for a min- ister. They sent funds for his voyage and promised him $144 per year. An answer was sent back that such a young man had been found, but was not yet through his studies and asked whether a part of the money sent might not be devoted to his tuition. This was granted. When about to start he offered to serve the Deputies of the Classis of Amsterdam in any way. They gladly accepted his offer and asked him to give them all the information possible about the German Reformed in Pennsylvania. He wrote to them March i, 1738, describing Pennsylvania and its churches, but made no reference to Rev. J. P. Boehm and his work. On June 9, 1738, at the joint desire of the Deputies of the Synods of North and South Holland, thir- teen questions were submitted to Dorsius, asking for specific information about Pennsylvania. Upon receiving them Dorsius invited Boehm to visit him, which he did, Nov. 28, 1738. Together they forrnulated a report as to the number of Reformed congregations in Pennsylvania ; as to the num- ber of these which each minister served; as to the number of Elders, Deacons and communicants, as well as schoolmasters and precentors. This report was sent to Holland in the spring of I739- On July 26, 1743, he was present at the meeting of the Synod of North Holland, meeting at Hoorn. where he made a further report about Pennsylvania. For his trouble the 312 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Synod recompensed him. On Sept. i6, 1743, he appeared before the Depu- ties at the Hague and made a report to them, concerning Pennsylvania. They also recompensed him by a present in money, $12, and asked him why he returned to Holland. He answered that he wished to consult them about his future ; whether he could go to another field, or organize a con- gregation in Philadelphia in union with his congregations in Bucks Co., in order that he might receive some better compensation, for his salary had been reduced from $144 to $96; his young people were becoming Eng- lish ; and the Moravians and Romanists were active in his vicinity. He said that the only remedy was to send more ministers and have the Depu- ties guarantee their salaries. The Deputies gave him permission to change his field or to organize a new church in Philadelphia. The Deputies also urged his speedy return and instructed him to make out a fuller report and send it, so that the Synods of July, 1744, might have it for action. He sailed from Rotterdam Oct. 19, 1743, and landed in Phila- delphia, Jan. 16, 1744, O. S. He now, with the assistance of Boehm, prepared a more elaborate report of the conditions and necessities of Pennsylvania. He also suggested a plan in a letter of Feb. 16, 1744, by which the Pennsylvania churches might be- come self-supporting with the formation of a Coetus. He also prepared Goetschius one of the Frelinghuysens, Fryenmoet, Jonathan Du Bois and Marinus, more or less fully, for the ministry. When Rev. Michael Schlatter arrived on his mission in 1746 he received him kindly, but he was not present at the preliminary meetings in 1746 or 1747. He did not think t+iat Schlatter had anything to do with the Dutch churches, but only with the Germans. He also claimed that his Dutch churches in Bucks Co. were independent ; yet the Consistory of Dorsius went to Philadelphia in May, 1748, to confer with Schlatter about their church. The fact was that Dorsius was breaking down from drink and his Consistory wished to be relieved of him. His wife left him on account of his drunkenness and on Sept. i, 1749, his Consistory suspended him from service. Meantime he had sailed from Philadelphia, Aug. 4, 1748, for Ireland. He reached Rotterdam finally on Oct. i, 1748, and supplied churches at Rot- terdam and Maaslings. On July 13, 1740, he appeared before the Deputies and suggested plans for the benefit of the congregations in Pennsylvania. On Jan. 13, 1750, he asked the Classis of Amsterdam to send him to d'Elmina under the care of the West India Co., but the Classis could not do this without the proper papers of dismissal from his congregation in Pennsylvania. He again met the Deputies of the Synods, Jan. 20, 1750, and asked for a dismission from his church in America in order to go to d'El- mina in Guinea ; but as the Deputies had not appointed him to Pennsylvania, they said they could not dismiss him. By a letter from his wife they also learned about his conduct in Pennsylvania and refused to have anything more to do with him, referring him to the Classis of Amsterdam. The Classis repeatedly asked him to appear before them, but he did not. On Oct. 5, 1750, the Classis learned all the facts from the Deputies. Mrs. Dorsius continued to receive aid from Holland or the Pennsylvania Coetus imtil 1776. See "Dr. Jas. I. Good's Reformed (Ger.) Church in America." "Ecc. Rec. N.Y." "Manual of 1879." Minutes of North Holland, 1736-8. Dosker, Henry E. (son of Rev. Nich. Dosker), b. Bunschoten, Neths., Feb. 5, 1855; Gymnasium of Zwolle, Neths., June 24, 73; H.C. 76; Mc- Cormick Sem., Chicago, 79, 1. CI. Grand River ; Ebenezer, 79-82, Grand Haven, 82-6, Lector of Theology, Holland, Mich., 84-8, Holland, 3d, Mar.. 89-94, Prof. Hist. Theology, Western Theolog. Sem., Holland, Mich., 1894-1903. (Prof. Ch. Hist. Kentucky Theo. Sem., Lewisville, Kent, 1903 . Pres.). D.D. R.C. 1894. LL.D. Cent. Univ. 1905. Publications : "De Zondagschool," 1882. "Levensschets van Dr. A. C. THE MINISTRY 313 Van Raalte." 1893. "John of Barneveldt, Martyr or Traitor," 1898. "John Calvin," in "Presbyt. Quarterly," 1900. Dr. Bavinck on "The Principium Externum," in "Presbyt. Quarterly." "Topical Outline Studies in Ecc. Hist.," 1901. Numerous Magazine Articles. Sermon on Patriotism before Van Raalte Post, G. A. R., 1901. Dosker, Nicholas H., b. at Amsterdam, Neth., June 18, 1820; Univ. Gron- ingen, Nov. 20, 1849; lie. by CI. Groningen, Ap. 10, 1850; ord. by same May 19, 1850 (Groningen, 50-2, Bunschoten, 52-6, Almkerk, 56-62, Harlingen, 62-9, Zwolle, 69-73, all in Holland) ; c. to America, 1873; Grand Rapids, 2d, 73-83, Kalamazoo, 83-87. Died Ap. 18. Member of Council H.C. 1883-7. Bd. of Supt. W.T.S. 1885-7. He was eminent as a scholar, a preacher and a pastor before coming to America. In the New World he was readily adapted to the genius of the Re- formed Church. He became a tower of strength to his church and Classis, especially during the period of agitation and defection 1880-82. His life and ministry were crowned with large results. See Manual, 1902. Doty, Elihu, b. in 1809. R.C. 1835; N.B.S. 36, 1. CI. Schoharie ; Missionar.v, Batavia, 36-9, Sambas, Borneo, June, 39-40, in Borneo, 40-April, 44, Amoy, June, 44-5. in America, 46-7, Amoy, 47-59, in America, 60-1, Amoy, 61-4. sailed for America, Nov. 30, 1864; d. on passage. His first aspirations after missionary life were formed in the Sabbath- school. In his studies he was known for his faithful application and excel- lent scholarship — not showy, but solid, developing excellent judgment and great balance of mind, and winning respect and confidence by his earnest and decided piety. He was somewhat advanced in age when he began his preparation for the ministry, and, by the advice of others, overleaped two 3'ears of the collegiate course. He was a man of massive solidity of char- acter, and his religious convictions of great strength. He was not brilliant or profound, his reading was not extensive, nor did he sacrifice much to the graces. Yet what he undertook he performed. His integrity, intellectual and moral, was complete, and no one ever dreamed of questioning his con- scientiousness. His missionary ardor was increased by the magnetic pres- ence and contagious enthusiasm of the genial and winning David Abeel. In Borneo his labor appeared fruitless, but in Amoy he was abundantly re- warded. In his later years in China, he gave himself more especially to the literary work of the mission, preparing for the press such works as were deemed suitable. He was admirably fitted for this department by his habits of accuracy, his candor, judgment and freedom from caprice and prejudice. He was a laborious man. There was no romance in his character. A stern, determined worker, he sturdily pressed on. He met difificulties with a quiet heroism, but turned not aside. He never spared himself till friends com- pelled him. He met with many discouragements in the deaths of his fellow- missionaries. Abeel, Pohlman, Thompson, in the loss of two wives succes- sively, and in asthmatic difticulties. At last he felt compelled to leave China finally to die among his I)rethren, but four days before reaching his native land he expired. His disability and subsequent decease were due to over- work. For fourteen years his salary was re.gularlv contributed by the Mar- ket St. Church, N. Y. C. See fuller sketch in "Ch. Int.," April 6, 1865. PuBLiCATioxs : "Narrative of a Tour in Borneo." "Some Thoughts on the Proper Term for God in the Chinese." 8vo, pp. 28. "Shanghai," 1850. "Translation of Sacramental and Marriage Forms of R.P.D.C. into Amoy Colloquial," 1853. "Anglo-Chinese Manual of the Amoy Dialect." 8vo, pp. 212, 1853. (This is in the Romanized character.) "Translation and Revision into the Amoy Dialect of Milner's "Thirteen Village Sermons, in- cluding Milner's Tract on the Strait Gate." "Amoy," 1854. Dougall, Arthur, b. Alpans, Schenectady Co., N. Y., Nov. 20, 1868; U.C. 92; P.S. 95; lie. Presbyt. of Albany, 95; ord. Presbyt., Newcastle, 95 (Northwood, N. Y. (Pres. Miss.), May-Sept., 94, Berlin, Md., 1895- 190c) ; Fort Plain, N. Y., 1900-1902. Presbyterian 1902 314 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Doughty, James Walter, b. Circleville, O. P. Univ. 1887. P.S. 1890. I. by Pres. of N.B. 1890. (Pres. Missionary, Japan, 1890-1902. Sc. N. Y. Bible Society 1902-06. Lecturing 1906-13. Civic Work, Citizen's Union, N.Y., 1913-19. West Hoboken, N. J., Hope, 1919— — Douma, John W. 1. by CI. Holland. Hull, la., American Ref., 1911-14. Douma, Robert W., Twin Lakes, Mich., 1914-17; Ada, Mich., 1917-1920; Presbytery of Northern Arizona, 1920. Douwstra, George H., b. Aug. 14, 1876, Grand Rapids, Mich. Central Col. 1901. W.T.S. 1904. 1. by CI. Wis. 1904. Lansing, 111., 1904-08; Hos- pers, la., 1908 . Member of Bd. Supt. N.W.C. Acd. Member Bd. Supt. W.T.S. Douwstra, Harm, Pella, 3d, 1894-1902, Kalamazoo, 3d, 1902-1903. Free Grace, Middleburg (Orange City), 1903 Douwstra, Richard D., b. Neth., Oct. 19, 1874 . Central C. '01. W.T.S. 1904. Chicago, Gano, 1904-10; Newkirk, 111., 1910-17; Boyden, la., 1919-21 ; Westfield, N. D., 1921 Dowling, George Thos., b. N. Y. C. June 2, 1849; Hamilton Coll.; Crozier Theolog. Sem. (Fellowship, N. J., Bapt., 1870-1, Providence, R. I., Bapt. 3d, 71-3, Cleveland, O., Baptist Central, 7i-..); Lecturing; Al- bany, Madison Ave., 1889-92; Lecturing; (became Episcopalian; Brook- Lne, Mass.; Pasadena, Cal.). Doyle, Daniel P. From Mt. Hermon School; Long Island City (Sunny- side), 1897-1903; Linlithgow, 1903-06; Schodack, 1906-14; Grand Gorge, 1914-15; Long Island City, ist, 1915-19; Colts Neck, 1919 Dragt, John J., b. Wolvega, Neth., July 2, 1839. Traveling Evangelist in Netherlands, Christian Reformed Churches, Mich., 1881-92, Pella and Firth, Neb., 1895-6, Muscatine, Iowa, 97; Rotterdam, Kan., 1897-1905, Roseland, Minn., 1905-10, Silver Creek, Maple Lake, Miss., 1910-13, Clara City and Twin Brooks, S.D. (S.S.) 1917-20. d. Nov. 6, 1920. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 633. Drake, Edward Alexander, b. Chicago, 111., May 11, 1871 ; Lake Forest Coll., 94 ; Aub. Sem., 97 ; lie. CI. Montgomery ; Manito and Spring Lake, 111., 1897-1903; Pennsylvania Lane, 1903-07. Became Presbyter- ian. Drake, Francis Topping, b. at Southold, L. I., June 20, 1805; R,C. 38; N.B.S. 41; lie. CI. Orange; Wurtsboro', 42-4, Canastota, 44-53 (Middle Is., L. I., Presbvt., 53-63, supplied Holly, N. J., Presbyt. one year; d. 1867, Feb. 18). See "Manual of 1879." Dreyer, John H., b. 1768, New York, Ger. 1812-14, went to Europe, w. c. 1814-24, name stricken from roll ; d. 1840. Drisius, Samuel, b. 1600, residing at Middelburg when he matriculated in Leyden University, Sept. 23, 1620, aged 20; topic of study not specified. Pastor of an English-speaking church in England (not Dutch, as gen- erally said) from i630?-i649?; matriculated a second time, at Leyden, Jvme 14, 1649, as a student of Medicine; aged 46?; residence, Anglus, England; sailed for America April 4, 1652; New Amsterdam, 1652-73; d. April 18. On account of the political troubles Drisius had left England about 1648-9 and begun the study of medicine at Leyden, as above indicated. He now signs his name as Samuel Dries, instead of the Latinized form of Drisius. There is a slight discrepancy as to his age, but there is no doubt as to his identity with the Drisius of 1620. There is also some confusion in the translation of "Duytsch." This has been translated by "German," but it really means Dutch, which is, however, generally expressed by "Neder- duytsch." His name is Dutch — Dries, Driesch, being the same as van Dries- sen. Hence the statements that he was a German and brought up in the German tongue, seem incorrect. The latter certainly, for he was edu- cated at Leyden. The Minutes also speak of him always as having been a THE MINISTRY 315 "pastor in England," not a "Dutch pastor in England." It would seem then tliat his ministrations for a score of years had been in English, and hence the Classis wanted to know if he could yet speak Dutch well. For on Feb. 26 wo read that he was educated by Duitsche parents and in the Duitsche tongue; the Classis, therefore, determined to make trial how they liked his Duitsche pronunciation. This latter certainly means the Holland tongue; and his trial sermon is referred to in the next session (March 11) as having been in "Nederduytsch." On March 18 he presented commendatory testimonials from the entire Consistory of the English-speaking Presby- terian Church of Amsterdam. This implies that he preached in Englisii while in England. On April 4, 1652, the Directors of the West India Company wrote to Stuyvesant : "At your request for another preacher whom you desire, if possible, to preach in the English language, we have made every effort and, at last, as if sent by the Lord, Domine Samuel Dries, a bachelor of about 40 (?) years, has made his appearance, who, on account of the perturbances in England, where he had been preaching, being born of Dutch parents, retreated from there. He has the reputation of being a very pious man and possessed of great gifts, is able to preach in both languages, English and Dutch, and, if necessary, even in French. He is said to be of a very peaceful disposition and agreeable conversation, so that we are confident the community will be pleased with him and that he will be a great instru- ment for the propagating of God's holy Word and glory; also a suitable assistant to the old gentleman, Domine Megapolensis. We have allowed h m a salary of 100 florins per month ($40, or $480 per year) and 250 florins per year for subsistence." . . . "He is unmarried." . . . O'Callag- han (ii, 191) makes the same mistake about his age, following the Directors. He subsequently married Lysbeth Juriaensen, widow of Isaac Greveraet. She died in 1688. Munsell, in his "Annals of Albany," gives an interest- ing account of Mrs. Drisius (vii, 93). We have seen not a single docu- mentary reference that Drisius could, or ever did, preach in German. On account of his knowledge of English, he was employed as envoy to the Gov- ernor of Virginia, to negotiate a commercial treaty. He united with Mega- polensis in protesting against the Lutherans. They even induced Governor Stuyvesant to issue a proclamation breaking up their so-called conventicles. Fines and imprisonments were suffered by some for a violation of the order. Complaints were finally made to the W. I. Company, who administered a just rebuke. It was Drisius who first proposed to the company the estab- lishment of a Latin school in New Amsterdam, that the youth might not be required to go to Boston to secure a classical education. For a while he preached to the Huguenot and Vaudois settlers on Staten Island once a month, but ill-health, after a few years, compelled him to relinquish these services. See "Baird's Daille." See "Ecc. Rec. N. Y.," many letters. "Doc. Hist.," iii, 69. "Col. Hist.,"' i, 496, iii, 75, 646. "Gen. and Biog. Rec," vii, 61. It would be interesting to hunt up the place of his preaching for many years in England. Probablv a reference would be found to it in the Mints, of the Presbyterian Church of Amsterdam, 1649-52. These Minutes are intact from i6no. Droppers, Oliver G., b. Sept. 7, 1888, Cedar Grove, Wis. H.C. 1912. W.T.S. 1915. 1. by CI. Holland 1915. Byron Centre, Mich., 1915-19; Classical Miss. CI. G.R. 1919-20; Muskegon Heights, Mich., 1920-22, Cleveland, O., Calvary, 1922 Drumm, T. Porter, b. Isle of Man. 1881. McGill Univ. 1906. Montreal Pres. College 1910. Pastorates in New Brunswick, Canada, 1910-19; Newark, N. J., North, 1919 . D.D. R.C. 1920. Drury, John Benjamin, b. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Aug. 15. 1838; R.C. 58; N.B.S. 61; lie. CI. Poughkeepsie; Miss, to Davenport, la., 61-2. Ghent, 1st, 64-87, Editor of "Christian Intelligencer," 1887-1909. d. March 21. D.D. by R.C. 1880; Vedder Lectures, 1883; Lecturer in Summer 3i6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA School of Am. Institute of Christian Philosophy, 1885 ; Pres. of Gen. Syn., 1886. Dr. Drury was a faithful pastor and a truly great editor. He was stud- ious, doing his work slowly and well. He was a kindly man and, as he said of himself, "Born to stand in the breach." He had the gift of seeing the breach and he so filled it that it generally ceased to be. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 515- Publications : Many articles in magazines and papers and published ad- dresses, for which see Manual of 1902. Dubbink, Gerrit Hendrik, b. Overisel, Mich., Dec. 3, 1866; H.C. 92; W.S. 95; 1. CI. Holland; Holland, 3d, Mich., 1895-1904. Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology W.T.S. 1904-10. d. July 10. He was a student, a forceful and convincing preacher, and a tower of strength to the Seminary. Min. Gen. Syn., 191 1, 258. Publications : Hist. Sketch of 3d Ch. Holland, Mich., 1899. Du Bois, A. A. Rec'd from Presbyterian 1912. Bloomingburgh, 1912-14; North Paterson, 1914-15; Hull, la., Am. Ref., 1916-17. Presbyterian. Du Bois, Anson (son-in-law of P. S. Wynkoop), b. at Catskill, Aug. 29, 1821 ; R.C. 47; N.B.S. 50; 1. and ord. CI. Greene; Miss, to Thousand Isles, 50-4; Kingston, 2d, 54-9, Cor. Sec. Bd. Dom. Missions, 59-62, Schenectady, 2d, 62-9, teaching classical and Eng. school at Amelia C.H., Va., 69-70, and preaching to Dutch settlers at Amelia CH. and Mattoax, Va., 69-70; Flatlands, 70-82, St. Thomas, W. I., 82-6, supply at Owasco Outlet, 86,* Athenia, N. J., 86-1901 ; Emeritus, d. May i, 1905. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1865. D.D. by U.C, 1865. He was an unassuming spirit who faithfully performed every duty. — See Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 277. Publications: Documents and Family Hist, of Benj. Du Bois, who settled at Catskill, 1727. 4to, 1878. "Hist, of Church of Flatlands"; in MSS. in Sage Library; printed in "Stile's Hist. Kings Co., N. Y.," 1884. Pamphlets : Memorial Sermon for Rev. Wm. O. Allen, 25 yrs. pastor R.D.S., St. Thomas, W. I., 1885. Sermon against Sunday Opening of Co- lumbian Exposition, 1893. "Our Duty to the Future; an Address at Com- mencement of Western Theolog. Sem., Holland, Mich.," 1895. Many articles for press. See Manual, 1902. Du Bois, Benj., b. at PittsGrove, N. J., Mar. 30, 1739; studied under J. H. Goetschius, 1. by the American CI. 1764; Freehold and Middletown, 1764-1827; d. 18... Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1783. He was a man of prudence who maintained himself amid many difficulties. He was a great patriot and served in the army during the Revolutionary war. His bodily infirmities toward the latter part of his ministry greatly increased, so that he sometimes fainted in the pulpit, and in 1817 the Con- sistory gave him a colleague in Rev. S. A. Van Vranken. — "Hist. Dis. by Marcel-lus." "Du Bois Reunion," 107, 147. Rev. T. W. Wells' "Hist. Disc, at Marlboro'," 1877. "Proceedings N. J. Hist. Soc," iii, 133. See Manual, 1902. (His great-grandson, Benj. Du Bois Wyckofif, a Presbyt. minister, b. 1834; Hanover Coll. 18..; Allegheny Sem., 18..; Miss, to Allahabad, India, 60-2, Minpooric, 62-8, in America, 69-71, Futteghur, Ind., 71-5, re- turned to America, 75, Archibald and Oliphant, Pa., 76-9, Miss, in Greene Co., N. Y., 79-83, Jullinder, Gabatha, Ind., 83-8, Umballah, Ind., 88-95, hav- ing charge in this latter place of a leper asylum. Twenty-nine years were spent in India.) Du Bois, Geo., b. 1800. at New Paltz ; studied under Froeligh, 1819, 1. CI. Paramus, 1819 ; Bloomingburgh and Mamakating, 1820-4, Franklin St., New York, 1824-37, Tarrytown, 1838-44; d. See Manual of 1902. THE MINISTRY 31/ He published "A Caution to the Temperate," 1829. See "Bi-Centennial of Ch. Tarrytown," 147. Du Bois, Gideon, Aquackanonck, 1724-6. Du Bois, Gualthcrus (son of Rev. Peter Du Bois, of Amsterdam), b. at Streefkerk, Holland, 1671 ; lie. by CI. of Amsterdam, Apr. 5, 1695; ord. by same, June i, 1699, New York, 1 699-1 751 ; died Oct. 9. Supplied Hackensack 1728-30 and Bergen and other places occasionally. In the third edition of the "Manual," he is put down as a graduate of Ley- den University, 1697. This was stated on the authority of De Ronde's funeral sermon, as quoted in "Doc. Hist," iii, 324. But his name does not appear in the printed catalogues of either Leyden, Utrecht or Groningen. Yet in the Mints, of Classis, quoted below, laudable certificates, ecclesi- astical and academic, were read. His father, Rev. Peter Du Bois, was called from the church of Gorcum to Amsterdam, and installed there. May 25, 1687, and died March 3, 1698, being the looth minister settled in the Collegiate Church of Amsterdam, after the Reformation (Wagenaar's "De- script, of Amsterdam," ii, 145). There is only one Du Bois mentioned in the Leyden Catalogue — Adrian Du Bois, who matriculated Sept. 9, 1746, as a student of Theology, annos academicos habens, and only one in Utrecht University — Henry Francis Gualtherus Du Bois, but this was as late as 1874. There is no Du Bois in the catalogue of Groningen. That of Franeker has not been examined, if, indeed, it was ever printed. Du Bois was licensed to preach by the Classis of Amsterdam April 5, 1695. During the next four years, 1695-9, the church of New York was going through a great crisis, both about the obtaining of their charter and espe- cially the calling of the first minister under their new charter. The docu- ments are very voluminous, but interesting. But all was settled before Du Bois arrived in 1699. Rev. Hieronyums Verdieren had declined the call on account of the many and complex difficulties existing. Van Schaick and Banker, the Committee of the New York church, said to the Classis, "that the calling of and sending .of a minister should be conducted at the present juncture with the greatest care." One should be chosen of a very pacific character, in order, if possible, to quench the disturbances. Domine Selyns wrote an account of the difficulties, sending over copies of the official docu- ments, all of which are now recovered. After several attempts, the Classis, on May 4, 1699, voted on three candidates. Rev. Gualterus Du Bois, Rev. John Lydius, of Oyfberg, and Rev. Petrus Vas. Bu Bois was chosen by a plurality of votes and letters were at once written to New York. The Classis says : "From these nominees, we have chosen by a majority of votes. Rev. Gualterus Du Bois, a young man of about 28 years of liberal study and dig- nified gifts. He is a son of our deceased colleague (Rev. Peter) Du Bois. He is a very conscientious man and also amiable in intercourse. We feel assured that, with God's blessing, he will do good service in your church. Since he is an enemy of all partizanship, we have good hope that he may prove a blessed instrument to calm all your disturbances, both by his precept and example." On June i, 1699, after preaching a sermon, Du Bois under- went his final examination, "and did so acquit himself therein that the Assembly cordially admitted him to ordination to the Sacred Ministry. This was performed by the examiner, Scrillingh, by the laying on of hands." Vol. viii, 305. The next day the proper testimonials were given him by the Deputies and a duplicate of his call. On March 29, 1700, the Consi.story of New York wrote a letter heartily thanking the Classis "in providing us with such an excellent pastor as Domine Gualtherus Du Bois. His learning and virtues have justly become an ornament to our church. Through his remarkable zeal, mingled with gentleness, the troublesome disputes which have, through each other's rashness, now for some years past turned our church topsy-turvy, have at last been almost completely extinguished. Every one in the congregation takes the greatest satisfaction in his teaching and deportment." . . . "We 3i8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA clearly perceive the blessing of the Lord in this circumstance, for he has brought light out of darkness. For never was a congregation more agi- tated than ours over the calling of a minister ; and never did feeling extend to such hot antagonisms." In the fall of 1700 the Consistory built Domine Du Bois a new parsonage. He was evidently the right man for the times and place. The records of his church, his correspondence and tradition all unite in representing him as a man of a quiet and peaceful spirit. In seasons of difificulty arising from contentions, such as existed on Long Island and elsewhere, he exerted a most beneficient influence to conciliate and heal. Respectable in his pulpit exercises, prudent, judicious and consistent in his practical course, and kind in his spirit, he won the affection of the church and the respect of the community. He welcomed Schlatter on his arrival, in 1746. He preached for the last time on Sept. 25, 1751. He designed to proceed to Bergen the next day (Monday) and administer the Lord's Supper. But he was seized that Sabbath evening with illness which in ten days terminated his life. He had passed his eightieth year. The newspapers of the city noticed his death with high praise of him. He left a large amount of MSS., which testify to his industry and devotedness. In these he expounds in order whole books of the Bible. His wife, who accompanied him from Holland, was Helena Van Boelen. (But according to the "N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record," xi, 174, he married Helena Van Boelen, of New York, Dec. 13, 1700.; Some of his children became connected with the leading families of the day, and his descendants are numerous. He was the author of the plan for a Coetus, and one of its warmest friends at its original institution, in 1737, as well as ten years later, when it was brought into practical operation; but he died before the disruption of the church into Coetus and Conferentie and the sad contentions which followed. Had his life been spared, he would doubtless have exerted a most salutary influence. His correspondence (which remains in the archives of the church) with the Classis of Amster- dam, denotes ability and a spirit of moderation and kindness. His hand- writing is exceedingly neat and distinct, and his autographic signature peculiarly fine and imposing. In the Consistory room of the Collegiate Church there is a large and well-executed portrait of him. which strikes the beholder as characteristic of the qualities ascribed to him. The portraits of all his successors are also there to be seen. While such were the traits of his character, he was so universally honored that by vir- tue of accorded merit he was, says Smith, in his "History of New York," more like a bishop among the Dutch churches than the pastor of a single organization. — Rev. Dr. Thos. Dc Witt. Barclay, in his correspondence with the Church in England, throws out an unkind fling at him for resisting their encroachments. Mr. Du Bois bap- tized Samuel Provoost, who afterward became a bishop in the Episcopal Church. This circumstance was subsequently charged against him, as in- Z'alidiitiug his office, he having received no other baptism! ("Christians' Mag.;' i, 92, ii, 430, 435). "Doct. Hist.," iii, 324. 329, 537, 541. "Mints. Ch., N. Y." His many let- ters, with other documents, will be found in Ecc. Rec. N. Y. See "Winfield's Hist, of Hudson County, N. J.," 383. Manual, 1902. Publications: Kort Begryp der waare Christelyke Leere, uit den Heidel- berg Catech. uitgetrokken, door ordre der Christelyke Synod te Dordrecht, Anno 1618-19. Met eenige verklaaringe over elke Vraage verrykt, voor den Leer — lieven den en Bejcerigen tot's Heeren H. Avondmaal. Zamengestelt door Gualtherus du Bois, Bedienaar des Godlyken Woords inde Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Gemeente ter Stede Nieuw-York in America, 24th April, 1706. Pages 75. Or Compendium of the True Christian Doctrine, extracted from the Heidel- berg Catechism by Order of the Synod of Dort. 1618-19: Enriched with certain Explanations on Each Question for the Instruction of those desir- ing to partake of the Lord's Supper. THE MINISTRY 319 Composed by Gualterus Bu Bois, Servant of the Word of God in the Dutch Refd. Church of the city of New York, Ap. 24, 1706. Pages 75. The Title in full is given in Biog. Appendix to Dr. Bethune's "Sermons on the Catechism." Du Bois, Hasbrouck, b. East Fishkill, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1832, Y.C. '56, N.B.S. 1859, Newark, 4th, 59-61. Bloomingburgh, 63-6, Mott Haven, 66-87; al.so S.S. Union, High Bridge, d. Aug. 5, 1902 . See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1903, 516. Ch. Int., Aug. 13 and 27, 1902. Du Bois. John, b. in Schoharie Co., N. Y., Mar. 5, 1812; U.C. 39, N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. Washington ; Manheim, 43-5, Gansevoort, 45-50, Cicero, 50-4, Boglit, 54-9, Mamakating, 59-65, Middleport, 66-74, Cuddebackville, 74-80, S.S. at Mamakating, 80-84, d. Ap. 7. Du Bois, Jonathan, b. in Pittsgrove, N. J., Dec. 3, 1727; studied under his pastor. Rev. David Evans (Presbyt.), and at the Presbyt. Synod's School at New London, Pa. Licensed in the fall of 1750; North and South Hampton, Pa., 1751-72, d. Dec. 15. In his eighteenth year his attention was turned to the ministry. After studying a while with his pastor and at the Presbyterian Synod's school at New London, Pa., he was sent with a letter from his pastor to his relatives at Esopus, N. Y., asking for help to pursue his studies. He was one of the original trustees of Queen's College. 1770. See "Harbaugh's Lives," ii, 380. "Du Bois Reunion," 108, 109. He was, according to a receipt, already officiating in some capacity at N. and S. Hampton, as early as the middle o^ ^749- Duby, J. Louis, c. from Geneva, Switz., 1795; supplied French Ch., N. Y. C, 1795-7. returned to Geneva. Duck, E. M., b. Aug. 4. 1872, Spring Mills, Pa. Gettysburg Col. 1897. N.S. 1901. 1. by Litchfield Cong. Ass. Rosendale, N. Y., 1903-05; Montville, N. J., 1905-11 ; Jersey City, Greenville, 1911 . B.D. Duckworth, Joseph. Philadelphia, South. 1896-7. Duddy, Frank E. Ord. CI. .Poughkeepsie 1916. Ass. Ref. Ch. Poughkeep- sie, 1916-17; Y.M.C.A. War Work, 1917-19; Congregational, 1919 Duffield, John Reginald. Ord. by CI Poughkeepsie 1906. Fishkill, N. Y.. 1906-10. also S.S. Glen, N. Y., 1910. Missionary to India 1910 . Presbyterian, 1913 Duiker, Roelof, b. in Netherlands, 1825. Entered minister of the Chris- tian Ref. Ch. in the Netherlands 1850. (Ch. Ref. Ch. Grand Rapids, 1867-72), Danforth, 111., 72-4; Milwaukee, 74-77; Grand Haven, 78-81 (Christian Ref. Ch., Grand Haven. 82-88); Grandville. 88-90; Kala- mazoo. 90-92; Grand Rapids, 8th, 92-96 w. c. d. Aug. 9, 1917. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1918, 597. Duiker. Roelof, b. Albany, N. Y. H.C. W.T.S. 1918. 1. by CI. G. R. 1918. Strasburg. N. D., 1919 Duiker, Wm. John (s. of R. Duiker), b. Niezyl, Neths., Jan. 21, 1865; H.C. 86. N.B.S. 89, 1. CI. N.B.; Albany (Hoi.), 89-91, Middleburgh, la., 91-5, Fulton, III.. 1895-1902. Gibbsville, Wis., 1902-08, Leighton, la., Ebenezer, 1908-11, Grand Rapids, 6th, 1911-17, Lansing, 111.. 1918-19, Archer, la., 1919-21. Oskaloosa, la.. 1921 Dumont. A. Henry, N.B.S. 1826, 1. CI. N.B. ; Aliss. at Union and Salem, 26, Greenbush and Blooming Grove, 26-9, Pottsville, Pa., and Miss, at Tuscarora and Fort Carbon, 29-30. Gen. Agent of Miss. Soc, 32-33, Congregationalist, Newport, R. I., 1833-.., d. 1865. Dumont, Wm. Alex., b. Bedminster. N. J.. Dec. 23. 1857; R.C. 80, U.S. 82-5, 1. CI. Raritan ; Hastings-on-Hudson. 85-8. New Hackensack, 1888-1911. Coxsackie, ist, 1911-1920; Glenvillc, ist. 1920 . Pres. P.S.A.' 1915. State S.S. Examiner in Teachers' Training. Duncombe, Alfred, b. Stroud, Gloucester, Eng., Nov. 26, i860; R.C; N.B.S. 1893, 1. CI. Bergen; Manhasset, 1893-1907; Bogota, 1907-15; Long Branch, 191 5 320 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA (Dunlap, John. Miss, to Sand Beach, 1828-9, d.) Dunlap, John. S.S. at Castleton, 1888-9. Dunnewold, A. J., b. Clymer, N. Y., June 2, 1894. H.C. 1918. W.T.S. 1921. 1. by CI. Holland 1921. Dunningsville, Mich., 1921 Dunnewold, John Willem, b. July 23, 1821, at Winterswyk, Neth. ; studied privately; lie. by Cong. Assoc, of Chautauqua, N. Y., June, 51; ord. by Cong. Oct. 8, 51 (Clymer, Cong., 51-3) ; Clymer R.D.C., 53-60, Clymer and Mina Corners, 60-8, Gibbsville, Wis., 68-87, Lansing, 111., 87-94. Died Oct. 20, 1895. He settled in Milwaukee, after a brief stay in Albany, having come to America in 1846. A colony of Hollanders had settled at Clymer, N. Y., and being without a church, they spent their Sabbaths in card playing and other improper ways. Yet conscience was not dead. They longed for some one to guide and teach them. Some of them remembered a young man at Winterswyk in Holland, who used to stand near a pillar in the church there, listening intently to the preaching of the Word. They wrote to Holland, thinking he could serve them. They found he was in Mil- waukee. They wrote to him there and asked him to come to them as a private Christian and elder. He came. He labored by day and taught from house to house far into the night. There ensued a wonderful revival. He longed to become a minister. The means for an academic education were wanting. A Congregational minister instructed him, and he was or- dained by Congrcgationalists. For more than 40 years he was an earnest preacher of the Gospel, without educational advantages, a burning love for Christ and souls more* than supplied its place. He was unequaled as a pastor. He had a peculiar ability in enforcing Divine Truth in reference to the various duties and experiences of those among whom he lived. Though without a regular education, he preached in Dutch, German, or English. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1896, 492. Dunning, E. O., from Onedia Assoc; Canajoharie, 1842-4, w. c. 1844-9. Durand, Cyrus B., b. N. Y. C, July 27, 1835; R.C. 58, N.B.S. 61, 1. CI. Bergen; Preakness, 62-8, Boonton, 68-71, Hackensack, 2d, 71-82; be- came Episcopalian (Newark, St. James, 1882-1904). d. Aug. 14, 1904. Durfee, Jesse F., b. Central Bridge, N. Y., March 16, 1886. R.C. 1910. N.B.S. 1913. 1. by CI. Schoharie 1913. Hurley, N. Y., 1913-20, also S.S. Marbletown, 2d, 1914-20; Bedminster, N. J., 1920 Duryea, John H., b. at Wallkill, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1810; R.C. 34, N.B.S. 37, 1. CI. Orange, Wawarsing, 1837-8, Totowa, 2d, 1838-95, d. Emeritus, 1882. D.D. by R.C. 1871. He was of Huguenot ancestry on the paternal side. He remained in his field at Paterson for 56^/2 years. After being declared emeritus, he still was active in the church, teaching a Bible Class, and visiting the sick, and performing other duties so far as health would permit. The church which he served so long is his memorial; its history is the history of his life. He made it what it is. He also took active part in the welfare of the city generally, aiding in developing its educational institutions, served as super- intendent of public schools, and for 20 years was on the Board of Ex- aminers of Teachers. He served with zeal and fidelity in every position to which he was called. He was in hearty sympathy with the benevolent work of the church, supporting her institutions by precept and example. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Address at the Funeral of Rev. Peter Allen," 1862, New York: 1875. "History of the Second Reformed Church of Totowa" (Paterson), with "Notes of the Early Churches in the Neighborhood.'' Published in the "Paterson Press," April 15. 1857, Feb. 21, 1869. Duryea, Joseph Tuthill, b. Jamaica, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1833; C.N.J. 56, P.S. 59; lie. Presbyt. Nassau, L. I., 58 (Troy, 2d, Presbyt.. 59-62) ; New York, Collegiate, 62-7 (Brooklyn. Presb. Classon Av., 67-79 Boston, Central Cong., 79-88, Omaha, Neb., Cong., 89-95), Williamsburgh, L. I., 95- THE MINISTRY 32I 1898, d. May 17. S.T.D. by C.N.J. 1866. LL.D. by State University of Kansas, 1895. Dr. Duryea came to be one of the most widely known clergymen in the United States. He had a great reputation for scholarship and for eloquence in the pulpit. He was invited to be president of several institutions, among them Princeton, which he had saved from financial disaster after the Civil War. He took great interest in social progress and was trusted by both sides in labor disputes. See Manual, 1902. Ch. Int., July 15, 1898. Publications : "Presbyterian Hymnal," 1874. "The Psalter for Use in Worship," 1886. "Vesper Services," 1887. Oration before Alumni of Princeton in Commemoration of the Graduates who served in the Union Army. Address before the Cabinet, Senate, House of Representatives, and Officers of the Army and Navy of the U. S. "Sermons and Ad- dresses." Duryee, Abram, b. at Millstone, N. J., Aug. 4, 1867; R.C. 89-91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. N.B.; North Hackensack, N. J., 1894-1911 ; Ass., Bergen, Jersey City, 1911-17. Educational Sec. Bd. of Publication R.C. A. 1917 Publication's : Many articles for the Ch. Int., etc. Regular contributor to six educational periodicals. Educational and Evangelistic Leaflets. Duryee, Isaac G., b. in Schenectady, 1810; U.C. 38, A.S. 41, 1. South Assoc. Litchfield, Ct., 42; Fallsburgh, 42-51, Glenham, 51-2, Schenectady, 2d, 52-8, S.S. Port Jackson, 59-62, Chaplain 31st Reg. N. Y. V. at Hilton Head, S. C, 62-66, d. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Ebenezer" : A Sermon at the Reopening of R.D.C., Fallsburgh, 1849. Duryee, John, b. 1760, (?) studied theol. under Livingston, lie. by Gen. Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1784; Raritan and Bedminster, 1786- 98, Bedminster, 1798-1800, Pottersdam, i8co-i, Fairfield, 1801-17, d. 1836. (?) Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1786. Duryee, Joseph Rankin, b. Newark, N. J., Nov. 22, 1853; R.C. 74, N.B.S. 79 ; lie. by CI. Newark ; ord. by same, June 23, 79 ; employed in gather- ing and organizing a R.D.C. on the ground formerly occupied by the Chapel of Collegiate Ch., 7th av. and 54th st., 1879-85; pastor of said church— "Grace Refd. Ch.," N. Y. C, 1884-1921. D.D. by R.C. 1892. Member Bd. of Direction 1902. Trustee R.C. 1905 . Trustee of many other religious and civil societies. Publications: Many articles in the Press. See Collegiate Ch. Year-Book," 1881, 67; 1886, 60. Duryee, Philip H., b. at New Utrecht, 1774; C.C. 1795, studied theol. under Livingston, 1. CI. N. Y., 1798; Miss, in the West, 1798-1802, Saratoga and Easton, 1802-28, S.S. Greenwich, 1812-14, English Neighborhood, 29-48, d. 1850. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1840. D.D. by R.C. 1834. In his first settlement he had taken great pleasure and labored diligently in rearing new churches, wiiile fostering the interests of his principal charge. He was possessed of a kind spirit and gentleness of manner, and sought and followed the things which make for peace. He was well adapted to labor at English Neighborhood after the troubles occasioned by the seces- sion there, gaining many friends. — See "Taylor's Annals." "Biog. Diet. N. J.," 462. Duryee, William Rankin, b. in Newark, N. J., April 10, 1838; R.C. 56, N.B.S. 61, lie. by CI. of Bergen; ord. by CI. Bergen, 62; Chaplain, 62-3, East Williamsburgh, 63-4, Jersey City (Lafayette Ch.), 64-91 ; Prof, of Ethics,- Evidences of Christianity and the English Bible in Rutgers College, 91-1897, d. Jan. 20. D.D. by R.C. 1876. Elected trustee of R.C. 1877. Pres. of Gen. Synod, 1883. He was possessed of a rare combination of gifts, with tastes broad, cul- tivated and refined. He was an accomplished scholar, a witty and ready speaker — in short an unusual Christian scholar and gentleman. 322 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA The memory of his first wife is embalmed in the Charlotte W. Duryee School for Women, in connection with the Amoy Mission. To this mission his daughter, Lilly N. Duryee, went as a missionary in 1894. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1897, 766. "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C.," 1897-5. See Manual of 1902. For a list of his numerous publication, see Manual, 1902. Dushaw, Amos I. Redfield Col. 1901. U.T.S. 1904. 1. by Pres. of N. Y. 1904. (Pres. Newark, N. J. East Meredith. N. Y., St. Paul Minn.). Brooklyn, Green Point, Kent St., 1918-19. Head of Near East Relief, Jerusalem, 1920-21. Publications : "Proselytes of the Ghetto," "Tragedy of the Ghetto." Other books and articles. Dusinberre, Thos. Sproull, b. at Warwick, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1835 ; R.C. 61, N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. Paramus (supplied Amity, Presb., in fall of 64, taught the Classics, 65-6, Miss, at Park Chapel, Albany, Apr.-Oct, 66) ; Pratts- ville, 66-70, Linlithgo, 70-89, West New Hempstead, 89-1898, w. c. d. July 4, 1920. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 628. Dutcher, Jacob C, b. Oct. 8, 1820; R.C. 43, N.B.S. 46, 1. CI. N.B.; Owasco, 46-50, Bergen Neck, 50-54, Bergen Point, 54-57, Coxsackie, ist, 57-58, Seventh Av., N. Y. C, 58-59, Sixth Av., N. Y., Union Ch., 59-63, Market St. N. Y., 63-66 (S.S. Somers, Ct., Cong., 67-8), Bound Brook, 68-79, U. S. Consul at Port Hope, Canada, 80-87, w. c. Died Nov. 27, 1888. _ • He was an effective writer and speaker, a good pastor, and a man of large and noble heart. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1889. 915. "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1889, 18. Publications: "Requisites of Nat. Greatness," 1843. "Washington": An Oration at Niblo's Theatre, 1872, before Order of United Americans. This address has a very large circulation. "Our Fallen Heroes." "Amer- ica : Her Danger and Her Safety," 1875. "The Prodigal Son," pp. 125, 1870. "The Old Home by the River," pp. 230, 1874; two editions. "Frank Lyttleton ; or. Winning His Way," pp. 320. "Sketch of Capt. Demming," written by request of Legislature N. Y., and pub. by them; pp. 80, 1864. Dutton, Charles S., b. Elmira, N. Y, 1857. H.C. 1881, N.B.S. 84, Macon and S. Macon, 84-7, S.S. at Raritan, 111., 87-8, w. c. Duven, Matthias jay, b. Waupun, Wis., Jan. 2, 1879. H.C. 1904, W.T.S. 1907. 1. by CI. la. Grand View, S. D., 1907-10; also Corsica, S. D., 1908-10; Hingham, Wis., 1911-16; Greenleafton, Minn., 1916-21 ; Vries- land, Mich., 1921 Duven, William, b. June 6, 1882, Alton, Wis. H.C. 1908. P.G. Univ. Mich. 1909. W.T.S. 1912. 1. by CI. Holland. Manhattan, Mont., 1912-17; S.S. Hope, Big Timber, Mont., 1913-17; Montana, ist, Conrad, 1917 Dwight, Maurice W., b. at Kempsville, Va., May 4, 1796; C.C. 1816, N.B.S. 21, 1. CI. N.B.; Waterford, N. Y., 22-6, New Hackensack, 26-33, Brooklyn, ist, 33-55; died 1859. D.D. by R.C. 1845. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Duties and Responsibilities of Christian Young Men," 1837. "Guilt and Danger of Reading Infidel Works," in "Nat. Preacher,'' 1838. "On Death of President Taylor," 1850. "Bearing False Witness," in "Pulpit Repertory," 1849. "On Death of Gen. Jer. Johnson," 1853. Dyer, David. Fultonville, 1839-43. Dyer, Francis, from Cong. Assoc. Maine, 1857, w. c. 1857-61. Dyer, Samuel, Westerlo, 1856-62, Presbyt. Dyke, Chalmers Peter, b. Neth., Dec. 25, 1869, R.C. 1892, N.B.S. 95; Germantown, N. Y., 95-1900, Herkimer, 1900-1904; (Missionary Pres., New Mexico. 1904); N. Y. C, Hamilton Grange, 1904-08; (dis. to Cong. 1911. In business). THE MINISTRY S^S Dvke Jacob, b. Dokkum, Vriesland, Neths., Feb 15, i860; H.C. 83, N B S. 86 1 Presby. of Lyons, N. Y. ; Sodus, N. Y., Presb 86-94; Mayfield, iSgio South Bend, nd., 99-1901; Pennington Ind,, Presbyt 1901- o^t Herkimer NY., 1904. Also S.S. Fort Herkimer, 1904 (Pres. !!^) ; wTst Sayville, 1911-12; S.S. New Salem, 1912-14; Pres. Publications : Many articles in the press. Dykema, Anno Charles, b. Chicago, 111., May 20 1878. H.C. 1906. N.B.b. iS; Mahwah, 1909-17. (Pres. Sheldon, 111., 1917-21). Paterson, N. DykLa^'jaSet'b.'ch";io, 111.. April 19. 1880. H.C. 1910 N.B.S. 1913. 1 by a Wis. Mescalero, Indian Mission, N. M., 1913; Vermilye Mem- orial, Lawton, Okl., 1913-14, also Apache Indians, 1913-14; ^^scalero. N M. (S.S.) 1914-15; Hyde Park, East Orange, 191S-19; Red Bank, Dyk^a^'KhiaVr, b. Prov. Groningen, Neths., Feb. 15, 1866; RC. 94, NBS 97, i. CI. Wisconsin; Westfield, N. Dakota, 1897-1902; Luctor, Kan "1902-04; Leighton, la., Ebenezer, 1904-08 ; Wortendyke. N. J., 7908-12; Clymer Hill, N. Y., 1912; New Era, Mich., 1912-17; Grand Rapids, 6th, 1917-1920; Lester la. 1920 Dykhuizen, Harm, b. Veendam, Neth. Aug^ 24, 1866; H.C. 1895, ^ ^S. 98' 1 by CI. Grand River, Sheldon, la., 1898-1901 ; Carmel, la^, 1901-04. Pella 4th 1904-07; Jamestown, Mich., 2d, 1907-10; Grand Rapids, 6th, igio-'ii; Albany, N. Y., 5th, 1911-16; Hingham, Wis., 1917—- Dykstra, B. D., W.S. 1900, S.S. Bethlehem la., I900:i90i ; Charles Mix 190^-13; Aurora, S. D., 1919 • Classical Missionary CI. Dakota Dykst?a%irk. H.C. 1906. W.T.S. 1914- Missionary Arabia, 1906 Dykstra, John Albert, b. Grand Rapids, June 10, 1886. H.C 1909. P-S. ^ 1909-10. N.B.S. 1912. 1. by CI. Michigan 1912 Catski 1, 191^2-18, Hamilton Grange, N. Y. C, 1918-19; Grand Rapids, Central, 1919 • Member Bd. Supt. N.B.S. 1919. , ^„ ^_ , „,. . p , ^^„ Dykstra. John D., b. Aug. 26, 1885, Fulton 111. H.C. and Ohyet Col 191I; WTS 191S. 1. by CI. Wis. igiS- Fremont Centre, Mich., I9i5-i7, Mt. Greenwood, 111, 1917-18; Westfield, N. D., Hope, 1918-21 ; Hull, la., American Reformed, 1921 — - u r- ^r w q anrl Dykstra. Lawrence, b. in Netherlands ^"S- t',^' 'Pi' r^'^'iL^H O sf, NBS 78, lie. CI. Grand River; Fulton, III, 78-82, Cleveland O., 82-3, Newkirk, la., 83-6, Albany (HoU.), 86-8, Bethlehem ist, 88-91, Chi- cago (Englewood), 93-8, Pella, 2d Jan., 98-1901 ; Rochester N. Y 1902-1909; Grand Rapids, Grace. 1909-12; Holland Mich Ebenezer, 1912-14; Chicago, 111., Englewood, 2d, 1914-18; Danforth, 111 1918— - Took a post-graduate course of three years in Chicago University, Thesis— The Synod of Dort. tt • j n u ^ c tQaq i,v Dysart, Jos. P., b. N. Y., 1841 ; U.C. 1865, United Presbyt. Sem. 1868 lie. U Presbyt! Delaware, N. Y., Ap., 1867 (Harnsville, O., 1870-1, Albany, Sprague Ch., 1871-3) ; Glen, i874-79- S S. Aunesyille, 78. . Dyslin jihn Henry, St. Johnsonville, 1788-1812. d. A so S.S, Manheim He was "a Swiss, a good character, and a man of learnmg. — Doc. Hist.," iii. 674, 686. Eal, see Oehl; also written Ehle. ,„t^t7- Rpd Eastman, E. Fred. From Presbyterian, Locust Valley, L. I., 1912-17 , Rea Cross Work 1917-19; dis. to Pres. 1919- . ,. ^ , j xt Easto" Thomas Chalme;s, b. in Jedburgh Royburgsh.re Scotland Nov 12, 1836; West Collegiate, Edinburgh, 58. Edinburgh Divmity Hall (UP.Ch.), accident prevented graduation ; he. by Hartford Lent. Assoc Ct , 63 (South Glastonbury, Ct. (Cong.), 63-8, traveled in Europe; Belvidere, 111. (Presby.), 72-80); New Brunswick, ist, 80-6, 324 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Newark, ist, 86-9, (San Francisco, Calvary, Presbyt. 89-93, Washing- ton, D. C, Eastern Presby., 1893-1909) ; Highland Park, New Bruns- wick, N. J., 1909-10; Spotswood, N. J., 1911-19; dis. to Pres. 1919; D.D. by Lake Forest Univ., 1881. Publications: Address of Welcome at Centennial of N.B.S., 1884. Address at 175th Anniv. of Ch. of Six Mile Run. Sermons. Ebaugh, John S., b. York, Pa., Ap. 19, 1795; studied under Helffenstein ; ord. by Syn. Ger. Ch., 1818; Miss, in N. Carolina, 18-19; Carlisle, Pa., 19-34; joined Free Synod, 1831 ; Agent Am. Bible Soc, 35; united with R.D.C., N. Y. C, 1838; laboring with portions of the old Ger- man ch., 1838-44; pastor of said ch., 1844-51. (His name continues as pastor of a German ch., variously or nowhere located, from 1851-61). Died Nov. 2, 1874. For an account of the peculiar and unfortunate circumstances of Mr. Ebaugh's New York pastorate and his troubles with the Classis and Syn- ods. See Manual, 1902. Publications: See Manual, 1902. Eckel, Henry, b. at Bridgeton, N. J., 1823 ; U.Pa. 46, N.B.S. 49, 1. CI. Phil- adelphia ; Sharon, 49-50, Rosendale, 50-53, Moresville, 53-4, Kiskatom, 1854-55, d. See "Manual" of 1879. Eckerson, Frank, b. at Old Tappan, N. J., Oct. 26, 1876; R.C. 1900, N.B.S. 1903; ordained by CI. Newark, Missionary to China 1903. Grave's Lecturer 1920-21. Eddy, Zechariah, b. Stoi;kbridge, Vt., Dec. 19, 1815; educated privately; ord. by Presbyt. of Pa. (Cumberland Presbyterian), 1835; (Miss, in Pa. and Ohio, 35-8, Springville, N. Y. (Presbyt), 38-43, Mineral Point, Wis., 44-50, Warsaw, N. Y., 50-6, Birmingham, Ct., 56-8 Northampton, Mass., 58-67), Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., 67-71, (Detroit, Mich., Cong., 73-84, Atlanta, Ga., 84-6). Publications: "Immanuel; or. The Life of Christ," 1868. Editor of "The Hymns of the Church, R.C. A.," 1869. Editor, with Drs. Schaffs and R. D. Hitchcock of "Hymns and Songs of Praise," 1874. Editor, with Drs. R. D. Hitchcock and L. W. Mudge, of "Carmina Sanctorum." Also many sermons. -Edgar, Cor. Henry, b. at Rahway, N. J., Ap. 11, 1811; C.N.J. 31, 1. Presb. Elizabeth; Rector of Grammar School, N.Y.U. 38-45 (Bridge Hamp- ton, L. L, Presby. 45-53), Easton, Pa., 53-82. Died 1884, Dec. 23 He was an able exponent of Scripture and an earnest opponent of slav- ery at a time when it was popular. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Many sermons, addresses and articles in regard to sla- very and other topics of the time, etc. See Manual, 1902. Edmondson, Jas., lie. CI. Montgomery, 1868; Cicero, 1879-81, Mohawk, 1881-86; Congregationalist; Ph.D. R.C. 1882. Edson, G. Clements, b. Dec. 7, 1877, Downsville, N. Y., Macalester Coll. 1899, N.Y. Univ. P.G. 1916, P.S. 1902, 1. by Pres. of North Philadel- phia 1902, (Pres. Carsersville, Pa., 1902-04, Anagansett, L. L, 1904-07, Greenpoint, 1907-11), Hasbrouck Heights 1912-15, Moderator, Presby. of L. L 1908. Publications: "National Magazine of Boston,," 'Golden Rule Maga- zine" of Chicago. Edwards, Deane, b. St. Paul, Minn., March 31, i88s, P.U. 1906, Auburn Sem. 1912, 1. by Pres. Cayuga, (Pres. Seneca Falls, N. Y., ist, 1913-18, Chaplain U.S.A. 1918-19), Bronxville 1919 Edwards, Thomas, b. 1768 in Wales; ord. 1798; S.S. Mamakating 1831-34, Coeymans 1834. Died Ap. 16, 1838. Eells, James, b. Westmoreland, N. Y., Aug. 2^, 1822 ; Ham. Coll. 44, Aub. Sem. 51 (Penn. Yan, N. Y. (Presb.) 51-4, Cleveland, O., 2d, 55-9), Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., 59-67, San Francisco, Cal., 67-70, Cleveland, O., 70-4, Oakland, Cal., 74-9, Prof, of Pract. Theology and Apologetics in San Francisco Theolog. Sem., 77-9, Prof, of Pract. Theol. and THE MINISTRY 325 Church Pol'ty in Lane Theol. Sem., Cincinnati, O., 79-1886, d. March 9. D.D. by U.N.Y. 1861. LL.D. by Marietta Univ., 1881. Moderator of Gen. Assembly, 1877. Dr. Eells was a hard working man, eminent both as a preacher and a teacher. He was also an excellent man of afYairs who knew how to approach men of the world and was trusted by them. PuBLiCATioxs : "Memorial of Samuel Eells, 1872. "Sermons." Ser- mon on the Death of Pros. Lincoln, in "Voices of the Pulpit," 1865. Eggleton, Ambrose. Fallsburg, 1836-37; Breakabin, 1843-45. Eggleston, G. H. Rec'd from Pres. 1904. Ordained by CI. Bergen. Green- ville, 1904-07. (Green Ave. Pres. Ch., Brooklyn, 1907-14. d. July 31). Min. Gen. Syn., 191 5, 603. Ehle, see Oehl. Eliason, Harry Allen, b. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 15, 1880. Public Schools. Maryland School for Boys. Evangelist, 1905-11. Private theological study. 1. by CI. Montgomery 1914. Sprakers, N. Y., S.S. 1912-14 — Pas- tor, 1914-17; Currytown, N. Y., S.S. 1912-14 — Pastor, 1914-17; Gut- tenberg, 191 7 — ■ — Elliker, Solomon. Ebenezer, Oregon, 111., 1887-96, w. c. 96-98. Elliott, John H., b. Ontario, Can., Mar. 4, 1853; Brampton Academy; special course in Cong. Sem., Chicago (ord. by Cong. Council, Chicago, May 19, 1894; laboring as an Evangelist, 94-6, Rochester, Central Presb., 96-8) ; N. Y. C, 34th st., 1898-1904. Presbyterian 1904. Publications: "Notes and Suggestions for Bible Reading," 1889. "The Worker's Weapon," 1894. "Personal Worker's Helper," etc. Ellis, Arthur M. Rec'd from Pres. 1912. Greenbush, N. Y., 1912-15: Kind- erhook, N. Y., 1915-16; Congregational, 1916 Ellsworth, John S., b. Windham, Pa.; Lafayette Coll.; U.S. 83, lie. by Cong, (in Cong. chs. : Le Rayville, Pa.; Newark Valley, N. Y. ; Presb., Amenia and Millerton, N. Y.) ; Clifton, N. J., 1900-1905. Suspended 1907. Elmendorf, Anthony, b. in Ulster Co., N. Y., 1813; R.C. 36, N.B.S. 39, 1- CI. N.B.; Hurley, 40-43, Hyde Park, 43-8,. East Brooklyn (Bedford), 48-51, North Brooklyn, 51-66, d. D.D. by R.C. i860. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "The Excess of Future Glory Over Present Suffering," "National Preacher," 1854. Valedictory Sermon, preached in the North R.D.C., Brooklyn, 1865. Article in "Sprague's Annals" on Rev. H. G. Livingston. Elmendorf, Joachim, b. at Rochester, Ulster Co., N. Y.. Mar. 26, 1827 ; R.C. 50, N.B.S. 53, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie ; Ithaca. 53-5, Saugerties, 55-62, Syracuse, 62-5, Albany, 2d, 65-72, Poughkeepsie, 2d, 1872-86, Harlem Collegiate, N. Y. C, 1886-1908, d. July 19. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1872. Pres. Bd. of Education, 1901-08. Trustee R.C, 1869-1908. Trustee Vassar C, 1880-1908. D.D. by U.C. 1865. Dr. Elmendorf was a man of intellectual and spiritual power. His influ- ence increased with his years and he became eminently useful, widely known and respected in the Reformed Church. Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 526. Publications : He was the author of many memorial discourses and other addresses. He also wrote much for the papers. See Manual, 1902. Elmendorf, Peter, b. New Brunswick, N. J., 1826. R.C. 1845, N.B.S.; 1848- 51. d. April 2. Elterich, Wm. L. Bayonne, 3d (Ger.), 1875-80 (Presbyt., Allegheny, Pa., 1880^) Eltinge, Cor. C, b. near Kingston, 1793 (brother of Wilhclmus Eltinge) ; Q.C. 1812. N.B.S. 16, 1. CI. N.B.; Pleasant Plains, Dutchess Co.. N. Y., 16, Minisink and Mahackemack, 17-37. Mahackemack (Deerpark), 37- 43. d. Oct. 326 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA He was a very faithful pastor over widely scattered fields and a man of power in prayer. See Manual, 1902. Eltinge, C. Du Bois (son of C. C. Eltinge) ; R.C. 1844, N.B.S. 48, I. CI. Orange; Miss, to Montgomery, 48-1850, Fallsburgh, 51-2, Raritan, 111., 56-61, w. c. His name was dropped from the roll of Classis for non- attendance and other reasons, d. March 29, 1885. Eltinge, Wilhelmus, b. near Kingston, 1778; C.N.J. 1796; studied under Dirck Romeyn, lie. 1798; Paramus and Saddle River, 1799-1811, Para- mus, 181 1-16, Paramus and Totowa, ist, 1816-33, Paramus, 1833-50, d. 1851. Elected a trustee of Queen's Coll. 1807. D.D. by R.C. 1839. He was a strong opponent of the seceders. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Letter of Religious Intelligence from Paramus, N. J." (N. Y. "Miss. Magazine," vol. 3, p. 76. See also "Manual and Record of Paramus," p. 50.) "A Peacemaker; or, an Essay on the Atonement of Jesus Christ," 1823. "A Sermon on the Inability of Man to Believe in Jesus Christ Except the Father Draw Him," 1823. (Published anony- mously.) A Review and Refutation of "Short Notices and Reviews," con- tained in the "Monthly Evangelical Witness" of August, 1823, and January, 1824. (This magazine was edited by James R. Wilson, of Newburgh.) By a Dutchman Good and True of 1824. Emerick, Irving Porter, b. April 14, i860. Susquehanna Univ. Theo. Dept. Susqu. Univ. 1886. 1. by Evangelical Lutheran Synod of N. Y. and N. J. 1885. Livingston Memorial, 1887-9; Sokan, 1889-90. (Pres. Conk- lin, 1890-1903; Bridgeton, Irving Ave., 1903-07; Sparta, 1907-08; Bellport, L. I., 1909; Sterling, 1910-12; Mt. Airy, 2d, Amwell, 1912- 18). Hicksville, L. I., 1918-20; Port Jervis, West End, 1920 Publications : Articles for the press. Dr. Emmons, S.S. Cicero, N. Y., 1897-8. Enders, Jacob Henry, b. Fort Hunter, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1834; U.C. 58, P.S. 61; ord. as an Evangelist by Presbyt. of Albany, Oct. i, 62; S.S. at Kingsboro. N. Y., 62; Chaplain, U.S.A., 62-5; Lysander, 66-9, Chit- tenango, 69-80; in Europe, 78-9; assoc. pastor, Albany City Mission, 81-4, Synodical Miss. Sup. of Partic. Synod of Albany, 90-9; died Oct. 6, 1901. See Manual 1902, and Min. Gen. Syn. 1902, 200. Englesman, John, b. at Uithvizermeeden, Groningen, Neths., Mar. 6, 1864; H.C. 94, W.S. 98, 1. CI. Wis.; Randolph Centre, Wis., 1898- 1905; Rock Valley, la., 1905-08; Orange City, ist la., 1908—; Prairie View, Kan., S.S., 1909. Sec. Bd. of Trustees, Northwestern Classical Acd. Publications : Contributions to the press. Ennis, Howard Wilber, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 6, 1868; R.C. 90, U.T.S. 90-2; ord. by N. CI. L. I., Nov. 10, 1892; Newtown, 92-4 (Washington, West. Presby. 94-7); Williamsburg, L. I.. 1898-1902; dis. 1905. Ennis, Jacob, b. in Essex Co., N. J., 1808; R.C. 31, N.B.S. 35, 1. CI. Ber- gen, Java 1836-40, also preaching on Island Balee 1838. In 1837 he made an exploration into the interior of Sumatra, barely escaping with his life. He returned to America in 1840 and was deposed. He became a teacher of physical science, in which he attained great suc- cess. Died Houston, Tex., Jan. 12, 1890. _ His journal, while in the East Indies, was published in "Christian Intel- ligencer" in 1839. The "Mints, of Classis of Bergen" contain the account of his deposition in 1840. See confirmation of the same in "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1841. "Biog. Notices of Grads., R.C," 1890, 9. He contributed many articles to scientific journals and published several important works on such subjects. See Manual, 1902. Enos, Edgar Ai. b. 1846, Ham. Coll. 74, U.S. 78, lie. CI. Monmouth; As bury Park 78-9, became Episcopalian. For details see "U. Sem. Cat." Enyard, Wm. Tillotson, b. N. Y. C, 1836; R.C. 55, N.B.S. 58, 1. CI. Ber- THE MINISTRY 327 gen, Mott Haven 58-65, Brooklyn, North 65-73, Brighton Heights 73-9. Died Ap. 26, 1880. Erhardt, Fred. C, b. N. Y. C, Ap. 17, i860; Bloomfield, N. J. 79, Theolog. School, Bloomfield, N. J., 82, lie. by Presb. of Brooklyn (Ger. Presb. Ch. Manchester, N. H., 82-5), Ger. Ch. Norfolk St., N. Y. C., 85-94. Brooklyn, New (Herkimer St.), 1894 Erickzon, Reinhardt, b. in Groningen, Neths., about 1695-1700; matricu- lated at Groningen Univ. Aug. 28, 1714, for the study of Literature; ord. by CI. of Amsterdam Sept. 4, 1725, for the churches of New Bar- badoes (Hackensack), Schraalenburg and Paramus. Pastor of Hack- ensack, Paramus and Schraalenburgh 1725-8, Schenectady 1728-36, Schoharie, also, 1730-1, supplied Claverack, 1731-2, Freehold and Mid- dletown (Neversink), 1736-64; d. 1771. His name is apparently Swedish. In Schenectady he had many acces- sions to the church. On June 18, 1734, he and his Consistory petitioned for a charter for the church of Schenectady. He was the first President of the Ccetus, and maintained his relations to them almost down to his death. He was of considerable intellectual ability, highly esteemed by his minis- terial associates, and influential in the counsels of the church. Toward the close of his pastorate in Monmouth County, he became a victim to the drinking customs of the day. Charges were made against him, his salary was withheld, and he was excluded from his pulpit. He continued to live in the parsonage for six years, until a successor was called, when he re- moved to New Brunswick and lived with a daughter, Mrs. Van Norden. He died soon after. A portrait of him was in possession of Rev. G. C. Schanck. Ecc. Rec. N. Y., many letters or allusions; "Minutes of Coetus" and "Brick Church Memorial" (Marlboro'), by Rev. T. W. Wells, 1877, which contains the fullest account of him yet published. Erler, John, b. Breslau, Germany, Jan. 22, 1877 ; N.B.S. 1902, 1. by CI. Bergen, Highland, N. J., 1902-03, Cicero, N. Y., 1903-04, Easton, N. Y., 1905-07, Pottersville, N. J., 1907-10, (Evangelical Lutheran Ch. of St. Stephen, Hicksville, L. L, 1910 — , Altoona, Pa.), Ph.D. Central Univ. 191 1. Evans, Chas. A. Mooresville and Roxbury 1849-50, Mooresville 50-3, Clove 53-6, South Bend 56-7, Jefferson 1857-8, w. c. Evans, C. P., SS. Wynantskill, 1881-3, SS. Thousand Islands 1889-90. Evans, E., Jamesville, N. Y., 1836. Evans. Wm., Miss, to Cobleskill, Breakabin and Livingstonville 1826 — , Cicero 1836-8, Owasco 1839-46, w. c. 1846-8. Eyermann, J. J., Schoharie 1799, ("A Vagabond"). Faber, John Peter, b. Mannheim, Germany, June 19, 1878. Bloomfield Sem. N.B.S. 1899. Stuyvesant Falls, 1899-1901; S.S. Auriesville, 1902; S.S. Blooming Grove. 1903-04. Became Physician 1905. Fagg, John Gerardus, b. Bethlehem, Wis., Feb. 21, i860; H.C. 81; N.B.S. 85; 1. CI. Wisconsin; Lawyersville and Cobleskill, 85-87, Miss, at Amoy, China, 88-94, New Paltz, 94-95, Middle Collegiate Ch., N. Y. C, 1895-1917, d. May 3. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1914. Pres. Bd. Foreign Mis- sions 1910, and of Arabian Missions. D.D. Univ. N.Y., 1902. Dr. Fagg had a spiritual passion which thrilled his hearers, and his influ- ence was beautifully and decidedly Christian over all those who came near him. In all that he undertook to do his work was unexcelled. Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 258. Publications: "Forty Years in South China; or. Life of Rev. John Van Neste Talmage," 1894. "Life of St. Paul," 1891. ".^Esop's Fables," 1891. Fairchild, E. S., A. C. and C.N.J. 1856; A.S. 1859 (Morrisania, Cong., 60-1, Oyster Bay, Presbvt., 62-5), Flushing, 66-71, College Point, 71-8, editor of "The Flushing times," 78-9, New York City, 6th Ave., 80-1886. 328 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Farmer, S. F., Franklin Col., O., 1850, Cannonsburg Sem., Pa., 54 (United Presbyt., Williamsburgh, 56-61, N. Y. C, Presbyt., 28th St., 61-8) ; Brooklyn, East, 68-1870; Presbyterian. Farr, Jas. McC, b. N. Y. C, 1869, C. N. J. 90; P.S. 91 ; assist, pastor, 48th St., N. Y. C, 1896. Farrar, Jas. McNall, b. Candor, Pa., June 16, 1853; Westminster Coll. 75; P.S. 78; ord. U.P. Presbyt. of Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 10, 78 (Har- risville, O., 78-84, Philadelphia, 4th, Pa., 84-90, both, Presbyt.) ; Brook- lyn, 1st, 1890-1917. P.Em. 1917-1921. Mahwah, N. J., 1920-21, d. Jvine 22, 1921. Dr. Farrar was pastor of a very important church for many years with eminent success. His reputation as a pastor of children became national. He also was a leader in denominational activity. Pres. of Gen. Synod 1905. D.D. by W.C.T. 1891. Member B.D.M. 1900-21; Pres. 1911-21. LL.D. Publications: "Little Talks to Little People," "Chats With Children of the Church," "A Junior Congregation." Faulkner, Wm. E., Wyckoff, 88-91. Febrile, Domenico N., b. Caserta, Italy, Jan. 3, 1886. Technical Institute, Bloomfield Sem. 1912. Laboring in Italian Mission, Newark, 1910-19. 1. by CI. Newark, 1919. Mt. Olivet Italian Mission, Newark, N. J., 1919 Publications: Editor of "The True Friend," a publication in interest of Italians, 1912 Fehrman, Jacob, b. Jan. 29, 1838, in N. Y. C. ; N.B.S. 62, lie. N. CI. L.I.; colleague with Dr. J. B. Hardenbergh in Gouverneur St. Mission for a few months; Richmond, S. I., 62-6, Fordham, 66-9 (East Lake George, Union Evang. Ch., 70-2), High Bridge, 1872-4; d. Mar. i. See "Man- ual" of 1879. Fellstrum, A. A. (Fellstrom). Rec'd from Pres. 1910. S.S. Harlem Col- legiate, N. Y. C, 1909-12. (Elmendorf Chapel). Feltch. Jos. H., 1867. Fenn, Francis Richard, b. Toronto, Can., Dec. 17, 1877. Hillsdale Col., Mich., 1904. Hillsdale Sem., Mich. 1. by State Ass. of Free Will Bap- tists, 1901. (Chaplain, Asheville Sch. for Boys, 1913-14; South Bapt. Ch., S.I., N.Y., 1915; Instructor Rahway Reformatory, 1916-18) ; New- ark, Trinity, 1918 . Fenner, Jas., 1864-7. Ferris, Isaac, b. in N. Y. C, Oct. 9, 1798; C.C. 1816, N.B.S. 1820, 1. CI. N.B. ; Miss, at Manheim, Oppenheim, Danube, Osquak and Herkimer, Sept. -Dec. 20; New Brunswick, 21-4, Albany, 2d, 24-36, Market St., N. Y. C, 36-53; Chancellor of N. Y. University, and Prof. Moral Phil, and Evid. Rev. Religion, 52-70, Chancellor, Emeritus, 1870-3; d. Tune 16. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1822. D.D. by U.C. 1833. LL.D. by C.C. 1853. Dr. Ferris obtained an education only by dint of the most earnest effort. But his success speedily received its reward. He was an able preacher and faithful pastor, but the chief labor of his life was devoted to N. Y. Univer- sity. His service there was crowned by eminent success in all departments of the University. Dr. Ferris was a man of majestic presence and pleasing address. His piety was deep and earnest. His labors in behalf of the Denomination which he loved were neither few nor small. See Manual, 1902, also for list of his publications, see Manual, 1902. Ferris, John Mason (son of Isaac Ferris), b. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1825; N.Y.U. 43, N.B.S. 49, 1. CI. N.B.; Tarrytown, 49-51, Tarrytown, 2d, 51-4, Chicago, 2d, 54-62, Grand Rapids, ist, 62-5, Prof, in Holland Academy, 64-5, Sec. Bd. For. Missions, 65-83, Editor of "Christian Intelligencer," 1883-1911, d. Jan. 30. D.D. by R.C. 1867. THE MINISTRY 329 See Moerdyk's "Hist, of Church of Grand Rapids," page 11 ; also "200th Anniv. of Ch. of Tarrytown," 149. Dr. Ferris served the Bd. of Foreign Missions in trying times and with marked success. Later he acted as treasurer of the Board. His service to the "Christian IiitelHgencer" was very great and without him the paper could not so well have served its purpose. He was a man of keen intellect and great energy. See Min. Gen. Syn., 191 1, 258. PuBLUWTioNS : Numerous articles in "Chicago Press" and "Chicago Tribune" and in "Grand Rapids Eagle," 1854-64. "Reports of Board of Foreign Missions," 1865-83. "Hist. Foreign Missions" in "Manual R.C.A.," 1869, 1879. "Address at 200th Anniv. of Ch. of Tarrytown," 1897. Ferris, Percy R., b. Oct. 5. 1872, Chatham, N. J., N. Y. Univ., ord. by East N. J. Bapt. Ass. 1901, (ist Baptist Perth Amboy, N. J., 1900-04, Amenia Baptist Ch. 1904-08, West Side Baptist Ch. Alt. Vernon, N. Y., 1908-13, supplying churches) Greenport, N. Y., 1921 Ferris, Wm.. b. 1818; lie. by CI. L. I. 1869, East Williamsburg 73-81. Died July 18, 1883. Ferry, W^m. M., U.C. 1820, N.B.S. 1820-21. d. 1866. Ferwerda, Floris, b. Neth., Jan. 29, 1871, H.C. 1897; N.B.S. 1900; lie. by N.B. Palisades 1900-1905, Hillsborough (Millstone) 1905-12, Presby- terian 1912 Ficken, Herman C, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1873, Bloomfield Academy Dept. ; N.B.S. 1898; 1. S. CI. L. I.; Schagticoke. 1898-1902; Lawyers- ville, 1902-07; Hvde Park, N. Y., 1907-17; St. Johnsville, N. Y., igig: Ficken, John, b. Mulmshom. Germany, Nov. 27, 1820. For many years a teacher and church organist, also active as an elder in the church. Ordained by N.C. of L. I. 1891, City Missiorary 1891-3. Canarsie, 1893-1900. d. Feb. 13, 1907. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 912. Fiecke, Julius, Jersey City ist German 1893-5. Field. Jacob Ten Eyck, b. at Lamington, N. J., 1787 ; C.N.J. 18—, studied theology under Dr. Woodhull, of Monmouth (Miss, at and near Stroudsburg, Pa., 1807-10; ord. Nov. 28,' 1810; Presbyt. Ch. Flem- inglon, N. J., 1810-1813, Pompton Plains, 13-15. Pompton, 15-27, Totowa, 2d, 28-32 ; Presbyt. Died 1866. Publication : Farewell Sermon at Pompton, Ap. 3, 1827 ; Text Mic. 6:3. Finch, Horace W., N.Y.U. 1846; Greenport 1857-60, w. c. 1860-4. Fincher, E. B.. Mescalero, N. M., 1909-11. Fingar, Claudius James, b. Germantown, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1880. L.F.C. 1907. N.B.S. 1910. 1. by CI. Hudson. Blawenburg, 1910-15; Lebanon, N. J., 1915-20; Little Falls, N. J., ist, 1920 Fischer, Joseph William, b. May 9, 1888, N. Y. C. Bloomfield Col. 1912. Bloomfield Sem., 1912. 1. by Pres. Newark 1912. Valley Stream, N. Y., I9n-i5; Schodack, N. Y., 1915-19; Greenburgh, N. Y., 1919 Fisher, Geo. H., b. 1800; C.C, 1821, N.B.S. 25; 1. CI. N.B.; North Branch. 25-3^. Fishkill, 30-5, Hudson, 36-41; also S.S. at Mt. Pleasant, 38-41, Broome St., N. Y., 41-55, Utica, 55-9, Hackensack, 2d, 64-70, emeritus, d. Nov. 23, 1872. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1849. Trustee Columbia, 1851-55. D.D. R.C., 1845. Sec Manual, 1902. He stood among the foremost ministers of his day in scholarsliip and preaching ability. PriM.icATiox : "Divine Providence Proved and Illustrated." "Nat. Preacher," 1848. Fisher. Isaac M., C.C. 1817; N.B.S. 1820; 1. by CI. N.B.; Bedminster, 21-38,- Newburgh, 3S-9 ; d. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1835. Fisher, Jas. Pinkerton, b. Londonderry, N.H., 1813, U.C. 39; U.S. 41; S.S. Glcn, N. Y., 1845-6. Died 1865. For further details, see "U.S. Cat." 330 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Fisher, Orville Earl, b. Pekin, 111., Sept. 7, 1874. R.C. 1902. N.B.S. 1905. 1. by CI. N.B. Hyde Park, East Orange, 1905-07; New Utrecht, N. Y., Ass., 1907-10, Pastor, 1910-18; Chaplain U.S.A., 1918^ — •. Rank of Captain. Pres. P.S. N.Y. 1917. Member Bd. of Education R.C. A. Fitzgerald, Thos., Minisink, 1879-81. Fletcher, O. M. Gravesend, Brooklyn, 1918 Fletcher, Orville Theodore, b. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Jan. 12, 1869; Ham. C. 92; lie. by Meth. Epis. Ch. 93; U.S. 95; lie. by Presbyt. 95 (Wee- hawken, Presb. 94-6); Altamont, N. Y., 1896-1904; Presbyterian, 1904 Flikkema, Bernard M., b. Dec. 2, 1877, Fulton, 111. H.C. and Oberlin C. 1909. W.T.S. 1912. 1. by CI. Wis. 1912. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1912- 17; Classical Missionary, CI. of Pella, 1917-21 ; Greenleafton, Wis., 1921 Flikkema, Garret, b. Fulton, 111., Dec. 21, 1868, Univ. of Nebraska, 95, N.B.S. 98; 1. CI. Wisconsin; Palmyra and Ontario, 98-9, Palmyra, 99-1902, Muscatine, 1902-05. Abbe Clymer, 1905-12; Palmyra, N. Y., 1912-18; Prairie City, la., 1918 Flipse. Martin, b. Cedar Grove, Wis., July 12, 1866. H.C. 1890; N.B.S. 93; Albany (Hoi.), 93-6, Passaic (Hoi.), 1896-1909, Chicago, Rose- land, 1st, 1909-14. Holland, 3d, 1914-20, Seattle, Wash., Immanuel, 1920 Flipse, Martin Eugene, b. Albany, N. Y., April 22, 1895. H.C. 1916. N.B.S. 1920. 1. by CI. Passaic. Montville, N. J., 1920-21, Douglaston, L. I., 1921 Florence, E. W., Owascb Outlet, 1899-1901, Currytown, 1902-1904. S.S. Mapletown, 1903, Philmont, 1904-06. Dismissed to Presbyterian Church of Canada, 1906. Foering, Christian Frederick, b. 1736, in Germany; studied under Weyberg; lie. and ord. by the Ger. Coetus in the spring of 1769 ( Germantown, Pa., 1769-72, call dated Sept., 1771) ; Ger. Ref. N. Y. C, 1772-4, Hills- borough (Millstone), 1774-9; d. March 29. Trustee of Q.C. 1771-9. In his generation an eminently useful minister. He was able to preach in German, Dutch and English. He was an active patriot during the Revo- lution. See Manual, 1902. See "Millstone Centennial," 1866, p. 47-55; "Helf- fenstein's Ser. at Germantown, Pa.," 1867, and "Harbaugh's Life of Schlat- ter," 246. Foertner, Fred. E., b. Hurley, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1878. R.C. 1902. N.B.S. 1905. 1. by CI. Kingston. Rochester (Accord, N Y.), 1905-10; Pomp- ton Plains, N. J., 1910 Folensbee, Bradley Jacob, b. Schoharie, N. Y., May 11, 1889. R.C. 1915. N.B.S. 1918. 1. by CI. Schoharie. St. Thomas, W. I., 1918 ; Act- ing Chaplain U.S. Marines and Sailors, St. Thomas, 1918 Folmsbee, Garret Jacob, b. South Schodack, N. Y., Nov. i, 1865. R.C. 1890; N.B.S. 93; l-.Cl Prospect Hill, N. Y. C, 1893-6. Became a Roman Catholic. Dropped 1905. Fonda, Jacob D., b. 1793, at Watervliet; U.C. 1815; N.B.S. 19; 1. CI. N.B.; Easton and Union Village, 20-30, Union Village, 30-5, Caughnawaga, 35-42, Linlithgo and Greenport, 42-7, Schaghticoke, 47-56; d. See "Manual" of 1879. Fonda, Jesse, b. at Watervliet, April 27, 1786; U.C. 1806, lie. North Con- sociation, Hartford Co., Ct., 1808; Nassau and Schodack, 1809-13, New Brunswick, 13-17, Montgomery, 17-27; d. May 2. Elected a trustee of Queen's Col., 1814. See "Manual" of 1879. See also "Mag. R.D.C.," i, 103, ii, 96, 225-234. Publications: "Letter of." ("Mag. R.D.C.," ii, 231-234.) "On Bap- tism," i2mo. "Confidence in God in a Day of Trouble; a Valedictory Dis- course at New Brunswick," 1817. "Familiar Letters on the Sacraments," 1824. THE MINISTRY 331 Fonda, Jesse D. U.C. 1850. N.B.S. 1851-4. Lawyer, d. 1885. Forbes, Jas. Campbell, b. Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 19, 1869; Glasgow Univ. 94, N.B.S. 97, 1. CI. Westchester, Gansevoort 97-9, Port Jervis, 2d, 19CO-1906, Middletown, N. J., 1906-10, Hawthorne, N. Y., 1910-18, Teaching 1918 Forbush, Wm. B., Ass. Madison Ave., N. Y. C. 1904-06, dis. to Congre- gational Church 1906. Force, Frank A., b. Woolcot, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1850; H.C. 76, N.B.S. 80, 1. CI. Michigan, Woodstock 80-2, Manito and Spring Lake 82-6 (El- mira and Fife Lake, Mich., 86-91), Gallupville, 91-5, Owasco Outlet, 95-8, Courtlandtown, 1 890-1 903 ; Bloomingdale and St. Remy 1904-09; Galaltin, N. Y., 1910-17. D. Nov. 17, 1920. See Min. Gen. Syn. 1921, 634. Force, Jas. G., b. 1767; C.N.J. 1794; SS. at Walpeck, 1808-11 ; Reed, from Presbyt. of Jersey, 181 1; Walpeck and Hardwick, 11-16; Walpeck, 16-27 (also supplied at times Smithheld, N. J., Presbyt.) ; d. 1851. See "Manual," 1879; also "Mills Hist. Dies.," 1874. Ford, Herbert, b. Norwich, Eng., Feb. 9, i860; U.S. 90; SS. East WiU- iamsburgh, 1890-1. For details, see "U.S. Cat." Ford, Wm. H., b. Lebanon, N. Y.. 1848; U.S., 1873; Northumberland and Fort Miller, 75-7, Northumberland, 77-80 (Presbyt.; New Soctland, N. Y., 80-2, Matawan, N. J., 82-3); Brooklyn, Middle, 83-7; Bush- wick, 87-91 (Presbyterian). Forsyth, Jas. C, Farmer Village, 1870-5; Montgomery Presby., 1875-98; d. Forsyth, John, b. 1811, at Newburgh, N. Y. ; R.C., 29; University of Edin- burgh; studied theology under Dr. Chalmers; Philadelphia. 2d, Assoc. Ref. Ch. 35-7, Newburgh, Union Ch. 37-47; also Assoc. Prof. Bib. Lit. in Theolog. Sem. Assoc. Ref. Ch., Newburgh, 37-47; Prof, of Latin in C.N.J., 47-53; Prof. Bib. Lit. and Ecc. Hist, Newburgh, 53-60; Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. in Rutgers Coll., 60-3; Prof. Moral Philosophy and Chaplain at West Point. 71-81 ; placed on the retired list of the Army. Died 1886, Oct. 17, D.D. by R.C. 1842. See Manual, 1902, for Sketch and list of his numerous publications. Fort, Ab., b. at Schaghticoke, 1790; U.C. 1810, studied under Froeligh, and N.B.S. 1821, 1. CI. N.B. 1821 ; Westerlo, 1822-30. Westerlo, Union, Salem and Coeymans, 1830-1, Salem and Union, 1831-6, Esopus, 1836- 53. w. c. 1853-60, d. Had charge also of Wiltwyck Chapel, 1854-60. See "Manual" of 1879. Fortuin, Foppe, b. Heeg, Neths*., Sept. 10, 1853; Zetten College, Neths. TZ, Utrecht Univ. 78; lie. by Hervormde Kerk, July 21, 78; Gerefor- meerde Kerken, Jan. 29, 87, in. the Neths. ; Christian Refd. Ch. in America, Mar. i, 98; in Ref. Ch. in A., Feb. 27, 1901. Pastor, Brunisse, Heeg, 78-81, Barendrecht, Hilversum, 84-91 ; (Kalamazoo, Mich., Ch. Refd. 98-1901). Middleburg, la. (Ch. of Free Grace), 1901-1903. Publications : "Sermons in Dutch." "Het Ontstaan, de Erkenning en het Gezag der Drie Formulieren van Eenigheid." Foster, John W., b. Glossop, England, 1867, N.B.S. 1897; Ponds (Oak- land, N. J.), 1897-1900, Schodack Landing, N. Y., 1900-02. Became Episcopalian ; A.B. Providence Univ., Ohio, 1904, D.D. Providence Univ., Ohio. 1905. Fowler, Wm. Coutant, b. Newburgh, N. Y., 1839, U.S. 70, (Methodist) ; ord. CI. Rensselaer 74, Stuvvesant Falls 74-80. For other details, see "U. S. Cat." Fox, Valentine Radiger, c. from Germany, Germantown, N. Y., 1802-24, retr. ,to Germany. Francis, Lewis, b. at Royalton, Vt., Sept. 14, 1836; Univ. Vt. 1856, A.S. 60, lie. Suffolk South Assoc. Mass. Mar. 6, 60; ord. by Cong. Council, Feb. 18, 63; (Colchester, Vt., 60-4, Castleton, Vt., 64-72, both Cong.) ; 332 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Greenpoint, 1873-1904; P.Em., 1904-1921 ; d. Nov. 2. D.D. by R.C., 189S. He did a great work in the Greenpoint Church and was a valiant worker for the Master. Publications : "Centennial Add. of Cong. Ch., Castleton, Vt." "Hist. Sermon at Greenpoint, N. Y." Francisco, WelHngton P., b. Caldwell, N. J., June i, 1875. R.C. 1899. N.B.S. 1902. Accord, 1902-04 (West Orange, Presbyterian Chape!,. 1905-09; Richfield Springs., Pres. ist, 1909 Franzen, Herbert L. Norfolk St., N. Y. C, 1894-5. Bayonne, 3d, 1898-1903. (Congregational, Little Falls, 1903-11); Bayonne, 3d, 1911-21 ; Trav- eling in Europe, 1921 Frazee, J. Hatfield, b. New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 28, 1829. R.C. (1848). Lawyer. N.B.S. (i860), Miss, to Zion, Pisgah, and Good Hope, Miss. 60-1, (Toms River, N. J., Presbyt. 61-6, also Chap. 3d N. J. Cavalry, one year), Bloomingburgh and S.S. Mamakating, 66-9, (Presbyterian), d. Sept. 29, 1917. D.D. Univ. Tennessee, 1890. Frazer, Alexander Dyce Davidson, b. Aberdeen, Scotland, Ap. 26, i86c; U.S. 94, ord. CI. Westchester; S.S. Belmont, 94-s, Amoy, China, 1895 Frazer, Thomas, b. in Scotland, 1791, and ordained there, S.S. at Helder- bergh, 1834-5, pastor 35-38, Sharon, 38-40, Currytown and Mapletown, 40-43. Died in Montreal, 18S4. See Manual, 1902. Freeh, Henry, Jamaica, 2d (Ger.), 1881-5, Point Rock, W^est Levden, 85- 1887. Frederick, R. M.E. Church. S.S. Highwood, N. J., 1913-15. Freeman, Bernardus, b. in Westphalia, 1662; lie. and ord. by CI. Lingen, in Westphalia, for service at Albany; c. to America, 1700; rejected by the church of Albany; Schenectady, and Miss, to the Mohawks, 1700-5, New Utrecht, Bushwick, Flatbush, and Brooklyn (under Lcense from Lord Cornbury, Dec. 26, 1705), 1705-41; emeritus; d. 1743. He was a Westphalian tailor. In 1699, when New York wanted another minister among several candidates. Freeman also appeared, but the Classis did not think his education was suflicient for so responsible a field. His natural talents, however, were remarkable. About the same time with the return of Dellius to Europe, the church of Albany wrote to the Classis either to send him back, or to find another in his place. Albany also wrote to Van Schaick and Banckert to try and secure them a pastor. The Classis soon found a man in Lydius for the church, of Albany, but Banckert acted independently, and secured ordination, through personal influence, for Freeman, from a Classis outside the Netherlands, as above indicated, and shipped him to America without the knowledge of Dellius or the Classis of Amsterdam, and before they had got Lydius ready for his departure for Albany. The Classis soon learned these facts, and sent letters to the churches in America warning them against Freeman. But it so happened that Lydius, though starting later, arrived at Albany first. Freeman was also ihtending to get letters from England to Lord Bellomont to favor his cause. But Bellomont endorsed the action of the Consistory, who adhered to Lydius. Schenectady then called Freeman, and for a while he and that church were virtually independent of the Classis of Amsterdam. Many letters were written, and the Classis offered to ratify Freeman's call and office, as the churches sadly needed pastors, if he would place himself under their care. On Oct. 2"], 1701, the Consistory of Schenectady petitioned for the privilege of collecting money in Albany and elsewhere to build a church. In the meantime Freeman was very useful among the Indians. On Aug. 21, 170G, he was appointed minister to the Five Nations, near Albany, by Governor Bellomont, at a salary of i6o. During the first year he received of this only i\o. In 1701 this salary was raised to £75. In 1703 it is reported to THE MINISTRY 333 have been paid irregularly. He acquired more skill in the language of the Mohawk Indians than any Dutch minister that had been in the countrj-, not even excepting Dellius. He translated a great part of the English Liturgy into the Indian tongue, in particular the morning and evening prayer, the litany, the creed of Athanasius, besides several places of the Old and New Testaments. He represented tliat the litany mightily affected them, says Rev. Thos. Barclay, of the luiglish Church. He adds ; "He is a gentleman of a good temper, and well affected to our church; and, if there were a bishop in this part of the world, would be persuaded to take Episcopal ordination. I often entreat him to go over to England; but he is afraid of the danger of the voyage, and his wife will not consent to live among the Indians. He has promised to give me his manuscripts, and what he has done into the Indian tongue." In 1705 he allowed himself to be used as a tool, and accepted of a civil license from Governor Cornbury (Dec. 26, 1705) to officiate in the churches on Long Island, after he had already declined a call from them. This usurpation of the Governor in ecclesiastical matters was part of his set- tled policy to gain control over the Dutch churches, and ultimately to establish Episcopacy, if possible. In the meantime a party in the churches on Long Island had called, through the Classis, Antonides. This was the beginning of troubles on Long Island which lasted for very many years The Classis greatly feared that it would be the occasion of the complete loss of ecclesiastical independence by the Dutch churches. The Classis fre- quently refers in this correspondence to an American Classis, but says it must be yet far in the future. Antonides was obliged to get out a civil license in self-defense. Domine Du Bois, of New York, consented to install Freeman over the church of New Utrecht alone, but Freeman had a private understanding with factions in the other churches. At length both pastors were accepted by both parties after a fashion, and matters became somewhat more Chris- tian. See "Doc. Hist.," iii, 89-115, 425, 541, 698, iv, 413; "Col. Hist.," iv, ^zj, '^ii, 835, 1 163; "Prince's L. I.," 326-7; "Anderson's Annals of Col. Ch.," iii, 416, 425; "Sutphen's Disc," 15; Ecc. Rec. N. Y., many letters. Publications: "The English Liturgy" (in part) translated into the tongue of the Mohawk Indians, with selection from Scripture, 1705. (See "Doc. Hist. N. Y.," iii, 541, 598; "Anderson's Annals of Col. Ch.") Ten years later we find the following publication, viz. : "The Morning and Evening Prayer, the Litany, Church Catechism, Family Prayers, and sev- eral Chai)ters of the Old and New Testament, translated into the Mahague (Mohawk) Language by Lawrence Claesse, interpreter to Wm. Andrews, Missionary to the Indians from the Hon. and Rev. Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts." Printed by W. Bradford, N. Y., 1715. 4to. Titles (one in Mohawk), 2 pp., 115 pp., 21 pp. (Hon. Henry C. Murphy owned a copy of this rare work.) (See "Miiller's Amsterdam Catalogue," 1872, No. 368.) Nevertheless, we read ("Doc. Hist. N. Y.," iii, 698) that in 1763 and 1766 there was an attempt made to have a trans- lation of the "Book of Common Prayer" (prepared by ^lessrs. Andrews, Barclay, and (^gilvie, Episcopal ministers in New York and Albany) printed in New York, by Weyman, in the Mohawk language. But the difficulties were insurmountable. Weyman died a l)ankrupt when he had reached the seventy-fourth page. The work passed then (1771) into the hands of Hugh Gaine, when 400 or 500 copies, it is said, were printed. In 1839 there was published in New York "Ne Kaghyadonghseva ne Isaiah," or Isaiah in Mohawk, 8vo. Was any of this work from Freeman's MSS.? (See "Dix's Trinity Ch.," page 241, and note. He is hardly correct.) (See "Miiller's Catalogue," 1872, No. 1008.) "De Spizel der Sclf-Kennis" (or "The Mirror of Self-Knowledge"). "Moral Precepts." Translated from the Ancient Philosophers. i8mo, pp. 202; 1720. "Dc Weegschaale der 334 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Genade Gods." "Wegende het genaden en verbroken Werknerbond, begrepen in de verklaringe wer," Rom. 4:8 de 12. "Geloofs artikelen, de 10 Geboden, bet gebed des Heeren, en dertig Predicatien." "Bedienaar des Godlyken Woords tot Midwoud, in Nieuw Jork, eertyds Nieuw Neder- land t'Amsterdam," 1721. Small 4to, pp. 578. With portrait. (Or, "The Balances of God's Grace." Thirty Sermons.) "Verdegiging," (or "His Defense Against the Church of Raritan"). i8mo, pp. 126; 1726. This was reviewed by Classis, Dec. i, 1726. In reference to his Mohawk "Com- mon Prayer," the "Christian Intelligencer" has the following, July 13, 1881 : "The 'Common Prayer,' translated into the Mohawk language for the use of the Indians in the vicinity of New York, and printed at New York in 1715, is one of the rarest books in the class of American linguistics. When the third edition was published in 1787 it was stated that very few copies had survived the War of Independence, in which the Mohawk tribes, having joined the Royal cause against that of the States, suffered severely, and were expatriated to Canada. It was, therefore, an event of some biblio- graphical importance when a copy turned up in a sale at Puttick & Simp- son's auction rooms in New York. Mr. Quaritch was the purchaser." Freer, Harris A., b. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 25, i860; N.B.S. 1898, 1. by CI. Kingston, Buskirk, 1898-1902, East Greenbush 1902-12, North Hacken- sack, 1912-18, Philadelphia, ist, 1918 . S.C. Bergen CI. 1914-18, Bd. Supt. N.B.S. 1921. Frese, A. P., Germantown, N. Y., 1849-50, Blue Mountain, 72-4 (1876 to Presbyt. of Columbia). Frelinghuysen, Ferdinandus (s. of T. J. Frelinghuysen) ; Univer. Utrecht, 1752, lie. CI. Utrecht, June 7, 1752; ord. by CI. Amsterdam, July 3, 1752; called to Kinderhook, but died on passage over, 1753, of small- pox, as did also Jacobus, his brother. Ecc. Rec. N. Y. Frelinghuysen, Henricus (s. of T. J. Frelinghuysen) ; studied under Dor- sius and Goetschius ; lie. by the American Classis, 1754 ; Wawarsing, Rochester, and Marbletown, supplied, 1754-7, pastor, 1757, d. He was called to take the place of his brother Jacobus who had died at sea. It was long before he could secure ordination, and he died of small pox two weeks later. See Manual, 1902. Frelinghuysen, Jacobus (Eng. James), C.N.J. 1750 (s. of T. J. Freling- huysen), studied under Goetschius, University Utrecht, 1752; lie. by CI. of Utrecht, in Holland, June 7, 1752, ord. CI. Amsterdam, July 3, 1752; sailed for America, Ap. 1753; called to Warwarsing, Roches- ter, and Marbletown, but died on the passage over 1753. Frelinghuysen, John, b. 1727, at Three-Mile Run (s. of T. J. Frelinghuy- sen) ; 1. CI. Amsterdam, 1749; Raritan, Sourland, Six-Mile Run, Ne- Shanic, and North Branch, 1750-4, d. He succeeded his father and was very successful but died in his early prime. See Manual, 1902. Frelinghuysen, Theodorus (s. of T. J. Frelinghuysen) ; baptized May 26, 1723, studied under J. H. Goetschius ; lie. and ord. by CI. Amsterdam, 1745; Albany, 1745-59, also supplied Schaghticoke. Died about 1761. The death of his brothers returning from Holland and his own tedious experience of seafaring made him a warm advocate of American eccle- siastical independence. But he was long hampered by his church at Al- bany, which opposed him in this matter. Hence he never attended the meetings of the Coetus, until Ritzema and others attempted to secure a Dutch Professorship of Divinity in Kings College. Then he broke through all restranit, and traversed the length and breadth of the Church in the midst of winter (January, 1755), and procured signers in favor of an American Classis, and a University for the Dutch alone, in opposition to- the Episcopal College. He then returned home and awaited the opening of the spring. In April, 1755, a committee, which had been appointed for the purpose, was to meeet in New York, and examine the answers of the THE MINISTRY 335 churches concerning an American Classis. But in the meantime most of the members of this committee had become involved in the matter of a Dutch professorship in Kings College, and they, therefore, did nothing in the matter of canvassing the opinions of the churches. Frelinghuysen, therefore, took upon himself the responsibility of calling a meeting of Coetus for May 30, 1755. The friends of ecclesiastical inde- pendence came together, organized an American Classis, licensed Henry Frelinghuysen, censured certain ministers, and formally appointed Theodore Frelinghuysen to go to Holland and collect funds for a university, even as Schlatter had collected £32,000 in Holland and England for educational pur- poses among the Germans in Pennsylvania. He did not at once start, but waited more than four years. In the meantime successive meetings of the American Classis were held, and Hardenberg, Van Nist, Barcolo, and J. M. Goetschius were inducted into the ministry. Ritzema and his friends were deceived by the English about the professorship for the Dutch in Kings College, and the charter was passed without such a provision ; but a few months later, alarmed at the possibility of a separate Dutch institution, an amendment was made to the charter, upon Ritzema's personal application, granting such a professorship. But the original Dutch friends of the meas- ure were now angry at the English duplicity, and the church of New York censured Ritzema for securing the amendment. Ritzema and his friends never attended the meetings of the American Classis, but for the next eight years sent letters to the Classis of Amsterdam, denouncing the operations of the American Classis. Thus openly began the Coetus and Conferentie dif- ficulty, which lasted sixteen years. Frelinghuysen was not successful in his mission to Holland, and was drowned on his return voyage. His plans, however, found fulfillment when Queen's (Rutgers) College was chartered. See Manual, 1902. Ecc. Rec. N. Y., etc. Publications: "A Catechism," 1748. Second edition, 1752? (See "Minutes of Coetus, XLHI, 'Frelinghuysen's Sermons," p. 11. On account of the scarcity of appropriate books in America, this catechism was com- posed, the fundamental truth assumed in which is "that I am, and am a rational being." It is pervaded by a peculiar force of demonstration, but is not thought to be sufficiently explicit on original sin). Funeral Sermon of his brother Henricus, 1757. (See "Coetus, XCIX, CII, Frelinghuysen's Sermons," p. 10). Frelinghuysen, Theodore Jacobus, b. 1691, in Wolfenbuettel, East Fries- land; lie. 1717 (Embden, Holland, 1717-19) ; Raritan, New Bruns- wick, Six-AIile Run, Three-Mile Run, North Branch, 1720-47, d. Al- so Sourland, 1729-47, and N. and S. Hampton, Pa., occasionally. He was the first minister of the Reformed Church in Central New Jer- sey. Divine Providence committed to this remarkable man the important work of sowing the seed of truth and righteousness in a soil which has yielded, under subsequent cultivation, the most abundant harvest. Such was the influence that he exerted throughout the whole denomination, as well as in the field of his special labors, that the church is called to cherish his memory with warmest gratitude. Very little information in reference to this pioneer of the Gospel min- istry in this section of the church has been transmitted to us. His parents were of considerable reputation in their own country; and, among his relatives, an uncle, Henricus, is known to have been an able and successflul minister. Of his early life, and the circumstances of his conversion, noth- ing is known. His theological education was thorough, having enjoyed the advantages- of a full course of study, at a time when the science of theology and true piety in Holland were in a highly prosperous condition. That he was a man of considerable literary culture is evident from his call to assume the rectorship of an academy in the town of Embden, as well as from the proofs furnished in his published discourses. He entered the 336 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA ministry at the age of twenty-six, and for about two years was the pastor of a church in his native country. The circumstance of his selection for the important mission to this country was always regarded by him as a special call from God. A pious elder entertained a young traveler on his way through the town to Embden. During the evening he was so well pleased with the spirituality of his conversation, and his eminent gifts, especially in prayer during family worship, that he immediately informed his pastor, who had interested himself in procuring an evangelical mission- ary for the new settlements on the Raritan, "I have found a man to go to America." Accordingly, after careful deliberation, the call was accepted, and he emigrated to this country. The field of his pastorate was extensive and wild and the people matched their surroundings. But he was a man equal to the times, and with great facility adapted himself to the circumstances in which he was placed. He had great energy of charatcer, was remarkable for his fearlessness and independence of spirit, and would "sooner die a thousand deaths," as he expressed it, "than not preach the truth." From the sermons which have been pre- served, we gather that he was a warm, earnest minister, dwelling princi- pally upon the doctrine of the new birth, and having a dreadful antipathy to all manner of formalism. Indeed, his preaching was so direct and per- sonal, and at the same time of such an evangelical character, that the peo- ple almost immediately raised against him a violent opposition. He was charged with preaching .doctrines contrary to the standards of the church, and introducing customs which were subversive of her system of govern- ment. This controversy was opened almost at the commencement of his ministry, and it was carried on for several years with a spirit of bitter persecution. Indeed, in some portions of the field, it seems to have dis-' turbed the peace of the church during his whole life. Air. Frelinghuysen met all opposition in the spirit of a true minister of the Gospel. In spite of occasional errors his ministry was successful. In order to meet the growing wants of his extensive charge, Mr. Freling- huysen resorted to the expedient of appointing "helpers," after the manner of the apostles. Men who were gifted in exhortation and prayer, and who had commended themselves, by their godly lives, to the people, were se- lected, under the sanction of the Consistory, to hold neighborhood services, to visit the sick, to direct the inquiring, and to be generally useful in the congregation. The tradition is that these men became extensively useful, and while the measure was a novelty in the Dutch Church, yet it tended greatly to the prosperity of the church. These extraordinary officers held their positions during life; and one of the number, Hendrick Fisher, an elder in the church of New Brunswick, subsequently a distinguished Revo- lutionary patriot, became a lay preacher and catechist, and some of his pub- lished discourses are still in existence. Mr. Frelinghuysen was accustomed to receive into his family young men of piety, and train them up for the Gospel ministry. How many availed themselves of this advantage is not known ; but among the number we find the names of Rev. Samuel Verbryck, Rev. John H. Goetschius, and Rev. Thomas Romeyn. He was an early advocate for the establishment of an ecclesiastical judicatory in this country, with more enlarged powers than had hitherto been granted by the church in Holland. As a member of the first convention held in New York, he was an efficient supporter of that new plan which was there originated, and which resulted in the independence of our church in America. It is said that such was his zeal and foresight, that the plan of a college and seminary was first suggested by him, to provide a well-educated ministry. Concerning the events that transpired during the latter part of Mr. Fre- linghuysen's life, few records have been preserved. It is known that he was frequently prostrated by sickness, the ef?ect, no doubt, of excessive THE MINISTRY 337 labor; and that he enjoyed a large ingathering into the church — a most cheering evidence of divine favor, and a great encouragement to that noble minister, who had now triumphed over all opposition, and whose work was thus crowned with God's approl)ation. The date of his death is not known, although there is reason to believe that the event occurred about the commencement of the year 1748, when he had not yet reached his fifty-seventh year. Nor is the place of his burial definitely ascertained. The tradition is that his body rests in the old yard of the Six-Mile Rim Church. The aged remembered that their parents pointed to the spot as the resting-place of a "great man." Is it not a strik- ing fact that the distinguished minister who first broke ground for the Gospel in central New Jersey lies in an unknown grave? But if no monu- ment marks his grave, his memory is preserved among the greatest lights of our Zion. The character of his mind is sufficiently indicated by his pub- lished discourses; his success, by the ingatherings which he enjoyed, the foundations which he laid, and the seed which he planted ; and his piety, by the savor which yet breathes from his memory. When such eminent men as Gilbert Tennent, George Whitefield, and President Edw'ards speak of him as one of the great divines of the American Church, we freely accord to him the distinguished position which he occupies. The "Klagte," or Complaint against him, has been translated by Rev. M. G. Hansen, and is in the archives of Synod. See extract from letter of the Complainants, under date of Nov. 2, 1725. In letter of June, 1726 ("Ecc. Rec. N.Y."), there is a very full resume of it. Many letters in "Ecc. Rec. N. Y.". Sketch of his life by Rev. Wm. Dem- arest. in Introd. to "Frelinghuysen's Sermons," 1856. "Gunn's Livingstone," ed. 1856, p. 359. "Messler's Memorial Sermons and Hist. Notes," 1873. "Steele's Hist. Disc." 1867. "Corwsn's Millstone Centennial," 1866. "Ter- centenary Monument," 528. See Manual, 1902. PuBLic.xTioNS : Three Sermons (in Dutch). New York: 1721. Two Sermons (in Dutch). New York: 1729. These two lots of sermons were translated into English and published by Hendrick Fisher, in 173c. Ten Serm.ons (in Dutch). New York: 1733. Second edition, published in Holland, under approval, and with the commendation of the Theological Faculty of the University of Groningen, who called them "the noble fruit brought from the New World to their Doors," 1736. Tw^o Sermons (in Dutch) as an improvement of an earthquake felt in New Jersey, Dec. 7, '^IZl- Utrecht: 1738. Four Sermons (in Dutch). Philadelphia: about 1745. (These five lots of sermons were translated into English by Rev. Wm. Demarest, and published by the Board of Publication R.D.C. in 1856, i2mo, pp. 422; with an Introduction by Dr. Thomas De Witt, and a Bio- graphical Sketch by Rev. Wm. Demarest.) An Answer to the "Klagte," or Complaint against him (see Boel), is said to have been published by him about 1727 or 1728. Where can a copy be found? (Boel, Freeman, Van Saxtvoord, Demarest, Wm. Messler, Steele, R.H., and Freeman's Defence.) French, see Funck and Vonck. French, John W., St. John's, Hoboken, i8yi. French, Lawrence Henry, b. April 4, 1895, North Plainfield, N. J. R.C. 1917. N.B.S. 1920. 1. by CI. Newark. Hurley, N. Y., 1920 Frerichs, John B., b. Nov. 28, 1888. Holland, la. Mission House Col- lege. R.C. U.S.A. 1916. W.T.S. 1919. 1. by CI. P.P. 1919- Scotland, S.D. Ebenezer, 1919-21, Chancellor, S. D., 1921 Freund. J. W., Ger. Evang. Hoboken. 87-88. Frey, C. F. (converted Israelite), Miss, at Yorkville, 1827, became a Baptist. "Mag. R.D.C," ii, 282, 159. Friedel, Henry A. (at first an independent Lutheran) ; 3d Ger. Ch. N.Y.C.,' 1856-75, Flatbush, 2d, 1875-87. 33^ THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Frieling, Harke, b. Auburn, 111., Ap. 12, 1872; Calvin Col. 1895. W.S, 98, lie. by CI. Holland. Three Oaks, Mich., 98-9, Grand Rapids, 8th, 1899-1903, Kalamazoo, 3d, 1903-1910, Spring Lake, Mich., 1910-11, Detroit, Mich., 1911-15, Grand Rapids, 4th, 1915-19, Fulton, 111., 1920 Fritts, Chas. W., b. in Columbia Co., N. Y., Nov. 23, 1837; R.C. 1862, N.B.S. 65, 1. CI. Hudson; Blawenburgh, 65-70, Fishkill-on-Hudson, 70-1899, w. c. d. June 22, 1907. D.D. R.C. 1887. Pres. Gen. Syn. Dr. Fritts was distinguished by his v^ride reading and culture. He was one of the choicest companions whose conversation was always ennobling and pure. He also ranked among the strong ministers of the Word of God. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1908, 232. Publications : "A Funeral Sermon of Col. Henry Duryea," 1870. "The Centennial of the Republic." "Fishkill Standard," 1876. "Address at Cen- tennial of First Presbyt. Ch., Newburgh," 1884. "Sermon on 25th Anni- versary of Pastorate at Fishkill-on-Hudson," 1895. "Address at 200th Anniv. of ist Refd. Ch., Tarrytown," 1898. Articles in "N. Y. Observer." Articles and letters from the Orient in "Christian Intelligencer." Many letters of travel. Addresses, Sermons, in "Fishkill Standard." Froeligh, Moses (brother of Sol. Froeligh), b. at Saugerties (?) May 9, 1763; studied theol. under Sol. Froeligh and Livingston, lie. by Synod of D.R. Chs., 1787; Shawangunk and Montgomery, 1788-1811, Mont- gomery, 1811-17, d. . See Manual, 1902. Froeligh, Peter D. (s. of Sol. Froeligh), b. 1782, baptized at Millstone, Oct. 13, 1782; C.C. 1799, studied under his father, lie. CI. Paramus ; 1801. Pittstown. Tioshock, and Sincock, 1802-7, New Paltz, and New Hurley, 1807-16, Aquackanonck, 16-25, seceded, suspended (Aquacka- nonck and English Neighborhood? 25-1827). See Manual, 1902. Froeligh. Solomon, b. at Red Hook, May 29, 1750 (brother of Moses Froe- ligh) ; studied under D. Romeyn and J. H. Goetschius, lie. by Gen. Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1774; Jamaica, Newtown, Oyster Bay and Success, 1775-6, supplied Fishkill and Poughkeepsie, 1776- 80, Hillsborough and Ne-Shanic, 1780-6, Hackensack (ist) and Sehraalenburgh (ist), 1786-1822; also Lector in Theology, 1792-7, Prof, of Theology, 1797-1822, seceded; 1823, suspended (Hacken- sack and Sehraalenburgh, secession 1822-7, d. Oct. 8). Elected a trus- tee of Q.C. 1783. D.D. by R.C. 1811. He was early religiously impressed, under the ministry of Schuneman, and begged his father, who was a farmer, to give him an education. Through his mother's influence, he finally prevailed. He married Rachel Vanderbeck in 1771. His patriotism in the Revolution was very ardent, and when the British entered Long Island he was compelled to flee from his congregations, narrowly escaping. He went to Hackensack, and ac- companied Dr. Livingston on horseback, on the west side of the Hudson, to the north. A brief autobiography may be found in "Demarest's Lamen- tation over Froeligh," with remarks on men and measures. Settling at Hackensack in 1786, over that portion of the congregations which had been especially of the Coetus. or Progressive party, he at first sought to unite the two antagonistic elements in that section. (Goetschius Curtenius.) Walmoldus Kupyers, the pastor of the other part, was a mild and peace- able man, though pastor of those who had opposed the independent or- ganization of the American Reformed Church. (Kuypers, W.) The old spirit still manifested itself in a refusal to attend, on the part of this people, the meetings of the Classis of Hackensack (1771-86), and ;also on account of personal animosities with members of Mr. Froeligh's congregation. The two parties were also divided by opposite sentiments, in the Revolutionary struggle, and in the early political controversies of the THE MINISTRY 339 country. It was at such a period that Mr. Froeligh settled at Hackensack (1786.) Efforts were now made by Synod to reconcile the conflicting parties, and Mr. Froeligh's people seem to have been favorable to it; but Mr. Kuyper's people refused, unless the well-known charter was repealed. The old charter seems at length to have been done away with by the new law for incorporating religious societies of 1789, of which these congre- gations availed themselves, and it was hoped that peace was now estab- lished. From 1790-5, they actually came together, and built a church in common, but the strife soon burst forth anew. Some of the people, who had been in the heat of the old ecclesiastical feuds (1748-71), looked upon Mr. Kuyper's people as schismatics, and dis- approved of the union effected. They dislike the efforts of Mr. Froeligh in this direction, and labored with him until he yielded to the pressure, and professed to feel that the union was undesirable, if not wicked. He applied Jer. 15:19-21 to the circumstances, considering his own people as the precious, and Mr. Kuypers' as the vile, and thus preached upon it. About the same time, the union church which had been built was struck by lightning, and the stone, over the entrance with the words "Union makes strength," was broken in two. This was looked upon as ominous, and all the efforts of Synod, even, proved unavailing to keep the congre- gation united. Mr. Kuypers died about this time (1795). But whatever may have been the position of Mr. Kuypers' people before, now the tables seemed to have turned, and Mr. Froeligh and his people to have become the aggressors. It must be remembered that there were two Consistories, but only one cor- poration. Now Air. Froeligh's people, hoping to control everything, after Mr. Kuypers' death, attempted to prevent his Consistory from sending delegates to Classis, and protesting against it when done, and appeals from classical decisions were carried up to the Synods. And when Air. Kuyper's Consistory attempted to call Rev. J. V. C. Romeyn, this they also attempted to defeat, protesting against it, and carrying the matter by appeal to the Synods. The two Consistories (making one corporation) voted on strictly party lines, while Mr. Froeligh, as the President, gave the casting vote always in favor of his own Consistory. Synod sustained Mr. Kuypers' people in all their acts, approving of the call on Mr. Romeyn. His Consis- tory now kindly invited Mr. Froeligh to officiate at his installation, but he refused. The old Classis of Hackensack being divided in 1800, Synod declared Air. Froeligh's church to belong to the Classis of Paramus, and the other to the Classis of Bergen, hoping thus to prevent collision. Yet about this time, a precious revival extended all over the country, also visiting this region, and Air. Froeligh had more than two hundred added to his church on profession in a single year (1800.) The building of new churches and parsonages by the opposing congrega- tions (which were one corporation) furnished many new causes of conflict and of sin. Alembers irregularly passing from one to the other, and Mr. Froeligh baptizing children of disaffected members in Mr. Romeyn's con- gregation, did not tend to harmonize matters. Technical questions also arose, Air. Froeligh's Consistory assuming the responsibility of the bap- tisms, to free Air. Froeligh from blame. Classes and Synods took opposite views of the matter, till at length Mr. Froeligh, with four other ministers in the north — Brokaw, Palmer, Toll, Wyckoff. H. V. — who had been sus- pended for contumacy, combined in organizing what they styled "The True Reformed Dutch Church." This secession took place in 1822. Thus that portion of the congregation in Hackensack and Schraalenburgh which had warmly favored the independent American ecclesiastical organization — which had belonged to the Coetus party, and which under Goetschius, Dirck Romeyn, and the early years of Froeligh, had denounced schism — had now. through their personal animosities, effected a real schism, which was the bane of Bergen County, in all its original extent, for nearly half 340 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA a century. Likewise, many fair regions along the Mohawk, and farther west, were desolated by the same wave. The attempt was made to vin- dicate the secession on doctrinal grounds and looseness of discipline. It was charged that the church had become Hopkinsian (or too mildly Cal- vinistic) in its theology, and many pamphlets were produced by the oppo- site sides upon the question. The matter was brought by memorials of different parties before the General Synod. Dr. Froeligh had been ap- pointed assistant Professor of Theology in 1792, and this now made him directly responsible to the Synod for his conduct. He was accordingly suspended in 1822 from his professorship and from the ministry for seceding, for charging the constituted authorities of the church with un- sound doctrines and with looseness of discipline (especially while he had himself irregularly administered baptism to the disaffected of another con- gregation) for uniting with deposed ministers in contempt of ecclesiastical authority, and for promoting schisms and dissensions. It was afterward proved by letters of Mr. Froeligh to different parties, and by the testimony of some of his students, that he had contemplated secession, in imitation of the Scotch, for many years. Mr. Froeligh was seventy-two years of age at his secession. He was not a man of lofty genius or of intellectual greatness. He followed the beaten track of doctrinal exposition and experimental religion. He became, with years, severely dogmatic. His studies were rather confined to the needful and the useful. He was considered, during many of his latter years by the church at large, as a traubler in Israel. He expressed his doctrines in the severest terms, preaching an unalterable reprobation. He was, no doubt, led into the ecclesiastical difficulties, before he was aware, so far that he felt he could not recede, and by thus acting he soon became guilty of many inconsistencies. It must be remembered that he at first strove for union, and when he had failed in all his efforts and plans, the reaction carried him far the other way. From his position he found himself at the head of a party, and circumstances led him on till the consummation which we have seen. Much sin was on both sides, no doubt. He was appointed Chaplain, 1st N. Y. Line, 3d Continental Establishment, which appointment was approved, Nov. 21, 1776. Reconfirmed, Jan. 3, 1777, but the appointment was dropped, Sept., 1777, he never having joined his regiment. See "Mints of Classis of Hackensack, Bergen, and Paramus." "Mints, of Gen. Syn.," 1822-3. "Cannon's Pastoral Theology," 585. "Taylor's An- nals of Classis of Bergen," 1856. "Gordon's Life of Ostrander," pp. 25, 32, 46, 47. "Rev. C. T. Demarest's Lamentation Over Froeligh." "Centennial of N. B. Sem., 420. "Brinkerhofif's Hist, of True Refd. Dutch Church." "Romeyn's History of Ch. of Hackensack." "Gordon's Manual of Ch. of Schraalenburg." "Mints, of True Reformed Dutch Church." "Rev. H. Beet's Sketch of Froeligh, in Dutch," in "De Gereformeerde Amerikaan," Oct. and Nov., 1900. Publications: "A Fourth of July Discourse," 1794. A Sermon preached at Hackensack, 1795, on occasion of the lightning rending the steeple of the church — Job. 37:5 (In "Banner of Truth," vol. iv. No. 2. This is a maga- zine of the True Dutch Reformed Church). A Sermon on the "Heidelberg Catechism" — i John i :3 — "Banner of Truth," vol. iv. No. 6. A Sermon on Gen. 47 :g — "Banner of Truth," vol. iv. No. 8. A Sermon on 2 Tim. 2 :8— "Banner of Truth," Vol. v. No. i. A Sermon in the "New Jersey Preacher," on Ex. 17:6 — "The Smitten Rock," 1813. An account of the Religious Revival at Hackensack and Schraalenburg, "N. Y. Miss Mag.," 180C. "The Trial of Universal Charity by a Jury," i2mo, pp. 268, N. Y. : 1824. "Reason Assigned by a Number of Ministers, Elders, and Deacons for Declaring Themselves the True Reformed Dutch Church in the U. S. A.," i2mo, pp. 11: Hackensack: 1822. Froschl, John. 1. by CI. N. Y. Dis. to Pres. 1904. (Pres. 1904-06). Long Branch, 1906-08. d. 1917. THE MINISTRY 34I Frost, Henry D., b. Dairyland, N. Y., June 4, 1884. R.C. 191 1. N.B.S. 1914. 1. by CI. Orange. Rochester, N. Y., Accord, 1914-18; Lawyers- ville and Sharon, 1918-22; Huguenot and Prince's Bay, S. I., 1922— — •. Member Bd. Supt. N.B.S. 1916-18. Member Ex. Com. N.Y. State S.S. Ass. 1920 Fry, Frank S., b. Pottstown, Pa., March 26, 1884. Ursinus Col. 1907. Cen- tral Theo. Sem. 1910. 1. by CI. of St. Joseph, Ref. Ch. U.S. (Ref. Ch. U.S. Fulton, Mich., 1910-11; Mulberry, Ind., 1911-14; Shippensburg, Pa., 1914-18) ; Philadelphia, 4th, 1918 — — Fryenmoet (Frymuth), Johannes Casparus, b. in Switzerland, 1720 ; Mini- sink, Walpeck and Mahakkemack, 1741-56, also Smithfield, N. J., 1741- Dec, 1743; supplied VVawarsing, 1745-51, Kinderhook, Clavcrack, and Livingston Manor, 1756-70, supplied also Red Hook, Kinderhook, and Schodack, 1770-78, d. He emigrated while a young man to America, and took up his residence near Port Jervis, N. Y. The associated churches on the Delaware took a special interest in him, and finally induced Mancius to ordain him (1741) that he might serve in the churches on the Delaware, even as Frelinghuysen and Dorisus had ordained Goetschius three years before. Hence Mancius was called "Promoter," as if he had power like an inspector or bishop to "prefer" men to ecclesiastical offices. Mancius had organized these churches on the Delaware in 1737. But many found fault with this ordination, and hence application was made to the Classis of Amsterdam that he miight be legally ordained. The propriety of sending him to Holland was long under consideration, and it has been generally supposed that he went, but the Ecc. Rec. of N. Y. show the contrary. The Classis granted permission in May, 1744, to ordain him according to the Church Order. This was done by Mancius on Dec. 16, 1744. in the presence of Domines Vas and Weiss. His very neat handwriting, his great regularity in keeping records, and the sweet savor he left behind him of deep, evangelical piety> continued in Port Jervis (says Slauson) even down to his day. He was very popular as a preacher. ' So great was his popularity that quite a strife occurred between certain churches which wished his services. The churches of the Delaware and of Ulster County were the contestants. A corre- spondence took place between them of a very spicy nature, and evincing no little spirit of rivalry as to wealth and worldly standing. He became in a few years a conservative member of the Coetus, but in- dignantly withdrew when they proposed to organize a Classis. He had ordained Arondeus over the Conferentie elements in Somerset County, N. J., in 1747. In 1756, an Indian massacre compelled him to flee from his home, and he went to Raritan, and the Conferentie party there sought most strenuously to call him, but they were prevented by the friends of Coetus, who already had determined to call Hardenbergh, who had married John Frelinghuysen's widow. The dispute rose so high that the Circle (or Classis) of New Brunswick was called in to settle it. He had great power in personal intercourse, being remarkably social and genial, and was frequently placed on commis- sions to deal with delicate cases. See "Slauson's Hist. Ser. at Port Jervis," and "Zabriskie's Claverack Centennial." "Mills' Hist. Disc, at Bushkill," 1874, and at Port Jervis, 1878. Fulton, Wm. Collegiate education in Europe, studied theology under Dr. Helffenstein, 1. by Ger. Ref. CI. of Philadelphia, 1852 (Phoenixville, G.R. and S.S. at Jeffersonville, Presbyt., 1853-5) ; Manayunk, 1855- March, 1865, Chaplain of the Scott Legion Regiment and Miss, at Hilton Head, S. C, March-Nov., 1865, Manayunk again, 1865-9. Funck, Seymour P. (see French and Vonck), b. 1798; C.C. 1817, N.B.S. 1821, 1. CI. N.B. 1821 (Jamaica, Presbvt., 1823-O : d. 1828 -"Mag. R.D.C.," iii. 64. 342 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Furbeck, George, b. at Guilderland, Feb. 24, 1821 ; U.C. 47, N.B.S. 51, 1. CI. Schenectady; 1851, d. Oct. 18. See "Manual" of 1879. Furbeck, Geo. Warren (s. of Philip Furbeck), b. Westerlo, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1864; U.C. 87, N.B.S. 90, 1. CI. Passaic; Stuyvesant, 90-8, Albany, 6th, 1898-1909, Altamont, 1909— — . Pres. P.S.A. 1916. Furbeck, Howard (s. of Philip Furbeck), b. Interlaken, N. J., June 19, 1876; U.C. 1897, N.B.S. 1901 ; Amsterdam, N. Y., 1901-03; Rensselaer, 1903-07; Addisville (Richboro), Pa., 1908-12; Annandale, N. J., 1912-17. d. Oct. 16, killed by an automobile. Mr. Furbeck was satisfied by nothing less than the best in all he did. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1918, 598. Furbeck, Philip (brother of George Furbeck), b. at Guilderland, Dec. 29, 1832; U.C. 54, N.B.S. 59, 1. CI. Schenectady; Caughnawaga, 59-62, Westerlo, 62-67, Buskirk's Bridge 67-75, Farmer Village, 75-82, Little Falls, N. J., 82-88, St. Johnsville, 88-92, Taghkanick, 92-97. Died July 23, 1899. See Manual, 1902. Furda, Englehard, b. Groningen, Neth., Feb. i, 1884. H.C. 1910-12. W.T.S. 1915. 1. by CI. Holland. Three Oaks, Mich., 1915-17; Melvin, la., 1917-19; Sibley, la., 1919 Gablemann, Frederick. N.B.S. 1899-1900. Galusha, Watts. R.C. 1847. N.B.S. 1847-9. Episcopalian, d. 1851. >Gamble, Samuel L., b. Pa., 1828; Jeflf. Col. 58, P.S. 61 (New Scotland, N. Y., 61-7; also supplied Hamiltonville, 61-2; Bethlehem, ist, 63-7; Still- water, 68-70) ; Guilderland, 70-85, S. S. Pekin, ist, 111., 85-90, S.S. Con. stantine, oo-i ; S.S. Presb. ch., Garner, 91-1895; d. Mar. 18, See P.S. Cat. See Manual, 1902. ^anse, Hervey Doddridge, b. near Fishkill, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1822; N.Y.U. 35- 8, C.C. 39, N.B.S. 43. 1. CI. N.Y.; Freehold, 2d, 43-56, N. Y. C, W. 23d St. (after 71 in Madison av.), 56-76 (St. Louis, Mo., 76-83, Cor. Sec. Presbyt. Bd. for Colleges and Academies, 83-91), d. Sept. President of Gen. Synod, 1866. Editor of "Christian Intelligencer," 1871-5. Mr. Ganse was a man of brilliant ability, ripe scholarship and earnest piety. Hence he early became a leader in the pulpit and in denominational activity. He was one of the most active members of the Boards of For- eign and Domestic Missions. He was chairman of the committee to report on the elimination of the word "Dutch" from the corporate title of the Denomination (1866-7). He was also interested in Church Union. In 1861 he declined the degree of D.D. from Rutgers College, holding that such distinctions were contrary to the spirit of the Gospel. A volume of his poems and hymns was published after his death. See "Memorial Address by Dr. J. McC. Holmes." Manual, 1902. Publications: "Bible Slaveholding Not Sinful; a Reply to Slavehold- ing Not Sinful," by Dr. S. B. How, 1856. A Sermon on the "Duties of the Sabbath," in the "Christian Sabbath," 1862. Article on "Baptism for the Dead," "Am. Presbyt. and Theolog. Rev.," 1863. A Sermon on the "Trin- ity," in "South Church Lects. on Christian Doct," 1865. Article on "Change of Name," "Appendix to Minutes Gen. Syn.," 1867. "Rem- iniscences of Dr. Thomas De Witt" (In "Memorial"). Article in "Sprague's Annals of Am. Ref. D. Pulpit," on "Rev. George Schenck." Many editor- ials in the "Christian Intelligencer." "Practical Results of N. Y. S. S. Institute," 1868. Various Hymns. Ganss, Jacob J., b. Frankfort on the Main, Ger., Aug. 3, 1859; Basel, 79; Basel and Karls Schule, 80; ord. by CI. Bergen, 83, Ger. Evang., Kreischersville, S. I., 1882-1912; also S.S. Kreischersville, 1913 — ; la- boring in Amboy, 1892-1910; St. Paul's, Perth Amboy, 1910— ; Ph.D., Tayler Univ., 1898. THE MINISTRY 343 Publications : "Das Forsthaus." "Der Goldgraeber." "Der Mueller- sohn." "Gottes Wege sind Wunderbar." Gemeinde Bole 13 years. Gardeneir, W., Kalamazoo, 1855, d. Gardiner, Hugh Brodie, b. in Scotland, 1820; Y.C. 42, P.S. 49, Galena, 111., 49-51, S.S. Madison, Wis., 15-5, Coeymans and New Baltimore, 56-60, Herkimer, 60-4; S.S. Bergen, Cong., 64-7, Sec. Am. Tract Soc, Schenectady, 67-70, Perry, Presbyt., 70-2 ; died 1874. See "P. S. Cat." Gardner, John, b. at Gilbertsville, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. i, 1814; U.C. 41, N.B.S. 44, 1. CI. N.B. ; Harlingen, 1844-81, d. Oct. 20. He had the advantage of a pious and worthy Scotch and New England ancestry. For 2)y years he exercised a ministry of great devotion and use- fulness in a single field. While he was an excellent pastor, his preaching was Scriptural, varied and forcible, and always very instructive. See Manual, 1902. Gardner, John C, b. Middleburgh, N. Y., May 17, 1877; P-C, 1900; N.B.S., 1903; 1. by CI. S. L. I., 1903; Highwood, N. J., 1903-09, w. c. Gardner, Jolin Scoon (s. of John Gardner), b. Harlingen, N. J., Nov. I, 1850; C.N.J. 71, U.S. 75, lie. CI. Philadelphia (S.S. Morris plains, Presbyt., 75-6); ord. by CI. Schoharie, Aug. 23, 76; Middleburg, 76-80; Harlingen, 80-3; Flatlands, 1883-1913; P.E. 1913. D.D. by H.C. 191 1 ; S.C, CI. S.L.I. ; Pres. P.S. N. Y., 1912. Gardner, Theodore A., b. in Vt, 1830; W.C, 53; U.S., 57; ord. by CI. Saratoga, 62; S.S. Manhattanville, 55; Buskirk's Bridge, 61-2, Tios- siock, 62-7; died Jan. 20, 1880. Other details see "U. S. Gen. Cat." Garland, D. G., Florence, S.C. All Souls, 1919-20. Garretson, Garret I., b. near Somerville, 1808, R.C. 29, N.B.S. 32, 1. CI. N.B. ; Stuyvesant, 32-4 ; Newtown and Jamaica, 35-49, Lodi, 49-52, d. Aug. 14, 1854. See "Manual" of 1879. Publications: "A Discourse at Jamaica, L. I.," Feb. 15, 1842, at the Quadragenian Anniversary of the Ministry of the Rev. Jacob Schoon- maker, D.D., 1842. "The« Christian Citizen," 1842. "A Sermon on the Death of A. S. Rapalje," 1847. Garretson, Geo. Rem., b. at Jersey City, May 21, 1850; R.C. 70, N.B.S. 70-1, U.S. 71-3, in Europe 73-4, U.S. 74-5, lie. CI. Bergen, Sept., 1875; 1st Long Is. City, 75-6, ist L. I. City, and St. Johns, Laurel Hill, 76-7, Ap. ist, Hyde Park, 77-8, Presb. Mattituck, L. I., 83-7, Claremont Presby, ch., Jersey City, 87-1900, S.S. Summit, N. J., 1900-04, Laurel, L. I., 1906 Garretson, Gilbert S. (s. of John Garretson), b. N. Y. C, Nov. 21, 1839; R.C. 59, N.B.S. 62, 1. CI. Orange, Upper Walpack, 63-84, Franklin Fur- nace, N. J., 85-91. Garretson, Jas. Cortelyou, b. Middlebush, N. J., Aug. 8, 1851; R.C. 71, N.B.S. 74, lie. CI. N.B. ; Pratttsville, 75-7, Taghkanic, 1877-91, supply- ing churches, 1892 — , member Bd. Supt N.B.S. Garretson, John, b. at Six-Mile Run, N. J., Nov. 9, 1801 ; U.C. 23, N.B.S. 26, 1. CI. N.B. ; Miss, to Kinderhook Landing (Stuyvesant) and Co- lumbiaville, 26-7, Middleburgh, 27-33, Schraalenburgh, 33-6, Miss, at Brooklyn, organizing the Central Ch., 36-7, Belleville. 37-49, Cor. Sec. Bd. Dom. Missions, 49-59, Canastota, 59-61, Owasco Outlet, 61-4, Eso- pus, 65-6, also S.S. at St. Remy (Lawrenceville, Pa., Presb., 66-9) ; Cortlandtown, 69-72; w. c. ; Rector of Hertzog Hall, 1874-5, d. D.D. by R.C. 1855. See Manual, 1902. Garretson, John. b. Millstone, N. J., 1829; N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. N.B. ; (supply- ing Broadalbin. N. Y., Presbyt., 65-8, pastor, 1868-9, d.) Garretson, John K., N.B.S., 1821-2; d. 1822. Garvin, Isaac, 1832. 344 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Gaston, John, b. Somerville, N. J., 1825; R.C. 49, N.B.S. 52, 1. CI. N.B. ; Pompton, 52-62, Saugerties, 62-9, Aquackanonck, 69-95 ; emeritus ; d. Dec. I, 1901. Elected a trustee of R.C. 1876. D.D. by R.C. 1872. Pres. Bd. Education 1 880-1 901. He was splendidly furnished by nature, grace, and culture for the exact- ing demands of his high and holy office. He was a true "Shepherd and Bishop of Souls." See Manual, 1902. Publications: An address at the Funeral of Rev. Dr. John Gosman, 1867 (In "Memorial"). Address at Funeral of Mrs. J. B. Sheffield, 1864. Gaston, Joseph, Belmont, 1895-6, Hyde Park, 97-1899. Gates, Cor. From Ger. Ref. Ch., Wyantskill, 1840-2, Caroline, 42-50, Manayunk, 51-4, Port Jackson, 56-7, Woolcott, 57-9, Minisink, 60-3, d. Feb. Gates, Wm. Bishop, U.S. 1902; Assistant Pastor, Madison Av., N. Y. C, 1902. Congregational. Gebhard, John G., b. at Waldorf, Ger., 1750, studied at Heidelberg and Utrecht, 1. 1771 (Whitpain and Worcester, Pa., 1771-4) ; Ger. Ref., N. Y. C, 1774-6, Claverack, 1776-1826, d. ; also at Ghent every two months, 1782-87, at Schoharie, 1784, at Taghkanic quarterly, 1777-97, at Hillsdale every seven weeks, 1793-1814, and at Camp occasionally. When New York was invaded by the British he removed to Kingston, and soon accepted a call to Claverack. He was here the means of healing an unhappy division, bringing with him sagacity, knowledge of human nature, prudence, and self-control^ He mastered the Low Dutch tongue, so as to be able to preach in it, in three months. He also preached in all the surround- ing neighborhood, traveling sometimes even to Schoharie (sixty miles dis- tant) to break to them the Word of Life. In 1777 he founded the Wash- ingtonian Institute at Claverack, of which he was principal. He was always modest, dignified, and courteous, and affable in his intercourse with others. He was a man of peace. As a preacher he had life and energy, and was fre- quently pathetic ; his style of preaching was mostly didactic, addressed to the understanding with a view to enlighten and convince. As a patriot of the Revolution, he was active and consistent; he used the weight of his official character to maintain the righteousness of the cause and enlarge the spirit of freedom. His last communion season, standing on the border of the grave, is described as thrilling. "Harbaugh," ii. 393. "Claverack Cen- tennial." "Mag. R.D.C.," i, 232, "The Parsonage Between the Two Manors," 1910. Gebhard, John G. (great-grandson of John G. Gebhard, above), b. Hud- son, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1857; H.C. 78, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. Hudson; Griggs- town, 1882-5, Mellenville and Philmont, 1885-91, Herkimer, 91-1900, Cor. Sec. Bd. of Education, 1900-1920. Ass. Treasurer Bd. of Educa- tion 1902 . D.D. by H.C. 1906. Publications: Articles for Clrnrch periodicals. Gebhard, John G., Jr., (son of John G. Gebhard), b. Herkimer, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1894; H.C, 1916; N.B.S., 1919; 1. by CI. Westchester, Mis- sionary to India, 1920 George, H. W.. 1889-90. Gerhard, Ludwig, 1865. Gesman, N. J., b. Charlois, Neths., Dec. 17, 1835; c. to America, 46; lie. by CI. Illinois, 88; Ebenezer, la., 89-1894; d. Nov. 3. He came to America with the 800 under the lead of Rev. H. P. Scholte, 1846. They settled at Pella, la. In 1865 he began to study law and was admitted to the bar ; but his anxiety to preach the Gospel led him into the ministry. He was always ready to proclaim the Word in any destitute locality, and his efforts were rewarded with the conversion of many souls In 1888 a community at Ebenezer, la., where he had labored, petitioned the Classis of Illinois to organize them into a church, and they at once chose THE MINISTRY 345 Mr. Gesman as their pastor. His preaching was logical and instructive, but his ministry was short. Gesner, Oscar, b. Njack, N. Y., Nov. i6, 1840; R.C. 1862, N.B.S. 65, 1. S. CI. L.I. ; Rocky Hill, 65-70, Linden, 70-4, w. c. Often supplying churches, d. Sept. 18, 1918. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1919, 919. Geyer, Julius W., b. Saxony, July 7, 1836, student R.C. 1862, N.B.S. 1863, Ger. Evang. Mission, N. Y. C., 1863-1914; d. Sept. 18, 1914. D.D. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1915, 595. For many years member of Bd. of Domestic Missions and preeminently the pastor of the German population of N. Y. C. Gibson, J. R.. 1888-9. Giebel. Wm. Hobart, b. Rochester, N. Y., July 21, 1879; R.C, 1904; N.B.S., 1907; Post graduate, 1907-08; Talmage Memorial, Philadelphia, 1908-09; Missionary to China. 1909-1913. GifTen, John, b. Birkenhead, Eng., Nov. 9, 1862; U.T.S., 93; ord. by Presb. N.Y. ; S.S., Belmont, N. Y. C, 1892-3 ; Supt. Albany Tract and Miss. Soc, 1893—; M.D. Gilbert. Archibald P.. b. 1826? 1. by Franklin Assoc. Mass., 1861 ; Pratts- ville, 61-1866. d. Giles. Wm. Warren, b. Jan. 16, i860. New York City. Coll. of C. of N. Y. 1881. U.T.S. 1885, 1. by Baptist Ch. N. Y. Association, (Baptist Ch. of the Redeemer 18S5-1893, Baptist Ch. of Summit, N. J., ist 1898-1907), First Reformed. Orange, N. J.. 1907 — , D.D. Gillespie. John Hamilton, b. Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 9, 1858, R.C. 82, Johns Hopkins 82-3, N.B.S. 85. 1. CI. Bergen; New Hurlev. N. Y.. 85-8. Prof, of Greek, Hope College. 88-98. Prof. Hellenistic Greek and N. T. Exegesis, N.B.S., 1898-1911. Instructor in N. T. Criticism and Lector, Missions 1911-21, D.D.. H.C. and R.C. i8g8. Gilmore, Wm. Brokaw. b. White House, N. J., 1835 ; H.C. 66, W.S. 69, lie. and ord. CI. Mich., 70;,Prin. Amelia Institute, and Miss, in Va., 69- "jz, Prin. Female Dept. Hope College, Nov., 72-3, June ; Spring Lake, 111.. 73-82. Havana, 111., 82-1884, d. Ap. 24. See Manual, 1902. Ginnings. see Jennings. Girtanncr. Carl, Hudson City. 2d (Jersev Citv). 1879-81, Newark. West (Ger.). 1882-1918. P.E. 1918. Gleason, Wm. Henry (son-in-law of Rev. Dwight M. Seward), b. in Dur- ham. Ct.. Sept. 28. 1833; Y.C 53; lie. and ord. Presb. L. I., 70; New- burgh. 7C-76. Newark, ist. 77-86, Hudson, N. Y., 1886-88, w. c. Died Feb. 21, 1892. See Manual, 1902. Gliddon. A. M.. 1892. Goebcl. Gustavus A. T.. b. Frankfort-on-the-Main. Germany, May 12. 1861. N.Y. 1881. 1. by CI. N. Y. N.B.S. 1884; Yorkville (Ger.), 84-90, Greenburgh. 1890-1910, Stanton. N. J., 1910-16, Grand Rapids, Zion Ref., 1919-21, Shawangunk. N.Y., 1921 Publications: German English Readers. I. II. III. German English Grammar. Goebel. Louis, b. Frankfort on Main. Ger., Julv 27. i8s8; Bloomficld T. Sem.. 1877-80; U.T.S. 1S80-1 ; ord. by CI." Bergen. Sept. 30, 1881 ; Hack- ensack. 3d. 1881-90; Yorkville. N. Y. C (Evang.), 1899-5, Flatbush, 2d, 1895-T918. d. March 14. Goetschius. John Henry (son of Rev. Maurice Goetschi. of Zurich. Switzer- land), b. 1717; studied at Zurich, and under Dorsius; assisting Dor- sius. in' Bucks Co.. Pa.. 1739-41 ; licensed by Dorsius. Frelinghuysen, and Tennant. 1741 ; Jamaica. Newtown, Success, and Oyster Bay, L. I., 1 74 1 -8. rc-ordaincd by the Ccetus, 1748, Hackensack and Schraalen- berg. N. J., 1748-74. died. 346 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA His father, Rev. Maurice Goetschi, was born in Switzerland in 1686, and ordained in 1710. He was a remarkable Oriental scholar. He was assist- ant pastor at Bernegg, 1710-20; was pastor at Salez, 1720-31, when, for some reason, he was deposed. But he still possessed great influence, and left Zurich, Oct. 4, 1734, with a party of 400, destined for America. They had a very difficult and dangerous passage down the Rhine, on account of a Franco-Austrian war then raging. They were molested and robbed con- tinually. After leaving Mayence they met with further disappointments and discouragements all the way to Holland, although occasionally they found friends along the way. The colonists finally reached Rotterdarn, where they suffered not a little ; but Rev. Mr. Wilhelmius sought to miti- gate their sufferings. Goetschi went on to The Hague, where he unex- pectedly met with most remarkable success. He had hoped, upon starting, that England would send them to the Carolinas, but Count Walpole, the British Ambassador at The Hague, said he could not send them on to England, without express orders. Goetschi now addressed himself to Mr. Felss, a certain statesman there, who received him most favorably. He told him they had been seeking for six years for a man to organize the churches in Pennsylvania, where there were 60,000 of the Reformed faith. He offered to secure his appointment as Superintendent-General of Pennsylvania, and give him a salary for the first year of about $800; but he must first see his testimonials. Goetschi wrote to Rev. J. Baptiste Ott, of Zurich, for testimonials. Ott informed Rev. Wilhelmi, of Rotterdam, that Goetschi had started against advice; yet since he had reached 'Rotterdam, he would give him a letter of introduc- tion to Wilhelmi. Information was also sent that Goetschi had been de- posed, but that he was a man of great energy, and might yet accomplish great good in the New World. Through Statesman Felss' suggestion, the whole body was diverted from Carolina to Pennsylvania. They left Rot- terdam, Feb. 24, 1735. They stopped on the coast of England, and had a stormy passage all the way over, and a brutal tyrant for a captain. They reached Philadelphia, May 29, 1735, and Goetschi himself expired soon after landing. He left a wife and eight children, of whom John Henry was the oldest. He was then only seventeen. In their distress John Henry writes, on July 21, 1735, to Rev. Werdmiller, assistant at Zurich, giving an account of the voyage, and of his father's death, and asking for aid. He also states how he had begun to preach at this early age. When the people found out that he was a student for the ministry, and he showed them the certificate of his studies, they were de- lighted and insisted on his preaching. He preached and catechized twice every Sunday, not only in Philadelphia, but in the outlying districts. He received another certificate from Zurich, on May 28, 1736, stating that he had attended college there, and they had hopes of his becoming a good minister when he got through his schooling. He now sought ordination at the hands of the Presbyterian Synod in Philadelphia, but that Synod, May 27, 1737, while satisfied with his testimonials, as far as they went, delayed ordaining him, and advised him to continue his studies. Nevertheless, he continued preaching, and performed other ministerial duties. He officiated in a dozen different congregations, although he him- self only partook of the Lord's Supper for the first time, at the hands of Rieger, at Germantown, in November, 1736 (if Boehm's statement is cor- rect). Goetschi, therefore, exhibited a spirit of independence, to say the least, not altogether justifiable. The South Holland Synod proposed in 1738 that Goetschius should be ordained, either by the Presbyterian Synod or by some of the neighboring ministers, or by ministers sent there for that purpose. But, about 1739, Goetschi stopped preaching, and went to Bucks County to finish his theological studies under Dorsius. The Synod of South Holland of 1740 refers to this event, saying that after having per- THE MINISTRY 347 formed all the work of a regularly qualified minister, he stopped short to finish his studies. In October, 1740, before his ordination, Goetschius visited Long Island, where the churches of Newtown, Jamaica, Hempstead, and Oyster Bay gave him a call, whither he went the following year. On April 7, 1741, Dorsius, Tennant, and Frelinghuysen ordained him. Goetschi asked Boehm's forgiveness for all that he had done against him. The Classis of Amsterdam censured Dorsius for ordaining Goetschius. Goetschius was installed by Freeman, with the consent of Antonides, over the churches in Queens County, L. I. But from the first there were some who questioned the validity of his ordination, and his colleag:ue, Antonides, took part with them. The pressure brought to bear upon him caused him sometimes to lose his temper, for which the Classis rebuked him. His opponents also trumped up charges of immorality against him, which pro- duced great confusion for several years, but the Classis ultimately de- clared that these had not been proven. The whole business, the validity of his ordination and the charges, was committed to the ministers of N. Y. C. and L. I., and articles of agreement were at length adopted. For the sake of peace Mr. Goetschius consented, in 1748, when the Coetus was formed by classical authority, to take the place of a candidate, though he had been seven years in the ministry, and to submit to a new examination and ordi- nation ! During the contest much unchristian spirit had been exhibited. The church was sometimes locked against him, when he preached in barns, or crowded houses, or under trees, or on the doorsteps of the church. On one occasion, when in the church, the chorister, who sat below the pulpit and in those days gave out the hymns, in order to prevent his preaching, gave out the whole of the 119th Psalm, which would have taken all day to sing. But Mr. Goetschius had the courage to stop the proceedings. The neighboring ministers also (Boel, etc.), who were opposed to his ordina- tion, rebaptized the children whom he had baptized. Yet God accepted his ministry, giving him while on Long Island, and before his reordination, as well as frequently after, great revivals. His occasional services at New Paltz were also greatly blessed. When he removed to Hackensack new difficulties awaited him. He was called as the colleague of Mr. Curtenius. The latter, while favorable to the Coetus, seems to have been among the more conservative members, and ultimately opposed the proposition for a Classis. The two colleagues, there- fore, represented the conservative and progressive elements. Indeed, the anti-Coetus party on Long Island soon called Curtenius there after they had driven Goetschius away. Mr. Goetschius and his friends, embracing all the elders and deacons at Hackensack, procured a charter from the Governor to assess the expenses of the church on the pews. Domine Goetschius had not received his full salary when he left Long Island. This, with the ecclesiastical questions about ordination, fully split the church, and was the foundation of those unhappy differences cherished by the parties which led, in connection with other causes, seventy years later, to the secession, and the organization of the "True Reformed Dutch Church," as they styled themselves. Mr. Goetschius was blessed again in New Jersey by a precious revival of re- ligion. He was a learned, pious, and godly man, and a faithful and suc- cessful preacher of the Gospel. He instructed several young men for the ministry, such as Dirck Romeyn, Theo. Romeyn, Sol. Froeligh, John Leydt, Verbeck. Benj. Du Bois, the younger Frelinghuysens, and Martinus and Henricus Schoonmaker. He was also one of the first trustees of Queens College. His ministry was exactly contemporary with the great dispute concerning Hollandish or American ordination. When he first settled on Long Island he gave great offense by preaching on the text, "The Un- known God," reflecting on the personal piety of many of the people. They in turn started slanderous charges against him, which could not be sus- 348 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA tained, and then started those questions about the vaHdity of his ordination. He was a man of deep feeHng and strong passions, it being said that once, when resistance was apprehended to his entering the church at Hackensack, he buckled on his sword, and thus accoutred entered the pulpit. It must be remembered, however, that it was not unusual for even a minister to wear a sword, sometimes carrying it to church and laying it behind him in the pulpit during service. He was below the middle size, of a vigorous constitution^ abrupt in speech, but his language was clear and expressive. He was a man of pro- found erudition, a thorough Calvinist, and an accomplished theologian. — Ecc. Rec. N. Y. Many letters, especially between 1743-50. "Taylor's An- nals of CI. of Bergen." "Strong's Flatbush." "Sprague's Annals." Publications: "De Orbekende God; or, The Unknown God" (Acts 17:23.) A Sermon preached on July 23, 1742, at , and on August 22, 1742, at Newtown. i8mo, pp. 5. 1743. (This sermon in English, but apparently much abbreviated, in the "Banner of Truth," vol. ii, parts 6, 7.) See also "Rev. Dr. Jas. L. Good's Hist. Reformed (Ger.) Church," pages 173-190, for the earlier facts in the life of Goetschius. Goetschius, John Mauritius (brother of J. H. Goetschius), b. in Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland, July, 1724; educated as a physician; c. to America, 1744; studied for the ministry under his brother, and Theo. Frelinghuysen ; lie. by Coetus, 1754; Schoharie (Ger. and Dutch), 1756- 60, Shawangunk and New Paltz, 1760-71, d. Mar. 17. He at once began to practice as a physician at Hackensack on his ar- rival in America, but was persuaded by his brother to prepare for the ministry. He warmly espoused the cause of the Coetus. Conferentie com- plain to Classis (Nov. 9, 1756) that this Goetschius and Henry Freling- huysen have, without any call or commission, officiated for more than two years as ministers of congregations, except that they did not administer the sacraments ; that Goetschius had said at last meeting of the Coetus : "We have been ciphers long enough; if we cannot gain our end, let us go to the Presbyterians, whose ordination is as good as that of the Nether- lands Church." The Coetus approved his call to Schoharie, Nov. 10, 1757, and he was ordained and installed by Vrooman and Theodore Frelinghuy- sen on Dec. 14. Rev. P. N. Semmer, of the Lutheran Church, assisted. He preached to both the Germans and Dutch in Schoharie, and also practiced medicine all his life. His field of labor at New Paltz extended over thirty miles. He was large and commanding in person, courteous and intelligent in his intercourse with others, and decided in his opinions. President Stiles, of Yale College, refers in his journal to his having met a Rev. Mr. Huzius (Goetschius) when at Kingston, a very learned man. He was one of the original trustees of Queens College. By license dated Oct. 14, 1758, he married Catharine Hagar, of Schoharie. She died at Shawan- gunk. 1785. "See "Stitts' Hist, of Ch. of New Paltz." Goetschius, John Mauritius, studied under his uncle, J. H. Goetschius? Sought licensure in 1773, but was not sufficiently well qualified. In 1774 rumors against him again delayed his license. A man of this name joined the "Flying Camp," in N. J., 1776. He became a Major. — See "N. J. in the Revolution." Goetschius, Stephen (s. of J. H. Goetschius), b. about 1752; studied under his father, Livingston, Westerlo, and Verbyck, 1. by Gen. Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1775; New Paltz and New Hurley, 1775-96 (not ordained till June, 1777), Marbletown and Shokan, 1796-1814, Saddle River and Pascack, 1814-35, d. 1837. He was instrumental in healing the breach at New Paltz which the ques- tions about American ordination had caused. His ministry during and immediately after the Revolution did not show much spiritual fruit, owing greatly to the spirit of the times. He was small of stature and somewhat bent in form. He was sharp and fearless in his denunciation of sin. After the war, he organized no less than nine churches in Ulster County THE MINISTRY 349 Possessed of a vigorous constitution, when over eighty years of age he could yet ride on horseback between his two charges. He never became well skilled in the English language. He loved to preach in Dutch. He was a man of deep thought, holding strongly to the Calvinistic doctrines, and dwelling much on experimental religion, election, particular atonement, depravity, regeneration, and final perseverance. — Rev. John Manley. He was teaching a Latin scliool at New Paltz, 1793. — "Ostrander's Life," 22. Goetschins, Stephen Z., b. 1795, at New Paltz (s. of Stephen Goetschius), studied under Froeligh, 1. CI. Paramus, 1819; Miss, at Manheim, 1822, seceded, 1823, Danube and Osquak, 1823-4, suspended. (Report Miss. Soc, 1823, p. 8.) Re-entered R.D.C. as a candidate of the Classis of Paramus, April 16, 1828. Canastota, S.S., 1836-7, afterward in the West. Gorby, L L, S.S. at Pekin. 111., 1892-3. Gordon, M. R., Schaghticoke, 1890-4, Glenville, 2d, 1895-1901. Became Pres- byterian. IQ02. Gordon. William R., b. N. Y. C, Mar. 9. 181 1 ; N.Y.U. 34, N.B.S. zj, 1. Ci. N.Y. ; North Hempstead, Jan., 38-42, Flushing, 42-9, Houston St., N. Y. C, 49-58, Schraalenburgh, 58-80, w. c. Died March 30, 1897. S.T.D. by C.C. 1859. Dr. Gordon was a keen thinker with a style more literary than oratorical. He was quick in debate and sharp of speech, which sometimes gave offense to those who did not understand his kindly heart. To those who were in need his sympathy and aid were prompt and generous. See Manual, 1902. Publications : See Manual, 1902. Gosman, John, b. 1784, in N. Y. C. ; C.C. 1801, studied under Mason and Proudfit, 1. Presbyt. of Washington, 1804 (supplied Lansingburgh and other chs. 1804-8); Kingston and Hurley, 1808-11, Kingston, 11-35, Philadelphia, 2d (8th St.), 35-6, Westerlo, S.S. 36-8 (Port Byron, Presbyt. 38-41), supplied Coeymans and New Baltimore, 41-2, Hudson, 42-53, Flatbush, Ulster Co., 54-9, d. 1865. Elected a trustees of R.C. 1825. D.D. by R.C. 1833. He was a man of genial disposition, abundant in labor and of unction in prayer. He was by virtue of his character a kind of bishop over neighbor- ing churches and he was noted for his ability to raise money for benevolent purposes. See Manual, 1902. PuBLrc.\Tioxs : "A Family Prayer-Book." "Questions on the Gospels and Acts, for Bible Classes." "Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. J. C. Van- dervoort." "Sermon at the Funeral of Professor James Cannon, D.D." An article on "Nearing Home" (Presb. Board). Articles in "Sprague's Annals of American Reformed D. Pulpit," on Rev. Elias Van Benschoten and Rev. Dr. Jacob Brodhcad. Gosselink, Marion G, b. March 2, 1890, Pella, la. H.C. 1915. N.B.S. 1918. 1. by CI. N.B. South Branch, 1918 Gouwens, Tunis E., b. South Holland, 111., July 13, 1886. H.C. 1909. P.S. 1909-10. N.B.S. 1912. 1. by CI. N.B. Fort Washington, Col. Ch., N. Y. C, Ass., 1913-15; Mountain Lakes, N. J., 1915-1921. (Pres. Louisville, Ky., 2d. 1921 ). Publications: Sermons in various periodicals. Gowcn, Isaac Wm., b. New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 29, 1858; R.C. 79, N.B.S. 83, 1. CI. N.B.; Cold Spring, N. Y., 83-5. New Durham, 1885 . Pres. Gen. Syn. 191 5. Member Council H.C. Member Bd. Supt. -W.T.S. Member Bd. Supt. N.B.S. Member Bd. D.M. Corre- sponding Sec. Bd. of Publication 1893. Member Executive and Admin- istration Com. of Federal Council of Chs. D.D. R.C. 1902. Publications: Ed. of "Mission Field," 1888-92. Assoc. Ed. of "Ch. Int." "Expositions of S.S. Lessons," 1890 . Articles for Press. 350 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Graham. Jas. Edward, b. Catskill, N. Y, July 22, 1849; R.C. 71. N.B.S, 78, 1. CI. Schoharie; Cherry Hill, N. J., 78-80, Greenville, N. Y., 80-9, Amity, 1889- 191 4. Gramm, Gustavus E. Gym. of Halle, Prus., 1844, tutor, 44-56, 1. CI. Maryland (G.R.), 57 (Baltimore, 5th, G.R., 56-9, Bethlehem's Ch. of Philadelphia, 59-61) ; Philadelphia, 4th, 1862-7. Physician 1867-1901. d. Nov. 2. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1902, 203. Grant, Henry J., R.C. 1865, N.B.S. 68, 1. CI. Geneva; traveled in Europe, Syria, and Palestine, 1868-70; on account of ill-health had license revoked about 1872. An insurance agent at Ithaca, N. Y. Grant, J. Edward. Presbyterian. Hawthorne, N. J., 1901-06; Fultonville, N. Y., 1906-13 . Pres. 1915. Grant, J. W. Cong. 1903. Glen Rock, 1903-11. LL.D. Grant, William D., b. Aberdeen, Scotland, Sept. 29, 1853; Univ. Toronto, 80-3; Knox Coll., Ontario, 84; U.T.S. 87; ord. by Presbyt. N. Y., 88 (assist, pastor, Broome St. Tab., N. Y. C, 87-9) ; South Bergen, Jersey City, 89-96; in Europe, 1897. Ph.D., U.N.Y., 1893. Grasmeer, Wilhelmus (son-in-law of J. Megapolensis), Grafdyck, Holland, 16.. -49, suspended; c. to America, 1651 ; Rensselaerwyck, 1651-2, re- turned to Holland. The church of Rensselaerwyck having lost the services of Megapolensis, by his removal to New Amsterdam, was exceedingly anxious for a pastor. But the Classis of Amsterdam could not immediately succeed in finding one. Grasmeer had been suspended, and perhaps deposed, by the Classis of Alckmaer, for drunkenness, quarreling, and other things. Without per- mission of his Classis he determined to come to America, having secured certificates from Rev. Mr. Knyff and his own former Consistory. The Classis of Amsterdam wrote letters to its two churches in America, warn- ing them against him. Nevertheless, the church of Rensselaerwyck was induced by the certificates to accept him as their pastor. Upon his first arrival he had accompanied Stuyvesant on his expedition to the South River, in July, 1651. ("Col. Hist. N. Y., i, 597, 599, 60G.) He preached with accceptance to the people. But the Synod of North Holland confirmed his suspension, and the Classis of Amsterdam again wrote to him, and to the two churches, directing them no longer to countenance him, and com- manding him to return. In this they were sustained by the West Indian Company. In 1652 he accordingly went back to Holland, with warm testi- monials, asking that he might be qualified to return. This was not granted. Gray, Andrew, b. 1764; studied under Livingston, lie. by Synod of R. D. Chs. 1790; Poughkeepsie, 1790-4, Miss, to the Susquehanna Region (Hanover), 1793-96, Danville, Angelico, Sharon, Karr Valley, and Tus- carora, 1797-1819. d. He was driven from his home by the British, in the war, and his books and property destroyed. "Mints. CI. N. B.," ii, 33, 54, 72, 77, I04. etc. An interesting letter from, 1809, in "Christians' Mag.," iii, 105. See also "Centen. Disc," 509. Gray, John, b. at Aberdeen, Scotland, 1792, educated and ordained in Scot- land, about 1815 (Miss, in Russian Tartary, 1818-25, Dom. Miss, in England, 1825-33), c. to America. 1833; Fallsburgh (Woodbourne), 33-5, Schodack, 35-46, Cohoes, 47-8, (Client, ist, 48-55, Cicero, 56-7, d. 1865. See "Manual" of 1879. Gray, John, b. 1799. Currytown, 1830-32. d. 1877. Gray, William, Tyre, 1839-46. Green, Harold Edward, b. Nyack, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1880. R.C. 1906. N.B.S. 1909. 1. by CI. S.L.I. 1909. South Bound Brook, 1909 Greene, Elijah Warner, b. New Lebanon, N. Y., March 8, 1856; U.C. 82, Hartford Sem. 85, lie. Presb. Westchester, 84 (Presbyt. Miss, in Utah, 85-92, Superintendent of Public Schools in Utah, 90-3, Presbyt. Ch., THE MINISTRY 351 Oskaloosa, Kan., 93-4) ; New Salem, N. Y., 94-6, Philadelphia, 2d, 96-8, Keyport, N. J., 98-1901, Livingston, N. Y., 1901-1903. S.S. Brook- lyn, N. Y., New Lots, 1903-04, (Episcopalian — Mitchel, S. D., 1904-06, Vermilion, S. D., 1906-08, Unadilla, N. Y., 1908-10, Franklin, N. Y., 1910-15.) d. Feb. 13. Min. Gen. Syn., 191 5, 603. Gregory, Oscar H., b. Hobart, Delaware Co., N. Y., Aug. 27, 1809; Amherst Coll. 28, P.S. and N.B.S. 31, 1. CI. N.B.; Farmerville, N. Y., 31-38, Washington and Gibbonsville (West Troy, South, and North), 38-43» West Troy, North, 43-70, w. c. D.D. by U.C. 1853. Pres. of Gen. Synod i860. Died Dec. 11, 1885. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Sermon on the Death of David A. Abrahams, Esq., a Ruling Elder at West Troy," 1844. Essay on "Fashion," "Am. Magazine." "Sermon on the Death of Martin Whitbeck, Esq., a Ruling Elder at West Troy," 1858. "The Glory of God's House." "A Sermon at the Re-dedi- cation of Church at Farmer Village," 1857. "Memoir of Andrew Meneely, Esq.," American Tract Society. Gregory, Thos. B., c. from England, 1833, 1. Presbyt. of Onondaga, 1833; Canastota, S.S., 1834-5, Prattsville, 1836-40, Oyster Bay, 1841-4, Gra- hamville, 1844-8, Miss, at Hoboken, 1850-4, Huguenots, S. L, 1855-60, w. c. d. 1871. Publications: "Ezekiel's Wheel; or, Providence of God in the Govern- ment of the World," 1857, 1859. Griffin, Walter Timothy, b. 1852 at Flatbush, Ulster Co., N. Y. ; R.C. 1875, N.B.S. 1878; lie. CI. Ulster; Jersey City, Central Av., 1878-81, Bedford, Brooklyn, 81-6, 1887-1906, U. S. Consul at Limoges, France, d. Dec. 13, 1907. He was a versatile man of great optimism. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1908, 233. Publications: "The Hofnes of Our Country, Centres of Moral and Religious Influence," 1881, pp. 640. Griffis, Wm. Elliot, b. in Philadelphia, Sept. .17, 1843; R-C. 69, N.B.S. 69-70; in charge of Knox Mem. Chapel, N. Y. C, May-Nov., 70; in Government Educational Work in Japan, 70-4, U. S., 75-7; lie Man- hattan Cong. Assoc, April 3, jj, and by CI. Schenectady, May 22, 77 ; Schenectady, ist, 77-86, Professor of Mental Science, U.C. 1883-4, (Boston, Alass., Shawmut Cong. Ch., 86-93, Ithaca, N. Y., ist Cong. Ch., 1893-1903, D.D. by U.C. 1884, L.H.D. R.C. 1899. "Resigned ac- tive pastorate to help Orientals and Occidentals understand each other." In 1870 he went to Japan for the purpose of organizing schools and was successively Superintendent of Education in the province of Echizen (1871) and professor of physics in the Imperial University of Tokyo (1872-4.) Always busy in literary work, since 1903 he has devoted himself exclusively to it. Beside his interest in the Orient and his works thereon, he has travelled extensively in Holland and interpreted the Dutch his- tory and character to the American people. He is an honored member of several Literary Societies of Europe and America. Dr. Griffis is one of the most voluminous writers in America. His lit- erary work may be grouped as follows : 1. Writing 50 years for the "Christian Intelligencer." 2. Many contributions to periodicals and encyclopaedias. 3. 18 books relating to Japan. 4. 4 books relating to Korea. 5. 3 books relating to Pilgrim Fathers. 6. 6 books relating to Holland. 7. Various others on China, Belgium, Scotland, England, etc. 352 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Griglio, Petro, Reed, from Pres. Ch. 1917, Waldensian, N.Y.C. 1919-1920, Presbyterian 1921. Griswold, John Valentine, b. Mich., 1837; U.C. 1865, U.S. 1868 (Wash- ingtonville, N. Y., Presb., 1868-71) ; Miss, pastor of Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn, 1871-2; (Port Jefferson, L. I., 1872 Groenveld, John C, H.C. 1877, N.B.S. 1878-80, Fynaart and Saugatuck, 1881-2. Suspended for schism. Grootenhuis, see TeGrootenhuis. Grooters, Peter, b. Orange City, la., Oct. 25, 1875, H.C. 1903, W.T.S. 1906, 1. by CI. Iowa, Churchville, Minn., 1906-08, Greenleafton, Minn., 1908- 16, Otley, la., 1916-1920, Classical Miss. Col. East Sioux, 1920, S.C. CI. Pella 1917-20. Gros, John Daniel, b. in Germany, 1737 (Northampton, Allentown, Egypt, Jordan, and Schlosser's Church, 176.. -70, Saucon and Springfield, 1770- 3) ; Kingston, Ger., 1773-1783, Ger. Ref., N. Y. C, 1783-95, Prof, of Gen. Lang, and Geography in Columbia College, 1784-95, Prof, of Moral Philosophy in Columbia College, 1787-95 (Canajoharie and per- haps S.S. at Stone Arabia, 1796-1800) ; died May 25, 1812. Regent of U.N.Y. 1784-7. Trustee of Colum. Col. 1787-92. S.T.D. by C.C. 1789. He had been a pupil of Kern, and became the instructor of the illustrious Milledoler. During the Revolution he was exposed to many perils as a pastor of a church on the frontier. He removed to New York State on account of want of love, stubborn conduct, neglect to attend worship, and non-payment of salary o£ his churches in Pennsylvania. He was Chaplain of the regiment of levies for the immediate defence of the state, appointed by the N. Y. Council, April 27, 1781, under Lieut.-Col. Marinus Willett. On April 10, 1782, he was appointed Chaplain to two regiments of levies for the defence of the frontier of the state. ("Harbaugh's Lives," ii, 391). Upon his removal to New York City, he published "Natural Principles of Rectitude, a Systematic Treatise on Moral Philosophy," 8vo, 1795. He be- came wealthy by buying soldiers' land warrants. The last ten years of his life were spent in the vicinity of Fort Plain on a farm. See "Dr. Francis' Old New York," p. 47, and "Drake's Cyc." Also Art. in Milledoler, in "Sprague's Annals." Grull, John Derk, b. Nimeguen, Neth., Feb. i, 1874. Valparaiso Univ. 1900. N.B.S. 1903. 1. by CI. of N.B. Upper Walpack, 1903-05, Rosen- dale Plains and Dashville Falls, 1905-07, Goodland, Ind., 1907-11, Volga, S. D., 1911-17, Bemis, S. D., 1918-1920, Litchville, N. D., 1920 Gruys, Wm. S., b. Zaandam, Neths., Ap. 9, 1868; H.C. 95, W.S. 98, 1. CI. Holland; Bethany (Sully, 111.), 1898— — . Silver Creek, Maple Lake, Minn., 1905-09; North Blenden, Mich., 1909-13; Newton, 111., 1913-15; Portage, Mich., 1916-18; Rehoboth, Lucas, Mich., 1918-20. Presbytery of Florida, 1920 Guenther, August, b. Germany, 1845, educated in Germany. Brooklyn, Ch. of Jesus, 1893-1902. d. June 30, 1908. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 528. Guenther, John Charles, b. Newark, N. J., Oct. 12, 1858; Col. Dep. Bloomfield, N. J., 76; Theolog. Dep., 79; U.S. 1879-80; ord. by Presb., Newark (Holton, Kan. (Ger.), 80-3; City Missionary, Philadelphia, 83-4) ; Brooklyn, N. Y., , 1884-5 (Ger. Presb., Newark, 1885-6) ; Brooklyn, Ger. Evang., 1886-1900, Church of Jesus, Brooklyn, 1902-03. d. June 17, 1903. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 2.']2. Guldin, John C. (great-grandson of Rev. Samuel Guldin, the Pietist), b. in Bucks Co., Pa., 1799, studied theology under Herman, lie. 1820 (?); (Chester and Montgomery Cos., Pa., 20-41, Franklin Co., Pa., 41-2) ; N. Y. C. Ger. Evang. Miss., Rivington st., 42-63, d. Also General Missionary to the Germans in N. Y. C, 42-52. He was the Apostle of the Germans for many years. The master of THE MINISTRY 353 two languages, he was the chief link between the American and German elements in the American church. While ministering in the German churches in Pennsylvania, he experienced a great change, acc|uiring new views of true religion, or at least having a slumbering piety quickened. He became, hence- forth, indefatigable in his labors, and with tears implored men to seek Christ. He had great revivals. He moulded the religious character of his churches, especially in Pennsylvania, where the population was not transient. In New York his labors were Herculean. Besides the charge of a con- gregation, he was for ten years General Missionary to all the Germans, superintended the issue of German publications in the Tract Society, and was the general counselor and patriarch of all those of his own nationality who came to our shores. He also was the principal agent in the prepara- tion of the German Hymn Book, since adopted by the Presbyterians for their German churches. See Manual, 1902. Publications: A German Hymn-Book. Editor of German Edition of the "Sower." "Vol. of Sermons, in German," pp. 600, 1853. Gulick, Albert Voorhees, b. Somerset Co., N. J., July 30, 1830; R.C. 57, N.B.S. 60, 1. CI. N.B.; Jerusalem, 60-5. also. Union, 60-4, and Ones- quethaw, 64-5, Spring Lake, 111., 66-72, Norwood Park, 72-82 (Wil- mington, III, Presbyt., 82-9. Killiam Citv, Wis., 89-1895. Gulick, Alex., b. N. Y. C. 1814; R.C. 35. P-S. 35-7. U.S. 38-9 (Mt. Pleasant, Greenville, and Union. O., 4C-4) ; Woodstock, 45-59. West Hurley, 59- 64 (Bridgeville. Del., 66-8. Jasper. N. Y.. 69-73, Kingswood, W. Va., 74-5) ; re-entered R.C. A. 1875, w. c. Died Ap. i, 1887. See "P.S. Gen. Cat." and "U.S. Cat." "Mints. Gen. Syn.." 1887. 436. Gulick. Charles Wvckoff. b. near New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. 22, 1865; R.C. 95, N.B.S. 98. 1. CI. N.B.; Montclair Heights, 1898-1903; New- ark. North. Ass., 1903-1906; Schraalenberg, Dumont, N. J., 1906-1918; N. Y. C. Manor Chapel, ip2i Gulick, George W., b. South Branch, N. J.. May 19, 1876. R.C. 1901. N.B.S. 1904, 1. by CI. N.B. Shawangunk, 1904-07; Jerusalem and Onesquethaw, 1908-09; Plattskill. 1909-14; High Woods. N. Y., 1912- 14; Shandaken and Shokan, 1915-17. S.S. Briarcliff Cong. Ch., 1917-18. (Presbyterian, Newark, Weequahic, 1919-1921) ; Esopus (Ulster Park), 1921 . Supt. Westchester Co. S.S.. Ass.. 1917-19- Gulick. Jacob I., b. Griggstown. N. J., Dec. 22, 1830. Colporter in N. Y. and 111. Blooming Grove, 1884-7, Tyre, 88-91. Macon and S. Macon, 91-5. Constantine. 95-8, Fairview. 111., 98-1900. Pennsylvania Lane, 111., 1901-1903. Missionary. Middletown, 111., 1903. d. Jan. 11, 1914. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 246. Gulick. Nelson J. ' Gansevoort and Northumberland (Bacon Hill), 1893-5. Gulick, Uriah D., b. in Somerset Co., N. J., Sept. 19, 1835; RC. 59. N.B.S. 62, 1. CI. N.B.; Pekin, 111., 62-70, Norwood Park, 70-2, Chicago, (Am. Ref.). 72-5, Brooklyn, 12th St., 75-88, Steinway, 90-1900. Supplying churches, d. Vineland, N. J., Jan. 31 1910 See Min Gen. Syn. 1910, 822. Gunn, Alexander, b. 1785, C.C. 1805, studied under Dr. Kollock, of Prince- ton, and Dr. Rodgers, of N. Y. C, lie. by Presbvt. N. Y., 1809; Bloom- ingdale, 1809-29, d. A.M. bv C.N.J. 1805. S.T.D. by Allegheny Col., 18.. His talents as a writer and preacher were of a very high order. He possessed an original and lively imagination, which threw around the pro- ductions of his well-furnished and highly-cultivated mind a charm that fixed the attention and commanded the respect and admiration of his hearers and the readers of his works. He was among the best and most popular preachers in New York. He also held a powerful pen in the department of theological controversy. The facility, ability, and taste which marked his writings secured for him an imperishable honor — that of being selected by 354 THE REFORMED CHURCH I.N AMERICA the General Synod as the individual best qualified to write the biography of their distinguished professor, Livingston. He performed the task to the entire satisfaction of the Synod. His piety was unfeigned. From the time of his father's death, at the early age of thirteen, he conducted family worship. His early impressions grew stronger with increasing years. In his last sickness the Lord tested his faith, so that he exclaimed to a friend, "The Lord is trying me in deep waters," but he also granted him a joyous and glorious deliverance. His last words were, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." His son, Rev. Lewis C. Gunn, C.C. 1830, P. S. 1832; afterward became an editor. "Mag. R. D. C." iv, 158, 256, 257. 289. "Sprague's Annals." Alanual, 1902. Publications: (Pseudonym, Clericus, in "Mag. R. D. C."). A Sermon Commemorative of Rev. John N. AbeeJ, D.D. 1812. (See also "Mag. R. D. C." iv. 289.) — A Sermon on Intemperance. 18 13. — A reply to "Whelpley's Triangle." 1817. — Two Letters to a Clergyman of R.D.C., on the Question whether a man may lawfully marry his deceased wife's sister. (Clercius.) — Reasons in Favor of the Erasure of the Law Forbidding such Marriage. 8vo, pp. 38. 1827. — A Sermon Commemorative of Rev. Dr. John H. Livingston. 1828. — Memoirs of Rev. John H. Livingston, D.D. 8vo, pp. 540. 1829. Second edition, abridged, i2mo, pp. 405. 1856. ("Prince- ton Review," ii. 150.) — Miscellany, by Gunn and Rowan. "Evang. Guardian and Review." 1817. (See also "Mag. R.D.C.," iv. 289.) Gutweiler, Ernest, b. N. Y. C. Feb. i, 1853. Col. C. N.Y. 1874. N.B.S. 1877. 1. by CI. N.Y. Long Island City, 1877-1884; Hicksville, L. I., 1884-1910. d. April 15, 1920. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 283. Haan, Enno R. Wortendyke (HolL), 1890-92. (Chr. Ref. Ch.). Haan, Gilbert G., b. Oct. 7, 1862, Vriesland, Mich. H.C. Calvin C. 1890. Calvin Sem. 1893. 1. by CI. Holland. Chr. Ref. Ch. 1893. (Chr. Ref. Ch. Borculo, Mich., 1893-96, Home Missionary, 1896-98, Muskegon, 1898-1900, Home Missionary, 1900-1911. Leave of Absence 1911-15. Pella, la., 2d, 1915-21). Pella, la.. Bethel, 1921 Hadson, Warnerus, ordained for New-Amstel, 1662, but died on the passage over, 1664. Haeger. John Frederic, born at Siegen, 1684. Matriculated at Herborn University, July 5, 1703; matriculated at University of Lingen (on the borders of Holland) about 1705, and left there on Nov. 14, 1707; licensed to preach by the Consistory of Siegen, Feb. 14, 1708; went to London with the Palatine emigrants, 1709; ordained by the Bishop of London, Dec. 20, 1709; came to America, 1710; acted as an Episcopal minister among the Reformed Germans and Lutherans along the Hud- son, 1710-1721, died. Haeger appears with the Palatines, in London, in 1709. The Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts (founded 1701) was already con- sidering the propriety of sending a minister with the German emigrants to the New World. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London approved of this. While thinking of writing to Prof. Franke, of Halle, to recommend a young man for this position, young Haeger offered his services, and the Secretary of the Society recommended him for ordin- ation. He was ordained by the Bishop of London on Dec. 20, 1709. The Society offered him a salary of £50. He sailed from Portsmouth early in 1710, with a company of Palatines. But the Germans in New York did not take kindly to the ritual of the Church of England. They had been accus- tom.ed to simpler services. Haeger was greatly disappointed at his want of success in this direction. Kocherthal, the Lutheran minister, who came over in the same expedition, opposed the efforts of Haeger to try to proselyte the Lutherans to Episcopacy. The Lutherans generally turned THE MINISTRY 355 against Haegcr. His only hope was now to win over the Reformed, espe- cially as they had no minister among them. In Oct., 1710, Haeger reports tliat he had 600 communicants ; but his subsequent reports make the num- bers to grow less. This was, no doubt, partly owing to the emigration of a hundred members to Schoharie, but also partly to the unwillingness of the people to connect themselves with the Church of England. In 1715, he reports 458 communicants, scattered in eight places on either side of the Hudson, but all below Catskill. On Oct. 15, 17 15, he, with John Cast and Godfrey de Wolven, received permission to build a church for the 60 fam- ilies of Palatines at Kingsberry, Dutchess Co., N.Y. ("N.Y. Col. MSS." Ix. 41.) On Nov. 15, 1716, Haeger was married at Kingsberry, by Koch- erthal as High Dutch minister, to Anna Maria Rohrbachim. In 1716, he reports only 2^ communicants. These had mostly no decent place of wor- ship, and they objected to receiving the communion on their knees, as Cath- olics did in their native land. Neither did the Society always pay him his salary, so that he was sometimes obliged to borrow money. On his very urgent appeals, they sent him £50, in 1721, but he died before its arrival. His widow married Rev. James Ogilvie, an Episcopalian missionary to the Indians; Haeger accompanied Col. Nicholson's expedition to Canada m 1712. Not long before his death, he officiated at the marriage of Conrad Weiser, on Nov. 22, 1720. He also labored among the Indians. With the coming of Rev. G. M. Weiss to the Hudson River Valley, 1731, an end was put to the attempts to proselyte these Palatines to the Church of England. See Wkiss. ("Dr. Good's Hist. Refd. Ch. in U.S." 143-7. "Harbaugh's Lives," ii. 373. "Doc. Hist." iii. 413, 421. "Col. Hist." v. 215, 515. Haeghoort, Gerardus, ord. by CI. Amsterdam, Ap. 2, 1731 ; arrived in N. Y. C. July 24, 1731, and at Shrewsbury, Aug. 3, 1731, at sunrise, where the whole congregation was awaiting him. Freehold and Middle- town, N. J., 1731-5, Second River (Belleville), 1735-76, d. 1783? He was sent over by the Qlassis of Amsterdam, in answer to a call of the church of Freehold and Middletown, after the resignation of Do. Morgan. He was a man of great respectability as a preacher, and enjoyed the confi- dence and respect of his people. As early as the spring of 1732, he was called to the church of N. Y., at a salary of £125, with £7 extra for fire- wood, and £25 for house-rent; but he declined. ("Minutes Ch. N. Y.," p. lOi, "Eng. Trans."). On March 15, 1737, under advice from the Classis of Amsterdam to Domines Haeghoort and Van Driessen, the former wrote to the Consistory of N. Y., uring the propriety of a Coetus. This was the first formal attempt for that organization. ("Minutes Ch. N. Y.," 123-149.) After serving in Monmouth County for four or five years, he was induced, by the influence of Col. John Schuyler, to remove to Belleville. His Consis- tory expressed their heartfelt sorrow, on their minutes, that they were so soon deprived of his faithful services, and their wishes that God would bless his laI)ors among the people at Second River, no less than he had blessed them here, and that he might there find himself no less beloved, to the honor of God's great name, and to his own satisfaction. Hence it is thought that he was perhaps ambitious in so soon leaving for a more eligible field. But the circumstances of the church of Belleville were peculiar. For valuable gifts, and assistance to the church, the Consis- tory had bound themselves on certain conditions to allow John Schuyler to have a vote with the Consistory, in calling any minister, and also to sign the call. Thus a right of patronage vested in the Sciiuyler family. But, about I753» Mr. Haeghoort made a remark which greatly offended Mr. Schuyler. He now atteini)ted to convoke the congregation without the consent of Con- sistory. This offended the Consistory ; Mr. Schuyler became an Episco- palian, and went to the expense of having the Connnon Book of Prayer rendered into Dutch, and had an Episcopalian come and preach in the church. The Consistory at length refused this privilege, but after a while in .some way the church was for a time closed against Mr. Haeghoort, who preached 356 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA on the steps. His salary was also for a while withheld. At first his ministry was blessed with converts, but during the troubles very few were added to the church. He was a conservative member of Ccetus, and was appointed to draw up the system of rules for the government of that body. In 1751 he protested against Coetus, because it gave redress to a church and not to a minister ; because it had an extraordinary clerk, and because it had never been fully indorsed by Classis ! Some personal pique is evident. He joined the Conferentie when they organized, but not liking some of their proceed- ings, in 1760 he unceremoniously left them. He never signed the articles of union, and though he ministered at Belleville till 1776, he seems to have held himself aloof from all ecclesiastical bodies. — See "Ecc. Rec." ; many letters; "Taylor's Annals of the CI. Bergen." Rev. T. W. Wells' "Hist. Dis. at Marlboro'," 1877. Publications: Keten der Goddelyke Waarheeden die men geloven en be- trachten moet om seelig warden in haar natuurlyk verband Kortlyk. . . same geschalet. .. by G. H., predicant to Second River. N. Y. 1738. pp. v-t-38, ("Copy in N. J. Hist. Soc, Miscel. Pamphlets," Vol. v.). Haeselbarth, Wm. G., 1. CI. Paramus, 1856, w. c. 1856-73. Hagar, see Haeger. Hagar, Augustus H., b. 1851, in Weilerboth, Bavaria; c. to N. Y. C, 1870; Ger. Sem. at Bloomfield, N. J., 73; teacher of the Classics, Theolog. Sch., Dubuque, la., 73-6; Ger. Presbyt. Ch., Chicago, 76-8; Ger. Presbyt. Ch., Lawrence, Mass., 78-83; Norfolk st., N. Y. C, 83-4; d. Oct. 20. Hagemen, Andrew, b. at Readington, N. J., March 3, 1850; R. C. 71, N.B.S. 74, lie. CI. Philadelphia; Queens, 1875-87; Holmdel. 87-93; Belleville, 93-9; assist, minister, N. Y. C, 5th av. and 48th St., 1899- 1909, Ocean Hill, Brooklyn, 1909 Hagemen, Andrew J., b. at Roycefield, N. J., Oct. 4. 1837; R. C. 60, N.B.S. 63; 1. CI. Raritan; Hagaman's Mills, 63-87, St. Thomas, W. I., 87-90, supplying churches, 1890-1912. d. Dec. 2. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1913, 892. Hagemen, Chas. S., b. at Harlingen, N. J., July 20, 1817; R.C. 37, P.S. 42, 1. CI. N.B.; Nyack, 1843-52; Poughkeepsie, 2d, 1852-71, Freehold, 2d, 1871-8, S.S. Charlestown, N. Y., 81-5, S.S. Presbyt. Ch. of Blauvelt, N.Y., 85-9, S.S. Norwood, N. J., 90-1 ; d. Oct. 20, 1901. D.D. by R.C. 1862. Dr. Hagemen was a man of charming personality, a wise counsellor, an attractive preacher and a faithful pastor. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1902, 205. Publications: See Manual, 1902. Hageman. George Russell (son of Rev. Andrew Hageman), b. Queens, L. I., Sept. 21, 1882. C.C. 1905. N.B.S. 1905-07. New College, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1908. 1. by CI. N. Y. Boonton, 1909-10, Tarrytown, 2d, 1910- 13. Presbyterian 1914 Hageman, Herman, b. Readington, N. J., Oct. 14, 1858; R.C. 79, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. Raritan; Cuddebackville, 82-87. Clove (High Falls) 1887- 1905. Claverack, 1905 . S.C. CI. Kingston, CI. Hudson. Stated Clerk and Treasurer P.S. N.Y. Hagemen, Jas. Winthrop (s. of Chas. S. Hagemen), b. at Nyack, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1852; C.N.J. 72, U.S. 75, lie. CI. Monmouth; (Wausau, Wis. Presb. 1875 ■ Hageman, Peter K., b. Bound Brook, N. J., Dec. 7. 1859; R.C. 79, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. N.B.; Shawangunk, 82-90, Coxsackie, ist, 90-4, Middletown, N. J., 1894-1902, Central Bridge and Howe's Cave, 1904-06, Newark, North, Ass., 1906-10. (Presbyterian, Liberty Corner, 1912-16, Laming- ton, 1919 ). Hageman, Theodore A. (son of Rev. Herman Hageman), b. Cuddebackville, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1886. R.C. 1908. N.B.S. 1908-10. Ord. by Box Butte Pres. 1911. (Pres. Missionary in Neb., 1911-13). Jerusalem and THE MINISTRY 357 Onescjuethaw, 1913-17, Fultonville, 1917-21, S.S. Auriesvilie, N. Y. Cfntreville, N. J. (Athenia), 1921 Hagenboon. See Hogenboon. Hager, Titus, b. May 6, 1862, Neth. Private Study for Ministry. Ch. Ref. Ch. 1. by Nederdeutsch Church, 1893. (Paterson, N. J., 1893-5; Grand Rapids, 1896-1913; Muskegon, 1913-16). Paterson, People's Park, 1916 Hahn, Albert Ferdinand Christian, b. Jan. 2, 1884, Lohardago, Chota, Nag- pore, Brit. East India, Gymnasium (Germany), 1905. Bloomfield Sem. 1908. 1. by Pres. Newark. (Pres. Ger. Ch. N. Y. C, 1908-11. This church united with Ref. Ger. Mission Ch. of Houston St. 1911). Formed Zion German Evangelical N. Y. C, 1911. Publications: Articles for press, German and English. Hahn, Godfrey F., b. British India, June 24, 1887. Eden, St. Louis. 1910. Eden Theo. Sem. 191 3. 1. by Ger. Evangelical Synod. (East Green, Pa., 1913-14; Hornell, N. Y., 1914-18; Annapolis, Md., 1918-19) ; Jersey City, 1st, Evangelical, 1919 Hahn, Theodore F. Ave. B., N. Y. C, 1914-16. Presbyterian. M.D. Hainer, John A., Fort Miller and Saratoga, 1892-5. Haines. Francis Stoddard, b. Elizabeth, N. J., Ap. 20, 1857; C.N.J. 78, U.T.S. 80-3; ord. by CI. Montgomery, 84; Canajoharie, 89-91 (Easton, Pa. (Presby.). 1891 Haines, Matthias L., b. at Aurora, Ind., May 4, 1850; Wab. Col.. 71, U.S. 74, lie. Presb. Whitewater, Ind., 74; ord. N. CI. L.I. 74; Astoria, 74-85. (Indianapolis, Ind., ist Pres., 1885-1920; P.E. 1920 ). D.D. Wab. Coll. 1886. Haken, G., Elim (Kings), 111., 1893-6. Lennox, ist, S.D., 1896-1906. and Chancellor. S.D., 1904-1906; Ramsey. la., 1906 — — Halidav, Thos., studied under Livingston, 1. 1806; Presbyt. Hall, Baynard R., b. in Philadelphia, 1798; C.N.J, and U.C. 1820, P.S. 2^; ord. by Presb. Salem. 25; Bloomington, Ind., and Prof, in University of Indiana. 1823-31, Bedford, Pa., 1831-8, teacher successively in Bor- dentown. Trenton. Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, Brooklyn. 1838-46. entered R.D.C. In Brooklvn he was principal of the Park Institute, 1852 — . . Died 1863. Jan. 2^.' D.D. by R.C. 1848. Dr. Hall had ability, as an author and a scholar, of the first rank. One of the professors of Princeton remarked at his graduation, "Young Hall, in ten or twelve years is likely to be at the head of one of the first institutions of learning in our country." He has written several works which have marked him as a correct scholar, a master of "all styles," and a vigorous thinker. His talents received some of the most flattering commendations. His Latin Grammar, published when thirty years of age, ranked him among the first classical scholars. "The New Purchase ; or, Seven Years in the West," was very popular when published, and the author was said to be. in a British review, "a master of all styles." Several later works from his pen arc. characterized by a like scholarly merit. See Manual, 1902. PuBLic.xTioNS : "The New Purchase; or. Seven Years in the West." 1843. (See Index to "Princeton Review." p. 187.) — "A New and Compendious Latin Grammar. Something for Everybody." 1843. — "Teaching, a Sci- ence." "The Teacher, an Artist." (See "Princeton Rev." 1843.) — "Frank Freeman's Barber-shop." "Theories of Education." "Princeton Rev.," 1842. (See "P.S. Gen. Cat."). Hall, David B., b. Washington Co., N. Y., Mar. 16. 1812; U.C. 39. P.S. 42. 1. Pawlett Assoc. Vt. 41 (.supplied Wallingford. Vt., 41-42, Middle Granville, 42-44; ord. Evang. by Cong. Ap. 29, 46: Columbia (S.S.), 44-48; also supi)lied, Henderson, 47, and Harpcrsfield, Del. Co., N.Y., Presb. 49). Cleveland, 50-54, S.S., Lawyersville, 54, New Rhinebeck, S.S., and Cobleskill, 54-55, Princetown, 55-63, Princetown again, 65-69, w. c. Died May i, 1898. 358 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Geneology of the Hall Family." Hall, John G., Fort Plain, 1858-63. Hallenbeck, Charles A., b. Greendale, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1888. R.C. 1914- N.B.S. 1917. 1. by CI. Hudson. Greenville and Scarsdale, N. Y., 1917- 20; Hyde Park, East Orange, N. J., 1920-21. Professor of Educa- tion and Religion, Beuna Vista College, Storm Lakes, la., 1921 Hallenbeck, Edwin Forrest, b. Alexandria, Va., Dec. 2, 1864; N.B.S. 90 (special course); 1. CI. Albany; Brooklyn, North, 1890-93. (Pres. Rensselaer, ist, 1893-6; Albany, 3d, 1 896-1 901 ; Binghampton, West, N. Y., 1901-07; sth Ave. Pres., N. Y. C, Associate Pastor, 1907-09; ist Pres., San Diego, Cal., 1909. Moderator Synod of Cal. 1916-17. Prof. of Practical Theology, San Francisco Sem., Cal., 1920. D.D. Harri- man Univ. 1901. Publication : "The Passion for Men," 1904. Halloway, William W., b. in Philadelphia, Pa.; R.C. 1839. N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. Philadelphia; Amity, 43-49, Albany, 3d, 49-53, Miss. North-Brook- lyn- 53-5' now Lee Avenue, Brooklyn, 55-59, Flushing, 59-65, Broad- way Ch., Paterson, 65-71 (Battle Creek, Mich., Tz-j-j, Mt. Freedom, N. J., 77-85, Morris Plains, N. J., 85-92, all Presbyt.). Died Sept. 20, 1898. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Fun. Ser. : on Death of Rev. G. R. Williamson," in "Cypress Wreath." Halloway, William Whiteman, Jr. (s. of W. W. Halloway), b. in N. Y. 1843, U.N.Y. 1864, N.B.S. 1867, 1. N. CI. L.L; Belleville, 1867-71, Jersey City, 1st, 1871-6 (Dover, N. J., Presb., 1876-1910. Emeritus 1910-14; d. Feb. 8. D.D. U.N.Y. 1891. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1914. 247. Halsey, Abram Oothout, b. Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1798; U.C. 1822, P.S. 1827; ord. Presbyt. of North River, May i, 1828; N. and S. Hampton, 1829-67; died Aug. 23, 1868. D.D. by R.C. 1859. He was a man of a child-like. Catholic spirit, a better defender of the truth than of himself. He was an eminent preacher who by choice remained many years in a small field. See Manual, 1902. Hamilton, Wm., from Presbyt. of Belfast, Ireland, 1857; New Prospect, 1857-63. Went to Canada. Hamlin, Henry F., b. Warren Co., N. J., Aug. 3, 1872; LaF. Coll. 94, U.S. 97; traveling in Europe, 97-8; Hyde Park. 1901-07; West Troy, North, 1907 Hamlin, Teunis S., b. Glenville, N. Y., May 31. i847- U.S. 1867. N.B.S. 1868-9. U.S. 1869-71. Congregational and Presbyterian, d. April 7, 1907. Hammond. Eben S., b. July 27, 1815; R.C. 1839, N.B.S. 1842, 1. CI. L.L 1842; Stone-House Plains, 1842-4, Gallupville, 1844-52, Prattsville, 1852-4, S.S. Canajoharie, 1854-6, Columbia, 1856-8 ("Schraalenburgh, seces- sion," 1858-60) ; Miss, to Closter City, 1862-4, w. c. Died 1873. See Fun. Ser. by Dr. W. R. Gordon. Hammond, Israel, b. about 1791 ; Owasco, 1831-9, Mt. Morris, 1842-5, Gorham, 1847-50, emeritus, 1856. Hammond, John W., b. in Esopus, 1819; N.B.S. 1848, 1. CI. Ulster, 1848; Shokan, 1848-9, Grahamville, 1849-52, Shokan, 1852-6, Mohawk, 1856-9, Queens, 1859-63, Grahamville and S.S. Upper Neversink, 1863-7, Sho- kan and Shandaken, 1867-73, Roxbury, 1873-5, S.S. Columbia, 1875-6. d. 1876, Nov. 23. Hamner, J. Garland, Jr., b. Annapolis, Md., Dec. 25, 1861. Marietta Col., O. Johns-Hopkins 1881. U.T.S. 1885. 1. by N. Y. Pres. 1885. (Pres. Wickcliffe, Ch. Newark, 1886-95, G.S. House of Hope, 1895-1904. Gen. TIIK MINISTRY 359 Sec. Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip, 1901-05). Palisades, N. J., 1905-07. (Pres. , N. Y. C, West End, 1907-10. Cong., River Edge. N. J.. 1911-14). Belleville. K. J.. 1915 Publisher and Editor "The Brotherhood Star." 1897-1905. Hamory, Louis, S. H., b. Kis-Budak, Hungary, Aug. 7, 1885. Newark Academy 1906. N.B.S. 1913. 1. by CI. N.B. 1913. Student Supply — South River Mission. 1910-12, also at Hudson Mission, Schenectady, 1914-15: Hudson, N. Y., (Hungarian). 1914-16; Peekskill. N. Y. (Hungarian). 1916 ; al.so Manville and Flemington Missions, 1918- 20. Handy. William Collins, b. Aug. 10, 1835, in Northampton Co., Va. ; C.N.J. , 55, Danville Sem., Ky., 57; lie. and ord. by Presb. of Balti- more, 57 (Presbyt. Ch.. Lewes, Del, 58-9. Canton, Miss., 60, Bucking- ham and Eden, Md., 61-5, Principal Washington Academy 66-74, New Scotland, 71-4) ; Schoharie, 74-80, Ed. of "Sower and Mission Alonth- ly," 81-2; Jersey City, Central av., 81-2, Schoharie, 1892-1904. d. Dec. 10. 1909. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 822. Hangen, Jac. W.. b. Philadelphia. Pa., Mar. 5. 1805; studied theology under Rev. J. W. Sechant ; ord. by Eastern Sj'n. of Ger. R. Ch., 1828; Columbia and Warren. 29-32, Mapletown and Currytown, 32-6, S.S. Greenport and Germantown, 36-7, Upper Red Hook and Germantown, 37-40. (Ger. Ref. Ch. : Hilltown, Pa., 1840. Trappe, Pa., 1841-3; d. Feb. 23.) Hankamp, George, b. March 28, 1880, Hanover, Germany. H.C. 1907. W.T.S. 1910. 1. by CI. G.R. ist, Hamilton, Mich., 1910-13; James- town, Mich.. 2d, 1913-21 ; Pella, la., 3d, 1921 Hansen, Andrew, b. Hempstead, L. L, Aug. 8, 1882. R.C. 1910. N.B.S. 1913. 1. by CI. N.B. 1913. Hillsborough (Millstone), 1913-18; Albany, N. Y., 3d, 1918 . Editor Somerset Ch. News, 1917-18. Publication: "Wandering -Stars," 1916. Hansen, Maurice G., b. Amsterdam, Holland, Dec. 18, 1835. R.C. 1856. N.B.S. 59, 1. CI. New York; Gravesend, 59-71. Coxsackie, 71-81, Grace Chapel, Flatbush. L. L, 83-7, Hagaman's AliUs, N. Y.. 87-93. d. Aug. 27, 1904. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, ly-. Publications: "The Reformed Church in the Netherlands, 1340-1840," 1884. and many translations from the Dutch and articles in religious press. For list see Manual, 1902. Hardenbergh. Chs., b. 1776, studied under Froeligh, 1. CI. Paramus, 1802; Warwick, 1804-8, Bedminster, 1808-20, Greenwich, N. Y. C. 182C-1, d. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1812. — See "Fun. Ser." by Rev. C. T. Dema- rest, 1821. Publications: "A Ser. at Bedminster." 1818. A couple of his sermons of 1812 and 181 5 have been printed in "Banner of Truth." Hardenbergh, Jacob Rutsen, b. at Rosendale, N. Y., 1736, studied under John Frelinghuyscn, 1. by the American Classis, 1758; Raritan, Bed- minster. North Branch (now Readington), Ne-Shanic, and Millstone (now Harlingcn). 1758-6.1, visited Holland, 1761-3, Raritan, Bedmin- ster, and North Branch, 1763-81. Marbletown, Rochester, and Wa- warsing, 1781-6, New Brunswick and also Pres. of Queens College, 1785-90, d. Oct. 30. He was one of the original trustees of Q.C. A.M. by C.N.J. 1770. D.D. by C.N.J. 1771. S.T.D. by C.C. 1789. He was son of Johannes Hardenbergh, a colonel in the N.Y. Militia. His father was Cornelius, who lived and died at Kingston, and the latter's father was Johannes, who lived in N. Y. C. and immigrated to America about the middle of the seventeenth century. The family held an influential position in the colony from the earliest period. His literary education was not so extensive as might be desired, enjoying only the advantages of the 360 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Academy of Kingston, N. Y. No facts have been preserved in regard to the time or circumstance of his conversion ; but that he must have devoted himself to the work of the gospel ministry in very early life is evident from ihe fact that he was actually licensed to preach when only twenty years of age. While pursuing his theological studies at Raritan, his preceptor. Rev. John Frelinghuysen. dying suddenly, he was chosen his successor, and im- mediately entered upon his labors in a very wide and important field. From his first appearance in the pulpit no doubt was entertained that he was destined to be one of the distinguished lights of his profession, an expecta- tion which was abundantly realized. His ministry while connected with his first pastoral charge, teaching through a period of twenty-three years, was a remarkable illustration of his ability, energy, and conscientious devotion to his peculiar work. His ministry occupied the important period of the distracting controversy between the Coetus and Conferentie parties, and in his own field of labor the dispute was carried on with unusual violence. At one time the contest became so absorbing that the regular ministrations of the gospel were sadly interrupted. Mr. Hardenbergh warmly espoused the cause of the evangel- ical party, and in connection with the prominent ministers of the denomin- ation exerted a powerful influence in accomplishing the independent organi- zation of the Dutch Church. During the progress of this controversy he made a voyage to Europe, for the purpose of bringing over to this country his widowed mother-in-law, and he was the first minister ordained in Amer- ica who had visited Holland. It is generally understood that while abroad he exerted a very beneficial influence on behalf of his cause, and deserves much of the credit of the final adjustment of all difficulties. In addition to this violent ecclesiastical contest, Mr. Hardenbergh's min- istry at Raritan was cast during the stormy period of the Revolution;iry War. The section of country occupied by his congregation had its full share of sufferings. At an early period of the conflict, his fellow-citizens called him to a seat in the convention that formed the Constitution of New Jersey, and for several sessions he was a member of the General Assembly of the State. As to his political knowledge and patriotism, his associates in office testified their confidence by appointing him chairman of important committees, and intrusting to him much of the business of legislation. From the whole of his record during the contest with Great Britain and after the restoration of peace, we must rank him among the warmest friends of liberty. His public zeal on behalf of his country often provoked the enmity of his Tory neighbors, and his life was frequently endangered. He often slept with a loaded musket by the side of his bed. On one occasion, an expedi- tion of the Queen's Rangers, under command of Colonel Simcoe, besides ac- complishing their immediate object, fired the church edifice of Mr. Harden- bergh, then near the Raritan, and burnt it to the ground. The loss was severely felt by the congregation, and was not rebuilt until some time after the war had closed. It was not to be expected that a ministry occupying a period of so great conflict would be equally successful as if the region had been in a state of peace. But the services he rendered his country were not permitted to interfere with his duties to the Church. He was not only a patriot, but a Christian minister, and in this most important sphere he studied to make every other consideration subserve. The trustees of Princeton College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity at the age of thirty-three. He took a leading part in the establishment of Queen's College, and was unanimously appointed the first President of that institution. This position he was induced to accept in connection with the pastorate of the church in the city of New Bruns- wick. Although he had labored with great industry during the early part of his ministry, yet the amount of work that he now discharged was much greater than at any preceding period. Besides acting as teacher in the several branches of study pursued in the college, as a minister and pastor THE .MINISTRY 36 1 he was not excelled. His friends were often apprehensive that he was tasking himself beyond his powers of endurance, and ventured to expostu- late with him on the subject; but, realizing the importance of his efforts, he could not be persuaded to abandon the work of the ministry nor leave his post as President of the College. He gave early indications of pulmo- nary disease, and finally fell a victim to this affection. The closing scene was a triumph of grace. His last words were, "I am going to cast my crown before the throne. Now 1 shall go to rest, for I shall go to be with the Lord. Hosanna !" See Manual, 1902. "Fun. Ser. by Rev. Peter Studdeford," 1790. See "Mag. R. D. C." ii. 347. — "Gunn's Livingston," ed. 1856, p. 380. — "Dr. Alessler's Memorial Sermons and Hist. Notes," 1874. — "Sprague'5 Annals.*" — "McClintock's Cyc."— "Sketch of, as first President of Rutgers College, in the General Catalogues of the College." Hardenbergh, James B.. b. June 28, 1800; U.C. 1821, N.B.S. 1824, 1. by CI. N.B. 1824; Princetown and Helderbergh. 1824-5, New Brunswick, 1825-9, Orchard St., N. Y. C, 1829-30, Rhinebeck, 1830-6, Philadelphia 1st, 1836-40, Franklin St., later 23rd St., N. Y. C. 1840-56, w. c. Died Jan. 20, 1870. Elected a trustee of R.C. 1825. He came of godly stock and devoted himself to the work of the ministry in his youth. There was a remarkable completeness and symmetry in his character which caused him to be unusually successful in each of his fields of labor. Even when compelled to relinquish the pastorate he continued to work for the Master. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Art, in "Sprague's Annals," on Rev. C. Bork. — "Efficacy of Prayer"; in "Pulpit Repository," 1850. Haring, Garret A., b. 1825, 1. by Seceders, 1865; Schraalenburgh, 1869 (Harkness, Jas., b. 1803 in Scotland; S.S. Franklin st., N.Y.C., 1840; d. 1878.) Harlow, S. (Washington Hollow, N.Y.). From Assoc. N.\. 1839; Shokan, 1839-49, Samsonville, 1852-8, emeritus, d. 1861. See Manual of 1879. Harmeling, Henry, b. Oostburg. Wis., Nov. 8, 1864; H.C. 88, N.B.S. 91, 1. CI. Wisconsin; Sheboygan, Wis., 91-4, Alto, Wis., 94-1900; Chicago, 1st, 1900-1906; South Holland, 111., 1906-09; Grand Haven, ist, 1909- 18; Zeeland, ist, 1918-21 ; Chicago, ist, Roseland, 1921 . Pres. P.S.C. 1908 and 1918. S.C. G.R. CI. 1914-18. Publications : Articles for press. Harmeling, Stephen J., b. Gibbsville, Wis., Mar. 8, 1851 ; H.C. 78, N.B.S. 81, 1. CI. Monmouth; Spotswood, N. J., 81-3, Alarion, Dak., 83-1901, CI. missionary, N. Yakima, Wash., 1901-03. Harper, Jos. A., b. Ireland, Sept. 20, 1839; c. to America, 50; R.C. 7i, N.B.S. 75, lie. CI. N.B.; Cortlandtown, May 25, 75-90, Greenville, 1890-1905, Schagticoke, 1905-10, Scarsdale, 1910-17. d. May 13. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 259. Harper, Richard H., b. Plymouth, England, Oct. 5, 1866. Washburn Col., Kas. Chicago Theol. Sem. 1. by Cong. Association, Wellington, Kans., 1888. (Cong, Chicago, 111.; Longton, Kans.: St. Francis, Kas.; Ellis, Kas.; Fruita, Col. Oklahoma City and Darlington, Okl.). Missionary to Indians. Horton Memorial, Shawnee, Okl., 1907; Columbia Mem- orial. Ass., 1908-09; Mescalero, N. M., 1911-15; Vennilye Memorial, Okl., 1915 . Ass. to State H.M. Supt. Kas. Member State H.M. Bd. Publications: Manv articles on Indian Work, Temperance, etc. Harriman, Orlando. C.C. 1835, N.B.S. 38. 1. CI. N.Y.; Hurley, Jan.-July, 1840; became Episcopalian. Died at Jacksonville, Fla., Apr. 30, 1881. Harris, David Tappen, b. Morristown, N. J., May 13. 1848; lie. by N.J. M.E. Conf. 1890; ord. by CI. Montgomery, 91; Manheim, 91-92, Ma- 362 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA makating, 92-95, Port Jervis, 2d, 95-99, Esopus, 1899- 1907. Taghkanick (West Copake) 1907-16. w. c. Harris, Henry R., S.S. New Concord, 1873-4. Harris, Howard, b. at Belleville, N. J., July 29, 1848; R.C. 73, N.B.S. 76, He. CI. Newark; Unionville, 76-83, Missionary to Japan, 1884-1900. Hawthorne (Unionville), 1904-10. Instructor in Oriental Dept. Univ. of Southern California, 1910-14. Japanese church, Kahului, Hawaiian Island, 1914-15. d. Jan. 13, 1916. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1916, 935. Harris, John Ferguson, b. in N.Y.C. Oct. 13, 1828; R.C. 53, N.B.S. 56, 1. CI. N.Y. ; ord. by CI. Poughkeepsie ; Cold Spring, N. Y. 56-57, Pomp- ton Plains, N. J., 58-67, Hurley and North Marbletown, 67-76! Hurley, 76-78, supplying churches, 78-86, Cherry Hill, 86-91. Spotswood, 91-93, Hyde Park, 93-Jan. 98; d. Mar. 14. See Manual, 1902. Harsha, Wm. Justin, b. Hanover, 111., Apr. 20, 1853; C.N.J. 74, McCormick Sem. 77, lie. Presb. Springfield, III, 76; ord. by Presb. of Omaha, 77; (Omaha ist, Presb. 77-92), Harlem, N.Y.C. 2d Collegiate, 92-9, (Den- ver, Col. Presbyt. ch. of Highland Park, 1901 Publications : "Biblical Hermeneutics." — "Sabbath-day Journeys."— "Ploughed Under."— "A Timid Brave." — "Sings as He Walks," etc. Hart, Charles Edward, b. at Freehold, N. J., Feb. 28, 1838; C.N.J. 1858. P.S. 61, 1. Presbyt. N.Y. 60; ord. bv same, Dec. 6, 63; (40th st. Presbyt. Ch. N.Y.C. (Murray Hill), 63-6): Newark, North, 66-80, Prof, of Eng. Lang, and Lit. in R.C. 80-97; Theodore Freyliughuysen, Prof, of Ethics, Evidences of Christianity, and the English Bible in R.C. 1897-1907. Professor Emeritus, 1907-16. d. Dec. 16. D.D. R.C. 1880. He was a man of fine literary taste, broad scholarship and best Christian refinement. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 255. Publications: "Courtesy"; a sermon preached in chapel of Rutgers Col- lege, 1889, and pubd. by request. Hart, John, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 17, 1843; R.C. 1869, N.B.S. 1872, lie. CI. Philadelphia; Locust Valley, 1872-5, Neshanic, 1875-1922. Publications: Articles for County papers. Hart, Wm. Reese (son of Rev. John Hart), b. Neshanic, N. J., Aug. 31, 1877. R.C. 1899. N.B.S. 1902. 1. by CI. Philadelphia West Farms, N. Y. C, 1902-16; Jersey City, Van Vorst, ist, 1916 Hartig, Franz, b. in Amorbach, Bavaria, 1850; Gymnasium of Acchaffen- burg; came to America, 1869; Bloomfield Theolog. School, 79; (Pleas- ant Dale, N. J., Presb.) 82-9, Jamaica, St. Paul's Ger. Ch., 1889-99, d. Feb. I. See Manual, 1902. Hartley, Isaac Smithson, b. N.Y.C, Sept. 20, 1830; N.Y.U. 52, U.S. .53-4. A.S. 54-6, Res. Lie. 57-8; 1. by Andover Assoc. 1856; Union Ch. Sixth av. N.Y.C. 64-9, Philadelphia, 2d, 70-1, Utica, 1871-89; Episcopalian, 90; Trustee of R.C. 1873-93. D.D. by R.C. 1873. (Great Barrington, Mass., 90-1899, died July 3). Publications : See Manual, 1902. Hartranft, Chester D. (son-in-law of J. F. Berg) ; b. Frederick, Pa., Oct. 15. 1839; U. Pa. 61, N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. Philadelphia; South Bushwick, 64-6, New Brunswick, 2d, 66-78, Prof, of Bib. and Ecc. Hist, in the Hartford Theolog. Seminary, Ct. (Cong.), 78-88, President of Hartford Theological Sem. and Prof, of Biblical Theolog, 1888-1903. Engaged in literary and research work in Germany, 1903-14. d. Dec. 30. He was a musical genius and a man of ability in all lines of activity. Also teaching Theological Cvclopedia and Ecc. Dogmatics and Ethics. Mus. D. by R.C. 1871. D.D. by"R.C. 1876. Williams 1893. Publications: See Manual, 1902. THE MINISTRY 363 Hasbrouck. Howard Crosby, b. Jamaica, L. I.. March i, 1S70; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94. 1. CI. N.B.; Peapack, 1894-1900. Piermont. 1900-04, Brook- Ivn, New Lots. 1904 Hasbrouck. J. R. H.. b. 1784. Studied under Froeligh. 1. 1808; Klein. Ksopus, and Bloomingdale, 1809-13, Charlestown. ist. and Canajoharie (Mapletown and Westcrlo. 14-29), also Root, now Currytown, I4--29- also Clcn, 14-26. d. 1854. Sketch in "Ch. Int.," Feb. 9. 1854. Ha.sbrouck. Stephen, b. April 24, 1794. U.C. 181 5. N.B.S. 1815-16. Phys- ician. Hastings, S. M. P. Ham. C. 1833. Aub. Sem. 1837, 1. Presbyt. Oneida; \'ernon, N. Y., 39-48, Pompey, 48-55, Chittenango, 55-59. Owasco Out- let. 59. Coxsackie, 6)-70, Rochester. 1870-6, d. Feb. 24. Haughevoort, see Haeghoort. Hauser. George, Plainfiold, (Ger.) 1894-1901 ; Grahamsville. 1902-06; Claraville, 1002-06; Unionville, 1905-06; Plainfield (Ger. ), 1913-21. Haverkamp, Anthony, b. May 7. 1886, Cedar Grove, Wis. H.C. 1908. W.T.S. 191 1. 1. by CI. Wis. Sandham Memorial, S. D., 1911-16; Sioux Centre, la., 1916 . S.C. CI. W.S. 1918. Hawes, H. H., b. Va., Jan. 21, 1834. N.B.S. 1859-61. Presbyterian in Vir- ginia, d. Jan. 19, 1906. Hawthorne, Hugh, 1835. Hawxhurst. Dan. T.. h. Brooklyn. Dec. 12. 1852. N.B.S. 1873-4. d. Jan. 10. 1915. Havt, S. A. 1868, w. c. Hazenburg, Wm. H.C. 1872. H.S. 1875. He CI. ..; Fulton. 111., 1875-7. Passaic (Hoi..) i^'77-79. returned to Holland; went to Africa to labor among Mohammedans. Hebard, F. S.S. Cicero, 1857. Hedges, Hugh G., b. Somerville. Feb.. 1824. R.C. 1846, N.B.S.. died 1848, Sept. 15. Heemstra, Jacob, b. Oraqge Citv. la., Jan. 2, 1888. H.C. 1910. P.S. and W.T.S. 1914. 1. by CI. Iowa. Chicago. Ill, Trinity, 1914-18. Profes- sor. Central College, 1918 . (Psychology and Education). Heemstra, John F., b. Orange City. la., Nov. 16. 1870. H.C. 95. N.B.S. 1898. 1. by CI. Iowa. Immanuel, Springfield, S. D., 98-9, Sioux Centre. la., 1 899- 1904, Newkirk, la., 1904-06, Principal, Northwestern Classi- cal Academy, 1906-10, Grand Rapids. 7th, 1910-13, Chicago, Roseland, 1st, 1914-19. Holland, Mich., 4th, 1919 Heeren, Enne J., b. in Uttun. East Friesland, Europe, Nov. 13, 1842; c. to U.S. with his parents in 1855; H.C. 1867, H.S. 1870, lie. and ord. by CI. Wisconsin, Feb. 7, 1872. Missionary in India. 72--. Returned to America on account of ill health, d. Oct. 15, 1878. See Manual. 1902. Heermance. F^dgar L. (s. of Henry Heermance) ; Y.C. 1858, A.S. 61, 1. by Cen. Assoc. New Haven. 61 ; Castleton. 61-9, tour in Europe and Pales- tine. 69-70, w. c. 70-2 (White Plains, N. Y. (Presbyt.), 1872-88, d. Apr. 29). Heermance, Harrison, b. at Rhinebeck, N. Y. ; R.C. 1834. N.B.S. 37, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie ; Currytown and Mapletown, 37-40 (Milton Presbyt. 40-3), Buskirk's Bridge. 44-5. Medina. 46-51. Jefferson and Pottsford. 51-7, Macon, 57-62, Chaplain 128th Reg. N.Y.V. 1864. Died, Feb. 21. 1883. He devoted himself to pioneer mission work in the West. At the outbreak of the Civil War he threw himself into the struggle with an energy which shattered his health. Thenceforth he led a quiet but useful life. See Manual. 1902. Heermance. Henry, b. at Nassau, 1801, U.C, N.B.S. 26. 1. CI. N.B.; Oyster I^ay and North Hempstead. 26-7, Miss, at Stuyvesant, 2-j-%, Sand 364 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Beach, March-Nov. 29, Blawenbergh, 32-5, Kinderhook, 35-6, died,. 1846. See Manual of 1879. Hegeman, sec Hageman. Heineger, John, Jersey City, ist Ger. 1896-19CO. Heines, Cornelius, b. Oldeboom, Netherlands, Aug. 4, 1862; c. to Amer- ica, 93; lie. by CI. Illinois. July 10, 1894; Otley, la., 93-97, Lafayette, Ind., 97-8, Danforth, 111.. 98-9. Kalamazoo, 4th, 1899-1903, Grand Rap- ids, 9th, 1903-07. Graefschap, 1907-10, Paterson, Union Reformed, 1910-14, Seattle, Wash., 1914-17. d. July 23, of accidental poisoning. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1918, 596. Heinrichs. John H.. b. Canarsie. N. J.. March 17. 1882. Bloomfield Acd. 1911. N.B.S. 1914. 1. by S. CI. L. I. 1914. Barren Island, S.S., 1912- 13; Jersey City, West Side, 1914-16; Leeds, 1916-21; Kiskatom, S.S., 1919-21. S.C. CI. of Green. Hekhuis, Gerrit John. b. Holland. Mich., Aug. 2, i860; H.C. 85. W.S. 88. 1. CI. Holland; Spring Lake. Mich., 88-91, Bethany Ch., Roseland, Chicago. 1891-1906; Overisel, Mich., 1906-17; Alto, Wis., 1917 . Member Bd. D.M. of H.C. Council, of Bd. Supt. W.T.S. Hekhuis, Lambertus, b. in Holland, Mich.. 1849; H.C. 77, N.B.S. 80, 1. CI. Holland; ord. by same. Dec, 81. Missionary to India 1881-1888. d. Sept. 16. A devoted man cut down in his prime. M.D. Univ. N.Y. Medical C. 1881. See Manual. 1902. Hekhuis. Lambertus. b. S])ring Lake. M'ch., 1890. H.C. 1913. W.T.S. 1916. 1. by CI. Holland. Missionary to India, 1916 . Principal Voorhees College. Vellore, India. 1917 Helfifenstein, Albert, b. Philadelphia. March 14, 1801. U. Penn. 1820. N.B.S. 1821-2. German Reformed, d. Sept. 12, 1870. Helfifenstein. Samuel, b. Philadelphia, Jan. 13. 1800. U. Penn. 1820. N.B.S. 1820-21. German Reformed, d. May 21, 1869. Hemenway. Frank Wilder, b. April 12, i860. Kendallville, Ind. Syracuse Univ. 82. Four years M.E. reading course. (M.E. pastorates 87-93, Cong., Newton. Kans.. 93-97. Old Orchard. Mo., 97-98. S.S. Bright- wood, Ind.. Anderson, Ind. Hinesburg, Vt., 1916-17, Charlotte, Vt., 1917-19, Boys' Recreation Centre, Brooklyn, 1919). Gallatin, N. Y., 1920 . Trustee Fairmount Col. Chaplain 2d Reg., Kansas State Guard. Henderson, William J., b. in Pa., 1844; C.N.J. 70, P.S. "S; Annandale, 86-91. For other details, see P. S. Gen. Cat. Hendricks. John. b. in Rhinebeck, 1782; U.C. 1808, studied under Brod- head and Livingston, lie. CI. N.Y. 1810; d. Aug. 6, 1876. See Manual of 1879. Hcndrickson, Henrv A., b. Queens. N. Y.. Dec. 12, 1850. R.C. 1875, N.B.S. 78: lie. N. CI. L.I.; Colt's Neck, 1878-82, Schodack Landing, N.Y., 82-87, Ellenville, 87-1895, w. c. Heneveld. George G., b. Laketown, Mich., March 31, 1891. H.C. 1913. W.T.S. 1916. 1. by CI. Holland. KiUduff and Galesburg, 1916-18; Muskegon, Mich., Unity, 1918 Henry, Jas. Vernor, b. in Albany, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1798; C.N.J. 1815; P.S. 1821, Ithaca, Alar. 4. 1846-9, supplied Jersey City, ist, 1851. Died 1873, Mar. 14. See Manual of 1879. and P.S. Cat. Henshaw. Marshall, b. Bethany. Pa., Oct. 3. 1820; A.C. 1845. U.S. 1846-7; tutor in Am. Col. 1847-9. ord. by Cong. Feb.. 1849; (Prin.. Derry. N.H., 1849-53, Prin.. Byfield. Mass.. 1853-9) ; Prof. Nat. Phil, and Math, in Rutgers Coll.. 1859-63; (Prin. Williston Sem., E. Hampton, Mass., 1863-77). Lecturer on Nat. Phil, at Am. Coll.. 81-91. LL.D. by N.Y.U. 1863. D.D. by Am. C. 1872. Died. Dec, 1900. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1901, 5. THE MINISTRY 3C5 Herge, Charles, b. Baltimore, Md., April 3, i88c. Bloomfield Ac. 1901-04. N.B.S. 1907. 1. by S.C. L.I. North Paterson. 1907-12; Jersey City, LaFayettc, 1912-15; Fishkill, 1916 . Also S.S. Glenham, 1920 . D.D. Richmond Col. 1914. Herge, Henry John, b. Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 22. 1875; Bloomfield Theolog. School, Newark, N. J., 1901 ; lie. by Presbyt. of Baltimore; Canarsie, 1901-1909; Athens, 1909-21; College Point, 1921 . S.C. CI. Green. Member Bd. Supt. N.B.S. Ph.D. Central Univ. 1919. Herman, Albert Benj.. b. Sebringville. Ontario. Canada. Sept. i. 1863; R.C. 87, N.B.S. 90, 1. CI. N.B.; Long Branch, 90-7, Mount Pleasant', Schenectady, N. Y., 1897-1915. Heroy, George Melanchton. b. Beacon, N. Y., 1878 . Mt. Hermon, Mass., 1901, Drew Sem. 1913. 1. by M.E. Ch. 1910. Ord. M.E. Ch. (M.E. pastorates). Woodbourne (Fallsborgh), 1918-19; Boonton, 1919 Herr, Louis T. N.B.S. 1877. Hess, Nicholas, b. Oct. 14, 1879. Rec'd from Primitive Methodist 1911, Gilboa and South Gilboa, 1911-13; Blue Mountain, 1913-15. Dis. to M.E. Ch. 1915. Hewling, George. S.S. Ephratah, 1861. Heyenga, Walter Jasper, b. Dec. 5, 1888, Germany. Mission House Col. 1917. W.T.S. 1920. 1. by CI. P.P. 1920. Alexander, la., 1920— Heyer, Wm. S., b. in N.Y.C. 1798; C.C. 15, studied under Mason, 17-21. 1. CI. N.Y. 21; supplied Philadelphia, 21, and Newburgh, 22, Fishkill Landing, 23-51, emeritus, 1862, d. 1866. See Manual, 1902. Heyser, H. C, from G.R. Ch. New Brooklyn, 1867. Hibma, Tiede, b. July 13. 1890, Sexbierum, Neth. H.C. 1917. N.B.S. W.T.S. 1920. Post Graduate P.S. 1920-21. 1. by CI. East Sioux 1920. Bejou, and Spring Creek, Minn., 1921 Hicks, John D., b. Philadelphia, March 9, 1870. Ursinus C. and S. 1897. (Ger. Ref. Ass., Lancaster. Pa. St. Andrews', Lancaster, 1901. Grace, Altoona, Pa.. 1901-08, Tioga Ch., Philadelphia, 1908-12). Philadelphia, 1st Ref.. 1912-17. d. May 20. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1918, 595. Hicks, W. W., from Methodist Ch. Lee Avenue, Brooklyn, 1867-8. Publications: "Story of Ike Cottle," 1868. Hieber. Louis, b. Landsberg. Bavaria, June 19. 1863; R.C. 88-9, N.B.S. 92. 1. CI. N.B.; Stuyvesant Falls. 92-3, New Hyde Park, 93-5, Blooming Grove, 95-7, Cuddebackville, 97-9, w. c. d. July 30, 1908. He renounced family ties and property to leave the Roman Catholic Church. He was a very modest man suffering much from ill health for sev- eral years before he died. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 528. Higgins, Chs. W., "b. at Weston, in Somerset Co., N. J., Mar. 23. 1853; N.B.S. 77, 1. CI. N.B.; supplying Cherrytown, N. Y., 78-9, engaged in business and mission work, at Omaha. Neb. ; ord. by Presbyt. of Gun- nison (Synod of Colorado). 1898. Presbyterian. Hill, Alexander, Rotterdam. 1st, 1890 Hill. Eugene, b. Rosendale, N. Y., Sept. 12. 1846; Ellenville Academv, 63; in the army, 64-6; ord. CI. Kingston, May. 81, Bloomingdale, 81-3, Esopus, 83-6, Three Bridges. 86-91, Clarkstown, 91-7, Coxsackie, 1st. 97-1901. Garfield, 1901 Pum.iCATioxs: "Hist, of Coxsackie. ist Church." Hill, Wm. Bancroft, b. Colebrook. N. H., Feb. 17. 1857; Harvard. 79. U.S. 86. lie. Presb. Baltimore (North) 85; ord. CI. Greene. 86; Athens! 86-90, Poughkeepsie. 2d, 1890-1902. Professor Biblical Literature, Vas- sar College 1902. Member Bd. F.M. Trustee R.C. 1912. of Am. Uni- versity. Cairo, of Fukien University and of Am. Indian Institute. S.S Pouglikeepsie, 1920. D.D. R.C. 1905. 366 THE REFUKMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Publications: "Guide to Living Church," 1905. "Introduction to Life of Christ," 191 1. (Translated in Japanese). "Life of Christ," 1917. (Translated in Japanese and Chinese. "Gates Lectures on Missions," 1920. Hill, \Vm. J., b. in Ireland. N.B.S. 1872, lie. CI. Westchester; Miss, at ]\Iillbrook, -ji, East New York, 75-82, Glenville, 2d, 82-4 (Presbyt.). d. Sept. 9, 1904. Hillmann. Alex. C. C.C. 1832, N.B.S. 1836. 1. CI. N. Y. 1836; Stone- house Plains, 1838-41, Vanderveer. 1841-2, Roxbury and Moresville, 1843-5, Wurtsboro, 1846-9, Blue Mountain, 1852-8, w. c. Died 1876, Nov. 20. Himrod, John S., b. Dec. 10, 1813; R.C. 39, N.B.S. 4^. 1- CI. Albany; Hills- dale, 42-3, Claverack, 2d, 45-51, S.S. South Bushwick. 51-3, South Bushwick, 53-9, Greenport, 61-82, d. Nov. 20, 1883. He was preeminently a good man and thus eminently successful. — See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Address at Funeral of Rev. Edwin Holmes," 1874. Hinds, Herbert Calvin, Schenectady, 2d, 87-91. Hinkamp, Paul Eugene, b. Oct. 30, 1885, Milwaukee, Wis. H.C. 1907. Teaching Wis. Memorial Academy, 1907-08. Principal, 1908-11. Mc- Cormick Sem. 1914. 1. by Pres. Milwaukee. (Pres. Sheboygan, Wis., 1915-18). Prof. Philosophy and Biblical Literature Hope College, 1918. Hitchcock, Edward Wm., b. Homer, N. Y., May i, 1833; Y.C. 57; Aub. Sem. 60, ord. by S. CI. N.Y., Aug. 8, 60; Tompkinsville, S. I., 60-6, New York 14th st. Presb., 66-72, Am. Chapel, Paris, 72-83 and beyond. Died, Sept. 19, 1901. Hock. Frederic W., b. Kassel, Germany, Dec. 30, 1868. Muehlhausen Gym. 1888. Bloomfield Sem. 1893. 1. by Pres. of Jersey City 1893. New- town 2d (Ger. ), 1S93-6. (Central Ave. Pres., Newark, 1896 ). Ass. Prof. Modern Languages, Stevens Institute 1905 . PhD. N.Y.U. 1907. Publications : Numerous scientific translations. Hock, George Carl (son of Frederick W. Hock), b. Newtown, L. I., Sept. 13, 1894. RC. N.B.S. 1920. 1. by CI. N.B. Stuyvesant, N.Y., 1920 Hodson, Joseph Merlin, Fordham, 1894 Hoekje, lohn, b. at Hellendoorn, Netherlands, 1846; H.C. 75, H.S. and N.B.S, 78, 1. CI. Holland; Rotterdam, Kan., 1878-91, Fremont, Mich., 1891-1908. Holland, Mich. Gilderland, S.S., 1908-09. Retired on account of ill health. Hoekje, Willis Gilbert (son of Rev. John Hoekje), b. Jewel Co., Kansas, July 3, 1883. H.C. 1904. \V.T.S. 1907. 1. by CI. G.R. Missionary to Japan, 1907 . Acting Principal Steele Academy, 1913-14. Hoes, John Cantine Farrell, b. Middleburg, N. Y., July 13, 1811 ; A.C. 2,2^ P.S. 35, lie. by Presbyt. New Brunswick, 34; ord. by CI. of Cayuga, Apx. 22, 36 ; Chittenango, 36-7, Ithaca, 37-45, Kingston, 45-67, resigned, supplied churches frequentlv. D.D. bv U.C. 1852. Died Feb. 9, 1883. Pres. Bd. of Sup. N.B.S. 1867. Life Director Am. Tract Soc. 1839-1883. Am. Bible Soc. 1854-1883. See Manual, 1902. He was a very able minister of the Gospel. His work was crowned with large success and his memorv was precious. Hoff, Brogun, b. at Harlingcii, 1794; QC. 15, N.B.S. 18, 1. CI. N.B. ; Phila- delphia, 2d (Eighth St.) 18-24, (Bridgeton, N. J., Presb. 24-33, Bath, La., 33-5), Leeds and Kiskatom, 35-42, Rhinebeck, 42-50, Germantown, N, Y., 50-5, d. See Manual of 1879. Hoffman, Abraham, b. at Shawangunk, 1780; studied under Froeligh and Livingston, 1. CI. Paramus, 1808; Courtlandtown, 1808-30, also Miss, to Wawarsing, Dec. 28-Feb. 29, Cato, 31-43, d. 1856. Hoffman, Benj.. b. Overisel, Mich., Jan. 17, 1871 ; H.C. 95, W.S. 98, 1. CL THE MINISTRY 367 Grand River, Spring Lake, Mich., 1898-1902, Grand Rapids, 5th, 1902-12, Zeeland, 2d, 1912 Hoffman, James Edward, b. Overisel, Mich., July 24, 1893. H.C. 1917. N.B.S. 1920. 1. by CI. N.B. Hasbrouck Heights, N. J., 1920— — Hoffman, James JuHus, b. Oostburg, Mich. H.C. Western Reserve Univ. Columbia Univ. 1903. U.S. 1906. 1. by CI. Rochester, 1906. Buck Creek, Okl., 1907; Prairie Home, Ok!., 1907; Arapahoe, Okl., 1907-11; Raritan, N. J., 3d, 1912-14; (Presbyterian 1914 ; Gloversville, N. Y., 1917-21 ; Watertown, N. Y., 1921 ). Hoffman, John, b. at Holland, Mich., Feb. 28, 1849; H.C. 1871, W.Th.S. 1874, lie. CI. Holland; Oostburg, 1874-81 (Presbyt. ; Baldwin, Wis., 81-87), Abbe ch. Clymer, N. Y., 87-93, Sayville, L. I., 93-99, Cleveland, O.. 1899-1908, Sully, la., Bethany, 1908-11. Rotterdam, Kan., 191 1-20. Retired. Hoffman, Milton J., b. Jan. 31, 1886, Overisel, Mich. H.C. 1909. W.T.S. 1914. 1. and ord. by CI. Pella 1918. No pastorates. Head Latin Dept. H.C. 1913-17. President Central College 1917 . D.D. by H.C. 1917. Publications: Articles in Educational Magazines, etc. Hoffman, Wm. H., b. at Flemington, N. J., May 13, 1849; R.C. 72, N.B.S. 75, lie. CI. Raritan; Wilcox, Pa., 75-7, Pottersville, N. J.. 78-83 (Presbyt.). Hoffs, Harry, b. Alton, Li., July 5, 1890. H.C. 1914. W.T.S. 1917. 1. by CI. Iowa. Sibley, la., and Bigelow, Minn., 1917-1919. Coopersvillc, Mich, 1919 . Took New International $500 first prize essay among Sem. students. Hogan, Jasper Samuel, b. Guilderland Centre, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1867; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. Schenectady; Glen, N. Y., 94-6, Pompton Plains, 1896-1903, Jersey Cit)', LaFayette, 1902-12, New Brunswick, ist, 1912 . Pres. P.S. N.B. 1914. Vice-Pres. Gen. Svn. S.C. Bd. of Supt. N.B.S. 1912 -. D.D. R.C. 1915- PuBLiCATioxs : "Centennial Hist, of Refd. Ch. of Glen, N. Y." Histor- ical and occasional sermons. Hogan, Orville J. Indian Fields, N. Y., April 4, 1861. N.B.S. 1893, lie. CI. N.B.; Rocky Hill, 1893-8, St. Johnsville, 1898-1909, Closter, 1909 Hogan, Robert James, b. Guilderland, N. Y.. Aug. 11. 1865; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. Schenectady; Buskirks, N. Y., 94-7, Bellevue, Schenec- tady, 1897-1915. Acting Pastor ist Pres. Ch., Gloversville, 1917-18. S.S. Pres. Ch., Mayfield, 1920-21. Hogeboom, Simon M., b. Haamstede, Neth., June 7, 1858. H.C. 84. W.T.S. 87. 1. by Geneva 87. Marion Centre, 1887-90, Cleveland, ist, 90-9, Ontario Centre, N. Y., 1899-1904. S.S. Kalamazoo, 4th, 1903-04. S.S. N. Y. Mills, 1904-05, Pultneyville, N. Y., 1905-08, Arcadia, N. Y., 1908- 17, Sodus, N. Y., 1917-20, Cleveland, ist, 1920 . Holden, Louis H., b. Aug. 7. 1873. Newark. N. J. Y.C. 1895. A.M. Col. Univ. 1897. U.S. 1898. 1. by Pres. of Newark 1898 (Pres. Assist., Onedia, N. Y.. 1898-9. Cong. Assist. Waterbury, Conn., 1900-1904). Utica, X. Y., 1904-21. New Brunswick, 2d, 1921 . Ph.D. Y.C. 1903. HoUebrands, James John, b. Pella, la., March 11, 1878. Central Univ. 1904. W.T.S. 1907. 1. by CI. Pella, 1907. Bethel, Leota, Wis., 1907-10, Waupun, Wis., 1910-18, Kalamazoo, ist, 1918 — — . S.C. CI. Wis. Holmes. lulwin, b. at Sali.sbury, Ct., July 17, 1797; U.C. 1822, Prin. Dutch- ess Academy, 1822-5, studied theology with Dr. C. C. Cuyler and at N.B.S. 1827; lie. CI. Poughkeepsie ; Linlithgo, 1827-35, Albany, 3d, 1835-.41. Athens, 1841-2, Nassau, 1842-51, Chatham, 1853-9, w. c. Died, 1873, Nov. 23 . The intimacy of years revealed more and more the beauty of his Chris- tian spirit and his steadfast devotion to the supreme heartwork of his consecrated life. Through a period of about forty-six years he performed 368 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA the duties of the pastorate in almost a single region, so that he was all that while quite before the eyes of the same people in their successive gen- erations. From every church he served there was given him the like tribute of love and gratitude for the gentle yet firm, cheerful yet courageous service he uniformly rendered. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "A Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Rev. Peter S. W-ynkoop," 1848. "The Present Mysteries and Future Developments of Providence" ; a discourse delivered at the funeral of Francis H. Rathbone, Esq., 1855. "The Vindications of Providence"; a sermon preached at Chatham, N. Y., at the funeral of Staats D. Tompkins, Esq., 1867. Holmes, John McC. (son of Edwin Holmes) ; b. Livingston, N. Y., Jan. 22. 1834; W.C. 53, N.B.S. 57, 1. CI. of Rensselaer; East Williams- burgh, 57-9, Lee Avenue, Brooklyn, 59-64, Hudson, 65-77 (Albany, State St. Presbyt. 77-1898, w. c.) d. June 21, 1911. Pres. Gen. Syn. 1876. Trustee Auburn Sem. 1886-1900. Director U.T.S. N.Y.C. 1888- 90. D.D. R.C. 1870. Publications: See Manual, 1902. Hondelink, Garret, b. Grand Rapids, April 11, 1876. H.C. 1900. N.B.S. 1903. 1. by CI. G.R. Missionary to Japan, 1903-08. Kalamazoo, North Park, 1909-12; Mu.skegon, 2d, 1912-18; Rochester, N. Y., ist, 1918. Publications : Articles for Int. and Leader. Honegger, Henry, b. near Zurich, Switzerland, July 27, 1870. Educated in Switzerland. In Class* 1904, R.C. N.B.S. 1907. 1. by CI. Passaic. Missionary to India, 1907-14. d. July 18. He was by profession a silk weaver but his passion for the Gospel drove him into the mission field. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1915, 593. Hones, Julius, from Evang. Miss. Assoc, Berlin, 1854; Jeffersonvile, 54-8; S.S. New Brunswick, 3d, 58-60, w. c. 1860-76; Jamaica, Ger. Evang. 76. 1880, d. Oct. 17. Hones, L. W., 1892-3. Hoonte, Teunis H., b. Neth., 1833. 1. in Holland as evangelist. Ordained by CI. Paramus. Lodi (Hoi.), 1896-1909. d. Dec. 8. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 823. Hooper, J. F., Blue Mountain, 1883-4. Hoover, D. S., b. Easton, Pa., Jan. 29, 1867. Gettysburg C. 1889, and Get- tysburg Sem. 1892. (Lutheran and Presbyterian Chs., 1892-1904). Piermont, N. Y., 1905. d. Dec. 17. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 598. Hopf, Paul H. Pres. 1909. Far Rockaway (Gr. Evangelical), 1909-15. Pres. 1915 Hopkins, David. U.S. 1868. 1. CI. N.Y. 1868, ord. by Presbyt. See "Union Sem. Gen. Cat.," 1876. Hopkins, F. E. Bedford, Brooklyn, 1 880-1. Hopkins, Jay D., b. Norwich, N. Y., June 9, i860. High School. 1. by Pres. of Columbus. Engaged in Evangelistic and S.S. work, 1916-21. (Wind- ham. N.Y., .1919-20.) Prattsville, N.Y., 1921 Hopper, Abram Whittaker, b. Spring \'alley. N. Y., Feb. 4, 1867; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. N. Y.; Stuyvesant Falls, 94-99, Rensselaer, 1899- 1903, New Durham, N. J., Ass., 1903-07. S.S. Secaucus, 1904, West New York, N. J., 1903 . S.C. CI. Palisades. Ph.D. Taylor Univ., 1902. Hopper. Samuel J. R.C. 1841. N.B.S. 1841-2. d. 1842. Horton, Francis A., b. Philmont, N. Y., 1844. R.C. 1862. N.B.S. 65, 1. CI. Hudson; Glenham, 65-7, Catskill, 67-/3- (Presbyterian and Congre- gational Churches), d. April 19, 1903. Pres. Bd. of Directors San Francisco Theo. Sem. D.D. Univ. of Wooster 1884. THE MINISTRY 369 Hortsch, Herman W., b. Platte. Ger., Jan. 9, 1865. Blom. Acd. 1887. Blom. Sem. 1890. 1. by Pres. of West Jersey 1890. (Atlantic City, Ger. Pres., 1890-91, Cincinnati, O., ist Ger., 1891-1901. Supt. of Deaconess Home and Hospital, 1901-07. Prof, of Latin Language and Literature Dubuque Univ., 1907-11. Elizabeth, N. J., Ger. Pres.. 1911-17). Bethel, Ret., Davis, S. D., 1917-21. (Pres., German, Avon, S. D., 1921 ). Editor of Monthly Friend for Poor and Sick for 13 vears. Hosper.s. Gerrit H.. b. at Pella, la., Oct. 14, 1864; H.C. 84. W.S. 87. 1. CI. Holland; East Williamson. N. Y., 87-92. Muskegon, 2d, 92-4, Cleve- land, 2d, 1894-1905. Principal Cedar Grove Academy, 1905-1908. Ontario, N. Y., 1908—— Publications: "Beginselen van Separatie," 1897. "A Primer of Bible History," 1890. "The Reformed Doctrine of Justification." 1900. "The Book Divine," 1900. "Sacred History, in Questions and Answers," 1901. "Teaching of Scripture,'" 1904. "Relation of Ch. and State," 1912. "A Revival of Alodern Paganism," 1915. "Three Views of 2d Advent," 1915. "Calvinistic Character of Pre-Millennialism," 1915. "The Divine and Hu- man in Faith and Life," 1916. "Hist. Hartje Van de Zaak," 1921. Hospers, Henry, b. Pella, la.. Feb. 15. 1869. H.C. 1890, N.B.S. 93; Abbe ch. Clymer, N. Y., 93-97; Gibbsville, Wis., 97-9, Englewood, Chicago. 1900-IQ05. Roseland, ist, 1905-09, Kalamazoo, 2d, 1909-10, Grand Rap- ids, 2d. 1910-18. Prof. O. T. Languages and Literature in W.T.S.. 1918 . D.D. by H.C. Hospers. Henry O.. b. Clymer. N. Y., 1894. H.C. 1916. \\'.T.S. 1920. P.G. P.S. 1921. 1. by CI. Michigan, 1920. Utica, N. Y., 1921 Hotaling, Burton J., b. Schenectady, N. Y., March 28, 1879. R.C. 1903. N.B.S. 1906. 1. by CI. Albany. Bethlehem ist, 1906-09, Albany 3d, 1909-17. S.C. CI. Albany. Supt. Onondaga Orphan House, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917 Hotaling, Henry Kilmer, b. ^Saugerties, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1889. R.C. 1912. N.B.S. 1915. 1. by CI.' Albany. Blawenbergh, 1915-19, Centreville, Athcnia, N. J., 1919-21, Clarkstown, West Nyack, N. Y., 1921 . Y.M.C.A. work 1918. Houbolt, W. A. Theolog. School of Kampen, Netherslands, 1858, 1. CI. Holland, Mich., 59, Grand Rapids. 59-60, Albany (Holland Ch.) 61-4, Muskegon, 64-71, Albany (Holland Ch.) 71-3, Paterson, 6th, T2>-7, went to Netherlands; returned to America, 78; Paterson (Union Ch.) 78-1879, went to Holland. Houdin, Michael, b. in France, 1705. He was received into Ch. of England. 1749; Miss, at Trenton, N. J., 1753-60, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1760-8. died. Oct. He was originally a Franciscan friar, in Montreal, but married and came to New York, where he ultimately took the oath of allegiance. He may have officiated in the French Ch. of N. Y. C. occasionally. He is said to have been chaplain in the British army under Wolfe, at the siege of Quebec, 1759-60. Nov. I, 1750, he writes that he had been invited by the people of Trenton, Allentown and Burlington to reside among them. On Feb. i, 1762, he, with Jac. Bleecker. Jas. de Bley. David Lispenard. wardens; Is. Guion, Jr., Elias Guion, Is. Guion (Sr. ?), Peter Bertain. John Soulice, ves- trvmen ; petitioned for a Patent of Incorporation for French Church at New Rochelle. "Doc. Hist.," 578. "Di.x's Trinity Ch.." 251. See "Wal- dron." 36; "Hall's Hist. Presbvt. Ch., Trenton," pp. 105-7. House, Isaac E.. N.B.S. 1879; Hoboken, ist, 80-1887. How, Samuel Blanchard. b. Oct. 14, 1790, in Burlington. N. J.; U. Pa. 18 10, P.S. 1 8 13, ord. by Presb. of Philadelphia, 1813; Salisbury, N. J., 1813-6; Trenton, 1816-21 ; New Brunswick, 1821-3. all Presbyt. ; Savan- nah, Ga., independent ch. 1823-30; Miss, in New York City, North st. 1830; President of Dickinson Coll. 1830-1. New Brunswick, ist, 1832- 370 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 6i. d. Mar. i, 1868. Elected a trustee of Rutgers Coll. 1830; D.D. by U.C. 1830. He was in all respects, whether in theology, politics, or in manners, an old-school man. He venerated the past, and looked upon all change as revolutionary. Circumstances had added to his theological opinions great positiveness. New-school doctrines filled his soul with abhorrence and alarm. He resisted them with all his learning and with all his might, even to the last. In sermons, conversations, and articles for the press, he warned against them. He unfortunately took a wrong position in regard to slavery. He was in manners a gentleman and faithful to all his duties. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Ser. in 2d R.D.C. Somerville, 1835. "The Gospel Min- istry," New Brunswick, 1838. "Tribute of Filial Affection"; on death of Mrs. Jane Kirkpatrick, 1851. "Perpetual Abode of the Holy Spirit in the Church; and Filial Duty"; two sermons. New Brunswick, 1851. "Slave- holding not Sinful"; an argument before Gen. Synod, 1855. (See Ganse's reply.) Funeral ser. on death of Rev. Dr. J. J. Janeway, 1858. Funeral ser. on death of Hon. Littleton Kirkpatrick, 1859. See Memorial. Funeral ser. on death of Mrs. Mary Jenkins, New Brunswick, i860. Howard, John R. N.B.S. 1918. 1. by CI. N.B. 1918. Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., 1918-20; Secaucus, N. J., 1920 Howland, Samuel Whittlesey, b. Jaffna, Ceylon, Mar. 4, 1848; A.C. 70, U.S. 72,, ord. bv Cortgs. ; Miss, to Jaffna, 73-97, Pres. Jaffna Coll. 73-97, Prof, of Theology, do., 89-92, Vermilye Chapel, N.Y.C., 1897-1900. D.D. by A.C. 1890. Hoyt, Alexander Stevenson. U. Col. 1864. P.S. 68. Greenwich, N. Y., 1868-71. (Pres. Ballston Centre, N. Y.). d. 1888. Hoyt, Jas. Howard, b. Saratoga, N. Y., July 13, 1847; U.C. 73; U.S. 76; . . . . Greenburgh, 76-79 (Presbyt.). See "U.S. Cat." Hoyt, J. W. 1. by CI. Westchester 1902. Pres. 1905 Huenemann, Henry, b. Norwood, Minn., April 8, 1875. H.C. 1900. W.T.S. 1903. 1. by CI. P.P. 1903. Cromwell Center, la., 1903-10; Lennox, 2d, S. D., 1910 . S.C. CI. Germania. Publications: Der. Mitarbeiter. Huenemann, Jacob, b. Werthhausen. Germany, May 22, 1867; Mission House College, Franklin, Wis., 87, Miss. House Sem. 90, lie. and ord. by Ger. Refd. Ch. (La Crosse, Wis., 90-3, Ger. Ch.) ; German Valley, la., 93-1898 (Independent; Menno, S. D., 99-1901, d. Apr. 30.) Huibregtse, Edward, b. Oostburg, Wis., Dec. 27, 1888. H.C. 1910. W.T.S. 1914. 1. by CI. Wis. 1914. Eddyville, la., 1914-17; New Sharon, la., 1917-19; Grand Rapids, Fairview, 1920 Huiser, John. Chicago, Northwestern, S.S., 1918; Wanaque, N. J. (S.S.), 1919-1921. (Glassboro, N. J., 1921 ). Huizinga, Abel H., b. Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 18, 1859; H.C. 80, N.B.S. 83, 1. CI. Holland ; studied Philology in Johns-Hopkins University, Bal- timore, Md., 83-6; New Paltz, 86-94, adjunct Prof. O. T. Lit. and Exegesis, McCormick Th. Sem. Chicago, 94-6, Fishkill, 1896-1905. d. Sept. II. Instructor O. T. languages and Exegesis N.B.S. 1902-03. Dr. Huizinga was endowed with rare intellectual gifts and improved them to the uttermost. He was a diligent student, instructor, preacher and faith- ful pastor. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 599. Pli.D. Johns-Hopkins 1890. Publications: Many articles in Biblical and kindred subjects in the Eng- lish and Dutch press. See Manual, 1902. Huizinga, Henrv, b. Tan. 8, 1873, at New Groningen, Mich.; H.C. 93, W.S. 96, lie. and 'ord. CI. Mich., May 26, 96; sailed for India, June 10, 96; miss, in India ; in fall of 1899 became a Baptist. Huizinga, John, b. Kollum, Vriesland, Netherlands, Mar. 12, 1841 ; H.C THE MINISTRY 371 67, H.S. 70. lie. CI. Holland ; Mattoax and Amelia Courthouse, Va., 70-6, Holland, ist, Nebraska, 76-91, Rock Valley, la., 1891-1904. Class- ical Missionary. CI. Iowa, 1904-12. w. c. d. Jan. 24, 1916. See Min. Gen. Syn., 191 6, 936. Hulbert, Palmer S., b. Nova Scotia, 1849; Wabash Coll. 76, Aub. Sem. 79; (Waverly, N. Y., 79-82. Fremont, Neb., 1882.) Assist. Collegiate Ch., N.Y.C. 29th St., 92-4 (Chicago, 1894.) Hulbert, Victor Moreau, b. at Nassau, N. ¥., Nov. 22, 1813; R.C. 39, N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. L.I. Aug. ist; ord. CI. N. Y. Jan. 4, 1843; Greenville and Yonkers, 42-45, Yonkers, 45-48, Flatbush (Ulster Co.) 48-52, Yon- kers, 52-65, White Plains, 65-72, Marbletown, 72-83, w. c. Died, Jan. 7. 1892. D.D. by R.C. 1867. He was a man of fine presence and rare humor. His ministry within the church was interesting, and he extended his influence far beyond its bounds. See Manual, 1902. Hulst, George Durvea, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 9. 1846; R.C. 66. N.B.S. 69, 1. N. CI. L.I. ; South Bushwick. 69-1900, d. Nov. 5. Ph.D. bv R.C. 1801. He had but a single charge during the thirty-one years of his ministry. To it he gave all that a happy, hopeful spirit, a pure and lofty soul, an in- quiring, scholarly mind, a Christ-loving heart, and a consecrated life could give. He was a faithful and devoted pastor, an eloquent preacher, clear in his convictions of truth and earnest in the advocacy of them. Nor was his ministry limited by the bounds of his own parish. It was potent for good in a wide district of Brooklyn. He possessed a unique personality. His religion was most natural, wholly free from cant. He was in touch with life and all its activities. With his independent spirit, and critical mind, he thought for himself. He was an observing and interested student of Nature, and loved to roam the woods and hills. From the life that nestled on the earth, or flitted through the air. he read lessons of divine wisdom and love, so that many were taught by him to "look up from Nature to Nature's God." and to that Redeemer who loved the fowls of the air and the lilies of the field. He was an authority on entomology and botany. In the former science he did much original work, and published the results of his investigations in several journals. For a time, he was State entomologist of New Jersey, and was acting professor of entomology at Rutgers College. He declined a professorship at Rutgers about 1891, as he preferred to remain in the pastorate. He was a member of the Depart- ment of Botany of the Brooklyn Institute, and was President of that branch of the Institute work at his death. In 1880 he was elected a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and in 1888 a Fellow of the same. See also "Biog. Notices R.C. Grads.," 1901, 15. Publications: For a list of his very numerous publications on entomol- ogv. etc.. see Alanual. 1Q02. Hulst. George D.. b. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Feb. 17. 1885. Will. Coll. 1906. U.S. 1910. 1. by CI. N. L. I. 1910. Montclair Heights. 1910 . Hulst. Lambert J., b. 1825 in the Netherlands; Danforth. 111.. 1874-6, Grand Rapids, 4th, 76-1881 ; joined the Christian Refd. Ch. See "Ch. Int.," 1881, Oct. 19. Humperslv, G. W.. S.S. Cicero. N. Y.. 1863-=;. Hume, Jas. C, b. Fair Hill. Md.. Feb. 28. 1850; C.N.J, tj. P.S. 80; ord. as an Evangelist bv Presbvt. of Westminster. 80 (Lancaster. Pa.. 80-2, Fair Hill, Md.. 83, Babylon, L. I., 84-8. Fair Hill. 89, Northport, N. Y., 90-1); Ridgewood, L. I., 94, St. Thomas. W. I.. 97-9. Bush- wick.' 1901-1902, w. c. 1902-15. Presbyterian 1915. Hundhausen. Ernest, b. Germanv. N.B.S. 1882-^. Hunt. Christopher, b. at Tarrytown. 18—: R.C. 27, N.B.S. 30. 1. CI. N.Y. ; Clark.stown. .^0-2. Nassau. Z^-'J, N.Y.C. Franklin st. 37-1839, d. See Manual of 1879. 372 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Hunter, David Moore, b. N.Y.C.. July ii. 1856; Coll. of City of N. Y. 77, U.S. 80, 1. Presb. of N. Y. ; ord. Presb. of Albany, 80 (Broadalbin, N. Y. 80-2, Salem. N. Y., 82-8, Littleton, Coll., 88-91 ) ; Mellenville, 92-9, assist. Poughkeepsie, 2d, 99-1902, Saugerties, 1902-1910. Hunter, Geo. McPherson, b. Glasgow, Scotland, Sept. 19, 1869; Glas- gow Univer. ; N.B.S. 1901, lie. CI. N.B. ; Rochelle Park, N. J., 1901- 1904, Secretary Seamen's Friend Society 1904. Publication : "The Acts of the Apostles of the Sea." Hunter, James B., b. at Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland, April 5, 1863 ; C.N.J. 89, U.S. 92, 1. Presbyt. N. Y. ; (Presbyt. ; Grace Chapel in N.Y.C., 92-96, assistant. West End, N.Y.C., 96-98) ; Anderson Memorial (Belmont), 1898-1908. Missionary, Tulsa, Okl., 1908. Jersey City, Faith, 1909 . Editor of Christian Intelligencer 1920 . S.C. CI. N.Y. 1903-08. S.C. S. CI. Bergen 1914 Publications : Editorial work on "Brotherhood Star," "Church Econo- mist" and "Evangelist." Many articles, etc., in the Intelligencer. Huntington, Henry S., b. Camden, N. Y., 1828; C.N.J. 1850; And. Sem. and P.S. 54; Owasco Outlet, 70-1871. For other details, see "P. Sem. Cat." Husted. C. F. W. Detroit, ]\Iich., Bethel, 1898-1901. Dis. to R.C. U.S.A. 1901. Hutchings, DeWitt V., b. Orange. N. J., Aug. 18, 1879. P.C. 1901. N.B.S. 1902-03. U.S. 1903-04. Balliol C. Oxford, 1905-07. Presbyterian. Hutchins, John, b. Portslnouth, England, June 20, 1848; Univ. Wisconsin, 1873; West Th. Sem., Allegheny, 1873-5. U.T.S. 1875-6; ord. CI. West- chester, Nov. 28, 1876; Bronxville. 76-82. Ellenville, 82-7, Brighton Heights, 87-92, Middle Collegiate, N.Y.C., 92-5 (Cong.; Litchfield, Ct.. 1895-1915. d. Feb. 20. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1915, 604. Hutchins, Robert G., b. April 25, 1838, Danielson, Conn. W.C. 1861. A.S. 64. 1. by Cong. Ch. (Bedford. Brooklyn, 1865-72. Columbus, O., 72-82. Minneapolis, Minn., 82-86. Oberlin, O., 86-88. Los Angeles, Cal., 88-94. Honolulu, 94-5. Fostoria, O., 1895-1902.) Brooklyn, Kent St., 1905-10. (Garrettsville, O., 1911-16. Oberlin, O., 1916-19. Berea, Ky., 1919-21.) d. Nov. 30. D.D. by Marietta Col. Hutchinson, J. N. Norwood Park, Chicago, 1897-9. Hutchinson, Stuart N. Newark, ist, 1906-10. (Pres., Norfolk, Va., ist.). Hutton, Alfred John. b. Brunswick, N. Y., June 20, 1842; Wms. Coll. 66. Aub. Sem. 71. 1. Presbyt. Cayuga, 70; West Troy, 71-9 (Cortlandt, 79-81), Brooklyn Heights, 81-7 (Rochester, N. Y., St. Peter's, 87-95. Corning, N. Y., 1895 . D.D. Wms. Col. 1893. Hutton, Mancius Holmes (son of Mancius S. Hutton), b. N.Y.C., Oct. 13, 1837; U.N.Y. 57. U.S. 57-9. N.B.S. 59-60, U.S. Post-grad. 60-1. lie. CI. N. Y. 60; Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 64-79, New Brunswick, 2d, 1879-1907. Emeritus, d. Dec. 19, 1909. D.D. by R.C. 1879. Pres. Gen. Synod, 1888. Pres. Bd. F.M. 1896-1909. Instructor Hellenistic Greek and Exegesis N.B.S. 1907. Dr. Hutton was one of the most active, influential and useful ministers of the Reformed Church. He was a trusted servant of God, a scholar and a man of eminent service to the Denomination. He was also a great preacher. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 823. Publications: "Memorial Pamphlets." Articles in Reviews, Periodi- cals and Papers. "Charge to Prof. Jas. F. Riggs," 1892. "Semi-Centen- nial of Second Church of New Brunswick, N. J., 1892. Hutton, Mancius Smedes (great grandson of Rev. G. W. Mancius), b. at Troy, N. Y., June 9, 1803; C.C. 23. P.S. 26, lie. by 2d Presbyt. New York, 26; Missionarv at Wawarsing. 27-8, ord. by Presbyt. of Newton, Nov. 25. 28 (German Valley and Fox Hill, N. J., 28-34) ; THE MINISTRY 373 N.Y.C., South Church (Colleague of Rev. Dr. J. M. Matthews), 34- 43; sole pastor, 37-76. Died April 11, 1880. D.D. by C.C. 1841. Dr. Hutton's life had few changes and it was singularly happy. He was brought up in the Garden St. Ch., N.Y.C., under the distinguished Dr. Matthews. After six happy years in the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church of German Valley, N. J.. Dr. Hutton was called to become the colleague of his former pastor. Dr. Matthews. Thenceforward to the end his career was in that city. In 1835 the church edifice perished in the "(ireat Fire." and the congregation shortly afterward divided, part building on Murray Street and part on Wash- ington ."Square, the two pastors choosing to accompany the latter. The financial difficulties encountered proved heavy, and two pastors seemed more than the struggling organization could support. Under these circum- stances. Dr. Hutton felt it was his duty, as junior colleague, to resign. But before he could find another settlement, Dr. Matthews, finding his duties as Chancellor of the New York University growing upon him, also re- signed. Whereupon the congregation recalled Dr. Hutton, who was thus three times installed over virtually the same people. Thereafter he re- mained sole pastor until the church disbanded in 1876. owing to the moving away of the class of population in that quarters whose needs were met bv such a church. 'During all these years Dr. Hutton devoted himself to his spiritual office, seldom turning to other than his ministerial functions. He was one of the best known and loved pastors of his time in New York City. See Dr. T. W. Chambers' "Commemorative Discourse," 1880, Manual, 1902. Publications: A sermon before the Am. S.S. Union, 1851, "The Death of Christ;" "National Preacher," 1852. "The Rejected Offering;" before N. Y. and Brooklyn Foreign Miss. Soc, 1853. "Spiritual Worship;" pul- pit repository, 1856. "C(5ming to Christ," 1858; address at the opening of Hope College, 1866. Oration: "The Founders of the Nation," 1876. "His- torical Discourse," 1877. Huyler, P. Edwin, Pres. 1905, Syracuse, 2d, 1905-14, Rhinebeck 1914-19, (Cong. Hawaii 1919 ). Huvssoon, Jas., b. in Netherlands, March 16, 1823; c. to America 46, N.B.S. '59, lie. CI. N.B.; Lodi. N. J. (Hoi.) 59-64, S.S. at Paterson, 59-64; pastor, Paterson, 64-5, Drenthe, Mich., 65-6, Polkton, 66-8, Paterson, 1st. Holland. Ch.. 68-1892. emeritus. Died, July 3 1894. "Mints. Gen. Svn.," 1895, 208. Huyzer, Garret. Pella, 2d. la., 1883-5, Fairview, 111., 85-1888. Hvde, Oren, S.S. Cicero 1839. Hvndshaw, Jas. B., b. 1801, at Stewartsville, N. J.; C.N.J. 1820, P.S. 24; Walpack, 36-9, Prin. Academy, Stroudsburgh, Pa., 1839-44. Died, 1888. For other details, see "P.S. Gen. Cat." Hvnson, Nathan Dushane, b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 9, 1865; Johns Hop. U. 88-90; U.T.S. 93; ord. by Presbvt. Alonmouth, 1893; assist, pastor Madison Ave., N.Y.C., 1892-3 (Presbvt. Manasquan, N. J., 1893—). See "U. S. Gen. Cat." Ihrman. Peter, b. in the Netherlands, April 8, 1859; H.C. 82. W.S. Sj, 1. CI. Grand River; Waupun, Wis., 87-91, Marion, N. Y., 91-6, Grand Rai)ids, 8th, 96-9, Maurice, la.. 1899-1910. Marion, 2d, 1910-11. d. Sept. 16. Mr. Ihrman was much interested in church extension. For several years he was a member of the committee on Church Extension in the Classis of Iowa, and always had an eye open for new fields. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1912, 557. Ingalls. Wilson, b. at Andover, Mass., Mar. 25, 1809; U.C. 36, tutor in 374 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA U.C. 36-7, studied theology at Andover and under Dr. Eliphalat Nott; S.S. Princetown, 38-9, Glenville, ist, 40-51. Owasco, 53-64 (supplied Broadalbin, 64-5, w. c, Blooming Grove, 67-77. Died, Oct. 11, 1889. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1890, 191. Ingersoll, Edward Payson, b. in Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass., May 6, 1834; W.C. 55, A.S. 63, lie. Cong. Conf., Cleveland, O., 1862 (Sandu.«ky, ist, 63-7, Indianapolis (Plymouth Ch.) Jan. ist, 68- Jan. 70) ; Brooklyn, Middle, Jan. 70-83. (Puritan Cong. Ch., Brooklyn, 83-92, St. Paul, Minn., Park st. 92-8, Immanuel Cong. Ch., Brooklyn, 98-1902. Sec. "Am. Bible Soc," 1902 ). Publications: "Bible in Pub. Schools," 1871. Sermons in the papers, "Thou Shalt Not Steal," in "111. Christian," Indianapolis, 1869. Thanks- giving sermon, 1876, at Lee, Mass., in "Lee Gleaner." Weekly articles in "Illustra. Chr." for six months, 1869. Six papers on "Bunyan's Pilgrim's Prog.," ditto, 1869. Letters from Europe, in "Ch. Intell.," 1873. Prayer- meetings, in "Ch. Weekly," 1876. Arts, in "Church Union," 1874, 1877. Ingham, John Albertson, b. Meriden, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1868; Syr. U. 86; U.T.S. 92; ord. by Presbyt. Syracuse, July 10, 1892; assist, pastor, Collegiate Ch.. N.Y.C., 1892-3. (Presbyt. Irvington-on-Hudson, 1894- 1910). New Brunswick, 2d. 1910-20. Gen. Secretary Progress Cam- paign, 1920 — — . D.D. S. Univ. 1908. Publications: Pamphlet on Abraham Lincoln, 1902. Articles for press. Inglis, Rev. David (son of Rev. David Inglis), b. June 8, 1824; University of Edinburgh, 41, stiidied divinity under Dr. Chalmers and Dr. John Brown; lie. Presbyt. Carlisle, 45; came to America, 46; (Detroit, Scotch Ch., 46-7, S.S.. N.Y.C. Washington Heights. 47, Bedford, N.Y., 47-52. Montreal (St. Gabriel St.) 52-5, Hamilton, Ont., 55-71, Prof, of Systematic Theology in Knox Coll., Toronto. 71-2) ; Brooklyn Heights, TZ-yj, d. Dec. 15. LL.D. by Olivet Coll., Mich.; D.D. by R.C. 1874. See Dr. Waters' admirable sketch of him in Manual of 1879. Publications: "Exposition of Internat. S.S. Lessons" in "Sower and Gospel Field," 1874-7. Hist. Ser. Commem. of the 25th Anniver. of the Church on the Heights, Brooklyn, 1875. Many contributions to the press. "Vedder Lectures" — in course of preparation at his death. Inglis, Thomas Edward, b. Hamilton, Ontario, Nov. 15, 1857; Univer. Toronto, 81, P.S. 84, 1. Presb. New Brunswick (S.S. ist Presb., Tren- ton, May-Aug., 84; Presb. Miss, to India, 84-92), Bergen Point, 92-7, Yonkers, 97-1901, w. c. d. Dec. 31, 1902. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 517. Publications : India correspondent for the N. Y. Religious Press, Amer. cor. for the "Madras Christian College Magazine." "Higher Education in India, Christian and Governmental." lorizzo (Gaetano), b. May 4, 1884. Villanova del. Battista, Italy. Italian High School 1912. Bloomfield Sem. 1916-17. Colgate Univ. 1918. 1. by CI. N. Y. 1918. Hackensack, N. J., Italian, 1917 . Englewood, N. J., Italian, 1920 . Publications : Articles in Italian press. Irish, Edward B., b. Vischers Ferry, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1886. U.C. 1910. N.B.S. 1913. 1. by CI. Schenectady 1913. Fultonville, N. Y., 1913-16. Church of Comforter, N.Y.C, 1916-18. Presbyterian 1919-21. Engaged in war service. Church of Comforter, N. Y. C, 1921 Israel, George R., b. Egg Harbor, N. J., Nov. 12, i860. Military Academy, Nazareth, Pa., 1877. Moravian Theo. Sem. 1884. Moravian Mission- ary, 1884-6. Jamesville, Iowa, Pres., 1886-96; Ridgewood, L. I., 1897 Ivey, Robert. Pres. 1903. Owasco, N. Y., 1903-05. (Pres. King's Ferry, N. Y., 1905 ). Later South. Jackson, John Frelinghuysen (s. of W. Jackson), b. at Bergen, 1768; Q.C. 1788, studied under Livingston, lie. by Synod of R.D. Chs, 1790; Har- THE MINISTRY 375 lem and Phillipsburgh, 1792-1806, Fordham, 1819-36, d. See Man- ual, 1902. Jackson, William, b. 1732. studied under J. Frelinguysen and J. H. Goet- schius, lie. CI. Amsterdam, 1757; Bergen and Staten Island, 1757-89, emeritus, d. 1813. One of the original trustees of Q.C. A.M. by Univer. Utrecht; by C.C. 1761, by Y.C. 1763, by C.N.J. 1771. In the days of his power a field preacher second only to Whitefield. See Manual, 1902. Jackson, Wm. H., 1. by N.C. L.I. 1898, Bushwick 1898-1900, Oyster Bay 1911 — , Windsor Terrace, S.S. 1912-13. Jacobellis, Eustace Francis, b. Faranto, Italy, April 3, 1879, came to America 1906, Bible Teachers' Training School N.Y.C. 191 1, ord. by CI. Palisades 1917, Italian Mission Grove Ref. Ch. Weehawken, N. J., 1915-18, d. Nov. 14. See Min. Gen. Syn. 1919, 920. Jacobs, Christian Williams, b. at Elden, Gelderland, Netherlands, March ^3. 1838. Educated in Holland, and served ditTerent churches there. Came to America, 1889. Passaic, 2d (Hoi.), 89-1891, d. April 18. Although pastor of the Dutch church of Passaic only about a year and a half, more than 100 families united by letter, and nearly 100 joined on pro- fession. Everything was flourishing, when the pastor died. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1891. 419. (Jacobs, F. H., North Chapel Col. Ch. N.Y.C. 1902-09.) Jacobs, Henry Christian, b. Alton, la., July 13, 1899, H.C. 1914, W.T.S. 1917, 1. by CI. Iowa 1917, Albany, N. Y., 5th, 1917-19, Rochester, Brighten, N. Y., 1919-22, Zeeland, Mich., ist, 1922, S.C. CI. Albany, 1917-19. Jacobs, Leonardus (s. of C. W. Jacobs), b. Armelo, Neth., Apr. 26, 1865, N.B.S. 1894-6. Jacobs, William Marinus Christian (s. of C. W. Jacobs), b. at Armelo, Netherlands, Sept. 18, 1863; c. to America, 89, N.B.S. 93, lie. by CI. of Paramus : Passaic (Hoi.), 93-1895, d. Sept. 23. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1896, 489. Jaeger, Julius Paul, b. Stuttgart, Germanv, July 14, i860, Bloomfield Sem., 1. by CI. N.Y. 1906, German Ref. 68th St., N.Y.C. 1906 James, Woodbridge L., b. 1812; U.C. 39, Bangor Sem.; from Presbyt. of Utica ; Day, 49-52, Columbia, 54-5, Woodstock, 56-62, Home miss, in Missouri, 62-64. Died, Oct. 20, 1887. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1888. 678. Jameson, Chas. M., Mt. Pleasant, N.Y.C. 1852-62. Janeway, George J., b. New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 29, 1874, R.C. 95, N.B.S. 95-7, P.S. 1899. Janeway, Henry L. (grandon of J. J. Janeway) ; b. Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 20, 1855 ; R.C. 75, N.B.S. 78, lie. CI. N.B. ; ord. as an evangelist by Presbyt. of Colorado, Oct. 78 (Leadville, Col., 78-9, Ouray, Col., 80, Williams'town, N. J., 81-95, all Presbyt.) ; w. c. Janeway, Jacob Jones, b. in N.Y.C, Nov. 20. 1774; C.C. 1794; studied under Livingston, 1. Gl. N.Y., Nov. 30, 1797; ordained by the Presbyt. Philadelphia, June 13, 1799; (Philadelphia, 2d Presbyt. 1798-1828; elected director in Princeton Theolog. School, 1813, also a trustee of Princeton Coll. 1813, Prof. Didac. Theol. in the Western Theolog. Sem. Allegheny, Pa., 1828-9) ; New Brunswick, 1830-1, elected a trus- tee of Rutgers Coll. 1830, supplied Orchard St., N.Y.C. 1831, Vice- Pres. of Rutgers Coll. and Prof. Bells Let., Evidences of Christianity and Polit. Economy, 1833-9 (returned to Presbyt. Ch. 1839, elected trustee of Coll. N. J. 1839, engaged in various labors in the general service of the Presbyt. Ch. in its For. and Domestic Mission Boards, and in the oversight of Theolog. and CoUeg. Institutions, 1839-58, d. June 27.) D.D. He came of godly stock. All his life he was noted for his earnest piety and for his ability as a pastor and preacher. He filled many places of honor and trust in the church. See Manual, 1902. 376 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Publications : Report, "A Plan for Disciplining Baptized Children," 1812. Letters Explaining Abrahamic Cov., 1812. Letters on the Atone- ment. "Internal Evidences of the Bible." "Hist, of Rutgers Coll.," 1833. "View of the Workings of the Different Covenants between Gen. Syn. and Trustees of Rutgers Coll.," 1849. "Review of Dr. Schaff on Protestant- ism." "Hope for the Jews." "Semi-centenary uf Presbyt. Ch. in New Brunswick," 18.^0. "Comniem. Disc, of Dr. Peter O. Studdiford," 1866. "Commentaries on Romans. Hebrews, Acts." "Expos, of Acts in Ques- tion and Ans." "Communicants' Manual." "Hope for my Country." Taneway, John L. (son of T. J. Janeway), b. Philadelphia, April 21, 1815. R.C. 1835, N.B.S. 40, 1. CI. N.B.; Montville, 43-50 (Flemington, N. J., 1850-69, Pres. ). d. Nov. 21, 1906. D.D. LaFayette Col. 1866. Publications: "Disc. Commem. of Peter O. Studdiford," 1866. Jansen, John N., b. at Marbletown, N. Y., March i, 1827; R.C. 48, N.B.S. 51, 1. CI. New Brunswick; Guilford, N. Y., 52-63, Pompton, N. J., 63-83, w. c. ; died. Jan. 13, 1899. He spent the last fifteen years of his life in Newark, N. J., where he was useful in superintending the Sunday School of the "Foster Home," an asylum for half orphans in Newark. He was a religiously methodical man. He supplemented his preaching by faithful pastoral visitation. He was a man of prayer, of studious habits, of rare conscientiousness ; a liberal giver, a genuine friend, a sympathetic pastor, an instructive preacher. — "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1899, 562. "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1899, 15. Publications : "Semi-Centennial Disc," Pompton, 1865. Jansen, Josiah, b. in Ulster Co., 1835; R.C. 56, N.B.S. 59, 1. CI. Orange; New Concord, 61-4, d. See Manual of 1879. Janssen, Reemt, b. Petkum, Germany, June 18, 1834. Mission House, Sheboygan, Wis., 1872. (German Reformed Churches). Belmond, la. (Immanuel Ch.), 1883-94; Lennox, ist, S. D. 95, N. Sibley, la., 1896- 1909. Also Salem, 1896-1903. d. Oct. i, 1915. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1916, 934- . Janssen. Wirtje Toenjes. b. Veenhusen, Ostfriesland, Germany, Jan. 22, 1865; H.C. 93, W.S. 96, 1. CI. Pleasant Prairie; George, la. (Hope Ch.), 96-9, Ramsay, la. (Titonka Ch.), 1899-1905, Chapin, la., Zion, 1905^— Editor of "Sontagschul-Blatt" of R.C. A. in Iowa; editor of "Annual German Almanac" of R.C. A., in Iowa, 1901-09. Editor "Der Mitarbeiter. Ger. Monthly Ref. Ch. 1907-18. Public.'^tions : Der Heidelberger Katechism in 54, Belrachlungen in Der Mitarbeiter. Editorials, sermons, etc. Jennings (Ginnings), Jacob (M.D.), b. 1744 in Somerset Co., N. J.; lie. and ord. by Synod of Refd. Dutch churches, 1789; Moorfield. Hardy Co., Va., 1788-92 (Presbyt. Dunlap's Creek and Little Red Stone, Fayette Co., Pa., 1792-1811) ; died, Feb., 1813. He was a pupil, and finally became son-in-law of Rev. Samuel Kennedy, M.D.,. who labored in his doulile profession at Basking Ridge, N. J., 1751- 87. Dr. Jacob Jennings practiced medicine at New Providence, N. J., from 1764 to 1772. In course of time he removed to Readington, N. J., and set- tled half a mile east of the present village of that name. In 1776 he was commissioned as surgeon in Col. Mark Thompson's company of militia, which served during a brief period on the Jersey shore. When about 40 years of age (1784), and after practicing medicine for twenty years, he began to turn his attention to theology. In 1788 he was induced, probably by purely philanthropic motives, to move to Hardy County (now in the northeastern part of West Virginia), to exercise his chirurgic art. He had been trained under the excellent ministry of Rev. Dr. Jacob R. Harden- berg, and had been an elder in the church of Readington. In his new field in Virginia, he did not forget his obligations to serve the spiritual, as well THE MINISTRY ^~j Sn,'ersLi 'St,?',!, "(.!-, ■rti.rS ''""'• -° °-V?'°r-;: larly call him^ This was th ■ fi st e«™ e ate ° S'\'?''°r'"^ '^'l"- mmmBskmmm Chnrrlf '.-'- - - s.s. T f ^'B''«--\T!o.\.s : "Fort Herkimer Ch." 1874 . ohnson. Andrew. Glenville. 2d 1872-s Johnson Arthur, b. Newark. N.J.. July 22, 1848; C.N.J 7.- PS -,,. L.I.S. 75: (ord. by Presb. Lackawanna. May 8 77 •" S S \a1ni ' , J"- s^is-Lkiid^^^-KD^if^- -r --•'"- ^- ■"'":"• S'Tst^^vT iV^!, R- aL Johnr). b. in Peru. Ind . Theofo^ Sem'-- nl K^p'^^k' Cjawfordsville. Ind.. 71; Auburn ineoio^. ^em. ^^ (!,c. by Presb. ot Cavuga. 74; ord bv Presbvt of llrl' Pu- S^"^>,"'"- N- Y.. 75-79. Marshall. Mich! 79-86 Woodlawn Park. Chicago. 86-90. all Presbyt. ) Albanv. ist. N.Y 1891I1006 Pm ;90?-.°D.D^^brR^^' fs^?; "'^^^"^>' -^•■^'--'^ Gove'rLr-X.'R?. 2.r Ye;;rf"°TV "'u"- 'H^'^ ^^ P''^^'^- ^h. of Sandv Hill. N Y "Our 250 Years; Three Hist. Sermons, 1892, 1893, 1899, embracing Hist. Re- 378 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN' AMERICA views of First Reformed Ch. Albany, N.Y., 1899. On Committee for Prep- aration of Hymnal of Ref. Ch. Johnson, Henry H.. b. 1822; Miami University; Allegheny Sem. ; (Bos- ton, 18 ), Hastings-on-the-Hudson, 1862-4. S.S. Leyden Cen- tre. 1867; died Jan. 18, 1881, at St. Edwards, Neb. Johnson, Isaiah Y., b. 1783; W.C. 1813, N.B.S. 16, 1. CI. N.B. Argyle and Fort Miller, 17-21, Schodack, 21-4, d. See Manual of 1879. Johnson, John Barent, b. at Brooklyn, 1769; C.C. 1792, studied under Liv- ingston, 1. CI. N.Y. 1795; Albany, 1796-1802, Brooklyn, 1802-3, d. See Manual of 1879. PuBLlC.^TIONS : Oration on Union, anniver. of the Tammany Society, 1794 — "Dealings of God with Israel and America," 1798 (July 4th.) — Eulogy on Washington, before Legislature, N.Y. 1800. — Farewell Ser. at Albany, 1802; with an Hist. Appendix by Bassett, — Author of the Pastoral Letter of Gen. Syn. 1800, p. 304. — Many contributions to the literary period- icals of the day ; some of these poetical. Johnson, John G., b. in Centre Co., Pa.. Jan. 22. 1814; R.C. 36. N.B.S. 39, 1. CI. N.B. Glenham, 40-6, St. John's, Upper Red Hook, 46-70, d. July 3. See Manual of 1879. Publications : Art. in "Sprague's Annals" on Rev. G. R. Williamson. Johnson, R. B., Candidate Newark 1903-06. Not licensed. Johnson, T. C, Princetown, N. Y., 93-99. Johnson, Wm. (entered Seceder Ch. ), Ovvasco, 1836-65, became Presby- terian. Johnson, Wm. L. (Col.), b. New York, April 19, 1844; Lincoln Univer- sity, Chester Co., Pa., 69; D.S. ; lie. CI. N.Y. 69; ord. by same, June 70, in South Ref d. ch. ; evangelist in North Carolina, 69-74 ; in Som- erville, N. J., 74-5. Orangeburgh, S. C, 1875-1913, d. Jan. 27, , D.D. Lincoln Univ. Min. Gen. Syn. 1913, 902. Johnston, Wm., b. Toronto, Can., July 19, 1855; McGill Normal School, Montreal; Queen's Coll. Kingston, Can., 2 yrs. ; P.S. i year; N.B.S. 90; 1. CI. N.B. ; Guttenberg, 90-1, Lodi, 91-8, Hawthorne and N. Pat- erson 98-1900. Peapack, 1901-03. Pres. Dundee Lake, N. J., 1908- 10, Sparta, N. J., 1911. Joldersma, Rense Henry, b. Smilde, Prov. Drenthe, Netherlands, Ap. 19, 1851 ; H.C. 81, McCor. Sem. 84, 1. CI. Grand River; Spring Lake, Mich., 84-86, Grand Rapids, 5th, 86-89, Sup. of Western Missions. 89-95, Chi- cago, 1st, 95-99, Holland Colonies in Maryland, 1899-1901. Grand Rapids Grace Ch. 1901-1902. Financial and Educational Agent Hope College, 1902-03. Fulton, 111., 1903-07, Grand Rapids, 9th, 1907-09, Rochester, 1st, 1909-11, Grand Rapids. Trinity, 1912-13. d. April 26. He preached in English, Dutch and German. During his superintendency of Western Missions more than 50 churches were organized in the P.S. Chicago. — See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1913, 893. Jones, Charles Arthur, b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 10, 1857; Am.C. 85; U.T.S. 88; ord. CI. N.Y. 88; Union Ch. (6th Ave.) N.Y.C. 87-90; (Cong., Kane, Pa., 1890 Jones, Chs. Harris, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 17. 1859: U.N.Y. 82; U.T.S. 82-5; ord. by CI. Newark, 85; Woodside, Newark, 85-94; Bayonne, ist, 1894-9. Jones, Chas. J. K.. b. July 12, 1845. R.C. 1870. N.B.S. 1870-71. U.S. 1873. Congregational. Jones, David Adkin, b. at Walsingham, Norfolk, Eng., Mar. 14, 1798; Hox- ton Coll. Eng., London, Sem. of Ind. Dissenters, 1823. lie. by the civil magistrate, 23; (Foleshill, Warwickshire. 23-8, Chorley, Lancashire. 29-34, both in Eng.; Danville, Ver. Cong. 34-9), Saratoga 39-44. Eas- ton, N. Y., 44-8, Union 48-50, Constantine, 50-2, Minisink, 52-8, Gra- hamville and Upper Neversink, 58-63, New Concord, 64-7, w. c, d. 1872, March 26. THE MIXISTRV 379 Jones, Gardner (s. of Nicholas Jones) ; N.B.S. 1841 ; became a Romanist in Indiana. Jones, Henry Titus (s. of H. W. F. Jones), I). Middlebush, N. J., Aug. 13, 1859; N.B.S. 92. 1. S. CI. N.B., Dashville Falls, 92-3, Asst. Brook- lyn, 1st, 93-4. Miss, work. Oak Tree, N. J., 96-1900, Whitehouse, 1900- 1917, Coeymans, N. Y., 1917 Jones, Henry Wm. Felton. b. at Antigua, \V. I., June 9, 1829; Salt Hill Institute, Eng., 45, N.B.S. 60, 1. CI. N.B., Bergen Point, 60-84, (Bergen Point, 1st, Presbyt. 1884-1901. d. Sept. 25, 1915. — See Min. Gen. Syn., 1916, 931. Jones, Joseph Addison, b. June i, 1873. P.U. 1900. Auburn Sem. 1903. (1. by Pres. Jersey City. 1903. Pres. Ch., Perry. N. Y., 1903-05). Albany, N. Y., 2d (Madison Ave.), 1905-20. Poughkeepsie, 1920 . Pres. P.S. Albany, 1920. Vice-P. Gen. Syn., 1917. Chaplain State Constitutional Convention, 1917. Y.M.C.A. Sec, A.E.F., France. 1918 D.D. by R.C. 1910. Jones, Nathan W., b. in Maine, about 1820; R.C. 50, N.B.S. 53; Cleveland 53-4, S.S. Sharon, 55-6, S.S. at Clove, 1856, Middleport, 56-60, S.S. Dingman's Ferry (or Upper Walpack), 61-2, w. c, died at Sansonville, N. Y., 1876. See Manual, 1902. Jones, Nicholas, studied under Mason, 1815; Sharon and New Rhinebeck 16-20, suspended 22, seceded independently ; became a Baptist; died 1839. Jones, Thos. Walker, (s. of D. A. Jones) ; b. at Saratoga, N. Y., July 8, 1843. R.C. 1864, N.B.S. 67; 1. CI. Raritan; Pottersville, 67-70, Fonda, 70-82, Holland, Mich. (Hope Ch.), 83-8, Bushnell, III, 88-91, Bedmin- ster, N. J., 1892-1906. d. Dec. 29, 1909.— See Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 826. Publications: A 'Historical Discourse. — Contributions to the press. Jongeneel, James, b. Ceres. Cape Colony, S. Africa, Dec. 29, 1859. 1. CI. N.Y. 1890, ord. by CI. Westchester, 90; Unionville, N. Y., 90-6. Cen- tral Bridge and Howe's Cave, 96-1900, engaged in Y.M.C.A. work, New York, Newark, &c., 1900-02. Glen Rock (S.S.), 1902-03. d. Feb. 8. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 518. Jongeneel, Louis George, b. at Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, S. A. ; 1. in South Africa, by CI. of Tulbagh, 1856; Miss, to heathen, at Aberdeen, S. Africa, afterward at Ceres, 1856-66, c. to America; Savville, 1866- 71, Miss, at Hohokus, N. J., 1871-3, Clymer Village, 1873-5, 'Lodi, N. J., 1878-92, (New Amsterdam, Wis., 92-5, Baldwin, Wis., 1895 Jongewaard, Cornelius A., I). Pella, 1868; Iowa Coll. 93. W.S. 97, !. CI. Iowa; Macon and S. Macon, 97-1901. Presbyterian. Jonker. Philip, b. Ferrysburg. Mich., Dec. 21, 1884, H.C. 1907, N.B.S. 1910. 1. by CI. G. R., Greenport, N. Y., 1910-18, Chaplain. U.S.A.. 1918-20, Greenport. N. Y., 1920, Peekskill. X. Y., 1920—, S.C. CI. Hudson, 1912-18. Joralmon, J. S., b. N.Y.C. 1828. R.C. 1852, N.B.S. 55, 1. CI. Bergen; Miss, to China, 55-60, Fairview 60-85, Norwood Park. Chicago. 85-05, Den- ver, Col.. 1895—, Charter Member Council H.C. until 189=;. D'D. H.C. I9(x>. Jordan, Mark, (colored), 1. CI. X. Y. 1823; African Ch. X. Y. City, sup- plied, 1823-9, withdrew. Jukes, Charles, b. in England, 1788. c. to America, 1830; U.C. 38; (Edin- burgh and Fish House, 1830-4, Amsterdam. Presbyt. 1834-9), Glen 1839-40, Glen and Auriesville 1839-44, Stone Arabia and Ephratah, 1844-50, Rotterdam 18^0-62, d. See Manual of 1879. Julien, Robt. D.. b. 1823. R.C. CI. 1850. N.B.S. 1852, 1. CI. N.B. 1852; Shar- on 1852-3. (To Presbyt. of I'.urlington 1862). d. April 2-], 1901. 380 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Junor, David, b. London, «Ont., July 20, 1842; Toronto University, 66; '. lie. by Cong. Council at Berlui, Wis., 88; (Mt. Olivet, Brooklyn,, Presbyt. 89-97), Huguenots, S. I., 1897-1910, D.s. to Presbyterian 1910. Junor, Kenneth Frank, b. London, Out, Aug. 31, 1846; Univ. College, To- ronto, 67-9, Knox Coll., Toronto, 71-2, U.T.S. 72-3; (ord. Presb.. Halifax, 73 ; Hamilton, Bermuda, 73-y, Formosa, China, 77-82, student of medicine, Univ. Med. Coll. N.Y.C.. 82-6;) De Witt Memorial Chapel, N.Y.C., 86-95, Thirty-fourth st. Ch. (Collegiate Ch.) 95-1897. ALD. by Univ. Med. Coll. N.Y., 1886. Justin, John, b. at Weinolsheim, Hesse, May 19, 1839; R.C. 62, N.B.S. 65, 1. CI. N.B.; North Bergen, 1865-1902; Plaintield, N.J. (Ger.) S.S. 1902-04; North Bergen, 1906-10; died Dec. 6, 1920. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 635. Kain, Maurice L L., b. Delaware Water Gap, April 20, 1883, R.C. 1906^ N.B.S., 1906-09, Gen. Sem. 191 1, Episcopal. Kain, P. L, b. Alarch 31, 1848, in Ireland; entered on evangelistic work in 1889; (pastor ALE. Ch. of Pittston, 91-92, of Cong. Ch. W. Pittston^ 92-5), Philadelphia, 4th, 1895-1909, (Congregational, Woodbridge, N.J., 1909-14, d., D.D. Kaisiak, see Krisik. Kalemjian, Alugerdich, Nerses, b. Alarash, Armenia. April 6, 1877, St. Paul's Listitute, Tarsus, Graduate student N.B. Sem. 1904, ord. by CI. Ulster 1905, Blue Alountain 1905-10, Three Bridges 191 1 Kails, Wm., came from London in 1756, with recommendation from Dr. Chandler; (supplied Philadelphia, Ger. Ref. in 1756-7, Amwell, Ger.. Ref. and the German Churches on the Raritan, 1757-9,) N.Y.C. Ger. 1759-60. — "Harbaugh's Lives," ii. 382. Kampen, Isaac. See Van Kampen. Kanter, Howard, b. N.Y.C. Alarch 20, 1883, R.C. Bible Teachers' Training- School 1914, N.B.S. 1917, 1. by CI. N.Y., New Baltimore 1917-21, Wallkill 1921 Karreman, Anthony. H.C. '03. W.T.S. 1906. 1. by CI. Holland. Cleve- land, 2d, 1906-10; Grand Rapids, 9th, 1910-14; Paterson, Union Ref., 1914-18. Muskegon, 2d, 1918 Karsten, John H., b. Heerenveen, Vriesland, Netherlands, Feb. 16, 1833; R.C. 60, N.B.S. 63, 1. CI. 111.; Miss, to Forreston, 111., 65-7, Oostburg, 67-9, Alto, Wis., 69-84, Ed. of "De Hope," 84-6, Coopersville, Mich., 86-9, Alto, 89-93, Oostburg and Hingham, Wis., 93-7, Oostburg, 97-9. S.S. Gilderland, Alich., 1903-05. d. May 26, 1914. Member of Coun- cil of H.C. 1871-84, 1891-1909. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 247. Publications : Translation into Dutch of "Our Country," by Dr. Josiah Strong. — Editorials and contributions to the press. Kasse, A. K., c. to America, 1846, 1. CI. Geneva, 51 ; Pultneyville, 51-61, Buffalo, 61-4, Cleveland, 64-8, Paterson (Hoi. 2d), 68-74. d. Kavanagh, John Francis Edge, b. N.Y.C, 1858, P.S. 83, ord. CI. Poughkeep- sie, 83, Hyde Park, 83-4; other details, see P.S. Gen. Cat. Keator, Eugene H.. b. Rosendale. N. Y., Aug. 6, 1865. Colgate Col. N.B.S, 1908. 1. by CI. Kingston. S.S. Lyonsville and Krumville, 1895-1902, Rochester (Accord) 1902-05, Blawenburgh, 1908, Franklin Park, N. J. (Six Mile Run). 1908 . Business Alanager, Somerset Ch. News,. 1920 Publications : Hist. Six Alile Run Ch., 1710-1910. Keerl. Julius J. West Levden, 1889. Keldcr, Edward, b. Grandville, Mich., Oct. 5. 1873; H.C. 96. W.S. 99, i. CI. Grand River; Constantine, 1899-1904; Knox and 2nd Berne, 1905- I UK M INISTRV 381 0(S; Coytesville, 1908 — . Member Sch. Bd. Englewood Cliffs. N.J., Pres. Bd. of Health. Fort Lee. NJ. Ph.D. Universal Col. of Science 1918. KellogR, C. D.. h. Ann Arbor. Alich.. July 3, 1842: C.N.J. 61. P.S., 1. 2d Presbyt. N.Y. 63; (Wilmington. Del., 63-7), Northumberland, 67-8, Northumberland and Fort Miller. 68-72, Passaic, North, 72-9. (Presbyt.). Kelly, Wm. B. Candidate CI. Newark 1913. M.E. Church. Kelly, Wm. H.. b. Newcastle. Eng.. June 30, 1863. Ham.C. 1891. N.B.S. 1891-2. Gen. Sem. i892-'5. Kemlo. Jas.. b. in Scotland. 1848; R.C. 75. N.B.S. 78, lie. CI. N.B. (Lincoln, Neb. (Presb.). 78-80), Montville, N.T., 1880-83. d. Sept. 18. Kendall, John B. Easton, N. Y., 1831. Kennedy, Duncan, b. Amsterdam. N.Y.. May 16. 1809; U.C. 35. P.S. 37. Ord. Presb. Albany. 39; (Gahvay. N.Y., 39-41), Alljany. 41-55, Troy. Second st., 55-67. Brooklyn. 2d, 68-9, Bloomfield, Westminster Ch. 70- 81. Died Dec. 30. 1887. D.D. by Ham.C. 1845. See Manual. 1902. PuBj-iCATioxs : Sermon on the death of Rev. W. J. Pohlman. Albany. 1849; the same delivered in New York City before Gen. Syn., June 10, 1849. — Discourse at Inaug. of Dr. W. H. Campbell as Prof. Bib. Lit., 1851. Kennipe , Canajoharie, about 1770. He was partially deranged. See Manual, 1902. Kern. Fred., b. 1846, at Eisnach. Ger. ; Leipzig Univ.. Dubuque Sem., Iowa, 68; lie. by Presbyt.; ord. by L'nited Presb. Syn. of the Northwest, 68, (Warsaw, Wis., 68-71, Carlstadt, N. L, 71-6, both Presb.,) Newark West. 1876-82. w. c. 82-95. Kern, John Michael (Heidelberg, Germany. 17.. — 1763). Ger.. N.Y.C., 1763- 71. Montgomery. N.Y.. 1771-8. From memoranda in Secretary of State's Office, he is represented as pastor of the High German Ch. N.Y.C. 1765; of Gee. Cong, at Camp and Rhinebeck. in 1787; and of Hanover. Ulster Co., 1775. He was Conferentie. A sermon of his, preached in 1767 in Ger. R.C. N.Y.C. was translated by Morris Fox, and published 1875. Kern, S. S.S. West Leyden, N. Y.. 1885-6. Kerr, George, b. in Ireland, 1812; Wms. Col. 39, U.S. 43; Conesville, N.Y.. 44-6. Died Mar. 2~. 1867. See more in U.S. Gen. Cat. Kerr. J. H. M.E. Ch. S.S. Plattskill and High Woods, 1921. Kerschred, H. B. S.S. Kent St.. Brooklyn. 1920-21. Kershaw. John, b. at Paterson, ALiy 14,' 1842; U.S. 68, lie. CI. Paramus, 1871; teaching, 1868-73; Stone House Plains, 1873-80. See U.S. Cat. for more. Kershaw, Wm. H., b. in England. 1846. Entered ALE. ministry 1873. Came to America 1883. (Served Congregational churches 1883-1903). Rosendale, 1903. d. June 28. See Min. Gen. Svn.. 1904, 838. Kershow, Joseph H., b. 1826. at Harlingen, N.J. R.C. 50, N.B.S. 53, 1. CI. Philadelphia. Miss, at Ridgeway and Macon, 53-5, Centreville, 55-65, Eden, 65-67, New Salem. 67-72, Gallupville, '/2-~. S.S. Sharon. 77-9. S.S. De Spclder, 79-82. Died Dec. 20, 1886. Mints. Gen. Svn.. 1887, 434- Kctchum. Lsaac S., b. at Poughkeepsie, 1796; N.B.S. 1821. 1. CI. N.B. Sal- isbury, Manheim, and Danube. 22-3, Alanheim and Stone Arabia. 23-30. in 23 also appointed Miss, to Columbia, Indian Castle, and Rem. Syn- der's Bush, and 26-7. Miss, to Herkimer; Stone Arabia and Ephratah, 30-5; Miss, to Centreville and Three Rivers. Mich., 35-8, d. 1863. He was an intimate friend of President \'an Buren, who appointed him to the delicate task of removing some Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi. This he did satisfactorily, and received from the President an autograph letter, thanking him for his services. He then removed to St. Louis, where ■he became a farmer, and afterward hospital chaplain. 382 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Ketchum, Wm. W. Bloomingdale, N.Y.C., 1912-13. Pres. Chicago. Kettletas, Ab., b. in N.Y. 1733; Y.C. 1752; (Elizabethtown, N.J., Presb. 1757-60;); supplied Jamaica, 1760-2; French Ch. N.Y.C., 1769; died' Sept. 3c, 1798. He preached in English, Dutch, or French. The people at Jamaica de- sired him for their pastor, but the Classis of Amsterdam were not satisfied with his views on the divinity of Christ, and refused their assent. — See "Sprague's Annals," R.D.C., p. 20. "Ecc. Rec, N. Y." Kiekentveld, Mannes, b. in Netherlands, Sept. 2, 1839, c. to America, 50; R.C. 63, N.B.S. 66, 1. CI. Holland, Grandville, 67-70, Fremont Centre. 70-3, Polkton, 73-6, Detroit, 76-7, w. c. Died, 1889, May 30. Mints. Gen. Syn., 1890, 1891. Biog. sketches of Grads. R.C. 1889, 24. Killough, Walter W., b. Concord, N.C., Nov. 10, 1848. D.C. 1873, N.B.S. 1876, lie. by Presbyt. Arkansas, 1876; laboring in Boone Co., Ark., 1876-80. Presbyterian churches of the southwest. Kimball, Jos., b. at Newburgh, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1820; U.C. 1839, Newburgh. Sem. 1843, lie, Assoc. Ref. 1843; (Hamptonburgh, 1844-52; Hebron; Brockport); Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, 1883-5, Brooklyn, 1865-74. d. Dec. 6. D.D. by R.C. 1866. See Manual, 1879. Kimura, Kumage, (Japanese), N.B.S. 1882; sailed for Japan, July 18, 1882. Laboring in Japan. King, Albert A., b. 1852. Pennington Sem. 1. by Newark M.E. Confer- ence. Ponds, 1881-3, Boonton, 83-7. Riverside, 87-92, Ramapo, 92-1900, emeritus, d. June 22,, fgo2. Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 519. King, Albert Barnes, b. Morristown. N.J., 1828; C.N.J. 55, U.S. 55-6, P.S. 57-8; S.S. Gilboa, N.Y., 1863. See Gen. Cats. U.S. and P.S. King. Fred. L. R., b. Morristown, N.J., 1823; C.N.J. 44. P-S. 46-8; ord. as evangelist by CI. Bergen, Oct. 16, 55 ; Hudson City, 55-7. See P. Gen. Cat. for further particulars. King. Jas. Foster, b. Bloomfield, N.J., 1857, C.C.N.Y. 79, U.S. 83, ord. CI. Ulster; Roxbury. 83-1886, died May 30. See U.S. Gen. Cat.; and Mints. Gen. Syn., 1887, 430. Kingsbury, Lucius, Sioux Falls, S.D., 1896-8. Kinney, Chs. Walter, b. S. Berlin, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., June 5, 1858; lie. Ci. Saratoga, 1888; Westerlo, N.Y., 89-91, Shokan and Shandaken, 91- 3, St. Johnsville, 93-9. Hobart, N.Y., Presbyt. 1899-1906, Mohawk, 1906-11. S.S. Fort Herkimer, 1909-11, Schoharie, 1911-13, Saratoga,. 1913 . S.S. Fort Miller, 1913 ■ Kip, Francis M., b. Aug. 7, 1810. in N.Y.C. C.C. 26. N.B.S. 30, 1. CI. N.Y.^ Bloomingdale, 30-1, Ninth St.. N.Y.C, 31-6, Fishkill, 36-70, Hugue- nots, S.L, 72-6, Huguenots and Richmond, 76. Chaplain of Seamen's Retreat, S.L. 72-1888, died May 28. Elected a trustee of R.C. i860. S.T.D. by C.C. 1857. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1856. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "An Old Disciple and his Descendants." with an in- troductory chapt. by Dr. Thomas De Witt, 1848,— Disc, at the 150th Anniv. of R.D.C. Fishkill, 1866.— Address at Fun. of Dr. C. C. Van Cleef. Kip, Francis M., b. Fishkill, April 19. 1839 ( s. of F. M. Kip); U.N.Y. 1864, N.B.S. 67. 1. CI. Poughkeepsie ; Linlithgo, 67-9; Fultonville, 69-82, also S.S. Auriesville, 79-83, Harlingen. 1884-1902. S.S. Kerhonk- son, 1902-1904. Greenwood Heights, L. L, 1904-06. d. June 19, 1911. See Min. Gen. Svn., 1912, 559. Kip, Lsaac L., b. N.Y.C, March 10, 1835 (s. of F. M. Kip) ; R.C 1855, N.B.S. 61, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie; East William.sburgh. 61-2, Chaplam 159th Reg. N.Y.V. 62-3, Stuyvesant Falls, 64-7. Schodack Landing, 67-75. Peekskill. 75-9 (Presb., Patterson, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 79- 88), Lisha's Kill, 88-91, Sup. of New Brunswick City, Miss. 91-3, High Bridge, N.J., 93-8, Philadelphia, South, 98-1900. Died Aug. 26. 1901. He was a man of literary taste and a writer of ability. See Manual, 1902. THE MINISTRY 383 Publications: Letters from Army, 1863, in "Fishkill Journal" and "Ch. Int."— In Mcmoriam H.F. See. "Ch. Int.," 1874.— Exegesis Matt. 26:29; Hudson Minist. Assoc., 1866.— Essay on Relation of the Ministry to the Church: Hudson River Assoc, 1868. — The Prayer Test; Conditions and Results. H.R. Assoc, 1873. — Very many contributions to the press. Kip, Leonard W., b. N.Y.C., Nov. 10, 1837; Col. Coll. 57. N.B.S. 60, 1. CI. N.Y. Missionarv in China, 1861-98. d. Feb. 27, 1901. D.D. by R.C. 1880. He was the son of Leonard W. Kip, Esq., of New York City. Though his was every inducement to remain at home in perhaps a less costly ser- vice, and in the enjoyment of comforts and luxury that could be his at command, he heeded the call of the Board for China. Having entered upon his work, he seemed to be utterly forgetful of self in his deep absorp- tion in his ministry for others. He had especial fondness for the direct I)reaching of the Gospel ; and he, therefore, devoted his energies chiefly to the evangelistic work of the Mission. He knew the truth and power of the Gospel in his own soul and life, and it was his constant desire and effort to bring that power to bear upon the hearts and lives of those by whom he was surrounded. Hardly any other missionary in all that region was so constantly touring with his helpers, and preaching the Gospel in the towns and villages about. During the thirty-eight years of his active connection with the Amoy Mission, 1861-99, he beheld its marvelous development. When he went thither, there were but three churches at Amoy, with 262 communicants. There was one Station, with four Outstations. Not a native pastor had been ordained, and there were but three schools of any kind. When he left there were eleven churches, each with its native pastor, supported by the church, with more than 1,400 communicants. Three Stations were occupied by missionaries, with forty-three Outstations and preaching places. There were eighteen schools of. various grades, from the Parochial School to the Theological Seminary, with three hospitals. Dr. Kip not only witnessed this, but he helped largely in bringing it into existence. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1901, 1236. Manual, 1902. Publications: Letters from China in the "Christian Intelligencer" and "Sower." — Map of Amoy Mission in "Manual of Missions." — Map of Pal- estine and Journeys of Paul, for Chinese converts. — Church Psalter, 1892; new map of Amoy District, 1892. — Translation of the Holy Scriptures, in part. Kipp, Peter E., b. in Paterson, N.J., 1847; N.Y.U. 67, N.B.S. 70. He by CI. Paramus; Fishkill, N.Y., 70-4, Brooklyn, Bedford, 77-81, Schenec- tady, 2d, 81-7 (Presbyt., Cleveland, O., 87-95, San Diego, Cal., 95-1900. d. May 9). His zeal and activity were untiring. His earnestness broke down his health. See Manual, 1902. Kirby, Thos., (alias Kirkham, "M.G.S." i. 338) ; an independent minister from England, rclicensed by CI. N.Y. 1797; Staten Island, 1797-1801, suspended, restored; Elizabethtown, Canada, 1801 — ..• — "M. G. Syn." i. 309, 456. Kirkland, Robt., w. c 1833-6, Miss, to Sand Beach, 1836-7. Kirkpatrick. Milton R., b. Fort Deposit, Ala., Tune 16, 1850. Davidson Col. 1873. Columbia Sem. 1873-5. N.B.S. 1876. Ord. by East Alabama Pres. — Laboring Southern Presbyterian Church. Kirkwood, Rolit. From Presbyterian Ch. of Scotland; Miss, to Mnnayunk, 28-g, Cortlandtown, 33-6. d. 1866. Publications: Lectures on the millennium. — A plea for the Bible. Kirkwood, Thomas J. Pres. Fort Plains, N. Y., 1916-22, Syracuse, N. Y.. 2d. 1922 Kiss. Andrew, b. Kocsord, Hungary. May 16, 1886. Special Student N.B.S. 1911. 384 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Kissam, Samuel, b. in N.Y.C., in 1796; U.C. 1813, studied under Mason, and at N.B.S. 17, 1. CI. N.B.; Bethlehem and Coeymans, 18-28, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. 28-41, Coe3mans, 43-5, d. 1868. Publications: Memorials. i2mo, pp. 448. N.Y., 1859. Kittell, James Shephard, b. Hamilton, Ont., March 17, 1873. West. Sem. Allegheny, Pa., 1899. Albany, N. Y., ist, 1907-22. Bergen, N. J., 1922 . Pres. Gen. Syn., 1914. D.D. R.C. 1909. Pres. Bd. of Domestic Missions 1921 Kittle, Andrew N., b. at Kinderhook, 1785; U.C. 1804; studied under Froe- ligh and Livingston, 1. CI. Paramus, 1806; Red Hook Landing and St. John's, 1807-15, Red Hook Landing, St. John's, and Linlithgo, 1815-27, Upper Red Hook, 1827-33, Stuyvesant, 1835-46, w. c. 1864, d. He was a grandson of Domine Fryenmoet. He was a man of fine ability and large scholarship. His modesty was so great that he kept himself in the background and did not occupy the position for which he was fitted. See Manual, 1902. Kittredge, Abbott Eliot, b. Roxbury, Mass., July 2C, 1834; Wms. Coll. 54, And. Sem. 59, lie. by Congregationalists ; (Charlestown, Mass., (Winthrop Cong. Ch.) 59-64, New York, nth Presbyt., 65-70, Chicago, 3d, Presb. 70-86). Madison Ave., N.Y.C., 1886-1906. Pastor Emeritus 1906-12. d. Dec. 17. Dr. Kittredge was a man of transparent character, and a pulpit orator of more than ordinary ability. He also looked carefully after the minute details of his large parish. • In his prime few equaled him as a good minister of Jesus Christ. Min. Gen. Svn., 1913, 895. Klaaren, John A., b. Pella, la., Feb. 5. 1891- H.C. 1918. W.T.S. 1921. 1. by CI. of Pella. North Holland, Mich., 1921 Klein, Carl T. A., Hoboken, ( Ger. ) , 1881-2, S.S. Bayonne (Ger.), 82-5, Prof. Pleasant Prairie College. 1886-7. w. c. Klerekoper, Joseph, b. Amsterdam, Hoi. Educated College and Seminary in Amsterdam. 1. by Presbytery of Minnewaukan. (Pres. Penn., N.D., Mackinaw, Mich. Alto, Wis.). Chandler, Minn., 1920 Klerk, Abraham. H.C. 1898. 'W.T.S. 1901. 1. by CI. Wis. Greenleafton, Minn., 1901-04; Cedar Grove, Wis., 1904-11 ; Chicago, Englewood, 2d, 1911-13; Clymer, N. Y. (Abbe), 1913-17; Classical Miss. CI. Cascades, 1917-20; Grand Rapids, Bethany, 1920 Klooster, Foppe, b. Donkerbroek, Netherlands, May 7. i860; H.C. 88. W.S. 91, I. CI. Holland. Galesburg. la.. 1892-19CI ; Bentheim (East Overisel), T902-06; Ada, 1906-10; Three Oakes, 1910-13. d. April 28. Min. Gen. Syn., 1913, 894. Klyn, H. G., b. Nov. 19, 1793; Graafschap, 1851-2, Milwaukee and Frank- lin, 52-3, Milwaukee. 53-4. Grand Rapids, 2d, 54-7, Kalamazoo, 57-62, Chicago, 1st, 63-8, emeritus. Died Dec. i, 1883. He was one of the leaders of the Secession in the West in 1857. Knevels, , St. John's, W".L, 18.. — .. Sec "Mag. R.D.C." iii. 2.7.— Knox's "St. Thomas, etc., W.L" Knickerbocker, D. M. R.C. 1870. N.B.S. 1870-71. Merchant, d. April 29, 1888. Knieskern, Jos., b. Berne, N.Y., Ap. 10, 1810; R.C. 38, N.B.S. 41, 1. CI. Schoharie; Berne, 2d, and Knox. 41-5, St. Johnsville, 45-72, also sup- plying Manheim and Indian Castle; w. c. S.S. Presbyt. Ch. in Virgil. N.Y. Died Sept. 7. 1895. Manual, 1902. Knight. Richard Waller, b. England 1794; c. to America 1820. 1. by Con- gregationalists; Clove, 35-8, Roxbury, 38-41, Sand Beach, 41-4, Cato and Lysander, 45-8. Cato and Wolcott, 48-52. emeritus, d. Feb. 9, 1873. Knight, Wm. Blenheim, N. Y., 1840; Moresville, 1841-2; Spottswood, 1846-7. Knowlton, Alb. W.. b. LeRov, N. Y., Dec. 9. 1828. N.B.S. 1859, 1. CI. Kingston; N. and S. Hampton, 1860-4. (Presbyt.). d. Aug. 5, 1905. THE MINISTRY 385 Knouse. Chas. Ger. Ref.. N.Y.C., 1823-7, Manhattan Ch., N.Y.C., 29-33. d. 1862. Knox. Chs. Eugene, b. Knoxhoro. N.Y., 1833; Ham. Coll. 56, U.S. 59; tut. Hamilton Coll. 59-60, pastor elect, Utica, N.Y., 60-2, Oswego. N.Y., 62-3, Alorristown. 63-4, Bloomfield, N.J., 64-73. Pres. Ger. Theolog. School, Bloomfield, N.J., 1873 . D.D. by C.N.J. 1874. Publications: "A Year with St. Paul," 1863. — A Series of Graded S.S. Text-books, 64-70,— "Love to the End," 1866. — "David the King," 1874. Knox, Jas. Hall Mason, (son of Rev. John Knox), b. N.Y.C., June 10, 1824; C.C. 41, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. N. Y.; ord. by Presb. Newton, 46 (German Valley, N.J., 46-51), Easton, Pa., 51-3, Germantown, Philadelphia, 53- 69, Bristol, Pa., 73-83, Pres. Lafayette Coll. 83-90, emeritus, d. at Baltimore. Jan. 22, 1903. S.T.D. by C.C. 1861. LL.D. by C.C. 1885. Knox, John, b. near Gettysburgh, 1790; Dick. Col. 1811, studied under Mason, lie. by Assoc. Ref. Pres. Philadelphia, 1815; New York, 1816- 58, d. Elected a trustee of R.C. 1825. D.D. He was descended from a chain of pious ancestry — Scotch Presbyterians in their relations. From childhood, he evinced great conscientiousness, tenderness, and affection, and a strict regard to every duty assigned him. In college he was regarded by all with respect and affection, and the asso- ciations then formed, whether with professors or students, were only ter- minated by death. In the Associate Reformed Seminary, among his fellow students, there arose an attachment, which bound them as with clasps of steel, and which became stronger with time. In 1816, he and his classmate. Paschal N. Strong, were called and settled, at the same time, over the church of New York, and both continued in that single charge till death. For twenty-five years Dr. Knox was the senior pastor in the Collegiate Church. His character presented a beautiful harmony and symmetry. There was no peculiar prominence in any trait, so as to obscure and de- press others. He was the model of a Christian gentleman. In his preaching, he wa^ sound in sentiment, lucid in discussion, bearing the subject practically home to the consciences and hearts of his hearers. His preparation for the pulpit was careful. His manner was serious and bore the conviction of his cordial sincerity. Every reflecting mind and upright heart could not fail to be profited by his ministrations. As a pastor he was eminently attentive and useful. Few have surpassed him in this respect. His visits to the chamber of sickness and in seasons of affliction were ever most grateful and highly prized. He occupied many prominent places of trust in the religious and educational institutions of the day, spending much time and performing much labor in their behalf. There was a tendency to pulmonary disease, yet voyages and care preserved his health, and during his last years he was unusually robust and vigorous. Having been engaged in pastoral visitation on a certain day, he returned home and passing on the back piazza, by some misstep he lost his balance, and fell on the pavement below, fracturing his skull. After lingering a few days in an unconscious state, he died. His was the greatness of goodness. See "Memorial with Sermons by Drs. Chambers, Rogers, Vermilye and De Witt, and addresses by Drs. Hutton and Van Vranken." "McClintock's Cyc." Also "Collegiate Ch. Year Book," 1894, 121. Manual, 1902. Publications : For his numerous publications, see Manual, 1902. Knox. John Calvin, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 7, 1856; U.C. 90, Aub. Sem. and U.S. 90-1, ord. by CI. Schenectady; Rotterdam, 2d, 1891-1904. Presbyterian. Knox, lohn P., b. July 28, 181 1, Savannah, Georgia. R.C. 30, N.B.S. n, 1. Cr. N.B.; Nassau 38-41, Utica, 41-4, St. Thomas. W.I., 47-54. (Presbyt. Newtown, L.I.). Died June 2, 1882. Publications: Hist, of R.D.C. Nassau. 1841.— Hist, of Is. of St. Thomas, with notices of St. Croix and St. John's, 1851. 386 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Knox, Taber, (grandson of Rev. John Knox), b. N.Y.C., Oct. 29, 1863; C.C. 83, U.S. 86, 1. CI. N.Y.; Tarrytown, 2d. 87-9, Philadelphia, 4th, 89-94, Warwick, 1894 . Pres. P.S. N.B. 1906. Minister Am. Ch. at Hague 1912. Chaplain U.S.A., France, 1918. Knox, Wm. White, (son of John P. Knox), b. Utica, N.Y.; P.U. 62, P.S. 6; lie. Presb. Nassau; (Woodhaven, N.Y., 67-9, also S.S. Springfield, 68-9, Huntington, N.Y., 69-81), Bayonne, N.J., ist, 81-93, (New Bruns- wick. 1st. Presb.. 1893-1918. P. Em.. 1918 ). Kocherthal, Joshua, a Lutheran minister, b. 1669; c. to America, 1708; supplied East and West Camp, N.Y., 1708-9, 1710-19, died. The Reformed and Lutherans worshipped much together at this time. The Quassaic (Newburgh) colony came over with Kocherthal, and he also preached at Newburg frequently. He also brought over a bell for his church, the gift of Queen Anne. This bell was loaned to the Lutheran Church of New York, about 1713. when it remained for twenty years, being taken back to Newburg in 1733. He and many of his co-religionists had fled from the Lower Palatine to England because of the ravages of the French army. They were denizened in England by royal order. Aug. 25. 1708, and were sent to New York, at the expense of the government, with Lord Lovelace. In 1719, the land was apportioned to them in nine parcels, of which Kocher- thal's wife and children received Lot No. 5, containing about 250 acres. In the year 1709 he visited England about the affairs of the colony, and re- turned in 1710. Other Palatines came over at the same time, and settled at East and West Camp, Livingston Manor. Another company arrived in 1722. See Ecc. Rec. N.*Y. Manual, 1902. Koechli, Fred., b. Berne, Switzerland, Nov. 19, 1871. Methodist Episcopal, 1885-7, w. c, Plainfield, (Ger.) 87-93, Somerville, 4th, (Ger.), 1886- 1908. d. Aug. 8. Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 529. Koeppe, Edwin W., b. Dec. 24, 1888, Holland, Wis. H.C. 1914. W.T.S. 1919. Missionary to China 1919 . M.D. Koerlin, Ernest F., b. Monch Kappe, Pomerania, Germany; Ger. Theolog. School, Bloomfield, N.J., 93, Th. Sem. of same, 96, lie. Presb. of Eliza- beth; Davis and Delaware, la., 1897-1902; Scotland, S. D., 1902-06; Davis (Bethel), S. D., 1906-08; North Sibley, la., 1909-13; Monroe, S. D., 1914-19; Classical Miss. CI. of Germania, 1920 Kolvn, Matthew, b. Franklin, Wis., June 23, 1856; H.C. 77, N.B.S. 80, 1. CI. Holland; S.S. of Presbyt. Ch. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 80-1, ord. by CI. Geneva, 81 ; Marion, N.Y., 81-6, Spring Lake, Mich., 86-8, Kalamazoo, ist, Mich., 88-93, Orange City, la., 93-8, Principal, North- western Classical Academy, Orange City, la., 98-1901, Grand Rapids, 2d, Mich. 1901-1910. Professor of Historical Theology W.T.S. 1910- 18. d. May 13. Dr. Kolyn was a successful pastor and preacher of marked ability. He was "apt to teach," and it was because of his qualification in this respect that he was so successful as principal of Northwestern Academy and in the chair of the Theological Professor. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1918, 600. Publications: On joint committee for publication of Hymnal of the Reformed Church. Kommers, Tunis John, b. July 8, 1856, Middleburg, Zeeland, in the Nether- lands; H.C. 1881, N.B.S. 1884, 1. CI. Grand River; Pompton. 1884-6, Knox Memorial. N.Y.C.. 1886-8, (Owray, Colorado, 1889-9. Presb.), Linden. N.J., 1889-91, Lafayette, Jersey City, 1891-1903. (Union Church, National City, Cal., 1903-04. d. April 2). Min. Gen. Syn., 1904, 838. Kooiker. Garret. H.C. 1897. W.T.S. 1900. 1. by CI. Holland. Britton, Mich., 19CO-03; Centerville, Mich., 1903-05; Kalamazoo, Bethany. 1905-11; Grand Rapids, Bethel, 1911-16. (Cong. Ch., Colorado, . Pres. Ch., Battle Creek, Mich., ). THE MINISTRY 387 Koop, E. Candidate Classis Pleasant Prairie 1921. Koopman, H. R., Low Prairie, 1865-8, High Prairie, 1870-7, Paterson, 6th, 1879-84, d. June 24. KortcHng, George, b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 22, 1879. H.C. 1901. N.B.S. 1904. Ord. by CI. Wis. Clinton, Okl., 1904-09; Fairview, Ok!., 1909- II. (Pres. Creston, la., 1911-20; Oelwein, la., 1920 ). Served as Y.M.C.A. Sec., Europe, 1918-19. Pres. Bd. Trustees Lenox Col., Hop- kinton, la., 1921 Kosa, Andrew, b. Hungary, Oct. 15, 1896. Bloomfield Sem. 1919. 1. by Pres. Morris and Orange, 1919. Manville, N. J., 1920 Koster, Martin E., b. Friesland, Neth., Feb. 19, 1873. H.C. and Kalamazoo Col. 1902. W.T.S. 1905. 1. by CI. Mich. 1905. Danforth, 111., 1905- 11; Fulton, 111., 1st, 1911-16; Fulton, 111., 2d, 1916-18; East William- son, N. Y., 1918 Koster, Sipko E.. b. Netherlands, Ap. 25, 1867; (The School of Chr. Refd. Ch. 89, Th. Sem. Chr. Refd. Ch. 92, ord. by Chr. Refd. Ch. 92; Kellogs- ville, Mich., 92-3, Kalamazoo, 93-6, both in Ch. Refd. Ch.) S.S. Middle- burg, la., 97-8. pastor, 98-1900. Hull, la., 1900-1905. w. c. De Motte, Ind., 1908-11. Morrison. 111., Ebcnezer, 1911-16. Firth, Neb., 1918 Kots, John Wm,. b. Aalten. Gueiderland, Netherlands, Nov. 24, 1863; H.C. 96, W.S. 99, 1. CI. Iowa; Friesland, Minn., 1899-1905; also Sandstone, 1903-05; Carmel, la., 1905-11. CI. Miss. CI. Iowa, 1911-20. Matlock, la., 1920 Kramer. George, b. Feb. 6, 1872. Foreston, 111. Dubuque Col. 1896. Pres. T.S. 1899. 1. by Pres. Dubuque. (Pres. 1899-1908. Ch. Ref. 1908-12). Davis, S. D., Bethel. 1912-16. CI. Miss. CI. of Germania, 1916- Krause. Carl. Candidate CI. Bergen 1902-08. Krausher, F. J., Woodhaven, Grace Ch., 1892-3. Kregel, John Herman, b. Feb. 4, 1883, Meppel, Drenthe, Neth. H.C. 1906. W.T.S. 1914. 1. by CI. Wis. 1914. Mt. Greenwood, 111., 1914-17; Kal- amazoo, 4th, 1917-19; Jiull, la., 1919 Kremer. John. b. Neth.. Feb. 2, 1832. Theo. Sch.. Kempen 1865. Pastor in Netherlands. (Grand Rapids. Christian Ref.). South Holland, 111., 1879-83. Zeeland. 1883-92. Detroit, 1892-1902. d. July 19. 1907. Min. Gen. Syn.. 1908. 234. Kriekaard. Adrian, b. at Niewdorp, Netherlands. Oct. 18, 1839; R.C. 63. N.B.S. 66, 1. CI. Holland; Rochester, 66-8. Kalamazoo, 68-76, Grand Rapids, 3d, 1876-1902. President Holland Home for Aged, Grand Rapids, d. Sept. 3, 1907. He was a forceful preacher, genial, friendly and optimistic. Min. Gen. Syn.. 1908, 235. Kriekaard, Cornelius, b. Nieuwdorp, Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands, July 29, 1848. H.C. 1874. N.B.S. 77^ 1. CI. N.B.; Albany, (Holl.) 77-9, Roseland. 111.. 79-84. Danforth, 111., 84-8, Lafayette, Ind., 88-92, Hull, la., 93-6, Clara City, and Roseland, Minn., 96-8, Three Oaks, Mich., 1899-1905. S.S. Ada, Mich., 1912-17. Emeritus 1917. Krisik, Alois A., b. Kolozsvar, Hungary, Oct. 12, 1876. Bloom. Sem. 1909- 10. N.B.S. 1912. 1. by CI. Westchester, 1913. Peekskill, Hungarian, 1912-14; West Side Hungarian, Chicago, 1915-17. Kroesche. August C, b. Germany. Dubuque Col. 1892. Univ. Wis. A.M. 1908. Dubuque Sem. 1894. 1. by Pres. Freeport, 1894. Teaching Dubuque Col. 1894-1904. (Pres. Pulaski. Wis., 1905-07, Madison, Wis., 1907-12). Pekin, 2d. 111., 1915-17. Silver Creek, German Vallev, 111., 1917— Kroesche. Frederick Henry, b. Germany. Dubuque Col. 1891. Dubuque Sem. 1894. 1. by Pres. Freeport 1893. (Pres. Bethel, Bay, Mo., 94-7. Union, Stacyville, la., 1897-1902. Harper, 111., 1903-13. Salem, Mo., 1913-15)- Elim, Kings. la.. 1915 Publications: Articles in German press. 388 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Krom, Asbury E., b. Oxford, O., Oct. 31, 1869; Miami Univ. 92; U.T.S. Q7, (S.S. Westminster, Houston, Texas. Presbyt. 1897), S.S. Bergen Point, 1898-1901. D.D. by U.T.S. 1897. Kroodsma, Robert, b. Dec. 3, 1890, Vriesland, Mich. H.C. 1914. W.T.S. 1917. 1. by CI. Holland. Manhattan and Hope, Big Timber, Mon. 1917-19; Clymer Hill, N. Y., 1919-21. Publications : Poems, 1913. Krueger, Chs. H. T., b. at Stettin, Pomerania, Germany, 1850; R.C. 1874; N.B.S. 1877, lie. S. CI. L.I.; Newark, East, 1877-80, d. Dec. 16. See "Ch. Int.," Dec. 23, 1880. Krueger, Harm. T., b. Ap. 16, 1867, at Shannon, 111.; Ger. Theolog. Semi- nary at Dubuque, la., 1893; 1. by Presbytery of Dubuque; Washington, la., 1893-8. d. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1899, 561. Kruidenier, Jeremias, b. Hitzert, Hoi., Feb. 13, 1864. H.C. 1886. N.B.S. 86-7. Kruizenga, Evert R., b. Ferrysburg. Mich., Oct. 14, 1877. H.C. 1904. N.B.S. 1907. 1. by CI. Grand River. Bedminster, 1907-13. (Pres. Port Jervis, 1913 )• Krum, Josephus D., b. Hillsdale, N. Y., Alarch 10, 1833. R.C. 1858. N.B.S. 61; Florida, 61-5, (Seneca Falls, Presbyt. 65-79). Episcopalian. D.D. Ham. Col. 1874. Kruys-Voorberge, J. P. J. From the Netherlands. 1. by CI. Holland 1912. Ustick, 111., 1912-18; Vesper, Wis., 1918-21 ; Returned to Netherlands. Kuiper, Albert, b. Kalamazoo, Mich., June 10, 1870; H.C. 93, N.B.S. 96, 1. CI. Grand River; Unionville, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1896-1905. d. Nov. 21. Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 600. Kuiper, A. C. Ebenezer (Holland, Mich.), 1867-77. Kuite, John, b. Holland, Mich., March 3, 1891. H.C. 1916. W.T.S. 1919. 1. by CI. Holland 1919. Graduate student P.S. 1919-21. Chicago, Gano, 111., 1921 Kuizenga, John E., b. Dec. 20, 1876, Muskegon, Mich. H.C. 1899. Prof. English and Greek, Northwestern CI. Acd. 1900-03. W.T.S. 1904. 1. by CI. Holland 1904. Graafschap 1904-1906. H.C. 1906-1915, Prof. Philosophy and Bible. Prof. Practical Theo. W.T.S. 1915. Editor the Leader 1919 . A.M. Univ. Mich. 1915. D.D. by H.C. 1916. Publications: 4 Catechetical Manuals, 1918-21. Sermons and addresses. Kuss, C. , Sandusky City, 1855-6. Kuyper, Cor. H.C. 1898. W.T.S. 1901. 1. by CI. Iowa. Graafschap, Mich., 1901-04; Grand Rapids, 4th, Mich., 1904-11; Cedar Grove, Wis., 1911 Kuyper, Hubert, b. Orange City, la., April 23. 1877. N.W. Classical Academy. W.T.S. 191 1. 1. by CI. la. 1911. Missionary to Japan 1911. Kuypers, Gerardus Arense, b. Dec. 16, 1766, in Curacoa, (son of War. Kuypers) ; studied under D. Romeyn and H. Meyer, lie. by Synod of D.R. Chs. 1787; Paramus and Saddle River, i788'-9. New York, 1789- 1833, d. June 28. Prof, of Hebrew, 1799-1804, A.M. by C.N.J. 1810. D.D. by Q.C. 1810. His father removed to this country when Gerardus was but t^vo years old. He was licensed to preach at the early age of nineteen. He was called from Paramus, to preach in Dutch, at the Garden Street Church, and he continued to officiate in that language till 1803. He was a modest, retiring man, never seeking popularity. His great desire, in his several duties, was to please his Master. He was a man of the greatest uprightness and sin- cerity. In his character there was a beautiful symmetry and harmony. Meekness and humility were his prominent traits. The jealousy of superior talent and reputation was a sentiment to which he was a stranger. He was peculiarly useful and happy in. the chamber of sickness, being a "son of consolation," rather than a "son of thunder." THE MINISTRY 389 See Addresses at his funeral b_v Drs. Brodhead and Knox. "Sprague's Annals." "Gunn's Livingston," cd. 1856, 385. "McClintock's Cyc," "Ch. Int.," July, 1833. "Collegiate Ch. Year Book," 1889. 79. Manual, 1902. Kuypers, VVarmoidus, b. in Holland, 1732, studied at University of Gronin- gen, (in company with Westerlo, Rysdyck, and H. Meyer), Curacoa, (17.. — 68). Rhinebeck Flats, and S.S. at Upper Red Hook and the Landing, 1769-71, Hackensack, (2d), and Schraalenburgh, (2d), 1771-' 97. d. Mr. Kuypers was settled over that part of the church at Hackensack which had belonged to the Conferentie party. They remained unrepresented in Classis, after the articles of union between the parties, for fifteen years. He was a contemporary for three years with Goetschius, for nine years with D. Romeyn, and for nine with Solomon Froeligh. The controversies of the day greatly marred the usefulness and comfort of those servants of God. Their trials were neither few nor small. They also stood aloof from the other section of the community in Hackensack, because of a certain charter which that party had obtained, covering, it is supposed, the church property, in an offensive way. (Froeligh, Goet.schius, Curtexius). Yet Mr. Kuypers himself seems to have been a peaceful and quietly-disposed man. He was in his old age, while Mr. Froeligh was in his prime, which was greatly to the disadvantage of his people. He had been separated from his people for five days, with an ample provision on their part to pay him an annuity for life, when he died. See Manual, 1902. Kuypers, William Provost, (s. of Warmoldus Kuypers), b. at Hackensack, 1773; studied under Livingston, lie. by Synod of D.R. Chs. 1792; Miss, on Delaware, 1792-3, Paramus and Saddle River, 1793-6, susp. 1797, deposed, 1797, restored, 1798. Boonton, 1801-5, (Hempstead, Presbyt. 1805-13), Miss, in Southwest, especially in Texas, and Red River dis- trict, 1813-21, w. c, d.- 1851. See Manual, 1902. Kuypers, Zechariah H., (s. of Warmoldus Kuypers), b. at Rhinebeck, 1771 ; studied under Livingston, 1. CI. of Hackensack, 1793; Jamaica, New- town, Success, Oyster Bay, 1794-1802, Jamaica, Success, Oyster Bay, 1802-18, Success, Oyster Bay, and Lakeville, 1818-24, Ponds, Wyckoff, and Preakness, 1825-42, w. c. 1842-8, emeritus, d. 1850, Oct. — See "Prime's L.L," 295. See Manual, 1902. Kvle. Henrv Zophar, b. Covtesville, N.J.. June 15, 1870; U.S. 96; entered CI. N.Y., 1898-1905. Kyle. Joshua R., b. at Cedarsville, Greene Co., Ohio, Aug. 2, 1834; Miami Univer. 59, United Presb. Sem. Xenia, O., 63, lie. by United Presb. Church, Xenia, 1862; (United Presb. Ch. Fall River, Mass., 1867-75, U.P. Pittsburgh, Pa., 76-79) ; Port Jackson, 81-8, Cranesville, 88-9, Amsterdam, ist, 1889 . D.D. Miami Univ. Kyle, Thomas, Salt River, Kentucky, 1804-16, became a Methodist. Labagh. Ab. L. b. Aug. 4, 1805 ; N.B.S. 26, 1. CI. X.Y. ; Evangelist at Rhine- beck. 26-7, St. Thomas. W.L. 27-42, Gravesend, 42-59, w. c. 1865, d. Labagh. Isaac, b. 1764, studied theology under Livingston, 1. by Synod of D.R. Chs. 1788; Kinderhook 1789-1801. also supplying Taghkanick 1799-1800, Krum 1800. 1812-13. supplying Canajoharie. Stone .Arabia 1801-03. New Rhinebeck 1803-11. also Sharon 1808-11. Greenbush. 1811-13 and Wynant's Kill 1811-13. New Rhinebeck. 1813-14, German Ref. Ch. N. Y.C. 1814-22. New Rhinebeck 1823-26, Missionary to Utica 1827-37, died Julv 24. 1837, sus. 1826, restored 1827. sus, 1830, restored 1830, A.M., Q'.C. 1813. Labagh. Isaac P., b. Aug. 14, 1804; (s. of Peter Labagh;) N.B.S. 26, 1. CI. Philadelphia ; Waterford, 27-30, supplied Orchard st., N.Y., 31-2, 390 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Graveseiid, 32-42, w. c. 42-5, suspended for heresies concerning Second Advent and the Christian Sabbath. Episcopalian. Died Dec. 29, 1869. Publications : Review of Dr. McClelland on Bib. Interp. 1842. — A Ser. on Personal Reign of Christ. 1846. — Twelve Lects. on "Great Events of Unfulfilled Prophecy." 1859. — "Theoklesia, or the Organization, Perpetuity. Conflicts and Triumphs of the One Holy Cath. Apost. Ch." 1868. Labagh, Peter, b. in N.Y.C. 1773, studied under Froeligh and Livingston, 1. by CI. Hackensack 1796, Miss, to Salt River, Kentucky, 1796-7, Catskill and Oakhill, 1798-1809, also supplying Schoharie Kill and Blenheim, 1798-1803, Harlingen 1809-1844, also Neshanic 1809-21, d. 1858, Trus- tee of Q.C. 1811, D.D. by Q.C. 1811. He was a man of unusual ability who obtained a strong local influence, which under different conditions might have been much more extensive than it was. See Manual 1902. Publications: Extracts from his Inaugural at Harlingen, 1809, Charge to Heermance, 1832, and Ser. on Death of Rev. W. R. Smith, are given in Memoir. Labaw, George Warne, b. Feb. 29, 1848, near Clinton, N.J.; R.C. C9, N.B.S. "i, 1. CI. Philadelphia ; Northumberland and Fort Miller, 73-4. S.S. Ridgewood, 1874, Blue Mountain, 74-82, Colt's Neck, 82-9, Preakness, 1889 . S.C. CI. Passaic 1898. Supt. N.B.S. 1908-13. Com. on Necrology, 1907-12. . Publications: Historical Discourse at Centennial of Preakness, N.J., 1901 ; 1902. A Genealogy of the Warne Family in America, 191 1. Revo- lutionary History of Preakness and Locality, 1919. Class of 1869, R.C, 1916. Articles in press. Laborei, Jacques, b. Cardaillac, in the Department du Lot, France, 16 — ; studied theolgoy at Geneva, Switzerland, graduating March 12, 1688; ord. at Zurich, Oct. 30, 1688; went to England. Licensed by the Bishop of London to teach Grammar, and to catechize in the parish of Stepney ; preaching in the French Chs. of London, 1688-98; c. to America; New Oxford, Mass., 1699-1704, also teaching the Indians, whose language he learned. French Ch. of New York, Oct. 15, 1704-6, Aug. 25. (His call dated Sept. 10, 1704). Became Episcopalian, 1706. Practised medicine and surgery. In 1716, settled in Fairfield Co., Connecticut, as a physician, occasionally assisting in Episcopal services. Died about 1734. — "Doc. Hist., N.Y.," iii. 250, 427-433, 478. "Col. Hist. N.Y." iv. 684, 755 ; V. 63. "Baird's Huguenots," ii. 145-6. — Collections of Hu- guenot Soc. xxv.-xvii. Laes, Henry, a minister at Fort Altona, on the Delaware, was disgraced and fined for mal-conduct, Ap. 10, 1660. — "Mag. R.D.C." iii. 54. Laidlaw, Walter, b. Nerval, Ontario. Mar. 7. 1861 ; Univer. Toronto, 81, P.S. 84. ord. Presbyt. Albany, (West Troy (Germain Mem.) 86-92; Pres. Fairhaven, Wash., 92-3), assistant pastor. Collegiate Ch. N.Y.C, 1893-1895. Presbyterian 1907 Laidlie. Archibald, b. at Kelso, Scotland, Dec. 4. 1727; University of Edin- burgh; (Flushing. Holland, 1759-63), New York, 1763-79, d. S.T.D. by C.N.J. , 177c. He kept a diary of his life, giving us his spiritual experiences. He cared not for outward appearances, for the display of much knowledge, for polem- ics, or for the polish of style and diction, but he was anxious to have his heart thoroughly imbued with the saving influences of the gospel. He looked upon doctrines chiefly in reference to their heavenly and purifying efficacy. Theory was nothing without practice. Hence he sought to make every doctrine tell on the heart of his audience, by coming from his own heart warmed with the consciousness of the loveliness and worth of the truth. He believed that, to be an able steward of the gospel, one must have sat long at the feet of Jesus, and have drunk deep of his spirit and THE MINISTRY 39I grace. Hence he was one of the most spiritual, practical, and heart-search- ing preachers of his da\-. His tastes led him to no profound discussions. His amiability kept him separate from polemics. He presented the pure doctrine of Christ with evidences, brief yet clear, noticing extremes and errors, and then cautioning, reproving, advising, and comforting. He pos- sessed a minute and extensive knowledge of human nature, and of the Christian's trials and joys, and he brought forth from his treasury things new and old. He was unusually successful in winning souls. A great re- vival attended his efforts. His manner was plain, easy and affectionate. He was a faithful pastor. He was humble and grave, bold, persevering, patient of injuries and reproaches, indefatigable, full of charity and cour- teous feeling. On the back of a characteristic sermon, on Ps. 62:8, dis- playing great force and richness of Christian experience, a warmth of pious feeling, and a pathos and divine unction unusually instructive and touch- ing, he has written, in his own hand, "Preached' in the North Church, Feb. 25, 1770. N.B. — The Lord was pleased to bless this to many of God's people. Thanks to His divine goodness ! He leaves us not without a wit- ness." He was the first regular English preacher in America among the Reformed from Holland. He came amid much opposition, on account of the prejudice of many against the English language. Dr. Livingston frequently adverted to the salutary influence which the ministry of Laidlie exerted not only in his own denomination, but in the cause of religion in the city. His diary, or parts of it, will be found in "Mag. R.D.C." iii. Domines Ritzema and De Ronde, with several laymen, were appointed a committee to procure from Holland a minister to preach in English. Their letter and Dr. Laidlie's reply may be seen in "Ch. Int.," Feb. ig and 26, 1857. De Ronde afterward, however, sided with the opponents of English preaching, in the lawsuit which grew out of it. Dr. Laidlie died of consumption, at Red Hook, while in exile from the eity on account of the Revolution. — See "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 33-38, 161, 314, iii. 5, 24, 70, 107, 299, 360. "Gunn's Livingston," 1st ed. 105, 106. "Doc. Hist.," iii. 309, 311. "Sprague's Annals." "Mc- Clintock's Cvc." "Mints. Ch. N.Y." Ecc. Rec. N. Y. "Collegiate Ch. Year Book," 1886, p. 75. PuBLiCATioxs : A part of his Introduct. Ser., 1764, in "Sprague's An- nals," p. 41, "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 161. He translated the Heidelberg Catechism from Latin into English, for use in R.D.C, about 1770. De Ronde had in 1763 made an English version also, probably from the Dutch. See "Cen- tennial Discs.," 87, 88. For an account of English speaking churches in Holland. See Alanual. 1902, 564. Laing, J., Argyle, 1832-3. Laman, Arend Thomas, b. Jan. 2^. 1882, Groningen, Neth., H.C. 1909. W.T.S. 1912, 1. by CI. G.R. Indianapolis, Ind., 1912-14, Baldwin, Wis., 1914-21, Oostburg, Wis., 1921 Lamar, John, H.C. 1888, W.S. 91, Grand Rapids, 7th, 91-3, Grand Rapids, loth, 93-8, Rochester, 2d, 1898-1912, Chicago, 111., Roseland, 2d, Beth- any, 1912 Lammers, Barend \\'illiam. b. Cedar Grove, Wis., Tune 24, i860; H.C. 86, N.B.S. 89, 1. CI. N.B.; Hull, la.. 89-92, Jamestown, ist, (Forest Grove, Mich.). 1892-1903, serving American Tract Society 1903-05, Westfield (Hope) X.D., 1905-10, Corsica, S.D., 1910-14, Silver Creek, Maple Lake, Minn., 1914-21, Sodus, N.Y., 1921 — - Lansiedel, .Wm., b. July 17, 1878, Barmen, Germany, Mission House, Coll. and Sem., 1903, I. by S. Dakota CI. Ref. Ch. U.S. 1903, (Missionary S. Dakota Ref. Ch. U.S. .A. 1903-05, Ashley, N.D., 1905-08. Campbell- port, Wis., 1908-13), Bailevville, 111., 1914-15, Wellsburg. la., 1916 — , S.C. CI. Milwaukee Ref. Ch. U.S. 1908-13. Publication : Articles for the press. 392 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Lane. Gilbert, b. at Readington, NJ., Nov. 29, 1828; R.C. 51. N.B.S. 54, 1. CI. Philadelphia; ord. by CI. North Carolina, (G.R.C.), Alay, 56; (North Carolina, as Miss, of Ger. Ref. Ch. 55-57), Gallupville and Knox, 57-60, (Schooley Mountain and Mansfield, 2d; Presbyt. 60-66) ; also Chaplain in army, 1864-65; Florida, 66-73, S.S. Three Bridges, N.J., 1877-80, Grahamville, 81-8, Cuddebackville, 88-92, Minisink, 93- 1896, died Ap. 2-j. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1896, 498. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1896, 19. Lane, Stoddard, b. July 2, 1887, Unionville, Conn., A.C. 1909, Hart. Sem. 1913, P.G. Univ. of Berlin 1914, 1. by Cong. Ass. Hartford, Conn., 1912, (Acting pastor Ch. of Pilgrims, Brooklyn, 1914-15), Bogota, N.J., 1915 Lang, John Ebenezer, b. 1839, at Schaffhausen, Switzerland ; grad. at Schafifhausen, 1859; at Basle, Zurich, and Tiibingen, 65; lie. by CI. , 66; ord. Presby. 66; (Wilkesbarre, Pa., 66-75, Presbyt.) N.Y.C. Melrose, 1875-91, d. Aug. 15. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1892. Lang, W. Gordon. S.S. Steinway, L. L, 1909-13. Langwith, Frank A., b. March 9, 1893. R.C. 1915. N.B.S. 1918. 1. by CI. N.B. Wialpack, Lower, Bushkill, Pa., 1918-20. Marbletown, N. Y., 1920-21. Middlebush, N. J., 1921 Lansdale, Joseph Tucker, b. Dec. 13, 1866, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore City Col. 1886. Drew T. Sem. 1891. 1. by BaUimore Conf. M.E. Ch. 1891. Service in M.E. Ch. 1891-97. Bethany Alemorial, N. Y. C. (S.S.), 1897-1904. Marconn'er, Oak Tree, N. J., S.S., 1906-12. Pastor, 1912-21. Lansing, Ab. G., (brother of Rev. J. A. Lansing), b. 1829; U.C. 53; Miss, of Am. Board, among the Choctaws, Indian Territory, 54-8; New Salem and Clarksville, 58-62, Saratoga, 62-7, Saratoga and Fort Miller, 67-8, Miss, at Pella, 68-70, Otley, Iowa, 70-2, Norris, 111., 73-4, Irving Park, 74-7, New Salem, 78-1885, Blue Mountain, 85-7, d. Sept. 8. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1888, 678. Lansing, Jacob A., b. at Watervliet, 1797, N.B.S. 1842, 1. CI. Schenectady; Wynantskill, 42-8, w. c. 1856, d. See "Manual of 1879." Lansing, John A., b. at Lisha's Kill, 1824; U.C. 42, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. Schen- ectady; S.S. Day, 45-8, Bethlehem, 2d, 48-60, Catskill, 60-6, Sec. Bd. Publication, 66-75, S.S. Coxsackie, 2d, TJ, Chaplain Am. Union Ch., Rome. Italy, 78, S.S. Spring Valley, 79. Died Tulv 22, 1884. D.D. by U.C. 1861. Publications: "Ministerial Support," 1854. Lansing, John Gulian, (son of Rev. Gulian Lansing), b. Damascus, Syria, Nov. 27, 1851 ; U.C. 75, N.B.S. JJ, 1. CI. Alontgomery ; Mohawk, 77-9, West Troy, 79-84, Prof. Old Testament Langs, and Exegesis, N.B.S. 84-98, engaged in Editorial Work, Denver, Col., 1898-1906. d. Sept. 3- DD- Dr. Lansing was a peculiar genius. His ability and teaching capacity were of a high order. His heart was warm and his affection impulsive. Disease dogged him throughout his life and finally made him an invalid. But this seemed to add to his brilliancy and gave to his preaching and work an uncanny brightness. He was the founder of the Arabian Mission. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 913. Publications: Am. Revised Version of the Psalms, 1885. — Manual of Arabic Grammar, 1888. — Sermon on President Garfield, 1881. — Pre-Islamic Literature. — Outlines of Special Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament, 1897 . (His father. Rev. Dr. Gulian Lansing, was a missionary at Damascus, but was transferred to Egypt in 1857. See "Miss. Rev. V.," 804. He published "Egypt's Princes, a Narrative of Missionary Labor"; N.Y. 1865.) Lansing, John V. S.. Ham. C. 1820, P.S. 1824. lie. by seceders ; Wynants' and Rooster's Kill, 1824-6, Tappan and Clarkstown, 1826, w. c. 1826-9, Associate Ref., Bloomingdale and White Lake, 1829-32, d. THE MINISTRY 393 Publications: Address to Friends of Sound Doctrine, etc., in T. R. D. C. Pub. anonymously. , „. i r i r^^ Lansing, Nicholas, b. at Albany, 1748; studied under W csterlo, lie. by Gen- eral Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 17H0; Ancram, Stissick, and Liv- ingston Manor, (the latter representing Greenbush, Linlithgo, and Taghkanic), 1781-4, Tappan and Clarkstown, 1784-1830. .J^Ppan. 1830- 5 d See sketch in Manual of 1879- See also Dr. David Cole s Hist, of Church of Tappan. N.Y., 1894. ^, ^, t a «^, ^' r Lansing, Raymond Augustus, b. Lisha s Kill, N.\., June 26, i8/3. L^C 94, N.B.S. 97, 1. CI. Schenectady; Glen, N.Y., 1897-1901. d. March A^^young man of great promise cut off at the beginning of his career. Min. 'Gen. Syn., 1903, 520. Lappius. See Loppius. ^^ ,, tt o^ d c -q tt t; An (^^ S S Larimore, Jas. Wilson, b , N.Y.U. 1856. P,S. 58. U.S., 69 ( . ) b.b. Cold Spring. 60, Albany, 3d. 60-1 ; see P.S Gen. Lat. Larzelere. Jacob, b. I775; studied theol. under Livmpton. 1. C . J^.V .. 1796; N. and S. Hampton, 1797-1828, d. 1834, A.M by C.C. 1804. Publication: A Sermon on the Death of Gerard \\ynkoop,i8i2. lasher, Calvin E.. b. Clermont. N.Y., Jan. 11. 1850; R-C. 1870, N.B.S. /3. He. CI. Hudson; Guilford, 1873-1915- ^'•^'™- ^^iS- n -d c -t 1 La Tourette las. A. M.. b. N.Y.C. Mar. 22,, 1825; N.\.lJ. 48. P-S. ^i, 1- Presbyt. N.Y. ; Westfield, (now Huguenots). S.L, 51-5; Episcopalian See P.S. Gen. Cat. Laubach, W. Wortendyke, 1899. . , ^ , „, „ ^ „„, x t o c Laubenheimer, John. b. New Brunswick. July 12. ib6i ; .^'C- ^8^3^/^f ;^^: 86 1 CI West Hempstead. 86-8. Greenbush. 1 888-1 901. Lec- turer Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, State of N.Y., 1901-09. Chaplain N.Y. Assembly 1908, drowned in Lake George, July IS, 1909, Min. Gen. .,Syn., 1910, 827. Laufer. C. W. S.S.. Steinway. 1901-1906. Lawrence, Charles L., b. Ludlow. Vt Sept. 2). 1869. N^B.S. 189:,-/. C^^- 1897-8. Miss, in Newark. North Ch. 1898-9, High Bridge, N.J., 1899- 1902 irvington, 1902-1903, journalist. 1904 Lawrence. C. M., S.S. Raritan. 111.. I9i5-i9- Lawrence. D. W., S.S. Cicero, N.Y., 1876. r MV tS.c-TIC Lawrence, Egbert Charles, b. at Borodino. Onondaga Co.. N.Y., 1845 ,U^G^ 69, tutor. U.C. 70-2, P.S. 75- He Presbyt. N B. ; (Brooklyn. G ace Ch Presbyt.. 75-6, assisted in publication of Jas. B. Thomson s nevv Algebra, and made the key to it. 76-7;) Po^^o'^'"^^!, ". rrr'^'i's. SS Owasco Omlet. 77-8, Schenectady, 2d. 78-80. Prof. U.C. ,8-82. Thousand Isles. 82-8. Alt. \'ernon, 88-90, Westhampton, 90-1, Ph.U by Syracuse Univ. Publications: "Historical Recreations. xtrc Lawrence. Wm. H.. b. Farmingdale. NJ.. Oct. 14^ 1848 ; R.C.1874. N^B.S 1874-5. Methodist Episcopal. Ph.D.. Univ. N.Y., 1893. D.D.. Taylor Univ.. 1893. Publication: Earnest Minister. 1873. x- n c ,e-n Lawsing. Sidney Oscar, b. Amsterdam. N.\.. April '6. 1846; N.B.b. i«/9. Ik CI Schenectady; Rocky Hill. 79-83- Glen. 83-88. Addisville. 1888- 1907, Linlithgo. 1907-10. Kiskatom. 1910-17. d- Jan. I9- 1922. Leaver. Lawrence Leslie, b. Boyertown. Pa.. Nov. 30. 1875. High School and Academy 1893- studied under M. E Conterence 1. by M.E. Ch. 1900. (Phil. "Vine St. Rescue Mission. 1896- 1900 Cleveland. O bt. ClAir St. Rescue Mission 1900-1003. Roselle Park N J.. Aldene M.E. 1904-10. We.st Caldwell Union Ch. 1912-19). Fairfield. N.J., 1919 Leckner. A. M.. S.S. Glen. N.Y.. 1836 ^. , ^ , ^ ^ r q ,R,q 1 Lee Robert P.. b. 1803. at Yorktown. N.Y.; Dick. Col. 1824. N.B.S. 1828, 1. 'S. CI. N.Y. 1828; Miss, in N.Y.C, 1828-9. Montgomery. 1029-58, d. 394 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Elected trustee R.C, 1851. D.D. by R.C., 1854. See Manual of 1879. Lee, Timothy I. Y.C., Y. Thelog. Seni. (Winstod, Ct. ; New Milford, Ct. ; Easton, Pa.. 1889-93), Newark, ist, 1893-1905. Leeper, James L., b. Frankfort Springs, Pa. P. Univ. P.S. (Presbyterian). Kingston, N. ¥., ist, 191 1-20. Publications: Leeper S.S. Helps. Leeper Photographs in Bible and Classic Lands. Articles in press. LeFevre, DuBois, N., b. New Paltz, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1890. R.C. 1914. U.S. 1917. 1. by CI. Kingston. Ass. Bergen, N. J., 1917-19. Dropped. Le Fevre, George, b. Forest Glen. N. Y.. April 24, 1856. R.C. 1878, N.B.S. 81, Livingston Manor, 82-6 (Presbyt.). Le Fevre. Jas.. b. at New Paltz, N. Y., 1828; R.C. 54, N.B.S. 57. 1. CI. Kingston; Raritan, 3d. 57 — Dec. 74, Middlebush, Jan. 75 — 1902, w. c. d. May 6, 1914. Trustee R.C. 88. Sec. and Treas. Alumni Ass., N.B.S., 1887-1914- D.D. R.C. 1893. He was a man of large body and a large heart. His kindliness was appar- ent to all and his benevolence sought out those in need. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 249. Publications : Many articles and sermon in various papers, etc. Legget, Lester G., b. N. Y. C. Col. Univ. McCormick Sem. Evangelist. I. by CI. Rensselaer 1890. Evangelist, 1890-98. Ass., Newark, North, 1899; Albany, N. Y., 3d, 1900-1903. (Evangelist, 1903-10). Red Bank, N. J., 1914-19; Irvington, N. J., ist. 1919 Leggett. Wm. Jas.. b. at Shent. N.Y.. Oct. 12. 1848; R.C. 72, N.B.S. 75, 1. CI. Hudson ; Schodack Landing. 75-82, Claverack, 82-9, Belleville. 89-93. Nyack, 93-1901. Chatham. 1901-17. Ph.D. N.Y.U. 1891. Pres. Bd. Supt. N.B.S. 1910-11. Vice-Pres. G.S. 1918. Pres. P.S.A. 1904. Publications: Many articles in Int., etc. Legters, L. L., b. Clymer, N. Y., July 8, 1873. H.C. 1900. N.B.S. 1903. Arapaho, Okl., Indian Mission, 1903-05; Columbia, Memorial, Okl., 1906-07; Vermilye Memorial, Lawton, Okl., 1907-10 and Apache Indians, Fort Sill, 1907-10. Supt. Indian Work, California, 1910. Pres. 1912. Lehlbach. Fred. A. From Grand Duchy of Baden. 1850; Newark. 3d, 1850- 61, suspended. Lehman, Fletcher V. W., b. Fultonville, N.Y.. Sept. 24. 1870; H.C. and Ham. Col.; N.B.S. 99, 1. CI. Montgomery, 1899-1902; Jerusalem, 1902- 07; S.S., Union, 1907; S.S., Onesquethaw. 1908; S.S., Union. 1909. Leinbach, Paul Seibert, b. Sept. 21, 1874, Womelsdorf. Pa. Franklin and Marshall Col. 1895. Eastern Sem. 1898. 1. by Lebanon CI. Ref. Ch. U.S. 1898. (Ref. Ch. U.S. Altoona. Pa., Grace, 1898-1900; Pitts- burgh, Pa.. Trinity, 1900-04; Easton, Pa., ist. 1904-12). Hamilton Grange. N. Y. C, 1913-17. (Ref. Ch. U.S. Editor-in-chief Ref. Ch. Messenger, 1917 . Pres. Juniata. Allegheny and East Pa. CI. Ref. Ch, U.S. Vice-Pres. P.S. N.Y. R.Ch.A. Sec. Bd. of Home Mis- sions. 1904-12. Editor of S.S. Literature. 1904-14. Sec. Am. Commission of Editors and S.S. Leaders to Near East 1919. Contributor to Ref. Ch. Review. D.D. Heidelberg Univ. 1912. Litt.D. F. and M. Col. 1921. Leis. Stillman R., b. Bloomfield. N. J.. Aug. 31, 1882. Bloom. Acd. N.B.S. 1907. 1. by CI. N.B. Wyantskill, N. Y.. 1907-11 ; Highwood, N. J., 1911-13. Pres. 1913. Leland. Hervev De Loss, b. Elkhorn, Wis., Mar. 8. 1862; Y.C. 85; U.T.S. 88; ord. by CI. Cayuga, Oct. 2, 88; Owasco Outlet, 88-9; (S.S. Presbyt. America, N.Y., 90-6; S.S., Niagara Falls, 1897 Lenington, George Chamberlain, b. Kokomo, Ind.. Feb. 7. 1873. 111. Col. 1892. Head Master Am. Sch.. San Paulo. Brazil. 1893-5. McCormick Sem. 1898. I. by Pres. Springfield 1896. (Pres. Wellington. 111., 1898-9; Virginia, III. 1900-1907. Brighton Heights, S. I., 1908-17. Union Evan. Ch., Mexico City. Mexico, 1917-18. Captain, Chap. U.S.A., THE MINISTRY 395 France. 1918-19. Field Sec. Progress Campaign, R.C.A., 1919-21. Agent for Pension Fund. 1921 . D.D. 111. Col. 1920. PuBi.ic.vTioNS : Articles for the press. Lente, James Rapalye. h. at Newtown. L.I., Ap. 18. 1822: R.C. 42, N.B.S. 50, 1. X. CI. L.I.; Warwarsing. 50-3, Rosendale and Bloomingdale, 54- 64, 18O8, emeritus, d. March 26, 1916. Leonard. Frederick M.. b. Brooklyn, N.Y.. March 29. 1876, Y.C. 1899. (17 years Baptist Minister). Finderne. N.J., 1921 PuBLUWTioxs : Articles for press many on economic subjects. Lepeltak. Cornelius, b. Grand Haven. Mich., Dec. 21, 1855, student H.C. Omaha Sem. 1899. 1. by Kearney Pres. 1899. (Pres. 1899-1913). Luctor. Kan.. 1914-19. Forestville, Wis., 1919 Lepeltak, Peter, b. Netherlands. June 16. 1842; R.C. 62. N.B.S. 65. 1. CI. Holland: Roseland. 111.. 65-9. Greenleafton, Minn.. 69-77. Overyssel, 77-91, Alton, la., 1892-1903. Portage. Mich.. 1903-04. Goodland. Ind.. 1904-06. d. Feb. 4. 1912. D.D. by H.C. 1903. Min. Gen. Syn., 1912, 560. Leslie, A. H.. St. Thomas, W.I., 1916-18. In Canada. Leslie, John R., b. Scotland, June 6. 1833, Rochester Univ.. N.B.S. 1856-7, Teacher. Letson, \Vm. W'arrer, b. New Brunswick. N.J.. Jan. 18, 1830; R.C. 51. N.B.S. 54, 1. CI. N.B. ; Ghent, ist. 56-64. Gilboa, 64-8, Amity. 68-80. Ramapo, 82-92. also Ramsey's. 82-86; died Sept. 22. 1893. "Mints. Gen. Syn.." 1894. 211. "Bi«g. Notices Grads. R.C." 1894, 21. Lewis, Henry A.. Tappan, N.Y.. 1911-19. Lewis, W'., Lutheran. S.S. Columbia. N.Y.. 1839. Leydekker. see Lydekker. Leydt. Johannes, b. in Holland, 1718; studied under Frelinghuysen and Goetschius, lie. bv Coetus, 1748; New Brunswick and Six Mile Run, 17-^8-83. d. He was a Hollander by birth, and, with an elder brother, emigrated to this country, settling at first in Dutchess County, near Fishkill. N.Y. The Classis of Amsterdam very reluctantly permitted his ordination in this country. His whole ministerial life was spent in one field of labor; and, while he does not seem to have left any distinct impressions of his pulpit talents, he is represented to have been a very laborious minister. In con- nect'on with the organization of new churches, the calling and installation of pastors, and the healing of difficulties in congregations, we shall find the name of Mr. Leydt. He took a warm interest in the great conflict which agital^ed the Church, and. as a member of the liberal and progressive party, he commanded a wide influence. Several pamphlets are still preserved which he wrote during this period, evincing a thorough knowledge of the points in controversy, and showing him to be a man of broad and Chris- tian views. These were replied to by Ritzema. At the meeting of General Synod, at New Paltz, in 1778, he was elected President. During the war of the Revolution, he was a firm patriot, ])reaching upon the tojiics of the day so as to arouse the enthusiasm of the i)eo])le, and counselling the young men to join the army of freedom. In the cause of education his efforts were early and devotedly enlisted. He was one of the prominent movers in the organization of Queen's, now Rutgers College. Appointed one of the trustees by the charter, he warmly advocated its claims, and gave to this cause his best energies. Mr. Leydt is described as a short, stout man. of dark features, very quick in his movements, and in his disposition kind and affable, .^s a pastor he is said ,to have been highly esteemed, and to have had a peculiar faculty of drawing around him the young people of his charge. His dress was the classical costume of the times, and in his manners he was a gentleman of the old school. During the early part of his ministry his preaching was in the Dutch language; in his later years one-half of the services were in English. His sermons were instructive, and always delivered with a full 396 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA voice and an earnestness of manner tliat held the attention of his hearers. He was a good man, and much respected beyond his own denomination. His sudden death, at the age of sixty-live, was regarded as a pubhc loss. — Ecc. Rec. N. Y . "Coetus Alints." "McClintock's Cyc." Publications : "A Soliloquy on Faith Genuine, or a Dialogue Between Self and the Soul, upon the Nature and Necessity of True Faith, in order to a Right Warfare Here, and Victorious Triumph Hereafter;" collected from some Private Meditations and improved; by Johannes Light (Leydt), Dutch Minister of the Gospel at New Brunswick, N.J. ; i Pet. 1:19. "Re- ceiving the End of Your Faith Even the Salvation of Your Souls ;" 2 Cor. 13 :5, "Examine Yourselves ;" Daniel 5:27; Tekel. New York ; print- ed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at the printing office in Queens street, between the fly and meal market, 1755. (The Misses Roe, of New Brunswick, had a copy.) Publications in Dutch : "W'are Vryheyt tot Vrede," etc., etc., or "True Liberty the Way to Peace:" An accourt of the manner in which the negotiations for union and peace were conducted, and what prevented the happy issue. Besides, "A Defense of the Examnations and Promotions efifected by the Ccetus." showing what the grounds are on which these things were done. Philadelphia, 1760. (See "Ritzema's Reply," 1761.) — A Defense of the Volume. "True Liberty the Way to Peace," against the so-called concise refutation, by the pretended lovers of Truth and Peace; showing that they did not happily succeed in their effort to unite Truth and Peace, and that they have not disproved the existence of the Assembly of the Coetus, nor its authority to examine and ordain. Philadelphia, 1762. (See "Ritzema's Reply," 1763.) These pamphlets of Leydt, with replies to each of them by Ritzema, with the letter of the Synod of North Holland, 1765, concerning the Coe- tus, were recently found collected and bound together in one volume, which was secured by Dr. E. T. Corwin and deposited in the Sage Library, New Brunswick, N.J. Leydt. Matthew, (s. of J. Leydt), b. New Brunswick, March 4, 1753. Q.C. 1774; studied under Hardenbergh (?) lie. by Gen. Meeting of Mins. and Elders, 1778; Belleville and (iansegat, 1779-80, N. and S. Hampton, 1780-3, d. Nov. 24. Elected a trustee of Queen's College, 1783- Leydt, Peter, b. Six Mile Run, Nov. 6, 1763, (s. of John Leydt) ; Q.C. 1782; studied theol. under Livingston, lie. by Synod of D.R. Chs. 1788; Ponds, Kakeat, and Ramapo, 1789-93, d. 1796, June 12. Licht, Wm., b. June 26, 1863, Hanover, Germanv. Evangelical Lutheran Col. 1885 and Sem. 1888. 1. by Missouri Synod 1887. (Yankton, S. D., 1888-1900; Mackay, la., 1901-06; Gilboa, la., 1907-09; Alexandria, S. D., 1909-14; Rushmore, Minn., 1914-20) ; Monroe, S. D., 1920 Liddell, John A., b. in Scotland, 1806; Glasgow College and St. Andrew's College, 1826 (?) Greenbush, 30-4, Totowa, 2d, 34-8, Lodi, N.Y., 38-48, supplied Cicero, 48-9, Stone House Plains, 49-50, d. Also sup- plied Franklin. See Manual of 1879 — A MS. Commemorative ser- mon is in Sage Librarv. Liebenau, Michael Fred., b. N.Y.C., Mar. i, 1813; N.Y.U. 39. U.S. 41, 1. 3d Presbyt., N.Y. ; (New Paltz Landing, (now Highland), 41-6, Pat- erson, 46-9, New Paltz Landing. 50-67), Dashville Falls, 67-8, Rosen- dale, 68-76, also S.S. Bloomingdale, 76-83, pastor, emeritus, Rosendale, 83-4; died Jan. 13, 1891. Lillie, James, (Salem Assoc. Ref. 1836-44), Clove, 1844-5. Lillie, John, b. 1812, at Kelso, Scotland; Edinburgh University, 1831, studied privately, and at N.B.S. 1835, 1. CI. N. Y. 1835; Kingston, 1836-41, President of Grammar School of University of N.Y., 1841-2, Broad- way, afterward Stanton st., N.Y.C., 1843-8, also editor of "Jewish Chronicle," 1844-8, engaged in Am. Bible Union, 185 1-7. (Kingston, Presbyt.), 1858-67, d. D.D. 1855 by Univ. Edinburgh. THE MINISTRY 39/ He stood first among 2,000 students in the University of Edinburgh, and was one of the most accomplished scholars, who ever served in the Reformed Church. See Manual, 1902. Plblicatioxs : See Manual, 1902. Lindley, Daniel, (Lindsey, D., Lindly, D.). Missionary in South Africa, 1835-42, became independent. — The Board of Foreign Missions informed the General Synod (1840, p. 415) "that there had recently been opened a very inviting field of labor among the Dutch Boers or farmers in South Africa, and that they have given as- surances that any plan of moderate expenditure for their benefit which may be devised, shall receive attention. A missionary, the Rev. Mr. Lindley, has already commenced his labors among them." In the Minutes of Gen. Syn., 1842, p. 132, we read: "Rev. D. Lindsey, of South Africa, has re- linquished his missionary relation to us, having become a settled pastor and being fuly suuported by the people among whom he has been labor- ing. He represents the field for missionary efforts in his neighborhood an extensive and important, and very promising, and earnestly desires that our church would send a few missionaries thither.'" See Manual, 1902. Linn, John Blair, (s. of Wm. Linn), b. in Pa., 1777; C.C. 1795, studied with Romevn; lie. CI. Albanv, 1798; (Philadelphia Presb. 1799-1804, d.). S.T.D. by U.Pa. 1801. A most remarkable man, but spending all his active ministry in the Presbyt. Church, an extended notice can not be given here. He was a pro- lific author. See "Blake's Biog. Diet." 750; "Duyckinck's Cyc." i. 652; "Sprague's Annals," vol. iv. ; Mem. of Dr. J. J. Janeway; "AlcClintock's Cyc"; "AUibone's Diet, of Authors"; "C. B. Brown's Sketch of his Life," 1805; "Collegiate Ch. Year Book," 1888, 94. Linn, Wm., b. in Pennsylvania, Feb. 22, 1752; C.N.J. 1772, studied theology under Dr. Robt. Cooper, 1. by Donegal (Carlisle) Presb., Ap., 1775; chaplain in Am. Army, 1776; (Big Spring (now Newville). Presbyt. Ch. in Pa. 1777-84, prin. of Washington Academy, Somerset Co., Md., 1784-6, Elizabethtown, 1786-7), New York, 1787-1805, chaplahi to the House of Representatives of First Congress, 1789, (supplied Albany, occasionallv, 1805-6). d. 1808, Jan. 8. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1787. Pres. Q.C.'p. t. 1791-4. Regent of Universitv of State of N.Y. 1787- i8c8. S.T.D. by C.C. 1789. His eloquence was of a most ardent and impassioned kind. In his rnis- sionary and charity appeals he was eminently successful. His glowing imagination conceived his object vividly, and his language, of which he had an astonishing command, painted it to the minds and irnaginations of his audience in such a manner that he often produced effects similar to what are said to have taken place under preaching of Massillon and Bour- daloue. On special occasions his performances were masterpieces. His eloquence would send a thrill of joy or a shivering of horror through his audience, at times, so that they would suddenly start up and look around them. In his "gleaming sermon." as it was called, in behalf of the parochial school of the Collegiate Church, he "extracted" al)out eleven hundred dol- lars. This at the opening of the 19th century was wonderful. Yet it was more his manner than what he said. See Manual, 1902. Publications: See Manual, 1902. Linton, J. C, Wakonda (Olive Leaf), S.D., 1895-6. Lipes, Henrv H., Central Bridge, N. Y., 1895. Lippincott, Benj. C, b. at Hoboken, N.J., Nov. 22, 1824: R.C. 47. N.B.S. 50, 1. CI. N.Y.; Hurlev, 50-66. also S.S. at Marbletown, 51-66. Clarks- town, 66-72, Wallkill Valley, 7^-77- N. and S. Hampton. 77-81, Port Ewen, 81-98. Died 1899. Jan. 20. 398 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1899, 565. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C." 1899, 13- Little, Elbridge Gerry, b. Hampstead, N.H., 1817, C.N.J. 45, P.S. 48, ord. CI. Philadelphia ; Manavunk, Pa., 48-50. Died Dec. 2g, 1869. See P.S. Gen. Cat. Little, Jas. A., b. 1837, N.Y.C.; C.C.N.Y. 54, U.S. 57; Canastota, 1861-3. See "U.S. Gen. Cat." Livingston, Edward P., R.C. 1852, N.B.S. 55, 1. CI. Monmouth; Griggstown, 55-8, Bushnell, 58-70, S.S. Pekin, ist, 73-8, pastor, 78-85, d. Sept. 8. A sense of duty compelled him to go West, after three years in the East. For more than a quarter of a century he was a prominent factor in the development of the Western field. He was earnest, loving, laborious, and self-sacrificing. He spent several months in 1871 in visiting the churches to help raise the Million Dollar Centennial Fund. Livingston, Gilbert Robert, b. at Stamford, Ct., 1786; U.C. 1805, studied under Perkins, of Ct., and Livingston, lie. by North Hartford Assoc. 1808; then studied two more years under Dr. J. H. Livingston; joined CI. N.Y. May 29, 1810; Coxsackie, 11-26, Philadelphia, 26-34, d. D.D. by Wms. C. 1829. He was of the celebrated family of Scotch Livingstons, of which Prof. J. H. Livingston also came. His field at Coxsackie was very laborious and extensive, and required a most vigorous constitution to bear the labor inci- dent to it. But his labors abounded. He enjoyed while there three revivals, the last especially extensive, bringing three hundred and seventy-three into fellowship with the church,* ( 1821 ). About six hundred were added to this church under his ministry ; in Philadelphia, about three hundred. His life was strictly devoted to the glory of God. He pursued this object with dili- gence and zeal, and it was manifest that his heart was in it, so that he pro- duced an unusual impression on the public. Yet his piety was never ob- trusive, but modest, humble, and retiring. See Manual, 1902. Publications: A ser. in "Greene Co. Preacher" and a tract. Livingston, Henry Gilbert (s. of G. R. Livingston), b. Feb. 3, 1821, at Coxsackie ; W.C. 40, prin. Clinton Academy, L.I., 40-2, U.S. 44, lie. Presb. L.L (Carmel, N.Y., Presb. 44-9) ; Philadelphia, 3d, 49-54, prin. Raymond Academy, Carmel, June, 1854-55, Jan. 2/, d. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Christ's Care for the Young." 1852. Livingston, John H., b. at Poughkeepsie, May 30, 1746; Y.C. 1762, Univer- sity of Utrecht, 1769, 1. CI. Amsterdam, 1769; New York, 1770-1810; (during Revolution, at Kingston, 1776, Albany, Nov., 1776-9, Living- ston Manor, 1779-81, Poughkeepsie and Red Hook, 1781-3) ; also Prof. Theology, 1784-1810, in New York and at Flatbush; Prof. Theology and Pres. Queen's Coll. in New Brunswick, 1810-25, d. Jan. 20. Elected a trustee of Queen's Coll. 1784; again 1809. S.T.D. by Univ. Utrecht.. 1769. Appointed Trustee of C.C. by N.Y. Legislature, 1787. He was ambitious to enter the legal profession, and pursued the study of the law for two years, but his health failing, he relinquished it. This gave him opportunity for reflection, and he was brought to Christ. After a time he resolved to devote himself to the ministry, and he chose to pre- pare for the Dutch Church in preference to the Presbyterian or Episcopal, chiefly because of the sad dissensions then existing among the Dutch, which he felt it his duty to try to heal. He even felt in his heart that Providence would make him the instrument to accomplish these results. He spent the winter of 1765-6 in New York, and greatly enjoyed the society of Doniine Laidlie. He sailed May 12, 1766, for Holla.id, to pre- l^are for the ministry. He was the last of the American youth who went to Holland for this purpose. In Holland he made many warm friends, and w2s himself greatly respected. While there he was called to become the THE MINISTRY 399 second English preacher in the Church of New York. He now presented himself before the faculty of the University of Utrecht for the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He passed through the severe ordeal, conducted in the Latin language, a.nd subsequently wrote and published a dissertation on the Sinaitic Covenant in the Latin language, and defended it. When he arrived in this country he was pre-eminently the peacemaker between the parties. He at once took a high stand as a minister, and was ho.'.ored of all. He had few superiors. In the Revolution he was a warm patriot praying fervently for his country's cause. Upon his return to the city, after the triumph of freedom, he found himself the only pastor of that large church t)rganization. Elected also at the same time as Professor of Theology, he had more than double duties to perform. The church in which he officiated generally had three or four ministers as colleagues. For three years he remained the sole pastor. Yet during this period he received more than four hundred on profession of their faith. But his extensive labors almost broke down his health. In 1786 he received a colleague in Dr. Linn, and three years later another, in Rev. G. A. Kuypers. He spent his summers, after 1786, for several years on Long Island, whither his students followed him, returning to the city in the winter. He, in connection with Drs. D. Romeyn and Westerlo, were the molding minds of the denomination. They prepared the Constitution from the ar- ticles of Dort and the articles of Union. Dr. Livingston also prepared the first hymn-book for the churches. In 1794 Synod recommended him to re- move his Divinity School to Flatbush, on account of too high board for the students in the city. This he did in 1796. but it lasted for only one year, when the Synod, to the wounding of the Doctor's feelings, ceased all efiforts in behalf of the Professorship.* He still, however, continued to teach. He had been elected by the Provisional Synod in 1784; but in 1804, he was elected as permanent Professor, by the General Synod. This hastened the development of the Seminary. In 1810, ^ter forty years' service in the ministry and twenty-six in the Professorship, (the latter without compen- sation), he broke all the ties he had formed in New York and removed to New Brunswick, because the Synod requested it, to open his seminary in connection with Queen's College, the Presidency of which he also took. This move was only made from a stern sense of duty, and was, as he himself declared, almost like martyrdom. Here for fifteen years he continued his labors. Nearly two hundred students were trained under his instructions during the fifty-four years of his ministry. He was making sacrifices all his life for the prosperity of the Church. He lived to see her firmly estab- lished and her Professorships nearly endowed. Without any human appoint- ment, he was the acknowledged and cheerfully accorded Bishop of the denomination. (See Gunn's "Life of Livingston.") The following is an original characterization : From the begirning of his course he was a distinguished man and an honor to the denomination to which he more particularly belonged. His I)resence was always and in all places impressive, commanding, and digni- T'ed, and his dignity had nothing affected about it. It was not anythirg extraneous, but an essential part of the man. of his mental and bodily structure. He must have been dignified as a child, as a boy, as a young man, as well as in his maturer years. He was tall and erect — erect to the last day of his life. His step was deliberate yet elastic. He wore the antiquated costume, of which an ample wig, of almost snowy whiteness, was a very conspicuous part. He carried a staff, but it did not seem neces- sary to his sui)port, for his step was firm, steady, but was carried siinply because such an appendage was suitable and becoming to one of his years and position. His expression of countenance was serene, benevolent, with a slight dash of the aristocratic about it — a dash not assumed, but natural ♦The cause ol this is not apparent. It may have been owing to the French devolution and pecuniary difficulties therefrom resulting. 400 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA and not disagreeable, for every one that knew him seemed to admit that he at least had a right to it. As a preacher, he stood very high, and it was regarded as a great privilege to have an opportunity to hear him. His preaching was in every respect peculiar to himself, and such as became him and no one else. He loved to descant on a very comprehensive pas- sage of Scripture, and sometimes an unusually extended one. He dealt much, in exposition, in what is called the textuary mode of handling a Scripture passage and subject. But the abundance of material did not seem at all to embarrass or encumber him. He had great skill in selecting what was best suited to his purpose, and then in arrangiig it, and there was a surprising unity in his discourses, however many parts they might embrace. That which would in discourses formed by some men be a number of dissertations but slightly connected, was by him so skilfully managed as to form one whole, making one impression on the mind — a distinct, full, and ineffaceable one. His style was a model of clearnes.^, plainness, liveliness, directness. He practiced the colloquial — the dignified colloquial, not the affected and puerile — and advised his students to culti- vate it. His manner in the pulpit was his own especially. He had great variety in posture, tone, expression of countenance, and gesture. He seemed to loath anything like monotony. His gesticulation would have been deemed extravagant in any one but himself. It partook very much of the pantomimic; but no one objected to it in him, because in him it seemed to be becoming. In the professorial chair he had great excellence. The measure of theological lore which he secured and brought away from the halls of old Utrechfin his palmy days was very large. His excellence as a theological teacher did not lie in the vigorous treatment which he gave to a few prominent, important, favorite topics of theology, but in the com- prehensive, clear, systematic view he gave of the whole and of every part of that science. The whole of it was mapped out in its various compart- ments, and the relation of ever^' part was shown to every other part dis- tinctly. Thus every part threw light upon every other part — a light which could not have been thrown upon any part if viewed and treated separately from any other. And if to this you add that a full, clear, precise defini- tion was given to every doctrine and fact embraced in the system, and that the student was required to make himself at home upon all this, any think- ing, unprejudiced man can appreciate the advantages attending such a course of instruction and the high ability of the man that carried it out into effect. The pupils of Dr. Livingston were not required merely to furnish their memories with theological truth, but to exercise their judgments and reasoning power upon what they had gathered from their wise, good and faithful instructor. His pupils, when they issued from the seminary, were not finished, acute, profound theologians; it was not expected by their instructor or any reasonable man that they should be such. He, however, laid a foundation large and firm, and it was left to them in their after life to build upon it a proportional superstructure. If they did not, it was owing to their indolence and negligence, not to any defects in their pre- vious course of instruction. All honor to one who did so much for the Church and her ministry. Let him be held in grateful, affectiorate, ever- lasting remembrance. — Rev. Dr. Gabriel Ludlow. Funeral Sermons by Dr. John De Witt, Dr. Gunn, Dr. Marselus, and Dr. C. C. Cuyler. Memoir by Dr. Alex. Gunn, 1830, 8vo, pp. 540. The same condensed by Dr. Chambers, 1856. Sketches in "Sprague's Annals" by Drs. T. De Witt and James Romeyn and Bishop Kip. See also "McClintock's Cyc." For a sketch of Robt. Livingston, original proprietor of Livingston Manor, see "Doc. Hist., iii. 434. Also "Mag. R.D.C." i. 100, 128, 157, 158, 223. Hist, of Livingston Family, "Mag. R.D.C." iii. 193, 225 — "Berg's Evang. Quarterly," ii. III. — For Life of Rev. John Livingston of Ancram, Scotland, see "Gunn's Mem.," 1830, p. 17; ed. 1856, p. 351. — "Ch. Int.," Feb. 9, 1872. — Sketch of Philip Livingston, "Col. Hist. N.Y." vi. 60 note. — Also "Smith's," THE MINISTRY 4OI N.Y., 91, note. — Quoted in Centennial of X.B. Seminary, 416. "Collegiate Ch. Year-Book," 1887. p. 83. Publications: De Foedere Sinaitico, Utrecht, 1770. — Plan of Union be- tween Ccetus and Confercntie, 1771. (This was largely written or molded by his influence while in Holland.) — An Inaugural Oration in Latin, as Prof, of Theology R.D.C. 1785. (Oratio Inauguralis de veritate Religionis Christian.-e quam, coram Veneranda Ecclesiarium Belgicarum Synodo Neo Eboraci Convocata publice in a^de sacra habuit Johannes H. Livingston, S. Theo. Doctor, atque v. d. ibidem Minister, quum Theologise Professionem in earundcm pra?cipue usum auspicaretur ad diem XIX. Maji, MDCCLXXXV. This was reprinted in Latin, in first edition of "Centen- nial Discourses, R.C.A.," 1876, pp. 553-601.) — Three sermons in "Am. Preacher," two on Growth in Grace, (vol. i.), one on Sanctuary Blessings, (vol. ii.), 1791. — A Ser. before N.Y. Miss. Soc, "The Glory of the Re- deemer," 1799. — A Ser before N.Y. Miss. Soc. "The Triumph of the Gospel," 1804. (To the last is added the Annual Report of the Directors, and other papers relating to Am. Foreign Missions. — See Hist, of Mis- sions in this work. — An Address at the Commencement of Queen's Col- lege, 1810. — Funeral Service; or. Meditations adapted to Fun. Addresses, being selections from Scripture, 1812. — A Dissertation on the Marriage of a Man with his Sister-in-law. 1816. — An Address to the Ref. Ger. Churches in the U.S., 1819. — A System of Theology, in ]MS. (This large bound vol. of MS. is in Sage Library). An abstract of this was published by one of his pupils, Rev. Ava Neal, 1832, and passed through two editions. — An elaborate letter to the (one) Particular Synod of the R.D.C. about the condition of the Professorship, 1796. is published in "Mints. Gen. Syn." i. 464. — Another to the Gen. Syn.. 1812, i. 415. — Letter to a Young Con- vert, "Mag. R.D.C." i. 157. — Essay on "Best Plan for Aleliorating the Con- dition of the Jews," "Mag. R.D.C." i. 100, 128, 158. 223. — Letters, a few in "Dr. Janeway's Life," 136,^140, 187, 188; a number in "Gunn's Memoir" of him to his colleagues and others. His own story of his personal religious experience is also quoted in his Memoir. In 1787 he made a selection of hymns for the Church, and was the principal author of the Explanatory Articles of the Constitution of the Church, 1792. — A sketch of Dr. Living- ston, in Dutch, may also be found in "De Gereformeerde Amerikaan." by Rev. H. Beets. Aug.. 1900. pp. 289-304. — His letter to Rev. Elias Van Bun- schoten, which secured the Bequest for helping students. — in "Centennial of N.B. Sem.," 357. Lloyd. Aaron, b. at Walnut Creek. Erie Co.. Pa.. July 27. 1817; R.C. 42, N.B.S. 45. 1. CI. Bergen ; Gorham, 46-7. (Phelps. Presbyt.. 48-50). Liv- ingston Ch.. N.Y.C.. 51-3. Miss, at Hudson, N.J.. 53-5, White House, 55-6. Pekin, 57-60, w. c. d. Dec. 15. 1905.— Min. Gen. Syn.. 1906. 601. Publications: "Scripture Office of the Deacon," 1850. — Ser. before City Miss. Soc. 1853. Contributions to the press. Lloyd. John Elwy. b. St. Asaph. Wales. 1848; C.N.J. 74. P.S. JT, ord. Presbyt. Boston; (South Ryegate. Vt.. 77-9. Boonville, N.Y.. 79-81, Nj'ack, N.Y.. 81-8. all Presbyt), Brooklj-n. 12th st., 88-190C. w. c. Flat- bush, L.I.. 1906-16. Retired 1916. Ph.D.. D.D., Yale Univ. PiBLicATiONS : Articles for the press. Lloyd. William, candidate in transiin. "Mints. Gen. Syn.." 1880. 518. Lloyd. Will. S. S.S.. N.Y.C.. Madison av.. 1877-8. (Cong.). Lochead. Wm., b. in Glasgow. Scotland, Oct. 10, 1800; studied in Glasgow; ord. 1830; (Albany. 3d, Presbyt. 1830-..); Colioes and Waterford, 38-40, New Rhinebeck and Cobleskill, 41-45. went to Canada. 1845. Died at Elmwood. Huntley. Sept. 25. 1881. See Manual. 1902. Locke. Richard Earl. b. in Indiana. March. 1870. DePauw Univ. 1891. Bos- ton University. U.T.S. 1895, 1. by Congregational Council of Boston. (Pres.. Newark. 1896-8; Germantown. Ch. of Redeemer. 1900-03; Buf- falo. Calvary. 1903-09; Rutherford. N.J.. First. 1909-22). Albany, N.Y.. Madison Ave.. 1922 . D.D. by Lincoln Memorial. Tenn.. 1919. Pres. of N.Y. City Club of U.T.S.. 1916-17. One of the founders of 402 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Clergy Club of N.Y. City. Chaplain in Army during World War, in Europe six months. Lockwood, Henry, b. Albany, N.Y., Jan. 4, 1869; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. N.B. ; Knox and Berne, 2d, 1894-1901, East Millstone, 1901 . Per- manent Clerk Gen. Syn., 1907-15. Stated Clerk Gen. Syn., 1915 . D.D. by H.C. 1916. Pres. P.S. N.B., 1915. Editor Somerset Church News, 1907-1917. Asso. Ed. Manual, 1922. Mem. Bd. D.M., 1920. Ex. Com. Bd. D.M., 1921. Lockwood, John Hoyt, b. Troy, N.Y., 1848; W.C. 68, P.S. 71, ord. CI. Ca- yuga; Canastota, 71-3. See P.S. "Gen. Cat." Lockwood, Louis John, b. at New Windsor, N. Y., Dec. 6. 1850. R.C. 1875; N.B.S. 78, lie. CI. N.B.; Hurley, Jan., 1879-80, (Highlands, N.Y., Presb. 80-6), Fairfield, N.J., 86-1889, w. c. d. March 23, 1903. Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 521. Lockwood, L. R., Princetown, 1833-4. Lockwood, Samuel, b. at Mansfield, Eng., Jan. 20, 1819; c. to America in childhood; N.Y.U. 47, N.B.S. 50, 1. CI. N.Y.; Cortlandtown, 50-2, Gil- boa, 52-4, Keyport, 54-68. Superintendent of public instruction, Mon- mouth Co., N.J., 67-8, w. c. Died at Freehold, Jan. 9, 1894. Ph.D. N.Y. Univ. 1869. This brother had a passion for science. From 1868 until his death he devoted himself to it. and became widely known as an investigator of nature, which was to him the veil of God. For many years he was president of the N. J. Microscopical Society. — See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Consolation on the Death of Infants," 1851. — "Manly Old Age" ; on death of De Lafayette Schenck, 1862. — "Temperance, Forti- tude, Justice," 1855. Lodewick, Edward, b. in Rensselaer Co., N.Y., Feb. 25, 1846; R.C. 69, N.B.S. 72. 1. CI. Rensselaer; St. Johnsville, 72-5, Pascack, 1875-1903, d. Sept. 14, 1909. He was a man who finished all his tasks well. Min. Gen. Syn. 1910, 828. Loeber, Frederick, b. in Germany, N.B.S. 1857-8. Long, Edward Curtis, b. in Kentucky, 1852; Cumb. Univ. 79, Cumb. Sem. 81, U.S. 82; High Bridge, N.J., 85-9. See "U.S. Cat." for other details. Lonsdale, J. T. S.S. Bethany Memorial, N.Y.C. 1900-1905, Presbyterian 1905-09, Plainfield, N.J., Trinity 1909-12, Marconnier, Oak Tree, N.J., 1912-21, P.E. 1921. Lonsdale, Wm. J., b. Syracuse, N.Y., Ham. Coll. 1901, Aub. S. and U.S. 1904, 1. by Syracuse Pres. Fonda, N.Y., 1904-10, Lebanon, N.J., 1910-15, Paterson, 2d, N.J., 1915-20, Glen Rock, N.J., 1920 ■ Publications: Many articles in the press. Loppius (Lupp) Canajahorie (Sand Hill) 1760-5, d. Lord, Daniel, b. N.Y.C. Ap. i. 1822; U. Pa., 44. N.B.S. 47, 1. CI. Passaic; Piermont, 47-50, Jersey City, ist, 50-51, Henderson, 51-56, Nyack, 56-60, Henderson, 60-64, ( South Cong Bridgeport, Ct., 65-69, Chicago, Cal- vary Presb.. 69-73; Physician-in-chief of South Side Dispensary, Chi- cago, 73-78;) Henderson and Jordanville, 1878-99, d. Sept. 10, M.D. (Chicago Med. Coll. 1873). See Manual, 1902. Lord, Edward, b. at Danby, Tompkins Co., N.Y., Alar. 20, 1821 ; W.C. 43, Aub. Sem. 46; lie. by Presb. Ithaca, 45; (Romulus, N.Y., (S.S.) 46-7, pastor, 47-51, Fulton, N.Y.. 52-65; also Chaplain, iioth N.Y. Regiment, one year of this period, being present at the capture of Port Hudson, La.; Adams, N. Y., 65-70) ; Metuchen, 70-81, w. c. Engaged partly in journalism, d. March 27. 1921. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 637. Publications: Ch. Manual, Romulus, N. Y., 1851. — Address on Horti- culture, 1854. — "Blessedness of the Pious Dead"; at Fun. of Deacon Sam- uel Bond, 1870. Lord, Jer. Skidmore, b. at Jamaica, N.Y., May 10, 1812; N.Y.U. 36, U.S. 39, lie. 1st Pres. N.Y., 1839; Resident Lie. 39-40 ; Montville, 40-3, THE MINISTRY 4O3 Griggslown, 43-7, N.V.C., Harlem, 48-69, d. Ap. 2. D.D. by U.N.Y., 1859. See Manual of 1879. Commemorative Ser. by Rev. Dr. E. H. Gillett. PiBLii ATioNS : "The Voice of God in Calamity." "Pulpit Repository," 1850. Losch, H., Hackensack, (Ger. ), 1870-2. Lott, Henry Ray. N.B.S. 1859, 1. CI. N.B.; never ordained. Died Nov. 12, 1878. M.D. Lott, Isaac W., b. Flatlands, L. I., Nov. 21, 1868. R.C. 1892. N.B.S. 1892-4. Teacher. Lott, John S., b. at Flatbush. L.L, 1833; R.C. 55, N.B.S. 58, 1. CI. N.B.; Franklin, N.J., 59-65, Middleburgh, 65-70, served as the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Brooklyn Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, for many years, d. July 11, 1906. Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 915. Publications: Many articles in the religious and daily press. Lott, Leonard Walter, b. Rahway, N.J.; Aug. 12, 1853; C.N.J. 76; U.T.S. 79; ord. CI. Poughkeepsie, Oct. 7, 79; Rhinebeck, 1879-84, ord. Epis- copal deacon, Dec. 20, 1885; priest, Feb. 14, 1886; rector, Lonsdale, R. I., 1885-92; St. Peters, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass., 1892 Publication: In Memoriam ; Jas. A. Garfield, 1881. Loucks, Joel. b. Palatine Bridge, N.Y., Jan. 7. 1853; R.C. 81, N.B.S. 84, 1. CI. Montgomery ; South Branch, N.J.. 84-92, w. c. Lowden, J. W., Presbyterian, Reformed, 1906-07; Presbyterian. Lowe, John C, b. about 1830, near Somerville, N.J. ; R.C. 55, N.B.S. 58, 1. CI. N.B. ; Oyster Bay, 59-63, Rotterdam, ist, 63-1890, St. Thomas, W.I., June i6-July 29, 1890, died. A man of gentle manners and genial conversation. He did faithful work at Rotterdam for 27 years. He was warmly received at St. Thomas, and high hopes were anticipated of his usefulness, but in a few weeks he died. — "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1891, 414. — "Biog. Notices of Grads, R.C," 1891, 28. Lowe. Peter, b. at Kingston, 1764; studied under Livingston, 1. by the Christian Synod of R.D. Chs. 1787, Brooklyn, Flatlands, Flatbush, Bushwick, and New Utrecht, 1787-1808, Flatbush and Flatlands, 1808- 18, d. June 10. A.M. by Q.C. 1810. See Manual of 1879. Van Pelt's Sermon. "Ch. Int.," vol. ii. 125. Rev. Dr. Jas. Brownlee's Discourses at Port Richmond, 1865 and 1875. Publication: A sermon at organization of CI. L.L, 1813. Lowe. Thomas Owen, b. Clermont Co., Ohio, Feb. 11, 1838; at Farmers College, College Hill, Cincinnati, O. ; Lawyer and Judge ; lie. by Day- ton, O., Presbyt. 84; ord. by Zanesville Presbyt. O., 84; (Mt. Vernon, O.. 84-7, Avondale, Ch., Cincinnati, O., 87-93, both Presbyt.) Brighton Heights. S.I., 93-98, w. c. Presbyterian, 1916. Publications: Volume of decisions as Judge of Supreme Court, Day- ton, O.— Sundry Small Tracts and Booklets. Luback, Wietse, b. Leewarden, Neth., May 4, 1825, from Ch. Refd. Ch. of the Netherlands. Reed, into CI. of Holland. Mich., 1882; a domestic missionary, supported by the Ch. of Saugatuck. Lansing, 111., 1883-92, Palmyra, N.Y., 92-98, Wortendyke. N.J., 1898-1900, d. Aug. 31, 1903. See Min. Gen. Syn. 1904, 839. Lubbers, Fred., b. Zeeland. Slich., March 22. 1872; H.C. 96, W.S. 99, 1. CI. Iowa; Lafayette, Ind.. 1899-1902, Fifth (Hoi.) Albany, N.Y., 1903- 06. Grand Rai^ids. Mich.. 7th. 1906-10, Sioux Centre, la., 1910 — , Pres. P.S.C, 191 7, Member Bd. Supt. W.T.S., 1912 — . Member Council Cen- t'-al Coll., 1917, Member Bd. D.M., 1914, Member Bd. Trustees, N.W.A., 191 1 Lubbers, Raymond J., b. Jan. 8. 1892. H.C. 1914. W.T.S. 1919. 1. by CI. Wis. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1920 Luckenbill, George Albert, b. in Pa., July 14. 1862; L-rsinus Coll., Pa.; N.B.S. 92; 1. by CI. New Brunswick; Montville, N.J., 92-4, supplied churches, 94-1900; died Oct., 1900. 404 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA A call to him, as their first pastor, had just been made out' for him by the church of Glen Rock, Bergen Co., N. J. In a few moments after leav- ing the church he was struck by a train on the Erie R. R. and killed. — See "Mints. Gen. Syn., 19CI, 1239. Ludlow, Gabriel, b. at Aquackanonck, N.J., April 23, 1797; U.C. 1817, N.B.S. 1820, 1. CI. N.B.; S.S. Albany, six months, 1820-1, Ne-Shanic, 1821-78, d. Feb. 19. D.D. by R.C. 1850. He was a man of ability who bore fruit to old age in one parish. See Manual, 1902. PuBLiCATioxs : Ser. at Fun. of Rev. Dr. Peter Labagh. In "Todd's Memoir" of Labagh. — "Fifty Years of Bible Work." A disc, at semi-cen- tenary of Bible Soc, Somerset Co., N.J., 1867. — "Fifty Years of Pastoral Work." A ser. at 50th anniv. of his ordination, 1871. — Prayer at dedication Ref. Ch., Readington, 1865. Ludlow, Jas. Meeker, b. Elizabeth, N.J., Mar. 15, 1841 ; C.N.J. 61, P.S. 64, 1. Presbyt. Elizabeth; (Albany, ist, Presbyt. 65-9), New York, Col- legiate, 48th St., 69-77, (Brooklyn, Westminster, 77-85. East Orange, N.J., ist, 1886 . D.D. by Wms. Coll. 1872; by Bucknell Univ., Pa.. 1887. Publications: Address at Centen. Anniv. North D. Ch. 1869. — Address at Laying of Corner-stone of 48th St. Ch., 1869 — "Our Creeds," a Sermon. 1869. — Address before 15th Convention S.S. Teachers. 1870. — Sermon in Commemoration of Dr. Thos. De Witt. 1874. — "My Saint John." — Concen- tric chart of History. i?85. — "Captain of the Janizaries." 1886. — ^"A King of Tyre." "History of the Crusades." — "That Angelic Woman. — Deborah." — Contributor to periodicals, Secular and Religious. Ludlow, John, (brother of Gabriel Ludlow), b. at Aquackanonck, 1793; U.C. 1 8 14, tutor in U.C. 181 5-6, studied theology with Rev. Andrew Yates and at N.B.S. 1817, 1. CI. N.B. 1817; New Brunswick, 1817-19, Prof, of Bib. Lit. in N.B.S., 1817-23, Albany, ist, 1823-34, Provost of the University of Pa., 1834-52, Prof, of Ecc. Hist, and Ch. Gov. in N.B.S. 1852-7, also Prof, of Metaphysics and Philos. of Human Mind in Rutgers Col., 1852-7, d. Elected a trustee of Queen's Coll. 1819. D.D. by U.C; LL.D. by R.C. 1851. His most striking characteristic was "strength." His person was strong. His frame, large, firmly knit, and commanding, rose before you like a column on which no ordinary weight of public burden might be safely laid. See commemorative sermons by Drs. W. J. R. Taylor, I. N. Wyckofif, and Bethune. "Evan. Quarterly," ii. 117. Also ser. at his install., 1823, by Dr. A. Yates. Copied in "Centennial of N.B. Sem.," 447. Manual, 1902. Publications: Address at his Inauguration as Provost of University Pa. 1834. — Address before the Albany Female Academy. 1834. Ludlow, Richard C. R.C. 1828. N.B.S. 1831. d. 1831. Luidens, Anthony, b. New Holland, Mich., H.C. 1912. N.B.S. 1915. 1. by CI. Holland. West Hoboken, Hope, 1915-19; New Brunswick, High- land Park, 1919 . Member of Four Minute Men, Hudson Co., of U.S.A. Lumkes, John M., b. Kielwindeweer, Netherlands, Dec. i, 1862; Kampen, Netherlands, 84. W.S. 90, 1. CI. Holland, Grand Rapids; Oakdale Park, 90-3, Newkirk, 93-1900, Alto, 1900-1908, Holland, Mich., 4th, 1908-11, Paterson, N. J., People's Park, 1911-16, Chicago, Englewood, ist, 1916-22, Boyden, la., 1922 Publications : Articles for the Dutch press. Lumley, James A., from Congregational Church, Raritan. N.J., 3d, 191 5 Lunn, George R., Presbyterian, Schenectady, N.Y., ist, 1904-9. Congrega- tional, 191 1, engaged' in political activity, D.D., Union College. Lupardus, Wilhelmus, Flatbush, New Utrecht, Brooklyn, Fkatlands, (oc- casionally supplying Bushwick and Gravesend,) 1695-1702, d. — "Doc. Hist." iii. 89, 94. Ecc. Rec. N.Y. THE MINISTRY 4O5 Lupton, Brandt Schuyler. C.C. 1788, studied theol. under Livingston, lie. bv Svnod of R.D. Churches, 1788; Lansingburgh and Waterford, 1788-9, d. Lusk, Matthias, b. Sept. 9, 1807; R.C. 30, X.B.S. ^i' Jersey City, 33-48, w. c. Died Ap. 13, 1883. Lusty, George. Livingston, X.Y., 1910-15, (Congregational, 1915 .) Luther, Martin F., Woodstock and West Hurley, N.Y., 1904-06, Stuy- vesant, N.Y., 1909-12, Stuyvesant Falls, N.Y., 1913-16, Jersey City, West Side, 1917-18, Annandale, N.J., 1918-21. Luxen, John, b. Bedum, Groningen, Netherlands, Dec. 23, 1862; H.C. 92, W.S. 95, 1. CI. Holland ; Lansing, 111., 95-6, Kalamazoo, 4th, 96-1900, Muskegon, 1900- 1919, Paterson, Union Ref., 1919 — , Member Council H.C, six years. Publications : Articles in Int. DeHope, etc. Luyck, Aegidius, teacher of Grammar Sch., Xew Amsterdam, 1662-72. Sup- plied church X.Y.C. 1671. Afterward became a burgomaster. His classical school obtained such reputation, that pupils came from Albany, Delaware, and Virginia. — See ■'Paulding's X'ew Amst.," "Brodhead's, X'^.Y.," "Dunshee's Hist, of School R.D.C.," 53. There are many allusions to him in the Ecc. Rec. N.Y. One of the same name was licensed by CI. Amst., April 7, 1727. Lyall, John Edward, (son of Wm. Lvall), b. West Copake, N.Y., Dec. 21. 1852; R.C. 76, X.B.S. 1879, 1. CI. Hudson; Bound Brook, 80-1, [Nlillbrook. 1881— . Pres. P.S. N.Y. 1902, Member Ex. Com. N.Y. S.S.S. Ass., Delegate Edinburgh, Missionary Conference, 1910. Publications: "The Value of Prayer." — "Seeking and Finding the Lord." History of Town of Washington, X.Y., for Hudson-Fulton Celebration, 1909. Articles for the press. Lyall, Wm., b. in Scotland, 1798; c. America about 1835; (Miss, in Can- ada, 1835-.. . in Newark, in Riverhead. 18 — 43,) Kiskatom, 1843-7, (Presbvt. 1847-51), Taghkanic. 1851-65, Miss, to the freedmen in Charleston. S.C, 1865-6, d. 1868. He had been an attendant on the lectures of Dr. Chalmers, while in his native land, of whom he was an enthusiastic admirer. He was learned m theology, critical as a Biblical expositor, familiar with the orig- inal languages, conversant with books, and possessed of a retentive and ready memory. His Christian exnerience was deep, rich and joyous. Lydecker. Geo. Dc Witt, b. at Clarkstown, X.Y., Oct. 26, 1850": R.C. 74, X.B.S. 77, lie. CI. Paramus ; Bloomingburgh, 1877-82, Wawarsing, 82-6, Upper Red Hook. 86-98. Xassau, 98-1902, Princetown, N.Y., 1902- 07, Bloomingburg, X.Y.. 1907-09. Lydckker, Garret, b. in America, 1729; C.X.J. 1755. studied under Ritzema, Kails, and Goetschius, lie. by Conferentie, 1765; supplied Xorth Branch occasionally. 1767, English Xeighborhood, 1770-6; a Tory; fled to Xew York, and officiated in the city, for the Dutch, during the Revolution. Trinity Church, remembering the courtesy of the Dutch in allowing them the use of their churches in former times, now granted the Dutch the use of St. George's Chapel. See Correspondence in "Berrian's Hist. Trinity Church," 171-2, Brodhead, i. 119, etc. At the close of the war, Lydckker went to England. Died 1794. Although the Conferentie denounced the ordinations of the Ccetus, they at last sought permission to do the same thing. They call Lydckker a well- educated young gentleman, iiut not of rugged health. The Classis at Am- sterdam permitted this ordination as a special "example of their generos- ity." The "Gentleman's Magazine" for May, 1794. thus mentions his death : "Died at his son's house at Pentonville, the Rev. Gerhardus Lydck- ker, B.A., aged 65 years, late pastor of the Dutch Church in Xew York. He was' a native of America, but from his loyalty was obliged to leave a state of affluence and take refuge in Britain." — See Ecc. Rec. X. Y., Feb. 406 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA 4, 1765. "Doc. Hist.." N.Y., iii. (4to) 309, 312. "Collegiate Church Year- Book," 1881, 74. Publications : A Discourse, in connection with a Theological Thesis, containing the Heads of Christian Doctrine. Published by Samuel Brown, 1767. Lydius, Johannes, (son of Rev. Henricus Lydius, of Maesdam, S. Holland). There was a Henricus Lydius who matriculated at Leyden, on Jan. 12, 1651, with no particulars given, except "Coll. al.," which probably means a "College Alumnus." Johannes had also a brother, Rev. Nicholas Lydius. There was one of this name who matriculated at Leyden, Oct. i, 1686, aged 20, for the study of theology. The dates would be entirely suitable, if these are the father and brother of Johannes, above mentioned ; but the name Johannes does not occur in the catalogues of Leyden. Utrecht, or Gronin- gen. Antwerpen. (under the Cross), in Belgium, 1692-1700; c. to Amer- ica; Albany alone. 1700-9. also Schenectady, 1705-9, Miss, to the Mohawks, 1702-9. d. Mar. i, 1709. He and Dellius exchanged places, the latter going to Antwerp, and Ly- dius to Albany. (For the sinister attempt to anticipate his pastorate at Albany by another, see Freeman and Nucella). Robt. Livingston, the Indian Agent, promised the Mohawks, in 1700, that he would engage Lydius to learn their language, and preach the gospel to them. He hoped soon to have the Bible translated into their language, and then some of their chil- dren should learn to read it, and it would be mightily interesting and con- solatory to them. In 1702 the praying Indians represented to the agent that Lydius had exhorted them to live as Christians, not in envy and malice, which are the works of Satan, but in concord and peace; that then God would bless them. These teachings, they say, had so wrought on their spirits, that they were now all united and friends. They returned hearty thanks for the pains taken with them, which they acknowledge with a belt of wampum. When Lydius died the Indians presented four beaverskins to the agent as an expression of condolence at his death. — See "Doc. Hist." iii. -77, 538-541. 893, 897; iv. 734. "Col. Hist." iv. 734, 988; v. 225. Ecc. Rec. N. Y., many letters. "Munsel's Annals of Albany," i. 113; "Dr. Rogers' Hist. Disc," 1857. Manual, 1902. The will of Lydius, vol. xiii, p. 401. Surrogate's Office, N.Y.C. Ab- stract of his will in "Biog. and Gen Record," about 1870-5. Publications: "Christelijcke Religie voorgestelt by forme van vragen en antwoorden ten gebruyckc van sulke die sich bereyden om tot de ge- meenschap van de Gereformeerde kerke en 't gebriuk van 's Heeren Heilig Avondmaal toegelaten te worden." Or the Christian Religion presented in the form of question and answer, for the use of such who wish to make themselves ready for the fellowship of the Reformed Church, and for admission to the Lord's Holy Supper. Dated Albany, 28 Oct., 1700. Pub- lished by Bradford, N. Y. Lyell. see Lyall. (Lyle, J. N. S.S. Ch. of Comforter, N.Y.C, 1904). Lyman-Wheaton. Henry Philip, b. Bedford, England, 1862; studied in England and on the Continent; (Assist. Sec. of London City Mission, 85-6, Chatham, Eng. ; Presbyt., 86-8, also Principal of Oxford Acad- emy, 86-8), Ulster Park, (Esopus), N.Y.,' 92-5, Whitehouse, N.J., 9^- 1900. M.D. Ph.D. Publications : "Life and Times of the Prophet Daniel." — "Short Ser- mons for Busy Men." — "Sunday Afternoons." — "Sunday Afternoons With the Children." — "The Resurrection Body of the Saints" ; and other ser- mons.— Articles and Poems in papers and magazines. Lyon, A. P. S.S. Long Island City, 2d, Sunnyside, 1907-08. Lyon, D. Everett. Served in M.E. Ch. about 1891-1911. Served in Presby- terian Church about 1911-18. Queens, Borough of Brooklvn, N.Y.C, 1918- . Ph.D. THE MINISTRY 4°? Maar, Charles, b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1864; R.C. 89 N.B.S. and Aud. Sem. 92, lie. by CI. Poughkeepsie; Owasco Outlet q2-^ Cobleskill and Lawversville. 94-5. Syracuse. 2d, 95-9. Upper Red Hook. 1900-1903. WallkiU. N. Y.. 1903-07- Clerk of N. Y. State Insurance Dept. 1907 — T-. Supplying Churches 1907 -• ^ , „ ., ^ Publications: Biography of Simeon DeW itt. Elmendorf Family Rec- ords. Articles on Insurance and Biography in Encyclopedia Americana. Articles in press. _ . „-. t x- r. c- 1 Maass Herbert W., b. Hoboken. N. J.. Dec. 6, 1881. In N.B.S. 1913- j- by CI. S.B. North Paterson. N. J.. 1913-14; Schodack Landing. N. Y., 1914-16. Presbvterian. ^i- t c Maassen. Herman, b. Utrecht. Neth.. Nov. 4. 1887. H.C. 1916. W.l.S. 1919 1 bv CI. West Sioux. Beaverdam. Mich., 1919 Maatman, Arthur, b. Overisel, Mich.. Feb. 3. 1885. Western State Nor- mal 1915. W.T.S. 1919- 1- by CI. G.R. 1919- New Era, Mich., 1919 . High School Teacher. Mabon, Arthur Frederick, (son of W^m. A. V. V. Mabon), b. at New Durham, N.J.. June 3. 1869: R.C. 1890, N.B.S. 94. He CI. N.B ; Tarry- town, 2d, 1895-1910; Ass. St. Nicholas Col., N.Y.C., 1910-18; Over- seas Service. Y.M.C.A., 1918-19. Hamilton Grange. N.Y.C., 19^0 Publications: Address at Bicentennial of the Old Dutch Ch. of Sleepy Hollow, 1897. On joint committee for publication of the Hymnal of the Reformed Church. ^ . , tt r- o ^ l. ■ Mabon, John S., b. Jan. 20, 1780, Bowden, Scotland : U.C. 1806, taught in Erasmus Hall, 1806-7. in Brooklyn. 1810-11, N.B.S. 1812, 1. CI. N.B. 1812; tutor in Union Col. 1814-15. Rector of Grammar School, in New' Brunswick. 1817-25, teacher in Morristown, 1826-8, of a select school, in Brooklvn, 1828-30, ord. by CI. N.B. Nov., 1828; temporary Prof, of Hebrew. 1818-19. d. 1849. April 27. , r- 1 d He was a man of pietv who earnestly desired to preach the Gospel. But feeble health compelled him to devote a large part of his life to teaching. See Manual. 1902. ■ ^ c^ ^, , x . . x- Mabon. Wm. Augustus Van Vranken. (son ot J. S. Mabon). b. at New Brunswick. N.J.. Jan. 24. 1822; U.C. 40. N.B.S. 44, 1- and ord. CI Ber- gen- Miss, to Buffalo. 44-46. New Durham. 46-81. Prof, of Did- and Polemic Theology, New Brunswick, 81-1892, d. Nov. 3. D.D. by R.C. 1 861 Editor of "The Sower," 1878-9. Superintendent of Public Schools, Hudson Co., N.J., 1848-55. Examiner of all the teachers ot Public schools. 1848-65. Dr Mabon was a genial man, a lover of nature, a lover of humanity, a lover of God. In the 35 year pastorate at New Durham he was emi- nently sucessful in developing his own church, while he continually watched for opportunities to establish new missions. Hence his church became the mother of manv churches. , , , , His service in the Seminarv was of a unique and remarkable character". His students felt the power of his intellect and spirit and through them his influence has extended to the ends of the earth. See Manual 1902.^ ^ PuBiic\Ti()Ns: "Our Duties to the Young in the Home and the v^hurch. 1870— Thanksgiving Sermon on the "Bible in the Common Schools."— A Sermon before the Partic. Syn. of New Brunswick. 1870.— A bermon at New Durham. 1875-— "Resemblance of Ecc. Polity of Ret. Ch to that of Our Countrv." In "Centennial Dis.," 1876.— Memorial of Mr. Jas. Brown —"Obstacles to Union and Methods of Overcoming Them ; at Conf between Dutch and German Chs., Philadelphia. ib8b.— Inaugural Address as Prof. Theologv. 1881.— "Recollections of Dr. W . H. Campbelh in menforial. 75.— Sketches of Dr. S. A. Van Vranken and Rev. J. b. Mabon; in "Centen. N.B.S.," 444. 459- ^^ ,,. , ^^ ^, . „ „ McAdam. H. P. Lodi, N. Y., 1871-84. (Pres. W olcott. Utica, N. \. Worthington. O.. 1905)- 408 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA Publications : Historical Sketch Ch. of Locli, N. Y. Ovid Independent, Aug. 30, 1876. Macardell. George Eddy. b. at Newburgh, 1836; U.C. Alton Sem. 111. — ; (in Presbyt. chs. 1870-88) ; New Salem, N.Y., 88-02, Boght, 92-94, Schagticoke, 94-97. Died Aug. 15, 1899. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1900, 897. McCartney, Geo. Rensselaer, 1849-57. Northumberland and Gansevoort, 1857-63, (Presbyt.). . Alacauley. John Magoffin, b. Schenectady, N.Y., Aug. 31, 1813; U.Pa., 34, P.S. T,7, ord. S. CI. N.Y.. Ap. 15, South Dutch, N.Y.C., 38-61, w. c. (in Ireland)-; Woodside, N.J., 72-80, S.S. Presb. Ch. Arlington, N.J., 80-2, w. c. Died July 4, 1891. D.D. by C.C. 1855. McBride, Robert I., Albany, 3d, 1898-9. (Pres.). McClelland, Alex., b. at Schenectady, 1794; U.C. 1809, studied under Mason, lie. by Assoc. Ref. Presbyt. 1815, N.Y.C. Rutgers St. Presbyt. 15-22, Prof, of Logic, Metaphysics and Bel. Let. in Dickinson Col. 22-9, Prof, of Langs, in Rutgers Col. 29-32, Prof, of Evidences of Christianity in Rutgers Col. 1840-51, Prof. Oriental Lit. in R.C. 33-64, Prof, of Oriental Langs, and Lit. in New Brunswick Sem. 32-51, d. 1864, Dec. 19. He was remarkable for the keenness, breadth, and force of his mind. He had the faculty of concentrating all his powers on a given subject. What- ever he undertook, he was "totus in illis." His robust intellect abhorred vagueness, guesswork, and skimming over the surface of a subject. He spared no pains, and was rewarded with corresponding success. He was deservedly popular in the pulpit but his chief strength was in the professorship. In exegesis he was masterly, and few young men could pass under his instruction without catching something of his spirit. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Vindication of the Religious Spirit of the Age." 1820. (Also printed in Ebaugh's "Heavenly Incense.") — "The Alarriage Ques- tion." Doctrine of Incest. 1826. 2d ed. 1827. (This was also pub. in part under pseudonym "Domesticus," in "Mag. R.D.C." i. 310. Reviewed, "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 19, 23, 45.) — "Spiritual Renovation Connected with the Use of Means." In two parts. 1834. — "Plea for a Standing Ministry, Ps. 74:9. (Printed also in Ebaugh's "Heavenly Incense.") — Manual of Sacred Interpretation," i8mo, pp. 168. 1842. (Labagh, I. P.).^ — Second ed. called "Canon and Interpretation of Scripture. 18 — (See "Princeton Rev." xxii. 333.) — A Volume of Sermons. Posthumous. 1867. ("Prince- ton Rev." xxxix. 318.) McClelland, Thomas Calvin, b. N.Y.C, June 10, 1869; N.Y.U. 89; U.T.S. 92; ord. by N. CI. L.I., June 11, 1892; Bushwick. Brooklyn, N.Y., 92-3; Brooklyn, North, 93-6; (Lect. Brooklyn Miss. Inst. 1893-5; Congrega- tionalist.) McClinchie. Uriah, b. N.Y.C, 1880. N.Y. Univ. U.T.S. 1903. 1. by CI. Newark 1903. Irvington, N. J., 1904-19. Editor and Publisher of Syndi- cate of Newark Suburban Weeklies. McClure, Alex. Wilson, b. in Boston, 1808; Y.C and A.C 1827, A.S. 1830; (Maiden, Mass., 1830-41, St. Augustine, Florida, 1841-4, Ed. of "Chris- tian Observatory," 1844-7, Assist. Ed. "Puritan Recorder," 1844-7, Maiden, 1848-52), Jersey City, ist, 1852-5, Cor. Sec. Am. and For. Ch. Union. 1855-8, Chaplain at Rome, Italy. 1856. d. 1865. D.D. He was a man of ready wit and a great reader. He was also in certain departments a deep thinker. His piety shown through all his life and enab'ed him to endure with patience intense suffering in his later years. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "The Life-Boat": an Allegory. — Four Lectures on Ul- tra-Universalism. — "Lives of the Chief Fathers of New England." Two vols. — "The Translators Revived." 1853. — Editorials in "Christian Ob- THE MINISTRY 4O9 servatory." — A half dozen articles in "New Brunswick Review," especially that on Rev. Klias Van Benschoten. — Art. on "Native Depravity" in "Lit. and Theol. Rev." — "The School Question" : Correspondence between Rev. J. Kellv (Romanist), of St. Peter's Ch., Jersev Citv, and Dr. McClure. 1852. McClure, John, b. 1798. N.B.S. 1822, lie. CI. N.B.; Spotswood, 1822-5, d. McCorkle, Wm. R., S.S. Nyack. 1879-81. McCready, Robert H., Montgomery, N. Y., 1890-4. Presbyterian. Church of the Comforter, N. Y. C, 1919-21. Presbyterian 1921 . Ph.D. ^IcCullom. Edward A. Schuylerville, N.Y., 1886-1890; Fort Plain, N. Y.. 1891-1903; Fishkill-on-Hudson (Beacon), 1900-14; also S.S. Clen. N. Y.. 1913-14: Castleton, N. Y., 1915 . D.D. McCully, Edgar Ireland, (grandson of Rev. John C. Cruikshank), b. Paterson, N.J.. June 28. 1869; R.C. 1894, N.B.S. 97, 1. CI. Passaic; Schodack. 1897-1900, Germantown, N.Y., 1900-1903, Oradell, N. J., 1903 . Pres. P.S. N.B. 192c. D.D. McCurry. D. Ernest. Presbyterian. Greenville, N. Y., 1919-12. Presby- terian. ^IcDermond. C. H. Philadelphia, 4th, 1875, suspended, 1877. McDonald, Wm. J. South Brooklyn, 1904-17. (Pres. Springfield, L. I., 1917 ). McDowell, Robt., b. 1760-70; l:c. CI. Albany, 1790; Bay of Cante, Canada, 1798-1800, Adolphustown, Earnestown, and Fredericksburgh, Canada, 1800-19, (pastor of the same churches, Presbyt., 1810-35?). Died 1841, after fifty-one years of ministerial labor. His field of labor was for a long time 282 miles in length. Before 1820, in that whole region, there were only three Episcopal ministers, two Luth- eran, four Baptist and several Methodist ministers. See Manual, 1902. See his letter, 1839, describing his earh- labors, in "Presb. Year-Book" for the Dominion of Canada, 1875, pp. 19, 20, 82, 83. "Doc. Hist." iii. 683. See also "Centennial Discs:" 510. Several of his sermons were printed. He was the father of Rev. John R. McDowell, (U.C. 1828, P. S. 1829, Miss, in N.Y.C., d. 1836), whose "Memoir" and "Select Remains" were published in N. Y. 1838. The latter is styled on the title-page, "The Martyr of the Seventh Commandment." McEckron, Geo. M. U.C. 1848; Poughkeepsie, 1858-67, (N.Y.C. Presbvt. 1868). McElwee, Robert. Presbyterian. Winnebago, Neb., 1919-21. McEwan, David. Presbyterian. Orange City. la., 2d American Reformed, 191 1-20. Presbyterian. McFarlane, James. Bloomingdale and Rosendale, 1843-5; Canajoharie, 1845-8; English Neighborhood, 1849-55; Esopus, 1855-61 (Presbvt.). d. 1871. McGibbon, A. W. Shandaken and Shokan, 1883-6. McGiffert, W. Henrv, b. 1836, Aub. Sem. 58, lie. Presb. Utica; (Boonville, N.Y., 58-..), Blooming Grove, N.Y., 83. Died Dec. 26, 1888. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1889, 915. McGregor, Ed. R. N.Y.U. 1843, from 2d Presl)vt. N.Y., 1854; Livingston Ch., N.Y.C. 1855; Presbvt. Mclntyre, Joseph, b. Troy, N. Y., 1867. U.C. 1889. P.S. 1892. 1. by Pres. of Troy. (Pres. Port Kennedy. Pa., 1892-5). Glenville, N. Y., 1st, 1895-8; Cold Spring, 1899-1901; Bloomingl)urgh, N. Y., 1903- 07. d. June 17, 1909. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 8.8. Mackay, Donald Sage, (son of Rev. Wm. Murray Mackay, and grandson of Rev. Donald Sage, both of Scotland), b. in Glasgow, Nov. 20, 1863; University of Glasgow. 89; New College, Edinburgh; (lie. by Presbyt. of Glasgow; ord. by Cong. Ch. in Vermont, U.S. 90; St. Albans, Vt., 90-94) ; Newark, North Refd., 94-9. New York Collegiate, Fifth av. 4IO THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA and Fortv-eighth St., 1899-1908. d. Sept. 3. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1906. D.D. by R.C. 1895. LL.D. by H.C. Dr. Mackay was a man of rapt vision and Celtic enthusiasm for his work. He frequently won men to himself and then to his Master. His death was the result of overwork in devotion to his calling. See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1909, 530, Year Book Col. Ch., 1909. McKee, Joseph, b. Ireland, 1805; Belf. Col. 1829; U.T.S. 1844-5; (ord. Presbvt. North River, May 25, 1848; teaching, N.Y.C. 1847-8; S.S. in N.Y.C. 1847-8, Peekskill, 1848-51), West Ch., Sixth av., N.Y.C, 1852- 8; teaching N.Y.C, 1859. in Newark, N.J., 1860-3, d. Aug. 10. McKelvey, Alex., b. in Ireland. Nov. 28, 1827; R.C. 55. N.B.S. 58, 1. CI. N.B. ; Irvington, 58-60, Totowa, ist, 60-5, Coxsackie Landing, 65-6, Rector of Grammar School, New Brunswick, 66-7, Greenpoint, 67-72, in Europe, "72-2,. (Westfield. Presbvt. 74-6, N.Y.C, Canal St., 77-82), Athenia, N.J., 82-3, (2nd Presbvt. Jersey City, 83-92), Boonton, 1894- 1908. d. Oct. 19. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 531. Publications: Numerous Arts, in "Ch. Int.," including Correspond- ence from Europe, 1872-3; in "N. Y. Observer"; "N. Y. Evangelist"; and other papers. — Also several sermons and addresses. McKelvey, John, b. in Covcnary, Ireland, 1801 ; Belfast Col. 1821, N.B.S. 1827 ; Miss, to Argyle, Fort Miller, and Wilton, 1827, Niskayuna and Amity, 1827-3C. deposed, 1831 ; at Port Hope, Canada, where he died about 1835. See Manual of 1879. McKensie, Thos. Hanna. b. Sewickley, Pa., Nov. 18, 1867; Wms. Col. Jun. year; Monmouth Col.. Ind.. 88. P.S. 91, lie. Presb. Argyle (U.P.) 90; ord. Presb. N.Y. (U.P.) Dec. 90; (Pine Bush, N.Y., U.P., 90-6), Port Jervis. 1896-1905. Flushing. L. I.. 1905 . Pres. Gen. Svn., 1921. D.D. McKinley. G. A. S.S. Owasco. Outlet. N. Y.. 1876-7. McKinty. T. W. Presbyterian. S.S. Philadelphia 2d. 1916-18. McLaren, Malcolm N. U.C 1824; Brooklyn Central, 1847-9, Newburgh, 1850-9. McLawry, John F.. b. Stamford, N. Y., Dec. 22. 1844. R.C. 1870. N.B.S. 1873. Presbyterian, d. Jan. 30, 1889. McLean, Chas. G., from Presbvt. Newcastle, 1844; Fort Plains, 1844-51. McLean, Robt.. from England. 1822; Miss, in the neighborhood of Broad- way and Canal St.. 1824. Broome St.. N.Y.C. 1824-6. returned to Great Britain and preached in Liverpool, d. 1850. McLeod, Malcolm James, b. Prince Edward's Isle. N.S. Dalhousie Univ. 1887. P.S. 1890. Ord. by Pres. Chester. (Pres. Toughkenamon, Pa., 1890-91. Chester, Pa., 3d, 1891-7). Professor Greek, Univ. of Nebraska. 1897-1900. (Pres. Pasadena. Cal.. 1900-1910). N. Y. Col., 5th and 48th St.. 1910 . D.D. McLeod, Norman. Presbyterian. S.S. Union. Albany Co.. N. Y., 1910- 13). McLeod, Thos., b. Castleblanev, Ireland, Julv s. 1848; C.N.J. 70, P.S. 72>, lie. Pres. N.B. 72; (Sandy Hill, N.Y., 73-4, Batavia. N.Y.. 74-7, both Presbvt.), Hudson, N.Y., 78-9, (Clinton Av., Brooklvn, Cong., 1880——). D.D. by C.N.J. 1890. MacMillan, Homer, b. Cedarville, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1873; Cedarville Coll. 97, N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. Orange; Bogart Memorial Ch., Bogota, N.J., 1901-02. (Pres. Los Angeles, Col, 1902-04. Buford, Ga., 1904-06. Co-ordinate Sec. Ex. Com. Home Missions Pres. Ch. U. S. (South), 1906 . D.D. Westminster Col. 191 1. MacMillan, Jason L. Ord. N.C L.I. 1908. Oyster Bay, L. I., 1909-11. Presbyterian. McMurray, Norman Andrew, b. Oct. 20. 1895. Niagara Falls. Canada, Uni- THE MINISTRY 4II versity of Toronto 1917. Knox Coll., Toronto, 1920. U.T.S. 1921. 1. by Presbytery of Toronto 1920. West End Church, Col., N. Y. C, As- sistant, 1921 McMurray, Wni., b. in Salem, 1784; U.C. 1804. tutor in U.C. 1806-7, 1- Assoc. Ref. 1808; ( Lansingburgh, 1808-11). Rhinebeck Flats, 12-20, N.Y.C., Market St.. 20-35, d- S.T.D. by C.C. D.D. by U.C. A man pre-eminent for piety and wisdom, whose death was a triumph. -See Manual. 1902. Publications: Ser. before Am. Col. Soc. 1825. — Remarks on the Letter of "Domesticus," (McClelland), concerning Incest, etc., under pseudonym "Veritas." 1827. — Ser. on the "Death of Col. Rutgers." 1830. — Ser. on the "Death of Aaron Hand." 1831.— A Ser. before A. B.C. P.M. 1833.— ""Responsibilitv, as applied to the Professions and Callings of Dailv Life." 1856. McNab, John. Presbyterian. Albany, N. ¥., 3d, 1908-09. Presbyterian. McNair, John Long. b. Churchill, Pa.; R.C. 185c, N.B.S. 53, 1. S.C. L.L ; Oyster Bay, 53-5, Marbletown. 55-9. Acting Sec. Bd. Ed. 59-60, Mar- bletown, 60-8, Miss, pastor at Fulton St. Ch., N.Y.C., 68-71, (Watkins, Presbyt., 71-75), Bedminster, 76-92, Rochester (Ulster Co.), 92-1902. d. June 20, 1904. Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 278. McNair. Wilmer, b. Stone Ridge. N.Y.. Sept. 22,. 1858; R.C. 81. P.S. 86. 1. Presb. Newark. 84 (Westminster Ch.. York, Pa.. 86-90; Prof, of Latin in Whitworth College. Bethany, Tacoma. Wash., 1890-91). Atlantic Highlands, N. J., 1892-5; S.S. Pottersyille, N. J., 1897-1904; Marbletown and Stone Ridge, N. Y.. 1904-15; Holmdel. N. J., 1915 McNeil, Archibald, united with Seceders, 1823, Owasco, 1823-4. Ovid, 1838-68. McNeil, J. R., b. Criefif, Scotland, Jan. 4. 1883. R.C. 1906. N.B.S. 1906-08. Aliss. Gotebo, Okl., 1908-09. d. Jan. 18. 1910. McNeil. Wm. Nash. b. Crieff, Scotland, March 31, 1885. R.C. 1908. N.B.S. 1911. I. by S.C. L.L '191 1. Little Falls. N. J.. 1911-15; New Hyde Park. N. Y., 1915-18; West Farms, N. Y. C, 1918-^. Bd. of Edu- cation 1 91 9. McNeish, David, b. in Scotland, 1820; R.C. 41. N.B.S. 44. 1. CI. N.Y.; Centreville. Mich.. 44-6. Centreville and Constantine, 46. Constantine, 46-9, South Bend, 49-52. Constantine, 52-4, d. Educated by the beneficence of the Churcli. he determined to go and labor just where the Church might send him. He was sent to the Western field, where he spent his life, sometimes engaged in building up new churches and in infusing new life into old ones. He endured hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. See Manual. 1902. MacQueen, Peter, b. Wigtonshire. Scotland, Jan. 11, 1863; C.N.J. 1887; U.T.S. 1890; ord. by CI. Westchester. May 14, 1891 ; S.S. Bronxville, 91-93, Somerville, Mass.. Cong. (Day Ch.) 1893 MacQueston, Rockwood. Annandale, N. J., 1904-10. McWilliam. Alex., b. at Stoney Kirk, Scotland, Aug. 8, 1826; U.C. 50, As.soc. Ref. Sem., now United Presbyt. at Ncwburgh, 55. 1. by Presbyt. of Caledonia. 54; (Graham Ch. Assoc. Ref. 55-60). S.S. Walpeck. Oct. 60-1. June, pastor. 61-70. East Millstone. 70-90. supplying churches, d. 191 2. Feb. II. Min. Gen. Syn., 1902, 561. Puiu.ic.xTiONS : Sermon on "Death of President Garfield." — Sermon at 25th Anniversary of Ch. of East Millstone. N.J. McWilliam, Homer. Mistake for McMillan. Maddaus,.O.scar. b. of American parents, Riga, Russia. 11 years in busi- ness. Brown Univ. 1907. Theo. studies private. Ord. Pres. of Boston, 1907. North Hempstead. L. L. 1907 . Editor Nassau Co. Journal. Madoulet. J. B. Burlington. 111., 1853-5. 412 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Magee, Geo. A., b. in Londonderry. Ireland, May ii, 1830; c. to America, 40; studied theology with Dr. Krebs of N.Y.C.; 1. Presbyt. N.Y. 18.. ; Williamsburgh. L.I., 18..-.., Providence, R.I., 18..-.., in Maryland, Ramapo, 71-5. w. c, died Jan. 16, 1878. Mager, Wm., b. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 9, 1879. Bloomfield Acd. 1901. Bloomfield Sem. 1904. 1. by S. Bergen 1904. Ass. Hudson City, N. J., 2d, July-Sept., 1904. (Presbyterian, New Hyde Park, N. Y., 1904-10). North Bergen, N. J., 1910 . CI. Chairman of Progress Campaign. Agent Bd. Pub. and Bib. Sch. Work. Member Bd. D.M. R.C. Bd. of Library Trustees, Town of Union, 1914 . President, 1916 . Magill, Andrew. Brooklyn Ch. in the Heights, 1908-13. Presbyterian. Maier, James, S.S. Florida, N.Y., 1794. Maines, Walter S., b. North Church, N. J., Aug. 25, 1879. N.B.S. 1905. ]. by CI. Orange. Ramapo, N. J., 1905-08. Paterson, N. J., 2d, (Totowa), 1908-14. Jersey City, N. J., Van Voorst, 1914-15. Ellen- ville, N. Y., 1916- Alair, Hugh, b. July 16, 1797, at New Milno, Scotland; Univ. Glasgow, 1820; lie. by Assoc. Syn. Secess. Ch. 23; Dom. Miss. Work in Scot- land, 23-8; c. to America; Miss, to Argyle and Fort Miller, Jan. 29, Northumberland, 29-31, (Johnstown, 29-43, Brockport, 44-5, V/arsaw, 46-7, Fergus, Canada West, 47-54, d. Nov. i). Major, John W., b. 1825; U.C. 45- P-S. 53. (Caledonia, N.Y.), Boght, 6c-4; (Presbyt. again), d. at Palmyra, May 10, 1869. Makely, George N. Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn, 1896-1900, (Cedar Rapids, la., Presbyt. 1900 — - jMalefyt, Stephen John Paul deW., b. Neth., July 20, 1893. Syracuse Univ., Class 1924. Home Missionary Training Institute, Brooklyn, 1919. 1. by CI. Montgomery 1920. Lay Evangelist. S.S. Cicero, N. Y., J 920 Mallery, Charles Gilbert, b. Milford, Del., Nov. 21, 1869; R.C. 96, N.B.S. 99, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie, Syracuse 2d, 1899-1904. Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1904-14. Bedminster, N. J., 1914-19. Bethlehem, Selkerk, N. Y., 1919 Publications : 175th Anniversary Sermon, Rhinebeck Ch. Hymns and poems in press. Malta, Frank. Chicago, 111., Kensington Italian Mission, 1916-17. Malven, Frank, b. Port Jervis, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1866; R.C! 93, N.B.S. 96, 1. CI. Orange ; Assistant pastor, Harlem Colleg. Ch. 96-98, College Point, 1898-1905. (Presbyterian Fagg's Manor, Pa., 1905-1916. Pleas- ant Valley, N. Y., 1916 ). Manchee, William, b. London, Eng., July 30, 1841 ; Hackney Coll. and Sem., London, Eng., 1866; ord. by Congregationalists in Whitefield Chapel, Drury Lane, London, Feb., 1866; (Whitefield Chapel, London, 66-7, Cowbridge Cong. Ch. Hertford, 67-72, Guelph, Canada, Cong., 73-9. Plainfield, N.J., ist Cong. 79-84), Lodi, N. J., 84-7, Hoboken, N.J., 87-9, Bayside, L.I., 90-1, Clifton, N.J., 91-2, Cherry Hill, N.J., 91-3, Guttenberg, 1894-1917. Mancius, George Wilhelmus, b. in Duchy of Nassau. Germany, 1706; studied probably at some German University in the vicinity; Herborn Theological Seminary, 1728-30; ordained by some German Classis or Consistory, 1730;. sailed from Amsterdam, for America about July 12 (or after), 1730; in Kaatsban, Nov., 1730-Junc i, 1731 ; (was called to Schraalenberg and Paramus, Dec. 23, 1730); installed at Schraalenberg, Sept. 19, 1731 ; at Schraalenberg and Paramus, Sept., 1731-1732; called to Kingston, as colleague of Vas, Alay, 1732; at Kingston, 1732-62, died Sept. 6. Also supplied Kaatsban, 1732-62, and Rhinebeck, 1734-42; also occasionally other churches, at Dcerpark. Minisink, Walpack, Smithfield, etc. The place of education and early life of ^Mancius are obscure. The cause TliE MIXISTRY 4 1 ,; ■of his mission to the Palatines along the Hudson River is probably to be sought in the German correspondence to the Herborn Seminary or to the German ecclesiastical bodies in that vicinity. At any rate Mancius sud- denly appeared upon the scene. His pastoral labors were abundant for a long distance on the western shore of the Hudon. and even extended into New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He was a remarkable linguist, able to speak nine languages, and therefore very useful to the scattered groups of settlers in the western wilderness. No minister of the colonial period extended the Reformed Church more persistently than he. At first he favored the organ- ization of Ccetus, and in various ways showed his independence. But later he became ojjposed to the Coetus, and was unwilling to recognize its acts as binding. He thus took a reactionary position which led him into relation- ships and actions which were considered by many improper. But in spite of unfortunate conduct in these respects he was undoubtedly a good man, and eminently useful over a w^ide field. His portrait now hangs in the chapel of the Church of Kingston. See Ecc. Rec. N. Y., many letters and allusions, Mag. R. D. C. ii. 296, iii- 55- 301. 33^' Manual, 1902. Mandeville, Garret, b. March 19, 1775: studied under Froeligh, 1. CI. N.Y. 1796; Rochester, Wawarsing. and Clove, 1798-1802, Caroline, 1802-4, (Ithaca, Pre.sbyt. 1804-15), Beach Woods, 24-6, Berkshire Valley. 26-8. Six Mile Creek, 28-31, w. c. 31-50, emeritus, d. 1853. See ' Ch. Int.." Jan. 12, 1854. Mandeville. Giles Henry, b. in N.Y.C., Dec. 12, 1825; R.C. 48. N.B.S. 51, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Flushing, 51-9, Newburgh. 59-69. N.Y.C.. Harlem. 69- 82, President of Hope College. 79-81. Cor. Sec. Bd. of Education, 83- 1900, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, 1900-1904. d. Nov. 4. D.D., R.C, 1870. LL.D.. H.C. Dr. Mandeville was successful in his pastorates and this prepared him for the great work of hi^ life as Secretary of the Board of Education. During his term 318 students passed under his care and he became the intimate friend and adviser of many Reformed ministers. Thus his influ- ence in the work of the Church became very wide. Min. Gen. Syn.. I905> 279. Publications : Flushing. (L.I.). "Past and Present." i860. — Fun. Ser. of Col. Benj. R. Hoagland. 1858. — Address to Yoimg Men's Ch. Assoc. 1859. — Address at Fun. of Dan. C. Belknap. 1861. — Sermon. "My Coun- try." 1861. — "Golden Memories." or Hist. Ch. Harlem. 1875. — Sermons; Articles in Quarterlies : addresses ; contributions to the press. Mandeville. Henry, b. at Kinderhook. 1804; U.C. 26. N.B.S. 29. ! CI. Al- bany; Shawangunk, 29-31. Geneva. 31-4. Utica. 34-41. also Prof, of Moral Phil, and Rhetoric in Hamilton Col. 41-9. Albanv, Presbvt. 50-4, Mobile Ala., 54-8. d. 1858. D.D. by U.C. 1847. ■ Manual, 1902. PuBi.ic.\Tioxs : "Per.severance as a Means of Success": Before Lit. So- cieties Hamilton Coll. 1840. — "Reflex Influences of Foreign Missions" : Before Soc. of Inquiry, N.B.S. 1847. — ("Princeton Rev." xix. 428.) — He published a Series of Reading Books, as follows: Primary Reading Book. I vol.. i6mo. Second Reading Book, i vol., i6mo. Third Reading Book, 1 vol., i6mo. Fourth Reading Book, i vol.. i2mo. Fifth Reading Book, or Course of Reading, i vol., i2mo. Sixth, Elements of Reading and Oratory, T vol., i2mo, 1840. ("Princeton Rev." xxi. 462.) — "Goodness of God to a Nation 70 \'ears Old." 1853. — "Essays on a Part of Epistle to Romans." — Art. in "Sprague's Annals" on Rev. lohn De Witt, D.D. Manley, John, b. i8ic; R.C. 28, N.B.S. 31. 1. CI. N.B.: Manheim. 31-3. Saddle River and Pascack. 34-53, Saddle River, 53-66. w. c. Died. 1871. May 22. Manley. Wm., 1. CI. N.Y. 1798; Miss, to Susquehanna River Region. 1798- 1800, supplied Cortlandtown and Peekskill, 1800-06, d. 414 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Mann, Archibald Irving, b. Sturgeon Bay, Wis.. June 6, 1888. Moravian- Col., Bethlehem. 1909. McCormick Sem. 1912. Ord. by Moravian Ch. 1910. (Pres. Park and Fond Du Lac Covenant Pres. 1911-12. Ass., ist Pres., Oshkosh, Wis., 191^-13, North Pres., Milwaukee, 1913-15), Philmont, N. Y.. 1915-18. Yonkers, N. Y., Park Hill. 1918 Mann, Alexander McCalla, b. Philadelphia. Pa.. Mar. 16. 1808; R.C. 2.y, TsT.B.S. 30; Ithaca. 31-37. West Troy (S.S.) 2>7, Poughkeepsie, 38-57,. Hoboken. 58-61. (Trumansburg. Presbyt.). 62-65, Lodi. N. Y., S.S., 69-70. d. July 15, 1893. D.D. Univer. Rochester, 1856. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1851. He was the Chairman, for many years, of the Committee for the Revision of the Liturgy — begun in 1855. — "Mints, of Gen. Syn.," 1894, 208. "Biog. Notices Grads. R.C," 1894, 9. Manual, 1902. Alanning, John H.. b. New Brunswick, Sept. 22,. 1825. R.C. 1844. N.B.S. J7, 1. CI. N.B. ; Spotswood, 47-54. South Brooklyn, ^4-73, w. c. Died' Oct. 25, 1878; elected trustee R.C. 1863. D.D. See Manual of 1879. Mansen, Folkert B.. b. Sept. 6, 1871. Groningen. Neth. H.C. 1899. W.T.S. 1902. 1. by CI. Mich. Raritan, 111., 1902-05; Classical Miss. CI. Pella, 1905-07: Bethany. Sully. la., 1907-10; Eddyville, la.. 1910-13; Prairie View, Kan.. 1913-20; Sanborn. la.. 1920-21; Middlebury. la.. 1921. S.C. CI. East Sioux. Publications: 50th Anniversary Alemorial Volume. Ref. Ch. of Raritan, 1905. Manton. Daniel E. S.S. Ghittenango. N. Y., 1834-6. Many, D. J. (Jr.), b. Albany, N. Y., May 11. i860. Ham. Col. 1880. Aub. S. and P.G. P.S. 1886. 1. by Pres. of Albany. (Pres. Esperance. N. Y.. 86-90; Guilderland. N. Y.. 90-99. Manchester. N. H.. Westminster, 1899-1907; Watertown. N. Y., ist. 1907-10); Rensselaer, N. Y.. ist, 1910-18; Visscher's Ferry, Amity. 1918-21. (Pres.. Troy. N. Y., 19^1^;^ ). Moderator of various Presbyteries. Clerk of S3nod of N. Y. (Presbyterian). Marcelus. Aaron A., b. Amsterdam, N.Y.. 1799; U.C. 1826. N.B.S. 30, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Lysander, 30-1, Schaghticoke, 31-4, N.Y.C. Manhattan, 34-6, Prin. of Lancaster Academy, Pa., 36-9, Freehold, 39-50, teaching in N.Y.C. and Williamsburgh, 51-6. Greenville, 56-9. teaching in Bergen, 59-60. d. See Manual of 1879. Marcley. Allen Francis, b. Mariaville, N. Y. R.C. 191 1. W.T.S. 1914. 1. by CI. Mich. Cleveland, O., ist, 1914-16; Katsbaan, N. Y., 1916-18; Lisha's Kill, N. Y.. 1918 Marcy. Sherman H.. b. Russia. Herkimer Co.. N. Y. Colgate Univ. 1889.- Hamilton Theo. Sem. 1892. 1. by Baptist Church. Hamilton, N. Y., 1892. P.G. U.T.S. (Baptist. Hempstead. L. I.. 1892-1899). Pres- byterian, 1909-18; Y.M.C.A. War Work, 1918-20; Netherwood. N. J., 1920 Marinus. David, studied in Pennsylvania, lie. by Coetus. 1752; Aquacka- nonck and Pompton Plains, 1752-6. Aquackanonck. Totowa and Pomp- ton Plains. 1756-73. Kakiat. 1773-78. also supplied Fairfield, 1756-73. — Ecc. Rec. N. Y. Publications : "Remarks on the Disputes and Contentions in this Prov- ince." 1755. (A copy in vol. v. "Miscel. Pamphlets." N.J. Hist. Soc, Newark. Reprinted in "Centennial of N.B. Sem.." 340.) — A letter to the "Independent Reflector." pub. separately in vol. v.. as above. See also "Centen. of Rutgers Coll.." p. ~2>- Markle, Josiah, b. New Salem, N.Y., Ap. 26. 1829; R.C. 53. N.B.S. 57, 1. CI. Albany; (Chester. Presbyt. 57-8). Samsonville. 58-61. Dashville Falls. 62-4, Gansevoort and Northumberland, 64-5, Gansevoort, 65-8, w. c ; S.S., Mapleton, 1870, Schoharie Mt. and Lawyersville,. 1872-5. Died Oct. 17, 1898. Marselus, Nich. J., b. in Mohawk Valley, 1792; U.C. 1810, N.B.S. 15, 1.. THE MINISTRY 415 CI. N.B.; Grccnbush and Blooming Grove, 15-22, New York City, (Greenwich), 22-58, w. c. Died 1876, May 5. D.D. by R.C. 1844. He was a man of unusual will power. He preached with force and under the unction of the Spirit. More than thirty young men entered the ministry under his influence. Manual, IQ02. In reference to the suit brought by him for the distribution of the prop- erty of the Collegiate Church among all the Dutch churches of New Yorl: City, see "History of the \'arious Litigations relating to the lawful title of said church to the property held by them, etc.," with the arguments pro and con, and the final decision of -the Court of Appeals, June, 1867. Pub- lished. 1 87 1. PuBLiCATioN.s : "Translation of Elijah": A .ser. on death of Dr. J. H. Livingtson. 1825. "The Good Old Way." 1830. — "Gospel Ministry and its Results." 1842. — "Ministerial Appeal and Complaint." 1850. — A Sermon. T 850. Marsilje, Peter J. H.C. 1899. W.T.S. 1902. Liberty. Okl.. 1902. (Pres. Springfield. 111.), Buck Creek, Okl., 1904. Pres. 1905. d. 1921. Martin, Daniel Hoffman, b. Martindale. N. Y.. Feb. 5. 1859; C.C. N.Y. 81; U.T.S. 84; ord. CI. N.Y., Dec. 2, 1884; High Bridge. N.Y.C., 1884-90; Clinton av., Newark. N.J., 1890-1908. Pres. 1908. Glens Falls, N. Y., Fort Washington Pres. Ch. Dead. Martin. James M.. b. Orange. N. J., Aug. i, 1875. R.C. 1899. N.B.S. 1902. 1. by CI. of N.B. 1902. North Paterson, N. J., 1902-05; Spring Valley, N Y.. 1905-08; Paterson. N. J., Broadway, 1908-15; Hudson, N. Y', 1915-21 ; Holland. Mich.. 3d, 1921 . Pres. P.S. N.Y.. 1920. Permanent Clerk Gen. Syn., 1920 PuRLic.\Tioxs : Articles in Int. Martine, Ab. J., b. at Clarkstown, N.Y., Oct. 19. 1848; R.C. 7i. N.B.S. 76, 1. CI. Paramus; Stanton, 1876-82, Manhassct, 82-91. (Dunellen, (Presbyt.) 1891-1900).' Marborough, 1900-1905. Supt. General Hos- pital, Passaic, N. J., 1905-08. Little Falls, N. J., 1908-11, New Pros- pect. N. Y.. 191 1 -16. d. Dec. 6. Min. Gen. Syn.. 1917, 255. Publications : Hist. Ref. Ch. of Navesink, now First Ch. of Freehold. Martyn, Fermin Ferner, (son of Rev. W. C. Martyn), b. St. Louis. Mo., June 25. 1870; C C. 91, U.T.S. 92. Div. Sch. Chicago. 93; ord. by CI. Bergen, Nov. 8. 1893; English Neighborhood, at Ridgefield, N.Y., 1893- 5; engaged in Literature. N.Y.C., 1895. Martyn. (William) Carlos, b. N.Y.C., Dec. 15, 1841; U.T.S. 69; ord. (Cong.). June 25, 69; (Pilgrim Ch.. St. Louis, Mo., 69-71 ; Portsmouth, N.H.. 71-6) : 34th St.. N.Y.C., 76-83, Bloomingdale. N.Y.C., 83-90, Newark, ist. 90-2: 6th Presb. Chicago, 92-4, Lecturer. 1894 . D.D. Marvin, Frederic Rowland, (s. of Uriah Marvin), b. Troy, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1847; Lafayette Coll., Easton, Pa., i year; U.C. i year; Coll. Physicians and Surgeons — Med. Dept. C.C. 1870; Professor N. Y. Free Medical Col. for Women; N.B.S. 76-77, 1. CI. N.Y. ; ord. by Cong. Council, Middletown. N.Y.. Ap. 18, 78; (Middletown. N.Y. (Cong.). 78-82, Portland. Oregon (Cong.) 82-85. Great Barrington, Mass., (Cong.), 87-95. Engaged in literary work and supplying churches 1895-1918. d. July 22. Dr. Marvin was a cultivated Christian gentleman. He was an effective and interesting speaker and had a most interesting personality and main- tained a warm interest in the common affairs of life. He held his cinncction with the Reformed Church in i)lea.sant recollection to the end. See "AHibone's Diet. Eng. Lit." Sup. vol. 2 (of 5 vols, ed.) ; "Men of Lafayette" (Coll.) by Prof. Coffin; "Harrlngshaw's Encyc. Am. Biog."; "Iamb's Biog. Diet." PvBi.iCATioNS : "Dream Music": a Vol. of Poems. 1871. — "Death in the Light of Science," 1878. — "(Tonsecrated Womanhood": A Sermon at 4l6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Portland, Oregon, 1883. — "Editors and Newspapers," a Sermon, Portland. Oregon, 1883. — "Gospel Catechism for Young Children"; Portland, Oregon, 1883. — "The Real Devil : Who he is, and Where he Lives" : A Sermon Portland, 1884. — "Christ Among the Cattle," 1899. — "The Last Words of Distinguished Men and Women," 1901. Literature of the Insane, Epidemic Delusions "Flowers of Song from Many Lands." A Book of Quatrain — Poems and Translation. "Excursion of a Book Lover," "Love and Letters." Fire-side Papers. "Top of the Wine Jar." Marvin, Uriah, b. at Albany, N.Y., Jan. 8. 1816; W.C. and U.C. 35, P.S. 47, lie. by Presbytery of Troy, 1846; Union Village, 1848-55, Greenwich, N.Y.C., 1855-8, Nyack, 1860-70, w. c. Died Nov. 18, 1898. Manual, 1902. Masden, C. P. Philadelphia, 2d, 1873-79; became a Methodist. Mason, Alfred De Witt, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 21, 1855; A.C. ^T, U.T.S. 77-8; N.B.S. 78-80; 1. S. CI. L.L; ord. N. CI. L.L, Oct. 7, 80; Locust Valley, 80-2; Brooklyn, South, 82-91; Boonton, N.J., 91-4; Ed. "Mis- sion Field," 1894-1909. — Also Managing Editor of the "The Day Star," Nov., 1896. — Also Sec. for Young People's Mission Work, i8'96-i902. Editor Christian Intelligencer, 1909-17. Pres. C.E. Missionary League, 1895-1905. D.D. H.C. 1909. Publications: Editorials, «&c., as above indicated; in charge of the Weekly Christian Endeavor Department, in "Christian Intelligencer," 1885- 95, and other articles in the same ; many Magazine articles, Reports, news- paper articles, &c. — Rejiorts of Christian Endeavor Missionary League, 1893 . Outline of the Story of Missions, 1912. Mission Study in S.S., 1902. Modern Methods in S.S. Work, 1913. Mason, Ebenezer, (s. of Rev. Dr. John M. Mason), b. in N.Y.C., June 15, 1800; C.N.J. 20, P.S. 23; ord. 2d Presbyt. N.Y.. Ap. 20, 26. Brooklyn, 26-7, (Sixth av., N.Y.C., 27-8, North Ch.. N.Y.C.. 29-3^, Blooming Grove, 1848-9, d. Mar. 14). S.T.D. See Manual, 1902. (Mason, John. S.S., Hurley, 1834-6). (Mason, John M. See Manual, 1869. Also "Van Vechten's Life of Dr. J. M. Mason). Several students of the Dutch Church studied theology with him. Mathews, John R. N.Y.U. 1859, N.B.S. 1862. Episcopalian. Rector at Peekskill, chaplain in the navy ; died Dec. 2"/, 1898. Mathews, James M., b. in Salem, N.Y., March 18, 1785. U.C. 1803, Assoc. Ref. Sem., 1807, 1. Assoc. Ref. Presbyt., N.Y., 1807; Assistant Prof, of Bib. Lit. in Dr. Mason's Sem. 1809-18, supplied South Dutch. Gar- den St., N.Y.C., 1811-12, pastor of South Dutch, 1812-40, Chancellor of University, 1831-9. Lecturing on religious and educational subjects, d. 1870. D.D. Dr. Mathews ranked among the most acceptable and impressive preachers of his day. He took a prominent part in the founding of the University of New York, and was chosen its first Chancellor. His interest in its welfare and the sacrifice he made to promote its prosperity are important points in its history and were warmly appreciated by his co-laborers. He was in public life for more than sixty years and all that time he served God and his generation with the full use of his many talents. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "The Religious Influence of Mothers." "The Adorable Saviour." "Critical Periods in the Sinner's Life." All three in "Nat. Preacher." 1836. — "What is Your Life"? A ser. on the loss of Lexington. 1840. — "The Bible and Men of Learning," pp. 392. 1855. — "The Bible and Civil Government," pp. 268. 1858. — "Fifty Years in N.Y." 1858. — Ar- ticles in "Sprague's Annals" on Revs. Ch. Bork, J. M. Bradford, Alex. Gunn. Wm. McMurray, P. N. Strong. Matthews, Algernon, b. in Isle Guernsey. 1841 ; Elizabeth Coll.. Ger- THE MINISTRY 417 many; N.B.S. 75, He. N. CI. L.I.; Jersey City Heights, 75, Manheitn, 76-9. Dismissed to the Presbyt. of Kingston, Canada. Mattice, Ab., b. in Schoharie, N.Y.. Aug. 16, 1833. R.C. 58, N.B.S. 62, lie. and ord. as an evangeHst by CI. Schoharie, 62; Miss, to Kewascum, Wis., 62-4, Eden, 64-6, Prof, of Ancient Langs, and Mathematics, in Riverside Seminary, Germantown, N.Y., 67-9, Principal of Hudson (N.Y.) Academy, 69-73, Principal of Fort Plain Female Collegiate Institute, N.Y.. 73-9, Principal of Seymour Smith Academy, Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y.. 79-96, Montville, 96-1901. Ass. Newark, Clinton Ave., 1901-04. d. Dec. 26, 1904. Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 280. Mattice, Henrv, b. in Schoharie Co., N.Y., Aug. 16, 1822; lie. (N.S.) Presb. Kansas, 61; ord. (O.S.) Presb. Kaskaski (III.) Ap. 68; (Miss. A.S.S.U. in Kansas, 59-54). Agent U.S. Ch. Com., 64-66, S.S. Mis- sions, and Agent Y.M.C.A., St. Louis, Mo., 67-68, supplied Trenton, III., 67-68, Missionary, Howard Miss., N.Y.C., 69; supplied West New Hempstead, 69-71, reed, by letter 'in CI. Paramus, Ap. 71; Assist. Sup. House of Industry, and Miss. Pastor, Calvary Chapel, N.Y.C., 71-73; pastor. Palisades. 73-78, Jersey City, Free Ch., Morgan St., Miss. Jan. 79-88, Unionville, 88-89, Hoboken. 89-95. Died Aug. 12, 1897. Always much interested in Sunday School Work, he actually took charge of the Sunday School at his home, before making a profession. He was subsequently sent West by a church in Albany, N.Y., and he established, chiefly in Kansas, about 150 Sunday schools. He many times rode 100 miles on horseback to attend a convention. Many important churches in Kansas have grown out of his work. He established the first Italian Mis- sion in New York City. In Hoboken, his church was burned, and his efforts secured a new edifice — a monument of his zeal and energy, but at the cost of his health. His life was full of change, but always along the line of consecrated Christian service. He was made a prisoner in the Civil War by a guerilla leader, Quantral. but at once released, when his mission was understood. — "Mints o'f Gen. Syn.." 1898, 2t,2. Matzke, Herman, came from Germanv, 1878; Silver Creek, 111., (Ger.) 1878-1887; d. Ap. 9.— "Mints Gen. Syn.," 1887, 436. May, Edward H., b. at Lynn, Norfolk, Eng., Jan. 28, 1795 ; Hoxton Coll. and Sem., London, Eng., 1815, (Bary Lane, 1815-.., Rochford, Essex, Croydon, Surrey ) , Northumberland, 35-6, Northum- berland and Schuylerville, 36-9, Twenty-first St., N.Y.C., 39-48, Sec. Pa. Col. Soc. 1848-9, Sec. Pa. Seamen's Friends' Soc, 1849-57, d. 1858. Mr. May was widely known and esteenied as a man, a Christian and a minister. He was a man of frank, cheerful disposition, from whose well stored mind continually bubbled up instruction and pleasure for the large circle of his acquaintances. See Alanual, 1902. Ma3or, J. L., (French Refd.), b. Nimes, France. He went to Am?terdam, and the Consistory of the Walloon Church there, engaged his services for New York. He arrived on July 27, 1754. New York, Aug. 4, 1754- Ap. 1764; went to London. Chaplain of the French Hospital, London, for many years. The historian Smith says of him: "He bears an irreproachable charac- ter, is very intent upon his studies, preaches moderate Calvinism, and speaks with propriety, both of iironunciation and gesture." He was very zealous and energetic. The Register which he kept indicates a high sense of his responsibility. He also administered the sacrament four times a year at New Rochelle, the dissenting congregation of which place, since the death of Mr. Rou, had become a simple "annex" of the French Church of New York. He won the esteem and love of the people, but his efforts to resuscitate the French Church were not successful. He offered to re- main, after his resignation, if the church would conform to the Church of England. New Rochelle and other French churches had done so, but this church refused. During his ministry this church adopted, in 1755, the 4l8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA version of 1724 of the French Bible — "The Holy Bible of Geneva, with Reflections." In 1763 they adopted a new French version of the Psalms. Mayou, Joseph, b. at Birmingham, Eng., April 29, 1829; R.C. 55, N.B.S. 58, lie. and ord. CI. Schoharie. Missionary to India 1858-70. Somerset, Kansas, 72-6, (La Cygne, Kan., Presb. 77-9, Garnett, Kan., 79-80, High- land, Kan., 1881- . Served Protestant Episcopal Church 1893-1903. d. Aug. 18. Mead, Corn S., b. West Charlton, N.Y., 1818; U.C. 41, Aub. S. 44, 1. Presbyt. of Cayuga, 44; Rotterdam, ist, 44-9, Herkimer Village, 49-59, Chatham, 59-70, w. c. Prin. Spencertown Academy one year ; supply- ing churches^ — Ghent, Stuyvesant Falls, New Concord, etc. d. June 26, 1879. Mead, Elias, b. Chesterville. N.Y.; R.C. 68, N.B.S. 70, lie. CI. Schenec- tady; Coeymans, 70-3, Keyport, 73-90, S.S., North Paterson, 1901, S.S., Bushwick, 1904-05 and 1907-08. d. Dec. 20, 1919. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 2"/^. Mead, Peter Francis, b. Bloomingdale, N. J., Jan. 13, 1862. Chicago, III., 1888. Drew Theo. Sem. 1891, 1. by Newark M.E. Conference. (M.E. pastorates, 1890-1908). (Presbyterian Lackawanna. Wilkesboro, 1908- 13. Marksboro, N. J., 1913-18). Accord, Rochester, N. Y., 1918-20. Ph.D. by University of Chicago. Medd, Thomas Hogett, b. Yorkshire, Eng., April 30, 1868; Ursinus Col. 1892. P.S. 1895. Pastorates in Pres. Ch. 1895-1902. P.G. N.B.S. 1902-03. Bethany, Philadelphia, Pa., 1904-05. d. April 8. Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 282. Meeker, Edward J., b. Succasunna, N.J., Aug. 8, 1867; R.C. 96, N.B.S. 99, 1. CI. N.B., Mohawk, 1899-1903. Also Fort Herkimer, 1900-1903, Highland Park, N.B., N. J., 1903-08, Glen, N. Y., 1910-14; also Auries- ville, N. Y., 1909-14, Lodi, N. Y., 1914-20. Episcopalian, 1920 . Returned to Reformed Church, 1921. Meeker, Stephen H., b. at Elizabethtown, N.J., Oct. 17, 1799; C.C. 1821, N.B.S. 24, 1. CI. N.B.; Bushwick, 25-30, Jersey City, Ap.-Oct. 30, Bush- wick, 30-76, d. Feb. I. He was preparing the materials for his fifty-first anniversary discourse when he was translated. In forty years he had been absent from his pulpit on account of sickness but a single sabbath, so hale and hearty was his vigor, even down to his last days. He organized the first Sunday-school within the present limits of Brooklyn. To four generations of parishion- ers he broke the bread of heaven. His church was a goodly mother of churches. His ministry was calm, earnest, and fruitful. His personal character and piety commanded universal regard among the people before whom he went in and out daily for half a century. And we may truly say of him what is written of Enoch : "Before his translation he had this tes- timony, that he pleased God." — "Ch. Int.," Feb. 10, 1876. Meengs, John Gerhardus, b. Geesteren, Prov. of Gelderland, Neths., Sept. 28, 1873; H.C. 98, N.B.S. 1901, lie. CI. Saratoga; Missionary in Okla- homa, summers of 1900, 1901 ; West Troy, South, 1901-1904, Albany, 3d, N. Y., 1904-07. Schenectady, N. Y., 2d, 1907 Meengs, Philip G., b. Geesteren, Neth.. July 16, 1878. Student H.C. W.T.S. IQ08. 1. by CI. Michigan. Moody Bible Int. Holland, Mich., Ebenezer, 1908-11, Prairie City, la., 1911-17. Classical Missionary CI. Mich., 1917-18. d. Dec. 17. Min. Gen. Syn., 1919, 921. Meengs, Raymond D., b. Aug. 14, 1888. Cedar Grove, Wis. H.C. 191 1. W.T.S. 1915. 1. by CI. Wis. 1915. Hamilton, Mich., Am. Ref., 1915- 20, Kalamazoo, North Park St., 192c Meerwein, Otto, b. Berlin, Germany, Jan. 19, 1840; Frederick William's College, University of Berlin, 62, U.S. 1868, 1. by 3d Presbyt. N.Y. 68; Philadelphia, 5th, (at Kensington), 1868-70, Lutheran. See U.S. Gen. Cat. THE MINISTRY 419 Meeter, John, b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 21, 1880. Yankton Col, Calvin Col. W.T.S. 1912. 1. by CI. G.R. Decatur, Mich., 1912-14; Holland, Mich., Ebenezer, 1914. d. Nov. 3. Min. Gen. Syn., 1915. 596. Megapolensis, Johannes, born 1601 ; studied in Roman Catholic institutions, especially at Cologne; converted to Protestantism at the age of 23; (1624) ; pastor at Wieringerwood, 1633-38, at Schoorel and Berge, 1638-42, c. to America, Rensselaerswyck, (Albany), 1642-9, New Am- sterdam, 1649-70, d. Jan. 24. Also assisted Polhemus at Flatbush and Flatlands, 1664-70. While John Cornelius Backerus was undergoing successive examinations by the Classis of Amsterdam, he informed the Classis, (Nov. 19, 1641), that there were certain ministers in the Classis of Alkmaar who were not averse to going to the East or West Indies, on good conditions. These were the minister at Schoorel and the minister at Koedyk. He was at once requested to invite these ministers to visit the Classis of Amsterdam. ("Mints, of the Deputies," xx, 62-3). On Mar. 6, 1642, a contract was entered into between Patroon Van Rensselaer and Domine Johannes Megapolensis, one of these ministers, to serve at Rensselaerswyck for six years. He is called in said contract minister of the churches of Schoorel and Borge. He was said to be 39 years old, had a wife and four children, all under fourteen years of age. His salary was to commence as soon as he reached his field; the Patroon would pay all expenses of their jour- ney and make him a present of 300 guilders ($120). If they should be captured by the Dunkirkers, the Patroon would seek to ransom them, and forward them on their voyage, and pay them 40 guilders per month ($16) during their detention. The Patroon would also build him a house in his colony ; and besides preaching to the Dutch, he was to seek to edify the Indians. The patroon would pay him yearly, 1,000 guilders, ($400), which would enable him to maintain his family honorably, without tilling land, engaging in commerce, or rearing cattle. This was to be paid in provisions, clothing, and such like, besides a yearly present of 30 bushels of wheat and two firkins of butter, or 60 guilders ($24) worth of other things. In case of his decease, the Patroon would pay his widow the half year's salary on which he had entered and 100 guilders ($40) per year until the expiration of the six years' contract. He was also to befriend and serve the patroon in every way possible. The Patroon then, (Mac. 17, 1642), sought the approbation of the call by the Classis of Amsterdam. (Mints, of CI., iv., 249). This was done on the following day by the Deputies. (Mints. Deputies, xx. 70). The ecclesias- tical call is dated March 22. It refers to the door opened in the East and West Indies for the preaching of the Gospel, and of the benefits thus al- ready secured ; that Kilian Van Rensselaer had founded a colony on the North River, of which he was Patroon, and would fain have a good preacher there; that Domine Johannes Megapolensis, Jr., pastor at Schoorel and Berge had been called "to preach God's Word in the said Colony, to administer the Holy Sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper; to set a Christian example to the congregation, by public precept ; to ordain elders and deacons, according to the form of the holy Apostle Paul, I. Tim. iii. and V. I ; and by the advice and assistance of the same, to keep and govern God's church in good discipline and order, all according to God's Holy Word, and in conformity with the government, confession, and catechism of the Netherland churches, and the Synodical Acts of Dort, subscribed by him, to this end, with his own hand, and promised in the presence of God at his ordination" ; . . . "May the Almighty God. who hath called him to this ministry, and instilled this good zeal in his heart, to proclaim Christ to Christians and heathens in such distant lands, strengthen him more and more, in this, bis undertaking ; enrich him with all sorts of spir- itual gifts, and bless overflowingly his faithful labors; and when the Chief Shepherd, Christ Jesus, shall ai)pear, present him with the imperishable crown of eternal glory. Amen." 420 • THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA This was signed by the officers of Classis. and an elder of Classis, Jonas Abeels, and by two directors of the West India Co. "Mints. CI.," iv., 249. On April 8, a committee of the Deputies reports, that they had been be- fore the Consistory of Schoorel, and the Classis of Alkmaar, and secured the dismissal of Megapolensis. "Acts of Deputies." xx., 72. The Deputies reported this to the Classis on June 2. "Mints. Classis," iv., 258. "Ex- tracts," xxxix., 107. On Ap. 22, 1642, the Classis. wrote to the Consistory of New Amsterdam about various matters. Among other things we read : — "There is also to be sent to New Netherland, notwithstanding a verbal protest, to wit, to Rensselaerswyck, a certain minister of the name of John Megapolensis, who has been in the ministry in this country for a long time already, (since 1634), with whom . . . Rev. Bogardus and his entire Consistory are admonished and exhorted, to hold correspondence and communion, so far at least as the circumstances and the place permit ; and thus with united hands, to proclaim the Word of the Lord, not only among our own nation- ality, but also among the blind heathen in America." The Patroon provided Megapolensis with a Library, consisting of 17 sets of works, Classical, Theological, Geographical, and Philosophical (See list and remarks on the same by Dr. T. Romeyn Beck, in O'Callaghan, i. 454-5). He sailed about June 6, 1642, and arriv^ed in August with a num- ber of emigrants. According to his own statements, he was 57 years old in 1658, when he wrote to Father Le Moyne. This does not agree with the former statement that he was 39 in 1642, as mentioned in the contract with Van Rensselaer. It has been said that he was the son of the Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Sr., of Kordyk, Hoi. This appears to be impossible. It is probably that the name of the younger man was originally Grootstadt and that he assumed the name Megapolensis when disinherited by his own family in honor of his patron who was perhaps his spiritual father. Megapolensis soon exerted a visible influence in restraining the immoral- ities of frontier life. He was instrumental in saving Father Jogues, a Jesuit missionary from the extremity of torture and probable death at the hands of the Mohawk Indians. Father Jogues had been captured while ascending the St. Lawrence. The Dutch at once sought to ransom him, but were re- fused. At first the Indians despised the zeal of Jogues ; but after some months they began to listen to his teachings, and a few were baptized. They took him with them to Fort Orange. While there, a report was re- ceived that the French had defeated the Mohawks, and the Dutch com- mander advised the missionary not to risk their vengeance by returning, but now to effect his escape. He remained in close concealment for six weeks. Domine Megapolensis was his constant -friend, and saw him safely embarked for New Amsterdam, whence he proceeded to Europe. He sub- sequently returnd to Canada and visited the Mohawks, by whom he was put. to death. In 1644 Father Bressani was also rescued from the Indians by the Dutch and treated with great kindness. Gov. Kieft gave him a letter of safe conduct. Similar kindness was shown to Father Poncet when in trouble. Megapolensis also learned the heavy language of the Mohawks, so as to be able to preach to them fluently. A number of them united with his church in Albany. He was the first Protestant missionary to the Indians, preceding by several years John Eliot, in New England. Stopping at New Amsterdam on his way back to Europe, he was prevailed on by Governor Stuyvesant to remain there, that that colony might not be left destitute of ministerial service, Backerus having just left. While here he exhibited an intolerant spirit toward the Lutherans and Independents. The West India Company enjoined him not to be. too precise on indifferent matters, which rather tended to create schism than to edify the flock. (Drisius). In 1658, he was visited by Father Le Moyne, a Jesuit, who spent the winter in New Netherlands. A friendship grew up between them. THE MINISTRY 421 Megapolensis got into not a little difficulty with the West India Com- pany because of the part he took at the English conquest of the country. To prevent effusion of blood, as they had no adequate means of defense, he strongly advised Stuyvesant to surrender when the English demanded it, in 1664. He was a man of thorough scholarship, energetic character, and devoted piety. He saw the infancy of the Dutch province, watched its growth, and saw its surrender. The original form of the family name was Van Mekelenburg, which was Hellenized into Megapolensis when his spirit- ual father came into Holland, becoming minister at P^gmont on the sea, and afterward at Koedvck and Pancras, in North Holland. Ecc. Rec. N. V., many letters. "Col. Hist., N.Y.," i. 431. 496, 505; ii- 455, 473. 509, 722, 726; iii. 76, 250; xiii. 423. "Doc. Hist.," iii. 69. Call and con- tract at Albany, printed in "Mun.seH's Annals" i. 92-4, and "O'Callaghan's New Netherland," i. 448-4SO. Sketch of, by J. R. Brodhead, in "Hist. Soc. Coll.," 1857, 139. Sketch of, by Dr. Thos. De Witt, in "Sprague's Annals." "Brodhead's Hist, of N.Y.," vol. i. See Index. "Rogers' Hist. Dis.," 1857. "McClintock's Cyc." Also Archbishop Bayley's "Hist. Cath. Ch. of N.Y.," 14-21. 25. "Charlevoix," i. 634. "Shea's ed. of Charlevoix," ii. 138. "Jesuits' Relation," 1642-3, p. 243. "Doct. Hist., N.Y.," iv. 14, .-0. Manual, 1902. PuBLic..\Tioxs : Ecn Kort ontwerp van de Mahakavase (Mohawk) In- dianen, haer landt, tale, statuere. dracht. godes-dienst. ende magistrature. Aldus beschreven ende nu Kortelijck den 26 Augusti, 1644, opgesonden uit Nieuw Neder Lant. Door J. M. Juniorem. Predikant aldaar. Alitsgaders een kort verhaal van het leven ende statuere der Stapongers in Brasiel. t'Alckmaer. by Ysbr. Jansz. v. Houten. 8vo, pp. 32. (No date). With a plate. Pub. in Holland without his consent, 1651. (A short account of the Mohawk Indians, their country, language, figure, costume, religion, and government. Written and despatched from New Netherland, Aug. 26, 1644. by J. M.. minister there. With a brief account of the life and manners of the Stapongers in Brazil). Translations may be found in "Hazard's State Papers." i. 517-526. and in the Hist. Collections of the State of N. Y., vol. iii. See "Duyckinck's Cyc. Lit.," i. 80.— Onderzoeck en belydemis Ten behoeve van degenen die aan S. Heeren avondmaal men- schen te gaan. (Examination and Confession for the Benefit of those who desire to partake of the Lord's Supper. 1656). Megapolensis' Treatise on Popery or Answer to Father Le Moyne, 1658, was not published in the Ecc. Recs. of N.Y., on account of its polemic character. The copy which he sent to Amsterdam is now in the Archives of the General Synod. The Treatise has been published in pamphlet form b}' the Collegiate Church of N. Y. Megapolensis. Samuel, (son of John Megapolensis), born 1632 (others say 1634, 1641 ) ; Harvard Coll. 1653-6. matriculated at Utrecht Univ. Sept. 1656; lie. by CI. of Haarlem, about 1659; matriculated at Leydcn Univ- to study Medicine. Nov. 14, 1661, (his age being given as 20) ; ord. Oct. 3, 1662, by CI. of Amsterdam; sailed for America, Jan.. 1664, New Amsterdam, 1664-8. returned to Holland; pastor at Wieringer- waard and South Zype. in N. Holland. 1670-7. at Flushing. 1677-85, at Dordrecht (the Scotch Church). 1685-1700. emeritus. Died 1706. His father writes to the Classis of Amsterdam. Sept. 25. 1658: "Reverend. Pious, and Learned Brethren in Chri.st : — "I have a son named Samuel, now entering on his twenty-fifth year. I instructed him myself for several years in the Latin and Greek languages. I then sent him to the Academy of Cambridge, in New England, where I allowed him to pursue his studies for three years at my own expense. When he returned home, he was desirous of visiting one of the universities of the Fatherland, and of continuing his studies therein. He accordingly went over to Utrecht, and having letters to Domine Voetius, he entered the university there. Although he is now separated from me many hun- 422 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA dred miles, and I remain ignorant of his progress in his studies, or of his deportment in Hfe, nevertheless as he conducted himself diligently, studi- ously, and virtuously during his three years' residence in New England, according to ample testimonials given him, I trust that as he grows older, he will not exhibit less industry in study, or less excellency of conduct in the University of Utrecht ; and since he is so faithfully attending to his studies during the year now passing, that he will soon be prepared for an entrance on the Gospel ministry. "At the same time, owing to the condition of the churches here, and that it is necessary tfiat there should be sent out some English and Dutch preach- ers, it is my fraternal and submissive request, that when this subject comes before the Hon. Directors, and the Rev. Classis, that my son Samuel may be taken into consideration. And if he be deemed qualified for the office of the ministry, whether in Dutch or English towns, as he understands and speaks the English well, that he may be sent over in that capacity. As he is my youngest son, and I have been at much expense for him, having kept him for three years in New England, and now he is in the third at Utrecht, supporting him solely at my own expense, I cherish a strong desire to see him again among us before I die ; as I expect that New Netherland, where I have now passed seventeen years of my ministry, will be the place of my burial. It will be a great joy to me to have my son return, qualified by God in doctrine and life, to build up the church in this land. I commit these matters to God's providence and your kindness. May God bless and strengthen you and myself in our ministries, to the glory of his name, the edification of his church, and the salvation of our souls. Yours affectionately, "Johannes Megapolensis. "New Amsterdam, in New Netherland, Sept. 25. 1658." But it was six years after this before he returned to America. On May 30, 1 661, he appears before the Classis of Amsterdam as a theological can- didate, and asks to be accepted as a "recommended candidate." "Good testimonials from the Classis of Haarlem having been read concerning him, and he having delivered a trial sermon before the Deputies, his re- quest was granted, after the usual subscription. He lives at Vianen." This is in South Holland. "Mints. CI. Amst.," vi., 228. On Aug. 21, 1662, one of the Deputati informed the Classis that the Di- rectors of the West India Company wanted another minister for New Netherland, and that the matter could not brook any delay. Three persons were nominated, and Rev. S. Megapolensis was chosen by a majority of votes. His examination was fixed for Sept. 4, and Acts 26. -'17, 18, was given him as a text for a sermon. "Mints. CI.," vi. 276. The matter was sub- sequently postponed until Oct. 3, 1662. On that day he preached his ser- mon, passed his examination, and was ordained. "Mints. CI.," vi., 279. Nevertheless, we find him again matriculating at Utrecht University in 1663,- giving his residence as Holland. On June 2, 1663. we find the Depu- tati reporting to the Classis that he asked the Directors of the Company, through them, for an increase of salary, since he would have to preach in two languages. But the Classis would not consider this. Since he was also studying Medicine, at Leyden, the Deputati were directed to call his attention to the resolutions of the Synod against the practice of medicine by ministers ; "and that, according to his promise, he must depart as soon as possible, the sooner the better, to his designated field of labor." "Mints. CI.," vi., 308-9. On June 25, the same things were reiterated by Classis. He did not sail until Jan. 20. 1664. "Col. Docs.," ii., 223. He was, accordingly, between eight and nine years in Holland, and re- mained only four years in America, when he did return. On his arrival in New Amsterdam, Selyns was allowed to return to Holland, July, 1664. But the time of the surrender was at hand. In August, he and his father, with many others, were sent to meet Nicholls, whose fleet lay THE MINISTRY 423 menacing the city. He was one of the commissioners also appointed to prepare the terms of surrender. Probably it was through his influence that the rights of the Reformed Church were so carefully guarded. After- ward, in Holland, he labored in the same church for a time, (Flushing), from which, a century later, Laidlie was called to preach in English in New York. For terms of surrender, see "Brodhead's N.Y.," i. 762; Ecc. Rec. N.Y.; "Col. Hist.," i. 496; ii. 223, 253, 413, ^22, 736; iii. 76. "Balen's Description of Dordrecht," 195; "Steven, Hist, of the British chs. in the Netherlands," 300, 306; "Vrolijherd, Clissingen, (Flushing) Kerkhemel," 150. 151. 328; "Schotel, Church of Dordrecht," Part I., 438, Part H, 217; "O'Callaghan, New Netherland," i. 439. "Van der Aa's Biographisch Woordenboek." Meier, Jacob, b. Newark, N. J., June 28, 1881. Academic Dept., Bloom- field, 1902. Sem., Bloomfield, 1905. 1. by Pres. of Newark, 1905. Elm- hurst, L. I., 1905-C7. (Pres.. 2d German, New Orleans, La., 1907-09) ; Canarsie, Brooklyn, 1909 ; S.S., Barren Island, 1913-16. Meinema, Benj., lie. 1727; Kollum, Friesland, 17.. -1745, Poughkeepsie and Fishkill, 1745-56, d. 1761. Mellen, Henry Merle, Woodside, Newark, N.J., 1900-1912. Menning, Gerret, b. Alton, la., Aug. 8, 1884. H.C. 1911. W.T.S. 1915. 1. by CI. la. Westfield, N. D., 1915-17; Grand Rapids, Mich., 8th, 1917 . Menning, Seine J., b. Apeldoorn, Netherlands, Dec. 10, 1862; H.C; W.S. 93, 1. CI. Iowa ; Lafayette, Ind., 93-4, Le Mars, la., 94-7, Church- ville, Minn., 1897-1902. Ada, Mich., 1903-06, Muscatine, la., 1906-11, Portage, Mich., 191 1 -16, Archer, la., 1916-19, Rock Rapids, la., 1919 Publications: Articles for Dutch and American press. Merlo, Samuel S. White School of the Bible, 1915. Missionary to Italian, Hackensack, 1912-15, Hackensack, N. J., Italian, 1915-17. (Presbytery of Wilmerding, Pa., 1^917. Merrill, Franklin, b. Chesterfield, N.Y., Mar. 22. 1818; P.S. 43, ord. Presb. L.I.. Nov. 8, 49; (Raynor, South Ch., N.Y., 49-53, Stillwater, N.Y., 1853-8), Saratoga, 1858-61, d. Ap. i. See Manual of 1879. Merritt, William B., b. at Kingston, N.Y.. Ap. 4. 1836; R.C. 62, N.B.S. 65, 1. CI. N.Y.; Flatbush, Ulster Co., N.Y., 65-73, New York City, Union Ch. Sixth av., 1873-9, d- Sept. 2. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Memorial Ser. on "Death of J. Judson Buck." — Address on "Agriculture." — Disc, at Fun. of "Rev. L. H. Van Doren." Mershon. Albert Lincoln, b. Newark, N.J., 1866; C.N.J. 87, P.S. 92; Bound Brook, 93-5, Annandale, 95-8; (Presbyt.). See "P.S. Gen. Cat." Mershon, Stephen Lyon, b. Kentucky, 1827, C.N.J. 50. P.S. 53. Middle- bush, 69-74, d- Ap. 12. See "P.S. Gen. Cat." and Manual of 1879. Mertz. John Ernest, b. Feb. 8, 1895, Linfield, Pa. Ursinus Col. 1914. N.B.S. 1917. 1. by CI. Newark 1917. Freehold, N. J., 2d, 1917-20, Deerpark (Port Jervis), N. Y., 1920 Merwin, M. T. S.S. Gilboa and Ephratah, 1862. Mesick, John F., b. Guilderland, Albany Co., N.Y., June 28, 1813; R.C. 34, N.B.S. yj, 1. CI. Green; Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y., 37-40, (Harris burg, Ger. Ref.), 40-55, Raritan, 2d, 1855-82. d. June 30, 1915. D.D. by R.C. 1855. LL.D. by F. and M. Col. 191 1. LL.D. by R.C. 1913- See Min. Gen. Syn., 191 6, 926. Dr. Mesick served a very honorable service in his generation, and out- lived all his fellows in the ministry. PuBLiCATio.Ns : Many articles for various papers, magazines, etc. Messier, Ab., b. at Whitehouse, N.J., Nov. 15, 1800; U.C. 21. N.B.S. 24, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Montville, Aug.-Nov. 24, Miss, to Ovid. 24. Ovid, 25-8. Miss, in North st.. New York City, 28-9, Pompton Plains and Montville, 29-32, Raritan, ist, 1832-82. d. June 12. D.D. by R.C. 1848. Elected a trustee of R.C. 1S45. President of Gen. Synod, 1S47. 424 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA He was eminent as a man, a preacher and a pastor. He led 13 young men into the ministry and organized seven churches. See Manual, 1902. Rev. Dr. John A. Todd's "Memorial Discourse," 1882, and the local papers of the day, as well as the "Christian Intelligencer," June and July, 1882. Publications: "Fruits of Early Piety." "American S.S.U." 1838.--- "Pastor's Memorial." 1852. — "Eight Memorial Sers. and Hist. Notes of Chs. in Somerset Co., N.J." 1873. — "Life and Pub. Services of Ex-Gov. Vroom." 1874. — "Centennial Hist, of Somerset Co." 1878. — Ser. at Dedi- cation of Ch. Lodi, N.Y.. 1827. ("Mag. R.D.C.," ii. 11, 38.' — Address at Laying Corner-stone of Ch. Raritan, 1835. — Ser. at Dedication, 1836. — "St. Paul's Gratitude to Onesephorous." 1839. — I'Man Frail and Mortal" : Fun. Ser. af J. H. Castner, 1841. — "Domestic Feeling in Our Church." 1845. — "Life and Immortality": Fun. Ser. of Mrs. Thompson. 1849. — Ser. at Ordination of Rev. J. Gaston. 1852. — Ser. at the Install, of Rev. John Steele. 1853. — "The End of the Upright" : Ser. at Fun. of Jas. Campbell. 1864.- — Ser. on "Death of Pres. Lincoln." 1865. — Thanksgiving Ser. 1868. — "The Hollanders in N.J." 1830. — Address at Dr. G. Ludlow's Semi- centennial. 1871. — Address at Fun. of Rev. Van Liew. 1869. — In "Som- erset Messenger" the following: "Indians on the Raritan"; "Military Operations in Somerset Co. in Revolution" ; "Chimney Rock" ; "Washing- ton Rock"; "Simcoe's Raid"; "First Things in Old Somerset." — Serials in "Christian Intelligencer," as follows : "The Christian Ministry," 52 arts., 1853; "In Belgium,", 8 arts.; of the "Rhine and Rhineland," 24 arts.; of the "Isle of Wight," 12 arts.; "Reforms and Reformers Before the Ref- ormation," 33 arts. ; "Science and the Bible," 13 arts. — Editorials in "Ch. Int.," 1855-61 ; again, 1870-1. — Arts, in "Sprague's Annals": "On Rev. T. J. Frelinghuysen ; "On Rev. J. R. Hardenbergh." — "Reminiscences of Dr. T. De Witt" in "De Witt Memorial." Messier, Isaac, b. Whitehouse, N.J., Aug. 4, 1867; R.C. 93, N.B.S. 96, 1. CI. Raritan; Sharon Centre, 97-1901, Ghent, ist, 1901-1905. Superin- tendent of Kentucky Missions 1905-18. Dis. to Pres. Ch South, 1919. Meulcndyke, Tosias, b. Rochester, N.Y., Feb. 14, 1849; H.C. 72,, H.S. 76, 1. CI. Holland; S.S. Otley and Sand Ridge, la., 77-8, Danforth, 111., 79-82, Holland, Mich., (Ebenezer), 83-4, Fremont, Mich., 85-90, Clas- sical Missionary in Mich., 90-2, Waupun, 1892-1902. Palmyra, N.Y., 1902-12. (Pres. Huron, N. ¥., S.S., 1913-14). Sodus, N. Y., 1914-16, Chicago, Summit, 1916-19, Indianapolis, Ind., S.S., 1919-21. Publications : Regular contributor to Leader and De Hope. Meurv, Edward G. W., (son of John Meurv), b. Brooklvn, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1874; R.C. 98, N.B.S. 1901, 1. S. CI. Bergen: N.Y.C.'Ass. Middle Col- legiate, 1901-03. Assistant Pastor, N.Y.C. Col. Knox Memorial, 1903 ■ D.D. by H.C. 1916. LL.D. Central Col. Publications: Many articles in Int. A Brief History of Knox Mem- orial, 1908. Aleury, Emil A., (son of John Meury), b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 4, 1861 ; Bloomfield, Academic Dept., 79, Bloomfield, Theolog. Dept., 83, lie. Presbyt. Brooklyn, 83; ord. S. CI. Bergen, 83; Hudson City, 2d, 1883-1911. d. March 13. Also Chaplain of Hudson Co., N.J., Insti- tutions of Charities and Corrections, 98-1900; Chaplain 32d Reg. of Nat. Guards, N.Y., 87-91. He was recognized as the faithful and efficient pastor of a large region of the city. 8.C00 persons attended his funeral. Min. Gen. Syn., 1912, 561. Meury, John Nicholas, b. at Blanen, Switzerland, March 28, 1827. St. Peter's College, Rome, Italy, 1848. Seminary, Rome, Italy, 1851. Came to America 1857. 1. Baptist Missionary 1858. (Bapt., Baltimore, Md., 1860-67). Melrose, N. Y., 1867-70. (Pres., Hopkins St., Brook- lyn, 1870-87. d. May 19). Chaplain 32d Reg. of Nat. G. N. Y. State, 1884-87. THE MINISTRY 425 Meyer, see Mver. Meyer, Andrew John. b. Albany. N.V.. Dec. 16. 1874; R.C. 97, N.B.S. IQOO. 1. CI. Albany. Montague. N.J.. 1900-1904. Jersey City, Free, Grand, 1904-09. Jersey City, ist (Van Vorst), 1909-14. Brooklyn, Sonth Bushwick. 191 4 . B.D. U.T.S. 191 5. Pl'bluatioxs : Contributions to the press. Meyer, Hcrmanus. b. in Bremen. Germany, about 1720; matricr.lated at Groningen University, Hoi., Sept. 6, 1747, for the study of Theology; residence, Bremen; one of the same name and place, (probably the same one), matriculated at Groningen University, Sept. 6, 1757. for the study of Theolog; (another of same name, matriculated at Gron- ingen. Sept. 10. 1718. for study of Theology; residence Oldamptinus ; this may have been the father of the American Meyer). Kingston, N.Y.. 1763-72, Totowa. Fairfield, and Pompton Plains, 1772-85, To- towa and Pompton Plains. 1785-91, d. Oct. 2~. Also Prof, of Hebrew, 1784-91. and Lector in Theology. 1786-91. D.D. by Q.C. 1789. He was as much distinguished for the warmth of his pietv and the ardor of his evangelical preaching as for his deep reading and learning. But a few months' exercise of his faithful preaching made it manifest that there was a wide difference between his sentiments and zeal and those to which the people of his first charge had been accustomed. Mancius, his pre- decessor, had much learning and ability for discussion, and could triumph- antly defend the doctrines ; but, alas ! consciences slumbered. Meyer, on the other hand, was very practical and pointed. His preaching excited disgust, opposition, and enmity. Such was the disposition in many of the early churches toward doctrines which they now love. In 1764, he was compelled by the civil authorities to take the oath of allegiance to Great Britain, renouncing, as the oath required, all allegiance, civil or ecclesiastical, to any other power. This made him feel that he had abjured the authority of the Classis of Amsterdam, though he desired to keep up brotherly correspondence. The matter was so important that it liecame the subject of official correspondence by the civil power, as it was feared that independent charters of non-conforming churches might become detrimental to the Fstablished Church of England. Yet the terms of sur- render in 1664 expressly guaranteed to the Dutch freedom in all religious matters. But the Ccetus party now took advantage of this matter of the oath to help their cause. Dr. Meyer at first indeed refused to take it, and onh' on the advice of Hon. Wm. Livingston, an eminent jurist of New Jersey, did he finally consent. This gave great offense to his Consistory, who were of the Conferentie party. At length his marriage with one of the families of the Coetus party (a sister of Dr. Hardenbereh) formed division lines. The flames of discord began to spread. The Church was convulsed. Certain Conferentie minis- ters (Rysdyck, Fryenmoet, and Cock) were invited by his enemies to come and judge their affairs, and. though themselves fighting against independent judicatories in America, audaciously took it upon themselves to hear charges and to suspend Mr. Meyer from the ministry, discharging his congregation from their obligations to him. (1766). Party lines were formed, approv- ing or condemning this strange procedure. Thus this excellent and exceed- ingly useful man by a faction was shut out of his church. But he continued to preach for seven years in private houses to such as loved the gospel. The Classis of Amsterdam never lost confidence in his integrity, and at the convention to effect a union of the parties, in 1711. he was admitted to an equal seat and voice without hesitation. But about this time he received a call from New Jersey, wh'ch he accepted, and his ministerial success there was signally great. His trials and afflictions all wrought for his good. He became more earnest, and practical, and evangelical, than ever. He was subsequently honored by being chosen to two professorships by the Synod. But his old enemies at Kingston never became reconciled to 426 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA him. Yet the Consistory there, in 1806, virtually allowing the former bad treatment, attempted to call his son-in-law, Rev. Jeremiah Romeyn, ■though without success. They also hoped in this way to cover their pecun- iary obligations to Dr. Meyer, they not having paid his salary to him for several years before he removed away. Mr. Romeyn, however, went and preached for them on the angels' song at the birth of Christ. Mr. Meyer was the intimate friend of Westerlo, of Albany. The happiness of his dying-bed is described in "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 300. He possessed full assur- ance. He was a man of great erudition, of a mild and humble temper, polite and unaffected in his manners, and eminently pious. His great humility prevented him from being as generally useful as he deserved, but those who were acquainted with his worth esteemed him as one of the best of men. — "Ecc. Rec. N.Y.," many letters. "Doc. Hist.," iii. 599. "Mag. R.D.C," ii. 296, 300; iii. 55, 301, 338. "Sprague's Annals." "McClintock's Cyc." He left a MS. autobiographv. Manual, 1902. See also "Centennial of N.B. Sem.," 418. Meyer, John H. C.C. 1795, studied theol. under Livingston, 1. CI. N.Y. 1708; New Paltz and New Hurley, 1799-1803; Schenectady, 1803-6, also S. S. Niskayuna, 1805. d. 1806. He was an accomplished scholar, speaking with great fluency and ele- gance both in Dutch and English. As a preacher, he was gifted and popu- lar, and was possessed of a peculiar unction in his delivery. He was a son of Hermanns Meyer. — "Stitt's Hist. Ch. New Paltz." Meyer, Karl, b. in Hesse»Darmstadt, Germany, Oct. 26, 1824; studied at Gymnasium of Werrigorde, Prussia, 32-8; at Royal Paedigogium. II- feld, Hanover. 38-43. University of Giessen, 43-6, University of Halle, 46-7 ; Theolog. Sem. at Friedberg, 47-8, ordained. Assistant pastor, Homberg, 48-54, also inspector of schools, 48-60; sole pastor, Hom- berg, 54-60; Prof, of Ecc. and Universal Hist, in a Bavarian institu- tion for training missionaries, 60-2; came to America. — New Bruns- wick, 3d, 62-4; Miss, in Jersey City, 64-9, New Brunswick, 69-1901. d. Dec. 4. Prof, of Modern Langs, in R.C. 69-1901. D.D. by N.Y.U. 1869. He was a profound scholar but so quiet a man that he w^as largely unap- preciated. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Recollections of Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Campbell," in "Mem- orial. Meyers, Ab. H.. b. 1801 ; U.C. 27. N.B.S. 30. 1. CI. N.B.; St. Jobnsville, 30-1, Beaverdam and Berne, 31-5. Belleville, 35-7, St. Johnsville, 37-44, S.S. Berne and Schaghticoke. 44-8, Manheim. 48-52, Glenville, ist, 52-4, North Esopus, 55-6, Germantown, 56-62. S.S. at Esopus, 62-5, Saddle River, 66-72. Easton. N.Y., 72-5. Linlithgo (Livingston- Ch.) 75-8, emeritus. Died 1886, Mar. 9. Michael, Daniel. R.C. 1833. N.B.S. 36. 1. CI. Montgomery; Domestic Miss. at Redford. Mich.. 1836-47, d. 1865. Michaelius, Jonas, b. 1584, educated at University of Leyden, lie. 16-..; (Niewboksw^onde, 1612-14. Hem, 1614-1624; St. Salvador, 1624-5, Guinea. 1626-7), New Amsterdam, 1628-1632. In 1637 the Classis of Amsterdam wished to send him back to America but the West India Company refused. In 1641 he supplied the Dutch Church of Yarmouth. England. He subsequently settled in Zeeland. Jonas Michaelius was the first minister of the Reformed Church in Amer- ica. He has taken this honor from Rev. E. Bogardus. to whom it was long conceded. Through the researches of J. J. Bodel Nijenhuis. a letter was discovered in the archives of The Hague, which brought these facts to light. This letter was transmitted in 1858 by Hon. Henry C. Murphy, the American minister stationed at The Hague. ' The letter is dated New Amsterdam, August nth, 1628 and is directed to Rev. Adrian Smoutius. Amsterdam. THE MINISTRY 4^7 Another letter of Michaelius written three days earlier, August 8th 1628, was addressed to Johannes Foreest of Hoorn, a man of patrician birth who was a member of the West India Company. This letter was preserved by Foreest's descendants but forgotten until their papers were sold m 1902, when it was bought bv an American collector and pul)lished in 1904- inter- est stimulated by these two letters of Michaelius has led to further inves- tigations and discoveries. r c ,. a ,Ar>r. In the Catalogue of Levden University under date of Sept. 6. 1600. the name of Joannes Michaeli appears as having matriculated for the study of Theologv. aged twentv-three years. This person was long supposed to be the subject of our sketch. But Dr. A. Eekhof, Professor of Church Historv in the Levden University, claims to have proved that the Michaelius, who was the f^rst Dutch pastor in America, matriculated on November 1 7th IS98 He has also found in the records of the University that Mich- aelius was fifteen vears old on Feb. icth. 1599. He was therefore born in i=;S4 and not in 1577. as before supposed. , . , . k ki , ^The Minutes of the Classis of Enkhuysen by which he was probably licensed and ordained were destroyed by fire in 1838. His name first ap- pears in the Svnod of North Holland in 1621 as a delegate from the Classis of Enkhuysen" to the meeting of the Synod held that year on August 24 ^Sn ^the*^Minutes of the Svnod of North Holland, held at Edam August 12, 1625, among the ministerial changes it is recorded that Jonas Michielse, has removed from Hem to Brazil, at San Salvador. For information in regard to his coming to America and his work there we are indebted to his letters. Accompanied by his wife, children and a hired bov he sailed from Holland on January 24. 1628. and after an unpleas- ant vovage arrived at Manhattan. April 7th. 1628. Seven weeks after his arrival" his wife, to whom he had been married in 161 2, died, and his exper- iences amid the rude life of the wilderness were difficult. Within a month of his arrival he organized the first Reformed Church in America— the Col- leo^iate Dutch Church of New York. Michaelius took an interest in the gov- ernment of the colonv siding with Director General Minuit in the disputes which arose and thus bringing censure, perhaps undeserved, upon himselt He returned to Holland late in 1631 or early in 1632, and reported himselt to the Consistorv of Amsterdam, March 4. 1632. Michaelius was also examined soon after by the West India Company in regard to affairs in New Netherland. ,.,-.,■ r .u r-i • His subsequent movements are thus traced in the Minutes of the Classis of Amsterdam and in the Archives of the Dutch Church of Austin Friars, London. JoHiis Micluiclitis. 1637 Sept 7th. Whereas the Messrs. Directors of the West Indni Coiii- hattv request a minister for Neiv Netherland: and since Rcz'. Joivis Mich- aelius is now present here (in Holland) without a charge; the Brethren resolve that the Deputies on Indian Affairs must put forth every endeavor to persuade him to the acceptance of this service. Having done this they will recommend him most favorably to the Directors, iv. 103; also in 1617, Oct. 5th. The Brethren, the Deputies on Indian Affairs report, that'thcv had recommended and proposed Rei: Jonas Michaelius (Do- minum lonam Michaclium) to the Directors; but they had finally given as an answer, that when thev had need of him, they would summon him. This greatlv displeased the (Classical) Assembly, iv. 107. xxxix. 34. 1637, Nov. i6th. The case of Re7'. Jonas MichaHus and Peter Jansz Lantman shall be brought anew before the Directors by the Deputies, and be earnestly recommended, iv. 113. xxix. 37. 428 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1638, June /th. The Brethren Deputati ad Res Indicas reported that they had recommended to the Directors of the West India Company, as ministers, Rc7'. Jonas Micliacliiis, Rev. Middlchovius, and Rcz'. Peter Janss. Laiitsiiian. Of these three, Peter Jans::, alone is accepted, while they give little or no hope to the other two. It was now resolved to ask for a more- definite reply concerning the first two. iv. 125. xxxix. 41. 1638, July 5th. Concerning the Rcz's. Jonas Michaelius and Middcl- Iwii-c'iiis, the Deputati ad Res Indicas reported, that they understood from the Hon. President of the West India Company that the rejection of those two individuals had been announced by his Honor, in the name of the Assembly, (the Assembly of the xix, or Governing Board of the West India Company.) iv. 129. xxxix. 42. This is the last allusion in the "Minutes of the Classis of Amsterdam" to Michaelius. From preceding documents it will be seen that his father's name was Joannes, and he was thus called, perhaps, sometimes, as is prob- ably the case in the "General Catalogue" (Album Studiosorum) of Leyden University. He may have had a son Joannes, unless the following docu- ment refers to himself. It may possibly suggest Zeeland as a place to seek for further light on the subsequent historv of the first minister of New York. Rei: Joannes Miehielsen. On May 10-20, 1641. the Dutch Church of Yarmouth, England, wrote to the Dutch Church of London, asking for some pecuniary assistance. The}' had temporarily secijred the services of Rev. Joannes Miehielsen, through one of their Elders, who had met him in Zeeland. Of this they were very glad, as they had long been without a minister, and they were hungering for the bread of life. This Miehielsen had been with them about ten weeks to their great edification. He was now about to depart, and they wished to reward him for his services. Archives of the Dutch Church of London, Document 2610. On Sept. 4-14, 1641, the Dutch Church at Maidstone, England, wrote to the Colloque (Synod) of the Dutch Churches in London, that they were about to engage as their minister. Rev. Joannes Mijchijlsen, and hence they sent their elder, Danneel Beeckman, to confer with the Colloque on the subject. Document 2632. On Oct. 2y, (N.S. Nov. 6), 1641, Rev. Joannes Alichielsen wrote to the Dutch Church at London. He refers to the fact that when traveling some weeks before to Yar- mouth, by way of London, he had promised the Elders of the Dutch Church of Maidstone that he would come to them, in case he received no sum- mons from Holland; but he had received such a summons, and hence he could not fulfill the conditional engagement. He was about going to Zee- land. Document 2640. On Nov. 16-26. 1641. the Dutch Church of Maidstone wrote to the Dutch Church of London, asking for information as to what the Colloque of Dutch Churches in London had done. Mr. Miehielsen had written them that he would come to them in two or three weeks, but two months had now passed. Document 2644. From the Archives of the Dutch Church of Austin Friars, London. In vol. xxxvii. which is an Index to the Extracts about the colonial churches in Vol. xxxix. Jonas Michaelius is referred to as "late minister of Virginia": meaning, no doubt. New Netherland. See Rev. Dr. Daniel Van Pelt's article on Michaelius in "Ch. Int.," Oct. 13. 1897. For the letter first discovered and fuller particulars, see "Col. Hist.. N.Y.," vol. ii. 759-770. This letter is also printed in appendix to "Mary Booth's Hist. N.Y.C." — For revised translation, and fac-simile of original letter, see "Collegiate Ch. Year-Book," 1895, 142, 1896, 292-308. THE MINISTRY 429 For the letter more recently discovered in Manhattan in 1628 as described in the recently discovered letter Jonas Michaelius. D. Versteeg, New York, 1904, also see Van Rensselaer-Bouvier Manuscripts, 50-51. See Manual, 1902. Middlemas, Jasper. (Presbyterian). Blooming Grove, 1840-43. Curry- town and Mapletown, 1844-7. S.S. Salem and Berne, 2d, 1848-54. Salem, 1854-5. Miedema, William, b. Vriesland, Mich., July 23, 1867; H.C. 93, VV.S. 90, 1. CI. Holland; ord. by CI. Dakota; Centreville. S.D., 96-7, Bushnell, 111., 97-1900, Norwood Park, Chicago, 1900-1903, Constantine, Mich., 1 905 -07. Miles, John B., received from the Presbyt. Ch. of Ireland, as a candidate, by the Classis of Ulster, 1799-1801, dismissed. Milledoler, Philip, b. at Rhinebeck, Sept. 22, 1775; C.C. 1793, studied under Gros, lie. and ordained by G.R. Synod, 1794; (N.Y.C., Nassau, St. Ger. Ref. 1795-1800, Philadelphia, Pine St., Presbyt. 1800-5. N.Y.C.. Rutgers St. Presbyt. 1805-13), New York. 13-25, Prof. Theol. and Pres. Rutgers College, at New Brunswick, and Prof. Moral Phil. 25-41, d. 1852, Sept. 22. S.T.D. by U. Pa. 1805. Pllected a trustee Q.C. 1815; again R.C. 1833. His parents were Swiss Germans, coming from the Canton of Berne, and settling in New York in early life. During the occupation of the city by the British, they took up their abode in Rhinebeck. They were members of the Nassau Street German Reformed Church, and piously sought to bring up their children in the fear of the Lord. They were gladdened by the early development of lovely piety in their son Philip. He united with the church in very early youth, and at once chose the ministry, and was licensed in his nineteenth year. He soon became pastor of the church in which he had been reared, preaching both in German and in English. Those early labors met with great acceptance, being already characterized by the rich spiritual unction which afterward pervaded his prayers and discourses, while his development of character and conduct attracted in- terest and respect. While in New York he was .sought after by the German Reformed Cluirch to take charge of their projected Seminary at Frederick, Maryland, but, difficulties springing up respecting the introduction of the English language. Dr. Milledoler was led to decline. ("Tercent. Monument," 548). He succeeded Dr. Livingston, however, as Professor of Theology, and Presi- dent of Rutgers College, in New Brunswick. Dr. C. C. Cuyler gave him the charge on this occasion. His duties in this double office were dis- charged with signal industry and fidelity. He was cordially catholic in his spirit, a lover of good men. He took an active part in the organization and development of some of the leading benevolent institutions of the day. He was especially noted for his peculiar unction in prayer. He seemed to carry his hearers, as it were, to tlie very portals of heaven. This gift in him was marvelous. See Manual, 1902. PiBLic.ATioNS : See Manual, 1902. Miller, Alfred John, b. Troy. N. Y., July 19, 1896. Teachers' College, Albany. Studied theolo.gy privately and at Univ. Chicago. 1. by Wes- tern N. Y. Ass. Cong. Chs. (Cong'. Ch., North Colline, 1919-20)' Scho- harie, N. Y., 1921 . Americanization Work. Director of Religious Education, Erie Co.. N. Y. Rural Survey for Erie Co. Interchurch World Movement. Publications: Editor of Loose Leaf Note Book on Religious Education. Miller, Benj. Cory, b. at New Lima, Ind., 1850; R.C. -jz. N.B.S. 75, lie. CI. Newark; Roxbury, 75-81, S.S. Gilboa, 82-5, Fairfield, 85-6, Franklin, 86-9, Whitehouse. 1890-5. Became Methodist. Miller. Charles S.. b. Munden. Germanv. Nov. 2S, 1855. N.B.S. 1896-9. Methodist. 430 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Miller, Edward, b. Germantown, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1829. R.C. 1857, N.B.S. 60, 1. CI. Hudson ; Berne and Beaverdam, 60-72, N. Blenheim and Breakabin, 72-84. d. April 10, 1915. Min. Gen. Syn., 191S, 607. Miller, Edward Rothsay, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 29, 1843; C.N.J. 67, P.S. 70, post.-grad. course, 71, lie. by Presbyt. N.Y. June 6, 70; ord. by Prestj. Jersey City, Ap. 16, "ji; (Presb. Miss, to Japan, 72-4), enters R.C.A., 74. Missionary in Japan, 1875-1915. d. Aug. 7. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1916, 929. D.D. Publications : Trans. Heidelberg Catechism into Japanese. — Sketch of North Japan Mission.^ — Sketch of The Church of Christ in Japan. Miller, Edward Waite, b. Montgomery, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1865. U.C. 1887, Auburn Sem. 1891. Studied at Berlin University 1897. 1. by Prcs. of North River, 1892. (Pres. Syracuse, N. Y., 1892-5. Prof. Ch. History Auburn Theo. Sem., 1895-1908). Albany, N. Y., 6th, 1908-12. Home Sec. Bd. Foreign Missions, R.C. A., 1913-17. Locust Valley, N. Y.^ 1917-21. (Pres. Gloversville, N. Y., Kingsboro Ave., 1922 ■). D.D. by U.C. 1902. Publications: Articles in Theological and Historical Magazine. Life and Writings of Wessel Gansfort, 1917. Miller, George H., b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1864. Bloomfield Sem. 1887. (Presbyterian, Brooklyn, 1887-92). N.Y.C., Melrose, 1892-1919. d. March 3. Min. Gen. Syn., 1919, 923. Miller, Henry, b. Mar. 16, 1832, in Saxony, Germany; Gym. of Franken- berg; Univ. of Leipzig, 55; tutoring, 55-60; (Dresden, Ger., 60-79), c. to America, 60; CaHcoon, N.Y., 60-88, Albany, 4th, 88-1899, d. June 27th. Ph.D. Univ. Leipzig. Greatly beloved by his people, his churches prospered under him, both temporally and spiritually. He was of modest disposition, of great kindli- ness of heart, and cordiality of manner. He possessed marked poetical talent, and many journals and magazines contain contributions from his pen in the German language.- — "Mints. Gen. Svn.," 1900, 564. Miller, Henry, b. New Brunswick, N. J., June 'i, 1871. R.C. 1894. N.B.S. 1897. Teaching. Miller, Isaac L. Kip. R.C. 1840, student in N.B.S., d. Jan. 22, 1845. See sketch in Rev. Dr. F. M. Kip's "An Old Disciple," pp. 117-235. Miller, John Clarence, b. Livingston, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1879. R.C. 1904, N.B.S. 1907. 1. by CI. Bergen. Assist. Grove Ch., New Durham, N. J., 1907-11. In charge of Wood-Cliff Chapel, 1907-11. Woodcliffe-on- Hudson, N. J., 1911-21. Mountain Lakes, N. J., 1921 Miller, John E., b. in Albany, 1792; U.C. 1812, 1. 17; (Miss, in the South and West, 17-18, Chester, N.J., 18-23), Tompkinsville, 23-47, d- Also Chaplain in Marine Hospital, and at Seaman's Retreat. Manual, 1902. Miller, M.. Jersey City, ist, Ger.. 1892. Miller, Samuel D. Easton, N.Y., 1900-1901. Congregationalist. Miller, Wm. A., b. Albany, N. Y., 1824; U.C. 42, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. Albany; Glenham, 46-9, Prof. Langs., Albany Acad., 49-56, Rhinebeck, 56-9; d. 1863. D.D. by R.C. 1862. In every position which he occupied he discharged his duties with fidelity, energy, and success. Gifted with a mind well balanced and thoroughly cultivated, he was qualified for widespread usefulness. He was an ac- curate, well-read scholar, and fully equal to the standard of modern criti- cism. He was a thorough, analytical, and instructive teacher. As a preacher, he clearly presented the truth, was logical in his reasonings, prac- tical in his expositions, and forcible in his appeals. As a Christian, he was meek in spirit, ardent in piety, and earnest in his endeavors to secure the salvation of souls. — Sketch in "Ch. Int.," Nov. 19, 1863. Publications: "Lessons of the Atlantic Telegraph." 1858. — Hist. For. Miss, in "Ch. Int." THE MINISTRY 431 Miller, Wm. H., b. N.Y.C., Oct. i, 1838. N.B.S. 1861, 1. N. CI. L.I. ; Al- bany, 3d, 1861-3, Mt. Pleasant, 5Cth St., N.Y.C., 1863-4. Miller, Wm. J. H. 1. by CI. N.L.I. Winfield, L. I., 1907-11. Belleville, N. J., 1911-14. Fairfield, N. J., 1916-18. North Hackensack, N. J., 1918-20. Dropped from roll, 1920. Millett, Joseph, b. Cornwall, England, Jan. 16, 1849; High School, Hayle, Eng. ; Penryn. Wesleyan Thcolog. Inst. 1872; lie. by Wesleyan Meths. 1865; (in Aleth. Ch. 73-87); Minisink, 87-90, Bloomingdale (Ulster Co.), N.Y., 1890-1902. (Presbyterian, 1902-1906). Gardiner, N. Y., 1906-08, Esopus, N. Y., 1908-14, Rosendale Plains, N. Y., 1914-17, Jerusalem and Onesquethaw, N. Y., 1917 Millett. Samuel. S.S. Franklin Furnace. 1885, Wurtsboro, 85-91. :Milliken, Peter Houston, b. Crawford, Orange Co.. Aug. 21, 1851. N.Y., R.C. 1876, N.B.S. 79, lie. CI. Orange; Berea, 79-82, Paterson, 2d, 82-88, Philadelphia, ist, 1888-1909, Ass., Marble Col. Ch., N.Y.C., 1910-17. Also S.S. Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn, 1909-11. S.S., Mont- clair Heights. 1917-18. Ph.D. by N.Y.U. 1889. D.D. by R.C. 1899. Publications: Exposition of S.S. Lessons in "Ch. Int.," 1887. — Many contributions to "Ch. Int." Milliken, Richard Peary, b lie. CI. Orange, 1876; Grahamville, 76-83. (also S.S. at Claraville, 76-83, and S.S. Unionville, 77-83), Dashville Falls, 83-87, Newark, (Trinity Ch.), 87-93, d- Aug. 12. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1894, 210. Mills, Augustus W. Williamsburgh, 1893-4. Mills, B. Fav, (Congregationalist ) ; Union V'illage, N.Y., 1882-3. Mills, Geo. 'N.Y.C. (Ger.) 1823-33. Alills, Geo. A., b. N.Y.C, Feb.. 1839. R.C. 1863. N.B.S. 66, 1. S.Cl. L.I.; Taghkanic. 1866-70, Castelton. 70-82, Northumberland, 82-4. Congrega- tionalist. Mills, Samuel Wickham, b. in Orange Co.. N.Y., April 5. 1820; R.C. 38. N.B.S. 42. 1. CI. N.B.; S.S. Bloomingburgh. Oct. 42-3, May; pas- tor. 43-58, Deerpark, 58-71. d. Nov. 27, 1902. D.D. by R.C. 1874. Dr. Mills was a man of charming personality, courtly bearing, wide cul- ture, broad sympathies and Christ-like character. All the years of his min- istry were passed within the bounds of the Classis of Orange, and he thus became preeminent among his brethren. His historical studies made him an authority on local history and his influence was extensive throughout the region of Orange County. Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 522. Publications: "Ref. D. Ch. of Walpack" : a Hist. Ser. at Dedication of Ch. Bushkill. 1874. Ref. D. Ch. Port Jervis. 1 737-1878; a Hist. Ser. 1878. Mill.spaugh. Alex. C, b. in Orange Co., N.Y.. 1810; R.C. 38, N.B.S. 41. I- Cl. Orange; Middletown Village, 41-66, Jeru.salem and Onesquethaw, 66-72, Schoharie Mt. and Central Bridge, 76-78, Union, 78-85, d. Dec. 3. Milne. Charles, b. 1820, R.C. 1842. N.B.S. 1842-3. Presbvterian. d. March 21, 1882. Minor, Albert Dod (s. of John Minor), b. Centreville. Mich.. Jan. 12, 1850; R.C. 76, studied theology privately; lie. CI. Montgomery, Ap. 79; St. Johnsville. 79-88. Mohawk, 88-91. Fort Herkimer. 88-95. d. Aug. 10. 1910. See Min. Gen. Syn., 191 1. 260. Minor, lohn. b. Lodi. N.Y.. Nov. 14, 1814; R.C. 42, N.B.S. 45. 1. CI. N.B., Miss, to Ridgeway, Mich.. 45-8, to Centreville, 48-50, to Keyport, 50-1, Leeds, 51-6. Cor. Sec. Bd. of Publication. 57-9. Flatbush. (Ulster Co.). 59-64. Glenvillc, ist. 64-73. Port Jack.son. 73-80; S.S. (Tranes- ville, 79-80. Manheim. N.Y.. 80-2. Currytown and Mapletown, 82-4, Sprakers. 84-5. Miss, at Norwich and Litchfield, Herkimer Co.. N.Y., 85-7, (S.S. Hillsdale and Maiden. N.Y.. ^:--%. S.S. Herkimer, N.Y.. 89-90. d. Nov. 20. See Manual, 1902. 43- THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Mitchell, Charles B. Congregationalist. Fairfield, N. J., 1903-05. Congre- gational, Fairmont, W. Va. D.D. Mitchell, Sam. S.. b. 1839. New York; C.N.J. 1861. P.S. 1864; (Harris- burg, Pa., 1864-9. Washington, D.C., N.Y. Ave., 1869-78) ; Brooklyn Heights. 1878-80. See "P. Sem. Gen. Cat." Miyaka, Aragi, b. Okayama, Japan, Aug. 24, 1865. Studied at Doshisha English School. 1884. N.B.S. 1888. Laboring in Japan. Moelling, Peter A., Naumberg, 1880-4, New Bremen, 1884-7. Moerdyk, James E., b. Drenthe, Mich., May 2, 1870; H.C. 97. N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. Wisconsin; Missionary in Arabia, 1900 Moerdyk, Peter, b. in the Netherlands, 1845; H.C. 66, H.S. 69; lie. CI. Holland; Macon and South Macon, 69-71, Assist. Prof. Latin and Greek in Hope Coll., 71-3, Grand Rapids, ist, 73-92, Chicago, Trinity Ch., 1892-1907, South Bend, Ind., 1908-14. D.D. by . Publications: "Hist. Refd. Ch.," Grand Rapids, 1880. — Many contribu- tions to the press. Moerdyk, Wm., b. Neth., Jan. 27. 1843. H.C. 1866, H.S. 69; lie. CI. Hol- land; Drenthe. 69-72, Zeeland, '/2-'/'], Milwaukee, 77-84, Holland, 111., 84-86, Pella, la., ist, 86-90, Muskegon, Mich., ist. 90-92, Kalamazoo, Mich., 3d. 92-4, Milwaukee. Wis., ist, 94-1900. Roseland. ist. 1900-05, Zeeland, 2d, 1905-11, Grandville, 1911-13. d. Sept. 17, 1914. Editorial Staff De Hope, Leader, Heiderswereld. Member Council H.C. Member Bd. F.M. D.D. by R.C. 1882. Min. Gen. Syn., 1915, 594. Moffett, Edwin Oscar, b. Westfiel'd, N.J.. Sept. 29. 1857; R.C. 82. N.B.S. 85, 1. CI. N.B. New Prospect, N.Y.. 1885-1905, Central Bridge and Howe's Cave, 2d. 1906-12, Guilderland Centre, Helderberg. 1912 Publications : Hist, of New Prospect Ch.. 75th anniversary. Hist, of Helderberg Ch.. 150th anniversary. Poems, etc. Mohn, Leopold, b. Germany. Feb. 13, 1833; from Evan. Miss. Assoc, Ber- lin, 1854; North Bergen, 54-7, Hoboken. (Ger.). 57-85, d. IVIar. 8. D.D. R.C. 1882. Publications: "Offenbarung und Wissenschaft." 1880. Mohn. Otto Leopold Frederick (son of Leopold Mohn), b. Hobokcn, N.J., Feb. I, 1874; R.C. 94, N.B.S. 97, 1. CI. Bergen: Fairfield, 97-1902, . Greenville, Jersey City, 1902-1903. Assistant, Marble Col. Ch.. N.Y.C., 1904-06. (Pres. Warsaw, N. Y., 1906-11). Port Richmond, S. L, 1911 Mollema, Bernard, b in Netherlands, Oct. 3, 1843. Came to America, 1865. (Christian Reformed Church, 1873-93). Charles Mix, Platte, S.D., 1893-1901 ; Ringle, Forrestville, Wis., 1906-12. d. Sept. 10, 1919. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 274. Mollema, Henry (son of Bernard Mollema), b. Wellisburg, la., Jan. 15, 1878, H.C. 1907. W.T.S. 1910. 1. by CI. Holland. Muscatine, la., 1910- 12; Vriesland, Mich.. 1912-17; Spring Lake, Mich.. 1917 — — Mollenbeck, Bernhard, b. Oct. 16. 1841. at Wesel. Germany; Roman Cath. ■Monastery; fled from it. 64; studied in Holland and at Dubuque Presb. Sem. 70; (Fremont, Neb.. Alto; Fon du Lac; Holland; Salem, Mo.; Cong, or Presbyt. chs., 70-87; Doesburg. Netherlands, 87-89) ; Lennox, 1st, S.D., 89-92, Chapin, la.. 92-1900. d. Ap. 27. Destined for the Roman priesthood, he forsook the Monastery to which he was sent, and found refuge in Holland, studying at Kampen under Dr. A. Kuyper. He did excellent service in several churches in America, and truly spent himself for Christ and His Church. See "Mints. Gen. Svnod." 1900, 898. Moment, John J., b. Orono, Ontario. Feb. i. 1875. P.C. 1896. Hartford Sem. 1906. 1. by Pres. of Morris and Orange, 1907. Jersey City, N. J., Bergen, Ass., 1908-11. (Presbyterian. High St.. Newark, 1911-1918). Crescent Ave.. Plainfield. 1918 Publications: Faith in Christ, 1915. Various magazine articles. THE MTXISTRY 433 Moncada, Pietro S.. b. Pachini, Italy. Nov. i, 1887. Ragusa College. 1905. Bible Teachers' Training Sch., N. Y., 1912. Received from Waldensian Ch. of Italy. 1. bv CI. of Poughkeepsie. 1912. Ord. by CI. of Poughkeep- sie. 1921. In charge of Italian Work at Beacon and Newburgh, N. \. Publications: L' Era Nuova," Divine Service for Church and S.S. Montaigne, John. (French Ref.). Fordham. 1696. , See "Watson's Huguenots of Westchester Co.. N.\ ., 87, 88. Bolton 3 Westchester Co.." ii. 33^- "Waldron's Fordham," 87. . .jr- Monteith. Walter, b. at Broadalbin. N.Y. 178—; U.C. 181 1. Tutor m U.C. 181^-15 NBS 1818; Flatlands and Flatbush. 1819-20. (Schenectady Presbyt. 1820-.., N.Y.C.. Pearl St., 18-.. -29), d. 1834, May 5- See Manual of 1879. xt t j Moore, George. Jr. N.B.S. 1917- 1- by CI. Raritan. Irvmgton, N. J., 2d, 1917-20. (Congregational, 1920 ). ,, ^ x Moore, Jas. G. Lafavette. Col. 1842. P.S. 1845; (Beaver Meadow) ; sup- plied Minisink. 1848-9; teacher at Blairstown. N.J., , (West Farms. N.Y.). d. 1858. Moore, Wm. Lewis, b. Mar. 10. 1833. in N.Y.C. ; R.C. 54- PS. 57. he. Presb of Nassau. 56; (Wvoming. Pa.. 57-8, S.S. West Milford, 59-60, S.S. Sparta. 60-62. S.S. Fort Lee. 70-3, New Providence, N.J., 63-70, all Presbvt.). Little Falls. N.J.. 78-81. w. c. , ^, .t t, Moore, William Shotwell. b. N.Y.C. July 22. 1813, N.B.S. 39. 1- CI. N.B.; Unionville, Jan. 12. 40-50. New Prospect. 50-56. UnionviUe and Green- burgh. 56-64. Minisink, 64-69, Gilboa, 69-73, Woodstock, 73-79, w. c. Died Sept. 26. 1896. , rr- , j He took a great interest in the extension of the Redeerner s Kmgdom and was especially devoted to the maintenance of the Gospel in New York City. See Manual, 1902. „ „ ^ ^ -kt t> o Morehouse, Harrv C, b. Coeymans. N. Y., Feb. 25. 1878. R.C. 1905. N.B.S. 1908. 1. by CI. Albany 1908. Ghent, N. Y., 2d, 1908-12, Central Bridge and Howe''s Cave. N: Y.. 2d. 1912 Morgan, John Francis, b. Minden, Mich.. May 6. 1856; Taylor University; Christian Bib. Inst.. 84; (Brougham. Ont. ; Freehold. N.Y.; Ravenna, N.Y. ; Conmant, O.) ; Hamilton Grange, N.Y.C, 1890-2, Park Ch., Jersey Citv, 1892-1903. (Pres. Claremont Ch., Jersey City. 1903 ). Morgan, Joseph, b. 1674; ordained 1697. in Connecticut. (Bedford and East Chester, N.Y., 1699-1704. Greenwich, Ct., 1704-8, Freehold, Presbyt. 1708-31), Freehold and Middletown. N.J., 1709-31. (Hopewell and Maidenhead, N.J., 1732-7). d- I740- His father came to New London about 1647, under the lead of the younger John Winthrop. He is said to have been of Welsh origin. Joseph was subjected to persecutions in his ministry, on account of the manner of his ordination. His use of notes in preaching was much opposed by the neighboring ministers, so that he was obliged to desist. In 1708 he re- moved to Freehold, to take charge of the Scotch church there. The Dutch sought a part of his services, and he was also installed as their pastor, Oct. 19. 1709. On Sept. 21, 1710, he was received as a member of the Pres- bytery of Philadelphia. He learned the Dutch language out of pure zeal for the work. He gave the Dutch three-fourths of his services. About 1721 a revival was enjovcd. The next year he went to Connecticut to seek additional ministerial help, but in vain. He was the author of a number of printed sermons, on various subjects, and was in correspondence with Cot- ton Mather. A Latin letter of Morgan to Mather, dated 1721. is preserved at Worcester, Mass. He complains that he had very few books. ^^ He pub- lished treatises on "Baptism." on "Deism," on "Original Sin," and on "Sin its own Punishment." Also, a "Reply" to an anonymous railer against election. He savs, in one of his publications, that as congregations keep their ministers free from worldly avocations, by liberal support, does the work of Christ flourish. Various charges were at length brought against 434 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA him, such as "practicing astrology, countenancing promiscuous dancing, transgressing in drink." (1728). They were not sustained. In 1736, intemperance was proved against him, but in 1738 he was restored. Sub- sequently, having heard Whitefield preach, he was so affected thereby that he went forth as an evangelist along the sea coast of New Jersey, and died in this work. — See "Hall's Hist. Ch. of Trenton," 45-50; "Webster's His- tory of the Presbyt. Ch.," 335. "Rev. T. W. Wells' Hist. Disc, at Marl- boro," 1877. Publications: A Latin letter to Mather, 1721. (The original in An- tiquarian See. at Worcester). Published in "Presbyt. Mag.," Nov., 1857. — Treatise on "Baptism." — A Treatise on "Original Sin." — A Treatise on "Sin, Its Own Punishment." — A Reply to an "Anonymous Railer Against Election." Morris, Henry, b. near Buskirk's Bridge, Washington. N.Y., Sept. 19, 1803; Ham. C. 23, N.B.S. and P.S. 24-9, 1. Presbyt. Troy, Feb. 25, 29; ord. by same as an evangelist, Feb. 23, 31 ; (Miss, at Wapping, Ct., 29-32, Granville, N.Y., 32-4, Orwell, Vt., 34-41, supplied Burlington, Ct, 41-3), Union Village, 43-8, Easton, N.Y., (S.S.), 50-5, Cudde- backville, 55-62, serving in Christian Com. among the soldiers, Nov. 63-May 64, at Newbern, Roanoke, Is., and Plymouth, N.C. ; supplying churches, 64-76, emeritus. Died Oct. 17, 1882. See also "P. Sem. Cat." Publications : Sermons on Baptism. 1844. Morris. Jonathan Ford, b. in Somerville, N.J., 1801 ; N.B.S. 1824; 1. CI. N.B. 1824; Miss, successively at Ovid, Fayette, Pultneyville, and Wy- nantskill, 1824-5, at Montville, 1825-7. at Amsterdam, (or Albany Bush), Glen, Charleston, Ephratah, Stone Arabia, Herkimer, Ford's Bush, Asquach, 1827-9, Nassau, 1829-32, w. c. Died July 11, 1886. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1887, 430. Morris, John Neville, b. Jamaica, N.J., 1847. Ord. by Lutheran Ch. 1874. Lutheran pastorates 1874-1891. Rosendale, 1891-3, Newark, N.J. (Trinity), 1893-1907, Piermont, N.Y., 1907-15, d. April 18, 1921. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1921, 642. Morris, Ralph C, b. Lancaster, O., Sept. 4, 1880. R.C. 1903, N.B.S. 1906, 1. by CI. Newark. Jersey City, Greenville, 1908-10, Brooklyn, Edgwood, 1912-16. Morrison, John, b. Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, Dec. 12, 1859; R.C. 82, N.B.S. 86 1. CI , San Bernardino, Cal Oakland, Cal., Portland, Oregon, 92-99, d. July 26. "Biog. Notices Grads. R.C," 1900, 29. See account of his father in "Wicke's Hist, of Medicine, in N.J.," 338. Morse, A. G. Cato. S.S. 1857-9. (Morse, B. Y. Miss, to Rochester and Clove, 1828). Morton, Thomas, b. Salem, Mass., June 8, 1851 ; Mad. U. 1879; U.T.S. 1886-9, N.B.S. 1881-2; ord. by CI. Bergen, Ap. 17, 1888; S.S. Spots- wood, N.J., 1 890- 1 ; New Salem, N.Y., 1892-3; Glenville, N.Y., 1893-5. Europe, 1895-6. Mould, Elmer W. K. (Presbyterian). Little Falls, N.J., ist, 1915-19. (Presbyterian). Professor of History and Biblical Literature, Elmira College, N.Y., 1919 — — Moule, John G. R.C. 1834, P.S. 37; Unionville, 1837-9, Sand Beach, 1839- 41 (Orwell; Damascus, Pa.; Colchester, N.Y. ; Colicoon, N.Y.). See "P. Sem. Gen. Cat." Moulinars, Jean Joseph Brumauld, (French Reformed), New York (French Ch.), Nov. 12, 1718-26. New Rochelle, 1726-41, died Oct. He was a colleague of Mr. Rou, 1718-24. He was distinguished for a pacific disposition and unblamable life. But in 1724 his amicable relations with Rou came to a sudden end. Rou was inclined to Episcopacy, but Moulinars declared that Episcopacy and Romanism were as much alike as two fishes. Hence he began to oppose Rou, but the latter was far more THE MINISTRY 435 eloquent, and thereby attaclied the people to him for a while. But a new Consistory was elected, who favored Moulinars and was disposed to humble Rou. The latter refused to recognize the validity of their election. They ejected Rou from his office, but afterward regretted their act. Rou's adher- ents entered a complaint to Governer Burnet against these Elders. The Governor's Council urged them to be reconciled to each other, and finally the Elders offered to submit their differences to the Dutch ministers. But Rou, knowing that the French church was not formally organized, and since there was no Classis or Synod, he could not be restrained by the Elders, brought a bill in chancery before the Governor. Mr. Smith, the Elders' counsel, pleaded that the court had no jurisdiction; that the matter was purely ecclesiastical ; that according to the Constitution of the Reformed Church in France, the Consistory were the only proper judges; and that from them an appeal lay to the Colloquy or Classis, then to the Provincial Synod, and then to the General Synod. Governor Burnet, however, overruled this plea, and the Elders, fearing they might become personally responsible for Rou's salary, reinstated him, and then they left the church. For a differ- ent account of these difficulties, see Rou. See "Doc. Hist." iii. 64, 76, "JJ, 467-g, 1 166, 1169; "Smith's Hist., N.Y.," 166-7 ; "Collections of the Huguenot Soc," pp. xxxviii.-xliv. Mueller. See Miiller. Muilenburg, Herbert S., b. Orange City, la. Grinnell Col. 1912, W.T.S. 1915. 1. by CI. la. Inwood, la., 1916- Muilenberg, Tennis William, b. Pella, la., June 15, 1864; H.C. 89, N.B.S. 92, 1. CI. N.B. Boyden, la., 92-4, Grand Rapids, 7th, 94-8, Grand Haven, 1898-1908, Grand Rapids, Trinity. 1908-11, Kalamazoo, 2d, 1911-16, Missionary in California, 1917-19, South Holland, 111., 1919 . S.C. CI. G.R. School Director Grand Rapids. PuBLicATioxs : Articles in Leader, De Hope, etc. Mulder, James B., b. Zeeland, Mich., Feb. i, 1888. H.C. 1912. N.B.S. 1916, 1. by CI. N.B. Peekskill, N.Y., 1916-20 , Raritan, 2d, Somerville, N.J., Assistant, 1920 Mulder, John R., b. Nov. 28, 1893, Holland, Mich. H.C. 1917, W.T.S. 1921. P.G. Univ. Mich. 1918, 1. by CI. Mich. Prof. Bible and Philosophy Central College 1921 Mulder, Ties, Veendam, Neth.. June 20, 1868. H.C. 1898, N.B.S. 1901. Missionary R.C.A. Oklahoma, 1901-07. Missionary, Presbyterian, Oklahoma, 1907-09. I^Iulford, Henry Du Bois, b. in town of Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y., Sept. 27, 1859; R.C. 81, N.B.S. 85, lie. by CI. of Hudson; Six Mile Run, 85-89, Syracuse, ist, 89-97, Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. R.C. 1897- 191 1, Upper Red Hook, N.Y., 1913-18. Greenport, N.Y., S.S., 1919-20. D.D. U.C. 1903. Trustee, Elmira C, 1893-5. R.C. 1895-7. PuBLicvTiONS : Hist. Disc, at 175th Anniversary, Six-Mile Run, N.J., 1885; Sermon: "Relation of Dutch Pride to the Dutch Church." 1893; Hist. Add. : "The Centennial of Onondaga Co., N.Y.," 1894. — "Recollec- tions of Dr. W. H. Campbell," in "Memorial." 55. Muller, Cornelius, b. April 6, 1879. Danforth, 111. H.C. 1907. W.T.S. 1910, 1. by CI. Holland. Bethany, Sully, la., 1910-13, Sayville, N.Y., 1913- 20, Grand Rapids, Mich., 4th, 1920 Muller, Erich Theodore, b. Lawrence, Mass., May i, 1895. N.Y. Univ. 1916, N.B.S. 1919. 1. by S. CI. Bergen 1919. Clove Valley Chapel, S.I., 1919-20, Stanton, N. J., 1921 Muller, Fred., h. June 18. 1869, in Sinsheim, Baden, Germany; Bloomfield Acad. Dept. 93, Theolog Dept. 96, I'.G. N.Y. Univ. 1. Presbyt. Newark, 96; ord. by Presb. of Monmouth, Oct. 14, 96 (Pres. South River, N.J., 96-9), Albany, 4th, 1899 . Examiner in Heb. since 1910 and Head of Ger. Dept. Albany High School since 1908. Editor of Hansfreind. Muller, George Christopher, b. July 3, 1859, Sinsheim, Baden, Germany. 436 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Bloomfield Sem. 1887, 1. by Pres. Brooklyn 1887. (Pres Fainnount, O., 87-9, Lawrence, Mass., 1889-1906, Ger. Ref., Philadelphia. 1906- 07, St. John's Ger. Ref., Philadelphia, 1907-08. Ger. Ref.. Ebenezer, N.Y., 1908-10). Jersey City, ist, Ger. Evangelical, 1910-19, Melrose, First Evangelical, N.Y.C., 1919. Publications: Editor Altin Himbote. Theses. Many pamphlets. Muller, John, b. at Kaeslitz, Duchy S. Meiningen, Ger., June 22, 1826; R.C. 51. N.B.S. 54. 1. CI. N.Y.; Wolcott, 54-7. Miss, in Philadelphia, 57-8, Burlington. la., 58-61, Silver Creek, 61-71, Peoria, 71-93, Presi- dent, Pleasant Prairie College, (now Academy), 94-7; emeritus, 1898, S.S., Peoria, 1901-02. d. Oct. 23, 1910. Min. Gen. Syn., 1911, 260. Publications: A volume of 12 sermons. Contributions to German Periodicals. Muller, Mathew, b. Baden, Germany, May 31, 1865. Bloomfield Sem. 1892. Jersey City, ist, 1892-3, Bayonne, 3d, Ger., 93-7. (Pres. Zion Ger., N.Y.C., 1897-1903). Jersey City, ist, Ger., 1903-10, d. Feb. 15. Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 829. Mulligan, John, b. in Ireland, 1793; Rector of Gr. School at N.B. 28-30; teacher in N.Y.C., 29-61, d. ; also Prof Latin and Greek in N.Y. Uni- versity, 32-3. See Manual, 1902. _ Publications : "Exposition of the Grammatical Structure of the Eng- lish Language," i2mo, pp. 574. N.Y., 1852. — Reviewed in "Ch. Int.," Ap 28, 1852. — Abridgenient of the same, 1854. Mundhenke, W. R.. b. Freeport. 111.. Oct. 31, 1854. Dubuque C. & S. 1879. (Pres. Ger., Wheeling, 111., Rockville, Plattsville, Wis. Prof. Theo. Sem., Dubuque). Elim, Kings, 111., 1904-14, d. Sept. 29 He was a student and an earnest preacher of the Gospel Min. Gen. Syn., 191 6, 926. Munn. Anson F., b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 1828; R.C. 52, N.B.S. 56, 1. CI. N.B. ; East New York, 56-68, Coxsackie Landingj 68-77, d. June 26. See Manual of 1879. Munro, John J. Presbyterian. S.S., Bushwick. 1909-10. Presbyterian 1912. Murden, Benjamin F., b. N.Y.C., Dec. 16, 1817; R.C. 43; N.B.S. 46, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Taghkanic (Copake), 47-50, Union, 50-54, (Presbyt. Mitford, 57-1861, Plymouth, 61-68. Dearborn and Sheldon. 68-70, Montague, 70- 81) ; d. 1891, Ap. 14. See "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1891, 22. Murdoch, David. Catskill, 1842-51, d. 1861. Publications: "The Minister of Christ in His Sphere an Object of Holy Admiration" : a Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. David Murdoch, Jr., at New Milford, Ct., 1850. (See "Union Sem. Gen. Cat." for items concerning David Murdoch, Jr.). — "The Dutch Domine of the Catskills, or the Times of the Bloody Brandt," 1861. Murgatroyd, Edwin R., b. N.Y.C., 1855; C.C. N.Y. 79. U.S. 83, lie. CI. N.Y. See "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." Murphy, Jas.. b. near Rhinebeck, 1788; N.B.S. 1814, 1. CI. N.B. Roches- ter, Wawarsing, and Clove. 14-25. Glenville. 2d. 26-34; (also Miss, at Rexfordville. 30). St. Johnsville and Alanheim, 34-7, Herkimer and German Flats. 37-41, Herkimer and Frankfort, 39-40, Herkimer and Mohawk, 40-2, Coeymans, 42, S.S.. New Baltimore, 42-3, Herkimer, 43- 49, S.S.. Columbia. 50-4. Frankfort. 54-7. d. 1857. He enjoyed in a high decree the respect and esteem of his fellow-citizens, on account of his learning, his meekness, and his assiduity as a Christian teacher. He was fond of study, had a special relish for the classics, and some of the natural sciences. He was a preacher of superior abilities, and a pastor of approved fidelity. He was strongly urged to accept a call to the Ger. Ref. Ch. of Harrisburgh. in 1837. hut declined. THE IMIXISTRY 437 Publications: "Bible and Geology." 1850. — Art. in "Spraguc's An- nals" on Rev. Jer. Romeyn. Murphy, Harry W., b. Havre de Grace, Md., 1876. Studied privately, 1. by Newark Conference M.E. Ch. 1908. (M.E. pastorate 1908-12). Collegiate Church. N.Y.C., Sunshine Chapel. 191 2 Murphy. J. Harvey, b. Paterson. N.J., April 28, 1882. R.C. 1906, N.B.S. 1909, 1. by CI. Paramus. Philadelphia, ist, 1909-11, Amsterdam. Trin- ity, 1911-16, Jersey City Heights (Central Ave.), 1916-21, Hudson, N.Y., 1921 Murray, Chauncy D. Y.C. & Y. Sem., Market Street, N.Y.C., 1861-3. Left the ministry for the law. Became a leading political orator. Died Tan. 19, 1885. Murray, Chester P., b. Pa., 1845. C.N.J. -72, P.S. 75; Lodi, N.Y., 85-6. For other details, see "P. Sem. Cat." Muste, Abraham J., b. Zeeland. Neth., June 8, 1885, H.C. 1905, N.B.S. 1909, 1. by CI. G.R. Col. Ch., N.Y.C., Fort Washington, 1909-14, Congrega- tionalist, 1914 Muste, Cornelius B. H.C. 1914, N.B.S. 1917, 1. by CI. N.B. Amsterdam, Trinity, 1917-18, Catskill, 1918-21, Jersey City, Bayonne, 5th St., 1921 Muyskens, Arie, 1. by CI. la., Sioux Falls, S.D., 1909-11, Presbyterian. Muyskens, John. 1. by CI. Ulster, 1912, Port Ewen, N.Y., 1912-15, Pier- mont, N.Y., 1915-18. Muzelius, Frederick, b. in Germany, 1704; Tappan, 1726-49, d. 1782, Ap. 7. He began as a conservative member of the Coetus party, but soon became doubtful, if not positively antagonistic to them. He had considerable diffi- culty with the church of Tappan. and in 1749 was obliged to desist preach- ing.— Ecc. Rec. N.Y., many letters of references. See "Cole's Hist. Ch. of Tappan," 1894. Myer, see Meyer. Myer, Gilbert McP., b. at* Coxsackie, 1815; R.C. 1838, N.B.S. 1841, 1. CI. Greene, 1841 ; Cohoes. 1841-6, d. See Manual of 1879. Mvers, Abraham H. Cobbleskill, N.Y., 1833. Mvers, Alfred Edwards, b. N.Y.C., Dec. 29, 1844; Wms. C. 66; N.B.S. 66-7, P.S. 68-9. U.T.S. 69-70, lie. S. CI. L.I.; ord. on Oct. 9, 1870; Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn, 70-1, in Europe, 71-2, Bronxville, N.Y., 72-6. Owasco. N.Y., 77-9; (Owasco, Presb., 79-85; Syracuse, N.Y., 85-93) ; assistant pastor Collegiate Ch., 5th av. and 29th St., 1892-1915, d. Sept. 16. Dr. Burrell said of him: "A sweeter disposition, a more sensitive consci- ence, a more symmetrically furnished mind I have never known. Min. Gen. Syn., 1916, 931. PiHLicATioNS : "The Sociable, the Entertainment, and the Bazaar": Philadelphia, 1882. — "The Best Way of Giving," 1891. — Contributions to the Religious Press. Mjcrs, Chs. Morris, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1875; N.Y.U. 96, N.B.S. 99, lie. and ord. by CI. N.Y. ; Missionary at Nagasaki, Jpaan, teaching in Steele College, 1899-1904. Presbyterian Missionary, China, 1904 . Mission Treasurer for China. Myers, Henry Van Schoonhoven, b. N.Y.C., May 2y, 1842; W.C. 65, N.B.S. 68, 1. S. CI. L.I.; traveling in Europe, 68-70; assistant to Quack- cnbush. Prospect Hill, N.Y.C., May-Oct., 70; ord. by CI. Hudson, Feb. 14, 71 ; Upper Red Hook. 71-4, South Brooklyn, 74-81, Newburgh, 82- 91. Union, N.Y.C., 91-4, Church of the Comforter, N.Y.C., 1894-1903, American Bible Societv, Shanghai, China, 1903-08. Retired. S.T.D. Univ. N.Y. 1887. Myles, Wm. Guthrie. Walpack, Upper, Pa., 1896-7, Garfield, N. J., 1897- 1901, Presbyterian, 1902 Mytton, L. V.C. Pennsylvania Lane, 111., 1909-11. (Presbyterian, 1911). 438 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Nance, Thomas A. Received from A.M.E. Ch. S.C. 1903. Bethel, Shiloh, Magnolia, S.C, 1904-1911. (Lynchburg). Dismissed to Presbyterian Church. Nasholds, Wm. Hosea, b. Knox, N.Y., Feb. 22, 1851 ; R.C. 76, N.B.S. 79. 1. CI. Albany; Ramapo and Ramsays, 79-80, Geneva, 80-2, Farmer, N.Y., 82-7, Schodack Landing, 87-91, Bethlehem, N.Y., 1891-1905, Rot- terdam, N.Y., 2d, 1906-20. Neal, Ava, C.C. 1810, tutor in R.C. 14; N.B.S. 16, 1. CI. N.B.; Pompton Plains and Fairfield, 17-22, Pompton Plains, 22-8, suspended in 29, restored 33, d. 1839. PUBLIC.A.TIONS : "An Abstract of Dr. Livingston's Theology." 2 editions. 1st, 1831 ; 2d, 1832. Neal, Robt. Prattsville, N. Y.. 1895-6. Neander, J. Miss, to Jews, 1846-8. Neander, John, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., March 19, 1882. R.C. 1911, N.B.S. 1914, 1. by CI. Albany 1914. Gardiner, N.Y., 1914-18, Hillsborough (Millstone). 1918 Neef, G. L. N.Y.C., Norfolk St. (Ger.), 1875-83, (Lancaster, Pa., G.R.C. 1883 ). Neef, Jacob F., b. Feb. i, 1827, in Germany; Stuttgardt Coll., Germany; c. to America, 1853; N.B.S. 1858, lie. CI. N.Y., Plainfield and Warren, 1858-64, Albany, 4th, 1865-88, Feb. 6. See Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1888, 680. Neerken, Nich. H.C. 1871, H.S. 1874. (Pres. Dwight Mission, Cherokee Nation, Ind. Ter.). d. Jan. 3, 1887. Nettinga, Siebe C, b. Feb. 7, 1875, Freesland, Neth. H.C. 1900, W.T.S. 1903, 1. by CI. la. Spring Lake, Mich., 1903-09, Chicago, 111., Engle- wood, 1st, 1909-12, Grand Rapids, Mich., 5th, 1912-18, Professor of Historical Theology, W.T.S. 1918 . D.D. by H.C. 1919. Publications : Articles in De Hope, Leader. Chapters in this work. Nevius, Elbert, b. near Six Mile Run, N.J., Sept. 4, 1808; R.C. 30, N.B.S. 34, 1. by CI. Cayuga; Miss, at Lyons, 1835, Arcadia, 35-36, voyage to Java, June-Sept., 36, Batavia, 36-39, Pontianak, 39-44, (voyage to Singa- pore, 42), returned to America, 1844; Stuyvesant, 46-86, S.S. at Stuy- vesant Falls, 86-89. Died Sept. 29, 1897. In early life he moved, with his father, to a farm near Ovid, N.Y. In 1836 he and his wife went, in company with Revs. Ennis, Doty, Young- blood and their wives, and Miss Condit, a sister of Mrs. Nevius, to Bor- neo. They had expected to go to China, but the way was closed. Upon returning to America in 1844. he spent two years in presenting the work of Foreign Missions to the churches. His father and an elder brother were men of strong religious character, and he received from them im- pressions which influenced his whole life. They abolished the use of in- toxicating liquor in harvesting at a time when such conduct was ridiculed The difficulties of Foreign Mission work at the time he entered upon it were very great. He penetrated regions in Borneo where no white man had previously entered. The ill-health of his wife compelled his return home ; and here his labors were abundantly blessed. His was one of the most Christ-like of lives. His character seemed well-nigh the perfected fruit of Christian faith. He was a man of qviick sympathies and strong afifections. He was friendly to every one, and every one was a friend to him. His mind was a rich storehouse of memorized Scripture, hymns and religious poems. Hence he was ever ready with apt quotations. He was remarkably gifted in public prayer — reverent, comprehensive, using beautiful language, abounding in Biblical expressions, and all uttered in childlike faith. The work of missions always had a large place in his heart and prayers. He presented the cause every month to his people, and was a liberal giver to the cause, as well as to all other good works. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1898, 235. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1898, 9. THE MINISTRY 439 PuBLicATioxs : Art. in "Sprague's Annals" on Rev. W. J. Pohlman. — Sketch of the Classis of Rennselaer. 1876. (Nevius, John Livingston, also of Six Mile Run. a Presbyterian missionary in China for many years. See his life by the Presbyterian Board). New. \Vm. E.. b. Dec. 23, 1830. N.B.S. 1856-7. Never ordained, d. June 8, 1904. Newton. E. H. Easton. N.Y. (S.S.). 1843. Buskirk. N.Y., 1845-8. Nicholas, John Frederick, b. Bethlehem. Pa. Muhlenberg Col. Y. Div. Sch. Ord. by Congregationalists. (Blue Rapids. Kan., Elizabeth N. J., Huntingdon Valley, Pa., Freeland. Pa.). West Hurley and Wood- stock, N. Y., 1920 . Moderator Pres. of Lehigh, Pa. D.D. PuBLic.xTioNS : Sermons in Brooklvn Eagle. Nicholls, Thos., b. at Yonkers, N.Y.. 1838; C.N.J. 56. U.S. 60. A.S. 61; (Chester. N.Y.. 63-71), Queens, L.L, 71-5, (New Brunswick, 1875-9). See "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." PuBLic.vTioxs : "Sermon on Preaching to the Conscience," 1873. Nichols, Thomas McB.. b. Chester, N.Y., April 3, 1864. P.U. 1884, U.S. 1889. 1. by Pres. Hudson. 1888. (Pres. Nyack, N.Y., 1889-93, German- town. Pa., 1893-1905, West End Col., N.Y.C., Ass., 1906-1921. Pres- byterian. PuBLic.'\Tioxs : Preaching 1904. Nickerson, Norman Fred., b. Putnam Co., N.Y., Nov. 26, 1836; law, 62-5, teacher. 65-73, U.S. 74, (Presbyt. 75-81), Prattsville, 81-5, Glenville, 85-91, Miss. Centreville City, S.D., 91-6, Miss. Britton, Mich., 1896- 1900; Presbyt. See "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." Nickse, Louis. Jersey City, ist German Evangelical, 1902, North Bergen, 1902-05, Brooklyn, Church of Jesus. 1905-C7. Presbyterian. Nicolai, Nathaniel, b. Riga. Russia, March 19, 1866, Riga G., 1882. N.B.S. 1889-90; Canarsie. 1889-90. Niehaus. Harm. Heven. b. April 8. 1871, Bunde, East Friesland. Miss. Training Sch.. Baah Switzerland, 1896, 1. by S. Dakota CI. Ref. Ch. U.S. 1899. Lennox, ist. S.D., 1906-08, Inwood, la., 1913-14, Baker, la., 1914-15- Publications: Articles for press. NiehoflF, John. b. at Logu Ostfriesland, Ger., Tune 6, 1838; Forreston, 86-8, Pekin, 2d, 111. (Ger.) 88-92. Died Mar. 3, 1892. For a number of years he was pastor of the German Reformed Church in Pekin. In a city where the social habits, in reference to beer drinking and Sabbath observance, were not very strict, Mr. Niehofi' took a firrn stand against those customs, which he saw were undermining the foundations of morality and religion. His firm stand against these evils brought him many trials from his German brethren, but his consistent life and Chris- tian spirit made him a power for good in that city, and especially among the young. — "Alints. Gen. Syn.," 1892. 656. Niemeyer. George, b. Groningen, Netherlands. Alar. 20, 1854; H.C. 79, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. Holland; Detroit, Mich., 82-4, Vriesland, Mich., 84-6, Cleveland, O., 86-90, Pond's, N.J., 90-3. Shokan and Shandaken. N.Y., 93-8, Otley, la., 1899-1901. Classical Alissionary, CI. la., 1901-05. Chicago. Northwestern, 1905-08, Summit, 111., 1908-13, Classical Mis- sionarv, CI. Cascades, 1913. d. Sept. 4. Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 249. Niemeyer, H., George, la., 1894-5. Nies, Helenus Elizaus. b. in Groningen, Netherlands, Feb. 24, 1844; H.C. 72,' H.S. 76. lie. Col. Holland ; Saugatuck, 76-80, Paterson, Union Refd. (Hoi.) 1880-191C, Emeritus, 1910 . Also agent of Bd. cf Dom. Missions. 1890-1. and for several years after 1893, to meet Holland immigrants arriving at Castle Garden. N.Y.C. Nies. Maurice G., b. Paterson. N.J., Feb. 10, 1881 (son of Rev. H. E. Nies). Central Col. 1909. N.B.S. 191^. 1- by CI. Passaic. Montville, N.J., 1912-12. Glenville, ist (Schenectady, N.Y.), 1914-18. (Pres., 1918-19). Hull, la., 1919-20, Coxsackie, N.Y., ist, 1921 440 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Nietzer, Charles. German, 4th, N.Y.C.. 1916-18. Presbyterian. Niewenhyt. See Van Niewenhuysen. — "Gunn's Livingston," 49, and "Rog- ers' Discourse," 63. Niles, Edward, b. York, Pa., Sept. 18, 1868; Wnis. C. 91, U.S. 94, 1. CI. Kingston; Gardiner, 94-9, Assistant N.Y.C., Middle Collegiate, 98-1901, South Bushwick, 1901-1910, Holland, Mich., Hope, 1910-11. (Pres. 1911 )• Noble. Geo. Pleasants, b. N.Y.C., Jan. 4. 1846; W.C. 65, U.S. 68; Brooklyn, Mvrtle Av. (S.S.), 68-9. See "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." Noble, Harry W., b. Catskill, N.Y., June 25, 1882. R.C. 1906, N.B.S. 1909, 1. by CI. Greene. High Falls, Clove, N.Y., 1909-13, Rochester, 2d, N.Y., 1913-16, Jersey City, LaFayette, 1916 Noe, D. D. S.S. Columbia and Warren, 1835. Norris, James Avery, b. Westfield, N.Y., 1857; R.C. 82, U.S. 85; Hastings- on-the-Hudson, 1888-95. See "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." Nott, Chas. De Kay. b. Norman Vale, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1833; U.C. 54, U.S. 56, N.B.S. S9, lie. CI. Albany; Mohawk, 1859-64. Presbyterian, d. May 18, 1904. D.D. U.C. 1874. See "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." Nott, John, (s. of Rev. J. Eliphalet Nott, formerly President of U.C), b. at Albany. 1801 ; U.C. 23, A.S. and P.S.; tutor in U.C. 30, Assist. Prof. Rhetoric U.C. 39-54; Rotterdam, 2d, 41-54; also supplying at times Princeton, N.Y. ; residing at Goldsborough, in North Carolina, 54-60, S.S., Auriesville, 61-78, d. Mav 12, 1878. See Manual of 1879, and "P.S. Gen. Cat." Noyes, Stephen Dutton, br in Newburyport, Mass., Ap. 14, 1841, Am. C. 66, studied theology in Baltimore, served in Presby. chs. until 1883. Kingston, (Fair st.), 83-94, d. Mar. 14. D.D. from U.C. 1892. Dr. Noyes had few equals as a man and a preacher. He was especially skilled in clothing profound thoughts in beautiful diction. See Manual, 1902. Nucella, John Peter, elected by the Classis of Amsterdam, from three candidates, to go to Kingston, N.Y., Mar. 15, 1694; ord. by CI. Amster- dam, Ap. 13, 1694, c. to America. 1695; Kingston, 1695-1704, also sup- plied Albany. 1698-1700. during the interval between Dellius and Ly- dius. In 1704, went to London, to take charge of Queen Anne's Dutch Chapel there. Died, Jan., 1722. His name does not appear in the catalogues of Leyden, Utrecht, or Gron- ingen, yet the name Nucella several times appears in those catalogues. Isaac Nucella, b. 1666. matriculated at Leyden. Mar. 18, 1693, for the study of medicine. His residence was Mulhemis — Montanus. One of the same name and residence, matriculated at Utrecht in 1697. There was a Jo- hannes Nucella, b. 1709. of Culenburg, who matriculated at Leyden on Sept. 22, 1729. for the study of Theology. There was also an Edwardus Nucella. of London, b. 1759, who matriculated at Leyden, in 1778, for the study of law. Our Kingston Nucella had an English wife, and this, no doubt, had something to do with his moving to London ; and the Edward, last-meiitioned, was probably a grandson. He was a candidate of a strong faction in the Church of New York, in 1698, when that church had so much trouble in choosing a pastor. He was a candidate for the ministry when the Classis of Amsterdam put the call of Kingston in his hands. The Classis said he was well-spoken, studious, edifying; "one also who has been tried by us for many years." Regret was expressed by the Classis that he was not able to preach in the English language. On account of the preceding troubles at Kingston the Classis exhorted the church to receive him with all the respect and deference due to an ambassador of God. It was through his caution that dissensions were prevented at Albany, when Freeman attempted to antici- pate Lydius in settling there. (Freeman, Lydius). The Classis subse- quently commended him for his prudence in this affair. In 1704 he was THE MINISTRY 44^ appointed by Queen Anno to take cliarge of the Dutch Chapel Royal of St. James, in London. This had been founded by William III, upon his ac- cession to the English throne, about 1688, and was continued with a suc- cession of Dutch ministers until 1809, when, on account of a fire in the Palace, the Dutch service therein was discontinued. The original Minutes of this Chapel are still preserved in the Somerset House. London, and were examined by E. T. Corwin in 1898. Sec also "Burn's History of the Foreign Refugees in England." pages 222-3. London, i846._"Ecc. Rec. N.Y.." many letters. "Col. Docs.," N.Y., iv. 582. "Doc. Hist.." N.Y., iii. -/■]. The study of the published documents of the Church of Austin Friars, London, would probably throw some light on his history. Nykerk, G. J., b. in Hellendom, Overisel. Netherlands, Jan. 25, 1819; studied theology with Rev. John Van Vleck. 1858; lie. by CI. Holland; Overyssel, 58-91; pastor emeritus 91-1899; d. July 11. He became an earnest leader among the young during the great spiritual awakening in the Netherlands, about 1836-40, under the preaching of Van Raalte, Van der Menlen and Bolks. He joined his friends at Overyssel, Mich., in 1849, two years after their emigration. He at once engaged in active labors in the church, and on the removal of Pastor Bolks, was urged to become its pastor. He studied for the work, and was one of the first theological graduates of Holland Academy. He was a man full of the Spirit, and his ministry was. of course, abundantly blessed with revivals. Of a tender and sympathetic nature, he was accessible to all. He was of a practical turn of mind, and his preaching brought the truth straight to the heart. He was unswerving in his fidelity to the great evangelical truths of redemption. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1900, 899. Oakes. Chandler A., b. Chester, Pa.. June 10, 1865; Lafayette College, 1891. U.S.. 1891-3. Licensed by Presbytery of Newcastle, Delaware. March i, 1893. (Assistant pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. 1892-4). Fair Street Reformed Church. Kingston. N.Y.. 1894-8. Atty. and Couns. at Law Kingston. N.Y.. 1898-1913. Died. Ph.D. by Taylor University, Fort Wayne. Ind.. 1893. See "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." Oakev, Peter D., b. New Brunswick, June 22, 1816; R.C. 41. N.B.S. 44. 1- CI. N.Y., Oyster Bay, 44-7, Brooklyn, Middle, 47-9, (Jamaica, Presbyt., 50-70). teaching at Neshanic, 70-6, also supplying Three Bridges, 72,-^\ (Springfield. L.L, Presbyt, 76-87), w. c. Died Oct. 4, i895- See Manual, 1902. Publications: Edited an edition of Rev. B. F. Stanton's Sermons, 1848.— "The War; its Origin. Purposes, and our Duty Respecting It." 1861.— Thanksgiving Sermon.— "Christian Watchfulness."— 200th Anniver- sary of Presbyt. Church. Jamaica. L.I.— Funeral Sermon of "Nathan Shel- ton, M.D."— Address before the Queen's Co. School Convention, on "Thales, the first Ionic School-teacher."— A New Year's Exhortation. 1868.— Hist, of Presbvt. Ch. of Jamaica. L.I. Oehl, John Jacob, (del, or Ehlig, or Ehle). b. about 1690, studied at Hei- delberg, ordained in England, 1722, came to America with a company of Germans, 1722, labored among the Germans along the Hudson, 1722-4; in Schoharie Co. and the Valley of the Mohawk 1724 for many years. He also supplied Kinderhook occasionally. 17-20-7. Died 1777. He wrote to the Mission Society in England on July 29, 1724. that he had been ordained by the Bishop of London in 1722. and had accompanied a colony of German.s to New York in the same year ; that he had labored at first' along the Hudson (after J. F. Haeger's death), but had subse- quently removed to Schoharie. He asked that society to give him the same salarv as Haeger had received. They refused to do this, but said that if he vvould send them his certificates to corroborate his statements, they would make him a present of $ico. He probably did send them or at least satisfied them; for the next year he received $100 for past services; and 442 THE REFORMED CHURCH Ii\ AMERICA again on Sept. 30, 1734, he thanks the society for its support. He was naturalized in 1732. He also, like Haeger, labored among the Indians. See Good's Hist. Rfd. Ch. in U.S. 147-8. See a letter of his to Sir Wm. Johnson, 1762, in "Doc. Hist.," iv., 198. Oerter, John Henry, b. in Westphalia, Germany ; N.B.S. 1856, 1. CI. N.Y., 1856; Warren, 1856-8, German, 4th, N.Y.C., 1858-1915. Died Jan. 24. He was a scholarly man and an able administrator. He served in the Bd. of F.M. for 32 years, and his long pastorate of 57 years in New York City was probably unique in that city. See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1915, 600. D.D., R.C., 1878. Publications : Art. on "Socialism," 1878. — Vedder Lectures on "So- cialism," 1887. — Bibelcatechimus fiir die Sonntagschule und den Confir- manden-unterricht, 1884. Offord, Robt. Marshall, (son of Rev. John OfTord), b. Sept. 17, 1846, at St. Anstell. Cornwall, Eng. ; studied the Classics and Theology in England. Came to America, 1870; lie. and ord. by the Methodist Prot. Ch., N.Y. Conf. 76. Entered R.C.A. 78. Lodi, N.J., 78-84, again 1901-1904. On editorial staff of "N.Y. Observer," 1879-97. LL.D. by Taylor Univ. Ind. Publications : "Heart-Song," a volume of Hymns, with preface by Dr. T. L. Cuyler. — "Life's Golden Lamp," consisting of the very words of Christ, as found in the four Gospels, with a page of comment on each passage, by 366 clergymen, of all lands. — "Life of Jerry McAuley ;" sev- eral editions. Many articles in the press. Ogden, L G. Buskirks, 1876-80. Oggel, Engelbert Christian, b. Axel, Netherlands, Sept. 28, 1841 ; R.C. 63, N.B.S. 66, I CI. Holland; New Holland, 66-9, Editor of "De Hope," and Treas. of Hope College, 69-71, pastor elect, Graapschap, 71-2, Grand Haven, 72-7, (Kankakee, 111., Presbyt. 77-80, Chicago, Westminster Presbyt. 80-4, Bethel Union Ch. and Editor of "The Friend," at Honolulu, 84-7, Pullman, III, Presbyt. 87-90), St. Thomas, W.I., 90-3, (S.S. Pullman, 111., 93-4, traveled in Europe, 94-6, New Paltz, N.Y., 1896-1908. Died Nov. 6, 1910. D.D., L.F.C., 1890. Dr. Oggel was a man of varied and many gifts, but was chiefly noted for his oratorial ability. He was a master of both the Dutch and English languages. He was also an earnest Christian walking in the light which grew brighter toward the end. Min. Gen. Syn., 1911, 261. Oggel, M. Verne, b. Holland, Mich., May 2^, 1889. Univ. Mich., 191 1, N.B.S., 1914, S.S. Red Bank, N.J., 1912-14. New Paltz, N.Y., 1914- 18. Chaplain U.S.A., 1918. Presbyterian. Oggel, Pieter J. Grand Haven, 1856-9, Pella, 60-63, Prof, in Hope Col- lege, 68-9, d. Dec. 13. Oghimi, Moto, (Japanese), H.C. 1879, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. N.B. ; ord. by CI. Albany, 1882. Minister in Japan. — See his expression of grief on the death of Rev. Dr. A. T. Stewart, 1878, in "Stewart Memorial." page 41. Ogilvie. James Glaen, b. 1794, lie. 1826; Montville, 1826-7, Miss, at Little Falls and Fairfield, 1827-9, Fairfield, 1829-32, d. Aug. 5, from injuries received by being thrown from his horse. Ohori, Ernest Atsushi, b. Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 2, 1880. Wooster Univ. 1906, N.B.S. 1909, 1. by CI. N.B. 1909. Missionary to the Japanese in New York City, 1909 Publications: Monthlv — The Eastern Light, 1918 Oi, Mitsuye, (Japanese), b. Oct. 30, 1864. R^C. 1892, N.B.S. 95, 1. CI. N.B. Teaching in Japan, 1895-1903, d.-Oct. i. Olandt, Claus, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1858. C.U. Sec. of International Com. Y.M.C.A. 1881. Founder of Sunnyside Ref. Ch., L.I., 1896. 1. by Pres. Ozark, 1903. (Bethany Pres. Ch., Joplin, Mo., 1903-1905). Cortland- town, Mont Rose, N.Y., 1905-20, Blawenburg, N.J., 1921 Oldenburgher, Teunis. Charles Mix, S.D., 1914-16. (Nederdeutsch Ger- eformeerde Gemeente, Mu.skegon, Mich., 1916 THE MINISTRY 443 Olincla, Douw. S.S., Auriesville, 1845-6. Oliver, Mattliew Xcwkirk, b. Marbletown, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1834; U.C. S7, N.B.S. 71, 1. CI. Kingston; Clover Hill. 71-84, Rosendale, 84-90, Tappan, 90-1901, d. Dec. 12, 1904. Air. Oliver was a very modest man, but strong in Christian principle. By speech and through the press he spoke for Christ and evinced a high order of ability and a wide range of study. See Min. Gen., 1905, 282. PuBLic.vTioxs : Alany articles in the press especially on the relation of Christianit}^ to various scientific theories. Olney, Eugene C. Wynantskill, N.Y., 1891-2. Oltmans, Albert, b. Zuidbroek, Prov. of Groningen, Netherlands, Nov. 19, 1854; H.C. 83, N.B.S. 86, lie. and ord. by CI. of Grand River, Aug. 12, 86; Missionary in South Japan, 1886-1902. Alissionary in North Japan, 1902-07. Acting Sec. Bd. P.M., Western District, 1907-10. [Missionary in Japan, 1910 . Vice Pres. Gen. Syn., 1903, 1908. D.D., H.C, 1902. PuBLic.xTioxs : Tokyo Letters in Church Papers. Oosterhof, Albert, b. Spring Lake, Mich., Nov. 24, 1866; H.C. 92, W.S. 95, 1. CI. Holland; Greenleafton, Minn., 95-1901, Danforth, 111., 19C1- 1904. New Era, Mich., 1904-09. Freemont Centre, Mich., 1909-14. Decatur, Mich., 1914-18. DeMotte, Ind.. 1918— . Oppie, John, b. at Griggstown, N. J., 1854; R-C 1874. N.B.S. 1878, lie. CI. N.B. ; Geneva, 1878-9. Died Feb. 29, 1880. Ormiston, Wm., b. in parish of Symington, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Ap. 2t„ 1821 ; moved to Canada, 1834 ; University of Victoria Coll.. Cobourg, Can., 1848; classical tutor in same, 45-7, Prof, of Moral Philosophy in same, 47-8; pastor of Newtonville, Can., 49-53, mathematical master and lecturer in Nat. Phil, and Chemistry, Normal Schools, Toronto, 53-7, examiner in Toronto University, 54-7. superintendent of Classical grammar schools, in Province of Ontario, 55-63, pastor of Central Presbyt. Ch. Hamilton, Can., 57-70 ; Collegiate Ch., 5th av. and 29th St., N.Y.C.. 70-88. supplied pulpits in Pasadena, Cal., 88-94. Died Mar. 19. 1899. Trustee of R.C. 1876.— D.D. by N.Y.U. 1865.— LL.D. by Victoria Coll. 1881. He was a vigorous man, rough in body as his native hills. Without aid he forced his way upward in his early life. In his prime he ranked as one of the strikirg, popular and useful preachers in New York City. Five times a week he spoke to crowded assemblies. These labors broke down even his stalwart frame and he had a long evening twilight. See Alan- ual, 1902. See sketch of his life and portrait in "Pulpit Treasury," Sept., 1883. — "Year Books of Collegiate Church, N.Y.C." 1899, page 840, and 1901, p. 319- PuBLic.xTioxs : A sermon commemorative of Dr. Thos. De Witt, 1874. — "Must I Repent First?" In "Words in Season," 1876. Many letters and articles to the newspaper press, especially in 1872. a series of letters from the Pacific Coast, in the "S.S. Times." — Another series in 1892 in the "Scottish American." — A series of Notes on the S.S. Lessons in "S.S. Times." — Edited Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, in "Aleyer's Commentary," 1882. — A number of sermons. — A Commentary on the Epistle of James ; in "Homiletical Monthlv." Orr, Thos. N., b. at Orrstown, Pa., Aug. 10, 1836; Jefif. Col. 57, AUegh. Scm. 63; lie. Presbyt. Carlisle, 62; ord. Presbyt. Allegheny City, 63; (Allegheny Central Ch., 63-9) ; Philadelphia, ist, 69-83. (Peoria, 2d, 83-1894), w. c. Osborn,' Alichael, b. Essex Co., N.J., Mar. 21, 1796; P.S. 1822; (Metuchen, 1822-.. . Newbern. N.C., Club Creek, Va., all Presbyt.); Schraalen- burgh, 1838-41, (Brierv, \'a.. 1841-.., Farmville, Va.), d. 1863. See "P.S. Gen. Cat." Ossewaarde, James, b. Zecland, Mich., July 22, 1869; H.C. 90, P.S. 94, 444 THE REFORMED CHURCH IM AMERICA Studied, 1894, Edinburgh, Scotland; Pella, 2d, la., 95-9, Grand Rapids, Bethany Ch.. 1899-1902, Chaplain, U.S. Army, 1902-20, d. Jan. 3. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 277. Ossewaarde, John. b. Zeeland, Mich., July 12, 1S73; H.C. 97, P.S. 1900, lie. CI. Holland; New Era, Mich.. 1900-1904, Grandville, Mich., 1904- 08, Albany, N.Y., 5th, 1908-11, East Williamson, N.Y., 1911-18, Eben- ezer, Leighton, la., 1918 Ossewaarde, Martin, b. Wissenkerke, Netherlands. Nov. 10. 1865- HC 1888. N.B.S. 1891, lie. CI. N.B.; Holland Ch.. N.Y.C., 91-93, East Wil- liamson, N.Y.. 93-97, Abbe Ch., Clymer. N.Y., 1897-1905, Summit, 111., 1905-08, Pella, la., 4th, 1908-09, Prairie View, Kan., 1909-12, Sioux Centre, la., 1912-16, d. July 8. Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 250. Ostrander, Henry, b. at Plattekill, N.Y., Mar. 11,1781; U.C. 1799, studied under Froeligh, 1. CI. Paramus, 1800; Coxsackie, 1801-10, Catskill, (or Leeds), 10-12, Catsbaan, 12-62; also pastor at Saugerties village, 39-40, and S.S. at Hurley, 11-14, w. c. — Died Nov. 22, 1872. D.D. by R.C., 1844. He greatly admired Dr. Froeligh, his teacher, although he discountenanced his secession in 1822. He was a good pastor and agreeable companion, and his preaching was full of instruction. His influence in ecclesiastical bodies was great, and in controversy, firm though gentle he seldom met his equal. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Arts, in "Sprague's Annals" on Revs. John Schunema, Sol. Froeligh, Moses Froeligh, and Jac. Sickles. Fifteen of his sermons are published in Gordon's memoir of him, with selections from his auto- biography, and extracts from his letters. Ostrander, Stephen, b. at Plattekill, Dec. 6. 1769 ; studied under Meyer and Livingston, (Meyer's last student), 1. Synod of R.D. Chs. 1792; Miss, along the Mohawk, 1792-3, Miss, to western parts of Greene, Ulster, and Sullivan Cos. and to Delaware Co., N.Y., 1793, (M.G.S. i. 264). Oak Hill and Catskill, 1793-4, Pompton Plains and Parsippany, 1794- 1809, Schaghticoke and Tyashoke, 1810-21, Argyle, (S.S.) every third Sab., 1810-.., Miss, in N.Y.C., Hoboken, Powle's Hook, and Har- simus. 22-3. Oak Hill and Durham, 24-31, Blooming Grove, 31-9, emer- itus, d. 1845, Nov. 17. He was descended from pious parents who consecrated him to the ministry from his infancy. He was a man of solid character and good judgment, whose activity on the home mission field and in his frontier settlements was most beneficial. See Manual, 1902. Ostrom, Alvin, b. at Rhinebeck, N.Y., Jan. 10, 1831 ; R.C. 55, N.B.S. 58, 1. CI Missionary to China 1858-64, Franklin, 66-9, (Presbyt. Tom- hannock and Johnsonville. Rens Co., N.Y., 70-71, State Centre, Iowa. 71-3, Nevada, Iowa, 73-4; supplying chs. in Carpenteria, .San Luis Obispo, Oroville, all in California, 75-82; Home Missionary of Cong. Home Miss., Soc, in California, 82-86; pastor, Cong. Ch.. Kohala, Hawaiian Islands, 86-98. Died Feb. 27). In the Sandwich Islands he also labored among the Chinese, Japanese, and English-speaking people. He was a very busy man, a warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and consecrated Christian. By a kind of spiritual intuition, he could readily and rapidly reach the deeper meaning of passages of Scripture. See "Biog. Notices of Grads. of R.C," 1898, 21. Publications: Translation (in part) of the Gospel of Mark into Amoy Colloquial. Oswald, Christian, b. Aug. 6, 1868, Brooklvn. N.Y., Bloomfield Sch and Sem. 1898. 1. by CI. Maryland Ref. Ch", U.S.. 1899, (Ger. Ref., Zion Baltimore, Md., 1899-1901), Emanuel, Brooklyn, 1903-07, Church of Jesus, Brooklyn, 1907 Otte, Johannes Abraham, M.D., b. at Flushing, Netherlands, Aug. 11, THE MINISTRY 445 1861 ; H.C. and Univ. of Mich.. 83, 1. CI. Mich., Aug. 96, Med. Mis- sionary to Amoy, China, 1887 , ordained by CI. Mich., Sept., 1896, in China, 1896- 1910, d. April 14. Dr. Otte engaged .steadily in his work during the years of his services "with an enthusiasm which was peculiarly his own. His labors were won- derfully blessed. Two hospitals founded by him are his moi.uments. In the full tide of a useful life he was stricken with Asiatic plague and in a few hours laid low. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 830. •Otterson, Jas.. b. in X.Y.C. 1791 ; C.C. 1806, studied with Mason, lie. by Assoc. Ref. 21 : (Broadalbin, Assoc. Ref. 21-7), Oyster Bay and North Hempstead, 27-34. Freehold. 35-8. Rockaway. 40-5, ( Presbyt. Johns- town. N.Y.. 45-... Wilmington. Del., 18.. -63), d. 1867. See Manual of 1879. ■Ottinger, John Clowell. b. Newark, N.J.. Sept. 12. 1887, Bloomficld, 1908, Bloomfield Sem.. 191 1. U.S.. 1911-12, 1. by Pres. of Brooklyn. 191 1, Hicksville, L.I.. 1912-18. Pottersville, N.J., 1918— •Overbagh. Peter A., b. 1779: studied theol. under Livingston, lie. 1803: Bethlehem and Coeymans. 1805-6. Woodstock, 1806-9. Woodstock and Flatbush. { Ulster ). "1809-17. pfatbush. (Ulster). 17-41. d. 1842. After 1834, preached also at Plattekill station. See Manual of 1879. ■Owens, James Henrv. b. Hvde Park, N.Y.. Tan. 6. 1857. R.C. 1878, N.B.S. 1881, 1 Fairfield, 81-4. Bushnell. 111.. 84-6, (Presbyt.), D.D., L.F.C. 1907. Paige, Winslow, b. Hartwick. Mass.. 1768; Dartmouth Coll. and Brown Univ.; ord. by Congregationalists. 1789; Stephentown, Rens. Co., N.Y., 1789-92; Schaghticoke and Stillwater, (or Sinthoik). 1793-1807. Flor- ida. 1808-14, Florida and Windham. 14-20, Broome, Blenheim, (Break- abin), and Windham, 20-30, also Miss, at Beaverdam. 22, Windham and Broome, 27-29, Broome, 29-36, Gilboa. 36-1838. d. Mar. 15. Palmer. Charles Lott. b. at Poughkeepsie. N.Y.. March 6. 1868; Pelham Int.; N.B.S. 1894. 1. CI. Poughkeepsie; Ponds, N.J., 94-7, Ephrata and Stone Arabia. N.Y.. 97-9. Shokan and Shandaken. N.Y.. 1899-1902. Kingston. Church of the Comforter. 1903-14, Freehold, ist (Marlboro). 1914 Publications: Manv articles for the press. Palmer. Frederic W., 'b. Victor. N.Y., Ham. C. 1881, Aub. Sem. 88. 1. Presb. Geneva; Farmer, N.Y., 88-93, (Central Presb. Ch.. Auburn, 1893-1921. Palmer, James, b. Brooke Co., W. Va.. Aug. 11, 1865; Washington and Jeffer.son College, 87. U.S., 90, 1. Presbyt. Washington; Manor Chapel of South Dutch Ch.. N.Y.C.. 1890-1914. Presbyterian. Ph.D. Palmer, Robert \'anderbih. b. May 9, 1861, R.C. 83, N.B.S. 86, 1. CI , Griggstovvn, N.J., 86-90, Shawangunk, N.Y., 90-1893. d. March 2. He was a young man of marked ability and originality. He was a thorough student especially in the Biblical languages. His ministry w-as marked by a high idea of duty. But he was cut down in the morning of his career. See Manual, 1902. Palmer, Sylvanus, b. 1770; studied under Bassett, 1. CI. All)any, 1802; em- ployed by Northern Miss. Soc. at Union and Chenango. i8;)2-8. Union. (Tioga Co.), and Chenango, 1808-18, Middletown and Fonda's Bush, 1818-20, suspended, 1822, .seceded. (Union. 1822-25. Union and Flats, 1825-9, declared independent; Tribe's Hill and Mayfield; d. 1846). Pannkuk, Henry, b. Parkerburgh, la., July 15, 1887. Univ. Dubuque 1907, W..T.S. 1910, 1. by CI. P.P. 1910. Mcservey. la., 1910 Papa, Joseph M. A., b. Nov. 18, 1890. Ord. by M.E. Ch. 1913. Chicago, Kensington Italian Mission, 1917 PiBLicATioNs : Contributions to Italian Press. Park, And. Jackson, b. at Rye Gate, Vt., 1834: N.Y.U. 63, U.S. 66, lie. and 446 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA ord. 4th Presb. (N.S.), N.Y.C., 66; (Brownsville, Texas, 66-8, in Northern Mexico, 68-72; these labors were independent, until Feb. 70, when he received help from Am. and For. Ch. Union) ; Jersey City, Free Ref. Ch., 72-8, Miss, at in Fulton St., N.Y.C., 78-82, (Weston, Ct., 82-88, Huntington, Ct., 88-99, Leonard's Bridge, Ct., 1901 — all Con- gregational), d. Dec, 191 7. Park, Charles, b. Alleghenv, Pa., Dec. 16, 1862; Ham. C. 85; Allegheny T.S. 85-6; U.T.S. 86-8; ord. by Presbyt. Lima, Feb. 4, 90 ; (Presbyt. Home Mission Work, 88-90, Astoria, N.Y., 90-8); Hudson, N.Y., 1898- 1914. Preaching, lecturing and historical work, 1914 . D.D. Ham. Col. 1913. Publications: Hist. Ser. Presbyt. Ch., Astoria, 1896. — Annual Sermon before Y.M.C.A., Hudson, 1899. Park, Clearfield, b. Phillipsburg, N.J., Oct. 8, 1856; Laf. Col. ^(i, U.T.S. 76-8, P.S. 78-9; (ord. by Presb. of West Jersey, Nov. 17, 79; Mill- ville, N.J.. 79-94) ; Woodstock, N.Y., 1896-1904. Died Jan. 14. S.S. West Hurley, 1901-04, Min. Gen. Syn., 1904, 841. Parker, Archibald Frazer, b. N.Y.C. Feb. 18, 1865, N.B.S. 1900, ord. by Pres. Jersey City, 1900. (Emmanuel Pres. and Kiiigsland Chapel, Rutherford, N.J., 1900-01, Monroe, N.Y., Pres., 1901-06), Ass. West End Col. N.Y.C, 1907-08, Anderson Memorial, N.Y.C, 1908-12, Wyckoff, N.J., 1912 , Post Graduate, U.S., 1907-08. Parker, Chs., b. New Haven, Ct., July 16, 1816; U.S. 48; ord. (Cong.) Nov. 5, 48; (S.S. Pleasant Valley, N.Y., 48-9, S.S. Ramapo, N.Y., 49-50, S.S. N.Y.C. 50-I*, S.S. West Hoboken 51-3), Hoboken 54-7, Ber- gen Point 58-60, (S.S. Irving, Kansas 61-5, occasional supply, ditto, 65-73), Hoboken 74-9. Died May 24, 1888. A natural orator with unsurpassed beauty of language. Parker, David, from England; Philadelphia, 2d, 1817-20, Rhinebeck Flats 1820-6, returned to Eng. Died 1828 (?). Parry, Joseph, Fort Miller 1833-7, w. c. 1837-60. Parsons, Andrew, 1. Presbyterians Richtield Springs, S.S. Columbia 1864, Sharon 1882-6, Knox and Berne, 2d, 86-94, w. c. Died at Palo Alto, Cal., 1904. Min. Gen. Syn. 1905, 283. Pasma, Henry K., H.C 1910, W.T.S. 1913, 1. by CI. Holland, Oostburg, Wis., 1913-17, Lynden, Wash., 1917, S.C CI. of Cascades. Paton, Thomas, b. in Scotland, 1837; U.S. 1868, 1. CI. N.Y., 1868; died Ap. 19, 1869. Paulison, Christian Z., b. near Hackensack, 1805; C.N.J. 1822, N.B.S. 1826,. 1. CI. N.B. 1826; Marbletown, 1826-29, Aquackanonck, 1829-31, seceded, (Hackensack and Paterson, 1832, suspended by seceders, Hackensack, independent, 1832-40, Glen, 1840-18-.., d. 1851). Publications: "Development of Facts Justifying a L^nion with True R.D.C" 1831, — An Address to the "Friends of True Godliness yet in Connection with True R.D.C." Pp. 61. 1832. Pavson, George H., b. New Hartford, N. J., Jan. 5, 1852. Ham. Col. yz, U.S. 78, 1. by Pres. Utica, 78. (Pres. Roselyn. 1880-82, Newtown, L.L, 1882-1890, Rahway, N.J., ist, 1890-94). Paterson, N.J., Broadway, 1905-07. Prof. Ethics and Evidences of Christianity R.C, 1907-13. New Brunswick, N.J., Suydam St., 1913 . Y.M.C.A. Sec, Camp Raritan, 1917-18. D.D., Ham. Col., 1902. Publications: Presbyterian Worship, History of ist Pres. Ch., Rahway. Paxson, Alex. T. N.B.S. 1919, 1. by CI. N.B. 1919. Kerhonksen, N.Y., igig Pearse, Jacob Lansing, b. in Niskayuna, N.Y., Oct. 5, 1829; U.C 1849, P.S. 1856, 1. bv CI. Schenectadv; Hagaman's Mills, N.Y., 1856-60, Bethlehem, 2d, (Delmar), N.Y., 1860-98, d. Nov. 8th. S.C. CI. Albany 1871-1898. THE MINISTRY 447 Admirable man, faitliful pastor and preacher. As he desired, he died in the harness. See Manual, 1902. Pearse, Nicholas, b. in Albany Co., N.Y., 1846; R.C. 70, N.B.S. 7Z, 1- CI. Schenectady. New Salem and Clarksville, 7i-7, New Lotts, 1877-190J, Gallatin, N.Y., 1903-09, d. May 19. Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 533. Pearse, Richard A., b. Albany Co., N.Y., Jan. 29, 1849. R.C. 1870, N.B.S. 7i, 1. CI. Schenectady, 1873; Florida, 1873-1919. P.Em. 1919. D.D., R.C, 1910. Pease, C. B. F. West Troy, North, 1893-9. Peck, (or Pick), Diederich Christian A., Canajoharie and Stone Arabia, 1788-96, Stone Arabia, 1796- 1800, S.S., Schoharie, 1797-8, German Flats and Herkimer, 1798-1800, suspended; d. 1802. A portly man, an amateur equestrian, and who has left behind him the reputation of an unsurpassed orator. Great congregations thronged him everywhere. Publications: Farewell Sermon, 1796, in German. Peck, Thos. Ruggles Gold, b. Whitesboro, N.Y., 1831 ; Y.C. 48, P.S. and U.S. 51, 1. Presbyt. N.Y. 1852; traveled in the East, 1852-3, ord. Evang. Presbyt. N.Y., 1853; Ass. Ed. "N.Y. Observer," 1853-4, ord. CI. N.Y. Ap. 18, 54; Richmond, S.I., 54-60, independent Huguenot Ch., Charles- ton, S.C., 59-64, Hastings-upon-Hudson, 65-82. See "U. Sem. Cat." Peeke, Alonzo Paige, b. Nov. 22,, 1835, at Rotterdam, N.Y.; R.C. 59, N.B.S. 62, 1. CI. Schenectady ; Shokan and Shandaken. 62-5, Ovvasco, 65-72, Rhinebeck, 72-9, De Kalb, la., 80-1, Centreville, Mich., 81-91, East Millstone, 91-1900, d. Aug. 21. He was an earnest and devoted man. While in the West he was for a long time on the Bds. of the Western Education Institutions. See Alanual, 1902. Publications: Semi-Centennial Hist. Address at Centreville, Mich., 1891. — Hist. Ser. at 40th Anniv. at East Millstone, 1895. Peeke, Geo. H., b. Rotterd^im, N.Y., March 18, 1833 (brother of Rev. A. P. Peeke), R.C. 1857, N.B.S. 60, 1. CI. Schenectady; Miss, at South Bend. Ind., 60-1, Glenville, ist, 61-3, Greenpoint, 63-5, Jersey City, 1st, 65-70, Davenport, 70-73, Owasco, 73-6. (Cong., Chicago, 76-83, Sandusky, 83-90, Cleveland, 1890-94. Pres. 1898— — ). Peeke, Harmon Van Slvck, (son of Rev. A. P. Peeke), b. Owasco, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1866: H.C. 87, N.B.S. 91-2, Aub. Sem. 93. 1. and ord. CI. Mich.; Teacher of English, under Bd. For. Miss. R.C. A., 87-91 ; Missionary in Japan 1893 . Instructor in Biblical Subjects, Park Col., Mo., 1918. Acting Gen. Sec. Christian Literature, Soc. of Japan, 1920. D.D., H.C, 1913. Publications: Editor Myoyo — Monthly paper for students, 1920. Six Thousand Chinese Characters, 191 5. Booklets in Japanese Language Study, etc. Peffers, Aaron Burr, b. N.Y.C, 1824; U.N.Y. 50. U.S. 53; Schodack, 1869- 72. See "U.S. Gen. Cat." Peiret, Pierre, (French Refd.), b. 1645; came from Foix. Southern France; London. 16.. -87, N.Y.C. French Ch.. 1687-1704, d. Nov. i. He at once organized his fellow companions into a church called "The French Church of New York," or "The Church of the French Refugees at New York." The following year a church building was erected in Marketheld street, whose site is now covered by the Produce Exchange. A gallery was added to the building in 1692, which would scat from 300 to 400 people. The church was always crowded with refugees. On Sundays they came from 20 miles round about — from Long Island, Staten Island, New Rochelle. etc. The streets about were filled with wagons as early as Saturday evening, in which they passed the night and ale their frugal Sunday meals. Air. Daille continued to officiate to the former French inhaiiitaiits in the 448 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA Fort until 1692, when all united in the new French Church. Peiret officiated in the church, generally, while Daille itinerated among the scattered French settlements. All the French, within the vicinity of many miles, were con- sidered as constituting one French Church, and the income was divided between the two pastors. The Dutch also left the Fort, for their new church in Garden street, in 1693. The French naturally sympathized with Leisler, rather than with the Catholic Governors of James II. Yet neither Daille nor Peiret were blind to Leisler's faults. They even remonstrated with him against his excesses, but he threatened them with imprison- ment. Peiret finally turned against him, but Daille stood by him to the end, even circulating petitions for his pardon. But this brought Daille into difhculties with Governor Slaughter. Peiret became, in 1696, sole pastor of the French Ch. in New York. He had been at first supported in his opposition to Leisler by prominent Huguenots, as de Lancey, Barberie, Boudinot, Le Boyteulx, Mesnard, de Peyster, Minvielle, Bayard, de Forest, and others, but the people generally were on the side of Leisler. The French also opposed Governor Bellomont ; 1698-1701, and hence he refused to naturalize a number of them, and cut ofif £20 from the allowance to the French minister. The French Church continued to grow, so that in 1703, they secured an act to sell their property, and build elsewhere a larger church and also a parsonage. On July 8, 1704, Cornbury laid the corner- stone of a new French church, to be called " Lc Temple dii Saint Esprit." This was located on the northeast corner of Pine and Nassau streets, and continued there until 1831. but Peiret died before it was finished. He was buried in Trinity Church-yard. He was a man of great learning, and a noble example of the Huguenot pastor. He was deeply interested in the material and the religious interests of his persecuted and exiled breth- ren. He was firmly attached to the Presbyterian Polity. Publications: See "Baird's Huguenots in America," ii., 100, 118, 146. — "Acts of Legislature," 1703. — "Murphy's Anthology," 379, 119, 120. — "Doc. Hist., N.Y.," ii.. 247, iii., 250, 560, 650, 707, 1167; iv. — "N.Y. Hist. Soc. Colls.," 1868, 407. "Collections of the Huguenot Soc," xxi.-xxxv. — "Col. Docs., N.Y.," iii., 415, 749. — "Baird's Daille," 95. — "Smith's New York," 44. Pelgrim, Jacob Carleton, b. Holland, Mich., June 9, 1883, H.C. 1905, N.B.S. 1908, 1. by CI. N.B., Jersev Citv, Central Ave., 1909-16, (Frankfort, Kv.), D.D. H.C. 1921. Peltz, Tohn, N.B.S. 1816-18. Peltz, Philip, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 6. 1823: U.Pa. 45, N.B.S. 48, 1. CI. Philadelphia; Coeymans and New Baltimore, 48-51, Coxsackie, 51-7, Totowa, 1st, S7-60, Cor. Sec. Bd. For. Miss., 60-5. New Paltz, 65-1881 ; emeritus. Died June 26, 1883. D.D. by U.C. 1866. He was one of the most prominent ministers of the Reformed Church. As a preacher he was sound and successful and the force of his character left its impress on the entire denomination. See Manual, 1902. Penning, Garret J., b. Oct. 7, 1880. Orange City. la., H.C. 05. W.T.S. 1908, J. by CI. la. Missionary to Arabia 1908. Pepper, John P., b. 1809; Fort Plain, 1837-40, Warren, N.Y., 1840-5. w. c. Died May 15, 1883. Perkens, Frederick, b. Lock Haven, Pa., Sept. 12. 1865, Ham. Col. 1889. P.S. 1892, 1. by Pres. of New Brunswick 1892, (Pres. Binghamton, N. Y., Broad Ave. 1894-1900), Lodi, N.Y., 1905-09, St. Johnsville. N.Y., 1909-1917, (Presbyterian, New Berlin. 1917-20. S.S. Binghamton, N.Y., Broad Ave. 1920. Perlee, Clarence M., b. Jersey City, Oct. 30. 1856; R.C. 1880, N.B.S. 83, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Clarksville and Onesquethaw, 84-7, S.S., Central Bridge, 87, Boonton. 88-91, Leeds, 91-9, St. Thomas, W.I.. 1902-1911, d. July 16, 1915. See Min. Gen. Svn., 1916, 927. Perry, William D., b. Perryville, Md.. Nov. i, 1846; Am.C. 70, U.T.S. 70-2. 73-4; ord. N. CI. L.I., Jan. 25, 1875; Good-will Miss.. 3d av. and S2d THE MINISTRY 449 St., N.Y.C., 74; St. Johns, Laurel Hill, and ist Cli., L.I. City, 74-5, Prin. Academy, Hudson, N.Y., 75-82, Greenport, (Columbia Co.), N.Y., 82-6, Brooklyn, North, 86-90, City Missionary, 91-3, Bushwick, 94-5, S.S., Bedford (Brooklyn), 95-6, S.S., Belmont, 97-8; 1902, Episco- palian. Dead. Pershing. Orlando Boyd, b. Asland, O., May 19, 1871 ; U.C. 1897, Aub. Sem. 1900. lie. by Cayuga Prcsb. Ap. 11, 1899; (Presbyt., Cato, N.Y., 19CO-01), West Troy, 1901-1903. Presbyterian. Peters, Joseph D., (brother of Madison C. Peters), West Farms, 1896-7, Canajoharie, 1897-1910, Hoboken, First, 1910 Peters. Madison C, b. Lehigh Co., Pa., 1859, Franklin and Marshall Col. Heidelberg Theo. Sem., Tiffin, O. Bloomingdale, N.Y.C., 1890-1900. Became Baptist. (Bapt., Brooklyn, Summer Ave., 1900-05, Baltimore, Epiphany, 1905-06, Independent, d. 1919. Publication's: Many books on popular subjects. Peterson. Carl S. T., b. Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct. 16, 1859. N.B.S. 1890- 92. Methodist Episcopal. Petrie, Jeremiah, b. Herkimer, N.Y., 1825 ; U.C. 46, Aub. Sern. 49, 1, Presbyt. Geneva; Herkimer and Ilion, 1864-8. For other settlements, see "Aub. Sem. Gen. Cat." Pettengill. S.S., Amsterdam (Port Jackson), 1870-72. Pettcrsson, Henrv Martin, b. Amsterdam, Neth., Sept. 23, 1876. Missionary Col. 1905. W.T.S. 1912. 1. by CI. Holland. Wichert (Koster), 111., 1912-14, Indianapolis, Ind., 1914-16, Corsica, S.D., 1916-20, North Mar- ion, N.D., 1920-21, Bethany, Sully, la., 1921 Pevton, J. B. Free Will Baptist. Timmonsville and Magnolia, S.C., 1904. Pfanstiehl, Alb. A. H.C.; H.S. 1877. Raritan, III, 79-83, (Troy, Mo., 1883 . Chicago. 111. S.S., Raritan, 2d (Somerville), 1909-13. Studying, lecturing, etc., in Europe, 1913-16. S.S., Bayonne ist, 1916-17. Presbyterian. Reformed, Elmendorf Ch., N.Y.C., 1921 PfeifFer, H. N. Congregational, Brooklyn, South Bushwick, 1910-13. Con- gregational 191 5. Pfister, J. P. w. c. 1854-6, Ellenville, 2d, 1856-62. Phelps, Philip, b. at Albany, N.Y., July 12, 1826, U.C. 44, N.B.S. 49, 1. CI. Albany; Greenburgh and Hastings-on-the-Hudson, 50-51, Hastings- on-the-Hudson, 51-9, Prin. of Holland Academy, 59-66, President of Hope College. 66-78, Blenheim and Breakabeen, N.Y., 78-95, died Sept. 4, 1896. D.D. by U.N.Y., 1864. LL.D. by H.C., 1894. Pres. of Gen. Synod, 1864. He spent two years in teaching before entering the Theological Seminary. For a time while at Holland, he served as missionary pastor to the Eng- lish-speaking people. He was a true leader, of strong intellect and faith, fertile in resources, clear and forcible as a speaker and writer, an accom- plished scholar and a sound theologian, with a genial personality that won and held many friends. The Classis of Holland has put on record its tes- timony of acknowledgment and appreciation of important services ren- dered by him, and of wise and valuable counsels and guidance; of his great service to our Western institutions, and personal qualities of high Christian principle, honor, wisdom, and forbearance, inspiring confidence, affection and esteem. The Classes of Grand River and Iowa bear like testimony, appreciating his consecrated, godly life, his services as a faithful preacher of the Gospel, as the founder and able administrator of Hope College, and a worthy professor therein. His connection with Hope College demands more than a passing notice. With honors gained at Academy and College, he came to its Presidency, a marked man. It seemed a forlorn hope to plant an English academy in the heart of a foreign colony, lacking the very rudiments of Americanization. One after another, men had been driven from the field by overwork, worry and sick- ness. From promise of a brilliant career in the East, he was called to 450 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN -\MERICA take up this work. Conditions were chaotic, and his decision to meet them heroic. Serviceable buildings arose, sufficient for the time, and the in- stitution slowly but surely crept into a more commanding position. After a season he was left entirely alone for two years, supporting an almost crush- ing burden. He taught the various classes, organized and supplied the first American Church in the town, sent the first class from the West to the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, laid the foundation of a publica- tion department for the institution by securing a printing establishment and issuing copies of "The Searcher," developed the interest of the Wes- tern churches in the great work of foreign missions, and attended to the necessary correspondence with the State for obtaining the special act for the incorporation of Reformed Dutch Churchs in Michigan. This ac- complished, the way was open for steady growth. Under his fostering care the institutions passed beyond the tentative period, and became important factors in the problem of Western Church extension. After twelve years of struggle and weariness, only a beginning had been made, but that be- ginning was well made. There were no regular professors, and but little endowment and apparatus, but much faith, hope, and indomitable courage. In 1863 General Synod had officially assumed charge of the work, and in 1866 the first Commencement occurred. A Theological Department was established, Dr. Phelps serving as one of the Lectors for several years ; and in 1869 the pioneer class went forth of young men of the West trained for the ministry. Under incessant entreaty, the teaching force had been increased, and the endowment largely augmented. But sometimes burdens come which crush the strongest. In 1877 came the greatest crisis in the history of Hope College. Heroic measures, so-called, were adopted. The Theological Department was swept away, but to be restored again at a subsequent time. Men severed their connection with the Institution, and among them its first President. The College knew him no more until years later, at her quarter centennial celebration, he was present, to be thrilled with the love and devotion of the students. He had been called an idealist, but was proven a prophet, well attested by the institution as it exists to- day. It may be added that clearness and accuracy were marked charac- teristics of the man. One of the graduates of the College has well written : "There are three great moulding factors at Hope College, which can be distinctly traced to the first President: — A religious life as the basis of an intellectual life; a high sense of personal honor, and the Gospel ministry as the highest vocation for service. If the successful founding of an institution con- sists in the laying of foundation principles, rather than the securing of large endowments and the erecting of huge buildings of stone and mortar, we know of no institution whose foundations have been so grandly and deeply laid, as the one over which Dr. Phelps had the privilege of presiding as its first President." See Manual, 1902. Publications : Editorials, etc., for "Youths' Temperance Enterprise." 1844-6. — Many Contributions to the Church Papers relating to the West- ern Educational Institutions, etc. Field Catalogues and Endowment Cir- culars of Hope College. — Charges at Installations of Pastors. — Commence- ment Odes. — Inaug. Address as Pres. Hope Coll. 1866. — Baccalaureate Sermons at Hope Coll. 1866-78. — Editor of "The Searcher," 1863. — Dor- dracene Ref. Ch. in America. 1867. — A Complete Review of the Finances of Hope Coll. 1879. — A Series of Articles on "Scripture Inerrancy," in the "Ch. Int." 1893. — A Vol. on "Scripture Chronology, Weights, Meas- ures, etc." (In preparation at the time of his death). Phelps, Philip T. (s. of P. Phelps), b. Holland, Mich.. Nov. 26, 1862, H.C. 1882, Tutoring H.C. 2 years; N.B.S. 89, 1. CI. Schoharie; Sharon, N. Y., 89-95; Ghent, ist, 95-1900; Gansevoort, 1902-08; Buskirk, S.S. 1908-10; Clarksville, S.S. 1913-14, and other supplying, S.S. Cohoes, N.Y., 1921 , Pres. P.S.A. 1896. THE MINISTRY 451 Phillips, Wm. W., U.C. 1813, N.B.S. 17, 1. CI. N.B. ; (N.Y.C., Pearl St., afterward Fifth Ave., and Eleventh St.. 1817-65. d.). Phraner, William Henrv. b. Jamaica. L.I., March 26, 1841 ; N.Y.U. 60, K.B.S. 63, I. N. CI. L.I.; Cold Spring. 63-6. East Millstone, 66-1870, Schenectady. 2d, 70-5. w. c. ; supplying Sea Side Chapel, Long Branch, N.J., 81-3; Irving Park, 111, 83-8; w. c. Died March 12, 1912. Min. Gen Syn., 1912, 563. Publications : Article on Rutgers College, in "Manual R.C.A." 1869. — "Expenses and Income of Gen. Svnod." 1857-68.— A Sermon on the "Golden Rule." 1885. Pick, see Peck. Pierce, Xehemiah Pruden, b. Entield. Ct, 1817; A.C. 42, U.S. 45; (Whip- pany. N.J., 1846-51) ; Brooklyn, N.Y., 51-75, w. c. D.D. by R.C. 1871. Died Ap. 30, 1880. PuBLiCMioxs : "Mental Freedom. Our Nation's Glory." 1853. Pietenpol. Henry J., b. Gibbsville. Wis.. Dec. 24. 1859; H.C. 90. W.S. 93. 1. CI. Holland ; Holland, Mich. ; Ebenezer Ch. 93-5, Leota, Minn., Bethel Ch. 1895-1902, Pella. la.. 3d. 1902-08. Alto, Wis., 1908-16, Chi- cago, West Side. 1916-20, Otlev. la.. 1920 Member Bd. Supt. W.T.S.. S.C. CI. la.. Pella. Wis.. Chicago. Publications : Articles in De Hope. Pieters. Albertus, (son of Roeloff Pieters), b. Alto, Wis., Feb. 5, 1869; H.C. 87, W.S. 91, 1. CI. Holland; Missionary in Japan, 1891 , Vice-Pres. Gen. Syn. 191 1 and 1920. Publications : Mission Problems in Japan, 1912. Pieters, Roelof, b. Havelle, Prov. of Drenthe, Netherlands, Mar. 2, 1825; Holland Academy, 55-8, N.B.S. 61, 1. CI. Holland, 61 ; ord. by same, Sept. 4. 61 ; Graafschap and Drenthe, 61-5, Alto, Wis., 65-9, Holland, 1st, Mich., 69-1880. died Feb. He received the usual common school education in the Netherlands, and learned the carpenter's trade. In 1849 he emigrated to America, and soon became distinguished among the Hollanders here for his piety and knowl- edge of the Scriptures, so that he became a leader at their gatherings. A year or two later, when he removed to Chicago, the same thing was true to such an extent as to attract the attention of Dr. Van Raalte, who per- suaded him to study for the ministry. Before he had finished his theo- logical course, (i860), he was urged to settle, because of the great need of ministers. Both the Classis and the Synod endorsed the request, and he was already 35 years old; but he considered the opportunities for a thorough theological education too precious to be thus shortened. Besides his earlier charges, he succeeded to Dr. Van Raalte in the first church of Holland. Mich. In this important strategic centre of the West- ern development of the Reformed Church, he rendered his most valuable services, not only to the local interests, but as President of the Council of Hope College, and as one of the Editors of "De Hope," to the entire Western Branch of the Church. Publications: Editorials in "De Hope." — A volume of Sermons, in Dutch, much used in vacant churches. Pitcher, Charles Wad.sworth, b. Boght, N.Y., Mar. 2, 1849; R.C. 73, N.B.S. 75, lie. bv Cong. Assoc. 75 ; ord. bv Newark Cong. Council at Randolph, N.Y.. Jan. 26, 76; (Cong. Ch.. Randolph, N.Y.. 76-82), Stan- ton. N.J., 82-7, (Pre.sbyt. Ringoes. N.J.. 87-90), Middleburgh. N.Y., 1891-1907, Clover Hill, N.J., 1907-12, Buskirk. 1912-13, Clover Hill, 1913-18. Publications : Articles for the press. Pitcher, John H., b. 1806. U.C. 1827, N.B.S. 30, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie ; Herk- imer and German Flats, 31-3, Tyashoke and Easton, 33-8, Tyashoke, 38-43. Jackson. 44-52. Claverack, 2d, 52-61, Greenville, 61-73, Westerlo, 73-6, d. Jan. II, 1879. 452 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA Pitcher, Philip Wilson, b. Upper Red Hook, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1856; R.C. 82. N.B.S. 85. 1. CI. N.B. ; Miss, at Amoy, China, 1885-1915, d. July 21. See Min. Gen. Syn., 19 16, 928. Publications: In Amoy Romanized Colloquial: Geographries : Intro- ductory, 1887; of Europe, 1888; of North America, 1890; of South Amer- ica, 1891. Epitome of Chinese Hist.. First Six Dynasties, 1892. — In Eng- lish : "Fifty Years in Amoy," or "A Hist, of the Amoy Mission, 1893. — "A Sketch of Ku-liang Mountain, Foochow, China," 1895. — In Amov Rom. Col: "Hist, of Ancient Egypt," 1898. — "An Algebra," 1899. — Epitome of Chinese Hist.," completed 1900. — 1904, In the Chinese Character: "Epitome of Chinese Hist.," completed. Elements of Education in China, 1908. In and About Amoy, 1909, 1911. Pitcher, Wm., b. Red Hook. N.Y., Mar. 8. 1810; Wms. Coll. 28; P.S. 35, lie. by Consociation of Litchfield, 36, ord. by CI. Washington, Jan. S7 ', Jackson, 37-9, Boght, 40-54, Branchville, 54-79. Died Ap. 5, 1883. He was a man of rare excellencies. Quiet, modest, unassuming, yet behind this humble garb there was a noble, generous, warm-hearted Chris- tian manhood. He was a man of strong mind and resolute purpose. As a preacher he had few equals. See "Mem. Ser. by Rev. Wm. E. Davis." 1883. Publications: "Grace": A Series of Discourses, 1844-5. Pitts, Robt., b. near Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y., 1813; R.C. 37, N.B.S. 40, lie. CI. Orange; S.S., Walpack, 40-60, vv. c. ; d. 1878, Nov. 16. See Manual of 1879. Pleune, Peter H., b. Grand Rapids, May 17, 1883. H.C. 1909, N.B.S. 1912. Church of Comforter, N.Y.C., 1912-16. Pres. Ch. South. Plumley. Gardiner Spring, b. Washington, D.C.. Aug. nth, 1827; Y.C. 50; U.T.S. 55; (ord. by First Presb. of N.Y., Nov. 11, 55; Bloomingdale, N.Y.C., 55-7, Metuchen. N.J.. 58-75), Miss, at North Dutch. N.Y.C., 76-8; (Calvary Chapel, Five Points. N.Y.C., 78-83), Greenfield Hill (Cong.) Ct, 83-94. d. Feb. 21. D.D. by Y.C, 1890. He was for a while editor of "The Presbyterian Church Throughout the World." In 1869. having noticed the remark in the second edition of "Manual of Ref. Ch. in America, in a note at bottom of page 2, that Dr. Livingston had expressed the desire in 1783 to Dr. Westerlo. that some genius equal to the task, would arise to draw up a plan for uniting all the Reformed Church in America into one National Church; and that, notwithstanding the seeming difificulties in the way, he believed it to be practicable, and yet hoped to see it accomplished; and that the author of the Manual had added, "Let them begin the good work by endorsing each other's symbols"; he obtamed copies of the resolutions in which the Gen- eral Synod of R.C. A. had endorsed the Westminster Catechism, in 1837, and presented them to the General Assembly then meeting at Pittsburgh; and secured from that body their official approbation of the Heidelberg Catechism. It was at this same session that the Old and Nev/ School Presbyterian Churches came together, and union of all kindred bodies was the general cry. Mr. Plumley was a man of imposing presence, agreeable manners, fine culture and mucii activity in various forms of work. Much of his work was wholly undenominational. — See also "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1894. 220. PocKMAN, Philetus Theodore, b. at East Greenbush, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1853; R.C. 75, N.B.S. 78, lie. CI. Rensselaer; Fairfield, N.J., 78-80. Green- ville, Jersey City, 81-6, New Brunswick. N.J., 1887-1911. (Pres. Alden, N.Y., 1912-16), Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., 1916-19, d. Nov. 16. Pres. Bd. of Education, 1908-12. Member Bd. D.M., 1916-19. Pres. Gn. Syn., 191 1. D.D., R.C, 1894. Dr. Pockman was a genial man and most excellent pastor. Wherever he labored he was a power for righteousness. See Min. Gen. Svn.. 1920, 276. THE MINISTRY 453 Publications: Hist. Ch. of East Greenbush, N.Y., 1801. Pohle, K. A. J. (Ger. Evang. Lutheran Church of St. Peter's, Brooklyn), 18.. -^T,. R.C.A. Brooklyn, E.D.. 1853-68. Pohlman, Wm. J., b. in Albany, 1812; R.C. 34, N.B.S. 37, 1- CI. Albany; ord. Ap. 8, 38 ; voyage to Singapore, May-Sept.., 38, Borneo. 38-44, Amoy. June 44-1849, d. Jan. 5. Up to the age of twelve he lived under the paternal roof and was trained up under pious influences. Engaging in business, his religious impressions began to waver, not without occasional pungent convictions. At the death- bed of a beloved sister, dying in the triumjjhs of the faith, and appealing earnestly unto him, an impression was made which was never obliterated. He became a devoted Christian at sixteen years of age. "Suddenly," he says, "the most rapturous feelings of joy took possession of my mind. For a few moments I was in ecstasy. I could now say with an appropriating faith, Abba, Father. Oh, the splendor of that morning, the unutterable joys of that precious moment! But it would recjuire the tongue of an angel, the eloquence of a seraph, to describe all my feelings. Praise him, praise him for the wonders of his redeeming mercy!" In his Junior year in the Seminary, he resolved to go far hence to the Gentiles. He writes to the American Board : "Time has only served to strengthen the decision which was calmly and dispassionately made. After repeated reviews of the same, I am confirmed and settled. I can not now doubt for a moment; mine was not a rash or hasty conclusion. H there are no contrary indications, I must go, I can not stay. Here then am I, take me. Receive me under your care as a candidate for the missionary service; I wish to enlist for life. H in your view I can be of any service, I lay my all at your feet. Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee. Send me abroad to publish glad tidings to the idol-serving nations. Send me to the most desert part of all the howling wildernesses of heathenism, to the most barbarous climes, or to more civilized regions. Send me to the millions of Pagans, to the followers of the false prophet, to the Jews or the Gentiles, to Catholics or Protestants. Send me, in fine, wherever God opens an effectual door. Send me. for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel to the perishing heathen." He was ordained in April, 1S38, in the North Reformed Church of Al- bany, with which he had united ten years before. On the 20th of May he was solemnly set apart for the missionary service. He went forth strong in the consciousness of duty, and was followed by the prayers of multi- tudes. "A decade of years covered the missionary's life, during which much of toil, in preaching, teaching, translating, and travel, was gone through. On April 2. 1838. at a Monthly Concert in the Franklin Street Church, N.Y.C.. he was married to Theodosia R. Scudder. sister of Rev. Dr. John Scudder. by Rev. Christopher Hunt. — See "Ch. Int.." Ap. 7. 1838. He had taken his sister, for the benefit of her health, to Hong Kong, in Dec, 1848. The vessel in which he was returning to Amoy was wrecked and he was among the lost, the first instance of death by shijuvreck of any of the missionaries of the American Board. His piety was a deep, con- trolling principle. His prominent feature was perseverance. He was frank, open hearted, wise in council, amiable in disposition, and cordial and firm in his friendships. — See "Rogers' Hist.," 1857. Fun. Ser. by Dr. D. Kennedy, "Sprague's Annals." "McClintock's Cyc." PiTBLUATioNS : Several articles in "The Chinese Renository." Polhemus. Abraham, b. at Astoria. 1812; R.C. 31. N.B.S. 35, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Hopewell, 3=;-57. Newark, North, Mav-Oct. 18^7, d. Elected a trus- tee R.C. 1851.' D.D. by U.N.Y. 1856. He was a lineal descendant of Rev. J. T. Polhemus. who settled on Long Island in 1654. In college he was noted for his joyous temperament and 454 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA his companionable qualities, and was a decided favorite. His ministry was spent in a single field, with the exception of a brief period in Newark. Mutual affection, to a unusual degree, existed between him and his flock. Several attempts to call him to other fields were in vain. At length he yielded to the pressing call of the new North Church of Newark. He was regarded as specially qualified to build up this church, but he had hardly entered on his duties when God called him to his reward. Before his death he had a remarkable vision of the glorified Christ. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Address before Alumni R.C. 1852.— Twelve Sermons in "Memorial." [Polhemus, Isaac Heyer (son of Ab. Polhemus), b. Hopewell, N.Y., Mar. 3, 1853; Wms. C. 75; U.T.S. 79; ord. June 23, 79, by CI. Newark; Missionary and pastor Presbyterian Church]. Polhemus, Cornelius H., b. at Middlebush, *N.J., Dec. 2, 1853; R.C. 77, N.B.S. 80, 1. CI. N.B. ; Hopewell, N.Y., 81-91, (Supply. Presbyt. Ch., St. Paul, Minn., 91-92; S.S. 2d Presbyt. Ch., Jonesboro, Tenn., also Prof, of Langs. Tabor Coll., Iowa, 93-96 ; supplying, 1896-1901 ) ; Port Ewen, 1901-11. Supplying Church. Publications : Numerous articles and poems in "Ch. Inst.," "Christian at Work," "Christian Weekly," "The Advance," and in "Kansas City Times ;" also sentimental poems — "When the Honeysuckles Bloom," and "My Old New Jersey Home." Polhemus, Henry, b. at Jiarlingen, May 31. 1772; C.N.J. 1794, studied the- ology under Romeyn, 1. CI. N.Y. 1798; Harlingen and Ne-Shanic, 1798- 1808, English Neighborhood, 1809-13, Shawangunk, 1813-15, d. Nov. 2. Elected a trustee Q.C. 1800. See Manual, 1902. Polhemus (name originally spelled Polhemius), Johannes Theodorus, b. probably in Switzerland, 1598; studied, probably in Switzerland; pas- tor in the Palatinate, 1625 (?)-28 (?), at Meppel, Province of Overyssel, Netherlands, 1628-30 (?). again in the Palatinate, 1630 (?)- 35, at Olinda, Brazil, 1637-45 (?), at Itamarcas, Brazil, i645?-54; Mid- wout, Amersfort, L.I., 1654-76, also Brooklyn. 1656-60, again, 1664-76, died June 8. The first allusion to him in the "Minutes of Classis of Amsterdam" is as follows : J ohanncs Theodorus Polheiiii. 1635, Dec. 3d. There appeared in Classis the Rev. John Theodore Pol- heim (Polhemus), formerly a preacher in the Palatinate; (then subse- quently at) Meppel, in Overyssel, and later, again in the Palatinate; but on account of renewed persecution, he was forced to leave (the latter field) a second time. He requested that he might be appointed a minister in the West Indies, (America). Accordingly, his testimonials from both Meppel and Witen were read by the Deputies on Indian Affairs, who also made report thereon. The Assembly resolved, to appoint the said individual, as soon as possible, to that field, through the instrumentality of the Deputies, iv. 66. Then in the Acts of the Synod of North Holland, as follows : 1636, Sept. 9, et seq. Synod of North Holland, at Enckhuyzen. Art. 34. Preacher for the West Indies. His Excellency, Count (John) Maurice, of Nassau, about to proceed to the West Indies, (Brazil) has made request that a thoughtful and capable minister be selected, to be sent to the West Indies in accordance with Church Rules. This request was particularly pleasing to this Synod, and it was resolved, that the Classes shall give heed to it at the earliest oppor- tunity ; and if they learn of anj' one disposed to go thither to inform the Church of Amsterdam. The Rev. Correspondents (of other Synods) will also be pleased to do the same. THE MINISTRY 455 Art. 35. (Under the Ministerial Changes this year occurs the following item : ) Classis of AiiistenicDii. Sent to the West Indies, (Brazil) Rev. Johannes Poliemus. There are many allusions to the churches and ministers in Brazil in the documents obtained by E. T. Corwin in 1897-8, but not definite references to Domine Polhemus. who was there for 18 years. But during that period there were two Classes formed and a Synod, and the Minutes of these bodies were published in Holland, but a copy did not come under his notice. Probably copies could be procured at Utrecht. At Olinda, Domine Pol- hemus preached in Portugese and French. Volumes in Dutch or Latin, giving an account of the administration of John Maurice in Brazil, are procurable. Such a volume, in Latin, was purchased in 1898, and is now in the Li- brary of the Collegiate Church, New York. References to Polhemus are therein found. (See also Dr. Jas. L. Good's volume, "Hist of the Refd. Ch. in the United States," for brief accounts of the early attempts of the French Reformed, in Brazil, 1555-8, and of the Dutch Reformed in Brazil, 1637-54; pubd. at Reading, Pa., 1898). In 1654 the West India Co. were obliged to evacuate Brazil, and leave it to the Portuguese. This compelled Polhemus to leave the country. He came to New Netherland, while his wife went to Holland to try and secure the arrears due him from the Company. On Aug. 24, 1654, she besought the deputies of the Classis of Amsterdam to assist her. Rev. Mr. Langelius was appointed to this duty. In March. 1655, nothing had yet been accom- plished, but 200 florins had been loaned her. Mr. Polhemus wrote to his wife that he was inclined to remain in New Netherland, and the directors were asked to ratify the arrangement. In May, 1656, the Classis wrote that they were willing to consummate this arrangement, and would help his wife to go to Long Island. "She is a very worthy matron, has great desire to be with her husband, and has struggled along here in poverty and great straits, al- ways conducting herself modestly and piously." Up to 1654 the Dutch on Long Island had had no minister nor church, and were obliged to cross the East River to attend service. The evil be- came at length so great that Megapolensis and a committee organized a church at Midwout, (Flatbush), on Feb. 9, 1654, and requested the Classis of Amsterdam to select a preacher. It was at this juncture, after this let- ter had been sent, that Polhemus arrived. He had stopped on his way hither, and organized a Reformed church at New Amstel, Delaware. He was the first to propose association of the American ministers and churches. As early as 1662 he writes: "We stand in need of communication with one another in the form of a Classis. after the manner of the Fatherland. It is desirable that this be begun, although I do not know of much business to be transacted." He refers to this same matter as subsequent times. Ecc. Rec. N.Y., many letters. "Doc. Hist.," iii, 70. "Col. Hist.," ii., 72. "O'Callaghan's New Neth.," ii., 272. "Broadhead's N.Y.," vols. i. and ii. Polk, Thomas M., Addisville, Pa.. 1921 Pompl, R. H. See Von Pompl. Peekskill. Hungarian, 1914-16. Pool, Chas. Hubbard, b. at Bav Ridge. Brooklvn, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1840; R.C. 63, N.B.S. 66. 1. S. CI. L.i. : Bedminster, 66-75, Raritan. 3d, 75 ■ Dec. 31, 87, Cor. Sec. Bd. Dom. Miss., Jan. i. 1888-1906. Died March i. Dr. Pool's sermons were "good" because he himself was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost. His long service as Sec. of the Bd. of Domestic Missions -was characterized by attention to details and a general wisdom of administration that was beyond praise. Min. Gen. Syn.. 1906. 602. PuBLK ATioxs : Reports of Bd. of Dom. Missions, after 1888. Pool, Geo. H. Jersey City Heights, 1872-3. (Presbyt. Editor). Fool, William, b. Warfum, Netherlands. Oct. 26, 1857; studied in the 456 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Netherlands, Grand Rapids, Mich., and Dubuque, la., 1886; Dubuque Sem., la., 1889, He. by Presbyt. of Dubuque, Ap. 88, ord. by CI. Dakota, Aug. 20, 89; GrandView, S.D., May 89-Nov. 90, S. Blendon, Mich., 90-3, Grand Rapids, 6th, 93-7, Atwood. Mich., 1897-1902, Kalamazoo, Mich., ist, 1902-11, Paterson, N. J., (Hoi. ist), 1911-14, Wortendyke, N.J., 1st, 1914 PuBLicATioxs : Articles in De Hope. Root, J. W., b. Neth., July i, 1851. South Blendon, 1895-6, Gano, Chicago, 96-8, Pella, 4th, 98-9, Editor. Lutheran, d. Nov. i, 1913. Poppen, Henry, b. Prairie View, Kan., Sept. 29, 1890. H.C. 1914, W.T.S. 1917, 1. by CI. Michigan, 1917. Missionary to China, 1918. Poppen, Jacob, b. Drenthe, Mich., Ap. 17, 1858; H.C. 82, Teaching, 82-90, P.S. 93, 1. CI. Holland; Jamestown, 2d, 94-5, Professor, Tokyo, Japan, 96-7, East Overisel, 1898-1902, Wortendyke, N.J.. 1902-07. Principal, Cordell Academy, Okl., 1908-10, Centreville, Athenia, N.J., 1910-14, East Overisel, Hamilton, Mich., 1915-17, d. Alarch 5, 1920. Ph.D., Princeton, 1896. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 280. Publications : Faith and Certainty, 1896. Poppen, Otto G., b. Grundy Co., la.. Mission House Col. 1915, Ref. Sem. Grundy Center 1918, 1. by CI. P.P. 1918, George, la., Hope 1918 Porter, Charles F.. (grandson of Rev. Stephen Porter, Presbyt.), b. at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 4, 1861 ; Ham. Coll. 84. Aub. Sem. 87. lie. Presbyt. Geneva, 86; ord. by Presbyt. of Buffalo. 87; (Alden. N.Y., 87-8, Pres- byt.), Lodi, N.Y.. 1888-1904, (Presbyterian, N.Y. State Library, 1906 ) Porter, Elbert Stothoff, (son-in-law of P. S. Wynkoop) ; b. near Mill- stone. N.J., Oct. 23, 1819; C.N.J. 39, N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Chatham, 42-3, Chatham, 43-9, Williamsburgh. 49-83; also editor of "Christian Intelligencer," 52-68. D.D. by R.C. 1857. Died Feb. 26, 1888. He gave himself whole heartedly to his pastoral and editorial work and was eminently successful. See Manual, 1902. Publications : The Resurrection." Fun. Ser. on Death of Mrs. — . Van Buren. 1845. — "Perils and Securities of Our Country." 1850. — "Do- mestic Missions:" a Ser. before Gen. Synod. 1851. — "Gladness in the Sanc- tuary:" a Ser. at Reopening of Ch. Williamsburgh. 1885. — Address at Boston in behalf of Am. Tract Soc. i860.— "Language of Affliction:" Ser. on Death of Adaline Rider. 1864. — Ser. on "Death of Pres. Lincoln." 1865.— "The R.D.C. in Williamsburgh :" a Hist. Discourse. 1866.— "Hist. Doctrine and Spirit of R.D.C," "Bib. Sac." Ap. 1866. — "A Pastor's Hints to His People." — A Commen. Disc, on the "Life, Character, and Services" of Rev. Dr. L N. Wyckofif. 1869. — Sermons in "Nat. Preacher," on "Ad- vantages of Denominationalism, The New Heavens and the New Earth, and The Temple Transfigured." — Address at Fun. of Rev. Edward Holmes. — "The Literature of Ref. Ch.," 1776-1876. In "Centennial Discourses." — Editorials in "Ch. Intelligencer," 1852-68. Porter, Reuben, w. c. 1840-55. Post, Henry K., b. Newark, N.J., Feb. 25. 1878, P.C. 1902, N.B.S. 1906, New Prospect (Pine Bush) 1906-10, Freehold, 2d, 1910-16, Newark, N.J., Christ 1917 Potgeter, H. (Ser.), b. Oct. 11, 1856. Veldhausen. Germany. (In Germany Realschule, Otd. Ref. Ch. Sem., Bentheim, 1883, 1. bv CI. of Bentheim, Od. Ref. Ch., 1883, Nelson, 1883-86. Ihrhove, i886'-89. In America, Christian Ref. Ch. Ridott, 111., 1889-92, Parkersburg, 1892-98, Clara City, 1898-1900, Presbyterian, Kamrar, la., 1900-03, Dubuque, la., 1903- 05), Forreston, 111.. 1906-14. Retired. Potgeter, Herman J. (Jr.), b. in Germany. Dubuque Col. 1909, W.T.S. 1912. Lennox, S.D., ist, 1912-14, North Sibley, la., 1914-18. Presby- terian, Campbell, Neb., 1918-21. Resting from nervous breakdown. THE MINISTRY 457 Potgeter, Luppo, b. Ridott. 111.. Nov. i8, 1891. H.C. 1914, W.T.S. 1918, 1. by CI. P.P. 1918. Chicago. 111., Emmanuel, 1918 Potter, Clayton J., b. Glenville. N.Y.. May 2, 1878. U.C. 1900, Hartford Sem. 1904. 1. by Hartford Ccn. Ass., Cong. Min.. 1904. (Cong.. Lennox, Mass., 1904-07, Simsburg, Conn., 1907-10). Schenectady, N.Y., ist, 1910 Potter. Francis Marmaduke, b. Brooklyn. N.Y.. March 10. 1888. R.C. 1905-08. Rhodes Scholar. Oxford, 1908-11. N.B.S. 1911-13. Principal, Voorhees College, 1913-17. Teaching, 1918. Ass. Sec. and Treasurer, Bd. of P.M., R.C.A., 1918 Potter, James H., b. Nov. 8. 1888, Glenville. N.Y. U.C. 1912, Hart. Theo. Sem. 191 5, 1. by Hartford Ass., Cong. Ch. Supplied three Cong. Churches. Ord. by CI. Schenectady 1918. Missionary to India, 1919. Potter, Rockwell Harmon, (descendant of Rev. Thos. Romeyn), b. Glen- ville. N.Y.. Oct. I. 1874, U.C. 95, Chicago Theolog. Sem. 98, studied also at Yale and U.S.; 1. CI. Schenectady, 98, ord. N. CI. L.I., 98; Flush- ing, L.I., 98-1900, (Hartford, ist Cong.. 1900 . Los Angeles, Cal.). Powell, Enoch. Baptist. S.S., Cranesville, N.Y., 1913 Powell, Henry Alanson, b. Chatham. N.Y.. Sept. 13, 1851 ; U.C. y^, U.S. 76; ord. by N. CI. L.I.. June 29, 76; Bushwick, L.I., 76-83, (Brooklyn, Lee Av., Cong., 83-91, Lawyer, N.Y'.C, 1891 ). Prentice. Sartell (Jr.), b. Albany, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1867, Am. Coll. 91, U.S. 94, lie. Congs. 94. ord. by CI. Raritan, 94; Pottersville, N.J., 94-7, (Newark, 5th Av. Presbyt. 1897-1904). Nyack, N.Y., 1904 . Red Cross Chaplain. France. 1919-^0. D.D., Olivet Col., 191 1. PuBLic.-^TioN.s : The Cloud. 1918. Padre — A Red Cross Chaplain in France. 1919. Articles in the press. Prentiss. H. M. Candidate CI. N.Y.. 1913. Prever. D. Charles. Amsterdam Gymnasium. N.B.S. 1884. Newark, East, '84-6, Ashury Park, 86-8. Prochnau, Julius, b. Jan. >8, 1890, Alberta, Canada. Moravian Col., Beth- lehem, Pa., 1910, Moravian Sem., 1. by Presbytery of Utica, 1912. (Norwich Corners and Litchfield, 1912-13, Long Valley, N.J., 1913-16, Cincinnati, O., West Libertv. 1916-20). Peapack, N.J.. 1920 Proudfit. Alex, (son of John W. Proudfit). b. N.Y.C., Ap. 15, 1839; R.C. 58, N.B.S. and P.S. 61 ; ord. as an evang. by ist Presbyt. N.Y., 62; chaplain, U.S.A., 62-5, (Clavton, N.J.. 66-76), Hackettstown, N.J., 76-84, Baltimore, 2d, Md., 85-94," Springfield, O- 95-97. cl. Ap. 2. D.D. by Lafayette Coll., 1887. He was unflinching in courage, untiring in zeal, and unfailing in faith- fulness. He was ever ready to co-operate heartily in all that was good, whether in reference to the common cause of the churches or the general welfare of the community. — See "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1897, 19. Proudfit, John Williams, (.son of Rev. Alexander Proudfit, of Assoc. Ref. Ch., Salem, N.Y., 1795-1835). b. in Salem, Sept. 22. 1803; U.C. 23. P.S. 24; ord. 25; (Newburyport, Mass.. 27-33. Prof, of Latin Lang, and Lit. U.N.Y. 33-41 ) ; Prof, of Latin and Greek Langs, and Lit. in R.C. 40-5. Prof, of Greek Lang, and Lit. in R.C. 45-59, w. c. 59-64. (Presbyt.). Died Mar. 9. 1870. D.D. by U.C. 1841. He was the son of an eminent minister of the Associate Ref. Ch. He was a ripe scholar, whose chief work in life was teaching. In this he was emi- nently successful. While engaged in literary labors he did not forget the work of his Master and was interested and diligent in spreading the Gospel. See Manual. 1902. See "Princeton Rev.." xv.. 312. "Index to Prin. Rev., 275. PuBLTCATioNs : "Choicc of a Profession": Baccalaureate Sermon. R.C. 1841. — "Nature of True Greatness."— "The Captives." A Comedy of Plau- tus, with Eng. Notes. 1843. — "Remarks on Hist., Structure, and Theories of the Apostles' Creed." 1852. (See "Princeton Rev.," 1852.)— Editor of 45^ THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA "New Brunswick Rev.," 1855. — "The Sanctuary of God consulted in the Present Crisis." 1861. — "Man's Two-fold Life" included in the "Promise of Godliness" : A Disc, at the Install, of Rev. Wm. Irwin at Rondout, 1862. Address at the fun. of Theodore Strong, LL.D. 1869. — Art. in "Sprague's Annals" on Dr. J. S. Cannon. — Arts, in "Princeton Rev." on "Inspiration and Catholisism." 185 1. — "The Heidelberg Catechism and Dr. Nevins." 1851. — ^"Review of Voelcker and others on Homeric Ideas of the Soul and a Future State." ("Bib. Sac," xv., 753).— Other articles in "Bibliotheca Sacra," "Independent," "Evening Post," "Ledger," etc. Proudfit, Robt. Ralston (son of John Williams Proudfit), b. Feb. 3, 1836; R.C. 1854, N.B.S. and P.S. 61 ; ord. Evang. 61 ; chaplain U.S.A. 61-5. Weehawken, N.J., 65-67. Died Feb., 1897. He received a sunstroke while in the army, from the effects of which he never fully recovered. Yet he did a considerable amount of Christian work quietly, and in teaching Bible classes. He spent much time in travel, both in America and Europe. He married a daughter of the late Count St. George of Geneva, Switzerland, the head of the Evangelical Alliance in that land. See "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C, 1897, 18. Pullan, Frederick B.. b. Feb. 4, 1849, New York City, Beloit Col., Wis., 1871, Y. Sem. 1875, 1. by New Haven Cong. Assembly 1876; (Cong. Vineland, N.J., 1875-79, East Orange, N.J., 1879-90, San Francisco, Cal. 1890-95, Providence, R.I., 1895-1905), Hyde Park, East Orange, N.J., 1908-14, (Cong. River Edge, N.J., 1914-19). Purdy, Marinus Seymour, b. N.Y.C. Jan. 11, 1877, C.C. N.Y. and R.C. 1900, N.B.S. 1903, 1. by N. CI. L.I.. Bogota, N.Y., 1903-07, Athens, N.Y., 1907-09, Newburgh, N.Y., 1909 Putnam, John H. S., 1. by CI. Montgomery 1916, Philadelphia. 4th, 1916- 17, Episcopalian, Chaplain in U.S. Navy. Quackenbush, Daniel McLaren, b. in N.Y.C. Mar. 9, 1819; C.C. 36, N.B.S. 39, 1. Assoc. Presby. Ch. N.Y., 39; (West Hebron, N.Y., 42-7), War- warsing, 49-51, Fishkill Landing, 51-5, Missionary pastor, Chapel on Brooklyn Heights, 55-9, Hastings-on-Hudson, 59-61, Prospect Hill, N.Y.C, 1861-1900, d. Aug. 24. D.D. by N.Y.U. 1863. He had a long and honorable career. He was a scholar of rare mental ■endowments. He was in early life devoted to the ministry by his pious Scotch mother. Many acts of beneficence marked his entire ministerial ■career. He served the Prospect Hill Church for the most part gratuitously, for nearly forty years, putting aside calls to larger fields, for which he was eminently qualified by his great learning, and keenly logical mind. Exceptional circumstances made the Prospect Hill Church very dear to his lieart. Though of a quiet, retiring disposition, his kindly, sympathetic nature made him a devoted pastor. He was a man of great conscientious- ness, faithful, and constant in the duties of his calling, a faithful friend, a wise counsellor, and a reliable guide. He was a spiritually minded man, strong in faith, and unreserved in his consecration to Christ and his church. See also "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1901, 1243. Quaw, Jas. E., b. 1800, N.B.S. 1828, Miss, at Tyashoke, 28-9, at Lysander, 29-30, Dashville Falls, 31-4, Breakabin, Cobbleskill, and Schoharie Mt., 34-6, w. c. 36-45, lost on Lake Erie. See "McClintock's Cyclop." Publications : "The Immerser Instructed." 1844. — "The Cold Water Man." Quick. Ab. Messier, b. Somerville, N.J., 1839, R.C. i860, N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. N.B., Port Jackson 64-69, Franklin 1869-92, Peekskill 82-84, Ocean Hill, Brooklyn, N.Y.C, 1885-1900, w. c. S.C. CI. of Montgomery. Publications : Many Arts, and Communications to Periodicals and Magazines; pamphlets. Lyrics of Life, 1906. Quick, John J., N.B.S. 1839, 1. CI. Philadelphia; Jackson 40-3, Fairfield, 45-9, Wynantskill 49-54, Currytown 55-6, Mapletown and Currytown 56-61, Mapletown 61-2, S.S. Fort Herkimer 1867-8. Died 18... TTIE MINISTRY 459 <5uick. Peter J., b. Mar. 6. 1806; R.C. 33- N.B.S. 36. 1. CI. Philadelphia: Clarkstown. 37-66, Rector of Hertzog Hall, 69-74. librarian of Sage Library, 74-1886, d. Nov. 9. He was a faithful man and an exceliont preacher but so modest that his abilities were largely unrecognized. See Manual. 1902. Quinn, Robt. A., b. 1798. N.B.S. 1833, 1. CI. N.B. 1833; Caughnawaga, 1833-5. Oyster Bay. 1835-41, Manayunk, 1842-7, Stone House Plains, 1847-9, Chaplain at' Sailors' Snug Harbor. 1832-63, d. Jan. 31. After performing his duties as chaplain, on Jan. 31, at Sailors' Snug Harbor, he was deliberately shot through the heart by Herman Ingalls. an old sailor, who, it is said, had revealed his past life crimes to his chaplain, and now feared exposure. Ingalls then immediately shot himself. He was much given to muttering and solitary walking, and his companions thought he had been a pirate and was troubled with remorse. Mr. Quinn had been chaplain of the institution for eleven years. Ralston, Edward Stanlev. b. Boston, Mass. Law School. Lane T. Sem. 1886, 1. bv Cong. Council. (Cong.. Newport. Ky., 1886-7. Lincoln, Neb., Plvmouth, 1887-91. Pres. Aspen Col.. 1891-3). Piermont, 1894-1900, Harlem Collegiate. N.Y.C.. 1900-1903, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 2d, 1903-12, Netherwood. Plainfield, N.J., 1914-20. Rand, Wm. Wilberforce, (s. of Rev. Asa Rand), b. at Gorham, Maine, Dec. 8. 1816; Bowdoin Col. 37. Bangor Sem. 40; lie. Waldo Cong. Assoc. Jan. 14, 1840; ord. by CI. Cayuga. Sept. i, 1841 ; Canastota, 1841-4; Ed. and Pub. Sec. N.Y. Tract Soc. 1844-1902, d. March 3, 1909. D.D. by N.Y.U., 1883. Under Dr. Rand as Superintendent of the Publishing Department of the Tract Society, about 7.000 new publications were issued, of which about 1.790 were volumes, and the rest tracts, wall rolls, &c. Many hundreds of the publications were in foreign languages. The only large volume of which Dr. Rand was himself the personal and sole author is "The Bible Dictionary in English and Spanish." Aside from special service in compiling, his main Avork was in selecting new issues from thousands of books and tracts offered, revising many of them, and seeing them through the press, as well as super- vising the six periodicals which the Society is now publishing. After the death of Dr. Halleck. Dr. Rand was alone in this responsible work. See Manual, 1902, Min. Gen. Svn.. 1909. 533. Randall, Peter G. R.C. 1838, N.B.S. 41. 1- CI. N.Y.. d. 1842. Randies, Wm. N., b. at West Hebron, N.Y., Mar. 14, 1837; U.C. 59, United Presb. Sem.. Xenia. O., 63. lie. (U.P.) Presb. Argvle. 62; ord. (U.P.) Pre.sbyt. Albany. 64: (W^est Charlton, N.Y.. (U.P.) 1864-7-2); Glen- ville, 1873-81, d. Nov. 20. Randolph, Edward T. E.. b. New Brunswick, N.J.. Jan. 30, 1872; R.C. 96, N.B.S. 99. 1. CI. N.B. Leeds, 1900-1903. West Copake, N.Y., 1903- 06, West Nyack (Clarktown), 1906-16, Livingston, N.Y., 1916-19, Hyde Park. N.Y., 1919 Rankin, John Joseph, b. Newark. N.J., Aug. 12, 1854; Wms. Coll. 76. U.S. and P'.S. 80. lie. bv Presb. Newark, 80: ord. Presbv. Buffalo, 83; (Clarence, N.Y., 83-5), Bronxville, 83-8: (Presbyt). Ranney, William Addison, b. Summer Hill. N.Y., March 22. 1871. R.C. 1896, N.B.S. 1899. Teacher. Ranson, Alonzo A., b. Kilbourne. 111., June 23. 1876, R.C. 1901. N.B.S. 1904, I. by CI. N.B., Hoboken. N.J., ist 1904-06, M.D.. Col. P. and S., 1909- Phvsician. Rapalje, Daniel, b. New Lots. (Brooklvn). N.Y.. Ap. 20. 1836: R.C. 33. N.B.S. 38. 1. S. CI. L.I.. Missionary Amoy China. 1838-99. Ratzell, J. P. Candidate in CI. N.Y. 1900. Congregationalist 1900. Rauscher. John Charles, b. Corona, N.Y., ALarch i. 1873. Clinton Col., Ta., 1906, U.S. 98. lie. by Presbyt. Brooklyn, Astoria. 1899-1916. Brooklyn. 460 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA N.Y., i2th St.. 1916 , Ph.D. Ch. Col., la., 1908, S.T.D. Temple Univ, 1913- Raven, John Howard, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 3, 1870; R.C. 1891, N.B.S. 94, lie. S. CI. L.I., Metuchen, 94-99, Act. Prof. 1898-9, Prof. O. T. Langs, and Exegesis, New Brunswick Seminary, 1899 , Studied at University Berlin 1902-03, Lecturer on English Bible, R.C, 1910, D.D. R.C. 1899. Publications: O. T. Introduction 1906-10, Essentials of Hebrew Gram- mar 1908, General Catalogue R.C. 1766-1909 and 1916, Biblical Hermantics 1910, Biographical Record, N.B.S., 1784-1911. Rawls. John. N.B.S. 1819. 1. CI. N.B. ; Columbia, 20-23, w. c. Ray, Henry C. S.S. All Soul's Florence, S.C, 1913-15. Raymond, And. Van Vranken, (s. of H. A. Raymond), b. Aug. 8. 1854, at Visscher's Ferry. N.Y., U.C. 75, N.B.S. 78, lie. CI. Schenectady; Totowa. 1st. Paterson. N.J., 78-81, Plainfield, N.J., 81-7, (Albany, 4th Presbyt.. 87-94. President of Union College, Schenectady. N.Y., 1894-1907." Buffalo, ist Presb.. 1907-18. d. April 5). D.D.. U.'C. 1887. LL.D. W. C. 1894 and Col. of South Carolina, 1905 , L.H.D. U.C. 1908. Dr. Raymond was a man of singular symmetry of character, who never attempted anything without doing it well. Raymond. Andrew Van Vranken. Jr.. (son of Rev. A. V. V. Raymond), ' b. Plainfield, N.J., June 17, 1886, U.C. 1908. N.B.S. 1909-11, U."S. 1912, ord. by Pres. of Buffalo. (Pres. New South Wales, N.Y., 1912-19, in Europe). * Raymond, Henry A., b. at Patterson, Putnam Co.. N.Y., July 10, 1804; Y.C. 1825, N.B.S. 1828, lie. CI. Poughkeepsie. 1828. Sharon, Lawyersville, and Cobleskill. 1829-32. Fairfield. 1833-5. Niskayuna. 1836-50. Owasco, 1851-3. Amity. 1853-6. Lawyersville and Sharon. 1856-64, Boght and Rensselaer, 1864-71. Died July 18. 1877. He was a pastor of unusual ability, wisdom and faithfulness. See Manual, 1902. Read. Edward Grifficn (son of Hollis Read), b. at Sharon. Ct., Nov. 3, 1844, C.N.J. 61, Tutor of Latin in C.N.J. 61-3. P.S. 65. lie. by Presbyt. Passaic. 64; (Madison. Wis.. Presbyt. 65-8. Elizabeth. 3d. N.J.. 68-75; Cong.. Bennington, Vt., 75-82), Somerville. 2d (Raritan, 2d), 1882-1908^ Chaplain N.J. Senate, 1915-20. Member Bd. of Education, R.C. A., 1887-1896. Member Bd. of F.M., R.C.A., 1889—. D.D.. .R.C, 1895. Publications: Occasional Sermon. "A Domine in Bible Lands," 1894. Sermon at 50th Anniversary of 2d Ch. of Raritan, 1884. Read. George Oliver, b. Feb. 4. 1882, Philadelphia. Pa.. 1. by Ref. E. Ch. 1904. Sem. Ref. Epis. Ch. 1906. (Served in Ref. Ep. Ch. 1904-20). S.S.. Marconier Ref. Ch.. 1920-21, Knox, and 2nd Berne. 1921 Read. Hollis. b. Vt.. 1802. W.C 26. P.S. 28. Pres. Bombay, Babylon, N.Y... Derby, Ct.. Craneville. N.J.. in Ref. Ch. 1853-5, w. c., d. 1887. For details see "P. Sem. Gen. Cat." Read. John Leighton. (Son of Missionary to Indians 23 years), b. Paris, Texas, Sept. 14, 1879. Austin Col. 1901. Austin T.S. 1905. 1. by Pres. Ouacheta 1905. (Pres. Gurdon. Ark.. 1905-08. Junction City. Ark., 1908-12, Little Rocky, Ark., Central. 1912-17). Missionary under W.B. D.M.. R.C.A., among Indians. Colony. Okl., 1917 Publications: Articles in Mission Field. Rearick. Wm. R. M.E. Church. Temple Univ. Philadelphia. 2d. 1908- 09. Philadelphia. Talmage Memorial. 1909 Rederus, Francis, b. Lutjcgast. Groningen. in Netherlands. Aug. 19, 1822; entered Seminary of Free Church at Kampen. 1852; (preached at Stroo- bos. Beotgum. in Vriesland : at Wesep and Apeldoorn in Guelderland ; came to America. Nov.. 1872; Pater.son. N.J.. (Bridge St. Refd. Holl. Seceder Ch.), 72-74), Passaic, N.J., 74-76, Pella, la., 3d, 76-1886, May 10, d. THE MINISTRY ' 461 He graduated with the first class of the Seminary at Kampen. While settled in the Netherlands he did much missionary work, establishing preaching stations in wicked i)laces, as Berlicum, St. Anna, &c., and many were led to Christ. At St. Anna an evangelical church was formed, whicli flourishes to this day in \"riesland. His people were profoundly attached to him for his evangelical zeal and labors among them. After a year and a half of labor in a Seceder church in Paterson, N.J., he joined the regular Reformed Church in America, and spent the rest of his ministry in her fold, where his great zeal and efficiency continued to the end of his life. Rederus, Sipko F., (son of Rev. Francis Rederus), b. in Netherlands, July 29, 1854; College of Refd. Ch. at Kampen; c. to America, 1872; N.B.S. 1877: lie. by Winabago Convention. (Cong.), Wis., 1881 ; (Supplied, Presbyt. Ch. in Chicago. 1877, Cong. Ch. at Alto, Wis.. and other churches, as Greenleafton, Minn.. New Amsterdam and Cato, Wis.) ; Britton, Alich., 93-96, Tyre. N.Y.. 1896-1901, (Presbyt., Wamps- ville, N.Y., 1901-02, (Pres. Canastota, N.Y., 1902-04, Nortonville, Kan., 1904-07, Farley, la., 1907-1922). Died Feb. 22, 1922. Publications: "Vibrations of Aly Soul," a Poem, 1887; "Alemorial Ser- mon to Soldiers." 1894; contributions to the press; Essays and selections from the Dutch and Flemish poets. Reed, Edward Allen, b. June 24, 1843, at Lansingburgh, N.Y. ; Aub. Sem. 71, lie. by Presbyt. of Cayuga, N.Y., 70; ord. by Cong. Council, at Springfield. Mass., June 14. 71 ; (Cong. Ch., Springfield, Mass., 71- 78), New York City, Madison Ave., 78-86, (Holvoke, Mass., 2d Cong. 1886-1914, P.E. 1914 . DD. by R.C. 1881. Publications: "Manly Christianity," 1879, containing also a brief his- tory of Madison Ave. Ch. Reese, David R., b. Shawnee, O.. Ohio State Univ. 1901, Boston, Univ. Sch. of Theo. 1904. 1. by M.E. Ch. (M.E. pastorates 1905-09. Pres. Akron, O., 1909-16), High Bridge, N.J., 1916 ■ Reeverts. Andrew J., b. flear Oregon, Ogle Co., 111., Jan. 20, 1868; H.C. 92, .W.S. 95, 1. CI. Pleasant Prairie; Monroe ist (Ger.), S.D., 95-7, Im- manuel, Belmond, la., 1897-1907, also S.S., Alexander, la., 1897-1902, Peoria, 111., 1907-20, d. Alarch 14, 1920. Administrator of "Der Mitar- • beitcr, 1908-20. Mr. Reeverts passed his whole ministry among German speaking churches, in the service of which he was eminently useful. See Min. Gen. Svn., 1902, 281. Reeverts, Frederick, b. Ogle Co., 111., Nov. 16, 1871. H.C. 1899, W.T.S. 1902, 1. by CI. P.P. 1902. Alexander, la., 1902-1908, Meservey, la., S.S., 1907, Monroe, la., 1908-12, Stout, la., 1912 Reeves, John Recder, b. New Brunswick, N.J., Nov. 14, 1891. Wesleyan Univ. 1914, P.G. Univ. of Pa., M.E. Conference Course 1918, I. by N.J. Conference M.E. Ch. 1912. (Pastorates M.E. Ch., 1915-21). Haw- thorne, N.J., 1921 Puiu.icATioNs : Head of the River Church, 191". Reichert, J. F. Forreston. III., 1871-2. Reidenbach, T. A. Ger. Evang., Brooklvn, E.D., 1865-6. Reiley, DeWitt Ten Broeck, b. Hurley, N.Y., 1837 (s. of Wm. Reiley) ; R.C. 57, lie. CI. N.B. 66; Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. in Rutgers College. 61-65; Librarian, R.C, 63-71; also Rector Grammar School, 1868-74; again, 76-83. U.S. Consul, Athens, Greece, 1884-5, d. Aug. 6, 1900. See "Biog. Notices of Grads.. R.C." 1901. 5. Publications: "Elementary Instruction in Latin." ''Educational Month- ly," 1875- Reilcv. Wm.. b. at Durham. Bucks Co., Pa.. Feb. 12. 1810; R.C. 33. N.B.S. 36, lie. CI. N.B.; Hurley. 36-9, Middletown, N.J., 39-1887; emeri- tus. Died July 19, 1894. D.D., R.C, 1857. His long pastorate at Middletown was marked by great faithfulness and 462 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA increasing usefulness. He was the father of the Classis of Monmouth. See Manual, 1902. Reiner, John H., b. in Russia; c. to America, 1880; West Leyden, i88r- 5, Gallatin, 86-7. Reinhart, Harry E., b. Usquert, Neth., May 17, 1869, W.T.S. 1913, 1. by CI. of G.R. 1913. Chandler, Minn.. 1913-20, Ireton, la., 1920 Renskers, Garret John, b. at Winterwyck, Netherlands, Nov. 3, 1818; c. to America 46, studied under German and Presbyt. auspices in Iowa ; ord. by Presbyt. 55 (Ger. Chs. in the west, 55-64; Zeeland, Mich., Presbyt. 64-8); Clymerhill, 68-80; emeritus. Died Nov. i, 1893. Renslaer, see Van Rensselaer. Rex, Henry L., Lower Walpack, 1879-87. Reynolds, Frank Ten Broeck, b. Utter Park, N.Y., Academy, Ref. Ep. Sem., Philadelphia 1899, ord. Ref. Epis. 1899, (Ref. Epis. New West- minster, B.C., 1899-1901, Toronto, Ca., 1901-05), Spotswood, N.J., 1905- II, Glenville, ist (Schenectady) 1911-13, Keyport, N.J., 1913 , Sec. Monmouth Co. Bible Soc, Sec. Monmouth Co. Historical Association. Publications : Sketch of Monmouth Co. Bible Society. (Reynolds, G. Pres., S.S. Columbia, N.Y., 1897). Reynolds, Kiah M., b. Nov. 18, 1862, Alonticello, N.Y., Profesor Smock's Academy, four years M.E. Conference Course, 1. by N.Y. Conference M.E. Church 1909. (M.E. pastorates. Cook's Falls, N.Y., 1904-07, Ac- cord, N.Y., 1908-09, Kenoza Lake, N.Y.. 1910-12, Bloomingburg, N.Y., 1913-16, Greenville, I^.Y., 1917-20). Beaverdam and Berne, N.Y., 1921 , Chairman of Sub-Committee in organizing Centenary Cam- paigns in M.E. Church. Rhinehart. J. Kelly, b. Bruynswick. N.Y.. 1830; R.C. 59, N.B.S. 62, 1. CI. Orange ; Roxbury, 62-73, Princetown, N.Y., 73-89, also S.S. Grand Gorge 1871-2, Kiskatom, 89-91, d. Nov. 15. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1892, 653. — "Biog. Notices of Grads, R.C," 1892, 35. Rice, C. D., Y.C., I. by Hampden Assoc, Mass., 1839; (Granby. Ct., 1839- 42, East Douglass, Mass., 1842-52, Poughkeepsie 1854-60, all Cong.), i860, in Ref. Ch. ; Prin. of Colleg. Instit. for Young Ladies, Pough- keepsie, 1860-78; and of Ossining Institute, Sing Sing, 1878-82. Rice, Henry Leffler. b. Washington Co.. Pa.. June 25, 1795; Troy Univer- sity, 1818, P.S. 21, ord. as an evangelist by Presbyt. N.B. Oct. 2, 22; Miss, in West 23-4, Spotswood, N.J.. 25-34 (Ger. Ref. Chambersburg, Pa., 34-1837. d. May 3, See "Appel's Recollections of Coll. Life, pp. 27-30 ; Corwin's 20th anniv. Ser. at Millstone. (Rice. Wm.. Ass. Marble Col. N.Y.C.. 1916). (Richards, L. E.. S.S. Grand Gorge, 1866). Ricke, Herman, Hackensack (Ger.). 1874-7. Ricketts, J. H.. S.S. Princetown. 1863-5, w. c. 1867. Riddle. David H.. b. Martinsburg. Va.. Apr. 14. 1805; J.C. 2^. P.S. 28, I. Presbyt. of Winchester; (Winchester, 28-33. Pittsburgh, 3d. 33-57), Jersey City, ist, 57-62, (Pres. of Jefferson Coll., 62-5. Prof, of Moral Philosophy in Washington and Jefferson Coll. 65-8. Canonsburgh, 63-8, Martinsburgh, Va.. 68-79. Died Tulv 16, 1888. D.D. bv Marshall Coll. 43, LL.D. bv R.C. 63. See "N.Y. Evangelist," Aug. 1888, and "N. Y. Observer." July 26. 1888. Publications: "The Pilgrims and their Principles." 1850. — "Our Coun- try, for the Sake of the World." 1851. — "Ground of Confidence in Foreign Missions." 1851. "Before Am. Bd." — Ser. at Installation of Rev. Dr. Ab. Polhemus." 1857. — "Such a Time as This." Thanksgiving Sermon. 1859. Riddle Matthew B. (s. of David H. Riddle), b. Oct. 17,' 1836, J.C. 1852, Allegheny S., and N.B.S. 59. 1. CI. Bergen; Heidelberg University (Europe), 60-1, Chaplain in the army. 61 Hoboken, 61-5. Newark, 2d, 65-9, in (Germany, 69-71, Prof, in Hartford Theological Seminary 71-87. THE MINISTRY 463 (In 1878 dismissed from CI. Newark to Hartford South Assoc. Cor.g. Ch.). Prof, of N.T. Exegesis in Alleghany Sem. (Presbyt.) 1887 , President of Faculty, Member N. T. Revision Committee, D.D., F. and M.C., 1870, P.E. 1894. LL.D., West. Univ. of Penn. Publications: "Lange's Commentary:" American edition. Vol. V. Epistle to the Romans. (Added Textual Notes, from chap. 5 onward; ed- ited, with additional Notes, from chap. 6 onward). 1869. "Lange's Com- mentary;" Am. ed. Vol. VII; epistles to the Galatians. Ephesians, Philip- pians and Colossians. (Edited Galatians; translated and edited Ephesians and Colossians; all with additional Notes). 1870. "Notes on the Inter- national S.S. Lessons 1877-81, International Revision Commentary, Vol. 2-36, Meyer's Commentary on N. T., Vol. 2, Harmony of Gospels in Greek 1885, Harmony of Four Gospels in English, 1886, Outline Harmony of Gospels 1895, ' Anti-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 7-8, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 6-10. More than 700 articles all told. See Manual, 1902. Riedel, F. W. A., b. Germany, Darmstadt Gym., N.B.S. 1858, 1. CI. N.Y., S.S. Jeffersonville, 58-61, also at Thumansville, 60-1 ; became a Roman Catholic; returned 1867. Became Ger. Ref. (New Albany, 1867). Rieger, John Bartholomew, b. at Oberingelheim, Jan. 23, 1707; matricu- lated at Heidelberg, Feb. 24, 1724, as a student of philosophy; matric- ulated at Basle, Ap. 20, 1724; came to Philadelphia, 1731 ; Philadel- phia, 1731-4, supplied also Skippack and Germantown, 1733; Amwell, ^■]; 1734-39 (?) Lancaster, Pa., 1739-43; returned to Holland, and matriculated at Leyden, Mar. 20, 1744. to study medicine; returned to America, Alarch, 1745; supplied Schaefferstown, 1746-.. . He also preached for the disaffected in the Raritan Dutch churches, 1736-7- Died 1769. Why he left Heidelberg University for Basle University so soon, is not known. The congregation at Amwell would not receive him, until he had made an apology to Boehm -for intruding in the church of Skippack. This was done at New York in the presence of Domines Du Bois, Boel, and Antonides. He also then, 1734, promised submission to Classis of Amster- dam. He was at Lancaster during the Zinzendorf movement, into which he entered heartily. His church, therefore, turned against him. He now went back to Holland, and determined to study medicine at Leyden. He appeared before the Classis of Amsterdam on Nov. 5, 1743, and gave an account of the churches in Pennsylvania. On April 13. 1744. he wrote out his Report for the Classis, and made suggestions. He returned to Lan- caster in March. 1745. to practice medicine. The church was now occu- pied by Schnorr. "Dr. Good's Hist. Refd. Ch. in U.S." Riepma, Siert, F.. H.C. 1900, W^T.S. 1903, 1. by CI. G.R., Detroit, Mich., 1903-05, Hospers, la.. 1905-08, Oklahoma City, 1908-11, Grand Rapids, Emmanuel 1911-14, Presbyterian 1914 Ries, Geo. Adam. b. at Heringen. Ger.. Oct. 18. 1846. R.C. 72. N.B.S. 75, 1. CI. Schoharie, Lawversville, 75-8, Scarsdale, 78-80, (Home Miss, to Poplar Bluff, by Presbyt. Bd., 82-86. Living at Oakland, Cal.). Riggs, Alex. Brown, b. Portsmouth, O., June 21, 1842; Jeff. Coll. 63, Aub. Sem. 69. U.S. 70. Fort Plain. 70-6. (Pres. Waterford. N.Y.. 1876-90, Cincinnati, 7th. 1891-1902. Inst, and Prof., Lane Sem., 1894 ). Rigg, Charles W., b. Constantinople, 1855. son of Rev. Elias Riggs, D. D.), P.C. 1886. N.B.S. 1894-5. Oberlin 1897. Congregationalist. Riggs, Jas. Forsyth, b. at Smyrna. Turkey. Oct. 4. 1852; C.N.J. 72. U.S. 78. lie. bv Presb. of Morris and Orange. 78; ord. bv Presbyt. Eliza- beth. 78;" (Cranford. N.L. 78-84). Bergen Point 84-92. Prof, of N.T. Greek in N.B. Sem. 92-8. (East Orange. Brick Presb. Ch., 1898-1918. Died Ian. 24), D.D. by R.C. 1892. 464 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Dr. Riggs thought in pictures and his preaching was marked by an unu- sual wealth of appropriate illustration. Publications: Inaugural address as Professor of Greek, N.B.S. 1892. Riley, Isaac, (s. of Rev. H. A. Riley, of Montrose, Pa., and son-in-law of Rev. Joel Parker, of Newark), b. in N.Y.C. Feb. 2, 1835; Y.C. 58, U.S. 61, lie. Presbyt. 1861 ; (Wilmington, Del., 61-4, Pottsville, Pa., 64-7, Newark, N.J., 67-8. all Presbyt.) ; N.Y.C, 34th street, 68-75, (Buffalo, Westminster Ch., 1875-8), d. Oct. 23. See Manual of 1879. Ritchie, Frank C, S.S. Philadelphia, 2d, 1913, S.S. Lutheran Ch. Chalfont, Pa. Ritzema, Johannes, b. 1710; ord. by CI. Amsterdam, July 20, 1744: c. to America, 1744; New York City, 1744-84, (but absent from the city during the Revolution), Kinderhook. 1788-88. Also frequently offici- ated at Harlem, Philipsburgh, Fordham, and Cortlandt. One of the original trustees of King's (Columbia) College, 1754. Died Ap. 10, 1796. The earliest reference to him in the "jMinutes of the Classis of Amster- dam," is as follows : Rev. Ritceina. Examination. 1744, July 20. Art. II. Also were admitted to both final and prepara- tory examination. Rev. John Ritzema, called as minister at New York, after a sermon on Psalm 12.12; and Peter Brink, after a sermon on 2 Tim. 2:19; in the presence of Rev. Deputatus Synodi, Rev. Cornelius Houthof, minister at Amsterdam. Therein they each gave the Rev. Assembly such sat- isfaction, that Rev. John Ritzema was ordained to the Sacred Office of the church in New York, with the laying on of hands ; and Rev. Peter Brink, to the public preaching office, as a licentiate. Minutes in Vol. XII., 72. His name does not appear in the printed catalogues of Leyden, Utrecht, or Groningen. He arrived in New York, with a wife and three children, pending the negotiations for a Coetus. The Classis of Amsterdam wrote to the church of New York a very flattering testimonial concerning him. He was a prominent member in all the meetings of the Coetus, and felt the incapacity of that body as much as any one, (1748-53). In September, 1753, it was proposed to make an effort to put the Coetus on a better footing, and to supply all deficiencies in its constitution. The next regular meeting (Sep- tember, 1754), was appointed for the handling of this matter, prior to all questions, and all the brethren were requested to be present. But during this interim the plans of the Episcopalians for a college, to be under their control, but supported by general taxation, reached their consummation. The Hon. Wm. Livingston had for several years fought these plans through the press, and had been sustained by all the citizens except the Episcopalians. He showed that an English Church Establish- ment was lurking under the scheme, and that it was eminently unjust to charter a college to be supported by all the people, but which would be controlled by a single sect. The Dutch were a majority in the Provincial Assembly, and the charter could not be passed without their help. They were therefore reminded that they were not dissenters, but came from a State Church, and they alone of all un-Episcopal bodies were able to ob- tain church charters. The Ministry Act of 1693 did not formally establish the Episcopal Church as such, and by name, but only provided for the scttliiu/ of (7 ini}iistry by lazi'. It was indeed explained by a subsequent Assembly that these ministers need not necessarily be Episcopalians. The Dutch Church was also sometimes called the Established Church. Now it was suggested that if the Dutch helped to pass the charter for King's Col- lege, they might have a Professorship of Divinity in the said college, and educate their ministers there, without the trouble, expense, and delay of THE MINISTRY 46; sending them to Holland. The plan seemed eminently desirable in certain aspects. In the summer of 1734. Wm. Livingston complains that the Dutch had deserted him in his protests against such a college. In September. 1754. the Coetus met according to appointment to discuss the propriety of establishing an American Classis for the Dutch churches. Ritzema was president. The plan of a Classis, as proposed and discussed, was unanimously approved. The old Coetus was a useless body ; it had no foundation in the church order; it could pass no final sentnece; it could not of itself ordain. The proposition for a Classis was sent to the respective churches for their decisions, being signed by Ritzema and Ver- bryck as oflicers. They and two others were also appointed a committee to meet on the ist of April, 1755, to canvass the votes of the churches upon this matter. When the proposition was brought before the church of New York, (Oct. I, 1754), the Consistory declared that if a Coetus were useless, they believed a Classis would be still more so, and they would abide under the old condition, subordination to the Classis of Amsterdam. They re- leased De Ronde from his obligations to the Coetus as stipulated in his call, and Ritzema and De Ronde, with two elders, were to write to the Classis of Amsterdam concerning the position of the New York Consistory in this matter. The same committee were "to present a petition to the Assembly requesting liberty to have a Professor of Divinity for the Low Dutch Church," in connection with the new college. On Oct. 17, this committee wrote to Holland, expatiating on the uselessness of the Coetus. the neces- sity of a learned ministry, that American-made ministers would bring about a total separation of the Church from Holland, that partisanship ruled the Coetus: and hence they renewed their old relations to the Classis. and hoped that the request of the Coetus for a Classis would not prosper. But they do not mention in this letter their own petition, two weeks before, for a professorship in King's College! On Oct. 24, their petition to the Assembly was considered and received with apparent favor. But in the charter, signed Oct. 31. the Dutch pro- fessorship does not appear ! Wm. Livingston had warned them "that all their pretenses to sisterhood and identity were fallacious and hypocritical." It was because of these circumstances that Theodore Frelinghuysen, of Albany, took the course which he did. (Frelin'ghuvsex. Theodore). But the probability that the Dutch would secure a college of their own, to the ruin of King's College, led Ritzema, on his own responsibility, to make another attempt, and also prompted the Episcopalians eagerly to grant his request for this professorship. May 7, 1755. But the mass of the people were now disgusted at the duplicity which had been manifested, and Rit- zema's own Consistory severely censured him for his unauthorized con- duct. The professorship was gained indeed by an amendment to the col- lege charter, but an indignant people would have nothing more to do with it. No minister of the Dutch Church graduated from King's College until after the Revolution — a generation later. (B.vssett). Ritzema and his friends were now left in an awkward predicament. They had seceded from the Coetus. and their final success concerning the professorship in King's College was a useless victory. The peculiar cir- cumstances also, perhaps, drove the Coetus to some rash actions, but for the division of the Church, and the tedious Coetus and Conferentie strife, (1775-71). Ritzema was declared responsible. ("Centemiial Disc," p. 78). The Coetus now resolved itself into a Classis. (1755). and assumed all powers beloging thereto. Ritzema and a few others wrote letters annually to Holland as a Conferentie. (or an unorganized band of conferring min- isters), and in 1764. after two unsuccessful attempts of the American Class- is to bring them into their body, these conferring ministers organized them- selves into an Assemblv subordinate to the Classis. They claimed to be the original Ccetus. They had the Alinute-Book of the Coetus, and recorded 466 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA their own letters and acts therein. A pamphlet controversy sprung up between Rev. John Leydt and Ritzema upon the questions at issue. ( Leydt, John). Until 1764, no elders had attended the meetings of the conferring ministers, (the Conferentie). In that year, anticipating the failure of the second effort for union, Ritzema had requested his Consistory to appoint elders as delegates, but they utterly refused, and Laidlie also refused to join the new assembly. Ritzema complained of this not a little. Meyer's independent position at Kingston was also very disagreeable to him, and he was largely instrumental in securing his expulsion from his pulpit. Ritzema was not present at the original meeting for union in October, 1771, but his name stands first on the list of those who signed the Articles of Union, (after their ratification by the Classis of Amsterdam), in June, 1772. After this he worked cordially in the Synod with Leydt, Meyer, and other former opponents. — "Ecc. Rec, N.Y.," very many letters. "Minutes of R.D.C. N.Y.," 1744-84. "Moore's Hist, of Columbia Col- lege," p. 25. "Gunn's Livingston." "Sedgewick's Life of Hon. Wm. Liv- ingston." "Centennial Discourses." p. 62-101. — "Alinutes of Coetus and Conf. and of the earlv Svnod." "Genealogy and Biog. Rec," ix., loi, 102. "Year-Book of Collegiate Ch.," 1884, 68. Publications : "Ware Vryheyt tot Vrede" beantwoort, ofte kortbondige wederleggig van het boekje van Do. Johannes Leydt waarin klaarlyk word aangewezen dat vrede zonder waarheyt niet mag gezogt worden. Zynde die Vergadering waarvoor zyn E. oykomt nog Coetus nog geauthorizeerd omte examineren nog promoveVen. Door liefhebbers van Waar heiden Vrede. Niew-York, 1761. Or, Reply to "True Liberty the Way to Peace," or "A Short Refutation of the little book of Rev. John Leydt, wherein is plainly shown that peace destitute of truth may not be sought, inasmuch as the assembly which his Reverence advocates is not a Coetus, and has no author- ity to conduct examinations. By lovers of truth and peace." New York. Printed by H. Gaine. 1761. — Aan den Eerwarden Do. Johannese Leydt. Philadelphia, 1763. Or. "To the Rev. John Leydt, Minister at New Bruns- wick." i2mo. pp. 38. Phil., 1763. This was Ritzema's rejoinder to Leydt's second pamphlet of 1762. — Extract uit de Handelingen van het Hoog Eer- waarde Christelyke Synode, van Noord-Holland, gehouden te Edam, van den 26th July tot den 4 Augustus, 1763. Met een nodige voor afspraah aan de nederduitse Gemeentens in de provincien van Niew York en Niew-Jer- sey, door Johannes Ritzema. New York, 1765. Or, "Extract from the Acts of the Rev. Christian Synod of North Holland, held at Edam, July 26-Aug. 4, 1763, with a necessary introduction to the Dutch churches of N.Y. and N.J., by John Ritzema. i2mo, pp. 16. N.Y., 1765. We append here the title of the letter of the Classis of Amsterdam, which is in harmony with the three pamphlets of Ritzema, and against those of Leydt. Brief van de Wel-Eerwaarde Classis van Amsterdam, aaue de E. Heeren, predikanten en ouderlingen in de provincien van Niew-York en Niew-Jersie, die zich Coetus noemen. N.Y.. 1765. Or, Letter from the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam to the Rev. A/finisters and Elders in the Privinces of New York and New Jersey, who call themselves the Coetus. i2mo, pp. 15. N.Y. 1765. — Answer to the Remonstrance of Abel Harden- brook and others against preaching in English in the R.D.C. in N.Y. "Doc. Hist.," N.Y., iii. 310-314. Sept. 2;^, ^767. — A Sermon preached at Collum, Feb.. 1741. and in New York, Jan. 15, 1755. (MSS. in State Library, Albany). — Many letters in the Ecc. Rec. N.Y. Robb, John. North Hempstead, 1835-7, S.S. at Unionville, 1839. He died in his 6oth vear. Robbins, John V., R.C. 1829, N.B.S. 1829-30, d. 1830. Roberts, Herbert Bennett, b. Brooklyn. N.Y., Oct. 18, 1870; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. Ulster; Berne and Beaverdam, N.Y., 94-190T, Scotia, THE MINISTRY 467 X.Y.. 1901 , Pres. P.S.A., Chairman Child's Welfare Bd. County of Schenectady. Robertson, James Lovejoy, b. 1837, Sept. 5. Steubenville. O., Geneva Col. (now united with Jefferson. 1857, Allegheny Sem. 1859, 1. by Pres. of Steubenville, 1857, (Pres .Geneva, • N.Y., 1859-67, Cincinnati, O., 2d, 1867-70, Rochester, N.Y., ist, 1870-77, Cleveland, O., Euclid Av., 1877-81. Cortland, N.Y., 1882-97, Galveston, Texas 4th, 1897-99. Yonk- ers, N.Y.. 1899-1903), Bronksville, N.Y., 1904-15, d. Jan. 4, 1916, D.D. by Geneva Col. 1898. Robertson, Noel. C.C. 1823, P.S. 1826, Wilmington, N.C., 1826-8, Miss, to Manayunk, 1828, d. Oct. See Manual of 1879. "Mag. R.D.C.," iii., Robertson. Samuel, b. near Troy, N.Y.. Mar. 28. 1784, W.C. 1812, P.S. 15, (Huntington, N.J., 16-23, Miss, at White Plains, 23-5, Dryden, N.Y., 25-34, Stillwater, N.Y., 34-5). Canajoharie, 35-9- Schoharie, 1839-43, Westerlo. 43-8, (Miss, in Wis., 48-9, Winnecounee, Wis. 49-66) d. Sept. 22,. 1869. Robinson, S. N.. Cicero, N.Y.. 1854-6. Robinson, Wm. Lvle. b. Tan. 26. 1884. Roxbury, N.Y., Salvation Army Training School, 1908, Crozcr, T.S., 1913. 1. by M.E. Ch. 1908, ord. by Baptists 1910. (Methodist pastorate. 1908-10. Baptist. Sloansville, N.Y., 1910-11. East Chatham. N.Y., 1911-12, Poultney, Vt., 1912-15, Methodist, Rutland, Austinville. Pa., 1915-16, business, but supplying church, 1916-20). Schodack, N.Y., 1920-21, Kinderhook, N.Y., 1921 Rockefeller, De Witt G., b. Albanv, N.Y.. Sept. 30. 1852, R.C. 1879, N.B.S. 82, lie. CI. Albanv, Norwood Park. 111., 82-84, ( Presbyt.. New Scot- land. N.Y.. 84-88. W^hitehall. N.Y.. 89-92. Evangelistic Work, 92-96), Cobleskill and Lawyersville. N.Y.. 96-98. Stuyvesant. N.Y., 1898-1906, Mariners' Harbor, S.I., J[9c6-i3, West New Hempstead, 1913, d. Dec. 10. Min. Gen. Svn.. 1914, 250. Rockwell, Charles. Y.C. 26, A.S. 34. 1. by Andover Assoc. (Chatham, Mass., 39-45, Pelham, N.H., 54-5), Kiskatom; 60-6, "Assoc. Ref." D.D. Died Ap.. 1882. Publications : Address before Greene Co.. N.Y.. Agricultural Soc. 1864.— Add. before Bible Soc. of Greene Co., N.Y., 1865.— "The Catskill Mountains and the Regions Around ; Their Scenery, Legends and History ; with Sketches in Prose and Verse by Cooper. Irving. Bryant. Cole." etc. i2mo. pp. 3S. 1867. — "Foreign Travel and Life at Sea." Rockwell. Geo., b. Lewisboro'. N.Y., Jan. 17, 1821, N.B.S. 51, 1. CI. West- chester. Waterloo, N.Y.. 1851-4. Thousand Isles, 54-/7, Ja"- i- w. c. Died July 1. 1897. See Manual, 1902. PuBi.ic.'KTioxs : "Ebenezer." A Hist. Disc, of the Church of the Thou- sand Isles. — "Twenty Years' Ministry." 8vo. pp. 27. Watertown. 1874.^- "Descrip):ive Account of the Localities and Scenery Around Alexandria Bav. N.Y." These were afterward published as a Guide Book. Roddy, Joseph Stockton, b. Mt. Pleasant, Pa.. P. Univ. 1891. P.S. 1894, l.'by Pres. Carlisle. Pa.. 1893. (Pres. Dexter. la.. 1894-6, Evangelistic Wo'rk 1896-7, Harrisburg, Pa., 1896-08. Philadelphia. 1909-14, Olyphant, 1914-17), S.S. North and South Hampton 1917-21. (Pres. 1st Glouces- ter City. N.J.. 1921 ), Ph.D.. Supt. Press Dept. Peim. C.E. Union 1899-1906. Publications: History of Earlham Ch. History of Harrisburg Pres. Ch. Reports of C.E. Penn State Convention, 1898-1906. Articles for the press. Rodenberg, F. W.. Hartsburg. 1877. Roe. Sanford. W.. b. Brooklvn. Dec. 22. 1826. U.N.Y. 47. U.S. 51. ord. by Presb. Catskill, Aug. 18. 52, S.S. N. Bergen. N.J., 51-2, (Cairo, 52-60. Jamestown. N.Y.. 60-6). Germantown. N.Y., 66-8, Brooktield, 68-70, "Middleburgh. 70-6. Lebanon, N.J., 76-83, (S.S. Cairo, 83-9), 468 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Tyre, 91-2, Plattekill, 1892-1903, d. Jan. 6, 1911, D.D. by U.N.Y., 1873. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1911, 262. Roe, Walter C, b. March 18. i860, w. c. 1881, (Missionary Fort Worth. 1892-5, Dallas 1895-7), Miss, at Colony, Okl., 1897-1900, Columbian Memorial Ch. at Colony, Okl..i900-i9i3, d. March 12. Dr. Roe was especially qualified by God for his work among the In- dians. He was acquainted with both cultured and rude forms of life, and knew how to make those of many talents appreciate the limitations of those whose talents are few. His religion was practical and self-sacrificing. In spite of physical infirmity in his later life, he accomplished a great work. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1913, 898. Roeder, Charles W., b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1877, N.B.S. 191 1, 1. by CI. Monmouth, Middletown. N.J.. 1911-14. Flatlands, L.I., 1914 , Chaplain Daughters of Am. Revolution, L.I.. of 13th Regiment, N.Y. National Guard of N.Y., State Division of United Boys' Brigade of Am. Roetman, Zwier, b. Genemniden, Neth. H.C. 1905, W.T.S. 1909, 1. by CI. Holland, Ustick, Fulton, 111., 1909-12, Holland, Neb., 1912 Rogers, Ebenezer P., b. N.Y.C. Dec. 18, 1807, Y.C. 1837, P-S. 1840, lie. 1840, (Chicopee Falls, Mass., Cong. 1840-3, Northampton, 1843-7, Au- gusta, Ga., Presbyt. 1847-53, Philadelphia, 1853-6), Albany, 1856-62, New York, South, (5th Av. and 21st St.). 1862-81. Died Oct. 22, 1881. Elected a trustee R.C. 1858. D.D. by O.U. 1853. Publications: "The Obligations of the Female Sex to Christianity." 1849. — "The Doct. of Election, stated in three Discourses." 1850. — "Earn- est Words to Young Men;" in a series of Discourses. 1851. — "The Pre- cious Things of Peter." — "A Pious Mother." 1853. — Hist. Disc. R.D.C. Albany. 1857. — "The Sovereignty of God in Calamity ;" on the loss of the "Central America." 1857. — "The Dignity of Teaching." 1857. — "Every- thing in Christ." 1858. — Annual Ser. before City Miss. Soc. 1858.— Ser. on "Death of John Knox." 1858. — Letter on "Death of Dr. Brownlee." i860. — Disc, at Fun. of Mrs. A. B. Talcott. 1861. — Ser. and Prayer on the "Death of Pres. Lincoln." 1865. — "In Voices from the Pulpit." — Address at the Semi-Centennial of Dr. Hodge. — Many contributions to the press. — "The Classmates, or The College Revival." (1852?). Rogers, John Archibald, b. at Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., Aug. 9, 1855, Syracuse Univ. 1891, Aub. Sem. 94. 1. Presbyt. of St. Law- rence, Owasco, N.Y., 1893-1903. Publications: "The Story of a Century," or a Brief Hist, of Refd. Ch. at Owasco. Rogers, Leonard, b. 1803, N.B.S. 1832, 1. CI. N.B. 1832, Catlin 1832-3, Sand Beach. 1833-34, w. c. Died 1838. Rogers, Lester Cortlandt, b. Waterford, Ct., Dec. 11, 1829; W.C. 56, ord. 58, by Seventh Day Baptists, N.B.S. 60 (pastor. New Market, N.J., 57-68), Leonardsville, N.Y., 68-72, Milton, Wis., 72-6, Evangelist. Sab- bath Reformer and Lecturer. Prof, of History and Civics in Alfred University, 88-98. Publications : ' 'The Golden Link," and other poems, pp. 270, 1895. Rogers, Robt., Glenville, ist, 1898-1907, Ponds, N.J., 1907-09, Presbyterian 1910. Rogers, Samuel J., b. at Orford. N.H., Aug. 27, 1832; R.C. 59, N.B.S. 62, 1. CI. N.Y., Battle Creek, 62-5, Geneva. 65-72, Port Jervis, 72-6, Fort Plain, 76-9, (pastor of Cong. chs. in Iowa, 111., and Minn., 79-1900). Sec. of Minn. Cong. Assoc, also Sec. for Church Building Soc. for Minn. Supplying vacant churches, 1900-1910. Died May 3, 1910. Roggen, John A., H.C. 07, W.T.S. 191 1, 1. by CI. la. 191 1, Montana ist, Conrad, Mont., 1911-17, Monroe. S.D., Sandham Memorial, 1917-22, Hamilton, Mich., ist, 1922 Romaine, Benj. F., b. 1820, R.C. 1842. N.B.S. 1842-3. 1. Assoc. N.Y. and THE MINISTRY 469 Brookljn 1850, Editor of the "American Spectator" at Albany 42-57, S.S. Canajoharie 57-9, Canajoharie 59-62, Bound Brook 62-8, Sec. Coloniz. Soc, Ohio, 68-70, d. Jan. 16, 1874. Roindt-n, Fitch, S.S., German Flatts, N.Y., 1796-8. Romcyn, Benjamin (s. of Thos. Romeyn), b. 1774, and died just as he finished his theological studies, 1798. Romeyn, Dirck, (or Theodoric), (brother of Thos. Romeyn, Sr.), b. at Hackensack, June 12, (O.S.) 1744; C.N.J. 1765, studied theol. under J. H. Goetschius. licensed by the American Classis 1766, Marbletown, Rociiester, and Wawarsing, 1764-76, also occasionally supplied Upper Red Hook and Red Hook Landing 1773-5, Hackensack (ist), and Sciiraalenburg (ist), 1775-84, Schenectady, 1784-1804. Also Lector in Theology, 1792-7, Prof, in Theology, 1797-1804, d. April 16. Elected a Trustee Q.C. 1785. D.D. by R.C. 1789. He was of a strong and energetic mind, which he had trained by ex- tensive reading and study. He was a Boanerges in the pulpit, preaching Christ with power, strong in denunciation of sin and yet moving his hearers to tears. He moved with dignity and grace but without familiarity in all circles of society. He and Dr. Livingston were constant correspondents ; they discussed by letter all the important affairs of the denomination, during its formative period. He was the counselor of Senators, the adviser and compeer of the warriors of the Revolution, and an efficient co-worker with the patriot. He took the lead in his State in giving an impetus to the support and patronage of classical learning; he was greatly instrumental in the fovmd- ing of Union College at Schenectady.— "Doc. Hist.," iii., 600. "Gunn's Liv- ingston," ed. 1856, p. 383. "Taylor's Annals." "Sprague's Annals." "Cen- tennial of N.B. Sem.," 424. Manual, 1902. See Rev. J. B. Romeyn's Discourse V., in his "Vol. of Sermons," 1816, page 194, on his father. Rev. D. Romeyn. — Also Rev. J. H. Meier's sketch of, made from said sermon^ — See also Rev. Th. Romeyn's "Hist. Ch. of Hackensack," and Rev. W. E. Griffis's "Hist. Ch. of Schenectady." Romevn, lames, (s. of J. V. C. Romeyn), b. at Greenbush, 1797; C.C. 1816, N.B.S. 1819, 1. CI. N.B. 1819, Nassau 1820-7, Six Mile Run 1827-33, Hackensack 1833-6, Catskill 1836-42, Leeds 1842-4, Bergen Neck 1844- 50, Geneva, 1850-1, emeritus, d. 1859. Elected a trustee of R.C, 1842. S.T.D. by C.C. 1838. He was a man of remarkable gifts but of so sensitive a temperament that he never occupied the commanding position which his abilities warranted. Very vehement in spirit yet he always kept his temper. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "The Crisis and Its Claims." Before Gen. Syn. 1842. (See "Princeton Rev.," xiv. 632) — "A Plea for an Evang. Press." Before Am. Tract Soc. 1843. — "Report on the State of the Church." 1848. Ap- pendix to "Mints. Gen. Synod." A most elaborate and important paper. — "Enmity to the Cross of Christ." 1857. — Arts, in "Sprague's Annals," on Drs. J. H. Livingston and J. V. C. Romeyn. Romeyn, Jas. Van Campen (s. of Thos. Romeyn), b. at Minisink, Nov. 15. 1765; Schenectady Academy, 1784, studied theology under D. Romeyn, 1. by Synod of D.R. Chs. 1787; Schodack and Greenbush, 1788-94, Greenbush and Wynantskill, 1794-9, akso Taghkanick, 1788-93, Hackensack (2d), and Schraalcnburgh (2d), 1799- 1833, d. 1840, June 27. Elected a trustee of (Jueen's Coll.. 1809. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1806-07. He was a man steadfast for the truth yet of such tact and wisdom that amid many occasions of dispute he was universally esteemed. He took a very active part in the endowment of Queen's College 1810. See Manual, 1902. Publications : "Address to the students Theolog. Sem." "Mag. R.D.C.," iv. 202. — "A Manife.sto," pub. in the Bergen Co. papers. 470 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Romeyn, Jeremiah (nephew of Thomas Romeyn), b. in N.Y.C., 1768; studied under D. Romeyn and H. Meyer, 1. by Syn. R.D. Chs. 1788; LinHthgo, 1788-1804, Upper and Lower Red Hook, 1794-1806, Harlem 1806-14, supphed Schoharie Kill and Beaverdam (Roxbury), 1814-17, supplied Woodstock, Dec, 1817-Feb., 1818, died in July, 1818. Also Prof, of Hebrew. 1804-18. He was able to combine different styles of sermonizing in a single dis- course with most peculiar and remarkable effect. See Manual, 1902. Romeyn, John Brodhead (s. of Dirck Romeyn). b. 1777; C.C. 1795, studied under Livingston, 1. CI. Albany, 1798; Rhinebeck Flats, 1799-1803, (Schenectady. Presbyt., 1803-4. Albany. Presbyt., 1804-8, New York, Cedar St.. Presbyt. 1808-25), d. Trustee C.C. 1809-25; Clerk of C.C. 1811-15; Trustee C.N.J. 1809-25. S.T.D. by C.N.J. 1809. He left the Reformed Church in order to be near his honored father in his declining days. In New York he held his own among the leading preachers of America. At last his labors and an over sensitive disposition, broke his health. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "A Tribute to the Truth." On the Controversy with Episcopacy. 1809. See "Christian's Mag.," ii. 429-441. — "The Danger and Duty of Young People." 1810. — "The Good Samaritan." A ser. for bene- fit of N. Y. Dispensary. 1810. — "Exhortation to the People." At the install, and ord. of Rev. Gardiner Spring. 1810. — A Ser. at the Opening of the Gen. Assembly. 181 1.— Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 434 and 440. N.Y., 1816. Romeyn. Theodore B. (s. of Jas. Romeyn) ; b. Oct. 22. 1827, R.C. 46, N.B.S. 49, I. CI. Bergen: Blawenburg, 49-65. Hackensack, ist, 65-85, died Aug. 29. D.D. by R.C. 1868. Publications : Historical disc, delivered on the occasion of the re- opening and dedication of ist R.D.C. at Hackensack. 1870. — "Centennial Disc." preached in ist Ref. Ch. Hackensack. 1872. — -"The Adaptation of Ref. Ch. in America to the American Character." 1876. In "Centennial Discs." Romeyn, Theodore F.. b. 1760 (s. of Thos. Romeyn) ; studied under Liv- ingston ( ?), 1. by Gen. Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1783; Raritan and Bedminster, Nov., 1784-Sept.. 1785, d. His ministry was unusually spiritual and fervent, and was closed impres- sively in his sudden and early death. He was a gifted and extraordinary young man, and his brief career left a deep impression on many hearts. — "Messler's Mem. Ser.." 1783, p. 32. Some "Elegiac Verses" concerning him vi'ere composed by a lady, and published at the request of a member of one of his churches. The late Rev. George J. Van Neste possessed a copy. Romeyn, Theodoric, see Romeyn. Dirck. Romeyn, Thomas (Sr.). b. at Pompton. March 29, 1729; C.N.J. 1750, studied under Goetschius and T. Frelinghuysen, sailed for Europe April II, 1752, 1. CI. Amsterdam, Sept. 3, 1752; Success, Newtown, Oyster Bay, and Jamaica. i753-6o. Minisink, Walpeck, Smithfield, and Deerpark. Sept. 6, 1760-72. also occasionally supplying Clove Station, Sussex Co.. N. J.. Caughnawaga, 1772-94, d. Oct. 22. After preaching a few times on Long Island, he sailed, in April. 1752, to Holland, for ordination. At his settlement on Long Island, though a pru- dent man, he found it difficult to still the troubled waters. His call, also, was not unanimous. In 1757, De Ronde usurped authority by presiding at a meeting of the disaffected elements, and another minister was called. Romeyn, being a quiet and peaceful man, sought freedom from the strife in another field of labor. His call to the churches on L.I. is dated Nov. 10. 1752.— "Ecc. Rec, N.Y.". "Taylor's Annals." "DeBaun's Commem. Ser- mon," in "Mohawk Valley Democrat," Nov. 22, 1894. Romeyn, Thomas, b. at Caughnawaga. 1777 (s. of Thos. Romeyn) ; U.C. THE MINISTRY 4/1 1797, studied under D. Romcyn, 1. CI. Albany, 1798; Florida, 1800-6, Niskayuna and Amity, 1806-27, vv. c. 1827-57, d. He was of imposing appearance and respectable abilities. In 1827 he was obliged to resign pastoral duties, because of failure in health. In 1843 he met with a fall, which crippled him for the rest of his life. — "Mag. R.D.C.," i. 301. ruBLiCATioxs : "A Charge to Rev. Jas. Murphy, Glenville." 1826. "Mag. R.D.C.," i, 301. Romig. Edgar Franklin, b. Allentown, Pa. Franklin and Marshall Col. 191 1. Missionary at Syrian Protestant Col., Beirut, 1913-16. U.S. 1918, 1. by Pres. of Lehigh 1918. Collegiate Ch., N.Y.C., Middle Ch. Ass., 1918-22, Pastor, 1922 . Sec. Ex. Com. N.Y. Evangelistic Com. Member Ex. Com. Am. Tract Society. Member Ex. Bd. Leyden Pilgrim Fathers' Soc. Publications: Article in press. Romondt (or Von Romondt) Chs. RoelofT, b. at Phillipsburg, St. Martins, West Indies, Ap. 21, 1821, R.C. 41, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. New Brunswick, Prof. Modern Langs, in R.C. 46-59, Greenville. N.Y., 59-61, S.S. Cold Spring, N.Y., Oct. 6i-Jan. 63, w. c. Died at St. Martins, W.L, Nov. 15. 1889. An affection of the throat interfered with ministerial duties. For twenty years, 1862-82, he served in a Government Department in Washington un- der successive political administrations. He had literary tastes, and skill- fully employed his pen in the preparation of articles for the press. He often supplied pulpits in the vicinity of Washington. He was "a faithful friend, and always the polite and affable gentleman." "Mints, of Gen. Syn.," 1890, 192. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1890, 16. Roof, Garret L., b. 1810, U.C. 1831, Auriesville and Glen 46-50, Port Jack- son 50-5, Southwest Troy 55-64, (Pres. Lowville, N.Y., 1864-74), d. 1891. Roop, Marcus J., b. Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1871, Heidelberg Univ., Tiffin, Ohio, 93, N.B.S. 96, I. CI. N.B., English Neighborhood, N.J., 1896- 1910. Roosa, Egbert, from Presbyt. of Columbia, Aliss. to Shokan 1828-30. Sho- kan (S.S.), 1831-4. (Bath, Presbyt). Roosenraad, Arthur C, b. Zeeland, Mich., Dec. 14, 1885, H.C. 1907, In- structor Latin and Greek P.P. Acad. 1907-09, N.B.S. 1912, 1. by CI. N.B. 1912, Linlithgo, N.Y. (Johnstown) 1912-16, Astoria, ist, L.I. 1916-19, New Utrecht, 1919 Roosevelt, Washington, b. 1802, Bronxville, 1857-73, ^v. c. Died Feb. 11, 1884. Root, Oren, b. Syracuse, N.Y., May 18, 1838; Hamilton Coll. 56; lie. by Presbyt. Palmyra (Synod of Missouri), 74, ord. by same, 75; (Glas- gow, Mo., 75-.., Salisbury, Mo., ..-89, both Presbyt.), Utica, 89-94, Prof, in Hamilton College, 1889-1907, d. Aug. 27. D.D., R.C, 1891, L.H.D., U.C, 1895. LL.D., Upper Iowa Univ. Dr. Root found the business of his life in the professor's chair and his pastoral activity was second thereto. Publications: Several works on Elocution and scientific subjects. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1908. 235. Rosegrant (Roscnkrantz), Elijah, b. 1766; Q.C 1791, studied under Liv- ingston, lie. by the Partic. Synod of D.R. Chs. 1794; became a physi- cian at Paramus, d. 1832. Rosenbohm, Martin, b. Hanover, Ger. Acd. and Col. Dept. Theo. Sch.. Newark, Bloomfield Sem. 1909, 1. by Pres. of Morris and Orange. (Denver, Ger. Pres., 1909-11, Mycrville, Ger. Pres., 1911-19). Demp- ster, S.D., 1919-21. Rosendal, see Rozendal. Rosenkrantz, Ab.. b. in Germany. Canajoharie, 1750-S, German Flats, 472 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1752-8, Stone Arabia, 1756-7, N.Y.C., Ger. Ref., 1758, Stone Arabia, 1759-7^, German Flats, 1759-96, Schoharie, 1760-65, Canajoharie, 1767- 75, d. 1796. On Dec. 20, 1758, forty German famiHes were dismised from R.D.C. of N.Y.C. to estabHsh the G.R.C., and Domine Ritzema was directed to install Rosenkrantz. — "Mints. Ch. N.Y. Eng. Trans. Lib.," B. 2'/2,. His name was at first written Rosen Krantz, and he was, at the time, the foremost divine west of Schenectady. He was a graduate of one of the Ger- man Universities, and a man of much learning for that day. He married Aliss Anna M. Herkimer, a sister of General Nicholas Herkimer. During the Revolution he was suspected of toryism; but his family relations and his superior intellectual ability enabled him to weather the political temp- ests. He retained his charge until his death. A few allusions to him in the Ecc. Rec. N.Y. Rosenkrantz (first name unknown, brother of Abraham). German Flats? —1752, d. See Daily Hist, of Montgomery CI. 47. Rosenkrantz, J. From Presbyt. of Utica ; S.S. Princetown, 1849-50. Ross, Thomas M., b. Aberdeen, Scotland, Dec. 26, 1889. Middlebury Col. 1915. Bangor Sem. 1912. Yale School of Religion 1915-16. Ord. by Congregational Church 1912. Ridgefield, N.J., 1920-21, Brookdale, N.J., 1921 PuBLic.'\TioNS : Articles for press. Rothenberger, Israel, b. Sheffield township, Tippecanoe Co., Ind., June 2},, 1857. Heidelberg Coll. at Tiffin, O., 83. Heid. Sem. 85, lie. St. Joseph Classis, G.R.C. 85, (Denver, Ind., 85-6, White Pigeon, Mich., 86-9, Fort Seneca, O., 90-1, Plymouth, Ind., 91-9 Lindsey O., 1889-1901, Carrolton O., 1901-2), South Bend, Ind., 1902-1906. Reformed Church in U.S. 1906 Rothenbergler (Rothenbiihler), Fred, b. at Berne, Switzerland, 1726; studied at Berne, ordained 1752 (Haag and Amsterdam, Holland, 1759- 60, pastor Ger. Ref. Ch., London. England, 1760-1), Ger. Ref. N.Y.C, 1761-2 (Ger. Ccetus), Philadelphia, Ger., 1762-5 (?), deposed, d. 1766. — "Harbaugh's Lives," ii. 386. Rottschaffer, Bernard, b. Jan. 2-7^ 1884, Netherlands, H.C. 1906, W.T.S. 1909, 1. by CI. Holland. Missionary to India 1909 Rottschaffer, WiHiam, b. Neth. Nov. 9, 1882. H.C. 1905, W.T.S. 1909, 1. ^ by CI. Holland, Oak Harbor, Wash., 1909-15, Pella, Adams, Neb.,' 1915— Rou, Louis, b. in Holland about 1683; said to have studied theology at Leyden, but his name is not in the "Catalogue" ; ord. by Walloon Synod of Tertholen, Aug. 31, 1709; French Ch. of New York City, July 30, 1710-50, d. Dec. 25. Zealous and talented, the young pastor looked forward to a useful and happy career in the New World. Many French refugees arrived in 1710, and the French Church was only inferior to the Dutch in numbers and wealth. Its building was large and beautiful. There was also a French Club existing in New York at this time. The most cordial relations ex- isted with all the other churches of the city. But his hopes were not real- ized. His young wife and son died soon after his arrival, and very per- plexing difficulties arose in the church, which continued for many years. In 1709 the French Church of New Rochelle conformed to the Church of England, which led to a schism in that church, as well as in the church of New York. Mr. Rou, although friendly with Episcopalians, refused to officiate for the separatists at New Rochelle. This displeased some of his church in New York, and they compelled him to receive a colleague in the person of Moulinaers, 1718, and who was more pliable. For half a dozen years, they labored amicably together. Rou was a man of learning, digni- fied and decided. Moulinaers was of a more pacific temperament. (See THE MINISTRY 473 MouLiNAEKs). We will not here follow out the difficulties which ensued. Diverse accounts are given of them, and there was a tedious litigation about the original contract with Mr. Rou. Mr. Rou retained his pulpit, and his salar\- was paid him, but some of the best men left the congrega- tion. Those who opposed Mr. Rou secured the enmitj- of the Governor. Rouse, Peter P., b. 1798, at Athens, N.Y.; U.C. 1818, N.B.S. 21, 1. CI. N.B.; Florida, 22-8, Brooklyn, 28-33, d. June 4. See Manual of 1879. Rowan, Stephen, b. at Salem, N.Y., 1787; U.C. 1804, studied under J. H. Meyer and Jer. Romeyn, 1. CI. N.Y., 1806; Greenwich, N.Y.C., 1807- 19 (8th Presbyt., Christopher St., N.Y.C.), 19-25; Sec. of Soc. for Amel. Condition of the Jews, 25-35, d. S.T.D. by C.C. 1822. At the early age of six he had received deep impressions of religion, hav- ing been nurtured in truth by the kind and faithful instructions of a pious mother. At Greenwich his zealous and faithful labors were abundantly blessed, but at length an unhappy ditYerence caused him to leave that church, and to found the Eighth Presbyterian Church in Christopher Street, in which many of his personal friends and converts of his ministry united. Here great success also attended his labors. For many j'ears he was the efficient secretarj' for the society whose object was to ameliorate the con- dition of the Jews, visiting Europe in this behalf. See Manual, 1902. Publications : Two Sermons on "Insensibility, under the Calls of God to Repentance." 1812. A Ser. at ord. of Rev. Richard V. Dey, at Green- field, Ct., 1823. — "Jacob's Address to Laban." A Sermon at Greenwich, N.Y.C., Aug. 8, 1818, at the announcement of his resignation. 1818. In- cluding Appendix, containing several acts of the Consistory. See also "Reply to Rowan's Ser.," being a Report thereon by the Consistory. 8vo, pp. 44. 1818. — "A Review of the Reply." 1819. — "Rowan's Miscellany." See "Mag. R.D.C.," iv. 289. Also "Evang. Guardian and Rev.," May, 1817. — Disc, on the death of Rev. Dr. J. B. Romeyn. 1825. — "Obsequies of Adams and Jefferson," 1826. Rowland. Jonathan M., b. 1804; Beloit Coll. 26, P.S. 28; South Brooklyn, 1851-3, d. Oct. 2. See "P. Sem. Gen. Cat." Rozendal, Anthony, b. St. Anna Parochie, Prov. of Friesland, Nether- lands, Dec. 17. 1868; H.C. 97, N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. Wis.; Hamilton, Mich., 19CO-1904, Oostburg, Wis., 1904-07, Sheldon, la., 1907-09, Holland, Neb., 1909-12, Leighton, la., 1912-17, Castlewood, S.D., 1918-22. Clas- sical Missionary, Classis of Dakota, 1922 Rubel, Johannes Casparus. b. Mar. 6, O.S. 1719, educated in Germany, c. to America, 1751. Philadelphia, Ger. Ref., 1751-5, Camp, Red Hook, and Rhinebeck, Ger.), 1755-9, Brooklyn, Flatlands, Flatbush, New Utrecht. Bushwick (and Gravesend), 1759-83, said to have been also minister at Cortlandt Manor, 1768, at Clarkstown, Orange Co., N.Y. 1770. 1784, deposed, died 1797, March 19. See "Min. G.S.," i, 109. A zealous Conferentie man. He was styled by the German Coetus, in 1755, "the rebellious Rubel," and requested to resign his charge. He claims also to have been minister in the manor of Cortlandt, 1769, and in Clarkstown, 1770. He was a vio- lent Tory, calling the American soldiers "Satan's soldiers," and frequently denounced from the pulpit, in violent language, the cause of independence. He was also accused of drunkenness and bad treatment of his wife. — H. Onderdonk, Jr. Ecc. Rec. N.Y. Rubinkam. R. I., Philadelphia, 2d. 1880-5. Rudolph. John, b. Oct. 5. 1853, at Sohreiberhan, Silesia, Germany; studied at Zulliotan, Brandenburg, Germanv. Bloomfield Sem. 75, lie, Presb. of Newark (Elizabeth, N.T.. 75-89,' Presb.), Hoboken ('Ger.), 1889- 1920. Died March 21. Ph.D.. D.D. Publications: "In Germany." three vols, of poems; tour vols, of stor- ies. "In America," six vols, of stories. — Sermons and ."Addresses. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 282. 474 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Rudy, John, b. in Switzerland, 1791, studied under Helffenstein, 1. O. Maryland (G.R.), 1821, (Guilford, N.C., 21-3), Germantown, N.Y., 23-35. also supplied Red Hook Landing; Miss, to the Germans in N.Y.C., 35-8; Ger. Evang. Miss. Ch., N.Y.C., 38-42, d. While a student in Philadelphia, he made himself very useful in holding prayer meetings among the Germans, and visiting the poor and sick. He removed from North Carolina to the North, because the climate did not agree with him. He exerted a great influence for good on the Hudson, where his memory was long embalmed in the affections of the people. But in visiting the city he was deeply impressed with the necessities of the German population there. He resolved to devote himself to their welfare. He therefore resigned his pleasant settlement, and moved to the din of the metropolis. He preached at first in a hired room to a very few. By un- wearied labors, soundness of judgment, prudence, and consistency of con- duct, he at length built up a church of three hundred members. Crowded as they were, he resolved to seek to secure for them a proper edifice. The Collegiate Church gave them the use of a lot on Houston Street, and he raised, by personal effort, $10,000, and a fine edifice rewarded his labors. But he took a cold in his subsequent arduous pastoral duties, which soon terminated his life. His loss was deeply felt. He left a good report among all the brethren. His mind was well balanced, and his judgment sound. He was distinguished for a practical wisdom which combined discretion and prudence with zeal, fidelity, and perseverance, and which proved an important element in all his success. His piety was warm, decided and active. His spirit wa? uniformly cheerful without levity, and this com- bined with his discretion secured him access, confidence, and attachment. He was connected with the the Tract Society for the diffusion of evan- gelical literature among the Germans. Ruhl, Fred. W., b. Giessen, Germany, June 23, 1847. R.C. 68-71, N.B.S. 1884. 1. CI. Albany, Tyre 84-7, Prattsville 89-91, Cicero 91-2, Manheim 92-5, Grahamsville 95-98, M.E. Church 1901-3. Died Sept. 12, 1904. Alin. Gen. Syn., 1905, 284. Ruigh, Douwe Cornelius, b. Ackley, la.. Mar. 25, 1872, H.C. 96, N.B.S. 99, lie. and ord. by CI. Dakota, Sioux Falls, S.D., 1899-1900. Wor- tendyke, N.J., 1900-2, Missionary to China 1902-1905. Teaching in Japan, 1905 Ruissaard, Martin C. b. Zeeland. Neth., Feb. 11, 1877. H.C. 1905, W.T.S. 1908, 1. by CI. Holland, Grandville, Mich., 1908-10, Otley, la., 1910-15, Shebovgan, Wis., Hope, 1916-21, Gibbsville, Wis., 1921 Ruliff son, 'Edward J., b. South Gilboa, N.Y., 1872. Boston Evangelical Institute 1895. Fenton Normal Col. 1901, 1. by Berkshire Ass., Cong. Minister. (Cong.. S. Warelesbon, Vt., 1895-7, Olia, Mass., 1897-9, West Wareham, Mass., 1899-1903). Gilboa, N.Y. and South Gilboa, 1904-08, Grand Gorge and Prattsville, 1908-12. (Cong., Deansboro N.Y., 1915 ). County Sec. Y. M. C. A. War Work. Field Agent, Farm Bureau. Work during War. Publications : Editor Dept. of Poultry Husbandry. Rural Editor of Waterville Times, 1913-15. Runk, Edward Johnson, b. N.Y.C., Nov. 5. 1858, C.C. 1879, U.S. 82, ord. CI. Westchester, Nov. 9, 82; Bronksville, 82-4, S.S., N.Y.C.. 84-7, Cold Spring, S.S., 87-8, pastor, 88-95, w. c . Broken in health. Name removed from roll 1918. Runkel, John W., b. in Palatinate, 1749; 1. by Ger. Coetus, 1777: Shippens- burgh, Carlisle, Lower Settlement, and Hummelstown, Pa., 1777-81 ; the same, with Lebanon and Donegal, 1781-4. Frederick, Md., 1784- 1802, Germantown, Pa.. 1802-05. New York (G.R.), Forsyth St. 1805- 12, Gettysburgh. Emmetsburgh. and Taneytown. 1815-19. Gettysburgh, 1819-23. d. 1832. See Manual, 1902. THE MINISTRY 475 Russman, Eilt K. Dubuque Col., la. 1894, Dul)uque Sem. 1894, 1. by Pres. of Waterloo, 1899. (Pres. West Granville, Wis., 1895-99, Carnarvan, la., 1899-1909). Monroe, Aplington, la., 1909-21, Ellsworth, Hethel, Minn., 1921 Rust, E. C. Pekin, 111., 1894-5. Rutte, Jacobus Marie, b. Rotterdam, Netb., Feb. 26, 1837. Univ. Utrecht, N.B.S. 1867, 1. l)y CI. N.B. 1867. Paterson, N.J., 6th (Hoi.), 1867-73. Returned to the Netlierlands and served there, d. July, 1895. Ryder, Stephen Willis, b. Rockledge, Fla., Feb. 10, 1880. Y.C. 1909, N.B.S. 1910-11, Free Ch. Col., Glasgow, 1911-13, N.B.S. 1913, 1. by CI. N.Y., 1913. Ass. Pastor, North Ch., Passaic, 1913. Missionary to Japan, 1913 Plblicatioxs : Articles on Mission Work in Japan. Ryerson, Abram G., b. 1817, R.C. 39, N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. Passaic, Gorham, 43-6, Wyckoff, 46-64, Principal of a Public School in Paterson, 1868-1886. Died Feb. 18, 1887. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1887, 435. Rysdyck, Isaac, matriculated University of Groningen, Sept. 14, 1751, of Groningen, Hopewell, New Hackensack (and Poughkeepsie, "M.G.S." i. 31-37), 1765-72, Fishkill, Hopewell, and New Hackensack, 1772-89, resigned, d. 1790. "He was," says Dr. Brownlee, "in his day, considered the most learned theologian in the Dutch Church. He was familiar with the classics. He wrote in Greek, but especially in Latin, with as much facility as in his na- tive Dutch, and in the University of Groningen he was as familiar with Hebrew as with his mother tongue. But great as were*his attainments in the sacred and profane classics, his theological readings and attainments were no less extensive and accurate. His sermons were specimens of the analytical form of discussion. The body of them were judicious and mas- terly dissertations, and the applications were practical and full of affec- tionate consolations, warnings, and reprovings." He was of commanding ])ersonal appearance, and,, in his manners, an old-time gentleman. Accord- ing to the custom of those days, he usually rode on horseback, wearing a cocked hat, and white flowing wig, and the customary clerical dress. On the Sabbath he rode up to the church door, where the sexton was waiting to take his horse, and dismounting would pass into the church and kneel in silent prayer, at the foot of the pulpit. He was also principal of a classical school at Fishkill, in which John H. Livingston and other eminent men received their earlier education. Synod indorsed his academy' in 1772. He was received in 1765 by his congregations with great love and joy. He belonged to the Conferentie party, but never manifested much bit- terness of spirit, and at the second meeting in 1772, to adopt articles of union between the parties, he was made president. He lived in troublous times, both for church and state. Many of his congregation were Tories in the Revolution, and party spirit ran high. — See "Kip's Hist. Dis." "Mag. R.D.C.," ii. 244. Ecc. Rec. N.Y. "Sprague's Annals." Sahler, Wm. Louis, b. High Falls, N.Y., July 18, 1875. L.F.C. 1901. N.B.S. 1904, 1. by CI. Kingston. Germantown, N.Y., 1904-10, Har- lingen, N.J., 1910 Publications : Articles for religious press. St. John, S.S., Cortlandt, 1858-65. Salisbury, John Henry, b. at Catskill, N.Y.. Feb. 16. 1852; R.C. 75, N.B.S. 78. iic. CI. Greene; Coxsackie, 2d. 78-88 (Trenton. N. J., 4th Presbvt. 88-1891, Jan. 10). D.D. by R.C. 1890. See Manual, 1902. Salisbury', Wm. Blenheim, 1831-4. Sangree, Henry Hudson, b. in Pa., 1857. Mercersberg Col. 80, U.S. 83. Currvtown and Mapletown, 88-93. For other details, see "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." 4/6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Sanson, Joh R., b. Patcrsonville, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1840, U.C. 65, Xenia T.S. and P.S. 69. (Pres., Charlton, N.Y., 1868-74. Riverton, N.J., 1876- 86, Alartinsburgh, Pa., 1886-91, Roxborough, Philadelphia, 1891-95, Morrisville, Pa., 1899-1901), S.S., Griggstown, N.J., 1903-20, d. Dec. 3. (Never a Reformed Minister). Sargent, C. Cassius. Presbyterian. S.S., Owasco. N.Y., 1905-10. (Pres. Cato, N.Y., 1910-12, Liverpool, N.Y., 1912 ). Sauerbrunn, Louis Frederick, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., July 6, 1877. Bloom- field Academy 1897, Princeton Univ. and Sem. 1900, 1. by Pres. of Brooklyn 1901. Ord. by N. CI. L.L, 1901. Elmhurst, Newtown, Ger. Ref., 2d, 1901-04. Glen, N.Y., 1904-05, Ghent, N.Y., ist, 1905-08, Schodack Landing. N.Y., 1908-12. (Pres. Chester, N.J., 1912-16). North Branch, N.J., 1916 Saul, George, Hackensack, N.J., (Ger.), 1874-5. Saure, E. B., Linden, N.J., 1907-12. Scarlet. George W.. R.C. 1880, N.B.S. 83, 1. CI. Raritan, Peapack 83-88. New Hurley, 88-95, Havana, 111., 95-1901, Macon, Mich., 1902-09, S.S. Macon, 1909- ic. Scarlet, John H.. b. Elizabeth, N.J., Dec. 24, 1850, R.C. 79, N.B.S. 82, 1. by CI. Raritan. (Pres. Amwell, United, ist, 82-85). Union and Jerusa- lem 85-93, Gilboa 93-1900. Retired because of poor health. Schaats, Gideon, b. 1607, 1. CI. Amsterdam, 1651 ; Rensselaerwyck, 1652- 94. supplied also, at times, Schenectady. Died Feb. 27, 1694. He had been a schoolmaster at Beest, Holland, before coming to America. During his pastorate at Albany, Gov. Andrews compelled him to receive as a colleague Van Renslaer, an Episcopalian. (Van Renslaer). Not be- ing a union of love, it is not surprising that it was lacking in harmony. Van Nieuwenhuysen, of New York, assisted him in his troubles, and gained a victory over the Governor. (Van Nieuwenhuysen). But Renslaer was soon removed by death. During the latter part of his ministry, Schaats had difficulties with his congregation, to which were added also domestic troubles. He was a Voetian in hermcncutics. — See "Doc. Hist.," iii, 70-72, 529-534- "Col. Hist.," ii, 653, 707. "O'Callaghan's New-Neth.," n, 567. "Brodhead's, N.Y." "Ecc. Rec, N.Y." Schaefer, see also Shafer. Schaefer. Daniel, b. Oregon, 111., Sept. 27, 1857; (Mission House Col- ^ lege. Sem. 82 , 1. CI. Minnesota (Refd. Ch. U.S.), Bongards, Minn., 82-7), Ramsay, la., 87-93, Parkersburg, 1893-1908, S.S. Stout, la., 1902-08, Pastor 1908-12, Bristow, la., S.S. 1913-14. Schaefer, Frederick, b. Germanv, Feb. 6, 1854, Mission House Col., H.C. 1883, 1. by CI. Philadelphia Ref. Ch. U.S., (Nevsho, Mo.. 1884-6), Aplington, la., 1886-1908, Scotland, S.D., 1908-18, P.E. Schaefer, John, b. Rockvale township. Ogle Co., 111., Mav 10, 1869, H.C. 93. W.S. 96, 1. CI. Holland, White Rock Centre (or Elim), 1897 , Zoar, la., (Washington), Ackley, 1903-11, Alexander, la., 1912-20, Cromwell Centre, la., 1920 Schafif, M. Bloomfield Sem. 1911. S.S., Worthing, S.D., 1911-12. In business. Schanck, Garret Conover, b. at Matawan, N.T., Sept. 14. 1806; R.C. 28, N.B.S. 2,2. 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, at Marshallville, Jan.-July, zy, Walpeck, 33-5. Clover Hill, 35-37. Pompton Plains, 37-53. w. c. Died Sept. 17, 1888. Elected a trustee R.C. 1866. D.D. by R.C. His pastoral work was very successful and his life as a minister without charge was an object lesson in godliness. See Manual, 1902. Schaul, Ulysses Simpson, b. Sedalia, Mo., Jan. 10, 1867; Univer. Pa. 1892. U.T.S. 95, 1. CI. Saratoga: Easton, N.Y., 95-98, Wynantskill, N.Y.. 1898-1906. Presbyterian 1906. THE MINISTRY 477 Schcfer, Jolian Daniel. Rhinebeck. N.V. (Ger.), 1/94-9. and Germantown and Ghent. N.V. Schell, L. S.S., Cicero, N.Y., 1866. Schenck, Cornelius, b. Weston, Somerset Co., N.J., Sept. 5, 1856; R.C. 1879, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. N.B.; Philadelphia, 4th. Sj-j. Plainfield, Trinity, 1887-1908. P.E. 1908-19, d. May 2. Ph.D. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1919, 923- PuBLicATio.NS : "Hist. Disc. 4th Ref. Ch., Philadelphia," 1885. Schenck, Ferd. S. (s. of M. L. Schenck), b. Ulster Co., N.Y., Aug. 6, 1845; C.N.J. 65. Albany Law School, 67; Attorney-at-Law, 67-9; N.B.S. 72. lie. CI. Ulster; Clarkstown, 72-7, Montgomery, 77-90, Hud- son, N.V., 90-97, University Heights, N.Y.C., 97-9, Prof, of Practical Theology, New Brunswick Seminary, 1899 . Lecturer on the Liter- ary Study of Bible. Univ. N.Y., 1897-19CO. Acting Professor R.C. igc^-o"?. 1907-08. Acting Professor. P.S., 1909-10. Member Council Univ. N.Y., 1898-9. Pres. Gen. Syn.. 1892. D.D.. R.C, 1890. LL.D.. R.C. 1906. Publications: "The Ten Commandments in the Nineteenth Century." — "The Bible Reader's Guide." Sermon, as Pres. of Gen. Synod, at In- auguration of Prof. Jas. F. Riggs. 1892. "The Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer." 1902. "The Brick Ch. Memorial" ; "Hist, of R.D.C Montgomery. Orange Co.. N.Y." 1882. "Modern Practical Theology." ""The Sociology of the Bible." "Christian Endeavor and Ethics." "Young People's Hist, of the Christian Church." "The Oratory and Poetry of the Bible." "The Apostles' Creed in the 20th Century." "Expository Ser- mon on Heidelberg Catechism." Many contributions for the press. Schenck. Geo., b. Matawan. 1816, Y.C 37. N.B.S. 40. 1. CI. Pough- keepsie. Bedminster 1840-52, d. See Alanual of 1879. See Funeral Sermon, by Rev. T. W. Chambers. "Sprague's Annals." Publications : "Music," an Address at Somerville. 1849. — "Second Coming of Christ." 1843. Schenck, Harold William, b. Plainfield, N.J., July 6. 1892. (son of Rev. Cornelius Schenck). R.C. 1913. N.B.S. 1916. 1. by CI. Newark. Frank- lin. Nutley. N.J., 1916 Schenck, Isaac Stryker, b. at Weston. N.J., Ap. 26. 1852. R.C. 73. N.B.S. 76. lie. CI. N.B.. Rosendale 77-80. Ghent, 2d, 80-96. w. c. Died Sept. 6. 1920. He was an invalid for many years. See Alin. Gen. Syn.. 1921. 631. Schenck. Isaac Van Wart. b. White Plains. N.Y.. Dec. 6, 1846, West- minster Coll., Mo., 64, P.S. 67, ord. by Presb. N.B. May 18, 69 (Ham- ilton Square. N.J.. 69-80. Philadelphia (Eastburn Mariners' Ch.), 80-3. Portage. Wis., 84-7. Mt. Olivet. Brooklyn, 88-94), Newark. Christ Ch. 94-9, w. c. Schenck. Jacob Wyckoff, b. at Weston, N.J.. 1849. R.C. 70. N.B.S. 73, lie. CI. N.B.. Ghent, 2d. 73-9. d. Feb. 15. See Manual of 1879. Schenck. John Van Neste. b. at South Branch. N.J.. Feb. 21. 1842, R.C. 62. N.B.S. 65. lie. CI. Geneva, Owasco Outlet. Sept. 28, 65-7, Pompton Plains. Oct. 23, 67-71. d. Sept. 28. See Manual of 1879. Publications : "Hist. Disc, at Reopening of Church of Pompton Plains." 1871. (Posthumous). Schenck. John W.. b. in N.J. 1825. R.C. 45, N.B.S. 49; 1- CI. N.B., Tarry- town. 49-51. Chatham, 51-3, Bedford, now East Brooklyn. 53-5. Ithaca, =;5-63, New Brunswick, 63-6, Philadelphia, 3d, 66-8 ( Pottsville, Pa., Presbyt.. 68-72). Claverack. 72-1881. Died Dec. 28. Schenck. Martin L.. b. at Six Mile Run. N.J.. 1817, R.C. 37, N.B.S. 40. 1. CI. N.B.. Plattekill. 40-53, Fort Plain. 53-7. Rocky Hill. 57-65; White- hall, 65-9, Plattekill. 69-73. t)ied March 11. He was converted during the great revival in Rutgers College in 1837, and with twelve others resolved to studv for the ministrv. He was of a 478 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA delightful disposition, a practical pastor and successful preacher. He died in the midst of his usefulness. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "The Harmony of Heaven." 1855. — Address at Fun. of Dr. Ostrander. In "Memorial." Schenck, Wm., b. near Marlboro, N.J., Oct. 13, 1740, C.N.J. 1767, studied theology with Rev. Wm. Tennent, lie. by Presbt. of New Brunswick, 1770 (Allentown, N.J., Presbyt. 1771-77), North and South Hampton, 1777-80 (Pittsgrove, N.J., Presb., 1780-6, Ballston with Freehold and Milton, N.Y., 1786-93. Huntington, L.I., 1793-1817), w. c. Died Sept. I, 1823, in Franklin Co., O. See "Rev. T. W. Wells' Hist. Disc," 1877. He was descended from RoelofTe Martense Schenck, who settled at Amersfort, L.I., in 1650. Gen. Robt. C. Schenck, Rev. Wm. E. Schenck, D.D., Sec. of Bd. Pub. Presbyt. Ch., Philadelphia, and Rev. Garret C. Schenck were of the same family. He shows an analytical mind, and an extensive knowledge of Scripture, and withal sounds the gospel trumpet most sweetlv." — See "Rev. Alex. S. Hoyt's Hist. Disc," Ballston, N.Y., 1875. Schermerhorn, Cornelius D., b. in Schoharie, 1780. U.C. 1797, studied under Livingston, lie. 1803, Schoharie Kill 1803-09, Blenheim 1803-07, S.S. Dyse's Manor 1803-18. He is said to have been settled in Canada in 1823. He was ready to join. McDowell there as early as 1819. He died in 1830. Schermerhorn, Harvey R.,*b. at Schodack, N.Y., 1835; N.B.S. 62, 1. Ck Albany ; Germantown, 62-5, Principal of Riverside Scm., at German- town, 65-9, Principal of Hudson Academy, N.Y., 69-74, Pella, 2d, 75-9, Prof, of Rhetoric and Belles-lettres in Central Univ., Iowa, 76-81, Prin. of Spencer Academy for the Choctaws, at Nelson, Indian Terri- tory, 1881-1890. (Pres. McAlester, Okl., 1890-1900. Hartshorne, Okl., 1900-1921, d. March 4). Schermerhorn, John F., b. Sept. 24, 1786, U.C. 1809, from Cong. Ch. 1813, Middleburgh, 16-27, Sec. of Missions, 28-32. In Dec, 35, he was agent to make a treaty with the Cherokees at New Echota, but the Indians with whom he negotiated were afterward said by the tribe to be unau- thorized, and in 1837-8, the Cherokees petitioned Congress for its nulli- fication. Died March 16, 1851, at Richmond, Va. He was a son of Barnhardus Freeman Schermerhorn and Ariantje Van de Bogert. He was a very eloquent man, and while Secretary of Missions, 1828-32, raised far more money than had ever been collected before in Dutch churches for Benevolent Societies. But difificulties arose between an old and new Mission Board which were very unpleasant for a time (1831-3), but which were finally amicably adjusted. (See minutes of these Boards of the General Synod, and the "Christian Intelligencer," where full accounts are found, and Schermerhorn vindicated). There was prob- ably a published memoir of him, but it has not been found. Scheulke, Paul F. See Schulke, 1904. Schick, G. B. S.S., Bayonne, 3d, 1875. Schiebe, Henry, b. Germany, student in N.B.S. 1856-8; perished at sea in the burning of the Austria, 1858. He had returned to Germany during this vacation to visit his affianced, in company with a fellow-student, Philip Berry. On their return voyage the vessel caught fire, and Schiebe was drowned. Schief¥er, John Daniel. See Schefer. Schild. See Shield. Schilstra, Elbert Sybrandus, b. in Java, E. I., Apr. 18, 1872; at Gym- nasia in the Neths. ; W.S. 95, 1. CI. Holland; Jamestown, Mich., 1896- 19:0; visited Netherlands, 99, Sayville, L.I., 1900-1910, Westfield, N.D., Hope. 1910-13. Doon, la., 1913 Schilstra, Sybrandus Ales, b. at Ulst, Friesland, Neths., Aug. 31, 1840; THE MINISTRY 4/9 Rotterdam Missionary Association, 1869, lie. by said Assoc. ; in Java, at Cheribon, Oct. /C-Dec. 70, Bandong, Dec. 70-May "ji, Socmedang, May, 72-Jan. 81. Soekaboemi, Jan. 8i-Dt'C. 81, in the Netlierlands, 81 -Jan. 92; Rochester, N.Y., May, 92- Apr. 1901, supplying churches, 1901-16. d. July 26. In Java preached in the Soenda and Malay languages; at Rochester in Dutch. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 251. PuBLitwTioxs : Many articles about the Java Mission. — For ten years editor of the "Kleine Zendbode" ("Little Messenger"), in the Holland language. Schipper, Henry, b. Dec. 28. 1872, Zeeland, Mich. H.C. 1899, W.T.S. 1902, 1. by CI. G.R., 1902. Sioux Falls, S.D., 1902-05, Springfield, S.D., Immanuel, 1905-09, Harrison, S.D., 1909-13, Chicago, 111., ist, 1913-18, Grand Haven. Mich., ist, 1918 (Schlatter, Michael, b. at St. Gall, Switzerland, 1716, Gymnasium of St. Gall : Sab. evening preacher, at Lintenl)uehl. 1745-6, agent to Ger. Chs. in Pennsylvania, from Synod of N. and S. Holland, 1746; Phila- delphia and Germantown, 1747-51; visited Holland. 1751-2; Philadel- phia, 1752-5; also Sup. of Charity School Agency; chaplain in Royal Am. Reg. 1757-9, supplied Barren Hill and Franklinville, Pa., occas- ionally, 1759-77, d. 1790). He was descended from a pious parentage, confirmed in his fourteenth year, and placed under the instruction of Prof. Waegelin, in his native town. But a roving spirit soon manifested itself, leading him to forsake his home without consultation with, or consent of, his parents. He went to Holland. In the course of the year, he returned, and resumed his studies, and was accepted as a candidate for the ministry when only fourteen years of age. He spent most of the next fifteen years of his life in Hol- land, being ordained in that country, and engaged, much of the time, in teaching. In 1746, he offered himself to the Synod of North and South Holland, as a missionary and agent to the destitute German churches in Pennsylvania. His mission was to organize the already existing congrega- tions into churches, and to unite them more closely together, for mutual encouragement and support, as well as defense against unauthorized preach- ers ; and to establish formal and authorized correspondence with the Classis of Amsterdam. He found the German churches, about 46 in number, comparatively independent. There were here at the time of his arrival about 30,000 German Reformed. He came with authority from the mother Church to organize and consolidate the Reformed churches of America, as they were found among the Germans. Much of his time was taken up by his long tours into the interior. He visited the various settlements in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. In October, 1746, he in- vited the regularly ordained ministers, namely Dorsius, Boehm, Weiss, and Reiger, to meet in a Coetus, or Synod. Preparatory steps were taken- for organization. In May, 1747, he visited New York, to consult with Domines Du Bois, Boel, and Ritzema, respecting the organization of a German Synod. This Synod, or Coetus, was organized Sept. 29, 1747, and consisted of thirty-one ministers and elders. The Dutch Coetus in New York had been organized on Sept. 8th. of the same year, with about half as many. In 1749, Mr. Steiner, a man of popular gifts, arrived, and some of the people, captivated by him, wished his .services in place of those of Wx. Schlatter. A sad contention arose with many bitter fruits. The case was submitted to arbitration, and decided in favor of Mr. Schlatter. Yet the wounds remained, and these difficulties were ultimately the occasion of a visit to Europe by Mr. Schlatter, from which increased good came to the German churches. This visit to Europe took ])lace in 175 1-2. The Classis of Amsterdam, in .session on his arrival. ai)i)ointcd a committee to confer w-ith him, and to report. A lengthy report of the condition of the American churches was drawn up and presented to the Synod of N. and S. Holland in print. He also made a verbal appeal. The Synod was highly interested in 480 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA the work, and furnished him with means to visit Germany and Switzerland, especially to seek to secure ministers to return to America with him. He found six ministers willing to accompany him. namely, Otterbein, Stoy, Waldschmid. Frankenfeld. Rubel, and Wissler. and collected some means, and seven hundred German Bibles, five hundred of them being in folio. But the work did not end here. Appeals were further made by those who had been interested in the cause of the American Reformed churches of German origin, and a fund of £12.000 was soon collected in Holland, the interest of which was devoted to the support of ministers and schoolmas- ters in Pennsylvania; and so interested became George II. of England in the matter, that through his help and influence £20.000 were raised there for the maintenance of free schools among the Germans in America, to be under the inspection of Mr. Schlatter. He held this position till 1757. For thirty-six years the Reformed in Pennsylvania and vicinity continued to receive help from this fund, though in gradually decreasing amounts, till 1791. The highest amount sent over was about $2,100 of our currency, in 1755. The moneys in England were obtained through the solicitations of Rev. Mr. Thompson. English minister in Amsterdam, and a member of that Classis. The Holland funds, in part at least, went through the London Society. As far they were for the support of the gospel, they were dis- tributed through the Coetus ; as far as for the maintenance of free schools, they went through the trustees appointed for that purpose. When Mr. Schlatter returned to America, his general superintendency of the churches was contitiued by the Synod of Holland, while he also again took charge of his old congregation in Philadelphia. But a spirit of jealousy was excited against him on account of his powers. The enemies of the Free School scheme, also, did their utmost against him. Saur's newspaper was especially vehement. The Coetus. therefore — unjustly, no doubt — removed him from his general superintendency in 1757. He then ac- cepted of a chaplaincy in the Royal American Regiment, which was about to proceed to Nova Scotia. He was present at the sieges of Halifax and Louisburg. which gave the death-blow to the dominion of the French in that part of America. "There." says Bancroft, "were the chaplains, who preached to the regiments of citizen-soldiers, a renewal of the days when Moses, with the rod of God in his hand, sent Joshua against Amalek." — "Hist. U.S.," iv. 300. After his return home he supported himself partly from his labors on a small farm on Chestnut Hill, named by him Sweetland. and partly from the perquisites of wedding fees, he almost monopolizing that business. He also preached at Barren Hill and Franklinville more or less frequently. He was driven into this retirement by the jealousy and opposition waged against him. The active usefulness of his life was compressed into the brief space of thirteen years. His earnest labors had only excited the ignorance and prejudice of those whom he would have benefited. The free schools, which he advocated, his enemies declared were meant for the enslavement of the Germans to the English. The people ignorantly believed, and lost the services of a most useful man. How similarly have the friends of intelligence and humanity often been served ! Shortly after the opening of the Revolution, he felt impelled to take the side of freedom. He had. up to this time, retained his chaplaincy in the British army, but being now ordered for service, and declining, he was imprisoned and his effects destroyed. He was. however, by some means soon released. He lived in his declining years near his former home on Chestnut Hill. He was the intimate friend of Dr. Muhlenberg, who was the patriarch of the Lutheran Church for forty years. Mr. Schlatter was possessed of great physical health and mental vigor. He had also a cheerful disposition. In his old age his appearance was very venerable. He was of lymphatic temperament and mild appearance; of medium size and weight. His hair was bushy, and as white as snow, nicely THE MINISTRY 481 parted, hanging down to his shoulders. He was always careful to present a gentoc! appearance. He entered with sympathetic joy into the cheerful spirit of the young. He was remarkably easy and friendly in his manners, and full of vivacity. He excelled in pure, innocent humor and wit. He was of a catholic spirit in reference to others, ever keeping himself well informed of the general movements in the world, political and religious. He was ever deeply interested in the civil affairs of his adopted country. He had not the least particle of bigotry or sectarianism. He had the tact of organization in an eminent degree. His preaching was solid and in- structive, though not eloquent or fascinating. His perseverance and in- dustry were untiring. — See "Schlatter's Interesting Life," by Harbaugh, Philadelphia, 1857. ("Bib. Sac," x.x. 16). "Ecc. Rec, N.Y.," many letters. ALso "Sketch of Schlatter," bv Dr. J as. I. Good, in his "Early Fathers of Ref. Ch.," 1897. Dubbs, 278. Publications : Gertrow verhaal van den waren toestand der meest her- derloozer gemeentcns in Pennsylvanien en aangrensende provintien, voorgestelt en opdegraden met nederig versoek om hulpe en bystand aan de .... Synodens van Nederland, enz. Met eene aanpryzende voorrede van de Gecommitteerde der Classis van Amsterdam. 4to, pp. xxii. and 56. Amsterdam. 1751 ; or, A true history of the real condition of the desti- tute congregations in Pennsylvania, by M. S., Evangel. Ref. Minister in Philadelphia, addressed in the Dutch language to the very Rev. Christian Synods in the Netherlands, and other charitable Christians ; and now translated into the German language by the author, and dedicated to the Hon. Ref. Magistrates and Ministers of the Swiss Confederacy, together with an Introduction by the Commissioners of the Classis of Amsterdam, Feb. 6, 1752. (This work was soon afterward translated into English by Rev. Mr. Thompson, Eng. Ref. minister in Amsterdam, and distributed throughout Great Britain and Scotland, and it received very liberal responses). A copy of this work was sold in 1882, at E. B. O'Callaghan's sale, bringing $35. This appeal, including Schlatter's interesting journal of his labors in Pennsylvania, are given in full by Harbaugh in his life of Schlatter. (Harb.\ugh). Schlegel, Charles, b. Thullingen, Wurtemberg, Germany, Mar. 20, 1863; Ger. Theolog. School, Bloomfield, N.J., 95, lie. by Ger. Refd. Ch. ; Norfolk St. (now 68th St. Ger.), 1896-1905. (Presbyterian 1905). Schlegel, Jacob, b. St. Gall. Switzerland, Sept. 6, 1850 (From G.R. Ch.) ; N.Y.C., Ger. Evang. Ch., Av. B and 5th St., 1877-1909, d. Oct. 27. Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 831. Schlieder, Albert Henry (son of F. E. Schlieder). See Von Schlieder. Schliedcr, Fred, Ernst, b. at Gleina, Germany, Oct. 26, 1838; N.B.S. 65, lie. CI. N.B.; West Leyden, 65-72, Forreston, 111., 72-81. Plainfield and Raritan, 4th, 81-6, Canarsie, 86-9, West Leyden, 1889-1907, d. Feb. 3, 1915. Min. Gen. Syn., 1915, 603. Schmidt, H. T. Forreston, 89-93. Schmidt, N. Parkersburg, 1884-5. Schmitz, William, b. at Crefeld, Germanv, Apr. 28, 1857; R.C. 1881 ; N.B.S. 84, 1. CI. N.Y.; Pottcrsville, N.J., 84-86, Roxbury, N.Y., 86- 90, (Presbyt. Greenwich, N.Y., 90-92), Fultonville, N.Y.. 1892-1901, Rocky Hill, N.J., 1902-04, Philadelphia, Talmage Memorial, 1904-07, S.S., Lower Walpack, IQ09-16, Linden, N.J., 1917-20. Schmolz, Carl. (From Lutheran Church), Thumansville, 188 1-2. Schneegas, Charles HoU, b. Wjettenbcrg, Germany. Bloomfield, Col. and Scni. 1893, 1. bv Pres. Newark 1893. (Davenport, la., 1893, Camden, N.J. , 1893-8, Stapleton, N.Y., 1898-1904, Plainfield. N.J. (Ger.), S.S., 1905-12. Pres., Chazy, N.J., 1913). Stuyvesant. N.Y., 1913-18, Sprak- ers and Currytown, N.Y., 1919 482 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Schneeweiss, Franz M., b. in Eisenerz, district of Bruck, Austria, Jan. 29, 1831 ; studied Philosophy in University of Gratz, 46-7; studied Law in University of Vienna, 47-8; came to America, 50; N.B. Sem. 55; lie. and ord. bv CI. of New Brunswick; New Brunswick, 3d (Ger.), 1855-8, w. c. Died May 15, 1888. See Manual, 1902. Schnellendruessler, Herman Frederick Francis, b. in Brandenburg, Prus- sia, Oct. 4, 1819; Gymnasium of Gumbinnen, Prussia; c. to America, 1852; N.B.S. 1855, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Albany, 4th, 1855-64, chaplain, i6th Regiment, Heavy Artillery, U.S. Volunteers, 1864-5, Callicoon (Thu- mansville), N.Y., 1866-9; also Milesville, 1869, Warren, N.J., 1869-70, w. c. ; died Sept. 20, 1898. See Manual, 1902. Schneyder, Geo. W., applied for licensure to Gen. Meeting of Mins. and Elds., 1785, but was refused. ("Mints. Gen. Syn.," i. 133, 136). Li- censed and ordained by Ger. Coetus, 1785 ; Schoharie, 1785-7, Beaver- dam, 1785-9, Frederick, Md., 1788-9. (Schnoor (Snorr), Casper Ludwig. Lancaster, Pa., 1744-6, Germantown (East Camp). N.Y., 1746-9 (?) ) — "Ecc. Rec, N.Y.," several letters. "Harbaugh's Lives," ii. 380. One of the third party on his list of marriages, at East Camp, is a person of his own name (no doubt himself) to Barenke Van Scheich, Dec. 16, 1746. He was an ecclesiastical vagabond, guilty of many misdemeanors, and finally found guilty and punished. Schnucker. George, b. Aflendorf, Hessen, Germany, May 14, 1874; Col- lege Depmt. Bloomfield Sem. 96, N.B.S. 99, 1. S. CI. L.I.; Hope Ch., George, la., 1899-1902. Peoria, 111., 1902-07, Silver Creek, German Val- ley. 111., 1907-16, Aplington. la.. 1916 — — . S.C. CI. P.P. 1902 . Pres. P.S. Chicago, 1907. Pres. P.S. Iowa, 1920. Publications : Psalmen und Lieder — Hymn Book for German Churches, 1906. Die Ostfriesen in America, 1917. Ass. Editor Hymns of Ref. Ch., 1920. Ass. Editor Der Mitarbeiter. Schock, James T., b. Centerton, Salem Co., N.J. ; Wesleyan University, Ct. 1876; lie. bv N.J. Conference of M.E. Church; Prin. Public School, New Brunswick. N.J.. 76-87; ord. CI. N.B. 1888; Bound Brook. 88-92. Keyport, 92-97. Prin. Keyport Public School, 1897-1905, Bernardsville School, 1905-06. Business, d. Aug. 10, 1912. Min. Gen. Syn., 1913, 891. Schoeffer, J. D., b. in Germany. German Reformed Camp, 178.. -98 (?), Schoharie, 1800-1820, S.S., Cobbleskill, 1810-16. Schoenfeldt. Christian, b. Garry, Prussia. Gosner's Missionary Sem., Bre- lin, N.B.S. 1857-8. Schoerk, George J., Presbyterian, Newtown. 2d. (Ger.), L.I. 1907-18. Schoff, Max. Candidate, CI. Pleasant Prairie. 1911. Scholten Dirk. b. at Zutphen. Neths.. Dec. 26. 1852. H.C. 83, N.B.S. 83-4. W.S. 84-6. 1. CI. Iowa, Luctor. Kan.. 86-91. Muscatine. la., 91-6, South Blendon. 1896-1908. Classical Missionary. CI. Bella. 1908-11, Edgertovyn, Minn., 1911-14, Classical Missionary, CI.' la., 1917-20, Classical Missionary, CI. of West Sioux 1920. Scholten, George Benjamin, b. Luctor, Kan., Dec. 13. 1889, H.C. 1911, N.B. S. and W.T.S. 1916, 1. by CI. Iowa 1916. New Hurley. 1916 Scholten, Walter Augustus, b. Muscatine, la.. H.C. 1918, N.B.S. 1921, 1. by CI. N. B., Tarrytown, N.Y.. ist. 1921 Scholz, Charles, b. in Silesia. Germany, about 1835. (Columbus, Neb. (Evang. Luth.). 18.. -88). Flatbush. L.I.. 2d (Ger.), 98-1900, d. Mar. 5. See Alanual, 1902. Schomp, William Wyckoff. b. Bedminster. N.J.. Nov. 19. 1853, R.C. 76. N.B.S. 79. 1. CI. Raritan, Glenham, N.Y., 79-85, Marbletown and North Alarbletown, N.Y., 85-92, Athens, N.Y., 93-97, Walden, N.Y., 1897-1911. Supplying church. THE MINISTRY 483 Publications: "Hist. Address at 150th Anniv. of Ch. of Marbletown," 1888. Sermon on "Proclaim Liberty to the Captives," July 7, 1900. Other Sermons in local press. Schoon, J. H. Lennox, 2d, S.D., 1890-1909, and Worthing, S.D., 1900-1909, Alexander, la., 1909-11, Cromwell Centre, la., 1911-14, Buffalo Centre, Kan., 1914 Schoonmaker, Henricus. b. in Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1739 (son-in- law of J. H. Goetschius) ; studied under Goetschius, lie. by the Amer- ican Classis. 1763. Poughkeepsie and Fishkill, 1763-74, Aquackanonck, 1774-99, Belleville (S.S.) 1784-94, Aquackanonck and Totowa, 1799- 1816. Died 1820. He gave early indications of piety, under the short pastorate of Henricus Frelinghuysen, at Alarbletown. He was a warm friend of the Coetus. When called to Fishkill and Poughkeepsie, he was strongly opposed by the Conferentie party, so much, indeed, that when the Ccetus ministers as- sembled to ordain him, in Poughkeepsie, they found the church in the possession of his enemies, and barred against them. The committee, de- termined not to be frustrated, had a wagon placed under a large tree in front of the church, and the ordination sermon was preached thence, by John H. Goetschius. of New Paltz and Shawangunk, and on bended knees, in the wagon, the candidate received the laying on of hands. A young man, John H. Livingston by name, was present, and deeply interested in the whole scene, and said to one of the elders, at its conclusion, "Thank God, though the opponents have succeeded in excluding him from the church, they have not succeeded in preventing his ordination." Mr. Schoonmaker was greatly admired for his ardent piety and faithful ministerial labors. He was. in his time, the most eloquent and impressive speaker in the Dutch language in this country. Though meeting with much opposition from the Conferentie, his ministry was greatly blessed. He was contemporary, in his tield, though of opposite ecclesiastical sentiments, with the learned and polished Rysdck. .'\fte4- the death of Professor Meyer, of Pompton and Paterson, he was called to succeed him at the latter church, in con- junction with Aquackanonck. He could not preach well in English, and as the use of the Dutch language, was declining in his first charges, and he was unwilling to injure his usefulness by awkward attempts at English preaching, he accepted the call to New Jersey, where the Dutch was yet in use. He resembled the celebrated Professor Romeyn, being, like him. a Boanerges. His style was nervous, eloquent, and powerful. He was the last but one of the early ministers who continued to minister only in Dutch till the end of their lives. A warm friendship existed between him and Dr. Livingston, and he was one of the efficient organizers in the formative period of the Church. — See "Kip's Hist. Dis." "Sprague's Annals." "Ch. Int.." vol. ii. 123. Schoonmaker, Jacob, b. at Aquackanonck. N.J., May 11, 1777 (s. of Henricus Schoonmaker) ; C.C. 1799, studied under Froeligh and Livingston, lie. CI. Paramus, 1801 ; Jamaica and Newtown, 1802-49, Jamaica, 1849-50, d. 1852. Elected a trustee of Rutgers Coll. 1828. S.T.D. by D.C. 1831. As a preacher, he was evangelical, logical, and instructive, and in every way an admirable specimen of a minister of the gospel. He is said to have left his papers to his .son Richard. They were boxed up and sent to Waterford. "The Journal of the Conferentie" is said to have been among them.— See "Rev. G. L Garretson's Disc, at Quadragenian Anniversary of Schoonmaker at Jamaica," 1842. "Sprague's Annals." Manual. 1902. Publications: "Charge to Rev. Jas. Otterson." 1828. "Mag. R.D.C.,' iii. 119. — "Letter on Hist, of the Church." "Mag. R.D.C," iv. 371. — Art. in "Sprague's Annals" on Rev. J. H. Goetschius. Schoonmaker. Martinus. b. at Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1737; read the classics imder Goetschius. 1753-6, studied theology under Marinus, lie. 1765; Gravesend and Harlem, 1765-84, Flatbush, Brooklyn, New Utrecht, Flatlands, Bushwick, and Gravesend, 1784-1824, d. 484 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA See Manual, 1902. Schoonmaker, Martin V., b. Newtown, L.I., Aug. 11, 1816; U.C. 3Q. N.B.S. 42, lie. by S. CI. L.I. East New York, 42-49, Walden. 49-88, w. c. Died June 13, 1899. D.D. by R.C. 1877. See Manual, 1902. Schoonmaker, Richard Ludlow (s. of Jacob Schoonmaker), b. at Jatnaica, L.L, 1811; R.C. 1829, N.B.S. 32. 1. CI. L.L; Waterford. 32-5, (St. Augustine, Fla., 35-6, Presb.) ; Harlem, 37-47, North Hempstead, 47- 52, Waterford, 52-6, Amity, 56-61, Rotterdam, 2d, 61-71, chaplain at Sing Sing Prison, 71-6, Greenville, 76-80, Glen. 80-82, d. June. He was of genial and winning disposition and of much pulpit power. Publications: Fun. ser. on death of Sarah J. Treadwell, 1851. Schork, George J. See Schoerk, George J. Schriver, Thomas Gibson. R.C. 1847. N.B.S. 1848-9. Teacher, d. July, 1884. Schroeder, A., from G. R. Ch. ; Hackensack (Ger.), 1864-9. Schroeder, Paul E. A. From Hervomde Kirk, Neth. 1915. Forrestville, Wis., 1916-18, East Overisel, Mich., 1918-21, Atwood, Central Lake, Mich., 1921 Schroepfer, Ernest, 1. CI. Westchester, 1851 ; Melrose (Ger.), 1855-61; to "Lutheran Ch.," 1864. Letter of his enterprises, Dec. 30, 1852, in "Ch. Int." Schulke, Paul F., b. Thorn, Germany, May 13, 1847. University of Koenigs- burg. Studied Theology in Wis. (Ref. Ch. U.S.). Pekin, 111., 2d, 1876-80, Washingtorr, Ackley, la., 80-91, Pekin, 111., 2d, 1891-1903. Instructor in German H.C., 1904-05. Curator of Museum H.C., 1905-14. S.S., Pekin, 2d, 1914-15. Curator of Museum H.C., 1915-17, d. April i. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 258. Schults, Emanuel, L.L City. Laurel Hill, 1878. Schultz, Jacob I., b. at Rhinebeck, 1792, U.C. 1813, N.B.S. 16, 1. CI. N.B. Rockaway and Lebanon, 16-34, Middlebush, 34-8. d. 1852. See Manual of 1879. Schultz, John Newton (son of Jac. 1. Schultz), b. at Lebanon, N.J., June II, 1819, R.C. 39. N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. N.B., Vanderveer, 111., 1843-5, Washington. 111.. 49-51, Centreville. Mich., 53-5. Battle Creek. Mich.. 55-7. (Presbyt., preaching at Crown Point and Bristol, Ind.). Died at Menardsville. Tex., Nov. 8. 1888. After giving up the pulpit he held an official position in the Indiana State Prison, at Michigan City ; taught freed men in the South ; was a chaplain in U.S. Army; and an Evangelist in Texas. His life was one of privation and hardship, but he was a devoted Christian. He walked from place to place, in Texas, preaching the Gospel. "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1889, 16. Schulz, Herman W. J.. Presbyterian, Bayonne. 3d, 1904-09. (Presby- terian, Paterson, N.J., 191 1 Schujnacher, Gustave, b. Germany, July 7, 1864, Bloomfield Sem., 1888. (German Miss. Nyack. N.Y., 1888-90, Broadway Presb. Paterson. 1890- 1900, German Presb. Rahway, 1900-02). Brooklyn, Church of Jesus, 1902. Died Dec. 13. Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 524. Schuneman, Johannes, b. at East Camp, Aug. 18, (O.S.), 1712, studied under T. Frelinghuysen and Goetschius, 1. CI. Amsterdam, Jan. 9. 1753- Catskill and Coxsackie, 1753-94. d. May 16. Also at Shawan- gunk and New Paltz. 1753-4. Also supplied Kaatsban, 1762-93, Hills- dale, 1776-87, Schoharie, 1782-3. Taghkanick, 1785-6. His father, Herman, immigrated under the lead of Kocherthal and company, 1708. (Kocherthal). He was deeply impressed, religiously, in early life, and under the instructions of Rev. Theodore Frelinghuysen, of Albany, was led to enter the ministry. On Nov. 12, 1751, he was in- vited to become the pastor of the churches of Catskill and Coxsackie, pro- THE MINISTRY 485 vided he would go to Holland to prosecute his studies, and receive ecclesi- astical orders. The church offered to defray his expenses. This proposi- tion was made, although the Coetus was in full operation. He went in 1752, and returned the following year in August. His pastoral field, embracing two large congregations, was very extensive and laborious. He v/as zeal- ous, preservering and strong, physically, and for forty eventful years he preached the truth in that region. He was a short, corpulent man, and had a powerful voice, and his ministrations were effective. In ecclesiastical matters he sympathized with the friends of church independence, and naturally, therefore, also belonged to the party of freedom in the Revolu- tion. The interests of religion and politics were almost identical to his mind, and no one took a deeper interest in the success of political inde- pendence. He traversed the wilderness generally alone, between his churches, when he knew that his person was a coveted prize to the enemy. But he went in faith, and in ])repaartion for defense. Domine Schuneman is the hero in Alurdock's "Dutch Domine of the Catskills." He was also a physician. He was one of the original trustees of Queen's College. — See "Ch. Int.," vol. ii. 107; also Jan. 20, 1876. "Hist. Ser. by Rev. G. R. Livingston." Ecc. Rec. N.Y. "Doc. Hist.," iii. 328, 332 ; "Col. Hist.," v- 53- "Sprague's Annals." Funeral sermon by Rev. Peter Van Vlierden. A copy is in N.Y. Hist. Soc. Library. See also "Hist, of Greene Co., N.Y." Schureman. John. b. near New Brunswick, Oct. 19, 1778, Q.C. 1795, studied under Livingston, lie. by CI. of Albany, Sept. 4, 1799, Bedminster, 1801-7, Hillsborough, 1807-9, ^'ew York, 1809-12, Vice-Pres. of Rut- gers Coll. 12-18, New Brunswick, 1813. Prof. Moral Phil, and Bel. Let. in Rutgers Coll. 13-18, Prof. Ecc. Hist, in N.B. Sem. 15-18, d. May 15. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1800. AM. bv R.C. and C.N.J. 1801 ; S.T.D. by C.C. 1816. He was one of the worthies of our Church — a man greatly beloved and confided in. He had nothing very remarkable in his appearance or man- ner. A stranger on meeting or passing him would probably have thought or said. "There goes a sensible, kind-hearted, unpretending, humble man." His constitution of body was rather frail from his childhood, and needed care on his own part, and indulgence on the part of those to whom he min- istered, to keep him at all in a proper condition for the pastoral work. When called to New York, he sustained his reputation, and competed suc- cessfully with some of the most popular city ministers. He could not preach anything but a solid, judicious discourse, logically arranged, and therefore lucid in every part, and symmetrical. In his style he was not strong or sparkling, but simple, clear, neat, direct. In manner not rapid, or fervid, or impassioned, but very distinct in his enunciation, just in em- phasis, affectionate in tone, with not too much, but proper and rather graceful gesticulation, altogether making the impression of a man that felt in his own soul the power of the truth, and was desirous that his hear- ers should be profited bv his ministrations. See Manual, 1902. Schut, Henry S., b. Newkirk, la., Oct. 10, 1882. H.C. 1909. W.T.S. 1912. 1. by CI. Iowa. Pella. Neb., 1912-15, Carmel, la., 1915-18, d. Dec. 27. Min. Gen. Syn., 1919, 922. Schuurman, Henry P., b. Neths., Nov. 19. 1865; H.C. 97. W.S. 1900, 1. CI. G.R. ; Grand Rapids. 9th. 19CO-1903. Leota, Bethel, Minn.. 1903- 06, Newkirk, la.. 1906-10. Chicago (Holland), 1910-13. South Hol- land. 1913-17. Paterson, N.J., Holland, 6th. 1917 . S.C. CI. Iowa, 1905-11- Schuvler. Johannes, b. 1710, Duchy of Nassau. Schoharie. 1736-56. German Flats. 1736, Hackensack (2d), and Schraalenburgh (2d), 1756-66. Beav- erdam and Schoharie, 1766-79. Preached also at Stone Arabia, occas- ionally. Died 1779. His call to Schoharie was approved by the Classis of Amsterdam, Sept. 3. 1736. By letter of Oct. i. 1736, permission was given to Erickzon and 486 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA Haeghoort to examine and ordain him, under the peculiar circumstances existing; but this letter was not received until March 3, 1738. His ordin- ation and installation took place on Ap. 18, 1738. This permission was, perhaps, the immediate cause of the effort to secure a Coetus in the follow- ing year. Yet he became one of the conservative members of the Coetus, and after 1751 did not attend the meetings. His interest was growing cold, and in 1755 the anti-Coetus party of Curtenius at Hackensack called him to take the peculiar position of both colleague and opponent of Goetschius. He was censured by the Coetus for accepting this call without their con- sent and against their will. He thenceforth consorted with the Conferentie. The "Col. Hist.," viii. 551, calls him the Presbyterian minister at Scho- harie. He seems to have continued at Hackensack ten years, and not three years only, as has been supposed. Ecc. Rec. N. Y. "Berg's Evang. Quar- terly," ii, 112. "Gunn's Mem. of Livingston," ed. 1856, p. 389. "M.G.S.," i. pp. cxiii. cxxii. Schwartz, Moritz Johannes, b. Oct 19, 1853, at Drohobycz. Gallicia. Took a severe Hebraical and Talmudical education in Gallicia. N.B.S. 1891, lie. CI. N.Y., w. c. Name removed from Classical roll, April 18, 1905. A converted Hebrew. See Manual, 1902. Schwartzbach, C. H. Flatbush. 2d, 188 1-5. Schwedes, Franz R., b. Germany. N.B.S. 1855; New York (Ger.), 1855, deposed. Schweitzer, Edward. S.S., Plainfield (Ger.), 1872. Schwilk, W. P.. 1. CI. Sdienectady. 1855; Schenectady, 1856-68, w. c. Schwitters, Emiel Onno, b. Carnarvon, la., Sept. 22, 1881. H.C. 191 1, N.B.S. 1914- Clove, High Falls, N.Y., 1914-16, Schenectady, Mt. Pleasant, 1916-19. Progress Campaign Committee, 1919-1921. Grand Rapids, Bethel, 1921. Educational and Extension Sec, University of Dubuque, 1921 Sciple, Chs. Morton, b. Easton, Pa., April 19, 1872; LaF. Coll. 97, U.S. 1897-8, N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Highwood, 1900-1903. (Pres. Port Deposit, Md., 1903-06), Napanoch, 1906-14. Chaplain, N.Y. Eastern Reformatory, 1906. Scofield, Frank" A., Hackettstown, C.C.I., Drew T.S. 1885. (M.E. Pas- torate 1885-1913, Pres. Ch. 1914-19). Long Island City, ist. 1919— — Scott, Charles, b. Little Britain, N.Y., Dec. 18. 1822, R.C. 44, teaching in S.C. 44-8, N.B.S. 51, Shawangunk 51-66, Prof, of Chemistry and Nat. Hist, in Hope College 1866-77, Synodical Lector in Ch. Hist, and Ch. Gov. at Hope College 66-77, Vice-President of Hope Col- lege 78-81, Provisional President 81-5, President of H.C. 85-92. Died Oct. 31, 1893. D.D. by N.Y.U. 1875. Pres. of Gen. Synod. 1875. He was noted from boyhood for sturdy integrity. Classmates and col- leagues remember him as a scorner of shams, and as one whom it was im;- possible to seduce from the promptings of sound principle. He was a splei;did specimen of a manly, straightforward boy at school and young man at college, whom every one could absolutely trust. This beautiful character he had even before he seemed to have given his heart to Christ. As a Christian he became eminent for his intelligence of conviction, his strength of trust, and the unreserve and practicalness of his consecration. He left his mark upon his pastoral field, upon our Holland institutions. and upon our whole Western Church, so deep that it can never be effaced. No name on our rolls will stand higher than his for faithful consecration as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was a scholar. His mind was bright and active, and his faculty for acquisition was well balanced along all lines of study. He was a linguist, a mathematician and a scientist. As a student and teacher he was noted for his love of accuracy. Of course, his great life work lay in his ministry and teaching. But he had also side lines of pursuit. Especially he was a laborious antiquarian and local, secular, and church historian. It is re- THE MIXISTRY 487 gretted that large treasures of relics and historical data collected by him were destroyed by the fire that swept over Holland in 1871. He was one of the most unassuming of men, but as a scholar he was one of the lead- ing ornaments of our Church. He was devoted to the Reformed Church and its interests. In 1872 he was tendered the Presidency of an Indiana College, and in 1875 the offer was made to him of a Professorship in a Presbyterian institution. But he considered himself the depository of a sacred trust, and no offer could move him. Not only were these offers tempting in themselves, but they came to him at a time when his work in Holland was in a very disheartening condition, and a change might have brought unspeakable relief to a tried spirit. But he stood by his charge and lived to see our young institution carried past all danger. We owe everything, humanly speaking, to his manly fidelity and indomitable per- severance. No sketch of him would be complete without emphasizing these traits in his character, and noting their illustration in the devotion he manifested to the interests of our church. — "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1894. 212. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C.," 1894, 16. Publications: For a list of his numerous publications, see Manual. 1902. Scott. James, b. in Scotland, 1809; Universities of Glasgow and Belfast; c. to America, 1832, 1. Presbyt. New York. 34; (German Valley and Fox Hill, Presbyt.), 34-43, Newark, ist, 43-58, d. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Life of Rev. Robt. Pollock." i2mo, pp. 364. N.Y., 1848. — "An Epic. Poem." On this he had been long engaged. It had but re- cently been finished when he died. He left directions for its publication. He and Rev. J. L. Chapman issued a series of School Books, published by A. Williams, Boston. Scoville, Frank C, b. North Bingham, Pa., 1850; A.C. 1875, U.T.S. 78, lie. by Manhattan Cong. Assoc. (Cong., Independence, Kan., 78-80, Sauger- ties, N.Y., 80-85, post-graduate, Andover Sem., 85-86), Greenwich, N.Y., 1886-1921. Scribner, John M. U.C. 1833, N.B.S. 1836, 1. CI. of Ulster, 1836; Schoharie. 1836-9, Walden, 1839-42, Prin. Female Sem.. Auburn. 1842-4, Prin. Female Sem., Rochester, 1844-6, supplied Schoharie, Mt. and North Blenheim, 1847-8. w. c. Died 1881. Publication' : "The Ready Reckoner." Scudder, Charles Tudson (son of Tohn Scudder, Tr.), b. at Vellore, India, July. 1866; R.C. 89. N.B.S. 97. lie. CI. N.Y.; Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, 1897-1907. In business. Supplying cliurches. Scudder. Kzekiel Carman, (s. of John Scudder), b. Oct. 20, 1828, in Pan- deteripo. Ceylon; W.R.C. 50. N.B.S. 55. 1. and ord. CI. N.B. Mission- ary in India, 1855-1876. S.S., Upper Red Hook, Sept., 77-78, Sept.; pastor, 78-84, (San Antonio, Texas, 84-89, Presbvt.) Asburv Park, N.J., 89-96; d. Jan. 31. M.D., D.D., W.R.C, 1S85. When eight years of age his father left Ceylon, going to Aladras. In due time he came to America for education, probably in 1843. After ample preparation, taking also one course of medical lectures in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, he joined his brothers already in India. On his return to America in 1868, he spent two years in completing his medical education at the Brooklyn Hospital for Physicians. On account of a sun- stroke he was obliged to abandon the mission field in 1876. Ho had a watchfiil eye, and feet always ready to go on missions of mercy and com- fort. He set a noble example for inciting others to a higher life. He was a man of -rare personal gifts and of scholarly attainments, and whose mis- sionary career was conspicuously successful. His work was distinguished for its thoroughness and deeply spiritual character. Some of the most flourishing village churches in India were established by him. At Asburv Park, a year before his death, he was stricken with paralysis. Ripe in years, 488 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA in work, in grace, he was revered and beloved by all. He preached a pure and simple Gospel, and illustrated its excellence in all relations. As the end drew near, he prayed with his family. His mind wandered, and he thought himself in the midst of his missionary work in India. He preached earnestly to a supposed audience of natives, asking them if they had made their peace with God. Thus his ruling passion was strong in death. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1896, 494. Publications: "Village Work." In "Manual of Missions, R.C.A." — Many letters in the papers on mission work in India. Scudder Ezekiel Carman, Jr. (son of Ezekiel C. Scudder), b. in India, June 25, 1856, R.C. 79, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. Hudson; Missionary to India, 82- 19CO, Wanaque, N.J., 1901-1903. (Congregational, Porto Rico, 1903-04). Missionary to India, 1904-19, d. Dec. 2. He was a worthy member of a family much honored by God. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1923, 277. Scudder, Frank Seymour (son of Ezekiel C. Scudder), b. Conoor, India, Apr. 28, 1862; R.C. 85, N.B.S. 90, 1. CI. N.B. Havana, III, 90-3, Mt. Vernon, N.Y., 94-7, Missionary, Nagano, Japan, 1897-1907. Missionary Japanese Dept. Hawaiian, Honolulu, T.H., 1907 . Sec. and Treas. Arabian Missions, 1893-4. Publications: "Songs of Rutgers," 1885. — "Sunday-School Lesson Helps" (in Japanese). 1898-1901. — Articles on Arabia and Japan, in "Miss. Review of the World," and in Religious Papers. — "Easter Anthem and Re- sponsive Service." in Japafiese. Many articles for the press. Scudder, Henry Johnston (son of John Scudder, Jr.), b. Coonoor, Niligiri Hills, India, Oct. i, 1867; R.C. 90, Teach, in India, 90-94, N.B.S. 97, 1. CI. N.B. ; ord. by same. May 31. 1897. Missionary at Arcot India, 1897-1914, Centreville, Athenia, N.J., 1915-19. Missionary in India 1919 — — . Agency Recording Sec. Am. Bible Soc, N.Y.C., 1915- 16 and Field Sec. Eastern Agency, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1917-19. Publications : Many articles in the press. Scudder, Henry M. (s. of John Scudder), b. at Pandeteripo, Ceylon, Feb. 5, 1822; N.Y.U. 40, U.S. 43, supplied New Rochelle, 43-4, ord. by Presbyt. Nov. 12, 43. Missionary in India under American Board 1844-51. Missionary in India, 1851-1864, Jersey City, ist, Dec. 64-May 65, (San Francisco, Cal., Howard Ch., Presb. 65-71. Brooklyn, Cent. Cong., 71-83, Chicago, Plymouth Cong., 83-7, independent missionary to Japan, 87-9), w. c, but living at Pasadena, Cal, 89-90, at Chicago, 90-2, at Winchester, Mass., 92-1895, d. June 4. M.D. by N.Y.U. 1853. D.D. by R.C. 1859. He went to Indian under the American Board, and remained in that con- nection, 1844-51, when he came under the Board of the Dutch Church, and so continued, 1851-63, when he was obliged to resign mission work on account of ill-health. He was very eloquent and successful in his several charges in this country. Publications: "Address at Anniversary Am. Tract Soc". i860. — "Liturgy of R.P.D.C. in Tamil." Madras, 1862.— "The Bazaar Book; or, Vernacular Preachers' Companion." In Tamil. 8vo. Madras, 1865. — "Sweet Savors of Divine Truth." In Tamil. Madras, 1868. (This is a Christian Catechism, with Decalogue, Creeds, Prayers, etc.). — "Spiritual Teaching." In Tamil. Madras. 1870.— A Sermon on "The Coming of Christ." In "Pulpit and Rostrum," vol. i. — A Sermon at 65th Anniversary of A.B.C.F.M. 187.4. Scudder, Jared Waterburv (s. of John Scudder). b. Niligiri Hills, India, Feb. 8. 1830; W.R.C. 50, N.B.S. 55. He by CI. N.B. 55; ord. by CI. N.Y. 55. Missionary to India, 1855-1910. d. Oct. 17. Prof, of Tlieology, Arcot Theo. Sem., 1895-1908. M.D. by Long Is. Col. i860, D.D. by R.C. 1887. _ Throughout his long life Dr. Scudder served with rare devotion, unre- THE MINISTRY 489 mitting zeal and splendid courage. To him was given the privilege to wit- ness the growth of the Arcot Christian community from a few score to nearly ten thousand. By his evangelistic labors and later by his educational training of the future native leaders, he was largeh- the cause of this devel- opment.— Min. Gen. Syn., 191 1, 263. PuBLicwTioxs : Translation from the Tamil into English of Rev. H. M. Scudder's "Spiritual Teaching." Madras, 1870; also of his "Bazaar Book"; 13 Tracts. — "Hist. Sketch of the Arcot ^lission." In "Manual of Mis- sions."— Was also a member of committee for revision of Tamil transla- tion of the Bible. — "Critical Commentary of Gospel of Matthew," in Tamil. — "A System of didactic Theology," in Tamil, pp. 700. — "Commentary on Epistle to the Romans," in Tamil, pp. 800. — Translation of "Westminster Shorter Catechism," in Tamil. Scudder, John, b. at Freehold, N.J., Sept. 3, 1793; C.N.J. 181 1, Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, N.Y.C., 1815; practicing medicine in N.Y.C. 15-19; voyage to India, under A. B.C. P.M. (sailing from Boston and arriving at Tillipally) ; labored as a minister and physician in Ceylon, Feb. 20-May. 21 ; ordained May 15, 21, in a Wesleyan Chapel at Jaff- napalam, by Congregationalists, Baptists, and Methodists. Pandeteripo, Ceylon, 21-36, Madras, 36-41, the Niligiri Hills, 41-2, in America, 42-6, Madura, 46-8, Madras. 48-54. voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, 54, died at W\'nberg, South Africa, Jan. 13, 1855. M.D. He was a grandson of the illustrious New Jersey patriot, Col. Nathaniel Scudder, who represented his State in the Second Continental Congress and who was one of the signers of the Articles of Confederation, and who lost his life while leading his regiment at the battle of Monmouth. Dr. John Scudder chose the medical profession, and studied with Dr. Samuel Forman, of Freehold, N.J. He afterward settled in New York, where he had previously been house-surgeon of the City Hospital. He had united with the old Tennant Presbyterian Church in Freehold, Oct. 13, 1810, under the ministry of Rev. John Woodhull. and now transferred his relations to Father Bork's church in Franklin Street. He became at once an -active member, laboring assiduousl}- in various ways for the cause of Christ. Long was his earnestness of spirit and fidelity to his Master re- membered by that people. He was prominent in originating prayer-meet- ings, kindly exhorting in private intercourse, and lending his influence to every plan of doing good. While here, engaged in his profession, the claims of the heathen were brought vividly before his mind in a peculiar manner. In professional attendance on a lady, while in the ante-room, he took up a tract whose title was, "The Conversion of the World ; or. The Claims of Six Hundred Millions, and the .Ability and Duty of the Churches Respect- ing Them." This ripened convictions often felt before, and he resolved to offer his services to the .'\merican Board, and, if accepted, at once prepare for the work. He had, at this time, an extensive, lucrative, and increasing practice. After his connection with the Church, he passed through a spiritual con- flict of no ordinary kind. He was most severely tried. Satan seemed to have been let loose upon him. Faith and its foundations seemed gone for- ever. He was in an agony to believe, but could not. He doubted of all things, yea, even of his own existence. Hope died within him, and despair spread her pall over him. Every star went out in his sky. Satan and his legions assailed him on every side. While the storm raged. God fastened him to the Rock of .'\ges, as he had never been fastened to it before. As the surge was sweeping him away, grace guided it near the cross, of which he had lost sight, and he got a death-grip of it. which nothing ever after could loosen. He came out of those conflicts like gold out of the fire. He began with calm joy to climb the Delectable Mountains, and from that time he dwelt mostly on their happy summits. These trials eminently prepared him to encounter the difficulties of the newly-developing missionary work. He 490 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA was to meet none so great as those he had already overcome, and he was thrust forth a well -equipped and experienced warrior, to carry the battle with an intrepid spirit into the heart of Satan's territories — even to the grim frowning walls of one of his oldest and strongest fortresses, Hindoo- stan. God thus prepared him, and then he called him to the mission field. Mr. Newell had begun a mission in Ceylon in 1812, and in 1816 five new missionaries joined him, namely. Meigs, Richards. Warren, Bardwell, and Poor. But in two years, through death and sickness compelling a change of climate, Messrs. Poor and Meigs were left the only missionaries on the island. In June, 1819, Messrs. Winslow, Spaulding, Woodward, and Scud- der were sent to re-enforce them. They went by the way of Calcutta, and ■were at their station in February. 1820. In 1822, the plan of a college was drawn up, and soon put in successful operation. Early in 1824 a general revival was enjoyed. The success of the Ceylon Mission was wonderful. (See the "Cyclopedia of Missions"). In 1836 it was thought advisable to establish a printing-press at Madras, to issue the Scriptures and tracts in the Tamil language. To accomplish this, a mission was started there under the care of Messrs. Winslow and Scudder. The latter took up his residence at Chintadrepettah. The establishing of a press was consummated under unusually favorable circumstances, a large printing establishment, fully •equipped, of the Church Missionary Society falling into their possession in 1838. The first year they printed 6,ooo,ooc of pages of Scripture and tracts, increasing the number in subsequent years. The missionaries itinerated far into the interior, scattering the truth, and several regular preaching sta- tions were soon established. These were the germs of the Arcot Mission. It was received under the American Board in 1852. Dr. Scudder had a strong mind. He was a vigorous, able thinker. He thought out his conclusions in straight lines of his own, knowing nothing of circuitous approaches. He had great decision of character, was capable of great endurance and bore extreme pain without flinching. He was both stern and tender, decided in his views but liberal toward others. He was a man of but few books but supremely of one book. He also endeavored to speak to those about him of their soul's salvation and in this personal ministry his tact and success were wonderful. He said he desired to be one of the inner circle about Jesus. He was never disheartened. When asked in America. "What are the discouragements of the missionary work?" he answered. "I do not know the word. I long ago erased it from my vocabulary." Here was the command. "Preach the gospel to every creature." Here likewise vvas the promise, "My word shall not return unto me void." These furnished him with im- movable foundations. Almost every large town in the south-eastern part of Hindoostan heard the gospel from his lips. His tours were many and extensive. He once stood eleven consecutive hours, when on a tour, at his post. He did not stop even to eat, but had coffee brought to him. It was his habit when thus standing to lean on his left arm. and it was supposed by his medical advisers that this was the cause of its becoming paralyzed. When he left India to visit America, it hung motionless by his side. He recovered its use on the voyage. After he had become unable to itinerate, he preach twice daily, in Madras, only excepting Friday morning, his fast day. When he heard that his son Samuel, whom he expectly shortly to join him, was dead, he resolved to make up Samuel's loss by extra work, especially since so few missionaries came to India. This excessive labor soon brought on liis first serious illness. He subsequently preached twice daily, but his fail- ing strength soon compelled him to lessen his labors, and ultimately to take a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. The voyage and change seemed greatly to benefit him. He endeared himself to the colonists there by fre- quent services. He had taken passage, and was on the eve of embarking again for India, when he was suddenly stricken down by apoplexy and THE MINISTRY 49; •died. — Extracts from a letter of Rev. Dr. H. M. Scudder. This letter is given with much more fullness in in the Manual of 1H79. See "Life of Dr. John Scudder." hy Rev. Dr. Waterbury. "Spraguc's Annals." "Cyclo- pedias of Missions." Also Manual, igoj. PiHi.KATio.N.s : "A \'oice from the East"; being a series of letters to the children of R.D.C.— "Grandpapa's Talk with Little Mary." 2 vols. i8mo.--"The Redeemer's Last Command." — "The Harvest Perishing." — "An Appeal to Christian Mothers, in Behalf of the Heathen," 1844. Pubd. by Tract Soc. — "Knocking at the Door." — "Passing over Jordan." 1841. — Letters to Children on Missionary Subjects. — Communications of Dr. Scudder, scattered through thirty-five volumes of the "Missionary Herald." 1820-55. — "An Karne.-t Appeal to Physicians," 1832. — Letters in "Christian Intelhgencer." — "Tales About the Heathen." — "Journal" (in part) and some letters in "W'aterbury's Memoir of." Scudder's Letters to Ministers of R.D.C. in the U.S., and to the Society of Inquiry in New Brunswick, 1833, were published in pamphlet form. These letters were also published in "Ch. Int.," in tlie fall of 1833. See Nov. 10, 1833, p. 64, for reference. Eor sketch of his mother, Mrs. Maria Scudder. see "Ch. Int.." Jan. 20, 1859. She died Dec. 21, 1858, in the 90th year of her age. An oil painting of her husband, Joseph Scudder. was in possession of Mrs. Andrews, of Hudson. N. Y. There is an excellent account of the Scudder ancestry in Wicke's History ■of Medicine in New Jersey, p. 389. For a table of relationships of the Reformed Church Missionary branch of the Scudder family, see Manual, 1902, 720-1. Scudder, John, M.D. (s. of John Scudder). b. at Chavagaclierrv, in Cevlon. Oct. 29. 1835; R.C. -57, N.B.S. 60, lie. and ord. CI. N.Y., May, 60. Missionary in India 1861-1900, d. May 23. M.D., L.I.C., i860. D.D., R.C, 1896. \'ice Pres. Gen. Syn., 1897. Through a period of riearly forty years, he labored with great fidelity. Besides the several stations which he occupied, he, for a long time .officiated also as Mission Secretary and Treasurer. Few missionaries have been hon- ored with responsibilities as varied and important. He chose and was content to be "only a village missionary." Other duties were assigned him. as already mentioned. He also had charge of the building of the Church and Mission House at Tindivanam, and for three years of the Ranipettai Hospital, during which he opened the Lying- in-ward. He administered large sums during the great famine of 1876-78: but during all his long service, ])reaching to the heathen and "the care of the Churches" were pre-eminently iiis chosen work. A fearless preacher, he proclaimed the law in its full breadth, but he also presented the Gospel with a tenderness that moved his Tamil audience to tears. In evangelistic fervor and pastoral faithfulness, in short, in all that makes a successful missionary on the field, none have surpassed and few have equaled him. See Manual. 1902. Scudder, Joseph (s. of John Scudder), b. July 14, 1826; R.C. 1848. N.B.S. 51. 1. CI. N.Y. Missionary in India 1853-1859. Chaplain in Union army. 61. Chaplain at Fort Columbus. Governor's Island. 61-3. Sec. Am. and For. Ch. L'nion. 63-70. in service of Ref. Ch. Bd. For. Miss., Feb. 71-2. Feb.; Glenham, 72-5, Upper Red Hook, 75-6, d. Nov. 21. M.D.. D.D.. by U.C. He shared fully in the enthusiasm of his parents and brothers in the great work of foreign missions, to which they have all devoted the best of their lives. He was ardent, impulsive, energetic, and industrious, a man of feeling and a man of action ; and above all "a man of God." His im- paired health was a constant restraint upon a spirit that panted for con- stant service, and only a strong will, with God's grace, enabled him to ac- complish much of what he did in long years of feebleness. Twenty-five 492 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA years in the ministry, of which about fifteen were spent in India, and much of the remainder in mission labors for our own and other lands, make a record which will long bear precious fruits. Scudder, Lewis R. (son of Wm. W. Scuddcr), b. Vellore, India, Dec. 22, 1861 ; C.N.J. 82, Hartford Theolog. Sem. 85 ; lie. bv Hartford Assoc. 84, reed, as licentiate by CI. of N.Y. 85; Med. Deptmt. of U.N.Y. 88; missionary to Arcot, India, 1888 Scudder, Lewis W., b. South India, June 13, 1874. Oakdale, Neb., Omaha Sem. 1896, 1. by Pres. of Omaha 1895. Home Missionary work, Pres- byterian, 1896-1908, Thomas, Okl., 1908-12, Home Missionary Work, Presbyterian 1912 . Iroquis, N.Y. Scudder, Samuel D. (s. of J. Scudder), b. in Ceylon, 1827; R.C. 47, N.B.S. d. Nov. 14, 1849. Scudder, Silas D. (s. of John Scudder) ; b. in Ceylon, Nov. 6, 1833; R.C. 56, arrived in India, Jan. 61; went as a physician; lie. CI. Arcot, 62; Arnee, 62-3, Palamanair, 63-5, Coonoor, 64, in charge of the Dispen- sary in Arcot, 65-72, in Europe, ^2, in America, jt,, died Dec, 1877. ALD. The prayers of his parents overcame his reluctance and he became a missionary doctor. He always remained more of a physician than a minister. His medical work was very great and very beneficial both to the bodies and souls of multitudes. The British Government highly appreciated his services. Thirteen years of the most arduous labor broke his constitution and he was compelled to tetire. See Manual, 1902. Scudder, Walter Tracev (son of John Scudder, Tr.), b. Ranipettai, India, April 8, 1869. R.C. 1892, N.B.S. 97, 1. CI. N.B. ; Oyster Bay, 97-9, missionary to India, 1899 Scudder, William H. (son of Jared Scudder), b. Vellore, India, Feb. 10, 1857. R.C. 1878, N.B.S. 82, lie. by CI. N.B.; New Durham, 1882-4, (Chicago, Plymouth Congregational, 1884-5, Cong., Aurora, 111., 1885-7, San Francisco, Plymouth Con., 1897-90, Cong., ist., Norwich, N.Y., 1891-6, Cong., 1st, Tacoma, Wash., 1896-9, Barkeley, Cal, Park Cong., 1901-06, Rio Vista, Cal.. ist Cong., 1906-10, d. May 26, 1911. Scudder, Wm. Waterbury (s. of John Scudder), b. at Pandeteripo, Ceylon, 1823; C.N.J. 41, P.S. 45, lie. by Presbyt. Elizabeth, N.J. ; ord. Presbt. Elizabeth, N.J., July 14, 46. Missionary in India, 1846-1872. (Glaston- bury, Conn., 1st Cong. Ch., 1873-1884. Missionary in India, 1885-1894, d. March 4, 1895). Prof, in Arcot Sem., 1889-1893. He, with his brothers, Henry M. and Joseph, established the Arcot Mis- sion and the Classis of Arcot in 1852. His years in the American pastorate were fruitful and so were his years of ordinary missionary labor, but as a teacher of the truth he stood pre- eminent. See Manual, 1902. PuBLiCATioxs: His wife, Mrs. William W. Scudder, published "Nine- teen Centuries of Missions," 1899. Searle, Edward Van Vechten (son of Samuel T. Searle), b. Wvckofif, N.J., Oct. 20, 1869; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. Kingston; Berea, 94-Dec. 99, Metuchen. 1900-1907, d. Feb. 11. He came of worthy stock and already revealed his usefulness when God took him home. Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 915. Searle, Jeremiah, b. at Atkinson, N.H.. Apr. 19, 1795; Bowdoin and U.C. 21, studied theology under Prof. Andrew Yates; 1. Cong. Assoc. Ver- He came of ministerial stock, each generation since 1692 having at least one minister in it. He had the true missionary spirit and not only edified the sheep of his own flock, but was always busy seeking in highways and hedges for the lost. Many of these he' brought to the Good Shepherd. See Manual, 1902. THE MINISTRY 493 Searle, Jeremiah (s. of Jer. Scarlc), b. Coxsackic. N.V., July 13. 1836. R.C. 1855, N.B.S. 58. 1. CI. Monmouth; Bloominghurgh, 58-62, Chap. 144th Reg. N.Y.S.X'. 62-3. Ovster Bay, 63-6. Syracuse, 66-8, Albany. 3d, 68-71. Peekskill. 71-3, (Newburgh, Presb., 1873-1912, d. July 31. 1912). D.D., R.C 1907. Searle, John Preston (s. of S. T. Searle), b. at SchuylerviUe, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1854; R.C. 75. N.B.S. 78; lie. CI. Passaic; Gnggstown, 1878-80, Raritan, ist. 81-93. Prof, of Didactic and Polemic Theology. N.B.S. 1893 . President of Faculty. 1902 . Trustee, R.C, 1898 . Sec, Trustees of R.C, 1906. Pres. Council Ref. and Prcs. Ch. Pres. G.S., 1917. Publications: "Side Lights of the Advent"; a sermon, 1881.— 'Wo- tnan's Exaltation"; a sermon, 1883.— "College and Seminary Life of Rev. John H. Salisbury"; a funeral address, 1891.— "Love for the Church"; Dedication Sermon, 1892.— "The Theological Seminary in the R.C. A.," 1892. — "Our Missionary Opportunity in the West"; address before the P.S. of 'New Brunswick, 1893.— "The Source of Authority"; Inaugural address as Prof, of Theology, 1893.— "His Chosen Habitation"; dedication sermon, 1894. — "Nehushtan" ; Sermon in final service in old church build- ing. Raritan, ist, 1895. — "Talbot Wilson Chambers"; in "Presb. and Re- formed Review," with reprint, 1896. — "Outline Sketch of Theological Encyclopedia," 1897. — "The Death of President McKinley" ; a sermon, 1901. — Articles on Egyptian Travel and Miscellaneous Contributions in ^'Christian Intelligencer" and local papers. Other printed sermons. Searle. Robert Wvckoff (son of Rev. J. P. Searle), b. New Brunswick, N.J., May 24.' 1894, R.C. 1915. War service. N.B.S. 1921, 1. by CI. N.B. 1921. N.Y.C, Fort Washington Col., Ass., 1921 Searle, Samuel Tomb (s. of Jer. Searle), b. at Salem, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1825; U.C 45. N.B.S. 48. 1. CI. of Greene; Tiossiock, 48-50, Saratoga, 50-7, Leeds, 57-69. Wyckoff, 69-88, Hurley, 88-96, d. May 14, 1903. Mr. Searle was a man pf modest disposition, very faithful to his duty and courageous when principles were involved. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 525. Publications: "Address before Leeds Debating Club on Mental Cul- ture; in "Catskill Examiners." Feb. 4. 1865. — Mission Paper read before ■Classis of Passaic, in "Mission Record" of that Classis, 1883. — Necrologi- cal Reports in "Mints. Gen. Synod," 1884-9. Searle. Stephen (s. of Jer. Searle); U.C. 1850. N.B.S. 53, 1- CI. N.B.; Mamakating. 53-9, Griggstown, 59-73. Catsbaan, 74-1885, d. Jan. 15. See Manual, 1902. Sears, Jacob C, b. at Montgomery, N.Y., 1798; U.C. 21, N.B.S. 24, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Spring Garden, Philadelphia, 24, Spring Garden, ist, (or Philadelphia. 2d. Eighth St.). 25-33. Six Mile Run, 33-1881, d. Aug. 13. Emeritus. 1878. D.D. His fidelity to his office was remarkable. He grew in usefulness and in the esteem of his congregation and the church at large throughout his whole ministry. See Manual, 1902. Sebestyen, Endre. S.S.. Chicago. W. Side Hungarian, 1918. Sebring, Arad J., b. at Ovid. N.Y.. Oct. 20, 1833; R.C. 1859, N.B.S. 62. 1. CI. Geneva; Mellenville. 1862-85, Kaatsban. 1885-1916, d. Aug. 11. He was a Christian leader on both sides of the Hudson for more than fifty years. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 252. Publications: Manv articles and poems. Sebring. Elbert Nevius'. b. at Ovid, N.Y.. Sept. 22, 1836; R.C. 62, N.B.S. 65, 1. CI. Geneva; Ghent, 2d, 65-73, Fairfield, 73-7, Prattsville, 77-9; Middleburgh. 79-84. Leeds and Athens, 2d, 84-1889. d. Oct. 12 See Manual, 1902. See, Edwin F., b. Tarrytown. N.Y., Jan. 29. 1861 ; R.C. 80. N.B.S. S3. 1. 494 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AISIERICA CI. Westchester; Albany, 3d, 83-6, Gen. Sec. Brooklyn Y. M. C. A. 1886-1906, d. July 18. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1907, 917. Publications: Papers on the General Secretaryship of the Y. M. C. A.; Northfield College Conference, 1887; World's Convention, Amsterdam, Neths.. 1891 — Compiler of Religious Work Prospectus of International Committee, Y. M. C. A., 1898-1901. See, Isaac M., b. N.Y.C., Feb. 13, 1829. R.C. 1849, N.B.S. 52, 1. CI. N.Y.; Middleburgh, 52-4, Mt. Vernon. 54-64, Mt. Pleasant, 50th St., N.Y.C., 64-7, Miss, to Palisades, 68-72, (Newark, Presbyt., 1872-8, Indepen- dent), d. Dec. 14, 1902. Publications: "Rest of Faith." 1871. — "Zion the Sunny Mount"; a monthly. 1876. See, John Limburger. b. N.Y.C., May 20, 1822; R.C. 41, N.B.S. 44, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Teaching in N.B. 44-47; Kiskatom, 47-50, Unionville and Green- burgh. 50-54, Miss, in Buffalo, 54-55, Buffalo, ist, 55-61, Cor. Sec. Bd. Education. 1861-84. Died June i, 1892. D.D. by R.C. 1865. The main work of his life was in connection with the Board of Education, of which he was a model secretary. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Reports of Bd. Ed.," 1861-84. — "Digest of Laws of Gen. Syn." 1869. See, T. J. Dismissed to Cong. Ch., 1913. See, Wm. G. Ely, b. in N^Y.C, Sept. 30, 1825; R.C. 49, N.B.S. 53, 1. CI. N.B.; North Blenheim, and S.S. at Breakabin and Eminence, 53-59, Gilboa, 59-61, Amity, 61-68, Kiskatom, 68-73, Plattekill, 73-84, Stone House Plains, 83-92; d. March 6, 1894. See Manual. 1902. Seeber, Safrenus, b. at Sharon. N.Y.. 1811 ; R.C. 43. N.B.S. 46, 1. CI. Scho- harie; Centreville, 46-9, Mottville, 49-51, d. See Manual of 1879. Seely, Amos W.. b. in N.Y.C., 1805; U.C. 28, P.S. 31; Frankfort, 31-5, (Hillsdale. N.Y., Presbt. 35-40), Cicero, 40-4, (New Haven, N.Y., 46-6). supplied Salisbury, 46-55, d. 1865, Sept. 12. See Manual of 1879. Seeley, Frank Barrows, b. May 10. 1872, at Richfield Springs, N.Y.; Middlebury Coll., Vt. 93. U.S. 96. lie. by Otsego Presbvt. 95; (S.S. Alargaretville, N.Y., 96-8). Kingston, .2d, 1898 . S.S. St. Remy, 1915. Pres. P.S. N.Y., 1918. D.D., Middlebury Col., 1920. Seelye, Edward Eli. b. at Lansingburgh. N.Y., Sept. 24, 1819; U.C. 39. P.S. 43, (Stillwater. N.Y.. 44-51. Sandy Hill, 51-8), Schenectady, ist, 58- 64. d. Aug. 10. D.D. by U.C, 1859. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Bible Emblems, by the Am. Tract Society posthumously. Seelye, Julius Hawley, b. Bethel. Ct., Sept. 14, 1824; A.C. 49, Aub. Seni. 52; Schenectady, ist, 53-8, Prof, of Mental and Moral Philosophy in Amherst Coll.. 58-72. made tour around the world. 73-4. In Congress, 75-77. President of Amherst College. 1877-1890. D.D. by U.C, 1862. LL.D. by CC. 1876. For an account of his visit and labors in India, see "Anderson's Hist. Miss, of A.B.C.F.M.." p. 221. Publications: "Abridged Transl. of Schwegler's Hist, of Philosophy." 1856. "Dr. Hickok's Philosophy." "Princeton Rev." 1862.— "Our Place in History." "Biblotheca Sac," xxiii. 211.— "The Bible in Our Schools." "Bib. Sac," xiii.. 725.— "The Way. the Truth, and the Life." "Lectures to Educated Hindoos," p. 146. 1873.— Christian Missions," 1875.— "The Relation of Learning and Religion," 1877.— "A Historv of Philosophy in Epitome," 1877.— "Moral Science," 1889.— "Duty," 1891.— "Citizensihp," 1894. — Sermons. Addresses. Reviews. Segawa. Asashi. Japanese, Meiji Gakuin '79, N.B.S. 1896-7. Evangelist, South Japan. THE MINISTRY 495 Seibert, Francis Augustus (son of George A. Seibert), b. Havana, 111., Nov. 21, 1874; R.C. 97, N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. N.B. Ocean Hill, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1900-1904, Paskack (Park Ridge), 1904 Seibert, Geo., b. Frankenfeklt, Germany. Jan. 24, 1839; R.C. 62, N.B.S. 66. lie. CI. Bergen; Middletown Village, 66-72, S.S. Havana, 111., 72-81. Scbraalcnburgh, 81-91, Garfield, N. J., 91-2, d. Ap. 30. See Manual, 1902. Seibert, George Gurnee (son of G. Seibert), b. Middletown, N.J., Ap. 10. 1867; N.Y.U. 89. N.B.S. 92. 1. CI. Bergen; Garfield. N.J., 92-96, Helderberg, N.Y., 1896-1906, Hageman, N.Y., 1906-11, Owasco, N.Y., 1912-16, Interlaken (Farmer), 1916-1921, Delmar, N.Y., 1921 . S.C. CI Montgomery, 1909-1921. Seiple, Wm. H. M.E. Ch. S.S., High Woods, N.Y., 1917, S.S., Plattskill, N.Y., 1917. Selden, Calvin. From Royalton Assoc, Vt., 1857; Jersey City, 3d, 1857. Selden, Edward G.. b. Hadlyme, Ct., June 9. 1847; Y.C. 70, And. Sem. 73, lie. by Manchester Council, N.H., Dec. 16, 73; (Manchester, ist, N.H.. 73-85, Springfield, Mass., South Cong., 85-93), Albany, 2d, Madison Av., 1 893- 1 904, d. June 2. He was a man of power in the pulpit and of winning personality among his people. Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 284. Publications: "In the Time of Paul." — "The Story of the Christian Centuries." 1902. Selyns, Henricus, b. in Amsterdam. Neths.. 1636; matriculated at Leyden University. March 19. 1657. aged 21. for the study of Theology. Lie. by CI. of Amsterdam. Oct. 2, 1657; ordained by the same, Feb. 16, 1660. His call is dated on the day of his ordination. Brooklyn, Bush- w^yck and Gravesend. 1660-4, returned to Holland; (Waverveen, Hol- land, 1660-82; also chaplain in the armv, 1675) ; New York, 1682-1701, d. July. The first allusion to Domine Selyns in the "Mints, of the Classis of Amsterdam." is the following : "Rev. Henricus Selyns asks that he may be examined preparatoir," (preparatorily for licensure). This was granted him upon his praiseworthy credentials, ecclesiastical as well as academic. ("Mints.,"' vol. vi.. p. 74). The examination took place on Oct. 2. 1657. He was the most eminent of the ministers who had yet come from Hol- land. His ancestors, on both sides, had been officers in the Reformed Church in Holland from its organization a century before. He w'as offici- ating as a proponent (or licentiate), when he received the call to Brooklyn. Governor Stuyvesant was in the north effecting some Indian treaties when he arrived, and together with Blom, his fellow-passenger, they followed him to Esopus and Fort Orange, to present their letters. He w'as presented to his congregation by two officers of the government — Nicasius de Sille and Martin Krigier — and was installed September 3. 1660. He also officiated on Sabbath afternoons or evenings at Governor Stuyvesant's Bouwerie (now on East 13th Street), especially instructing the negroes. He also occasionally jireachcd for the Huguenots on Staten Island. His charge extended from Waliahout to Gowanus. He once came in collision with the magistrates, who attempted to override his ecclesiastical prerogatives. In a respectful letter, he declined to appear before them or acknowledge their authority in such matters. He sustained himself with firmness, dignity, and force of reason, and his arguments prevailed. He married, July 9, 1662, Machtelt Specht, a young lady of New Utrecht; and if we may trust his own description, of rare beauty and worth. He subsequently married. October 20, 1686. Margaret de Reimer, widow of Hon. Cor- nelius Steenwyck. He had engaged himself for service in America for only four years, and was anxious to return, as he said, to gladden the eyes of his aged parents. He left upon the arrival of Samuel Mega- 496 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA polensis, a short time before the surrender. He had been already greatly useful, and was highly esteemed. He took charge of a small con- gregation in Holland, whose inhabitants earned their living by gathering turf. But he was not contented with his position. He refused a call to New Amsterdam, to become colleague with Drisius, in 1670, after the death of the elder Megapolensis. The call was renewed in 1682, after the death of Drisius and Van Niewenhuysen. and was then accepted. The need was pressing, as Van Zuuren, on Long Island, was the only minister nearer than Weekstein, at Kingston, and Schaats, at Albany. He was received with great affection and joy. He preached three" times a week, and cate- chized the children on Sunday evenings, and officiated occasionally at Bergen and Harlem. His was now the most important ecclesiastical position in the province. It was at the same time a most critical period for the Reformed Church, and the greatest wisdom and prudence were necessary to preserve her privileges, under English aggressions. The Dutch were only tolerated, according to the capitulation, as if dessenters. The Governors attempted to exercise arbitrary powers, but the people resisted. Domine Selyns was fully alive to the importance of the subject, and was rejoiced at the arrival of Governor Dongan, in 1683, who allowed full liberty of conscience. An assembly of the people w'as soon called, which among other matters estab- lished the legal position of the denominations, allowing the churches to choose their own ministers. The law never indeed became operative, but it increased the struggle for religious freedom. In 1689, with the acces- sion of William and IVLarx' to the throne of England, Leisler, a political adventurer, supported by the lower orders, seized the fort and the public funds, for "the preservation of the Protestant religion," as he declared, but this was only a pretext for his usurpation. The Dutch clergy, without exception, opposed his prentensions, and when Governor Nicholson fled, and Leisler possessed the government de facto, they still continued their opposition, and preached against his authority. This excited Leisler bitterly against them. (Dellius, Varick). But Selyns committed no overt act, so that he w'as able to remain at his post. He was for a time the only Dutch minister on duty in the province, 3'et he was in close communication and sympathy with the leaders of the opposition, and was constantly watched. His house was searched, and his service in the church interrupted by Leisler himself, who was a member, and his letters to Holland were intercepted. Selyns rejoiced over Leisler's downfall, preaching a sermon on the occasion from the words of the Psalmist, "I had fainted unless I had believed, to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." But his conduct split the congregation, and his salary was withheld by a part of them for several years. Leisler him- self vvas a low, illiterate man, and the same classes of the people were his friends. He was executed in 1691. Leisler's son complained to King William, but without effect. The queen, however, ordered the estates to be restored to their families, as objects of her Majesty's mercy. The bodies also of Leisler and Melbourne, by direction of Bellomont, were exhumed, nine years after burial, and after lying in state for several weeks, were buried with great pomp under the Dutch church in Garden Street, notwith- standing the protests of the Consistory. Selyn's letters, about this time, refer to the civil difficulties and the evils to the Church incident thereto. He says that he, and Domine Varick who endured more than can be believed, have to be patient of necessity. In 1693, during the administration of Fletcher, the city had become unprece- dently corrupt, by the influx of freebooters and privateers, who made it their rendezvous, with the Governor's sanction. Fletcher also procured the same year an act to provide a ministry by law, thus establishing the Episco- pal Church, as he asserted. The dispute was really between the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians; yet. whichever side prevailed, the Dutch were sure THE MINISTRY 497 to suffer. Selyns was not satisfied witli the legal condition of the Reformed Church. Its privileges might at any moment he withdrawn. He and his Consistory therefore applied for a charter, which was the first church char- ter issued in the colony. It was not obtained, however, except by the most persistent and determined efforts with the Governor. It is dated May ii, 1696. This charter secured to the church of New York its independence. Besides permitting them to call their own ministers, to hold property, etc., it also provided for a compulsory payment of church rates by the members. This latter provision was stricken out at the confirmation of the charter in 1784. It may also be worthy of remark that when the PZpiscopalians called Mr. Vesey, a Presbyterian on Long Island, as the first rector of Trmity Church, Selyns assisted in the installation service, which was performed in the Garden Street Church. Selyns now felt that the liberties of the Dutch Church were secured. He had labored faithfully, zealously, and success- fully. Amid all his trials, no one had ventured to breathe a syllabic against the purity of his life, or of his fidelity to the spiritual interests of his con- gregation. He was sixty years old, and needed help. He had been alone in his extensive charge during his whole ministry, although Daille had preached in the French Reformed Church from 1683-90, and Peiret after him. He called these his colleagues. The Consistory, in 1698, resolved to call a Dutch colleague, as their new charter gave them this right. The old party of the friends of Leisler were opposed. They wished a minister of their own party. The controversy was carried to Holland. Mr. Verdieren, whom they had called, declined. Then the Classis called Rev. Gualterus Du Bois, who in 1699 entered on his duties, and continued for more than half a century. Selyns was truly a remarkable man. He possessed in an eminent degree that rare combination of faculties which unites the zeal of the preacher, seeking the salvation of souls, with the prudence of the presbyter, looking after the temporalities of the church. He was most systematic, energetic, and industrious in the discharge of his ministerial and pastoral duties. He was the chief of the early ministers to enlarge the usefulness of the Church to which he belonged, and to secure for it an independent and permanent foundation under the English government. He died in his sixty-fifth year, universally esteemed for his talents and his virtues. In all his letters he shows an entirely catholic spirit, speaking kindly of other denominations, and rejoicing in their success. His liberal and amiable character endeared him to all around him. He was on terms of friendship with the heads of government, and in correspondence with distinguished men in the neighbor- ing colonies. He was also a poet, versifying in !)oth Latin and Dutch. Cotton Mather, with whom he corresponded considerably, remarks of him : "He had so nimble a faculty of putting his devout thoughts into verse, that he signalized himself by the greatest frequency, perhaps, which ever man used, of sending poems to all persons, in all places, on all occasions; and upon this, as well as upon greater accounts, w-as a David unto the flocks of our Lord in the wilderness." — "Magnalia," iii. 41. See "Mints. Ch. N.Y.," Eng. Transl., A., 95, 96. "Col. Hist.," ii. 223; iii. 415, 588, 646; iv. 219, 427, 523, 621. "Doc. Hist.," ii. 247; iii. 72. "Smith's N.Y.," 76, 102-110. "Mag. R.D.C.," ii. 249, 277. 330; iii. 52. (Another H. Selyns writes in "Mag. R.D.C.," ii. 52, on Incest, and in iii. 24, 117, 213, on the Atonement; also iii. 337; iv. 361). "N.Y. Gen. and Biog. Rec," vi. 143, 144, 156; vii. 92, 145. "Baird's Daille." 91. 92. "Murphy, Anthology of New Neths." All the documents and letters re- lating to him are to be found in Ecc. Rec. N.Y. Publications: Poems in Dutch and Latin. Several of these have been rendered into English verse by Hon. Henry C. Murphy, and published in his "Anthology of New Netherlands." — A Latin Poem. Oct. 16, 1697. was prefixed to some editions of "Mather's Magnalia." This, Murphy does not give. It is given in full Latin and English in Manual. 1902, pages 735-740- 498 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Senn, Jacob, b. 1776; U.Pa. 1793 (?); Hardwick, Stillwater, Sussextown and Knowlton, all in Sussex Co., N.J., 1795-1800; Tohieken, Spring- field and Indianfield, Pa., 1800-18, d. See "Harbaugh's Lives," ii., 406. Serven, Isaac, lie. by Seceders, 1828, suspended, 1831. Serenbets, Francis M. Ordained as a Roman priest, at Friburg, 1834, c. to America, 1846; 1. CI. Bergen, 1848; Newark, 3d, 1848-9, New Bruns- wick, 3d, 1851-4, w. c. Died . Service, Wm. A. From Pres. Hopewell, N.Y., 191 1 -19. Presbyterian 1920. Seso, Abdul Ahad, b. Mardin, Turkey, Oct. 5, 1877. American Col., Mardin, Turkey, 1897, N.B.S. 1906, 1. by CI. N.B. Ord. by CI. Orange 1906. Kerhonkson, N.Y., 1906-11, Berne and Beaverdam, 1911-19, Wynantskill, N.Y., 1919-1922. 1st Ghent. 1922 Severance, Claude Milton, b. Nov. 3, 1861, Salisbury, Vt. Middleburg Col. 1883. Y.D. Sch. 1890, 1. by New Haven Ass. of Cong. Chs. (Missionary in Japan, 1890-95, Cleveland, O., Denison Ave., 1896-99, Baltimore, 2d, 1899-1900. Supplying Congregational Churches). S.S., Long Island City (Sunny Side), 1919 . Page in House of Representatives, Vt., when 13 years old. General Sec. N.Y. Bible Society. Lecturer, Bd. of Education, N.Y.C. Not Reformed. Publications : "The Church in Our Town" — manv articles for the press. Sewall, Albert Cole, b. in Blue Hill, Me., March 25"; 1845; W.C. 67, Aub. Sem. 70, ord. by Presbyt. of Lyons, N.Y., Oct. 13, 71; (Newark, N.J., 70-3, Williamstowm, Mass., 73-..); Schenectady, 86-99. Presbyterian 1901 . d. 1918. Publication : "Life of Prof. Albert Hopkins," 1879. Seward, Dwight M., b. at Durham, Ct., July 31, 1811; Y.C. 1831. New Haven Div. Sch. 1835: (New Britain, Ct., 1835-41, Middlefield, Ct., 1841-3, West Hartford, 1843-9), Yonkers, 1851-2; Yonkers, Presbyt. 1852-70; w. c. Died Jan. 17, 1901. He was in the ministry 66 years. In Yale College he had for classmates President Porter of Yale, and Bishop Clark of R. I. For the last sixteen years of his life he lived at South Norwalk, Ct., and was known as "The Bishop of the Coast." Shafer, Jesse F., lie. CI. Orange, 1876; (Audereid, Carbon Co., Pa., 1877 ). Shafer. Luman J., b. Richmondville, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1887. R.C. 1909, N.B.S. 1912, 1. by CI. N.B. 1912. Missionary to Japan. 1912. Acting Princi- pal Steele Academy. Acting Home Sec, Bd. F.M., 1917-18. Publications: Hist, of Society of Inquirv. Articles in the Int. Shafer, Theodore, b. Cedar Hill, Albany Co., N.Y., Mar. 16, 1855; R.C. 79, N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. Albanv; Trinity, Newark, N.T., 82-3, Greenwich, (Union Village), N.Y.. 83-5, Schagticoke, N.Y., 86-9, Hillsborough, N.J., 1889-1904, Manito, 111., 1904-07. (Cong., Trinidad, Col., 1907- . 09, Kansas City, Kan., 1909-10, Tonganoxie, Kan., 1910-16). Manito, 111. (Spring Lake), 1916-21. Shafer, Thomas L., b. in Berne, N.Y., Aug. 3, 1806; 1. CI. Schoharie, 1859; North Blenheim, 59-61, North Blenheim and Breakabin, 61-7, Sharon, 71-4, w. c. Died April 10, 1887. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1887, 436. Shannon, F. F. Presbyterian. Brooklyn, Church on the Heights, 1914- 19. (Presbyterian, 1920. Central Church, Chicago, 1920 ). D.D. Sharpley, Geo., b. in Eng. ; Homerton Coll., London ; studied theol. under Rev. Tas. Bedell, Manchester; lie. CI. Montgomery, 1874; Mapletown, 74-1883. Pella, 2d, 1887-92. Sharpley, George H., b. England, Dec. 17, 1864. R.C. 88, N.B.S. 88-9. Episcopalian. Shaul. See Schaul. Shaw, Alex., b. Aberdeen, Scotland, May 19, 1838; High School, Perth, Scotland, 53-6; U.S. 69; lie. Presb. N.Y. 69; ord. CI. Bergen, 69; Miss. THE MINISTRY 499 at West End, Jersey City, 67-72. at Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn, 72-6, at 54th St.. N.Y.C., Grace Refd. Ch., 76-9, Miss, of 5th av. Prcsbyt. Ch. (Dr. John Hall's) in King St., N.Y.C., 79-81, S.S. Guttenberg, N.J., 81-5, Long Island City. 1885-1915. Shaw, John B.. from Rutland Assoc. Vt.. 1852; Tiossiock, 52-9, d. 1865. Shaw, J. Edward, I). Newark. Del.. July 22, 1869. Dickinson Col. 1907. N.B.S. 1907. Methodist Episcopal. Shaw, John Fletcher, b. Ithaca, N.Y., Nov. 13, 1844; R.C. 1865, N.B.S. 68; Athens. Pa., 68-70, Walpack Lower. 1870-7, (Presb., Andover, N.J., 78-81. (Pres., North Port. L.I., 82-5). Hyde Park, N.Y., 85-93, Schodack, 93-97. (Pres. Newfield, N.Y., 1898-1900, Barre, N.Y., 1900-03. Afton, N.Y., 1903 Shaw. Wm. A., b. New Berlin, N.Y., July 22, 1827; Madison University, N.Y. ; N.B.S. 1859, 1. CI. Monmouth; Marbletown, 59-60, Wiltwyck Station, Miss. to. 60-4. Wiltwyck, 64-72, w. c. ; S.S. Cold Spring, 78-9, S.S. Wiltwyck, W.A. 1879-91, w. c. Preparing young men for Theo- logical Seminary. Died Sept. 3, 1901. Min. Gen. Syn., 1902, 209. Sheffer. Homer Lewis, b. Linlithgo. N.Y.. April 23, 1890; R.C., 1913, A.AL N.Y. Univ. 1916, N.B.S. 1916. 1. by CI. N.B. Port Ewen. N.Y., 1916-17. Acting Pastor, Bogota,, Bogart Memorial, 1917-18, Greenbush, N.Y., 1919-21, Saugerties, N.Y., 1922 PuBLic.'VTiox : The Social Necessity of Segregating the Seriously De- fective. Sheffield, John H., b. 1811; U.N.Y'. 3y, N.B.S. 40, 1. CI. Poughkeepsie, North Hempstead, 43-6, Miss, to the West, 46-7, Miss, to the poor and destitute in Indiana, 49, died 1863. See Manual. 1902. Shelland, William H. S.S. Columbia, N.Y., 1895-6. Shepard, Chas. J., b. N.Y.C.. Jan. 21, 1827; R.C. 50, N.B.S. 53, 1. CI. N.Y.; Pompton Plains, 53-8, Linlithgow. 58-67. Newtown. 67-91, in California, 91-92. Hasbrouck Heights. 1893-1903, d. Oct. 6. Pres. Partic. Synod N.Y.. 1879; of Gen. Syn., 1887; of Partic. Synod of N.B., 1896; Member Bd. Dom. Miss., 1870-91, Pres. Bd. Pub. 1896 . Pres, Alumni Assoc. N.B.S. 1900-1. D.D. by R.C, 1891. Dr. Shepard overcame great obstacles to enter the ministry, but he never regretted his decision and the fruit of his labors proved his call from God. The experiences of his life developed a singular symmetrical character which was beautiful in the sight of all. Hence he was not only useful but singularly happy in his four pastorates. In none was he more happy than in his last, the pastorate of his old age. He died in his harness. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1904, 841. Shephard, Robert L. S.S. College Point, L.I., 1901-07. Sherwood, Nathan M.. b. Fishkill, N.Y., Feb. 17. 1839; N.B.S. 61-2, U.S. 62-4, ord. by Prcsbyt. of Ct. 65; (Patterson, N.Y., 65-8), S.S. Cold Spring. 68-9. (Elmira, N.Y., 69-75, Washingtonville. N.Y., 75-85. Jer- sey City, 85-92). S.S. Linden. N.J., 1893-1904, pastor 1904-05, d. Oct. 14. 1908. Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 535. Shield, Frederick K., b. La Crosse, Wis., March 23, 1868. Mission House Col., Sheboygan, Wis., 1889. Sec. Y. M. C. A.. 1889-92. N.B.S. 1895, 1. by CI. N.B. Linlithgo, 1895-1902, Rosendale Plains, 1902-04. New Hur- lev, 1904-06, Jersey Citv, Wavne St., 1906-C9, Long Branch, 1909-11, Highland Park. 1911-18, Y. M. C. A. War Work, 1918, Associate Pastor, Bogota. Bogart Memorial, 1919 Shield. Frederick K.. Jr. (son of Rev. F. K. Shield), b. Baltimore, Md., March 5. 1893. RC. 1915. N.B.S. 1918, 1. by CI. N.B. Paterson, Church of the Covenant, Assi.stant, 1918-19, Coxsackie, N.Y., 2d, 1919 Sliimcall, Richard C, from Rensselaerville Bapt. Assoc. ; Miss, in Riving- ton St., N.Y.C.. 1S27-8, Pompton, 1828-0, New Prospect, 1829-31, Presbvt. Died March 19, 1874. "Mag. R.'D.C," ii., 282. 500 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Publications : "Age of the World," pp. 364. 1842. — "Hist of Prot. Epis. Ch., 1784-1844," in "Rupp's Hist, of Relig. Denominations." — App. to "Watt's Script. Hist." 1846. — "End of Prelacy." 8vo, pp. 520. 1852. — Illuminated Chart of Sacred Hist., Chronology, Geog. and Genealogy. A Complete Ecc. Chart from the Earliest Records. — Sacred Hist, in Questions and Answers. — A Treatise on Prayer. — "Our Bible Chronology, Hist, and Prophetic," pp. 234. 1859. — "Christ's Second Coming." 1864. — "Startling Facts : N.Y.C. the Greatest Mission Field." 1864. — "The Unseen World." — Letter to Jas. Lenox, Esq., on the "Prophetic Aspects of the Times." 1866. — "Prophetic Career and Destiny of Napoleon HL" 1866. — "Post- Millenarianism Only 150 Years Old." 1867. — "Distinction between the last Personal Antichrist, and the many Antichrists of Prophecy." 1868. Shipherd, Theodore M. Presbyterian. Coxsackie, ist, N.Y., 1902-04. Congregational. Shook, Herman H., b. Napanoch, N.Y., Feb. 28, 1846; lie. by N. CI. L.L, Nov. 12, 83. ord. by N. CI. L.L, Feb. 5, 1902; S.S..at Fairfield, Oct. 84- Jan., 85, at West New Hempstead, Ap.-Sept., 85, at Greenwood Heights, May, 93-Ap., 94, at Cold Spring, June, 95-July, 96, at Canajoharie, Oct.- Dec, 97, supplying churches almost weekly at other times ; pastor. Lo- cust Valley, 1902-1905. A lawyer, d. Aug. 11, 1916. Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 252. Sickles, Jacob, b. at Tappan, Jan. 24, 1772; C.C. 1792, studied under Froe- ligh and Livingston, 1. CI. N.Y., 1794; Schenectady, assisting Ronieyn, 1794-7, Coxsackie :and Coeymans, 1797-1801. Kinderhook, 1801-35, d. 1845. D.D. by R.C., 1838. See Manual, 1902. Siegers, Peter, b. Flushing, Netherlands. Feb. 23, 1865; Gymnasium of Middleberg, Netherlands, 84; W.S. 93, 1. CI. Holland; Danforth, 111.. 93-7, Kalamazoo. 97-9, Holland, Mich., 99-1900, Prof, of Dutch and Instructor in Latin and Greek. Hope College, 1900-1, Sheboygan, Wis., 1900-19C9, South Blendon, Mich.. 1909-13. Lafayette, Ind., 1913-17, Paterson, N.J. (Hoi.), ist, 1917, Roseland, Minn, 1917-21, Silver Creek, Maple Lake, Minn., 1921. Siemsen, Dirk, b. June 25, 1868, Greetsiel. Germany. German University, Mission House, Shebovgan, Wis.. 189;. 1. bv Shebovgan Classis, Ref. Ch. U.S. (Odebolt, la., Ref. Ch. U.S.^ i895-'i903. Monroe, S.D., 1903- 08, Parkersburg, la., 1908 Sietsema, John, b. Coopersville, Mich., Ap. 21, 1867; H.C. 91, W.S. 94, lie. by CI. Grand River; Sheboygan. (Hope Ch.) and Sheboygan Falls, 94-8, Sheboygan, 98-1900, Ootsburg, 1900-1904, Grand Rapids, 8th, 1904-11, Chicago, 111., Gano, 1911-19, Little Falls, N.J., 2d, 1919 — — . Missionary to Dutch Immigrants, N.Y., 1921. Sigafoos, Orville Lincoln, b. Upper Black Eddy, Pa.. June 21, 1872; Laf. Coll. 94, U.S. 97, ord. CI. Westchester; Hastings-on-Hudson, 1897- 1904, Pompton Plains, N.J.. 1904-10. d. Nov. 16, 191 1. Ph.D.. Harriman .Col. A young man who had already accomplished much, cut down in his early prime. See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1912, 564. Sill, Geo. G., b. 1791, Copperas, (Brunswick). 111.. 1841-9, died 1859. Simanton. Thomas McCauley, b. April 24, 1872, Vienna, N.J. L.F. Col. 1896, P.S. 1899, 1. by Pres. of Newton 1899. (Presbyterian, Lower Valley, Califon, 1899-1903). Peapack, N.J., 1903-14. (Presbyterian. Chester, N.Y., 1914-20, Pleasantville, N.J., 192c ). Pres. of Som- erset Co. C.E. of Bernardsville Ministerial Ass. Simmons, Fred, b. Dec. 8, i860, Saranac, N.Y. Troy Conference Acd. 1884. Drew Sem. 1888, 1. by Newark M.E. Conference 1889. ALE. pastorates. S.S., Glen, N.Y., 1920 Simms, J. Denton, b. Sulphur Bluff, Texas, Aug. 16, 1888. East Texas Normal College 1907. Los Angeles Bible Institute, 1. by Presbytery of Dallas. Jicarilla Apache Indian Mission, 1914 THE MINISTRY '501 Simonson. John, b. near Somerville, N.J., 1817; R.C. 42, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. of Philadelphia; West Farms, 45-51, Bethlehem, ist, 52-64, Plainfield, (Central), 64-9, West Farms, 71-81, \v. c. Died May 11, 1889. Sec Manual, 1902. Simpson, A. H. S.S., Ccntrevillc, Mich., 1906-07. Simpson, Wm. Ewell, b. Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1877. R.C. 1901, N.B.S. 1904, 1. by CI. N.B. South Philadelphia, 1904-06, West Hurley and Woodstock, 1906-10, Cobleskill and Howe's Cave, 1910-15, Greenbush, N.Y., 191 5-18, Piermont, 1918-22, Mahwah, N.J., 1922 Sims, Newell LeRoy, ord. by Ch. of the Disciples. U.T.S. Greenville, N.Y., 1912-14. Congregational, 1914. Sinclair, J. H., from Fourth Presbyt. N.Y. ; Richmond, S.I., 1866-75. Sinclair, William, b. May 10, 1874, Pulteneytown, Scotland. P. Univ. 1904, U.S. 1907 and studied in P.S. 03-C4, Hart. Sem. 04-06, 1. by Pres. of Brooklyn 1907. ( Wolvendaal Ref. Dutch Ch, Colombo, Cey- lon, 1907-11, Ass., 1st Pres. Ch., Yonkers, 1911-12). Roxbury, N.Y., Gould Memorial, 1913-18. (ist Presbyterian, Darien, Noroton, Conn., 1918 ). Pres. Catskill Clerical Club, 1914-16. Fellow of Am. Geo- graphical See. Delegate of Ref. Ch. in Am. to Canadian Pres. Ch., 1917. Sizoo, Joseph R., b. Gorinchen, Neth., Alay 15, 1884. H.C. 1907, N.B.S. 1910, 1. by CI. 111., 1910. Missionary to India, 1910-11. Walden, N.Y., 1911-17, Somerville, N.J., Raritan, 2d, 1917 . Ex. Com. N.J. State S.S. Ass. Trustee and Vice-Pres. of N.J. C.E. Union. Skellenger, Daniel W., b. Chester, N.J., Feb. 26, 1856. R.C. 1882, N.B.S. 85, 1. CI. N.B.; Franklin, N.J., 1885-6. Presbyterian. D.D., Emporia Col., Kan., 1907. Highland Univ., Kan., 1907. Skillman, Wm. J., b. Ten Mile Run, N.J.; R.C. i860, N.B.S. 63, 1. CI. N.B.; Macon and South Macon, 63-8, South Bend, 68-72, Bethlehem, ist, 72-83, (Sioux Falls, S.D., 83-4, and 2d. Flandeau, S.D., 84-86), Sioux Falls, 86-93. Philadelphia, Talmage Memorial, 94-6, Editor of '"City and State," Philadelphia, 1896-1901, Philadelphia, South, 1901-03, d. Feb. 22, 1914. Min. (jen. Syn., 1914, 251. Publications : Many articles in the secular and religious press. Editor Sioux Falls Journal, Citv and State. Skinner, Thos. Harvey, b' Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 6, 1820; U.N.Y. 40, U.S. 40-2, A.S. 42-3, U.S. 43, ord. Presbyt. Newark, Dec. 8, 1843; (Paterson, N.J., 43-6, N.Y.C., 46-55, Honesdale, Pa., 56-9) ; Stapleton, S.I., 59-68; (Fort Wayne, Ind., 68-71. Cincinnati, O., 71-81, Prof. Did. and Polemic Theologv. in McCormick Sem., Chicago, 1881-92), d. Jan. 4. D.D. by C.N.J. 1867. Slauson, Hiram, b. Greenville, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1810; U.C. Z"], U.S. 40, ord. by Cong., Sept. 17, 1840; (Whitehall, N.Y., 40-42); Northumberland, 43-53. Port Jervis, 53-57; (Unionville, Ct., Cong., 57-58, (S.S.) E. Whitehall, N.Y., 58-62) ; New Salem and Clarksville, N.Y., 62-66, S..S. (Presb.), Spencertown, N.Y., 66-69, w. c). Died Dec. 5, 1891. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1892, 654. Publication : Hist. Sermon at Port Jervis. Slingerland, Elbert, b. at Albany, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1800; N.B.S. 24, 1. CI. N.B. ; Glenville, ist. 24-33, Chittenango, 33-4, Westerlo, 34-6, Waterford, 36-7, Wyantskill, 37-40. Madison and Sun Prairie, 44-6, New Hurley, 46-54, Mohawk, 55-6, Glenville, 2d, 57-60, Hagaman's Mills, 60-2, S.S., Mo- hawk, 65-6, emeritus, 1870; died 1875. See Manual of 1879. PiHLiCATioNS : Two Scrmons on "Baptism." 1858. — "A Charge to 2d R.D.C., Glenville, at Install, of Rev. Jas. Murphv, 1827. "Mag. R.D.C.," i. 304. Slocum. Geo. M. Dallas, b. at Schuylerville, N.Y., Jan. 24, 1845; U.C. 75, N.B.S. 78, lie. S. CI. L.I., Knox and Berne, 2d, 79-83, (Cong., Gilman, la., 1884). Sluyter, Henry, b. Holland, Mich., March in, 1873. H.C. 1899, W.T.S. 502 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1899-1901, N.B.S. 1902, 1. by CI. G.R. 1902. Berne and Beaverdani, 1902-04, Coxsackie, ist, 1904-10, Comanche Mission, Lawton, Okl., 1910-13. (Pres. Anchorage, Ky., 1913-15). College Point, L.I., 1915- 20, Paterson, N.J., 2d, 1920 . Member Bd. D.M., and Ex. Com. Sluyter, Richard, b. at Nassau, N.Y., 1787; N.B.S. 1815, 1. CI. N.B.; Clave- rack, and Hillsdale, 16-25, Claverack, 25-42, Claverack, ist and 2d, 42, Claverack, ist, 43, died. Also supplied Ghent for seven years. He was singularly blessed of God to the salvation of souls. See Man- ual, 1902. Smalz, John Henry. Q.C. 1818, N.B.S. 19, 1. CI. N.B.; German Reformed; d. 1861. Smart, John Gardner, b. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 30, 1840; Am. C. 68, P.S. 71, 1. Presbyt. N.B.; supplied Presbyt. Ch. of Schagticoke, 6 months; ord. by CI. Saratoga, ■/2, Union Village, (Greenwich), N.Y., 72-81, traveled in the Orient, 82, (S.S. Norwood, Presb., 83-5), Schoharie, 85-92. Editor and publisher of "The Washington Co. Post," Cam- bridge, N.Y., 1892 Smidt, H. T. Forreston, 111., 1890-3, Peoria, 94-5. Smit, John, b. Drenthe, Neth., March 2, 1842. Kampen Theo. Sch., lie. CI. Paramus, 1883; Wortendyke, 83-6, Pella, 3d, 86-91, Luctor, Kan., 92-3, Paterson, People's Park, 1893-1911, d. Oct. 25. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1912, 566. Smit, Roelof. Drenthe, 1851-3, seceded. Smith, Arthur J., b. Aug. i, 1865, Bury, Canada, an evangelist; entered R.C.A. 1892; partial course N.B.S. 94-5; w. c. 92-6, (Savannah, Ga., 1st, 1896-1899. Supt. Evangelistic Com., N.Y.C., 1908-11. D.D., Harriman Univ. Publication : "Without Excuse." Smith, Benjamin Milton, b. New York; Alliance College 1896; ord. by the Christian Church 1896. (Christian, Watertown and Stanfordville, N.Y., Cong., Pawtucket, R.I., Cresskill, N.J., Pres., May's Landing, N.J., 1916-18). S.S., Highwood, N.J., 1918, New Hyde Park, N.Y., 1920-21, d. Nov. 30. Publication : The Bible at a Glance. Smith, Charles Barnabas, b. Nov. 16, 1859, Cooper's Plains, N.Y. Corning Acd. Adequate private study, 1. by Bapt. Ch. 1880. (Baptist, East Troupsburg, N.Y., Serman, N.Y., Rushford, N.Y., Smithport, Pa., Warren, Pa., Elizabeth, Pa., ist, Herkimer. N.Y., 1900-1904, Orange, Mass., 1904-06, business, 1906-08, Jordansville, N.Y., 1908-17, Rhinebeck, N.Y., 1917-19), St. John's Ref., Upper Red Hook, N.Y., S.S., 1919- 21, pastor, 1921 Smith, Charles W., b. Fonda, N.Y., July 29, 1883. R.C. 1909-10, N.B.S. 1913, 1. by CI. Montgomery 1913; Lawyersville and Sharon, 1913-18, Hageman, 191 8 Smith, E. E. S.S.. Cicerco. N.Y., 1890-91. Smith, Henry, b. Rifton Glen. N.Y., Sept. 18, i860; Oakwood Sem. 81, studied with ministers, privately; lie. by Congregationalists. (In Cong, chs., 81-96) ; Montrose, 96-8, Cobles'kill, 98-1901, Cicero, 1901-1902, Glen, N.Y., 1901-03, Woodbourne (Fallsburgh), 1916-18, Port Jervis, West End, 1918-19. Smith, John, w. c. 1849-78. Smith, Marshall B. Epis. Theolog. Sem.. Va., 1859 ; ord. a deacon, 58, a Presbyter, 59; (Wilmington, Del, 58-9, Dover, Del., 59-60, Passaic, N.J., 60-8, all Episcopal) ; entered R.C.A. 1869, on account of Roman- izing tendencies in Epis. Ch. ; Spring Valley, N.Y., 69-70, w. c. En- tered Ref. Episcopal Ch., 1874.— Also editor of "Prot. Churchman." 1867-9, re-entered R.C.A. 1882, d. Sept. Publications : "Thanksgiving for Victory." 1863. — "The Wise De- cision" : A Ser. commem. of Edward M. Pell. 1864.— "The Office and THE MINISTRY 5O3 Duty of the Church of God" : A Scr. at the Opening of the 83d Annual Convention of the Diocese of N.J. 1866. — "God's Mightj' Doings for the Nation." 1864. — Many contributions to the press. Smith, Mortimer, b. Austerlitz. N.Y., July 7. 1842; U.C. 65; U.T.S. 67, Lane Th. Sem. 68, ord. by Cong. Miami Conf. 68; (S.S. at the follow- ing places: Canfield, O., 70-1, Wilton, la.. 72-4; Pierce City, Mo., 79-80, Byron, 111., 8c-2, Shopiere, Wis., 83-5, Bloomington, Wis., 85-7; also U.S. Gov. Surveyor, Dakota Ter., 75-6) ; Germantovvn, N.Y., 87-95, w. c. Disappears 1905. Smith. Nicholas Everitt. b. Jamaica, L.I., 1820; R.C. 41, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. N.Y.; Miss, at Port Washington, Mon. Co., 45-47, Oyster Bay, 47-52, Brooklyn, Middle, 52-70, Plaintield, Central, 70-1. (Plainfield. Cong.), 71-80. Died June 18, 1890. — See "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1891, 20. Smith, Samuel, studied under Livingston, lie. by Synod of D.R. Chs. 1789; Saratoga, 1789-1800; also Buskirk's Bridge. 1792-1800, (Presb.). Smith, Thos. Gibson, b. 1756. in Scotland; c. to America, 1774, studied under Mason, lie. by Assoc. Refd. Presb. Ch. May 27, 1789; (Little Britain and Shawangunk, Assoc. Ref.), 1791-9, Kleyn Esopus and Bloomingdale. 1799-1801. Kleyn Esopus, Bloomingdale and Hurley, 1801-8. Tarrytown. 1808-12. Tarrytown, (and Greenburgh, Presbyt.), 12-20. Tarrytown and Unionville. 20-37, died April ic. He identified himself with the party of libert\', soon after he came to America, and took some active part in the war. At its close he determined to prepare for the ministry, in which he labored for almost half a century. He was strongly attached to the standards of his Church, and gave a promi- nence to them in his preaching. His manner was discriminating, and rich in evangelical sentiment ; it was also eminently experimental and practical. This made him a fa\orite preacher with the aged and experienced. He was favored with several revivals. His body, possessed of great vigor and strength, was the type of his mind. Smith. T. Moore. S.S., \\'est New Hempstead. 1910-11. Smith. William, b. Glasgow, 1840. R.C. 1863, N.B.S. 63-4, Hudson, 80-5. Presbyterian, d. Feb. 23. 1892. Smith. Wm. H. U.C. 1863; Ephratah, 1865-8, also S.S. at Tillaborough, 1868. (Presbyt., 1868-76). Little Falls. N.J.. 1876-8. Died 1880. Smith, William Richmond, (s. of Rev. Robert Smith), b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., 1752; C.N.J. 17.., (Wilmington, Del., 1780-94), Neshanic and Harlingen, 1794-1817, d. 1820. Elected a trustee of Queen's Coll. 1800. See Manual. 1902. Smitz, Bastian. H.C. 1881, N.B.S. 84. lie. Stone Ridge. 84-5. Constantine, Smock. John H.. b. Freehold. N.J.. Jan. 20. 1836: R.C. 63, N.B.S. 66. 1. CI. Monmouth; Oyster Bay, 1866-71, Readington. 1871-83, Oyster Bay and Locust Valley, 83-96, S.S., Locust Valley. 96-8. w. c. d. Jan. 7, 1903. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 526. Smuller, Henry W., b. in Middletown, Dauphin Co., Pa., 1808; Oberlin Coll., studied theology in Buffalo; (Presbyt.. Alden, Alexander and Oakfield. Genesee Co.. N.Y.. 18..-..); Kingston, 2d, 1849-53; (Pres- byterian, Kingston, ist, 18..-..; Carmel, N.Y., 18..-..; Eastmouth, N.Y., 18.. -73. Died Oct. 15. 1881. Smyth, George Hutchinson, b. Antrim Co.. Ballymena, Ireland. March 20. 1839; U.N.Y. 62, Allegheny Sem. and P.S. 64. ord. by Presbyt. District of Columbia. Oct. 16. 64; (Washington. 6th, 64-9. Wilmington, Del., 69-72. chaplain. House of Refuge. Randall's Island, N.Y'.C, 73-6), Harlem Collegiate, N.Y.C., 81-91. (Augustine. Florida, 1891. w. c). Publications: Contributions to "Magazine of Am. Hist."; to the "N. Y. Observer." "Ch. Int.," "Evangelist," etc. "Hist, of Ref. Dutch Ch. of Harlem." 504 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Snyder, Benjamin Franklin, b. at Saugerties, N.Y., 1826; R.C. 46, N.B.S. 49, 1. CI. Ulster; Bloomingdale, 50-2, Miss, at Alt. Vernon, 52-4, Ar- cadia, 55-6, Schodack, 56-68, (S.S. Presbyt. Ch., Acra, N.Y., 69), w. c. Died Ap. 14, 1889. He was a preacher of more than ordinary ability, presenting truth in a fresh and suggestive style, and from a well-furnished mind. He preached usually and acceptably without notes. He was manly and sincere in his dealings with men, genial and companionable, and made warm friends. He was one of the founders of the H. R. Ministerial Association, and a valued participant in its meetings. — See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1889, 918. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1889, 22. Snyder, DeWitt C. Huguenot, S.I., 1911-18, d. 1919. Snyder, George Niver, b. Honesdale, Pa., Mar. 2"/, 1844; Ham. Col. 68; U.T.S. 71 ; ord. CI. Westchester, Jan. 13, 1871 ; Greenburgh, 71-2; (S.S. White Plains, N.Y., 1872, d. Nov. 2). Snyder, G. W. See Schneyder. Snyder, Henry. Miss, to Frankford and Schuyler, (Herkimer Co., N.Y.), 1829-30, Herkimer, 1831. Somer, ■ . Beaverdam, 1765-7. Sonnema, Charles J. Raritan, 111., 1889-92, Centreville, Mich., 92-5, Bush- nell, 95-7, Pekin, 111., 97-1900, S.S. at Havana, 111., 1900-1. Presbyter- ian. Soper, Willard Philander, b. Verona, N.Y., Aug. 14, 1882. Ham. Col. 1904, U.S. 1907, 1. by Pres. Utica 1907. (Pres., Assistant, Central, Brooklyn, N.Y., J907-09). Castleton, Emmanuel, 1909-14. (Pres., Clinton, N.J., 1914-18). Bergen, N.J., ist, 1918-21. (Pres., Stamford, Conn., 1921^ ). Southard, James Lott, b. Newark, N.J., Jan. 13, 1844; R.C. 66, N.B.S. 69. 1. S. CI. Bergen; Woolcot, 69-81, Buskirks-. 81-91, Griggstown, 1891- 1902, w. c. d. March 17, 1906. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1906. Publications: Many articles for the press. Spaan, Cornelius H., b. Pella, la., Feb. 10, 1875. H.C. 1899, P.S. 1904, 1. by CI. Iowa. Cordell, Okl., 1904-11, Grand Rapids, Mich., Grace, 1912 . S.C, CI. Mich. Spann, M. C. Timmonsville, S.C, 1903-11. Spaulding, Arthur (s. of Cyril Spaulding), b. Athens, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1866; R.C. 90, U.S. 93, 1. Presbyt. N.Y. ; Assistant, Passaic, ist, 94-6, (Bain- bridge. N.Y., Presb., 1895-1905, Salem, N.Y., 1905 Spaulding, Cyril, b. at Westerlo, N.Y., June 14. 1818; R.C 41, N.B.S. 46, 1. CI. N.B. New Rhinebeck and Cobleskill, 46-49. New Rhinebeck, 49-52, Blooming Grove, 52-56, Rotterdam, 2d. 56-60. Athens, ist and 2d, 60- 66, Athens, ist, 66-68, Shawangunk, 68-82, Spotswood, N.J., 1883-90, emeritus. Died Aug. 9. 1896. See Manual. 1902. Sperling, Isaac, b. Kingston. N.J.. Nov. 15, i860; R.C. 87-90, N.B.S. 93. 1. CI. N.B. South Branch, 1893-1917. d. Nov. 7. He was a good man and faithful pastor. Min. Gen. Syn., 1918. 598. Publication : "Hist. Discourse at Semi-Centen., South Branch Church." 1900. Spinner. John P.. b. at Werbach. Ger.. (Electorate of Mentz). Jan. 18, 1768. Gym. of Bishopsheim; University of Mentz, 1788; studied theology in a Roman Catholic Theolog. Sem. Consecrated to Holy Orders in Rom. Cath. Ch., 1789; became a Protestant. 1800. Rec'd into Classis of Al- bany. 1801 ; German Flats and Herkimer. 1801-41. German Flats, 41- 1848. d. May 2^. He was dedicated to the office of the Roman Catholic priesthood when eleven years of age. Besides the ordinary branches of mathematics, the languages, philosophy and theology, he was thoroughly acquainted with the law and medicine. During his priesthood in Germany he assisted at the THE MINISTRY 505 funerals of two Emperors, viz., Joseph II. and Leopold II. Soon after re- nouncing Romanism he married Mary Magdale Fidelis Boumanted, of Laire. This was in 1801. He left Germany for America on May 12, 1801, and was sixty-three days on the passage. While a pastor for more than forty years, he was al.so, at the same time, Professor during eighteen months of this time in a High School in Utica. He preached at first in German altogether, but subsequently alternated German and English. He was the father of Gen. F. E. Spinner, for many years U. S. Treasurer. See "College and School," Ap. i8go — "The Spinner Number," for sketch; with sketch also of Gen. F. E. Spinner. Spoer. Hans H., b. Crefield, Germany. Aug. i, 1873. Bloomfield Acd. Dept., N.B.S. 1898, 1. by CI. Paramus. Wanted to go to a Uni- tarian Association in Mass. Licen.se revoked by Classis of Paramus. Post-graduate U.S., 1899-1900, 1901-02, Am. Sch. of Archaeology and Oriental Research of Jerusalem, 1903-05, 1907-08. Fellow do. 1904-05. Lecturer in Hebrew, etc., Meadville Theo. Sch., 1905-06, Lecturer in Hebrew, etc., Licefield Theo. College, England, 1909-10. Ordained in Church of England, 191 1. St. Peter's Collegiate Ch., Wolverhampton. Eng., 1916 . Ph.D., N.Y. Univ., 1909. PuBLic.\Tio.N" : Manual of Palestine Arabic, 1909. Spring, John Christian, b. New Philadelphia, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1882. Mt. Union Col. 1910, Drew Sem. 1913, 1. by North East Ohio Conference 190S. Ord. New Jersey Conference 1912. (M.E. pastorates, 1908-18). Schraalenburg. Dumont, N.J., 1919 . D.D., Franklin Col., 1917. Sproul, Nathaniel J., b. Dufferin Co., Ontario, Canada. Queens Univ., King- ston, Canada, P. Univ. 1891, P.S. 1893, 1. by Pres. Monmouth 1893. (Pres.. Englishtown. 1893-99, Dunellen, 1899-1903, Quincy, ist, Mass., 1903-08, Newport, R.I., 1908-18). Somerville, N.J., ist, Raritan, 1918 . Moderator, Synod of New England, 1917-18. Publications: Presbyterianism and its Contribution to Liberty, 1912. The Headship of the Church, 1907. Staats, Bergen Brokaw, b. Fair Hill, Md., Ap. 15, 1853; R.C. 76, N.B.S. 79, 1. CI. N.B. ; West Hurley, 79-82, Coxsackie, ist, 82-90, Hclderberg, go-6. Long Branch, 1897-1905, Wanaque. N.J., 1905-07, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., 1907-12. (Pres., S.S., Starke, Fla., 1913, Candler and Hawthorne, Fla., 1913-17, Pastor Auburndale and Lake Alfred, Fla., 1917-20, Kennedvsville and Georgetown, Md., 1920 Staats, John A., b. at Millstone, N.J., Dec, 1816; R.C. 3,6, N.B.S. 40. 1. CI. N.B. Clintonville, N.J., 40-1, Preakness. 43-61, Blooming Grove. 61-6, w. c. Died at Goshen, N.Y., Feb. 3, 1891. See Manual, 1902. Staehli, John b. Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. 29, 1858. N.B.S. 1883, ord. by CI. Bergen, 83; Jersey City, ist, Ger. Evang. 83-1891, d. Oct. i, 1896. Stanbrough, Rufus M., b. Montgomery, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1832. R.C. 1858, N.B.S. 61; Manheim and Indian Castle, (Danube), 61-76, Columbia, 76-81. Stone Arabia, 81-5, West Hurley and Stewartsville, 85-1893, w. c. d. June 21, 1905. Min. Gen. Syn.. 1906, 604. Stanton, Royal A., b. Lawyersville, N.Y., Sept. 13. 1886. In CI. 1913, R.C. W.T.S. 1914, 1. by CI. Schoharie. Ephratah and Stone Arabia, J914-20, Johnstown, N.Y., 1920 Publication. s : The Minister and the Press. Articles in Int. Staplekamp, Evert W.. b. Cedar Grove. Wis.. Sept. 21, 1858; H.C. 83. N.B.S. 86, 1. CI. Grand River; Grand Haven. 2d. 86-8, Cedar Grove, Wis.. 88-94. Kalamazoo, ist. 1894-1901. Orange City, ist, 1901-07. d. 1908. June 24. Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 535. Starks, Jared L. Bowman's Creek, (now Buel), 1840-12. S.S.. Columbia and Mohawk, 42-3. Mohawk and German Flats, and S.S., Frankford, 43-4. Mohawk and Frankfort, 44-6, Mohawk. 46-52, Fort Herkimer, S.S., 48-53, \v. c. Fort Herkimer, 1861-2, d. 506 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Statesir, Benj. Tilton, b. in Monmouth Co., N.J., Dec. 2, 1841 ; R.C. 1862, N.B.S. 1865, 1. CI. Monmouth; Stone House Plains, 65-72, West New Hempstead, 72-81, Principal of Grammar School, Somerville, N.J., 81-8, Fallsburgh, Jan., 1889-1915. .Stauffer, Milton Theobald, b. Easton, Pa., Sept. 19, 1885. P. Univ. 1910, U.S. 1913, 1. by CI. Newark. Franklin, Nutley, N.J., 1912-14. Honor- ary Missionary, R.C. A. Survey Sec. China Continuation Committee. Publications: Numerous articles on China, etc. Stebbins, Jas. U.C. 1842, P.S. 45. S.S., Fort Miller, 46, Presbyt.— See "Princeton Gen. Catalogue." Steele, John, b. at Somerville, N.J., Sept. 22, 1827; R.C. 45, N.B.S. 48, 1. CI. N.B. Lebanon, 48-53, Coxsackie, 2d, 53-8, Union Village. 58-65, To- towa, 1st, 65-77, Greenbush, 77-86. Died Jan. 17, 1889. D.D. bv R.C. 1873. Manual, 1902. Steele, John Beatty, b. at Salem, N.Y., 1796; Mid. C. 1818, Ass. Ref. Sem., (under Mason), 22, lie. by A.R. Presbyt. of New York, 22; supplied Albany, Middle, 23. ord. CI. Albany, 24; Boght, 24-33, Middleburgh, 33-8, also S.S. Breakabin, yj, Helderbergh, 38-46; supplied Prince- town, Ballston Centre, Presbyt., etc., 46-50, teaching in N.Y.C., 50-3, Cortlandtown, 53-7 ; supplied Salem Assoc. Ref., Salem, Presbyt., Wil- ford, Presbyt., etc., 57-73, w. c. Died Aug. 22, 1884. He was remarkably successful in winning souls. He was a man of faith and of intense convictions. Honesty pervaded his thoughts and gave direction to his life. His* mind, solid and firm, gave shape and purpose to his sermons. He always preached to reach a mark. His sermons were his tools to produce certain results. Few ministers have been more successful in the exact design of the ministerial and pastoral office. Publications: "Signs of the Millennium": A Miss. Ser. 1830. — "The Symbol and Word of Encouragement" : A Ser. at ord. of Rev. R. H. Steele. 1848. — "Sacred Poetical Paraphrases and Miscellaneous Poems." pp. 384, 1863. Steele, Richard Holloway, (s. of John B. Steele), b. in Albany Co., N.Y. ; R.C. 1844, N.B.S. 47, 1. CI. Schenectady; ord. by Presbyt., Albany, Feb. 48; (Charlton, 47-50, Ballston Spa, Presbyt., 50-52), Nassau, 52-63, New Brunswick, ist, 1863-80, (Ann Arbor, Mich., Presbvt. 80-8), w. c. Died Ap. 5, 1900. D.D. by R.C, 1867. The prevailing trait in his character was faithfulness to duty. He was ever burdened with a sense of responsibility. Nothing could turn him aside from attending to his Master's business. He held many important charges ; he came in contact with many strong characters, and was in touch with the most varied relations of men and institutions. In all these rela- tions his devotion to duty was his conspicuous trait. Publications : Manv sermons and addresses. See Manual, 1902. Steele, Wm. H., b. Albany, N.Y., Feb. 18, 1818. R.C. 1837, N.B.S. 40, 1.. CI. N.B. ; voyage to Borneo, May-Sept., 42, Batavia, 42-3, Karangan, 43-9, returned to America; w. c. d. Aug. 11, 1905. D.D. by U.N.Y., 1870. Pres. Bd. F.M. Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 604. Publications: Numerous articles in the "Christian Intelligencer" and "Gospel Field." — "The Manse at Nunnlyquett," "The Old Route to Mis- sions," "The Borneo Missions," were three series in the "Gospel Field," of about thirty columns. 1871-2. — "The Borneo Mission." In "Man- ual of Missions, R.C. A." Steffens, Cornelius M., b H.C. 1892, W.S. 95, 1. CI. Holland; Bushnell, 111., 95-8, Little Falls, N.Y., 98-1901, agent of the "Ch. Int.," 1901-02. Presbyterian. Steffens, Nicholas M., b. Embden, Neth., March 13, 1839. Teacher at Oldenburg, 1855. Missionary, Constantinople. 1858-62. Theo. Sch., Kampen, Hoi. Pastorate in Holland. Silver Creek. 111. (Germany Val- THE MINISTRY ;07 ley). 1872-6. N.Y.C.. Ave B. (Ger.). 1876. German Valley, 111.. 1876-8, Zeeland. Mich., ist. 1878-82, Holland. Mich., ist. 1883-4. Prof. Sys- tematic and Polemic Theology. W.T.S., 1884-95 (Prof. Systema'tic and Polemic Theology. Pre.s. T.S.. Dubuque. la.. 1895-8)." Orange City. la.. 1st. 1898-1900. (Prof. Systematic and Polemic Theology. Pres. T.S., Dubuque, la., 1900-03). W.T.S., Holland, Mich., Pro"f. Historical Theology, 1903-10, Prof. Systematic and Polemic Theology. 1910-12. d. July 24. D.D. He was a great student, a fine linguist and an earnest preacher. But his appropriate place was the Professor's chair which he tilled with great ability. See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1913. 887. PuBLKATioNs :^ NuiTierous articles in the press. Stegeman. Abram, b. at New Groningen, Mich.. Mav 4. 1857; H.C. 80, N.B.S. 83. 1. CI. Holland; Harrison, S.D., 83-92. New Holland. 92-1899^ d. Feb. 19. His record at college was one of spotless purity. In his charges he stead- ily grew in the affections of his people. He was an ideal, faithful disciple of the Cross. He loved the expository method of preaching. He was stricken with apoplex\- while preaching, and in two hours died. — "Mints. Gen Svn " 1899, 568. Stegeman, Henry Van Evck. b. Harrison. S.D.. March 8. 1890. HC 191^ Teaching P.P. Acd.. 1912-14. W.T.S. 1917. 1. by CI. Holland 1917. Missionary to Japan. 191 7 — — Publications: Occasional articles. Stegeman. James E. H.C. 1918. W.T.S. 1921. 1. bv CI. . Lucas. Mich.. 1921 Stegeman, Mannes. A., b. Harrison. S.D.. Oct. 2-, 1884. H.C. 1907, N.B S 1907-08. W.T.S. 1908-10, 1. by CI. Holland. Springfield, S.D., 'imman- uel, 1910-14. Cleveland, O., 2d (Calvarv). 1914-19, Overisel. Mich 1919 Stegeman, William, (brother of Ab. Stegeman), b. Aug. 19, 1865. New Groningen. Mich.; H.C. 89, N.B.S. 92. 1. CI. N.B. ; Grand View. S.D.. 92-7. Pella. Neb., 97-1900, Springfield, S-D., 1900-04, Sheldon, la., 1904- 06, Sandstone, Minn., 1906-14, also Freeland, 1906, Silver Creek, Maple Lake, 1909, Ireton, la., 1914-19, Luctor, 1919 . Publication : "The Divine Rule of Giving." Stegenga, Andrew, b. Holland. Mich.. 1881. H.C. 1906, W.T.S. 1909. I. by CI. Holland 1909. Clymer Hill. N.Y.. 1909-11. Rochester (Brighton), N.Y.. 1911-18. Grand Rapids. Mich.. Calvary. 1918-19. d. Aug. 23. See Min. Gen. Syn.. 1920. 273. Stegenga, Miner, b. North Holland, Mich., Feb. 23. 1893. H.C. 1915 N.B. and W.T.S. 1918, 1. by CI. Holland. Palmvra, N.Y.. 1918-19.' Grand Rapids. Mich.. Calvary. 1919 Steiner, W. H. Presbyterian. Ellenville. N.Y.. 191C-14. Presbyterian Stein fuhrer, Chs. Danl. Fred., b. Stargard. Great Duchy of" Mecklen- burg-Strelitz. Germany, Jan. 12, 1841 ; U.C. 64. N.B.S. 67, 1. CI. Schen- ectady; Astoria. 2d. (Ger.). and Newtown. (Ger.). 67-73. Astoria ^d (Ger.). 1873 . Member Bd. Publication. Supt. N.B.S. DD U C 1896. Publication : Assisted Prof. Taylor Lewis in translation of Lange's Commentary on Genesis. Steininger. George, b. N.Y.C.. July 6. 1888. H.C. 1916. N.B.S. 1919. 1. bv CI. N.Y. Amsterdam. N.Y.. Trinitv, 1919-1922. P.G. Union Sem' N.Y.C., 1922. Steins. Frederick, from Ref. Ch. in Prussia ; Miss. German. 2d N Y C 1849. Steketee. John B., b. Holland, Mich.. Fel). 11. 1877. H.C. 1898. P.S. 1899- 19^.0. W.T.S. 1907. 1. by CI. Holland. Raritan. 111.. 1909-1=;. Clarksville and New Salem. 1915-18. Flatbush. Ulster Co.. N.Y.. 1918. '^S.C. and T.. CI. Ulster, 1919 508 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Stephens, George H., b. Plainfield, NJ., Sept. 27, 1857; R.C. 81, N.B.S. 84, lie. CI. Raritan, ord. by Presb. of Elizabeth; (Springiield, N.J., 85-6, Flanders, 87-90, Berwick, Pa., 90-8, supplj'ing Presbyt. Chs. in Presbyt. of N.B. 1898 ). With Presbyterian Ministers" Fund, 1904 Stephenson, William, North Hempstead, 1 800-1, (N.Y.C. Rutgers Presbyt. Ch.). Sterenberg, James, b. Fulton, 111., May 6, 1870. H.C. 1893, P.S. 1896, I. by Rock River, Pres., 1897, Orange City, la., Am. Ref., 1897-8. A.M. Harvard, 1897. Ph.D., Munich, 1907. Publication : The Use of Conditional Sentences in the Alexandrian Ver- sion of Pentateuch, March, 1907. Steuenberg, John, b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 27, 1874. H.C. 1901, W.T.S. 1904, 1. by CI. G.R. Jamestown, Mich., 2d, 1904-07, Chicago, Bethany, 1907-12, Kalamazoo, ist, 1912-18, Overisel, Mich., 1918-19, Orange City, la.. Trinity, 1919 Stevens, Chauncey N., b. South Gilboa, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1878. High School Teacher. N.B.S. 1916, 1. by CI. Schoharie 1916. Marbletown, Stone Ridge, N.Y., 1916-19, Grand Gorge and South Gilboa, N.Y., 1919 . Supt. Ulster Co., S.S., Ass., 1918-19. Stevenson, James B., b. in Salem, N.Y., 1798; N.B.S. 1827, 1. CI. Washing- ton; Miss, to Lysander, Sparta, and Cato, 27-9, Florida, (Minaville), 29-54, Wynantskill, 54-64, died March 2. A very useful minister in a new country. See Manual, 1902. Stewart. See Stuart. Stewart, Abel T., b. at Sbmerville, N.J., Aug. 4, 1822; R.C. 43, N.B.S. 46, lie. CI. N.B. ; Greenville, 46-50, Greenville and Bronxville, 50-2, Tarry- town, 1st, 52-66, Holland. 2d, Mich., (Hope), 66-78, d. May 24, at Wat- kins, N.Y. D.D. by R.C. 1873. See Manual, 1902. Publications: A Hist. Disc. First Ref. Ch., Tarrytown. 1866. Stewart, Charles Hugh, b. Ontario, Canada, March 2-/, 1875, Manitoba Col. 1899, Manitoba Sem. 1902, 1. by Pres. of Winnipeg 1902. (St. Paul's Pres. Winnipeg, 1902-13). Newark, N.J., North, 1913-18. (Presby- terian, North Pres. Ch., Buffalo, N.Y., 1918 . Bd. of Senate Man- itoba Col. Bd. F.M. Pres. Ch., Canada. Bd. F.M. Ref. Ch. in Am. Chaplain, Canadian Club, N.Y.C. Publications: Winning, Oct., 1917. Sermons, pamphlets, etc. Stewart, D. C. (Pres.), S.S., Yonkers, N.Y., ist, 1918-21. D.D. Stewart, James W., Prin. of Washington Academy, Salem, 18.. -34; Jack- son, 1834-6, Warwick, 1838-42. Stillwell, Aaron L., b. at Whitestone, 1828; R.C. 51, N.B.S. 54, 1- CI. N.B.; Bergen Neck, 54-64, d. See Manual of 1879. Stillwell. John Letson, b. Bayonne, N.J., Dec. 17. 1859; R.C. 79; N.B.S. 82, 1. CI. Raritan ; Montague, 82-4, Athenia, 84-6, Bloomingburgh, 86- 1902, Buskirk's N.Y.. 1902-08, Princetown, N.Y., 1908-16, S.S., East Somerville and Finderne, 1918-19. Stimpson, Edward P. R.C. 1834, N.B.S. 1834; Greenbush, 1834-52, Castle- ton, 1853-61, suspended. 1869, deposed. Stimpson, Henry B.. b. 1772, in Framingham, Mass.; studied at Claverack and Kindcrhook ; studied Theology with Rev. Mr. Fuller, of Renssel- aerville, and Rev. Mr. Townsend of Durham; lie. 1802; (Presby., Windham, 1802-1825), Agent for the Bible Society, 25-9, Windham, (Prattsville), 29-33, w. c. Died Ap. 28, 1851. His father removed from Massachusetts to Greene Co., N.Y., at the close of the Revolution. He endured all the hardships and privations in- cident to a new country. He attended school only four months until more than 21 years of age, yet he subsequently acquired a good general knowl- edge. His pastoral field at Windham extended over 20 miles, but he was used to hardships, and often preached nine times a week. In the Presby- THE MINISTRY 5^9 terian Church at Windham tlicrc wore three extensive revivals during his ministry. He received into this church more than 500 souls. But with the introduction of the "new measures" divisions came, and he finally separated from his people. He was a theologian of the old school. He was, however, subsequently recalled to the same field by the Dutch Church. He was a man of strong phvsical energv. and of uncommon powers of mind. Stinson. William' Charles, b. in N.Y.C. Ap. i860; Bucknell Univ. 86. P.S. 89. ord. Presb. Monmouth; (Kavwatosa, Wis.. 91-3, Providence, R.I.. 93-5. both Congregational; Presbyt. Chillicothe, O.. 1895-1900), Pioomingdale, N.Y.C. 1900-1911. Presbyterian. D.D. Stitt, Chs. H., b. 1819: R.C. 44. N.B.S. 48. 1- CI. N.V.; New Paltz 48-65. Kingston, 2d. 65-74. Bayonne, 74-81. d. Ap. 20. D.D. by R.C. ib66. bee "Ch. Int.," Ap.'^28. 188 1', for sketch. PiBLiCATioxs: "Gospel Law of Moderation in Regard to Intoxicating Drinks." 1861.— Dedicatorv Address at New Paltz Cemetery. 1861.— "Plist. of the Church and Settlement at New Paltz." 1862.— "Fun. Ser of Captain Johannes Lefevre," who fell in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19. 1864. Pub. 1865.— Mem. Disc, on "Death of T. Lawrence Has- brouck." 1866.— Sermon before Gen. Synod. "Ch. Int.," June 9. 1870.— "Hist. Sketch of Second Ref. Ch. of Kingston." "Kingston Argus," Jan. II 1871.— "Prosjressive Theolog\'" ; a Charge delivered at Inaug. of Dr. a' B. Van Zandt as Prof, of Theologv. 1872.— "Why Am I Not Saved.'" Tract 49. R.C.A.— "The Lost Found." Tract 638. Am. Tract Soc— "Our New Citv: its Prospect and Peril." In "Rondout Freeman," June i, 1872. Stitt, win. Christie, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Ap. 22,, 1833; C.N.J. 56, P.S. 60, lie. Presb. Philadelphia; (S.S. Georgetown, D.C., 60-2; ord. 63; Hagerstown. Md.. 62-8, Johnsonburgh, N.J., 68-72); Piermont, N.\.. 1872-87, (Hazelton. Pa., 87-8), Sec. Am. Seamen's Friends' Society, ,000 Stobbelaar, H., Alto, 1858-60, Zeeland, 60-64, Holland. Wis., 64-73. Pella. Stockwcll Austin P., b. at Hadlev. Mass.. 1837; A.C. 62, U.S. 65. lie. 3d Presb. N.Y.C. Ap. 3, 63; ord. by same. May 14; (Pleasant Plains. N.Y., 68-9, Presbvt.), Assoc. Pastor, Millbrook, July, 69-71, Dec; Gravcsend, Jan. i, 72-87, Sup. Howard Mission of Children's Aid Soc, N.Y.C, 87-99. Also supplving Centennial Chapel. Brooklyn, ist, 90-3, and Greenwood Hights Chapel, 94-9- Died Nov. 21. 19CO. He was a man of gentleness and patient courtesy, tenderly affectionate and sympathetic Hi.s life was filled with kindly and Christ-like deeds He was painstaking in the discharge of all his duties, whether in the pas- torate, or in the wide and character-moulding work that was his for so many years among the friendless little ones of God's poor. "Mints. Gen. Syn.." 1901, 1243. Stoelmer, Frederick. Jamaica (Ger.), 1900 Stofflet, James P. Presbyterian. Jersey City, Free, 1902-04. Jersey City, 3d Park, 1904-12. (Pres., Ridgefield Park. 1912 Stoll, A., (from Ref. Ger. Ch., 1874); Philadelphia, 5th, 1874-9. Stone, George Edwin, b. in Mexico, Oswego Co., N.Y., Sept. 2, 1873; Ham. Coll. 95. Aub. Sem. 98. 1. Presbyt. of ; ord. by Presbyt. ot Svracusc. Ap. 11, 98; sailed for Arabia, Aug. 17. 98; at Bahrein, Oct. 9. 98-Feb. 14, 99; Aluscat. Feb. 99-June 26. 99, d. He came of a godly line of ancestors, and united with the church at eleven years of age. He was steadfast in his consecration to the Master. His winning, tactful manner made him a power for good, in church and college and seminary. But his service on the field was less than eight months when he was cut down. From the moment he had recognized his call to Arabia, he was ambitious to enter on his work. It is not for us to know why he was cut down so soon.— See "Mints. Gen. Syn.." 1900, 203; "Sketch of Arabian Miss.." 1901, pp. 28-30. 5IO THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Stoppels, Charles Anton, b. Aliiskes^on, Mich., Aug. 8, i88q. H.C. 1915, W.T.S. 1918, 1. by CI. Michigan 1918. Allendale, ist. Mich.. 1918 •. Mem. Joint CI. Com. in Ch. Extension. Mem. CI. Com. in Vacant Chs. and Ch. Extension. Stouppe. Pierre, New Rochelle, (French Refd.), 1723-60, d. July. See his description of New Rochelle, in Waldron, 34. He left eighty communi- cants at his death, having conformed to the Church of England. See Baird's "Huguenots" ; collections of Huguenot Society. Stout, Henry, b. Jan. 19, 1838. R.C. 1865, N.B.S. 68,' lie. CI. Raritan. ]V[issionary to Japan, 1869-1906, Bound Brook, N.J., 1907-09, S.S., Red Bank, 1909-10, d. Feb. 16, 1912. D.D., R.C, 1893. See Mins. Gen. Syn., 1912, 567. Publications: "A Brief Statement of Christian Doctrine"; a transla- tion into Japanese, and adaptation of Rev. Dr. S. M. Woodbridge's Lectures on Sacred History, i vol.; and of his Lectures on Church History; 2 vols. Stout, James Coffin, b. Irvington, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1869. R.C. 1891, P.S. 97; Brighton Hights, 1898- 1902. Presbyterian. Prof. Church History, Bible Teachers' Training School, N.Y.C. Stout, Nelson, b. at Harlingen, N.J., 1817; R.C. 185 1, N.B.S. Died 1854. He did not begin his studies until nearly thirty years of age. He had been a sea-captain. He was a very conscientious Christian, and had consecrated himself to the foreign field, but died while in the Seminary. Stout, Royal A., b. New Brunswick, N.J., Nov. 14, 1885. R.C. 1907. N.B.S. 191C, 1. by CI. N.B. Netherwood (Plainfield, N.J., 1910-13. Presby- terian. Stowe, Wilbur Fiske, b. Berlin, Conn. Mt. Hope Col. 1898, Theo. Dept. Taylor Univ. 1901, 1. by N.Y. East M.E. Conference. Ord. by Cong. Ass.. Maine. (Cong., Freeport. Maine, Saugerties, N.Y.). Kingston, N.Y., Church of the Comforter, 1914 . D.D.. Kansas City Univ. Strabbing, Alfred H.. b. Graefschap. Mich., Sept. 20. 1856; H.C. 80, W.S. 89. 1. CI. Holland ; Hamilton and E. Saugatuck, 89-93, Kalamazoo, 3d. 93-7- Marion, N.Y., 97-1900, New Holland, Alich., 1900-1904, Ham- ilton. Mich.. 1904-09. Sheboygan, Wis.. Hope. 1910-15, Holland, Mich.,. Ebenezer, 1915 Strail, H. A. S.S., Cicero. N.Y.. 1883-4. Straks, Henry, b. Alto. Wis.. Feb. 13, 1853; Normal School. Oshkosh, Wis.. 75, W.S. 91. 1. CI. Wis.; Cleveland. O., 91-4, Maurice, la., 94-8, Ed. Agent and Teacher, Northwestern Academy, (Drange Cit}', la., 98- 1901, Harrison, Dak., 1901-1909, New Era, Mich., 1909-12, d. June 23. See Min. Gen. Svn.. 1913. 887. Straks, John H.. b. "Alto. Wis.. Aug. 22, 1878. H.C. 1900, W.T.S. 1903, 1. by CI. Iowa. Clymer Hill, N.Y., 1904-09, Gibbsville, Wis., 1909-20, Maurice, la.. 1920 Straub, John E., b. Hoboken. N.J.. March 17. 1880. Bloomfield Acd. 1901, Bloomfield Sem. 1904. Univ. of Berlin 1906. 1. by CI. Bergen 1905. Cal- licoon. N.Y., 1906 Strauss, Preston Franklin. Franklin and Marshall Col. 1909, Col. Univ. 1915, U.S. 1915, 1. by N. CI. L.L 1915. S.S., Steinway, L.L, 1913-15, Pastor, 1915 Street, William Dana, b. Lynn. Mass.. Jan. 9, 1874; Columbia Univ. 95,. U.S. 98, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Assist, in Madison Av., N.Y.C. 98-1901, (Cong. Ch., White Plains. N.Y.. 1901 ). Streng, Samuel, b. at Pella. la., March 15. 1851 ; H.C. 71, N.B.S. JT, lie. CI. 111. ; Clarkstown, N.Y., 77-82, Churchville, Pa., 82-90, Kalamazoo, Mich., 90-92, Classical Missionary, 92-94, Fairview, 111., 94-97, w. c, died Oct. 3, 1900. His parents were among the first Holland settlers of Pella, la., and were earnest Christians. He was a man of brilliant intellectual power, but THE MIXISTKY :)Ii. extremely modest in the estimate of himself. He was an untiring worker, spending himself in the service of his Master. His life was almost a con- tinuous struggle with ill health, yet he was remarkably successful in his several fields of labor, and universally beloved by his people. He preached fearlessly, yet kindly, the truths of God, and many were born again, and others stimulated to a nobler life. His fidelity secured him many calls. During his last years he suffered severely, but his faith never wavered nor did he ever complain. See also "Mints. Gen. Syn.," igoi, 1244. Pl'blicatioxs: Article in "Doylestown (Pa.), Democrat," May 29, 1883, on "Paulus Van Vlecq." Also sketches of the North and South Hampton Church. Strieker, William. 1. bv S. CI. L.I. 1914. Presbyterian. Strohauer, Paul John, b. Schenectady, N.Y., May 15, 187 1 ; U.C. 97, N.B.S. 1900, 1. CI. Schenectady; Princetown, N.Y., 1900-02, Spots- wood, 1902-05, Wyckoff, N.J., 1905-11, North and South Hampton, Pa., 1912-17. Strong. Joseph Pascal (s. of T. M. Strong) ; b. 1825. at Flatbush, L.I. R.C. 45, N.B.S. 50. 1. S. CI. L.I.. East New York. 50-4. Jersey City, 3d, 54-6, Aquackanonck, 56-69, Passaic, 2d, 69-72, Belleville, 72-80, Cohoes, 80-90. East Millstone, Aug.-Dec. 8. 1890, died. In each of these fields he proved himself a laborer that needed not to be ashamed of his work. By his earnest preaching and by his kind words and gentle ways, he endeared himself to the hearts of his people. He was a warm-hearted and sympathetic man and an excellent preacher. His min- istry was always attended with great success. He was a man of remark- able powers of description. His sermons were always interesting and in- structive. He preached with great energy and power. The people of East Millstone called him with a wonderful unanimity and were delighted with his ministrations. A career of unusual prosperity seemed to be opened before that church wheii he was suddenly stricken with apoplexy. See Manual, 1902. Publication : Fun. Address of Mrs. Dr. Hay. Strong. Mason R. (s. of T. M. Strong), b. Dec. 30. 1834; N.Y.U. 1855, N.B.S.. died 1861, Jan. 12. Strong. Pascal N. (brother of T. M. Strong), b. in Brookhaven, L.I., 1793; C.C. 1810. studied under Mason. 1. Presbvt. N.Y. 1815; New York, 1816-26. d. He received calls to Harrisburgh and New York at the same time, but chose the latter. He and Dr. Knox started in life together as fellow-stu- dents under the same instructor, and as colleagues in the same church, though the ministry of the former was comparatively brief. About a year before he died, he'was attacked by disease of a pulmonary character, pro- ceeding from a .severe cold. He went to St. Croix to spend the winter, but while there died. In a diary commenced in i8c8. three years before he united with the church, he says : "I will regard the enjoyment of God as the supreme end of all my plans. I will consider love to God and zeal for His glory as my highest duty, and study to improve daily in these divine affections. I will for the future, unless unavoidably hindered, regularly devote one-half hour in tlie morning, and a like period in the evening, to religious concerns." His disposition was amiable, his manners were courteous, his spirit was resolute and generous almost to a fault, his mind was gifted in more than an ordinary degree, and his opportunities of improvement had not been neglected. With a memory peculiarly tenacious, and the power of an ac- curate and jirecise discrimination for one of his years, his attainments in classical and critical learning may, without any exaggeration, be regarded as eminent. Critical research was with him a favorite employment. He wrote with elegance and force. His discourses were clear, accurate, and tasteful. His style was copious and adorned. His voice was melodious; 512 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA his enunciation, easy and natural ; his preaching, evangeHcal and iaitbful. — "Gunn's Livingston," ed. 1856, p. 399. "Sprague's Annals." "Collegiate •Ch. Year Book," 1895, 127. Publications: "The Pestilence — Yellow Fever." 1822. 2d. ed. 1823. Strong, Robert Grier (s. of Thos. M. Strong), b. at Flatbush, L.I., 1837, N.Y.U. 55, N.B.S. 58, 1. S. CI. L.I.; assistant at Fatbush, 1858-60, Dec; New Baltimore, 61-70, Flatbush, Miss. Chapel, 71-73; teaching a select school at Flatbush, 73-92, died. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1892, 656. Strong, Selah Woodhull (s. of Thos. M. Strong), b. at Flatbush, L.I., Sept. 2, 1844; N.Y.U. 62, N.B.S. 65, 1. CI. N.Y.; Rochester, 65-70, West Troy, South, 70-84, Nov. 6, died. He was a man "mighty in the Scriptures." For this reason both his preaching and pastoral work were very effective. See Manual, 1902. Strong, Thomas C. (son of Thomas M. Strong and Ellen Campbell, sis- ter of William H. Campbell, late President of Rutgers College), came of a family of ministers. Born at Flatbush, L.I., May 2^, 1824. U.C. 1841, N.B.S. 1845, 1. S. CI. L.I. 1845. D.D. from Rutgers College, of which he was a trustee from 1858 to 1874. Pastorates and Charges : Bloomingdale and Rosendale. 1845-49, Newtown, 1849-59, Greenwich, N.Y.C., 1859-66, Ithaca, 1866-71. At this point he transferred his relations to the Presbyterian, and never resumed oiificial connection with the Reformed Church. Pastor at Aurora. Cayuga Co., N.Y., and President of Wells College, 1871-75. In 1875 be- came President of Pennsylvania Female College at Pittsburgh, and in 1878 opened a private school for girls in Allegheny, at the same time taking charge of the Pittsburgh Central Presbyterian Church. Later he supplied, for a time, the pulpit of the Reformed Church of Geneva, N. Y. Several jears before his death he was the subject of a very severe sunstroke, from the effects of which he never fully recovered, and which was the occasion to him of much loss of mental power as well as physical debilitation. In addition to all his other life work. Dr. Strong was Corresponding Sec- retary of the Reformed Church Board of Publication from 1859 to 1868, and a member of its Committee on Publication from 1868 to 1871. In these relations he was very active and efficient, and his labors were of great advantage to the Board. He died Sept. 13, 1890. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1867. See Manual, 1902. Publication : Sermon at Funeral of Dr. C. W. Stothofif, 1855. Strong, Thos. M. (brother of P. N. Strong), b. at Coopertown, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1797; C.C. 1816, studied imder Mason and at P.S. 19, 1. Presbyt. ; (Norfolk, Va., 19-21, Assoc. Ref., Chambersburgh, and Shippens- burgh. Pa., 21-2), Flatbush, 22-61, d. June 14. D.D. by U.N.Y. Stated Clerk of Gen. Synod 34 years. He was possessed of the most thorough and indefatigable business habits, and was so completely at home in ecclesiastical affairs that his very word was law, from which no appeal could be taken. He was a man of remark- able clearness of thought and of simplicity of expression, of intense, yet well-balanced, mental energy and activity, of large attainments, though never ostentatiously paraded ; combining, in a rare symmetry and exquis- ite proportion, affability with dignity, and gentleness with firmness, and withal a man of such pure innate modesty, and genuine Christian humility, that nothing but his actual removal from the Church would give her an accurate estimate of his real value. He possessed one trait of character of especial loveliness and power. He was eminently a Christian gentleman. Publications: "Hist, of Flatbush, L.I." 1842. — Arts, in "Sprague's Annals," on Drs. S. S. Woodhull and P. N. Strong. Strong, William Van Deurzen, b. Accord, Ulster Co., N.Y., Ap. 28, 1868; R.C. 91, N.B.S. 94, 1. CI. N.B.: Glenham, N.Y., 1894-1902, Jersey City, Bergen, Assistant, 1902-06. (Cong., Trov, N.Y., ist, 1908-12). Ponds, ■ N.J., 1912-18. (Cong., Woodbridge, N.J., 1918 ). THE MINISTRY 513 Struyk, John A. Methodist Episcopal. Lodi, N.J. (Hol.h 1919-20. Al- bany, N.Y., 5th, 1920 Strvker, Herman B. (s. of Peter Stryker), b. at Port Richmond. S.I., "Ap. 2, 1794; N.B.S. 1822, 1. CI. N.B'.; Aliss. to Athol, Caldwell, Johns- burgh and Warrensburgh, (Warren Co., N.Y.), 22-3, Fairfield, and Miss, at Little Falls, N.J., 23-6, Agent of Miss. Soc, 26-7, Union Ch. in Amsterdam, 27-2,3, 'ilso Miss, at Johnstown in 30, St. Johnsville, 33-4, Glenville, 2d, 34-7, w. c. 37-61, Huguenots, S.I., 61-71, d. Dec. 11. He was a pioneer in the temperance cause and an evangelistic preacher of great power. See Manual, 1902. PuBLic.\TiOi\s : "Address before CI. Bergen." 1828. "Mag. R.D.C.," iii. 132. — "Charge to Rev. Jas. Stevenson." 1829. "Mag. R.D.C.," iv. 235. Stryker, Isaac P., born at Harlingen, Nov. 27, 1811; R.C. 2>7, N.B.S. 40, 1. CI ; voyage to Borneo, Nov. 40-March, 4.1, Borneo, 1841-2, d. He was a man of remarkable piety and gave promise of great usefulness. But he died before his work was fairly under way. See Manual, 1902. Strj'ker, Peter, b. Dec. 23, 1763, in N.Y.C., studied under Livingston, lie. by the Synod of R.D. Chs. 1788, N. and S. Hampton, Sept. 15, 1788- Aug. 19, 1790, Statcn Island, 1790-4, Belleville, 1794-1809, also S.S. at Stone House Plains, 1801-9, (Amboy, Presbyt.), 1809-10, Belleville and Stone House Plains, 1810-14, S.S. at Stone House Plains, 18-26, Miss, to Berne, 27-9, d. 1847. A.M. by C.C.. 1804. He was a good man and a powerful preacher. For many years he was the oldest minister in the Reformed Church. See Manual, 1902. Stryker, Peter (s. of H. B. Stryker), b. Fairfield, N.J., Ap. 8, 1826; R.C. 45, N.B.S. 48, 1. CI. N.B. Raritan, 3d, 48-51, Rhinebeck, 51-56, Broome St.— after i860. Thirty-fourth St..— N.Y.C., 56-68, (Philadelphia, Presb3't., 68-71, Ronje, N.Y'., 71-76, Saratoga, 76-82, Andrew Presbyt. Minneapolis, 82-89), N.Y.C. Thirty-fourth St. again, 89-96, Asbury Park, 96-1900, d. Mar. 15. D.D. bv N.Y'.U., 1866. Pres. of Gen. Synod, 1895- He was a most genial man, whose presence was a benediction. He received into the church an average of 43 a year throughout his ministry. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Hist. Disc, at the last service in the Broome St. Ch., N.Y.C. i860 Sermon on Rev. Dr. S. A. Von Vranken, in "Ch. Int.," Jan. 24, 1861. — "Christian Life"; a Disc, commem. of the late Leonard W. Kip. 1863. — "Little Gems in the Saviour's Crown; or. Facts from the Death- bed E.xpcriences of S.S. Children." — "Hist, of the Sunday-schools of the Thirty-fourth St. Church." — "Jubilee Hj-mn of Thirty-fourth St. Church." — "Strange Children" : a Temperance ser. 1873. — "The City wholly given to Idolatry : the modern Athens of America." In "Pulpit and Rostrum." — "The Lower Depths of the Am. Metropolis." In "Pulpit and Rostrum." — Very many articles in the several papers ; numerous hymns and tracts. Stuart, Wm., b. Aberdeen, Scotland, Oct. 18. 1837; Free Ch. Coll. Halifax, 59, Free Ch. Theolog. Hall, Halifax, 62, 1. Halifax Presbyt. ; (assist. Christ Ch., Bermuda, 63-4; West Cape, Campbelton, etc., on Prince Edward Is., 65-9; Free Ch. Fredericton, New Brunswick, 70-5; Central Ch. Hamilton, Ont.. 76; Greenhill, Pictou, Nova Scotia, 77-83, Carle- ton Ch., St. John, N. Scotia, 83-9) ; Franklin, N.J., 1890-1911. d. May 8, 1916. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1916, 937. Stube, C. E., b. Fultonville, N.Y., Aug. 22, 1886. Ham. Col. 1910, N.B.S. 1913, 1. by CI. Montgomery. S.S., Secaucus, N.J., 1912-13. East Orange, Hyde Park, N.J., 191415, Missionary to India, 1915-17, Coxsackie, N.Y., 2d, 1917-19. Ph.D., N.Y. Univ., 1914. Studdiford, Peter, b. 1763 in N.Y.C, C.C. 1786, studied under Livingston, 514 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1. by the Christian Synod of R.D. Churches, 1787; Readington and Bed- minster, 1787-1800, Readington, 1800-26, d. Nov. 30. Also appointed in N.B.S. instructor of Hebrew, in 1812. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1788. Possessing large views of divine truth, and a rich store of various knowledge, he was ready, instructive, and forcible in his preaching. He loved his work, and shrank not from effort in its performance. He was a faithful and affectionate pastor, a patriotic citizen, and a humble, devout and liberal-minded Christian. He excelled as an extemporaneous preacher, transcending himself, when suddenly called on to take the place of some absentee. These efforts had all of the finish, and more than the force, of an elaborate preparation. — "Mag. R.D.C.," i. 328. Quoted in "N.B.Sem. Cen- tennial," 459. Publications: "Fun. Ser. of Rev. Dr. Jac. R. Hardenburg.'' 1790. — Sermon on Rom. 5:1,2; "Justification and its Fruits." In "N.J. Preacher," 1813. Studdiford, Peter Augustus (s. of P. O. Studdiford), b. Lambertville, N.J., Ap. 2, 1828; C.N.J. 49, P.S. 52, ord. by Presbyt. Raritan, June 12, 55; (Milford and Holland, N.J., 55-9, Belleville, 60-6, (Lambertville, 66- 86), d. Oct. II. D.D. by C.N.J. 74. Studley, Hobart Earle, b. Claverack, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1871 ; R.C. 93, N.B.S. 96, 1. CI. N.B. ; Miss, to Amoy, China, 96-1903. (Episcopal Missionary for Chinese, Manila, 1903 ) Sturges, Littleton, b. Maryland, Oct. 12, 1842. Pastor A.M.E. Church, New Brunswick, N.J., N.B.S. 1886-88. Sturges, Smith. Whitehouse, 1858-63. Suckow, Charles, F. C, b. Techentin, Amt. Goldberg, Mecklenburg- Schwerin, Ger., Feb. 15, 1840; N.B.S. 70, lie. CI. Albany; Knox Mem- orial Chapel, N.Y.C., 68-70, New Brooklyn, 70-79, Philadelphia, 5th, 1879 Sullivan, Andrew Jackson, b. Philadelphia, 1853; LaF. Coll. 75, U.S. 78, ord. by Cong.; Newark, N.J. (N.Y. Av.), 90-2. For other details, see "Union Sem. Gen. Cat." Suit, Emmet, Charles, b. Thornsville, O., Aug. 5, 1866. Heidelberg Col. 1891, Ursinus Sem. 1893. 1. by CI. Lancaster, Ref. Ch. U.S. (Ref. Ch. U.S., St. A'latthews, 1895-1912), Rochelle Park, N.J., 1912-17, Secaucus, N.J., 1917-18. Sutherland, Robert R. (Presbyterian. Newark, O., Knoxville, Tenn.). Fairfield, N.J., 1908-15, d. Sept. 9, 1915. D.D. LL.D. Sutphen, David Schureman (son-in-law of Rev. Ab. Polhemus), b. at Bedminster, N.J.. Apr. 24, 1842; R.C. 64, N.B.S. 67, 1. CI. Raritan, New Utrecht. 1867-79, w. c. Died March 2j, 1897. A man of piety and ability kept long in retirement by ill health. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Articles in the "Somerset Unionist," 1864, 1872,— "Daft Willie" : a Poem. In "Ch. Weekly," 1873 ; in "Sower," 1874. — Arts on Rev. Peter Van Buren, in "Ch. Int.," 1868: on the "Nativity"; two articles on our Theolog. Sem., Sept. 7 and 14, 187 1. — Arts, in "Kings Co. Rural Ga- zette" : — Thanksgiving ; "Letters on Travels in Canada," 1874. — "How to Study the Bible" : an Essay deliv. before Kings Co. S.S. Assoc. 1876. — Hist. Disc, at 200th Anniver. R.C. New Utrecht, 1877. Sutphen, James G., b. Millstone, N.J., 1853; R.C. 1875, N.B.S. 1876-8. Pro- fessor of Latin, H.C., 1885-1911, d. Dec. 13. Litt.D., R.C, 1906. Suydam, John Howard, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. i, 1832; R.C. 54. N.B.S. 57, lie. by S. CI. L.I. ; Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, 57-63, Philadelphia, ist, 63-9, Tersev Citv, 3rd, 69-91, Rhinebeck, 1891-1903, d. Oct. 16, 1908. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1885. D.D.. R.C, 1883. He was a man of eminent literary ability and skill in the use of language. This gift was devoted to the service of the Master. See Min. Gen. Syn.,' 1909, 536. THE MINISTRY 515 Publications: Two sermons on Hist, of R.P.D.C. — "The Lord of Hosts." 1859. — "Consolation"; on occasion of the death of Lieutenant Sprole, of Newburgh. — "Christian Patriotism." — "Hist of First Ref. Ch. of Philadelphia." 1868. — Books for Boys: "Cruel Jim." "The Cruger Fam- ily."— "The Wreckmaster." — "The Emerald Ring" : "The Misunderstand- ing." Fugitive articles and letters by "Prout," in "Ch. Int." Numerous contributions to the press. Swain, Geo., b. Glasgow, Scotland, June 30, 1841 ; R.C. 63, N.B.S. 66, 1. S. CI. L.L; Middlebush, 66-8, Freehold, ist, 68-73, (Brooklyn, Presbyt. 73-4, Allentovyn, N.J., 1874-1912), d. Nov. 7, 1914. D.D. by R.C., 1878. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1915, 597. PuBLicvTiox : "Hist, of Presbyt. Ch. of Allentown, N.J.," 1876. Swain. Jas. Ramsay, (son of G. Swain), b. at Marlboro, N.J., Sept. 8, 1872; Princeton Univ. 94, teaching in Am. Prot. College, Beyrout, Syria, 94-7, P.S. 1901, lie. by Presbyt. of ^^lonmouth; Flushing, L.L, 1901-1905. Swart, Peter, Lansing, 111., 1897-1904, Hingham, Wis., 1904-10, LaFayette, Ind., 1910-12, DeMott, Ind., 1912-17, Oostburg, Wis., 1918-21, DeMott, Ind., American. 1921 Swick, Minor, b. Ovid, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1829. R.C. 1858, N.B.S. 1861, 1. CI. Geneva. 1861 ; Stuyvesant Falls, 1861-5, Wawarsing, 1865-9, Cato, 1869-71, Oyster Bay, 1871-77. (Pres., Jasper, N.Y., 1884-9). Blooming Grove, N.Y., 1889-94, w. c, d. Sept. 20, 1921. Mr. Swick was a humble, devout man who excelled as a pastor. Switz, Ab. J., b. at Schenectady. 1875; U.C. 1817, N.B.S. 20. lie. CI. N.B.; Miss, in CI. Montgomery, 21, at Westerlo and Oakhill, N.Y., 22, at Athol. Johnsburgh. Caldwell and Warren, N.Y., 22, Schaghticoke and Tyashoke, 23-9, Wawarsing. 29-35, Glenville, 2d, 37-42, Port Jackson, 57-9 and 62-3. d. Jan. 24, 1878. See Manual of 1879. Talmage, David, (s. of J. V. N. Talmage), b. Amov. China, Feb. 4, 1852; R.C. 74, N.B.S. -jy, 1. CI. N.B. Missionary to China, 1877-81. Bound Brook, 1882-4, Clarkstown, 1884-88, Westwood, 1888-1908. (Pres. Ponchatoula, La., 1909), d. Sept. 10, 1915. Talmage, George Edwin, (son of Rev. John V. N. Talmage), b. in Amoy, China, Aug. 16, 1865; R.C. 86, N.B.S. 90, 1. CI. N.B. ; Mott Haven, New York City, 90-98, Schenectady, 2d, 1898-1907. Episcopalian. Publication: Address on death of President McKinley, 1901. Talmage. Goyn, b. Dec. 7, 1821, near Somerville, N.J.; R.C. 42, N.B.S. 45, 1. CI. N.B. Rockaway, 45-51, Niskayuna, 51-55, Greenpoint, 55-62, Cor. Sec. Bd. Dom. Missions, 62-67, Rhincbeck, 67-71. Paramus, 71-79, Port Jervis. 79-87. Died June 24, 1891. D.D. by R.C. 1876. Pres. of Gen. Syn., 1874. He came of a godly family and his own piety was deep and cheerful. His pastoral service was successful and his preaching was rich in matter and fresh in style. During the five years that he was corresponding secretary of the Board of Domestic Missions he rendered very efficient service. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Admonitions for the Times." 1861.— "The Reformed Dutch Church, a Goodly Heritage," with Hist. Appendix. "Greenpoint," 1862.— "ChrLst in the Storm." (Death of a Union Soldier). 1866.— "Re- ligious Tests." Published in "Christian at Work." 1875. — "Perils of Young Men." 1878.— Annual Reports of Board of Domestic Missions. 1882-7.— "A Clean Young Man." 1885.— "Perils of Office Seeking." 1889. Talmage, Jas. R., b. 1808; C.N.J. 1826, N.B.S. 29. 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Pott.sville, Pa., 29-31, Jersey City. 31-3, Pompton Plains, 33-6, Blawen- burgh, 37-49, Athens, 49-50, Brooklyn, Middle, 50-2, Greenbush, 52-60, 5l6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Chittenango, 60-9, Wawarsing, 69-74, Wiltwick, 74-9. d. June 29. D.D. by R.C., 1864. He was willing to sacrifice for the cause of Christ and he could stoop to serve. See Manual, 1902. Publications : A Disc, occasioned by Death of Capt. Is. M. Talmage, his son. 1865. Talmage, John Van Nest, b. Bound Brook, N.J., Aug. 18, 1819; R.C. 42, N.B.S. 45, lie. by Classis of Philadelphia; S.S., Central Ch., Brooklyn, 45-6, at Middle Ch., Brooklyn, 46. Missionary to China, 1S47-89, in America, 89-92, died Aug. 19, at Bound Brook, N. J. D.D. by R.C, 1867. He was ordained to the ministry at Millstone, N.J., on Aug. 26, 1846, at a joint meeting of the two Classes of New Brunswick and Philadel- phia. Rev. Gabriel Ludlow preached from 2 Tim. 2:1, "Thou, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus," and the mission- ary, Rev. Elihu Doty, gave the charge to Mr. Talmage. A boy of eleven years of age, who was present, was influenced through that service to be- come a missionary to China. This was the subsequent secretary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr. S. L. Baldwin. He became thoroughly acquainted with the spoken language of Amoy. Few men had a more extensive knowledge of its vocables. He spoke like the Chinese themselves, idomatically and beautifully. Such knowledge was indispensable to his success, and he attained it only by hard plodding and persevering study. Before there was any aid from dictionaries. He was qualified, therefore, to take a prominent place in translation, in re- vision and in hymnology. As a preacher to the Chinese, he was unrivaled. The people hung on his lips and never seemed to lose a word. He had learned stenography and practiced it on his first voyage to China that he might be able to reduce the spoken language of Amoy to writing. He soon found, however, that shorthand was not adequate for the purpose. Just how much he contributed to the adoption of the Roman- ized Colloquial, now in vogue through all China, will never be known. He never sought the credit of it for himself, but his friends ascribe much of it to him. It was a fitting culmination of his work that he only laid down his pen for the last time, when he had finished his last recension of his colloquial dictionary, a book which will increase in usefulness as the Church in the Amoy region expands. It requires only translation to be useful in other dialects as well. He spent over twenty years in its prepara- tion, going over it time and time again, until he felt it was ready for pub- lication. He was of a sunny disposition. A smile was on his face and laughter in his eyes almost all day long. He was conspicuously cheerful and hope- ful. The strength of his character was unusual and would bear victori- ously very severe tests. Mental and moral ability of a very high order marked his participation in public exercises, and his demeanor in social life. In mind and heart these were the elements of greatness. Greatness he never sought, but avoided. But he was a leader among men. A wide range of knowledge was his. He maintained acquaintance with the research and discovery of the day although secluded in China. The deference with which he treated the opinions of others, and his own manner in present- ing his knowledge and convictions to an audience, were extraordinary. He was courteously inquisitive, seeking from others what they knew and thought, and this often with men much his inferiors. He was eminently tolerant of the opinions of others. He was animated, earnest and strong in public addresses. His mind was apt to take an independent and original view of things. His sermons were often very impressive and powerful. He was always and everywhere a Christian gentleman. Through his gentleness, sympathy, wide range of THE MINISTRY knowledge, cheerfulness, animation, vigor of thought, and deference to others, he was a delightful companion. He asked for nothing for himself, but sought to contribute to the enjoyment of those around him. He was abundant in labors, and his life of inestimable value. He perceived earlier than his brethren at home the true policy as to churches in heathen lands; that they should not be mere continuations of the denomination whose missionaries had founded them, but should have an independent existence of their own. In 1863 the General Synod refused to consent to an independent Chinese Church. But Dr. Talmage stood his ground, and in another year his arguments prevailed, and this principle is now almost universally acknowledged. Union on the foreign field is now everywhere a success. The native churches are self-governing and becom- ing self-supporting. They are to be permitted to develop according to the leadmgs of God's Providence and the teachings of his Spirit. He stood in the very front rank of missionaries. For ability, for fidelity, for usefulness, he had few equals. As a preacher, he was clear, forceful,' fearless. As a translator, his work was marked by carefulness and accu- racy. In social life, his old-fashioned hospitality made everyone feel at home. He was a most interesting conversationalist. See sketch by Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, in "Christian Herald" of Sept 1892, and other religious papers of the dav, especially "The Christian In- telligencer." "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1893, 889.— "Biog. Notices of Grads. of Rutgers College." 1893, 15. "Fagg's Life of Talmage; or, Fortv Years in South China," 1894.— Also "Pitcher's Hist, of the Amov Mission," 1893. Publications: Translations into the Amoy Colloquial," in Roman char- acters, of the following (in which the other missionaries assisted to a greater or less extent) : "A Primer," pp. 30. 1852.— "Spelling Book," pp. 15. 1852— "First Reader," pp. 17. 1853.— "Burn's Version of Pilgrim's Progress, pp. j-j. 1853.— "The Book of Ruth," pp. 20. 1853.— Several Hymns, pp. 26. 1859.— ;^'The Gospel of Luke, and the following Epistles" Galatians, John. Peter, Ephesians. and Philippians" : in all, 13 books of the Bible.— Also the "Heidelberg Catechism."— In English: "Hist, and Ecc Relations of the Churches of the Presbyterial Order, at Amov China" 8vo, pp. 74. N.Y., 1863. He was the founder and editor of "The Church Messenger," published monthly in the Amoy dialect.— "Dictionary of the Chinese Character in the Romanized Amoy Colloquial : entitled "Emng Ime Ji-Tiang," 1894.— Also "Book of Forms" ; "Sacred Histor.v" ; hvmns ; stories; an arithmetic — "Sketch of the Amoy Mission." Tahnage, Peter Strykcr (s. of Rev. Jehiel Talmage, see "Princeton Sem Gen. Catalogue"), b. in Somerville, N.J., Oct. 5, 1819- JC 1845 PS 1848; ord. by Presbyt., Nov., 1848; (Oneida' Vallev, N.Y.. 1848-50' Mata. N.Y., 1850-3); Stone House Plains. N.T., 1853-65; preaching in halls in northwestern Philadelphia, 1865-8; Philadelphia, Bethune Memorial, 1868; Bethlehem Miss., Philadelphia, 1869; Manayunk Tan 1870-74, d. He was a transparent Christian and a verv successful minister. See Man- ual. 1902. PuBLic.ATioxs : "Comfort in Sorrow: On the Death of a Beloved Child." 1861. Talmage. Thos. A., b. N.Y.C.. July. 1837. R.C. 1857. N.B.S. i860, d. 1861, July. Talmage. Thomas De Witt. b. near Bound Brook. N.T., Tan 7 i8i'- U.N.Y.: N.B.S. 56. 1. CI. N.B.; Belleville. N.T.. S6-9. Svracusc NY 59-fe Philadelphia. Pa.. 2d. 62-9; (Presbyt.: Central Presbyt.. Brook- lyn. N.\.. 69-94). W\-ishington. D.C., 95-99. Died Ap. 12. 1902. DD by several institutions. He was original and yet perfectly natural. He wrote, lectured, preached ditterently from any one else. Yet he never strove to be original and dif- 5i8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA ferent from others. He was different in his personality. The same dif- ferences were observable in his home and among his acquaintances. Yet he did not know that he had these peculiarities. At first he was misunder- stood. But he swept away all the cobwebs which had accumulated around the traditional methods of sermonic oratory. He pleaded with sinners with the energy and enthusiasm and intensity with which the lawyer would plead for the life of the innocent. While he dispensed with the minis- terial gown, and refused the old-fashioned pulpit, he still clung to the old truths. He spoke the Gospel message in its simplicity. His pulpit was the business of his life. He ate and slept and walked and nursed his strength for that. He had a tremendous capacity for work. When over seventy, his form was straight, his eye was clear and his mental force unabated. On his last journey, a trip to Mexico, only a couple of months before his death, he preached in rapid succession to great audiences at Macon, Charleston, Richmond, New Orleans, with his usual eloquence and power. His lecturing tours were not undertaken to make money, but to get away from home-tasks and to come back re- freshed to do more valiant service for Christ. Railroad travel was his phys- ical salvation. While he was a genius, he developed his talents by the sever- est application. No labor for him was too full of drudgery. He lived in his study, and took exercise only to fit himself for his pulpit. Into every sermon he put his best thought. He strove for quality and not for quan- tity. He was a Gospel minrster of unbounded cheerfulness. He believed that there was as much religion in the smile seen at the wedding of Cana, as in the sob heard in the house of mourning. He was an optimistic Chris- tian, whose mind was free from gloomy presentiments. He always ex- pected good things to come from the Divine Father. Therefore, he was willing to undertake big things. And when troubles came he was the better able to bear them. This was wonderfully illustrated when three of his churches were destroyed by fire, but he was never dismayed ; and when successive bereavements came into his family, he bore them bravely. And his best sermon was his daily life, in his family and in the world. When assailed by others, he never struck back. He would forgive an enemy, and do anything in his power to serve him. Critics often sought to analyze his character and account for his mar- velous success. Various explanations were given. He was, indeed, a word- painter, quite unequaled. He could make his audiences laugh or weep. He could adminster stinging rebukes to sin. He had also a loving per- sonality. But these things represent only the outer garment of his power. He was a true Christian, and worked in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many testified to their conversion through the reading of his sermons. He was a man called of God to do a peculiar work. See the sermon of his son. Rev. Frank De Witt Talmage, in "The Christian Herald," April 23, 1902. whence this sketch is culled, which paper also contains manj^ par- ticulars of his life. Publications: He edited, at times, "The Christian at Work," 1873-6. — "The Advance," 1877-8. — "Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine," 1888.^ — And for several years before his death, "The Christian Herald." — Among the volumes published are: "Crumbs Swept Up," 1865. — "Around the Tea- table," 1874.— "Masks Torn Off," 1879.— "The Marriage Ring," 1886.— "Woman, Her Powers and Privileges." — "From Manger to Throne." — ''Sports that Kill."— "The Earth Girdled."— "The Pathway of Life."— "Old Wells Dug Out." — "Everyday Religion." — "Sundown." — "Fishing too Near Shore." — 'Good Cheer," 1862. — "Almond Tree in Blossom."— "The Evil Beast," a Temperance Sermon, 1873. — "Abominations of Mod- ern Society," 1872, 1876. — "Shots at Targets. "^"Night Side of New York," 1878. — "The Battle of Bread." — "Orange Blossoms Frosted." — "As the Stars, Forever" : in "Pulpit Eloquence, 19th Centur\'." — Volumes of Ser- THE MINISTRY 519 mons, four series, 1872-5. — "The Brooklyn Tabernacle," a collection of 104 Sermons, 1884. In all, 20 volumes of selected sermons. There are fifty books, or more, published under his name, but most of these are pirated from his "Works" and unauthorized. His sermons were published weekly for thirty or more years, without missing a single week; and tiirough syndicates, for many years, were published in 3.600 different papers, reaching about twenty millions of persons weekly. They have also been translated into most of the European and into many of the Asiatic languages. Talman. L. A., b. Spring Valley, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1890. Cornell Univ. 1912, N.B.S. 1916, 1. by CI. Paramus. Missionary to China, 1916 Tanis, Herman, b. Ondorp, Neth., Aug. 30, 1871. Marysville Col. 1900, N.B.S. 1903, 1. by CI. Paramus 1903. Koster, 111., 1904-05, Dalton, 111., 1905-08, Randolph, 2d., Wis., 1908-11, Grand View, S.D., 1911-14, Pat- erson, N.J.. ist (Hoi.), 1914-16, d. Sept. 16. Min. Gen. Syn., 1917, 254. Tarbell. John Grosvenor. b. at Brimfield, Mass., 1794; Harvard Univ. 1820, N.B.S. 25, 1. CI. N.B. ; ord. CI. Bergen, 27; Miss, to Montville, 26, to Berne, 26. Stone House Plains, 27-8, Sand Beach, 30-2, Caroline, 32-40, Missionary in Central Michigan, 184C-1880, d. See Manual, 1902. Tasschemaker, Tassemaker. see Tesschemaeker. Taylor, Andrew Brown, b. in Philadelphia, Dec. 28, 1813; R.C. 39, N.B.S. 42, 1. CI. Philadelphia ; supplied Allegan, 42-43, supplied Grand Rapids, 43-48, Macon and Ridgeway, 48-52, (also supplied Congreg. Ch. at Raisin), Irvington, 52-55, English Neighborhood, 1855-92. Emeritus. Died Mar. 12, 1895. He did pioneer work among the Holland element in Michigan and a flour- ishing church at Grand Rapids was the result. In English Neighborhood beside his long and successful pastorate he con- ducted a school. See Manual. 1902. Taylor, Bcnj. C. (son-in-law of Rev. J. V. C. Romeyn), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 24, 1801 ; C.N.J. 19. N.B.S. 22, 1. CI. N.B.; Greenbush and Blooming Grove, 22-5, Aquackanonck, 25-8, Bergen, 28-1870. — Elected a trustee of R.C. 1857. S.T.D. by Hobart Coll. Geneva, 1843. Emeri- tus, 1870. Died Feb. 2, 1881. He was sent to the famous school of Dr. Finley, at Basking Ridge, N.J. While there, a wonderful revival swept over the community, and he, with many others, was converted. Ten of those converts became ministers of the Gospel. His great work was done at Bergen, where he preached, with hardly an interruption, for forty-two years, when he was declared Pastor Emeritus; init his ministry there must be reckoned at fifty-two and a half years, and his entire ministry at almost sixty years. He kept an accurate journal, which shows that he officiated at about 8,400 services, including funerals, in his Bergen charge, that he solemnized 541 marriages; baptized 1,052 infants and adults; and received into the communion of that church, in all, 836 persons. He followed the dead of five generations to the grave. He was pre-eminently a Bible Christian. In the Classis he was the acknowledged authority as to all ecclesiastical usages. His voice decided debate. See "In Memoriam" of Rev. Dr. B. C. Taylor. Manual, 1902. PuBLicATioxs: A Sermon at English Neighborhood, N.J., before the Education Soc. of CI. Bergen. 1828. — "The School of the Prophets": a Ser. before Bd. of Sups. 1839. Appendix contains a catalogue of the stu- dents, N.B.S., 1810-1839.— "Annals of the Classis and Township of Ber- gen." i2mo, pp. 479. 1856.— "A Disc, at 200th Anniv. of R.P.D.C. of Ber- gen. N.J." 1861.— Fun. Ser. of Capt. Wm. H. Cochrane. 1864.— -"Manual of R.P.D.C. of Bergen." 1867.— Address at Fun. of Mrs. Sarah A. Birch. 1869. Taylor, Charles F. Presbyterian. Herkimer, N.Y., 1905-08. Congrega- tional. 520 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Taylor, George Ira, b. Northumberland, N.Y., Aug. 25, 1823; IJ.C. 43, U.T.S. 44-7; lie. Presb. N.Y., Oct. 47; (ord. Presb. Troy, 49; S.S. Schroon and W. Moriah, N.Y., 48-9; Sandy Hill, N.Y., 49-51; Charl- ton, N.Y., 52-4, S.S., Winchester, Miss., 54-6, S.S., Lawrenceburgh, Ind., 56-65, S.S., Middletown, O., 65-7, Malta, N.Y., 68-74) ; Watervliet, (Boght), N.Y., 1874-91, w. c. d. Oct. 12, 1905. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 606. Taylor, Graham (s. of W. J. R. Tavlor), b. at Schenectady, N.Y., May 2, 1851; R.C. 70, N.B.S. 73, 1. CI. Newark; Hopewell, 73-80, (Hart- ford, Ct., 4th Cong., 80-92, Professor of Practical Theology, Hartford Theolog. Sem. 88-92, Prof, of Sociology in Chicago Congregational Sem., 1892 ). Also Founder and Resident Warden of Commons Social Settlement, 140 N. Union St., Chicago, 1893 . Lecturer, Univ. of Chicago. Director, Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Associate Editor of the Survey. D.D., R.C, 1888. LL.D., 111. Col., 1897. Publications : "The Practical Training Needed for the Mmistry of To-day." 1888. (Taylor, Hutchins. S.S., Chittenango, Nov. i, 1828-May 9, 30). Taylor, Livingston Ludlow (son of W. J. R. Tavlor), b. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 16, i860; R.C. 81, N.B.S. 84, 1. CI. Newark. 84; assistant pastor. Middle Collegiate Ch., N.Y.C., 84-7; ord. by CI. Orange, 87; Port Jervis. 87-91, (ist Presbyt., Colorado Springs, Col., 91-4, Plymouth Congreg., Cleveland. O., 1894-1900, Puritan Congreg., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1901-1907. (Canandaigua, Congregational, ist, 1907. Trustee R.C, 1907. Taylor, Wesley. R.C. 1847, N.B.S. 1850, 1. CI. Paramus, 1850; Samson- ville, 1851-2, North Esopus and Kleyn Esopus, 1853-4, 1858, susp. Taylor, William J. R. (s. of B. C Taylor), b. at Schodac. N.Y., July 21, 1823; R.C. 41, N.B.S. 44, 1. CI. Bergen; New Durham, 44-6, Van Vorst 1st (Jersey City, 2d), 46-9, Schenectady, 49-52, Jersey City, 3d, 52-4, Philadelphia, 3d, 54-62, Cor. Sec. Am. Bible Soc, 62-9, Newark, (Clinton Av.), 69-90, Cor. Sec. Am. Sabbath Union, 90-1, d. Nov. 12. D.D. by R.C, i860. Pres. Gen. Svnod, 1871. Editor of "Ch. Int.," 1872- 6. Trustee of R.C, 1878-91. His theological, as well as his literary course of preparation for the min- istry, was pursued with conscientious fidelity ; but he had special fitness for his sacred work, which neither the college nor the seminary could fully supply in that religious training which he had received in his home, the benefit of which was enjoyed through all the vears of his ministerial life. In 1862 Dr. Taylor had resigned his pastorate in Philadelphia to accept the office of Corresponding Secretary of the American Bible Society, which he held for seven years. Part of that time the mingled storms of civil war and political strife were sweeping over our divided country, and its riational institutions of benevolence and even the churches were rent asunder. But the American Bible Society found its pathway open to every camp and battle-field. Its agents went everywhere, carrying the word of God to the soldiers of both armies, welcomed alike by the blue and the gray. An important part of the management by which the Society was enabled to accomplish its work so successfully was due to the wisdom of Dr. Taylor. His official services as Corresponding Secretary were highly appreciated, and at the time of his retirement in 1869 the managers placed upon record the most unqualified expressions of their regard, and espe- cially of their high estimate of the value of his services during the Civil War. and at its close in adjusting the disturbed relations of the Society with the Southern States. The most fruitful period of his ministry, in the maturity of his powers, was as the pastor of the Clinton Avenue Reformed Church, of Newark. THE MINISTRY 5-^ Here, for the third time, he was called to take charge of a new organiza- tion, and in this interesting field he spent twent}' years, gathering the fruits of an earnest ministry and a faithful pastorate, which left their im- pression upon the community in which he lived. Besides the duties of his own parish, which were enough for one man, he was called upon for a share of that work which every minister in a large city finds outside of parochial bounds, in the evangelization of the masses, and in efforts for reform in its highest sense. He had taken a special interest for the better observance of the Lord's Day, and had contributed the influence of his voice and pen. As one of the corresponding secretaries of the American Sabbath Union he was very successful. He was also devoted to various benevolent activities and was of great aid in the larger work of the Denomination. His service on important committees of the General Synod was of the highest value. PiBLicwTioxs : He wrote many articles for the press, published sermons, discourses, tracts, etc. For a list see Manual, 1902. Tavlor, Wm. Rivers (son of Wm. J. R. Taylor), b. Philadelphia, Pa., " Sept. 28, 1856; R.C. 76, N.B.S. 79, lie. CI. Newark; Franklin Park, 1879-84, Philadelphia, ist, 84-8, (Presbyt., Rochester (Brick ch.), N.Y., 1888 ). Director of Auburn Seminary. D.D. by University of Rochester, 1891. Publications: Sermons and Addresses. — Articles for the Religious Press. — Address at 175th Anniversary of Six Mile Run Church. In "Mem- orial." Tears, Egbert, b. Montgomery, N.Y., March 22, 1856. R.C. 1878, N.B.S. Died Jan. 27, 1880. Teeuwissen, W. S.S., Chicago, Northwestern, 1916-17. Te Grootenhuis, Dirk, J., b. Neth., Aug. 20, 1834. Theo. Sem., Kampen, 1866. Five pastorates in the Netherlands. Hospers, la., 1895-9, d. Jan. 3, 1910. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1910, 831. Te Grootenhuis, John H. E., b. Haarlem, Neths., May*29, 1873 ; Gymnas- ium of Kampen, Neths.; W.S. 98, 1. CI. Iowa; Ebenezer, at Morrison, 111., 98-1903, Muskegon, Mich., 3d, 1903-05, Detroit, Mich., 1905-10, Coopersville, Mich., S.S., 1909, Bethel, Leota, Minn., 1910-15, Clifton, 1st (Ho!.), N.J., 1915-19, Chicago, 111., Summit, 1910 Teichrich, Henry. Delaware (Lennox), S.D.. 1894-7, living at Pasadena, Cal. Presbvterian 191 1. Tekolste, Gerardus, b. Holland, Neb., Nov. 8, 1876. H.C. 1899, W.T.S. 1902, 1. by CI. la. Holland, Alich., Ebenezer, 1902-03, d. Feb. 27. Min. Gen. Syn., 1903, 527. Teller, Henry W., b. at Croton Falls, N.Y., July 16, 1843; R.C; P.S.; (Presb. chs. ; Essex, Ct. ; Sprinefield, N.J.; Cambridge, N.Y.) ; Pomp- ton Plains, N.J., 1885-July 2, 1891, d. See Manual, 1902. Teller, Jas. H., from Pres. of Washington. Miss, in Ludlow and Orchard Sts., N.Y.C., 1826-9. d. 1830. Tellman, Henry E., b. Ovcrisel, Mich., Sept. 16, 1876. H.C. 1901, W.T.S. 1906, 1. by CI. Holland, 1906. East Overisel, Mich., 1906-11, Pultney- ville, N.Y., 191 1-20, Palmyra, N.Y.. 1920 ■ Ten Eyck, Conrad, b. 1756; studied under D. Romeyn ; Amsterdam, New Harlem, (Fonda's Bush), and Alayfield, 1799-1803: Veddersburg, New Harlem, and Mayfield, 1803-4; New Harlem and Mayficld, 1804-12; Owasco and Sand Beach. (Owasco Outlet). 12-26; w. c. 26-44, d. Oct. 30, 1844. He was for more than half a century an earnest and godly minister, of high repute in his own Church, and greatly esteemed by his Presbyterian brethren, especially in that region, with whom, in doctrinal views and meas- ures for promoting the work of God, he was in such close sympathy." — Rev. Dr. J. B. Thompson. "Doc. Hist., N.Y., 4to ed. pp. 673, 683. See Manuals of 1879 and 1902. 522 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Ten Eyck, Jas. B., b. at Kingston, N.Y., 1798; U.C. 1818, N.B.S. 21, lie. CI. N.B.; Berea, 1821-72, d. April 20. He was for half a century a methodical, faithful pastor upon one field. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Translation of "Original Records of R.D.C. of Deer Park (Port Jervis)." 1879. Ten Eyck, Wm. Hoffman, b. at Schenectady, N.Y., May 19, 1818 ; R.C. 1845, N.B.S. 1848, lie. CI. N.B.; Hyde Park, 1848-53, Astoria, 1853-73, d. April 25, 1908. D.D. by R.C, 1870. Stated Clerk of North Classis L.I., 1864-1905. Permanent Clerk of Gen. Synod, 1871-1907. Member of Board of Ed., 1859-1908. Cor. Delegate to Ger. Ref. Ch., 1871 ; to Gen. Council, Refd. Epis. Ch. 1879. Dr. Ten Eyck's service in the pastorate was worthy but his especial activity in the denomination was during his long period without charge. Through all those years his secretarial and executive service of the Reformed Church was such as to win the highest praise. Min. Gen. Syn., 1908, 236. Publications: Address at Fun. of Judge R. H. Morris. 1855. — Add. at Fun. of Mrs. Mary V. A. S. Benner. 1867.— Add. at Fun. of Wm. B. Bolles, 1885. — Pamphlet on "Scriptural Temperance," 1885. — Many articles in "Christian Intelligencer" and in secular papers. Te Paske, Arend J., b. Nov. 21. 1887, Orange City, la. H.C. 1910, W.T.S. 1913, 1. by CI. la. 1913. Pella, la., Bethel, 1913-16, Grand Rapids. Mich., Bethel, 1917-20, Marion, N.Y., ist, 1920 Te Paske, John W., b. Aalten, Neth., Dec. 25, 1857. H.C. 1893, W.S. 96, 1. CI. la. Classical Missionary, CI. of Iowa, 1896-1901. Serving Silver Creek and Friesland, Minn.. 96-8, Silver Creek, 1898-1901. Also supply at Maple Lake. 1898-9, Little Falls, N.J.. 2d, 1901-06, New York Mills, N.Y., 1906-08, Dolton, 111., 1909-12, Beaverdam, Mich., 1913-17, Three Oaks, Mich., 1918 Publications : Articles in De Hope. Terborg, J. E. PSkin, 2d, 111., 1883-9. Terhune, C. Alexander, b. Ulster Co., N.Y. University of N.Y. Maine M.E. Conference Sem. Course 1907, 1. by M.E. Church 1898. (M.E. pastorates 1898-1913. Presbyterian). Jersey City, Park Church, 1919 . Publications: Sermons, material for Homiletic Monthly. Terhune, Edward P., b. in New Brunswick, N.J., Nov. 22, 1830; R.C. 50, N.B.S. 54, lie' Presbyt. N.B., June, 55; ord. by Presbyt. West Han- over, Va., 55; (Charlotte Court House, Presbyt., 55-9), Newark, ist, 59-76, Chaplain at Rome, Italy. 76-7, (Springfield, Mass., Cong. Ch., 79-84), Williamsburg, L.I., 84-91, (Brooklvn, Puritan Cong Ch., 91-5), d. May 25, 1907. D.D. by R.C, 1869. Terhune, John A., b. Dec. 24. 1865. P.C 1889, P.S. 1892. 1. by Pres. of N.B. (Pres. Huyhsonsville. N.Y., 1893-1901, Millerton, N.J., 1901-12). S.S., Hohokus, N.J., 1913-17, Upper Ridgewood Community, 1917 Terkeurst, Hcnrv Darwin, b. Hamilton, Alich. H.C 1914, Univ. 111. 1915, W.T.S 1918. 1. by CI. Holland. Milwaukee, Wis., 1918 ■ Ter Louw, John Samuel, b. Pella. la., Nov. 11. 1889. Central Col. 1916, W.T.S. 191Q, 1. bv CI. Pella. Hamilton. Mich., 1919-21. Terrill, Lewis H. N.B.S. 1832-4. Terwilliger, Floyd E., b. Dwaarkill, N.Y., Aug. 25, 1885. N.B.S. 1914. S.S. Kerhonksen, N.Y., 1913-16. S.S., Wawarsing, 1915. Not ordained. Terry. Roderick, b. Brooklyn. N.Y.. Ap. i. 1849; Y.C 70, And. Th. Sem. 72, U.T.S. 75; ord. bv Presb. Westchester. Nov. 9, 75; (Peekskill, N.Y., 75-9), N.Y. Citv, South, 1881-1904. D.D. by C.N.J., 1881. Te Selle, John Wm., b. Oostburg. Wis.. Jan. 31, 1867; H.C. 94. W.S. 97, 1. CI. la. ; Carmel, la., 97-1900, Hospers, 1900-1905, North Yakima, Wash., 1905-06, Fruitlands Mesa, Col., S.S., 1911 Tesschenmaeker, Peter, University of Utrecht, i67i-(3?), supplying King- THE MINISTRY 5^3 ston. 1675-6; Guiana, S.A.. 1676-8. supplying Kingston, again, Ap.Sept., 1678 New Amstcl, Del., 1679-82, also supplying Staten Island, Bergen, etc.. occasionally. 1679-82, Schenectady, 1682-91 ; but supplying Hacken- sacic 1686-7. Massacred bv the Indians, F"eb. 8, 1690. , , • 1 Tesschenmaeker was living at Kingston, N.Y., in 1676 as a theological licentiate. On account of the great scarcity of Dutch ministers, only one having come from Holland during the preceding twelve years (Van Nieuwonhuvsen). and onlv three lieing then in America, the Dtuch and EniSSIS OF .\M STF-KD.^M. Final Examination of Rc7\ Peter Tcsschcinihikcr in Nczv Ncthcrland. 1680, Jan. 29. A letter from New Netherland was read by the Deputies ad res Maritimas, in which it is made known that the ministers there, by order of the Governor (Andros), had subjected to final examination, after the manner of a Classical Assembly, and ordained to the ministry, the candidate. Rev. Peter Tesschenmaker. who had been called as minister to the South River. It was resolved that the Rev. Deputati aforesaid shall write to them, that this Assembly is pleased to be satisfied with their labors in this i)articular in.stance, and give them thanks for their account thereof. They recommend to them, however, the praiseworthy corre- spondence with this Rev. Classis. and the maintenance of that good order customary in the churches of the Fatherland, vii. 223. xix. 196. The following letter was sent in reply : 528 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1680, April 2. The Classis of Amsterdam to the Dutch Ministers in America, xxvii. 137. Most Worthy and Reverend Bethren and Co-laborers : — Having further considered the occurrence of the appointment of the Rev. Tesschenmaker as pastor on the South River, we cannot judge otherwise than that your Reverences have acted legally, wisely and well in that mat- ter, even as the present need and service of the church demanded. We cordially and fully assent to all that was done, and gratefully acknowl- edge that the same has been communicated to us so circumstantially, clearly and with so well-cut a quill. We heartily desire that the com- mendable correspondence may continue, and that all the excellent orders, customary in our Fatherland churches, may be fully observed, unto greater unity and the best interests of God's Church. Herewith, Reverend Brethren, we desire the blessing of the Most High upon your services, yourselves and your families. May he spare you, with health of soul and body, to the increase of his dearly bought church, and to the glory of His great Name; while we remain, Your Reverences, Obedient and Affectionate Brethren and Fellow-La- borers, of the Classis of Amsterdam. In the name of all : Peter Schaack, Dep. ad res Maritimas, p. t. Prseses. Zegerus van Zan, Collegii Dep. ad res Maritimas, p. t. Scriba. A. WOLPHUS DUCHER, Dep.* ad res Maritimas. Amsterdam, April 2, 1680. The relations of Domine Tesschenmaeker and the church of South River, largely owing to the difficulties of a frontier settlement, were not so pleasant as might be desired. In two or three years he earnestly sought another settlement, preaching on Staten Island, at Hackensack, Bergen, and elsewhere, and finally settled at Schenectady in 1682. Nine years later he was one of the victims of the terrible Indian massacre there. The French were seeking to gain control of the Indian trade, and had carefully planned the capture of Albany and New York from the English, the year before. The plan was not wholly carried out, but a party of French and Indians left Montreal, and proceeding by the way of Lake Champlain, intended to attack Albany. But the Indian chiefs not con- senting, they turned off toward Schenectady. They gave orders that Tess- chenmaeker's life should be spared, on account of the information they could obtain from him. But his house was not known, and before he could be personally recognized, he was slain, and his house and papers burned. His head was cloven open, and his body burned to the shoulder-blades. This took place on a Saturday night at midnight. Sixty persons lost their lives — "N. Y. Gen. Entries." xxxii. 61. "Doc. Hist.," i. 179-195; iii. 583. "Col. Hist.," iii. 458; v. 458; ix. 468. "Broadhead's N.Y.," ii. "R.D.C. Mag.," ii. 328 "Smith's N.Y.," 66, 116, 125. "Centen. Discs.," 50. "Dan- ker and Sluyter's Journal," iii, 142, 160, 190, 222. See many documents and letters in Ecc. Records of State of New York, Manual, 1902. Tetard, Jean Pierre (French Refd.), b. in Switzerland, 1722; (Charles- ton, S.C., 1758-64, in the Huguenot Ch. there) ; supplied the French Ch., N.Y.C., 1764-6, Fordham and New Rochelle, frequently, 1766- 75 ; appointed French interpreter on Gen. Schuyler's staff, and chap- lain to the N.Y. forces, with major's pay, July 6, 1775 — going to Canada; Professor of French in Columbia College, 1783-7, d. He was the last minister in the old Dutch meeting-house at Fordham, which was built 1706. — "Doc. Hist.," iii. 315. "Watson's Huguenots," 87, 88. "Waldron's Fordham." See also "Collections of the Huguenot So- ciety." Teves, John, b. Harlingen, Holland, March 7, 1854. Univ. Utrecht 1875. THE MINISTRY 529 Served churches in the Netherlands. Rec'd from Ref. Ch. of Nether- land, 1908. N.Y. Mills, 1909-10, S.S., Holland, Mich., Gilderland, 1911- 12, d. July 23. 1913. Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 251. Te Wmkel, John William, b. at \V inter swyck, Neths., Feb. 12, 1836; H.C. 66, W.S. 69, lie. CI. Holland; Oostburg, Wis., 69-71, Holland, Neb., 71-5, Abbe Church, Clymer Village, 75-6, Kalamazoo, ist, 76-82. East Williamson, 82-6, Alto, Wis., 86-8, Fulton, 111., 88-95, Grand Rapids, 9th, 95-9, Muscatine, la., 99-1901, d. Nov. 6. He came to America in 1854 with his parents, who settled at Clymer, N.Y. He was among the first students of Holland Academy, Hope Col- lege and the Western Seminary. He was the pioneer Dutch pastor at Hol- land, Neb., and through his efforts many were induced to settle there, whereby a Reformed Church was soon established. For a while, many of the new settlers were obliged to live in "Dug-outs," and experienced many of the privations and discomforts of early life on the prairies; but through the efficient leadership of their pastor, a substantial church and parsonage were erected, and the congregation is now strong- and flourishing. He was an acceptable preacher, and richly blessed in all his pastorates. He was one of the special friends of Missions. He loved the young especially, and was always a consistent and enthusiastic servant of Christ. Publications : A frequent contributor to the "Volksvriend" under the nom de plume of "Clericus." Thatcher, Chs. O., b. Amsterdam, N.Y. 1842; U.C. 64. P.S. 67; Chit- tenango, 80-7. Other details, see "P. Sem. Cat." Theilken, John G., b. in Germany, H.C. 1896, W.S. 99; 1- by CI. P.P. Wellsburg, la. 1899-1908, Belmond, la., Emmanuel, 1908-09., Aleservey, la., S.S. 1909, \\'ellsburg, la., 1910-14. Forreston, 111., 1914 — Thena, Robert, b. Feb. 7, 1886; Philadelphia, Pa., Ursinus Col., Mc Cormick Sem., 1918, 1. by Gl. St. Joseph Ref. Ch. U.S. (Plymouth, Ind., Ref. Ch. U.S. 1919-21), Brooklyn, Kent St., 1921 — Thomas, Eugene Ellis, b. North Attleboro', Mass. Jan. 7, 1851 ; Brown University, 70, Newton Theolog. Inst. TZ \ lie. by Baptist Ch., N. Attle- boro, 70; ord. by Merrimack River Assoc, "/i; (North Tewksbury, Mass. 73-6, Woonsocket, R. I. 76-84, Newbiiryport, IMass. 84-8, Nyack, N.Y., Feb., 88-Nov. 89: all Baptist chs.), Tarrytown, 2d, N.Y., 89-94, Castleton, N.Y., 1894 — 1904, Dec. 5. Also chaplain Mass. State Almhouse, 73-6 ; chairman of Bd. of Educa- tion, Tewksbury, Mass. 74-6; superintendent of Public Schools, W^oon- socket, R.I. 80-4; member of R.I. House of Representatives, 80-2, and au- thor of law for apportionment of Senators and Representatives in that State. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1905, 285. Publications: "Biographical Cj-c. of Rhode Island," 1881. "Brown University Hist. Catalog.," 1884. "Gen. Cat. of Newton Theolog. Sem.," 1899. Author of "Future Punishment," 1878. "Woonsocket, R.I., School Reports," 1880-4. Ed. of "Woonsocket Patriot," daily and weekly editions, 1879-81. Thomas, Moses, b. BarrvviUe, N.Y. 1845, Wms. Coll. 67, U.S. 69; Fish- kill, 1881-8. Other details, sec "U. Sem. Gen. Cat." Thompson, Abram (brother of John B. Thompson), b. Readington, N.J., 1833; R.C. 57, N.B.S. 61, 1. CI. Philadelphia; Miss, at Pella, la., 62-8, Pella, 2d, 68-71, S.S., Pekin, 111. 71-2. S.S.. Pella, 2d, 72-4, Rector of Rutgers Coll. Grammar School, 74-6, N.Y.C., Knox Memorial Chapel, 77-1886, d. Sept. 18. He united in a rare degree the best qualities of a student and a pastor See Manual 1902. Thompson, Alexander Ramsay, b. in N.Y.C.. Oct. 16, 1822; N.Y.U. 36-8, R.C. 39-40, N.Y.U. 41-2. P.S. 45. lie. 2d Presbyt. of N.Y. ; assist, of Dr. Brodhead. Central Ch. Brooklyn, 45 ; (assist, of Dr. Thos. Ma- cauly, Astor PI. N.Y.C., Presbyt. 45; Morristown, N. J., 4*6-7), Miss. 530 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Bedford, Brooklyn, 47-8, Tompkinsville, 48-51, Stapleton, 51-Q, (S.S. Cong. Ch. Bridgeport, Ct. 59-62), 21st St. N.Y.C. 62-73, N. Brooklyn, 73-84, also Chaplain, N. Eng. Hospital, N.Y.C, 63-5, Chaplain, Roose- velt Hospital, N.Y.C. 73-95, d. Feb. 7. D.D. by N.Y.U. 1866. See Manual 1902. Publications : "Casting Down Imaginations" : a Ser. at the Opening of Gen. Syn. 1874. — "The Points of Similarity between the Struggle for Independence in America and that of our Holland Ancestors." In "Cen- tennial Discs." 1876. — Translations of many early Latin and Greek hymns. (His daughter published a volume of his ballads and hymns). Many contributions to the "S.S. Times." Thompson, D.R. Fort Miller, 1843. Thompson, Elias Wortman, b. Readington, N. J., March 31, 1866; R.C. 89, N.B.S. 92, lie. CI. Raritan ; Philadelphia, Pa., Talmage Memorial Ch. 92-94, Miss, at Havana, 111., 94-95, Philadelphia, ist (Assoc. Pastor), 95-96; Paterson (Broadway), 1896-1904, Missionary Superin- tendent, Okla., 1904-06, Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., 1906 . D.D., H.C., 1916. Chairman Finance Com. Bd. of Education, R.C. A., 1908-12. Pres. of the Bd., 1912-21. Bd., 1912-21. Publications: History of Classis of Paramus, 1901. History of Broad- way Ref. Ch., Paterson, N.J., 1901. History of Ref. Ch., Glen Rock, N.J., 1900. Historical Sketch of the Van Bunschotan Bequest, 1915. Thompson, Henry Post, b. in Readington, N.J., Nov. 30, 1831 ; R.C. 54; N.B.S. 57, 1. CI. ♦Philadelphia ; Peapack, ^~-7i; w. c. Died Oct. 22, 1891. A child of grace, of kindly disposition, correct and faithful as a youth and a man, an acceptable teacher and a diligent student, he endeared him- self to all his associates. Of excellent judgment, 'as well as of business qualifications, he was the counsellor and friend of his people, who con- sulted him in all their affairs. He wrote their deeds and their wills, and advised them with reference to the things of this life while doing also all the work of a pastor among them. It was a great grief to him, as well as to them, when an affection of the spinal cord so disabled him from active service that he was obliged to resign his charge. Returning to his father's house at Readington, he dwelt among his own kin until he entered into rest. See Manual 1902. PuBLic.iiTiONS : A sermon in memoriam, Abraham Lincoln, 1866. — Funeral sermon of Rev. Dr. John Van Liew, 1869. — "Lessons on the Gos- pel," in "S.S. Times," July-Dec, 1871 — "Incidents of Christian Work," 1876. — -"History of the Reformed Church of Peapack," 1881. — "History of the Reformed Church of Readington," 1882. — "History of the Reformed Church of Bedminster," 1884. — Many contributions to "The Sower," "Christian at Work," "Advance," "Occident," and New Jersey papers. Thompson. John Bodine, b. in Readington, N.J., Oct. 14. 1830: R.C. 51, , teacher, and agent of N.J. Teacher's Assoc. 51-7, N.B.S. 58, lie. CI. Philadelphia ; Resident Graduate, 58-9 ; Metuchen, 59-66, Tarrytown, 1st, 66-9, Saugerties, 69-71, (Free Church, Italy, 71-3), Peekskill and Courtlandtown. 73-4, Catskill, 74-84. (ist Presbyt. Ch. Berkeley, Cal. 84-8 ; also Professor in Theolog. Sem., San Francisco, and editor of "Occident" of that city; Inverness, Cal. 89, S.S. of churches in Tren- ton, 90-1), Highland Park, 91-6, w. c. d. Sept. 4, 1907. He was prominent in the Educational Revival in New Jersey, which began about 1850. During three years he traveled throughout the State, holding Teachers' Institutes and pleading in behalf of Normal Schools. He was made Chairman of the Synod's Committee to provide Hymn Books for public and social worship, and the book thus prepared, called "Chris- tian Praise," has had a very large circulation throughout the churches. He spent two years, 187 1-3, in Italy, and cast in his lot with the new evangeli- THE MINISTRY 531 cal church (Chicsu Libera Italiana) which was then arising, and of which the famous orator, Altssandro Gavazzi, was the principal evangehst. With him he twice made the tour of the United States, visiting churches in almost every State of the Union. By these efforts, about $50,000 were raised for evangelical work in Italy. Declining an invitation of the Board of Foreign Missions to take a professionship in Japan, he entered on his pas- torate at Catskill, where his most effective ministerial work was done. While serving the Berkeley Church in California, he was, for a time, the editor of "The Occident," the Presbyterian paper of the Pacific coast, and also a professor in the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of San Fran- cisco. In 1888-9 he again visited Italy, and upon returning to California, he spent a year in laying out and establishing the Presbyterian Summer Resort at Inverness, a name given to it by Dr. Thompson. He was long an earnest student of Philosophy, and in his sermons and addresses endeav- ored to present old truths in their proper relations to new facts. He was an advocate of the restatement of Christian doctrine on a trinitarian plan. — See also Dr. AI. Cohen Stuart's "Zes Maanden in Amerika," Vol. ii. pp. 66-74; and Dr. David Murray's "Hist, of Education in New Jersey," pages 107-198. Publication's : Church Manual (Liturgy and Record ist Ch. Tarry- town. 1867; 2d. Bd. enlarged for Ch. at New Haven, 1868; Asst. Editor Hymn of Prayer and Praise, 1870; Asst. Editor Christian Praise, 1870, Lessons on the Gospels 1870-71, Asst Editor Christian Praise for Baptist Ch. 1872., also many sermons, addresses, articles. See Manual, 1902. Thompson, John Henry (son of Abram Thompson), b. at Pella, la., Feb. 20, 1873; R.C. 94; N.B.S. 94-95, U.T.S. 95-97, assist, pastor, Presb. Irvington, N.Y. 1896-7. B.D. by U.T.S. 1897. In business. Thompson, William, b. June i, 1813; R.C. 41; N.B.S. 44; Stone House Plains, 45-46. d. See Alanual of 1879. Thompson. William J., b. in Rcadington, N.J., March 8, 1812; R.C. 34; tutor in Ancient Langs, in R.C. 38-41 ; N.B.S. 41 ; Ponds and Wyckoff, 42-5; Rector of R.C. Grammar School, 46-62; Principal of Classical Institute. Somcrville, N.J., 65-67, d. March 19. He was a born teacher. He knew how to translate crabbed mathematical problems into a species of epic eloquence ; to make Latin and Greek texts disclose the honeyed sweetness of Hymettus, while Plato's bees seemed to repose as at home upon his lips, when with his fervent and never-flagging enthusiasm he commended to his pupils some striking beauties in the pages of classic writers. The boys who loved books and hard study found in him a friend and benefactor, who aroused them to diligence in their studies, not by promising them that they were to be Presidents, Governors, or Senators, but by awakening in them a hunger and thirst for the higher orders of knowledge. See Dr. David Murray's "Hist, of Education in N.J.," pages 130-1. Manual, 1902. Thoms, J. F., 1875. Thomson. Frederick Bordine. b. at New Brunswick, N. J.. Nov. 5. 1809; R.C. 1831: N.B.S. 1834; Upper Red Hook. 1834-36; Agt. Bd. of Miss. 1^36-37; S.S. at Holmdel. 1837-8; Missionary in the East; Singapore, 1838-9. Batavia, Java, Oct. 2, 1839-41 ; Karagan, Borneo, Feb. 4, 1842-6; at Berne, Switzerland, 1847-8, d. March 3. While quite young, he became religiously impressed ; and when more matured, these feelings were so quickened under the preaching of the Rev. Isaac Ferris, as to encourage a formal profession of faith, which was car- ried into effect when the Rev. James B. Hardenbergh assumed the pas- torate of the 1st Ref. Ch. of New Brunswick. In his address at the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of that church. Dr. Ferris says: "After my ministry terminated, it overwhelmed me to hear from the i)recious man 532 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA and devoted missionary, Frederick B. Thomson, that the word of my Hps had been made the word of Hfe to his soul." His mental aptitude, displayed at catechetical exercises, so won the at- tention of Dr. Hardenbergh, that he persuaded young Thomson to direct his attention to the ministry. In college, his scholarship secured the Latin salutatory. While in the seminary, the subject of missions greatly engaged his attention ; and subsequent years so confirmed his convictions of duty in the m.atter, that a pleasant ministerial charge was resigned, in order to enter upon his great life-work. The financial embarrassment of 1837 so affected th; missionary enter- prises of the day, that after his acceptance by the Board, his departure was delayed nearly two years. This time, however, was employed in min- isterial labors at Holmdel, N.J., and in exciting a missionary interest in the churches by personal visitations. The long interval which passed be- tween, the landing at Singapore, and the final settlement at Karangan, was employed in complying with the requisition of a year's residence at Batavia, imposed by the government of Netherland India upon all our missionaries who contemplated laboring in districts subject to the juris- diction of Holland, and in explorations in Borneo, with a view of ascer- taining the most suitable location for the proposed mission. During the compulsory residence at Batavia, he experienced the first of his many afiflications, in the death of his devoted wife — daughter of Nicholas Wyckoflf, of New Brunswick — "who left behind her," says a late writer, "a savor of meek, unobtrusive piaty, and an example of Christian energy and efficiency which finds but few equals at the present day." In the settlement at Karangan, in company with Youngblood and Steele, he went forth to the labors, the joys, and the sacrifices of a missionary career. While here died his second wife, Emma Cecilia Combe, "a most estimable Swiss lady, of eminent piety, who was sent forth to labor in the East, by the Female Missionary Society of Geneva." The incessant labors of Mr. Thomson gradually impaired his health, and in one of his missionary tours he first discovered symptoms of the dis- ease which finally ended his life. His weakening strength, as well as the necessities of his motherless children, required a visit to America by w-ay of Europe. During the passage, his disease rapidly developed, and not long after his arrival at Berne he died, in the 39th year of his age. His sepulchre lies in the shadow of the Alps, marked with a plain marble tab- let, although it was his heart's desire that Borneo should hold his ashes. Says he : "Here would I die, and here be buried in view of the people, that they might never forget that a teacher had been am.ong them." See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Dyak Hymn Book" (the first printed book in the lan- guage). 1844. — "Brown's Catechism" (in Dyak). 1845. — MS. Works: Gos- pel according to Matthew (in Dyak). 1845; Genesis, chaps, t-xx. (in Dyak), 1845. "The Economy of Missions," and an Essay entitled, "Shall the Borneo Mission be Sustained?" and his "Journal" in MS. Thomson, John A., b. at New^ Kingston, Delaware Co., N.Y., May 12, 1857 ; R.C. 1884, N.B.S. 87, lie. by CI. N. B. ; Sprakers and Stone Arabia, 87-91, Sprakers and East Palatine, 91-94. Sprakers and Mapletown, 1894-1902. Middlebush, 1902-20, Middletown, N.J. 1921 ., S.S. CI. Montgomery S.C. CI. N.B. Business Manager Somerset Ch. JSiews. Publications : Historical Address in Mapletown Church. Historical Address 75th Anniversary of Middlebush Church. Thomson, J. Claude, (son of Rev. John A. Thomson), b. Sprakers N.Y., April, 18, 1889: R.C. 1910, N.B.S. 1915. 1- by CI. N.B. M.A. Columbia 1916, Missionary in China, 1917, (Teaching University of Nanking under Pres. Ch. Thorman, Eugene Herman, b. Germanv, Aug. 15, 1865; Koln Gymnasium 1844, Edam Sem. 1895, 1. by CI. Pleasant Prairie, (Rockfield), Wis., THE MINISTRY 533 Monroe, S.D., 1897-1903, Baileyville, S.D. 1903-10, Emmanuel, Belmond, la., 1910-17 d. Nov. 3. Thurston, John Albert, b. Pottersville, N.J., Dec. 27, 1868; R.C. 90-9-2, N.B.S. 95, 1. CI. Rantan; New Hurley, 1895-1903. Chicago, Norwood Park, 1904-16. Rochester, N. Y., 2d. 1917-21. Schenectady, N.Y., Bellevue, 1921 — — . D.D. Midland University 1906. Thyne, Joseph B., b. Albany, N.Y., Nov. 20, 1830. U.C. 1858. United Pres. T.S. Xenia O., 1861. Settlements in U.P. and Pres. Ch. School Commissioner, Fulton Co., N.Y., 1883-9- S.S. Glen, N.Y., '88-'94- S.S. Bellevue 97, d. Nov. 18, 1910. Min. Gen. Syn. 191 1, 264. Tietema, John Henry, b. Jan. 7. 1869, Friesland, Neth., Mac Alester Col. 1899, 1. by Pres. Aberdeen, 1899. (Pres. Bcnis, S.D., 1899-1902. Alto, Wis., Calvary, 1902-07). Sheboygan Falls, 1907-11. Randolph 2d., Wis., 1911-14. Springfield, S.D., Emmanuel, 1914-19. Carmel, la., 1919 . Tilton, Edgar, Jr., b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1865; N.Y.U. 1886, N.B.S. 89. 1. CI. N.B.S.; Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn, 89-91, Jamaica, 91-98, Har- lem, N.Y.C., 1898-1911, Harlem, Lenox Ave., 191 1 . D.D., R.C, 1902. Publications: History of the Reformed Low Dutch Church of Harlem. 1910. Tilton, Frank E., b. Keyport, N.J., Aug. 20, 1873. N.B.S. 1896-8. Teacher. Timlow, Heman R. C.N.J. 1852; from Presbyt. Londonderry, Mass.; Rhinebeck, 1859-66, Brighton, S.L, 1866-8, w. c. In 1872, Episcopalian. Publications: A sermon on Death of President Lincoln. 1865. — A series of letters in the "Christian Intelligencer" from Boston, signed "Tre- mont," 1868-70. — "The Saints to be as Angels." In "Pulpit Repertory," i860? Todd, Aug. F. (brother of J. A. Todd), b. at Somerville, N.J., Feb. 11, 1826: R.C. 55, N.B.S. 58, 1. CI. N.B.; Athens, Pa., 58-65, Piermont, 65-71, Boonton, 71-^, Bloomingburgh, 72-6, Wurtsboro, 76-80, Schoharie, 80-4, Bound Brook, 84-86, w. c. d. July 8, 1907. Min. Gen. Syn. 1908. 240. Todd, Harvey Ira., b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,Oct. 2, 1890; R.C, 1915, N.B.S. 1918, 1. by CL Poughkeepsie. Missionary in China, 1918 Todd. John Adams, b. near Somerville, N. J., Nov. 2Z, 1822; R.C. 45, N.B.S. 48, 1. CI. N.B. ; Griggstown, 48-55, Tarrytown, 2d, 55-86, w. c. Died March 15, 1900. He was a man of unusual endowment which was devoleped by continuous study. He was a conspicous success as a minister of the Gospel. He was also eminent in the councils of the denomination. D.D., R.C, 1868. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Memoir of Rev. Dr. Peter Labagh, with notices of R.D.C" i860. (See "Princeton Rev.," i860, p. 571.) — "The Character and Death of Washington Irving." 1859. — "Review of Boardman's Higher Christian Lfie." (See "Princeton Rev.," xxxii. 608-640.) — "The Posture of the Ministers and People of R.C. A. during the Revolution." In "Cen- tennial Discs.," 1876. — Many contributions to periodical literature. Todd. Wm. Newton, b. in N.I., 1844; R.C 71. N.B.S. 74, lie. CI. Raritan ; Dashville Falls, 74-81, Gallatin, 81-5, Saddle River, 1885-92 (Presbvt.) D.D. Toll, John C U.C. 1799, studied under Livingston, 1. CI. Albany, 1801 ; ord. Oct. 9, 1803; Canajoharie, Middletown, Mapletown, Westerlo and Bowman's Kill, 1803-15, Middletown, Westerlo, Sprakers 15-22, suspended, seceded (Westerlo and Middletown, Sec, 22-5, these united churches Avere then called Canajoharie), 25-42. d. 1848. Tomb, J. S. L. (son of Rev. Samuel Tomb, of Sakm, N.Y.), b. 1805, lie. by the Congregationalists ; (Presbyterian), Wynantskill, 1865-72. Died 1883, Apr. 12. See Manual, 1902. 534 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Tomkins, Irving Scott, b. Boonton, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1869; R.C. 1894., N.B.S. 1894-5. Business. Tomkins, William Bishop, b. East Orange, N.J., Dec. 25, 1867; R.C. 1888, N.B.S. 1890-93. Presbyterian, d. March 27, 1904. Torrens, William Renwick, b. New York City., May 15, 1876; In business. I. by Baptist Ass. 1895, (Baptist Phoenicia, N.Y. 1895-8. Presbyterian, Mansfield, Pa.). New Baltimore, N.Y., 1912-17. Buffalo, N.Y., 1917 Tracey, William Henry, b. N.Y.C., Dec. 6, 1858; Aub. Sem. 82; (Dundee, N.Y. (Presbyt.) 83-87), Albany, 87-91, Philadelphia, 2d, 91-95, d. Dec. 20. He received a commercial education, but gave it up for the ministry. His pastorates were all successful. He was a forcible preacher, very de- voted to his calling. It was said by a prominent clergyman at his funeral that he had never known a minister who loved his profession more. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1896, 493. Trimmer, John A. Pompton, 86-90; Episcopalian, at Helmetta, N.J. Troost, Evert., b. Hooglveen, Neth. Free University, Amsterdam, Neth. Pastorates in Holland. Pella, la.. Bethel, 1904. Kalamazoo, Mich., 4th, 1904-16, d. July 7. Min. Gen. Syn. 1917, 250. Trousdale, Otis M'., Newark, N.J., ist, 191 1 . D.D. Tulp, A. P., b. N.Y.C.. May i, 1880; N.B.S. 1904, 1. by CI. N.Y., Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., 1904-07, Newark, N.J., New York Av. 1907-09. Epis- copalian 1909. Turner, Jas. 1863. Turner, Wm. Eaton, b. at'Port Jervis, March 20,1810; R.C. 38, N.B.S. 41, 1. CI. N.B.; Arcadia, 41-48, also Cicero, 45, Roxbury, 50-62, Arcadia, 62-66, Grahamville and S.S. at Upper Neversink, 67-72, Minisink, 72-75, Greenburg. 84-9. Died Jan. 26, 1S93. While at Roxbury, Jay Gould, who was then a young man, attended his church and Sunday-school. In after years when Mr. Turner was obliged to give up active work (through the infirmities of age). Jay Gould pro- vided for his wants by granting him an annual donation. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1893, 893. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C," 1893, 10. Tyndall, C.H., b. Alton, N.Y., July 31. 1857; Wms. Coll. 82, Aub.Sem. 85, 1. Presbyt. Albany, 84; ord. by Presbyt. Lake Superior, 85; (Esca- naba, Mich. (Presb.), 85-9, N.Y.C.. Broome St. Tabernacle, 88-95, Post- Grad. course, N.Y.U., 92-5, Post-Grad., Berlin, Ger., 95-6), Mt. Vernon, 1897-1921. S.S., Yonkers, Miles Square, 1902-11. Lecturer, 1921 . Ph.D., Univ. City of N.Y. D.D., S.T.D., Harriman University. Publications: "The Quickening, Filling and Enduing of the Holy Spirit." — "Object Sermons in Outline." — "Object Lessons for Children." — "Electricity and its Spiritual Similitudes." Articles for the press. Tyndall, Stanley G., b. . Clarksville and New Sharon, 1903-08, Yonkers, Crescent Place, 1912-14, Brooklyn, Greenwood Heights, 1915- 20, Congregational. Tysse,- Gerrit, b. Zaandam, Neths., Jan. 2, 1870; H.C. 94, P.S. 97, 1. CI. Wisconsin; Leighton, la., Ebenezer Ch., 1897-1903, East Williamson, N.Y., 1903-11, North Holland, Mich., 1911-19. Classical Missionary, Classis of Holland, 1919 Uiterwyck, see Utterwick. Underwood, Horace Grant, b. London, England, July 19, 1859 ; N.Y.U. 81, N.B.S. 84, lie. by CI. of Bergen; ord. by CI. of N.B., Nov., 84. Dis- missed to Presbvt. of Tersey Citv, Presbyterian missionarv to Korea, 1884-1916, d. Oct. 12. b.D., Univ. N.Y., 1891^ He grew up with the missionary enterprise in Korea and became one of its great leaders. He was continually busy with hand, tongue and pen. and the Church of Christ in Korea will always have reason to honor the mem- ory of Horace Grant Underwood. THE MINISTRY 535 He was Corresponding Secretary of the Korean Religious Tract Society from its organization; and chairman of the Board of Translators of the Bible into the Korean language. ^ Publications: "Introduction to the Korean Spoken Language. '— 'Dic- tionary of the Korean Language," 1889.— A large numt)er of Tracts in Korean. "The Call of Korea," 1908. "Religions of Eastern Asia." 1910. Unglaui). Henrv, b. Newark, N.J., Nov. 28, 1857; Bloomfield School, ^7, Bloomfield'Sem. 80, lie. Presbyt. Newark; ord. by Presbyt. of Wash- ington, D.C. ; (Aliss. in Washington, D.C., and Providence, R.L, T/- 81) ; Naumberg and New Bremen, 84-8, Callicoon, 1888-1904. Utterwick, Henry, b. Amsterdam, Neths., May 22, 1841 ; R.C. 62, N.B.S. 66, 1. CI. Holland; Holland Ch., N.Y.C., 66-9, Vriesland, 69-72, Hol- land, Mich., 3d, 72-80, (Grand Rapids, 2d Congreg., 80-7, East Canaan, Ct., 1891-1901). Translated the "Amsterdam Correspondence," ob- tained from Holland (in 1897-8). 1901-1907, for Ecc, Rec, N.Y. Con- gregational, Rutherford, N.J.. 1907-17. Supplying churches. Publications: Many articles in the press. Vale, Rov Ewing. b. May 18, 1885; Washington and Tusculum, 1909, P.S. 1912,' 1. by Holston Presbytery 1911, (Presbyterian, ist, Lambert- ville, 1912-13). Somerville. N.J., Raritan 2d. I9I3-I7- (Presbyterian, 2d, Knoxville, Tenn., 1917-21, ist, Oak Park, III., 1921 . Permanent Clerk, N.B. Presbytery. New Era Synodical Chairman, Synod of Ten- nessee). D.D. by Washington and Tusculum, 1917. Van Aken, Alex. G., b. Rhode Hall, N.J., Jan. 17, 1852. R.C. 1873, N.B.S. 76, lie. CI. N.B. Never ordained. Farmer. Van Aken, Enoch, b. Esopus, N.Y.. July 21, 1808; R.C. 30, N.B.S. and P.S. zi, 1. Presb. N.B.; ord. CI. Rensselaer, 34; Kinderhook, 34-5, N.Y.C., Bloomingdale, 35-84; d. Jan, 2, 1885. He was a man of beautiful spirit, a very useful pastor in a difficult city field for half a century. See Manual, 1902. Publications: Many articles in the Intelligencer and elsewhere. See Manual. 1902. Van Aken, Gulick, b. N.Y.C., Ap. 22, 1840; U.N.Y. 62. P.S. 62-3. U.S. 63-4; (Philadelphia, 64-7); Freehold, 67-71; (E. Kingston, 1871-2), d. Oct. 20. Van Allen, Ira. b. Bethlehem, N.Y., June i, 1846; R.C. '/2>' N.B.S. 76, 1. CI. Albany; Rotterdam, 2d. 76-83, S.S., Stuyvesant Falls, 83. Wynant- skill. 83-90, Owasco, 90-92, Mohawk, 82-98, w. c. S.S., Owasco Outlet, 1902 Publications: Contributions to the press. Van Amburgh, Robt., b. Jan. 9, 1809; R.C. 37. N.B.S. 40, 1. CI. Pough- keepsie; Lebanon, 40-8. Fordham, 48-51, (Hughsonville, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 51-3), Lebanon, 53-69, High Bridge, 69-70, w. c. Died March 9, 1890. See "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1890, 195.— "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C, 1890. 13- Van Antwerpen. Andrew Everett, b. Paterson, N.J., March i, 1890. N.B.S. 1918. 1. by CI. Passaic. New Hyde Park, N.Y., 1918-20, West Sayville, L.I., 1920 Van Arendonk, Arthur, b. Fremont, Mich., Oct. 10, 1871 ; H.C. 94, W.S. 97, 1. CI. Dakota; Luctor, Kan., 97-1901, Sheldon. la.. 1901-1904. Classi- cal Missionary, Grand River, Holland and Michigan, 1904-19, S.S., Decatur, Mich., 1916. Financial Secretarv, Central College, 1920 Van Arsdale, Cor. C. R.C. 1828, N.B.S. 31; supplied Brooklyn, Central, 38-40; supplied South Ch., Brooklyn, 40-1, Philadelphia, 1st, 41-9, Greenwich. N.Y.C.. 52-4. d. 1856. D.D. Publications: A Ser. at New Haven, by appointment of the Peace 536 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Society, during the Session of Legislature of Ct, 1834. — "The Christian Patriot" : An oration before the Alumni of R.C. 1837. — "Lessons of Wis- dom for a Mourning People": On Death of Pres. Harrison. 1841. — "A Nation's Glory and Strength": Fast-day, 1841. Van Arsdale, Elias B. (son of N. H. Van Arsdale), b. High Falls, N.Y., Aug. 2, 1869; R.C. 90, N.B.S. 93, 1. CI. Paramus; Farmer (Interlaken), N.i., 1893-1916, North Paterson, N.J., 1916 . On Staff of Chris- tian Intelligencer, 1916-1917. Publications: Editorials and articles in Ch. Int. Van Arsdale, Jacob R. R.C. 1830, N.B.S. 33, 1- CI. N.B.; Berne, 2d, 34-5, Mt. Pleasant (Stanton), 35-50, Tyre, 50-64, w. c. 1864-71, d. Van Arsdale, Nathaniel Hixon, b. at Bound Brook, N.J., April 6, 1838; R.C. 62, N.B.S. 67, 1. CI. N.B. ; Clove, 67-74, Jan. i; Chatham, 74-80, (Batavia, 111. (Cong.), 80-1), Paterson, Broadway, 81-95, Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn, 99-1901, Athenia, N.J., 1901-1909. Served in Civil War, mustered out with rank of ist lieutenant. Member and Chaplain of N.Y. State Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of U.S. Associate Editor and Editor of Int., 18S3-1917. D.D. by R.C, 1889. Publications: "The Contrast": The First Hour and the Last in the Life of Jesus." 1876. — "Hist, of Broadway Ch., Paterson, N.J." — Several Sermons. — Editorials in "Ch. Int." Reports of General Synod, for 25 years with editorials thereon. Van Arsdale, Simeon, b. Northampton, Pa., 1754, studied under Harden- burg, lie. by General Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1782; North Branch (Readington) , 1783-6, d. Few pastors of his day were held in equal esteem. He possessed great power as a preacher, and was untiring in all pastoral service. Of ardent piety, he was also a polished preacher. He received a call from the church in New York, but declined. He was cut off before his ministry had hardly begun. Elected a trustee of Queen's College, 1783. Van Arsdalen, Cornelius C, b. 1806. R.C. '28, N.B.S. 1828-31. S.S., Cen- tral Church, Brooklyn, 1840-41, Philadelphia, ist, 1841-9, Greenwich, N.Y., 1852-4, d. July '2, 1856. D.D. Van Basten, Johannes Vermanus, preached, as a student, Dec. 2 and 23, 1739. at Poughkeepsie ; Jamaica. Success, Oyster Bay and Newtown, 1739-40. See "Riker's Annals of Newtown," 238. Van Benschoten, Wm. B., b. Ap. 15, 1835; R.C. 61, N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. N.B. ; Wyckoff, 65-9, Lebanon, 69-72, Ephratah and Stone Arabia, 72-80, d. June 27. See "Ch. Int.," July 15, 1880. Publication : "Hist. Ch. Wyckoff." In "Bergen Co. Democrat." Van Beverhoudt, Octave, b. St. Thomas. W.I., July 15, 1871 ; c. to U.S. 1891 ; N.B.S. 1901, 1. CI. N.Y. ; Colt's Neck, 1901-1918, d. Aug. 2. Killed by a R.R. train. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1919, 919. Van Blarcom, G. Tyre. 1895-6. Van Bosen, , (possibly the same as Vandenbosch), Kingston, 1691- 3). "Mag. R.D.C.," i. 190. Van Brackle, Henry. R.C. 84, N.B.S. 1884-5, d. June 7- Van Bronkhorst, Alexander, b. Oct. 5, 1887, Forestgrove, Mich. H.C. 1913, W.T.S. 1916, 1. by CI. Holland, 1916. Missionary to Japan. Publications: (Occasional articles on Missionary subjects. Van Brunt. Rutgers, b. N.Y.C., 1820; Hob. C. 40, N.B.S. 48, 1. CI. N.B. ; Albany, 3d, 48-9. supplied Newark. 2d, 49. (Smithtown and Carmel, Presbyt.), 51-7, Waterford, and S.S., Schaghticoke, 57-61, d. Apr. 28, 1863. He was a man of ability and piety. So quiet that he was not fully appre- ciated. See Manual, 1902. Van Bunschooten, Elias, b. at New Hackensack, N.Y., Oct. 26, 1738; C.N.J. 1768, studied theology under Meyer, 1. by Gen. Meeting of Min- THE MINISTRY 537 isters and Elders, 1773; Schaghticoke, 1773-85. Minisink, Alahakcmack and Walpack, 1785-8, Clove. N.J., Minisink, Walpack, W esttown and Mahakemack, 1788-99, Clove, 1799-1812, d. 1815, Jan. 10. (In "M.G S., i. 473, he is said to have taken charge of Clove and W esttown alone, in 1797, but probably an error). Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1783. He was the son of a farmer, Tcunis Van Bunschooten, of Dutchess Co., N.Y. The family consisted of five brothers and three sisters. None of the brothers were married, but the sisters married and furnished many heirs to the family. The estate was twenty years in course of settlement, and amounted to $60,000. The most of Elias' life was spent in the beau- tiful Kittatinnv vallev, which extends from the Delaware to the Hudson. He was installed in his charges here by his friend, Domine Hardenbergh of Raritan. His parochial charge extended to the magnificent length of fifty miles, through which the settlers" axes had forced a few rough horse- tracks. There is a local tradition that a certain deacon who collected his pittance of salary at Minisink, defaulting in payment, mortgaged his farm to the domine as security. After he ceased ministering there, the mortgage w^as foreclosed, and the place -mis ijivcn to the church as a parsonage! The church of Clove was organized in the bounds of his charges in 1787. He removed to that place in 1792. He here enjoyed a precious revival in 1803, in which forty-two were added to the church. But after his death, that church was neglected by his own denomination, and in 1818 became Presbyterian, and is now divided into three churches. Mr. Van Bunschooten selected an admirable farm at the Clove— a glen of great beauty, with bold and forest-clad hills, and rushing mountain streams. Here he built a mill and a commodious residence, and increased in wealth, so that he left a farm of seven hundred acres, and other property, to a favorite nephew, besides his benefactions to the Church. His personal character had a strong tinge of eccentricity. His frugality sometimes displayed itself in the most whim- sical forms. He was temperate in his habits, taciturn and grave, and yet communicative to his friends. The country in which he lived was still wild and unconquered. and the inhabitants were like the land. There was every thing to discourage the minister of Christ. Yet he labored on. and his happy influence there is felt to this day. He preached extemporane- ously, either in Dutch or English. He was clear and distinct in argument, and 'scriptural in matter, and spoke mildly, yet with an earnest and holy unction. But he will be always remembered as the first large benefactor of the Church. He and Dr. Livingston had been born not far from each other, had entered the ministry nearly at the same time, and had always been warm friends. When Dr. Livingston was about to leave the city, and take up his residence at New Brunswick, at great personal sacrifice, he w-rote to his old friend a frank letter, suggesting the propriety of his dedicating a por- tion of his large estate to the cause of education. After several interviews, the matter was decided. He gave $14,640 during his life and increased it to $17,000 by his will, to educate "pious young men, who hope they have a call of God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ." It was entrusted to the care of the trustees of Queen's (now Rutgers) College. By accumula- tion, the fund was allowed to reach the sum of $20,000. Many have been educated for the ministry through his liberality, some of whom have gone to heathen shores. He made himself a perpetual power for good in the Church and in the world. Being dead he yet speaketh. See an admirable sketch of his life in "The New Brunswick Review," 1855. from the pen of Rev. A. W. McClure. "Sprague's Annals." "Mills' Hist. Discs.," 1874, 1878. "Gunn's Livingston," ed. 1856, 395. See also "Centennial N.3. Sem.," p. 371, Corwin's Digest, 770. The provision of Mr. Van Bunschooten's will requesting that the deed of gift be read at each stated meeting of the assemblies of the church was car- ried out for nearly one hundred years. Finally on the advice of competent 538 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA counsel by a unanimous vote of the Synod of IQI", this requirement was changed from obligatory to permissive. Van Buren, B., 1856-61. Van Buren, John Martin, b. Kinderhook, N.Y., Sept. 20, 181 1; U.C. 35, Aub. Sem. s^, 1. Presbyt. of Columbia; (Mt. Morris, 38-9, Cohoes, 39-41, (ord. by CI., Ap. 23, 40), Fultonville, 42-51, New Lots, L.I., 52-72. Died May 12, 1892. He was an earnest and faithful minister and an active worker in the cause of temperance. After giving up his charge at New Lots he devoted his time and the energies of his well trained mind and in writing short, but very interesting, articles for the religious press and temperance journals. His life, from the time he entered the ministry of the Church until its close, was an active and useful life. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1892, 657. Publications: "Gospel Temperance," 1877. Van Buren, Peter. U.C. i8c2, studied under Livingston, lie. 1804; Charles- town, 1st, and Glen, 1804-14, Union Village and Schodack, 14-20. Died 1832. Van Buren, P. H. (s. of J. M. Van Buren), b. at Fultonville, 1846; U.N.Y. 64, N.B.S. 67, 1. S. CI. L.L; called to Freehold, but prevented from settling by sickness, d. July 7, 1868. See Manual of 1879. Van Burk, John, b. Oosterbeek, Neths., Sept. 25, 1863; Oberlin Sem. 91, lie. by Congregationalists, 91 ; engaged in evangelistic work, Holland, 91-3, New Salem and Clarksville (S.S.), 93-4. Johnstown, N.Y., 1894- ' 1902, Athens, N.Y., ist, 1902-06, West New Hempstead, N.Y., 1906-08 Missionary to immigrants, N.Y.C., 1908. Van Buskirk, Peter V., b. at Bayonne, N.J., March 2, 1845; R.C. 1866, N.B.S. 69; lie. S. CI. Bergen; Closter, 1869-87, Gravesend, 87-1912, d. March 9. He was a true son of the Reformed Church but at his funeral not only his own people, but Roman Catholics, Jews and persons of no faith thronged around his coffin. Min. Gen. Syn., 1912, 569. Vance, James Isaac, b. Arcadia, Sullivan Co., Tenn., Sept. 25, 1862; King's College, Bristol, Tenn., 83, Union Th. Sem. at Richmond, Va., 86, lie. by Holston Presb., Syn. of Tenn., 84; ord. by Abingdon Presb., Syn. of Va., 86; (in Southern Presb. Ch., Wythesville, Va., 86, Alexandria, Va., 86-90, Norfolk. Va., 90-4. Nashville, Tenn., 94-1900), Newark, North, 1900-1910. Presbyterian. See sketch in "Am. Cyc. Biog." Publications : "The Young Man Foursquare." — "Church Portals." — "The College of Apostles." — "Royal Manhood." Van Cleef, Cornelius, b. at Harlingen, N.J., Sept. 16, 1799; D.C. 1823, N.B.S. 26, lie. CI. Philadelphia; Miss, at Palatine, 26, Miss, at Mana- vunk, 27-8, Athens, 28-33, New Hackensack, 33-66; d. June 13, 1875. p.D. by R.C. 1863. His Christian character was beautiful and his influence like the most beneficent forces in nature was quiet yet powerful. See Manual, 1902. Publications : Art. in "Sprague's Annals" on Van Wagenen. — Address at Funeral of Rev. Edwin Holmes.— Papers on "Christian Union," in "Ch. Int.," Ap. 13. 1865 . Van Cleef, Paul Duryea, b. Millstone, Somerset Co., N.J., July 31, 1821 ; R.C. 43, N.B.S. 46, 1. CI. N.B.; ord. by CI. Greene; Coxsackie. 2d, 46-9, Jersey City, 2d, (Van Vorst), 49 . Declared Pastor Emeritus, Ap., 1896, d. Nov. 26, 1902. D.p. by R.C, 1863. Trustee, R.C, 1869. Member of Bd. Domestic Missions 47 years. Stated Clerk of Gen. Syn., 1871-86. Dr. Van Cleef came of a ministerial line reaching back to 1605. He was a preacher of rare excellence and a Christian pastor of supreme qualities. His position as Senior pastor of Jersey City was one of commanding influence THE MINISTRY 539 and his activities took in the wider fields of Denominational usefulness. See Min. Gen. Svn., 1903, 527. PuuLicATioNs: Co-Editor of Centennial Vol., N.B.S., 1884. Many ser- mons, addresses and articles for the press. See Manual. 1902. Van De Burg. Sheldon, b. Vriesland, Neth., April 10, 1865. N.B.S. 1899; Shawangunk, 1899-1903, Missionary, Oklahoma, 1903-08, Shawangunk. 1908-20, Classical Missionary, Classis of Orange, 1920 Van de Erve, John, b. at Willemstad, Noord Brabant, Neths., Sept. 30- 1870; H.C. 95, W.S. 95-6. P.S. 96-7. h CI. Michigan; Grand Rapids, Grace Ch., 97-1901, Prof, of Mathematics, Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, la., 1901 . Presbyterian. Van den Berg, Albert. H.C. 85, W.S. 88, Newkirk, la., 88-91, Oyerisel, 1891-1906, Grand Rapids, Mich., 3d, 1906-18, Vriesland, Mich., 1918-20. Vanden Berge, E. Christian Reformed. Galesberg and Kilduff, 1911-16, Muscatine, la., 1915-17. , Van den Berg, Richard John, b. March 8, 1890, Newkirk, la. H.C. 1913. W.T.S. 1916, 1. by CI. G.R. Kalamazoo, North Park, 1916-19, Chicago, 111., Englewood, 2d, 1919 Van den Bosch, K. Noordcloes, 1856-7, seceded. Van den Bosch, Laurentius (same as Van Bosen?), (French Ref.), Bos- ton, 1685, Rye, 1686 (?), Staten Island, 1686-87, Kingston, 1687-89, suspended by' Sehns and others. Went to Maryland. He was compelled to leave Boston, where he served a Huguenot con- gregation, because he acted haughtily, and refused to publish the l)anns of marriage, according to law. Upon coming to New York, he organized the French in Staten Island into a congregation independent of the French congregation in New York, and contrary to Daille's wishes. The division was not healed until 1692.— See "Baird's Daille's," 94. Ecc. Rec, N.Y. Vanden Bosch, Thomas G., b. Grand Haven, Mich., Oct. 27, 1885. Calvin Col. 1912, W.T.S. 1915, 1. by CI. Mich. 1915. Pennsylvania Lane, 111., 1915-17, Cleveland, O., ist, 1917-19. Grand Rapids, Knapp Ave., 1919 . Van den Bosch. T. M., b. Nvensleck. Neth.. Aug. 3. i843- Christian Ref. Ch. Sem. 1879. (Christian Ref. Form Church, 1879-89, Missionary to Indians, 1889-1894). Rehoboth (Lucas), Mich., 1894-7. De Mott and Koster, 1897-1904. S.S., North Blendon, 1907, North Blendon and Three Oaks, 1908-1C, Agent of Chicago Tract Society, 1911, d. Aug. 19, I9I3- Min. Gen. Syn., 1914, 252. Vanden Ihirg. Louis, 1. by CI. Iowa. Ramapo, 1901-04. Presbyterian. Vanden Heuvel Arie J., b. Werkendam, Neth., Aug. 17, 1854. Calvin Col. 1890, 1. by CI. G.R. of Ch. Ref. Ch. 1890. (Christian Reformed, James- town, 1890-92, Rotterdam, Kan., 1892-95, Cleveland, O., 1895-1001, Hospers, la., 1901-1903, Le Mar, la., 1904. Jan.-July, Rochester, N.Y., 1004-07, Passaic, N.J., 1907-12). Pastor and People, Passaic, N.J., joined the Reformed Church in America, March 22, 191 2, as 4th Reformed Church of Passaic. Pas-Saic, N.J., 4th, 1912-14, Atwood, Mich., 1914-17. Beverly, Mich., 1917-20, Twin Lakes, Mich., 1920 PuBLic.VTioxs: Many Articles and Books in Dutch. Van den Hook, John 'H., b. Middleburg, Zecland, Neths., July 3. 1842; studied at Emelo, 67; lie. by Home and Foreign Missionary Ch., Hol- land, 67; Hopcrt, N.B., Neths., 67-9, Westerlee, Groningen, Neths., 69- 82: Kalamazoo, Alich., 82-5, Chicago, 1st, Holland Ch., 85-92, Chicago, N.W. Refd., 92-6, Bozeman, Mont., Holland, West Gallatin, Presbyt., 96-1902, emeritus. Vanderbeek, John. H.C. 1902, W.T.S. 1905, 1. by CI. Iowa. Oak Harbor, Wash., 1905-08, Churchville, Minn., 1909-14. Maurice, la., 1914-1920, Prairie View, Kan., 1920 Vander Hart, Evert, b. 1847; H.C. 69, H.S. 72; Grand Haven, 2d, 72-6, 540 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Battle Creek, Mich., 76-7, Grand Haven, 2d, 77-80, (Presbyt.), Roches- ter, 88-9, died Ap. 29. As a man, minister, leader, organizer, and persistently devoted to his work,, he was highly esteemed. He was a born leader, and his was the true leadership of drawing people, not driving them. All observant minds recognized these elements of his manly and symmetrical personality. A sweet and genial temperament, clean moral consciousness, sound judgment, firm purpose, remarkable tact and great energy. But he was not simply a man of refined and gentlemanly instincts and a good business man, he was much more. As a sympathetic and helpful pastor he had not many equals ; and as a preacher he was at once scriptural, scholarly, thoughtful, spiritual and deeply impressive. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1889, 919. Vander Heide, James, b. Sutten, Neth., Nov. 24, 1877; H.C. 1901, VV.T.S. 1904, 1. by CI. Holland. Archer and Le Mars, 1904-06. Rehoboth, Lucas, Mich., 1906-11, Chicago, Northwestern, 1911-14, Bethany, Sully, la., 1914-19, Wichert, 111., 1919 . S.T.D., Temple Univ., 191 1. Van der Kam, P. Hospers, 1892-4, Leighton, la., Ebenezer, 94-6, 96-1900, Presbyterian, 1900-1914, S.S., Gilboa, 1914-16, S.S., Prattsville, 1914-16, S.S., North Blenheim, 1915. Presb3'terian, South, 1916 Vander Kley, W., c. to America, 1871 ; Pella, 1871-3, Graafschap, 1S73-5, d. Dec. 20. Vander Kreeke, Gerrit. H.C. 1868, H.S. 1871, (Boston, Mass., Cong., 1873-81). Vander Laan, Eldred Cornelius, b. Muskegon, Mich., Feb. 16, 1890. H.C. 191 1, N.B.S. I9i6.*l. by CI. Michigan 1917. Kinderhook, N.Y., 1917-20. Publications: Articles in Int., Leader, etc. Vander Laan, Willard P. H.C. 05, W.T.S. 1909. Princ. Wisconsin Alem- orial Acd., Cedar Grove, Wis., 1909-18. Y.M.C.A. War Work, 1918. Vandcrlinde, Benj., b. at Pollifly, near Hackensack, N.T., 1719; studied under Dorsius and Goetschius, I. by Ccetus, 1748; Paramus and Ponds, 1748-89, also at Saddle River, 1784-9, d. He was an American by birth, and was the first who appeared before the Coetus for examination in this country. On May 12, 1746, Haeghoort had written to the Classis, asking permission that he and Erickzon might examine and ordain Vanderline. Dorsius had lost his right to promote, (says this letter), and Goetschius could not legally do it. The Coetus, although authorized to convene, by the Classis, amounted to nothing, as the majority of the ministers did not attend. The Classis replied, Oct. 3d, that he might be examined by the ministers, in Coetus assembled, in the name of the Classis. He made request, in Sept., 1747, of the Coetus, to be examined the next spring. The request and the answer both seemed to manifest the deep anxiety felt, and the almost doubtful propriety of such a revolutionary step as the Dutch examining a student in America, and not sending him to Holland. Vale, patria, was the language of the opponents. For such an innovation would surely produce defection from the Church in Holland. Nevertheless, he was examined, and his call to Paramus (still preserved in their records) was approved, Sept. 27, 1748. It is printed in the Manual and Record of the Church of Paramus, 1859. This call has some special interest, in being the first call which did not go through the Classis of Amsterdam for approval. Beside the ordinary duties, it stipulates that he was to preach on the first and second day of Christmas, on New Year's Day, on the first and second day of Easter, on Ascension Day, on the first and second of Whitsunday, and on each of these days only once. His charge was very extensive. Ramapo was or- ganized out of it, in 1785, and a second church edifice was built at Saddle River, in 1784, which ultimately became an independent church, (1814). About a year before his death, he received, as a colleague. Rev. G. A. Kuypers ; but he only continued there about ten months, when he was called to New York, and, three months after, the venerable Vanderlinde THE MINISTRY 541 went to his reward. He married a niece of General Scliuj'ler. Ecc. Rec., N.Y. "Mints, of Coetus." Vander, Linden Gradus, b. Pella, la. Central Col. 1916, W.T.S. 1919, 1. by CI. Pella. Jamestown, Mich., ist, 1919 Vander Mecr. Meinhard D. W.T.S. 1909. 1. by CI. G.R. Bcaverdam, Mich., 1909-11, Grand Rapids, Mich., 8th, 1912-17, Randolph, Wis., 2d, 1918 Vander Mel, Cornelius, b. Grand Rapids, May 15, 1880. H.C. 1903, N.B.S. 1906, 1. by CI. G.R. Fairfield, 1906-08, Constantinc, Mich., 1908-10, Fishkill, N.Y., 1910-16. Also S.S., Glen, 1911-12, w. c. 1916-20, Pult- neyville, 1920 Vander Meulen, Cornelius, b. at Middleharnis, Neths., Dec. 15, 1800; lie. Nov. 24, 1839; ord. following Sunday; Middleharnis and Rotterdam, Dec, 39-May, 40, Rotterdam alone. May, 40- June, 41 ; then served twelve chs. in Prov. of Zeeland, with headquarters at Goes, 41-7, c. to America with many members of his chs. Arrived in New York, July 2, 1847; Zeeland, Mich.. 47-59, Chicago, ist, 59-61, Grand Rapids, 2d, 61-73, emeritus. Died Aug. 23, 1876. He joined the Christelyke Afgcschicdene Kerk in Nederland, a body which had separated from the National Church. This Separated Church suffered considerable persecution, and large numbers, therefore, emigrated to Michigan in 1847 and following years. Here Vandermeulen founded the flourishing village of Zeeland. The hardships of the enterprise were borne bravely by pastor and fiock. They worshipped at first in the open air. and those early Sabbaths of worship, without any to molest or make afraid, are described as being Feast-days. He was a pioneer pastor in the west, a speaker of force and eloquence, of a strong personality, and was generally admired for his many gifts and good qualities. — See "Levensges- chiedenis van Rev. Cornelius Vandermeulen," by his sons. Revs. Jacob and John, and Rev. Peter De Pree. Vandermeulen, Jacob (s. of C. Vandermeulen), b. Middleharnis, Neths., May I, 1834; c. to Anrerica, 1847; R.C. 58. N.B.S. 61, 1. CI. Holland; Holland, Wis.. 61-3. Polkton, 63-4, Kalamazoo, 64-8, Holland, 3d, A'lich., 68-71, Grand Rapids, ist, 71-2, Muskegon, 72-89. Westfield, S.D., 89 — , (Baldwin. Wis. Presbyt.. — — ). Rotterdam and Luctor. Kan., 94-6, Graafschap, 96-1900, Pella, Neb., 1900-1, d. Jan. 20. D.D. by H.C. He had a strong personality. He was a voluminous reader, and a clear and original thinker. He refused to be bound by the stereotyped formu- las of others, save as they appealed to him as of practical value for con- duct or doctrine. He studied the newer sciences, but kept the faith. His liberality was not that of the rationalist, for he ever adhered to the Cross, and the necessity and power of the Holy Spirit. Christ and Him as Cruci- fied, was with him inspiration, motive and object. His keen, philosophic mind made him a debater to be dreaded. He was a preacher of marked power and earnestness. His praise as a speaker and expounder of truth was in every church where he ministered. He had an impassioned speech and fiery eloquence, with a self-forgetfulness which was peculiarly his own. See "History of Ottawa Co., Mich.," pp. 104-5. — "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1901, 1246. — "Biog Notices Grads. R.C." 1901. 10. Vander Meulen. Jacob (son of Jacob Vander Meulen above), b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Alarch 17, 1872; H.C. 97, W.S. 190c, lie. CI. Michigan; Grand Haven, 2d, 1900-1907, Fairview, 111., 1907-11, Kalamazoo, Alich., Bethany, 1911-19. Prof. Greek, H.C. Instructor N.T. Greek and Exegesis, W.T.S. Prof, of same, 1921 . D.D. by H.C. 1921. Vandermeulen, John (s. of Cor. Vandermeulen), b. Aliddclharnis, Neth., Aug. S, 1838. R.C. 1859, N.B.S. 62. 1. CI. Holland: Milwaukee, Wis., 62-70, Fulton, 111., 70-5, Jamestown, Mich., 75-85, Holland, Mich., Ebenezer Ch., 1885-1891, Classical Missionary, Mich., 1891-5. Holland, Mich, Ebenezer, 1895-1001, S.S.. Franklin. Wis.. 1902-07, d. Nov. 15, 1908. D.D.. H.C. On Editorial Staff of De Hope. 542 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA He was a great Hebrew scholar. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1909, 537. Publication of Jacob C. and John : Biography of Rev. Cor. Vander- meulen, their Father." In Dutch. 1876. Vander Meulen, John (s. of Jac. Vander Meulen), b. Holland, Mich., Oct. 16, 1871 ; H.C. 95, N.B.S. 98, 1. CI. N.B.; ord. CI. Ulster, July 26, 98; Blue Mountain, 98-1901, Wallkill Valley, 1901-1903, Chicago, Englewood, 2d, 1903-05, Clove, N.Y., 1905-08, Grand Haven, Mich., 2d, 1908-14. Vander Meulen, John M. (s. of Rev. John Vander Meulen), b. in Mil- waukee, Wis., 1870; Hope Coll. 91; P.S. 93-5, McCormick Sem. 95-6; lie. by ; Kalamazoo, 2d, Mich., 96-9, Grand Rapids, ist, Mich., 1899-1901, missionary among the white settlers in Oklahoma, 1901-1903, Cordell, Okl., 1903, Holland, Mich., Hope, 1907-09, N.Y.C., Hamilton Grange, 1909-12. Presbyterian. Vander Naald, Henry, b. Sept. 27, 1878. H.C. 1903, P.T.S. 1906. Ord. by CI. of Dakota 1906. North Yakima, Wash., 1906-10, Sheldon, la., 1910- 22, Chicago, 111., West Side, 1922 Vander Ploeg, Harmen, b. at Zandt, Netherlands, Jan. 26, 1841 ; c. to America, 66; H.C. 74, H.S. 77, lie. CI. Holland; Fremont Centre, Mich., 77-78, Greenleafton, 78-82, Fulton, 111., 82-87, Vriesland, Mich., 87-90, Orange City, la., 90-1893, d. Jan. 13. He was a minister thoroughly and earnestly devoted to the interests of the church in general and to those of his denomination in particular ; and he was ever in full sympathy with all its missionary and educational oper- ations. He was a dignified and popular minister of the Gospel, faithful to the terms of the spiritual contract both as an able expounder of the word of God and as a conscientious pastor and safe spiritual advisor. "Mints. Gen. Syn.." 1893, 896. Vander Ploeg, Herman (nephew of H. Vander Ploeg, above), b. Zyldyk, Groningen, Neths., Nov. 19, 1862; H.C. 92, W.S. 95, 1. CI. Holland; New Era, Mich., 95-1900, Coopersville, Mich., 1900-1904, Liictor and Prairie View, Kan., 1904-08, CI. Missionary, CI. la., 1908-11, East Overisel, Mich., 1911-14, Litchville, N.D., 1914-18, Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1918-19, Newton, III, Zion, 1919 Publications: Poems in De Hope and Leader. Vander Schaaf, John J., b. Orange City, la., Aug. 25, 1881. H.C. 1907, W.T.S. 1910, 1. by CI. Holland. Litchville and North Alarion, N.D., 1910-12, Spring Lake, Mich., 1912-16, Bethel, Lcota, Minn., 1916- Publications: Articles in De Hope. Vander Schoor, C, b. Grand Rapids. Mich., Julv 23, 1876. H.C. 1905, W.T.S. 1908. 1. by CI. G.R. Baldwin, Wis., 1908-13, Grandville. Mich., 1913-15. Williamson. N.Y., S.S., 1915-17, Pastor, 1917-20, Manhattan, Mont, and Big Timber, Mont., 1921 . Also Big Timber and Alder- son, 1921 Vander Schuur, K., b. at Midwolda, Netherlands, April 17, 1803. Studied under Rev. Mr. Kok. Lie. and ord. by the Church of the Separated, 1840; Hoogeveen, 40-48, Graafschap, Mich., 49-50. Oostburg, Wis., 50-66, emeritus. Died Nov. 17, 1876. Having received a religious training at home, he identified himself with the interests of those who had separated from the National Church — the seceders or separated ones. This secession took place about 1828, on ac- count of errors in doctrine and practice, as alleged. He shared in the common persecution to which these seceders were exposed. At the advice of Rev. Mr. Kok, who was then educating young men for the ministry, he was induced to leave a thriving business and prepare himself for the ministry. Moving to Michigan in 1849, he shared in all the trials and hardship of western pioneer life. — John Hoffman. Vander Schuur, K. South Holland, 49-51. joined the Assoc. Rcfd. Ch. Vanderveen, Christian, b. at Amsterdam, Neths., Nov. 15, 1838; c. to THE MINISTRY 543 America, 46; R.C. 58. N.B.S. 61, lie. and ord. by CI. Holland; Grand Haven, 61-8. Grand Rapids, i.st. 68-70, Third Editor of "De Hope." 71-3, (Canon City, Colorado, Presbyt., 74-5), Drenthe, 75-88, w. c. Died Oct. 17, 1896. He was a man of intellect and literary skill. He suffered long from ill health but made the periods of his enforced retirement useful by the products of his pen. See Manual, 1902. PuBLic.\Tioxs : Many articles under the name of "Paulo" for the Int. and other papers. Vanderveer, Cyrus G. (son of Ferdinand H. Vanderveer), b. at New Hurley, 1835; N.B.S. 59, 1. CI. Paramus ; Miss, at Plavana, 59, Daven- port, 59-66, also Chaplain in the army, 61-2, Cor. Sec. Bd. Dom. Miss., 66-8, d. See Manual of 1879. PuBLic.vTiON : Art. on Inspiration in "Evang. Quarterly." Vanderveer, David N., b. Florida. Montg. Co., N.Y., Sept. 22, 1841 ; U.C. 1863, P.S. 66, 1. Presbvt. N.B. 65, Kingston. 67-76. (Chicago, Union Park. Cong., 76-8), Brooklyn, 79-86. Died 1902. D.D. by U.C. Vanderveer, Ferdinand H., b. near Somerville, N.J., 1800; U.C. 1820, N.B.S. 22,, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Hyde Park, 23, to Ovid, 23, Hyde Park, 23-9, New Hurlev, 29-39, Newburgh, 39-42, Warwick, 42-76, w. c. Died Julv 10, 1881. D.D. by R.C. 1859. See "Ch. Int.." July, 1881. Publication : An Exegesis on "Baptize." 1880. Vanderveer, John. b. in Hunterdon Co., N.J., May 5, 1800; C.N.J. 17, N.B.S. 22. lie. CI. N.B.; Miss, at Mapletown, Westerlo, Canajoharie, Oppenheim, Fayette, Ovid and Union, 23; (Philipsburg, Pa., Presbyt., 24-7), teacher at Easton, Pa., 27-54; d- 1878. D.D. by R.C, 1852. See \Ianual of 1879. Vanderveer, John Quick. R.C. 1877, N.B.S. 1880. Died and buried at sea, June 24, 1880. Vanderveer, Lauren, b. ,near Amsterdam, N.Y., Sept. 6. 1856; U.C. 78, N.B.S. ^2, 1. CI. Schenectady; supplied Albany, 3d, 83, Rotterdam, 2d, 83-9, Mt. Pleasant, 90-1897. Died Aug. 17, 1897. See "Mints. Gen. Svn.," 1898, 234. Vanderveer, Peter L., b. Brookside, N.J., Sept. 30, 1846. R.C. 1868, N.B.S. 1868-9, went to Germany to study. Became a lawver. Died March 16, 1893. Vander Voort, John C, b. at Bound Brook, 1798; Q.C 1818, N.B.S. 1819, 1. CI. N.B. 1819; (German Valley and Fox Hill, Presbyt.. 1819-26, Basking Ridge). 1826-34. Totowa. ist, 1834-7, Kinderhook, 1837-42, Mellenville, 1842-5, New Paltz. 1845-8, Ghent, 2d, 1848-51, died June 21. See Manual of 1879. Vandervolgen. John V., from Chester Assoc, Vt., 1842; w. c. 1842-50, d. Vander Werf, Anthony, b. Neths., Alarch 20, 1873, Grand Rapids Chris- tian Refd. School, 95. W.S. 1901, 1. CI. Holland. Koster, Wichert, 1901-1903, LaFayette, Ind., 1903-06, Friesland. Wis. (Randolph Centre), 1906 — — Vander Werf, Seth. W.S. 1895, Chicago. N.W. Ch., 96-9, Gibbsville, 1899- 1902, Holland, Mich., ist, 1902-05. Pella, la., ist, 1905-14. Field Sec. Bd. D.M., 1914 Vander Wart. Herman, b. in Arnheim. Netherlands, Sept. 9, 1851 ; H.C. 73, N.B.S. 76, lie. CI. Albany; Glenville. 2d. 76-83, Athens, 83-6, Hacken- sack, 1st, 1886-1910, d. Jan. 6. D.D., R.C, 1906. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1 910, 832. Vander Woude, Berend T., b. Hallum, Neth., April 25, 1884. H.C. 1913, W.T.S. 1916, 1. by CI. Holland. Newton, 111., 1916-19, Portage, Mich., 1919 544 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA Van Dousen, Robert J., b. Fort Plain, N.Y., Jan. i8, 1873. Hartwick Sem. 1899, 1. by Lutheran Synod, 1898. (Lutheran, Manheim and Ing- ham's Mills, 1902-04, Central Bridge, 1904-08, Ingham's Mills, 1909-10, Churchtown, 1910-15, West Camp. 1921). S.S., Katsbaan, 1921 Vandeventer, John Cornelius, b. N.Y.C., 1847; N.Y.U. 70. N.B.S. "jz, 1. CI. Bergen; Cold Spring, 73-5, Glenham, 75-8o, Paramus, 80-6, Nya'ck, 86-92, d. Nov. 8. See Manual, 1902. PuBLiCATiox : '"The Pastor's Greeting," Jan. i, 1881. Vandewall, Giles, b. in Holland. October 14, 1828 ; studied in Holland, came to America. 1846. N.B.S. 56, 1. CI. N.Y. ; East Millstone, 56-S ; Miss, in the West, and teacher in Holland Academy, 58-61, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 61-70, Paarl, South Africa, 1870-96, d. Jan. 2. He went to South Africa to help the evangelical party there against the rationalists. For thirty-five years he was recognized as one of the best scholars and leading men in the South African Church. His vivid descrip- tion of the South African Church may be found in the Christian Intelli- gencer for 1862 and afterward. See Manual, 1902. Vandewater, Albertus, b. Bushwick, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1821 : C.N.J. 46, P.S. 49; l:c. Presbyt. N.Y. 49; (Athens, Pa., Presbyt.. 49-52); Spotswood, N.J., 54-67, North Blenheim and Breakabin, 67-9, Ponds, 69-72, w. c. In 1877 joined the Presbyt. of Potosi, :Mo. Died Feb. 28, 1879. See "P.S. Gen. Cat." Vandeweg, Matthij, b. July 30, 1886, Dordrecht, Holland. Utrecht Univ. Medical. Chicago. Ord. Dutch Ref. Ch., South Africa, 1911. Mission- ary to China, 1919 Vande Werp, J. S.S., Corsica, S.D., 1915-16. Van Doom, Marinus, b. Neths., Feb. 3, 1842; H.C. ; N.B.S. 8c, 1. CI. N.B. ; ord. CI. Geneva, May 5, 81 ; Clymerhil, 81-9, Newark, N.Y., 89- 93, Pultneyville, 1893-1905, d. Oct. 20. 1910. Min. Gen. Syn., 1911, 265. Van Doren, David K.. b. Pluckamin, N.J., Feb. 18, 1841 ; N.B.S. 67, lie. CI. N.B. ; West Hurley, 67-9, Currytown and Spraker's Basin, 69-73. Albany, 3d. 73-5, Saratoga, 75-83. Scotia, 83-85, Middleburg, 85-90, Dist. Sup. Am. Bible Soc, 90-98, New Salem and Clarksville, 1900-1902, Schodack Landing, N.Y., 1902-07, d. Feb. 7, 1908. Min. Gen. Syn., 1908, 240. Van Doren. Isaac, b. July 9, 1773; studied under Livingston, lie. CI. N.Y., 1798; (Hopewell, Orange Co.. N.Y., 1802-25, teaching in Newark, 1825-9, Colleg. Inst, for Young Ladies on Brooklyn Heights, 1829-34;' Coll. for Young Ladies at Lexington, Ky., 1834-8, Academy at War- saw, Ky., 1838-40; Miss. Ch. at Iron Alt., Missouri. 1840-4, w. c, d. 1865). He at once entered the Presbyterian Church, and spent many years in teaching. His son, Rev. John Livingston Van Doren, was an Episcopalian, settled in the West. See "Our Home," a Somerville magazine, p. 340. His daughter, Mrs. Davidson, wife of Rev. Dr. Davidson, formerly of New Brunswick, embalmed his religious life in "The Old Parsonage," pubd. by Presbyt. Board. Van Doren, John Addison, b. N.Y.C.. 1815: R.C. 1835. N.B.S. 1838, 1. CI. N.Y., 1838; Middlebush. 1838-66. supplied Lodi, 1866; S.S., Clinton Station, 1866-72, w. c. Died Aug. 24, 1886. He was an able man and a faithful pastor but for many years before his death laid aside by sickness. Manual, 1902. Van Doren, John Howard, b. at Princeton, N.J., Aug. 20, 1837; R.C. 59, N.B.S. 64, 1. CI. N.B.; Missionary to China, at Amoy, 65-8, speaking in behalf of missions in America, Oct., 68-Oct., 70, at Amov, Dec. 70- Feb., y% Cato, 74-6, Tyre, N.Y., 76-82, Gallupville. 82-6, Ulster Park. 86-92, Bath-on-Hudson, 92-8, died June 6. THE MINISTRY 545 During his seminary course, patriotism became so strong in him that, on Sept. 2, 1862, he enhsted in Co. K, 13th Reg. N.J.V. He was honorably discharged. June, 1863. He chose the mission field for his labors, but twice ill health drove him home. While in China, he was the author of a mental arithmetic in the Amoy Colloquial, which (1899) was yet in use in the schools of colleges of the district of Amoy. His advent to his last field of labor, Bath-on-the-Hudson, was under very discouraging circumstances. There was only a small nucleus for the organization of a church, but by great perseverance he succeeded in effecting an organization, and in erecting a fine edifice; yet not a dollar's worth of work was ever contracted for until the money was sure. He also refused to raise a dollar for the purpose by socials, fairs, excursions, or any expedients of such doubtful propriety. His efforts in his spiritual duties were as successful as his business capac- ities. He preached tjie Gospel of Christ from the heart, with great accept- ance, and the word preached was not without its fruit. He was a man of mild and pleasing demeanor, a good neighbor and citizen, and, perhaps, he never had a personal enemy. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1899, 550. — "Biog. Notices of Grads. R.C.," 1899. 16. Van Doren, Luther H. (s. of Rev. Isaac Van Doren), b. Hopewell, Orange Co., N.Y.. 1808; C.N.J. 1831; studied a while with Rt. Rev. R. B. Smith. D.D., LL.D., P.E. Bishop of Kentucky ; 1. Presbyt. of West Lex- ington, Ky. ; ord. Presb. of Columbia, Mo., 1834; (St. Louis, Farming- ton. Columbia, Mo.; Freehold. Tennent Ch., N.J.; Paducah, Ky. ; Spring St., 50th St., New York; New Vernon. N.J., Presb., 34-71); Montville, 71-4; Middletown, N.J.. 74-6, d. See Manual, 1902. PuBLic.Mioxs : "Triumphs of Grace": A Disc, on the Death of Richard W. Redfield. 1847. — Commentary on the Gospels. 2 vols. — Com. on Romans. 2vols. 1873. — "Mercantile Morals." 1852. — Many articles in the Religious Papers. — A Series of Letters in "Ch. Int.," in 1854-5, on his foreign travels. Van Doren, Wm. H. (s..of Is. Van Doren). P.S. 1840 (?) Williamsburgh, 1840-9, Piermont. 2d, 52-3. w. c. (Presbyt. St. Louis, Mo.). D.D. by R.C.. 1869. Died 1882. Sketch in "N.Y. Observer," Sept. 4. 1882. Van Doren, Wm. H., b. Bucks Co., Pa., May 21, 1839. R-C. 1867, N.B.S. 71, lie. CI. N.B.; West End, Jersey City, 71-7, Blooming Grove, 77-82, West Hurley and Stewartville, 83-4, Laboring for Ohio Tract Society, 85-6, Fairview, 88-93, Spotswood, 94-5, w. c. Van Doren. Wm. Theodore, b. N.Y.C., 1819 (brother of J. A. Van Doren) ; R.C. 1837, N.B.S. 40, 1. CI. N.Y.; Miss, in Batavia, 41-2, Woodstock, N.Y., 43-5, (Port Byron, Presbyt., 45-52), Mott Haven, 52-3, Ramapo, 53-7, South Bend, S7-9, Chaplain in Armv, 7th Missouri Cavalrv, 61-2, w. c. Died 1886. Van Driessen, Johannes, b. i6()7, matriculated at University of Groningen, May 13, 1717, as a student of theology, giving his residence as Monoghodamensis ; lie. and ord. in New Haven, by a Congregational Covmcil, Ap. 13. 1727; Clavcrack. Kinderhook and Livingston Manor, 1727-8. Kinderhook, 1728-35, intruding at New Paltz and out-stations, 1732, as well as at Germahtown; Aquackanonck and Pompton, 1735- 48, silenced. Also occasionally supplied Paramus, 1 731-2; 1735-48. He was educated in Belgium, but, with a letter from Patroon Van Rens- selaer, he proceeded to Yale College, and was licensed and ordained by the Congregationalists. His brother Peter, of Albany, helped him in this matter, contrary to the emphatic advice of the ministers of New York and Kingston. When the Classis of Amsterdam heard of this circum- stance, they expressed their profound sorrow that such a one as John Van Driessen had now succeeded in thrusting himself into the ministry. The}' censured Peter Van Driessen for his course, and commended those who opposed him. They declared John to be no legal minister in the Re- 546 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA formed Dutch Church, because the Independents in New Haven had no right to commission ministers for Dutch churches ; because his conduct was then and had been very far from correct ; and lastly, because he had previously, as well as in 1727, presented forged certificates. Owing to the lack of ecclesiastical judicatures in America, he managed to find, for twenty-one years, congregations which would accept him. Finally he was silenced. The Classis charged his brother with knowing the falsity of the certificates which John used at New Haven, and Peter's angry conduct in the matter toward the people of Claverack tends to strengthen the charge. No minister had yet been legally ordained in America by the Dutch, al- though Tesschenmaeker's ordination (1679) had been ratified afterward, while Paul Van Vleck's (1710) was altogether irregular. (Tesschen- maeker. Van Vleck, Freeman). Partly for these reasons the Classis permitted Boehme (1729) and Schuyler (1736) to be ordained by the ministers here, and thus the way was prepared for the Ccetus. Without some ecclesiastical authority in the American churches, such impositions could not be altogether prevented. "Ecc. Rec, N.Y.," several letters. "Stitt's Hist, of Ch. of New Paltz." "Zabriskie's Claverack Centennial." "Mints, of Ccetus." "Doct. Hist.," iii. 916. His professed literary testimonials from Momkendam, Hardenwyck and Utrecht are inserted in the.Aquack- anonck records. He continued his studies with his brother Peter at Al- bany. When his case was stated at Yale College, and his testimonials shown, he was ordained by a council for the service of the Dutch churches on the North River. See Manual, 1902. Van Driessen, Petrus Htnricus (brother of Johannes Van Driessen), matriculated at Groningen University, Nov. 2, 1705, giving his resi- dence as Coevordiensis. A Latin note appended to his name, reads as follows: Hujus Dn. Patri per Pedellum remisi oblatum. — Albany, 1712-38. Also supplied Kinderhook, 1712-27; Linlithgow, 1722-37?, and Schenectady, occasionally. Died Jan., 1738. He was also mission- ary to the neighboring Indians. His conduct, in connection with his brother (see above) does not indi- cate a very high tone of character, and his letters leave the same impres- sion. The old stone church at the foot of State Street in Albany was built in 1715, during his ministry there. He was married by Rev. Peter Vas, of Kingston, on Aug. 26. 1712, to Eva, daughter of Hendrick and Anna Cuyler. See "Rogers" Hist. Discourse." "Doc. Hist.," iii. 546, 548- 552. "Ecc. Rec, N.Y." Publications: Aanbiddelijkle wegen God's in zijne Souveraine Bestu- ringe, besonder over de Machten deser Wereld verklaart en toegepast in drie Predicatien, door P. V. D., VD.M. te Nieuw Albania, N.Y., gedrukt by J. Pieter Zenger. 4to, pp. 79. 1726. ("Adorable Ways of God in his Soveriegn Government, especially on the Powers of this World," explained and applied in three Sermons, by P. Van Driessen, Verbi Dei Minister in New Albany). A copy of this rare volume was in possession of Hon. Henry C. Murphy, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Two of the above-mentioned discourses were preached on the accession of George I., and one on occasion of Governor Burnet's treaty with the Five Nations. The introduction to these sermons, addressed to Governor Burnet, is given by Dr. E. P. Rogers, in his "Hist. Discourse" at Albany, 1857, pp. 63-67. Van Duine, Anthony M., b. Holland, Mich., Sept. 10. 1863; H.C. 89, W.S. 92, 1. CI. Holland; ord. CI. Iowa, June 17, 92; Holland. Neb., 92-1900, Newkirk, la., 1900-1904, Alton, la.. 1904-10, South Holland, 111., 1910-12, Chicago. 111., Englewood, ist, 1912-15, Passaic, N.J. (Hoi.), 1915 Van Dyck, Alexander S., b. N.Y.C., Nov. 25, 1858; C.C.N.Y. 79. N.B.S. 82, 1. N. CI. L.I. ; ord. by same, Oct. 17, 82; Missionary at Amoy, THE MINISTRY 547 China, Dec, 82-Marcli, 95; Highland Park. N.J., 1897-1903, Cobleskill, N.Y., 1903-06, Phihnont, N.Y., 1906-14, Syracuse, N.Y., 2d, 1915-21, Wanaque, N.J., 1921 . Supt. Home Dept. N.J. S.S. Ass. Member Ex. Com. N.J. S.S. Ass., 1899-1903. Director of Syracuse Training School of Religious Education, 1917-19. Van Dyck, Cornelius L., b. at Kinderhook, 1804; U.C. 26, N.B.S. 29, 1. CI. ; Marbletown, 29-53, North Esopus (Port Ewen), 56-66, d. See Manual, 1902. Van Dyck, Cornelius Van Allen, b. at Kinderhook, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1818; studied at Kinderhook Academy; Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., 39; appointed medical missionary to Syria, by A.B.C.F.M. 39; voyage to Syria, Jan.-Ap. 2, 40; founded Boys' Sem. at Abeih, Mt. Lebanon, 43; in charge of same, 43-51; ordained by Syrian Mission, J[an. 14, 1846. Principal of Missionary Sem., 48-52, transferred to Sidon field, 52-7, (in United States, 53-4-) ; appointed to complete Arabic translation of Bible, and transferred to Beyrout, 57, manager of Mission Press at Beyrout, 57-80; elected corresponding member of the '"Deut-sche Morgenlandsche Geschellschaft," 1858; visited Europe in reference to the Arabic transla- tion of Bible, 60; said translation completed, Aug. 22, 1864. — In New York City, supervising the making of electrotype plates for said translation, 65-7, teacher of Hebrew in Union Sem., 66-7; (Heb. Professorship offered him in U.S., but declined). Returned to Syria, 1867, director of the ^lission Press; editor of first religious newspaper in Arabic; Professor of chemistry and pathology, in Med. Dept. of Syrian Prot. Coll. — After about five years. Prof, of Astron- omy and director of the Observatory. (Much of that service, gratuitous; large part of the apparatus procured at his own expense, and subsequently transferred to the College at about half-price). About 1871, as Prof, of Pathology in the Syr. Prot. Coll., became physi- cian to the Hospital, founded and maintained by the Knights of St. Jolin in Prussia. In 1879, received from the King of Prussia the gold decoration and "Order of the Royal Crown." In summer of 82, short vacation of six weeks in V^ienna ; in Dec. 82. resigned his connection with the College. Physician to St. George's Hospital, W'hich was founded and maintained by the Orthodox Greek sect of native Syrians, 83-94. — Jubilee celebration of his landing in Svria, Ap. 2, 1890. Died Nov. 13, 1895, aged yy years. M.D. by Jeff. Med. Coll., Philadelphia, 1839.— D.D. by R.C., 1865.— L.H.D. by R.C., 1890. — LL.D. by University of Edinburgh, 1892; Con- ferred "in absentia" — a very imusual honor. He was the third son of Henry L. Van Dyck, M.D., and Catharine Van Alen. His brothers were the late Rev. Laurence H. Van Dyck; and Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyck, of Brooklyn, a man of eminent character and wide reputation. The parents were of godly ancestry who had been identified with the Reformed Dutch Church of Kinderhook from its beginning. They were both of exalted Christian character, as well as of high social standing. The influence of their example and training, and the answers to their prayers appeared in the life and character of all their children, both boys and girls. At the age of thirteen (Aug. 23, 1831), Cornelius became a member of the Kinderhook church, and thence his membership was never removed. The Kinderhook Academy, at which he was educated in English and the classics, was, at that time, an institution of high standing and almost national repute. Deciding to follow his father's profession, and having ob- tained his M.D. in Philadelphia, he offered himself to the service of the Lord in Syria. This was, at that time, a difficult and most unpromising field, but a high sense of duty and a consecrated heart made it a welcome field to him. On his arrival in Syria he applied himself to the study of Arabic, and with his diligence and an unusual aptitude for languages, his 548 THE REFORMED CHURCH IK AMERICA progress was rapid. He quickly outstripped his fellow-students, and be- came so accurate and fluent in the language, that native-speaking Arabs mistook him, sometimes, for one of themselves ; so that, on one occasion, indeed, from this cause, in a conflict between Maronites and Druses, his life was in danger. His Moslem dress and his perfect Arabic were regarded as disproving his claims to be an American. Scarcely a question could be asked concerning an Arabic word that he was not ready to answer at once. And not only that, but having a wonder- ful memory as well, it was hard to find any Arabic word for which he could not quote a line of poetry off-hand, from some classic author, who had used it. He came to be recognized as the first Arabic scholar of the world. Under these circumstances, there was but one answer to the ques- tion of the Mission and the American Board, as to the man best qualified to complete the translation of the Bible, on which Dr. Eli Smith had labored for about eight years. Scarcely less proficient in Hebrew and Greek than in Arabic, he was peculiarly qualified for this monumental work of giving the Scriptures to the many millions of Arabic-speaking people. Revising, and, to a considerable degree, re-writing all of Dr. Smith's work, the Pentateuch excepted, he produced a translation which, for accuracy and elegance, is the wonder of scholars and the joy of all lovers of pure Arabic. This alone will give him an immortality of honor, and make his name precious to the hearts of Christians for generations to come. The best native scholars, and the world's most eminent Oriental- ists were constantly consulted. The result is an unsurpassed classic for all Arabic-speaking people. The Mission Press in Beyrout printed every year, about 15,000,000 pages, perhaps more, of this Bible, every word of which was first written in Arabic characters by these two men, whose graves are in the Beyrout cemetery. This work and these men have justly been termed "America's gift to the Moslem world." The introductory outline (given above) of Dr. Van Dyck's life and labors reveals how many and varied were his services to Christ and hu- manity. They cannot be presented in detail in the space allotted to this sketch. Few have had such qualifications and opportunities for manifest service. He was a devoted Christian missionary ; an accomplished, al- most an encylopedic scholar; an unusually successful writer and trans- lator of many books of wide range ; an eminent teacher and Professor, indeed, almost a well-equipped University Faculty in himself; a skillful and beloved physician and surgeon, he has rendered Christ. His church and the world a service rarely paralleled. During fifty-five years of missionary service he visited his native land ony twice ; once on furlough, and once on missionary business. His habits of living were almost ascetic in their simplicity. He had great fondness for animals, especially for dogs, which always became devotedly attached to him. An American visitor speaks of seeing in his study a hang- ing lamp, around the top of the chain of which a swallow was building her nest ; "and the gentle old man had carefully spread newspapers on the floor, to catch the falling bits. Dr. Van Dyck explained that the swallow had been driven in by other birds, and he could not turn it out." He had a keen sense of humor and was very fond of a good joke. He was the staunchest of friends and the most outspoken of antagonists. Although not without acrimony, at times, in the heat of controversy, he scorned all that was unfair or underhanded. His character and services won wide recognition from all ranks and sects. The first marble Memorial erected in Syria in modern times was his marble bust in the court of St. George's Hospital ; evincing the affection of the Orthodox Greeks for the faithful physician and missionary. The tribute rendered to him at the Jubilee Services on the completion of fifty years in Syria, by Christians, Moslems, Maronites. Druses, Jews, of every rank and condition, was such as no foreigner had ever received. THE MINISTRY 549 A SjTian expression of the feeling of his people was : "We say — after God, Van Dyck." In the autumn of 1895, Dr. Van Dyck, already much enfeebled, was attacked by prevailing typhoid fever, and after a short illness "fell asleep." His funeral was attended by a vast concourse, representing every rank, nationality and religious faith. His remains were placed in the Mission Cemetery at Beyrout, near the church in which he often preached, and not far from the graves of his honored predecessors, Pliny Fiske and Eli Smith. The whole Christian world grieved with the bereaved family, mission and people of Syria, and rendered glowing tribute to his life and service, while rejoicing in the assured and all-rewarding welcome of the King — "Well-done, good and faithful servant !" He had married, on Dec. 2^, 1842, Julia Abbott, daughter of the British consul. His widow, two sons and two daughters, survived liim. The elder son, Edward, was an Egyptian government official ; the younger, Wil- liam Thompson Van Dyck, M.D. was a distinguished physician in Beyrout. To the latter the writer is much indebted for assistance in the prepara- tion of this sketch. All other available sources of information have been freely used. — See also Manual of 1879. See "Anderson's Hist, of the Alis- sions of the American Board to the Oriental Chs.," i. 249; ii. 32'^, 345, 366, 368. In "Bibliotheca Sacra," xxvi. 170, Van Dyck's opinion is quoted on the wines of Syria. Publications in Ar.^bic : "Westminister Assembly's Shorter Cate- chism," 1843. Last edition, 1884.— "Manual of Geography," 1852, 1876, 1885. — "School Geography," 1850; 3d ed. 1886. — "Manual of Algebra," 1852, 1877. — "Elements of Euclid's Geometry," 1857. — "Arabic Prosody and Versification," 1857. — "Translation of the Bible," 1857-64. — "Manual of Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic," 1869. — "Treatise on Smallpox and Measles," 1872. — "Manual of Trigonometry, Logarithms, etc., with Tables," 1873. — "Manual of Mensuration, Surveying and Navigation," 1873. — "Manual of Physical Diagnosis," 1874. — "Treatise on Astronomy," 1874. — "Text-Book of Pathology and Practice of Medicine," 1878. — "Translation of D'Aubinges's Hist, of the Reformation," 1878. — "Schonbcrg-Cotta Family," 1885. — "Primers of Science," 8 vols. 1886-9. — "Practical Astronomy," 1893. — Sundry Sermons, Catechisms, etc., etc., published from time to time.— Translation of Ben-Hur, 1896. Posthumous. — Many Tracts.— By Rev. Dr. Edward Collier.— See also Dr. T. W. Welle's "Ancestral Tablets," p. 238. Van Dyck, Ezekiel Deyo, b. New Paltz, N.Y., Feb. 15, 1858; N.Y.U. 80, U.S. 83. A candidate in S. CI. Long Is. 1883. See "Union Sem. Gen. Cat." Van Dyck, Hamilton, b. 1807. Ham. Col. 26, York Sem. (G.R.) 29, (Chambersburgh, 1829-33), Prattsville, N.Y., 1833-6, d. See Manual, 1879. Van Dyck, Lawrence H. (brother of C.V.A. Van Dyck), b. at Kinder- hook, N.Y., Oct. 5, 1807; A.C. 1830. Aub. S. 33, lie. and ord. Presbyt. Cayuga, 33, agent in Kentucky for Tract Society, 33-S, (Cairo, N.Y., Presbyt. 35-9, Spencertown. N.Y., Presbyt. 39-44), Gilboa. 44-52, Hel- derbcrgh. 52-6. Blooming Grove, 56-61, Stone Arabia, 61-7, teaching, 69-70, Unionville, 70-6, Rector of Hertzog Hall, 76-81, w. c, d. at Brooklyn, N.Y.. Jan. 24, 1893. He was a faithful, conscientious minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching the truth plainly, rebuking sin fearlessly and ever pointing to Christ as the only hope of the perishing. He was very eloquent in prayer, a modest, unassuming man, lacking, perhaps, in self-assertion, but inire of heart, true and steadfast to principle and duty: and from the beginning to the end of his ministerial career, devoted to the work of the Master, and earnestly concerned for the edification and salvation of man- kind. See Manual, 1902. 550 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Publications : "The Death of the Righteous Desirable" : a sermon at funeral of Mrs. Clarissa Page, 1847. "A History of the Bible Society of Montgomery County, N.Y.," 1867. Van Dyck, Leonard B.. b. 1802; U.C. 1824, (N.B.S. 1827), 1. by Presbyt. of Columbia, 1827; (Osbornville. (Windham), Greene Co., N.Y., 1828- 70?) Died 1877. He was refused a license in the Reformed Church because he was uncertain as to the doctrine "the extent of the atonement," the "eternal generation of the Son," and "the procession of the Holy Ghost." He entered the Presbyterian Church and exercised a useful ministry. See Manual, 1902. See "Remarks on Liberty of Conscience, Human Creeds, and Theolog. Schools," suggested by the facts in a recent case, by a layman of the R.D.C., 8vo, pp. 102. 1828. (This was published anonymously, but was by Ab. Van Dyck, father of Leonard B. Van Dvck.) "Mag. R.D.C.," iii. 90. "Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1828. 87-89; 1829, 86, 91', 175. Publications: "The Unlawfulness of the Subscriptions Required of the Ministers of the R.D.C." By a friend of the Bible. 1829. See "The Examiner Examined," a Review of Van Dyck's Pamphlet. 1830? Van Dyk, Adrian, b. Zeeland, Neth., Sem. Zeeland, 191 1 ; 1. by CI. Cascades, 1916. Monarch, ist. Alberta, Can., 1916-19; Charles Mix, S.D., 1919. Missionary among the Dutch. Publications : Articles in the press. Van Dyk, Frederick John, b. Grand Rapids, Dec. 20, 1889. H.C. 1912, W.T.S. 1915, 1. by CI. of Mich. (Pres.. Immanuel, Grand Rapids, 1915- 17, Pres., Colored Mission, Louisville, Ky., 1917-20). Hamilton, Mich., American Reformed, 1920 Van Dyk, John A., b. Holland, Mich., July i, 1884; H.C. 1907. N.B.S. 191 1, 1. by CI. N.B. Lodi, N.J., ist, Holland, 1911-18, Grand Rapids, Mich, 9th, 1918 — — . Van Dyke, Douwe, b. Groningen. Neth., Feb. 25, 1881 ; N.B.S. 1908-10. Missionary, Africa Inland Mission, 1910. Van Dyke, Henry. H.C. 1917, W.T.S. 1920, 1. by CI. Chicago. Beverly, Mich., 1920 . Van Eerden, Paul, b. Neth., Jan. 7, 1878. N.B.S. 1919, 1. by CI. N.B. 1919. ,Melvin, la., 1919 . Van Egmond, Harry, b. April 14, 1893: Rynsburg, Neth. Educated in Netherland, Moody Bible Institute '16, W.T.S. 1919, 1. by CI. 111. Byron Centre, Mich., 1919-1920. Corsica, S.D.. Grace, 1920 . Van Emmerick, Gerret. Sayville, L.I., 1873-88, Pella, Bethany, la. 88-9, Sully, Bethany, la. 90-1894, w. c. Van Ess, Balster, b. at Kauteus, Groningen, Neths.. May 15, 1844; Theolog. Sch. of Kampen : c. to America, 68 ; W.T.S. 70, 1. CI ; North Holland. Mich., 70-84, Chicago. Roseland. 84-1900, d. Jan. 14. His pastorates were distinguished for their prosperity. He was inces- sant in labor, as a pastor, and extremely popular as a preacher in the populous Dutch centres. He was an able and faithful expounder of the truth in its widest applications. See "Mints. Gen. Svn.," 1900, 910. Van Ess, Jacob, b. North Holland, Mich., June 8, 1877. H.C. 1898. P.S. T901, 1. by CI. Wis. S.S., Irving Park. Emmanuel Mission 1901-02, Knox and Berne, N.Y., 2d, 1902-04, Bacon Hill, (North Cumberland and Fort Miller, 1904-09). Schoharie, 1909-11, Delmar (Bethlehem 2d) 1911-21. S.S., Union, 1913. Missionary P.S. A. U.S. War Dept. Albany Co. Draft Bd. 1917-19. Van Ess, John, b. New Holland, Mich.. Aug. 10, 1879; H.C. 1899. P.S. 1902, 1. by CI. Wis. 1902. Missionary 4o Arabia, 1903 . D.D., Cen. Col., 1918. Publications : Articles for the press. Spoken Arabic of Mesopotamia 1917. Practical Written Arabic 1921. THE MINISTRY 551 Van Fket, Jacob Outcault. b. at New Brunswick, NJ., 1847; R.C. TZ, N.B.S. 76, lie. CI. N.B.; Kiskatom, 76-9, Stone House Plains, 80-3, Alontville, 84-90, Little Falls, 90-8, New Baltimore, 1898-1911, Lishas Kill, 1911-17. Van Gaasbeek, Laurcntius, matriculated at University of LeVden, Feb. 5, 1659; sailed from Amsterdam, May 13, 1678, arriving in New York, Aug. 21 ; arrived at Kingston, Sept. 8, and delivered his first sermon there, Sept. 15. Kingston, 1678-80, Feb., d. Ecc. Rec. N.Y. See Manual, 1902. Van Gieson, Acmon P., b. West Bloomfield. N.J., Jan. 13, 1830; U.N.Y. 1849, N.B.S. 52. 1. CI. Bergen; Catskill, 52-5, Brooklyn, 55-9, Claverack, 59-65, Grcenpoint, 66-7. Poughkeepsie, 1867-1906. d. April 19. D.D. R.C. 1872. Pres. Gen. Syn., 1873. Dr. Van Gieson was one of the strong men of his generation and his work and name will long remain. He was always deeply interested in missions and for many years was a member of the Bd. of F.M. See Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 606. Publications : Sermon in Memory of Dr. C. C. Van Cleef. 1875 — "The Type of Doctrine of R.C. A.," as represented by the Symbols of Heidelberg and Dordrecht. In "Centennial Discs." 1876. "Hist, of Refd. Church of Poughkeepsie," 1893. Van Gieson, David E. S.S. New Hyde Park, 1896-19CO. S.S. East Williamsburg 1900. Dropped 1901. Van Haagen, Henry C. New Salem and Clarksville, 1897-99, Clifton, N.J., 99-1900, Rosendale and Rosendale Plains, 1900-1902, Stuyvesant Falls, N.Y., 1902-04. Cong:regationalist. Van Harlingen, Johannes Martinus, b. near Millstone, N.J., 1724; C.N.J. went to Holland to study Theology; lie. by CI. Amsterdam, Ap. 6, 1761 ; ord. by same, May 4, 1761 ; Neshanic and Sourland, (afterward called Harlingen), 1762^95, died. After commencing his theological course he went to Holland, for the double purpose of obtaining a more thorough preparation for the ministry, and being ordained by the Classis of Amsterdam. After completing his theological course at one of the universities of Holland, and receiving ordination, he returned to America. He served his double charge with zeal and fidelity for thirty-three years, when he fell asleep, universally beloved and lamented. He preached exclusively in Dutch until toward the close of his life, when, the younger part of his charge requiring Eng- lish sermons, he preached occasionally in that language. He was an evangelical preacher, a faithful pastor, and a patron of learning. He was a member of the original Board of Trustees of Queen's College, and la- bored for its first endowment. Dom. Van Harlingen was twice married. His first wife was Sarah Stryker, by whom he had two children; his second, Elizabeth \'an Dcursen, who was the mother of three, one of whom died in infancy, and the others survived him. The fact that a very prominent church, village, and district of country are called by his name, might be taken for evidence of the estimation in which he was held. See .sketch in "Centennial of N.B. Sem.," 429. Alanual, 1902. IVlr. Uriah Lott, of Glen Ridge. N.J.. a descendant of the Van Har- lingcns. has prepared a genealogy of the family. Van Harlingen. John M. (nephew of J. M. Van Harlingen, above), b. at Sourland. 1761 ; Q.C. 1783. studied under Livingston. 1. by Chris- tian Synod of D.R. Chs. 1786; Millstone and Six Mile Run, 1787-95, w. c. 1795-1812. Prof. Heb. and Ecc. Hist. 1812-3, d. Elected a trus- tee of Q.C. 1785. From early childhood, it is said, he was exceedingly fond of books, and spent much of his life in their exclusive society. After the relinquishment 55^ THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA of his first united charges, he never after settled, ahhough he labored abundantly in assisting his brethen, and supplying vacant pulpits by clas- sical appointment. He was very quiet and reserved in his disposition, and was seldom known to laugh or even to smile. His conversation was instructive, and his preaching solid and evangelical, but not popular. After his retirement from the pastorate, he translated Van Der Kemp's Sermons on the "Heidelberg Catechism," which were published in 1810, in two volumes. For several years previous to the establishment of the theologi- cal professorate at New Brunswick, he had been accustomed to receive young men at his residence, and instruct them in Hebrew and Ecclesiasti- cal History with a view to their licensure. In 1812, the General Synod appointed him professor of these branches in the Theological Seminary. He accepted the chair of Hebrew, and agreed to instruct temporarily in Church History, but his career of usefulness was cut short by death in November, 1813. His loss was deeply felt by the Church and her insti- tutions of learning. — Rev. Dr. P. D. Van Cleef. Publications: "Translation of Van Der Kemp's Sers. on Heidelberg Catechism." 2 vols. 1810. Van Hee, Isaac J., b. Pultneyville, N.Y., Jan. 20, 1868; R.C. 93, N.B.S. 96, 1. CI. N.B.; assistant. Port Jervis, June i-Nov. 30, 96, Alexandria Bay, 97-1901, Fultonville, 1901-1905; North Paterson, N.J. 1905-06; S.S. Little Falls, N.J. 1906-07; Pekin, 111. 1908-14. Presbyterian 1914. Van Hetloo, E., b. Gelderland, Neth., Nov. 24, 1833. Served several pastorates in NetherJands ; Paterson, N.J. (6th Hoi.) 1887-1905 d. Dec. 7. Although he could not use the English language, he was a very influential man among the Dutch speaking portion of the community. Min. Gen. Syn., 1906, 607. Van Heuvelen, Bernard, b. North Holland, Mich., Oct. 3, 1868; H.C. 1899, W.T.S. 1902, 1. by CI. Holland 1902; Atwood. Mich., 1902-09, Rotterdam, Kan., 1909-11, Archer, la, 1911-14, North Yakima, Wash., 1914-21. Missionary, Classis of Dakota, 1921, S.C, CI. Cascades, 1915-21. Van Hook, Isaac A. C.C. 1797. N.B.S. 1819, 1. CI. N.B. ; Miss, to Spots- wood, 19-21, Miss, to Stillwater, Sussex Co., N.J.. 22, to Beaverdam and Middletown. 22, to Kleyn Esopus, 22, to Tyashoke, 22, Fort Miller, and Argyle, 23-4, Miss, to Wilton, 25, Cor. Sec. Bd. Miss. 27, died 1834? Van Home. Ab., b. at Whitehouse, N.J., Dec. 31, 1763; Q.C. 1787, studied under Livingston, lie. by the Synod of D.R. Chs., 1788; Wawarsing, Marbletown, and Rochester, 1789-95, Caughnawga, 1795-1833, died June 3, 1840. His father was a commissary in the American Army. When he re- signed in 1783, Abram was appointed in his place. He was a great favorite of young people. He is said to have married 1,500 couples. — "Doc. Hist.," iii. 673. Van Home. David, b. Glen, N.Y., Dec. 11, 1837; U.C. 64, N.B.S. 67, 1. CI. Montgomery; Union Village, 67-8, (Ger. Refd.. Dayton, O. 68-75, Philadelphia, ist, 75-88, Prof, of Svs. Theologv "in, and Pres. of Heidelberg Th. Sem., Tiffin, O., 1888-1907. Prof, of "Syn. Theology, Cen- tral Theo. Sem., Davton. Ohio. 1907). D.D., Heidelberg, 1877; LL.D., Ursinus. 1898; Pres. Gen. Syn. Ref. Ch., U.S., 1878-81; Pres. Bd. F.M. Ref. Ch., U.S., 1878-88. Publications: "Hist. Refd. Ch. in Philadelphia." 1876. — "Companion of Praise."— "S.S. Hymn Book," 1873-1878.— "Shorter Heid. Catechism," 1881. — "Mountain Boy of Willhaus ; or. Life of Zwingle," 1884. 1900. — "Tent and Saddle Life in the Holy Land." 1886. — "Religion and Revela- tion," 1892. — "The Church and the Future Life," 1904. Van Houte, Jacob, b. Neth., Dec. 7, 1845; Trained privately; Served THE MINISTRY 553 churches in Netherlands, Cleveland, O., ist, 1884-6, South Holland, 111., 86-91, Holland, ist, Mich., 91-1900, Grand Rapids, 4th, 1900-1903, Boyden, la., 1903-16, d. Oct. 19, 1919, Ass. Editor of De Hope, 1891- 1900. Min. Gen. Syn., 1920, 275. PuBLic.xTioNS : Many articles for the press. Van Houten, Abraham, 1. by Seceders, 1852; Clarkstown, 52-7, Clarks- town and Paramus, 57-61, Clarkstown and Hempstead, 61, Schraalen- burgh, 61-6, New York, King St., 66-78, Leonia, N.J. 78-84, Paramus, 84-8, Englewood, 88-92, Aquackononck, 82-95, d. Van Houten, Abraham John, b. Middleburg. Neth., Nov. 6, 1881 ; H.C. 1909, N.B.S. 1912, 1. by CI. Michigan, Lodi, N.J., 2d, 1912 Van Hovenbergh, Eggo Tonkens, ord. by CI. Amsterdam, for Surinam, April 1, 1743. (Surinam, South America, 1743-49), Livingston Manor and Claverack, 1749-56, Rhinebeck Flats, 1756-64, suspended, but con- tinued to preach till 1767. In 1749, on his way to Holland from Surinam., he stopped at New York, and the Consistory of that place wished to call him, as Du Bois was get- ting old ; but as he would not promise to join the Coetus, he was not called. His language concerning the ministers in New York also turned the tide against him. Proceeding north, however, he obtained settlements. Van Huysen (or \'an Hoesen), Hermanns, b. in Rockland Co., N.Y., Oct. 23, 1751; studied under Livingston, 1. CI. Hackensack, 1793; Helder- bergh, Salem, and Jerusalem, 1794-1825, d. 1833, Nov. 26. He was the first to receive a dispensation under the new Constitution of 1792. See Manual of 1879. and Rev. H. M. Voorhees' "Hist. Sermon at Helderbergh," 1889, in MSS. Van Kampen (Van Campen), Isaac, b. Holland, Mich., Oct. 21, 1862; H.C. 90, N.B.S. 93, lie. CI. Rensselaer; Saddle River, 1893 . also S.S., Waldwick, N.J., 1915, Bd. of Education, Saddle River, Ph.D., Univ. 111., 1900. PuBLic-'\Tiox.s : Articles for press. Van Kersen, Wm. John, b. Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 25, 1873; H.C. 94, P.S. 97, lie. CI. Wisconsin; Raritan, 111. 1897-1902, Pella, 2d. 1902-10, District Sec. Bd. P.M. 1910 . Van Keuren, Benj., b. 1800; N.B.S. 1824, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Charleston, 2d. Mapletown, and Westerlo, 24, Esopus, 25-6, Esopus, Hurley, and Bloomingdale, 26-34, Esopus and Bloomingdale, 34-6, Warwick, 36-7, (Presbvt. 37-56). R.D.C. 1856, d. 1865. Van Kleek. Richard D. U.C. 1822, N.B.S. 25, 1. CI. N.B. ; Raritan, 26-31. Teaching at Basking Ridge Academy, 31-4. Canajoharie. 34-5. Berne, 1st, and Beaverdam. 35-43, Teaching at Eramus Hall, Flatbush, L.I., 43-60, at Grammar School, Jersey City, 60-70, d. D.D. 1870. Van Liej-op, J.B.H.. b. Amsterdam. Hoi.. Dec. 2-], 1880; Moody Bible Institute 18, W.T.S. 1921, 1. by CI. of 111., Yakima, Wash., 1921 Van Lievv, John, b. near Neshanic, N.J., Sept. 30, 1798; Q.C. 1816. N.B.S. 20, lie. CI. N.B.; (Meadville, Pa., 20-3, Mcndham, N.J.. 24-5, both Presbyt.), Readington, 26-69, d. Oct. 18. D.D. by R.C. 1867. He entered college at the early age of fourteen, and was under the care chiefly of Drs. Livingston and Schureman. L^pon completing this course, he passed through a peculiarly trying circumstance. Imbued from his earliest years with a high regard for Christanity, and esteeming the min- istry as a profession first in importance and honor and blessing, he in- stinctively turned to it. But he was not yet consciously a subject of divine grace. In this- frame of mind, acting ijrincijially under the advice of Prof. Schureman, he attended the course of lectures on theologv by Dr. Living- ston, not definitely with the purpose of entering the ministrj', but that he might engage in that particular line of study which was most congenial to his tastes, and which alone seemed attractive to him. Sitting at the head 554 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA of that profound instructor, and devoting himself to the study of theology as a science, his mind became more and more absorbed in the subject as a matter of personal interest, until it became almost the only subject on which his thoughts could rest. Thus led by the Spirit, he unconditionally surrendered himself to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1817. His own words in reference to his experiences at that time were : "I cannot utter, words cannot express the joy of my soul, as I felt the blessed assurance that I was indeed a child of God, and that Jesus was at once my Brother, Saviour, Friend. Everything seemed to speak to me of God ; the woods, the fields, the fruits and flowers — all spoke of his mercy and love." Thereafter his course was plain. It was not a mere duty, but his heart bounded with joy that he was permitted to prepare for the ministry. And although he had attended theological lectures for a year, he began over ao-ain with the new class of the following year, and with that completed the course. Nearly or quite 600 united with the church under his ministry of forty-nine years. See Manual, 1902. Publications: "Testimonial to Rev. Peter O. Studiford." 1866. — "Discourse at Dedication of R.D.C. at Readington." 1865. With a his- torical appendix. Van Liew. John Cannon, b. at Middlebush. 18—; N.B.S. 1832. 1. CI. N.B. 32; Catskill, Leeds, and Kiskatom, 32-3, Leeds, and Kiskatom, 33-4, Spotswood. 34-42, Rutgers Col. Gr. School, 41-45. (Piffard, 45-9, Groveland, Presbyt. 49-50,) Ephratah and Stone Arabia, 50-6, Berne and Beaverdam. 56-60, d. 1861. See Manual of 1879. PuBLic.'\Tiox : A Farewell Ser. at Spotswood, N.J. 1842. Van Liewen, Wm. Holland, Wis., 1857-9. Van Lummel, A.J., b. Utrecht, Neth., Nov. 10, 1861 ; Gymnasium, Utrecht, W.T.S. 1906, 1. by CI. Michigan, Paterson, N.J. ' Hoi. 6th 1906-17, Boyden, la. 1917-19, Grand Rapids, Mich., 7th, 1919 . Van Nest, Abraham Rynier, b. Feb. 16, 1823, in New York City; R.C. 41, N.B.S. 47, lie. CI. N.Y. ; Miss, at Greenpoint, 47-8, (Newburgh, Assoc. Refd. 1848), New York City, 21st St., 48-62; (American Chapel on Rue de Berri, Paris, France, 63-4, American Chapel at Rome. Italy, 64-5, Am. Union Church, Florence, Italv. 66-75) ; Philadelphia, 3d, 78-83; w. c. Died June i, 1892. D.D. by U.Pa. and R.C. i860. Presi- dent of Gen. Synod, 1870. — In 1871, he was made President of the Evangelization Committee of the Free Church, Italy, and, in 1875, organized the Church of Geneva, Switzerland, in which Rev. G. D. Consaul subsequently preached. The great work of his life was done in Florence, where he was prominent, not only on the Evangelical Committee of the Free Italian Church (now called the Evangelical Church of Italy), and as the principal founder and supporter of the Ferretti Orphan Asylum, but also as the founder and pastor of the American Union Church. In this he used a part of the Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopial Church, and part of the forms of other denominations. He thus set an example of union in worship which attracted the attention of travelers not only from America, but also from Great Britain and the Continent. It was his genial catholicity of spirit that enabled him to hold together in one congregation for so many years. Chris- tians of such various antecedents. Many are the families in America, which long cherished the memory of his kindness to relatives ill in Florence, whose needs, both temporal and spiritual, he was ever watchful to supply. Nor did his kindness fail when Americans died in that city. His familiarity with the language, and his good standing with the officals, enabled him frequently, and with comparative ease, to arrange for the shipping of the bodies of loved ones to their friends in America. Only those who were in Florence while he was there, can adequately understand how much time he gave to such works of Christian charity. See Manual, 1902. THE MINISTRY 555 Publication's: Sermon: "Signs of the Times." 1854. — "Ministerial Responsibility." 1859. — Occasional articles for "Christian Intelligencer." — Foreign letters for "Intelligencer" and "N.V. Observer." 1863-1875. — Reports of Union Church, Florence, 1868, 1870, 1872. — Sermon on the Holy Catholic Church.— "Life of Rev. Geo. W. Bethune, D.D." 1867.— Reports of Florence Orphan Asylum, 1876, with .sketch of Ferretti. — Edited "Cannon's Pastoral Theology," 1853, and "Bethune's Lectures on Heidel- berg Catechism," 1864. — Closing address at Centennial of New Brunswick Sem., 1884, page 279. Van Nest, Rynier, b. near North Branch, N.J., Feb. 8, 1739; studied (probably) under Hardenbergh; lie. by Gen. Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1773: Shawangunk and New Paltz, 2d, (or Walkill), 1774-78; Shawangunk and Montgomery, 1778-85; (supplied Middle- burgh, 1774-80, and Schoharie, 1780-5) ; Jamaica, Newtown, Oyster Bay and Success, 1785-97. Schoharie, 1797-1803, died July 9, 1813. Elected a trustee of Q.C. 1786. He was a genial, faithful man whose success was hampered by the war- like times in which he lived. See Manual, 1902. Van Neste, Geo. J., b. Sept. 7, 1822, at Weston, N.J.; R.C. 42, N.B.S. 46, 1. CI. N.B.; Bound Brook, 47-53, Lodi, 53-65, West New Hempstead, 65-69, Little Falls, N.J., 69-75, St. Johnsville, N.Y., 75-79, Kiskatom, 79-86, Flatbush, (Ulster Co.), N.Y. 86-88. Pottersville, N.J. 88-92. Died Jan. 18, 1898. See Manual, 1902. Van Neste, John Alfred, b. Weston, Somerset Co., N.J., Dec. 25, 1849; R.C. 72, N.B.S. 75, lie. CI. Passaic; Ridgewood, 1875-1917, P.Em. 1917, Pres. P.S.N. B. 1911, Pres. Bd. Supt. N.B.S. 1918, Agent Bd. F.M. and Bd. of Bible School Work. D.D. R.C. 1918. PuBLicATioxs : Articles in press. Van Nieuwendyk, D. K. Wielenga. called by the Seceders in Holland, Mich., from the Netherlands, 1882. See "Ch. Int.," Aug. 9, 1882. Van Nieuwenhuysen, Wilhelmus ; ordained by CI. Amsterdam, March 16, 1671 ; c. to America, 1671 ; New York, 1671-81 ; d. Feb. 17. 'For a while after the English conquest the Dutch Church seemed para- lyzed. But few letters passed back and forth to Holland. Selyns had Teturned to Europe, and a few years later. Blom and Samuel Megapolen- sis. John Megapolensis died in 1670. Only Schaats, Polhemus and Dri- sius remained. A considerable exodus of the people also took place. The Dutch were independent of all English ecclesiastical law's. Governors Nicholls and Lovelace acknowledged the Dutch Church as the established -church, and taxed the inhabitants for the support of the Dutch clergy. But in seven years three of the clergy had returned to Holland, one had died, and none had come to America to take their places. In 1670, therefore. Governor Lovelace formally promised civil support to any Dutch clergy- man who would come over to assist Drisus, who was becoming feeble. This proposition induced V^an Nieuwenhuysen to come to America. This was also partly brougiit about through the influence of Selyns in Holland, who was a relative. His ministry was peaceful for three or four years, until the reconquest of New York by the Dutch in 1674. This event, or perhaps the different disposition of Governor Andros, with other circumstances, now produced a change, and that struggle begun between the English governors and the anti-Episcopal churches, which continued with more or less severity until the independence of the country, a century later. Van Nieuwenhuysen successfully resisted the attempt to foist an Episcopalian on the Dutch church of Albany. 1675. until the latter promised to come under the Classis of Amsterdam. (\"an Rensselaer). Four years later, at the direction or permission of Governor Andros. Van Nieuwenhuysen convened the four Dutch ministers then in the country, (viz., Schaats. Van Gaasbeek, Van Zuuren and himself), with their elders, and they organized a Classis, and 556 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA ordained Tesschcnmaekcr to the ministry. (Tesschenmaeker.) This was the first formal ecclesiastical body among the Dutch in America, and the last for about seventy years. (Coetus.) Their act of ordination was rati- fied by the Classis of Amsterdam. There was a constant and- steady growth, in the membership during his ministry in New York. He also supplied the churches on Long Island during their vacancy. His correspondence with the Classis impresses one that he was a faithful and judicious minis- ter and pastor. He was a Cocceian in exegesis. — "Ecc. Rec, N.Y.," several letters. "Doc. Hist.," iii. 526, 583. "Munsell's Annals of Albany." "Col. Hist.," iii. 136; ix. 468. "Brodhead's N.Y.," ii. "Murphy's Anthology," 170. See Manual, 1902. Van Nist, Jacobus, b. 1735; lie. by the American Classis, 1758; Pough- keepsie and Fishkill, 1758-61, d. Van Olinda, Douw. b. at Charleston, N.Y., i8co; N.B.S. 1824, 1. CI. N.B.; Miss, to Johnstown, Mayfield, and Union, 25, Palatine, 25-7, Maple- town, Spraker's Basin, and Canajoharie, 27-31, New Paltz, 32-44, Caughnawaga, 44-58, d. He was of large stature and commanding appearance, an edifying and instructive preacher, addressing rather the understanding than the feelings. His distinguishing trait was great executive ability. — "Stiff's Hist. Ch. New Paltz." See "Christian Intelligencer." Oct. 7, 1858. Van Oostenbrugge, Cornelis, b. Gelderland, Neths., Aug. 2, 1853 ; H.C. 76, N.B.S. 80, 1. CI. Holland; ord. by Presbyt. Winnebago, (Wis.) Sept. 80; (S.S. Wevauwega, Wis. 80-1, Stevens Point, Wis. 81-4), Raritan, 111. 84-7. (Q St. Troy, Mo. 87-9, Lyons, Neb. 89-92), Naponoch and Kerhonksen, N.Y. 92-1900, Schodack, 1900-06, Lishas Kill, 1906-10. Schenectady, N.Y. Woodlawn 1910-12, Esopus, N.Y. 1914-19. Publications: Translations of the Records of the Church of Na- panoch. Van Orden, John S., b. Spring Valley, N.Y., Dec. 6, 1867; R.C. 1890, N.B.S. 93, lie. CI. Paramus ; Blawenberg, 1893-1904. In business. S.S. Clarkstown 1916 . Van Pelt, Daniel, b. Oct. 10, 1853, at Schiedam, Neths.; C.C.N.Y. 74^ N.B.S. -77, 1. CI. N.Y.; Spring Vallev, N.Y., 77-78, Holland, Mich. (Hope Ch.) 79-82, East New York. 82-87, Astoria, 94-98. Died Oct. 2Z. 1900. D.D by R.C. 1896. He was an excellent preacher but felt the call for historical work to which he devoted a large part of his life. As a student and writer, he held a very important place in the domain of historical research. He was fitted for the work. He had the judicial poise and calm of a historian. He came to be recognized everywhere as an authority in matters pertaining to Holland and those parts of his own country where he resided. See Manual. Publications: Picture of Early Church Life in N.Y.C. 1894; History of Greater N.Y., 2 vol., 1898; Chapters in Wilson's Memorial History of N.Y., 1892; Translation of Dutch Documents for the Church and State. Many pamphlets and articles on historical subjects. See Manual, 1902. Van Pelt, Peter I., b. at Bushwick, L.I.. May 27, 1778; C.C. 1799. studied under Livingston, 1. CI. N.Y. 1801 ; Staten Island, 1802-35. Fordham, 36-47, d. Jan. 20, 1861. Also chaplain in the war, 1812-14. D.D by R.C, 1834- He was a man of ardent patriotism, distinguished by his zeal in pro- moting the approved interests of society. He was a gentleman of digni- fied demeanor and imposing presence. He was invited, in 1851, by the citizens of Tompkinsville. S. I., to deliver an address, which was pub- lished and widely circulated, on account of the views it contained respect- ing slavery. He believed in its divine right. See "Mag. R.D.C," iv. 37. "Dr. Jas. Brownlee's Hist. Sermons on Staten Island," 1865-75. THE MINISTRY 557 Manual, 1902. Publications: An Oration is consequence of the death of General George Washington, late President of the United States, delivered hy request in tlie Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush, on Saturday, the 226. of February, ib'oo, i)y Peter Van Pelt, A.B., student of divinity. Here follows a quotation from Horace, and then : "Brooklyn : Printed by Thomas Kirk — 1800." The oration is a memorial addressed to "Ameri- cans, Friends and Fellow-Citizens," and delivered in compliance with a late resolve of Congress, and the Proclamation of the President of the United States, and more immediately under the auspicies of a committee of arrangements for Kings County, at wliose instance a copy was sought for publication. The oration covers twenty-four printed pages, with the piquant, pointed sentiments peculiar to its author in after years, and closes : "Teach your children, and your children's children the unrivalled charac- ter of Washington, great in war. great in peace. And they, like us, will drop the tear of affection on the Urn of our departed Hero." Disc, at the Fun. of Rev. Peter Lowe. 1818. — Oration on Life, Character, and Services of the late Hon. Dan. D. Tompkins. 1843. — Discourse at the Request of the Survivors of the Veteran Corps of the War of 1812, July 4. 1 85 1. Van Pernis, Gerard M.. b. Rotterdam, Neth., Sept. 23, 1889; Academy, Private Theo. Course, 1. by Pres. of Spokane 191 5, (Missionary to Indians of New Mexico, Nevada, Idaho and Washington. Waterville Pres. Church). Fremont, Mich., 1921 PuBLic.vTioxs : Articles for press. — Emancipation of the Red Man, Smithonian Inst. Van Peursen, Garrett Dick. b. Maurice, la., March 7, 1880; Grinnell Col., one year. H.C. 1907, P.S. 1910, 1. by Ci. la., 1910. Missionary to Arabia, 1910 Publications: Articles for the Moslem World and Church papers. Van Peursen, John, b. Aug. 30, 1876; H.C. 1902. P.S. and W.T.S. 1905, 1. by CI. la. Coopersville, 1905-08, Chicago, Trinity 1908-12, Holland, Mich., Trinity, 1912-18. Kalamazoo. Mich., 2d, 1918 PuBLic.\TioNs : Articles for De Hope, Leader. 11 Bushwick {Boght), 1654. See N.Y.C., borough of Brooklyn Buskirk's, (Union of Sinthoik and Tiossiock, Teoshoke or Tia shake) , Wash- ington Co NY, 1792. Smith, S. 1794-1800, Paige, 1800-1802, Froehgh, Td 1803-8, Ostrander, S. 1810-20, Fonda, (S.S.) 1822, 27 and 29, Van Hook"! Miss, to, 22, Switz. 23-6, Quaw Miss, to, 29 Heermance, Har. 1830-31 and 43-5, Pitcher, J. H. 33-43, Newton E. H. 45-48, bearle, S. T. 48-50, Shaw, J. B. Si-9, Gardner, T. A. 6i-7, Furbeck 67-7S, Ogden, 76-81, Southland, 81-91, Hogan, R. J. 94-7, F^^^.^' J^98-i9^. StiUwell J. L. 1902-1908, Phelps, P. T. (S.S.) 1908-10, Pitcher, C. W. 1912-1913, supplied 1918 Buskirk's Bridge, same as Buskirk's. .^ ^ Byron Centre, Mich., 1910. Classical Missionary ^9io, Walvoord, W C 1911-1914, Droppers, O. G. 1915-1919. Van Egmond, H. 1919-20, Van Westenburg, J. 1921 Caatsban, 1730, see Kaatsban, N.Y a .. f, Caledonia (Madison), Dane Co., Wis., 1843- Slingerland, 44-6. CaiHcoon \Thumansville), Sullivan Co., NY :856^ ^°f X'hmo'lz' Schnellendreussler, 66-9, Elterich. 71-5, Windermuth 80-1 Schmolz, 81-3, Miller. H. 85-8. Unglaub, 1888-1904. Straub, J. L. I90() Callicoon Centre, see Callicoon. Calvary, see Cleveland. ' Calvary, see Grand Rapids. Cambria, see Randolph Centre. . r 1 T^ 1 i.- Camp 1710 A general name for the settlements of the Palatmes on each side of the Hudson. These settlements soon became known as East Camp, (Kingsbury, Germantown). and West Camp^ near Kaats- ban See East Camp and West Camp. Smith's, N.Y., 199. Doc Hist. N.Y.. iii. 382-392. See also Kinysbury. (sometimes misprintea Kingsbcrg), and Livingston Manor. Camptown, see Irvington. N.J. Canada, Churches in : Adolphustown. 1798. 1804. McDowell. 1800-19. Vo,^„ Elizabethtown, 1798, embracing Augusta and Yonge as stations. KerDy, 1801 Frederickstown. 1798. McDowell. 1800-19. Ernesttown, 1798. McDowell, 1800-19. Matilda. 1798. 1806. Williamsburgh, 1798, 1806. Bay of Cante or Quinte, 1798- Osnaburgh, 1806. Markham. 1806. McDowell was general Toronto. 1806. I missionary to all these Kleinville. 1809 Sydney. 1809. Little York, 1810. Burned in the War of 1812, now Toronto, embracing, perhaps a score of churches. Sophiasburgh. 1810. Hallowell. 1816. Now Pictou. Canadian churches. 6l8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA German church 25 miles north of York, 1806. (Now Toronto). In 1819, Rev. C. D. Schermerhorn is represented as ready to join Mc- Dowell and settle in Canada, and in 1823, as actually settled there in Talbot street, Toronto. See Domestic Missions. Also Mag. R. D. C. i. 34- For Canadian Church History, see Life and Times of Robert Burns, D.D., pub. by Campbell & Son, Toronto ; Kemp's Digest of the Minutes of the Syn. of Presbyt. Ch. Canada, (the Free Church) ; pub. by John Lovell, Montreal, 1861. Historical Statistical Report of the Presby. Ch. of Canada, in connection with the Ch. of Scot- ■ ■ land, for the year 1866 ; pub. by Lovell, Montreal, 1867. The Year Book of the Dominion of Canada, 1875. History of Foreign Missions of the Secession and United Presbyt. Ch. by Rev. Dr. John McKerrow, has much reliable Canadian Church History in it. (Edinburgh, Scotland). Mr. H. M. McCollum wrote an elab- orate series of articles in the Canada Presbyterian on Canadian Church History, in 1879-80, with many interesting references to the R. D. missionaries. Later histories have no doubt been pub- lished. See Doc. Hist. N.Y. iii, 686. McClintock's Cyc. viii, 544. Canada, see Alberta, Ald«rson, New Holland, Carlstadt, Alberta, Mon- arch, Alberta, New Holland, Alderson. Canajoharie (Sand Hill) Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1750. Rosencrantz, A. 1752-1758, and at times between 1765-1794, Loppius (Lupp) 1760-1765, Kennipe about 1775-1779, Gros occasionally 1779-1783, Broeffle, 1784- 1788, Peck, D. C.*A. 1788-1796, Gros, 1796-1800, Labagh, L 1800-1803, Wack, J. 1804-1824, also at times Toll 1805-1815, Hasbrouck, J. R. H. 1820-1826. See Fort Plain, 1831, Doc. Hist, i, 340. The churches of Canajoharie, Fort Plain, and Stone Arabia were burned in 1780 in the invasion under Brandt. See Fort Plain, Stone Arabia, Fort Herkimer, Daily Hist. Montgomery Classis, 112, etc. Canajoharie (independent), 1816. Wack, J. J. 1816-27. Canajoliarie, Seceder, {Westcrlo and Middletozmi) , 1822. Toll, 1822-42. Canajoharie, 1827. Van Olinda, supply, 27-30, Wells, R. 30-4, Van Kleek, 34-6, Robertson. 36-9, Dunning, 42-5, McFarlane, 45-8, DeWitt, L. 48-9, Chapman, N. F. 50-54, Hammond, E. S. (S.S.) 54-6, Welton, A. (S.S.) 1856-1857, Romaine, (S.S.) 1857-8, P. 1859-62, Van Zandt, B. 1862-9, Williams, R. R. 1870-83, Lansing, J. A. (S.S.) 1883-4, Haines, F. S. 1884-91, Denman, 1892-6, Peters, J. D. 1897-1910, Davis, George 1911- 14, Blekkink, V. J. 1914 . See Daily Hist. Montgomery Classis, 17. Canarsie, L. L (Ger.) 1877, see N.Y.C, borough of Brooklyn. Canastota, Madison Co., N.Y., 1833. Gregory, T. B. (S.S.) 34-6, Stry- cker, P. (S.S.) 36, Goetschius, S. Z. (S.S.) 36-7, Hyde, Orin, Presbyt. (S.S.) 37, Van Santvoord, C. S. 38-9, White, A. (S.S.) Pres. 39- 40, Rand, 41-4, Drake, 45-53, Gaston, A. H. (S.S.) Pres. 55-6, Bogar- dus, N. (S.S.) 58-9, Garretson, J. 59-61, Little, Jas. A. (S.S.) Pres. ■ 61-3, Wurts, 63-8, Lockwood, J. H. 71-3, Wurts, (S.S.) 77-8. Name disappears 78-89, reappears 90-4. became Pres. See Daily Hist., Mont- gomery Classis, 115. Canton, 1830, see China. Carlstadt, Alberta, Canada, see New Holland. Carmel, Rock Valley, Sioux Co., la., 1896. Te Selle, 97-1900, Dykhuysen, H. 1901-1904, Kots, J. W. 1905-1911, Dejonge, B. 1912-1914, Schut, Henry, 1915-1918, Tietema, J. H. 1919 Caroline, Tompkins Co., N.Y., 1800. Mandeville, G. 1802-4. Caroline, 1831. Wack, C. P. 1831, Tarbell, 32-40, Gates, 42-50, Whitbeck, J. 52-68. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 115. Case Township, Moore, Okl. 1906, Sandham Memorial. Castalia, S. D. 1884, see Charles Mix, S.D. Castleton, Emmanuel, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.. 1853. Stimpson, E. P. 53-61, THE CHURCHES 619 Heermance, E. L. 61-9, Mills, G. A. 70-82, Campbell, A. D. 82-9, Dun- lap, (S.S.) 88-9, Wyckoff, C. E. 91-3, Thomas, E. E. 1894-1904, Wyckoff, A. C. 1906-1909, Soper, W. P. 1909-1914, MacCuIlum, E. A. 191 5 Castlewood, Dempster, S.D., 1908. Denekas, W. (S.S.), 1910-1918, Rozen- dal, A. 1918-22. Castorland, see Naumberg. Catlin, Cayuga Co., N.Y., 1831. Rogers, L. 1832-3. Cato, Cayuga Co., N.Y., 1818. De Fraest, 21-6, Wyncoop, R. Miss, to, 2y, Stevenson, Miss, to, 28-9, Hoffman, 31-43, Knight, R. W. 45-52, Morse, A. G. 57-9, Watson, T. G. 61-9, Swick, 69-71, Wilson, F. F. l^'Z. Van Doren, 74-6, Wells, R. 76-80. In 1884 became Presbyterian. See Dailey's Hist. Montgomery Classis, 116. Cato Seceder, 1827. Catskill, (Old) afterward called Madi.son and Leeds; Green Co., N.Y., 1732. Census for 1720 in Doc. Hist, i, 244. Weiss, 1732-35, Van Seine, 1736- 38, Mancius, 1738, Weiss, 1744, Schnoor, 1747-48, Frelinghuysen, T. 1749-52, Schuneman, 1753-94, supplied by Labagh,. Ostrander, Van Vlierden, Demarest, Jn. Brinkerhoff, Froeligh, Van Hussen, 1794-98, Labagh, 1798-1809, Ostrander, H. 1810-12, Wynkoop, P. S. 1814-17, Wyckoff, L N. i8i8-Mar. 9, 1833, at this date this organization (at Leeds) was abandoned, and the consistory adjourned, sine die. (See Catskill village and Leeds). Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y., 1833, as a station, supplied by Wyckoff, L N. 28-33; Wyckoff, L N. 33-6. Romeyn, Jas. 36-41, Murdock, 42-51, Van Gieson, 53-5. Welch, 56-9, Lansing, J. A. 60-6, Horton, 67-73, Thompson, J. B. 74-84, Vanslyke, E. 84-97, Demarest, W. H. S. 97-1901, Demarest, Alf. 1901-1904, Berg, L H. 1906-1912, Dykstra, J. A. 1912-1918, Muste, C. B. 1918-21, Bennink, J. E. 1922 Catskill, see Kiskatom. Caughnawaga, New Broadalbin, 1758, see Fonda, N.Y. Cawker City, see Rotterdam, Kan. Cedar Grove, (formerly Holland), Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1854. Beidler, Miss, to, 55, Vander Schuuer, 55-6, Van Lieuwen, 57-9, Vandcrmeulen. J. C. 61-3, Stobelar, 64-73, Borgers, 74-81, Wormser, A. 82-7, Stapel- kamp. 88-94, Veldman, 95-8, Van Zanten, 1899-1904, Klerk, Ab. 1904- 191 1, Kuypers, C. 191 1 Centennial Chapel, see N.Y.C., borough of Brooklyn. Central, see Sioux Centre, la. Central Avenue, see Jersey City. Central, see Oskaloosa, la. Central, see Grand Rapids. Central Bridge, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1875. Millspaugh, 1876-8, Buckelew, 78-86, Beekman, T. A. 89-93, Lipes, 94-5, Jongneel, Jas. 95-9, Voegelin, 1900-1902, Hageman, P. K. 1903-1906, Moffett, E. O. 1906-1912, More- house, H. C. 1912-1913. Disappears 1916. Central Lake, Mich., see Atwood. Central Park Reformed Church, Mich. New name 1922 of Graafschap Church, which see. Centreville, Athenia, Passaic Co., N.J., 1882. McKelvey, A. 82-3, Still- well, J. L. 84-6, Dubois, Anson, 87-1901, Van Arsdale, N. H. 1901- 1909, Poppen, J. 1910-1914, Scudder, H. J. 1915-1919, Hotaling, H. K. 1919-1921, Hageman, T. A. 1921 Centreville, St. Joseph Co., Mich., 1839. (Ketchum, Miss, to 1836), Ben- nett, 39-44. McNeish, 44-6, Seeber, 47-8, Minor, 48-50, Schultz, J. N. .53-5. Kershow, 55-65, Van Vranken, A. H. 65-80, Peeke, A. P. 81-91, Sonnema, 91-5, Bailey, H. S. 1896-1902, Kooiker, G. 1903-1905, Simpson, H. A. (S.S.) 1906-1907. Disappears 1909. Address at Semi-Centennial, 1891. See Peek's Hist. Centreville, Turner Co., S.D., i88c. (Known simply as Dakota, until 1884). 620 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Warnshius, H. W. 81-Q2, Nickerson, 92-6, Midema, 96-07. Disbanded 1898. Ceylon, see India. Chancellor, S.D., 1904. Haken, G. 1904-1906, Wubbena, A. 1907-1915, Ach- termann, H. 1915-21. Frerichs. J. B. 1921 . See Lennox, ist. Chandler, Minn., 191 1. Kots, J. W. 1911-1913, Reinhart, Harry E. 1913- 1920, Klerekoper, J. 1920 Chapel on the Heights, (Bethany), 1855, see N.Y.C., borough of Brooklyn. Chapin, 1890, see Zion, la. Charles Mix (Castalia and Platte), Harrison, S.D., 1884. Zwemer, F. J. 85-92, Mollema, 1893-1901, Dykstra, B. D. (S.S.) 1903, Pastor, 1904- 1913, Oldenburger, T. 1914-1916, Van Dyk, A. 1919 Charles St. Chapel, 1916, see West Hoboken, N.J. Charlestown, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1797. Wyckoff, H. V. 17 — 1803, Van Buren, P. 1805, Hasbrouck, J. R. H. 1820-6, Morris, J., Miss, to, 27-9, Chittenden, Miss, to, 31-3. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 117. Charlestown 2nd, 1803. Wyckoff, H. V. 1803-20, Van Kuren, Miss, to, 1824. Charlestozvn, Seccder. 1822. Wyckoff , H. V. 1822-9. Charlestown 2nd, Sccedcr, 1824. Charlestown, Independent, 1829. Wyckoff, H. V. 1829-31? Charleston, S.C. (station). Lyall, Wm. 1865-6. Charlevoix, Mich., see South Barnard. Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1843. Porter, E. S. 43-9, Williamson, N. D. 50-1, Schenck, J. W. 51-3, Holmes, E. 53-9, Mead, 59-70, Campbell, Jas. B. 70-3, Van Ai'sdale, N. H. 74-80, Brown, T. S. 80-97, Denman, 97-1901, Leggett, W. J. 1901-1917, Wright, R. C. 1918 Chenango (near Binghamton) Broome Co., N.Y., 1794. Cornelison, J. 1794, Ward, J. W. 1824-31. Became Presbyterian. See. Dailey Hist. Mont- gomery Classis, 117. Cherry Hill, Bergen Co., N.J., 1876. Name changed to North Hackensack, 1812, which see Cherrytown, (station), Ulster Co., N.Y. Higgins, (S.S.) 1878-9. Chester, now Westerlo. Chiang-Chiu, see China. Chicago, Cook Co., 111., churches in : 1. Chicago, Hoi. I3tii Place, 1853. Vander Meulen, C. 59-61, Bolks, 61-2, Klyn, 63-8, Debey, 68-91, Bloemendal, 91-4, Joldersma, 95-9, Harmeling, H. 1900-1907, Boer, N. 1907-1910, Schuurman, H. P. 1910-1913, Schip- pers, N. 1913-1918, Broekstra, M. E. 1918 2. Chicago, 2nd, (American Refd.), 1854. Ferris, J. M. 54-62, William- son, N. D. 62-5, Demarest, Jas. 66-71, Gulick, U. D. 72-5. Name of ch. dropped after 1880. 3. Norwood Park, 1871. Gulick, U. D. 70-2, Gulick, A. V. 72-82, Rocke- feller, 82-4, Joralmon, 84-95, Hutchinson, 96-1900, Miedema, 1900-1903, Thurston, J. A. 1904-1916. Church became Presbyterian, 1916. 4. Irving Park, N. 42nd Av., 1874. Lansing, A. G. 74-7, Van Vranken, H. H. 77—, Phraner, W. H. 83-8, Williamson, W. H. 89-92, Fairchild, 92-4, Brooks, J. W. 94-8, Baker, F. P. 1899-1913. Church and Pastor became Presbyterian, 191 3. 5. Roseland, ist, Mich. Av. and 107 st., 1879. Kriekaard, C. 79-84, Van Ess, B. 84-90, Moerdyk, W. 1900-1905, Hospers, H. 1905-1909, Flipse, M. 1909-1914, Heemstra, J. F. 1914-1919, Harmling, H. 1921 6. Englewood, 62nd and Peoria sts.. 1886. Dejong, J. P. 87-93, Dykstra, L. 93-8, Hospers, H. 1900-1905, Broekstra, M. E. 1905-1908, Nettinga, S. C. 1909-1912, Van Duine, A. M. 1912-1915, Lumkes, J. M. 1916-22. 7. Roseland, 2nd, Bethany, iiith st., 1890. Hekhuis, G. J. 1891-1906, Steu- nenberg, J. 1907-1912, Lamar, J. 1912 8. Gano, Clark and 117th sts.. 1891. Warnshuis, J. W. 91-5, Poot, 95-8, THE CHURCHES 62I Bouma, P. A. J. 1898-1903, Douwstra, R. D. 1904-1910, Sietsema, J. 1911-1919, Kuite, J. 1921 9. Trinity, 446 Marshfield Av., 1891. Moerdyke, Peter, 1892-1907, Van Peursem, J. 1908-1912, Heemstra, J. 1914-1918. Church dissolved 1919. 10. Northwestern, W. Superior st. (Presbyt. 1888). R. C. A. 1893. Van den Hook, 88-96, Vander Werf, 96-9, Boer, H. K. 1900-1902, Dejonge, B. 1902-1904. Niemeyer, G. 1905-1908, Vander Heide, J. 1911-1913, Teeuwissen, W. (S.S.) 1916-1917, Huiser, John (S.S.) 1918. 11. Englewood. 2d, W. 66th, Chicago, 111., 1902. Van der Meulen, J. 1903- 1905, Brinkinan, B. F. 1906-1910. Klerk, A. 1911-1913, Dykstra, L. 1913- 1918, Vandenberg, R. 1919 12. Immanuel Mission, Clerk St., Chicago, 111.. 1901. (Fausett, J. E. 1901), (Van Ess, J. 1901-1902), DeHaan, J. (S.S.) 1902-1904. Church dis- appears 1905. 13. West Side, Oak Park, Chicago, III., 1911- Braak. P. 1912-1916, Pieten- pol, H. J. 1916-1920, Vander Naald, H. 1922 14. Emmanuel, loist PI., Chicago, 111., 1915. Bennink, J. E. 1915-1917, Pot- geter, Luppo. 191 8 15. West Side, Hungarian, S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111., 1915. Krisik, Alois 1915-1917, Sebestyen, Endre, (S.S.) 1918. 16. Kensington Italian Mission, Indiana Ave., Chicago. 111., 1915. Malta, Frank 1916-17, Papa, J. M. A. 1917 17. Summit, Chicago Lawn, Chicago, 111., 1899. Included in Chicago, 1918. DeHaan, J. (S.S.) 1899-1903, Ossewaarde, M. 1905-1908, Niemeyer, G. 1908-1913, Van Vliet, Wm. 1913-1916. Meulendyke, J. 1916-1919, Te Grootenhuis, J. H. E. 1919 China — Mission Field. This mission was founded in 1842. The Reformed Church shares with the London Missionary Society and the Presbyterian Church in England the responsibility for evangelizing the southern part of the Province of Fukien. In 1918 a portion of the territory formerly assigned to the London Missionary Society was transferred to the Reformed Church, thus greatly enlarging the geographical area of the Mission. It is estimated that the total population of the districts assigned to the Reformed Church Mission exceeds three million. From the beginning, the organization of the Chinese Churches resulting from the evangelistic work has been independent of the Churches in America and Great Britain. The Churches established by the Missions of the Re- formed Church and the English Presbyterian Church have also from the beginning been united in one Church, the first Classis having been organized in 1862. In 1893 this Classis was divided into two, and the organization of the Synod of South Fukien was completed. In 19 19 the Churches established by the London Missionary Society entered this United Church, so that now, with the exception of a few stations of the Seventh Day Adventists. all the Protestant Churches in South Fukien are united in one Church body. The previous editions of this Manual gave a detailed list of the churches and stations of the Reformed Chuch Mission in China, but as these are not constituent parts of the Reformed Church Mission, they are omitted from this edition. The names however are found in their alphabetical location. _ The stations at which the missionaries of the Reformed Church reside and the dates of their opening are as follows : Amoy 1842 Sio-khe 1889 Chiang-chiu i°95 Tong-an 1B95 Leng-na IQIQ 622 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA MISSIONARIES OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA TO AMOY, CHINA. Went Out Retired Rev. David Abeel, D.D 1842 1845* Rev. Elihu Doty 1844 1865* Mrs. Eleanor (Ackley) Doty 1844 1845* Mrs. Mary (Smith) Doty 1847 1858* Rev. W. J. Pohlman 1844 1849* Mrs. Theodosia R. (Scudder) Pohlman 1844 1845* Rev. J. V. N. Talmage, D.D 1847 1892* Mrs. Abby F. (Woodruff) Talmage 1850 1862* Mrs. Mary E. (Van Deventer) Talmage 1865 1912* Rev. J. S. Joralmon 1855 i860 Mrs. J. S. Joralmon 1855 i860 Rev. Daniel Rapalje 1858 1901 Mrs. Alice (Ostrom) Rapalje 1878 1901 Rev. Alvin Ostrom 1858 1864 Mrs. Susan (Webster) Ostrom 1858 1864 Miss Caroline E. Adriance 1859 1864* Rev. John E. Watkins. (Lost at sea) i860 i860* Mrs. John E. Watkins. (Lost at sea) i860 i860* Rev. Leonard W. Kip, D.D 1861 1901* Mrs. Helen (Culbertson) Kip 1865 Rev. Augustus Blauvelt .* 1861 1864* Mrs. Jennie (Zabriskie) Blauvelt 1861 1864 Rev. J. Howard Van Doren 1864 1873* Rev. John A. Davis 1868 1871* Mrs. Emma C. (Wyckoff) Davis 1868 1871 Miss Helen M. Van Doren 1870 1877 Miss Katharine M. Talmage 1874 Miss Mary E. Talmage 1874 Rev. David M. Talmage 1877 1880 Rev. Alexander S. Van Dyck 1882 1896 Mrs. Alice (Kip) Van Dyck 1886 1896 Rev. Philip W. Pitcher 1885 1915* Mrs. Anna F. (Merritt) Pitcher 1885 1916 Miss Y. May King, M.D 1887 1888 Rev. John A. Otte, M.D 1887 1910* Mrs. F. C. (Phelps) Otte 1887 1911 Rev. John G. Fagg 1887 1894 Mrs. Margaret (Gillespie) Fagg 1889 1894 Miss Elizabeth M. Cappon 1891 1909* Miss Nellie Zwemer 1891 Miss Margaret C. Morrison 1892 Miss Lily N. Duryee 1894 I. S. F. Dodd, M.D 1894 1895 Mrs. Mary (Carpenter) Dodd 1894 1895 Rev. A. D. D. Eraser 1895 1898 F. T. B. Fest, M.D 1896 1898 Mrs. Emmy M. (Hartwig) Fest 1896 1898 Rev. Hobart E. Studley 1896 1903 Mrs. Edith J. (Holbrow) Studley 1898 1903 Miss M. Van B. Calkoen 1896 1899 C. Otto Stumpf , M.D 1899 1906 Mrs. Eleanor (Barwood) Stumpf 1899 1906 Miss Angie M. Myers, M.D 1899 1904 Miss Louise Brink 1899 1902 Rev. A. Livingston Warnshuis 1900 1921 THE CHURCHES 623 Mrs. Anna (De Vries) Warnshuis Rev. Douwe Cornelius Ruigh. (Transferred to Japan). Mrs. Christine (Carst) Ruigh. (Transferred to Japan). Rev. Harry P. Boot Mrs. Nettie (Kleinheksel) Boot Rev. Frank Eckerson Miss Sarah R. Duryee Miss Alice Duryee Miss Elisabeth H. Blauvelt, M.D Miss Gertrude Wonnink Rev. Henry J. Voskuil Mrs. Mary W. ( Shepard) Voskuil Rev. Henry P. DePree Mrs. Kate ( Everhard) DePree Miss Katharine R. Green Mrs. Anna H. ( Afcengs) Boot Rev. Steward Day (1908-1914) Mrs. Rachel M. (Smith) Day (1908-1914) John H. Snoke. M.D Mrs. Mary E. ( Shelton) Snoke Miss Leona Vander Linden Andrew Benthius, M.D Mrs. Nellie ( De Young) Benthius Rev. William H. Giebel Mr. Herman Renskers Mrs. Bessie M. (Ogsbury) Renskers Edward T. Strick. M.D Mrs. Edith ( Walker) Strick Miss Maude Norling Miss Edna K. Beekman George W^ Dunlap, M.D. * Taeke Bosch, M.D Mrs. Margaret (Brown) Bosch Mr. Frederick J. Weersing Mrs. Bata (Bemis) Weersing Miss Edith C. Boynton Rev. Lyman A. Talman Mrs. Rose E. (Hillcr) Talman Rev. H. Michael Veenschoten Mrs. Stella E. (Girard) Veenschoten Rev. Henry Poppen Mrs. Dorothy C. (Trompen) Poppen Rev. Harvey L Todd Mrs. Ethel M. (Langwith) Todd Rev. Edwin W. Koeppc Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Renskers) Koeppe Clarence H. Holleman, M.D Mrs. Ruth ( Vanden Berg) Holleman Rev. Matthijs Vandeweg, M.D Mrs. Maria A. (Stempels) Vandeweg Miss Petra Johnsen Rev. Henry Beltman Mrs. Sara (Trompen) Beltman Miss Tena Holkeboer Miss Jean Nicnhuis Mr. William Vander Meer Miss Elizabeth G. Bruce 1900 I92I 1902 1 90s 1904 1905 1903 1903 1908" 1903 1903 1905 1903 1911^ 1905 1908 1906 1908 1907 1908 1907 1907 1907 1908 I9I6 I9I6 1908 I9I8 1908 1918 1909 1909 I9I4 1909 I9I4 1909 I9I3 I9I0 I9I0 I9II I9II I9I2 I9I4 I9I5 I9I7 I9I5 I9I5 I9I5 I9I5 I9I5 I9I6 I9I6 I9I7 I9I7 I9I8 I9I8 I9I8 I92I I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 1919 I9I9 1920 1922 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1921 624 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Chioh-be, 1859, see China. Chittenango, Madison Co., N.Y., 1828. Taylor, H. 28-30, Yates, A. 30-4, Campbell, W. H. Sept. i, 31 — July 2, 32, Slingerland, 33-4, Manton (S.S.) 1834-36, Hoes, 36-7, Abel, 38-55, Hastings, 56-59, Talmage, J. R. 60-9, Enders, 69-80, Thatcher, 1880-87. Became Presbyterian, 1888. See Daily Hist. Montgomery Classis, 118. Chittoor, 1853, see India. Christ Church, 1871, see Newark, N.J. Christ, 1830, see Utica, N.Y. Chukonot, now Florida, N.Y. Church of Jesus, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Church of the Comforter (Wiltwick), 1863, see Kingston, N.Y. Church of the Comforter, 1894, see N.Y.C., Borough of the Bronx. Church of the Faithful, 1898, see Brown's Station, N.Y. Church-on-the-Heights, 1851, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Churchville, 1710, see N. and S. Hampton, Pa. Churchville, Holland, Luctor, Pipestone Co., Minn., 1897. Mennings, 1897- 1902, DeGroot, D. 1903-1905, Grooters, P. 1906-1908, Vander Beek, John 1909-1915, Cook, G. E. 1915-1919. Cicero, Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1835. Evans, Wm. (S.S.) 1836-8, Hyde, O. (S.S.) 1839, Seely, A. W. 1840-44, Turner, W. E. (S.S.) 1845, Bald- win, T. (S.S.) 1846-7, Liddell, J. (S.S.) 1848-9, Williamson, N. D. B. 1849-50, DuBois, J. 1850-54, Robinson, S. N. 1854-56, Gray, J. 1856-7, Hebard. F. 1857^ Humpersly, G. W. 1863-5, Schell, L. (S.S.) 1866, Law- rence, D. W. 1874-76, Edmondson, J. 1879-81, Babcock, M. (S.S.) 1881-2, Strail, H. A. (S.S.) 1883-4, students, 1884-90, Smith, E. E. 1890-91, Ruhl, 1891-92, Wilcox, A. J. 1892, Emmons, 1897-8, Harsh, G. E. 1899-1900, Smith, H. 1901-2, Erler, J. 1903-04, students 1907-11, De- Hollander, J. A. 1913-15, students, 1915-20, Malefyt, P. 1920 . See Dailey, Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 21. Cincinnatus, Cortland Co., N.Y., 1825. See Dailey, Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 119. Clara City, Bethany, (German), Chippewa Co., Minn., 1899. Chr. End, Ch. No. 17, Aeilts, 1900-1903, Veenker, G. 1904-1909, Bauer, C. 1910 Clara City, (Dutch) Chippewa Co., Minn., 1897. Krickaard, C. 95-8, Aeilts, (S.S.) 1900-1904. Vacant. Claraville, (Upper Neversink), Grahamville, Sullivan Co., N.Y., 1849. Ber- nart, 51-6, Jones, D. A. 58-63, Hammond, J. W. 63-7, Turner, W. E. (S.S.) 67-72, MiUiken, R. P. 76-83, Lane, G. 85-88, Coombs, Wm. 90-3. vacant 1893-1902, Hauser, G. 1902-1906, vacant. Claremont, S. D. 1920. Clarkstown (New Hempstead), West Nyack, Rockland Co., N.Y., 1749, Verbryck, S. 1750-84, Lansing, N. 1784-1830, Hunt, 30-2, Warner, A. H. Z^-7y Quick, P. J. 37-66, Lippincott, 66-72, Schenck, F. S. 72-7, Streng. 77-82. Hageman, C. S. (S.S.) 82-4, Talmage, D. M. 84-8, Zwemer, S. M. (S.S.) 88-90, Hill, Eng. 90-7, Conover, G. M. 1897- 1905. Randolph, E. T. F. 1906-1916, Van Orden, J. S. (S.S.) 1916-1921, Hotaling, H. K. 1921 . See Ch. Int., July 4, 1900. Clarksto-um, Secession, 1825. Lansing, J. V. S. 26, Brinkerhoff, J. G. 30-40, Van Houten, 58-62. Clarksville, New Salem, Onesquethaw, Voorheesville, Albany Co., N.Y., 1854. Lansing, A. G. 58-62, Slauson, 62-6, Ballagh, W. H. (S.S.) 68-9, Westveer, 69-71, Pearse, N. 73-7, Lansing, A. G. 77-83, Perlee, 84-6, Brown, W. S. 88-91, Morton, T. E. 92-3, Van Burk, 93-4, Green, E. W. 94-6, Van Haegen, 97-9, Van Doren, D. K. 1900-1902, Tyndall, S. G. 1903-1908, Westveer, A. 1909-1911, Phelps, P. T. (S.S.) 1913-1914, Steketee, J. B. 1915-1918, Boyce, Donald, (S.S.) 1919 Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1716. Vandriessen, J. 1727-8, (Erickson supplied, 1731-2, and Van Schie, 1732-43), Van Hovenberg, 1743-56, THE CHURCHES 625 Fryenmoet. 1756-70, (supplied by Cock, 1770-6), Gebhard, 1776-1826, Sluyter, 16-43, Boice, I. C. 44-59, Van Gieson, 59-65, Zabriskie, F. N. 66-72, Schenck, J. W. 72-81, Leggett, W. J. 82-9, Wyckoff, J. H. 89- 92, Burrill, G. H. 1892-1905, Hageman, H. 1905 . See Smith's N.V., 307, Zabriskic's Clavcrack Centennial, Gebhard, The Parsonage be- tzveen the Tzvo Manors. Claverack, 2nd, 1838, see Mellenville, N.Y. Clav, N.Y., 1849. See Dailey, Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 134. Cleveland, Oswego Co., N.Y., 1850. Hall, D. B. 50-3, Jones, N. W. 53-4. Presbyt. 1856. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., O. (Ho!.), 1864. Kasse, 64-8, Warnshuis, J. 68-71, De Beer, 72-4, Broek, D. 75-6, Wormser, 78-81, Dykstra, L. 82-3, Van Houte, Jac. 84-6, Niemeyer, G. 86-90, Hogeboom, 90-9, Hoffman, J. 1899-1908, Van Westenburg, J. 1909-1911, Bloemendal, R. 1912-1914, Markley, A. F. 1914-1916, Vanden Bosch, T. G. 1917-19. Cleveland, 2nd, 1890, after 1914 Calvary. Westveer, 90-1, Straks, 91-4, Hos- pers, G. H. 1894-1905, Karreman, A. 1906-1910, Van Zomeren, J. 191 1- 1914, Stegeman, M. A. 1914-1919, Brinkman, B. F. 1919-21, Droppers, O. G. 1922 Clifton, Passaic Co., N.J., 1892. Birdsall, 92-9, Van Haegen, 99-1900, Ellsworth, 1901-1905, Brown, J. A. 1905-1907, Becker, J. C. A. 1908 Clifton, N.J., Holland, 1915. Te Grootenhuis, J. H. E. 1915-1919, Webinga, John, 1920- Clifton Chapel, 1918, see New Durham. Clifton Park, now Amity. Clinton, 1866, see Annandale, N.J. Clinton Ave., see Newark. Clinton, Okl., 1904. Korteling, George 1904-1909, Winter, J. P. 1909-1911. Dismissed to Southern Presbyterian Church, 191 1. Clintonville, 1840, see Irvington, N.J. Closter City, Bergen Co.,, N.J., 1862. Hammond, E. S., Miss, to, 62-4, Blauvelt. C. J. 66-9, Van Buskirk, 69-87, Ward, H. 1887-1909, P. Em. 1909-1915, Hogan, O. J. 1909 Clove, (Decicertown), Sussex Co., N.J., 1788. Supplied by Romeyn, T. (Sr.) 1760-71, as a station. Van Bunschoten, E. 1788-1812. In 1818, Presbyterian. The Sussex Independent published, in Feb., 1883, the petition for the organization of this church in 1787. Clove, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1769. Supplied by Rysdyck and the ministers of Hopewell. Clove, High Falls, Ulster Co.. N.Y., 1807. Mandeville, Gar. (S.S.) 1789- 1802, Westervelt, R. 1807-8, Murphy, 14-25, Morse, B. Y. Miss, to, 28, Westfall, B. B. 28-34. Knight, 38. Alliger. 40-3, Lillie. Jas. 44-5, Depuy. 46-53, Evans, 53-6. Jones, N. W. (S.S.) 56, Voorhees. J. N. 57-66. Van Arsdale, N. H. 67-74, Vroom. 74-87, Hageman, H. 1887- 1905. Vander Meulen, J. 1905-1908, Noble, H. W. 1909-1913, Schwitter, E. O. 1914-1915, Dangremond, G. C. 1916-1921. Clover Hill, Somerset Co.. N.J.. 1834. Schanck. G. C. 35-7, Demarest, W. 38-40, (Presbyt. 1840-62), Voorhees. W. B. 64-71, Oliver, 71-84, Bogert, N. J. M. 84-96, Ackerman, E. G. 97-9, Bruce, P. 1900-1904. Buckle, George 1904-1907, Pitcher, C. W. 1908-1912, again 1913-1918, Bcckman. T. A. 1919 Clover Road Chapel, 1916. See Clove Valley Chapel, Staten Island. Clove Valley Chapel, S.I., 191 5, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Clyde, N.Y., see Tyre, N.Y. Clymer, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., 1869, (called the Abbe Church, in honor of Mrs. L. M. Abbe, of Albany, who gave $1800 to the church). West- veer, 70-2. Jongeneel, 73-5, Tc Winkle, Mar. -Oct. 76, Warnshuis. J. W. 76-8. De Bey, D. J. 82-7, Hoffman, J. 87-93, Hospers, H. 93-7, Osse- waarde, M. 1897-1905, Flikkema, G. 1905-1912. Klerk, A. 1913-1917. Bennink, J. E. 1917-22. See Cutting, N.Y. 626 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Clymer Hill, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., 1853. (Organized as a Congrega- tional church, 1847. Hesselink, Adolph 1847-50, Dunnewold, 1851-3, when pastor and people joined Refd. Ch.), Dunnewold, 53-68, Rens- kers, 68-80, Van Doren, M. 81-9, Bahler, P. G. M. 1889-1903, Straks, J. H. 1904-1909, Stegenga, A. S. 1909-1911, Walterink, J. 1912-1914, DeYoung, B. 1915-1918, Kroodsma, R. 1919-22. Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1825. Evans, W. Miss, to, 2"], Raymond, H. A. 1829-33, Myers, A. H. 1833, Quaw, 1834-36, Bassler, B. 1838, Waring, H. E. 1839-40, Lockhead, Wm. 1841-5, Spaulding, C. 1846-9, Hall, D. B. 1854-5. None of these was installed pastors. Church ceased to exist. Cobleskill. New organization, 1886. Fagg, 1885-7, Blekkink, E. J. 1888-94, Maar, 1894-5, Rockefeller, D. W. G. 1895-6, Smith, H. 1898-1901, Dangremond, A. C. V. 1902-03, Van Dyck, A. S. 1903-06, Simpson, Wm. E. 1910-15, Amerman, J. L. 1915-1920. See Howe's Cave. Cockburn, 1838, see Plattekill, N.Y. Coenradstown (German Flatts, N.Y.), 1798. Pick, (S.S.) 1798 . See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 119. Coeymans, Albany Co., N.Y., 1793. Sickles, 1796-1800, Overbagh, 1805-6, Westervelt, R. 1808-16, Kissam, 18-29, Van Santvoord, S. 29-30, Fort, 30-1, Amerman, T. A. 31-2, Edwards, 34, Murphv, 42-3. Kissam, 43-5, Cornell, J. A. H. 45-8, Peltz, 48-51, Daves, 52-5, Gardiner, H. B. 56-60, Collier, I. 60-6, Bahler, L. H. 67-9, Mead, E. 70-2, Cornell, J. A. H. 73-9, Craig, 80-90, Burrowes, 1891-1908, Beaver, J. P. 1909-1916, Jones, H. T. I9r7 Coeymans Square. This was the original site of the Church of Coeymans. Church was removed to Coeymans, 1840. Cohoes, Albany Co., N.Y., 1837. Lockhead, 38-9, Van Buren, J. 40-1, Meyer, 41-6, Gray, J., 47-8, Waldron, 49-79, Strong, J. P. 78-90, Walser, 1891-1921, Phelps, P. T. (S.S.) 1921 Cohoes, see Boght and Rensselaer, N.Y. Cold Spring, Putnam, Co., N.Y., 1855. Harris, 56-7, Laremore, (S.S.) 60, Romondt, (S.S.) 62, Phraner, 63-6, Sherwood, (S.S.) 67—.., Van- deventer, J. C. 73-5, Shaw, W. A. (S.S.) 78-9, supplied by students 79-82, Gowen, 83-5, Wilson, F. F. 86-7, Runk, 88-94, Shook, 95-6, Allen, H. B. 97, Vanderburg, 98, Mclntyre, 99-1901. Dropped 1915. College Point, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Collegiate Church, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan, see also Harlem, N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Colony, Columbia Memorial, Oklahoma, 1898. Roe, W. C. 1900-1913, Bax- ter, J. H. 1913, Vruwink, H. A. 1913-1917, Read, J. L. 1917 . As- sistants, Brokaw, A. P. 1905, Legters, L. L. 1906-1907, Harper, R. H. 1908-1909, Wauchope, W. C. 1910, Baxter, J. H. 1911 Colony, see Apache, Vermilye Memorial. Colt's Neck, Monmouth Co., N.Y., 1856. Wyckoff, J. S. 56-64, Bolton, 65-78, Hendrickson, 78-82, Labaw, 83-9, Cunningham, 90-1901, Van Beverhoudt, 1901-1918, Doyle, D. P. 1919 Columbia, Richfield Springs, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1798. Supplied by neigh- boring ministers, 1798-1811, Bartlett, J. (S.S.) 1811-1814, DeVoe, D. (S.S.) 1815-1819, Rawls, 1819-1823, Ketchum, (S.S.) 1823-26, Hangen, 1826-32, DeVoe, D. (S.S.) 1834-39, Lewis, W. (S.S.) 1839, Ackerson, 1839-41, Starks, 1843, Hall, D. B. (S.S.) 1844-8, Murphy, 1851-2, James, 1852-5, Murphy, 1857, Hammond, E. S. 1857-8, Aurand, 1860-63, Parsons, A. (S.S.) 1864, Bronson, 1865-7, Compton, J. M. 1871-5, Hammond, J. W. (S.S.) 1875-6, Stanbrough, 1876-81, Wessels, 1883-4, Beekman, T. A. 1885-7, Compton, J. M. 1888-91, Shelland, 1894-7, Reynolds, G. (S.S.) 1897, Lehman, 1899-1902, student supplies. See Dailey's Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 23. Columbian Memorial, see Colony, Okl. THE CHURCHES 627 Colunibiaville (Station), Garretson, J., Miss, to, 1826-7. Comanche, Lawton, Okl., 1907. Legters, L. L. 1907-1910, Sluyter, Henry, 1910-1913. See Vermilve Memorial, Lawton, Okl. and Apache Indian, (Fort Sill). Comforter, Church of. 1894, see N.Y.C., Borough of Bronx. Community, see Corinth, Mich. Community Church, see Douglaston, L.I. Conesville. Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1836. Bogardus, C. 1838-43, Kerr, G. 1844- 46, Van Dyke, L. H. 1847. Dropped 1853. See Dyse's Manor, Gilboa. Conewago. Erroneously for Caughnawaga. M.G.S. i. 45, 114. etc. Conger, see North Blendon, Mich. Conowago, at first in York, now in Adams Co., Pa., 1768. See Hanover and Susquehanna, Pa. This church stood about one mile east of Hun- tertown, the latter being about 5 miles N. E. of Gettysburgh. The church building was subsequently removed about one mile south of Huntertovvn, on a spot now known as Black's Grave Yard. The church belonged to the Classis of New Brunswick. Its Baptismal Book shows that it was supplied, occasionally, by Rev. J. M. Van Havlingen, 1769, 1772, by Rev. J. R. Hardenberg, 1770, and by Rev. John Leydt, 1771. It is probable that some of the German Re- formed ministers also, especially Boehme, C. L. and Gobrecht, who were pastors at Hanover, served this church occasionally. Pastors: Cozine, Cor. 1772-88, Brinkerhoff, G. G., Nov., 1789-Nov., 1793; Gray, A., Miss, to, 1793; Cornelison, Miss, to, 1794; [Black, John, (Presbyt.), S.S., 1794-1800, merged in Presbyt. Ch., Hunterstown, Pa.]. About 1765 Dutch colonists from New Jersey began to pour into York and Adams Counties, in the southern borders of Pennsylvania and west of the Susquehanna. These soon organized the Conowago and Hanover congregations in these respective counties. The church of Conowago was located about three miles south of Gettysburg, and near the famous bat- tleground of 1863. It consfsted of about 150 families and 7C0 souls. From its baptismal records, yet preserved, extending from 1768-1793, it appears that the Cossats and Montforts of Millstone [or Harlingen] N. J., and the Bantas and Westervelts of Bergen Co., N. J., were among the earliest set- tlers. Other Dutch names, such as Bruner, Covert, Van Nuys, Schomp, Demarest, Bremer, DeMott, Bergen, Smock, Van Ar.sdale and others occur in these records. The first Conowago deed for land, is to a Van Arsdale, and is dated 1768. The Demarests came from Bergen Co. in 1771. But about 1 78 1 emigration began from this field to Kentucky and in 1793 to the Genesee country, N. Y., and continued until these Dutch settlements and churches were entirely broken up. In 1793, during Brinckerhoff's ministry almost the whole congregation moved away to these two new fields. Those going to Central New York were the Brinckerhofifs, Jansens, [or Johnsons], Bodines, Van Tines, Daters, Parcelles, Lystcrs. See Owasco Outlet. By 1800 Conowago was so depleted as to furnish but a very small con- gregation for Sunday services. In 1817 only five Dutch families remained. Permission was then obtained to sell the old church building, and with the proceeds build a wall around the burial ground. The sum realized was $288.20. There had been Presbyterian churches in this vicinity from 17|0, under the names of Upper and Lower Marsh Creek, and later, under the name of Gettysburg. (See Hist. Discourse on the Gettysburg Presbyt. Ch., by Rev. J. K. Demarest, 1876). Rev. John Black, pastor of this church, 1775-94, was compelled to leave because of his sentiments on temperance, which would be considered mild at the present day. From 1794-1800, he supplied the remnant left in the Dutch church. He died in 1802. The church of Conowago, as said, belonged to the Classis of New Bruns- wick, but the first Volume of Minutes of this Classis, 1771-1811, was destroyed by fire, it is said, about 1840. But see Scomp's Hist. Discourse on "The Old Mud Meeting House, Ky.," 1900, for much of this material 628 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Besides Demarest's Hist, above alluded to, Deinarest subsequently ob- tained much additional material about this Conowago Dutch Church, which he published in the "The Star and Sentinel," of Gettysburg in 1884. See also "The Family of Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff," 1887, for an interesting chapter on this Conowago colony. Also Ch. Int., Jan. 28, i860. Conrad, Mont., 1908, see Montana, First. Constantine, St. Joseph Co., Mich., 1843, Bennet, 43-5, McNeish, 46-9, Jones, D. A. 50-2, McNeish, 52-4, Bailey, 56-63, Beardslee, 1863-84, Smitz, B. 84-8, Gamble, S. D. (S.S.) 90-1, Baker, F. P. 91-3, DeSpeld- er, 94-5, Gulick, J. I. 95-8, Kelder, 1899-1904, Miedema, Wm. 1905-1907, Vander Mel, C. 1908-1910. Disappears about 1914. Coonnoor, 1858, see India. Coopersville, (formerly Polkton and Eastmanville) , Ottawa Co., Mich., 1857. Vandermeulen, J. C. 63-4, Huyssoon, 65-9, Buursma, 69-73, Kie- kentveldt, 7^,-6, Brock, D. 77-80, Borgers, H. 81-3, Karsten, 86-9, Boer, H. K. 90-2, Bruins, W. H. 93-9, Vander Ploeg, H. 1900-1904, Van' Peursem, John 1905-1908, Te Grootenhuis, J. H. (S.S.) 1909. DeYoung, A. 1910-1918, Hoflf, H. 1919 Copperas, now Brunswick. Cordell, Oklahoma, 1902. Vander Meulen, J. M. 1903, Vandeburg, S. 1903- 1904, Spaan, C. H. 1904-1911. Dismissed to the Southern Presbyterian Church, 191 1. Corinth, Mich., 1920. (Community). CI. Miss. 1920. Corsica, S.D., 1908. (Grace). Duven, M. J. (S.S.) 1908-1910, Lammers, B. W. 1910-1914, Van de Werp, J. (S.S.) 1915-1916, Pettersen, H. M. 1916-1920, Van Egmond, H. 1920 Cortland, N.Y., 1908. DeGraff, G. D. L. 1909-1910, Winne, J. E. (S.S.) 1911. Disappears 1917. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 26. Coshington, Delaware Co., N.Y., 1794. See Middletown and Paghkaghtan. Mints. Gen. Syn., i. 448. Courtlandtown, Montrose, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1729. Ritzema sup- plied 1744-76, church burned; Van Voorhees, S. 1785-8, organized anew, 1793; Manley, W. 1800-6; Hoffman, A. 1810-30. Kirkwood. 33-6, Westbrook, 36-50, Lockwood, 50-2, Steele, J. B. 53-7, St. John. (S.S.) 58-65,, Anderson, W. H. 65-6, Van Wyck, P. 67-8, Garretson, J. 69-72, Thompson, J. B. 73-4, Harper, 75-91, Bogardus, F. M. 90-5, Smith, H. 96-8, Force, F. A. 1899-1903, Olandt, C. 1905-1920, Dangre- mond, G. C. 1921 Covenant, Church of, see Paterson. N.J. Covenant Reformed, see Muskegon Heights. Coytesville, see Palisades, N.J. Coxsackie, West Coxsackie, Green Co., N.Y.. 1732. Weiss, 1732-5. Schune- man, 1753-94, Sickles, 1797-1801, Ostrander, H. 1801-10, Livingston, G. R. 11-26, Searle, J. (Sr.) 26-51, Peltz, 51-7, Dutcher, 57-8, Hastings, 60-70, Hansen. 71-81, Staats, B. B. 82-9, Hageman, P. K. 90-4, Winant, 94-7, Hill, E. 97-1901, Shepherd, T. M. 1902-1904, Sluyter, H. 1904-1910, Dumont, W. A. 1911-20, Nies, M. G. 1921 . See Hill's Hist, of, 1901. Coxsackie, 2d, 1833. Cahoone, 33-46, Van Cleef, P. D. 46-9, Woodbridge. 50-2, Steele, J. 53-8, Zabriskie, F. N. 59-64, McKelvey, A. 65-6, Collier, E. W. 66-7, Munn, 68-77, Lansing, J. A. (S.S.) 77, Salisbury, J. H. 78-87, Barnum, 88-1899, Clifton, 1900-1917. Stube, C. F. 1917-1919, Shield, F. K. (Jr.) 1919 Cranesville, N.Y.. 1871. Supplied throughout its history by neighboring pastors and the classical missionary. Among these the Reformed min- isters have been: Revs. Kyle, 88-89, Minor, 1879-80. Blekkink, 90-94, Rogers, Dailey. Weidner, 1903-05. Wurts, Nickerson, Wilson, P. Q., Conant. Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 28. Cranesville, N.Y., see Glenville, ist. Crawford. Col., see Fruitland, Col. THE CHURCHES 629 Crescent Place, see Yonkers, N.Y. Cromwell Center (Everly, Fostoria), Clay Co., la., 1894. Missy, 1895-6, Classical missionary, 1896 — , Huenemann, H. 1903-1910, Schoon, J. H. 1911-1914, DeVrics, J. M. 1916-1919, Schaefer, J. 1920 Crookston, Neb., 1913. Cuddebackville, (Pecnpack). Orange Co., N.Y., 1854. Morris, H. 55-62, Winter, 63-6, Zabriskie, Jer. L. 66-70, Bogardus, W. E. 70-4, DuBois, J. 74-80, Hageman, H. 82-7, Lane G. 88-92, Corwin, C. E. 95-7, Hieber, 97-9, Whitney, W. W. 1904-1910, occasional supplies. Currytown (Root), Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1790. Hasbrouck, J. R. M. 1815-29, Van Olinda, (S.S.) 1829-30, Gray, J. 1830-31, Hangen, 1832-7, Hecrmance, H. 1837-40, Frazer, 1840-43, Middlemas, J. (S.S.) 1844-47, Carle, 1848-51, Buckelew, 1851-5, Quick, J. J. 1855-62, Whitbeck, R. M. (S.S.) 1863-4, Compton, (S.S.) 1864-8, Van Doren, D. K. 1869-73, Ackerman, 1874-9, Compton, J. M. 1879-82, Minor, J. 1882-5, Wyckoff, G. 1886-7, Sangree, 1888-93, Beekman, D. S. 1893-1901, Florence, E. W. 1902-04. Campbell, J. B. 1905-07, Bedford, C. V. W. (S.S.) 1909-1.2, Eliason, H. A. (S.S.) 1912-14, Pastor, 1914-17, Scheengas, C. H. 1919- 21. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 29. Ch. Int., Feb. 9, 1854. Cutting, N.Y. (Clymer), 1911. Classical Missionary 1911. Disbanded 1919. Dakota, ist, 1880. see Harrison, S.D. Dallas, Texas, see Fort Sill, Okla. Dalton, 111., see Dolton, 111. Danforth. Iroquois Co., 111., 1869. Duiker, 72-4, Meulendyke, 79-82, Krie- kaard, C. 84-8, Vennema, (S.S.) 89-92, Siegers, 93-7, Heines, 98-1900, Oosterhof, A. 1900-1904. Koster, M. E. 1905-1911, Dejong, P. C. 1912- 1918, Dykstra, L. 1918 Danube, same as Indian Castle, see also Fort Plain. Danube, Scccdcr. Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1823. Goetschius, S. Z. 1823-4. Danville, Allegheny Co., 5SI.Y., 1797. Gray, A. 1797-1819. Dashville Falls, Rifton Glen, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1831. Quaw, 31-4, Markle, 62-4. Liebeneau. 67-8, Deyo. 70-3, Todd, W. N. 74-81, Milliken, P. E. 84-6, vacant. 86-91. Jones, H. T. 91-3, Whitney, W. W. (S.S.) 1901, Shield, F. K. 1902-1904, (3rull, J. P. 1905-1907, vacant, 1907 Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa, 1859. Drury, Miss, to, 1861-2, Vanderveer, C. G. 1860-6, Vroom, W. H. 1867-9, Peeke, G. H. 1869-72, Decker, 1872-6. Davis, 1894. see Bethel. S.D. Davis. Turner Co.. S.D., 1892. Schoon. 90-3, Teichrieb, 94-6, Koerlin, 1897-1903. See Bethel, Davis. S.D. See Delaware, S.D. Day, Saratoga Co.. N.Y.. 1842. Lansing. J. A. (S.S.) 45-8, Voorhees, J. N. (S.S.) 48-9, James, 50-2, Case, 1855-7. Same as Sacondaga. Decatur, Mich., 1909. Van Arendonk, A. (S.S.) 1910, Meeter, John, 1912- 1914. Oosterhof. A. 1914-1918. Burggraff. J. J. 1920 Deckertown. 1788. see Clove, N.J. Deerpark, 1737, see Port Jervis, N.Y. DeFreestville. see Blooming Grove, N.Y. Delaware. Davis (Lennox. 3d). Turner Co.. S.D.. 1889. Schoon. 90-3, Teichrieb. 94-6. Koerlin, 1897-1903. Bohler. J. 1904-1908, Kramer, G. 1913-1914. Waalkes. A. H. 1916-1919, Cramer, H. 1920 Delaware River Missions, 1790. Kuypers, W. P. 1792-3, Ames. 1814. Dell Rapids. S.D.. see Logan. Delmar, N.Y., 1848. Ch. Building erected 1841, as "East" Branch of Union Ch. ■ Served by Simon V. E. Westfall, 1841-47. (Before 1913, Bethle- hem 2nd). Lansing, J. A. 1848-60, Pearse, 1860-98, Clowe, 1899-1901, Allen. H. B. 1901-1910, Van Ess, J. 1911-21. Seibert, G. G. 1921 . See Bethlehem, N.Y., 2nd, Union. De Motte, Jasper Co.. Ind., 1893. After 1908 Thayer, Ind. Vanden Bosch, 630 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA T. M. 1899-1904, Deelsnyder, C. W. 1905-1907, Koster, S. E. 1908-1911, Swart, P. 1912-1917, Oosterhof, A. 1918 DeMotte, Ind., American, 1920. Swart, P. 1921 Demster, S.D., 1902. Supplied. Denekas, W. 1909-1919, Rosenbohtn, M. 1919-21. See Castlewood. Denver, Col., 1921. De Spelder, 1881, see Britton, Mich. Detroit, Mich., 1875. Boer, Miss, at, 74-6, Kiekentveldt, 76-8, vacant, 78-82, Niemeyer, G. 82-4, Dangremond, G. 84-5, vacant, 85-8, Broek, D. 88-92, Kremer, 1892-1902, Riepma, S. F. 1903-1905, Te Grootenhuis, J. H. E. 1905-1910, Frieling, Harke, 1911-1915, Bovenkerk, J. 1916-1919, Brouwer, J. G. 1919-1920, Veldman. H. J. 1921 Detroit, Hope Mission, 1920. Organized as Detroit 2d, 1922. Oilman Station, 1850, see Bethlehem, Wis. Dingman's Ferry, Pike Co., Pa., see Walpack, Upper. Dispatch, see Rotterdam, Kan. Dolton, Cook Co., 111., 1904, Tanis, H. 1905-1908, Te Paske, J. W. 1909- 1912. Doon, la., 1908. Dekker, F. G. 1910-1912, Schilstra, E. S. 1913 Dorlach, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1788 (?) See Sharon. Douglas Co., Dakota Territory, 1880, see Harrison. Douglaston, L.I., N.Y., 1919. Community Church. Davis, L. G. (S.S.) 1919-21, Flipse, M. E. 1921 Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1769. Supplied by Rysdyck and the ministers of Hopewell. Van Voorhees, supplied, 1774. On Nov. 21, 1774, the Consistory of N.Y.C. sent them a present of a lot of hymn books. Dover, Wimbeldon, N.D., 1919. Drenthe, (Vriesland), Ottawa Co., Mich., 1850. Smit, 51-3, Pieters. 61-5, Huyssoon, 65-6, Moerdyk, W. 69-72, Vanderveen, 75-9. This church was united with Vriesland, 1847-8. Separated 1849; included in the general work of R.C.A., 1850. Smit, pastor, 1851-3, when he seceded with a part of the congregation. Informally withdrew, 1882. Reported occasionally until 1909. Duanesburgh, Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1798-1804, supplied by neighboring ministers. Became Presbyterian. Duanesburgh, Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1824. See Dailey Hist, of Mont- gomery Classis, 119. Duanesburgh, see Princetown, N.Y. Dulce, see Roe, W. C. Memorial. DuMond, see Zoar, la. DuMont, la., 1913. Classical Missionary. Brandan, J. H. 1918. guMont, see Fairview, la. uMont, see Schraalenberg, N.J. Dunkirk, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., 1867. Vacant, 67-76, Boer, H. K. 76-9, Van Doom, M. 80-1, vacant, 81-8, name dropped. Dunningsville, Hamilton, Mich., 1913. Student supplies and Classical ap- pointments. Dunnewold, A. J. 1921 Durham. Oak Hill, Green Co., N.Y., 1787. Van Vlierden, 1792-4, Labagh, P. 1798-1809, Schermerhorn, C. D. 1809-18, supplied by Fort, A., Van Zandt, P.. Bassett, Paige, 1818-24, Ostrander, S. 24-31, Stryker, P. 3 months in 1832. See Reeves' Hist, of Green Co.. N.Y., 278. Dyse's Manor, (Broome) 1801. Labagh. P. 1801-03, Schermerhorn, C. D. 1803-18, Paige, W. 1818-20. In 1836 the congregation was divided, about one third forming the con- gregation of Conesville and retaining the old building and about two-thirds forming the congregation of Gilboa. See Conesville, Gilboa. East Belfast, Maine, Trinity, 1907. Vaughn, Wm. 1907 East Camp, 1710. (See Camp and West Camp). Known also as Kings- THE CHURCHES 63I bury, Kingsberry. and sometimes erroneously written Kingsberg. No church was formally established at East Camp, probably, before 1727. Haeger tried to get a church for Episcopal services in 1715, but with- out success. (See Haeger, J. P.). The Lutherans probably crossed over to West Camp to worship. Pastors: Haeger, J. F. 1710-21, Falck- ner, Justus, 1720-3, Falckner, Daniel, 1724 — . Berckenmeyer, W. C. 1721-9, Oehl, 1722-4. See Linlithgo and Germantown. Doc. Hist. N.Y., iii. 382-392, 598. East Chatham, see Concord, N.Y. East Greenbush, see Greenbush, N.Y. East Indies, see India. East Little Rock, see Salem, la. Eastmanville, Mich. See Polkton. East Millstone, Somerset Co., N.J., 1855. Vander Wall, 56-8, Cole, D. 58-63, Berger, 63-6, Phraner. 66-70, McWilliam, 70-90, Strong, J. P. Oct. -Dec, 90, Peeke, A. P. 91-1900, Lockwood, H. 1901 — . See Cole's Decennial Sermon ; Peek's Ser. at 40th Anniversary of ch. East New Paltz, see Esopus. East New York, 1840, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Easton. North Easton, Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., 1803. Duryee, P. H. 1802-17, Fonda. J. D. 20-30, Kendall, John B. (S.S.) 1832, Pitcher, J. H. 33-5. Bronson, A. 38-40, Newton, (S.S.) 43, Jones, D. A. 44-7. Morris, 50-5, Cochran, 63-9, Meyers, A. H. 72-5, supplied by neigh- boring pastors and students, 75-94, Shaul, 95-8, Allen, H. B., June-Oct., 98, Miller, S. D. 99-1901, Black, 1901-1904, Erler, John, 1905-07, stu- dent supplies, 1907-14. Easton. Northampton Co.. Pa., 1851. Knox, J. H. M. 51-3, Edgar, 53-82, Blauvelt, G. M. S. 82-90, Lee, 90-3. Became Presbyterian. East Orange, 1875, see Orange, N.J. East Orange, see Hyde Park. East Orange, 1877, see Alton, la. East Oversiel. Bentheim, Oakland, Hamilton, Allegan Co., Mich., 1872. \'acant, 72-96, Wolvius, 96-8, Poppen, 1898-1902, Klooster, F. 1902-1906, Tellman. H. E. 1906-1911, Vander Ploeg, H. 1911-1914, Poppen, J. 1915-1917, Schroeder, P. E. A. 1918-21. East Palatine, N.Y., 1890. Thomson, J. A. 91-4. Given up. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 125. East Paris, Mich., see Grand Rapids, 1914. East Saugatuck, 1869, see Fynaart, Mich. East Williamsburg, 1855, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. East Williamson, Wayne Co., N.Y., 1870. [This ch. was org. as a Presbyt. ch.. by the Presbytery of Steuben, N.Y., Jan. 19. 1847. Pastors, John DeYisser, an elder ord. and installed Ap. 28, 47-8. d. Veenhuizen, Nov., 53-4, Nov., supply ; pastor. 54-62, when pastor and people united with Ref. Ch. of Pultneyville. This union and pastorship continued till Ap., 1870, when East-Williamson separated as a Ref. Ch.]. Veen- huizen, 70-81, TeWinkle, 81-7, Hospers, 87-92, Ossewaarde, M. 93-7, Dangremond. G. C. 1898-1903. Tysse, G. 1903-1911, Ossewaarde, John 1911-1918, Koster, M. E. 1918 Ebenezer, 1867, see Holland, Mich. Ebenezer, (Paines Point and White Rock), Oregon, Ogle Co., 111., 1869. Vacant. 69-74. Watermucider, L. 74-86. Elliker, 87-96. Diekhoflf, 1897 Ebenezer. Leighton. Mahaska Co.. la.. 1889. Gessman, 91-4, Van der Kam, 94-6, Tysse, 1896-1903, Dykema, K. J. 1904-1908, Duiker, W. J. 1908-1911. Ro.sendal, A. 1912-1917, Ossewaarde, John 1918-22. Ebenezer, Scotland. Bonhomme Co.. S.D.. 1894. Supplied by Classis 1894-1902. See Scotland. S.D. Ebenezer. Morrison. Whiteside Co.. 111.. 1896. Vacant, 96-8. Te Groot- 632 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA enhuis, J. 1898-1903, Bouma, P. A. J. 1903-1908, Broekstra, M. E. 1908-1911, Koster, S. E. 1911-1916, Vis, J. A. 1917 Ebenezer, Milford, la. Rec'd from Presbytery of Sioux City, April, 1906. Dropped 1910. Eddyville, la., 1910. Hansen, F. B. 1910-1913, Huibregtse, Edward 1914- 1917. Eden, Fondu lac Co., Wis., 1859. Kershaw, 1865-7. Edgerton, Minn., 1907. Classical Missionary 1908-11, Scholten, D. 1911- 1914, De Jongh, J. 1914 Edgewood, N.Y., 1890, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Elim, White Rock Centre, Kings, Ogle Co., 111., 1892. Haken, 93-6, Schaefer, J. 1897-1904, Mundhenke, W. R. 1904-1914, Kroesche, F. H. 1915 Ellenville, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1840. Ayres, 41-54, Bentley, 55-81, Hutchins, J. 82-7, Hendrickson. 87-95, Berg, H. C. 1895-1910, Steiner, W. H. 1910-1914, Maines, W. S. 1916 Ellenville, 2d, 1855. Pfister, 1856-62. Ellsworth, Minn., see Bethel, 1914. Classical Missionary. Russman, E. K. 1921 Elmendorf, Chapel, N.Y., see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Elmhurst, N.Y., see Newtown, N.Y.C., Borough of Queens ; see Newtown (German), N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Elmsford, 1850, see Greenburgh, N.Y. Eminence, Summit, ^choharie Co., N.Y., 1824. Vacant, 24-33. See, Wm. G. E., 33-9, vacant, 40-89, Phelps, P. (S.S.) 89-92, occasional supplies. Dropped 1913. Emmanual, (Belmond, Palsville), Wright Co., la., 1884. Janssen, R. 83-94, DcBeer, J. 94-6, Reeverts, A. 1897-1907, Theilken, J. G. 1908- 1909, Thormann, E. H. 1910-1917, Waalkes, A. H. 1918 Emmanuel, (German-American), 1897, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Emmanuel, 1852, see Castleton, N.Y. Emmanuel, see Chicago, 111. Emmanuel, see Poughkeepsie. Emmanuel, see Immanuel. Englewood, 1886, see Chicago, 111. Englewood, 2d, 1902, see Chicago, 111. Englewood, Col., 1906, see New Holland, Col. Englewood, N.J., Italian, 1920. lorrizzo, G. 1920 English. Neighborhood, Ridgefield, Bergen Co., N.J., 1770. Lydekker, 1770-6, Cornelison, 1793-1806, Polhemus, H. 1809-13, Demarest, C. T. 13-24, Abeel, G. 24-8, Duryee, P. 29-48, McFarland, 48-55, Taylor, A. B. 55-92, Martyn, F. 93-5, Roop, 1896-1910, Allen, H. B. 1910-1918, Ross, T. M. 1920-21. English Neighborhood, Secession, 1823. Brinkerhoff, J. G. 1824, Demarest, C. T. 1824-51, Blauvelt, C. J. 1852-60. Now Leonia, N.J. Ephratah, Fulton Co., N.Y., 1829. Wack, Jolin, supplied occasionally. Dis- banded 1859. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 33. Ephratah, Fulton Co., N.Y., 1832. Morris, J. Miss. 27-29, Ketchum, 33-6, Westfall, B. B. 37-38, Robb, J. 41-43, Jukes, 44-50, Van Liew, J. C. 51-6, Westervelt, J. P. 58-9, Hewlings, George 61, Merwin, M. T. 62, Smith, W. H. 66-8. Compton, 68-9, Van Benschoten, 72-8, Stanbrough, 81-2. Wilson, P. Q. 82-5, Whitney, 86-9, Palmer, C. L. 96-9, various supplies 1899-1914, Stanton, R. A. 1914-1920, Dickens, W. H. 1921 . See Dailey Hist. Classis of Montgomery, 32. Erie, 111., see Newton. Ernest-town, 1798, see Canada. Esopus, now Kingston. Esopus, Klein Esopus, (East New Paltz), Ulster Park, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1791. Smith, T. G. 1799-1808, Hasbrouck, J. R. H. 1809-13, Van Hook, THE CHURCHES 633 Miss, to, 22, Van Keuren, 25-36, Fort, 36-53, Taylor, W. 53-4, McFar- lane, 55-6i, Myers, A. H. (S.S.) 62-5, Garretson, J. 65-6, Voorhis, J. N. 67-80, Staats, J. A. (S.S.) 81, Hull, 82-5, Van Doren, J. 86-92, Lyman- Wheaton. 92-95, Cole, S. T. 96-9, Harris, D. T. 1899-1907, Millett, J. 1908-1914, Van Oostenbrugge, C. 1914-1919, Gulick, George W. 1921 East New Paltz, see Esopus. Evergreen, or Ridgewood, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Everly, see Cromwell Centre, la. Fairfield, ( Horseneck or Gansegat), Essex Co., N.J., 1720. Supplied by the neighboring pastors, 1720-60. Blauw, ( Conferentie), supplied, 1762-8, Meyer, H. 1772-85, Leydt, M. 1779-80, supplied by Duryee, John 1801- 17, Neal, 17-22, Stryker, H. B. 2Z-T, Ogilvie, 2^-12, Raymond, 33-5, Bronson, 36-8. Wilson, Jos. 38-45, Quick, J. J. 45-9, Wilson, Jos. 49-73, Sebring. "jy^, supplied by Smith, Mortimer, Ap.-Oct., TJ, Pockman, 78-80, Owens, 81-4, Miller, B. C. 85-6, Lockwood, L. 86-9, Bogardus, W. E. 90-2, Conklin, J. W. (S.S.) 93-5. Peeke, G. H. (S.S.) 95-6, Mohn, O. L. F. 1896-1902, Mitchell, C. B. 1903-1905, Van der Mel, C. 1906-1908, Sutherland, R. R. 1908-1915. Miller, Wm. J. H. 1916-1918, Leaver. L. L. 1919 . See Berry's Hist, of Presb. Ch. of Caldwell, N.J., 1871. Fair Haven, (Woolcot), Cayuga Co., N.Y., 1847. Knight, R. W. 49-52, Muller, 54-7, Gates, C. 57-9, Watson, T. G. 62-4, Bartholf, 64-8, South- ard, 69-81. Became Presbyterian 1882. Dailey Hist. Montgomery Clas- sis, 137. Fair St., see Kingston, N.Y. Fairview, Fulton Co., 111., 1837. Wilson, A. D. (S.S.) 38-41, pastor, 41-56, Anderson, Wm., 56-9. Joralmon. 60-85. Huyser, 85-8, Van Doren, W. H. 88-93, Streng, 94-7. Gulick, Jac. 98-9. Watermuelder, G. 1902-1903, Van Zante, A. B. 1903-1907, Vander Meulen. J. 1907-1911, Winter, J. P. 191 1 Fairview, Okl., 1909. Korteling, G. 1909-1911. Dismissed to Presbyterian Church 191 1. Fairview ( Dumont, Allison, Bristow, la.), 1915. Bosch, F. C. S. 1914-1916, Wubbena. A. 1918^ Fairview. S.D., 1917. Fairview. 1918. see Grand Rapids, Mich. Fairville, 1798. see Arcadia, N.Y. Faith, see Jersey City. Fallsburgh. (Neversink, Woodbourne, South Fallsburgh), Sullivan Co., N.Y.. 1802. Reorganized 1827, Boyd, J. H., Miss, to, 2^-%, Gray, J. 33-5, Eggleston, 36-7, Duryee, I. G. 46-51, Eltinge, C. D. 51-2, Searle, J. 53-61, Connitt, 62-5, Brown, W. S. 67-88. Statesir, 1889-1915, Smith, Henry, 1916-1918, Heroy, G. M. 1918 . Name changed to Wood- bourne. 1918, which see. Falmouth, Missauke Co.. Mich., 1892. Vennema. S., 92-8. Farmer Village, Seneca Co., N.Y., 1830. Gregorv, O. H. 31-8, Bassler, 38-66, Brush, W. W. 66-8, Zabriskie, A. 68-9' Forsyth, Jas. C. 70-5, Furbeck, P. 1875-81, Nasholds, 82-7, Palmer, F. W. 87-93, Van Ars- dale, E. B. 1893-1916, Seibert. G. G. 1916—^. Name of this Church changed to Interlaken about 1906. Farowe, 1885, see South Blendon, Mich. Far Rockaway (Inwood), L.I., N.Y., 1909, (German Evangelical), Hopf. P. H. 1909-1916, Bosshart, J. G. 1916-1918, Wettstein, A. L. 1919-20, Dalhoff. H. C. 1922 Fawns, 1850, see Blue Mountain. N.Y. Fayette. Seneca Co., N.Y.. 1800, Vanderveer. J., Miss. to. 1823. Morris, J.. Miss. to. 1824-5. See Dailey 's Hist. Montgomery Classis, 120. Fenton, 111., see Newton, Zion, 111., 1909. 634 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Ferns, see Parkersburg, la. Ferrysburg, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1877. Feura Bush, Jerusalem, Onesquethaw. Fifth St., Bayonne, see Jersey City. Finderne, N.J., 1921. Leonard, F. M. 1921 Firth, Lancaster Co., Neb., 1890. Vacant, 90-4, Dragt, 94-6, Stegeman, Wm. 96-9. Dropped 1902. Firth, Neb., 1918. Koster, S. E. 1918 Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1716. Van Driessen, supplied occasionally, 1727-31, Van Schie, 1731-3, Meinema, 1745-55, or 58, Van Nist, 1758-61, Schoonmaker, H. 1763-74, Rysdyck, 1772-89, (1772, Eng. and Dutch began to be used alternately), Froeligh, S. also supplied, 1776-80, Blau- velt, L 1783-90, Van Vranken, N. 1791-1804, Westbrook, 1806-30, Fisher, G. H. 30-5, Kip, F. L. 36-70, Kipp, P. E. 70-4, Anderson, A. 75-80, Thomas, M. B. 80-7, Dickhaut, B. E. 88-96, Huizinga, A. H. 1896-1905, Duffield, J. R. 1906-1910, Vander Mel, C. 1910-1916, Herge, Charles, 1916—^ — . Ecc. Rec, N.Y., Doc. Hist. iii. 589. Smith's N.Y., 509. Kip's Hist. Disc. Brinkerhoff, T.V.M., Hist, of Fishkill, 1877. Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, 1822, Beacon, Heyer, 23-51, Quackenbush, 51-5, Suy- dam, 57-62, Kimball, 63-5, Berger, 66-9, Berry, J. R. 69-70, Fritts, 70-99, McCullom, 1900-1914, Dangremond, A. C. V. 1915 . Name changed to Beacon 191 5. Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, Chapel Denniston, 1866-8. Flatbrookville, see Walpeck. Flatbush, N.Y., 1654, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Flatbush Mission, 1871, Grace Chapel, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Flatbush, 2nd, 1847, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Flatbush, Saugerties, Glascoe, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1807. Overbaugh, 1809-41, Brodhead, 37-41, Demarest, D. D. 41-3, Watson, J. 44-7, Hulbert, 48-52, Gosman, 54-9, Minor, 59-64, Merritt, 65-73, Anderson, A. 73-5, Demarest, J. S. N. 76-81, Zabriskie, A. A. 82-6, Van Neste, G. J. 86-9, Dewitt, R. 89-1901, Beekman, P. S. 1901-1909, Dangremond, G. C. 1909- 1912, Wyckoff, G. (S.S.) 1913-1916, Steketee, J. B. 1918 Flatlands, 1654, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Flats, now Rhinebeck. Flats, (Burnetsfield, German Flats, Great Flats or Fort Herkimer), Herki- mer Co., N.Y., 1725. Rosncrantz, 17.. -67, Rosecrantz, A. 1767-94, Pick, D. C. A. 1788-1802, Spinner, 1802-48, see Fort Herkimer. "Great Flats" was a name given to the Flats along the Mohawk, extending from Schenectady to Utica. Flats, Seceder, 1825. Palmer, 1825-9. Fleming, N.Y., 1905, see Owasco Outlet, N.Y. Flemington, N.J. Hungarian Mission. Florence, S.C., 1904, see All Souls, Florence, S.C. Florida, (Chukonot, Remsen Bush, Minaville), Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1784. Maier, James (S.S.) 1794, Romeyn, T. 1800-6, Paige, 1808-20, Rouse, 22-8, Stevenson, 29-54, Clancy, 55-60, Krum, 61-5, Lane, 66-73, Pearse, R. A. 1873-1919, P.E. 1919, Betten, D. L. 1920 — — . See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 36. Flushing, N.Y., 1842, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Fonda, (Caughnawaga), Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1758. (The name is often carelessly written Conezvago in the early minutes ; not to be confounded with Conowago, which is in Pa. The ancient Caughnawaga included Amsterdam, Johnstown, New-Broadalbin, and Mayfield. Doc. Hist. iii. 673-4, 683, Col. Hist. iii. 250). Vrooman, Barent (S.S.) 1758-72, Romeyn, Thos. 1772-94, Van Home, A. 1795-1833, Quinn, 1833-5, Fonda, J. D. 1835-42, Yates, (S.S.) 1842-1844. Van Olinda, 1844-58, Furbeck, 1859-62, Boyd, J. C. 1865-70, Jones, T. W. 1870-82, De Baun, J. A. 83- 1900, Boyd, J. C. (S.S.) 1900-1, Caton, 1901-1904, Lonsdale, Wm. J. 1904- THE CHURCHES 035 1910, Cussler, Henry C. 191 1 . See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 3S. Fonda. Bush, (New Harlem, Broadalbin, Ransonville), Fulton Co., N.Y., 1795. Ten Eyck, C. 1799-1812, Palmer, 1818-20, Van Vechten, S., Miss. to, 1823, Presbyt. 1823. Fordham, 1696. See New York City, Borough of Bronx. Ford's Bush. (Station). Morris, J., Miss, to, 1829. Forest Grove, 1869, see Jamestown ist, Mich. Forest Park, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Forrestville, Ringle, Marathon Co., Wis., 1905. MoUema, B. (S.S.) 1906- 1912, Schroeder, P. E. A. 1916-1918, Lepeltak, C. 1919 Forreston, Ogle Co., 111., 1862. Karston, 65-7, DeBeer, 67-70, Reichart, 71-2. Schlieder, 72-80, Blaetgen, 80-5, Watermuelder, L. 85-6, NiehofT, 86-8, Schmidt, H. T. 89-93, Watermuelder, L. 93-9, Veenker, 1899-1904, Potgeter, H. 1906-1914, Theilken, J. G. 1914 Forreston, see Elim. Fort Carbon, Pa. (Station). DuMont. Miss, to, 1829-30. Fort Herkimer, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1852. (This church may be con- sidered the continuation of the church of German Flats, or Flatts, which see). Stark, (S.S.) 52-7, vacant, 57-62, Stark, 62-3, Petrie, (S.S.) 64-5, Quick, J. J. 67-8, Consaul, 68-72, HotTman, 73, Johns, 73-5, no settled pastor, but supplies, 75-88, Lord, Daniel, preaching in the sum- mer months for seven years — about 80-7, Minor, A. D. 88-91, Van Allen, Ira 92-96, Meeker, (S.S.) 1900-1903, Dyke, J. (S.S.) 1904, Kin- ney, C. W. (S.S.) 1909-1911, Classical Missionary, etc., 191 1, Beckes, O. E. (S.S.) 1912-17. See Johns' Hist. Disc, 1875. Cox's Herkimer. Dailey Hist. CI. Montgomery, 44-50. Fort Lee, Bergen Co., N.J., 1875. Vacant 75-83, name dropped. See Pal- isades, N. J. Fort Aliller. Washington- Co., N.Y. (See Argyle), 1817. Johnston, I. Y. 17-23, Van Hook, 23-4, McKelvey, Jolin, 27. Mair, Miss, to, 29, Thomp- son, D. R. ss. Parry. 33-7, Wood, Joel, 40-5. Stebbins, (S.S.) 48, Slau- son, (S.S.) 48-50, Cochran, 52, Lansing, A. G. 67-8, Kellogg, 68-72, Labaw, 73-4. Ford. 75-7. Cochran. 77-S. VanDoren, D. K. 78-82. Chap- man, J. W. 83-4, McCullum, 85-90, Hainer, 90-5, Davis. L. E. 96, Luck- enhill, 97-8, Wiley, E. C. 1900-1902, Van Ess, Jacob (S.S.) 1904-1909, Weidncr. D. C. (S.S.) 1909-1913, Kinney, C. W. (S.S.) 1913 Fort Plain, Montgomery Co., N.Y.. 1831. This ch. is a continuation of Canajoharie, 1750. Bogardus, N. 34-5, Burtiss, 35-6, Pepper, 37-40, Van Vechten. S. 41-4, McLean. C. G. 44-52. Schenck. M. L. 53-7, Hall, J. G. 58-64, Consaul. (S.S.) 64-5, Whittaker. W. (Presbyt.) (S.S.) 66-8. Riggs, 70-6. Rogers, S. J. 76-9, Wortman. 80-3. Demarest. Jas. 84-90. McCullum. 90-1900. Dougall. A. 1900-1902. Willoughby, H. C. 1904-1916, Kirkwood. T. J. 1916-22. Fort Plain, see Stone Arabia. Fort Sill, Okl. (Colony, Lawton) 1901. (Apache Mission). Wright, F. H. (S.S.) 1901-1904, Legters. L. L. (S.S.) 1907-1910. Sluytcr. H. 191 1- 1913. Merged w'ith the Comanche Mission, 1913, and with the Mes- calero Church, 1914, which see. Fort Washington, Collegiate, 1909. see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Fostoria. la., see Cromwell Centre, la. Fourth, German, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Foxendorp, 1730-1785, German Branch of Schoharie, which see. Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1830. Snyder. 29-30, Seeley, 31-5, Mur- phy,' 39-40. Starks, 43-6, Murphy, 54-6. Franklin, Heelyton, Hale's Corners. Milwaukee Co.. Wis., 1851. KInti, 1852-3. \'ander Meulen, J.. Sr. (S.S.) 1902-1907. Franklin. Nutley. Essex Co.. N.J.. 1855. Talmage, P. S. (S.S.) 55-9, Lott, 59-65. Ostrom. (S.S.) 66-8. pastor. 68-9. Quick. A. M. 69-82, supplied, 636 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 82-5, Skellinger, 85-6, Miller, B. C. 86-9, Stuart, 1890-1911, P.E. 1911- 16, Stauffer. M. T. 1912-1914, Schenck, H. W. 1916 Franklin Furnace, Sussex Co., N.J., 1878. Zabriskie, A. A. 78-81, Vaughn, J. 81-3, Garretson, G. S. 85-91, vacant, 91-4, became Presbyterian. Franklin Park, 1710, see Six Mile Run, N.J. Fredericktown, 1798, see Canada. Free Grace, Middleburg, Orange City, Sioux Co., la., 1885. Zwemer, A. 86-91, Duiker, W. J. 91-5, Koster, 98-1900, Fortuin, 1901-1903, Douw- stra. Harm, 1903-21, Mansen, F. B. 1921 Free, Jersey City, see Jersey City. Freehold ist, (Navasink, Marlboro), Monmouth Co., N.J., 1699. (See Middletown and Holmdel, N.J.). Supplied by Lupardus, Antonides, and Freeman, 1699-1709. Morgan, 1709-31, Haeghoort, 1731-5, Erick- zon, 1736-64, DuBois, B. 1764-1827, Van Vranken, S. A. 18.. -34, Otter- son, 35-8, Marccllus, 39-51, Willis, 51-68, Swain, 68-73, Wells, T. W. 73-87, Bertholf, J. H. 88-92, Van Zee, 93-1900, Martine, 1900-1905, Davis, W. E. 1905-1911, Vyverberg, H. L. 1912-1914, Palmer, C. L. 1914 . See "Dr. T. W. Welles' Hist of." Also Christian Intelli- gencer, Nov. I, 1899. Freehold 2d, 1842. In village of Freehold. Ganse, 43-56, Collier, E. W. 56-66, Van Buren, P. called, but prevented by sickness from settling, 67, Van Aken, G. 67-70, Hageman, C. S. 71-8, Brokaw, I. P. 1879-1905, P.E. 1905-16, Bayles, T. F. 1906-1910, Post, H. K. 1910-1916, Mertz, J. E. 1917-20, Vo^rman, A. H. 1921 Fremont Centre, Newaygo Co., Mich., 1870. Kiekentveld, 70-2, Vander Ploeg, 77-8. This church seceded in 1883, but returned, 1884. Meu- lendyk, Josias, 84-90, Hoekje, 1891-1908, Oosterhof, A. 1909-1914, Dyk- stra, J. D. 1915-1917, Van Westenburg, J. 1918-21, Van Pernis, G. M. 1921 Friesland, Sandstone, Pine Co., Minn., 1896. Te Paske, 96-8, Kots, 1899- 1905, Stegeman, Wm. 1906-1914, DeLange, Th. L. 1915-1918. Friesland, Wis. (Cambria, before 1915. Randolph Centre), 1893. Engels- man, 1898-1905, Vander Werf, A. 1906 Fruitland, Mesa, Crawford, Col., 191 1. Te Selle, J. W. (S.S.) 191 1 Fukuoka, 1915, see Japan. Fulton, Whitesides Co., 111., 1867. Woltman. 69-70, Vandermeulen, John 70-5. Hazenberg, 75-7, Dykstra, 78-82, Vander Ploeg, H. 82-6, Te Winkle, J. W. 88-95, Duiker, W. J. 1895-1902, Joldersma, R. H. 1903- 1907, Wolvius, W. 1907-1911, Koster, M. E. 1911-1916. Van Vliet, Wm. 1916-1919, Frieling, H. 1920 Fulton, 111., 2nd, 1916. Koster, M. E. 1916-1918, Van Westenburg, I. 1 919 Fulton, 111., see Ustick, Spring Valley, 111. Fultonville, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1838. Dyer, 39-43. Van Burcn, J. M. • 43-52. Welles, R. 57-68, Teller, H. L. (S.S.) 1868, Kip. F. M. (Jr.) 69-82, Van Vranken, F. V. 82-92, Schmitz. W. 92-1901. Van Hee, 1901- 1905, Grant, J. E. 1906-1913, Irish, E. B. 1913-1916, Hagaman, T. A. 1917-21. Fynaart, Allegan Co., Mich., 1869. Zwemer, J. F. 73-79, united with Saugu- tuck, 1880. Groeneveld, 81-2. Reorganized, 1885. Dangremond, G. 85-9, Strabbing, 89-93, disbanded, 1894. See East Saugutuck. Galesburg, (Reasnor, Killduff), la., 1891. Klooster, F. 1892-1901, Classical Missionary, 1901-04, Wiebenga. J. 1903-1906. vacant, 1906-11, Van Den Berge. E. 1911-1915, Heneveld, G. G. 1916-1918. Disbanded 1920. Gallatin, Mt. Ross, Dutchess Co., N.Y.. 1746. (Called successively Stis- sing. or New Stissing. Livingston Manor, Ancram, and Greenbush). Fryenmoet. 1759-66. Livingston. J. H. 1779-81, Lansing, N. 1781-4, Romeyn, Jer. 1789-94, Vedder, H. 1803-64, Bogardus,-F. M. 63-9, Wye- THE CHURCHES 637 koff, D. B. 70-81, Todd, W. N. 81-5, Reiner, 86-7. Bartholf, B. A. 87-99, Walter, A. J. 1900-1902, Pearse, Nicholas 1903-1909, Force, F. A. 1910-1917, Hemenway, F. W. 1920 Gallupville, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1844- Weidman, (S.S.) 44. Hammond, E S 44-52, Bogardus, 52-6. Lane, G. 57-6o, Comfort, 60-3, Vedder, K. 63-71, Kershow, 72-7, Carr, 77-80, Van Doren, J. H. 82-6, Force, F. A. 91-5. Dropped 1909. Gano, 1891, see Chicago, 111. Gansegat, now Fairfield, N.J. Gansevoort. Saratoga Co., N.Y., 1839. Birkby, 40-5, Du Bois, John, 45-50. Doe (S.S.) 52-3, Van Wyck, P. 53-6. McCartney, 57-63. Markle, 64-8, Cochrane, (S.S.) 7i, 77-^2, Mills, G. A. 83-4. Bailey, J. W. 85-6, Den- man, 89-92, Gulick, N. J. 92-5. Forbes. 97-1899. Phelps, P. T. 1902-1908, Classical Missionary, 1912-1918. Garden Plains, 111., 1909-1911. Gardiner, Ulster Co.. N.Y., 1891. Niles, 94-8. Bayles, T. F. 98-1902, Cornish, F. L. 1902-1903, Appel, J. B. 1904-1906, Millett, Jos. (S.S.) 1906-1908, Wells, C. E. 1909-1913, Neander, John, 1914-1918, Brmk, H. W. 1919 . See Guilford. Garfield, Bergen Co., N.J., 1891. Seibert," G. 91-2. Seibert, G. G. 92-6, Myles, 97-1901, Hill, E. 1901-1921, Gary, Minn., see Spring Creek. Gelderland, 1898, see Holland, Mich. Geneva, Ontario Co., N.Y., 1831. Mandeville, H. 31-4, Abeel, G. 34-49, Romeyn, J. 50-1, Voorhees, H. V. 51-4, Collier. Jos. 55-9. Wiley, 60-5, Rogers, S. J. 65-72, Brush, W. W. 72-8, Oppie, 78-9. Nasholds, 80-2, Strong, T. C. 82-5. Disbanded. See "Conover's Hist, of Geneva." George, 1893, see Hope, la. George, 1895, see Bethel, la. Georgetown, D. C. (Miss Station). Baldwin, E., Miss, to, 1822-4. German, German Evangelical. (Churches which have the word ^'German" in the title). American, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Avenue B., see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Brooklyn, see N.YC, Borough of Brooklyn. Elmhurst, see N.Y.C.. Borough of Brooklyn. Far Rockaway (Inwood), see Far Rockaway. Fourth, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Hoboken, see Hoboken. Jamaica, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Jersey City, see Jersey City. Manhattan, see N.Y.C.. Borough of Brooklyn. Melrose, see N.Y.C., Borough of the Bronx. Mission, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Newtown, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Norfolk St., see Sixty-Eighth St. Plainfield, see Plainfield. St. John's, see Jersey City. St. Peter's, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Zion, see N.Y.C., Borough of the Bronx. German Flats, N.Y., 1725. Same as Great Flatts, Flats, or Fort Herkimer, or Burnetsficld. "Doc. Hist." i. H^-Mi- "Cox's Herkimer," p. 4- Schuvler, Johannes (S.S.) 1736. Weiss. M. 1736-46. Rosencrantz (?)-i752, Ro.scncrantz, Ab. 1752-8, I759-I796, Pick, D. C. A. 1798-1801, Spinner, J. P. 1802-1848, Stark. J. L. (S.S.) 1848-1853, Pastor. 1862- 1863. See Fort Herkimer. Dailey's History Montgomery Classis, 44- Germantown. Columbia Co.. N.Y. (East Camp, Kingsbury), 1728. Van Driessen. J. 1728-34, Mancius and Weiss occasionally, 1734-46, Schnorr, 1746-51, Rubel, 1755-9, Fryenmoet. 1756-70. Cock, 1763-91. Cough, 177- •- 638 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 8, Gebhard, occasionally; Schiefifer, J. D. 1794-1800, Fox, 1802-24, Rudy, 25-36, Hangen, 36-40, Boyd, Josh, 42-48, Freese, 49-50. Hoff, 51-5, Meyers. A. H. 56-62. Schermerhorn, H. R. 62-5, Roe, 66-8, Bodine, 68-74, Wyckoff, Jas. 75-83. Blair, H. P. 84-7, Smith, M. 88-95, Dyke, C. P. 95-1900, McCully, 1900-1903, Sahler, Wm. L., 1904-1910, White, B. F. 1910 When Livingston sold 6,oco acres to the Crown, in 1710, 40 acres were reserved for the glebe. This is again mentioned in 1724. See also MSB. history read by Rev. Jas. Wyckofif, at laying of corner-stone, 1880. Germantown, see Livingston Memorial. Germantown, Pa., 1710. Van Vleck, P. 1710-13, Jones, Malachi, 1714-19; ch. became Presbyterian. German Valley, 1851, see Silver Creek. 111. German Valley, 1886, see Ramsay, la. Ghent, (Squampamuck), Columbia Co., 1775, Gebhard supplied, 1777-92, Schieffer, J. D., supplied 1794- 1800, Sluyter supplied occasionally. Ghent, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1819, revived. Wynkoop, P. S. 23-44, De Witt, J. 45-8, Gray, J. 48-55, Letson, 56-64, Drury, 1864-87, WyckoflF, B. D. 87-95, Phelps, P. T. 95-1900. Messier, Isaac, 1901-1905, Sauer- brunn, L. F. 1905-1908, Black, John 1908-1918, Seso, A. A. 1922 . See "Drury's Hist. Discourse." Ghent, see New Concord. Ghent 2d, 1843. Wyckoff. T. F. 43-4. (S.S.) Williamson, G. R. 44-8, Vendervoort, 48-51, Van Woert, 52-65, Sebring, E. N. 65-73, Schenck, Jac. W. 73-9, Sclrenck, I. S. 80-96, Bedford, 1897- 1902, Dangremond, G. C. 1903-1908, Morehouse, H. 1908-12, DeMeester, P. 1913-1919. Gibbonsville, see Washington and Gibbonsville. Gibbsville, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1856. Dunnewold, 68-87, De Bey, D. J. 88-96, Hospers, H. 97-9, Vander Werf, S. 1899-1902, Duiker, W. J. 1902-1908, Straks, J. H. 1909-1920, Ruisaard, M. C. 1921 Giffords, 1821, see Princetown, N.Y. Gilboa, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1836. Paige, 36-7, Bogardus, C. 38-42, Van Dyck, L. H. 43-52, Lockwood, S. 52-4. Welch, 55-6. Benedict, 57, Bates, E. D. 58, See, W. G. E. 59-61, Merwin, M. T. (S.S.) 1862, King, A. B. 62-3, Letson, 64-8, Moore. W. S. 69-73, Ball, (S.S.) 73-75, Cornet, 76-9, vacant, 79-82, Miller, B. C. 82-5, Wessells, 87-9, Scarlett, J. H. 93-1900. Bergmans J. C. 1901-02, Ruliffson, E. J. (S.S.) 1904-08, Hess, N. 1911-13, Vanderkam, Peter, (S.S.) 1914-16. See South Gilboa. Gingee, 1862, see India. Glascoe, 1807, see Flatbush, Ulster Co., N.Y. Glen, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1794. Wyckoff, H. V. 1799-1803. Van Buren, P. 1804-14, Hasbrouck, J. R. H. 1814-26, Morris. J. F. 1827-9, Chitten- den, A. B. 1831-4, (Leckner, A. M. 1836), Jukes, C. 1838-44, Fisher, J. P. (S.S.) 1845-6. Roof, G. L. 1846-50, Van Vranken, A. H. 1851-65, Van Vranken, F. V. 1866-74, Dysart, J. P. 1874-79, Schoonmaker. R. L. . 1880-82, Lawsing S. O. 1882-88, Thyne, J. B. 1888-94, Hogan, J. S. 1894- 97, Lansing ,R. A. 1897-1901, Smith, H. 1901-03, Sauerbnmn, 1904-05, Conant, C. A. (S.S.) 1905-09, Meeker, E. 1910-14. Supplied. Simmons, Fred. (S.S.) 192c . See "Hogan's Centennial Discourse, Dailey Hist. CI. of Montgomery, 51. Glen, Independent, 1830. Paulison, 1840-1851. See Dailey Hist, of Mont- gomery CI., 130. Glenham, Beacon, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1837. Johnson, J. G. 40-6, Miller, 46-9, Duryea, J. G. 51-2, Bevier, 53-60, Holmes, E. (S.S.) 60-5, Horton, 65-7, Wyckoff, A. N. 67-71, Scudder, Jos. (S.S.) 72-5, Van Deventer, 75-9, Schomp, 79-85, Beekman, P. S. 87-93, Strong, W. V. D. 1894- 1903, Duffield. J. R. (S.S.) 1910, Vander Mel, C. (S.S.) 1911-12, Mac- Cullum, E. A. (S.S.) 1913-14, Herge, Chas. (S.S.) 1920 Glen Head, N.Y., see Oyster Bay, N.Y. THE CHURCHES 639 Glen Rock (Ridgewood), NJ., 1895. Supplied by students. Jongeneel, J. (S.S.) 1902-1903, Grant, J. W. 1903-191 1, Andreae, M. C. T. 1912-15, Weidner, 191 5-19, Lonsdale, Wm. J. 1920 Glenville, ist, 1814, Cranesville, see Schenectady, N.Y. Glenville, 2d, 1818, see Schenectady, N.Y. Gnanodiam, 1867, see India. Goodland, Newton Co., Ind., 1902. Lepeltak, P. 1904-1906, Grull, J. D. 1907-1911. Gorham, Ontario Co., N.Y.. 1843. Ryerson. 43-5, Lloyd, 46-7, Hammond, L 47-50. Disbanded 1853. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 135. Gotebo, Okl., 1906. Colby, H. E. 1906-1907. Vandeburg, S. (S.S.) 1908, MacNeil, J. R. (S.S.) 1909. Alf, Alfred (S.S.) 1910. Dismissed to Southern Presbyterian Church, 191 1. Gould Memorial, see Roxbury. Graafschap, Holland, Allegan Co., Mich.. 1850, (organization came from Holland in 1847; name changed to Central Park Reformed Church, 1922; jomed R.C.A. 1850). Klyn, 49-51, Ypma, 52-5. In 1857. all except five families seceded. Pieters. 61-5. Broek. D. 65-70, Oggel, E. C. 70-2. Vanderkley, 73-5, Zwemer, A. 76-86, John, C. C. A. L. 88-90, Zwemer, F. J. 92-6, Vander Meulen, J. 96-1900, Kuiper, C. 1901-1904, Kuizenga, John E. 1904-1906, Heines, C. 1907-1910, Wolvius, W. 191 1- 15. Blocmendal, R. 1919-20, Hinkamp, P. E. (S.S.) 1921. See Central Park Reformed Church. Grace Reformed, Flatbush (Chapel, 1871), 1903. see N.Y.C.. Borough of Brooklyn. Grace, 1880, see Orangeburg, S.C. Grace. 1885, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Grace, see Woodhaven, 1891. Grace. 1897. see Grand Rapids. Mich. Grace, 1908. see Corsica, S.D. Grahamsville, Wallkill, Sijllivan Co., N.Y., 1844, Gregory, T. B. 44-8, Ham- mond, J. W. 49-52, Case. 52-3, Betts. 55-6. Jones, D. A. 58-63, Hammond, J. W. 63-7. Turner, 68-71, Milliken, 76-83, Lane, 85-7, Coombs, 90-3, Ruhl, 95-8, Hauser, 1902-1906. Services bv neighboring pastors, etc., 1906 . See also Claraville, Wallkill. Grahamsville, 1880, see Unionville, N.Y. Grand, Okl.. 1904-08. Grand Gorge. Union Church at Moresville, 1836. Knight, Wm. (S S.) 1841 Buckelow. W. P. 1859-62. Richards. L. E. (Pres.) (S.S.) 1866, Rhine- hart, J. K. (S.S.) 1871-2. Cornet. E. (S.S.) 1877-8, Wessells, (S.S.) 1888-9. Dixon. C. M. 1897-1903, Dangremond, A. C. V. 1903-08, RulifT- son, E. J. 1908-12. Doyle. D. B. 1914-15. Zicgler, Vacslav (S.S.) 1916- 1919. Stevens, C. N. 1919 . See Moresville. Grand Haven, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1851. Bolks, 52-5, Oggel. P. J 56-9, Vanderveen. 1861-8. Klyn, H. C. 68-9, De Beer, 69-72, Oggel, E. c! 72-8, Duiker, 78-81. Dosker, H. E. 82-6, Wormser, A. 86-91, De Pruyn, P. 91-7. Muilcnberg. 1898-1908. Harmeling, H. 1909-1918. Schipper, H. 1918 Grand Haven. 2d, 1871. Vander Hart. 72-5, again, 77-9. Vander Veen, 79-84. Wmter. E. 84-6, Stapelkamp, 86-8, Van Zanten, 90-3, Collier, G. Z. 96-1900, Vander Meulen, J. (Jr.) 1900-1907. Vander Meulen, John 1908-14. Verburg. J. A. 1914-1915, Vruwink, H. A. 1917 Grand Rapids. Kent Co., Mich. 1. Fir.st. Fountain and Barclay Sts., 1840. Waring. Miss. to. 40-2. Taylor, A. B. 43-8. Berry. P. 60-1. Ferris, J. M. 62-5, Decker, H. 65-7, Van der Veen, C. 68-71, Van der Meulen. Jac. 71-2, Moerdyk, P. 73-92, Williamson, W. H. 92-9, Van der Meulen, T. M. 1900-1, Watermuelder, G. 1903-1905. Brown. J. A. 1907-1918. United with Grand Rapids, sec- 640 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA ond to form Grand Rapids Central, 1918. See "Moerdyk's Hist, of," 1880. 2. Second, Bostwick St., 1850. Klyn, 54-6, Houbolt, 59-60, Van der Meu- len, C. 61-73, Dosker, N. H. 73-83, Winter, E. 83-95, De Bey, D. J. 96- 1900, Kolyn, M. 1901-1910, Hospers, H. 1910-1918. United with Grand Rapids First to form Grand Rapids Central, 1918. 3. Third, Diamond and Hermitage Sts., 1875. Kriekaard, A. 1876-1903, Dejonge, A. W. 1903-1905, Vander Berg, A., 1906-1918, Boer, N. 1918 4. Fourth, Ionia, North Ave., 1875. Hulst, L. J. 75-81, when the pastor and a large part of the church seceded to the Christian Reformed Church. De Free, P. 82-91, Bouma, P. J. 91-4, Warnshuis, J. W. 95-1900, Van Houte, J. 1900-1903, Kuyper, C. 1904-1911, Bosch, G. 1912-1913, Frieling, Hark, 1913-20, Muller, C. 1920 5. Fifth, Church Place, Carpenter St., 1886. Joldersma, 86-9, Buursma, A. 89-1902, Hofifman, B. 1902-1912, Nettinga, S. C. 1912-1918, DeYoung, A. 1918 6 Sixth, Oakdale Park, 536 Adams St., 1889. Lumkes, J. M. 90-3, Pool, Wm. 93-7, De Pree, P. 1898-1903, DeHaan, J. 1903-1910, Dykhuizen, H. 1910-1911, Duiker, Wm. J. 1911-1917, Dykema, K. j. 1917-1920, DeMotts, G. 1921 ' . 7. Seventh, Jennette Ave., 1890. Lamar, J. 91-3, Muilenberg, T. W. 94-8, Zwemer, J. F. 98-1900, Broekstra, M. E. 1900-1905, Lubbers, F. 1906- 1910, Heemstra, J. F. 1910-1913, Dejonge, A. W. 1914-1918, Van Lum- mel, A. J. 1919 — — 8. Eighth, Burton St., 1891. Duiker, R. 92-6, Ihrman, 96-9, Frieling, H. 1899-1903, Sietsema, J. 1904-1911, Van der Meer, M. D. 1912-1917, Menning, G. 1917 9. Ninth, Watson and Delaney Sts., 1892. Boer, H. K. 92-5, Te Winkle, 95-9, Schuurman, H. P. 1900-1903, Heines, C. 1903-1907, Joldersma, R. H. 1907-1909, Karreman, A. 1910-1915, Van Westenburg, J. 1915- 1918, Van Dyk, J. A. 1918 10. Bethany, East and Baldwin Sts., 1893. Lamar, J. 93-8, Ossewaarde, Jas. 1899-1902, Boer, N. 1903-1907, Wayer, James 1907-1919, Klerk, A. 1920 11. Grace, Caulfield Av., 1897. Van der Erve, J. 98-1901, Joldersma, 1901-1902, Cheff, P. P. 1903-1905, Braak, P. 1905-1908, Dykstra, L. 1909-19x2, Spaan, C. H. 1912 12. Bethel, Coit Ave., 1906. Dejong, P. C. 1908-1910, Kooiker, G. 191 1- 1916, Te Paske, A. J. 1917-20, Schwitters, E. O. 1921. 13. Immanuel, Thomas St., 1907. Bloemendal, R. 1907-1912, Riepma, S. F. 1911-1914, Van Westenberg, L 1914-19, Brouwer, J. G. 1920 • 14. Trinity, Davis Ave., 1908. Muilenburg, T. W. 1908-1911, Joldersma, R. H. 1912-1913, Van Zomeren, Jolin, 1914-21. 15. East Paris, 1914-1918. 16. Knapp Ave., 191 5. Classical Missionary, etc., 191 5 . Van Den Bosch, T. G. 1919 17. Calvary, East Fulton St., 1916. Dame, C. P. 1916-1918. Stegenga, A. 1918-1919, Stegenga, Miner, 1919 18. Zion, Jefiferson Ave., 1917. Bloemendal, R. 1918-19, Goebel, G. A. T. 1919-21. Kuizenga, E. C. 1922 19. Central Reformed, 1918. Formed by union of Grand Rapids, First and Second. Dykstra, J. A. 1919 20. Fairview, 1918. Huibregtse, Edward, 1920 Grand Rapids, Independent, 1875? Grand View, Armour, Douglas Co., S.D., 1885. Zwemer, F. J. 86-9, Pool, Wm. 89-90, Zwemer, F. J. 90-2, Stegeman, Wm. 92-7, classical missionary, 97-1900, Brummel, Jac. 1900-1906, Duven, M. J. 1907-1910, Tanis, Herman, 1911-1915, Benes, L. H. 1916 THE CHURCHES 64I Grandville, Kent Co., Mich., 1859. Kiekintveld, 67-70, De Jonge, W. P. 71-87, Duiker, R. 87-89, Bouma, 90-1, Broek, D. 1892-1904, Ossewaarde, John 1904-1908, Ruisaard, M. C. 1908-1910, Moerdyk, Wm. 1910-1913, Vander Schoor, C. 1913-1915, Brouwer, J. G. 1916-1919, Van Zyl, B. R. 1920-1921. Grant, Mich., 1907. Supplied. DeWitt, Herman, 1912-1916. Gravesend, 1654, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Gray Hawk, Kentucky. Mission, 1914. DeYoung, B. 1914, Worthington, Wm. A. 1919 Great Flats or German Flats, or Flats. Greenburgh, Elmsford, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1850. (This church was organized in 1788 as a Congregational Church; it afterward became Presbyterian, and in 1850 entered into its present relations). Smith, 12-20 , Phelps, 50-1, Wyckoflf, A. V. 51-2, See, J. L. 53-4, Moore, 56-64, Bogardus, W. E. 65-7, Bertholf, J. H. 67-9, Bagley, 73-5, Hoyt, 76-9, Jan. I. Vacant, 79-84, Turner, W. E. 84-9, Goebel, 1890-1910, Wallace, A. V. S. 1911-1918, Fisher, W. W. 1919 Greenbush, (Livingston Manor), 1746. See Gallatin. Greenbush, East Greenbush, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1787. Romeyn, J. V. C. 1788-99, Zabriskie, J. L. 1801-11, Labagh, I. 1811-15, Marselus, 15-22, Taylor, B. C. 22-5, Dumont, 26-9, Liddell, 30-4, Stimpson, 34-52, Tal- mage, J. R. 52-60, Wilson, P. Q. 61-6, Anderson, W. 66-76, Steele, J. 77-87. Laubenheimer, 1888-1901, Freer, H. A. 1902-1912, Ellis, A. M. 1912-1915, Simpson, Wm. E. 1915-1918, Sheflfer, H. L. 1919-21. See "Pockman's Hist, of Refd. Ch. East Greenbush," 1891. Greenbush, Plymouth, Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1884. Dropped 191 1. Greendale, 1836, see Greenport, Columbia Co., N.Y. Greenleafton, Preston, Fillmore Co., Minn., 1869. Lepeltak, 70-7, Vander- ploeg, 78-82, De Jong, J. P. 83-5, Borgers, H. 86-93, Oosterhoflf, 95- 1900, Klerk, 1900-1904, Beckering, W. 1904-1907, Grooters, P. 1908- 1916, Duven, M. J. 1916-21, Flikkema, B. M. 1922 Green Point, 1848, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Greenport, (Mt. Pleasant), Columbia Co., N.Y., 1835. Hangen, (S.S.) 36-7, Fisher, G. H. (S.S.) 38-39, Van Wagenen, 39-41, Fonda, J. D. 42-7, Van Wyck, 48-51, Voorhees, J. N. 51-6, Finch, 57-61, Himrod, 61-81, Perry, W. D. 82-6, Veenschoten, 86-90, Ackerman, 90-4, Corwin, E. T. 95-7, Corwin, C. E. 1897-1905, Zabriskie, A. A. 1906-1909, Jonker, Philip 1910-1918, Mulford, H. D. B. (S.S.) 1919, Jonker, Philip 1920, Ferris, P. R. 1921 . See "Corwin's Ecc. Hist, of Columbia Co., N.Y., 1896. Greenville. Scarsdale, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1840. Hulbert, 42-5, Stew- art, 46-52, Collier, Jos. 52-5, Marcellus, 56-9, Romondt, 60-1, Pitcher, J. H. 61-73, Schoonmaker, R. L. 76-8, Ries, 78-82, Bolton, 82-4, Gra- ham, 85-9, Harper, 1890-1905, McCurry, D. E. 1909-1912, Sims, N. L. R. 1912-1914, Brownlee, F. L. 1915-1916, Hallenbeck, C. A. 1917-1920, Livingston, T. (S.S.) 1920 Greenville, 1871, see Jersey City, N.J. Greenwich, 1803, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Greenwich, 1812, see Union Village, Easton, Washington Co., N.Y. Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis., 1880? Greenwood Heights, 1892. see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Griggstown, Belle Mead, Somerset Co., N.J., 1842. Lord, J. S. 43-7, Todd, J. A. 48-55, Livingston, E. P. 55-8, Searle, Stephen, 59-73, Williams, R. G. 74-7, Searle, J. P. 78-81. Gebhard, J. G. 82-5, Palmer, R. 86-90, Southard, 91-1902, Sanson, J. R. (S.S.) 1903-1920, Walter, J. R. (S.S.) 1921-22. Grove church. 1843, see New Durham, N.J. Guilderland, see Helderbergh. Guilford, Libertyville, New Paltz, Gardiner, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1833. Brush, 642 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA W. 34-51, Jansen, J. N. 52-63, De Witt, R. 64-71, Lasher, 1873-1915, P.E. 1915 Guttenberg, Passaic, Hudson Co., N.J., 1869. Mabon, W. V. V. (S.S.) 69-72, Crolius, 72-4, Wilson, P. Q. (S.S.) 74-6, Barr, 78-80, Shaw, A. 80-4, Sparks, 84-6, Morton, 88-9, Johnston, 90-1, Manchee, 1894-1917, EHason, H. A. 1917 Haarlem, see Harlem. Hackensack, Bergen Co., N.J., churches in : 1. Hackensack, French church, 1682? Supplied probably by Daille, 1683- 96. See Dr. D. D. Demarest's "Huguenots on the Hackensack," 1886, and "Collections of Huguenot Society." 2. Hackensack, 1686. Supplied by Tesschenmaeker, 1686-7, by Varick, 1687-9; pastors: Bertholf, G. 1694-1724, Erickzon, 1725-8; supplied by Du Bois, Gaulterus, 1728-30; Curtenius, 1730-55, Goetschius, J. H. 1748-74, Romeyn, D. 1775-84, Froeligh, S. 1786-1822, seceded. "Ecc. Rec, N.Y." "Taylor's Annals." "Brinkerhoff's Hist. True R.D.C." 3. Hackensack Secession, 1822. Froeligh, S. 22-7, Paulison, 31-2, Dem- ur est, C. T. 39-52, Blauvelt, C. J. 53-9, DeBaun, J. Y. 60-87, Voorhis, J. C. 1887 4. Hackensack, Independent, 1832. Paulison, 32-40, Amerman, A. 43-71, when church became Presbyterian. 5. Hackensack, 1756, First. Schuyler, 1756-66, Blauw, 1768-71, Kuypers, W. 1771-97, Romeyn, J. V. C. 1799-1833, Romeyn, Jas. 33-6, Warner, A. H. 37-65, Romeyn, T. B. 65-85, Vanderwart, 1886-1910, Von Schleider, Albert, 1910 . See "T. B. Romeyn's Hist. Disc." 6. Hackensack 2d, 1855. Demarest, Jas. (Jr.) 56-63, Fisher, G. H. 64-70, Durand, 71-82, Johnson, A. 1884 7. Hackensack, Third (Ger.), 1857. Becker, 57-60, Wolf, Miss, to, 62, Schroeder, 64-9, Losch, 70-2, Saul, 73-4, Ricke, 74-7, Windemuth, 77-9, Goebel, J. H. 81-90, Bombin, 1891-1912, Weber, August, 1912 8. Hackensack, Italian, 191 5. Merlo, Samuel S. 1915-1917, lorizzo, Gae- tano, 1917^ Hagaman, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1855. Pearse, 56-9, Slingerland, 60-2, Hageman, A. J. 63-87, Hansen, 87-93, Wurts, 93-1901, Weidncr, D. C. 1902-1905, Seibert, G. G. 1906-1911, Bedford, C. V. W. 1912-1918, Smith, C. W. 1 91 8 . See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 54. Hales Corners, Wis., see Franklin. Half Moon, now Waterford. "Doc. Hist." i. 425. Hallebergh, same as Lisha's Kill. Hallowell, 1816, see Canada. Hamilton, (Rabbitt River, Zabriskie Memorial), Allegan Co., Mich., 1870. Dangremond, 69-73. Supplied by pastor of Overisel, 1873-89, Strab- bing, A. H. 1889-93, Boer, H. K. 1895-1900, Rozendal, A. 1900-1904, Strabbing, A. H. 1905-1909, Hankamp, G. 1910-1913, Walvoord, W. C. 1914-1918, TerLouw, J. S. 1919-21, Roggen, J. A. 1922 Hamilton, see American Reformed, Dummingville, East Overisel. Hamilton Grange, 1887, see N.Y.C., Borough of The Bronx. Hanover, Adams Co., Pa., 1768, (on the Susquehanna), near Conowago; see note under Conowago, Pa. Gray, A. 1793-6. The Dutch people removed from this place almost in a body to the Genesee country, N.Y., 1793-6. Hardewyck, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1880? Hardwick, Warren Co., N.J., 1760. Peppard, Francis, Presbyt. (S.S.) 1764; Condict, I. supplied, occasionally, 1787-93, (Chitara, 1787-92, Wack, C. 1792-1809, also Wack, J. J. 1798-1803, Senn, 1795-1800), entered R.D.C. from Ger. Refd. Ch. 181 1, Force, 1811-16. See Knowl- ton and Stillwater, N.J. THE CHURCHES 643 Hardy Co., Va., 1789. (Miss, station). Jennings, 1789-92 became Presbyt. Harlem. 1660, see New York City, Borough of Manhattan. Harlem. (Ger.), 1853, see New York City, Borough of Manhattan. Harlem, Mich., 1904. Classical Missionary, etc., 1904. Wynveen, B. 1914- 1918, Wiersma, F. M. 1921 Harlingen, (Sourland, Millstone), Somerset Co., N.J., 1727. Frelinghuy- sen, T. J. 1729-48, Frelinghuysen, J. 1750-4, (Arondeus, Conferentie, 1747-54), Hardenbergh, 1758-61, Van Harlingen, J. M. 1762-95, Smith, W. R. 1795-1817, Polhemus, H. 1798-1808, Labagh, P. 1809-44, Gard- ner, J. 44-81, Gardner, J. S. 80-3, Kip, F. M. 83-1902, Walter, A. J. 1902-1910, Sahler, W. L. 1910 . See "Hoagland's Hist. Notes." Harlingen 2d. 1831. Reorganized as Blawenberg, 1832. Harrington Park, N.J., 1908. Supplied 1908-1911, Cox, H. M. 191 1-1916, Davis, Wm. E. (S.S.) 1916-1917, Adams, Thomas 1917 Harrison. Douglas Co., S.D., 1883. Stegeman, A. 83-92, Ziegeler, 94-1900, Straks, 1901 -1909, Schipper, Henry, 1909-1914, DeBeer, J. 1914 Harrison, see Charles Mix. Harrison, Okl., 1902. Cheff, P. P. 1902, Mulder, T. 1903-1907. Name dropped 1909. Hartsburg, Logan Co., 111., 1877. Rodenberg, 1877. Name of ch. dropped, 1881. Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen Co., N.J., 1893. Shepard, C. I. 1893-1903, Tulp, A. P. 1904-1907, Staats, B. B. 1907-1912, Edson, G. C. 1912-1915, Pock- man, P. T. 1916-1919, Hoffman, J. E. 1920 Hastings, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1850. Phelps, 50-9, Quackenbush, 59-60, Johnson, H. H. 62-4, Peck, T. R. G. 64-82, Curtis, M. M. 83-5, Dumont, W. A. 85-8, Norris, J. A. 88-95, Sigafoos, 1897-1904, Campbell, J. I. 1904-1905, Thompson, E. W. 1906 Hatley, see Forestville, Wis. Havana, Mason Co., 111.. 1865. Williamson, N. D. (S.S.) 65-6, Decker, 67-72, Seibert. 72-81, Gilmore, 82-4, Ziegler, 85-6, Scudder, F. S. 90-3, Thompson, E. W. 95. Scarlett, G. W. 95-1900, Sonnema, C. J. (S.S.) 1901. Dropped 1903. Havana, Minn., see Spring Creek, Minn. Hawthorne, Paterson, North Paterson, Passaic Co., N.J., 1895. Conover, G. M. 95-8, Johnston, W. 98-1900, Grant, J. E. 1901-1906, Vroom, W. H. (S.S.) 1909-1914, Bloom, W. S. 1916-21, Reeves, J. R. 1921 Hawthorne. N.Y., see Unionville, N.Y. Heeleyton, 1851, see Franklin, Wis. Helderbergh, Guilderland, Albany Co., N.Y., 1767. Romeyn, D., supplied occasionally, 87-93, Van Huysen, H. 1793-1824, Blair, Miss, to, 24, Hardenbergh. J. B. 24-5, Blair, 25-30, Bogardus, N. 30-3, Frazer, 35-8. Steele, J. B. 38-45. Bailey, 45-7, Davis, W. P. 48-51, Van Dyck, L. H. 52-6. Davis, W. P. 57-69, Gamble, 70-85, Voorhees, H. M. 86-9, Staats, B. B. 90-6, Seibert, G. G. 1896-1906, Luther, M. F. 1906-1909, Winne, J. E. 1909-191 1, Moffet, E. O. 1912 . See "Voorhees' Hist. Ser. in MSS.," 1889. Hempstead. L. I. 1731. See Success and North Hempstead, L.I. Hempstead, Secession, (Kakiat), 1825. Demarest, J. D. 1824-58, De Baun, J. Y. 1856-60. Henderson, 1798. Henderson. (Warren), Herkimer Co.. N.Y., 1829. Hangen, 30-2, Noe, 35, De Voe, 36-9, Pepper, 40-5, supplied by Hall, D. B. 47, by Whitbeck, J. 49-50, Lord, D. 51-6, again, 60-4, Compton, 71-4, Lord, D. 78-87, vacant until 95, name dropped. Herkimer, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1723. Probably supplied by Weiss, 1735-42 and by Roscncrantz, 1751-2. Rosencrantz, A. 1752-7 and 1759-96, Pick, 1798-1801, Spinner, 1801-1841, Murphy, J. 1837-42, again 1843-9, Mead, 50-59. Gardner, 60-4, Patrie, (S.S.) 64-8, Con.saul, 69-77, Brokaw, R. 644 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA W. 77-'i2, Cox, 82-90, Gebhard, I. G. 91-1900, Dyke, C. P. 1900-03, Dyke, J. 1904, Taylor, C. F. (S.S.) 1905-08, Brinckerhoff, J. H. 1908-17, Conklin, W. D. 1918 . See Doc. Hist, iii, 674, 686, Cox Hist, of Herkimer, Dailey Hist. CI. of Mont., 56. Herkimer, 2d, 1824. Centre, Miss, to, 24-5, Ketcham, Miss, to, 26-7, Boyd, Josh., Miss, to, 27-8, Morris, J., Miss, to, 28-9, Snyder, Miss, to, 29-31, Pitcher, J. H. 2,2-},, merged in Herkimer ist, 1836. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 121. Herman, Minn., 1914. Hicksville, Queens Co., N.Y., 1883. Gutweiler, 1884-1910, Ottinger, J. C. 1912-1918, Emerick, I. P. 1918-1920. High Bridge, Hunterdon Co., N.J., 1866. Wyckoff, C. (S.S.) 66-8, pastor, 68-9, Van Amburgh, 69-71, Fehrman, 72-4, Dean, 75-85, Long, 86-8, Voorhees, H. M. 90-2, Kip, I. L. 92-7, Lawrence, C. L. 99-1902, Van Zee, C. W. 1902-1903, Voorhees, O. M. 1903-1909, Conklin, M. T. 1910-1915, Reese, D. R. 1916 High Bridge, 1874, see N.Y.C., Borough of The Bronx. High Falls, 1807, see Clove, Ulster Co., N.Y. Highland Park, 1890, see New Brunswick, N.J. Highlands, Monmouth Co., N.J., 1874. Allen, A. W. 74-84, supplied by students and others, 84-92, MacNair, W. 92-5, Zabriskie, A. A. 99-1900, Erler, John 1902-1903. Removed from roll of churches, 1906. High Prairie, ( Hooge Prairie), Cook Co., 111., organized 1849, but inde- pendent till 1852. Bolks, 62-5, Lepeltak, 65-70, Koopman, 70-7. Highwood, Bergen Co., N.J., 1900. Sciple, 1900-1903, Gardiner, J. C. 1903- 1909, Leiss, S. R. 1910-1913, Frederick, R. (S.S.) 1913-15, Von Schleider, A. (S.S.) 1915, Dailey, W. N. P. (S.S.) 1916-1917, Smith, B. M. (S.S.) 1918-20. High Woods, Saugerties, Mt. Marion, N.Y., 1912. Gulick, G. W. 1912-1914, Seiple, Wm. H. (S.S.) 1917, Dickens, Wm. H. 1917-21, Kerr, J. H. (S.S.) 1922 Hillsborough, (at Millstone, N.J.), Somerset Co., N.J., 1766. Supplied by Leydt, J., Hardenbergh, J. R., and Van Harlingen, J. M., 1766-74, Foering, 1774-9, (called to preach in English), church chartered, 1775, Froeligh, S. 1780-6, Van Harlingen, J. M. 1787-95, Cannon, 1797-1807, Schureman, 1807-9, Zabriskie, John L. 11-50, DeWitt, John, 50-63, Corwin, E. T. 63-88, Shafer, T. 1889-1904, Ferwerda, Floris, 1905- 1912, Hanson, Andrew, 1913-1918, Neander, Jolin. 1918 . See "Cor- win's Millstone Centennial," 1866, and "Corwin's 20th Anniversary Ser- mons," 1884. Hillsdale, (Krum), Columbia Co., N.Y., 1776. Until 1800 the Lutherans also used this church and it was known as "The Reformed Lutheran Unity Church." Schuneman, 1776-1787, Gebhard, 1783-1807, Zabriskie, 1808-1815, Sluyter. 1816-25, Wynkoop, 1825-40, Himrod, 1842-3. Dis- solved 185 1. Hingham, Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1890. Karsten, 90-3, Zwemer, F. J. 1898- 1903, Swart, Peter, 1904-1910, Duven, M. J. 1911-1916, Dykhuizen, H. 1917 Hoboken, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1828. Hoboken, Hudson Co., N.J., 1850. (Ostrander, H., Miss, to, 22, Abeel, G., Miss, to, 1824-8), Gregory, T. B., Miss, to, 50-4, Parker, C. 55-8, Mann, 58-61, Parker. C. July-Nov., 61, Riddle, M. 62-5, Vroom, W. H. 65-7, Allen, J. K. 68-70, Buck, 70-4, Parker, Chs. 74-9, House, 79-87, Man- chee, (S.S.) 87-9, Mattice, H. 89-95, Van Arsdale, N. (S.S.) 96, Bluhm, 1897-1902, Addy, J. G. 1903-04, Ranson, A. A. 1904-1906, Adams, W. Ten Eyck 1906-1910, Peters, J. D. 1910 Hoboken, (Ger.), 1856. Mohn, 56-85, Freund, 87-8, Rudolph, 1889-1920, Wettstein, A. Q. 1921 Hoboken, see West Hoboken. THE CHURCHES 645 Hohokus, Bergen Co., NJ., 1872. Jongeneel, Miss, to, 1871-3. Hohokus. Bergen Co., N.J., 1914. Terhune, J.A. (S.S.) 1914 Holland, Ottawa Co., Mich.; churches in: 1. First, organized in the Neths., 1847, and came to America, as a Church. United with R.C.A. 1850. Van Raalte, 47-67, Rieters, 69-79, Steffens, N. M. 83-4, supplied, 84-91, Van Houte, Jac. 91-1900, Van der Werf, S. 1902-1905, Veldman. H. J. 1906-1919, Wayer, James, 1919 2. Hope Church, 1862. Stewart, A. T. 66-77, Van Pelt, 78-83, Jones, T. W. 83-8. Bergen, J. T. 89-92, Birchby, 92-9, Bergen, J. T. (S.S.) 1900- 1906. Vandcr Meulen, J. M. 1907-1909, Niles, E. 1910-1911, Bruske, A. F. (S.S.) 1912-1916, Cheff, P. P. 1918 3. Third, 1867. Van der Meulen, Jac. C. 68-71, Utterwick, 72-80, Broek, D. 80-8, Dosker, H. E. 89-94, Dubbink, 95-1904, Blekkink, E. J. 1905- 1912, Flipse, M. 1914-20. Martin, J. M. 1921 . See Hist. Sketch by Dubbink. 4. Ebenezer, 1867. Kuyper, A. C. 67-77, Dosker, H. E. 79-82, Gronveld, 82-3. Meulendyke, Josias, 83-4, Vander Meulen, John, 84-91, John, C. C. A. L. 91-2, Pietenpol, 92-5, Vandermeulen, John, 1895-1902, Tekol- ste. Garret. 1902-1903, Wayer, James, 1904-1907, Meengs, Ph. G. 1908- 1911, Dykstra. L. 1912-1913, Meeter, J. 1913-1914, Strabbing, A. H. 1915 5. Fourth, 1896. De Jonge, A. W. 1898-1903, Wolvius, Wm. 1903-1907, Lumkes ,J. M. 1908-1911, Bouma, P. A. J. 1911-1913, Broekstra, M. E. 1914-1918, Heemstra, J. F. 1919 6. Gelderland, 1899. De Jonge, B. 1900-1902, Karsten, J. H. (S.S.) 1903- 1905, Hoekje, John (S.S.) 1908-1909, Teves, J. (S.S.) 1911-1912. Name dropped 191 4. 7. Trinity, 191 1. Van Peursem, John 1912-1918. Dame. C. 1918-21. 8. Sixth, 1916. Bruggers, J. H. 1919 Holland, see Twin Lakes. Mich. Holland, Mich. Graapschap, 1850, see Graapschap. North, 1853, see North Holland. Harlem, 1904. see Harlem, Mich. Holland, see Albany, N.Y. Holland, see Cedar Grove, Wis. Holland, see Churchville, Minn. Holland, Lancaster Co., Neb., 1870. TeWinkle, 71-6, Huizenga, J. 76-91, Van Duine. 1892-1900, DeBey, D. J. 1900-1909, Rozendal, A. 1909-1912, Roetman, Z. 1912 — — Holland, see Little Falls, N.J. Holland. 2d, Neb.. 1873-1885. Holland, see Clifton, N.J. Holland, see Passaic, N.J. Holland, see Paterson. N. J. First, Second. Sixth, Union Reformed. Holland, see Vanden Burg, S.D., Holland, sec Wortendyke. N.J. Holmdcl. (Middletown, Neversink), Monmouth Co.. N.J., 1699. See Free- hold, N.J. Supplied by Lupardus, Antonides and Freeman, 1699-1709, Morgan, 1709-31, Haeghoort. 1731-5, Erickzon, 1736-64, Du Bois, B. 1764-1825, Van Vranken, S. A. 17-26, Beekman, 26-36, Thompson, F. B. (S.S.) 37-8, Reiley. W. 39-87. Hageman, A. 87-93, Wyckoff, G. 1894-1909, Bacdcr, F. N. 191C-14. MacNair. Wilmcr 1914 . This, though a separate congregation, was 6ne ecclesiastical body with Free- hold 1st until 1825. The name Holmdel was assumed in 1867. Honey Creek, 1855, now Raritan, 111. Hong-san, 1870, see China. 646 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Hooge Prairie, 1852, see High Prairie, 111. Hooker, 1882, see Van den Berg, S.D. Hope, Big Timber, Mont., 191 1. Classical Missionary, 1911-1912, Duven, Wm. (S.S.) 1913-1917, Kroodsma, R. (S.S.) 1917-1919, Van der Schoor, C. 1921 Hope, George, Lyon Co., la., 1892. Bollenbacker, 93, Niemeyer, H. 94-S, Janssen, W. T. 96-9, Schiniicker, 1899-1902, Ziegler, L. 1902-1917, Pop- pen, O. G. 1918- Hope, Grand Rapids, 1912-1913. Perhaps a clerical error. Hope, 1862, see Holland 2d, Mich. Hope, (LaGrace, Westfield), Emmons Co., now Campbell Co., N.D., 1885. Zwemer, F. J. 87-9, Vander Meulen, Jac. 89-90, Zwemer, F. J. 90-2, Harmeling, S. J. 93-4, classical missionary, 94-7, Dykema, 1897-1902, Braak, Peter 1902-1905, Lammers, B. W. 1905-1910, Schilstra, E. S. 1910-1913, Menning, G. 1914-1917, Dykstra, J. D. 1918-21, Douwstra, R. D. 1921 Hope, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1891. Classical missionary, 91-4, Sietsema, 94-8, Siegers, 1901-1909, Strabbing, A. H. 1910-1915, Ruisaard, M. C. 1916-21. Hope, see West Hoboken, N.J. Hope Mission, see Detroit. Hopewell, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1757. Rysdyck, 1765-89, Blauvelt, I. 1783- 90, Van Vranken, N. 1791-1804, Barcalo, 1805-10, De Witt, T. 12-26, Whitehead, 28-35, Polhemus, A. 35-57, Cobb, O. E. 57-72, Taylor, G. 73-80, Polhe'mus, C. H. 80-91, Clapp, 1892-1903, Bird, Addison, C. 1904-1910, Service, Wm. A. 1911-1919, Burner, Wm. A. 1921 Horse Neck, now Fairfield. Horton Memorial, Shawnee, Okl., 1907. Harper, R. H. 1907, Conklin, M. T. 1905-1910. Disbanded 1911. Hortonville, Sullivan Co., N.Y., 1875. Hospers, Sioux Co., la., 1886. Dangremond, G. (S.S.) 88-90, Van der Kam, 92-4, Te Grootenhuis, D. J. 95-1900, Te Selle, 1900-1905, Riepma, S. F. 1905-1908, Douwstra, G. H. 1908 . See Newkirk. Howard Prairie, Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1885? Howe's Cave, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1808 (formerly Schoharie Mt. in East Cobleskill). Quaw, 1834-6, Scribner, (S.S.) 47-8, Vedder, E. 55-63, Markle, (S.S.) 72-5, Millspaugh, 76-8, Buckelew, 79-86, Beekman, T. A. 89-93, Lipes, 94-5, Jongenell, Jas. 95-9, Voegelin, 1900-1904, Hage- man, P. K. (S.S.) 1904-1906, Benson, C. H. 1908-1910, Simpson, Wm. E. 1910-1915, Amerman, J. L. 1915-1920. Howe's Cave, Second, Howe Cave, N.Y., (Central Bridge), N.Y., 1906. Moffatt, E. O. 1906-1912, Morehouse, H. C. 1912 Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1835. Fisher, G. H. 36-41, Gosman, 41-53, Demarest, D. D. 53-65, Holmes, J. McC. 65-77, McLeod, 78-9, Smith, W. 80-5, Gleason, 86-9, Schenck, F. S. 90-7, Park, C. 1898-1914, Martin, J. M. 1915-21, Murphy, J. H. 1921 Hudson, see Greenport, N.Y. Hudson, Hungarian, 1913. Hamory, L. S. H. 1913-1916, Von Pompl, Ru- dolph, 1916-1918. Disbanded 1918. Hudson City, 1846, see Jersey City, N.J. Hudson City, (Ger.), 1853, see Jersey City, N.J. Hudson City, 2d, (Ger.), 1859, see Jersey City, N.J. Hudsonville, Mich., 1912. Supplied 1912. Dolfin, C. 1919. Hudsonville, Mich. See Jamestown, First. North Blendon, South Blendon. Huguenot, Huguenot Park, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Hull, Pattersonville, Sioux Co., la., 1885. Lammers, 89-92, Kriekaard, C. 93-6, Broekstra, 97-1900, Koster, S. E. 1900-1905, Dejonge, A. W. 1905- 1913, Bouma, P. A. J. 1914-1919, Kregel, J. H. 1919 Hull, Emmons Co., S.D., 1889. Zwemer, F. J. 89-92, Harmeling, S. J. 93-4. Disbanded 1894. THE CHURCHES 647 Hull, la., American Reformed, 191 1. Douma, J. W. 1911-1914, DuBois, A. A. 1916-1917, Nies, M. G. 1919-1920. Disbanded. Hull, la., American, 1921. Dykstra, J. D. 1921 Hungarian, see Chicago, 111., West Side. Flemington, N.J., Hudson, N.Y., Manville, N.J., Peekskill, N.Y., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1801. Smith. T. G. 1801-8, Gosman, 1808-11, Ostrander, H. 11-14, Carle, 14-25, Van Keuren, 26-34, Mason, J. (S.S.) 34-6, Reiley, Wm. 36-9, Harriman, 39-40, Elmendorf, A. 40-3, Cruik- shank, J. C. 43-50, Lippincott, 50-66, Harris, 67-78, Lockwood, L. J. 79-81, Wyckoff, D. B. 81-7, Searle, S. T. 87-96, Von Schlieder, A. 1896- 1903. Vyverberg, H. J. 1904-1911, Durfee, J. F. 1913-1920, French, L. H. 1920 . "Col. Docs., N.Y." ii. 592, Centennial, in "Ch. Int.," July 10, 1901. Hurley, see Marbletown. Hyde Park, (Stoutsburgh), Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1792. Brower, C. 1794- 1812, Wynkoop, P. S. 17-22, Vanderveer, F. H. 23-9, Cahoone, 29-33, Westfall, S. V. E. 34-7, Cruikshank, J. C. 37-43, Elm.endorf, A. 43-8, Ten Eyck, 48-53. Dater, 53-77, Garretson, G. R. 77-80, Blauvelt, C. R. 80-3, Kavanaugh, 83-4, Shaw, J. F. 86-93, Harris, J. F. 93-8, Gaston, Jos. 1898-1899, Hamlin, H. F. 1901-1907, Ficken, H. C. 1907-1917, Clapp, E. (S.S.) 1917-1918. Randolph. E. T. F. 1919 Hyde Park. East Orange, N.J., 1904. Fisher, Orville E. 1905-1907, Pullan, F. B. 1908-1914, Stube. C. F. 1914-1915, Dykema, James, 1915-19, Hal- lenbeck, C. A. 1920-21, Bishop. E. H. 1922 Ilion. Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1862. Petrie, 63-8. Became Presbyterian. Immanuel. Perkins. Springfield. Bonhomme Co.. S.D., 1888. Zwemer, F. J, 88-9, again, 91-2. Harmeling, S. J. 93-4, Classical missionary, 94-8, Heemstra. 98-9, Stegeman, W. 1900-1904, Schipper, H. 1905-1909, Stege- man, Mannes A. 10,10-1914. Tietema, J. H. 1914-1919, Brink, J. W. 1919 Immanuel. 1884. Belmond, see Emmanuel, la. Immanuel. see Chicago, 111. Immanuel Mission, see Chicago, 111. Immanuel, see Grand Rapid, Mich. Immanuel, see Roseland, 111. Immanuel, see Seattle, Wash. Immanuel. see Willow Lakes. S.D. Immanuel, see Emmanuel. India — Mission Field. I. Ceylon, at Pandeteripo, 1819. Rev. John Scudder, M.D. 1819-1838. Mrs. John Scudder 1819-1839. II. Madras. 1839. Rev. John Scudder, M.D. 1839-1842, again 1848-1853. Mrs. John Scudder 1839-1842, again 1848-1853. Madura. 1846. Rev. John Scudder. M.D. 1846-1848. Mrs. John Scud- der 1846-1848. Rev. H. M. Scudder 1851-1853. Mrs. Fanny (Lewis) Scudder 1851-1853. Rev. W. W. Scudder 1852-1853. Mrs. Elizabeth O. (Knight) Scudder 1852-1853. Rev. Joseph Scudder 1853. Mrs. Sarah A. (Chamberlain) Scudder 1853. III. Indian Archipelago. I. Borneo. 1840-1849. Karangan. Pontianak. Sambas. 2. Java, 1 830- 1 842. 3. Siam, 1831-1841. MISSIONARIES. . Appointed. Retired. Rev. David Abeel 1829 1842* Rev. Ehhu Doty 1836 1844* 648 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1836 1844* i«36 1843 1836 1843 1836 1849 1836 1849 1836 1839 1836 1840 1836 1840 1838 1844* 1838 1844* 1838 i847t 1838 i839t 1840 i844t 1840 1842 1840 1842 1840 1842 i842t 1849 Mrs. Elihu Doty Rev. Elbert Nevius Mrs. Elbert Nevius Rev. William Youngblood Mrs. William Bloodgood Miss Azubah C. Condict Rev. Jacob Ennis Mrs. (Haines) Ennis Rev. William J. Pohlman Mrs. Theodosia R. (Scudder) Pohlman Rev. Frederic B. Thomson Mrs. (Wyckoff) Thomson Mrs. Emma Cecilia (Combe) Thomson Rev. Wm. Theodore Van Doren Mrs. Wm. T. Van Doren Rev. Isaac P. Stryker Rev. William H. Steele ♦Went to China. fDied. See "Anderson's Hist. Missions of A.B.C.F.M. in India," pp. 236-240; also index under the words, Ceylon, East India Co., India, Southern, and Scudder, and Part One, Chapter on Foreign Missions of this work. IV. Arcot. This mission wSs organized in 1853. Its area is about the size of the State of New Jersey, with a population according to the census of 1910 of 2,700,000. Tamil is the general language of the North and South Arcot Districts ; Telugu is the general language of the Chit- toor District and the contiguous portions of the Mysore State. A list of the churches in chronological order is printed in the 1902 edition of the Manual, pp. 974-976. Since the transfer of the Classis of Arcot to the Synod of the South India United Church in 1902 these churches no longer constitute a part of the Reformed Church. The stations in which missionaries of the Reformed Church in Amer- ica reside and the dates of their opening are as follows : Ranipettai 1853 Chittoor 1853 Vellore 1853 Arni 1853 Coonoor 1857 Palmaner 1859 Madanapalle 1863 Tindivanam 1875 Punganur 1908 Katpadi 1912 MISSIONARIES OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA TO THE ARCOT MISSION, INDIA. Rev. Henry Martyn Scudder, M.D., D.D. Mrs. Fanny (Lewis) Scudder Rev. William W. Scudder, D.D Mrs. Elizabeth O. (Knight) Scudder Mrs. Frances Ann (Rousseau) Scudder . . Miss Harriet Scudder Rev. Joseph Scudder Joined Retired the from the Mission. Mission. 1851 1864 185 1 1864 1852 1895* 1852 1854* 1858 1895 1854 1856 1853 i860 THE CHURCHES 649 Mrs. Sarah A. (Chamberlain) Scudder 1853 i860 Rev. Jared W. Scudder, M.D., D.D 1855 IQIO* Mrs. JuHa C. (Goodwin) Scudder i855 I9I3 Rev. Ezekiel C. Scudder, M.D., D.D 1855 1876 Mrs. Sarah R. (Tracy) Scudder 1855 i»70 Miss Louisa Scudder i855 i»Di Rev. Joseph Mayou ^85» i»70 Mrs. Margaret (Shultz) Mayou i»5» i»70 Rev. Jacob Chamberlain, M.D., D.D., LL.D 1859 I908* Mrs. Charlotte C. (Birge) Chamberlain i»59 I9i5 Rev. Silas D. Scudder, M.D i860 1874* Mrs. Marianne (Conover) Scudder i860 i«74 Rev. John Scudder, M.D., D.D 1861 1900* Mrs. Sophia (Weld) Scudder 1861 Miss Martha T. Mandeville 1869 i»»i Miss Josephine Chapin 1869 i»74 Rev. Enne J. Heeren 1872 1877 Mrs. Aleida M. (Vennema) Heeren 1872 i877 Rev. John H. Wyckoff, D.D. (1874-1886) 1892 I9i5* Mrs. Emmeline J. L. (Bonney) Wyckoff 1876 1886* Mrs. Gertrude E. (Chandler) Wyckoff 1892 1918* Henry Martyn Scudder, Jr., M.D 1876 i»»3 Mrs. Bessie M. (Scudder) Scudder 1876 1882 Miss Julia C. Scudder i879 Rev. John W. Conklin 1881 1891 Mrs. Jane Elizabeth (Lindsley) Conklin 1881 1891 Rev. Lambertus Hekhuis, M.D 1881 i8«a Rev. Ezekiel C. Scudder, Jr. (1882-1901) 1904 I9i9* Mrs. Minnie E. (Pitcher) Scudder 1882 1883 Mrs. Mabel (Jones) Sc^idder (1889-1901) 1904 1918 Miss M. Kitty Scudder 1884 I9I5 Rev. William I. Chamberlain 1887 1900 Mrs. Mary E. ( Anable) Chamberlain 1891 1900 Rev. Lewis R. Scudder, M.D., D.D 1888 Mrs. Ethel T. (Fisher) Scudder 1888 Miss Ida S. Scudder, M.D. ( 1890-94) 1899 Rev. Henry J. Scudder (1890-94) 1897 Mrs. Margaret (Booraem) Scudder 1897 Rev. Lewis B. Chamberlain 1891 I9i5 Mrs. Julia (Anable) Chamberlain 1897 I9IS Miss Lizzie von Bergen i893 1901 Rev. James A. Beattie i893 I9i5* Mrs. Margaret (Dall) Beattie 1893 1921 Miss Louisa H. Hart, M.D 1895 Rev. Henry Huizinga 1896 1899 Mrs. Susan (Antvelink) Huizinga 1896 1899 Rev. Wm. H. Farrar i897 Mrs. Elizabeth (Walther) Farrar 1897 Rev. Walter T. Scudder i899 Mrs. Ellen (Bartholomew) Scudder, M.D 1899 Miss Annie E. Hancock 1899 Miss Alice B. Van Doren 1903 Miss Lillian M. Hart I904 1907 Mr. Arthur C. Cole 1905 I9i5 Mrs. Anna M. (Paddock) Cole 1905 I9i5 Miss Henrietta Wynckoop Drury 1906 Rev. Henry Honcgger 1907 1914" Mrs. Lavina M. (DuMond) Honegger 1910 Miss Lilv Stanes I9C7 1909 650 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Miss Margaret N. Levick, M. D Rev. Bernard Rottschafer Mrs. Bernice M. (Takken) Rottschafer Miss Margaret Rottschafer Miss Sarella TeWinkel Miss Josephine V. TeWinkel Bert W. Roy, M.D Mrs. Nellie (Benyerl) Roy Rev. John R. Duffield Mrs. Litta (Campbell) Duffield Rev. Joseph Sizoo Mrs. Dorothy A. (Scheirer) Sizoo Rev. John H. Warnshuis Mrs. Lillian (Cook) Warnshuis, M.D. . Mr. Francis Marmaduke Potter Mrs. Elsie (Burroughs) Potter Miss Hilda M. Pollard, M.D Mr. John D. Muyskens Mr. Mason Olcott Rev. Charles F. Stube Miss Charlotte C. Wyckoff Miss Elisabeth W. Conklin Rev. Lambertus Hekhuis Mrs. Jennie (Immink) Hekhuis Rev. Herbert E. Van Vranken Mrs. Nellie (Smallegan) Van Vranken . Rev. John C. VanWyk Mrs. Amelia (Menning) Van Wyk .... Miss Wilhelmina Noordyk Mr. Cornelius R. Wierenga Miss Clara M. Coburn Galen Fisher Scudder, M.D Miss Ruth Lawsing Scudder Miss Maude Sophia Scudder Rev. Knud Lange Mrs. Henrietta W. (Drury) Lange Rev. James H. Potter Mrs. Helen (Beardslee) Potter Mr. Irwin J. Lubbers Rev. John G. Gebhard, Jr Mrs. Helen (Fairchild) Gebhard Miss Matilda L. Berg Mr. John DeValois Mrs. Henrietta (Hofland) DeValois . . . Miss Alice E. Smallegan Mr. Chris Dejonge Mr. Garrett Vander Borgh Mr. Martin DeWolf 1908 I9IO 1909 I9I0 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 I9I8 I9I8 I9IO I9I3 I9IO I9I2 I9IO I9II I9I0 IQII* I9I3 I9I3 I9I3 1917 I9I5 I9I3 1917 1916 I9I5 1919 I9I5 1917 I9IS 1917 I9I5 I9IS I9I6 I9I6 I9I7 I9I7 I9I7 1919 I9I7 1919 I9I7 I9I7 I9I8 1920 I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 1922 I9I9 1922 I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 I9I9 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 I92I *Died. Indianapolis, Ind., 191 1. Supplies. Laman, A. T. 1912-1914, Pettersson, H. M. 1914-1916. Supplies. Meulendyke, J. (S.S.) 1919-21. Indian Castle, (Danube), Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1769. Supplied by neigh- boring pastors. Ketchum, Miss, to, 1823. Indian Castle, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1861. Stanbrough, 1861-76. See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 121. Indians, American, Miss, to, Megapolensis, J. 1642-9, Freeman, 1700-5, Lydius, 1702-9, (Barclay, Epis., 1709-10), Dellius, 1683-99. "Ecc. Rec. N.Y.," many allusions; "Anderson's Hist. Col. Church," 3 vols. "Doc. THE CHURCHES 65I Hist. N.Y." i. 269; iii. 19, 20, 538, 540, 541, 551-2, 561-2, 566, 613- 621, 628, 697. See also Oklahoma; Colony; Columbian Memorial church, and Fort Sill Apache Mission. Ingham's Mills, see Manheim. [nterlaken, Seneca Co., N.Y., 1830. (Until about 1906 Farmer Village). Gregory, O. H. 1831-8, Bassler, 1838-66, Brush, W. W. 1866-8, Zabris- kie, A. A. 1868-9, Forsyth, J. C. 1870-75, Furbeck, P. 1875-81, Nash- olds, 1882-87, Palmer, F. W. 1888-93, Van Arsdale, E. B. 1893-1916, Seibert, George G. 1916-21, Van Wagenen, R. D. 1922 . See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 59. Inwood, la., 1912. Classical Missionary, 1912. Niehaus, H. H. 1913-14, Muilenburg, H. S. 1916 Inwood, N.Y., see Far Rockaway, N.Y. Ireton, la., 1913. Stegeman, Wm. 1915-1919, Reinhart, H. E. 1920 Irving Park, 1874, see Chicago, 111. Irvington, (Clintonville, Camptown), Essex Co., N.J., 1840. Staats, J. A. 40-1, Chapman, J. L. 42-9, Bruen, J. M. 50-2, Taylor, A. B. 52-5, McKelvey, A. 58-60, Vehslage, 61-94, Chrestensen, 94-6, Wyckoff, C. E. 96-1901, Lawrence, C. L. 1902-1903, McClinchie, Uriah 1904-1919, Leggett, L. G. 1919 . See Christian Intelligence, Feb. 14, 1900. Irvington, Second, N.J., 1916. Moore, George, Jr. 1917-1920, Condit, C. B. 1920 Italian, Beacon, N.Y., see Beacon. Italian, Hackensack, see Hackensack. Italian, Kensington, see Chicago. Italian, Mt .Olivet, see Newark. Italian, see Newburgh, N.Y. Italian, see Englewood, N.J. Italian, see Weehawken, N.J. Itamarca, 1635, see Brazil, S.A. Ithaca, Tompkins Co.,"N.Y., 1830. Mann, 31-7, Hoes, 37-45, Henry, 46-9, Bulkley, 51-2, Elmendorf, J. 53-S, Schenck, J. W. 55-63, Zabnskie, F. N. 64-6, Strong, T. C. 66-71. (Became Congregational, 1872. See Christian Intelligencer, Sept. 3, 1902. Jackson, Washington Co., N.Y., 1833. Stewart, J. W. 34-6, Pitcher, W. 37-9, Quick, J. J. 40-43, Pitcher, J. H. 43-52. See Biog. and Gen. Rec. N.Y., Buskirk. Jamaica, 1702, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Jamaica, (St. Paul's), 1876, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Jamestown, Forest Grove, Hudsonville, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1869. Vander- meulen, John, 75-85, Wormser, Wm. 87-9, John, C. C. A. 91-2, Lammers, 1892-1903, Cheff, P. P. 1905-1910, Broekstra, M. E. 1911-1914, Boer, Nicholas 1916-1918, Vander Linden, G. 1919 ■ Jamestown, 2nd, 1889. Poppen, 94-5, Schilstra, E. S. 1896-1900, Boer, N. 1900-1903, Steuenberg, Jolin 1904-1907, Dykhuizen, H. 1907-1910, Van Westenburg, J. 1911-1913, Hankamp, G. 1913-21, Van Zomeren, J. 1 92 1 -2, Walvoord, Wm. 1922 ' Jamesville, Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1833. Evans, E. 1836, Amerman, T, A. 1839-40. Japan. Mission Field. The Japan Mission was begun in 1859. In 1889 the Nagasaki Station was made an independent Mission, to be known as "The South Japan Mission," the other stations became known as "The North Japan Mission." In 1917 the two missions were reunited as one organization . Some of the most northern stations were transferred in 1917 to the Mission of the Reformed Church in the United States. Most of the work of the Mission now is in the .southern part of the country on the Island of Kyushiu. On October 3d, 1877, the missionaries and Japanese ministers of the Reformed Church united with the ministers of the Missions of the American 652 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Presbyterian, and the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland and consti- tuted "The United Church of Christ in Japan." As the work of these missions resuUs in self supporting churches, these are transferred to this Japanese Church, and it is therefore impossible to give any list of churches or ministers, as, with the exception of some preaching stations, they do not belong distinctively to the Reformed Church Mission. The stations in which the missionaries of the Reformed Church in Amer- ica reside, and the dates of their opening and in some cases of their closing, are as follows :■ — Kanagawa (Now Nagasaki) 1859 Nagasaki 1859 Yokohama 1863 Tokyo 1869 Niigata 1869-1870 Uyeda 1876-1917 Morioka 1888-1917 Aomori 1894-1917 Kagoshima 1893 Saga 1895 Nagano 1897-1917 Kumamoto 1901-1904 Oita 1910 Matsumoto 1912-1917 Shimonoseki . . . r 1914 Fukuoka 1915 Kurume 1915 JAPAN MISSION Went Out Retired Rev. S. R. Brown, D.D 1859 1879* Mrs. S. R. Brown 1859 1879 Rev. G. F. Verbeck 1859 1898* Mrs. Maria (Manion) Verbeck 1859 1898 D. B. Simmons, M.D 1859 i860 Mrs. D. B. Simmons 1859 i860 Rev. James H. Ballagh, D.D 1861 1920* Mrs. Margaret (Kinnear) Ballagh 1861 1909* Rev. Henry Stout 1869 1905* Mrs. Elizabeth ( Provost) Stout 1869 1902* Rev. C. H. H. Wolff 1871 1876 Mrs. L. (Buboc) Wolflf 1871 1876 Mrs. S. K. M. Hequembourg 1872 1874 Miss Emma C. Witbeck 1874 1882 Rev. E. Rothesay Miller 1875 1915* Mrs. Mary E. (Kidder) Miller 1869 1910* Rev. J. L. Amerman, D.D 1876 1893 Mrs. Rebecca (Ely) Amerman 1876 1893 Miss E. F. Farrington 1878 1879 Miss M. J. Farrington 1878 1879 Miss Harriet L. Winn 1878 1887 Rev. Eugene S. Booth, D.D 1879 Mrs. Emilie ( Stelle) Booth 1879 1917* Mrs. Florence (Dick) Booth (1912-1915) 1919 Miss Carrie Ballagh 1881 1885 Prof. Martin N. Wyckoff , ScD 1881 191 1* Mrs. Anna (Baird) Wyckoff 1881 1920* Miss M. Leila Winn 1882 1920 Rev. N. H. Demarest ( 1883-1890) 1912 1914 THE CHURCHES 653 Mrs. Annie (Strong) Demarest Rev. Howard Harris Mrs. Lizzie B. (Disbrow) Harris Miss Mary E. Brokaw Miss C. B. Richards Rev. Albert Oltmans Mrs. Alice (Voorhoorst) Oltmans Miss Anna DeF. Thompson Miss Rebecca L. Irvine Rev. H. V .S. Peeke, D.D. (1888-1892) Mrs. Vesta (Greer) Peeke Miss Mary Deyo Miss Julia Moulton Miss Carrie B. Lanterman Rev. Albertus Pieters Mrs. Emma (Kollen) Pieters Miss S. M. Couch Miss Harriet M. Lansing Miss Martha E. Duryea Mr. A. A. Davis Rev. Jacob Poppen, Ph.D Mrs. Anna (Van Zwaluwenburg) Poppen . . . Miss Anna K. Stryker Rev. Frank S. Scudder Mrs. Florence (Schenck) Scudder Mrs. J. DuMont Schenck Miss Harriet J. Wyckoff Miss Anna B. Stout (1891-1895) Rev. Charles M. Myers Rev. Garret Hondelink Mrs. Grace (Hoekje)' Hondelink Miss Grace Thomasma Miss Jennie A. Pieters Rev. Douwe C. Ruigh (From Amoy) Mrs. Christine (Carst) Ruigh (From Amoy) Mr. Anthony Walvoord Mrs. Edith (Walvoord) Walvoord Miss Jennie M. Kuyper Walter E. Hoffsommer, Ph.D Mrs. Grace (Posey) Hoffsommer Rev. Willis G. Hoekje Mrs. Annie (Hail) Hoekje Miss Jennie Buys Rev. Hubert Kuyper Miss Jeane Noordhoff Rev. David Van Strien Mrs. Eleanor (Orbison) Van Strien Mrs. Lillian (Orbison) Van Strien Rev. Luman J. Shafer Mrs. Amy (Hendricks) Shafer Miss May Baldwin Demarest (1912-1914) .. Rev. Stephen W. Ryder Mrs. Reba (Snapp) Ryder Miss Hendrine E. Hospers Miss Evelyn F. Oltmans Miss Janet Oltmans Rev. Alex. Van Bronkhorst Mrs. Helena (DeMaagd) Van Bronkhorst .. Rev. Henry V. E. Stegeman 1883 1890 1884 1905 1884 1905 1884 1899 1884 1885 1886 1886 1887 I9I3 1887 i«93 1893 1893 1888 1905 1888 1890 1892* 1891 I89I 1892 1893 1893 1897 1896 1898 1896 1898 1896 1898 1897 1900 1897 1907 1897 1906* 1897 1902 1898 1905 1898 190S 1899 1904 1903 1908 1903 1908 1904 1912 1904 1905 1905 1905 1919* 1905 1919 1905 1907 1920 1907 1920 1907 I9I2 1909 1914 I9II I9II I9I2 1920 I9I2 1913* I9I7 1920 I9I2 I9I2 I9I8 I9I3 I9I4 I9I3 I9I4 I9I4 I9I6 I9I6 I9I7 654 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Mrs. Gertrude (Hoekje) Stegeman 1917 Miss Anna M. Fleming 1918 Mr. A. L. Harvey 1920 1921 Miss Edith V. Teets 1921 Miss J. Gertrude Pieters 1921 Mr. George W. Lang 1921 Java, see India. Jay Gould Memorial, 1893, see Roxbury, N.Y. Jefferson, Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1851. Heermance, Har. 1851-7, Evans, Chs. A. 1857-8, Vermilye, D. 1863-6. Jeffersonville, Sullivan Co., N.Y., 1852. Wolf, 1853-4, Hones, 1854-8, Riedel, 1858-61, Boehrer, 1862-6. Jeniks, (CI. of Albany), 1794. "M. G. S." i. p. 256, mentioned. Jenison, see Allendale, Mich. ist. Jericho, L.I., 1874. Supplied by Talmage, D. June-Sept. 1876, DeVries, 1876-7. United with Oyster Bay. Jermain Memorial, see West Troy, South. Jersey City, Hudson Co., N.J., churches in : 1. Bergen, (Bergen Av.) 1660; supplied by ministers from New York, S.I. and L.I. 1662-1749; (DeWint, 1749-51), Jackson, W. 1757-89, Cornelison, 1793-1828, Taylor B. C. 28-81. Associate pastors, Amerman, 71-6, Brett, C. 1876-1881, pastor 1881-1918, E.P. 1918-22, Soper, W. P. 1918-21, Kittell, J. S. 1922 . Assist- ants, Strong, W. V. D. 1902-1906, Moment, J. J. 1908-1911, Dur- yee, Abram 1911-1917, LeFevre, DuBois 1917-1919. See "Tay- lor's Annals CI. Bergen" ; "Taylor's Disc, at 200th Anniv." ; "Manual of Ch. of Bergen" ; "Hon. Chs. Winfield's Hist. Hud- son Co.," containing marriage and baptismal records of Bergen Church. 2. Bayonne ist, 1829, (formerly Bergen Neck). Boice, I. C. 29-44, Romeyn, J. 44-50, Dutcher, 50-4, Stillwell, 54-64, Wells, T. W. 65-73, Stitt, C. H. 74-80, Knox, W. W. 81-93, Jones, C. H. 94-9, Boocock, W. H. 1899-1909, Bayles, T. F. 1910-1915, Pfanstiehl, A. A. (S.S.) 1916-1917, Augustine, R. H. M. 1917-1919, Van Raalte, A. C. 1919 . See "Taylor's Annals." 3. Jersey City ist. (Presbyt. 1825-30). 1830, (Grand St.) Ostran- der, S., Miss, to, 22, Meeker, May-Oct. 30, Talmage, J. R. 30-3, Lusk, 33-48, Yates, J. A. called, 1849, died; Lord, D. 50-1; sup- plied by Henry, 51, McClure, A. 52-5, Riddle, D. H. 57-62. Scud- der, H. M. 64-5, Peeke, G. 65-9, Halloway, W. 71-6, (S.S. Wes- terfield, 1877-86, united with First Reformed Church of Van Voorst, First Van Vorst). At a meeting of the Classis of Bergen Ap. 28, 1807, Revs. Cor- nelison and Stryker presented that the inhabitants of the City of Jersey, formerly Paulus Hook, were desirous of a church; and that the Associates of the Jersey Co. offered to give land on the south side of Grand st. if they will erect a church 50 ft. sq. within two years. The Classis appointed Revs. Cornelison and Stryker to organize a church and in said city, &c., and supplies were ap- pointed.— But in April, 1808. the Committee reported that it was impracticable, owing to a lack of a sufficient number of members in the vicinity. The Associate Co. offered to prolong the time and give $250 a year toward the support of a minister there. 4. First Reformed Church of Van Vorst. (Known as Jersey City 2d, later, Wayne St.), 1846. Taylor, W. J. R. 1846-9, Van Cleef, P. D. 1849-1896, P.Em. 1896-1902, Wick, 1890-1899, Brown, J. A. 1899-1905, Shield, F. K. 1906-1908, Meyer, A. J. 1909-1914, THE CHURCHES 655 Maines, W. S. 1914-15, Hart, W. R. 1916 . In 1886 First Van Vorst absorbed Jersey City ist; in 1909, Jersey City Free (Grand Street). 5. Jersey City 3d, also called Park (Hamilton Square), 1852. Ostran- der, S., Miss, to Harsimus, 22, Taylor, W. J. R. 52-4, Strong, J. P. 54-6, Selden, 57, Wells, C. L. 58-62, Berry, J. R. 63-8, Suy- dam, 68-90, Griffin, W. T. 91-2, Morgan, 1892-1903, Stofflet, J. P. 1904-1912, Weidner, D. C. 1913-1915, Blue, J. H. 1916-1917, Terhune, C. A. 1919 . See Ch. Int., Oct. 29, 1902. 6. Hudson City, 1853. Lloyd, A., Miss, to, 53-5, King, F. L. 55-7. 7. Bergen Point, (Bayonne 2d), 1854. Butcher, 54-7, Parker, Chas. 57-60, Jones, H. W. F. 60-84, P.Em. 84-1915, Riggs, J. F. 84-92, Inglis, T. E. 92-7, Krom, A. E. 1898-1901. United with the First Presbyterian Church of Bayonne to form the Fifth St. Reformed Church, Bayonne, 1901. 8. Jersey City, 4th (Ger.), 1856. Doeppenschmidt, 1856-64, Meyer, Karl, Miss, to, 1864-6. 9. Hudson City 2nd (Ger.), Hudson Av. 1859. Doeppenschmidt, 64- 85, Girtanner, 78-82, Meury, E. A. 1883-1911, Bender, A. F. 1913, March-Oct. Again 1914. Assistant, Mager, Wm. 1904. 10. La Fayette, Communipaw Av., 1863. Duryee, W. R. 1864-91, Kom- mers, 1891-1903, Hogan, J. S. 1903-1912, Herge, Chas. 1912- 1915. Noble, H. W. 1916— — 11. West End, Marion, 1868. Shaw, A., Miss, to, 69-72, Van Doren, W. H. 71-8. 12. Greenville. Ocean Av., 1871. Young, A. H. 73-81, Pockman, 81-6, Bruce, W. P. 87-95, Allen, C. J. 96-1900, Mohn, O. L. F. 1902- 1903, Eggleston, G. H. 1904-1907, Morris, R. C. 1908-1910, Duck, E. M. 1911 13. Jersey City, Free, 1872. On ist street until 1889. On Grand street, 1889. Hence called Grand street. Shaw, Alex 1867-72, Park, A. J. 73-8, Mattice, H. 79-88, Zabriskie, A. A. 87-91, Clist, 91-5, Cussler, 96-1901, Stofflet, J. P. 1901-1904, Meyer, A. J. 1904-1909. This church united with Van Vorst, ist, January 2"], 1909. 14. Bayonne 3rd, (Ger.), 1872. Elterich, 75-80, Klein, C. F. A. (S.S.) 82-5, Andrea;, (S.S.) 86-92, Muller, M. 94-7, Franzen, 1898-1903, Schulz, H. W. J. 1904-1909, Franzen, H. L. 191 1 15. Jersey City, Central Ave., (Bowers St.). (Jersey City Heights), 1872. Wolfe, G. L. 73-4, Matthews, A. 75, Griffin, W. T. 78-81, Handy, 81-3, Wright, C. S. 1883-1909, Pelgrim, J. C. 1909-1916, Murphy, J. A. 1916-21. j6. South Bergen, 1874. Brokaw, I. P. 74-9. Cox, H. M. 79-82, Vaughan, Wm. 83-8, Grant, W. D. 89-96. — Church united with the Congregational Church of Jersey City. 17. German Evangelical ist (Mercer st.), 1882. Staehli, 83-91, Muller, M. 93-4, Fisher (or Fiecke) Julius, 95, Heiniger, 96-1900, Nickse, Louis, 1901-1902, Mueller, Matthew 1902-1910, Mueller, G. C. 1910-19, Hahn, G. F. 1919 18. St. Johns, Evangelical, (Ger.), Fairview Av., 1883. Andreae, 1883 . Asst., Andrea;, M. C. T. 1915-18. See "Taylor's Annals of Classis of Bergen" ; and "Van Cleef 's Anniversary Sermons" ; and "Winfield's History of Hudson Co., N.J." 19. Bayonne, 5th Street, 1902. Formed by the union of the ist Pres- . byterian Church of Bayonne and the Bergen Point Reformed (Bayonne 2d), 1901. Jones, H. W. F. E.Em. 1901-1915, Wilson, F. S. 1902-1920, Muste, C. B. 1921 . 20. Faith, Jersey City, N.J., Bayview Ave., 1909. Hunter, James B. 1909 656 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 21. West Side, Duncan Ave. and Apollo Place, Jersey City, N.J., 1912. Heinrichs, J. H. 1914-1916, Luther, M. F. 1917-1918. Jerusalem, (Feura Bush), Albany Co., N.Y., 1791. Van Huysen, 1793- 1824, Kissam, 28-41, Van Santvoord, S. 45-57, Compton, 54-60, Gulick A. V. 60-5, Millspaugh, 66-72, Vedder, E. 73-85, Scarlett, J. H. 85-93, Beekman, T. A. 93-1902, Lehman, F. V. W. 1902-1907, Gulick, G. W. 1908-1909, Ballard, Bruce, 1910-1913, Hageman, T. A. 1913-1917, Mil- lett, J. 1917 . This church divided in 1825 into the chs. of Jerusa- lem and Union. See Union, also Onesquethaw. Jicarilla Mission, Dulce, N.M. Johnsborough, (Johnburgh?), Warren Co., N.Y., 1819. Centre, Miss, to, 1823 See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 122. Johnstown, Montgomery Co., N.Y. (Western allotment of Kingsborough, see Caughnawaga), 18 16. Amerman, 17-21, Van Vechten, L 23-4, Van Olinda, Miss, to, 24, Stryker, H. B., Miss, to, 30 . Dropped 1835. "Doc. Hist." iii. 686, 696. Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 122. Johnstown, Secession, 1822. Independent. Amerman, A. 21-43, Westervelt, J. P. 45-55- Disbanded. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 13. Johnstown, Columbia Co., N.Y., see Linlithgo. Johnstown, Fulton Co., N.Y., 1894. Van Burk, 1894-1902, Bedford, C. V. W. 1902-1909, Beekman, P. S. 1909-1920, Stanton, R. A. 1920 . See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI. 62. Kaatsbaan, see Katsbaan, N.Y. Kagoshima, 1893, see Japan. Kakiat, now West New Hempsted and Clarkstown, N.Y. Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Co., Mich. ; churches in : 1. Kalamazoo, ist, 1851. Gardenier, 55, Klyn, 56-62, Vander Meulen, 64-8, Kriekaard, 68-76, Te Winkle, 76-82, Dosker, N. H. 83-7. Kolyn, 88-93, Stapelkamp, 1894-1901, Pool, Wm. 1902-1911, Steu- nenberg, J. 1912-1918, Hollebrands, J. J. 1918 2. Kalamazoo, 2nd, 1885, Vennema, A. 86-9, Streng, 90-2, Moerdyk, Wm. 92-4, Vander Meulen, John, 96-9, Blekkink, 1899-1905, Wa- termulder, G. 1905-1908, Hospers, H. 1909-1910, Muilenburg, T. W. 1911-1916, Van Peursem, J. 1918 3. Kalamazoo, 3d, 1889. Duiker, R. 90-2, Strabbing, 92-6, Siegers, 97-9, Warnshuis, J. W. 99-1901, Douwstra, H. 1902-1903, Frieling, H. 1903-1910, DeHaan, John 1910-1917, Wolvius, Wm. 1918 4. Kalamazoo, 4th, 1892. John, C. C. A. L. 93-6, Luxen, 96-1900, Heines, 1900-1903, Hogenboom, S. M. 1903-1904, Troost, Evert, 1904-1916, Kregel, J. H. 1917-1919. 5. Bethany, 1905, Kalamazoo, Mich. Kooiker, G. 1905-1911, Vander Meulen, Jacob 1911-19, DeRoos, Frank, 1920-21. 6. North Park St., 1909, Kalamazoo, Mich. Hondelink, G. 1909-1912, Bloemendal, Ralph 1914-1916, Vanden Berg, R. L 1916-1919, Meengs, R. D. 1920 Kalamazoo, see Twin Lakes. Kamp, see Camp. Kampen, Westover, Somerset Co., Md., 1900. Dropped 1905. Kanagawa Station, 1859, see Japan. Karangan, see India. Karr Valley, Almond, Alleghany Co., N.Y., 1797. Gray, 1797-1819. Katpadi, see India. Katsbaan, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1710. Reorganized, 1921. (See Camp, West Camp, Kaatsbaan and Caatsban, and Saugerties). Kocherthal, 1710- 19, Haeger, J. F. 1710-21, Ehle, (Oehl), 1720-27, Falckner, Daniel F. 1724-?, Berckenmeyer, W. C. 1721-9, Mancius, pastor, 1730-62, supplied THE CHURCHES 657 by Schuneman, Wester lo and Doll, 1762-80, De Ronde, 1780-6, supplied by Schuneman and Doll, 1786-93, Van Vlierden, 1793-1804, Demarest, James D. 1808-9, Ostrandcr, H. 12-62, Collier, I. H. 62-4, Chapman. N. F. 64-73, Searle, Stephen, 73-85, Sebring, A. J. 1885-1916, Marcley, A. F. 1916-18, Van Deusen, R. J. (S.S.) 1921 The colony of Palatines, which came to West Camp in Oct., 1710, imme- diately erected a house of worship there for the use of the colony, both of the Lutheran and Reformed faiths. Upon the release of the colonists in 1712 from their contract to the British Government, they began to seek out homes for themselves. There was some dispute to the title of the lands at West Camp. So the colonists took up farms a mile or two west at the Kats Baan, and here Mancius found most of them in 1730, and they were worshipping there. During the entire ministry of Mancius, of thirty-two years, the West Camp church seems to have been closed, and those of each faith united in religious services at Katsbaan. When Mancius died the Lutheran Church at West Camp was reorganized. Strictly speaking, the present Katsbaan Church was organized m 1839. It was first incorporated as the Church of Kaatsbaan, in the town of King- ston. In 1826 it was re-incorporated as the Church in the town of Sauger- ties, and had ecclesiastical oversight over Saugerties village, Plattekill, and Blue Mountain, where weekly or monthly services were maintained. In 183 1 the present village of Saugerties was constituted and incorporated as the village of Ulster, and a determined and prolonged effort was made to get rid of the name of Saugerties for the locality. The elements that built up the manufacturing interests of the new village were not in sym- pathy with the genius of the Reformed Church. When early efforts were made for a church at Saugerties the Dutch element in the village refused to join, and the application was not granted. These efforts continued until 1839, when, to heal the rising feeling over such refusals, and to preserve the proposed organization to the Reformed Church, Katsbaan was pre- vailed upon to apply for, the new organization. This was granted, and the Dutch element about Saugerties was left in the old organization there, to prevent any such movement. The effort to have Saugerties called Ulster continued for twenty-four years, but failed, and the village of Ulster was re-incorporated as Sau- gerties in 1855. Thus the church of Saugerties is the old organization in law, while Katsbaan is such in history and in fact. See Brink's Early His- tory of Saugerties. Kattapali, 1869, see India. Kenosha, Kenosha Co., Wis., 1896. Kensington, Italian Mission, see Chicago. Kent St., Greenpoint, L.I., see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Keokuk, Lee Co., Iowa, 1863. Baay, Miss, to, 60-2, pastor. 62-5, dis- banded. Kerhonksen, (Middleport), Ulster Co., N.Y.. 1853. De Puy, 56, Jones. N. W. 56-60, Van Vleck, J. 62-4, Du Bois, J. 66-74, Crolius, 75-9, Dar- rach, 85-6, Van Oostenbrugge, 92-1900, Kip, F. M. (S.S.) 1902-1904. Seso, A. A. 1906-1911, Terwilliger, F. E. (S.S.) 1913-1916, Paxson, A. T. 1919 Kewascum, Wis. (station). Mattice, Miss, to, 1862-4, Wilson, C. D., Miss. to, 64-7. Keyport, Monmouth Co., N.J., 1847. Chapman, N. F.. Miss, to, 48-9, Minor, Miss, to, 50-1, Searle, J., Miss, to, 51-3, Lockwood, 54-68, Zabriskie. A. A. 69-72, Mead, E. 73-90, Schock, 92-7, Greene, E. W. 98-1900, Decker, F. 1901-1903, Van Woert, H. S. 1904-1909, Compton, W. E. 1910-1913, Reynolds, F. T. B. 1913 Killduff, la., 1900. Classical Missionary, 1901-1904, Wiebenga, John 1904- 1906, Vanden Berge, E. 1911-1915, Heneveld, G. G. 1916-1918. Killduff, see Galesburg. 658 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1712. A preaching station of Albany, 1700-12. Van Driessen, P. (S.S.) 1712-27, also Ehle, 1720-27, Van Driessen, J. 1727-35, Van Driessen, P. Van Schie, Frelinghuysen, T. S., supplies 1735-56, Frelinghuysen, F., called 1753, but died; Freyen- moet, 1756-77, Ritzema, (S.S.) 1778-88, Labagh, I. 1789-1799, Sickles, 1800-1834, Van Aken, 1834-5, Heermance, H. 1835-7, Vandervoort, 1837-42, Van Zandt, B. 1842-52, Bronson, 1854-7, Berry, J. R. 1857-63, Collier, Edward 1864-1907, Emeritus 1907-20; Burrowes, Chas. W. 1908- 14, Ellis, A.M. 191 5-16, Vanderlaan, E. C. 1917-20, Robinson, Wm. L. 1921 . See Collier's "Hallowed House." Doc. Hist. i. 243, iii. 538. Kinderhook, 2d, 1833. Cushing, 1833-4. Became the Presb. Ch. of Valatie. Kings, 111., see Elim. Kings Co.. L.I., 1654. A general name embracing the collegiate charges of Brooklyn, Flatlands, Bushwick, New Utrecht, Flatbush, and, at times, Gravesend. In 1808, the collegiate relation was partly dissolved. — "Doc. Hist." i. 426, 429; iii. 75, 87-116. "Smith's N.Y.," 316. "Strong's Flatbush." Kingsberg, probably an error for Kingsberry, N.Y. Kingsberry (Kingsbury?), Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1715. This place was prac- tically the same as East Camp and Germantown, although it was probably a couple of miles south of Germantown. "Doc. Hist., N.Y." iii. 413, 421; "Col. Docs. N.Y." v. 215, 515. In Oct., 1715, Haeger petitioned Gov. Hunter, and received permission to build a church (Episcopal) here, for the 60 palatine families. "N.Y. Col. MSS.," Ix. 41 . Kingsborough, Western allotment of, afterward Johnstown. Montgomery Co., N.Y. Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., churches in : 1. Kingston, (Esopus), ist, 1659. Blom. 1660-7. Tesschenmaeker, (S.S.) 1675-6, again, Ap.-Sept., 1678, Van Gaasbeek, 1678-80, Weekstein, 168 1-7, Vandenbosch, 1687-9, Nucella, 1695- 1704, Beys, 1706-8, Vas, 1710-56, Mancius, 1732-62, Meyer, H. 1762-72, Doll, 1775-1808, Gosman. 1808-35, Lillie. 36-41, Van Wagenen, 41-4, Hoes, 45-67, Van Derveer, 67-76, Van Slyke, J. G. 1876-1909, Leeper, J. L. 191 1-20. Church incorporated, 17 19. English preaching began with Gos- man.— See "Ecc. Rec. N.Y." "Doc. Hist." iii. 51, 71, jy, 581-7, 599. "Col. Hist." ii. 592. "Mag. R.D.C." i. 190; iii. 55. "Gor- don's Life of Ostrander." 45-53. 69. "Smith's N.Y.," 308. "Du Bois' Reunion." p. 47. Stitt's "Our New City" ; "Schoonmaker's Hist, of Kingston." Gov. Cornbury made an attempt to foist Rev. Mr. Hepburn (Episcopalian) on this church in 1704, but without success. See Ecc. Rec. N.Y. 2. Kingston, (Ger.), 1770. Gross, 1773-83. See Dubbs, 258. 3. Kingston 2d, Fair st., 1849. Smuller, 49-53, Du Bois, A. 54-9, Col- lier, Jos. 59-64, Stitt, 65-74. Demarest, Jas. (Jr.) 74-82, Noyes, 83-94, Oakes, 94-8, Seeley, F. B. 1898 . See Hist. Sketch by M. Schoonmaker, 1879. 4. Church of the Comforter, Wiltwick, 1863. As a Station, supplied by Fort, 54-59, by Shaw, W. A. 60-4 ; pastors : Shaw, 64-72, Westveer, 72-4, Talmage, Jas. R. 74-9, Shaw, W. A. (S.S.) 79-91, Winne, 1891-1902, Palmer, C. L. 1903-1914, Stowe. W. F. 1914 . See Christian Intelligencer, June 10, 1903. Kiskatom, Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. (In union with Leeds, 1833-42), 1842. Van Liew, J. C. 1833-4. Hoff. 35-42, Lyall, 43-7, See. J. L. 47-50, Compton. 51-4, Eckel, 54-5, Case, 57-60. Rockwell. Chs. 60-8, See, W. G. E. 68-73, Deyo, 73-6, Van Fleet, 76-9, Van Neste, G. J. 79-87, Wil- liams, D. F. 87-8, Rhinehart, 89-91, Ward, W. D. 1893-1902, Appel, THE CHURCHES 659 J. B. 1902-1904, Zabriskie, A. A. 1904-1906, Winne, J. E. 1907-1909, Lawsing, S. O. 1910-1917, Heinrichs, J. H. (S.S.) 1919-21. Kistigirene, another name, or an error, for Niskayuna, "M.G.S." i. 255. Kleinville, 1809, see Canada. Kleyn Esopus. now Esopus. Knapp Ave., see Grand Rapids. Knowlton. Warren Co., N.J. 1787 (?). Chitara, 1787-92, Wack, C. (S.S.) 1792-1809, Wack, J. J., also (S.S.) 1798-1805. Reorganized as R.D.C., 1814? (Presbyterian, Talmage, Jehiel, 1816-43). Knox, Albany Co., N.Y., 1841. Knieskern, 41-5, Lane, 57-60, Comfort, 60-3. Vedder, 63-8, Ballagh, W. H. 68-77, Slocum, 79-83, Parsons, 85- 93, Lockwood, H. 1894-1901. Van Ess, Jacob, 1902-1904, Kelder, E. 1905-1908, Appel. J. B. (S.S.) 1909-1910, Davis, W. E. 1912-1915, supplied 1916-17. Federated with M.E. Church of Knox and supplied by M.E. pastors 1917-21. Read, G. O. 1921 Knox, see Berne 2nd, and Beaverdam, N.Y. Knox Memorial, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Kolapakkam, see India. Kolongsoo, 1842, see China. Koster, St. Anne, Wichert, Kankagee Co., 111., 1893. Vandenbosch, T. 99- 1900, Van der Werf, 1901-1903, Tanis, H. 1904-1905, Webinga, J. 1906- 191 1, Pettersson, H. M. 1912-1914, Zandstra, F. 1915-1919. Name changed to Wichert, 1913, which see. Kottapalli, see India. Kreischersville. St. Peter's, 1881, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Kripplebush, 1876, see Lyonsville, N.Y. Krum, same as Hillsdale. Krumville, (Samsonville), Ulster Co., N.Y., 1851. Taylor, W. 51-2, Har- low, 52-8, Markle, 58-61, Deyo, 68-70, Deyo, 1876-93, supplied, 93-1903, Clist, C. L. (S.S.) 1903, vacant, 1903-1916, Beekman, T. A. 1916-1919, Braithwaite, T. S. 1920-21. Krumville, see Lyonsville. Kudipattur, 1866, see India. Kumamoto, 1901, see Japan. Kurume, 191 5, see Japan. Kuweit, see Arabia. Kyserike, N.Y., 1913-14, see Lyonsville. LaFayette, 1863, see Jersey City, N.J. LaFayette, Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 1888. Kriekaard, C. 88-92, Menning, 93-4, Van der Werf, 95-7, Heines, 97-8, Lubbers, 99-1902, Vander Werf, A. 1903-1906, Bosch, G. 1908-1909, Swart, P. 1910-1912, Siegers, P. 1913-1917, Althuis, J. J. 1917 La Grace, Campbell Co., S.D., 1885. See Hope. La Grace, Campbell Co., S.D., 1886. See Van Raalte. Lake Shore, 1898. see Gelderland, Holland, Mich. Lake View, S.D., 1914. Classical Missionary, 1916 • Lakeville, same as Success, N.Y. Lament, Mich., 1915. Disbanded 1918. Lamsons, N.Y., 1855. See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 136. Lansing, (station). Demarest, Jas. (Sr.) Miss, to, 1848. Lansing, Cook Co., 111., 1875. Lubeck, 83-5, Dunnewold. 87-94, Luxen, 95-6, Swart, 1897-1904, Douwstra, G. W. 1904-1908, DeBey, D. J. 1909- 1917, Duiker, W. J. 1918-1919, Braak, P. 1920 Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1774. Lupton, 1788-92. Called also Stone Arabia, but not to be confounded with the place now known by that name. Became extinct about 1800. Later a Presbyterian Ch. was organized. Laurel Hill. (Long Is. City), see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. 66o THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Lawton, Okl., 1901, see Apache, Comanche, Fort Sill, Vermilye Memorial. Lawyersville, (New Rhinebeck), Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1788. Broffel, 1790- 95, Bork, 1796-8, Paige and Van Nest (S.S.) 1798-1803, Labagh, I. 1803-11, 13-14, Jones, N. 16-21, Labagh, I. 22-6, Raymond, 29-32, Bassler, 33-8, Waring, 39-40, Lockhead, 40-45, Spaulding, 47-52, Hall, D. B. (S.S.) 54-5, Raymond, 56-64, Van Woert, 65-71, Markle, 72-5, Ries, 75-8, Davis, W. P. 79-84, Fagg, 85-7, Blekkink, 88-94, Rockefeller, 96-8, Caton, 98-1901, Ficken, 1902-1907, Benson, C. H. 1908-1910, Wurts, W. A. (S.S.) 1910-1912, Smith, C. W. 1914-1918, Frost, H. D. 1918-22. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 129. See Sharon. Lebanon, N.J. (Ger. Ref.) (Rockaway), 1740. Wurts, 1750-62, Kails, 1757-9. Dallicker, 1770-82, Wack, C. 1782-1809. (R.D.C. 1813;. Schultz, 1816-34, Wack, C. P. 35-40, Van Amburgh, 40-8, Steele, J. 48-53, Van Amburgh, 53-69, Van Benschoten, 69-72, Campbell, J. B. 73-6, Roe, S. W. 76-83, Davis, W. E. 1883-1905, Boeve, L. 1906-1910, Lonsdale, W. J. 1910-1915, Fingar, C. J. 1915-1920, Wagner, Paul, 1920 Leeds, (Catskill, Madison), Greene Co., N.Y., 1732. Weiss, 1731-6, Schune- man, 1753-94, Labagh, 1798-1809, Ostrander, H. 1810-12, Wynkoop, P. S. 14-17, Wyckoff, L N. 17-34, Van Liew, J. C. 32-3, Hoff, 35-42, Romeyn, Jas. 42-4, Betts, 45-50, "Minor, 51-6, Searle, S. T. 57-69, Van Zandt, B. 69-78, Wood, C. W. (S.S.) 78-9, Ditmars, C. P. 79-83, Sebring, E. N. 84-9, Perlee, 91-9, Randolph, 1900-1902, Van Vranken, F. V. 1903-1915, Heinrichs, J. H. 1916-21. See "Ch. Int.," Jan. 20, 1876, for Van Orden's sketch of Ch. of Catskill. Leeds was reorganized in conjunction with tCiskatom in 1833, but in 1843, each was organized separately. Leighton, 1890, see Ebenezer, la. Le Mars, Sioux Co., la., 1889. Dangremond, G. 89-92, Ziegler, 92-4, Men- ning, 94-7, Dykhuizen, 1898-1901, Classical supplies 1901-1904, Vander Heide, J. 1904-1908. Dropped 1908. Leng-na, 1919, see China. Lennox, ist, (Chancellor), Lincoln Co., S.D., 1883. Weiland, 83-5, Mollenbeck, 87-91, Watermuelder, L. 91-3, Janssen, R. 94-5, Haken, G. 1896-1906, Niehaus, H. 1906-1908, Potgeter, H. J. 1912-1914. Dropped 1915- Lennox, 2d, S.D., 1889. Schoon, 89-91, Watermuelder, L. 91-2, Schoon, 1892-1910, Huenemann, H. 1910 — — Lennox, 3rd, S.D., 1889. Now known as Delaware, S.D., which see. Lennox, 1900, see Worthing, S.D. Lenox Ave., see Harlem, N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Leota, 1891, see Bethel, Minn. Le Roy, Jefferson Co., N.Y., 1821. Lester, la., 1916. Classical Missionary. Dykema, K. J. 1920 Leyden Centre, Cook Co., 111., 1867. Johnson, H. H. 67-78. Liberty, Oklahoma, 1902. Marsilje, P. J. 1902 . Dropped 1909. Libertyville, see Guilford, N.Y. Lincoln Park, N.J., 1917. Linden, Union Co., N.J., 1871. Gesner, 70-4, Van Vranken, H. H. 75-6, supplied by students or ministers, 76-91, Kommers, 89-91, Sherwood, (S.S.) 1893-1904, pastor, 1905-1906, Saure, E. 1907-1912, Van Raalte, A. C. 1914-1917, Schmitz, Wm. 1917-20, Berkhardt, A. 1921 Linlithgo, (Livingston Manor, Johnstown, Livingston), Columbia Co., N.Y., 1722. Van Driessen, J. (S.S.) 1722-38, Van Hovenbergh, sup- plied, 1743-56, Fryenmoet, 1756-70, Cook (S.S.) 1772-9, supplied by Livingston, J. H. 1779-81, Lansing, Nic. 1781-4, Romeyn, Jer. 1788-1803, Vedder, Herman, supplied, 1807-15, Kittle, 1816-27, Holmes, E. 27-35, Van Wagenen, 35-41, Fonda, J. D. 42-7, Crispell, 47-57, Shepard, 58-67, Kip, F. M. (Jr.) 67-9, Dusinberre, 69-89, Vaughan, J. W. 89-1900, Greene, E. W. 1901-1903, Wightman, J. C. 1904-1911, Roosenrood, A. THE CHURCHES 66l C. 1912-1916, Den Herder, M. J. 1916 . See "Crispell's Hist." in "Ch. Int.," Oct. 12, 1854; and Livingston. Linlithgo, 1870, see Livingston, N.Y. Lisha's Kill, West Albany, Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1852. Wells, 55-8, De Baun, J. A. 58-82, McCullum, 83-5, Blekkink, 86-8, Kip, L L. 88-91, Conant, 1893-1905, Van Oostenbrugge, C. 1906-1910, Van Fleet, J. O. 1911-1917, Marcley, A. F. 1918 Litchville, N.D., 1906. Vander Schaaf, J. J. 1910-191^, Vander Ploeg, H. 1914-1918, Grull, J. D. 1920 Little Falls, Passaic Co., N.J., 1837. Stryker, H. B., Miss, to, 23-7, Ogilvie", Miss, to, 27-9, supplied by Bronson, A. and Porter, R. 37-8, Wilson, Jos. 38-45, Vedder, E. 45-9, Cruikshank, J. C. 50-68, Van Neste, G. J. 69-75, Smith, W. H. 76-8, Moore, W. L. 78-81, Furbeck, P. 81-8, Van Fleet, 88-97, Steffens, C. M. 98-1901, Bayles, T. F. 1902-1906, Van Hee, T. J. (S.S.) 1907, Martine, A. L 1908-1911, Mac- Neill, W. N. 1911-1915, Mould, E. W. K. 1915-1919, Fingar, C. J. 1920 Little Falls 2d (Hoi.), N.J., 1891. Supplied from Paterson, 91-1901, Te Paske, J. W. 1901-1907, Bruins, B. 1907-1911, Zandstra, S. 1912-1918, Sietsema, J. 1919 Little Falls, N.Y., see Manheim, N.Y. Little Rock, 1895, see Salem, la. See North Sibley, la. Little Rock, la., 2d, 1919. Classical Missionary. Livingston, (Germantown), Columbia Co., N.Y., 1870. Schermcrhorn, H. R. (S.S.) 71-2, Van Santvoord, C. (S.S.) 74-5, Meyers, A. H. 75-8, Blauvelt. C. 78-81, LeFevre, G. 82-6, Emerick, L P. 86-9, Whitney, 89-93, Shield, 1895-1902, Doyle, D. P. 1903-1906, Law^sing, S. O. 1907- 1910, Lusty, G. 1910-1915, Randolph, E. T. F. 1916-1919. This is the church near the Hudson River. The original church of Linlithgo stood on this ^ite until 1814, when it was removed inland about five miles to the present village of Johnstown. In 1870 a new church was established on the old site. The Livingston vault is under this church, and therein are buried Robert Livingston (died 1728) and Alida Schuyler his wife, (previously wife of Rev. Nich. Van Rensselaer), and about 400 of their descendants. Livingston Manor, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1700-16. Now embracing the churches of Ancram, Linlithgo, Taghkanic, (or Old Stissing), Green- bush, (CI. of Hudson), Livingston, etc. "Doc. Hist." i. 243; iii. 365- 402. "Smiths N.Y.," 307. On Oct. I, 17 1 5, Robert Livingston obtained a new patent for his Manor. In said patent occurs the following : "The advowson, right of patronage of all and every the church and churches erected, or there, or therefor to be erected, had or established, in the said Manor"; "Doc. Hist." iii. 417, 419, 420. On Oct. 8, 1715, Rev. J. F. Haeger and others petitioned for permission to erect a church for divine service, according to the rights of the Church of England. They had been conducting worship, as best they could, from their first settlement there. "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii. 421. On June 1st, 1 721, Livingston petitions for permission to collect moneys to build a Reformed Dutch Church on his Manor. "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii. 421. This was granted by Gov. Burnet. — See also "Ecc. Rec. N.Y." Livingston (Station). Evans, Wm., Miss, to, 1826. Livingston Alcmorial, see Sioux Falls, S.D. Locust Valley, L.I., 1871, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Lodi, Bergen Co.. N.J., (Holl.), 1859. Huyssoon, 59-64, Wust, 64-8, Betz, 75-8, Jongeneel, L. G. 78-92, Hoonte, 1896-1909, Van Dyk, J. A. 1912- 1918, Struvk, J. A. 1919-20. Lodi, 2d, N.J.,' 1878. Offord, 78-84, Manchee, 84-7, Bolton, 88-90, Johnston, Wm. 91-8, Offord, (S.S.) 1900-1904, Zandstra, Sidney 1909-1912, Van Houten, A. J. 1912 662 THE REFORMED CHURCH IX AMERICA Lodi, N.J., Independent, 1868. Wust, 1868-78. Lodi, Seneca Co., N.Y. Organized as Presbyterian Church, 1800, became Reformed 1809. Brokaw, A. 1809-22, Messier, 25-8, Bennett, A. 28.- 38, Liddell, 38-48, Garretson, G. J. 49-52, Van Neste, G. J. 54-65, Van Doren, J. A. supplied, 66, Collier, I. H. 67-9, McMann, A. (S.S.) 69-70, McAdam, 71-84, Murray, C. P. 84-6, Ballagh, W. H. 86-8, Porter, C. F. 1888-1904, Perkins, F. 1905-1909, Cook, Seth, 1910-1914, Meeker, E. J. 1914-1920. Dismissed to Presbytery of Geneva, N.Y. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 63. Christian Intelligencer, June 2j, 1900. Logan, Dell Rapids, S.D., 1905. Supplied 1905-1913. DeBuhr, P. 1913 Long Branch, Monmouth Co., N.J., 1851. Conklin, Miss, to, 47-51, Wil- son, Jas. B. 51-78, Young, Chs. j. 79-86, Campbell, J. B. 87-90, Herman, 90-7, Staats, B. B. 1897-1905, Froschl, J. 1906-1908, Shield, F. K. 1908- 191 1, Blekkink, V. J. 1912-1914, Duncombe, A. 1915 . See "Wilson's Decennial," 1861. Long Branch 2d, 1877. (Known as the Seaside Chapel, 1867-78, and was supplied during the summer by ministerial visitors, 1867-78). Wilson, J. B. 78-80, Phraner, W. H. 81-3. Long Island City, L.I., 1875. See N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Long Island City, (Laurel Hill), 1875. See N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. First Steinway, Sunnyside. Low Prairie. 111., 1855. Now South Holland. Lower Canajoharie, 1773. Lower Red Hook, see .Red Hook Landing. Lower Schoharie, 1770, merged into the Schoharie Church. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 127. Lower Walpack, see Walpack Lower. Lucas, 1893, see Rehoboth, Mich. Luctor, Prairie View, Phillips Co., Kansas, 1885. Scholten, D. 86-91, Smit, John, 92-3, Van der Meulen, Jacob, 93-6, Van Arendonck, 97-1901, Dykema, 1902-1904, Vander Ploeg, H. 1904-1908, Deelsnyder, C. W. 1908-1912, Lepeltak, C. 1914-1919, Stegeman, Wm. 1919 Luctor, Minn., see Churchville. Lynchburgh, see Bethel, Shiloh, S.C. Lynden, Wash., 191 1. Brower, J. G. 1911-1916, Pasma, H. K. 1917 Lynnville, see Bethlehem, la. Lyons, Wayne Co., N.Y., 1833. Nevius, Miss, to, 1835. Lyonsville, Kripplebush, Stone Ridge, Kyserike, N.Y., Ulster Co., N.Y., 1876 Deyo, 76-81, supplied by ministers and licentiates, 1S81-1903, Clist, C. L. (S.S.) 1903 — , MacNair, W. 1904-1913, and again 1915, Beekman, T. A. 1916-1919, Braithwaite, T. S. 1920-21. Lysander, Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1828. .Stevenson, Miss, to, 27-8. Quaw, Miss, to, 29-30, Marcellus, 30-1, Williams, M. B. 34-7, Knight, R. W. 46-8, Bradford, W. W. 49-55, Van Vranken, F. V. 61-6, Enders, 66-9, Wurts, 71-6. Macao, E.I., 1838, see India. Macon, Lenawee Co., Mich., 1849. Taylor, A. B. 49-52, Kershow, 53-5, Beidler, 56-7, Heermance, Har. 57-62, Skillman, 63-8, Moerdyk, P. 69-71, De Spelder, 73-84, Sutton, 84-7, Gulick, J. I. 91-5, Jongewaard, 97-1901, Scarlet, G. W. 1902-1910. Became Presbyterian 191 1. Macon, South, 1863, see South Macon, Mich. Madison Ave., see Albany, N.Y., see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Madison, 1843, see Caledonia, Wis. Madison, now Leeds, N.Y. Madnapalli, 1863, see India. Magnolia, S.C, 1904. see Bethel, Bethsaida. Madras, see India. Madura, see India. THE CHURCHES 663 Mahackeniack, now Deer Park, or Port Jervis, N.Y. Mahwah, 1785, see Ramapo, N.Y. Malcolm, 1835, see Tyre, N.Y. Mamakating, (VVurtsboro, Rome), Sullivan Co., N.Y., 1805. Du Bois, G. 20-4, Van Vechten, S. 24-9, Edwards (S.S.) 31-4, Drake, 42-4, Hill- man, 46-9, Cruikshank, (S.S.) 49-53, Searle, S. 53-9, Du Bois, John 59-65, Frazee, 66-9, Ackerman, 70-4, Todd, A. F. 76-80, Du Bois, John (S.S.) 80-4, Millett, S. 85-91, Gliddon, A. M. (S.S.) 91-2, Harris, D. T. 92-5, Clifton, S. T. 97-1900, Crane, 1901-1917. Manayunk, 1829, see Philadelphia, Pa. Manhasset, 1816, see North Hempstead, L.I. Manhattan, Mont., 1910. Duven, Wm. 1912-1917, Kroodsma, R. 1917-1919, Vander Schoor, C. 1921 . See Big Timber, Hope, Mont. Manheim, (Snell's Bush, Ingham's Mills), Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1770, Dyslin, (S.S.) 1790-1815, Goetschius, S. Z., Miss, to, 22, Ketchum, -23-30, Manley, J. 31-3, Murphy, 34-6, Weidman, 37-41, Du Bois, John 43-5, Meyers, A. H. 48-52, Weidman, 52-60, Stanbrough, 61-76, Mat- thews, A. 76-9. Minor, J. (S.S.) 80-2, vacant, 82-91, Harris, D. T. 91-2, Ruhl, F. W. 93-5, vacant, 95-8, Bahler, L. H. 98-1900. Supplied by neighboring pastors, students and others 1900-1915, vacant, 1915. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 67. Doc. Hist. N.Y. iii. 674, 686. Manito, ist, Tazewell Co., 111., 1879. Gilmore, 73-80, Force, F. A. 82-6, Ziegler, 87-8, Wyckoff, C. S. 91-4, Winter, J. P. 94-7, Drake, E. A. 1897-1903, Shafer, T. 1904-1907, Dejong, P. C. 1910-1912. Manito. 1854, see Spring Lake, 111. Manny's Corner, N.Y. Branch of Amsterdam. Ten Eyck, C. 1800-1802. Became Presbyterian 1802. Manor Chapel, of South Church, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan, South Church. Manville, N.J. (Hungarian), 1919. Hamory, L. H. S. (S.S.) 1918-20, Kosa, A. (S.S.) 1920 Mapes, N.D., 1905. Name disappears 1909. Maple Lake, 1894. see Silver Creek, Minn. Mapletown, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1801, (see Middletown and Canajo- harie). Toll, 1803-1821, Van Vechten, S. (S.S.) 1821-24, Welton, A. (S.S.) 1825, Van Olinda, 1827-31, Hangen, 32-6, Heermance, Har. 37' 40, Frazer, 40-3, Middlemas, (S.S.) 44-6, Carle, 47-51, Buckelew, 51-5, Quick, J. J. 56-62, Whitbeck, R. M. (S.S.) 63-4. Compton, (S.S.) 64-8, Markle, (S.S.) 69-71, Sharpley. 74-80, Jones, Dewey, May-Dec. 80, Compton, J. M., 6 months, 82, Minor, J. 82-4, Wyckoflf, G. 86-7, San- gree. 88-93, Thomson, J. A. 1894-1902, Florence, E. W. 1903, Shepherd, F. R. (Pres.) (S.S.) 1903-06, Nelson, S. (Pres.) (S.S.) 1906-1912, Frederick E. E. (Pres.) (S.S.) 1913-1917. See sketch in Ch. Int., July 15. 1852, Dailey Hist. Mont. CI. 71. Marble Collegiate Church, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Marbletown, (Marmerton, Mormelton), Stone. Ridge, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1737. Supplied occasionally by Van Driessen, J., and by ministers of Kingston. 1737-56. Frelinghuy.sen, Jac. called 1751. but d. ; Frelinghuy- sen, H. 1754-7, Romeyn, D. 1764-76, Hardenbergh, J. R. 1781-6, Van Home, A. 1789-95, Goetschius, S. 1796-1814, Carle, 1814-25, Paulison, 26-9. Van Dyck, C. L. 29-54, McNair, 54-9, Shaw, W. A. 59-60, McNair, 60-7, Brush, W. W. 68-72, Hulbert, 72-84, Smitz, B. 84-5, Schomp, 85-92, Davis, G. 93-1901, Clist, 1901-1904, MacNair, W. 1904-1915, Stevens, C. 1916-1919, Langwith, F. A. 1920-21. See "Schomp's Hist. Address," 1888. There was preaching here, from an early period, 1677. See "Ecc. Recs., N.Y." This church, with Rochester and Wawarsing, were under one charter. Marbletown 2d, (Conferentie), 1752. Reorganized, 1771. Supplied by Rysdyck. United with old church, 1786. 664 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Marbletown 2d, (North), 1851. Lippincott, (S.S.) 1851-6, Harris, J. F. 1867-76, Hulbert, 76-84, Schomp, 85-92, Davis, G. 93-1901, Vyverberg, H. J. (S.S.) 1904-1911, Durfee, J. F. 1914 Marconnier, Oak Tree, N.J., 1912. Supply 1906-12, Lansdale, J. T. 1912-21, pastor emeritus 1921 , Read, G. O. (S.S.) 1921. Mariaville, Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1843. Donald, 1844-50. Mariner's Harbor, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Marion, see Jersey City. Marion, Wayne Co., N.Y., 1870. Warnshuis, J. W. 71-6, Wabeke, 77-9, Kolyn, 81-6, Hogeboom». 87-90, Ihrman, 91-6, Strabbing, 97-1900, Bruins W. H. 190G-1910, Betten, D. L. 1910-1920, Te Paske, A. J. 1920 Marion, N.Y., 2d, 1910. Ihrman, Peter, 1910-1911, Van Westenburg, I. 1912-1914, Wolterink, J. 1914-21, Ossewarde, John 1922 Marion, North, N.D.. see North Marion, N.D. Marion, 1882, see Sandham Memorial, S.D. Marlboro, see Freehold. Marmerton, now Marbletown. Marshallville, (CI. Rensselaer), 1831, Cornell, F. F. 1831-2? Schanck, G. C, Miss, to, Jan.-July, 1833, Russell, (S.S.) 1833. Martinsburgh, Lewis Co., N.Y., 1827. Marutuvambada, 1868, see India. Mascat, see Arabia. Mason City, 111., see Pennsylvania Lane, 111. Matlock, la., 1916. Qassical Missionary, 1916-1920. Kots, J. W. 1920 Matsumoto, 1912-17, see Japan. Mattoax and Amelia Court-House, Va. Huizinga, 1870-6. In 1884 be- came Presbyt. Mattrah, see Arabia. Maurice, Sioux Co., la., 1884. Boer, H. K. 85-90, Wayenberg, 90-3, Straks, 94-8, Ihrman, 1899-1910, Wesselink, J. 1910-1913, Vanderbeek, John 1914-20, Straaks, J. H. 1920 Maurice, American. la., 1907. DeSpelder, J. A. 1908-1910, Winter, J. E. 1911-1912, Dickens, Wm. H. 1913-1917, Van Wyk, J. C. 1919-21. Mayfield, Fulton Co., N.Y., 1793. Ten Eyck, 1799-1812, Amerman, A. 17-21, Van Olinda, Miss, to, 24, Van Vechten, S., Miss, to, 1823-4. Became Presbyterian. 1826. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 123. Doc. Hist. iii. 673, 683. Mayfield. Independent, 1821. Amerman, A. 21-43, W^stervclt, J. P. 45-55. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 130. Maywood. N.J., see Spring Valley, N.J. McKee, Kentucky, 191 1. Messier, Isaac 1911-1919, Dejong, F. H. 1920 Medina, Lenawee Co., Mich., 1846. Heermance, Har. 46-51. Meekin, see Silver Creek, 111. Mellenville, (Claverack 2d), 1838. (Supplied by Sluyter, 38-42, and by Wynkoop, P. S. 42), Vandervoort, 42-5, Himrod, 45-51, Pitcher, J. H. 52-61, Sebring, 62-85, Gebhard, J. G. 85-91, Hunter, 92-9, Collier, G. Z. 1900-191C, Appledoorn, L. 1911-1918, Beseigel, W. E. 1919 Melrose, 1854, see N.Y.C., Borough of The Bronx. Melvin, la., 1916. Furda, E. 1917-1919, Van Eerden, P. 1919 Melvin, la., see Baker, la. Mescalero, N.M. (Indian), 1909. Fincher, E. B. 1909-1911, Harper, R. H. 1911-1913, Dykema, J. (S.S.) 1913 and 1914-15, Curtis, N. R. 1916- 1917. Meservey, Alexander, Belmont, la., 1907. Reeverts, F. (S.S.) 1907, Theil- ken, J. G. 1909 , Pannkuk, H. 1910 Metuchen, Middlesex Co., N.J., 1857. Thompson, J. B. 59-66, Bogert, N. J. M. 67-70, Lord, E. 70-81, Cruikshanks, Jas. 81-7, Wyckoff, G. 87-94, Raven, 94-9, Searle, E. V. V. 1900-1907, Conklin, J. W. 1908- 1909, Van Zanten, J. W. 1910-1919, Zimmerman, F. 1919 . See Cruikshanks Hist. Discourse, 1882. THE CHURCHES 66: Middleburgh, (Upper Schoharie), 1730. (Schoharie, Wysersdorp Building). Erickson, R. 1730-1731, Weiss, G. M. 1731-2, Erickson, R. 1732-6, Schuyler, J. 1736-56, Goetschius, J. M. 1756-60, Rosencrantz, Ab. 1760-S, ministering in German; Westerlo, W., co-pastor with Rosencrantz, - ministering in Dutch, 1761-4; Schuyler, J. 1766-79, supplies, 1779-85. Gross, J. D. Van Nest, R., Gebhard, J. G., Schneyder, G. W. 1785-87. 1788, Collegiate connection with Schoharie was severed; Broffel, 1788- 95, Van Nest, R. 1797-1803, supplied by Schermerhorn, C. D., Sickles, J Wyckoff, H. v., 1803-11, DeVoe. D. 1811-16, Schermerhorn, J. F. 1816-26, Garretson, John 1827-33, Steele, J. B. 1834-8, Boyd, J. 1840-42, Mersereau, L. (Pres.) (S.S.) 1842-5, West, J. 1845-52, See, I. McB. 1852-4. Vedder, E. 1855-63, Bogardus, W. E. (S.S.) 1863-4, Lott, 1864- 70, Roe. 1 87 1 -6, Gardner, J. E. 1876-80, Sebring, E. N. 1880-4, Van Dorn, D. K. 1885-90, Pitcher, C. W. 1891-1906, Buckle, G. 1907-10, Collier, G. Z. 1910 . See Danforth Hist. Address, 1886. Middleburg, 1894, see Free Grace, la. Middlebush. Somerset Co., N.J., 1834. Schultz, 34-8, Van Doren, J. A. 38-66, Swain, 66-8, Alershon, 69-74, Le Fevre, Jan. 75-1902, Thomson, J. A. 1902-1920, Langwith, F. A. 1921 . See Le Fevre's Hist. Dis- course, 1884. Middle Collegiate, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Middleport. 1852, now Kershonksen, N.Y. Middletown, Delaware Co., N.Y., same as Coshington. Middletown, Saratoga Co., N.Y., 1791- Close, John 1796-1804. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 123. Middletown, N.Y., 1798. Name changed to Mapletown, about 1835. Middletown. N.Y.. Secession, 1822. Middletown, N.J., 1799, now Holmdel. Middletown and Freehold ist, were one corporation until 1825. Middletown, Alonmouth Co., N.J., 1836. Supplied by Beekman. J. T. B. 36-9, Crawford, 39-40, Millspaugh. 41-66, Seibert, 66-71, Van Doren, L. H. 71-6, Buck, 77-93, Hageman, P. K. 1894-1902, Brown, W. D. 1903- 1905, Forbes, J. C. 1906-1910, Roeder, C. W. 1911-1914, Conklin, M. T. 1915-20, Thomson, J. A. 1921 Midwout. a name including the several churches in Kings Co., L.I.^^ See Kings Co. On the name Midwout, see "Gen. a;nd Biog. Record," viii. 163. Mile Square, 1900, see Yonkers, N.Y. Milesville. Sullivan Co., N.Y., 1858. Boehrer, 62-6, Schnellendreussler, 68-9. Mil ford, la., see Ebenezer. Millbrook, South Millbrook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1866. Cobb, H. N. 66-81, Stockwcll. (assoc. pastor). 69-71, Hill, Miss, at, 72, Lyall, J. E. ,881 . This church has three chapels : Bloomwall, 1869; Mabbetts- ville, 1872; Little Rest, 1873. Miller, S. D. 1910. Mill Point, 1870. see Spring Lake, Mich. Millstone, N.J., now Harlingen. Prior to 1766, Millstone, in the "Minutes Ecc. Rec." and early writings generally, means Harlingen. (See "Millstone Centennial"). Millstone, 1766, see Hillsborough, N.J. Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., Wis., 1849. Klyn, 51-4, Bolks, 55-61, Van- dcrmeulen, John 62-70, Zwemer, A. 70-3, Duiker. 74-7, Moerdyk, W. 77-84. Broek, J. 84-93, Moerdyk, W. 95-1900, Veldman, 1901-1906, Bruins, H. AI. 1907-1917, Ter Keurst, H. D. 1918 Mina Corners, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., 1856. Dunnewold, supplied, 56-60, pastor. 60-68, Weber, Jac. 71-4, Boehrer, 76-9, vacant, 79-87. when name of ch. is dropped. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 134. Minaville, 1784, now Florida, N.Y. 666 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Minden, 1816. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 123. Minisink, (Nominack), at Montague, Sussex Co., NJ., 1737. Supplied occasionally by Mancius, 1737-41, Fryenmoet, 1741-56, Romeyn, T. 1760-72, Van Bunschooten, E. 1785-1799, Demarest, John, 1803-8, Eltinge, C. C. 16-37, Ayres, 38-41, Bookstaver, 41-7, (Morse, J. G. Presbyt. supply, 48-9), Demarest, John T. 50-2, Jones, D. A. 52-8, Gates, 60-2, Cornell, Wm. 62-3, Moore, W. S. 64-9, Turner, 72-5, Fitz- gerald, 79-81, Stillwell, J. L. 82-4, Millett, Jos. 87-90, Lane, G. 93-6, Meyer, A. J. 1900-1904. Occasional supplies. See "Mills' Hist. Discs.," 1874 and 1878. Moddersville, Missanke Co., Mich., 1892. Vennema, S. 92-8. Mohawk, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1838. Murphy, 40-3, Starks, 44-52, Slinger- land, 55-6, Hammond, J. W. 56-9, Nott, C. D. 59-64, Slingerland, 65-6, Consaul, (S.S.) 67-70, Wilson, F. F. 70-2, Bogardus, F. M. 72-6, Lan- sing, J. G. 77-9, Edmondson, 81-6, Brandow, 86-8, Minor, A. D. 88-91, Van Allen, L 92-8, Meeker, E. J. 1899-1903, Kinney, C. W. 1906-1911, Becker, O. E. 1912-1917, Boyton, A. B. 1919 . Dailey Hist. Mont. CI., TZ. See "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iv. 314, Rev. John Stuart, of Ch. o-f England, reads service, 1770-5, at Fort Hunter (or Mohawk) to the Dutch. Mombacus, 1701, now Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y. Monarch, Alberta, Canada, 1910. Van Dyk, A. 1916-1919. Monroe, Aplington, Butler Co., la., 1886. Schaefer, F. 1886-1908, Russ- mann, E. K. 1909-21, Achtermann, H. 1921 Monroe, S.D., 1894. Thormann, E. H. 1897-1903, Siemsen, D. 1903-1908, Reeverts, F. 1908-1913, Koerlin, E. F. 1914-1919, Licht, Wm. 1920 Monroe, 1894, see Sandham Memorial, S.D. Monsey, N.Y., see Saddle River, West New Hempstead. Montague, 1737, see Minisink, N.J. Montague, Muskegon Co., Mich., 1875. Name dropped after 1885. Montana, ist, Conrad, Mont., 1908. Roggen, J. A. 1911-1916, Duven, Wtn. 1917 Montclair Heights, Upper Montclair, Essex Co., N.J., 1897. Supplied by Bogardus, W. E. 95-7, Gulick, C. W. 1898-1903, Von Schlieder, Albert 1903-1910, Hulst, G. D. 1910 . Milliken (S.S.) 1917-18. Montgomery, (Wallkilh), Orange Co., N.Y., 1732. Vrooman, 1753-4, Kern, 1771-8, Van Nest, R. 1778-85, Froeligh, M. 1788-1817, Fonda, Jesse, 17-27, Lee, R. P. 29-58, Van Zandt, A. B. 59-72, Brett, C. 73-6, Schenck, F. S. 77-90, McCready, 90-4, Berg, J. F. 95-1902, Crispell, P. 1902-1915, Ballard, B. 1915 Montgomery 2d, 1752. Conferentie. Mont Pleasant, 1892, see Schenectady, N.Y. Montrose, 1729, see Courtlandtown, N.Y. Montville, (Parsipanny, or Boonton), Morris Co., N.J., 1756. Marinus, supplied, 1756-68, (Blauw, Conferentie, 1762-8), Myer, H. supplied, 1772-91, Ostrander, S. 1794-1810, Kuypers, W. P. 1801-5, Brinkerhoflf, 21-4, Messier, Miss, to, 24, Morris, J., Miss, to, 25, Tarbell, Miss, to, 26, Ogilvie, 26-7, Messier, 29-32, Cornell, F. F. 33-6, Woods, 38, Lord, Jer. L. 40-3, Janeway, J. L. 43-50, Conklin, Nath. 51-70, Van Doren, L. H. 71-4, Collier, L H. 74-9, Kemlo, 80-3, Van Fleet, 84-89, Clist, 89-91, Luckenbill, 92-5, Mattice, A. 96-1901, Duck, E. M. 1905-1911, Nies, M. G. 1912-1914, various supplies, Flipse, M. E. 1920-1921. MonWille, Secession, 1824. Brinkerhoff , J. G., Miss, to, 1824, again, 1825-30. Moore. Okl., Case Township, 1906, Okl. Sandham Memorial. Moresville, 1836, see Grand Gorge, N.Y., Roxbury. Morioko, 1888-1917, see Japan. Mormelton, now Marbletown, N.Y. Morrison, 1896, see Ebenezer, 111. Morrison, 111., 1909, see Ustick. THE CHURCHES 667 Mott Haven, 1851, see New York City, Borough of The Bronx. Mottville, St. Joseph Co., Mich., 1849. Seeber, 1849-51, Bailey, 1856-63, Beardsley, 1863-4. Mountain Lakes. N.J., 1913. Depue, F. E. 1913 (S.S.) Gouwens, T. T. 1915-1921, Miller, J. C. 1921 Mt. Greevvood, Blue Island, 111., 1913. Kregel, J. H. 1914-1917, Dykstra, J. D. 1917-1918, Zandstra, F. 1919 Mt. Marion, N.Y., see High Woods, N.Y. Mt. Marion. N.Y., see Plattskill, N.Y. Mt. Morris, Livingston Co., N.Y., 1839. Hammond, 1842-5. Mt. Morris, Secession, 1828. Brinckerhoff, J. G. 1844 Mt. Olivet, Italian, see Newark, N.J., 1918. Mt. Pleasant, now Stanton, N.J. Mt. Pleasant, now Greenport, N.Y. Mt. Pleasant. 1829, see New York City, Borough of Manhattan. Mt. Pleasant, see Schenectady. Mt. Ross, 1746, see Gallatin, N.Y. Mt. Vernon, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1853. Snyder, B. F., Miss, to, 52-4, See, I. M. 54-64, Hutton. M. H. 64-79, Clearwater, 79-94, Scudder, F. 94-7, Tyndall, 1897-1921, Broek, A. 1922 Muitzeskill, 1756, see Schodack, N.Y. Munsonville, N.Y., (Independent), 1813. Palmer, S. 1818 . See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 123. Muscatine, Muscatine Co., la., 1891. Scholten, 91-6, Dragt, 97, Te Winkle, 99-1901, Flikkema, 1902-1905. Menning, S. J. 1905-1910, Mollema, H. 1910-1912, De Bruine, S. 1913-1914, Vanden Berge, E. 1915-1917. Dis- banded 1918. Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Mich.. 1859. Houbolt, 64-71, Vandermeulen, Jac. C. 7^-89, Moerdyk, Wm. 90-2, Van Zanten, 93-9, Luxen, 1900-1918, Bovenkerk, J. 1919 — ;- Muskegon, 2d, 1891. Hos'pers, G. H. 93-4, Bloemendal, R. 1897-1905, Van Zomeren, J. 1907-1910, Hondelink. G. 1912-1918, Karreman, A. 1918 Muskegon, Mich., 3d. An Independent Reformed Church. Became Re- formed 1903. TeGrootenhuis, G. H. E. 1903-1905, Broek, J. 1905-22. Muskegon, Mich., Unity, 191 7. Heneveld, G. G. 1918 Muskegon. Mich., 5th, 1918. Bouma, P. A. J. 1919. Muskegon Heights. Covenant Reformed, 1920. Droppers, O. G. 1920 Nagano, 1897- 191 7, see Japan. Nagasaki. 1859, see Japan. Nansimur, 1871, see India. Napanoch, same as Wawarsing, N.Y. Narasinganur, see India. Nasaria, see Arabia. Nassau, (Union Village), Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1803. Bork, 1804-8, Fonda, Jesse 1809-13. Van Buren, P. 14-20, Romeyn, Jas. 21-7, Hermance, (S.S.) 1828, Morris, J. F. 29-32, Hunt, C. 32-7, Knox, J. P. 38-41, Holmes, 41-52, Steele, R. H. 52-63. Collier. I. H. 64-6. Brush, A. H. 67-80, Dcmarest, J. S. N. 81-3. Bertholf, J. H. 83-6. Beaver, 89-98, Lydecker. G. D. 98-1902. Chrestensen, D. H. 1903 Naumbcrg. (Gcr.), Castorland. Lewis Co.. N.Y., 1855. Wolff. 56-60, Becker, 60-70. Boehrer, 70-6, Warnshuis, H. M. 77-9, Moelling, P. A. 80-4, Ung- laub, 85-8, vacant, 88-93, Barny, W. F. 93-6. Occasional supplies. See Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI.. 75. Navarre, Minn.. 1903. see Spring Creek. Minn. Navasink. (Neversink), 1699. See Freehold, Holmdel, Marlboro and Mid- dletown, N.J. Nepcran, 1818. see Unionville. N.Y. Neshaminy, Bucks Co., Pa., 1710. Van Vleck, P. 1710-13, supplied by 668 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Malachi Jones, 1714-19, became Presbyterian. — This church was at first in union with North and South Hampton, being in the neighbor- hood of Feasterville. See Journal of Pres. Hist. Soc, vol. i, No. i. May, 1901. Neshanic, (Shannick, Nechanic, New Shannock), Somerset Co., N.J., 1752. Hardenbergh, J. R. 1758-61, Van Harlingen, J. M. 1762-95, Froeligh, S. 1780-6, Smith, W. R. 1794-1817, Polhemus, H. 1798-1808, Labagh, P. 1809-21, Ludlow, G. 21-78, Hart, J. 1875-1922, Van Strien, J. J. 1922 . See "Ludlow's Fifty Years of Pastoral Work," 1871. Also Christian Int., Aug. 27, 1902. Nestegauna, now Niskayuna. Netherwood, Plainfield, N.J., 1910. Stout, R. A. 1910-1913, Ralston, E. S. 1914-1920, Marcy, S. H. 1920 Neversink, ("M.G.S." i. 19, 22), an error for Minisink. Neversink, see Navasink. Neversink, now Fallsburgh. New Amstel, (New Castle), Del., 1642. (Campanius, John 1642-54, Swed- ish). R.D.C. 1654, organized by Polhemus, on his way from Brazil. Welius, 1657-9, Hadson called, d. on passage, 1664, Tesschenmaeker, 1679-82; supplied occasionally by Varick, 1687. (Now Presbyt.). Full account in "Spotswood's Historical Sermon"; also "Ecc. Rec." ; "Col. Hist. N.Y." ii. 4-84, iii. 115, 251, and the new vol. xii. "Doc. Hist." iii. 31, 82, 83. "Asher," xxxvii. New Amsterdam, 1628, now New York Collegiate Church. See New York, borough of Manhattan. New Amsterdam, La Crosse Co., Wis., 1877. In 1884 became Presbyterian. Newark, Essex Co., N.J., churches in : 1. Newark ist, (Market St.), 1833. (Clinton Av. and Johnson St., 1898). Wells, R. 33-42, Scott, Jas. 43-58, Terhune, 59-76, Gleason, 77-86, Easton, T. C. 86-9, Martyn, C. 90-2, Lee, T. I. 1893-1905, Hutchison, S. N. 1906-1909, Trousdale, O. M. 191 1 2. Newark 2d, (Ferry St.), 1848. (On New York Av., 1890). Wil- liamson, G. R. 48-9, Van Brunt, supplied, 49, Abeel, G. 50-65, Riddle, M. B. 65-9, Brett, C. 70-3, Van Vranken, F. V. 74-82, Davis, J. A. 83-9, Sullivan, 90-1, Allen, J. S. 1891-1906, Tulp, A. P. 1907-1909, Davis, E. E. 1910-1917, Donovan, G. H. 1918 3. Newark 3d, 1848. Serenbets, 1849, Lehlback, 1850-61. 4. Newark, North, (Broad St.), 1856. Polhemus, A., May-Oct., 1857, Du Bois, H. 59-61, Demarest, Jas. (Jr.) 63-6, Hart, 66-80, Wa- ters, 81-93, Mackay, 94-9, Vance, 1900-1910, Stewart, C. H. 1913- 1918, Drumm, T. P. 1919 . Assistants : Leggett, L. G. 1899, Gulick, C. W. 1903-1906, Hageman, P. K. 1906-1910, Boeve, L. 1910-1914, Chambers, S. D. 1914-1917, Condit, C. B. 1918-1920, Van Westenberg, Anthony 1920. See "Decennial Celebration." 5. Newark, West, (Blum St.), 1866. Wenisch, 67-74. Kern, 76-82, Girtanner, 1882-1918, P.Em. 1918, Coenen, H. G. 1919 6. Newark, South, (Clinton Av.), 1868. Taylor, W. J. R. 69-89, Martin, D. H. 1890-1908, Broek, A. T. 1908-22. Assistants: Mattice, A. 1901-1904, Arcularius, A. M. 1905-1910. See "Decen- nial Memorial," 1878. Ch. Int., May 30, 1900. 7. Newark, East, (East Ferry St.), 1869. (Called Trinity, since 1888). Brokaw, I. P. 69-74, Blauvelt, C. R. 74-7, Jan. i ; Krueger, C. H. T. 77-80, Shafer, T. 82-4, Preyer, 84-6, Milliken, R. P. 87-93, Morris, J. N. 1893-1907, Condit, C. B. 1907-1917, Fenn, R. F. 1918 8. Woodside, (Belleville Av.), Delavan Ave., 1871. (Called Christ Church, since 1893). Macauley, J. M. 72-80, Brodhead, W. H. (S.S.) 81-2, Jones, C. H. 85-94, Schenck, I. V. W. 94-9, Mellen, THE CHURCHES 669 1900-1912. Disbanded 1914. Reorganized 1916. Post, H. K. 19 1 7 . 9. Mt. Olivet, (Italian), Prospect Ave., 1918. Febrile, D. N. 1919 Newark, 1835, see Arcadia, N.Y. New Baltimore, Greene Co., N.Y., 1833. Van Santvoord, S. (S.S.) 34-40, Gosman, J. (S.S.) 41-2, Murphy, J. (S.S.) 42-3, Cornell, J. A. H. 43-8, Peltz, 48-51, Davies, 52-5, Gardner, 56-60, Strong, R. G. 61-70, Zabris- kie, Jer. L. 70-82, Arcularius, 83-97, Van Fleet, 1898-1911, Torrens, W. R. 1912-1917, Kanter, H. 1917-21, DeMeester, P. 1922—. New Bremen, Lewis Co., N.Y., 1855. Wolff, 56-60, Becker, 60-70, Bochrer, 70-6, Warnshuis, H. M. 77-9, Moiling, 80-4, Unglaub, 85-8, vacant, 88-93, Barny, W. F. 93-6, vacant, 1896-1900. Disbanded 1900. See Dailey Hist. Mont. CI., 123. New Brighton, or Brighton Heights, 1823, see N.Y.C., Borough of Rich- mond. New Broadalbin, see Caughnawaga. New Brooklyn, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., N.J., churches in ; 1. New Brunswick ist, (see Three Mile Run), Middlesex Co., N.J., 1717. Burnet st., cor. of Schureman st., 1717-67; then at Neilson St. at head of Hiram st. Frelinghuysen, T. J. 1720-48, Leydt, J. 1748-83, Hardenbergh, J. R. 1786-90, Condict, 1794-1811, Schureman, 12-13, Fonda, Jesse 13-17, Ludlow, J. 17-19- Ferris, L 21-4, Hardenbergh, J. B. 25-9, Janeway, J. J. 30-1, How, 32-61, Steele, R. H. 63-80, Easton. T. C. 81-6, Pockman, 1887-1911, Hogan, J. S. 1912 Chartered, 1753, as one corporation with Raritan, North Branch, (now Readington), Millstone, (now Harlingen), Six Mile Run. This charter is. published in Dr. Messler's work, "Memorial Sermons and Historical Notes," 1873. — See "Steele's Hist. Disc, 1867, at 150th Anniversary." 2. New Brunswick 2d, (George st., cor. of Albany), 1843. Demarest, D. D. 43-52, Woodbridge, 52-7, Wilson, H. M. 58-62, Schenck, J. W. 63-6, Hartranft, 67-78, Hutton, M. H. 1878-1907, P. Em. 1907-1909, Ingham, J. A. 1910-20, Holden, L. H. 1921 . See "Semi-Centennial," 1893. 3. New Brunswick 3d, (Ger.), Guilden st., 1851. Serenbets, 51-4, Schneeweiss, 55-8, Hones, (S.S.) 58-60, Meyer, C. (S.S.) 63-4, Cludius. 65-6, Meyer, C. 1867-1901. Dropped 1912. 4. New Brunswick, Suydam St., 1884. Campbell, W. H. 85-90, Camp- bell. A. D. 1890-1913, Payson, G. H. (S.S.) 1913-1915. Pastor, 1915 . See "Memorial of Dr. W. H. Campbell," for early history. 5. Highland Park, 1890. Supplied by Corwin, E. T. 90-1. Thompson, J. B. 91-7. Van Dyck, Alex. 1897-1903, Meeker, E. J. 1904-1908, Easton, T. C. 1909-1910, Shield. F. K. 1911-1918, Luidens, Anth- ony, 1919 Newburgh, Orange Co., N.Y., 1835. Cruikshank, W. 35-8, Fisher, I. M. 38-9, Vanderveer, F. H. 39-42, Van Zandt, A. B. 42-9, McLaren, 50-9, Mandoville, G. H. 59-69, Gleason, 70-6, Carroll, 76-81, Myers, H. V. S. 82-91, Beattie, R. H. 1891-1903, Broek, A. T. 1903-1908, Purdy, M. S. 1909 . "Doc. Hist." iii. 327-364, (352). Sketch in "Ch. Int.," May 2, 1878. • Newburgh. N.Y., 1922, Italian. Moncada, P. S. 1922 New Castle, 1764, see New Castle, Amstel, Del. New Concord, East Chatham, Ghent, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1857. (Previously Congregational). Decker, 57-60, Jansen, 61-4, Jones, D. A. 64-7, Bevier, 6/0 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA (S.S.) 67-73, Harris, H. R. (S.S.) 73-4, Mead, (S.S.) 74-6, Ashley, (S.S.) 76-8. King, Rufus, (Presbyt.) (S.S.) 78-80, Staats, J. A. (S.S.) 80, Brown, T. S. 80-91, occasional supplies, 1891-1906, Beaver, J. P. (S.S.) 1902-1906, Black. J. 1908-1918, Beaver, J. P. (S.S.) 1919 Nevkr Durham, Weehawken, Hudson Co., N.J., 1843. (The Grove Church). Taylor, W. J. R. 44-6, Mabon, W. V. V. 46-81, Scudder, W. H. 82-4, Gowen, I. W. 1885 . Assistants: Ackert, W. R. 1895-1901, Daw- son, C. 1901 , Hopper, A. W. 1903-1907, Miller, J. C. 1907-1911, Conklin, W. D. 1913-1915, Allen, H. B. 1919 New Era, Oceana Co., Mich., 1894. Van der Ploeg, H. 95-1900, Osse- waarde, John, 1900-1904, Oosterhof, A. 1904-1909, Straks, H. 1909- 1912, Dykema, K. J. 1912-1917, Maatman, A. 1919 — — New Foundland, Passaic Co., N.J., 1815. New Hackensack, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1758. Rysdyck, 1765-89, Van Vran- ken, N. 1791-1804, Barcolo, 1805-10, DeWitt, T. 12-26, Dwight, M. W. 26-33, Van Cleef, C. 33-66, Ward, H. 67-87, Du Mont, 1888-1911,' Ackerly, E. R. 1912-1914, Conger, A. M. 1914-20. New Harlem, same as Harlem, N.Y.C. New Harlem, same as Fonda's Bush, N.Y. New Haven, (South Ch. Cong.), Ct.. 1852. (Stiles supplied, 52-7, Noyes, 57-61, Carroll, 61-8). Ref. Ch. 1868. Carroll, 68-9, Brush, W. (S.S.) 69, Branch, -69-72. See "Hallack's Hist, of South Church of New Haven." New Hempstead, now Clarkstown, N.Y. New Holland, same as Noord Holland or North Holland. New Holland, Englewood, Col., 1906. Classical Missionary. Dropped 1910. New Holland, Alderson, Alta, Canada, 1914. (Carlstadt). Supplies, 1914- 21, Vander Schoor, Cor. 1921 New Hurley, Wallkill, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1770. Goetschius, S. 1775-96, Meyer, J. H. 1799-1803, Froeligh. P. D. 1807-16, Bogardus. W. R. 17-28, Venderveer, F. H. 29-39, Demarest, Wm. 40-5, Slingerland, 46-54, Com- fort, 54-71, Beattie, R. H. 72-84, Gillespie. 85-8, Scarlett, G. H. 88-95, Thurston, 1895-1903, Shield, F. K. 1904-1906, Berger, A. L. G. 1907-1910, DeKraker, J. J. 1911-1912, Dangermond, G. C. 1913-1916, Scholten, G. B. 1916— — . See "Comfort's Hist. Discourse." 1870. Also "Ch. Int.," May 18, 1898. New Hyde Park, Queens Co.. N.Y., 1893. Hieber, L. 93-5, Van Gieson, D. E. (S.S.) 95-8, various supplies, 1898-1915, MacNeil, Wm. N. 1915- 1918, Van Antwerpen, A. E. 1918-1920, Smith, B. Milton, 1920-21. New Kirk, (formerly New Orange), Hospers, Sioux Co., la., 1883. Dyk- stra, L. 83-6, Van den Berg, 88-91, Lumkes, 93-1900, Van Duine, 1900- 1904, Heemstra, J. F. 1904-1906, Schuurmans, H. P. 1906-1910, Douw- stra, R. D. 1910-1919, Veldman, H. J. 1919-21. New Lots, 1824, see N.Y.C, Borough of Brooklyn. New Millstone, 1766, same as Hillsborough and Millstone, N.J. New Orange, 1883, see New Kirk, la. New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1683. Originally French Ref.; Daille sup- plied occasionally, 1683-96, Bonrepos, 1696-1700, (supplied chiefly by ministers from Kingston, 1700-1727). Van Driessen. J. supplied, 1727- 36, again, 1751, Schunema, 1753-4, Chalker, 1760?, Goetschius, J. M. 1760-71, Goetschius, S. 1775-96, Meyer, J. H. 1799-1803, Froeligh, P. D. 1807-16, Bogardus, W. R. 17-31, Van Olinda, 32-44, Vandervoort, 45-8, Stitt, 48-65, Peltz, 65-81, Vennema, A. 82-6, Huizinga, A. H. 86-94, Fagg, 94-5, Oggel, E. C. 1896-1908, Bush, B. J. 1909-1913, Oggel, V. M. 1914-1918, Clapp, E. 1918 . See "Stitt's Hist."; "Ser. Centen- nial Discs." 261-2; "Du Bois Reunion"; "Peltz's Ser. at 200th Anni- versary of the Town," Dec, 1877. The French language was used until 1733; then the Dutch until 1800, then the English. THE CHURCHES 67I New Paltz 2nd, (Conferentie), 1752. See Marbletown. Vrooman, 1753-4. Van Nest, R. 1774-78, reunited to the old church of New Paltz. New Paltz, see Guilford. New Prospect, Pine Bush, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1815. Wilson, A. D. 16-29, Shimeall, 29-31, Ward, J. W. 32-7, Demarest, J. T. 37-49, Moore, W. S. 50-6, Hamilton, 57-63, Connitt, 66-70, Demarest, J. T. 73-85, Moflfett, 1885-1905, Post, H. K. 1906-1910, Martine, A. I. 1911-1916, Van Strien, J. J. 1917-22. New Rhinebeck, after 1800 Lawyersville. [New Rochelle, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1688. At times, a part of the Parish of Fordham. (French Ref.). Bonrepos, 1688-96, Bondet, 1696-1709, when he seceded with a portion of his flock, and formed an Episcopal congregation, Rou, 1710-50, Moulinars, (colleague of Rou), 1718-26, and apparently sole acting pastor, 1726-41, Carle, 1754-64, Tetard, 1764-6. This church was reorganized and incorporated, in 1808, as "The French Church in New Rochelle," and is now a Presbyterian church. "Baird's Hist, of the Huguenot Emigration to America." See also "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii. 82, 562-577, 708. (Of the seceding Episcopal congregation, Bondet continued pastor, 1709-22, and was suc- ceeded by Stoupe, 1723-60, and Houdin, 1760-8). See a "Description of New Rochelle, in 1727," by Rev. Pierre Stoupe, in "Waldron," P- 34]- New Rochelle, (Ger.), 1858. New Salem, Clarksville, Voorheesville, Albany Co., N.Y., 1785. Van Huy- sen, 1793-1824, Blair, Miss, to, 25, Dumont, Miss, to, 26, Boice, I. C. 26-9, Fort, 29-36, Westfall, S. V. E. 37-47, Van Santvoord, S. (S.S.) 43-4, Middlemas, 54-5, Lansing, A. G. 58-61, Slauson, 62-6, Kershow, 67-72, Pearse, Nic. 73-7, Lansing. A. G. 78-85, Williams, D. H. 86-7, McCardle, 89-92, Morton, T. 92-3, Van Burk, 93-4, Greene, E. J. 94-6, Van Haagen, (S.S.) 97-8, Van Doren, D. K. 1900-1902, Tyndall, S. G. 1903-1908, Westveer, A. 1909-1911, Dyke, J. (S.S.) 1912-1914, Steke- tee, J. B. 1915-1918. New Scotland, N.Y., see Union, Albany Co., N.Y. New Shannock, same as Neshanic, N.J. New Sharon, 1894, see Bethlehem, la. New Sharon, la., 191 1. Vis, Jean, A. 1913-1917, Huibregtse, Ed. 1917-1919. New Stissing, see Taghkanick and Gallatin. N.Y. Newton, Erie, Fenton, 111. (Zion), 1909. Bosch, G. 1909-1912, Gruys, W. S. 1913-1916, Vander Woude, B. T. 1916-1919, Vander Ploeg, H. 1919 Newtown, Elmhurst, 1731, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Newtown, 2d, 1855, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Newtown, N.Y. (CI. of Rensselaer) 1803. New Utrecht, 1677, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. New York Avenue, see Newark. New York City, N.Y., churches in : These will be distributed according to the Five Boroughs into which the Greater New York is divided, as follows : L The Borough of Manhattan : the old city. n. The Borough of the Bronx : north of the Harlem River. HL The Borough of Brooklyn : Kings Co. IV. The Borough of Queens : Queens Co. V. The Borough of Richmond: Staten Island. I. NEW YORK CITY — THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN — COLLEGIATE CHURCH. J. New York, (formerly New Amsterdam), 1628. Known as the Collegiate Church. Worship has been conducted in many differ- ent buil^lings, as follows : 6/2 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA (i). Over a Horse-Mill, "The Mill Loft," 1626-33, situated at what is now about 20 and 22 South William st., between Stone and Beaver sts. Services by Comforters of the Sick, 1626-33. Also by Rev. Jonas Michaelius, Ap. 1628-1631. For Michaelius's famous letter, see fac-simile and translation in "Collegiate Church Year Book," 1896, pp. 298-308. The orig- inal Dutch will be found in print in "Ecclesisatical Records of New York," 1901, Vol. i. pp. 48-68. For further facts and sug- gestions about him, see Michaelius in this work, and also pp. 68- 118 in "Ecc. Records" above referred to. For location of "The Mill Loft" Church, see "Collegiate Church Year Book," 1895, pp. 135-8. Sixteen large Belgian millstones were found on the spot. For an account of the Comforters of the Sick, and first Consistory, "Year Book," 1897, 480-8; also "Ecc. Records N.Y." i. pp. 43-47. (2). In a plain frame building at about 33-35 Pearl st., 1633-42. Bo- ' gardus, Evarardus, 1633-42. See "Year Book," 1895, 138-9, and "Ecc. Records of N.Y." i. 85, etc. (3). In Fort Amsterdam, standing at the lower end of Broadway, 1642-93. Called the Church of St. Nicholas. Bogardus, E. 1642- 7, Backerus, J. 1647-9, Megapolensis, J. 1649-70, Drisius, 1652-73, Megapolensis, S. 1664-8, Van Nieuwenhuysen, 1671-82, Selyns, 1682-93, when a new church building was erected in Garden st. The "Chwrch in the Fort" was then repaired, and used by "The Church of England," as a second place of worship, besides their "Trinity Church," until 1741, when it was burned. (4). Stuyvesant's Chapel, 1660-87. Supplied by Selyns, (then of Brooklyn), 1660-4, Megapolensis, S. 1664-8. Governor Stuy- vesant died in Feb., 1672, and was buried in a vault near this Chapel. His widow died in 1687, and by will, left this Chapel and its grounds and vault to the Collegiate Church, to dispose of as they saw fit, provided the vault was preserved. No further Dutch services seem to have been held at this place. Two or three generations later the Stuyvesants are found in the Episcopal Church, and a great-grandson of the old Director proposed the restoration of worship on this site by the Episcopalians. In ac- cordance with this suggestion, St. Mark's Church was established on 8th St. near 2d Ave. in 1799. See "Memorial of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery," 1899, pp. 109, no. Also "Ecc. Records of N.Y." i. pp. 488-492. (5). Garden street, (now about 41-51 Exchange Place), 1693-1812. Selyns, 1693-1701, Du Bois, G. 1699-1751, Boel, i7i3-54- After the building of the Cedar st. church, 1729, the ministers generally preached in rotation in the different buildings, (as is still done in Amsterdam, and, probably, other cities in Holland), until 1871. See list of names, in full, at the close of this article on Collegiate Church. After 1731, this Garden st. building was called "The South Church." In 1807 it was rebuilt; and in 1812, it separated from the Collegiate Church, but was still known as "The South Dutch." See Church No. 12. The records of this church were in possession of Mr. Sloan, Vice-President of the Farmers' Loan and Trust Co.. N.Y.C. For Baptismal Bowl, see Year Book, 1895, 140. For first organ, see Year Book, 1880, 52. (6). Nassau street, between Liberty and Cedar, 1729-1844. The min- isters preached in rotation in this building, during its whole ex- istence as a church. After 1769, when the Fulton st. church was built, the Cedar st. church became known as "The Middle Dutch THE CHURCHES 673 Church." In 1844 this building was leased to the United States for the City Postoffice. At the close of the last religious service in the building, Dr. Thomas De Witt pronounced the Benediction, in Dutch. It was used for the City Postoffice until 1875, when the Postoffice was built in the City Hall Park. In 1861 the title to the whole property was transferred to the United States. See "Church Year Book," 1883, pages 70-86, 1886, 62. (7). Fulton street, corner of William street, 1769-1875. This church faced on William St., and the lot extended from Fulton to Ann St. It was known as "The North Dutch Church" during its whole existence. It was built especially for services in the Eng- lish language. Hence the preaching of the ministers in rotation did not prevail in this church-building until English entirely superseded Dutch. Ministers: Laidlie, 1769-76, Livingston, J. H. 1770-76, again 1783-1810, Linn. 1786-1805; about which time the rotation of ministers began also in this building. The building was used for military purposes by the British during the Revo- lution. It was in the Consistory-room in a three-story building directly in the rear of this church, (entrance at 103 Fulton st.), that the Fulton street Prayer Meeting was started in 1857. See North Church Chapel (c). Year Book, 1881, 72. (8). Ninth street, 1836-55. This church was built in 1831 ; used as one of the Collegiate churches, 1836-55; from 1855-61, it was again a separate church, called the Central Church. See Church No. 20. (9). Lafayette Place, corner of Fourth street, 1839-87. Known after 1854 as "The Middle Dutch Church." Supplied by the Collegiate ministers in rotation, 1839-71. Chambers, T. W. 1871-92, the system of rotation having been given up in 1871. Assistants: De Vries, H." 1882-4, Taylor, L. L. 84-7, Cotton, 88-91.— See "Chambers' Hist. Sermon," 1887. This church was taken down in 1887, and until the erection of the Second Avenue Church in 1892, (see church No. (12) ) this congregation worshipped at 19 Lafayette Place. Year Book, 1887, 71. (10). Fifth Avenue and Twenty-ninth St., 1854. This building has become popularly known as "The Marble Church." Supplied by Collegiate Ministers in rotation, 1854-71. — Ormiston, 1871-88, Burrell, D. J. 1891 . Pohling, D. A., Associate Preacher 1920 . Assistants: Hulbert, P. S. 1892-4, Myers, A. E. 1893- 1915, Clark, J. L. 1895-7, Bradshaw, 1897-1903, Mohn, O. L. F. 1904-1906, Allen, J. S. 1906-1911, Milliken, P. H. 1910-1917, Rice, Wm. 1916, Barnhill, O. P. 1916 . Dailey, W. N. P. 1918-1919. (11). Fifth Avenue and Forty-eighth Street, 1872. (The Chapel in the rear of this Church was erected in 1866). In July, 1869, the corner-stone of the church was laid. The church was dedicated in 1872. From 1866-71, the Collegiate ministers officiated in this Chapel, in rotation. See "Year Book," 1893, page 30. Ludlow, Jas. M. 1872-7, Coe, E. B. 1879-99, when he was constituted Senior Minister, 1899-1914, Mackay, D. S. 1899-1908, MacLeod, M. J. 1910 . Assistants: Ingham, J. A. 1892-3, Laidlaw, W. 93-5, Farr, J. M. 95-6, Hageman, A. 1899-1909, (Harvey Clements, 1910, Pres.), Mabon, A. F. 1910-1918, Courtney, R. W. 1918 (12). Second Avenue and Seventh St., 1892. Continuation of the Middle Dutch Church, No. (9). Hutchins, J. 1892-5, Fagg, J. G. 1895-1917. Romig, E. F., assistant, 1918-1922, Pastor, 1922 . Assistants: Davis, C. E. 92-3, Niles, 98-1901, Meury, E. G. W. 674 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1901-1903, Decker, F. 1903-1904. Year Book 1892, 102, 1893, 127, 1894, 468. (13). West End Avenue and Seventy-seventh St., 1892. Cobb, H. E. 1893 . Assistants : Case, C. P. 1900-1, Weber, H. C. 1902-1906, Nichols, T. M. B. 1909-21, McMurray, N. 1921 . Year Book,. 1892, no, 1893, 148, 1894, 143. (14). University Heights, West 181 st st., 1895-1900. In the Borough of the Bronx. Services held in the Chapel of the University of the City of New York. Schenck, F. S. 1897-99. Services were discontinued here in 1900. See "Collegiate Church Year Book," 1895, 91 ; 1896, 238; 1897, 407. (15). Fort Washington, Fort Washington Ave. and i8ist St., 1909. Muste, Ab. J. 1909-1914, Berg, I. H. 1917 . Asisstant : Gouw- ens, T. E. 1913-1915, (Cross, C. W. 1919-21), Searle, R. W. 1921. (16). Bethany Memorial, ist Ave. and 67th St., 1898. Came under the care of the Collegiate Church in 1917. Churchman, A. B. 1904 . See Bethany Memorial, No. 60. CHAPELS OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH. (a). De Witt Chapel, 1861-95. (160 West 29th st.). Clark, W. H. 65- 9, Bertholf, 70-83, Mandeville, G. H. 83-5, Junor, K. F. 86-95, when this chapel was merged in the 34th st. church. See Chapel (f.). (b). Knox Memorial Chapel, 1866. (At 514 Ninth Av. until 1898; then at 405-9 West 41st st.). Supplied by students and others: Merritt. W., Anderson, W. H., Jones, T. W., Shaw, J. F. Griffis, W. E. May-Nov., 1870; pastors: DeHart, W. H., 71-7, Thomp- son, Ab. 77-86. Kommers, T. J. 86-8, Vaughan, Wm. 1888-1902, Meury, E. G. W. 1903 (c). North Church Chapel, 1869. (113 Fulton st.). McNair, J. L. 68-71, Plumley, G. S. 76-8, Park, A. J. 78-82, See, J. L. 82-4, Ten Eyck. W. H. 84-5. — The Fulton st. Prayer Meeting was started in the Consistory Room of the Fulton st. Church, (103 Fulton st.) in 1857, and was under the charge of Jeremiah C. Lanphier, 1857- 93, and of C. F. Cutter, 1893-1902, Jacobs, F. H. 1902-1910, Dow- kontt, G. H. 191 1 . The Fulton st. Church was taken down in 1875. Meanwhile, in 1869, the Consistory had built a chapel at 113 Fulton st. for the Fulton st. Prayer Meeting, and employed the services of laymen as conductors of the same, and as mission- aries in that part of the city. (d). Seventh Avenue Chapel, 1869-85. (Corner of 54th st.). Clark, W. H. 69-72, Carroll, V. B. 73-7, Shaw, A. 77-9, Duryee, Jos. R. 79-85. when this chapel was organized into "The Grace Reformed Church," No. 52, which see. (e). Vermilye Chapel. 189c. (416 West 54th st.). Under charge of a Superintendent, M. Austin, 92-5; pastors: Bradshaw, A. H. 95-7, Rowland, S. W. 97-1900, Ackert, W. R. 1901 (f). Thirty-fourth St. Church, 1895. (The 34th st. church and the DeWitt Chapel were united in 1895). Stryker. P. 1895-6, Junor, K. F. 95-8, Elliott, J. H. 1898-1904, Courtney, R. W. 1904- 1918. Assistants: Courtney, R. W. 1902-1904. Discontinued 1920. (g). Sunshine Chapel, 550 West 40th St. Organized 1896, adopted by Collegiate Church, 1899. Bradshaw, A. H. 1899-1903, Murphy. H. W. 1904 (h). Faith Mission, 239 West 69th St., 1903. Ackert, 1903-1914, De- Boer, J. A. 1914-1917, Ackert, 1918-1921, (Johnson, 1921 ). THE CHURCHES 675 The following is a list of all the ministers of the Collegiate Church together, whether serving in one particular church, or, as was the case generally, from 1729-1871, in rotation: Ministers of the Collegiate Church: Michaelius, 1628-1632, Bogardus, E. 1633-47, Backerus, 1647-9, Megapolensis, J. 1649-70, (Selyns of Brook- lyn, at the Governor's Bowery, 1660-4). Drisius, 1652-73, Megapolensis, S. 1664-8, (supplied by Luyck, 1671), Van Niewenhuysen, 1671-82, Selyns, 1682-1701, DuBois, Gaultcrus, 1699-1751, Bocl, 1713-54, Ritzema, 1744-84, De Ronde, 1751-84, Laidlie, 1764-79, Livingston, J. H. 1770-1810, Linn, 1786- 1805, Kuypers, G. A. 1789-1833, Abeel, J. N. 1795-1812, Schurcman, 1809-12, Brodhead, 1809-13, Milledoler, 1813-25, Knox, 1816-58, Strong, P. N. 1816- 25, Brownlee, 1826-60, De Witt, T. 1827-74, Vermilye, T. E. 1839-93, Cham- bers, 1849-96, Duryea, Jos. T. 1862-7, Ludlow, Jas. M. 1868-77, Ormiston, 1870-88, Coe, E. B. 1879-1914, Burrell, D. J. 1891 . Mackay, D. S. 1899-1908, Cobb, H. E. 1903 , Fagg, J. G. 1903-1917, MacLeod, M. J. 1910 . Berg, L H. 191 7— — . Romig, E. F. 1922 . Associate Preacher, Pohling, D. A. 1920 . Assistant Ministers of the Collegiate Church, (see "Year Book," 1893, p. 117) : Hutchins, John, 1892-5, Cobb, H. E. 1893-1903, Fagg, J. G. 1896- 1903, Schenck, F. S. 1897-9, Romig, E. F. 1918-22. The names of other clergy officiating will be found under the names of the buildings in which they served. See "Greenleaf's Hist, of the Churches of New York." — "Valentine's Manuals N.Y. ' "Gen. and Biog. Rec." — "Doc. Hist." iii. 69, ^2, 74, 241- 324, 576, 712. "Col. Hist." i. 299; ii. 440, 441, 705, 730; iii. 311, 415, 608; iv. 400, 620 ; ix. 548. See "Amsterdam Correspondence," which is volumin- ous. It is accessible in the "Ecc. Rec. of the State of N.Y." "Minutes of Church, 1639 to present time." "Dr. Thomas De Witt's Hist. Disc." 1856, with Brodhead's notes. "Centennial of North Dutch Church," 1869. Chambers.' "Recalling the Past." "Brodhead's N.Y." The Several Histories of the City of N.Y., as Mary Booth's, Mrs. Lamb's. Mrs. Van Rensselaer's. "Smith's Hist. N.Y." "Gunn's Memoir of Dr. J. H. Livingston;" "Sedgewick's Life of Hon. Wm! Livingston." "Mag. R.D.C." iii. 52. "Jas. Grant Wilson's Memorial Hist, of New York." — "Am. Ch. Hist. Series." Vol. viii., for much material relating to early history of Col- legiate Church, and the origin of its charter, 1895. Dr. E. B. Coe's Address at Bicentennial of the Charter of the Church, 1896. Rev. Dr. Van Pelt's "History of Greater New York." "Ecc. Rec. N.Y.," 7 vols. See also the "Memorials" of the ministers under their respective names, and their Bib- liography. The "Year Books" of the Collegiate Church published regularly from 1880. These contain much historical material. A history of the Collegiate Church of New York compiled from orig- inal documents by C. E. Corwin, is now in manuscript in the possession of the church. NEW YORK CITY — BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. ALL CHURCHES ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. 2. Harlem, (Third Av. and 121st St.), 1660. Supplied by ministers from New York, generally, 1660-1744. (Beys, Henricus, 1710- 12, as an Episcopalian). Ritzema, 1744-65, Schoomaker, M. 1765- 84, Jackson, J. F. 1792-1806, Romeyn, Jer. 1807-14, Vermeule, 16-36, Schoonmaker, R. L. 37-47, Lord, Jer. 48-69, Mandeville. G. H. 69-81, Smyth, 81-91. From 1886 to 191 1 the Church was called the Harlem Collegiate Church. (1) Third Ave. and 121st Street. (2) Lenox Ave. Pastors, Elmendorf, J. 1886-1908, Harsha, 92-99, Tilton, E. 1898- 191 1, Ralston, 1900-1903, Dickhaut, B. E. 1903-1909, Fellstrom, A. A. (S.S.) 1909-1912. 6/6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA In 191 1 the name "Collegiate" was dropped, and the old name "Reformed Church of Harlem" revived. This name was applied to the Church at Lenox Ave. and 123d Street. In honor of Rev. Dr. J. Elmendorf, the church at 121st was designated "The Elmendorf Chapel." (i). Reformed Church of Harlem (Lenox Ave.). Tilton, E. 191 1 (2). Elmendorf Chapel (121st St.). Decker, Floyd 1912-1918, Pfan- stiehl, 1921 . See "Mandeville's Golden Memories." 3. French Reformed, 1688, in the Fort. [French services had been occasionally held in the city from the first settlement of the colony. One half of the 50 communicants in 1628 were Walloons. Additional French Protestants soon settled on Staten Island and Long Island, and at first attended occasional French services in the city. After 1638 there was a notable increase of French immigrants, through the influence of the Bayards, and a French Club was organized in the city. Between 1648-58 the French population was largely aug- mented, many Waldenses being among them. Between 1650-70, large num- bers of French and Walloons settled in Ulster Co., N.Y., while many located on Staten Island, at New Utrecht, Bushwick, Flushing, Bedford and Harlem. From the latter place a colony went to Hackensack m 1677]. These scattered French settlers were supplied occasionally either in the Dutch church in New York or in their own settlements, by Michaelius, 1628, Drisius, 1652-73, perhaps by Carpentier, 1657-84, Zyperius, 1659-63, perhaps by Carre, of Rhode Island, 1687, and by Daille. 1682-96. But under the Catholic Governor, Dougan, 1683-88, with his Roman chapel in the Fort, and priests, the French exiles for conscience sake felt uncom- fortable. The persecutions in France before the Revocation of the Edxt of Nantes, 1685, had already sent numbers of Huguenots to New York, and still larger numbers came after that decree. These were organized into a church in Marketfield st. in 1688, and the earlier French, who had worshipped in the Fort, now merged themselves in this new French church organized by pastor Peiret. Pastors: Daille, 1683-6, but after 1692 itinerating generally among the French churches in the country; Peiret, 1686-1704; (new church building, 1704-1831, at corner of Pine and Nassau streets) ; Laborei, 1704-6, Bon- repos, David 1706-10, Rou, 1710-50, Moulinars, 1718-26, Mayor, 1752-4, Carle, Jean 1754-64; (in 1764, this church refused to conform to the Church of England. In 1755, it adopted the later version of 1724, of the French Bible. — "The Holy Bible of Geneva, with Reflections." In 1763, it adopted a new version of the French Psalms. In 1763 a charter was applied for, but without success) ; Tetard, 1764-7, Kettletas, 1766-76, de Martel, 1770-1 ; (church closed, 1776-96) ; Duby, supply, 1796-7, Albert, 1797-1804, when it became Episcopalian. — See "Collections of French Huguenot Society," Vol. i. 4. [Garden st., 1693. See Collegiate Churches, No. (5) ]. 5. [Cedar st., 1729. See Collegiate Churches, No. (6) ]. 6. German Reformed, Sixty-eighth st., 1758. (In Nassau st., between Maiden Lane and John St., 1758-1822). Rosenkrantz, 1758-9, Kails, 1759-60, Rothenbergler, (or Rothenbiiler), 1761-2; (joined R.D. Church, 1763) ; Kern, 1763-72, Foering, 1772-4, Gerhard. 1774-6, (Revolution) Gros, 1783-95, Milledoler, 1795-1800, Will, 1802, Runkle, 1805-12, Dreyer, 1812-14, (Smith, 1812-14, probably over a faction), Labagh, Isaac, 1814-22; (at 19-21 Forsyth st., 1822- 61) ; Knouse, 1823-7, Mills, 1823-33, (Lewis Smith, a Lutheran, 1833-8), Rudy, Miss, to, 1835-8, Ebaugh, (S.S.) 1838-9; again, 1844-51 ; (again, claiming to be the pastor, but without much following, 1857-67; in 1861, removed to 147-153 Norfolk st.) ; THE CHURCHES 677 Friedel, 1866-74, Neef, 1875-82, Hager, A. H. 1883-4, Erhardt, 1884-94, Schlegel, Chs. 1896-1905, Jaeger, Julius 1906- . (In 1897, removed to 68th st. between ist and 2d avs. Note. — From 1823-38 this church tried to claim independence of Classis. In 1846 the Civil Court declared the church defunct, but this does not seem to have been the case. In 1852 the Classis of New York declared the church defunct ; and in the same year, the German Evangelical 3d was organized ; but exceedingly complex legal difficulties ensued. This church also claimed to be a part of the Collegiate Church, but the Collegiate Church denied this, in their answer in the Marselus suit, in 1851. In 1850-1, Ebaugh's church (see his name), is said to have been in 17th St. ("Mints. Gen. Syn.," 1850, 43; 1851, 150) ; but in 1852, the simple name "Ger. Refd. Ch." occurs in the "Minutes of Gen. Syn.," but without loca- tion, and Ebaugh's name is omitted. In 1853, 357, the name "Ger. Refd. Ch." is omitted from its proper place, and a new name, "3d Ger. Refd. Prot. Dutch Ch." is placed at the end of the list, but without a pastor. In 1854, C. Dickhaut appears as pastor, but in 1855 and 1856, it is vacant. But Ebaugh's name appears in 1856, as pastor of a "4th Ger. Ch.," but this is now in the South Classis of New York. In 1857, Friedel's name appears as pastor of the "3d Ger. Ch." in the South Classis of N.Y., and Ebaugh's name is placed as pastor, simply, of a "Refd. Ger. Ch.," but no statistics are given from 1859 to 1867, when the name of "Ebaugh" and his "Ger. Refd. Ch." both finally disappear from the statistical tables. In the meantime Friedel had continued as pastor of the so-called "3d Ger. Ch.," 1856-66, when this name is dropped, and thenceforth, Friedel appears as pastor of the "Ger. Refd. Prot. Dutch Ch." 1866-74. — This Norfolk St. church, (now 68th st.) claims to be the continuation of the original German church of 1758. Without a definite opinion, the pastors' names given above, are arranged on that basis. See "Reports of the Civil Suits." — "Mints, of Classis of New York," and of South Classis of N.Y. — "A Vindication and Defence of the Ger. Refd. Ch. and its Pastor," by Ebaugh, 1851 ; with an Appendix of 30 pages. — "On the Other Side : a True Report of the Last Trial of Rev. John S. Ebaugh, etc., in the Classis of N.Y.," 1852. Published anonymously (but known to be by Rev. W. R. Gordon). — Also "Protest of the Con- sistory of Ger. Refd. Ch. as Appellants, to the Particular Synod of New York, vs. the Classis of N.Y.," 1852. — For origin of this church, see "Mints, of Collegiate Ch. of N.Y.," 1758, p. 273, of Dr. Chambers' English Trans- laton. — Also Dedication Souvenir of Ger. Refd. Prot. Ch. of 68th st.. 1898. There is a brief sketch in "Ch. Int.," but not very accurate, 1893, Feb. 23d. There is a tablet in the wall to Baron Steuben, of Revolutionary fame. The original John Jacob Astor was one of the founders of this German Ch., 1758. 7. [Fulton t. Church — the North Dutch, 1769. See Collegiate Churches, No. (7) ]. 8. Greenwich, 1803. (Bleecker and Amos sts. until 1863; then in 46th St. near 6th av. until 1866). Rowan, 1807-19. Hardenbergh, C. 1820-1. Marselus. 1822-58, Van Arsdale, C. C. 1852-4. Marvin, 1855-8, Strong, T. C. 1859-66. "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 319. 9. Bloomingdale, 1805. West Seventy-first St.. now on Boulevard. Bogart, D. S. 1806-7. Gunn, 1809-29, Kip, F. M. 30-1, supplied by Labagh, I. P. 31-2, Burtiss, 34, Van Aken, E. 35-85. Martyn, 83- 90, Peters. 90-1900, Stinson, 1900-1911, Ketchum, W. W. 1912- 1913. Disbanded 1913. 10. Madison Av. cor. of 57th st., 1808. (Formerly called the North- west Church ; located in Franklin st. near West Broadway, until 1854; then in 23rd st. between 6th and 7th avs. until 1871). Bork, 1808-23, Du Bois, G. 24-37, Hunt, 37-9, supplied by Harkness, 40, 6/8 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Hardenbergh, J. B. 40-56, Ganse, 56-75, Lloyd, W. S. (S.S.) 77-8. Reed, E. 78-86, Kittridge, 1886-1906, P.Em. 1906-1912, Car- ter, Wm. 1906-1912, Churchman, A. B., acting pastor, 1912-1918. Church disbanded 1918. Assistants: Street, Wm. D. 1898-1901, Churchman, A. B. 1903-1904, Forbush, Wm. B. 1904-1906. "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 212. — Reed's Sermon, 1878, on "Manly Christianity," contains a brief sketch of this church. 11. Market St., 1810. McMurray, 20-35, Ferris, I. 36-52, Cuyler, T. L. 54-9, Murray, 61-3, Dutcher, 63-6. Dissolved, 1869. 12. South Dutch, 1812. [245 Madison Av. cor. of 38th St. — Withdrew from the Collegiate connection in 1812. In Garden st. till 1835, when the building was burned in the great fire. In 1837 the church divided into Murray st., 1837-48, and Washington Square, (No. 25), 1837-76]. In 1848 this church removed to 5th av. and 2ist St., and subsequently to its last site. Matthews, 1813-37, Hutton, M. S. 34-7, Macauley, J. M. 38-62, Rogers, E. P. 62-81,' Terry, 1881-1904, Bridges, T. R. 1906-1914. Disbanded 1918. See Christ. Int., March 4, 1875. Historical Sketch of the South Church, 75th Anniversary, 1887. (i). Manor Chapel, 1866. 328 West 26th st. This chapel was started in 1855, and supported by several churches. In 1866 it was taken in charge by the South Dutch Ch. Pastors : Kiehle, David, Brooks, Elmore, Goodknight, 1875, Billingsley. 1880-1890, Palmer, James 1890-1914, Bolster, F. E. 1915-21. Gulick, C. W. 1921 13. Seventh Av., 1823. (In Houston St., 1823-52. In 7th Av., 1852-9). Baldwin, Eli, 1825-39, De Mund, 39-48, Whitehead, 48-9, Gordon, W. R. 49-58. Dutcher, 1858-9, when church united with West Refd. D. Ch. on 6th Av. See Union, No. 40. For early history, see "Ch. Int.," Aug. 12, 1852. 14. Thirty-fourth St. (No. 307), 1823. In Broome st.. 1823-60, when removed to 34th st.). McLean, 25-6, Brodhead. Jac. 26-37, Van Vranken, S. A. 37-41. Fisher, G. H. 41-55, Voorhees, H. V. 55-6, Stryker, Peter, 56-68, Riley, Is. 68-73, Martyn, Carlos, 76-83, Dickson, J. M. 83-9, Stryker, P. 89-1896, when this church united with the DeWitt Chapel, of the Collegiate Church. See (f), under Chapels of Collegiate Church. 15. African Church, 1823, Duane St. Jordan, M. 1823-9. 16. Bank St. (No. 21), 1823. (This is a Seceder Church, which was in King st., 1826-66, in Perry st., 1866-93, when it removed to Bank st.). Demarest, C. T. 1824-39, Westervelt, S. D. 39-51, Demarest, C. T. 52-62, Van Houten. A. 66-78. Westervelt, J. A. 80-8, Iserman, H. 92-8. Van der Beek, S. I. (S.S.) 99-1901. 17. Orchard St., 1826. Teller, 26-9, Abeel, D., supplied, 29, Harden- bergh, J. B. 29-3C, supplied by Janeway, J. J. 30-1, by Labagh, I. P. 31-2. [Rivington St. Station, 1827. Shimeall, missionary to, 1827-8]. [Yorkville Station 1827. Frey, Miss, to, 1827I. 18. Manhattan, 1829 (71 Av. B.). Knouse, 29-33, Van Kleek, 35, Marcellus, 35-6, Cornell, F. F. 36-56, Collier, Ezra, 54-6, Wiggins, 57-70, Cummings, 1870-2. 19. Vandewater St., 1830. Dev, 1830-1. 20. Ninth St.. 1831. Central Ch. Kip, F. M. 1831-6, (from 1836 to 55, belonged to Collegiate Ch.), Van Zandt, A. B. 1856-9. See Col- legiate Ch. (8). 21. North St., 1833. How, S. B., Miss, to, 1828-9, Messier, Miss, to, 1828-9. 22. Fortieth Street, 1836. (In 21st st., 1836-69, on land given by Rev. John Frelinghuysen Jackson and family). May, E. H. 39-48, Van Nest, A. R. 48-62, Bethune, 59-62, Thompson, A. R. 62-73. THE CHURCHES 6/9 23. [Ninth St., 1836-55. See Collegiate Ch. No. (8) ]. 24. [Murray St., 1837. See South Dutch, No. 12]. 25. Washington Square, 1837. (See South Dutch, No. 12). Mathews, 37-42, Hutton, M. S. 1837-76. 26. German Evangelical Mission, 1838. (141 East Houston). Rudy, 39-42, Guldin, J. C. 42-63, Geyer, 1863-1911. In 191 1 united with the Zion German Presbyterian Church to form the Zion German Evangelical Church in the Bronx, which see No. 75. 27. [La Fayette Place. Middle Church. 1839. See Collegiate Church, No. (9) ]. 28 Washington Heights, 1843. Whitehead, Chas. 1854-62, Voorhees, H. M. 1862-5. 29. Stanton St., 1843. Services at first on Broadway. Lillie. John 1843-8. Became Presbvterian. 30. Mt. Pleasant, (Fiftieth St.). 1846. Brett. P. M. 1846-51, Jameson, 1852-62, Miller, W. H. 1862-3. See. I. M. 1864-7, disbanded. 31. German Evangelical, 2d, 1848. (Grand st.). Steins, 1849, Birkey, 1862-65, disbanded. 32. West Reformed Dutch, 1850. (Sixth Av.). Cary, 1851, Mclvee, 1852-8. In 1859, united with Seventh Av. ch. to form the "Union Church," No. 40, which see. 33. Livingston Ch. (Eighth Av.). 1851. Lloyd. 1851-3. McGregor. 1855, Zabriskie, F. N. 1856-9, united with Thirty-fourth St.— See "Zabriskie's Hist, of." 34. German Evangelical, 3d, 1852. Dickhaut. 1854. Friedel, 1856-75. 35. Harlem, German, 1853. Bielfield. 1855. 36. [Fifth Avenue and Twenty-ninth St., 1854. Marble Church. See Collegiate Church, No. (10) ]. 37. German Evangelical, 4th, 1854. Schewdes. 1855, Ebaugh. 1856. Joined German R.C. 1866. 38. Seventh Ave., 1857. German. 39. German Reformed Dutch, 4th, 1858. (410 West 45th St.). Oerter, 1858-1915, Nietzer, Chas. 1916-1918. Wirth, A. F. 1919 40. Union, 1859, (No. 25 Sixth Av.). Formed by the union of the 7th Av. Ch. No. 13, and the West, No. 32. Dutcher, 59-63, Hart- ley, 64-9, Danner, 70-3, Merritt, 73-9, Fairchild, 80-6, Jones, C. A. 87-90, Meyers, H. V. S. 91-4, vacant, 1894-9, name dropped, 1900. 41. Prospect Hill, i860. (First on 86th st. and 3d av. ; then on 85th St. and 2d av. ; after 1886, at Park av. and 89th st.). Quacken- bush, 1861-19C0; assistants, Myers, H. V. S., May-Oct.. 1870, Walser, 83-8, Folmsby, 93-6; Cox, H. M. 1901-1911. United with the South Church (No. 12), 191 1. 42. North Trinity, 1861. (Corner of Broadway and Thirty-fourth St.). 43. [DeWitt Chapel, 1861. See Collegiate Church Chapels, (a) ]. 44. [Knox Memorial Chapel, 1866. See Collegiate Church Chapels, (b)]. 45. Holland Church. 1866. (279 West nth st.). Utterwick 1866-9, Bechtold, 70-84, Warnshuis, J. W. 87-8, Ossewaarde, M. 91-3. Name of church dropped, 1897. This Holland church used the Lecture Rooms of Collegiate Churches, 1866-73. 46. [Manor Chapel of the South Church, 1866. See South Church, No. 12 (i) ]. 47. Forty-eighth St. Chapel, 1866-72. Supplied by the Collegiate minis- ters in rotation, 1866-71. See Collegiate Church, No. (11). 48. [North Church Chapel, 1869. See Collegiate Church Chapels, (c)]. 49. [Seventh Avenue Chapel, 1869. See (ToUegiate Church Chapels, (d) ]. 50. [Fifth Avenue and Fortv-eighth St., 1872. See Collegiate Churches, No. (11) ]. 68o THE REFORMED CHURCPI IN AMERICA 51. Avenue B., cor. 5th st., 1874. (German). Steffens, 1876, Bantley, 76-7, Schlegel, Jacob, 77-1909, Bruchlos, A. 1911-1913, Hahn, T. F. 1914-1916. Became German Evangelical, Manhattan, 1917. Consolidated with the German Evangelical, Brooklyn. (Trinity), 1919, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Wacker, G. G. 1917 52. Grace Reformed, 1884. (Seventh Av. cor. 54th St. This was pre- viously the Seventh Av. Chapel of the Collegiate Church, 1869- 84). Duryee, Jos. R. 1884-1921. Disbanded 1921. See "Col- legiate Ch. Yr. Bk.." 1886, 59. 53. Yorkville, (Ger.), 1885. (84th st.). Goebel, G. A. T. 85-95. 54. [Harlem 2d, (Lenox Av.), 1886. See Harlem]. 55. Hamilton Grange, 1887. (Convent Av. and West 145th St.). Westerfield, 88-91, Morgan, J. F. 91-2, Chapin, 1892-1904, Dyke, C. P. 1904-1908, Payson, G. H. (S.S.) 1908, Dickhaut, B. E. (S.S.) 1909, Vander Meulen, J. M. 1909-1912, Leinbach, P. S. 1913-1917, Dykstra, J. A. 1918-1919, Mabon, A. F. 1920 56. [Vermilye Chapel, 1890. See Collegiate Church Chapels, (e) ]. 57. [Second Avenue, Middle Church, 1892. See Collegiate Churches, (12) ]. 58. [West End Avenue, 1892. See Collegiate Churches, (13) ]. 59. [Thirty-fourth Street Church, 1895. See Collegiate Church Chap- els, (f) ]. 60. [Bethany Memorial, ist Ave. and 67th St., 1898. Lansdaie, J. T. (S.S.) i8()7-i904. Churchman, A. B. 1904 . In 1917 this church came under the care of the Col. Ch. of N.Y. See Year Book, 1918, 850. See Collegiate Church (16) ]. 61. [Sunshine Chapel, 1899, see Col. Ch. Chapel (g) ]. 62. [Faith Mission, 1903, see Col. Ch. Chapels, (h) ]. 63. Barren Island, 1910. Heinrich, J. (S.S.) 1912-1913, Meier, J. 1913- 1916. 64. Windsor Terrace, 1910. Milliken, P. H. (S.S.) 1911, Jackson, W. H. 1912-1913. 65. [Elmendorf Chapel, 1911, see Harlem (2) ]. 66. Waldensian Congregation, W. 41st St., 1919. Griglio, Pietro 1919- 1020. Now vacant. Note : — Since the fourth edition of the Manual was published in 1902 several Reformed Churches on Manhattan Island have dissolved, and few new churches have been organized. The chief cause for this lack of growth is the remarkable change in pop- ulation, Jews and Roman Catholics taking the place of the old Protestant stock. Among them without an endowment a church must lapse. The number of communicants in the Reformed Churches of Manhattan remains about the same. II. NEW YORK CITY— BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 67. Fordham, May 11, 1696. Montaigne, 1696-.., Tetard, 1712-44, Ritzema, 1744-70, reorganized, 1802; Jackson, J. F. 1819-36, Van Pelt, 37-47. Cahoone, 47-8, Bevier, 51-3, Beattie, Jas. 54-6, Bolton, 56-65, Fehrman, 66-9, Brush. W. 69-74, Anderson, Wm. 76-87, Anderson, W. F. 81-93, Hodson, 1894 . "Doc. Hist." iii. 576. On Aug. 26, 1729, John Bussing contracted to complete the Fordham Ch. for £4.— "Eng. Transl. Mints. N.Y. Ch.," B. 86. "Bolton's Westchester," ii. 322, says that as early as 1671 the people of Fordham were obliged to contribute to the support of the Dutch Church at Fordham. — See "Dr. Thos. De Witt's Hist. Appendix to Dr. Dickerson's Dedicatory Ser.," 1849. 68. West Farms, 1839. Supplied by Bourne, 39-42, Collins, B. V. 42-5, Simonson, 45-51, Burghardt, 52-5, Van Wyck. P. 56-67, Van Slyke, E. 67-71, Simonson, 71-81, Blair, H. P. 81-4, Bolton, 84-8, THE CHURCHES 68 1 Andrews, L. C. 88-95, Peters, J. 96-7, Weber, H. C. 1898-1902, Hart, Wm. R. 1902-1916, Bolsterle, G. S. (S.S.) 1917, MacNeilU W. N. 1918 69. Mott Haven, St. Paul's, 1851. (East 146th st.)- Van Doren, W. T. 52-3, De Puv. 53-4, Enyard, 58-65, Du Bois, H. 66-87, Hooper, Feb.-Dec. 88^ Talmage, G. E. 90-8, Dobbs, (S.S.) 98-1900, pastor, 1901-1908, Voorhees, O. M. 1909-1922. 70. Melrose, 1854. (Elton Ave. and 157th St.). Schroepfer, 55- 61, Dahlman, 61-3, Wagner, J. M. 63-6, Meury, John, 67-70, Windemuth, 70-6, Lang, J. E. 76-91, Miller, G. H. 1892-1919, Muller, G. C. 1919 . Ass., Muller, E. T. 1920. 71. Union, High Bridge, 1874. (Woodycrest Av.). DuBois, H. (S.S) 74-84, Martin, D. H. 84-90, Cox, H. M. 90-9, Voorhees, J. B. 1899-1907, Blocker, S. 1908-191^, Verwey, D. G. 1916 72. Anderson Memorial of Belmont, 1893. Giffin, J. 93, Frazee, A. D. D. 94-5. Gasten. Jos. 95-6, Watson, C. S. (S.S.) 96-7. Perry, W. D. (S.S.) 97-8, Hunter, Jas. 1898-1908, Parker, A. F. 1909- 1912, Bolsterle, G. S. 1913-1916, DeBoer, J. A. 1917 7Z. Church of the Comforter, 1894. (i62d St., near Morris Av.). Myers, H. V. S. 1894-1903, Lyle, J. N. (S.S.) 1904, Decker, F. 1904-1912, Pleune, P. H. 1912-1916, Irish, E. B. 1916-1918, Mac- Cready, R. H. 1919-1921, Irish, E. B. 1921 74. [University Heights, 1895. See Collegiate Church, N.Y.C., No. (14) ]•' 75. Zion German Evangelical, 191 1. (Second St., Boston Road, Steb- bins Ave.). Formed by the union of the German Evangelical Alission with the Zion German Presbyterian Church in the Bronx, in 191 1, (ieyer, J. W. 1911-1914, Hahn, A. F. 1914 III. NEW YORK CITY — BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 76. Flatbush, (Midwooit), L.I., 1654. Polhemus, J. T. 1654-/6, (as- sisted by Megapolensis, J. 1664-9), Van Zuuren, 1677-85. (Clark, Jas. 1685-95,) ? Varick, 1685-95. Lupardus, 1695-1702, Freeman, 1705-41, Antonides, 1706-44, Arondeus, 174-2-7. 'Van Sinderin, 1746-84, Curtenius, 1755-6, Rubel, 1759-83, Schoonmaker. M. 1784-1824, Lowe, 1787-1818, Monteith, 19-20, Strong, T. M. 22-61, assistant, R. G. Strong, 58-60, Wells, C. 1861-1904, Lloyd, J. E. 1906-1916, Berg, J. F. 1917 . "Strong's Hist, of Flatbush." (i). Grace Chapel, 1871. Strong, R. G. 71-3, Wright, C. S. 77- 83, Hansen, 83-6, Boocock, 86-99, Wyckoff, C. S. 1899-1910. Or- ganized as the Grace Reformed Church, 1903, which see. No. (in). 77. Flatlands, (Amersfort, Midwout), L.I., 1654. Polhemus, J. T. 1654-76, (assisted by Megapolensis, J. 1664-9), Van Zuuren, 1677- 85, Varick, 1685-94, Lupardus, 1695- 1702, Antonides, 1706-44, Arondeus, 1742-7, Van Sinderin, 1746-84, Curtenius, 1755-6, Rubel, 1759-83, Schoonmaker, 1784-1824, Lowe, P. 1787-1818, Monteith, 19-20, Cruikshank, 24-34, Baldwin, 36-52. Davie, 53-6i. Doolittle, T. S. 62-4, Brett, C. 65-9, Dec, DuBois, A. 70-82. Gard- ner, J. S. 1883-1913, P.E. 1913 . Roeder, C. W. 1914 . "Doc. Hist. N.Y." i. 431. See "Rev. Dr. Anson Du Bois' Hist, of," in "Stiles' Hist, of Brooklyn." Original MSS. in Sage Library. 78. Bushwick, (Boglit), Bushwick Av., 1654. Polhemus, J. T. 1654- 76, Selyns, ii56o-4, occasionally supplied by Van Zuuren, 1677-85, occasionally supplied by Varick, 1685-94, occasionally supplied by Lupardus, 1695-1702, Freeman, 1705-41, Antonides. 1706-44, Aron- deus, 1742-7, Van Sinderin, 1746-84, Curtenius, 1755-6, Rubel, 1759-83, Schoonmaker, M. 1784-1824, Lowe. P. 1787-1808, Bas- 682 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA sett, 1811-24, Meeker, 25-1830, again, 30-76, Powell, 76-83, Barr, 83-6, Ford, 87-91, McClelland, T. C. 92-3, Jackson, W. H. 98- 1900, Hume, J. C. 1901-1902, Mead, Elias (S.S.) 1904-1905 and 1907-1908, Munro, J. J. (S.S.) 1909-1910. Dropped 1919. "Doc. Hist." i. 431. 79. Gravesend, 1655. Polhenius, J. T. 1655-76, Selyns, 1660-4, supplied occasionally by Van Zuuren, 1677-85, supplied occasionally by Varick. 1685-94, supplied occasionally by Lupardus, 1695- 1702, Antonides, 1706-44, Arondeus, 1742-7, Van Sinderin, 1747-65, Curtenius, 1755-6, Schoonmaker, M. 1765-1824, Bassett, 181 1-24, Labagh, I. P. 32-42, Labagh, A. I. 42-59, Hansen, 59-71, Stock- well, 72-87, Van Buskirk, 87-1912, Clifford, P. H. 1913-1917, Fletcher, O. M. 1918 . "Doc. Hist." i. 411, 432. "Sutphen's Hist. Disc," 1877. , ^o. Brooklyn, (Midwout), Jeroloman St., 1660. (Polhemus, J. T. (S.S.) 1656-60), Selyns, 1660-4, Carl DcBois. prelector, carried- ried on the services, 1664; Polhemus again, 1664-76, Megapolen- sis, S. 1664-8, Van Zuuren, 1667-85, Rudolphus Varick, 1685-94, Lupardus, 1695-1702, (Vesey, Epis., 1702-5), Freeman, 1705-41, Antonides, 1706-44, Arondeus, 1742-7, Van Sinderin, 1746-84, Cur- tenius, 1755-6, Rubel, 1759-83, Schoonmaker, M. 1784- 1824, Lowe, P. 1787-1808, Johnson, J. B. 1802-1803. Woodhull, 1806-25, Mason, E. 26-8, Rouse, 28-33, Dwight, M. 33-55, Van Gieson, 55-9, Willetts, 60-5, Kimball, 65-74 Dickson, H. R. 75-7, Vanderveer, D. N. 78-86, Chapin, 88-9. Farrar, 1890-1917, P.E. 1917-21, Derby- shire, A. J. 1917-1918, Van Zanten, J. W. 1920 . In Ecc. Rec. N.Y., many letters ; "Stiles' Hist, of Brooklyn," 3 vols., 8vo, 1869-70; "Col. Hist. N.Y.," sec Index: "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii. 75; "Mag. R.D.C." iii. 52; "Thompson's Hist. L.L" , E. D. (S.S.) 1903-1910, Wouters, A. 1910-1916, Clark, W. W. (S.S.) 1918-1919. See "Porter's Hist. Disc," 1866. «4. Central, or 2d, or Brooklyn Heights, Henry St., 1837. Garretson, J. Miss, to, 36-7, Van Arsdale, C. C. supplied, 38-40, Brodhead, 41-6, McLaren, 1847-49. See Church on the Heights, No. 94. 85. East New York, 184c. Campbell, W. H. 39-41, Schoonmaker, M. V. 42-9, Strong, J. 50-4, Munn, 56-67, Blauvelt, C. R. 68-74, Hill, W. J. 75-82, Van Pelt, D. 82-7, Brooks, J. W. 88-93, Dick- son, J. M. 1894-1903, Cornish, F. L. 1904 . Name changed to Forest Park, 1913, which see No. 113. S6. South Brooklyn, Third Av., 1840. Van Arsdale, C. C. supplied, THE CHURCHES 68.-, 40-1, Woodbridge, 42-50, Rowland, 53, Manning, 54-73- Myers, H V S 74-82, Mason, A. D. W. 82-91, Bergen, J. T. 92-5. Dick- haut, B. E. 1896-1903, Macdonald, W. J. 1904-1917, Watson, R. A. 1917- «7. Fourth, 1841. Williamson, P. S. 1841-2. to., 88. Middle, Harrison St., 1846. Oakey, 47-9, Talmage, I R. 50-2, Smith, N. E. 53-68, Ingersoll, Jan. 69-83, Ford, W H. 83-7. ^o. Bedford, or East Brooklyn, (Ormond Place) 1847. Lloyd, Miss, to, 1847, Elmendorf, A. 48-51. Schenck, J. W. 53-5, West. L 55-68, Farmer, 68-70, Carroll, J. H. 72-6, Kipp, P E. 77-8i, Griffin, W T 81-6, George, H. W. (S.S.) 88. Berg. H. C. 88-95, Perry, W. D. (S.S.) 95-7- Dropped 1904. a d a^- - ,8.8 90. Green Point. Kent St., 1848. Van Nest, A. R., Miss, to, 1848, Ward J W. 1849-54. Talmage. G. 1855-62, Peek, G. H. 1863-5, Van Gieson, 1866-7. McKelvey. A. 1867-7^, Francis, 1873-1904. PE 1904-1921. Hutchins. R. G. 1905-1910. Watson, R. A. 1911- 1917, Dushaw. A. I. 1918-1919, Kerschred. H. B. (S ;=.) 1920- 1921, Thena, Robert, 1921 . See G. Talmage s Publications. -01 Twelfth St., 1850. (Formerly North Gowanus). Pierce, 51-75- Gulick, U. D. 75-88. Lloyd, J. E. 88-190C, Denman. 1901-1904, Caton.'j. C. 1904-1915. Rauscher. J. C. 1916- 92 New Brooklyn, (Ger.), 1851. (Herkimer St.). Dickhau^. 54-66, Heyser, 67-70, Suckow, 70-9. Weber. Jacob, 79-93. Erhardt, .93. North!^ Clermont Av., 1851. Elmendorf. A. 51-65. Enyard. 65-73. Thompson. A. R. 73-84. Perry. W. D. 85-90. Hallenbeck. E. F. 91-3, McClelland. T. C. 93-6. Demarest. Jas. (S.S.) 189S-1902 United with the Bethany Chapel to form the Bethany Reformed Church. 1902, which see No. no. .94. Church on the Heights. Pierrepont St., 1851. (This was m some resnects a continuation of the Central Ch., which Dr. Bethune had supplied from Sept.. 1849). Bethune, 5i-9- Fells. 60-6. Eddy. 67-71 Inglis 72-7. Mitchell. 78-80. Hutton, A. J. 81-7. Davis. W R. 88-93, Adam. J. D. 1893-1907. Magill, A. 1908-1913. Shan- non, F. F. 1914-1919, Davidson, T. W. 1921. See "Dr. Inglis Hist. Sen," 1876. (i). Chapel on the Heights. 1855. Quackenbush, 1855-9. (2). Bethany Chapel. Hudson Av. Myers, A. E. 70-1. 9,''.'^'y°^^' 71-2, Shaw, A. 72-7, Whitehurst. 77-81. Tilton. 89-91. Wyckoflf. C E 93-7. Makely. 97-1900. Addy. 1900-1902. United with the North Reformed Church to form the Bethany Reformed Church. 1902, which see No. no. •95 South Bushwick. Bushwick Av., 1851. Himrod. 51-9, Wortman, 60-3. Hartranft. 64-6. Voorhees. H. V. 67-9. Hulst. 69-1900. Niles, 1901-1910, Pfeiffer. H. N. 1910-1913. Meyer. A. J. 1914 — — 96 Lee Avenue. 185s. Halloway. W. W. 1855-9. Holmes, J. McC. 1859- 64, Willets, 1865-6, Hicks, 1867-8. Carroll, 1869-72. [North Sixth St. Mission. 1858]. 97. Bergen Hill, 1859-61. Baird, 1860-61. 98. Ger. Evang.. (St. Peter's. Union Av.). E. D.. 1866. (Formerly Independent Lutheran. 1853-6; Pohle. 1853-Q. Zapf. G. A. P. 1859- 63, Hennike, H. 1863-5. Riedenbach, 1865-6), Wagner, 66-94, Guenther. J. C. 86-1900. Wacker. 1900 . United with the German" Evangelical of Manhattan to form Trinity Church, Brooklyn, which see No. n4. 99. [Myrtle Av. Mission. 1868. Noble, 68-9]. 300. [Grace Chapel. 1871. See Flatbush. No. 76 and Grace Reformed Church No. in]. 684 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA loi. Flatbush 2d, (Ger.), 1874. (East Broadway). Friedel, 75-87, Scholz, 88-9, Bruschweiller, 91. Jensen, 92-4, Goebel, L. 1895-1918, Wahl, H. J. 1918 102. Canarsie, 1876, (Ger.). Dickhaut, C. 76-87, Schlieder, F. E. 87-9, Nicolai, 90-91, Ficken, 91-190C, Herge, 1901-1909, Meier, Jacob 1909 103. Ocean Hill, 1885. (Herkimer St.). Quick, A. M. 85-1900, Seibert, F. A. 1900-1904, Voegelin, C. F. N. 1904-1908, Hageman, A. 1909 104. Edgewood, (Blythbourne), 1891. (54th St. and 14th Av.). Adams, W. T. E. 1891-1906, Weber, H. C. 1906-1912, Morris, R. C. 1912- 1916, Wouters, A. 1916— — 105. Church of Jesus, 1891. Guenther, A. 1893-1902. P.E. 1902-1908, Schumacher, G. 1902, Gunther, John C. (S.S.) 1902, Barny, Wm. F. 1903-1905, Nickse, L. 1905-1907, Oswald, C. 1907 106. Greenwood Heights, 1892. (41st St.). Stockwell, 94-9, Van Ars- dale, N. H. (S.S.) 99-1901, Arcularius, (S.S.) 1902-1904, Kip, F. N. 1904-1906, Anderson, C. T. 1906-1914, Tyndall, S. G. 1915-20. 107. Bay Ridge, 1896. (2d Av. and 8cth St.). Scudder, C. J. 1897-1907, Young, F. P. 1908-1918. 108. Emmanuel, (German-American) (East New York), 1897. Boet- cher, 98-1902, Oswald, 1903-1907. Disbanded 190S. 109. Woodlawn Chapel, (East 9th St.), 1900. Bogert, N. J. M. 1900- 1901. See Woodlawn Church, No. 112. 110. Bethany Reformed Church. Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, 1902. Formed by union of the North Reformed Church and Bethany Chapel of the Church on the Heights, 1902. Demarest, James 1902-1911, P. E. 1911-1913, Clifford, P. H. 1911-1913, Waugh, A. J. 1915-1918. 111. Grace Reformed Church, 1903, Flatbush Ave. (Organized from the Grace Chapel of Flatbush, 1903). Wyckoff, C. S. 1903-1910, Carter, G. W. 1911-21. 112. Woodlawn, 1906, Prospect Park, Brooklyn. (Woodlawn Chapel, 1900). Addy, J. G. 1906 113. Forest Park, Schenck Ave., Brooklyn. N.Y., 1913. Formed by union of East New York and Presbyterian Church of Forest Park, 1913. See No. 85. Cornish, F. L. 1913 114. Trinity, 1919, Penn St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Formed by union of Ger- man Evangelical, Brooklyn and German Evangelical, Manhattan, 1919, Wacker, G. G. 1919 . For Brooklyn, see Ecc. Rec. N.Y., many letters. Stile's Hist. Brooklyn, 3 vol. 8vo, 1869-70. Col. Hist. N.Y., see Index. Doc. Hist. N.Y. iii. 75. Mag. R.D.C. iii. 52. Thompson's Hist. L.I. Van Pelt's Hist, of Greater N.Y. IV. NEW YORK CITY — BOROUGH OF QUEENS. - 115. Jamaica, 1702. Antonides, 1706-41, (Van Basten, 1739-40), Goet- schius, J. H. 1741-8, Romeyn. Thos. 1753-60. supplied by Kettel- tas, 1760-2, Boelen, 1766-72, Froeligh. S. 1775-6, Van Nest, R. 1785-97. Kuypers, Z. H. 1794-1818, Schoonmaker, J. 1802-50, Gar- retson, G. I. 1835-49. Alliger, 1850-70. Van Slvke, J. 1870-6, De Hart, 1877-87, Walser, 89-91, filton, E. 91-8, Wick, 1898 . "Doc. Hist.," iii. 75, 78. "Smith's Hist. N.Y.," Onderdonk's Hist., 1884. Christian Int., April 28. 1897. 116. Newtown, Elmhurst. 1731. (Van Basten, 17^9-40), Goetschius, J. H. 1741-8, Romeyn, Thos. 1754-60. Boelen, 1766-80, Froeligh, S. 1775-6. Van Nest. R. 1785-97, Kuypers, Z. H. 1794-1802, Schoonmaker, J. 1802-49, Garretson, G. I. 35-49, Strong, T. C. 49-59. Anderson, W. A. 59-66, Shepard, 67-91, Ennis, H. W. 92-4, Clearwater, 1894-1922. See "Riker's Annals of Newtown." THE CHURCHES 685 117. Astoria. 1830. Bishop, Alex. 40-53. Ten Eyck. W. H. 53-73, Haines. M. L. 1874-85. Crammer. 85-93, Van Pelt, D. 94-8, Rauscher. 1898-1916, Rosenraad, A. C. 1916-1919. Bolsterle, G. S. 1920 118. Flushing, 1842. Gordon, 1843-9. Mandeville, G. H. 1851-9, Hallo- way, W. 1859-65, Fairchild. 1866-71, Cobb, O. E. 1872-90, Dem- arest, Jas. 90-7, Potter. R. H. 98-1900, Swain, J. R. 1901-1905. Mackenzie. T. H. 1905 . See "Doc. Hist. N.Y." i. 432; and "Cobb's Hist. Sketch," 1882. 119. Astoria, 2d (Ger.), 1854. Boehrer, 54-6.— Revived, 1862. Wenisch, 65-6, Steinfuhrer, 1873 120. Newtown, 2d (Ger.), 1855. Boehrer, 55-6. Dickhaut, C. 56-61, Wenisch, 65-6. Steinfuhrer. 67-73. Wenisch, 74-8, Hock, 93-6, Bender, 96-1901, Sauerbrunn, 1901-1904, Meier, J. 1905- 1907, Schoerk. G. J. 1907-1918. Bosshart, J. G. 1918 121. East Williamsburgh. 1855. (New Jersey Av.). Holmes. J. McC 57-9. Pearse, 59-60, Kip, I. L. 61-2. Durvea, W. R. 63-4. Ferris Wm. 73-84. Van Giesen, D. E. (S.S.) 1899-1900. Declared ex- tinct 1912. 122. Queens, 1857. Hammond, J. W. 59-63. Wyckoff, Jas. 64-71, Nich- oUs, 71-5, Hageman, A. 75-87. Demarest, J. S. N. 1887-1917, Lyon, D. E. 1918 123. Locust Valley. 1871. Hart. John, 72-5, Craig, 75-80, Mason. A. D. W. 80-2. Smock. 83-98. Shook, 1902-1905, vacant, 1905-12, Bau- meister, J. (S.S.) 1910-1912, Eastman. E. F. 1912-1917, Miller. E. W. 1917-21. 124. College Point. 1872. Fairchild. 72-6. Berg. H. C. 78-88, Baumeister 88-98. Malven, 1898-1905, Shephard, R. L. (S.S.), 1906-1908, Dangremond, A. C. V. 1908-1915, Sluj-ter. H. 1915-20 Herge H J. 1921 125. Long Lsland City, ist, (Laurel Hill), 1875. (Academy St.). Perry, 75-6. Garretson. G. R. 76-7. Gutweiler. 77-85, Shaw, Alex 1885-1915. Doyle. D. P. 1915-1919, Scofield, F. A. 1919 . Ch. Int., June 20. 1900. 126. Jamaica. (St. Paul's), Ger.. 1876. Hones, 1876-80, Freeh 81-5 Hartig. 86-99. (Hock, 94, Bender, 97), Stoebener, 1900 127. Stemway, 1891. Bergen, J. T. (S.S.) 84-6, Gulick, U. D. (S S ) 90-1900, Laufer, (S.S.) 19CO-1906, Collins, C. M. (S.S) 1906- 1908. Lang. G. (S.S.) 1909-1913, Strauss, P. F. (S.S.) 1911- 1915. P. 1915 128. Ridgewood, Evergreen, 1891. Hume, Miss, to, 93-5. Weber Jac 95-7. Israel. G. R. 1897 129. Long Island City. 2d (Sunnvside). (Buckley St.), 1896 Olandt C 1896 Doyle, D. P. 1897-1903, Lyons, A. P. (S.S.) 1907-1908. Allebash, A. I. (S.S.) 1917. Severance. C M. (S.S.) 1920 130. New Hyde Park. 1893. Hieber. 93-5. Van Giesen, D. E (S S ) 96-1900. MacNeil, W. W. 1915-1918, Van Antwerpen, A E 1918- i9-'o. Smith, M. B. 1920 131- Winfield, Wintield Junction, N.Y., 1907. Miller, W J H 1907- 1911, Adams, W. T. E. 191 1 132. German Evangelical, Far Rockaway. Inwood. L.I., 1909 Hopf P. H. 1909-1915. Bosshart, J. G. 1916-1918. Wettstein. A. L. 1918- 20. V. NEW VORK CITY — BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. STATEN ISLAND. 133. Fresh Kills. 1665. A church was built not far from the present site of the church of the Huguenots, for the French, about this time- supplied by Drisius. 1652-60? Selvns. 1660-4, Tesschenmaker' 686 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1682-3, Daille, 1638-8, by Bonrepos, David, 1683-1714, when they coalesced with the Dutch. See Richmond, 1714, No. 136. 134. South Side, 1665. (At Stony Brook). A church was built by the Waldenses and Huguenots, and they were supplied by Drisius, 1652-60, Selyns, 1660-4, Tesschenmaker, 1682-3, by Daille, 1683-8, Vanden Bosch, 1687-89, Bonrepos, 1697-1714. Afterward the site of the church was transferred to Richmond. See Richmond, 1714, No. 136. 135. North Side, Port Richmond (or Cityville), 1680. Supplied occa- sionally by Van Zuuren, 1680-85, by Tesschenmaeker, 1680-82, by Varick. 1685-95, by Bertholf, 1694- 171 8, by Freemen, 1705-41, by Antonides, 1706-44, and occasionally by Vas, 1710-18; pastor. Van Santvoord. C. 1718-42, (De Wint, 1751-2), Jackson, W. 1757-89, Stryker, P. 1790-4, Kirby, 1797-1801, Van Pelt, P. I. 1802-35, Brownlee, Jas. 35-95, Demarest, A. H. 84-1901, Berg, J. F. 1902-1911, Mohn. O. L. F. 1911 136. Richmond, 1714. (Union of French, Dutch, and English). Sup- plied by Bertholf, 1714-24, by Freeman, 1714-41, by Antonides, 1714-44, by Vas, 1714-18; pastor, Van Santvoord, C. 1718-42, (De Wint, 1751-2), Jackson, W. 1757-76. Burned by the British. (See Richmond, No. 137. 137. Richmond, 1808. Van Pelt, P. I. 1808-35, Brownlee, Jas. 35-53, Peck, T. R. G. 54-60, White, E. N. 59-62, Fehrman, 62-6, Sinclair, 1866-75, Ktp. F. M. 1876-80. Name dropped, 1886. 138. Brighton Hights, (Tompkinsville), 1820. Van Pelt, P. I. 20-3, Miller, J. E. 23-47. Thompson. A. R. 48-51, Brett, P. M. 51-60, Hitchcock, 60-65, Timlow. 66-8, Watson, T. 69-71, Enyard, 73-9, Clark, W. W. 80-7, Hutchins, J. 87-92, Lowe, T. O. 93-8. Stout, J. C. 1898-1902, Allen, A. H. 1902-1907, Lenington, G. C. 1908- 1917, Brinckerhofif, J. H. 1917 139. Huguenot, (Westfield, Seaside), 1850. La Tourette, 52-4, Gregory,. T. B. S5-6o, Stryker, H. B. 61-71, Kip, F. M. (Sr.) 72-80, vacant, 80-96, Junor, D. 1897-1911, Snyder, D. C. 1911-1918, Frost, H. D. 1922 140. Stapleton, S.L, 1851. Thompson, A. R. 1851-8, Skinner, 1859-67. 141. Tottenville. 1855-8. 142. Tompkinsville, 2d, i860, (Ger.). 143. German Evangelical, St. Peter's, Kreischersville, S.L, 1881, Ganss, J. 1883-1912, Ganss. J. (S.S.) 1915. Dropped 1918. 144. Princes Bay, 1900. Junor, D. 1900-1911. Reorganized as Prince Bay, 1921. Frost, H. D. 1922 145. Mariners' Harbor, S.L. N.Y., 1905. Rockefeller, De W. G. 1907- 1913, Compton, W. E. 1913-1919, Walser, O. H. 1921 146. Clover Road Chapel, S.L, 191 5. (Clove Valley Chapel). Muller, E. T. 1910-20. See Ecc. Rec. N.Y. Doc. Hist. iii. 76. Ch. Int., 11, 125. Dr. James Brownlee's Dis. at 200th Anniversary of his Church. Also his Dis. at 40th' anniversary of his pastorate. Clute's "Hist, of Staten Island." New York Mills, Oneida Co., N.Y., 1895. Bergmans, 97-1901. Hogen- boom, S. M. 1904-1905, TePaske, J. W. 1906-08, Tevis. John, 1909- 1910. Dropped 1911. See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 124. Niigata, 1869-70, see Japan. Niskayuna. (Nestegauna, Canastigoine), Schenectady Co., N.Y., about 1780, Samson Occum, a Mohican Indian from Connecticut, often supplied them ; also Lorenzo Dow, a Methodist ; Romeyn, D., Westerlo, and Van Bunschoten. E. supplied. 1780-90, Demarest, J. 1790-1799, (S.S.) Bassett, Close, Romeyn, Bork, Meyer, 1802- 1805, Romeyn, T. 1806-27, McKelvey, J. 27-30, Van Wagenen, 31-5, Raymond, 35-50, Talmage, G, THE CHURCHES 68/ 51-5. Wells. C. L. 55-8, De Baun, J. A. 58-83, Ditmars, 1883 . See "Doc. Hist." i. 245 ; "De Baun's Hist. Sketch"; "Smith's N.Y." 306. — Ditmars and Pearse's Addresses at 150th anniversary, 1900. Christ, Int., Oct. 10, 1900. Nominack. now Minisink. Noordelors, Mich., 1856. Van den Bosch, K. 56-7, seceded. Noord, Holland, or North Holland, Mich. Norfolk St., see 68th St., N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Norman. Okl., 1907. Dropped 1909. Norman's Kill, Albany Co.. N.Y., 1783? See "Brodhead's N.Y." i. 81. Norris, Fulton Co.. 111. (station). Bogardus, W. E., Miss, to, 1868-74, Williamson. N. D. 70-2, Lansing, A. G. 73-4, Beekman, A. J. 74-6, Bumstead, (S.S.) 76-86, name dropped, 1895. North and South Hampton, (Bensalcm. Neshaminy), Churchville, Bucks Co.. Pa.. 1710. (A.R.D.C. but in connection with the German Ccetus, 1747-71). Van Vleck. P. 1710-12, supplied by Rev. Malachi Jones, Presbyt. 1714-21, Frelinghuysen. often supplied, 1721-30, C. Van Sant- voord, (S.S.) 1730. Dorsius, 1737-43, again, 1744-8. Goetschius, 1738- 40, supplied by Schlatter, once a month. 1746-50. Du Bois. Jonathan, 1751-72. Schenck. Wm. 1777-80, Leydt, M. 1780-3, Stryker, P. 1788-90, Brush, J. C. 1794-6. Larzalere, 1797-1828, Halsey, A. O. 29-67, Knowl- ton, 60-4, De Hart, 68-70, Voorhees, H. M. 71-7, Lippincott, 77-81, Streng, 82-90, Craig, 1891-1911. Strohauer, P. J. 1912-1917, Roddy. J. S. (S.S.) 1917-21. See "Davis' Hist, of Bucks Co., Pa." — "Hall's Hist, of Presbyt. Ch. of Trenton." 1859, page 19; "Murphy's Presby- tery of the Log College." p. 200; and especially "the Churchviile Chron- icle." Aug. 26. 2"/. 1885, for acct. of early settlement, and "Prof. Hinke's Ch. Record of Neshaminy and Bensalem, 1710-38," in "Journal of Presbyt. Hist. Soc." 1901. See also "Ch. Int.," 1859, June 30. Wm. Penn first offered the persecuted Dutch in the Netherlands this home in Pa. North Bergen, Weehawken. {Gcr.), Hudson Co., N.J., 1853. Mohn, 55-7, Becker, 57-60, Justin. 1865-1902, Nickse, L. 1902-1905, Justin, J. 1906- 1910, Mager, Wm. 1910 North Blendon, (Conger), Hudsonville, Mich., 1903. Vanden Bo.sch, T. M. (S.S.) 1907, Gruys, W. S. 1909-1913, Burggraff, J. J. 1914-20, Van Peuren, J. 1922 North Blenheim, Schoharie Co., N.Y.. 1850. Scribner, (S.S.) 47-8, Van Woert, 50-3, See, W. G. E. 53-9. Shafer, 60-7. Vandewater, 67-9. Miller, E. 72-84. Phelps. P. 86-95, Whitney, 96-8, Beale. 1 901 -1903, vacant, 1903-1915. Vander Kam. P. (S.S.) 1915 . Occasional supplies 1915 North Branch, now Readington. N.J. North Branch. Somerset Co.. N.J.. 1825. Fisher, G. H. 26-30, Wilson, A. D. 31-8, Campbell, J. K. 38-54, Doolittle, P. M. 1856-1906, Corwin, C. E. 1907-1915, Sauerbrunn, L. 1916 See Semi-Centennial of Rev. P. M. Doolittle, 1906. North Branch, Sullivan Co., N.Y., 1871. Elterich. North Carolina, Johnson, W. L., Miss, in, 1869-74. North Church, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan, Collegiate Church No. ^7). North Church Chapel, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan, Chapels of the Collegiate Church (c). North Creek, 111., 1862. North Easton, see Easton. North Esopus, 1851, .see Port Ewen, N.Y. North Gowanus, 1850, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklvn. (No. 91). North Hackensack, N.J., 1876. Until 1812 called Cherry Hill, N.J. Wood, C. W. 1877-1878, Graham, 1878-1884, Harris, J. F. 1886-1891, Manchee, THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1891-1893, Duryee, Ab. 1894-1911, Freer, H. A. 1912-1918, Miller, W. J. H. 1918-1919, Walter, A. J. 1920 North Hamilton, see East Overisel. North Harlem, 1820. Perhaps an error for New Harlem. North Hempstead, Manhasset, L.I., 1816. (Success, 1731)- (Van Basten, 1739-40). Goetschius, J. H. 1741-8, Romeyn, Thos. 1754-60, Boelen, 1766-72, Froeligh, S. 1775-6, Van Nest, R. 1785-97, Kuypers, Z. H. 1794-1824, Bogert, D. S. 13-26, Heermance, Henry, 26-7, Otterson, 28-34, Robb, 35-7, Gordon, 38-43, Sheffield, 43-6, Schoonmaker, R. L. 47-52, Demarest, Jas. (Sr.) 53-9, Boice, 59-70, Davis, W. E. 71-9, Stevenson, Wm. 80-1, Martine, 82-91, Zabriskie, A. A. 91-2, Duncombe, 1893-1907, Maddaus, O. 1907 . See "Onderdonk's Annals"; "Moore's Hist, of"; "Gen. and Biog. Rec." x. 1-19. North Holland, (Noord Holland, or New Holland), Holland, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1853, revived, 1856. Oggel, E. C. 66-70, Van Ess, 70-84, De Jong, , J. P. 83-7, Bloemendal, 90-1, Stegeman, Ab. 93-8, Strabbing, 1900-1905. Wesselink, J. 1905-1910, Tysse, G. 1911-1919, Klaaren, J. 1921 North Marbletown, 1851, see Marbletown. North Marion, Litchville, N.D. (Marion) 1908. Vander Schaaf, J. J. 1910- 1912, Brink, J. W. 1915-1919, Petterson, H. M. 1920-21. North Newark, see Newark. North Orange, 1883, see Newkirk, la. North Park, 1909, see Kalamazoo, Mich. North Passaic, 1868: see Passaic, N.J. North Paterson, 1894, see Paterson, N.J. North Sibley, Little Rock, Sibley, la., 1895. Janssen, 1896-1903, Zindler, G. 1903-1909, Koerlin, E. F. 1909-1913, Potgeter, H. J. 1914-1918. North Sterling, see Sterling, N.Y. Nortumberland, Bacon Hill, Schuylerville, Saratoga Co., N.Y., 1820. Dur- yee, 1820-28, Mair, 29-31, May, 34-8, Wyckoff, C. 38-41- Slauson, 43- 53, Van Wyck, P. 53-6, McCartney, 57-63, Markle, 64-5, Kellogg, 67-72, Labaw, 73-4, Ford, 75-80, Mills, G. A. 82-4, Bailey, J. W. 85-6, Den- man, 88-91, Gulick, N. J. 92-6, Davis, L. E. 96-7, Luckenbill, 97-8, Viele, 1899-1902, Van Ess, J. 1904-1909, Classical Missionary, 1912-1917, Ber- ger, A. L. (S.S.) 1918. North Western, 1893, see Chicago, 111. North Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington ,1901. Harmeling, S. J. 1901-1904, Borgers, H. (S.S.) 1904, TeSelle, J. W. 1905-1906, Van der Naald, H. 1906-1910, DePree, J. 1910-1911, Bruins, B. 1912-1914, Van Heuvelen, B. 1914-21, Van Lierop, J. B. H. 1921 Norwood Park, 1871, see Chicago, 111. Nutley, 1855, sec Franklin, N.J. Nyack, Rockland Co., N.Y., 1838. Brett, P. M. 38-42, Hagaman, C. S. 43- 52, Van Zandt, B. 52-5. Lord, D. 56-60, Marvin, 60-70, Voorhees, H. V. 71-8, McCorkle, (S.S.) 78-81, Clark, W. H. 81-6, Van Deventer, J. C. 86-92, Leggett, W. J. 93-1901, Prentice, S. 1904 Oakdale Park, 1889, see Grand Rapids, Mich. Oak Harbor, Wash., 1903. Borgers, H. (S.S.) 1903-1905, Vander Beek, J. 1905-1908, Rottschaeffer, Wm. 1909-1915, DeWitt, H. 1917 . Cook, M. 1919 Oakhill, 1787, see Durham, N.Y. Oakland, see East Overisel, Mich. Oakland, 1710, see Ponds, N.J. Oak Park, 1911, see Chicago, West Side. Oak Tree, N.J., 1912, see Marconnier, N.J. Ocean Hill, 1885, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Ogilvie, Minn., 1921. Oita, 1910, see Japan. THE CHURCHES 689 O-kange. 1864, see China. Oklahoma, see Colony, Columbian Memorial Church; Fort Sill and Cor- dell, Arapahoe, Liberty, Harrison. Oklahoma City, Okl., 1908. Colby, H. E. (S.S.) 1908, Riepma, S. F. 1908- 191 1. Disbanded 191 1. Olinda, 1654, see Brazil. Old Stissing, (Ger.), 1746, see Gallatin, N.Y. Olivia, Renville Co., Minn., 18 — . Olive, 1799, see Shokan, N.Y. Olive I-^af, Waukonda, McCook Co., S.D., 1886. Vacant, 86-8, (omitted in the Syn. Minutes, 88-93), Linton, J. C. 94-6, Miedema, 96-7, classical missionary, 1897-1902. Dropped 1902. Omi, 1843, see Ghent, 2d, N.Y. Onesquethaw, Albany Co., N.Y., 1839. Feura Bush, Jerusalem, Clarksville. Existed previously as Presbyt. Van Santvoord, S. 39-64, Millspaugh, 66-72, Vedder, E. 73-84, Perlee, 84-6, Brown, W. S. 89-91, various sup- plies, 1891-1908, Gulick, G. W. 1908-1909, Ballard, Bruce, 1910-1913, Hageman, T. A. 1913-1917, Millett, J. 1917 Ontario, Ontario Centre, Wayne Co., N.Y., 1884. Reorganized, 1896. Hogenboom, 1899-1904, Bahler, P. G. M. 1903-1908, Hospers, G. H. 1908 Oostburg. Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1850. Vander Schuer, 56-66, Karsten, 67- 69. Te Winkle, 69-71, Hoffman, J. 74-8i, Karsten, 83-4, Lubacli, 86-93- Karsten, 93-9, Sietsema, 1900-1904, Rozendaal, A. 1904-1907, Beckering, W. 1908-1911, Pasma, H. K. 1913-1917, Swart, P. 1918-21, Laman, A. T. 1921 Oppenheim, Fulton Co., N.Y., (St. John's, Yonker's Bush), 1816. DeVoe, D. 1816-1830. Oppenheim, N.Y., 2d, 1821. Vanderveer, J. C. 1822-3. Oppenheim, N.Y., 3d, 1826. DeVoe, D. i826-(?). See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery CI., 124. Oradell, Bergen Co., N.J., 1891. DeWitt, J. T. E. 1892-1903, McCully, E. T. 1904 Orange, a name applied to Tappan, at first in Orange Co., N.Y. The church was chartered under this name, bv N.Y., Feb. 25, 1783, and N.J.. Sept. 9. 1788. Orange, (East Orange), Essex Co., N.J., 1875. Bishop, G. S. 1875-1907, P.E. 1907-1914, Giles, W. W. 1907 Orangeburgh, Grace Church, S.C, 1880. This was a mission station for the Freedmen from 1876-80. Johnson, W. L. 1876-1913. Disbanded. Orans^e City, ist, Sioux Co., la., 1871. Bolks, 72-9, Baursma, 79-89, Vander Ploeg, 90-93, Kolyn, 93-8, Steffins, N. M. 1899-1901, Stapelkamp, E. W. 1901-1907, Engelsman, J. 1908— — Orancre City, (at West Branch), Sioux Co., Iowa, 1877; now Sioux Centre, la. Orange City, 2d, la., 1885. (American), 1885. De Spelder, J. A. (S.S.) 85-7, pastor, 87-94, Zwemer, J. F. (S.S.), Mar. -Nov., 94, Zabriskie, A. A. 94-6, Zwemer, J. F. Jan. -Nov., 96, De Jong, J. L. 96-7, Steren- berg, J. 97-8, Winter, J. P. 1899-1909, McEwan, D. 1911-1920, De Young, C. 1921 . See Ch. Int., May 12, 1897. Orange City, la., see Free Grace, Middleburgh, 1885. (Newkirk). Orange City, la.. Trinity, 1919. Steunenberg, J. 1919 Orattur, 1868, see India. Oregon, 1869, see Ebenezer, 111. Oskaloosa, la., 1912, (Central). DeBruine, S. 1919-21, Duiker, W. J. 1921— . — Osnaburgh, 1802, see Canada. Osquak, (Asquach), (CI. Montgomery), 1813. Morris, J., Miss, to, 1829. Ostpiak. Scccssio)!. (Asquach), 1823. Goetschius, S. Z. 1823-4. 690 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Otley, Marion Co., Iowa, 1871. Lansing, A. G. 71-2, Meulendyk, J. (S.S.) 77-8, Westing, 82-6, Ziegler, 87-92, Heines, 94-7, DeGroot, D. 97-9, Niemeyer, G. 1899-iqoi, Boer, H. K. 1902-1905, Brouwer, J. G. 1907- 1910, Ruisaard, M. C. 1910-1915, Grooters, P. 1916-1920, Pietenpol, H. J. 1920 Ottawa. Zeeland, Mich., 1916. Classical Missionary, 1916 Overisel, or Overyssel, Allegan Co., Mich., 1850. Organization came from Holland. Bolks, 47-3, Nykerk, 58-91, and Lepeltak, 77-91, Van den Berg, A. 1891-1906, Hekhuis, G. J. 1906-1917, Steunenberg, J. 1918-1919, Stageman, M. A. 1919 — — Overyssel, East, see East Overyssel. Ovid, Seneca Co., N.Y., 1808. Brokaw, Ab. 1809-22. Vanderveer. F. H., Miss. to. 23, Vanderveer. J., Miss, to, 23. Van Vechten, S., Miss, to, 23-4. Morris. J. 1824-8. The secession divided this church. Merged into Lodi, 1828, which see. Ovid, Secession, 1822. Brokaw, A. 1822? McNeil, 1838-68. Dailey Hist. of Montgomery Classis, 130. Owasco, Cayuga Co., N.Y., 1796. Sometime at first known as Aurelius Brokaw. Ab. 1796-1808. Brinkerhofif. G. G. 1809-12. Ten Eyck. C. 1812- 30. Hammond, J. 31-9, Evans. Wm. 39-46, Dutcher, 46-50, Raymond, 51-3. Ingalls. 53-64, Peeke. A. P. 65-72, Peeke. G. H. 72-5, Myers. A. E. 76-8, Barr, 80-3, Vaughan, J. 84-9, Van Allen, 90-2, Rodgers, J. A. (S.S.) 93-1903. Ivey. R. 1903-1905, Sargent, C. J. (S.S.) 1905-1910, Seibert, G. G. 1912-1916, supplied 1916-18, by Auburn student, Ratz, A. W., DeMeester, P. 1919-21. Col. J. L. Hardenbergh, Lieut, of 2d Reg., N.Y.. 1777-83. accompanied Gen. Sullivan against the Iroquois in 1779. He surveyed the military tract for bounty lands in Central N.Y., in 1789. and settled on Lot 47, (now Auburn, N.Y.), in 1793. In 1703. ten families migrated from Conowago, near Gettysburgh, Pa., and settled in 1795 on the east side of Owasco Lake. On Sept. 23, 1796. these organized a R.D.C. From "Rev. Dr. Hawley's Hist. Disc, at Auburn," 1869. See also church "Conowago" in this work; and "Rodger's Story of a Century." or "Brief Hist, of Refd. Ch. of Owasco," 1896; also "The Family of Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff," 1887, for an inter- esting account of the beginnings of Owasco Church. Oivasco. Secession. 1823. McNeil. 1824-8. Johnson. Wm. 18.38-1865. Owasco Outlet, (Sand Beach), Auburn, Fleming, Cayuga Co., N.Y., 1812. Ten Eyck. C. 1812-26. Westfall. 27-8. Dunlap. Miss. to. 28-9. Heermance, Henry, March-Nov., 29, Tarbell, 30-2. Rogers, L. 33-4, Kirkwood. 36-9, Moule. 39-41. Knight, R. W. 41-4, Winfiield, 44-50, Brown, S. R. 51- 9, Garretson, J. 61-4, Schenck. J. V. N. 65-7. Brown, S. R. (S.S.) 67- 9, Huntington, 70-71. Rice, W. A. (S.S.) 71-2, Dean, 73-5, McKinley, G. A. (S.S.) 76-7, Lawrence, (S.S.) 77-8. Anderson, Chs. 78-84, Dex- ter, R. R. H. (Presb.) 84-7. Leland. H. 88-9. Maar. (S.S.) 90-92. P. 92-3, Force. F. A. 95-8. Florence. E. W. 99-1901, Van Allen, I. (S.S.) 1902 . See Dailey Hist. Montgomery Classis, 77-83. Dean's Hist. Disc. N.Y. Evang.. July 22. 1875. Maar, Hist. Disc, 1893. Oyster Bay, (Wolver Hollow, Brookville), Glen Head. Nassau Co.. N.Y., 1732. (Van Basten, 1739-40). Goetschius. J. H. 1741-8, Romeyn, T. 1754-60. Boelen. 1766-80. Froeligh, S. 1775-6, Van Nest, R. 1785-97, Kuypers. Z. H. 1794-1824, Bogart, D. S. 13-26, Heermance, Henry, 26-7. Otterson, 27-34, Quinn, 35-41, Gregory, T. B. 41-4, Oakcy. 44-7, Smith. N. E. 47-53, McNair. 53-5. De Baun, 55-8, Lowe, J. C. 59-63, Searle. J. 63-6. Smock, 66-71, Swick. 71-7, Davis, J. A. 78-83, Smock, 83-96. Scudder, W. T. 97-9. Watermuelder. 1900-1, Ward, W. D. 1902- 1908, Macmillan. J. L. 1909-1911. Jackson, Wm. H. 191 1 . See Stout- enbergh's Hist., 1902. THE CHURCHES 69I Paghkatghkan, 1800, see Coshington and Middletown, Delaware Co., N.Y. Fame's Point and White Rock, Ogle Co., ill., 1870. See Ebenezer, 111. Paiston Kill. 1793. See "Mints. G. S." i. 256. Palatine, see St. Johnsville, 1825. Van Olinda, 1825-30, Van Cleef, C. (colleague), 1826. Disbanded 1832. Sec Dailey Hist. Mont. CI., 125. Doc. Hist. i. 341, iii. 674, 683, 686. Palco, Kas., see Asbury, Kans., 1 907-1912. Palisades, Fort Lee or Coytesville, Bergen Co., N.J., 1866. Vermilye, D., Miss, to, 66-8, See, I. M., Miss, to, 68-72, Davis, J. A. 72-3, Mattice. H. 73-8, Bogardus, 79-88, Buckelew, 88-91, Dean, 93-1900, Ferwerda, 1900-1905, Hamner, J. G. 1905-1907, Kelder, E. 1908 Palmaner, 1859, see India. Palmyra, Wayne Co., N.Y., 1887. Baas, 83-91, Lubeck, 92-8, Flikkema, 1898-1902, Meulendyke, J. 1902-1912, Flikkema, G. 1912-1918, Stegenga, M. 1918-1919, Tellman, H. E. 1920 Palsville, 1896, see Alexander, la. Palsville, see Emmanuel, la. Pandeteripo, see India. Panna, 1710, see Ponds, N.J. Paramus, Ridgewood, Bergen Co., 1725. Erickzon, 1725-8, Mancius, 1730-1, supplied by Curtenius and Van Driessen, J. 1731-8, Vanderlinde, 1748-89, Kuypers. G. A., 1788-9, Blauvelt, I. 1790-1, Kuypers, W. P. 1793-6, Eltinge, W. 1799-1850, Winfield, 51-6, Corwin, E. T. 57-63, De Mund, 64-70, Talmage, G. 1871-9, Vandeventer, 79-86, Vroom, 1887-1906, Cook, H. D. 1907 . See "Winfield's Sketch of," 1851, and "Corwin's Man- ual and Record of," 1858. 2d ed. enlarged, 1859. Paramus, Secession. 1823. Brinkcrhoof , J. G. 28-45, ^"« Hoiiten, 58-61, De Baun. J. Y. 65-75, Westervclt, 88-92, Isennan, 88-98. Park Church, 1852, .see Jersey City, N.J. Parkersburg, Fern, Butler Co., Iowa, 1874. De Beer, 74-80, Weiland, 80-3, Veenker, 84-92, Schafer, D. 1893-1908, Siemsen, D. 1908 See North Siblev. Stout. Park Hill, 1892, see Yonkers, N.Y. Park Ridge, 1814. see Pascack, N.Y. Pasaick, N.Y., 179.. See "Mints. Gen. Syn." i. 315. Pascack, Park Ridge, Bergen Co., N.J., 1814. Goetschius, S. 14-35, Man- ley, 34-53. Demarest, J. T. 54-67, Bartholf, B. A. 68-73, Lodewick, 1875-1903, Seibert, F. A. 1904 Passaic, Passaic Co., N.J., churches in : 1. Aquackanonck, 1693. Bertholf, G. 1694- 1724, Du Bois, Gid. 1724-6, Coens, 1726-35, Van Driessen, J. 1735-48, Marinus, 1752-73, Schoonmaker, H. 1774-1816. Froeligh, P. D. 16-25, Taylor, B. C. 25-8, Paulison, 29-31, Bogardus, W. R. 31-56, Strong, J. P. 56-69, Gaston, 69-95, Spaulding, A. (assistant), 93-5, Vennema, A. 1895-1911, Dawson, Edward 1912 . See "Ecc. Rec. N.Y." and "M.S. Hist. Ser. by Gaston"; also "Hist. CI. of Paramus," 190.. 2. Aquackanonck, Secession, 1825. Froeligh, P. D. 25-8, Bcrdan, 30-89. Vandcr Beck. 89-92, Van Houten, A. 92-5, Van Houten: f. F. 1894 3. Passaic 2d, (North), 1868. Strong, J. P. 69-72, Kellogg, 72-9, Anderson, A. 80^6, Whitehead, J. H. 1886-1905, Brown, w! D. 1905-1920, Bloom, W. S. 1921 4. Passaic, (Hoi.), 1873. Rederus. F. 74-6. Hazenberg, 77-9, Worm- ser, W. 82-4. Warnshuis, J. W. 86-7, Jacobs, C. W. 89-91, Jacobs, W. M. C. 93-5. Flipse, 1896-1909. Boer. N. 1909-1915. Van Duine, A. M. 1916 692 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 5. Fourth. Received from Christian Reformed Church, 1912-1915. Vanden Heuvel, A. J. 1912-1914. Passaic, see Guttenberg. Paterson, Passaic Co., N.J., churches in : 1. Totowa 1st, 1755. (On Water st. until 1827; Main st., 1827-71; since 1871 on Division st.). Marinus, 1756-67, (Biauw, Confer- entie, 1767-72), Meyer, H. 1772-91, Schoonmaker, H. 1799-1816, Eltinge, W. 16-33, Vandervoort, 34-7, Wiggins, 37-56, Peltz, 57- 60, McKelvey, A. 60-5, Steele, J. 65-77, Raymond, A. W. 78-81, Banner, 81-91, Vernol, 1891-1920, P.E. 1920 2. Totowa 2d, (Water St.), 1827. Field, J. T. 28-32, Cole. I. 32-3, Liddell, 34-8, Duryea, John H. 38-95, Milliken, P. H. 82-8, Welles, T. W. 1889-1908, P. E. 1908 , Maines, W. S. 1908-1914, Lons- dale, W. J. 1915-1920, Sluyter, Henry 1920 3. Secession, Independent, {Water St.), 1828. Amerman, 1843-55. 4. Holland ist, Clinton St., 1856. De Rooy, (S.S.) 56-8, Huyssoon, (S.S.) 59-64, when the church was reorganized. Huyssoon, 64-5, Bahler, P. B. 66-8, Huyssoon, 68-92, Betten, D. L. 94-97, Dekker, F. G. 1897-1910, Pool, Wm. 1911-1914, Tanis, H. 1914-1916, Sie- gers, P. 1917-1918, Bourma, H. 1919 5- (Hollandish Secession, cor. Bridge and River Sts.), 1858. DeRooy, 58-63, Bechtold, 64-6. . 6. Broadway, 1864. Halloway, W. W. 65-71, Clark, W. H. 72-81, Van Arsdale, N. }l. 81-95, Thompson, E. W. 1896-1904, Payson, G. H. 1905-19C8, Martin, J. M. 1908-1915, Blocker, S. 1915—^- 7. Main St. {Hoi 2d), 1866. Bechtold, 1866-7, Kasse, 1868-74; dis- banded 1875. 8. Sixth, {Hoi.) Godwin, St., 1867. Rutte, 1867-.., Houbolt, 7^-7, Koopman, H. R. 1879-84, Van Het Loo, 1888-1905, Van Lummel, A. J. 1906-1917, Schurrman, H. P. 1917 9. Union Reformed, {Hal.) Market St., now Auburn St., 1879. Hou- bolt, 79, Nies, H. E. 1879-1910, Heines, E. 1910-1914, Karreman, A. 1914-1918; Luxen, John 1919 10. Riverside, River st, 1887. King, A. A. 87-91, Church, J. B. 1892-1921, Dykema, A. C. 1921 11. People's Park, 1892. Smit, John, 1893-1911, Lumkes, J. M. 191 1- 1916, Hager, T. 191 6 12. North Patterson, 1894. Conover, G. M. 95-7, Johnston, Wm. 98-1900, Mead, E. (S.S.) 1901, Martin, J. M. 1902-1905, Van Hee, L S. 1905-1906, Herge, Chas. 1907-1912, Maass, H. W. 1913- 1914. DuBois, A. A. 1914-1915, Van Arsdale, E. B. 1916 13. Covenant, 1915. Caton, J. C. 1916-1920, Wilson, F. S. 1920 . Assistant, Shields, F. K. 1918-1919. See Paterson, See Preakness. Pattersonville, 1799, see Rotterdam ist, in Schenectady, N.Y. Pawagtenog, apparently the same as New Paltz 2d. In 1778, Rynier Van Nest was minister there in connection with Shawangunk. "Mins. of old Classis of Kingston." Peapack, Somerset Co., N.J., 1848. Anderson, W. 49-56, Thompson, H. P. 57-73. Anderson, C. T. 74-82, Scarlett, G. W. 83-8, Davis, G. 88-93, Hasbrouck, H. C. 94-1900, Johnston, Wm. 1901-1903, Simanton, T. M. 1903-1914, Baeder, F. N. 191 5-1920, Prochnau, Julius 1920 . See "Thompson's Hist. Peapack Ch." Peekskill, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1799. At first Congregational. In 1834 merged in the church of Courtlandtown. Manley, W. 1800-6. See Courtlandtown. Peekskill, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1850. (Van Nest Church.) Buck, 51- 70, Searle, Jer. 71-3, Thompson, J. B. 73-4, Kip, I. L. 75-9, Quick, A. M. THE CHURCHES 693 82-4, De Vries, H. 1884-1915, Mulder, J. 1916-1920, Jonker, Philip 1920 Peekskill, N.Y., Hungarian, 1911. DeVries, H. (Supt.) 1911, Krisik, A. A. 1912-1914, Pompl, R. H. 1914-1916, Hamory, L. S. H. 1918 Peenpack, (near Port Jervis,) 1761. Jacob Caudebeck, of Caudebeck, France, obtained a grant of 12,000 acres, called Peenpack. See Cudde- backville, N.Y. Huguenots and Hollanders from Ulster Co. N.Y. set- tled here about 1730. See "Mills' Hist. Disc." 1874, p. 4. Pekin, Tazewell Co., 111., 1843. Williamson, 43-8, Westfall, 49-56, Lloyd, 57-60, Williamson, N. D. (S.S.) 61-2, Gulick, U. D. 62-70, Thompson, Ab. (S.S.) 71-2, Livingston, E. P. (S.S.) 73-8, pastor, 78-83, Gamble, 85-go, Beattie, J. A. 90-1, Gorby, 92-3, Rust, 94-5, Sonnema, 97-1900, Bruins, H. M. 1901-1904, Brooks, J. W. (S.S.) 1904-1905, Van Hee, L 1908-1914. Transferred to Presbytery of Peoria, 1914. Pekins 2d, Schulke, 76-80, Terborg, 83-9, Schulke, 1891-1903, De Beer, J. 1903-1910, Bosch, F. C. S. 1911-1913, Schulke, 1914-1915, Kroesche, A. C. 1915-1917, Denekas, W. 1919 — — - Pella, Marion Co., la. ; churches in : 1. Pella ist, 1856. Oggel, P. 60-3, Winter, 66-83, Moerdyk, Wm. 86-9, DePree, P. 91-6, Veldman, 98-1901, Van Westenburg, J., 1902- 1905, Van Der Werf, S. 1905-1913, Wesselink, J. 1913 2. Pella 2d, 1863. Thompson, M., Miss, to, 62-8, 1868-71, (S.S.) 1872-4, Schermerhorn, H. R. 75-9, Huyser, G. 83-5, Wyckoff, A. N. 85-6, Sharply, 87-92, Ossewaarde, James 1895-1899, Dykstra, L. 1898- 1901, Vankersen, W. J. 1902-1910, Brinkman, B. F. 1910-1917, Bruins, H. M. 1917 3. Pella 3d, 1869. Lansing, A. G., Miss, at, 68-70, Weiland, 70-6, Zubli, (S.S.) 76, Rederus, F. 76-86, Smit, Jan., 87-92, Douwstra, H. 1893-1901, Pietenpol, H. J. 1902-1908, Bouma, P. A. J. 1908-191 1, Beckering, Wm. 1911-1915, Braak, P. 1916-20, Hankamp, G. 1921 4. Pella 4th, 1869. Vanderkley, 71-3, Stobbelaer, 73-9, independent. 5. Pella 4th, 1894. Root, 97-9, Ziegler. A. G. (S.S.) 1900-4, Dyk- huizcn, H. 1904-1907, Ossewaarde, M. 1908-1909. Church dropped 1910. Pella, Adams, Lancaster Co., Neb., 1884. Westing, E., Dragt, 94-6, Stege- man, W. 96-9, Vandermeulen, J. 1900-1901, Dejong, Jac. 1902-1908, Wiersma, F. M. 1908-191 1, Schut, H. 1912-1915, Rottchaefer, W, 191 5 Pella, see Bethel. Pennsylvania Lane, Mason Co., 111., 1901. Gulick, J. I. 1901-1903, Drake, E. A. 1903-1907, Clowe, C. W. 1908-1909, Mytton, L. V. C. 190Q-1911, Vanden Bosch, T. G. 1915-1917. People's Park, see Paterson, N.J. Peoria, Peoria Co., III., 1872. MuUer, 72-93, Smidt, H. T. 93-5, Zindler, 96-1901, Schnuecker, G. 1902-1907, Reeverts, A. J. 1907-1920, Wubbena, A. 1920 Perkins, 1888, see Immanuel, S.D. Persipanny, or Boonton, now Montville. Perth, Fulton Co., N.Y., 1827. See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis, 126. Perth Amboy, N.J., 1907. (St. Paul's). Ganss, J. J. 1910 Peters Valley, see Walpack, Upper. Philadelphia, Pa., churches in : I. [Philadelphia, (Ger.), 1726. Weiss, 1726-9, Boehm, J. 1729-47, Schlatter, 1746-55, (Rubel, 1751-5), Kails, 1756-7, Steiner, 1757- 62, Rothenbergler, 1763-5, Weyberg, 1763-90, Winckhaus, 1790-3, Hendel, 1794-8, Helflfenstein, S, 1800-31, Sprole, 1832-7, Berg, J, 694 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA F. 1837-52, Reed, S. H. , Bomberger, ■, Nevin, E. H. ]. See "Van Horn's Hist, of," 1876; "Berg's Hist, of." 2. Philadelphia ist, (Evang. Ref . ; first in Crown St., afterward cor. Spring Garden and Seventh, 15th and Dauplin St.), 1S13. See "Mints. CI. N.B.," Vol. ii. p. 51, Ap. 21, 1813. This church con- sisted of the English-speaking portion of the old Ger. Ref. They first separated in 1806, and united with the R.D.C. in 1813. (East- burn, Jos. 1806-8, Burch, Jas. K. (S.S.) 1809-13), Brodhead, 13-26, Livingston, G. R. 26-34, Bethune, 34-6, Hardenbergh, J. B. 36-40, Van Arsdale. C. C. 41-9, Willetts, A. A. 49-60, Suy- dam, 63-9, Orr, Thos. 69-83, Taylor, W. R. 84-8, Milliken, P. H. 1888-1909, Murphy, J. H. 1909-1911, Hicks, J. D. 1912-1917, Freer, H. A. 1918 . See "Evang. Quarterly," ii. 151. Also ii. 229, 320; iii. 230, for judicial decision concerning the prop- erty. Full text also in "Ch. Int.," Feb. 14, 1861. 3. Philadelphia 2d, (Eighth St.), 1817, Hofif, 1818-24, Sears, 1825-33, Babbit, 1834-5, Gosman, 1835-6. (See No. 8). 4. Philadelphia 2d, (in Ranstead Court), 1818. Now the Seventh Presbyterian. In 1817 the old Ger. element was driven out of the original Ger. Ch. and they organized a new Ger. Ch. (the 2d), in John St., and the original Ger. Ch. became English. — "Berg's ser- mon," p. 21, 22. Parker, D. 1818-20. 5. Philadelphia, .(Manayunk), now known as the 4th, 1827. Pechin St. Van Cleef, C, Miss, to, 26-8, Robertson, Miss, to, 28, Kirk- wood, Miss, to, 28-9, Bumstead, 30-41, Quinn, 42-7, Little, 48-5C, Gates, 51-4, Fulton, 55-March., 65; again, Nov., 65-9, Talmage, P. S. 69-74, McDermond, 3 months, 75, Cook, W. W. 76-81, Schenck, C. 82-7,Welles, T. W. 87-9, Knox, T. 89-94, Kain, 1895- 1909, Walter, A. J. 1910-1912, Ward, I. 1913-1916, Putnam, T. H. S. 1916-1917, Fry, Frank S. 1918 . See Schenck's "Hist. Dis.," 1885. 6. Philadelphia, (Roxborough) , 1836. Bumstead, 1838-54, (Presbyt). 7. Philadelphia 3d, 1837. (Tenth and Filbert St.). Bethune, 37-49. Livingston, H. G. 49-54, Taylor, W. J. R. 54-62. Wortman, 63-5, Schenck, J. W. 66-8, Wadsworth. Chas. 69-74. Van Nest, A. R. 78-83, Stephens, G. H. (S.S.) 87, name of ch. dropped, 1889. The legal decision concerning the church property may be seen in "Ch. Int.," Nov. 16, 30, 1876. See also Wadsworth, Chs. in this work. 8. Philadelphia 2d, 1852 (Seventh St.). This was a reorganization of the Eighth St. Church, under the lead of Dr. J. F. Berg. Berg, J. F. 52-61, Talmage, T. D. W. 62-9, Hartley, 70-71, Masden, 71-9, Rubinkam, 80-5, Clark, W. H. 86-91, Tracy, 91-5, Greene, E. W. 97-8. Williamson, W. H. 1899-190=;, Rearick. W. R. 1908-1909, Ritchie, F. C. (S.S.) 1913. McKinty, T. W. (S.S.) 1916-1918. Disbanded 1918. 9. Philadelphia 4th, 1862. Gramm, 1862-7. 10. Philadelphia, (Bethune Ch), 1868. Talmage, P. S. 1868. 11. Philadelphia 5th, (Kensington), East Susquehanna Av., 1868. Meer- wein, 1868-9, Stoll, 74-9, Suckow, 1879 12. Philadelphia, Bethlehem Mission. Stryker, P. S., Miss, at, 1869. 13. Talmage Memorial, Lyceum Av., Roxboro, 1891. Thompson, E. W. 92-4, Skillman, 94-6, Willoughby, 1896-1903, Schmitz, Wm. 1904-1907, Giebel, W. H. 1908-1909, Rearick, W. R. 1909-1922. 14. South, Lingo St., 1895. Duckworth, 96, Wyckoff, C. S. 97-8, Kip, I. L. 98-1900, Skillman, 1901-1903, Simpson, W. E. (S.S.) 1903. Pastor, 1904-1906. Dropped 1908. 15. Bethany, Roxboro, 1901. Medd, T. H. 1904-1905. Disbanded 1910. See "Rev. Dr. W. J. R. Taylor's Hist, of R.D. Churches in Phil- adelphia." Also "Suydam's Hist. Sermon." THE CHURCHES 695 Philadelphia, 1884, see Luctor, Kansas. Philipsburgh, now Tarrytown, N.Y. Phihnont, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1892. Van Vranken, F. V. 1892-1903, Flor- ence, F. VV. 1904-1906, Van Dyck, A. S. 1906-1914, Mann, A. I. 1915- 1918, Andreae, M. C. T. 1918 Piermont, Rockland Co. (Sparkill), N.Y., 1838. Crispell, 42-7, Lord, D. 47-50, Berry, J. R. 50-1, West, 52-5, Jevvett, 57-9, Decker, 60-5, Todd, A. 65-71, Stitt, W. C. 72-87, Verbrycke, J. R. 87-93. Ralston, 94-1900, Hasbrouck, H. C. 1900-1904, Hoover, D. S. i90S-Feb.-Dec., Morris, J. N. 1907-1915, Muyskens, J. Jr. 1915-1918, Simpson, W. E. 1918-22. Piermont 2d, 1851. Van Doren, W. H. 1852-4. Disbanded. Piffardinia, Livingston Co., N.Y., 1847. Compton, 1850-1. Pine Bush, 1814, see New Prospect, N.Y. Pipestone, Minn., see Churchville. Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1863. Vermilye, D. 1863-6. Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1799. Froeligh, P. D. 1802-07. Plainfield, (Ger.), 1858. Neef, (S.S.) 58-60, pastor, 60-4, Wolff, 65-6, Schweitzer, "ji, Schlieder, F. 80-6, Koechli, 87-93, Hauser, 94-1901, Jus- tin, J. (S.S.) 1902-1904, Schneegas, C. H. (S.S.) 1905-1912, Hauser, G. 1913-21. Plainfield, Central, Union Co., N.J., 1863. Simonson, 1864-9, Smith, N. E. 1869-71, when the church was tranf erred to the Congregationalists. Plainfield, Trinity, 1880. Raymond, A. V. V. 81-7, Schenck, C. 1887-1908, P.E. 1908-1919, Broek, J. Y. 1908-22, Assistant, Lansdale, J. T. 1909-12. Plainfield, see Marconnier, Oak Tree, N.J., 1912. Plainfield, see Netherwood, N.J., 1910. Plainfield, Mich., 1913. Plainville, Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1850. See Dailey Hist. Mont. CI., 137. Platte, 1885, see Charles Mix, S.D. Plattekill, Cockburn, Mt. Marion, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1838. (An out-station of Flatbush, from 1804). Overbagh, 34-8, Brodhead, 37-41, Schenck, M. L. 40-53, Chapman, 54-64, Cole, S. T. 64-8, Schenck, M. L. 69-73, See, W. G. E. 73-84, Cole, S. T. 84-91, Roe, S. W. 1892-1903, Clist, C. L. 1904-1909, Gulick, G. W. 1909-1914, Seiple, Wm. H. (S.S.) 1917, Dickens, Wm. H. 1917-21, Kerr, J. H. (S.S.) 1922 Pleasant Plains, N.Y., 1816. Wynkoop, P. S. 1817-22; in 1823 ch. became Presbyt. Plymouth, see Greenbush, Wis. Point Rock, 1856, see West Leyden, N.Y. Polkton, 1834, see Coopersville, Mich. Polkton, 1857, see Coopersville, Mich. Pompton, 1736, see Pompton Plains, N.J. Pompton, Riverdale, Pompton Lakes, Passaic Co., N.J., 1815. Field, 16-27, Shimeall, 28-29, De Mund, 30-9, Doolittle, H. 40-52, Gaston, 52-62, Jan- sen, John, 63-83, Kommers, 84-6, Trimmer, 86-90, Wilson, F. S. 1891- 1902, Dixon, C. M. 1903 . See "Jansen's Semi-Centennial of." Pompton Lakes, see Pompton, N.J. Pompton Plains, Morris Co., N.J., 1736. There was preaching here as early as 1713, it being an out-station of Ponds church. In 1760, the Coetus party built near present site. In 1771 the two parties were united. (Bertholf, G. (S.S.) 1713-24, Coens, 1725-30, Van Driessen, J. 1735-48. Marinus, 1752-73, (Blauw, Confcrcutie, 1762-8,) Meyer, H. 1772-91, Ostrander, S. 1793-1809, Field, 13-15, Neal, 17-28, Messier, 29-32, Talmage, J. R. 33-6, Schanck, G. C. 37-53, Shepard, 53-8, Harris, J. F. 58-67, Schenck, J. V. N. 67-71, Whitehead, 72-84, Teller, 85-91, Allen, C. J. 92-6, Hogan, J. S. 1897-1903, Sigafoo, O. L., 1904-1910, Foertner, F. E. 1910 . See "Schenck's Hist. Ser." Ponds, (Panna,) Oakland, Bergen Co., N.J., 1710. Bertholf, G. (S.S.) 1710-24, Coens, 1730-5, Van Driessen, J. (S.S.) 1735-48, Vanderlinde, 696 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 1748-88, Leydt, P. 1789-93, De Witt, P. 1798- 1809, Demarest, John 12-20, Kuypers, Z. H. 25-42, Thompson, W. J. 42-5, Collins, B. V. 45- 67, Vandewater. 69-72, Chambers, T. F. 72-6, Wilson, P. Q. (S.S.) TJ- 9, King, A. A. 80-3, Bogardus, W. E. 84-8, Wilson, F. F. 88-90, Nie- meyer, 90-3, Palmer, C. L. 94-7, Foster, J. W. 97-1900, Cunningham, 1901-1906, Rogers, R. 1907-1909, Strong, W. V. D. 1912-1918, Boone, I. (S.S.) 1921 . See Corwin Hist. Dis., 1910. Pontianak. See India. Pooster-Kill, Secession, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1824. Lansing, J. V. S. 24-6, Bellenger, 29-77. Portage, Mich., 1903. Lepeltak, P. 1903-1904, Boer, H. K. 1905-1909, Men- ning, S. J. 1910-1915, Gruys, W. S. 1916-1918, Vander Woude, B. T. 1919 Porter, Midland Co., Mich., 1859. Bailey, 59-63, Beardsley, (S.S.) 64-70. Port Ewen, North Esopus, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1851. Taylor, W. 53-4, Meyers, A. H. 55-6, Van Dyck, C. L. 57-66, Arcularius, 66-81, Lippin- cott, 81-98, Burton, Wm. 99-1900, Polhemus, C. H. 1901-1911, Muyskens, J. (Jr.) 1912-1915, Sheffer, H. L. 1916-1917, Appledoorn, L. 1918 Port Jackson, 1850, see Amsterdam, ist, N.Y. Port Jervis, Deerpark, (Mahackemack,) Orange Co., N.Y., 1737. Organ- ized and supplied by Mancius, 1737-41 ; Fryenmoet, 1741-56, Romeyn, T. 1760-72, Van Bunschooten, E. 1785-1797, Demarest, John, 1803-6, Eltinge, C. G. 17-43, Van Wyck, G. P. 44-52, Slauson, 53-7, Mills, S. W. 58-71, Rogers, S. J. 72-6, Voorhees, H. M. 77-9, Talmage, G. 79-87, Taylor, L. L. 87-91, Vennema, A. 92-5, McKenzie, 1896-1905, Conger, Wm. 1905-1920, Mertz, J. E. 1920 • See "Translation of Records of," by Rev. J. B. Ten Eyck. Port Jervis 2d, West End, 1897. Harris, D. T. 96-9, Forbes, 1900-1906, Ap- pel, J. B. 1906-1909, Campbell, J. B. 1909-1911, Supplies, 1911-1913, Boyn- ton, A. B. 1913-1917, Smith, Henry 1918-1919, Emerick, I., 1920 . See West End, Port Jervis, N.Y. Port Jervis. See Minnisink. Port Richmond, 1680, see N.Y.C., borough of Richmond. Port Washington, (station.) Smith, N. E., Miss, to, 1845-7. Pottersdam, 1792, see Rockaway, N.J. Pottersville, Somerset Co., N.T., 1865. Tones, T. W. 67-70, Carroll, V. B. 71-3. Davis, J. A. 73-8, Hoffman, W. H. 78-83, Schmitz, Wm. 84-6, Van Neste, G. J. 88-92, Prentice, 94-7, McNair, W. 1897-1904, Baeder, F. N. 1905-1907, Erler, J. 1907-1910, Westveer, A. 1911-1917, Ottinger, J. C. 1918 Pottsville, Pa. (station,) 1830. Dumont, Miss, to, 1829, Talmage, J. R., Miss, to, 1829-31. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1716. Van Driessen, J., supplied occa- sionally, 1727-35, again, 1751, Van Schie, 1731-3, Meinema, 1745-56, Van Nist, 1758-61, Schoonmaker, H. 1763-74, Rysdyck, 1765-72, (See "M.G.S." i. 31, etc.) Van Voorhees, S. 1773-6, (Froeligh, S. 1776-80, Livingston, J. H. 1781-3, Gray, A. 1790-4, Brower, 1794-1808, Cuyler, C. C. 1808-33, Van Vranken, S. A. 34-7, Mann, 38-57, McEckron, 58-67, Van Gieson, 1867-1906, Case, C. P. 1907-1920, Hill, W. B. (S.S.) 1920, Jones, J. A. 1920 . See "Van Giesen's Hist. First Ch. Pough- keepsie," 1893. Poughkeepsie 2d, 1847. Yates, J. (S.S.) 49, Whitehead, 50-2, Hagaman, C. S. 53-71, Elmendorf, J. 72-86, Brown, F. A. M. 87-9, Hill, W. B. 90-1902, Ralston, E. S. 1903-1912. Assistant, Hunter, D. M. 1899-1902. United with the First Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 1913. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Arlington, 1910. Bird, A. C. 1910 Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Emmanuel, 1914. Clapp, E. 1914-1918, Bird, A. C. (S.S.) 1919 — Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Hungarian Mission. THE CHURCHES 697 Prairie City, la., 191 1. Meengs, P. G. 1911-1917, Flikkcma, G. 1918 Prairie Home, Okl., 1907. Hoffman, J. J. 1907 Prairie View, Kan.. 1907. Vander Ploeg, H. 1907-1908, Engelsman, J. (S.S.) 1909, Ossewaarde, M. 1909-1912, Mansen, F. B. 1913-20, Vander Beek, John, 1920 Prairie View, Kan. See Luctor. Prairieville, Barrv Co., Mich., 1842. Prattsville, 1798. Organized as Schoharie Kill, 1798 (Windham) Labagh, P. 1798-1803, Schermorhorn, C. D. 1803-1809, Paige, W. 1820-1828, Stimpson. H. B. 1829-1832. Van Dyke, Hamilton 1833-1836, Gregory, T. B. 1836-1841, Depuy, 1841-1846, Wyckoff, A. V. 1846-1851, Ham- mond, E. S. 1852-1854, Johns, 1855-1859, Gilbert, 1861-1866, Dusenberre, 1866-1870, Carr, 1870-1874, Garretson, James 1875-1877, Sebring, E. M. 1877-1879, Wessells, 1887-1889, Neale, 1895-1896, Dixon, C. M. 1897- 1903, Dangremond, A. C. V. 1903-1908, Ruleffson, E. J. 1908-1912, Van- derkam, P. 1914-1915, supplied 1919, Hopkins, J. D. 1921 Preakness, Passaic Co., N.J., 1801. (Supplied by DeWitt, P. Cornelison, J., Romeyn, J. V. C, Stryker. P., Demarest, John, Demarest, C. T., Field, J. T., Van Santvoord, S., Neal, etc., 1708-1825,) Kuypers, Z. H. 25-42, Woods, John (S.S.) Dec. 42-June, 43, Staats, 43-61, Durand, 62-8, Cole, S. T. 68-72, Zabriskie, A. A. 73-8, Wyckoff, B. V. D. 78- 84, Verbrycke, J. R. 84-7, Beekman, T. A. (S.S.) 87-9, Labaw, G. W. 1889 . See Labaw's Centennial Discourse 1902. Prentiss, N.Y. Address of Athens, 2d, 1904. Prebton, see Greenleafton, Minn. Preston. See Wilhemina, Md. Princes Bay, 1900. See N.Y.C., borough of Richmond. Princetown, Giffords, Duanesburg, Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1821. Whiting, 21-2, Dewing, Miss, to, 22, Van Vechten, S., Miss, to, 22-23, Blair, Miss, to, 24, Hardenbergh, J. B. 24-5, Blair, 25-7, Bogardus, N. (S.S.) 28? Lockwood. L. R. 33-4. Ingalls, (S.S.) 38-9, Davies, 43-7, Rosencrantz, J. 49-50, Hall, D. B. (S.S.) 56-63, Ricketts, (S.S.) 63-5, Hall, D. B. '65-9, Raymond, H. A., supplied, 71, Rhinehardt, 73-86, Wessells, 89-92, Johnston. T. C. 93-9, Strohauer, 1900-2. Lydecker, G. D. 1902-1907, Still- well. J. L. 1908-1916, supplied 1916. Prinsburg, 1894, see Roseland, Minn. Prospect Hill, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Pultneyville Station, N.Y., 1824. Morris, J. F. Pultneyville, (East Williamson), Wayne Co., N.Y., 1851. Morris, J., Miss, to, 24-5, Kasse, 52-61, Veenhuizen, 62-70, Bahler, P. G. M. 71-84, Veenhuizen, (S.S.) 85-7, Wayenberg, 88-90, Van Westenberg, 91-2, Van Doom, 1893-1905, Hogenboom, S. M. 1905-1908, DeHollander, J. 1908-1910, Tellman, H. E. 1911-1920, Vander Mel, C. 1920 . See • Dailey Hist, of Mont. CI., 137. Punganur, 1908, see India. Quassaick. (Newburgh), N.Y., 1708. Some Reformed, but mostly Luther- ans. Supplied chiefly by the Lutheran ministers between New York and Albany. Queens Co., L.L, N.Y. A general name embracing the collegiate charges of Jamaica, Oyster Bay, Success and Newtown, and sometimes Graves- end. "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii. 75, 118-296; "Smith's N.Y.," 316. Queens. N.Y., 1858, see New York City, Borough of Queens. Quincy, Adams Co., 111., 1858. Conrad, Miss, to, 1858-9. Rabbit River, Allegan Co., Mich. Same as Zabriskie and Hamilton. Racine. Racine Co., Wis., 1891. Vetter, G. 1892. Ramapo, Mahwah, Bergen Co., N.J., 1785. Leydt, P. 1789-93. Brinkerhoff, G. G. 1793-1807, Demarest, J. D. 1808-24, Wynkoop, Jef, 25-36, Allen, ■698 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA P- 37-53, Van Doren, W. T. 53-7, Demarest, W. 58-70, Magee, 71-5, Nasholds, 79-80, Letson, 82-92, King, A. A. 92-1900, Van den Burg, 1901-1904, Maines, W. S. 1905-1908, Dykema, A. C. 1909-1917, Venne- ma, A. 1918-1920, Farrar, J. M. 1920-21, Simpson, W. E. 1922 . Rnmapo, Secession. 1824. Demarest. J. D. 1824-58, De Baun, J . T. 1856-60. Ramsay, Titonka, German Valley, Kos. Co., la., 1886. Schaefer, D. 87-93, Huenemann, Jac. 93-8, Janssen, 1899-1905, Haken, G. 1907 Ramsey's, Bergen Co., N. J., 1875. Nasholds, 79-80, Letson, 82-6. Randolph Centre, Cambria. After 1915, Friesland, Columbia Co., Wis., 1893. Engelsman. 1898-1905, Vander Werf, A. 1906 Randolph, 2nd, Randolph, Wis., 1908. Tanis, H. 1908-1911, Tietema, J. H. 1911-1914, Wolvius, Wm. 1915-1918, Vander Meer, M. D., 1918 Ranipettai, 1853, see India. Ransonville, N.Y., 1815, see Fonda's Bush. Raritan, Somerville, Somerset Co., N.J., 1699. Supplied by Bertholf, G. occasionally, 1699-1720, Frelinghuysen, T. J. 1720-48, Frelinghuysen, J. 1750-4, Hardenbergh, J. R. 1758-81, Romeyn, T. F. 1784-5, Duryea, John. 1786-99, Vredenbergh, 1800-21, Van Kleek, 26-31, Messier, 32-79, Searle, J. P. 81-93, Cranmer, 1893-1918, Sproul, N. J., 1918 Chartered 1753. See New Brunswick. See also "Dr. Messler's Me- morial Sermons and Hist. Notes," 1873. — Bi-centennial Addresses, 1899. Ch. Int. June 9, 1897. Raritan, Secessio)i. 1727. Ricgcr. 1734-9, Ar and ens. 1747-54. Raritan 2d, Somerville, 1834. Whitehead, 35-9, Chambers, T. W. 40-9, Craven, 50-4, Mesick, 55-82, Read, E. A. 1882-1908, Pfanstiehl, A. A. (S.S.) 1909-1913, Vale, R. E. 1913-1917, Sizoo,- J. R. 1913 . Assist- ant, Mulder, J. 1920 . Sketch in "Ch. Int." Dec. 10, 1863. Read's Sermon at 50th Anniversary, 1884. Raritan 3d, 1848. Stryker, P. 48-51, Cornell, J. A. H. 51-6, LeFevre, 57- 75, Pool, 75-88, De Hart, 1888-1911, Hoffman, J. J. 1912-1914, Lumley, J. A. 1915 . See Ch. Int. May 25, 1898. Raritan 4th, {Ger.). 1879. Schlieder, F. (S.S.) 80-6, Koechli, (S.S.) 1886- 1894, pastor, 1894-1908, Wahl, H. J. 1908-1918. Dalhoff, H. E. 1918-22. Raritan, (Honey Creek), Henderson Co., 111., 1854. Eltinge, C. D. 56-61, Bumstead, 61-75, Adam, (S.S.) 76-7, Pfanstiehl, 79-83, Van Oosten- brugge, 84-7, Dutton, (S.S.) 87-8, Sonnema, 89-91, Wessels, 92-3, Chickering, 94-7, Van Kersen, 1897-1902, Mansen, F. B. 1902-1905, Campbell, J. B. 1907-1908, Steketee, J. B. 1909-1915, Lawrence, C. M. (S.S.) 1915 . See Simonson's 25th Anniversary Address. Readington, (formerly called North Branch), Hunterdon Co., N.J., 1719. On the North Branch till 1738, when removed to Readington. Freling- huysen, T. J. 1720-48, Frelinghuysen, J. 1750-4, Hardenbergh, 1758-81, Lvdekker, Conferentie. supplied, 1767, Van Arsdale, S. 1783-7, Studdi- ford, P. 1787-1826. Van Liew, J. 1828-69, Van Slyke, J. G. 1869-70, Smock, 71-83, Wyckoff, B. V. D. 1884 . Chartered in 1753. See New Brunswick. See "Van Liew's Ser." "Dr. Messler's Mem. Ser- mons and Hist. Notes," 1873, and "Wyckoff's Hist. Disc," 1894. Reasnor, la., see Galesburgh. Red Bank, N.J., 1902. Beekman, T. A. 1902-1909, Stout, H. (S.S.) 1909- 1910, Pleune, P. H. (S.S.) 1910-1912, Oggel, M. V. (S.S.) 1912-1914, Leggett, L. G. 1914-1919, Dykema, J. 1919 Redford, Wayne Co., Mich., 1858. Michael, Dan., Miss, to, 1836-47. Red Hook. Formed by German Reformed and Lutheran at Pink's Corner between Red Hook and Rhinebeck, about 1716. Supplied by neighbor- ing ministers, especially Haeger, Weiss, Mancius and Rubel, of Rhine- beck. Became Lutheran. Red Hook Landing, (Old Red Church or Madalin, near Tivoli), Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1766. Supplied by Fryenmoet, 1766- (9?), by Kuypers, W. 1769-71, by Romeyn, D. 1773-5, by Van Voorhees, S. 1776-80, by THE CHURCHES 699 De Rondi-. 1780, by Livingston, J. H. 1780-3; De Witt. P. 1788-9, Romcyn, J. 1794-1806, Kittle, 1807-15, Rudy, (S.S.) 25-35, Hangen, 38-4C. Since 1840 only occasional services. The "Rh.'nebcck Records" speak of baptisms at Roode Hoeck in 1751, by Van Hovonbcrgh. R:v. Fryenmoet also baptized here about 1751. Hollanders from Kingston and Albany settled here about 1750. Smith, in his history of Red Hook, says, that between 1783-1807, the following officiated, more or less frequently : Fryenmoet, Kuypers, Rysdyck, Van Vocrhces, Livingston, Laidlie, Samuel Smith of Saratoga, Dirk and Jer. Romeyn, Cock, etc. Sec Rhinebeck, (Ger.), and Upper Red Hook. Rehoboth, Lucas, Missaukee Co., iMich., 1890. Classical Missionary, 90-3, Vanden Bosch, T. 94-8, missionary, 1898-1903, Wiersma, F. M. 1903- 1905. Vander Hcidc, J. 1906-1911, Webinga, J. 1912-1917, Gruys, W. S. 1918-1920, Stegeman, J. E. 1921 Remsen's Bush, (Florida), N.Y., 1784? Maier, J. 1794. Supplied by pas- tors of Schenectady and Albany, 1794-1800. Romeyn, T. 1800-1836. United with the Church of Florida, 1808, which see. Dailey Hist Montgomery Classis, 2)7- Rem Snyder's Bush, N.Y., 1824. Ketchum, Miss, to, 1823. Rensselaer, Albany Co., N.Y., 1848. McCartney, 49-57, Bevier, 60-3, Ray- mond, 64-71, Taylor, G. L 74-89, when this church reunited with Boght, N.Y. Rensselaer ist, 1892. Before 1902 called Bath-on-Hudson, N.Y. Van Dorn, J. H. (S.S.) 1892-1898, Hopper, A. W. 1899-1903. Furbeck, H. R. T903-1907, Dangremond, G. C. 1908-1909, iMany, D. J. 1910-1918, Bul- ness, J. C. (S.S.). Rensselaer, see Blooming Grove. N.Y. Rer.sselaerwyck, now Albany, N.Y. Rex fords, Rexfordville, same as Amity, N.Y. Reynolds, 1707, see Schagticoke, N.Y. Rhinebeck, (Rein-beck) Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1715. (German.) Also writ- ten Rhyn-Beck. This church was organized at Pink's Corner, mid- way between the present Rhinebeck and Red Hook. It held its prop- c -ty until 1729 in union with a Luthern congregation. Shortly after t8;o the Reformed portion of this congregation located at Red Hook. About 1837 it shared the labors of a nearby Lutheran pastor, and nbout 1840 became the St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Red Hook. Like the Camp church at Germantown, it was independent, though bearing the name "Reformed." Supplied, more or less frequently, by Haeger, J. F. 1715-21, by Man- cius, 1732-42, by Weiss, 1742-6, by Schnorr, 1746-8, by Mancius, 1748- 55, by Rubel, 1755-9, by Mancius, 1759-62, by Cock, 1763-94, (by De Witt, P. 1787-98?) by Schaefer, J. D. 1794-9, by Fox, 1802-23, by Rudy. 1823-35, by Gates, Cor. 1835-7, by (ioertner, N. W. (pastor of the Old Stone Church, Lutheran), 1837-40. Now Lutheran. — See "Smith's Hist, of Rhinebeck." This church seems to have been reor- ganized by Weiss, May 23, 1734. Rhinebeck, (Rhinebeck Flats,) Dutchess Co.. N.Y.. 1731. Supplied, more or less frequently, by Vas, 1731-42, by Van Schie, 1731-3, by Mancius, 1732-42, Weiss, 1742-6, by Mancius, 1746-50, Van Hovenbergh, 1750- 63, by Cock, Fryenmoet and Rysdyck, 1763-9, Kuypers, Warmoldus, 1769-71, Romeyn, D. 1773-5, Van Voorhees, 1776-85, De Witt, P. 1787-97. Romeyn, J. B. 1799-1803. Brodhead, 1804-9, McMurray, 1812- 20, Parker, D. 20-7, Labagh, A. L (evangelist,) 26-7, Bethune, 27-29, Hardenbergh, J. B. 30-6, Lillie, J. 37-41, HofT, 42-51, Stryker, P. 51-6, Miller, W. A. 56-9, Timlow, 59-66, Talmage, G. 67-71, Peeke, A. P 72-9. Lott, L. W. 79-84, Campbell, J. B. 85-7, Berry, J. R. 87-91, Suy- dam, J. H. 1891-1903, Mallery, C. G. 1904-1914, Huyler, P. E. 1914-1919, Blanchard, F. D. 1920. See "E. M. Smith's Hist, of Rhinebeck," and "Dr. J. B. Drury's Hist. Address on the Refd. Ch. Rhinebeck," 1881. 700 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Richboro, 1864, see Addisville, Pa. Richfield Springs, see Columbia, N.Y., 1798. Richmond, 1717, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Richmond, 1808, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Ridgefield, 1770, see English Neighborhood, N.J. Ridgeway, Lenawee Co., Mich., 1842. De Witt, J. 42-4, Minor, 45-8, Taylor^ A. B. 49-52, Kershow, 53-5, Beidler, 55-6. See South Macon. Ridgewood, Bergen Co., N.J., 1875. Van Neste, J. A. 1875-1918, P.E. 1918 . Cliflford, P. H. 1918 . Ch. Int., June 6, 1900. Ridgewood, N.J. See Paramus, N.J., 1725; Spring Valley, N.J., 1882; Glen Rock, N.J., 1895; Wortendyke, Trinity, 1904; Upper Ridgewood Community, N.J., 1917. Ridgewood, 1893, see N.Y.C., Borough of Queens. Rifton Glen, 1831, see Dashville Falls, N.Y. Ringle, Wis., 1905, see Forestville (Hatley). Riverdale, N.J., see Pompton, N.J., 1815. Riverside, 1885, see Paterson. N.J. Rochelle Park, Bergen Co., N.J., 1900. Hunter, G. M. 1901-1905. Supplies, 1905-1912, Suit, E. C. 1912-1917, Weidner, D. C. 1918 Rochester, Mombacus, Accord. Ulster Co., N.Y., 1701. Supplied by minis- ters from Kingston, Catskill and Albany, 1677-1743, Mancius, 1743-1749, Frelinghuysen, Jac. called 1753, but died, Frelinghuysen, H. 1756-7, Romeyn, D. 1766-75, supplied by Van Nest, R. 1776-7, Hardenbergh, J. R. 1781-5, Van Horn, A. 1789-95, Mandeville, G. 1797-1801, Wester- velt, R. R. 1802-8, Murphy, 14-25, Morse, B. V., Miss, to, 28, Westfall, B. B. 28-37, Mesick, 37-40, Wyckoff, C. 41-65, Strong, S. W. 65-70, Hastings, 70-6, Church, 77-92, McNair, J. L. 92-1902, Francisco, W. P. 1902-1904, Foertner, F. E. 1905-1910, Wightman, J. C. 1911-1914, Frost, H. D. 1914-1918, Mead, P. H. 1918-20, Braam, L. M. 1921 . Char- tered, 1766, with Wawarsing and Marbletown. See Ulster Co., N.Y. "Doc. Hist." iii. 600. Ch. Int., Nov. 5, 1902. Rochester, Monroe Co., N.Y., 1852. Veenhuysen, 52-3, Wust, 56-64, Krie- kaard, 66-8, Bahler, P. 68-73, De Bruyn, 73-91, Schilstra, S. A. 91- 1901, Dykstra. L. 1901-1909, Joldersma, R. H. 1909-1912, DeKraker, J. J. 1912-1916, Hondelink, G. 1918 Rochester 2d, 1886. Van der Hart, E. 87-9, Vennema, A. 89-92, Hopkins, T. W. (S.S.) 92-3, Bates, W. H. 93-5, StefTens, C. M. 95-8, Lamar, J. 1898-1912, Noble, H. W. 1913-1916, Thurston, J. A. 1917-21. Rochester, N.Y., see Brighton, N.Y., 1892. Rockaway, 1740, 1813, see Lebanon, N.J. Rockaway, ( Potter stown), in Whitehouse, Hunterdon Co., N.J., 1792. Dur- yea, J. 1799-1801, Demarest, C. T. 1808-13, Schultz, 16-34, Williamson, P- S. 35-9, Otterson, 40-5, Talmage, G. 45-51, Comfort, 52-4, Lloyd, 55-6, Sturges, 57-63, Van Slyke, 65-7, Bailey, W. 68-84, Conklin. M. T. 84-90, Miller, B. C. 90-5, Lyman-Wheaton, 95-1900, Jones, H. T. 190c- 1916, Van Raalte, A. C. 1917-1919, Van Strien, David, 1920-1922. Rock Rapids, la., 1915. Dekker, F. G. (S.S.) 1915-1918, Menning, S. J, 1919 Rock Valley, Sioux Co., la., 1891. Huizenga, J. 1891-1904. Englesman, J. 1905-1908, Dejongh, J. 1908-1914, Dejonge, B. 1914-1917, Colenbrander, H. 1917 Rock Valley, see Carmel, la. Rocky Hill, Somerset Co., N.J., 1857. Schenck, M. S. 57-6s. Gesner, 65- 71, Berg, H. C. 72-9, Lawsing, 79-83, Crane, 84-92, Hogan, O. J. 93-8, Schmitz, Wm. 1901-1904, Conover, G. M. 1905-1909, Donovan, G. H. 1910-1918, Corwin, C. E. 1918 Roe, W. C. Memorial, Dulce, N.M. (Jicarilla Mission, 1921). Simms, J. D., missionary, 1920. Rome, same as Wurtsboro or Mamakating. THE CHURCHES 7OI Root, Tlow Currytown. Roseland, 1879, see Chicago, 111. Roseland, 1890, 2d Bethany, see Chicago, 111. Roseland, Prinsberg Svea, Kandivabi Co., Minn., 1886. Supplied, 86-94, Dangremond, G. (S.S.) 94-5, Kriekaard, C. (S.S.) 96-8, Dragt, 97-8, De Groot, D. 1899-1902, Dragt, J. J. 1905-1910, Brummel, J. 1910-1916, Siegers, P. 1917-21. Rosendale, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1843. McFarland, 44-5, Strong, T. C. 45-9, Eckel, 50-3, Lente, 55-63, Beardsley, 63, Bevier, 64-7, Liebenau, (S.S.) 67-70, Pastor, 70-6, Schenck, I. S. 77-9, Westveer, 80-2, Oliver, 84-90, Morris, J. N. 90-3, Coombe, 54-9, Van Haagen, 1900-1902, Kershaw, W. H. 1902-1903. Duck, E. M. 1903-1905, Decker, E. W. 1906-1908, Beekman, T. A. 1909-1916. Rosendale Plains, Tillson, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1897. Coombe, 97-9, Van Haagen. 19CO-1902. Shield, F. K. 1902-1904, Grull, J. D. 1905-1907, Baeder, F. N. 1907-1910, Berg, H. C. 1910-1914, Millett, J. 1914-1917. Rotterdam ist, 1799, (Woestyne), Pattersonville, see Schenectady, N.Y. Rotterdam 2d, 1823, see Schenectady, N.Y. Rotterdam, Dispatch, Cawker City, Jewell Co., Kansas, 1871. Hoekje, 78-91, Van der Meulen, Jac. 92-3, Westing, 94-6, Dragt, 1897-1905, Wiersma, F. M. 1906-1908, Van Heuvelen, B. 1909-1911, Hoffman, John 191 1-20. Roxboro, 1836, see Philadelphia, Pa. Roxbury, (Beaverdam), Delaware Co., N.Y., 1802, records begin. Sup- plied by Goetschius, S. ; Overbagh ; Benedict, Abner ; and Paige, W., De Voe, 1802-25; reorganization, 1825. Boyd, Josh., Miss, to, 26-7, Paige, W. (S.S.) 2J-12, Van Dyke, H. 33-4, Bronson, A. 35-6, Knight, R. W. 36-41, Hillman, 43-5, Evans. C. A. 49-50, Turner, 50-62, Rhine- hart, 62-73, Hammond, J. W. 73-5, Miller, B. C. 75-81, Arcularius, 81-3, King, J. F. 83-6, Schmitz, Wm. 86-90, Demarest, N. H. 1890-1912, Sinclair, Wm. 1913-1918, Van Woert, H. S. 1919 . At the re-organ- ization in 1825, took the name of Roxbury. In 1893, incorporated as "The Jay Gould Memorial Reformed Church of Roxbury, N.Y." See Dailey Hist. Mont. Classis, in. 'Sacondaga, (CI. Montgomery,) 1789. "Doc. Hist." iii. 684. Same as Day. N.Y., which see. "Saddle River, Monsey, Bergen Co., N.Y., 1784, till 1789 one consistory with Paramus. Vanderlinde, 1784-9, Kuypers, G. A. 1788-9, Blauvelt, 1790-I, Kuypers, W. P. 1793-6, Eltinge, W. 1799-1811, Goetschius, 14-35, Manley, J. 34-66, Meyers, A. H. 66-72, Bogardus, W. E. 72-84, Todd, W. N. 85-92, Van Kampen, 1893 . 'Saga, 1895. See Japan. Sagertisses, same as Saugerties, N.Y. * St. Anne, 111., 1893, see Koster, Wichert. St. Caik, "M.G.S." i.20. An error for Sinthoick. St. Croix, 1744, see West Indies. St. Croix, Rensselaer Co.. N.Y. In town of Hoosick. See "Hist. Rens- selaer Co." 375. St. John, 1750? see West Indies. St. John's, same as Upper Red Hook. St. John's German Evangelical, see Jersey City, N.J. St. John's, see Oppenheim. :St. Johnsville, (Palatine,) Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1770. (Ger. Ref.) Dyslin, 1788-1812. (R.D.C. 1829). Wack, J. T. (S.S.) 1812-1816, De Voe. 16-30, Meyers, A. H. 30-1, Stryker, H. B. 33-4, Murphy. 34-7, Meyers. A. H. 37-44. Knieskern, 45-72, Lodewick, 72-5, Van Nest, G. J. 75-9, Minor, A. D. 79-88. Furbeck, P. 88-92, Kinney, C. W. 93-8, Ho- gan, O. J. 1898-1909, Perkins, F. 1909-1917, Ficken, H. C. 1918 A building for worship was built at this place as early as 1756. — See ■"Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii 674. Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI. 84. y02 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA St. Nicholas, see Collegiate Church, N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. St. Paul's, Jamaica, see N.Y.C.. Borough of Queen. St. Paul's, Mott Haven, see N.Y.C., Borough of the Bronx. St. Paul's, see Perth Amboy. N.J. St. Peter's, German Evangelical, Kriescherville, S. I., see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. St. Remy, Ulster Co.. N.Y., 1864. Garretson, J. (S.S.) 65-6, Todd. \V. N. 74-81, Compton, J. M. 84-8. Bogardus, F. M. 88-90, Millett. Jos.. 1890-1902, Force, F. A. 1905-1909. Zabriskie, A. A. (S.S.) 1911-1913, Seeley, F. B. (S.S.) 1915. Supplied 19JC. St. Thomas, 1660, see West Indies. Salem, 1785, see New Salem, N.Y. Salem, McCook, Co., S.D., 1884. Cotton, 85-7, vacant, 87-91. Zwemer, F. J. 91-2, vacant, 92-6, Barny, W. F. 1896-1900, Christ. J. 1902-1905. Dropped 1908. Salem, see Yankton, S.D. Salem, Little Rock, Lyon Co., la.. 1894. Janssen, R. 1895-1909. Aeilts, E. 1910 Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 1822. Ketchum, 1822-3. De Voe, (S.S.)' 1824. Became Presbyterian 1824. See Doc. Hist. N.Y. iii. 674, 696. Dailey Hist. Montgomery CI., 126. Salt River, Alercer Co.. Ky., 1796. Labagh, P., Miss, to, 1796-7, Kyle, 1804- 16. In 1817. CI. New Brunswick recommended it to become Presby- terian. [Clcland. Thos. (Presbyt.), 1816-25. The building was then occupied by ttie Cumberland Presbyterians for 20 years, 1825-45]. Dutch emigrants began to locate at Salt River. Ky.. in 1781. They came chiefly from Conowago. York Co., Pa., and from Hanover. Adams Co., Pa. A few came directly from Bergen and Somerset Cos., N.J. Collins, in his history of Kentucky (vol. ii. 523), says: "The first Dutch emigrants came to White Oak Springs, one mile above Boonesborough, in 1781. This com- pany consisted of Henry Banta, Sr., Henry Banta, Jr., Abraham Banta, John Banta. Samuel Duryee. Peter Duryee. Daniel Duryee. Henry Duryee, Albert Duryee, Peter Cozart, (or Cozad), Fred Ripperham, and John Plenty. They purchased 1200 acres of land, which is known as "The Low Dutch Tract." But the accuracy of some of these statements of Collins, about first location, is questioned. There were, however, later companies of Dutch emigrants to Kentucky. A large body left Conowago. Pa., in 1793, for "the cane lands of Kain- tuckee." The journey took many weeks in large, heavy wagons. They cam.ped out at night in the wilderness, but always rested on the Sabbath day, and held religious services. After crossing the mountains they reached the upper waters of the Ohio. They descended the river in flat boats, the shores being infested with hostile savages. They landed at Limestone, now Maysville, Ky.. and again started with their wagons for Upper Salt River, near the present town of Harrodsburg. They drove cows before them all the way. and some of their milk was churned daily, by the motion of the heavy, spr'ngle s wagons, and furnished them butter on their journey. The records of Mercer Co.. Ky.. show the purchase of 44 tracts of land between 1789 and 180 3 by these Dutch emigrants. Among the names are those of Banta. Cozine. Nourse. Demaree, (Demarest), Stagg, Lite, (Lej'dt). DeMott. Smock. Terhune, Vories, (Voorhees), Van Nuys, Bice. (Boice or Beys), Verbrycke, Huff, and others. The settle- ment near Boonesborough, notwithstanding Collins' assertion above, prob- ably took place later, and from these Dutch emigrants of Mercer county. And although they took no minister with them, they at once began to conduct religious services among themselves. They began a Saturday evening Prayer-meeting in 1800. which on Aug. 25, 1900, celebrated its Centennial. In 1796 occurred the visit of Rev. Peter Labagh to this region. He was THE CHURCHES 7O3 sent by the Synod to visit this distant settlement. He went from Hacken- sack, N.J., all the way on horseback, and returned in the same way. While there he organized a Reformed Dutch Church. On Dec. 22, i8oc, David Adams and Klizabeth, his wife, sold three acres of land on the dry fork of Salt River, Mercer Co., Ky., to John Verbrycke. Isaac Vanice, (Van Nuys), and Peter Conine, for £4 los. for said church. As soon as the "sleepers" were put in place, a dedicatory prayer was offered. Its walls were filled in with mud, and it stood for more than a century, and was known as "The Old Mud Meeting House." Domine Thomas Kyle emigrated also from Pennsylvania to Kentucky, but had settled in Washington County. In 1802 he bought land in Mercer County, and became the pastor of this Dutch church, 1802-16, when he became a Methodist. Meantime, emigration of some of these Dutch into Henry County, and states north of the Ohio, was taking place, and the old Dutch church became Presbyterian. See Conowago, in this work ; also Rev. Jas. K. Demarest's "Hist. Disc, of Presbyt. Ch. of Gettysburg, Pa.," 1876; also Scomp's "Old Mud Meeting House," at Salt River, Ky.^ igoo; also Thos. M. Banta's "A Frisian Family," or "The Banta Geneal- ogy." Christian Intelligencer, March 20, 1901. Sambas, see India. Samsonville. 1851, see Krumville, N.Y. Sanborn, la., 1915. Van Zyl, B. R. 1915-1920, Mansen, F. B. 1920-21, Bak- ker, A. 1921. Sand Beach, 1810, see Owasco Outlet, N.Y. Sandham Memorial, Monroe, S.D., 1883. (At first known as Marion). Harmeling, S. J. 83-94, Reeverts, 95-7, classical missionary, 1897-1901, Winter. J. E. (S.S.), 1901-1905, Brummel, J. 1906-1908, Winter, J. E. 1908-1911, Haverkamp, A. 1911-1916, Roggen, J. A. 1917-1922. Sandham Memorial, see Case Township, Moore, Okl., 1906. Sand Hill, now Canajoharie, N.Y. Sand Ridge, 111. Meulendyk, (S.S.) 1877-9. Sandstone, Friesland, Minn., 1903. Kots, J. W. 1903-1905, Stegeman, Wm. 1907-1914, DeLange, T. L. 1915-1919, Deelsnyder, C. W. 1920 . See Friesland. Sandusky City, (CI. Michigan), 1855. Kuss, 1855-6. Saratoga, ( Schuylerville.) Saratoga Co., N.Y., 1770. Drummond, 1771-7, reorganized, 1789. Smith, S. 1789-18CO, stated supplies, 1800-1803, Close, McDowell, Zebriskie, Demarest, Paige, Duryea, P. H. 1803-28, Boyd, H. M. 29-34, May, ^4-9, Jones, D. A. 39-44, Chester, 44-50, Searle, S. T., 50-7, Merrill, 58-61, Lansing, A. G. 62-8, Collier, I. H. 69-74, Van Doren, D. K. 74-82. Chapman, J. W. 83-5. McCullom, 86-91, Hainer. 92-5, Brandow, J. H. 1895-1905, Weidner, D. C. 1905-1913. Kinney, C. W. 1913 . See Brandow's Story of Old Saratoga. Saugatuck, Mich., 1868. Brock, D. 70-5, Nies, 76-9, Groeneveld, 81-2; dis- banded. Saugerties, N.Y., 1839. Ostrander, H. 1839-40; Van Santvoord, C. S. 1840-54, Elmendorf, J. 1855-62, Gaston, J. 1862-9, Thompson, J. B. 1869-71, Cobb, S. H. 1871-83, Wortman, 1883-1901, Hunter, D. M. 1902-1910, Wemple, J. V. 1911-21. Sheffer, H. L. 1922 . See Flat- bush, (Glasco) Blue Mountain, Katsbaan. Legally, the organization dates back to the coming of the Palatines to West Camp in 1710. Historically and as a fact, the church of Saugerties, which had unsuccessfully petitioned for an organization during the pre- ceding*five years, became a church separate from Katsbaan in 1839. The village of Saugerties began in 1825, when manufacturers availed them- selves of its great water power. See Katsbaan. Sayville, West Sayville, Suffolk Co., N.Y., 1866. Jongeneel, L. G. 66-71. Van Emmerick, 73-88, Cronsay, 88-90, Hoffman, J. 93-9, Schilstra, E. S. 1900-1910. Dyke, Jacob 1911-1912, Muller, C. 1913-1920, Van Antwerpen, A. E. 1920 704 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Scarsdale, N. Y., 1913. Harper, J. H. (S.S.) 1913-1917, Hallenbeck, C. A. 1917-1920. See Greenville, N.Y. Schaghticoke, Reynolds, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1707. Supplied by Freling- huysen, T. quarterly, 1745-59, by Westerlo, 1760-73; Van Bunschooten, E. 1773-85. De Ronde, supplied, 1776-84, pastor, 1784-95, Paige, 1793- 1801, Ostrander, S. 1810-21, Switz, 1823-9, Marcellus, 1831-4, Boyd, H. M. 1835-41, Ackerson, 1842-4, Meyers, A. H. (S.S.) 1844-8, Fonda, J. D. 1848-56, Van Brunt, (S.S.) 1857-61, White, G. 1864-9, Viele, 1871- 2, Cole, S. T. 1872-9, Ackerman, 79-85, Shafer. T. 86-9, Gordon, M. R. 90-4, Macardel, 94-7, Ficken, 1898-1902, Harper, J. A. 1905-1909, Class- ical Missionary, 1912-1917. See Doc. Hist. i. 245, Ecc. Rec. N.Y. Schenectady, Schenectady Co., N.Y., churches in : 1. Schenectady, ist, 1680. (An out-station of Albany, 1662-80. See Flats). Supplied by Schaats, 1662-80, Tesschenmaeker, 1684-90, supplied by Dellius, 1690-9, Freeman, 1700-5, supplied by Lydius, 1702-9, [Barclay, Episc. 1710-15], Bower, T. 1715-28, Erickzon,' 1728-36, (chartered, 1734), Van Santvoord, C. 1742-52, Vrooman, 1754-84, (Eng. Lang, began to be introduced), Romeyn, D. 1784- 1804, Sickles, (colleague), 1794-7, Meyer, J. H. 1803-6, Bogardus, C. 1808-11, Van Vechten, 14-49, Taylor, W. J. R. 49-53, Seelye, J. H. 53-8, Seelye, E. E. 58-64, Wortman, 6';-70, Vermilye, A. G. 71-7, Griffis, 77-86, Sewall, 86-99, Raymond, A. V. V. (S.S.) 99-1900, Zelie, 1901-1903, Lunn, G. R. 1904-1909, Potter, C. J. 1910 . See "Ecc. Rec." ; "Col. Docs.," see Index, Schenectady ; par- ticular references to the church, iv. 541, 727, 729, 72,2, 767, 833, 835, 983, V. 656, vi. 160, vii. 398, viii. 282. "Doc. Hist." i. 179-195, 242, 340, iii. 536, 540, 552, 628, 685. "Smith's N.Y.," 305. "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 328. "Manual and Directory of the Church of," 1878. Schenectady, ist Ch. Memorial, at 200th Anniversary, 1880. 2. Rotterdam, (or Schenectady 2d), Pattersonville, 1799. Van Zandt, P. 1818-22, Searle, J. 23-7, Boyd, Josh. 28-36, Mead, 44-9, Jukes, 56-62, Lowe, J. 63-90, Hill, Alex. 1890 3. Glenville ist, (or Schenectady ist, of Fourth Ward, 1814. Van Zandt, P. 18-22, Slingerland, 24-33, Bunnell, 35-8, Ingalls, 40-51, Meyers, A. H. 52-4, Burghardt, 55-61, Peeke, G. H. 61-3, Minor, 64-73, Randies, 73-81, Hill, W. J. 82-4, Nickerson, N. F. 85-91, Morton, 93-5, Mclntyre, Jos. 95-8, Rogers, R. 1898-1907, Rey- nolds, F. T. B. 1911-1913, Nies, M. G. 1914-1918, DeHollander, J. A. 1918-1920, Dumont, W. A. 1920 . 4. Scotia 1st (Before 1910 Glenville 2d) Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1818. Murphy, 1826-34, Stryker, H. B. 34-7, Swift, 37-42, Crocker, 42- 8, Vedder, E. 49-51, Williamson, N. D. 51-5, Slingerland, 57-60, Berry, P. 62-3, Wilson, F. F. 64-70, Bookstaver, A. A. 70-1, Johnston, A. '72-5, Vander Wart, 76-83, Van Doren, D. K. 83-5, Doig, 85-92, Gordon, M. R. 85-1901, Roberts, H. B. 1901 5. Rotterdam 2d, 1823. Searle, J. 1823-7, Boyd, Josh. 1828-40, Nott, 1841-54, Spaulding, 1856-60, Schoonmakei, R. L. 1861-70, Davis, W. P. 1870-4, (supplied by Storer, M. J., a Lutheran, 1874-5,) Van Allen, 1876-83, Vander Veer, L. 83-91, Knox, J. C. 1891- 1904, Nashlods, Wm. H. 1906-20. ■6. Schenectady 2d, (Jay St.) 1851. Duryea, L G. 52-8, (Dean, 58-9, pending the lawsuit,) Van Santvoord, C. S. (S.S.) 59-61, Du Bois, A. 62-9, Phraner, 70-5, Crocker, J. N. (S.S.) 76-8, Law- rence, E. C. 78-80, Kipp, P. E. 81-7, Hinds, 87-91, Cole, P. H. 91-7, Talmage, G. E. 1898-1907, Meengs, J. G. 1907 . See "Year Book," 1900. 7. Schenectady 3d (Ger.) (College st.) 1854. Schwilk, 1856-68. THE CHURCHES 705 8. Bellevue, 1892. Enders, (S.S.) 93-4, Thyne, (S.S.) 94-7, Hogan, R. J. 1897-1915, De Young, C. 1916-1921, Thurston, J. A. 1921. 9. Mont Pleasant, 1892. V'anderveer, L. (S.S.) 92-6, Herman, A. B. 1897-1915, Schwitters, E. O. 1916-1919, Compton, W. E. 1920 10. Woodlawn, 1910. Van Oostenbrugge, C. 1911-1912, Ballard, B. 1913-1915, Willoughby, H. C. 1916 Schodack, Muitzeskill, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1756. Fryenmoet, 1770-8, Romeyn, J. V. C. 1788-94, Bork. 1789-1808, Fonda, Jesse, 1809-13, Van Buren, P. 14-20, Johnson, I. Y. 21-3, Bennet, 24-8, Van Santvoord, S. 29-34, Gray, J. 35-46, Bailey, 47-56, Snyder, 56-69, Peffers, 69-73, Veenschoten, 74-86, Plass, Norman,' 86-7, Birdsall, 88-92, Shaw, J. 94-6, McCuIIy, 97-1900, Van Oostenbrugge, C. 1900-1906, Doyle, D. P. 1906-1914, Fisher, J. W. 1915-1919, Robinson, W. L. 1920-21. Schodack Landing, 1858. Was united with the Ch. of Schodack, 1859-66. Kip. I. L. 67-74, Leggett, 75-82, Hendrickson, 82-7, Nasholds, 87-91, Crane, 92-1900, Foster, J. W. 1900-1902, Van Dorn, D. K. 1902-1907, Sauerbrunn, L. F. 1908-1912, Campbell, D. G. 1913, Maas, H. W. 1914- I(;i6. Schoharie (Huntersfield), Schoharie Co., N.Y., Foxendorp, Wyersdorp, 1720-30. First record in the Church Book is dated 1728. Haeger, J. F., was preaching in this region 1710-1721, Oehl, 1724-30. Pastors: Erick- son, R. 1730-31 and 1732-6, Weiss, G. M. 1731-2. Schuyler, J. 1736-56, Goetschius, J. M. 1756-60, Rosencrantz, A. 1760-65, co-pastor using the German language at the Foxendorp building, Westerlo, E. 1761-64, using the Dutch language at the Wysersdorp building (Middleburgh), Schuyler, Johannes, 1766-79. During the year 1779-85, several min- isters supplied the church of whom the following were identified : Gross, J. D., Van Nest, R., Gebhard, J. G., Schuneman, J. (The church was independent, 1785-1821). (1788 Collegiate connection with Middleburgh was severed). Schneyder, 1785-7, Broffel, J. C. L. 1788-95, Peck, D. C. (S.S.) 1797-8, Van Nest, R. (S.S.) 1798, Schaefer. J. D. 1800-1820, Weidman, 1821-36, Scribner, 1836-9, Robertson, 1839-43, Weidman, (S.S.) 1843-4, Wells, R. 1844-57, Crispell, C. E. 1857-63, Cobb, S. H. 1864-70, Vedder, E. 187 1-3, Handy, 1874-80, Todd, A. F. 1880-84, Smart, 1885-92, Handy, 1892-1904, Brandow, J. H. 1905-08, Van Ess, J. 1909-11, Kinney, C. W. 1911-13, Clowe, C. W. 1913-14, Conklin, W. D. 1915-18, Miller, A. J. 1921 . "Doc. Hist." iii. 397, 423-5, 628-31. "Col. Hist." V. 575. "Smith's N.Y.," 306. "Sims' Hist, of Schoharie Co." "Mag. R.D.C." iv. 172. "Cox's Herkimer," p. 4. \'osburgh's Researches for N.Y. Genealogical and Biographical Society. Schoharie Kill, 1798. Labagh, P.' 1798-1803, Schermerhorn, C. D. 1803-09. Dropped, 1846. See Prattsville. See Dailey Hist, of Mont. CI. 126. Schoharie. Lower, 1770. Merged in Church of Schoharie. See Dailey Hist, of Mont. CI. 127. Schoharie, Upper, 1732. See Middleburgh. See Dailey Hist, of Mont- gomery CI. 127. Schoharie Mount, 1808, see Howe's Cave, N.Y. Schoteau, same as Shokan. See "Mints. Gen. Syn." i. 314. Schraalenburgh, Bergen Co. N.J. 1724. Erickson, 1725-8, Mancius, 1730-2, Curtenius, 1737-55, Goetschius. J. H. 1748-74, Romeyn, D. 1775-84, Froeligh, S. 1786-1822, seceded. See Ecc. Rec. N.Y." — "Centennial Hist. CI. of Paramus." Schraalenburgh, Secession. 1822. Froeligh, S. 1822-7, Blauvelt, C. J. 1828-52, Hammond, E. S. 1858-62, Van Houten, 1862-6. Schraalenburgh, Du Alont, 1756. Schuyler, 1756-66, Blauw, 1768-71, Kuy- pers, W. 1771-97, Romeyn, J. V. C. 1799-1833, Cole. L 29-32, Garret- son. J. 33-6, Osborne, 37-41, Blauvelt, C. J. 42-58, Gordon, W. R. 58-80, Seibert, G. A. 81-91. Cotton, 1892-1905, Gulick, C. W. 1906-1918, Spring, J. C. 1919 . See Ecc. Rec. N.Y. 706 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Schuyler, (station) Herkimer Co., N.Y. Snyder, H., Miss, to, 1829-30. Schuylerville, see Northumberland. Schuylerville, 1770, see Saratoga, N.Y. Scotia, 1818, see Schenectady, N.Y. Scotland, Bonhomme Co., S.D., 1894. Called Ebenezer until 1906. Classi- cal Missionary, 1893-1896. DeWitz, C. F. 1897-1899, Koerlin, E. F. 1902-1906, Schaeffcr, F. 1908-1918, P. E. 1919, Frerichs, J. B. 1919-21, Linnemann, A. 1922 Seaside Chapel, 1878, see Long Branch, N.J. Seattle, Wash., 1919. Immanuel, Classical Missionary, 1919. Flipse, M. 1921 Secaucus, Hudson Co., N.J., 1882. Supplied by students and others, 1882- 1904, Hopper, A. W. (S.S.) 1904, Supplied, 1908-1911, Stube, C. F. (S.S.) 1912-1915, Muste, C. B. (S.S.) 1915-1916, Suit, E. C. 1917-1918, Howard, J. R. 1920 . Second River, 1700, now Belleville, N.J. Selkirk, 1763, see Bethlehem ist, N.Y. Sempronius, N. Y. Out-station of Owasco, N. Y. Brinkerhoff, G. G. 1808- 1813. See Dailey Hist, of Mont. CI. 134, Biog. Rec. N.B.T.S. 52. Shandaken, Shokan, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1854. Hammond, J. W. 54-6, Betts, 56-61, Peeke, A. P. 62-5, Brush, A. H. 65-7. Hammond, J. W. 67-73, Westveer, 74-6, Beekman, A. J. 76-83, McGibbon, 83-6, Bergen, J. T. 86-9, Kinney, 91-3, Niemeycr, 93-8, Palmer, C. L. 1899-1902, Ciowe, C. W. 1903-1905, Brink, H. W. 1906-1914, Gulick, G. W. 1915-1917, Blanchard, F. Dr. 1917-20. Shannick, same as Neshanic. Sharon, Potter Co., Pa., 1797? Gray, 1797-1819. Sharon Centre, (Dorlach), Lawyersville, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1788? Bork, 1796-8, Labagh, I. 1801-11, Jones, N. 1816-21, Raymond, 29-32, Bassler, 33-8, Frazee, 38-40, Chittenden, 41-5, Bogardus, N. 46-8, Eckel, 49-50, Julien, 52-3, Jones, N. W. (S.S.) 55-6, ■ Raymond, 56-64. Van Woert, 67-71, Shaffer, 71-4, Carr, 75-7, Kershow, (S.S.) 77-9, Parsons, 81-5, Miller, E. 86-7, Phelps. P. T. 89-94, Messier, I. 97-1901, Wurtz, W. A. 1902-1909, Smith, C. W. 1913-1918, Frost, H. D. 1918-22. Sharon, Secession, {Independent) , 1827. BcUengcr, 1829-77. Shawangunk, Bruynswick, VVallkill, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1737. United with Kingston until 1750. Schuneman and Vrooman, 1753-4, Goetschius, J. M. 1760-71, Van Nest. R. 1774-85, Froeligh, M. 1778-1813, Polhemus, H. 1813-16, Wilson, A. D. 16-29, Mandeville, H. 29-31, Bevier, 31-43. Alliger, 43-50, Scott, 51-66, Spaulding, 68-82, Hageman, P. K. 82-90, Palmer, R. V. 90-3, Dixon, Jos. 93-99, Vandeburg, 1899-1904, Gulick, G. W. 1904-1907, Vandeburg, S. 1908-1920, Goebel, G._ A. T. 1921 Shawnee, Okl., 1907-191 1, see Horton Atemorial. Sheboygan, W'is., see Hope, Sheboygan, Wis. Sheboygan Falls, Sheboygan Co., Wis., 1856. Harmeling, 92-3, Sietsema, 94-8, Zwemer, F. J. 1898-1903, De Jong, P. 1904-1907. Tietema, J. H. 1907-1911, Flikkema, B. M. 1912-1917, Vander Ploeg, H. 1918-1919, Lubbers, R. J. 1920 . See Gibbsville, Wis., Hingham, Wis. Sheldon, Sioux Co., la., 1895. Dykhuizen. 98-1901, Van Arendonk, 1901- 1904, Stegeman, Wm. 1904-1906, Rozendal, A. 1907-1909, Vander Naald, H. 1910-22. Shiloh, S. C, see Bethel, S. C. Shimonoseki, 1914, see Japan. Shokan, (Ashokan.) Ulster Co., N.Y., 1791. Goetschius, S. 1796-1814, Carle. 14-26, Hendricks, J. 26, Boyse, Miss, to, 26-9, Roosa, 30-4, Amerman, T. A. 35-8, Harlow. 38-49. Hammond, J. W. 48-9. Voor- hees, J. N. 49-51. Hammond, J. W. 52-6, Betts, 56-61, Abby, L. A., Oct. 6i-Ap. 62, Peeke. A. P. 62-5, Brush, A. A. 65-7, Hammond, J. W. 67-73, Westveer, 74-6, Beekman, A. J. 76-83, AIcGibbon, 83-6, Bergen, THE CHURCHES 707 J. T. 86-9, Emmerick, 89-90, Kinney, 90-3, Niemeyer, 93-8, Palmer, C. L. 1899-1902, Clowe, C. W. 1903-1905, Brink, H. W. 1906-1914, Gu- lick. G. W. 1915-1917, Blanchard, F. D. 1917-20. See Christian Intelli- gencer Sept. 5, 1900. Siam, see India. Sibley, 1894, see Baker, la. Sibley, la.. 1914. (Classis of Germania). Classical missionary, 1914. Potgeter. H. J. (Jr.). 1915-1918, DeVries, J. M. 1919 Sibley. la., ist. 1917. (Classis of East Sioux). Hoffs, H. 1917-1919, Furda, E. 1919 ■ Silver Creek, Meekin, German Valley, Ogle Co., 111. (Ger.) 1851. Zur- cher, (S.S.) 53, Wagner, 56-61, Aluller, J. 61-72, Steffens, 72-8, Matzke, 78-87, Beyer. 1888-1905, Schnuecker, G. 1907-1916, Kroesclie, A. C. ^917 " Silver Creek, Maple Lake, Wright Co., Minn., 1894. Dangremond, G. 94-5, Te Paske, 1898-1901, supplies, 1902-1905, Gruys, Wm. 1905-1909, Stege- man, Wm. 1909, Dragt. J. J. 1910-1913, Lammcrs, B. W. 1914-21, Sieg- ers. P. 1921 Sinthoick or Sincock, 1789, afterward Stillwater, N.Y. Siokhe, 1889, see China. Sioux Centre, Sioux Co.. la., 1877. (Formerly called West Branch). De Pree, Jas. 1880-1910, Lubbers, F. 1910 Sioux Centre, la., 1899. Central. (Received from the Presbytery of Sioux Centre). Classical missionary, 99-1900. Heemstra, J. F. 1900-1904, De- Jonge, B. 1904-1912, Ossewaarde, M. 1912-1916, Haverkamp, A. 1916- . Sioux City. la., 1915. Boer, H. K. (S.S.) 1915-1916, Colenbrander, H. 1916-1917. Sioux Falls. Livingston Memorial, Minnehaha Co.. S.D., 1883. Living- ston, E. P. 83-5, Skillmaii, 85-93. classical missionary, 93-5, Kingsbury, L. 95-9, classical missionary, 99-1900, Ruigh, 1900-1, classical mission- ary, 1901-1902, Schipper, H. 1902-1905, Winter, J. E. 1905-1908, Ahiys- kens. Arie 1909-1911. Dropped 1917. Six Alile Creek. (CI. Cayuga,) 1827. Mandeville, G. 1828-31. Six Mile Run, Franklin Park, Somerset Co., N.J. (Three Mile Run) 1710. Van \'leck. P. 1710-12, Frelinghuysen, T. J. 1720-47, (Arondeus, Con- fcrcntic. 1747-54.) Leydt. J. 1748-83, (chartered, 1753, see New Bruns- wick,) Van Harlingen, 1787-95, Cannon, 1797-1826, Romeyn, Jas. 28-33, Sears. 33-80. Taylor, W. R. 79-84, Mulford, 85-9, Blauvelt. G. M. S. 89-1901, Case, C. P. 1902-1907, Keator, E. H. 1908 For sketch, see "Ch. Int." Sept. 28. 1876. Also "Steele's Hist. Disc," New Brunswick, 1867. "Millstone Centennial," 1866. "Dr. Messler's Hist. Notes." 1873. Streng's Articles on the Church of North and South Hampton. Pa. "Mulford's Hist. Discourse." 1885; and "Prof. Hinke's Church Record of Bensalem and Neshaminy. Pa.." in "Journal of Presbyt. Hist. Soc." 1901. Keator, Hist. Six Mile Run Ch., 1710-1910. Sixty-eighth St., .see N.Y.C.. Borough of Manhattan. Smith Memorial, 1922. see Teaneck. N.J. Smithficld. Pike Co., Pa.. 1737. (This was a preaching station from 1725, for the miners in the vicinity). Fryenmoet, 1741-53. Land having been given for a Presbyterian church in 1750, (a stone church being soon erected), it became, apparently, Presbyterian. But it was sup- plied occasionally by Mancius, 1737-41, by Fryenmoet, occasionally, 1753-6, and Romeyn, T. 1760-62, and also by Presbyterian ministers. It was not formally organized into a Presbyterian church till 1816. See "Mills' Hist. Disc, of Ch. of Walpack" and "Davis' Hist. Disc, of Ch. of Smithfield." Smithfield. Sussex Co., N.J.. 1760-70? Referred to in "Mints. Classis of New Brunswick in iSii." Vol. ii. p. 14. See Hardwick and Knowl- ton. N.T. 708 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Snell's Bush, 1770, now in Manheim, N.Y. Sodus, N.Y., 1911. Wiersma, F. M. Classical missionary, 1911-1914, Meulen- dyke, J. 1914-1916, Hogenboom, G. H. 1917-1920, Lammers, B. W. 1921 Somerset, Miami Co., Kansas. 1871. Beekman, J. S. (S.S.) 71-2, Mayou, 1872-6. Somerville, Somerset Co., N.J., see Raritan, N.J. Sophiasburgh, 1810, see Canada. Sourland, 1727, same as Harlingen, N.J. South Barnard, Charlevoix, Mich., 1915. Classical Missionary, 1915 South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Ind., 1849. McNeish, 49-52, Beidler, 53-4, Evans, C. A. 56-7, Van Doren, W. T. 57-9, Peeke, G. H. 60-1, Skill- man, 68-72, (reorganized, 1870,) Williamson, 72-96, Winter, J. P. 97-9, Dyk, Jacob 99-1901, Rothenberger, I. 1902-1906, Moerdyke, P. 1908- 1914. Dropped 1915. South Bergen, 1874, see Jersey City, N.J. South Blendon, Hudsonville, Farowe, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1883. De Jong, G. 87-90, Pool, Wm. 90-3, Poot, 95-6, Scholten, 1896-1908, Siegers, P. 1909-1913. Wiersma, F. M. 1913 South Bound Brook, see Bound Brook, N.J. South Branch, (Branchville), Somerset Co., N.J., 1850. Dater, Henry. 1850-3. Pitcher. Wm. 1854-79, Davis, Wm. E. 1879-83, Loucks, Joel 1884-92, Sperling, Is. 1893-1917, Gosselink, M. G. 1918 . See "Sperl- ing's Hist. Discourse at Semi-Centennial," 1900. South Brooklyn, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. South Bushwick. 1891, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. South Carolina. Johnson, W. L. (Miss, in.) 1869-74. See Orangeburgh. S.C. South Church, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. South Fallsburg. see Fallsburgh, N.Y. South Gilboa, Schoharie Co., N.Y. (see Blenheim,) 1859. Buckelew, 59- 64. Generally supplied by Presbyterian ministers of Stamford, 4 miles away. Richards. L. E. 82-5, Scarlett, J. H. 93-9, Bergmans, J. C. (S.S.) 1902, Ruliffson, E. J. (S.S.) 1904-1908, Hess, N. (S.S.) 1911- 1913, Ziegler, V. (S.S.) 1916-1919, Stevens, C. N. 1919 South Haven, Van Buren Co., Mich., 1872. Boer, Miss, at, 74-6, Dangre- mond, 78-84, classical missionary, 1884-1902, John, C. C. A. L. 1902- 1909, Classical Missionary, 1909 South Holland, Mich., 1849. (Part of Church of Graapschaap). Van der Schuur, 49-51. United With Assoc. Refd. Ch. 1852. South Holland. (Low Prairie), Cook Co., 111., 1855. Ypma, 55-61, Bolks, 62-5. Koopman, 65-8. Zw-emer, 68-70. Buursma. 72-8, Kremer, 79-83, Moerdyke, Wm. 84-6. Van Houte. J. 86-91, Broek, J. 1893-1905. Harmel- ing. H. 1906-1909, Van Duine, A. M. 1910-1912, Schuurmans, H. P 1913-1917, Muilenburg, T. W. 1919 South Little Rock. Osceola Co.. la., 1894. Missy, A. 96. South Macon, Lenawee Co., Mich., 1863. (Formerly Ridgeway). Skill- man, 63-8, Moerdyk, R. P. 69-71, De Spelder, 73-84, Dutton, 84-;; Gulick, J. I. 91-5, Jongewaard, 1897-1901, Scarlet, G. W. 1902-190?, Dropped 1908. South Manor, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. South Millbrook, see Millbrook, N.Y. South N.Y.C.. see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. South Pass, Nebraska. 1877. Southwest Troy, see West Troy, South, N.Y. Sparkill, see Piermont. Sparta, (station). Stevenson, Miss, to, 1827-8. Spokane, Wash., 191 8. Classical Missionary. Spotswood, Middlesex Co., N.J., 1821. Van Hook, Miss, to, 19-20 THE CHURCHES 709 McClure, J. 22-5, Rice, H. L. 25-34. Van Liew. J. C. 34-41, Betts, 42-5, Knight, W. 46-7, Manning, 47-54, Wandewater, 55-67, Willis, 68-80, Harmeling, S. J. 81-3, Spaulding, C. 83-90, Morton, 90-1, Harris, J. F. 91-3, Van Doren, W. H. 94-5, Bayles, J. O. 95-1901, Strohauer, 1902- 1905, Reynolds, F. T. B. 1905-1911, Fasten, T. C. (S.S.) 1911-13, Pas- tor, 1913-1919, Bloodgood, C. E. 1920 Spraker's, N.Y., 1858. Wales, 59-61, Bogardus, N. 61-6, Van Zandt, B. (S.S.) 67, Van Doren, D. K. 69-73, Ackerman, 74-8, Compton, (S.S) 78-83, Elinor, J. 84-5, Thomson, J. A. 87-1902, Campbell, J. B. 1905- 1907, supplies, 1907-1909, Bedford, C. V. W. (S.S.) 1909-1911, Eliason, H. A. (S.S.) 1912-1914, pastor, 1914-17, Scheengas, C. H. 1919-21. Spraker's Basin, (Westerlo,) Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1790. Toll, 1803-22, Labagh, I. (S.S.) 1823-7, Van Olinda, 1830-1, Various supplies. Re- organized as the Church of Spraker's 1858. Spraker's Basin Secession, 1822. Toll, 1822-1842. See Dailey Hist. Mont- gomery Classis 83. Spring Creek, Navarre, Gary, Minn., 1902. Supplied by Classis. Hibma, T. 1921 . See Bejou, Minn. Springfield. 1884. see Immanuel. S.D. Spring Garden. 1813, see Philadelphia, Pa. Spring Lake (Manito), Tazewell Co., 111., 1854. Bumstead, 56-62, Gulick, A. V. 66-72. Gilmore. 73-81. Force. F. A. 82-6. Ziegler, 87-8, Wyckoff, C. S. 91-4, Winter, J. P. 94-7, Drake. E. A. 1897-1903, Shafer, Theo. 1904-1907, De.Tong, P. C. 1910-1912, Shafer, Theo. 1916-21. Spring Lake, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1870. De Pree, Jas. 70-80, Zwemer. J. F. 79-3. Joldersma. 84-6. Kolyn. 86-8, Hekhui.^, G. T. 88-91. Zwemer. A. 91-8. Hofifman. B. 98-1902, Nettinga. S. C. 1903-1909. Frieling, H. 1910- 191 1, Vander Schaaf. J. J. 1912-1916, Mollema, H. 1917— — - Spring Vallev, West New Hempstead, Kakiat, Rockland Co., N.Y., 1865. Brock, 65-9. Smith, M'. B. 69-71, De Witt, R. 71-6. Van Pelt, D. 77-8, Lansing. J. A. (S.S.) 79. Crispell. C. 1879-1905, P.E. 1905-1910, Martin, J. 1905-1908. Wyckoff, A. C. 1909 Spring Valley, Maywood, Ridgewood, Bergen Co., N.J., 1882. Graham, J. E. 82-4, supplied, 84-7, Harris. J. F. (S.S.) 87-90, supplied, 1890-1919. Spring \^alley. 111., 1909, see Ustick, III. Squampamuck, 1775. Afterward revived in the Ch. of Ghent. Staatsburgh. probablv an error for Stoutsburgh. or x'icc 7rrsa. See Hvde Park. Stanton. (Alt. Pleasant). Hunterdon Co., N.J., 1833. Van Arsdale, J. R. 35-50. Doolittle. H. 52-72, Cornet. 72-6, Martine, 76-82, Pitcher. C. W. 82-7, Wcstvcer, 87-90, Bolton, 90-5. Bird, 1896-1903, Westveer, A. 1904- 1909, Goebel, G. A. T. 1910-1916, Muller. E. T. 1921 Stapleton, 1851, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Staten Island, 1680, see N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. Steen. Minn.. 1914. Classical Missionary, 1914. Bosch, G. 1915-1921, De Jonge. A. W. 1921 Steinway, 1891, see N.Y.C.. Borough of Queens. Sterling. N.Y. (near Aurelius). (North Sterling. 1855). DeFraest. D. R. 1825-1828. See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery Classis. 134 and 137. Stewart.sville. Brown's Station. West Hurley. Ulster Co.. N.Y.. 1877. Blau- velt. C. (S.S.) 77-9. Staats, B. 79-82. Stanhorough, 82-5, Bahler, L. H. 85-7. Zabriskie. A. A. 1900-1904. Dropped 1909. Stickney. Aurora. S.D., see Aurora. Stillwater. .Sussex Co., N.J., 17 — . Supplied by Wack, C. 1782-1809, and partly by Wack. J. J. 1798-1805, reorganized 1814, Van Hook, Miss, to, 1822, (Presbyterian). StiHwater, Saratoga Co.. N.Y., (Sinthoick), 1789. Paige, W. 1793-1807, Froeligh, P. D. 1802-7. Stirling. 1824. De Fraest. 1825-8. 710 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Stissick, (Ger.), 1750. See New and Old Stissing, N.Y. Stissing. See Galatin, N.Y. Stockport, 1843, see Ghent 2d, N.Y. Stone Arabia, Fort Plain, N.Y., 1711 (?). Supplied occasionally by Oehl, Schuyler and others. 1743-51; Werring, (or Wernich), 1751, Rosen- crantz, 1756-8. 1760-70, Gros, J. D. 1790-80, occasionally, Peck, D. C. A. 1788-1800, Labagh, I. 180G-03, Wack, J. J. 1805-27, Morris, J. 1827-9, Ketchum, 22-30, Westfall, 38-44, Jukes, 44-50, Van Liew, J. C. 50-56, Bogardus, N. 57-8, Van Dyck, L. H. 61-7, Compton, 68-72, Van Ben- schoten, 72-80, Stanbrough, 81-5, Thomson, J. A. 87-91, Palmer, C. L. 97-9, supplies, 1900-1914, Stanton, R. A. 1914-20, Dickens, \V. H. 1921 . See sketch, Ch. Int., July 31, 1845, Fort Plain Register, March '25, 1887, Dailev Hist. Mont. CI., 88. Stone Arabia, (Ger), 1801 ? Wall, (or Wack, J. J.), 1803? Stone Arabia, Independent, 1816. Wack, J. J. 1816-27. Stone Arabia. (Lansingburgh), 1788? Stone House Plains, Brookdale, Essex Co., N.J., 1801. Stryker, P. (S.S.) 1801-9, Durvee. J. (S.S.) 1805. Stryker, P. 10-14, Duryee, J. (S.S.) 14-18; also Van Santvoord. S. (S.S.) 16-18, Stryker, P. (S.S.) 18-26, Tarbell, 27-8, Hillman, 30-41, Hammond, E. S. 42-4. Thomson, W. 45-6, Quinn, 47-9, Liddell, 49-50. Wiseman, (S.S.) 51-2, Talmage, P. S. 53-65, Statesir, 66-72, Kershow, 73-80, Van Fleet, 80-3, See. W. G. E. 83-92, Bogardus, W. E. 1892-1908. Name changed to Brookdale, 1903. See Brookdale, N.J. Bogardus' Centennial Discourse, 1901. Stone Ridge, N.Y., known as Marbletown, N.Y., 1737-1915. which see. See Lyonsville, Krumville, N.Y. Stout, Par'kersburg, la., 1907. Schaefer, D. (S.S.) 1902-1908 — paster, 1908- 12, Reeverts, F. 1912 Stoutenbergh, or Stoutsburgh, now Hyde Park. See also Staatsburgh. Strasbergh, N.D., 1917. Classical Missionary, 1917-1919. Duiker, R. 1919 Stuyvesant. Columbia Co., N.Y., 1827. Garretson, J., Miss, to, 26-7, Heer- mance. Henry, Miss, to, 27-8, Cahoone, Miss, to, 28-9, Cornell, F. F., Miss, to, 30-1, Garretson, G. I. 32-4, Kittle. 35-46, Nevius, Elbert, 46- 86, Collier, G. Z. 86-9, Furbeck, G. W. 90-8, Rockefeller, D. G. 1898- 1906, Beaver, J. P. 1907-1908, Luther, M. F. 1909-1912, Schneegas, C. H. 1913-1918, Hock, G. C. 1920 -. "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 57. Stuyvesant's Bowerie, 1660. see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Stuyvesant Falls, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1859. Bates, 60-1, Swick, 61-3, Kip, I. L. 64-7, supplied by Bogardus, W. E. 67-8, Wells, R. 68-71, Fowler, 74-80, Schermerhorn, H. R. 81-2, Van Alen, L. (S.S.) 83, Nev- ius, E. (S.S.) 86-9, Hieber. 92-3, Hopper, A. W. 94-9, Faber, J. P. 1899-1901, Van Haagen. H. C. 1902-1904, supplied, 1904-1913 Luther, M. F. 1913-1916, Howard, J. R. 1918-1920. Success, L.L, 1730. Disbanded, 1829, the church of North Hempstead tak- ing its place. See pastors under North Hempstead. Sully, 1888, see Bethany, la. Sully, la., 1904. Bruins, B. 1905-1907, Hoffman, J. 1968-1911, Deelsnyder, C. W. 1914-1918. Summit, 1824, see Eminence. N.Y. Summit, Cook Co., 111., 1899. See Chicago. 111. Sunnyside, 1896, see N.Y.C.. Borough of Queens. Sun Prairie, Dane Co., Wis.. 1843. Slingerland, 1844-6. Sunshine Chapel, see Collegiate Church Chapels, N.Y.C., Borough of Man- hattan. Susquehannah, Pa., 1768. Supplied by the ministers of Conowago and Hanover, Pa. ; which see ; also, probably, by some of the German Reformed ministers of the vicinity; Grey, Andrew, 1793-6, Manley, Wm. 1 798- 1 800. THE CHURCHES /I I Sujdam St., see New Brunswick, N. J. Svea, Minn., 1886, see Roseland, Minn. Swartstown. 1839. Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1848. Cornell, J. A. H. 48-51, Berry, J. R. 51-7, Talmage, T. D. W. 59-62, Elmendorf, J. 62-5. Searle, Jer. 66-8, Berger. 69-75, Van Slyke. E. 76-85, Coddington, W. P. (S.S.) 87-8, Mulford, 89-97, Cole, P. H. 1897-1907, Dobbs, J. F. 1908-1915, Warren. U. G. 1916-1920, Bennett. W. L. (S.S.) 1920-21. Pastor. 1921 . See Dailey Hist. Mont. CI., 98. Syracuse 2d, 1895. Maar, Chs. 95-9, Mallery. 1899-1904, Huyler. E. 1905- 1914. Van Dyck, A. S. 1915-21. Kirkwood, T. J. 1922 . See Chris- tian Int., Dec. 10, 1902, Dailey Hist. Mont. CI., 100. Syria. Van Dyck, C. V. A. 1840-95, Berry, P. 1861-5. See "Anderson's Hist. Missions of A. B.C. P.M. to Oriental Churches" and Van Dyck, C. V. A. in this work. Taghkanick (Livingston Manor. West Copake), Columbia Co., N.Y., 1758. (Name changed to West Copake. Nov. 15. 1822). Fryenmont, 1758-70, supplied four times a year by Gebhard. 1777-97, occasionally by Living- ston. J. H. 1779-81. by Lansing. N. 1781-4; Romeyn, J. 1788-93. Labagh, L 1799-1800; Vedder. H. 1803-47, Murden, 47-50, Lyall, Wm. 51-65, Mills, G. A. 66-70, Church, 70-7, Garretson, J. C. 77-91. Furbeck, P. 92-7, Compton, W. E. 97-1902, Randolph, E. T. F. 1903-1906. Harris, D. T. 1907-1916. Tainter, la., see Bethlehem, la. Talmage Memorial, 1891, see Philadelphia, Pa. Tappan. Rockland Co., N.Y.. 1694. Supplied by Bertholf, G. 1694-1724, also occasionally by Du Bois, G., and Ritzema ; Muzelius, 1726-49, Ver- bryck, 1750-84, Lansing, N. 1784-1835, Cole, L (S.S.) 29-31, pastor, 31-2. and 33-64. Bla'uvelt. G. M. S. 64-82, Williamson, W. H. 83-9, Oliver. 90-1902. Compton. W. E. 1902-1910, Lewis, H. A. 1911-1919, Conklin, M. T. 1920 . See "Ch. Iiit.," Mar. 17, 1881.— Rev. Dr. David Cole's "Hist, of Church of Tappan," 1894. See Orange. Tappan. Secession. 1825. Lansing. J. V. S. 1826. Tarrytown, (Philipsburgh) , Westchester Co., N.Y., 1697. Supplied by Bertholf, G. 1697-1724, occasionally by G. Du Bois, 1699-1750, Boel, I7I3-54' ^y Ritzema, 1744-76; Van Voorhees, 1785-8, Jackson, J. F. 1791-1806, Smith. T. G. 1808-37. Du Bois, Geo. 38-44, Wilson, Jos. 45-9, Ferris, J. M. 49-51. (Schenck. J. W. 49-51), Stewart, 52-66, Thomp- son, J. B. 66-9. Allen. J. K. 1870-1920. P.E. 1920 , Scholten. W. A. 1921 . See "Ecc. Rcc. N.Y." "Doc. Hist." iii. 76. "Stewart's Hist. of"; and "Two Hundredth Annivensary of the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow." J 897. See also Dr. Cole's Translation of the Rec- ords of this Church, with Registers of Members. Officers. Baptisms and Marriages. 1901. Tarrytown 2d. 1851. Ferris. J. ^^. 51-4. Todd, J. A. 55-86, Knox. Tabor, 87-9, Thomas. E,. E. 89-94, Mabon. A. 1895-1910. Hageman, G. R. 1910- 1913. Boeve. L. 1914 Teaneck. N. L. Smith Memorial. Communitv (Bogota). 1922. Shield, F. K. (Sr!). (S.S.) 1922 Teashok (Tiossiock. Tiashoke, Tyashoke). Now Buskirk's Bridge. N.Y. Thayer. 1894. see DcMotte. Ind. Thirteenth Place. 1853. see Chicago. 111. Thirty-fourth St.. 1895. see N.Y.C.. Borough of Manhattan. Thomas. Okl.. 1906. Clowe. C. W. 1906-1907, Waters, S. A. 1908, Scud- der. L. W. 1908-12. Dismissed to Presbyterian Church. North, 1911. Thompson's Lake, see Berne, 2d. N.Y. Thousand Isles. Jefferson Co.. N.Y.. 1851. Davenport. Miss. to. 47-50, Du Bois, A. 50-4. Rockwell. Geo. 54-77. De Vries. 77-82. Lawrence, E. C. 712 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA 82-8, Evans, C. P. (S.S.) 89, Collier, G. Z. 90-6, Van Hee, Is. 97-i?oi, Benjamin, 1002-1922. See "Rockwell's -Hist. Discourse," 1874. Dailey Hist, of Mont. CI., loi. Three Bridges. Hunterdon Co., N.J., 1874. Oakey, P. D. (S.fe.) 73-6, Lane, (S.S.) 77-80, Birdsall, 80-4, Hill, Eugene, 85-90, Voorhees, O. M. 1891-1903, White, B. F. 1904-1910, Kalemjian, M. N. 191 1 Three Mile Run. Middlesex Co., N.J., 1703. This church was continued at this place for about half a century. The churches of Six Mile Run, 1710, and New Brunswick, 1717, finally superseding it. It was sup- plied, occasionally, by Frelinghuysen, T. J. 1720-48, by Arondeus (Conferentie), 1747-54, and by John Frelinghuysen. 1750-4. The Ten- nents and other Presbyterian ministers occasionally officiated here. See "Corwin's Millstone Centennial." 1866, p. 29; "Steele's Hist. Disc," 1867; "Messler's Hist. Notes." Many references in "Ecc. Rec. N.Y." Three Oaks, Mich., 1883. Dangremond, Gerrit, (S.S.) 85-9, Fnehng, H. 98-9, Kriekaard, C. 1899-1905, Vanden Bosch, T. M. 1907-1910, Klooster, F. 1910-1913 . Furda, E. 1915-17, Te Paske, J. W. 1918 Thule, 1886, see Van Raalte. S.D. Thumansville, 1856, now Callicoon, N.Y. Tiashoke, see Buskirk's Bridge. Tillaborough, Fulton Co., N.Y.. 1767. This church never had a settled pastor, but occasional supplies. It has been extinct except for a legal fiction since 1865. See Dailey Hist. Mont. CI., 128. Tillson, N.Y., see Rosendale Plains, N.Y., 1897. Timmonsville, S.C, 1903 (Zion). Spaan, M. C. 1903-1911, Wilkinson, A. J. (S.S.) 1912 Tindevanam. 1876, see India. Tioga, see Union. Tiossiock, now Buskirk's Bridge, N.Y. Titonka, 1886, see Ram.say, la. Tokyo, 1869, see Japan. Tompkinsville or Brighton Heights, 1823, see N.Y.C., Borough of Rich- mond. Tompkinsviile 2d, (Ger.), i860. Ditto. Tong-an, 1895, see China. Toronto, 1806, see Canada. Totowa, 1st, 1755, see Paterson, N.J. Totowa, 2d, 1827, see Paterson. N.J. Tottenville. 1855. see N.Y.C.. Borough of Richmond. Trenton, Mercer Co., N.J., 1841. Wack, C. P. 1841-4. Trinitv, 1869, see Newark. N.J. Trinity, 1887, see Plainfield, N.J. Trinity, 1891, see Chicago, 111. Trinity, 1892, see Amsterdam. N.Y. Trinity, 1904, see Wortendyke, N.J. Trinity, 1907, see East Belfast. Maine. | Trinity, 1908. see West New York. N.J. Trinity, 1908, see Grand Rapids, Mich. Trinity, 1911, see Holland, Mich. Trinity, see Orange City, la.. 1919. Trinity. 1919, see N.Y.C.. Borough of Brooklyn. Trov, N.Y., see Blooming Grove, N.Y. Tulsa. Okl.. 1908. Hunter J. B. 1908. Whitacre, H. W. 1909. Turner. 1882, see Van den Berg, S. D. Tuscarora, Schuylkll Co., Pa., 1797. Gray, A. 1797-1819, Dumont, Miss, to, 1829-30. Tuscarora, Livingston Co., N.Y., 1810. Twelfth St., Brooklyn, 1850, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. THE CHURCHES 715 Twin Brooks. S.D.. 1914. Dragt. J. T. (S.S.) 1917 Twin Lakes. Kalamazoo. Holland. Muskegon Co.. Mich.. 1875. Dangre- mond. G. 79-84. Classical Missionaries, 1884-1903. John. C. C. A^ L. 1903-1909, Douma. R. W. 1914-1917, Cook, M. 1918-1919, Vandcn Heu- vel, A. J. 1920 Two Rivers. III. (station). Wilson. C. D.. Miss, to, 1867-77. Tyashoke, or Tiossiock. now Biiskirk's Bridge. Tyndall. S.D., 1910. Avon. S. D.. Classical Missionary. 1910 Tyre, Malcolm, Waterloo. Clyde. Seneca Co., N.Y., 1836. Gray, W. 1839- 46, Compton, 47-50. Van Arsdale, J. R. 50-64, Whitbeck. R. M. 64-8, Blauvclt. C. supplied. 70. Buckelew. 71-6. Van Doren, J. H. 76-82, Cole, S. T. 82-4, Ruhle, 85-7, Gulick. J. 88-91, Roe. S. 91-2. Van Blarcom[ 95-6, Rcderus. S. 96-1901, Boughton, C. M. (S.S) 1905-22. Ulster Co., N.Y. Consisting of the churches of Rochester. Marbletown. and Wawarsing. which were chartered as one corporation. 1766. "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii. (4to ed.), 6on. "Smith's N.Y.," 308. "Col. Hist" ii 592. Ulster Park. 1791. see Esopus, N.Y. Unadilla, Otsego Co.. N.Y.. 1794. Also church of "Union," 1794. Union, (at Tioga. Broome Co., N.Y. "M.G.S." i. 448, Chenango), 1794. Cornehson. J. Miss, to, 1794. Became Presbyterian about 1S24. See Dailey Hist, of Mont. CI., 117. Union (near Chenango), N.Y. See Dailey Hist, of Montgomery CI., 117. Union, Alontgomery Co., N.Y. (Johnstown), 1809. Palmer. S. (S.S.) 1809-18. Van Vechten. S.. Miss, to, 23-4, Vanderveer, J., Miss, to, 23, Van Ohnda, Miss. to. 24. DuMont, Aliss., 26. See Dailey Hist. Mont- gomery CI., 117. Union, 1821, see Amsterdam. N.Y. Union, Albany Co., N.Y., 1825. (New Scotland, Delmar, Jerusalem). Boice, I. C. 26-9. Fort. 30-6, Westfall, 37-47, Jones. D. A. 48-50. Mur- den, 50-4, Compton. 54-60. Gulick. A. V. 60-4, Ballagh, W. H 65-8 Demarest. Wm. 71-4, Compton. 75-8. Alillspaugh. 78-85, Scarlett, J. 85- 93. Beekman, T. A. 1893-1902 Lehman. E. V. W. 1902-1909, McLond, N. (S.S.) 1910-1913. Van Ess. Jacob (S.S.) 1914-21. Union, 1848. see Delmar. N.Y. Union. 1874, see High Bridge. N.Y.C.. Borough of Bronx. Union Reformed. 1879, see Paterson, N.J. Union, 1907. see Edgerton. Minn. Union, Secession, (at Amsterdam.) 1822. Palmer, 1822-9. Union Village, 1803, see Nassau. N.Y. Union Village. Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y.. 1812. Duryee. P H 1812-14. Christie, Jas. 1815-18. Durvee, P. H. i8i8-20.Fonda. I D 20-35. Van Zandt. B. 36-42, Morris. H. 43-8. Marvin, 48-55, Van Sant- yoord, C. 55-8. Steele. J. 58-65. Cochran. A. G. (S.S.) 65-67, Van Home. D. 67-8. Hoyt. A. S. 68-71. Smart, 72-81, Mills, B. Fav, 81-3, Shafer. Th. 84-5, Scoville. 86-1921. Unionville. Neperan. Hawthorne. Westchester Co., N.Y., 1818 Smith T G. 1820-37. Maule. 37-9, Robb. (S.S.) 39. Moore. W. S. 40-50 See f L 50-4, Moore. W^ S. 56-64, Bogardus, W. E. 65-7, Bertholf. T. H 67-9 Van Dyke. L. H. 70-6, Harris. H. 76-83. W^essels, 84-7, Mattice. 88-9, Jongeneel, Jas. 90-5. Kuiper, Alb. 1896-1905, Harris, H. 1906-1900, Forbes. J. C 1910-1918. Black. J. 1918 Unionville, (Claraville. Upper Neversink. Grahamville). Sullivan Co NY. 1849. Bernart. 51-6. Jones. D. A. ^8-63, Hammond. J. W. 63-7 'Turn- er. (S.S.) 67-72. vacant. 72-7. Alilliken. R. P. (S.S.) 77-83, Lane, G. 85-8. Coombs. 90-3. Ruhl. 95-1898. Hauser, G. 1905-1906. Unity, 1918, see Muske.gon. Mich. Upper Community Ridgewood, see Upper Ridgewood Community. 714 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Upper Montclair, 1897, see Montclair Heights, N.J. Upper Neversink, 1849, see Unionville, N.Y. Upper Red Hook, (St. John's), Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1788. (See Rhine- beck, Ger. 1715, and Red Hook Landing). De Witt, P. 1788-91, Romeyn, Jer. 1794-1806, Kittle, 1807-33, Thompson, F. B. 1834-6, Hangen, 1837-40, Ward, 1841-5, Johnson, J. G. 1846-70, Myers, H. V. S. 1871-4, Scudder, Jos. 1875-6, Scudder, E. C. 77-85, Lydecker, G. S. 86- 98, Maar, 1900-1903, Clapp, E. 1904-1913, Mulford, H. D. B. 1913-1918, Smith, C. B. (S.S.) 1919, Pastor, 1921 Upper Ridgewood Community, N.J.', 1917. Terhune, J. A. 1917 Upper Schoharry, 1732. see Middleburgh, N.Y. Upper Walpack, Bingham's Ferry. Pa., 1862, see Walpack. Upper. Ustick, Morrison, Spring Valley, Fulton Co., 111., 1909. Roetman, Z. 1909- 1912, Kruys-Voorberge, J. P. J. 1912-1918. Wynveen, B. J. 1918-21. Utica, Oneida Co., N.Y., 1830. Labagh, J., Miss, to, 1827-31, Bethune, 31-4/ Mandeville, H. 34-41, Knox, J. P. 41-4, Wiley, 46-50, Fisher, G. H. 55-9, Knox, Chas. E. (S.S.) 60-2, Vermilye, A. G. 63-71, Hartley, 71- 89, Root, Oren, 89-94, Crispell, P. 94-1902, Root, Oren (S.S.) 1902-1904, Holden, L. H. 1904-21, Hospers, H. O. 1921 ■. Dailey Hist. Mont- gomery CI., 103. "Mag. R.D.C." ii. 319. See Flats. Uyeda, 1876, see Japan. Valley Springs, S.D., 1917. Classical Missionary. DeLange, T. L. 1919 Valley Stream, L.I.r N.Y., 1913. Fischer, J. W. (Jr.) 1913-1915. Vanden Berg, Turner Co., S.D., 1882. (Known also as Turner, Holland, and Hooker). Warnshuis, H. W^ 82-91, Nickerson, 91-6, Miedema, 96-9, classical missionary, 1897-1903. Dropped 1903. Vanderveer, Morgan Co., Ill, 1841. Hillman. 1841-2, Schultz, J. N. 1843-7, Westfall, S. V. E. 1853. Ayres, 1854-6. Van Nest, see Peekskill. N.Y. Van Raalte, (La Grace, Thule), S.D., 1886. Zwemer, F. J. 87-92, Har- meling, S. J. 93-4, classical missionary, 1894-1902. Dropped 1905. Van Vorst, ist, 1846, see Jersey City, N.J. Van Vorst, 1909, see Jersey City. N.'j. Y'eddersburgh, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1799. Ten Eyck, C. 1803-4. I" 1812 became Presbyterian. Vellore, 1853, see India. Vermilye Chapel, 1890, see N.Y.C., Manhattan. Vermilye Memorial, Colony, Lawton, Okl., 1907. Legters, L. L. 1907-10, Sluvters, H. 1911-13, Baxter, J. H. 1913, Dykema, I. 1913-15, Harper, R. H. 1915 Vesper, Arpin, Wis., 1917. Voorberge, J. P. J. K. 1918-21. Virgin Islands, see West Indies. Visscher's Ferry, 1802, see Amity, N.Y. Vogel Centre, Missaukee Co., ]\Hch., 1890. Venema, S. 92-1900, Classical Missionary, 1900-1901. Disbanded 1907. Volga, Brookings Co., S.D.. 1904. Grull, J. D. 1911-1917. Voorheesville, N.Y., see Clarksville, N.Y., New Salem, N.Y. Vriesland, Ottawa Co., Mich., 1851. This ch. was organized as a ch. inde- pendent of the State Ch., in the Neths. Nov. 19, 1846. It emigrated as a body, with its pastor. Rev. M. A. Ypma, in 1847, beginning its regu- lar services at Vriesland. Mich., in August of that year. Joined R.C.A. 1850. Pastors: Ypma. 1847-52, Zwemer, A. 58-68, Uiterwyck, 69-72, De Pree, P. 72-82, Niemeyer, G. 84-86, Vander Ploeg, 87-90, De Jonge, G. 1890-1912, Mollema, H. 1912-1917, Vandenberg, A. 1918- 20, Duven. M. J. 1921 . See "Hist, of Ottawa Co., Mich.," p. 108. Wakonda, 1886, see Olive Leaf, S.D. Walden, Orange Co., N.Y., 1835. Scribner, J. M. 39-41, Whitehead, Chas. THE CHURCHES 715 42-9. Schoonmaker, M. \'. 49-88, Demarest. \V. H. S. 88-97, Schorap, 1897-1911, Sizoo, J. R. 1911-1917, Bayles, T. F. 1917 . See 55th Anniversary. 1893. See Berea. \\'aldensian Congregation, see N.Y.C.. Borough of Alaiihattan. ^^■aIci\vick. X. T., 1907. MacCready, R. H. (S.S.) 1912-1913, \'an Kampen, I. (S.S.) 1915 W'allkill. now Montgonicrv. Wallkill \'alley, Wallkill.' Ulster Co., N.Y., 1869. Lippincott, 72-7. De- Witt, R. 77-89. Conklin, M. T. 90-1900. Vandermeulen. John 1901-1903, Maar, Chas. 1903-1907. Verwey. D. G. 1908-1916. Deilotts. G. 1916- 1921. Kanter, H. 1921 . See Grahamville, Xew Hurley. Shawan- gunk. X.J. Walloons. "Doc. Hist. X.Y." i. 23. "Brodhead's X.Y.." see Index. Walpack, Lower.* Monroe Co.. Pa.. 1737, Flatl)rookvil]o. (Consisting of two congregations. Bushkill and Walpack). Supplied occasionally by Mancius. 1737-41. Freyenmoct. 1741-56, also Rosencrantz. 1745-6. Romeyn, T. 1760-72. Yan Bunschooten. 1785-99. Force, 1808-27, De- mund, 27-9. Cushing. (S.S.) 31-2. Schanck, G. C. 34-5. Hyndshaw, 36-9, Pitts. 41-60, McWilliam. (S.S.) Oct. 60-1, June; pastor. 61-70. Shaw. 70-7. Rex. 78-87, Whittakcr. 92-1900. Beale. J. R. (S.S.) 1904-1905. Schinitz, Wm. 1909-1016. Langwith. F. A. 1918-192C. AYalpack, Lower. 1827. This church was organized on account of trouble growing out of a case of discipline : but the parties soon agreeing, the new organization was disbanded. — "Mints. CI. Xew Brunswick." 1827. Walpack. Cpper, Pike Co.. Pa.. 1862. (Consisting of two congregations, Dingman's Ferry and Peter's Valley). Jones, X. W. (S.S.) 61-2, Garretson, G. S. 63-83. Allen. J. M. 87-92. Myles. 96-1900. Grull. J. D. 1903-1905. See "Dr. Mills' Hist. Discs, of Walpack," 1874, and "Port Jervis." 1878. Wanaque. Passaic Co.^ X.J.. 1899. Walter A. J., student pastor, 1898-99, Scudder, E. C. 1901-1903. Staats. B. B. 1905-1907, Depue. F. E. 1907- 191 1, Deck, H. A. 1916-1919, Huizer, J. (S.S.) 1919-21, Van Dyck, Alex. S. 1921 Warren. 1829. see Henderson. X'.Y. Warren. Somerset Co.. X.Y. (Ger.) 1855. (Had before been an independent Lutheran Church.) Friedel. 55 Oerter. 56-8, Xeef, (S.S.) 58-60. pastor. 60-4, Wolff. 65-6. Schnellendreussler. 69-70. Xozc Coin/rcf/atioiial. Warren Co.. X.Y. (stations.) Stryker. H. B.. Miss. to. 1822-3. Warwarsing, see Wawarsing. Warwick. Orange Co.. X.Y.. 1750. [Organized as a Presbyterian Ch. ; Elmer. Jonathan. 1750-4. Parkhurst. Samuel. 1762-8. Lewis. Amzi. 1772- 7. Joline. John. 1795-1802.] Organized as a Refd. Dutch Church. 1804. Hardenbergh. C. 1804-8. Christie. J. L 12-35. ^ an Keuren, 36-7. Stew- art, J. W. 38-42. Vanderveer. F. H. 42-76. Carroll. \'. B. 76-86, Cris- pell. P. 87-93. Knox. Taber. 1894 Washington. 1814. and Gibbonsville, see Watervliet. Washington, 111.. 1847. Schultz, J. N. 1849-51. Washington. Ackley. Hardin Co., la.. 1880. Schuelke. 80-91. Krueger, H. T. 92-8, De Beer. J. 1899-1903, Schaefer. J. 1903-191 1, Bruns. F. H. 1912-1915. Bonte, G. W. 1917 Washington Heights, 1843. see X.Y.C.. Borough of Manhattan. AVaterford. (Halfmoon.) Saratoga Co.. X.Y.. 1771. Lupton, 1788-9, Close. 179. -1804. Dwight. 22-6. Labagh. I. P. 27-30. Schoonmaker, R. L. 32- 6, Slingerland. 36-7, Lockhead. 38-9, Whitbeck, 41-3, Dickson, 49-52, ScTioonmaker. R. L.. 52-6. \'an Brunt, 57-61. •Lower Walpack, with its two congreg-ations, viz.. Buslikill and Wal- pack, and Upper Walpack with its two congregations, viz., Dingman's Ferry and Peter's Valley, are one civil corporation. 7l6 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Waterloo, 1851. Rockwell, G. 51-4, Abell, 56-7. Waterloo, 1905, see Tyre, N.Y. Watervliet, N.Y. The town of Watervliet was erected in 1788. After much contraction name was changed to Calonie, 1896. Watervliet City was made from Village of West Troy in 1896 . See West Troy. Waupun, Fon du Lac Co., Wis., 1887. Ihrman, 87-91, Meulendyke, Josiah, 1892-1902, De Jong (De Young), A. 1903-1910, Hollebrands, J. J. 1910- 1918. Walvoord, Wm. C. 1918-22. See Alto. Wawarsing (Wawassink,) Naponoch, Ulster Co., N.Y. Before 1741. Sup- plied by Mancius 1740? by Fryenmoet, 1745-51, Frelinghuysen, J. called, 1753- but died, Frelinghuysen, H. 1756-7, Romeyn, D. 1766-77, Harden- bergh, J. R. 1782-6, Van Home, Ab. 1789-95, Mandeville, G. 1797-1801, Westervelt, R. 1802-8, Murphy, 14-25, Hutton, M. S., Miss, to, 2y-'&,. Hoffman, A., Miss, to, 28-9, Switz, 29-35, Dnryea, J. H. 37-9, Ward, J. W. 39-41, Demarest, Jas. (Sr. ) 42-8, Quackenbush, 49-51, Lente, 52-4, Williamson, N. D. 55-61, Van Vlcck, John, 62-4, Swick, 64-9, Talmage,. J. R. 69-74, Bell, 74-81, Lydecker. G. D. 82-91, Van Oostenbrugge, C. 91- 1900, Sciple, C. M. 1908-1914, Terwilliger, F. E. (S.S.) 1915. Wayne St., see Jersey City, N.J. Weehawken, 1843, see New Durham, N.J. Weehawken, 1853, see North Bergen, N.J. Weehawken, see West Hoboken, N.J. Weehawken, see West New York, N.J., Trinity. Weehawken, see Wood-Cliff-on-Hudson, N.J. Weehawken — Italian Mission. Weisersdorp, see Schoharie, N.Y. Wellsburg, Grundy Co., la., 1897. Theilken, 1899-1908, again, 1910-1914,. Landsiedcl, Wm. 1916 West Albany, see Lisha's Kill, N.Y. West Branch, 1877, see Sioux Centre, and Orange City, la. West Camp, N.Y., 1710. (See Camp and East Camp). The Palatines oni the west of the Hudson, most of whom had moved during the years 1712-30, back from the banks of the river at West Camp, a mile or two, to the Kingston Commons, seem to have been worshipping on the Kats Baan in 1730, and in 1732 built the stone church there. On the arrival of Mancius he begins his records by speaking of the "congre- gation worshipping on the Kaats Baan" and calls himself "their at that time pastor." This congregation seems to have comprised the whole Palatine colony, both Reformed and Lutheran, for with thi* beginning of the Katsbaan records those of West Camp cease until 1765, three years after the death of Mancius, when they begin as those of a Lutheran church. Supplied by Kocherthal, 1710-19, Haegar, J. F. 1710-21. Falckncr, Justus, 1720-3, Falckner, ■ Daniel, 1724-.. See Kaatsban. In 1718 Kocherthal and Haegar reported conjointly the . number of families in their charge. The people of West Camp did not wait for a church-building to be erected by the Government, (see East Camp), but built one immediately for the conjoint use of Luther- ans and Reformed. See Mancius. — "Doc. Hist. N.Y." iii. 382-392. Also "Gordon's Life of Ostrander," 38. Saugerties Post, April 12, 1901. West Church, see Newark, N.J. West Copake, 1758, see Taghkanic, N.Y. Name of Taghkanic since Nov. 15, 1882. West Coxsackie, N.Y., see Coxsackie, ist. West End, 1868, see Jersey City, N.J. West End Avenue Collegiate, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. West End, Port Jervis, N.J., 1896. This Church was known as Port Jervis 2d until 1915. Harris, D. T. 97-9, Forbes, 1900-1906, Appel, J. B. 1906- 1909, Campbell, J. B. 1909-1911, Boynton, A. B. 1913-1919, Emerick, I P. 1920. THE CHURCHES 77- West Copake, 1758, see Taghkanic, N.Y. West End, 1868, see Jersey City, NJ. Westerlo, 1790, see Sprakers Basin, NY ^^'''Isi°'x-^^J'''' ^'hester) Albany Co., N.Y.. 1793. Center, Miss, to 1823, \anderveer, ]., Miss, to, 23, Van Vechten, S., Miss, to 2^4 \ an Keuren, Miss, to, 24, Fort, 22-31, Wilson Jos. 32-4, Slingerland 34-6, Gosman, b. S. 36-8, Chittenden, 39-40, Cornell, J. A. H 41-V Robertson S 43-8, Bogardus, N. 49-50, Demarest, W. 50-4, 'Dver 56-61, Furbeck 62-7, Westveer, 68-9, Bogardus. F. M. 69-72, Pitcher; J. H. ,3-6 Buckelew, 76-9, Cole, S. T. 79-82, Falckner, W. E. 86, Kin- ney C. W 89-91, Bryant, J. P. 1906-1908, Boyce, D. (S.S.) 1913-16 Pastor 1916 / y o 1". Western ^Ik,tment of Kingsborough, i»i6, see Johnstown, Montgomery })>^t %i"S' 1839, see X.Y.C.. Borough of The Bronx wf !I^' H °^««""g"^'i?ts- 1850 s^e N.Y.C., Borough of Richmond. W estheld, 1886, see Hope. N.D. West Hoboken, Weehawken Hudson Co., N.J. (Chapel of the Grove Church. 1895-1902). Ackert, 95-1900, Dawson, 1901-1912, Bush B T T^'^'^r' P' ^'^^''' J- 1917-1919, Caton, J. C. 1920-— Assistants' Wdls C. E. 1913-1916, Luidens, A. (Charles St. Chapel). 1916- 918 oi^t^o' n*o^-i-; "t°^'aV ''''^- ^^^'^'^'' St. Chape'l.) Luiden's A. I9ie-i9i9, Doughty, J. W. 1919 West Hurley, Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1848. Supplied by Gulick A 47-54. pastor, 54-9^ Case. 60-5. Van Doren, D. K. 67-9. Blauvelt C t" 69-79. Staats, B^ B. 79-82, Van Doren, W. H. 83-4. Stanbrough, 8^3' Bahler, L. H. 96-7. Park. C. (S.S.) 1901-1904. Luther, M. F. 1905-19^6 f:^T'^{ ^- J906-1910, Clowe, C. W., 1912-1913, Brink, H. wf 19^4- 1919, JNicnoIas, J. F. 1920 West Hurley, see Stewartville. West Indies, Abeel, D.; Miss, to, 1828-9, again 1836-7. ^"^^^ S'oL-'''n'""^"^--^''"/ir'''^'"' ^- '7-;-92. The Danish Government took possession of the property after the church was disbanded Ihis property was set apart as a permanent fund for the benefit ot the descendants of those who were members of the church at the time of its dissolution and it is thus administered Ihe Government sent its silver communion sot to the church of St Ihomas. where it yet remains. St. John. 17 Knevels.... Was extinct in 1828. Dr. Anson Du Bois o^St^^^Thomrr *^'''^* ^'""'"^ ^^^ ''^'''''^' °*' S^- -^^^'^ ^° *^^ "''^"^ St. Thomas about i66c. [Oliandus. 1685-8; (pastors' names gcner- dan ;'6^??"^.''"Vrw''-^''^J" Copenhagen, and also in Amster- dam, 16^8-1,33; Christian Strumphias was laboring there 171^ and Isaac Grovewoid, 1718) ; Arnoldus Van Drumen, 1733^6 Jo"- SearVi°';i\^' ^^V"^^ 1-^°'"^ Paldamus. i744-5->, John A.' M^nte- ^So\.'^ ]^\^-J- ,^'H'?' '763-84. Francis M. Verboom. 1784- 812]; Labagh. A. I. 1828-41. Brett. P. M. 1842-5, Knox 1 P 1845-54. \\yckoff. T. F. and Whittlesey. E. 54-5. Allen \V o' s^'n ^"%'''^«"- ^"\ '"ifl AIcQueon. P. 74-8, Allen, w". O " 78- n;. 1" K°r ^"^'^"w^-"6. Hageman, A. J. 87-90, Lowe, J. C. 90, Uggel E C. 90-3 Hume, 97-9. Arcularius, 99-1901, Perlee, 190 >- 1911, Leslie, A. H. 1916-1918. Foiensbee, B. J i.juSl— ^ -Dutdi 'FZth^''^L^''f''4'^ ^l "^'^T"' ''"''' by'dififerent nationalities The D.;iiS U'i /^ 'r ^'"""''-^"^ through many vicissitudes. Ihe Dan sh West India Company finally came into possession The Lu- ^ZZi''"'^ '""' the prevailing church, while thl MoraJans labored among the negroes. A Dutch church was organized on St. Thomas in Se 7l8 THE REFORMED CPIURCH IN AMERICA times of the Dutch West India Company, and perhaps Dutch organizations existed at that early period also on the other islands. The vernacular lan- guage long continued to be Dutch, and is the basis of the present Creole language. The Dutch were expelled from St. Thomas by the English in 1667, but returned when the Danes gained possession, a few years later. The records of the Dutch church, prior to 1744, are destroyed. The Lu- therans' records are continuous from 1688. The Dutch and Lutherans worshipped alternately in the Fort, until a R.D.C. edifice was erected, which was prior to 1718. These two religious bodies alone enjoyed the special recognition and protection of the Danish Government. In 1744, the church of St. Thomas had 142 communicants. Up to 1759 the church was supported by voluntary contributions. In that year Mrs. Catherine De Windt, widow of Jahns Jahnsen De Windt, bequeathed to the church the estate Cathariiiabcrg. It extended down into the town, and after 1792 be- came exceedingly valuable. The pastor, Verboom, purchased this estate of the church soon after his settlement there for $38,000, and realized $ioo,coo by the sale of the town lots. Of the $38,000 belonging to the church, the sum of about $8,000 was for the support of the poor, the rest for the ministry. Verboom's speculations greatly injured the spiritual condition of the church. He retired, a man of wealth, to Holland in 1812. During the 68 years, 1744-1812, the records show that 850 persons united with this church. After Verboom left, the church was in so low a condition that no appli- cation was made to the^Classis of Amsterdam to send them another minis- ter. Up to 1812 their supplies had come from Holland. The members of the Dutch church for fifteen years were scattered among the Lutherans, the Aloravians, and the Episcopalians. The latter began to hold services in 1820. In 1827 the Dutch of St. Thomas were led to make application to the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States to send them a pastor, and for the next thirty years they were thence supplied, as indicated above. With the advent of the American ministers, services began to be held in English. When Dr. John Knox visited these islands in 1828, he says that a fund of $50,000 yet remained for the support of the gospel. Dr. John P. Knox, a subsequent pastor, says the funds amounted to about $40,000. The church of St. John was found in ruins, and not a single communicant known to remain, although there were funds also belonging to that church. During Dr. Philip AI. Brett's ministry, the Lutherans and Dutch used the same edifice, the colored people bringing their own stools and sitting in the aisles. The present edifice of the Dutch Church is a plain Grecian temple of the Doric style. It was erected during Dr. Brett's ministry. The Liturgy of our American Church is used, and they adhere in all respects to the Order of the R.D.C. Dr. Brett remained a member of the Classis of Paramus while preaching there. He was recalled in 1855, but declined. They made several efiforts afterward to procure pastors from America, but failed. (See Manual of 1879 for suggestion that R.C.A. again take these churches under their care.) In 1883, through the influence of Rev. Dr. Anson Du Bois, this church connected itself with the South Classis of Long Island, and is now sup- plied by ministers of R.C.A. See "Ch. Int." Ap. 25, 1883. See the names of the American pastors who have labored there ; Dr. John Knox's letter in "Mag-. R.D.C." iii. 26; also ii. 142', 281, 318; Rev. J. P. Knox's "Hist. Acct. of St. Thomas, St. Croix, and St. John," 1852. i2mo. pp. 271. Much material relating to these churches was secured by Dr. Corwin, in Holland, in 1897-8. See Ecc. Rec. N.Y. West Leyden, Point Rock, Lewis Co., N.Y., 1856. Boehrer, 56-62, Wagner, (S.S.) 62-4, Schlieder, 65-72, Weber, 74-9, Warnshius, H. 80, Reiner, 81-5, Kern S. (S.S.) 84, Freeh, 85-7, Keil, 88-9, Schlieder, F. E. i88g- 1907. Bolsterle, G. S. 1909-1911, supplies, 191 1 . See Dailey Hist. of Montgomery Classis, 107. THE CHURCHES 719 West Newark, 1866, see Newark, N. J. West New Hempstead, (Kakiat, Spring Valley), Monsey, Rockland Co., N.Y., 1773. Marinus, 1773-8, Leydt, P. 1789-93, Brinkerhoff. G. G. 1793- 1806, Deinarest, J. D. 1808-24, Wynkoop. Jef. 25-36, Allen, P. 37-62, Brock. J. R. 62-5. \'an Neste, G. 65-9, Mattice. H. (S.S.) 69-71, Statesir, 72-81, vacant, 81-6, Lauijcnheimer, 86-8, Dusinberre, 89-98, Brink, 1899- 1906, Van Biirk, John 1906-1908, Smith, T. \I. (S.S.) 1910-1911, Rock- efeller, D. \\'. G. 1913. Chadst-y, H. T. 1914-20. West New York. Trinity, Weehawken. N.J., 1908. Hopper, A. W. 1908 West Nyack, see Clarkstown, N.Y. Westover, see Kanipcn, Md., 1900. West Sayville, see Sayville, N.Y. West Side, see Chicago, Hungarian, 111. See Chicago, Oak Park, 111. West Side, see Jersey City, N.J. Weston. Amherst, S.D., 1920. West Town, Orange Co., N.Y., 1791. Van Bunschooten, E. i788-9<). West Troy. North, (Washington and Gibbonsville ), Watcrvliet, Albany Co., N.Y., 1814. Bronk, 1813-34, Wood, 35-6, ]\Iann, (S.S.) yj, Gregory, O. H. 38-70. Hutton. A. J. 71-9. Lansing. J. G. 79-84. Beardslee, J. W. 84-7, Cobb, H. E. 88-92, Pease, 93-9, Pershing, 1901-1903, Berg, I. H. 1904-1906, Hamlin, H. F. 1907 West Troy, South, Wasliington, Watervlict, Albany Co., N.Y., 1844. (This church was called Jcrmain Memorial, 1874-1885). Wells, R. (S.S.) 44, Wyckoff, T. F. 45-54. Roof, 55-64. Wyckoff, Jac. 65-70, Strong, S. W. 70-84, vacant, 84-98, Wyckofif, Chs. S. 98-9, Meengs, 1901-1904. Disbanded 1907. Westwood, Bergen Co., N.T., 1886. Talmage, D. \l. 1888-190S, Decker, E. W. 1908 ■ White Hall. Green Co.. 111.. 1861. Schcnck, M. L. 1865-9. White House, 1792. see Rockaway, N.J. White Plains, Westchester -Co., N.Y., 1865. Hulb'jrt, 1865-73. White Port, 1796, see Bloomingdale, N.Y. White Rock Centre, 1892, see Elim, 111. \\'hite Reck, see Ebenezer, Oregon. 111. White Tail. N.M., see White Tail, Canyon, N.M. White Tail, Canyon, N.M. (Apache) 1918. Arthur. T. O. 1918-1920. Wichert, St. Anne. 1893, 111. (Known as Koster, III. until 1913)- Vanden- bosch. T. 99-1900, Vander Werf, 1901-1904, Tanis, H. 1904-1905, We- binga. J. 1906-191 1. Pettcrsson. H. M. 1912-1914. Zandstra, F. 1915-1918, \'ander Heide, J. 1919 — -— Wichita. Kan.. 191 1. DeBev, D. J. (S.S.) 1919-1920. Wilcox. Elk Co.. Pa.. 1873. ' Hoffman, W. H. 1875-7. Wilson, F. F. 1878-9. Became Presbyterian. • Wilhehnina Bethlehem. Preston. ^Id., 1900. Joldersma. R. H. (S.S.) 1901. Dropped 1509. Wilkei^barre. Luzerne Co.. Pa.. 1792. Gray. A. 1793-6. The people of this church emigrated almost in a body to the Genesee country in 1796. ( See Owasco. ) Williamsburgh, 1816. see Canada. \\'iliiamsburgh. 1828. see N.Y.C.. Borough of Brooklyn. Williamson. X. Y., 1912. Vander Schoor, Cor., Classical Missionary, 1913- 191 5. Pastor 1915-21, Burggraff. J. J. (Jr.) 1921 Willow Lakes, Clarke Co., S.D., 1888. Zwcmer, F. J. 8^-92. Disbanded, 1895. Willow Lakes. S.D., iqii. Immanucl. Suni)licd. Wilton, 1823. \'an Hook. Miss. to. 1825. McKelvey, John, IMiss. to, 1827. Wiltwick. Church of the Comforter, 1863. see Kingston, N.Y. Wimbeldon. see Dover. N.D. Windham, an early name of Prattsville, see Prattsville. N.Y. (The town of Prattsville was formed from the town of Windham in 1833.) 720 THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA Windsor Terrace, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Winfield, N.Y., see N.Y.C!, Borough of Queens. Winnebago, Neb., 1911. (Indian.) Watermulder, G. 1911-1918, McEIwee, R. 1919, Watermulder, G. 1920 Woestyne, 17... Now Rotterdam. Wolcott, now Fair Haven. Wolcott, Secession, Cayuga Co., N.]'., 1827. Wolver Hollow, see Oyster Bay, L.I., N.Y. Woodbourne, N.Y., 1802. Sullivan Co., N.Y. (Neversink. Name of Church Fallsburgh, until 1918). Reorganized 1827. Boj'd, J. H., Miss, to, 27-8, Gray, J. 33-5, Eggleston, 36-7, Duryee, J. G. 46-51, Eltinge, C. D. 51-2, Searle, J. 53-6i, Connitt, 62-5, Brown, W. S. 67-88, Statesir, 1889-1915, Smith, H. 1916-1918, Heroy, G. M. 1918-1919. Woodcliff-on-Hudson, Weehawken, N.J., 191 1. Miller, J. C. 1911-21, Van Strien, David, 1922 Wood Haven, L.I., 1858. Wood Haven, see Forest Park, N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Wood Haven, Grace. L.I., 1891. Krausher, 91-3. Woodlawn, see N.Y.C., Borough of Brooklyn. Woodlawn, see Schenectady, N.Y., 1910. Woodside, 1871, see Newark, N.J. Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1799. Overbagh, 1806-17, Boyse, 26-37, Bo- gardus, N. 38-42, Van Doren, W. T. 43-5, Gulick, A. 46-54, James, W. L. 56-62. Blauvelt, C. J. (S.S.) 64-5. Wyckoff, D. B. 65-70, Hoes, (S.S.) 71-2, Moore, W. S. 73-9, Force, F. A. 80-2, Wurts, 82-6, Acker- man, 86-90, Boggis, 91-5, Park, C. 1896-1904, Luther, M. F. 1904-1906, Simpson, W. E. 1906-1910, Clowe, C. W. 1912-1913, Brink, H. W. 1914- 1919, Nicholas, J. F. 1920 . See West Hurley, N.Y. Wormser City, Montana, 1896. Wormser, A. 96-7, classical missionary, 97-1900, De Jongh, J. 1900-1901. Disbanded 1903. Wortendyke, Bergen Co., N.J., 1871. Smit, J. 83-6, Diephuis, Jac. 87-9, Haan, 90-2, Dekker, F. 96-7. Lubeck, W. 98-1900, Ruigh, 1900-2, Pop- pen, J. 1902-1908, Dykema, K. J. 1908-1912, Pool, W. 1914 Wortendyke, Ridgewood, Trinity, N.J., 1904. Whitehead, J. H. 1906-1918, P.E. 1918-20, Campbell, C. H. 1919 Worthing, Lennox, S.D., 1900. Schoon, J. H. 1900-1910, Schaff, AL (S.S.) 1912 . Dropped 1916. Wurtsboro, 1805, see Mamakating, N.Y. WyckofF, Bergen Co., N.J., 1822. Had been a regular preaching station of Ponds since about 1798. (De Witt, P. 1798-1808, Demarest, John, 12- 20,) Kuypers, Z. H. 25-41, Thompson, W. J. 42-5, Ryerson, 45-65, Van Benschooten, 65-69, Searle, S. T. 69-88, Faulkner, 88-91, West- veer, 1892-1904, Strohauer, P. J. 1905-1911, Parker, A. F. 1912 Wynantskill, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1793. Romeyn, J. V. C. 1794-9, Za- briskie, John L. 1801-11, Labagh, L 1811-15, Westervelt, R. 16-22, Morris, J.. Miss, to, 24-5, Bogardus, C. 26-32, Bronson, A. 33-6, Slirt- gerland, 37-40, Gates, 40-2, Lansing, Jac. A. 42-8, Quick, J. J. 49-54, Stevenson, 54-64, Tomb, 65-72, Evans, C. P. 81-3, Van Allen, L 83-90, Olney, 91-2, Wessels, 94-7, Schaul, 1898-1906, Leiss, S. R. 1907-1911, Bolsterle, G. F. 1911-1913, Buckingham, M. S. (S.S.) 1915-1917, Seso, A. A. 1919-22. Wynantskill, Secessio)i, Independent, 1824. Lansing, J. V. S. 1824-6, Bel- linger, 1829. Wysersdorf, 1730. Dutch branch of the Schoharie Congregation. Became independent about 1785, returned to the Reformed Church about 1794. See Schoharie, Middleburgh. Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington, 1901, see North Yakima, Wash. Yankton, Salem, Yankton Co., S.D., 1893. Harmeling, S. J. 93-4, classical missionary, 94-5, DeWitz, C. J. 1895-1900. Dropped 191 1. THE CHURCHES 721 Yokohama, 1872, see Japan. Yonkers, Westchester Co., N.Y.. 1842. Hulbert, 1842-8, DeMund, 48-50, Seward, 50-2. Hulbert, 52-65, Cole. D. 65-97, Inglis, T. E. 97-1901, Cutler, 1902-1918, Stewart, D. C. (S.S.) 1918-21. Church sold by Bd. of Domestic Alissions, 1921 . See "Cole's Hist. Ser. at 40th Anni- versary of Church," 1883. — Sermon at 25th Anniv. of his settlement, 1890. Yonkers, Park Hill, 1892. Beardslee, W. A. 92-4, Bruce, \V. P. 1895-1917, Mann, A. I. 191 8 Yonkers, Mile Square, 1900. Tyndall, C. H. (S.S.) 1902-1911, Clist, C. L. (S.S.) 1912-1913, Weber, J. (S.S.) 1914-1915, Armbruster, C. (S.S.) 1915- Yonkers. N.Y.. Crescent Place, 191 1. Tyndall, S. G. 1912-1914, Allen, J. S. (S.S.) 1915- York, 1810, see Canada. Yorktown, Minn., 1867. Yorkville, see N.Y.C., Borough of Manhattan. Yuker's Bush, N.Y., see Oppenheim, N.Y. Zabriskie, 1871, see Hamilton, Mich. Zeeland. Ottawa Co., Mich., 1850. (Organization came from Holland. 1847. Joined R.C.A. 1850.) Vandermeulen, C. 47-59, Stobbelaer, 60-5, Bolks, 65-72, Moerdyk, W. 73-6, Steffens, 78-82, Kremer, 82-92. De Jonge, J. P. 1893-1910, Chefif, P. P. 1910-1917, Harmeling, 1918-21, Jacobs, H. C. 1922 Zeeland 2d, Mich., 1904. Aloerdyk, W"m. 1905-1911, Hoffman, B. 1912 Zeeland, see Beaverdam, Mich., Ottawa, Mich. Zion, Chapin, Franklin Co., la., 1890. Mollenbeck, 90-1900, Bosch, F. C. S. 1901-1905, Janssen. W. T. 1905 Zion, 1903, see Timmonsville, S.C. Zion, Newton, Erie, Fentpn, 111., 1909, see Newton, 111. Zion, 191 1, see Zion German Evangelical, N.Y.C., Borough of the Bronx. Zion. 1917, see Zion. Grand Rapids. Mich. Zoar, Ackley, Hardin Co.. la., 1898. De Beer, J. 1899-1903, Schaefer, J. 1904-1912. United with W'ashington, Ackley, la., 1910. chronological List of the Ministers IN THE Reformed (Dutch) Church in America, Nearly Three Hundred Years, 1628—1922 Names in parenthesis either not graduates of the Institution or not full pastors '^ of the Reformed Church. 1. Under the West India Company and the Church of Holland, 1628-1664 American Ministers. Came to America. Ministers from Europe. Matriculated.* 1664. Megapolensis, Samuel, Harvard University, 1653-6 ; Utrecht Uni- versity, 1656 ; Leyden University, 1661 ; again Utrecht University for study of medicine, 1663. Went to Holland for further study and ordination. 1628. Michaelius, Jonas. Leyden Univer- sity, 1598. ^^ . 1633. Bogardus, Everardus. Leyden Uni- versity, 1627. 1642. Megapolensis, John. Cologne Uni- versity, 1624. 1647. Backerus, John. 1650. ftrasmere. Wm. 1652. Drisius, Samuel. Leyden University 1620; again, for study of medicine, 1649. 1652. Schaats, Gideon. 1654. Polhemus, John T. 1657. Carpentier. Caspar. 1657. Welius, Everardus. Utrecht Univer- sity, 1650. 1659. Zyperus, Michiel. 1660. Blom, Herman. Utrecht University, 1647 ; Leyden University, 1652. 1660. Selvns, Henry. Utrecht University, 1654; Leyden University, 1657. 1661. Luyck. Aegidius. 1664. Hadson, Warnerus. 1S64. The English Conquest of New Netherland. 2. Under the Duke of York and the Church of Holland, 1664-1685. American Mitiisters. Ministers from Europe. Wm. Leyden Leyden 1679. 1671. Van Nieuwenhuysen, University, 1661. 1675. Van Rensselaer, Nicholas. University, 1670. 1677. Van Zuuren, Caspar. Leyden Univer- sity, 1668. 1678. Van Gaasbeeck, Laurentius. Leyden University, 1667. 1681. Weekstein. John. Leyden Universi- ty, 1658; again, 1674. for study of theology. 1682. Selyns, Henry. Comes to America a second time. See 1660 above. 1683. Daille, Peter. Some French univer- sity. French Refd. •Where no University is indicated, this does not necessarily imply that a Uni- versity course was not pursued. Only the Catalogues of Leyden, Utrecht and Gron- ingen have been examined. Tesschenmacher, Peter. Leyden University, 1669 ; Utrecht Univer- sity, 1671 ; Groningen University, 1671. First minister ordained in America. , 724 APPENDIX 3. Under the Crown of England and the Church of Holland, 1685-1771. American Ministers. Came to America. Alinisters from Europe. 1694. Bertholf, Guilliam. Went to Hol- land for ordination. 1709. Morgan, Joseph, a Presbyterian, but serving also a Dutch church. 1709. Van Vleck, Paul, irregularly or- dained ; probably by Freeman. 1686. Varick. Rudolphus. Utrecht Univer- sity. 1666. 1686. Van den Bosch, JL. French Ref'd, Levden University, 1679. 1687. Carre, E. French Ref'd. 1687. Peiret, Pierre, French Ref'd. 1688. Bonrepos, Daniel. French Ref'd. 1695. Lupardus, Wm. Leyden Univ., 1684. 1695. Nucella. John P. 1696. Montaigne, John. French Ref'd. 1696. Bondet, Daniel. French Ref'd. 1696. Charter of R. P. D. Church of New York. The First Church Charter IN THE Middle States. 1699. DuBois, Gualterus. 1699. Laborei, Jas. French Ref'd. 1700. Freeman. Bernardus. 1700. Lydius. John. 1705. Antonides, Vincentius. 1705. Bevs. Henry. Leyden University, 1694 : again. 1701. 1708. Kocherthal. Joshua. Ger. Ref'd. 1708. (Barclay. H.) 1710. Haeger. John F. Ger. Ref'd., but Episcopally ordained. 1710. Oehl (Ehle), John J. Ger. R,ef'd. 1710. Vas. Peter. 1710. Rou. Louis. French Ref'd. 1712. Van Driessen, Peter H. Gronlngen University, 1712. 1713. Boel, Henrv. Leyden University, 1712. 1715. Brouwer. Thomas. ITIS. Moulinars. J. B. French Ref'd. 1718. Van Sautvoord. Cornelius. Leyden University, 1707. 1720. Frelinghuysen. Theodore J. 1723. Stouppe, Pierre. French Ref'd. 1724. DuBois, Gideon. 1725. Erickson. Reinhart. Groningen Uni- versity. 1714. 1726. Coens. Henry. 17 26. Muzelius. Frederick. 1726. "Weiss. George M. German Ref'd., Heidelberg University. 1718. 1730. Curtenius, Antony. Groningen L^ni- versity, 1724. 1730. Mancius. George W. Herborn Theo- log. Sem.. 1728-30. 1731. Haeghoort, Gerardus. 1731. Van Schie. Cornelius. Leyden Univ., as a student of Philosophy, 1721 ; of Theologv, 1730. 1733. (Berkenmeyer, Wm.) 1736. Rieger, J. B. Heidelberg and Basle Universities. 1737. Dorsius. Peter H. German Ref'd., Groningen Univ., 1734 ; Leyden Univ.. 1736. 1727. Van Driessen, John, Groningen. University, 1717 ; ordained by Congregationalists at Yale Col- lege. 1729. Boehme. John Philip, German Ref'd. Ordained by the ininisters of New York City, by permission of Classis of Amsterdam. 1736. Schuyler. John. Ordained by Revs. Haeghoort and Erickzon. 1738. by permission of Classis of Amsterdam. 1737. A CcETus Proposed 1741 1738. Plan of Ccetus Adopted and Sent to Holland FOR Approbation. Fryenmoet. John C, ordained by Mancius, 1741 ; but re-ordained by Mancius, 1744. by order of Classis of Amsterdam, in presence of ftevs. Vas and Weiss. 1741. Goetschius. John H.. ordained by Dorsius. Frelinghuysen and Ten- nent, 1741 : but re-ordained by Ccetus. 1748. by order of Classis of Amsterdam. 1745. Frelinghuysen, Theodore. Went to Holland for ordination. 1739. Van Basten, John V. 1742. Arondeus. John. 1742. DuBois. Abram. 1744. Ritzema. John. 1745. Meinema. Benjamin. 1746. Rosenkrantz. (First name unknown). 1746. Schlatter. Michael. German Ref'd. 1746. Van Sinderin, Ulpianus. 1746. Schnorr. C. L. APPENDIX 725 1748. I'LAN OV CCETUS APPROVED BY THE CLASSIS OF AMSTEKDAM. THE CCETUS Constituted. Ministers Ordained by the Coetus. 1748. Leydt, John. 1748. Vaiulerlinde, Benjamin. 1749. Verbrycke. Samuel. 1750. Frelinghuy.sen, John. Went to Holland for ordination. 1753. Frelinghuy.sen, Ferdinand. Went to Holland for ordination. Died at sea. 1753. Frelinghuysen, Jacobus. Went to Holland for ordination. Died at sea. 1753. Romevn, Thomas. College of N. J.. 1750. Went to Holland for or- dination. 1753. Schuneman. John. Went to Hol- land for ordination. 1753. Vrooman. Barent. Utrecht Univ., 1750-2. Went to Holland for ordi- nation. Came to Ministers from Europe or froiti America. other Denojninations. 1749. De Wint, Peter. An imposter. 1749. Van Hoevenbergh, E. T. Groningen Univ.. 1732. 1750. Wurts, J. C. From Ger. Ref'd. Coetus of Pa. 1750. DuBois, Jonathan. From the Pres- byterian Church. 1750. De Ronde, Lambertus. 1750. Rosenkrantz. Abram. Ger. Ref'd. 1752. Marinu.«, David. From Ger. Ref'd. Ccetus. 1752. Wernich, John Aemilius. Ger. Ref'd. 1753. Charter of Kings (now Columbia) College. 1754. Ccetus Declares Itself TO Have All the Powers of a Classis Ccetus vs. Coxferentie. Ordained by the American Classis. 1754. Frelinghuysen, Henry. 1754. Goetschius. J. M. 1757. Jackson, Wm. Went to Holland for ordination. , 1758. Barcolo. 1758. Hardenbergh, Jacob R. 1758. Van Nist, Jacob. 1701. Van Harlingen, John M. Went to Holland for ordination. 17o3. Schoonmaker. Henry. 1764. DuBoip. Benjamin. 17C5. Lydekker. Garrett. C. N. J. iT55. Ordained by the Conferentie. 1765. Schoonmaker, Martin. 1754. Carre, Jean, Frencli Ref'd. 1754. Mayor, J. L., French Ref'd. 1755. Rubel, John C, from Ger. Reformed Ccetus. 1759. Kails, AVm. German Reformed. 1760. Kettletas, Ab. Yale College, 1752. From Presbyt. Church. 1760. Houdin, jMichael. Frencli Reformed. Episcopally ordained. 1760. Loppius. 1760. AVesterlo. Eilardus. Groningen Uni- ver.sity, 1754. 1761. Rothenbergler, Frederic. Educated at Berne. 1762. Blauw, Cornelius. Groningen Uni- versity, 1749. 1763. Laidlie. Archibald. Edinburgh Uni- versity, about 1750. Called to preach in English. From Presbyt. church in Flushing. Holland. 1763. Me>er. Hermanus. Groningen Uni- versity, 1763. 1763. Weyberg, C. D. Ger. Ref'd. 1763. Weyberg. Philip. Ger. Ref'd. One of the original Trustees of Queens College. 1763. Kern. John M. Ger. Ref'd. Probab- ly Heidelberg University. 1764. Tetard. Jean Pierre. 1764. Cock, Gerhard, D. 1765. Chalker. Isaac. 1765. Rysdyck. Isaac. Groningen Univer- sity. 1751. 1765. (Somer, . ) 1766. CriARTER OF QUEENS (NOW RUTGERS ) COLLEGE. 1766. Romeyn, Dirck. C. N. J. 1765. 1770. Livingston, John H. Yale Col- lege. 1762: Utrecht Univ.. 1766. Went to Holland for ordination. 1766. Boelen, Herman L. 1769. Kuypers, Warmoldus. Groningen Universit.v, 1753. 1770. De Martel. J. A. French Refd. 1770. Doll, George J. L. 726 APPENDIX 1771. Articles of Union Between the Ccetus and Conferentie Parties — Semi-Independence of the Church. Ordinations by the General Meeting, as Follows. i772. Van Voorhis, Stephen. C. N. J. 1765. 1773. Van Bunschoten, Elias. C. N. J. 1768. 1773. Van Nest, Rynier. 1774. Froeligh, Solomon. 1774. [Romeyn, Benj., died before ordi- nation.] 1775. Goetschius, Stephen. Came to America. Ministers from Other Denominations. 1772. Foering, Christian F. 1773. Gros, John D. 1774. Gebhard. John G. Universities of Heidelberg and Utrecht. 1775. Kennipe. 1778. De Witt, Peter. 1778. Levdt, Matthew. Queens College, 1775. 1780. Lansing, Nicholas. 1782. Van Arsdale. Simeon. 1783. Wack, Caspar. 1783. Blauvelt, Isaac. Queens Coll., 1783. 1783. Romeyn, Theodore F. 1784. Blauvelt, Timothy. Queens Col- lege, 1782. 1784. Duryee, John. 1776. American Political Independence. 1777. Schenck, Wm. C. N. J. 1767. 1777. Cough. 1784. (Broeffie, J. L.) 1784. Cozine, Cornelius. 5. 1784. Appointment of Rev. Dr. John H. Livingston Professor of Didactic Theology, and of Rev. Hermanns Meyer Professor of Languages. Assump- tion OF Complete Ecclesiastical Independence. The Church in Holland Notified. Graduates of the Reformed Dutch Theo- logical Seminary. New York or Flatbush. L. I., 1784-1810. 1785. Other Ministers. Van Harlingen. John M. Q. C. 1783. Schneyder, G. W. 1786. Schoeffer, J. D. 1787. Basset, John. C. C. 1786. Froeligh, Moses. Kuypers, Gerardus Arents. Lowe, Peter. Romevn, James V. C. S.A. 1774. Studdiford. Peter. C. C. 1786. Brinkerhoff, George G. Labagh, Isaac. Leydt, Peter. Q. C. 1782. Lupton. Brandt Schuyler. C. C. 1788. Romeyn, Jeremiah. Stryker, Peter. Van Home, Abram. Q. C. 1787. Chitara, Ludwig. Linn, Wm. C. N. J. 1772. Volckman, Johann R. 1788. Peck, D. C. A. (Ger.) Dyslin, J. H. 1789. Demarest, John. Smith, Samuel. Gray, Andrew. Jackson, John F. Q. C. 17? Van Vranken, Nicholas. Jennings, Jacob. 1790. McDoweH, Robt. APPENDIX 727 Reformed Dutch Seminary. Other Ministers. Corneilson. John. 1791-1800. 1791. 1793. Bogert. David Schuyler. C. C. 1790. Kuypers, William Provost. Ostrander, Stephen. Paige, Winslow. Dartmouth College. Van Vlierden, Peter. Oct. 1792. Constitution of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church ADOPTao, Embracing Doctrine, Liturgy and Govehinment. Abeel. John Nelson. C N. J. 1787. Brower, Cornelius. C. C. 1792. Brush. John C. Kuypers, Zeehariah H. Van Huysen, Herman. Johnson, John B. C. C. 1792. Ro.segrant, Elijah. M. D. Q. C. 1791. Sickles. Jacob. C. C. 1792. 1793. 1794. Condict, Ira. C. N. J. 1784. (Maier, James.) Schefer. J. D. Smith, Wm. R. C. N. J. 1795. Bork, Christian. Brokaw, Abram. Q. C. 1793. Cannon, James S. Labagh, Peter. Larzalere. Jacob. Mandeville, Garret. Yates. Andrew. Y. C. 1793. Janeway, Jacob J. C. C. 1794. Duby. French Ref d. Senn, J. 1796. Close, John. C. N, J. 1763. (Romden, Fitch). 1797. Albert, Pierre French Ref d. Kirby, Thomas. 1798. Barcolo, George. C. C. 1795. Cornell, John. Log C. Duryea, Philip H. C. C. 1795. Eltinge. Wilhelmus. C. N. J. 1796. Manley, William. Meyer. John Hardenbergh. C. C. 1795. Polhemus. Henry. C. N. J. 1794. Romeyn, Benjamin. Romeyn, John Broadhead. C. C. 1795, Romeyn. Thomas. U. C. 1797. Van Doren, Isaac. Vredenbergh. John S. Q. C. 1794. Wyckoff, Henry V. Linn, J. B. C. C. 1795. Wack, John J. 1799. Ten Eyck, Conrad. (Eyermann, J. J.) Miles, John B. Smith, Thos. G. Ostrander, Henry. Zabriskie, John L. U. C. 1799. U. C. 1797. 1800. Stephenson, William, 728 APPENDIX Reformed Dutch Seminary. 1801-1810. Froleigh, Peter Ditmars. C. C. 1799 Schoonmaker, Jacob. C. C. 1799. Schureman, John. Q. C. 1795. Toll, John C. U. C. 1799. Van Pelt. Peter I. C. C. 1799. Vedder, Herman. U. C. 1799. Westervelt, Ralph A. 1801. Other Minsiters. Spinner, J. P. Univ. of Mentz, 1788. Christie. John I. C. C. 1799. Hardenbergh, Charles. Palmer, Sylvanus. Demarest, James D. Overbagh. Peter A. Schmerhorn. Cor. D. Vedder, Henry. Whitbeck, Andrew. U. C. 1797. (Bogart, Samuel.) Brodhead, Jacob. U. C. '01. Van Beuren. Peter. U. C. '02. Westbrook, Cornelius D. U. C. '01. Brower, Stephen H. Halidav. Thomas. U. C. '02. Kittle, Andrew N. U. C. '04. Rowan, Stephen N. U. C. '04. Fox, V. K Will, Peter. 1803. 1804. Kyle, Thos 1805. Bradford. Thos. Brown Univ. 1800. Runkel, J. 1806. Woodhull, Selah S. C. C. & Y. C. '02 ; P. S. Demarest, Cornelius C. C. C. '04. Bogardus, Cornelius. Cuyler, Cornelius C. U. C. '06. De Voe. David. Hasbrouck. Jacob R. H. Hoffman, Abram. Hendricks, John. U. C. '08. Livingston. Gilbert R. U. C. '05. Beattie. J. U. C. '06. Fonda. Jesse. U. C. '06. Gosman, J. C. C. '01. Force. J. G. C. N. J. 1794. 1809. 1810. Gunn, Alex. C. C. '05. 1810. Removal of the Seminary to New Brunswick, N. J. 1S11-1S20. ISll. {Bartlett. Jcl-ni. APPENDIX 729 New Brunswick Soninary. Other Ministers. 1812. (Barclay.) De Witt. Thoma.«. U. C. 'OJ Mabon, John S. U. C. '06. Drever. J. H. .Mathews. J. M. U. C. '04 ; Assoc. R. S»'07. McAIurray, W. U. C. '04 ; Assoc. R. S. '08. Bronk, Robert. C. Wynkoop, Peter S. X. J. U. C. (Carle, John H. Q. C. '11.) Murphy. James. Van Santvoord, Staats. U. C. '11. Van Vechten. Jacob. U. C. '09. Vermeule, Corneliu.s C. Q. C. '12. De Witt, John. U. C. and C. N. J. '09. Field, J. T. C. N. J. Milledoler, P. C. C. 1793. Schemerhorn, J. F. U. C. '09. 1814. Ames. J. W. Carl. J. H. Q. C. '11. Marselus. Nicholas .1. U. C. '10. Sluyter, Richard. Wilson, Abram D. Q. C. '11. Bogardus. William R. U. C. '13. Eltinge. Cornelius C. Q. C. '12. Johnson. I.^aiah Y. W. C. '13. Neal. Ava. C. C. '10. Schultz. Jacob I. U. C. '13. Christie. J. Jones, Nic. ISIG. Amerman, A. C.C. '12 ; Assoc. Ref. Sem. 'Ifi Bruen, M. C. C. '12. Knox, John, Dick. C. '11. Strong, P. X. C. C. '10. Alburtis, John. C. C. '12. Parker, David. Kissam, Samuel. U. C. '13. Ludlow, John. U. C. '14. Philips, William Wirt. U. C. '13. ( Swart wout, John. C. C. '12.) Van Vranken. Sainuel A. U. -C. '15. Van Zandt. Peter. (Vermeule. Frederick. Q. C. '14.) Wyckoff, Isaac Xewton. Q. C. '12. Bogardus. Cornelius. U. C. '16. De Freest. David R. (Hasbrouck. Stephen. U. C. '15, M. D.) Holt. Brogun. Q. C. '15. Monteith, Walter. U. C. '11. Whiting- Brinkerhoff. James (i. Du Bois. tJeorpe. Fonda. Jacob D. U. C. 15. (loetschius. Stephen Z. ^Peltz, John.) Rawls. John. Romeyn. James. C. C. '16. Smaltz. John Henry. Q. C. '18. Vandervoort, John C. Q. C. '18. Van Hook, l.saac A. C. C. "17. Baldwin. Eli. U. Col. Med. Dewing. Jared. Ferris. Isaac. C. C. '16. Fisher, I.«aac M. C. C. '17. Ludlow. Gabriel. U. C. "17. Switz. Abram J. U. C. '17. Van Liew, John. Q. C. '16. Weidman, Paul. U. C. "18 \S\9. 1S20. 730 APPENDIX New Brunswick Seminary. 1821-183Q. 1821. Other Ministers. Dwight, Maurice W. C. C. '16. Fort, Abraham. U. C. '10. Funck, Seymour P. C. C. '17. Ketchum, Isaac S. Rouse, Peter P. U. C. '21. Ten Eyck, Jacob Bruyn. U. C. Wilson. Joseph. (C. N. J.) Heyer. W. H. C. C. '15. Scudder, John. C. N. J. '11 ; Coll. Phys. '15. (Dey, Riichard Varick. C. C. '18.) McClure, John. Stryker, Herman B. Taylor, Benjamin C. C. N. J. '19. Vanderveer. John. C. N. J. '17. Van Vechten. Samuel. U. C. '18. (Wynkoop. Richard. C. C. '19.) 1822. McLean, Robert. Strong, T. M. C. C. 1823. '16 : P. S. '19. Blair, Robert J. (Blauvelt, William W. Q. C. '14.) Center, Samuel. Mid. C. '19. (Ferrv, William M. U. C. '20.) (Helffenstein, Samuel. Univ. Pa. '20.) Vanderveer, Ferdinand H. U. C. '20. Jordan. Mark (Col.) Knouse, Chas. McNeill, A. Miller, J. E. U. C. '12. Mills, G. Rudy, J. Searle, Jer. Bowdoin and U. C. '21. Steele. J, B. Mid. C. '18 ; Assoc. R. S. '22. 1824. Abeel, Gustavus. U. C. '23. Bennett, Asa. Cruikshank, William. U. C. '21. (Garretson, John K. ) Hardenbergh, James B. U. C. '21. (Helffenstein, Albert. Univ. Pa. '20.) Meeker, Stephen H. C. C. '21. Messier, Abram. U. C. '21 Morris, Jonathan F. Sears, Jacob C. U. C. '21. Slingerland, Elbert. Van Keuren, Benjamin. Van Olinda, Duow. Wynkoop, Jefferson. U. C. '19. Yates, John Austin. U. C. '21. Lansing, J. V. S. Ham. C. '20 ; P. S. '24. McLean. R. Beekman. Jacob T. B. U. C. '22. Fisher. George H. C. C. '21. Tarbell, John G. Har. U. '20. Van Kleek, Richard D. U. C. '22. Abeel, David. Boice, Ira Condict. D. C. '23. Dumont, A. Henry. Garretson, John. U. C. '23. Heermance, Henry. U. C. Labagh, Abram I. Labagh. Isaac P. Paulizon, Christian Z, C. N. J, '22, Van Cleef, Cornelius. D. C. '23. Van Wagenen. John H. U. C. '23, Westfall, Benj. B. U. C. '23. Whitehead, Charles. D. C. '23. 1825. Rice, H. L. Troy Univ. '18 ; P. S. '22. 1826. '14. Boyd, J. U. C. Boyse. W. Brownlee. W. C. Glasgow Univ. 08. Evans. W. _ „ .^„ Mason, Eb. C. N. J. '20; P. S. "23. Ogilvie, J. G. Teller, J. H, APPENDIX 731 New Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1827. Holmes, Edwin. U. C. '22. McKelvey, John. Belfast Col. '21. Stevenson, James B. (Van Dyck, Leonard B. U. C. '24.) Bellenger. H. Bethune, G. W. C. C. & D. C. '23 ; P. S. '26. Campbell, A. D. Chittenden, A. B. U. C. '24 ; Aub. Sem. 28. De Mund, I. S. C. N. J. '23. Denham, A. Frey, C. F Otterson, J. C. C. '06 ; Assoc. R. Sem. '21. Shimeall, R. C. Lee, Robert P. D. C. '24. ■Quaw, James K. Raymond, Henry A. Y. C. 1828. (Blauvelt, Cor.) Cahoone, W. D. C. '24 ; P. S. '27. (Dunlap, J.) Kirkwood. R. Morse. B. Y. Mulligan, J. Robertson, N. C. C. '23 ; P. S. '26. Roosa, E. Taylor, H. 1829. Cole, Isaac D. Bumstead, S. A. Mid. C. '23 ; P. S. '28. Demarest, Jas., M. D. Col. Ph. & Surg. '26. Cornell, F. F. C. N. J. '25 ; P. S Mandeville. Henry. U. C. '26. (Morris, Henry. Ham. '23.) Talmage, James R. C. N. J. '26. Van Dyck, Cornelius L. U. C. '26. W^ack, Charles P. < Woodward, J. G.) Halsey, A. O. U. C. '22 ; P. S. '27. Hangen, J. W. McClelland. A. U. C. '09 : Assoc. Ref. S. '15. Mair, H. Glasgow Univ. '20. Snyder, H. Stimpson, H, P. 1830. Amerman, Thomas A. A. C. '27. (Beveridge, James.) (Cornell, F. F. C. N. J. '25.) Hunt. Christopher. R. C. '27. Kip, Francis M. C. C. '26. Liddell, John A. Glasgow and St. An- drews '26. Mann. Alexander M. R. C. '27. Marcellus, Aaron A. U. C. '26. Mevers, Abraham H. U. C. '27. Pitcher, John Henry. U. C. '27. (Van Riper, Garrabrant. C. N. J. '27.) Wells. Ransford. R. C. '27, (Berdan, John.) Bogardus, N. Boyd, H. M. (Gray, John). How. S. B. U. Pa. '10; Robbins, S. P, S. '13. 1831-1840. 1831. Bevier, John H. Gushing. David. Gregory, Oscar H. A. C. '28. Manley, John. R. C. '28. (Van Arsdale, Cornelius C. R. C. '28.) Campbell, W. H. D. C. '28 ; P. S. '29. Edwards, T. Hammond, L. Kendall, John B. (Salisbury, Wm.) Seeley, A. W. U. C. '28; P. S. '31. Baldwin, John C. Garretson, Garret I. R. C. '29. (Robbins, John V. R. C. '29.) Rogers. [>eonard. Schanck, Garret Conover. R. C. '28. Schoonmaker, Richard L. R. C. '29. (Swartz, Benjamin. R. C. '29) Van Liew, .John Gannon. Warner, Alexander H. Garvin, Is. Laing, J. Salisbury, W. Ward, J. W. C. N. J. '21 ; P. S. '23. 732 APPENDIX New Brunswick Seminary. Bassler. Benjamin. U. C. '30. Bru.sh. William. R. C. '30. (Ludlow, R. C. R. C. '28.) Lusk. Matthias, R. C. '30. Quinn. Robert A. (Van Aken. Enoch. R. C. '30.) Van Arsdale, Jacob R. R. C. '30. (Cooper. William H. R. C. '31.) Currie, Robert Ormiston. R. C. '29. Nevius, Elbert. R. C. '30. Stimpson, Edward P. R. C. '34. Thomson, Fred. Bordine. R. C. '31. Westfall, Simon V. E.. R. C. '31. Williamson, Peter S. C. N. J. '24. Ennis. Jacob. R. C. '31. Lillie, John. Univ. Ed. '31. Polhemus, Abraham. R. C. '31. (Terrill, Lewis H.) Youngblood, William. R. C. '31. Other Ministers. 1S33. Amljler, J. B. Bronson, O. Gray, J. Kirkland. R. Lockwood, L. R. Myers, Ab. H. Parry, Jos. Thompson, D. R. Van Dyck, H. Ham. C. '26 ; York S. '29. 1834. C. C. '23; P. S. '26. Babbit, A. C. N. J. '16 ; P. S. '21. Frazer, T. Gregory, T. B. Hutton, M. S. Manton, D. B. Mason, J. Stewart. J. W. Van Aken, E. Williams, M. B. C. N. J. '14. 1835. S. & Brownlee. Jas. Glasgow Univ. '26. Bonnell, S. U. C. '35. Burtiss. A. C. C. & U. C. '27 ; P. Aub. S. '33. Clancy, John. Hawthorne, H. Knight, R. W. Lindley, D. May, E. H. Hoxton C. & Sem. London '15. Noc, D. D. Robb. J. Robert.son, S. W. C. '12; P. S. '15. Vermilye. T. E. Y. C. '21 ; P. S. '25. Woods, John. ( De La Vergne. James. ) (Dotv. Elihu. R. C. '35. Hillman, Alexander C. C. C. Michael. Daniel. R. C. '33. Quick, Peter J. R. C. '33. Reilev, William. R. C. '33. Scribner. John M. U. C. '33. Waring, Hart E. R. C. '33. '32. Baldwin. J. A. Y. C. '29 ; P. S. '34. Egglestou. A. Evans. E. Hoes. J. C. F. A. C. '32 ; P. S. '35 Hyndshaw, J. B. C. N. J. '20 ; P. S. '34. Leckner. A. M. Van Zandt, B. U. C. '33 ; Aub. S. '36. 1837 Allen, Peter. (Chambers. Talbot Wilson. R. C. '34.) Cruikshank. John C. V. C. "34. Demarest, John Terhune. R. C. '34. Demarest, William. C. C. '34. Duryea, John H. R. C. '34. Gordon. William R. U. N. Y. '34. Heerniance, Harrison. R. C. '34. Knox. John P. R. C. '30. Mesick. John F. R. C. "34. Pohlman. William J. R. C. '34. Wiggins. Ebenezer. U. N. Y. '34. :\Ioule, J. G. R. C Pepper, J. P. Pitcher. Wm. Robertson, S. Nott, John. '34; P. S. '37. Wms. C. '28 ; P. S. '35. 1838. Brett. Philip Milledoler. R. C. '34. Clark. Robert C. Univ. Pa. '34. Harriman, Orlando. C. C. '35. Van Doren, John Addison. R. C. '35. (Van Santvoord, Cornelius. U. C. '35.) Wyckoff, Cornelius. R. C. '35. Abell, Jas. Ayres. S. B. C. N. J. '34 ; P. S. '37. Campbell, J. K. Ebaugh, J. S. Johnson, Wm. Lochead, W. Macauley. J. M. U. Pa. '34 ; P. S. '37. Osborne. N. P. S. '22. Van Santvoord. Cor. U. C. '35 ; N. B. & P. S. '38. APPENDIX 733 New Bi-unswick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1839. Acker.son. John H. •Crawford. John B. R. C. '36. Elmeiidoi-f, Aiuhony. R. C. '36. (John.soii. lOdward D. R. C. '36.) Johnson, John (1. R. C. '36. Mooi-e, XVilliuin S. •Quackenbu.sh. Daniel McL. C. C. '36. ■Quick. John J. (Wright. William.) Bourne. G. Homerton Sem. 1804. Chambers. T. W. D. C. 30-2 ; R. C. N. B. S. '34-5 ; P. S. 36-7. Gray. W. Harlow. S. Hvde. oren. Jo!ies. D. H. (Lewis, W.) Jukes, Chs. •32-4 AUiger, John Benj. R. C. '35. Bookstaver. Jacob. R. C. '37. Demare.st. David D. R. C. '37. De Puy. Ephraim. R. C. '35. Janeway. John L. R. C. '36. (Janeway, William R. R. C. '37.) Pitts. Robert. R. C. '37. Scheiick. George. Y. C. '37. Schenck. Martin Luther. R. C. '37. Sheffield. John H. U. N. Y. '37. .Staats. John A. R. C. '36. Steele. Wm. Henry. R. C. '37. -Stryker. Lsaac P. R. C. '37. Van Amburgh, Robt. R. C. '37. Van Doren, William Theodore. R. C. '37. AVhitbeck. John. R. C. '37. U. C. '26 ; P. S. Birkbv, J. Rotherham, Col. Bi.^hou. A. H. Y. C. '30; P. S. Berkley. J. Bi'own, C. Doolittle. H Gate.'^. C. ( Hai'kness. James.) Ingalls. W. U. C. '36 : And. Se Lord. Jer. S. N'. Y. U. '36 ; I'. Middlemas. J. Porter. R. Proudflt, J. W. U. C. '23 ; P. Starks. J. L. Van Buren, J. M. U. C. '3.5 ; Van Doren. W, H. P. S. '■i'\ Wood, Joel. '35. •20. in. S. 'SO S. '24. Aub. S. '3i 1S41-50. 1S41. ■Cornell. James A. H. R. C. '38. X)rake, Francis Topjiing. R. C. Jones. Gardner. Knieskern. Joseph. R. C. '38". IMillspaugh, Alexander C. R. C. Myer. Gilbert McPhedrick. R. C. ■Randall, Peter George. R. C. '38. Thomp.son, William J. R. C. '34. Turner, William E. R. C. '38. AVat.son. John. R. C. '38. Woodbridge. Samuel M. U. X. Y. '38. 38. 38. '38. Buckham. Jas. Dyer, D. Kennedy. D. U. C. '35 ; P. S. '37 Knight, W. Xott. J. U. C. '23 ; A. S. & P. S. Sill, G. G. Rand, W. W. Bowdoin C. "37; S. '40. Bangor "Blauvelt. Cornelius J. (Clute. J. M. U. C. '39.) Collins. Barnabas V. L. F. C. Crispell, Cornelius E. R. C. '39. De Witt. John. R. C. '38. DuBois. John. U. C. '39. "Halloway, William W. R. C. '39. Hammond. Eben S. R. C. '39. Himrod. John S. R. C. '39. Hulbert, Victor M. R. C. '39. Lansing. Jacob A. Mills. Samuel W. R. C. '38. Porter. Elbert Stothoff. C. N. J 3 Ryerson, Abram G. R. C. '39. Schoonmaker. Martin V. U. C. '39. Schultz. John Newton. R. C. '39. fTavlor. Andrew B. R. C. '39.) Willis. Ralph. 11. C. "39. ■\Vintield. Aaron Burr. R. C. '39. Wyckoff. Theodore F. R. C. '39. Betts. W. R. S. U. C. '26 ; P. S. '30. Chapman. J. L. U. S. '41. Crocker. A. B. U. C. '39 ; P. S. '42. Dunning. E. O. Duryee. I. G. U. C. '38; A. S. '41. (Uiiden. J. C. Hageman, C. S. R. C. '37. -Murdock. D. Vandei' Volgen. J. "\'. Van Zandt, A B. C. C. '40; P. S. 4i 734 APPENDIX New Brunswick Seviinary. Other Ministers. 1843. (Bennett, Jacques. U. C. '39.) Ganse, Hervey D. C. C. '39. (Miller, Isaac L. Kipp. R. C. '40. Van Wyck, George P. R. C. '40. Williamson, George R. R. C. '40. Williamson, N. D. B. R. C. '40. Clark, W. Davis, W. P. U. C. '33. Lyall, W. McParlane, Jas. Morris, H. Ham. C. '23 ; P. S. '28. (Newton, E. H.) Scott, Jas. Univs. of Belfast & Glasgow., Slauson, H. U. C. '37 ; U. S. '40. Thompson, D. R. Van Buren, J. M. 1844. Cornell, William A. R. C. '41. Gardner, John. U. C. '41. (Hopper, Samuel G. R. C. '41.) Mabon, William A. V. V. U. C. '40. McNeish, David. R. C. '41. Oakey. Peter D. R. C. '41. Romondt, Chas. R. V. R. C. '41. See, John Limberger. R. C. '41. Taylor, William J. R. R. C. '41. Thomson, William. R. C. '41. Vedder, Edwin. R. C. '41. Vermilye, Ashbel G. U. N. Y. '40. (Watson, William.) Chester, C. H. Donald, Jas. Hall. D. B. U. C. '39 ; P. S. '42. Kerr, G. Wms. C. '39; U. S. '43. Lillie, Jas. McLean, C. G. Mead, C. S. U. C. '41; Aub. S. '44. Newton, E. Van Dyck, L. H. A. C. '30; Aub. S. '33. 1845. Bailey, William. R. C. '42. (Boyse, Gerard. C. C. '40.) Knox, James H. M. C. C. '41. Lansing, John A. U. C. '42. Lloyd, Aaron. R. C. '42. Miller. William A. U. C. '42. (Milne. Chas.) Minor, John. R. C. '42. (Romaine. Benjamin F. R, C. '42.) Simonson, John. R. C. '42. Smith, Nicholas E. R. C. '41. Strong, Thomas C. U. C. '41. Talmage, Goyn. R. C. '4 2. Talmage, John Van N. R. C. '42. Voorhis, Jacob N. West, Jacob. R. C. '42. Wyckoff, Abraham V. R. C. '42. U. S. '41. P. S. & U. S. '39. Dickhant, J. C. Fisher, I. P. U. C. '39 ; Gulick, Alex. R. C. '35 (Olinda, Douw. ) Thompson, A. R. N. Y. U. '36-'8 ; R. C. '39, '40; N. Y. U. '41-'2 ; P. S. '45. Wiley, Charles. C. C. & C. N. J. '25 ; Aub. S. '36 ; New Haven S. 1846. Chapman, Nathan F. R. C. '44. Compton, James M. R. C. '44. Dutcher, Jacob C. R. C. '43. Murden, Benjamin F. R. C. '43. Seeber. Safrenus. R. C. '43. Spaulding. Cyril. R. C. '41. Stewart, Abel T. R. C. '43. Van Cleef, Paul D. R. C. '43. Van Neste, George J. '42. (Baldwin, Trueman.) Hall, B. R. C. N. J. & U. C. '20 ; P. S. '23. Henry, J. V. C. N. J. '15; P. S. '21. Neander, J. Miller, I. L. K. Scudder, W. W. C. N. J. '41 ; P. S. '45. Stebbins. J. U. C. '42; P. S. '45. Van Dvck, C. V. A. Jeff. Med. C. Phila- delphia, Pa. '39. Veenhuyzen, A. B. Geneva, Switzerland. 1847. (Bellinger. J. W.) Conklin, Nathaniel. R. C. '44. Davenport. Jerome A. Univ. N. Y. '40. Lord. Daniel, f. Pa. '44. Manning. John Henrv. R. C. '44. Steele Richard H. R. C. "44. Van Neste, Abraham R. R. C. '41. (Whitehead, J. B. R. C. '44.) Betten, A. J. McLaren, M. N. U. C. '24. Roof. G. L. U. C. '31. Vandermeulen, C. APPENDIX 735 New Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1848. Eltinge. Cornelius D. R. C. '44. Hammond, John W. Peltz. Philip. U. Pa. '45. Searle. Samuel Tomb. U. C. '45. Steele, John. R. C. '45. Stitt. Charles H. R. C. '44. Stryker. Peter. R. C. '45 Ten Eyck. William H. R. C. '45. Todd. John Adams. R. C. '45. Van Brunt, Rutger.s. Hob. C. '40. Van Wyck, Polhemus. R. C. '43. Baay, G. Little. E. G. C. N. J. '45; P. S. '48. McKee, Jos. Belfast Coll. '29 ; U. S. '45- Marvin, U. W. C. & U. C. '35 ; P. S. '47. Moore, J. G. La. F. C. '42 ; P. S. '45. Serenbetz, F. M. Vander Schuur, K. Van Thuyzen, A. B. 1849. Anderson, William. Eckel, Henry. U. Pa. '46. Ferris, John Mason. U. N. Y. '43. (Hedges. Hugh G. R. C. '46.) Phelps. Philip Jr. U. C. '44. Romevn, Theodore B. R. C. '46. Schenck. John W. R. C. '45. Snyder. Benjamin F. R. C. '46. Van Woert, Jacob H. R. C. '46. Bradford. W. J. Dickson, A. U. C. '45; P. S. '48. Evans, C. A. Freeze, A. P. James, W. L. U. C. '39 ; Bangor Sem. Livingston. H. G. W. C. '40; U. S. '49. McCartney, G. R. Rosenkrantz, J. Smith, J. Smuller, H. W. Oberlin C. Stein. F. Waldron, C. N. U. C. '46 ; P. S. '49. Willets, A. A. 1850. Berry, James Romeyn. R. C. '47. Dater, Henry. R. C. '47. Du Bois, Anson. R. C. '47. (Galusha, Watts. R. C. '47.) Lente. James R. R. C. '42. Lippincott, Benjamin C. R. C. '47. Lockwood. Samuel. U. N. Y. '47. (Scudder, Samuel. R. C. '47.) Strong, J, Pascal. R. C. '45. Taylor. Wesley. R. C. '47. Voorhees, Henry V. R. C. '47. Bruen, J. M. U. Pa. '37; U. S. '42. Craven, E. R. C. N. J. '42 ; P. S. '48. Lehlbach, F. A. 1851-1860. Bernart, James E. R. C. '48. Buckelew, William D. R. C. '48. Case. Calvin. R. C. '48. Comfort, Lawrence L. U. C. '48. (Elmendorf, Peter. R. C. '45.) Furbeck. George. U. C. '46. (How, Henry Kollock. R. C. '4 2.) Jansen, John N. R. C. '48. Mandeville. Giles H. R. C. '48. Rockwell. George. (Schriver. Thomas G. R. C. '47.) Scott. Charles. R. C. '4 8. Scudder. Jo.«eph. R. C. '48. Van Vranken, Adam H. R. C. '48. Wilson. James B. R. C. '48. Bolks, S. Brown, S. R. Y. C. '32 ; Columbia Sem. S. C. & U. S. '38. Buck, C. D. Wms. C. '45 ; U. S. '49. Bulkley, C. H. A. U. N. Y. '39 ; U. S. '42. (Burnham. 1. P.) Caiy, J. A. Doe, W. P. U. C. '44 ; U. S. '46. Kasse. A. K. Klvn. H. (5. La Tourette. J. A. M. N. Y. U. '48 ; P. S. '51. Pierce. N. P. A. C. '42 ; U. S. '45. Rowland. J. M. Beloit C. '26 ; P. S. '28. Scudder, H. M. N. Y. U. '40 ; U. S. '43. Seward. D. M. Y. C. '31 ; N. Haven S. '35. Smit. R. Vandermeulen. C. Van Raalte, A. C. Leyden Univ. '31; Ley- den Th. School '34. Wiseman, J. Ypma, M. A. 736 APPENDIX New Brunswick Seminary. Collier, Joseph A. R. C. '49. Gaston, John. R. C. '49. Julien, Robert D. See. Isaac M. R. C. '49. Van Gleson. A. P. U. N. Y. Other Ministers. 1852. Berg, J. F. Moravian Insts. '3 Birkey. A. Burghardt, P. H. U. C. '40. Cochrane, A. G. Jameson, C. M. McClure. A. Y. C. & A. C. '27 McKee. Jos. Shaw, J. B. A. S. '3G. Elmendorf, Joachim. R. C. '50. Jones, Nathan W. R. C. '50. Kershow, Joseph H. R. C. '50. McNair, John L. R. C. '50. Searle. Stephen. U. C. '50. See. William G. E. .Shepard, Charles I. R. C. '50. Collier, Ezra W. R. C. '48. (Fonda, Jesse D. U. C. '50.) Lane, Gilbert. R. C. '51. Letson, William W. R. C. '51. Muller, John. R. C. '51. Stillvvell, Aaron L. R. C '51. (Stout, Nelson. R. C. '51.) Terhune, Edward P. R. C. '50. Be Baun, John A. R. C. '52. Joralmon, J. Sansom. R. C. '52. Livingston, Edward P. R. C. '52. (Mohn, Leopold.) Schneewels, Franz M. Schnellendreussler. H. F. F. Schwedes, Franz R. Scudder, Ezekiel C. W. R. C. '50. Scudder, Jared W. W. R. C. '50. Van Vleck. John. R. C. '52. Wells, Cornelius Low. R. C. '52. Zabriskie. Francis N. U. N. Y. '50. Corwin, Edward T. C. C. X. Y. '53. Demarest, James. Jr. U. C. '52. Doolittle. Philip M. U. C. '52. Hart-is, J. Ferguson. R. C. '53. TVIunn. Anson F. R. C. '52. Oerter. John Henrv. Talm.age. T. De Witt. U. N. Y. '53. Vande Wall. Giles. Wagner, John Martin. R. C. '53. "Wyckoff, Jacob Snediker. R. C. '53. Atwater, E. R. U. C. '34. Beidler, B. F. Mar. C. '46; Mar. Sem. '49, Cuyler, T. L. C. N. J. '41 ; P. S. '46. Davie, J. T. M. Dunnewold, J. W. Edgar, C. H. C. N. J. '31. Madoulet, J. B. Pohle. K. A. J. Read. H. ^V. C. '26 : P. S. '28 ; And. S. Seelye, J. H. A. C. '49 ; Aub. S. '52. Talmage, P. S. J. C. '45 : P. S. '48. Wolff, W. Zurcher, J. N. 1S54. Beattv, James. Bentley. E. W. Y. C. '5 0. Boehrer, J. Bronson, O. U. C. '45. Burroughs. G. W. Dickhaut, C. Hones. J. McGregor, E. R. Mohn, L. Parker, Charles. U. S. '48. Pfister. J. P. Peck. T. R. G. Y. C. '48 ; P. S. & U. S. '51. (Robinson, S. N. ) Vandewater. A. C. N. J. '46 ; P. S. '49. Welch, R. B. U. C. '46; And. S. '50; Aub. S. '52. 1855. Bielfield, H. Mid. C. '21 ; And. S. '2 Bingham, L. G. M. C. '21; A. S. '25. Fulton, Wm. Gardeneir. W. Y. C. '42: P. S. '49. Hastings. S. M. P. Ham. C. '33 ; Aub. S. 37. Johns, William. King, F. L. C. N. J. '44 ; P. S. '48. Kuss, C. Pettingill. J. H. Schroepfer. E. Schwilk. W. F. Vander Schuur, R. Weisgotten. Z. Wust. W. C. 1856. Benedict. W. A. Bolton. James. U. C. '51 ; U. S. '53. De Roy. J. Doeppenschmidt, C. Dver, S. Friedel, H. A. Gardiner. H. B. Haselbarth. W. G. Oggel, P. J. Pearce, J. L. U. C. '49 : P. S. '56. Rogers. E. P. Y. C. '37; P. S. '40. Van Buren, B Van der Bosch. K. APPENDIX 737 New Brunswick Seminary. Decker, Henry E. W. C. '53. Holmes, John M"cC. W. C. '54. Le Fevre, James. R. C. '54. Markle, Joslkh. R. C. '53. Suydam. J. Howard. R. C. '54. Thompson, Henry P. R. C. '54. Other Ministers. Enyard, William T. R. C. '55. Lott. John S. R. C. '55. Lowe. John C. R. C. '55. Mayou, Joseph. R. C. '55. McKelvev. Alex. R. C. '55. Neef, Jacob F. S. G. Ostrom, Alvan. R. C. '55. Rapalje. Daniel. R. C. '55. Riedel, F. W. A. S. G. Searle, Jeremiah. Jr. R. C. '55. (Strong. Mason R. Univ. N. Y. '55.) Strong. Robert Grier. U. N. Y. '55. Thompson, John B. R. C. '51. Todd. Augustus F. R. C. '51. 1857. Becker, Carl. Cobb, O. E. Y. C. '53 ; U. S. '57. Dyer, Fr. Finch, H. W. Hamilton. William. Hebard, F. Jevvett, A. D. L. Wms. C. '52 ; P. S. '54. Morse, A. G. Riddle, D. H. J. C. '23; P. S. '28. Romaine. B. F. R. C. '42. Roosevelt, W. Selden, C. Van Lienwen, William. Watson, A. De Luister, J. 1858. Bates, Elisha D. Buri, P. Campfield, R. B. C. N. J. '24 ; Aub. S. '28. Cole, David. R. C. '42. Collins, Chs. Phil. Classical Inst. Conrad, C. E. Dean, A. A. C. '42 ; A. S. '48. Hall, J. G. Lansing. A. G. U. C. '83. McEckron, G. M. Merrill, F. P. S. '43. Nykerk, G. J. Seelve. E. E. U. C. '39 ; P. S. '43. St. John. Stobbelaer, N. Sturges, S. Van Tubbergen, G. Wilson, H. N. C. N. J. '30 ; P. S. '34. Zastera, F. Zwemer, A. 1859. Chamberlain, Jacob. W. R. C. '56. Du Bois, Hasbrouck. Y. C. '56. Furbeck, Philip. U. C. '54. Hansen. Maurice G. R. C. '56. Huyssoon, James. Jansen. Josiah. R. C. '56. Knowiton, Albert W. Western Res. C. '55. (Leslie. John R. Rochester.) Lott, Henry Ray. M. D. W. C. (New. William E. ) Nott. Charles De K. U. C. '54. Riddle, Matthew B. J. C. '52. (Shiebe. Henrv. ) Shaw. William A. Mad. U. Vanderveer, Cvrus G Weiss, Edward M. S. G. Brown, H. J. Eells, Jas. Ham. C. '44 ; Aub. S. '51. Henshaw, M. A. C. "45 ; U. S. '47. Houbolt, W. A. Sawyer, A. (Hindu.) Shaffer, T. L. Skinner. T. H., Jr. N. Y. U. '40 ; U. S. "43. Souri, P. (Hindu.) Timlow, H. R. C. N. J. '52. Verbeck. G. F. Aub. S. '59. Wales, E. V. White, E. N. Y. C. '54 ; U. S. '57. Baay. Jacob. B. C. '57. Ballagh. James H. R. C. '57. Berry. Philip. R. C. '57. Collier, Isaac. R. C. '57. Gulick. Albert V. R. C. '57. Hutton. Mancius H. U. N. Y. '57. Jones. Henry W. F. Salt Hill Acad., Eng. Kip. Leonard W. C. C. '56. (Loeber. Frederick.) Miller, Edward. R. C. '57. Peeke, George H. R. C. '57. (Proudfit, Robert R. R. C. '64.) Rogers. L. Cortlandt. Wms. C. '56. (Schoenfelt. Christian.) Scudder, John. R. C. '57. Talmage. Thomas A. R. C. '57. Warner, Isaac W. Y. C. '52. Watkins, John E. R. C. '57. Wortman, Denis. A. C. '57. Aurand, H. D. C. '30. Baird. C. W. N. Y. U. '48 ; U. S. '52. Brace. F. R. Y. C. '57 ; Aub. S. '60. Crosby. Howard. N. Y. U. '44. Forsvth, J. R. C. '29 ; Edinburgh Univ. Hitchcock, E. W. Johnson, H. H. Kno.x, Chs. E. Ham. C. '56 ; U. S. "59. Larimore. J. W. N. Y. U. '56 ; P. S. "58. McWilliams. A. U. C. '50 ; Newburg S. '55. Major, J. W. U. C. '50 ; P. S. '53. Miller, H. Leipzig Univ. '55. Rice. C. D. Rockwell. Chs. Y. C. '26; A. S. '34. Studdiford, P. A. C. N. J. '49 ; P. S. "52. Weiland, K. B. Wenisch, J. 738 APPENDIX New Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1861-1870. 1861. Blauvelt. Augustus. R. C. '58. Bonney, Peres B. R. C. '57. (Butiz, Henry Anson. C. N. J. Drury, John Benj. R. C. '58. Durand, Cyrus B. R. C. '58. Duryee, William R. R. C. '56. (Frazee, J. Hatfield.) Kip, Isaac L. R. C. '55. Krum, Josephus D. R. C. '58. Miller, William H. Pieters. Roelof. R. C. '58. (Proudfit. Alexander. R. C. '58.) Stanbrough, Rufus M. R. C. '58. Swick, Minor. R. C. '58. Thompson, Abram. R. C. '57. Vandermeulen, Jac. C. R. C. '58. Vander Veen. Christ. R. C. '58. Van Vranken, F. V. U. C. '58. Vehslage, Henry. C. C. N. Y. '58. Watson, Thomas G. Hob. C. '57. W^ilson, Peter Quick. R. C. '58. Gilbert, A. F. Heermance, E. I. Y. C. '58 ; A. S. '61. 58.) (Hewling, George.) Little, J. A. C. C. N. Y. '54; U. S. '57. Murray, C. D. Y. C. ; Y. S. 1862. Beck, Theodoric R. R. C. '49. Brandt, Henrv W. Brock, John R. R. C. '59. Burr, Marcus. , Collier, Isaac Henry. R. C. '59. Cornell, William. R. C. '59. Doolittle, T. Sanford. R. C. '59. Fehrman, Jacob. Garretson, Gilbert S. R. C. '59. Gulick, Uriah D. R. C. '59. (Hawes, Henry Herbert.) Mathews, John R. N. Y. U. '59. Mattice, Abram. R. C. *58. Peeke, Alonzo P. R. C. '59. Rhinehart. J. Kelly. R. C. '59. Rogers. Samuel J. R. C. '59. Schermerhorn, H. R. (Scudder, S. D., M. D. R. C. '56.) Sebring, Arad Joy. R. C. '59. Vandermeulen. John. R. C. '59. W^hitbeck. Richard M. R. C. '59. Wilson, Frederick F. R. C. '59. Wurts, ^Villiam A. L. F. C. Betten, A. J. Clark, R. W. Y. C. '38; And. S. "41. Connitt, G. W. W. C. '49 ; Ch. Th. Inst. '53. Duryea, Jos. T. C. N. J. '56 ; P. S. '59. Gardner, T. A. Gramm, G. E. Johnson, H. H. Miami Univ. ; Allegh. S. King, A. B. C. N. J. '55 ; U. S. & P. S. '58. (Merwin, M. T. ) Meyer, Karl. Univ. Halls, '47 ; Freidberg Sem. '48. Veenhuizen, A. B. 1863. Ballagh, ^Villiam H. R. C. '60. Be-irdslee, John W. R. C. '60. Bogardus, Francis M. R. C. '60. Bogardus, William E. R. C. '60. De Witt, Richard. R. C. '60. Geyer. Julius W. R. C. Hageman, Andrew J. R. C. '60. Karsten, John H. R. C. '60. (Lyell, James. R. C.) Phraner, William H. N. Y. U. '60. Skillman. William J. R. C. '60. Vermilye, Dupuytren. R. C. '60. Voorhees, Henry M. R. C. '59 Voorhees. William B. R. C. '60. Wilson. Charles W. R. C. '61. Winter, Egbert. R. C. '60. Zabriskie, Jeremiah L. C. C. Law Dep. '54. Berger, M. L. ^Vms. C. '59; U. S. '62. Cochrane, A. G. Mid C. '47: P. S. '48. Con.<5eul, G. D. W. Am. C. '58 ; P. S. '61. (Humpersly. G. W. ) lap Han Chiong. (Chinese.) Kimball, Jos. U. C. '39 ; Newburgh S. '43. Ricketts, J. H. Le Tau. (Chinese.) Turner, Jas. White, G. APPENDIX 739 New Brunswick Seminary. 1864. Other Ministers. Bartholf, Benj. A. R. C. '61. Bodine, George DeWitt. R. C. '61. (Borst. J. William. R. C. "61.) Broek, Dirk. R. C. '61. Cole, Solomon T. Du.sinberre, Thos. S. R. C. '61. Garretson. John. Hartranft, Chester D. U. Pa. '61. Quick, Abram M. R. C. '60. (Sherwood, Nathan M.) Van Benschoten, W. B. R. C. '61. Van Doren, John H. R. C. '59. (Van Vliet, Thornton. R. C. '61.) (Van Wagenen, Wm. A. C. C. '61.) Wyckoff, James. R. C. '61. (Zabri-skie, William Pell.) Anderson, Wm. H. R. C. '62. Brett, Cornelius. N. Y. U. '62. Brush, Alfred H. R. C. '62. De Free, Peter. R. C. '62. Doremus, Joseph H. R. C. '62. Fritz, Charles W. R. C. '62. Gesner, Oscar. R. C. '62. (Gregory, Oscar.) Horton, Francis A. R. C. '62. Justin, John. R. C. '62. Lepeltak, Peter. R. C. '62. Merritt, William B. R. C. '62. Schenk, John Van Nest. R. C. '62. Schlieder, Frederic E. Sebring, Elbert N. R. C. '62. Statesir. Benjamin T. R. C. '62. Strong, Selah Woodhull. U. N. Y. '62. Van Slyke, Evert. R. C. '62. Vroom, William H. R. C. '62. Wells, Theodore W. R. C. '62. Wyckoff, DeWitt B. R. C. '62. Blauvelt, G. M. S. N, Y. U. '50 ; P. S. '53. Cobb, S. H. Y. C. '582; P. S. '62. Collier, E. A. N. Y. U. '57 ; P. S. '60. Fenner, J. Hartley, 1. S. N. Y. U. '52 ; U. S. & A. S. '56. Petrie, J. U. C. '46 ; Aub. S. '49. Schroeder, A. W. C. '61; Aub. S. '64. White, G. W. C. '61 ; Aub. S. '64. 1865. Arcularius, And. M. R. C. '63. Brush, William W. R. C. '62. , Kiekintveld. Mannes. R. C. '63. Kriekaard. Adrian. R. C. '63. Mills, George A. R. C. '63. Oggel, Edward C. R. C. '63. Pool, Charles H. R. C. '63. (Riggs, Charles H. R. C. '62.) Seibert, George A. R. C. '63. (Smith, William. R. C. '63.) Smock, John H. R. C. '63. Swain, George W. R. C. '62. Utterwyck, Henry. R. C. '62. (Vile, Joseph Mabon. R. C. '63.) Bahler, Lewis Henri. R. C. '61. Bertholf, James H. R. C. '64. Bogert, Nicholas J. M. R. C. '64. (Collins, Jame.s M. Univ N. Y. '64.) (Doremus, Andrew Halloway, Wm. W. Jones, Thomas W. Kip, Francis M. Jr. Rutte, John M. Un. J. R. C. '64.) U. N. Y. '64. R. C. '64. U. N. Y. '64. Utrecht. Steinfuhrer, Chs. D. F. U. C. '64. Sutphen, David S. R. C. '64. Van Arsdale. N. H. R. C. '62. Van Buren, Peter H. U. N. Y. '64. Van Doren, David K. R. C. Van Home, David. U. C. '64. Ward, Henry. U. C. '64. Wyckoff, Abram N. R. C. '62. Bahler, P. B. Boyd, J. S. C. C. N. J. '55 Clark, W. H. W. R. C. '59 ; Cludius, T. Dahlmann, J. J. W. Gerhard, L. Koopman, H. R. Reidenbach, J. A. Smith, W. H. Tomb, J. S. L. S. '63. S. '63. 1866. Cobb, H. N. U. C. '55 ; Y. S. '57. Cooper, Jac. Y. C. '52 ; Berlin Univ. '54 Theology, Halle and Berlin. Denniston, J. O. Y. C. '56 ; G. S. '62. Enders. J.. H. U. C. '58 ; P. S. '61. Fairchild, E. S. C. N. J. '56; A. S. '59. Frazee, J. H. R. C. ; N. B. S. Hart, Chas. E. C. N. J. '58 ; P. S. '61. Jongeneel, L. J. Reiley, D. T. R. C. '57. (Richards, L. E. ) Roe, S. W. N. Y. U. '47 ; U. S. '51, (Schell. L.) Sinclair, J. H. 1867. Brown, W. S. C. N. J. '60 ; P. S. '63. Carroll, J. H. U. Pa. '51 ; P. S. '54. De Beer, J. B. Eddy, Z. Ettirojooloo. S. (Hindoo.) Feltch, J. H. Heyser, H. C. Hicks. W. W. Israel. (Hindoo.) John. (Hindoo.) Kellogg, C. D. C. N. J. '61 ; P. S. Kuyper, A. C. Liebeneau, M. F. N. Y. U. *39 ; U. S. '41. Meury, J. St. Peter's Col., Rome. Sherwood, N. M. (2d.) Van Aken, G. N. Y. U. '62 ; P. S. '63 ; U. Vander Veer. D. N. U. C. '63; P. S. '66. Yasadian. (Hindu.) 740 APPENDIX New Brunsioick Seminary. Allen, John Knox. R. C. '65. Amerman, James L. U. N. Y. '62. (Brown, Josiah J. R. C. '60.) Campbell, Alan D. R. C. '62. Davis, John A. James. R. C. '65. De Hart, William H. R. C. '65. Orant, Henry Jesse. R. C. '65. Myers, Henrv V. S. W. C. '65. .Shaw, John Fletcher. R. C. '65. Stout, Henry. R. C. '65. Warnshuis, John W. R. C. '65. Westveer, Adrian. R, C. '65. Zabriskie, Albert A. R. C. '65. Ackerman, Edward G. R. C. '66. Berg, Herman C. R. C. '66. Bookstaver, Adam A. R. C. '66. Brokaw, Isaac P. R. C. '66. Hulst, George D. R. C. '66. (Myers, A. E. W. C. '67.) Southard, James L. R. C. '66. Van Buskirk, Peter V. R. C. '66. Van Slyke, John G. R. C. '66. Hope Seminary. Buursma, A. H. C. '66.^ Dangremond. G. H. C.*'66. ■Gilmore, W. B. H. C. '66. Moerdyk. P. H. C. '66. Moerdyk, W. H. C. '66. Te Winkle. J. W. H. C. '66. Woltinan, H. H. C. '66. New Brunswick Seminary. TBergen, Tunis G. R. C. '67.) Campbell, James B. R. C. '70. Church, John B. R. C. '67. Kipp, Peter E. U. N. Y. '67. Mead, Ellas. R. C. '68. ^uckow, C. F. C. Hope Seminary. De Pree, Jas. H. C. '67. Heeren, E. J. H. C. '67. Huizinga, J. H. C. '67. Van Ess, B. Kampen. 1868. Other Ministers. Blauvelt, C. R. N. Y. U. '64; P. S. & U. Cleghorn, E.' B. P. S. '50. De Bey, B. Deyo, P. T. Farmer, S. F. Frank. C. '50. Can. S. '54. Hopkins, D. U. S. '68. Hoyt, S. A. Meerwein, O. Univ. Berlin '62 ; U. S. *6». Noble, G. P. W. C. '65 ; U. S. '68. Paton, T. Renskers, J. G. Riley, Is. Y. C. '58 ; U. S. '61. 1869. Bechthold, A. H. Branch, H. Banner, J. L. Bel. C. '63 ; U. S. '67. Ferris, Wm. Gamble, S. T. Jeff. C. '68 ; P. S. '70. Haring, Garret. Ingersoll, E. P. W. C. '55 ; A. S. '63. Johnson, W. L. Lincoln Univ. '69 ; U. S. Ludlow, J. M. C. N. J. '61; P. S. '64. Mershon, S. L. C. N. J. '50; P. S. '53. Orr, T. X. JefC. C. '57 ; Allegh. S. '63. Peffers. A. B. N. Y. U. '50 ; U. S. '53 Shaw, A. U. S. '69. Smith, M. B. Epis. Sem. Va. '59. Stockwell, A. P. A. C. '62 ; U. S. '65. Viele, J. P. U. C. '61 ; P. S. '64. Wadsworth,"C. U. C. '37; P. S. '40. 1870. Carr. W. H. Crolius, P. B. C. C. N. Y. Crosby, A. R. C. '68 ; N. B. S, & U. S. '70. Cumming.s, L. Forsyth, Jas. C. Gleason, W. H. Y. C. '53. Huntington, H. L. C. N. J. '50 ; Aub. S. & P. S. '54. Lord, E. W. C. '43 ; Aub. S. '46. Losch, H. Myers, A. E. W. C. '66 ; N. B. S. '67 ; P. S. '69 ; U. S. '70. Ormiston. W. Victoria C, Coburg '48. (Pettengill.) Riggs, A. B. Jeff. C. '63 ; Aub. S. '69 ; U. S. '70. Williams, R. R. U. S. '70. Windemuth, G. Wood, A. Dart. C. '34 ; A. S. Wolff, C. H. H. Aub. S. '70. 1871-1880. 1871. New Brunswick Seminary. Bahler, Peter G. M. R. C. '68. Carroll, Vernon B. R. C. '68. (Crosby. Arthur. R. C. '68.) Davis. William E. R. C. '68. (Hamlin. Teunis G. U. C. '67.) Oliver. Matthew N. U. C. '57. (Vanderveer, Pet. L. R. C. '68.) "Van Doren. Wm. H. R. C. '67. (Voorhees, Louis B. C. N. J. '68.) Hope Seminary. Broek. J. H. C. '68. Vandekreek. G. H. C. '68. Visscher, Wm. Beekman. J. S. C. N. J. '57 ; P. S. '60. Choan-Thiang-Kit. (Chinese.) De Jonge, W. P. Griswold, J. V. U. C. '65 ; U. S. '68. Hutton, A. J. Keating, T. Kershaw, J. U. Lockwood, J. H. Magee, G. A. Mattice, H. McAdam. H. Nichols. Thos. C. N. J. '56 ; U. S. '60 ; A. S. '61. Reichart. J. F. Schweitzer, E. S. '68. W. C. '68 ; P. S. '71. APPENDIX 741 Other Ministers. Snyder, G. M. Ham. C. '68 ; U. S. '71. StelTons, N. M. TioiiK luli. {Chmc.sc.) V'aiulei'kley, W. Van Doren, L. H. C. N. J. '31. Voorhees, L. B. Weber, Jac. 1872. New Brunswick Seminary. Cornet, Edward. Doig, Rober. R. C. '69. (Griftis, William E. R. C. '69.) Hart, John. R. C. '69. Hill, William J. R. C. '70. Lodewick, Edward. R. C. '69. Sfheiiok. Ferd. S. C. N. J. '65 ; Al. S. '67. Hope Seminary. Borsens, H. H. C. '68. Vander Hart, E. H. C. '69. New Brunswick Seminary. Ander.son, Asher. R. C. '70. ((Jarretson, Geo. R. R. C. '70.) (Jones, Charles J. K. R. C. '70.) (Knickerbocker, D. M. R. C. '70.) Labaw, (George W. R. C. '69. Lasher, Calvin Ed. R. C. '70. (McLaury, John P. R. C. '70.) Pearse, Nicholas. R. C. '70. Pearse, Richard A. R. C. '70. Schenek, Jacob W. R. C. '70. Taylor, (Jrahani. R. C. '70. " Van Deventer, J. C. U. N. Y. '70. Beattie, R. H. U. C. '34. Chambers. T. F. C. C. N. Y. '68 ; U. S. '70. JJuiker. A. Inglis, D. Edinburgh Univ. '41. •Johnson, Andrew. Park, A. J. N. Y. U. '63 ; U. S. '66. Pool, G. H. Smart, J. G. Am. C. '68 ; P. S. '71. Steffens, N. M. Kamiier Theo. Sem. Stitt, W. C. C. N. J. '56; P. S. '60. Whitehead, J. H. W. C. '69; U. S. '72. Young, A. H. Miami Univ. "59 ; Lane S. '63. iS7a. Bagley, F. H. Ham. C. '70 ; U. S. '73. (Ball, J. A.) 15ean, A. Oosker, N. H. Groningen Univ. '49. Francis, L. Univ. of Vt. '56 ; A. S. '60. Harris. H. R. Masden, C. P. Handles, W. N. U. C. '59 ; Xenia S. '63. Van Emmerick, G. I. Wolfe, G. L. Danville Sem. Kv. '61 ; P. S. '62. Hope Seminary. Boer, H. K. H. C. '70. De Bruyn, P. H. C. '70. De Spelder, J. A. H. C. '70. Zwemer, J. F. H. C. '70. AVtr. Brunswick Seminary. Benfon. Aaron W. R. C. '71. <5arretson, James C. R. C. '71. Hageman. Andrew. R. C. '71. Todd, William N. R. C. '71. Veenschoten, Wm. H. C. '71. Wyckoff, John H. R. C. '71. Hoffman, J. Neerken. N. Hope Seminary. H. C. '71. H. C. '71. 1874. A lion, A. W. .'Vnd.T.son, C. T. C. N. J. '69 ; P. S. '7:i. Bartlctt. D. K. U. C. '54 ; P. S. '58. Heekman, A. J. C. N. J. ; U. S. '74. Bell, G. B. Y. C. "52; U. S. '59. ( Butler, A. J.) Dysart, J. P. U. C. '65 ; IT. P. S. '68. Kvans, C. P. Ford, W. H. U. S. '73. Fowler, W. C. IJ. S. '70. Haines. M. L. Wab. C. '71 ; IJ. S. '74. Handy, W. C. C. N. J. '55 : Danville Sem. '57. Hulst. L. J. Miller, E. R. «'. N. J. '67: P. S. '70. fiederus. P. Kampen '52. Kii-ke. H. Sharirley, G. Saul. G. Stoll, A. Taylor. Cr. I. U. C.. '43 ; I'. S. '47. W.iland, K. B. Williams. R. G. C. N. J. 'TO; P. S. '73. Young, C. J. Watermuelder, L. Wood. Chs. W. Koch. Univ. '64 : P. S '67. Zindler. CJ. Miss. House, Franklin. Wis. •74. Hnmei'ton (\ Lmiilon. 742 APPENDIX New Brvnsivick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1875. Craig, Horace P. Harper, Joseph Alex. R. C. '73. Hoffman, William H. R. C. '72. Leggett, William J. R. C. '72. Matthews, Alg. S. Elizabeth C. Miller, Ben. C. Jr. R. C. '72. Hies, George Adam. R. C. '72. Van Neste. John A. R. C. '72. Van Vranken, H. H. M. U. '72. Hope Srminary. Hazenberg, W. Wormser, A. H. ('. '7;;. Betz, W. F. Bishop, G. S. A. S. '58 ; G. S. & P. S. '54. Dickson. H. R. Charleston Col. '58, Co- lumbia Sem. '61. Elterich, W. L. Gardner, J. S. C. N. J. '71 ; U. S. '76. Garretson, G. R. R. C. '70 ; N. B. S. '71 ; U. S. '74. Gulick, Alexander. R. C. '35 ; U. S. '39, (2d.) Hageman, J. W. C. N. J. '72; U. S. "75. Lang, J. E. Swiss Inst. '65. McDermond. C. H. Neef, G. L. Perry, Wm. D. Am. C. '70 ; U. S. 74. Schick, G. B. Thoms. J. F. New JJransicick Seminary. Allen, Frederick E. R. C. '73. Cleveland, George H. R. C. '73. Conklin. John W. R. C. '71. Demarest, James S. N, R. C. '72. Devries, Henry. Harris, Howard. R. C. '73. (Hawxhurst. Dan'l T. R. C. '73.) Killough, Walter \\'. Dav. C. '73. Kirkpatrick, M. R. Dav. C. '75. Martine, Abram I. R. C. '73. (Pitcher, Charles W. R. C. '73.) Schenck. Isaac S. R. C. '73. Van Aken, Alex. G. R. C. '73. Van Allen, Ira. R. C. '73. Vanderwart. H. H. C. '73. Van Fleet. Jacob O. R. C. '73. Wallace, W. G. F. Dav. C. '73. Wright, Charle.s S. R. C. '73. Hope Sein itinry. Baker, F. P. Meulendvk. J. H. C. '73. Nies, H. E. H. C. '73. AUeg. & Adams, R. L. Ashley, A. W. Bantley, John. Cook, W. W. R. C. '73 ; U. S. '76. Handy, W. C. C. N. J. '53 ; Danv. S. '57. Howell, H. A. Hoyt, J. H. U. C. '73 ; U. S. '76. Hutchins, J. Univ. Wis. '73 U. S. '76. Kern, F. Leipzig Univ. ; Du Buque S. '68. (Lawrence, D. W. ) Martvn, W. C. U. S. '69. (McKinlev, G. A.) Milliken, R. P. Ogden, I. G. Plumley, G. S. Y. C. '50 ; U. S. '55. Powell, H. A. U. C. '73 ; U. S. '76. Schulke, P. F. Shaffer. J. F. Westerfield, Wm. Whitehurst, J. Zubli, E. B. C. C. N. Y. '64 ; U. S. '68. Neio Urtmswick Seminary. Brokaw, Ralph W. R. C. '74. Davis, Titus Elwood. R. C. '74. Gutweiler, Ernest. C. C. N. Y. '74. Higgins, Charles W. Kriekaard. Cornel. H. C. '74. Krueger, Chas. H. T. R. C. '74. Lansing, John G. U. C. '75. (Laurence, Wm. H. R. C. '71.) Lvdecker, George D. R. C. '74. (Marvin. Fred. R., M. D. C. C. Med. Department '70.) Rederus. Sipko. Gym. Kamp. Neth. Streng, Samuel. H. C. '71. Talma°-e. David M. R. C. '74. (Van Halteren. Jac. H. C. '73.) Van Pelt, Daniel. C. C. N. V. '74. Buck, C. D. (2d). U. S. '49. Griffls, W. E. R. C. '69 ; N. B. S. •69-'70 U. S. '77. Lawrence, E. C. U. C. '69 ; P. S. '75. Lloyd, W. S. Meulendyk, ,1. Nathaniel M. (Hindu.) Ogawa. (Jap.) Okuno. (Jap.) Rosenberg, F. W. Schlegel, J. Schultz, E. Warn.shuis, H. W. Whitehurst, J. Brooklyn Lay C. '75 APPENDIX 743 Hope Seminary. Vander Ploeg, H. H. C. '74. VV'abeke. C. H. C. '74. Hope Seminary Class of 1878. (Dosker. H. E. H. C. '79.) (Dykstra, L. H. C. '75.) (Hoekje. J. H. C. '73.) Hope Seminary Class of 1879. (Pfanstiehl. A. H. C. ) (Visscher, J.) Hope Seminary Class of 1880. (Van Oostenbrugger. Cor. H. C. '76.) Theological Instruction Suspended in Hope Seminary 1877-1884. Other Ministers. 1878. New Brjinswick Seminary. Barr, Robert H. R. C. '75. Dykstra, Lawrence. H. C. '75. Graham. James Ed. R. C. '71. Griffin. Walter T. R. C. '75. Hendrickson. H. A. R. C. '75. Hoekje, John. H. C. '73. Janeway, Harry L. R. C. '74. Kemlo, James. R. C. '75. Lock wood, Louis J. R. C. '75. Oppie. John. R. C. '74. Pockman, P. T. R. C. '75. Ravmond. A. V. V. U. C. '75. Salisbury, John H. R. C. '75. Searle, John P. R. C. '75. Slocum, George. M. D. U. C. '72. Walser. Oliver H. R. C. '75, AVyckoff, Ben. V. D. R. C. '75. Bergen, John H. Booth. Eugene S. R. C. '76. Cox. Henrv Miller. R. C. '76. Ditmars. C. P. R. C. '76. (Dosker, Henrv Elias. H. C. '76.) Duryee, Joseph R. R. C. '74. House. Isaac E. Lawsing, Sidnev O. R. C. '74. Lyall, John Ed. R. C. '76. Milliken. Peter H. R. C. '76. Nasholds. W. H. R. C. '76. Schomp. William W. R. C. '76. Stalls, Bergen B. R. C. '76. (Sutphen. James G. R. C. '75.) Taylor, William R. R. C. '76. Walden. Islay. Birdsall, Edward. Force. Frank A. H. C. '76. Hekhuis, Lambertus. H. C. '77. (Herr. Louis T. ) Kolyn, Matthew. H. C. '77. Ma.son. Alfred D. A. C. *77. Polhemus. C. H. R. C. '77. (Vanderveer, John Q, R. C. '77.) Van Doom, Marinus. Van Oostenbrugge. G. E. C. H. C. Edmondsoii, J. Enos, C. A. Ham. C. '74 ; U. S. '78. McLeod, T. B. C. N. J. '70; P. S. '73. Matzke H Mitchel'l. S'. S. C. N. J. '61 ; P. S. '64. Moore, W. L. R. C. "54 ; P. S. '57. Offord, R. M. Reed, E. A. Aub. S. '71. Schultz, E. Sebastian, S. A. (Hindu.) Smart, J. G. Yasukawa. (Jap.) Yoshida. (Jap.) 1879. Anderson. Chs. U. C. '40; Aub. S. '43. Billingslev, J. A. Waynesbrg. C. '78 ; Y. S. & U. S. '80. Coe, E. B. Y. C. '62 ; Y. S. & U. S. '63. Clearwater, C. K. C. C. N. Y. '76 ; U. S. '79. Dosker, H. E. H. C. '76 ; McCor. S. '79. Fitzgerald. T. Girtauner. C. Kremer. J. Lott, L. W. C. N. J. '76 ; U. S. '79. M-cCorkle, W. R. Minor, A. D. R. C. '76. Polhemus, I. H. Wms. C. '75 ; U. S. '79. Rex, H. L. Young. C. J. 1880. '76. Blaetgen. J. Mercersbrg. & Tiffin. Brodhead, W. H. Brown. T. S. U. C. '44; P. S. '47. Brown, W. W. Wms. C. '66 ; U. S. '77. Cort. C. Fr. & Marshall C. '60 ; Mers. S. '62. Davis, Wesley. Wesleyan Univ. Ct. '68. Easton, T. C. Edinburgh Univ. Hopkins. F. E. King, A. A. Lloyd, William. Moses, N. (Hijidu.) Reiner. J. H. Rubinkarn. R. I. Smith. Wm. R. C. '63 : N. B. S. •63-'4. Thatcher. C. O. U. C. '64; P. S. '67. William, Ab. (Hindu.) 744 APPENDIX New Brunswick Seminary. 1881-1890. Other Ministers. Bogardus, Henry J. R. C. '78. (Groeneveld, John C. H. C. *78.) Harmeling, S. J. H. C. '78. Le Fevre, George. R. C. '78. Owens, James Henry. R. C. '78. (Tears, Egbert. R. C. '78.) Vanderveer, L. U. C. '78. Vaughan, Jonah. R. C. '78. Williamson, Wm. H. R. C. '73. Andrus, John C. Col. U. '73. Arnolt, William M. S. "G. De Bey. Dirk John. H. C. '79. Gebhard, John G. H. C. '78. Hageman, Herman, Jr. R. C. '79. Hageman, Peter K. R. C. '79. Kimura, Kumage. H. C. '79. Niemeyer, George. H. C. '79. Oghimi, Motoitero. (Japanese.) H. C. Rockefeller, DeW. G. R. C. '79. Scarlett, John. R. C. '79. Schenck, Cornelius. R. C. '79. Scudder. E. C, Jr. R. C. '79. Scudder, William H. R. C. '78. Shafer. Theodore. R. C. '79. Stilhvell, John L. R. C. '79. Van Dyck, Alex. S. C. C. N. Y. '79. Venema, Ame. H. C. '79. Wormser, William. C. U. I. '79. Baas, William G. H. C. '80. (Cameron, Herbert H. R. C. '80.) Demarest, Nathan H. R. C. '80. Gowen, Isaac W. R. C. '79. Huizinga, Abel H. H. C. '80. Perlee. Clarence M. R. C. '80. Scarlett, George W. R. C. '80. See, Edwin F. R. C. '80. Staehli, John. Stegeman, Abraham. H. C. '80. Vaughan, William. R. C. '80. 1881. Anderson, Wm. R. C. '75 ; P. S. '79. Blair, H. P. Evans, C. P. French, H. Goebel, L. Bloomfield S. '80 ; U. S. '81. Groneveld, J. C. Hill, E. Hutton, A. J. Wms. C. '66 ; Aub. S. '71. Klein, C. T. A. Knox, W. W. P. U. '62; P. S. '66. Kyle, J. R. Miami U. '59 ; Xenia Seni. '63. Moelling, P. A. Nickerson, N. F. U. S. '74. Schmolz, C. Schwartzbach, C. H. Smyth, G. H. xM. Y. U. '62 ; Allegh. S. & P. S. '64. Terry, Roderick. Y. C. '70; And. S. '72; U. S. -75. Thomas, M. Wms. C. '67 ; U. S. '69. Waters. D. Toronto Univ. '59 ; Sem. of U. P. Ch. 1882. Cruikshanks, Jas. Y. C. "54 ; And. S. '46. Mills, B. Fay. Parsons, Andrew. Read, E. G. C. N. J. Rank, E. J. C. C. '79 ; U. S. Van den Hook, J. H. Wessels, P. A. Wms. C. ; Drew Sem. '78 ; Aub. S. '79. '79. Westing, Evert. H. Acd. U. P. S. '61 ; P. S. '65. 1883. Andreae, G. N. W. Col. '76 ; Eden. Sem. '72. Borden, E. W. Boyd, J. C. (2d) C. N. J. '55. Chapman, J. W. Lake For. Uni. '79 ; Lane Sem. '82. Curtis, M. M. Ham. C. '80 ; U. S. '83. De Jonge, J. B. H. C. '80; McCor. S. '83. Ford, Wm. H. (2d). U. S. 73. Dickson, J. M. Dart. C. '53 ; U. S. '57. Ganss, J. J. Bassel, '79 ; Karl's Schule, '80. Hagar, A. H. Bloomfield Sem. '83. Huyzer, G. Kavanagh. J. F. E. P. S. '83. King, J. F. C. C. N. Y. '79 ; U. S. '83. Lubach, W. McGibbon. A. W. McGiffert, W. H. Aub. S. '58. Masillamani, A. (Hindu.) Meury, E. A. Bloomfield Acad. & Sem. '83. Murgatroyd. E. R. C. C. N. Y. '79 ; U. S. '83. Noyes, S. D. Am. C. '66. Shook. H H. (Strail. H. A.) Smit. John Terbourp, J. E. Van Dyck, E. D. N. Y. U. '80 ; U. S. '83. APPENDIX 745 -Veir Hnta.swick Seminary. 1884. Other Minifitei's. Conklin. Marion T. R. C. '81. Oane, Josiah E. R. C. "81. Davis, Joseph P. U. C. '81. Demarest, Alfred H. R. C. '79. Dutton, Charles S. H. C. '81. Cofbel. Gustavus. A. T. '81. ( Huiidhausen, Ernest.) Kommers, Tinis John. H. C. '81. l^oucks. Joel. R. C. '81. Preyer. D. Charles. A. G. '79. Ruhl. Frederick W. R. C. '70-'72. Schmitz. William, Jr. R. C. '81. Smitz. Bastian. H. C. '81. Stephen.s, George H. R. C. '81. Taylor, Livingston L. R. C. '81. rndervvood, H. G. U. N. Y. '81. Verbrycke. J. R. R. C. '81. Wyckoff. Garret, Jr. R. C. '81. Bailey, J. W. Guenther, J. C. Bloomfield C. '76 ; Sem. '79. (lUlick, Jac. Haines. F. S. C. N. J. '78 ; U. S. '83. Johnson, A. C. N. J. '72 ; P. S. & U. S. '75. Joldersma. R. H. H. C. '81 ; McCor. Sem. '84. Manchee, Wm. Hackney C. & Sem., Lon- don, Eng. Martin, D. H. C. C. N. Y. '81; U. S. '84. Riggs, J. F. C. N. J. '72 ; U. S. '78. Schmidt. N. Unglaub. H. Bloomfleld Acad. '80 ; BI. Sem. '8,3. Van Houte, Jacob. Veenker, G. Miss. House. Franklin. Wis. '82. 1885. Beekman. Theo. A. R. C. '82. Cranmer. William S. R. C. '82. Kagg. John G. H. C. '81. i;ill(-.«pie. John H. R. C. '82. .Moffett. Edwin O. R. C. '82. -Mulford, H. Du Bois. R. C. '81. Pitcher. Philip W. R. C. '82. .Skellenger. D. AV. R. C. '82. Beekman, A. C. N. J. U. S. (2d.) Darrach, W. B. De Bruyn, J. A. De Mont, W. A. R. C. 80 ; U. S. '85. Erhardt, F. C. Bloomfleld C. '79 ; Sem. '82. Janssen, R. Jones, C. H. N. Y. U. 82 ; U. S. '85. Kern, S. Koechli. F. Long, E. C. Cumb. Univ. '79 : Cumb. Sem. '81 ; U. S. '82. Millett, S. Murray, C. P. C. N. J. '72 ; P. S. '75. Scarlet, J. H. (2d.) R. C. '79 ; N. B. S. '82. Scudder, L. R.' C. N. J. '82 : Hartford S. '85. Teller, H. W. R. C. P. S. Ti Peng. (Chinese.) Whitney, W. W. Zwemer, F. J. H. C. '80 ; McCor. S. '85. 1886. Ayltr. Junius C. Blekkink. E. John. H. C. '83. Brandow. J. Henrv. R. C. '83. Chamberlain. W. C. R. C. '82. f'ollier. Z. R. C. '83. Dyk. Jacob. H. C. '83. Laubenheimer. John. R. C. '83. Morri.son. John. R. C. '82. Oltmans. Albert. H. C. '83. Palmer, Robert V. R. C. '83. (Scholten. D. H. C. '83.) Stapelkamp, Evert W. H. C. '83. Williams. David F. Bergen, J. T. R. C. '83 ; U. S. '86. Henderson, W. J. C. N. J. '70 ; P. S. '73. Hill, W. B. Har. C. '79 ; U. S. '86. Junor, K. F. Toronto Univ. '69 ; U. S. '73. Kittridge, A. E. Wms. C. '54 ; And. S. '59. McCullom, E. A. Niehoff, J. Rankin, J. J. Wms. C. '76 ; U. S. & P. S. '80. Schaefer. F. H. C. '83. Sewall, A. C. W. C. '67 ; Aub. S. '70. Trimmer, J. A. Western Seminary. .Scholten, D. H. C. '83 : N. B. S. '83-4. Neio Brit,nswick Seminary. (.\rnolt. Edward M. Johns Hopkins '«3.) Berry. J. R. R. C. '47; N. B. S. '50 (2d.> 1887. Beekman. Peter S. R. C. Koyer. Edward J. C. U. I. • ■rispfli. Peter. R. C. '84. Davis, George. R. C. '84. Dickhaut. D. E. R. C. '84. Thompson. John A. R. C. '84. '84. '84. (Van Krackle. Henry. R. C. '84.) Boggis, H. Brown, F M. U. C. '60; U. S. '63. Bruce. W. P. R. C. '84 ; U. S. '87. Diephuis. Jac. Kampen. S. '65. Elliker. S. Emerick. I. P. Susquehanna Univ. & Theo. Dept. 1886. Freund, J. W. 746 APPENDIX Western Seminary. Other Ministers. De Jonge, G. H. C. '82. Hog-enboom, S. Hospers, G. H. H. S. '84. Ihrman, P. H. S. '82. Hinds, H. C. Hogeboom, S. M. John. C. C. A. L. Knox, T. C. C. "82 U. S. '86. Millett, Joseph. Wesleyan Inst. Eng. '72. Schaefer, D. Miss. House Coll. Wis. '82. Smith, M. U. C. '65; U. S. '67; Lane S. Tracey, W. H. Aub. S. '82. Van Hetloo, E. Zlegler, A. G. 1888. New Brunswick Seminary. Allen, J. M. R. C. '85. Boocock. W. H. R. C. '85. Demarest, W. H. S. R. C. '83. De Vries, J. H. R. C. '81. Myaki, Aragi. D. E. S. Western Seminary. Hekhuis. G. J. H. C. '85. (Shuman, Peter.) Vanden Berg, A. H. C. '85. Wayenberg, P. H. C. ^5. Allen, P. A. Barnum, F. S. Wesley Univ., Middle- town, Conn. '59. Baumeister. J. Beaver, J. P. Urs. C. '80 ; Aub. S. '83. Beyer, A. F. Dub. C. '76 ; Dan. S. '79. Brooks, J. W. R. C. '81; U. S. '84. Burrows, C. W. Chapin. C. B. C. N. J. '76 ; U. S. '80. Cobb, H. E. R. C. '84 ; P. S. '88. Crousas, J. S. Duiker, Roeloff (2d.) Dunlap, John. Gesman, N. J. Gibson, J. R. Jones, C. A. Am. C. '85 ; U. S. '88. Kinney, C. W. Leland, H. D. L. Y. C. '85 ; U. S. '88. Lloyd, J. E. C. N. J. '74 ; P. S. '77. Macardell, G. E. U. C. ; Alton. Sem. Morton, T. Mad. U. '79 ; U. S. '89. Norris, J. A. R. C. '82 ; U. S. '85. Palmer, F. Ham. C. '81 ; Aub. S. '88. Porter, C. F. Ham. C. '84 ; Aub. S. '87. Sangree, H. H. Mercersb. C. '80; U. S. '83. Schock, J. J. Wesleyan Univ., Ct. '76. Thyne, J. B. U. C. '58; United Pres. T. S. '61. New Brtinswick Seminary. Cantine, Jas. U. C. '83. Clist. C. L. Cotton, G. H. Western Col. Iowa. Duiker, W. J. H. C. '86. (Ganss, Louis.) (Garabed. H. Wooster Uni.) (Kruidenier. J. H. C. '86.) Lammers, B. W. H. C. '86. Phelps. P. T. H. C. '82. (Sturges. L. ) Tilton, E. N. Y. U. '86. Western Seminary. Bloemendaal, R. Strabbing, A. H. H. C. '80. Arcot Seminary, India. Eleven received in Junior Class. Beaver, J. D. Ursinus C. '80 ; Aub. Sem. '83 Denman, M. A. W. & Jeff. C. '82 ; P. S. '86. Dowling, G. T. Ham. C. ; Crozier Sem. George, H. W. Grant, W. D. Knox Coll. '84 ; U. S. '87. Hartig, F. Bloomfield Sem. '79. Jacobs, C. W. Keerl, J. J. Mollenbeck. B. Du Buque S. '70. Pool, Wm. Dubuque Sem. '89. Root, Oren. Ham. C. '56. Rudolph. J. Bloomfield S. '75. Schmidt, H. T. Sonnema, C. J. Swick, M. (2d.) Thomas. E. E. Brown Univ. '70 ; Newton Th. Inst. '73. APPENDIX 747 New Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. Andrew, L. C. St. John's Col. Furbeck. G. W. U. C. '87. (Hallenbeck, E. P.) Herman. A. B. R. C. '87. Johnston, Wm. Queens Col., Ontario. (Nicolai, N.) Schwartz, M. J. Berlin Miss. House 'i Scudder, F. S. R. C. '85. Talmage, G. E. R. C. '86. Zwemer, S. M. H. C. '87. Westerri Seminary. Bouma, P. G. A. (Harmling, Henry.) Lumkes, J. M. Kampen. Van Zanten, J. J. H. C. "80. Arcot Seminary. No graduates, but thirteen students. C. Univ. ; MfCoiinick Beattie, Jas. A. Glasgow Univ. '85 ; P. S '89 Daily, W. N.' P. U. C. '84 : Hartford S. '87. Ford, H. U. S. '90. Farrar, J. McC. N. Westminster C. '75 ; P. S '78 Gordon, M. R. Haan, E. R. Hill, A. John, E. (Hindu.) Jongeneel, Jas. Legget, Lester G. Sem. Peter, J. (Hindu.) Peter, M. (Hitulu.) Peters, M. C. F. & M. C, Held. Sem. Lazar, I. (Hindu.) McCready. R. H. Morgan, J. F. Taylor Univ. ; Ch. Bib. In- stit. '84. Muni, Ab. (Hindu.) Palmer. Jas. Wash. & Jeff. •90. Paramanandam, G. (Hindu.) Raji, Jacob. (Hindu.) Schoon. S. H. Smidt, H. J. (Smith. E. E. ) Stuart, Wm. Free Ch. Coll.. Halifax '59 : Free Ch. Theolog. Hall. Halifax '62. Sullivan, A. J. LaF. C. '75 ; U. S. '78. Vennema, S. A. From Free Ch., Ref. Ch. Wick. R. K. Westm. C. '82 ; U. S. '86. C. '87 : U. S. 1891-1900. New Brunswick Seminary. Adams, W. T. E. N. Y. U. '88. Beardslee. W. A. R. C. 'tl. (Bishop, W. S. R. C. "87.) Bombin, J. Univ. Konigsberg, Prussia. (Brandow, M. D. R. C. '88.) (Burrell. A. C. Bluestone Acad.) Chamberlain, L. B. R. C. '86. Cunningham. S. R. Temple Coll.. Phil. Demarest. S. D. B. R. C. '87. Harmeling. H. H. C. '88. Ossewaarde, M. H. C. '88. (Sharplev. H. G. R. C. '88.) Van Westenberg, J. H. C. '88. Voorhees. O. M. R. C. '88. Wilson. F. S. R. C. '88. Winne. J. E. U. C. '88. Wyckoff. C. S. R. C. '88. Wyckoff, C. E. Allen. J. S. Westminster Col. "82: U. S. '85. Ashley, B. F. Beattie. R. H. C. N. J. '85: P. S. 'HI. Bruschweiler. Jac. Burrell. D. J. Y. C. '67 ; N. W. S. "68 : U. S. '70. Cole. P. H. U. C. '88 ; U. S. '89. Ficken, John. French. J. W. Harris. D. T. John.son. R. P. Wab C. '71 ; Aub S. 75. Knox, J. C. U. C. '90 ; Aub. S. & U. S. '91. MacQueen. P. C. N. J. '87 ; U. S. 1900. Morris, J. N. (Olney. E. C.) Van Burk, J. Oberlin S. '»1. Western Seminary. Klooster. F. H. C. '88. Lamar, J, H. C. '88. Pieters, A. H. C. '87. Straks, H. Normal Schl. '75. Arcot Seminary. No graduates. 748 APPENDIX New Brunswick Sem inary. Other Ministers. 1892. Hurkart, J. J. (Clarke, J. E.) DeWitt, J. T. E. R. C. '89. Hieber, L. R. C. Jones, H. T. Luckenbill, G. A. (Maar, Charles. R. C. '89.) Muilenberg. T. W. H. C. '89. Seibert. G. G. N. Y. U. '89. Stegeman, Wm. H. C. '89. Thompson, E. W. R. C. '89. Vernol, T. P. Normal Schl., Phil.. Pa. '89. Winant, AV. R. C. '92. Zwemer, P. J. H. C. '88. Western Seminary. Van Duine. A. M. H. C. '89. Arcot Seminary. Aiyavu. P. Chellam, S. Nathaniel, E. M. Sautosham, S. Shelvam, J. Tavamani, E. Yesuratnam, J. Allen, C. J. LaF. C. '89 ; U. S. '92. Birchby, H. G. LaF. C. '81 ; U. S. '84. Burrill. G. H. Har. C. '79 ; U. S. '84. Clapp, E. Ursinus C. '89; U. S. '90; Ursi- nus S. '91. Dixon, Jos. Ennis, H. W. R. C. '90 ; U. S. '92. Giffen, J. U. S. '93. Gliddon, A. M. Gorby, I. I. Hainer, J. A. Harsha, W. J. C. N. J. '74 ; McCor. S. '77. Hone.s, L. W. Hulbert, P. S. Wab. C. '76 ; Aub. S. '79. Hunter, D. M. C. C. N. Y. '77 ; U. S. '80. Hunter, Jas. C. N. J. '89 ; U. S. '92. Hynson, N. D. John Hop. U. '90 ; U. S. '93. Ingham, J. A.. Syra. Univ. '86 ; U. S. '92. Inglis. T. E. Toronto C. '81; P. S. '84. Koster, S. J. Gr. Rapids S. '92. Krauscher, F. J. Lyman-Wheaton, H. P. Maar. Chs. R. C. '89 ; Aub. S. '92. McClelland, T. C. N. Y. U. '89 ; U. S. '92. Miller, G. H. Bloomfleld Sem. '87. Muller, M. Bl. S. '92. Schilstra, S. A. Rotterdam Miss. Assoc. '90. Schlegel, C. Bloomfleld S. '95. Schmitz, Wm. (2d.) R. C. '81 ; N. B. S. '84. Smith, A. J. Vander Kam, P. Vetter, G. (Wilcox, A. J.) New Brunswick Sciiiiiiriri/. Dunoombe. A. R. C. Flipse. M. H. C. '90. Polmsbee, G. J. R. C. '90. Hogan, O. J. Hospers, H. H. 'C. '90. Jacobs, W. M. C. (Kato. Satori. ) (Morton. T. Madison Univ. '79.) (Peeke, H. V. S. H. C. '87.) (Peterson, C. B. S. T. ) (Spaulding, A. R. C. '90.) Sperling. Is. R. C. '90. (Tompkins, W. B. R. C. '88.) Van Arsdale. E. B. R. C. '90. Van Kampen, Isaac. H. C. '90. Van Orden. J. S. R. C. '90. Van Zee. C. W. R. C. '90. Ward. W. D. R. C. '90. (Young. A. G.) Western Seminary. Menning. S. J. H. C. Pietenpol. H. J. H. C. '90. Siegers, P. Middleburg Gvm. '84. Arcot Seminary. •Tatinayakam, N. Vedanaykam. S. (Died '92.) S. 1893. Miss. House. Sem. '90. Col. Adam, J. D. Ed. Univ. '90. Barnv. W. F. Bates. W. H. Ham. C. '65 ; Aub. S. '68. Bollenbacher, J. Bruins. W. H. H. C. '90 ; McCor. S. '93, Chapin. C. B. (2d.) C. N. J. '76; U. S. '77-'80. Conant. C. A. U. C. '60; Bangor S. & Aub. S. '63. Fieck. J. (^Juenther. A. Gulick. N. J. Haken. G. Hock, F. W. U. Huenemann, Jac. Franklin, Wis. '87 Jensen, J. H. .Johnson, T. C. Krueger. H. T. Dubq. S. '93. Laidlaw, W. Toronto Univ. '81 Lee. T. I. Y. C. ; Y. S Lowe, T. O. Farmers Coll., Cincinnati, O. Martyn. F. F. C. C. '91; U. S. '92; Di- vinity Sch.. Chicago '93. Mershon, A. L. C. N. J. '87 ; P. S. '92. Mills. A. W. Mollema. Bernard. Muller, M. Pea.se. C. B. F. Peeke. H. V. S. H. C. '87; N. B. S. '92; Aub. S. '93. Rogers. J. A. Syr. Univ. '91; Aub. S. '94. Selden. E. G. Y. C. '70 ; Aub. S. '73. Sherwood. N. M. N. B. S. '61-2 ; U. S. '64. (2d.) Whittaker, C. H. P. S. '84. APPENDIX "40 New Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. Betten. D. L. H. C. "90 ; Mich. Univ. '91. Chickering. E. O. R. C. '91. Durvee. Ab. R. C. '89-'91. Ha.sbrouck, H. C. R. C. '91 Hojfan, J S. R. C. '91. Hosan. R. R. C. '91. Hopper, A. W. R. C. '91. (Kelly, W. H. Ham. C. '91.) Lockwood, H. R. C. '91. Mahon, A. F. R. C. '90. Palmer, C. L. R. C. '90. Raven, J. H. R. C. '91. Roberts, H. B. R. C. '91. Searle, E. V. V. R. C. '91. Strong, W. V. D. R. C. '91. Weste7-n Seminary. Sietsema, J. H. C. '91. Winter, J. P. H. C. '91. Arcot Seminary. No graduates. N. J. '77 ; P. S. '80. Glasgow Univ. '89 ; Xew Chre.sten.sen, D. H. Ham. Col. '89 ; Aub. Sem. '92, frm. Pres. Coomb.s. W. Douw.stra, H. Frazer. A. D. P. V. S. '94. Franzen. L. H. Greene. E. AV. U. C. '82 : Hartford S. "85. Hauser, G. Heines, C. Hodson, J. M. Hume, J. C. C. Lipes, H. H. Mackay, D. S. College, Edinburgh. Niemeyer, G. Niles. Ed. Wms. C. '91 ; U. S. '94. Oakes, C. A. La F. C. '91 ; U. S. '93. Poppen. Jac. H. C. '82 ; P. S. '93. Prentice. S. Am. C. '91; U. S. '94. Ralston, E. S. Lane Sem. 1886. Rust, E. C. Schenck, I. V. W. Westminster C. '64 ; P. S. '67. Spaulding, A. R. C. '90 ; U. S. '93. Teichrieb, H. Van den Bosoh. T. M. Worrall. H. R. L. R. C. "84 ; Dartmouth Med. Col. '93. Wright. F. H. {Indian.) U. C. '82; U. S. '85. 1895. New Brunswick Seminary. Ackert, W. R. R. C. '92. Baker, W. S. Berg, J. F. R. C. '92. Conover, G. M. R. C. '92. Corwin. C. E. R. C. '92. Dyke, C. P. R. C. '92. (Hazzard, J. C. R. C. '92.) (Lott, I. W. R C. '92.) Oi. Mitsuve (Japanese.) R. C. '92. rPawline-. H. W. R. C. '92.) Shield, F. K. Miss. Col., Sheboygan, Wis. Thurston, J. A. R. C. Western Seminary. Dubbink. G. H. H. C. '92. Luxen. .1. H. C. '92. Oosterhoff, A. H. C. '92. Reeverts, A. J. H. C. '92. Schilstra, E. S. Gymnasium, Rotter- dam. Stefff-ns, C. M. H. C. '92. Vanderploeg, H. H. C. '92. Vander Werf, S. Grand Rapids Th. Sch. Veldman, H. J. H. C. '92. BayUs, J. O. Norlhwood Col.. Ohio. "57 Allegh. S. '6(1. Bechgcr, A. V. W. Bergman.s, J. C. Albion C. : V. S. '.U. Bradshaw. A. H. Franklin C. '92 ; P. S. ■9.t. Clark, J. L. Lincoln U. '91 ; U. S. 'IM. De Beer, J. Dragt. J. J. Gaston, ,Ios. Linton. J. C. Kain. P. I. Mclntyre. Jos. Ossewardie. Jas. Poot, J. W. Schaul. U. S. Univ. Pa. Shelland. W. H. Solomon, J. (Hindu.) Te Grootenhuis, D. J. Theo. Sem. K;im- pen. Van Blarcom, G. H. C. '90: P. S. '94. '92 ; I'. S. "9.5. Arcot Seminary. Peter, M. Sundram, M. Wilkins, J. 750 APPENDIX New Brunswick, Seminary. 1896. Other Ministers. (Bender, A. G. ) Bird, A. C. Mt. Herman Sch. (Carruthers, F. ) Clowe, C. W. U. C. '93. Cussler, H. C. R. C. '93. (Dekker, F. G. Kampen '92.) (Jacobs, L. ) Kuiper, A. H. C. '93. Malven, F. R. C. '93. Messier, I. R. C. '93. Roop, M. J. Held. Univ., Tiffin, O., '93. Studley. H. E. R. C. '93. (Van Eyck, W. O. H. C. '93. Van Hee, I. J. R. C. '93. Von Schlieder, A. H. R. C. "93. Willoughby, H. C. Western Seminary. Huizinga, H. H. C. '93. Janssen, W. T. H. C. '93. Miedema. W. H. C. '93. Schaefer, J. H. C. '93. Te Paske, J. W. H. C. Wolfius, William. Grand Rapids Th. Schl. Arcot Setninary. Aaron. J. Cornelius, S. Daniel, J. Jacob, S. Muni, D. Thomas, B. Whitehead, C. Bailey, H. S. Held. C. '88 ; Held. S. '90. Bender, A. G. Bloomfield S. '96. Blake, R. W. L. CI. Bergen, Reformi 1896-1918. Davis, L. E. Neb. Univ. ; Adrian C. '77. De Jonge, J. L. H. C. '93 ; P. S. '96. De ^Vitz, C. F. Duckworth, Jos. Pjetcher, O. T. Ham. C. '92; U. S. '95. Parr, J. McC. C. N. J. '90 ; P. S. '91. Heineger, J. Hoonte, T. H. Hooper, J. F. Kingsbury, L. Mackensie, T. H. Wms. C. ; Monmouthi C, Ind., '88 ; P. S. '91. Makely, G. Neal, R. Peters J D Otte, J. A. H. C. & Mich. Univ. Park, C. La F. C. '76 ; U. S. '78 ; P. S. '79. Scoville, F. C. A. C. '75 ; U. S. '78. Smith, Henry. Oakwood S. '81. Souri, J. {Hindu.) Vander Meulen. J. M. H. C. '91 ; P. S. '95v. McCor. S. '96. Watson, C. S. Wolvius, Wm. Grand Rapids Th. Schl.. '93; W. S. '96. 18»7. New Brunswick Seminary. Barny, F. J. R. C. '94. Bedford, C. V. W. Compton, W. E. R. C. '94. Dixon, C. M. R. C. '94. Doremus, G. S. M. Dykema, K. J. H. C. '94. Forbes, J. C. Glasgow Univ. Foster, J. W. Lansing, R. A. U. C. '94. McCullv. B. I. R. C. '94. Miller, H. R. C. '94. Mohn, O. L. F. R. C. '94. (Riggs. C. W. P. C. '86.) Scudder, C. J. R. C. '89. Scudder. H. J. R. C. '90. Scudder, W. T. R. C. '92. ( Segavva, Asash. ) (Smith, A. J.) (Thompson, J. H. R. C. '94.) (Tompkins. I. S. R. C. '94.) Western Seminary. Broekstra, M. E. Kampen, Neths. De Groot, D. Neths. Gym. Jougewaard. C. A. Iowa C. '93. Swart, P. H. C. '94. Te Selle, J. W. H. C. Van Arendonk, A. H. C. (Van De Erve. John H. C. '94.) Arcot Seminary. No graduates. Bluhm, C. Col. Univ. '95 ; U. S. '97. Clifton, S. T. LaF. C. '94 ; U. S. '98. Diekhoff, Wm. Dubuque Sem. 1888, frm.. Pres. Doyle, D. P. Mt. Hermon Sch. Drake, E. A. Lake For. C. '94 ; Aub. S. '97.. (Emmons. ) Rowland, S. W. A. C. '70; U. S. '73. Hutchinson. J. N. Israel, G. R. Moravian Sem. '84. Junor, D. Toronto Univ. '66. Koerlin, E. F. Myies, W. G. (Reynolds. G.) Roe, W. C. Samuel, T. (Hindu.) Sigafoos, O. L. LaF. C. '94 ; U. S. '97. Sterenberg, James. H. C. '93 ; P. S. '96. Stone. G. E. Ham. C. '95 ; Aub. S. '98. Swart, P. Thorman, B. H. Edam. Sem. '95. Tyndall, C. H. Wms. C. '82 ; Aub. S. '85i Tysse, G. H. C. '94 ; P. S. '97. Van der Erve, J. H. C. '95 ; W. S. 95-6 ;: P. S. '96-7. Van Haagen, H. C. Van Kersen, W. J. H. C. '94 ; P. S. '97. Webster, W. S. C. C. N. J. '64; P; S, '69; APPENDIX 751 New Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1898. Allen, H. B. (Atwater, J. P. N. Y. U. '95.) Bayles. T. F. U. C. '95. Dangremond. G. C. H. C. '95. Kicken, H. C. Bloomfield Acad. Flikkema, G. Univ. Nebraska '95. Freer, H. A. Gulick, C. W. R. C. '95. Heemstra, J. F. H. C. '95. ( Lawrence, C. L. ) Spoer, H. H. Bloomfield Acad. Vandermeulen, John. H. C. '95. (Van Deusen, J. M. R. C) Weber. H. C. R. C. '95. Western Seminary. l)e Jonge, A. W. Neths. Dykhuizeii. H. H. C. '95. Knarelsnian, J. H. C. Frieling, H. Grand Rapids '95. Gruys, Wm. S. C. Hoffman. B. H. C. '95. Te Grootenhuis, J. H. E. Kampen, Neths. Boetcher, W. H. J. Bruins, H. M. H. C. '95 ; P. S. '98. Caton, J. C. P. U. '95 ; Y. S. '98. DeHaan, J. Klliott, J. H. Chicago Sem. Cong. Husted, C. R. W. Jackson, W. H. Krom, A. E. Miami Uni. '92 ; U. S. '97. Kyle, H. Z. U. S. '96. Lawrence, C. 1. McBride, R. I. McNair, Wm. R. C. '81; P. S. '86. Park, Chs. Ham. C. '85 ; Allegh. S. 86 ; U. S '88 Potter, R. H. U. C. '95 ; Chicago Sem. '98. Rauscher, J. C. U. S. '98. Rogers, Robt. Scholz, Chs. Seeley, F. B. Mid. C. Vt. '93 ; U. S. '96. Steffens, N. M. (2d.) Ed. in Holland. Stout, J. C. R. C. '91; P. S. '97. Street, W. D. C. U. '95 ; U. S. '98. Wacker. G. G. Bloomfield S. '98. Wood, C. T. Woolsey, A. B. Arcot Seminary. David, J. I. .John. Jos. Thomas, S. Timothy, J. P. A'£'m; Br^instvick Seminary. 1899. Brink, H. W. R. C. '96. Conger, \V. R. C. '96. Faber, J. P. Bloomfield Acad. (Janeway, G. J. R. C. '94.) Lehman, F. V. W. H. C. & Ham. C. Mallery. C. G. R. C. '96. Meeker, E. J. R. C. '96. (Miller. C. S. ) Myt rs, C. M. N. Y. U. '96. Randolph. E. T. F. R. C. '96. Ranney. W. A. R. C. "96. Ruigh. D. C. H. C. '96. SchMUcker, G. Bloomfield Acad. '96. (Si)aan, W. C. Iowa Col. '96.) (Tilton, F. K. R. C. '96.) Vandeburg, S. \'oorhees. J. B. R. C. '96. Western Seminary. (Diniiient, E. D. H. C. Kelder, E. H. C. '96. Kots. J. W. H. C. Lubbers, F. H. C. '96. Theilken, J. G. H. C. '96.) Arcot Seminary. Bailev, J. P. Bedford, Ed. Isaac. A. Kay. John. I^azarus, D. Baker, F. P. (2d) Brown, J. A. New Windsor C. Med. '93 ; P. S. '96. Connor, W. W. C. N. J. '85 ; Allegh. S. '99. Dyke. J. (2d.) H. C. '83; N. B. S. '86. Florence, E. W. Laubach. W. Muller, F. Bloomfield Acad. & Sem. '96. Pershing. O. B. U. C. '97 ; Aub. S. 1900. Van Gieson. D. E. Wiersum, H. J. H. C. '96 ; P. S. '99. 752 APPENDIX Netv Briivfiwick Setninary. Other Ministers. 1900. < Brown, E. R. ) Bruce, Peter. Case, C. P. R. C. '97. Ferwerda, F. H. C. '97. (CJableman, F. ) MacMillan, H. Cedarville C. '97. Meyer, A. J. R. C. '97. Moerdyk, J. E. H. C. '97. Parker. A. A. F. (Pershing, O. B. U. C. '97.) Rozendal, T. H. C. '97. Sciple. C. M. La F. C. '97. Seibert. F. A. R. C. '97. Strohauer, P. J. U. C. '97. (Vander Meulen. Jacob. H. C. '97.) Walter. A. J. R. C. '97. Warnshuis, A. L. H. C. '97. Watermuelder, G. H. C. '97. Western Seminary. Aeilts, E. H. C. Boer, N. H. C. '97. Brummel, Jack. H. C. '97. Cook. G. E. H. C. De Jonge, B. Neths. De Jongh. J. H. C. '97. Dykstra, B. D. H. C. '96r Huizenga, G. J. H. C. '96. (Jonker, H. L. H. C. '97.) Hooiker, G. H. C. '97. Rozendal, A. H. C. '97. Schuurmans, H. P. H. C. '97. Vandermeulen. Jac. H. C. '97. Arcot Se)ninary, India. Asirvatham, Jos. I Joshua, M. Kadivelu, P. Lyakkam. C. Addy, J. G. P. S. '97. Dobbs, J. F. La F. C. '97; U. S. 1900. Dougall, A. U. C. '93 ; P. S. '95. Ellsworth, J. S. La F. C. ; U. S. "83. Hamlin, H. F. La F. C. '94 ; U. S. '97. Leggett. L. Lansdale, J. T. Baltimore C. '86 ; Drew Sem. 1891. Mellen, H. M. Miller, S. D. Ossewardie, John. H. C. '97 ; P. S. 1900. Ratzell, J. P. Stinson, W. C. Bucknell U. '86 ; P. S. '89. Stoehner, F. Troost, E. Vance, J. I. Kings C. (Tenn.) '83; Union S. Va. '86. Wiley, E. C. Wms. C. '81 ; Aub. S. '89. Zelie, J. S. Wms. C. '87 ; Y. S. '90. 1901-1910. 1901. Neiv Brunswick Seminary. Benjamin, C. F. R. C. '98. Black, John. R. C. '98. Bosch, F. S. C. Bloomfield Acad. ChefE. P. P. Dawson, E. R. C. '98. Decker, F. R. C. '98. De Graff, G. D. L. Furbeck. H. R. U. C. '97. Hunter, George. Glasgow Univ. Meengs, J. G. H. C. '98. Meury, E. G. W. R. C. '98. Mulder, T. H. C. '98. Van Beverhoudt, O. Western Seminary. Banninga, J. J. H. C. '98. Klerk. Ab. H. C. '98. Kuyper, Cor. H. C. '98. Vander Werf, Ant. Ch. R. Sem. '95. Winter, J. E. H. C. '98. Beale, J. G. La F. C. '93 ; U. S. '97. (Den Hollander, Ab. ) Fortuin. F. Ut. Univ. '78. Grant, J. E. Herge, H. J. Bloomfield S. 1901. Laufer. C. W. Offord. R. M. (2d.) Pershing, O. E. Sauerbrunn, L. F. Bloomfield '97 ; P. S. 1900. Shepard. R. L. Street, W. D. C. U. '95 ; U. S. '98. Swain, J. R. P. U. '94 ; P. S. 1901. Van den Burg, L. Van Ess. Jacob. H. C. '98; P. S. '01. Voeglin. C. F. N. Bloomfield Sem. 1901. APPENDIX 753 Arcot Seniiyiary. No graduates. In 1902 the Classis of Arcot was dis- missed from the Reformed Church to join the South India United Church, the Arcot Seminary remained under the care of the Reformed Church, but its graduates no longer enter the Reformed Ministry. Hence after 1902 their names are omitted. Other Ministers. 1902. New Brunswick Seminary. Courtney. R. W. R. C. '99. Dan-rremond. A. C. V. H. C. '99. Krler. .John. Francisco. W. P. R. C '99. Hart. W. R. R. C. '99. (.Joseph. O. L. Roval Coll. Ceylon '89.) Martin. J. McC. R. C. '99. Slu-ter. H. H. C. '99. Weidner. D. C. R. C. '99. Western Seminary. Rrnak. P. H. C. '99. CKui;;enpa. J. E. H. C. '99.) Man=en. F. B. H. C. '99. Marsilie. P. J. H. C. '99. Reeverts, F. H. C. '99. S"biTiner. H. H. C. '99. fSlu-ter. H. H. C. '99.) Te Kolste. G. H. C. '99. Vin Heuvelen. B H. C. '99., (Van Sweden, M. Free Univ. Amsterdam.) ' Verwav. ) "Wiersma. P. H. C. '99. Allen. Arthur H.. from Pres. Aopal. John B.. from Pres. (Brown, Claude.) Christ, Jacob, Mission House C. and S. '84. from Ref Ch. U. S. Churchman, A. B. U. T. S. '02. from Pres. Cornish, Floyd. U. T. S. '94. from Pres. Cutler. F. W. R. C. '83 ; U. T. S. '86, from Pres. Gates. Wm. B. A. C. '97 : U. S. '02. Hoyt. J. W. (Jacobs. F. H.) (Krause. Carl.) Nickse. Louis. Rothenberger. I. Sem. '85. Schumacher. G. Bl. Sem. '88, from Pres. Shipherd. T. M.. from Pres. Stofflet, J. P., from Pres. Van Ess. John. H. C. '99 ; P. S. '02. Williamson, J. F. L. F. C. '78 : U. S. '81. from Pres. Heid. Col. '83 ; Heid. New Brnnstvirk Seminary. Bropk. A T H. C. 1900. Bro-n. W. D. U. C. 1900. Ec'-er.son. F R C 1900. 'Gardner. J. CPU 1900 Grul J. D. Valnar'iisn Coll. 1900. Hondelink. G. H. C 1900. Lptr-prs L T.. H C. 1900. -ndall. S. G. Ziegler. L. Mission House C. and S. '73. from Ch. Ref. Ch. 754 APPENDIX New Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1004 Brokaw, Arthur Perlee. R. C. 1900. (Campbell, M. V. R. C. 1900. (Christmas, J. C. H.) Gulick, George W. R. C. '01. Kalemjian, Mugerdich Nerses. Korteling, George. H. C. '01. Ranson, Alonzo A. R. C. '01. Sahler, Wm. L. L. F. C. '01. Simpson, Wm. E. R. C. '01. Tulp Aika P. Van 'Woert, Henry S. R. C. '01. Vyverberg, Henry J. R. C. '01. White, Ben. F. R. C. Western Seminary. Beckering, Wm. Manchester Col. '01. (De Jong, Peter. Univ. Chicago '02.) Denekas, Wolbert. H. C. '01. Douwstra, George H. Central Col. '01. Douwstra, Richard D. Central Col. '01. Kuizenga, John E. H. C. '99. Steunenberg, John. H. C. '01. Vander Heide, James. H. C. '01. Wayer, James. H. C. '01. Berg, I. H. L. F. C. '01 ; Hart. Seni. 04. Bohler, Jacob. Mission House C. '88 ; Sem. '91, from Ref. Ch. U. S. Buckle, George, from Pres. Campbell, J. I., from Pres. Carter, R. E. U. T. S. DeJong, Peter C. Dyke, J. (3d.) H. C. '83; N. B. S. '86, from Pre.s. Eggleston, G. H.. from Pres. Porbush, Wni. B. Froschl, John. Holden, L. H. V. C. 95 ; U. S. '98, from Cong. Lonsdale, Wm. J. Ham. C. '01 ; Aub. S. '04, from Pres. Lunn, G. R. . from Pres. Luther, M. C. (Lyle, J. N.) McDonald, Wm. J. McQueston, Rockwood. Mager, Wm. Bl. Acd. and Sem. '01, '04. Marsilje, Peter J. (2d.) H. C. '99; W. T. S. '02, from Pres. Mundhenke, W. R. Dub. C. and S. '79, from Pres. Peyton, J. P., from Free Will Baptist. Robertson, James L. Geneva C. '57 ; Alleghany S. '59, from Pres. Ruliffson. E. J. Boston Evan. Institute '95 ; Fenton Normal C. '01, from Cong. Schulz, H. W. J., from Pres. Scudder, E. C. (2d.) R. C. '79; N. B. S. '82. Spaan, C. H. H. C. '99 ; P. S. Troost, Evert. Free Univ. Amsterdam. from Ch. of Netherlands. Webinga, John, from U. P. Pres. Ch. Wightman. J. C. Ulster National C. ; Moody's Schools, from Cong. '04. 1905. New Brunswick Seminary. Baeder, Frederick N. Fisher, Orville E. R. C. '02. Foertner, Frederick E. R. C. '02. (Hutchings, DeWitt V. P. Univ. '01.) Maines, Walter S. Western Theological Seminary. Deelsynder. Cornelius. Northern Illinois Col. '01. Koster. Martin E. Kalamazoo Col. '02. Vanderbeek, John. H. C. '02. Van Peursem, John. H. C. '02. Wesselink, John. H. C. '01. Boughton. C. M. Bruins, Berend. H. C. '02 ; P. S. 05. Colbert, J. T., from Pres. De Pree, H. P. H. C. '02 ; P. S. '05. Hamner. J. G. Johns Hopkins '81 : U. S. '85. from Pres. Hoover, D. F. Gettysburg C. '89 and S. '92, from Pres. Hutchins, R. G. W. C. '61 ; A. S. '64, from Pres. Huyler, P. E.. from Pres. Jones, J. A. P. C. '00; Aub. S. '03, from Pres. Meier, Jacob. BI. Acad, and S. '05, from Pres. Olandt, C. C. Univ., from Pres. Payson, G. H. Ham. C. '73 ; U. S. '78. from Pres. Perkins, Fred. Ham. C. '89 ; P. S. '92. from Pres. Reynolds. P. T. B. Ref. Episc. Sem., Phil. '99. from Ref. Episcopal. Sargent, C. C, from Pres Straub. John K. B! Acad. '01, and Sem. ■04. Taylor, C. F.. fmrn Pres. AVeber, Jacob (2(1.) APPENDIX 755 .V< ic Brunswick Seminary. Other Ministers. 1906. (Bitmett. i.sci])le«. Stauffer, M. T. P. C. '10; U. S. '13. Steiner, W. H. Strong, Wm. V. D. (2d.) R. C. ''M; X. B. S. '94, from Cong. Suit, E. C. Held. C. '91; Ursinus S. (tS, from Ref. Ch. U. S. Torrens, W. R., from Pres. VanderHeuvel, A. J. Calvin C. '90. from Ch. Ref. Ch. Weber, A. Univ. of Berlin and Strasburg Basel S. '86, from Ref. Ch. U. S. Wilkinson, A. J. New Brunswick Seminary. "Boynton, Arthur B. Amherst C. '10. (Campbell, Daniel Y.) 'Conklin, Wm. D. Ham. C. '09. DeMeester, Peter. R. C. Durfee, Jesse F. R. C. '10. Dykema, James. H. C.,'10. (Hamory, L S. H. Bl. Sem.) ■Hansen. R. C. '10. Iri.sh, Edward B. Union C. '10. (Kiss, Andrew.) (Lord, James. Milton Univ. '12.) (Maass. Bert Wm.) Ryder, Stephen W. Y. C. '09. (Smith, Charles W. R. C. ) ■Stube, Charles P. Ham. C. '10. (Ver Hulst, Anthony L. H. C. '10.) Vruwink, Henry A. H. C. '10. (Ward, Isaac.) Warnshuis, John Henry. H. C. '10. Western Seminary. Douma, Robert W. Pasma. Henry K. H. C. '10. Reinhart, Harry E. KRoest. George. H. C. '09.) Te Paske, Arie J. H. C. '10. Verburg, James A. '10. Vis, Jean A. H. C. '10. Bender. A. F. (2d.) Bl. Acd. '9:1 and BI. S. '96, from Ref. Ch. U. S. Blaschki, H. S.. from Pres. Conger, Alex. M. R. C. '10; P. S. lo. DeBuhr, Peter. Mission House C, '07 ami S. '10, from Ref. Ch. U S. Dickens, Wm. H., from Baptist. Fisher, J. W. Bl. Acd. and Seni. from Pres. (Frederick R. M. E. Ch.) Hageman, T. A. R. C. '08 and '10, from Pres. (Kelly. Wm. B. ) (Powell, Enoch, Baptist.) (Prentiss. H. M. ) Ray, H. C. Ritchie, F. C. Schneegas, C. H. from Pres. See, T. J. Simms, J. D. East Texas Normal C. '07 ; Los Angelis Bible Institufe, from Pres. Sinclair, Wm. P. Univ. '04 ; U. S. from Pres. Stewart, C. H. Manitoba C. '99 and S. from Pres. Terhune, John A. P. C. '89 ; P. S. '92. Vale, R. E. Washington and Tusculum C. '09 ; P. S. '12. from Pres. Van Vleet, Wm. Educated in Nether- lands, from Independent Ref. Ch. (Whistler, G. H.) •12, N. B. S. '08 Bl. Acd. and S. ''.^3. •07, •02, New Brunswick Seminary. T'ro.st, Henry D. R. C. '11. Henrichs, John H. Bloomfield Academy '11. Neander, John. R. C. '11. Oggel. Melvin Verne. Univ. Mich. '11. (Potter, Francis M. ■11.) (Roest, H. G. H. C. Schwitters. E O fT (Terwilliger, Floyd B. Van Raalte, Albertus (Walser, Theodore D. R. C. ; Oxford, '09.) C '11 Olivet Col. '11.) C. Olivet C. ''ll. Union C. '10.) Bender, A. F. (3d.) Bl. Acd. '93; Bl. S. '96, from Ref. Ch. U. S. Burggraff, J. J., from Netherlands. Chadsev, H. B. U. C. '77; Aub. S. '81, from Pres. Chambers. S. D., from Pres. Dickson, J. E., from Pres. Douma. R. W. Eliason. H. A. Maryland Sch. for Boys, Private Theo. Hahn, T. F. M. D. Lanseidel, Wm. Mission House "C. and S. '03, from Ref. Ch. U. S. APPENBIX 759 Wefit0rn Srininary. (Aiikfi-. H. P. H. C. 10.) ( BurKK'i'ufE, J. J.) Dykstra. Dirk. H. C. '06. Heeiustra, Jacob. H. C. '10. Hoffman. M. J. H. C. 09. Huibregtse, Edward. H. C. '10. KreKcl, John H. Oskaloosa C. '10. Marcley. Allen F. R. C. '11. oldenburger, Teunis. Calvin C. '- Stanton, Royal A. R. C. W'ynvcen. Ben. J. H. C. Other Ministers. Legget, L. G. (2d.) McCorm. S. Lepeltak. Cor. H. C. ; Omaha S. '99. Pompl, R. H. Shannon, F. F., from Pres. Stovve, W. F. Mt. Hope C. '98 ; Theo. Dept. ; Taylor Univ. '01, from Cong. Strieker, Wm. Vanderkam, P. (2d), from Pres. Verburg, James A. Walser, T. D. (2d.) U. C. '10; U. S. '14. Wicher, John W. H. C. '10; P. S. '14. 1915. Xew Brunswick Seminary. Bh.oni. Walter Sax. R. C. '12. (Hand. L. L. Univ, Pa. 1891.) Hotaling. Henry K. R. C. "12. Luidens, Anthony. H. C. '12. Prentis.s. Henry M. C. C. N. Y. Thomson, James C. R. C. '10. Western Seminary. Beimink. John E. H. C. '12. Brink. John \V. H. C. '12. Droppers. Oliver G. H. C. '12. Dykstra. John D. Olivet C. '11. Furda. Englehart. H. C. Meengs, Raymond D. H. C. '11. Menning, Gerret. H. C. '11. Muilenberg. Hubert S. Grinnell C. '12. Van Den Bosch, Thomas G. Calvin C. •12. (Van Dyk. Frederick J. H. C. '12.) Van Zvl, Bart R. H. C. 12. Zaiulstra. Frederick. H. C. 12. Other Ministers. Achtermann, H. Mission House C. and S. '97, from Ref. Ch. U. S. Armbuster, Christian. Rochester Univ. and S. '98, from Baptist. Barnes, H. A. Blessing, F. F. U. C. '89 ; P. S. '92. from Pres. Blue. John H., from Pres. Bolster, F. E. A. C. '96; U. S. '11, from Cong. Brownlee, F. L., from Cong. Buckingham, M. S. Golden, Wm. Syra. Univ. '76 ; M. E. Con- ference Course, from M. E. Ch. Deck, H. A., from Cong. DeLange, T. L. Grand Rapids C. '89 and S. '92, from Ch. Ref. Ch. Hamner, J. G. (2d.) Johns Hopkins '81; U. S. '85, from Pres. Kroesche. A. C. Univ. Wis. '08 ; Dub. S. '94, from Pres. Kroesche, F. H. Dub. C. '91 and S. '94, from Pres. Lane. Stoddard. A. C. '09 ; Hart. S. 'IS, from Cong. Lawrence. C. M. Lumley, J. A., from Cong. Mann, A. I. Moravian C. ; McCorm. S. '12, from Pres. Merlo, S. S. White Sch. of Bible '15. Mould. E. W. K., from Pres. Schroeder. P. E. A., from Netherlands. Strauss, P. F. F. and M. C. '09 ; U. S. '15. Varide Werp, J. Waugh. A. J. Nriv Brunswick Seminary. DeMotts, Gerrett. H. C. '13. (DenHerder, Marinus J. H. C. '13.) DeVoung. Cornelius. H. C. Mulder, jsimes. H. C. '12. Putnam. J. H. Stowits. R. C. '13. Schenck. H. Wf R. C. "13. (Scholten, G. B. H. C. '11.) Sheffer. Homer Lewis. R. C. '13. (Shephard. R. D. U. C. '12.) Stevens, Chauncey N. Talman. L. A. Cornell Univ. '12. Vanderlaan, Eldred C. H. C. '11. Western Seminary. Bovenkerk, John. Colenbrander, Henr.v. H. C. '13. Dame, Clarence P. H. C. '13. Den Herder, Marinus J. H. C. '13. Arthur, James O. (Barnard, L. W. ) Barnes. O. T. L. F. C. '09 ; U. S. '12, from Cong. Barnhill. O. P. Central C, Ky., '00 ; P. S. '03, from Pres. Bosshart, J. G. European Univ. Sem. of Ref. Ch., Switzerland, from Rev. Ch. U. S. Benes, L. H. McCorm. S. '04 ; McAl. C. '10, from Pres. Boyce, Donald. Lancaster S. '15. Curtis, N. R., from Universalist. Duddy, F. F. Hager, Titus, Kirkwood, T. Leslie, A. H. (McKinty, T. Malta, Frank. from Ch. Ref. Ch. J., from Pres W. Pres. ) 760 APPENDIX Western Seminary. De Vries, John M. Mission House '13. Hekliuis, Lambertus. H. C. '13. Heneveld, George G. H. C. '13. Scholten. George B. H. C. '11. Van Bronkhorst, Alexander. H. C. '13. Vanden Berg, R. J. H. C. '13. Vander Woude, Berend T. H. C. '13. Waalkes, Albert H. Mission House '13. Other Ministers. Nietzer, Charles. Putnam, James H. S. Reese, D. R. Ohio Univ. '01 ; Boston Univ. Dept. of Theo. '04, from Pres. (Rice, Wm.) Sauerbrunn, L. F. (2d.) Bl. S. '97; P. S. '00, from Pres. Shafer, Theo. (2d.) R. C. '79; N. B. S. '82, from Cong. Teeuwissen, W. Van Dyke, Adrian. Zeeland S. '11. Van Pompl, Rudolph. Walser, T. D. (3d.) U. C. '10; U. S. '14. Warren, U. S. Syra. Univ. '96 ; Y. S. '99. from Cong. Wilcox, Wm. W. Syra. Univ. and N. Y. Univ. '94, from M. E. C. Ziegler, Vacslav, from Pres. 1917. New BrunswicK Seminary. Adams, Thomas. L. F. C. ; N. Y. Univ. (Bilkert, H. A. H. C. '14.) Blanchard, Frank. DeWitt. R. C. '14. Hallenbeck, Charles A. R. C. '14. Kanter, Howard. Bible Teacher's Training School '14. Mertz, John E. Ursinus. C. '14. Moore, George. Muste. C. B. H. C. '14. (Sichterman, N. S. H. C. '14.) (Van Strien, J. J. H. C. '14.) Van Vranken, Herbert E. H. C. '14. Western Seminary. Althuis, John J. H. C. '14. Bilkert, Henry A. H. C. '14. Bonte, George Wm. H. C. '13. Hoffs, Harry. H. C. '14. Jacobs, Henry C. H. C. '14. Kroodsma, Robert. H. C. '14. Poppen, Henry. H. C. '14. Stegeman, Henry Van Eyck. H. C. '12. Van Strien, John James. H. C. '14. Van Wyk, John C. Grinnell C. '12. Veenschoten, H. Michael. H. C. '14. Augustine, R. H. M. Cleary C. ; Theo. Course under direction of Presby- tery, from Pres. Berg, I. H. (2d.) L. F. C. '01; Hart. S. '04, from Cong. DeBeer, John A. Col. Univ. ; U. S., fi'om Pres. Derbyshire, A. J. Griglio, Petro, from Pres. Hortsch, H. W. Bl. Acd. '87 and S. '90, from Pres. Jacobellis, E. F. Bible Teachers' Train- ing School, N. Y. C. '11. LeFevre, D. B. V. R. C. '14; U. S. '17. Read, John L. Austin C. '01 and S. '05, from Pres. Roddy, J. S. P. C. '91; P. S. '94, from Pres. Seiple, Wm. H., from M. E. Ch. 1918. New Brunswick Seminary. (Collier, John W. P. Allen Univ. '11.) Folensbee, R. C. '15. Gosselink, Marion G. H. C. '15. Howard, John R. Lang with, Frank A. R. C. '15. Shield, Frederick Kull. R. C. '15. (Stegenga, M. H. C. '15.) Todd, Harvey Ira. R. C. '15. Van Antwerpen, Andrew E. (Virgil, Joseph DeCross. ) Western Seminary. Bruggers, John H. H. C. '15. Cook, Marinus. Amsterdam Col. 1900. Duiker, Roelof. Potgeter, Lupo. H. C. '14. (Prinsen, Klaas. ) Stegenga, Minor. H. C. '15. Stoppels, Charles A. H. C. '15. Ter Keurst, Henry D. H. C. "14 ; Univ. 111. '15. Brandau. J. H. Dub. C. '07 and S. '10, from Pres. Dushaw, A. P. Redfield C. '01 ; U. S. '04, from Pres. Emerich, J. R. (2d.) Susquanna Univ. and Theo. Dept. '86, from Pres. Penn, E. R. Hillsdale C. and S. '04, from Baptist. Fletcher, O. M. * Fry, F. S. Ursinus C. '07; Central S. '10, from Ref. Ch. U. S. Garland, D. G. Heroy, G. M. Mt. Hermon Sch. '01 ; Drew S. '13, from M. E. Ch. Hinkamp, P. H. C. '07 ; McCorm. S. '14, from Pres. Huiser, John, lorizzo, Gaetano. Bl. S. '16-'17 ; Colgate Univ. '18. Lyon, D. E., from Pres. Mead, P. F. Chicago C. '88 ; Drew S. '91, from Pres. APPENDIX 761 Other Ministers. Papa, Joseph M. A. Poppen, O. G. Mission House C. '15 ; Ref. S. Grundy Centre '18. Potter. James H. U. C. '12; Hart. S. '15, from Cong. Romig, Edgar. F. and M. C. '11; U. S. '18. Sebestyen, Endre. Smith, B. M. Alliance C. '96, from Pres. Soper, W. P. (2d.) Ham. C. '04; U. S. '07, from Pres. Sproul, N. J. Queen Univ. P. C. '91; P. S. '03, from Pres. (Stewart, D. C. Pres.) Wright, R. c:. Penn. C. '95 ; Hartwick S. '97, from Pres. 1919. New Brunswick Seminary. Campbell, C. H. C. C. N. Y. '15. De Boer, Douwe. H. C. Gebhard, John G., Jr. H. C. '16. Muller, Erich T. N. Y. Univ. '16. Paxson, Alexander T. Steininger. George. H. C. '16. Van Erden. Paul. Zimmerman, Frederick. R. C. Western Seminary. Bakker, Albert. H. C. '16. DeJong, Fred H. H. C. '16. DeRoos. Frank. H. C. '16. Dolfln. Cornelius. Calvin C. Frerichs, John B. Mission House C. '16. Koeppe, E. W. H. C. '14. Kuite, John. H. C. '16. Lubbers, Raymond J. H. C. '14. Maasen, Herman. H. C. '16. Maatman, Arthur. Western State Nor- mal. Ter Louw, John S. Central C. '16. VanderLinde, Gradus. Central C. '16. Van Egmond, Harry. Moody Bible In- stitute '16. Beltman, H. H. C. '16; P. S. '19. Beseigel, W. F. Moravian C. '09 and S- '11. from Moravian. Bouma. Hassel. Calvin C. '12 ; P. S. '15, from Pres. Coenen, H. G. Magdelburg '03 ; Germ. T. S. '09, from Lutheran. (Cross, C. W. Pres.) (Davis Lloyd G.) Day, D. J. (2d.) P. C. '04; Aub. S. '08, from Cong. Doughty, J. W. P. C. '87 ; P. S. '90, from Pres. Drumm. T. P. McGill Univ. '06 ; Montreal Pres. Col. '10, from Pres. Edwards, Dean. P. C. '06; Aub. S. "12, from Pres. Febrile, D. N. Technical Institute Bl. S. '12. Hahn, G. F. Eden C. '10 and S. '13, from German Evangelical. Leaver, L. L. Academy M. E. Conf. Course, from M. -E. Ch. McCready, R. H. (2d), from Pres. McElwee. Robert, from Pres. Nies, Maurice G. (2d.) Central C. '09; N. B. S. '12. from Pres. Ro-senbohm, M. Bl. S. '09, from Pres. Scofield, F. A. Drew S. '13, from Pres. (Severance, C. M. Middlebury C. '83; Y. S. '90, Cong.) Spring. J. C. Mt. Union C. '10; Drew S. '13, from M. E. Ch. Struvck, John A., from M. E. Ch. Terhune, C. A. Univ. of N. Y., M. E. Course. Vandewag, Mathij, M. D. Utrecht Univ. ; Chicago Medical Sch., from Dutch Ch., South Africa. Wettstein, A. Q., from Pres. Wirth, A. E. Bl. Acd. '87 and S. '90. from Pres. 1920. New Brunswick Seminary. Bloodgood. Charles E. R. C. '17. (Booth. Hugh St. Leger. Ham. Col. '14.) F!ii)se. Martin E. H. C. '16. French, Lawrence H. R. C. '17. (Hibma, Tiede. H. C. '13.) Hook. George C. R. C. Hoffman, James E. H. C. '17. Braithwaite, J. H. East Keswick. '89 ; Headingly '93, from Pres. Cramer, H. Dub. C. '08 and S. '11, from Pres. Dalhoff. H. C. Bl. S. '19. from Pres. Harvey, A. L. Hemenway. F. W. Syra. Univ. '82 ; M. E. Reading Course, from Cong. 762 APPENDIX New Brunswick Scin'niary. (Tan is, J. C. ) Van Westenburg, Anthonv. H. C. '16. Whisl^r. G. H. R. C. '16'. (Winter, A. W. H. C. '17.) Wtstern Seini)i>inest. H. C '15. Smith. Asahel K. Waldrof. N'aii Wagenen, Reller D. R. C. '18. M'efitrrn Srminary. (/loe, Nicholas. Mvert, \Vm. R. Central Col. '17. Hakken. Bernard 1). H. C. '20. (Korteling, Ralph (J. H. C. '19.) Kuizenga, Eldred C. H. C. '18. Ijinnemann. Albert. Mission House '19. (Maat, G. H. Moodv Institute 'Ifi. ) Mulder. Bernie. H. C. '19. Ter Borg. John. H. C. "19. (Winter. Egbert. H. C. 1901.) Dalbergo. Altruro. Locke. Richard Karle ; b. Indiana 187": DePauw Univ. 1891; I". T. S. 1895': ord. by Ong. Council. Central Ch. Boston 1891. (Brooklyn. Cuyler Chapel 95-9(; : European Travel 96- 7: Newark, Wyckleffe Ch. '97-1900: Philadeli)hia, Ch. of the Redeemer 1900-o:{: Buffalo. Calvarv 1903-09; Rutherford. N. J.. 1909-22) ; Al- bany, Madison Ave. Ref. 1922 — . (Pohling. D. A.) Reynolds. S. C. from Baptist. Walz, Einest L., Pres. 1923. Nrir Hi-unswick ^eiiiinary. Baker, Peter G. H. C. '20. (jiles. Ro.scoe M.. Jr. Univ. Mich. '20. Meury, Calvin C. R. C. '20. Prins, Tunis W. H. C. '20. Sibley. Leonard A. R. C. '30. ( Souri. Dharma Rajah Daniel. R. C. '20.) Zwenier, Theodore F. H. C. '16. W( stern Srm iiiary. (Baker, Peter Garret. H. C. '20.) DeVries, Charles. Ellerbroek, James D. Central C. '20. Lanian, Benjamin. H. C. "21. Sehroeder. Carl J. H C. '20. AVestmas. Adam J. H. C. '20. Wier. n.ga, Cornelius R. H. C. '17. 1»S4. Xew Urnnmvick Seminary. Bur\-hardt, Andrew Alois. R. C. '21. Clark. Ernest Alexander, Jr. R. C. '21. (Porter, Edgar Baxter. Park Col. '20. Turner, George William. Vander Borgh, William H. H. C. '21. Verduin. Maurice John. H. C. '21. Wood. George Dewey. R. C. '21. (Van Hook, Carlton R. Dickinson C. '12.) Wr .stern Seminary. Baker. Thoma.s. H. C. Bogaerd, D. Central C. '21. Fikse. Henry. Central C. '21. Hager, Harry J. H C. '20. Heeran Harrv. H. C '20. Hesslink. Ira J. H. C. '21. Hierbrink. Bernard D H. C. '21. Ihrmaii. Francis P. H. C. '21. Lepelt-iK-. Cornelius. Central C. ". fc Pyle, William. H. C. '21. Strank.s, W. J. H. C. '12, Chronological List of Congregations OF THE Reformed (Dutch) Church in America 1.- — Under the West India Company* and the Church of Holland. 1628. New Amsterdam, Manhattan ( New- York ). N. Y. Ifi42. Fort Orange, Rensselaerwvck, (Al- bany), N. Y. Ifi54. New Amstel (New Castle), Del. Amersfoort (Flatlands), N. Y. Bushwick, N. Y. Gravesend, N. Y. Mid wont (Flatbush), N. Y. 1659. Esopus. Kingston, N. Y. 1660. Bergen, N. J. Breuckelen, Brooklyn, N. Y. Harlem, N. Y. Stuyvesant's Bouwerie, JST. Y. St. Thomas, W. I. 1661. Staten Island ; station, N. Y. 1664. — The English Conquest of New Netherland. 2. — Under the Duke of York and the Church of Holland. 1665. Staten Island, Fre.«h Kills, N. Y. Staten Island, South Side, N. Y. 1668 New York City, French Chuch in the Port. 1680. Schenectady, N. Y. Staten Island, North Side, Port Rich- mond. N. Y. 1682. Hackensack, Fr. Rcfd., N. J, 168.3. New Paltz, Fr. Refd., N. Y. 3. — Under the C7-own of Enoland and the Church of Holland. 1686. Hackensack. N. J. 1688. New York City, Marketfleld St., Fr. Refd. New Rochelle, N. Y., Fr. Refd. 1693. Aquacononck, N. J. 1694. Tappan, N. Y. 1696, Fordham, N. Y. 1696.— The Dutch Obtain the First Church Charter. 16^7. Tarrytown, N. Y. 1699. Freehold, Marlboro, N. J. Middletown, Holmdel, N. J. Raritan, Somerville, N. J. 1700. Second River, Belleville, N. J. 1701-10. 1701. Rochester. Ulster Co., N. Y. 1702. Jamaica, N. Y. 1703. Three Mile Run, N. J. 1707. Schagticoke, N. Y. 1708. [Quassaick, Newburgh, N. Y.] 1710. Bensalem, Pa. / East Camp, N. Y. Camp, -j -^vggt Camp, N. Y. Germantown, Pa. Neshaminy. l^a. North and South Hampton, Pa. Panna. Ponds, N. J. Six Mile Run, Franklin Park. X. J. 1711-30. 1711. Stone Arabia (Ger. ). N. Y. 1712. Kinderhook. N. Y. •This Company planted also a number of churches, at an early period, in Brazil, as San Salvador, 1625, Itamarca. 1635, Olinda, Recife, etc. This is a subject that needs special study. The same Company planted scores of churches in South Africa. 766 APPENDIX 1714. iUchmond, S. I., N. Y. 1715. Kingsberry (Ger. ), N. Y. Rhinebeck (Ger.), N. Y. 1716. Olaverack, N. Y. Fishkill, N. Y. Poug-hkeepsie, N. Y. Red Hook, N. Y., 1st. 1717. New Brunswick, N. J. 1719. Readington, N. J. 1720. Fairfield, N. J. Schoharie, N. Y. 1721-30. 1722. Linlithgo, N. Y. 1723. Herkimer (Ger.), N. Y. 1724. Schraalenberg, N. J. W25. . Plats. Fort Herkimer, N. Y. Paramus, N. J. 1726. Philadelphia (Ger.), Pa. 1727. Sourland, Harlingen, N. J. 1728. Gennantown (Ger.), N. Y. 1729. Courtlandtown, N. Y. New York City, Nassau St. Collegiate. 1730. ( Foxendorp. ) Kaatsbaan, N. Y. MIddleburgh. Raritaii, N. J., Secession. Success, L. I., N. Y. ( W'ysersdorp. ) 1731-40. 1731. Newtown. L. I., N Y. Rhiiiebeclv. N. Y. 1732. Coxsackie. N. Y. T.eeds, Old Catskill. N. Y. Montgomery, Orange Co. (Ger.). N. Y. Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y. Schoharie, Upper. 1736. Burnetsfleld. N. Y. Pompton (Plains), N. J. 1737. Deer Park, Port Jervis. N Y Marbletown, N. Y. Minisink, N. J. Shavangunck, N. Y. Smithfield. Pa. Walpack, Pa. 1740. Lebanon, N. J. (Ger.). 1741-50. 1744. St. Croix, W. I. 1745. Warwarsing, Napanoch, N. Y. 1746. Gallatin, Ancram, N. Y. 174 8 . — Coetus Organ ized^ 1749. Clarkstown, N. Y. 1750. Canajoharie, N. Y. Niskayuna, N. Y. Stissing, N. Y. 1751-GO. 1752. Marbletown, 2d, N. Y. Montgomery, 2d. N. Y. Neshanic. N. J. New Paltz, 2d, N. Y. Pawagtenog, N. Y. 1754. — American Classis: Coetus vs^ Confercntie. 1755. Totowa, Paterson, N. J. 1756. Hackensack. (2d), N. J. Montville. N. J. Schodack, N. Y. Schraalenberg, (2d), N. J. 1757. Hopewell, N. Y. 1758. Bedminstei'. N. .1. Caughnawaga, Fonda, N. Y. New Hackensack. N. Y. New York City, Ger., in Nassau St. Taghkanick, West Copake, N. Y. 1760. Hardwick. N. J. Smithfield, N. J. 1701-70. 1761. Peenpack (Cuddebackville) , N. Y. 1763. Beaverdam, N. Y. Bethlehem, N. Y. 1766. — Charter of Queens (Rutgers) College. 1766. Hillsborough. Millstone, N. J. Red Hook Landing, N. Y. 1767. Helderbergh, N. Y. APPENDIX 767 1768. Conowago. I"a. Hanover, Pa. Susquehanna, Pa. 1769. (Move. Dutc-h^ss Co.. N» Y. I>over. Dutchess Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, N. Y New York City, Pulton St. Collegiate. 1770. Albany, (Ger.). N. Y. ICiiglish Neighborhood, N. J. Kinjjston (Ger.), N. Y. Muiiheim, Snell's Bush, N. Y. New Hurley, N. Y. St. .Johnsville, Palatine, N. Y. Saratoga. Schuylerville. N. Y. Sr-hoharie, Lower. 1771-80. 1771. Sharon, N, Y. 1771. — Union of Coetus and Conferentie. 4. — Under the Crown of England and Semi-Ecclesiastical Independence. 1771-76. 1772. Indian Castle, N. Y. 1773. Kakiat, West New Hempstead, N. Y. Lower Canajoharie, N. Y. 1774. Laiisingburgh, N. Y. * 1775. . Sf|uaiiii)amuck, N. Y. 1T76. — Political Independence. 1781-90. 1782. Stillwater, N. J. 1783. .VoiMiian's Kill. N. Y. 1784. Hf>Kht. N. Y. Florida. N. Y. Saddle River, N. J. 1784. — Assumption of Complete Eccle- .sio.sMVn/ Independence. Church of Holland Notified. Election of Throlopical Professors. 1785. Raniapo. Mahwah, N. J. Salem. New Salem, N. Y. 1787. Durham. Oak Hill, N. Y. Greenbush, East Greenbush, N. Y. Knowlton. N. ,1. 1788. Clove, Deckertown. N. J. Lawyersville, N. Y. Upper Red Hook, N. Y 1789. Hardy Co., Va. ' Sacondaga, Day, N. Y. Sinthoick, Stillwater, N. Y. Delaware River Missions. Sprakers Basin, N. Y. 17d0. Currytown, N. Y. 1791-1800. 1791. Esopus, Ulster Park, N. Y. Jerusalem, N. Y. Middletown, N. Y. Shokan, N. Y. Westtown, N. Y. 1792. Buskirks, N. Y. Hyde Park, N. Y. Rockaway, N. J. Wilkesbarre, Pa. 1792. — Adoption of the Constitution of the Refd. Prot. Dutch Ch. in N. A. ; embracing Doctrine, Liturgy and Government. 179.3. Coevmans, N. Y. Mayfield, N. Y. Paistonkill. N. Y. Westerlo, N. Y. Wynantskill, N. Y. 1794. Chenango, Union, Tioga Co., N. Y. Coshington, N. Y. Jeniks, N. Y. Unadilla, N. Y. 1795. Amsterdam, N, Y. Fonda's Bush, N. Y. 1796. Bloomingdale, Ulster Co., N. Y. Owasco, N. Y. Salt River, Ky. 1797. Angelica. N. Y. Charlestown, N. Y. Danville, N. Y. Glen. N. Y. Karr Valley, N. Y. Sharon, Pa. Tuscarora, Pa. 1798. Andriestown. N. Y. Adolphustown. Canada. Bay of Quinte. Canada. Blenheim, N. Y. Columbia. Herkimer Co., N. Y. Conradstown, N. Y. Duane.sburgh. (1798-1804). Elizabothtown. Canada. Ernesttown. Canada. Fairville, Arcadia. N. Y. Frederickstown, Canada. Henderson. N. Y. Matilda, Canada. Middletown, Mapleton, N. Y. Prattsville Schoharie Kill. WilPiamsburgh, Canada. 768 APPENDIX 1799. Duanesburgh, N. Y. Peekskill, N. Y. Pittstown. N. Y. Rotterdam 1st, Schenectady. N. Y. Veddersburgh, N. Y. Woodstock, N. Y. 1800. Caroline^ N. Y. 18O1-10. 1801. Hurley, N. Y. Mapletown, N. Y. Preakness. N. J. Stone Arabia, N. Y. Stone House Plains, N. J. 1802. Pallsburgh, N. Y. Roxbury, N. Y 1803. Amity, N. Y. Charleston, N. Y. Baston, N. Y. Nassau, Union Village, N. Y. Newtown (CI. Rennselaer), N. Y. Greenwich, New York City. 1804. Warwick, N. Y. 1805.* Mamakating, Wurtsboro, N. Y. Bloomingdale, New York City. 1806. Aussenburgh, Canada, Markham, Canada. Matilda, Canada. Osnaburgh. Canada. Toronto, Canada. Toronto (Ger. ), Canada. Williamsburgh, Canada. 1807. Clove, High Palls. N. Y. Flatbush, Ulster Co., N. Y. 1808. Howe's Cave. Schoharie Mt., N. Y. Mew York City, Franklin St. Ovid. N. Y. Richmond. S. I. (Sempronius, N. Y.) 1809. Arevle. N. V. Kleinville Canada. Svrlriev. Canada Union. N. Y., (Johnstown). 1810. Ijittle York. Canada. TVe"' York City. Market St. ODnenhf^im. N. Y. Sonhiasbur" Canada. Tuscarora, N. Y. 1811-20. 1811. Hardwick, N. J. 1812. New York City. South Dutch. Owasco Outlet, N. Y. Union Villae-e. Greenwich, Washington Co., N. Y. 1813. Osquak, N. Y. Philadelphia, Spring Garden, Pa. 1814. Blooming Grove, N. Y. Glenville, Scheifectady, N. Y. New Prospect, N. Y. Pascack, N. J, Stillwater, N. J. 1815. Albany, 2d, N. Y, Amsterdam, (Albany Bush). Newfoundland. N. J. Pompton, N. J. Ransonville, N. Y. West Troy, North, N. Y. 1816. Canajoharie. N. Y. (Ind. ). Hallowell, Canada. Johnstown, N. Y., (Oppenheim, 1st). North Hempstead, L. I. Pleasant Plains, N. Y. Stone Arabia, N. Y. (Ind.). 1817. Benton, N. Y. Pavette, N. Y. Port Miller, N. Y. Northumberland, N. Y. Philadelphia, 2d, Pa. • Eighth St. 1818. Cato, N. Y. Glenville, 2d, Schenectady, N. Y. Philadelphia, 2d, Ranstead Court, Pa. 1819. Ceylon, India, station. Ghent, N. Y. Unionville, Westchester Co., N. Y. 1820. Breakabeen, N. Y. Brighton Heights, Tompkinsville, S. I. Princetown. N. Y. 1821-30. 1821. Union, N. Y. (Amsterdam). Blenheim. N. Y. Le Rov. N. Y. Mayfield. N. Y. Oppenheim, N. Y., 2d. Spotswood, N. J. 1822. Berea, N. Y. Broome, N. Y. Canaioharie. Secession, N. Y. Charleston, Secession, N. Y. Columbia. N. Y. Pishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y. '^eoro-e'^o-'vn. D, C. (station). Hackensack. Secession, N. J. .Tfihnstown, Secession, N. Y. Middletown, Secession, N. Y. Ovid. Secession, N. Y. Salisbury, N. Y. Schraalenbergh, Secession, N. J. Snrakers Basin, Secession. Union, Amsterdam, Secession, N. Y. Wyckoff, N. J. APPENDIX 769 Amity, N. Y. (station). Beachwoods, N. Y. Danube, Secession, N. Y. English Neighborhood, Secession, N. J. New York City, African. New Yorlt City, Broome St., after- ward 34th St. New York City, 7th Ave. New York City, Secession. Osquak, Secession, N. Y. Owasco, Secession, N. Y. Paramus, Secession, N. J. Rotterdam, 2d, Schenectady, N. Y. Wilton. N. Y. 1824. Bethlehem, Secession, N. Y. Charleston, 2d. Secession, N. Y. Duanesburgh. N. Y. Herkimer, 2d, N. Y. Montville, Secession, N. J. New Lots, L. I. Pooster Kill, Secession, N. Y. Pultneyville, N. Y. (station). Ramapo, Secession. N. Y. Rem Snyder's Bush, N. Y. Summit. Eminence, N. Y. Wynantskill, Secession, N. Y. 1825. Aquackanonck, Secession, N. J. Beekman, N. Y. Cincinnatus, N. Y. Clarkstown, Secession, N. Y. Cobleskill, N. Y. Plats, Secession, N. Y. Hempstead, Secession, N. Y. Lodi, N. Y. North Branch. N. J. Palatine, N. Y. Stirling, N. Y. Tappan, Secession, N. Y. Union. Albany Co., N. Y. 1826. Athens, N. Y. Berkshire Valley, N. Y. Berne, 2d, Knox, N. Y. Columbiaville, N. Y. (station). New York City, .Orchard St. New York City, Yorkville (station). Oppenheim, 3d, N. Y. 1827. Amsterdam (Union Ch.), N. Y. Canajoharie. N. Y. Cato, Secession, N. Y. Martinsburgh. N. Y. New York City, Rivingston St. (sta- tion). Paterson, N. J. Totowa, 2d. Perth. N. Y. Philadelphia. 4th, Manayunk, Pa. Six Mile Creek, N. Y. Sharon. Secession, N. Y. Sparta, Secession, N. Y. Stuyvesant. N. Y. Walpack, Lower, Pa. Wolcott. Secession, N. Y. 1828. Chittenango, N. Y. Hoboken, Ulster Co.. N. Y. Lysander. N. Y. Mt. Morris. Secession. N. Y. Paterson, Independent, N. Y. 1829. Bergen Neck, Bayonne, Jersey City, N. J. Charleston, Independent, N. Y. Kphratah, N. Y. (1829-59). Ford's Bush (station), N. Y. Fort Carbon (station). Pa. Henderson, Warren. N. Y. New York City, Manhattan Ch. Williamsburgh, Brooklyn, L.^ I. 1830. Amity (station), N. Y. Berne, N. Y. Canton, China (station). Farmer, N. Y. (Interlaken). Frankfort, N. Y. Herkimer, 2d, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Java, E. I. (station). Jersey City, N. J. New York City, Vandewater St. Pottsville, Pa. (station). Utica, N. Y. 1831-40. 1831. Caroline, N. Y. Catlin. N. Y. Dashville Falls, N. Y. Fort Plain, N. Y. Geneva, N. Y. Marshallville, N. Y. New York City, Ninth St. Siam, E. I. (station). 1832. Blawenburgh, N. J. Ephratah, N. Y. Hackensack. Independent, N. J. 1833. Catskill (Village), N. Y. Canastota, N. Y. Coxsackie. 2d, N. Y. Guilford, N. Y. Jackson, N. Y. Kinderhook, 2d, N. Y. Kiskatom, N. Y. Lyons, N. Y. Newark, 1st, N. J. New York City, North St. 1834. Albany, 3d, N. Y. Clover Hill, N. J. Jamesville, N. Y. Middlebush, N. J. Polkton, Mich. Raritan, 2d, Somerville, N". J. Stanton, N. J. 1835. Arcadia, Fairville, N. Y. Cicero, N. Y. Hudson, N. Y. Newburg, N. Y. Walden, N. Y. 1836. Conesville, N. Y. Gilboa, N. Y. Grand Gorge. Greenport, Greendale, N. Y. Middletown. N. J. Moresville. N. Y. New Baltimore. N. Y. New York City, 21st St.", afterward 40th St. 770 APPENDIX New York City, 9th St. (Collegiate). Philadelphia, Roxbury, Pa. Tyre, N. Y. 1837. Brooklyn, 2d, Central. N. Y. Buel, N. Y. Cohoes, N. Y. Fairview, 111. Glenham, N. Y. Little Palls, N. J. New York City, South Dutch, in Mur- ray St. (see 1812). New York City, Washington Square. Philadelphia, 3d, Pa. 1838. Buffalo. N. Y. Claverack, 2d, Mellenville, N. Y. Fultonville, N. Y. Mohawk, N. Y. New York City, K. Houston St. (Ger.). Nyack, N. Y. Piermont, N. Y. Plattekill. N. Y". 1839. Astoria, N. Y. Auriesville, N. Y. Centerville, Mich. Bast New York, N. Y. •Gansevoort. N. Y. Macao, E. I. (station). Madras, India (station). Mt. Morris. N. Y. • New York City, La Fayette Place (Col- legiate). Onisquethaw, N. Y. Pontianak, Borneo (station). Saugerties (Kaatsban), N. Y. Swartstown. N. Y. West Farms, N. Y. 1840. Borneo, E. I. (stations). Brooklyn, South, N. Y. Brunswick, 111. Ellenville. N. Y. Glen. Independent. N. Y. 'Grand Rapids, Mich. •Greenville. N. Y. Irvington. Clintonville. N. J. tfSyria]. 1841-50. 1841. "Brooklyn. 4th. N. Y. Knox. N. Y. Trenton. N. J. Vanderveer. 111. 1842. Amoy. China, Mission to. Day. N. Y. Flushing. N. Y. Freehold, 2d, N. J. Griggstown, N. J. Karangan, E I. (station). Kiskatom. N. Y. Kolongsoo. China (station). Praireville, Mich. Ridgeway. Mich. Yonkers, N. Y. Allegan. Mich. Caledonia. Wis. Chatham. N. Y. Constantine. Mich. 'Ghent, 2d. N. Y. •Gorham, N. Y. 1843. Leeds, N. Y. Madison, Wi.s. New Brunswick, 2d, X. J. New Durham, N. J. New York City, Broadway; afterward Stanton St. New York City, Washington Heights. Pekin, 111. Rosendale, N. Y. Sun Prairie. Wis. 1844. Amoy. China (station). Gallupville. N. Y. Grahamsville. N. Y. West Troy, South. N. Y. 1845. Port Washington (station). N. Y. 1846. Arcot. India (station). Brooklyn, Middle Ch., N. Y. Bosnd Brook, N. J. Hudson City, Jersey City. N. J. Jersey City. Wayne St.. N. J. Madura, India (station). Medina, Mich. New York City, Mt. Pleasant. 50th St. 1847. Brooklyn. East, Bedford. X. Y. Fair Haven, N. Y.' Keyport, N. J. Piffardinia, N. Y. Washington, 111. 1848. Bethlehem, 2d, Delmar, N. Y. Greenpoint. Kent St., Brooklyn. X. Y. Kingston. 2d, N. Y. Newark. 2d, N. J. Newark, 3d. N. J. New York City, 2d German. Grand St. Peapack, N. J. Poughkeepsie. 2d. N. Y. Raritan, 3d, N. J. Rensselaer, N. Y. Syracuse. N. Y. West Hurley. N. Y. 1849. Claraville. Unionville, Upper Xeversink, N. Y. Clay, N. Y. Macon. Mich. Milwaukee, Wis. Mottville, Mich. South Bend. Ind. South Holland. Mich. 1850. Arni. India (station). Bethlehem. Wis. Bethel. Wis. Bronxville. X. Y. Brooklyn. North Gowanus. 12th St.. N. Y. Cleveland. Oswego Co.. X. Y. Graafschap. Mich. Grand Rapids. 2d. Mich. Greenburgh. N. Y. Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Hoboken. N. J. Huguenots. S. I. New York Citv. West, 6th Ave. North Blenheim, N. Y. Oostburgh, Wis. Peekskill, N. Y. Port Jackson, Amsterdam, 1st, N. Y. South Branch, N. J. Zealand, Mich. APPENDIX 771 1851-60. 1851 Blue Mountain, N. Y. Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. Brooklyn, New, N. Y. Brooklyn, North, N. Y. Brooklyn, South Bushwick, N. Y. Brown Settlement, N. Y. Drenthe, Mich. Easton, Pa. Franklin, Wis. Grand Haven, Mich. Holland, 1st Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Krumville, Sampsonville, N. Y. Long- Branch, N. J. Marbletown, 2d, North, N. Y. Mott Haven, N. Y. C. New Brunswick, 3d, N. J. (Ger. ). New York City, Livingston Ch. North Esopus, Port Ewen, N. Y. Overisel. Mich. Piermont, 2d, N. Y. Pultneyville, N. Y. Schenectady, 2d, N. Y. Silver Creek, German Valley, 111. Stapleton, S. I. Tarrytown, 2d, N. Y. Thousand Isles, N. Y. Vriesland, Mich. Waterloo, N. Y. 1852. Port Herkimer, N. Y. High Prairie, 111. Jeffersonville, N. Y. New Haven. Conn. New York City, 3d German.. Jer.sey City, 3d, Hamilton Square, N. J. Lisha's Kill, N. Y. Philadelphia, 2d, 7th St., Pa. Rochester, N. Y. 1853. Arcot, India. Arni. India. Buffalo, N. Y. Burlington, la. Castleton, N. Y. Chiang-Chiu, China (station). Chicago, 1st, 111. Chittoor. India. Clymer Hill. N. Y. Hud.son City (Jersey City), N. J. Kerhonksen. N. Y. Mount Vernon, N. Y. New York City, Harlem (Ger.). North Bergen. N. J. North Holland. Mich. Ranipettai, India. Vellore, India. 1854. Astoria, 2d, N. Y. Bergen Point, N. J. Cedar Grove, Wis. Chicago, 2d. 111. Chioh-be. China (station). Clark.sville. N. Y. Cuddebackville, N. Y. Holland, Wis. Melrose, Bronx, N. Y. C. New York City, 4th German. New York City, 5th Ave. and 29th St. Collegiate. Raritan, 111. Schenectady, 3d, N. Y. Shandaken, N. Y. Spring Lake, 111. 1855. Albany, 4th, N. Y. (Ger.). Alto, Wis. Battle Creek, Mich. Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. Brooklyn, Lee Ave., N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Cold Spring. N. Y. East Millstone, N. J East Williamsburgh, N. Y. Ellenville. 2d, N. Y. Franklin, N. J. Hackensack, 2d, N. J. Hageman's, N. Y. Lamsons, N. Y. Naumberg, N. Y. Newtown, 2d, N. Y. New Bremen, N. Y. New York City, Central, 9th St. Sandusky City, Ohio. South Holland, Low Prairie, III. Tottenville, S. I. Warren, N. J. 1856. Amoy, China. Bushnell, 111. Callicoon, N. Y. Colt's Neck, N. J. Gibbsville, Wis. Hoboken (Ger.), N. J. Jersey City. 4th, N. J. Mina Corners, N. Y. Newark, North. N. J. Nordeloos, Mich. Paterson, Holland. 1st. N. J. Pella, 1st. la. Sheboygan Falls. Wis. West Leyden, N. Y. 1857. Coonoor, India. Hackensack, 3d (Ger.), N. J. Metuchen, N. J. New Concord, N. Y. New York City, 7th Ave and 57th St. Polktown. Coopersville, Mich. Rocky Hill. N. J. 1858. Athens. Pa. Brooklyn. North 6th St.. Miss., N. Y. Buckbrook. N. Y. Milesville. N. Y. New Rochelle (Ger.), N. Y. New York City. 4th Ger., 240 W. 40th St. Paterson (Hoi.). Secession, N. J. Plainfield (Ger.), N. J. Queens, L. I. Quincy, 111. Bedford. Mich. Schodack Landing, N. Y. Sprakers, N. Y. (Name Sprakers Bas- in changed). Woodhaven, L. I. 1859. Albany (Hoi.), N Y. Albany, Dudley, N. Y. Athens. 2d. N. Y. [Boston. Mass.]. Brooklyn, Bergen Hill. L. I. Chioh-be. China. Davenport. la. Eden. Wis. 772 APPENDIX Grandville, Mich. Palmaner. India. Hudson City, 2d, Jersey City, N. J. Lodi, N. J. Muskegon, Michigan. Nagasaki, Japan. Station (Kanaga- wa). New York City, Union, 6th Ave. Porter, Mich. South Gilboa, N. Y. Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y. 1860. Amoy, 2d, China. Grand Rapids, 1st, Mich. New York City, Prospect Hill, 85th St. Tompkinsville, 2d, S. I. 1861-70. 1861. Indian Castle, N. Y. New York City, De Witt Chapel. New York City, Madison Ct. Chapel. New York Citv, North Trinity, Broad- way and 34 th St. White Hall, 111. 1862. Closter City, N. J. Forreston, 111. Gingee, India. Holland, 2d, Hope, Mich. Ilion, N. Y. North Creek, 111. Philadelphia, 4th, Pa. Sattambadi, India. Walpack, Upper, Pa. Aliendal, India. Katpadi, India. Keokuk, la. Lafayette, Jersey City, N. J. Madanapalla, India. Pella. 2d, la. Pittsford. Mich. Plainfield, Central, N. J. South Macon, Mich. Vellambi, India. Wiltwick, N. Y. Yokohama, Japan. Station. Yokohama, Japan, 1st, for foreign res- idents. 1864. Addisville, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio. Paterson, Broadway, N. J. St. Remy, N. Y. 1865. Charleston, S. C. Station. Havana, 111. Kewascum, Wis. Kundipattur, India. Pottersville, N. J. Spring Valley, N. Y. Tillaborough, N. Y. White Plains, N. Y. 1866. Albany Park, Chapel, N. Y. Brooklyn (Ger.), L. I. Bethel, la. Clinton, Annandale, N. J. High Bridge, N. J. Millbrook, N. Y. Newark, West, N. J. New York City (Hoi.). New York City, Knox Memorial Chapel. New York City, Manor Chapel of South Dutch Church. New York City, 48th St., Chapel. Palisades, N. J. Paterson, 2d, Hoi., N. J. Paterson, 6th, N. J. Sayville, L. I. 1867. Dunkirk, N. Y. Fulton, 111. Gnanodavam, India. Holland, 3d, Mich. Holland, Ebenezer, Mich. Leyden Centre, 111. Paterson (Hoi.), N. J. Yorktown, Minn. 1868. Boonton, N. J. Brooklyn, Myrtle Ave., Miss., N. Y. Jersey City, West End, N. J. Lodi, Independent, N. J. Marutavambadi, India. Newark, South, Clinton Ave., N. J. Norris, 111. Station. O-Kang, China. Orattur, India. Passaic, North, N. J. Philadelphia, Bethune Memorial, Pa. Philadelphia, Kensington, Pa. Saugatuck, Mich. Sekadu, India. Two Rivers, 111. Station. 1869. Amelia Court House, Va. Brookfleld, Conn. Clymer Village, Abbe Ch. Danforth, 111. Ebenezer, 111. Fynaart, Mich. Greenleafton, Minn. Guttenberg, N. J. Jamestown, Mich. Kattapalli, India. Newark, East. N. J. New York Citv, North Church Chapel, 113 Fulton St. New York City, 7th Ave. Chapel. Niigata, Japan. Station. (1869-70). Pella, 3d, la. Pella. 4th, la. Tokyo, Japan. Station. Varriikkal, India. Wallkill Valley, N. Y. 1870. Beaverdam, Mich. East Williamson, N. Y. Fremont Centre. IMich. Hamilton. Mich. Holland. Neb. Hong-San, China. Livingston, Linlithgo. N. Y. Marion, N. Y. South Bend, Ind. Spring Lake, Mich. 1871-1880. 1871. Chiang-Chiu, China. Chicago. Norwood Park. Cranesville, N. Y. Flatbush. (jrace Chapel. Grand Haven, 2d, Mich. Jersey City, CJreenville, N. J. Kolapakam, India. Linden, N. J. APPENDIX 773 Locust Valley, Queens, N. Y. C Narasinganur. India. Newark. Woodside, N. J. North Branch. N. Y. Orange City, la. Otley. la. Rotterdam, Kan. Somerset, Kan. Tung-an, China. Wortendyke, N. J. 1872. College Point, Queens, N. Y. C. East Overisel, Mich. Jersey City, Bayonne. 3d, N. J. Jersey City, Free. Jersey City Heights. Central. New York Citv. Fifth Ave. and Forty- eighth St. Collegiate. New York City, Ave. B and Fifth St. Peoria. 111. South Haven, Mich. Yokohama, Kaigan Ch., Japan. 1873. Hohokus, N. J. Holland, 2d, Neb. Passaic (Hoi.), N. J. 1874. Chicago. Irving Park, 111. Flatbush, 2d. Brooklvn, N. Y. C. High Bridge. Bronx. N. Y. C. Hig:hlands, N. J. Jericho. L. I. Jersey City. South Bergen. N. J. Parkersburgh. la. Three Bridges. N. J. Wilcox. Pa. 1875. Central Bridge. N. Y. Detroit, Mich. Fort Lee. N. J. Grand Rapids. 3d. Mich. (Jrand Rapids. Independent. Mich. Hortonville. N. Y. Lansing. 111. Long Is. City, Laurel Hill. Queens, N. Y'. C. Montague. Mich. New York City. Norfolk St. Orange. East Orange. N. J. Ramseys, N. J. Ridge wood. N. J. Tindivanam. India. Twin Lakes. Mich. 1876. Asbury Park. N. J. Canarsie. Brooklvn. N. Y. C. Cherry Hill, N. J. (North Hacken- sack). Jamaica. Queens. N. Y. C. Lyonsville. N. Y. Nagasaki. Japan. ITyeda, Japan (1876-1917). Yehamur, India. 1877. Alton, la. Ferrysburgh, Mich. Hartsburgh, III. Kojimachi, Japan. Long Branch, 2d, Sea Side Chapel. N. J. New Amsterdam, Wis. Sioke Chapel, China. South Pass, Neb. Sioux Centre, 1st. formerly Orange City, We.st Branch, la. Stewartville. N. Y. Tokyo, Japan. Vellirapetti, India. 1878. Franklin Furnace, N. J. Lodi, 2d, N. J. 1879. Chicago, Roseland, 111. De Spelder, Mich. Manito, 111. Paterson (Hoi), Union Refd., N. J. Raritan, 4th, 111. Twin Lakes, Mich. 1880. Centerville, S. D. (Jreenwood, Wis. Hardewyck, Mich. Harrison, S. D. New York City, Manor Chapel of South St. Ch. Orangeburgh, S. C. Plainfleld. Trinity. N. J. Washington, la. 1881-90. 1881. Kreischerville, S. I. Sioke, China. 1882. Bannertown, la. Centreville, Athenia, N. J. Secaucus. N. J. Spring Vallev, Maywood, N. J. Vanden Berg, S. D. West Copake. (New name for Tagh- kanick). 1883. Arcadia; Newark, N. Y. Hicksville, L. I. Jersey City. St. Johns. N. J. Lennox, S. D. Newkirk, N. Orange, la. Sandham Memorial, S. D. Sioux Falls, S. D. South Blendon. Mich. Three Oaks, Mich. 1884. Baileyville. 111. Bon Homme, S. D. Charles Mix, S. D. Emmanuel, Belmond, la. Greenbush, Wis. Immanuel, Springfield, S. D. Philadelphia, Kan. Maurice. la. New Brunswick, Suydam St., N. J. Ontario. N. Y. Pella. Neb. Salem. S. D. 1885. Bethany (near Pella). la. Boardville. N. J. Free Grace. la. Grand View. Armour, S. D. Hope, La Grace. S. D. Howard Prairie. Wis. Hull. Pattersonville. la. Luctor. Kan. New York City, Grace Refd., 7th Ave. and 54th St. New York City. Yorkville. (Ger. ). Orange City, 2d, la. 774 APPENDIX 1886. Chicago, Englewood, 111. Cobleskill, N. Y., 2d. Grand Rapids, 5th, Mich. Hope, Westfleld, S. D. Hospers, la. Kalamazoo, 2d, Mich. Monroe, Aplington, la. New York City, Harlem, 2d, Lenox Ave. ; Harlem Collegiate. Olive Leaf, Wakonda, S. D. Ramsay, Titonka, la. Roseland, Minn. Van Raalte, S. D. Westwood, N. J. 1887. Hamilton Grange, Bronx, N. Y. C. Palmyra, N. Y. Paterson, Riverside, N. J. Rochester, 2d, N. Y. Waupun, Wis. 1888. Boyden, la. Immanuel, S. D. La Payette, Ind. Morioka, Japan (1888-1917). Sully, Bethany, la. Willow Lakes, S. D. 1889. Atwood, Mich. Delaware, Davis, or Lennox, 3d, S. D. Grand Rapids, 6th, Mich. Greenbush, Wis. Hull, S. D. Jamestown, 2d, Mich. Kalamazoo, 3d, Mich. Leighton, Ebenezer, la. Lennox, 2d, S. D. Le Mars, la. Sio-Khe, China. 1890. Chicago, Roseland, 2d, 111. Cleveland, 2d, O. Bast Palatine, N. Y. Firth, Neb. Grand Rapids, 7th, Mich. Highland Park, N. J. Hingham, Wis. Newtown (Ger. ). Reorganized ; Queens, N. Y. C. New York City, Vermilye Chapel, Col- legiate. Rehoboth, Lucas, Mich. Rock Valley, la. Summit, 111. Vogel Centre, Mich. , Zion, Chapin, la. 1891-1900. 1891. Bethany, Leota, la. Brooklyn, South, Church of Jesus, N. Y. Basrah, Arabia (station). Chicago, Gano, 111. Chicago, Trinity, 111. Edgewood. Brooklyn, N. Y. C. Galesburg, la. Gardiner, N. Y. Garfield, N. J. Grand Rapids, 8th, Mich. Hickman, Neb. Hope, Sheboygan, Wis. Little Palls, 2d, N. J. Muscatine, la Muskegon, 2d, Mich. Oradell. N. J. Philadelphia, Talmage Memorial, Pa. Racine, Wis. Ridgewood, Evergreen, Queens, N. Y. C. Steinway, Queens, N. Y. C. Thiang, China. 1892. Amsterdam, Trinity, N. Y. Anderson Memorial of Belmont, Bronx, N. Y. C. Bath-on-Hudson. reorganized ; now Rensselaer, N. Y. Brighton (CI. Rochester), N. Y. Brooklyn, Greenwood Heights, N. Y. Chicago, Bethany, 111. Clifton, N. J. Davis, S. D. Elim, White Rock, 111. Palmouth, Mich. Hope. George, la. Grand Rapids, 9th, Mich. Kalamazoo, 4th, Mich. Moddersville, Mich. New York City, Second Ave. and Sev- enth St., Collegiate. New York City, West End Ave. and 77th St., Collegiate. Paterson, People's Park, N. J. Philmont, N. Y. Schnectady, Bellevue, N. Y. Schenectady, Mt. Pleasant, N. Y. Wakonda, S. D. Yonkers, Park Hill, N. Y. 1893. Bahrein, Arabia. Britton, Mich. Buffalo Centre, la. Chicago, Northwestern, 111. Cromwell Centre, la. Chilam, China. George, la. Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Grand Rapids, 10th, Bethany, Mich. Kagoshima, Japan. Koster, III. (Wichert). Mascat, Arabia (station). New Era, Mich. New Hyde Park, L. I. Randolph Centre, Wis. Yankton, S. D. 1894. Aomori, Japan, 1894-1917. Baker, Sibley, la. Bethlehem, New Sharon, la. (jhurch of the Comforter, Bronx, N. Y. C. Davis, S. D. De Motte, Ind. East Little Rock, la. Ebenezer, Scotland, S. D. Johnstown, N. Y. Monroe (Ger.), S. D. North Paterson, N. J. Pella, 4th, la. Poa-a, China. Salem, la. Sheldon, la. Silver Creek, Maple Lake, Minn. South Little Rock. la. 1895. Aplington, la. Chiang-Chiu (station) China. Glen Rock, N. J. Hawthorne, N. J. Maple Lake, Minn. APPENDIX 775 New York City, 34th St;. Church Chapel. New York Mills, N. Y. North Sibley, la. Philadelphia. South, Pa. Saga, Japan. Salem, S. D., Reorganized. Syracuse, 2d, N. Y. Tong-an, China. University Heights, the Bronx, N. Y. C, Collegiate. West Hoboken, N. J. 1896. Alexander, la. Altamont. N. Y. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N. Y. C. Carmel, la. Clara City (Hoi.), Minn. Morrison. Ebenezer, 111. Friesland, Minn. Holland, 4th, Mich. Kenosha, Mich. Long I.s. City, Sunnyside, Queens, N. Y. C. Ontario. N. Y. Port Jervis, N. \'.., 2d. Womi.ser City, Mont. 1897. Albany, 6th, N. Y. Brooklyn. Emmanuel, N. Y. Churchville. Minn. Cirand Rapids, Grace, Mich. Montclair Heights. N. J. Nagano, Japan, 1897-1917. Nasaria, Arabia, (station). Rosendale Plains, N. Y. Wellsburg, la. 1898. Bethany. Memorial, Bronx, iSf. Y. C. Bethel, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Colony, Okla. Lake Shore, Mich. Zoar, la. 1899. Clara City. Bethany (Ger. ), Minn. Holland, Gelderland. Mich. New Sharon, la. Sioux Centre, Central Ch., la. Summit, Chicago, Lawn. Sunshine Chapel, of Collegiate Church, N. Y. C. Wanaque, N. J, 1900. Archer, la. Bogota, N. J. Church of the Faithful, Brown's Sta- tion, N. Y. Highwood, N. J. Kampen, Md. Prince's Bay, S. I. Rochelle Park, N. J. Wilhelmina, Md. Woodlawn Chapel, Brooklyn, N. Y. C. Worthing, Lennox, S. D. Yonkers, Mile Square, N. Y. 1901-10. 1901. Becker's Corners, N. Y. Chicago, Immanuel Mission. Cordell, Oklahoma (station). Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Kumamoto. Japan, 1901-1904. Kilduff, la. Law ton, Okl. North Yakima. Wash. Philadelphia. Bethany, Pa. 1902. Alligerville, N. Y. Bayonne, N. J.. 5th St. (Formed by Union of the 1st Presbyteri- an Chuich of Bayonne and Ber- gen Point Reformed Church). Brooklyn. Bethany. Chicago, Englewood, 2d. Dempster and Chancellorville, S. D. Goodland, Ind. Harrison, Okl. Liberty, Okl. Pennsylvania Lane, 111. Red Bank, N. J. Rensselaer, N. Y., 1st. (New name for Bath-on-the-Hudson ) . Spring Creek, Minn. West Hoboken, N. J., 1st 1903. Ada. Mich. Arapahoe, Okl. Brookdale. (New name of Stone Hou.se Plains). Brooklyn, Grace Reformed. Faith Mission of Collegiate Church. N. Y. C. Muskegon, Mich., 3d, (Formerly Inde- pendent). North Blendon, Hudsonville, Mich. Oak Harbor, W^ash. Portage, Mich. Prairie City, la. Sandstone, Minn. Timmonsville, S. C. Zion. 1904. All Souls, Florence, S. C. Bethel, Shiloh, S. C. Bethsaida, Magnolia, S. C. Buck Creek, Okl. Chancellor, S. D. Clinton, Okl. Dalton, 111. Grand, Okl. Harlem, Mich. Hyde Park, East Orange N. J. Suliy. la. Volga, S. D. Wortendyke, N. J., Trinity. Zeeland, Mich., 2d. 1905. Baldwin. Wis. Bethel, la. Forestville. Wis., Ringle. Kalamazoo, Mich.. Bethany. Logan, Dell Rapids, S. D. Mapes. N. D. .Mariner's Harbor, S. I.. N. Y. 1906. Brooklyn, Woodlawn. Cast' Township, Moore, Okl. P'^henezer, Milford, la. Gotebo. Okl. Grand Rapids, Mich., Bethel. Howe's Cave, N. Y., 2d. Interlaken. (New name for Farmer), N. Y. Litchville, N. D. New Holland. Englewood, Col. Scotland, S. D. (New name for Eli- enezer). Thomas, Okl. 776 APPENDIX 1907. Apache (Port Sill). Asbury, Palco, Kan. Comanche. Okl. East Belfast, Maine, Trinity. Edgerton, Minn., Union. Grand Rapids, Mich., Immanuel. Grant, Mich. Horton, Memorial, Shawnee, Okl. Maurice. American, S. D. Meservey, la. Norman, Okl. Perth Amboy, N. J. St. Paul's. Prairie Home, Okl. Prairie View, Kan. Stout, la. Vermilye Memorial, Lawton, Okl. Waldwick. N. J. Winfield. L. I., N. Y. 1908. Aplington. la. Castlewood, S. D. Corsica, S. D., Grace. Cortland. N. Y. Doon, la. Grand Rapids, Mich., Trinity. Harrington Park. N. J. Montana, First, Conrad, Mont. North Marion, N. D. Oklahoma City, Okl. Punganur, India Station. Randolph, Wis., 2d. Tulsa, Okl. West New York, N. J., Trinity. 1909. Decatur, Mich. Fairview, Okl. Far Rockaway, L. I., N. Y. Fort Washington, Collegiate, N. Y. C. Garden Plains. 111. Jersey City, N. J., Faith. Jersey City, N. J., Van Vorst, 1st. (Formed by union of Grand St. and Wayne St. churches). Kalamazoo, Mich., North Park. Mescalero, N. M. Newton, 111., Zion. Ustick, 111., Morrison, Spring Valley. 1910. Artesian, S. D. Bristow. la. Brooklyn, Barren Island. Byron Centre. Mich. Eddyville, la. Manhattan, Mont. Marion, N. Y.. 2d. Miller, S. D. Monarch, Alberta. Canada. Oita, Japan. Station. Plainfield. N. J.. Netherwood. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Arlington. Schenectady, N. Y.. Woodlawn. Tyndall. Avon, S. D. Windsor Terrace, N. Y. 1011-1920. 1911. Amara, Arabia. Station. Annville, Kentucky. Big Timber, Mont. Hope. Chandler, Minn. Chicago. 111.. West Side, Oak Park. Cutting, N. Y. Fruitland, Mesa, Col. Holland, Mich., Trinity. Hull, la., American Reformed. Indianapolis, Ind. Katpadi, India, Station. Lynden, Wash. McKee, Kentucky. New Sharon, la. Peekskill, N. Y., Hungarian. Prairie (Tity, la. Sodus, N. Y. Wichita, Kan. Winnebago, Neb. Wood-Cliff-on-the-Hudson, N. J. i Yonkers, N. Y., Crescent Place. Zion, German Evangelical, Bronx, N. Y. C. (Formed by the union of German Evangelical Mission and Zion German Presbyterian Church). 1912. Grand Rapids, Mich., Hope. High Woods, N. Y. Hudsonville, Mich. Inwood, la. Jersey City, N. J., West Side. Katpadi, India. Marconnier, Oak Tree, N. J. Matsumoto, Japan, Station. North Hackensack, N. J. (Named changed from Cherry Hill, N. J., 1876). Passaic, N. J., 4th. (Received from Christian Reformed Church). Williamson, N. Y. 1913. Brooklyn, N. Y., Forest Park. (Formed by union of East New York and Presbyterian Church of Forest Park). Carlstadt, Canada. Crookston, Neb. Delmar, N. Y. (Name of Bethlehem. 2d, after 1913). Dumont, la. Dunningsville. Mich. Hudson, N. Y.. Hungarian. Hamilton. Mich., American Reformed. Ireton, la. Mountain Lakes, N. J. Mount Greenwood, 111. Munsonville, N. Y. Oskaloosa, la.. Central. Plainfield, Mich. Scarsdale, N. Y. Vallev Stream, L. I., N. Y. Wichert. (Before 1913 known as Koster). 1914. Bethel, Ellsworth, Minn. Biglow, Minn. Grand Rapids. Mich., East Paris. Gray Hawk, Kentucky. Herman, Minn. Hohokus, N. J. Lake View, S. D. New Holland, Alderson, Canada. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Emanuel. Shimonosiki. Japan, Station. Sibley, la., (Classis of Germania). Steen, Minn. Twin Brooks, S. D. 1915. Aurora, Stickney, S. D. Beacon, N. Y. (New name for Fish- kill-on-the-Hudson, 1915. Beverly, Mich. APPENDIX 771 •Chicago, Emmanuel (Roseland). Chicago, Hungarian, West Side. Chicago, Kensington, Italian Mission. Clifton, N. J., Holland. Clove Valley Chapel, S. I. Fairview, la. Friesland, Wis. (New name for Ran- dolph Centre, Wis.). Fukuoka, Japan, Station. Grand Rapids, Mich., Knapp Ave. Kurume, Japan, Station. Hackensack, N. J., Italian. Lamont, Mich. Paterson, N. J., Church of the Cov- enant. Rock Rapids, la. Sanborn, la. Sioux City, la. South Barnard, Mich. (Charlevoix). Stone Ridge. N. Y. (New name for Marbletown, N. Y.). West End. Port Jervis. New name for Port Jervis, 2d). 1916. Alvord. la. Fulton, 111., 2d. Grand Rapids, Mich., Calvary. Holland, Mich., 6th. Irvington. N. jr., 2d. Lester, la. Matlock, la. Melvin, la. Ottawa, Zeeland, Mich. 1917. Fairview, S. D. Orand Rapids, Mich., Zion. Lincoln Park. N. J. Muskegon, Mich., Unity.' Sibley, la. (Classis of East Sioux). Strasburg, N. D. Upper Ridgewood Community, N. J. Valley Spring, S. D. Vesper, Arpin, Wis. 1918. Allegan. Mich., 1st. Allendale. Jenison, Mich. Apache, White Tail, N. M. Clifton Chapel, New Durham. Bemis, S. D. F'irth. Neb. Grand Rapids, Mich., Central Re- formed. Grand Rapids, Mich., Fairview. Muskegon, Mich., 5th. Newark, N. J., Mt. Olivet, Italian. Spokane, Wash. West Hoboken, N. J., Hope. White Tail Canyon, N. M. Woodbourne, N. Y. (New name for Pallsburgh, N. Y.). 1919. Brooklyn, N Y., Trinity Union of the German Evangelical Church of Brooklyn and the German Evangelical Church of Manhat- tan. Douglaston. N. Y. Dover. N. D. Leng-na, China, Station. Little Rock. la., 2d. Manville. N. J., Hungarian. Orange City, la.. Trinity. Seattle. Wash., Immanuel. Waldensian Congregation, New York City. 1920. Amherst, S. D., Weston. Claremont. S. D. Corinth, Mich., Community. De Motte. .Ind., American. Detroit. Hope Mission. Englewood. N. J., Italian. Little Rock. la., 2d. Muskegon Heights, Covenant Re- formed. Nasaria, Arabia, Station. 1921-1930. 1921. Bejou. Minn. Belgrade, Minn. Denver, Col. Finderne, N. J. Hull. la.. American. Ogilvie, Minn. Prince Bay, S. I.. N. Y. Roe Memorial. Dulce, N. M. (Jicarilla Mission). Willow Lakes. S. D., Immanuel. 1922. Central Park Reformed Church. Mich. (New name for Graafschap. Mich.). Newburg, N. Y., Italian. Teaneck. N. J., Community Church (Bogota) (Smith IMemorial). Addenda I. HISTORY. Page 93. In 1922 the Classis of Kingston and the Classis of Ulster have pro- posed to unite under the name of the Classis of Ulster, in connection with the Particular Synod of New York. II. MINISTERS. Page 237. Adams, Thomas. Harrington Park, N. J., 1917-22 ; Amsterdam, N. Y., Trinity, 1922 ,„,.„, . v. Page 249. Benes, L. H. Grand View, Armour, S. D., 1916-22 ; Archer, la., ]^922 Page 252 Beseigel, W. E. Mellenville, N. Y., 1919-21 ; N. Y. C, Greenwood Heights, 1922 Page 253. Betten, D. L. Florida, N. Y., 1920-22; d. May 4th. , ^ ^, Page 763. Bishop, Edward Hodge. P. U. 1896; N. B. S. 1922; 1. by Classis of Hyde Park, East Orange, N. J., 1922 Page 258. Boeve, Lucas. Tarrytown. N. Y., 2d., 1914-22 ; Kingston, N. Y., 1st 1922 Page 262. Bosshart, J.' G. N. Y. C, Borough of Queens; Newtown (Ger.), 1920-22; d. April 21. „ „ „, Page 262. Bovce, Donald. S. S. Clarksville, N. Y., 1919-21; pastor, ]^92i Page 265. Broek. A. T. Newark, N. J., Clinton Ave., 1908-22; Mt. Vernon, N Y 1922 Page 265. Broek, John. Muskegon, Mich., 3d, 1905-22 ; died March 31st. Page 274. Caliandro, Anthony. Ordained July 17, 1921. ,„,„„„ Page 274. Campbell, C. H. Wortendyke, N. J. ; Trinity, 1919-22 ; Jerse> City, N, J., Central Ave.. 1922 Page 281. Clearwater, C. K. N. Y. C, Borough of Queens; Newtown, 1st, 1894-1922 Page 763. Cloo, Nicholas. W. T. S. 1922 ; 1. by Classis of Lake View, S. £) 1922 Page 286. Condl't, C. B. Irvington, N. J., 2d, 1920-22 . Page 291. Cramer, H. Delaware, Lennox, S. D., 1920-21; Presbyterian, 1921 Page 763. Dalbergo, Altruro. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Italian Mission, 1922—— Page 297. DeBoer, J. J. Licentiate, ordained by CI. N. B. May 2, 19Z