Hi.' **j>; -H: % « VSi^. «■ ' ■^r^ ^^-ts^^^ OF THE , T h^ ologieal Seminary PRINCETON, N. J. Shelf, .?.?.9.tl® ^ Bookf No, ; t Surfr^S OF * i I INQUIRY ON 9IIIS8IONIS9 1 I ^^^ . s # THE STATE OF RELIGION. I .. / S^^' z^j^u^^ ^ ^'^ c /. /f Ictp / V Idi. p€yi^ 1 / i-^ MEMOIRS OF THE REV. DAVID BRAINERD; MISSIONARY TO THE INDIANS ON THE BORDERS OF J^TEW-YORK, NEW-JERSEY, AND PENNSYLVANIA . CHIEFLY TAKEN FROM HIS OWN DIARY. Bv Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS, op Northampton. INCLUDING HIS JOURNAL, NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME INCORPORATED WITH THE REST OF HIS DIARY, IN A REGULAR CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES- BY SERENO EDWARDS DWIGHT. NEW-HAVEN: TRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY S. COxWERSE. 1822. DISTRICT OF COJ^NECTICUT, ss. BE IT RE>TEMBERED, That on the twenty-first day of May. in the forty-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Sherman Converse, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a Book, the ri»ht whereof he claims as Pro- prietor, in the words following', to wit : " Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd ; Missionary to the Indians, on the bor- " ders of New-York, New-Jersey and Pennsylvania, chiefly taken from his own di- ** ary. By Rev. Jonathan Edwards, of Northampton. Including his Journal, now for " the first time incorporated with the rest of his diary, in a regular chronological "series. By Sereno Edwards Dwight." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Book?, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein men- tioned." CHA'S. A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me, CHA'S. A. INGERSOLL, Ckrk of the District of Connecticut. ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. About the year 1740, several distinguished ministers in the city of New York and its vicinity; and among them, Rev. Ebenezer Pember- TON of New York, Rev. Aaron Burr of Newark, and Rev. Jonathan Dickinson of Ehzabethtown; communicated to the " Society in Scot- land FOR propagating CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE," " the deplorable and perishing state of the Indians in the provinces of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania." In consequence of this representation, the Society charitably and cheerfully agreed to the proposal of maintaining two missionaries among them, to convert them to Christianity; and in pursuance of this design sent those gentlemen, and some others — both clergymen and laymen, a Commission to act as their Commissioners, or Correspondents, " in providing, directing, and inspecting the said Mission." "As soon as the Correspondents received their commission," to use their own language, " they immediately looked out for two candidates for the ministry, whose zeal for the interests of the Redeemer's king- dom, and whose compassion for perishing souls would prompt them to such an exceedingly difficult and self-denying undertaking. They first prevailed with Mr. Azariah Horton to rehnquish a call to an encouraging parish, and to devote himself to the Indian service. He was directed to Long Island in August, 1741, at the east end of which there are two small towns of Indians; and, from the east to the west end of the island, lesser companies settled at a iew miles distance from one another, for the distance of more than a hundred miles. At his first arrival, he was well received by most, and cordially welcomed by some of them. Those at the east end of the island, especially, gave dili- gent and serious attention to his instructions; and many of them were led to ask the solemn enquiry. What they should do to be saved? A general reformation of manners was soon observable among most of these Indians. They were careful to attend, and serious and solemn while attending, upon both pubUc and private instructions. A number 4 ADVERTISEMENT. of them were under very deep conviction? of their nriiserable, perishing state: and about tn-cntij of them give lasting evidences of their saving conversion to God. Mr. IIorton has baptized thirty-five adults, and forty-four children. He took pains with them to teach them to read; and some of them have made considerable proficiency. But the ex- tensiveness of his charge, and the necessity of his travelling from place to place, renders him incapable of giving so constant an attendance to their instruction in reading, as is necessary. In his last letter to the Correspondents, he heavily complains of a great defection of some of them from their first reformation and care of their souls; occasioned by strong drink being brought among them, and their being thereby allured to relapse into their darling vice of drunkenness. This is a vice to which the Indians are every where so greatly addicted, and so vehemently disposed, that nothing but the power of divine grace can restrain that impetuous lust, when they have opportunity to gratify it. He likewise complains, that some of them have grown more careless and remiss in the duties of religious worship, than they were when first acquainted with the great things of their eternal peace. But, as a number retain their first impressions, and as they generally attend with reverence upon his ministry, he goes on with his work with en- couraging hopes of the presence and blessing of God with him in this difficult undertaking." With the subsequent labours and success of Mr. Horton the Editor is unacquainted; not having been able to ascertain how long he wns em- ployed as a Missionary; or whether his Diary was ever published. " It was some time after this, before the Correspondents could obtain another Missionary. At length they prevailed with Mr. David Brain- ERD to refuse several invitations to places, where he had a promising prospect of a comfortable settlement, to encounter the fatigues and perils which must attend his carrying the Gospel of Christ to these poor, miserable savages."* David Buainf:rd, the subject of the ensuing Life, and author of the Diary incor{)orated with it, was exnmined and approved as a Mis- sionary, fit the city of New York, by the Correspondents of the Soci- ety in Scotland for projcigating Christian Knowledge, Nov. 25, 1742. * These extracts are from the rrofacn of the Correspondent? to Brainerd's Letter lo Pembertou, ADVERTISEMENT. 5 The field of Missionary labour, originally proposed for him by the Correspondents, was among the Indians living near the Forks of Dela- ware in Pennsylvania, and the Indians farther westward on the Susque- hannah. Owing to some contention subsisting, at the time of his ap- pointment, between these Indians and the whites, concerning their lands, the Correspondents concluded to defer his mission among them until harmony was restored; and having received intelligence from the Rev. Mr. Sergeant, Missionary to the Indians at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, that the existing state of the Indians at Kaunaiimeek, a place in the woods between Stockbridge and Albany, promised success to the la- bours of a Missionary; they selected that as his first station. His labours at Kminaumeek commenced April 1, 1743, and continued one year; when he prevailed on the Indians at that place to remove to Stockbridge and attend on the Rev. Mr. Sergeant's ministry. Brainerd was ordained as a Missionary at Newark, N. J., June 12th 1744; and on the 22d of the same month, entered on his labours at Sakhauwotu7ig, within the Forks of Delaware. On the 5th of October, 1744, he visited, for the first time, the In- dians on the Susquehannah, and commenced his labours at a place called Opeholhaiipung. On the 19th of June, 1745, he began to preach to the Indians at CrossTiveeksung, a place about twenty miles west of Amboy in New Jer- sey, and the scene of his greatest success. It is nov*' called Crossweeks, and is on the road from Amboy to Bordentown. On the 3d of May, 1746, he removed from that place, with the whole body of the Indians, to a place called Cranberry, fifteen miles from Crossweeksung. At these places he continued to reside until March 20, 1747; when, owing to the ravages of a pulmonary con- sumption, brought on by his exposures and hardships, his labours as a Missionary were terminated, and he bade farewell to his beloved Church and people at Cranberry. The first communication, made by him to the Correspondents, was in a letter to the Rev. Mr. Pemberton, of Nov. 5, 1744; giving a suc- cinct account of his residence at Kaiinanmeck, and of the commence- ment of his labours of Sakhauwotimg and Opeholhaupung. After this he regularly forwarded to them a copy of his Diary. They published extracts from his Diary, in two parts or numbers, with some variations in the titles. The First part, commencing with his residence at Cross- 6 ADVERTISEMENT. weeksungy June 19th, 1745, and reaching to Nov. 4th, 1745; was pubhshed early in the following year; and was entitled, "Mirabilia Dei inter Indicos; Or the Rise and Progress of a remarkable Work of Grace, Among a number of the Indians, In the Provinces of New Jersey and Pennsylvania; Justly represented in a Journal, kept by order of the Honourable Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge; with some General Remarks; By David Brainerd, Minister of the Gospel, and Missionary from the said Society: Published by the Reverend and worthy Correspondents of the said Society; with a Preface by them." The Second part, extending from Nov. 24th, 1745, to June 19th 1746, was published in the latter part of that year; and was entitled " Divine Grace Displayed; Or the Continuance and Progress of a remarkable Work of Grace Among some of the Indians Belonging to the Provinces of New Jersey and Pennsylvania; Justly represented in a Journal kept by order of the Honourable So- ciety in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge; with some General Remarks; To which is subjoined an Appendix, containing some account of sundry things, and especially of the DifBculties attending the Work of a Missionary among the Indians; By David Brainerd, Minister of the Gospel, and Missionary from the said Society: Published by the Reverend and worthy Correspondents of of the said Society." These two parts have always been called " Brainerd's Journal;" and were pnl)!i 6 42 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. matter : but after repeated disappointments, thought that, rather than perish, I could do a little more still ; especially if such and such circumstances might but attend my endeavours and strivings. I hoped, that I should strive more earnestly than ever, if the mat- ter came to extremity, though I never could find the time to do my utmost, in the manner I intended. This hope of future more fa- vourable circumstances, and of doing something great hereafter, kept me from utter despair in myself, and from seeing myself fall- en into the hands of a sovereign God, and dependent on nothing but free and boundless grace. 2. That faith alone was the conditim of salvation ; that God would not come down to lower terms ; and that he would not promise life and salvation upon my sincere and hearty prayers and endeavours. That word, Mark xvi. 16, " He that believeth not, shall be damned," cut off all hope there. — I found that faith was the sovereign gift of God ; that T could not get it as of myself; and could not oblige God to bestow it upon me, by any of my per- formances. (Eph. ii. 1. 8.) This, I was ready to say, is a hard saying, who can hear it9 I could not bear, that all I had done should stand for mere nothing ; as I had been very conscientious in duty, had been exceeding religious a great while, and had, as I thought, done much more than many others who had obtained mercy. 1 confessed mdeed the vileness of my duties; but then, what made them at that time seem vile, was my wandering thoughts in them ; not because I was all over defiled like a devil, and the principle corrupt from whence they flowed, so that I could not possibly do any thing that was good. Hence I called what I did by the name of honest faithful endeavours ; and could not **bear it, that God had made no promises of salvation to them. 3. " That I could not find out what faith was ; o.-- ivhat it was to believe and come to Christ. I read the calls of Christ to the weary and heavy laden; but could find no way that he directed them to come in. I thought I would gladly come, if I knew how; though the path of duty were never so difiicult. I read Stoddard's Guide to Christ, (which I trust was, in the hand of God, the hap- py means of my conversion), and my heart rose against the au- thor ; for though he told me my very he:irt all along under con- victions, and seemed to be very beneficial to me in his directions; yet here he failed ; he did not tell me any thing I could do that would bring me to Christ, but left nic»'\s it were with a great gulph between, without any direction to get through. For I was not yet effectually and experimentally taught, that there could be no way prescribed, whereby a natural man could, of his own strength, ob- tain that which is supernatural, and which the highest angel can- not give. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 43 4. " The sovereignty of God. I could not bear, that it should be wholly at God's pleasure, to save or damn me, just as he would. That passage, Rom. ix. 11 — 23. was a constant vexation to me, especially verse 21. Reading or meditating on this, always de- stroyed my seeming good frames ; for when I thought I was al- most humbled, and almost resigned, this passage would make my enmity against the sovereignty of God appear. When I came to reflect on the inward enmity and blasphemy, which arose on this occasion, I was the more afraid of God, and driven further from any hopes of reconciliation with him. Jt gave me a dreadful view of myself; I dreaded more than ever to see myself in God's hands, at his sovereign disposal; and it made me more opposite than ever to submit to his sovereignty ; for I thought God design- ed my damnation. " All this time the Spirit of God was powerfully at work with me; and I was inwardly pressed to relinquish all self-confidence^ all hopes of ever helping myself by any means whatsoever. The conviction of my lost estate was sometimes so clear and manifest before my eyes, that it was as if it had been declared to me in so many words, " It is done, it is done, it is for ever impossible to de- liver yourself." For about three or four days my soul was thus greatly distressed. At some turns, for a few moments, I seemed to myself /o5^ and undone; but then would shrink back immedi- ately from the sight, because I dared not venture myself into the hands of God, as wholly helpless, and at the disposal of his sove- reign pleasure. I dared not see that important truth concerning myself, that I was dead in trespasses and sins. But when I had, as it were, thrust away these views of myself at any time, I felt distressed to have the same discoveries of myself again ; for I^ greatly feared being given over of God to final stupidity. When I thought of putting it off to a more convenient season^ the convic- tion was so close and powerful, with regard to the present time, that it was the best, and probably the only time, that I dared not put it off. *' It was the sight of truth concerning myself, truth respecting my state, as a creature fallen and alienated from God, and that consequently could make no demands on God for mercy, but must subscribe to the absolute sovereignty of the divine Being; the sight of the truth, I say, my soul shrank away from, and trem- bled to think of beholding. Thus, he that doth evil, as all unre- generate men continually do, hates the light of truth, neither cares to come to it, because it will reprove his deeds, and shew him his just deserts, John iii. 20. Sometime before, I had taken much pains, as I thought, to submit to the sovereignty of God ; yet I 44 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. mistook the thing, — and did not once imagine, that seeing and being made experimentally sensible of this truth, which my soul now so much dreaded and trembled at, was the frame of soul which I had so earnestly desired. I had ever hoped, that when I had attained to that humiliation, which I supposed necessary to precede faith, then it would not be fair for God to cast me off; but now I saw it was so far from any goodness in me, to own myself spiritually dead, and destitute of all goodness, that, on the contra- ry, 7ny mouth would be for ever stopped by it ; and it looked as dreadful to me, to see myself, and the relation I stood in to God — I a sinner and criminal, and he a great judge and Sovereign — as it would be to a poor trembling creature, to venture off some high precipice. Hence I put it off for a minute or two, and tried for better circumstances to do it in ; either I must read a passage or two, or pray first, or something of the like nature; or else put off my submission to God's sovereignty with an objection, that I did not know how to submit. But the truth was, I could see no safe- ty in owning myself in the hands of a sovereign. God, and could lay no claim to any thing better than damnation." It was about this period that Brainerd wrote the following fragment, found among his MSS. and entitled, " Some gloomy and desponding thoughts of a soul under convictions of sin, and concern for its eternal salvation.'^'^ I. **I believe my case is singular, that none ever had so many strange and different thoughts and feelings as I. 9^ 2. " I have been concerned much longer than many others I have known, or concerning whom I have read, who have beeu savingly converted, and yet I am left. 3. " I have withstood the power of convictions a long time ; and therefore I fear I shall be finally left of God. 4. *' I never shall be converted without stronger convictions and greater terrors of conscience. 5. " I do not aim at the glory of God in any thing I do, and therefore I cannot hope for mercy. 6. " I do not see the evil nature of sin, nor the sin of my na- ture; and therefore I am discouraged. 7. " The more I strive, the more blind and hard my heart is, and the worse \ grow continually. 8. " I fear that God never shewed mercy to one so vile as I. 9. " I fear that I am not elected, and therefore must perish. 10. "1 fear that the day of grace is past with me. II. "I fear that I have committed the unpardonable sin. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 45 12. '• I am an oldsumer ; and if God had designed mercy for me, he would have called me home to himself before now." "After a considerable time spent in similar exercises and dis- tresses, one morning, while 1 was walkingin a solitary place, as usu- al, I at once saw that all my contrivances and projects to effect or procure deliverance and salvation for myself, were utterly in vain; I was brought quite to a stand, as finding myself totally lost. I had thought many times before, that the difficulties in my way were very great ; but now I saw, in another and very different light, that it was for ever impossible for me to do any thing to- wards helping or delivering myself. 1 then thought of blanrjing myself, that I had not done more, and been more engaged, while I had opportunity — for it seemed now as if the season of doing was for ever over and gone — but I instantly saw, that, let me have done what I would, it would no more have tended to my helping myself, than what I had done ; that I had made all the pleas I ever could have made to all eternity ; and that all rny pleas were vain. The tumult that had been before in my mind, was now quieted; and I was somewhat eased of that distress which 1 felt while struggling against a sight of myself, and of the divine sovereignty. I had the greatest certainty, that my state was forever miserable, for all that I could do ; and wondered that I had never been sensible of it before. " While I remained in this state, my notions respecting my duties were quite different from what I had ever entertained in times past. Before this, the more I did in duty, the more hard I thought it would be for God to cast me off; though at the same time I confessed, and thought I saw, that there was no goodness or merit in my duties ; but now, the more I did in prayer or any other duty, the more I saw that I was indebted to God for allow- ing me to ask for mercy ; for I saw that self-interest had led me to pray, and that I had never once prayed from any respect to the glory of God. Now I saw that there was no necessary connection between my prayers and the bestowment of divine mercy ; that they laid not the least obligation upon God to bestow his grace upon me; and that there was no more virtue or goodness in them, than there would be in my paddling with my hand in the water, (which was the comparison I had then in my mind;) and this be- cause they were not performed from any love or regard to God. I saw that I had been heaping up my devotions before God, fast- ing, praying, «Szc. pretending, and indeed really thinking some- times, that I was aiming at the glory of God ; whereas I never once truly intended it, but only my own happiness. I saw that as I had never done any thing/o?- God, I had no claim on any thing 46 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. from him, but perdition, on account of my hypocrisy and mock- ery. Oh, how different did my duties now appear from what they used to do ! I used to charge them with sin and imperfection; but this was only on account of the wanderings and vain thoughts attending them, and not because I had no regard to God in them; for this 1 thought I had. But when I saw evidently that I had regard to nothing but self-interest; then they appeared a vile mockery of God, self-worship, and a continual course of lies. — 1 saw that something worse had attended my duties than barely a few wanderings; for the whole was nothing but self-worship, and an horrid abuse of God. " I continued, as I remember, in this state of mind, from Fri- day morning till the Sabbath evening following, (July 12, 1739,) when I was walking again in the same solitary place, where I was brought to see myself lost and helpless, as before mentioned. Here, in a mournful melancholy state, I was attempting to pray; but found no heart to engage in that or any other duty ; my for- mer concern, exercise, and religious affections were now gone. I thought that the Spirit of God had quite left me ; but still was not distressed ; yet disconsolate, as if there was nothing in heav- en or earth could make me happy. Having been thus endeav- ouring to pray — though, as I thought, very stupid and senseless — for near half an hour; then, as I was walking in a dark thick grove, unspeakable glory seemed to open to the view and appre- hension of my soul. I do not mean any external brightness, for 1 saw no such thing ; nor do I intend any imagination of a body of light, some where in the third heavens, or any thing of that na- ture ; but it was a new inward apprehension or view that I had of God, such as 1 never had before, nor any thing which had the least resemblance of it. I stood still ; wondered ; and admired! I knew (hat 1 never had seen before any thing comparable to it for excellency and beauty; it was widely different from all the conceptions that ever I had of God, or things divine. I had no particular apprehension of any one person in the Trinity, either the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost; but it appeared to be Divine glory. My soul rejoiced with joy unspeakable, to see such a God, such a glorious divine Being; and I was inwardly pleased and satisfied, that he should be God over all for ever and ever. My soul was so captivated and delighted with the excellency, loveliness, greatness, and other perfections of God, that I was even swallowed up in him ; at least to that degree, that I had no thought (as I remember) at first, about my own salvation, and scarce reflected that there was such a creature as myself. " Thus God, 1 trust, brought me to a hearty disposition to exalt him, and set him on the throne, and principally and ulti- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 47 mately to aim at his honour and glory, as King of the universe. I continued in this state of inward joy, peace, and astonishment, till near dark, without any sensible abatement ; and then began to think and examine what I had seen ; and felt sweetly composed in my mind all the evening following. I felt myself in a new world, and every thing about me appeared with a different aspect from what it was wont to do. At this time, the way of salvation opened to me with such infinite wisdom, suitableness, and excel- lency, that I wondered I should ever think of any other way of salvation ; was amazed that f had not dropped my own contrivan- ces, and complied with this lovely, blessed, and excellent way before. If I could have been saved by my own duties, or any other way that I had formerly contrived, my whole soul would now have refused it. I wondered that all the world did not see and comply with this way of salvation, entirely by the righteousness of Christ. " The sweet relish of what I then felt, continued with me for several days, almost constantly, in a greater or less degree. — I could not but sweetly rejoice in God, lying down and rising up. The next Lord's day I felt something of the same kind, though not so powerful as before. But not long after I was again involv- ed in thick darkness, and under great distress ; yet not of the same kind with my distress under convictions. I was guilty, afraid, and ashamed to come before God ; was exceedingly pressed with a sense of guilt: but it was not long before I felt, I trust, true repentance and joy in God. — About the latter end of August, I again fell under great darkness; it seemed as if the presence of God was clean gone for ever; though I was not so much distressed about my spiritual s/(7ie, as I was at my being shut out from God's presence, as I then sensibly was. But it pleased the Lord to re- turn graciously to me not long after." It was, probably, at this time that the following fragment was written, entitled, " Some signs of Godliness, '*The distinguishing marks of a true Christian, taken from one of my old manuscripts ; where I wrote as Ifelt and experienced, and not from any considerable degree of doctrinal knowledge, or acquaintance with the sentiments of others in this point." L "He has a true knowledge of the glory and excellency of God, that he is most worthy to be loved and praised for his own divine perfections. Psal. cxlv. 3. 48 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 2. " God is h\s portion, Psal. Ixxiii. 25. And God^s glory, his great concern, Matt. vi. 22. 3. " Holiness is his delight ; nothing he so much longs for, as to be holy, as God is holy. Phil. iii. 9 — 12. 4. '' Sin is his greatest enemy. This he hates, for its own nature, for what it is in itself, being contrary to a holy God, Jer. ii. 1. And consequently he hates all sin, Rom. vii. 24. 1 John iii. 9. 5. " The laics of God also are his delight, Psal. cxix. 97. Rom. vii. 22. These he observes, not out of constraint, from a servile fear of hell ; but they are his choice, Psal. cxix. 30. The strict observance of them is not his bondage, but his greatest lib- erty, ver. 45," " In the beginning of September I went to Yale College, and entered there ; but with some degree of reluctancy, fear;ng lest I should not be able to lead a life of strict religion, in the midst of so many temptations. — After this, in the vacancy, before I went toiarry at college, it pleased God to visit my soul with clear- er manifestations of himself and his grace. I was spending some time in prayer and self-examination, when the Lord, by his grace, so shined into my heart, that I enjoyed full assurance of his fa- vour, for that time ; and my soul was unspeakably refreshed w^ith divine and heavenly enjoyments. At this time especially, as well as some others, sundry passages of God's word opened to my soul with divine clearness, power, and sweetness, so as to appear exceeding precious, and with clear and certain evidence of its be- ing the word of God. I enjoyed considerable sweetness in religion all the winter following. "In Jan. 1740, the measles spread much in college; and I, having taken the distemper, went home to Haddam. But some days before I was taken sick, I seemed to be greatly deserted, and my soul mourned the absence of the Comforter exceedingly. It seemed to me, that all comfort was forever gone. — I prayed and cried to God for help, yet found no present comfort or relief. But throurh divine goodness, a night or two before I was taken ill, while I was walking alone in a very retired place, and engaged in meditation and prayer, I enjoyed a sweet refreshing visit, as I trust, from above ; so that my soul was raised far above the fears of death. Indeed, I rather longed for death, than feared it. Oh, how much more refreshing this one season was, than all the pleasures and delights that earth can afford ! After a day or two I was taken with the measles, and was very ill indeed, so that I almost despaired of life ; but had no distressing fears of death at MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 4D all. Through divine goodness, I soon recovered ; yet, owing to hard study, and to my being much exposed on account of my freshmanshij), as I had but little time for spiritual duties, my soul often mourned for want of more time and opportunity to be alone with God. In the spring and summer following, I had better ad= vantages for retirement, and enjoyed more comfort in religion. My ambition in my studies greatly wronged the activity and vig- our of my spiritual life; yet, usually, "in the multitude of my thoughts within me, God's com^ovXs principally delighted my soul." These were my greatest consolations day by day. " One day, I think it was in June, 1740, I walked to a consid- erable distance from college, in the fields alone, at noon, and in prayer found such unspeakable sweetness and delight in God, that I thought, if I must continue still m this evil world, I wanted al- ways to be there, to behold God's glory. My soul dearly loved all mankind, and longed exceedingly that they should enjoy what I enjoyed. It seemed to be a little resemblance of heaven. On Lord's day, July 6, being sacrament day, I found some divine life and spiritual refreshment in that holy ordinance. When I came from the Lord's table, I wondered how my fellow-students could live as I was sensible most did. — Next Lord's day, July 13, I had some special sweetness in religion. — Again, Lord's day, July 20, my soul was in a sweet and precious frame. " Some time in Auc^ust following, I became so weakly and dis- ordered, by too close application to my studies, that I was advised by my tutor to go home, and disengage my mind from study as much as I could; for I was grown so weak, that I began to spit blood. I took his advice, and endeavoured to lay aside my stud- ies. But being brought very low, I looked death in the face more steadfastly ; and the Lord was pleased to give me renewedly a sweet sense and relish of divine things; and particularly October 13, I found divine help and consolation in the precious duties of secret prayer and self-examination, and my soul took delight in the blessed God : — so hkewise on the 1 7th of October. Oct. 18. "In my morning devotions, my soul was exceedingly melted, and bitterly mourned over my ^resLtsinfu/ness and vileness. 1 never before had felt so pungent and deep a sense of the odious nature of sin, as at this time. My soul was then unusually carried forth in love to God, and had a lively sense of God's love to me. And this love and hope, at that time, cast out fear. Both morning and evening I spent some time in self-examination, to find the truth of grace, as also my fitness to approach God at his table the next day; and through infinite grace, found the holy Spirit influ- encing my soul with love to God, as a witness within myself. bo ME3I0IRS OF BRAINERD. y Lord^sday, Oct. \9. " In the morning I felt my soul /iwn^er- ^ hig and thirsting after righteousness. In the forenoon, while I was looking on the sacramental elements, and thinking that Jesus Christ would soon be "set forth crucified before me," my soul was filled with light and love, so that I was almost in an ecstacy ; my body was so weak, I could scarcely stand. I felt at the same lime an exceeding tenderness and most fervent love towards all mankind ; so that my soul and all the powers of it seemed, as it were, to melt into softness and sweetness. But during the communion, there was some abatement of this life and fervour. This love and joy cast out fear; and my soul longed for perfect grace and glory. This frame continued till the evening, when my soul was sweetly spiritual in secret duties. Oct 20. '• I again found the assistance of the Holy Spirit in secret duties, both morning and evening, and life and comfort in religion through the whole day. — Oct.2\. I had likewise experi- ence of the goodness of God in " shedding abroad his love in my heart," and giving me delight and consolation in religious duties ; and all the remaining part of the week my soul seemed to be taken up with divine things. 1 now so longed after God, and to be freed from sin, that, when I felt myself recovering, and thought I must return to college again, which had proved so hurtful to ray spiritual interest the year past, I could not but be grieved, and thought I had much rather have died; for it distressed me to think of getting away from God. But before I went, I enjoyed several other sweet and precious seasons of communion with God, (par- ticularly Oct. 30, and Nov. 4,) wherein my soul enjoyed unspeak- able comfort. J " I returned to college about Nov. 6, and, through the goodness I of God, felt the power of religion almost daily, for the space of six weeks. — Nov. 28. In my evening devotion, I enjoyed precious discoveries of God, and was unspeakably refreshed with that passage, Heh. xii. 22—24. My soul longed to wing away to the paradise of God; I longed to be conformed to God in all things. — A day or two after, I enjoyed much of the light of €rod's counte- nance, most of the day; and my soul rested in God. Dec. 9. " I was in a comfortable frame of soul most of the day; but especially in evening devotions, when God was pleased wonderfully to assist and strengthen me ; so that I thought nothing should ever move me from the love of God in Christ Jesus my Lord. — Oh! one houriuith (roe/ infinitely exceeds all the pleasures and delights of this lower world. "Towards the latter end of January, 1741, I grew more cold and dull in religion, by means of my old temptation, viz. ambi- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 51 tion in my studies. — But through divine goodness, a great and general Aivakening spread itself over the college, about the latter end of February, in which I was much quickened, and more abundantly engaged in religion." This awakening was at the beginning of that extraordinary re- j ligious commotion, through the land, v>'hich is fresh in every one's memory. It was for a time very great and general at New-Haven; and the college had no small share in it. That society was greatly reformed ; the students, in general, became serious, many of them remarkably so, and much engaged in the concerns of their eternal salvation. However undesirable the issue of the awakenings of that day have appeared in many others, there have been manifest- ly happy and abiding effects of the impressions then made on the minds of many of the members of that college. By all that I can learn concerning Brainerd, there can be no reason to doubt but that he had much of God's gracious presence, and of the lively actings of true grace, at that time; yet he was afterwards abundantly sensible, that his religious experiences and affections at that time were not free from a corrupt mixture, nor hi>; conduct to be acquitted from many things that were imprudent and blame- able ; which he greatly lamented himself, and was desirous that others should not make an ill use of such an example. Hence, although at the time he kept a constant diary, containing a very particular account of what passed from day to day, for the next thirteen months, from the latter end of Jan. 1741, forementioned, in two small books, which he called the two first volumes of his diary, next following the account before given of his convictions, conversion, and consequent comforts ; yet, when he lay on his death-bed, he gave orders (unknown to me till after his death) that these two volumes should be distroyed; and in the beginning of the third book of his diary, he wrote thus, (by the hand of anoth- er, he not being able to write himself,) "The two preceding vol- umes, immediately following the account of the author's conver- sion, are lost. If any are desirous to know how the author lived, in general, during that space of time, let them read the first thir- ty pages of this volume; where they will find somewhat of a specimen of his ordinary manner of living, through that whole space of time, which was about thirteen months ; except that here he was more refined from some imprudences and indecent heats, than there ; but the spirit of devotion running through the whole, was the same." It could not be otherwise than that one whose heart had been so prepared and drawn to God, as Brainerd's had been, should be X 52 JVIExVrOlRS OF BRAINERD. mightily enlarged, animated, and engaged at the sight of such an alteration made in tiie college, the town, and country ; and so great an appearance of men reforn)ing their lives, and turning from their profaneness and immorality, to seriousness and concern for their salvation, and of religion reviving and flourishing almost ev- ery where. But as an intemperate imprudent zeal, and a degree of enthusiasm soon crept in, and mingled itself with that revival of religion; and so great and general an awakening being quite a new thing in the land, at least as to all the living inhabitants of it; neither people nor ministers had learned thoroughly to distinguish between solid religion and its delusive counterfeits. Even many ministers of the gospel, of long standing and the best reputation, were for a time overpowered with the glaring appearances of the latter; and therefore, surely it w^as not to be wondered at, that young Brainerd, but a sophomore at college, should be so ; who was not only young in years, but very young in religion and ex- perience. He had enjoyed but Httle advantage for the study of divinity, and still less for observing the circumstances and events of such an extraordinary state of things. To think it strange, a man must divest himself of all reason. In these disadvantageous circumstances, Brainerd had the unhappiness to have a tincture of that intemperate, indiscreet zeal, which was at that time too prevalent; and was led, from his high opinion of others whom he looked upon as better than himself, into such errors as we"e really contrary to the habitual temper of his mind. One instance of his misconduct at that time, gave great offence to the rulers of the college, even to that degree that they expelled him the society ; which it is necessary should be here particularly related, with its circumstances. During the awakening at college, there were several religious students who associated together for mutual conversation and as- si-tance in spiritual things. These were wont freely to open them- selves one to another, as special and intimate friends : Brainerd was one of this company. And it once happened, that he and two or three more of these intimate friends were in the hall to- gether, after Mr. VVhittelsey, one of the tutors, had engaged in prayer with the scholars; no other person now remaining in the hall but Brainerd and his companions. Mr. Whittelsey having been unusually pathetic in his prayer, one of Brainerd's friends on this occasion asked him what he thought of Mr. Whittelsey; he made answer, "He has no more grace than this chair." One of ihe freshmen happening at that time to be near the hall, (though not in the room,) over-heard these words. This person, though be heard no name mentioned, and knew not who was thus censur- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 63 ed, informed a certain woman in the town, withal telling her his own suspicion, viz. that he believed Brainerd said this of some one or other of the rulers of the college. Whereupon she went and informed the Rector, who sent for this freshman and examin- ed him. He told the Rector the words which he heard Brainerd utter; and informed him who were in the room with him at that time. Upon this the Rector sent for them. They were very backward to inform against their friend respecting what they looked upon as private conversation; especially as none but they had heard or knew of whom he had uttered those words ; yet the Rector compelled them to declare lohat he said, and oi whom he said it. — Brainerd looked on himself as very ill used in the management of this affair ; and thought that it was injuriously extorted from his friends, and then injuriously required of him — as if he had been guilty of some open, notorious crime — to make a public confes- sion, and to humble himself before the whole college in the hall, for what he had said only in private conversation. — He not com- plying with this demand, and having gone once to the separate meeting at New-Haven, when forbidden by the Rector ; and also having been accused by one person of saying concerning the Rec- tor, "that he wondered he did not expect to drop down dead for fining the scholars who followed Mr. Tennenl to Milford, though there was no proof of it; (and Brainerd ever professed that he did not remember his saying any thing to that purpose ;) for these things he was expelled the college. How far the circumstances and exigencies of that day might justify such great severity in the governors of the college, I will not undertake to determine ; it being my aim, not to bring re- proach on the authority of the college, but only to do justice to the memory of a person, who was, I think, eminently one of those whose memory is blessed. — The reader will see, in the se- quel of the story of Brainerd's life,* what his own thoughts af- terwards were of his behaviour in these things, and in how Chris- tian a manner he conducted himself, with respect to this affair ; though he ever, as long as he lived, supposed himself ill used in the management of it, and in what he suffered. — His expulsion was in the winter, 1742, while in his third year at college. ^- Particuhrly under the date, Sept. i^, 1743. CHAPTER 11. From about the time rvhen he began the study of Theology^ to his Licen- sure. In the Spring of 1742, Brainerd went to live with the Rev. Mr. Mills of Ripton, to pursue his studies with him, for the work of the ministry. Here he spent the greater part of the time until the Association licensed him to preach; but frequently rode to visit the neighbourinsj ministers, particularly Mr. Cooke of Stratford, Mr. Graham of Southbury, and Mr. Bellamy of Beth- lehem. While with Mr. Mills, he began the third book of his di- ary in which the account he wrote of himself, is as follows : f Aprils 1, 1742. "I seem to be declining, with respect to my life and warmth in divine things; and have had not so free ac- cess to God in prayer, as usual of late. Oh that God would hum- ble me deeply in the dust before him! I deserve hell every day, for not loving my Lord more, who has, I trust, loved me, and giv- en himself for me; and every time I am enabled to exercise any grace renewedly, I am renewedly indebted to the God of all grace for special assistance. Where then is boasting? Surely it is excluded, when we think how we are dependent on God for the existence and every act of grace. O if ever I get to heaven, it will be because God pleases and nothing else ; for I never did any thing of myself, but get away from God ! My soul will be as- tonished at the unsearchable riches of divine grace, when I ar- rive at the mansions, which the blessed Saviour is gone before to prepare. April 2. " In the afternoon, I felt in secret prayer, much re- signed, calm and serene. What are all the storms of this lower world, if Jesiis' by his spirit does but come walking on the seas! — Sometime past, 1 had much pleasure in the prospect of the Hea- then being brought home to Christ, and desired that the Lord would employ me in that work : but now my soul more frequently desires to die, to be zvilh Christ, Oh that my soul were wrapt np in divine love, and my longitig desires after God increased! In the evening, was refreslied in prayer, with the hopes of the advancement of Christ's kingdom in the world. April 3. *• Was very much amiss this moriiing, and had a bad night. I thought, if God would take me to himself vioru, my soul would exceedingly rejoice. Oh that I may be always humble MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 53 and resigned to God, and that he would cause my soul to be more fixed on himself, that I may be more fitted both for doing and suf- fering. Lord^s day, April 4. " My heart was wandering and lifeless. In the evening God gave me faith in prayer, made my soul melt in some measure, and gave me to taste a divine sweetness. O my blessed God! Let me climb up near to him, and love, and long, and plead, and wrestle, and stretch after him, and for deliv- erance from the body of sin and death. — Alas ! my soul mourned to think I should ever lose sight of its beloved again. " O come, Lord Jesus, Amen." On the evening of the 7iext day^ he complains, that he seemed to be void of all relish of divine things, felt much of the preva- lence of corruption, and saw in himself a disposition to all man- ner of sin; which brought a very great gloom on his mind, and cast him down into the depths of melancholy ; so that he speaks of himself as amazed, having no comfort, but filled with horror, seeing no comfort in heaven or earlli. April 6. " T walked out this morning to the same place where I was last night, and felt as I did then ; but was somewhat relieved by reading some passages in my diary, and seemed to feel as if I might pray to the great God again with freedom ; but was sud- denly struck with a damp, from the sense I had of my own vile- ness. — Then I cried to God to cleanse me from my exceeding filthiness, to give me repentance and pardon. I then began to find it sweet to pray; and could think of undergoing the greatest sufferings, in the cause of Christ, with pleasure ; and found my- self willing, if God should so order it, to suffer banishment from my native land, among the Heathen, that I might do something for their salvation, in distresses and deaths of any kind. — Then God gave me to wrestle earnestly for others, for the kingdom of Christ in the world, and for dear Christian friends. — I felt wean- ed from the world, and from my own reputation amongst men, wil- ling to be despised, and to be a gazing stock for the world to be- hold.— It is impossible for me to express how I then felt : I had not much joy, but some sense of the majesty of God, which made me as it were tremble. I saw myself mean and vile, which made me more willing that God should do what he would with me ; it was all infinitely reasonable. April 7. '* I had not so much fervency, but felt somewhat as I did yesterday morning, in prayer. — At noon I spent some time in secret, with some fervency, but scarce any sweetness ; and felt very dull in the evening. 56 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. April 8. •' Had raised hopes to-day respecting the Heathen. Oh that God would bring in great numbers of them to Jesus Christ! I cannot but hope that I shall see that glorious day. — Every thing in this world seems exceeding vile and little to me : 1 look so on myself. — I had some little dawn of comfort to-day in prayer ; but especially to-night, I think I had some faith and power of intercession with God. I was enabled to plead with God for the growth of grace in myself; and many of the dear children of God then lay with weight upon my soul. Blessed be the Lord ! It is good to wrestle for divine blessings. April 9. " Most of my time in morning devotion was spent without sensible sweetness ; yet I had one elightful prospect of arriving at the heavenly world. I am more amazed than ever at such thoughts ; for I see myself infinitely vile and unworthy. I feel very heartless and dull ; and though I long for the presence of God, and seem constantly to reach towards God in desires ; yet I cannot feel that divine and heavenly sweetness that I used to enjoy. — No poor creature stands in need of divine grace more than I, and none abuse it more than I have done, and still do. April 10. '' Spent much time in secret prayer this morning, not without some comfort in divine things, and hope I had some faith in exercise; but am so low, and feel so little of the sensible presence of God, that I hardly know what to call faith, and am made to possess the sins of my youth, and the dreadful sin of my nature. I am all sin ; I cannot think nor act, but every motion is sin. I feel some faint hopes, that God will, of his infinite mercy, return again with showers of converting grace to poor gospel-abus- ing sinners; and my hopes of being employed in the cause of God, which of late have been almost extinct, seem now a little revived. Oh that all my late distresses and awful apprehensions, might prove but Christ's school, to make me fit for greater ser- vice, by teaching me the great lesson of humility ! Lord^s Defy, April 11. "In the morning, I felt but little life, ex- cept that my heart was somewhat drawn out in thankfulness to God, for his amazing grace and condescension to me, in past in- ilueiices and assistances of his spirit. Afterwards, I had some sweetness in the thoughts of arriving at the heavenly ivorld. O for the happy day! After public worship, God gave me special assistance in prayer; I wrestled with my dear liord, with much sweetness ; and intercession was made a delightful employment to me. In the evening, as 1 was viewing the light in the north, I was -delighted in contemplation on the glorious morning of the Resur- rection. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 67 April 12. " This morning the Lord was pleased to lift up the light of his countenance upon me in secret prayer, and made the season very precious to my soul. Though I have been so depres- sed of late, respecting my hopes of future serviceableness in the cau«e of God ; yet now I had much encouragement respecting that matter. I was especially assisted to intercede and plead for poor souls, and for the enlargement of Christ's kingdom in the world, and for special grace for myself, to fit me for special servi- ces. I felt exceedingly calm, and quite resigned to God, respect- ing my future employment, ivhen and where he pleased. My faith lifted me above the world, and removed all those mountains over which of late I could not look. I wanted not the favour of man to lean upon; for I knew that Christ's favour was infinitely better, and that it was no matter when nor where, nor how Christ should send me, nor what trials he should still exercise me with, if I might be prepared for his work and will. I now found revived in my mind, the wonderful discovery of infinite ivisdom in all the dis- pensations of God towards me, which I had, a httle before I met with my great trial at college; every thing appeared full of divine wisdom. April 13. "I saw myself to be very mean and vile; and wondered at those who showed me respect. Afterwards I was somewhat comforted in secret retirement, and assisted to wrestle with God, with some power, spirituality, and sweetness. Blessed be the Lord, he is never unmindful of me, but always sends me needed supplies; and, from time to time, when I am like one dead, he raises me to life. Oh that I may never distrust Infinite goodness! Api^il 14. "My soul longed for communion with Christ, and for the mortification of indwelling corruption, especially spiritual pride. O, there is a sweet day coming, wherein the weary will he at rest! My soul has enjoyed much sweetness this day, in the hopes of its speedy arrival. April 15. "My desires apparently centered in God; and I found a sensible attraction of soul after him sundry times to- day. I know that I long for God, and a conformity to his will, in inward purity and holiness, ten thousand times more than for any thing here below. April I Q a.nd n , "I seldom prayed without some sensible joy in the Lord. Sometimes I longed much to be dissolved and to he with Christ. Oh that God would enable me to grov/ in grace every day ! Alas ! my barrenness is such, that God might well say, Cut it down, I am afraid of a dead heart on the Sabbath now begun. Oh that God would quicken me by his grace ! 8 68 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Lord''s day, April 18. "I retired early this morning into the woods for prayer ; had the assistance of God's Spirit, and faith in exercise ; and was enabled to plead with ferv^ency for the ad- vancement of Christ's kingdom in the world, and to intercede for dear, absent friends. At noon, God enabled me to wrestle with him, and to feel, as I trust, the power of divine love, in prayer. At night, I saw myself infinitely indebted to God, and had a view of my failures in duty. It seemed to me, that I had done, as it were, nothing for God, and that 1 never had lived to him but a few hours of my life. April 19. *'I set apart this day for fasting and prayer to God for his grace ; especially to prepare me for the work of the min- istry; to give me divine aid and direction, in my preparations for that great work ; and in his own time to send me into his harvest. Accordingly, in the morning, 1 endeavoured to plead for the di- vine presence for the day, and not without some life. In the forenoon, I felt the power of intercession for precious, immor- tal souls; for the advancement of the kingdom of my dear Lord and Saviour in the world ; and withal, a most sweet resignation, and even consolation and joy, in the thoughts of suffering hard- ships, distresses, and even death itself, in the promotion of it; and had peculiar enlargement in pleading for the enlightening and conversion of the poor Heathen. In the afternoon, God was with me of a truth. O, it was blessed company indeed ! God enabled me so to agonize in prayer, that I was quite wet wMth perspiration, though in the shade, and the cool wind. My soul was drawn out very much from the world, for multitudes of souls. I think I had more enlargement for sinners, than for the children of God ; though I felt as if I could spend my life in cries for both. I enjoyed great sweetness in communion with my dear Saviour. I think I never in my life felt such an entire weanedness from this world, and so much resigned to God in every thing. Oh that I may always live to and upon my blessed God ! Amen, Amen. April 20. "This day, I am twenty-four years of age. O how much mercy have I received the year past! How often has God caused his goodness to pass before me! And how poorly have I answered the vows I made this time twelve-month, to be wholly the liord's, to be forever devoted to his service ! The Lord help me to live more to his glory for the lime to come. This has been a sweet, a happy day to me ; blessed be God. I think my soul was never so drawn out in intercession for others^ as it has been this night. Had a most fervent wrestle with the Lord to-night for my enemies; and I hardly ever so longed to lire to God, and MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 59 to be altogether devoted to him ; I wanted to wear out my life in his service, and for his glory. April 2\. "Felt much calmness and resignation ; and God again enabled me to wrestle for numbers of souls, and had much fervency in the sweet duty of intercession. I enjoyed of late more sweetness in intercession for others, than in any other part of prayer. My blessed Lord really let me come near to him and plead with him.^"* The frame of mind, and exercises of soul, which he expresses the three days next following^ are much of ihe same kind, with those expressed the two day's past. hordes day, April 25. "This morning, I spent about two hours in secret duties, and was enabled, more than ordinarily, to agonize for immortal souls; though it was early in the morning, and the sun scarcely shined at all, yet my body was quite wet with sweat. I felt much pressed now, as frequently of late, to plead for the meekness and calmness of the Lamb of God in my soul ; and through divine goodness, felt much of it this morning. O it is a sweet disposition, heartily to forgive all injuries done us; to wish our greatest enemies as well, as we do our own souls ! Blessed Jesus, may I daily be more and more conformed to thee! At night, I was exceedingly melted with divine love, and had some feeling sense of the blessedness of the upper world. Those words hung upon me, with much divine sweetness, Psal. Ixxxiv. 7. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. O the near access that God sometimes gives us in our addresses to him! This may well be termed ap- pearing before God: it is so indeed, in the true spiritual sense, and in the sweetest sense. I think that I have not had such pow- er of intercession these many months, both for God's children, and for dead sinners, as I have had this evening. I wished and longed for the coming of my dear Lord : I longed to join the an- gelic hosts in praises, wholly free from imperfection. O, the blessed moment hastens ! All I want is to be more holy, more like my dear Lord. Oh for sanctification ! My very soul pants for the complete restoration of the blessed image of my Saviour; that I may be fit for the blessed enjoyments and employments of the heavenly world. "Farewell, vain world; my soul can bid Adieu ; "Your Saviour taught me to abandon you. " Your charms may gratify a sensual mind : " But cannot please a soul for God design' d. 60 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERO. " Forbear t' entice, cease then my soul to call : " 'Tis fix'd through grace ; my God shall be my all. " While he thus lets me heavenly glories view, "Your beauties fade, my heart's no room for you." " The Lord refreshed my soul with many sweet passages of his word. O the New Jerusalem ! my soul longed for it. O the song of Moses and the Lamb ! And that blessed song, that no man can learn, but they who are redeemed from the earth I and the glorious white robes, that were given to the souls under the altar ! ''Lord, Vm a stranger here alone J " Earth no true comforts can afford ' " Yet, absent from my dearest one, " My soul delights to cry ' My Lord !' "Jesus, my Lord, my only love^ " Possess my soul, nor thence depart : " Grant me kind visits, heavenly dove ; "My God shall then have all my heart." April 26. '• Continued in a sweet frame of mind ; but in the afternoon, felt somewhat of spiritual pride stirring. God was pleased to make it a humbling season at first ; though afterwards he gave me sweetness. O my soul exceedingly longs for that blessed state of perfect deliverance from all sin ! At night, God enabled me to give my soul up to him, to cast myself upon him, to be ordered and disposed of according to his sovereign pleas- ure ; and I enjoyed great peace and consolation in so doing. My soul took sweet delight in God ; my thoughts freely and sweetly centered in him. O that I could spend every moment of my life to his glory! April 27. "I retired pretty early for secret devotions; and in prayer, God was pleased to pour such ineffable comforts into my soul, that I could do nothing for some time but say over and over, * O my sweet Saviour ! O my sweet Saviour ! whom have I in Heaven but theef and there is none upon earth that I desire be- side thee.' If I had had a thousand lives, my soul would gladly have laid them all down at once, to have been with Christ. My soul never enjoyed so much of heaven before ; it was the most refined and most spiritual season of communion with God, I ever yet felt. I never felt so great a degree of resignation in my life. in the afternoon, I withdrew, to meet with my God, but found my- self much declined, and God made it a humbling season to my soul. I mourned over the body of death that is in me. It grieved mc exceedingly, that I could not pray to and praise God with my heart full of divine heavenly love. Oh that my soul might never offer any dead, cold services to my God ! In the evening had not MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 61 so much divine love, as in the morning ; but had a sweet season of fervent intercession. April 28. "I withdrew to my usual place of retirement, in great peace and tranquillity, spent about two hours in secret du- ties, and felt much as I did yesterday morning, only weaker, and more overcome. I seemed to depend wholly on my dear Lord ; wholly weaned from all other dependences. I knew not what to say to my God, but only lean on his bosom, as it were, and breathe out my desires after a perfect conformity to him in all things. Thirsting desires, and insatiable longings, possessed my soul after perfect holiness. God was so precious to my soul, that the world, with all its enjoyments, was infinitely vile. I had no more value for the favour of men, than for pebbles. The Lord was my all, and that he over-ruled all, greatly delighted me. I think that my faith and dependence on God, scarce ever rose so high. I saw him such a Fountain of goodness, that it seemed impossible I should distrust him again, or be any way anxious about any thing that should happen to me. I now enjoyed great sweetness in praying for absent friends, and for the enlargement of Christ's kingdom in the world. Much of the power of these divine en- joyments remained with me through the day. In the evening, my heart seemed to melt, and I trust was really humbled for in- dwelling corruption, and I mourned like a dove. I felt that all my unhappiness arose from my being a sinner. With resignation, I could bid welcome to all other trials; but sin hung heavy upon me ; for God discovered to me the corruption of my heart. I went to bed with a heavy heart, because I was a sinner; though I did not in the least doubt of God's love. O that God would purge away my dross, and take away my tin, and make me ten times refined ! April 29. " I was kept off at a distance from God ; — ^but had some enlargement in intercession for precious souls. April 30. " I was somewhat dejected in spirit : nothing grieves me so much, as that I cannot live constantly to God's glory. I could bear any desertion or spiritual conflicts, if I could but have 'my heart all the while burning within me with love to God and desires of his glory. But this is impossible ; for when I feel these, I cannot be dejected in my soul, but only rejoice in my Saviour, who has delivered me from the reigning power, and will shortly deliver me from the indwelling of sin. May 1 . "I was enabled to cry to God with fervency for min- isterial qualifications, that he would appear for the advancement of his own kingdom, and that he would bring in the Heathen, Had much assistance in my studies. This has been a profitable 62 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. week to me ; I have enjoyed many communications of the bless ed Spirit in my soul. Lord^s day^ May 2. " God was pleased this morning to give me such a sight of myself, as made me appear very vile in my own eyes. I felt corruption stirring in my heart, which I could by no means suppress ; felt more and more deserted ; Was ex- ceeding weak, and almost sick with my inward trials. May 3. " Had a sense of vile ingratitude. In the morning I withdrew to my usual place of retirement, and mourned for my abuse of my dear Lord ; spent the day in fasting and prayer. God gave me much power of wresthng for his cause and king- dom : and it was a happy day to my soul. God was with me all the day ; and I was more above the world, than ever in my life.'' Through the remaining part of this week, he complains almost every day of desertion, inward trials and conflicts, attended with dejection of spirit ; yet speaks of times of relief and sweetness, and daily refreshing visits of the divine Spirit, affording special assistance and comfort, and enabling him, at times, to enjoy much fervency and enlargement in religious duties. Lord's day, May 9. " I think I never felt so much of the curs- ed/>nV?e of my heart, as well as the stubbornness of my will be- fore. O dreadful,! what a vile wretch I am ! I could submit to be nothing, and to lie down in the dust. Oh that God would humble me in the dust ! I felt myself such a sinner, all day, that I had scarce any comfort. Oh when shall I be delivered from the body of this death! I greatly feared, lest through stupidity and carelessness I should lose the benefit of these trials. Oh that they might be sanctified to my soul! Nothing seemed to touch me but only this, that I was a sinner, — Had fervency and refresh- ment in social prayer in the evening. May 10. "I rode to New-Haven ; saw some christian friends there; and had comfort in joining in prayer with them, and hear- ing of the goodness of God to them, since I last saw them. May 11. ''I rode from New-Haven to Wethersfield ; was very dull most of the day; had little spirituality in this journey, though 1 often longed to be alone with God ; was much perplex- ed with vile thoughts ; was sometimes afraid of every thing : but God was my Helper, Catched a little time for retirement in the evening, to my comfort and rejoicing. Alas! 1 cannot live in the midst of a tumult. I long to enjoy God alone. May 12. "I had a distressing view of the pride, enmity and vileness of my heart. Afterwards had sweet refreshment in con- versing and worshipping God, with Christian friends. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 63 May 1 3. " Saw so much of the wickedness of my heart, that I longed to get away from myself. I never before thought that there was so much spiritual ;?nV/e in my soul. I felt almost press- ed to death with my own vileness. O what a body of death is there in me! Lord^ deliver my soul! I could not find any con- venient place for retirement, and was greatly exercised. Rode to Hartford in the afternoon : had some refreshment and comfort in religious exercises with Christian friends ; but longed for more . retirement. O the closest walk with God is the sweetest heaven / that can be enjoyed on earth ! May 14. ''I waited on a council of ministers convened at Hartford, and spread before them the treatment I had met with from the rector and tutors of Yale College ; who thought it ad- viseable to intercede for me with the rector and trustees, and to intreat them to restore me to my former privileges in college.* After this, spent some time in religious exercises with christian friends. May 15. "I rode from Hartford to Hebron; was somewhat dejected on the road ; appeared exceeding vile in my own eyes, saw much pride and stubbornness in my heart. Indeed I never saw such a week as this before; for I have been almost ready to die with the view of the wickedness of my heart. I could not have thought I had such a body of death in me. Oh that God would deliver my soul P'' The three next days (which he spent at Hebron, Lebanon, and Norwich) he complains still of dulness and desertion, and express- es a sense of his vileness, and longing to hide himself in some cave or den of the earth : but yet speaks of some intervals of comfort and soul-refreshment each day. May 19. " (At Millington) I was so amazingly deserted this morning, that I seemed to feel a sort of horror in my soul. Alas ! /when God withdravTs, what is there that can afford any comfoit Ito the soul!" Through the eight days next follozving, he expresses more calmness and comfort, and considerable life, fervency, and sweet- ness in religion. May 28. " (At New-Haven) I think I scarce ever felt so calm in my life; I rejoiced in rcsigriation^ and giving myself up to God, to be wholly and entirely devoted to him for ever." *Thc application, which was then made on hi? behalf, had not the desix-erl suc- cess. 64 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. On the three follorcifig dai/s, there was, by the account he gives, a continuance of the same excellent frame of mind, last ex- pressed : but it seems not to be altogether to so great a degree. June 1. " Had much of the presence of God in family prayer, and had some comfort in secret. I was greatly refreshed from the word of God this morning, which appeared exceedingly sweet to me : some things which appeared mysterious, were opened to me. Oh that the kingdom of the dear Saviour might come with power, and the healing waters of the sanctuary spread far and wide for the healing of the nations ! — Came to Ripton ; but was very weak. However, being visited by a number of young peo- ple in the evening, I prayed with them." The remaining part of this zceek, he speaks of being much di- verted and hindered in the business of religion, by great weak- ness of body, and necessary affairs, to which he had to attend; and complains of having but little power in religion ; but observes, that God hereby shewed him, that he was like a helpless infant ^:ast out in the open field. Lordh dai/, June 6. '* I feel much deserted : but all this teach- es me my nothingness and vileness more than ever. June 7. " Felt still powerless in secret prayer. Afterwards I prayed and conversed with some little life. God feeds me with crumbs : blessed be his name for any thing. I felt a great desire ihat all God's people might know how mean and little and vile I am ; that they might see I am nothing, that so they may pray for me aright, and not have the least dependence upon me. June 8. '• I enjoyed one sweet and precious season this day: 1 never felt it so sweet to be nothing, and less than nothing, and id be accounted nothing." The three next days he complains of desertion, and want of fer- vency in religion ; but yet his diary shews that every day his heart was engaged in religion, as his great, and, as it were, only busi- ness. June 12. " Spent much time in prayer this morning, and en- joyed much sweetness : — Felt insatiablu longings after God much of the day. I wondered how poor souls do to live, that have n» God. The world, with all its enjoyments, quite vanished. I see myself very helpless ; but 1 have a blessed God to go to. 1 long- ed exceedingly to he dissolved, and to be with Christ, to behold hi* glory. O my weak, weary soul longs to arrive at my Father^s house ! MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 65 Lord^s (lat/, June 13. " Felt somewhat calm and resigned in the public worship : at the sacrament saw myself very vile and worthless. Oh that I may always lie low in the dust. My soul seemed steadily to go forth after God, in longing desires to live upon him. June 14. " Felt somewhat of the sweetness of communion with God, and the constraining force of his love ; how admirably it captivates the soul, and makes all the desires and affections to centre in God ! — I set apart this day for secret fasting and prayer, to intreat God to direct and bless me with regard to the great work which I have in view, o[ preaching the gospel — and that the Lord would return to me, and sheiu me the light of his countenance* Had little life and power in the forenoon: near the middle uithe afternoon, God enabled me to wrestle ardently in intercession for my absent friends : but just at night, the Lord visited me marvel- lously in prayer. I think my soul never was in such an agony before. I felt no restraint ; for the treasures of divine grace were opened to me. I wrestled for absent friends, for the i:i;.ath- ering of souls, for inuliitudes of poor souls, and for many that I thought were the children of God, personally^ in many distant places. I was in such an agony, from sun half an hour high, till near dark, that I was all over wet with sweat : but yet it seemed to me that I had wasted away the day, and had done nothing. O my dear Saviour did sweat blood for poor souls ! I longed for more compassion towards them. Felt still in a sweet frame, un- der a sense of divine love and grace ; and went to bed in such a frame, with my heart set on God. Jime 15. " Had the most ardent longings after God, which I ever felt in my life. At noon, in my secret retirement, I could do nothing but tell my dear Lord, in a sweet calm, that he knew I desired nothing but himself, nothing but holiness^ that he had given me these desires, and he oiily could give me the thing de- sired. T never seemed to be so unhinged from myself and to be so wholly devoted to God. My heart was swallowed up in God most of the day. In the evening I had such a view of the soul being as it were enlarged, to contain more holiness, that it seem- ed ready to separate from my body. I then wrestled in an agony for divine blessings ; had my heart drawn out in prayer for some Christian friends, beyond what I ever had before. I feel differ- ently now from what I ever did under any enjoyments before ; more engaged to live to God for ever, and less pleased with my own frames. I am not satisfied with my frames, nor feel at all more easy after such strugglings than before ; for it seems far too little, if I could always be so. O how short do I fall of my duty in my sweetest moments !" 9 66 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. In his diaiy for the two next days^ he expresses somewhat of the same frame, but in a far less degree.* June 18. '' Considering my great unfitness for the work of the ministry, my present deadness, and total inabihty to do any thing for the glory of God that way, feeling myself very helpless, and at a great loss ichat the Lord woidd have me to do ; I set apart this day for prayer to God, and spent most of the day in that duty, but amazingly deserted most of the day. Yet I found God gracious- ly near, once in particular; while I was pleading for more com- passion for immortal souls, my heart seemed to be opened at once, and I was enabled to cry with great ardency, for a few min- utes. O I was distressed to think, that I should olFer such dead cold services to the living God! My soul seemed to breathe af- ter holiness, a life of constant devotedness to God. But 1 am al- inost lost sometimes in the pursuit of this blessedness, and ready to sink, because I continually fall short, and miss of my desire. Oh that the Lord would help me to hold out, yet a little while, un- til the happy hour of deliverance comes ! June 19. " Felt much disordered ; my spirits were very low : but yet enjoyed some freedom and sweetness in the duties of re- ligion. Blessed he God. Lord'^s day, June 20. " Spent much time alone. My soul ear- nestly wished to be holy, and reached after God ; but seemed not to obtain my desire. I hungered and thirsted ; but was not re- freshed and satisfied. My soul rested on God, as my only por- tion. Oh that J could grow in grace more abundantly every day!" The next day he speaks of his having assistance in his studies- and power, fervency, and comfort in prayer. June 22. " In the morning spent about two hours in prayer and meditation, with considerable delight. Towards night felt my soul go out in earnest desires after God, in secret retirement. In the evening, was sweetly composed and resigned to God's will; was enabled lo leave myself and all my concerns with him, and to have my whole dependence upon him. My secret retirement was very refreshing to my soul ; it appeared such a happiness to liave God for my portion, that I had rather be any other creature m this lower creation, than not come to the enjoyment of God. * Ileie end the thirty first j)a<2;es of the third volume of his diary, which hp speaks of in the beginning' of this volume, (as observed before) as containing; a sy Hmen of , his ordinary manner of living, through the whole space of time, from tlie beginning of those two volumes that were destroyed. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 67 I had rather be a beast, than a man, without God, if I were to hve here to eternity. Lord, endear thyself more to me ! In his diary for the next seven days^ he expresses a variety of ex- ercises of mind. He speaks of great longings after God and holi- ness, and earnest desires for the conversion of others; of ferven- cy in prayer, power to wrestle with God, composure, comfort, and sweetness, from time to time ; but expresses a sense of the abom- ination of his heart, and bitterly complains of his barrenness, and the body of death ; and says, " he saw clearly that whatever he enjoyed, better than hell, Was of free grace." He complains of falling much below the character of a child of God ; and is some- times very disconsolate and dejected. June 30. " Spent this day alone in the w^oods, in fasting and prayer; underwent the most dreadful conflicts in my soul, w^hich I ever felt, in some respects. I saw myself so vile, that I was ready to say, ' I shall now perish by the hand of Saul.' I thought that I had no power to stand for the cause of God, but was al- most * afraid of the shaking of a leaf.' Spent almost the whole day in prayer, incessantly. I could not bear to think of Chris- tians shewing me any respect. I almost despaired of doing any service in the world : I could not (eeX any hope or comfort re- specting the heathen, which used to afford me some refreshment in the darkest hours of this nature. I spent the day in bitterness of soul. Near night I felt a little better ; and afterwards enjoy- ed some sweetness in secret prayer. July 1. '* Had some enjoyment in prayer this morning ; and far more than usual in secret prayer to-night, and desired nothing so ardently as that God should do with me just as he pleased, July 2. " Felt composed in secret prayer in the morning. — My desires ascended to God this day, as I was travelling : and was comfortable in the evening. Blessed he God for all my con- solations. July 3. " My heart seemed again to sink. The disgrace I was laid under at College, seemed to damp me ; as it opens the mouths of opposers. I had no refuge but in God. Blessed be his name, that I may go to him at all times, and find him a present help. Lord'^s day^ July 4. " Had considerable assistance. In the evening I withdrew, and enjoyed a happy season in secret prayer. God was pleased to give me the exercise of faith, and thereby brought the invisible and eternal world near to my soul ; which appeared sweetly to me. I'hoped, that my weary pilgrimage in 68 MEMOIRS OF BRAINEKD. the world would be short ; and that it would not be long before I was brought to my heavenly home and Father's house. I was resigned to God's will, to tarry his time, to do his work, and suf- fer his pleasure. I felt thankfulness to God for all my pressing descrtiotis of late ; for I am persuaded that they have been made a means of making me more humble, and much mor# resigned, I felt pleased to be little, to be nothing, and to lie in the dust, I enjoyed life and consolation in pleading for the dear children of God. and the kingdom of Christ in the world : and my soul ear- nestly breathed after holiness, and the enjoyment of God. O come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.'''^ By his diary for the remaining days of this week, it appears that he enjoyed considerable composure and tranquillity, and had sweetness and fervency of spirit in prayer, from day to day. Lord?s day, My It. " Was deserted, and exceedingly deject- ed in the morning. In the afternoon, had some life and assistance, and felt resigned. I saw myself to be exceeding vile." On the two next days he expresses inward comfort, resignation, and strength in God. July 14. " Felt a degree of humble resigned sweetness : spent a considerable time in secret, giving myself up wholly to the Lord. Heard Mr. Bellamy preach towards night ; felt very sweetly part of the time : longed for nearer access to God.'''^ The four next days, he expresses considerable comfort and fer- vency of spirit, in Christian conversation and religious exercises. July 19. " My desires seem especially to be after weaned- ness from the world, perfect deadness to it, and that I may be cru- cified to ali its allurements. My soul desires to feel itself more of 3. pilgrim and stranger here below ; that nothing may divert me from pressing through the lonely desart, till I arrive at my Fa- ther's house. July 20. " It was sweet to give away myself to God, to be dis- posed of at his pleasure. I had some feeling sense of the sweet- ness of being a pilgrim on earth.^^ The next day, he expresses himself as determined to be wholly devoted to God ; and it appears by his diary, that he spent the whole day in a most diligent exercise of religion, and with great comfort. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 69 July 22. " Journeying from Southbury to Ripton, I called at a house by the way, where being very kindly entertained and refreshed, I was filled with amazement and shame, that God should stir up the hearts of any to shew so much kindness to such a dead dog as 1 ; was made sensible, in some measure, how ex- ceeding vile it is not to be wholly devoted to God. I wondered that God would suffer any of his creatures to feed and sustain me from time to time." In his diary for the six next days, are expressed various exercis- es and experiences, such as, sweet composure and fervency of spirit in meditation and prayer, weanedness from the world, being sensibly a pilgrim and stranger on the earth, engagedness of mind to spend every moment of time for God, &c. July 29. " I was examined by the Association met at Danbury, as to my learning, and also my experience in religion, and received a Hcence from them to preach the gospel of Christ. Afterwards felt much devoted to God ; joined in prayer with one of the min- isters, my peculiar friend, in a convenient place ; and went to bed resolving to live devoted to God all my days." CHAPTER 111, From his Licensure, till his Examination and Commission as a AHs- sionary. July 30, 1742. " Rode from Danbury to Southbury ; preach- ed there, from 1 Pet. iv. 8. And above all things have fervent charity, he. Had much of the comfortable presence of God in the exercise. I seemed to have power with God in prayer, and power to get hold of the hearts of the people in preaching. July 31. "I was calm and composed, as well as greatly re- freshed and encouraged." It appears by his diary, that he continued in this sweetness and tranquillity, almost through the whole of the next week. Lord^s day, Aug. 8. " In the morning I felt comfortably in secret prayer; my soul was refreshed with the hopes of the Heathen coming home to Christ; was much resigned to God, and thought it was no matter what became of me. — Preached both parts of the day at Bethlehem, from Job. xiv. 14. If a man die^ shall he live again, he. It was sweet to me to meditate on death. In the evening, felt very comfortably, and cried to God fervently in secret prayer." It appears by his diary, that he continued through the three next days, engaged with all his might in the business of religion, and in almost a constant enjoyment of its comforts. Aug. 12. "This morning and last night I was exercised with sore inward trials: I had no power to pray: but seemed shut out from God. I had in a great measure lost my hopes of God's send- ing me among the Heathen afar off, and of seeing them flock home to Christ. I saw so much of my vileness, that I wondered that God would let me live, and that people did not stone me ; much more that they would ever hear me preach ! It seemed as though I never could nor should preach any more ; yet about nine or ten o'clock, the people came over, and I was forced to preach. And blessed be God, he gave me his presence and Spirit in prayer and preaching : so that I was much assisted, and MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 71 spake with power from Job xiv. 14. Some Indians cried out in great distress,"^ and all appeared greatly concerned. After we had prayed and exhorted them to seek the Lord with constancy, and hired an English woman to keep a kind o{ school among them, we came away about one o'clock, and came to Judea, about fifteen or sixteen miles. There God was pleased to visit my soul with much comfort. Blessed be the Lord for all things I meet with." It appears that the two next days he had much comfort, and had his heart much engaged in religion. Lord's day, Aug. 15. "Felt much comfort and devotedness to God this day. At night, it was refreshing to get alone with God, and pour out my soul. Oh, who can conceive of the sweet- ness of communion with the blessed God, but those who have experience of it ! Glory to God for ever, that I may taste heav- en below. Aug. 16. "Had some comfort in secret prayer, in the morn- ing.— Felt sweetly sundry times in prayer this day: but was much perplexed in the evening with vain conversation. Aug. (7. "Exceedingly depressed in spirit, it cuts and wounds my heart, to think how much self-exaltation, spiritual pride, and warmth of temper, I have formerly had intermingled with my en- deavours to {>romote God's work : and sometimes I long to lie down at the feet of opposers, and confess what a poor imperfect creature I have been, and still am. The Lord forgive me, and make me for the future ivise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove ! Afterwards enjoyed considerable comfort and delight of soul. Aug. 18. " Spent most of this day in prayer and reading. — I see so much of my own extreme vileness, that I feel ashamed and guilty before God and man ; I look to myself like the vilest fellow in the land : I wonder that God stirs up his people to be so kind to me. Aug. 19. " This day, being about to go from Mr. Bellamy's at Bethlehem, Vv^here I had resided some time, I prayed with him, and two or three other Christian friends. We gave ourselves to God whh all our hearts, to be his for ever: eternity looked very near to me, while I was praying. If I never should see these Christians again in this v'orld, it seemed but a few moments before I should meet them in another world. *It was in a place near Kent, in the western borJers of Connecticut, where there is a number oi Indians. 72 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Aug, 20. *• I appeared so vile to myself, that I hardly dared to think of being seen, especially on account of spiritual pride. However, to-night I enjoyed a sweet hour alone with God, (at Ripton:) I was lifted above the frowns and ^latteries of this lower world, had a sweet relish of heavenly joys, and my soul did, a? it were, get into the eternal world, and really taste of heaven. I had a sweet season of intercession for dear friends in Christ : and God helped me to cry fervently for Zion. Blessed be God for this season, Aug, 21. "Was much perplexed in the morning. — Towards noon enjoyed more of God in secret ; was enabled to see that it was best to throw myself into the hands of God, to be disposed of according to his pleasure, and rejoiced in such thoughts. In the afternoon rode to New-Haven; was much confused all the way. — Just at night, underwent such a dreadful conflict as I have scarce ever felt. I saw myself exceeding vile and unworthy ; so that I was guilty, and ashamed that any body should bestow any favour on me, or shew me any respect. Lord'^'s day, Aug. 22. " In the morning, continued still in per- plexity.— In the evening enjoyed comfort sufficient to overbalance all my late distresses. I saw that God is the only soul-satisfying portion, and 1 really found satisfaction in him. My soul was much enlarged in sweet intercession for my fellow-men every where, and for many Christian friends in particular, in distant places. A^^g. 23. " Had a sweet season in secret prayer : the Lord drew near to my soul, and filled me with peace and divine conso- lation. Oh, my soul tasted the sweetness of the upper world ; and was drawn out in prayer for the world, that it might come home to Christ ! Had much comfort in the thoughts and hopes of the ingathering of the Heathen ; was greatly assisted in intercession k)V Christian friends." He continued still in the same frame of mind the next day, but in a less degree. Aug. 25. " In family prayer, God helped me to climb up near him, so that I scarce ever got nearer.''' The jTowr next days he appears to have been the subject of de- sertion, and of comfort and fervency in religion, interchangeably, together with a sense of vilcncss and unprofitableness. Aug, 30. " Felt somewhat comfortably in the morning ; con- versed sweetly with some friends: was inn serious composed MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 73 frame ; and prayed at a certain house with some degree of sweet- ness. Afterwards, at another house, prayed privately with a dear Christian friend or two ; and, I think, 1 scarce ever launched so far into the eternal world as then; 1 j^ot so far out on the broad ocean, that my soul with joy triumphed over all the evils on the shores of mortality. I think, time, and all its gay amusements and cruel disappointments, never appeared so inconsiderable to me before. I was in a sweet frame ; I saw myself nothing, and my soul reached after God with intense desire. Oh, I saw what 1 owed to God, in such a manner, as I scarce ever did ! I knew that I had never lived a moment to him as I should do ; indeed, it appeared to me, that I had never done any thing in Christiani- ty : my soul longed with a vehement desire to live to God. — In the evening, sung and prayed with a number of Christians : felt the powers of the zoorld to come in my soul, in prayer. Afterwards prayed again privately, with a dear Christian or two, and found the presence of God ; was somewhat humbled in my secret re- tirement : felt my ingratitude, because I was not wholly swallow- ed up in God." He was in a sweet frame great part of the next day. Sept. 1. "Went to Judea, to the ordination of Mr. Judd. Mr. Bellamy preached from Matt. xxiv. 46. " Blessed is that ser- vant," &c. I felt very solemn most of the time ; had my thoughts much on that time when our Lord will come ^ that time retVcshed my soul much ; only I was afraid I should not be found faithful^ because I have so vile a heart. My thoughts were much in eter- nity, where I love to dwell. Blessed beGod for this solemn sea- son.— Rode home to night with Mr. Bellamy, conversed with some friends till it was very late, and then retired to rest in a comfortable frame. Sept. 2. "About two in the afternoon, I preached from John vi. 67. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go aivay? and God assisted me in some comfortable degree ; but more es- pecially in my first prayer; my soul seemed then to launch quite into the eternal world, and to be as it were, separated from this lower world. Afterwards preached again from Isa. v. 4. What could have been done more, &;c. God gave me some assistance ; but I saw myself a poor worm." On Friday, Sept. 3. He complains of having hut little life in the things of God, the former part of the day, but afterwards speaks of sweetness and enlargement. 10 74 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Sept» 4. Much out of health, exceedingly depressed in my soul, and at awful distance from God. Towards night, spent some time in profitable thoughts on Rom. viii. 2. For the law of the spirit of life, he. Near night, had a very sweet season in prayer; God enabled me to wrestle ardently for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom ; pleaded earnestly for my own dear broth- er John, that God would make him more of a pilgrim and stran- ger on the earth, and fit him for singular serviceableness in the world ; and my heart sweetly exulted in the Lord, in the thoughts of any distresses that might alight on him or on me, in the ad- vancement of Christ's kingdom. It was a sweet and comfortable hour unto my soul, while I was indulged with freedom to plead, not only for m}self, but also for many other souls. Lord^s (lay, Sept. 5. " Preached all day : was somewhat strengthened and assisted in the afternoon; more especially in the evening : had a sense of my unspeakable failures in all my duties. I found, alas! that I had never lived to God in my life. Sept. 6. '*Was informed, that they only waited for an oppor- tunity to apprehend me for preaching at New-Haven lately, that so they might imprison me. This made me more solemn and se- rious, and to quit all hopes of the world's friendship : it brought me to a further sense of my vileness, and just desert of this, and much more, from the hand of God, though not from the hand of man. Retired into a convenient place in the woods, and spread the matter before God. Sejjt. 7. " Had some relish of divine things, in the morning. Afterwards felt more barren and melancholy. Rode to New-Ha- ven to a friend's house, at a distance from the town ; that I might remain undiscovered, and yet have opportunity to do business privately, with friends which come to commencement. Sept. 8. " Felt very sweetly, when I first rose in the morning. In family prayer, had some enlargement, but not much spirituali- ty, till eternity came up before me, and looked near; I found some sweetness in the thoughts of bidding a dying farewell to this tiresome world. Though sometime ago I reckoned upon seeing my dear friends at commencement; yet being now denied the opportunity, for fear of imprisonment, I felt totally resigned, and as contented to spend this day alone in the woods, as I could have done, if I had been allowed to go to town. Felt exceed- ingly weaned from the world to-day. In the afternoon, I dis- coursed on divine things, with a dear christian friend, whereby we were both refreslitd. Then I prayed, with a sweet sense of the bl'ssedness of communion with God : I think I scarce ever enjoyed more of God in any one prayer. O it was a blessed sea- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 75 son indeed to my soul ! I know not that ever 1 saw so much of my own nothingness, in my life ; never wondered so, that God al- lowed me to preach his word. This has been a sweet and com- fortable day to my soul. Blessed be God. Prayed again with my dear friend, with something of the divine presence. I long to be wholly conformed to God, and transformed into his image. Sejjt. 9. " Spent much of the day alone : enjoyed the pres- ence of God in some comfortable degree : was visited by some dear friends, and prayed with them : wrote sundry letters to friends : felt religion in my soul while writing • enjoyed sweet meditations on some scriptures. In the evening, went very pri- vately into town, from the place of my residence at the farms, and conversed with some dear friends; feU sweetly in singing hymns with them : and made my escape to the farms again, without be- ing discovered by any enemies, as I knew of. Thus the Lord preserves me continually. Sept, id. "Longed with intense desire after God ; my whole soul seamed impatient to be conformed to him, and to become *' holy, as he is holy." In the afternoon, prayed with a dear friend privately, and had the presence of God with us ; our souls united together to reach after a blessed immortality, to be un- clothed of the body of sin and death, and to enter the blessed world, where no unclean thing enters. O, with what intense de- sire did our souls long for that blessed day, that'we might be freed from sin, and and for ever live to and in our God ! In the eve- ning, took leave of that house ; but first kneeled down and pray- ed ; the Lord was of a truth in the midst of us ; it was a sweet parting season ; felt in myself much sweetness and affection in the things of God. Blessed be God for every such divine gale of his Spirit, to speed me on in my way to the new Jerusalem ! Felt some sweetness afterwards, and spent the evening in conver- sation with friends, and prayed with some life, and retired to rest very late." The five next days, he appears to have been in an exceeding- ly comfortable frame of mind, for the most part, and to have been the subject of the like heavenly exercises as are often expressed in preceding passages of his diary ; such as, having his heart much engaged for God, wrestling with him in prayer with power and ardency ; enjoying at times sweet calmness and composure of mind, giving himself up to God to be his forever, with great complacence of mind ; being wholly resigned to the will of God, that he might do with him what he pleased ; longing to improve time, having the eternal world, as it were^ brought nigh ; longing 76 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. after God and holiness, earnestly desiring a complete confornriity to liim, and wondering how poor souls do to exist without God. Sept. 16. "At night, enjoyed much of God, in secret prayer: felt an uncommon resignation, to he and do what God pleased. Some days past, I felt great perplexity on account of my past conduct: my bitterness, and want of christian kindness and love, has been very distressing to my soul : the Lord forgive me my unchristian warmth, and want of a spirit of meekness ! The next day, he speaks of much resignation, calmness, and peace of mind, and near views of the eternal world. Sept. 18. " Felt some compassion for souls, and mourned that I had no more. I feel much more kindness, meekness, gentleness, and love towards all mankind, than ever. I long to be at the feet of my enemies and persecutors : enjoyed some sweetness, in feel- ing my soul conformed to Christ Jesus, and given away to him for ever. The next day, he speaks of much dejection and discourage- ment, from an apprehension of his own unfitness, ever to do any good in preaching; but blesses God for all dispensations of provi- dence and grace ; finding that by all God weaned him more from the world, and made him more resigned. The next ten days, he appears to have been for the most part under great degrees of melancholy, exceedingly dejected and discouraged: speaks of his being ready to give up all forgone respecting the cause of Christ, and exceedingly longing to die : yet had some sweet seasons and intervals of comfort, and special assistance and enlargement in the duties of rehgion, and in per- forming public services, and considerable success in them. Sept. 30. " Still very low in spirits; I did not know how to engage in any work or business, especially to correct some disorders among christians; felt as though I had no power to be faithful in that regard. However, towards noon, I preached from Deut. viii. 2. And. thou shah remember, &;c. and was enabled with freedom to re- prove some things in Christians' conduct, I thought very unsuita- ble and irregular; insisted near two hours on this subject." Through this and the tu-o following iveeks, he passed through a variety of exercises : he was frequently dejected, and felt in- ward distresses: and sometimes sunk into the depths of melan- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 77 choly : at which turns he was not exercised about the state of his soul, with regard to the favour of God, and his interest in Christ, but about his own sinful infirmities, and unfitness for God's ser- vice. His mind appears sometimes extremely depressed and sunk, with a sense of inexpressible vileness. But in the mean time, he speaks of many seasons of comfort, and spiritual re- freshment, wherein his heart was encouraged and strengthened in God, and sweetly resigned to his will ; of some seasons of very high degrees of spiritual consolation, and of his great longings af- ter hohness, and conformity to God ; of his great fear of offend- ing God, and of his heart being sweetly melted in religious duties; of his longing for the advancement of Christ's kingdom, of his having at times much assistance in preaching, and of remarkable effects on the audience. Lord's day, Oct. 17. "Had a considerable sense of my help- lessness and inability; saw that I must be dependent on God for alJ I want; and especially when I went to the place of public worship. I found I could not speak a word for God, without his special help and assistance. 1 went into the assembly trembling, as I frequently do, under a sense of my insufficiency to do any thing in the cause of God, as I ought to do. But it pleased God to afford me much assistance, and there seemed to be a consider- able effect on the hearers. In the evening, I felt a disposition to praise God, for his goodness to me, that he had enabled me in some measure to be faithful ; and my soul rejoiced to think, that I had thus performed the work of one day more, and was one day nearer my eternal, and I trust my heavenly home. Oh that I may be " faithful to the death, fulfilhng as an hireling my day," till the shades of the evening of life shall free my soul from the toils of the day ! This evening, in secret prayer, I felt exceeding- ly solemn, and such longing desires after deliverance from sin, and after conformity to God, as melted my heart. O I longed to be " delivered from this body of death !" I felt inward, pleasing pain, that I could not be conformed to God entirely, fully, and forever. I scarce ever preach without being first visited with in- ward conflicts, and sore trials. Blessed be the Lord for these tri- als and distresses, as they are blessed for my humbling. Oct, 18. "In the morning,*! felt some sweetness, but still pressed through trials of soul. My life is a constant mixture of consolations and conflicts, and will be so till 1 arrive at the world of spirits. Oct, 19. "This morning, and last night, I felt a sweet long- ing in my soul after holiness. My soul seemed so to reach and 78 MEMOIRS OF BKAINERD. stretch towards the mark of {3erfect sanctity, that it was ready to break with longings. Oct. 20. " Veij infirm in body, exercised with much pain, and very hfeless in divine things. Felt a little sweetness in the evening. Oct, 21. " Had a very deep sense of the vanity of the world, most of the day ; had little more regard to it, than if I had been to go into eternity the next hour. Through divine goodness, I felt very serious and solemn. O, / love to live on the brink ofeter- nity,^ in my views and meditations ! This gives me a sweet, awful, and reverential sense and apprehension of God and divine things, when 1 see mvself as it were, standing before the judgment seat of Christ. Oct, 22. "Uncommonly weaned from the world to-day: my soul delighted to be a stranger and pilgrim on the earth; I felt a disposition in me never to have any thing to do with this world. The character given of some of the ancient people of God, in Heb. xi. 13, was very pleasing to me, " They confessed that they were pilgrims and strangers on the earth," by their daily prac- tice ; and Oh that 1 could always do so ! Spent some considera- ble time in a pleasant grove, in prayer and meditation. Oh it is sweet, to be thus weaned from friends, and from myself, and dead lo the present world, that so I may live wholly to and upon the ^blessed God! Saw myself little, low, and vile in myself. In the afternoon, preached at Bethlehem, from Deut. viii. 2. God helped me to speak to the hearts of dear christians. Blessed be the Lord for this season : I trust they and I shall rejoice on this ^iccount, to all eternity. Dear Mr. Bellamy came in, while I was making the tirst prayer, (being returned home from a journey ;) and after meeting, we walked away together, and spent the eve- nit)g in sweetly conversing on divine things, and praying togeth- er, with sweet and tender love to each other, and retired to rest with our hearts in a serious spiritual frame. Oct. 23. '"Somewhat perplexed and confused. Rode this day from Bethlehem lo Simsbury. Lordh- day, Oct. 24. " Felt so vile and unworthy, that 1 scarce knew how to converse with human creatures. Oct, 25. "[At Turkey Mills.] In the evening, I enjoyed the divine presence, in secret prayer. It was .a sweet and comforta- ble season to me; my soul longed for the living God: enjoyed a sweet solemnity of spirit, and longing desire after the recovery of the divine image in my soul. 'Then shall 1 be satisfied when 1 shall awake in God's likeness,' and never before. Oct. 26. " [At West Sulheld.] Underwent the most dreadful distresses, under a sense of my own unworthiness. It seemed to MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 79 me, that I deserved rather to be driven out of the place, than to have any body treat me with any kindness, or come to hear me preach. And verily my spirits were so depressed at this time, (as at many others,) that it was impossible I should treat immor(al souls with faithfulness. I could not deal closely and faithfully with them, I felt so infinitely vile in myself. O what dust and ashes I am, to think of preaching the gospel to others ! Indeed, 1 never can be faithful for one moment, but shall certainly " daub with untempercd mortar," if God do not grant me special help. In the evening, I went to the meeting house, and it looked to me near as easy for one to rise out of the grave and preach, as for me. However, God afforded me some life and power, both in prayer and sermon ; and was pleased to lift me up, and shew me that he could enable me to preach. O the wonderful goodness of God to so vile a sinner! Returned to my quarters ; and enjoyed some sweetness in prayer alone, and mourned that I could not live more to God. Oct. 27. " I spent the forenoon in prayer and meditation ; was not a little concerned about preaching in the afternoon ; felt exceedingly without strength, and very helpless indeed ; and went into the meeting-house, ashamed to see any come to hear such an unspeakably worthless wretch. However, God enabled me to speak with clearness, power, and pungency. But there was some noise and tumult in the assembly, that 1 did not well like ; and I endeavoured to bear public testimony against it with mode- ration and mildness, thro\igh the current of my discourse. In the evening, was enabled to be in some measure thankful, and de- voted to God." The frames and exercises of his mind, during ihefouj- next daysj were similar to those of the two days past; except intervals of considerable degrees of divine peace and consolation. The things expressed within the space of the three follotomg days, are such as these : some seasons of dejection, mourning for being so destitute of the exercises of grace, longing to be de- livered from sin, pressing after more knowledge of God, seasons of sweet consolation, precious and intimate converse with God in secret prayer, sweetness of christian conversation, Szc. With- in this time, he rode from Suffield, to Eastbury, Hebron, and Lebanon. JVor. 4. " [At Lebanon.] Saw much of my nothingness most of this day: but felt concerned that I had no more sense of my insufficiency and unworthiness. O it is sweet li/ing in the dust! But it is distressing to foel in my soul that hell of corrup- 30 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. tion, which still remains in me. In the afternoon, had a sense of the sweetness of a strict, close, and constant devotedness to God, and my soul was comforted with his consolations. My sou! felt a pleasing, yet painful concern, lest I should spend some mo- ments without God, O may I always live to God! In the eve- ning, I was visited by some friends, and spent the time in pray- er, and such conversation as tended to our edification. It was a comfortable season to my soul : I felt an intense desire to spend every moment for God. God is unspeakably gracious to me con- tinually. In times past, he has given me inexpressible sweetness in the performance of duty. Frequently my soul has enjoyed much of God ; but has been ready to say, " Lord, it is good to be here ;" and so to indulge sloth, while I have lived on the sweet- ness of my feelings. But of late, God has been pleased to keep my soul hung}'!/, almost continually; so that I have been filled with a kind of pleasing pain. When I really enjoy God, I feel my desires of him the more insatiable, and my thirstings after ho- liness the more unquenchable ; and the Lord will not allow me to feel as though I were fully supplied and satisfied, but keeps me still reaching forward. I feel barren and empty, as though I could not live, without more of God ; I feel ashamed and guilty before him. I see that " the law is spiritual, but I am carnal.'^ I do not, I cannot live to God. Oh for holiness! Oh for more of God in my soul! Oh this pleasing pain! It makes my soul press after God ; the language of it is, " Then shall I be satisfied, wher-i [ awake in God's likeness," but never, never before : and con- sequently, I am engaged to " press towards the mark," day by day. Oh that I may (eel this continual hunger, and not be re- tarded, but rather animated by every cluster from Canaan, to reach forward in the narrow way, for the full enjoyment and pos- session of the heavenly inheritance ! Oh that I may never loiter in my heavenly journey!" These insatiable desires after God, and holiness, continued the two next days, with a great sense of his own exceeding unworthi- ness, and the nothingness of the things of this world. Lo7vVs day. ./Vor. 7. "[At Millington.] It seemed as if such an unholy wretch as I, never could arrive, at that blessedness, to be "holy, as God is holy." At noon, 1 longed for sanctification, and conformity to God. O that is the all, the all. The Loru help me to press after God (or ever. Ac^-. 8. "Towards night, enjoyed much sweetness in secret prayer, so that my soul longed for an arr;val in the heavenly conn- try, tlie blessed paradi^^e of God. Through divine goodness, I MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 81 have scarce seen the day for two months, in which death has not looked so pleasant to me, at one time or other of the day, that I could have rejoiced that the present should be my last, notwith- standing my present inward trials and conflicts. I trust, the Lord will finally make me a conqueror, and more than a conquer- or; and that I shall be able to use that triumphant language, " O death where is thy sting!" And, '* O grave, where is thy vic- tory !" Within the next ten days, the following things are expressed : longing and wrestling to be holy, and to live to God ; a desire that every single thought might be for God ; feeling guilty, that his thoughts were no more swallowed up in God : sweet solemnity and calmness of mind; submission and resignation to God ; great weanedness from the world; abasement in the dust ; grief at some vain conversation that was observed; sweetness from time to time in secret prayer, and in conversing and praying with Christian friends. And every day he appears to have been great- ly engaged in the great business of religion, and living to God, without interruption. ^01?. 19. "[At New-Haven.] Received a letter from the Reverend Mr. Pemberton, of New- York, desiring me speedily to go down thither, and consult about the Indian affairs in those parts ; and to meet certain gentlemen there who were intrusted with those affairs. My mind was instantly seized with concern ; so I retired with two or three Christian friends, and prayed; and indeedj it was a sweet time with me. I was enabled to leave myself, and all my concerns with God; and taking leave of friends, I rode to Ripton, and was comforted in an opportunity to see and converse with dear Mr. Mills." In the four next following days, he was sometimes oppressed with the weight of that great affair, about which Mr. Pemberton had written to him; but was enabled from to time, to " cast his burden on the Lord," and to commit himself and all his concerns to him. He continued still in a sense of the excellency of holi- ness, longings after it, and earnest desires for the advancement of Christ's kingdom in the world ; and had from time to time sweet comfort in meditation and prayer. Kov, 24. '-Came to New-York; felt still much concerned about the importance of my busine^js; put up many earnest re- quests to God for his help and direction ; was confused with the 11 ■^2 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. noise and tumult of the city ; enjoyed but little time alone with God ; but my soul longed after him. .A'br. 25. "Spent much time in prayerand supplication: was examined by some gentlemen, of my Christian experiences, and my acquaintance with divinity, and some other studies, in order to my improvement in that important affair of evangelizing the Heathen*; and was made sensible of my great ignorance and un- fitness for public service. I had the most abasing thoughts of myself, I think, that ever I had ; I thought myself the worst wretch that ever lived : it hurt me, and pained my very heart, that any body should shew me any respect. Alas ! methought how sadly they are deceived in me ! how miserably would they be disappointed if they knew my inside! O my heart! And in this depressed condition, I was forced to go and preach to a con- siderable assembly, before some grave and learned ministers; but felt such a pressure from a sense of my vileness, ignorance, and unfitness to appear in public, that I was almost overcome with it; my soul was grieved for the congregation ; that they should sit there to hear such a dead dog as I preach. I thought myself in- finitely indebted to the people, and longed that God would re- ward them with the rewards of his grace. I spent much of the evening alone." * These geiitletnen who examined Mr. Braiaerd, were the Correspondents in Xew-York, New- Jersey, and Penns3'lvania, of the honourable Society in Scotland, for propagating Christian knowledge ; to whom was committed the managemerf"^ of their affairs in those parts, and who were now met at New- York, CHAPTER IV. Vom the time of his Examination and Commission as a Missionary, to his entrance on his Mission amotis the Indians at Kaunaumeek. Jsfov, 26, 1742. " Had still a sense of my great vileness, and endeavoured as much as I could to keep alone. O what a no- thing, what dust and ashes am I ! Enjoyed some peace and com- fort in spreading my complaints before the God of all grace. JVbr. 27. " Committed my soul to God with some degree of comfort ; left New- York about nine in the morning ; came away with a distressing sense still of my unspeakable unworthiness. Surely I may well love all my brethren; for none of them all is so vile as 1 : whatever they do outwardly, yet it seems to me none is so conscious of so much guilt before God. O my leanness, my barrenness, my carnality, and past bitterness, and want of a gos- pel temper ! These things oppress my soul. Rode from New* York, thirty miles, to White Plains, and most of the way con- tinued lifting up my heart to God for mercy and purifying grace : and spent the evening much dejected in spirit." The three next days, he continued in this frame, in a great sense of his own vileness, with an evident mixture of melancholy, in no small degree; but had some intervals of comfort, and God's sensible presence with him. Dec, 1. "My soul breathed after God, in sweet spiritual and longing desires of conformity to him; my soul wa^ brought to rest itself and all, on his rich grace, and felt strength and encour- agement to do or suffer any thing that divine providence should allot me. Rode about twenty miles from Stratfield to Newtown." Within the space of the 7iext nine days, he went a journey from Newtown to Haddam, his native town ; and after staying there some days, returned again into the western part of Connecticut, and came to Southbury. In his account of the frames and exer- cises of his mind, during this space of time, are such things as these ; frequent turns of dejection ; a sense of his vileness, emp- tiness, and an unfathomable abyss of desperate wickedness in his heart, attended with a conviction that he had never seen but little 84 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. of it ; bitterly mourning over his barrenness, being greatly griev- ed that he could not live to God, to whom he owed his all ten thousand times, crying out, "My leanness, my leanness!" a sense of the meetness and suitableness of his lying in the dust beneath the feet of infinite majesty ; fervency and ardour in prayer ; long- ing to live to God ; being afflicted with some impertinent, trifling conversation that he heard ; but enjoying sweetness in Christian conversation. Dec. 11. "Conversed with a dear friend, to whom I had thought of giving a liberal education, and being at the whole charge of it, that he might be fitted for the gospel ministry.* I acquainted him with my thoughts in that matter, and so left him to consider of it, till I should see him again. Then I rode to Bethlehem, came to Mr. Bellamy's lodgings, and spent the eve- ning with him in sweet conversation and prayer. We recom- mended the concern of sending my friend to college to the God of all grace. Blessed be the Lord for this evening's opportunity together. LorcVs day, Dec. 12. "I felt, in the morning, as if I had little or no power either to pray or preach ; and felt a distressing need of divine help. I went to meeting trembling; but it pleased God to assist me in prayer and sermon. I think my soul scarce ever penetrated so far into the immaterial world, in any one prayer that I ever made, nor were my devotions ever so free from gross conceptions and imaginations framed from beholding material objects. I preached with some sweetness, from Matt. vi. 33. But seek ye first the kingdom of Godj &;c.; and in the afternoon, from Rom. xv. 30. Andnoio I beseech you, brethren^ by In- dians. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 93 somewhat of the divine presence was among us. In the evening, I again prayed and exhorted among them, after having had a sea- son alone, wherein I was so pressed with the blackness of my na- ture, that I thought it was not fit for me to speak so much as to Indians." The next day, be returned to East-Hampton ; was exceeding infirm in body, through the remaining part of this week; but speaks of assistance and enlargement in study and religious exer- cises, and of inward sweetness, and breathing after God. Lord''s day, March 13. " At noon, I thought it impossible for me to preach, by reason of bodily weakness, and inward dead- ness. In the first prayer, I was so weak that I could hardly stand; but in the sermon, God strengthened me, so that I spake near an hour and a half with sweet freedom, clearness, and some tender power, from Gen. v. 24. And Enoch ivalked with God. I was sweetly assisted to insist on a close walk with God, and to leave this as my parting advice to God's people here, that they should walk with God. May the God of all grace succeed my poor la- bours in this place ! March 14. "In the morning, was very busy in preparation for my journey, and was almost continually engaged in ejaculato- ry prayer. About ten, took leave of the dear people of East- Hampton ; my heart grieved and mourned, and rejoiced at the same time ; rode near fifty miles to a part of Brook-Haven, and lodged there, and had refreshing conversation with a Christian friend." In two days more, he reached New-York ; but complains of much desertion and deadness on the road. He stayed one day in New-York, and on Friday went to Mr. Dickinson's at Eliza- beth-Town. His complaints are the same as on the two prece- ding days. March 19. "Was bitterly distressed under a sense of my ig- norance, darkness, and unworthiness ; got alone, and poured out my complaint to God in the bitterness of my soul. In the after- noon, rode to Newark, and had some sweetness in conversation with Mr. Burr,* and in praying together. O blessed be God for- ever atid ever, for any enlivening and quickening seasons Lord^s day, March 20. " Preached in the forenoon : God gave me some assistance and sweetness, and enabled me to speak * Afterwards Prepiclent Burr, of Nassau Hall. <)4 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. with real tenderness, love, and impartiality. In the evening, preached again; and of a truth, God was pleased to assist a poor worm. Blessed be God, I was enabled to speak with life, power, and desire of the edification of God's people; and with some power to sinners. In the evening, I felt spiritual and watchful, lest my heart should by any means be drawn away from God. O when shall I come to that blessed world, where every power of my soul will be incessantly and eternally wound up in heaven- ly employments and enoyments, to the highest degree! On Monday, he went to Woodbridge, where he speaks of his being with a number of ministers;* and, the day following, of his travelling part of the way towards New-York. On WedneS" dr :, he came to New-York. On Thursday, he rode near fifty mas, from New-York to North-Castle. On Friday, went to Danbury. Saturday to New-Milford. On the Sabbath he rode five or six miles to the place near Kent in Connecticut, called Scalicocke, where dwell a number of Indians,! and preached to them. On Monday being detained by the rain, he tarried at Kent, On Tuesday, he rode from Kent to Salisbury. Wednesday^ he went to Sheffield. Thursday, March 31, he went to Mr. Ser- geant's at Stockbridge. He was dejected and very disconsolate, through the main of this journey from New-Jersey to Stock- brige; and especially on the last day his mind was overwhelmed with peculiar gloom and melancholy. * These ministers were the Correspondents who now met at Woodbridge, and gave Brainebd new directions. Instead of sending him to the Indians at the Forks of Delaware, as before intended, they ordered him to go to a number of Indi- ans at Kaunaumeek ; a place in the province of New-York, in the woods between Stockbridge and Albany. This alteration was occasioned by two things. 1. Infor- mation which the correspondents had received of some contention now subsisting; between the white people and the Indians at Delaware, concerning their lands; which they supposed would be a hinderance, at present, to their entertainment of a missionary, and to his success among them. 2. Some intimations which they had received from Mr. Sergeant, iVlissionai*y tp Hip. Indians at Stockbridge, concerning the Indians at Kaunaumeek, and the hopeful prospect of success which a Missionary might have among them. t These were the same Indians which BrAinerd mentions in his Diary, Au- gust 12, 1742. CHAPTER V. From the Commencement of his Labours at Kaunaumeek, to his Ordi- nation. •^pril 1, 1743. "I rode to Kaunaumeek, near twenty miles from Stockbridge, where the Indians live with whom I am con- cerned, and there lodged on a little heap of straw. I was greatly exercised with inward trials and distresses all day; and in the evening, my heart was sunk, and I seemed to have no God to go to. Oh that God would help me !" The next Jive days, he was for the most part in a dejected, de- pressed state of mind, and sometimes extremely so. He speaks of God's " waves and billows rolling over his soul;" and of his be- ing ready sometimes to say, "Surely his mercy is clean gone for- ever, and he will be favourable no more; and says the anguish he endured, was nameless and inconceivable; but at the same time speaks thus concerning his distresses, *' What God designs by all my distresses, I know not; but this I know, I deserve them all, and thousands more." He gives an account of the Indians kind- ly receiving him, and being seriously attentive to his instructions. Jlpril 7. ''Appeared to myself exceedingly ignorant, weak, helpless, unworthy, and altogether unequal to my work. It seemed to me, that I should never do any service, or have anv success among the Indians. My soul was weary of my life; I longed for death, beyond measure. When I thought of any god- ly soul departed; my soul was ready to envy him his privilege, thinking, "O when will my turn come! must it be years first!" But I know these ardent desires, at this and other times, rose part- ly for want of resignation to God under all miseries; and so were but impatience. Towards night, I had the exercise of faith in prayer, and some assistance in writing. Oh that God would keep me near him! Aprils. "Was exceedingly pressed under a sense of my pride, selfishness, bitterness, and party spirit, in times past, while I attempted to promote the csuse of God. Its vile natu-e and dreadful consequences appeared in such odious colours to me, that roy very heart was pained. I saw how poor souls stumbled over 96 xMEMOlRS OF BKAINERD. it into everlasting destruction, that I was constrained to make that prayer in the bitterness of my soul, " O Lord, deliver me from blood-guiltiness." I saw my desert of hell on this account. My soul was full of inward anguish and shame before God, that I had spent so much time in conversation tending only to promote a par- ty-spirit, I saw that I had not suitably prized mortification, self- denial, resignation under all adversities, meekness, love, candour, and holiness of heart and life : and this day was almost wholly spent in such bitter, and soul-afflicting reflections on my past frames and conduct. Of late, I have thought much of having the kingdom of Christ advanced in the world ; but now I saw I had enough to do within myself. The Lord he merciful to me a sin- ner, and wash my soul! April 9. "' Remained much in the same state as yesterday ; excepting that the sense of my vileness was not so quick and acute. Lord^s day, April 10. " Rose early in the morning, and walked out and spent a considerable time in the woods, in prayer and meditation. Preached to the Indians, both forenoon and after- noon. They behaved soberly in general : two or three in par- ticular appeared under some religious concern; with whom I discoursed privately ; and one told me, " that her heart had cri- ed, ever since she had heard me preach first." The next day, he complains of much desertion. April 12, ''Was greatly oppressed with grief and shame, re- flecting on my past conduct, my bitterness and party zeal. I was ashamed, to think that such a wretch as I, had ever preached. Longed to be excused from that work. And when my soul was not in anguish and keen distress, " I felt senseless as a beast be- fore God," and felt a kind of guilty amusement with the least trifles ; which still maintained a kind of stifled horror of con- science, so that I could not rest any more than a condemned male- factor. April ] 3. " My heart was overwhelmed within me : I verily thought that I was the meanest, vilest, most helpless, guilty, igno- rant, benighted creature living. And yet I knew what God had done for my soul, at the same time : though sometimes I was as- saulted with damping doubts and fears, whether it was possible for such a wretch as I to be in a state of grace. April 14. " Remained much in the same state as yesterday. April 15. "In the forenoon, very disconsolate. In the after- noon, preached to my people, and was a little encouraged in some MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 97 hopes that God might bestow mercy on their souls. Felt some- what resigned to God under all dispensations of his providence. April 16. Still in the depths of distress. In the afternoon, preached to my people ; but was more discoupaged with them than before ; feared that nothing would ever be done for them to any happy effect. I retired, and poured out my soul to God for mercy; but wifhout any sensible relief. Soon after came an Irishman and a Dutchman, with a design, as they said, to hear me preach the next day; but none can tell how 1 felt, to hear their profane talk. O I longed that some dear Christian knew my dis- tress. I got into a kind of hovel, and there groaned out my com- plaint to God; and withal felt more sensible gratitude and thank- fulness to God, that he had made me to ditfer from these men, as I knew through si^race he had. LonVs cknj, April 17. "In the morning, was again distressed as soon as I awaked, hearing much talk about the world, and the things of it. I perceived that the men were in some measure afraid of me; and I discoursed about sanctifying the Sabbath, if possible to solemnize their minds ; but when they were at a httle distance, they again talked tVeely about secular atfairs. O 1 thought what a hell it would be, to live with such men to eterni- ty ! The Lord gave me some assistance in preaching, all day, and some resignation, and a small degree of comfort in prayer, at night." Fie continued in this disconsolate frame the next d ay. April 19. "In the morning, I enjoyed some sweet repose and rest in God; felt some strength and confidence in him; and my soul was in some measure refreshed and comforted. Spent most of the day in writing, and had some exercise of grace, sen>* sible and comfortable. My soul seemed lifted above the deep zua- ters, wherein it has been so long almost drowned ; felt some spir- itual longings and breathings of sou! after God ; and found my- self engaged for the advancemeat of Christ's kingdom in my own soul. April 20. " Set apart this day for fasting and prayer, to bow my soul before God for the bestovvment of divine grace ; espe- cially that all my spiritual afflictions, and inward distresses, might be sanctified to my soul. And endeavoured also to remember the goodness of God to me the year past, this day being my birth day. Having obtained help of God, 1 have hitherto lived, and am now arrived at the age of twenty -five years. My soul was pained to think of my barrenness and deadness; that I have lived so little to the glorv of the eternal God. I spen-; the day m fhe IS 08 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD, woods alone, and there poured out my complaint to God. Oh that God would enahle me to live to his glory for the future ! J]pril '21, "Spent the forenoon in reading and prayer, and found myself eni^a^ed ; but still much depressed in spirit under a sense of my vileness. and unfitness for any public service. In the afternoon, I visited my people, and prayed and conversed with some about their souls concerns : and afterwards found some ar- dor of soul in secret prayer. Oh that I might grow up into the likeness! of God! April 22. "Spent the day in study, reading, and prayer; and felt a little relieved of my burden, that has been so heavy of late. But still was in some measure oppressed ; and had a sense of bar- renness. O my leanness testifies against me ! my very soul ab- hors itself for its unlikeness to God, its inactivity and sluggishness. ^Vhen I have done all, alas, what an unprofitable servant am I! I\ly soul ij;roans to see the hours of the day roll away, because I do not fill them, in spirituality and heavenly-mindedness. And yet I long that they should speed their pace, to hasten me to my eternal home, where f may fill up all my moments, through eter- nity, for God and his glory." On Saturday and Lord'^s day, his melancholy again prevailed j he complained of his ignorance, stupidity, and senselessness; while yet beseems to have spent the time with the utmost dili- gence, in study, in prayer, in instructincj and counselling the In- dians. On Monday, he sunk into the deepest melancholy ; so that he supposed he never spent a day in such distress in his life; not in fears of hell,. (which, he says, he had no pressing fear of) but a distressing sense of his own vileness, &c. On Tuesday, he expresses some relief. Wednesday, he kept as a day of fast- ing and prayer, but in great distress. The three days next follow- ing, his melancholy continued, but in a less degree, and with in- tervals of cuuifort. On the last of these days, he wrote the fol- lowing letter to his brother John, then a student at Yale College, New- Haven, Kaunaumeek, April 30, 1 743, DEAR BROTHER, I should tell you, "! long to see you," but my own expe- rience has tauglit me, t'lat there is no happiness, and plenary sat- ipfaction to he enjoyed in earthly friends^ though ever so near and dear, or in any other enjoyment, that is not God himself. Thrreiore. if the God of all grace be pleased graciously to affor.i 11- each his presence and grace, that we may perform the work, and endure tlie trials he calls us to, in a most distressing MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 99 tiresome wilderness, till we arrive at our journey's end*, the lo- cal distance, at which we are held from each other at present is a matter of no great moment or importance to either of u.s. But alas ! the presence of God is what I want. I live in the most lonely melancholy desart, about eighteen miles from Alba- ny ; for it was not thought best that I should go to Delaware Riv- er, as I believe I hinted to you in a letter from New-York. I board with a poor Scotchman : his wife can talk scarce any Eng- lish. J\I(/ diet consists mostly of hasty-pudding, boiled corn, and bread baked in the ashes, and sometimes a little meat and butter. My lodging is a little heap of straw, laid upon some boards, a little way from the ground; for it is a log room, without any floor, that I lodge in. My work is exceedingly hard and difficult: I travel on foot a mile and a half, the worst of ways, almost dai- ly, and back again; fori live so far from my Indians. I have not seen an English person this month. These, and many other cir- cumstances, equally uncomfortable, attend me; and yet my spiritu- al conflicts and distresses, so far exceed all these, that I scar(;e think of them, or hardly observe that I am not entertained in the most sumptuous manner. The Lord grant that I may learn to " en- dure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ!" As to my suc- cess here, i cannot say much as yet. The Indians seem general- ly kind, and well disposed towards me, are mostly very attentive to my instructions, and seem willing to be taught further. Two or three, I hope, are under some convictions; but there seems to be little of the special workings of the divine Spirit among them yet; which gives me many a heart-sinking hour. Sometimes I hope that God has abundant blessings in store for them and me ; but at other times I am so overwhelmed with distress, that 1 can- not see how his dealings with me are consistent with covenant love and faithfulness: and I say, "Surely his tender mercies are clean gone forever." But however, I see that I needed all X\\\?, chastisement diWe'ddy '. "It is good for me," thail have en- dured these trials, and have hitherto little or no apjiarent suc- cess. Do not be discouraged by my distresses. I was under great distress, at Mr. Pomroy's, when I saw you last ; but '* God has been with me of a truth," since that: he helped me sometimes sweetly at Long-Island, and elsewhere. But let us alwavs re- membet, that we must through much tribulation, enter into God's eternal kingdom of rest and peace. The righteous are scarcely saved : it is an infinite wonder that we have well grounded hopes of being saved at all. For my part, I feel the most vile of any creature living; and I am sure sometimes, there is not such ano- ther existing on this side hell. Now all you can do for me, is, to iuu MEMOIRS OF BRAiNERD. pray incessantly, tliat God would make me humble, holy, resign- ed, and heavenly minded, by all my trials. " Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." Let us rw/i, wrestle^ and fght^ that we may win {heprize^ and obtain that complete happi- ness, to be " holy, as God is holy." So wishing and praying that you may advance in learning and grace, and be fit for special ser- vice for God, I remain your atfectionate brother, DAVID BRAINERD. Lnr(Ps day^ May 1. "Was at Stockbridge to-day. In the forenoon, had some relief and assistance; though not so much as usual. In the afternoon, felt poorly in body and soul ; while I was preaching, seemed to be rehearsing idle tales, without the least life, fervour, sense, or comfort ; and especially afterwards at the sacrament, my soul was filled with confusion, and the ut- most anguish that ever I endured, under the feeling of my inex- pressible vileness and meanness. It was a most bitter and dis- tressing season to me, by reason of the view I had of my own heart, and the secret abominations that lurk there: I thought that the eyes of all in the house were upon me, and I dared not look any one in the face ; for it verily seemed as if they saw the vile- ness of my heart, and all the sins I had ever been guilty of. And if I had been banished from the presence of all mankind, never to be seen any more, or so much as thought of, still I should have been distressed with shame ; and I should have been asham- ed to see the most barbarous people on earth, because I was vi- ler, and seemingly more brutishly ignorant than they. "J am made to possess the sins of my youth." The remaining days of this week were spent, for the most part, in inward distress and gloominess. The next Sabbath, he had encouragement, assistance, and comfort; but on Monday sunk again. May 10. " Was in the same state, as to my mind, that I have been in for some time ; extremely oppressed with a sense of guilt, pollution, and blindness: "The iniquity of my heels hath compassed me about: the sins of my youth have been set in or- der before me; they have gone over my head, as an heavy bur- den, too heavy for me to bear." Almost all the actions of my life past, seem to be covered over with sin and guilt; and those of them that I performed in the most conscientious manner, now fill me with shame and confusion, that I cannot hold up my face. O, the piidc, selfishness, hypocrisy, ignorance, bitterness^ party zeal, and the icant of love, candour^ meekness, and ge)ithness, that have MEMOIRS OF ERAINERD. 10\ attended my attempts to promote religion and virtue ; and tliis when I have reason to hope I had real assistance from above, and some sweet intercourse with heaven ! But alas, what corrupt mixtures attended my best duties!" The next seven dai/s^ his gloom and distress continued for the most part, but he had some turns of relief and spiritual comfort. He gives an account of his spending part of this time in hard la- bour, to build himself a little cottage to live in amongst the Indi- ans, in which he might be by himself; having, it seems, hitherto lived with a poor Scotchman, as he observes in the letter just now given ; and afterwards, before his own house was habi- table, he lived in a wigwam among the Indians." May 18. ''My circumstances are such, that I have no com- fort of any kind, but what I have in God. I live in the most lonesome wilderness ; have but one single person to converse with that can speak English."^ Most of the talk 1 hear, is either Highland Scotch, or Indian. I have no fellow-christian to whom I may unbosom myself, or lay open my spiritual sorrows; with whom I may take sweet counsel in conversation about heavenly things, and join in social prayer. 1 live poorly with regard to the comforts of life: most of my diet consists of boiled corn, hasty- pudding, &ic. I lodge on a bundle of straw, my labour is hard and extremely difficult, and I have little appearance of success, to comfort me. The Indians have no land to live on, but what the Dutch people lay claim to; and these threaten to drive them off. They have no regard to the souls of the poor Indians ; and by what I can learn, they hate me because I come to preach to them. But that which makes all my difficulties grievous to be borne, is, that God hides his face from me. May 19. " Spent most of this day in close study: but was sometimes so distressed that I could think of nothing but my spiritual blindness, ignorance, pride, and misery. O I have rea- son to make that prayer, " Lord, forgive my sins of youth, and former trespasses." May 20. " Was much perplexed some part of the day; but towards night, had some comfortable meditations on Is. xl. 1. Comfort ye, comfort ye, ^c. and enjoyed some sweetness in * This person was Brainerd's interpreter, an ingenious youn;^ Intlian, belong-- ing to Stockbridge, whose name was Jolin JVauivaumpeqmmnauuf. He had been instructed in the Christian religion, by Mr. Sergeant; had lived with the Hev. Mr. Williams, of Long-Meadow ; had been furtiier instructed by him, at the charge ol Mr. HoUis of Loi.don ; and undersfoxl both Faiglish and lu'lian very well, and wrote a good hand. 102 MEMOIRS OJ^' BRAINERD. prayer. Afterwards, my soul rose so far above the deep tvaters^ that I dared to rejoice in God. I saw that there was sufficient matter of consolation in the blessed God." The next nine days, his burdens were for the most part alle- viated, but with variety; at some times, having considerable conso- lation ; and at others, being more depressed. The next rhy, Mon- day, May 30, he set out on a journey to New-Jersey, to consult the commissioners who employed him about the affairs of his mis- sion.* He performed his journey thither in four days ; arid ar- rived at Mr. Burr's in Newark on Thursday. In great part of his journey, he was in the depths of melancholy, under distresses like those already mentioned. On Friday, he rode to Elizabeth- Town : and on Saturday to New-York ; and from thence on his way homewards as far as White-Plains. There he spent the Sabbath, and had considerable degrees of divine consolation and assistance in public services. On Monday, he rode about sixty miles to New-Haven. There he attempted a reconciliation with the Faculty of the college; and spent this week in visiting his friends in those parts, and in his journey homewards, till Saturday, in a pretty comfortable frame of mind. On Saturday, in his way from Stockbridge to Kaunaumeek, he was lost in the woods, and lay all night in the open air; but happily found his way in the morning, and came to his Indians on Lord's day, June 12, and had greater assistance in preaching among them than ever before, since his first coming among them. From this time forward he was the subject of various frames and exercises of mind: in the general, much after the same man- ner as hitherto, from his first coming to Kaunaumeek till he got into his own house, (a little hut, which he made chiefly with his own hands, by long and hard labour,) which was near seven iveeks from this time. The great part of this time, he was dejected, and depressed with melancholy; sometimes extremely; his melancholy operating in like manner, as related in times past. How it was with him in those dark seasons, he himself further describes in his diary for July 2, in the following manner. *' My soul is, and has for a long time been in a piteous condition, wad- ing through a series of sorrows, of various kinds. I have been so crushed down sometimes with a sense of my meanness and infi- nite unworthiness, that I have been asliamed that any, even the meanest of my fellow-creatures, should so much as spend a *His business with the commissioners now was, to obtain orders from them to set up a school among the Indians at Kaunaumeek, and that his interpreter might be appointed the schoolmaster ; which was accordingly done. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 103 thought about me ; and have wished sometimes, while travelling amon^ the thick brakes, to drop, as one of them, into everlasting oblivion. In this case, sometimes, I have almost resolved never again to see any of my acquaintance : and really thought, I could not do it and hold up my face; and have longed for the remotest region, for a retreat from all my friends, that I might not be seen or heard of any more. Sometimes the consideration of my ignO' ranee has been a means of my great distress and anxiety. And especially my soul has been in anguish with fear, shame, and guilt, that ever I had preached, or had any thought that way. — - Sometimes my soul has been in distress on feeling some particular corruptions rise and swell like a mighty torrent, with present vio- lence ; having, at the same time, ten thousand former sins and fol- lies presented to view, in all their blackness and aggravations. — And these, while destitute of most of the conveniences of life, and I may say, of all the pleasures of it; without a friend to com- municate any of my sorrows to, and sometimes without any place of retirement, where 1 may unburden my soul before God, which has greatly contributed to my distress. — Of late, more especially, my great difficulty has been a sort of carelessness, a kind of re- gardless temper of mind, whence I have been disposed to indo- lence and trifling: and this temper of mind has constantly been attended with guilt and shame ; so that sometimes I have been in a kind of horror, to find myself so unlike the blessed God. I have thought I grew worse under all my trials; and nothing has cut and wounded my soul more than this. O, if I am one of God's chosen, as I trust through infinite grace I am, I find of a truth, that the righteous are scarcdy aved " It is apparen', that one main occasion of that distressing gloom- iness of mind which he was so much exercised with at Kaunau- meek, was reflection on his past errors and misguided zeal at col- lege, in (he beginning of the late religious commotions. And therefore he repeated his endeavours this year for reconciliation with the governors of the college, whom he had at that time of- fended. Although he had been at New- Haven, in June, this year, and attempted a reconciliation, as mentioned already; yet, in the beginninj]; of July, he made another journey thither, and renewed his attempt, but still in vain. Although he was much de ected, most of the time of which I am now speaking ; yet he had majiy intermissions of his melan- choly, and some seasons of comfort, sweet tranquillity and resig- nation of mind, and frequent special assistance in public services, as appear in his diary. The manner of his relief from his sorrow, once in particular, is worthy to be mentioned in his own words. 104 xMEMOlRS OF BRAINERD. " July 23. Had little or no resolution for a life of holiness ; was ready almost to renounce my hopes of living to God. And O how dark it looked, to think of heing unholy for ever ! This I could not endure. The cry of my soul was, Psal. Ixv. 3. Iniqui- ties prevail against me. But 1 was in some measure relieved by a comfortable meditation on God's eternity, that he never had a beginning. Whence I was led to admire his greatness and power, in such a manner, that I stood still, and praised the Lord for his own glories and perfections ; though I was (and if I should for ever be) an unholy creature, my soul was comforted to apprehend an eternal, infinite, powerful, holy God." July 30. " Just at night, moved into my own Jiouse, and lodg- ed there that night ; found it much better spending the time alone than in the wigwam where I was before. LortTs day July 31. " Felt more comfortably than some days past. — Blessed be the Lord, who has now given me a place of re- tirement.— Oh that I may find God in it, and that he would dwell with me for ever ! Axhg. L " Was still busy in further labours on my house. — Felt a little of the sweetness of religion, and thought that it was worth while to follow after God throui^h a thousand snares, des- arls, and death itself. Oh that I might always follow after holi- ness^ that I may be fully conformed to God ! Had some degree of sweetness in secret prayer, though I had much sorrow. Aug. 2. " Was still labouring to make myself more comforta- ble, with regard to my house and lodging. Laboured under spir- itual anxiety : It seemed to me that I deserved to be thrust out of the world; yet found some comfort in committing my cause to God. It is good for me to be afflicted, that I may die wholly to this world, and all that is in it. Aug. 3. '• Spent most of the day in writing. Enjoyed some sense of religion. Through divine goodness I am now uninter- ruptedly alone; and find my retirement comfortable. I have en- joyed more sense of divine things within a few days last past, than for some time before. I longed after holiness, humility, and meekness : Oh that God would enable me to " pass the time of my sojourning here in his fear," and always live to him! Aug. 4. " ^Vas enabled to pray much, through the whole day; and through divine goodness found some intenseness of soul in the duty, as I used to do, and some ability to persevere in my supplications. J had some apprehensions of divine things, which aflibrded me courage and resolution. It is good, I find, to perse- vere in attempts to pray, if I cannot ^^ray with perseverance, i. e MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 105 continue long in my addresses to the divine Being. I have gen- erally found, that the more I do in secret prayer, the more I have delighted to do, and have enjoyed more of a spirit of prayer : and frequently have found the contrary, when with journeying or oth- erwise I have been much deprived of retirement. A seasonable, steady performance of secret duties in their proper hours, and a careful improvement of all time, filling up every hour with some profitable labour, either of heart, head, or hands, are excellent means of spiritual peace and boldness before God. — Christ, indeed, is our peace, and by him we have boldness of ac- cess to God; but a good conscience, void of offence, is an excel- lent preparation for an approach into the divine presence. There is a difference between self-confidence or a self-righteous pleasing of ourselves — as with our own duties, attainments, and spiritual enjoyments — of which good men are sometimes guilty, and that holy confidence arising from the testimony of a good conscience, which good Hezekiah had, when he says, *' Remember, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart." Then, says the holy psalmist, shall I not be ashamed when I have respect to all thy commandments. Filling up our time with and /or God, is the way to rise up and lie down in peace." The next eight days, he continued for the most part in a very comfortable frame, having his mind fixed and sweetly engaged in religion ; and more than once blesses God, that he had given him a little cottage, where he might live alone, and enjoy a happy re- tirement, free from noise and disturbance, and could at any hour of the day lay aside all studies, and spend time in lifting up his soul to God for spiritual blessings. Aug. 13. " Was enabled in secret prayer to raise my soul to God, with desire and delight. It was indeed a blessed season. I found the comfort of being a christian; and counted the sufferings of the present Ife not worthy to be compared with the glory of di- vine enjoyments even in this world. All my past sorrows seemed kindly to disappear, and I " remembered no more the sorrow, for joy." — O, how kindly, and with what a filial tenderness, the soul confides in the Rock of ages, at such a season, that he will " never leave it, nor forsake it," that he will cause "all things to work to- gether for its good !" I longed, that others should know how good a God the Lord is. My soul was full of tenderness and love, even to the most inveterate of my enemies. I earnestly de- sired that they should share in the same m^rcv ; and loved that J4 106 MExMOIRS OF BRAINERD. God should do just as he pleased with me and every thing else. I felt pecuharly serious, calm, and peaceful, and encouraged to press after holiness as long as I live, whatever difficulties and trials may be in my way. May the Lord always help me so to do ! Amen, and Amen. Lordh day, Aug. 14. "I had much more freedom in public, than in private. God enabled me to speak with some feeling sense of divine things; but perceived no considerable effect. Jiug. 15. " Spent most of the day in labour, to procure some- thing to keep my horse on in the winter. Enjoyed not much sweetness in the morning ; was very weak in body through the day; and thought that this frail body would soon drop into the dust ; and had some very realizing apprehensions of a speedy en- trance into another world. In this weak state of body, I was not a little distressed for want of suitable food. I had no bread, nor could I get any. lam forced to go or send ten or fifteen miles for all the bread I «at ; and sometimes it is mouldy and sour be- fore I eat it, if I get any considerable quantity. And then again I have none for some days together, for want of an opportunity to send for it, and cannot find my horse in the woods to go myself; and this was my case now; but through divine goodness I had some Indian meal^ of which I made little cakes, and fried them. Yet I felt contented with my circumstances, and sweetly re- signed to God. In prayer I enjoyed great freedom ; and blessed God as much for my present circumstances, as if I had been a king ; and thought that I found a disposition to be contented in any circumstances. Blessed be God.^^ The rest of this week, he was exceedingly weak in body, and much exercised with pain ; yet obliged from day to day to labour hard, to procure fodder for his horse. Except some part of the time, he was so very ill, that he was neither able to work nor stu- dy ; but speaks of longings after holiness and perfect conformity to God. He complains of enjoying but little of God : yet he says, that little was better to him, than all the world besides. In his diary for Saturday, he says, he was somewhat melancholy and sorrowful in mind ; and adds, " I never feel comfortably, but when 1 find my soul going forth after God. If I cannot be holy, I must necessarily be miserable for ever." Lord's day, Aug. 21. " Was much straitened in the forenoon exercise ; my thoughts seemed to be all scattered to the ends of the earth. At noon, I fell down before the Lord, groaned under mv vileness. barrenness, and deadness ; and felt as if I was guilty MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 107 of soul-murder, in speaking to immortal souls in such a manner as I had then done. In the afternoon, God was pleased to give me some assistance, and I was enabled to set before my hearers the nature and necessity of true repentance. Afterwards, had some small degree of thankfulness. Was very ill and full of pain in the evening ; and my soul mourned that I had spent so much time to so little profit. Aug. 22. "Spent most of the day in study; and found my bodily strength in a measure restored. Had some intense and passionate breathings of soul after holiness, and very clear mani- festations of my utter inability to procure, or work it in myself; it is wholly owing to the power of God. O, with what tenderness the love and desire of hohness fills the soul ! I wanted to wing out of myself to God, or rather to get a conformity to him : but, alas ! I cannot add to my stature in grace one cubit. However, my soul can never leave striving for it ; or at least groaning, that it cannot strive for it, and obtain more purity of heart. — At night, I spent some time in instructing my poor people. Oh that God would pity their souls ! Aug. 23. " Studied in the forenoon, and enjoyed some free- dom. In the afternoon, laboured abroad: endavoured to pray: but found not much sweetness or intenseness of mind. Towards night, was very weary, and tired of this world of sorrow : the thoughts of death and immortality appeared very desirable, and even refreshed my soul. Those lines turned in my mind with pleasure, " Come death, shake hands ; Til kiss thy bands ; ^ " 'Tis happiness for me to die. — " What !— dost thou think, that I will shrink ? " I'll go to immortahty." " In evening prayer, God was pleased to draw near my soul, though very sinful and unworthy; so that I was enabled to wres- tle with God, and to persevere in my requests for grace. I pour- ed out my soul for all the world, friends, and enemies. My soul was concerned, not so much for souls as such, but rather for Christ's kingdom, that it might appear in the world, that God might be known to be God, in the whole earth. And O my soul abhorred the very thought of a party in religion ! Let the truth of God appear, wherever it is ; and God have the glory for ever. Amen. This was indeed a comfortable season. I thought I had some small taste of, and real relish for the enjoyments and em- ployments of the upper world. Oh that my soul was more attem- pered to it ! 108 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Aug, 24. " Spent some time, in the morning, in study and prayer. Afterwards, was engaged in some necessary business abroad. Towards night, found a little time for some particular studies. 1 thought, if God should say, " Cease making any pro- vision for this life, for you shall in a few days go out of time into eternity," my soul would leap for joy. Oh that I may both "de- sire to be dissolved, to be with Christ," and likewise " wait pa- tiently all the days of my appointed time till my change come !" But, alas ! I am very unfit for the business and blessedness of heaven. Oh for more holiness ! Aug. 25. " Part of the day, was engaged in studies ; and part in labour abroad. I find it is impossible to enjoy peace and tran- quillity of mind, without a careful improvement of time. This is really an imitation of God and Christ Jesus : " My Father work- eth hitherto, and I work," says our Lord. But still, if we would be like God, we must see that we fill up our time for him. I daily long to dwell in perfect hght and love. In the mean time, my soul mourns that I make so little progress in grace, and prepara- tion for the world of blessedness; I see and know that I am a very barren tree in God^s vineyard, and that he might justly say, " Cut it down," &IC. Oh that God would make me more lively and vi- gorous in grace, for his own glory! Amen." The two next days, he was much engaged in the necessary la- bours, in which he extremely spent himself. He seems these days to have had a great sense of the vanity of the world ; con- tinued longings after holiness, and more fervency of spirit in the service of God. Lordh Day, Aug. 28. " Was much perplexed with some irre- ligious Dutchmen. All their discourse turned upon the things of the world ; which was no small exercise to my mind. O what a hell it would be to spend an eternity with such men ! Well might David say, " I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved." But adored be God, heaven is a place into which no unclean thing en- ters. O I long for the holiness of that world! Lord prepare me for it:'> The next day he set out on a journey to New- York. Was somewhat dejected the two first days of his journey ; but yet seems to have enjoyed some degrees of the sensible presence of God. Aug, 31. " Rode down to Bethlehem; was in a sweet, seri- ous, and, 1 hope, christian frame, when I came there. Eternal MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 109 things engrossed all my thoughts ; and I longed to be in the world of spirits. O how happy is it, to have all our thoughts swallowed up in that world : to feel one's self a serious considerate stranger in this world, diligently seeking a road through it, the best, the sure road to the heavenly Jerusalem! Sept, 1, "Rode to Danbury. Was more dull and dejected in spirit, than yesterday. Indeed, I always feel comfortably, when God realizes death, and the things of another world, to my mind. Whenever my mind is taken off from the things of this world, and set on God, my soul is then at rest.^^ He went forward on his journey, and came to New- York on the next Monday, And after tarrying there two or three days, he set out from that city towards New-Haven, intending to be there at the commencement ; and on Friday came to Horse-Neck. In the mean time, he complains much of dulness, and want of fer- vour in religion ; but yet, from time to time, speaks of his enjoy- ing spiritual warmth and sweetness in conversation with christian friends, and assistance in public services. Sept, 10. " Rode six miles to Stanwich, and preached to a considerable assembly of people. Had some assistance and free- dom, especially towards the close. Endeavoured much after- wards, in private conversation, to establish holiness, humility, meekness, &;c. as the essence of true religion ; and to moderate some noisy sort of persons, who appeared to me to be actuated by unseen spiritual pride. Alas, into what extremes men incline to run ! — Returned to Horse-Neck; and felt some seriousness and sweet solemnity in the evening. Lord^s day, Sept, 11. "In the afternoon, I preached from Tit. iii. 8. This is a faithful saying, and these things, a/ie/ice in a hohj soul, and in reference to a holj^ end ; but impatience itself \s not holy, except we take the term in a less proper .si;nse, as our author evidently does. 132 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. and watchfulness of tender Conscience, lest the divine Being should be offended with impatient complaints ; it acknowledges the fit- ness of our ivaiting upon God, in a way of patient doing and suf- fering; but supposes this very consistent with ardent desires to de- part, and to be with Christ. It owns it fit that we should always remember our own barrenness, and thinks also that we should be impatient of it, and consequently long for a .^tate of freedom from it; and this, not so much that we may feel the happiness of it, but that God may have the glory. It grants, that impatient com- plaints often spring from self-love, and want of resignation and hu- mility. Such as these it disapproves : and determines we should be impatient only of absence from God, and distance from that state and temper wherein we may most glorify him. 10. " Godly Sorrow introduced, as making her sad moan, not so much that she is kept from the free possession and full enjoy- ment of happiness, but that God must be dishonoured; the soul beint: still in a world of sin, and itself imperfect. She here, with grief counts over past faults, present temptations, and fears from the future. 11. " Hope or holy Confidence appears, and seems persuaded that ' nothing shall ever separate the soul from the love of God in Christ Jesus.' It expects divine assistance and grace sufficient for all the doing and suffering work of time, and that death will evQ long put a happy period to all sin and sorrow ; and so takes occasion to rejoice. 12. '"''Godly Fear, or holy Jealousy here steps in, and suggests som(: timorous apprehensions of the danger of deception; men- tions the deceitfulness of the heart, the great influence of irregular self love in a fallen creature; inquires whether itself is not likely to have fallen in with delusion, since the mind is so dark, and so litlle of God appears to the soul : and queries whether all its hopes of persevering grace may not be presumption, and wheth- er its confident expectations of meeting death as a friend, may not issqe in disappointment. 13. " Hereupon Reflection appears, and reminds the person of his past experiences ; as to the preparatory work of conviction and humiliation ; the view he then had of the impossibility of salvation, from himself or any created arm ; the manifestation he has likewise had of the glory of God in Jesus Christ; how he then admired that glory, and chose that God for his only portion, because of the excellency and amiableness he discovered in him; not from slavish fear of being damned, if he did not, nor from base and mercenary hopes of saving himself; but from a just es- teem of that beauteous and glorious object; as also how he had from lime (o time rejoiced and acquiesced in God for what he is MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 133 in himself; being delighted, that he is infinite in holiness, ins- tice, power, and sovereignty, as well as in mercy, goodness, and love ; how he has likewise, scores of times, felt his soul mourn for sin, for this very reason, because it is contrary an-i grievous to God; yea, how he has mourned over one vain and impertinent thought, when he has been so far from fear of the divine vin- dictive wrath for it, that on the contrary he has enjoyed the high- est assurance of the divine everlasting love : how he has, from time to time, delighted in the commands of God, for their own purity and perfection, and longed exceedingly to be conformed to them, and even to be 'holy, as God is holy ;' and counted it present heaven, to be of a heavenly temper; how he has fre- quently rejoiced, to think of being forever subject to, and depen- dent on, God ; accounting it infinitely greater happiness to glori- fy God in a state of subjection to, and dependence on him, than to be a god himself: and how heaven itself would be no heaven to him, if he could not there be every thing that God would have him be. 14. " Upon this spiritual Sensation^ being awaked, comes in and declares, that she now feels and ' tastes that the Lord is gra- cious ;' that he is the only supreme good, the only soul satisfying happiness ; that he is a complete, W.lf-suflicient, and almighty portion. She whispers, 'Whom have 1 in heaven but this God,' this dear and blessed portion ? ' and there is none upon earth I de- sire beside him.' O it is heaven, to please him, and to be just what he would have me be ! Oh that my soul were ' holy, as God is holy !' Oh that it were ' pure, as Christ is pure ;' and ' perfect, as my Father in heaven is perfect !' These are the sweetest com- mands in God's book, comprising all others; and shall I break them ? must I break them ? am I under a fatal necessity of it, as long as 1 live in this world ? O my soul! wo, wo is me, that I am a sinner! because I now necessarily grieve and offend this blessed God, who is infinite in goodness and grace. O methinks, should he punish me for my sins, it Mould not wound my heart so deep as to offend him; but, though I sin continually, he continually re- peats his kindness towards me ! O methinks, I could bear any suffering; but how can I bear to grieve and dishonour this bles- sed God ! How shall I give ten thousand times more honour to him ? What shall 1 do, to glorify and worship this best of beings ? Oh that I could consecrate myself, soul and body, to his service for ever ! Oh that 1 could give up myself to him, so as never more to attempt to be my own, or to have any will or affections that are not perfectly conformed to his ! But O alas, alas ! I can- not, I feel 1 cannot, be thus entirely devoted to God ! I cannot live and sin not. O ye angels, do ye glorify him incessantly; if possible, exert yourselves still more, in more lively and ardent 134 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. devotion ; if possible, prostrate yourselves still lower before the throne of the blessed King of heaven. I long to bear a part with you. and if it were possible, to help you. Yet when we have done, we shall not be able to offer the ten thousandth part of the homage he is worthy of. While Spiritual Sensation whis- pered these things, Fear and Jealousy were greatly overcome ; and the soul replied, 'Now I know and am assured,' he, and again, it welcomed death as a friend, saying, ' O death where is thy sting !' k,Q, 15. " Finally, holy Resolution concludes the discourse, fixedly determining to follow hard after God, and continually to pursue a life of conformity to him ; and the better to pursue this, enjoin- ing it on the soul always to remember, that God is the only source of happiness; that his will is the only rule of rectitude to an in- telligent creature; that earth has nothing in it desirable for itself, or any further than God is seen in it; and that the knowledge of God in Christ, begetting and maintaining love, and mortifying sensual and lieshly appetites, is the way to be holy on earth, and so to be attempered to the complete holiness of the heavenly world." Feb. 4. " Enjoyed some degree of freedom and spiritual re- freshment; was enabled to pray with some fervency, and longing desires of Zion's prosperity, and my faith and hope seemed to take hold of God, for the performance of what I was enabled to plead for. Sanctification in myself, and the ingathering of God's elect, were all my desire; and the hope of their accomplishment, all my joy. Lord'^s day, Feb, 5. " Was enabled in some measure to rest and confide in God, and to prize his presence and some glimpses of the light of his countenance, above my necessary food. — Thought myself, after the season of weakness, temptation, and desertion I endured the last week, to be somewhat like Sampson, when his locks began to grow again. Was enabled to preach to ny people with more life and warmth, than I have for some weeks past. Feb. 6. " This morning, my soul again was strengthened in God, and found some sweet repose in him in prayer; longing es- pecially for the complete mortification of sensuality and pride, and for resignation to God's dispensations, at all times, as through grace, I felt it at this time. I did not desire deliverance from any difficulty that attends my circumstances, unless God was willing. O how comfortable is this temper ! Spent most of the day in read- ing God's word, in writing, and prayer. Enjoyed repeated and frequent comfort and intenseness of soul in prayer through the MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 135 day. In the evening, spent some hours in private conversation with my people; and afterwards, feh some warmth in secret prayer. Feb. 7. " Was much engaged in some sweet meditations on the powers and affections of the godly soul in the pursuit of their beloved object ; wrote something of the native language of spir- itual sensation, in its soft and tender whispers ; declaring, that it now ' feels and tastes, that the Lord is gracious ; that he is the supreme good, the only soul satisfying happiness : that he is a complete, sufficient, and almighty portion : saying, * Whom have I in Heaven but thee ? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside this blessed portion. O, I feel that it is hea- ven to please him, and to be just what he would have me to be ! Oh that my soul were holy, as he is holy ! Oh that it were pure^ even as Christ is pure ; and perfect as my Father in heaven is per- fect ! These I feel are the sweetest commands in God's book, comprising all others. And shall I break them! must I break them ! am I under the necessity of it as long as I live in the world! Omy soul, wo, wo is me, that I am a sinner, because I now necessarily grieve and offend this blessed God, who is infi- nite in goodness and grace ! O methinks if he would punish me for my sins, it would not wound my heart so deep to offend him: but though I sin continually, yet he continually repeats his kind- ness to me ! O methinks I could bear any sufferings; but how can I bear to grieve and dishonour this blessed God ! How shall I yield ten thousand times more honour to him ? What shall I do to glorify and worship this best of beings? Oh that I could conse- crate myself, soul and body, to his service forever ! Oh that I could give up myself to him, so as never more to attempt to be my own, or to have any will or affections that are not perfectly conformed to him ! But, alas, alas ! I find I cannot be thus entire- ly devoted to God ; 1 cannot live, and not sin. O ye angels, do ye glorify him incessantly ; and if possible, prostrate yourselves lower before the blessed King of heaven ! I long to bear a part with you ; and, if it were possible, to help you. O when we have done all that we can, to all eternity, we shall not be able to offer the ten thousandth part of the homage which the glorious God deserves !' " Felt something spiritual, devout, resigned, and mortified to the world, much of the day ; and especially towards and in the evening. Blessed be God, that he enables me to love him for himself. Feb, 8. " Was in a comfortable frame of soul, most of the day ; though sensible of, and restless under, spiritual barrenness. I find that both mind and body are quickly tired with intenseness 136 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. and fervour in the things of God. Oh that I could be as inces- sant as angels in devotion and spiritual fervour. Feb, 9. '* Observed this day as a day of fasting and prayer, intreating of God to bestow upon me his blessing and grace ; es- pecially to enable me to live a life of mortification to the world, as well as of resignation and patience. Enjoyed some realizing sense of divine power and goodness in prayer, several times ; and was enabled to roll the burden of myself, and friends, and Zion, upon the goodness and grace of God ; but, in the general, was more dry and barren than I have usually been of late, upon such occasions. Feb, 10. "Was exceedingly oppressed, most of the day, with shame, grief, and fear, under a sense of my past folly, as well as present barrenness and coldness. When God sets before me my past misconduct, especially any instances of misguided zeal, it sinks my soul into shame and confusion, makes me afraid of a shaking leaf. My fear is such as the prophet Jeremy complains of, Jer. XX. 10. I have no confidence to hold up my face, even before my fellow worms ; but only when my soul confides in God, and I find the sweet temper of Christ, the spirit of humility, so- lemnity and mortification, and resignation, alive in my soul. But, in the evening, was unexpectedly refreshed in pouring out my complaint to God; my shame and fear was turned into a sweet composure and acquiescence in God. Feb, 11. " Felt much as yesterday : enjoyed but little sensible communion with God. Lord'^s day, Feb. 12. " My soul seemed to confide in God, and to repose itself on him ; and had intense longings after God in prayer. Enjoyed some divine assistance, in the forenoon, in preaching; but in the afternoon, was more perplexed with shame, &LC, Afterwards, found some relief in prayer; loved, as a fee- ble, afflicted, despised creature, to cast myself on a God of infi- nite grace and goodness, hoping for no happiness but from him. Feb, 13. ''Was calm and sedate in morning devotions; and my soul seemed to rely on God. Rode to Stockbridge, and en- joyed some comfortable meditations by the way ; had a more re- freshing taste and relish of heavenly blessedness, than I have en- joyed for many months past. I have many times, of late, felt as ardent desires of holirjess as ever ; but not so much sense of the sweetness and unspeakable pleasure of the enjoyments and em- ployments of heaven. My soul longed to leave earth, and bear a part with angels in their celestial employments. My soul said, • Lord it is good to be here ;" and it appeared to be better to die. than to lose the relish of these heavenly delights.'' MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 137 A sense of divine things seemed to continue with hinr), in a les- ser degree, through the next day. On Wednesday^ he was, by some discourse which he heard, cast into a melancholy gloom, that operated much in the same manner as his melancholy had for- merly done, when he came first to Kaunaumeek ; the effects of which seemed to continue in some degree the six following days, Feb, 22. " In the morning, had as clear a sense of the ex- ceeding pollution of my nature, as ever I remember to have had in my life. I then appeared to myself inexpressibly loathsome and defiled. Sins of childhood, of early youth, and such folhes as I had not thought of for years togethe?, as I remember, came now fresh to my view, as if committed but yesterday, and appear- ed in the most odious colours ; they appeared more in number than the hairs of my head ; yea, they ' went over my head as a heavy burden.' In the evening, the hand of faith seemed to be strengthened in God ; my soul seemed to rest and acquiesce in him ; was supported under my burdens, readuig the cxxvtb psalm-, and found that it was sweet and comfortable to lean on God. Feb* 23. " Was frequent in prayer, and enjoyed some assist- ance.— There is a God in heaven who over-rules all things for the best; and this is the comfort of my soul: '" I had fainted un- less I had believed to see the goodness of God in the land of the living," notwithstanding present sorrows. — la the evening enjoy- ed some freedom in prayer, for myself, friends, and the church of God. Feb, 24. " Was exceedingly restless and perplexed under a sense of mis-improvement of time ; mourned to see time pass away ; felt in the greatest hurry ; seemed to have every thing to do: yet could do nothing, but only grieve and groan under my ignorance, unprofitableness, meanness, the foolishness of my actions and thoughts, the pride and bitterness of some pa^t frames, all which at this time appeared to me in lively colours, and filled me with shame. I could not compose my ;nind to any profitable studies, by reason of this pressure. And the reason, I judge, why I am not allowed to study a great part of my time, is, because I am endeavouring to lay in such a stock of knowled^ire as shall be a self- sufficiency, — 1 know it to be my indispensable duty to study, and qualify myself in the best manner I can for public service : but this is my misery, I naturally study and pre- pare, that I may " consume it upon my lusts" of pride and self- confidence." He continued in much the same frame of uneasiness at the mis- improvement of time, and pressure of spirit under a sense of 18 138 ' MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. vileness, unprofitableness, passed throug;h his ordination trial, to the universal approbation of the Presbytery, and appeared uncommonly qualified for the work of the ministry. He seems to be armed with a great deal of self-denial, and animated with a noble zeal to propagate the gospel among those barbarous nations, who have long dwelt in the darkness of Heathenism.' CHAPTER VI. From his OrdUtation, to the commencement of his Labours at Crosweek- June 13. [1744.] "Spent some considerable time in writing an account of the Indian affairs to g > o Scotland ; some, in con- versaton with friends ; but enjoyed not much sweetness and sat- isfaction. June ] 4. "Received some particular kindness from friends; and wondered, that God should open the hearts of any to treat me with kindness : saw myself to be unworthy of any favour from God, or any of my fellow-men. Was much exercised with pain in my head; however I determined to set out on my journey to- wards the Delaware in the afternoor> ; but when the afernoon came, my pain increased exceedinglv ; so that 1 was obliged to betake myself to bed. The ni«:ht following'-, I was greatly distres- sed with pain and sickness ; was sometimes almost bereaved of the exercise of reason by the extremity of pain. Continued mu;h distressed till Satur day, v/hen I was somewhat relieved by an emetic : but was unable to walk abroad till the Monday following, in the af- ternoon ; and still remained very feeble. I often admired the good- ness of God, that he did not suffer me to proceed on my journey from this place where I was so tenderly used, and to be sick by the way among strangers. God is \ery gracious to me, both in health and sickness, and intermingles much mercy with all my af- flictions and toils. Enjoyed some sweetness in things divine, in the midst of my pain and weakness. Oh that I could praise the Lord. On Tuesday, June 19. He set out on his journey home, and in three days reached his residence near the Forks of Delaware. Performed the journey under much weakness of body ; but had comfort in his soul, from day to day: and both his weakness of body, and consolation of mind, continued through the week. hordes day, June 24. "Extremely feeble; scarcely able tb walk: however visited my Indians, and took much pains to in- struct them ; laboured with some that were much disaffected to Christianity. My mind was much burdened with the wei8;ht and 130 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. difficulty of my work. My whole dependence and hope of suc- cess seemed to be on God ; who alone I saw could make them willing to receive instruction. My heart was much engaged in prayer, sending up silent requests to God, even while I was speak- ing to them. Oh that I could always go in the strength of the Lord ! June 25. " Was somewhat better in health than of late ; and was able to spend a considerable part of the day in prayer and close study. Had more freedom and fervency in prayer than us- ual of late ; especially longed for the presence of God in my work, and that the poor Heathen might be converted. And in evening prayer my faith and hope in God were much raised. To an eye of reason every thing that respects the conversion of the Heathen is as dark as midnight ; and yet I cannot but hope in God for the accomplishment of something glorious among them. My soul longed much for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom on earth. Was very fearful lest I should admit some vain thought, and so lose the sense I then had of divine things. Oh for an abiding heavenly temper ! June 26. " In the morning, my desires seemed to rise, and ascend up freely to God. Was busy most of the day in translating prayers into the language of the Delaware Indians ; met with great difficulty, because my interpreter was altogether unacquainted with the business. But though I was much discouraged with the ex- treme difficulty of that work, yet God supported me ; and espe- cially in the evening, gave me sweet refreshment. In prayer my soul was enlarged, and my faith drawn into sensible exercise ; was enabled to cry to God for my poor Indians ; and though the work of their conversion appeared impossible ivith man, yet with God I saw all things were possible. My faith was much strength- ened, by observing the wonderful assistance God afforded his ser- vants Nehemiah and Ezra, in reforming his people, and re-estab- lishing his ancient church. I was much assisted in prayer for my dear christian friends, and for others whom I apprehended to be christless; but was more especially concerned for the poor Hea- then, and those of my own charge ; was enabled to be instant in prayer for them ; and hoped that God would bow the heavens and come down for their salvation. It seemed to me, that there could be no impediment sufficient to obstruct that glorious work, seeing the living God, as I strongly hoped, was engaged for it. I continued in a solemn frame, lifting up my heart to God for as- sistance and grace, that 1 might be more mortified to this present world, that my whole soul might be taken up continually in con- cern foi the advancement of Christ's kingdom. Earnestly desired MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 151 that God would purge me more, that I might be as a chosen ves- sel to bear his name among the Heathens. Continued in this frame till I fell asleep. June 27. "Felt something of the same solemn concern, and spirit of prayer, which I enjoyed last night, soon after I rose in the morning. In the afternoon, rode several miles to see if I could procure any lands for the poor Indians, that they might live together, and be under better advantages for instruction. — While I was riding, had a deep sense of the greatness and difficul- ty of my work; and my soul seemed to rely wholly upon God for success, in the diligent and faithful use of means. Saw, with the greatest certainty, that the arm of the Lord must be revealed, for the help of these poor Heathen, if ever they were delivered from the bondage of the powers of darkness. Spent most of the time, while riding, in lifting up my heart for grace and assistance. June 28. " Spent the morning in reading several parts of the holy scripture, and in fervent prayer for my Indians, that God would set up his kingdom among them, and bring them into his church. About nine, I withdrew to my usual place of retirement in the woods ; and there again enjoyed some assistance in prayer. My great concern was for the conversion of the Heathen to God ; and the Lord helped me to plead with him for it. Towards noon, rode up to the Indians, in order to preach to them ; and while go- ing, my heart went up to God in prayer for them ; could freely tell God, he knew that the cause in which I was engaged was not mine ; but that it was his own cause, and that it would be for his own glory to convert the poor Indians : and blessed be God, I felt no desire of their conversion, that I might receive honour from the world, as being the instrument of it. Had some freedom in speaking to the Indians." The next day, he speaks of some serious concern for the king- dom of the blessed Redeemer ; but complains much of barren- ness, wanderings, inactivity, &ic. June 30. " My soul was very solemn in reading God's word ; especially the ninth chapter of Daniel. I saw how God had call- ed out liis servants to prayer, and made them wrestle with him, when he designed to bestow any great mercy on his church. And, alas ! I was ashamed of myself, to think of my dulness and inac- tivity, when there seemed to be so much to do for the upbuilding of Zion. O how does Zion lie waste ! I longed, that the church of God might be enlarged : was enabled to pray, I think, in faith ; my soul seemed sensibly to confide in God, and was enabled to 152 MEMOIRS OF BRAINEKD. wrestle with him. Afterwards, walked abroad to a place of svvoei retirement, enjoyed some assistance in prayer, had a sense of my great need of divine help, and felt my soul sensibly depend on God. Blessed be God, this has been a comfortable week to me. Lordh day, Jidy 1. "In the morning, was perplexed with wandering vain thoughts ; was much grieved, judged and con- demned myself before God. O how miserable did I feel, be- cause I could not live to God ! At ten, rode away with a heavy heart, to preach to my Indians. Upon the road I attemped to lift up my heart to God; but was infested with an unsettled wan- dering frame of mind ; and was exceeding restless and perplexed, and filled with shame and confusion before God. I seemed to rayselfto be "more brutish than any man;" and thought, none deserved to be "cast out of God's presence" so much as I. If I attempted to lift up my heart to God, as I frequently did by the way, on a sudden, before I was aware, my thoughts were wander- ing " to the ends of the earth ;" and my soul was filled with sur- prise and anxiety, to find it thus. Thus also, after I came to the Indians, my mind was confused ; and I felt nothing sensibly of that sweet reliance on God, with which my soul has been comforted in days past. Spent the forenoon in this posture of mind, and preached to the Indians without any heart. In the afternoon, I felt still barren, when I began to preach, and for about half an hour. I seemed to myself to know nothing, and to have nothing to say to the Indians; but soon after, I found in myself a spirit of love, and warmth, and power, to address the poor Indians; and God helped me to plead with them, to " turn from all the vanities of the Heathen, to the living God ;" I am persuaded that the Lord touched their consciences; for I never saw such attention raised in them. When I came away from them, I spent the whole time while I was riding to my lodgings, three miles distant, in prayer and praise to God. After I had rode more than two miles, it came into my mind to dedicate myself to God again ; which I did with great solemnity and unspeakable satisfaction ; especially gave up myself to him renewedly in the work of the ministry. This I did by divine grace, 1 hope, without any excep- tion or reserve; not in the least shrinking back from any difficul- ties that might attend this great and blessed work. I seemed to be most free, cheerful, and full in this dedication of myself. My whole soul cried " Lord, to thee T dedicate myself! O accept of me, and let me be thine for ever. Lord, I desire nothing else ; \ desire nothing more. O come, come. Lord, accept a poor worm. Whom have I in heaven hut thee? and there is none upon earth, that I desire beside thee.^^ After this, was enabled to praise God MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 153 with my whole soul, that he had enabled me to devote and conse- crate all my powers to him in this solemn manner. My heart re- joiced in my particular work as a missionary ; rejoiced in my ne- cessity of self-denial in many respects ; and still continued to give up myself to God, and implore mercy of him, praying incessant- ly, every moment, with sweet fervency. My nature being very weak, of late, and much spent, was now considerably overcome : my fingers grew very feeble, and somewhat numb, so that I could scarcely stretch them out straight ; and when I lighted from my horse, could hardly walk ; my joints seemed all to be loosed. But I felt abundant strength in the inner man. Preached to tiie white people : God helped me much, especially in prayer. Sun- dry of my poor Indians were so moved as to come to meeting al- so; and one appeared much concerned. July 2. " Had some relish of the divine comforts of yester- day ; but could not get that warmth and exercise of faith, which I desired. Had sometimes a distressing sense of my past follies, and present ignorance and barrenness : and especially in the after- noon, was sunk down under a load of sin and guilt, in that I had lived so httle to God, after his abundant goodnes'; to me yester- day. In the evening, though very weak, was enabled to pray with •fervency, and to continue instant in prayer, near an hour. My soul mourned over the power of its corruption, and longed ex- ceedingly to be washed ^^nd purged us ivithhysup. Was enabled to pray for my dear absent friends, Christ's ministers, and his church ; and enjoyed much freedom and fervency, but not so much comfort, by reason of guilt and shame before God. Judged and condemned myself for the follies of the day. July 3. " Was still very weak. This morning, was enabled to pray under a feeling sense of my need of help from God, and, I trust, had some faith in exercise ; and, blessed be God, was en- abled to plead with him a considerable time. Truly God is good to me. But my soul mourned, and was grieved at my sinfulness and barrenness, and longed to be more engaged for God. Near nine, withdrew again for prayer; and through divine goodness, had the blessed spirit of prayer ; my soul loved the duty, and longed for God in it. O it is sweet to be the Lord'^s, to be sensi- bly devoted to him ! What a blessed portion is God ! How glo- rious, how lovely in himself! O my soul longed to improve lime wholly for God ! Spent most of the day in translating prayers into Indian. — In the evening, was enabled again to wres- tle with God in prayer with fervency. Was enabled to maintain a self-diffident and watchful frame of spirit, in the evening, and 20 lo4 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. was jealous and afraid lest I should admit carelessness and self- confidence." The 7iext day^ he seems to have had special assistance and fer- vency most of the day, but in a less degree than in the preceding day. Tuesday was spent in great bodily weakness ; yet seems to have been spent in continual distress and great bitterness of spirit, in consequence of his vileness and corruption. He says, "I thought that there was not one creature living so vile as I. O my inward pollution ! O my guilt and shame before God! I know not what to do. O I longed ardently to be cleansed and washed from the stains of inward pollution ! Oh, to be made like God, or rathei to be made fit for God to own !" July 6. " Awoke this mornmg in the fear of God : soon call- ed to mind my sadness in the evening past ; and spent my first waking minutes in prayer for sanctification, that my soul may be washed from its exceeding pollution and defilement. After I arose, 1 spent some time in reading God's word, and in prayer. I cried to God under a sense of my great indigence. I am, of late, most of all concerned for ministerial qualifications, and the con- version of the Heathen. Last year, 1 longed to be prepared for a world of glory, and speedily to depart out of this world ; but of late all my concern almost is for the conversion of the Heathen ; and for that end I long to live. But blessed be God, 1 have less desire to live for any of the pleasures of the world, than I ever had. I long and love to be a pilgrim ; and want grace to imitate the life, labours, and sufferings of St. Paul among the Heathen. And when I long for holiness now, it is not so much for myself as formerly ; but rather that thereby I may become an " able minis- ter of the New-Testament," especially to the Heathen. Spent about two hours this morning in reading and prayer by turns ; and was in a watchful tender frame, afraid of every thing that might cool my affections, and draw away my heart from God. "Was a little strengthened in my studies ; but near night was very weak and weary. July 7. " Was very much disordered this morning, and my vigour all spent and exhausted : but was affected and refreshed in reading the sweet story of Elijah's translation, and enjoyed some affection and fervency in prayer: longed much for ministerial gifts and graces, that 1 might do something in the cause of God. Af- terwards was refreshed and invigorated, while reading Alleine's first Case of conscience, he. and enabled then to pray with some ardour of soul, and was afraid of cartdessness and self-confidence, and lon<:';ed for holiness. MEMOIRS OF BU AINERD. 155 Lord''s day^ July 8. " Was ill last night, not able to rest qui- etly. Had some small degree of assistance in preachinj^ to thn Indians ; and afterwards was enabled to preach to the white peo- ple with some power, especially in the cJose of my discourse, from Jer. iii. 23. Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, &c. The Lord also assisted me in some measure in the first prayer; blessed be his name. Near night, though very weary, was enabled to read God's word with some sweet relish of it, and to pray with affection, fervency, and I trust with faith: my soul was more sensibly dependant on God than usual. Was watchful, tender, and jealous of my own heart, lest I should ad- mit carelessness and vain thoughts, and grieve the blessed Spirit, so that he should w ithdraw his sweet, kind, and tender influences. Longed to " depart, and be with Christ," more than at any time of late. My soul was exceedingly united to the saints of ancient times, as well as those now living; especially my soul melted for the society of Elijah and Elisha. Was enabled to cry to God with a child-like spirit, and to continue instant in prayer for some time. Was much enlarged in the sweet duty of inter- cession ; was enabled to remember great numbers of dear friends, and precious souls, as well as Christ's ministers. Con- tinued in this frame, afraid of 'every idle thought, till I dropped asleep. July 9. " Was under much illness of body most of the day ; and not able to sit up the whole'SayT Towards night felt a little better. Then spent some time in reading God's word and prayer; enjoyed some degree of fervency and affection ; was enabled to plead with God for his cause and kingdom : and, through divine goodness, it was apparent to me, that it was his cause I pleaded for, and not my own ; and was enabled to make this an argument with God to answer my requests. July 10. " Was ver^ jJL[j^ and full of pain, and very dull and spiritless. In the evening, had an affecting sense of my igno- rance, and of my need of God at all times, to do every thing for me ; and my soul was humbled before God. July 1}. ''Was still exercised with illness and pain. Had some degree of affection and warmth in prayer and reading God's word ; longed for Abraham's faith and feliow^ship with God ; and felt some resolution to spend all my time for God, and to exert myself with more fervency in his service ; but found my body weak and feeble. In the afternoon, though very ill, was enabled to spend some considerable time in prayer; spent, indeed, most of the d^y in that exercise : and my soul was ditlident, watchful, and tender, lest I should offend my blessed Friend, in thought or behaviour. I am persuaded that my soul confided in, and leaned 166 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. upon the blessed God. O, what need did 1 see myself to stand in of God at all times, to assist me and lead me! Found a great want of strength and vigour, both in the outward and inner man." The exercises and experiences of which he speaks in the next nine clays^ arc very similar to those of the preceding days of this and the foregoing week ; a sense of his own weakness, ignorance, unprofitableness, and vileness; lothing and abhorring himself; self-diffidence ; sense of the greatness of his work, of his great need of divine help, and the extreme danger of self-confidence ; longing for holiness and humility, to be fitted for his work, and to live to God, and for the conversion of the Indians; and these things to a very great degree. July 21. " This morning, I was greatly oppressed with guilt and shame, from a sense of inward vileness and pollution. About nine, withdrew to the woods for prayer; but had not much com- fort ; I appeared to myself the vilest, meanest creature upon earth, and could scarcely live with myself; so mean and vile I appeared, that I thought I should never be able to hold up my hce in heaven, if God of his infinite grace should bring me thither. Towards night my burden respecting my work among the Indians began to increase much ; and was aggravated by hearing sundry things which looked very discouraging ; in partic- ular, that they intended to meet together the next day for an idol- atrous feast and dance. Then I began to be in anguish : I thought that I must in conscience go and endeavour to break them up ; yet knew not how to attempt such a thing. However, I withdrew for prayer, hoping for strength from above. Jn prayer I was exceedingly enlarged, and my soul was as much drawn out as I ever remember it to have been in my life. 1 was in such anguish, and pleaded with so much earnestness and importunity, that when 1 rose from my knees I felt extremely weak and overcome ; I could scarcely v/alk straight; my joints were loosed; the sweat ran down my face and body ; and nature seemed as if it would dissolve. So far as I could judge, I was wholly free from selfish ends in my fervent supplications for the poor Indians. I knew that they were met together to worship devils, and not God ; and tins made me cry earnestly, that God would now appear, and lielp me in my attempts to break up this idolatrous meeting. My soul pleaded long ; and 1 thought that God would hear, and would go with me to vindicate his own cause : I seemed to con- fide in God for his presence and assistance. And thus I spent the evening, praying incessantly for divine assistance, and that I might MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 157 hot be self-dependent, but still have my whole dependence upon God. What I passed throusjh was remarkable, and indeed inex- pressible. All things here below vanished •, and there appeared to be nothing of any considerable importance to me, but holiness of heart and life, and the conversion of the Heathen to God. All my cares, fears, and desires, which might be said to be of a worldly nature, disappeared 5 and were, in my esteem, of little more importance than a puff of wind. I exceedini^ly longed that God would get to himself a name among the Heathen ; and I ap- pealed to him with the greatest freedom, that he knew I " pre- ferred him above my chief joy." Indeed, I had no notion of joy from this world ; I cared not where or how 1 lived, or what hard- ships I went through, so that I could but gain souls to Christ. I continued in this frame all the evening and night. While I was asleep, I dreamed of these things ; and when I waked, (as I fre- quently did,) the first thing I thought of was this great work of pleading for God against Satan. LorcPs day^ July 22. " When I waked, my soul was burdened with what seemed to be before me. I cried to God, before I could get out of my bed ; and as soon as I was dressed, I with- drew into the woods, to pour out my burdended soul to God, especially for assistance in my great work ; for I could scarcely think of any thing else. I enjoyed the same freedom and ferven- cy as the last evening; and did with unspeakable freedom give up myself afresh to God, for life or death, for all hardships he should call me to among the Heathen ; and felt as if nothing could dis- courage me from this blessed work. I had a strong hope that God would " bow the heavens and come down," and do some marvellous work among the Heathen. While I was riding to the Indians — three miles; my heart was continually going up to God for his presence and assistance ; and hoping, and almost expect- ing, that God would make this the day of his power and grace amongst the poor Indians. When 1 came to them, I found them engaged in their frolic ; but through divine goodness 1 persuaded them to desist and attend to my preaching : yet still there ap- peared nothing of the special power of God among them. Preached again to them in the afternoon, and observed the Indians were more sober than before; but still saw nothingspecialamongthem. Hence Satan took occasion to tempt and buffet me with these cursed suggestions, There is no God, or if there be, he is not able to convert the Indians, before they have more knowledge, Szc. I was very weak and weary, and my soul borne down with perplex- ity ; but was mortified to all the world, and was determined still to wait upon God for the conversion of the Heathen, though the devil tempted me to the contrary. 168 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. July 23. " Retained still a deep and pressing sense of what Jay with so nnuch weight upon me yesterday ; but was more calm and quiet. Enjoyed freedom and composure, after the temptations of the last evening ; had sweet resignation to the divine will ; and desired nothing so much as the conversion of the Heathen to God, and that his kingdom might come in my own heart, and the hearts of others. Rode to a settlement of Irish people, about fifteen miles south-westward ; spent my time in prayer and medi- tation by the way. Near night, preached from Matt. v. 3. Blessed are the poor in spirit^ &;c. God was pleased to afford me some degree of freedom and fervency. Blessed be God for any measure of assistance, July 24. " Rode about seventeen miles westward, over a hid- eous mountain, to a number of Indians. Got together near thirty of them : preached to them in the evening, and lodged among them — Was weak, and felt in some degree disconsolate ; jet could have no freedom in the thought of any other circum- stances or business in life. All my desire was the conversion of the Heathen ; and all my hope was in God. God does not suf- fer me to please or comfort myself with hopes of seeing friends, returning to my dear acquaintance, and enjoy i rig worldly com- The ?iext day^ he preached to these Indians again ; and then returned to the Irish settlement, and there preached to a numer- ous congregation. There was a considerable appearance of awakening in the congregation. Thursday he returned home, exceedingly fatigued and spent ; still in the same frame of morti- fication to the world, and solicitous for the advancement of Christ's kingdom. On this day he writes thus: "I have felt this week, more of the spirit of a pilgrim 07i earth, than perhaps ever before; and yet so desirous to see Zion's prosperity, that I was not so wil- ling to leave this scene of sorrows as I used to be." — The tzoo re- maining days of the week, he was very ill, and complains of wan- derings, dulness, and want of spiritual fervency and sweetness. On the Sabbath, he was confined by illness, not able to go out to preach. After this, bis illness increased upon him, and he con- tinued very ill all the week; and says, that "he thought he never before endured such a season of distressing weakness ; that his nature was so spent, that he could neither stand, sit, nor lie with any quiet ; that he was exercised with extreme faintncss and sick- ness at his stomach ; that his mind was as much disordered as his body, seeming to be stupid, and without any kind of affections towards all objects, and yet perplexed, to think that he lived for nothing; that precious time rolled away and he could do nothing but trifle: and that it was a season wherein Satan bufifetted him MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 159 with some peculiar temptations. On Tuesday of this week he wrote the following letter to an intimate and dear friend. It in- dicates aflfeetions in no ordinary degree chastened and spiritual. '•^Forks of Delazvare, July 31, 1744. "' Certainly the greatest, the noblest pleasure of intelligent creatures must result from their acquaintance with the blessed God, and with their own rational and immortal souls. O, how divinely sweet and entertaining is it, to look into our own souls, when we can find all our powers and passions united and engaged in pursuit after God ; our whole souls longing and passionately breathing after a conformity to him, and the full enjoyment oi him ! Verily no hours pass away with so much divine pleasure, as those which are spent in communing with God and our own hearts. O, how sweet is a spirit of devotion, a spirit of serious- ness and divine solemnity, a spirit of gospel simplicity, love and tenderness ! O, how desirable, and how profitable to the chris- tian life, is a spirit of holy watchfulness, and godly jealousy over ourselves ; when our souls are afraid of nothing so much as that we shall grieve and offend the blessed God, whom at such times we apprehend, or at least hope, to ha ^ Father and Friend^ whom we then love and long to please, rather than to be happy ourselves.-, or at least we delight to derive our happiness from pleasing and glorifying him ! Surely this is a pious temper, worthy of the highest ambition and closest pursuit of intelligent creatures and holy christians. O, how vastly superior are the pleasure, peace, and satisfaction derived from these divine frames, to that which we, alas! sometimes pursue in things impertinent and trifling • Our own bitter experience teaches us, that " in the midst of such laughter the heart is sorrowful," and there is no true satisfaction but in God. But, alas! how « shall we obtain and retain this sweet spirit of religion and devotion ? Let us follow the apostle's direction, Phil. ii. 12. and labour upon the encouragement which he there mentions, ver. 13. for it is God only can afford us this favour ; and he will be sought to, and it is fit we should wait upon him for so rich a mercy. Oh, may the God of all grace afford us the grace and influences of his divine Spirit ; and help us that we mny from our hearts esteem 't our greatest liberty and happiness, that " whether we live, we r/iay live to the Lord, or whether we die, we may die to the Lord ;" that in life and death, we mav be his! j/ " I am in a v_ej:^L.p^or state of health ; I think, scarce ever poorer : but, through diviiTe" "goodness, 1 am not discontented 160 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. under my weakness, and confinement to this wilderness. I bless God fof this retirement ; I never was more thankful for any thing, than I have been of late for the necessity I an under of self-de- nial in ma?iy respects. I love to be n pilgrim and stranger in this wilderness ; it seems most fit for such a poor, ignorant, worthless, despised creature as I. I would not change my present mission for any other business in the whole world. I may tell you freely, without vanity and ostentation, God has of late given me great freedom and fervency in prayer, when I have been so weak and feeble that my nature seemed as if it would speedily dissolve. I feel as if myall was lost, and I was undone for this world, if the poor Heathen may not be converted. I feel, in general, differ- ent from what I did, when I saw you last; at least more crucified to all the enjoyments of life. It would be very refreshing tome to see you here in this desart ; especially in my weak disconsolate hours ; but, I think, I could be content never to see you, or any of my friends again in this world, if God would bless my labours here to the conversion of the poor Indians. " I have much that I could willingly communicate to you, which I must omit till Providence gives us leave to see each other. In the mean time, I rest " Your obliged friend and servant, " David Brainerd." Concerning the next five days he writes thus : " Lord^s day^ Augnsi 5, was still very poor. But, though very weak, I visited and preached to the poor Indians twice, and was strengthened vastly beyond my expectations. Indeed, the Lord gave me some freedom and fervency in addressing them ; though I had not strength enough to stan(.l, but was obliged to sit down the whole time. Towards night, was extremely weak, faint, sick, and full of pain. I have continued much in the same slate I was in last week, through most of this, (it being now Friday,) unable to en- gage in any business ; frequently unable to pray in the family. I am obliged to let all my thoughts and concerns run at random ; for I have not strength to read, meditate, or pray : and this nat- urally perplexes my mind. I seem to myself like a man that has all his estate embarked in one small boat, unhappily going adrift, down a swift torrent. The poor owner sta.nds on the shore, and looks, and laments his loss But, alas ! though my all seems to be adrift, and I stand and see it, 1 dare not lament ; for this sinks my spirits more, and aggravates my bodily disorders ! I am forced therefore to divert myself with trifles; although at the same time I am afraid, and often feel as if I was guilty of the misimprove- ment of time. And oftentimes my conscience is so exercised. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 161 with this miserable way of spending time, that I have no peace ; though I have no strength of mind or body to improve it to better purpose. Oh that God would pity my distressed state !'' The next three we The like complaints are continued the day after. Oct. I. "Was engaged this day in making preparations for my intended journey to the Susquchannah. Withdrew several limes to the woods for secret duties, and endeavoured to plead MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 163 for the divine presence to go with me to the poor Pagans, to whom I was going to preach the gospel. Towards night rode about four miles, and met brother Byram ;* who was come, at my desire, to be my companion in travel to the Indians. I rejoiced to see him ; and, I trust, God made his conversation profitable to me. I saw him, as I thought, more dead to the world, its anxious cares, and alluring objects, than I was : and this made me look within myself, and gave me a greater sense of my guilt, ingratitude, and misery. Oct. 2. '' Set out on my journey, in company with dear broth- er Byram, and my interpreter, and two chief Indians from the Forks of Delaware. Travelled about twenty-five miles, and lodged in one of the last houses on our road ;. after which there was nothing but a hideous and howling wilderness. Oct. 3. We went on our way into the w^ilderness, and found the most difficult and dangerous travelling, by far, that ever any of us had seen. We had scarce any thing else but lofty mountains, deep valleys, and hideous rocks, to make our w^ay through. However, I felt some sweetness in divine things, part of the Hay, and had my mind intensely engaged in meditation on a divine subject. Near night, my beast on which I rode, hung one of her legs in the rocks, and fell down under me ; but through divine goodness, I was not hurt. However, she broke her leg ; and being in such a hideous place, and near thirty miles from any house, I saw nothing that could be done to preserve her life, and so was obliged to kill her, and to prosecute my journey on foot. This accident made me admire the divine goodness to me, that my bones were not broken, and the multitude of them filled with strong pain. Just at dark, we kindled a fire, cut up a few bushes, and made a shelter over our heads, to save us from the frost, which was very hard that night ; and committing our- selves to God by prayer, we lay down on the ground, and slept quietly." The next day, they went forward on their journey, and at night took up their lodgings in the woods in like manner. Oct. 5. " W^e reached the Susquehannah river, at a place called Opeholhaupung, and found there twelve Indian houses. After I had saluted the king in a friendly manner, I told him mv business, and that my desire was to teach them Chr^tianity. Af^ ter some consultation, the Indians gathered, and I preached to them. And when I had done, I asked if they would hear me again. They replied, that they would consider of it ; and soon * Minister at a place called iloffcci7icM.y, about forty miles from Brainerd's lodgings. 164 BIExMOiRS OF BRAINERD. after sent me word, that they would immediately attend, if I would preach: which 1 did, with freedom, both times. When I asked them again, whether they would hear me further, they re- plied, they would the next day. I was exceeding sensible of the impossibility of doing any thing for the poor Heathen without special assistance from above ; and my soul seemed to rest on God, and leave it to him to do as he pleased in that which I saw was his own cause. Indeed, through divine goodness, I had felt some- what of this frame most of the time while I was travelling thither; and in some measure before I set out. Oct. 6. "Rose early and besought the Lord for help in my great work. Near noon, preached again to the Indians ; and in the afternoon, visited them from house to house, and invited them to come and hear me again the next day, and put off their hunt- ing design, which they were just entering upon, till Monday. " This night," I trust, " the Lord stood by me," to encourage and strengthen my soul : I spent more than an hour in secret retire- ment; was enabled to "pour out my heart before God," for the increase of grace in my soul, for ministerial endowments, for success among the poor Indians, for God's ministers and people, for distant dear friends, &ic. Blessed be GodT^ The next day, he complains of great want of fixedness and mtenseness in religion, so that he could not keep any spiritual thought one minute without distraction; which occasioned anguish of spirit. He felt amazingly guilty, and extremely miserable; and cries out, " O, my soul, what death it is, to have the affec- tions unable to centre in God, by reason of darkness, and conse- quent roving after that satisfaction elsewhere, that is only to be found here !" However, he preached twice to the Indians with considerable freedom and power; but was afterwards damped by the objections they made against Christianity, In the evening, in a sense of his great defects in preaching, he " intreated God not to impute to him blood-guiltiness;" but yet was at the same time enabled to rejoice in God. Oct. 8. "Visited the Indians with a design to take my leave of them, supposing they would this morning go out to hunting early ; but beyond my expectation and hope, they desired to hear me preach a§]jn. I gladly complied with their request, and af- terwards endeavoured to answer their objections against Chris- tianity. Then they went away ; and we spent the rest of the afternoon in reading and prayer, intending to go home-ward very early the next day. My soul was in some measure refresh- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 165 ed in secret prayer and meditation. Blessed be the Lord jor all his goodness, Oct. 9. " We rose about four in the morning, and commend- ing ourselves to God by prayer, and asking his special protection, we set out on our journey homewards abou? five, and travelled with great steadiness till past six at night ; and then made us a fire, and a shelter of barks, and so rested. I had some clear and comfortable thoughts on a divine subject, by the way, towards night. — In the night, the wolves howled around us ; but God preserved us." The next day, they rose early, and set forward, and travelled that day till they came to an Irish settlement, with which Brain- ERD was acquainted, and lodged there. He speaks of some sweetness in divine things, and thankfulness to God for his good- ness to him in "his journey, though attended with shame for his barrenness. On Thursday, he continued in the same place ; and both he and Mr. Byram preached there to the people. Oct, 12. ^' Rode home to my lodgings; where I poured out my soul to God in secret prayer, and endeavoured to bless him for his abundant goodness to me in my late journey. I scarcely ever enjoyed more health, at least, of later years ; and God mar- vellously, and almost miraculously, supported me under the fa- tigues of the way, and travelling on foot. Blessed be the Lord, who continually preserves me in all my ways." On Saturday, he went again to the Irish settlement, to spen^ the Sabbath there, his Indians being gone. Lord''sday, Oct. 14. "Was much confused and perplexed in my thoughts ; could not pray; and was almost discouraged, think- ing I should never be able to preach any more. Afterwards, God was pleased to give me some r( lief from these confusions; but still I was afraid, and even troubled before God. I went to the place of public worship, lifting up my heart to God for assistance and grace, in my great work : and God was gracious to me, helping me to plead with him for holiness, and to use the strongest arguments with him, drawn from the incarnation and sufferings of Christ for this very end, that men might be made holy. After- wards, I was much assisted in preaching. I know not that ever God helped me to preach in a more close and distinguishing man- ner for the trial of men's state. Through the infinite goodness of God, I felt what I spoke ; he enabled me to treat on divine 166 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. truth with uncommon clearness ; and yet I was so sensible of my defects in preaching, that I could not be proud of my perform- ance, as at some times; and blessed be the Lord for this mercy. In the evening, I longed to be entirely alone, to bless God for help in a time of extremity ; and longed for great degrees of holi- ness, that I might shew my gratitude to God." The next morning, he spent sometime before sun-rise in prayer, in the same sweet and grateful frame of mind, that he had been in the evening before ; and afterwards went to his Indians, and spent some time in teaching and exhorting them. Oct. 16. "Felt a spirit of solemnity and watchfulness ; was afraid I should not live to and upon God : longed for more in- tenseness and spirituality. Spent the day in writing ; frequently lifting up my heart to God for more heavenly mindedness. In the evening, enjoyed sweet assistance in prayer; thirsted and pleaded to be as holy as the blessed angels; longed for ministerial gifts and graces, and success in my work; was sweetly assisted in the duty of intercession ; and enabled to remember and plead for numbers of dear friends, and of Christ's ministers." He seemed to have much of the same frame of mind the two next days. Oct. 19. "Felt an abasing sense of my own impurity and un- holiness; and felt my soul melt and mourn, that I had abused and grieved a very gracious God, who was still kind to me, notwith- standing all my unworthiness. My soul enjoyed a sweet season of bitter repentance and sorrov/, that I had wronged that blessed God, who, I was persuaded, was reconciled to me in his dear Son. My soul was now tender, devout, and solemn. And I was afraid of nothing but sin ; and afraid of that in every action and thought." The four next days, were manifestly spent in a most constant tenderness, watchfulness, diligence, and self-diffidence. But he complains of wanderings of mind, languor of affections, Sic. Oct. 24. "Near noon, rode to my people; spent some time, and prajed with them: felt the frame of a Jp^7^•rm on earth ; longed much to leave this gloomy mansion ; but yet found the exercise of patience and resignation. And as I returned home from the Indians, spent the whole time in lifting up my heart to MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 167 God. In the evening, enjoyed a blessed season alone in prayer ; was enabled to cry to God with a child-like spirit, for the space of near an hour; enjoyed a sweet freedom in supplicating for myself, for dear friends, ministers, and some who are preparing for that work, and for the church of God ; and longed to be as lively myself in God's service as the angels. Oct. 25. " Was busy in writing. Was very sensible of my absolute dependence on God in all respects ; saw that I could do nothing, even in those affairs for which I have sufficient natural faculties, unless God should smile upon my attempt. "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to think any thing, as of ourselves," I saw was a sacred truth Oct. 26. " In the morning, my soul was melted with a sense of divine goodness and mercy to such a vile unworthy worm. I delighted to lean upon God, and place my whole trust in him. My soul was exceedingly grieved for sin, and prized, and longed after holiness ; it w^ounded my heart deeply, yet sweetly, to think how I had abused a kind God. I longed to be perfectly holy, that I might not grieve a gracious God; who will continue to love, notwithstanding his love is abused ! I longed for holiness more for this end, than I did for my own happiness' sake : and yet this was my greatest happiness, never more to dishonour, but always to glorify the blessed God. Afterwards, rode up to the Indians, in the afternoon, &ic." The/ow next days, he was exercised with much disorder and pain of body, with a degree of melancholy and gloominess of mind, bitterly complaining of deadness and unprofitableness, yet mourning and longing after God. Oct. 31. " Was sensible of my barrenness and decays in the things of God : my soul failed when I remembered the fervency which I had enjoyed at the throne of grace. O, I thought, if f could but be spiritual, warm, heavenly-minded, and affectionate- ly breathing after God, this would be better than life to me ! My soul longed exceedingly for death, to be loosed from this dulness and barrenness, and made for ever active in the service of God. I seemed to live for nothing, and to do no good : and O, the bur- den of such a life ! O death, death, my kind friend, hasten, and deliver me from dull mortality, and make me spiritual and vigo- rous to eternity ! JVov. I. '' Had but little sweetness in divine things ; but after- wards, in the evenings felt some life, and longings after God. I longed to be always solemn, devout, and heavenly-minded; and 168 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. was afraid to leave off praying, lest I should again lose a sense oi' the sweet things of God. Jsfov. 2. " Was filled with sorrow and confusion, in the morn- ing, and could enjoy no sweet sense of divine things, nor get any relief in prayer. Saw I deserved that every one of God's crea- tures should be let loose, to be the executioners of his wrath against me ; and yet therein saw I deserved what 1 did not fear as my portion. About noon, rode up to the Indians ; and while going, could feel no desires for them, and even dreaded to say any thing to them ; but God was pleased to give me some free- dom and enlargement, and made the season comfortable to me. In the evening, had enlargement in prayer. But, alas ! what comforts and enlargements I have felt for these many weeks past have been only transient and short; and the greater part of my time has been filled up with deadness, or struggles with deadness, and bitter conflicts with corruption. I have found myself exercised sorely with some particular things that I thought myself most of all freed from. And thus I have ever found it, when I have thought the battle was over, and the conquest gained, and so let down my watch, the enemy has risen up and done me tlie greatest injury. J^ov, 3. " I read the life and trials of a godly man, and was much warmed by it : I wondered at my past deadness ; and was more convinced of it than ever. Was enabled to confess and bewail my sin before God, with self-abhorrence. LorcVs day, J^ov, 4. '* Had, I think, some exercise of faith in prayer, in the morning : longed to be spiritual. Had considera- ble help in preaching to my poor Indians: was encouraged with them, and hoped that God designed mercy for them." The next day, Nov. 5, he concluded the following letter to Rev. Mr. Pemberton, of New York, giving an account of his la- bours and success, both at Kaunaumeek and at the Forks of Del- aware. TO THE REV. EBENEZER PEMBERTOK. Forks of Dclazvare, JS''oi\ 5, 1744. "Rev. Sir. " Since you are pleased to require of me some brief and gen- eral account of my conduct in the affair of my mission among the Indians ; the pains and endeavours I have used to propagate Christian knowledge among them ; the difficulties I have met with in pursuance of that great work ; and the hopeful and encourag- ing appearances I have pbserved in any of them ; I shall now MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 169 endeavour to answer your demands, by giving a brief but faithful account of the most material things relating to that important affair, with which I have been and am still concerned. This I shall do with more freedom and cheerfulness, both because I apprehend it will be a likely means to give pious persons, who are concern- ed for the kingdom of Christ, some just apprehension of the many and great difficulties that attend the propagation of it among the poor Pagans ; and consequently, it is hoped, will engage their more frequent and fervent prayers to God, that those may be succeeded, who are employed in this arduous work. Besides, I persuade myself, that the tidings of the gospel spreading among the poor Heathen, will be, to those who are waiting for the ac- complishment of the " glorious things spoken of the city of our God," as '' good news from a far country;" and that these will be so far from " despising the day of small things," that, on the con- trary, the least dawn of encouragement and hope, in this im- portant affair, will rather inspire their pious breasts with more generous and warm desires, that " the kingdoms of this world, may speedily become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ." — I shall therefore immediately proceed to the business before me, and briefly touch upon the most important matters thathave concerned my mission, from the beginning to this present time. — " On March 15, 1743, I waited on the Correspondents for the Indian mission at New York; and the week following, attended their meeting at Woodbridge, in New Jersey, and was speedily dismissed by them with orders to attempt the instruction of a number of Indians in a place some miles distant from the city of Albany. And on the first day of April following, 1 arrived among the Indians, at a place called by them Kaunaumeek, in the county of Albany, nearly twenty miles distant from the city eastward. " The place, as to its situation, was sufficiently lonesome and unpleasant, being encompassed with mountains and woods ; twen- ty miles distant from any English inhabitants ; six or seven from any Dutch ; and more than two from a family that came, some time since, from the Highlands of Scotland, and had then lived, as I remember, about two years in this wilderness. In this fam- ily I lodged about the space ef three months, the master of it being the only person with whom I could readily converse in those parts, except my interpreter ; others understanding very little English. "After I had spent about three months in this situation, I found my distance from the Indians a very great disadvantage to my work among them, and very burdensome to myself; as I was 22 170 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. obliged to travel forward and backward almost daily on foot, having no pasture in which I could keep my horse for that pur- pose. And after all my pains, could not be with the Indians in the evening and morning, which were usually the best hours to find them at home, and when they could best attend my instruc- tions.— I therefore resolved to remove, and live with or near the Indians, that I might watch all opportunities, when they were S^cnerally at home, and take the advantage of such seasons for their instructions. " Accordingly I removed soon after ; and, for some time, lived wMth them in one of iheirioigzvams^ and, not long after, built me a smal! house, where 1 spent the remainder of that year entirely alone; my interpreter, who was an Indian, choosing rather to live in a wigman among his own countrymen. — This way of liv- ing I found attended with many difficulties, and uncomfortable circumstances, in a place where I could get none of the necessa- ries and common comforts of life, (no, not so much as a morsel of bread,) but what I brought from places fifteen and twenty miles distant, and oftentimes was obliged, for some time together, to content myself without, for want of an opportunity to procure the things I needed. '' But although the difficulties of this solitary w^ay of living are not the least, or most inconsiderable, (and doubtless are, in fact, many more and greater to those who experience^ than they can readily appear to those who only view them at a distance,) yet I can truly say that the burden I felt respecting my great work among the poor Indians, the fear and concern that continually hung upon my spirit, lest they should be prejudiced against Chris- tianity, and their minds imbittered against me, and my labours among them by means of the insinuations of some who, although they are called Christians^ seem to have no concern for Christ's kingdom, but had rather (as their conduct plainly discovers) that the Indians should remain Heathens, that they may with the more ease cheat, and so enrich themselves by them — were much more pressing to me, than all the difficulties that attended the circum- stances of my living. " As to the slate or temper of mind in which I found these In- dians, at my first coming among them, I may justly say, it was much more desirable and encouraging, than what appears among those who are altogether uncultivated. Their Heathenish jeal- ousies and suspicion, and their prejudices against Christianity, were in a great measure removed by the long-continued labours of the Reverend Mr. Sargeant among a number of the same tribe, in a place little more than twenty miles distant. Hence, these were, in some good degree, prepared to entertain the MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 171 truths of Christianity, instead of objecting against them, and appearing almost entirely untractahle, as is common with them at first, and as, perhaps, these appeared a (cw years ago. Some of them, at least, appeared very well disposed towards religion, and seemed much pleased with my coming among them. " In my labours with them, in order to " turn them from dark- ness to light," I studied what was most plain and casj/, and best suited to their capacities ; and endeavoured to set before them from time to time, as they were able to receive them, the most important and necessary truths of Christianity ; such as most im- mediately concerned their speedy conversion to God, and such as I judged had the greatest tendency, as means, to effect that glorious change in them. But especially I made it the scope and drift of all my labours, to lead them into a thorough acquaintance with these two things — First, The sinfulness and misery of the . estate they were naturally m-, the evil of their hearts, the pollu- I tion of their natures; the heavy guilt they were under, and their exposedness to everlasting punishment ; as also their utter inabili- ty to save themselves, either from their sins, or from those mise- ries which are the just punishment of them ; and their unworthi- iiess of any mercy at the hand of God, on account of any thing they themselves could do to procure his favour, and consequent- ly their extreme need of Christ to save them. And, secondly, I frequently endeavoured to open to them the fulness, all-suffi- ciency, diwd. frteness of that redemption, which the Son of God has wrought out by his obedience and sufferings, for perishing sinners: how this provision he had made, was suited to all their wants; and how he called and invited them to accept of everlasting life freely, notwithstanding all their sinfulness, inability, unwor- thiness, &;c. " After I had been with the Indians several months, I composed j^ sundry forms of prayer, adapted to their circumstances and ca- *^ pacities ; which, with the help of my interpreter, I translated into the Indian language ; and soon learned to pronounce their words, so as to pray with them in their own tongue. 1 also trans- lated sundry psalms into their language, and soon after we were ^' able to sing inlhe worship of God. "When my people had gained some acquaintance with many of the truths of Christianity, so that they were capable of receiving and understanding many others, which at first could not be taught them, by reason of their ignorance of those that were necessary to be previously known, and upon which others depended ; I then gave them an historical account of God's dealings with his ancient U professing people the Jews ; some of the rites and ceremonies i7ii MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD.' they were obliged to observe, as their sacrafices, &;c.; and what these were designed to represent to them : as also sonne of the surprising miracles God wrought for their salvation, while they trusted in hinn, and sore punishments he sonnetimes brought upon them, when they forsook and sinned against him. Afterwards I proceeded to give them a relation of the birth, life, miracles, sufierings, death, and resurrection of Christ; as well as his as- cension, and the wonderful effusion of the holy Spirit consequent thereupon. "And having thus endeavoured to prepare the way by such a general account of things, I next proceeded to read and ex^wuud y to them the gospel of St. Matthew (at least the substance of it) in course, wherein they had a more distinct and particular view of what they had before some general notiop. — These expositions I attended almost every evening, when there was any considerable number of THerTTafhomej except when I was obliged to be absent myself, in order to learn the Indian language with the Rev. Mr. Sargeant. Besides these means of instruction, there was likewise an English school constantly kept by my interpreter among the Indians ; wliicft^I used frequently to visit, in order to give the children and young people some proper instructions, and serious exhortations suited to their age. The degree of knozvledge to which some of them attained, was considerable. Many of the truths of Christianity seemed fixed in their minds, especially in some instances, so that they would speak to me of them, and ask such questions about them, as were necessary to render them more plain and clear to their un- derstandings.— The children, also, and young people, who at- tended the school, made considerable proficiency (at least some of them) in their learning ; so that had they understood the Eng- lish language well, they would have been able to read somewhat readily in a psalter, '•But that which was most of all desirable, and gave me the greatest encouragement amidst many difficulties and disconsolate hours, was, that the truths of God's word seemed, at times, to I be attended with some power upon the hearts and consciences of I the Indians. And especially this appeared evident in a few in- stances, who were awakened to some sense of their miserable estate by nature, and appeared solicitous for diliverance from it* Several of them came, of their own accord, to discourse with me about their souls' concerns ; and some, with tears, inquired "what they should do to be saved?" and whether the God that Chris- tians served, would be merciful to those that had been frequently drunk, be faithful, and that he was pleased to awaken these poor Indian? by my means. O how heart-reviving and soul refreshing it is to tne, to see the fruit of my labours! June 28, "The Indians being now gathered, a considerable number of them, from their several and distant habitations request- ed me to preach twice a day to them ; being desirous to hear as much as they possibly could while I was with them. I cheerfully complied with their request, and could not but admire the good- ness of God, who I was persuaded, had inclined them thus to in- quire after the way of salvation. " In the evening, my soul was revived, and my heart hfted up to God in prayer for my poor Indians, myself, and friends, and the dear church of God. O how refreshing, how sweet was this! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not his goodness and ten- der mercy ! June 29. "Preached twice to the Indians; and could not but wonder at their seriousness, and the strictness of their attention. Saw, as I thought, the hand of God very evidently, and in a man- ner somewhat remarkable, making provision for their subsistence together, in order to their being instructed in divine things. For this day, and the day before, with only walking a little way from the place of our daily meeting, they killed three deer, which were a seasonable supply for their wants, and without which, they could not have subsisted together in order to attend the means of grace. Blessed be God who has inchned their hearts to hear. O how refreshing it is to me to see them attend, with such uncommon diligence and affection, with tears in their eyes and concern in their hearts ! In the evening, could not but lift up my heart to God in prayer, while riding to my lodging ; and, blessed be his name, had assistance and freedom. O how much better than life is the presence of God! 208 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Lord^s day, June 30. " Preached twice this day also. Ob- served yet more concern and aftection among the poor Heathens than ever; so that they even constrained me to tarry yet longer with them, although my constitution was exceedingly worn out, and my health much impaired by my late fatigues and labours ; and especially by my late journey to Susquehannah in May last, in which I lodged on the ground for several weeks together. July 1. "Preached again twice to a very serious and atten- tive assembly of Indians; they having now learned to attend the worship of God with christian decency in all respects. There were now between forty and fifty persons of them present, old and young. I spent a considerable time in discoursing with them in a more private way; inquiring of them wdiat they remembered of the great truths which had been taught them from day to day; and may justly say, it was amazing to see how they had received and retained the instructions given them, and what a measure of knowledge some of them had acquired in a few days. July 2. "Was obliged to leave these Indians at Crosweeksung, thinking it my duty as soon as mj health would admit, again to visit those atthe Forks of Delaware. When I came to take leave of them and to speak particulatly to each of them., they all earnestly inquir- ed when I would come again, and expressed a great desire of being further instructed. Of their own accord the)' agreed, that when I should come again, they would all meet and live together, du- ring my continuance with them; and that they would use their utmost endeavours to gather all the other Indians in these parts who were yet more remote. When I parted from them, one told me, with many tears, "She wished God would change her heart;" another, that " she wanted to find Christ;" and an old man, who had been one of their chiefs, wept bitterly with concern for his soul. I then promised them to return as speedily as my health and business elsewhere would permit, and felt not a little con- cern at parting, lest the good impressions, then apparent upon numbers of them, might decline and wear off, when the means came to cease. Yet I could not but hope, that He, who I trust- ed, had begun a good work among them, and who, I knew, did not stand in need of means to carry it on, would maintain and promote it. At the same time, I must confess, that 1 had often seen encouraging app-^arances among the Indians elsewhere, prove wholly abortive, and it appeared that the favour would be too great, if God should now, after I had passed through so conside- rable a series of almost fruitless labours and fatigues, and after my rising hopes had been so often frustrated among these poor pa- gans, give me any special success in my labours with them, I MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 209 could not believe, and scarcely dared to hope, that the event would be so happy; and carcely ever found myself more suspended between hope and fear in any affair, or at any time, than in this. "This encouraging disposition, and readiness to receive instruc- tion, now apparent among the Indians, seems to have been the happy effect of the conviction which one or two of them met with, sometime since at the Forks of Delaware ; who have since endeavoured to shew their friends the evil of idolatry. Though the other Indians seemed but little to regard, and rather to de- ride, them; yet this, perhaps, has put them into a thinking pos- ture of mind, or at least, given them some thoughts about Chris- tianity, and excited in some of them a curiosity to hear ; and ^o made way for the present encouraging attention. An apprehen- sion that this might be the case, here, has given me encourage- ment that God may, in such a manner, bless the means which I have used with the Indians in other places ; where, as yet, there is no appearance of it. If so, may his name have the glory of it: for I have learnt, by experience, that he only can open the ear, engage the attention, and incline the hearts of poor benight- ed, prejudiced pagans, to receive instruction. "Rode from the Indians to Brunswick, nearly forty miles, and lodged there. Felt my heart drawn after God in prayer, ?ilmost all the forenoon, especially in riding. In the evening, I could not help crying to God for those poor Indians; and, after I went to bed, my heart continued to go out to God for them till I drop- ped asleep. O, blessed be God, that I may pray !" He was now so fatigued by constant preaching to these Indians, yielding to their importunate desires, that he found it necessary to give himself some relaxation. He spent, therefore, about a week in New-Jersey, after he left the Indians; visiting several ministers, and performing some necessary business, before he went to the Forks of Delaware. Though he was weak in body, yet he seems to have been strong in spirit. On Friday, July 12, he arrived at his own house in the Forks of Delaware; continu- ing still free from melancholy; from day to day enjoying freedom, assistance, and refreshment in the inner man. But on Wednes- day, the next week, he seems to have had some melancholy thoughts about his doing so little for God, being so much hinder- ed by weakness of body. Forks of Delaware^ in Pennsylvania, July 1745. Lord'^s day, July 14. " Discoursed to the Indians twice. Seve- ral of them appeared concerned, and were, I have reason to 27 210 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. think, in some measure convinced by the Divine Spirit, of their sin and misery ; so that they wept much the whole time of di- vine service. Afterwards, discoursed to a number of white peo- ple then present. July IS. " Preached to my people, who attended diligently beyond what had been common among these Indians : and some of them appeared concerned for their souls. Longed to spend the little inch of time 1 have in the world, more for God. Felt a spirit of seriousness, tenderness, sweetness and devotion; and wished to spend the whole night in praver and communion with God. July 19. "In the evening, walked abroad for prayer and medi- tation, and enjoyed composure and freedom in these sweet exer- cises, especially in meditation on Rev. iii. 12: " Him that over- conieth, will 1 make a pillar in the temple of my God." he. This was then a delightful theme to me, and it refreshed my soul to dwell on it O when shall I go no more out from the service and enjoyment of the dear Redeemer ! Lord hasten the blessed day ! Loi'd\s day, July 21. " Preached to the Indians first ; then to a number of white people present ; and in the afternoon, to the Indians again. Divine truth seemed to make very considerable impressions upon several of them, and caused the tears to flow fre. iy. Afterwards I baptized my interpreter, and his wife, who were the first whom I baptized among the Indians. "They are both persons of some experimental knowledge in religion ; have both been awakened to a solemn concern for their souls; have to appearance, been brought to a sense of their mise- ry, and undoneness in themselves ; have both appeared to be com- forted with divine consolations ; and it is apparent that both have passed a great and I cannot but hope, a saving, change. It may per'iaps be satisfactory and agreeable, that I should give some brief relation of this man's exercises and experience, since he has been with me; especially since he is employed as my Inter- preter to others. When I first employed him in this business, in the beginning of the summer of 1744, he was well fitted for his work, in regard to his acquaintance with the Indian and English languages, as well as with the manners of both nations ; and in regard to his desire that the Indians should conform to the man- ners and customs of the English, and especially to their manner of living. But he seemed to have little or no impression of reli- gion upon his mind, and in that respect was very imjit for his work ; being incapable of understanding and communicating to others many things of importance, so that I laboured under great MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 211 disadvantages in addressing the Indians, for want of his having an experimental, as well as nnore doctrinal, acquaintance with divine truths; and, at times, my spirits sunk, and were much discouraged under this difficulty ; especially when I observed that divine truths made little or no impressions upon his mind for many weeks to- gether. He indeed behaved soberly after I employed him ; al- though before, he had been a hard drinker ; and seemed honestly engaged, as far as he was capable, in the performance of his work. Especially he appeared very desirous that the Indians should re- nounce their heathenish notions and practices, and conform to the customs of the christian world. But still he seemed to have no concern about his own soul, until he had been with me a conside- rable time. '' Near the latter end of July, 1744, 1 preached to an assembly of white people, with more freedom and fervency than I could possibly address the Indians with, without their having first ob- tained a greater measure of doctrinal knowledge. At this time he was present, and was somewhat awakened to a concern for his soul ; so that the next day he discoursed freely with me about his spiritual concerns, and gave me an opportunity to use further en- deavours to fasten the impressions of his perishing state upon his mind. I could plainly perceive, for some time after this, that he addressed the Indians with more concern ?ind fervency th-Aii he had formerly done. " But these impressions seemed quickly to decline ; and he re- mained in a great measure careless and secure, until sometime late in the autumn of the year following ; when he fell into a weak and languishing state of body ; and continued much disordered for several weeks together. At this season divine truth took hold of him, and made deep impressions upon his mind. He was brought under great concern for his soul; and his exercises were not now transient and unsteady, but constant and abiding, so that his mind was burdened from day to day ; and it was now his great inquiry, " What he should do to be saved ?" This spiritual trouble prevailed, until his sleep in a great measure departed from him, and he had little rest day or night ; but walked about under' great pressure of mind, for he was still able to waik, and appeared like another man to his neighbours, who could not but observe his behaviour with wonder. After he had been some time under this exercise, while he was striving to obtain mercy, he says there seemed to be an impassable mountain before him. He was press- ing towards heaven, as he thought ; but "his way was hedged up with thorns, so that he could not stir an inch further." He look- 212 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. ed this way, and that way, but could find no way at all. He thought if he could but make his way through these thorns and briers, and climb up the first steep pitch of the mountain, that then there might be hope for him ; but no way or means could he find to ac- complish this. Here he laboured for a time, but all in vain. He saw it was impossible, he says, for him ever to help himself through this insupportable difficulty. '' It signified just nothing at all for him to struggle and strive any more." Here, he says, he gave over striving, and felt that it was a gone case with him, as to his own power, and that all his attempts were, and for ever would be, vain and fruitless. Yet he was more calm and composed un- der this view of things, than he had been while striving to help himself. " While he was giving me this account of his exercises, I was not without fears that what he related was but the working of his own imagination, and not the effect of any divine illumination of mind. But, before I had time to discover my fears, he added, that at this time he felt himself in a miserable and perishing con- dition : that he saw plainly what he had been doing all his days ; and that he had never done one good thing, as he expresses it. He knew he was not guilty of some wicked actions of which he knew some others guilty. He had not been accustomed to steal, quar- rel, and murder ; the latter of which vices are common among the Indians. He likewise knew that he had done many things that were right ; he had been kind to his neighbours, ours together, and apprehended himself just dropping into hell, without any power to rescue or relieve himself. Divers oth- ers appeared under great concern, as well as he, and solicitous to obtain a saving change. Lord's day, Feb. 2. "Preached from. John 5th, 24, 25. There appeared, as usual, some concern and affection in the assembly. Towards night proceeded in my usual method of chatechising. Observed my people more ready in answering the questions pro- posed to them than ever before. It is apparent they advance daily in doctrinal knowledge. But what is still more desirable, the Spirit of God is yet operating among them; whereby exper- imental as well as speculative knowledge is propagated in their minds. "After public worship my bodily strength being much spent, my spirits sunk amazingly ; and especially on hearing that 1 was generally taken to be a Roman Catholic, sent by the Papists to draw the Indians into an insurrection against the English ; that some were in fear of me, and others were for having me taken up by authority and punished. Alas, what will not the devil do to bring a slur and disgrace on the work of God ! O, how holy and circumspect had I need to be ! Through divine goodness I have 276 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. been enabled to mind my own business in these parts as well as elsewhere ; and to let all men, and all denominations of men, alone, as to their party notions ; and only preached the plain and necessary truths of Christianity, neither inviting to, nor excluding from, any meeting, any of any sort or persuasion whatsoever. Towards night, the Lord gave me freedom at the throne of grace in my first prayer before my chatechetical lecture: and, in opening the 45th Psalm to my people, my soul confided in God; although the wricked world should slander and persecute me, or even con- demn and execute me as a traitor to my king and country. Truly, *' God is a pres^mt help in time of trouble." In the evening my soul was in some measure comforted, having some hope that one poor soul was brought home to God this day ; though the case did by no means appear clear. Oh that I could fill up every moment of time, during my abode here below, in the service of my God and King. Feb. 3. "My spirits were still much sunk with what I heard the day before, of my being suspected to be engaged in the Pre- tender's interest. It grieved me, that, after there had been so much evidence of a glorious work of grace among these poor In- dians, as that the most carnal men could not but take notice of the great change made among them, so many poor souls should still suspect the,whole to he only a Popish plot, and so cast an awful reproach oti this blessed work of the divine Spirit, and at the same time wholly exclude themselves from receiving any benefit by this divine influence. This put me upon searching whether I had ever dropped any thing inadvertently, which might give occasion to any to suspect that I was stirring up the Indians against the Eng- lish ; and could think of nothing unless it was my attempting sometimes to vindicate the rignts of the Indians, and complaining of the horrid practice of making the Indians drunk and then cheating them out of their lands and other property. Once I re- membered I had done this with too much warmth of spirit, which much distressed me; thinking that it might possibly prejudice them against this work of grace to their everlasting destruction, God, I believe, did me good by this trial, which served to hum- ble me, and shew me the necessity of watchfulness and of being wise as a serpent as well as harmless as a dove. This exercise led me to a throne of grace, and there I found some support : though I could not get the burden wholly removed. Was assisted in prayer, especially in the evening." He remained still under a degree of anxiety about this affair, which continued to have the same effect upon him to cause him MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 277 10 reflect upon and humble himself, and frequent the throne of grace; but soon found himself much more relieved and supported. He was thib week in an extremely weak state, and obliged, as he expresses it, " to consume considerable time in diversions for his health." Feh^ 5. " Discoursed to a considerable number of the Indians in the evening; at wl)ich time numbers of them appeared timch affected and melted with divine things. Feb. 8. " Spent a considerable part of the day in visiting my people from house to house, and conversing with them about their soul's concerns. Divers persons wept, while. I discoursed to them, and appeared concerned for nothing so much as for an inter- est in the great Redeemer. In the evening catechised as usual. Divine truths made some impressions upon the audience; and were attended with an affectionate engagement of soul in some. Lo'd\s day, Feb. 9. " Discoursed to my people from the story of the blind man. Matt. x. 46 — 52. The word of God seemed weighty, and powerful upon the assembly at this time, and made considerable impressions upon many ; several in par- ticular, who have generally been remarkably stupid and car- 1-ss under the means of grace, w^ere now awak' nod, and wept affec- tionately. The most earnest attention, as well as tendcrn-wss and affection, appeared in the audience universally. "Baptized three persons; two adults, and one child. The adults, I have reason to hope, were both truly pious. There was considerable melting in the assembly, whi'e I was discoursing par- ticularly to the persons, and administering the ordinance. God has been pleased to own and bless the administration of this as well as of his other ordinances among the Indians. There are some here, who have been powerfully awakened at seeing others baptized ; and some, who have obtained relief and comfort, just in the season when this ordinance has been administered. "Toward night catechised. God made this a powerful season to some. There were many affected. Former convictions appear- ed to be powerfully revived. Th£re was likewise one, who had been a vile drunkard, remarkably awakened. He appeared to be in great anguish of soul, wept, and trembled, and continued to do so till near midnight. There was also a poor heavy-laden soul, who had been long under spiritual distress, as constant and press- ing as I ever saw, who was now brought to a comfortable calm, and seemed to be bowed and reconciled to the divine sovereignty, and told me, she now felt and saw, that it was right for God to do with her as he pleased ; and that her heart felt pleased and satis- 278 MEMOlRb OF BKAINERD. fied it should be so ; although of late she had often found her heart rise and quarrel with God, because he would, if he pleased^ send her to hell after all she had done, or could do to save herself. She added, that the heavy burden she iiad lain under was now re- moved ; that she had tried to recover her concern and distress again, fearing that the spirit of God was departing from her, and would leave her w-Jiolly careless, but that she could not recover it; that she felt she never could do any thing to save herself, but must perish for ever if Christ did not do all for her; that she did not de- serve he should help her ; and that it would be right if he should leave her to perish. But Christ would save her though she could do nothing to save herself, &ic. and here she seemed to rest." The Monday after, he set out on a journey to the Forks of Delaware to visit the Indians there. He performed the journey under great weakness, and was sometimes exercised with much pain; but says nothing of his dejection and melancholy. He ar- rived at his own house, at the Forks, on Friday. During the week he appears from his Diary to have enjoyed a sweet compo- sure of mind, thankfuh^ess to God for his mercies to him and oth- ers, resignation to the divine will, and comfort in prayer and reli- gious conversation. At the same time his heart was drawn out af- ter God and affected with a sense of his own barrenness, as well as with the fulness and freeness of divine grace. " Forks of Delaware, February, 1746. Lordh Day, February 16. "Knowing that numbers of the In- dians in these parts were obstinately set against Christianity ; and that some of them had refused to hear me preach in times past; I thought it might be proper and beneficial to the Christian inter- est, here, to have a number of my religious people from Cross- weeksunii with me, to converse with them about religious mat- ters; hoping it might be a means to convince them of the truth and importance of Christianity, to see and hear some of their own nation discoursing of divine things, and manifesting earnest desires that others might be brought out of heathenish darkness, as them- selves were. For this purpose I selected half a dozen of the most serious and intelligent of those Indians, and having brought them to the Forks of Delaware, I this day met with them and the Indians of this place. Numbers of the latter probably could not have been prevailed upon to attend this meeting, had it not been for these religious Indians, who accompanied me hither, and preached to them. Some of those who had in times past been extremely MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 279 averse to Christianity, now behaved soberly; and some others laughed and mocked. However, the word of God fell with such weight and power, that numbers seemed to be stunned, and ex- pressed a wilhngness to hear me again of these matters. '' Afterwards prayed with, and made an address to the white people present; and could not but observe some visible effects of the word, such as tears and sobs among them. After public wor- ship, spent some time, and took pains to convince those that mocked, of the truth and importance of what I had been insisting upon ; and so endeavored to awaken their attention to divine truths. Had reason to think, from what I observed then and after- wards, that my endeavours took considerable effect upon one of the worst of them. " Those few Indians then present, who used to be my hearers in these parts; some having removed hence to Crossweeksung; seemed somewhat kindly disposed toward me, and glad to see me again. They had been so much attacked, however, by some of the opposing Pagans, that they were almost ashamed or afraid to manifest their friendship. Feb. 17. *' After having spent much time in discoursing to the Indians in their respective houses, I got them together and repeated and inculcated whati had before taught them. Afterwards discoursed to them from Acts viii. 5 — 8. A divine influence seemed to attend the word. Several of the Indians here appeared to be somewhat awakened, and manifested eariiest tears and sobs. My people of Crossweeksung continued with them day and night repeating and inculcating the truths I had taught them ; and sometimes prayed and sung psalms among them ; discoursing with each other in their hearing, of the great things God had done for them and for the Indians from whence they came. This seemed, as my peo- ple told me, to have more effect upon them, than when they di- rected their discourse immediately to them. — I was refreshed and encouraged, and found a spirit of prayer in the evening, and ear- nest longings for the illumination and conversion of these poor In- dians. Feb, 18. "Preached to an assembly of Irish people, nearly fifieen miles distant from the Indians. Feb. 19. «' Preached to the Indians again, after having spent considerable time in conversing with tliem more privately. There appeared a great solemnity, and some concern and affection among the Indians belonging to these parts, as well as a sweet melting among those who came wiih me. Numbers of the Indians here seemed to have their prejudices and aversion to Christianity re- moved; and appeared well disposed and inclined to hear the 280 MEMOlllS OF BRAINERD. word of God. My heart was comforted and refreshed, and my soul filled with longings for the conversion of these poor In- dians. Feb. 20. " Preached to a small assembly of High Dutch peo- ple, who had seldom heard the gospel preached, and were some of them at least very ignorant; but numbers of them have lately been put upon an inquiry after the way of salvation with thoughtfulness. They gave wonderful attention; and some of them were much af- fected under the word, and afterwards said, as I was informed, that they never had been so much enhghtened about the way of salva- tion in their whole lives before. They requested me to tarry with them, or come again and preach to them. It grieved me that I could not comply with their request. I could not but be affected with their circumstances ; for they w^ere as " sheep not having a shepherd," and some of them appeared under some degree of dis- tress for sin ; standing in peculiar need of the assistance of an ex- perienced spiritual guide " God Wris pleased to support and refresh my spirits, by afford- ing me assistance this day, and so hopeful a prospect of success. I returned home rejoicing, and blessing the name of the Lord ; found freedom and sweetness afterward in st^cret prayer, and had my soul drawn ont for dear friends. Oh how blessed a thing it is to labour for God faithfully, and with encouragement of success ! Blessed be the Lord for ever and ever for the assistance and com- fort granted this day ! Feb, 21. Preached to a number of people, many of them Low Dutch. Several of the fore-mentioned High Dutch people at- tended the sermon, though eight or ten miles distant from their houses. Numbers of the Indians also belonging to these parts came of their own accord with my people from Crossweeksung, to the meeting. — There were two in particular, who, though the last Sabbath they opposrd and ridiculed Christianity, now behaved so- berly. May the present encouraging appearances continue! " My soul was refreshed and comforted ; and I could not but bless God, who had enabled me in some good measure to be faithful the day past. Oh how sweet it is to be spent and worn out for God. Feb, 22. " Preached to the Indians. They appeared more free from prejudice and more cordial to Christianity than before ; and some of them appeared affected with divine truths. My spir- its were much supported, though my bodily strength was much wast- ed. Oh that God would be gracious to the souls of these poor Indians ! MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 281 ** God has been very gracious to me this week. He has ena- bled me to preach every day ; and has given me some assistance and encouraging prospect of success in almost every sermon. — Blessed be his name! Several of the white people have been awakened this week ; and numbers of the Indians much cured of prejudices and jealousies, which they had conceived against Chris- tianity, and seem to be really awakened. Lord^s day, Feb. 23. " Preached to the Indians from John vi. 35 — 37, After public service discoursed particularly with sev- eral of them, and invited them to go down to Crossweeksung and tarry there at least for some time ; knowing tiiat they would then be Uee from the scoffs and temptations of the opposing Pagans, as well as in the way of hearing divine truths discoursed of both in public and private. Obtained a promise of some of them that they would speedily pay us a visit, and attend some farther instruc- tions. They seemed to be considerably enlightened, and much freed from their prejudices against Christianity. But it is much to be feared that their prejudices will revive again, unless they can enjoy the means of instruction here, or be removed when they may be under such advantages, and out of the way of their Pagan ac- quaintances." The next day Brainerd left the Forks of Delaware to return to Crossweeksung, and spent the whole week till Saturday in his journey. He preached on the way every day except one; and was several times greatly assisted, and had much inward comfort and earnest longings to fill up all his time in the service of God. — He utters such expressions as these after preaching : " Oh that I may be enabled to plead the cause of God faithfully to my dying moment. Oh how sweet it would be to spend myself wholly for God, and in his cause, and to be freed from selfish motives in my labours." Crossweeksung f March, 1746. March 1. " Catechised in my ordinary method. Was pleased and refreshed to see them answer the questions proposed to them with such remarkable readiness, discretion and knowledge. To- ward the close of my dscourse divine truths made considerable impressions upon the audience, and produced tears and sobs in some under concern; and more especially a sweet and humble melting in several, who, I have reason to hope, were truly gra- cious. 36 ^82 MEMOIKS OF BRALNERD. Lord^s Say^ March 2. " Preached from John xv. 16. The assembly a}>peared not so lively in their atienlion as usual, nor so much affected with divine truths in general as has been common. Some of my people who went up to the Forks of Delaware with me, being now returned, were accompanied by two of the Indians belonging to the Forks, who had promised me a speedy visit. May the Lord meet with them here. They can scarcely go into a house now but they will meet with christian conversation, whereby it is to be hoped they may be both instructed and awa- kened. " Discoursed to the Indians again in the afternoon, and observ- ed among them some animation and engagedness in divine service, though not equal to what has often appeared here. I know of no assembly of christians, where there seems to be so much of the presence of God, where brotherly love so much prevails, and where I should take so much delight in the public worship of God in general, as in my own congregation; although not more than nine months ago, they were worshipping devils and dumb idols under the power of Pagan darkness and superstition. Amazing change this ! effected by nothing less than divine power and grace. This is the doing of the Lord, and it is justly marvellous in our eyes." The four next days were spent in great bodily weakness, but he speaks of some seasons of considerable inward comfort. March 5. " Spent some time just at evening in prayer, sing- ing, and discoursing to my people upon divine things ; and ob- served some agreeable tenderness and affection among them. — Their present situation is so compact and commodious, that they are easily and quickly called together with only the sound of a conk-sheil, (a shell like that of a periwinkle,) so that they have frequent opportunities of attending religious exercises publicly. — This seems to be a great means under God of keeping alive the impressions of divine things in their minds. March 6. " I walked alone in the evening, and enjoyed sweet- ness and comfort in prayer beyond what I have of late enjoyed* My soul rejoiced in my pilgrim state ; and I was delighted with the thoughts of labouring and enduring hardness for God; felt some longing desires to preach the gospel to dear immortal souls ; and confided in God, that he would be with me in my work, and that he never would leave nor forsake me to the end of my race. Oh may I obtain mercy of God to 6e faithful to my dying mo- ment ! MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 283 March 7. " In the afternoon went on with my work with free- dom and cheerfulness; God assisting me ; and enjoyed comfort in the evening. March 8. *' Catechised in the evening. My people answered the questions proposed to them well. I can perceive their knowl- edgti in religion increases daily. And, what is still more desira- ble, the divine influence, which has been so remarkable among them, appears still to continue in some good measure. The divine presence seemed to be in tiie assembly this evening. Some, who I have good reason to think are christians indeed, were melted with a sense of divine goodness and their own barrenness and in gratitude, and seemed to hate theinselves, as one of them after- wards expressd it. Convictions also appeared to be revived in several instances ; and divine truths were attended with such influ- ence upon the assembly in general, that it might justly be called an evening of divine power. Lord's clay, March d, "Preached from Luke x. 38— -42. The word of God was attended with power and energy upot; the audience. Numbers were affected, and concerned to obtain the one thing needful. Several, who have given good evidence of being truly gracious, were much affected with a want of spirituali- ty, and saw the need they stood in of growing in grace. The greater part of those, who liad been under any imprt^ssions of di- vine things in times past, seemed now to have those impressions revived. " In- the afternoon proposed to have catechised in my usual method. But, while we were engaged in the first prayer in the Indian la» .^uage, as usual, a grc a^ part of the assembly was so much moved and affected with divine tilings, that I thought it seasonable and proper to omit the proposing of questions for that time, and to insist upon the most practical truths. I accordingly did so ; mak- ing a further improvement of the passage of scripture on which I had discoursed in the former part of the day. There appeared to be a powerful divine influence in the congregation. Several, who, as I have reason to think, are truly pious, were so deeply affected with a sense of their own barrenness, and their unworthy treatment of the blessed Redeemer, that they looked on him as pierced by themselves, and mourned, yea some of them were in bitterness as for a first-born. "Some poor awakened sinners, also, appeared to be in anguish of soul to obtain an interest in Christ ; so that there was a great mourning in the assembly : many heavy groans, sobs and tears ! and one or two, newly come among us, were considerably awak- «>ned. 204 :VIEM01KS OF BKAINERD. *' INIethinks it would have refreshed the heart of any, who truly love Zion's interests, to have been in the midst of this divine influ- ence, and seen the effects of it upon saints and sinners. The place of divine worship appeared both solemn and sweet; and was so endeared by a display of the divine presence and grace, that those who had any relish for divine things could not but cry, " How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts !" After public worship was over, numbers came to my house ; where we sang and discoursed of divine things ; and the presence of God seemed here also to be in the midst of us. " While we were singing there was one individual, the woman mentioned in my jo' rnal of February 9, who, I may venture to say, if I may be allowed to say so much of any person I ever saw, was '■ filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory ;" and could not but burst forth in prayer and praises to God before us all, with many tears; crying sometimes in Englisli, and sometimes in Indian, " O Messed Lord! do come, do come! O do take me away; do let me die, and go to Jesus Christ! I am afraid if I live I shall sin again. O do let me die now ! O dear Jesus, do come ! I cannot stay, I cannot stay ! O how can I live in this world ; do take my soul away from this sinf id place! O let me never sin any more! O what shall I do, what shall I do, dear Jesus! O dear Jesus! In this ecstacy she continued some time, uttering these and similar expressions incessantly. The grand argument she used with God to take her away immediately was, that "if she liv- ed, she should sin against him." When she had a little recovered herself, I asked her, if Christ was now sweet to her soul ? Where- upon, turning to me with tears in her eyes, and with all the tokens of deep humility I ever saw in any person, she said, " I have ma- ny times heard you speak of the goodness and the sweetness of Christ, that he was better than all the world. But O I knew noth- ing what you meant. I never believed you, I never believed you! But now 1 know it is true ;" or words to that effect. I answered, " And do you see enough in Christ for the greatest of sinners ?" She replied, " O enough, enough for all the sinners in the world, if they would but come." When I asked her, "If she could not tell them of the goodness of Christ." Turning herself about to some Christless souls, who stood by, and were much affected, she said, " Oh there is enough in Christ for you if you would but come. O strive, strive to give up your hearts to him," Sic. On hearing something of the glory of heaven mentioned, that there was no sin in that world ; she again fell into the same ecstacy of joy and desire of Christ's coming ; repeating her former expres- Fions, " O dear Lord, do let me go ! O what shall I do ; what MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. ^zSd. shall I do. I want to go to Christ. I cannot live. O do let rae die," he. She continued in this sweet frame for more than two hours, be- fore she was able to get home. I am very sensible tl^-^ there may be great joys, arising even to an ecstacy, where there is still no substantial evidence of their being well grounded. But, in the present case, there seemed to be no evidence wantin-'. in order to prove this joy to be divine ; either in regard to its preparatives, at- tendants, or consequents. Of all the persons, whom 1 have seen under spiritual exerci-e, I scarcely ever saw one appear more bowed and broken under con- victions of sin and misery, or what is usually called a preparatory work, than this woman ; nor scarcely any, who seemed to have a greater acquaintance with her own heart than she had. She would frequently complain to me of the hardness and rebellion of her heart. Would tell me that her heart rose and quarrelled with God, when she thought he would do with her as he pleased, and send her to hell, notwithstanding her prayers, good frames, he. and that her heart was not willing to come to Christ for salvation, but tried every where else for help. As she seemed to be re- markably sensible of her stubbornness and contrariety to God. under conviction, so she appeared to be no less remarkably bowed and reconciled to his sovereignty, before she obtained any reliefer comfort; something of which I have noticed in my journal of Feb. 9. Since that time she has seemed constantly to breathe the temper and spirit of the new creature; crying after Christ, not through fear of hell as before, but with strong desires after him as her only satisfying porh'on; and has many times wept and sobbed bitterly because, as she apprehended, she did not and could not love him. When I have sometimes asked her why she appeared so sorrowful, and whether it was because she was afraid of hell : she would answer "No, I be not distressed about that ^ but mv heart is so wicked, I cannot love Christ ;" and thereupon burst in- to tears. But although this has been the habitual frame of her mind for several weeks together, so that the exercise of grace ap- peared evident to others; yet slie seemed wholly insensible to it herself, and never had any remarkable comfort and sensible satis- faction until this evening. This sweet and surprising ecstacy, appeared to spring from a true spiritual discovery of the glory, ravishing beauty, and excel- lency of Christ; and not from any gross imaginary notions of his human nature, such as that of seeing him in such a place, or pas- ture, as hanging on the cross, as bleeding and dying, as gently $86 .MEMOlIiS OF BKAINEKD. smiling, and the like ; which delusions some have been carried away with. Nor did it rise from sordid selfish apprehensions of her having any benefit whatsoever conferred on her; but from a view of his personal excellency and transcendant loveliness ; which drew forth those vehement desires of enjoying him which she now marii.ested, and made her long ''to be absent from the body, that she might be present with the Lord." The attendants of this ravishing comfort were such, as abun- dantly discovered its spring to be divine ; and that it was truly '^ a joy in the Holy Ghost." Now she viewed divine truths as livi!»g realities, and could say, " 1 know these things are so ; I feci that they are true" ! Now her soul was resigned to the divine wiil H\ the most tender point ; so that when I said to her, " What if God should take away your husband* from you, who was then very sick, how do you think you could bear that ?" She replied, " He belongs to God, and not to me ; he may do with him just as he pleases." Now she had the most tender sense of the evil of sin, and discovered the utmost aversion to it, api^ longing to die, that she might be delivered from it. Now she could freely trust her all with God for time and eternity. When I questioned her, " How she would be w^illing to die and leave her little infant; and what she thought would become of it ill that case ?" she an- swered, " God will take care of it." Now she appeared to have the most humbling sense of her own meanness and unworthiness, her weakness and inability to preserve herself from sin, and to per- severe in the w^ay of holiness, crying, "If I Hve I shall sin." I then thongiit that I had never seen such an appearance of ecstasy and humility meeting in any one person in all my life before. "The consequents of this joy are no less desirable and satisfac- tory than its attendants. She since appears to be a most tender, broken-hearted, affectionate, devout, and humble Christian ; as exemplary in life and conversation as any person in my congre- gation. May she still "grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ." March 10. " Towards night the Indians met together, of their own accord, and sang, prayed, and discoursed of divine things among themselves; at which time there was much affection among them. Some, who are hopefully gracious, appeared to be melted with divine things; and some others seemed much concerned foi their souls. Perceiving their engagement and affection in reli- gious exercises, I went among.them, and prayed, and gave a word o( exhortation ; and observed two or three somewhat affected and concerned, who scarce ever appeared to be under any religion? * The man mentions J in my Journal of January 1!) MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 287 impressions before. It seemed to be a day and evenmg of divine power. Numbers retained the warm impressions of divine things which had been made upon their minds the day before. "My soul was refreshed with freedom and enlargemerrt, and, I hope, the lively exercise of faith in secret prayer this night. My will was sweetly resigned to the divine will; my hopes respecting the enlargement of the kingdom of Christ somewhat raised ; and I could commit Zion's cause to God as his owti.^^ On Tuesday he speaks of some sweetness and spirituality in' Christian conversation. On Wednesday complains that he enjoy- ed not much comfort and satisfaction through the day, because he did but little for God. On Thursday, spent a considerable lime in company on a special occasion, but in perplexity, because without salutary religious conversation. March 14. "Was visited by a considerable number of my people and spent somie time in religious exercises with them. March 15. "In the evening catechised. My people answered the questions put to them with surprising readiness and judgment. There appeared some warmth, and a feeling sense of divine things among those who I have reason to hope are real Christians, while I was discoursing upon peace of conscience and joy in the Holy Ghost. These seemed quickened and enlivened in divine service, though there was not so mucb appearance of concerrt among those whom I have reason to think in a Christless state.'' In the former part of the week following he was very ill, and under great dejection ; being rendered unserviceable by his illness, and fearing that he should never be serviceable any more ; and therefore exceedingly longed for death. But afterwards he was more encouraged, and life appeared more desirable ; because, as he says, he "had a little dawn of hope that he might be useful in the world." In the latter part of this week he was somewhat relieved of his illness, in the use of means prescribed by his physician. Lord''s day, March 16. "Preached to my congregation from Hebrews 2nd, 1 — 3. Divine truths seemed to have some con- siderable influence upon some of the hearers, and produced ma- ny tears, as well as heavy sighs and sobs, among those who have given evidence of being real Christians, and o-hers also. The impressions made upon the audience appeared in general deep* and heart-affecting : not superficial noisy and affected. 288 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. "Towards night discoursed again on the Great Salvation. The word was again attended with some power upon the audience. Numbers wept affectionately, and to appearance unfeignedly; so that the Spirit of God seemed to be 7noving upon the face of the assembly. Baptized the woman particularly mentioned in my journal of last Lord's day; who now, as well as then, appeared to be in a devout, humble, and excellent frame of mind. " My house being thronged with my people in the evening ; 1 spent the time in religious exercises with then), until my nature was almost spent. They are so unwearied in religious exercises and insatiable in their thirsting afte. Cliristian knowledge, that I can sometimes scarcely avoid labouring so as greatly to exhaust my strength and spirits. March 19. "S-veral of the persons who went with me to the Forks of Delaware in February last, having b'?eu detained there by \he dangerous "llness of one <.f their company, returned home but this day. Whereupon my people generally met together of their own accord, in order to ^pend some time in religious exer- cises; and especially to give thanks to God for his preserving goodness to those who had beeu absent from them for several weeks, and recovering mercy to him who had been sick ; and that he had now returned them all in safety. As I was then absent; they desired my school-master to assist them in carrying on their religious solemnity ; who tells me that they appeared engaged and affectionate in repeated prayer, singing, &tc. March 22. "Catechised in my usual method in the evening. My people answered questions to my great satisfaction. There appeared nothing very remarkable in the assembly, considering what has been common among us. Although 1 may justly say the strict attention, the tenderness and affection, the man} tears and heart affecting sobs, appearing in numbers in the assembly, would have been very remarkable, were it not that God has made these things common with us, and even with strangers soon after their coming among us, from time to time. I am far froni think- ing that every appearance and particular instance of affection that has been among us has been truly genuine, and purely from a di- vine influence. I am sensible of the contrary ; and doubt not but that there has been some corrupt mixture, some chaff as well as wheat; especially since religious concern appeared so common and prevalent here. Lord's day, March 23. "There being about fifteen strangers, adult persons, come among us in the week past, several of whom had never been in any reliciious meetini^ till now ; I thought it proper to discourse this day in a manner peculiarly suited to their 1VIEM0IRS OF BRAINERD. 289 circumstances and capacities ; and accordingly attempted it from Hosea 13th, 9. *' O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyseliV &ic. In the forenoon, I opened, in the plainest manner I could, man's apostasy and ruined state, after having spoken some things re- specting the being and perfections of God, and his creation of man in a state of uprightness and happiness. In the afternoon, endeavoured to open the glorious provision which God has made for the redemption of apostate creatures, by giving his own dear Son to suffer for them and satisfy divine justice on their behalf. There was not that affection and concern in the assembly which has been common among us ; although there was a desirable attention appearing in general, and even in most of the stran- gers. "Near sun-set I felt an uncommon concern upon my mind, es- pecially for the poor strangers; that God had so much withheld his presence and the powerful influence of liis Spirit from the as- sembly in the exercises of the day; and thereby withheld from them that degree of conviction which 1 hoped they might have had. In this frame I visited several houses and discoursed with some concern and affection to several persons particularly; but without much appearance of success, till I came to a house where several of the strangers were. There the solemn truths on which I discoursed appeared to take effect; first upon some children; then upon several adult persons who had been somewhat awaken- ed before; and afterwards upon several of the Pagan strangers. "I continued my discourse, with some fervency, until almost every one in the house was melted into tears, and divers wept aloud, and appeared earnestly concerned to obtain an interest in Christ. Upon this, numbers soon gathered from all the houses round about ; and so thronged the place, that we were obliged to re- move to the house vvhere we usually met for pubfic worship. The congregation gathering immediately, and many appearing remarkably affected, I discoursed some time from Luke 19(h, 10. For the Son of manis come to seek, &;c.; endeavoring to open the meri y, compassion, and concern of Christ for lost, helpless, and undone sinners. There was much visible concern and affection in the assembly; and I doubt not but that a divine influence ac- companied what was spoken to the hearts of many. There were five or six of the strangers, men and women, who appeared to be considerably awakened; and, in particular, one very rugged young man, who seemed as if nothing would move him, was now brought to tremble like the jailor, and weep for a long time. 37 290 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. "The Pagans who were awakened, seemed at once to put ofF their savage roughness and Pagan manners, and became sociable, orderly and humane in their carriage. When they first came, I exhorted my religious people to take pains with them as they had done with other strangers from time to time, to instruct them in Christianity. But when some of them attempted something of (hat nature, the strangers would soon rise up and walk to other houses in order to avoid the hearing of such discourses. Where- upon some of the serious peisons agreed to disperse themselves into the several parts of the settlement; so that wherever the strangers went, they met with some instructive discourse, and warm addresses respecting their salvation. But now, there was no need of using policy in order to get an opportunity of convers- ing with some of them about their spiritual concerns; for they were so far touched with a sense of their perishing state, as made them voluntarily yield to the closest addresses which were made them respecting their sin and misery, their need of an acquaintance with and interest in the great Redeemer. March 24. "Nun:ibered the Indians, to see how many souls God had gathered together here since my coming into these parts; and found there were now about an hundred and thirty persons together, old and young. Sundry of those, who are my stated hearers, periiaps to the number o^ fifteen or twenty, were absent at this season. If all had been together, the number would now have been very considerable ; especially considering how few w^ere together at my first coming into this part of the country : the whole number, then, not amounting to ten persons at that time. "My people were out this day with the design of clearing some of their land, above fifteen miles distant from this settlement, in order to their settling there in a compact form, where they might be under the advantages of attending the public worship of God, of having their children taught in a school, and at the same tiiue have a conveniency for planting : their land, in the place of our present residence, being of little or no value for that purpose. The design of their settling thus in a body, and cultivating their lands, of which they have done very little in their Pagan state, being of such necessity and importance to their religious interest, as well as worldly comfort; I thought it proper to call them to- gether, and shew them the duty of labouring with faithfulness and industry, and that they must not now "be slothful in business," as they had ever been in their Pagan state. I endeavoured to press the importance of their being laborious, dili}.ent, and vigo- rous in the prosecution of their business; especially at the present MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 291 juncture, the season of planting being now near, in order to their being in a capacity of living together, and enjoying the means of grace and instruction. Having given them directions for their work, which they very much wanted, as well as for their behaviour in divers respects; I explained, sang, and endeavoured to incul- cate upon them the 127th Psalm, common metre. Dr. Watt's ver- sion; and having recommended them, and the design of their going forth, to God, by prayer with them, I dismissed them to their business. " After the Indians were gone to their work, to clear their lands, I retired by myself, and poured out my soul to God, that he would smile on their feeble beginnings, and that he would settle an Indian town, which might be a mountain of holiness. I. found ray soul much refreshed in these petitions and much enlarged for Zion's interest, and for numbers of dear friends in particular. My sink- ing spirits were revived and raised ; and I felt animated in the ser- vice lo which God has called me. " This was the dearest hour I have enjoyed for many days, if not weeks. I found an encouraging hope that something would be done for God; and that God would use and help me in his work. O, how sweet were the thoughts of labouring for God, when I felt any spirit and courage, and had any hope that I ever should be succeeded. "In the evening, read and expounded to those of my people who were yet at home, and to the strangers newly come, the sub- stance of the 3d chapter of the Acts. Numbers seemed to melt under the word ; especially while I was discoursing upon ver. 19. "Repent ye, therefore, and be converted," &;c. Several of the strangers also were affected. When I asked them afterwards. Whether they did not now feel that their hearts were wicked as I liad taught them; one of them replied, "Yes, she felt it now." Although, before she came here, upon hearing that I taught the Indians that their hearts were all bad by nature, and needed to be changed and made good by the power of God ; she had said, " Her heart was not wicked, and she had never done any thing that was bad in her life." This, indeed, seems to be the case with them, 1 think universally, in their Pagan State. They seem to have no consciousness of sin and guilt, unless they can charge themselves with some gross acts of sin contrary to the commands of the second table.^^ The next day his schoolmaster was taken sick with a pleurisy, and he spent a great part of the remainder of this week in at- tending him. In his weak state, this was an almost overbearing 292 MEMOIRS OF BRAlNERD. burden; he being obliged constantly to wait upon liim from day to day, and to lie on the floor at night. His spirits sunk in a considerable degree, with his bodily strength, under this burden. March 27, '•Discoursed to a number of my people in one of their houses in a more private manner. Inquired particularly into their spiritual states, in order to see what impressions they were under. Laid before them the marks of a regenerate, as well as of an unregenerate state: and endeavoured to suit and direct my discourse to them severally, according as 1 apprehend- ed their states to b&. Th^re ^as a c.oni.i.:lerabh' number gather- ed together before I finished my discourse ; and several seemed much atFected, while I was urging the necessity and infinite im- portance of getting into a renewed state. I find particular and close dealing with souls in private, is often very successful. March 29. " In tlie evening, catechised, as usual upon Satur- day. Treated upon the benefits which believers receive from Christ at death. The questions were answered with great readi- ness and propriety ; and those who I have reason to think, are the dear people of God, were in general sweetly melted. There appeared such a liveliness and vigour in their attendance upon the word of God, and such eagerness to be made partakers of the benefits mentioned : that they seemed not only to be 'looking for,' but 'hasting to, the coming of the day of God.' Divine truths seemed to distil upon the audience with a gentle, but melt- ing eflicacy, as the refreshing 'showers upon the new mown grass.' The assembly in general, as well as those who appear truly religious, were affected with some brief accounts of the blessedness of the godly at death ; and most of them then dis- covered an affectionate inclination to cry, 'Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his:' although many were not duly engaged to obtain the change of heart that is ne- cessary to that blessed end. LorcPs dajj, March .30. " Discoursed from Matt. xxv. 31 — 40. There was a very considerable moving, and affectionate melting, in the assembly. I hope that there were some real, deep, and abiding impressions of divine things made upon the minds of ma- ny. There was one aged man, newly come among us, who ap- peared to be considerably awakened, that never was touched with any concern for his soul before. In the evening, catechis- ed. There was not that tenderness and melting engagement among God's people, which appeared the evening before, and many otlier times. They answered the questions distinctly, and well, and were devout and attentive in divine service. MEMOIRS OF BIIAINERD. 293 March 31. "Called my people together, as I had done the Monday evening before, and discoursed to them again on the ne- cessity and importance of labouring industriously in order to their living together, and enjoying the means of grace, &c. Having engaged in a solemn prayer to God among them for a blessing upon their attempts, I dismissed them to their work. Numbers of them, both men and women, seemed to otler themselves wil- lingly to this service; and some appeared atilectioiiately concern- ed that God might go with them, and begin their little town for them ; that by his blessing it might be a place comfortable for them and theirs, with regard both to procuring the necessaries of life, and to attending on the worship of God. "Towards night, I enjoyed some svy-eet meditations on these words: 'It is good for me to draw near to God.' My soul, I think, had some sweet sense of what is intended in those words." The next day he was extremely busy in taking care of the school-master, and in some other necessary affairs, which great- ly diverted him from what he looked upon as his proper busi- ness; but yet he speaks of comfort and refreshment at some time of the day. April 2. "I was somewhat exercised with a spiritual frame of mind ; but was a little relieved and refreshed in the eve- ning with meditation alone in the woods. But alas! my days pass away as the chaff! it is but little I do, or can do, that turns to any account; and it is my constant misery and bur- den, that I am so fruitless in the vineyard of the Lord. Oh that I were a pure spirit; that I might be active for God ! This, I think, more than any thing else, makes me long that this corruptible might put on incorruption, and this mortal put on immortality. God deliver me from clogs, fetters, and a hodi/ of death, which impede my service from him." The next day he complains bitterly of some exercises by cor- ruption, which he found in his own heart. April 4. "Spent the most of the day in writing on Revelation xxii. 17 — 'And whosoever will,' &c. Enjoyed some freedom and encouragement in my work ; and found some comfort in prayer. April 5, "Catechised in the evening. There appeared to be some affection and fervent engagement in divine service through the assembly in general ; especially towards the conclusion of my discourse. After public worship, a number of those, who 1 have reason to think, are truly religious, come to my house, 294 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. and seemed eager for some farther entertainment upon divine things. While I was conversing with them about their scriptural exercises : observing to them, that God's work in the hearts of all his children, was for substance the same ; and that their trials and temptations were also alike ; and shewing the obligations such were under to love one another in a peculiar manner; they seemed to be melted into tenderness and affection towards each other. I thought that that particulnr token of their being the disciples of Christ, viz. of their having love one towards another, had scarcely ever appeared more evident than at this time. After public worship, a number of my dear Christian Indians came to my house ; with whom I felt a sweet union of soul. My heart was knit to them ; and I cannot say I have felt such a sweet and fervent love to the brethren, for some time past. I saw in them appearances of the same love. This gave me somewhat of a view of the heavenly state ; and particularly of that part of the happiness of heaven which consists in the communion of saints ; and this was affecting to me. Lord's day, April 6. "Preached from Matt. vii. 21—23. J^ot every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, &;c. There were con- siderable effects of the word visible in the audience, and such as were very desirable; an earnest attention, a great solemnity, many tears and heavy sighs, which were modestly suppressed in a con- siderable measure, and appeared unaffected and vvithont any inde- cent commotion of the passions. Numbers of the religious peo- people were put upon serious and close examination of their spir- itual state, by hearing that 'not every one that saith to Christ Lord, Lord, shall enter into his kingdom.' Some expressed fears lest they had deceived themselves, and taken up a false hope, be- cause they found they had done so little of the will of his Father who is in heaven. "There was one man brought under Very great and pressing concern for his soul ; which appeared more especially after his retirement from public worship. That, which, he says, gave him his great uneasiness, was, not so much any particular sin, as that he had never done the will of God at all, but had sinned continu- ally, and so had no claim to the kingdom of Heaven. In the af- ternoon, I opened to them the discipline of Christ in his Church, and the method in which offenders are to be dealt with. At which time the religious people were much affected; especially when they heard that the offender continuing obstinate, must finally be esteemed and treated 'as an Heathen man,' and Pagan, who has no part nor lot among God's visible people. Of this they seem- ed to have the most awful apprehensions; a state of Heathenism, MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 295 out of which they were so lately brought, appearing very dreadful to them. "After public worship, I visited several houses, to see how they spent the remainder of the sabbath, and to treat with them solemnly on the great concerns of their souls. The Lord seem- ed to smile upon my private endeavours, and to make these par- ticular and personal addresaes more effectual upon some, than my public discourses. April 7. "Discoursed to my people in the evening, from 1. Cor. xi, 23 — 26. ' For I have received of the Lord,'* &;c. En- deavoured to open to them the institution, nature, and ends of the Lord's Supper, as well as of the qualifications and preparations necessary to the right participation of that ordinance. Numbers appeared much affected with the love of Christ, manifested in his making this provision for the comfort of his people, at a season when himself was just entering upon his sharpest sufferings." On Tuesday he went to the meeting of the Presbytery ap- pointed at Elizabethtown. In his way thither he enjoyed some sweet meditations : but after he came there, he was, as he expres- ses it, 'very vapoury and melancholy, and under an awful gloom which oppressed his mind.' This continued until Saturday eve- ning; when he began to have some relief and encouragement. He spent the Sabbath at Staten Island ; where he preached to an assembly of Dutch and English, and enjoyed considerable re- freshment and comfort, both in public and private. In the eve- ning, he returned to Elizabethtown. April 14. "My spirits, this day, were raised and refreshed, and my mind composed; so that I was in a comfortable frame of soul most of the day. In the evening, my head was clear, my mind serene ; I enjoyed sweetness in secret prayer and medita- tion on Psalm Ixxiii. 28. ' But it is good for me to draw near to God;' &ic. O how free, how comfortable, cheerful, and yet sol- emn, do I feel when I am in a crood measure freed from those damps and melancholy glooms under which I often labour. Bles- sed be the Lord, I find myself relieved in this respect. April 15. "My soul longed for more spirituality; and it was my burden that I could do no more for God. O, my barrejmess in my daily affliction and heavy load! O how precious is time , and how it pains me to see it slide away, while I do so little to any good purpose. O that God would make me more fruitful and spiritual. 296 MEMOIRS OF BKAINERD. The next day he speaks of his being almost overwhelmed with vapoury disorders : but yet not so, as wholly to destroy the com- posure of his mind. April 17. " Enjoyed some comfort in prayer, some freedom in meditation, and composure in my studies. Spent some time in writing in the forenoon. In the afternoon spent some time in conversation with several dear ministers. In the evening preach- ed from Psalm Ixxiii. 28. " But it is good for me to draw near to God." God helped me to feel the truths of my texts both in the tirst prayer and in the sermon. I was enabled to pour out my soul to God with great freedom, fervency and affection ; and, blessed be the Lord, it was a comfortable season to me. 1 was enabled to speak with tenderness, and yet with faithfulness : and divine truths seemed to fall with weight and influence upon the hearers. My heart was melted for the dear assembly ; and I loved every body in it ; and scarcely ever felt more love to im- mortal souls in my life. My soul cried, ' Oh that the dear crea- tures might be saved ! Oh that God would have mercy upon them !' " He seems to have been in a very comfortable frame of mind the two next days. LoriVs day, April 20.* " Discoursed, both forenoon and af- ternoon, from Luke xxiv. ; explaining most of the chapter, and making remarks upon it. There was a desirable attention in the audience ; though there was not so much appearance of affection and tenderness among them as had been usual. Our meeting was very full; there being sundry strangers present who had nev- er been with us before. Enjoyed some freedom, and, I hope, exercise of faith, in prayer in the morning, especially when I came to piay for Zion. I was free from that gloomy discourage- ment which so often oppresses my mind ; and my soul rejoiced in the hopes of Zion's prosperity, and the enlargement of the dear kingdom of the great Redeemer. O that his kingdom might come ! •• In the evening chatechised. My people answered the ques- tions proposed to them readily and distinctly; and I could per- ceive that they advanced in their knowledge of the principles of Christianity. There appeared an atfcctionate melting in the as- sembly at this time. Several, who I trust are truly religious, were refreshed and quickened, and seemed by their discourse * This day he entered the 29th year of his a^e. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 297 and behaviour after public worship to have their "hearts knit together in love." This was a sweet and blessed season, like many others with which my poor people have been favored in months past. God has caused this little fleece to be repeatedly wet with the blessed dew of his divine grace, while all the earth around has been comparatively dry. ^pril 21. " Was composed and comfortable in mind most of the day ; and was mercifully freed from those gloomy damps with which I am frequently exercised. Had t>eedom and comfort in prayer several times; and especially had some rising hopes of Zion's enlargement and prosperity. Oh how refreshing were those hopes to my soul ! Oh that the kii}gdom of the dear Lord might come. Oh that the poor Indians might quickly be gather- ed in great numbers ! j^pril 22. " My mind was remarkably free this day from mel- ancholy damps and glooms, and animated in my work. 1 found such fresh vigour and resolution in the service of God, that the mountains seemed to become a plain before me. O blessed be God for an interval of refreshment and fervent resolution in my Lord's work ! In the evening, my soul was refreshed in secret prayer, and my heart drawn out for divine blessings ; especially for the church of God, and his interest among my own people, and for dear friends in remote places. Oh that Zion might pros- per and precious souls be brought home to God!" In this comfortable fervent frame of mind he remained the two next days. ^pril 25. " Of late I apprehended that a number of persons in my congregation were proper subjects of ilie ordinance oi ihe Lord's supper, and that it might be seasonable speedily to admin- ister it to them ; and having taken advice of some of the reverend correspondents in this solemn alFair; I accordingly proposed and appointed the next Lord's day, with leave of divine providence, for the administration of this ordinance ; and this day as prepara- tory thereto was set apart for solemn fasting and prayer, " The design of this preparaiory solemnity w is to implore the blessing of God upon our renewing covenant with him, and with one another, to walk together in the fear of God, in love and christian fcllovrship, and to entreat that his presence might be with us in our designed approach to his table ; as weli as to hum- ble ourselves before God on account of the apparent withdraw- ment, at least in a measure of that blessed influence, which has been so prevalent upon persons of all ages among us ; as also on account of the rising appearance of carelessness, and vanity, and 38 298 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. vice among some, who some time since appeared to be touched and affected with divine truths, and brought to some sensibility of their miserable and perishing state by nature. It was also design- ed that we might importunately pray for the peaceable settle- ment of the Indians together in a body ; that they miglit be a com- modious congregation for the worship of God; and that God would blast and defeat all the attempts that were, or might be, made against that pious design.* " The solemnity was observed and seriously attended, not only by those who proposed at the Lord's table, but by the whole congregation universally. In the former part of the day, I en- deavoured to open to my people the nature and design of a fast, as I had attempted more briefly to do before, and to instruct them in the duties of such a solemnity. In the afternoon I insisted up- on the special reasons there were for our engaging in these sol- emn exercises at this time ; both in regard of the need we stood in of divine assistance, in order to a due preparation for that sa- cred ordinance upon which some of us were proposing, with leave of divine Providence speedily to attend ; and also in respect of the manifest decline of God's work here, as to the effectual con- viction and conversion of sinners ; there having been few of late deeply awakened out of a state of security. The worship of God was attended with great solemnity and reverence, with much ten- derness and many tears, by those who appeared to be truly re- ligious ; and there was some appearance of divine power upon those who had been awakened some time before, and who were still under concern. " After repeated prayer, and attendance upon the word of God, I proposed to the religious people, with as much brevity and plainness as I could, the substance of the doctrine of the christian faith, as I had formerly done previous to their baptism ; and had their renewed cheerful assent to it. I then led them to a solemn renewal of their baptismal covenant ; wherein they had explicitly and publicly given up themselves to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, avouching him to be their God ; and at the same time leiiouncing their heathenish vanities, their idolatrous and superstitious practices ; solemnly engaging to take the Word of God, so far as it was or might be made known to them, for the rule of their lives ; promising to walk together in love, to watch * There was at this time a terrible clamour raised agfainst the Indians in variouf places in the country, and insinuations as though I was training: them up to cut peo- ple's throats. Ntimbers wiished to have them banished from these parts and some gave out j:jreat words in order to fris^ht and deter them from settlin* upon the best and most convenient tract of their own lands ; threatening" to trouble them in the law ; pretending a claim to these lands themselves, although never purchased of the Indians. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 21K? over themselves and one another, to lead lives of seriousness and devotion, and to discharge the relative duties incumbent on them respectively, &c. This solemn transaction was attended with much gravity and seriousness ; and at the same time with the ut- most readiness, freedom and cheerfulness ; and a religious union and harmony of soul seemed to crown the whole solemnity. I could not but think in the evening, that there had been manifest tokens of the divine presence with us in all the several services of the day ; though it was also manifest that there was not that concern among Christless souls which has often appeared there. April 26. " Toward noon prayed with a dying child, and gave a word of exhortation to the bystanders to prepare for death ; which seemed to take effect upon some. In the afternoon dis- coursed to my people from Matthew xxvi. 26 — 30 of the author, the nature, and designs of the Lord's supper ; and endeavoured to point out the worthy receivers of that ordinance. " The religious people were affected, and even melted, with divine truths, — with a view of the dying love of Christ. Several others, who had been for some months under convictions of their perishing state, appeared now to be much moved with concern, and afresh engaged in seeking after an interest in Christ ; al- though I cannot say that the word of God appeared so quick and powerful, so sharp and piercing to the assembly as it had some- times formerly done. Baptized two adult persons ; both serious and exemplary in their lives, and I hope truly religious. One of them was the man particularly mentioned in my journal of the 6th instant ; who, although he was greatly distressed, because " he had never done the will of God," has since, it is hoped, obtained spiritual comfort upon good grounds. " In the evening I catechised those, who were designed to par- take of the Lord's supper the next day, upon the institution, na- ture and end of that ordinance ; and had abundant satisfaction respecting their doctrinal knowledge and fitness in that respect for an attendance upon it. They likewise appeared in general to have an affecting sense of the solemnity of this sacred ordi- nance, and to be humbled under a sense of their own unworthi- ness to approach to God in it ; and to be earnestly concerned that they might be duly prepared for an attendance upon it. — Their hearts were full of love one toward another, and that was the frame of mind which they seemed concerned to maintain and bring to the Lord's table with them. In the singing and prayer after catechising, there appeared an agreeable tenderness and melting among them ; and such tokens of brotherly love and af- fection, as would even constrain one to say " Lord, it is good to be here ;" it is good to dwell where such an heavenly influence distils. 300 MEMOIRS OF BRAINEHD. Lord's day, April 27. "Preached from Tit. ii, 14, '^ Who gave himself for us," &;c. The word of God, at this time, was attended with some appearance of divine power upon the assem- bly: so that the attention and gravity of the audience were re- markable ; and especially towards the conclusion of the exercise, divers persons were much aifected. Administered the sacrament of the Lord's supper to tiventy three persons of the Indians, the number of the men and women being nearly equal; several oth- ers, to the number o{ Jive or six^ being now absent at the Forks of Delaware, who would otherwise have communed with us. The ordinance was attended with great solemnity, and with a most desirable tenderness and affection. It was remarkable that in the season of the performance of the sacramental actions, es- pecially in the distribution of the bread, they seemed to be affect- ed in a most lively manner, as if Christ had been really crucified before them. The words of the institution, when repeated and enlarged upon in the season of the administration, seemed to meet with the same reception, to be entertained with the same free and full belief and affectionate engagement of soul, as if the Lord Jesus Christ himself had been present, and had personally spoken to them. The affections of the communicants, although considerably raised, were, notwithstanding, agreeably regulated and kept within proper bounds. So that there was a sweet, gen- tle, and affectionate melting without any indecent or boisterous commotion of the passions. " Having rested sometime after the administration of the sa- crament, being extremely tired with the necessary prolixity of the work, I walked from house to house, and conversed particu- larly with most of the communicants, and found they had been al- most universally refreshed at the Lord's table, " as with new wine." Never did 1 see such an appearance of Christian love among any people in all my life. It was so remarkable, that one might well have cried with an agreeable surprise, '' Behold how they love one another." I think there could be no greater to- kens of mutual affection among the people of God, in the early days of Christianity, than what now appeared here. The sight was so desirable, and so well becoming the gospel, that nothing less could be said of it than that it was " the doing of the Lord," the genuine operation of Him, " who is Love." "Toward night discoursed again on the forementioned text, Tit. ii. 14; and insisted on the immediate end and design of Christ's death : viz. That he might redeem his people from all iniquity, &c. This appeared to be a season of divine power among us. The religious people were much refreshed, and seem- ed remarkably tender and affectionate, full of love, joy, and MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 30i peace, and desirous of being completely " redeemed from all in- iquity ;'' so that some of tliem afterwards told me that " they had never felt the like before." Convictions also appeared to be revived in many instances ; and several persons were awaken- ed, whom I had never observed under any r^ligioAis impressions before. " Such was the influence which attended our assembly, and so unspeakably desirable the frame of mind which many enjoyed in divine service, that it seemed almost grievous to conclude the public worship. The congregation, when dismissed, although it was then almost dark, appeared loth to leave the place, and employments which had been rendered so dear to them by the benefits enjoyed, while a blessed quickening influence distilled upon them. Upon the whole, I must say, I had great satisfaction relative to the administration of thisordinancein various respects. I have abundant reason to think, that those who came to the Lord's table had a good degree of doctrinal knowledge of the nature and design of the ordinance, and that they acted with un- derstanding in what they did. "In the preparatory services^ I found, I may justly say, uncom- mon freedom in opening to their understandings and capacities^ the covenant of grace, and in shewing them the nature of this or- dinance as a seal of that covenant; although many of them knew of no such thing as a seal^ before my coming among them, or at least, of the use and design of it in the common affairs of life. They were likewise thoroughly sensible, that it was no more than a seal, or sign, and not the real body and blood of Christ ; that it was designed for the refreshment and edification of the soul, and not for the feasting of the body. They were also acquainted with the end of the ordinance, that they were therein called to commemorate the dying love of Christ. "This competency of doctrinal knowledge, together with their grave and decent attendance upon the ordinance, their affection- ate melting under it, and the sweet and christian frame of mind which they discovered after it, gave me great satisfaction respect- ing my administration of it to them. O, what a sweet and blessed season was this! God himself, I am persuaded, was in the midst of his people, attending on his own ordinance. I doubt not but many, in the conclusion of the day, could say with their whole hearts, "Verily, a day thus spent in God's house, is better than a thousand elsewhere." There seemed to be but one heart among the pious people. The sweet union, harmony and endearing love and tenderness subsisting among them was, I thought, the most lively emblem of the heavenly world, which I had ever seen. 302 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. April 28. •' Concluded the sacramental solemnity with a dis- course upon John xiv. 15. " If ye love me, keep my command- ments." At this time there appeared a very agreeable tender- ness in the audience in general, but especially in the communi- cants. O, how free, how engaged and affectionate did these ap- pear in the service of God! they seemed willing to have their ears bored to the door posts of God's house, and to be his servants forever. " Observing numbers in this excellent frame, and the assembly in general affected, and that by a divine influence, I thought it proper to improve this advantageous season as Hezekiah did the desirable season of hisgreat passover, 2 Chron.31, in order to promote the blessed reformation begun among them ; and to en- gage those that appeared serious and religious to persevere there- in. Accordingly 1 proposed to them, that they should njnewedly enter into covenant before God, that they would w^atch over themselves and one another, lest they should dishonour the name of Christ, by falling into sinful and unbecoming practices; and especially that they would watch against the sin of drunkenness, "the sin that most easily besets them," and the temptations lead- ing thereto, as well as the appearance of evil in that respect. They cheerfully complied with the proposal, and explicitly joined in that covenant ; whereupon I proceeded in the most solemn manner of which I was capable, to call God to witness respecting their sacred engagements, and reminded them of the greatness of the guilt they would contract to themselves in the violation of it, as well as observed to them that God would be a terrible witness against those who should presume to do so in the great and nota- ble day of the Lord. It was a season of amazing solemnity ; and a divine awe appeared upon the face of the whole assembly in this transaction. Affectionate sobs, sighs and tears were now frequent in the audience; and I doubt not but that many silent cries were then sent up to the Fountain of grace for supplies of grace sufficient for the fulfilment of these solemn engagements. Baptized six children this day." On Tuesday, April 29, he went to Elizabeth Town to attend the meeting of the Presbytery ; and seemed to spend the time while absent from his people on this occasion, in a free and com- fortable state of mind. Cranberry, JV*. J, May, 1746. May 3. "Rode from Elizabeth Town home to my people at Qv near Cranberry ; whither they are now removed, and where I MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 303 hope God will settle them as a christian congregation. Was re- freshed in lifting up my heart to God, while riding, and enjoyed a thankful frame of spirit for divine favours received the week past. " Was somewhat uneasy and dejected in the evening; having no house of my own to go to in this place; but God was my sup- port. ' Lord'^s day^ May 4. '' My people being now removed to their lands, mentioned in my diary of March 24, where they were then and have since been making provision for a compact settle- ment, in order to their more convenient enjoyment of the gospel and other means of instruction, as well as of the comforts of life ; I this day visited them ; being now obliged to board with an Eng- lish family at some distance from them; and preached to them in the forenoon from Mark iv. 5. " And some fell upon stony ground." &;c. Endeavoured to shew them the reason there was to fear, lest many promising appearances and hopeful beginnings in reli- gion, might prove abortive, like the seed dropped upon stony places. " In the afternoon discoursed upon Rom. viii. 9. "Now, if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his." I have reason to think this discourse was peculiarly seasonable, and that it had a good effect upon some of the hearers. Spent some hours afterwards in private conference with my people, and laboured to regulate some things which I apprehended amiss among some of them. May 5. "Visited my people again, and took care of their worldly concerns ; giving them directions relating to their busi- ness. I daily discover more and more of what importance it is jy likely to be to their religious interests, that Ihey become labori- ous and industrious, acquainted with the affairs of husbandry, and able in a good measure to raise the necessaries and comforts of life within themselves; for their present method of living greatly exposes them to temptations of various kinds. May, 6. " Enjoyed some spirit and courage in my work ; was in a good measure free from melancholy : blessed be God for freedom from this death. May 7. " Spent most of the day in writing as usual. Enjoyed some freedom in my work. Was favoured with some comforta- ble meditations this day. In the evening was in a sweet compo- sed frame of mind : was pleased and delighted to leave all with God respecting myself, for time and eternity, and respecting the people of my charge, and dear friends. Had no doubt butthat God would take care of me and of his own interest among m^: 304 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. people ; and was enabled to use freedom in prayer as a child with a tender father. O how sweet is such a frame ! May 8. *' In the evening, was somewhat refreshed with divine things, and enjoyed a tender melting frame in secret prater ; wherein my soul was drawn out for the interests of Zion, and comforted with the lively hope of the appearing of the great Re- deemer. These were sweet moments; I felt almost loth to go to bed, and grieved that sleep was necessary. However, I lay down with a tender reverential fear of God, sensible that his fa- vour is life, and his smiles better than all that earth can boast of, infinitely better than life itself. May 9. " Preached from John 5, 40. " And ye will not come to me," Sic. in the open wilderness ; the Indians having as yet no house for public worship in this place, nor scarcely any shelters for themselves. Divine truths made considerable impressions upon the audience, and it was a season of great solemnity, tender- ness and affection. " Baptized one man this day, the conjurer, murderer, &;c. mentioned in my diary of Aug. 8, 1745, and Feb. 1, 1746, who appears to be such a remarkable instance of divine grace, that I cannot omit to give seme brief account of him here. He lived near, and sometimes attended my meeting, at the Forks of Dela- ware, for more than a year together ; but was, hke many others of them, extremely attached to strong drink, and seemed to be in no degree reformed by the means w^hich I used with them for their in- struction and conversion. At this time he likewise murdered a likely young Indian, which threw him into some kind of horror and desperation, so that he kept at a distance from me, and refused to hear me preach for several months together, until I had an oppor- tunity of conversing freely with him, and giving him encourage- ment, that his sin might be forgiven, for Christ's sake. After this he again attended my meeting sometimes. *' But that which was the worst of all his conduct, was his con- juration. He was oho of those who are sometimes called powaws, among the Indians ; and, notwithstanding his frequent attendance upon my preaching, he still followed his old charms and juggling tricks, '' giving out that himself was some great one, and to him they gave heed," supposing him to be possessed of great power. When I have instructed them respecting the miracle wrought by Christ in healing the sick, and mentioned them as evidence of his divine mission, and the truths of his doctrine ; they have quickly observed the wonders of that kind, which this man had perform- ed by his magic charms. Hence they had a high opinion of him and his superstitious notions ; which seemed to be a fatal obstruc- tion to some of them in regard to their receiving the Gospel. I MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 306 have often thought that it would be a great favour to the design of evangelizing these Indians, if God would take that wretch out of the world ; for I had scarcely any hope of his ever becoming good. But God, whose thoughts are not as man's thoutjhts, has been pleased to take a much moie desirable method with him ; a method agreeable to his own merciful nature, and I trust advan- tageous to his own interest among the Indians, as well as effectu- al to the salvation of his poor soul. I'o God be the glory of it. " The first genuine concern for his soul, that ever appeared in him, was excited by seeing my Interpreter and his wife baptised at the Forks of Delaware, July 21, 1745. Which so prevailed upon him, that with the invitation of an Indian who was a friend to Christianity, he followed me down to Crossweeksung, in the be- ginning of August, following in order, to hear me preach; and there continued for several weeks in the season of the most remarkable and powerful awakening among the Indians ; at which time he was more effectually awakened, and brought under great concern for his soul. And then he says, upon his " feeling the word of God in his heart," as he expresses it, his spirit of conjuration left him entirely, so that he has had no more power of that nature since, than any other man living. He also declares, that he does not now so much as know, how he used to charm and conjure, and that he could not now do atiy thing of that nature if he were ever so desirous of it. '' He continued under convictions of his sinful and perishing state, and a considerable degree of concern for his soul, all the fali and former part of the winter past ; but was not so deeply exer- cised until some time in January. Then the word of God took such hold upon him, that he was brought into deep distress, and knew not what to do, nor where to turn himself. He then told me, that when he used to hear me preach from time to time in the fall of the year, my preaching pricked his heart, and made him very uneasy, but did not bring him to so great distress, because he still hoped he could d(5 something for his own relief; but now he said, I drove him up in such a sharp corner, that he had no way to turn and could not avoid being in distress. He continued constantly under the heavy burden and pressure of a wounded spirit, until at length he was brought into the acute anguish and utmost agony of soul, mentioned in my Journal of Feb. 1st, which continued that night and part of the next day. After this he was brought to the utmost calmness and composure of mind ; his trembling and heavy burden were removed ; and he appeared perfectly sedate, although he had to his apprehensions scarcely any hope of salvation. 39 306 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. " I observed him to appear remarkably composed ; and there- upon asked him how he did ? He replied, *' It is done, it is done, it is all done now." I asked him what he meant ? He answer- ed, " I can never do any more to save myself; it is all done for ever. I can do no more." I queried with him, whether he could not do a little more, rather than go to hell / He rephed "' my heart is dead. I can never help myself." I asked him what he thought would become of him then ? He answered, '^ I must go to hell." I asked him if he thought it was right, that God should send him to hell ? He replied, " O it is right. The devil has been in me ever since I was born." I asked him if he felt this when he was in such great distress the evening before ? He ans- w^ered, " No ; I did not then think it was right. I thought God would send me to hell, and that I was then dropping into it; but my heart quarrelled with God, and would not say it was right he should send me there. But now 1 know it is right ; for I have al- ways served the devil ; and my heart has no goodness in it now ; but it is as bad as ever it was, &lc. I thought I had scarcely ever seen any person more effectually brought off from a dependance upon his own contrivances and endeavours for salvation, or more apparently to lie at the foot of sovereign mercy, than this man did under these views of things. "Jn this frame of mind he confined for several days, passing sentence of condemnation upon himself, and constantly owning that it would be right he should be damned, and that he expected this would be his portion for the greatness of his sins. Yet it was plain that he had a secret hope of mercy, though impercep- tible to himself, which kept him not only from depair but from any pressing distress : so that, instead of being sad and dejected, his very countenance appeared pleasant and agreeable. "While he was in this frame, he several times asked me, " When I would preach again?" and seemed desirous to hear the word of God every day. I asked, " Why he wanted to hear me preach, seeing his heart was dead, and all was done ; that he could never help himself, and expected that he must go to hell ?" Fie replied, " I love to hear you speak about Christ for all." I added, " But what good will that do you, if you must go to hell at last?"— using now his own language with him, having before from time to time laboured in the best manner I could to represent to him the excellency of Christ, his all-sufliiciency and willingness to save lost sinners, and persons just in his case ; although to no purpose, as to yielding him any special comfort. He answered, " I would have others come to Christ, if I must go to hell my- self." It was remarkable, that he seemed to have a great love for the people of God ; and nothing affected him so much as be- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 307 ing separated from them. This seemed to be a very dreadful part of the hell to wliich he saw himself doomed. It was likewise re- markable, that in this season he was most diligent in the use of all the means for the soul's salvation ; although he had the clearest view of the insufficiency of means to alford him help. He would frequently say, That all he did signified nothing at all; and yet was never more constant in doing; attending secret and family prayer daily ; and surprisingly diligent and attentive in hearing the word of God; so that he neither despaired of mercy, nor yet presumed to hope upon his own doings, but used means because appointed of God in order to salvation ; and because he would wait upon God in his own way. " After he had continued in this frame of mind more than a week, while 1 was discoursing publicly, he seemed to have a lively soul-refreshing view of the excellency of Christ and the way of salvation by him ; which melted him into tears, and filled him with admiration, comfort, satisfaction and praise to God. Since then, he has appeared to be a humble, devout and affec- tionate christian ; serious and exemplary in his conversation and behaviour, frequently complaining of his barrenness, his want of spiritual warmth, life and activity, and yet frequently favoured with quickening and refreshing influences. In all respects, so far as I am capable of judging, he bears the marks of one " crea* ted anew in Christ Jesus to good works." " His zeal for the cause of God was pleasing to me, when he was with me at the Forks of Delaware in February last. There being an old Indian at the place where I preached, who threat- ened to bewitch me, and my religious people who accompanied me there; this man presently challenged him to do his worst; telling him that himself had been as great a conjuror as he ; and that not withstanding, as soon as he felt that word to his lieart which these people loved, meaning the word of God, his power of conjuring immediately left him. '' And so it would you," said he, " if you did but once (eel it in your heart ; and you have no power to hurt them, nor so much as to touch one of them." &;c. So that I may conclude my account of him, by observing, in allu- lusion to what was said of St. Paul, that he now zealously " de- fends and practically preaches the faith which he once destroyed," or at least was instrumental of obstructing. May God have the glory of the amazing change which he has wrought in him ! May 10. ''Rode to Allen's-town to assist in the administra- tion of the Lord's supper. In the afternoon, preached from Ti- tus ii. 14. Who gave himself for us, ojc. God was pleased to carry me through, and to grant me some fieedom ; and yet tp 303 MEJMOIUS OF BRAINERD. deny me that enlargement and power for which I longed. In the evening my soul mourned and could not but mourn, that I had treated so excellent a subject in so defective a manner ; that I had borne so broken a testimony for so worthy and glorious a Redeemer. If my discourse had met with the utmost applause from all the world, it would not have given me any satisfaction. Oh, it grieved me to think, that 1 had no more holy warmth and fervency, that I had been no more meltedin discoursing of Christ's death and the end and design of it ! Afterwards enjoyed some freedom and fervency in family and secret prayer, and longed much for the presence of God to attend his word and ordinances the next day. LordPs day^ May 11. " Assisted in the administration of the Lord's supper ; but enjoyed but little enlargement : was grieved and sunk with some things, which I thought undesirable, k,c. In the afternoon went to the house of God, weak and sick in soul, as well as feeble in body, and longed that the people might be entertained and edified with divine truths, and that an honest, fervent testimony might be borne for God ; but knew not how it was possible for me to do any thing of that kind to any good pur- pose. Yet God, who is rich in mercy, was pleased to give me assistance both in prayer and preaching. God helped me to wrestle for his presence in prayer, and to tell him that he had promised, '' Where (wo or three are met together in his name, there he would be in the midst of (hem ;" and (hat we were, at least some of us, so met ; and pleaded that for his truth's sake he would be with us. Blessed be God, it was sweet to my soul, thus to plead and rely on God's promises. Discoursed upon Luke ix. 30, 31. And behold there talked luith him two men, zvhich were Moses and Elias, who appeared in glory ^ and spake of his decease^ which he should accomplish at Jerusalem, Enjoyed special free- dom from the benc?e ; if for the sake of feeling the pleasure of being affected, it is then idolatry and self-gratification. Laboured also to expose the disagreeahleness of those affections, which are sometimes wrought up in persons by the power of fancy, and their own attempts for that purpose, while I still endeavoured to recommend to them that religious af- fection, fervency and devotion which ought to attend all our reli- gious exercises, and witliout which religion will be but an empty name and lifeless carcase. This appeared to be a seasonable dis- course, and proved very satisfactory to some of the religious peo- ple, who before were exercised with some ditKculties relating to this point. Afterwards took care of, and gave my people direc- tions about, their zvor Idly affairs," On Tuesday^ he complains of want of freedom and comfort ; but had some returns of these on Wednesday, May 22. " In the evening was in a frame somewhat remarka- ble. I had apprehended for some days before, that it was the design of Providence that I should settle among my people here, and had in my own mind began to make provision for it, and ib contrive means to hasten it ; and found my heart somewhat en- gaged in it ; hoping that I might then enjoy more agreeable cir- cumstances of life in several respects : and 3'et was never fully de- termined, never quite pleased with the thoughts of being settled and confined to one place. Nevertheless 1 seemed to have some freedom in that respect, because the congregation, with which I thought of settling, was one which God had enabled me to gather from among Pagans. For I never, since I began to preach, could feel any freedom to enter into other men's labours, and settle down in the ministry where the gospel was preached before. I 312 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. never could make that appear to be my province. When I felt any disposition to consult my worldlj^ ease and comfort, God has never given me any liberty in this respect, either since, or for some years before, I began to preach. But God having succeed- ed my labours, and made me instrumental in gathering a church for him among these Indians, I was ready to think it might be his design to give me a quiet settlement, and a stated home of my own. This, considering the late frequent sinking and failure of my spirits, and the need I stood in of some agreeable society, and my great desire of enjoying conveniences and opportunities for profitable studies, was not altogether disagreeable to me. Al- though 1 still wanted to go about far and wide, in order to spread the "blessed gospel among the benighted souls far remote, yet 1 never had been so willing to settle in any one place, for more than five years past, as I was in the preceding part of this week. But now these thoughts seemed to be wholly dashed to pieces, not by necessity, but of choice ; for it appeared to me that God's dealings towards me had fitted me for a life of solitariness and hardship, and that I had nothing to lose, nothing to do with earth, and consequently nothing to lose by a total renunciation of it. It appeared to me just right that 1 should be destitute of house and home, and many of the comforts of life, which 1 rejoiced to see others of God's people enjoy. At the same time, I saw so much of the excellency of Christ's kingdom and the infinite desirableness of its advancement in the world, that it swallowed up all my other thoughts, and made me willing, yea, even rejoice, to he made a piliirim orhennitin the wilderness to my dying moment ; if I might thereby promote the blessed interest of the great Redeemer. If ever my soul presented itself to God for his service, loithoul any reserve of any kind, it did so now. The language of my thoughts and disposition now was, " Here I am^ Lord^ send ine ^ send me to the ends of the Earth ; send me to the roughs the savage Pagans of the 7oilderness ; send me from all that is called comfort in earth, or earthly comfort ^ send me even to death itself if it be but in thy ecrvice, and to promote thy kingdom.'^'' At the same time, I had as quick and lively a sense of the value of worldly comforts, as I nature, in a greater or less degree, has attended MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 333 almost every revival and remarkable ^ro/?fl^'flf//on of true religion ever since. They have learned so to distinguish between the gold and dross^ that the credit of the latter " is trodden down like the mire of the streets ;" and, as it is natural for this kind of stuff" to die with its credit^ there is now scarce any appearance of it among them. " As there has been no prevalence of irregular heats, imagina- ry notions, spiritual pride, and Satanical delusions among my people; so there have been very few instances o( scandalous and it-regular behaviour among those who have made a profession, or even an appearance of seriousness. I do not know of more than three or four suc^ persons who have been guilty of any open mis- conduct, since their tirst acquaintance with Christianity ; andnot one who persists in any thing of that nature. Perhaps the re- markable purity of this work in the latter respect, its freedom from frequent instances of scandal, is very much owing to its pu- rity in the ybrme/- respect, its freedom from corrupt mixtures of spiritual pride, wild-fire, and delusion, which naturally lay a foundation for scandalous practices. "May this blessed work in the power and purity of it prevail among the poor Indians here, as well as spread elsewhere, till their remotest tribes shall see the salvation of God ! Amen."* * ^^ Money collected aad expended for tlie Indians. — As mention has been made in the preceding Diary, of an English sc/joo/ erected and continued among these In- dians, dependent entirely upon charity ; and as collections have ah'eady been made in divers places for the support or it, as well as ibr defraying other charges which have necessarily arisen in the promotion of the religious interests of the Indians ; it may he satisfactory, and perhaps will be thought by some but apiece of justice to the world, that an exact account be here given of the money already received by way of collection for the benefit of the Indians, and the manner in which it has been expended. The following is therefore a just account of this matter : — Money received since October last, by way of public collection, for promoting the religious interests of tha Indians in New- Jersey, viz. £. s. d. From New- York 23 10 2 Jamaica on Long-Island .... 300 Elizabeth-Tov.'n ... . . 750 Elizabeth-Town Farms . . . 1 18 9 Newark . . . . .457 "Woodbridge . . . . 2 18 2 Morris-'I'ov/n . . . . 15 3 Freehold . . . . . 12 11 0 Freehold Dutch congregation . . 4 14 3 Shrewsbury and Shark-river . . . 3 5 0 Middle-Town Dutch congregation . . 2 0 0 The Dutch congregation in and about N. Brunswik 3 5 0 King's -Town . . . . 5 11 0 Neshaminy, and places adjacent in Pennsylvania 14 5 10 Abington and New-Pro\ ideuce, by the hand of the Rev. Mr. Treat . . . 10 5 0 The whole amounting to £100 0 0 334 MEiMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Money paid out since October last for promoting the religious interests of the In- dians in New-Jersey, viz. £'. s. d. Upon the occasion mentioned in my Journal of Jan. 28 82 5 0 For the building of a school-house . . . 3 5 0 To the schoolmaster as a part of his reward for his present year's service , . . . . 17 10 0 For books for the children to learn in . . 3 0 0 The whole amounting to £106 0 0 DAVID BRAINERD.' CHAPTER X. general Remarks on the Work of Grace at Crossioeeksung con- tinned. — Introduction. — Method of learning the Indian Lan- guage.— Method of Instructing the Indians. — Difficulties in the way in converting them to Christianity, — Attestations of neis;h- houring Ministers, Elders and Deacons to the Display of Di- vine grace at Crossweeksung, " I should hat*e concluded what f had at present to offer, upon the affairs respecting my mm?07i, with the preceding account of the money collected and expended for the religious interests of the Indians, but that I have not long since received from the Rev. President of the correspondents, the copy of a letter directed to him from the Hon. Society for propagating Christian knowledge, dated Edinburgh, March 21, 1745. Wherein I find it is express- ly enjoined upon their missionaries, " That they give an exact account of the methods they make use of for instructing them- selves in the Indians' language, and what progress they have al- ready made in it ; of what methods they are now taking to instruct the Indians in the principles of our holy religion ; and particular- /y of what difficulties they have already met with, and of the methods they make use of for surmounting the same." " As to the trvo former of these particulars, I trust that what I have already noted in my communications from time to time, might have been in good measure satisfictory to the Hon. Socie- ty, h'dd they arrived saf el)/ and seasonahly ; which I am sensible they have not in general done, by reason of their falling into the hands of the enemy ; although I have been at the pains of send- ing two copies of each, for more than two years past, lest one might miscarry in the passage. With relation to the latter of these particulars, I have purposely omitted saying any thing con- siderable, and that for these two reasons. First, because I could not oftentinaes give any tolerable account of the difficulties which I met with in my work, without speaking somewhat particularly o{ the causes of them, ^nd the circumstances conducing to them, which would necessarily have rendered my journals very tedious. Besides, some of the causes of my difficulties, I thought more fit to be concealed than divulged. Sccondlij, because I thought that a frequent mention of the difficulties attending my work, might appear an unbecoming complaint under my burdens ; or as if I would rather be thought to be endowed with a singular measure of self denial, constancy, and holy resolution, to meet and con- 3Se MEMOlllS OF BRAINERD. front so many difficulties, and yet to hold on and go forward a- nnidst them all. But since the Honourable Society are pleased to require a more exact diU^ particular account of these things, I shall cheerfully endeavour something for their satisfaction in rela- tion to each of these particulars ; although with regard to the lat- ter, I am ready to say, Infandum — jubes renovare ddorcm, SECT. I. " Method of learning the Indian Language, " The most successful method which I have taken for instruct- ing myself in any of the Indian languages, is, to translate English discourses by the help of an interpreter or two, into their lan- guage, as near verbatim as the sense will admit of, and to ob- serve strictly how they use words, and what construction they // will bear in various cases ; and thus to gain some acquaintance with the root from whence particular words proceed, and to see how they are thence varied and diversified. But here occurs a Very great difficulty ; for the interpreters being unlearned, and unacquainted with the rules of language, it is impossible some- times to know by them what part of speech some particular word is of, whether noun, verb, or participle^ for they seem to use participles sometimes where we should use nouns, and sometimes where we should use verbs in the English language. " But I have, notwithstanding many difficulties, gained some acquaintance with the grounds of the Delaware language, and have learned most of the defects in it ; so that I know what Eng- (/ lish words can, and what cannot be translated into it. I have al- so gained some acquaintance with the particular phraseologies, as well as peculiarities of their language, one of which I cannot but mention. Their language does not admit of their speaking any word denoting relation, such as, father, son, &c. absolutely ; that is, without prefixing a pronoun-possessive to it, such as my, thy, his, S/c. Hence they cannot be baptized in their own lan- guage in the name of the Father, and the Son, &:c. ; but they may be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and liis Father, «Sic. I have gained so much knowledge of their language, that I can un- derstand a considerable part of what they say, when they dis- course upon divine things, and am frequently able to correct my interpreter, if he mistakes my sense. But I can do nothing to any purpose at speaking the language mvself. " As an apology for this defect, I must renew, or rather enlarge my former complaint, viz. ; — That ' while so much of my time is MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 337 necessarily consumed in journeying,' while I am obliged to ride four thousand miles a year, as 1 have done in the year past, ' I can have little left for any of my necessary studies, and conse- quently for the study of the Indian languages.' This, I may ven- ture to say, is the great, if not the only reason why the Delaware language is not familiar to me before this time. It is impossible that 1 should ever be able to speak it without close application, for which, at present, I see no prospect of having time. To preach and catechise frequently ; to converse privately with per- sons who need so much instruction and direction as these poor Indians do ; to take care of all their secular affairs, as if they were a company of children ; to ride about frequently in order to procure collections for the support of the school, and for their help and benefit in other respects ; to hear and decide all the petty differences which arise among any of them ; and to have the constant oversight and management of all their affairs of ev- ery kind ; must needs engross most of my time, and leave me lit- tle for application to the study of the Indian languages. When I add to this the time that is necessarily consumed upon my Diary, I must say I have little to spare for other business. 1 have not, as was observed before, sent to the Hon. Society less than two copies of every journal, for more than two years past; most of which, I suppose, have been taken by the French in their pas- sage. A third copy I have constantly kept by me, lest the others should miscarry. This has caused me not a little labour, and so straitened me for time, when I have been at liberty from other business, and had opportunity to sit down to write, which is but rare, that I have been obliged to write twelve and thirteen hours in a day ; till my spirits have been extremely wasted, and my life almost spent, to get these writings accomplished. After all; af- ter diligent application to the various parts of my work, and after the most industrious improvement of time, of wiiich I am capa- ble, both early and late, I cannot oftentimes possibly gain two hours in a week for reading, or any other studies, unless just for what appears, of absolute necesshy for the present. Frequently when I attempt to redeem time, by sparing it out of my sleeping hours, I am by that means thrown under bodily indisposition, and rendered fit for nothing. — This is truly my present state, and is like to be so, for aught I can see, unless I could procure an assist- ant in my work, or quit my present business. " Although I have not made that proficiency which I could wish to have made, in learning the Indian languages ; yet I have used all endeavours to instruct them in the English toiigue; which perhaps will be more advantageous to the Christian interest among them, than if I should preach in their own language ; for 43 338 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. that is very defective, as I shall hereafter observe, so that many things cannot be communicated to them without introducing Eng- lish terms. Besides, they can have no books translated into their language, without great difficulty and expense ; and if still accus- tomed to their own language only, they would have no advantage of hearing other ministers occasionally, or in my absence. So that my having a perfect acquaintance with the Indian language, would be of no great importance with regard to this congregation of Indians in New-Jersey, although it might be of great service trv me in treating with the Indians elsewhere. SECT. II. '' Method of msiructing the Indians, '• The method which I am taking to instruct the Indians in the principles of our holy religion, are, to preach, or open and im- prove some particular points of doctrine ; to expound particular paragraphs, or sometimes whole chapters of God's word to them ; to give historical relations from scripture of the most material and remarkable occurrences relating to the church of God from the beginning; and frequently to catechise them upon the principles of Christianity. The latter of these methods of instructing, I manage in a twofold manner. I sometimes catechise systemati- cally^ proposing questions agreeably to the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. This I have carried to a considerable length. Ai other times I catechise upon any important subject which I think difficult to them. Sometimes, when I have discoursed upon some particular point, and made it as plain and familiar to them as I can, I then catechise them upon the most material branches of my discourse, to see whether they had a thorough understanding of it. But as I have catechised chiefly in a systematical form, I shall here give some specimen of the method 1 make use of in it, as well as of the propriety and justness of my people's answers to the questions proposed to them. ^^ Questions upon the benefits believers receive from Christ at death. Q. " I have shewn you, that the children of God receive a great many good things from Christ while they live, now have they any more to receive when they come to die ? A, Yes. Q. Are the children of God then made perfectly free from sin ? A. Yes. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 339 Q. Do you think they will never more be troubled with vain, foolish, and wicked thoughts? A, No, never at all. Q, Will they not then be like the good angels I have so often told you of? A. Yes. Q. And do you call this a great mercy to be freed from all sin ? A, Yes. Q. Do all God's children count it so ? A. Yes, all of them. Q. Do you think this is what they would ask for above all ihitigs, if God should say to them, Ask what you will, and it shall be done for you ? A, O yes, besure, this is what they want. Q. You say the souls of God's people at death are made per- fectly free from sin, where do they go then? A, They go and live with Jesus Christ. Q, Does Christ shew them more respect and honour, and make them more happy* than we can possibly think of in this world ? A, Yes. Q, Do they go immediately to live with Christ in heaven, as soon as their bodies are dead ? or do they tarry somewhere else a while ? A. They go immediately to Christ. Q. Does Christ take any care of the bodies of his people when they are dead, and their souls gone to heaven, or does he forget them ? A, He takes care of them. " These questions were all answered with surprising readi- ness, and without once missing, as I remember. In answering several of them, which respected deliverance from sin, they were much affected, and melted with the hopes of that happy state." ** Questions upon the benefits which believers receive from Christ at the resurrection* Q. You see 1 have already shewn you what good things Christ gives his good people while they live, and when they come to die : now, will he raise their bodies, and the bodies of others, to life again at the last day ? A, Yes, they shall all be raised. Q. Shall they then have the same bodies they now have ? A, Yes. * The only way I have to express their " entering into glory," or being glorified; there being no word in the Indian language answering to that general term. 340 MEMOIRS OF BRAINEIID. Q, Will their bodies then be weak, will they feel cold, hunger, thirst, and weariness, as they now do? »^. No. none of these things. Q, Will their bodies ever die any more after they are raised to life? A. No. Q, Will their souls and bodies be joined together again ? .4. Yes. Q. Will God's people be more happy then, than they were while their bodies were asleep ? ^. Yes. Q. Will Christ then own these to be his people before all the world ? A. Yes. Q. But God's people find so much sin in themselves, that they are often ashamed of themselves, and will not Christ be ashamed to own such for his friends at that day? Ji. No, he never will be ashamed of them. Q. Will Christ then show all the world, that he has put away these people's sins,* and that he looks upon them as if they had never sinned at all ? ^. Yes. Q, Will he look upon them as if they had never sinned, for the sake of any good things they have done themselves, or for the sake of his righteousness accounted to them as if it was theirs ? A. For the sake of his righteousness counted to them, not for their own goodness. Q. AVill God's children then be as happy as they can desire to be? A. Yes. Q. The children of God while in this world, can but now and then draw near to him, and they are ready to think they can nev- er have enough of God and Christ, but will they have enough there, as much as they can desire ? A, O yes, enough, enough. Q. Will the children of God love him then as much as they desire, will they find nothing to hinder their love from going to him ? Jl, Nothing at all, they shall love him as much as they desire. Q, Will they never be weary of God and Christ, and the pleas- ures of heaven, so as we are weary of our friends and enjoyments here, after we have been pleased with them a while ? ^. No, never. Q. Could God's people be happy if they knew God loved them, and yet felt at the same time that they could not love and honour him? A No, no. * The only way I have to express their being openly— acquitted. In like manner, when I speak of justification, I have no other way but to call it God's looking upon us as good creatures. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 341 Q. Will this then make God's people perfectly happy, to love God above all, to honour him continually, and to feel his love to them? A. Yes. Q. And will this happiness last for ever? A, Yes, for ever, for ever. " These questions, like the former, were aswered without hesi- tation or missing, as I remember, in any one instance." " Questions upon the duty which God requires of men. Q, Has God let us know any thing of his will, or what he would have us to do to please him ? A, Yes. Q. And does he require us to do his will, and to please him / Jl. Yes. Q. Is it right that God should require this of us, has he any business to command us as a father does his children ? Jl. Yes. Q. Why is it right that God should command us to do what he pleases ? A. Because he made us, and gives us all our good things. Q. Does God require us to do any thing that will hurt us, and take aw^ay our comfort and happiness? A. No. Q, But God requires sinners to repent and be sorry for their sins, and to have their hearts broken ; now, does not this hurt them, and take away their comfort, to be made sorry, and to have their hearts broken P A. No, it does them good. Q. Did God teach man his will at first by writing it down in a^ book, or did he put it into his heart, and teach him without a book what was right ? A. He put it into his heart, and made him know what he should do. Q. Has God since that time writ down his will in a book ? A, Yes. Q. Has God written his whole will in his book ; has he there told us all that he would have us believe and do ? A. Yes. Q. What need was there of this book, if God at first put his will into the heart of man, and made him feel what he should do ? A There was need of it, because we have sinned, and made our hearts blind. Q. And has God writ down the same things in his book, that he at first put into the heart of man ? A, Yes. 342 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. " In this manner I endeavour to adapt my instructions to the capacities of my people ; although they may perhaps seem strange to others who have never experienced the difficulty of the work. These, of which I have given an account, are the methods I am from time to time pursuing, in order to instruct them in the prin- ciples of Christianity. I think I may say, it is my great concern that these instructions be given them in such a manner^ that they may not only be doctrinally taught, but dull/ affected thereby ; that divine truths may come to them, " not in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost," and be received " not as the word SECT. Ill, ^^ Difficulties attending the Christianizing of the Indians — First Difficidty, the rooted aversioyi to Christianity that generally pre- vails among them* " I shall now attempt something with relation to the last par- ticular required by the Honourable Society in their letter, viz. To give some account of the " ditHculties 1 have already met with in my work, and the methods I make use of for surmounting the same." J. " I have met with great difficulty in my work among these Indians, ^^ from the rooted aversion to Christianity ivhich general- ly prevails among them,'^'' They are not only brutishly stupid and ignorant of divine things, but many of them are obstinate- ly set against Christianity, and seem to abhor even the Christian name. " This aversion to Christianity arises partly from a view of the " immorality and vicious behaviour of many who are called chris- tians." They observe that horrid wickedness in nominal chris- tians, which the light of nature condemns in themselves ; and not having distinguishing views of things, are ready to look upon all the while people cdikc, and to condemn them alike, for the abom- inable practices o( some, — Hence, when I have attempted to treat with them about Christianity, they have frequently objected the scandalous practices of christians. They have observed to me, that the white people lie, defraud, steal, and drink worse than the Indians; that they have taught the Indians these things, especial- ly the latter of them; who before the coming of the English, knew of no such thing as strong drink ; that the English have, by these means, made them quarrel and kill one another; and, in a word, brought them to the practice of all those vices which now MEMOIRS at' BRAINERD. 343 prevail among them. So that they are now vastly more vicious, as well as much more miserable, than they were before the com- ing of the white people into the country. — These, and such like objections, they frequently make against Christianity, which are not easily answered lo their satisfaction ; many of them be'mg facts too notoriously true. " The only way I have to take in order to sur-mouni this dijji- cultT/, is to distinguish between nominal and real christians ; and to shew them, that the ill conduct of many of the former pro- ceeds not from their being christians, but from their being chris- \ tians only in name, not in heart. To this it has sometimes been \\ objected, that, if all those who will cheat the Indians are chris- | \ tians only in name, there are but few left in the country to be / ^ christians in heart. This, and many other of the remarks they ' pass upon the white people, and their miscarriages, I am forced to own, and cannot but grant, that many nominal christians arc more abominably wicked than the Indians. But then I attempt to show them, that there are some who feel the power of Chris- tianity, and that these are not so. I ask them, when they ever saw me guilty of the vices of which they complain, and with which they charge Christians in general ? But still the great difficulty is, that the people who live back in the country nearest to them, and the traders who go among them, are generally of the most irreligious and vicious sort; and the conduct of one or two persons, be it never so exemplary, is not sufficient to counterbal- ance the vicious behaviour of so many of the same denomination, and so to recommend Christianity to Pagans. " Another thing which serves to make them more averse to Christianity, is a ' fear of being enslaved.' They are, perhaps, some of the most jealous people living, and extremely averse to a state of servitude; and hence are always afraid of some design forming against them. Besides, they seem to have no sentiments of generosity, benevolence, and goodness. If any thing be pro- posed to them, as being for their good, they are ready rather to suspect, that there is afbottom some design forming against them^ than that surh proposals flow from good will to them, and a desire of their welfare. Hence, when I have attempted to recommend Christianity to their acceptance, they have sometimes objected, that the white jeople have come among them, have cheated them out of their lands, and driven them back to the mountains, froni the pleasant places they used to enjoy by the sea-side ; that there- fore they have no reason to think the white people are now seek- ing their welfare ; but rather that they have sent me out to draw them together, under a pretence of kindness to them, that they may have an opportunity to make slaves of them, as they do of 344 MEMOIRS OF BRAINEKD. the poor negroes, or else to ship them on hoard their vessels, and make thein fight with their enemies. Thus they have oftentimes construed all the kindness 1 could shew them, and the hardships I have endured in order to treat with them about Christianity. — * He never v/ould, say they, take all this pains to do us good ; he must have some wicked design to hurt us some way or other.' To give them assurance of the contrary, is not an easy matter ; while there are so many, who, agreeable to their apprehension, are only ' seeking their own,' not the good of others. " To remove this difficulty, I inform them, that I am not sent out among them by those persons in these provinces^ who they sup- pose, have cheated them out of their lands ; but by pious people at a great distance, who never had an inch of their lands, nor ev- er thought of doing them any hurt. " But here will arise so many frivolous and impertinent ques- tions, that it would tire one's patience, and wear out one's spirits to hear them ; such as, " But why did not these good people send you to teach us before, while we had our lands down by the sea- side. If they had sent you then, we should likely have heard you, and turned Christians. The poor creatures still imagiinng, that I should be much beholden to them, in case they would hear- ken to Christianity ; and insinuating, that this was a favour they could not now be so good as to shew me, seeing they had received so many injuries from the white people, " Another spring of aversion to Christianity in the Indians, is ^ their strong attachment to their own religious notions, if they may be called religious, and the early prejudices which they have im- bibed in favour of their own frantic and ridiculous kind of wor- ship.' What their notions of God are, in their Pagan state, is hard precisely to determine. I have taken much pains to inquire of my christian people, whether they, before their acquaintance with Christianity, imagined that there was 2i plurality of great in- visible powers, or whether they supposed but one such being, and worshipped him in a variety of forms and shapes ; but cannot learn any thing of them so distinct as to be fully satisfied upon the point. Their notions in that state were so prodigiously dark and confus- ed, that they seemed not to know what they thought themselves. But so far as I can learn, they had a notion of a plurality of invis- ible deities^ and paid some kind of homage to them promiscuous- ly, under a great variety of forms and shapes. It is certain, that those who yet remain Pagans, pay some kind of superstitious rev- erence to beasts, birds, fishes, and even reptiles ; that is, some to one kind of animal, and somt; to another. They do not indeed suppose a divine power essential to, or inhering in, these crea- tures ; but that some invisible beings — I cannot learn that it is aJ- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 345 ways one such being only, but divers; not distinguished fronn each other by certain nanties, but only notionally ; — communicate to those animals a grcal power ; either one or other of them, just as it happens, or perhaps sometimes all of them ; and so make these creatures the immediate authors of good to certain persons. — Whence such a creature becomes sacred to the persons to whom he is supposed to be the iinmediate author of good, and through him they must worship the invisible powers, though to others he is no more than another creature. Perhaps another animal is looked upon to be the immediate author of good to another ; and consequently he must worship the invisible powers in that animal. I have known a Pagan burn fine tobacco for incense, in order to appease the anger of that invisible power, which he supposed presided over rattle-snakes, because one of these animals was killed by another Indian near his house. " After the. strictest inquiry respecting their notions of the De- ity, I find, that in ancient times, before the coming of the white people, some supposed that there were four invisible powers, who presided over the four corners of the earth. Others imagined the sun to be the onli/ deity, and that all things were made by t^^^ him. Others, at the same time, have a confused notion of a cer- tain bodi/ or fountain of deitj/. somewhat like the aninia mundi, so frequently mentioned by the more learned ancient Heathens, dif- fusing itself to various animals, and even to inanimate things, ma- king them the immediate authors of good to certain persons, as before observed, with respect to various supposed deities. But after the coming of the white people, tljey seemed to suppose there were three deities, and three only, because they saw peo- ple of three different kinds of complexion, viz. English, Negroes, and Indians. " It is a notion pretty generally prevailing among them, that it was not the same God made them, who made us ; but that they were made after the white people ; which further shews, that they imagine a plurality of divine powers. I fancy that they sup- pose their God gained some special skill by seeing the white peo- ple made, and so made thcra better ; for it is certain they look up- on themselves, and their method of living, which, they say, their C^ God expressly prescribed for them, vastly preferable to the white people, and their method. Hence they will frequently sit and laugh at the whites, as being good for nothing else but to plow and fatigue themselves with hard labour; while ^As^' enjoy the satisfaction of stretching themselves on the ground, and sleeping as much as they please; ar.d have no other troulde but now and then to chase the deer, which is often attended with pleasure rather than pain. Hence, bv the wav, many of them look upon 44 34b MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. it to be as disgraceful for them to become christians, as it would be esteemed among christians for any to become Pagans. They suppose onr religion will do well enough for us, because prescri- bed by our God ; yet it is no way proper for them, because not of the same make and original. This they have sometimes offered as a reason why they did not incline to hearken to Christianity. " They seem to have some confused notion about a future state of existence, and many of them imagine that the chichung, ?'. e. the shadozv, or what survives the body, will at death go southward, and in an unknown but curious place, will enjoy some kind of ^ happiness, such as, hunting, feasting, dancing, and the like. What they suppose will contribute much to their happiness in that state is, that they shall never be weary of those entertainments. It feccms by this notion of their going southward io obtain happiness, as if they had theircourse into these parts of the world from some very cold climate, and found the further they went southward the more comfortable they were ; and thence concluded, that perfect felicity was to be found furtlier towards the same point. "They seem to have some faint and glimmering notion about rewards ixnd punishinents, or at least happiness and misery in a fu- ture state ; that is, some with whom 1 have conversed ; though others seem to know of no such thing. Those who suppose this, ^ seem to imagine tliat most will be happy; and that those who are not so, will be punished only with privation, being only ex- cluded the walls of that good world, where happy souls shall dwell. " These rewards and punishments they suppose to depend en- tirely upon their conduct with relation to the duties of the second table, i. e. their behaviour towards mankind ; and seem, so far as 1 can see, not to imagine that they have any reference to their re- ligious notions or practices, or any thing that relates to the wor- ship of God. I remember I once consulted a very ancient, but intelligent Indian upon this point, for my own satisfaction ; and asked him whether the Indians of old times had supposed there was any thing of the man that would survive the body ? He re- plied. Yes. I asked him, where he supposed its abode would be ? He replied, " It would go southward." I asked him further, whether it would be happy there ? He answered, after a consid- erable pause, " that the souls of good folks would be happy, and the souls of bad folks miserable." I then asked him, whom he called bad folks? His answer, as I remember, was, '* Those who lie, steal, quarrel with their neighbours, arc unkind to their friends, and especially to aged parents, and, '\n a word, such as are a plague to mankind." These weic his bad folks ; but not a MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 347 word was said about their neglect of divine worship, and their badness in that respect. "They have indeed some kind of religious worship, are fre- quently ofiering sacrifccs to sonse supposed invisible powers, and are very ready to impute their calamities in the present world, to the neglect of these sacrilices ; but there is no appearance of rev- erence and devotion in the homage which they pay them ; and what they do of this iiatare, seems to be done only to appease the supposed anger of their deities, to engage them to be placable to themselves, and do them no hurt, or at most, only to invite these powers to succeed them in those enterprises they are engaged in respecting the present life. So that in offering these sacrifices, they seem to have no reference to a future state, but only to pres- ent comfort. This is the account my interpreter always gives me of this matter. " They sacrifice, says he, that they may have success in hunting and other alFairs, and that sickness and other calamities may not befal them, which they fear in the present world, in case of neglect ; but they do not suppose God will ever punish them in the coming world for neglecting to sacrifice. In- deed they seem to imagine, that those whom they call had folks^ are excluded from the company of good people in that state, not so much because God remembers, and is determined to punish them for their sins of any kind, either immediately against him- self or their neighbour, as because they would be a plague to so- ciety, and would render others unhappy if admitted to dwell with them. So that they are excluded rather of neccessity^ than by God acting as a righteous judge, " They give much heed to dreams^ because they suppose these invisible powers give them directions at such times about certain affairs, and sometimes inform them what anzma/ they would choose to be worshipped in. They are likewise much attached to the traditions and fabulous notions of their fathers ; who have inform- ed them of divers miracles that were anciently wrought among the Indians, which they firmly believe, and thence look upon their ancestors to have been the best of men. They also mention some wonderful things which, they say, have happened since the mem- ory of some who are now living. One I remember affirmed to me, that himself had once been dead four days, that most of his friends in that time were gathered together to his funeral, and that he should have been buried, but that some of his relations at a great distance, who were sent for upon that occasion were not arrived, before whose coming he came to life again. In this time, he says, he went to the place where the sun rises ; imagin- ing the earth to be a plain ; and directly over that place, at a great height in the air. he was admitted, be says, into a great house, 348 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. which he supposes was several miles in length, and saw many wonderfu! things, too tedious as well as ridiculous to mention. — Anotiier person, a woman, whom I have not seen, but of whom I have been credibly informed by the Indians, declares, that she was dead several days, that her soul went southward^ and feasted and danced with the happy spirits, and that she found all things exactly agreeable to the Indian notions of a future state. To these superstitious notions and traditions, and to this ridiculous worship they are extremely attached ; and the prejudice which they have imbibed in favour of these things, renders them not a little averse to the doctrines of Christianity. Some of them have told me, when I have endeavoured to instruct them, "that their fathers had staught them already, and that they did not want to learn now." " It will be too tedious to give any considerable account of the methods I make use of for surmounting this difficulty. I will just say, I endeavour, as much as possible, to shew them the incon- sistency of their own notions, and so to confound them out of their own mouths. I must also say, I have sometimes been almost nonplussed with them, and scarcely knew what to answer them ; but never have been m.ore perplexed with them, than when they have pretended to yield to me as knowing more than they, and consequently have asked me numbers of impertinent, and yet difficult questions, as, '* How the Indians came first into this part of the world, aw^y from all the white people, if what I said was true," viz. that the same God made them who made us ? " How the Indians became blacky if they had the same original parents with the while people ?" And numbers more of the like nature. — These things, I must say, have been not a little difficult and discouraging, especially when withal some of the Indians have appeared angry and malicious against Christhanity. "What further contributes to their aversion to Christianity is, the influence which ihaxr porvaws (conjurers or diviners) have upon them. These are a sort of persons who are supposed to have a power o( foretelling fuliire events^ or recovering the sick^ at least oftentimes, and of c/m?-mmg-, inchanting, or poisoning persons to death by their magic divinations. Their spirit, in its various operations, seems to be a Satanical imitation of the spirit of prophecy with which the church in early ages was favoured. Some of these diviners are endowed with the spirit in infancy; — others in adult age. — It seems not to depend upon their own will, nor to be acquired by any endeavours of the person who is the subject of it, although it is supposed to be given to children some- times in cofisequence of some means which the parents use with them for that purpose ; one of which is to make the child swallow MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 349 a small living frog, after having performed some superstitious rites and ceremonies upon it. They are not under the influence of this spirit always aiike, — but it comes upon them at times. Those whoare endowed with it,are accounted singularly favoured. '' I have laboured to gain some acquaintance with this affair of their conjuration, and have for that end consulted and queried with the man mentioned in my Diary, May 9, who, since his con- version to Christianity, has endeavoured to give me the best in- telligence he could of this matter. But it seems to be such a mystery of iniquity, that I cannot well understand it, and do not know oftentimes what ideas to affix to the terms he makes use of. So far as I can learn, he himself has not any clear notions of the thing, now his spirit of divination is gone from him. However, the manner in which he says he obtained this spirit of di- viniation was this ; — he was admitted into the presence of a great man, who informed him, that he loved, pitied, and desired to do him good. It was not in this world that he saw the great man, but in a world above at a vast distance from this. The great man, he says, was clothed with the day ; yea, with the brightest day he ever saw ; a day of many years, yea, of ever- lasting continuance ! this whole world, he says, was drawn upon him, so that in him, the earth, and all things in it, might be seen, I asked him, if rocks, mountains, and seas were drawn upon, or appeared in him? He replied, that every thing that was beauti- ful and lovely in the earth was upon him, and might be seen by- looking on him, as well as if one was on the earth to take a view of them there. By the side of the great man, he says, stood his shadow or spirit ; for he used {chickung,) the word they common- ly use to express that part of the man which survives the body, which word properly signifies a shadorv. This shadow, he says, was as lovely as the man himself, and filled all places, and was most agreeable as well as wonderful to him. — Here he says, he tarried some time, and was unspeakably entertained and delighted with a view of the great man, of his shadow or spirit, and of all things m him. What is most of all astonishing, be im- agines all this to have passed before he was born. He never had been, he says, in this world at that time. What confirms him in the belief of this, is, that the great man told him, that he must come down to earth, be born of such a woman, meet with suck and such things, and in particular, that he should once in his life be guilty o( murder. At this he was displeased, and told the great man, he would never murder. But the great man replied, " I have said it, and it shall be so." Which has accordingly happen- pened. At this time, he says, the great man asked him what he would choose in life. He replied, First to be a hunter, and af- J 350 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. terwards lo be a powaxo or diviner. Whereupon the great man told him, he should have what he desired, and that his shadom should go along with him down to earth, and be with him for ev- er. There was, he sa3's, all this time no words spoken between them. The conference was not carried on by any Awma/i lan- guage, but they had a kind of mental intelligence of each others thoughts, dispositions, and proposals. After this, he says, he saw the great man no more ; h'\ supposes he now came down to earth to be born, but the spirit or shadow of the great man still attended him, and ever after continued to appearto him in dreams and other ways, until he felt the power of God's word upon his heart ; since which it has entirely left him. " The spirit, he says, used sometimes to direct him in dreams to go to such a place and hunt, assuring him he should there meet with success, which accordingly proved so. When he had been there some time, the spirit would order him to another place. So that he had success in hunting, according to the great man's promise made to him at the time of his chusing this employment. " There were some times when this spirit came upon him in a special manner, and he was full of what he saw in the great man. Then, he says, he was all light, and not only light himself, but it was light all around him, so that he could see through men, and knew the thoughts of their hearts. These depths of Satan I leave to others to fathom or to dive into as they please, and do not pretend, for my own part, to know what ideas to affix to such terms, and cannot well guess what conceptions of things these creatures have at these times when they call themselves all light. But my interpreter tells me, that he heard one of them tell a certain Indian the secret thoughts of his heart, which he had never divulged. The case was this, the Indian w^as bitten with a snake, and was in extreme pain with the bite. Whereup- on the diviner, w^ho was applied to for his recovery, told him. that at such a time he had promised, that the next deer he killed, he would sacrifice it to some great ^-'Oioer, but had broken his promise. Now, said he, that great power has ordered this snake to bite you for your neglect. The Indian confessed it was so, but said he Ijad never told any bod^ of It. '' These things serve to fix the i down in their idolatry, and to make them believe that there is no safety to be expected, but by their continuing to offer such sacrifices. The inliuence which ihcse powaws have upon them, either through the esteem or fear they have of them, is no small hindrance io their embracing Christianity. " To remove this difficulty, I have laboured to shew the In- dians, that these diviners have no power to recover the 6ick, MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 351 when the God whom christians serve, has determined them for death ; that the supposed great power vfho influences the diviners has himself no power in this case ; and that, if they seem to re- cover any by their magic charms^ they are only such as the God I preached to them, had determined should recover, and who would have recovered without their conjurations. When I have apprehended them afraid of embracing Christianity, lest they should be inchanted and poisoned, 1 have endeavoured to relieve their minds of this fear, by asking them, Why i\\Q\Y powaws did not inchant and poison me, seeing they had as much reason to hate me for preacliing to them, and desiring them to become christians, as they could have to hate them in case they should actually become such ? That they might have an evidence of the power and goodness of God engaged for the protection of chris- tians, I venlured to bid a challenge to all i\-\e\Y powaros and great powers to do their worst on me first of all, and thus laboured to tread down their influence. '' Many things further might be offered upon this head, but thus much may suflice for a representation of their aversion to, and prejudice against Christianity, the springs of it, and the dif- ficulties thence arising. II. " Another great difficulty which I have met with in my at- tempts to christianize the Indians, has been, to convey divine truths to their understandings, and to gain their assent to them as such.''^ " In the first place, I laboured under a Ycry great disadvan- tage for want of an Interpreter, who had a good degree of doc- trinal as well as experimental' knowledge of divine things : in both which respects my present hiterpreter was very defective when I first employed him, as noted in the account I before gave of him. And it was sometimes extremely discouraging to me, when I could not make him understand what I designed to communicate: when truths of the last importance appedired foolishness to him for want of a spiritual understanding and relish of them ; and when he addressed the Indians in a lifeless, indifferent manner, without any heart-engagement or fervency; and especially when he appeared heartless and irresolute about making attempts for the conversion of the Indians to Christianity, as he frequently did. For alihough he had a desire that they should conform to Christian manners, as I elsewhere observed ; yet, being abun- dantly acquainted with their stroi.g attachment to their own su- perstitious notions, and the difliculty of bringing them ofT, and having no sense of divine power and grace, nor dependence upon an Almighty arm for the accomplishment of this work, he used to be discouraged, and tell me, '' It signiiles nothing for us to try. 352 MExMOlRS OF BRAINERD. they will never turn." Thus he was a distressing weight and burden to me. Here I should have sunk scores of times, but God in a remarkable manner supported me ; sometimes by giv- ing me iuH satisfaction that He himself had called me to this work, and thence a secret hope that some time or other 1 might meet with success in it ; or if not, that " my judgment should notwithstanding be with the Lord, and my work with my God ;" sometimes by giving me a sense of his almighty power, and that *' his hand was not shortened ;" sometimes by affording me a fresh and lively view of some remarkable freedom and assistance with which I had been repeatedly favoured in prayer for the in- gathering of these Heathens some years before, even before I was a missionary, and a refreshing sense of the stability and faithfulness of the divine promises, and that the prayer of faith should not fail. Thus I was supported under these trials, and the method God was pleased to take for the removal of this difficulty, respec- ting my Interpreter, 1 have sufficiently represented elsewhere. "■ Another thing which rendered it very difncult to convey di- vine truths to the understandings of the Indians, was the deftct of their lauiruage, the want of terms to express and convey ideas of spiritual things. There are no words in the Indian language to answer our English wortis, " Lord, Saviour, salvation, sinner, justice, condemnation, faith, repentance, justitication, adoption, sanctification, grace, glory, heaven, with scores of the like impor- tance. " The only methods I can make use of for surmounting this difficulty, are, either to describe the things at large designed by these terms, as if I was speaking of regeneration, to call it the '' heart's being changed" by God's Spirit, or the " heart's being made good ;" or to introduce the Etiglish terms into their lan- g:uage, and fix the precise meaning of them, that they may know what 1 intend whenever I use them. " What renders it much more difficult to convey divine truths to the understandings of these Indians, is, that '' there seems to be no foundation in their mijids to begin upon ;" I mean, no truths which may be taken for granted, as being already known, while I am attempting to instil others. As divine truths have such a qccessary connexion with, and dependence upon each other, I find it extremely difficult in my lirst addresses to Pagans, to begin and discourse of them in their proper order and connection, without having reference to truths not yet known, — without ta- king for granted such things as need first to be taught and proved. There is no point of Christian doctrine but what they are either wholly ignorant of, or extremely confused in their notions about. Therefore it is necessary that they should be instructed in every MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 353 truth, even in those which are the most easy and obvious to the understanding, and which a person educated under gospel-light would be ready to pass over in silence, as not imagining that any rational creature could be ignorant of. " The method which I have usually taken in my first addresses to Pagans, has been to introduce myself by saying, that I was come among them with a desire and design of teaching them some things which I presumed they did not know, and which I trusted, would be for their comfort and happiness, if known, desiring they would give their attention, and hoping they might meet with sat- isfaction in my discourse. Thence I have proceeded to observe, that there are two things belonging to every man, which I call the l^ soul and body. These I endeavour to distinguish from each other, by observing to them, that there is something in them that is ca- pable of joy and pleasure, when their bodies are sick and much pained ; and, on the contrary, that they find something within them, that is fearful, sorrowful, ashamed, &tc. and consequently very uneasy, when their bodies are in perfect health. I then ohserved to them, that this which rejoices in them, perhaps at the sight of some friend who has been so long absent, when their bodies are sick and in pain, — this which is sorrowful, frighted, ashamed, &c. and consequently uneasy, when their bodies are perfectly at ease, — this\ call the souL And although it cannot be seen like the other part of the tnan, viz. the body, yet it is as real as their thoughts, desires, &:c. v/hich are likewise things that cannot be seen. " I then further observe, that this part of the man which thinks, rejoices, grieves, &c. will live after the body is dead. For (he proof of this, I produce the opitiion of their fathers, who as I am told by very aged Indians now iivins-, always supposed that there was something of the man which would survive the body. If I can, for the proof of any thing 1 assert, say, as St. Paul to the Athenians, " As certain also of your own sages have said," it is sufficient. Having established this point, 1 next observe, that what I have to say to them, respects the conscious part of the man; and that with relation to its state after the death of the body ; and that I am not come to treat with them about the things that con- cern the present world. " This method I am obliged to take, because they will other- wise entirely mistake the design of my preachinjr, and suppose that the business I am upon, is something which relates to the pres- ent world ; having never been called together by the white peo- ple upon any other occasion, but only to be treated with about the sale of lands, or some other secular business. 1 find it almost impossible to prevent their imagining that I am engaged in the 45 35i MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. same, or such like alTairs, and to beat it into them, that my con- cern is to treat with them about their invisible part, and that with relation to its future state. y " But having thus opened the way, by distinguishing between soul and body, and shewing the immortality of the former, and that my business is to treat with them in order to their happiness in a future state ; 1 proceed to discourse of the Being and Perfec- tions of God, particularly of his "eternity, unity, self-sufficiency, infinite wisdom, and almighty power." It is necessary, in the first place, to teach them that God is from everlasting, and so distin- guished from all creatures ; though it is very difficult to communi- cate any thing of that nature to them, they having no terms in their language to signify an eternity a parte ante. It is likewise necessary to discourse of the divine imiii/, in order to confute the notions they seem to have of a plurality of gods. The divine nll-sufficiericy must also necessarily be mentioned, in order to pre- vent their imagining that God was unhappy while alone, before the formation of his creatures. Something respecting the divine wisdom and po7oer seems necessary to be insisted upon, in order to make way for discoursing of God's works. " Having offered some things upon the divine perfections men- tioned, I proceed to open the work of Creation in general, and in particular God's creation of man in a state of uprightness and happiness, placing them in a garden of pleasure ; the means and manner of their apostacy from that state, and loss of that happi- ness. Before I can give a relation of their fall from God, I am obliged to make a large digression, in order to give an account of the original and circumstances of their tempter-, his capacity of assuming the shape of a serpent, from his being a spirit without a body, &LC. Hence I go on to shew, the ruins of our fallen state, the mental blindness and vicious dispositions which our first pa- rents then contracted to themselves, and propagated to all their posterity ; the numerous calamities brought upon them amd theirs by this apostacy from God ; and the exposedness of the whole human race to eternal perdition. Hence I labour to shew them, the necessity of an Almighty Saviour to deliver us from this de- plorable state, as well as of a divine Revelation to instruct us in, and direct us agreeable to the will of God. " Thus the way, by such an introductory discourse, is prepared for opening the gospel scheme of salvation through the great Re- deemer, and for treating of those doctrines which immediately re- late to the soul's renovation by the divine Spirit, and preparation for a state of everlasting blessedness, " In giving such a relation of things to Pagans, it is not a little difficult, as observed before, to deliver truths in their properorder MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 355 without interfering, and without taking for granted things not as yet known; to discourse of them in a familiar manner, suited to the capacities of heathen ; to illustrate them by easy and natural similitudes ; to obviate or answer the objections which they are disposed to make against the several particulars of it; as well as to take notice of, and confute their contrary notions. '• What has sometimes been very discouraging in my first dis- courses to them, is, that when I have distinguished between the present diwA future state, and shown them that it was my business to treat of those things which concern the life to come, they have mocked, and looked upon these things of no importance ; have scarce had a curiosity to hear; and perhaps walked oif before I had half done my discourse. In such a case, no impressions can be made upon their minds to gain their attention. They are not awed by hearing of the anger of God engaged against sinners, or of everlasting punishment as the portion of gospel-necjlecters. They are not allured by hearing of the blessedness of those who embrace and obey the gospel. So that to gain their attention to my discourses, has often been as difficult as to give them a just notion of the design of them, or to open truths in their proper order. " Another difficulty, naturally falling under the head I am now upon, is, that " it is next to impossible to bring them to a rational conviction that they are sinners by nature, and that their hearts are corrupt and sinful,'' unless one could charge them with some gross acts of immorality, such as the light of nature condemns. If they can be charged with behaviour contrary to the commands of the second tahle^ — with manifest abuses of their neighbour, they will generally own such actions to be wrong ; but then they seem as if they thought only the actions were sinful, and not their hearts. But if they cannot be charged with such scandalous ac- tions, they seem to have no consciousness of sin and guilt at all, as I had occasion to observe in my Diary, March 24. So that it is very difficult to convince them rationally of that which is read- ily acknowledged, though, alas! rarely felt, in the Christian world, viz. "That we are all sinners." '* The method which I take to convince them that " we are sin- ners by nature," is, to lead them to an observation of their little children, how they will appear in a rage, fight and strike their mothers, before they are able to speak or walk, while they are so young that it is plain they are incapable of learning such practices. As the light of nature in the Indians condemns such behaviour in children towards their parents ; they must own these tempers and actions to be wrong and sinful. As the children have never learn- ed these things, they must have been in their natures ; and con- 356 MEMOIRS OF BRALN'ERD. sequently (hey must be allowed to be " by nature the children of wrath." The same I observe to them with respect to the sin of lying, to which their children seem much inclined, they tell lies without being taught so to do, from their own ?z«/wra/ inclination, as well as against restraints, and after corrections for that vice, which proves them sinners b)/ nature, " Further ; in order to shew them that ihi^'w hearts are all cor- rupted and sinful, I observe to them, that this may be the case, and they not be sensible of it through the blindness of their minds ; and that it is no evidence that they are not sinful, because they do not know and feel it. I then mention all the vices I know the Indians to be guilty of, and so make use of these sinful streams to convince (hem that the fountain is corrupt. This is the end for which I mention their wicked practices to them ; not because I expect to bring them to an effectual reformation merely by inveighing against their immoralities; but hoping that they may hereby be convinced of the corruption of their hearts, and awakened to a se::se of the depravity and misery of their fallen slate. '" For the same purpose, viz. " to convince them that they are sinners," 1 sometimes open to them, the great command of *' lov- ing God with all the heart, strength, and mind ;" shew them the reasonableness of loving Him who has made, preserved and dealt bountifully with us ; and then labour to shew them that they have utterly neglected this duty, and that they have been so far from loving God in this manner, that, on the contrary, he has not been " in all their thoughts." " Such are the means which 1 have made use of to remove this difhculty ; but if it be asked after all, " How it was sur- mounted ?'' I must answer, God himself was pleased to do it with regard to a number of these Indians, by taking his work into his ov/n hand, and making them feel at heart, that they were both sinful and miserable. In the day of God's power, whatever was spoken to them from God's word, served to convince them that they were sinners; even the most melting invitations of the gos- pel; and to tiii p/m^ houses where they used to consume most of what they gained by hunting and other means. These persons, seeing that the hope of future gain was lost, were resolved to make sure of what they could. Perhaps some of them put the Indians to trouble, purely out of spite at their embracing Chris- tianity. " This conduct of theirs has been very distressing to me ; for I was sensible, that if they did imprison any one that embraced, or hearkened to Christianity, the news of it would quickly spread among the Pagans, hundreds of miles distant, who would immedi- ately conclude that 1 had involved them in this difficulty, and thence be filled with prejudice against Christianity, and strength- ened in their jealousy, that the whole of my design among them, was to ensnare and enslave them. 1 knew that some of the In- dians upon Susquehannah had made this objection against hearing me preach, viz. That they understood that a number of Indians in Maryland, some hundreds of miles distant, who had been un- commonly free with the English, were after a while put in jail, and sold. Whereupon they concluded, it was best for them to keep at a distance, and have nothing to do with Christians. — The method 1 took in order to remove this difficulty, was, to press the Indians with all possible speed to pay their debts , and to ex- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 363 hort those of them that had skins or monei/, and were themselves in good measure free of debt, to help others that were oppressed. Frequently upon such occasions 1 have paid money outof my own pocket, which I have not as yet received again. " These are some of the difficulties which I have met with from the conduct oi those who, notwithstanding their actions so much tend to hinder the propagation of Christianity, would, I suppose, be loth to be reputed Pagans, — Thus I have endeavoured to an- swer the demands of the Hon. Society in relation to each of the particulars mentioned in their letter, — If what I have written may be in any measure agreeable and satisfactory to them, and serve to excite in them, or any of God's people, a spirit o{ prayer and supplication for the furtherance of a work of grace among the In- dians here, and the propagation of it to their distant tribes, I shall have abundant reason to rejoice, and bless God in this, as well as in other respects." "DAVID BRAINERD.'^ ''June 20, 1746. P. S. "Since the conclusion of the preceding Journal — which was designed to represent the operations of one year only, from the first time of my preaching to the Indians in New-Jersey — 1 ad- ministered the sacrament of the Lord''s Supper, a second time in my congregation, riz. on the 13th of July. At this time there were more than thirty communicants of the Indians, although di- vers were absent who should have communicated ; so considera- bly has God enlarged our number since the former solemnity of this kind, described somewhat particularly in my Diary. This appeared to be a season of divine power and grace, not unlike the former ; a season of refreshing to God's people in general, and of awakening to some others; although the divine influence manifestly attending the several services of the solemnity, seem- ed not so great and powerful as at the former season. " D. BRAINERD." SECTION IV. Attestations of Divine Grace displayed among the Indians, FIRST ATTESTATION. Since my dear and Rev. brother Brainerd, has at length con- sented to the publication of his Journal, I gladly embrace this op- portunity of testifying, that our altogether glorious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, has given such a display of his Almighty 364 MExMOIRS OF BRAINERD. power and sovereign grace, not only in the external reformation but, [in a judgment of charity,] the saving conversion of a con- siderable number of Indians, that it is really wonderful to all be- holders ! though some, alas ! notwithstanding sufficient grounds of conviction to the contrary, do join with the devil, that avowed enemy of God and man, in endeavouring to prevent this glorious work, by such ways and means as are mentioned in the aforesaid Journal, to which I must refer the reader for a faithful, though very brief, account of the time when, the place where, the means by which, and manner how, this wished-for work has been begun and carried on, by the great Head of the Church. This I can the more confidently do, not only because 1 am intimately acquainted with the author, but on account of my own personal knowledge of the matters of fact recorded in it respecting the work itself. As I live not far from the Indians, I have been much conversant with them, both at their own place, and in my own parish, where they generally convene for public worship in Mr. Brainerd's ab- sence ; and 1 think it my duty to acknowledge, that their con- versation, hath often, under God, refreshed my soul. " To conclude, it is my opinion, that the change wrought iia those savages, namely, from the darkness of Paganism, to the knowledge of the pure gospel of Christ ; from sacrificing to dev- ils, to " present themselves, body and soul, a living sacrifice to God," and that not only from the persuasion of their minister, but from a clear heart-affecting sense of its being their reasona- ble service^ this change I say, is so great, that none could effect it but He "who worketh all things after the good pleasure of his own will." I would humbly hope, that this is only the first-fruits of a much greater harvest to be brought in from among the In- dians, by HIM, who has promised to give his Son " the Heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession :" — who hath also declared, " That the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. — Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen and Amen. *' I am courteous reader, *' thy soul's well wisher, "WILLIAM TENNENT." Freehold, August 16, 1746. SECOND ATTESTATION. " As it must needs afford a sacred pleasure to such as cordially desire the prosperity and advancement of the Redeemer's kintf- • MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 363 dom and interest in the world, to hear, that our merciful and gra- cious God is in very deed fulfilling such precious pronnises as re- late to the poor Heathen, by sending his everlasting gospel among them, which, with concurrence of his holy Spirit, is removing that worse than Egyptian darkness, whereby the god of this world has long held them in willing subjection; so this narrative will per- haps be more acceptable to the world, when it is confirmed by the testimony of such as were either eye-witnesses of this glorious dawn of gospel-light among the benighted Pagans, or personally acquainted with those of them, in whom, in a judgment of char- ity, a gracious change has been wrought. Therefore, I the more willingly join with my brethren, Mr. VVilliam Tennent, and Mr. Brainerd, in affixing my attestation to the foregoing narrative; and look upon myself as concerned in point of duty both to God and his people, to do so, because I live contiguous to their set- tlement, and have had frequent opportunities of being present at their religious meetings; where I have with pleasing wonder, be- held what I am strongly inclined to believe were the effects of God's Almighty power accompanying his own truths; more es- pecially, on the 8th day of August, 1745. While the word of God was preached by Mr. Brainerd, there appeared an uncom- mon solemnity among the Indians in general ; but, I am wholly unable to give a full representation of the surprizing effects of God's Almighty power which appeared among them when public service was over. While Mr. Brainerd urged upon some of them the absolute necessity of a speedy closure with Christ, the holy Spirit seemed to be poured out upon them in a plenteous measure, insomuch as the Indians present in the roigzvaiii seemed to be brought to the jailor's case, Acts xvi. 30, utterly unable to conceal the distress and perplexity of their souls. This prompt- ed the pious among them to bring the dispersed congregation to- gether, who soon seemed to be in the greatest extremity. Some were earnestly begging for mercy, under a solemn sense of their perishing condition; while others were unable to arise from the earth, to the great wonder of those white people that were pres- ent, one of whom is by this means, I trust, savingly brought to Christ since. Nay, so very extraordinary was the concern which appeared among these poor Indians in general, that I am ready to conclude, it might have been sufficient to have convinced an Atheist, that the Lord was indeed in the place. I am for my part, fully persuaded that this glorious work is true and genuine, while with satisfaction 1 behold several of these Indians discov- ering all the symptoms of inward holiness in their lives and con- versation. I had the satisfaction of joining with them in their service on the 1 1th of August, 1746^ which was a day set apart 366 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERU. for imploring the divine blessing on the labours of their minister among other tribes of Indians on the Susquehannah ; in all which they conducted themselves with a very decent and becoming gravity ; and as far as I am capable of judging, they may be pro- posed as examples of piety and godliness, to all* the white people around them, which indeed is justly ' marvellous in our eyes,' es- pecially considering what they lately had been. Oh may the glo- rious God shortly bring about that desirable time, when our exalt- ed Immanuel shall have 'the Heathen given for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession !" "CHARLES MACNIGHT." '^ Crosswicks, August 29, 1746. THIRD ATTESTATION. " We whose names are underwritten, being elders and deacons of the Presbyterian Church in Freehold, do hereby testify, that in our humble opinion, God, even our Saviour, has brought a con- siderable number of the Indians in these parts to a saving union with himself. Of this we are persuaded from a personal ac- quaintance with them ; whom we not only hear speak of the great doctrines of the gospel with humility, affection, and under- standing, but we see walk, as far as man can judge, soberly, right- eously, and godly. We have joined with them at the Lord's sup- per, and do from our hearts esteem them as our brethren in Jesus. For " these who were not God's people, may now be called the children of the living God; it is the Lord's doing, and it is mar- vellous in our eyes." Oh that he may go on "conquering and to conquer," until he has subdued all things to himself! This is, and shall be the unfeigned desire and prayer of, Walter Ker, ^ *' William Ker, " Robert Cummins, | " Samuel Ker, " David Rhe, J S " Samuel Craig, a- a " John Henderson, ] ^ jo "John Anderson, I • | ? "Joseph Ker, J J Presbyterian Church, Freehold, Aug, 16, 1746, CHAPTER Xr. From the close of his Journal, June 19, 1746, to the termination of his Missionary Labours, March 20, 1747. The hardships, which Brainerd had endured, had now obvi- ously affected his constitution; and unfitted him for a hfe of so much toil and exposure. Of this, he appears not to have been aware, until the case had become hopeless ; and, unfortunately, the circumstances, in which he was placed, were calculated, in- stead of retarding, to hasten the ravages of disease. He lived alone, in the midst of a wilderness; in a miserable hut, built by Indians; with few of the necessaries, and none of the comforts of life ; at a distance from civilized society ; without even a nurse or a physician. His labours, also, were sufficient to have impaired a vigorous constitution. It is not surprizing, therefore, that his health was gradually, but fatally undermined. On Friday, June 20th, as well as on the next day, he was very ill ; though, with great effort, he was enabled to preach to his people on Saturday, His illness continued on the Sabbath, but he preached, notwithstanding, to his people both parts of the day; and after the public worship was ended, he endeavoured to apply divine truths to the consciences of some, and addressed them personally for that end; several were in tears, and some appeared much affected. But he was extremely wearied with the services of the day, and so ill at night, that he could have no bodily rest ; but remarks, that " God was his support, and that he was not left destitute of comfort in him." On Monday, he continued very ill; but speaks of his mind being calm and composed, resigned to the divine dispensations, and content with his feeble state. By the account which he gives of himself, the remaining part of this week, he continued very feeble, and for the most part dejected in mind. He enjoyed no great freedom nor sweetness in spiritual things ; except that for some very short spaces of time he had refreshment and encouragement, which engaged his heart on di- vine things ; and sometimes his heart was melted with spiritual affection. Lord's day, June 29. " Preached, both parts of the day, from John xiv. 19. "Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more," &c. God was pleased to assist me, to afford me both 368 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. freedom and power, especially towards the close of my discourse, both forenoon and afternoon. God's power appeared in the as- sembly, in both exercises. Numbers of God's people were re- freshed and melted with divine things; one or two comforted, who had been long under distress : convictions, in divers instances, powerfully revived ; and one man in years much awakened, who had not long frequented our meeting, and appeared before as stu- pid as a stock. God amazingly renewed and lengthened out my strength. I was so spent at noon, that I could scarce walk, and all my joints trembled ; so that ! could not ^it, nor so much as hold my hand still: and yet God strengthened me to preach with pow- er in the afternoon; although I had given out word to my people, that I did not expect to be able to do it. Spent some time after- wards in conversing, particularly, with several persons, about their spiritual state ; and had some satisfaction concerning one or two. Prayed afterwards with a sick child, and gave a word of exhorta- tion. Was assisted in all my work. Blessed be God. Returned home with more health, than I went out with ; although my linen was wringing wet upon me, from a little after ten in the morning, till past five in the afternoon. My spirits also were considerably refreshed ; and my soul rejoiced in hope, that I had through grace done something for God. In the evening, walked out, and enjoy- ied a sweet season in secret prayer and praise. But Oh, I found the truth of the Psalmist's words, " My goodness extendeth not to thee!" I could not make any returns to God; I longed to live only to him, and to be in tune for his praise and service for ever. Oh, for spirituality and holy fervency, that I might spend and be ^pent for God to my latest moment! June 30. " Spent the day in writing; but under much weak- ness and disorder. Felt the labours ot the preceding day ; al- though my spirits were so refreshed the evening before, that I was not then sensible of my being spent. July 1. "In the afternoon, visited, and preached to my peo- ple, from Heb. ix. 27. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, «^c. on occasion of some person's lying at the point of death, in my congregation. God gave me some assistance; and his word made some impressions on the audience, in general. This was an agreeable and comfortable evening to my soul: my spirits were somewhat refreshed, with a small degree of freedom and help enjoyed in my work." On Wednesday he went to Newark, to a meeting of the Pres- bytery; complains of lovvness of spirits; and greatly laments his spending his time so unfruitfully. The remaining part of the MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 369 week he spent there, and at Elizabethtovvn ; and speaks of com- fort and divine assistance, from (\\iy to day ; but yet greatly com- plains for want of more spirituality. Lord's dat/y July 6. *' [At Elizabethtown.] Enjoyed some composure and serenity of mind, in the morning: heard Mr. Dick- inson preach, in the forenoon, and was refreshed with his discourse; was in a melting frame, some part of the time of sermon : partook of the Lord's supper, and enjoyed some sense of divine things in that ordinance. In the afternoon, I preached from Ezek. xxxiii. 11. *' As I live, saith the Lord God," he. God favoured me with freedom and fervency, and helped me to plead his cause, beyond my own power. July 7. '• My spirits were considerably refreshed and raised, in the morning. There is no comfort, I find, in any enjoyment, without enjoying God, and being engaged in his service. In the evening, had the most agreeabk conversation which I remember in all my life, upon God's being all in all, and all enjoyments be- ing just that to us which God makes them, and no more. It is good to begin and end with God. O how does a sweet solemnity lay a foundation for true pleasure and happiness ! July 8. " Rode home, and enjoyed some agreeable medita- tions by the way. July 9. " Spent the day in writing, enjoyed some comfort and refreshment of spirit in my evening retirement. July 10. " Spent most of the day in writing. Towards night rode to Mr. Tennent's; enjoyed some agreeable conversation : w'ent home, in the evening, in a solemn, sweet frame of mind; was refreshed in secret duties, longed to live wholly and only for God, and saw plainly, there was nothing in the world worthy of my af- fection ; so that my heart was dead to all below ; yet not through dejection, as at some times, but from views of a better inherit- ance. Julyll, " Was in a calm, composed frame, in the morning, especially in the season of my secret retirement. I think, that 1 was well pleased with the will of God, whatever it was, or should be, in all respects of which I had then any thought. Intending to administer the Lord's Supper the next Lord's day, I looked to God for his presence and assistance upon that occasion ; but felt a disposition to say, " The will of the Lord be done," whether it be to give me assistance, or not. Spent some little time in writing : visited the Indians, and spent some time in serious conversation with them ; thinking it not best to preach, many of them being absent. 47 370 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. July 12. '* This day was spent in fasting and prayer by mv congregation, as preparatory to the sacrament. I discoursed, both parts of the day, from Rom. iv. 25. " Who was delivered for our offences," &;c. God gave me some assistance in my discourses, and something of divine power attended the word ; so that this was an agreeable season. Afterwards led them to a solemn re- newal of their covenant, and fresh dedication of themselves to God. This was a season both of solemnity and sweetness, and God seemed to be " in the midst of us." Returned to my lodg- ings, in the evening, in a comfortable frame of mind. Lordh day, July 13. "In the forenoon, discoursed on the bread of life, from John vi. 35. God gave me some assistance, in part of my discourse especially; and there appeared some ten- der affection in the assembly under divine truths; my soul also was somewhat refreshed. Administered the sacrament of the Lord's supper to thirty-one persons of the Indians. God seemed to be present in this ordinance ; the communicants were sweetly melted and refreshed, most of them. O how they melted, even when the elements were first uncovered ! There was scarcely a dry eye among them, when I took off the linen, and shewed them the symbols of Christ's broken body. — Having rested a little, after the administration of the sacrament, I visited the communicants, and found them generally in a sweet loving frame ; not unlike what appeared among them on the former sacramental occasion, on April 27. In the afternoon, discoursed upon coming to Christy and the satisfaction of those who do so, from the same verse I in- sisted on in the forenoon. This was likewise an agreeable sea- son, a season of much tenderness, affection, and enlargement in di- vine service: and God, I am persuaded, crowned our assembly with his divine presence. I returned home much spent, yet re- joicing in the goodness of God. July 14. "Went to my people, and discoursed to them from Psal. cxix 106. " I have sworn, and I will perform it." &c. Ob- served, 1. That all God.'^s judgments ov commandments are right- eous, 2. That God's people have sworn to keep them ; and this they do especially at the Lord's table. There appeared to be a powerful divine influence on the assembly, and considerable melt- ing under the word. Afterwards, I lead them to a renewal of their covenant before God, that they would watch over them- selves and one another, lest they should fall into sin and dishonoi the name of Christ, just as 1 did on Monday, April 28. This transaction was attended with great solemnity : and God seemed to own it by exciting in them a fear and jealousy of themselves, lest they should 8in against God ; so that the presence of God MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 371 seemed to be amongst us in this conclusion of the sacramental solemnity." The next day, he set out on a journey towards Philadelphia ; - from whence he did not return till Saturday. He went this jour- ney, and spent the week, under a great degree of illness of body, and dejection of mind. Lord?s day, July 20. " Preached twice to my people from John xvii. 24. " Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me, where I am, that they may behold my glo- ry, which thou hast given me." Was helped to discourse with great clearness and plainness in the forenoon. In the afternoon, enjoyed some tenderness, and spake with some influence. Num- bers were in tears ; and some, to appearance, in distress. July '2], "Preached to the Indians, chiefly for the sake of some strangers; proposed my design of taking a journey speedily to the Susquehannah; exhorted my people to pray for me, that God would be with me in that journey ; and then chose divers persons of the congregation to travel with me. Afterwards, spent some time in discoursing to the strangers, and was somewhat en- couraged with them. Took care of my people's secular busi- ness, and was not a little exercised with it. Had some degree of composure and comfort in secret retirement. July 22. " Was in a dejected frame, most of the day ; wanted to wear out life, and have it at an end ; but had some desires of living to God, and wearing out life for him. Oh that I cotdd in- deed do so ."' The next day he went to Elizabeth-Town, to a meeting of the Presbytery; and spent this, and Thursday, and the former part of Friday, under a very great degree of melancholy, and gloominess of mind ; not through any fear of future punishment, but as being distressed with a senselessness of all good, so that the whole world appeared empty and gloomy to him. In the latter part of Friday he was greatly relieved and comforted. July ^6. Was comfortable in the morning; my countenance and heart were not sad, as in days past ; enjoyed some sweetness in lifting up my heart to God. Rode home to my people, and was in a comfortable, pleasant frame by the way ; my spirits were much relieved of their burden, and 1 felt free to go through all difliculties and labours in my Master's service. LordU day, July Tl. " Discoursed to my people in the fore- noon, from Luke xii. 37, on the duty and benefit of watching. 372 MEMOIRS OF BRAINEKD. God helped me in the latter part of my discourse, and Die power of God appeared in the assembly. In the afternoon, discoursed from Luke xiii. 25. IVhen once the master of the house is risen up^&LC. Here also I enjoyed some assistance; and the Spirit of God seemed to attend what was spoken, so that there was a great solemnity, and some tears among Indians and others. July 28. " Was very weak, and scarce able to perform any business at all ; but enjoyed sweetness and comfort in prayer, both morning and evening; and was composed and comfortable through the day. My mind w^as intense, and my heart fervent, at least in some degree, in secret duties ; and 1 longed to spend and be spent for God, July 29. " My mind was cheerful, and free from the mel- ancholy, with which I am often exercised ; had freedom in look- ing up to God. at various times in the day. In the evening, I enjoyed a comfortable season in secret prayer ; was helped to plead with God for my own dear people, that he would carry on his own blessed work among them ; was assisted also in praying for the divine presence to attend me in my intended journey to the Susquehannah ; and was helped to remember dear brethren and friends in New -England. I scarce knew how to leave the throne of grace, and it grieved me that I was obliged to go to bed ; I longed to do something for God, but knew not how. Blessed be God for this freedom from dejection. July 30. "Was uncommonly comfortable, both in body and mind ; in the forenoon especially, my mind was solemn ; I was assisted in my work ; and God seemed to be near to me ; so that the day was as comfortable as most I have enjoyed for some time. In the evening, was favoured with assistance in secret prayer, and felt much as I did the evening before. Blessed be God for that freedom I then enjoyed at the throne of grace, for myself, my people, and my dear friends. It is good for me to draw near to God:' He seems to have continued very much in the same free, com- fortable state of mind the next day. Aug- 1. "In the evening, enjoyed a sweet season in secret prayer ; clouds of darkness and perplexing care were sweetly scat- tered, and nothing anxious remained. O how serene was my mind at this season ! how free from that distracting concern I have often felt I " Thy will be done," was a petition sweet to my sovil ; and if God had bidden me choose for myself in any affair, I should have chosen rather to have referred the choice to him ; for I saw he was infinitely wise, and could not do any thing ' MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 373 amiss, as I was in danger of doing. V\^as assisted in prayer for my dear flock, that God would promote his own work among them, and that God would go with me in my intended journey to the Susquehannah ; was helped to remember my dear friends in New England, and my dear brethren in the ministry. I found enough in the sweet duty of prayer to have engaged me to con- tinue in it the whole night, would my bodily state have admitted of it. O how sweet it is, to be enabled heartily to say, Lord^ not 7ny ivill, but thine be done, Aug. 2. " Near night, preached from Matt. xi. 29. Take my yoke upon you, &fc. Was considerably helped ; and the presence of God seemed to be somewhat remarkably in the assembly ; di- vine truths made powerful impressions, both upon saints and sin- ners. Blessed be God for such a revival among us. In the eve- ning was very weary, but found my spirits supported and re- freshed. Lord^s day, Aug. 3. " Discoursed to my people, in the fore- noon, from CoL iii. 4, and observed, that Christ is the believer's Life. God helped me, and gave me his presence in this dis- course ; and it was a season of considerable power to the assem- bly. In the afternoon, preached from Luke xix. 41, 42. And when he was come near, he beheld the city, ^c. I enjoyed some assistance ; though not so much as in the forenoon. In the eve- ning I enjoyed freedom and sweetness in secret prayer ; God en- larged my heart, freed me from melancholy damps, and ^ave me satisfaction in drawing near to himself. Oh that my soul could magnify the Lord, for these seasons of composure and resignation to his will. Aug. 4. " Spent the day in waiting ; enjoyed much freedom and assistance in my work ; was in a composed and comfortable frame, most of the day ; and in the evening enjoyed some sweet- ness in prayer. Blessed be God, my spirits were yet up, and I was free from sinking damps ; as I have been in general ever since I came from Elizabeth-Town last. O whcU a mercy is this ! Aug. 5. "Towards night, preached at the funeralof one of my christians, from Is. Ivii. 2. He shall enter into peace, ^-c, I was oppressed with the nervous head-ach, and considerably dejected ; however, had a little freedom, some part of the time I was dis- coursing. Was extremely weary in the evening; but notwith- standing, enjoyed some liberty and cheerfulness of mind in prayer; and found the dejection that I feared, much removed, and my spirits considerably refreshed." He continued in a very comfortable, cheerful frame of mind the next day, with his heart enlarged in the service of God. 374 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Aug. 7. " Rode to my house, where I spent the last winter, in order to bring some things I needed for my Susquehannah journey ; was refreshed to see that place, which God so marvel- lously visited with the showers of his grace. O how amazing did the power of God often appear there ! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.''^ The next day, he speaks of Hberty, enlargement, and sweetness of mind, in prayer and religious conversation. Aug. 9. " In the afternoon, visited my people ; set their af- fairs in order, as much as possible, and contrived for them the management of their worldly business ; discoursed to them in a solemn manner, and concluded with prayer. Was composed and comfortable in the evening, and somewhat fervent in secret prayer; had some sense and view of the eternal world ; and found a se- renity of mind. O that I could magnify the Lord for any free- dom which he affords me in prayer ! Lord^s day, Aug. 10. " Discoursed to my people, both parts of the day, from Acts iii. 19. Repent ye therefore, ^c. In discours- ing of repentance, in the forenoon, God helped me, so that my dis- course was searching ; some were in tears, boih of the Indians and white people, and the word of God was attended with some power. In the intermission, I was engaged in discoursing to some in order to their baptism ; as well as with one who had then lately met with some comfort, after spiritual trouble and distress. In the afternoon, was somewhat assisted again, though weak and weary. Afterwards baptized six persons ; three adults and three children. Was in a comfortable frame in the evening, and enjoy- ed some satisfaction in secret prayer. I scarce ever in my life felt myself so full of tenderness, as this day. Aug, 11. " Being about to set out on a journey to the Sus- quehannah the next day, with leave of Providence, I spent some time this day in prayer with my people, that God would bless and succeed my intended journey, that he would send forth his blessed Spirit with his word, and set up his kingdom among the poor In- dians in the wilderness. While I was opening and applying part of the cxth and iid Psalms, the power of God seemed to descend on the assembly in some measure ; and while I was making the first prayer, numbers were melted, and found some affectionate enlargement of soul myself. Preached from Acts iv. 31. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken, ^c, God helped me, and my intepreter also ; there was a shaking and melting among us ; and divers, I doubt not, were in some measure ^'Jfilled with MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 375 the Holy Ghost." Afterwards, Mr. M acnight prayed ; and I then opened (he two last stanzas of the Ixxiid Psalm ; at which time God was present with us ; especially while I insisted upon the promise oi all nations blessing the great Redeemer, My soul was refreshed, to think, that this day, this blessed glorious season, should surely come ; and 1 trust, numbers of my dear people were also refreshed. Afterwards prayed ; had some freedom, but was almost spent ; then walked out, and left my people to carry on religious exercises among themselves. They prayed repeatedly, and sung, while I rested and refreshed myself. Afterwards, went to the meeting, prayed with, and dismissed the assembly. Blessed be God, this has been a day of grace. There were many tears and affectionate sobs among us this day. In the evening, my soul was refreshed in prayer ; enjoyed liberty at the throne of grace, in praying for my people and friends, and the Church of God in general. Bless the Lord, O my 50?ee myself so far from having apprehended, or being already per- fect, as at this time. The Lord's supper being this day adminis- tered, I attended the ordinance : and though 1 saw in myself a dreadful emptiness, and want of grace, and saw myself as it were at an infinite distance from that purity which becomes the gospel, yet at the communion, especially at the distribution of the bread, I enjoyed some warmth of affection, and felt a tender love to the brethren; and, I think, to the glorious Redeemer, the first-born among them. I endeavoured then to bring forth mine and his en- emies, and slay them before him; and found great freedom in beg- ging deliverance from this spiritual death, as well as in asking divine favours for my friends and congregation, and the churcli of Christ in general. j^pril 7. " in the afternoon rode to Newark, to marry the Rev. Mr. Dickinson ;* and in the evening, performed that service. Afterwards, rode home to Elisabeth-Town, in a pleasant frame, full of composure and sweetness. April 9. " Attended the ordination of Mr. Tucker,f and after- wards the examination of Mr. Smith : was in a comfortable frame of mind this day, and felt my heart, I think, sometimes in a spiritu- al frame. April 10. " Spent the forenoon in Presbyterial business. In the afternoon, rode to Elizabethtown ; found my brother John there rf spent some time in conversation with him ; but was ex- tremely weak and outdone, my spirits considerably sunk, and my mind dejected. April 13. "Assisted in examining my brother. In the eve- ning, was in a solemn devout frame ; but was much overdone and oppressed with a violent head-ach. April 14. " Was able to do little or nothing: spent some time with Mr. Byram and other friends. This day my brother went to my people. * The late learned and very excellent Mr. Jonathan Dickinson, pastor of a church in Elisabeth-Town, president of the college of New- Jersey, and one of the corres- pondents of the honourable society in Scotland for propagating: Christian knowled'>-e. He had a great esteem for Brainerd ; kindly entertained him in his house durin^^- his sickness the winter past ; and after a short illness, died the ensuing October, two days before Brainerd. _ t A worthy pious young gentleman ; who lived in the ministry but a very short time : he died at Stratfield in Connecticut, the December following his ordination, a little while after Brainerd's death at Northampton. He was taken ill on a journey, returning from a visit to his friends at Milton in Massachusetts, which, as I take it, was his native place, and Harvard College the place of his education. :]: This brother of his had been sent for by the correspondents, to take care of, and instruct Brainerd's congregation of Indians ; he being obliged bv his illness to beab- 1/ sent from them. He continued to take care of them till Brainerd's death : and since ^ his death, has been ordained his surcessor in his mission, and to the charge of his con- gregation ; which continues much to flourish under his pasloral care. 396 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. April 15. ** Found some freedom at the throne of grace seve- ral times this day. In the afternoon, was very weak, and spent the time to very little purpose ; yet, in the evening, had, I thought, some religious warmth and spiritual desires in prayer. My s^oul seemed to go forth after God, and take complacence in his divine perfections. But, alas! aftervvards awfully let down my watch, and grew careless and secure. April 16. *' Was in bitter anguish of soul, in the morning, such as I have scarce ever felt, with a sense of sin and gnih, I contin- ued in distress the whole day, attempting to pray wherever I went; and indeed could not help so doing; but looked upon my- self so vi.e, that I dared not look any body in the face; and was even grieved, that any body should shew me any respect, or that they should be so deceived as to think I deserved it. April 11, "In the evening, could not but think, that God helped me to " draw near to the throne of grace," though most unworthy, and gave me a sense of his favour; which gave me in- expressible support and encouragement. Though I scarcely dar- ed to hope that the mercy was real, it appeared so great ; yet could not but rejoice, that ever God should discover his reconcil- ed face to such a vile sinner. Shame and confusion, at times, covered m.e ; and then hope, and joy, and admiration of divine goodness gained the ascendant. Sometimes I could not but ad- mire the divine goodness, that the Lord had not let me fall into all the grossest, vilest acts of sins and open scandal, that could be thought of; and felt so much necessitated to praise God, that this was ready for a little while to swallow up my shame and pressure of spirit on account of my sins." After this, his dejection and pressure of spirit returned; and he remained under it the two next days. April 20. " Was in a very disordered state, and kept my bed most of the day. I enjoyed a little more comfort, than in several of the preceding days. Jliis day I arrived at the age of twenty- nine years. April 21. "I set out on my journey for New-England, in or- der (if it might be the will of God) to recover my health by riding; travelled to New- York, and there lodged." This proved his final departure from New-Jersey. — He travel- led slowly, and arrived among his friends at East-Haddam, about the beginning of xMay. There is very little account in his diary of ihc lime that passed from his setting out on his journey to May 10. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 397 He speaks of his sometimes finding his heart rejoicing in the glo- rious perfections of God, and longing to live to him; but com- plains of the Linfixedness of his thoughts, and their being easily di- verted from divine subjects, and cries out of his leanness, as testi- fying against him, in the loudest manner. Concerning those di- versions which he was obliged to use for his health, he says, that he sometimes found he could use diversions with " singleness of heart," aiming at the glory of God ; but that he also found there was a necessity of great care and watchfulness, lest he should lose that spiritual temper of mind in his diversions, and lest they should degenerate into what was merely selfish, without any supreme aim at the glory of God in them. LorcVs day, May 10. " (At Had-Lime)* I could not but feel some measure of gratitude to God at this time, wherein I was much exercised, that he had always disposed me, in my ministry, to in- sist on the greatest doctrines of regeneration, the new creature, faith in Christ, progressive sanctijication, supreme love to God, liv- ing entirely to the glory of God, being not our own, and the like. God thus helped me to see, in the surest manner, from time to time, that these, and the like doctrines necessarily connected with them, are the only foundation of safety and salvation for perishing sinners ; and that those divine dispositions, w-hich are consonant hereto, are that holiness, " without which no man shall see the Lord." The exercise of these God-like tempers — wherein the soul acts in a kind of concert with God, and would be and do ev- ery thing that is pleasing to him — I saw, would stand by the soul in a dying hour; for God must, I think, deny himself, if he cast away his own image, even the soul that is one in desires with him- self. Lord^s day. May 17. " (At Millington)f Spent the forenoon at home, being unable to attend public worship. At this time, God gave me such an affecting sense of my own vileness, and the exceeding sinfulness of my heart, that there seemed to be nothing but sin and corruption within me. " Innumerable evils compass- ed me about ;" my want of spirituality and holy living, my ne- glect of God, and living to myself. — All the abominations of my heart and life seemed to be open to my view; and I had nothing to say, but, " God be merciful to me a sinner." — Towards noon, I saw, that the grace of God in Christ, is infinitely free towards sinners, and such sinners as I was. I also saw, that God is the supreme good, that in his presence is life; and I began to long to * A parish of Haddam, in Connecticut, t A parish of East-Haddara, in Connecticut. 398 MExMOIKS OF BRAINERD. die, that I might be with him, in a state of freedom from nil sin. O how a small glimpse of his excellency refreshed my soul! O how worthy is the blessed God to be loved, adored, and delight- ed in, for himself, for his own divine excellencies! *' Though I felt much dulness, and want of a spirit of prayer, this week ; yet I had some glimpses of the excellency of divine things; and especially one morning, in secret meditation and prayer, the excellency and beauty of holiness, as a likeness to the glorious God, was so discovered to me, that I began to long ear- nestly to be in that world where holiness dwells in perfection. I seemed to long for this perfect holiness, not so much for the sake of my own happiness, although 1 saw clearly tiiat this was the greatest, yea, the only happiness of the soul, as that 1 might please God, live entirely to him, and glorify him to the utmost stretch of my rational powers and capacities. LorcVs day, May 24. " (At Long-Meadow)*" Could not but think, as I have often remarked to others, that much more o^ true religion consists in deep humility, hrokenness of heart, and an abasing sense of barrenness and want of grace and holiness, than most who are called Christians, imagine; especially those who have been esteemed the converts of the hite day. Many seem to know of no other religion but elevated joys and affections, arising only from some flights of imagination, or some suggestion made to their mind, of Christ being their^s, God loving them., and the Mike." On Thursday, May 28, he came from Long-Meadow to North- ampton; appearing vastly better than, by his account, he had been in the winter ; indeed so well, that he was able to ride twenty- five miles in a day, and to walk half a mile ; and appeared cheer- ful, and free from nielancholy: but yet undoubtedly, at that tim,e, in a confirmed, incurable consumption. I had much opportunity, before this, of particular information concerning him, from many who were well acquainted with him ; and had myself once an opportunity of considerable conversation and some acquaintance with him, at New-Haven, near four years before, at the time of the commencement, when he offered that con- fession to the rector of the college, which has been already men- tioned in this history ; having been one whom he was pleased then several times to consult on that affair : but now I had oppor- tunity for a more full acquaintance with him. I found him re- markably sociable, pleasant, and entertaining in his conversation : " In Massachusetts. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 399 yet solid, savoury, spiritual, and very profital/le. He appeared meek, modest, and humble; far from any stiffness, moroseness, superstitious demureness, or affected singularity in speech or be- haviour, and seeming to dislike all such things. We enjoyed not only the benefit of his conversation, but had the comfort and ad- vantage of hearing him pray in the family, from time to time. — His manner of praying was very agreeable; most becoming a worm of the dust, and a disciple of Christ, addressing an infinitely great and holy God, the Father of mercies; not witli florid ex- pressions, or a studied eloquence ; not with any intemperate ve- hemence, or indecent boldness. It was at the greatest distance from any appearance of ostentation, and from every thing that might look as though he meant to recommend himself to those that were about ^him, or set himself off to their acceptance. It was free also from vain repetitions, without impertinent excur- sions, or needless multiplying of words. He expressed himself with the strictest propriety, with weight and pungency ; and yet what his lips uttered seem to flow from the fulness of his heart, as deeply impressed with a great and solemn sense of our necessi- ties, unworthiness, and dependence, and of God's infinite great- ness, excellency, and sufficiency, rather than merely from a warm and fruitful brain, pouring out good expressions. I know not, that I ever heard him so much as ask a blessing or return thanks at ta- ble, but there was something remarkable to be observed both in the matter and manner of the performance. In his prayers, he insisted much on the prosperity of Zion, the advancement of Christ's kingdom in the world, and the flourishing and propaga- tion of religion among the Indians. And /he generally made it one petition in his prayer, " that we might not outlive our useful- LoriTs day, May 31. " [At Northampton,] I had little inw^ard sweetness in religion, m.ost of the week past; not realizing and be- holding soiritually the glory of God, and the blessed Redeemer ; from whence always arise my comforts and joys in religion, if 1 have any at all: and if I cannot so behold the excellencies and perfections of God, as to cause me to rejoice in him for what he is in himself I have no solid foundation for joy. To rejoice, only because I apprehend I have an interest in Christ, and shall be finally saved, is a poor mean business indeed." This week, he consulted Dr. Mather, at my house concerning his illness ; who plainly told him, that there were great evidences of his being in a confirmed consumption^ and that he could givr 400 MEMOIUS OF BRAINERD. him no encouragement, that he should ever recover. But it seem- ed not to occasion the least discomposure in him, nor to make any manner of alteration as to the cheerfulness and serenity of his mind, or the freedom or pleasantness of his conversation. Lord^s day, June 7. "My attention was greatly engaged, and my soul so drawn forth, this day, by what I heard of the "ex- ceeding preciousness of the saving grace of God's Spirit," that it almost overcame my 6ody, in my weak state. I saw that true grace is exceedingly precious indeed; that it is very rare; and that there is but a very small degree of it, even where the reaHty of it is to be found ; At least, I saw this to be my case. " In the preceding week, 1 enjoyed some comfortable seasons of meditation. One morning, the cause of God appeared ex- ceedingly precious to me. The Redeemer's kingdom is all that is valuable in the earth, and I could not but long for the promo- tion of it in the world. I saw also, that this cause is God's, that he has an infinitely greater regard and concern for it, than I could possibly have; that if I have any true love to this blessed interest it is only a drop derived from that ocean. Hence I was ready to "lift up my head with joy;" and conclude, "Well, if God's cause be so dear and precious to him, he will promote it." Thus I did as it were, rest on God that he would surely promote that which was so agreeable to his own will ; though the time when, must still be left to his sovereign pleasure." He was advised by physicians still to continue riding; as what would tend, above any other means, to prolong his life. He was at a loss, for some time, which way to bend his course next; but finally determined to ride from hence to Boston; we having con- cluded that one of our family should go with him, and be helpful lo him in his weak and low state. June 9. "I set out on a journey from Northampton to Boston. Travelled slowly, and got some acquaintance with divers minis- ters on the road. " Having now continued to ride for some considerable time to- gether, I felt myself much better than I had formerly done; and found, that in proportion to the prospect I had of being restored to a state of usefulness, so I desired the continuance of life ; but death appeared, inconceivably more desirable to me, than a use- less life ; yet blessed be God, I found my heart, at times fully re- signed and reconciled to this greatest of afflictions, if God saw fit thus to deal with me. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 401 June 12, "I arrived in Boston this day, somewhat fatigued with my journey. Observed, that there is no rest, but in God ; fatigues of body, and anxieties of mind, attend us both in town and country ; no place is exempted. Lord* s day, June 14. "I enjoyed some enlargement and sweetness in family prayer, as well as in secret exercises ; God appeared excellent, his ways full of pleasure and peace, and all I wanted was a spirit of holy fervency, to live to him. June 17. "This and the two preceding days, I spent mainly in visiting the ministers of the town, and was treated whh great respect by them. June 18. '.* I was taken exceedingly ill, and brought to the gates of death, by the breaking of small ulcers in my lungs, as my physician supposed. In this extremely weak state, I continued for several weeks, and was frequently reduced so low, as to be ut- terly speechless, and not able so much as to whisper a word. Even after I had so far re^vived, as to walk about the house, and to step out of doors, I was exercised every day with a faint turn, which continued usually four or five hours; at which times, though I was not so utterly speechless, but that I could say Yes, or Ko, yet I could not converse at all, nor speak one sentence, without mak- ing stops for breath ; and divers times this season, my friends gathered round my bed, to see me breathe my last, which they expected every moment, as I myself also did. "How I was, the first day or two of my illness with regard to to the exercise of reason, I scarcely know. I believe I was somewhat shattered with the violence of the fever at times; but the third day of my illness, and constantly afterwards, for four or five weeks together, I enjoyed as much serenity of mind, and clearness of thought, as perhaps I ever did in my life. I think that my mind never penetrated with so much ease and freedom into divine things, as at this time ; and I never felt so capable of demonstrating the truth of many important doctrines of the gos- pel, as now. As I saw clearly the truth of those great doctrines, which are justly styled the doctrine'^ of grace ; so I saw with no less clearness, that the essence of religion consisted in the soul's conformity to God, and acting above all selfish views, for h\s glo- ry, longing to be for him to live to him, and please and honour him in all things : and this from a clear view of his infinite excel- lency and worthiness in himself to be loved, adored, worshipped, and served by all intelligent creatures. Thus I saw, that when a soul loves God with a supreme love, he therein acts like the blessed God himself, who most justly loves himself in that man- ner. So when God's interest and his are become one, and he 51 402 MtiMOIRS OF BRAINERD. longs that God should he glorified, and rejoices to think that he is unchangeably possessed of the highest glory and blessedness, herein also he acts in conformity to God. In like manner, when the soul is fully resigned to, and rests satisfied and content with the divine will, here it is also conformed to God. " I saw further, that as this divine temper, by which the soul exalts God, and treads self in the dust, is wrought in the soul bj God's discovering his own glorious perfections i?i the face of Jesws Christ to it, by the special influences of the holy Spirit, so he cannot but have regard to it, as his own work; and as it is his image in the soul, he cannot but take delight in it. Then I saw again, that if God should slight and reject his oWn moralimage^ he must needs deny himself-, which he cannot*do. And thus I saw the stability and infallibility of this religion ; and that those who are truly possessed of it, have the most complete and satis- fying evidence of their being interested in all the benefits of Christ's redemption, having their hearts conformed to him ; and that these, these only, are qualified for the employments and en- tertainments of God's kingdom of glory; as none but these have any relish for the business of heaven, which is to ascribe glory to God, and not to themselves; and that God (though I would speak it with great reverence of his name and perfection) cannot, with- out denying himself, finally cast such away. " The next thing 1 had then to do, was to inquire, whether this was my religion : and here God was pleased to help me to the most easy remembrance and critical review of what had passed in course, of a religious nature, through several of the latter years of my life. Although I could discover much corruption attending my best duties, many selfish views and carnal ends, much spiritual pride and self-exaltation,and innumerable otherevils which compassed me about; yet God was pleased, as I was re- viewing, quickly to put this question out of doubt, by shewing me, that I had, from time to time, acted above the utmost influ- ence of mere self-love ; that I had longed to please and glorify him, as my highest happiness, &:c. This review was through grace attended with a present feeling of the same divine temper of mind. I felt now pleased, to think of the glory of God, and longed for heaven, as a state wherein I might glorify God perfect- ly, rather than a place of happiness for myself. This feeling of the love of God in my heart, which 1 trust the Spirit of God ex- cited in me afresh, was sufficient to give me a full satisfaction, and make me long, as I had many times before done, to be with Christ. 1 did not now want any of the sudden suggestions, which many are so pleased with, '' That Christ and his benefits are mine; that God loves me," &;c. in order to give me satisfaction about MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 403 my state. No, my soul now abhorred those delusions of Satan, "which are thought to be the immediate witness of the Spirit, while there is nothing but an empty suggestion of a certain fact, without any gracious discovery of the divine glory, or of the Spirit''s work in their own hearts. I saw the awful delusion of this kind of con- fidence, as well as of the whole of that religion, from which they usually spring, or at least of which they are the attendants. The false religion of the late day, though a day of wondrous grace, the imaginations, and impressions made only on the animal affec- tions— together with ihe. sudden suggestions made to the mind by Satan, transformed into an angel of light, o{ CQitd^n facts not re- vealed in scripture — and many such like things, I fear, have made up the greater part of the religious appearance in many places. " These things I saw with great clearness, when I was thought to be dying. God gave me great concern for his church and in- terest in the world, at this time ; not so much because the laie remarkable influence upon the minds of people was abated, as because that false religion — those hearts of imagination, and wild and selfish commotions of the animal affections — which attended the work of grace, had prevailed so far. This was that which my mind dwelt upon, almost day ajid night 5 and this, to me, was the darkest appearance, respecting religion, in the land ; for it was this chiefly, that had prejudiced the world against inward re- ligion. And 1 saw the great misery of all was, that so few saw any manner of difference between those exercises which are spir- itual and holy, and those which have self-love only for their be- ginning, centre, and end. "As God was pleased to afford me clearness of thought, and composure of mind, almost continually, for several weeks to- gether under my great weakness ; so he enabled me, in some measure, to improve my time, as I hope, to valuable purposes, I was enabled to write a number of important letters, to friends in remote places : and sometimes I wrote when 1 was speechless, i. e. unable to maintain conversation with any body ; though per- haps I was able to speak a word or two so as to be heard. Among the letters written at this period, were the following. The reader will perceive that they were written by one, con- scious that he was standing on the verge of the grave, and real- izing in no ordinary degree, the infinite importance of eternity. 404 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. To his brother Israel, at College: zvritten in the time of his extreme illness in Boston, a few months before his death, " Boston, June 30, 1747. " My dear brother, " It is on the verge o( Eternity 1 now address you. I am hearti- ly sorry, that I have so little strength to write what I long so nnuch to communicate to you. But let me tell you, my brother, Eter- iiity is another thing than we ordinarily take it to be in a health- ful state. O, how vast and boundless ! O, how fixed and unal- terable ! O, of what infinite importance is it, that we be prepared for Eternity! I have been just a dying, now for more than a week; and all around me have thought me so. I have had clear views of Eternity; have seen the blessedness of the godly, in some measure ; and have longed to share their happy state; as well as been comfortably satisfied, that through grace, I shall do so : but O, what anguish is raised in my mind, to think of Eternity for those who are Christless, for those who are mistaken, and who bring their false hopes to the grave with them ! The sight was so dreadfiil, I could by no means bear it : my thoughts recoiled, and I said, under a more affecting sense than ever before, " Who can dwell with everlasting burnings !" O, methought, could I now see my friends, that I might warn them to see to it, that they lay their foundation for Eternity sure. And for you, my dear brother, I have been particularly concerned ; and have wondered, I so much neglected conversing with you about your spiritual state at our last meeting. O, my brother, let me then beseech you now to examine, Avhcther you are indeed a nezv creature F whether you have ever acted above self/' whether the glory of God has ever been the sweetest and highest concern with you ? whether you have ever been reconciled to all the perfections of God ? in a word, whether God has been your portion, and a holy con- formity to him your chief delight ? If you cannot answer posi- tively, consider seriously the frequent breathings of your soul ; but do not however put yourself off with a slight answer. If you have reason to think you are graceless, O, give yourself and the throne of grace no rest, till God arise and save. But if the case should be otherwise, bless God for his grace, and press after holi- ness.* * Brainerd afterwards had greater satisfaction concerning the state of his brother's soul, by much opportunity of conversation with him before bis death. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 405 " My soul longs, that you should be fitted for, and in due time go into the work of the ministry. 1 cannot bear to think of your going into any other business in life. Do not be discouraged, be- cause you see your elder brothers in the ministry die early^ one after another. 1 declare, now I am dying, I would not have spent my life oikerroise for the whole world. But I must leave this with God. " If this line should come to your hands soon after the date, I should be almost desirous you should set out on a journey to me : it may be you may see me alive ; which I should much rejoice in. But if you cannot come, I must commit you to the grace of God, where you are. May He be your guide and counsellor, your sanctifier and eternal portion ! " O, my dear brother, flee fleshly lusts, and the enchanting amusements, as well as corrupt doctrines of the present day ; and strive to live to God, Take this as the last line from " Your affectionate dying brother. " David Brainerd." To a young gentleman, a candidate for the work of the ministry, for ■whom he had a special friendship; also xvritten at the same time of his great illness and nearness to death, in Boston. " Very dear sir, " How amazing it is, that the living who knoro they must die^ should, notwithstanding, "put far away the evil," in a season of health and prosperity ; and live at such an awful distance from a familiarity with the grave, and the great concerns beyond it! Especially, it may justly fill us with surprise, that any whose minds have been divinely enlightened to behold the important things of eternity as they are, I say, that such should live in this manner. And yet. Sir, how frequently is this the case ! How rare are the instances of those who live and act, from day to day; as on the verge of Eternity; striving to fill up all their remaining moments, in the service, and to the honour of their gve?ii Master! We insensibly trifle away time, while we seem to have enough of it ; and are so strangely amused, as in agreat measure to lose a sense of the holiness and blessed qualifications necessary to prepare us to be inhabitants of the heavenly paradise. But O, dear Sir, a dying bed, if we enjoy our reason clearly, will give another view of things. I have now, for more than three weeks, lain under the greatest degree of weakness; the greater part of the time, expecting daily and hourly to enter into the eternal world: some- 406 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. times have been so far gone, as to be wholy speechless, for some hours together. O of what vast importance has a holy spiritual life appeared to me at this season ! I have longed to call upon all my friends, to make it their business to live to God ; and especially all that are designed for, or engaged in the service of the sanctuary, O dear Sir, do not think it enough, to live at the rate of common Christians. Alas, to how little purpose do they often converse, when they meet together! The visits, even of those who are called Christians indeed, are frequently extremely barren ; and conscience cannot but condemn us for the misimprovement of time, while we have been conversant with them. But the way to enjoy the divine presence, and to be fitted for distinguishing ser- vice for God, is to live a life of great devotion and constant self- dedication to him ; observing the motions and dispositions of our own hearts, whence we may learn the corruptions that lodge there, and our constant need of help from God for the performance of the least duty. And O dear Sir, let me beseech you frequent- ly to attend the great and precious duties of secret fasting and prayer, " I have a secret thought, from some things I have observed, that God may perhaps design you for some singular service in the world. O then labour to be prepared and quahfied to do much for God. Read Mr. Edwards' piece on the affections, again and again ; and labour to distinguish clearly upon experiences and af- fections in religion, that you may make a difference between the- gold and the shining dross, I say, labour here, if ever you would be an useful minister of Christ; for nothing has put such a stop to the work of God in the late day as the false religion, and the wild affections which attend it. Suffer me therefore, finally, to intreat you earnestly to " give yourself to prayer, to reading and medita- tion on divine truths: strive to penetrate to the bottom of them, and never be content with a superficial knowledge. By this means, your thoughts will gradually grow weighty and judicious ; and you hereby will be possessed of a valuable treasure, out of which you may produce " things new and old," to the glory of God. " And now, ' 1 commend you to the grace of God ;' earnestly desiring, that a plentiful portion of the divine Spirit may rest up- on you ; that you may live to God, in every capacity of life, and do abundant service for him in sl public one, if it be his will; and that you may be richly qualified for the " inheritance of the saints in light." — I scarce expect to see your face anymore in the body; and therefore intreat you to accept this as the last token of love, from *' Your sincerely affectionate dying friend, DAVID BRAINERD." MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 407 «* P. S. I am now, at the dating of this letter, considerably re- covered from what I was when I wrote it; it having lain by rne some time, for want of an opportunity of conveyance ; it was writ- ten in Boston. — I am now able to ride a little, and so am removed into the country ; but have no more expectation of recovering, than when I wrote, though I am a little better for the present ; and therefore I still subscribe myself, " Your dying friend, &ic. "D. B." To his brother John, at Bethel, the town bf Christian Indians, in New- Jersey ; written likewise at Boston, when he was there on the brink of the grave, in the summer before his death. I am now just on the verge of Eternity, expecting very speedily to appear in the unseen world. I feel myself no more an inhabit- ant of earth, and sometimes earnestly long to " depart and be vmh Christ. I bless God, he has for some years given me an abiding conviction, that it is impossible for any rational creature to enjoy true happiness, without being entirely *' devoted to him." Under the influence of this conviction I have in some measure acted. Oh that I had done more so. I saw both the excellency and ne- cessity of holiness in life ; but never in such a manner as now, when I am just brought from the sides of the grave. O my broth- er, pursue after holiness ; press towards this blessed mark ; and let your thirsty soul continually say, " I shall never be satisfied till I awake in thy likeness." Although there has been a great deal q{ selfishness in my views ; of which I am ashamed, and for which my soul is humbled at every view; yet, blessed be God, I find I have really had, for the most part, such a concern for his glory, and the advancement of his kingdom in the world, that it is a satis- faction to me to reflect upon these years. " And now, my dear brother, as I must press you to pursue af- ter ^ersonaZ hohness, to be as much in fasting and prayer, as your health will allow, and to live above the rate of common Christians; so I must entreat you solemnly to attend to your public work; la- bour to distinguish between true and false religion ; and to that end, watch the motions of God's spirit upon your own heart. — Look to him for help ; and impartialiy compare your experiences with his word. Read Mr Edwards on the affections ; where the essence and soul of religion is clearly distinguished from false 4,08 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. affections* Value religious joys according to the subject-matter of them: there are many who rejoice in their supposed justifica- iion; but what do these joys argue, but only that they love them- selves ? Whereas, in true spiritual joys, the soul rejoices in God for what he is in himself; blesses God for his holiness, sovereign- ty, power, faithfulness, and all his perfections ; adores God, that he is what he is, that he is unchangeably possessed of infinite glory and happiness. Now, when men thus rejoice in the perfections of God, and in the infinite excellency of the way of salvation by Christ, and in the holy commands of God, which are a transcript of his holy nature ; these joys are divine and spiritual. Our joys will stand by us at the hour of death, if we can be then satisfied, that we have thus acted above self; and in a disinterested manner, if I may so express it, rejoiced in the glory of the blessed God. I fear, you are not sufficiently aware how much false religion there is in the world; many serious christians and valuable ministers are too easily imposed upon by this false blaze. I likewise fear, you are not sensible of the dreadful effects and consequences of this false religion. Let me tell you, it is the devil transformed in- to an angel of light ; it is a fiend of hell, that always springs up with every revival of religion, and stabs and murders the cause of God, while it passes current w^ith muhitudes of well meaning people for the height of religion. Set yourself, my brother, to crush all appearances of this nature, among the Indians, and never encourage any degrees of heat without light. Charge my people in the name of their dying minister, yea, in the name of Him who was dead and is alive, to live and walk as becomes the gospel. — Tell them, how great the expectations of God and his people are *l had at first, fully intended, in publishing tJiis and the foregoing letters, to have suppressed these passages wherein my name is mentioned, and my discourse on re- ligious affections recommended ; and am sensible, that by my doing otherwise, I shall bring upon me the reproach of some. But how much soever I may be pleased with the commendation of any performance of mine, (and I confess I esteem the judgment and approbation of such a person as BrAinerd worthy to be valued, and look on myself as highly honoured by it,) yet I can truly say, the things that governed me in altering my forementioned determination with respect to these passages, were these two. (I) What BrAinerd here says of that discourse, shews very fully and particularly whdii his notions were of experimental religion, and the nature of true piety, and bow far he was from placing it in impressions on the imagination, or any enthusiastical impulses, and how essential in religion he esteemed holy practice, &c. Sec. For all that have read that discourse, know what sentiments are ihere expressed concerning those things. (2). I judged, that the approbation of so ap- parent and eminent a friend and example of inward vital religion, and evangelical piety in the height of it, would probably tend to make that hook more serviceable : especially among some kinds of zealous persons, whose benefit was especially aimed at in the book ; some of which are prejudiced against it, as written in too legal a strain, and opposing some things wherein the height of christian experience consists, and tending to build men upon their own work«. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 409 from them, and how awfully they will wound God's cause, if they fall into vice ; as well as fatally prejudice other poor Indians. — Always insist, that their experiences are rotten, that their joys are delusive, although they may have been rapt up into the third heavens in their own conceit by them, unless the main tenour of their lives be spiritual, watchful, and holy. In pressing these things, '* thou shalt both save thyself and those that hear thee." " God knows, I was heartily willing to have served him longer in the work of the ministry, although it had still been attended with all the labours and hardships of past years, if he had seen fit that it should be so : but as his will now appears otherwise, I am fully content, and can with the utmost freedom say, " The will of the Lord be done." It affects me, to think of leaving you in a world of sin ; my heart pities you, that those storms and tempests are yet before you, from which I trust, through grace, I am al- most delivered. But "God lives, and blessed be my Rock ;" he is the same almighty Friend ; and will, I trust, be your Guide and Helper, as he has been mine. " And now, my dear brother, " I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and give you inheritance among all them that are sanctified. May you enjoy the divine presence, both in private and public ; and may •' the arms of your hands be made strong, by the right hand of the mighty God of Jacob !" Which are the passionate desires and prayers of " Your affectionate dying brother, "DAVID BRAINERD." " At this season also, while I was confined at Boston, I read with care and attention some papers of old Mr. Shepard's, lately come to light, and designed for the press; and, as I was desired, and greatly urged, made some corrections, where the sense was left dark, for want of a word or two. — Besides this, I had many visit- ants ; with whom, when I was able to speak, I always conversed of the things of religion ; and was peculiarly assisted in distin- guishing between the true 2ind false religion of the times. There is scarcely any subject, which has been matter of controversy of late, but I was at one time or other compelled to discuss and shew my opinion respecting it; and that frequently before numbers of people. Especially, I discoursed repeatedly on the nature and necessity of that humiliation, self-emptiness, or full conviction of a person's being utterly undone in himself, which is necessary in or- der to a saving faith, and the extreme difficulty of being brought to this, and the great danger there is of persons taking up with some 52 410 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. self-righteous appearances of it. The danger of this I especially dwelt upon, being persuaded that multitudes perish in this hiddea way ; and because so little is said from most pulpits to discover any danger here : so that persons being never effectually brought to die in themselves^ are never truly united to Christy and so perish. I also discoursed much on what I take to be the essence of true religion ; endeavouring plainly to describe that god-h'ke temper and disposition of soul, and that holy conversation and behaviour, which may justly claim the honour of having God for its original and patron. I have reason to hope God blessed my way of dis- coursing and distinguishing to some, both ministers and people ; so that my time was not wholly lost." He was much visited, while in Boston, by many persons of con- siderable note and character, and by some of the first rank 3 who showed him uncommon respect, and appeared highly pleased and entertained with his conversation. Beside being honoured with the company and respect of ministers of the town, he was visited by several ministers from various parts of the country. He took all opportunities to discourse on the peculiar nature, and distin- guishing characteristics of true, spiritual, and vital religion; and to bear his testimony against the various false appearances of it, con- sisting in, or arising from impressions on the imagination, sudden and supposed immediate syggesiions of truths not contained in the scripture, and that faith which consists primarll-i in a person be- lieving that Christ died for him in particular, &:c. What he said was, for the most part, heard with uncommon attention and re- gard : and his discourses and reasonings appeared manifestly t© have great weight and influence, with many with whom he con- versed both ministers and others.* The honourable Commissioners in Boston, of the incorporated society in London for propagating the gospel in New-England and parts adjacent, having newly had committed to them a legacy of the late reverend and famous Dr. Daniel WiHiams, of London, for the support of two missionaries to the Heathen, were pleased while he was in Boston, to consult him about a mission to those Indians called the Six Nations, particularly about the qualifica- tions requisite in a missionary to those Indians. They were so satisfied with his sentiments on this head, and had such confidence in his faithfulness, his judgment and discretion in things of this nature, ihat they desired him to undertake to find and recommend * I have bad advanta^fe for the more full information of his conduct and conver- sation, the eaitertainmfnt he met with, and what passed relating to him while in Boston ; as lie was constantly attended, during his continuance there, by one of my children, in order to hi? assistance in his iUnes'^. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 411 two persons fit to be emploved in this business ; and very much left the matter with him. Several pious and generously disposed gentlemen in Boston, moved by the wonderful narrative of his labours and success among the Indians in New-Jersey, and more especially by their conversation with him on the same subject ; took opportunity to inquire more particularly into the state and necessities of his con- gregation, and the school among them, with a charitable intention of contributing something to promote the excellent design of ad- vancing the interests of Christianity among the Indians. Under- wStanding that there was a want of Bibles for the school, three doz- en Bibles were immediately procured, and 14/. in bills (of the old tenor) given over and above, besides more large benefactions made afterwards, which I shall have occasion to mention in their proper place. Brainerd's restoration from his extremely low state in Boston, so as to go abroad again and to travel, was very unexpected to him and his friends. My daughter, who was with him, writes thus concerning him, in a letter dated June 23. — " On Thursday, he was very ill with a violent fever, and extreme pain in his head and br'iast, and, at turns, delirious. So he remained till Saturday evening, when he seemed to be in the agonies of death ; the fam- ily was up with him till one or two o'clock, expecting that every hour would be his last. On Sabbath day he was a little revived, his head was better, but very full of pain, and exceeding sore at his breast, much put to it for breath, &;c. Yesterday he was bet- ter upon all accounts. Last night he slept but little. This mor- ning he was much worse. — Dr. Pynchon says, he has no hopes of his life ; nor does he think it likely that he will ever come out of the chamber; though he says he may be able to come to North- ampton.— " In another letter dated June 29, she says as follows : — Mr. Brainerd has not so much pain, nor fever, since 1 last wrote, as before : yet he is extremely weak and low, and very faint, ex- pecting every day will be his last. He says, it is impossible for him to live ; for he has hardly vigour enough to draw his breath. I went this morning into town, and when I came home, Mr. Bromfield said, he never expected I should see him alive ; for he lay two hours, as they thought, dying ; one could scarcely tell, whether he was alive or not ; he was not able to speak for some time : but now is much as he was before. The doctor thinks he will drop away in such a turn. Mr. Brainerd says, he never feltany thing so much like dissolution, as that he felt to-day ; and says, he never had any conceptionof its beingpossible for any creature to be alive, and yet so weak as he is from day to day. — Dr. Pynchon says, he 412 MExMOIRS OF BRAINERD. should not be surprised, if he should so recover as to live half a year ; nor would it surprise him, if he should die in half a day. Since I began to write, he is not so well, having had a faint turn again : yet patient and resigned, having no distressing fears, but the contrary." His physician, the honourable Joseph Pynchon, Esq. when he visited him in his extreme illness in Boston, attributed his sinking so suddenly into a state so extremely low, and nigh unto death, to the breaking of ulcers, which had been long gathering in his lungs, as Brainerd himself intimates in a forementioned passage in his diary, and there discharging and diffusing their purulent matter. This, while nature was labouring and struggling to throw it off, which could be done no otherwise than by a gradual straining of it through the small vessels of those vital parts, occasioned a high fever and violent coughing, threw the whole frame of nature into the utmostdisorder, and brought it near to a dissolution. But it was supposed, if the strength of nature held till the lungs had this way gradually cleared themselves of this putrid matter, he might re- vive, and continue better, till new ulcers gathered and broke ; but that this would surely sink him again, and there was no hope of his recovery. He expressed himself to one of my neighbours, who at that time saw him in Boston, that he was as certainly a dead man, as if he was shot through the heart. But so it was ordered in divine Providence, that the strength of nature held out through this great conflict, so as just to escape the grave at that turn ; and then he revived, to the astonishment of all who knew liis case. After he began to revive, he was visi- ted by his youngest brother, Israel, a student at Yale College ; who having heard of his extreme illness, went from thence to Boston, in order to see him ; if he might find him ahve, which he but little expected. This visit was attended with a mixture of joy and sorrow to Brainerd. He greatly rejoiced to see his brother; especially because he had desired an opportunity of some religious conver- sation with him before he died. But this meeting was attended with sorrow, as his brother brought to him the sorrowful tidings of his sister Spencer's death at Haddam ; a sister, between whom and him had long subsisted a peculiarly dear affection, and much intimacy in spiritual matters, and whose house he used to make his own, when he went to Haddam, his native place. He had heard nothing of her sickness till this report of her death. But he had these comforts, together with the tidings, viz. a confi- dence of her being gone to heaven, and an expectation of his soon meeting her there. — His brother contined with him till he left the town, and came with him from thence to Northampton— Con- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 413 cerning the last Sabbath Braiiierd spent in Boston, he writes in his diary as follows : — LordPs day, My 19. "I was just able to attend public wor- ship, being carried to the house of God in a chaise. Heard Dr. Sewall preach, in the forenoon : partook of the Lord's supper at this time. In this sacrament, I saw astonishing divine wisdom displayed ; such wisdom, as I saw, required the tongues of angels and glorified saints to celebrate. It seemed to me that I never should do any thing at adoring the infinite a;i5fZom of God, dis- covered in the contrivance of man's redemption, until I arrived at a world of perfection ; yet I could not help striving " to call upon my soul, and all within me, to bless the name of God." — In the afternoon, heard Mr. Prince preach. — I saw more of God in the wisdom discovered in the plan of man's redemption, than 1 saw of any other of his perfections, through the whole day." He left Boston the next day. But before he came away, he had occasion to bear a very full, plain, and open testimony against that opinion, that the essence of %aL\ing faith lies in beliemng that Christ died for me in. particular ; and that this is the^r^^ act of faith in a true believer's closing with Christ. He did it in a long conference he had with a gentleman, who has very publicly and strenuously appeared to defend that tenet. He had this discourse with him in the presence of a number of respectable individuals who came to visit Brainerd before he left the town, and to take their leave of him. In this debate, he made this plain declaration, at the same time confirming what he said by many arguments, That the essence of saving/m7A was wholly left out of the defini- tion which that gentleman has published ; and that the faith whicii he had defined, had nothing of God in it, nothing above nature, nor indeed above the power of the devils ; and that all such as had this faith, and no better, though they might have this to never so high a degree, would surely perish. He declared also, that he never had greater assurance of the falseness of the principles of those who maintained such a faith, and of their dangerous and de- structive tendency, or a more alTecting sense of the great delusion and misery of those who depended on getting to heaven by such a faith, while they had no better, than he lately had when he was supposed to be at the point to die, and expected every minute to pass into eternity, — Brainerd's discourse at this time, and the forcible reasonings by which he confirmed what he asserted, ap- peared to be greatly to the satisfaction of those present ; as seve- ral of them took occasion expressly to manifest to him, before they took leave of him. 414 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. When this conversation was ended, having bid an affectionate farewell to his friends, he set out in the cool of the afternoon, on his journey to Northampton, attended by his brother, and mj daughter who went with him to Boston; and would have been ac- companied out of the town by a number of gentlemen, besides that honourable person who gave him his company for some miles on that occasion, as a testimony of their esteem and respect, had not his aversion to any thing of pomp and shew prevented it. July 25. '' I arrived here, at Northampton ; having set out from Boston on Monday, about 4 o'clock P.M. In this journey, I rode about sixteen miles a day, one day with another. Was sometimes extremely tired and faint on the road, so that it seem- ed impossible for me to proceed any further: at other times I was considerably better, and felt some freedom both of body and mind. Lor(Ps day^ July 26. '' This dr^iy I saw clearly, that I should never be happy ; yea, that God himself could not make me hap- py, unless I could be in a capacity to " please and glorify him for ever." Take away this^ and admit me in all the fine heavens that can be conceived of by men or angels, and I snould still be miser- able for ever." Though he had so revived, as to be able to travel thus far, yet he manifested no expectation of recovery. He supposed as his physician did, that his being brought so near to deatii at Boston, was owing to the breaking of ulcers in his lungs. He told me that he had several such ill turns before, only not to so high a de- gree, but as he supposed, owing to the same cause, viz. the break- ing of ulcers; that he was brought lower and lower every time ; that it aptjeared to him, that in his last sickness he was hrought lis low as it was possible, and yet live ; and that he had not the •least expectation of surviving the next return of this breaking of ulcers ; but still appeared perfectly calm in the prospect of death. On Wednesday morning, the week after he cam^ to Northamp- ton, he took leave of his brother Israel, never expecting to see him again in this world : he now setting out from hence on his journey to New-Haven. When Brainerd came hither, he had so much strength as to be able, from day to day, to ride out two or three miles, and to re- turn ; and sometimes to pray in the family : but from this time 3ie gradually decayed, becoming weaker and weaker. While he was here, his conversation from first to last was much on the same subjects as when in Boston. He spoke much MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 4l5 ©f the nature o{ true religion in the heart and practice, as distin- guished from its various counterfeits ; expressing his great concern that the latter so much prevailed in many places. He often manifested his great abhorrence of all such doctrines and princi- ples in reHgion, as had any tendency to Antinomianism ; of all such notions, as seemed to diminish the necessity of holiness of life, or to abate men's regard to the commands of God, and a strict, diligent, and universal practice of virtue and piety, under a pretence of depreciating our works, and magnify- ing God's free grace. He spoke often, with much detestation, of such experiences and pretended discoveries and joys, as have noth- ing of the nature oi sanctifi cation in them, as do not tend to strict- ness, tenderness, and diligence in religion, to meekness and be- nevolence towards mankind, and an humble behaviour. He also declared, that he looked on such pretended humility as worthy of no regard, which was not manifested by modesty of conduct and conversation. He spoke often with abhorrence of the spirit and practice which appear among the greater part of separatists at this day in the land, particularly those in the Eastern parts of Connec- ticut ; in their condemning, and separating from, the standing ministry and churches, their crying down learning and a learned ministry, their notion of an immediate call to the work of the min- istry, and the forwardness o{ laymen to set up themselves as pub- lic teachers and preachers. He had been much conversant in the eastern part of Connecticut, it being near his native place, when the same principles, notion, and spirit began to operate, which have since prevailed to a greater height ; and had acquaintance with some of those persons who are become heads and leaders of the separatists. He had also been conversant with persons of the same class elsewhere ; and I heard him say, once and again, that he knew by his acquaintance with this sort of people, that what was chiefly and most generally in repute among them as the power of godliness, was an entirely different thing from that true vital piety recommended in the scriptures, and had nothing in it of that na- ture. He manifested a great dislike of a disposition in persons to much noise and show in relgion, and affecting to be abundant in proclaiming and publishing their own experiences. Though at the same time he did not condemn, but approved of Christians speak- ing of their own experiences on some occasions, and to some per- sons, with due modesty and discretion. He A /mi e//" sometimes, while at my house, spake of his own experiences ; but it was al- ways with apparent reserve, and in the exercise of care and judg- ment with respect to occasions, persons, and circumstances. He mentioned some remarkable things of his own religious experience to two young gentlemen, candidates for the ministry, who watch- 416 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. ed with him, each at different times, when he was very low, and not far from his end ; but he desired both of them not to speak of what he had told them till after his death. The subject of the debate already mentioned, which he had with a certain gentleman, the day he left Boston, seemed to lie with much weight on his mind after he came hither. He began to write a letter to that gentleman, expressing his sentiments con- cerning the dangerous tendency of some of the tenets he had ex- pressed in conversation, and in the writings he had published ; with the considerations by which the exceeding hurtful nature of those notions is evident ; but he had not strength to finish his let- ter. After he came hither, as long as he lived, he spoke much of that future prosperity of Zion, which is so often foretold and promised in the scripture. It was a theme upon which he de- lighted to dwell; and his mind seemed to be carried forth with earnest concern about it, and intense desires, that religion might speedily and abundantly revive and flourish. Though he had not the least expectation of recovery, yea, the nearer death advanced, and the more the symptoms of its approach increased, still the more did his mind seem to be taken up with this subject. He told me, when near his end, that " he never in all his life had his mind so led forth in desires and earnest prayers for the flourishing of Christ^ kingdom on earth, as since he was brought so exceeding low at Boston." He seemed much to wonder, that there appear- ed no more of a disposition in ministers and people to pray for the flourishing of religion through the world ; that so little a part of their jora^er^ was generally taken up about it, in their families, and elsewhere. Particularly, he several times expressed his wonder, that there appeared no more forwardness to comply with the proposal lately made, in a Memorial from a number of minis- ters in Scotland, and sent over into America, for united extraordi- 7iary prayer, among Christ's ministers and people, for the coming of Christh kingdom : and sent it as his dying advice to his own congregation, that they should practice agreeably to that propo- sal.* Though he was constantly exceeding weak ; yet there appear- '^d in him a continual care well to improve time, and fill it up with something that might be profitable, and in some respect for the glory of God or the good of men ; either profitable conversa- * His congreg^atioti, since this, have with great cheerfulness and unanimity fall- en in with this advice, and have practised agreeably to the proposal from Scotland ; and have at times appeared with uncommon cngagedness and fervency of spirit in their meetings and united devotions, pursuant to that proposal. Also the Presby- teries of New- York and New-Brunswick, since this, have with one consent, fallen in with the proposal, as likewise some others of God's people in those parts. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 417 tion ; or writing letters to absent friends ; or noting something in his diary ; or looking over his former writings, correcting them, and preparing them to be left in the hands of others at his death ; or giving some directions concerning the future mauage- ment of his people ; or employment in secret devotions. He seemed never to be easy, however ill, if he was not doing some- thing for God, or in his service. After he came hither, he wrote di preface to a diary of the famous Mr. Shepard's, in those pa- pers before mentioned, lately found ; having been much urged to it by those gentlemen in Boston who had the care of the publi- cation ; which diary, with his preface^ has since been published.* In his diary for LorcPs day, Aug. 9, he speaks of longing de- sires after death, through a sense of the excellency of a state of perfection. — In his diary for Lord'^s day, Aug. 16. he speaks of his having so much refreshment o( soul in the house of God, that it seemed also to refresh his body. And this is not only noted in his diary, but was very observable to others ; it was very appa- rent, not only, that his mind was exhilerated with inward conso- lation but also that his animal spirits and bodily strength seemed to be remarkably restored, as though he had forgot his illness. — But this was the last time that ever he attended pubhc worship on the Sabbath. On Tuesday morning that week, as I was absent on a journey, he prayed with my family ; but not without much difficulty, for want of bodily strength ; and this was the last family-prayer that he ever made. — He had been wont, till now, frequentl}^ to ride out, two or three miles : but this week, on Thursday, was the last time he ever did so. Lord'^s day, Aug, 23. " This morning, I was considerably re- freshed with the thought, yea, the hope and expectation of the enlargement ofChrisl'^s kingdom; and 1 could not but hope, that the time was at hand, when Babylon the great would /«//, and rise no more. This led me to some spiritual meditations, which were very refreshing to me. I was unable to attend public wor- ship, either part of the day ; but God was pleased to atford me fixedness and satisfaction in divine thoughts. Nothing so refresh- es my soul, as when I caii go to God, yea, to God my exceeding joy. When he is so sensibly, to my soul, O how unspeakably delightful is this ! " In the week past, I had divers turns of inward refreshing; though my body was inexpressibly weak, followed continually * * A p^n of this preface is inserted in the Reflections a\\ these Memoirs, in a sub- sequent part of this volume, 53 413 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. with agues and fevers. Sometimes my soul centred in God, as my only portion; and I felt that I should be for ever unhappy, if He did not reigti. I saw the sweetness and happiness of being his subject, at Az5 disposal. This made all my difficulties quickly vanish. " From this Lordh day, viz. Aug. 23. I was troubled very much w'\ih vapoury disorders, and could neither write nor read, and could scarcely live ; although through mercy, was not so much oppressed with heavy melancholy and gloominess, as at many other times." Till this week, he had been wont to lodge in a room above stairs ; but he now grew so weak, that he was no longer able to go up stairs and down. Friday^ Aug. 28, was the last time he ever went above stairs, henceforward he betook himself to a low- er room. On Wednesday^ Sept, 2, being the day of our public lecture, he seemed to be refreshed with seeing the neighbouring ministers who came hither to the lecture, and expressed a great desire once more to go to the house of God on that day : and according- ly rode to the meeting, and attended divine service, while the Reverend Mr. Woodbridge, ofHattield, preached. He signified that he supposed it to be the last time he should ever attend pub- lic worship ; as it proved. Indeed it was the last time that he ever went out of our gate alive. On the Saturday evening next following, he was unexpectedly visited by his brother, Mr. John Brainerd, who came to see him from New-Jersey. He was much refreshed by this unexpected visit ; this brother being peculiarly dear to him ;' and he seemed to rejoice in a devout and solemn manner, to see him, and to hear the comfortable tidings which he brought concerning the state of his dear congregation of Christian Indians. A circum- stance of this visit, of which he was exceedingly glad, was, that his brother brought him some of \\h private writings from New- Jersey, and particularly his diary which he had kept for many years past. ' Lord'^s day, Sept, 6. " I began to read some of my private wri- tings, which my brother brought me ; and was considerably re- freshed with what I found in them. Sept, 7. " 1 proceeded further in reading my old private wri- tings, and found that they had the same effect upon me as before. I could not but rejoice and bless God for what passed long ago,, which without writing had been entirely lost. MEMOIRS OF BRAINEKD. 419 *' This evening, when I was in great distress of body, my soul lonj^ed that God should be glorified : I saw there was no charac- ter but this. I could not but speak to the by-standers then of the oi ly happiness, \iz. pleasing God. O that I could for ever live t€ God ! The day, I trust, is at hand, the perfect day. O the daij of dtliv trance from all sin ! LorcPs day^ Sept. 13. '* I was much refreshed and engaged in meditation and writing, and found a heart to act for God. My spirits were refreshed, and my soul delighted to do something for God." . On the evening following that Lord's day, his feet began to appear sensibly swelled ; which thenceforward swelled more and more. A symptom of his dissolution coming on. The next day, his brother John left him, being obliged to return to New-Jersey on some business of great importance and necessity 4 intending to return again with all possible speed, hoping to see his brother yet once more in the land of the living. Brainerd having now, with much deliberation, considered of the important affair before mentioned, which was referred to him by the honourable commissioners in Boston, of the corporation in London for the propagation of the gospel in New-England, and parts adjacent, viz. the fixing upon and recommending of two persons proper to be employed as missionaries to the Six Na- tions ; about this time wrote a letter, recommending two young gentlemen of his acquaintance to those commissioners, viz. Mr. Elihu Spencer of East-Haddam, and Mr. Job Strong of North- ampton. The commissioners on the receipt of this letter, cheer- fully and unanimously agreed to accept of and employ the per- sons whom he had recommended. They accordingly since have waited on the commissioners to receive their instructions ; and pursuant to these have applied themselves to a preparation for the business of their mission. One of them, Mr. Spencer, has been solemnly ordained to that work, by several of the ministers of Boston, in the presence of an ecclesiastical council convened for that purpose ; and is now gone forth to the nation of Oneidas, about a hundred and seventy miles beyond Albany. On Wednesday^ Sept. AQ, he wrote a letter to a gentleman in Boston, (one of those charitable persons beforementioned, who appeared so forward to contribute of their substance for promo-- ting Christianity among the Indians) relating to the growth of the Indian school, and the need of another schoolmaster, or some per- son to assist the schoolmaster in instructing the Indian children. These gentlemen, on the receipt of this letter, had a meeting, and agreed with great cheerfulness to give £200 (in bills oi the 420 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. old tenor) for the support of another schoohnaster ; and desired the Rev. Mr, Peinberton of New- York, (who was then at Boston, and was also, at their desire, present at their meeting,) as soon as possible to procure a suitable person for that service; and also agreed to allow £74 to defray some special charges which were requisite to encourage the mission to the Six Nations, [besides the salary allowed by the commissioners] which was also done on some intimations given by Braixerd. Brainerd spent himself much in writing those letters, being exceedingly weak ; but it seemed to be much to his satisfaction, that he had been enabled to do it; hoping that it was something done for God, and which might be for the advancement of Christ's kingdom and glory. In writing the last of these letters, he was obliged to use the hand of another, not being able to write himself. On the Thursday of this week (Sept. 17,) was the last time that ever he went out of his lodging room. That day, he was again visited by his brother Israel, who continued with him thence- forward till his death. On that evening he was taken with some- thing of a diarrhea^ which he looked upon as another sign of his approaching death; whereupon he expressed himself thus; ''Oh, the glorious time is now coming! I have longed to serve God perfectly: now God will gratify those desires !" And from time, to time, at Ihe several steps and new symptoms of the sensible approach of his dissolution, he was so far from being sunk or damped, that he seemed to he animated, and made more cheer- ful; as being glad at the appearance of (/e«f/t'5 approach. He often used the epithet, glorious, when speaking of the day of his death, calling it i\\dii glorious day. And as he saw his dissolution gradually approaching, he talked much about it; and with per- fect calmness spoke of a future state. He also settled all his af- fairs, giving directions very particularly and minutely, concerning what he would have done in one respect and another after his decease. And the nearer death approached, the more desirous he seemed to be of it. He several times spoke of the different kinds of zvillingncss to die; and represented it as an ignoble, mean kind, to be willing to leave the body, only to get rid of pain ; or to go to heaven, only to get honour and advancement there. Sept, 19. " Near night, while I attempted to walk a little, my thoughts turned thus ; " How infinitely sweet it is, to love God, and be all for him !" Upon which it was suggested to me, " You are not an angel, not lively and active." To which my whole soul immediately replied, ''I as sincerely desire to love and glo- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 421 rify God, as any s.n^e\ in heaven." Upon which it was suggest- ed agairj, " But you are filthy, not fit for heaven." Hereupon instantly appeared the blessed roijes of Christ's righteousness, in which r could not but exult and triumph ; and I viewed the infi- nite excellency of God, and my soul even broke with longings, that God should be glorified. 1 thought of dignity in heaven ; but instantly the thought returned, '' I do not go to heaven to get honour, but to give all possible glory and praise." O how I longed that God should be glorified on earth also ! O I was made — for eternity, — if God might be gloriiied ! Bodih/ pains I cared !>ot for; though I was then in extremity, I never felt easier. I felt willing to glorify God in that state of bodily distress, as long as he pleased I should continue in it. The gmi?e appeared really sweet, and I longed to lodge my weary bones in it: but Oh, that God might be glorified ! this was the burden of all my cry. O I knew that I should be active as an angel, in heaven ; and thit I should be stripped of my filthy garments f so that there was no objection. But, O to love and praise God more, to please him forever! this my soul panted after, and even now pants foi- while I write. Oh that God might be glorified in the whole earth! "Lord let thy kingdom come." I longed for a spirit of preach- ing to descend and rest on rninisters, that they migiit address the consciences of men with closeness and power. 1 saw that God " had the residue of the Spirit ; and my soul longed that it should be "poured from on high." I could not but plead with God for my dear congregation, that he would preserve it, and not suffer his great name to lose its glory in that work; my soul still long- ing, that God might be glorified. ^\ The extraordinary frame he was in, that evening, could not be hid. " His mouth spake out of the abundance of his heart," ex- pressing in a very affecting manner much the same thin;rs as are written in his diary. Among very many other extiaordinary ex- pressions, which he then uttered, were such as these : — " My heaven is Xo please God, and glorify him, and to give all to him, and to be wholly devoted to his glory : that is the heaven I long for; that is my religion, and that is my happiness, and always was ever since I suppose I had any true religion ; and all those that are of that religion shall meet me in heaven. I do not go to heaven to be advanced, but to give honour to God. It is no mat- ter where I shall be stationed in heaven, whether 1 have a high or low seat there ; but to love, and please, and glorify God is all. — Had I a thousand souls, if they were worth any thing, I would give them all to God ; but I have nothing to give, when all is done. — It is impossible for any rational creature to be happy 422 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. without acting all /or God : God himself could not make him hap- py any other way. 1 long to be in heaven, praising and glorify- ing God with the holy angels ; all my desire is to glorify God. — My heart goes out to the burying place ; it seems to me a desira- ble place : but O to glorify God ! that is it ; that is above all. — It is a great comfort to me, to think, that 1 have done a little for God in the world : Oh ! it is but a very small matter; yet I have done a little-, and I lament it, that I have not done more for him. — There is nothing in the world worth living for, but doing good, 2ind finishing God^s work, doing the work that Christ did. I see nothing else in the world, that can yield any satisfaction, besides living to God, pleasing him, and doing his whole will. — My great- est joy and comfort has been, to do something for promoting the interest of religion, and the souls of particular persons : and }iow, in my illness, while I am full of pain and distress, from day to day, all the comfort I have, is in being able to do some little ser- vice/or God, either by something that I say, or by writing, or in some other way." He intermingled with these and other like expressions, many pathetical counsels to those who were about him ; particularly to my children and servants. He applied himself to some of my younger children at this time; calling them to him, and speaking to them one by one; setting before them, in a very plain manner, the nature and essence of true piety, and its great importance and necessity ; earnestly warning them not to rest in any thing short of a true and thorough change of heart, and a life devoted to God. — He counselled them not to be slack in the great business of re- ligion, nor in the least to delay it; enforcing his counsels with this, that his words were the words of a dying man: said he, " I shall die here, and here I shall be buried, and here you will see my grave, and do you remember what I have said to you. I am going into eternity : and it is sweet for me to think of eternity : the endlessness of it makes it sweet: but O what shall 1 say to the eternity of the wicked ! I cannot mention it, nor think of it; the thought is too dreadful. When you see my grave, then remem- ber what I said to you while I was alive ; then think with your- self, how the man who lies in that grave, counselled and warned me to prepare for death." His body seemed to be marvellously strengthened, through the inward vigour and refreshment of his mind; so that, although be- fore he was so weak that he could hardly utter a sentence, yet now he continued his most affecting and profitable discourse to us for more than an hour, with scarce any intermission ; and said of it, when he had done, *'it was the last sermon that ever he should MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 423 preach." — This extraordinary frame of mind continued the next day ; of which he says in his diary as follows. Lord's day, Sept. 20. '* Was still in a sweet and comfortable frame : and was again melted with desires that God might be glo- rijied, and with longings to love and live to him. Longed for the influences of the divine Spirit to descend on ministers, in a special manner. And O I longed to be ivith God, to behold his glory, and to bow in his presence I" It appears by what is noted in his diary, both of this day and the evening preceding, that his mind at this time was much impressed with a sense of the importance of the work o( the ministry, and the need of the grace of God, and his special spiritual assistance in this work. It also appeared in what he expressed in conversation : par- ticularly in his discourse to his brother Israel, who was then a member of Yale-College at New-Haven, prosecuting his studies for the work of the ministry.* He now, and from time to time, in this his dying state, recommended to his brother a life of self- denial, of weanedness from the world, and devotedness to God, and an earnest endeavour to obtain much of the grace of God's Spirit, and God's gracious influences on his heart; representing the great need which ministers stand in of them, and the unspeak- able benefit of them from his own experience. Among many other expressions, he said thus : — " When ministers feel these special gracious influences on their hearts, it wonderfully assists them to come at the consciences of men, and as it were to handle them ; whereas, without them, whatever reason and oratory we make use of, we do but make use of stumps, instead oi hands,''"' Sept. 2i' "I began to correct a little volume of my private writings. God, I believe, remarkably helped me in it; my strength was surprisingly lengthened out, my thoughts were quick and live- ly, and my soul refreshed, hoping it might be a work for God. — O how good, how sweet it is to labour for God ! Sept. 22. " Was again employed in reading and correcting, and had the same success, as the day before. I was exceeding weak; but it seemed to refresh my soul, thus to spend time. *This young gentleman was an ingenious, serious, studious, and hopefully pious person: there appeared in him many qualities giving hope of his being a great blessing in his day. But it has pleased God, since the death of his brother, to take him away r-lso. He died that winter, at New-Haveu January 6, 1748, oia nervous fever, after about a fortnight's illness. 454 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Sept. 23. " I finished my corrections of the little piece before- mentioned, and felt uncommonly peaceful : it seemed as if I had now done all my work in this world, and stood ready for my call to a better. As long as I see any thing to be done for God, life is worth having : but O, how vain and unworthy it is, to live for any lower end !— This day, I indited a letter, I think, of great importance, to the Rev. Mr. Byram in New-Jersey. Oh that God would bless and succeed that letter, which was written for the benefit of his church !* Oh that God would purify the sons of Levi, that his glory may be advanced ! This night, 1 en- dured a dreadful turn, wherein my life was expected scarce an hour or minute together. But blessed be God, I have enjoyed considerable sweetness in divine things, this week, both by night and day. Sept. 24. " My strength began to fail exceedingly ; which looked further as if I had done all my work: however, I had strength to fold and superscribe my letter. About two I went to bed, being weak and much disordered, and lay in a burning fever till night, without any proper rest. In the evening, I got up, hav- ing lain down in some of my clothes; but was in the greatest dis- tress, that ever I endured, having an uncommon kind of hiccough; which either strangled me, or threw me into a straining to vomit ; and at the same time was distressed with griping pains. O the distress of this evening ! I had little expectation of my living the night through, nor indeed had any about me : and I longed for the finishing moment ! J was obliged to repair to bed by six o'clock; and through mercy enjoyed some rest; but was griev- ously distressed at turns with the hiccough. My soul breathed after God, — " When shall I come to God, even to God, my ex- ceeding joy .^" Oh for his blessed likeness ! Sept. 25. " This day, I was unspeakably weak, and little better than speechless all the day ; however, I was able to write a little, and felt comfortably in some part of the day. O it refresh- ed my soul, to think of former things, of desires to glorify God, of the pleasures of living to him ! O, blessed God. I am speed- ily coming to thee, I hope. Hasten the day, O Lord, if it be thy blessed will, O come. Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.\ Sipt. 26. '•! felt the sweetness of divine things, this forenoon; and had the consolation of a consciousness that I was doing some- thing for God. * It Tvas concerning^ the qualifications oi" ministers, and the examination and li- censini^of candidates lor the work of the ministry. t This WHS the hist time that ever he wrote in his Diary with his own hand ! thoujjh it is continued a little farther, in a broken manner ; written by his brother; }>»rael, but indited bv his mouth in this hi? weak anddvins: stat'v MEMOIRS OF BRAIiNEHD. 425 Lord's day, Sept. 27. ''This was a very comfoctable day to my soul ; I think, 1 awoke with God, I was enabled to lift up my soul to God, early this morning; and while I had little bodily strength, I found freedom to lift up my heart to God for myself and others. Afterwards, was pleased with the thoughts of speedily entering in- 10 the unseen world." Early this morning, as one of the family came into the room, he expressed himself thus : "I have had more pleasure this morn- ing, than all the drunkards in the world enjoy." So much did he esteem the joy of faith above the pleasures of sin. — He felt that morning, an unusual appetite to food, with which his mind seemed to be exhilarated, looking on it as a sign of the very near approach of death. At this time he also said, "I was born on a Sabbath-day; and I have reason to think I was new-born on a Sabbath-day; and I hope I shall die on this Sabbath-day. I shall look upon it as a favour, if it may be the will of God that it should be so : I long for the time. O, ivhy is his chariot so long in com- ing ? why tarry the wheels of his chariot ? I am very willing to part with all : 1 am willing to part with my dear brother John, and never to see him again, to go to be for ever with the Lord.* O, when I go there, how will God's dear church on earth be upon my mind !" Afterwards, the same morning, being asked how he did, he answered, " I am almost in eternity ; I long to be there. My work is done ; I have done with all my friends ; all the world is nothing to me. I long to be in heaven, praising and glorifying God with the holy angels. All my desire is to glorify God. During the whole of these last two weeks of his life, he seem- ed to continue in this frame of heart ; loose from all the world, as having finished his work, and done with all things here below. He had now nothing to do but to die, and to abide in an earnest desire and expectation of the happy moment, when his soul should take its flight, to a state of perfect holiness, in which he should be found perfectly glorifying and enjoying God. He said, " That the consideration of the day of death, and the day of judgment, had a long time been peculiarly sweet to him." From time to time he spake of his being willing to leave the body and the world immediately, that day, that night, that moment, if it * He had, before this, expressed a desire, if it might be the will of God, to live till his brother returned from New-Jersey : who, when he went away, intended, il possible, to perform his journey, and return in a fortnight ; hoping once more to meet his brother in the land of the living. The fortnight was now near expired, it ^nded the next day, 54 426 MExMOIRS OF BRAINERD. was the will of God. He also was much engaged in expressing his longings that the church of Christ on earth might flourish, and Christ's kingdom here might be advanced, notwithstanding he was about to leave the earth, and should not with his eyes behold the desirable event, nor be instrumental in promoting it. He said to me, one morning, as I came into his room, " My thoughts have been employed on the old dear theme, the prosperity of God's church on earth. As I waked out of sleep, I was led to cry for the pouring out of God's Spirit, and the advancement of Christ's kingdom, for which the Redeemer did and suffered so much. It is that especially which makes me long for it." — He expressed much hope that a glorious advancement of Christ's kingdom was near at hand. He once told me, that " he had formerly longed for the out- pouring of the Spirit of God, and the glorious times of the church, and hoped they were coming ; and should have been wilhng to have lived to promote religion at that time, if that had been the will of God ; but, says he, I am willing it should be as it is; I would not have the choice to make for myself, for ten thousand worlds." He expressed on his death-bed a full persua- sion that be should in heaven see the prosperity of the church on earth, and should rejoice with Christ therein ; and the consid- eration of it seemed to be highly pleasing and satisfying to his mind. He also still dwelt much on the great importance of the work of gospel ministers ^ and expressed his longings, that they might hejilled with the Spirit of God, He manifested much desire to see some of the neighbouring ministers, with whom he had some ac- quaintance, and of whose sincere friendship he was confident, that he might converse freely with (hem on that subject, before he died. And it so happened, that he had opportunity with some of them according to his desire. ^ Another thing that lay much on his heart, from time to time, in these near approaches of death, was the spiritual prosperity of his own congregation of Christian Indians in New-Jersey: and when he spake of them, it was with peculiar tenderness ; so that his speech would be presently interrupted and drowned with tears. He also expressed much satisfaction in the disposals of Provi- dence, with regard to the circumstances of his death ; particular- ly that God had before his death given him an opportunity in Bos- ton, with so many considerable persons, ministers and others, to give in his testimony for God against false religion, and many mis- takes that lead to it, and promote it. He was much pleased that he had an opportunity there to lay before pious and charitable MEMOIRS OF BKAINERD. 427 gentlemen the state of the Indians, and their necessities, to so good effect ; and that God had since enabled him to write to them further concerning these affairs ; and to write other letters of im- portance, which he hoped might be of good influence with regard to the state of religion among the Indians, and elsewhere, after his death. He expressed great thankfulness to God for his mercy in these things. He also mentioned it as what he accounted a merciful circumstance of his death, that he should die here. When he was sick at Boston, nigh unto death, it was with reluctance he thought of dying in a place w\\q\:q funerals are often attended with a pomp and shojo, to any appearance of which he was very averse : and though it was with some difficulty he got his mind reconciled to the prospect then before him, yet at last he was brought to ac- quiesce in the divine will, with respect to this circumstance of his departure. However, it pleased God to order the event so as to gratify his desire, which he had expressed, of getting back to North- ampton, with a view particularly to a more silent and private burial. And speaking of these things, he said, " God had grant- ed him all his desire ;" and signilicd, that now he could with the greater alacrity leave the world. Sept, 28. " I was able to read, and make some few corrections in my private writings ; but found I could not write, as I had done ; I found myself sensibly declined in all respects. It has been only from a little while before noon, till about one or two o'clock, that I have been able to do any thing for some time past : yet this refreshed my heart, that I could do any thing either pub- lic or private, that I hoped was for God." This evening, he was supposed to be dying. He thought so himself, and was thought so by those who were about him. He seemed glad at the appearance of the near approach of death. He was almost speechless, but his lips appeared to move : and one that sat very near him, heard him utter such expressions as these, " Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. — O why is his chariot so long in coming." — After he revived, he blamed himself for having been too eager to be gone. And in expressing what he found in the frame of his mind at that time, he said, he then found an inexpressiby sweet love to those whom he looked upon as belonging to Christ, beyond almost all that ever he felt before ; so that it "seemed, to use his own words, like a little piece of heaven to have one of them near him." And being asked, wheth- er he heard the prayer that was, at his desire, made with him ; he said, " Yes, he heard every word, and had an uncommon 128 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. sense of the things that were uttered in that prajer, and that every word reached his heart." On the evening of Tuesday^ Sept, 29, as he Jay on his bed, he seemed to be in an extraordinary frame ; his mind greatly en- gaged in sweet meditations concerning the prosperity of Zion. There being present here at that time two young gentlemen of his acquaintance, who were candidates for the ministry, he de- sired us all to unite in singing a Psalm on that subject, even Zion's prosperity. And on his desire we sung a part of the ciid Psalm. This seemed much to refresh and revive him, and gave him new strength ; so that, though before he could scarcely speak at all, now he proceeded, with some freedom of speech, to give his dying counsels to those two young gentlemen before- mentioned, relating to their preparation hr, and prosecution of, that great work of the ministry for which they were designed ; and in particular, earnestly recommended to them frequent secret fasting and prayer : and enforced his counsel with regard to this, from his own experience of the great comfort and benefit of it ; which, said he, 1 should not mention, were it not that I am a dying person. After he had finished his counsel, he made a prayer, in the audience of us all ; wherein, besides praying for this family, for his brethren, and those candidates for the minis- try, and foi* his own congregation, he earnestly prayed for the reviving and flourishing of religion in the world. — Till now, he had every day sat up part of the day ; but after this he never rose from his bed. Sept, 30. " I was obliged to keep my bed the whole day, through weakness. However, redeemed a little time, and with the help of my brother, read and corrected about a dozen pages in my Si. S. giving an account of my conversion. Oct, 1. " I endeavoured again to do something by way of wri- ting, but soon found my powers of body and mind utterly fail. Felt not so sweetly, as when I was able to do something which I hoped would do some good. In the evening, was discomposed and wholly delirious ; but it was not long before God was pleas- ed to give me some sleep, and fully composed my mind.* O blessed be God for his great goodness to me, since I was so low at Mr. Bromfield's on Thurday, June 18, last. He has, except those few minutes, given me the clear exercise of my reason, and enabled me to labour much for him, in things both of a pub- lic and private nature ; and perhaps to do more good, than I * From this time forward, he had the free use of his rea3on till the day before his death ; except that at some times lie appeared a little lost for a moment, when firt;! waking out of sleep. MEMOIIIS OF BRAINERD. 429 sliould have done if I had been well ; besides the comfortable in- fluences of his blessed Spirit, with which he has been pleased to refresh my soul. May his name have all the glory for ever and ever. Amen. Oct. 2. " My soul was this day, at turns, sweetly set on God : I longed to be rmth him, that 1 might behold his glory, I felt sweetly disposed to commit all to him, even my dearest friends, my dearest flock, my absent brother, and all my concerns for time and eternity. O that his kingdom might come in the world ; that they might all love and glorify him, for what he is in himself; and that the blessed Redeemer might " see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied ! Oh, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly ! 'i~ The next evening, we very much expected his brother John from New^-Jersey ; it being about a week after the time that he proposed for his return, when he w^ent away. Though our ex- pectations were slill disappointed, yet Brainerd seemed to con- tinue unmoved, in the same calm and peaceful frame, which he had before manifested ; as having resigned all to God, and hav- ing done with liis friends, and with all things here below . On the morning of the next day, being Lord'^s day, Oct. 4, as my daughter Jerusha, who chiefly attended him, came into the room, he looEe3" on her very pleasantly, and said, " Dear Je- rusha, are you wiUing to part with me ? — 1 am quite willing to part w^ith you : 1 am willing to part with all my friends : I am willing to part with my dear brother John, although I love him the best of any creature living : I have committed him and all my friends to God, and can leave them with God. Though, if I thought I should not see you, and be happy wi(h you in another world, I could not bear to part with you. But we shall spend aa happy eternity together !"f In the evening, as one came into the " * Here ends his diary. These are the Inst ivords which are written in it, either hj his own hand, or by any other from his mouth. t Since this, it has pleased a holy and sovereign God to take away this my dear child by death, on the 14th of February, next following, after a short illness of five days, in the eighteenth year of her age. She was a person of much the same spirit with Brainerd. She had constantly taken care of, and attended him in his sickness, for nineteen weeks before his death ; devoting herself to it with great delight, because she looked on him as an eminent servant of Jesus Christ. In this time, he had much conversation with her on the things of religion ; and in his dying state, often expressed to us, her parents, his great satisfaction concerning her true piety, and his confidence that he should meet her in heaven and his high opinion of her, not only as a true Christian, but a very eminent saint : one whose soul was uncommonly fed and entertained with things which appertain to the most spiritual, experimental, and distinguishing parts of religion : and one who, by the temper of her mind, was fitted to deny herself for God, and to do good, beyond any young woman whatsoever, whom he knew. She had manifested a hearl 430 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. room with a Bible in her hand, he expressed himself thus : " O that dear book ! that \o\e\y book ! I shall soon see it opened ! the mysteries that are in it, and the mysteries of God's providence will be all unfolded !'' His distemper now very apparently preyed on his vitals in an extraordinary manner : not by a sudden breaking of ulcers in his lungs, as at Boston, but by a constant discharge of purulent mat- ter, in great quantities : so that what he brought up by expectora- tion, seemed to be as it were mouthfuls of almost clear pus ; which was attended with very inward pain and distress. On Tuesday, Oct. 6, he lay, for a considerable time, as if he were dying. At which time, he was heard to utter, in broken whispers, such expressions as these : " He will come, he will not tarry.— I shall soon be in glory. — I shall soon glorify God with the angels." — But after some time he revived. The next day, Wednesday, Oct. 7, his brother John arrived from New-Jersey ; where he had been detained much longer than he intended, by a mortal sickness prevailing among the christian Indians, and by some other circumstances that made his stay with them necessary. Bbainerd was affected and refreshed with seeing him, and appeared fully satisfied with the reasons of his delay ; seeing the interest of religion and the souls of his peo- ple required it. The next day, Thursday, Oct. 8, he was in great distress and agonies of body ; and for the greater part of the day, was much disordered as to the exercise of his reason. In the evening, he was more composed, and had the use of his reason well : but the pain of his body continued and increased. He told me that it was impossible for any one to conceive of the distress which he felt in his breast. He manifested much concern lest he should dishonour God by impatience, under his extreme agony ; which was such, that he said, the thought of enduring it one minute lon- ger was almost insupportable. He desired that others would be much in lifting up their hearts continually to God for him, that God would support him, and give him patience. He signified, that he expected to die that night ; but seemed to fear a longer delay : and the disposition of his mind with regard to death, ap- peared still the same that it had been all along. And notwith- standing his bodily agonies, yet the interest of Zion lay still with great weight on his mind ; as appeared by some considerable discourse he had that evening with the Rev. Mr. Bilhng, one of uncommonly devoted to God, in the course of her life, many years before her death ; and said on her death bed, that " she had not seen one minute for several years, vi^herein she desired to live one minute longer, for the sake of any other good in life. but doing good, living to God, and doing what might be for his glory. xMEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 431 the neighbouring ministers, who was then present, concerning the great importance of the work of the ministry. Afterwards, when it was very late in the night, he had much very proper and profit- able discourse with his brother John, concerning his congregation in New-Jersey, and the interest of religion among the Indians. In the latter part of the night, his bodily distress seemed to rise to a greater height than ever ; and he said to those then about him, that '• it was another thing to die, than people imagined ;" ex- plaining himself to mean that they were not aware what bodily pain and anguish is undergone before death. Towards day, his eyes fixed ; and he continued lying immovable, till about six o'clock, on Friday, Oct. 9, 1747, when his soul, as we may well conclude, was received by his dear Lord and Master, as an emi- nently faithful servant, into that state of perfection of holiness, and fruition of God for which he had so often and so ardently long- ed ; and was welcomed by the glorious assembly in the upper world, as one peculiarly fitted to join them in their blessed employ and enjoyment. Much respect was shewn to his memory at his funeral ; which was on the Monday following, after a sermon preached the same day, on that solemn occasion. His funeral was attended by eight of the neighbouring ministers, and seventeen other gentlemen of liberal education, and a great concourse of people. CHAPTER XIII. lleflections on the preceding Meiiwim. REFLECTION I. We have here an opportunity, as I apprehend, in a very lively instance, to see the nature of true religion; and the manner of its operation ; when exemplified in a high degree and in powerful exercise. Particularly it may be worthy to be observed, I. How greatly Bratnerd's religion differed from that of some pretenders to the experience of a clear luork of saving conversion wrought on their hearts; who, depending and hving on that, settle in a cold, careless, and carnal frame of mind, and in a neglect of a thorough, earnest religion, in the stated practice of it. Al- though his convictions and conversion were in all respects ex- ceedingly clear, and very remarkable; yet how far was he from acting as though he thought he had got through his work, when once he had obtained comfort, and satisfaction of his interest in Christ, and title to heaven ? On the contrary, that work on his heart, by which he was brought to this, was with him evidently but the beginning of his ivork; his first entering on the great bu- siness of religion, and the service of God ; his first setting out in his race. His obtaining rest of sou! in Christ, after earnest striv- ing to enter in at the strait gate, and being violent to take the king- dom of heaven, he did not look upon as putting an end to any further occasion for striving in religion; but these were continued still, and maintained constantly, through all changes, to the very end of life. His work was not finished, nor his race ended, till hfe was ended; agreeably to (requent scriptural representations of the Christian life. He continued pressing forward in a con- stant manner, " forgetting the things that were behind, and reach- ing forth to the things that were before." His pains and earnest- ness in the business of religion were rather increased, than di- minished, after he had received comfort and satisfaction concern- ing the safety of his state. Those divine principles, by which after this he was actuated, love to God, longings and thirstings after holiness, seem to have been more effectual to engage him to labour and activity in religion, than the fear of hell had been be- fore. As his conversion was not the end o( his tvork, or of the course of his diligence and stnvings in religion; so neither was it the end MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 433 of the work of the Spirit of God on his heart. On the contrary, it was the beginning of the work; the beginning of his spiritual discoveries, and holy views; the first dawning of the light, which thenceforth increased more and more ; the beginning of his holy affections, his sorrow for sin, his love to God, his rejoicing in Christ Jesus, his longing after holiness. The powerful operations of the spirit of God in these things, were carried on from the day of his conversion, in a continued course, to his dying day. His religious experiences, his admiration, his joy, praise and flovving affections, did not maintain a considerable height merely for a few days, weeks, or months, at first, while hope and comfort were new things with him ; and then gradually dwindie and die away, till they came to almost nothing, and so leave him without any sensi- ble or remarkable experience of spiritual discoveries, or holy and divine affections, for months together. Many after the efiect of novelty is over, soon find their situation and feelings very much the same as before their supposed conversion, witli respect to any present views of God's glory, of Christ's exeeHency, or of the beauty of divine things; and with respect to any present thirstings for God, or ardent out goings of their souls afior divine objects. Now and then, indeed, they have a comfortable reflection on the past, and are somewhat affected with the remembrance, and so rest easy, thinking that it is safe, and tisey doubt not biit tlipy shall go to heaven when they die. Far otherwise was it with Brain- ERD. His experiences, instead of dying away, were evidently of an increasing nature. His first iove, and other holy afflictions, even at the beginning were very great; but after the lapse of months and years, became much greater and more remarkable. The spiritual exercises of his mind continued exceedingly great, [though not equally so at all times, yet usually so] without indul- ged remissness, and without habitiral dwindling and dying away, even till his decease. They began in a time of general deadness all over the land, and were greatly increased in a time of general revivinaj of religion. When religion decayed again, and a gene- ral deadness returned ; his experiences were still kept up in their height, and his holy exercises maintained in their life and vigour. Thus they continued wherever he was, and whatever his cir- cumstances were ; among English and Indians, in company and alone, in towns and cities, and in the howliiig wilderness, in sick- ness and in health, living and dying. This is agreeable to the scriptural descriptions of true and genuine religion, and of the Christian life. The change wrought in him at his conversion, was agreeable to the scriptural representations of that change which is wrought in true conversion ; a great change and an abiding 55 434 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. change, rendering him a new man, a new creature ; not merely a change as to hope and comfort, and an apprehension of his own good estate, and a transient change, consisting in high flights of passing affection ; but a change of nature^ a change of the abid- ing habit and temper of his mind. Not a partial change merely in point of opinion, or outward reformation ; much less a change from one error to another, or from one sin to another; but an uni- versal change, both internal and external ; as from corrupt and dangerous principles in religion, unto the belief of the truth, so from both the habits and the ways of sin, unto universal holiness of heart and practice; from the power and service of Satan unto God. II. His religion apparently and greatly differed from that of many high pretenders to religion, who are frequently actuated by vehement emotions of mind, and are carried on in a course of sud- den and strong impressions, and supposed high illuminations and immediate discoveries ; and at the same time are persons of a viru- lent " zeal, not according to knowledge." His convictions, preceding his conversion, did not arise from any frightful impressions of his imagination^ or any external ima- ges and ideas of fire and brimstone, a sword of vengeance drawn, a dark pit open, devils in terrible shapes, &tc. strongly fixed on his mind. His sight of his own sinfulness did not consist in any ima- gination of a heap of loathsome material filthiness within him ; nor did his sense of the hardness of bis heart consist in any bodily feeling in his breast of something hard and heavy like a stone, nor in any imaginations whatever of such a nature. His first discovery of God or Christ, at his conversion, was not any strong idea of any external glory or brightness, or majesty and beauty of countenance, or pleasant voice; nor was it any supposed immediate manifestation of God's love to him in par- ticular; nor any imagination of Christ's smiling face, arms open, or words immediately spoken to him, as by name, revealing Christ's love to himj either words of scripture, or any other. But it was a manifestation of God's glory, and the beauty of his nature, as supremely excellent in itself; powerfully drawing, and sweetly captivating his heart, and bringing him to a hearty desire- 10 exalt God, to set him on the throne, and to give him supreme honour and glory, as the King and Sovereign of the Universe: and also a new sense of i\w infinite wisdom, suitableness, and ex- cellency of the way of salvation by Christ; powerfully engaging his whole soul to embrace this way of salvation, and to deliuht in it. His first faith did not consist in believing that Christ loved him, and died for him in particular. His first comfort was not from MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 435 any secret suggestion of God's eternal love to him, or that God was reconciled to him, or intended great mercy for him ; by any such texts as these, " Son, be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiv- en thee. Fear not, I am thy God," he. or in any such way. On the contrary, when God's glory was first discovered to him, it was without any thought of salvation as his own. His first experience of the sanctifying and comforting power of God's Spirit did not begin in some bodily sensation, any pleasant warm feeling in his breast which some would have called/: if mentioned by name ; never considering, that they are now giving heed to new revelations, there being no such thing revealed in the word of God, as that this or that particular person has, or ever shall have his sins forgiven; nor ye{ remeinbering, that Satan can, with a great deal of seem- ing pertinency, and perhaps also with considerable power, bring scripture to {\\e. minds of men, as he did to Christ himself. 7'hus these persons rejoice in having a passage of scripture suddenly suggested to them, or impressed upon their minds, supposing they arc now the children of God ; just as the others did in their imaginary views of Christ. Some speak of seeing a great light which tilled all the place where they were, and dispelled all their darkness, fears, and distresses, and almost ravished their souls. — While others have had it viarmi} suggested to their minds, not by any passage of scripture, but as it were by a zvhisper or voice from heaven, " Tliat God loves them, that Christ is theirs," &c. which groundless imaginations and suggestions of Satan have had the same effect upon them, that the delusions before mentioned had on the others. As is the conversation of this sort of persons, so are their after experiences ; the whole being built upon imagi- nation, strong impressions, and sudden suggestions made to their minds; whence they are usually extremely confident, as if imme- diately informed from God, not only of the goodness of their own state, but of their infallible knowledge, and absolute certainty, of the truth of every thing to which they pretend, under the notion MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 445 of religion ; and thus all reasoning with some of them is utterly excluded. *' But it is remarkable of these, that they are extremely deficient in true poverty of spirit, a sense of exceeding vileness in them- selves, such as frequently makes truly gracious souls to groan, be- ing burdened ; as also in meekness, love, gentleness towards man- kind, and tenderness of conscience in their ordinary affairs and dealings in the world. It is rare to see them deeply concerned about the principles and ends of their actions, and under fears lest they should not eye the glory of God chiefly, but live to them- selves; or this at least is the case in their ordinary conduct, wheth- er civil or religious. But if any one of their particular notions, which their zeal has espoused, be attacked, they are then so con- scientious, they must burn, if called to it, for its defence. At the same time while they are so extremely deficient in these precious divine tempers, which have been mentioned, they are usually full o{ zeal, concern, and fervency in the things of religion, and often discourse of them with much warmth and engagedness : and lo those, who do not know, or do not consider, wherein the essence of true religion consists — viz. in being conformed to the image of Christ, not in point of zeal and fervency only, but in all divine tempers and practices — they often appear like the best of men." It is common with this sort of people to say, that " God is among them, that his Spirit accompanies their exhortations, and other administrations, and that they are sealed by the Holy Ghost in the remarkable success which they have, in the great affections which are stirred up in God's people," &ic. and to insinuate on the contrary, that "he is not with their opponents;" and particu- larly, " that God has forsaken the standing ministry ; that the time is come, when it is the will of God that they should be put down, and that God's people should forsake them ; and that no more success is to be expected to attend their adininistrations.'' But where can they find an instance, among all their most flaming ex~ horters, who Iras been sealed with so incontestable and wonderful success of his labours, as Brainerd, not only in quickening and comforting God's children, but also in a work of conviction and conversion, which they own has in a great measure ceased for a long time among themselves, with a most visible and astonishing manifestation of God's power.'* This, too, was on subjects, who were extremely unprepared, and who had been brought up and lived, some of them to old age, in the deepest prejudices against the very first principles of Christianity ; and yet we find the di- vine power accompanying his labours, producing the most re- markable and abiding change, turning the wilderness into a fruit- 446 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. ful field, and causing that which was a desart indeed to bud and blossom as the rose ? And this, although he was not only one of their greatest opponents in their errors ; but also one of those whom they call the standing ministry ; first examined and licensed to preach by such ministers, and sent forth among the Heathen 6y such ministers; and afterwards ordained by such ministers; al- ways directed by them, and united with them in their consistories, and administrations; and even abhorring the practice of those who give out, that they ought to be renounced, and separated from, and that teachers may be obtained by laymen. It cannot be pretended by these men, that BraIxVERd condem- ned their religion, merely because he was not acquainted with them, and had not opportunity for full observation of the nature, operation, and tendency of their experiences ; for he had abun- dant and peculiar opportunities of such observation and acquaint- ance. He lived through the late extraordinary time of religious commotion, and saw the beginning and end, the good and the bad, of it. He had opportunity to see the various operations and ef- fects which were wrought in this season, more extensively th^n any person whom I know. His native place was near the centre of Con- necticut ; and he was much conversant in all parts of that colony. He was conversant in the eastern parts of it. after the religion which he condemned began much to prevail there. He was conversant with the zealous people on Long island, from one end of the isl- and to the other ; and also in New-Jersey and Pennsylvania; with people of various nations. He had special opportunities in some places in this province, (Massachusetts), where there has been ve- ry much of this sort of religion, and at a time when it greatly pre- vailed. He had conversed and disputed with multitudes of this sort of people in various parts, as he told me ; and had seen some- what of the same appearances in some of the Indians, to whom he had preached ; and had opportunity to see the beginning and end of them. Besides, Brainerd could speak more feelingly con- cerning these things, because there was once a timt» when he was drawn away into an esteem of them, and for a short season had united himself to this kind of people, and partook, in some res- pects, of their spirit and behaviour. But I proceed to another observation on the foregoing memoirs. REFLECTION II. This history of Brainerd, may help us to make distinctions among the high religious affections and remarkable impressions MEMOIRS OF BUAINERD, 447 made on the minds of persons, in a time of j^reat aioakening^ and revival of religion; and may convince us, that there are not only distinctions in theory^ invented to save the credit of pretended re- vivals of religion, and what is called the experience of the opera- tions of the Spirit ; but distinctions which do actually take place in the course of events, and have a real and evident foundation in fact. Many do and will confound things, blend altogether, and say, "It is all alike; it is all of the same sort." So there are many who say concerning the religion most generally prevailing among Separatists, and the affections which they manifest. " It is the same that was all over the land seven years ago." And some who have read Brainerd's Journal giving an account of the extraor- dinary things wltich have come to pass among the Indians in New- Jersey, say, " It is evidently the same thing which appeared in many places among the English, which has now proved naught, and come to what is worse than nothing." The only reason which they have thus to determine all to be the same ruork, and the same spirit, is, that the one manifested high affections, and so do the other; that the great affections of the one had some influence on their bodies, and so have the other; that the one use the terms conviction, conversion^ humiliation^ coming to Christ, discoveries, experiences^ &ic. and so do the other; that the impressions of the one are attended with a great deal of zeal, and so it is with the other; that the affections of the one dispose them to speak much about things of religion, and so do the other; and that the one de- light much in religious met'tin2;s, and so do the other. The agreement which appears in these, and similar things, makes them conclude that surely all is alike, all is the same work. Whereas, on a closer inspection assd more critical examination, it would ap- pear, that notvvithstandi'.ig an agreement in such circumstances, yet, indeed, there is a vast difference, both in essence and/rmV^. A considerable part of the religious operations that were six or sev^en years ago, especially towards the latter part of that extra- ordinary season, was doubtless of the same sort with the religion of the Separatists; but not all : there were many whose experi- ences were like Brainerd's, in a judgment of charity, genuine and incontestible. Noi. only do the opposers of all religion which consists in pow- erful operations and affections, tlius confound things; but many of the pretenders to such religion do the same. They who have been the subjects of some sort of veheme it, but vain operations on their minds, when they hear the experiences of some real and eminent Christians, related, say, that their experiences are of the 14B MEMOIRS OF BRAINEKD. same sort; and that ihey are just like the experiences of eminent christians in former times, of which we have printed accounts. So, I doubt not, but that there are many dehided people, who reading the preceding account of Brainerd's Hfe, without much und(^rstanding or careful observation, would say without hesita- tion, that some things which they have met with, are of the very same kind with what he expresses ; when the agreement is only in some general circumstances, or some particular things which are superncial, and belonging as it were to the profession and out- side of religion; but thi? inward temper of mind, and the fruits in practice, are as opposite and distant as east and west. Many honest, good people also, and true Christians, do not very well know how to make a difference. The ghstering appearance of false religioii dazzles their eyes; and they sometimes are so deluded by it. that they look on some of these impressions, which hypocrites tell of, as the brightest experiences. And though they have experienced no such things themselves, they think, it is be- cause they are vastly lower in attainments, and but babes in com- parison of these flaming christians. Yea, sometimes from their differing so much from those who make so great a show, they doubt whether they have any grace at all. And it is a hard thing, to bring many well meaning people to make proper distinctions in this case; and especially to maintain and stand by them. Through a certain weakness, under wliich they unhappily labour, ♦hey are liable to be overcome with the glare of outward appearances. Tlm^, if in a sedate hour, they are by reasoning brought to allow such and such distinctions, yet the iicxt time they come in the way of the great show of fair^e religion, ilie dazslin.j^ appea' ance swallows them up, and lliey are carried away. ThiJs the devil by his cunning artifices, easily dazzles the sight of men, and puts rhem beyond a capacity of a prf)}>cr exercise of consideration, or hearkening to the dictates of calm thought, and cool under- standing. When they perceive t'le great affection, earnest talk, strong voice, assured looks, vast confidence, and hold asseriions, of tliese empty, assuming pretenders they are overborne, lose the possession of their judgment, and say, "Surely these men are in the right; God is with them of a truth ;" \i^6 so they are carried away, not with light and reason, but, like children, as it were with a strong wind. This confounding of all things together, which hr.ve a fair shew, is but acting the part of a child, vlio going into a shop, vvhere a variety of wares ai»3 exposed to sale — aJl of a shining appear- ance ; vessels of gold an-! silver; diamonds and other precious stones ; toys of little value, which are of some base metal gih ; MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 449 glass polished and painted with some curious colors, or cut like diamonds, &tc. — should esteem all alike, and give as great a price for the vile as for the precious. Or it is like the conduct of some unskilful, rash person, who, finding himself deceived by some of the wares which he had bought at that shop, should at once con- clude that all which he there saw was of no value; and pursuant to such a conclusion, when afterwards he has true gold and dia- monds offered him, enough to enrich him and enable him to live iike a prince all his days, he should throw it all into the sea. But we must get into another way. The want of distinguish- ing in things which appertain to experimental religion, is one of the chief miseries of the professing world. It is attended with very many most dismal consequences ; multitudes of souls are fatally deluded about themselves, and their own state ; and thus are eternally undone. Hypocrites are confirmed in their delu- sions, and exceedingly puffed up with pride; many sincere christians are dreadfully perplexed, darkened, tempted^ and drawn aside from the way of duty ; and sometimes sadly tainted with false religion, to the great dishonour of Christianity, and hurt of their own souls. Sojne of the most dangerous and perniciOus enemies of religion in the world, [though called bright christians] are encouraged and honoured, who ought to be discountenanced and shunned by every body; and prejudices are begotten and confirmed in vast multitudes, against every thing in which the power and essence of godliness consists; and in the end, Deism^ and Atheism are promoted. REFLECTION III. The foregoing account of Brainerd's life may Convince us, that there is indeed such a thing as true experimental religion, arising from an immediate divine influence, supernaturally en- lightening and convincing the mind, and powerfully impressing, quickening, sanctifying, and governing the heart ; which religion is indeed an amiable thing, of happy tendency, and of no hurtful consequence to human society ; notwithstanding there having been so many pretences and appearances of what is called exper- imental, vital religion, which have proved to be nothing but vain, pernicious enthusiasm. If any insist, that Brainerd's religion was mere enthusiasm, the result of a heated imagination, I would ask. What were tha fruits of his enthusiasm ? In him we behold a great degree of honesty and simplicity ; sincere and earnest desires and endeav- ours to know and do whatever is right, and to avoid every thing 57 450 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. that is wrong ; a high degree of love to God ; delight in the per- fections of his nature, placing the happiness of life in him, not on- ly in contemplating him, but in being active in pleasing, and ser- ving him ; a firm and undoubting belief in the Messiah, as the Saviour of the world, the great Prophet of God, and King of the diurch, together with great love to him, delight and complacence in the way of salvation by him, and longing for the enlargement of his kingdom ; earnest desires that God may be glorified and the Messiah's kingdom advanced, whatever instruments are em- ployed ; uncommon resignation to the will of God, and that under vast trials ; and great and universal benevolence to mankind, reaching all sorts of persons without distinction, manifested in sweetness of speech and behaviour, kind treatment, mercy, lib- erality, and earnest seeking the good of the souls and bodies of men. All this we behold attended with extraordinary humility, meekness, forgiveness of injuries, and love to enemies, and a great abhorrence of a contrary spirit and practice ; not only as appear- ing in others, but in himself; causing the most bitter repentance, and brokenness of heart on account of any past instances of such a conduct. In him we see a modest, discreet, and decent de- portment, among superiors, inferiors, and equals ; a most diligent improvement of time ; earnest care to lose no part of it ; and great watchfulness against all sorts of sin, of heart, speech, and action. This example and these endeavours we see attended with most happy fruits, and blessed effects on others^ in humanizing, civilizing, and wonderfully reforming and transforming some of the most brutish savages ; idle, immoral, drunkards, murderers, gross idolaters, and wizards ; bringing them to permanent so- briety, diligence, devotion, honesty, conscientiousness, and char- ity. The foregoing virtues and successful labours, all end at last in a marvellous peace, immovable stability, calmness, and resig- nation, in the sensible approaches of death ; with longing for the heavenly state ; not only for the honours and circumstantial ad- vantages of it, but above all, for the moral perfection^ ^\\A\\o\y and blessed employments of it. These things are seen in a per- son indisputably of good understanding and judgment. I there- fore say, if all these things are the fruits oi enthusiasm^ why s\\o\i\d. not enthusiasm be thought a desirable and excellent thing? For what can true religion, what can the best philosophy, do more ? If vapours and fanaticism will bring men to the most thorough virtue, to the most benign and fruitful morality; and will main- tain it through a course of life attended with many trials, without affectation or self-exaltation, and with an earnest, constant testi- mony against the wildness, the extravagances, the bitter zeal, as- MEMOIRS OF BKAINERD. 461 . suming behaviour, and separating spirit of enthusiast^ ; and will do all this more effectually, than any thing else has ever been done in any plain knov^^n instance that can be produced : vv^hat cause then has the world to prize and to pray for these benignva- pours^ and this blessed fanaticism. It would p% in a siege or battle ; or as a man who runs a race, seeks a great prize. Animated with love to Christ and the souls of men, how did he ''labour always fervently," not only in word and doctrine, in public and private, but in prayers day and night, " wrestling with God" in s:^cret, and "travailing in birth," with unutterable groans and agonies, " until Christ were formed" in the hearts of the people to whom he was sent! How did he thirst for a bles- sing on his ministry; "watch for souls, as one that must i(ive ac- count!" How did he "go forth in the strength of the Lord God ;" seeking and depending on a special influence of the Spirit to as- sist and succeed him ! What was the happy fruit ai last, though after long waiting, and many dark and discouraging appearances.? Like a true son of Jacob, he peri^evered in wrestling, through all the darkness of the night, until the breakinnj of the day. His example of labouring, praying, denying himself,'and endur- ing hardness with unfainting resolution and patience, and his faith- ful, vigilant, and prudent conduct in many other respects, [which it would be too long now particularly to recite,] may afford in- struction to missionaries in particular. REFLECTION VI. The foregoing account of Buainero's life may afford instruc- tion to christians in general ; as it shews in many respects, the right way oi practicing religion, in order to obtain the ends^ and receive the benefits of it; or how christians should "run the race set before them," if they would not "run m vain, or run as un- certainly," but would honour God in the world, adorn their pro- fession, be serviceable to mankind, have the comforts of religion while they live, be free from disquieting doubts and dark appre- hensions about the state of their souls, enjoy peace in tlie ap- proaches of death, and " finish their course with joy." In gene- ral, he much recommended, for this purpose, the redemption of time, great diligence in the business of the christian life, lu-ttchfuU ness, he. and he very remarkably exemplified these things. Particularly, his example and success with regard to one duty, in an especial manner, may be of great use to both ministers and private christians; I mean the duty of secret fasting. Tiie read- er has seen, how much Brainerd recommends this duty, and how frequently he exercised himself in it; nor can it well have escaped observation, how much he was owned and blessed in it, and of what great benefit it evidently was to his soui. Among all the many days he spent in secret fasting and prayer, of which he gives an account in his diary, there is scarcely an instance of 460 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. one which was not either attended or soon followed with apparen-t success, a id a remarkable blessing, in special influences and con- solations of God's Spirit; and very often, before the day was ended. But it must be observed, that when he -et about tliis du- ty, he did it in good earnest; '' stirring up himself to take hold of God," and " continuing instant in prayer," with much of the spir- it of Jacob, who said to the angel, " 1 will not let thee go, except thou bless me." REFLECTION Vll. There is much in the preceding account to excite and encourage God's people to earnest prayers and endeavours for the advance- ment and enlargement of the kingdom of Christ in the taorld. Brainerd set us an excellent example in this respect. He sought the prosperity of Zion with all his might; and prefer- red Jerusalem above his chief joy. How did his soul long for it^ and pant after it! how earnestly and often did he wrestle with God for it ! and how far did he, in these desires and prayers, seem to be carried beyond all private and selfish views! being animated by a pure love to Christ, an earnest desire of his glory, and a disinterested affection to the souls of mankind. The consideration of this, not only ought to be an incitement to the people of God, but may also be a just encouragement to them, to be much in seeking and praying for a general outpouring of the Spirit of God, and an extensive revival of religion. I confess, that God's giving so much of a spirit of prayer for this mercy to so eminent a servant of his, and exciting him, in so extraordinary a manner, and with such vehement thirsiings of soul, to agonize in prayer for it, from time to time, through the course of his life, is one thing among others, which give^ me great hope, that God has a design of accomplishing something very glorious for the interest of his church before long. One such instance as this, I con- ceive, gives more encouragement, than the common, cold, forma! prayers of thousands. As Brainerd's desires and prayers for the coming of Christ's kingdom, were very special and extraor- dinary; so, I think we may reasonably hope, that the God who excited those desires and prayers, will answer them with some- thing special and extraordinary. And in a particular manner do I think it worthy of notice for our encouragement, that he had his heart, [as he declared,] unusually drawn out in longings and pray- ers for the flourishing of Christ's kingdom on earth, when he was in the approaches of death ; and that with his dying breath he Ijireathcd out hi;5 departing soul into the bosom of his Redeemer, MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 461 in prayers and pantings after the glorious event ; expirin^y in \ery ^reat hope, that it would soon begin to be fulfilled. I wish that the thoughts which he in his dying state expressed of that <.xplicit agreement, and visible union of God's people, in extraor- dinary prayer for a general revival of religion, lately proposed in a MEMORIAL to Scotland, which has been dispersed among us, rnay be well considered by those who hitherto have not seen fit to fall in with that proposal. — But I forbear to say any more on this head, having already largely published my thouejhts tipon it. in a discourse written on purpose to promote that affair ; with which, 1 confess, 1 wish (hat every one of my readers might be supplied ; not that my honour, but that this excellent design might be pro- moted. As there is much in Brainerd's life to encourage christians to seek the advancement of Christ's kingdom, in general ; so there is, in particular, to pray for the conversion of the Itjdians on this continent, and to exert themselves in the use of proper means for its accomplishment. It appears, that he, in his unutterable long- ings and wrestlings of soul for the flourishing of religion, had his miiid peculiarly intent on the conversion and salvation of these people, and his heart more especially engaged in prayer for them. If we consider the degree and manner in which he, from time to time, sought and hoped for an extensive work of grace among them, 1 think, we have reason to hope, that the wonderful things, which God wrought among them by him, are but a forerun- ner ofsomethingyet much more glorious and extensive of thatkind. This may justly be an encouragement, to well-disposed charitable persons, to " honour the Lord with their substance," by contribut- ing, as they are able, to promote the spreading of the gospel among them. This also may incite and encourage gentlemen, who are incorporated and intrusted with the care and disposal of those liberal benefactions, which have already been made by pious persons to that end ; and likewise the missionaries them- selves, that are or may be employed ; and it may be of direction unto both, as to the proper qualifications of missionaries, and the proper measures to be taken in order to their success. One thing I would particularly propose to the consideration of such as have the care of providing and sending missionaries among savages ; viz. Whether it would not ordinarily be best to send two together ? It is pretty manifest, that Brainerd's going, as he did, alone into the howling wilderness, was one great occasion of a prevailing melancholy on liis mind ; which was his greatest dis- advantage, lie spoke much of it himself, when he was here in his dying state ; and expressed himself, to this purpose, that none could conceive of the disadvantage a missionary in such circum- 462 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. stances was under, by being alone ; especially as it exposed him to discouragement and melancholy. He spoke of the wisdom of Christ in sending forth his disciples by two and two ; and left it as his dying advice to his brother, never to go to Susquehannah,to travel about in that remote wilderness, to preach to the Indians there, as he had often done, without the company o[ Si fellow mis- sionary, REFLECTION Villi One thing more may not be unprofitably observed in the pre- ceding account of Braikerd ; and that is, the special and remark- able disposal o{ d'\\'n\e providence, with regard to the circumstan- ces of his last sickness and death. Though he had been long infirm, his constitution being much broken by his fatigues and hardships ; and though he was often brought very low by illness before he left Kaunaumeeic, and also while he lived at the Forks of Delazvare ; yet his life was pre- served, till he had seen that which he had so long and greatly de- sired and sought, a gloriou.^ work of grace among the Indians, and had received the wished t'br blessing of God on his labours. Though as it were "in deaths oft," yet he lived to behold the happy fruits of the long continued travail of his soul and labour of his bodv, in the wonderful conversion of many of the heathen, and the happy effects of it in the great change of their conversa- tion, with many circumstances which afforded a fair prospect of the continuance of God's blessing upon them ; as may appear by what I shall presently further observe. — Thus he did not " depart till his eyes had seen God's salvation." Though it was the pleasure of God, that he should be taken off from his labours among that people to whom God had made him a spiritual father, who were so dear to him, and tor whose spiritual welfare he was so greatly concerned ; yet this was not before they were well initiated and instructed in the Christian religion, thoroughly weaned from their old heathenish and brutish notions and practices, and all their prejudices and jealousies, which tend- ed to keep their minds unsettled, were fully removed. They were corjfirmed and fixed in the christian faith and manners ; were formed into a church ; had ecclesiastical ordinances and dis- cipline introduced and settled ; were brought into a good way with respect to the education of children ; had a schoolmaster excellently qualified for the business ; and had a school set up and established, in good order, among them. They had been well brought off from their former idle, strolling, sottish way of Jiving ; had removed from their former scattered uncertain habi- MEMOinS OF BRAIKERD. 46a lalions, were collected in a town by themselves, on a good piece of land of their own ; were introduced into the way of living by husbandry ; and had begun to ex[)erience the benefits of it. These things were but just brought to pass by his indefatigable application and care ; and then he was taken oif from his work by illness. If this had been but a little sooner, they would by no means have been so well prepared for such a dispensation ; and it probably would have been unspeiikably more to (he hurt of their spiritual interest, and of thecause of Christianity auiong them. The time and circumstances of his ilhiess were so ordered, that he had just op{>ortunity to tinish his Jourxal, a,](i prepare it for tlje press ; giving an account of the marvellous display of di- vine power and grace among the Indians in JS''eco- Jersey, and at the Forks of Delaioare. His doing this was of great consequence and therefore urged upon him by the correspondents^ who have honoured his Journal with a preface. The world being particu- larly and Justly informed of that affnir by Brainerd, before his death, a foundation was hereby laid for a concern in others for that cause, and proper care and measures to be taken for main- taining it after his death. It has actually proved to be of great in- llucnce and benefit in this respect ; for it has excited and enga- ged many in those parts, nnd also more distant parts of America, to exert themselves for upholding and promoting the good and glorious work, remarkably opening their hearts and hands to that end : and not only in America, but in Great Britain, that Journal, which I have earnestly recommended to my readers, has been an occasion of some large benefactions, made for promoting the in- terest of Christianity among the Indians. — If Brainerp had been taken iil but a little sooner, he had not been able to complete his Journal, and prepare a copy for the press. He was not taken off from the work of the ministry among his people, till his brother was in a capacity and circumstances to succeed him in his care of them ; who s'.jccceds him in the like spirit, and under whose prudent and faithful care his congrega- tion has flourished, arid been very happy, since he left them ;. and probfibly could not have been so well provided for otherwise. If Brainerd had been disabled sooner, his brother Avoi^ld by no means have been ready to stand up in his place ; having taken his (irst degree at college btit about that very time that he v/as seized with his fa la I consumption. Though in that winter in which he lay sick at Mr. Dlckinson^s, in Eiizabeth-'J'own, he continued for a long time in an extremely low state, so that his life was almost despaired o{^ and his state was sometimes such that it was hardly expected (hat he would live a day ; yet his life was spared a while longer; he lived to 464 MEMOIRS OF BRAINEUD. see his brother arrived in New- Jersey, being come to succeed him in the care of his Indians ; and he himself had opportunity to as- sist in his examination and introduction into his business ; and to commit the conduct of his dear people to one whom he well knew, and could put confidence in, and use freedom with, in giv- ing him particular instructions and charges, and under whose care he could leave his congregation with great cheerfulness. The providence of God was remarkable in so ordering it, that before his death he should take a journey in New-England, and go to Bosion ; which was, in many respects, of verj' great and happy consequence to the interest of religion, and especially among his own people. By this means, as before observed, he was brought in acquaintance with many persons of note and influ- ence, min)^-;ters and otheri?, belonging both to the town and vari- ous parts of the country ; and had opportunity, under the best advantages, to bear a testimony for God and true religion, and against those false appearances of it which have proved most pernicious to the interest of Christ's kingdom in the land. The providence of God is particularly observable in this circumstance of the testimony which he there bore for true religion, viz, that he there was brought so near the grave^ and continued for so long a time on the very brink of eternity ; and from time to time, looked on himself, and was looked on by others, as just leaving the world; and that in these circumslances he should be so particularly directed and assisted in his thoughts and views of religion, to distinguish between the true and the false, with such clearness and evidence ; and that after this he should be unex- pectedly and surprisingly restored and strengthened, so far as to be able to converse freely. Then he had an opportunity, and special occasions to declare the sentiments he had in these, which to human apprehension, were his dying circumstances ; and to bear his testimony concerning the nature of true religion, and concerning the mischievous tendency of its most prevalent coun- terfeits and false appearances ; as things he had a special, clear, distinct view of at that time, when he expected in a \e\v minutes to be in eternity ; and the certainty and importance of wliich were then, in a peculiar manner, impressed on his mind. Among the happy consequences of his going to Boston, were those liberal benefactions that have been mentioned, which were made by piously disposed persons, for maintaining and promoting the interest of reliiiion among his people ; and also the meeting of a number of gentlemen in Boston, of note and ability, to con- sult upon measures for that purpose ; who were excited by their acquaintance and conversation with Brainerd, and by the account MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 466 of the great things which God had wrought by his ministry, to unite themselves, that by their joint endeavours and contributions they might promote the kingdom of Christ, and the spiritual good of their fellow-creatures, among the Indians in New-Jersey; and elsewhere. It was also rema. kable, that Brainerd should go to Boston at tliat time, after the honourable commissioners there, of the corpo- ration in London for propagating the gospel in ^ew-England and parts adjacent, had received Dr. Williams* legacy for maintaining two missionaries among the Heathen ; and at a time when they, having concluded on a mission to the Indians of the Six Nations, were looking out for fit persons to be employed in that important service. This was the occasion of their committing to him the affair of finding and recommending suitable persons : which has proved a successful means of two persons being found and actual- ly appointed to that business, who seem to be well qualified for it, and to have their hearts greatly engaged in it. One of them has been solemnly ordained to that work in Boston, and is now gone forth to one of those tribes, who have appeared well dis- posed to receive him ; it being judged not convenient for the other to go till the next spring, by reason of his bodily infirmity.* These happy consequences of Brainerd's journey to Boston would have been prevented, in case he had died when he was brought so near to death in New-Jersey. Or, if after he came to Northampton, (where he was much at a loss, and long delibera- ting, which way to bend his course,) he had determined not to go to Boston. The providence of God was observable in his going to Boston at a time when not only the honourable commissioners were seek- ing missionaries to the Six Nations, but also just after his Journal, which gives an account of his labours and success among the In- dians, had been received and spread in Boston. His name was thus known, and the minds of serious people were well prepared to receive his person, and the testimony he there gave for God ; to exert themselves for the upholding and promoting the interest of religion in his congregation, and among the Indians elsewhere ; and to regard his judgment concerning the qualifications of mis- sionaries. If he had gone there the fall before, (when he had in- tended to make his journey into New-England, but was pre- * The appointment of these gentlemen to this mission has been hitherto much smiled on by providence ; as in other respects, so particularly in wonderfully open- ing the hearts of many to contribute liberally to so excellent a design. Besides the benefactions in Boston, a number of persons at Northampton with much cheerful- ness have given about 160/. (old tenor; ; and a particular person in Springfield has- devoted a considerable part of his estate to this interest. 59 466 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERO. vented by a sudden great increase of his illness;) or if he had not been unexpectedly detained in Boston; (for when he went from my house, he intended to make but a very short stay there,) it would not probably have been in any measure to so good effect; but divine providence, by his being brought so low there, detained him long ; thereby to make way for the fulfilling his own gracious designs. The providence of God was remarkable in so ordering, that al- though he was brought so very near the grave in Boston, that it was not in the least expected he would ever come alive out of his chamber ; yet he was wonderfully revived, and preserved several months lonejer ; so that he had opportunity to see, and fully to converse with both his younger brothers before he died. This he greatly desired ; especially to see his brother John, with whom was left the care of his congregation ; that he might by him be fully informed of their state, and leave with him such insiructions and directions as were requisite in order to their spiritual welfare, and send to them his dying charges and counsels. He had also opportunity, by means of this suspension of his death, to find and recommend two persons fit to be employed as missionaries to the Six Nations, as had been desired of him. Thus, although it was the pleasure of a sovereign God, that he should be taken away from his congregation, the people whom he had begotten through the gospel, who were so dear to him ; yet it was granted him, that before he died he should see them well pro- vidtd for, every way. He saw them provided for, with one to instruct them, and to take care of their souls ; his own brother in whom he could confide. He saw a good foundation laid for fhe support of the school among them ; those things, which before were wanting in order to it, being supplied. He had the prospect of a charitable society being established, of able and well-disposed persons, who seem to make the spiritual interest of his congregation their own ; whereby he had a comfortable view of their being well provided for, for the future. He had also op- portunity to leave all his dying charges with his successor in the pastoral care of his people, and by him to send his dying counsels fo them. Thus God granted him to see all things happily settled, or in a hopeful way of being so, before his death, with respect to his dear people.— And whereas not only his own congregation, but the souls of the Indians in North-America in general, were very d'l^ar to him, and he had greatly set his heart on propagating and extending the kingdom of Christ among them ; God was pleased to grant him — though not to be the immediate instrument of their instruction and conversion — yet, that before his death, he should see unexpected extraordinary provisions made for this also. MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 467 It is remarkable, that God not only allowed him to see such pror vision made for maintaining the interest of religion among his own people, and the propagation of it elsewhere ; but honoured him by making him tlie means or occasion of it. So that it is very proba- ble, although Brainerd during the last four months of his life, was ordinarily in an extremely weak and low state, very often scarcely able to speak; yet that he was made the instrument or means of much more good in that space of time, than he would have been if well, and in full strength of body. Thus God'^s power was manifested in his weakness, and the life of Christ was mani- fested in his mortal flesh. Another thing, wherein appears the merciful disposal of provi- dence with respect to his death, was, that he did not die in the wilderness, amorij^ the savages, at Kaunaumeek., or the Forks of Delaware, or on the Susquehannah ; but in a place where his dy- ing behaviour and speeches might be observed and remembered, and some account given of f em for the benefit of survivors ; and where care might be talcori of him in his sickness, and proper honours done him at his death. » The providence of God is also worthy of remark, in so over- ruling and ordering the matter, that he did not finally leave abso- lute orders for the entire suppressing of \\\% private papers ^ as he had intended and fully resolved, insomuch that all the importu- nity of his friends could scarce restrain him from doing it, when sick at Boston. One thing relating to this is peculiarly remarka- ble, that his brother, a little before his death, should come un- expectedly from New-Jersey ; and bring his Diary to him, though he had received no such order. Thus he had opportunity of ac- cess to these his reserved papers, and of reviewing the same ; without which, it appears, he would at last have ordered them to be wholly suppressed ; but after this, he the more readily yielded to the desires of his friends, and was willing to leave them in their hands to be disposed of as they thought might be most for God's glory. By this means, " he, being dead, yet speaketh," in these memoirs of his life, taken from those private writings; whereby it is to be hoped that he may still be as it were the in- strument of promoting the interest of religion in this world; the advancement of which he so much desired, and hoped would be accomplished after his death. If these circumstances of Brainerd's death be duly consider- ed, I doubt not but they will be acknowledged as a notable in- stance of God's fatherly care, and covenant-faithfulness towards them who are devoted to him, and faithfully serve him while they live ; whereby '* he never fails nor forsakes them, but is rvith them living and dying : so that whether they live, they live to the 468 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. Lord ; or whether they die, they die to the Lord ;" and both in life and death they are owned and taken care of as his. — Brain- ERD himself, as was before observed, was much in taking notice, when near his end, of the merciful circumstances of his death; and said, from time to time, that '^God had granted him all his desire." I would not conclude my observations on the merciful circum- stances of Brainerd's death, without acknowledging with thank- fulness, the gracious dispensation of providence to me and my family, in so ordering, that he, though the ordinary place of his abode was more than two hundred miles distant, should be brought to my house, in his last sickness, and should die here. Thus we had opportunity for much acquaintance and conversa- tion with him, to shew him kindness in such circumstances, to see his dying behaviour^ to hear his dying speeches^ to receive his dy- ing counsels, and to have the benefit of his dying />m?/er5. May God in infinite mercy grant, that we may ever retain a proper remembrance of these things, and make a due improvement of the advantages we have had, in these respects ! The Lord grant also, that the foregoing account of Brainerd's life and death may be for the great spiritual benefit of ail who shall read it, and prove a happy means of promoting the revival of true reli- gion ! Amen. NOTE. The reader will not be uninterested in the following letters from Mr. John Brainerd, giving an account of the Indians, after his brother's death. The first is an Extract from a Letter to his friend in England, dated, " Bethel, Oct. 4th, 1752. *' I have now been employed as a Missionary among these In- dians for above four years and a half, beside oflSciating for my brother several monthsduringhislastsickness. In this space of time the number has considerably increased ; though, for more than two years after I came, we were visited with much sickness and great mortality. We have now near forty families belonging to our society ; and our church consists of thirty-seven communi- cants, beside two or three more, who stand as candidates for ad- MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 469 mission. Our school has sometimes consisted of above fifty chil- dren ; but the number at present is not altogether so great. I have spent the most of my time, since I have been employed as a Missionary, among this people ; but have not wholly confined myself to them. I have taken several journies out among the more remote Indians and some to those at a great distance. By this means, with the blessing of God on my labours, I have per- suaded numbers to come from distant places and settle here, where they and their children have the advantages of instruction, which I trust have been blest to the saving conversion of some. May the Lord daily increase their number ! We have a very considerable number of serious regular chris- tians, who are an ornament to religion ; although some, who make ?i profession, have grievously backslidden. The Lord has preserved and continued a christian congregation together, al- though many attempts have been made by Satan and his instru- ments to disperse and destroy it." After mentioning the obstacles, which hinder the conversion of the Indians to Christianity, such as — Their love to strong drink — Their indolent, wandering, unsteady disposition — The wicked- ness of some white people, who prejudice them against the Mis- sionaries— The temptations which the whites throw in their way ; some of them buying drink, and giving it gratuitously, to see if they cannot make the Christian Indians drunk — And the want of a more liberal support to the Missionaries for carrying them through difficult journies, and taking christian Indians along with them — He proceeds : " I hope and trust, as this work of grace among the Indians comes to be more generally know?; and spread abroad, there will be a greater plenty of provision for the prevention of the same : and may the Lord hasten the blissful time ! — " Upon the whole, though 1 am feelingly sensible of many dif- ficulties and discouragements in christianizing the Indians; yet 1 cannot but think that there has been and still is as much encour- agement as could rationally have been expected, before any at- tempts of this kind were made, and that which is sufiicient for us still to act upon, and to make farther attempts of this nature. There is ground to hope that within these seven years last past there have been at least forty persons savingly converted to God even in this small place ; which at most does not contain above two hundred souls, old and young of all sorts ; and were there a- ny sufficiently zealous to go to the more remote places where there- are greater numbers of these miserable savages ; who can 470 MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. tell what the Lord would do. What a glorious prospect might soon open ? " The quarterly days of prayer for the prosperity of Zion are observed by some in these parts, and have been very constantly attended in my congregation ; and some of my people have ap- peared very affectionate and warmly engaged at such times. May the Lord hear and and answer the supplications of his people, and cause his church to arise and flourish and become a praise in the whole earth. I would desire a remembrance in your addresses to the throne of grace forme, for my people, and for the cause of God among the Indians. If you should have leisure, and think it worthwhile to write, please to direct for me at Bethel, in New- Jersey, to the care of Mr. William Grant, merchant, in Second street, Philadelphia ; or to the care of Mr. Denys De Berdt, merchant, in Artillery court, Chiswal-street, London. " I am, &:c. "JOHN BRAINERD.*' The second was to the Praeses of the Society in Scotland, dated ''Bethel, Oct, 22, 1753. " Since my last to your Lordship, which bears date March 2, 1753, I have steadily attended to the business of the Mission, and have not been absent from my charge except on some ne- cessary occasions, and then only for a short space. I have en- deavoured to attend strictly to my commissions and instructions; preaching the gospel ; administering the sacraments ; catechis- ing both the grown people and the children ; visiting my people ; praying and conversing with the sick ; attending funerals ; and watching all opportunities to do them good. — I have constantly attended public worship three times on the Lord's day ; steadily once, and sometimes more, in the rest of the week. Besides I have advised the people, especially of late, to meet, at least one evening in a week at a private house, which they do in the seve- ral parts of their town ; sometimes at one house and sometimes at another. This meeting I have generally attended ; and carry it on by prayer, singing of psalms or hymns and religious conver- sation. At these meetings I address myself to particular persons ; inquire into the state of their souls; warn, exhort, encourage, &ic. as I see occasion. When I am absent, the meeting is car- ried on by religious conversation, together with prayer and sing- ing. My endeavours, through the blessing of heaven, have been, 1 hope attended with some degree of success. 1 have had the satisfaction of admitting one adult person to baptism, who 1 trust MEMOIRS OF BRAINERD. 471 IS a true convert to God, and savingly acquainted with Jesus Christ; and sundry children have been the subjects of that di- vine ordinance. I can also inform your Lordship and the Socie- ty that many of our former converts adorn their profession by a sober virtuous life. But some, I must needs say, have grievous- ly backslidden ; which has been matter of unspeakable grief to me, and done more to exhaust my spirits and wear me out, than all the bodily fatigues I have ever undergone in the prosecution of this mission." Afterwards he writes of great difficulties, which the Indiana have laboured under of late with regard to their lands ; — and of the lamented death of a promising young Indian, whom the So- ciety was educating for the ministry ; of whom he says : " He had been a member of Princeton College nearly two years ; was much beloved by his classmates and the other scho- lars, and made a decent, handsome appearance among them. He died of a quick consumption. 1 had opportunity of conversing with him in the latter part of his sickness ; and though he was under some darkness, yet his discourse was good, and discovered much of the Christian. " I am, (fcc. "JOHN BRAINERD." Christians, when absent from the body, are present zcith the Lord PREACHED AT THE FUNERAL OF THE REV. DAVID BRAINERD, MISSIONARY TO THE INDIANS, R03I JHE SOCIETY IJV SCOTLAJ>fD FOR PROPAGATING CHRISTIAN KNOWI.EDOE'j AND PASTOR OF A CHURCH OF CHRISTIAN INDIANS IN NEW- JERSEY ; WHO DIED AT NORTHAMPTON, OCT. 9, 1747, AND WAS INTERRED ON THE 12th. By Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS. 60 A SERMON. CHRISTIANS, WHEN ABSENT FROM THE BODY ARE PRESENT WITH THE LORD- II COR. V. 8. We are conjident^ I say^ and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. THE Apostle is here giving a reason why he went on with such immoveable boldness and stedfastness, through such labours, suf- ferings, and dangers, in the service of the Lord ; for which his enemies, the false teachers among the Corinthians, sometimes re- proached him as being beside himself, and driven on by a kind of madness. In the latter part of the preceding chapter, he informs the christian Corinthians, that the reason why he did thus, was, that he firmly believed the promises which Christ had made to his faithful servants of a glorious and eternal reward; and knew that these present afflictions were light, and but for a moment, in com- parison of that far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. — In this chapter he further insists on the reason of his constancy in suffering, and exposing himself to death in the work of the minis- try, even the more happy state which he expected after death. — This is the subject of the Text; in which we may observe, 1. The p-eat future Privilege, for which the Apostle hoped; that of being present with Christ. The Avords in the original prop- erly signify dwelling with Christ, as in the same country or city, or making an home with Christ. 2. When the Apostle looked for this privilege ; viz. when he should be absent from the body : not to wait for it till the Resur- rection, v^ien soul and body should be united again. He signi- fies the same thing in Phil. i. 22, 23, "But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour. Yet what I shall choose, I wot not. For I am in a strait between two; having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ." 3. The Falue which he set on this privilege. For the sake of it,, he chose to he absent from the body. It was mor^ pleasing to 176 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAIKERD'S FUNERAL. him, to part with the present hfe and all its enjoyments, if he might be possessed of this great henefit, than to continue here. 4. Ti)e Present Benefit, which he had by his faith and hope of this future privilege, and of his great value for it; viz. that hence he received courage, assurance, and constancy of mind ; agreea- bly to the proper import of the word which is rendered, we are confident. He is now giving a reason of that fortitude and im- moveable stability of mind, with which he went through those extreme labours, hardships, and dangers, which he mentions in this course; so that, in the midst of all, he did not faint, was not discouraged, but had constant li^ht, and inward support, strength, and comfort in the midst of all : agreeably to the tenth verse of the foregoing chapter, " For which cause, we faint not ; but though " our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day." The same is expressed more particularly in the eighth, ninth, and tenth verses of that chapter, " We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed ; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not de- stroyed ; always bearing about in the body, the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh." And in the next chap. ver. 4 — 10, "In all things, approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings, bv pureness, by knowledge, by longsufTering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by hon- our and disiionour, by evil report and good report : as deceivers, and yet true ; as unknown, and yet well known ; as dying, and behold, we live ; as chasten&d, and not killed ; as sorrowful, yet ahvay rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having noth- ing, and yet possessing all tilings." Anions the many i!seful instructions, which might be derived from the text, I shall at this time only insist on tiiis : — The souls of rhrlstians, loJien they leave the body, go to be with Christ. They do this in the following respects : — F. They go to dwell in the same blessed Abode with the glorfinid Human nature of Christ. The Human nalme of Cljrist is yet in being. He siill contin- ues, and will continue to all eternity, to be both God and mai]. — His whole human nature remains : nc^t onlv his soul, but also his EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 477 hody. His body rose from the dead ; and the same that was rais- ed from the dead, is exalted and glorified at God's right hand, — That which was dead is now alive, and lives for evermore. There is therefore a certain place, a particular part of the exter- nal creation, to which Christ is gone, and where he remains. — This place is the heaven of heavens: a place beyond all the visi- ble heavens. Epb. iv. 9. 10. " Now that he ascended, what is it, but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth .^ He that descended, is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens." This is the same which the Apostle calls the third heaven, 2 Cor. xii. 2; reckoning the aerial heaven as the first, the starry heaven as the second, and the highest heaven as the third. This is the abode of the holy angels; they are called " the angels of heaven," Matth. xxiv. 36. " The angels which are \a heaven," Mark xiii. 32. *' The angels of God in heaven," Matth. xxii. 30. and Mark xii. 25. They are said *' always to behold the face of the Father which is in heaven," Matth. xviii. 10. They are elsewhere often represented as before the throne of God, or surrounding his throne in heaven, and sent from ihence, and de- scending from thence, on messages to this world. Thither it is that the souls of departed saints are conducted, when they die. — They are not reserved in an abode distinct from the highest heaven ; a place of rest, which they are kept in, till the day of judgment ; which some call the Hades of the happy : but they go directly to heaven itself. This is the saints' home, being their Father's house. They are " pilgrims and strangers" on the earth, and this is the " other and better country" to which they are travelling. Heb. xl. 13 — 16. This is the city to which they belong. Philip, iii. 20. "Our conversation, or (as the word prop- erly signifies) citizenship, is in heaven." Therefore this undoubt- edly is the place to wliich the Apostle refers in the text, when he says, " We are willing to forsake our former house, the body, and to dwell in the same house, city or country, wherein Christ dwells; which is the proper import of the words of ihe original. — V/liat can this house, or city, or country be, but that house, vvhicli is elsewhere spoken of, as their proper home, their Father's house, the city and country to which they properly belong, whith- er they are travelling all the while they-continue in this world, and the house, city, and country where we know the human nature of Christ is ; this is the saints' rest; here their hearts are while they live; and here their treasure is: "The inheriiniice incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, that is designed for them, is reserved in heaven ;" 1 Pet. i. 4. Therefore they never can have their proper and full rest till they corao there. So that un- 478 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. doubtedly their souls, when absent from the body, (when the scrip- tures represent them as in a state of perfect rest) arrive there. — Those two saints, who left this world, to go to their rest in anoth- er world, without dying, viz. Lnoch and Elijah, went to heaven. — Elijah was seen ascending up to heaven, as Christ was ; and to the same resting place, is there all reason to think, to which those saints go, who leave the world, to go to their rest, by death. Mo- ses, when he died in the top of the mount, ascended to the same glorious abode with Elias, who ascended without dying. They are companions in another world ; as they appeared together at Christ's transfiguration. They were together at that time, with Christ in the mount, when there was a representation of his glory in heaven. Doubtless, also, they were together afterwards, with him, when he was actually glorified in heaven. Thither undoubt- t^ly it was, that the soul of Stephen ascended, when he expired. The circumstances of his death demonstrate it, as we have an ac- count of it, Acts vii. 55. he. " He being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and said, behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man, (i. e. Jesus in his human nature), standing on the right hand of God. Then they cried out with aloud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, and cast him out of the city, and stoned him. — And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Before his death he had an extraordinary view of the glory which his Saviour had received in heaven, not only for himself, but for him, and all his faithful followers ; that he might be encouraged, by th<5 hopes of this glory, cheerfully to lay down his life for his sake. Accordingly, he dies in the hope of this, saying, " Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." By which doubt- less he meant, " receive my spirit to be with thee, in that glory, wherein I have now seen thee, in heaven, at the right hand of God." Thither it was, that the soul of the penitent thief on the cross ascended. Christ said to him, "To-day shalt thou be with me in pnradise." Paradise is the same with the third heaven ; as appears by 2 Cor. xii. 2 — 4. There, that which is called the third heaven in the second verse, in the fourth verse is called par- adise. The departed souls of the Apostles and Prophets are in heaven; as is manifest from Rev. xviii. 20. ''Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets." The church of God is distinguished in Scripture, from time to time, into these two parts ; that part of it, which is '\n heaven, and that which is in earth ; Eph. iii. I4, 15. "Jesus Christ, of whom the whole fami- ly in heaven and earth is named." Col. i. 20. " And having made EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERDS' FUNERAL. 47a peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things to himself; by him, 1 say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." Now what '* things in heaven" are they for whom peace has been made by the blood of Christ's cross, and who have by him been reconciled to God ; but the saints in heav- en ^ In like manner we read, Eph. i. 10. of " God's gathering together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him." The "spirits of just men made perfect" are in the same " City of the living God," with the '* in- numerable company of angels," and "Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant ;" as is manifest by Heb. xii. 22 — 24. The church of God is often in Scripture called by the name of Jerusalem : and the Apostle speaks of the Jerusalem ivhich is above, or which is in heaven, as the mother of us all : but if no part of the church be in heaven, or none but Enoch and Elias, it is not likely that the church would be called the Jerusalem which is in heaven. II. They go to dwelt in the immediate, full, and constant sight or view of Christ, When we are absent from our dear friends, they are out of sight; but when we are with them, we have the opportunity and satisfaction of seeing them. While the saints are in the body, and are absent from the Lord, he is in several respects out of sight, 1 Pet. i. 8. "Whom having not seen, ye love: in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing," &;c. They have, in- deed, in this world, a spiritual sight of Christ; but they see through a glass darkly, and with great interruption ; but in heav- en, they see him face to face, 1 Cor. xiii. 12. "The pure in heart are blessed ; for they shall see God,^'' Matth. v. 8. Their beatifical vision of God is in Christ ; who is that brightness or effulgence of God's glory, by which his glory shines forth in heav- en, to the view of saints and angels there, as well as here on earth. This is the Sun of righteousness, which is not only the light of this world, but is also the sun which enlightens the heaven- ly Jerusalem ; by whose bright beams the glory of God shines forth there, to the enlightening and making happy of all the glori- ous inhabitants. "The Lamb is the light thereof; and so the Glory of God doth lighten it," Rev. xxi. 23. No one sees God the Father immediately. He is the King eternal, immortal, invisi- ble. Christ is the Image of that invisible God, by which he is seen by all elect creatures. The only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him and manifested him. No one has ever immediately seen the Father, but the Son ; and no one else sees the Father in any other way, than by the Son's 480 EDWARD'S SERMON AT BRAINERDS' FUNERAL. revealing him. In heaven, the spirits of just men made perfect see tiim as he is. They behold his glory. They see the glory of his divine nature, consisting in all the glory of the Godhead, the beauty of all his perfections; his great majesty, and almighty power, his infinite wisdom, holiness, and grace; and they see the beauty of his glorified human nature, and the glory which the Fa- ther hath given him, as God-man and Mediator. For this end Christ desired that his saints might "be tuith him, that they might behold his glory," John, xvii. 24. When the souls of the saints leave their bodies, to go to be with Christ, they behold the glory of the work of Redemption, " which the angels desire to look in- to." They have the clearest view of the unfathomable depth of the wisdom and knowledge of God ; and the brightest displays of the purity and holiness of God, which appear in that work. They see in a far clearer manner than the saints do here, " what is the breadth and length, and depth and height of the grace and love of Christ," appearing in his redemption. As they see the unspeak- able riches and glory of God's grace, so they clearly understand Christ's eternal and immeasurable love to them in particular. In short, fhey see every thing in Christ which tends to inflame and gratify love, in the most clear and glorious manner, without any darkness or delusion, without any impediment or interruption. Now thy saints, while in the body, see somewhat of Christ's glory and love; as we, in the dawn of the morning, see somewhat of the reflected light of the sun mingled with darkness : but, when separated from the body, they see their glorious and loving Re- deemer, as we see the sun when risen, above the horizon, by his direct beams, in a clear hemisphere, and with perfect day. III. They are htought into a perfect conformity to, and union with, Christ, Their spiritual conformity is begun while they are in the body. Here, " beholding as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, they are changed into the same image ; but, when they come to see him as he is, in heaven, then they become like him in another manner. That perfect sight will annihilate all remains of deformity, and sin- ful unlikeness; as all darkness is annihilated before the full blaze of the sun's meridian light. It is impossible that the least degree of obscurity should remain before such light; so it is impossible the least degree of sin and spiritual deformity should remain, in such a view of the spiritual beauty and glory of Christ, as the saints enjoy in heaven. When they see the Sun of Righteous- ness without a cloud, they themselves shine forth as the sun, and shall be themselves as sun^ without a spot. Then Christ presents his saints to himself, in glorious beauty ; " not having spot or EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 481 wrinkle, "or any such thing;" and having hoh'ness without a blemish. Then their union with Christ, is perfected. This also is begun in this world. The relative union is both begun and per- fected at once, when the soul first closes with Christ by faith. — The real union ; consisting in the union of heart [and affection] and in the vital union ; is begun in this world and perfected in the next. The union of the heart of a believer to Christ, is begun when his heart is drawn to Christ, by the first discovery of his di- vine excellence at conversion. Consequent on this is established a vital union with Christ; whereby the believer becomes a living branch of the true vine, living by a communication of the sap and vital juice of the stock and root: a member of Christ's mystical body, living by a communication of spiritual and vital influences from the head, and by a participation of Christ's own life. But while the saints are in the body, there is much remaining distance between Christ and them. The vital union is very imperfect; and so is the communication of spiritual life and vital influence. There is much between Christ and believers to keep them asun- der, much indwelling sin, much temptation, a heavy moulded, frail body, and a world of carnal objects, to keep off the soul from Christ, and hinder a perfect coalescence. But when the soul leaves the body, all these hindrances are removed, every separa- ting wall is broken down, every impediment is taken out of the way, and all distance ceases; the heart is wholly and perfectly drawn, and firmly and forever bound to Christ, by a perfect view of his glory. The vital union is then brought to perfection; the soul lives perfectly in and upon Christ ; being perfectly filled with his spirit, and animated by his vital influence ; living as it were only by Christ's life, without any remainder of spiritual death, ov carnal life. IV. They enjoy a glorious, and immediate^ intercourse and conversation with Christ. While we are present with our friends, we have opportunity for a free and immediate conversation with them, which we cannot have when absent. Therefore, by reason of the far more free, perfect, and immediate intercourse with Christ, which the saints enjoy when absent from the body, are properly represented as present with him. The most intimate intercourse becomes that relation in which the saints stand to Jesus Christ ; and especially becomes that perfect and glorious union into which they shall be brought, with him in heaven. They are not merely his servants, but his friends; John XV. 15; his brethren and companions; Psal. cxxii. 8; yea, they are the spouse of Christ. They are espoused or betrothed 61 482 EDWARD'S SERMON AT BKAINERD^S FUNERAL. to Christ while in the body; but when they go to heaven, their marriage with him is come, and the King brings him into his pal- ace. Christ conversed in the most friendly manner with his dis- ciples on earth, and admilied one of them to lean on his bosom : but they are admitted much more fully and freely to converse with him in heaven. Though Christ be there in a state of glorious exaltation, reigning in the majesty and glory of the sovereign Lord and God of heaven and earth, of angeis and men; yet this will not hinder the intimacy and freedom of their intercourse, but will rather promote it. He is thus exalted, not only for himself, but for them. He is Head over all things for their sakes, that they may be exalted and glorified; and, when they go to heaven where he is, they are exalted and glorified with him ; and shall not be kept at a greater distance from Christ, but shall be admitted near- er, and to a greater intimacy. They shall be unspeakably more fit for it; and Christ will be in more fit circumstances to bestow on them this blessedness. Their seeing the great glory of their friend and Redeemer, will not awe them to a distance, and make them afraid of a near approach ; but on the contrary, will most powerfully draw them near, and encourage and engage them to holy freedom. They v^ill know that he is their own Redeemer, and beloved friend ; the very same who loved them with a dying love, and redeem them to God by his blood; Matt. xiv. 27. *'It is I; be not afraid." (Rev. i, 17, 18.) "Fear not: I am he that liveth, and was dead." The nature of this glory of Christ which they shall see, will be such as will draw and encourage them ; for they will not only see infinite majesty and greatness, but infinite grace, condescension, gentleness and sweetness, equal to his ma- jesty. He appears in heaven not only as " the Lion of the tribe of Judah, but as the Lamb, and the Lamb in the midst of the throne ;" (Rev. v. 5, 6, :) and this Lamb in the midst of the throne shall be their shepherd, to '*feed them, and lead them to living fountains of water; (Rev vii. 17;) so that the sight of Christ's majesty will be no terror to them ; but will only serve the more to heighten their pleasure and surprise. When Mary was about to embrace Christ, being full of joy at seeing him again alive after his crucifixion, Christ forbids her to do it for the pres- ent; because he was not yet ascended ; (John xx. 16, 17, "Je- sus saith unto her, * Mary.' She turned herself, and saith unto him, ' Rabboni,' which is to say, ' Master.' Jesus saith unto her, * Touch me not ; for I am not yet ascended to my Father ; But go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God." As if he had said, " This is not the time and place for that freedom which your EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL, 4.^3 love to me desires. That is appointed in heaven after my ascen- sion, I am going thither : and you who are my true disciples, shall, as my brethren and companions^ soon be there with me in my glory. That is the place appointed for the most perfect ex- pressions of complacence and endearment." Accordmgly the souls of departed saints in heaven, find Christ manifesting thosG infinite riches of love towards them, which he has felt from eter- nity; and they are enabled to express their love to him, in an in- finitely better manner, than they could while in the body. Thus they shall be eternally encompassed by the infinitely bright and mild and sweet beams of divine love ; eternally receiving that light, and forever reflecting it to the fountain. V. They are received to a glorious fellowship with Christ in his blessedness. As the wife is received to a joint possession of her husband's estate; and as the wife of a prince partakes wit.i him in his prince- ly possessions and honours; so the church, the spouse of Christ, is received to dwell with him in heaven, and shall partake with him in his glory. When Christ rose from the dead, and took possession of eternal life ; this was not as a private person, but as the Head of his redeemed people. He took possession of it for them, as well as for himself ; and " they are quickened together with him, and raised up together.^^ So, when he ascended, he took possession of heaven not only for himself, but for his people, as their Forerunner and Head, that they might ascend also, " and sit together in heavenly places with him." (Eph. ii. 5. 6.) "Christ writes upon them his new name." (Rev. iii. 12. i. e.) He makes them partakers of his own glory and exaltation in heav- en. His new Kame is that new honour and glory with vvhicli the Father invested him, when he set him at his own right hand : just as a prince, when he advances any one to new dignity in his king- dom, gives him a new title. Christ and his saints shali be glorifi- ed together, Rom. viii. 17. The saints in heaven have communion with Christ in his glory and blessedness in heaven, in the following respects. 1. Thty partake with him in the ineffable delights which he has in heaven, in the enjoyment of his Father. When Christ ascended to heaven, he was received to a peculiar blessedness in the enjoyment of his Father, who in his passion hid his face from him ; such an enjoyment as became the relation in which he stood to the Father ; and sixh as was a meet reward for the great and difficult service which he had performed on «arth. Then " God shewed him the path of life, and brought 484 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL, him into his presence, where is fulness of joy, and to sit on his right hand, where there are pleasures for evermore," as is said of Christ, Psal. xvi. 11. Then the Father "made him most hles- sed for ever : he made him exceeding glad with his countenance;" as in Psal. xxi. 6. The saints, by their union with Christ, partake of his child-like relation to the Father; and are heirs with him of his happiness in the enjoyment of his Father ; as seems to be in- timated by the Apostle, in Gal. iv. 4 — 7. The spouse of Christ, by her espousals to the only begotten Son of God, is a partaker of his filial relation to God ; becomes the King's daughter ; Psal. xlv. 13; and so partakes with her divine Husband in his "en- joyment of his Father and her Father, of his God and her God." A promise of this seems to be implied in those words of Christ to Mary, John, xx. 17. Thus Christ's faithful servants " enter into the joy of their Lord," Math. xxv. 21, 23.; and " Christ's joy remains in them ;" agreeably to those words of Christ, John, xv. 11. Christ from eternity is in the bosom of the Father, as the object of his infinite complacence. In him is the Father's eternal happiness. Before the world was, he was with the Father, in the enjoyment of his boundless love ; and had infinite delight and blessedness in that enjoyment; as he declares of himself in Prov. viii. 30. "Then I was by him, as one brought up with him : and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him.'' When Christ ascended to the Father after his passion, he went to the enjoyment of the same glory and blessedness in the enjoyment of his love ; agreeably to his prayer the evening before his crucifixion, John xvii. 5. "And now, O Fa- ther glorify me with thine own self, Vvith the glory which I had with thee before the world was.'^ In the same prayer, he mani- fests it to be his will, that hjs true disciples should be with him in the enjoyment of that joy and glory, vvhich he then asked for himself; verse 13. " That my joy might be fulfilled in themselves;" verse 22. " And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them." This glory and joy of Christ, which the saints are to enjoy with him, is that which he has in the enjoyment of the Father's infinite love to him ; as appears by the last words of that prayer of our Lord, verse 26. " That the love wherewith thou hast loved me, may be in them, and I in tliem." The love which the Father has to his Son is great indeed ; the Deity does, as it were, wholly and entirely flow out in a stream of love to Christ ; and the joy and pleasure of Christ is proportionally great. This is the stream of Christ's delight, the river of his infinite pleasure ; wiiich he will make his saints to drink of with him ; agreeably to Psal. xxxvi. 8, 9. " They shall be abundantly satisfied with the EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL, m fatness of thy house : thou shall make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. For with thee is the fountain of life : in thy light shall we see light." The saints shall have pleasure in par- taking with Christ in his pleasure, and shall see light in his light. They shall partake with Christ of the same river of pleasure, shall drink of the same water of life, and of the same new wine in his Father's kingdom ; Matth. xxvi. 29. That new wine is especially that joy and happiness which Christ and his true disci- ples shall partake of together in glory ; which is the purchase of Christ's blood, or the reward of his obedience unto death. Christ, at his ascension into heaven, received everlasting pleasures at his Father's right hand, in the enjoyment of his Father's love, as the reward of his own obedience unto death. But the same righteous- ness is reckoned both to the head and the members ; and both jshali have fellowship in the same reward ; each according to their distinct capacity. That the saints in heaven thus partake with Christ in his own enjoyment of the Father, manifests the transcendent excellence of their happiness, and their being admitted to a vastly higher privi- lege in glory than the angels. 2. They partake with Christ, in the glory of that dominion, to which the Father has exalted him. The saints, when they ascend to heaven, and are made to sit together with Christ in heavenl} places, are exalted to reign with him. They are through him made kings and priests, and reign with him, and in him, over the same kingdom. As the Father has appointed unto him a kingdom, so he has appointed it to them. The Father has appointed the Son to reign over his own kingdom, and the Son appoints his saints to reign in his. The Father has given to Christ to sit with him en his throne, and Christ gives to the saints to sit with him on his throne, agreeably to his piomise ; Rev. iii. 21. Christ, as God's Son, is the Heir of his kingdom. ; and the saints are joint-heirs with Christ; which implies, that they are heirs of the sr^iTie inheritance, to possess the same kingdom, in and with him, according to their capacity. Christ in his l:i;!gdc;iii reigns over heaven and earth ; he is ap- pointed the " Heir of ai! things;" and so all things are the saints': " whether Paul, or Apollcs, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, oi thi.jgs to come," all are theirs ; because they are Christ's, and united to him ; (1 Cor. iii. 21 — 23.) The angels are given lo Christ as a part of his Hominion, to wait upon him as ministering spirits : so they are all ministering spirits, to minister tothcm who ar? the hciis of salvation. They are Christ's angels, and they are also iheir angels. Such is the sainto' union 4'lJ6 EDWARDS' SERI\fON AT BUAINERD'S FUNERAL. with Christ, and their interest in him, that what he possesses, they possess, in a much more perfect and blessed manner than if all things were given to them separately, and by themselves, to be disposed of according to their discretion. Ail things are now dis- posed of so as, in every respect, to be most for their blessedness, by an infinitely better discretion thnn their own ; and are disposed of, aJso, by their head and husband, between whom and them there is the most perfect union of hearts, and of wills, and who are one, even as Christ and the Father are one. As the glorified spouse of this great King reigns with him, in his doniiinion over the universe ; so more especially does she s^liare with him in the joy and glory of his reign in his kingdom of grace. This is pecuharly the kingdom vs'iich he possesses as Head of the Church, and is that kingdom b which she is more especially interested. It was especially to reign in this kingdom, that God the Father exalted him to his throne in heaven. He set his King on his holy hill of Zion, especially that he might reign over Zion, or over his church, in his kingdom of grace; and that he might be under the best advantages to carry on the designs of his love in this lower world. Hence, the saints in heaven are par- takers in Christ's joy when they witness the prosperity of his king- dom of grace on earth, and the success of his gospel here ; which he looks on as the peculiar glory of his reign. The good shep- herd rejoices when he finds but one sheep that was lost ; and his friends and neighbours in heaven rejoice with him on that occasion. That part of the family which is in heaven are surely not unac- quainted with the affairs of that part of the same family which is on earth. They who are with the King and are next to him, the royal family who dwell in his palace, are not kept in ignorance of the affairs of his kingdom. The saints in heaven aie with the angels, the King's ministers; by whom he manages the affairs of his kingdom ; and who are continually ascending and descending from heaven to earth, and daily employed as ministering spirits to each individual member of the church below : beside the contin- ual ascending of the souls of departed saints from all parts of the militant church. On these accounts the saints in heaven must be under far greater advantages than we are here, for a full view of the state of the church on earth, and a speedy direct, and certain acquaintance with all its affairs in every country. That which gives them a still greater advantage for such an acquaintance, is their beiiig constantly in the immediate pres- ence of Christ, and in the enjoyment of the most perfect inter- course with him, who, as the King of the Church, manages all these affairs, and has a perfect knowledge of them. Christ is the EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 481 Head of the whole glorified assembly ; they are mystically his glorified body : and what the head sees, it sees for the informa- tion of the whole body, according to its capacity : and what the head enjoys, is for the joy of the whole body. The saints, in leaving this world, and ascending to heaven, do not go out of sight of things appertaining to Christ's kingdom on earth. On the con- trary, they go out of a state of obscurity, and ascend above tiie mists and clouds, into the clearest light ; to a pinnacle, in the very centre of light, where every thing appears in clear view. They have as much greater advantage to view the state of Christ's kingdom, and the works of the new creation here, than they had while in this world 5 as a man who ascends to the top of a high mountE^in has greater advantage to view the face of the earth, than he had while he was in a deep valley, or thick forest below ; surrounded on every side with those things which impeded and limited his sight. Nor do thej view them as inditferent or un- concerned spectators, any more than Christ himself is an uncon- cerned spectator. The happiness of the saints in heaven consists very much in beholding the glory of God appearing in the work of Redemption : for it is by this chiefly that God manifests his glory, the glory of his wisdom, holiness, grace, and other perfec- tions, to both saints and angels; as is* apparent by many scrip- tures. Hence, undoubtedly much of their happiness consists in beholding the progress of this work in its application and suc- cess, and the steps by which Infinite power and wisdom brings it to its consummation. They are under unspeakably greater ad- vantages to enjoy the progress of this work, than we are ; as they are under greater advantages to see and understand the mar- vellous steps which Divine wisdom takes in all that is done, and the glorious ends he obtains ; the opposition Satan makes, and how he is baffled and overthrown. They can better see the con- nection of one event with another, and the beautiful order of all things which come to pass in the church in different ages that to us appear like confusion. Nor do they only view these things, and rejoice in them, as a glorious and beautiful sight ; but as per- sons interested, as Christ is interested ; as possessing these things in Christ, and reigning with him, in his kingdom. Christ's suc- cess in his work of redemption, in bringing home souls to him- self, applying his saving benefits by his Spirit, and the advance- ment of the kingdom of grace in the world, is the reward espe- cially promised to him by his Father in the Covenant of redemp- tion, for the hard and difficult service which he performed while in the form of a servant ; as is manifest by Is. liii. 10 — 12. But the saints shall partake with him in the joy of this reward ; for this obedience which is ^lus rewarded, is reckoned to them as 488 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL, they are his members. This was specially the joy that was set before Christ; for the sake of which, he endured the cross, and despised the shame ; and his joy is the joy of ail heaven. They, who are with him in heaven, are under much the greatest advan- tages to partake with him in this joy ; for they have a perfect communion with him through whom they enjoy all their heavenly happiness ; as much as the whole body has all its pleasure of mu- sic by the ear, and all the benefit and refreshment of air by the lungs. The saints while on earth pray and labour for the same thing for which Christ laboured, viz. the advancement of the kingdom of God among men, the promoting of the prosperity of Zion, and the flourishing of religion in this world ; and most of them have suffered for that end as Christ did, have been made partakers with their head in his sufferings, and '^ filled up, as the Apostle expresses it, that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ." Ilence they shall partake with him of the glory and joy of the end obtained; Rom. viii. 17. " We are joint-heirs witli Christ ; if so be that v.^e suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." 2 Tim. ii. 12. " If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him." Christ, wiien his sufferings were past, and he left the earth and ascended to heaven, was so far from having done with his kingdom in this world, that it was as it were but then begun. He ascended for that very end, that he might more fully possess and enjoy this kingdom, and that he might reign in it ; as a king ascends a throne to reign over his people, and receive the honour and glory of his dominion. No more have the saints done with Christ's kingdom on earth, when they leave the earth and ascend into heaven. " Christ ascended in the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and was brought near before him," to the veri/ end, " that he might receive dominion, and glory, and a kingdom ; that all people, na- tions and languages, should serve him," Dan. vii. 13, 14. This will be eminently fulfilled after the ruin of Antichrist, which is especially the time of Christ's kingdom. The same is the time when "the kingdom and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High God." This is because they shall reign in and with Christ, the Most High, " whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, " and whom all dominions shall serve and obey." This is true, not only of the saints on earth, but also of the saints in heaven. Hence the saints in heaven, having respect to this time, do sing, in Rev. v. 10. "We shall reign on the earth." Agreeably hereto, it is afterwards represented, that when that time comes, the souls of them who in former ages had suf- fered with Christ, do reign with Christ ; having as it were given EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 489 to them new life and joy, in that spiritual blessed rcsnrrcrtion, which shall then he of the church of God on earth ; and thus "The meek, tliosc who meekly and patiently suffer with Christ., and for his sake, shall inherit the earth :" they shall inherit it, and reign on earth with Christ. Christ is the heir of the world ; and when the appointed time of his kingdom comes, his inheritance shall be given him; and there the meek, who are joint-heirs, shall also inherit it. The place in the Old Testament whence the&e words are taken, leads to their true interpretation ; Psal. xxxvii. 11. "The meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight them- selves in the abundance of peace." That these words refer to the peace and blessedness of the latter day, we learn by compar- ing them with Psalm Ixxii. 7. " In his days shall be abundance of peace, so long as the moOn endureth :" And Jer. xxxiii. 6. " I will reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth :" Also Is. ii. 4. Mic. iv. 3. Is. xi. 6 — 9 ; and many other parallel places. The saints in heaven will as truly share with Christ in reigning over the nations, and in the glory of his dominion at that time, as they will share with him in the honour of judging the world at the last day. The promise of Christ to his deciples. Matth. xix. 28, 29. seems to have a specidl respect to the former of these, hi ver. 28. Christ promises- the disciples, that hereafter, " when the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of his glory, they shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the tv.eive tribes of Israel." The saints in heav- en reigning on earth in the glorious latter day, is described in language accommodated to this promise of Christ, Picv. xx. 4. " And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them ; and judgment was given them. — And they reigned with Christ." And tjie promise in the next verse, in that xixth of Matthew, seems to have its fulfilment at the same time : *' And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or wife or chil- dren, or lands, for my names sake, shall receive an hundred fold, and shall inherit everlasting life ;" i. e. At the time when the saints shall inherit the earth and reign on earth, the earth, with all its blessings shall be given in great abundance to the church, to be possessed by the saints. This ihey shall re- ceive in the present world, and in the world to come everlasting life. The saints in heaven shall partake with Christ in the tri- umph and glory of those victories which he shall obtain, at that glorious period over the kings and nations of the world ; which are sometimes represented by his ruling them loiih a rod of iron, and dashing them in pieces as a potter'' s vessel. To this doubtless there is a reference in Rev. ii. 26, 27. " He that overcometh, and keepeth my words unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations ; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron ; as the- 02 4m) EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAlNERD's FUNERAL. vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers, even as I re- ceived of my Father." And in Psal. cxlix. 5, to the end ; " Let the saints be joyful in glory : let them sing aloud upon their beds ; (i.e. in their separate state after death; compare Is. Ivlii. 1, 2.) Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand ; to execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people ; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron, to execute upon them the judgment written : This honour have all the saints." Accor- dingly, when Christ appears riding forth to his victory over An- tichrist, Rev. xix. the hosts of heaven appear going forth with him in robes of triumph, ver. 14. When Antichrist is destroyed, the inhabitants of heaven, and the holy apostles and prophets, are called upon to rejoice, chap, xviii. 20. Accordingly, the wholci multitude of the inhabitants of heaven on that occasion, exult, and ^ praise God with exceeding joy ; (chap. xix. 1 — 8, and chap. xi. 15,) and are also represented as greatly rejoicing on occasion of the ruin of the heathen empire, in the days of Constantine, (chap. xii. 10.) It is observable all along in the visions of that book, that the hosts of heaven appear as much concerned and in- terested in the events appertaining to the kingdcfrn of Christ here below, as the saints on earth. The cemmencement of the Church's latter-day glory is eminently " the day of Christ's es- pousals;" " the day of the gladness of his heart, when as the bride- groom rejoiceth over the bride, so he will rejoice over his church." Then will all heaven exceedingly rejoice with him ; and therefore they say at that time, (Rev. xix. 7,) "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give glory to him ; for the Marriage of th% Lamb is come." Thus Abraham enjoys these things, when they come to pass, which were of old promised to him, which he saw before hand, and in which he rejoiced. He will enjoy the fnliilment of the promise that all the families of the earth should be blessed in his seed, when it shall be accomplished. All the ancient patriarchs, who died believing in the promises of glorious things to be ac- complished in this world ; " who had not received the promises, but saw them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them ; do actually enjoy them when fulfilled. David actually saw and enjoyed the fulfilment of that promise, in its due time, which was made to him many hundred years before, and was all his salvation and all his desire." Thus Daniel shall stand in his loty at the end of the days pointed out by his own prophecy. Thus tbe saints of old, who died in faith not having received the promise, are made perfect, and have their faith crowned by the EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 491 better things accomplished in these latter days of the gospel. (Heb> xi. 39, 40,) which they sec and enjoy in their time. 3. They have fellowship with Christy in his blessed and eternal Employment of glorifying the Father, The happiness of heaven consists, not merely nor principally in contemplation and passive enjoyment, but to a great degree in action ; and particularly in actively serving and glorifying God. This is expressly mentioned as a great part of the blessedness of the saints in their perfect state, Rev. xxii. 3. " And there shall he no more curse ; but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him." The angels are as a flame of fire in their ardour and activity in God's service. The four living creatures, (Rev. iv.) wlio are generally supposed to signify the angels, are represented as continually giving praise and glory to God, and are said not to rest day nor night. The souls of departed saints are doubtless become as the angels of God in this respect. Jesus Christ is the head of the whole glo- rious assembly, as in other things pertaining to their blessed state, so in this of their praising and glorifying the Father. When Christ, the night before he was crucified, prayed for his exalta- tion to glory, it was that he might glorify the Father; John, xvii. 1. " These words spake Jesus, and lift up his eyes to heaven, and said, ' Father, the hour is come ; glorify thy Son ; that thy Son also may glorify thee." This he doubtless does, now he is in heaven ; not only in fulfilling the Father's will, in what he does as Head of the church and Ruler of the universe ; but also in leading the heavenly assembly in their praises. When Christ iu- «»stituted the Lord's Supper, and ate and drank with his disciples at his table ; giving them therein a representation and pledge of their future feasting with him, and drinking new wine in hie; heavenly Father's kingdom ; he at that time Ved them in their praises to God, in the hymn which they sang. So, doubtless, he leads his glorified disciples in heaven. David, as the sweet psalmist of Israel, led the great congregation of God's people in their songs of praise. In this, as in innumerable other things, he was a type of Christ ; who is often spoken of in Scripture by the \i2iVCiQ. oi David. Many of the psalms which David penned, were songs of praise, which he, by the Spirit of prophecy, uttered in the name of Christ, as head of the church, and leading the saints in their praises. Christ in heaven leads the glorious assembly in their praises to God, as Moses did the congregation of Israel at the Red Sea : which is implied in its being said, that " they sing the song of Moses and the Lamb." (Rev. xv. 2, 3.) In Rev. xix. 5. John tells us, that " he heard a voice come out of the throne, saying, " Praise our God, all yc his servants, and yc that 492 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FtJNERAL. fear him, both small and great." Who can it be, that utters this voice out of the throne^ but " the Lamb who h in the midst of the throne," calling on the glorious assembly of saints to praise his Father and their Father, his God and their God ? What the consequence of this voice is, we learn in the following words : "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunder- ingSj saying, ' Alleluia ; for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth." APPLICATION. The subject, which we have been considering, may be use- fully applied in the way of exhortation. Let us all be exhorted hence earnestly to seek after that great privilege which has been spoken of; that when " we are absent from the body, we may be present with the Lord." We cannot continue always in these earthly tabernacles. They are very frail, and will soon decay and fall ; and are continually liable to be overthrown by innume- rable means. Our souls must soon leave them, and go into the eternal world. O, how infinitely great will be the privilege and happiness of those, who, at that time shall go to be with Christ in his glory, in the manner that has been represented ! The privilege of the twelve disciples was great, in being so constantly with Christ as his family, in his state of humiliation. The privi- lege of those three disciples was great, who were with him in the mount of his TransHguration ; where was exhibited to them a faint semblance of his future glory in heaven, such as they might safely behold in the present frail, feeble, and sinful state. They were greatly delighted with what they saw ; and were desirous of making tabernacles to dwell there, and return no more down the mount. Great, also, was the privilege of Moses when he was with Christ in Mount Sinai, and besought him to shew him his glory, and he saw his back-parts as he passed by, and heard him proclaim bis Name. But is not that privilege infinitely great- er, which has now been spoken of: the privilege of being with Christ in heaven, where he sits on the throne, as the King of an- gels, and the God of the universe ; shining forth as the Sun of that world of glory ; — there to dwell in the full, constant, and everlasting view of his beauty and brightness ; — therc/tnost freely and intimately to converse with him, and fully to enjoy his love, as his friends and brethren ; — there to share witjj^him in the infi- nite pleasure and joy which he has in the enjoyment of his Fa- ther ; — there to sit with him on his throne to reign with him in the possession of all things, to partake with him in the glory of his victory over his enemies, and the advancement of his king- dom in the world, and to join with him in joyful songs of praise to KDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 493 bis Father and our Father, to his God and our God, for ever and ever ? Is not this a privilege worth the seeking after ? Here, as a powerful enforcement of this exhortation, I would improve that afflictive dispensation of God's holy Providence, which is the occasion of our coming together at this time : the Death of that eminent servant of Jesus Christ, whose funeral is this day to be attended 5 together with what was observable in him, living and dying. In this dispensation of Providence, God puts us in mind of our mortality, and forewarns us that the time is approaching when we must be " absent from the body ;" and " must appear," as the Apostle observes in the next verse but one to the text, "before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one of us may receive the things doiie in the body, according to what we have done, wheth- er it be good or bad." In him, whose death we are now called to consider and im- prove, we have not only an instance of moriality ; but as we have all imaginable reason to conclude, an iiistauce of one, who, be- ing absent from the body, is present with the Lord. Of this, we shall he convinced, whether we consider the nature of his expe- rience at the time whence he dates his conversion ; or the nature and course of his inward exercises from that time forward ; or his outward conversation and practice in life ; or his frame and be- haviour during the whole of that long space wherein he looked death in the face. His convictions of sin, preceding his first consolations in Christ, as appears by a written account which he has left of his inward exercises and experiences, were exceedingly deep and thorough. His trouble and sorrow arising from a sense of guilt and misery, Tv^ere very great and long continued, but yet sound and rational ; consisting in no unsteady, violent, and unaccountable frights, and perturbations of mind ; but arising from the most serious con- sideration, and a clear illumination of tlie conscience to discern and consider the true state of things. The light let into his mind at conversion, and the influences and exercises to which his mind was subject at that time, appear very agreeable to reason and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The cl\ange was very great and re- markable ; yet without any appearance of strong impressions on the imagination, of sudden flights of the affections, or of vehe- ment emotions of the animal nature. It was attended with just views of the supreme glory of the divine Being ; consisting in the infinite dignity and beauty of the perfections of his nature, and of the transcendent excellency of the way of salvation by Christ. —This was about eight years ago, when he was twenty-one years of age. 494 EmVARi:)S' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. Thus God sanctified, and made meet for his use, that vessel^ which he intended to make eminently a vessel of honour in his house, and which he had made of large capacity, having endow- ed him with very uncommon abilities and gifts of nature. He was a singular instance of a ready invention, natural eloquence, easy flowing expression, sprightly apprehension, quick discern- ment, and very strong memory; and yet of a very penetrating genius, close and clear thought, and piercing judgment. He had an exact taste: His understanding was, if I may so express it, of a quick, strong, and distinguishing scent. His learning was very considerable. He had a great taste for learning ; and applied himself to his studies in so close a manner when he was at college, that he much injured his health ; and was obliged on that account for a while to leave college, throw by his studies, and return home. He was esteemed one who excelled in learning in that society. He had extraordinary knowledge of men, as well as of things ; and an uncommon insiglit into human nature. He excelled most whom I ever knew in the power of communicating his thoughts; and had a peculiar talent at accommodating himself to the ca- pacities, tempers, and circumstances, of those whom he would instruct or counsel. He had extraordinary gifts for tlie pulpit. 1 never had an op- portunity to hear him preach ; but have often heard him pray. I think that his mannerof addressing himself to God, and express- ing himself before him, in that duty, almost inimitable ; such as I have very rarely known equalled. He expressed himself with such exact propriety and pertinency ; in such significant, weigh- ty, pungent expressions ; with such an appearance of sincerity, reverence, and solemnity, and so great a distance from all af- fectation, as forgetting the presence of men, and as being in the immediate presence of a great and holy God ; as I have scarcely cvcrknown paralleled. His manner of preaching, by what I have often heard of it from good judges, was no less excellent ; being clear and instructive, natural, nervous and moving, and very searching and convincing. He nauseated an affected noisiness, and violent boisterousness in the pulpit ; and yet much disrelish- ed a flat cold delivery, when the subject required affection and earnestness. Not only had he excellent talents for the study and the pu?pit, but also for conversation. He was of a social disposition ; was remarkably free, entertaining, and profitable in his ordinary dis- course : and discovered uncommon ability in disputing ; in de- fending truth and confuting error. EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 496 He excelled in his knowledge of Theology; and was truly, for one of his standing, an extraordinary divine; but above all in matters relating to experimental religion. In this, I know that I have the concurring opinion of some, who are generally regarded as persons of the best judgment. According to what ability I have to judge of things of this nature, and according to my oppor- tunities, which of late have been very great, I never knew his equal, of his age and standing, for clear, accurate notions of the sature and essence of true religion, and its distinctness from its various false appearances. This I suppose to be owing to the strength of his understanding; to the great opportunities which he had of observing others, both whites and Indians ; and to his own great experience. His experiences of the holy influences of God's Spirit were not only great at his first conversion; but they were so, in a continued course, from that time forward. This appears from a diary, which he kept of his daily inward exercises, from the time of his con- version, until he was disabled by the failing of his strength, a fe\r days before his death. The change, which he looked upon as his conversion, was not only a great change of the present views, affections, and frame of his mind ; but was evidently the begin- ning of that work of God in his heart, which God carried on, in a very wonderful manner, from that time to his dying day.* He abhorred the course pursued by those, who live on their first evidences of piety, as though they had now finished theii- *This more abundantly appear^ from a farther acquaintance with his diary, since this sermon was delivered. Grace in him seems to have been almost continually, with scarcely the intermission of a day, in very sensible, and indeed vigorous and powerful exercise, in one respect or other. His heart appears to have been exer- cised, in a continued course, in such things as these that follow : the most ardent and pure love to God ; great weauedness from the world, and sense of its vanity ; great humiliation; a most abasing sense of his own vileness ; a deep sense of in- dwelling sin, which indeed was most evidently, by far the greatest burden of his life, and more than all other afflictions that he met with put together; great brolcen- ness of heart before God, for his small attainments in grace, that he loved God so little, &c. mourning that he was so unprofitable ; earnest longings and thirstings of soul after holiness ; earnest desires that God might be glorified, and that Clirist's kingdom might be advanced in the world; wrestlings with God in prayer ibr these things: delight in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the way of salvation by him ; sweet complacence in those whose conversation savoured of true holiness : compassion to the souls of men, and earnest intercessions in secret for them ; great resignation to- the will of God; a very frequent, most sensible, renewed renunciation of all things for Christ, and giving up himself wholly to God, in soul and body ; great distrust of his own heart, and universal dependence on God; longings after full deliverance from the body of sin and death, after perfect conformity to God, and perfectly glori- fying him in heaven ; clear views of eternity, almost as though he were actually out of the body, and had his eyes open in another world; con:~tant watchfulness over his own heart, and continual earnestness in his inward warfare with sin ; together with great care to the utmost, to improve time for God, in his service, and to hi'; glory. <9S EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. work ; and thenceforuMrd gradually settle into a cold, lifeless, negligent, worldly frame. His experiences were very difluirent from many things, which have lately been regarded by muUitudes, as the very height of Christian experience. When that false rehgion, which arises chiefly from impressions on the imagination, began first to gain a very great prevalence in the land, he was for a httle while de- ceived with it, go as to think highly of it. Though he knew that he never had such experiences as others told of, yet he thought it was because their attainments were superior to his ; and so coveted them, and sought after them, but could never obtain them. He told me that be never had what is called an impulse, or a strong impression on his im,aginaiion.m things of religion, in bis life ; yet owned, that during the snort time in which he thought well of these things, he was tinged with that spirit of false zeal, which was wont to attend them ; but added, that, even at this time, he was not in his element, but as a fish out of water. When, after a little while, he came clearly to see the vanity and perrri- ciousness of such things, it cost him abundance of sorrow and dis- tress of mind, and to my knowledge he afterwards freely and openly confessed the errors in conduct into which he had run, and humbled himself before those whom he had offended. Since his conviction of his error in those respects, he has ever had a pe- culiar abhorrence of that kind of bitter zeal, and those delusive experiences which have been the principal source of it. He de- tested Enthusiasm in all its forms and operations ^ and condemned whatever in opinion or experience seemed to verge towards An- tinomianism. He regarded with abhorrence the experiences of those, whose first faith consists in believing that Christ died for them in particular ; whose first love consists in loving God, be- cause they suppose themselves the objects of his love ; and whose assurance of their good estate arises from some immediate testi- mony, or suggestion, either with or without texts of Scripture, that their sins are forgiven, and that God loves them.; as well as the joys of those who rejoice more in their own supposed distinc- tion above others, in honour, privileges, and high experiences, than in God's excellence and Christ's beauty ; and the spiritual pride of those laymen, who set themselves up as public teachers, and decry human learning, and a learned ministry. He greatly nauseated every thing like noise and ostentation in religion, and the disposition which many possess to publish and proclaim their own experiences ; though he did not condemn, but approved of C-hristians speaking of their experi.enccs, on some occasions, and to some persons, with modesty, discretion and reserve. He abom- inated the spirit and practice of the generality of the Separatists EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 497 in this land. I heard him say, once, and again, that he had had much intercourse with this class of people, and was acquainted with many of them in various parts of the country; and that by this acquaintance he knew, that what was chiefly and most i^ene- rally in repute among them, as the power of godliness, was en- tirely a ditierent thing from that vital pi(-'ty recommended in the Scriptures, and had nothing in it of tliat nature. lie never was more full in condemning these things than in his last iMness, and after he ceased to have any expectations of life : pailicularly, when he had the greatest and nearest views of approaching eter- nity ; and several times, when he thought himself actually dying, and expected in a few minutes to be in the eternal world, as lie himself told me.* * Since this Sermon was preached, I find what follows in his Diary for the last sumofier. " Thursday, June 18. *' I was this day taken exceeding: ill, and brought to the gates of death. — In this extremely weak state I continued for several weeks ; and was frequently reduced so low as to be utterly speechless, and not able so much as to whisper a word. Even after I had so far revived, as to walk about house, and to step out of doors, 1 was exercised every dny with a faint turn, which cosjtinued usu- ally four or five hours. At these times, though I could say yes or no ; yet I could not converse at all, nor speak one sentence without making stops for breath. And divers times, in this season, my friends gathered round my bed, to see me breathe my last ; which they looked for every moment, as I myself also did. * " How I was the first day or two of my illness, with regard to the exercise of rea- son, I scarcely know : but 1 believe I was somewhat shattered, with the violence of the fever, at times. But the third day of my illness, and constantly afterwards, for four or five weeks together, I enjoyed as much serenity of mind, and clearness of thought, as perhaps I ever did in my life. I think that my mind never pen';trated with so much ease and freedom into divine things as at this time ; and that I never felt so capable of demonstrating the truth of many important doctrines of the gospel as now. "As I saw clearly the truth of those great doctrines, which are justly styled the doctrines of grace ; so I saw with no less clearness, that the essence of true religion consists in the soul's conformity to God, and acting above all selfish views, for his glory, longing to be for him, to live to him, and please and honour him in all things; and that, from a clear view of his infinite excellence and worthiness in himself, to be lored, adored, worshipped, and served, by all intelligent creatures. Thus I saw, that when a soul loves God with a supreme love, he therein acts like the blessed God himself, who most justly loves himself in that manner ; so when God's interest and his are become one, and he longs that God should be glorified, and rt\joices to think that he is unchangeably possessed of the highest glory and blessedness, herein also he acts in conformity to God. In like manner, wlicn the soul is fully resigned to, and rests satisfied and contented with the divine will, here he is also conformed to God. "I saw further, that as this divine temper, whereby the soul exalts God, and treads itself in the dust, is wrought in the soul by God's discovering his own glori- ous perfections, in the face of Jesus Christ, to it, by the special infiuence? of iiis Ifoly Spirit; so he could not but have regard to it as his own work: As it i? his image in the soul, he could not but take delight in it. Then I saw again that if (iod should slight and reject his own moral image, he must needs deny himself; which he can- not do. Thus I saw the stability and infullibility of this religion; and that Uiose who were truly possessed of it, had the most complete and satisfying evidence of their being interested in all the benefits of Christ's redemption, having lUeir hearts 63 498 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. As his inward appearances appear to have been of the right kind, and were very remarkable as to their degree, so were his outward behaviour and practice agreeable. In his whole course, he acted as one who had indeed sold all for Christ, had entirely devoted himself to God, had made his glory his highest end, and was fully deternlined to spend his whole time and strength in his service. He was animated in religion, in the right way : animated not merely, nor chiefly, with his tongue, in professing and talking; but animated in the ivork and business of religion. He was not one of those who contrive to shun the cross, and get to heaven in conformed to him ; and that these, and these only, were qualified for the employ- ments and entertainments of God's kingdom of glory ; as none but these would have any relish for the business of heaven, which is to ascribe glory to God, and not to themselves ; and that God, (though I would speak it with great reverence of his name and perfections) could not, without denying himself, finally cast sucii away. "■ The next tiling 1 had then to do, was to enquire, Whether this was my religion. Here God was pleased to help me to the most easy remembrance, and critical review of what had passed in course, of a religious nature, through several of tlie latter years of my life. Although I could discover much corruption attending my best duties, many selfi.-h views and carnal ends, much spiritual pride, and self-exaltation, and innumerable other evils which compassed me about; I say, although I now discerned the sins of my holy things, as wall as other actions ; yet God was pleased, as I was reviewing, quickly to put this question out of doubt, by shewing me that I had, from time to'time, acted above the utmost influence of mere self-love ; that I had longed to please and glorify him, as my highest happiness, &c. This review, v/as through grace, attended with a present feeling of the same divine temper of mind. I felt noAv pleased to think of the glory of God ; and longed for heaven, as a state wherein I might glorify God perfectly, rather than a place of happiness for my- self. Tliis feeling of the love of God in my heart, which I trust the Spirit of God excited in me afresh, was sufficient to give me full satisfaction, and make me long iis I had many times before done, to be with Christ. I did not now want any of the sadden suggestions, with which many are so pleased, ' That Christ and his benefits are mixe,'"' T/h// God /ores me,' in order to give me satisfaction abovit my state. No : mv soul abhorred tno?e delusions of Satan ; which are thought to be the imme- diate witness of the Spirit, while there is nothing but an einpti/ suggestion of a certain fact, witliout any gracious discovery of the divine glory, or of the Spirit's work in their own hearts. I saw the awful delusion of this kind of confidences ; as well as of the whole of that religion from which they usually spring, or of which at least they are the attendants ; the false religion of the late day, though a day of wondrous grace; the inia2:irtations and impressions iiKide only on the animal affec- tions ; together Avith tl\o sudden suggestions made to the mind by Satan, transform- ed into an angel of lig'it, of certain facts not revealed in Scripture : These I say, and many like things,^ I fear have made up the greater part of the religious appear- ances in many places. " 'J'ue^e things I saw with great clearness, when I was thought to be dying, and God gave me great concern for his church and interest in the world at this time : Xot fco much because the late remarkable influence upon the minds of the people was ab;ited, and almost wholly gone, as because the false religion, the heats of ima- gination, and wild and selfish commotions of the animal affections, which attended Tlie work of grace, had prevailed so i'ar. This was that which my mind dwelt upon almost day and nijcht : And this to mo was the darkest appearance respecting religion m the land. For it was this chiolly that had prejudiced the world against inward religion. Th's I saw was the great misery of all, that so few saw any manner of difltTr lice between tlio-e exercises which are spiritual and holy, and those which have tea-love only fur tho^r beginning, centre, and end." EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 490 the indulgence of ease and sloth. His life of labour and self-de- nial, the sacrifices which he made, and the readiness and constan- cy with which he spent his strength and snb&iance to promote the glory of his Redeemer, are probably without a parallel in this age in these parts of the world. Much of ihis may be perceived by . any one who reads his printed Journal ; but much more has been learned by long and intimate acquaintance with him, and l)y look- ing into his Diary since his death, which he purposely concealed in what he published. As his desires and labours for the advancement of Christ's king- dom were great, so was his success. God was pleased to make Jiim the instrument of bringing to pass the most remarkable alter- ation among the poor savages, in enlightening, awakening, re- forming and changing their disposition and manners, and wonder- fully transforming them, of which perhaps any instance can be produced in these latter ages of the world. An account of this has been given the pubh'c in his Journal, drawn up by order of the Honourable Society in Scotland, which etnployed him. This I would recommend to the perusal of all who take pleasure in the wonderful works of God's grace, and who wish to read that which will peculiarly tend both to entertain and profit a christian mind. Not less extraordinary were hi.^ constant calmness, peace, as- surance and joy in God, during the long time he looked death in the face, without the least hope of recovery ; continuing without interruption to the last ; while his distemper very sensibly preyed upon his vitals, from day to day, and often brought him to that state in which he looked upon himself, and was thought by others, to be dying. The thoughts of approaching death never seemed in the least to damp him, but rather to encourage him, and exhili- rate his mind. The nearer death approached, the more desirous he seemed to be to die. He said, not long before his death, that "the consideration of the day of death, and the day of judgment, had a long time been peculiarly sweet to him." At another time he ob- served, that he could not but think of the propriety there was in throwing such a rotten carcase as his into the grave : It seemed to him to be the right way of disposing of it." He often used the epithet glorious^ when speaking of the day of his death, calling it that glorious day. On Sabbath morning, Sept. 27, feeling an unusually violent appetite for food, and looking on it as a sign of approaching death; he said "he should look on it as a favour, if this might be his dying day, and that he longed for the time." He had before expressed himself desirous of seeing his brother again, whose return had been expected from New-Jersey ; buf then, [speaking of him] he said, " I am willing to go, and never •500 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. see him again: I care not what I part with, to be forever with the Lord." Oeing asked that morning, how he did .^ he answered, "I am almost in eternity; God knows, I long to be there. My work is done: I have done with all my friends: All the world is nothing to me." On the evening of the next day, when he thought himself dying, and was apprehended to be so by others, and he could utler himself only by broken whispers, he often repeated the word Eternity; and said, "I shall soon be with the holy an- gels." "Jesus will come, he will not tarry." He told me one night, as he went to bed, that "he expected to die that night;" and added " I am not at all afraid, I am w^illing to go this night, if it be the will of God. Death is what I long for." He sometimes ex- pressed himself as "having nothing to do but to die : and being wilhng to go that minute, if it was the will of God." He some- times used that expi'ession, "O why is his chariot so long in com- ing!" He seemed to have remarkable exercises of resignation to the will of God. He once told me that " he had longed for the out- pouring of the Holy Spirit of God, and the glorious times of the church, and hoped they were coming: and should have been wil- ling to have lived to promote religion at that time, if that had been the will of God." *' But," said he, " I am willing it should be as it is : I would not have the choice to make for myself for ten thou- sand worlds.*" He several times spoke of the different kinds of willingness to die : and mentioned it as an ignoble, mean kind of willingness to die, to be loiliing only to get rid of pain ; or to go to heaven only to get honour and advancement there. His own longings for death seemed to be quite of a different kind, and for nobler ends. When he was first taken with one of the last and most fatal symptoms in a consumption, he said, " O now the glorious time is coming ! I have longed to serve God perfectly ; and God will gratify these desires." At one time and another, in the latter part of his illness, he 'jttcred these expressions. '' Myheaven is, to please God, to glo- rifv him, to tdve all to him, and to be wholly devoted to his glory : That is the heaven I long for; that is my religion ; that is my happi- ness ; and always v/as, ever since 1 supposed I had any true reli- gion. All those who are of that religion, shall meet me in heav- en."— " I do not go to heaven to be advanced ; but to give hon- * He writes thus in his Diary : .'?;'iT. 23, 1747. "Im the week past, I had di- vers turns of inward refreshing. Though my boJy was inexpressibly weak, follow- eJ continually with agues and fevers, sometimes my soul centered in God as my on- ly portion ; and I felt that I shourJ be forever unhappy if he did not reign. I saw the sweetness and happiness of being /m subject at tiis disposal. This made all my difficulties quickly vanish." EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 501 our to God. It is no matter where I shall be stationed in heaven ; whether I have a high or low seat there ; but I go to love, and please, and glorify God. If I had a thousand souls, if they were worth any thing, 1 would give them all to God: But I have noth- ing to give, when all is done. It is impossible for any rational creature to be happy without acting all for God : God himself could not make me happy in any other way." — " 1 long to be in heaven, praising and glorifying God with the holy angels ; all my desire is to glorify God." — *' My heart goes out to the burying- place, it seems to me a desirable place: But O to glorify God! That is it ! That is above all !" — " It is a great comfort to me to think that I have done a little for God in the world : It is but a very small matter ; yet I have done a little ; and I lament it that I have not done more for him." — " There is nothing in the world worth living for, but doing good, and finishing God's work ; doing the work that Christ did. I see nothing else in the world that can yield any satisfaction, beside living to God, pleasing him, artd do- ing his whole will. My greatest joy and comfort lias b' ^.: i* do something for promoting the interest of religion, and the souis of particular persons.*" * In his diary he writes thus : '< Sept. 7, 1747. When I was in great distress of body, my soul desired that God should be glorified. I saw there was no heaven but this. I could not but speak to the by-standers then of the only happiness, viz. pleasing God. O that I could for ever live to God ! The day I trust is at hand, the perfect day ! O, the day of deliverance from all sin?" " Sept. 19. Near night, while I attempted to walk a little, my thoughts turned thus : How infinitely sweet it is to love God, and be all for him ! Upon which it was suggested to me, ' You are not an angel, nor lively and active.' To which my whole soul immediately replied, ' 1 as sincerely desire to love and glorify God as any angel in heaven.' Upon which it Avas suggested again, ' But you are filthy not fit for heaven.' Hereupon instantly appeared the blessed robes of Christ's righteousness, in which I could not but exult and triumph. I viewed the infinite excellency of God ; and my soul even broke with longings, that God should be glo- rified. I thought of dignity in heaven : But instantly the thought returned, I do not go to heaven to get honour, but to give all possible glory and praise. O, how I long- ed that God should be glorified on earth also ! O, I was made for eternity, it God might be glorified ! For bodily pains I cared not ; though I was then in extremity, I never felt easier; I felt v/illing to glorify God in that state of bodily distress, as long as he pleased I should continue so. The grave appeared really sweet, and I longed to lodge my wearv bones in it : But O ! that God might be glorified ! This was the burden of all my cry. O, I knew I should be active as an angel in heaven, and that I should be stripped of my filthy garments I So that tliere was no objection. But O, to love and praise God more, to please liim for ever ! This my soul panted after, and even now pants for, while I write. O, that God may be glorified in the whole earth ! Lord, let thy kin-dom come. 1 longed for a spirit ol preaching to descend and rest on ministers that they might addre^^s the consciences of men with closeness and power. I saw God had the residue ot the Spirit ; and my soul long- ed it should be poured out from on higli. I could not but plead with God for my dear congregation, that he would preserve- it, and not suffer his great name to lose its glory in that work ; my soul still longing, that God might be glorified. ' 502 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL, After he came to be in so low a state, that he ceased to have the least expectation of recovery, his mind was peculiarly carried forth with earnest concern for the prosperity of the church of God on earth ; This seemed very manifestly to arise from a pure disinterested love to Christ, and a desire of his glory. The prosperity of Zion, was a theme on which he dwelt much, and of which he spake much ; and more and more, tl>e nearer death ap- proached. He told me when near his end, that " he never, in all his life, had his mind so led forth in desires and earnest prayers for the flourishing of Christ's kingdom on the earth, as since he was brought so exceedingly low at Boston." He seemed much to wonder, that there appeared no more of a disposition in min- isters and people, to pray for the flourishing of religion through the world. Pariicularly, he several times expressed his wonder that there appeared no more forwardness to comply v/ith the proposal lately made from Scotland, for united extraordinary prayer among God's people, and for the coming of Christ's king- dom ; and sent it as his djing advice to his own congregation, that they should practice agreeably to that proposal. But a little before his death, he said to me, as I came into the room, '* My thoughts have been employed on the old dear theme, the prosperity of God's church on earth. As I waked out of sleep, I was led to cry for the pouring out of God's Spirit, and the advancement of Christ's kingdom, for which the dear Redeemer did and suffered so much. It is that, especially, which makes me long for it." But a few days before his death, he desired us to sing a psalm, which related to the prosperity of Zion ; which he signified enga- ged his thoughts and desires above all things. At his desire we sung part of the 102d psalm. When we had done, though he was then so low that he could scarcely speak ; he so exerted himself, that he made a prayer, very audibly, in which, beside praying for those present, and for his own congregation, he ear- nestly prayed for the reviving and flourishing of religion in the world. His own congregation especially, lay much on his heart. He often spoke of them ; and commonly when he did so, it was with peculiar tenderness ; so that his speech was interrupted and drowned with weeping. Thus I have endeavoured to represent something of the char- acter and behaviour of that excellent servant of Christ, whose fu- neral is now to be attended. — Tiiough 1 have done it very imper- fectly ; yet I have endeavoured to do it faithfully, and as in the presence and fear of God, without flattery ; which surely is to be abhorred in ministers of the gospel, when speaking " as messen- ger^ of the Loid of hosts." EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. 50:^ Such reason have we to be satisfied that the person, of whom F have been speaking,now he is " absent from the^body," is " present with the Lord ;" not only so, but also, with him, now wears^ a. crown of glory, of distinguished brightness. How much is there in the consideration of such an example, and so blessed an end, to excite us, who are yet alive, with liie greatest diligence and earnestness, to improve the time of life, that we also may go to be with Christ, when we forsake the body ? The time is coming, and will soon come, we know not how soon, when we must eternally take leave of all things here below, to en- ter on a fixed unalterable state in the eternal world. O, how well it is worth the while to labour and suffer, and deny ourselves, to lay up in store a good foundation of support and supply, against that time ! How much is such a peace as we have heard of, worth at such a time f How dismal would it be, to be in such circumstances, under the outward distresses of a consuming, dis- solving frame, and looking death in the face from day to day, with hearts uncleansed, and sin unpardoned, under a dreadful load of guilt and divine wrath, having much sorrow and wrath in our sick- ness, and nothing to comfort and support Oiir minds, nothing be- fore us but a speedy appearance before the judgment-seat of an almighty, infinitely holy, and angry God, and an endless eternity in suffering his wrath without pity or mercy ! The person of whom we have been speaking, had a great sense of this. He said, not long before his death, " It is sweet to me to i.hink of eternity : The endlessness of it makes it sweet. But, Oh, what shall I say to the eternity of the wicked! — I cannot mention it, nor think of it ! — The thought is too dreadful !" At another time, speaking of an heart devoted to God and his glory, he said, '* O, of what importance is it, to have such a frame of mind, such an heart as this, when we come to die! It is this now that gives me peace.'* How much is there, in particular, in the things which have been observed of this eminent minister of Christ, to excite us, who are called to the same great work of the gospel-ministry, to earnest care and endeavours, that we may be in like manner faithful in our work ; that we may be filled with the same spirit, animated with the same pure and fervent flame of love to God, and the same earnest concern to advance the kingdom and glory of our Lord and Master, and the prosperity of Zion ? How lovely did these principles render him in his life ; and how blessed in his end i? The time will soon come, when we also, must leave our earthly tabernacles, and go to our Lord, who sent us to labour in his harvest, to render an account of ourselves to him. O how 504 EDWARDS' SERMON AT BRAINERD'S FUNERAL. does it concern us so to run as not uncertainly ; so to fight, not as those that beat the air ? Should not what we have heard excite lis to a careful dependence on God for his help and assistance in our great work, and to be much in seeking the influences of his Spirit, and success in our labours, by fasting and prayer ; in which the person of whom I have been speaking abounded ? This practice he earnestly recommended on his deathbed, from his own experience of its great benefits to some candidates for the minis- try who stood by his bedside. He was often speaking of the great need which ministers have of much of the Spirit of Christ in their work, and how little good they are like to do without it ; and how " when ministers were under the special influences of the Spirit of God, it assisted them to come at the consciences of men, and, as he expressed it, to handle them w^ith /i«?if/5 : whereas, without the Spirit of God, said he, whatever reason and oratory we employ, we do but make use o( stumps, instead of hands." Oh that the things which were seen and heard in this extraor- dinary person ; his holiness, heavenliness, labour and self-denial in life ; his so remarkably devoting himself and his all, in heart and practice, to the glory of God; and the wonderful frame of mind manifested, in so stedfast a manner, under the expectation of death, and under the pains and agonies, which brought it on ; may excite in us all, both ministers and people, a due sense of the greatness of the work which we have to do in the world, of the excellency and amiableness of thorough religion in experience and practice, of the blessedness of the end of those whose death fin- ishes such a life, and of the infinite value of their eternal reward, when " absent from the body and present with the Lord ;" and effectually stir us up to constant and effectual endeavours that, in the way of such an holy life, we may at last come to so blessed an end! Amen. CONTENTS. Page. Advertisement by the Editor - - - ' - - - 3 Pemberton's Sermon ^^ Preface _.--------^ CHAPTER I. From his birth to the time when he began to study for the min- . - - ■ - 36 istry CHAPTER U. From about the time when he began the study of Theology to his Licensure CHAPTER Ul. From his Licensure, till his examination and Commission as a Mi- 70 sionarv ' ' ' CHAPTER IV. From the time of his examination and Commission as a Mi.^Mon:.- ry, to his entrance on his Mission among the Indians at kaunau- meek - - " " " C4 606 CONTENTS. Page. CHAPTER V. From the commencement of his labours at Kaunaumeek to his or- dination --------- 95 CHAPTER VI. From his Ordination to the commencement of his labours atCross- weeksung --------- 149 CHAPTER VII. From the commencement of his residence at Crossweeksung, to the close o,f the first part of his Journal - - - 203 CHAPTER VIII. From the close of the first part of his " Journal," Nov. 5, 1745, to the 19th of June, 1746 ; when the second part of his Journal terminated. This, and the preceding chapter, occupy one year — the most interesting year of Brainerd's Life - 254 CHAPTER IX. General Remarks on the preceding Narrative of a work of grace at Crossweeksung. I. On the Doctrines preached to the In- dians. II. On the Moral Effects of preaching Christ crucified. III. On the Continuance, Renewal and Quickness of the Work. IV. On the little appearance of False Religion - - 321 CONTENTS. 507 Page. CHAPTER X. Creneral Remarks on the Work of Grace at Crossweeksung con- tinued— Introduction Method of Learning the Indian Lan- guage— Method of Instructing the Indians — Difficulties in the way in converting them to Christianity — Attest:>iions of neigh- bouring Ministers, Eiders, and Deacons to the display of Divine grace at Crossweeksung - - - - - - 3S.'> CHAPTER XI. From the close of his Journal, June 19, 1746, to the termination of his Missionary Labours, March 20, 1747 36' CHAPTER XII. From the termination of his Missionary Labours to his Death 301 CHAPTER XIII. Reflections on the preceding Memoirs . . . - 432 Funeral Sermon - - - - - - - - 473