Z > a, (0 < z Il, z i o Id H bl in < m Q J X >• IL >• J < U n < ID < 5 bi a: kl Q Id a: m X o N X 1- < u u X La 2 H bl X oe h. iZ (A 5 s > hi D a 111 m 1- PRINCETON PlTiaJ Ion d«NQ1S¥S. 1 p. M. TURN to the Lord and seek salvation, Sound the praise of Jesus' name, Glory, honour, and salvation, Christ the Lord has come to reign. Hymn. — Come ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and mangled by the fell, If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. Turn to the Lord, &c. 2 L. M. OH ! come, and will you go, will yon go, will you go ? Oh ! come, and will you go, where pleasure never dies? [Repeat.] O AWAKENING Hymn. — Our conflicts here will soon be past, And you and I ascend at last. Ob ! come, and will you go, &c. 2 Who suffer with our Master here, We shall before his face appear. Oh ! come, and will you go, &c. 3 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, &c. 3 C. M. OH, come ! oh, come ! and go with me, Where pleasure never dies, And you the sinner's Friend shall see, And reign above the skies. Hymn. — ^Yain man, thy fond pursuits forbear, Eepent, thy end is nigh ; f Death at the farthest can't be far, Oh, think before thou die. Oh, come ! oh, come ! &c. 4 C. M. LOOK away, look away, look away to Cal- vary ; Look away, look away, look away to Cal- vary. vary. Hymn. — Alas ! and did ray Saviour bleed, And did my Sovereign die, AND INVITING. 9 Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? Look away, look away, &c. 5 L. M. Ho ! every one that thirsts, Come ye to the waters, Freely drink, and quench your thirst, Zion's sons and daughters. Hymn. — Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah 1 Let every soul be Jesus' guest, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah I Ho ! every one, &c. 2 Ye need not one be left behind, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! For God hath bidden all mankind, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah I Ho ! every one, &c. 6 P.M. Oturn, sinners, turn, May the Lord help you turn I 0, turn, sinners, turn, Why will you die ? 10 AWAKENING Hyjin. — Sinners, turn, why will you die ? God your maker asks you why ? God who did your being give, Made you with himself to live. 0, turn, sinners, turn, &c. 7 p. M. Tune — Hearken to my broiherx. COME ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall, If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. Not the righteous, not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call ; Kot the righteous, not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call. 2 Agonizing in the garden, liO your Maker prostrate lies. On the bloody tree behold hira, Hear him cry before he dies. Lord, revive us ! &c. 8 6 line 7s. THEN you'll cry, and want to be, Happy in eternity, Eternity, eternity, happy in eternity. [K^j?.] AND INVITING. 11 Hymn. — Oli, ye young, ye gay, ye proud, You must die, and wear the shroud ; Time will rob you of your bloom ; Death will drag you to the tomb. Then you'll cry, &c. 2 Will you go to heaven, or hell ? One you must and there to dwell ; Christ will come and quickly too, I must meet him, so must you. Then you'll cry, &c. 9 L. M. THE year of jubilee is come, Eeturn ye ransomed sinners home ; The year of jubilee is come, Return ye ransomed sinners home. Hymn. — Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus' guest, Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind. The year of jubilee is come, &c. 10 p. M. THE way to heaven is free for all ; Will you go ? Will you go ? For Jew and Gentile great and small ; Will you go ? Will you go ? 12 AWAKENING ^rake up your minds, give God your heart ; With every sin and idol part, And now fur o^lory make a start ; Will you go ? Will you go ? 2 The way to lieaven is strait and plain ; Will you go ? Will you go ? Eepent, believe, be born again ; Will you go ? Will you go ? The Saviour cries aloud to thee ; Take up thy cross and follow me ; And thou shalt my salvation see ; Will you go ? Will you go ? 3 Oh could I hear some sinner say, I will go ! I will go ! I'll start this moment in the way ; Let me go ? Let me go ? My old companions fare you well ; I will not go with you to hell ; I mean with Jesus Christ to dwell ; I^et me go ? Let me go ? 4 Yes, by the help of Jesus' grace, I will go I I will go 1 I'll travel to the heavenly place ; I will go ! I will go I My new com.panions are so kind ; I'll leave the world and sin behind ; With them the promised rest to find ; I will go ! I will go ! AND INVITING ^ 5 My soul is bound for endless bliss ; Let me go ? Let me go ? What hath the world to equal this ? Let me go ? Let me go ? jNIy vain amusements all adieu ? My soul has had enough of you ; My Father's house appears in view ; Let me go ? Let me go ? 6 Some of our friends have crossed the flood ; Let me go ? Let me go ? They've joined yon army bought with blood ; Let me go ? Let me go ? They now are looking out for me ; Bearing their palms of victory ; And I shall them in glory see ; Let me go ? Let me go ? 7 Hark, my Master calls me home ; Let me go ? Let me go ? Ten thousand angels bid me come ; Let me go ? Let me go ? Farewell my friends, adieu, adieu ; The vale of death I'm marching through ; And when you come, I'll welcome you ; Let me go ? Let me go ? 11 S. M. CI 0MB, go along with me, } And happy you shall be, 14 A-^AKENINQ And join with us around the throne, In one great family. Hymn. — Come ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known, Join in a song with sweet accord, While ye surround his throne. Let those refuse to sing, Who never knew our God, But servants of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. Come go along with me, &c. 12 P.M. WILL you go with me, will you go with me, Will you go with me, to Calvary ? Hy^in. — There is room enough in heaven, Will you go along with me ? For Jesus has told me. To tell you to go. Will you go with me, &c. 2 King Jesus is our captain, Will you go along with me ? For Jesus has told me. To tell you to go. Will you go with me, &c AND INVITING. 15 13 p. M. COME to Jesns, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, just uow, just now, just now, Come to Jesus, just now. 2 He will save you, he will save you, He will save you, he will save you, He will save you, just now, just now, just now, He will save you, just now. 3 I believe it, I believe it, &c. 4 Send the power, send the power, &c. 14 L. M. TEULY believe, and you shall be saved ; Truly believe, and you shall be saved ; Truly believe, and you shall be saved ; And heaven is yours forever. Hymn. — Come sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus' guest, Let every soul be Jesus' guest, And heaven is yours forever. Truly believe, &C. 2 Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind, For God hath bidden all mankind. And heaven is yours forever. Truly believe, &c 16 AWAKE?aN-(3 3 Drooping souls, no longer grieve, Heaven is propitious ; If in Christ you do believe, Tou will find him precious. Truly believe, &c. 15 p. M. COME in welcome, come in welcome, Come in welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, Come in welcome to Jesus, nor longer delay. Hymn. — Oh, come, sinners, come to the Sa- viour to-day, Come for all things are ready, Oh, haste ye away. Come in welcome, &c. 2 He invites you to come, to his worda all attend, He calls you in love, he's the sin- ner's best friend. Come in welcome, &c. 3 He died that the souls of the sin- ners might live, He lives now in glory their prayers to receive. Come in welcome, &c. AND INVITING. 17 4 The Spirit says come, his gentle voice hear, To-day pray for pardon while Jesua is near. Come in welcome, &c. 16 C. M. OH ! Hallelujah ! grace is free ; There's enough for each, There's enough for all, There's enough forevermore. Hymn. — Plunged in a gulf of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay — Without one cheering beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day. Oh! Hallelujah! &c. 17 L. M. THEN drink free children ; Then drink free children ; Drink free children ; The angels bid me come. Hymn.— I'll tell you what I mean to do. The angels bid me come. I mean to go to heaven too, The angels bid me come. Then drink free children, &c. 18 AWAKENING 18 p. M. I AM on my way to Zion, I am on my way to Zion, I am on my way to Zion, To the new Jerusalem. Hymn. — Oh ! brother, will you meet me, Oh ! brother, will you meet me, Oh ! brother, will you meet me, On Canaan's happy shore ? I am on my way, &c. 2 Oh ! sister, will yon meet me, &c. 3 Oh ! mourner, will you meet me, «S;c. 19 L. M. I'M bound for the promised land, I'm bound for the promised laud, Oh ! come, and go along with me ; I'm bound for the promised land. Hymn. — And when we land on that blest shore, ' I'm bound for the promised land, There we'll encamp forever more, I'm bound for the promised land, I'm bound for, &:c. AND INVITINa. 19 We have no abiding city here, I'm bound for the promised laud, We seek a city out of sight, I'm bound for the promised land, I'm bound for, &c. 20 p. M. f^ LORT be to Jesus, glory be to Jesus, vX Come with us, come with us, Come with us in love, And we'll all march together, to heaven above. Hymn. — Oh ! how happy are they, Who their Saviour obey ; And have laid up their treasures above ; Tongue cannot express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love ! Glory be to Jesus, &c. 21 p. M. BUT you must be a lover of the Lord ; But you must be a lover of the Lord ; But you must be a lover of the Lord ; Or you can't get to heaven at all. 20 AWAKENING AND INYITING. Hymn. — Come along neighbours, Corae along neigh boui-s, Come along neighbours, And live around the throne. But you must be a lover, &c. 2 Come along mourners, &c. 3 Come along sinners, &c. 22 L. M. mourner, you shall gain the day, Jesus is the way, mourner, you shall gain the day, Jesus is the way. Hymn. — Till late I heard my Saviour say, Jesus is the way, Come hither soul, I am the way, Jesus is the way. mourner, &c. 2 Then will I tell to sinners round, Jesus is the way, What a dear Saviour I have found, Jesus is the way. O mourner, &c. PENITENTIAL. 21 PENITENTIAL. 23 c. M. OH ! I'll not die here, Oh ! I'll not die here, With hunger he cries ; Nor starve in a foreign land ; For in my Father's house, There's large supplies, And bounteous is his hand. Hymn. — I'll go and tell hira all I've done, Fall down before his face, Unworthy to be called his son, I'll seek a servant's place. Oh I I'll not die here, &c. 24 c. M. I 'YE been a long time travelling here below, Been a long time wandering away from home. Been a long time travelling here below, To lay this body down. Hymn. — Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned upon the tree ? &c. I've been a long time, &c. 22 PENITENTIAL. 25 C. M. WEEP, weep, mourn, mourn, Forsake your evil way, And to a smilii\^ God return, Prepare for judgment day, Hymn. — Yain man, thy fond pursuits forbear, Repent, thy end is nigh ; Deatli at the farthest can't be far, Oh, think, before you die. Weep, weep, mourn, mourn, &c. 26 c. M. T YIELD, I yield, I yield, JL I can hold out no more, I sink, by dying love compelled, And own thee conqueror. Hyjin. — Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed, And did my Sovereign die. Would he devote that sacred head, For such a worm as I ? I yield, I yield, I yield, &c. 27 L. M. THERE'S power in Jesus' blood ; There's power in Jesus' blood ; There's power in Jesus' blood ; To wash away my sins. PENITENTIAL. 23 Hymn. — Show pity, Lord, Lord, forgive, And wash away my sins, Let a repenting' sinner live, And Avash away my sins. There's power in Jesus' blood, &c. 28 p. M. OH, how merciful ! oh, how merciful ! Oh, how merciful ! the Lord has been to me. Hymn. — Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering i'rom the fold of God. He to rescue me from danger. Interposed his precious blood. Oh, how merciful ! &c. 2 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love, Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it, Seal it for thy courts above. Oh, how merciful ! &c. 29 L. M. OH where shall I go, oh where shall I go. Oh where shall I go, to ease my troubled mind ? 24 PENITENTIAL. Hymn. — Oh, that my load of sin were gone, To ease my troubled mind^ Oh, that I could at last submit, To ease my troubled mind ! Oh where shall I go, &c. 30 c. M. OH the Lamb, the loving Lamb, The Lamb on Calvary, The Lamb that was slain, But liveth again. To intercede for me. Hymn. — Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ the mighty Maker died. For man the creature's sin. Oh the Lamb, &q. 31 L. M. IBELIEYE there's mercy for me. Lord, Send it to me now, HaJle, Halle, Hallelujah I I believe there's mercy for me, Lord, Send it to me now, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah ! PENITENTIAL. 25 Hymn. — Rest for my soul I long to find, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah I Saviour of all, if mine tliou art ! Halle, Halle, Hallelujah 1 I believe there's mercy, &c. 2 Give me thy meek and lowly mind, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah ! And stamp thine ima«:e on my heart, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah ! I believe there's mercy, &c. 32 p. M. I WILL believe, I do believe, that Jesus died for me, That here and hereafter, I happy shall be. Hymn. — ^Where all things are plenteous, And the leaves are growing green ; Where the parting of christians Will never be seen. I will believe, &c. 2 Who, who would live alway, away from his God ? Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, Where rivers of pleasure flow bright o'er the plains. And the noontide of glory eternally reigns. I will believe, &c. 26 PENITENTIAL. 3 There is a fountain filled witli blood. 4 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed. 33 p. M. OPOOR sinner, view your Saviour, Hanging on the shameful tree, Hear him groaning, see him dying. Thus he died for you and me. Hymn. — Come ye sinners, poor, and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus, ready, stands to save you, Full of pity, love, and power. poor sinner, &c 2 Come ye weary, heavy laden, &c. 34 c. M. ("I EYING save me, save me, J Save me, blessed Saviour, Crying save me, save me, thou Lamb of God. Hymn. — Father, I stretch my hands to thee, No other help I know ; If thou withdraw thyself from me, Ah ! whither shall I go ? Crying save me, &c. PENITENTIAL. 27 2 What did thine only Son endure, Before I drew my breath ! What pain, what labour to secure, My soul from endless death ! Crying save me, &c. 35 0. M. OH, who's like Jesus ? Hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord, There's none like Jesus, Hallelujah ! Love and serve the Lord. Hymn. — Jesus, the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. Oh, who's like Jesus, &c. 38 p. M. THERE'S balm in Gilead : To make the wounded whole, There's power enough in Jesus, To cure the sin-sick soul, 28 PENITENTIAL. Hymn. — I left my worldly honours, I left my worldly fame, I left my young companions, And with them my good name. For there's balm in Gilead, &c. 37 P.M. I WEEP, I mourn, and so I get along, I'm a poor mourning pilgrim, I'm bound for Canaan's land. [Rep.^ Hymn. — There's room enough in heaven, Will you go along with me ? I'm a poor mourning pilgrim, I'm bound for Canaan's land. [iJep.] I weep, I mourn, &c. 38 c. M. REMEMBER me, remember me, Lord, remember me, Kemember, Lord, thy dying groans, And then remember me. Hymn. — Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed, And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head, For such a worm as I ? Remember me, &c. PENITENTIAL. 39 p. M. ANGELS are hovering around, Angels are hovering around, Angels, angels are hovering around. For to carry the tidings home, For to carry the tidings home, For to carry, carry the tidings home, To the new Jerusalem, To the new Jerusalem, To the new, to the new Jerusalem ; That sinners are coming home, That sinners are coming home. That sinners, sinners are coming home. 40 L. M. OS AYE, save, save, mighty Lord, And send convertmg power down. Save, mighty Lord. Hymn, — I would, but thou must give the power, Save, mighty Lord, My heart from every sin release. Save, mighty Lord. save, save, &c. 2 Break ofif the yoke of inbred sin, Save, mighty Lord, And fully set my spirit free, Save, mighty Lord. save, save, &c. 30 JUSTIFICATION. 41 C. M. I OWN I'm base, I own I'm vile ; But mercy's all my plea, Kemember, Lord, thy dying groans, And then remember me. Hymn. — But drops of grief can ne'er repay, The debt of love I owe, Here Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that I can do. I own I'm base, &c. ■ ' ■ * 3^ f • • JUSTIFICATION. 42 p. M. OH ! when I was a sinner, Oh ! when I was a sinner, Oh ! when I was a sinner, My Jesus took me in, Took me in to his favor, Took me in to his favor, Took me in to his favor. My Jesus took me in. Hymn. — My home is over Jordan, &c. 2 Oh ! how I ought to love him, &c. 3 Oh ! how I ought to praise him, &c. JUSTIFICATION". 31 43 L. M. JESUS died for you, and he died for me, He died to set poor sinners free. Oh, he died for you, and he died for me, And he died to set poor sinners free. Hymn — ^Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free, I cannot rest till pure within. Till I am wholly lost in thee. Jesus died for you, &c. 44 L. M. FOR he has pardoned my sins, And he has set my soul free, And this is what the Lord has done for me. Hymn. — This is the way I long have sought, J;ll tell you what the Lord has done for me. And mourned because I found it not, I'll tell you what the Lord has done for me. For he has pardoned my sins, &c. 2 Then will I tell to sinners round, I'll tell you what the Lord has done for me, 32 SANCTIFICATTON. What a dear Saviour I have found, I'll tell you what the Lord has done for me. For he has pardoned mj sins, &c. SANCTIFICATION. 45 L. M. OH, no ! oh, no ! none but the righteous shall be saved ; Oh, no ! oh, DO ! none but the righteous shall be saved. Hymn. — Break off the yoke of inbred sin, None but the righteous shall be saved ; And fully set my spirit free, None but the righteous shall be saved ; Oh, no ! oh, no I &c 2 I cannot rest till pure within. None but the righteous shall be saved ; Till I am wholly lost in thee, None but the righteous shall be saved ; Oh, no ! oh, no ! &c. REJOICING AND PRAISE. 33 3 That awful day will soon appear, None but the righteous shall be saved ; When Gabriel's trumpet you shah hear, None but the righteous shall be saved; Oh, no ! oh, no ! &c. REJOICING AND PRAISE. 46 L. M. I'LL praise the Lord, I'll praise the Lord, I'll praise the Lord, wherever I go. Hymn. — Then will I tell to sinners round, What a dear Saviour I have found. I'll praise the Lord, &c. 2 I'll point to thy Eedeeraing blood, And say, Behold the way to God. I'll praise the Lord, &c. 47 L- M. OGLOEY, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! We're going where pleasure never dies. 3 84 REJOICING Hymn.— Come thou fount of every blessinor, Tune my heart to sing thy_ grace, Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. glory, glory, glory, &c. 48 L. M. WE all love Jesus, Glory, Hallelujah ! We all love Jesus, Glory, Hallelujah I Hymn.— It's when I hated all my sins. Glory, Hallelujah ! My dear Eedeemer took me in, Glory, Hallelujah I We all love Jesus, &e. 2 And with his blood, he wash'd me clean, Glory, Hallelujah ! And Oh, what seasons I have seen ! Glory, Hallelujah I We all love Jesus, &c. 49 p- M- WHEEE, where, are the Hebrew chil- dren ? Where, where, are the Hebrew children ? Where, where, are the Hebrew children ? Safe in the promised land. AND PRAISE. 35 By and by we will go and meet them ; By and by we will go and meet tlieiii ; By and by we will go and meet them ; Safe in the promised land. They went up throngh the fiery furnace ; They went up throngh the fiery furnace ; They went up through the fiery furnace ; Safe to the promised land. 50 c. M. OH ! Hallelujah ! praise ye the Lord, Oh ! Hallelujah ! praise ye the Lord. Hymn. — When I can read my title clear, To mansions in the skies ; I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. Oh ! Hallelujah ! &0. 51 p. M. ILOYE Jesus, I love Jesus, I love Jesus, yes I do ; I love Jesus, he's my Saviour, Jesus smiles, and loves me too; 36 EEJoicixa Hymn. — Jesus sought me when a strar.ger, AYaudering from the fold of God, He to rescue me from danger, Interposed his precious blood. I love Jesus, &c. 53 c. M. O^rr Saviour, come my Saviour, come and bless thy people now, While at thy feet they humbly bow, come and bless them now ; j Then will we sing our sufferings o'er, I And praise thee evermore. [/2^p.] Hymn. — Into temptation lead us not. From evil us defend, For thine the kingdom is, Lord, And glory without end. my Saviour, &c 53 L. M. WHEN we all get to heaven. How happy we will be, When we cross over Jordan, We'll sound the jubilee. [Rep.] Hymn. — I love the Lord, I know I do, My brother says he loves him too. When we all get to heaven; &c. AND PRAISE. 37 2 I have some friends to glory gone, And I'm resolved to travel on. When we all get to heaven, &c. 54 p- M. THIS religion you believe, Glory, Hallelujah I It soon shall land our souls up yonder, Glory, Hallelujah! Hymn. — Brother, you believe in God, Happy shouting you shall have, Brother, you believe in God, You'll shout among God's angels. This religion you believe, &c. 2 Sister, you believe in God, &c. 3 Classmates, you believe in God, &c. 4 Mourner, you believe in God, &c. 55 L. M. ("t EYING, Amen, I love Jesu3, J We're going where pleasure never dies, Crying, Amen, I love Jesus, We're going where pleasure never dies. 38 REJOICING Hymn. — I do believe without a doubt, The christian has a right to shout. [Rep:\ Cryiag, Amen, &c, 2 I don't care what this world may say, This world may talk, and I will pray. Crying, Amen, &c. 5^ p. M. THERE is glory in my soul, And there's glory all around, Shouting Glory, Halle, Hallelujah 1 I\Iy Jesus bids me come. Oh, why do I delay ? Shouting Glory, Halle, Hallelujah I Hymn. — If my brother gets to heaven, By watching unto prayer, Shouting Glory, Halle, Hallelujah ! By watching unto prayer, I hope to meet him there, Shouting Glory, Halle, Hallelujah ! There is glory m my soul, &c. 57 p. M. HALLELUJAH ! Glory and honour, Praise ye the Lord, Pray on brethren, pray on sisters, Come my loving neighbours, serve the Lord. AND PRAISE. Hymn. — Jesiis sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God, He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed his precious blood. Hallelujah ! Glory, &c. 58 L. M. THEEE is union in heaven, and there's union in my soul, Oh! Glory, Hallelujah! Sweet music in heaven, just beginning for to roll, How I love God, Glory, Hallelujah I 2 I love the Lord, I know I do^, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! My brother says he loves him too. How I love God, Glory,^allelujah ! There is union, &c. 3 I never shall forget that dav, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah I When Jesus washed my sins away, How I love God, Glory, Hallelujah! There is union, &c. 40 REJOICING 59 p. M. GIYE me Jesns, give me Jesus, You may have all the world, Give me Jesus. Hymn. — While wandering to and fro, In this wide world of wo, Where streams of sorrow flow, Giye me Jesus. Give me Jesus, &c. 2 In the morning hear me cry, In the morning hear me cry, In the morning hear me cry. Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, &c. 3 T\Tien I'm tempted hear me cry, AVheu I'm tempted hear me cry, "When I'm tempted hear me cry. Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, &c 60 L. M. WE'LL praise him, praise him, Glory, Hallelujah ! We'll praise him, praise him. Glory, Hallelujah ! [Rep.] AND PRAISE. 41 Hymn. — This note above the rest shall swell, Glory, Hallelujah ! My Jesus has done all things well, Glory, Hallelujah 1 We'll praise him, &c. 2 I'll praise him while he lends me breath, Glory, Hallelujah ! I hope to praise him after death. Glory, Hallelujah ! We'll praise him, &c. 61 L. M. H OSANNA, Hosanna, to the Lamb ! Hosanua, Hosanna, to the Lamb ! Hymn. — Lo glad I come, and thou blest Lamb, Shall take me to thee whose I am. Hosanna, &c. 2 Nothing but sin have I to give, Nothing but love shall I receive. Hosanna, &c. 42 EEjoicma 62 p. M. n^, my soul's ! happy, Glory, Hallelujali ! Oh, my soul's happy, I'm happy on my journey home. Hymn. — Eeligion makes me happy, Glory, iSallelujah ! Religion makes me happy. Come help me on my journey home. Oh, my soul's happy, &c. 2 I'll meet you m the kingdom, &c. 3 Oh, there we'll live forever, &c. 4 I think we shall get over, &c. 5 There is room enough in heaven, &c. 63 L. M. BT, how good it is, for And dwell where loving Jesus is ! [-R^p-] f\B, how good it is, for us to be bless'd, Hymn. — My suffering times will soon be o'er, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! Then shall I sigh and weep no more, Oh! Glory, Hallelujah! Oh, how good, &c. AND PRAISE. 43 2 My ransomed soul sliall soar away, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! To siag Gods praise in endless day, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah I Oh, how good, &c. 64 p. M. p LORY, Glory, Glory, Glory I vT Hallelujah ! God is love. [Rep.! Hymn. — Come thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace, Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Glory, Glory, &c. 65 L. M. "XJO, no ! never will come back any more, 1. 1 I never will come back any more. Hymn. — If ever I pitch my tent again, Never will come back any more, I'll pitch it where Satan can't get in, Never will come back any more. No, no ! never, &c. 44 REJOICING 66 L. M. No more, no more, no more, no more, "We'll never come back any more. Hymn. — When we get home, we'll shout and sing. We'll never come back any more, We'll make the heaveuly arch^ ring, We'll never come back any more. No more, no more, &c. 67 L. M. p LORY, Glory, let us sids:, VT While heaven and earth with glory ring, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosauaa, To the Lamb of God 1 Hymn- — " I know that my Redeemer lives," What joy the blest assurance gives. He lives, he lives, who once was dead, He lives, my everlasting head ! Glory, Glory, &c 68 L. M. I'M happy now, and I know I shall be, When my friends in heaven I see, Happy, Happy, may the Lord continue with me. AND PRAISE. 45 Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, Happy, Happy, may the Lord continue with me, He whom I fix my hopes upon, Happy, Happy, may the Lord continue with me. I'm happy now, &c 69 L. M.' OH I'm so glad, that Jesus came the world to save, I'm so glad he came to save me. Hymn. — happy day that fixed my choice, He came to save me. On thee my Saviour and my God, He came to save me. Oh I'm so glad, &c. Well may this glowing heart rejoice, He came to save me, And tell its raptures all abroad, He came to save me. Oh I'm so glad, &c. 2 'Tis done, the great transaction's done, I am my Lord's, and he is mine, j He drew me and I followed on. Charmed to confess the voice di- vine. Oh I'm so glad, &c. 46 EEJOICINQ 70 p. M. HELP rae to praise my loving Saviour, Oh, for what he has done for me, Glory, honour, and salvation, Christ the Lord has come to reign. Hymn. — Come thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace, Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Help me, &c. 71 L. M. OCHILDEEN, praise him, children, praise him, children, praise him. For he's your father's God. Hyjin. — Praise God for what he's done for me. Glory, Hallelujah I I once was blind, but now I see. Glory, Hallelujah I children, praise him, &c. 2 Oh ! Hallelujah to the Lamb ! Glory, Hallelujah I For Jesus died for every man. Glory, Hallelujah ! children, praise him, &c. AND PRAISE. 4^ 72 L. M. ALL aronud our Father's dazzling throne, Good Lord, we'll give thee all the g'lory. [Rep.] Hymn. — When we get home, we'll shout and sing, Good Lord, we'll give thee all the glory, We'll make the heavenly arches ring, Good Lord, we'll give thee all the glory. All around, &c. 73 c. M. (""1 LORT, honour, praise and power, T Be with the Lamb forever, Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, Hallelujah ! praise the Lord. Hymn. — Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, My great Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace. Glory, honour, &c 74 L. M. PLEASE Lord, give me the wings, And I'll shout, Glory 1 48 EEJOICINQ I'll fly away to my heavenly home ; And I'll shout, Glory ! Hymn. — I expect to meet my brother there, And I'll shout, Glory ! Who used to join with me in prayer I And I'll shout, Glory ! Please Lord, &c. 75 L. M. ONLY let my soul be happy, Only let my soul be happy, Onlv let my soul be happy, When I die. [Rep.] Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, Only let my soul be happy, when I die, He whom I fix my hopes upon, Only let my soul be happy, when I die. Only let my soul be happy, &c 2 '^ I know that my Redeemer lives," Only let my soul be happy, when I die, What joy the blest assurance gives. Only let my soul be happy, when Idle. Only let my soul be happy, &c. AND PRAISE. 49 76 p. M. I LOVE this pure religion, Soldiers of the jubilee, I love this pure religion, Soldiers of the cross. Eemember me while toiling here, Soldiers of the jubilee, Remember me while toiling here. Soldiers of the cross. Hymn. — My home is over Jordan, Soldiers of the jubilee, &c. 2 Farewell to sin and sorrow, &c. 77 c. M. PLENTITUDE OP GRACE, OH ! yes, free grace, free grace, Oh ! yes, free grace, free grace. Oh ! yes, free grace, free grace. To all, to all, in Jesus' name. Hymn. — Plunged in a gulf of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay — Without one cheering beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day. Oh ! yes, free grace, &c. 50 REJOICIXG 2 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds, lu a believer's ear, It soothes his sorrows, heals his' wounds, And drives away his fears. Oh ! yes, free grace, &c. 78 4 lines T's. T7ICT0RY ! Yictory ! V When we've gained the victory 1 Oh, how happy we shall be, When we've gained the victory ! Hymn. — Children of the heavenly King ; As we journey let us sing ; Sing our Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. Yictory ! Yictory ! &c. 79 c. M. EAR>rEST PRAYER. OH, for justifying grace I Oh, for sanctifying power 1 Lord we beg for Jesus' sake, A sweet refreshing shower. AND PKAISE. 51 Hymn. — Come holy Spirit, heavenly dove, With all thy quickening powers, Come shed abroad a Saviour's love, In these cold hearts of ours. Oh, for justifying grace ! &c. 80 L. M. I'M happy, I'm happy, I'm on my way to Zion, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm on my journey liome. Hymn. — Then will I tell to sinners round, I'm on my way to Zion, What a dear Saviour I have found, I'm on my journey home. I'm happy, I'm happy, &c. 2 I'll point to thy redeeming blood, I'm on my way to Zion, And say, Behold the way to God, I'm on my journey home. I'm happy, I'm happy, &c. 81 L. M. OH ! he's taken my feet from the mire and the clay, And he's placed them on the rock of ages. (Rep.] 52 EEJOICINQ Hymn. — I'll praise him while he lends me breath, I hope to praise him after death. Oh ! he's taken my feet, &c 2 I hope to praise him when I die, And shout salvation as I fly. Oh ! he's taken my feet, &c. 82 L. M. FOR the way is so delightful, In the service of the Lord, For the way is so delightful, Hallelujah ! Htmx. — But in this way methinks I see. For the way is so delightful. Hal- lelujah ! The track of him who died for me, For the way is so delightful, Hal- lelujah ! For the way, &c. 83 p. M. OH, when shall I see Jesus, See Jesus, see Jesus, Oh, when shall I see Jesus, Where pleasure never dies ? AND PRAISE. 53; Chorus. — We are sailing home to glory, We are sailing home to glory, We are sailing home to glory, Where pleasure never dies. 2 Oh, do not be discouraged, &c. 3 I'm glad I've got religion, &c. 4 I'll meet you in the kingdom, &c. 84 L. M. OH, hinder me not, for I will serve the Lord, And I'll praise him when I die. [Rep.] Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, He whom I fix my hopes upon. Oh, hinder me not, &c. 2 Tonder's my house and portion fair, My treasure, and my heart is there. Oh, hinder me not, &c, 3 What makes me praise my Lord so bold, I've got religion in my soul. Oh, hinder me not, &c. 54 EEJOICINQ 85 p. M. OH, give God the glory, give him all the glory, Give God the glory, for the glory is his own. Hymn. — ^Yhen I set out for glory, I left the world behiud, Hetermiaed for a city. That's out of sight to find. Oh, give God the glory, &c 88 L. M. ALL HAIL. OHAIL ! hail ! I long to join the union band, O hail ! hail ! I'm on my journey home. Hymn. — Come on my partners in distress, I'm on my journey home, My comrades through the wilderness, I'm on my journey home. hail ! hail ! &c. 87 p. M. AWAY over in the promised land, Away over in the promised laud, My Lord calls, and I must go. Over in the promised land. AND PRAISE. 55 1 My Saviour's ia the promised land, &c. 2 My father's in the promised land, &c. 3 My mother's in the promised land, &c. 4 My brother's in the promised land, &c. 5 My sister's in the promised land, &c. 6 My leader's in the promised land, &c. 88 L. M. HALLELUJAH ! Hallelujah ! I'll belong to this baud. Hallelujah 1 Hymn. — King David on his throne of state, Did belong to this band, Hallelujah I And Lazarus at the rich man's gate, Did belong to this baud, Hallelujah I Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! &c. 2 I hope to meet my brethren there, AVho belonged to this baud, Halle- lujah ! AVho used to join with me in prayer, And belonged to this band, Halle- lujah ! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! &c. 56 REJOICING 3 And then we'll walk the golden street, I'll belong to this band, Hallelujah ! We'll cast our crowus at Jesus' feet, I'll belong to this band, Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! &C. 4 I hope to meet my leader there, &c. 89 p. M. HALLELUJAH to Jesus again and again. We will praise him forever. Amen ! and Amen! To the Lamb that was slain, But that liveth again, Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Amen ! and Amen I Hymn. — Oh ! how happy are they, Who their Saviour obey, And have laid, and have laid Up their treasures above ; Tongue cannot express That sweet comfort and peace Of a soul, of a soul, In its earliest love ! Hallelujah to Jesus, &c. AND PRAISE. 57 2 Enraptured I burn with delight and desire, Such love so divine sets my soul all on fire, Around the bright throne, Hosaunas are rinfin^" Oh, when shall I join them, and | ever be singing — Hallelujah to Jesus, &c. 90 p- M. Tune — Hearken to my hrothera, HALLELUJAH ! Hallelujah ! We are on our journey home. [-Rep.] Or, I LOYE Jesus, I love Jesus, I love Jesus, yes I do ; I love Jesus, Hallelujah ! Jesus smiles, and loves me too: Hymn. — Come thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace, Streams of mercy never ceasing. Call for songs of loudest praise. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! &c. 2 Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God, He, to rescue me fi'om danger, Interposed his precious blood. 58 REJOICING Chorus. — I will praise thee, I will praise thee, Where shall I thy praise begin ? I will praise thee, I will praise thee, Where shall I thy praise begiu ? 91 L. M. WHEN I am happy, I can sing, Good Lord, I'm on my journey home. [Rep.] Hymn. — Then will I tell to sinners round, Good Lord, I'm on my journey home, "What a dear Saviour I have found. Good Lord, I'm on my journey home. When I am happy, &c. 2 I'll point to thy redeeming blood. Good Lord, I'm on my journey home, And say, Behold the way to God, Good Lord, I'm on my journey home. When I'm happy, &c. 92 p. M. WHEN on Zion we stand, having gained the blest shore, With our harps in our hands, we'll praise him evermore, AND PKAISE. 09 We'll range the blest fields on the banks of the river, And sing Hallelujah ! forever and ever. Chokus. — Hallelujah to the Lamb ! Who has purchased our pardon, We will praise him again, When we pass over Jordan. 93 L. M. HALLELUJAH ! Hallelujah ! We're a happy little band, Hallelujah I Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! We're a happy little band, Hallelujah ! Hymn. — I never shall forget that day, We're a happy little band, Halle- lujah ! When Jesus washed my sins away, We're a happy little band, Halle- lujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! &c. 94 L. M. C EYING Hosanna ! Crying Hosanna ! Crying Hosanna, to the Lamb of God I Hymn. — I'll let you know before I go, Whether I love the Lord or no ; Crying Hosanna ! &c. 60 EEJOiciNa 95 p. M. MY home is over Jordan ; My home is over Jordan ; My home is over Jordan ; Where pleasure never dies. Where the wicked cease from troubling ; Where the wicked cease from troubling ; Where the wicked cease from troubling ; And the weary are at rest. Hymn. — when shall I see Jesus, And reign with him above, To drink the flowing fountain Of everlasting love ? My home is over Jordan, &c. 2 Farewell to sin and sorrow, &c. 3 Oh, do not be discouraged, &c. 93 L. M. OH, Glory, Glory, to the Lamb ! Throughout my soul I feel the flame. Oh, had I wings like Noah's dove, I soon would shout with those above. Hymn. — My suffering time will soon be o'er, Then shall I sigh and weep no more, My ransomed soul shall soar away. To sing God's praise in endless day. Oh, Glory, Glory, &a AiJD PKAISE. 6t 97 L. M. HAPPY day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away, He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing every day. Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away. Hymn. — It's when I hated all my sin, My dear Eedeemer took me in, And with his blood he washed me clean, And oh! what seasons I have seen. Happy day, happy day, &c. ys L. M. FOR they shine, shine, shine, like a star. Shine, shine, around the throne of God. Hymn. — I have some friends that's gone be- fore. Oh ! blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ; Tliey're happy on the other shore, Oh ! blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. For they shine, shine, &c. 62 REJoicixa • 99 L. M. T?OR I feel something like glory in my soul, _r I feel something like glory in my soul, I feel, I feel, I feel like shouting home. Hymn. — Farewell vain world, I'm going home, My Saviour smiles, and bids me come, I feel, I feel, I feel like shouting home. For I feel something, &c, 2 I have some friends that's gone be- fore, They're happy on the other shore, I feel, I feel, I feel like shouting home. For I feel something, &c. 100 p. M. AND to glory, I will go — I'll go, I'll go. And to glory I will go. Hymn. — When I set out for glory, I left the world behind, Determined for a city, That's out of sight to find. And to glory, &o. AND PRAISE. 63 2 I left my worldly honour, I left my worldly fame, I left my younG: companions, And with them my good name. And to glory, &c. 3 Some said I'd better tarry, They thought I was too young, For to prepare for dying ; But that was all ray theme. And to glory, &c. 4 Come, all my loving brethren, And listen to my cry ; All you that are backsliders, Must shortly beg or die. And to glory, &c 101 p. M. OH, that will be joyful, Joyful, joyful, joyful, Oh, that will be joyful, To meet to part no more I Hymn. — All who love the Lord below. When they die to heaven will go, And sing with saints above. Oh, that will be joyful, &c. 64 EEJOICINQ 2 Leaders too shall meet above, And our classmates whom we love, Shall meet to part no more. Oh, that will be joyful, &c. 3 Oh, how happy we shall be, For our Saviour we shall see, Exalted on his throne. Oh, that will be joyful, &c. 4 Glittering crowns we shall wear, Ooi-iqaering palms we too shall bear, And bow before his throne. Oh, that will be joyful, &c. 102 c. M. Tune. — Weep no moi'e for me. HALLELUJAH ! Hallelujah ! We will sing a song, Unto God and the Lamb, And we'll praise him evermore. Hymn. — "V\nien we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, "We've no less days to sing God's praise. Than when we first begun. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! &c. AND PRAISE. 65 103 p. M. SING on, pray on, Ye followers of Immanuel, Sing on, pray on, Ye followers of the Lamb. Hymn. — Mj Bible leads to glory, ]\ly Bible leads to glory, My Bible leads to glory. Ye followers of the Lamb. Sing on, pray on, &c. 2 I love my blessed Jesus, I love my blessed Jesus, I love my blessed Jesus, Ye followers of the Lamb. Sing on, pray on, &c. 3 I'll meet you in the kingdom, I'll meet you in the kingdom, I'll meet you in the kingdom, Ye followers of the Lamb. Sing on, pray on, &c. 6Q SUFFERINGS OF CHKIST. SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST. 104 L. M. OH, how he bleeds, oh, how he bleeds, Ob, how he bleeds for me ! [Rep.'] Hymn. — He dies — the friend of sinners dies — Oh, how he bleeds for me, • Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around, I Oh, how he bleeds for me. Oh, how he bleeds, &c. 105 L. M. WHO'S like Jesus, who's like Jesus, who's like Jesus ? He died on the tree. Hymn. — He died for you, he died for me, He died to set poor sinners free, And who's like Jesus ? He died on the tree. who's like Jesus, &c. 2 The more I strove against its power, I felt its weight and guilt the more, And who's like Jesus ? He died on ; the tree. who's like Jesus, &c. SUFFERINGS OP CHRIST. C7 106 c. M. DOWN in that garden, Hear that mournful souEd, Jesus, he is weeping. Weeping on the cold, damp ground. Hymn. — Go when the morning shineth, Go when the moon is bright, Go when the eve declineth, Go in the hush of night. Down in that garden, &c. 2 Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed, &c. 107 L. M. OH ! the bleeding Lamb, oh ! the bleeding Lamb, Oh ! the bleeding Lamb, he was found worthy. Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, He was found worthy, He whom I fix my hopes upon, He was found worthy. Oh ! the bleeding Lamb, «fec. 2 His track I see, and I'll pursue. He was found worthy, The narrow way, till him I view. He was found worthy. Oh ! the bleeding Lamb, &c. 68 SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST. 3 Of bim who did salvation bring", He was found worthy, I could forever think and sing, He was found worthy. Oh ! the bleeding Lamb, &c. 108 L. M. ATONEMENT. OH yes, yes, it was for you that Jesua died, Oh yes, oh yes, it was for you that Jesus died. Hymn. — It's when I hated all my sins, It was for you that Jesus died, My dear Redeemer took me in. It was for you that Jesus died. Oh yes, Oh yes, &c. 2 And with his blood he washed me clean. It was for you that Jesus died, And oh, what seasons I have seen ! It was for you that Jesus died. Oh yeS; oh yes, &c. 109 p. M. JESUS, the Jews they crucified him, Jesus, the babe of Bethlehem. r SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST. 69 Hymn. — Oh, the Jews they crucified him, The babe of Bethlehem, Oh, the Jews they crucified him, The babe of Bethlehem. Jesus, the Jews they crucified, &c. 2 The grave it could not hold him, The babe of Bethlehem, The grave it could not hold him, The babe of Bethlehem. Jesus, the Jews they crucified, &c. 3 He burst the bars asunder, The babe of Bethlehem, He burst the bars asunder, The babe of Bethlehem. Jesus, the Jews they crucified, &c. 110 ^- M. ^'' I LOVE the Lord, for he first loved me, And he died on the cross for sinners. [Rep.] Hymn, — He dies — the friend of sinners dies — And he died on the cross for sinners, Lo, Salem's daughters weep around, And he died on the cross for sinners. I love the Lord, &c. 70 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 2 Come saints and drop a tear or two, And he died on the cross for sinners, For him who groaned beneath your load, And he died on the cross for sinners. I love the Lord, &c. CHFiISTIAN WARFARE. Ill p. M. STRIYIXG, still striving for my soul, And I wonder if 111 ever get to heaven. Hymn. — Pray on, brother, hold on, brother, Heaven is a happy place. Don't be discouraged. Striving, still striving, &c. 2 Pray on, sister, hold out longer, m Heaven is a happy place, Don't be discouraged. Striving, still striving, &c. 3 Pray on, leader, pray on, leader, &c. 4 Pray on, mourner, pray on, mourner. CHRISTIAN WARFAKE. 71 112 P- M. I AM bound for the kingdom, Will you go to glory with me ? Oh, Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord. Hymx.— Come thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace, Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. I am bound, &c. # 113 p. M. I'M in war, I'm in war, I'm in war with Satan, I'm in war, I'm in war, till that day. [Rep.] Hymn.— Oh! christians, don't get weary, weary, Oh ! christians, don't get weary, till that day. I'm in war, I'm in war, &c. 2 I'll meet you in the kingdom, king- dom, I'll meet you in the kingdom, in that day, I'm in war, I'm in war, &c. 3 Religion makes me happy, &c. 72 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 114 p. M. I 'YE listed in the army, with a firm resolu- tion, In spite of opposition to glory I will go. [Rep.] Hymn. — ^When I set out for glory, I left the world behind, Determined for a city, That's out of sight to find. I've listed in the army, &c. 115 L. M. I FEEL like dying in the army of the Lord, I feel like dying in the army, [R^p-] Hymn. — Then will I tell to sinners round, I feel like dying in the army. What a dear Saviour I have found, I feel like dying in the army. I feel like dying, &c. 2 Farewell, vam world, I'm going home, &c. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 73 116 L. M. I WANT to live a christian here, I want to die a shouting, I want to feel my Saviour near, When soul and body's parting. Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! He whom I fix my hopes upon, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! I want to live a christian here, &c. 117 L. M. PRAY on, pray on, ye true believing souls. You'll wear a robe in glory by and by. [Rep.] Hymn. — My suffering times will soon be o'er, You'll wear a robe in glory by and by, Then shall I sigh and weep no more, You'll wear a robe in glory by and by. Pray on, pray on, &c. 118 P.M. DIE in the field of battle, Die in the field of battle. Die in the field of battle. Fighting for a crown. 74 CHRISTIAN WAEFARE. Hymn. — My brother he is gone, To join the happy throng, For he died in the arms of Jesus. Die in the field of battle, &c. 2 My father he is gone, &c. 3 My mother she is gone, &c. 119 L. M. WHY he has been with us, and he still is with us, Says he will go with us, to the end. Hymn. — Bless God, I'm on my journey home, Says he will go with us, to the end, Though in this wilderness I roam, Says he will go with us to the end. Why he has been with us, &c. 2 Ten thousand foes do me surround, Says he will go with us, to the end. Yet Jesus will them all confound. Says he will go with us, to the end. Why he has been with us, &c. 3 Though earth and hell my soul with- stand. Says he will go with us, to the end. CHRISTIAN WARFAKE. "Zo Tet I shall gain the better land, Says he will go with us, to the end. Why he has been with us, &c. 4 The cloudy pillar guides the way, Says he will go with us, to the end, A fire by night, a shade by day, Says he will go with us, to the end. Why he has been with us, &c. 120 L. M. BUT Jesus, Jesus is my friend, oh, Halle- lujah ; Hallelujah, Jesus, Jesus is my friend. Hymn. — Prove faithful then a few more days; Fight the good fight and win the race ; And then thy soul with me shall reign, Thy head a crown of glory gain. But Jesus, &c. 121 C. M. WE'LL pray all around the altar, We'll pray all around the altar, We'll pray all around the altar, The Lord will answer our prayer. 76 CHRISTIAN WAKFARE. Hymn. — Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb ; And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name ? We'll pray all around, &c. 122 L. M. I'M a soldier for Jesus, I've listed in the w^ar, And I'll fight until I die. [Rep.] Hymn. — I never will give up my shield, I'll die a fighting in the field. I'm a soldier for Jesus, &c. 2 Pray on, pray on, we're gaining ground, The power of the Lord is coming down. I'm a soldier for Jesus, &c. 123 L. JL WEESTLE on, wrestle on. You shall gain the victory, "Wrestle on, wrestle on. You shall gain the day. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 77 Hymn. — It's just before the break of day, You shall gaiu the victory, When Jesus washed my sins away, You shall gain the day. Wrestle on, &c. 2 Our conflicts here will soon be past, We shall gaiu the victory, And you and I ascend at last. We shall gain the day. Wrestle on, &c. 124 L. M. WE'LL all unite in heavenly union, We'll all unite in solemn prayer. [B.ep.'] Hymn. — Our suffering times will soon be o'er, Then shall 1 sigh and weep no more. We'll all unite, &c. 2 To patient faith the prize is sure, And all that to the end endure. We'll all unite, &c. 125 L. M. YEA, Lord, amen, this warfare Will be ended by and by. [Rep.] 78 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. Hymn.— Come on my partners in distress, This warfare will be ended by and by, ]\Iy comrades through the wilderness, This warfare will be ended by and by. Yea, Lord, &c. 126 L. M. OISKAEL, who's on the Lord's side ? Israel, who's on the Lord's side ? Hymn. — He died for you, and he died for me, Who's on the Lord's side ? He died to set poor sinners free. Who's on the Lord's side ? Israel, «fec. 127 p. M. BE watchful, be watchful. Be watchful, and beware. [i?ep.] Hymn. — When I set out for glory, I left the world behind, Determined for a city. That's out of sight to find. Be watchful, &c. CHRISTIAN WARFAEE. 19^ 128 L. M. CARTING, Amen, fight on till the warfare's J ended, Hallelujah I Crying, Amen, fight on till the warfare's ended, Hallelujah 1 Hymn. — There we'll walk np the golden streets, When the warfare's ended, Halle- lujah ! And ground our arras at Jesus' feet, "When the warfare's ended, Halle- lujah I Crying, Amen, &c. 2 And when we land on that blest shore. When the warfare's ended, Halle- lujah ! There we'll encamp forever more, When the warfare's ended, Halle- lujah ! Crying, Amen, &c. 129 L. M. SEND the sanctifying power in the army of the Lord, Send the sanctifying power in the army. 80 CHRISTUN WARFARE. Hymn. — I have listed and I mean to fight, Send the sauctifying power in the army, Until my foes are put to flight, Send the sanctifying power in the army. . Send the sanctifying power, &c. 2 Fight on, fight on, we're gaining ground, Send the sanctifying power in the army, The power of the Lord is coming down. Send the sanctifying power in the army. Send the sanctifying power, &c. 130 p. M. C^OME over, come over, J Come over now, We're going to join the angels, Going to the promised land. [Rep-I Hymn. — King Jesus is our captain, Then come over now, We're going to join the angels. Going to the promised land. \Rep:\ Come over, &c. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 81" There's room eaougb in heaven, Then come over now, We're going to join the angels, Going to the promised land. Come over, &c. 131 L. M. TEAYEL on, believers, travel on, I expect to join the army by and by, Travel on, believers, travel on, I expect to join the army by and by. Hymn. — Oh, pray for me, I'll pray for you, I expect to join the army by and by. For that's the way the christians do, I expect to join the army by and by. Travel on, believers, &c. 2 The mercy comes in with a free good will, &c. ' 132 p. M. t'M bound, I'm bound for the new Jerusalem, I'm bound to die in the army. [Rep.] 6 82 CHRISTIAN ■WARFARE. Hymn. — Kiug Jesus is our captain, List in the field of battle. With your shield in your hand, I'm bound to die in the army. [Rep.'] I'm bound, I'm bound, &c. 2 Tliere's room enough in heaven. List in the field of battle, AVith your shield in your hand, I'm bound to die in the army. [Rep.] I'm bound, I'm bound, &c. 3 I'll meet you in the kingdom, &c. 133 L. M. FIGHT on, fight on, ye faithful souls, You shall wear a crown in glory by and by. Hymn. — Awhile forget your griefs and fears, You shall wear a crown in glory by and by, And look beyond this vale of tears, You shall wear a crown in glory by and by. Fight on, fight on, &c. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 83 2 To patient hope the prize is sure, Toil shall wear a crowu in glory by and by, And all that to the end endure, You shall wear a crown in glory by and by. Fight on, fight on, &c. 134 L. M. SHOUT, shout, we're gaining ground, Halle, Hallelujah ! The power of the Lord is coming down, Halle, Hallelujah ! [Rep.] Hymn, — ^I'll tell you when I feel the best, Halle, Hallelujah I It's when my soul has just been blest, Halie, Hallelujah 1 Shout, shout, &c. 2 I was but young, when I begun, Halle, Hallelujah ! But now my race is almost run, Halle, Hallelujah 1 Shout, shout, &c. 84 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 135 L. M. BLOW ye the trumpet, blow, Glory, Hallelujali ! Blow ye the trumpet, blow, Sing, Glory, Hallelujah ! Hymn. — This is the way I long have sought, Glory, Hallelujah ! And mourned because I found it not, Glory, Hallelujah ! Blow ye the trumpet, &c. 2 He spoke to Peter on the sea, Glory, Hallelujah ! Saying, Leave your nets and follow me, Glory, Hallelujah ! Blow ye the trumpet, &c. 136 L. M. FOR the good old way is the righteous way, I want to die in the good old way, Oh, the good old way is the righteous way, I want to die in the good old way. CHRISTIAN WAEFARE. 85 Hymn. — Ye valiant souls for heaven contend, I want to die in the good old way, Eemember glory's at the end, I want to die in the good old way. For the good old way, &c, 2 Our God will wipe all tears away, I want to die in the good old way, When we have run the good old way, I want to die in the good old way. For the good old way, &c.' 3 good old way, how sweet thou art ! I want to die in the good old way. May none of us from thee depart, I want to die in the good old way. For the good old way, &c, 4 But may our actions always say, I want to die in the good old way, We are marching in the good old way, I want to die in the good old way. For the good old way, &c. 137 p. M. WE'RE going down to Jordan, And we've got no time to tarry, We're going down to Jordan, The seas give way. 86 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. Hymn. — Oh ! brother, ain't you glad, You ever joined the army ? Oh ! brother, are you glad, The seas gave way ? We're going down, &c 2 Oh ! sister, ain't you glad, You ever joined the army ? Oh ! sister, are you glad, ^ The seas gave way ? We're going down, &c; 138 L. M. I'LL praise God until I die, I'll praise God until I die, I'll praise God until I die. And walk the heavenly road. Hymn. — ^I've listed and I mean to fight, Until my foes are put to flight. It takes a valiant soldier. To walk the heavenly road. I'll praise God, &c. 2 shout ye children, shout, you're free, For Christ has bought your libertjc It takes a valiant soldier, To walk the heavenly road. I'll praise God, &c. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 87 139 p. M. WE are on our road passing over, Move along, We are on our road passing over, Move along. Hyjin. — I think we shall get over, Move along, King Jesus is our captain, Move along, I think we shall get over. Move along, King Jesus is our captain. Move along. We are on our road, &c. 2 Oh ! this is not my Canaan, Move along My Canaan's over Jordan, Move along Oh ! this is not my Canaan, Move along, My Canaan's over Jordan, Move along. We are on our road, &c. 140 p. M. HAPPY day when we get home. Soldiers of the jubilee, Happy day when we get home, Soldiers of the cross. 88 CHRISTIAN WAEFARE. Hymn. — Our captain's sfone befare us, Soldiers of the jubilee, Our captain's gone before us, Soldiers of the cross. Happy day, &c. 141 L. M. MAKCH along, you shall gain the victory, March along, you shall gain the day. Hymn. — Come on my partners in distress, Ton shall gain the victory, My comrades through this wilderness, You shall gain the day. March along, &c. DJ 142 p. M. OVICTOET, victory, victory all the way, Victory, victory, I hope to gain the day. Hymn. — King Jesus is our captain, Why will you stay ? I'm sorry for to leave you, I hope to gain the day. victory, &c. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. Religion's goed as ever, Why will you stay, I'm sorry for to leave you, I hope to gain the day. victory, &c. 143 L. M. I WILL be in this band, When the I^ord doth appear, I will be in this band, Hallelujah ! [Rep.] Hymn. — Come on my partners in distress, I will be in this band, Hallelujah I My conn-ades through the wilderness, I will be in this baud, Hallelujah ! I will be in this band, &c. 144 4 lines 7's. WE'LL tear the powers of Satan down, They that conquer shall wear the crown, They that conquer shall wear the crown, And by their Father's side sit down. 90 CHRISTIAN WAEFAEE. Hymn. — Childrea of the heavenly King, As we jouroey let us sing ; Sing oar Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. We'll tear the powers, &c. 145 p. M. WE'LL wait, we'll wait, AVe'll wait for the victory, We'll wait, we'll wait. The year of pbilee. Hymn. — when shall I see Jesus, And reign with him above. To drink the flowing fountain, Of everlasting love ? We'll wait, &c. 146 c. M. T CANNOT tarry here, my Lord, JL I cannot tarry here, The gospel calls for volunteers, I cannot tarry here. Hymn. — Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb ; And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name ? I cannot tarry here, &c CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 91 147 c. M. OCOME and join our pilgrim band, Our toils and triumphs share, We soon shall reach that happy land, And rest forever there. Hymn. — There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reigo, Infioite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. come and join, &c. 148 ^ p. M. TRAVEL on, travel on, Soldiers of the jubilee, Travel on, travel on. Soldiers of the cross. Hymn. — ^There's a better day a coming, Soldiers of the jubilee, There's a better day a coming, Soldiers of the cross. Travel on, travel on, &g. 2 Oh, do not be discouraged, Soldiers of the jubilee, Oh, do not be discouraged, Soldiers of the cross. Travel on, travel on, &c 92 PATIENCE AND KESIGNATION. PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. 149 L. M. D ON'T get weary, don't weary, don't weary, We'll pass over Jordan by and by. Hymn. — Come on my partners in distress, We'll pass over Jordan by and by, My comrades through this wilderness, We'll pass over Jordan by and by. Don't get weary, &c. 2 To patient faith the prize is sure, &c. 3 Who suffer with our Master here. 150 L. M. THERE is a rest remains, there is a rest remains, There is a rest remains for the people of God. Hymn. — I have some friends that's gone be- fore, With the people of God, They're happy on the other shore, With the people of God. There is a rest remains, &c. PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. 93 2 While here a stranger far from home, With the people of God, Affliction's waves around me foam, With the people of God. There is a rest remains, &c. 151 L. M. LET us walk in the Light, ' Walk in the Light, Walk in the Light, in the Light of God. Hymn. — Come on my partners in distress, In the Light, in the Light, My comra'des through the wilderness, Who still your bodies feel. , Let us walk in the Light, &c. 2 To patient faith the prize is sure. In the Light, in the Light, And all that to the end endure The cross, shall wear the crown. Let us walk in the Light, &c. 152 p. M. HOME, home, sweet, sweet, home, Prepare me, dear Saviour, for glory, \ my home. 94 PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. Hymn. — ^TS^hile here in the valley of conflicts I stay, Oh, give me submission, and strength as my day, In all my afflictions to thee would I come, Eejoicing in hope of ray glorious home. Home, home, &c. 2 When I set out for glory, I left this world behind. Determined for a city that's out of sight to find. I left my worldly honour, I left my worldly fame, I left my young companions, and with them my good name. Home, home, &c. 153 p. M. IF the world is dark before thee, All thy soul with terror fill, If the billows, rolling o'er thee, Hear him saying. Peace, be still. Hymn. — Jesus knows your silent weeping, AVhen before his throne you bow, N'ever, never, is he sleeping. Where he reigns in glory now. If the world, &c. PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. 95 15^ L. M. STAND the storm, it won't be long, We'll anchor by and by. [Rep.] Hymn. — Our troubles and our trials here, We'll anchor by and by, Will only make us richer there, We'll anchor by and by. stand the storm, &c. 2 To patient faith the prize is sure, We'll anchor by and by, And all that to the end endure, We'll anchor by and by. stand the storm, &c. 155 L. M. TAKE np your cross and pray, children, Take up your cross and pray, Take up your cross and pray, children, Take up your cross and pray. Hymn. — Prayer makes the darkest clouds withdraw, Then take up your cross and pray. Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw. Then take up your cross and pray. Take up your cross, &c. 96 PATIENCE AND EESTGNATION. 2 Kefrain to pray, you cease to fidflit, Then take up your cross and pray, Prayer makes the christian's armour bright, Then take up your cross and pray. Take up your cross, &c. 156 p. M. OH, children, be engaged, Oh, be engaged, children. Children, be engaged, Good Lord, is this the way ? Hymn. — Oh, run up, children, get your crown, And by your Saviour sit down. Oh, run-up, children, get your crown, Glory, Hallelujah ! Oh, children, be engaged, &c. 157 L. M. LET us be engaged, be engaged. Hallelujah ! I^et us be engaged, we"ll soon be gone, Hallelujah ! Hymn. — A little longer here below. Halle- lujah ! And then away to glory go, Halle- lujah ! Let us be engaged, &c. PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. 97 2 Our, troubles and our trials here, Hallelujah 1 Will only make us richer there, Hal- lelujah 1 Let us be engaged, &c. 158 p. M. I'M going up, going up, going up, Through many a trial, I'm going up, going up, I'm travelling to the grave. Hymn. — My home is over Jordan ; My home is over Jordan ; My home is over Jordan ; I'm travelling to the grave. I'm going up, &c. 2 I'll meet you in the kingdom, &c. 3 Oh 1 brother, will you meet me? &c. 159 p. M. DON'T get weary, don't get weary, Don't get weary, on your way. 7 93 PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION. Hymn. — Oh, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee. Don't get weary, &c. 160 L. M. THEN don't let us talk about suffering here. Let us talk about loving Jesus. [Rep.] Hymn. — My suffering times will soon be o'er, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! Then shall I sio;h and weep no more, oil ! Glory, Hallelujah ! Then don't let us talk, &c. 2 To patient faith the prize is sure, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! And all that to the end endure, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! Then don't let us talk, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 99 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN, 161 C. M. rpHAT blissful place is my father-land, J_ By faith its delights I explore, Come favom* my flight, angelic band, And waft me in peace to the shore. Hyjin. — There is a place where I hope to live, When life and its labours are o'er, A place which the Lord to me will give, And then I shall sorrow no more. That blissful place, &c. 2 No chilling winds nor poisonous breath, &c. 3 When shall I reach that happy place? &c. 162 p. M. LOVE OF GOD. IT'S a flowing from the fountain, Glory ! It's a flowing from the fountain, It's running like a stream. 100 PROSPECT OF HEATEN. Hymn. — I soon shall see my Saviour, Glory! I soon shall see my Saviour, And it is so sweet. It's a flowing from the fountain, ^c. 2 Farewell to all my trials, Glory 1 3 I expect to live forever, Glory ! &c. 4 Mv brother says he's happy, Glory! &c. 5 My sister says she's happy, Glory 1 6 The mourner may be happy, O Glory, &c. 183 P.M. . inOR oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, _E Our friends are passing over. And there upon the shining shore, We see them safe forever. HviiN.— We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our distant home discerning, Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. For oh, we stand, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 101 2 Let sorrow's rudest tempests blow, Each chord on earth to sever, Our King says, Come, and there's our home. Forever, oh, forever ! For oh, we stand, &c. 164 L. M. WE'EB going home, we're going home, We're going home, to die no more. inep.-\ Hymn. — My suffering times will soon be o'er, Then shall I sigh and weep no more. We're going home, &c. 2 Farewell, vain world, I'm going home, My Saviour smiles, and bids me come. We're going home, &c; 165 p. M. WHEN" this poor body lies mouldering in the tomb, When this poor body lies mouldering in the tomb, When this poor body lies mouldering in the tomb, My soul's safe at home. 102 PEOSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn. — Oh ! brother, will you meet rae? Oh ! brother, will you meet me ? Oh ! brother, will you meet me ? My soul's marching home. "When this poor body, &c. 2 Oh ! sister, will you meet me ? &c. 3 Oh ! leader, will you meet me ? «S:c. 4 Oh ! mourner, will you meet me ? &c. 6 Oh ! brother, will you meet me ? &c. On Canaan's happy shore. 6 On Jordan's stormy bank I stand, «fec. 166 L- M. WE'LL wait till Jesus comes, We'll wait till Jesus comes, We'll wait till Jesus comes, And we'll be carried home. Hymn. — I have some friends that's gone be- fore, And we'll be carried home, They're happy on the other shore, And we'll be carried home. We'll wait till Jesus comes, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN". 103 2 There we'll walk the golden streets, And we'll be carried home, And ground our arms at Jesus' feet, And we'll be carried home. We'll wait till Jesus comes, &c. 167 p. M. ON the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming. And I'll rest there too. Hymn. — There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary. There is rest for the weary, And there is rest for you. On the other side, &c. 2 There is rest for the christian, &c. 3 There is rest for my brethren, &c. 4 There is rest for my sister, &c. 5 There is rest for the mourner, &c. 104 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 168 c. M. WEEP no more, oh ! my friends, Weep no more for me ; Though we part for awhile, We will soon meet again, We will soon meet again, farewell ! Hymn. — Let cares like a wild deluge come, Let storms of sorrow fall. So I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my ail. Weep no more, &c. 169 C. M. THERE you'll sing, Hallelujah I When we arrive at home, There I'll sing, Hallelujah ! All around our Father's throne. Hymn. — When I can read my title clear, To mansions in the skies ; I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. There you'll sing. &c. 170 c. M. THIS world is not my home. This world is not my home, PKOSPECT OF HEAVEN. 105 This world's a wilderness of wo, This world is not my home./ Hymn. — No chilling winds, or poisonous breath, Can reach that healthful shore. Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and feared no more. This world, &c. 2 There everlasting spring abides, &c. 171 L. M. n^EOUBLE'S over, all over, _L And then our troubles will be over, Trouble's over, all over, And then our troubles will be over. Hymn. — My suffering times will soon be o'er, And then our troubles will be over ; Then shall I sigh and weep no more, And then our troubles will be over. Trouble's over, all over, &c. 2 My ransomed soul shall soar away, And then our troubles will be over, To sing God's praise in endless day, And then our troubles will be over. Trouble's over, all over, &c. 106 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 172 L. M. WE have bnt the one more river to cross, Aud theu we'll sing, Hosanna ! We have but the one more river to cross, And theu well sing, Hosanna ! Hymn. — ^Farewell, vain world, I'm going home. And then we'll sing, Hosanna ! My Saviour smiles, and bids me come, And then we'll sing, Hosanna ! We have but the one, &c. 2 Bright angels beckon me away, And theu we'll sing, Hosanna ! To sing God's praise in endless day, And then we'll sing, Hosanna 1 We have but the one, &c. 173 c. M. I'LL never come back any more, I'll never come back any more, I'll ride in the golden chariot in the morning, I'll never come back any more. Hymn. — On Jordan's stormy bank I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. I'll never come, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 107 174 p. M. THEN we'll march around Jerusalem, We'll march around Jerusalem, We'll march around Jerusalem, When we arrive at home. Hymn. — Oh, do not be discouraged, For Jesus is your friend, And if you lack for knowledge. He'll not refuse to lend. Then we'll march, &c. 2 When I set out for glory, &c. 175 L. M. THEN we'll cross the river of Jordan, Happy, happy, We'll cross the river of Jordan, Happy in the Lord Hymn. — Farewell, vain world, I'm going home, Happy, happy, My Saviour smiles and bids me come, Happy in the Lord. Then we'll cross the river, &c. 108 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 2 Bright augels beckon me away, Happy, happy, To sing God's praise in endless day, Happy in the Lord. Then we'll cross the river, &:c. 176 L. M. * OH ! only go on, we're very near there, We'll sing and we'll shout Hosanna ! Oh ! only go on, we're very near there, We'll sing and we'll shout Hosanna ! Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, We'll sing and we'll shout Hosanna ! He whom I fix my hopes upon. We'll sing and we'll shout Hosanna ! Oh ! only go on, &c. 2 His track I see, and I'll pursue. We'll sing and we'll shout Hosanna ! The narrow way, till him I view. We'll sing and we'll shout Hosanna! Oh ! only go on, &c. PROSPECT OP HEAVEN. 109 177 . L- M. OH, glory! oh, Glory ! There's room enough in Paradise. For all a home in glory. [Rep.] Hymn. — I have some friends that's gone be- fore, I have a home in glory ; They're happy on the other shore, I have a home in glory. Oh, glory I oh, glory ! &c. 2 Farewell, vain world, I'm going home, I have a home in glory ; . My Saviour smiles and bids me come, 1 have a home in glory. Oh, glory ! oh, glory ! &c. 3 When from this earthly prison free, I have a home in glory ; That heavenly mansion mine shall be, I have a home in glory. Oh, glory ! oh, glory ! &c. 178 c. M. I WANT to go, I want to go, I want to go there too, I want to go where Jesus is, I want to go there too 110 PROSPECT OF HEAYEN. Hymn. — Let cares like a wild deluc^e come, Let storms of sorrow fall, So I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all. I want to go, &c. 2 There I shall bathe my weary soul. 179 L. M. AWAY over Jordan, view the land, view the land, Away over Jordan, view the promised land. Hymn. — I have some friends that's gone be- fore, Yiew the land, view the land, They're happy on the other shore, Yiew the promised land. Away over Jordan, &c. 2 Farewell, vain world, I'm going home, Yiew the land, view the land, My Saviour smiles and bids me come, Yiew the promised land. Away over Jordan, &c. PROSPECT of' heaven. Ill 180 L. M. CANAAN, bright Canaan ! I'm bound for the land of Canaan ; O Canaan, it is my happy home, I'm bomid for the land of Canaan. Hymn. — Come on my partners in distress, I'm bound for the land of Canaan, My comrades through this wilderness, I'm bound for the land of Canaan. Canaan, bright Canaan, &c. 181 p. M. OH, had I wings, I would fly away, and be at rest, I would praise God in his bright abode. [JRep.] Hymn. — when shall I see Jesus, And reign with him above, And from that flowing fountain. Drink everlasting love ? Oh, had I wings, &c. 182 L. M. WE'RE a going, we're a going. To the new Jerusalem, We're a travelling to a city out of sight [Rep.l 112 PKOSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn. — Farewell, vain world, I'm going home, We're a travelling to a citj out of sight, My Saviour smiles and bids me come, We're a travelling to a city out of sight. We're a going, &c. 2 Bright angels are from glory come, We're a travelling to a city out of sight. Around my bed there in my room. We're a travelling to a city out of sight. We're a going, &c. 183 p. M. ND oh, there is rest, and oh, there is rest, And oh, there is rest, there is rest. A Hymn. — Farewell to sin and sorrow, I'll bid them all adieu, And you, my friends, prove faithful, And on your way pursue. And oh, there is rest, &c. 2 And if you meet with troubles, &c. , 3 Gird on the heavenly armour, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 113 184 L. M. OHAIL, happy day ! When we get home, We'll have a shout in glory. [Rep.] Hymn. — I am glad that I am born to die, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah ! From grief and wo my soul shall flv, Oh ! Glory, Hallelujah hail, happy day, &c. 185 L. M. HAPPY day when we get home, To have a shout around God's throne ! We'll never come back any more. [Rep.] Hymn. — I love the Lord, I know I do, My brother says he loves him too. We'll never come back any more. happy day, &c. 188 p. M. YOU have a right up yonder too, You have a right up yonder too, You have a right to the tree of hfe ; And don't you want to go ? 114 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn. — Pray on sister, pray on sister, Pray on sister, oh, don't you want to go ? You have a right, &c. 2 Pray on brother, pray on brother, 3 Pray on leader, pray on leader, &c. 4 There's no sinning, there's no sighing, There's no sorrow, oh, don't you want to go ? You have a right, &c. 5 There's no weeping, there's no part- ing. There's no dying, oh, don't you want to go ? :' You have a right, &c. 6 There all are holy, there all are holy, There all are happy, oh, don't you want to go ? You have a right, &c. 187 c. M. pilgrims' home. WE'LL join the pilgrim band, And home to glory go, "We're travelling to a better land, My home is not below. [Rep-] PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 115 Hymn. — On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. "We'll join the pilgrim band, &c. 188 p. M. WE are travelling home to heaven, We are travelling home to heaven, We are travelling home to heaven, Unto that better land. Chorus. — When you reach the plains of glory, Take your harp and tell the story, Of a dear Redeemer's passion. Unto a ruined race. 2 We are fighting 'neath the banner, [i^ep.] Of King Immanuel. When you reach the plains, &c. 3 We have had our sins forgiven, [Rep.] Through Jesus' pardoning blood. When you reach the plains, &c. on't you join the army, [i2ep.] ing Immanuel ? When you reach the plains, &c. 4 Sinners, won't you join the army, [Rep.] Of King Immanuel ? 116 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 5 We're to get a goodly portion, [Rep.] When the last victory's won. When you reach the plains, &c. 189 c. M. ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye, On the other side of Jordan, Hallelujah ! To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. On the other side of Jordan, Hallelujah I Chokus. — On the other side, of Jordan, Hal- lelujah 1 On the other side of Jordan, Hal- lelujah ! [Rep.] 2 Xo chilling winds, or poisonous breath, Can reach that healthful shore. On the other side of Jordan, Hallelujah ! &c. 180 L. M. FOR I still feel I'm bound, For I still feel I'm bound, For I still feel I'm bound for glory. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Ill Hymn. — I am glad that I am born to die, For I still feel I'm bound for glory, From grief and wo my soul shall fly. For I still feel I'm bound for glory. For I still feel, &c. 191 L. M. I WANT to go to heaven, when I die, when Idle, I want to go to heaven, when I die. [Rep.] Hymn. — My suffering times will soon be o'er, I want to go to heaven when I die, Then shall I sigh and weep no more, I want to go to heaven when I die. I want to go to heaven, &c. 2 To patient faith the prize is sure, ^ I want to go to heaven when I die, And all that to the end endure, I want to go to heaven when I die. I want to go tc^heaven, &c. 192 L- M. OGLOEY ! sing the song of redeeming love, O glory ! sing the song of redeeming love. 118 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, Sing the song of redeeming love. He whom I fix my hopes upon, Sing the song of redeeming love. glory ! sing the song, &c. 2 We are travelling home to God, Sing the song of redeeming love. In the way our lathers trod, Sing the song of redeeming love. glory ! sing the song, &c. 3 I love the Lord, I know I do, &c. 193 4 lines 7's. "TXT HEN" we reach that happy shore, VV Where sin and sorrow are no more ; We'll praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. [Rep.] Hymn. — Lord, obediently we'll go, Gladly leaving all below, Only thou our leader be, And we still will follow thee. When we reach, &c. 2 Children of the heavenly King, &c PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 119 194 c. M. SWEET HOPE. IT is the hope, the blissful hope, That Jesus' grace has given, The hope when days and years are past, We all shall meet in heaven. Hymn. — Hail, sweetest, dearest tie, that binds Our glowing hearts in one ; Hail, sacred hope, that tunes our minds To harmony divine. It is the hope, &c. 2 No lingering look, no parting sigh, Our future meeting knows. There friendship beams from every eye, And hope immortal grows. It is the hope, &c. 195 c. M. HOIST every sail, to catch the gale, Each sailor apply the oar, The night begins to wear away, We soon shall reach the shore. 120 PROSPECT OF EEATEN. Hymn. — We have nailed our colours to the mast, And solemnly do declare,, We never more our flag will strike, While Jesus answers prayer. Hoist every sail, &c. 2 And are you not afraid some storm Your bark will overwhelm ? We cannot fear, the Lord is here. Our Father's at the helm. Hoist every sail, &c. 3 When all the storms of life are past, And we the port obtain, We'll praise the Lamb in nobler strains, Who died and rose again. Hoist every sail, &c. 196 L.M. I F ever I reach my Father's bright shore, I'll never come back to this world any more. PEOSPECT OP HEAVEN. 12^ Hymn. — When we land on that blest shore, We'll encamp forever more, How we'll shout, and how we'll sing 1 We'll make the upper arches ring. If ever I reach, &c. 197 L. M. WE'RE going up to heaven, where it is so happy, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah ! We're going up to heaven, where it is so happy, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah ! Hymn. — ^I'll praise my Maker while I've breath, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah I And when my voice is lost in death, Halle, Halle, Hallelujah I We're going up, &c. 198 s. M. THERE'LL be no parting there, There'll be no parting there. In heaven alone no sorrow is known, There'll be no parting there. 122 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn. — Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry. We're raarcbing through Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high. There'll be no parting there, &c. 199 c. M. I'M bound for home, for my blissful home, The home and the city above ; And all who forsake their sins may come, And dwell in that city of love. Hymn. — I seek a place which is out of sight, A city high up in the skies, There, there is my home, all pure and bright, And homeward my spirit stUl hies. I'm bound for home, &c. 2 I seek a place where they sin no more. Where Satan my foe cannot lure, And oh ! when I reach that blessed shore. My soul is forever secure. I'm bound for home, &c. PROSPECT OP HEAVEN. 123 200 L. M. OH come and go along with me. Along with me, along with me, Oh come and go along with me, Away to the promised land. Hymn. — Come sinners to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus' guest ; Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind. Oh come and go, &a. 201 L.M. T) OLL on, roll on, sweet moments, roll on, Xv And let the poor pilgrim go home, go home. [Rep.] Hymn. — Then will I tell to sinners round, What a dear Saviour I have found, I'll point to thy redeeming blood, And say, Behold the way to God I Eoll on, roll on, &c. 202 p. M. li glory be to God I 11 /TY home is over Jordan, 114 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. There you shall have a sure hiding place that _ day, When the rocks and the mountains Shall all flee away, There you shall have a sure hidu3g place that day. 2 Farewell to sin and sorrow, glory be to God ! &c. 3 Oh, do not be discouraged, &c. 203 p. M. I WILL go, I will go, I will go to heaven ; I will go, I will go in that day. Hymn. — Oh ! brother, will you meet me, meet me? Oh ! brother, will you meet me ia that day ? I will go, &c. 2 Oh ! sister, will you meet me ? &c. 3 I'm glad I've got religion, &c. 4 Oh ! sinner, will you meet me ? Ac PROSPECT OP HEAVEN. 125 204 L. M. OH, the blessed, happy land, Where the saints in glory stand, Where there's no more stormy winds arising ! Hymn. — My suffering times will soon be o'er, Where there's no more stormy winds arising, Then shall I sigh and weep no more, Where there's no more stormy winds arising. Oh, the blessed, &c. 205 L. M. FOR heaven is my home, My journey I'll pursue, I never will turn back. While heaven's in my view. Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, I never will turn back, while heaven's in my view. He whom I fix my hopes upon, I never will turn back, while heaven's in mv view. For heaven is my home, &c. 126 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 206 L. M. SOME a singing, some a shouting, When we get in the New Jeru.^alem. Hymn. — Then we'll march np the heavenly streets, "Wlien we get in the New Jerusalem, "We'll ground our arms at Jesus' fieet, "When we get in the New Jerusalem; Some a singing, &c. 207 L. M. OH, glory ! how I long to go, To hear the trumpet sound in the morning ! Hymn. — I know religion is the best, I shall hear the trumpet sound in the morning, I've got the witness in my breast, I shall hear the trumpet sound in the morning. Oh, glory ! how I long, &c. 208 p. M. WE'LL soon be done with troubles here, Troubles here, troubles here, "We'll soon be done with troubles here. Going to live with God. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 127 Hymn. — I'll expect to live forever, I'll expect to live forever, I'll expect to live forever, Goiug to live with God. We'll soon be done, &c. 2 I'll meet you in the kingdom, &c. 3 We'll walk, and talk with Jesus, &c. 4 We'll sing and shout with the angels. 209 L. M. TT^OR the reaping time will surely come, JL And christians all be gathered home, [Rep.-\ HviiN. — When we ^^t home, we'll shout and sing, We'll make the heavenly arches ring, And we'll march up the heavenly streets, ij And ground our arms at Jesus' feet. 81 fj For the reaping time, &c. 210 W L. M. E are travelling home, it won't be long, Till we join with the angels around God's throne. 128 FROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn. — This note above the rest shall swell, "We'll join with the angels around God's throne, My Jesus hath done all things well, "We'll join with the angels around God's throne. We are travelling home, &c. 2 My theme throughout eternity, "We'll join with the angels around God's throne, Shall glory, glory, glory, be, We'll join with the angels around God's throne. We are travelling home, &c. 211 p. M. PALMS of victory, crowns of glory. Palms of victory, we shall wear. Hymn. — Don't you see my Jesus coming, Don't you see him in yonder cloud, With ten thousand saints around him, See how they do ray Jesus crowd. Palms of victory, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAYEN. 129 2 There we'll range the fields of plea- sure, By our dear Eedeemer's side, Shouting, glory, glory, glory, While eternal ages glide. Palms of victory, &c. 212 L. M. TT^OR he has been with us, Jl And he still is with us, Says he will go with us to the end. Hymn. — Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, Says he will go with us to the end, He whom I fix my hopes upon, Says he will go with us to the end. For he has been with us, &c. 2 The more comes in with a free good will. Says he will go with us to the end, It makes the banquet sweeter still. Says he will go with us to the end. For he has been with us, &c. 130 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 213 L. M. THERE'S crowus above, there's crowns above, Glory to God ! there's crowns above, There's one for you, there's one for me, Glory to God ! there's crowns above. Hyjin. — A little longer here below, And then away to glory go. There's crowns above, &c, 2 My ransomed soul shall soar away. To sing God's praise in endless day There's crowns above, &c. 214 p. M. CROSS Jordan, cross Jordan, cross Jordan, And never return again. [Rep.] Hymn. — Who suffer with our master here, Master here, Master here, We shall before his face appear, And by his side sit down. Cross Jordan, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 131 2 To patient faith the prize is sure, &c. 3 I have some friends to glory gone, They'll never return again. [/2ep.] 215 p. M. OH ! he feeds on grace and glory, oh ! he feeds on grace and glory, Oh ! he feeds on grace and glory, where plea- sure never dies. Hymn. — Oh ! brother, will you meet me, meet me, meet me ? Oh ! brother, will you meet me, where pleasure never dies ? Oh ! he feeds, &e, 2 Oh ! sister, will you meet me ? &c. 3 Oh ! mourner, will you meet me ? &c. 4 I expect to live forever, &c. 218 c. M. OH ! heaven, sweet heaven, Oh, heaven of the blest ; How I long to be there. And its glory to share, And to lean on Jesus' breast. 132 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn.— On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye, To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. Oh ! heaven, &c. 2 Cheerful we'll walk the road to bliss, Joined with the happy few, And when we reach our journey end, Find heaven forever new. Oh ! heaven, &c. 217 p- M. HOME, christians, home, your home is in the skies, Home, christians, home, your home is in the skies, A few more days in sorrow, And the Lord will call us home, To walk the golden streets. Of the new Jerusalem, when shall I see Jesus, And reign with him above. To drink the flowing fountain, Of everlasting love ? Home, christians, home, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 133 218 L. M. AND oh ! if ever I reach my Father's great house, I'll never come back any more, And oh ! if ever I reach my Father's great house, I'll never come back any more. Hymn. — If you get there before I do, Look out for me, I'm coming too, I'll never come back any more. And oh ! if ever, &c. 2 How we'll shout, and how we'll sing ! We'll make the heavenly arches ring, I'll never come back any more. And oh ! if ever, &c. 219 c. M. OH, that will be joyful, joyful, joyful, Oh, that will be joyful, to meet to part no more, To meet t# part no more, on Canaan's happy shore, And sing the everlasting song with those who have gone before. 134 PEOSPECT OF HEAVEN". Hymn. — How pleasant thus to dwell below, In fellowship of love ; And though we part, 'tis bliss to know, The good shall meet above. Oh, that will be joyful, &c. 2 Yes, happy thought ; when we are free From earthly grief and pain, In heaven we shall each other see, And never part again. Oh, that will be joyful, &c. 220 p. M. MY dying day is coming. My dying day is coming, My dying day is coming. Make ready for to go. Hymn. — I expect to get to heaven, I expect to get to heaven, I expect to get to heaven, I'm on my way. My dying day is coming, &c. 2 Eeligion makes me happy, &c. 3 I think we shall get over, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAYEN. 135 221 c. M. TTTITH the land in view, then we'll journey And tell the pleasing story ; And when we reach fair Canaan's land, Then we'll all sing, Glory, glory 1 Hymn.— There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign. Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. With the land in view, &c. 222 L. M. AND yes, he is my Lord, And I'll shout, Glory I And yes, he is my Lord, And I'll shout, Glory 1 Hymn.— My Father's house is built on high, And I'll shout, Glory I Above the arched and starry sky. And I'll shout. Glory I And yes, he is my Lord, &c. 136 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 3 Then we'll walk up the golclen streets, And I'll shout, Glory! And ground our arms at Je?us' feet. And I'll shout, Glory ! And yes, he is my Lord, &c. 223 L. M. WE'RE going, we're going, we're going, To the New Jerusalem, We're going, we're going, we're going. To the New Jerusalem. Hymn. — When from this earthly prison free, We're going to the New Jerusalem, That heavenly mansion ours shall be, We're going to the New Jerusalem. We're going, we're going, &c. 2 Then we'll walk up the golden streets, We're going to the New Jerusalem, And ground our arms at Jesus' feet, We're going to the New Jerusalem. We're going, we're going, &c. 224 L. M. rilHERE'S good newS; good news, X The angels brought the tidings down ; Good news, good news, coming from the throne. * PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 137 Hymn. — Lift up your heads, Immauuers friends, Good news, good news, coming from the throne, And take the pleasures Jesus sends, Good news, good news, coming from the throne. There's good news, &c. 2 The more comes in with a free good will. Good news, good news, coming from the throne, It makes the banquet sw^eeter still, Good news, good news, coming from the throne. There's good news, &c. 225 L. M. WHAT a happy meeting up there, up there, Oh, what a happy meeting safe at home ! Hymn. — Then we'll walk up the golden streets, Up there, up there, And ground our arms at Jesus' feet, Safe at home. What a happy meeting, &c. 138 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 2 And wliea we land on that blest shore, Up there, up there, There well encamp forever more. Safe at home. What a happy meeting, &c. 226 c. M. OH, dear Jesna, oh, how long have I on earth to stay ! Roll on, roll on, ye wheels of time, That bear my soul away. Hymn. — And when the icy arms of death, Shall chill my flowing blond, With joy I'll yield my latest breath, In fellowship with God. Oh, dear Jesus, &c. 2 Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, ] Take life or friends away ; But let me find my friends again, In that eternal day. Oh, dear Jesus, &c. PEOSPECT OF HEAVEN. 139 227 p. M. T?OR to see the Lamb in glory, Jj And the angels stand inviting ; And the angels stand inviting ; For to welcome the pilgrim home. Hymn. — Through grace, I am determined To conquer though I die, And then away to Jesus, On wings of love I'll fly. For to see the Lamb, &c. 2 When I set out for glory, &c. 228 c. M. WHAT ! never part again ? No, never part again ; What ! never part again ? No, never part again, There we shall each other greet, and never never part again. Hymn. — ^When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest ? "When shall I see ray Father's face, And in his bosom rest ? What, never part again, &c. 140 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 2 When we've been there ten thousand years, &c. 3 Together let us sweetly live, &c. 229 L. M. (~1 LORY, glory ! ray body soon shall moul- T der in the grave, Glory, glory ! my body soon shall moulder in the grave. Hymn. — ]\Iy ransomed soul shall soar away, My body soon shall moulder in the grave, To slug God's praise in endless day, My body soon shall moulder in the grave, Glory, glory, &c. 2 Who suffer with our Master here, &c. 230 p. M. AWAY, away, leave all for glory, Thy name is graven on the throne ; Thy home is in yon world of glory, Where thy Redeemer reigns alone. PROSPECT OP HEAVEN. 141 Hymn. — Cheer up, cheer up, the light breaks o'er thee, Bright as the summer's noontide ray, The starry crowns, and realms of glory, Invite thy happy soul away. Away, away, &c. 2 Come thou fount of every blessing. 231 p. M. I'LL drink when I am dry, I'll drink when I am dry, I'll drink from that fountain, That never runs dry. Hymn. — A country I've found, where true joys abound, To dwell I'm determined, on that happy ground. I'll drink when I am dry, &c. 2 Oh, tell me no more of this vain world's store, &c. 142 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 232 p. M. THEN" we'll all sliout, Glory ! for glory is his own, Theu we'll all shout, Glory ! around our Fa- ther's throne. HYiiN. — Oh, there we'll live forever, Oh, don't you want to go along ? Theu ask my master Jesus, To give you the wings to move along. • Then we'll all shout, Glory ! &c. 2 There's room enough in heaveu, Oh, don't you want to go along ? Then ask my master Jesus, To give you the wings to move along. Then we'll all shout, Glory ! &c. 3 There's a better day a coming, &c. 233 L. M. IN the morning, I'm going home. In the morning, shout around his throne, In the morning, I'm going home. In the morning, shout around his throne. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 143 Hymn. — "We're happy here in clods of clay, But what is that to endless day ? In the morning, &c. 2 Oar troubles and our trials here, Will only make us richer there. In the morning, &c. 3 If you get there before I do, Look out for me, I'm coming too. In the morning, &c. 234 L. M. WE are on our journey home, Hallelujah ! We are on our journey home, Bfalle- lujah I Hymn. — And when we land on that blest shore, We are on our journey home, Hal- lelujah I There we'll encamp forever more, We are on our journey home, Hal- lelujah ! "We are on our journey, &c. 144 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 2 Oh, pray for me, I'll pray for you. We are ou our journey home, Hal- lelujah ! For that's the way the Christiana do, We are on our journey home, Hal- lelujah ! We are ou our journey, &c. 235 c. M. Tune. — I will believe. PEESS forward, press forward. The prize is in view, A crown of bright glory Is waiting for you. Hymn. — Where all things are plenteous, And the leaves are growing green, Where the parting of christians Ko more shall be seen. Press forward, &c. 2 No sickness, nor sorrow, Can enter that place ; But there we shall join In the song of free grace. Press forward, &c. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN, 145 236 L. M. WHEiST we all rise together, how happy we shall be, When we cross over Jordan, we'll sound the jubilee. [Rep.] Hymn. — And when we land on that blest shore, There we'll encamp forever more. [Rep.] When we all rise together, &c. 2 What makes me praise my Lord so bold, I've got religion in my soul. When we all rise together, c%c. 3 I have some friends to glory gone, And I'm resolved to travel on. When we all rise together, &c. 237 L. M. L ET us journey on, journey on, Hallelujah ! Let us journey oji, we'll soon get home, Hallelujah I 10 146 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Hymn. — There we'll walk the golden streets, : Hallelujah ! And ground our arms at Jesus' feet, Hallelujah ! Let us journey on, • C. M. THE DYING BACKSLIDER.* "ri bring me," said the dying fair, VT "With anguish in her tone, *' My costly robes and jewels here ; Go bring them every one." They strewed them on her dying bed, Those robes of princely cost. ♦' Father," with bitterness she said ; " For these my soul was lost. 2 " With glorious hopes I once was blest, Nor feared the gaping tomb ; * " Marching to Glory," " Christian Victor," and "The Dying Backslider," by permission, from Hunter's " Minstrels of Zion," published by Higgins & Perkinpine, Philadelphia. 304 MISCELLANEOUS. With heaven already in my breast, I looked for heaven to come : I heard a Saviour's pardoning voice, My soul was filled with peace : Father, you bought me with these toys, I bartered heaven for these. 3 Take them — they are the price of blood. For these I lost my soul ; For these must bear the wrath of God, While ceaseless ages roll : Remember, when you look on these, Your daughter's fearful doom, That she her pride and thine to please, Went quaking to the tomb. 4 " Go bear them from my sight and touch, Your gifts I here restore ; Keep them with care, they cost you much, They cost your daughter more : Look at them every rolling year, Upon my dying day. And drop for me the burning tear" — She said, and sank away. 81 p. M. PARTING HYMN. BY THE REV. DR. A. MEANS. HOW swiftly the years of our pilgrimage fly' As days, months, and years, roll silently by I MISCELLANEOUS. 305 Our days are soon numbered, and Death sounds our knell ; We scarce know our friends, till we bid tbeiu farewell — Till we bid them farewell. 2 The righteous and unrighteous all move along, In crowds towards the grave, both the old and the young : The good rise to heaven — the bad sink to hell ; They take on its verge an eternal farewell ! An eternal farewell ! 3 God ! are mankind hastening on to the tomb? Must hard-hearted sinners soon meet their sad doom? Save, save, great Kedeemer ! break the sad • spell — Forgive, and prepare them to bid earth fare- well! , To bid earth farewell ! 4 To you, fellow christian, I turn with de- light ; The grave cannot harm you — your prospects are bright : Be faithful and humble, temptations repel. You'll soon leave the world with a cheerful farewell — • With a cheerful farewell. 20 306 MISCELLANEOUS. 5 We've met here with joy, but, alas ! cannot stay — Stern Time bids us part, and T?e all must away To life's busy duties— to buy and to sell ; But, oh, in yon heaven there's no parting fare- well ! I'here's no parting farewell ! 6 Farewell, then, my brother ! in body we part, But one common Saviour unites us in heart ; Through his grace we'll conquer the world, flesh, and hell. And then bid this earth a triumphant fare- well! A triumphant farewell ! 7 Farewell to its pains ! Farewell to its cares, Its thousand misfortunes, temptations, and snares ! We'll mount on faith's pinions with angels to dwell, Where saints never hear the sad parting farewell ! The sad parting farewell ! 8 Farewell, trembling sinner, I'm free from your blood ; My message deliver'd, I leave you with God. MISCELLANEOUS. 307 I've begg'd and entreated, but dare not com- pel, Till the great judgment day I now bid you farewell ! I now bid you farewell I 82 ^- M- THE CHRISTIAN FAREWELL. rAREWELL, my brethren, all farewell 1 I leave you with the Lord ; Oh. may you shun the paths of hell By cleaving to his word 1 2 You are most near and dear to me, I have you in my heart ; Yet the best friends must sever'd be, So you and I must part. 3 Although I leave you for awhile, I'll meet you once again ; And if it be not in this world, 'Twill be on Canaan's plain. 4 There we shall meet and never part, And see our glorious King, With harp in hand we all shall stand, And Hallelujahs sing. 5 My counsel untO{;you I give, That you do ail stand fast In the sweet doctrine you've received, Of being saved by grace. 308 MISCELLANEOUS. 6 In holiness of life and word, And evidence of this, Walk in the road the Lord hath said, And you shall never miss. 7 For morning clothes put ye on these Faith, hope, and charity ; Next unto this the garment is The blest humility ; 8 The helmet of salvation next, The sword, the word of God ; Ton need not fear, but persevere To heaven your blest abode. INDEX TO CHOHUSES. — -»^3 e i » • • PASE All around our Father's dazzling throne,..., 47 Amen, Amen, my soul replies, 147 Angels are hovering around, 29 And to glory I will go — I'll go, I'll go, 62 And oh, there is rest, 112 And oh ! if ever I reach, 133 And yes, he is my Lord, 135 And oh, there is glory, 152 And if ever I reach, 158 And oh) I will go, and oh, I will go, 162 And we'll wait till Jesus come, 169 And oh ! if I was there, 174 Away, away> leave all for glory, 140 Away over in the promised land, 54 Away over Jordan, view the land, 110 Be watchful, be watchful, 78 Blow ye the trumpet, blow, 84 But you must be a lover of the Lord, 19 But Jesus, Jesus is my friend, 75 But he rose, he rose, he rose from the dead, 184 Come ye weary, heavy laden, 10 Come, go along with me, 13 Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, 15 Come in welcome, come in welcome, 16 Come over, come over, 80 Cross Jordan, cross Jordan, 130 Crying save me, save me, 26 Crying, Amen, I love Jesus, 37 Crying Hosanna ! Crying Hosanna,... 59 Crying, Amen, fight on, 79 Die in the fi.eld of battle,. 73 (309) 310 INDEX. * PAcn Down in fhat jrarden, 67 Don't get weary, don't weary, don't >veary, 92 Don't get weary, don't get weary, 97 Don't you hear the archangels singing, 157 Enter in, enter in, enter in to my glory, 155 Fight on, fight on, ye faithful souls 82 Per he has been with us, 129 For heaven is my home, 125 For he has pardoned my sins, 31 For I feel something like glory in my soul,.. 62 For I hope to shout, Glory, 149 For I still feel I'm bound, 116 For oh ! we stand on Jordan's strand, 100 For the good old way is the righteous way,.. 84 For the reaping time will surely come, 127 For to seethe Lamb in glory, 139 For they shine, shine, shine like a star, 61 For the way is so delightful, 52 Give me Jesus, give me Jesus, 40 Glory be to Jesus, glory be to Jesus, 19 Glory, honour, praise, and power, 47 Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory, 43 Glory, Glory, let us sing, 44 Glory, Glory ! my body soon shall moulder, 140 Hallelujah! glory and honour, 38 Halleluiah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah to God ! 186 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I'll belong, 65 Hallelujah! Hallelujah ! we are on, 57 Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! we are on our, 153 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! we're a happy, 69 Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! we will sing a song, 64 Hallelujah to Jesus again and again, 56 Hand in hand, to heaven let us go, 154 Happy day, happy day 61 Happy day when we get home, 87 INDEX. 311 PAGE Help me to praise my loving Saviour, 46 Ho! every one that thirsts, 9 Hoist every sail, to catch the gale, 319 Home, christians, home,... 1>">2 Home, home, sweet, sweet home, 93 Home to glory, home to glory, 15(> Hosanna, Hosanna, to the Lamb, 41 I am bound for the kingdom, 71 I am on my wjiy to Zion, ]3 I believe there's mercy for me, Lord, 24 I cannot tarry here, my Lord,. 90 I come, I come, without delay, 1?6 I feel like dying in the army of the Lord,... 72 I've been a long time travelling here below, 21 I love Jesus, I love Jesus, '^5 I love Jesus, you love Jesus, 18S I love thee, I love thee, thou knowest 175 I love the Lord, for he first loved me, 69 I love this pui-e religion, 49 I never will turn back any more, 169 I own I'm base, I own I'm vile, 3i> I soon shall pass the vale of death, 162 I want to go, I want to go, 176 I want to go, I want to go, I want to go,.... 109 I want to go to heaven, when I die, 117 I want to live a christian here, 73 I weep, I mourn, and so I get along, 2S I will be in this band, when the Lord 89 I will be in this band, when the warfare, 14S I will believe, I do believe, 25 I will go, I will go, I will go to heaven, 124 I yield, I yield, I yield, 22 If ever I reach my Father's bright shore,... 120 If the world is dark before thee, 94 If you love Jesus, hold him fast, 156 312 INDEX. PAGB I'll drink when lam dry, l4l I'll never come back any more, 106 I'll praise God until I die, 86 I'll praise the Lord, 33 I'm a pilgrim, I'm a stranger, 177 I'm a soldier for Jesus, 76 I'm bound for the promised land, 18 I'm bound for home, 122 I'm bound, I'm bound, for the New 81 Tm going up, going up, going up, 97' I'm happy, I'm happj-, 51 I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy in the, 150 I'm happy now, and I know I shall be, 44 I'm in war, I'm in war, I'm in war, 71 In the morning, I'm going home, 142 In the morning, in the morning, 184 It's a flowing from the fountain, Glory,... 99 It is the hope, the blissful hope, 119 I've listed in the army, 72 Jesus died for you, and he died for me,..,... 31 Jesus, the Jews they crucified him, 68 Keep me, Lord, keep me, Lord, until I die,.. 174 liet me go, the day is breaking, 172 Let us be engaged, be engaged, 96 Let us journey on, journey on, 145 Let us walk in the light, 93 Look away, look away, 8 Lookup yonder, look up yonder, 147 Lord, verify thy promise, 191 March along, you shall gain the victory,.,,. 88 My dying day is comiug, 134 My home is over Jordan, 60 My home is over Jordan, Glory be to God, 123 'So more, no more, 44 No, no ! never will come back any more, .... 43 O Canaan, bright Canaan, IIL INDEX. 313 PAGE children, be engaged, 96 children, praise him, 46 come and join our pilgrim band, 91 glory be to God, that rules on high, 161 Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, 33 Glory I sing the song of redeeming love,.. 117 hail, happy day, 113 hail ! hail ! I long to join, 54 happy day when we get home, 113 Israel, who's on the Lord's side, 78 mourner, you shall gain the day, 20 my Saviour, come my Saviour, j 36 poor sinner, view your Saviour, 2Q save. save, save mighty Lord, 29 stand the storm, it won't be long, 95 sweet Canaan ! sweet Canaan, 158 turn, sinners, turn, 9 victory, victory, victory all the way> 88 who's like Jesus ? 66 Oh, come ! and will you go ? 7 Oh, come ! oh, come ! and go with me, 8 Oh, dear Jesus, oh, how long have I, 138 Oh, for justifying grace, 50 Oh, give God the glory, 54 Oh, Glorj', Glory to the Lamb, 60 Oh, Glory ! how I long to go, 126 Oh, Glory! oh, Glory, 109 Oh, had I wings, I would fly away, Ill Oh! Hallelujah ! grace is free, 17 Oh! Hallelujah! praise ye the Lord, 35 Oh ! he feeds on grace and glory, 131 Oh! heaven, sweet heaven, 131 Oh ! heaven, sweet heaven, when shall I see, 173 Oh; hinder me not, for I will serve the Lord, 53 Oh, how charming, how charming is Jesus,.. 190 Oh! he's taken my feet from the mire 51 314 INDEX. PAGa Oh ! how good it is, for us to be bless'd, 42 Oh, how he bleedti, 66 Oh! how merciful, 23 Oh! if I was there, 149 Oh! I'll not die here, 21 Oh, my soul's happy, 42 Oh, no ! oh, no ! none but the righteous, 32 Oh ! only go on, we're very near there, lOS Oh, that will be joyful, .♦ 63 Oh, that will be joyful, 133 Oh! the bleeding Lamb, 67 Oh the blessed, happy land, 125 Oh ! the judgment day is coming, 177 Oh the Lamb, the loving Lamb, 24 Oh! there will be mourning, ISl Oh, to know the love of Jesus,. .= 190 Oh! we'll give him all the glory, 152 Oh, whata happy day, 164 Oh! when I was a sinner, 30 Oh ! when shall I see Jesus? 53 Oh! where shall I go, 23 Oh, who's like Jesus ? Hallelujah, 27 Oh! worthy, oh! worthy, 175 Oh! yes, free grace, free grace, 49 Oh yes, oh yes, it was for you, 68 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, 116 Only let my soul be happy, 43 On the other side of Jordan, 103 On the other side of Jordan, Hallelujah !.... 146 Palms of victory, crowns of glory, 128 Please, Lord, give me the wings, 47 Pray on, pray on, ye true believing soula,.... 73 Press forward, press forward, 144 Remember me, remember me, 28 Koll on, roll on, sweet momentiS, roll on, 123 INDEX. 315 PAGE Send the sanctifying power in the army, 79 Shout, shout, we're gaiuing ground, 83 Shouting Glory, glory to the Lamb, 185 Sing on, pray on, 65 Sing Glory, glory to the Lamb, 167 Singing, oh. Glory, 172 Some a singing, some a shouting, 126 So fare ye well, so fare ye well, 165 Soon the joyful news will come, 167 Striving, still striving, for my soul, 70 Take up your cross, and pray children, 95 That blissful place is my father-land, 99 The judgment day is rolling round, 180 The old ship Zion is passing by, 167 The way to heaven is free for all, 11 The year of jubilee has come, 11 Then don't let us talk about suffering here,.. 98 Then drink free children, 17 Then we'll all shout Glory,. 142 Then we'll cross the river of Jordan, 107 Then we'll go home, 164 Then we'll march around Jerusalem, 107 Then we shall be free, 150 Then you'll cry, and want to be, 10 There is a rest remains, 92 There is glory in my soul, 38 There is union in heaven, 39 There'll be no pnrting there, 121 There's balm in Gilead, 27 There's good news, good news, 136 There's crowns above, 130 There's power in Jesus' blood, 22 There we'll sing redeeming love, 168 There you'll sing, Hallelujah 154 There you'll sing, Hallelujah, 104 316 INDEX. PAGE There you shall wear a starry crown, 187 They're coming home, 165 This religion you believe, 37 This world is not my home, 104 Travel on, believers, travel on, 81 Travel on, travel on, 91 Troubles over, all over, 105 Truly believe, and you shall be saved, 15 Turn to the Lord, and seek salvation, 7 Victory, victory, 50 We all love Jesus, Glory, Hallelujah, 34 We are all united heart and hand, 188 We are on our journey home, Hallelujah, 143 We are on our road passing over, 87 We are passing away, 179 We are passing away, 180 We are travelling home, it won't be long,.... 127 We are travelling home to heaven, 115 We are wearing away, 179 We have but the one more river to cross, 106 Weep no more, oh, my friends, 104 Weep, weep, mourn, mourn, 22 We'll all unite in heavenly union, 77 We'll go home in the morning, 161 We'll join the pilgrim band, 114 We'll praise him, praise him, 40 We'll pray all around the altar, 75 We'll serve the Lord., 189 We'll soon be done with troubles here, 126 We'll tear the powers of Satan down, 89 We'll wait till Jesus comes, 102 We'll wait, we'll wait, 90 We're a going, we're a going, Ill We're going away, we're going away, 164 We're going down to Jordan, 85 We're going up to heaven, 121 INDEX. 31' PAGB We're going, we're going, 136 We're travelling home to heaven above, 187 We're travelling to our happy, 159 We're travelling to the grave, 182 What a happy meeting up there, 1J^7 What! never part again ? no, never, 139 What ship is this you're going on board? 170 When I am happy, I can sing, 58 When my soul's happy, I can sing, 153 When on Zion we stand, 58 When the mighty, mighty, mighty trumpet, 183 When this poor body lies mouldering 101 When wo all get to heaven, 36 When we all rise together, 145 When we land on the shore, .160 When we reach that happy shore, 118 Where, where are the Hebrew children,... 34 Why he has been with us, 74 Will you go with me? 14 With crowns in view, 155 With the laud in view, 135 Wrestle on, wrestle on, 76 Yea, Lord, Amen, this warfare, 77 You have a right up yonder too, 113 ' t se i « • ■ INDEX TO HYMNS. A few more days on earth to spend, 222 A hope of heaven, a precious treasure, 216 And must I bear the cross alone? 239 A pilgrim in this desert world, 210 Attend, young friends, whilst I relate, 192 Away with all of creature charms, 207 313 INDEX. FAGB Afflicted saint ! to Christ draw near, 274 All went up to Calvary,.. 288 Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring, 229 By faith I view my Saviour dying, 258 Can you slight your great Creator ? 197 Come, brothers, who do love the Lord, 264 Come, children, let us sing, 280 Come, classmates, don't grow weary, 224 Come, little children, now we may partake a little moi'Sel, 227 Come, mourning sinner, and dry up your tears, 196 Come, poor, guilty, anxious mourner, 193 Come, poor sinner, come to Jesus, 291 Come, saints and sinners, hear me tell, 253 Dressed uniform Christ's soldiers are, 242 Farewell, my brethren, all farewell, 307 For me to live is Christ, 281 ** Go bring me," said the dying fair 303 Happy is the man who has chosen Wisdom's ways, 298 Happy the spirit released from its clay, 302 How swiftly the years of pilgrimage fly! 304 I asked the glad and happy child, 251 I came to the spot where the white pilgrim lay, 236 I have a never failing Bank, 237 I long to see the season come, 286 I love it — I love it — and who shall dare, 241 I'm but a stranger here. Heaven is my home, 278 I'm travelling through the wilderness, 273 In de dark woods, no Indian nigh, 247 Is there a thing that moves and breaks, 269 Ijet others delight in the gambols of mirth, 226 Low down in this beautiful valley, 249 INDEX. 319 PAGE My brethren, I have found, 209 My days are gliding swiftly by, 257 My soul's full of glory, 214 My soul is now united, 204 Now in a song of grateful praise, 266 Now the christian pilgrim sings, 212 O'er on the banks of life's pure river, 282 O'er the distant mountains, 'neath the east- ern skies, 275 Oh, they tell me thou art gone, loving Jesus, 284 Once upon the stormy ocean, 296 sinners, sinners, don't you see, 255 Our bondage it will end, 248 Our kindred dear to heaven have gone, 300 Out on an ocean all boundless we ride, 246 Zion, when I think of thee, 218 Pilgrim and stranger, sadly I roam, 244 River of death, thy stream I see, 232 Since man by sin has lost his God, 250 Since meridian light commenced, 230 Sinner, go, will you go, 254 Sinner, spare that name, 195 Skeptic! spare that book, 263 Softly the penitent,. ........ 199 Soldiers of the cross, arise, 294 Star of peace, to wanderers given, 235 The angels that watched 'round the tomb.... 233 The specious world promiscuous flows, 271 There is a blessed volume, whose page is fair and bright, 277 There is a land of pleasure, 270 There is an hour of peaceful rest, 223 There we shall reign with Jesus, 261 There's a friend above all others, 260 Time speeds away, away, away ! 207 'Tis a calm, still night, 285 320 INDEX. PA6B Though in a world of sickness, 267 We speak of the realms of the blesstd, 290 ^Ye have heard from that bright, that holy land, ; 219 "What if our bark o'er life's rough wave, 221 What to me are earth's pleasures,..., 297 When clad in the garments of sorrow, 206 "When I call to my remembrance, 201 "When Jesus, my Saviour, first called me, 234 "When pulse beats low, 218 "When the last trumpet sound, 293 Ye wanderers, attend, and give ear, 200 NEW CHORUSES. Come, let ujs sing unto the Lord, 151 Let us never mind the scoff's, 166 Oh come and go along with me, 123 Oh I'm so glad, that .Jesus came the world to save, 45 Oh turn poor sinner, 182