HYMNS O F £ * MAY 15 1936 INTERCESSION FOR All MANKIND, I exhort therefore, that firft of all, fupplications, prayera, interceflions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men, i Tim. ii. i. ************************************ BRISTOL: PRINTED BY E. FARLEY, IN SMALL-STREET. MDCCLVIII. HYMNS o F Intercession, HYMN I: For all Mankind. i )eC3o£)S(ET G cd, who comforts the diflreft, £]£ T &3 Let Israel's Consolation hear, j-V ■L' Jj HearHeLYGHOST,ourjointrequeft, wv^T v/ And fhcwThyfclfThe Comforter, MdtJ«M And fweU ^'inexplicable groan, And breathe our wiflies to the Throne. x We weep with thofe that weep below. And burthen'd for thafflided figh : The various fcenes of human woe Excite our fofteft fympathy, Fill every heart with mournful care, And draw out all our fouls in prayer. 3 We wrellle for the Ruin'd Race, By fin eternally undone, Unlefs Thou magnify thy grace, And make thy richeft mercy known, A 2 And 4 Hymns of Intercession. And make thy vanquifh'd rebels find Pardon in Christ for all mankind. 4. Father of everlafting love, To every foul thy Son reveal, Our guilt and fuffering to remove, Our deep original wound to heal, And bid the Fallen Raee arife, And turn our earth to Paradife. HYMN II. For Peace. 1 /'"YUR earth we now lament to fee V_y With floods of wickednefs o'erfiow'd, With violence, wrong, and cruelty One wide-extended field of blood, Where men, like fiends, each other tear, In all the hellifh rage of War. 2 As lifted on Abaddon 's fide, They mangle their own flefh, and flay : Tophet is mov'd, and opens wide Its mouth for its enormous prey, And myriads fink beneath the grave, And plunge into the flaming wave. 3 O might the univerfal Friend This havock of his creatures fee ! Bid our unnatural difcord end, Declare us reconcil'd in Thee, Write kindnefs on our inward part?, And chafe the Murderer from our hearts. 4 Who nonv againft each other rife, The nations of the earth conflrain To follow after peace, and prize The blefiings of thy righteous reign, The joys of unity to prove, The Paradife of perfett love. Hymns 0/ Intercession. HYMN III. For the Church Catholick. 1 A LL nations, tongues, and people blefs jf\ Bat chiefly, O Thou Tri-une God, Proteft thy Ifrael in diftrefs, Throughout the world difperft abroad, Hated, opprelt ; thy Church defend, And blefs, and fave them to the end. 2 Forth from the midft of Babel call Thy fervants who thy word obey, Before thy plagues o'erwhelm them all, That own the Beastly Pontiff's fway, Before thy fiery breath confume The laft great Antichrift of Rome. 3 Thou knowft, th' ufurping Man of fin O'er all thy purer Churches reigns : This cruel Antichrift within, He holds our ftruggling fouls in chairr, Or fits fublime in Mofes Chair, And lords it o'er thy people there, 4 Come, glorious God, our fouls unbind. And let the reign of Satan ceafe, And let thy Spoufe on Thee reclin'd Afcend out of the wildernefs, From every fpot and wrinkle clear, And perfed as her Hufband hire. HYMN IV; For the Church of England. 1 J^T"MLL then preferve the faithful feed, X The Remnant left in Britain's land. The defolate Church, whofe caufe we plead, In whofe defence we firmly itand, A 3 H« 2 Hymns 0/ Intercession. Her breaches mourn, her burthens bear In all the agony of prayer. Jesus, her ruinous walls rebuild, And let them with thy praife refound ; With peace her palaces be fill'd, Plenty be in her temples found, Plenty of unbought milk and wine, Fulnefs of living Bread divine. Her flumbring Guides and Watchmen roufej And on her rifing ramparts place, Give them a voice to ihake thy houfe, The rocks to break, the dead to raife, To bring them up from nature's grave, And the whole houfe of Ifrael fave. For this Thou hearftthy Spirit groan, O that Thou wouldft thy power difplay 3 Divide the heavens, and come down, Convert our nation in a day, And fpread our faith thro' earth abroad, And fill the univerfe with God. HYMN V. For the Same. 1 TF now Thou doft thy work revive, JL If itill Thou doft thy Church increafe* PerM to fave our fouls alive, Jesus, ftand by thy witnefles, And every curfed thing remove, And every bar to perfecl love. 3 The vile abufers of thy grace, The men of lips and lives unclean, Above thy oracles who praife - The dreams, of Nicholas obfcene, Retrain Hymns of Intercession. Reftrain by thy great arm alone, And drive their Idol from his throne. 3 Who moft withftand the gofpel-word Of real, inward righteoufnefs, Betray Thee, while they call Thee Lord, In words exalt, in deeds debafe, Tell them, they fhall no farther go To ferve the interefts of thy Foe. 4 Root up the tares by Satan fown, The ivbifpering Hypocrites expel, And caft ihefoft Accufer down, But fpare the men inflam'd of hell, Nor let them all their burthen bear, Or gnaw their tongues in fad defpair. $ The Brethren — falfe, by ftealth crept i», Thy caufe and people to difgrace, Deceiving and deeeiv'd by fin, By Satan with his mining face, Detecl: them, Lord, and fcatter wide The fpecious fons of gilded pride. 6 Let none within the pale be found But fimple Ifraelites indeed, But men of upright hearts and found, The humble, poor, and holy feed, Who truly are what they profefs, Thy band of blood-bought witnefies. HYMN VI. For the Minifters of the gofpel. l T)UT more than all let thofe be clean | j Who bear the veffcls of the Lord, Preferv'd from their befetting fin, The fin by God and man abhor'd, Which caft th' afpiring Angels down, And robs thy fervants of their crown. 8 Hymns of Intercession. r Ah ! who are as thy fervants blind, And ignorant of Satan's arts \ (Their feeble inexperienc'd mind Open to all his fiery darts) To every fin and error prone, Without thine utmoft grace undone. 3 What but thy love's almighty power Can fave a Minifter of grace, Can refcue in that perilous hour, When wond'ring crowds the preacher praife, And tempt the Idol to blafpheme, As God's great work were linked with Him ! 4 Thou evevlafting Strength divine, All things are poflible to thee (' Let every meflenger of thine Out of the depth of poverty, On Jesus every moment call, And feel that Thou art all in all. HYMN VII. For the fame, YET hear us, for the Labourers hear, And fpeed, O God, the gofpel -plough : Blefl with a never-ceafing-fear, To Thee let all their fpirits bow, And own, while humbled in the duft, God only wife, and ftrong, and juft. O may they r.ever feek their own, Or truft, or in themfelves delight, Let e?ch defpife himfelf alone, Lefs than tl^e leaft in his own fight, Not worthy to declare thy word. Or fervc the lervants of his Lord. While Hymns of Intercession. 3 While to the work their lives they give, Thy love of folitude infpire : Nightly let thy difciples leave The crowd, and to the Mount retire, Secretly call'd to reft apart, And talk with Jesus in their heart. 4 Stir up the Souls by them begot Ceafelefs in their behalf to cry, And keep them, that they perifh not, Thine all-fufficient grace fupply, Preferve from twice ten thoufand fnares, And give them to their children's prayers. HYMN VIII. For the fame. i AH! moft companionate High-priefl, ±\. Thy tempted Meflengers defend, Honour'd, expos'd, above the reft, To them thy timely fuccour fend, With each in his temptation {lay, Nor call one helplefs foul away. • Save them from pride, and worldly love, From envy mean and bafe defire ; Their luft of praife and power remove, Walk with thy fervants in the fire, Appear their Leader on the flood, And prop them with the arm of God. 3 Shew them, their ftrength and fafety lies In clofely copying after Thee, In boldly labouring up the Skies, In full divine conformity, In fervent zeal to do and bear, In all thg powers of faithful prayer. EntVing io Hymns of Intercession. 4 Ent'ring irto their clofet, Lord, Thee let them daily feek, and find, Studious to preach, and live thy word, To copy out thy perfect mind, To be as Thou their Matter art, Lowly, and meek, and pure in heart. HYMN IX. For the fame. i T ORD of the gofpel-harveft fend J[ j More Labourers forth into thy field, More Pallors teach thy flock to tend, More Workmen raife thy houfe to build, His work, and place to each aflign, And cloath their word with power divine. 2 But chiefly to thy mild command The Mafters of our Ifrael bow : Stars let them mine in thy right-hand (Ecclipb'd alas ! and wandring now !) Who do not yet thy kingdom fee, But afk, how can the myftery be ? 3 Light of the world, thy beams impart, To make thy witneiTes, appear ; Thy Spiri? mining in the heart Appoints the gofpel-minifter : Now, Lord, the gracious wonde.r fhew, An Angel on thy Church bellow. 4 Mov'd by our long-continued cry, Some Apoflolic Father raife, Our want of Labourers to fupply, T' admit the vefTels of thy grace, To lay on hands, o'er rul'd by thine, And recognize the Call Divine. HYMN o Hymns of Intercession. ii HYMN X. For his Majefty King George. Thou, who haft in fpecial grace To Us a Nurfing-father given, Still let thine arms of love embrace The chofen Delegate of heaven, Preferve, Almighty King of kings, And wrap Him in thy Mercy's wings. From violent and perfidious foes Cover his venerable head ; The joy that from religion flows, The Spirit in his heart be fhed, To feal Him thine adopted fon, Heir of an everlafting throne. Attentive to thy people's prayers, Which evermore for Him afcend, Thy mercy counts his hoary hairs ; Thy mercy fhall his houfe defend, With bleflings blefs his facred line, And crown with righteoufnefs divine. HYMN XI. For the Prince of Wales. WHEN late tranflated to the fldes He ga.ns the never-fading crown, O let his rightful Heir arife, To tread the world and Satan down, With every royal grace endow'd To build, and guard the Houfe of God. Thro* 12 Hymns of Intercession. 2 Thro' Him to Britain's realms reftore The blcfling of joZal\ iyvay, While faith's full purity and power Bring back that antient gofpel-day, Abundant peace on earth is given, And righteoufnefs comes down from heaven* H HYMN XII. For the King of Pruffia. E AD over all in earth and fkies, 3 Whiie men and fiends againft them rife, Be mindful of thy members here, Nor let thy changelefs promife fail, Nor let th' infernal gates prevail. By Thee if rightful Monarchs reign, If all things bow to thy command, Thy power, to ftrengthen and fuftain, Be on the Man of thy right-hand ; Arm him with thine and Gideon's fword To fight the battles of the Lord. The Champion of Religion pure, To fall the laft, He Hands alone : His foes have made his ruin fure, And fpoil'd his life,, and feiz'd his throne, Thy Church with Him in hope o'erpower'd, And all thine heritage devoured. But is th' almighty God reftrain'd To fave by many or by few ? Almighty God, lay to thine hand, For now — He knows not what to do — * Pufh'd to the laft extremity, He finks — He lifts his eyes to Thee ! Arm • Written before the Battle of Ro/bach, Nov. 5. Hymns of Intercession. ij 5 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake, Thine own refiftlefs ftrength put on, Preferve him for thine Ifrael's fake, To make thy power, and mercy known, Thy Church t'exalt, thy foes to fname, And fpread thro' earth thy Saving Name. HYMN XIII. For the fame. i TT7HILE yet we call, the prayer is feal'd, W Thou anfwereft " here am I to fave ! * Thou haft thy faithful word fulfill'd, Thy fovereign Nod the vittory gave, Whate'er fubfervient caufes join, O King of kings, the wor k is thine. 2 Thee let thy profperous Servant own Sole Author of his ftrange fuccefs, Who lifteft up, and cafteft down, But doft with all thy bleffings blefs The man that in his Maker trufts, And glories in the Lord of hofts. 3 Rais'd up thro' Thee the righteous man, Call to thy foot, and girt by Thee, Bid him a Second Cyrus, reign, And execute thy whole decree ; Kings to his fword as duft beftow, As driven Hubble to his bow. 4 Whom thou doft for thy glory chufe, Arm, and uphold with thy right-hand : The loins of hoftile Monarchs loofe, Nations fubdue to his command, While nought his rapid courfe can flay, Nor earth, nor hell obftruft his way. B Before 14 Hymns of Intercession. 5 Before thy chofen Servant go, Thine utmoft counfel to fulfil, And when his work is done below, And when he hath perform'd thy will, Turn on him, Lord, thy Son embrace, And Ihew him all thy glorious Face. 'S HYMN XIV. For the fame. TILL in the arms of faith and prayer, (The prayer that fhuts and opens heaven) Thy Champion to thy throne we bear ; To Him the farther grace be given ; Sav'd from his foes, perfifl toblefs, And fave him from his own fuccefs. 2 While diflant climes refound his name, And raife his glory to the Ikies, O might he all the praife difclaim, Little, and mean in his own eyes, And proftrate in the duft fubmit To lay his lawrels at thy feet. 3 Far from his generous bofom chafe Tnat cruel infolence of power, Which tramples on the human race, Reftlefs to have, and conquer more, While bold above the clouds t'afcend, The Hero finks into a Fiend. \. Thou by the Chriflian Hero Hand, And guard the liTues of his heart, Let mercy all his powers command, Mercy his inmoft foul convert, M&rcy, which came from Heaven, to find To die for — him, and all mankind. Hymns of Intercession. 5 The fword, which he reluctant drew, O mav he loon rejoice to fheath, And rendring Thee the glory due, Sole Arbiter of life and death, His Saviour, and the World's confers, And triumph in eternal peace. HYMN XV. For the Britijh Nation. i A H ! whither mould we fly £\_ In peril and diltrefs, While all the dogs of war are nigh, T he Enemies of peace ! Almighty God of love, On Thee our fouls we call : Hide Thou our hunted lives above, And fave the land at laft. 2 A Leopard watches o're Our cities night and day, Prepar'd with unrelenting pow el To fpring upon the prey : The rilien armies wait, Lur'd by die fcent of blood, As awful minillers of fate, As thunder-bolts of Gor>. 3 Yet if our fin demands, Its juft reward of pain, O let us fall into the hands Of God, and not of man : His tender mercies wound, Remorielefs as the grave ; But pity in thy wrath is found, Which onlv ftrikes to fave. In i6 Hymns of Intercession. 4 In meafure then reprove, In love thine own chaftize, But baffle, and far off remove, Our threatning enemies j Blafl their devices, Lord, Nor let their counfel ftand, Knap Thou the fpear, and wreft the fwoi d Out of the ruffians hand. 5 Th)felf the men refrain Who our deftruclion feelc, So fhall they fiercely flrive in vain The fecret bar to break : Their bound they cannot pafs, If God affign their bound, And Jesvs, as a wall of brafs, Our favour'd Ifle furround. 6 But our defence is fure, Whate'er event betide, Beneath th' Almighty Shade fecure Thy faithful ones abide : 'Till all the tyranny, Of earth and hell is o'er, Jesus, thy mighty name fhall be Our adamantine tower. 7 Tho' famine, plague, and fword Hung e'er our finful land, The means of fwift prevention, Lord, Are in thine only hand : Or if the curfe defcend, By fovereign Love fubdued, The curfe fhall blefs, the ill fhall end In everlafting good. HYMN Hymns of Intercession*. 17 H Y M N XVI. For the Magijlratcs. 1 "J~pOuNTAiN of power and dignity, X* Thy Delegate* preferve and blefs, Ordain'd, not by the crowd, but Thee, To curb the floods of wickednefc, Commiflion'd Minifters of thine, Cloath'd with authority divine. 2 Strengthen them in the gap to ftand, To bear the fword, and not in vain, To fpread thy terror thro' the land, And truth and righteoufnefs maintain, And antient Piety reftore In all its purity and power. 3 The Guardians of Religion true, Its WitnefTes vouchfafe to make r And when Thee in the clouds we view, And when Thou dort the kingdom take, The good they did thy Church reward As done unto her heavenly Lord. H Y M N XVII. For the Nobility. 1 (~+ R E AT Builder of thy Church below, \J" Who doft e'en now the wall repair, Shall none of all our Nobles (hew His zeal, the happy toil to mare, Shall none his lofty neck incline, Or in thy glorious fervice join ? s Ah ! wou'dft Thou in their hearts begin The work of thy redeeming grace ! The lords of earth, the flaves of fia Out of their chains of darknefs raife, B 3 Of 18 Hymns of Intercession. Of pleafure, ignorance, and vice, And turn their paflions to the Ikies. 3 Endue with wifdom from above Their fouls, when precious in thy fight Their honour be thy pard'ning love, Thy fervice their fupreme delight, Their inconceivable reward, Their heaven, Contemplating the Lord ! HYMN XVIII. For the Parliament. i OPIRIT of heavenly counfel, come, O To teach our Senators thy will, (To flay a finking Nation's doom, The wifdom from above reveal) Nor let them join the impious crowd, Nor let them fcorn to fear their God. 2 The wifdom that departs from fin, The gracious principle infufe, To keep their hands and confcience clean, To fit them for their Saviour's ufe j Now, Saviour, now to each impart A fingle eye, and upright heart. 3 Now let the generous Patriots rife, The burthen of our land to ihare, With pleafure, luxury, and vice To wage an everlafbng war, Bold to defend Religion's caufe, And glory in thy flighted crofs. 4 Their firft concern, their foremofl aim, Thy kindom to advance below, While all united in thy name Their zeal for thy Vicegerent fhew, Upon their hearts their Country take, Ar.d love, and fave her for thy fake. Hymns of Intercession. 19 HYMN XIX. For the Fleet. 1 TV /TOST patient God, regard our prayer, j[VX If all the riches of thy grace Can fave the Reprobates that dare Provoke Thee daily to thy face, 'Gainft higheft heaven defiance breathe* And rufh upon eternal death. 2 Blafphemers of thy awful Name, To Satan in one Spirit join'd, Our Nation's and our Nature's fhame, The Scum, and refufe of mankind, Whole horrid lives, and language, fhew How kindred fiends converfe below. 3 Thefe are the Bulwark of our land, Our laft refource in danger's hour ! But who fhall quench the blazing brand , The wretched flaves to Satan's power T What arm can our Defenders fave, Or pluck them from the Jiery wave ? 4 Anfwer, Thou bleeding Love divine, Whofe word is to thy Rebels paft ; The forces of the world are thine,* And muft be brought to God at laft ; Thine is th'abundance of the fea : Now, Lord, convert them all to Thee. H HYMN XX. For the Army. OW, O Thou fovereign Lord of hofts, Can w e thy flighted aid engage, * lfaiahlx. 5. Who 20 Hymns of Intercession. Who vainly fwell with impious boafts, Who war with our Creator wage, But fcorn beneath thy fhoke to mourn, But will not to our Smiter turn. 2 Thou canft nottruft us with fuccefs, So proud, lb contrary to Thee, So funk in vice and wickednefs ; Defpifers of the Deity, Our righteous recompenfe we find, Defpis'd ourfelves by all mankind, 3 Yet ftill thy lingring pity fpares An Army for deitruftion meet, A bundle of devoted tares — But mingled with the facred wheat, The praying Few, that know thy name, And keep the tares out of che flame. 4 Still may the righteous Ten prevail, And fkreen the wicked from their doom : Jesus, fufpend thy fiery hail, Nor let thine utmoft judgment come, The punifhment our crimes require, The vengeance of eternal fire. 5 Yet if Thou muft thy foes chaftize, And (weep them off to their own place, By whom Thou wilt let Jacob rife, The remnant fmall, the fons of grace : Give the fuccefs, Almighty Lord, To Gideon's men, and Gideon's fword. 6 Bring back thofe wond'rous days of old,. When Thou didft for thy people fight, And faithful men, divinely bold, Put all the Pagan holts to flight, With heavenly panoply endued, The armies of the living God. Mafter, Hymns of Intercession. 21 7 Mufter, thy hoft, great God of war, Thy hoft of holy ones below, Put forth thy ftrength, thine arm make bare, Forth with the T6una'rirg Legion go, Beneath thy bloody banner join, And bid them Conquer in this sign \ 8 Then at thy reconciling word Throughout the earth let fightings ceafe, Be Thou extol'd, the common Lord, The Prince of univerfal peace, With glorious majefty appear, And fix thy heavenly kingdom here. HYMN XXI. For the Univerftties. 1 *TT^EACHER divine, with melting eye X, Our ruin'd Seats of Learning fee, Whofe ruling Scribes thy truth deny, And perfecute thy Saints, and Thee, As hir'd by Satan to fupprefs, And root up every feed of grace. 2 As Hereticksand Lollards fiill Thy faithful Confeflbrs they brand, With all their ftrength and knowing fkill Thy Spirit and his work withftand, In league with hell thy throne t'o'erthrow, And raife the kingdom of thy foe . 3 Where knowledge vain, unfanftified Fills every fynagogue and chair, Where pride and unbelief prefide, And wage with heaven immortal war, The Prophets nurfing-fchools are thefe, Or finks of defperate wickednefs \ True 22 Hymns of Intercession. 4 True Prophets once they furily bred, And Champions for th'IncarnateGoD, Who liv'd thy dying love to fpread, Who feal'd the record with their blood, The truth, the way, the life of grace, Blafphem'd by their degenerate race. 5 But wilt Thou let the Fountains fail, Or flow thro' earth with ftreams impure Thy gofpel muft at laft prevail, Thy word from age to age endure, And Learning fallen' d to the Crofs Forever ferve thy glorious Caufe. HYMN XXII. For the fame. i "^TOW, Lord, in anfwer to our prayer, X >l Let Learning and Religion meet, Pleafant the City Hands and fair,* Of Piety the antient feat, But O ! the ftreams that murmur round Are naught, and barren is the ground. 2 Jesus, our true Elilha, Lord, And God the Saviour-Goo moll high, Thyfelf give out the healing word, The gofpel-crufe with fait fupply, And charge the Prophets Sons to bring, And caft the fait into the fpring. 3 Out of themfelves Apoftles raife, And Pallors after thy own will, Whofe word may miniiler the grace, Whofe gofpel may the waters heal, To earth its fruitfulnefs reftore, 'Till curfe, and death fhall be no more. HYMN * 2 Kings ii. 1 9, &c. Hymns of Intercession. : HYMN XXIII. For all that travel by land or by water BENEATH thy kind protedion keep Whoe'er by land their way purfue, Or tempt the dangers of the deep, O Jet them there thy wondsrs view, Held in the hollow of thy hand, Brought thro' a thoufand deaths to land. HYMN XXIV. For all women labouring of child. T Or painfully approaches near, Preferve from a mifcarrying womb, From all they feel, and all they fear ; The curfe into a blefling turn, And bid each ftruggling child be born. 2 Arretted by the pains of hell, The mothers refcue from the grave ; Or to their parting fouls reveal Thy love, and in child-bearing fave : Up from the gates of death bring back, Or Rachel to thy bofom take. w H Y M N XXV, For all ftck Perfons. HO languifh on a bed of pain, With various maladies of foul, Healer divine, in life detain, ' Till Thou haft made their fpirits whole ; Or let them here thy goodnefs fee, Or fit, or take them up to Thee. 24 Hymns of Intercession. ] HYMN XXVI. For young Children. STILL, Lord, the little ones receive, Near every child bis angel place : Or let them to thy glory live, Or caught from our contagious race, Exulting with their guardians fly, To live where they can never die. HYMN XXVII. For all Prifoners and Captives. THE Prifoners, as confin'd with them, Jesus, we offer up to Thee : All-good, almighty to redeem, Lead captive their captivity, To perfect liberty reftor'd Send forth the freemen of the Lord. HYMN XXVIII. For the fatherlefs Children. RELIEVE whoe'er thy fuccour need, A Father to the Orphans be, Who doftthe hungry ravens feed, Provide for all that cry to Thee, The poor and Fatherlefs defend, Their fure, their everlafting Friend. HYMN Hymns $/ Intercession. 25 HYMN XXIX. For Widows, THE Widows defolate, diftreft, Into thine arms of mercy take, And tell them leaning on thy breaft. Thou never wilt the foul forfake Whofe humble faith in Thee receives An Hufbartd that forever lives. HYMN XXX. For our Enemies^ Perfecutors, and Slan- derers. WHO hunt our fouls with cruel fcorn Who hate and vex us without caufe, Our bittereft Perfecutors turn, Like thofc that nail'd Thee to thy a Freely by Thee, by us forgiven, O let us meet our Foes in heaven. HYMN XXXI. - For our unconverted Relations, BY wifdom meek, and patient pain, By labour of unwearied love, Give us our houlhold foes to gain; Or if we firft from earth remove, Yet grant our heart's extreme defire, And lave them, fave them as by fire ! HYMN 26 Hvmns of Intercession. HYMN XXXII. For the Jews. i TMTHER of faithful Abraham hear, J/ Our earneft fuit for Abraham's feed : Juftly they claim the fofteft tear From us, adopted in their Head, Who mercy thro' their Fall obtain, And Christ by their rejection gain. 2 Outcafts from Thee, and fcatter'd wide Thro' every nation under heaven, Blafpheming Whom they crucified* Unfav'd, unpitied, unforgiven, Branded like Cain, they bear their load, Abhor'd of men, andcurft^fGoD. 3 But haft Thou finally forfook, Forever caft thine own away ? Wilt Thou not bid the Murderers look Gn Him they pierc'd, and weep, and pray ? Yes, gracious God, thy word ispaft, All Ifrael fliaU be fav'd at laft. 4 "Come then, Thou great Deliverer come, The veil from Jacob's heart remove, Receive thine antient people home, That quicken'd by thy dying love. The world may their Reception find Life from the dead for all mankind. •s HYMN XXXIII. For the Turks. UN of unclouded righteoufnefs, With healing in thy wings arife, A fad Hymns of Intercession. 27 A fad benighted world to Wefs, Which now in fin and error lies, "Wrapt in Egyptian night profound, With chains of hellifh darknefs bound. 2 The fmoke of the infernal cave, Which half the Lhrirtian world o'erfpread, Difperfe Thou heavenly Light, and fave The fouls by that Impofior led, That Jra6-T/jiff, as Satan bold, Who quite deftroy'd thine Afian Fold. 3 O might the blood of fprinkling cry For thofe who ipurn the fprinkled blood f Aflert thy glorious Deity, Stretch out thine arm, Thou Tri-une God, The Unitarian Fiend expel, And chafe his do&rine back to hell. 4 Come Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, Thou three in one, and one in three, Refhwie thine own for ages loft, Finifti the dire apoftacy, Thine univerfal claim maintain, And Lord of the creation reign. HYMN XXXIV. For the Heathen. 1 T ORD overall, if Thou haft made, \^j Haft ranfom'd every foul of man, Why is the grace fo long delay'd, Why unfulfU'd the faving plan, The blifs for Adam's race defign'd When will it reach to all mankind ? Art 2 3 Hymns of Intercession. 2 Art Thou the God of Jews alone, And not the God of" Gentiles too ? To Gentiles make thy goodnefs known, Thy judgment to the nations ihew, Awake them by the gofpel-call, Light of the world, Illumine all. 3 The fervile proginy of Ham Seize as thepurchafe of thy blood, Let all the Heathen know thy name* From idols to the living God, The dark Americans convert And ihine in every Pagan heart. 4 As lightning lanc'd from eaft to weft, Thy coming of thy kingdom be, To Thee by Angel-hofts confeft, Bow -every fort and every knee, The glory let all flefti behold, And then fill up the heavenly fold. HYMN XXXV. For the Arians^ Socinians^ Drifts^ Pela- gians, &c. 1 QOLE felf-exifting God mofl high, C^ from all eternity the fame, Why wilt Thou let thy foes deny Thy Godhead, and revile thy name ? Jesus, Jehovah, Jah, defcend, And bid the hour of darknefs end. 2 The Star * (in thy right-hand no more) Which on th' imbitter'd waters fell, How has he fhedhis baleful power, Wafted the earth, and peopled hell, While * Arius, fee Rrv. viii. io. Hymns of Intercession. 29 While millions drink the Arian Lie, Or poiibn'd by Sccinus, die ! Lefs peltilent the men who dare Thy coming in the flefh gainfay, And fitting in the fcorner's chair Call all thine oracles away, Led by their ovjn fufHiient light To horrors of eternal night. How long fhall Antichrift blafpheme, And trample on thy written will ? How long fhall the ftlagum dream The doom of fallen fpirits feal ; And error in ten thoufand forms Deftroy the fouls of ranfom'd worms ? Deftroy the fouls — which cannot end ! Tho' Satan may a while deceive, That liar old, and murderous fiend, Who tells them « they at lafl fhall live." Extinguifhes th' eternal fire, And makes the deathlefs worm expire. What but th' EfTential Truth Divine Can all this gloom of hell difperfe ? Jesus, the Father's Glory, fhine, To teach our darkened Univerfe, In every new-born foul to prove, That Thou art God, and God is Love ! HYMN XXXVI. Thy kingdom come ! 1 S~*\ Wh e n fhall we fupremely blefl V^/ Enter the rapturous Unreft, Partake the Triumph of the fky, And holy, holy, holy, cry ? 30 Hymns */ Intercession. 2 We render thanks with one accord To our Almighty God and Lord, Who was, and is, and is to comc : Let Jesus all his power afliime. 3 Jesus let his whole Church adore The Elders, and The living Four, Worfhip divine to Christ be given By every citizen of heaven ! 4 With all that angel-h oft, with all Thofe blefled Saints we long to fall, And fing in extacies unknown, And praifeHim on his dazling throne. -5 Honour, and majefty, and power, And thanks and blefling evermore Who doftthro' endlefs ages live, Thou, Lord, art worthy to receive. 6 For Thou haft bid the creatures be, And ftill fubfift to pleafure Thee, From Thee they came, to Thee they tend, Their gracious Source, their glorious End f HYMN XXXVII. Thefame. 1 TJE comes ! He comes ! the Judge (evere f X il The leventh trumpet fpeaks Him near ! His lightnings fiaih, his thunders roll, How welcome to the Faithful foul ! 2 From heaven angelic voices found, See the Almighty Jesus crown'd, Girt with omnipotence and grace, And glory decks the Saviour's face. Defcending Hymns